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27-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2342167C2
Принадлежит: ВАЙЛЛЬ Давид (CH)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к инъекционным устройствам. Устройство для выталкивания жидкого или вязкого продукта содержит корпус, часть, предназначенную для вмещения продукта и снабженную соплом для выталкивания продукта, приводной цилиндр, снабженный зубьями, перемещающийся в отверстии, проходящем через корпус, и заставляющий изменяться объем части, предназначенной для вмещения продукта, и механизм для смещения приводного цилиндра, прикрепленный к корпусу. Механизм для смещения приводного цилиндра содержит шарнирный рычаг, воздействующий на зубья приводного цилиндра через шарнирную защелку, шарнирно прикрепленную к рычагу и возвращаемую в положение контакта с приводным цилиндром, и защелку, возвращаемую в положение контакта с приводным цилиндром и препятствующую возврату приводного цилиндра, когда пользователь снимает давление, приложенное к рычагу. Рычаг присоединен к корпусу посредством соединения, которое может быть смещено. Изобретение имеет простую конструкцию ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2623125C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к одноразовым шприцам. Шприц содержит цилиндр, шток и резиновый поршень. При этом цилиндр содержит проксимальный конец, дистальный конец и пустотелую внутреннюю часть. Пустотелая внутренняя часть ограничена внутренней стенкой цилиндрической формы. Шток расположен во внутренней части цилиндра и выполнен с возможностью перемещения в цилиндре. Шток содержит проксимальный конец, расположенный снаружи проксимального конца цилиндра, дистальный конец, расположенный во внутренней части цилиндра, и ось, проходящую через проксимальный конец и дистальный конец штока, дистальный конец штока снабжен стопорным фланцем. Резиновый поршень установлен на штоке, расположен на дистальной стороне стопорного фланца и сконфигурирован таким образом, чтобы контактировать с внутренней стенкой цилиндра непроницаемым для жидкости образом. При этом стопорный фланец содержит основной корпус, сформированный вокруг оси штока, и толкающий и нажимающий участок, сконфигурированный ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2607529C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к автоматическому инъектору для введения дозы жидкого лекарственного средства. Инъектор содержит удлиненный футляр, выполненный с возможностью удерживания пользователем, трубчатый корпус, телескопически вдвигаемый в футляр и поджатый к футляру таким образом, чтобы выступать из футляра, шприц с полой инъекционной иглой, приводную пружину и плунжер для передачи нагрузки от приводной пружины на пробку-поршень шприца, кнопку спуска, которая первоначально упирается в футляр, что предотвращает приведение в действие, при этом корпус выполнен с возможностью поступательного перемещения в футляр против поджимающего усилия, причем кнопка спуска, по меньшей мере, в исходном состоянии соединена с корпусом таким образом, что кнопка спуска выступает из футляра, когда корпус поступательно перемещается к футляру для начала цикла инъекции, кнопка спуска расположена дистально в или на футляре, и подузел оправы содержит трубчатую оправу, расположенную с ...

21-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2626132C2
Принадлежит: МЕРК ПАТЕНТ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к автоматическим инъекторам, таким как медицинские автоматические инъекторы, и прежде всего к перезаряжаемым автоматическим инъекторам, которые могут быть способны к подаче одной или нескольких отдельных доз из лекарственного патрона или предварительно заполненного шприца, содержащего медикамент. Перезаряжаемый автоматический инъектор для инъекции адреналина имеет корпус для размещения шприца с иглой, штока поршня, трубы штока поршня, привода шприца, привода штока поршня и механизма перезарядки. Шприц расположен в корпусе с возможностью перемещения между первым положением, в котором игла размещена внутри корпуса, и вторым положением, в котором игла выступает из корпуса наружу. Шток поршня выполнен для продвижения в шприце для подачи по меньшей мере одной дозы лекарственного средства. Труба штока поршня имеет два или более отклоняемых стопорных элементов, выполненных для вхождения в зацепление со стопором штока поршня для стопорения штока ...

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2487728C2
Принадлежит: БИОВИТРУМ АБ (ПАБЛ) (SE)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Устройство содержит корпус, имеющий продольную ось и переднюю сторону с выходом или заготовкой для выхода, подвижный передний поршень в корпусе, задающий переднюю камеру между передним поршнем и передней стороной корпуса, подвижный задний поршень, задающий заднюю камеру между задним поршнем и передним поршнем, заднюю систему обхода для перемещения текучей среды из задней камеры в переднюю камеру и переднюю систему обхода для перемещения текучей среды в обход переднего поршня или через него к выходу. Разделитель установлен с возможностью изменения формы по меньшей мере между двумя состояниями. Первое состояние позволяет перемещение переднего поршня вперед при воздействии на задний поршень с одновременным удержанием объема текучей среды в задней камере. Второе состояние позволяет уменьшение задней камеры в объеме с одновременным перемещением текучей среды в обход переднего поршня или через него, позволяя, тем самым, использование жидкости, изначально ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017126046A3

17-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017139867A3

27-08-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019142485A3

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2593984C1
Принадлежит: СХЛ ГРУП АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройству введения лекарственного средства и, в частности, к усовершенствованному, более удобному для пользователя автоматическому устройству введения лекарственного средства, обеспечивающему пользователю звуковое, тактильное или визуальное подтверждение выполнения инъекции. Устройство введения лекарственного средства содержит трубчатый корпус, имеющий проксимальный конец и противоположный дистальный конец; приводное средство, выполненное с возможностью воздействия на контейнер для лекарственного средства для выталкивания лекарственного средства; удерживающее средство, выполненное с возможностью удержания упомянутого приводного средства в предварительно напряженном состоянии; средство активации, выполненное с возможностью взаимодействия с упомянутым удерживающим средством для высвобождения упомянутого приводного средства из предварительно напряженного состояния; и средство обратной связи, выполненное с возможностью взаимодействия ...

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014141299A

... 1. Шприц-ручка для инъекции лекарственного средства, включающая:кожух;задающий регулятор дозы, выполненный с возможностью вращения относительно кожуха;фиксирующий узел, размещенный в кожухе и имеющий зубчатый храповой элемент; ипривод, включающий по меньшей мере один внешний зубец, взаимодействующий с зубчатым храповым элементом,причем взаимодействие зубчатого храпового элемента и указанного по меньшей мере одного внешнего зубца, по существу, предотвращает вращение привода относительно задающего регулятора при задании и корректировке дозы, и это взаимодействие обеспечивает возможность вращения привода вместе с задающим регулятором в процессе инъекции.2. Шприц-ручка по п. 1, в которой указанный по меньшей мере один внешний зубец и зубчатый храповой элемент проходят в осевом направлении.3. Шприц-ручка по п. 1, в которой указанный по меньшей мере один внешний зубец и зубчатый храповой элемент проходят в радиальном направлении.4. Шприц-ручка по п. 1, в которой зубчатый храповой элемент выполнен ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004105950A

... 1. Дозирующее вещество устройство, преимущественно, инъекционное устройство, содержащее резервуарный модуль (10) и дозирующий и приводящий в действие модуль (30), соединенный с возможностью отделения с указанным резервуарным модулем, при этом указанный резервуарный модуль (10) содержит а) переднюю корпусную секцию (1, 3) указанного дозирующего вещество устройства, включающую в себя резервуар (2) для подаваемого вещества, блокировочное средство (8; 38) и первое соединительное средство (3a, 3d), b) поршень, размещенный в указанном резервуаре (2) с возможностью перемещения в направлении рабочего хода к выпускному отверстию резервуара для подачи вещества, с) и поршневой шток (4), включающий в себя блокирующее обратный ход средство (6), которое находится в блокирующем зацеплении с указанным блокировочным средством (8; 38), при этом указанное блокирующее зацепление выполнено с возможностью предотвращения перемещения указанного поршневого штока (4) против указанного направления рабочего хода относительно ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018125299A

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013142424A

... 1. Автоинъектор (1) для введения дозы жидкого лекарственного вещества (M), содержащий:- трубчатую раму (2), телескопически перемещаемую в трубчатом корпусе (12),- подузел носителя, содержащий трубчатый носитель (7), установленный с возможностью скольжения относительно рамы (2) внутри корпуса (12), при этом носитель (7) выполнен с возможностью содержать шприц (3) с полой инъекционной иглой (4), приводную пружину (8) и плунжер (9) для передачи нагрузки приводной пружины (8) на ограничитель (6) шприца (3), при этом шприц (3) выполнен с возможностью блокирования для совместного аксиального поступательного перемещения с носителем (7),- пусковую кнопку (13), расположенную дистально или сбоку в или на корпусе (12),- регулировочную пружину (19), установленную вокруг носителя (7),- механизм (24) регулирования протяженности иглы для соединения проксимального конца регулировочной пружины (19) либо с носителем (7) для его выдвижения с целью выдвижения иглы, либо с рамой (2) для отведения иглы назад ...

27-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012120309A

... 1. Автоинъектор, внутри которого при его использовании находится шприц с дозой медикамента, причем шприц (12) содержит корпус (14), имеющий, по существу, цилиндрическую форму, иглу (18) у переднего конца корпуса шприца и поршень (20), установленный, с возможностью скольжения, в корпусе шприца и используемый для выведения дозы,при этом автоинъектор содержит:корпус (10), выполненный с возможностью приема шприца (12), устанавливаемого с возможностью скользящего перемещения между отведенным положением и выдвинутым, рабочим положением, в котором игла (18) выступает из корпуса, иприводной механизм (30-34; 42), освобождаемый из состояния с накопленной энергией для смещения шприца вперед, к рабочему положению для вытеснения дозы, при этом приводной механизм содержит:плунжер (42), выполненный с возможностью приводить, при использовании автоинъектора, в движение поршень (20),промежуточный приводной компонент (34),первую приводную пружину (30) сжатия, установленную между промежуточным приводным компонентом ...

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011125995A

... 1. Шприц, включающий:цилиндр шприца, имеющий внутреннюю поверхность, формирующую полость, открытый конец и дистальный конец;шток поршня, имеющий удлиненный корпус, углубление вдоль этого удлиненного корпуса, запорную часть, соединенную с удлиненным корпусом, и группу первых зубцов, сформированных внутри углубления на удлиненном корпусе и образующих группу выступов, обращенных в дистальном направлении и равномерно распределенных по большей части удлиненного корпуса; изапирающий элемент, установленный с возможностью скольжения внутри полости вдоль указанной большей части удлиненного корпуса, причем этот запирающий элемент взаимодействует с внутренней поверхностью цилиндра шприца так, что запирающий элемент по существу не может быть перемещен в направлении открытого конца цилиндра шприца, и может взаимодействовать со штоком поршня так, что шток поршня и запирающий элемент могут быть перемещены вместе в дистальном направлении к дистальному концу цилиндра шприца.2. Шприц по п.1, у которого удлиненный ...

10-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018129310A

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014109851A

... 1. Перезаряжаемый автоматический инъектор для инъекции адреналина, причем автоматический инъектор имеет корпус для размещения:шприца с иглой, причем шприц расположен в корпусе с возможностью перемещения между первым положением, в котором положении игла размещена внутри корпуса, и вторым положением, в котором положении игла выступает из корпуса наружу,штока поршня, выполненного для продвижения в шприце для подачи по меньшей мере одной дозы лекарственного средства,трубы штока поршня, имеющей два или более отклоняемых стопорных элементов, выполненных для вхождения в зацепление со стопором штока поршня для стопорения штока поршня с трубой штока поршня в обычном состоянии,привода шприца, выполненного для приложения силы к шприцу, перемещая тем самым шприц из первого положения во второе положение, причем привод шприца также выполнен для продвижения трубы штока поршня со штоком поршня во второе положение,привода штока поршня, выполненного для приложения к штоку поршня силы для продвижения штока ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014113408A

... 1. Автоматический инъектор с последовательным управлением введением иглы и инъекцией дозы, причем автоматический инъектор имеет корпус для размещения:шприца с иглой, причем шприц размещен в корпусе с возможностью перемещения между первым положением, в котором положении игла размещена внутри корпуса, и вторым положением, в котором положении игла выступает из корпуса наружу,штока поршня, выполненного для продвижения в шприце для подачи по меньшей мере одной дозы лекарственного средства,трубы штока поршня, содержащей по меньшей мере один стопорный элемент, выполненный для взаимодействия со стопором штока поршня для стопорения штока поршня к трубе штока поршня в обычном состоянии,привода шприца, выполненного для приложения силы к шприцу, перемещая тем самым шприц из первого положения во второе положение, причем привод шприца также выполнен для продвижения трубы штока поршня со штоком поршня во второе положение,привода штока поршня, выполненного для приложения к штоку поршня силы для продвижения ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013120293A

... 1. Приводной механизм для устройства доставки лекарственного вещества, содержащий:- ходовой винт (5) и гайку (7) ходового винта, выровненные по оси (4), определяющей аксиальное направление и противоположное аксиальное направление,- винтовую резьбу (6), а также по меньшей мере одну дополнительную винтовую резьбу (16) ходового винта (5), при этом винтовая резьба (6) и дополнительная винтовая резьба (16) имеют одинаковый шаг и переплетены, а также- приводной элемент (19) гайки (7) ходового винта, при этом- приводной элемент (19) входит в зацепление с винтовой резьбой (6) и дополнительной винтовой резьбой (16) и для выполнения операции выдачи обеспечивает винтовое перемещение ходового винта (5) относительно гайки (7) ходового винта по меньшей мере в аксиальном направлении.2. Приводной механизм по п.1, дополнительно содержащий:- ось (4), дополнительно определяющую радиальные направления (24), расходящиеся от оси (4),- винтовую резьбу (6) и дополнительную винтовую резьбу (16) ходового винта ( ...

20-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012146346A

... 1. Устройство (1) введения лекарственного средства, содержащее:приводное средство, выполненное с возможностью воздействия на контейнер для лекарственного средства для выталкивания лекарственного средства;удерживающее средство, выполненное с возможностью удержания упомянутого приводного средства в предварительно напряженном состоянии;средство активации, выполненное с возможностью взаимодействия с упомянутым удерживающим средством для высвобождения упомянутого приводного средства из предварительно напряженного состояния;отличающееся тем, что устройство дополнительно содержит средство обратной связи, выполненное с возможностью взаимодействия как с упомянутым удерживающим средством, так и с упомянутым приводным средством для формирования звукового и/или тактильного, и/или визуального сигнала, указывающего, что лекарственное средство полностью вытолкнуто.2. Устройство (1) введения лекарственного средства по п.1, причем устройство дополнительно содержит трубчатый корпус (20), имеющий проксимальный ...

20-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004105952A

... 1. Устройство для введения, содержащее a) переднюю корпусную секцию (1, 3), включающую в себя резервуар (2) для подаваемого вещества, и первый стопорный элемент (3а), b) поршень, размещенный в указанном резервуаре (2) с возможностью перемещения по направлению рабочего хода к выпускному отверстию резервуара для подачи вещества, c) поршневой шток (4), d) заднюю корпусную секцию (11), соединенную с возможностью разъединения с указанной передней корпусной секцией (1, 3) и включающую в себя второй стопорный элемент (21), который находится в стопорном зацеплении с указанным первым стопорным элементом (3а), e) приводной элемент (12; 32), установленный в указанной задней корпусной секции (11) с возможностью перемещения по и против направления рабочего хода и воздействия на указанный поршневой шток (4) в течение подающего перемещения по направлению рабочего хода для перемещения указанного поршня по направлению рабочего хода, f) стопорный узел (25) для указанных стопорных элементов (3а, 21), соединенный ...

27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006132686A

... 1. Шприц, содержащий наружный цилиндр, имеющий первый и второй концы, внутренний цилиндр, выполненный с возможностью перемещения в наружном цилиндре в продольном направлении и предназначенный для удержания на одном своем конце иглы, которая выступает через отверстие в первом конце наружного цилиндра и проточно сообщается с камерой внутреннего цилиндра, в которой находится текучая среда, поршень, расположенный в указанной камере и выполненный с возможностью приведения в действие для втягивания текучей среды в указанную камеру и вытеснения этой среды из камеры через иглу, шток, соединенный с поршнем и выходящий из другого конца внутреннего цилиндра и второго конца наружного цилиндра, причем наружный цилиндр имеет на внутренней поверхности своей стенки удерживающие средства, а внутренний цилиндр имеет расположенные на расстоянии друг от друга первые и вторые фиксирующие средства для соответствующего взаимодействия с указанными удерживающими средствами и фиксации внутреннего цилиндра относительно ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Mit einer Feder selbstsperrende Spritze

Номер: DE112012003917T5

Bei der vorliegenden Erfindung handelt es sich um eine selbstsperrende Spritze mit einem Injektionsröhrchen (21), das an einem Nadelsitz (13) befestigt ist, und einer Injektionsnadel (11), die an einem selbstsperrenden Element (12) befestigt ist. Das an der Injektionsnadel (11) befestigte selbstsperrende Element (12) ist auf dem Nadelsitz (13) aufgesetzt. Innen im Injektionsröhrchen (21) sind ein Stöpsel (302) und ein hohles Druckröhrchen (301) vorgesehen. Innen im Druckröhrchen (301) ist eine Federauflage (304) gebildet, die in einer Feder (306) und in einem Anschlagblock (313) aufgenommen ist. An einem unteren Ende (14) des selbstsperrenden Elements (12) ist ein Haken (15) und am oberen Ende der Federauflage (304) eine Hakennut (305), in die der Haken (15) einrückt, gebildet. Zwischen dem Druckröhrchen (301) und der Federauflage (304) ist eine Patrone (314) vorgesehen, wobei ein oberer Teil dieser Patrone (314) in einem Stöpsel (302) aufgenommen ist und an einem unteren Teil der Patrone ...

20-10-2005 дата публикации

Vorgefüllte Einmalspritze und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung

Номер: DE0050107405D1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

11-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE602006017168D1
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

08-01-2003 дата публикации

A device for controlling the administration of material, such as medicine

Номер: GB2377176A

A device for controlling the administration of material by administration apparatus is selectively operable between a first condition in which the administration of material is prevented and a second condition in which material is allowed to be dispensed, the device also includes a means for indicating appropriate administration of material from the apparatus. The device preferably fits around the plunger of a syringe includes lock means which releasably secures the device in its first condition, so that the plunger cannot be pushed down, and an input means which can be manipulated by the user to release the lock means, the lock means may comprise rotatable lock tumblers. The indication means preferably comprises a string of symbols relating to the correct administration of materials, the string of symbols when appropriately aligned on the input means releases the lock means, thus allowing material to be dispensed.

07-05-2008 дата публикации

Medicine delivery apparatus

Номер: GB0002443390A

The apparatus comprises a casing 1, a drive shaft 10 which, in use, engages a medicine containing cartridge, an automatic driver 7, a user actuable trigger 4 for causing the automatic driver 7 to move the drive shaft 10 through the casing, and a user actuable brake 24 for allowing a user to control a rate of delivery of medicine. The apparatus has a cam follower 23 located on the trigger which engages with a helical track on drum 12. When dose setting the apparatus, rotation of the drum relative to the casing causes ramps (18, 20) located on these parts to co-operate, this moves the drum longitudinally and brings the cam follower into engagement with the track. The apparatus also comprises an opening 29 which allows the drive shaft 10 to be manipulated to ensure contact with the cartridge.

04-03-2020 дата публикации

Pharmaceutical product preparation device and method

Номер: GB0002576694A

A syringe comprising a plunger 3 moveably disposed within a body 2 and a locking means 4 configured to lock the plunger in a retracted position, the locking means automatically engaging upon the withdrawal of the plunger to its retracted position. The locking means preventing at least distal movement of the plunger from its retracted position. The locking member preferably comprises a biased latching member. In one arrangement the latching member is provided on the plunger and interacts with the body of the syringe, preferably abutting against a finger flange thereof. In another embodiment the latching member is provided on the body of the syringe and is received within an aperture provided in the plunger (31, Fig 3). A syringe of this sort may be used in the reconstitution of a pharmaceutical product, with a first component 101 of the pharmaceutical product provided within the body of the syringe and a second component 102 aspirated into the body through retraction of the plunger. The ...

03-02-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for self-injection

Номер: GB0201522268D0

26-10-2016 дата публикации

Injection device

Номер: GB0201615337D0

07-11-2018 дата публикации

Injection device

Номер: GB0201815552D0

14-11-2018 дата публикации

Injection device fill volume management

Номер: GB0201815825D0

13-12-2017 дата публикации

Sterile syringe

Номер: GB0201717644D0

27-11-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for delivering a polymeric material to a treatment site during a radio frequency ablation procedure

Номер: GB0201914914D0

16-11-2022 дата публикации

Gap creation device

Номер: GB0002606653A

A plunger assembly 100 for use with an auto-injector and comprising a cartridge 102; and a firing assembly 103 comprising a plunger rod 104 and a drive portion (105, fig 1a), wherein the firing assembly is configured to couple to the cartridge at a coupling point along a length of the cartridge to fix an axial position of the drive portion relative to the cartridge to define an axial length of the plunger assembly. A method of assembling is also disclosed.

08-03-2023 дата публикации

Gap creation device

Номер: GB0002606653B
Принадлежит: OWEN MUMFORD LTD [GB]

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000497396T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489980T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000520437T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000474614T

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000221791T

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for purging catheter systems

Номер: AU2018200153A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Apparatus for providing controlled pressure-flow pulses which purge a catheter system with turbulent flow flushing. Accomplishment of such controlled pressure- flow pulses is provided by a variety of inventive devices including a special plunger rod (30) for a conventional syringe (20), other interactive parts for conventional syringes, an in-line catheter attachable device which automatically generates the controlled pressure-flow pulses and also single pulse, digitally operated devices. 92 9g 50 6050 9 ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Grip accessory for a manual injection device

Номер: AU2018278199A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A grip accessory (300) for a manual injection device comprises a housing (310) having a generally hollow body for supporting a manual injection device therein. The housing comprises a distal portion (330) comprising a first opening into which a manual injection device can be inserted, a proximal portion (320) comprising a second opening through which a needle of the manual injection device is extendable, the proximal portion comprising a skin contacting surface at a proximal end of the device. An intermediate portion (340) extends between the proximal and distal portions and guide means is provided on an interior surface of the distal portion for guiding a plunger rod of an injection device during delivery of an injection.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Universal safety syringe

Номер: AU2010201595B2

A syringe comprises a generally-cylindrical, hollow barrel with a hollow nozzle at a distal end thereof. A plunger with an open channel is slidably mounted in the barrel. A needle holder with a needle mounted at one end thereof is arranged in the plunger channel, and movable between an advanced position, whereat the needle projects from a distal end of the nozzle for injection, and a retracted position, whereat the needle is enclosed within the barrel when the injection is complete. A spring retainer is arranged in the barrel. A spring is positioned within the spring retainer, urging the needle holder toward the retracted position. A latch latches the needle holder to the spring retainer thereby maintaining the spring in compression. The latch is releasable in response to the plunger moving to its fully advanced position, whereby the needle holder is released, allowing the spring to expand and thereby move the needle holder to the retracted position. 12958796.1 247123/000079 CDo ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Drive mechanism for a drug delivery device and drug delivery device

Номер: AU2011311615A1

The drive mechanism comprises a lead screw (5) and a lead screw nut, which are aligned with an axis (4). The lead screw has screw threads (6, 16) having the same pitch and being intertwined.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Buffering agent delivery system for anesthetic syringe

Номер: AU2012201965A1

BUFFERING AGENT DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR ANESTHETIC SYRINGE A syringe (10) for dispensing anesthetic from a cartridge (30) having an interior wall defining a hollow interior sized and shaped for receiving a dose of anesthetic, and a piston (42). The syringe (10) includes a tubular plunger (14) slidably received in the hollow interior of the tubular cartridge (12). The plunger (14) has a hollow interior extending between a distal end shaped for engaging the piston (42) and an open proximal end. The syringe (10) includes a plunger rod (54) slidably received in the hollow interior of the tubular plunger (14). The rod (54) has a sharp distal end (56) adapted to penetrate the piston (42), a proximal end (60), and a length extending between the distal end (56) and the proximal end (60) sized so a delivery portion of the rod (54) extends through the piston (42) into the cartridge (30) when the rod (54) is driven through the piston (42). The delivery portion includes a recess for receiving a buffering ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

An auto-injector for epinephrine injection

Номер: AU2012306064A2

A reloadable auto injector for epinephrine injection is provided. The reloadable auto injector has a separate needle insertion and medicine injection drivers (1600) wherein needle insertion driver (1200) is configured to be re-activated upon reloading. A syringe is movably positioned in a housing between a first position in which the needle is accommodated inside the housing and a second position in which the needle protrudes outside the housing. A plunger rod (1500) is normally locked to a plunger rod tube (1100) by at least one deflectable locking member (1110). A syringe driver (1200) applies a force to the syringe to move the syringe together with plunger rod tube, plunger rod and plunger rod driver from the first position to the second position. In the second position, the locking member (1110) is unlocked and releases the plunger rod to thereby activate the plunger rod driver to advance the plunger rod in the syringe for delivering of medicament. A reload handle (1400) is connected ...

10-11-2011 дата публикации

Injection device with claw-type securing means

Номер: AU2007283995B2

The invention relates to a threaded rod with an anti-rotation or claw-type securing means (5g) that can engage in mating anti-rotation elements (2g) or claws of the injection device, in order to prevent rotation of the threaded rod relative to the injection device.

09-12-2004 дата публикации

Syringe with locking member

Номер: AU2004243230A1

19-11-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for purging catheter systems

Номер: AU2010247969B2

Apparatus and methods for providing controlled pressure-flow pulses which purge a catheter system with turbulent flow flushing. Accomplishment of such controlled pressure- flow pulses is provided by a variety of inventive devices including a special plunger rod for a conventional syringe, other interactive parts for conventional syringes, an in-line catheter attachable device which automatically generates the controlled pressure-flow pulses and also single pulse, digitally operated devices.

21-08-2008 дата публикации

Disposable injector with at least one central traction rod

Номер: AU2008214937A1

24-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002361092A1

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Syringes for prefilled and fill-at-use mixing and drug delivery

Номер: AU2014290084B2

Mixing syringes including a valve mechanism are configured and configurable to enable one or more substances to be prefilled into the syringe. The valve mechanism may be an aspect of a distal seal assembly. Actuation of the valve mechanism permits opening of a fluid passage for the mixing of one or more substances, and the resulting mixed substance can be delivered by the syringe, for example, for administration of a pharmaceutical to a subject.

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Single-use auto-disable syringe

Номер: AU2016201164B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A single-use auto-disable syringe device of reduced size utilizes a locking element to prevent re-use of the syringe by locking the plunger rod with respect to the barrel upon completion of an injection stroke. The plunger rod includes a plurality of teeth and an intermediate tooth provided on a distal-most tooth to prevent the user from repeatedly drawing in doses too small to activate the safety mechanism and a breakable section configured to break upon the application of excessive force. The break able section is preferably provided at a distal end of the plunger rod so that a proximal end of the locking element engages the syringe barrel and plunger rod at a position more proximal than the breakable section. In this way, the locking element resists some of the force that would otherwise be applied to the breakable section if the plunger rod were twisted. Nl ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Fixed amount discharge container

Номер: AU2016259317A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A fixed amount discharge container includes: a syringe barrel 3; and a piston 8 inserted in the syringe barrel 3 so as to be movable in a longitudinal 5 direction, thereby defining a fluid chamber between the syringe barrel 3 and the piston 8. One of the syringe barrel 3 and the piston 8 includes a guide 3c that is extended in a longitudinal direction. The other of the syringe barrel 3 and the piston 8 includes a slider 9 that is movable in the guide 3c along with the other of the syringe barrel 3 and the piston 8. The guide 3c is provided with a target 10 position contact portion 3j which the slider 9 contacts when an amount of the fluid chamber is equal to a target amount.

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Intraocular lens insertion instrument

Номер: AU2016248520A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Provided is an intraocular lens insertion instrument that improves the operability of a plunger. The intraocular lens insertion instrument is provided with the following: an instrument body that comprises a housing section in which an intraocular lens is housed, and an insertion tube section for releasing the intraocular lens into the eye of a patient; and a plunger that is movably equipped within the instrument body. A finger rest on which a user places a finger when the user moves the plunger is formed on the instrument body, and when the plunger is moved toward the insertion tube section side causing a pressing force to be applied to the housed intraocular lens by the tip of the plunger, the intraocular lens can thereby be released from the insertion tube section. The intraocular lens insertion device is configured such that the instrument body is equipped with a connection part for connecting, to the instrument body, an operability improvement member for improving operability relating ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Injection device with holding means to prevent unintentional movements of piston rod

Номер: AU2009324174B2

The invention relates to a injection device, comprising a housing being adapted to receive in its proximal housing portion a container with an injection fluid and to receive in its distal housing portion a dose setting and injection mechanism, wherein the mechanism includes a piston rod (28) being axially displaceable with respect to the housing for dispensing injection fluid from the container, wherein the piston rod (28) has an outer thread (34) and is arranged torque proof with respect to the housing, dose setting means comprising a threaded element, which threaded element has an inner thread being in engagement with the outer thread (34) of the piston rod (28), is designed so that its axial position relative to the housing is changeable and is rotatable relative to the piston rod (28) and relative to the housing during setting of an injection dose, wherein the dose setting means are designed such that the threaded element is held in torque proof manner relative to the piston rod (28 ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Flush syringe assembly

Номер: AU2010271282B2

Syringe assemblies for use in flush applications are provided. Syringe assemblies according to one aspect of the present invention include a plunger rod (130) and a syringe (110) barrel that incorporate one or more pulsing elements (145,245,345) on the plunger rod or barrel that are rotatable to create pulsatile movement or continuous and unimpeded movement a plunger rod within a syringe barrel. One or more embodiments pertain to syringe assemblies permit both pulsatile movement of the plunger rod within the barrel and continuous and unimpeded movement of the plunger rod in the distal direction along substantially the entire length of the syringe barrel upon application of force to the plunger rod in only the distal direction. Methods of flushing a catheter are also provided.

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Therapeutic agent delivery device

Номер: AU2015317872A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A system (406) for storing and delivering a predetermined amount of fluid includes a syringe (402) including a barrel (408), a flange (422) disposed at the proximal end of the barrel, and a plunger assembly (436) configured to be received in the lumen (424) of the barrel. The plunger assembly includes a piston and a plunger rod (440). The plunger rod is removably couplable to the piston at the distal end of the plunger rod and includes a thumb press flange (438) at the proximal end of the plunger rod. The system further includes a stop feature (404) that is removably couplable to the syringe or the plunger assembly. The stop feature is configured to arrest distal advancement of the plunger assembly relative to the syringe when the plunger assembly reaches a predetermined position relative to the syringe. The stop thus ensures that a predetermined amount of fluid remains in the barrel.

02-12-2021 дата публикации

Controllable drug delivery system and method of use

Номер: AU2021261964A1

A drug delivery system is disclosed that includes a drug delivery device (700) having a reservoir (712), a delivery cannula (714) having a proximal end in fluid communication with the reservoir and a distal end (718) to be received within a patient, and one or more controllable elements. The drug delivery system may further include one or more sensors coupled to the drug delivery device, and a controller coupled to the one or more sensors and the one or more controllable elements. The controller may be configured to use the one or more sensors to determine a condition or an operational state of the drug delivery device. Furthermore, the controller may be configured to control the controllable element based on the condition or the operational state of the drug delivery device and/or identity information stored in a memory onboard the device. A method for use with a drug delivery device is also disclosed. Fig. 12 o 0 716 o a- 784 -718 ...

29-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002529900A1

A needleless injector generally includes a barrel having a proximal and a distal end and a bore therethrough along with an injection head disposed at the barrel distal end in fluid communication with the bore; an energy source is disposed at the barrel proximal end and a bolt may be disposed in said bore for reciprocating movement therein, from a first position to a second position for drawing medicament into the bore, the bolt being fitted in the bore in order to force medicament through the injection head upon movement of the bolt from the second to the first position. A mechanism is provided for activating the energy source in order to operate the bolt.

31-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002767663C

Flush syringe assemblies (100) capable of creating pulsatile movement of the plunger rod (130) as it moves in the distal direction within a syringe barrel (110), while preventing overpressurization of the cathether are provided. An exemplary flush syringe assembly includes a syringe barrel with a first pulsing element (126) and a chamber (115) with flush solution, a plunger rod with a stopper (160) and a second pulsing element (136) that interacts with the first pulsing element to provide an engagement force that causes pulsatile movement of the plunger rod and a thumb press (170) slidably attached to the plunger rod with a pulse control element (190). The pulse control element is compressible to create a compression force that is greater than the engagement force of the first pulsing element and the second pulsing element.

05-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002773480A1

A syringe for dispensing anesthetic from a cartridge having an interior wall defining a hollow interior sized and shaped for receiving a dose of anesthetic, and a piston. The syringe includes a tubular plunger slidably received in the hollow interior of the tubular cartridge. The plunger has a hollow interior extending between a distal end shaped for engaging the piston and an open proximal end. The syringe includes a plunger rod slidably received in the hollow interior of the tubular plunger. The rod has a sharp distal end adapted to penetrate the piston, a proximal end, and a length extending between the distal end and the proximal end sized so a delivery portion of the rod extends through the piston into the cartridge when the rod is driven through the piston. The delivery portion includes a recess for receiving a buffering agent to reduce acidity of the dose of anesthetic.

14-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002786366A1

The syringe includes a syringe body (101) with a fluid chamber and with an extrusion opening (104) at the proximal end (401); a dividing wall disposed within the fluid chamber, defining a first fluid chamber (302) and a second fluid chamber (303), the first fluid chamber and the second fluid chamber in communication with the extrusion opening; a first plunger (102) disposed in a distal end of the first chamber, the first plunger including a first locking mechanism (402) configured to prevent the first plunger from sliding away from the proximal end of the syringe body, when the first plunger is in a first initial position and the second plunger is being depressed; and a second plunger disposed in a distal end of the second chamber, the second plunger including a second locking mechanism (402) configured to prevent the second plunger from sliding away from the proximal end of the syringe body when the second plunger is in a second initial position and the first plunger is being depressed ...

09-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002526597A1

A syringe (10) for dispensing a fluid comprising: a barrel (20) for containing the fluid; a plunger (30) having a plunger head (36) slideably mounted and retractable within the barrel; and locking means (40). The locking means includes fixing means which, when engaged, permanently prevent retraction of the plunger head relative to the barrel beyond a predetermined distance, thereby limiting the travel of the plunger head.

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003092690A1

A syringe assembly includes a substantially cylindrical syringe barrel including a fluid dispensing end, an open end, and at least one protrusion adjacent the open end, the at least one protrusion projecting inwardly from an inner surface of the syringe barrel, a stopper configured to be received within the open end of the syringe barrel, and a plunger rod having a plunger rod body extending along a longitudinal axis from a proximal end to a distal end and at least one support disk provided on the distal end thereof. The support disk on the plunger rod is configured to bear against the protrusion of the syringe barrel upon misalignment of the plunger rod in the syringe barrel.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3116027A1

La présente invention concerne un dispositif d'injection du type comportant un corps (3) cylindrique renfermant un réservoir (9) contenant un produit à injecter, qui est monté à coulissement dans le corps (3), qui est ouvert à une extrémité sur une aiguille d'injection (11) et est fermé à son autre extrémité par un piston (16) monté mobile en translation dans le réservoir sous l'action d'une tige de piston (17) pourvue d'un organe de commande (19), la surface de l'extrémité distale (3a) du corps (3) étant revêtue de moyens adhésifs aptes à assurer un maintien de cette surface sur la peau (4) d'un patient. Ce dispositif est caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend des moyens de mise en sécurité de l'aiguille dont l'activation est assurée par les moyens adhésifs lorsque l'on exerce sur ledit dispositif d'injection un effort de retrait.

18-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003009388A1

... ²Apparatus for providing controlled pressure-flow pulses which purge a catheter ²system with turbulent ²flow flushing. Accomplishment of such controlled pressure-flow pulses is ²provided by a variety of ²inventive devices including a special plunger rod (30) for a conventional ²syringe (20), other interactive ²parts for conventional syringes, an in-line catheter attachable device which ²automatically generates the ²controlled pressure-flow pulses and also single pulse, digitally operated ²devices.²² ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003083999A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

Disclosed herein are delivery devices for delivering a volume of a drug product, placebo product, or other product including a fluid. The devices may include a barrel having a longitudinal axis, a proximal end region, and a distal end region. The proximal end region may include an opening, and the barrel may be configured to receive a drug therein. A plunger rod may be disposed at least partially inside the barrel and protruding from the opening. The plunger rod may include a rack having a plurality of teeth. The device may further include a pinion having a plurality of teeth configured to engage with the plurality of teeth of the rack, and rotation of the pinion against the rack may move at least a part of the plunger rod along the longitudinal axis of the barrel.

09-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002559089C
Принадлежит: GLENORD PTY. LTD.

... ²²²A single use retractable syringe (10) has an inner barrel (44) supporting a ²needle (16) at one end and is slidable within an outer barrel (11). In the ²packaged condition the inner barrel is in a position relative to the outer ²barrel such that the needle can be attached to a Luer connection on the inner ²barrel and projects from a first end (18) of the outer barrel. The inner ²barrel has first and second latching means (40, 41, 43) adjacent each end, ²respectively, and the outer barrel has retaining means (48) on the inner wall ²surface adjacent the second end thereof. When the inner barrel first latching ²means (40) is engaged with the retaining means the syringe is in position ²ready for use and after the first full depression of a plunger the inner ²barrel is released and moves to a position where the second latching means ²(41, 43) becomes permanently engaged with the retaining means. The needle is ²then fully enclosed within the outer barrel and the inner barrel projects from ...

11-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002937812C

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a housing (10, 12), which housing (10, 12) is arranged to accommodate a medicament container (20), which medicament container (20) comprises a medicament delivery member (134); a power unit (74) interactively connected to the housing comprises a force element (82) and a plunger rod (76) which is arranged to, upon activation, move linearly in the proximal direction and act on said medicament container (20) for expelling a dose of medicament through said medicament delivery member (134); and a holding member (56) connected to said power unit and to said container holder. The invention is characterised in that the plunger rod comprises at least one first guide-and-stop element configured to interact with at least one second guide-and-stop element on said a holding member for limiting the linear distance the plunger rod (76) is capable of moving during expelling of medicament and which distance corresponds to a dose volume ...

31-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2961529C

A system (406) for storing and delivering a predetermined amount of fluid includes a syringe (402) including a barrel (408), a flange (422) disposed at the proximal end of the barrel, and a plunger assembly (436) configured to be received in the lumen (424) of the barrel. The plunger assembly includes a piston and a plunger rod (440). The plunger rod is removably couplable to the piston at the distal end of the plunger rod and includes a thumb press flange (438) at the proximal end of the plunger rod. The system further includes a stop feature (404) that is removably couplable to the syringe or the plunger assembly. The stop feature is configured to arrest distal advancement of the plunger assembly relative to the syringe when the plunger assembly reaches a predetermined position relative to the syringe. The stop thus ensures that a predetermined amount of fluid remains in the barrel.

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002970710A1

The present disclosure relates to a syringe for retaining and/or mixing two substances which have been retained separately inside the syringe.In particular the present disclosure relates to a syringe for 1) retaining a dry composition in a vacuum, and 2) mixing the dry composition with an aqueous medium to form a flowable substance. One embodiment relates to a syringe for mixing first and second substances comprising a barrel comprising a vacuum chamber for holding a first substance, a plunger incorporating a reservoir chamber for holding a second substance and configured to be axially displaced in the vacuum chamber, and a valve for controlling and/or establishing a fluid connection between the vacuum chamber and the reservoir chamber.

03-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002975263C

A syringe includes a barrel having an internal surface defining an internal bore therein; a plunger having a distal end disposed within the internal bore of the barrel, and a proximal end disposed outside the internal bore of the barrel, the proximal end of the plunger being opposite the distal end of the plunger along a longitudinal direction; and a dose divider. The dose divider includes a divider flange extending at least partly in a radial direction, the radial direction being perpendicular to the longitudinal direction, the divider flange having a distal surface that faces the barrel, the distal surface of the divider flange bearing on the proximal end of the plunger, and a concave shell extending away from the distal surface of the divider flange along the longitudinal direction.

05-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002682107A1

An injection retarder for mechanically/manually reducing the rate of deliver y of a hand-held hypodermic syringe and a syringe having same are provided. The injection retarder and syringe include means for selectively slowing a rate of progres s of the plunger into the barrel. For example, a thumb tip rest is provided against which the thumb may be braced, thereby providing additional mechanical advantage and much finer manual control of the rate of injection. Alternatively, a set of teeth and a n opposing mating tooth or pawl are provided which increase friction and slow the progress of the plunger ...

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002847714A1

The invention relates to a medical drug delivery apparatus which comprises a cartridge (1) being closed at one end by a membrane (12) and at the opposite end by a movable piston (15). A piston rod foot (1) is provided for transferring the pressure from the piston rod (20) of the drug delivery apparatus and onto the piston (15). The piston rod foot (1) comprises a centre part (2) abutting the piston rod (20) and an outer part (3) which centre part (2) and outer part (3) are releasable coupled together such that the two (2, 3) can be released when a force above a certain threshold limit is applied to the outer part (3).

01-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002833861A1

A fixed amount discharge container (1) having a syringe (3) and a piston (8) that is inserted into the syringe (3) so as to be movable in a longitudinal direction and that forms a liquid chamber with the syringe (3). Either the syringe (3) or the piston (8) is provided with a guide part (3c) that extends in the longitudinal direction thereof. The other part from between the syringe (3) and the piston (8) is provided with a slider (9) capable of moving within the guide part (3c) together with either the syringe (3) or the piston (8). The guide part (3c) is provided with a target position contact part (3j) that is contacted by the slider (9) when the liquid chamber volume becomes equal to a target volume.

23-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002825842A1

The invention relates to a detent mechanism (18) for controlling translation between two components (2, 7) in a longitudinal direction (P, D), the detent mechanism (18) comprising a resilient beam (2.1) and a rhomboid ramp member (7.1), the resilient beam (2.1) having a first beam head (2.2) and arranged to interact in a ramped engagement with respectively one of two ramps (7.2, 7.3), each ramp on one longitudinal side of the rhomboid ramp member (7.1) in such a manner that application of a translative force between the components (2, 7) in one longitudinal direction (P, D) with the first beam head (2.2) engaged to one of the ramps (7.2, 7.3) in a first state (A, C) deflects the resilient beam (2.1) in one transversal direction (0, I) when a predetermined value of the translative force, wherein the resilient beam (2.1) is allowed to relax when the first beam head (2.2) has reached the other one of the ramps (7.3, 7.2) in a second state (C, A), wherein application of a translative force ...

22-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002793427A1

The present invention relates to medical devices and particularly to a medication delivery device for self-injection of a medication, or for healthcare professionals to administer a medication. In one embodiment, a medication delivery device utilizes a source of gas pressure to deploy a needle, deliver a desired amount of medication through the needle, and retract the needle for disposal. Fluid flow paths from the source of gas pressure communicate the gas pressure to the needle and to the medication in order to accomplish these steps. In one embodiment, a valve is positioned to open and close the flow of the pressurized gas to the needle and the flow of the medication to the needle, so that the valve can be operated to deploy the needle and deliver the medication through the needle when the user is ready for the injection. The valve can also be operated to retract the needle when the dose is complete.

15-10-2014 дата публикации

Autoinjector Adjustable dose.

Номер: CH0000707898A2

Autoinjektor zur Verabreichung eines flüssigen Produkts, insbesondere Medikaments, der Autoinjektor umfassend: ein Gehäuse (2), einen Produktbehälter (13), an dessen distalem Ende eine Nadel angeordnet ist, in dem ein Kolben verschiebbar angeordnet ist und der in einem Produktbehälterhalter (1) gehalten ist, wobei der Produktbehälterhalter (1) axialfest mit dem Gehäuse (2) verbunden ist, wobei die Nadel aus dem Gehäuse (2) über das distale Ende des Gehäuses (2) ragt, eine Nadelschutzhülse (3), die aus einer Ausgangsposition, in der das distale Ende der Nadelschutzhülse (3) distal über die Nadelspitze der Nadel steht, in das Gehäuse (2) verschiebbar ist, so dass die Nadel aus dem distalen Ende der Nadelschutzhülse (3) hervortritt, und einen Stössel (7) und eine Ausschüttfeder (9), wobei der Stössel (7) in dem Gehäuse (2) angeordnet ist und von der vorgespannten Ausschüttfeder (9) entlang einer Längsachse in die distale Richtung verschiebbar ist, wobei die Verschiebung des Stössels (7) in ...

15-06-2007 дата публикации

Automatic injection unit comprises a release element which is joined to the trigger element so that it moves longitudinally together with the trigger element, and is laterally movable relative to it

Номер: CH0000696423A5

The automatic spring loaded injection unit comprises a release element (6) which is joined to the trigger element so that it moves longitudinally together with the trigger element, and is laterally movable relative to it. When the trigger element is operated, the release element is pushed against the holding section (8) of the drive element (4).

15-06-2007 дата публикации

Automatic injection unit comprises a release element which is brought into the movement range of a trigger element only when the housing elements are axially displaced relative to one another

Номер: CH0000696422A5

The automatic, spring loaded injection unit comprises a release element (6) which is brought into the movement range of a trigger element (5) only when the housing elements (2, 3) are axially displaced relative to one another.

15-11-2007 дата публикации

Automatic injection unit comprises a release element which holds the drive element in a preloaded state and releases it only when the housing elements are axially displaced relative to one another

Номер: CH0000696738A5

The automatic, spring loaded injection unit comprises a trigger element (5) and a release element (6) which also holds the drive element (4) in a preloaded state and releases it only when the housing elements (2, 3) are axially displaced relative to one another.

15-11-2013 дата публикации

Transportation carrier for syringes.

Номер: CH0000706483A1

Der Träger (1) für vorgefüllte Spritzen besitzt einen Körper aus einem formstabilen elastischen Material mit einer Kammer zum Einlegen der Spritze. Der Flansch des Spritzenzylinders wird in axialer Richtung in einer definierten Ausnehmung (18) fixiert, während der Spritzenkolben in einer beliebigen Position in einer langgestreckten Ausbuchtung der Kammer fixiert wird.

15-04-2016 дата публикации

Carrier for the storage and transport a pre-filled syringe.

Номер: CH0000706483B1

Der Träger (1) für eine vorgefüllte Spritze besitzt einen Körper aus einem formstabilen elastischen Material mit einer Kammer zum Einlegen der Spritze, die sich von der Oberseite her ins Innere des Körpers erstreckt. Der Flansch des Spritzenzylinders wird in axialer Richtung in einem definierten Querschlitz (18) fixiert, während der Spritzenkolben in einer beliebigen Position in einer langgestreckten Ausbuchtung (10) der Kammer fixiert wird. Diese Ausbuchtung ist enger als eine flanschförmige Verbreiterung am Ende der Kolbenstange, so dass der Kolben axial fixiert wird.

28-04-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for administration of an active agent and method for operating such a device.

Номер: CH0000711655A2

Vorrichtung zur Verabreichung eines Wirkstoffs umfassend eine Mehrkammerkarpule (4) mit einem Bypass (7) in einer Wandung der Mehrkammerkarpule (4) und mit wenigstens einer ersten Kammer mit einem festen Wirkstoff und einer zweiten Kammer mit einer Lösungsflüssigkeit für den Wirkstoff, wobei die zweite Kammer durch einen in der Mehrkammerkarpule (4) distal angeordneten ersten und einen in der Mehrkammerkarpule (4) proximal angeordneten zweiten Stopfen begrenzt ist, ein Abmischelement (1), welches relativ zu dem Gehäuse (11) um eine Drehachse drehbar gelagert ist und zum Abmischen des Wirkstoffes und der Lösungsflüssigkeit in eine Drehrichtung um die Drehachse drehbar ist, und eine Rasteinrichtung, welche derart an der Vorrichtung vorgesehen ist, dass nach dem Abmischvorgang eine axiale Verschiebung eines distalen Endes des zweiten Stopfens relativ zu der Wandung der Mehrkammerkarpule (4) über ein distales Ende des Bypasses in die proximale Richtung blockiert ist.

28-04-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for administration of an active agent and method for operating such a device.

Номер: CH0000711657A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Verabreichung eines Wirkstoffs, umfassend eine Mehrkammerkarpule (3) mit einem Bypass (6) in einer Wandung (7) der Mehrkammerkarpule (3) und mit wenigstens einer ersten Kammer (8) mit einem festen Wirkstoff und einer zweiten Kammer (9) mit einer Lösungsflüssigkeit für den Wirkstoff, wobei die zweite (9) Kammer durch einen in der Mehrkammerkarpule (3) distal angeordneten ersten (4) und einen in der Mehrkammerkarpule (3) proximal angeordneten zweiten Stopfen (5) begrenzt ist, eine Abmischvorrichtung zum Abmischen des Wirkstoffs und der Lösungsflüssigkeit, umfassend eine Kolbenstange (2), wobei in einer Anfangsposition des Abmischvorgangs der zweite Stopfen (5) derart mit der Kolbenstange (2) gekoppelt ist, dass der zweite Stopfen (2) hin und her bewegbar ist, und einen Mehrkammerkarpulenhalter (1) zur Aufnahme der Mehrkammerkarpule (3), und eine erste Rasteinrichtung, welche derart an der Vorrichtung vorgesehen ist, dass nach Beendigung des Abmischvorgangs ...

15-03-2016 дата публикации

Injection device with a scheduler.

Номер: CH0000710119A2

Nach einem ersten Aspekt der Erfindung wird eine Injektionsvorrichtung unter anderem mit einer Blockiereinrichtung, welche aus einem Blockierzustand in einen Freigabezustand schaltbar ist, beschrieben. Die Blockiereinrichtung hindert in ihrem Blockierzustand einen Stössel (7), in die distale Richtung bewegt zu werden, und erlaubt in ihrem Freigabezustand dem Stössel (7), mittels Muskelkraft um einen Ausschütthub in die distale Richtung bewegt zu werden. Mittels Verschieben einer Nadelschutzhülse (2) aus ihrer Ausgangsposition in ihre Einstechposition wird die Blockiereinrichtung aus dem Blockierzustand in den Freigabezustand geschaltet. Nach einem zweiten Aspekt der Erfindung wird eine Injektionsvorrichtung mit einer Sperreinrichtung, die mittels der Verschiebung eines Stössels (7) in die distale Richtung aus einem deaktivierten Zustand in einen aktivierten Zustand schaltbar ist, beschrieben. In dem deaktivierten Zustand der Sperreinrichtung ist die Nadelschutzhülse (2) zwischen ihrer Ausgangsposition ...

28-04-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for administration of an active agent and method for operating such a device.

Номер: CH0000711656A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Verabreichung eines Wirkstoffs umfassend eine Mehrkammerkarpule (3) mit einem Bypass (6) in einer Wandung der Mehrkammerkarpule (3) und mit wenigstens einer ersten Kammer mit einem festen Wirkstoff und einer zweiten Kammer mit einer Lösungsflüssigkeit für den Wirkstoff, wobei die zweite Kammer durch einen in der Mehrkammerkarpule (3) distal angeordneten ersten und einen in der Mehrkammerkarpule (3) proximal angeordneten zweiten Stopfen begrenzt ist, ein Abmischelement (1), welches relativ zu dem Gehäuse (10) axial verschiebbar gelagert ist und zum Abmischen des Wirkstoffs und der Lösungsflüssigkeit in die proximale Richtung bewegbar ist und eine erste Rasteinrichtung, welche derart an der Vorrichtung vorgesehen ist, dass nach Beendigung des Abmischvorgangs eine axiale Verschiebung eines distalen Endes des zweiten Stopfens relativ zu der Wandung der Mehrkammerkarpule (3) über ein distales Ende des Bypasses (6) in die proximale Richtung blockiert ...

13-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000715313A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Rückdrehsicherungsanordnung für eine insbesondere stiftförmige Injektionsvorrichtung umfassend ein Gehäuseteil (1), welches als Teil des Gehäuses der Injektionsvorrichtung oder separat davon ausgebildet ist, ein Antriebsteil (2), welches rotierbar im Gehäuseteil (1) gelagert ist, wobei das Antriebsteil (2) hülsenförmig, insbesondere mit einem oder mehreren Zylindersegmenten mit unterschiedlichen Durchmessern, ausgestaltet ist und eine (Längs-)Achse definiert, sowie ein zwischen Gehäuseteil und Antriebsteil angeordnetes Ratschenelement (3), welches eine Rotation des Antriebsteils (2) relativ zum Gehäuseteil (1) in eine Richtung ermöglicht und in die entgegengesetzte Richtung blockiert, wobei das Ratschenelement ringförmig ausgestaltet ist und wobei sich das Ratschenelement (3) senkrecht oder geneigt zur Achse und relativ zur Achse verschieben lässt. Ebenso betrifft die Erfindung Injektionsvorrichtungen mit erfindungsgemässen Rückdrehsicherungsanordnungen.

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Autoinjektor mit Ausschüttstopp.

Номер: CH0000717905A2

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Autoinjektor mit einem Gehäuse zur Aufnahme eines Produktbehälters, einem Vortriebsglied (22a) und einem Antrieb zur Bewegung des Vortriebsglieds (22a) in Längsrichtung und zur automatischen Ausschüttung eines in dem Produktbehälter enthaltenen flüssigen Produkts, einer Nadelschutzfeder (15) zur Vorspannung einer Nadelschutzhülse (11) in distale Richtung, einen Raster (22c) umfassend eine Vielzahl von entlang der Längsrichtung angeordneten Rastelementen, und ein Eingriffselement (23b) welches durch einen Eingriff in den Raster (22c) eine Ausschüttbewegung des Vortriebsglieds blockieren kann. Der Autoinjektor weist auf ein Steuerelement, welches mit dem Eingriffselemnt (23b). Der eine Steuerkurve (176) derart zusammenwirkt, dass bei einer durch die Nadelschutzfeder (15) getriebenen Bewegung des Steuerelements in distale Richtung das Eingriffselement (23b) in Eingriff mit dem Raster (22c) gebracht wird. Dadurch dass die Kraft der Nadelschutzfeder (15) für den ...

30-06-2023 дата публикации

Verabreichungsvorrichtung zur Abgabe eines Wirkstoffs aus einem Mehrkammerbehälter.

Номер: CH0000719246A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Verabreichungsvorrichtung eines Wirkstoffs aus einem Mehrkammerbehälter mit wenigstens einer ersten Kammer mit einem festen Wirkstoff und einer zweiten Kammer mit einer Lösungsflüssigkeit für den Wirkstoff. Ferner umfasst die Verabreichungsvorrichtung eine Mischvorrichtung zum Abmischen des Wirkstoffs und der Lösungsflüssigkeit und zum Ausschütten des abgemischten Wirkstoffs und ein Gehäuse zur Aufnahme der Mischvorrichtung. Es sind ein erster und ein zweiter Sensor in der Verabreichungsvorrichtung vorgesehen, sodass der Abmischvorgang vollständig ausgeführt wird und somit der Wirkstoff in der gewünschten Konzentration in der Lösungsflüssigkeit vollständig gelöst ist.

10-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000118193C2

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Syringe with passive safety lock

Номер: US20120022467A1

A syringe designed with a passive safety locking means to effectively and reliably disallow unintentional displacement of the plunger toward the distal end if the syringe. The safety locking means is designed to affect reliable automatic release on at least two (2) points of engagement of the syringe for its intended use namely the controlled dispensement of generally viscous substances therein.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Drive Mechanisms Suitable for Use in Drug Delivery Devices

Номер: US20120215176A1

The present disclosure is directed to a dose setting mechanism that may be used with a drug delivery device. The dose setting mechanism may include an inner body having a helical thread along an outer cylindrical surface of the inner body, and a drive sleeve for driving a piston rod in an axial direction, the drive sleeve positioned within at least a portion of the inner body. The dose setting mechanism may further include a dose dial sleeve rotatably engaged with the helical thread of the inner body and a dial grip connected to the dose dial sleeve and releasably connected to the drive sleeve. Further when a dose is set, the dial grip is rotated so that both the dose dial sleeve and the drive sleeve rotate with respect to the inner body.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Resettable drug delivery device

Номер: US20120283658A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A drive member for driving a piston rod in a drug delivery device is provided. The drive member is configured to be driven in a rotational movement by an actuating member. The drive member comprises a track for transmitting a driving load from the actuating member to the drive member. The track comprises both sections running in a distal and sections running in a proximal direction of the drive member. Moreover, a drug delivery device comprising such a drive member is provided.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Medicament delivery device

Номер: US20130041327A1
Автор: Mattias Daniel
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device with Braking Means

Номер: US20130102971A1
Автор: Stephan Olson
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

A medicament delivery device has an elongated housing; a medicament container carrier for a medicament container to which a medicament delivery member is attached, the carrier being slidable in the housing; a trigger unit; a cover unit coaxial and slidable in the housing; a release mechanism adapted to be actuated partly by the trigger unit and partly by movement of the cover unit; a preloaded drive unit releasably connected to the carrier and controlled by the release mechanism for advancing the carrier to a predetermined proximal position in relation to the housing at which the drive unit becomes disconnected from the carrier for advancing a slidable stopper in the container and thereby dispensing the medicament; and a braking mechanism acting between the preloaded drive unit and the release mechanism for controlling the speed of the preloaded drive unit when advancing the slidable stopper in the container.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Plunger Rod Retaining Anchors

Номер: US20130123712A1
Автор: Milan Ivosevic
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A plunger rod includes: an elongated body formed by a plurality of orthogonally spaced elongated ribs extending along a longitudinal axis; a first ledge adjacent a first end of the elongated body; a second ledge adjacent a second end of the elongated body; and an attachment portion extending from the second ledge. The second end of the elongated body opposes the first end of the elongated body. At least one elongated rib includes a retaining anchor positioned adjacent the second end adjacent the second ledge.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144220A1

A syringe flange protector for transmitting an axial force from a drive element to a syringe barrel, the syringe barrel having a flange projecting radially from the barrel; comprising a spacer element that is adapted to be disposed axially rearward of at least part of the flange, and is further adapted to communicate with the drive element through one or more points at a first radial distance from a longitudinal axis of the spacer element, and to transmit axial force from the drive element to the barrel through one or more points at a second radial distance from the longitudinal axis of the spacer element, where the second radial distance is less than the first radial distance. 1. A syringe flange protector for transmitting an axial force from a drive element to a syringe barrel , the syringe barrel having a flange projecting radially from the barrel;comprising a spacer element that is adapted to be disposed axially rearward of at least part of the flange, and is further adapted to communicate with the drive element through one or more points at a first radial distance from a longitudinal axis of the spacer element, and to transmit axial force from the drive element to the barrel through one or more points at a second radial distance from the longitudinal axis of the spacer element, where the second radial distance is less than the first radial distance.2. A syringe flange protector according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer element is adapted to be disposed in an axially spaced relationship with substantially all of the flange.3. A syringe flange protector according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer element comprises an axially extending inner spigot for insertion in the barrel claim 1 , an intermediate portion for transmitting the axial force to the barrel through the one or more points at said second radial distance claim 1 , and an outer rim for communicating with the drive element through the one or more points at said first distance.4. A syringe flange protector ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158486A1

Ampoules for dispensing flowable substances and metering systems incorporating the same are described herein. An ampoule for a flowable substance includes an ampoule body comprising an interior space for receiving the flowable substance and an inner circumferential surface having a guide region and a sealing region. A piston may be disposed in the interior space of the ampoule body such that the piston is slidably displaceable along a direction of displacement. The piston includes at least one sealing element for forming a seal with the inner circumferential surface in a contact zone on the outer circumference of the sealing element. The sealing element has a first compression state when the contact zone is in the guide region and a second compression state when the contact zone is in the sealing region. A second blocking device prevents movement of the contact zone from the sealing region to the guide region. 1. An ampoule for a flowable substance comprising:an ampoule body comprising an interior space for receiving the flowable substance and an inner circumferential surface having a guide region and a sealing region, wherein the guide region and the sealing region are positioned along a longitudinal axis of the ampoule body;a piston disposed in the interior space of the ampoule body such that the piston is slidably displaceable along the longitudinal axis of the ampoule body in a direction of displacement, the piston comprising at least one sealing element for forming a seal with the inner circumferential surface of the ampoule body in a contact zone on an outer circumference of the at least one sealing element; and 'the blocking device comprises an ampoule-body-side stop, a piston-side stop and a sliding surface.', 'a blocking device which prevents movement of the contact zone from the sealing region to the guide region, wherein2. The ampoule according to claim 1 , wherein the piston is a two component injection-moulded part comprising a basic body and the at ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Injection devices

Номер: US20130197442A1
Автор: Jeremy Marshall, Toby Cowe

An injection device includes an elongate housing ( 10 ), a syringe ( 12 ) disposed in the housing, and an internal piston ( 20 ) to express a dose from a needle ( 16 ) at its front end. The injection device further includes a shroud element ( 24 ) movable forwardly relative to the syringe to shroud the needle after use and a latch ( 74 ) movable between a latched state in which it restricts rearward movement of the shroud element, and a release state. The latch is moved to its latch state by a magnetic force ( 56 ).

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204205A1
Автор: Horlock Mark Philip

A drive assembly for a medication delivery device is provided which is switchable from an operational state to a resetting state and which comprises: 116-. (canceled)17: A drive assembly for a medication delivery device being switchable from an operational state to a resetting state and comprising:a housing having a proximal end and a distal end,a drive member adapted to be rotated with respect to the housing, anda stop member adapted to prevent rotational movement of the drive member in a first direction with respect to the housing and to permit rotational movement of the drive member in a second direction with respect to the housing, the second direction being opposite to the first direction,wherein in the operational state of the drive assembly the stop member is held in engagement with the drive member, andfor switching into the resetting state of the drive assembly the stop member is enabled to disengage from the drive member caused by gravity due to the weight of the stop member.18: The drive assembly according to claim 17 , comprising a rotation member adapted to be rotated in the first direction with respect to the housing during setting of a dose of a medication and to be rotated in the second direction with respect to the housing during delivery of the dose.19: The drive assembly according to claim 18 , wherein the rotation member is arranged at an opposite side of the drive member with respect to the stop member.20: The drive assembly according to claim 18 , wherein in the operational state of the drive assembly the drive member is held in engagement with the rotation member claim 18 , and for switching into the resetting state of the drive assembly the drive member is enabled to disengage from the rotation member caused by gravity due to the weight of the drive member.21: The drive assembly according to claim 17 , comprising a resilient member adapted to provide a force for engagement of the stop member and the drive member in the operational state.22: ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Dose Setting Mechanism for a Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20130211377A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to a dose setting mechanism for a drug delivery device and a method of using same. The mechanism comprises a housing, a mechanism member movable in a first axial direction relative to the housing during dose setting and movable in a second, opposite axial direction relative to the housing during injection, wherein the mechanism member is designed and arranged such that the mechanism member is able to change its condition between a first condition preventing movement in the second axial direction and a second condition allowing movement in the second axial direction, and a switching member forcing the mechanism member to change from its second condition into its first condition at a predefined position of the movement in the first axial direction during dose setting.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Medical Injection Device

Номер: US20130218093A1
Принадлежит: Novo Nordisk A/S

The present invention relates to injection devices for injecting a medicament from a cartridge () through a needle cannula (). The injection device () includes an actuator () for driving a piston driver () and includes an end of stroke limiter (). When the piston driver () is arrested by the end of stroke limiter () a shielding driver () is automatically triggered to actively shift the needle cannula () into a shielded state. The injection device may include a fluid dispensing interruption mechanism that automatically interrupts fluid flow when the piston driver has moved a predetermined stroke length. The injection device may also include a single pre-stressed spring acting exclusively in a linear compression mode or exclusively in a torsion mode and adapted to sequentially drive the device to enable fully automatic operation. The invention also relates to a method of sterilizing a needle cannula assembly. 23201320330360133013603101310320132031013103101310611341161113413201320310131037013601001100. An injection device as in claim 1 , wherein an actuator connector (;) couples the actuator ( claim 1 ,; claim 1 ,) with the piston driver (;) claim 1 , wherein the actuator connector (;) is configured to move the piston driver (;) during the injection stroke until the piston driver (;) is arrested by the end of stroke limiter ( claim 1 ,; claim 1 ,) whereupon the actuator connector (; ) is capable of movement relative to the piston driver (;) for triggering the shielding driver (;) to shift the injection device (;) from the unshielded state to the shielded state.332013203101310313322400315345131013221400131513453133224001310132214003153451315134531332240013101322140031534513151345611341310. An injection device as in claim 2 , wherein the relative movement of the actuator connector (;) and the piston driver (;) is controlled by a damper ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 ,; claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 ,) claim 2 , said damper comprising a variable volume ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274682A1
Автор: LI Chun, Liu Yunxing

A locking syringe with an integrated bias member, for delivering medical fluids at high pressure, can include a housing, a shaft, a piston, a cap assembly, a bias member, and a locking member. A distal end of the housing can interface with a patient delivery apparatus. The housing includes an internal cavity into which a distal end of the shaft can be inserted. The piston can be connected to the distal end of the shaft and can include a peripheral sealing surface that can slidably engage the inside surface of the housing to form a movable seal. The cap assembly at the proximal end of the housing can engage the shaft. A base cap can secure the piston within the housing. The bias member can have a distal end coupled to the piston and a proximal end restrained, such as to help pressurize the internal cavity. The user-actuatable locking member can user-selectively engage and inhibit unwanted movement of the shaft. 1a housing including a hollow interior cavity, a distal end, and a proximal end, the distal end configured to interface with a medical device and including an opening into the hollow interior cavity;a plunger including a shaft and a piston at a distal end of the shaft, the piston including a peripheral sealing surface configured to slidably engage an inside surface of the hollow interior cavity of the housing to form a movable seal, the shaft extending beyond the proximal end of the housing;a bias member with a distal end coupled to the plunger and a proximal end restrained proximate to the proximal end of the housing, the bias member configured to assist the plunger in pressurizing the hollow interior cavity of the housing; anda user-actuatable locking member configured to user-selectively inhibit unwanted movement of the plunger when engaged.. An apparatus comprising: This application is a continuation of and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/563,002, filed on Sep. 18, 2009, which is incorporated herein by reference ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Injection devices

Номер: US20130281933A1
Автор: Jeremy Marshall, Toby Cowe

An injection device includes an elongate housing ( 10 ); a syringe ( 12 ) disposed in the housing and having an internal piston ( 20 ) to express a dose from a needle ( 16 ) at its front end; a trigger device ( 52 ) for, in use, activating the internal piston, and a cap ( 66 ) that, in a fitted configuration, fits over at least part of the elongate housing and prevents activation of the trigger device.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Flush Syringe Assembly With Controlled Pulsatile Flushing

Номер: US20130281941A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

Flush syringe assemblies capable of creating pulsatile movement of the plunger rod as it moves in the distal direction within a syringe barrel, while preventing overpressurization of the cathether are provided. An exemplary flush syringe assembly includes a syringe barrel with a first pulsing element and a chamber with flush solution, a plunger rod with a stopper and a second pulsing element that interacts with the first pulsing element to provide an engagement force that causes pulsatile movement of the plunger rod and a thumb press slidably attached to the plunger rod with a pulse control element. The pulse control element is compressible to create a compression force that is greater than the engagement force of the first pulsing element and the second pulsing element.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296799A1

A method of securing an assembly of a drug delivery system, comprising: configuring at least a first component and a second component of the assembly in a closed configuration ready for placement into the drug delivery system; installing an assembly key including a locking element on the assembly to secure the assembly in said configuration; and, transporting the assembly with the assembly key installed 1. A method of securing an assembly of a drug delivery system , comprising:configuring at least a first component and a second component of the assembly in a closed configuration ready for placement into the drug delivery system;installing an assembly key including a locking element on the assembly to secure the assembly in said configuration; and, transporting the assembly with the assembly key installed.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising employing the assembly key to facilitate assembly of the assembly during manufacture.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the transporting is to an end user.4. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising removing the assembly key after transporting.5. A method according to claim 4 , further comprising disposing of the assembly key after removing.6. A method according to claim 4 , wherein the removing is by the end user.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the securing includes preventing relative movement of at least two components of the assembly.8. A method according to claim 1 , wherein installing the assembly key includes inserting the locking element of the assembly key through a bit aperture of a first component of the assembly and into a slot claim 1 , aligned with the bit aperture claim 1 , of a second component of the assembly claim 1 , thereby preventing relative movement of the first component and the second component.9. A method according to claim 1 , wherein installing the assembly key includes inserting the locking element of the assembly key through a key aperture of a first ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338605A1
Автор: CHEN Cho-Ying

A syringe with a blocking structure, and the structure includes a one-way engagement unit having a propping portion, a flange extended outwardly from a rod and abutted with a cylindrical body, and a flexible bracket extended outwardly from the rod and isolated from the propping portion, and the flexible bracket has an external diameter greater than the propping portion. When the rod is moved forward with respect to the cylindrical body to pass through the flange, the flange abuts the flexible bracket to tilt backward. When the rod is moved backward with respect to the cylindrical body, the flange abuts the flexible bracket to tilt the flexible bracket forward, and the propping portion blocks the flexible bracket. 1. A syringe with a blocking structure , comprising:a cylindrical body, including a flange;a rod;a one-way engagement unit, including a propping portion extended outwardly from the rod and contacted with the flange, and a flexible bracket extended outwardly from the rod and isolated from the propping portion, and the flexible bracket having an external diameter greater than the external diameter of the propping portion;thereby, when the rod is pushed forward with respect to the cylindrical body to push the propping portion and the flexible bracket to pass through the flange, the flange abuts the flexible bracket to tilt backward, and when the rod is pushed backward with respect to the cylindrical body, the flange blocks the flexible bracket.2. The syringe with a blocking structure according to claim 1 , applicable in a cylindrical body claim 1 , further comprising a barrel and a needle seat combined with the barrel claim 1 , and the flange being formed on an internal surface of the barrel claim 1 , characterized in that the rod comprises a rod body section claim 1 , and an engagement section extended from the rod body section and accommodated in the needle seat claim 1 , and the propping portion and the flexible bracket being extended outwardly from the rod ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345638A1

A drug delivery device is provided. The device is a wearable active transdermal drug delivery device which facilitates drug delivery using one or more vaccine cartridges having microneedles as the point of drug delivery. The device may be used to perform multiple vaccine deliveries to the intradermal layer of a patient. 1. A liquid delivery device , the device comprising:one or more generally cylindrical walls;one or more containers, each container comprising a plunger, a plunger spring, a retaining latch, a retraction spring, a liquid storage volume, and one or more needles in fluid communication with the liquid storage volume;wherein each of the one or more containers is slideably received in each of the one or more generally cylindrical walls;wherein the retaining latch of each of the one or more containers restricts movement of the plunger of each of the one or more containers when the device is in a first configuration; andwherein the retaining latch of each of the one or more containers does not restrict movement of the plunger of each of the one or more containers when the device is placed in a second configuration.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein a container further comprises a drug.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the drug is a vaccine.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the needles are hollow microneedles.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is moved from the first configuration to the second configuration by application of pressure to a container.6. A cartridge comprising an outer wall and inner container claim 1 , the inner container comprising a piston and one or more microneedles claim 1 , wherein the inner container is slideably received within the outer wall claim 1 , and wherein the cartridge has a pre-activation configuration claim 1 , an activated configuration claim 1 , and a retracted configuration.7. The cartridge of claim 6 , the cartridge further comprising a liquid storage volume in fluid communication with the microneedles claim ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094769A1

The present invention relates to medical devices and particularly to a medication delivery device for self-injection of a medication, or for healthcare professionals to administer a medication. In one embodiment, a medication delivery device utilizes a source of gas pressure to deploy a needle, deliver a desired amount of medication through the needle, and retract the needle for disposal. Fluid flow paths from the source of gas pressure communicate the gas pressure to the needle and to the medication in order to accomplish these steps. In one embodiment, a valve is positioned to open and close the flow of the pressurized gas to the needle and the flow of the medication to the needle, so that the valve can be operated to deploy the needle and deliver the medication through the needle when the user is ready for the injection. The valve can also be operated to retract the needle when the dose is complete. 1. A medication delivery device for injection of a medication , comprising:a medication reservoir;a pressure housing;a piston assembly comprising a piston coupled to a needle, the piston being movable from a retracted position to a deployed position; anda valve fluidically coupled between the medication reservoir and the needle and between the pressure housing and the piston assembly,wherein the valve is movable from a first position in which the pressure housing is fluidically coupled to the piston assembly through a first fluid flow path, to a second position in which the pressure housing is fluidically coupled to the piston assembly through a second fluid flow path.2. The medication delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid flow path is fluidically coupled to a first side of the piston claim 1 , and the second fluid flow path is fluidically coupled to a second side of the piston that is opposite the first side.3. The medication delivery device of claim 2 , wherein the first side of the piston comprises a downwardly facing surface claim 2 , and the second ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001052A1

A syringe is described with a plunger assembly that is adapted to have a dispensing stroke sized to dispense a fluid therapeutic product from the syringe without dispensing any air or headspace. The syringe includes a plunger rod having a stop feature that stops a dispensing stroke of the plunger rod at a distance corresponding to a level of air or headspace within the syringe avoiding additional air dispensing steps from a healthcare provider. 1. A syringe comprising:a barrel having an interior, a dispensing opening at a distal end, and an open proximal end having an end surface;a stopper disposed within the interior of the barrel;a plunger rod having a first end operably coupled to the stopper and a second end extending through the open proximal end of the barrel, the plunger rod configured to be engaged by a user to drive the stopper through the barrel to thereby dispense contents within the barrel through the dispensing opening during a dispensing operation; andan outwardly projecting stop coupled to the plunger rod adjacent the second end;wherein the barrel is configured to contain a fluid therapeutic product and headspace between the dispensing opening and the stopper, and the stop is configured to engage the end surface of the open proximal end of the barrel to stop movement of the plunger rod during the dispensing operation so that the headspace is left within the barrel.2. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the stop has at least one radial dimension greater than a corresponding radius of an opening of the open proximal end of the barrel.3. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the stop includes a portion having a diameter greater than a corresponding diameter of an opening of the open proximal end of the barrel such that the stop is configured to abut the end surface on opposing radial edge portions.4. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the barrel includes a flange extending around the open proximal end claim 1 , the flange configured to be gripped by a user during ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Auto-injector for epinephrine injection

Номер: US20160001005A1
Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmBH

A reloadable auto injector for epinephrine injection is provided. The reloadable auto injector has a separate needle insertion and medicine injection drivers ( 1600 ) wherein needle insertion driver ( 1200 ) is configured to be re-activated upon reloading. A syringe is movably positioned in a housing between a first position in which the needle is accommodated inside the housing and a second position in which the needle protrudes outside the housing. A plunger rod ( 1500 ) is normally locked to a plunger rod tube ( 1100 ) by at least one deflectable locking member ( 1110 ). A syringe driver ( 1200 ) applies a force to the syringe to move the syringe together with plunger rod tube, plunger rod and plunger rod driver from the first position to the second position. In the second position, the locking member ( 1110 ) is unlocked and releases the plunger rod to thereby activate the plunger rod driver to advance the plunger rod in the syringe for delivering of medicament. A reload handle ( 1400 ) is connected to the syringe assembly so that user operation of the reload handle retracts the syringe to the first position and simultaneously reload the syringe driver to thereby ready the auto injector for delivering a further dose of medicament.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001017A1
Автор: Ogawa Junichi

A prefilled syringe includes: a syringe barrel including a syringe barrel body and an outer barrel; a cap; a gasket; and a plunger which allows the gasket to slide by pressing a press portion located on the base end of a shaft to discharge a drug solution inside the syringe barrel body. The outer barrel has a window and a mask which hides the inside of the outer barrel on a wall thereof. A part of the shaft has a mark which has a color different from the color of other parts of the plunger. The mark is covered with the mask and is not visually recognizable through the window before discharge of the drug solution. The outer peripheral surface of the mark is visually recognizable through the window along with movement of the plunger when the discharge of the drug solution is completed. 1. A prefilled syringe comprising:a syringe barrel including a syringe barrel body and an outer barrel, the syringe barrel body having a drug solution discharge portion located on a tip end and an insertion port open on a base end, at least a part of the outer barrel extending in a tubular shape from the insertion port toward a base end side, the outer barrel having an opening located on a base end and having an inner diameter that is larger than an inner diameter of the syringe barrel body in a region between the insertion port and the opening;a cap configured to seal the drug solution discharge portion;a gasket disposed in the syringe barrel body;a plunger having a shaft disposed in the syringe barrel through the opening and a press portion disposed on a base end of the shaft, the plunger being configured to move toward the tip end by a pressing operation to the press portion to allow the gasket to slide toward the drug solution discharge portion; anda drug solution stored between the drug solution discharge portion and the gasket inside the syringe barrel body, the drug solution being dischargeable from the drug solution discharge portion by the sliding of the gasket,wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

A Piston Rod Drive for an Injection Device

Номер: US20180001030A1
Автор: Pedersen Simon Munch

The invention relates to a piston rod drive arrangement for an injection device used for self-administration of a plurality of individually set doses. The drive arrangement is made from a first element () mating the non-circular cross-section () of a piston rod () and a second element () having an inner thread () mating the outer thread of the piston rod. Whenever the first element () and the second element () are rotated in relation to each other the piston rod () is moved in an axial direction. In order to minimise the play in the threaded connection a resilient element () is proved to apply a force to the piston rod () in a longitudinal direction. 2. A piston rod drive arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the resilient element is formed integral with the second element.3. A piston rod drive arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the resilient element is an integral part of the inner thread of the second element.4. A piston rod drive arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the inner thread is formed from one or more thread segments claim 1 , wherein at least one thread segment terminates in a resilient arm which abuts the outer thread on the piston rod in the longitudinal direction.5. A piston rod drive arrangement according to claim 4 , wherein the resilient arm define a helix angle different from the helix angle of the thread segment carrying the resilient arm.6. A piston rod drive arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the outer thread of the piston rod is unbroken.7. A piston rod drive arrangement according to claim 6 , wherein the piston rod carries a series of knobs extending radially from the unbroken outer thread.8. A piston rod drive arrangement according to claim 7 , wherein each knob in the series extend from the top of the outer thread in a radial direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the piston rod.9. A piston rod drive arrangement according to claim 7 , wherein the knobs in the same series are provided following a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001032A1

A fluid dispensing device having a barrel having a lumen for containing a fluid therein and a flexible structure extending from the barrel. A plunger is axially slidable within the lumen to dispense fluid from the barrel, the plunger having a first set of grooves spaced apart a first distance and a second set of grooves spaced apart a second distance. The flexible structure includes a flexible arm extending transversely with respect to the barrel and configured to engage the grooves. 1. A fluid dispensing device comprising:a barrel having a lumen for containing a fluid therein and a flexible structure extending from the barrel; anda plunger axially slidable within the lumen to dispense fluid from the barrel, the plunger having a first set of grooves spaced apart a first distance and a second set of grooves spaced apart a second distance, and the flexible structure including at least one flexible arm extending transversely with respect to the barrel and positioned to engage either the first set of grooves or the second set of grooves.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flexible structure are selectively mountable to the barrel.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the plunger has an asymmetric transverse cross-sectional shape having a first wall and a second wall claim 1 , the first set of grooves formed on the first wall and the second set of grooves formed on the second wall.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flexible structure is snapped onto the barrel.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flexible structure has an indicator to inform the user of which set of grooves the flexible arm will engage.6. The device of claim 2 , wherein the plunger has a first position wherein the flexible structure is engageable with grooves of the first set of grooves when the plunger is advanced through the barrel to dispense first increments of fluid and a second position wherein the flexible structure is engageable with grooves of the second set of grooves when the plunger is ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001065A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

A medicament delivery device configured to provide a variable single dose of medicament is disclosed. The medicament delivery device includes a main body and a syringe arranged in the main body, wherein the syringe comprises a medicament. The medicament delivery device further includes a removable cap and a plunger rod operatively arranged to eject the medicament through a delivery member i.e. an injection needle attached to the syringe. Still further, the medicament delivery device includes a tubular member coupled to the plunger rod. The tubular member is configured to rotate during removing of the removable cap, and the rotation releases the plunger rod thereby allowing the plunger rod to travel a predetermined distance so as to prime the medicament delivery device. 118-. (canceled)19. A medicament delivery device comprising:a main body;a syringe arranged in the main body, wherein the syringe comprises a medicament;a delivery member shield unit slidably arranged in the main body;a removable cap releasably coupled to the delivery member shield unit;a plunger rod operatively arranged to eject the medicament through a delivery member attached to the syringe; anda tubular member arranged inside the delivery member shield unit, where the tubular member comprises a track and is coupled to the plunger rod;wherein the delivery member shield unit comprises a pin configured to interact with the track of the tubular member;wherein, during removal of the removable cap, the pin on the delivery member shield unit travels in the track on the tubular member so as to cause rotation of the tubular member that releases the plunger rod thereby allowing the plunger rod to travel a predetermined distance so as to prime the medicament delivery device.20. The medicament delivery device of claim 19 , wherein the tubular member comprises a first rib and a second rib claim 19 , and wherein the predetermined distance is a distance between the first rib and the second rib.21. The medicament ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Trigger assembly for an automatic injection device

Номер: US20160008540A1
Принадлежит: Eli Lilly and Co

A trigger assembly for an automatic injection device which by its operation releases a biased element of the device for movement. The trigger assembly includes a button pressable by a user, and a lock member. Prior to the button being plunged, a blocking element on the button is abutted by a button-engaging surface of the lock member to prevent lock member rotation, thereby allowing an engagement surface on the lock member to remain in engagement with an engagement surface of the biased element so as to restrain motion of the biased element. When the button is plunged, the blocking surface moves clear of the button-engaging surface to allow the lock member to rotate, during which rotation the engagement surfaces disengage to release the biased element for movement.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022983A1

A device for insertion of a medical tool held in an end effector, the device comprising moveable platforms providing motion in two generally orthogonal directions, and two piston mechanisms operating within cylinders, coupled to the moveable platforms, and being attached at their distal end to the end effector by means of a common joint. The pistons may be linear actuators. The end effector is manipulated by driving mechanisms propelling the pistons linearly. The proximal ends of the cylinders may be coupled to a common shaft. The axes of the cylinders and the pistons, the line connecting the pistons axes through the common joint and the axis of the cylinders' common shaft may all be located substantially in a single plane. Coordinated motion of the moveable platforms and the piston mechanisms enables the maintenance of a virtual remote center of motion of the medical tool as its orientation changes. 1. An automated device for inserting a medical tool into a body of a subject , comprising:a first movable platform;a second movable platform operatively coupled to the first movable platform;a first driving mechanism comprising at least a first motor and configured to move the first movable platform in a first linear direction;a second driving mechanism comprising at least a second motor and configured to move the second movable platform in a second linear direction substantially perpendicular to the first linear direction;first and second piston mechanisms coupled to the second movable platform;a common joint to which distal ends of the first and second piston mechanisms are coupled;an end effector; andat least a first portion of an insertion mechanism, the insertion mechanism being configured to impart movement to the medical tool in the direction of the body of the subject.2. The automated device of claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal axes of the first and the second piston mechanisms are located substantially in a single plane.3. The automated device of claim 2 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008779A1

A medicament delivery device is presented having a housing that is arranged to accommodate a medicament container, a drive unit operably arranged to act on the medicament container upon activation, an activation mechanism operably arranged to be operated by a user, an activation preventing mechanism operably arranged to prevent the activation mechanism to be activated, an usage management module arranged to be operated by a user, which usage management module is designed as an attachable unit to the medicament delivery device. First keying elements are arranged on the device and on the usage management module designed to interact with each other when attaching said usage management module, such as to cause a deactivation of the activation preventing mechanism to allow operation of the activation mechanism. The usage management module can include a monitoring circuit arranged to monitor the use of the medicament delivery device. 114-. (canceled)15. A medicament delivery device comprisinga housing constructed to accommodate a medicament container;a drive unit configured to operably act on the medicament container upon activation;an activation mechanism configured for operation by a user;an activation preventing mechanism operably configured that prevents a user from activating the activation mechanism;a usage management module configured for operation by a user, where the usage management module is attachable to the medicament delivery device; andfirst keying elements arranged on the medicament delivery device and on the usage management module that interact with each other when the usage management module is attached to the medicament delivery device, where the attachment causes deactivation of the activation preventing mechanism and allowing operation of the activation mechanism, wherethe usage management module comprises a monitoring circuit that monitors the use of the medicament delivery device.16. The medicament delivery device according to claim 15 , wherein ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Drug Delivery Device with a Drive Mechanism

Номер: US20180008781A1
Принадлежит: SANOFI

The present disclosure relates to a drive mechanism which is suitable for an injection device, especially a drug delivery device. The mechanism comprises a housing having a longitudinal axis defined by a compartment for receiving a cartridge, a plunger suitable for acting on a bung of a cartridge retained in the housing, a strained pressure spring arranged between the housing and the plunger, a retaining member coupled to the plunger, and a release member operable between a first state, in which the release member constrains the retaining member to the housing, and a second state, in which the release member is movable relative to the housing. 114-. (canceled)15. A drug delivery device for selecting and dispensing a number of user variable doses of a medicament comprising:a housing having a longitudinal axis defined by a compartment for receiving a cartridge;a plunger suitable for acting on a bung of a cartridge retained in the housing;a spring arranged between the housing and the plunger;a retaining member coupled to the plunger;a release member operable in a first state and a second state, wherein, in the first state, the release member is configured to constrain the retaining member to the housing to inhibit movement of the plunger relative to the housing, and, in the second state, the release member is movable relative to the housing to allow the spring to move the plunger; anda dose setting member rotatable relative to the release member during dose setting and rotatable with the release member during dose dispensing.16. The drug delivery device according to claim 15 , wherein the retaining member comprises a flexible belt or cable.17. The drug delivery device according to claim 15 , wherein the plunger is axially constrained to at least a portion of the retaining member.18. The drug delivery device according to claim 15 , wherein claim 15 , in the second state claim 15 , the release member is rotatable relative to the housing.19. The drug delivery device ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for Assembling a Drug Delivery Device and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20180008782A1
Принадлежит: SANOFI

A method for assembling a drug delivery device that includes mounting a cartridge with a bung, the mechanism, the plunger and the spring within a housing such that a spring biases a plunger in a dispensing direction and that a drum and/or the release member is attached to the plunger attaching a tool with torque measurement capability to the drum or a release member of a dose mechanism in a state where at least one housing part is detached from further housing part; setting a dose by rotating the dose setting member in a first direction, activating a trigger and monitoring the torque applied to the drum or the release member; releasing the trigger upon detection of a predetermined change in the torque measured by the tool; and releasing the tool and closing the housing. 1. A method of assembling a drug delivery device or components thereof comprising:providing a cartridge with a bung, a plunger, a spring biasing the plunger towards the bung and a release member coupled to the spring such that release of the spring is controlled by the release member,providing an instrument for measuring the torque or force of the spring,releasing the spring while monitoring the torque or force by the measuring instrument, andstopping the release member upon detection of a predetermined change in the torque or force measured by the measuring instrument, wherein the predetermined change in the torque or force is a rapid decrease in the torque or force due to the plunger contacting the bung in the cartridge.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising providing a housing claim 1 , and a dose setting and dispensing mechanism comprising at least a dose setting member claim 1 , a trigger claim 1 , the release member and/or a drum claim 1 , the plunger and the spring claim 1 , which is a strained pressure spring claim 1 ,mounting the cartridge with the bung, the dose setting and dispensing mechanism, the plunger and the spring within the housing such that the spring biases the plunger ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008289A1

A gasket pressing tool includes a syringe attachment member attached to an outer tube, a gasket pressing member that presses a gasket of a syringe, a pressing member biasing body accommodated in the gasket pressing member, a biasing body pressing tubular member that accommodates a rear end portion of the pressing member biasing body and has side portions provided with opening portions, and movement restriction members of the pressing member held by the tubular member and having engagement protrusions that enter through the opening portions of the tubular member. The pressing tool has an engaged state maintaining function for the engagement protrusion of the movement restriction member and the pressing member-side engagement portion of the pressing member, and an operation function for the engagement protrusion for releasing the engagement therebetween. 1. A gasket pressing tool configured to move a gasket in a distal end direction of an outer tube of a syringe , the outer tube having a rear end portion provided with a flange , the gasket being slidably accommodated in the outer tube , the gasket pressing tool comprising:a gasket pressing member configured to press the gasket in the distal end direction;a syringe attachment member attached to the flange of the outer tube;a pressing member biasing body having a distal end portion accommodated in the gasket pressing member and having a rear end portion protruding from the gasket pressing member;a biasing body pressing tubular member that accommodates the rear end portion of the pressing member biasing body and has a flange portion that is provided at a distal end portion of the biasing body pressing tubular member and is accommodated in the syringe attachment member, and an opening portion that is provided proximal to the flange portion; anda movement restriction member that is held by the biasing body pressing tubular member and/or the syringe attachment member, includes an engagement protrusion that enters into the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Safety syringe

Номер: US20150011935A1
Принадлежит: Credence Medsystems Inc

One embodiment is directed to a safety syringe system, comprising a syringe body; a plunger tip positioned within the syringe body; a needle assembly removably coupleable to the distal end of the syringe body such that a medicinal fluid may be transferred through a retractable needle coupled to a needle housing comprising the needle assembly upon insertion of the plunger tip relative to the syringe body; and a plunger control assembly coupled to the plunger tip and configured to facilitate manual insertion of the plunger tip relative to the syringe body; wherein the needle assembly comprises a needle housing member removably coupled to the retractable needle and also removably coupled to a needle cover, the needle cover providing a relatively large geometric guiding surface for aligning a proximal end of the retractable needle as it is guided into fluidic contact with the fluid reservoir of the syringe body.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031951A1
Автор: FABIEN David

An autoinjector having a reservoir (); a piston (); a needle (); a driver module having a body (); a piston rod () movable between rest position and injection positions; an injection spring (); and a lock that blocks the piston rod in its rest position. The lock ha a thread () connected to the piston rod and to a toothed winder wheel (), a locking member () co-operating with a tooth () of the toothed winder wheel, the locking member () movable between a blocking position preventing the winder wheel from turning in the direction of actuation force (Fa) exerted by the injection spring, and an actuated position allowing turning of the winder wheel. The autoinjector includes a re-cocking mechanism () for rewinding the thread on the winder wheel by turning the winder wheel in the opposite direction to its direction during the injection stage. 18-. (canceled)9. An autoinjector , comprising:{'b': 100', '110', '111', '112, 'a reservoir module () comprising a reservoir () containing fluid and a piston (), and including a needle (); and'}{'b': '200', 'claim-text': [{'b': '201', 'a body ();'}, {'b': 210', '111', '110', '210', '210', '111', '110', '112, 'a piston rod () that is adapted to co-operate with the piston () of said reservoir (), said piston rod () being movable between a rest position and an injection position in which said piston rod () has moved the piston () of the reservoir () so as to inject the fluid through said needle ();'}, {'b': 220', '210, 'an injection spring () for urging said piston rod () towards its injection position; and'}, {'b': 210', '230', '210', '240', '260', '241', '240', '260', '240', '220', '210', '240, 'a lock that blocks said piston rod () in its rest position, said lock comprising a thread () that is connected at one end to said piston rod () and at its other end to a toothed winder wheel (), a locking member () co-operating with a tooth () of said toothed winder wheel (), said locking member () being movable, in particular pivotable, ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031952A1

The invention provides a syringe for use in an ophthalmic injection. The syringe comprises a body, a stopper and a plunger. The body comprises an outlet at an outlet end and the stopper is arranged within the body such that a front surface of the stopper and the body define a variable volume chamber from which a fluid can be expelled though the outlet. The plunger comprises a plunger contact surface at a first end and a rod extends between the plunger contact surface and a rear portion. The plunger contact surface is arranged to contact the stopper but not couple thereto, such that the plunger can be used to force the stopper towards the outlet end of the body, reducing the volume of the variable volume chamber, but not to move the stopper away from the outlet end. 147-. (canceled)48. A packaged , small volume , terminally sterilized syringe comprising:a body; wherein the body comprises an outlet at an outlet end and the stopper is arranged within the body such that a front surface of the stopper and the body define a variable volume chamber from which a fluid can be expelled through the outlet;', 'wherein the stopper comprises at least a front circumferential rib and a rear circumferential rib which are separated in a direction along the longitudinal axis of the body by at least 3 mm to define a sterility zone having a length extending from the front circumferential rib to the rear circumferential rib;', 'wherein the syringe is dimensioned to have a nominal maximum fill volume between 0.25 ml and 0.75 ml; and', 'a sealed package, wherein the small volume, terminally sterilized syringe is enclosed within the sealed package., 'a stopper;'}49. The syringe of claim 48 , wherein the stopper further comprises one or more circumferential ribs arranged between the front circumferential rib and the rear circumferential rib.50. The syringe of claim 49 , wherein the stopper comprises three circumferential ribs.51. The syringe of claim 48 , wherein the stopper comprises a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031953A1

Methods, devices, and components are provided to reduce tissue resistive pressure during a subcutaneous drug delivery operation by increasing the size of the injection cavity by partially retracting the drug delivery member after inserting the drug delivery member to a subcutaneous position. The drug delivery devices described herein include a resilient member that interacts between stationary and moveable components of the drug delivery device. The drug delivery device include drives to move the stationary and moveable components relative to one another to insert a drug delivery member to a subcutaneous depth within a patient and to dispense a drug to the injection cavity in the patient. The resilient member is deformed during the operations or is pre-deformed and the stored energy of the resilient member in the deformed state then acts on the stationary and moveable components to partially retract the drug delivery member to relieve pressure in the injection region. 1. A drug delivery device comprising:an outer casing including one or more sidewalls, a distal end wall, and a proximal end wall defining an interior, the distal end wall having an opening extending therethrough;a primary container assembly at least partially received within the interior of the outer casing, the primary container assembly including a reservoir having a sidewall defining an interior, a plunger stopper disposed within the interior of the reservoir, and a drug delivery member operably connected to the reservoir and configured to be fluidly coupled to the interior thereof, at least the drug delivery member being movable between first and second positions with respect to the outer casing; anda resilient member disposed between the primary container assembly and the outer casing, wherein the resilient member is in a deformed state when the drug delivery members is in the second position and biases the drug delivery member to move in a retraction direction toward the first position to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Pen-Type Injector

Номер: US20220031954A1

The present invention relates to injectors, such as pen-type injectors, that provide for administration of medicinal products from a multidose cartridge and permit a user to set the delivery dose. The injector may include a housing, a cartridge containing medicinal product, the cartridge being retained within the housing, means for selecting a dose of medicinal product to be expelled, and means for expelling the selected dose of medicinal product. The housing may be a unitary housing within which the means for selecting a dose and the means for expelling the selected dose are moveably retained. Alternatively, the injector may include a housing, a piston rod, an insert located in the housing and through which the piston may rotate, ratchet means, a dose dial sleeve, a drive sleeve, a button located on the drive sleeve and rotatable with respect to the drive sleeve, and clutch means which upon depression of the button prevents rotation between the dose dial sleeve and the drive sleeve. 14-. (canceled)5. A pen-type injector comprising:a housing;a piston rod having a screw thread;an insert located in the housing, the piston rod and the insert being configured to allow the piston rod to rotate through the insert;a dose dial sleeve rotatable with respect to the housing and the insert; anda drive sleeve which is axially displaceable with respect to the housing,wherein a maximum angular displacement of the dose dial sleeve with respect to the housing is determined by abutment of a radially directed lug on the dose dial sleeve with a catch on the insert,wherein the drive sleeve comprises (i) a first part having a first diameter located between the insert and the piston rod and (ii) a second part having a second diameter located between the piston rod and the dose dial sleeve, andwherein an internal surface of the drive sleeve is splined to the piston rod to prevent relative rotation between the drive sleeve and the piston rod and allow relative longitudinal displacement ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

AutoInjector having Needle Shield Triggering

Номер: US20170014575A1
Принадлежит: Novo Nordisk A/S

An autoinjector () for expelling a single dose of drug from a held cartridge () comprising a piston (), the autoinjector comprising: a) a base (), b) a needle () that is fixedly mounted relative to the base (), c) a plunger () adapted for cooperation with the piston (), d) an actuating spring () arranged to act on the plunger () to drive the piston () distally, and e) a needle shield () axially movable relative to the base () between an extended position and a collapsed position. In an initial state, a thread () of the plunger () engages a base thread () to maintain the plunger in an initial axial position. The autoinjector defines a lock () that is released when the needle shield () is moved from the extended position to the collapsed position. The lock () releases to enable relative rotation between plunger thread () and base thread () causing release of the plunger () from the initial axial position and expelling the dose of the drug. 2. An autoinjector as defined in claim 1 , wherein a needle shield spring biases the needle shield towards the extended position.3. An autoinjector as defined in claim 2 , wherein the needle shield spring is an element separate from the actuating spring.4. An autoinjector as defined in claim 1 , wherein the lock includes a first lock element that is axially movable as the needle shield moves from the extended position towards the collapsed position claim 1 , wherein the first lock element and the plunger define respective cooperating lock geometries configured to claim 1 , prior to activation claim 1 , maintain a rotational lock between the plunger and the base claim 1 , the cooperating lock geometries being adapted to unlock to enable rotation between the plunger and base upon the needle shield being moved towards the collapsed position.5. An autoinjector as defined as in claim 4 , wherein the first lock element is prevented from rotating relative to the base and wherein the lock element and the plunger define respective ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Single Dose Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20210016009A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

A medicament delivery device configured to provide a variable single dose of medicament is disclosed. The medicament delivery device includes a main body and a syringe arranged in the main body, wherein the syringe comprises a medicament. The medicament delivery device further includes a removable cap and a plunger rod operatively arranged to eject the medicament through a delivery member i.e. an injection needle attached to the syringe. Still further, the medicament delivery device includes a tubular member coupled to the plunger rod. The tubular member is configured to rotate during removing of the removable cap, and the rotation releases the plunger rod thereby allowing the plunger rod to travel a predetermined distance so as to prime the medicament delivery device. 1. A medicament delivery device comprising:a main body;a cartridge arranged in the main body, wherein the cartridge comprises a medicament;a delivery member shield unit slidably arranged in the main body;a removable cap abutting the delivery member shield unit;a plunger rod operatively arranged to eject the medicament through a delivery member attached to the cartridge; anda tubular member arranged inside the delivery member shield unit, where the tubular member comprises a track and is coupled to the plunger rod,wherein the delivery member shield unit comprises a pin configured to interact with the track of the tubular member, andwherein, during removal of the removable cap, the pin on the delivery member shield unit travels in the track on the tubular member so as to cause rotation of the tubular member that releases the plunger rod thereby allowing the plunger rod to travel a predetermined distance so as to automatically prime the medicament delivery device.2. The medicament delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the tubular member comprises a first rib and a second rib claim 1 , and wherein the predetermined distance is a distance between the first rib and the second rib.3. The medicament delivery ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016015A1

Drive systems for a drug delivery device are provided. The drive systems can be positioned within a container that stores a liquid drug to be delivered to a user. The drive systems can be coupled to a plunger positioned within the container. The drive systems can be incrementally advanced to drive the plunger further into the container, thereby expelling a portion of the stored liquid drug from the container for delivery to the user. The container can be any type of container including a pre-filled, standardized drug cartridge. The drive systems and container can be components of a wearable drug delivery device. 1. An alternate step drive for a drug delivery device , comprising:a first brake component configured to expand and retract along a first axis;a second brake component configured to expand and retract along the first axis, and the connector component is configured to expand and retract along a second axis approximately perpendicular to the first axis, and', 'the first brake component, the second brake component, and the connector component are configured to advance a plunger positioned within a reservoir of the drug delivery device., 'a connector component coupled to the first and second brake components, wherein2. The alternate step drive of claim 1 , wherein the first brake component claim 1 , the second brake component claim 1 , and the connector component are each configured to expand and retract independently of one another.3. The alternate step drive of claim 2 , wherein the first brake component comprises:a first non-compressible component,a second non-compressible component,a compressible component positioned between the first and second non-compressible components,a shape memory wire wrapped around the first and second non-compressible components,a first rubber component wrapped around a first end of the first brake component, anda second rubber component wrapped around a second end of the first brake component.4. The alternate step drive of claim 3 ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021521A1
Автор: Sanchez Steve

A rotatable drive mechanism for a drug delivery device may include a lead screw having a distal end, a proximal end, and external threads, a bearing, and a ball screw driver having a threaded aperture wherein the threaded aperture is configured to rotatably engage with the external threads of the lead screw. The mechanism may further include a biasing device disposed between the bearing and the ball screw driver generating an axial drive force, and an activation device configured to release the biasing device and allowing the biasing device to expand from a compressed position to an extended position through which the axial drive force of the biasing device causes the ball screw driver to axially move toward the distal end of the lead screw and rotate the lead screw such that a threaded engagement between the lead screw and the ball screw driver bears the axial drive force. 1. A rotatable drive mechanism for a drug delivery device , the drive mechanism comprising:a lead screw having a distal end, a proximal end, and external threads;a bearing operably attached to the proximal end of the lead screw;a ball screw driver having a threaded aperture, wherein the threaded aperture is configured to rotatably engage with the external threads of the lead screw, the ball screw driver and lead screw being coaxially aligned;a biasing device disposed between the bearing and the ball screw driver generating an axial drive force for biasing the ball screw driver away from the bearing; andan activation device configured to release the biasing device and allow the biasing device to expand from a compressed position to an extended position through which the axial drive force of the biasing device causes the ball screw driver to axially move toward the distal end of the lead screw and rotate the lead screw such that a threaded engagement between the lead screw and the ball screw driver bears the axial drive force.2. The rotatable drive mechanism of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Dental Syringe

Номер: US20180021541A1

A device or arrangement for a carpule for a dental syringe permits the harpoon on the distal end of the plunger rod to engage the rubber or rubber-like plug or piston of the carpule, but blocks the piston from being pulled out the open proximal end of the tubular glass body of the carpule. A preferred version has an apertured cap that fits onto the proximal end of the carpule, a retaining neck ring that fits onto the penetrable seal at the proximal end of the carpule, and a bar connecting them. The bar also serves as a grip to assist in handling the carpule. 1. In combination , a dental syringe and carpule , wherein:the dental syringe includes a barrel portion adapted to hold the carpule, and a plunger portion that fits onto the barrel portion to hold the carpule in place therein, and the plunger portion including a plunger rod movable proximal-distal direction in the syringe, and having a harpoon projecting from said plunger rod at its distal end;the carpule including a cylindrical body having an inner surface, a puncturable seal member at a distal end thereof and a piston fitted into the cylindrical body and slidably contacting the inner surface thereof, initially disposed at an open proximal end thereof;and further comprising an anti-withdrawal device mounted onto the proximal end of the tubular body of the carpule, including a cap portion fitted onto the open proximal end thereof with an aperture permitting the harpoon of the plunger portion to enter and engage said piston, and with a portion thereof blocking said piston from being withdrawn out the proximal open end of the tubular body portion of the carpule, and a retaining mechanism for removably retaining said cap portion on said proximal end of the capsule body.2. The combination of wherein said anti-withdrawal device includes a bar portion attached onto said cap portion and adapted to extend distally along said body portion and a retaining ring attached onto a distal end of said bar portion and adapted to ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040408A1

An injection device comprises a casing, a syringe carrier located within a proximal end of the casing and being movable along a longitudinal axis of the device between a stowed position and a needle insertion position, and a drive assembly located within a distal end of the casing and being movable by an insertion driver in order to move the syringe carrier and a loaded syringe from a stowed position to a needle insertion position. The device further comprises a first formation fixed relative to the casing and a second formation fixed relative to an insertion tube of the drive assembly, the first and second formations defining between them a plurality of stop positions for the insertion tube relative to the casing, spaced along the direction of said longitudinal axis, to prevent significant rearward movement of the insertion tube along said axis when a plunger of a firing cartridge is released from a reaction assembly of the cartridge. 1. An injection device for delivering a fluid from a syringe having a needle , the device comprising:a casing;a syringe carrier located within a proximal end of the casing for receiving a syringe and being movable along a longitudinal axis of the device between a stowed position and a needle insertion position: an insertion tube having a proximal end abutting said syringe carrier or the syringe,', 'a firing cartridge comprising a plunger, a reaction assembly releasably coupled to the plunger, and a delivery driver coupled between the plunger and the reaction assembly, wherein the firing cartridge is configured to move forward with the insertion tube until the syringe carrier reaches said needle insertion position and then to continue moving in a proximal direction through the insertion tube until said plunger contacts or approaches a bung within the syringe, whereupon said plunger is released from the reaction assembly and the reaction assembly is pushed rearwards to latch onto the insertion tube and thereby provide a reaction surface ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040413A1
Принадлежит: kaleo, Inc.

An apparatus includes a housing, a carrier, a medicament container, and a flexible member. The housing defines an opening placing a gas chamber of the housing in fluid communication with an exterior volume. The carrier has a proximal surface that defines a portion of the gas chamber. The medicament container is coupled to the carrier and has a distal end portion coupled to a delivery member. The medicament container containing a medicament and includes an elastomeric member that seals the medicament therein. The flexible member has a distal end portion coupled to the elastomeric member and a proximal end portion coupled to a valve member. The flexible member transitions from a collapsed configuration to an expanded configuration when the elastomeric member moves within the medicament container. The flexible member moves the valve member relative to the opening when the flexible member transitions from the collapsed configuration to the expanded configuration. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a housing defining a gas chamber, a side wall of the housing defining an opening configured to selectively place the gas chamber in fluid communication with an exterior volume;a carrier disposed within the housing, a proximal surface of the carrier defining a portion of a boundary of the gas chamber;a medicament container coupled to the carrier, a distal end portion of the medicament container configured to be coupled to a delivery member, the medicament container containing a medicament and including an elastomeric member that seals the medicament within the medicament container; anda flexible member, a distal end portion of the flexible member coupled to the elastomeric member, a proximal end portion of the flexible member coupled to a valve member, the flexible member configured to transition from a collapsed configuration to an expanded configuration when the elastomeric member moves within the medicament container, the flexible member configured to exert a release force on the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Automatic injection device with reset feature

Номер: US20150025471A1
Принадлежит: Novo Nordisk A/S

The present invention relates to a dose setting and expelling device comprising a drive member and a dose setting mechanism which simultaneously sets a given dose and stores the energy necessary for a subsequently driving the drive member in order to expel a dose of medicine from an injection device. According to the invention the dose setting mechanism allows adjustment in both directions, such that a given set dose can be reduced or cancelled by reversing the input motion, typically by rotating a setting member backwardly, this in contrast to the known devices which either requires an additional release mechanism or which cannot be reversed at all. 1. An injection device for injecting medication from a cartridge , the device comprising:a drive member adapted to expel a dose of fluid from the reservoir,an elastic element for storing energy, wherein the elastic element comprises a torsion spring,a dose setting mechanism that cooperates with the elastic element, the dose setting mechanism being rotatable in a dose setting manner consisting of rotating the dose setting mechanism in a first direction to a selected set position, against a bias of the elastic element, wherein rotation of the dose setting member stores energy in the elastic element for later use in expelling a drug from the reservoir, and in a second manner to reduce the size of the set dose, when necessary, the second manner consisting solely of rotating the dose setting member in a second direction opposite the first direction to selectively adjust the set position to reduce the size of the set dose without expelling medication from the device,a releaseable latch adapted to retain the dose setting member in the set position against the bias of the elastic element, wherein release of the latch causes the dose setting assembly to drive the drive member to thereby expel a set dose from a fluid-filled reservoir when the dose-setting device is used in combination therewith, the force for expelling the set ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025502A1
Принадлежит: INJECTEC LTD

A syringe cradle for holding a syringe, the syringe cradle comprising a syringe holder at a proximal end for engaging a barrel of a syringe and a rider for pressing on a plunger of the syringe, a cylindrical body for surrounding the syringe, a distal cap for closing a distal end of the cylindrical body, a stepwise advancing mechanism for advancing the rider along the cylindrical body towards the proximal end, and a stopping mechanism to prevent the rider from moving backwards towards the distal end of the cylindrical body. 1. A syringe cradle for holding a syringe , the syringe cradle comprisinga syringe holder at a proximal end for engaging a barrel of a syringe and a rider for pressing on a plunger of the syringe,a cylindrical body for surrounding the syringe,a distal cap for closing a distal end of the cylindrical body,a stepwise advancing mechanism for advancing the rider along the cylindrical body towards the proximal end, and a stopping mechanism to prevent the rider from moving backwards towards the distal end of the cylindrical body.2. The syringe cradle of wherein the stepwise advancing mechanism comprises a push button coupled to a first ratchet rack by a neck passing through an aperture in the distal cap and a spring configured to urge the push button away from the distal cap claim 1 , and a first toothed prong attached to the rider claim 1 , configured to be driven along the cylindrical body towards the proximal end by pushing on the push button moving the first ratchet rack towards the proximal end claim 1 , but to disengage the ratchet rack when the push button is retracted by the spring.3. The syringe cradle of wherein the spring is a helical spring positioned around the neck claim 2 , between the distal cap and the push button and configured to urge the push button away from the distal cap.4. The syringe cradle of claim 2 , wherein the toothed prong comprises a plurality of teeth for engaging a plurality of serrations in the first ratchet rack.5. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Medicament Injection Device

Номер: US20200023141A1

The present disclosure relates to a medicament injection device () comprising a housing () arranged to receive a medicament container (), a needle cover () movable relative to the housing (), from a retracted position, in which it engages the housing () and enables medicament delivery, to an extended position, a plunger rod (), and a plunger driver () movable relative to the housing () from all initial position to a final position, and arranged to actuate the plunger rod (), wherein the plunger rod () has a first guide arrangement and the housing () has a second guide arrangement, the first guide arrangement () and the second guide arrangement being arranged to cooperate to guide movement of the plunger rod () relative to the housing (), wherein the first guide arrangement and the second guide arrangement in a first stage provide a linear motion path for the plunger rod (), enabling the plunger rod () to initially move in the axial direction and in a second stage provide a rotation motion path for the plunger rod (), enabling the plunger rod () to rotate relative to the housing () to release the plunger rod () from the plunger driver (), whereby the plunger driver () attains a released state enabling movement of the plunger driver () to its final position, wherein in the released state the plunger driver () is arranged to release the needle cover () from the housing () and to actuate the needle cover () to its extended position. 1. A medicament injection device comprising:a housing comprising a shoulder;a needle cover movable relative to the housing from a retracted position to an extended position;a plunger rod, anda plunger driver movable relative to the housing from an initial position to a final position and arranged to actuate the plunger rod, the plunger driver comprising an arrangement configured to engage the shoulder when the plunger driver is in the final position to maintain the needle cover in the extended position.2. The medicament injection device of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028142A1

The present disclosure provides an automatic needle insertion apparatus, including a frame, a bearing device on the frame and configured to bear thereon a body part into which a needle is to be inserted, an acquisition device on the frame and configured to acquire vascular information of the body part, a needle insertion device on the frame and configured to execute a needle insertion operation and a needle withdrawal operation on the body part, and a first control device connected to the needle insertion device and the acquisition device and configured to control an operating state of the needle insertion device in accordance with the vascular information acquired by the acquisition device. 1. An automatic needle insertion apparatus , comprising:a frame;a bearing device on the frame and configured to bear thereon a body part into which a needle is to be inserted;an acquisition device on the frame and configured to acquire vascular information of the body part;a needle insertion device on the frame and configured to execute a needle insertion operation and a needle withdrawal operation on the body part; anda first control device connected to the needle insertion device and the acquisition device and configured to control an operating state of the needle insertion device in accordance with the vascular information acquired by the acquisition device.2. The automatic needle insertion apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the acquisition device comprises:an ultrasound image processing unit configured to send an ultrasound pulse to the body part, generate first image data in accordance with an ultrasound signal from the body part, and acquire the vascular information of the body part in accordance with the first image data; and/oran infrared scanning unit configured to generate second image data in accordance with an infrared ray radiated by the body part, and acquire the vascular information of the body part in accordance with the second image data.3. The automatic ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Devices for prevention of unintentional syringe aspiration

Номер: US20160030676A1
Принадлежит: Smiths Medical ASD Inc

A device for prevention of unintentional syringe aspiration includes a syringe cartridge. The syringe cartridge includes a syringe barrel having a first end and a second end, and an outlet at the second end. A plunger is slidably disposed in the barrel between the first end and the second end. A cap is engaged with the first end of the cartridge; and the cap includes a force element. When a substance in the barrel is cooled and frozen and then thawed, the force element tends to force the plunger to move back toward the second end of the barrel.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Injection System

Номер: US20160030677A1
Принадлежит: Hospira Inc

Methods and systems for an injection system are provided. An example injection system includes a container for a pharmaceutical that is sealed at a proximal end with a plunger having a pushing surface for engaging an inner surface of the hollow body. A plunger rod extends axially from the proximal end of the container and is covered with a plunger rod cover. Removal of the cover activates the system and allows for delivery of the pharmaceutical product from the container by advancing the plunger within the container towards the seal.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030968A1

An assembly for advancing a piston through a rotationally fixed cartridge includes a rotatable, axially fixed first member and an axially movable, rotatable second member connected thereto via a threaded connection and connectable to the piston. A friction pad is rotationally fixedly connected with the second member and includes first and second sets of fingers extending radially outwardly from a central disk. Both the first and second sets of fingers are configured to contact an interior side wall of the cartridge. The first set of fingers are angled toward a first rotational direction and are configured to wedge the friction pad between the side wall and the second member upon rotation of the first member in the first direction, thereby substantially preventing rotation in the first direction. The second set of fingers are angled toward a second rotational direction and are configured to substantially prevent rotation in the second direction. 1. An assembly for advancing a piston through a rotationally fixed cartridge , the cartridge having a front end , an open rear end and a substance filled therein between the piston and the front end , the assembly comprising:an axially fixed first member rotatable in either a first rotational direction or an opposing second rotational direction;an axially movable, rotatable second member connected to the first member via a threaded connection and connectable to the piston, wherein the first member comprises a first shaft and the second member comprises a second shaft; anda friction pad rotationally fixedly connected with a distal end of the second member, the friction pad comprising a central disk, a first set of fingers extending radially outwardly from the central disk and a second set of fingers extending radially outwardly from the central disk, wherein both the first set and the second set of fingers are configured to contact an interior side wall of the cartridge, the first set of fingers being angled toward the first ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038904A1

A syringe structured to permit multiple filling and emptying cycles with a single syringe, but then to automatically disable that syringe to resist syringe reuse subsequent to a final dose-ejecting cycle. The syringe includes a plunger with a distal tip carrying capture structure that protrudes from the dispensing aperture of the syringe at a fluid fully-expelled position. A fluid discharge attachment can be coupled to the syringe to guide dispensing one or more dose of treatment substance. A first locking element, typically carried by the fluid discharge attachment, couples with the capture structure to resist retraction of the fully-depressed plunger, and thereby resists reciprocation of the plunger to prevent reuse of the syringe. Effectively, the discharge aperture of the syringe is pinned between an internally disposed stopper and the external capture structure. A stem of the plunger may optionally be structured to detach, leaving the stopper behind inside the syringe body, to further frustrate reuse of the syringe. Sometimes, a second locking element may be included to also resist unscrewing a fluid discharge device from a syringe. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a syringe body extending from an open proximal end to a discharge aperture at a distal end;a plunger amenably disposable for reciprocal motion inside said body between a dose-loaded position and a fully-expelled position, a distal end of said plunger assembly carrying capture structure configured to protrude distally, by an operable distance, from said discharge aperture when said plunger assembly is disposed at said fully-expelled position.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first locking element that is separate and discrete from said syringe body and disposable at a position distal to said distal end of said syringe body, said first locking element being configured and arranged to couple with said capture structure, when said plunger is displaced distally to said fully- ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054759A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled. 1. A medicament delivery device comprising:a housing having a proximal end;a pre-filled syringe positioned within the housing and comprising a needle, a dose of medicament and a sliding stopper;a tubular activation member comprising two distally projecting arms and a proximal end portion terminating in a radial flange, where the tubular activation member is slidably positioned within the housing to move from a first position to a second position and then to a final locked position;a spring located in the proximal end of the tubular activation member, where the spring is in a compressed state when the tubular activation member is in the second position;a plunger rod operatively connected to the stopper, where the plunger can only move proximally relative to the tubular activation member when the tubular activation member is in the second position;wherein each of the distally projecting arms comprises a distal portion that forms a lock when the tubular activation member is in the locked position such that the tubular activation member is prevented from moving proximally relative to the housing and exposing the needle, andwherein the radial flange is positioned outside of the proximal end of the housing when the tubular activation member is in the first position, the second position, and the locked position.2. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the proximal ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043103A1

The present invention relates to a rectal delivery device in the form of a syringe with improved locking mechanism for the delivery of an appropriate dosage of a medicament, thereby minimizing errors. More particularly, the present invention provides syringes with improved lock control units for delivering diazepam formulations for the treatment of patients experiencing epileptic seizures. 1. A syringe device comprising: a piston a plunger , a checking nut , a cartridge , and a locking nut , wherein the plunger is slideable within the check nut , the plunger further coupled to a piston and locked by a locking nut.2. A syringe device comprising: a piston , a plunger , a checking nut , a locking nut , a plug , and a lens , wherein the plug is for a cartridge and the locking nut and check nut are dimensioned to limit travel of the piston on the plunger deliver a dose of an agent from the syringe; and wherein the lock unit comprises a first surface , the first surface configured to receive a piston cap and other surface to receive the cartridge.3. The syringe device as in wherein the lock nut attaches to a lens at a first end of the piston claim 1 , and the lens is circular.4. The syringe device in the claim 1 , wherein the device is superior to existing devices in terms of Dose delivery claim 1 , Dose accuracy and Patient Compliance.5. A plurality of syringe devices as in wherein each of a plurality of lock units of differing dimensions from a first surface to a second surface are selectable to limit the travel of the piston in the check nut to dispense different amounts of an agent.6. The syringe device as in wherein each of the plurality of syringes is associated with at least two lock units claim 1 , each lock unit having a differing dimension from a first surface to a second surface claim 1 , whereby selecting and affixing lock units of equal dimension for each syringe limits the travel of the piston to the check nut of each syringe to dispense an equal dose of the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Drive mechanism for a drug injection device comprising adhesive to block drive at end of device life to prevent reuse

Номер: US20150051544A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A drive mechanism of a drug delivery device is presented having, a piston rod to operably engage with a piston of a cartridge containing a medicament, a first functional component and a second functional component whose position or orientation relative to each other is unambiguously correlated to a predefined axial position of the piston rod, wherein the first and/or the second functional component comprise at least one engaging portion to inseparably and to adhesively engage the first and the second functional component with each other for rendering the drive mechanism inoperable when the predefined axial position of the piston rod has been reached.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052815A1
Принадлежит: Intervet Inc.

A device for administering a fluid is provided, with 1. A device for administering a fluid , comprising{'b': 16', '116', '17, 'a cylinder (, ) which has an open dispensing end (),'}{'b': 36', '16', '116', '35', '16', '116', '17', '10, 'a piston () which is displaceable between a front and rear end position in the cylinder (, ) and is connected to a plunger rod () that protrudes along a first direction beyond a rear end of the cylinder (, ) opposite the open dispensing end () and is guided in a receiving block (),'}{'b': 18', '17, 'a nonreturn valve () closing the open dispensing end (), and'}{'b': 35', '135', '10, 'a tension device (S) which is connected to the piston rod (, ) and is arranged in the receiving block (),'}{'b': 36', '35', '135', '36', '16', '116', '35', '135', '17, 'wherein the tensioning device (S), when the piston () is in its front end position, can move the piston rod (, ) in a tensioning operation along the first direction until the piston () is in its rear end position in order thereby to fill the cylinder (, ) with the fluid to be administered and in order to pretension the piston rod (, ) toward the open dispensing end (), and'}{'b': 36', '35', '135', '36', '16', '116', '18, 'wherein the tensioning device (S), when the piston () is in its rear end position, can release the piston rod (, ) in a dispensing operation, and therefore the piston () moves counter to the first direction as far as its front end position because of the applied pretension and, in the process, fluid in the cylinder (, ) is dispensed via the nonreturn valve () for administering,'}{'b': 16', '116', '18', '13', '14', '10, 'wherein the cylinder (, ) together with the nonreturn valve () is in the form of an exchangeable front assembly (, ) which is releasably connected to the receiving block ().'}2131410. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the releasable connection between the front assembly ( claim 1 , ) and the receiving block () is a screw connection.31916116181314. ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Prefilled syringe and method of sterilizing a prefilled syringe

Номер: US20210052816A1
Принадлежит: F Hoffmann La Roche AG

A prefilled syringe is disclosed that includes a barrel, a stopper displaceable within and defining a sealed chamber in an interior of the barrel, a liquid filled in the chamber of the barrel, and a plunger extending within the barrel. The stopper expels the liquid out of the barrel via an orifice when being forwarded towards the orifice by the plunger such that a volume of the chamber is reduced. The plunger includes a proximal portion, a distal portion and a rod portion extending between the proximal portion and the distal portion. The plunger is shaped to form a pathway between an opening of the barrel and a segment where the proximal portion of the plunger is neighboring the stopper such that a sterilizing agent can be provided through the opening of the barrel to the segment where the proximal portion of the plunger is neighboring the stopper.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Medicament delivery device

Номер: US20200046901A1
Автор: Oscar Alexandersson
Принадлежит: SHL Medical AG

A medicament delivery device is disclosed having a housing, an actuation mechanism capable of delivering doses of medicament from a medicament container and arranged with a delivery member, a shield, a guard movable within the housing, wherein the guard is operably connected to the actuation mechanism. A protective cap is releasably arranged on the housing and having a shield remover. A blocking element on the guard is movable between a blocking position and a release position and has an engagement surface to engage a proximal area of the housing. The blocking element engages with a surface of the shield remover to retain the blocking element in the blocking position. The engagement surface causes a blocking of the guard from movement and removal of the protective cap enables a movement of the blocking element to a release position when the engagement surface engages the proximal area allowing the member guard to move.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050007A1
Принадлежит: Kashiv Pharma, LLC

Apparatus and methods for inserting a medicament into a body cavity are described. The apparatus comprises an elongate tube with a plunger rod therein. The plunger rod has at least one projection which cooperatively interacts or engages with at least one discontinuity on the inside of the elongate tube so that proximal movement of the plunger rod with respect to the elongate tube expels the medicament into the body cavity. 1an elongate tube having a proximal end, a distal end, an outer surface, an inner surface and an opening extending from the distal end to the proximal end, the proximal end adapted to support a medicament, the elongate tube comprising at least one radial discontinuity adjacent the distal end and extending inwardly from the inner surface of the tube; anda plunger rod having an elongate body with a distal end and a proximal end, the plunger rod adapted to be slidably engaged within the tube, the plunger rod comprising at least two axially spaced projections adjacent the distal end of the elongate body that cooperatively engages with the at least one radial discontinuity.. An assembly for introducing a medicament into a body cavity, the assembly comprising: Aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to an apparatus and a method for introducing a medicament into a body cavity. Specific embodiments of the disclosure are directed to apparatus and methods for administering a medicament vaginally.Instruments for inserting a suppository commonly hold the suppository at a first end of a tubular body with a plunger rod accessible from a second end of the tubular body to forcefully expel the suppository. Before use, the typical suppository insertion tool has a loosely-positioned plunger rod within the tubular body. Support structures hold the plunger rod in place to prevent it from becoming dislodged from the tubular body to avoid contamination of the plunger rod. Contamination of the plunger rod with foreign matter and/or microorganisms is ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072231A1
Принадлежит: Daicel Corporation

A needleless injector includes a housing part that includes an accommodating space and defines a flow path for ejection, a driving part that imparts ejection energy, and a plunger that defines the accommodating space and is disposed to move in the housing part by the ejection energy and pressurize a substance intended for injection. The plunger includes a weakened part that causes a part of the plunger to deform such that, when force applied to the plunger exceeds predefined force while the driving part is imparting the ejection energy with the accommodating space accommodating the substance intended for injection, a distal end of the plunger does not reach an inner wall surface at a deepest part of the housing part or force received by the inner wall surface falls within a predetermined range until the distal end of the plunger reaches the inner wall surface. 1. A needleless injector configured to eject a substance intended for injection to a target region without using an injection needle , the needleless injector comprising:a housing part that includes an accommodating space that accommodates the substance intended for injection and defines a flow path from the accommodating space so that the substance intended for injection is ejected to the target region;a driving part that imparts ejection energy to eject the substance intended for injection; anda plunger that defines the accommodating space and is disposed to move in the housing part by the ejection energy and pressurize the substance intended for injection, whereinthe plunger includes a weakened part that causes a part of the plunger to deform such that, when force applied to the plunger exceeds predefined force while the driving part is imparting the ejection energy with the accommodating space accommodating the substance intended for injection, a distal end of the plunger does not reach a deepest part of the housing part or force received by an inner wall surface of the housing part falls within a ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072234A1

A syringe including a barrel, a plunger, and a vented closure. The barrel has a bore, and an end with an opening in communication with the bore and a barrel flange disposed outwardly of the opening. The plunger is disposed in the bore, and is movable along the bore. The vented closure is attached to the barrel at the end, and includes a stopper, a cap and a filter. The stopper is disposed over and/or in the opening in communication with the bore. The cap includes a body disposed over the stopper, and a fastener engaged with the barrel flange. The filter is disposed between the stopper and the cap, or in at least one of the stopper and the cap. 1. A syringe comprising:a barrel with a bore, the barrel having an end with an opening in communication with the bore and a barrel flange disposed outwardly of the opening;a plunger disposed in the bore, the plunger movable along the bore; anda vented closure attached to the barrel at the end, the closure comprising a stopper, a cap and a filter,the stopper disposed over or in the opening in communication with the bore,the cap having a body disposed over the stopper, and a fastener engaged with the barrel flange,the filter disposed between the stopper and the cap, or in at least one of the stopper and the cap.2. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the barrel flange comprises a collar disposed on the barrel at the end thereof.3. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the stopper comprises an elastomeric stopper with a plug disposed within the bore and a stopper flange depending from an end of the stopper outside the bore.4. The syringe according to claim 3 , wherein the cap secures the stopper flange between the body of the cap and the barrel flange.5. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the fastener comprises a downwardly depending skirt having a barb that engages the barrel flange.6. The syringe according to claim 5 , wherein the barb has a surface that abuts a surface of the barrel flange to engage the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Drive Mechanisms Suitable for Use in Drug Delivery Devices

Номер: US20220072235A1

The present disclosure is directed to a dose setting mechanism that may be used with a drug delivery device. The dose setting mechanism may include an inner body having a helical thread along an outer cylindrical surface of the inner body, and a drive sleeve for driving a piston rod in an axial direction, the drive sleeve positioned within at least a portion of the inner body. The dose setting mechanism may further include a dose dial sleeve rotatably engaged with the helical thread of the inner body and a dial grip connected to the dose dial sleeve and releasably connected to the drive sleeve. Further when a dose is set, the dial grip is rotated so that both the dose dial sleeve and the drive sleeve rotate with respect to the inner body. 1. (canceled)2. A drug delivery device comprising:a tubular housing comprising a plurality of maximum dose stops;a first sleeve having a first section of a first diameter and a second section of a second diameter, the first diameter being smaller than the second diameter, the first sleeve having an internal thread and an external thread, the first sleeve configured to rotate during dose dialing to indicate a selected dose;a piston rod having an external thread at a first end of the piston rod and a non-circular cross section at a second end of the piston rod;a second sleeve located radially between the tubular housing and the piston rod and having a circular cross-section, the second sleeve being axially displaceable and rotationally fixed with respect to the piston rod;a clutch configured to rotationally couple the first sleeve and the second sleeve, where rotation of the first sleeve with respect to the second sleeve is allowed when the first and second sleeves are decoupled by the clutch, and where rotation of the first sleeve with respect to the second sleeve is prevented when the first and second sleeves are coupled by the clutch,wherein the clutch is configured to be decoupled from the second sleeve during dose delivery, ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Injector with variable dosage

Номер: US20180056009A1
Принадлежит: West Pharma Services IL Ltd

Drug delivery devices of a standard size are adapted for injecting different doses. The device comprises an injection needle, a reservoir having an available volume, and a plunger for evacuating the volume into the needle for injection. A spacer is placed with the plunger in the reservoir to take up some of the available volume and leave a residual amount of available volume in the reservoir to correspond to a currently desired dose size. The spacer may be selected from different sizes corresponding to different doses.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054247A1

Methods, systems, computer-readable media, and apparatuses for facilitating administering of medicine are disclosed. 1. A medicine delivery device , comprising:a container; and receive a dosage setting input; and', 'set a volume of space within the container for holding a dosage of a medicine to be delivered based on the dosage setting input,, 'a dosage setting structure configured towherein the container, the dosage setting structure, or any combination thereof, is configured such that a first volumetric change of the space matches a second volumetric change of the medicine in the container to within a pre-determined matching tolerance level.2. The medicine delivery device of claim 1 , further comprising:a sensor configured to collect data related to an ambient condition within the container, the data related to the ambient condition comprising a measurement of an ambient temperature, a measurement of an ambient pressure, or any combination thereof; anda processing circuit configured to control a volume of the container, the dosage setting structure, or any combination thereof, to set the volume of the space based on the data related to the ambient condition.3. The medicine delivery device of claim 2 , wherein the processing circuit is configured to:estimate a volumetric change in the medicine based on the data related to the ambient condition; andcontrol the container, the dosage setting mechanism, or any combination thereof, based on the estimation of the volumetric change.4. The medicine delivery device of claim 2 , wherein the processing circuit is configured to adjust a position of a movable component of the dosage setting mechanism with respect to the container to set the volume of the space.5. The medicine delivery device of claim 4 , wherein the movable component is coupled with an actuator; andwherein the actuator is configured to adjust the position of the movable component based on a signal received from the sensor.6. The medicine delivery device of ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Medicine delivery device

Номер: US20190054251A1
Принадлежит: Capsule Technologies Inc

Methods, systems, computer-readable media, and apparatuses for facilitating administering of medicine are disclosed.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056592A1

A medicament delivery device is presented having a housing, and a medicament container holder arranged movable in a longitudinal direction in relation to the housing. The medicament container holder is arranged to accommodate a medicament container, is arranged as a multi-chamber container having a medicament and a diluent in different chambers, a plunger rod operably arranged to act on the medicament container, a retaining element capable of releasably retaining the plunger rod to the housing, actuation force elements capable of, upon activation, moving the medicament container holder in relation to the housing such that the plunger rod acts on the medicament container for mixing the medicament and the diluent. 111-. (canceled)12. A medicament delivery device comprising a housing; a medicament container holder arranged movable in a longitudinal direction in relation to the housing , which medicament container holder is arranged to accommodate a medicament container , which medicament container is arranged as a multi-chamber container comprising medicament and diluent in separate chambers; a plunger rod operably arranged to act on the medicament container; retaining element capable of releasably retaining said plunger rod to said housing; actuation force elements capable of , upon activation , move said medicament container holder in relation to said housing such that said plunger rod acts on said medicament container for mixing said medicament and said diluent.13. The medicament delivery device according to claim 12 , further comprising a drive force element operably connected to said plunger rod such that claim 12 , when said retaining element is actuated for releasing said plunger rod claim 12 , said plunger rod is forced to act on said medicament container for expelling the mixed medicament through a medicament delivery member.14. The medicament delivery device according to claim 12 , wherein said plunger rod comprises first stop elements co-acting with said ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060254A1

A hollow medical needle is disclosed which includes: a hub part having an inner cavity connectable to a syringe; and a puncture part extending out toward an axial distal-end side of the hub part, by forming, at a distal end of the hub part, a puncture index part that includes a step perpendicular to an axial direction and is visible when abutting against a rubber stopper when the rubber stopper of a vial container is punctured by the puncture part, a position of an insertion terminal end substantially coincident with an outer surface of the rubber stopper is set at a fixed position when the puncture part is punctured into the rubber stopper. 1. A hollow medical needle comprising:a hub part having an inner cavity including a female luer part to which a male luer part is configured to be connected;a puncture part configured to be punctured into a rubber stopper of a medical container, wherein the puncture part includes a proximal portion having an outer diameter smaller than an outer diameter of the hub part and extending in a distal-end direction from a distal end of the hub part, and includes a needle tip portion extending from a distal end of the proximal portion of the puncture part and having a tapered shape in which an outer diameter gradually decreases toward a distal end of the needle tip;a center axis extending from a proximal end of the hub part to a distal end of the puncture part;a communication passage extending along the center axis inside the proximal portion and communicating with the inner cavity of the hub part, a side hole extending from the communication passage to an outer peripheral surface of the proximal portion, and an outer diameter that is substantially uniform at least from a proximal end of the side hole to the distal end of the proximal portion of the puncture part;a needle tip that is solid at the distal end of the needle tip portion;a groove portion extending from a proximal portion of the needle tip of the needle tip portion to a ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Medicament training device with plunger limiting mechanism

Номер: US20210060257A1
Принадлежит: Noble International LLC

Embodiments including an injection device having a housing with an outer surface, an inner surface, a proximal end and a distal end, and a defining a chamber extending between the proximal end and the distal end are provided herein. The device may include a plunger having a first end and a second end, the plunger being movable proximally and distally within the chamber of the housing, the plunger comprising a plunger rod extending from the first end to the second end of the plunger; and a plunger limiting mechanism configured to interface with the plunger rod, to limit the proximal movement of the plunger and prevent removal of the plunger from the housing.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056598A1

The present disclosure is directed to a dose setting mechanism that may be used with a drug delivery device. The dose setting mechanism may include an inner body having a helical thread along an outer cylindrical surface of the inner body, and a drive sleeve for driving a piston rod in an axial direction, the drive sleeve positioned within at least a portion of the inner body. The dose setting mechanism may further include a dose dial sleeve rotatably engaged with the helical thread of the inner body and a dial grip connected to the dose dial sleeve and releasably connected to the drive sleeve. Further when a dose is set, the dial grip is rotated so that both the dose dial sleeve and the drive sleeve rotate with respect to the inner body. 110-: (canceled)11: An injector comprising:a cartridge holder; a non-circular cross section piston rod;', 'a dose dial sleeve;', 'a nut having external splines;', 'a unidirectional coupling,, 'an exterior housing connected to the cartridge holder and enclosing a dose setting and delivery mechanism comprising,'}the injector further comprising a dose dial grip axially fixed to a distal end of the exterior housing, where the dose dial grip rotates relative to the exterior housing and is in a clutched engagement with a drive sleeve such that during dose setting the drive sleeve and dose dial grip are rotationally fixed,wherein the unidirectional coupling allows movement of the piston rod in proximal direction and prevents movement of the piston rod in the distal direction during dose setting.12: The injector of further comprising a dose button positioned within and extending through the dose dial grip such that axial movement in a proximal direction when a dose is set will cause the clutched engagement to disengage such that the drive sleeve can rotate relative to the dose dial grip.13: The injector of where the nut moves axially in a distal direction to an axial position each time a dose is set claim 11 , where the axial position of ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060261A1

According to an embodiment, a cartridge driving module comprises a motor and a shaft extending along a rotational axis of the motor, a power transmission screwed to the shaft and moving forward when the shaft rotates in a forward direction and moving back when the shaft rotates in a backward direction, a pusher connected to the power transmission and exerting a pressure to a medicine cartridge containing a medicine when the power transmission moves forward, and a position maintaining unit exerting an external force to the power transmission in a direction along which the power transmission moves forward, when the power transmission moves back up to a predetermined stop position. 1. A cartridge driving module , comprising:a motor and a shaft extending along a rotational axis of the motor;a power transmission screwed to the shaft and moving forward when the shaft rotates in a forward direction and moving back when the shaft rotates in a backward direction;a pusher connected to the power transmission and exerting a pressure to a medicine cartridge containing a medicine when the power transmission moves forward; anda position maintaining unit exerting an external force to the power transmission in a direction along which the power transmission moves forward when the power transmission moves back up to a predetermined stop position.2. The cartridge driving module of claim 1 , wherein a first thread is formed on an outer surface of the shaft claim 1 , wherein the power transmission includes an insertion hole through which the shaft is inserted claim 1 , wherein a second thread is formed on an inner circumferential surface of the insertion hole claim 1 , and wherein the first thread is engaged with the second thread.3. The cartridge driving module of claim 2 , wherein in the direction along which the power transmission moves forward claim 2 , the shaft includes a first portion having a circular cross section and a second portion extending from an end of the first portion ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054832A1

A liquid medicine injection device includes: a liquid medicine storage unit including a cylinder including a space configured to store liquid medicine therein and a discharge hole connected to the space, and a piston arranged inside the cylinder and moving toward the discharge hole depending on discharge of the liquid medicine; a first electrode on an outer surface of the cylinder; a second electrode on the outer surface of the cylinder, the second electrode facing the first electrode with the piston therebetween; and a circuit unit including a substrate electrically connected to the first electrode and the second electrode. 1. A liquid medicine injection device comprising: a cylinder including a space configured to store liquid medicine therein,', 'a discharge hole connected to the space, and', 'a piston arranged inside the cylinder and configured to move toward the discharge hole depending on discharge of the liquid medicine when present;, 'a liquid medicine storage unit includinga first electrode on an outer surface of the cylinder;a second electrode on the outer surface of the cylinder, the second electrode facing the first electrode with the piston therebetween; anda circuit unit including a substrate electrically connected to the first electrode and the second electrode.2. The liquid medicine injection device of claim 1 , wherein the first electrode and the second electrode extend in a direction that intersects with a liquid surface of the liquid medicine that contacts the piston.3. The liquid medicine injection device of claim 1 , wherein one end of the first electrode is adjacent to the discharge hole claim 1 , and another end of the first electrode extends away from the discharge hole claim 1 , andone end of the second electrode is adjacent to the discharge hole, and another end of the second electrode extends away from the discharge hole.4. The liquid medicine injection device of claim 1 , wherein the circuit unit is configured to calculate a displacement ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Palm Activated Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20200054838A1

Disclosed is a device for the parenteral delivery of a medication, such as a drug. The device includes upper and lower housings in which the upper housing is configured to move relative to the lower housing as a result of application of an external force to permit the user of the device to control the rate at which the drug is administered. 1. A method of injecting a medication from a medication delivery device of the type including an upper housing , a lower housing , a syringe supported by the lower housing and having a needle , and a needle guard supported by the lower housing , the method comprising the steps of:placing the medication delivery device against a skin surface so as to cause the needle guard to abut the skin surface, wherein the upper housing is releasably locked with respect to movement toward the needle;applying a force against the upper housing along an insertion direction, thereby causing the skin surface to force the needle guard to retract relative to the lower housing and thereby expose the needle so as to inject the needle through the skin surface;during the applying step, unlocking the upper housing with respect to movement toward the needle; andcontinuing to apply the force against the upper housing along the insertion direction, thereby causing the upper housing to move toward the needle, thereby driving a medication contained within the syringe out the needle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the continuing step further comprising the step of driving a plunger rod into the syringe so as to drive the medication out the needle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the applying step causes the needle guard to unlock the upper housing with respect to movement toward the needle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the medication delivery device includes a latch that interferes with the upper housing so as to releasably lock the upper housing with respect to movement toward the needle claim 1 , and the unlocking step comprises causing the needle ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080113A1

Portable pump () for drug infusion through a syringe (SR) removably engaged in the pump, said pump comprising an electromechanical unit () having a rod () which is longitudinally slidable within a guide member () and capable of exerting an axial thrust onto the plunger (SF) of the syringe engaged in the pump, wherein said rod () and said guide member () have a non-circular cross-section, whereby rotation of the rod () relative to the guide member () is prevented. 11113151715171517. A portable pump () for drug infusion through a syringe (SR) removably engaged in the pump , said pump comprising an electromechanical unit () having a rod () which is longitudinally slidable within a guide member () and capable of exerting an axial thrust onto the plunger (SF) of the syringe engaged in the pump , characterized in that said rod () and said guide member () have a non-circular cross-section , whereby rotation of the rod () relative to the guide member () is prevented.2. The portable pump according to claim 1 , wherein said non-circular cross-section is an oval or elliptical cross-section or a cross-section comprising at least one curved portion and at least one rectilinear portion.315191921231327191519aa. The portable pump according to claim 1 , wherein said rod () comprises an axial cavity () having at least one open base () and adapted to receive a rotatable screw () actuated by an electric geared motor () belonging to said electromechanical unit () and engaged in an internally threaded nut or bushing () housed within said cavity () of the rod () at said open base ().41323252929212115151523152315ab. The portable pump according to claim 1 , wherein said electromechanical unit () comprises an electric geared motor () having a driving shaft () provided with a pinion () which engages into a toothed gear wheel () fixed to the base of said screw () claim 1 , said electric geared motor being adapted to cause claim 1 , through coupling between the pinion and the toothed gear wheel ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Drive mechanism for a medication delivery device and medication delivery device

Номер: US20200061295A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A drive mechanism for a medication delivery device containing a resilient member and having a rotation member configured to be rotated in a first direction during setting of a dose of a medication and to be rotated in a second direction during delivery of the dose, where the rotation member is coupled to a drive member that is coupled to a piston rod such that on dose delivery the piston rod is displaced in a distal direction to dispense a medicament and where the resilient member prevents movement of the drive member and the piston rod during dose setting.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Flush Syringe Assembly With Controlled Pulsatile Flushing

Номер: US20200061297A1

Flush syringe assemblies capable of creating pulsatile movement of the plunger rod as it moves in the distal direction within a syringe barrel, while preventing overpressurization of the catheter are provided. An exemplary flush syringe assembly includes a syringe barrel with a first pulsing element and a chamber with flush solution, a plunger rod with a stopper and a second pulsing element that interacts with the first pulsing element to provide an engagement force that causes pulsatile movement of the plunger rod and a thumb press slidably attached to the plunger rod with a pulse control element. The pulse control element is compressible to create a compression force that is greater than the engagement force of the first pulsing element and the second pulsing element. 1. A flush syringe assembly comprising:a barrel including a side wall having an inside surface defining a chamber for retaining fluid, an open proximal end and a distal end including a distal wall with a tip extending distally therefrom having a passageway therethrough in fluid communication with said chamber, the barrel comprising a first pulsing element comprises a retaining ring that extends inwardly into the chamber of the barrel, the inside surface of the barrel having an inclined portion disposed proximally adjacent to the retaining ring and a declined portion disposed distally adjacent to the retaining ring;a plunger rod disposed within the barrel and comprising a distal end, a proximal end, a plunger rod body extending from the distal end to the proximal end;a second pulsing element that engages with the first pulsing element to provide an engagement force that causes pulsatile movement of the plunger rod as it moves within the barrel in the distal direction;a thumb press slidably attached to the proximal end of the plunger rod;a pulse control element disposed between the thumb press and the proximal end of the plunger rod; anda stopper disposed at the distal end of the plunger rod to form a ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061306A1
Принадлежит: Credence Medsystems, Inc.

One embodiment is directed to a safety syringe system, comprising: an off-the-shelf syringe assembly comprising a syringe body and a plunger tip; a needle assembly removably coupleable to the distal end of the syringe body such that medicinal fluid may be transferred through a retractable needle coupled to a needle housing comprising the needle assembly upon insertion of the plunger tip relative to the syringe body; and a plunger control assembly coupled to the plunger tip and configured to facilitate manual insertion of the plunger tip relative to the syringe body; wherein upon insertion of the plunger tip to a final insertion state and release of an associated manual insertion load, the plunger tip may be proximally withdrawn, pulling the retractable needle proximally relative to the needle housing to a safe locked and retracted state wherein it is no longer exposed for injection. 1. A system for injecting , comprising:a syringe body forming having proximal and distal ends and a syringe interior;a stopper member disposed in the syringe interior;a plunger member coupled to the stopper member; and a needle housing,', 'a gasket disposed in the needle housing such that, when the needle assembly is coupled with to the distal end of the syringe body, the distal end of the syringe body is in contact with the gasket, and', 'a needle removably coupled to the needle housing by the gasket such that the gasket limits movement of the needle along a longitudinal axis of the needle assembly,, 'a needle assembly coupled to the distal end of the syringe body, the needle assembly comprising'}wherein the needle is configured to be retracted inside of the syringe body.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the needle is configured to penetrate at least partially through the stopper member into the plunger member.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the needle is configured to penetrate at least partially through the stopper member when the stopper member has been inserted to the distal end ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069417A1
Принадлежит: Intervet Inc.

A device for administering a fluid is provided, with 1. A device for administering a fluid , comprising{'b': 16', '116', '17, 'a cylinder (, ) which has an open dispensing end (),'}{'b': 36', '16', '116', '35', '16', '116', '17', '10, 'a piston () which is displaceable between a front and rear end position in the cylinder (, ) and is connected to a plunger rod () that protrudes along a first direction beyond a rear end of the cylinder (, ) opposite the open dispensing end () and is guided in a receiving block (),'}{'b': 18', '17, 'a nonreturn valve () closing the open dispensing end (), and'}{'b': 35', '135', '10, 'a tension device (S) which is connected to the piston rod (, ) and is arranged in the receiving block (),'}{'b': 36', '35', '135', '36', '16', '116', '35', '135', '17, 'wherein the tensioning device (S), when the piston () is in its front end position, can move the piston rod (, ) in a tensioning operation along the first direction until the piston () is in its rear end position in order thereby to fill the cylinder (, ) with the fluid to be administered and in order to pretension the piston rod (, ) toward the open dispensing end (), and'}{'b': 36', '35', '135', '36', '16', '116', '18, 'wherein the tensioning device (S), when the piston () is in its rear end position, can release the piston rod (, ) in a dispensing operation, and therefore the piston () moves counter to the first direction as far as its front end position because of the applied pretension and, in the process, fluid in the cylinder (, ) is dispensed via the nonreturn valve () for administering,'}{'b': 52', '12', '53, 'the tensioning device (S) has a ramp () which is rotatable by means of a motor () and has a ramp track () extending along a helical line,'}{'b': 53', '1', '2', '46, 'wherein the ramp track () ascends from a first plateau along a region of inclination (S, S) to a second plateau and descends from the second plateau to the first plateau via a transition flank (),'}{'b': 51', ' ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Intradermal Injection Device

Номер: US20150073344A1
Принадлежит: VOXDALE BVBA

An intradermal injection device comprises a housing, a foot with an opening for passage of a needle; a reservoir movably mounted in the housing, and having a hollow space for holding a fluid; a hollow needle movably mounted in the housing and having a first end for penetrating the subject's skin and a second end for penetrating the reservoir, a plunger movably mounted in the housing for moving the needle through the opening for penetrating the subject's skin, and for pressing the fluid out of the reservoir. The reservoir is frictionally mounted inside the housing by first friction means, and the plunger is frictionally mounted to the reservoir by second friction means. The force to overcome the second friction is larger than the force to overcome the first friction. 113-. (canceled)14. An intradermal injection device , comprising:a housing;a foot mounted to the housing, and having a surface which can be placed on a subject's skin to be injected, and having an opening for allowing passage of a needle;a reservoir movably mounted in the housing, and having a hollow space for holding a fluid to be administered to the subject;a hollow needle movably mounted in the housing such that it can selectively protrude through the opening or be retracted from the opening, and having a first end for penetrating the subject's skin and a second end for penetrating the reservoir, the first end having a first opening for administering the fluid to the subject, the second end having a second opening for accepting the fluid from the reservoir and passing it through the needle to the first end;a plunger movably mounted in the housing for moving the needle through the opening for penetrating the subject's skin, and for pressing the fluid out of the reservoir into the needle;whereinthe reservoir is frictionally mounted inside the housing by first friction means, and the plunger is frictionally mounted to the reservoir by second friction means in such a way that the force required to ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Devices, systems and methods for medicament delivery

Номер: US20140148783A1
Принадлежит: Intelliject Inc

An apparatus includes a housing, a medicament container, an actuator, and a biasing member. The actuator is configured to move the medicament container within the housing when the actuator is moved from a first configuration to a second configuration. The actuator includes a gas container and a puncturer. When the actuator is in the first configuration, a portion of the puncturer is disposed apart from the gas container. When the actuator is in the second configuration, the portion of the puncturer is disposed within the gas container. The gas container has a longitudinal axis offset from a longitudinal axis of the medicament container. The biasing member is configured to bias the actuator toward the second configuration.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077737A1
Автор: Holmqvist Anders

A medicament delivery device is presented that has a manually operable activator element, an activator blocker operably arranged to the activator element, where the activator blocker defines at least one locking member. A medicament delivery device housing is included having at least one flexible hook, wherein the at least one flexible hook of the medicament delivery device housing is operably between a locked position and an unlocked position. In the locked position the flexible hook is releasably engaged with the at least one locking member of the activator blocker, thereby preventing operation of said activator element and in the unlocked position the flexible hook is out of engagement with the at least one locking member of the activator blocker, thereby allowing operation of said activator element. 116-. (canceled)17. An activator for a medicament delivery device , comprising:a manually operable activator element;an activator blocker operably arranged to said activator element, said activator blocker defining at least one locking member; anda medicament delivery device housing comprising at least one flexible hook, wherein the at least one flexible hook of the medicament delivery device housing is operably between a locked position and an unlock position, where in the locked position the flexible hook is releasably engaged with the at least one locking member of the activator blocker to prevent operation of said activator element and where when in the unlocked position the flexible hook is out of engagement with the at least one locking member of the activator blocker to allow allow operation of said activator element.18. The activator according to claim 17 , wherein said flexible hook is arranged with engagement surfaces arranged to engage with stop surfaces of said activator blocker when in the locked position.19. The activator according to claim 18 , wherein said engagement surfaces of said hook are directed in a proximal direction and wherein said stop ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077738A1

In a locking device for locking a plunger rod a plunger rod locking portion is provided for locking a plunger rod of a syringe after use and preventing re-use of the syringe. A chamber is formed inside the plunger rod locking portion for receiving the disc-shaped proximal end of the plunger rod after use of the syringe. The plunger rod locking portion comprises at least one positive locking device configured to positively lock the axial position of the plunger rod by positive-fit engagement with the disc-shaped proximal end of the plunger rod and retain the disc-shaped proximal end of the plunger rod inside the chamber. The locking device provides the functionality of a tamper-evident plunger rod locking device once a dose of medication has been injected by pushing the plunger rod forward, for preventing inadvertent re-use of the syringe. 1. A locking device for locking a plunger rod of a syringe after use and preventing re-use of the syringe , whereinthe syringe includes a barrel having an open proximal end and a flange provided adjacent said open proximal end, wherein the barrel is configured to receive the plunger rod through said open proximal end and a proximal end of the plunger rod is formed disc-shaped,said locking device comprisinga mounting portion configured for mounting the locking device to the flange adjacent said proximal end by positive-fit, anda plunger rod locking portion for locking an axial position of the plunger rod after use of the syringe, whereina communication channel is formed in the locking device for enabling insertion of the plunger rod into the open proximal end of the barrel via the plunger rod locking portion and the mounting portion; whereina width of the communication channel is larger inside the plunger rod locking portion to form a chamber for receiving the disc-shaped proximal end of the plunger rod after use of the syringe, andthe plunger rod locking portion comprises at least one positive locking device configured to ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Active Self-locking Type Syringe

Номер: US20210077745A1
Автор: HU Chaoyu

The present invention relates to the field of safe syringes, and particularly discloses an active self-locking type syringe, including a barrel, a needle hub, a plunger assembly, a plunger protection cover, a needle cap, a needle tube, a needle point protection sleeve, a spring, guiding limit assemblies, initial clamping assemblies and a trigger ring plug. In an initial state, the trigger ring plug is located in a trigger cavity and is not in contact with the trigger parts or is in contact with the trigger parts but not enough to separate the initial clamping assemblies, the inner wall of the trigger ring plug and the needle hub are sealed, and the outer wall of the trigger ring plug and the inner wall of the barrel are sealed. In the above structure, the trigger ring plug arranged in the trigger cavity is triggered from the interior of the barrel close to a patient end, and the needle point protection sleeve is released, so that technical purposes of needle point exposure prevention and self-locking are realized; and the trigger way is ingenious in design, no other part for assisting triggering exists except the barrel and the needle point protection sleeve, and the active self-locking type syringe has the technical advantages that the structure is simple, the radial dimension of the barrel is small, the components are concise, and the production cost is low. 1. An active self-locking type syringe comprising at least:a barrel, internally provided with a plunger assembly;a needle hub, fixed at a position of an interior of the barrel close to a patient end, wherein a spring cavity close to one side of the patient end and a trigger cavity close to one side of the plunger assembly are formed between an outer wall of the needle hub and an inner wall of the barrel;a needle tube, fixed on the needle hub and with a needle point stretching out from the patient end of the barrel;a needle point protection sleeve, configured to cover the used needle tube;a spring, located in ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150080806A1
Автор: Pribitkin Edmund

A hypodermic injection device configured to be attached to a portable electronic device is disclosed herein. The hypodermic injection device can be an auto-injector for delivering a dose of an injectable medicament. The injection device can include a durable barrier providing a sheath over an injectable cannula to maintain sterility of an injectable cannula that delivers the medicament. The injection device can also include tamper proof features such as by requiring that deployment of the device only be possible after completing two mechanical manipulations so as to prevent accidental discharge of the injection device. By incorporating the injection device within a case for a portable electronic device, the injection device is readily available to those that rely on auto-injectors to provide emergency therapeutic treatment, and is much less likely to be forgotten or left behind by a user than a typical auto-injector. 1. A hypodermic injection device , comprising:an enclosure having an internal cavity, the enclosure including a safety cover preventing access to a button while the safety cover is in a closed position;a cartridge situated within the cavity and configured to be slidably displaced within the cavity, the cartridge including:a reservoir housing at least one dose of a fluid medicament;a cannula having a first end configured for hypodermic injection, a second end opposite the first end, and an inner channel in fluid connection with the reservoir, the inner channel terminating proximate the first end of the cannula;a spring-loaded plunger configured to urge the fluid medicament through the inner channel of the cannula responsive to release of a safety catch preventing actuation of the spring-loaded plunger;a resilient sheath covering the first end of the cannula so as to maintain the cannula in a sterile condition; anda release arm situated to release the safety catch responsive to the resilient sheath being urged toward the cannula, andwherein the cartridge ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Therapeutic agent delivery device

Номер: US20160081849A1

A system for storing and delivering a predetermined amount of fluid includes a syringe including a barrel, a flange disposed at the proximal end of the barrel, and a plunger assembly configured to be received in the lumen of the barrel. The plunger assembly includes a piston and a plunger rod. The plunger rod is removably couplable to the piston at the distal end of the plunger rod and includes a thumb press flange at the proximal end of the plunger rod. The system further includes a stop feature that is removably couplable to the syringe or the plunger assembly. The stop feature is configured to arrest distal advancement of the plunger assembly relative to the syringe when the plunger assembly reaches a predetermined position relative to the syringe. The stop thus ensures that a predetermined amount of fluid remains in the barrel.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078707A1

The present disclosure provides for a syringe that is designed to enable a plunger to be locked or secured in position thereby freeing a user's hand from the plunger for other tasks. The syringe may be coupled to a needle or hypodermic needle or other apparatus such as an intravenous line/port or catheter. The syringe takes advantage of a tapered barrel and a positive stop to prevent movement of the piston along the inner surface of the barrel when no force is being actively applied to the plunger. This prevents unwanted suction or spillage of the contents contained therein. 1. A syringe comprising: wherein a coupling mechanism is located at the distal end of the barrel body, and', 'wherein the inner surface is tapered from the distal end towards the proximal end of the barrel body;, 'a barrel body having a proximal end, a distal end, an outer surface, and an inner surface, the outer surface and inner surface defining a recess,'}a securement mechanism disposed on the inner surface of the barrel body located proximate to the proximal end of the barrel body; and 'wherein the piston is configured to engage the securement mechanism disposed on the inner surface of the barrel body.', 'a plunger having a proximate and distal end, the plunger having a piston at the distal end,'}2. The syringe of wherein the barrel body is translucent.3. The syringe of wherein the coupling mechanism is a Luer lock.4. The syringe of wherein the piston further comprises:an upper surface;a bottom surface; anda plurality of arced supports disposed therebetween.5. The syringe of wherein the coupling mechanism of the barrel body is coupled to a hypodermic needle.6. The syringe of wherein the securement mechanism rises at about 10° from the inner surface of the barrel body.7. The syringe of wherein the piston is configured to create a fluid tight seal between the piston and the inner surface of the barrel body.8. The syringe of wherein the barrel body is configured to accommodate up to 10 cc of ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Rotation resistant friction adapter for plunger driver of drug delivery device

Номер: US20170080157A1
Автор: Oz Cabiri, Ran HEZKIAHU
Принадлежит: Medimop Medical Projects Ltd

A method and system are disclosed for driving a plunger in a drug reservoir. In some embodiments, a variable friction element interconnects between a pushing shaft and a wall of the reservoir. For example, rotation of a driving element in a first direction relative to the pushing shaft may advance the pushing shaft in the reservoir. The friction element may have increased friction resistance to rotation of the pushing shaft in the first direction in comparison to frictional resistance to advancing the pushing shaft. For example, the increased friction may result from wedging a radial element between the pushing shaft and the wall of the reservoir.

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Medication Delivery Device

Номер: US20170080159A1
Автор: Wei Min

A mechanical device for assisting medication injection is provided herein comprising a connector having a distal end and a proximal end; a piston rod locked in said connector before medication injection; a spring configured to bias said piston rod distally; a releasable restraining means configured to releasably restrain said piston rod in a locked state against said biasing of said spring, wherein, upon release of said releasable restraining means, said piston rod moves distally under force of said spring; an activation means configured to release said releasable restraining means; and a mounting means for mounting a syringe at said distal end of said connector. 1. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection comprising:a connector having a distal end and a proximal end;a piston rod locked in said connector before medication injection;a spring configured to bias said piston rod distally;a releasable restraining means configured to releasably restrain said piston rod in a locked state against said biasing of said spring, wherein, upon release of said releasable restraining means, said piston rod moves distally under force of said spring;an activation means configured to release said releasable restraining means; anda mounting means for mounting a syringe at said distal end of said connector.2. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection as in claim 1 , wherein said connector having a means for finger gripping.3. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection as in claim 1 , further comprising a means for preventing incidental activation of said activation means.4. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection as in claim 1 , wherein said mounting means is through engagement between said connector and a sheath claim 1 , wherein said syringe placed in said sheath.5. A mechanical device for assisting medication injection as in claim 1 , wherein said mounting means is through engagement between said connector and a sheath claim 1 , ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080163A1

A device for delivery of medicament is presented that has an elongated housing, a container mounted within the housing and adapted to contain liquid medicament, a stopper slidably arranged within said container, and a delivery mechanism comprising a resilient member, a plunger assembly having one end connected to the stopper and a second end being operably connected to the resilient member, a rotatable latch for releasably retaining the plunger assembly in a first position where the resilient member has an accumulated energy, where rotation of the latch releases the plunger assembly such that the accumulated energy is transferred to the plunger assembly for driving the stopper within the container whereby the medicament within said container is delivered to an injection site. After delivery of the medicament a rotator having a hard stop feature aligns with a rib on the protective shield to prevent retraction of the protective shield. 1. A device for the delivery of medicament , comprising:an elongated housing having a proximal end and a distal end;a container mounted within the elongated housing and having a slidable stopper contained within and configured to contain a liquid medicament;a plunger assembly comprising a proximal end and a distal end, the distal end configured to act on the stopper of the container,where the plunger assembly is configured to move axially;a protective shield axially slidable with respect to the housing, the protective shield comprising at least one bearing surface,where the protective shield is configured to move from a first position to a second position;a rotator configured with an open distal end,where the rotator is fixed within the housing and is rotated through engagement with the bearing surface of the needle shield so as to form a lock that prevents the protective shield from moving when the protective shield is in the second position;a coiled spring having a one end fixed axially relative to the outer housing and a second end ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078524A1

An auto-injector includes a chassis and a carrier subassembly. The carrier subassembly includes a carrier arranged inside a case, a drive spring, a plunger comprising a ramp member, the plunger configured to be pushed in a proximal direction by the drive spring, and a ramp attached to the carrier, wherein the ramp member on the plunger in an initial state is locked to the ramp on the carrier to form a ramped engagement to the carrier, the plunger prevented from rotating out of the ramped engagement depending on a relative longitudinal position of the carrier relative to the chassis, wherein the plunger is arranged to be released and to rotate out of the ramped engagement upon the carrier translating a pre-defined distance in a proximal direction relative to the chassis. 114-. (canceled)15. An auto-injector comprising:a chassis; and a carrier arranged inside a case,', 'a drive spring,', 'a plunger comprising a ramp member, the plunger configured to be pushed in a proximal direction by the drive spring, and', 'a ramp attached to the carrier, wherein the ramp member on the plunger in an initial state is locked to the ramp on the carrier to form a ramped engagement to the carrier, the plunger prevented from rotating out of the ramped engagement depending on a relative longitudinal position of the carrier relative to the chassis, wherein the plunger is arranged to be released and to rotate out of the ramped engagement upon the carrier translating a pre-defined distance in a proximal direction relative to the chassis., 'a carrier subassembly comprising16. The auto-injector of claim 15 , wherein the carrier comprises an aperture claim 15 , and wherein the ramp member is arranged on the plunger to engage the ramp on the carrier in the aperture.17. The auto-injector of claim 16 , wherein at least one of the ramp member or the ramp on the carrier is ramped and configured to force the plunger to rotate when translated.18. The auto-injector of claim 17 , wherein an inward ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078533A1

Disclosed herein is a fluid dispenser comprising a barrel defining a longitudinal axis terminating at a first fluid delivery end region; a body movable along the barrel relative to the first fluid delivery end region, the body including a needle carrier, a plunger and a capsule carrier therebetween, a latch interface between the body and the barrel and responsive to a release force therebetween caused by compressive engagement of the barrel at a fluid delivery site on a patient, to enable travel of the plunger and capsule carrier toward the needle carrier, to a dispensing configuration in which an upstream end of the needle pierces the capsule and projects form the first fluid delivery end region to deliver a fluid to the fluid delivery site. 1. A fluid dispenser comprising a barrel defining a longitudinal axis terminating at a first fluid delivery end region; a dispenser body movable along the barrel relative to the first fluid delivery end region in a first phase between a pre-dispensing configuration and a dispensed configuration , and in a second phase between the dispensed configuration and a locked post-dispensing configuration , wherein the dispenser body is configured to rotate about the longitudinal axis during the first phase for aligned orientation with at least one locking structure configured to lock the dispenser body in the locked post-dispensing configuration during travel in the second phase.2. A dispenser as defined in any of the preceding or following claims , wherein the dispenser body includes a needle carrier with a second fluid delivery end region defined thereon.3. A dispenser as defined in any of the preceding or following claims , wherein the needle carrier is configured to be in a retracted position within the barrel in the locked post-dispensing configuration.4. A dispenser as defined in any of the preceding or following claims , wherein the dispenser body includes a fluid capsule carrier moveable relative to the needle carrier in the ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150088079A1

The drive mechanism for a drug delivery device comprises a piston rod, which is displaced in a distal direction for a delivery of a dose and in a proximal direction for a reset, and a resilient member, which acts on the piston rod during a reset and tends to restrict the movement of the piston rod in the proximal direction. The resilient member may be a biasing member provided for an automatic reset, a compression spring entering the piston rod or a torsion spring provided to generate a rotation. The drug delivery device is provided with such a drive mechanism. 118-. (canceled)19. A drive mechanism for a drug delivery device , comprising:a piston rod, which is displaced in a distal direction for a delivery of a dose and in a proximal direction for a reset, anda resilient member which acts on the piston rod during a reset and tends to restrict the movement of the piston rod in the proximal direction,characterized in thatthe resilient member is selected from the group consisting of a biasing member provided for an automatic reset, a compression spring entering the piston rod, and a torsion spring provided to generate a rotation.20. The drive mechanism of claim 19 , further comprising:a rotatable drive member, which is threadedly engaged with the piston rod and rotates during the delivery of the dose,wherein the resilient member is a biasing member, which is loaded by the rotation of the drive member during the delivery of the dose and tends to rotate the piston rod with respect to the drive member in such a way that the piston rod is screwed into the drive member and thereby advanced in the proximal direction, until the biasing member is relaxed and the movement of the piston rod in the proximal direction is stopped.21. The drive mechanism of claim 20 , wherein the biasing member is a helical spring arranged coaxially with the piston rod.22. The drive mechanism of claim 19 , further comprising:a housinga lock nut releasably rotationally locked to the housing and ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085881A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled. 1. A drive mechanism for use in a medicament delivery device , the drive mechanism comprising:a plunger rod having a longitudinal axis;a spring biasing the plunger rod in a proximal direction; anda holder having a proximal end and enclosing all but a proximal portion of the plunger rod, where the plunger rod is releasably fixed relative to the holder to maintain the spring in a pre-tensioned state,wherein the holder has a resilient member positioned at the proximal end.2. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the resilient member is configured to abut a distal end of a medicament container when the drive mechanism is assembled into the medicament delivery device.3. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the resilient member comprises a flexible arm.4. The drive mechanism of claim 3 , wherein the flexible arm is arc-shaped.5. The drive mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the resilient member comprises two proximally directed arc-shaped flexible arms that are configured to flex radially outward relative to the longitudinal axis when engaged with a distal end of a medicament container when the drive mechanism is assembled into the medicament delivery device.6. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the spring is positioned within a hollow portion of the plunger rod.7. The drive mechanism of claim 6 , wherein the plunger rod has an open distal end and a closed ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085882A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled. 1. A drive mechanism for use in a medicament delivery device , the drive mechanism comprising:a plunger rod having a hollow portion, a longitudinal axis and an outer surface;a spring positioned within the hollow portion and biasing the plunger rod in a proximal direction; anda holder comprising a flexible tongue that is releasably fixed to the outer surface of the plunger rod to maintain the spring in a pre-tensioned state and axially fix the plunger rod relative to the holder.2. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the plunger rod has an open distal end and a closed proximal end claim 1 , where the proximal end is configured to engage and move a slidable stopper in a medicament container when the drive mechanism is assembled into the medicament delivery device and when the spring changes from the pre-tensioned state to a released state.3. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the holder has two flexible tongues each comprising inwardly directed protrusions and where the outer surface of the plunger rod has two cut-outs that are releasably engaged with the protrusions.4. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the flexible tongue is biased inwardly relative to the longitudinal axis when the spring is in the pre-tensioned state.5. The drive mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the flexible tongue is configured to flex outwardly relative to the longitudinal ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085883A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled. 1. A method of operating a medicament delivery device , comprising the steps of ,providing a medicament delivery device having a housing holding a drive mechanism comprising:a plunger rod having a hollow portion, a longitudinal axis and an outer surface;a spring positioned within the hollow portion and biasing the plunger rod in a proximal direction; anda holder comprising a flexible tongue that is releasably fixed to the outer surface of the plunger rod to maintain the spring in a pre-tensioned state and axially fix the plunger rod relative to the holder,activating the medicament delivery device by releasing the flexible tongue from the plunger rod, andproviding an audible signal to a user of the medicament delivery device by using a signal generating member of the medicament delivery device to transmit an audible sound to signal complete expulsion of medicament from the medicament container.2. The method of further comprising providing an activation member slidably positioned within the housing and configured to move from a first position to a second position and then to a third position.3. The method of further comprising moving the activation member from the first position to the second position by engaging a proximal end face of the activation member with an injection site and pushing the housing proximally relative to the activation member.4. The method ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Safety Arrangement and Medical Delivery Device

Номер: US20210085884A1

The present invention relates to a safety arrangement for being used in a medicament delivery device (), comprising a container holder () with a body section () and a flange seat (), and a shell (). The container holder () is arranged to receive a container () with a longitudinal body () at one end passing over into a distal flange () and at an opposite end passing over into a proximal orifice () via a shoulder (), such that the distal flange () of the container () contacts the flange seat () of the container holder (). Moreover, the container holder () is arranged in the shell () such that the container holder () is movable in a proximal direction in relation to the shell (). A blocking element () is arranged between the shell () and the container holder (). A a blocking initiating structure () is arranged to reposition the blocking element () when the container holder () is moved in the proximal direction in relation to the shell () from a first position (A) to a second position (B). The present invention also relates to a medicament delivery device () modified to comprise, and cooperate with, a safety arrangement as described. 120-. (canceled)21. A safety arrangement for being used in a medicament delivery device , comprisinga container holder with a body section and a flange seat, anda shell, whereinthe container holder is arranged to receive a container with a longitudinal body at one end passing over into a distal flange and at an opposite end passing over into a proximal orifice via a shoulder such that the distal flange of the container contacts the flange seat of the container holder, andthe container holder is arranged in the shell such that the container holder is movable in a proximal direction in relation to the shell,whereina blocking element is arranged between the shell and the container holder, anda blocking initiating structure is arranged to reposition the blocking element when the container holder is moved in the proximal direction in relation to ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Drug Delivery Device with Means for Disabling Activation of Expelling Mechanism

Номер: US20160089500A1
Автор: Soerensen Morten

A drug delivery device has a cartridge holder adapted to receive and hold a cartridge, the cartridge holder having a receiving and a holding state. The device further comprises a drive assembly with a piston rod and a drive spring, setting means allowing a user to set a dose amount to be expelled and strain the drive spring correspondingly, and user actuated release means for releasing the drive spring, wherein the drive assembly spring cannot be released to move the piston rod unless the cartridge holder is in the holding state. 2. A drug delivery device as in claim 1 , further comprising:a first blocking member actuatable between an initial blocking position and a released position,wherein the first blocking member in the blocking position prevents the release structure from being released and/or prevents the drive structure from moving the piston rod.3. A drug delivery device as in claim 2 , wherein the release structure comprises:a coupling member actuatable between an initial locked position and a released position,wherein the first blocking member in the blocking position prevents the coupling member from being actuated from the initial locked position to the released position.4. A drug delivery device as in claim 3 , wherein:the coupling member is moved axially in distal direction when actuated, andthe first blocking member is moved axially in distal direction when actuated, thereby allowing the coupling member to be moved distally to the released position.5. A drug delivery device as in claim 2 , further comprising:user operated actuation structure actuatable from a loading state to an operational state,wherein actuation of the actuation structure from the loading state to the operational state results in the cartridge holder being actuated from the receiving state to the holding state, and the first blocking member being actuated from the initial blocking position to the released position.6. A drug delivery device as in claim 5 , wherein the actuation ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Dosing and Drive Mechanism for Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20150094687A1

The present invention relates to drive mechanisms suitable for use in drug delivery devices, in particular pen-type injectors, wherein a number of pre-set doses of medicinal product can be administered. In particular, the present invention relates to such drug delivery devices where a user may activate the drug delivery device. 117-. (canceled)18. A drive mechanism for use in a drug delivery device comprising:a housing having a proximal and distal end;a drive sleeve non-rotatable with respect to said housing;a piston rod engaged with the said drive sleeve optionally by engagement means;wherein the said piston rod further comprises a distal helical thread portion threadedly engaged with the said housing and a means for releasable engagement to the said drive sleeve;characterized in that,a) when the said drive sleeve moves proximally without rotating with respect to the said housing the said piston rod does not move with respect to the said housing;b) when the said drive sleeve moves distally the said piston rod rotates with respect to the said housing so that a force is transferred in the longitudinal direction to the distal end of the said drug delivery device.19. The drive mechanism according to claim 18 , wherein the said means for releasable engagement of the piston rod to the said drive sleeve consists of one or more flexible regions.20. The drive mechanism according to claim 19 , wherein the said one or more flexible regions are releasably engaged with a helical thread on the said drive sleeve.21. The drive mechanism according to claim 18 , wherein the said means located at the proximal end of the said piston rod for releasable engagement to the said drive sleeve consists of unidirectional rotational coupling means.22. The drive mechanism according to claim 21 , wherein the said unidirectional rotational coupling means are engaged with a helical thread on the said drive sleeve.23. The drive mechanism according to claim 18 , comprising non-return features which ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096010A1
Автор: KLEIN Ronnie

An applicator device for applying a fluid substance within a body cavity includes an applicator body for insertion into the body cavity. A chamber within the applicator body holds the fluid substance. A plunger applies pressure to the fluid substance in the chamber when pushed into the chamber, and creates suction when withdrawn. Lateral openings are each provided with one-way valves that enable outflow of the fluid substance through the opening from the chamber to an outer surface of the applicator when the pressure is applied by the plunger, and inhibit inflow of a fluid through the opening from outside the applicator into the chamber when the suction is created by the plunger. A stopping structure inhibits pushing motion at a stop position, enables motion past the stop position when an additional pushing force is applied, and enables withdrawal through the stop position without interference. 1. An applicator device for applying a fluid substance within a body cavity , the device comprising:an applicator body that is configured for insertion into the body cavity;at least one chamber within the applicator body for holding the fluid substance;a plunger that is configured to apply a pressure to the fluid substance in the chamber when pushed into the chamber with a pushing motion, and to create a suction within the chamber when withdrawn from the chamber with a withdrawal motion;a plurality of lateral openings, each opening provided with a one-way valve that is configured to enable outflow of the fluid substance through the opening from the chamber to an outer surface of the applicator body when the pressure is applied by the plunger, and to inhibit inflow of a fluid through the opening from outside the applicator into the chamber when the suction is created by the plunger; anda stopping structure that is configured to inhibit the pushing motion at a stop position, to enable the pushing motion past the stop position when an additional pushing force is applied, and to ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093788A1
Автор: Fabrigas Francis

The present invention relates to an enteral syringe including a barrel with a first inlet, a first outlet positioned opposite the first inlet, a first side opening formed in a side of the barrel and a plunger movably mounted in the barrel where the barrel can be filled and refilled with enteral fluid without removing the plunger from the barrel. 1. A syringe comprising:a barrel having a cylindrical shape and including a central cavity; a first output opening positioned on a distal end thereof;', 'a side opening formed in a side of the barrel and spaced from the first output opening; and, 'the barrel comprisinga plunger mounted in the first barrel and movable from a retracted position where a distal end of the plunger is positioned in the barrel and above the first side opening to a compressed position wherein the distal end of the plunger is positioned between the first side opening and the first output opening.2. The syringe of claim 1 , further comprising a first inlet opening provided in a proximal end of the barrel wherein a proximal end of the plunger extends through the first inlet opening.3. The enteral syringe of further comprising a first external structure surrounding the first side opening and extending outward from a side of the barrel.4. The enteral syringe of claim 3 , wherein the first external structure tapers from a top portion to a bottom portion.5. The enteral syringe of claim 4 , wherein the first external structure is funnel shaped.6. The enteral syringe of claim 3 , wherein the first external structure is tube shaped.7. The enteral syringe of claim 3 , wherein the first external structure further comprises a puncture structure including:a base;a pointed protrusion extending upward from the base;an opening formed in the base and in fluid communication with the first side opening.8. The enteral syringe of claim 1 , further comprising a filter element positioned in the first side opening.9. The enteral syringe of claim 3 , further comprising a ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Safety housing based implant/medicament injecting system

Номер: US20220143321A1

A safety housing based implant/medicament injecting system. System includes a needle assembly prefilled implant/medicament for injection and an injecting needle/cannula, a housing for accommodating the needle assembly under usual bias inside said housing, a plunger means having a plunger rod configured for stage wise forward motion including an initial injecting plunger forward motion with the needle assembly within the housing to first engage the needle assembly with the housing and subsequent continuing injecting plunger forward motion independent of the needle assembly for injecting of the implant/medicament, and post injecting return of the needle assembly secured inside said housing blocking any subsequent use thereof.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus And Methods For Purging Catheter Systems

Номер: US20220143323A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

Apparatus and methods for providing controlled pressure-flow pulses which purge a catheter system with turbulent flow flushing. Accomplishment of such controlled pressure-flow pulses is provided by a variety of inventive devices including a special plunger rod for a conventional syringe, other interactive parts for conventional syringes, an in-line catheter attachable device which automatically generates the controlled pressure-flow pulses and also single pulse, digitally operated devices.
