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05-01-2012 дата публикации

Electronic pacemaker and pacemaker lead

Номер: US20120004702A1

A pacemaker lead includes a body and an insulation layer. The body includes at least one carbon nanotube yarn. The at least one carbon nanotube yarn includes a plurality of carbon nanotubes. The carbon nanotubes are interconnected along an axis of the body by van der Waals force. The insulation layer covers an outer surface of the body.

01-03-2017 дата публикации

Электрод для электростимуляции зрительного нерва и зрительных путей и контроля физиологических параметров орбитальных структур глаза

Номер: RU0000169012U1

Полезная модель относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии, неврологии, нейрохирургии, челюстно-лицевой хирургии, физиотерапии, и может быть использована для лечения заболеваний и дистрофических процессов в зрительных путях, глазном яблоке и зрительном нерве. Разработанный электрод для электростимуляции зрительного нерва и зрительных путей и контроля физиологических параметров орбитальных структур обеспечивает постоянную безопасную адресную электростимуляцию зрительного нерва и зрительных путей. Электрод, включающий: полимерную основу, выполненную с возможностью ее размещения вдоль нижней стенки орбиты от переднего орбитального края до вершины орбиты, и расположенные в ней контакты для передачи электрических стимулирующих сигналов на глазное яблоко, зрительный нерв, зрительные пути и снятия физиологических параметров. Причем контакты выполнены с возможностью подключения к блоку управления электрогенератора и объединены в две группы, одна из которых расположена ближе к дистальному концу полимерной основы и выполнена с возможностью преимущественного воздействия на зрительный нерв и зрительные пути, другая - к проксимальному концу и выполнена с возможностью преимущественного воздействия на задний полюс глазного яблока. Ширина полимерной основы уменьшается от проксимального к дистальному концу. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 012 U1 (51) МПК A61N 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016132569, 08.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.08.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Давыдов Дмитрий Викторович (RU), Яковлев Александр Евгеньевич (RU) 01.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.08.2016 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2025114 C1, 30.12.1994. RU Адрес для переписки: 119034, Москва, пер. Пречистенский, 20, кв. 9, А.Е. Яковлеву 36214 U1, 10.03.2004. RU 2434639 C2, 27.11.2011. RU 2582407 C2, 27.04. ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Устройство энергообеспечения имплантируемых медицинских приборов

Номер: RU0000169922U1

Устройство энергообеспечения имплантируемых медицинских приборов содержит преобразователь энергии, включающий, по меньшей мере, один пьезоэлектрический элемент с нанесенными электродами, выполненный в виде пьезоэлектрической полимерной пленки (пьезопленки). Дополнительно содержит упругое основание, на котором расположена пьезопленка, частично его охватывая. На преобразователь энергии нанесено защитное влагостойкое покрытие, выполненное из эластичного биосовместимого полимера. Основание может быть скреплено с пьезоэлектрическим элементом с помощью клея-герметика; может быть выполнено в форме цилиндра, в форме многогранника, иметь переменную упругость и полость для размещения блока электроники. Техническим результатом является расширение арсенала средств энергообеспечения имплантируемых медицинских приборов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 922 U1 (51) МПК A61N 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016128461, 12.07.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.07.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Акульшин Юрий Дмитриевич (RU), Комаревцев Иван Михайлович (RU) 06.04.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 12.07.2016 Адрес для переписки: 195251, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Политехническая, 29, ФГАОУ ВО "Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого" (ФГАОУ ВО "СПбПУ"), отдел интеллектуальной собственности (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US20130238072A1, 12.09.2013. US20150365018A1, 17.12.2015. RU2529383C2, 27.09.2014. U 1 1 6 9 9 2 2 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство энергообеспечения имплантируемых медицинских приборов, содержащее преобразователь энергии, включающий, по меньшей мере, один пьезоэлектрический элемент, на который нанесены электроды, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит упругое основание, пьезоэлектрический элемент выполнен в виде пьезоэлектрической полимерной пленки, по меньшей мере, ...

08-10-2019 дата публикации

Аппликатор для рефлексотерапии (4)

Номер: RU0000192981U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине, к физиотерапевтическим устройствам, выполненным в виде игольчатого аппликатора, предназначенного для физиотерапевтического воздействия на рефлексогенные зоны тела человека. Аппликатор для рефлексотерапии выполнен в виде эластичной камеры со средствами подачи текучей среды в камеру, а также с элементами рефлекторного воздействия, образующими рабочую сторону аппликатора, при этом элементы рефлекторного воздействия расположены, по меньшей мере, на двух противоположных стенках эластичной камеры с возможностью образования, по меньшей мере, двух рабочих сторон аппликатора с различными характеристиками элементов рефлекторного воздействия. Технический результат - расширение функциональных возможностей аппликатора за счет возможности выбора элементов рефлекторного воздействия. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 25 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 981 U1 (51) МПК A61H 39/00 (2006.01) A61H 39/08 (2006.01) A61N 1/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61H 39/00 (2019.05); A61H 39/08 (2019.05); A61H 2201/0103 (2019.05); A61N 1/0404 (2019.05); A61N 1/0476 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019101286, 15.01.2019 15.01.2019 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ляпко Николай Григорьевич (UA) Дата регистрации: 08.10.2019 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 14.06.2018 UA U 2018 06731 (45) Опубликовано: 08.10.2019 Бюл. № 28 1 9 2 9 8 1 R U (54) Аппликатор для рефлексотерапии (4) (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к медицине, к физиотерапевтическим устройствам, выполненным в виде игольчатого аппликатора, предназначенного для физиотерапевтического воздействия на рефлексогенные зоны тела человека. Аппликатор для рефлексотерапии выполнен в виде эластичной камеры со средствами подачи текучей среды в камеру, а также с элементами рефлекторного воздействия, образующими рабочую сторону аппликатора, Стр.: 1 при этом элементы рефлекторного воздействия расположены, по меньшей мере, на двух ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Автоматическое устройство для сердечно-легочной реанимации в экстремальных условиях

Номер: RU0000193963U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике. Автоматическое устройство для сердечно-легочной реанимации в экстремальных условиях содержит коробчатую платформу для размещения на ней пациента, тканевый бандаж в виде двух грудных накладок с лентами и застежками, установленный внутри платформы механизм циклического натяжения лент, размещенных в отверстиях с направляющими роликами на боковых сторонах платформы, блок управления и автономный источник электроэнергии. Механизм циклического натяжения лент включает в себя последовательно установленные соосно внутри платформы и соединенные между собой сильфонными муфтами неполноповоротный пневматический двигатель, датчик крутящего момента с интегрированной системой измерения угла поворота и скорости вращения и вал со шкивом. Шкив имеет выполненные на его обращенной наружу торцовой поверхности диаметрально и симметрично расположенные относительно его оси два глухих отверстия с односторонними радиальными прорезами в сторону наружной цилиндрической образующей шкива, в которых установлены цилиндрические пальцы для имеющих форму петель концов лент. На концах грудных накладок в местах их соединения между собой закреплены обращенные в сторону грудины упоры в виде выступов из упругого материала. Электрические выходы датчика крутящего момента и автономного источника электропитания соединены с соответствующими входами блока управления, выходы которого подключены к электрическим входам пятилинейного трехпозиционного пневмораспределителя, пневматический вход которого соединен посредством регулятора давления с баллоном сжатого газа, а пневматические рабочие выходы соединены со входами неполноповоротного пневмодвигателя. Технический результат состоит в повышении надежности и долговечности устройства. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 963 U1 (51) МПК A61H 31/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61H 31/006 (2019.08); A61N 1/046 (2019.08); A61N 1/ ...

11-03-2020 дата публикации

Магнит кохлеарного имплантата на шаровых элементах

Номер: RU0000196686U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике, в частности к имплантируемым кохлеарным устройствам. Техническим результатом является существенное снижение массы имплантата и исключение сложных, высокопрофессиональных операций при его изготовлении. В состав магнита кохлеарного имплантата на шаровых элементах входят не менее шести из четного числа постоянных шаровых магнитных элементов с равными диаметрами и полюсами N и S, верхняя круглая плоская крышка из немагнитного материала и нижняя круглая крышка, выполненная из немагнитного материала, кольцо боковое, выполненное из немагнитного материала и цилиндр центральный, выполненный из медицинского пластика. Размеры нижней круглой крышки соответствуют аналогичным размерам верхней круглой плоской крышки. Кольцо боковое цилиндрическое расположено и жестко закреплено между верхней и нижней круглыми крышками. В центре кольца бокового расположен цилиндр центральный, а вокруг него четное число постоянных шаровых магнитных элементов. При этом высота цилиндра центрального и кольца бокового, а также разность между внутренним радиусом кольца бокового и радиусом цилиндра центрального, соответствует диаметру шарового магнитного элемента с допуском, обеспечивающим свободное вращение каждого шарового магнитного элемента при заполнении пространства между шаровыми магнитными элементами ферромагнитной жидкостью. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 686 U1 (51) МПК A61N 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61N 1/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019141062, 12.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 12.12.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 11.03.2020 Бюл. № 8 1 9 6 6 8 6 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 193952 U1, 21.11.2019. CN 207980177 U, 19.10.2018. RU 125845 U1, 20.03.2013. (54) Магнит кохлеарного имплантата на шаровых элементах (57) ...

16-10-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для предъявления электрических импульсов при транслингвальной нейростимуляции

Номер: RU0000200325U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для неинвазивной транслигвальной нейростимуляции. Заявленные эффекты достигаются элементом для предъявления электрических импульсов при транслингвальной нейростимуляции, а именно устройством для предъявления электрических импульсов при транслингвальной нейростимуляции, состоящим из по меньшей мере печатной платы со множеством электродов для обеспечения подкожной локальной электрической стимуляции языка, средств для подачи тока на электроды и схемы управления, которая распределяет электрические сигналы на электроды в соответствии с заданным алгоритмом, для управления электрическими сигналами, подаваемыми на электроды, при этом для снижение взаимного влияния элементов схемы на выходные каскады формирователей генерируемых импульсов компоненты указанной схемы управления расположены на печатной плате с двух ее сторон. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 200 325 U1 (51) МПК A61N 1/05 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61N 1/05 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020103562, 28.01.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество "ПК "Альматек" (RU) Дата регистрации: 16.10.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.01.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 16.10.2020 Бюл. № 29 2 0 0 3 2 5 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПРЕДЪЯВЛЕНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИХ ИМПУЛЬСОВ ПРИ ТРАНСЛИНГВАЛЬНОЙ НЕЙРОСТИМУЛЯЦИИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для электроды и схемы управления, которая неинвазивной транслигвальной нейростимуляции. распределяет электрические сигналы на Заявленные эффекты достигаются элементом для электроды в соответствии с заданным предъявления электрических импульсов при алгоритмом, для управления электрическими транслингвальной нейростимуляции, а именно сигналами, подаваемыми на электроды, при этом устройством для предъявления электрических для снижение взаимного влияния элементов схемы импульсов при ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Garment to facilitate electrode placement for intraoperative monitoring

Номер: US20120010492A1
Принадлежит: ProNerve LLC

A garment is provided with an electrode and indicia to facilitate placement of the garment. The indicia is used to orient the garment such that the electrode is placed in precise orientation with respect to a stimulation site to facilitate intraoperative monitoring during surgical procedures.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Tunneling tool for implantable leads

Номер: US20120016377A1
Автор: Jesse Geroy
Принадлежит: Greatbatch Ltd

A tunneling tool for creating a pathway for implanting a therapy delivery element in a living body. The tunneling tool includes a malleable elongated shaft having a distal end. A sheath having a lumen is slidably positioned over a portion of the shaft. A primary handle secured to proximal end of the shaft permits a user to advance and manipulate the shaft and the sheath in the living body. A secondary handle with an opening is slidably positioned on the shaft between the primary handle and the sheath. The opening has a diameter less than an outside diameter of a proximal end of the sheath. A locking mechanism releasably engages the secondary handle to the primary handle. The sheath is retained in a desired location within the living body by securing the secondary handle relative to the living body as the primary handle is used to remove the shaft from the sheath.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for radial steering of electrode arrays

Номер: US20120016378A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corp

A device for brain stimulation includes a lead having a longitudinal surface, a proximal end and a distal end. A plurality of electrodes are disposed along the longitudinal surface of the lead near the distal end of the lead. At least one marker is disposed on the longitudinal surface of the lead. The at least one marker is configured and arranged to identify a relative position of the plurality of electrodes.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Energy efficient high frequency nerve blocking technique

Номер: US20120016448A1
Автор: Dongchul Lee
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corp

A neurostimulation system and method of blocking a neural axon. Time-varying electrical energy is conveyed to a blocking site on the neural axon for an initial phase. The conveyed electrical energy has an amplitude and frequency during the initial phase sufficient to block action potentials from propagating along the neural axon from a location proximal to the blocking site to a location distal to the blocking site. The time-varying electrical energy is conveyed to the blocking site on the neural axon for a subsequent phase contiguous with the initial phase. The conveyed electrical energy has a decreased amplitude and a frequency during the subsequent phase sufficient to maintain blocking of the action potentials along the neural axon from the location proximal to the blocking site to the location distal to the blocking site.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Magnetic Field Treatment Techniques

Номер: US20120022315A1
Принадлежит: Mclean Hospital Corp

The invention involves enhancing brain function by stimulating the brain using magnetic fields. Applications of the new methods include improving the condition of individuals with cognitive disorders, such as depression, and studying the effects of neural stimulation using induced electric fields. These techniques can avoid deleterious effects of psychotropic pharmaceutical treatments, and provide a relatively safe, comfortable, inexpensive means of direct cranial stimulation.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Iontophoretic Drug Delivery Packaging

Номер: US20120022431A1
Автор: Todd A. Krinke
Принадлежит: Travanti Pharma Inc

The present invention relates generally to iontophoretic drug delivery systems for transdermal delivery of therapeutic agents and, more particularly, to packaging such systems for long shelf life and easy assembly for use. The system package includes an iontophoretic skin worn patch component that accommodates a power source, electronics, electrodes and a drug pack component that carries a therapeutic agent which is contained as a separate sealed component. The packaged system further provides for ease of assembly at the time of use.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Electrical connection system between an electrical power supply device and an implanted medical device

Номер: US20120028490A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention concerns an electrical connection system to electrically connect an internal electrical device ( 2 ) designed to be positioned inside an animal's body with an external electrical device ( 3 ) designed to be positioned outside the animal's body, said system having a cable ( 4 ) designed to be positioned at least partially inside the animal's body and enclosing at least one electrical wire, said cable ( 4 ) comprising at one of its ends a first connection means ( 5 ) to connect said at least one electrical wire with external electrical device ( 3 ), characterized in that cable ( 4 ) further has at its other end a second connection means ( 1 ) designed to be placed inside the animal's body, second connection means ( 1 ) having connectors to allow an electrical connection between said at least one electrical wire of cable ( 4 ) and internal electrical device ( 2 ), the second connection means ( 1 ) further having additional connectors to allow an electrical connection between at least one electrical wire external to said cable ( 4 ) and internal electrical device ( 2 ), the connectors of second connection means ( 1 ) permitting a removable connection of the electrical wires.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Apnea type determining apparatus and method

Номер: US20120029362A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

An apnea classification system provides for apnea monitoring and differentiation based on several sleep apnea related parameters for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Monitoring of such sleep apnea related parameters allows the apnea classification system to differentiate among the different types of apnea and hypopnea and to identify an occurrence of periodic respiration. This information may then be used to determine the best method of therapy, or adjust current therapy parameters to more effectively treat a subject.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Electrode devices with resistive elements

Номер: US20120029582A1
Автор: Ehud Cohen, Shai Ayal
Принадлежит: BioControl Medical BCM Ltd

Apparatus is provided for applying current to a nerve. A cathode is adapted to be placed in a vicinity of a cathodic longitudinal site of the nerve and to apply a cathodic current to the nerve. A primary inhibiting anode is adapted to be placed in a vicinity of a primary anodal longitudinal site of the nerve and to apply a primary anodal current to the nerve. A secondary inhibiting anode is adapted to be placed in a vicinity of a secondary anodal longitudinal site of the nerve and to apply a secondary anodal current to the nerve, the secondary anodal longitudinal site being closer to the primary anodal longitudinal site than to the cathodic longitudinal site.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Transdermal porator and patch system and method for using same

Номер: US20120035555A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A transdermal permeant delivery system for delivery of at least one permeant composition into a tissue membrane of a subject including a disposable substrate having at least a portion of a bottom surface of a first release liner connected to an upper surface of the substrate and a patch having a backing layer and a reservoir that is selectively removable from the top surface of the first release liner. In a connected position, a first portion of the backing layer of the patch is releaseably mounted to a top surface of the first release liner in spaced registration with a poration area of the substrate.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

System and method for manipulating insertion pathways for accessing target sites

Номер: US20120035590A1
Принадлежит: Pacesetter Inc

A method for accessing a target site in the body by transferring a guidewire from an initial insertion site on the body to a different insertion site on the body is provided. In one aspect, a method for transferring a medical device or component, such as a sensor lead, from an initial insertion site to another insertion site is also provided. A guidewire of sufficient length, pliancy and deformability to perform a transfer from one insertion site to another insertion site is provided. In one aspect, the guidewire comprises a removable core mandrel to increase rigidity, facilitate insertion and/or improve steerability. A kit or system, comprising introducers, guidewires and catheters for performing a guidewire or device transfer is also provided.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus, System and Method for Ultrasound Powered Neurotelemetry

Номер: US20120041310A1
Автор: Bruce C. Towe
Принадлежит: Arizona Board of Regents of ASU

The present embodiments provide an apparatus, system, and method for ultrasound powered neurotelemetry. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a piezoelectric element configured to receive an ultrasonic pulse and convert the electronic pulse into an electric potential. A diode may be coupled to the piezoelectric element, the diode configured to cause an electric current to flow in response to the electric potential. The apparatus may additionally include a reference electrode and a stimulating electrode coupled to the diode. The reference electrode may sense bioelectric activity in a region of body tissue located in proximity to the reference diode. The stimulating electrode may emit a carrier signal, wherein the carrier signal is modulated in response to the bioelectric activity sensed by the reference electrode.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Establishing continuity between a shield within an implantable medical lead and a shield within an implantable lead extension

Номер: US20120041529A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

Implantable medical leads and implantable lead extensions include a shield. The implantable medical lead is coupled to the implantable lead extension. Stimulation electrodes of the implantable medical lead contact stimulation connectors within a housing of the implantable extension to establish a conductive pathway for stimulation signals from filars of the implantable extension to filars of the implantable medical lead. Continuity is established between the shield of the implantable medical lead and the implantable extension by providing a radio frequency conductive pathway within the housing. The radio frequency conductive pathway extends from a shield of the implantable extension to a shield connector that contacts a shield electrode of the implantable medical lead. The radio frequency conductive pathway may have various forms such as a jumper wire or an extension of the shield within the implantable extension.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Layered electrode for an implantable medical device lead

Номер: US20120046721A1
Автор: Brendan E. Koop
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

A medical device lead includes an insulative lead body, a conductor extending through the lead body from a proximal end to a distal end, and an electrode electrically connected to the conductor. The proximal end is adapted to be electrically connected to a pulse generator. The electrode includes a plurality of electrode modules mechanically coupled in a stack of electrode modules. Each electrode module includes a plurality of layers that define substantially similar sized pores such that the stack of electrode modules includes an array of the substantially similar sized pores.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Drug eluting coatings for a medical lead and method

Номер: US20120052184A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A medical electrical lead includes a drug eluting coating provided over at least a portion of the lead body. The drug eluting coating can be provided over at least a portion of the lead body and adjacent to at least one electrode located on the lead body. The drug eluting coating can include at least one matrix polymer layer including a polymer admixed with a therapeutic agent. The therapeutic agent, for example, can be an anti-proliferative agent or an anti-inflammatory agent. The matrix polymer can include a medical adhesive. The rate of elution of the drug from the matrix polymer layer is affected by the drug to polymer ratio of the drug in the matrix polymer layer.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Electrode catheter, in particular for cardiac therapy

Номер: US20120053668A1
Принадлежит: Biotronik SE and Co KG

An electrode catheter, in particular for cardiac therapy, includes an elongate, tubular catheter body, an electrode for delivering or measuring an electrical signal, in particular an electrocardiac signal, via its external electrode contact surface, at least one first supply line for the electrical connection of the electrode, at least one second supply line for the electrical connection of a further electrode, a plug terminal connection between the at least one first supply line and the electrode, and an insulated passage of the at least one second supply line through the electrode.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Devices and methods for tissue modulation and monitoring

Номер: US20120065699A1
Автор: Purvis Bedenbaugh
Принадлежит: Cranial Medical Systems Inc

A tissue stimulating device has an elongate member, a proximal annular stimulating region and a distal annular stimulating region. Each of the annular stimulating regions circumscribe the elongate member, and each has a plurality of independently energizable electrodes that deliver current into tissue. Adjacent electrodes in the annular stimulating regions are separated from one another by an insulating member. The annular stimulating regions are axially separated from one another by a gap. An internal electrical connector electrically couples a first electrode in the proximal annular stimulating region with a first electrode in the distal annular stimulating region. The first internal electrical connector is disposed within the elongate member, and extends across the gap between annular stimulating regions. A recording electrode is disposed in the gap and is adapted to record local tissue potentials from the tissue.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Artificial retina device

Номер: US20120065704A1

The present technology provides an organic based artificial retina device that includes a substrate and an array of micro-electrodes formed on the substrate. The illustrative artificial retina device further includes a photoconducting polymer blend deposited on the array of micro-electrodes. The photoconducting polymer blend is configured to produce a photoelectric signal in response to receiving light.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Tissue ablation with irreversible electroporation

Номер: US20120071874A1

A new method for the ablation of undesirable tissue such as cells of a cancerous or non-cancerous tumor is disclosed. It involves the placement of electrodes into or near the vicinity of the undesirable tissue through the application of electrical pulses causing irreversible electroporation of the cells throughout the entire area of the undesirable tissue. The electric pulses irreversibly permeate the cell membranes, thereby invoking cell death. The irreversibly permeabilized cells are left in situ and are removed by the body immune system. The amount of tissue ablation achievable through the use of irreversible electroporation without inducing thermal damage is considerable.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Transvenous active fixation lead system

Номер: US20120078266A1
Автор: Archie A. Tyson, Jr.
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

A medical electrical lead system that includes a catheter extending from a proximal catheter end to a distal catheter end; a lead, insertable within the catheter, including a lead body extending from a proximal lead end to a distal lead end and an active fixation member positioned at the distal lead end; and an advancement tool for advancing the distal lead end outward from the distal catheter end. The advancement tool is adapted to be positioned around the lead body and further adapted to be removably fixedly engaged with the proximal catheter end.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Biocompatible electrode

Номер: US20120091011A1

A biocompatible electrode formed from an integrated circuit, the electrode comprising: a semiconductor substrate; and an electrode layer at least partially comprising porous valve metal oxide.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Sample and Hold Circuitry for Monitoring Voltages in an Implantable Neurostimulator

Номер: US20120092031A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corp

Sample and hold circuitry for monitoring electrodes and other voltages in an implantable neurostimulator is disclosed. The sample and hold circuitry in one embodiment contains multiplexers to selected appropriate voltages and to pass them to two storage capacitors during two different measurement phases. The capacitors are in a later stage serially connected to add the two voltages stored on the capacitors, and voltages present at the top and bottom of the serial connection are then input to a differential amplifier to compute their difference. The sample and hold circuitry is particularly useful in calculating the resistance between two electrodes, and is further particularly useful when resistance is measured using a biphasic pulse. The sample and hold circuitry is flexible, and can be used to measure other voltages of interest during biphasic or monophasic pulsing.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Implantable leads having coiled conductors to reduce rf-induced current

Номер: US20120101558A1
Автор: Greg Kampa, Phong D. Doan
Принадлежит: Pacesetter Inc

An implantable lead assembly includes an outer jacket, first and second coiled conductors, and first and second electrodes. The outer jacket is elongated along a center axis and includes a body that radially extends between opposite interior and exterior surfaces. The interior surface defines an elongated lumen. The coiled conductors are held within the body of the outer jacket between the interior and exterior surfaces of the outer jacket and are wrapped around the lumen and the center axis. The electrodes are coupled with the outer jacket and electrically coupled to the coiled conductors in order to at least one of deliver stimulus pulses or sense electrical activity.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Medical device fixation attachment mechanism

Номер: US20120109002A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

A fixation member configured to anchor an implantable medical device within a patient is attached to an implantable medical device by introducing at least a portion of the fixation member in a tube mechanically connected to the medical device, and plastically deforming the tube in order to pinch the fixation member within a hollow space of the tube.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Protecting an implantable medical device from effects caused by an interfering radiation field

Номер: US20120109261A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

Techniques are described for protecting an implantable medical device (IMD) from effects caused by interfering radiated fields. An IMD incorporating these techniques may include a telemetry conduction path that includes a first end electrically coupled to a telemetry antenna and a second end electrically coupled to a telemetry circuit disposed within a housing of the IMD. The IMD may further include a stub filter electrically coupled to the telemetry conduction path and configured to attenuate an interfering signal induced in the telemetry conduction path. The stub filter may include a dielectric and a conductor disposed within the dielectric. The conductor may include a first end electrically coupled to the telemetry conduction path and a second end configured in an open circuit configuration. The conductor may have an electrical length approximately equal to one-quarter wavelength of the interfering signal when propagating through the stub filter.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Planning System for Neurostimulation Therapy

Номер: US20120109599A1
Принадлежит: Sapiens Steering Brain Stimulation BV

A system for planning implantation of a neurostimulation probe is provided. The system comprises an input for receiving anatomical data comprising information regarding a position and an orientation of at least one fiber bundle in a target region, an input for receiving therapeutic information comprising information regarding a stimulation preferability of the at least one fiber bundle, an optimization module for based on the position, the orientation and the stimulation preferability of the at least one fiber bundle calculating at least one optimal position and at least one optimal orientation for implantation of the neurostimulation probe at which optimal position and orientation the probe is capable of generating an electric field gradient substantially parallel to at least one fiber bundle with a high stimulation preferability and/or substantially perpendicular to at least one fiber bundle with a low stimulation preferability and an output for providing the optimal position and orientation.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

System for voice control of a medical implant

Номер: US20120116774A1
Автор: Peter Forsell

An implantable system ( 11 ) for control of and communication with an implant ( 17 ) in a body, comprising a command input device ( 12 ) and a processing device ( 13 ) coupled thereto, the processing device ( 13 ) being adapted to generate input to a command generator ( 16 ) which is comprised in the system ( 11 ) coupled to the processing device ( 13 ) and which is adapted to generate and communicate commands to the medical implant ( 17 ) in response to input received from the processing device ( 13 ), the system ( 11 ) further comprising a memory unit ( 15 ) connected to at least one of said devices in the system ( 11 ) for storing a memory bank of commands. The command input device ( 12 ) is adapted to receive commands from a user as voice commands, and the processing device ( 13 ) comprises a filter adapted to filter voice commands against high frequency losses and frequency distortion caused by the mammal body ( 10 ).

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Transdermal patch with on-board energy storage device

Номер: US20120123335A1
Автор: Frederick A. Sexton
Принадлежит: Purdue Pharma LP

A transdermal patch can include a drug source, a porator, and an energy storage device on-board the patch. Conductive contact terminals can extend from the energy storage device for connection to an external source of power. The porator operates free of any concurrent connection to any external source of power. A switch can be used to make the selective electrical connection between the porator and the energy storage device. The switch can be arranged to respond to a manual user action after the patch has been adhered to skin, including separation of the porator from a remainder of the patch. Optionally, a series of switches can make electrical connections between the porator and respective individual energy storage devices. In another aspect, a transdermal patch includes a mechanical bias that applies a displacement force to the porator to thereby better ensure good physical contact between the porator and the skin.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Peel-away is-4/df-4 lead implant tool with electrical contacts

Номер: US20120130396A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

A peel-away lead implant tool is described. The peel away lead implant tool is adapted to be disposed over the terminal connector of a lead during an implantation procedure to protect the terminal connector. The peel-away lead implant tool includes a flexible polymer sheath including electrical contacts formed in a contact region of the sheath. The electrical contacts can be either metal foil contacts or conductive polymer contacts and extend from an outer surface to an inner surface of the sheath such that when the testing apparatus is coupled to the lead implant tool, the electrical contacts are pressed into electrical contact with the ring electrodes located on the terminal connector. The lead implant tool also includes various removal means facilitating the easy removal of the implant tool from the terminal connector when the implantation procedure is complete.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Insulative structure for mri compatible leads

Номер: US20120130453A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

A medical device lead includes a proximal connector, an insulative lead body extending distally from the proximal connector. The proximal connector is configured to couple the lead to a pulse generator. A first conductive coil is coupled to the proximal connector and extends through the lead body. The first conductive coil is coupled to a first electrode at a distal end of the first conductive coil. A first magnetically impregnated polymer layer is adjacent the first conductive coil.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for treatment of adipose tissue

Номер: US20120136282A1

The invention provides methods and apparatuses for the treatment of adipose tissue. The methods comprise application of ultrasound energy to a region of adipose tissue, and the apparatuses comprise at least one source of ultrasound energy configured to direct ultrasound energy through a skin surface into the subcutaneous adipose tissue. In one embodiment, a pressure gradient is created in the region generating relative movement between fat cell constituents having different densities. In another embodiment, a protrusion of skin and underlying adipose tissue containing is formed and ultrasound energy is radiated into the adipose tissue in the protrusion. In another embodiment, an RF electric field is generated inside a region of adipose tissue together with the ultrasound energy.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

High Aspect Ratio Microelectrode Arrays Enabled to Have Customizable Lengths and Methods of Making the Same

Номер: US20120138335A1

A method of fabricating an array of micro electrodes enabled to have customizable lengths. A substantially criss-cross pattern of channels on a top surface of the work-piece substrate ( 10 ) is formed using electrical discharge machining to form a plurality of shaped columns ( 20 ) having tapered profiles. The shaped columns have a tapering profile which extends at least 50% of the length of the columns. The plurality of shaped columns is etched to sharpen the tapered tips into needle tips forming the array of microelectrodes.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Implantable lead including a spark gap to reduce heating in mri environments

Номер: US20120143273A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

A medical device lead includes a proximal connector configured to couple the lead to a pulse generator, and an insulative lead body extending distally from the proximal connector. The first lead conductor is coupled to the proximal connector and extends through the lead body. The medical device lead also includes a distal defibrillation electrode. A first spark gap is connected between the first lead conductor and the distal defibrillation electrode and has a breakdown voltage that prevents transmission of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) induced signals from the first lead conductor to the distal defibrillation electrode in an MRI environment and allows transmission of therapy signals to the distal defibrillation electrode.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems, devices, and methods for monitoring and analyzing research animal behavior before, during and after brain electrical stimulation

Номер: US20120143280A1
Принадлежит: NeuroPace Inc

Described are systems, devices and methods for facilitating the delivery of stimulation to, and the monitoring and recording of physiological signals (e.g., electroencephalographic signals) from a research subject. Devices include a headmount that includes a cranial frame and a headstage, and a connection between the headmount and external equipment used for stimulation, monitoring, and/or recording that is robust physically and electrically to optimize stimulation, monitoring and recording even while the subject remains ambulatory. In some embodiments, a hinged headmount allows the configuration to be easily manipulated during attachment and any subsequent adjustment or reattachment procedures and permits easy access to any wires or other components implanted in the subject. In some embodiments, a flexible cable extends out from the headmount at an acute angle relative to a horizontal plane of the headmount, to optimize strain relief as the subject moves about while attached to any stimulation, monitoring and/or recording equipment.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Lead fixation device for securing a medical lead in a human patient

Номер: US20120143297A1
Автор: David Greene
Принадлежит: NeuroPace Inc

A lead fixation device for securing a medical lead in a human patient includes: a single-piece structure comprising: a top surface; a bottom surface; an outer perimeter; and an inner perimeter, the inner perimeter comprising: a diameter approximately equal to or smaller than a diameter of a burr hole into which the lead fixation device is designed to be deployed; a central bore extending longitudinally from the top surface through to the bottom surface, a portion of the central bore being located in approximately a center of the lead fixation device and comprising a central bore diameter; and at least one retention tract formed in the top surface of a cap of the lead fixation device, the retention tract configured for retaining, with an interference fit, a portion of a body of the medical lead in the lead fixation device.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Binary and tertiary galvanic particulates and methods of manufacturing and use thereof

Номер: US20120148633A1

The present invention relates to galvanic particulates, their methods of manufacture and uses in treatments are described. The galvanic particulates may be binary or tertiary galvanic particulates, for example, containing multiple layers or phases of conductive materials.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Connector assemblies and contacts for implantable medical electrical systems

Номер: US20120149254A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

A connector assembly of a medical electrical device includes a plurality of electrical contacts and an insulative base that supports the plurality of electrical contacts and extends between the plurality of electrical contacts and a housing of the device, and, wherein at least one contact of the plurality includes an elongate electrical coupling receptacle in which a first part of a feedthrough member extends, being fixedly coupled thereto. The feedthrough member further includes a second part and a bend, which is located between the first and second parts. The second part of the feedthrough member extends away from the contact and through a port formed in the insulative base adjacent to the contact.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Seizure prediction and neurological disorder treatment

Номер: US20120150257A1
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

A prediction and stimulation system or method is provided for neurological disorders characterized by a local dysfunction in neuronal activity regulation. An array of electrodes detects neuronal electrical activity of selected brain region. A detection module detects in each electrode changes in electric field and neuronal activity. A prediction module predicts for each electrode abnormal regimes determined by neurological disorder. A neuromodulation module interfaced with the electrodes selects one or more electrodes in the array where a predefined threshold has been exceeded and stimulates the brain region through each of these selected electrodes using an intermittent therapeutic stimulation pattern with a frequency between 150 and 200 Hz. The provided therapy allows for seizure prediction and detection with high accuracy, potential low risk and increased battery life. The flexibility of the method and system allows it to be used in different neurological disorders by tuning the parameters using a calibration procedure.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Pre-emptive fluid shifts to treat osa

Номер: US20120157900A1

A method of treating obstructive sleep apnea comprising reducing an effective amount of extracellular fluid of a patient suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Fitted garment comprising heart monitoring with defibrillation capability

Номер: US20120158074A1
Автор: John Edward Hall

The fitted garment is an undergarment for containing heart monitoring and defibrillation devices that is interchangeable, washable and cleanable. The fitted garment is capable of being attached to a stylish and fashionable outer garment which carries and conceals the various connectors and electrodes.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Cochlear Implant with Cochleostomy Ground

Номер: US20120158095A1
Автор: Claude Jolly
Принадлежит: MED EL Elektromedizinische Geraete GmbH

A cochlear implant electrode arrangement is described. An electrode lead is connected to an implantable stimulator and contains electrode wires for carrying stimulation signals from the implantable stimulator. An electrode array penetrates through a cochleostomy opening into a patient cochlea for immersion in cochlear fluid within the cochlea. The electrode array has electrode contacts for delivering the stimulation signals to adjacent neural tissue. A cochleostomy ground contact at the cochleostomy opening separates the electrode lead and the electrode array and provides a return current path for the stimulation signals. There may also be a stimulator ground contact on an outer surface of the implantable stimulator that provides a second return current path for the stimulation signals.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Direct memory access (dma) controlled stimulation

Номер: US20120158096A1
Автор: Neil S. Sherman
Принадлежит: Spinal Modulation LLC

An implantable stimulation system (e.g., an implantable neurostimulation system (INS)) comprises memory including a first table and a second table. The first table stores blocks of stimulation event data corresponding to stimulation events that are to be performed during a period of time (e.g., a 0.5 sec. or 1 sec. period of time). The second table stores blocks of next stimulation event time data corresponding to the period of time. The implantable stimulation system also includes a direct memory access (DMA) controller including a first DMA channel and a second DMA channel. The first DMA channel selectively transfers one of the blocks stimulation event data from the first table to one or more registers that are used to control stimulation events. The second DMA channel selectively transfers one of the blocks of next stimulation event time data from the second table to a timer that is used to control timing associated with the stimulation events. In this manner, the DMA controller is able to control stimulation.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Lead having a conductive polymer conductor

Номер: US20120158107A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

A medical electrical lead includes a conductive polymer conductor fabricated from a conductor-filled polyisobutylene urethane, urea or urethane/urea copolymer.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Neurostimulation system for selectively estimating volume of activation and providing therapy

Номер: US20120165898A1
Автор: Michael A. Moffitt
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corp

An external control device, neurostimulation system, and method of programming a neurostimulator. A volume of tissue activation for each of a first one or more candidate stimulation parameter sets is simulated without conveying electrical stimulation energy into the tissue. One of the first candidate stimulation parameter set(s) is selected based on each simulated volume of tissue activation. Electrical stimulation energy is conveyed into the tissue in accordance with a second one or more candidate stimulation parameter sets, wherein the initial one of the second candidate stimulation parameter set(s) is the selected one of the first candidate stimulation parameter set(s). One of the second candidate stimulation parameter set(s) is selected based on a therapeutic efficacy of the electrical stimulation energy conveyed into the tissue. The neurostimulator is programmed with the selected one of the second candidate stimulation parameter set(s).

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Medical electrical lead having biological surface and methods of making and using same

Номер: US20120165913A1
Автор: Zhongping C. Yang
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

An implantable electrical lead suitable for left sided cardiac placement, the implantable medical electrical lead having an external blood contacting surface having an external coating including a monolayer of at least one biological agent that promotes endothelialization covalently attached to a polymeric lead surface.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Device for treating tissue

Номер: US20120172784A1
Автор: Declan Soden
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for use in carrying out a prophylactic or treatment procedure on tissue comprises a head piece 1 having a receiver 2 for receiving an instrument such as an endoscope 10 and chamber 3 into which tissue is drawn by vacuum. There are two electrodes 11 within the chamber 2 and two electrodes 25 located on opposite sides of the entrance 5 into the chamber. The voltage applied to the inner and outer electrodes 11, 25 can be varied independently an allows tissue underlying the device to be treated. This is particularly important for colorectal cancers.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Electrophoretic display

Номер: US20120176663A1
Автор: HongMei Zang, Hui Chen
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is directed to an electrophoretic display comprising: (a) microcups comprising partition walls and top-openings; (b) an organic-based electrophoretic fluid filled in the microcups, wherein said fluid comprises charged pigment particles dispersed in a solvent; and (c) a top-sealing layer formed from a sealing composition to enclose the electrophoretic fluid within the microcups. The sealing composition comprises: (i) a water soluble polymer, (ii) a water-based suspension, a water-based dispersion, a water-based emulsion, or a water-based latex, each comprising a polymer; and (iii) water.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for treating amblyopia

Номер: US20120179076A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for treating amblyopic individuals through an engaging treatment modality which considers binocular function in adapting treatment. The present invention may be practiced by providing a dichoptic display having multiple sub-displays; providing a video game system and controller in communication with the dichoptic display; running a game program having a graphical presentation; using one sub-display to display a first view of the presentation and a second sub-display to display a second view of the presentation; and altering at least one of the first or second view of the presentation.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Polymer coating comprising 2- methoxyethyl acrylate units synthesized by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization

Номер: US20120184029A1
Принадлежит: Danmarks Tekniskie Universitet

The present invention relates to preparation of a polymer coating comprising or consisting of polymer chains comprising or consisting of units of 2-methoxyethyl acrylate synthesized by Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (SI ATRP) such as ARGET SI ATRP or AGET SI ATRP and uses of said polymer coating.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Implantable active fixation lead with biodegradable helical tip

Номер: US20120185023A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

Described is an implantable lead comprising a flexible body extending between a proximal end and a distal end and a distal assembly coupled to the distal end of the body. The distal assembly includes a housing having a distal end and a proximal end, the proximal end fixedly coupled to the distal end of the lead body, a coupler rotatably disposed within the housing, the coupler having a proximal end and a distal end, and a helical electrode fixedly secured to the distal end of the coupler. The helical electrode comprises a proximal axial length portion that comprises a non-degradable material, and a distal axial length portion that comprises a biodegradable material. The coupler and the helical electrode are configured to rotate and therefore translate relative to the housing.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Percutaneous leads with laterally displaceable portions, and associated systems and methods

Номер: US20120185026A1
Автор: C. Lance Boling
Принадлежит: Nevro Corp

Percutaneous leads with laterally displaceable sections, and associated systems and methods are disclosed. A device in accordance with a particular embodiment includes a lead body that in turn includes first, second and third percutaneous portions. The first portion can carry an electrical contact, the second portion can be spaced apart from the first portion, and the third portion can be positioned between the first and second portions along a deployment axis. The third portion can have a stiffness in a direction transverse to the deployment axis that is less than a stiffness of both the first and second portions transverse to the deployment axis, and a diameter that is less than corresponding diameters of the first and second portions.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Generating a chemical agent in situ

Номер: US20120189986A1
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

A method of cleaning teeth by providing a device for generating a chemical agent in situ on an as-needed basis via the application of an electrical potential across a pair of conductors in communication with an electrolyte. The chemical agents may include ozone, hydrogen peroxide, peroxide, chlorine and/or hypochlorite. The device may include a voltage source and a first set of electrodes for applying an electrical potential to the electrolyte. The device may also include a second set of electrodes disposed about an anode of the first set of electrodes. The first and second sets of anodes cooperate to produce ions, peroxides, ozone and/or other chemical agents via the application of electrical potential to the electrolyte.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Hearing Aid Microactuator

Номер: US20120190914A1
Принадлежит: OTOKINETICS Inc

A fenestration piercing the otic capsule bone of the cochlea receives a therapeutic appliance, such as a microactuator, plug, micropump for drug or therapeutic agent delivery, electrode, and the like. Several different ways of achieving a ‘water tight’ seal between the otic capsule bone and the therapeutic appliance are provided. The therapeutic appliance may be implanted with or without a sheath or sleeve lining the wall of the fenestration formed using specialized surgical burrs. The burrs permit safely fenestrating the otic capsule bone adjacent to the scala tympani of the cochlea without damaging the basilar membrane or organ of corti. This approach may also be adopted for safely fenestrating other areas of the inner ear such as the scala vestibuli, bony labyrinth of semicircular canals, or walls of the vestibule, or the oval or round windows thereof.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Determining a Subject's Response to Catheter-Based Ablation Therapy Based on Spectral Mapping During Sinus Rhythm

Номер: US20120191087A1

Apparatus for curative ablation are provided to achieve the inactivation or destruction of fibrillar myocardium of the so-called AF nests. In addition, fibrillar myocardium may be identified and mapped by spectral analysis and phase study of the tissue during sinus rhythm. The procedure may be performed by transseptal puncture using only one catheter for ablation and mapping. The methods may be used to localize the application targets even during an arrhythmia.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Peripheral nerve blockade device

Номер: US20120197214A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A continuous nerve block apparatus comprising: (a) a hollow needle including a conduit extending between a proximal end and a distal end, the distal end being beveled between ten and fifty degrees; and, (b) a connector operatively coupled to the hollow needle, the connector including at least a first through passage in fluid communication with the conduit of the hollow needle, the connector including a first orifice allowing fluid communication from an exterior of the connector to the first through passage, the connector also including at least one valve.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Leads with spiral of helical segmented electrode arrays and methods of making and using the leads

Номер: US20120197375A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corp

A stimulation lead includes a lead body having a longitudinal surface, a distal end, a proximal end, and a shaft extending along at least a portion of the distal end of the lead body. The stimulation lead also includes multiple segmented electrode members disposed on the shaft along the longitudinal surface of the lead body near the distal end of the lead body. Each segmented electrode member includes a ring structure which forms at least a partial ring and is disposed on the shaft, and a segmented electrode coupled to the ring and having an exposed surface configured and arranged for stimulating tissue when the stimulation lead is implanted.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Methods and Devices for Sustained In-Vivo Release Of an Active Agent

Номер: US20120201800A1
Принадлежит: Aciont Inc

The present invention includes methods and devices for providing sustained in-vivo release of an active agent to a subject. In some aspects, such release may be achieved by reacting an active agent in-vivo with a depot forming agent in order to form a sustained release active agent depot inside the subject. The depot can then release the active agent over a sustained period of time.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Nerve stimulator

Номер: US20120203245A1
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

A nerve stimulation electrode implantation system includes: an introduction portion that has a cylindrical main body which has an internal cavity, and an incision component which has a blunt dissection portion that bluntly dissects biological tissue, and which is formed so as to be transparent, and which is attached to a distal end portion of the main body; an observation portion that is inserted into the introduction portion such that it is able to observe the periphery of the incision component through the incision component; and a peeling portion that is positioned such that it is able to rotate around its own axis and is able to move relatively in this axial direction relative to the introduction portion, and that removes peripheral tissue from the periphery of the nerve tissue.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Implantable electrode array assembly with extraction sleeve/tether

Номер: US20120203246A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An implantable electrode array including a carrier on which plural electrodes are disposed. Also disposed on the carrier is an array antenna over which signals are wirelessly received. A tether is connected to the carrier. A tether antenna is attached to the tether. After the electrode array is implanted, during a trial period instructions and power are transmitted to the array antenna over the tether antenna. If the trial is successful, the tether is disconnected from the electrode array. If the trial is not successful and extraction of the array is necessary, extraction is accomplished by pulling on the tether. Electrode array removal may be facilitated by the pulling of the array into an extraction tube disposed over the tether.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Connector enclosure assemblies of medical devices including an angled lead passageway

Номер: US20120203292A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

Connector enclosure assemblies for medical devices provide an angled lead passageway. The lead passageway which is defined by electrical connectors and intervening seals within the connector enclosure assembly establishes the angle relative to a base plane of the connector enclosure assembly. Various other aspects may be included in conjunction with the angled lead passageway, including an angled housing of the connector enclosure assembly, feedthrough pins that extend to the electrical connectors where the feedthrough pins may include angled sections, and a set screw passageway set at an angle relative to the lead passageway to provide fixation of a lead within the lead passageway.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Connector enclosure assemblies of medical devices including an angled lead passageway

Номер: US20120203314A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

Connector enclosure assemblies for medical devices provide an angled lead passageway. The lead passageway which is defined by electrical connectors and intervening seals within the connector enclosure assembly establishes the angle relative to a base plane of the connector enclosure assembly. Various other aspects may be included in conjunction with the angled lead passageway, including an angled housing of the connector enclosure assembly, feedthrough pins that extend to the electrical connectors where the feedthrough pins may include angled sections, and a set screw passageway set at an angle relative to the lead passageway to provide fixation of a lead within the lead passageway.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Leads with segmented electrodes for electrical stimulation of planar regions and methods of making and using

Номер: US20120203316A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corp

One embodiment is a stimulation lead that includes a lead body having a longitudinal surface, a distal end, and a proximal end; and multiple electrodes disposed along the longitudinal surface of the lead body near the distal end of the lead body. The electrodes include multiple groups of segmented electrodes with each group of segmented electrodes having multiple segmented electrodes disposed at a same longitudinal position along the lead. For at least one first group of segmented electrodes, a first pair of the segmented electrodes in the first group are disposed on opposite sides of the lead body and are electrically ganged together by a conductor therebetween.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus And Method For Modulating Neurochemical Levels In the Brain

Номер: US20120209347A1
Принадлежит: Dartmouth College

A treatment for Parkinson's Disease uses a stimulus electrode implanted in a subthalamic nucleus with a chemosensor implanted in a globus pallidus pars interna (GPi) of the subject. A level of a neurochemical is sensed with the chemosensor, and compared to a desired level. When the level of the neurochemical is less than desired, an electrical stimulation is provided to the stimulus electrode. In alternative embodiments, the neurochemical sensed is glutamate or dopamine. An alternative system uses a chemosensor implanted in the striatum instead of the GPi. An alternative system for treating benign essential tremor uses a stimulus electrode implanted in the thalamus with feedback taken from a chemosensor in the striatum.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and Device for Treating Cardiac Arrhythmias

Номер: US20120215269A1

The present invention provides both methods and devices for termination of arrhythmias, such as ventricular or atrial tachyarrhythmias. The device and method involves application of alternating current (AC) for clinically significant durations at selected therapeutic frequencies through the cardiac tissue to a subject experiencing arrhythmia. Methods are also provided to minimize or eliminate pain during defibrillation.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for fabricating an implantable lead for applying electrical pulses to tissue of a patient and system for fabrication thereof

Номер: US20120215339A1
Автор: Jerome Boogaard
Принадлежит: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems Inc

In one embodiment, a method of fabrication an implantable lead for providing electrical pulses to tissue of a patient, the method comprises: (i) providing a sheath of transparent insulative material, wherein the sheath comprises a plurality of lumens; (ii) scanning across the sheath with a confocal displacement meter to generate displacement data; (iii) processing the displacement data, in software executed on a computer system, to generate a representation of an exterior surface and lumens of the sheath; (iv) automatically selecting locations, in software executed on a computer system, on the exterior surface of application of laser pulses to create apertures in the sheath that provide access to respective lumens of the sheath; and (v) applying laser pulses according to the sheath to create the apertures.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Stimulating cranial nerve to treat pulmonary disorder

Номер: US20120221087A1
Принадлежит: Cyberonics Inc

A method for stimulating a portion of a vagus nerve of a patient to treat a pulmonary disorder is provided. At least one electrode is coupled to at least one portion of a left vagus nerve and/or a right vagus nerve of the patient. An electrical signal is applied to the portion of the vagus nerve using the electrode to treat the pulmonary disorder. The electrical signal may perform a blocking of an intrinsic neural activity on said at least one portion of the left vagus nerve and said right vagus nerve.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Medical implanatble lead with fixation detection

Номер: US20120232373A1
Принадлежит: St Jude Medical AB

The invention relates to a medical implantable lead of the kind being adapted to be implanted into a human or animal body for monitoring and/or controlling of an organ inside the body. The lead comprises in a distal end a tubular header ( 3 ) inside which a shaft ( 7 ) is rotatable as well as extendable and retractable arranged and carries in a distal end a combined fixation means and electrode member in form of a helix ( 4 ), which is provided with a first contact surface being electrically connectible to a connector at the proximal end of the lead by means of an electric conductor ( 8 ), and which by means of the shaft is rotatable in relation to the lead and extendable out from the distal end to be able to fixate the distal end of the lead to the organ by being screwed into the tissue. The shaft also carries a second contact surface ( 13 ) being positioned on or adjacent a proximal portion of the helix and being connectible to a connector at the proximal end of the lead by means of an electric conductor ( 8 ). The lead comprises a conduction controlling means ( 14 ), which at least during an initial stage after implantation is capable of render the first contact surface electrically inactive and which is capable of render the first contact surface electrically active after the initial stage. By means of the inventive lead it is possible to detect whether the helix is sufficient screwed into the tissue ( 12 ) or not.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Automatic baroreflex modulation responsive to adverse event

Номер: US20120232613A1
Принадлежит: CVRX Inc

A system for providing baroreflex stimulation comprises a sensor to detect a parameter and provide a signal indicative of the parameter and a baroreflex stimulator. The baroreflex stimulator includes a driver to provide a control signal adapted to deliver a baroreflex therapy and a controller to receive the signal indicative of the parameter and modulate the control signal based on the signal indicative of the parameter to change the baroreflex therapy from a first baroreflex therapy to a second baroreflex therapy.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Implantable lead with braided conductors

Номер: US20120232625A1
Принадлежит: Greatbatch Ltd

A therapy delivery element adapted to be implanted into a living body. The therapy delivery element includes an electrode portion with a plurality of electrodes. At least one elongated lead body is attached to the electrode portion. The elongated lead body includes a stylet coil having a stylet coil lumen. The stylet coil extends within the elongated lead body and along at least a portion of the electrode portion. A conductor assembly with a plurality of insulated electrical conductors is braided to extending around the stylet coil and to electrically couple to one or more of the electrodes. The conductor assembly includes an inner lumen with a diameter greater than an outside diameter of the stylet coil. Axial elongation of the elongated lead body reduces the inner diameter of the conductor assembly. A low durometer insulator extends around the conductor assembly. A stylet sized to slide freely within the stylet coil lumen is provided for use during implantation of the therapy delivery element into the living body.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Nerve treatment system

Номер: US20120238919A1
Автор: Michael Gertner
Принадлежит: Kona Medical Inc

In some examples, nerves surrounding arteries or leading to organs are targeted with energy sources to correct or modulate physiologic processes. In some examples, different types of energy sources are utilized singly or combined with one another. In some examples, bioactive agents or devices activated by the energy sources are delivered to the region of interest and the energy is enhanced by such agents or the agents are enhanced by the energy sources.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Implantable Auditory Prosthesis with Temporary Connector

Номер: US20120245666A1
Принадлежит: MED EL Elektromedizinische Geraete GmbH

An implantable electrode arrangement for an ear implant system is described. A proximal electrode lead has electrode wires for carrying one or more electrical stimulation signals. A distal electrode array has electrode contacts each forming a terminal end of an electrode wire for applying the electrical stimulation signals to target neural tissue, and one or more intra-operative sensors for generating insertion sensing signals during surgical insertion of the electrode array into the target tissue. An intra-operative electrode section has a sensor connector for providing a temporary connection of one or more external measurement arrangements to the one or more intra-operative sensors during the surgical insertion of the electrode array without being functional after the surgical insertion.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Feed-through connector assembly for implantable pulse generator and method of use

Номер: US20120246921A1
Принадлежит: Greatbatch Ltd

A connector assembly, and its method of assembly, for use in a medical device for connecting an IPG to a connector assembly for connecting the IPG to a relatively large plurality of electrodes that can support 24 or more stimulation channels for stimulating one or more stimulation regions of a patient. Also the IPG and the stimulation system and the stimulation therapy utilizing the connector assembly.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Biomedical electrode

Номер: US20120253162A1
Автор: Deborah T. Jones
Принадлежит: Zoll Medical Corp

An electrode and electrodes for a biomedical system is provided. The electrode includes a backing pad with top and bottom surfaces. A conductive element is attached to the bottom surface of the backing pad, and a conductive gel layer covers at least part of the bottom surface of the conductive element. A bonding layer is disposed at least in part between the conductive element and the conductive gel layer. The electrode can include a leadwire with a stripped end length, and at least a portion of the stripped end length is disposed between the conductive element and at least one of the bonding layer and the conductive gel layer.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Annular electrode array

Номер: US20120259388A1
Автор: Pedro Galvan-Garcia
Принадлежит: Individual

A three-dimensional annular electrode array (AEA) device is disclosed for use as a cybernetic neural interface for the neural control and sensory feedback of a bionic prosthetic device. The AEA, designed for implantation into a nerve, is comprised of a body ( 6 ) that can be coupled to a sleeve(s) ( 9, 10 ) or a sleeve(s) with a compartmentalized inner core ( 12 ) for connection to the proximal and distal ends of a transected nerve, respectively. Regenerating nerve axons capture and sequester laterally projecting electrode terminals ( 4 ) arranged in radiating clusters ( 5 ) of a plurality of electrode sub-array nodes ( 2 ) that make up the array; connected by a primary electrode lead ( 7 ) to a connector contact array ( 3 ) in a plurality of connectors ( 1 ) for connection to wired or wireless electromechanical systems.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Electrical Stimulation Treatment of Hypotension

Номер: US20120265280A1
Принадлежит: ElectroCore Inc

The present invention includes methods and devices for treating hypotension, such as in cases of shock, including septic shock, anaphylactic shock and hypovolemia. The method includes the step of applying at least one electrical impulse to at least one selected region of a parasympathetic nervous system of the patient. The electrical impulse is sufficient to modulate one or more nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system to increase the ratio of blood pressure to heart rate and relieve the condition and/or extend the patient's life.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Energetic modulation of nerves

Номер: US20120271171A1
Автор: Michael Gertner
Принадлежит: Kona Medical Inc

A system to modulate an autonomic nerve in a patient utilizing transcutaneous ultrasound energy delivery includes a processor comprising an input for receiving information regarding energy and power to be delivered to a treatment region containing the nerve, and an output for outputting a signal, wherein the processor is configured to determine a position of a reference target from outside the patient to localize the nerve relative to the reference target, a therapeutic energy device comprising a transducer for delivering ultrasound energy from outside the patient, a controller to control an aiming of the transducer based at least in part on the signal from the processor, and an imaging system coupled to the processor or the therapeutic energy device.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Medical needles and electrodes with improved bending stiffness

Номер: US20120271250A1
Автор: Kimbolt Young
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

A device for penetrating tissue includes an elongated element having a distal end, a proximal end, a body extending between the distal and the proximal ends, and a lumen located within at least a portion of the body, wherein the lumen has a cross-sectional shape that is a polygon. A device for penetrating tissue includes an elongated element having a distal end, a proximal end, and a body extending between the distal and the proximal ends, at least a portion of the body having a cross-sectional profile that is a polygon, wherein the elongated element is a cannula.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Ablating Tissue

Номер: US20120271334A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A control system alters one or more characteristics of an ablating element to ablate tissue. In one aspect, the control system delivers energy nearer to the surface of the tissue by changing the frequency or power. In another aspect, the ablating element delivers focused ultrasound which is focused in at least one dimension. The ablating device may also have a number of ablating elements with different characteristics such as focal length.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Surgically Implantable Electrodes

Номер: US20120271391A1
Автор: Giancarlo Barolat
Принадлежит: Individual

The present inventions provide for paddle lead electrodes that are capable of performing peripheral nerve stimulation, thereby modulating, controlling and/or reducing neuropathic pain in a patient, that are also surgically implantable, and that will remain fixed in place at the site of implantation when in use. More specifically, one or more embodiments of the electrodes of the present inventions are capable of being surgically implanted underneath a sheath of protective connective tissue that covers electrically excitable tissues and are adapted to electrically stimulate those tissues. Electrodes contemplated by embodiments of the present inventions are particularly well suited for perineurial implantation. Embodiments of the present inventions include methods of use associated with the electrodes.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Electric stimulation device

Номер: US20120271392A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

An electric stimulation device includes a main body portion having a stimulation electrode stimulating nerves or muscles inside the living body, a stimulation circuit portion with a stimulation circuit electrically connected to the stimulation electrode and applying a stimulation signal to the stimulation electrode, and a support body connected to the stimulation circuit portion and holding the implant position of the stimulation electrode inside the living body. The electric stimulation device also includes a fixing body connectable to the base end portion of the main body portion. The fixing body includes a fixing body side coil portion that receives an electromagnetic wave transmitted from an external device. When the fixing body is connected to the main body portion, the fixing body side coil portion is electrically connected to the stimulation circuit to enable power feeding and/or communication with respect to the stimulation circuit in response to the electromagnetic wave.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for engaging heart tissue

Номер: US20120277725A1
Принадлежит: CVDevices LLC

A system for engaging heart tissue includes an engagement catheter defining a first lumen therethrough and having a suction port at or near a distal end and a vacuum port at or near a proximal end, a delivery catheter defining a delivery catheter lumen therethrough and configured for slidable insertion into the first lumen of the engagement catheter, and an implantable device capable of insertion into the delivery catheter lumen such that at least part of the implantable device extends from a delivery catheter distal end upon implantation into a patient, where the suction port is operable to removably attach to a targeted tissue on an interior wall of a heart of the patient after the engagement catheter has been advanced through a blood vessel and into the heart, thereby forming a reversible seal with the targeted tissue when a vacuum source is operatively coupled to the vacuum port.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Pacing and Stimulation Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20120277813A1
Автор: Mark Zdeblick
Принадлежит: Proteus Digital Health Inc

System, device and method of variable pacing and stimulation are provided. In one example device, one or more lead integrated circuits may programmably control one or more variability parameters. One or more electrodes may provide electrical stimulation. Each electrode may be individually addressable by at least one of the lead integrated circuits and controlled by at least one variability parameter. Electrodes may be intentionally shorted together during time intervals that fall between times of stimulus, so as to dissipate potentials that might otherwise persist and cause electrode degradation.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Selective stimulation to modulate the sympathetic nervous system

Номер: US20120277839A1

Systems, methods and devices are provided for the targeted treatment of a variety of medical conditions by directly neuromodulating a target anatomy associated with the condition while minimizing or excluding undesired neuromodulation of other anatomies. Typically, the target anatomy includes one or more dorsal root ganglia, dorsal roots, dorsal root entry zones, or portions thereof. Such target stimulation areas are utilized due in part to their effect on the sympathetic nervous system.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Temperature Monitoring Return Electrode

Номер: US20120283721A1

An electrosurgical return electrode is disclosed. The return electrode includes a first and second flexible conductive material layers and a material layer disposed between the first and second conductive material layers. The material layer is transitionable between a solid state and a non-solid state, the material layer is also configured to melt upon an increase in temperature beyond a predetermined threshold, thereby increasing conductivity between the first and second conductive material layer.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Spinal cord stimulation to treat pain

Номер: US20120283797A1
Автор: Dirk De Ridder
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for treating pain without paresthesia by spinal cord stimulation.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Method, device and system for modulating an activity of brown adipose tissue in a vertebrate subject

Номер: US20120289761A1
Принадлежит: SEARETE LLC

Devices, systems, and methods are disclosed herein for treatment of a disease, disorder, or condition in a vertebrate subject. A device is provided that includes one or more cooling elements configured to be applied to one or more tissues of a vertebrate subject to modulate at least one activity of brown adipose tissue of the vertebrate subject, wherein at least a portion of the one or more cooling elements is configured to be implantable, and a programmable controller configured to provide instructions to the one or more cooling elements in response to information regarding one or more physiological conditions of the vertebrate subject.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Method, device and system for modulating an activity of brown adipose tissue in a vertebrate subject

Номер: US20120289763A1
Принадлежит: SEARETE LLC

Devices, systems, and methods are disclosed herein for treatment of a disease, disorder, or condition in a vertebrate subject. A device is provided that includes one or more passive cooling elements configured to be applied to one or more tissues of a vertebrate subject to modulate at least one activity of brown adipose tissue of the vertebrate subject, wherein at least a portion of the one or more passive cooling elements is configured to be implantable, and wherein the one or more passive cooling elements includes a first portion configured to be in association with the one or more tissues to be cooled, and a second portion configured to be placed in association with one or more tissues adjacent to an external epidermal tissue of the vertebrate subject.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Electrotransport devices, methods and drug electrode assemblies

Номер: US20120289887A1
Принадлежит: Polyplus Battery Co Inc

A drug electrode assembly usefully employed in an electrotransport device for the delivery of drugs across a tissue surface includes an electrode, a drug reservoir which stores the drug (including an ionized (e.g., anionic) or neutrally charged drug species), and a liquid impermeable solid-state assist ion conducting barrier layer interposed between the electrode and the drug reservoir. The barrier layer can be a single-ion conductor of a specific (unique) species of ion called the assist ion. During drug delivery, the assist ion moves across the barrier layer into or out of the drug reservoir, and as the assist ion crosses the barrier layer/drug reservoir interphase, the drug species moves to the tissue surface. The assist ion can be, for example, sodium ions (Na + ), and the electrode can be an electrode of the assist ion (i.e., a sodium electrode).

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Renal nerve stimulation lead, delivery system, and method

Номер: US20120290053A1
Автор: Cary Hata, Yongxing Zhang
Принадлежит: St Jude Medical LLC

A lead for nerve modulation comprises an elongated body which includes a proximal end, a distal portion having a distal end, and an intermediate portion disposed between the proximal end and the distal portion. The distal portion includes a distal portion anchoring mechanism to anchor the distal portion to a first biological cavity of a patient. The intermediate portion includes an intermediate portion anchoring mechanism to anchor the intermediate portion to a second biological cavity of the patient. The intermediate portion anchoring mechanism is larger in lateral dimension than and is spaced from the distal portion anchoring mechanism. The distal portion and/or the intermediate portion includes a plurality of modulation electrodes. The distal portion anchoring mechanism and/or the intermediate portion anchoring mechanism is configured to position the modulation electrodes to contact tissue of the patient at multiple locations.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Implantable Medical Lead

Номер: US20120290056A1
Принадлежит: Biotronik SE and Co KG

An implantable medical lead for transmitting electrical pulses to excitable bodily tissue and/or signals detected at bodily tissue to a detection and evaluation unit, including a distal electrode or a distal sensor, or actuator; a proximal electrode connector or sensor/actuator connector; and a lead pole which connects the electrode or the sensor or actuator to the electrode connector or sensor/actuator connector and extends in the lead body, wherein the lead pole comprises at least two separate and individually insulated conductors which are electrically interconnected at least at one point which functions as an interchange point, or reversal point, in the lead extension from the proximal electrode or sensor connector to the distal electrode or the distal sensor, and wherein at least one of the separate conductors, in particular close to the reversal point, is interrupted at least once and/or is not connected at one end.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Cochlear electrode array

Номер: US20120296405A1

A cochlear lead includes a plurality of electrode assemblies partially embedded in a flexible body configured to stimulate an auditory nerve from within a cochlea. Each of the electrode assemblies includes a flexible electrically conductive material forming a plurality of support structures and an electrode pad attached a support structure, the electrode pad having a surface that is configured to be exposed to cochlear tissue and fluids and has a charge transfer to the cochlear tissue and fluids that is higher than the flexible electrically conductive material.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Means and Method to Invade Skin, Mucosa, and Underlying Tissues with Little or No Pain

Номер: US20120302956A1
Автор: Pourang Bral
Принадлежит: Individual

A means and a method is disclosed to diminish or eliminate the pain associated with a sharp object penetrating the skin, during such procedures as an injection, biopsy, or deriving a blood sample. To this end, repeated tapping, pressing, or rubbing or vibrating is performed over the skin at or near the site of penetration of the sharp object in conjunction with applying electricity on the skin. The invention discloses a method of using a skin-puncturing means, with enhanced features, to provide local anesthesia at the site of penetration of a sharp object.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Ventricular assist device cannula and ventricular assist device including the same

Номер: US20120310037A1
Принадлежит: LibraHeat Inc V

Provided is a ventricular assist device cannula, and more particularly, a ventricular assist device cannula with electrodes. An exemplary embodiment of the present invention provides a ventricular assist device cannula with electrodes, including: a connecting tube connecting an incision of a body tissue and a ventricular assist device so that blood can flow; and electrodes connected with the connecting tube and contacting the incision of the body tissue to transfer an electric signal to the body tissue.
