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26-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2623490C2
Принадлежит: Байер ХелсКер ЛЛСи (US)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к области медицинских коннекторов, и в частности, к узлам медицинских коннекторов для сохранения стерильности повторно используемой части узла медицинского коннектора. Узел медицинского коннектора содержит коннектор многоразового использования и множество коннекторов одноразового использования. Коннектор многоразового использования содержит проксимальный конец напротив дистального конца вдоль его продольной длины. Множество коннекторов одноразового использования соединены последовательно с образованием пути жидкости через них, каждый из которых содержит проксимальный конец напротив его дистального конца вдоль его продольной длины. Дистальный конец коннектора многоразового использования соединен с возможностью снятия с проксимальным концом первого из последовательно соединенных коннекторов одноразового использования. Когда второй из последовательно соединенных коннекторов одноразового использования отсоединен от первого коннектора ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542776C2
Принадлежит: КЭАФЬЮЖН 303, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройствам подачи текучей среды и, в частности, к клапанам для применения в медицинских устройствах. Складывающийся клапан содержит первый участок и второй участок. Первый участок выполнен, по меньшей мере, с одной выемкой в своей боковой стенке. Второй участок выполнен более узким, чем первый участок, расположен соосно первому участку, и содержит вырез. Вырез и выемка расположены так, что при воздействии давления на клапан выемка действует как точка ослабления, обеспечивая складывание первого участка перед тем, как сложится вырез. Безыгольное устройство доступа содержит охватывающий фитинг, охватываемый фитинг, соединенный с охватывающим фитингом, и вышеуказанный складывающийся клапан, расположенный во внутренней полости, образуемой охватываемым и охватывающим фитингами. Первый участок клапана - проксимальный к охватывающему фитингу. Второй участок клапана - проксимальный к охватываемому фитингу. Способ изготовления безыгольного ...

20-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312684C2

Изобретение относится к области медицинской техники и предназначено для использования при обработке и введении парентеральных жидкостей. Безыгольный медицинский соединитель содержит корпус с первым портом и вторым портом. Соединитель также содержит поршневой элемент, ограничивающий проход для жидкости между первым и вторым портами. Поршневой элемент является подвижным между положением течения жидкости и положением отсутствия течения жидкости. Поршневой элемент имеет поддающуюся сжатию секцию, имеющую переменную внутреннюю ширину, которая образует часть пути течения жидкости через соединитель. Когда поршень сжимают до положения течения жидкости, поддающаяся сжатию секция саморасширяется по ширине, сохраняя или увеличивая, благодаря этому, объем прохода для жидкости через соединитель. Поддающаяся сжатию секция имеет конфигурацию, обеспечивающую возможность непрерывного течения жидкости через всю ее длину. Технический результат - разработка клапанного механизма без отрицательного воздействия ...

27-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2524307C2
Принадлежит: КЭАФЬЮЖН 303, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Медицинский соединитель для устройства доступа, предназначенный для образования канала для медицинской жидкости, содержит корпус, имеющий впускное отверстие и охватываемую люэровскую часть, по меньшей мере одно выпускное отверстие, выполненное в боковой стенке охватываемой люэровской части корпуса, и канал между впускным отверстием и по меньшей мере одним выпускным отверстием; и упругую втулку, расположенную поверх боковой поверхности охватываемой люэровской части корпуса и блокирующую по меньшей мере одно выпускное отверстие корпуса, когда охватываемая люэровская часть медицинского соединителя находится в отсоединенном положении. Упругая втулка имеет возможность сжатия вдоль охватываемой люэровоской части при вставлении охватываемой люэровской части медицинского соединителя в медицинское устройство доступа, обеспечивая освобождение по меньшей мере одного выпускного отверстия и образуя канал для прохода жидкости через медицинский соединитель ...

27-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2531647C2
Принадлежит: КЭАФЬЮЖН 303, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к медицинским соединительным насадкам, которые используются для подачи текучей среды, и, более конкретно, к соединительным насадкам, которые снижают до минимума утечки текучей среды во время присоединения и отсоединения. Медицинская соединительная насадка содержит корпус, эластичный колпачок, втягиваемый стержень и зубцы. Корпус имеет входное отверстие, внутреннюю полость, по меньшей мере одно выходное отверстие через охватываемый люэровский участок корпуса и путь потока текучей среды от входного отверстия через внутреннюю полость до выходного отверстия. Эластичный колпачок содержит внешний периметр, герметично присоединяемый к корпусу. Эластичный колпачок сконструирован так, что он выступает во внутреннюю полость, тем самым создавая объем текучей среды внутренней полости, в котором путь потока текучей среды проходит через указанный объем текучей среды. Втягиваемый стержень проходит через путь потока текучей среды в охватываемом конусе ...

01-11-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018103915A3

20-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007125990A

... 1. Штыревой моэр-соединитель, предназначенный для соединения с приемным моэр-соединителем для подачи медицинской жидкости, при этом приемный моэр-соединитель имеет переднюю контактирующую поверхность и внутренний клапан, а штыревой моэр-соединитель содержит трубчатый корпус, имеющий дальний конец и ближний конец, причем дальний конец предназначен для сцепления с приемным моэр-соединителем и содержит участок раздела и средство для создания вакуума, выполненное с возможностью создания низкого вакуума на дальнем конце трубчатого корпуса при отсоединении штыревого соединителя от приемного соединителя в течение времени, когда приемный клапан закрыт, в котором средство для создания вакуума при разъединении штыревого и приемного соединителей выполнено с возможностью вытягивания жидкости, остающейся на участке раздела. 2. Соединитель по п.1, в котором средство для создания вакуума расположено в трубчатом корпусе. 3. Соединитель по п.1, в котором средство для создания вакуума содержит первый клапан ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014108061A

... 1. Безыгольный соединитель для прохождения текучей среды, содержащий:корпус клапана, содержащий:первое отверстие (26);второе отверстие (46); ивнутреннюю поверхность, проходящую между первым отверстием (26) и вторым отверстием (46) и образующую полость корпуса клапана;полую упругую мембрану (30), расположенную в корпусе клапана и имеющую:первый конец (32) и второй конец (34), между которыми продольно проходит упругая мембрана, при этом второй конец (34) имеет сквозное отверстие, открывающееся во второе отверстие (46);боковую поверхность (38), проходящую между первым концом (32) и вторым концом (34) и расположенную в полости корпуса клапана и соответствующую внутренней поверхности, при этом боковая поверхность (38) образует внутреннюю полость (40) полой упругой мембраны (30), причем внутренняя полость (40) проходит продольно от сквозной щели (36), расположенной на первом конце (32) до сквозного отверстия на втором конце (34); при этом щель (36) на первом конце (32):закрыта, когда первый конец ...

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012117974A

... 1. Соединитель для безыгольного доступа для соединения медицинских устройств, содержащий:сжимаемый клапан, содержащий:первый участок по меньшей мере с одним вогнутым вырезом в его секции;второй участок, который является сжимаемым и обеспечивает объемное вытеснение,причем сжимаемый клапан обладает длиной по оси от 0,62 до 0,82 дюймов.2. Соединитель по п.1, в котором второй участок обладает длиной по оси больше, чем длина первого участка.3. Соединитель по п.1, в котором второй участок сжимаемого клапана обладает кольцевой наружной поверхностью, которая продолжается от 30% до 66% длины по оси сжимаемого клапана.4. Соединитель по п.3, в котором кольцевая поверхность является цилиндрической.5. Соединитель по п.4, в котором сжимаемый клапан содержит упругий материал.6. Соединитель по п.5, дополнительно содержащий:кожух, причем сжимаемый клапан расположен в кожухе,в котором первый участок сжимаемого клапана создает уплотнение первого отверстия кожуха.7. Соединитель по п.6, в котором кожух дополнительно ...

20-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010137861A

... 1. Медицинское устройство, имеющее внутренний путь потока текучей среды, причем указанное устройство содержит: ! выступающий по направлению вперед элемент для выхода текучей среды, выполненный с возможностью вставления в канал для движения текучей среды с фронтальным комплектующим изделием и соединяемый с ним с возможностью разъема; и ! защитное приспособление, выступающее вперед за пределы элемента для выхода текучей среды, для защиты элемента для выхода текучей среды от патогенного загрязнения путем контакта до соединения с возможностью разъема с фронтальным комплектующим изделием. ! 2. Медицинское устройство по п.1, в котором устройство представляет собой шприц, который дополнительно содержит корпус и плунжер, вставляемый в корпус. ! 3. Медицинское устройство по п.2, в котором шприц является заранее наполняемым шприцом. ! 4. Медицинское устройство по п.1, в котором фронтальное комплектующее изделие выбирается из группы, включающей в себя герметизирующую пробку, предохранительный колпачок ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Medizinischer Fluidbeutel

Номер: DE102013100479A1

Fluidbeutel, welcher wenigstens einen Auslaufstutzen (2) aufweist, der mit einer schaltbaren Ventileinrichtung (3) zur Außenumgebung hin mittels einer sterildicht auf dem Auslaufstutzen (2) angeordneten Verschlusseinrichtung (4) verschlossen ist, wobei die Verschlusseinrichtung (4) ein auf dem Auslaufstutzen (2) angeordnetes Basisteil (5) und eine Abbrechkappe (8) aufweist, wobei Basisteil (5) und Abbrechkappe (8) über eine als Sollbruchstelle dienende Verbindung (6) einstückig miteinander verbunden sind, wobei die Ventileinrichtung (3) in ihrem Inneren einen Ventilstößel (10) aufweist, der die Ventileinrichtung (3) nach Entfernen der Abbrechkappe (8) bei bestimmungsgemäßem Gebrauch des Fluidbeutels (1) auf Druck öffnet, wobei im Inneren der Abbrechkappe (8) der Verschlusseinrichtung (4) ein Ventilbetätigungselement (9) vorgesehen ist, welches nach Verbindung von Auslaufstutzen (2) mit Verschlusseinrichtung (4) den Ventilstößel (10) eindrückt und so die Ventilreinrichtung (3) derart öffnet ...

13-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002628369A1

22-11-2007 дата публикации

Transfervorrichtung, insbesondere für medizinische Fluids

Номер: DE502004005171D1

16-12-2004 дата публикации

Misch- und Ladeöffnung zur medizinischen Behandlung

Номер: DE0060107034D1

10-06-2009 дата публикации

Medizinisches Ventilverbindung

Номер: DE602006000889T2

21-09-2016 дата публикации

Releasable connection for a tube

Номер: GB0002510886B

06-05-2009 дата публикации

Sampling connector

Номер: GB0000905143D0

14-05-2008 дата публикации

Improvements relating to self-seating connectors

Номер: GB0000806440D0

19-10-2016 дата публикации

Releasable connection for a tube

Номер: GB0002537563A

A releasable coupling device for a medical line comprises a first valve assembly 100 with a first valve biased to a closed position, the first valve assembly 100 for attaching to the end portion of a line segment 12. It further comprises a second valve assembly 200 with a second valve biased to a closed position, the second valve assembly 200 for attaching to a medical device 8. A coupling assembly 300 has a conduit therethrough and releasably couples to both the first valve assembly 100 and the second valve assembly 200. When coupled to the valves 100, 200, the coupling assembly 300 opens them, allowing fluid to flow from the first line segment 12 through the coupling assembly 300 to the medical device 8. A releasable coupling means 400 releasably holds the coupling assembly 300 coupled to both the first and second valve assemblies 100, 200. The releasable coupling means 400 releases the coupling assembly 300 from both the valve assemblies 100, 200 when the first line segment 12 and medical ...

08-01-2020 дата публикации

A connector

Номер: GB0201917030D0

08-11-2017 дата публикации

A user interface and system for supplying gases to an airway

Номер: GB0201715236D0

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Non-reusable collection device for bodily fluids

Номер: AP0201306728D0

31-12-2008 дата публикации

Syringe with recessed nose for use with frontal attachments

Номер: AP2008004667A0

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Non-reusable collection device for bodily fluids

Номер: AP2013006728A0

14-10-1996 дата публикации

Medical valve

Номер: OA0000010067A

31-12-2008 дата публикации

Syringe with recessed nose for use with frontal attachments

Номер: AP0200804667A0

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Non-reusable collection device for bodily fluids

Номер: AP0201306728A0

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413901T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000444774T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000478649T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000483495T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000457185T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000460203T

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000422936T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000518515T

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000530218T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000541610T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553810T

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413206T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505228T

15-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000146663T

15-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000065415T

15-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000066727T

15-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000080449T

15-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000174227T

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000318163T

15-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000297784T

15-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000097798T

15-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000223188T

10-06-1965 дата публикации

Packing hollow body from plastic

Номер: AT0000240780B

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000247503T

15-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000211007T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000262951T

15-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000281869T

02-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032676858T

19-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037088485T

09-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037441893T

12-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039204098T

12-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035013601T

06-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036943765T

26-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037397867T

02-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039035067T

24-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037476507T

04-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034067652T

24-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036605201T

05-11-2020 дата публикации

Male luer connector with valve having fluid path and vent path seals

Номер: AU2020250200A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

MALE LUER CONNECTOR WITH VALVE HAVING FLUID PATH AND VENT PATH SEALS A male needleless connector includes a body having a male fitting with a distal port, a valve disposed within the body and having a first position wherein the valve seals the port and a second position wherein the valve does not seal the port, and a sliding seal disposed over a portion of the male fitting and having a first configuration wherein a first portion of the sliding seal is in sealing contact with the male fitting and a second configuration wherein the first portion is not in sealing contact with the male fitting. Moving the sliding seal to the second configuration opens the seal between the sliding seal and the male fitting and displaces the valve to the second position, thereby opening the seal between the valve and the port to provide a vent path from the cavity between the sliding seal and the male fitting into the internal cavity of a female counter connector. 160 k 170 40-, 114- PROXIMAL ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Needleless connector with support member

Номер: AU2020210179A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Needleless connectors are described herein. A needleless connector includes a body, a valve element at least partially disposed within the body, and a base. The valve element includes a cylindrical portion having an outwardly extending flange at a distal end. The flange has a bottom surface with an outer area and an inner area. The base includes a rim having a top surface that is in contact with at least a portion of the outer area of the flange of the valve element, the rim defining a recess with a bottom surface distally separated from the top surface of the rim, and at least one support member extending from the rim into the recess so as to contact the inner portion of the bottom surface of the flange.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Closed male luer device for use with needleless access devices

Номер: AU2020220186B2

Abstract A medical connector is described which is formed by a body having an inlet port, an outlet port through a male luer portion of the body, and a fluid path between the inlet port and the at least one outlet ports. A retractable post extends through the fluid path in the male luer sealing a tip of the male luer thereby closing the fluid path when the connector is not activated. Barbs extend along the exterior of the male luer and connect to the retractable post, wherein when the connector is activated, the barbs force the retractable post away from the tip of the male luer thereby opening the fluid path through the medical connector. A retention member applies force to the post to force the post to seal the tip of the male luer when the medical connector is not activated. 205 --- 206 646a 646b FIG. 7 < 21-213b x 216 ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Needleless connector with folding valve

Номер: AU2018278973B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A needleless connector has a body having an internal cavity with a sealing ridge, a port, an output flow channel, and a fluid flow path between the port and output flow channel. The connector also has a collapsible valve disposed within the cavity. The valve includes a cylindrical wall having a center axis and a shoulder and defining an internal air space, wherein the shoulder is configured to sealingly contact the ridge of the body so as to block the fluid flow path, and a head fixedly attached to the wall, the head having first and second smiley cuts disposed on opposite sides of the head. 100->l 100-, FIG.2A FIG 2B ...

19-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000599423B2

07-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000588030B2

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Zero reflux female valve with small priming volume

Номер: AU2019201757B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Needleless connectors are described. An example needleless connector includes a housing and a compressible valve. The housing may define an internal cavity and may include a body section having a first port and one or more internal contact tabs and a base section having a valve mount and a second port. The compressible valve may be disposed within at least a portion of the internal cavity and be movably retained within the housing. The compressible valve may include a flange portion for securing the compressible valve within the housing. A central longitudinal axis of the housing may be defined by a coaxial arrangement of the first and second port. The one or more internal contact tabs may be arranged to contact an outer side surface of the flange portion such that a radial force substantially orthogonal to the central longitudinal axis is provided for securement. 100-,.-x 501> 4_P D4-1 D - 1 - -- 131 ==2AA ------------------- D~ D4- D34 D4 ----- ----- 114B / D4-13 D4-14 136-. D4- 1 1 2A ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Male luer connector with valve having fluid path and vent path seals

Номер: AU2019200750B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

MALE LUER CONNECTOR WITH VALVE HAVING FLUID PATH AND VENT PATH SEALS A male needleless connector includes a body having a male fitting with a distal port, a valve disposed within the body and having a first position wherein the valve seals the port and a second position wherein the valve does not seal the port, and a sliding seal disposed over a portion of the male fitting and having a first configuration wherein a first portion of the sliding seal is in sealing contact with the male fitting and a second configuration wherein the first portion is not in sealing contact with the male fitting. Moving the sliding seal to the second configuration opens the seal between the sliding seal and the male fitting and displaces the valve to the second position, thereby opening the seal between the valve and the port to provide a vent path from the cavity between the sliding seal and the male fitting into the internal cavity of a female counter connector. 160 k 170 40-, 114- PROXIMAL ...

28-08-2008 дата публикации

A valve connector for medical lines

Номер: AU2007201164B2

29-09-2011 дата публикации

Contrast fluid delivery system

Номер: AU2006251143B2

The present invention relates to a disposable set (5) for establishing a fluid connection between a fluid dispensing unit (17) and a dosing device adapted to dispense the fluid into a patients' vein. The disposable set comprises a length of a tubing (15) for establishing a fluid connection from the dispensing unit towards and into the dosing device, wherein the tubing (15) comprises a first (1) and a second (10) tubing part. The first tubing part (1) is provided to establish a connection to the second tubing part (10) and to the fluid dispensing unit. The second tubing part (10) is provided to establish a connection towards the dosing device and the patient and to the first tubing part (1). The first tubing part (1) comprises a one-way valve (3) which permits a fluid flow from the dispensing unit (17, 18) towards the dosing device and the patient and to prevent a backward fluid flow from the dosing device towards the dispensing unit. The first and second tubing part are in fluid connection ...

08-12-2005 дата публикации

T-port with swabbable valve

Номер: AU2005247373A1

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Connector, tube assembly, infusion tube set, and container for medical use

Номер: AU2005320087C1

A connector is constructed from a male connector having a cavity and a female connector having a cavity to which the other male connector similar to the male connector can be connected. The connector has a male lock section and a female lock section to which the other male lock section similar to the male lock section can be coupled. When the connector is in a locked state where the female lock section and the other male lock section are coupled, the female connector and the other male connector are connected such that the cavities are communicated with each other to enable liquid to flow.

23-11-2006 дата публикации

Coupling device for medical lines

Номер: AU2006246933A1

11-06-2009 дата публикации

Needleless access port valves

Номер: AU2006202740B2

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Cap assembly for use with a prefilled lock solution syringe

Номер: AU2008258183B2

CAP ASSEMBLY FOR USE WITH A PREFILLED LOCK SOLUTION SYRINGE A cap assembly (10) is disclosed for use with a lock solution delivery device. 5 The cap assembly (10) includes a housing (12) defining a receptacle (26) and having an inlet end (18, 20) and an outlet end (22, 24). A plunger (14) is movable axially within the receptacle from a retracted position to an advanced position and is rotatably supported within the receptacle from a first position to a second position. The plunger (14) includes an axial extension configured to non-rotatably engage a syringe (28) connected to the io inlet end of the housing (12). The plunger (14) is positioned to move from the first position to the second position in response to rotatable detachment of a syringe (28) from the inlet end (18, 20) of the housing (12). 28c0- 2+- Is40 4& 30 42 ~~2s ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Vascular access device gas displacement

Номер: AU2007317454B2

A vascular access device may include a gas chamber housed between a body and a septum, and a receptacle in communication with the gas chamber. A method of displacing gas in a medical device may include transferring gas between a gas chamber of a vascular access device and a receptacle housed within the vascular access device.

02-12-2004 дата публикации

Self-sealing male connector

Номер: AU2004240551A1

23-03-2006 дата публикации

Self-sealing male Luer connector with molded elastomeric tip

Номер: AU2005284825A1

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Dome check valve

Номер: AU2005291926B2

A valve comprising an inlet housing, an outlet housing, an elastomeric valve element having a generally dome-shaped configuration with a central integral stem positioned substantially concentrically therewith, the inlet housing and outlet housing being fastened together at a joint with the elastomeric valve element positioned therein and the valve element including a plurality of longitudinal ribs formed along an outer annular periphery of a lower end of the dome-shaped configuration that define flow channels that allow fluid flow from across an upper surface of the dome-shaped configuration through the flow channels.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Devices, assemblies, and methods for controlling fluid flow

Номер: AU2011276708B2

Valves are provided for controlling flow along a fluid line that includes an outer shell and an inner housing slidably disposed therein that includes connector threads surrounding a boss on one end and a passage including a tapered region within the boss. A shaft within the valve includes a base coupled to the outer shell, a tapered sealing pin disposed within the tapered region, and a fluid passage extending through the base to outlets in the sealing pin. A connector may be threaded into the one end of the inner housing, thereby slidably engaging the connector threads, camming elements on the inner housing causing the inner housing to move helically from a closed position wherein the sealing pin engages the boss to seal the outlets and an open position wherein the inner housing is directed away from the sealing pin to open a fluid path through the valve.

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Closure cap for a receptacle for receiving medical liquids, and receptacle

Номер: AU2011217306B2

The invention relates to a closure cap for a receptacle for receiving medical liquids, and to a receptacle for medical liquids that has such a closure cap. The closure cap (1) according to the invention comprises a first connector (2) for needle-free injection of a medical liquid and a second connector (3) for needle-free withdrawal of a medical liquid, wherein the first connector (2) has an outwardly directed first connector part (4), with a conical recess (8) for sealingly receiving a conical stem (26) of a first device (28, 29) that is to be connected, and the second connector (3) has an outwardly directed second connector part (5), with a conical recess (9) for sealingly receiving a conical stem of a second device that is to be connected.

30-12-1996 дата публикации

Medical connector

Номер: AU0006271696A

08-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007017591A

28-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007164687A

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Male luer connector with valve having fluid path and vent path seals

Номер: AU2014249908B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A male needleless connector (100) includes a body (110) having a male fitting (112) with a distal port (114), a valve (120) disposed within the body and having a first position wherein the valve seals the port and a second position wherein the valve does not seal the port, and a sliding seal disposed over a portion of the male fitting and having a first configuration wherein a first portion of the sliding seal is in sealing contact with the male fitting and a second configuration wherein the first portion is not in sealing contact with the male fitting. Moving the sliding seal to the second configuration opens the seal between the sliding seal and the male fitting and displaces the valve to the second position, thereby opening the seal between the valve and the port to provide a vent path (160) from the cavity between the sliding seal and the male fitting into the internal cavity (24) of a female counter connector (20).

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Needleless connector with flexible valve

Номер: AU2014228627B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A flexible valve for a connectors is described. In one example, a flexible valve for a connector includes a head having a top section and a column section defining an axial center of the head, wherein the top section includes a top planar surface that is non-perpendicular with respect to the axial center of the column section; a primary seal portion coupled to the head; and a lower portion coupled to the primary seal portion.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Cap Assembly For Use With A Prefilled Lock Solution Syringe

Номер: US20120095407A1

A cap assembly is disclosed for use with a lock solution delivery device. The cap assembly includes a housing defining a receptacle and having an inlet end and an outlet end. A plunger is movable axially within the receptacle from a retracted position to an advanced position and is rotatably supported within the receptacle from a first position to a second position. The plunger includes an axial extension configured to non-rotatably engage a syringe connected to the inlet end of the housing. The plunger is positioned to move from the first position to the second position in response to rotatable detachment of a syringe from the inlet end of the housing.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Valved male luer connector

Номер: US20120271246A1
Автор: Gianni Guala
Принадлежит: Industrie Borla SpA

A valved male luer connector includes a resilient hollow element enclosing a tubular member having an inlet portion and an outlet portion. A collar is axially displaceable to cause a stretching deformation of the resilient hollow element so as to open a cut of a terminal wall thereof adjacent to an initial end of the inlet portion of the tubular member. The collar has a containment axial appendage of the resilient hollow element up to close to the terminal wall thereof. A stop means for limiting the stretching deformation of the resilient hollow element is provided for in the zone close to the terminal wall thereof.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Male Reflux Valve

Номер: US20120277688A1
Автор: Stephen J. Rogier
Принадлежит: Individual

A male reflux valve comprising a distal body portion and a proximal body portion, the proximal body portion having a male connection for connection to a female connection of an access device, a valve element operatively positioned within the distal body portion, a core operatively positioned within the distal body portion to retain the valve element into sealing engagement with the distal body portion and an actuator reciprocably retained within a generally circular cylindrical longitudinal bore of the proximal body portion in engagement with the valve element to open the valve element when engaged by the female connection of the access device.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for processing biological material

Номер: US20130005032A1
Принадлежит: Baxter International Inc

The application discloses an apparatus and method for processing biological material, including a suspension of cells.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Pump module, pump base module and pump system

Номер: US20130011284A1
Автор: Michael Becker

A module, a base module and a system which comprises a module and a base module includes a pump channel and a valve unit which is connected with the pump channel wherein a fluid can be pumped through the pump channel and the valve unit, wherein a first wall section of the valve unit is flexible. The pump module has a movable valve body arranged in the valve unit, wherein the valve body can occupy an idle position in which the valve body closes the valve unit to prevent fluid from passing through. The valve body can occupy an operating position in which the valve body allows the fluid to flow through the valve unit and in which the valve body can be put in operating position through a deformation of the first wall section of the valve bodies so that the fluid can flow through the valve unit.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Medical connector with closeable male luer

Номер: US20130150806A1
Принадлежит: ICU Medical Inc

A luer connector comprising a housing with a hollow bore having first and second ends, a male luer tip, and a tapering interior surface. The luer connector also comprises a rigid valve member having a first opened end and a second closed end, a passageway therein, and an outwardly extending flange near the second end adapted to seal the hollow bore at the second end of the housing when in contact with an interior surface of the housing. The valve member further comprises an opening near the closed end of the valve member extending outward from the passageway through the valve member and at least one strut attached to the valve member. The luer connector also comprises a retaining member configured to couple the valve member and the housing and a sealing element disposed within the housing to inhibit fluid communication through the hollow bore of the housing.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Assembling a needleless valve system

Номер: US20130193359A1
Автор: Jonathan Yeh
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

A base portion for a needleless valve system comprising a body, and a valve coupling feature disposed on the body. The valve coupling feature is configured for coupling to a base coupling feature of a valve of a first type and a base coupling feature of a valve of a second type.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Pressure Actuated Catheter Valve

Номер: US20130204226A1
Принадлежит: I-V Access Technology, Inc.

This invention provides catheter assemblies and methods for insertion of a catheter into a vessel. The assemblies include a resilient valve in the hub of the catheter that can be opened by pressure from a male luer fitting. The methods include piercing a vessel with the needle and catheter of the assembly, retraction of the needle component thus closing the resilient valve. Finally the catheter can be accessed by applying a male luer fitting to the catheter hub and a shoulder of the resilient valve. 1. A self-closing valve comprising:a tapered distal surface;a proximal surface with a first recess;a second recess in the first recess distal to the first recess; and,one or more slits running from the tapered distal surface to the second recess.2. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the self-closing valve comprises a resilient material.3. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the tapered surface is conical and the slits comprise three or more radially arranged slits.4. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the proximal surface further comprises a flange around the first recess.5. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the first and second recesses comprise circular outer edges claim 1 , and wherein the outer edge of the second recess defines a shoulder between the first recess and second recess.6. The valve of claim 5 , wherein the one or more slits run from a top center of the distal surface to at least the edge of the second recess where the second recess contacts the first recess.7. The valve of claim 6 , wherein the one or more slits run to a point between the shoulder and the outer edge of the first recess.8. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the valve is adapted so that a force exerted at an intersection of the first and second recesses forces open the one or more slits claim 1 , thereby functioning to open a fluid flow path through the second recess.9. The valve of claim 1 , wherein a tapered distal surface comprises a flat or curvilinear apex.10. A valve as shown in .11. A catheter insertion ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Liquid infusion apparatus

Номер: US20130281966A1
Автор: Roger E. Susi
Принадлежит: IRadimed Corp

An apparatus and method are disclosed for controlling infusion of liquid into a patient using a peristaltic pump. The liquid infusion apparatus includes a liquid conduit having a proximal segment, a distal segment and an intermediate segment. The liquid infusion apparatus also includes a flow valve in fluid communication with the intermediate and distal segments. The flow valve includes a shuttle member slidably disposed within a housing about the distal segment, the shuttle member being configured for lateral movement relative to an elongated axis of the distal segment. The shuttle member is configured to operate in a first configuration to impede fluid flow through the liquid conduit and in a second configuration for which fluid flow through the liquid conduit is unimpeded. The shuttle member includes a resilient grasper for selectively engaging and disengaging a mating actuator resiliently received by the grasper.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Blood control iv catheter with antimicrobial properties

Номер: US20130310764A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A system and method is provided for applying an anti-pathogenic material to various surfaces of a medical device, wherein the method includes identifying various surfaces of the medical tests which include noncritical dimensions, and limiting the application of the anti-pathogenic material to those surfaces. Some aspects of the invention further include the application of an anti-pathogenic lubricant material to various parts or components of a medical device to reduce friction.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Bacteria-retaining medical valve

Номер: US20130331787A1
Автор: Menahem Kraus
Принадлежит: Individual

A bacteria-retaining medical valve including a housing defining a liquid inlet and a liquid outlet, a valve located within the housing downstream of the liquid inlet and a bacterial filter assembly located within the housing downstream of the valve and upstream of the liquid outlet, the bacterial filter assembly including hydrophilic bacterial impermeable passageways which are configured to permit liquid passage therethrough and prevent bacterial passage therethrough and air passage therethrough and hydrophobic bacterial impermeable passageways which are configured to permit air passage therethrough and prevent bacterial passage therethrough and liquid passage therethrough.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Anti-Drawback Medical Valve

Номер: US20130331800A1
Принадлежит: NP MEDICAL INC.

A gland member within a medical valve is configured to have a substantially consistent or enlarging internal volume as the valve transitions from a closed mode to an open mode. The valve has a housing forming an interior containing a flow path, and a stationary post member within the interior. 1. A medical valve having an open mode that permits fluid flow through an internal flow path , the medical valve also having a closed mode that prevents fluid flow through the internal flow path , the medical valve comprising:a housing forming an interior containing the flow path;a post member within the interior, the post member having a lumen that is a part of the flow path and a solid wall surrounding and defining the lumen, the lumen having an opening to the interior of the housing; anda gland member circumscribing the post member to form a variable volume region, the variable volume region being formed at least in part between the gland member and the post member, the variable volume region being a part of the flow path, at least a portion of the gland member extending into and occupying at least a portion of a volume of the post lumen opening when in the closed mode, at least a portion of the post member lumen extending into the gland member,the variable volume region having a closed volume when in the closed mode,the variable volume region having an open volume when in the open mode,the open volume being no less than the closed volume.2. A medical valve according to claim 1 , wherein the variable volume region is closed when in the closed mode.3. A medical valve according to claim 1 , wherein the portion of the gland member extending into the post lumen opening when in the closed mode moves out of the post lumen opening as the valve transitions from the closed mode toward the open mode claim 1 , thereby unoccupying the at least a portion of the volume of post lumen opening.4. A medical valve according to claim 1 , wherein the open volume is greater than the closed ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Medical Valve with Improved Back-Pressure Sealing

Номер: US20140031765A1
Принадлежит: NP MEDICAL INC.

A medical valve transitions between an open mode that permits fluid flow, and a closed mode that prevents fluid flow. To that end, the medical valve has a housing with an inlet and an outlet, a rigid member movably mounted within the housing, and a resilient member with a sealing portion. The housing also has at least one relief zone that is in fluid communication with the outlet when the valve is in the closed mode. The rigid member may have a proximal end, a distal end, and a flow channel. The relief zone may be radially outward from the sealing portion. The sealing portion may seal the valve and prevent fluid from passing through the valve when in the closed mode. 1. A medical valve having an open mode that permits fluid flow , and a closed mode that prevents fluid flow , the medical valve comprising:a housing having an inlet and an outlet, the housing also having at least one relief zone in fluid communication with the outlet when the valve is in the closed mode;a plug member movably mounted within the passageway and having a proximal end and a distal end, the plug member having a hole between its proximal and distal end; anda resilient member having a first seal member, the seal member sealing the hole when the valve is in the closed mode, the relief zone being radially outward of the first seal member.2. A medical valve according to further comprising:a second seal member located proximal to the hole when the valve is in the closed mode, the first seal member being located distal to the hole when the valve is in the closed mode.3. A medical valve according to claim 2 , wherein the first and second seal members are o-rings.4. A medical valve according to claim 2 , wherein the first and second seal members are integral to the resilient member.5. A medical valve according to further comprising a plurality of ribs claim 1 , the plurality of ribs defining the at least one relief zone.6. A medical valve according to claim 5 , wherein the housing further includes a ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Catheter assembly with seal member

Номер: US20140041496A1
Принадлежит: Smiths Medical ASD Inc

A catheter assembly includes a catheter hub defining an interior cavity and a catheter tube extending distally thereof. A rigid actuator extends proximally in the interior cavity and supports a seal member thereon. The seal member includes a central membrane, a distal portion, and a proximal portion. An hourglass shaped actuator cavity is formed in the distal portion and receives a barbed end of the actuator. The outer surface of the seal member is in partial circumferential engagement with the catheter hub to define an air path that allows fluid communication between areas of the interior cavity distal and proximal of the seal member. A punch tool is provided to form a tri-slit in the membrane of the seal member.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074035A1
Автор: DeTroy David

A cannula seal is presented. The cannula seal includes a cap portion that fits over a cannula and a valve portion. The valve portion includes an hourglass seal and a cross slit seal. In some embodiments, the cap portion includes a tab. In some embodiments, the cap portion and the valve portion are integrally formed. In some embodiments, the cap portion and the valve portion are joined at a bonding region, which may include overflow traps. In some embodiments, ribs are included. 1. A cannula seal , comprising:a cap portion, the cap portion fitting over a cannula; and an hourglass seal, and', 'a cross slit seal., 'a valve portion, the valve portion including'}2. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the cap portion includes a tab extending outward from an outer perimeter of the cap portion.3. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the cap portion includes an undercut region that engages a lip on the cannula.4. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the cap portion and the valve portion are joined at a bonding region.5. The seal of claim 4 , wherein the bonding region includes one or more overflow traps.6. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the cap portion is integrally formed with the valve portion.7. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the hourglass seal includes two sidewalls and an annular protrusion at an inner junction of the sidewalls.8. The seal of claim 7 , wherein a thickness of at least one of the sidewalls is tapered towards the junction.9. The seal of claim 7 , wherein a second annular protrusion is provided adjacent the annular protrusion.10. The seal of claim 9 , including lubricant between the annular protrusion and the second annular protrusion.11. The seal of claim 7 , wherein the annular protrusion has an inner diameter sized to engage a shaft of an instrument.12. The seal of claim 10 , wherein the inner diameter is smaller than an outer shaft diameter.13. The seal of claim 1 , wherein ribs are integrally formed around a perimeter of the hourglass seal.14. The seal of claim 13 , ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Catheter Connector for Measurement of Physiological Signals

Номер: US20140074049A1

The present invention relates to a connector, for use with a catheter provided with a catheter valve, comprising a liquid channel, for transporting a liquid from a first to a second end of the connector, or vice versa, a first coupler, provided on the first end of the connector, to couple the connector and the catheter, a second coupler, provided on the second end of the connector, to couple the connector and a liquid administering—and/or measuring device, a pin-shaped part, from the first end of the connector extending in substantially axial direction, to open the catheter valve when the connector is coupled to the catheter. 1. Connector , for use with a catheter provided with a catheter valve , the connector comprising:a liquid channel, for transporting a liquid from a first to a second end of the connector;a first coupler, provided on the first end of the connector, to couple the connector and the catheter;a second coupler, provided on the second end of the connector, to couple the connector and a liquid administering and/or measuring device;a pin-shaped part, from the first end of the connector extending in substantially axial direction, to open the catheter valve when the connector is coupled to the catheter.2. The connector according to claim 1 , wherein the pin-shaped part is hollow.3. The connector according to claim 1 , wherein the pin-shaped part extends beyond the catheter valve when the connector is coupled to the catheter.4. The connector according to claim 1 , wherein one of the first and second coupler comprise rotary couplings.5. The connector according to claim 1 , wherein the pin-shaped part has a length between 5 and 50 mm claim 1 , and a diameter between 0.5 and 2.5 mm.6. The connector according to claim 1 , further comprising an electric conductor which extends from the channel to an outside of the channel claim 1 , to connect a measuring device.7. The connector according to claim 1 , connected to and in fluid communication with a liquid ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140075756A1
Принадлежит: Nexus Medical, LLC.

An intravascular valve component broadly includes a valve case and a flexible pressure-actuated flow control valve. The valve case includes attached proximal and distal case portions that present respective spaced apart fluid ports and a fluid passageway extending between the ports. The flexible pressure-actuated flow control valve is disposed within the fluid passageway and includes a slitted central valve wall and an annular flange surrounding the central valve wall. The annular flange includes a radially-extending flange wall and a projection extending axially from the flange wall, with the projection engaging one of the case portions to restrict radial movement of the flow control valve relative to the valve case. 1. A method of seating a valve in an intravascular valve component comprising the steps of: a valve case having proximal and distal case portions configured to be coupled together,', 'said case portions presenting respective spaced apart fluid ports and a fluid passageway extending between the ports when said case portions are coupled together,', 'wherein one of said case portions has a projection-receiving opening, and', 'said valve, wherein said valve is a flexible pressure-actuated flow control valve for axially positioning within the fluid passageway to control fluid flow therethrough,', 'said valve being generally arcuate-shaped and having a distal section and a proximal section,', 'said distal section of the valve including a slit to allow fluid flow through the valve,', 'said proximal section including at least one valve-seating projection;, 'providing said intravascular valve component including'}positioning the valve within the fluid passageway;interfitting said valve-seating projection of the valve with said projection-receiving opening of the one of said case portions to thereby substantially restrict radial movement of the flow control valve relative to the valve case and to coaxially align the valve with the one of said case portions to ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001056A1

A medical connector for use in a fluid pathway includes a housing configured to permit fluid flow between a first medical device and a second device or location. The medical connector includes a valve member configured to be positioned at least partially within the housing. The valve member is configured to receive the first medical device. The valve member can be moved into a second state. The connector can be adapted for use with a catheter assembly. 1. A medical connector for permitting fluid flow between a first medical device and a second medical device , the medical connector comprising:a housing comprising an upper end configured to receive a first medical device and a lower end configured to receive a second medical device;a cannula extending from the lower end of the housing to a position within an interior space of the housing; anda valve member attached to the upper end of the housing and positioned at least partially within an interior space of the housing, the valve member comprising a slit on a top surface thereof that extends into an interior cavity of the valve member, and an opening to the interior cavity at a bottom surface of the valve member, the valve member having an first state in which the valve member and the cannula define a gap between them and a second state in which the opening to the interior cavity is positioned around a first portion of the cannula;wherein when a first medical device is attached to the upper end of the housing, the opening extends to a position around a second portion of the cannula, the second portion being greater than the first portion.2. The medical connector of claim 1 , wherein the valve member is fixedly attached to the upper end of the housing claim 1 , preventing rotation relative to the housing.3. The medical connector of claim 1 , wherein the valve member comprises a central body and two shoulders extending outward from the central body4. The medical connector of claim 3 , wherein each shoulder is ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Improved Medical Connector

Номер: US20160001057A1

A male luer medical connector includes a needle having a distal portion with a hole opening and contained in the cavity of a resilient seal. The needle has, apart from its distal portion, an additional hole. The seal and needle are shaped so that when the connector is connected, the compressed seal forms with the needle, immediately upstream of the upper level of the additional hole, a sealed cavity for receiving by way of passage in the additional hole a part of the fluid contained in the needle; and when the seal is released the cavity contains fluid when the lateral hole opening into the needle is sealed, and the portions of the seal, downstream and upstream of the cavity respectively, as well as the additional hole, are shaped so the downstream portion closes a lateral hole while the same cavity continues to discharge the fluid into the needle. 1. A medical connector comprising a joint fixed to a chamber , the joint being provided at its centre with a needle extending into said chamber and opening into its terminal end , which has a section suitable for receiving , by friction , a male luer connector for the circulation of a fluid; the needle has a distal portion with at least one lateral hole opening into and contained in a cavity of a resilient seal having , in the thickness of its free end , a slit or a similar opening , the resilient seal being compressed when connected to uncover the distal portion of the needle and ensure the transfer of fluid , and released when disconnected , wherein the needle has , apart from its distal portion , at least one additional hole and wherein the resilient seal and the needle are shaped so that:when the connector is connected, the resilient seal in the compressed state forms with the needle, immediately upstream of the upper level of the additional hole and only on the portion of the distance separating the said hole of the upstream end from the seal, a sealed cavity for receiving by way of passage in the additional hole a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000979A1
Автор: Myers Angelica

A medical device can include a reservoir for creating a vacuum and storing fluid, an input port for receiving the fluid from a patient, an input valve that prevents the fluid from flowing from the reservoir through the input port, and a connector. The connector can have a locking interface that mates with a needleless syringe, and a valve that opens to permit flow of the fluid through the connector when connected to the needleless syringe but closes to prevent the flow when not connected. Other aspects are described and claimed. 1. A medical device comprising:a reservoir for creating a vacuum and storing fluid from a patient;an input port through which the fluid is to flow into the reservoir;an input valve that prevents the fluid from flowing out of the reservoir through the input port; and a locking interface that mates with a needleless syringe, and', 'a valve that opens to permit flow of the fluid out of the reservoir through the connector when connected to the needleless syringe and closes to prevent the flow when not connected., 'a connector having'}2. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the locking interface has threads and a lock is achieved between the needleless syringe and the connector by mating the threads of the connector onto threads of the needleless syringe.3. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the locking interface is a female luer lock claim 1 , and the needleless syringe has a male luer lock that mates with the female luer lock.4. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the connector is fixed to an emptying port of the reservoir.5. The medical device of claim 1 , whereinthe connector includes a male luer lock that mates to an emptying port of the reservoir, andthe locking interface of the connector is a female luer lock that connects to the needleless syringe.6. The medical device of claim 5 , wherein an elastic ring is located between threads of the male luer lock and the emptying port.7. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001112A1
Автор: TAKEUCHI Masahiko

An adapter () has a through hole (). A first end portion () of the adapter includes a tubular portion () on which a first projection () and a second projection () are provided. The adapter can be connected to a male connector at a first position where a claw () of the male connector is engaged with the first projection () and at a second position where the claw () is engaged with the second projection (). When the adapter is connected at the first position, a flow channel () of a male member () is sealed with a cover (). When the adapter is connected at the second position, the adapter compressively deforms an outer circumferential wall () of the cover so that the flow channel of the male member is in communication with the through hole () of the adapter. 1. An adapter that is attachable to and detachable from a male connector ,the male connector comprising a rod-shaped male member that has a flow channel, a lock lever that is located opposite to the male member, a claw that protrudes from the lock lever toward the male member, and a cover that houses the male member,wherein the lock lever is elastically swingable so that the claw moves away from the male member,the cover includes an outer circumferential wall that is elastically and compressively deformable in a longitudinal direction of the male member, and a head portion that is provided at one end of the outer circumferential wall, andthe cover is configured such that a leading end of the male member protrudes from the head portion when the outer circumferential wall is compressively deformed,the adapter comprising a first end portion and a second end portion,wherein the adapter has a through hole that penetrates the adapter and allows the first end portion to be in communication with the second end portion,the first end portion includes a hollow tubular portion in which the through hole is provided,a first projection and a second projection are provided on an outer circumferential surface of the tubular portion ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Medical connectors and methods of use

Номер: US20190001114A1
Автор: Thomas F. Fangrow
Принадлежит: ICU Medical Inc

Some embodiments disclosed herein relate to a medical connector with an internal cavity with an internal closure system having a dome valve configured to resist retrograde fluid flow caused by various sources, including patient activity and fluid administration activity. A proximal closure system with a seal member and a moveable plug are also located within the internal cavity.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008664A1
Автор: Tachizaki Hitoshi

A head portion () is provided at one end of an outer circumferential wall () capable of elastic compression deformation. The outer circumferential wall includes multiple compression units () that undergo deformation due to compression force in a central axis () direction. Letting N be an integer of or more, the compression units each have at least either N thick portions () or N thin portions () formed at equiangular intervals with respect to the central axis such that the thickness periodically changes in the circumferential direction. The phase with respect to the central axis of the periodic change in thickness is shifted between two compression units that are neighboring in the central axis direction. 1. A cover for a male member that is configured to cover at least a tip of a bar-shaped male member in which a flow channel for flow of a liquid is formed , the cover for a male member comprising:an outer circumferential wall that has a substantially tubular shape and is capable of elastic compression deformation in a central axis direction of the cover, and a head portion that is provided at one end of the outer circumferential wall and is passed through by the tip of the male member when the outer circumferential wall undergoes compression deformation,wherein the outer circumferential wall comprises a plurality of compression units arranged along the central axis direction,the plurality of compression units each undergo deformation due to compression force in the central axis direction,letting N be an integer of 2 or more, the plurality of compression units each have N thick portions formed at equiangular intervals with respect to the central axis, or have N thin portions formed at equiangular intervals with respect to the central axis, or have both N thick portions and N thin portions formed at equiangular intervals with respect to the central axis,the thickness of each of the plurality of compression units periodically changes in a circumferential direction, ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007819A1

A connector includes a housing including: an insertion section into which a male connector is insertable from an outside of the housing, and a flow path communicating with the insertion section; and an elastic valve body having a slit and configured to block the insertion section. An inner wall of the housing defining the flow path is integrally formed with a liquid barrier face. The housing is configured such that, when the male connector is inserted in the insertion section, the liquid barrier face faces a tip opening of the male connector in an insertion direction of the male connector such that liquid flowing out from the tip opening collides with the liquid barrier face. 1. A connector comprising: an insertion section into which a male connector is insertable from an outside of the housing, and', 'a flow path communicating with the insertion section; and, 'a housing comprisingan elastic valve body having a slit and configured to block the insertion section,wherein an inner wall of the housing defining the flow path is integrally formed with a liquid barrier face, andwherein the housing is configured such that, when the male connector is inserted in the insertion section, the liquid barrier face faces a tip opening of the male connector in an insertion direction of the male connector such that liquid flowing out from the tip opening collides with the liquid barrier face.2. The connector according to claim 1 , wherein:the housing comprises a partition section dividing the flow path in a direction perpendicular to the insertion direction, andthe liquid barrier face comprises an upstream face which is a face of the partition section on an upstream side in the insertion direction.3. The connector according to claim 2 ,wherein the partition section divides the flow path into a plurality of separated flow paths in the direction perpendicular to the insertion direction.4. The connector according to claim 2 ,wherein the upstream face is in a plane extending in the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011979A1
Автор: Fangrow Thomas F.
Принадлежит: ICU MEDICAL, INC.

A soft grip medical connector comprises a housing with an upstream end, a downstream end and a lumen extending through a central portion thereof. A flexible member comprises a valve portion integrally formed with a sleeve portion. The valve portion is positioned within a section of the housing and is configured to control a flow of fluid through the housing lumen. The sleeve is inverted to envelope at least a portion of the outer surface of the housing. In some embodiments the gripping portion is integrally formed with the valve portion. In some embodiments, the connector is also generally configured to create a positive pressure in a catheter lumen upon removal of a syringe or other medical device from the upstream end of the connector. Methods of making a medical fluid connector generally comprise forming a valve member with a sleeve extending there from, and assembling the valve, sleeve and housing. 1. (canceled)2. A medical connector for selectively permitting fluid to flow between a first medical device and a second medical device , the medical connector comprising:a housing comprising an upstream end adapted to receive the second medical device, a downstream end with an interface configured to receive the first medical device, an outer surface, a base member with an annular surface, an upper housing cavity extending from the upstream end of the housing to the annular surface of the base member, and an interior cannula extending from the annular surface toward the upstream end of the housing; anda valve member at least partially positioned within the housing, the valve member configured to control a flow of fluid through the housing, the valve member comprising a seal body made of a flexible material, the seal body having a downstream end, an upstream end configured to receive at least a portion of the second medical device, and a normally closed passage in fluid communication with the downstream end of the seal body and the upstream end of the seal body, the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013809A1

A medical connector for use in a fluid pathway includes a substantially transparent housing having a proximal end with a proximal opening and a distal end with a distal opening, and a cavity extending therebetween. The connector provides a substantially visible fluid flow path extending through a substantial portion of the connector. 167-. (canceled)68. A method of using a medical connector in conjunction with a first medical implement and a second medical implement , the method comprising: a housing having a proximal end with a proximal opening and a distal end with a distal male luer opening, a cavity extending therebetween, and configured to be transparent such that the cavity is visible through the housing;', 'a valve member having an interior cavity, said valve member disposed within the housing and configured to be transparent such that the interior cavity is visible through the valve member, and said valve member further having a proximal end that substantially fills the housing proximal opening and includes a proximal opening that is biased closed to obstruct fluid flow therethrough, wherein the valve member is configured to selectively seal the housing proximal opening and to obstruct fluid communication between the housing proximal end and the housing distal end when the valve member is in a first position and to establish fluid communication between the housing proximal end and the housing distal end when the valve member is in a second position; and', 'a support member configured to be received within the valve member, said support member having an inner conduit that extends from adjacent a proximal tip portion having at least one opening that extends through the support member to the inner conduit to a distal end of the support member, and is configured to selectively establish fluid communication between the housing proximal end and the housing distal end, wherein the fluid communication between the housing proximal end and the housing distal end is ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014612A1

An implantable device for venous or peritoneal access including a housing including a void having distal a proximal openings; an insert for insertion through the proximal opening comprising a venous or peritoneal catheter; a valve element mounted in a cylindrical recess of the insert; an extracorporeal coupling member of which a terminal portion can be inserted into a proximal recess of the valve element; one or two conduits extending from the catheter to the proximal end of the coupling member via the valve element and the insert for providing fluid communication, which can be interrupted by rotating the coupling member. The coupling member can be extracted from the recess only in a state of interrupted communication. 1. Device for venous or peritoneal access , comprising:a housing comprising a void;an insert disposable in the void and removable from it, the insert comprising a first conduit extending from a first distal face thereof disposed intra-corporeally to a bottom face of a recess in a second proximal face thereof disposed extra-corporeally, the faces including an angle α of about 90°;a cylindrical valve member housed in the insert recess, the valve member comprising a first valve conduit extending between the distal end face of the valve member and the bottom face of an oblong radially extending recess in a proximal face of the valve member;a coupling member comprising a portion extending from its distal end of same but positive form as the valve member recess and capable of being inserted into the recess and of being withdrawn from it, the coupling member comprising a first coupling conduit communicating, in an inserted position, with the first valve member conduit;wherein the first valve member conduit is displaceable by rotation of the valve member about its cylinder axis from an open position in which it is in communication with the first insert conduit to a closed position in which it is not or vice versa by rotation of the coupling member.2. The ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Connector and infusion set

Номер: US20170014614A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A connector includes an elastic valve body that includes a top face on which a slit is formed and a bottom face opposite the top face; and a holding section that is in contact with the top face and the bottom face of the elastic valve body and holds the elastic valve body. The holding section surrounds the slit, and the elastic valve body includes a peripheral section that is positioned outward of a portion of the elastic valve body that is held by the holding section when the elastic valve body is viewed from the top face side. The elastic valve body and the holding section are configured such that a volume of the peripheral section in a state in which the elastic valve body is held by the holding section is larger than a volume of the peripheral section in a state in which the elastic valve body is not held by the holding section.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014618A1
Автор: UEDA Yasuhiro

A medical connector includes a housing including a male connector connection section, and a medical instrument connection section; and a valve element including a head section that closes the male connector connection section, and a body section that connects to the head section. The body section of the valve element is arranged in a receiving recess section formed in the housing. The housing and valve are configured such that, when a male connector is connected to the male connector connection section, the head section of the valve element is pushed in by the male connector while the head section contracts the body section, a fluid flow passage in the male connector is connected to a fluid flow passage in the medical instrument connection section through a fluid connection passage formed outside the receiving recess section, and the body section is covered by the receiving recess section. 1. A medical connector comprising:a housing including a male connector connection section, and a medical instrument connection section; anda valve element including a head section that closes the male connector connection section, and a body section that connects to the head section,wherein the body section of the valve element is arranged in a receiving recess section formed in the housing, andwherein the housing and valve are configured such that, when a male connector is connected to the male connector connection section, the head section of the valve element is pushed in by the male connector while the head section contracts the body section, a fluid flow passage in the male connector is connected to a fluid flow passage in the medical instrument connection section through a fluid connection passage formed outside the receiving recess section, and the body section is covered by the receiving recess section.2. The medical connector according to claim 1 , wherein:a notch is disposed on an outer circumferential surface of the valve element, the notch being configured to connect ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014914A1

A novel chemi-luminescent cheek retractor, wherein: the chemi-luminiscence is not localized to a specific location but the whole cheek retractor has multiple compartments to provide adequate and uniform illumination. Further, the cheek retractor is reversibly inflatable; chemi-luminiscence is triggered by the using the nitrous and ozone gas that pumped in to selective multiple compartments; a fiber reinforced latch and adjustable screw is provided to control unrestrained opening or closing, thereby minimizing the damage due to the uncontrolled elastic reflex of the material to the device and due to the force exerted on the jaws of the patient; the chambers also lined with a reflective coating on the inner surface to aid in better and uniform illumination; a multi-function valve is provided at the split junction capable of allowing various reversible attachments e.g. a suction tube, one LED diode-charged, wireless transmitter, camera etc. 1. A novel chemi-luminescent cheek retractor comprising a housing of transparent heat resistant flexible material , means for storage of chemical reagents , provision for allowing contact between the separated chemical reagents to produce chemi-luminescence triggered by using the nitrous and ozone gas; wherein:a) the cheek retractor is reversibly inflatable, stored in deflated state and inflated for use, with gas such as nitrous oxide through a pressure valve thereby allowing the necessary conformational change required for affixing it;b) a fiber reinforced latch and adjustable screw is provided, to control unrestrained opening or closing, allowing selective expansion or contraction of the retractor, thereby minimizing the damage due to the uncontrolled elastic reflex of the material to the device and due to the force exerted on the jaws of the patient;c) the chambers housing the gas or the liquid allowing the chemi-luminiscent reaction lined with a reflective coating on the inner surface to aid in better and uniform illumination;d) ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015275A1

A luer connector including a rigid housing having a first end and a second end. The housing further including a rigid tubular male portion at the first end, a rigid tubular female portion at the second end, and a longitudinal opening therethrough. The male portion is configured to be engageable with a female connector. The female portion is configured to be engageable with a male connector and to prevent the disengagement of the male connector from the female portion. In some embodiments, the female portion is configured to maintain a fixed rotational position when the male connector is being threaded therewith, but to rotate with the male connector once the male connector has become fully engaged with the female portion so as to prevent the male connector from becoming unthreaded from the female portion. 1. (canceled)222.-. (canceled)23. A luer connector comprising:a first housing member comprising a first end, a second end, and a first connector engagement portion configured to engage a first connector and positioned at the first end; and a first component defining a first cylindrical surface including at least one engaging surface, the first component being coupled to the first housing member so as to be inhibited from rotating relative to the first housing member,', 'a second component defining a second cylindrical surface including at least one engaging surface, the second cylindrical surface being generally co-axially aligned with and adjacent to the first cylindrical surface, the second component being supported by the first component and comprising a second connector engagement portion configured to engage a second connector,', 'a first arrangement in which the at least one engaging surface of the second component is configured to interact with the at least one engaging surface of the first component to inhibit the second component from rotating in either a first direction or a second direction relative to the first housing member, and', 'a second ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015278A1

A medical connector includes a medical device connection portion communication passage defined by a housing and a valve body to guide a fluid from a first medical device connection portion to a second medical device connection portion. In the medical connector, a male connector inserted into the a connector connection portion presses a head portion of the valve body while contracting and deforming a body portion, and a fluid is guided from the male connector connection portion to the medical device connection portion communication passage, through a gap formed between the head portion and the housing. 1. A medical connector comprising:a housing comprising a first medical device connection portion, a second medical device connection portion, and a male connector connection portion;a valve body having a head portion configured to close the male connector connection portion, and a body portion extending from the head portion; anda medical device connection portion communication passage defined by the housing and the valve body and configured to guide a fluid from the first medical device connection portion to the second medical device connection portion,wherein the medical connector is configured such that, when a male connector is inserted into the male connector connection portion, the male connector presses the head portion of the valve body while contracting and deforming the body portion, and a fluid is flowable from the male connector connection portion to the medical device connection portion communication passage through a gap formed between the head portion and the housing.2. The medical connector according to claim 1 , wherein:the body portion defines an inner space therein, and when the body portion is contracted and deformed, the inner space is divided in a liquid-tight manner from a fluid flowing in the medical device connection portion communication passage.3. The medical connector according to claim 2 , wherein:the housing comprises a recessed storage ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Connector and infushion set

Номер: US20160015958A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A connector includes a housing defining a male connector insertion section into which a male connector is inserted from the outside and an elastic valve body having a slit and blocking the male connector insertion section. The elastic valve body includes a top face having the slit and a bottom face located opposite to the top face. The housing includes a holding section having contact with the top face and the bottom face of the elastic valve body to hold the elastic valve body. The holding section surrounds the slit when the valve body is viewed from the top face. The diameter of a bottom face side holding section having contact with the bottom face is smaller than the diameter of a top face side holding section having contact with the top face.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Closure Device For a Fluid System For Medical Purposes

Номер: US20160015960A1
Автор: Bonnal Oliver

A closure device for a fluid system for medical purposes is disclosed. The closure device includes a support housing, which has at least one opening to a fluid reservoir or a fluid line, and also with a connection piece, which includes a Luer connecting portion for connecting to a syringe or some other Luer connection part, and with an elastically deformable closure membrane, which closes a fluid passage of the connection piece and opens it when the syringe or other Luer connection part is connected. A nonreturn valve is configured for opening both in the direction of the connection piece and in the direction of the opening to the fluid reservoir or to the fluid line is arranged in the support housing at a distance from the closure membrane in the direction of the fluid. The closure device has applications in several areas, including in infusion systems for medical purposes.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015961A1

Needleless connectors are described. An example needleless connector includes a housing and a compressible valve. The housing may define an internal cavity and may include a body section having a first port and one or more internal contact tabs and a base section having a valve mount and a second port. The compressible valve may be disposed within at least a portion of the internal cavity and be movably retained within the housing. The compressible valve may include a flange portion for securing the compressible valve within the housing. A central longitudinal axis of the housing may be defined by a coaxial arrangement of the first and second port. The one or more internal contact tabs may be arranged to contact an outer side surface of the flange portion such that a radial force substantially orthogonal to the central longitudinal axis is provided for securement.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015655A1

A medical connector includes: a body member that partitions a flow path between a proximal side opening and a distal side opening; and a male connector connection portion including: a valve body facing the flow path, and a male connector connection port openable and closable by the valve body. The body member comprises a male connector housing portion configured to house a distal end portion of a male connector connected to the male connector connection portion. The male connector housing portion is configured to cause the male connector to communicate with the distal side opening and to prevent inflow of a fluid from the proximal side opening to the male connector housing portion by connection of the male connector to the male connector connection portion. 1. A medical connector comprising:a body member that partitions a flow path between a proximal side opening and a distal side opening; and a valve body facing the flow path, and', 'a male connector connection port openable and closable by the valve body,, 'a male connector connection portion comprisingwherein the body member comprises a male connector housing portion configured to house a distal end portion of a male connector connected to the male connector connection portion, andwherein the male connector housing portion is configured to cause the male connector to communicate with the distal side opening and to prevent inflow of a fluid from the proximal side opening to the male connector housing portion by connection of the male connector to the male connector connection portion.2. The medical connector according to claim 1 , further comprising:a check valve located in the male connector housing portion, the check valve being configured to allow inflow of the fluid from the proximal side opening to the male connector housing portion and to prevent inflow of the fluid from the male connector housing portion to the proximal side opening,wherein the check valve is configured to prevent inflow of the fluid from ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016375A1
Автор: SOLOMON Clint
Принадлежит: I-V Access Technology, Inc.

Methods and devices to facilitate positioning of a catheter into a vessel. Devices include axially concentric assemblies of a piercing needle and a dilator that guides an outer catheter into a vessel, such as a blood vessel. The assemblies described herein can include retraction mechanisms and/or lock mechanisms to control needle positioning during catheterization processes as well as improved valves that prevent leakage of fluid from the proximal end of the devices. The devices and method include the use of novel valves to prevent undesired leakage of fluids through the proximal end of the catheter. 1a housing having a projection located therein;a first tubular member having a first hub slidably engaged with the housing;a needle having a needle hub, the needle extending through the first tubular member, the needle hub positioned within the assembly housing, the needle hub including a stop material positioned in a fluid path of the needle hub such that fluids passing through the needle into the needle hub contacts the stop material;a biasing element in contact with the needle hub applying a biasing force against the needle hub;where the needle assembly comprises an unloaded configuration where the stop material and the projection are adjacent without the biasing force acting therebetween;where the first hub and needle hub are moveable relative to each other to assume a loaded configuration where the biasing force drives the needle hub proximally to force the stop material against the projection such that the stop material prevents further proximal movement of the needle hub; andwherein when fluid in the needle hub contacts the stop material, the stop material weakens causing proximal movement of the needle hub such that a distal end of the needle retracts within the first tubular member.. A needle assembly comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/004,970 filed Jun. 11, 2018, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022370A1

A catheter includes: a first port; a second port; a first lumen communicating with the first port; a second lumen configured to selectively communicate with the first port and/or the second port; and a switching mechanism part selectively switchable between a first switching state in which the first port and the second lumen communicate with each other and a second switching state in which communication between the first port and the second lumen is blocked. 1. A catheter comprising:a first port;a second port;a first lumen communicating with the first port;a second lumen configured to selectively communicate with the first port and/or the second port; anda switching mechanism part selectively switchable between a first switching state in which the first port and the second lumen communicate with each other and a second switching state in which communication between the first port and the second lumen is blocked.2. The catheter according to claim 1 , wherein:in the first switching state, communication between the second port and the second lumen is blocked.3. The catheter according to claim 1 , wherein:the switching mechanism part comprises a communication path configured to selectively communicate between the first lumen and the second lumen, andin the second switching state, the communication path is closed.4. The catheter according to claim 1 , wherein:the switching mechanism part comprises a communication path configured to selectively communicate between the first lumen and the second lumen, andin the second switching state, the communication path is moved relative to the first switching state.5. The catheter according to claim 1 , wherein a body part; and', 'a rotation part mounted to be rotatable on the body part between the first switching state and the second switching state, the rotate part comprising a communication path therein,, 'the switching mechanism part comprisesin the first switching state, the rotation part is oriented such that the first port and ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028187A1

A medical connector for minimizing leakage of fluids during connection and disconnection is described. The medical connector includes a body having an inlet port, at least one outlet port adjacent to a male luer portion of the body, and a fluid path between the inlet port and the at least one outlet ports. A retractable seal adjacent to the male luer portion of the body and blocks the outlet ports of the body when the male luer portion of the medical connect is in a disconnected state. The retractable seal is positioned on the body such that it is moved away from the outlet ports upon insertion of the male luer portion of the medical connector into a medical access device thereby unblocking the outlet ports and creating a fluid path through the medical connector. 1. A medical connector comprising:a body having an inlet port, at least one outlet port in a sidewall of a male luer portion of the body, and a fluid path between the inlet port and the at least one outlet port;a flexible sleeve comprising a first end portion and a second end portion, the flexible sleeve surrounding the male luer of the body, wherein the at least one outlet port is blocked by the flexible sleeve when the flexible sleeve is in an extended position, and the at least one outlet port is unblocked when the second end portion is compressed toward the first end portion of the flexible sleeve; anda squeegee tip fixed to a distal portion of the male luer proximate the at least one outlet port, wherein the squeegee tip extends distally of the second end portion of the flexible sleeve.2. The medical connector of claim 1 , wherein the flexible sleeve configured to compress along the male luer.3. The medical connector of claim 1 , wherein the squeegee tip remains fixed to the distal portion of the male luer when the flexible sleeve is compressed.4. The medical connector of claim 1 , wherein the flexible sleeve configured to compress upon insertion of the distal portion of the male luer into a medical ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Components and devices for closed medical system operation

Номер: US20150032063A1
Автор: Thorne Gale Harrison

A self-closing slit valve which is opened by compression inside a receiving tapered female orifice. For luer fittings, internal taper of a female luer fitting provides sufficient distortion of an asymmetrical valve to distort a closed, preferably planar slit to a patent fluid pathway. The slit may be opened by valve displacement into a tapered female connector orifice or by being forced open by a blunt cannula. The valve may be effectively used as a valving part in needleless connector adapters. A special method for constructing the valve when imposed upon by restrictive tolerances of a luer fitting is also disclosed. Examples of uses of the self-closing valve in male luer needleless connector adapters and closed mixing systems and closed mixing systems with flush are also disclosed. An application providing a closed male luer adapter, a closed valved male luer replacement for a syringe is disclosed as well as applications associated with closed system mixing syringes. 1. A valve device which is self-closing and selectively opened for fluid passage , said valve device comprising:a body comprising material having memory for returning from a distorted state to an originally molded form, said material further comprising characteristics of being incompressible, unreactive to contacting fluids, and resilient;said body comprising a connecting end and an oppositely disposed valve end and an elongated medial axis between said ends, said valve end comprising two one-way valve parts oppositely disposed to provide a valve structure which is not opened by a fluid differential pressure applied about said axis;said valve parts comprising a common slit there through, said slit being medially disposed within an outer surface comprising a cross-section of predetermined circumference;said cross-section being asymmetric having an elongated length dimension in line with said slit and a width dimension orthogonally disposed relative to said slit;said valve being closed when in a rest or ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031009A1
Автор: SOLOMON Clint
Принадлежит: I-V Access Technology, Inc.

Methods and devices to facilitate positioning of a catheter into a vessel. Devices include axially concentric assemblies of a piercing needle and a dilator that guides an outer catheter into a vessel, such as a blood vessel. The assemblies described herein can include retraction mechanisms and/or lock mechanisms to control needle positioning during catheterization processes as well as improved valves that prevent leakage of fluid from the proximal end of the devices. The devices and method include the use of novel valves to prevent undesired leakage of fluids through the proximal end of the catheter. 1. A septum valve for use with a catheter assembly having a catheter hub configured for use with a male luer having a distal end and a lateral surface , the male luer having a connector portion , the septum valve comprising:a barrier layer at a far end of the septum valve;a wall portion extending proximally from the barrier layer towards a near end of the septum valve, the wall portion defining a valve cavity therein, the barrier layer extending perpendicularly to the wall portion at the far end, at least one slit extending through the barrier layer forming a plurality of leaflets in the barrier layer;where a thickness of the barrier layer is greater than a thickness of the wall portion;a flange portion at the near end of the septum valve, the flange portion having a diameter greater than a diameter of the wall portion causing the valve cavity to have an open proximal end;where the septum valve is configured for positioning in the catheter hub such that the flange portion engages a proximal surface of an exterior of the catheter hub and the wall portion engages a surface of a chamber within the catheter hub; andwherein insertion of the male luer into the valve cavity causes the distal end of the male luer to open the at least one slit and separate the plurality of leaflets, while the lateral surface of the male luer engages the wall portion at an interior of the valve ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Compressible needleless valve assembly

Номер: US20160038730A1
Автор: Christopher Zollinger
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

A valve for a needleless valve system. The valve includes a body configured to be disposed in the needleless valve system and controlling fluid flow through the needleless valve system and wherein the body is tail-less. The body includes a continuous top surface, and a compression feature configured to control how the body is compressed to allow fluid flow through the needleless valve system.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036007A1

Break-away connectors are disclosed. The break-away connectors may be configured to be coupled in at least two configurations, for example, a high force configuration and a low force configuration. The break-away connectors may also be incrementally adjustable between the high force configuration and the low force configuration. The break-away connectors may be coupled to a first medical device and a second medical device. Methods of using and/or coupling the break-away connectors are also disclosed. 1. A break-away connector , comprising:a first body member having a coupling end portion and a break-away end portion; anda second body member having a coupling end portion and a break-away end portion,wherein the break-away end portion of first body member is configured to engage the break-away end portion of the second body member upon coupling of the first body member to the second body member, wherein the first body member is coupleable to the second body member in one of at least two configurations, and wherein a greater force is required to uncouple the first body member from the second body member when the break-away connector is in a first configuration in comparison to when the break-away connector is in a second configuration.2. The break-away connector of claim 1 , wherein the break-away end portion of the first body member comprises one or more resilient arms claim 1 , each resilient arm having one or more ridge portions claim 1 ,wherein the break-away end portion of the second body member comprises one or more ridge portions, andwherein the one or more ridge portions of the first body member are configured to engage the one or more ridge portions of the second body member upon the coupling of the first body member to the second body member.3. The break-away connector of claim 1 , further comprising:a valve disposed within at least one of a lumen of the first body member or a lumen of the second body member.4. The break-away connector of claim 3 , wherein ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036524A1
Автор: Fangrow, JR. Thomas F.

A medical connector includes a housing with a central axis, a hollow bore, and a narrowed passage. The connector further includes a rigid valve member configured to move along the axis of the connector as the connector moves between an open and closed configuration. The connector includes a resilient member coupled to the valve member and the housing. 1. A medical connector configured to receive a male luer end of a medical article , the medical connector comprising:a housing having a proximal portion and a distal portion;a female end in the proximal portion, the female end configured to receive the male luer end of the medical article;a male end having a male luer, the male luer comprising a first region and a second region, the second region having an internal cross-sectional width that is smaller than an internal cross-sectional width of the first region of the male luer; an internal fluid channel,', 'a closed distal end, and', 'at least one opening adjacent the closed distal end,', 'wherein at least a portion of the closed distal end of the valve member is positioned within the second region of the male luer when the valve member is in the closed position;, 'a rigid valve member being longitudinally movable along a central axis of the housing between an open position to a closed position, the valve member comprisingan elastically deformable resilient member at least partially exposed outside the housing, the resilient member configured to couple the valve member and the housing; anda sealing element at least partially disposed within the distal portion of the housing at a location proximal from the second region of the male luer, the sealing element configured to inhibit fluid communication through the housing between an interior surface of the male luer and an interior surface of the proximal portion of the housing.2. The medical connector of claim 1 , wherein the second region of the male luer comprises a sealing surface extending at a non-orthogonal angle ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054818A1

A needleless connector includes a body having a fluid path, a vent path, and a male fitting. The needleless connector also includes a valve disposed within the male fitting. The valve is configured to move between a first configuration, in which the fluid path is blocked, and a second configuration, in which the fluid path is open. The needleless connector further includes a seal disposed around the valve. The seal is configured to separate the fluid path from the vent path in the first and second configurations. Moving the valve from the first configuration to the second configuration also opens the vent path. The seal maintains the separation between the fluid path and the vent path when the valve moves from the first configuration to the second configuration. 1. A needleless connector comprising:a body having a male fitting;a valve disposed within the body, the body and the valve defining a vent path and a fluid path;a sealing tip disposed over a portion of the valve; anda sliding seal disposed over a portion of the male fitting, open the vent path before opening the fluid path as the valve moves from a first valve position to a second valve position; and', 'open the fluid path before opening the vent path as the valve moves from the first valve position to the second valve position., 'wherein the sealing tip and the sliding seal are configured to one of2. The needleless connector of claim 1 , wherein the sealing tip comprises a second sliding seal disposed between a portion of the valve and the male fitting.3. The needleless connector of claim 2 , wherein the second sliding seal maintains separation between the fluid path and the vent path as the second sliding seal slides along an inner surface of the male fitting between the first and second valve positions.4. The needleless connector of claim 1 , wherein the sealing tip and sliding seal are configured to block the vent and fluid paths in the first valve position and to open the vent and fluid paths in the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038886A1

Some embodiments relate to a luer connector comprising a housing having a hollow bore therethrough, a first end, and a second end, a male luer tip supported by the housing configured to rotate with respect to the housing, the luer tip having a first open end and a passageway through the luer tip in fluid communication with the first open end, and a substantially rigid internal member extending into the passageway of the luer tip toward the first open end of the luer tip. In some embodiments, at least one of the luer tip and the internal member can be axially moveable between a first closed position and a second open position relative to the other of the luer tip and the internal member. Further, the luer tip and the internal member can cooperate such that rotation of the luer tip in a first direction relative to the housing increases an axial displacement between the first open end of the luer tip and an end portion of the internal member. 1a housing having a hollow bore, a first end, and a second end;a male luer tip supported by the housing configured to rotate with respect to the housing, the male luer tip having a first open end and a passageway through the male luer tip in fluid communication with the first open end; anda substantially rigid internal member extending into the passageway of the male luer tip toward the first open end of the male luer tip; at least one of the male luer tip and the internal member is axially moveable between a first position and a second position relative to the other of the male luer tip and the internal member;', 'the male luer tip and the internal member cooperate such that rotation of the male luer tip in a first direction relative to the housing increases an axial displacement between the first open end of the male luer tip and an end portion of the internal member;', 'in the first position, the end portion of the internal member provides a substantially fluid-tight seal with respect to the first open end of the male luer tip ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038889A1
Принадлежит: I-V Access Technology, Inc.

The anti-back-flow devices and methods prevent fluid from leaking proximally from a catheter, but allow ready access to the catheter using any male luer device. The devices include proximal surfaces that urge open a valve in response to force from a male luer tip. The valves are associated a female luer hub and adapted to function with standard and typical non-standard male luer fittings. 1a female luer hub having an inner central channel comprising a proximal tapered receiver for a male luer connector;an adaptor located in the central channel and comprising a proximal contact surface, adaptor body, and a distal contact surface; and,two or more struts or tabs each extending between the hub and the adaptor body.. A device for adapting a male luer fitting to a catheter, the device comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/660,151 filed Mar. 17, 2015, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/954,967 filed Mar. 18, 2014 and 62/111,465 filed Feb. 3, 2015, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entiretyThe invention is directed to, e.g., devices and methods for preventing back flow from a catheter. The devices include valve mechanisms and adaptors providing opening of a catheter valve on insertion of a male luer fitting. Methods include provision of the catheter devices, inserting a male luer into the device wherein the luer presses a proximal valve surface or adaptor with the force transmitted to urge opening of a resilient valve.Early technology for vascular access required surgical opening of the skin, viewing of the vessel to be catheterized, and placement, under sterile procedure of a stainless steel needle. After the insertion process, the skin was approximated and the access site covered to prevent infection. The process required a competent physician, and was indicated only in rare instances when the patient required intravascular sustenance or required replacement ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046301A1
Автор: Fangrow Thomas F.

A soft grip medical connector comprises a housing with an upstream end, a downstream end and a lumen extending through a central portion thereof. A flexible member comprises a valve portion integrally formed with a sleeve portion. The valve portion is positioned within a section of the housing and is configured to control a flow of fluid through the housing lumen. The sleeve is inverted to envelope at least a portion of the outer surface of the housing. In some embodiments the gripping portion is integrally formed with the valve portion. In some embodiments, the connector is also generally configured to create a positive pressure in a catheter lumen upon removal of a syringe or other medical device from the upstream end of the connector. Methods of making a medical fluid connector generally comprise forming a valve member with a sleeve extending there from, and assembling the valve, sleeve and housing. 1. (canceled)2. A soft grip medical connector comprising:a rigid housing comprising an upstream end and a downstream end, wherein the upstream end is configured to receive a Luer connector of a medical device to provide fluid communication between the medical device and the medical connector;a fluid pathway between the upstream end and the downstream end; a tapered portion that is inwardly tapered towards the downstream end such that the gripping portion is configured to impede a finger and thumb from slipping when gripping the gripping portion;', 'a flexible material disposed over an outer surface of the housing at the tapered portion; and', 'at least one of bumps, ridges, indentations, and protrusions on the outer surface of the gripping portion., 'a gripping portion between the upstream end and the downstream end, the gripping portion comprising3. The soft grip medical connector of claim 2 , wherein the housing further comprises protrusions that are covered by the flexible material claim 2 , wherein the flexible material is disposed between the protrusions claim 2 ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062617A1

A dry disconnect device including a first portion defining an outlet and an outlet portion of a fluid pathway and a female valve disposed within the first portion having an extended position, including the female valve being configured to seal the outlet portion, and a retracted position. A second portion defining an inlet and an inlet portion of the fluid pathway is lockingly engageable with the first portion. A male valve is disposed within the second portion including a male valve transition member configured to translate the male valve from an extended position to a retracted position including the male valve being configured to seal the inlet portion. The extended position of the male valve causes the female valve to transition from the extended position to the retracted position and causes the outlet portion and the inlet portion of the fluid pathway to be in fluid communication with each other.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Medical connector with internal valve member movable within male projection

Номер: US20190046731A1
Принадлежит: ICU Medical Inc

Disclosed herein is a valve assembly comprising a male luer end portion and a female luer end portion and a passage for the transfer of fluids extending between the male and female luer end portions, valve means movable between a first position, in which the passage is closed, and a second position, in which the passage is open, biasing means for biasing the valve means toward the first position, and actuating means extending into the male luer end portion and coupled to the valve means to actuate the valve means when a female luer end portion of a medical accessory is engaged with the male luer end portion.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046783A1

In one embodiment, a sterile connector includes an inner member having a connection fitting configured to couple with a separate component that is to be connected to the sterile connector and an inner passage through which fluids can travel, and an outer member in which the inner member is received, the outer member having an inner sealing mechanism that seals the connection fitting within the outer member to protect the connection fitting from contamination, wherein the connection fitting can be passed through the sealing mechanism and extended from the outer member to enable the connection fitting to couple with the separate component. 1. A sterile connector comprising:an inner member including a connection fitting configured to couple with a separate component that is to be connected to the sterile connector and an inner passage through which fluids can travel; andan outer member in which the inner member is received, the outer member including an inner sealing mechanism that seals the connection fitting within the outer member to protect the connection fitting from contamination, wherein the connection fitting can be passed through the sealing mechanism and extended from the outer member to enable the connection fitting to couple with the separate component.2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the sealing mechanism comprises a gate that can be pivoted from a closed position to an open position.3. The connector of claim 2 , wherein the outer member further includes a inner wall having an opening through which the connection fitting can pass and wherein the gate seals the opening in the closed position.4. The connector of claim 3 , wherein the gate is biased toward the closed position with a spring.5. The connector of claim 2 , wherein the outer member can be rotated relative to the inner member and wherein such rotation causes the connection fitting to push the gate open.6. The connector of claim 5 , wherein the inner member includes a curved slot that extends ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052881A1

Some fluid coupling devices described herein are configured for use in fluid systems for purposes of providing a repeatable, aseptic fluid coupling system. Such repeatable, aseptic fluid coupling systems are configured to facilitate multiple connection and disconnection cycles while repeatably establishing a sterile fluid pathway through the coupling system. The repeatable, aseptic fluid coupling systems can repeatably establish a sterile fluid pathway through the coupling system even though the coupling system may be used in a non-sterile environment. 1. A fluid coupling device comprising:a valve body with a first end portion and a second end portion, the valve body defining a longitudinal axis and a fluid pathway extending along the longitudinal axis between the first and second end portions of the valve body, the fluid pathway terminating at an end port defined by the second end portion of the valve body;a valve member disposed within the valve body, the valve member being movable relative to the valve body along the longitudinal axis between: (i) an open position in which the fluid pathway is open through the valve body and (ii) a closed position in which the fluid pathway through the valve body is blocked by the valve member;a spring disposed within the valve body and arranged to bias the valve member to the closed position;a connection structure coupled to the valve body and configured for releasably mating the fluid coupling device to another fluid coupling device; anda cap with a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion of the cap defining a bore configured to removably receive the first end portion of the valve body therein.2. The fluid coupling of claim 1 , wherein the first end portion of the valve body includes one or more radial projections claim 1 , and wherein the bore of the cap includes one or more complementary slots configured to removably receive the one or more radial projections.3. The fluid coupling of claim 2 , ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for catheter insertion and blood flashback

Номер: US20200046948A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A method may include priming a catheter system. The catheter system may include a catheter adapter, a catheter, and an extension tube. The catheter system may also include a Y-adapter, which may include first and second arms. A distal end of the Y-adapter may be coupled to the extension tube. The catheter system may further include a vent cap, which may be coupled to the second arm. Priming the catheter system may include attaching an IV line to the first arm and delivering saline through the IV line to the catheter system such that the saline exits a distal tip of the catheter and clamping the IV line via a roller clamp on the IV line. The method may also include actuating the vent cap after priming the catheter system. The method may further include inserting the catheter into a vein of a patient after actuating the vent cap.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Medical connector

Номер: US20200046959A1
Принадлежит: GVS SpA

A medical connector including a first rigid body capable of being connected to a medical infusion line and having an elongated tubular element in which there is a conduit opening out at opposite extremities, a first extremity of the tubular element being capable of being directly connected to the medical infusion line, the elongated tubular element being capable of being closed off at one of its first open extremities by a second body associated with the first body. The second body is of yielding material and at least partly covers the elongated element and extends beyond the second extremity of that element in such a way as to close off the opening thereof, such second body being overmoulded onto the first body and forming a single piece therewith.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046961A1
Автор: Nelson David

A check valve for use in a fluid pathway. The check valve may have a diaphragm and a plurality of supports extending from the diaphragm. The check valve and supports have a line of symmetry, and deformation of the check valve as it moves from a closed position to an opened position can be generally along the line of symmetry. 1. A medical check valve for use in a medical device to provide one-way fluid flow between a first fluid location and a second fluid location , said check valve comprising:a flexible diaphragm comprising a top surface, a bottom surface, and a side wall between the top surface and the bottom surface;a first support member extending from the bottom surface of the flexible diaphragm and a second support member extending from the bottom surface of the flexible diaphragm, the first support member and second support member positioned to define a line of symmetry that bisects the bottom surface without passing through the first support member or the second support member;wherein the flexible diaphragm has a first position in which the top surface is generally planar and is configured to seal against a fluid opening and a second position in which the top surface of the diaphragm is curved around the line of symmetry and is configured to be displaced from the fluid opening.2. The medical check valve of claim 1 , wherein the line of symmetry is the only line of symmetry that bisects the bottom surface without passing through the first support member or the second support member.3. The medical check valve of claim 1 , wherein the flexible diaphragm is a disc.4. The medical check valve of claim 3 , wherein the support members are positioned 180 degrees apart about the disc.5. The medical check valve of claim 1 , wherein the flexible diaphragm is nonperforate.6. The medical check valve of claim 1 , wherein the flexible diaphragm claim 1 , the first support member claim 1 , and the second support member are integrally formed.7. The medical check valve of ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050184A1

A medical connector for use in a fluid pathway includes a substantially transparent housing having a proximal end with a proximal opening and a distal end with a distal opening, and a cavity extending therebetween. The connector provides a substantially visible fluid flow path extending through a substantial portion of the connector. 157-. (canceled)58. A method of using a medical connector in conjunction with a first medical implement , the method comprising: a hollow housing having a female end and a male end;', 'a rigid hollow support fixedly positioned within the hollow housing and having a closed end adjacent the female end of the hollow housing, and an open end opposite the closed end; and', 'an elongate elastomeric member positioned at least partially between the hollow housing and the rigid hollow support, the elongate elastomeric member having a first end and a second end;', the elongate elastomeric member is configured to transition between a closed position wherein the first end is closed over the closed end of the rigid hollow support and an opened position wherein the first end is opened and positioned between the closed end of the rigid hollow support and the open end of the rigid hollow support; and', 'at least a portion of the interior passage of the rigid hollow support is visible through the hollow housing, through the rigid hollow support, and through the elongate elastomeric member when the elongate elastomeric member is in the closed position and when the elongate elastomeric member is in the opened position; and, 'wherein], 'providing the medical connector havingcoupling the male end of the housing to the first medical implement.59. The method of claim 58 , further comprising transitioning the elongate elastomeric member from the closed position to the opened position.60. The method of claim 59 , further comprising transitioning the elongate elastomeric member from the opened position to the closed position.61. The method of claim 58 , further ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050188A1
Автор: Accisano, III Nicholas

Medical push connectors and systems are provided. A medical push connector can include an engagement member operatively coupled to a release member. The engagement member may releasably couple a medical device to the medical push connector. Medical push connector systems may include one or more medical devices and a medical push connector coupled to, or coupleable to, the one or more medical devices. 1. A medical connector , comprising:a body having a first end and a second end;a body lumen extending through the body between the first end and the second end;a first release member coupled to the first end of the body, the first release member comprising a first release member lumen in communication with the body lumen; anda first engagement member operatively coupled to the first release member, the first engagement member deflectable in a radially outward direction to receive a first medical device, the first engagement member configured to releasably couple the first medical device to the medical connector.2. The medical connector of claim 1 , further comprising:a first seal disposed within the body lumen adjacent the first release member lumen, the first seal configured to sealingly engage the first medical device when the first medical device is disposed within the body lumen.3. The medical connector of claim 1 , further comprising:a second release member coupled to the second end of the body, the second release member comprising a second release member lumen in communication with the body lumen; anda second engagement member operatively coupled to the second release member, the second engagement member deflectable in a radially outward direction to receive a second medical device, the second engagement member configured to releasably couple the second medical device to the medical connector.4. The medical connector of claim 3 , further comprising:a second seal disposed within the body lumen adjacent the second release member lumen, the second seal configured to ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056005A1
Автор: Thorne Gale Harrison

Two embodiments of a normally closed asymmetric tapered fitting valve are disclosed. Each tapered fitting valve comprises a single molded incompressible, but supple part and a skeletal support whereby the tapered fitting valve is opened by insertion into a correspondingly sized female tapered fitting. Use of the valve specifically targets use with medical luer fittings, but is not limited thereto. The preferred embodiment of an actuator portion of the valve has dimensions which are identical those of a female tapered fitting into which the valve is inserted to open. The valve opens by compressing a slit which is disposed along a major axis of the asymmetric valve as it is advanced through a tapered circular duct. The valve has back-to-back closure features which maintain the valve closed when not inserted. A stand-alone male adapter comprising the tapered fitting valve is disclosed. Also, a syringe barrel comprising a skeletal support structure for a securely affixed valve to thereby provide a syringe barrel with an integrally affixed male adapter is also disclosed. 1. A normally-closed male valve which is opened upon insertion into a tapered female fitting of circular cross section , said valve comprising: a) a distally disposed exposed surface;', 'b) a tapered asymmetric valve core section comprising a distal end, a proximal end and a planar slit there between; and', 'c) an extended, hollow body proximally disposed relative to said valve core section, comprising an exterior which comprises a comparable tapered asymmetric shape as said valve core section, affixed to said proximal end of said valve core section,, '(i) a valve part comprising'}said valve core section comprising an exterior surface which comprises the corresponding circumferential dimensions as an internal surface of the tapered female fitting, when compressed and fully disposed therein, said slit having a width dimension which, when parted by radial compression of said valve core section, opens a ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079728A1
Автор: Senff Oscar, WAGNER Robert

An oral irrigator has a base unit housing a motor and a pump, a removable reservoir defining a reservoir cavity configured to mechanically couple to a top surface of the base unit and fluidly couple the reservoir cavity to the pump, and a belt drive assembly connecting the motor to the pump. The belt drive assembly includes a drive pulley connected to an output shaft of the motor, a driven pulley spaced apart from the drive pulley and mechanically connected to a piston that drives the pump, and a continuous belt connecting the drive pulley to the driven pulley. A handle for the oral irrigator may include a housing defining a slot formed in an outer wall of the housing. 1. A handle for an oral irrigator for directing a focused stream of fluid , the handle comprising:a housing defining a slot formed in an outer wall of the housing and bounded by two opposing walls spaced apart from each other and a transverse wall at a terminal interior end of the opposing walls such that the outer wall of the housing is open to the slot at lateral sides of the two opposing walls and at a base end of the opposing walls opposite the transverse wall.2. The handle of claim 1 , wherein the two opposing walls are planar.3. The handle of claim 1 , wherein the two opposing walls are parallel.4. The handle of claim 3 , wherein the two opposing walls are planar.5. The handle of claim 1 , wherein the handle extends from a first end to a second end in a generally elongate form along a longitudinal axis and the opposing walls defining the slot extend at an angle with respect to the longitudinal axis.6. The handle of claim 1 , wherein the slot is positioned adjacent to a center of mass of the handle.7. The handle of claim 1 , wherein the slot is positioned such that a length of the slot is centered between a length of the handle from a base end to a top end where a fluid tip attaches to the handle.8. An oral irrigator comprising:a base unit housing a motor and a pump;a removable reservoir defining ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060616A1
Автор: SOLOMON Clint

Methods and devices to facilitate positioning of a catheter into a vessel. Devices include axially concentric assemblies of a piercing needle and a dilator that guides an outer catheter into a vessel, such as a blood vessel. The assemblies described herein can include retraction mechanisms and/or lock mechanisms to control needle positioning during catheterization processes as well as improved valves that prevent leakage of fluid from the proximal end of the devices. The devices and method include the use of novel valves to prevent undesired leakage of fluids through the proximal end of the catheter. 1. A needle assembly comprising:a housing having a projection located therein;a first tubular member having a first hub slidably engaged with the housing;a needle having a needle hub, the needle extending through the first tubular member, the needle hub positioned within the assembly housing, the needle hub including a stop material positioned in a fluid path of the needle hub such that fluids passing through the needle into the needle hub contacts the stop material;a biasing element in contact with the needle hub applying a biasing force against the needle hub;where the needle assembly comprises an unloaded configuration where the stop material and the projection are adjacent without the biasing force acting therebetween;where the first hub and needle hub are moveable relative to each other to assume a loaded configuration where the biasing force drives the needle hub proximally to force the stop material against the projection such that the stop material prevents further proximal movement of the needle hub; andwherein when fluid in the needle hub contacts the stop material, the stop material weakens causing proximal movement of the needle hub such that a distal end of the needle retracts within the first tubular member.2. The needle assembly of claim 1 , wherein in the unloaded configuration and in the loaded configuration claim 1 , the distal end of the needle ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Medical pump

Номер: US20200060943A1
Принадлежит: Art Medical Ltd

A medical pump, comprising: a fluid housing having a plurality of intake openings, sealed by at least one intake valve, and an outlet opening sealed by an outlet valve; a piston which is sealing the fluid housing and connected to a drive mechanism, the drive mechanism pulls the piston to draw fluid from one of the plurality of intake openings and pushes the piston to discharge the fluid into the outlet opening; and a selecting valve enclosing at least two tubes, each providing fluid to one of the plurality of intake openings, wherein the selecting valve closes one of the at least two tubes while opening another of the at least two tubes.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061346A1
Автор: SOLOMON Clint
Принадлежит: I-V Access Technology, Inc.

Methods and devices to facilitate positioning of a catheter into a vessel. Devices include axially concentric assemblies of a piercing needle and a dilator that guides an outer catheter into a vessel, such as a blood vessel. The assemblies described herein can include retraction mechanisms and/or lock mechanisms to control needle positioning during catheterization processes as well as improved valves that prevent leakage of fluid from the proximal end of the devices. The devices and method include the use of novel valves to prevent undesired leakage of fluids through the proximal end of the catheter. 1. A catheter assembly for use with a male luer having a distal end and a lateral surface , the male luer having a connector portion , the catheter assembly comprising:a catheter hub having a chamber with a proximal surface defining an open proximal end;a catheter tubing coupled the catheter hub and having a lumen in fluid communication with the chamber; a barrier layer at a far end of the septum valve;', 'a wall portion extending proximally from the barrier layer towards a near end of the septum valve, the wall portion defining a valve cavity therein, the barrier layer extending perpendicularly to the wall portion at the far end, at least one slit extending through the barrier layer forming a plurality of leaflets in the barrier layer;', 'a flange portion at the near end of the septum valve, the flange portion having a diameter greater than a diameter of the wall portion;, 'a septum valve comprisingthe septum valve is coupled to the catheter hub such that the flange portion engages the proximal surface of the catheter hub exterior to the chamber and the wall portion engages a surface of the chamber; andwherein insertion of the male luer into the valve cavity causes the distal end of the male luer to open the slit and separate the plurality of leaflets, while the lateral surface of the male luer engages the wall portion within the valve cavity causing the wall portion ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Liquid infusion apparatus

Номер: US20210069408A1
Автор: Roger E. Susi
Принадлежит: IRadimed Corp

An apparatus and method are disclosed for controlling infusion of liquid into a patient using a peristaltic pump. The liquid infusion apparatus includes a liquid conduit having a proximal segment, a distal segment and an intermediate segment. The liquid infusion apparatus also includes a flow valve in fluid communication with the intermediate and distal segments. The flow valve includes a shuttle member slidably disposed within a housing about the distal segment, the shuttle member being configured for lateral movement relative to an elongated axis of the distal segment. The shuttle member is configured to operate in a first configuration to impede fluid flow through the liquid conduit and in a second configuration for which fluid flow through the liquid conduit is unimpeded. The shuttle member includes a resilient grasper for selectively engaging and disengaging a mating actuator resiliently received by the grasper.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Swabable Valve With Curvilinear Valve Stem

Номер: US20210069485A1
Автор: Rogier Stephen J.
Принадлежит: Halkey-Roberts Corporation

A swabable valve () comprising a valve stem () that collapses into a valve body (), said valve body () including a generally cylindrical reduced diameter section () having a generally circular rim, said valve stem () having a generally cylindrical reduced diameter portion () that extends fully into said cylindrical reduced diameter section () of said valve body (), said cylindrical reduced diameter portion () including a through-slit () that opens when said valve stem () collapses into said valve body (), said valve stem () having a concave curvilinear surface () that is substantially flush with said circular rim of said cylindrical reduced diameter section () of said valve body () when said valve stem () is not collapsed into said valve body (); said concave curvilinear upper surface () of said valve stem () extending rim-to-rim within said cylindrical reduced diameter section () of said valve body (). 1101001212181003818123852100121001021812100121021001812. A swabable valve () comprising a valve stem () that collapses into a valve body () , said valve body () including a generally cylindrical reduced diameter section () having a generally circular rim , said valve stem () having a generally cylindrical reduced diameter portion () that extends fully into said cylindrical reduced diameter section () of said valve body () , said cylindrical reduced diameter portion () including a through-slit () that opens when said valve stem () collapses into said valve body () , said valve stem () having a concave curvilinear surface () that is substantially flush with said circular rim of said cylindrical reduced diameter section () of said valve body () when said valve stem () is not collapsed into said valve body (); said concave curvilinear upper surface () of said valve stem () extending rim-to-rim within said cylindrical reduced diameter section () of said valve body ().210381103810211038. The swabable valve () as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said reduced diameter portion ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Closed male luer device for minimizing leakage during connection and disconnection

Номер: US20150073380A1
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

A medical connector for minimizing leakage of fluids during connection and disconnection is described. The medical connector includes a body having an inlet port, at least one outlet port adjacent to a male luer portion of the body, and a fluid path between the inlet port and the at least one outlet ports. A retractable seal adjacent to the male luer portion of the body and blocks the outlet ports of the body when the male luer portion of the medical connect is in a disconnected state. The retractable seal is positioned on the body such that it is moved away from the outlet ports upon insertion of the male luer portion of the medical connector into a medical access device thereby unblocking the outlet ports and creating a fluid path through the medical connector.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Catch Assembly For Releasably Connecting Fluid Conduits

Номер: US20220088364A1
Принадлежит: Wilmarc Holdings LLC

Disclosed herein are embodiments of a connector system for releasably connecting together tubes, for example medical tubing, and methods of making and using such a connector system, whereby the connector system includes a female coupler having a first passageway; a male coupler having a second passageway; and a catch assembly comprising a catch movably coupled to the female coupler, a catch-biasing member which biases the catch, and a follower responsive to a cam, whereby the catch is responsive to the follower and correspondingly, the cam.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Unitary Medical Connector with a Rigid and a Resilient Portion

Номер: US20190070400A1
Автор: Chelak Todd, Maseda Luis

A one-piece medical connector has a unitary body. The unitary body includes a rigid portion that forms a housing. The unitary body also includes a resilient portion located at least partially within the housing. At least a movable portion of the resilient portion is configured to move relative to the rigid portion. Movement of the resilient portion selectively permits fluid flow through the connector. The rigid portion and the resilient portion form a one-piece unitary connector. 1. A one-piece medical connector having a unitary body comprising:a rigid portion forming a housing; anda resilient portion located at least partially within the housing, at least a movable portion of the resilient portion is configured to move relative to the rigid portion to selectively permit fluid flow through the medical connector;the rigid portion and the resilient portion forming a one-piece unitary connector.2. The one-piece medical connector as defined by wherein the rigid portion and the resilient portion are formed by additive manufacturing.3. The one-piece medical connector as defined by wherein the housing comprises a distal portion and a proximal portion.4. The one-piece medical connector as defined by wherein the proximal portion forms an inlet and the distal portion forms an outlet.5. The one-piece medical connector as defined by wherein the connector is a pressure-activated connector.6. The one-piece medical connector as defined by wherein the connector is a luer-activated connector.7. The one-piece medical connector as defined by wherein the housing forms an interior claim 1 , the medical connector further comprising:a post member within the interior, the post member having a lumen that is a part of the flow path and a solid wall surrounding and defining the lumen, the lumen having an opening to the interior of the housing.8. The one-piece medical connector as defined by wherein the resilient portion has a normally closed aperture.9. The one-piece medical connector as ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090720A1

A bag connector system includes a first coupling element, with a self-closing seal and a housing having a fluid inlet port and a fluid outlet port, and a second coupling element, with a housing having a fluid inlet end and a fluid outlet end. The fluid inlet end is configured to displace the self-closing seal when inserted into the fluid outlet port of the first coupling element. A bag connector system optionally includes a locking mechanism to maintain the first coupling element and second coupling element in a coupled state. Uncoupling of the first and second coupling elements results in minimal fluid contamination on the outer surfaces of the coupling elements. The bag connector systems provided herein are included in medical appliances for waste management. 131-. (canceled)32. A bag connector system , comprising:{'claim-text': ['a first housing having a first fluid inlet and a first fluid outlet; and', 'a self-closing seal to prevent fluid flow from exiting the first fluid outlet, wherein the self-closing seal comprises a sliding cover connected to a spring element; and'], '#text': 'a first coupling element, comprising:'}{'claim-text': ['a second housing having a second fluid inlet and a second fluid outlet, the second coupling element fluid inlet configured to displace the self-closing seal when engaged with the first fluid outlet;', 'a check valve; and', 'a valve holder positioned about the second fluid inlet and retaining at least a portion of the check valve in a fixed position.'], '#text': 'a second coupling element, comprising:'}33. The bag connector system of claim 32 , wherein the check valve comprises a duckbill valve.34. The bag connector system of claim 32 , wherein the first coupling element further comprises at least one O-ring.35. The bag connector system of claim 32 , further comprising means to maintain the first coupling element and the second coupling element in a coupled state.36. The bag connector system of claim 35 , wherein the means to ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Neutral Pressure Split Septum Luer Access Device

Номер: US20210077803A1
Автор: Lynn Lawrence Allan

A neutral pressure split-septum luer access device is described for receiving a luer lock connector. The septum has a plurality of elastomeric columns projecting laterally within a chamber. Each elastomeric column is under sufficient compression so that the columns are bowed and the column strength is reduced by bowing, but the slit sealing force is high. This configuration places the lower portion of the slit in a tightly sealed configuration which is never-the-less receptive to penetration by the male luer which causes the columns to bow further and collapse precipitously with the elastomeric force of the collapsing mass of the columns being carried distally to displace and pop open the central slit distal the tip of the male luer. The septum further provides a transverse separation between the columns and a distal sealing portion so the force of the displacement force to the sealing portion is reduced. 1. A luer receiving valve for receiving a male luer mounted within a threadable luer lock connector shroud , the valve comprising: a luer valve housing having a channel for fluid passage and an inlet , an outlet , the housing having a proximal portion sized to be received into the luer lock connector shroud adjacent the inlet , and a distal portion having at least one transversely enlarged chamber defining at least one internal wall , the chamber having a diameter greater than the shroud , a septum positioned within the channel , the septum defining an upper portion with an outer face mounted adjacent the inlet , and a plurality of elastomeric columns projecting laterally within the chamber , and a lower sealing portion in sealing contact with the distal portion , the septum further having a central slit through the face , the slit being configured to allow insertion and penetration of the male luer into the central slit.2. The luer receiving valve of claim 1 , wherein each elastomeric column defines a longitudinal axis and is under compression along the ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140155838A1
Принадлежит: CAREFUSION 303, INC.

A medical connector is described which is formed by a body having an inlet port, an outlet port through a male luer portion of the body, and a fluid path between the inlet port and the at least one outlet ports. A retractable post extends through the fluid path in the male luer sealing a tip of the male luer thereby closing the fluid path when the connector in not activated. There is a seal between the retractable post and the body that forms a fluid volume within a portion of the cavity. The fluid path passes through the fluid volume. When actuated, the retractable post is forced away from the tip of the male luer, thereby opening the fluid path through the medical connector and decreasing the fluid volume. 1. A medical connector comprising:a body having an inlet port, an outlet port through a male luer portion of the body, and a fluid path from the inlet port to the outlet port;a post extending through the fluid path in the male luer sealing a tip of the male luer thereby closing the fluid path when the connector is not activated;a channel formed in the male luer from the outlet port to a periphery of the tip; anda first seal disposed between the post and the body, the first seal configured to form a fluid volume within a portion of the cavity, the fluid path passing through the fluid volume;wherein the post is urged away from the tip of the male luer when the connector is engaged with a mating female luer connector, thereby opening the fluid path through the medical connector and decreasing the fluid volume, andwherein fluid in the male luer is drawn into the outlet port through the channel during disengagement from a mating female luer connector.2. The medical connector of claim 1 , wherein the channel is formed in the tip of the male luer.3. The medical connector of claim 2 , wherein fluid around the tip of the male luer is drawn into the outlet port through the channel in the tip as the fluid volume increases during the disengagement.4. The medical connector ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076639A1

A medical connector for use in a fluid pathway includes a housing configured to permit fluid flow between a first medical device and a second device or location. The medical connector includes a valve member configured to be positioned at least partially within the housing. The valve member is configured to receive the first medical device. The valve member can be moved into a second state. The connector can be adapted for use with a catheter assembly. 1. A medical connector for permitting fluid flow between a first medical device and a second medical device , the medical connector comprising:an upper housing comprising an upper end configured to receive a first medical device and at least two downward projections centered about a central longitudinal axis of the upper housing, the at least two downward projections each having a first angular width at a base and alignment surfaces that each extend from a side edge of the downward projection to an edge at a lower tip of the projection;a seal element fixed to the upper housing; anda lower housing comprising a lower end configured to receive a second medical device, at least two upward projections centered around a central longitudinal axis of the lower housing, each upward projection having two alignment surfaces that each extend from a side edge of the upward projection to an edge at an upper tip of each projection, and at least two gaps having a second angular width and bounded on either side by adjacent upward projections;wherein the upper and lower housings are configured to be joined together, each downward projection configured to fit within one of the at least two gaps; andwherein the alignment surfaces of the downward and upward projections comprise matching helical surfaces.2. The medical connector of claim 1 , wherein the first angular width is less than the second angular width.3. The medical connector of claim 2 , wherein the first angular width and second angular width are sized such that each of the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Tubular fitting for medical fluid lines

Номер: US20190076641A1
Автор: Gianni Guala
Принадлежит: Industrie Borla SpA

A tubular fitting for medical fluid lines includes a hollow body within which a male connector and an opposite female connector are coaxially housed. The male connector is coupled in rotation with respect to the body in a direction corresponding to a screwing with a female connector of the line, while it is normally freely rotatable in the unscrewing direction, in the same way as the female connector is coupled in rotation with respect to the body in the direction corresponding to the screwing with a male connector of the line, while it is normally freely rotatable in the unscrewing direction. The male connector and/or the female connector can possibly be locked in rotation with respect to the body in the unscrewing direction, only following a positive command.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080203A1

Described is a priming device to prime a gas from a fluid delivery system by receiving the gas and a fluid used to push the gas into a chamber, the priming device including a cover body having a lid, and a housing having a chamber, an inlet port and an opening to release gas received into the chamber. The device has a priming-ready configuration where the medical connector and the housing are coupled with the cover body, and the fluid path of the medical connector and the passage of the housing remain sealed, a priming configuration where the medical connector is advanced in the cover body to fluidly couple with the housing, and a post-priming configuration where the housing is decoupled from the cover body and the lid closed to prevent contamination of the medical connector. 1. A priming device comprising: an opening extending from within the chamber to outside the housing and configured to permit a gas to exit the chamber;', 'a valve extending from the inlet port toward the chamber, wherein in a sealed position the valve seals the inlet port, and in an open position, the valve does not seal the inlet port; and, 'a housing defining a chamber and an inlet port, wherein the chamber and the inlet port are fluidly coupled, the housing comprisinga cover body having an open first end, an open second end, and an axis between the first end and the second end, the first end configured to couple with a male luer connector, the second end configured to couple with the inlet port of the housing.2. The priming device of claim 1 , wherein when the priming device is in a priming-ready configuration claim 1 , the inlet port is disposed within the second end of the cover body claim 1 , and the valve is in a sealed position.3. The priming device of claim 1 , wherein when the priming device is in a priming configuration claim 1 , the inlet port is advanced over a portion of a male luer connector stem to fluidly couple the housing with the male luer connector claim 1 , thereby opening ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Medical Functional Device with a Valve Seat for A Remanent Check Valve

Номер: US20170080205A1
Автор: Lauer Martin

The present invention relates to a medical functional device () with a valve seat () for a check valve (), wherein the check valve () is embodied such that it takes, in addition to a first position which is suitable for gas sterilization, a second, functional position, by means of applying force onto a section of the check valve () and/or by means of moving or shifting the section, in which the check valve adopts a check or non-return function, wherein the check valve () is embodied such that it remains in the second position after release or shortfall of the force and/or the moving effect following an accomplished transfer into the second position. 19008031111. Medical functional device () having a valve seat () for a check valve () , wherein the check valve () is embodied such that it takes , by means of applying force onto a section of the check valve () and/or by means of moving or shifting the section , in addition to a first position , which is suitable for gas sterilization , a second , functional position wherein the check valve adopts a check or non-return function , wherein the check valve () is embodied such that it remains in the second position after release or shortfall of the force and/or of the moving effect following an accomplished transfer into the second position.2900195110001000. The functional device () according to claim 1 , wherein the check valve () is embodied such that it is transferred from the first position into the second position by means of an actuator () of a blood treatment apparatus () for the operation of which the functional device is connected to the blood treatment apparatus ().39001951. The functional device () according to or claim 1 , embodied such that the check valve () remains claim 1 , due to friction closure claim 1 , in the second position after release of the force or after retraction of the transferring or moving or shifting actuator ().490013040506070802516170801b. The functional device () according to any one of ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078712A1
Автор: Fangrow Thomas F.

A connector system for medical fluid includes a male connector and a female connector that have a closed configuration when detached from one another. The first end of the male connector is configured to mate with a first end of the female connector. When the male connector is coupled with the female connector, complementary structures engage to move seals away from ports in the male connector and the female connector, opening a fluid pathway through the connectors. The mating ends of the connectors are not exposed to the medical fluid when the connectors are coupled so that when the connectors are disconnected, the mating ends are substantially free of residual medical fluid. 1. A medical connector system configured to facilitate medical fluid transfer and containment , the medical connector system comprising: a first region comprising a female portion;', 'a second region comprising a shroud and a male portion;', 'an engagement and release structure;', 'a resilient seal disposed at a distal end of the male portion; and', 'a valve member with a distal mating surface, the valve member being moveable within the male portion of the first medical connector between a closed position and an opened position, a portion of the valve member being disposed within the resilient seal in the closed position and the valve member being configured to be moved proximally within the male portion into the opened position, the valve member being biased toward the closed position; and, 'a first medical connector comprising a female region configured to receive the male portion of the first medical connector;', 'an engagement portion on an external surface;', 'a fluid conduit; and', 'a resilient seal element disposed at the proximal end of the second medical connector, the seal element being moveable between a closed configuration and an opened configuration;, 'a second medical connector comprisingwherein the first and second medical connectors are configured to be securely attached ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220096816A1

A needleless connector includes a housing having a central longitudinal axis, a body portion, and a base portion. The body portion includes an inner surface forming an internal cavity, and a first port forming a first fluid passage to the housing cavity. The base portion includes a top end section and a bottom end section. The top end section has a protrusion, and the bottom end portion has a second port forming a second fluid passage to the housing cavity. The needleless connector further includes a valve having a wall with an inner surface forming a valve cavity. The valve is coupled with the housing such that the protrusion is positioned in the valve cavity, and a proximal end of the protrusion is spaced apart from a proximal end of the valve cavity. 1. A needleless connector comprising:a housing comprising a central longitudinal axis, a body portion, and a base portion, the body portion comprising an inner surface forming an internal cavity, and a first port forming a first fluid passage to the internal cavity, the base portion comprising a top end section and a bottom end section, the top end section comprising a protrusion, and the bottom end section comprising a second port forming a second fluid passage to the internal cavity; anda valve comprising a wall having an inner surface forming a valve cavity, wherein the valve is coupled with the housing such that the protrusion is positioned in the valve cavity, and a proximal end of the protrusion is spaced apart from a proximal end of the valve cavity.2. The needleless connector of claim 1 , wherein the internal cavity is formed between the first and second ports.3. The needleless connector of claim 1 , wherein the proximal end of the protrusion is positioned between the central longitudinal axis and the inner surface of the valve.4. The needleless connector of claim 1 , wherein the valve comprises a first end portion and a second end portion claim 1 , and the valve cavity comprises a first valve cavity and a ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090353A1
Автор: AYDIN Tolga

The invention relates to a connecting element, in particular for connecting vessels and for producing a fluidic connection between vessels or elements joined to the connecting element. The invention also relates to an elastic spring element as a valve element. 1. Connecting element with a housing having a first receiving space with a first joining element and a first shiftable valve element arranged therein , and having a second receiving space with a second joining element with a second shiftable valve element arranged therein , the first and the second receiving space are fluidically connected to each other , wherein the first valve element is of elastically deformable design and is shiftable , and the second valve element is of elastically deformable design and is shiftable , wherein the first valve element is shiftable between two positions , wherein , in the first position , a fluidic connection between the first receiving space and the first joining element is interrupted by the first valve element and , in the second position , a fluidic connection between the first receiving space and the first joining element is opened by the first valve element , and wherein the second valve element is shiftable between two positions , wherein , in the first position , a fluidic connection between the second receiving space and the second joining element is interrupted by the second valve element and , in the second position , a fluidic connection between the second receiving space and the second joining element is opened by the second valve element , wherein the first valve element is formed with a duct which is closed in the first position of the first valve element and is opened in the second position of the first valve element , wherein a hollow pin is arranged in the first receiving space and engages in the duct.2. Connecting element with a housing having a first receiving space with a first joining element and a first shiftable valve element arranged therein , and ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085544A1

The invention relates to a respiratory system comprising a first patient interface for delivery of a first flow of gases to a patient, a second patient interface for delivery of a second flow of gases to the patient, and a device and/or sensing arrangement that is configure to facilitate a switching of the system between a first respiratory mode where the device allowing delivery of the first flow of gases to an outlet of the first patient interface when the second patient interface is absent from the patient, and a second respiratory mode where the device reducing or stopping delivery of the first flow of gases to the outlet of the first patient interface when the second patient interface is located together with the first patient interface upon the patient. 1. A respiratory apparatus for providing respiratory support to a patient , the apparatus comprising:a nasal interface and a gas conduit for delivering a flow of gases to an outlet of the nasal interface, and a device and/or a sensing arrangement adapted to configure the apparatus between a first configuration for providing a first level of the flow of gases to the outlet and a second configuration for providing a second level of the flow of gases to the outlet, the second level less than the first level, wherein the device and/or the sensor arrangement is located at the nasal interface or at or near to a patient end of the conduit.2. A respiratory apparatus for providing respiratory support to a patient , the apparatus comprising:a nasal interface and a gas conduit for delivering a flow of gases to an outlet of the nasal interface, and a device adapted to configure the gas conduit between a first configuration for providing a first level of the flow of gases to the outlet and a second configuration for providing a second level of the flow of gases to the outlet, the second level less than the first level,a sensing arrangement comprising a first pressure sensor located downstream of the device, and a second ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089529A1

A connector device for a fluid system for medical purposes is disclosed that includes a main housing having a fluid flow chamber forming two channel portions leading in different directions towards two open attachments, wherein the attachments are provided for connection to a fluid line or a fluid reservoir, and also with an attachment port which opens into the fluid flow chamber and which has a closure arrangement and which includes a Luer connecting portion. The fluid flow chamber has a dimensionally stable flow-guiding wall which is arranged between the two channel portions in the fluid flow chamber and protrudes freely with a front edge towards the attachment port in such a way that the closure arrangement, upon opening of the closure arrangement, interacts with the front edge of the flow-guiding wall in order to effect a flow of fluid out of the attachment port into only one channel portion. 1. A connector device for a fluid system for medical purposes , with a main housing which has a fluid flow chamber that forms channel portions leading in different directions towards two open attachments , wherein the attachments are provided for connection to in each case a fluid line or a fluid reservoir , and also with an attachment port which opens into the fluid flow chamber and is provided with a closure arrangement and which comprises a connecting portion for connection to an attachment part , wherein the fluid flow chamber has a dimensionally stable flow-guiding wall which is rigidly arranged between the two channel portions in the fluid flow chamber and protrudes freely with a front edge towards the attachment port in such a way that the closure arrangement , in an open position , interacts with the front edge of the flow-guiding wall in order to obtain a flow of fluid from the attachment port at least substantially to only one channel portion.2. The connector device according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting portion is designed as a Luer slip or Luer lock ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085690A1
Автор: Fangrow Thomas F.

In some embodiments, a medical fluid connector is configured to receive an emitter of therapeutic agents to be emitted into a fluid pathway within the connector, the medical fluid connector comprising a proximal female end, an intermediate region, a distal male end, and a fluid pathway extending from the proximal female end, through the intermediate region, to the distal male end. A retaining structure is positioned within the intermediate region. The retaining structure is configured to securely receive an emitter of one or more therapeutic agents in a position and orientation where the fluid pathway is configured to convey fluid moving longitudinally through the fluid pathway directly into a proximal region of the emitter, around one or more lateral surfaces of the emitter, and toward the distal male end. 114-. (canceled)15. A medical fluid connector configured to receive an emitter of therapeutic agents to be emitted into a fluid pathway within the connector , the medical fluid connector comprising:an outer housing comprising a proximal female end, an intermediate region, a distal male end, an internal wall, and a fluid pathway, wherein the fluid pathway extends from the proximal female end through the intermediate region to the distal male end;a retaining structure configured to securely receive an emitter of one or more therapeutic agents within a receiving region such that the movement of the emitter is restricted, the emitter is spaced away from the internal wall, and there is not an emitter position in which a fluid cannot flow around the emitter, wherein the retaining structure is configured to receive the emitter in a position and orientation such that the fluid pathway conveys fluid moving longitudinally through the fluid pathway directly into a proximal region of the emitter, around one or more lateral surfaces of the emitter, around a distal end of the emitter, and toward the distal male end.16. The medical fluid connector of claim 15 , wherein the ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093850A1
Автор: Fangrow Thomas F.

Some embodiments disclosed herein relate to a medical connector having a backflow resistance module configured to prevent fluid from being drawn into the connector when a backflow inducing event occurs. In some embodiments, the backflow resistance module can include a variable-volume chamber configured to change in volume in response to a backflow-inducing event and a check valve configured to resist backflow. In some embodiments, the medical connector can include a fluid diverter configured to direct fluid flowing through the medical connector into the variable volume chamber to prevent fluid stagnation therein. In some embodiments, the medical connector includes a body member, a base member, a seal member, a support member, and a valve member. 1. A medical connector for use in a fluid pathway , the medical connector comprising:a housing comprising: a unitary first part with a proximal female end with a proximal opening, and a unitary second part that is separate from and directly attached to the first part, the second part comprising a distal male end;a first valve positioned substantially or entirely within the housing, the first valve comprising a proximal end and a distal end, the first valve being movable between a closed position and an open position, and the first valve being configured to selectively seal the proximal opening;a second valve positioned within the second part of the housing, the second valve comprising a proximal end and a distal end, the second valve being configured to selectively seal within the housing at a position distal of the first valve; andan internal open-topped tubular projection positioned between the proximal end of the first valve and the proximal end of the second valve, the tubular projection comprising a hole at a proximal tip of the tubular projection, permitting fluid to flow through the medical connector in a straight direction from the female end to the male end, the hole being positioned inside of the first valve when ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Medical Valve with Improved Back-Pressure Sealing

Номер: US20180093086A1

A medical valve transitions between an open mode that permits fluid flow, and a closed mode that prevents fluid flow. To that end, the medical valve has a housing with an inlet and an outlet, a rigid member movably mounted within the housing, and a resilient member with a sealing portion. The housing also has at least one relief zone that is in fluid communication with the outlet when the valve is in the closed mode. The rigid member may have a proximal end, a distal end, and a flow channel. The relief zone may be radially outward from the sealing portion. The sealing portion may seal the valve and prevent fluid from passing through the valve when in the closed mode. 1. A medical valve having an open mode that permits fluid flow , and a closed mode that prevents fluid flow , the medical valve comprising:a housing having an inlet and an outlet;a plug member movably mounted within the housing and having a proximal end, a distal end, and a first portion, the plug member having a hole within the first portion and configured to allow fluid flow through the plug member;a resilient member having a sealing portion, the sealing portion having an outer surface and a first seal member, the first seal member sealing the hole when the valve is in the closed mode, the outer surface of the sealing portion coaxial with an outer surface of the first portion of the plug member, wherein a proximally directed pressure within the valve directly acts upon the outer surface of the sealing portion, thereby increasing the seal at the hole when the valve is in the closed mode.2. A medical valve according to claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the sealing portion and the outer surface of the first portion are parallel to a longitudinal axis of the medical valve.3. A medical valve according to claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the sealing portion and the outer surface of the first portion are substantially cylindrical.4. A medical valve according to claim 1 , wherein an inner diameter ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140175314A1
Принадлежит: IV Valve ApS

The present invention relates to a valve assembly for insertion in a liquid flow path between a catheter or drain and a liquid bag or container. The valve assembly comprises a first valve member detachably coupled to a second valve member or coupling member by mating locking members. A first controllable valve is adapted to selectively block or enable liquid flow through the first valve member in accordance with a valve control mechanism which is responsive to a coupling state of the first and second locking members. 1. A valve assembly for insertion in a liquid flow path between a drain or catheter and a liquid vessel or container , the valve assembly comprising: an inlet port connectable to a first delivery tube and arranged at a first side of the first valve member;', 'a first coupling port arranged at a second side of the first valve member;', 'a first locking member;', 'a first controllable valve adapted to selectively block or enable liquid flow between the inlet port and the first coupling port in accordance with a valve control mechanism; and, 'a first valve member comprising an outlet port connectable to a second delivery tube and arranged at a first side of the coupling member;', 'a second coupling port arranged at a second side of the coupling member;', 'a second locking member configured for mating engagement with the first locking member on the first valve member;, 'a coupling member comprisingwherein the valve control mechanism is responsive to a coupling state of the first and second locking members.2. A valve assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling member comprises:a second controllable valve for selectively blocking or enabling liquid flow between the outlet port and the second coupling port of the coupling member in accordance with the valve control mechanism.3. A valve assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second locking members are configured to transit from an engaged coupling state to a detached coupling state at a ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093705A1
Автор: Swisher David Rork
Принадлежит: KPR U.S., LLC

An enteral feeding connector facilitates an increased flow rate into and through the connector to accommodate feeding fluids requiring higher flow rates for delivery. The connector includes a male connector portion including an inlet, a fluid passage in fluid communication with the inlet, and at least one connector projection at the inlet. The connector projection defines a cross-sectional area of the inlet configured to facilitate delivering feeding fluid requiring higher flow rates through the connector. 1. An enteral feeding syringe assembly comprising:a syringe including a barrel and a connector portion having a syringe fluid passage in fluid communication with the barrel and extending through the connector portion to an port of the syringe, the syringe fluid passage including a main portion defining a centerline of the syringe fluid passage and a constricted portion, the constricted portion including a first axially facing blocking surface of the connector portion defining at least a portion of a boundary of the constricted portion of the syringe fluid passage, a second axially facing surface located on a diametrically opposite side of the centerline from the first axially facing surface and defining at least a portion of the boundary of the constricted portion, and a third axially facing surface angularly offset about the centerline from the first axially facing surface and defining at least a portion of the boundary of the constricted portion, the third axially facing surface being spaced from the centerline a distance greater than at least one of the first and second axially facing surfaces; anda connector configured for attachment to the syringe to connect the syringe in fluid communication with a fluid containment device, the connector comprising a male connector portion receivable in the fluid passage of the syringe connector portion, the male connector having a connector fluid passage extending through the connector, the connector fluid passage including ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180099137A1
Автор: Fangrow Thomas F.

Some embodiments disclosed herein relate to medical connectors with a housing comprising a proximal body member and a base member that form an internal cavity with a proximal abutment surface. A seal member and a rigid, hollow elongated portion are located within the internal cavity such that a proximal tip of the elongated member extends proximally within the internal cavity further than the abutment surface. 1. A medical connector comprising:a housing comprising a proximal body member and a base member;the proximal body member comprising a proximal opening, a distal end, and an internal abutment surface that is located distal from the proximal opening of the proximal body member, but closer to the proximal opening of the body member than to the distal end of the body member, the abutment surface comprising a proximal end, a distal end, and a slanting wall extending between the proximal and distal ends such that the distal end of the abutment surface is wider than the proximal end of the abutment surface;a base member coupled to the proximal body member, the base member comprising a distally extending male end;an internal cavity formed between the proximal body member and the base member;an elastomeric seal member located within the internal cavity, the seal member comprising proximal and distal ends and an elastomeric collar located distal from the proximal end of the seal member but closer to the proximal end of the seal member than to the distal end of the seal member, the seal member being configured to move between a closed position and a compressed open position, such that the proximal end of the seal member moves distally in transitioning from the closed position to the open position; anda rigid, hollow elongated portion located within the seal member, the elongated portion comprising a proximal tip and an internal fluid passageway, the elongated portion extending proximally from the base member, the proximal tip of the elongated portion being located ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Syringe adapter

Номер: US20220168503A1
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

An exemplary syringe adapter for coupling with a syringe may include a housing. A needle-free connector may be disposed in the housing. A communication member may be in slidable engagement with the housing. The communication member may be slidable, with respect to the housing, between an unactuated state and an actuated state of the syringe adapter. A cannula may extend from the communication. In the unactuated state, the cannula may be retracted within the needle-free connector. In the actuated state, the cannula may protrude through and axially beyond the needle-free connector.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168555A1

A medical connector is described which is formed by a body having an inlet port, an outlet port through a male luer portion of the body, and a fluid path between the inlet port and the at least one outlet ports. A retractable post extends through the fluid path in the male luer sealing a tip of the male luer thereby closing the fluid path when the connector in not activated. There is a seal between the retractable post and the body that forms a fluid volume within a portion of the cavity. The fluid path passes through the fluid volume. When actuated, the retractable post is forced away from the tip of the male luer, thereby opening the fluid path through the medical connector and decreasing the fluid volume. 1. A medical connector comprising:a body comprising a cavity, a first port, and a second port through a male luer portion of the body;a bellows valve positioned with the cavity to separate the cavity into a first volume and a second volume, wherein a fluid path extends through the bellows valve and between the first port and the second port; anda post positioned within the cavity, between the bellows valve the second port, such that, when the medical connector is in a closed configuration, the post is biased toward the second port to sealingly close the fluid path through the second port, and, when the medical connector is in an open configuration, the post and bellows valve are urged away from the second port to decrease the first volume in the cavity and open the fluid path through the second port.2. The medical connector of claim 1 , wherein the bellows valve comprises a seating ring coupled to the body claim 1 , between the first and second port.3. The medical connector of claim 1 , comprising a barb arm extending from the post and along an outer surface of the male luer portion claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the medical connector is activated claim 1 , the barb arm is engaged by a secondary device to urge the barb arm and the post toward the first port.4. ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Peripheral IV Catheter with Bi-Valve Secure System

Номер: US20160106971A1

The Purpose of our devise “Peripheral Intravenous Catheter With an internal Bi-Valvular Secure System” is to Avoid Back-flow spilling of blood or any other biological substance during the insertion of a catheter. Not only the Bi-valvular secure system is adaptable for the use in intravenous or arterial catheters but it can also be adapted to any type of Medical system catheters available in Medical practice due to its unique design, and without the need of changing the complete physical structure of the catheter. The present invention is for Medical field use and it provides a much more sterile and secure approach in reducing the risk of exposure to biological substances while at the same time reducing the risk of contamination to both the patient and the health care provider. 1. Our invention is a unique valvular devise that is applicable to any medical systems catheter , it was specifically designed to avoid back flow of biological substances. The devise was first designed to be applicable to any simple peripheral line catheter with the idea of avoiding back flow spilling of blood whether be venous or arterial , but it is also a valvular design adaptable to any medical systems catheter without the advantage of not having to change the physical shape and components of any catheter. In the peripheral line catheters to which the Bi-valvular design was primitively inserted , the Bi-valvular system was adjusted perfectly into the central hub and automatically sealing the catheter by avoiding any escape , and converting the catheter into a closed system catheter with a unique Bi-valvular system that allows the easy extraction or removal of the needle or guide wire once the catheter is inserted and/or if needed the reinsertion of the needle or guide wire if manipulation and relocation of the catheter is needed. The advantage of this Bi-valvular devise is that the manipulation of the needle or guide wire will not damage the valve or impede its function. We claim the ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Medical luer connector

Номер: US20170106181A1
Принадлежит: Halkey Roberts Corp

A Luer medical connector having a male Luer body for connection with a female Luer assembly which includes a female Luer body, a fluid channel insert within the female Luer body, an elastomeric seal between the female Luer body and the male Luer body, and an elastomeric stopper at a proximal end of the female Luer body.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Medical valve

Номер: US20170106182A1
Принадлежит: Nipro Corp

A medical valve which is able to more reliably support an outer peripheral part of an elastic valve body with respect to a housing, and prevent a problem of the elastic valve body becoming dislodged inward. A medical valve includes an elastic valve body with annular grooves formed thereon and a tubular support part formed at an outer peripheral side of an annular joining part positioned between the annular grooves. Inside and outside holding parts engage the annular grooves provided to the valve inside and outside surfaces of the annular joining part. The outside holding part and inside holding part are provided to an opening member, and with the tubular support part, a part projecting inward in an axial direction is sandwiched and supported between the inside holding part and outside holding part.

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Device for connecting or filling and method

Номер: US20150122369A1
Автор: Daniel Py
Принадлежит: Individual

A valve comprises a shell, a flexible valve member sealingly mounted within the shell, and a valve body mounted atop the flexible valve member within the shell. The flexible member is moveable between closed and open positions to allow the flow of fluid therethrough. The valve is engageable with a filling device having flow ports and a surrounding closure. The closure and/or the shaft is movable between (i) a first position wherein the closure closes the port(s), and (ii) a second position opening the port(s). Alternatively, the valve may comprise a portion of a female connector and the filling device may comprise a portion of a male connector to form an aseptic fluid connector for the aseptic transfer of fluid therethrough.

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Connector for Medical Use

Номер: US20150126942A1

A connector for a medical use comprising a fitting secured to a chamber, the fitting being provided at its center with a needle encased at least in its terminal portion in the recess of an elastic seal having, across the thickness of its free end, a slit or the like, the elastic seal being further provided with a ring. A terminal end of the elastic seal has a deformable peripheral rim overlapping the end of said ring. 1. A connector for a medical use comprising a fitting secured to a chamber , the fitting being provided at its center with a needle extending in said chamber and emerging into its terminal end , said terminal end having a cross-section capable of receiving , by friction , a connector of male Luer type , the needle being provided with at least one lateral through hole and being placed at least in its terminal portion , including the hole(s) , in the recess of an elastic seal having , across the thickness of its free end , a slit or the like , the elastic seal being further provided with a ring encircling its terminal portion at least all the way to the area opposite the hole(s) of the needle , wherein the terminal end of the elastic seal has a deformable peripheral rim covering the free end of said ring.2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the deformable peripheral rim is in contact with the internal wall of the chamber along its entire circumference.3. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the deformable peripheral rim is in contact with the internal edge of the free end of the chamber.4. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the deformable peripheral rim is positioned flush with the internal edge of the free end of the chamber.5. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the deformable peripheral rim is tangent to the free end of the chamber.6. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the deformable peripheral rim has the shape of a V directed towards the internal wall of the chamber.7. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the elastic seal has a substantially conical ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Closed iv access device with y-port needle-free connector

Номер: US20170120028A1
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

A multi-port connector such as a closed intravenous (IV) access device with a y-port needle-free connector may be provided. The multi-port connector may include a main housing with a longitudinal axis, a needle free connector disposed along the longitudinal axis, and a y-port extending from a sidewall of the main housing at an angle that is non-parallel with the longitudinal axis. The needle-free connector may include a compressible sealing member that, when compressed opens a first fluid pathway from a first port, through a chamber within the housing, and to an output port. The y-port may be fluidly coupled to the chamber and the output port.

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Iso compliant male luer tapered valves

Номер: US20170120037A1
Автор: Thorne Gale Harrison

Two embodiments of a normally closed tapered fitting valve are disclosed. Each tapered fitting valve comprises a single molded incompressible, but supple part and a skeletal support whereby the tapered fitting valve is opened by insertion into a female tapered fitting. Use of the valve specifically targets use with medical luer fittings. The preferred embodiment of an actuator portion of the valve is preferably elliptical in shape. The valve opens by compressing a slit which is disposed along a major elliptical axis as it is advanced through a tapered circular duct. A stand-alone male adapter comprising the tapered fitting valve is disclosed. Also, a syringe barrel comprising a skeletal support structure for a securely affixed valve to thereby provide a syringe barrel with an integrally affixed male adapter is disclosed. 1. A normally-closed male valve which is opened upon insertion into a tapered female fitting of circular cross section , said valve comprising: a) a distally disposed planar surface;', 'b) a tapered asymmetric valve core section comprising a distal end, a proximal end and a planar slit there between;', 'c) an extended, hollow body, comprising a comparable tapered asymmetric shape as said valve core section, proximally affixed to said proximal end of said valve core section, and', 'd) an anchor ring integrally affixed at the proximal end of the extended body;', 'said valve core section comprising an exterior surface which comprises the same relative circumferential dimensions as an internal surface of the tapered female fitting, when fully disposed therein, said slit having a width dimension which, when opened by radial compression of said valve core section, defines a fluid pathway of predetermined flow capacity but when closed by relaxation of uncompressed material maintains closure of said valve; and', 'said extended body comprises an exterior surface which is increased in size to match the surface taper of the fitting cross section, when fully ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190117952A1
Автор: AYDIN Tolga

The application relates to a connecting element, in particular for connecting vessels and for producing a fluidic connection between vessels or elements joined to the connecting element. The invention also relates to an elastic spring element as a valve element. 1. Connecting element with a housing having a first receiving space with a first joining element and a first shiftable valve element arranged therein , and having a second receiving space with a second joining element with a second shiftable valve element arranged therein , the first and the second receiving space are fluidically connected to each other , wherein the first valve element is of elastically deformable design and is shiftable , and the second valve element is of elastically deformable design and is shiftable , wherein the first valve element is shiftable between two positions , wherein , in the first position , a fluidic connection between the first receiving space and the first joining element is interrupted by the first valve element and , in the second position , a fluidic connection between the first receiving space and the first joining element is opened by the first valve element , and wherein the second valve element is shiftable between two positions , wherein , in the first position , a fluidic connection between the second receiving space and the second joining element is interrupted by the second valve element and , in the second position , a fluidic connection between the second receiving space and the second joining element is opened by the second valve element , wherein the first valve element is formed with a duct which is closed in the first position of the first valve element and is opened in the second position of the first valve element , wherein a hollow pin is arranged in the first receiving space and engages in the duct.2. Connecting element with a housing having a first receiving space with a first joining element and a first shiftable valve element arranged therein , and ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190117953A1

A connector includes: a housing that includes a tubular body connecting unit to which a tubular body is connectable, a concave portion inside the housing, and a receiving portion; and a valve body configured such that, when the tubular body is connected to the tubular body connecting unit, the valve body is pressed by the tubular body against a biasing force, thereby sliding from a closed position to an opened position. The valve body includes an overriding portion configured such that, as the valve body slides from a closed position side toward an opened position side, the overriding portion is pressed against the receiving portion of the housing and rides over the receiving portion by elastic deformation. 1. A connector comprising: a tubular body connecting unit to which a tubular body is connectable, the tubular body connecting unit defining an internal flow path configured to communicate with a lumen of the tubular body when the tubular body is connected to the tubular body connecting unit,', 'a concave portion inside the housing, and', 'a receiving portion; and, 'a housing comprisinga valve body configured such that, when the tubular body is connected to the tubular body connecting unit, the valve body is pressed by the tubular body against a biasing force, thereby sliding on an inner peripheral surface of the concave portion from a closed position, in which communication of the internal flow path with an outside of the housing is interrupted, to an opened position, in which the internal flow path communicates with the lumen of the tubular body;wherein the valve body comprises an overriding portion configured such that, as the valve body slides from a closed position side toward an opened position side, the overriding portion is pressed against the receiving portion of the housing and rides over the receiving portion by elastic deformation.2. The connector according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the closed position of the valve body claim 1 , the overriding ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Blood-flow-path switching device and blood-bag system

Номер: US20150133879A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

In a blood-flow-path switching device and a blood-bag system, a tube-shaped body ( 68 ) includes a body tube ( 69 ) extending in an axial direction and a branching tube ( 71 ) extending in a direction branching from the axial direction, and a blocking part ( 74 ) is provided in a hollow section ( 69 c ) of the body tube ( 69 ). A communicating part ( 70 ) movable in the axial direction is provided in the hollow section ( 69 c ). By moving the communicating part ( 70 ) in a pushing direction and creating an opening by penetrating the blocking part ( 74 ), a communication of a first port ( 86 ) and a third port ( 90 ) is blocked, and at the same time, the first port ( 86 ) and a second port ( 88 ) are communicated with each other.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Tubing System

Номер: US20180126148A1
Принадлежит: Linear Health Sciences, LLC

The breakaway assembly includes a first breakaway subassembly and a second breakaway subassembly. The subassemblies are configured to connect, which causes bellows sheaths in each subassembly to compress and open pores, allowing fluid to flow through the subassemblies. The subassemblies can be connected to luer tip. The luer tips can be connected to an intravenous (IV) fluid line or other types of lines used in the medical field to move fluids. This allows the movement of fluid from a fluid-holding component to a patient. Unless the subassemblies are locked together, the subassemblies will be disconnected under the correct amount of pressure. This disconnection closes the pores on the subassemblies, which keeps fluid from leaking, and prevents the contamination of the IV line. Luer tips may also be connected to the subassemblies. Some of the luer tips allow for the quick connection of the luer tip to the subassembly through a flange being inserted into a notch or flange acceptor. This allows for the quick and easy replacement of components of a fluid transfer assembly. 1. An assembly for use in medical tubing , the assembly comprising: [ a first fluid passageway disposed within the first inner annular extension; and', 'a first pore in communication with the first fluid passageway; and, 'a first inner annular extension comprising, 'a first bellows sheath positioned around the first inner annular extension, the first bellows sheath configured to selectively seal the first pore to prevent fluid from exiting the first fluid passageway when the first bellows sheath is in a first position and configured to selectively open the first pore to permit fluid to exit from the first fluid passageway when the first bellows sheath is in a second position; and, 'a first subassembly comprising [ a second fluid passageway disposed within the second inner annular extension; and', 'a second pore in communication with the second fluid passageway; and, 'a second inner annual extension ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170128710A1
Автор: Fangrow Thomas F.

A soft grip medical connector comprises a housing with an upstream end, a downstream end and a lumen extending through a central portion thereof. A flexible member comprises a valve portion integrally formed with a sleeve portion. The valve portion is positioned within a section of the housing and is configured to control a flow of fluid through the housing lumen. The sleeve is inverted to envelope at least a portion of the outer surface of the housing. In some embodiments the gripping portion is integrally formed with the valve portion. In some embodiments, the connector is also generally configured to create a positive pressure in a catheter lumen upon removal of a syringe or other medical device from the upstream end of the connector. Methods of making a medical fluid connector generally comprise forming a valve member with a sleeve extending there from, and assembling the valve, sleeve and housing. 1. (canceled)2. A soft grip medical connector comprising:a housing with an upstream end and a downstream end;a fluid pathway between the upstream end and the downstream end;protrusions on an outer surface of the housing, wherein the protrusions extend laterally away from a longitudinal axis; and a gripping portion; and', 'openings in the flexible material, wherein the protrusions on the outer surface of the housing extend through the respective openings in the flexible material such that the protrusions of the housing extend beyond an outer surface of the flexible member adjacent the openings., 'a flexible member made of a flexible material disposed over the outer surface of the housing, the flexible member comprising3. The soft grip medical connector of claim 2 , wherein the connector is configured to provide a high fluid flow rate through the connector.4. The soft grip medical connector of claim 2 , wherein the connector is configured to provide a fluid flow rate of at least 600 cubic centimeters per minute through the connector.5. The soft grip medical connector of ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170128713A1

Positive displacement using a connector with dual diaphragms is provided. For example, the connector includes a single fluid flow path, an air chamber and a valve. The single fluid flow path is configured for delivering fluid to a person and configured for receiving fluid from a person. The air chamber configured for expelling air from the air chamber when an actuator is inserted into the connector and for receiving air into the chamber when the actuator is removed from the connector. The valve plug comprises two diaphragms that separate the air chamber from the single fluid flow path. The valve plug is configured for creating positive displacement by returning the valve plug to its uncompressed state when the actuator is removed from the connector. 1. A connector for providing positive displacement upon disconnection , the connector comprising (i) a housing having an air passage and an insert , wherein a single fluid flow path is formed between an inner surface of a housing and an outer surface of an insert , and (ii) a valve plug comprising a top diaphragm and a bottom diaphragm , wherein the top and bottom diaphragms and an inner surface of the insert separate an air chamber from the fluid flow path , wherein the air passage is configured to permit ventilation of the air chamber.2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein upon actuation of the connector by insertion of an actuator claim 1 , the top and bottom diaphragms shift to minimize a net volume change in the flow path.3. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the top and bottom diaphragms are configured to create positive displacement by returning the valve plug to its uncompressed state when an actuator is removed from the connector.4. The connector of claim 1 , wherein changes in respective volumes of the fluid flow path and the air chamber due claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , to respective movements of the top and bottom diaphragms provide for positive displacement when an actuator is removed from the ...
