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03-10-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для приготовления раствора коагулянта с применением сжатого воздуха

Номер: RU0000174132U1

Полезная модель относится к способам растворения порошкового коагулянта, например, на водоочистных станциях. Установка для приготовления раствора коагулянта с применением сжатого воздуха содержит емкость 1, разделенную на секции. Каждая секция емкости 1 закрыта крышкой 2. Установка снабжена трубопроводом 3 для подачи воды и системой отбора готового раствора, и трубопроводом 6 для подачи сжатого воздуха и пара. Внизу емкости 1 расположена съемная сетка 4, под которой расположены перфорированные трубы (трубы - борбатеры) 5, соединенные с трубопроводом 6 подачи сжатого воздуха и пара. Технический результат заключается в получении готового раствора коагулянта высокого качества. 1 ил. 174132 Ц 1 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) За д 5 (13) КО алое ^ 91 (51) МПК ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ ВОТЕ 100 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016147614, 05.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.12.2016 Дата регистрации: 03.10.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 05.12.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 03.10.2017 Бюл. № 28 Адрес для переписки: 423822, РТ, г. Набережные Челны, просп. Чулман, 18, кв. 253, Сунагатову Н.М. (72) Автор(ы): Баранов Владимир Алексеевич (КО) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Химпродукт" (КП) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: С.В. Яковлев и др. "Очистка производственных сточных вод", Москва: Стройиздат, 1979, с.119-120, рис. 4.2. ЗО 1351641 А1, 15.11.1987. КО 2315653 С1, 27.01.2008. КЦ 2056152 С1, 20.03.1996. СН 628595 А5, 15.03.1982. СМ 205170469 Ц, 20.04.2016. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЯ РАСТВОРА КОАГУЛЯНТА С ПРИМЕНЕНИЕМ СЖАТОГО ВОЗДУХА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к способам растворения порошкового коагулянта, например, на водоочистных станциях. Установка для приготовления раствора коагулянта с применением сжатого воздуха содержит емкость 1, разделенную на секции. Каждая секция емкости 1 закрыта крышкой 2. ...

14-02-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для размыва донных отложений в резервуаре с нефтью

Номер: RU0000177271U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для размыва донных отложений, образующихся на дне вертикальных резервуаров с нефтью или нефтепродуктами, и для перемешивания нефти (нефтепродуктов) с целью предотвращения образования отложений. Технический результат, достигаемый при реализации полезной модели, заключается в повышении надежности устройства для размыва донных отложений в резервуарах с нефтью. Устройство для размыва донных отложений в резервуаре с нефтью включает корпус с подшипниковыми опорами и уплотнениями, фланец для монтажа устройства к стенке резервуара, вал, один конец которого соединен посредством плоскозубчатой ременной передачи с электродвигателем, а на другом конце вала закреплен гребной винт. В отличие от прототипа, для углового поворота корпуса применен привод, состоящий из мотор-редуктора, выходной вал которого соединен с кривошипом, связанный с шатуном. Шатун с помощью оси шатуна имеет подвижное соединение с корпусом. Корпус с подшипниковыми опорами и уплотнениями может свободно поворачиваться на неподвижных осях фланца. Полезная модель, сохраняя основные характеристики прототипа, является более надежной, ремонтопригодной, дешевой и лучше приспособленной к регулировке положения затопленной струи. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 177 271 U1 (51) МПК B08B 9/08 (2006.01) B01F 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01F 7/00 (2006.01); B01F 15/00 (2006.01); B08B 9/083 (2006.01); B08B 9/0933 (2006.01); B08B 9/0936 (2006.01); B08B 9/093 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017132099, 13.09.2017 13.09.2017 Дата регистрации: 14.02.2018 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 13.09.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 14.02.2018 Бюл. № 5 1 7 7 2 7 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 152747 U1, 20.06.2015. RU 134821 U1, 27.11.2013. RU 2238795 C2, 27.10.2004. RU 141740 U1, 10.06.2014. US 5040899 A, 20.08.1991. US 2011228633 A1, 22.09.2011. (54) ...

03-03-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для получения коллагена из кожевенного сырья.

Номер: RU0000202701U1

Полезная модель относится к оборудованию для жидкостной обработки отходов шкур животных, образующихся в кожевенном производстве.Технический результат достигается тем, что внутренняя емкость устройства, в которую помещают исходное сырье для обработки, дополнительно оборудована прессом для проведения операции отжима обработанного сырья.Устройство работает следующим образом:Во внутреннюю емкость, помещают кожевенное сырье (гольевую обрезь), а во внешнюю емкость, через нижний трубопровод подают воду для проведения операции промывки кожевенного сырья, обработанное сырье отжимают прессом для удаления избытка воды и реагентов. Обработанное сырье подвергают гидротермообработке в 2-3% растворе пероксида водорода. Использование пресса для отжима сырья позволяет более точно выдержать временные ограничения проведения операции. Далее в емкость подают раствор щелочи для разволокнения молекул коллагена.Предлагаемая полезная модель позволяет быстрее и значительно эффективнее получить коллаген, требуемого качества. (Илл. 1.). РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 701 U1 (51) МПК C14C 15/00 (2006.01) C07K 1/36 (2006.01) C07K 14/78 (2006.01) B01F 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C14C 15/00 (2021.01); C07K 1/36 (2021.01); B01F 7/00 (2021.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020135782, 30.10.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 03.03.2021 R U 2 0 2 7 0 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 305041, Курская обл., г. Курск, ул. Карла Маркса, 3, Лазаренко Виктор Анатольевич (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2066351 C1, 10.09.1996. RU 2609635 C1, 02.02.2017. RU 2049110 C1, 27.11.1995. EP 3440228 B1, 13.05.2020. U 1 (45) Опубликовано: 03.03.2021 Бюл. № 7 (73) Патентообладатель(и): федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Курский государственный медицинский университет" Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации (RU) 2 0 ...

23-04-2021 дата публикации

Лопасть смесителя

Номер: RU0000203861U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства и предназначена для приготовления смесей из твердых и жидких компонентов, при осуществлении равномерного перемешивания в лопастных горизонтальных смесителях. Задачей, на решение которой направлена полезная модель, является повышение качества приготовления смеси путем наиболее равномерного распределения компонентов, входящих в состав смеси за счет их переворачивания. Решение задачи обеспечивается за счет того, что лопасть смесителя содержит шток 1, соединенный с корпусом в виде пластины 2. В предлагаемом решении сопрягаемые поверхности штока 1 и пластины 2 выполнены конгруэнтными, а рабочая поверхность пластины 2 имеет форму, описываемую направляющей кривой, образованной окружностью радиусом R (150-165) мм, при этом в нижней части пластина 2 снабжена сменным износостойким лемехом 4 и связана со штоком 1 с возможностью переустановки в вертикальной плоскости. 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 203 861 U1 (51) МПК B01F 15/00 (2006.01) B01F 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01F 15/00 (2021.02); B01F 7/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020141092, 14.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.12.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 23.04.2021 Бюл. № 12 2 0 3 8 6 1 R U (54) ЛОПАСТЬ СМЕСИТЕЛЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области строительства и предназначена для приготовления смесей из твердых и жидких компонентов, при осуществлении равномерного перемешивания в лопастных горизонтальных смесителях. Задачей, на решение которой направлена полезная модель, является повышение качества приготовления смеси путем наиболее равномерного распределения компонентов, входящих в состав смеси за счет их переворачивания. Решение задачи обеспечивается Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2200089 C2, 10.03.2003. RU 2392043 C2, 20.06.2010. RU 98939 U1, ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Food Preparation Method

Номер: US20120034362A1
Автор: Don M. Wong
Принадлежит: Individual

A cooking apparatus includes a spatula assembly and a cooking container comprising an upper access opening and an inner, cooking surface having a spherical surface portion. The spatula assembly includes a spatula driver and a curved spatula pivotally mounted to the cooking container for moving along the cooking surface and about a pivot axis between first and second positions. The pivot axis passes through the center point of the spherical surface portion. The spatula assembly may be constructed so that at least one of the first and second positions is above the pivot axis. The curved spatula may also include a spatula body having an outer surface and a barrier member extending radially inwardly from the outer surface, the outer surface contacting the cooking surface of the cooking container.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Novel dissolution testing system and apparatus with off-center impeller

Номер: US20120042737A1

In the pharmaceutical industry, dissolution testing is a critical step in quality control and a standard method for assessing batch-to-batch consistency of solid oral drug delivery systems, such as tablets. One of the most widely used dissolution test devices is the UPS Apparatus 2 (paddle). At present, dissolution testing remains susceptible to significant error and test failures. Previous studies indicate that poor reproducibility of dissolution testing data and inconsistency of dissolution results can arise from the complex hydrodynamics present in the unbaffled, hemispherical-bottom, agitated vessel that constitute the UPS Apparatus 2 . In the present invention, a novel dissolution testing apparatus was constructed in which the impeller was placed off-center with respect to the center point of the vessel bottom. It has been shown that the dissolution profiles in the present invention were not significantly affected by tablet location as confirmed by the value of the factors f 1 and f 2 , which were well within the accepted ranges and did not change appreciably with the tablet location. By contrast, the corresponding dissolution tests for current systems failed these similarity tests. In addition, the flow fields near the vessel bottom were obtained via CFD simulation and were found to be significantly more uniform in e present invention than in the current standard apparatus. The present invention has the potential of becoming a valid alternative to the standard USP dissolution testing apparatuses used for dissolution testing.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Mixing Apparatus

Номер: US20120180529A1
Автор: Rudolf Singer
Принадлежит: Umicore AG and Co KG

The present invention is related to a glass stirrer providing for improved stirring, reduced glass cord and easy adjustment of processing parameters during operation.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Stirring apparatus for cooking vessel

Номер: US20120189745A1
Автор: Timothy DeLong
Принадлежит: Individual

A stirring assembly, including a vessel and a stirring apparatus. The vessel includes a baffle plate connected to an interior wall of the vessel, and a space between the baffle and the wall. The stirring apparatus includes a lid assembly including a variable speed motor, the lid assembly removeably securable to the vessel, and a shaft removeably connected to the motor and extending into an interior space of the vessel. The stirring apparatus includes a single scrapper attached to a distal end of the shaft, extending radially outward from the shaft, and in contact with a bottom interior surface of the vessel; and a multi-bladed propeller secured to the shaft. A position of the propeller along a length of the shift is adjustable.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

In-line color mixer

Номер: US20120193459A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The method of producing a colored powder of a polymeric material includes the steps of selecting a feedstock of said polymeric material, pulverizing said polymeric material in a pulverizer to produce a powder, moving the powder directly from the pulverizer to a mixer; spraying a liquid formulation including a colorant into the powder within the mixer, and mixing the liquid formulation and powder.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Bone cement mixing apparatus, and related method

Номер: US20120195157A1
Автор: Colin Mckay
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a bone mixing apparatus ( 100 ) comprising a mixing cylinder ( 110 ) with ends ( 111 ) and ( 112 ). End ( 111 ) is a closed whereas end ( 112 ) is open and capable of being attached to other apparatus. The mixing cylinder ( 110 ) forms a cavity within which the mixing of different components used to form bone cement may occur. The mixing cylinder ( 110 ) may therefore form a closed sealed container with which hazardous gases formed during the mixing process may be contained. This prevents the hazardous gases from coming into contact with persons in the surrounding area. Attached onto a central region of the mixing cylinder ( 110 ) there is a compartment ( 114 ) which is used to receive a cartridge ( 118 ). The compartment ( 114 ) basically functions as replaceable part which forms part of the sealed enclosure. The cartridge ( 118 ) comprises different components which go to make up the bone cement. The cartridge ( 118 ) may therefore comprise a powder material and a liquid material which are initially separated in different parts of the cartridge ( 118 ) but when mixed form the bone cement mixture. Further disclosed is also a method for dispensing bone cement mixing material.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Portable cement mixing apparatus

Номер: US20120230147A1

A system for forming a cementitous slurry comprising at least water or other liquid and at least one flowable particulate mass such as sand or cement has computerized control of loading the ingredients into a mixing chamber. The mixing chamber has a scale that provides a signal indicating the current weight of the mixing chamber. The computer monitors the weight of the mixing chamber as these ingredients are individually loaded into the mixing chamber. When the desired weight of a particular ingredient has been loaded, the computer halts the delivery of that ingredient. Ingredients are loaded first at a relatively high rate, and then as the desired weight of material in the mixing chamber approaches, the rate slows.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Electrical connection between conductive elements

Номер: US20120241215A1
Принадлежит: Pfaudler Werke GmbH

A method of forming an electrically conductive connection between two or more electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) is provided, as is the resulting connection. Wherein the two or more electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) are coated with a non-conductive coating ( 7 ), wherein an at least partially electrically conductive pasty medium ( 8 ) is located in a region ( 12 ) between the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) at regions of the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) which are substantially free from any non-conductive coating ( 7 ). The method comprising positioning one or more sealing elements ( 20 ) such that they completely isolate the partially electrically conductive pasty medium ( 8 ), such that after the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) are connected together, the sealing element ( 20 ) is held, and preferably compressed, between the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) and form a seal separating the at least partially electrically conductive pasty medium ( 8 ) from the surrounding environment.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Process to Manufacture a Composite Foam

Номер: US20120261851A1
Принадлежит: Sapsa Bedding SpA

Process to manufacture a composite foam including at least two foams with cellular structure, at least one of them being a latex foam. The present process avails itself of the steps of preparing separately the forming mixtures of the foams of cellular structure; mixing independently the one from the other forming mixtures; foaming separately each of the forming mixture; sending separately the foams obtained into a single mixing installation; mixing the foams until to manufacture the composite foam. Preferably the composite foam is deposited on a laying surface to form rest articles for example mattresses provided with recesses.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Gypsum slurry mixer

Номер: US20120287748A1
Принадлежит: Lafarge Gypsum International SA

A gypsum slurry mixer includes a stationary part delimiting a mixing chamber including an upper part with a supply orifice, a lower part, a lateral part with an outlet orifice defining on the lateral part two end points and the outlet orifice is located within the angular sector formed by the centre of the stationary part and by the 2 points; a smooth movable part having an axis of rotation arranged in the stationary part; and an outlet system including a tubular element oriented tangentially to the stationary part along an axis of which the projection in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation is located within the sector formed by the acute angle between the projections, in the perpendicular plane, of the two tangents to the lateral part passing through the end points; and a collecting element.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Stirrer for all types of containers, and especially for a baby bottle

Номер: US20120314527A1
Автор: Jean-Paul Vulliermet
Принадлежит: Beaba

A mixer for a container, the mixer including a gripping portion, a motor integrated into the gripping portion, a rotary shaft driven by the motor, and a mixing element having a flexible body. The mixing element has a first flexible body portion having a first end and a second flexible body portion having a second end, the first end and the second end being connected to the rotary shaft.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Machine for the treatment of food mixtures with centralized activation

Номер: US20130033958A1
Автор: Genesio Bravo
Принадлежит: GSG SRL

A machine for the treatment of food mixtures with centralized activation includes a collection container or cylinder for a food mixture, in which a rotating shaft is positioned, wherein, on a sleeve at least partially integral with the rotating shaft, there is a shaped support for both a treatment tool and for scraping and mixing blades of the walls and bottom of the container or cylinder, the shaped support carrying transmissions for the rotation of both the treatment tool and the scraping and mixing blades and the shaped support.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for the Treatment of a Liquid, in Particular a Mineral Oil

Номер: US20130048486A1
Принадлежит: Pristec Ag

A method is disclosed for the treatment of a liquid, in particular a mineral oil, for increasing the portion of low-boiling fractions. The treatment comprises generating pressure waves having a first frequency, subjecting the liquid to said pressure waves in a region of application and feeding the so-treated liquid to a tank. At least one pipe flowed through by the treated liquid and immediately following said region of application is excited to oscillations of a second frequency, which is the resonance frequency of the excited system.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Fluid mixing systems with adjustable mixing element

Номер: US20130101982A1
Принадлежит: Hyclone Laboratories LLC

A fluid mixing system includes a support housing having an interior surface bounding a chamber. A flexible bag is disposed within the chamber of the support housing, the flexible bag having an interior surface bounding a compartment. An impeller is disposed within the chamber of the flexible bag. A drive shaft is coupled with the impeller such that rotation of the drive shaft facilitates rotation of the impeller. A drive motor assembly is coupled with the draft shaft and is adapted to rotate the drive shaft. An adjustable arm assembly is coupled with the drive motor assembly and is adapted to move the drive motor assembly which in turn moves the position of the drive shaft and impeller. An electrical controller can control movement of the adjustable arm.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing a Gelled Fuel Heat Source

Номер: US20130118057A1
Автор: Jon Ross
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for manufacturing a stable gelled fuel composition of diethylene glycol and fumed silica. Polyethylene glycol may also be added to improve burning. Previous related compositions (U.S. Pat. No. 5,264,003) provided methods of making a polymer hydrogel without chemical cross links. The modifications herein create optimal methods for mixing that enhance the range of applications. The gelation process is further modulated by controlling the air entraining of the resultant mixture producing a gellant complex while at the same time reducing the gelling media. The method includes the steps of providing a polymer solution of silicone dioxide (SiO 2 ) wetted into diethylene glycol (DEG) in a first solution. The method further provides physically cross-linked hydrogels produced by controlled gelation of viscoelastic mixture wherein workability is maintained. In a further aspect, the invention provides methodology for mixing other forms of the gelation of polymer hydrogel solutions.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Waste disposal apparatus, fluid and method

Номер: US20130171713A1
Автор: Peter Sage-Passant
Принадлежит: Peter Sage-Passant

A waste disposal apparatus, for disposing of waste materials using aerobic decomposition, includes a decomposition chamber having a waste inlet for receiving waste materials, and a closure member for closing the inlet and sealing the decomposition chamber. The apparatus includes a stirrer for stirring waste materials in the chamber, and a waste outlet for discharging waste materials from the chamber after aerobic decomposition thereof.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for treating animal waste

Номер: US20130186155A1
Автор: William BLAINE
Принадлежит: ENVIROKURE Inc

Methods and apparatus for the treatment of animal waste are disclosed, together with a treated animal waste and fertilizer and growth media products derived therefrom.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Torque limiting disposable agitator for a food mixer

Номер: US20130223183A1
Принадлежит: Vita-Mix Corp

An agitator ( 10 ) includes a stern ( 11 ) having a shaft coupler ( 12 ) at one end adapted to be attached to the rotatable shaft ( 25 ) of a food mixing machine. The other end of the stem ( 11 ) has a mixing blade ( 13 ) which can be in the shape of the bowl of a spoon. The stem ( 11 ) is shaped like an I-beam having side walls ( 20 ) spaced by a central wall ( 21 ). The side walls ( 20 ) have opposed notches ( 22 ) leaving a web ( 23 ) therebetween, and the central wall ( 21 ) is provided with an aperture ( 24 ) which is aligned with the web ( 23 ). Together the web ( 23 ) and the aperture ( 24 ) define a weakened area where the stem ( 11 ) will break upon a predetermined torque which is established based on the hardness of the food product ( 26 ) being mixed.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Mixing, Transporting, Storing, and Transferring Thixotropic Fluids in One Container

Номер: US20130233393A1
Автор: Paul Kageler
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A method for mixing, transporting, storing, and transferring a thixotropic fluid is disclosed. The method includes mixing a thixotropic fluid. The thixotropic fluid may be built within a fluid container that includes an agitation unit. Once it has gelled, the thixotropic fluid can be sheared using the agitation unit, which may be mounted within the fluid container. The thixotropic fluid can then be pumped out of the fluid container.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Post/Pedestal-Mounted IBC Mixing/Blending Machine

Номер: US20130329518A1
Автор: Clifford Broderick
Принадлежит: Individual

A blending machine, for homogenizing materials deposited within an intermediate bulk container (IBC), includes: a frame; a drive motor; a clamp disk rotatably supported by the frame and coupled to the drive motor to drive disk rotation; first and second jaw clamps movably mounted to the frame; and a drive mechanism to drive the jaw clamps to translate toward each other and rotatably secure the IBC's boom to the rotatable clamp disk. A clutch, a torque limiter, and a limit switch limit the pressure applied by the clamps, and the extent of their travel to optimize clamping and rotatability. The blending machine is moveably mounted to a pedestal, and elevated by an actuator. A blending bar within the IBC is coupled through the boom to the clamp disk, and driven to rotate to blend the materials, in addition to mixing by rotation of the ICB.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Continuous kneading device

Номер: US20140010038A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A continuous kneading device is provided with an upper trunk ( 1 ) to which a powder supply tube ( 3 ) through which quantified powder is supplied is connected and in which the powder is blended with a fluid, and a lower trunk ( 2 ) concentrically connected to the bottom of the upper trunk ( 1 ). The continuous kneading device continuously kneads the powder and the fluid by a first rotating kneading plate ( 10 ) built into the upper trunk ( 1 ) and a second rotating kneading plate ( 11 ) built into the lower trunk ( 2 ), wherein surfaces of the base metals of the first and second rotating kneading plates ( 10, 11 ) are covered with a coating material ( 50 ) for reducing friction when the powder and the fluid are kneaded together.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Device for producing wet granulated substance for electrode and method of producing the same

Номер: US20180001232A1
Автор: Naohisa Akiyama
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A device for producing a wet granulated substance for an electrode, the device including a storage tank in which a solid component is stored, liquid supply units configured to supply a liquid component, and a stirring member configured to stir the solid component and the liquid component together. The liquid supply unit includes a nozzle configured to allow the liquid component to drop, a pump configured to repeatedly switch between a first state in which a pressure is applied to the liquid component and a second state in which a lower pressure than in the first state is applied to the liquid component, and a rotating member that is provided between the nozzle and the storage tank, has a disk shape with irregularities formed on the edge, and rotates in a non-horizontal plane.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Stirring wand

Номер: US20180001283A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A stirring wand is configured for selective engagement with a mixing device. The stirring wand comprises a substantially vertical portion having an upper end and a lower end, a first tapered surface that includes a first pitch angle proximate the upper end of the substantially vertical portion and a second pitch angle proximate the lower end of the substantially vertical portion, a substantially horizontal portion having a base and a distal tip, and a second tapered surface extending from the base to the distal tip. The second tapered surface includes a third pitch angle proximate the base and a fourth pitch angle proximate the tip.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Rapidly cooling food and drinks

Номер: US20210003342A1
Принадлежит: Sigma Phase Corp

Systems and methods have demonstrated the capability of rapidly cooling the contents of pods containing the ingredients for food and drinks.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

System for providing a single serving of a frozen confection

Номер: US20210007370A1
Автор: Matthew Fonte
Принадлежит: Sigma Phase Corp

A system for providing a single serving of a frozen confection, wherein the system comprises a pod comprising at least one ingredient for providing a single serving of a frozen confection; the system cools the pod; the system introduces water into the pod; the system simultaneously stirs the contents of the pod while scraping at least one wall of the pod to prevent a build-up of the frozen confection on the at least one wall of the pod; and the system ejects the frozen confection out of the pod.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Vertical wheel bioreactors

Номер: US20170009193A1
Автор: J. Gregory Zeikus
Принадлежит: PBS Biotech Inc

A pneumatic bioreactor includes a vessel containing a fluid to be mixed and at least one mixing device driven by gas pressure. A first embodiment includes a floating impeller that rises and falls in the fluid as gas bubbles carry it upward to the surface where the gas is then vented, permitting the impeller to sink in the fluid. The floating impeller may be tethered to a second impeller with a flexible member and pulley. The mixing speed is controlled with electromagnets in the vessel acting upon magnetic material in the impeller or its guides. In another embodiment, floating pistons mix the fluid, pushing it through a mixing plate with one or more apertures. In a third embodiment, the mixing device is a rotating drum with bubble-catching blades and rotating mixing plates with apertures. The top of the vessel for these mixers may include a closed top and sterile filters.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Continuous dough kneading maching for pastry or bread mixes, such as for sandwich bread

Номер: US20150023124A1
Принадлежит: VMI SA

The invention relates to a continuous dough kneading machine for pastry or bread mixes, such as for sandwich bread, said machine comprising: a substantially tubular chamber (C) provided with an inlet (E) for the dough to be kneaded and an outlet (S) for the kneaded dough, including a constriction, said chamber (C) comprising an upstream sub-chamber (C 1 ) connected to the inlet (E) and a downstream sub-chamber (C 2 ) connected to the outlet (S); means (P, V) for creating a negative pressure in the downstream sub-chamber (C 2 ); and two shafts ( 1 a, 1 b ) rotatably mounted inside the chamber (C), supporting dough-conveying members ( 5 a, 5 b ) disposed in particular in the upstream chamber (C 1 ) and dough-kneading members ( 7 a, 7 b, 9 a, 9 b ) disposed in particular in the downstream chamber (C 2 ). The machine also comprises means ( 1 a, 1 b, 11 a, 11 b ) for forming a dough obstruction (B 1 ) in the transition zone from the upstream chamber to the downstream chamber.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Mixing paddle

Номер: US20210031157A1
Автор: Francis Walters
Принадлежит: Individual

A mixing paddle is comprised of a compound, integral center shaft, a rim, a first plurality of parallel blades and a second plurality of parallel blades. The compound, integral center shaft bisects the rim, creating a first side of the rim and a second side of the rim. The first plurality of parallel blades is disposed between the compound, integral center shaft and the first side of the rim. The second plurality of parallel blades is disposed between the compound, integral center shaft and the second side of the rim. The first plurality of parallel blades is orthogonal to the second plurality of parallel blades.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Paint can and paint can mixing system

Номер: US20210031558A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A paint can and paint can mixing system effectively and cleanly mixes and stirs paint within the can by using a bottom mounted crank connected through the bottom of the can by a shaft which rotates a stirring member within the can. The crank is conveniently configured to be stored beneath the bottom of the paint can and to be pivoted downward when mixing of the paint within the can is desired. A shallow sidewall circumscribes the bottom of the paint can. The sidewall encloses a space in which the crank is located in its stored position. This allows easy and space saving stacking of the paint cans.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Electric blender system, apparatus and method for use in fracturing underground formations using liquid petroleum gas

Номер: US20170036178A1
Автор: Eldon Schelske, Todd Coli
Принадлежит: Evolution Well Services LLC

The present invention provides a method and system for providing on-site electrical power to a fracturing operation, and an electrically powered fracturing system. Natural gas can be used to drive a turbine generator in the production of electrical power. A scalable, electrically powered fracturing fleet is provided to pump fluids for the fracturing operation, obviating the need for a constant supply of diesel fuel to the site and reducing the site footprint and infrastructure required for the fracturing operation, when compared with conventional systems. The treatment fluid can comprise a water-based fracturing fluid or a waterless liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fracturing fluid.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Improved packaging for natural peanut butter

Номер: US20210046437A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention of the present disclosure is that of functional packaging systems useful for reducing the separation of solid and liquid constituents of its contents. The invention is particularly useful for preventing the undesirable separation of solid and oil phases of food products such as natural peanut butter that is manufactured without the use of undesirable additives such as hydrogenated vegetable oils, lecithin, monoglycerides, diglycerides and other substances that slow separation of the solid and oil phases from one another. In one embodiment, the invention comprises a container with a rotating base which when rotated actuates the agitation of the product contained within, as a result of the concurrent rotation of one or more axes configured with an agitator or equivalent means of stirring or mixing the contents. The invention is further provided with hermetic sealing means and the like to ensure food safety.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Reactor Systems

Номер: US20170051239A1
Принадлежит: Abec Inc

This disclosure relates to equipment utilized to manufacture chemical agents, particularly biopharmaceuticals. In some embodiments, reactor systems comprising a mobile carriage assembly; a disposable reaction container removably attached to the carriage assembly; and, a carriage holder into which the mobile carriage assembly may be removably inserted are provided.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Cooling water stirrer and water purifier having the same

Номер: US20180056217A1

A stirrer includes a stirring shaft; a plurality of mixing wings extending from the lower end of the stirring shaft and spaced from each other around the stirring shaft; and a conical hub connecting the lower ends of the mixing wings.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Tamper Resistant Dosage Form Composition And Process Of Making The Same

Номер: US20150064251A1
Принадлежит: ExxPharma Therapeutics LLC

A tamper-resistant dosage form including a therapeutic agent-substrate complex embedded in a thermo-formable matrix; such that the complex includes at least one therapeutic agent bound to at least one substrate to form the therapeutic agent-substrate complex. The at least one substrate is being selected from the group consisting of a polyelectrolyte, an organic counter-ion, a pharmacologically inert organic component of a prodrug, an inclusion compound and an inorganic adsorbent; and the thermo-formable matrix includes one or more thermoplastic polymers and optionally at least one pharmaceutical additive.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Biological material extraction apparatus

Номер: US20210071166A1
Автор: Eun Yong PARK
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a biological material extraction apparatus. According to the present invention, a tube in which a solution for use in extracting a biological material is contained is rotated to directly mix the solution, and cells where stirring is being conducted in each step are sealed to fundamentally block stirring-induced pollution between cells, thereby improving an extraction efficiency.

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Process for Connecting Functional Elements to a Shelf

Номер: US20140151481A1
Автор: Oskar Stephan
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a process for connecting functional elements ( 14 ) to a shaft ( 10 ), comprising the following steps: (a) elevations ( 12 ) for receiving the functional elements ( 14 ) are formed, the elevations ( 12 ) being worked out of the shaft ( 10 ) by material removal, (b) the functional elements ( 14 ) are welded to the elevations ( 12 ) on the shaft ( 10 ).

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Fluid mixing system with flexible drive line and foldable impeller

Номер: US20180071700A1
Принадлежит: Life Technologies Corp

A fluid mixing system includes a container, such as a flexible bag, bounding a compartment. A flexible drive line is disposed within the compartment, the drive line having a first end rotatably connected to a first end of the container and an opposing second end rotatably connected to a second end of the container. At least one mixing element, such as an impeller, can be coupled with the flexible drive line. Rotation of the drive line facilitates rotation of the impeller within the container.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Device for producing a multi-component mixture and method for operating said type of device

Номер: US20220088830A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA

The invention relates to a device for producing a multi-component mixture, comprising a mixing chamber and a mixing device, wherein the mixing device has a stirrer which is arranged in the mixing chamber and which is rotatably driven about an axis of rotation L, wherein a temperature control channel system for controlling the temperature of the stirrer and through which a temperature control medium can flow is arranged inside the stirrer.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Beverage mixing system and method

Номер: US20210077963A1
Автор: Mark E. Goodson
Принадлежит: Individual

A beverage mixing system/method allowing faster mixing/blending of frozen beverages is disclosed. The system/method in various embodiments utilizes inductive coupling to introduce heat into the frozen beverage during the mixing/blending process via a rotating driveshaft and attached mechanical agitator to speed the mixing/blending process. Exemplary embodiments may be configured to magnetically induce heat into the driveshaft and/or mechanical agitator mixing blade to affect this mixing/blending performance improvement. This heating effect may be augmented via the use of high power LED arrays aimed into the frozen slurry to provide additional heat input. The system/method may be applied with particular advantage to the mixing of ice cream type beverages and other viscous beverage products.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097013A1

An agitator is configured to move within a vessel in order to circulate at least one substance, the agitator including at least one sensor, the sensor being configured to detect parameters of the circulating process and/or parameters of the substance and/or parameters of an reaction and/or parameters of the agitator, and agitator being configured to supply energy to at least one sensor in a wireless manner and to transmit sensor signals to an evaluating device. 1. An agitator ,wherein the agitator is configured to move within a vessel in order to circulate at least one substance,wherein the agitator comprises at least one sensor which is configured to detect parameters of the circulating process and/or parameters of the substance and/or parameters of a reaction and/or parameters of the agitator, andwherein the agitator is configured to transmit sensor signals of the at least one sensor to an evaluating device in a wireless manner, wherein the at least one sensor is configured to detect the parameters in an intermittent manner, whereinthe agitator comprises at least one further sensor being configured to detect parameters of the circulating process and/or detect parameters of the agitator, whereinthe sensors are arranged at different points of the agitator, and sensors detecting the parameters of the agitator itself are arranged at points where high mechanical loads occur, and sensors detecting parameters of a concentration of the substances to be circulated are arranged in the vicinity of extremities of a rotating circulator of the agitator.2. The agitator according to claim 1 ,wherein the agitator is configured to receive an energy which may be used for operating the at least one sensor in a wireless manner.3. The agitator according to claim 1 ,wherein the agitator comprises a transmission device which is configured to output and/or transmit the detected parameters in a wireless manner.4. The agitator according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one sensor is ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for solubilizing humic acid granules

Номер: US20190092703A1
Принадлежит: Humic Growth Solutions LLC

Improved methods and apparatus (10, 74) for the solubilization of initially solid humic acids include a large-volume mixing/agitation tank (12, 76) for water and solid humic acids, together a recirculation assembly (14, 78) for continuously recirculating the water/humic acids mixture while reducing the size of the humic acids. Properly used, the apparatus (10, 74) is capable of providing relatively stable, solubilized humic acid solutions or dispersions.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Methods of Installing a Flexible Bioprocess Container in a Bioprocessing System

Номер: US20220145231A1

A method of installing a flexible bioprocess container in a bioprocessing system having a rigid housing with an interior compartment and extending between a top and an opposing base. The method includes coupling a first surface of the flexible bioprocess container to a moveable platform positioned within the interior compartment of the rigid housing; coupling a second surface of the flexible bioprocess container to the base of the rigid housing; and moving the movable platform relative to the rigid housing and toward the top of the rigid housing so as to at least partially expand the flexible bioprocess container within the interior compartment of the rigid housing. 1. A method of installing a flexible bioprocess container in a bioprocessing system comprising a rigid housing having an interior compartment and extending between a top and an opposing base , the method comprising:coupling a first surface of the flexible bioprocess container to a moveable platform positioned within the interior compartment of the rigid housing;coupling a second surface of the flexible bioprocess container to the base of the rigid housing; andmoving the movable platform relative to the rigid housing and toward the top of the rigid housing so as to at least partially expand the flexible bioprocess container within the interior compartment of the rigid housing.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising rotating a drive assembly within the flexible bioprocess container after moving the movable platform toward the top of the rigid housing claim 1 , the drive assembly being coupled to the first surface of the flexible bioprocess container and to the second surface of the flexible bioprocess container.3. The method as recited in claim 1 ,wherein coupling the first surface of the flexible bioprocess container to the moveable platform comprises coupling a first bearing housing disposed on the first surface to the movable platform; andwherein coupling the second surface of the ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Mixing device

Номер: US20140177379A1
Автор: Akira Hattori
Принадлежит: UNIFLEX CO Ltd

Inside a driven cylindrical housing 23 that is a cylindrical rotation member 13, a liquid to be mixed 4 is caused to become an inner circulation current f by extruded plate portions 24 A- 24 D. Discharge ports 22 A- 22 D formed in the cylindrical housing 21 discharge a portion of the inner circulation current f outward as outer discharge current d 1 -d 4 by centrifugal force. At the same time, the outer portion of the liquid to be mixed 4 is sucked into suction ports 23, 30 as suction current e 1 -e 3, h 1 -h 4, thus mixing the liquid to be mixed 4 in the mixing tank 3.

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of granules and manufacturing apparatus thereof

Номер: US20190099726A1
Автор: Naohisa Akiyama
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A dry stirrer configured to stir powder in a dry state, and a wet stirrer provided downward of the dry stirrer in the vertical direction and configured to stir the powder are used. In the wet stirrer, the powder is stirred together with a fluid component, so that granules are formed. The wet stirrer includes a stirring chamber having a cylindrical shape and having a central axis placed in the lateral direction, a cut blade configured to rotate around the central axis of the cylindrical shape in the stirring chamber, and an agitating blade configured to rotate along an inner wall that is a cylindrical side face inside the stirring chamber. When the agitating blade passes above the central axis of the stirring chamber in the vertical direction, the agitating blade is rocked.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168698A1

A mixing paddle specifically designed to produce pastry dough is disclosed. The mixing paddle is comprised of a shaft, a rim, a first plurality of parallel blades and a second plurality of parallel blades. The shaft bisects the rim, creating a first side and a second side. The first plurality of parallel blades is perpendicular to the second plurality of parallel blades. 1. A pastry paddle for use with an electric mixer comprising:a shaft, having a top and a bottom, and defining an axis about which the pastry paddle rotates;a collar for affixing the pastry paddle to an electric mixer;a first plurality of blades, each blade having two edges, two wide surfaces, a first end, and a second end;a second plurality of blades, each blade having two edges, two wide surfaces, a first end, and a second end; and wherein the continuous peripheral rim, the collar, and the top of the shaft are joined together at a junction, with the shaft bisecting the continuous peripheral rim;', 'wherein the shaft has a first side and a second side, the first side and second side being disposed opposite of one another;', 'wherein the first plurality of blades is disposed on the first side of the shaft, each of the blades in the first plurality of blades is parallel with one another, and at least one end of each blade in the first plurality of blades is attached directly to the continuous peripheral rim;', 'wherein the second plurality of blades is disposed on the second side of the shaft, each of the blades in the second plurality of blades is parallel with one another, each of the blades in the second plurality of blades is perpendicular with each blade in the first plurality of blades, and at least one end of each blade in the second plurality of blades is attached directly to the continuous peripheral rim; and', 'wherein the continuous peripheral rim completely encloses each and every blade in both the first plurality of blades and the second plurality of blades., 'a continuous peripheral rim ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Rotary mixer in two-liquid mixture injection machine

Номер: US20210121838A1

Planetary gear mechanisms require internal toothed gears in housings. A drive rotor and driven rotors are accommodated in a mixing space in a housing, and chemical inflow paths to the mixing space are formed in an upper portion of the housing. A mixture outflow path is formed in a lower portion of the housing. The mixing space is formed to allow the drive rotor and the driven rotors to rotate and to regulate the positions of the drive rotor and the driven rotors. Meshing the drive rotor with the driven rotors allows the driven rotors to rotate opposite to the rotating direction of the drive rotor accompanying the rotation of the drive rotor while the lower ends of the driven rotors are located above a bottom portion of the mixing space and the upper ends of the driven rotors are located below the lower surface of the lid body.

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Method and treatment element blank for the production of a treatment element for a screw machine

Номер: US20140193286A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In a method for the production of a treatment element for a screw machine, a treatment element core of a first metal material is arranged in an inner space of a capsule of a hot isostatic pressing installation so that a contoured annular space is formed between a capsule wall and a treatment element core. The annular space is filled with a powder of a second metal material so as to produce an anti-wear layer. Afterwards, the treatment element blank is produced in such a way that the materials are combined by hot isostatic pressing to form a composite body. The treatment element blank is then post-processed to form the treatment element. The method according to the invention simplifies the production of treatment elements by in particular simplifying post machining and/or heat treatment of the anti-wear layer thus produced.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Self-sharpening knife

Номер: US20200107503A1
Автор: Vincent Bernard
Принадлежит: Individual

A self-sharpening knife used inside an agricultural machine to cut and mix balls of hay or other food destined for animals consumption. The knife comprises a generally triangular steel plate whose base is right or rounded. The base is provided with a series of teeth, each of the teeth includes a pastille made of a material harder than steel and self-sharpening. The pastilles end by a cutting edge having a contour which forms the cutting edge of a tooth. The width of a pastille exceeds that of the steel and ends in a point which becomes round over cuts because of wear. The pastilles wearing out less quickly than steel thus causing that over cuts the width of the pastilles will always exceed the width of the steel. The pastilles cut until all their length and width are worn. The material of the pastille can be carbide or diamond.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Refractory article, coating composition for preventing redox reaction, and method of manufacturing a refractory article

Номер: US20210140027A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

Provided are a refractory article, an anti-redox coating composition, and a method of manufacturing the refractory article. The refractory article includes: a platinum (Pt)-based substrate; and a coating layer for preventing a redox reaction on a surface of the Pt-based substrate, wherein the coating layer for preventing a redox reaction includes on an oxide basis SiO2 in an amount of about 40 wt % to about 70 wt %, Al2O3 in an amount of about 20 wt % to about 52 wt %, B2O3 in an amount of about 3 wt % to about 6 wt %; and CaO in an amount of about 2.4 wt % to about 4.8 wt %.

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Multifunctional food processing tool for use with a food processing device

Номер: US20140203123A1
Автор: Michael P. Conti
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

In a food processing device, an adjustable food processing tool includes a central hub having a fixed blade and an articulating blade extending outwardly therefrom. The articulating blade is adjustable relative to a pitch of the blade between substantially vertical and horizontal positions. An external adjustment assembly is disposed on a base unit of the food processing device for adjusting the pitch of the articulating blade, wherein the pitch of the articulating blade can be adjusted while a food processing procedure is being conducted. The adjustable food processing tool is configurable between a chopping configuration and a stir configuration, thereby providing for a single food processing tool that can be used for a multitude of food processing functions.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220267708A1

The stirring device, in particular for a fluid-mixing bioreactor, comprises a drive shaft including a rod, an agitating element and a sleeve of tubular shape. The sleeve forms a coupling sleeve receiving the shaft therethrough and is directly rotationally coupled to the rod. The agitating element, which has a hub with an annular side wall delimiting an inner space and an impeller assembly comprising blades, is indirectly rotationally coupled to the rod via the sleeve that is engaged in the inner space. One of an inner surface of the wall and an outer surface of the sleeve is a guiding surface with progressively reduced cross section. Axial movement between the hub and the sleeve is prevented in a locked configuration of a sleeve fastening arrangement. Hub-sleeve contact areas can be axially distributed. 1. A stirring device , for a mixer-container , comprising:a rotatable drive shaft extending along a longitudinal axis;an agitating element; anda sleeve of a tubular shape;wherein the drive shaft comprises a rod, the sleeve forming a coupling sleeve receiving the drive shaft therethrough and being directly rotationally coupled to the rod of the drive shaft, the sleeve being sandwiched in an assembled state between a mounting area of the rod and the agitating element,wherein the agitating element comprises:a hub which has an annular side wall that extends longitudinally around a central axis, the annular side wall delimiting an inner space; andan impeller assembly comprising a set of generally radially extending blades, the blades and the hub being indirectly rotationally coupled to the rod of the drive shaft via the sleeve that is engaged in the inner space through an axial insertion opening;and wherein the hub is directly rotationally coupled to the sleeve, one of an inner surface of the annular side wall and an outer surface of the sleeve being a guiding surface provided with a progressive reduction of cross section with increased distance from the axial insertion ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Device for transporting viscous compounds and pastes

Номер: US20150131401A1
Автор: Daniel Witte
Принадлежит: List Holding AG

A device for the controlled transport of viscous compounds and pastes in at least one process space ( 8 ) by at least one shaft ( 2 ), on which transport bars ( 4 ) are arranged and which rotates about a shaft axis (A), wherein centre axes (B) of the transport bars ( 4 ) run at an angle ( 7 ) with respect to the shaft axis (A), the centre axes (B) of transport bars ( 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 ) which follow one another in the direction of the shaft axis (A) should run offset in the circumferential direction with respect to one another and with respect to the shaft axis (A).

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Kneading device

Номер: US20150138908A1
Принадлежит: Tsukasa Industry Co Ltd

The present invention provides a kneading device including a hopper having a hopper body that stores raw powder, and a mixer that kneads material to be kneaded, which contains the raw powder, wherein the hopper includes a stirring device that stirs the raw powder in the hopper body, and a temperature-controlled air supply device 6 that supplies temperature-controlled air into the hopper body. This kneading device can stably prepare high-quality kneaded dough.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Coffee Densifier

Номер: US20190134578A1
Принадлежит: Modern Process Equipment Inc

A coffee densifier is disclosed having an elongated housing having a chamber configured to receive ground coffee. The mixing chamber has an inlet end opposite a discharge end. The discharge end has a discharge door. The densifier has a shaft driven by a motor, the shaft extending along a longitudinal length of the mixing chamber. The densifier has a plurality of paddle-less pins fixed to the mixing shaft and configured to agitate a bed of coffee within the mixing chamber.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Sensor for a wireless animal trap detection system

Номер: US20210169065A1
Принадлежит: Bayer CropScience AG, BAYER CROPSCIENCE LP

An animal trap sensor includes a base having a distal end and a proximal end, a switch having a first metallic element and a second metallic element, and a signal unit, in which, when the first metallic element contacting the second metallic element, thereby forming a closed circuit, such that the signal unit transmits a signal to an off-site receiver. Or, an animal trap sensor includes a first portion and a second portion electrically connected with a signal unit including a power supply, in which, when the first and the second portions are disposed at a first distance between each other, thereby generating an output property, in which, when the first and the second portions are disposed at a second distance between each other, which is different from the first distance, thereby changing the output property and causing the signal unit to transmit a signal to an off-site receiver.

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220288548A1
Автор: HAAG Gerd

A metering system for applying a bead of a multi-component composite material to a component. The metering system comprises a mixing head including a mixing chamber. The metering system includes one supply line for each component of a multi-component composite material, leading from a source of each component to the mixing chamber. The mixing chamber is configured to mix the components of the multi-component composite material in the mixing chamber and has an outlet opening through which the mixed multi-component composite material exits the mixing head. The metering system includes a metering pump to convey a discharge of the multi-component composite material through the outlet opening. The metering system includes a control unit to output, to the metering pump, a control signal comprising control information andvadjust a metering output of the multi-component composite material through the outlet opening of the mixing head based on the control signal. 1. A metering system for applying a bead of a multi-component composite material to a component , comprising: a mixing chamber;', 'one supply line for each component of a multi-component composite material, leading from a source of each component to the mixing chamber, wherein the mixing chamber which is configured to mix the components of the multi-component composite material in the mixing chamber; and', 'an outlet opening through which the mixed multi-component composite material exits the mixing head;, 'a mixing head, comprisinga metering pump configured to convey a discharge of the multi-component composite material through the outlet opening of the mixing head, wherein the metering pump is arranged adjacently to the outlet opening along a fluid path from the metering pump towards the outlet opening; anda control unit configured to output, to the metering pump, a control signal comprising control information, that causes the metering pump to adjust a metering output of the multi-component composite material ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Chemical Mixer Tool for Use in a Storage Drum

Номер: US20200139317A1
Автор: Stephen CAIN
Принадлежит: Individual

A chemical mixer tool for use in a storage drum is described. The chemical mixer tool typically comprises a mixer housing assembly in which one end of a mixer shaft is secured, the distal end of the mixer shaft having at least one collapsible impeller assembly removably attached thereon. The chemical mixer tool is configured to be removably secured to the top portion of the storage drum, with the distal end of the mixing shaft extending into the interior of the storage drum.

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Vermicast production through conversion of biodegradable organic matter

Номер: US20180148391A1
Принадлежит: Greenscience Technologies Inc

A feed stock-to-vermicast converter, comprising an enclosed flow-through vessel having an upstream inlet for introducing convertible feed stock into a mixed epigeic bed conversion zone adapted to accommodate a population of epigeic vermicast-producing worms, communicating with a vermicast-converted feed stock outlet.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Bioreactor for production and harvesting of microalgae

Номер: US20170158995A1
Принадлежит: Biosystems As

A bioreactor ( 30 ) for production and harvesting of microalgae is described, comprising a reactor basin ( 32 ) in the form of a tank arranged to receive CO2 and water as well as algae, and which is equipped with at least one outlet for harvesting of algal biomass, where the reactor basin ( 32 ) comprises a rotating beam ( 54 ) equipped with one or more tillable mixing grates ( 60 ) and harvesting grates ( 62 ).

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Paddle, paddle rail, mixer shaft for a mixer, mixer and method for mixing

Номер: US20160166997A1
Принадлежит: BUEHLER AG

A paddle ( 30 ), a paddle rail ( 20 ), a mixer shaft ( 10 ) for a mixer ( 1 ), a mixer ( 1 ) and a method for mixing a product to be conditioned in a mixer ( 1 ). As the mixer ( 1 ) starts up, a product to be mixed is retained in a starting region of the mixer shaft ( 10 ), for instance, until the desired mixing or conditioning is achieved, so that loss-free start-up is made possible. That is to say disposal or recycling of the product when the mixer starts up becomes unnecessary.

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Multiple batch system for the preparation of a solution of calcium hydrogen carbonate suitable for the remineralization of desalinated water and of naturally soft water

Номер: US20160167000A1
Принадлежит: Omya International AG

The invention relates to a multiple batch system for the preparation of a solution of calcium hydrogen carbonate and the use of such a dual batch system for the preparation of a solution of calcium hydrogen carbonate.

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220306554A1
Автор: Mir Nazir

Providing a method for generating and releasing 1-MCP gas from a complex carrier through the use of a 1-MCP generator that enables the application of at least one physical, releasing force to a carrier complex and/or mixture comprising water and the carrier complex, or the interaction of steam with a carrier complex and/or mixture comprising water and the carrier complex, over a determined period of time. 1. A method of releasing 1-MCP gas comprising: 'wherein the mixture is maintained at a temperature range of 1° C. to 100° C. for at least 0.5 hours in the removable mixing tank by a temperature control system,', 'establishing a mixture of water and a carrier complex, the carrier complex comprising 1-MCP complexed with at least one carrier, the carrier consisting of at least one of an encapsulant(s) and adsorbent(s), in an interior space of a removable mixing tank; and'} 'wherein the compliant impurity profile is at least one of below 0.1% of the total 1-MCP gas released and the levels of chlorinated compounds 1-chloro-2-methylpropene (1-CMP) and 3-chloro-2-methylpropene (3-CMP) below 0.05% of total 1-MCP gas released,', 'releasing 1-MCP gas from the carrier complex by the application of a releasing force consisting of at least one of a rotational, stirring, spinning, vibrational, shaking, oscillatory, gyratory and steam force, the releasing force provided through operational connection of the removable mixing tank to a force generation mechanism, wherein the applied releasing force promotes 1-MCP dissociation from the carrier and release of 1-MCP gas, the released 1-MCP gas having a compliant impurity profile and a desirable foam by-product profile,'}wherein the desirable foam by-product profile can comprise air trapped in hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups on alpha-cyclodextrin in amounts that avoid spillage from the removable mixing tank.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein 1-MCP gas release process occurs within a 1-MCP generator comprising the removable mixing ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Mixer for insertion into a rotor of a centrifuge

Номер: US20140251886A1

A mixer for insertion into a rotor of a centrifuge has a mixing trough and an obstacle device with at least one obstacle. The at least one obstacle is configured in order to influence the flow of a liquid present in the mixing trough. In response to a rotation of the rotor, with a specified incorporation of the mixer in a holder of the rotor, a spacing between at least one wall section of the mixing trough and the obstacle device is variable such that the liquid present in the mixing trough flows around the obstacle of the obstacle device.

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Mixing device

Номер: US20210195914A1
Принадлежит: De Longhi Appliances SRL

A mixing device suitable to mix substances or liquid or semi-liquid compounds to increase the volume thereof, including a hub which develops along a central axis and three mixing spokes connected to the hub, wherein each of the spokes comprises an external lateral fin and two upper and lower connection segments, which connect respective upper and lower ends of the lateral fin to the hub.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Motorized aerator pourer

Номер: US20140263461A1
Автор: David M. Prokop
Принадлежит: Individual

A motorized aerator pourer for mixing oxygen with certain liquids such as wine, spirits, water and preventing dripping of the liquid after being poured from a container. The motorized aerator pourer includes a pouring spout assembly being removably engaged to a container for pouring liquid from a container. The assembly includes a motorized aerating component being attached to the pouring spout assembly for mechanically aerating the liquid as it is being poured from a container.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Rotational lance drive and rotational lance

Номер: US20140263703A1
Принадлежит: ESM Group Inc

Rotary lance drives for rotating a lance for injecting gas and powdered reagents into molten metal include a reciprocating rotary lance drive and an associated method. A lance mount which facilitates loading of a lance into a lance drive is also disclosed. Various lance designs are described for improving dispersion of reagent and decreasing process time, including lances having non-circular refractory portions and lances having cross-port arrangements for more evenly distributed reagent discharge.

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Rapidly cooling food and drinks

Номер: US20210212338A1
Принадлежит: Sigma Phase Corp

Systems and methods have demonstrated the capability of rapidly cooling the contents of pods containing the ingredients for food and drinks.

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Reactor for producing pharmaceutical particles in a precipitation process

Номер: US20180193813A1
Принадлежит: MANNKIND CORP

Reactors, reactor systems and methods for producing particles in a precipitation process are provided. The reactor includes a housing defining a reaction chamber, a stator assembly including two or more stators, a rotor assembly including two or more rotors, the rotor assembly configured for rotation about an axis of rotation relative to the stator assembly, a first inlet to supply a first reactant material to the reaction chamber at a first radial location, a second inlet to supply a second reactant material to the reaction chamber at a second radial location different from the first radial location, wherein the first and second reactant materials react to produce precipitation of particles in the reaction chamber, and an outlet to supply the particles formed in the reaction chamber.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Capsule-based food product blending and associated methods

Номер: US20210227848A1
Принадлежит: Advantir Innovations Pte Ltd

A sealed capsule for blending and dispensing an initially solid food product holds a blending component with embedded food product. Actuating the blending component through an electronic control system causes the food product to be blended within the capsule. One or more feedback control mechanisms are used to guarantee a desired consistency of the blended food product. Provided are structural features of the capsule, and methods of using its contents to blend and dispense soft-serve products.

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Rotary shaft for processing foodstuffs, industrial device comprising such a rotary shaft, a method of manufacturing such a rotary shaft and a method for processing foodstuffs

Номер: US20190201857A1
Принадлежит: Innolek Beheer BV [nl/nl]

The invention relates to a rotary shaft for processing foodstuffs, the rotary shaft has a rotation axis and the rotary shaft comprises at least one tool which extends along the rotation axis. The tool has an airfoil profile such that the tool comprises a leading edge, a trailing edge, an upper surface and a lower surface. Further, the tool comprises at least one fluid channel between the mean camber line of the airfoil profile and the upper surface of the tool.

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Methods for Fluid Mixing Systems with Tiltable Support Housing

Номер: US20210237011A1
Принадлежит: Life Technologies Corp

A method for mixing a fluid includes: dispensing a first volume of a fluid into a flexible container, the flexible container being at least partially disposed within the chamber of a support housing; repeatedly moving the support housing and the flexible container contained therein so as to mix the first volume of fluid within the flexible container; adding further fluid into the flexible container after moving the support housing to form a second volume of fluid; and manipulating a mixing element within the flexible container so as to mix the second volume of fluid.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Heating agitator having scraper

Номер: US20180214830A1
Принадлежит: Fujiwara Techno Art Co Ltd

Provided is a heating agitator that has a heating tank and can prevent, without complicating the structure, a raw material from remaining due to not being scraped. A scraper includes a rotation shaft tilted with respect to a center axis of the heating tank and one or a plurality of scraping units that rotate integrally with the rotation shaft. The scraping unit includes an arc-shaped member curved along a spherical bottom surface and a plurality of scraping blades fixed to the arc-shaped member. At least one of the scarping units, tips of the scraping blades are arranged such that the respective tips abut the spherical bottom surface of the heating tank along the spherical bottom surface and are in contact with a plane including a center axis of the rotation shaft. The respective tips scrape the raw material adhering to the spherical bottom surface of the heating tank while moving on corresponding concentric circles having a point as the center on the center axis of the rotation shaft.

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Cell culture system and method of use thereof

Номер: US20200208090A1

The present invention is based in part on the discovery of significant improvements to cell culture systems and methods of generating organoids. The system of the invention provides a novel spinning bioreactor platform for higher-throughput 3D culturing of stem cells (e.g., human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or embryonic stem cells (ESCs)). The system can be widely used as a standard platform to generate stem cell-derived human organoids for any tissue and for high-throughput drug screenings, toxicity testing, and modeling normal human organ development and diseases.

10-08-2017 дата публикации

Photo-resistor draw devices

Номер: US20170225137A1
Автор: Jiangjiang SONG

A photo-resistor draw device includes a photo-resistor bottle, a sealing cover arranged on an inlet of the bottle, an air tube passing through the sealing cover and being inserted within the photo-resistor bottle, and a photo-resistor draw tube. The photo-resistor bottle further includes a stirring component for stirring the photo-resistors. As the novel photo-resistor draw device includes the stirring component for preventing the high-precision photo-resistor from being subsided. Not only the stability of the color filter products may be enhanced, but also the defects may be eliminated. As such, the yield rate of the products is improved.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Continuous asphalt mixture production plant based on double-horizontal-shaft forced mixing

Номер: US20190226162A1
Принадлежит: Fujian Tietuo Machinery Co Ltd

A continuous asphalt mixture production plant based on double-horizontal-shaft forced mixing includes a cold aggregate bin, a continuous aggregate conveying and metering system, a drying drum, an aggregate elevator, a double-horizontal-shaft continuous mixing host, a continuous asphalt metering and conveying system, a continuous powder conveying and metering system and a finished product bin. The double-horizontal-shaft continuous mixing host includes a first double-horizontal-shaft mixing cylinder and a second double-horizontal-shaft mixing cylinder connected in series. The first double-horizontal-shaft mixing cylinder is provided with an aggregate inlet, an asphalt inlet, a powder inlet and a first discharging port, and the second double-horizontal-shaft mixing cylinder is provided with a mixture inlet and a second discharging port. The aggregate inlet, the asphalt inlet and the powder inlet are respectively connected with an outlet of the aggregate elevator, the continuous asphalt metering and conveying system and the continuous powder conveying and metering system correspondingly.

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: US20170240940A1
Принадлежит: Xyleco Inc

Biomass feedstocks (e.g., plant biomass, animal biomass, and municipal waste biomass) are processed to produce useful products, such as fuels. For example, systems are described that can convert feedstock materials to a sugar solution, which can then be fermented to produce ethanol. Biomass feedstock is saccharified in a vessel by operation of a jet mixer, the vessel also containing a fluid medium and a saccharifying agent.

13-11-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for Seeding a Fluid with Tracing Material

Номер: US20140334244A1
Принадлежит: University of Manitoba

A new seeder for laser-based velocity measurements in gaseous combusting and non-combusting flows is described herein. The performance of the seeder was tested under a variety of flow rate conditions. The testing revealed that control over the concentration of seeding particles, stability of particles supply, extended range of flow rate, and breakup of the agglomerates makes the newly designed seeder advantageous over its counterparts, especially for weak flow rates applications.

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Hydraulic fracturing system, apparatus, and method

Номер: US20190234171A1
Принадлежит: Spm Flow Control Inc

An apparatus according to which a subterranean formation in which a wellbore extends is hydraulically fractured, the apparatus comprising first and second manifolds, the first manifold including first and second flow lines adapted to be in fluid communication with first and second pumps, respectively, the first pump being adapted to pressurize fluid received from the first flow line, and the second pump being adapted to pressurize fluid received from the second flow line, and the second manifold including a third flow line adapted to convey pressurized fluid from the first and second pumps to the wellbore to hydraulically fracture the subterranean formation in which the wellbore extends. The apparatus is adapted to be connected to another apparatus used to hydraulically fracture the subterranean formation in which the wellbore extends by moving one, or both, of the first and second flow lines relative to the third flow line.

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus, system and method for mixing and dispensing dental impression materials

Номер: US20150265981A1
Автор: Bradford D. Overton
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus, system and method for mixing and dispensing dental impression materials is described. A dental impression material mixing machine comprises a water dispenser fluidly coupled to a hollow mixing axle, the mixing axle extending through a pulley, wherein an inner circumference of the hollow mixing axle forms a water conduit and an outer circumference of the hollow mixing axle forms a hub connector, a closeable valve inserted at a water entrance to the water conduit and electronically coupled to a water pump, an electronically commutated motor rotateably coupled to the pulley, wherein the hub connector receives a tubular rotatable hub of a disposable mixing vessel comprising dry dental impression powder, and wherein water is dispensed from the water dispenser into the disposable mixing vessel through the water conduit and hub orifice.

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Mixer apparatus for mixing a high-viscosity fluid

Номер: US20190247812A1
Принадлежит: Green Shield Products LLC

A mixer apparatus for mixing a high-viscosity fluid has a mixer shaft with a plurality of blades affixed thereto, a hydraulic motor drivingly connected to the mixer shaft so as to rotate the mixer shaft, a hydraulic pump connected by a fluid circuit to the hydraulic motor so as to deliver hydraulic fluid under pressure to the hydraulic motor, an electric motor drivingly connected to the hydraulic pump, and a hydraulic fluid reservoir connected to the fluid circuit so as to supply hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic pump. The plurality of blades are pivotally mounted to the mixer shaft.

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Device and method for loading a liquid with a gas

Номер: US20170259222A1

A device for loading an in particular higher-viscosity liquid, such as a silicon resin, for example, with air or another gas. The device has a pressure vessel receiving the liquid and the gas, in which pressure vessel an agitator, having a drive shaft set through the pressure vessel at least in part, is arranged. In order to enable the particularly fast and homogeneous intermixing of the liquid and gas, the drive shaft is arranged in a conveying pipe and drives a conveying organ, in particular a screw conveyor, which transports the liquid through the conveying pipe to at least one outlet, and there is an running-off surface underneath the outlet from the conveying pipe for the liquid flowing out of the outlet. Upon actuation of the agitator, the liquid is thus not only well intermixed together with the air already received therein, but at the same time conveyed through the conveying pipe to the running-off surface, on which it can discharge in a thin layer and has a particularly large exchange area with the gas as a result.

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Blender blade assembly and blender

Номер: US20150272395A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux AB

A blender blade assembly having a first blade with two first blade arms extending from a centre plane in opposite directions, wherein each blade arm has a planar base section extending perpendicularly from the centre plane, wherein the base section merges at its outer end into a wing section angled upwards from the base section, and wherein the blade assembly further includes a second blade with two second blade arms, wherein each second blade arm have a curve shaped blade.

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Stirrer installation aid and method for installing a stirrer element in a bioreactor

Номер: US20150273416A1

A bioreactor has a stirrer shaft that is driveable by a drive and on which a stirrer element is positioned. The position of the stirrer element is determined by a stirrer installation aid. The stirrer installation aid has a free end with an abutment surface on which the free end of the stirrer element abuts. The stirrer installation aid is designed as a sleeve that comprises a slot extending between the axial ends of the sleeve. The slot is delimited by opposite flanks of a wall, and the sleeve is placed on the stirrer shaft. The stirrer installation aid can be pulled off laterally from the stirrer shaft. A method for installing the stirrer element on the stirrer shaft arranged in the bioreactor also is provided.

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Machine for making and dispensing liquid or semi-liquid food products

Номер: US20210329939A1
Принадлежит: Ali Group SRL

A machine for making and dispensing liquid or semi-liquid food products, includes, in combination:a container for containing liquid or semi-liquid products;a thermal treatment cylinder contained inside the container and having an axis that is inclined relative to the vertical;a stirrer mounted to the outside of the thermal treatment cylinder;a thermal system including a heat exchanger associated with the thermal treatment cylinder, wherein the container for containing liquid or semi-liquid products is defined by a first, inside wall and a second, outside wall, the first, inside wall and the second, outside wall forming between them a gap that is not affected by the liquid or semi-liquid products.

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Mixing systems, methods, and devices with extendible impellers

Номер: US20170266632A1

A mixing device includes a base, shaft, impeller sleeve, and impeller blades. The base can be constructed for releasable attachment to an opening of a container, such as a 55-gallon drum. The shaft extends from the base and is coupled thereto such that rotation can be transmitted to the shaft by way of or through the base. The impeller sleeve is mounted on the shaft and supports the impeller blades. Each impeller blade includes an attachment leg and a stirring leg extending from the attachment leg. The impeller blades are supported so as to transition from a collapsed position with the stirring leg proximal to a central axis of the shaft to an extended position with the stirring leg distal from the central axis when the shaft is rotated. Each impeller blade can be formed of a plastic, such as a glass-filled polypropylene or glass-filled nylon.

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Dispenser and mixer for disposable cartridges

Номер: US20200254406A1
Автор: Clifford Beckett
Принадлежит: Sulzer Mixpac AG

A dynamic mixer attachment is disclosed, which is adapted for use with conventional multi-component cartridges. The mixer has dispensing and drive axes that are offset relative to each other to enable use of the mixer with conventional multi-component cartridges. Also disclosed is a dispenser adapted for use with the mixer attachment and conventional multi-component cartridges.

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Magnetic stir bar

Номер: US20190262788A1

Magnetic stir bar ( 1 ) for use with a magnetic stirrer, said magnetic stir bar ( 1 ) comprising at least one permanent magnet ( 2 ) for spinning said magnetic stir bar ( 1 ) when said magnetic stir bar ( 1 ) is subjected to a rotating magnetic field; and a chamber ( 3 ) for storing a product inside said magnetic stir bar ( 1 ), wherein said magnetic stir bar ( 1 ) has a closed configuration in which said chamber ( 3 ) is closed, said magnetic stir bar ( 1 ) being maintained in said closed configuration under the effect of a first force (f), and an open configuration in which said chamber ( 3 ) is open, said magnetic stir bar ( 1 ) being maintained in said open configuration under the effect of a second force (F); and wherein said magnetic stir bar ( 1 ) is adapted to automatically reconfigure itself from said closed configuration to said open configuration when said magnetic stir bar ( 1 ) is spun at or above a threshold rotational speed (ωt).

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Beverage machine for preparing and dispensing iced beverages

Номер: US20150289539A1
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

The present invention provides a beverage machine with at least three distinct zones 1, 3, 4 . A first zone 1 for storing a liquid or semi-liquid product at ambient temperature, a second zone 3 for processing the stored product, in particular for cooling the product to a predetermined serving temperature, and a third zone 4 for storing the cooled product and maintaining it at the predetermined serving temperature. From the third zone 4 an iced beverage can be dispensed.

25-12-2014 дата публикации

Mixing device, discharge device provided therewith, and discharge method

Номер: US20140376328A1
Автор: Kazumasa Ikushima
Принадлежит: Musashi Engineering Inc

Problem: A mixing device is provided which can solve problems resulting from friction between a vessel and a stirrer, which can generate a circulatory flow even below the stirrer, and which allows a desired number of stirrers to be arranged at desired positions. A discharge device provided with the mixing device, and a discharge method are also provided. Solution: The mixing device includes a stirrer incorporating a magnet, a stirrer holding mechanism that specifies a position of the stirrer by exerting a magnetic force on the stirrer from the lateral side, and a rotation mechanism that rotates the stirrer holding mechanism, wherein the rotation mechanism rotates the stirrer holding mechanism, thereby rotating the stirrer. The discharge device includes the mixing device, and the discharge method is carried out using the discharge device.

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Dynamic mixer dispense valve for two-component high-viscosity high-ratio compounds

Номер: US20190275482A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dynamic mixer dispense valve and metering apparatus suitable for use in mixing and applying high viscosity, disparate viscosity, high ratio and/or relatively immiscible two part compounds that exhibit short cure times includes a housing supporting a pair of valve assemblies each coupled to respective sources of base and accelerator components. A pair of pneumatic valve actuator s control the operation of the valve assemblies to control the flow of components into a mixing chamber. Within the mixing chamber a mixer impeller is rotatably supported and coupled to a source of rotational power. An additional pneumatic valve actuator combination operates a further flow control to prevent undesired material loss following a shot cycle.

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Plant for the controlled production of monochloramine for sanitizing fluids

Номер: US20190276312A1
Автор: Marco Gatti
Принадлежит: Acel SRL

A plant and relative controlled production method of monochloramine; inside a reactor, at least a means or group creates and/or maintains a turbulent regime during the production reaction of monochloramine; at the end, at least a post-dosing means performs a further dosage of reagent directly in the concentrated solution of monochloramine produced directly in reactor or on the transfer piping or directly into the storage tank.

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Household noodle maker

Номер: US20170295803A1
Принадлежит: Joyoung Co Ltd

A vertical household noodle maker includes a base, a stirring container connected to the base, a stirring rod longitudinally arranged in the stirring container, an extrusion cylinder horizontally arranged at one side below the stirring container, a spiral rod arranged in the extrusion cylinder, an extrusion die and a control unit. The stirring rod includes a rod body and a stirring blade. The motor rotates the stirring rod and the spiral rod, and a feeding inlet in communication with the extrusion cylinder is provided at a bottom of the stirring container. An inner wall of the stirring container is provided with a cutting rod, and a projection of the cutting rod at least partially overlaps with a projection of the stirring blade in the horizontal direction when the stirring blade is driven by the motor to rotate to a position of the cutting rod.

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Mobile, modular, electrically powered system for use in fracturing underground formations using liquid petroleum gas

Номер: US20150314255A1
Автор: Eldon Schelske, Todd Coli
Принадлежит: Evolution Well Services LLC

The present invention provides a method and system for providing on-site electrical power to a fracturing operation, and an electrically powered fracturing system. Natural gas can be used to drive a turbine generator in the production of electrical power. A scalable, electrically powered fracturing fleet is provided to pump fluids for the fracturing operation, obviating the need for a constant supply of diesel fuel to the site and reducing the site footprint and infrastructure required for the fracturing operation, when compared with conventional systems. The treatment fluid can comprise a water-based fracturing fluid or a waterless liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fracturing fluid.

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Dispenser For Beverages Having A Rotary Micro-Ingredient Combination Chamber

Номер: US20160318748A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

The present application provides a beverage dispenser. The beverage dispenser may include a number of micro-ingredients, a water stream, and a rotary chamber. The rotary chamber may include a first element in communication with the micro-ingredients and the water stream and a second element maneuverable to a dispense position and a sealed position.

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Concrete mixing carrier

Номер: US20170312937A1
Принадлежит: Hefei University of Technology

Provided is a concrete mixing carrier, comprising a vehicle chassis and a mixing drum provided thereon. A drum housing of the mixing drum is cubic, supported horizontally on the vehicle chassis, and able to form an unloading state where a front portion is higher and a rear portion is lower; the mixing drum forms a closed drum housing; a feed inlet and a discharge outlet are respectively provided on a rear end plate; a rotary inner drum formed by splicing movable blades is provided in the drum body, and adjacent movable blades have there between a movement margin for rotation; each strip-shaped movable blade is supported at both ends by paired rollers respectively; stirring blades overhang towards inside of the drum body, backs are provided with drive racks, and drive gears, mutually engaged with the drive racks, are provided at corresponding positions of the drum body using a supporting bracket.

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Construction material mixing system

Номер: US20170333939A1
Автор: Holland M. Anderson
Принадлежит: Tomorrow's Tools LLC

Systems and methods for preparing construction material mixtures. A container can include a flexible body having an interior for receiving and holding construction material mixture components to be mixed. The construction material mixture components can be mixed in the interior by rotating a mixing tool. The flexible body is collapsible for forcing the construction material mixture out of a mouth of the container. The flexible body can be everted to facilitate cleaning the interior of the flexible body. The system can also include a stand, a mixing tool, a funnel, and/or a measuring cup.
