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Применить Всего найдено 6238. Отображено 200.
27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2414956C2

Изобретение относится к динамическому смесителю, предназначенному для смешивания компонентов в разных или в равных количествах по объему, и может использоваться для производства зуботехнических слепочных материалов. Смеситель содержит кожух ротора с крышкой, в котором расположен смесительный ротор. На крышке расположены впуски для компонентов. Впуск для первого компонента с большим количеством по объему ведет в предкамеру, которая сообщается со следующей смесительной камерой. Смесительный ротор включает в себя распределительный элемент, расположенный в предкамере и предназначенный для распределения первого компонента вокруг оси вращения смесительного ротора. Впуск для второго компонента с меньшим количеством по объему ведет к, по меньшей мере, одному впускному отверстию, расположенному в зоне канала, ведущего в смесительную камеру поперечно к оси вращения. Технический результат состоит в возможности получения правильного соотношения компонентов смеси с самого начала, а также получения оптимальной ...

20-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2238137C2
Принадлежит: ПФАУДЛЕР, ИНК. (US)

Покрытая стеклом, диспергирующая газ мешалка, содержащая ступицу, имеющую расположенное в центре отверстие. Отверстие имеет центральную ось и заданный размер для прохождения через него ведущего вала, имеющего, по существу, вертикально проходящую продольную ось, так что центральная ось расположенного в центре отверстия совпадает с продольной осью вала. Мешалка имеет множество углов и кромок, имеющих закругленную форму. Кроме того, мешалка содержит множество лопастей, присоединенных к ступице, которые проходят радиально наружу от центральной оси. Каждая из лопастей имеет переднюю вогнутую поверхность и заднюю выпуклую поверхность, определяемые нижней кромкой, верхней кромкой, внутренней кромкой и наружной кромкой. Вогнутая поверхность имеет такую форму, при которой верхняя кромка выступает над нижней кромкой, причем выступающая часть вогнутой поверхности лопасти находится под углом от примерно –5° до примерно +30° относительно горизонтали. Лопасти могут быть соединены со ступицей непосредственно ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2606476C2
Принадлежит: ЧЕР ГРУП С.Р.Л. (IT)

Мешалка (1; 100) предназначена для стабилизации жидких связующих полуфабрикатов, используемых для формирования керамических изделий. Мешалка содержит опорный вал (2) с продольной осью вращения (Y), расположенный в смесительном резервуаре (V) с жидким связующим полуфабрикатом, механизм (3) электрического привода функционально, соединенный с опорным валом (2), и главную рабочую лопасть (4) для непрерывного механического смешивания в смесительном резервуаре (V) непосредственно, когда опорный вал (2) вращается вокруг продольной оси (Y). Мешалка (1) включает схему (6) терморегуляции, которая простирается в пределах опорного вала (2) и в пределах главной рабочей лопасти (4) и соединена с внешним источником для подачи жидкого теплоносителя, предназначенного для прохождения через схему (6) терморегуляции таким способом, чтобы обменять высокую температуру с жидким связующим полуфабрикатом в пределах смесительного резервуара (V) до определенной температуры. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2270837C2

Изобретение относится к непрерывному способу сушки простых эфиров целлюлозы, а также устройству для сушки этих эфиров. Непрерывный способ сушки горячей водной суспензии простых эфиров целлюлозы осуществляется путем охлаждения суспензии и сушки. Исходную суспензию с содержанием твердых веществ от 1 до 65% масс. подают при давлении от давления окружающей среды до 6000 гПа, при температуре суспензии от 20 до 100°С в зону выпаривания, давление в которой составляет от 0,1 до 800 гПа, с охлаждением суспензии до температуры менее 93°C, удалением на 2-5% масс. воды, с механическим перемешиванием, смешиванием смеси и ее подачей в нижнюю часть зоны выпаривания при образовании плотного гелеобразного слоя продукта, с последующим отводом его при помощи механического разгрузочного устройства и сушкой в сушильном устройстве до содержания воды максимум 5% масс. Охлаждение осуществляют с помощью мгновенного охлаждения. Устройство для проведения способа содержит, по крайней мере, один выпарной аппарат, имеющий ...

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2605193C2
Принадлежит: АРТЕК С.Р.Л. (IT)

Изобретение относится к месильной машине (10) для приготовления пищевого теста, содержащей емкость (20), снабженную герметичной крышкой (70), и ротор (30), установленный с возможностью вращения вокруг вертикальной (А) оси в указанной емкости (20). Ротор (30) содержит плоское основание, состоящее из множества лопастей (32, 33), и множество перемешивающих лопаток, отходящих от указанных лопастей (32, 33) в вертикальном направлении (V). Лопасти (32, 33) ротора (30) имеют скошенные поверхности (34), образованные на периферии с боковых сторон и обращенные в направлении (R) вращения ротора (30). Перемешивающие лопатки содержат первые и вторые перемешивающие лопатки (35, 36), выполненные так, что они создают между собой вихревое движение частиц твердых ингредиентов на плоскости (Р), проходящей через ось (А) вращения ротора (30) и перпендикулярной его основанию. Также раскрыт способ приготовления пищевого теста посредством использования указанной месильной машины. Изобретение обеспечивает максимальный ...

06-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735761C2

Изобретение относится к смесителю и к способу изготовления конструкции из строительного материала с использованием смесителя. Смеситель (1) содержит барабан (2), имеющий по меньшей мере одно впускное отверстие (6) и одно выпускное отверстие (7), привод (3), перемешивающий вал (4) для смешивания смеси, расположенный в барабане (2) и соединенный с приводом (3), в барабане (2) расположено транспортирующее устройство (5), которое расположено на той же оси, что и перемешивающий вал (4), транспортирующее устройство (5) непосредственно примыкает к перемешивающему валу (4) таким образом, что обеспечена возможность захвата непосредственно транспортирующим устройством (5) и выгрузки из барабана (2) через выпускное отверстие (7) смеси, перемешиваемой перемешивающим валом (4). Изобретение обеспечивает простой в обращении и экономичный в эксплуатации смеситель, осуществляющий непрерывное смешивание и транспортировку даже материалов с относительно высокой вязкостью. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

19-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670227C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для перемешивания многокомпонентных смесей и может быть использовано преимущественно в химической и строительной промышленности, а также в других областях промышленной индустрии, где необходимо производство данного типа смесей. Вибрационный смеситель содержит камеру смешивания с окнами загрузки и выгрузки материалов соответственно, ротор с приводом вращения, выполненный с лопастями. В нижней и верхней частях камеры смешивания по центру жестко закреплены два, нижний и верхний, вибратора, выполненные в гофрированных корпусах, с возбуждением колебаний посредством нижнего и верхнего кривошипно-шатунных механизмов соответственно, и с функцией создания эффекта наложения вибрационных полей в центре камеры смешивания от нижнего и верхнего вибраторов соответственно. Внутри каждого из корпусов по центру в горизонтальной плоскости жестко закреплены диски с направляющими стойками, функцией которых является создание устойчивых направленных поступательных движений ...

04-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674127C2
Принадлежит: ВУЗОА ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к мешалке для смешивания текучих сред с различными коэффициентами вязкости. Мешалка (1) является бионической мешалкой, имеющей главный вал (4) с осью (6) вращения и лопасти (20), которые соединены с главным валом (4), причем лопасти (20) имеют в каждом случае лопастной вал с осью (28) лопастного вала, и причем оси (28) лопастных валов расположены относительно оси (6) вращения под первым углом (α), который имеет значение от 20° до 40°, и причем лопасти (20) с их лопастными поверхностями (30) расположены по отношению друг к другу под вторым углом (β) величиной 90°, и причем лопасти (20) при эксплуатации мешалки (1) имеют первое вращение вокруг главного вала (4) и второе вращение вокруг соответствующей оси (28) лопастного вала. Радиальное по отношению к оси (6) вращения первое расстояние между осями (28) лопастных валов на нижнем конце (21) лопастных валов, который выполнен обращенным от главного вала (4), превосходит радиальное по отношению к оси (6) вращения второе ...

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673283C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для перемешивания многокомпонентных смесей и может быть использовано преимущественно в химической и строительной промышленности, а также в других областях промышленной индустрии, где необходимо производство данного типа смесей. Вибрационный смеситель содержит камеру смешивания с окнами загрузки и выгрузки материалов соответственно, ротор с приводом вращения, выполненный с лопастями, вибратор, выполненный с гофрированным корпусом и жестко закрепленный в середине камеры смешивания, с приводом возбуждения колебаний от кривошипно-шатунного механизма, внутри корпуса вибратора по центру в горизонтальной плоскости жестко закреплен диск с направляющей стойкой, функцией которой является создание устойчивого направленного поступательного движения штока от поступательной пары, образованной направляющей стойкой днища камеры смешивания и штоком, кривошипно-шатунного механизма, и цилиндрическим выступом, выполненным с возможностью вставки и закрепления по внутреннему ...

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673248C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для перемешивания многокомпонентных смесей и может быть использовано преимущественно в химической и строительной промышленности, а также в других областях промышленной индустрии, где необходимо производство данного типа смесей. Вибрационный смеситель содержит камеру смешивания с окнами загрузки и выгрузки материалов соответственно, ротор с приводом вращения, выполненный с лопастями. В нижней и верхней частях камеры смешивания по центру жестко закреплены два: нижний и верхний вибраторы, выполненные в гофрированных корпусах, с возбуждением колебаний посредством нижнего, среднего и верхнего кривошипно-шатунных механизмов, и с функцией создания эффекта наложения вибрационных полей в центре камеры смешивания от нижнего и верхнего вибраторов соответственно. Внутри корпуса нижнего вибратора, выполненного с функцией возбуждения двух одинаковых по амплитуде и различных по частоте вибрационных полей посредством нижнего и среднего кривошипно-шатунных механизмов, ...

31-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2626644C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для перемешивания многокомпонентных смесей и может быть использовано преимущественно в химической и строительной промышленности, а также в других областях промышленной индустрии, где необходимо производство данного типа смесей. Вибрационный смеситель содержит камеру смешивания с окнами загрузки и выгрузки материалов соответственно, ротор с приводом вращения, выполненный с лопастями. В нижней и верхней частях камеры смешивания по центру жестко закреплены два: нижний и верхний вибраторы, выполненные в гофрированных корпусах, с возбуждением колебаний посредством нижнего и верхнего кривошипно-шатунных механизмов соответственно, и с функцией создания эффекта наложения вибрационных полей в центре камеры смешивания от нижнего и верхнего вибраторов соответственно. Внутри каждого из корпусов по центру в горизонтальной плоскости жестко закреплены диски с направляющими стойками, функцией которых является создание устойчивых направленных поступательных движений штоков ...

29-03-2022 дата публикации

Модуль подготовки холодного запуска двигателя

Номер: RU2769252C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам облегчения холодного запуска двигателей. Предложен модуль подготовки холодного запуска двигателя, позволяющий перемешивать моторное масло вращающимися перемешивающими пропеллерами в картере двигателя, выполненный в виде устройства, состоящего из повышающего редуктора 1 в корпусе из алюминиевого сплава, осью понижающей шестерни 2 которого является вал 3 электродвигателя 4, подключаемого через коммутационный аппарат 5 с системой электроснабжения 6 автомобиля. Повышающая шестерня 7 редуктора вращает вал 8 установочной втулки 9 с резьбой 10, наружной уплотнительной шайбой 11 и рабочей частью 12, в которой на горизонтальной оси установлен лопастный вращательный элемент 14. Модуль предназначен для образования воздушно-масляной эмульсии в картере двигателя в целях обеспечения лучшей прокачиваемости моторного масла для подготовки холодного запуска двигателя, что позволит повысить надежность, долговечность и работоспособность двигателя при использовании в условиях ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2629074C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для перемешивания многокомпонентных смесей и может быть использовано преимущественно в химической и строительной промышленности, а также в других областях промышленной индустрии, где необходимо производство данного типа смесей. Вибрационный смеситель содержит камеру смешивания с окнами загрузки и выгрузки материалов соответственно, ротор с приводом вращения, выполненный с лопастями. В нижней и верхней частях камеры смешивания по центру жестко закреплены два: нижний и верхний вибраторы, выполненные в гофрированных корпусах, с возбуждением колебаний посредством нижнего, среднего и верхнего кривошипно-шатунных механизмов, и с функцией создания эффекта наложения вибрационных полей в центре камеры смешивания от нижнего и верхнего вибраторов соответственно. Внутри корпуса нижнего вибратора, выполненного с функцией возбуждения двух одинаковых по амплитуде и различных по частоте вибрационных полей посредством нижнего и среднего кривошипно-шатунных механизмов, ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU160888U1

Аппарат для насыщения жидкой среды воздухом, включающий емкость и двухлопастную мешалку-аэратор, отличающийся тем, что цилиндрическая емкость с паровой рубашкой, а внутри расположена двухлопастная мешалка-аэратор, закрепленная на полом валу, при этом роль лопастей выполняет перфорированная трубка S-образной формы и через нее подводят воздух, которая расположена под углом к полому валу таким образом, что области действия ее частей не перекрываются, причем отверстия в перфорированной трубке находятся с противоположной стороны от направления вращения мешалки.

10-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017100373A3

08-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020100593A3

17-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU171021U1

Предлагаемое техническое решение относится к механическим устройствам для перемешивания высоковязких, неньютоновских жидкостей, эффективная вязкость которых уменьшается при вибрации, и может найти применение в химической, пищевой, атомной и других отраслях промышленности, а также в экологических процессах очистки сточных вод и нефтешламов.Техническим результатом предлагаемой конструкции мешалки является увеличение интенсивности перемешивания, который достигается тем, что в смесителе равномерно по окружности установлены отражательные перегородки, а на валу мешалки по высоте закреплены лопасти, соединенные между собой струнами, на краях верхней лопасти установлено натяжное устройство, состоящее из подшипников, в которых установлен валик, с закрепленными верхними концами струн, снабженный на одном торце ребордой, а на другом торце резьбой с гайкой, сила натяжения струн определяется выражением:где F - сила натяжения струн на валик, Н;ρ - плотность материала струн, кг/м;n - число струн;k - число ...

01-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611863C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для перемешивания жидких сред и может быть использовано в пищевой, химической отраслях промышленности, а также при выполнении научных, лабораторных работ. В мешалке, содержащей полый вращающийся стержень с закрепленными на нем лопастями, стержень имеет, по меньшей мере, один расположенный вокруг него по винтовой линии электронагревательный элемент, концы которого закреплены в отверстиях его стенки и соединены с проводниками электрического тока, проложенными в полости стержня. Изобретение расширяет функциональные возможности мешалки за счет совмещения операций перемешивания и нагрева жидких сред. 2 ил.

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU194708U1

Блок завихрителя (1) батарейного эмульгатора относится к технике «мокрой» очистки дымовых газов. Применение блока (1) решает проблему снижения выбросов золы после сжигания котлами электростанций твёрдого топлива. Блок (1) выполнен из орошаемых насадок (2) в виде параллелепипедов и содержит по высоте два ряда лопастных аппаратов (3). Лопастной аппарат (3) состоит из четырёх лопастей (4), выполненных в виде прямоугольных треугольников, и установлен в нижней и средней части каждой насадки (2). Установка в блоке (1) второго по высоте ряда лопастных аппаратов (3)предназначена для двойной очистки дымовых газов. Стенки насадок (2) выполнены, за исключением наружного контура блока (1), разорванными над лопастными аппаратами (3) нижнего ряда с образованием внутри блока (1) свободного пространства (5) для выравнивания давления дымовых газов по всему сечению блока (1) и к последующему равномерному их распределению по всем насадкам (2), включая лопастные аппараты (3) верхнего ряда. Запылённость дымовых ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604212C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для перемешивания жидких сред. В мешалке, содержащей вращающийся полый с проложенным электрическим кабелем стержень с закрепленными на нем лопастями, по меньшей мере одна лопасть выполнена в виде спиралевидного электронагревательного элемента. Техническим результатом изобретения является упрощение конструкции мешалки, обеспечивающей совмещение операций перемешивания и нагрева жидких сред. 1 ил.

24-04-2019 дата публикации

Перемешивающее устройство

Номер: RU2686141C1

Изобретение относится к химическому машиностроению и может быть использовано в химической, пищевой, фармацевтической и других отраслях промышленности. Перемешивающее устройство содержит корпус, мешалку, образованную штоком и многократным шарнирным параллелограммом, на звеньях ведомой части которого жестко закреплены лопасти, привод, включающий двигатель, кривошип и шатун. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение эффективности перемешивания. 1 ил.

17-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2650680C1

Устройство включает основание (2), содержащее емкость (20) перемешивания и отверстие (213) подачи, сообщающееся с трубкой (112) подачи, бункер (3), образующий загрузочное (30) пространство, расположенное перед емкостью (20) перемешивания, вращающийся блок (4) перемешивания, расположенный в загрузочном пространстве (30), содержащий спиралевидную лопасть (43) для перемещения начинки вниз в емкость (20) перемешивания, и два валка (5), образующие область (50) вращения под спиралевидной областью (43), служащие для перемещения начинки к отверстию (213) подачи. Устройство предотвращает вероятность забивания трубки подачи. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

18-04-2018 дата публикации

Способ смешения компонентов в жидкой среде и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: RU2651169C1

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству смешения компонентов в жидкой среде, преимущественно к аппаратам периодического действия, и может быть использовано, например, в химической, нефтехимической, пищевой и других отраслях, где необходим этот технологический процесс. Способ смешения компонентов в жидкой среде заключается в том, что окружные, радиальные и осевые колебания среды осуществляют лопастями шарнирно рамной мешалки с частотой осевого их перемещения, равной частоте вращения вала, и амплитудой осевого перемещения концов радиальных лопастей h, h=h-h, мм, где h, h- наибольшая и наименьшая высота поверхности конуса. Устройство для осуществления способа включает цилиндрический корпус с размещенным в нем валом, к которому шарнирно присоединены радиальные лопасти, вертикальные и радиальные лопасти также соединены между собой шарнирно, внутри вала установлен с возможностью поступательно-возвратного движения толкатель, взаимодействующий с короткими концами верхних радиальных лопастей ...

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008136853A

... 1. Способ работы системы преобразования для управления цифровыми правами для предоставления клиентскому устройству лицензии, соответствующей зашифрованному содержимому, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! (i) преобразуют для управления цифровыми правами первое содержимое первого типа содержимого цифровых прав и первую лицензию, соответствующую первому содержимому, для формирования второго содержимого второго типа содержимого цифровых прав и второй лицензии, соответствующей второму содержимому; ! (ii) принимают запрос лицензии, соответствующий второму содержимому, распространяемому посредством супердистрибуции третьему лицу; ! (iii) запрашивают вторую лицензию, соответствующую второму содержимому, распространяемому посредством супердистрибуции, у сервера, соответствующего второму управлению цифровыми правами; и ! (iv) принимают вторую лицензию, соответствующую второму содержимому, распространяемому посредством супердистрибуции, и передают вторую лицензию третьему лицу. ! 2. Способ работы системы ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018102605A

10-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95101834A

Искусственная древесная мука, в которой термопластичный полимерный материал в количестве 25 - 80 мас.% смешан с измельченным целлюлозным материалом в количестве 20 - 70 мас.% с влагосодержанием в пределах до 15 мас.% и средним диаметром частиц 20 меш (0,84 мм) или меньше, причем смешанный материал подвергают пластикации с переводом в гелеобразное состояние, после чего материал охлаждают и измельчают с последующим регулированием размеров частиц 10 мм или меньше. Далее такую искусственную древесную муку в качестве измельченного целлюлозного материала смешивают в количестве 20 - 75 мас.% с полимерным материалом, смешанный материал пластицируют с нагреванием и выдавливают шнеком или шнеками через экструзионную головку 78 экструдера. Когда экструдируемый материал 79 проходит по поверхности внутренней стенки экструзионной головки 78, которая плакирована фторполимерным листовым материалом 24, измельченный целлюлозный материал, входящий в состав экструдируемого материала, экструдируется равномерно ...

12-05-2010 дата публикации

Rührgerät zur Herstellung von UHPC (Ultra-Hochfester Beton)

Номер: DE202009013755U1

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Rührwerk für einen Fermenter und Fermenter

Номер: DE202006020195U1

Rührwerk für einen Fermenter, mit - zumindest einer etwa vertikal angeordneten Rührwelle (12), an welcher zumindest ein Rührpaddel (14) angeordnet ist, - einem Antriebsmechanismus (13) zum Drehen der Rührwelle (12), wobei der Antriebsmechanismus (13) am oberen Endbereich der Rührwelle (12) angreift, und - ein Zentrierlager (16) zum Zentrieren des unteren Endes der Rührwelle (12), und das Zentrierlager (16) derart lösbar von der Rührwelle (12) ausgebildet ist, dass diese durch Einschieben in das Zentrierlager (16) zentrierbar ist und alleine durch die Schwerkraft der Rührwelle im Zentrierlager (16) gehalten wird, wobei das Zentrierlager (16) einen Einführtrichter (19) aufweist und mit einem Zentrierabschnitt (20) versehen ist, und am unteren Endbereich der Rührwelle (12) ein Wellenstummel (25) angeordnet ist, der drehbar gegenüber der übrigen Rührwelle mittels eines Lagers (31) gelagert ist, und der Wellenstummel (25) ein Koppelelement (28) aufweist, das mit etwas Spiel formschlüssig in ...

03-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020116967U1

03-07-2003 дата публикации

Mischflügel mit lösbarem Endstück

Номер: DE0020307420U1

23-10-2008 дата публикации

Mixer e.g. concrete mixer, has mixing unit arranged in upper mixing trough part and another mixing unit arranged in lower mixing trough part, where latter mixing unit is detachably connected with shaft

Номер: DE102007036523A1

The mixer has a funnel-shaped mixing trough (2), and two mixing units (14, 16) provided in a mixing chamber (12) of the mixing trough. The mixing units are rotatable around a vertical middle axis (22) with different speeds using shafts. The mixing units are arranged one above the other in the mixing trough, where one of the mixing unit (14) is arranged in an upper mixing trough part (4) and another mixing unit (16) is arranged in a lower mixing trough part (6). The latter mixing unit is detachably connected with a shaft (40), and is exchangeable by the latter mixing unit.

16-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010006253A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Rührvorrichtung, insbesondere zum Mischen, Granulieren und Trocknen von Feststoffen in einem Rührbehälter. DOLLAR A Der Rührbehälter hat einen kegelförmigen Bodenteil, in welchem mittels einer Welle antreibbare Rührblätter angeordnet sind, die von innen nach außen schräg nach oben verlaufen. An ihren oberen Enden haben die Rührblätter Seitenblätter, welche das axial nach oben geförderte Rührgut radial zur Mitte transportieren. DOLLAR A Hierdurch wird eine sehr gute Mischqualität und ein sehr hoher Wärmeübergang mit einem gleichmäßigen Temperaturprofil erreicht.

23-10-2013 дата публикации

Tubular container with a lid fitted with a stirring device

Номер: GB0002501264A

A tubular container, suitable for viscous substances, comprises a body 8 with a lid 2 which has a displaceable and rotatable mixer handle 4 connected to a spindle 7. The spindle 7 passes into the body 8, and provides an attachment point for a number of mixing paddles 6. The container may be fitted with a handgrip 1. The lid 2 is equipped with a sealable exit 10 which may be closed with a plug 3 which is fitted to the handle 4 in association with the handle grip 5. The handle 2 is hinged so that in use it may be folded up into a working position, or folded down into a stored position when the sealable plug 3 engages with the exit 10. The mixing paddles 6 may have at least one lacuna 9 to ease passage of the paddle through the material during the stirring process.

14-01-2015 дата публикации

Microplate content agitation apparatus and method

Номер: GB0201421201D0

30-07-2014 дата публикации

A method of and apparatus for treating waste and a waste product

Номер: GB0201410696D0

23-03-2016 дата публикации

Pill preparation, storage, and deployment system for wellbore drilling and completion

Номер: GB0002530417A

Systems and methods for preparation, storage, and/or deployment of a specialized fluid are disclosed. A system for preparation, storage, and/or deployment of a specialized fluid comprises a fluid vessel, a first, second, and third agitation unit, wherein each of the agitation units is at least partially disposed within the fluid vessel, a first, second, and third motor coupled to each of the agitation units, respectively, wherein each of the motors are independently operable. A method for preparing, storing, and/or deploying one or more specialized fluids comprises mixing a first specialized fluid in a first fluid vessel using any combination of a first, second, and third agitation unit and removing the first specialized fluid from the first fluid vessel.

09-11-2011 дата публикации

Systems and methods for acquiring and managing sensor data related to dissolution testing apparatus

Номер: GB0201116844D0

25-06-1952 дата публикации

Hydraulic agitator

Номер: GB0000674461A

... 674,461. Mixing appliances. CHICKSAN CO. May 11, 1950, No. 11831/50.. Class 86 [Also in Group XXXIV] A hydraulic agitator adapted to be mounted in a container A having a fluid supply line B extending to and terminating in the upper portion of the container comprises a rotor C and coupling means D rotatably coupling the rotor C and line B so that fluid is delivered to the rotor. The rotor includes a tubular flow conducting stem 20 with a head 21 on the lower end carrying :angularly disposed nozzle means 27 which discharge fluid into the container so that reactionary forces cause operation of the rotor. The coupling means D includes a fluid handling swivel connection for attachment to the stem 20 and a releasable fluid handling union 70, 71, 72 joining the swivel connection to the supply line B, the swivel connection preferably comprising antifriction ball-race means, (see Group XXXIV). The materials in the container A are agitated by reason of movement of the rotor itself and by reason of ...

10-06-2009 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for maintaining microcarrier beads in suspension

Номер: GB0000907260D0

28-10-2020 дата публикации

A wastewater treatment device capable of controlling dosage of medicament

Номер: GB0202014301D0

25-12-2019 дата публикации

Mixing apparatus and method for preparing mortar

Номер: GB0002566430B
Принадлежит: RIGID MIXERS LTD, Rigid Mixers Limited

31-10-2008 дата публикации

Autoclave with underflow dividers

Номер: AP2008004618A0

31-07-1981 дата публикации

Process and device of attrition in wet process.

Номер: OA0000006385A

31-10-2008 дата публикации

Autoclave with underflow dividers

Номер: AP0200804618A0

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397484T

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000363941T

15-12-2017 дата публикации

Agitator for a stirring container

Номер: AT0000518668B1

Rührwerk (2) für einen Rührbehälter (20), welches Rührwerk (2) einen Rührkopf (1), eine Antriebseinheit (4), und eine Magnetkupplung (3) umfasst, wobei die Magnetkupplung (3) mit der Antriebseinheit (4) verbundene Antriebsmagnete (5) und mit dem Rührkopf (1) verbundene Rührkopfmagnete (6) aufweist, wobei der Rührkopf (1) Rührflügel (7), und eine Lageranordnung (8) aufweist, und die Rührflügel (7) mit den Rührkopfmagneten (6) und der Lageranordnung (8) verbunden sind, wobei die Lageranordnung (8) den Rührkopf (1) drehbar lagert, und die Lageranordnung (8) ein erstes Rotationslager (9) umfasst, wobei die Lageranordnung (8) ein zweites Rotationslager (10) umfasst, welches beabstandet vom ersten Rotationslager (9) im Rührkopf (1) angeordnet ist.

15-08-2021 дата публикации

Anlage zur Erzeugung eines Mineralschaumes

Номер: AT523413B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anlage zur Erzeugung eines Mineralschaumes, umfassend eine Dosiervorrichtung (3) für Feststoffe, einen Slurrymischer (1) zum Mischen der Feststoffe und einer Anmachflüssigkeit zu einem Slurry, zumindest eine Schaumerzeugungsvorrichtung zum Bereitstellen eines Schaums, einen Schaummischer (2) zum Mischen des Slurrys und des Schaums zu einem Mineralschaum, wobei der Slurrymischer (1) und der Schaummischer (2) als Durchlaufmischer ausgeführt sind und die Anlage ein System zur Wasseraufbereitung umfasst, wobei das System zur Wasseraufbereitung das für den Slurrymischer (1) und die zumindest eine Schaumerzeugungsvorrichtung benötigte Wasser getrennt bereitstellt, wobei die Temperatur des Wassers für den Slurrymischer (1) und die zumindest eine Schaumerzeugungsvorrichtung unabhängig voneinander einstellbar, steuerbar oder regelbar ist.

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000548952T

15-12-2017 дата публикации

Agitator for a stirring container

Номер: AT0000518668A4

Rührwerk (2) für einen Rührbehälter (20), welches Rührwerk (2) einen Rührkopf (1), eine Antriebseinheit (4), und eine Magnetkupplung (3) umfasst, wobei die Magnetkupplung (3) mit der Antriebseinheit (4) verbundene Antriebsmagnete (5) und mit dem Rührkopf (1) verbundene Rührkopfmagnete (6) aufweist, wobei der Rührkopf (1) Rührflügel (7), und eine Lageranordnung (8) aufweist, und die Rührflügel (7) mit den Rührkopfmagneten (6) und der Lageranordnung (8) verbunden sind, wobei die Lageranordnung (8) den Rührkopf (1) drehbar lagert, und die Lageranordnung (8) ein erstes Rotationslager (9) umfasst, wobei die Lageranordnung (8) ein zweites Rotationslager (10) umfasst, welches beabstandet vom ersten Rotationslager (9) im Rührkopf (1) angeordnet ist.

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508790T

15-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505450B1

The invention relates to a thin film treatment apparatus (8) comprising a rotor (16) having at least one cylindrical section (26), at least one wiping blade (32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41) being arranged on said cylindrical section, said wiping blade comprising at least two teeth (42, 43, 44, 42', 43', 44'), said teeth being spaced apart from each other, thereby forming a gap, which is characterized in that the average ratio V between the length L of one tooth (41) and the length G of the gap being located adjacent to the tooth is more than 2:1, respectively.

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000321606T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343421T

24-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002360730A1

09-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003300652A1

21-07-2005 дата публикации

Method for fabricating glass panels

Номер: AU2003293146A1

17-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007629674A

10-09-2009 дата публикации

A mixing apparatus

Номер: AU2009100631A4

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for treating kitchen waste and a kitchen waste product

Номер: AU2011322551A1

A method of processing waste, such as food waste, from a kitchen is described in which apparatus on the premises of the kitchen receives the waste, comminutes the received waste to provide comminuted waste, dewaters the comminuted waste to provide dewatered waste, compresses the dewatered waste to produce compressed waste; and provides processed waste to await collection.

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Stirred tank reactor

Номер: AU2014211305B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The invention relates to a stirred tank reactor for gas-liquid mass transfer in a slurry. The reactor includes a reactor tank (1) having a first volume (V ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Growing organisms

Номер: AU2012234372A1

A photo bioreactor for the growth of photosynthetic organisms comprising a tank (2) for holding a liquid medium, six rotational agitators (3a-3f) for agitating the liquid medium. Each agitator is arranged to agitate about a substantially vertical axis (6a-6f) by sweeping out, upon rotation, a substantially circular path (C) that has a diameter (D) that is substantially coincidental with a radius (R) of the tank (2). Each agitator (3a-3f) is located on a radius which is spaced approximately 60° apart from the next. This allows for more even mixing and more uniform light distribution within the tank.

03-12-2015 дата публикации

High solids enzyme reactor mixer with vertical paddle and method

Номер: AU2013341212B2

A reactor vessel including: a mixing chamber having a vertical length, an upper inlet, and a lower outlet; and a vertically oriented paddle within the mixing chamber and having a cross-sectional shape of a hydrofoil, wherein the paddle moves with respect to the mixing chamber.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Mixing apparatus with improved structure

Номер: AU2016102229A4
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

An mixing apparatus with improved structure comprises a fixture having a tank body disposed thereon; a discharge pipe and a clamping mechanism disposed on a bottom of the tank body; a valve disposed on the discharge pipe; a motor disposed on a top end of the tank body; a rotating shaft disposed in the tank body; a can body connecting with the rotating shaft; a stirring plate disposed on a outer wall of the can body; inclined plates disposed on the rotating shaft or on a inner wall of the can body; and an inlet disposed in the annular space formed between the rotating shaft and the can body. The present invention solves the issues that the bottom of the tank body is easy to be distorted or damaged and the reagent can't be mixed well enough due to the deviating from the axial direction of the agitating shaft.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Storage and mixing device for bone cement with a pressure pump

Номер: AU2017203745B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

STORAGE AND MIXING DEVICE FOR BONE CEMENT WITH A PRESSURE PUMP The invention relates to a storage and mixing device for two-component polymethyl methacrylate bone cements, having a cartridge (1) with a cylindrical interior, wherein the cylindrical interior is delimited on a front side by a cartridge head (3), a plunger (2) which is arranged to be axially movable in the cylindrical interior of the cartridge (1) and which is spaced from the cartridge head (3), a powdery first parent component (4) of the bone cement, which is contained in the interior between the plunger (2) and the cartridge head (3), a feed-through (5) which is arranged in the cartridge head (3) or in the cylinder barrel of the cartridge (1) between the plunger (2) and the cartridge head (3), wherein the feed-through (5) is connected to a fluid line (6), a receptacle (16) for a monomer liquid (42), wherein the fluid line (6) connects the feed through (5) to the receptacle (16) in a liquid-permeable manner, a press-out device ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021102861A4

The utility model discloses a special feeding device for cement and soil mixing belonging to construction equipment technical field, including several bins arranged on the rack side by side, the inlet of the bin is provided with a screening mechanism for loose soil material, the bottom of the bin is provided with a mixing mechanism for secondary loose soil material in the bin; a metering and conveying mechanism is arranged below the outlet of the bin for measuring and conveying soil materials. The utility model loosens the soil material in advance through the screening mechanism arranged at the inlet of the bin, so as to avoid blockage and accumulation at the feed port. The loosened soil material at the bottom of the lower bin is loosened twice through the stirring mechanism, to avoid soil material in the bin under the influence of arch feeding; the soil material falling from the outlet of the bin falls to the metering and conveying mechanism for metering and conveying to the mixing station ...

06-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004440579A

01-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002477064C

A two bladed dual direction impeller includes blades that each has an inner blade portion (20) that forces material in a first direction and a second blade portion (24) that forces material in a second direction opposite to the first direction. The first and second blade portions are radially spaced from each other by a connector element (22). Either one or both of the blade portions may be twisted.

01-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1202474A
Принадлежит: ATOCHEM

The invention relates to a process for polymerizing in an gaseous phase using heterogeneous catalysis and to a spherical reactor for carrying out said process. At least one monomer which is gaseous under the reaction conditions is just in contact with a solid catalyst in an agitated polymerization zone. The polymerization zone is defined by a spherical wall and the agitation is effected by means of a turbine unit having blades driven in rotation. The blades extend alongside the wall on 10 to 60 % of its surface. The particles of the catalyst and the growing polymer powder are driven by centrifugal force onto at least a part of the spherical wall and fall back into the central part of the spherical zone, thereby ensuring an thorough and uniform mixing without any dead zone. The invention is useful for prepolymerizing or polymerizing olefins. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Field of the invention The invention relates to the field of polymerization in a gaseous phase with the use of heterogeneous ...

08-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002621460A1

The invention relates to an agitator for a fermenter, to a fermenter and to a method for operating a fermenter. The agitator comprises an agitator shaft (12) which is placed according to the invention approximately at a right angle in the fermenter. The substrate present in the fermenter is thus circulated in horizontal planes, thereby allowing to adjust a plurality of layered decomposition levels. The agitator is preferably configured in such a manner that it can be withdrawn from the fermenter towards the top during operation, thereby eliminating the need for evacuating the fermenter for maintenance work on the agitator.

12-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3094138A1

An apparatus for inserting and removing a mixer rotor pin includes at least one rotor pin with a transverse bore, as well as a rod dimensioned for slidably engaging the transverse bore. The apparatus also includes a mixer rotor pin insertion and removal tool having a tool body. A bottom of the tool has a slot for selectively engaging the aforementioned rod upon insertion of the rod into the transverse bore, and a top of the tool has a non-circular socket for accommodating a driver tool.

07-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003053516A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

A sparge (20, 40, 60 and 80) for use in a high-pressure vessel (26) operated at elevated temperatures and having high energy agitators (16) for suspending mineral containing particles in a slurry (36). The sparge (20, 40, 60 and 80) injects reagent fluids into the slurry (36) to reduce reaction times and for controlling process parameters for extracting valuable minerals from the particles. The sparge (20, 40, 60 and 80) has a vapour lock (constituted by components 24, 29, 30, 32, 44, 46, 64, 65, 66) to inhibit the flow of particulate material and detritus material under low or no fluid flow situations which occur commonly in the operation of high pressure autoclaves (26). The sparge (20, 40, 60 and 80) has a fluid flow path that increases in cross sectional area in the direction of flow of reagent fluids so as to keep reagent fluids flowing at a velocity below a critical impingement velocity that can cause metal materials of the sparge (20, 40, 60 and 80) to either wear rapidly or even ...

25-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002992188A1

A stirrer (2) for a stirrer vessel (20), which stirrer (2) comprises a stirrer head (1), a drive unit (4) and a magnetic coupling (3), wherein the magnetic coupling (3) has drive magnets (5) connected to the drive unit (4) and stirrer head magnets (6) connected to the stirrer head (1), wherein the stirrer head (1) has stirrer blades (7) and a bearing assembly (8) and wherein the stirrer blades (7) are connected to the stirrer head magnets (6) and the bearing assembly (8), wherein the bearing assembly (8) rotatably supports the stirrer head (1) and the bearing assembly (8) comprises a first rotational bearing (9), wherein the bearing assembly (8) comprises a second rotational bearing (10), which is arranged spaced apart from the first rotational bearing (9) in the stirrer head (1).

20-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002934633C

Disclosed herein are methods and systems for the transportation and delivery of set-delayed cement compositions to a well site. A method of cementing may comprise preparing a set-delayed cement composition. The method further may comprise storing the set-delayed cement composition. The method further may comprise transporting the set-delayed cement composition to a well site in a containment vessel. The method further may comprise discharging the set-delayed cement composition from the containment vessel and into a wellbore.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002953278A1

The reactor (10) comprises a vertical cylindrical reactor tank (11) and a concentrically within the reactor tank (11) positioned vertical draft tube (100). The draft tube (100) comprises a first conical portion (110), a first cylindrical portion (120), a second conical portion (130) and a second cylindrical portion (140). An axial flow impeller (20) is positioned at a lower end (122) of the first cylindrical portion (120) and a vertical shaft (35) extends upwards through an upper end (12) of the reactor tank (11). A baffle arrangement (180) is positioned within the second conical portion (130) and a gas supply device (170) is positioned within the draft tube (100) below the impeller (20).

08-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002967733A1

The invention relates to a storage and mixing device for two-component polymethyl methacrylate bone cements, having a cartridge (1) with a cylindrical interior, wherein the cylindrical interior is delimited on a front side by a cartridge head (3), a plunger (2) which is arranged to be axially movable in the cylindrical interior of the cartridge (1) and which is spaced from the cartridge head (3), a powdery first parent component (4) of the bone cement, which is contained in the interior between the plunger (2) and the cartridge head (3), a feed-through (5) which is arranged in the cartridge head (3) or in the cylinder barrel of the cartridge (1) between the plunger (2) and the cartridge head (3), wherein the feed-through (5) is connected to a fluid line (6), a receptacle (16) for a monomer liquid (42), wherein the fluid line (6) connects the feed-through (5) to the receptacle (16) in a liquid-permeable manner, a press-out device (15) which is pushable into the receptacle (16), so that monomer ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002978398A1

Provided is a rapid stirrer 10 for stirring sludge and a coagulant using a stirring blade 17 within a tank, wherein the speed of the stirring blade 17 is increased at a set rate as the charged amount of sludge increases, the speed of the stirring blade 17 is reduced at a set rate as the charged amount of sludge decreases, and aggregated floc having a fixed floc diameter is stably produced even when there is a change in the operating conditions under which the charged amount of sludge increases and decreases.

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002798705A1

The invention relates to an emulsification device for continuously producing emulsions, nano-emulsions and/or dispersions having a liquid crystalline structure, comprising a) at least one mixing system, b) at least one drive for the stirring element, and c) at least one delivery unit for each component or each component mixture.

13-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002065825A1

A system is provided for mixing of concentrated liquid gelling agent and water to form a fracturing fluid for fracturing of a subterranean formation. High shear rotary mixers are utilized in a blender tub to provide efficient hydration of the concentrated liquid gelling agent and water mixture.

15-04-1932 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000153759A

31-03-1930 дата публикации

Rührwerk für Jauchegruben.

Номер: CH0000139064A

27-02-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000572872A5

15-03-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000573268A5

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022482A1
Автор: Van Isacker Frederik

A cup is provided for a device for preparing a frozen food product from a liquid mixture with a stirring element of the device stirring the liquid mixture in the cup while the cup is being cooled by a cooling unit of the device. The device includes a cup holder with a cavity for receiving the cup. The cup holder includes a first upper surface surrounding an entrance opening of the cavity, and is provided on the first upper surface with at least one upwards first protrusion. The cup has a predetermined height such that the cup extends a predetermined distance above the first upper surface. The cup includes at its top a circumferential flange provided with at least one first extension, which is arranged such that it contacts the at least one first protrusion for preventing rotation of the cup in the cavity. 1. A cup for a device for preparing a frozen food product from a liquid mixture , wherein the cup is arranged for preparing the frozen food product therein from the liquid mixture with a stirring element of the device stirring the liquid mixture in the cup while the cup is being cooled with a cooling unit of the device , wherein the device comprises a cup holder comprising a cavity arranged for receiving the cup , wherein the cup holder comprises a first upper surface surrounding an entrance opening of the cavity , wherein the cup holder is provided on the first upper surface with at least one first protrusion extending upwards from the first upper surface , wherein the cup has a predetermined height such that the cup , when the cup is received in the cavity of the cup holder of the device , extends a predetermined distance above the first upper surface of the cup holder , wherein the cup comprises at its top a circumferential flange , wherein the circumferential flange is provided with at least one first extension , wherein the at least one first extension is arranged such that , when the cup is received in the cavity of the cup holder of the device , the at least ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Evaporation device

Номер: US20180015386A1
Принадлежит: Kansai Chemical Engineering Co Ltd

An evaporation device including an agitation vessel to which raw material liquid is supplied. The agitation vessel has a volatile component outlet and a concentrate outlet, a jacket provided on an outer circumference and configured to heat an inner wall, and a liquid-distributing portion configured to cause the raw material liquid to flow down the inner wall. The agitation vessel includes storage portion surrounded by a bottom, the inner wall, and a partition wall portion configured to temporarily store the raw material liquid that flows down, the liquid-distributing portion is constituted by a rotating shaft and at least one channel part having a flow passage which, as the rotating shaft rotates, the raw material liquid temporarily stored in the storage portion flows upward from a lower side of the agitation vessel. The channel part is mounted to the rotating shaft, and the concentrate outlet is provided in the bottom.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015430A1

Disclosed herein is an aerosol generating and mixing system operating at a high temperature and a high pressure which includes an aerosol generating device; and an aerosol mixing device, wherein the aerosol generating device includes a pre-mixing tank and a mixing tank, and the mixing tank and the pre-mixing tank include a wing configured to rotate about a central shaft of the tank so as to agitate an inside aerosol, and an agitating motor configured to rotate the wing, and a filling nozzle of the mixing tank and the pre-mixing tank is configured to inject any of an aerosol aqueous solution and an aerosol particle. 1. An aerosol generating and mixing system operating at a high temperature and a high pressure , comprising:an aerosol generating device; andan aerosol mixing device,wherein the aerosol generating device includes a pre-mixing tank and a mixing tank, and the mixing tank and the pre-mixing tank include a wing configured to rotate about a central shaft of the tank so as to agitate an inside aerosol, and an agitating motor configured to rotate the wing, and a filling nozzle of the mixing tank and the pre-mixing tank is configured to inject any of an aerosol aqueous solution and an aerosol particle, and the aerosol aqueous solution discharged from the pre-mixing tank is injected in the mixing tank, and a first air injector is provided to inject any of a compressed air and a nitrogen gas into the pre-mixing tank and the mixing tank so as to pressurize the tank, and an aerosol aqueous solution is discharged with the aid of a gear pump while preventing the aerosol from hardening in the aerosol aqueous solution by means of agitation inside the mixing tank and the pre-mixing tank, and a predetermined quantity of the aerosol aqueous solution can flow using a mass flow meter, and an aerosol mixture can be produced by combining the aerosol aqueous solution passing through the mass flow meter and the air of a second air injector which is able to inject any of the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016553A1

The present invention relates to an in-line mixing apparatus and use therein for adding a polymer solution and dewatering an aqueous mineral suspension. Said method comprises statically mixing the aqueous mineral suspension with a poly(ethylene oxide) (co)polymer to form a dough-like material. The viscous mixture material is then dynamically mixed in an in-line reactor to reduce the mixture viscosity and to form microflocs and release water. Said method is particularly useful for the treatment of suspensions of particulate material, especially waste mineral slurries, especially for the treatment of tailings and other waste material resulting from mineral processing, in particular, the processing of oil sands tailings. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of dewatering an aqueous suspension of oil sands fine tailings , the method comprising: an in-line pipeline reactor that has a reactor inlet pipe for an in-line flow of the dough-like mixture of the polymeric flocculate and the aqueous suspension of oil sands fine tailings and a reactor outlet pipe for a dynamically mixed mixture that includes microflocs and released water, and', 'the in-line pipeline reactor includes one or more rotor connected to a mixer shaft that is rotated by a drive, and one or more stationary stator that has a stator hub through which the mixer shaft passes, but is not attached to the mixer shaft, and that is arranged in an alternating fashion with the one or more rotor, each rotor of the one or more rotor being separated from each stator of the one or more stationary stator; and, 'dynamically mixing a dough-like mixture of a polymeric flocculant and an aqueous suspension of oil sands fine tailings in an in-line apparatus that includes{'sup': '−1', 'the one or more rotor and one or more stationary stator providing shear to the dough-like mixture that enters the reactor inlet pipe to form the dynamically mixed mixture that includes microflocs and released water that exits the reactor outlet pipe, and ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020126A1
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

A mixing apparatus () for mixing slaughter offal with a preservative agent, the apparatus comprising an offal collection tank () with a bottom () provided with a discharge opening () connectable to a closable discharge, an agitator () extending into the offal collection tank, and a pump unit () operatively connectable to the discharge, wherein the apparatus further comprises a preservative reservoir () mounted on top of the collection tank (). A collection and preservation system is provided, wherein the addition of preservation agent can be strictly controlled, can easily and quickly be installed and connected when it is to be used. After use, the system is easily removed and cleaned. 113458973. A mixing apparatus () for mixing slaughter offal with a preservative agent , the apparatus comprising an offal collection tank () with a bottom () provided with a discharge opening () connectable to a closable discharge , an agitator () extending into the offal collection tank , and a pump unit () operatively connectable to the discharge , wherein the apparatus further comprises a preservative reservoir () mounted on top of the collection tank ().2157. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the collection tank is provided with one or more supports () for carrying the preservative reservoir ().37168. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the support for the preservative reservoir () is detachable and wherein the collection tank comprises a connection point () for the support at two opposite sides of the agitator ().47. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the preservative reservoir () is adjustable in height.565. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the collection tank comprises a second discharge opening () at a lower level than the first discharge opening ().646. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the bottom () of the collection tank tapers down to the second discharge opening ().7856. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the agitator () has a lowest end between the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Blender with Quiet Shield

Номер: US20190021550A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Beach Brands Inc

A blender comprises a housing and a shield. The housing has a first portion enclosing a motor and a second portion for selectively receiving a blender jar assembly. The second portion defines an opening through which the blender jar assembly is selectively received. The shield is selectively coupled to the second portion via a substantially vertical pivot point that enables the shield to be selectively pivoted between a closed position closing off the opening in the second portion and an open position enabling the blender jar assembly to be inserted into or removed from the second portion. The pivot point comprises an overcenter cam that urges the shield toward the closed position when the shield is positioned between the closed position and a maximum displacement point of the overcenter cam and that urges the shield toward the open position when the shield is positioned between the open position and the maximum displacement point.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040926A1

Systems and method for producing a small-scale mixer are provided. In some implementations, a method for includes obtaining dimensions of an at-scale mixer. The method also includes determining first dimensions of the small-scale mixer based on respective dimensions of the at-scale mixer. The method further includes determining second dimensions of the small-scale mixer independent of the dimensions of the at-scale mixer. Additionally, the method includes generating the small-scale mixer using the first dimensions and the second dimensions using a three-dimensional printer. 1. A system for producing a small-scale mixer , the system comprising:a three-dimensional printer configured to produce the small-scale mixer having a first plurality of dimensions based on a respective plurality of dimensions of an at-scale mixer and based on a second plurality of dimensions independent of the plurality of dimensions of the at-scale mixer; anda smoothing apparatus configured to smooth a surface of the small-scale mixer.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein a scaling factor relates the first plurality of dimensions of the small-scale mixer to the plurality of dimensions of the at-scale mixer.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of dimensions of the small-scale mixer and the plurality of dimensions of the at-scale mixer comprise impeller clearance off bottom of mixer (C) claim 1 , impeller diameter (D) claim 1 , liquid level (H) claim 1 , rotational speed (N) claim 1 , tank diameter (T) claim 1 , blade width (W) claim 1 , blade height (BH) claim 1 , and baffle width (WB).4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second plurality of dimensions correspond to physical forces imparted on an impeller of the small-scale mixer during mixing of a solution.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional printer is configured to produce the small-scale mixer using one of the following: PC (polycarbonate) claim 1 , ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) claim 1 , PLA ( ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Paint Multi-Tool Assembly

Номер: US20210023516A1
Автор: Hedgecock Aaron

A paint multi-tool assembly includes a shaft that has a hooked end that is insertable into a power tool thereby facilitating the shaft to be rotated when the power tool is turned on. A first cylinder insertably receives the shaft thereby facilitating the first cylinder to be inserted into an open end of a paint roller. Thus, the power tool can rotate the paint roller for cleaning paint off of the paint roller. A plurality of fins is each coupled to and extends away from the first cylinder for stirring paint in the paint container. A second cylinder is coupled to each of the fins such that the second cylinder is spaced from the first cylinder. In this way the second cylinder can be inserted into the paint container or be inserted into the open end of the paint roller. 1. A paint multi-tool assembly being configured to stir paint in a paint can and clean a paint roller , said assembly comprising:a shaft having a hooked end wherein said hooked end is configured to engage a lid on a paint can for opening the lid, said hooked end being insertable into a power tool thereby facilitating said shaft to be rotated when the power tool is turned on;a first cylinder having an opening therein for insertably receiving said shaft wherein said first cylinder is configured to be inserted into an open end of a paint roller thereby facilitating the paint roller to be rotated for cleaning paint off of the paint roller;a plurality of fins, each of said fins being coupled to and extending away from said first cylinder wherein each of said fins is configured to be inserted into a paint container, each of said fins being rotated about said shaft when said shaft is inserted into the power tool wherein each of said fins is configured to stir paint in the paint container when said fins are inserted into the paint container;a second cylinder being coupled to each of said fins such that said second cylinder is spaced from said first cylinder wherein said second cylinder is configured to be ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032015A1
Принадлежит: Sigma Phase, Corp.

Systems and methods have demonstrated the capability of rapidly cooling the contents of pods containing the ingredients for food and drinks. 1. An aluminum beverage can for providing a single serving of dairy-based frozen confection , the aluminum beverage can comprising:a deep drawn body with a closed end and sidewalls defining an internal recess and an open end;a base seamed to the body across open end of the body such that the body and the base form a sealed can;at least one dairy ingredient disposed within the recess of the body; andat least one mixing paddle rotatably disposed within the body, the mixing paddle rotatable to mix the at least one dairy ingredient in the internal recess and configured to dispense the frozen confection out of the beverage can through an aperture in the base;wherein the sealed can, the at least one dairy ingredient, and the mixing paddle sterilized after assembly such that the at least one dairy ingredient is shelf stable at room temperature.2. The aluminum beverage can of claim 1 , wherein the sealed can is pressurized to between 20 and 100 psi when subject to a sterilization process.3. The aluminum beverage can of claim 2 , wherein the sealed can is pressurized to between 20 and 100 psi when subject to a retort sterilization process.4. The aluminum beverage can of claim 1 , further comprising a plug closing the aperture in the base.5. The aluminum beverage can of claim 4 , wherein the plug comprises a slide disposed between the cap and the base claim 4 , the slide rotatable relative to the base.6. The aluminum beverage can of claim 1 , wherein the base includes a protrusion extending outward relative to adjacent portions of the base.7. The aluminum beverage can of claim 1 , further comprising a grommet arranged in the closed end of the body.8. The aluminum beverage can of claim 7 , wherein the grommet comprises a recess sized to receive a driveshaft.9. The aluminum beverage can of claim 8 , wherein the pod is configured such that ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062814A1

A mixer for recirculating ash from solid fuel combustion with hydrated lime and water and to feed the mixture into a desulfurization reactor. The mixer includes a housing having a front wall, two outer vertical sidewalls, a rear wall, a top, and a bottom, the top includes a feed chute configured for the entry and addition of product to the mixer, and the front wall includes an opening for the mixture of product to exit. The mixer also includes a rotatable vertical shaft having an impeller, the impeller having a plurality of blades disposed on the vertical shaft in the same horizontal plane and distributed equidistantly about the circumference of the vertical shaft. The mixer also includes a vertical wall disposed within the housing forming a mixing region and a feeding region that is operably connected to the opening of the front wall.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127756A1
Принадлежит: ANDRITZ INC.

A reactor vessel including: a mixing chamber having a vertical length, an upper inlet, and a lower outlet; and a vertically oriented paddle within the mixing chamber and having a cross-sectional shape of a hydrofoil, wherein the paddle moves with respect to the mixing chamber. 1. A reactor vessel comprising:a mixing chamber having a vertical length, an upper inlet, and a lower outlet; andat least one paddle having a vertical orientation within the mixing chamber and the at least one paddle having a cross-sectional shape of a hydrofoil, wherein the at least one paddle moves with respect to the mixing chamber while maintaining the vertical orientation.2. The reactor vessel of claim 1 , wherein the at least one paddle extends at least 50 percent of the vertical length of the mixing chamber.3. The reactor vessel of claim 1 , wherein the at least one baffle extends substantially the entire height of a cylindrical height of the mixing chamber.4. The reactor vessel of claim 1 , wherein the vertical length of the mixing chamber is at least one hundred feet and a diameter of the mixing chamber is at least 30 feet.5. The reactor vessel of further comprising a center shaft coupled to the at least one paddle.6. The reactor vessel of claim 1 , wherein the at least one paddle is in an array of hydrofoils and the array of hydrofoils are arranged symmetrically about a vertical axis of the mixing chamber.7. The reactor vessel of further comprising an upper support bar and a lower support bar coupled claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , to opposite end regions of the at least one paddle.8. The reactor vessel of further comprising a center shaft coaxial with a center axis of the mixing chamber claim 7 , and the upper support bar connected to an upper section of the center shaft and the lower support bar connected to a lower section of the center shaft.9. The reactor vessel of claim 1 , wherein the at least one paddle has a non-uniform cross-sectional shape along the length of the paddle. ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Industrial Mixing Machine

Номер: US20210060504A1
Автор: Rüberg Wolfgang

An industrial mixing machine comprises a mixing head and at least one attachment means for attaching a mixing container, which contains a material to be mixed and is open on the attachment side, to the mixing head to form a closed mixing receptacle. The mixing head is pivotably mounted in relation to a frame as part of a pivotable assembly in such a way that the closed mixing receptacle formed from mixing head and mixing container is pivotable in relation to the frame to carry out the mixing process. The mixing head has at least one mixing tool, which is seated on a drive shaft extending through the mixing head and rotationally driven thereby, having multiple radial blades. The radial blades have a cross-sectional geometry according to which, starting from its maximum thickness, the blade thickness decreases in the rotational direction toward the rear blade end. In the section of decreasing blade thickness, the blade lower side is pitched more strongly with respect to the horizontal in the rotational direction than the blade upper side. An imaginary straight line connecting the rear end of the radial blades to their respective front end facing in the rotational direction is inclined in relation to the horizontal in the same direction as the inclination of the blade lower side in the section of decreasing thickness. 1. An industrial mixing machine , comprising:a mixing container for containing a material to be mixed, the mixing container open on an attachment side;a mixing head which attaches to the attachment side of the mixing container to form a closed mixing receptacle, the mixing head pivotably mounted in relation to a frame such that the mixing receptacle formed from mixing head and mixing container is pivotable in relation to the frame for carrying out a mixing process;wherein the mixing head has at least one mixing tool which is seated on a drive shaft engaging through a bottom of the mixing head and rotationally driven thereby, the mixing tool comprising ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057787A1

Systems, devices, and methods of the present disclosure assist with management of tubes and hoses during surgical procedures. The systems, devices, and methods provide for the proper opening and closing of tubes to facilitate performance of steps in a surgical procedure. Systems, devices, and methods of the present disclosure control fluid delivery to and from a medical device, including devices for tissue processing and cleaning. 1. A tissue treatment system , comprising: an exterior wall surrounding an interior volume for holding tissue; and', 'a filtering structure for processing tissue., 'a container, including2. The tissue treatment system of claims 1 , further comprising an extraction port in fluid communication with the interior volume.3. The tissue treatment system of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of ports claim 1 , each port in fluid communication with the interior volume.4. The tissue treatment system of claim 1 , further comprising a turbine to turn a mixing shaft including mixing blades or paddles.5. The tissue treatment system of claim 4 , wherein the turbine has an air intake and an air outlet and turns upon application of negative pressure to the air outlet.6. The tissue treatment system of claim 1 , further comprising a spring and needle gauge to indicate the mass of tissue present within the interior volume of the system.7. The tissue treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the filtering structure is formed of a single piece of material that is folded and sealed along an edge.8. The tissue treatment system of claim 1 , further comprising a telescoping mixing paddle having at least one blade at a first axial position and at least one blade at a second axial position different than the first axial position.9. The tissue treatment system of claim 8 , wherein the blades at different axial positions can rotate with respect to one another.10. The tissue treatment system of claim 8 , wherein the telescoping mixing paddle is convertible to a piston ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055664A1

Systems and methods have demonstrated the capability of rapidly cooling the contents of pods containing the ingredients for food and drinks. 1. A machine for reducing the temperature of ingredients in a pod with a protrusion extending outward relative to adjacent portions of a base of a pod , the protrusion having a stem that extends between a head and a foot , the stem having a smaller cross-section than the head and the foot , the base comprising a weakened section extending around the protrusion , the machine comprising: an evaporator defining a receptacle sized to receive the pod;', 'a compressor; and', 'a condenser; and, 'a refrigeration system comprisinga dispenser configured to apply a force to the protrusion of the pod in the receptacle of the evaporator to remove the protrusion.2. The machine according to claim 1 , further comprising a motor mechanically connected to the dispenser claim 1 , the motor operable to rotate the dispenser.3. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein the dispenser comprises an engagement surface for mechanically engaging the pod.4. The machine according to claim 3 , wherein the dispenser comprises a flat gear parallel the base of the pod claim 3 , and teeth of the gear are the engagement surface.5. The machine according to claim 3 , wherein the dispenser comprises a gear wheel set at an angle to the base of the pod claim 3 , and teeth of the gear wheel are the engagement surface.6. The machine according to claim 3 , wherein the dispenser comprises a worm gear in toothed engagement with a gear wheel.7. The machine according to claim 6 , wherein the gear wheel has an annular member and protrusions that extend from the annular member.8. The machine according to claim 7 , wherein the protrusions are the engagement surface of the dispenser.9. The machine according to claim 7 , wherein the protrusions are dowel-shaped protrusions.10. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein the dispenser is arranged at a floor of a pod machine ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055665A1

Systems and methods have demonstrated the capability of rapidly cooling the contents of pods containing the ingredients for food and drinks. 1. A pod for forming a cold food or drink , the pod comprising:a body with an axis, a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and a sidewall extending from the first end to define an interior cavity of the body open at the second end, the second end of the body having a radius that is less than an average radius of the body;a base extending across the open end of the body, the base sealed to the sidewall of the body;a mixing paddle disposed in the interior cavity of the body; anda cap attached to the pod, the cap extending over at least part of the base and rotatable relative to the base, the cap defining an opening extending through the cap.2. The pod according to claim 1 , wherein the body and the base form a can.3. The pod according to claim 1 , wherein the base includes a protrusion extending outward relative to adjacent portions of the base.4. The pod according to claim 3 , wherein the protrusion has a head claim 3 , a foot claim 3 , and a stem that extends between the head and the foot claim 3 , the stem having a smaller cross-section than the head and the foot.5. The pod according to claim 3 , wherein the base comprises a weakened section extending around the protrusion.6. The pod according to claim 5 , wherein the cap has a ramp adjacent the opening extending through the cap claim 5 , the ramp sized and positioned to lift the protrusion and break the weakened section to separate the protrusion from the adjacent portions of the base when the cap is rotated.7. The pod according to claim 1 , wherein the cap is rotatable around the axis of the body.8. The pod according to claim 1 , further comprising a plug closing an opening extending through the base.9. The pod according to claim 8 , wherein the plug comprises a slide disposed between the cap and the base claim 8 , the slide rotatable relative to the base.10. The ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056835A1

Systems and methods have demonstrated the capability of rapidly cooling the contents of pods containing the ingredients for food and drinks. 1. A pod for forming a cold food or drink , the pod comprising:a body with an axis, a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and a sidewall extending from the first end to define an interior cavity of the body open at the second end, the second end of the body having a radius that is less than an average radius of the body;a mixing paddle disposed in the interior cavity of the body; anda base extending across the open end of the body, the base sealed to the sidewall of the body; wherein the pod contains pressurized gas and the pod is internally pressurized to at least 20 psi prior to use.2. The pod of claim 1 , wherein the body and the base form a can.3. The pod of claim 2 , wherein the base includes a protrusion extending outward relative to adjacent portions of the base.4. The pod of claim 32 , wherein the base comprises a weakened section extending around the protrusion.5. The pod of claim 1 , further comprising a cap attached to the body claim 1 , the cap extending over at least part of the base and rotatable per relative to the base claim 1 , the cap defining an opening extending through the cap.6. The pod of claim 5 , wherein the base includes a protrusion extending outward relative to adjacent portions of the base claim 5 , the protrusion having a stem that extends between a head and a foot claim 5 , the stem having a smaller cross-section than the head and the foot claim 5 , the base comprising a weakened section extending around the protrusion.7. The pod of claim 6 , wherein the cap has a ramp adjacent the opening extending through the cap claim 6 , the ramp sized and positioned to lift the protrusion and break the weakened section to separate the protrusion from the adjacent portions of the base when the cap is rotated.8. The pod of claim 5 , wherein the cap is rotatable around the axis of the body.9. The pod ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Mixing Tank Steady Bushing

Номер: US20200061561A1

A sanitary mixing tank steady bearing is replaceable without lifting a mixing tank shaft. The steady bearing is insertable into and removable from the bottom of a bearing support attached inside the base of the sanitary mixing tank. The steady bearing may thus be replaced by a service technician working through a man way/man hole on the top of the tank allowing service without lifting the mixing tank shaft. Gaps are provided between the bearing support and steady bearing allowing flushing material from around the steady bearing to easily maintain a sanitary environment. 1. A sanitary mixing tank shaft support , comprising:a bearing support positionable on a tank base of a sanitary mixing tank, the bearing support including a bearing holder having a vertical bearing passage therethrough for insertion of a steady bearing; and a center portion upwardly vertically insertable into the vertical bearing passage of the bearing holder; and', 'a vertical shaft passage through the center portion configured to slide vertically up onto a sanitary mixing tank shaft bottom., 'the steady bearing attachable to the bearing support to laterally stabilize a mixing tank shaft, the steady bearing comprising2. The sanitary mixing tank shaft support of claim 1 , wherein the bearing passage of the bearing support and the center portion of the steady bearing include cooperating features preventing the steady bearing from rotating in the bearing support.3. The sanitary mixing tank shaft support of claim 2 , wherein the cooperating features of the bearing passage of the bearing support and the center portion of the steady bearing are non-round shapes.4. The sanitary mixing tank shaft support of claim 2 , wherein the cooperating features of the bearing passage of the bearing support and the center portion of the steady bearing are rectangular shapes.5. The sanitary mixing tank shaft support of claim 1 , wherein;the steady bearing includes a horizontal base;the center portion reaches upward from ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066293A1

This disclosure provides a high solids biomass slurry that is readily pumpable and transportable to downstream processing units, such as chemical and/or biochemical processing units. The slurry is amenable to saccharification efficiencies of >70 % in processing times of <36 hours. Also provided are devices for processing materials, such as the high solids biomass slurry. 1. An homogenous , hydrated slurry of biomass solids comprising >20% (by weight) bulk solid material that is readily pumpable and transportable to downstream chemical processing and/or biochemical processing unit operations with a water retention value of greater than 2.5 gm HO per gm solids.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the downstream processing is hydrolysis or saccharification.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the biomass solids are derived from corn stover or sugarcane bagasse residual materials.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the slurry is amenable to saccharification efficiencies of >70% in processing times of <36 hours.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the slurry is amenable to saccharification efficiencies of >70% in processing times of <24 hours.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrated slurry of biomass solids comprises >25% (by weight) solid material.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrated slurry of biomass solids comprises >30% (by weight) solid material.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrated slurry of biomass solids comprises >35% (by weight) solid material.9. A device for mixing claim 1 , homogenizing claim 1 , dispersing claim 1 , and processing materials claim 1 , comprising the following components:a. One or more stages of shear cutting elements configured to initially process incoming solids by shear cutting and dispersion prior to or in tandem with water introduction;a series of two or more impeller stages positioned in between the shear cutting stages and a discharge impeller stage to enhance mixing and homogenization;c. a pumping ring to ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190069724A1

A module includes a housing, a sealing feature, a locking feature, and an agitator. The housing has an opening separating inner and outer surfaces and a boss that extends through the housing such that part of the outer surface forms an inner bore of the boss having a terminus pointing toward the opening. The agitator has a base, a shaft, and a mixing element coupled to the base such that the base, in cooperation with the sealing feature, circumferentially seals the opening of the housing to form a cavity defined by the inner surface. The shaft passes through the inner bore. The locking feature when engaged permits independent or simultaneous translational and rotational movement of the shaft while an area between the terminus of the boss and the shaft remains mechanically sealed during the movement against liquid or powder encroachment into a clean area of the inner bore. 1128-. (canceled)129. A module comprising:a housing defining an interior cavity and including a boss that extends from a first end of the housing into the interior cavity towards a second opposing end of the housing, the boss defining an inner bore;an agitator including a base, a shaft, and one or more mixing blades, the shaft of the agitator extending from the base and being slidable relative to the inner bore of the boss such that the agitator is movable between a sealed position and an unsealed position; anda mesh coupled between the base of the agitator and the boss of the housing such that the mesh defines a mesh cavity therein.130. The module of claim 129 , wherein the shaft extends from the base in a first direction and the one or more mixing blades extend from the base in a second direction that is opposite the first direction.131. The module of claim 129 , wherein the mesh is circumferentially coupled to the base of the agitator adjacent to a perimeter edge of the agitator and further circumferentially coupled to the boss such that when the agitator moves from the sealed position to the ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087615A1

Systems, devices, and methods of the present disclosure assist with management of tubes and hoses during surgical procedures. The systems, devices, and methods provide for the proper opening and closing of tubes to facilitate performance of steps in a surgical procedure. Systems, devices, and methods of the present disclosure control fluid delivery to and from a medical device, including devices for tissue processing and cleaning. 1. A tissue treatment system , comprising:a processing container, including an exterior side wall, a top wall, and a bottom wall, wherein the exterior side wall, top wall, and bottom wall surround an interior volume for holding tissue;a filtering structure having a rigid frame and a mesh filter, wherein the filtering structure extends from the top wall to the bottom wall, and wherein the filtering structure is sloped inwardly from the top wall to the bottom wall; anda stabilizing base including an extraction port in fluid communication with the interior volume of the container.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing base has a widened section having a widest dimension 40% greater than a width of the bottom wall of the processing container.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the stabilizing base is at least three times greater in width than its height.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing base includes a high-friction claim 1 , textured claim 1 , or tacky substance to prevent slipping or skidding.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing base includes fluids claim 1 , metals claim 1 , or other high density materials to provide additional weight to the stabilizing base.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing base includes a flared outward section.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the stabilizing base further comprises multiple legs for additional support.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing base includes indentations to facilitate gripping of the device by the user.9. The system of ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104661A1

A rapid stirring machine including a tank for stirring sludge and a flocculant; a drive shaft disposed in the tank; and an edged turbine blade attached to the drive shaft, the edged turbine blade including turbine blades that are disposed along a virtual circle centered around the axis of the drive shaft, on at least one of the front and back sides of the edged turbine blade in the axial direction of the drive shaft, the turbine blades being raised in the axial direction of the drive shaft. 1. A rapid stirring machine comprising:a tank for stirring sludge and a flocculant;a drive shaft disposed in the tank; anda shearing stirring blade attached to the drive shaft, wherein the shearing stirring blade includes turbine blades that are disposed along a virtual circle centered around an axis of the drive shaft, on at least one of front and back sides of the shearing stirring blade in an axial direction of the drive shaft, the turbine blades being raised in the axial direction of the drive shaft.2. The rapid stirring machine according to claim 1 , wherein the turbine blades are disposed along a tangential direction of the virtual circle centered around the axis of the drive shaft.3. The rapid stirring machine according to claim 1 , wherein the shearing stirring blade has a rotating plate that integrally rotates with the drive shaft claim 1 , and the turbine blades are radially disposed on an outer edge of the rotating plate.4. The rapid stirring machine according to claim 3 , wherein the shearing stirring blade is an edged turbine blade.5. The rapid stirring machine according to claim 1 , wherein the shearing stirring blade is disposed at a predetermined distance from a tank bottom so as to have a space between the shearing stirring blade and the tank bottom.6. The rapid stirring machine according to claim 5 , wherein the shearing stirring blade is located so as to face a sludge inlet port.7. The rapid stirring machine according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of d1 to D1 is ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170106345A1

The present invention relates to a multistage stirred reactor, comprising a multiplicity of mutually adjacent reaction chambers and stirring elements for mixing the contents of at least one of the reaction chambers, wherein, between adjacent reaction chambers, there is in each case provided at least one opening that can be closed by means of closure means, such that in the open state there is a fluidic connection between the adjacent reaction chambers and in the closed state the adjacent reaction chambers are separated from one another. At least one of the closure means () is connected to an actuation rod () that is guided out of the stirred reactor. The actuation rod () can be moved back and forth between at least one first position and a second position, by rotation and/or displacement, wherein in the first position closure means () that are connected to the actuation rod () effect an open state of the opening assigned to them and in the second position closure means () that are connected to the actuation rod () effect a closed state of the opening assigned to them. 1. A multistage stirred reactor , comprising:a multiplicity of mutually adjacent reaction chambers;one or more stirring elements for mixing the contents of at least one of the reaction chambers;wherein, between adjacent reaction chambers, there is in each case provided at least one opening that can be closed by means of closure means, such that in an open state there is a fluidic connection between the adjacent reaction chambers and in the closed state the adjacent reaction chambers are separated from one another;whereinat least one closure means is connected to an actuation rod that is guided out of the stirred reactor,the actuation rod can be moved back and forth between at least one first position and a second position, by rotation and/or displacement,wherein in a first position, closure means that are connected to the actuation rod effect an open state of the opening assigned to them andin a second ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150117138A1

A stirrer () for stabilizing liquid binding unfinished products intended to form ceramic items comprising a support shaft () individuating a longitudinal rotation axis (Y) and contained into a mixing tank (V) of the liquid binding unfinished product, motorization means () operatively connected with the support shaft () in order to rotate it around the longitudinal axis (Y), and a main operating blade (), coupled with the support shaft () through interconnection means () in such a way as to be contained into the mixing tank (V) in order to interfere with the liquid binding unfinished product and cause its continuous mechanical mixing action inside the mixing tank (V) itself when the support shaft () rotates around the longitudinal axis (Y). In this case, the stirrer () includes a thermoregulation circuit (), which extends within the support shaft () and within the main operating blade () and is connected with an external source for supplying a heat transfer fluid crossing the thermoregulation circuit () in such a way as to exchange heat with the liquid binding unfinished product within the mixing tank (V), in order to bring the it to a predefined temperature, while the support shaft () and the main operating blade () integral with it rotate around the longitudinal axis (Y). 120-. (canceled)2211003218. Stirrer (; ) according to characterized in that said motorization means () are operatively connected with said support shaft () through transmission means () suitable to be arranged superiorly outside said mixing tank (V).2311001820221222332024. Stirrer (; ) according to characterized in that said transmission means () include a first toothed pulley () claim 22 , coupled with said support shaft () through a locking key () claim 22 , and a second toothed pulley () coupled with a drive shaft () of said motorization means () and mechanically connected with said first toothed pulley () by means of a toothed belt ().241100252662. Stirrer (; ) according to characterized in ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170112326A1

A module includes a housing, a sealing feature, a locking feature, and an agitator. The housing has an opening separating inner and outer surfaces and a boss that extends through the housing such that part of the outer surface forms an inner bore of the boss having a terminus pointing toward the opening. The agitator has a base, a shaft, and a mixing element coupled to the base such that the base, in cooperation with the sealing feature, circumferentially seals the opening of the housing to form a cavity defined by the inner surface. The shaft passes through the inner bore. The locking feature when engaged permits independent or simultaneous translational and rotational movement of the shaft while an area between the terminus of the boss and the shaft remains mechanically sealed during the movement against liquid or powder encroachment into a clean area of the inner bore. 1164-. (canceled)165. A module comprising:a housing including a plurality of separator walls and a boss that extends from a first end of the housing towards a second opposing end of the housing, the boss defining an inner bore, each of the plurality of separator walls extending from and being attached to an interior surface of the housing and an exterior surface of the boss thereby separating an interior cavity of the housing into a plurality of sub-cavities; andan agitator including a base and a shaft, the shaft of the agitator extending from the base and being slidable relative to the inner bore of the boss such that the agitator is movable between a sealed position and an unsealed position.166. The module of claim 165 , wherein when the agitator is in the sealed position claim 165 , each of the sub-cavities is sealed from one another.167. The module of claim 165 , wherein when the agitator is in the unsealed position claim 165 , each of the sub-cavities is opened and unsealed from one another.168. The module of claim 165 , wherein each of the sub-cavities has a generally triangular cross-section ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108334A1
Автор: MAEDA Rintarou

A flocculation and sedimentation apparatus has: sedimentation tank that causes flocs in raw water to be sedimented and separated; sludge concentration tank that is surrounded by sedimentation tank and that collects and concentrates the flocs; and raw water supply mechanism having center line that passes through sludge concentration tank, wherein raw water supply mechanism rotates about center line and supplies the raw water to sedimentation tank. Raw water supply mechanism includes: raw water introducing portion that is located on center line and to which the raw water is introduced, raw water supply port that is open at a lower portion of an inner space of sedimentation tank and that supplies the raw water to sedimentation tank, and pipe portion that communicates both with raw water introducing portion and with raw water supply port and that extends above sludge concentration tank in a direction away from center line. 1. A flocculation and sedimentation apparatus comprising:a sedimentation tank that causes flocs in raw water to be sedimented and separated;a sludge concentration tank that is surrounded by the sedimentation tank and that collects and concentrates the flocs by allowing the flocs to overflow from the sedimentation tank; anda raw water supply mechanism having a center line that passes through the sludge concentration tank, wherein the raw water supply mechanism rotates about the center line and supplies the raw water to the sedimentation tank, a raw water introducing portion that is located on the center line and to which the raw water is introduced,', 'a raw water supply port that is open at a lower portion of an inner space of the sedimentation tank and that supplies the raw water to the sedimentation tank, and', 'a pipe portion that communicates both with the raw water introducing portion and with the raw water supply port and that extends above the sludge concentration tank in a direction away from the center line., 'wherein the raw water supply ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117493A1

An evaporator of the present invention includes an agitation vessel having a volatile component outlet and a concentrate outlet and configured to receive a raw material liquid, a heat source provided inside the agitation vessel, a liquid distributing portion provided within the agitation vessel and configured to cause the raw material liquid to flow down the heat source, and a first condenser provided on an outer circumference of the agitation vessel and configured to cool an inner wall of the agitation vessel. The evaporator of the present invention is useful in, for example, the concentration of various liquid chemicals and chemical products and the removal of volatile impurities from these chemicals and chemical products. 19.-. (canceled)10. An evaporator comprising:an agitation vessel having a raw material liquid supply port, a volatile component outlet, and a concentrate outlet and being configured to receive a raw material liquid;a heat source provided inside the agitation vessel;a liquid distributing portion provided within the agitation vessel and configured to cause the raw material liquid to flow down the heat source; anda first condenser provided on an outer circumference of the agitation vessel and configured to cool an inner wall of the agitation vessel,wherein the agitation vessel includes a volatile component receiving portion configured to receive a volatile component of the raw material liquid, the volatile component receiving portion being surrounded by a bottom portion of the agitation vessel, the inner wall, and an outer partition wall portion and being in communication with the volatile component outlet, andthe liquid distributing portion is constituted by a rotating shaft and at least one gutter-shaped member having a flow passage through which, as the rotating shaft rotates, the raw material liquid flows upward from a lower side of the agitation vessel, and being mounted to the rotating shaft.11. The evaporator according to claim 10 , wherein ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120208A1

A control panel for a blender assembly is shown and described. The control panel may include a body integrated with controls. The body may also be integrated with circuitry, such as a printed circuit board. The controls may interact with the printed circuit board to control operation of the blender assembly. 1. A control panel for a blender assembly , the control panel comprising:a body comprising a first side and a second side;at least one input/output device operatively disposed at the first side; andat least one connection port operatively disposed at the second side, wherein the connection comport operatively couples to a blender base of the blender assembly.2. The control panel of claim 1 , further comprising:a printed circuit board coupled to the body at the second side.3. The control panel of claim 2 , wherein the printed circuit board is in operative communication with the at least one input/output device.4. The control panel of claim 2 , wherein the printed circuit board is operatively coupled to the at least one connection port.5. The control panel of claim 2 , wherein the printed circuit board is in operative communication with the at least one input/output device.6. The control panel of claim 2 , further comprising at least one tack switch extending from the printed circuit board.7. The control panel of claim 1 , wherein the at least one input/output device comprises at least one switch.8. The control panel of claim 1 , wherein the at least one input/output device comprises at least one knob.9. The control panel of claim 1 , wherein the at least one input/output device comprises at least one touch sensor.10. A control panel for a blender assembly comprising a motor claim 1 , the control panel comprising:a body comprising a first side and a second side, wherein the first side is exposed when the body is operatively attached to the blender assembly;at least one input/output device disposed on the first side; anda printed circuit board disposed on the ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114541A1
Автор: MCALINDEN Conor

A mixing apparatus for preparing mortar has a screw conveyor for conveying dry material, such as a mixture of sand and cement, from a storage vessel to a mixing chamber. The mixing chamber has an inlet end, adapted to receive dry material from an outlet end of the screw conveyor, an outlet end for dispensing wet mortar, and a water feed between the inlet and outlet ends for delivering a metered flow or quantity of water into the mixing chamber. A mixing device within the mixing chamber mixes the dry material and water and controls passage of material from the inlet to the outlet end. The outlet end is located above said inlet end so the dry material falls under gravity from the outlet end into the mixing chamber, maintaining separation between the dry material in the screw conveyor and the wet material in the mixing chamber. 1. A mixing apparatus for preparing mortar comprising a screw conveyor for conveying dry material , such as a mixture of sand and cement , from a storage vessel to a mixing chamber , said mixing chamber having an inlet end , adapted to receive dry material from an outlet end of said screw conveyor , an outlet end for dispensing wet mortar , and a water feed intermediate said inlet and outlet ends for delivering a metered flow or quantity of water into the mixing chamber , a mixing device being provided within said mixing chamber for mixing said dry material and water and for controlling the passage of material from said inlet to said outlet end of the mixing chamber , wherein said outlet end of said screw conveyor is located above said inlet end of said mixing chamber such that dry material falls from the outlet end of the screw conveyor into the mixing chamber under gravity. As such , separation is maintained between the dry material in the screw conveyor and the wet material in the mixing chamber.2. The mixing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the outlet end of the mixing chamber includes a flow control device.3. The mixing apparatus of claim 2 , ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190126222A1

A method is provided for monitoring a flow behavior of mixed components without requiring additional instrumentation or sampling. The method is carried out by determining ratios of the power required to rotate a mixing impeller at different rotational speeds and then comparing the ratios. Characteristics about the mixed components are determined based on differences between the ratios. 2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the speed control means is adapted to reduce the speed of the mixing impeller in steps and the speed is maintained for a specified time tso that a flow pattern is able to stabilize at each speed.3. The control system of claim 1 , further comprising an output means for outputting the calculated density ρ and the dynamic viscosity μ.4. A method for detecting settled solids at a mixing impeller claim 1 , comprising:providing the mixing impeller in a mixing vessel;accommodating components to be mixed in the mixing vessel;{'sub': start', 'start', 'start, 'rotating the mixing impeller at a speed Nfor a time t, wherein the speed Nis lower than the speed at which the mixing impeller is mixing components;'}{'sub': 'start', 'detecting whether an overload of a motor driving the mixing impeller applies during time;'}{'sub': 'start', 'detecting a torque required to rotate the mixing impeller at the speed Nand comparing the detected torque with a known torque required to rotate the mixing impeller in the absence of solids;'}determining that the mixing impeller is blocked by solids if at least one of overload or a higher torque is detected.5. A method for detecting settled solids at a mixing impeller claim 1 , comprising:providing the mixing impeller in a mixing vessel, wherein the mixing impeller comprises a mixing impeller housing which houses at least one magnet and at least one mixing blade attached to the mixing impeller housing, wherein the mixing impeller housing is at least partly arranged in a mounting depression in a side wall of the mixing vessel ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143281A1
Автор: Goudy Paul

An aeration system including a frame and an aerator. The aerator may be supported by the frame. The aerator may include an input and an output. The aerator may be configured to rotate with respect to the frame, and upon rotating, receive a first fluid at the input and output the first fluid into a second fluid at the output. 1. An aeration system comprising:a frame; rotate with respect to the frame, and', 'upon rotating, receive a first fluid at the input and output the first fluid into a second fluid at the output., 'an aerator supported by the frame, the aerator including an input and an output, the aerator is configured to'}2. The aeration system of claim 1 , wherein the aerator further includes one or more vanes.3. The aeration system of claim 2 , wherein upon rotating claim 2 , the input is formed by a top portion of the one or more vanes and the output is formed by a bottom portion of the one or more vanes.4. The aeration system of claim 3 , wherein the top portion of the one or more vanes is located above a surface of the second fluid and the bottom portion of the one or more vanes is located below the surface of the second fluid.5. The aeration system of claim 2 , wherein the one or more vanes include a first vane extending in a first direction and a second vane extending in a second direction claim 2 , the first direction perpendicular to the second direction.6. The aeration system of claim 1 , wherein the input and the output are in fluid communication via a channel.7. The aeration system of claim 6 , wherein the channel is formed by rotation of one or more vanes.8. The aeration system of claim 1 , wherein the input includes one or more scoops.9. The aeration system of claim 8 , wherein the one or more scoops include a first scoop projected in a first direction and a second scoop projected in a second direction claim 8 , the first direction opposite the second direction.10. The aeration system of claim 1 , further comprising a stator including one or more ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210178347A1

An agitator device for mixing materials, including a containment vessel defining an interior volume, a hollow shaft having an upper end, a lower end, and a central bore along its length, the lower end extending downwardly into the interior volume of the containment vessel, the hollow shaft being rotatable with respect to the containment vessel, and a takeout tube having an upper end and a lower end, wherein the takeout tube is disposed within the central bore of the hollow shaft so that the lower end of the takeout tube is in fluid communication with the interior volume of the containment vessel. 1. An agitator device for mixing materials , comprising:a containment vessel defining an interior volume;a hollow shaft having an upper end, a lower end, and defining a central bore along its length, the lower end extending downwardly into the interior volume of the containment vessel, and the hollow shaft being rotatable with respect to the containment vessel; anda takeout tube having an upper end, a lower end, and a central bore along its length,wherein the takeout tube is disposed within the central bore of the hollow shaft so that the lower end of the takeout tube is in fluid communication with the interior volume of the containment vessel and the upper end of the takeout tube extends axially outwardly beyond the upper portion of the hollow shaft.2. The agitator device of claim 1 , wherein the hollow shaft further comprises a plurality of one of paddles claim 1 , spiral forms claim 1 , vanes claim 1 , and propellers extending radially outwardly from an outer surface of the lower portion of the hollow shaft.3. The agitator device of claim 2 , wherein the lower portion of the hollow shaft further comprises one or more axially extending slots extending from an inner surface to the outer surface of the lower portion of the hollow shaft.4. The agitator device of claim 2 , further comprising a spool piece that is non-rotatably affixed to an upper portion of the drive assembly ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170151541A1
Автор: II Roy Earl, Young

A system includes an agitation system having a container configured to store a coating material, an agitator configured to agitate the coating material, and a sensor configured to sense conditions within the container and transmit the conditions. The system also includes an agitation control system having a controller configured to turn on the agitator, and change an intensity of agitation in response to an input received from the agitation system. 1. A system , comprising: a container configured to store a coating material;', 'an agitator configured to agitate the coating material; and', 'a sensor configured to sense conditions within the container; and, 'an agitation system, comprising 'a controller configured to change an intensity of the agitator in response to an input from the sensor.', 'an agitation control system coupled to the agitation system, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the agitation system is configured to be located within a containment room claim 1 , and the agitation control system is configured to be located outside the containment room.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the agitator comprises a fluid-driven agitator claim 1 , and the agitation control system comprises a fluid supply configured to deliver a fluid to drive the agitator.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the agitation system comprises a volume booster configured to boost a volume of the fluid delivered by the fluid supply.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is configured to determine a speed of the agitator.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the sensor comprises a fiber optic cable configured to detect pulses of light to measure the speed of the agitator.7. The system of claim 1 , comprising: a second container configured to store a second coating material;', 'a second agitator configured to agitate the second coating material;', 'a second sensor configured to sense conditions within the second container, wherein the controller is configured to control the ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166479A1

The invention relates to an apparatus and a method for production of additives enhancing water tightness of structural and binding building materials. The method comprises the steps of: preparing a hydrophobing agent by esterifying 60-80 m % of vegetable oil by a mixture consisting of 20-40 m % ethyl alcohol and 0.1-5 m % of methyl alcohol of the whole mass of the agent, then adding 5-30 m % agent by spraying through nozzles and water to a body of burnt lime in a reactor, and prior to adding the agent and water a mixture of 2-8 m % ethyl alcohol and 0.1-1 m % of methyl alcohol of the whole mass of the body of burnt lime is added by spraying through nozzles, while the mixture is agitating mechanically till a homogeneous mixture is prepared, then adding 40-65 m % water to the mixture, and ceasing mechanical agitating after commencement of the fierce chemical reaction. 1. A method for producing additive material enhancing water tightness of structural and binding building materials comprising the steps of: preparing a hydrophobizing agent by esterification of vegetable oil such that mixing 20 to 40% by weight of ethanol and 0.1-5 w % methanol with 60-80 w % of a vegetable oil counted per total mass of the hydrophobizing agent; adding 5-30 w % of said hydrophobizing agent by spraying through jet nozzle to the quicklime , whereby the mixture is mechanically mixed until a homogeneous mixture was prepared , and then adding water 40 to 65 w % to the mixture , and breaking the mechanical mixing when a vigorous chemical reaction getting started , characterized in that prior to adding of said hydrophobizing agent , adding a mixture of 2-8 w % of ethanol and 0.1-1 w % of methanol , counted per mass of the quicklime , by spraying through jet nozzle to the quicklime.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized by esterifying of sunflower oil claim 1 , rapeseed oil claim 1 , or any mixture thereof.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized by preferably making the ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160175789A1

An agitation blade for agitating a liquid includes a cylindrical core having a central axis of rotation and a plurality of blade portions provided on a side of a first surface of a rotation portion, and the plurality of blade portions are provided to surround the central axis of rotation and provided to be rotated with respect to a center of rotation of the central axis of rotation. 1. An agitation blade for agitating a liquid , comprising:a rotation portion having a central axis of rotation; anda plurality of blade portions provided on a side of a first surface of the rotation portion,the plurality of blade portions being provided to surround the central axis of rotation and provided in rotation symmetry with respect to a center of rotation of the central axis of rotation.2. The agitation blade according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of paddle surfaces provided on a side of a second surface opposite to the first surface of the rotation portion.3. The agitation blade according to claim 1 , whereinthe blade portion has inclination spreading outward with respect to the rotation portion.4. The agitation blade according to claim 1 , whereina tip end portion of the blade portion is provided with a slit extending from the tip end portion toward the first surface.5. An agitation apparatus used for agitation of a liquid claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the agitation blade according to ;'}an agitation tank accommodating the agitation blade; anda drive mechanism for rotating the agitation blade,a region directly under the agitation blade in an internal bottom surface of the agitation tank being recessed below a surrounding region.6. The agitation apparatus according to claim 5 , whereina lowermost end of the agitation blade is located below the bottom surface other than the region directly under the agitation blade in the internal bottom surface of the agitation tank.7. An agitation apparatus used for agitation of a liquid ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170172348A1

A method for controlling pressure in a blending apparatus includes sealingly coupling a blade platform to a rim of a vessel including foodstuffs to form a blending chamber. The blade platform includes a blade assembly. The method includes injecting fluid via an opening defined within the blade platform into the blending chamber while the blade platform is sealingly coupled to the vessel. The injection of fluid causes a change in pressure in the blending chamber. The method includes rotating blades of the blade assembly to process the foodstuffs in the blending chamber. The method includes introducing air into the blending chamber to decrease a difference between the pressure within the blending chamber and a pressure external to the blending chamber. The method includes decoupling the blade platform from the rim. 1. A method for controlling pressure in a blending apparatus , comprising:sealingly coupling a blade platform to a rim of a vessel including foodstuffs to form a blending chamber, the blade platform including a blade assembly;injecting fluid via an opening defined within the blade platform into the blending chamber while the blade platform is sealingly coupled to the vessel, the injection of fluid causing a change in a pressure in the blending chamber;rotating blades of the blade assembly to process the foodstuffs in the blending chamber;introducing air into the blending chamber to decrease a difference between the pressure within the blending chamber and a pressure external to the blending chamber; anddecoupling the blade platform from the rim.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein introducing air into the chamber decreases a sealing force between the blade platform and the rim below a threshold force for decoupling the blade platform from the rim claim 1 , the sealing force associated with the difference between the pressure within the blending chamber and the pressure external to the blending chamber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein sealingly coupling the ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170173544A1
Автор: Laby Keith Phillip

A mixing apparatus operable by a consumer user for mixing nut butter and the like while in its original container. The apparatus is characterized by a cap configured for releasable coupling to the container for covering the container opening, a mixing member in the container, and a user operable actuator configured for releasable coupling to the cap for selectively agitating the mixing member rotationally and/or axially. 1. A mixing apparatus suitable for mixing nut butter and the like while in a product container having an access port opening into an interior volume , said apparatus comprising:a cap member configured for removable mounting on said container so as to cover said access port;a mixing member having an end effector extending into said container interior volume; andan actuator coupled to said mixing member and selectively operable in a rotation mode for rotating said end effector in said interior volume and in an axial mode for axial agitation in said interior volume.2. The apparatus of wherein said actuator includes guide means engaging said cap member in said rotation mode for restricting said actuator to rotational motion.3. The apparatus of wherein said actuator in said axial mode is disengaged from said cap member and able to move axially.4. A product container for nut butter and the like incorporating a user operable mixing assembly claim 2 , said product container comprising:a jar having an access port opening to an interior volume;a mixing member supported for movement in said interior volume;a seal removably mounted adjacent to said access port for sealing said interior volume to avoid contamination of a product therein; andan actuator mounted on said jar adapted to be manipulated by a user to move said mixing member in said interior volume.5. The product container of wherein said mixing member is supported for rotational movement in said interior volume.6. The product container of wherein said mixing member is supported for axial movement in ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168179A1
Автор: YU Yiyang, ZUO Hanlu

Labor-saving paint mixing cover comprises a paint outlet mechanism used to control outflow of a paint material, two or more pressing mechanisms pressing together a paint container and a cover. Each of the pressing mechanisms comprises: a through hole on the cover; a pressing rod passing through the through hole; a sealing sleeve sleeved over the pressing rod, and comprising a sealing sleeve folded edge pressing on the cover; a compression spring sleeved over the pressing rod between the sealing sleeve folded edge of the sealing sleeve and a handle at the upper end of the pressing rod; and a pressing foot located at the lower end of the pressing rod. The handle at the upper end of the pressing rod is a cam lifting handle comprising the upper end of the pressing rod and a cam hinged thereto. A cam surface of the cam lifting handle is in contact with an upper surface of a cam base. The cam base is a movable sleeve sleeved around the pressing rod. A movable sleeve folded edge is provided on the movable sleeve. An upper end of the compression spring presses against said folded edge of the movable sleeve. 1. Labor-saving paint mixing cover , comprising a paint outlet mechanism for controlling a paint to be poured out , and at least two pressing mechanisms for pressing a paint bucket and the canister lid , wherein for each pressing mechanism , the canister lid is provided with a through hole; a pressing lever penetrates through the through hole; a seal sleeve is sleeved outside the pressing lever; a seal sleeve turnup of the seal sleeve is pressed against the canister lid; a compressed spring is sleeved at the outer periphery of the pressing lever between the seal sleeve turnup of the seal sleeve and an upper end of the pressing lever; a presser foot is provided at a lower end of the pressing lever , characterized in that a handle is provided at an upper end of the pressing lever and is a cam lifting handle formed by hinging the upper end of the pressing lever and a cam; a ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170181786A1

A bone cement delivery system including a mixer, a reservoir for holding bone cement, a cannula that is connected to the reservoir and through which the bone cement is delivered into living tissue. A plunger that is advanced by a drive assembly, pushes the bone cement out of the delivery tube into the cannula for discharge from the cannula. A valve is located upstream of the cannula. A control unit regulates both drive assembly and the setting of the valve. The control unit is configured to, when deactivating the valve so as to stop the advancement of the plunger, close the valve. The closing of the valve reduces the extent to which the bone cement, which is under pressure continues to flow into and be discharged out of the cannula. 1. A device for injecting cement into bone , said device including:a reservoir, said reservoir having opposed proximal and distal ends, said reservoir tube having a void space located between the ends for holding bone cement;a plunger moving mounted to said reservoir, said plunger having a distal end disposed in void space of said reservoir and a proximal end spaced from the distal end, wherein said plunger is mounted to said reservoir so as to be selectively advanced towards the distal end of said reservoir in order to force bone cement out of the distal end of said reservoir;a drive assembly connected to the proximal end of said plunger, said drive assembly configured to, when actuated, advance said plunger distally through said reservoir;a cannula, said cannula configured for insertion into living tissue wherein said cannula is in fluid communication with the distal end of said reservoir to receive the bone cement forced out of said reservoir;a valve located between the distal end of said reservoir and said cannula for regulating flow to said cannula; anda controller connected to both said drive assembly and said valve for regulating both said drive assembly and said valve and configured to, when deactivating said drive assembly, ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171449A1

The present invention relates to a mixing device (), especially for mixing solids in a mixing vessel (), comprising a stirring element () having at least two helical stirrer blades () connected to a motor-driven shaft (), wherein the stirrer blades () have a first portion (), a second portion () and a third portion (), every one of these portions () has a constant gradient (m, m m) of one steepness or a gradient (m, m, m) which is different from the constant gradient and has a curvature, and at least one of the constant gradients (m, m, m) has a steepness different from the at least one other constant gradient (m, m, m), or one of the different gradients (m, m, m) has a curvature that is different from the at least one other different gradient (m, m, m). 112478578101112101112123123. A mixing device () for mixing in a mixing vessel () , the mixing device having a stirring element () which has at least two stirring blades ( , ) which are of spiral form and which are connected to a motor-driveable shaft () , wherein the stirring blades ( , ) each have a first portion () , a second portion () and a third portion () , wherein each of the portions ( , , ) has a constant gradient (m , m , m) with a steepness or has a non-constant gradient (m , m , m) , which deviates from the constant gradient , with a curvature , and wherein{'b': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3, 'at least one of the portions has a first constant gradient (m, m, m) with a steepness which differs from a second constant gradient (m, m, m) of another one of the portions, or'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3, 'at least one of the portions has a first non-constant gradient (m, m, m) with a curvature which differs from the a second non-constant gradient (m, m, m) of another one of the portions.'}21123123123123. The mixing device () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first constant gradient (m claim 1 , m claim 1 , m) has a greater or lesser steepness than the second constant gradient (m claim 1 , m claim 1 , m) or ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171450A1

A mixing apparatus () for mixing a fluid and/or solid. The mixing apparatus includes a mixing container (), in the interior of which the fluid and/or solid can be arranged, and a feed-through () through a container wall () of the mixing container (). A drive shaft (), fed through the feed-through (), is used to drive a stirring element (), which is arranged at least partly in the interior of the mixing container (), in order to mix the fluid and/or solid, arranged in the mixing container (). A drive-side shaft end () of the drive shaft () is used to couple a drive (), arranged outside of the mixing container (), to the drive shaft (). An adjustable seal () seals off the feed-through (), wherein the adjustable seal () can be put into at least two sealing operation states having different sealing effects. 1. Mixing apparatus for mixing a fluid and/or a solid , comprising:a mixing container comprising a container wall, defining an interior and configured to contain the fluid and/or the solid;a feed-through extending through the container wall of the mixing container;a stirring element arranged at least partly in the interior of the mixing container;a drive shaft extending through the feed-through and configured to drive the stirring element to mix the fluid and/or the solid contained in the mixing container;wherein the drive shaft comprises a drive-side shaft end configured to couple a drive arranged outside of the mixing container to the drive shaft; andan adjustable seal that produces a first sealing effect with respect to the feed-through in a first sealing operation state and produces a second sealing effect with respect to the feed-through that differs from the first sealing effect in a second sealing operation state.2. Mixing apparatus claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjustable seal seals the feed-through in a sealing state as the first sealing operation state; and the adjustable seal is opened in an open state that does not seal the feed-through as ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170202209A9
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V.

A mixing apparatus () for mixing slaughter offal with a preservative agent, the apparatus comprising an offal collection tank () with a bottom () provided with a discharge opening () connectable to a closable discharge, an agitator () extending into the offal collection tank, and a pump unit () operatively connectable to the discharge, wherein the apparatus further comprises a preservative reservoir () mounted on top of the collection tank (). A collection and preservation system is provided, wherein the addition of preservation agent can be strictly controlled, can easily and quickly be installed and connected when it is to be used. After use, the system is easily removed and cleaned. 113458973. A mixing apparatus () for mixing slaughter offal with a preservative agent , the apparatus comprising an offal collection tank () with a bottom () provided with a discharge opening () connectable to a closable discharge , an agitator () extending into the offal collection tank , and a pump unit () operatively connectable to the discharge , wherein the apparatus further comprises a preservative reservoir () mounted on top of the collection tank ().2157. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the collection tank is provided with one or more supports () for carrying the preservative reservoir ().37168. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the support for the preservative reservoir () is detachable and wherein the collection tank comprises a connection point () for the support at two opposite sides of the agitator ().47. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the preservative reservoir () is adjustable in height.565. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the collection tank comprises a second discharge opening () at a lower level than the first discharge opening ().646. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the bottom () of the collection tank tapers down to the second discharge opening ().7856. Mixing apparatus according to wherein the agitator () has a lowest end between the ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210230494A1

A hydrothermal treatment device () is a hydrothermal treatment device () performing hydrothermal treatment by heating high-water-content biomass, the hydrothermal treatment device () including a treatment container () that stores sludge, a sludge supply unit () that supplies the sludge to inside of the treatment container () such that a space (S) is formed in a vertical upper part of the treatment container (), a stirrer () that is provided within the treatment container () and stirs stored matter such that counter flows in an up/down direction occur, and a heat transfer tube () that is disposed in a horizontal direction within the treatment container () and heats the sludge with heat of vapor flowing within the heat transfer tube (). 1. A hydrothermal treatment device performing hydrothermal treatment by heating high-water-content biomass , the hydrothermal treatment device comprising:a treatment container that stores the high-water-content biomass;a first supply unit that supplies the high-water-content biomass to inside of the treatment container such that a space is formed in a vertical upper part of the treatment container;a stirrer unit that is provided within the treatment container and stirs the high-water-content biomass such that flows in a predetermined direction occur; andat least one heat transfer tube that is disposed within the treatment container so as to cross the predetermined direction and heats the high-water-content biomass with heat of vapor flowing within the heat transfer tube.2. The hydrothermal treatment device according to claim 1 , whereinthe stirrer unit includes a blade unit disposed so as to tilt from a horizontal plane,the blade unit rotates about an axial direction extending in a vertical up/down direction,the blade unit has a radial tip disposed so as to be close to an inner periphery surface of the treatment container, andthe heat transfer tube extends in a horizontal direction.3. The hydrothermal treatment device according to ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150216183A1
Автор: Chiaramello Antonio

The invention relates to a kneader machine for alimentary doughs including a container provided with a tight lid and a rotor rotatably arranged in the container about a vertical rotation axis (A), wherein the rotor has a flat base consisting of a plurality of arms and a plurality of mixing paddles which extend from the arms in a vertical direction (V), and wherein the arms of the rotor have bevelled surfaces formed along their peripheries on the sides intended to face a rotation direction of rotation (R) of the rotor. The mixing paddles have first and second mixing paddles configured so as to generate between them a whirling motion of the particles of the solid ingredients on a plane (P) passing through the rotation axis (A) of the rotor and perpendicular to its base. The invention also relates to a method of making an alimentary dough by using the kneader machine. 1. A kneader machine for alimentary doughs comprising a container provided with a tight lid and a rotor rotatably arranged in said container about a vertical rotation axis (A) , wherein said rotor comprises a flat base consisting of a plurality of arms and a plurality of mixing paddles which extend from said arms in a vertical direction (V) , and wherein the arms of the rotor comprise bevelled surfaces formed along their peripheries on the sides intended to face a rotation direction of rotation (R) of the rotor , whereinsaid mixing said paddles comprise first and second mixing paddles that are inclined both relative to the flat base of the rotor radially outwards and to a generic plane (P) passing through its rotation axis (A) and perpendicular to its base, the free ends of said first mixing paddles being bent towards the rotation axis (A) of the rotor and the free ends of said second mixing paddles being bent away from the rotation axis (A) of the rotor, and in that each arm of the rotor comprises at least one pair of paddles consisting of a first mixing paddle and a second mixing paddle, wherein the ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150217243A1
Автор: Kurosawa Keiji

A stirring device is provided including a liquid supply pipe disposed on a central axis of a cylindrical container and discharges liquid into the cylindrical container; a rotation hollow shaft disposed coaxially outside the liquid supply pipe; a rotor which is coaxially fixed to the rotation hollow shaft including a plurality of rotor blades; a screw conveyor plate wound around the rotor in a spiral pattern; an inner-side cylindrical container provided in the cylindrical container around the rotor; a division plate which defines an upper and a lower portion inside the cylindrical container having a plurality of through-holes; an inclined bottom plate disposed between the cylindrical container below the division plate and the inner-side cylindrical container; a processed fluid outlet provided on a side wall of the cylindrical container; and a motor to rotate the rotation hollow shaft. 1. A vertical-type continuous high-speed stirring device , comprising:a cylindrical container which includes a cover plate and a bottom plate;a liquid supply pipe which is disposed substantially on a central axis of the cylindrical container, and to which at least one type of liquid is supplied from an upper end portion, and which passes through the cover plate of the cylindrical container and discharges the liquid above the bottom portion;a rotation hollow shaft which is disposed coaxially outside the liquid supply pipe and which rotates at high speed;an upper rotating body which is coaxially fixed to the rotation hollow shaft;a lower rotating body which is disposed below the upper rotating body, and which forms a flow path that leads the liquid flowing out of a lower end portion of the liquid supply pipe to an inner-wall direction of the cylindrical container, and which forms a first chamber between a lower surface of the upper rotating body and an upper surface of the lower rotating body, and which has a conical upper surface;a rotor whose upper and lower ends are respectively fixed ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Reactor Systems

Номер: US20190203166A1
Принадлежит: ABEC, Inc.

This disclosure relates to equipment utilized to manufacture chemical agents, particularly biopharmaceuticals. In some embodiments, reactor systems comprising a mobile carriage assembly; a disposable reaction container removably attached to the carriage assembly; and, a carriage holder into which the mobile carriage assembly may be removably inserted are provided. 119-. (canceled)20. A reactor system comprising a mobile carriage assembly and a mobile carriage holder , wherein: an implement at least one wheel or track for fixably attaching the mobile carriage assembly to the holder; and,', 'a disposable reaction container reversibly attached thereto and comprising a sterile, sealable interior chamber; and,, 'the mobile carriage assembly comprisesthe mobile carriage holder comprises a receiving implement for receiving the mobile carriage assembly, an interior, and a door; the interior of the holder maintains the desire geometry of the disposable reaction container; and,', 'the door of the holder contains the disposable reaction container in the interior of the holder., 'wherein21. The reactor system of wherein the mobile carriage holder comprises a heat transfer jacket.221. The reactor system of claim wherein the mobile carriage assembly is fixably attached to the mobile carriage holder.23. The reactor system of wherein the mobile carriage holder comprises a heat transfer jacket.241. The reactor system of claim wherein the mobile carriage assembly is reversibly attached to the mobile carriage holder.25. The reactor system of wherein the mobile carriage holder comprises a heat transfer jacket.261. The reactor system of claim wherein the mobile carriage assembly is fixably and reversibly attached to the mobile carriage holder.27. The reactor system of wherein the mobile carriage holder comprises a heat transfer jacket.281. The reactor system of claim further comprising an impellar positioned within the sterile claim 26 , sealable interior chamber of the disposable ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170216791A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present invention relates to an in-line mixing apparatus and use therein for adding a polymer solution and dewatering an aqueous mineral suspension. Said method comprises statically mixing the aqueous mineral suspension with a poly(ethylene oxide) (co) polymer to form a dough-like material. The viscous mixture material is then dynamically mixed in an in-line reactor to reduce the mixture viscosity and to form microflocs and release water. Said method is particularly useful for the treatment of suspensions of particulate material, especially waste mineral slurries, especially for the treatment of tailings and other waste material resulting from mineral processing, in particular, the processing of oil sands tailings. 1. An in-line apparatus for dynamically mixing a dough-like mixture of a polymeric flocculant and an aqueous suspension of oil sands fine tailings ,{'b': 41', '44', '43', '40', '14', '17, 'wherein one or more rotor () connected to a mixer shaft () is rotated by a drive (), which is arranged in an in-line reactor () through which the dough-like mixture flows into through a first pipe () and out of through a second pipe (),'}{'b': 42', '46', '44', '41, 'wherein one or more stationary stator () having a stator hub () through which the mixer shaft () passes and is not attached is arranged in an alternating fashion with the one or more rotor ().'}240144014. An apparatus according to wherein the in-line reactor () has an internal diameter claim 1 , the first pipe () has an internal diameter claim 1 , and the internal diameter of the in-line reactor () is equal to or less than five times the internal diameter of the first pipe ().3414142. An apparatus according to characterized in that there are from 1 to 100 rotors () and claim 1 , independent from the number of rotors () claim 1 , from 1 to 100 stators ().44145. An apparatus according to characterized in that the one or more rotor () consist of round pins claim 1 , knife-edge type blades claim 1 , square ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Creating Color Solution Mixture

Номер: US20190209984A1

A method of creating color solution, comprises the steps of: receiving color shade solution values corresponding to respective color shade solutions and color shade quantity values corresponding to respective amounts of said respective color shade solutions; mapping each of said received color shade solution values to respective locations where said respective color shade solutions are stored; and releasing into a mixing container said respective color shade solutions in said respective amounts. An apparatus is capable of performing the above steps. 1) A method of creating color solution , said method comprising the steps of:a) receiving color shade solution values corresponding to respectively different color shade solutions and color shade quantity values corresponding to respectively different amounts of said respective color shade solutions;b) mapping each of said received color shade solution values to respectively different physical locations where said respective color shade solutions are stored in respectively different containers;c) signaling at least one actuator under microprocessor control to release into a mixing container more than one of said respective color shade solutions in said respective amounts from said respectively different containers based on said received color shade solution values and said received color shade quantity values, and step b); and a. said container containing said respectively different color shade solutions; and', 'b. said mixing container, 'd) energizing at least one further actuator or motor that moves at least one of'}towards each other based on said mapping in order to combine ones of said respectively different color shade solutions that correspond to ones of said color shade solution values received in step a).2) A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:e) storing in non-transient memory amounts of said color shade solution physically used after said respective color shade solutions are released ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Mixing device having a two-part closure lid

Номер: US20210245122A1

A mixing device includes a container for receiving mixing material, with an emptying opening being arranged in the bottom thereof, and a closure cover for closing the emptying opening. The mixing device includes an emptying opening that can be easily and space-savingly opened and closed. The closure cover includes two closure cover portions which can be reciprocated relative to each other between a closed position in which the two closure cover portions are in contact with each other and together form the closure cover and an opened position in which the two closure cover portions are spaced from each other so that an opening is formed between the two closure cover portions for removal of the mixing material from the container.

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245123A1

A slurry mixing device includes an installation frame, a slurry mixing tank, a slurry feeding tank, a cooling mechanism and a slurry discharging mechanism. The slurry feeding tank is movably arranged under the slurry mixing tank, the cooling mechanism and the slurry discharging mechanism. A mass scale is arranged under the slurry feeding tank. A stirring cavity is formed in the slurry mixing tank, and a stirring paddle is arranged in the stirring cavity. A stirring motor is arranged on the slurry mixing tank. An outlet is arranged on the bottom of the stirring cavity. An oil bath cavity is formed between the slurry mixing tank and the stirring cavity. The cooling mechanism includes a lifting cylinder and a lifting base. The lifting base is provided with a rotating paddle and a rotating motor. The lifting cylinder is arranged on the installation frame. 1. A slurry mixing device , comprising an installation frame , a slurry mixing tank , a slurry feeding tank , a cooling mechanism and a slurry discharging mechanism , wherein ,the slurry mixing tank, the cooling mechanism and the slurry discharging mechanism are successively arranged on the installation frame; the installation frame is provided with a transport channel under the slurry mixing tank, the cooling mechanism and the slurry discharging mechanism; the slurry feeding tank is provided with an open end and is movably arranged in the transport channel along a direction of the transport channel; the transport channel is provided with a mass scale at a position corresponding to the slurry mixing tank;a stirring cavity is formed in the slurry mixing tank, and a stirring paddle is rotatably arranged in the stirring cavity; a stirring motor for rotatably driving the stirring paddle is arranged on the slurry mixing tank; a bottom of the stirring cavity extends to an outside of the slurry mixing tank to form an outlet; an oil bath cavity is formed between the slurry mixing tank and the stirring cavity;the cooling ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Cell culture system and method of use thereof

Номер: US20200208090A1

The present invention is based in part on the discovery of significant improvements to cell culture systems and methods of generating organoids. The system of the invention provides a novel spinning bioreactor platform for higher-throughput 3D culturing of stem cells (e.g., human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or embryonic stem cells (ESCs)). The system can be widely used as a standard platform to generate stem cell-derived human organoids for any tissue and for high-throughput drug screenings, toxicity testing, and modeling normal human organ development and diseases.

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for mixing liquids

Номер: US20180221837A1
Автор: Michael John Ogilvie
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for mixing a liquid comprise a base having an associated head located thereover, an elongate stirring member extending between top and bottom ends along an axis, wherein the top end is magnetically coupled with the head so as to suspend the elongate stirring member therefrom and wherein the bottom end includes at least two arms radially extending therefrom, and a rotary motor located within the base magnetically coupled to the at least two arms so as to cause the elongate stirring member to rotate with the rotary motor. A method for locating the elongate stirring member within the container, placing the container on the base at a mixing location so as to magnetically couple the stirring member with the head; and turning the rotary motor so as to cause the elongate stirring member to rotate with the rotary motor.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190218494A1

The present set of embodiments relate a system, method, and various devices for installation of a bioproduction system. The bioproduction system includes a rigid housing having a moveable platform to assist in the installation of a bioprocessing container within. The system also includes mounting systems for a variety of peripherals originating from the flexible container while safeguarding operators. More specifically, the system includes systems and methods for mounting bearings, organizing tube sets, and placement of the flexible container in its proper orientation. 1. A bioprocessing container installation system , comprising:a rigid housing having an interior compartment and including a lift system, wherein the lift system includes cables secured to a framework;a flexible container disposed within the interior compartment, the flexible container including a plurality of connectors; anda moveable platform positioned over the flexible container and within the interior compartment and including a plurality of cable attachment devices and a plurality of securing devices,wherein the cables are operably connected to the cable attachment devices to suspend the moveable platform and the securing devices are operably connected to the connectors.2. The bioprocessing container installation system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible container comprises:a first surface having at least two adjoining connectors;a second surface having at least two adjoining connectors; anda sidewall joining the first and second surfaces,wherein a first bearing housing is mounted to the first surface and a second bearing housing is mounted to the second surface.3. The bioprocessing container installation system of claim 2 , wherein the rigid housing further comprises at least two retractable cable assemblies mounted adjacent to a floor of the rigid housing claim 2 , wherein the retractable cable assemblies include hooks for attaching to the at least two adjoining connectors of the second surface ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180229196A1

The present invention concerns an apparatus for treating and cooling foundry moulding sand, comprising a mixing container and a mixing tool rotatable about a drive shaft, wherein there is provided an air feed for the feed of air into the container interior. To provide an improved apparatus with which a more uniform fluidised layer is produced as far as possible over the entire cross-section of the mixing container, wherein moreover the proportion of the solid particles entrained with the gas flow is to be reduced, it is proposed according to the invention that the mixing tool has at least two mixing vanes spaced from each other in the vertical direction and at least one mixing vane has a mixer blade with a surface which is inclined relative to the horizontal. 1. Apparatus for treating and cooling foundry moulding sand , comprising a mixing container and a mixing tool rotatable about a drive shaft , wherein there is provided an air feed for the feed of air into the container interior , characterised in that the mixing tool has at least two mixing vanes spaced from each other in the vertical direction and at least one mixing vane has a mixer blade with a surface which is inclined relative to the horizontal wherein the mixing tool has at least two vertically spaced mixing vanes with mixer blades , wherein a mixer blade , preferably the uppermost mixer blade , has a surface inclined upwardly in the direction of rotation of the mixing tool.2. Apparatus according to characterised in that the surface of the mixer blade is inclined downwardly in the direction of rotation of the mixing tool.3. (canceled)4. Apparatus according to characterised in that the mixer blade extends substantially to the container wall claim 1 , wherein the spacing between mixer blade and container wall is less than 100 mm.5. Apparatus according to characterised in that there is provided a drive for rotating the mixing tool claim 1 , wherein the drive is so designed that the mixer blade has a ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190230917A1
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

A mixing apparatus () for mixing slaughter offal with a preservative agent, the apparatus comprising an offal collection tank () with a bottom () provided with a discharge opening () connectable to a closable discharge, an agitator () extending into the offal collection tank, and a pump unit () operatively connectable to the discharge, wherein the apparatus further comprises a preservative reservoir () mounted on top of the collection tank (). A collection and preservation system is provided, wherein the addition of preservation agent can be strictly controlled, can easily and quickly be installed and connected when it is to be used. After use, the system is easily removed and cleaned. 1{'b': 7', '3, 'a) providing an empty preservative reservoir () and an empty collection tank (),'}{'b': '7', 'b) detecting the absence of preservative agent by the minimum level sensor in the preservative reservoir (),'}{'b': '7', 'c) filling the preservative reservoir () until the maximum level in the preservative reservoir is reached,'}d) stopping the supply of preservative agent,{'b': '3', 'e) adding the total amount of preservative agent to the collection tank (),'}{'b': '7', 'f) detecting the absence of preservative agent by the minimum level sensor in the preservative reservoir (),'}g) starting the supply of mucosa,{'b': 3', '3, 'h) filling the collection tank () with mucosa until the maximum level in the collection tank () is reached,'}{'b': '9', 'i) opening the discharge and activating the pump unit () and discharging preserved mucosa compound to a container or storage tank,'}j) closing off the discharge and deactivating the pump unit when the level of the preserved mucosa in the collection tank reaches a certain minimum level, andk) optionally starting the cycles a-j.. A method for preserving slaughter offal comprising the following steps: This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/053,736, filed Feb. 25, 2016; which is a divisional of U.S. patent ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170240465A1
Автор: Stephansen Poju R.
Принадлежит: Poju R. Stephansen AS

Methods and a slaker for removal of heavy grit during batchwise slaking of burnt lime in a slaker () for the production of lime slurry with a high degree of fineness and prolonged sedimentation time are described, where the following processing steps are carried out during the slaking process: a)—reduction of the stirring of the slaker () from a normal stirring speed to a lower stirring speed, b)—opening of an upper inlet valve () in a collector () mounted in the lower part () of the slaker () to lead sinking grit in the slurry batch to the collector (), whereupon the upper inlet valve () is closed after a given time period, c)—increase the stirring in the slaker () back to the normal stirring speed, d)—after a given time period with normal stirring speed, a regulating valve () in the lower part () of the slaker () is opened for emptying of a batch of slurry to an external storage tank (), and e)—when said regulating valve () is opened for emptying of a batch of slurry, a lower outlet valve () in the collector is optionally opened for emptying of collected grit. 12. Method for batchwise slaking of burnt lime in a slaker () , for the production of lime slurry with a high degree of fineness and prolonged sedimentation time , comprising the following processing steps:{'b': '2', 'emptying of finished slaked and diluted lime slurry from the slaker (), until there is a predetermined slurry weight left, which is used for mixing with the next slurry batch;'}automatic coupling of a control system for automatic operation after the wanted slaking temperature has been reached in the first batch, which adds diluting water and thereafter burnt lime at a predetermined weight in the subsequent steps;{'b': '2', 'automatic regulation of the slaking temperature in the subsequent batch of slurry, where the ratio between water and lime is adjusted if the wanted slaking temperature was not reached or exceeded in the previous batch, and where the slaker () is completely filled with water ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Paint Can Lid Pour Spout

Номер: US20170247147A1
Автор: Gama Ubirajara

A paint container lid assembly for a standard paint container includes an opening with a threaded adapter ring and a removable threaded cap. A pour spout/funnel includes a tubular lower portion having an internally threaded end to removably engage the adapter ring. The upper portion of the spout/funnel comprises a coffer-like body having an elongated opening. A spout/funnel cap is slidably secured to the spout/funnel to close the entire spout/funnel upper opening or partially unblock the opening to meter and control the rate of outflow of paint. 1. In a paint container lid assembly including a lid adapted to removably close the paint container opening , the improvement comprising:an access opening extending through the lid;an adapter ring secured in said access opening and including an upper end forming a threaded collar;a threaded cap removably secured to said threaded collar;a spout/funnel having a threaded lower end adapted to be removably secured to said threaded collar, said spout/funnel having an elongated upper opening adapted for both receiving paint poured therein and for discharging paint poured therefrom.2. The paint container lid assembly of claim 1 , further including a spout/funnel cap removably secured to the upper end of said spout/funnel and adapted to close said elongated upper opening.3. The paint container lid assembly of claim 2 , wherein said spout/funnel cap is slidably engaged with said spout/funnel and adapted to be opened to a selective and varying extent to meter and control paint outflow poured from said spout/funnel.4. The paint container lid assembly of claim 3 , wherein said elongated upper opening is defined in part by a pair of opposed elongated linear sides claim 3 , and further including a pair of flanges claim 3 , each extending from one of said opposed elongated linear sides.5. The paint container lid assembly of claim 4 , wherein said spout/funnel cap includes a pair of linear channel portions disposed to engage said pair of ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200246740A1

A method for filtering a gas includes passing a gas into a compartment of a casing that includes a polymeric film, the casing having: a first sleeve having a first outlet opening, a first filter being at least partially disposed within the first sleeve so that gas passing through the first sleeve must pass through the first filter; and a second sleeve having an second outlet opening, a second filter being at least partially disposed within the second sleeve so that gas passing through the second sleeve must pass through the second filter, the second sleeve being closed so that the gas passing into the compartment of the casing passes through the first sleeve and the first filter and directly contacts at least a portion of the first sleeve comprised of the polymeric film but does not pass through the second sleeve. Opening the second sleeve when a predetermined condition is met so that the gas passes through the second sleeve and the second filter. 1. A method for filtering a gas comprising: a first sleeve having a first outlet opening, a first filter being at least partially disposed within the first sleeve so that gas passing through the first sleeve must pass through the first filter; and', 'a second sleeve having an second outlet opening, a second filter being at least partially disposed within the second sleeve so that gas passing through the second sleeve must pass through the second filter, the second sleeve being closed so that the gas passing into the compartment of the casing passes through the first sleeve and the first filter and directly contacts at least a portion of the first sleeve comprised of the polymeric film but does not pass through the second sleeve; and, 'passing a gas into a compartment of a casing comprised of a polymeric film, the casing comprisingopening the second sleeve when a predetermined condition is met so that the gas passes through the second sleeve and the second filter.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein opening the ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Mixing Machine

Номер: US20190255493A1

A mixing machine includes a mixing head and at least one connection means for connecting a mixing container containing material to be mixed to said mixing head for forming a closed mixing container. The mixing head, as part of a pivotable assembly, is pivotably mounted with respect to a frame such that the closed mixing container formed from the mixing head and the mixing container can be pivoted relative to the frame for performing the mixing process. The mixing head carries at least one rotationally-driven mixing tool. The mixing head comprises a head plate having a connecting flange molded thereon which is configured as an annular disc and comprises a planar contact surface. At least two ring seals of differing diameters are arranged in said contact surface of the connecting flange at a spacing between each other, such that mixing containers with different connection diameters of their mixing head side can be connected to said mixing head. The at least one connection means is configured for gripping mixing containers which differ in the diameter of their connection sides. 1. A mixing machine comprising:a mixing head and at least one connection means for connecting a mixing container containing material to be mixed to said mixing head, the mixing head and the mixing container together forming a closed mixing container;the mixing head, as part of a pivotable assembly, is pivotably mounted with respect to a frame such that the closed mixing container formed by the mixing head and mixing container can be pivoted relative to said frame in performing a mixing process, and the mixing head carries at least one rotationally driven mixing tool;wherein the mixing head comprises a head plate having a connecting flange molded thereon, the connecting flange is configured as an annular disc and comprises a planar contact surface;wherein at least two ring seals of differing diameters are arranged in the planar contact surface of the connecting flange at a spacing between each ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Reactor for mixing high viscosity fluids

Номер: US20200254418A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A reactor is described. The reactor comprises a housing having a reaction space to accommodate a reactant; an outlet pipe connected to a lower part of the reaction space; a rotating shaft disposed in the housing; and a plurality of stirring blades mounted on the rotating shaft. The housing has a lower converging region, and a cross-sectional area of the lower converging region decreases toward the outlet pipe. At least one of the plurality of stirring blades is located in the lower converging region. The outlet pipe includes a first region connected to the lower converging region and a second region extending from the first region in a discharge direction, a cross-sectional area of the first region decreases in a direction from the lower converging region toward the discharge direction, and the second region has a constant cross-sectional area.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160280430A1
Автор: Petlikovski Chris
Принадлежит: Cogito Et Creo Ltd

A lid for a container includes an attachment portion arranged to attach the lid to the container. There is a lid portion integrally formed with the attachment portion and sized to substantially cover an opening in the container. It also includes at least one opening located on the lid portion to allow the ingress or egress of fluid from the container when the lid is in situ, and at least one arm extending from the lid portion and arranged, in use, to locate within the container to stir the contents of the container. 1. A lid for a container comprising an attachment portion arranged to attach the lid to the container , a lid portion integrally formed with the attachment portion and sized to substantially cover an opening in the container , at least one opening located on the lid portion to allow the ingress or egress of fluid from the container when the lid is in situ , and at least one arm extending from the lid portion and arranged , in use , to locate within the container to stir the contents of the container.2. A container lid in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the at least one arm extends includes at least one protrusion claim 1 , wherein the at least one protrusion has a surface area claim 1 , such that claim 1 , in use claim 1 , the surface area is arranged to assist in stirring the contents of the container.3. A container lid in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the arm is attached to a handle wherein a user may operate the handle to operate the arm and in turn stir the contents of the container.4. A container lid in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the protrusion is substantially disc-shaped.5. A container lid in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the protrusion is angled to maximise the area swept by the arm.6. A container lid in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the arm and the protrusion cooperate such that claim 4 , as the swivel is turned claim 4 , the protrusion moves along the arm.7. A container lid in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the at least ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264517A1

A fluids delivery system may include a mixing system configured to deliver a fluid to a wellbore; a dry component delivery system configured to deliver a dry component to the mixing system; a liquid additive system configured to deliver a liquid component to the mixing system; and a controls system configured to control the mixing system, the dry additive system and the liquid additive system to produce the fluid. 1. A fluids delivery system comprising:a mixing system configured to deliver a fluid to a wellbore;a dry component delivery system configured to deliver a dry component to the mixing system;a liquid additive system configured to deliver a liquid component to the mixing system; anda controls system configured to control the mixing system, the dry additive system and the liquid additive system to produce the fluid.2. The fluids delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the mixing system comprises at least two mixers claim 1 , a sensor array claim 1 , and a buffer tank.3. The fluids delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the dry component delivery system comprises at least one dry storage container.4. The fluids delivery system of claim 3 , wherein the dry component delivery system further comprises a measuring component to measure the inventory of the at least one dry storage container.5. The fluids delivery system of claim 3 , wherein the dry component delivery system further comprises at least one of a gravity conveyance claim 3 , a pneumatic conveyance claim 3 , or a mechanical conveyance to deliver the dry component to the mixing system.6. The fluids delivery system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one fiber feeder.7. The fluids delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the liquid additive system comprises at least one liquid storage container.8. The fluids delivery system of claim 7 , wherein the liquid additive system further comprises a pump to deliver the liquid additive to the mixing system.9. The fluids delivery system of claim 2 , wherein the controls ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210355604A1

A screw feeder includes: a case that includes a material putting-in portion through which a fluff material is put in and a material putting-out portion through which the fluff material is put out below the material putting-in portion; and a screw that includes a rotational shaft and a blade portion, the rotational shaft being provided rotatably inside the case, the blade portion being spirally mounted on the rotational shaft; wherein the screw is rotated with repeated alternation of a slope-down direction in which the blade portion slopes downward spirally in a vertical direction and a slope-up direction in which the blade portion slopes upward spirally in the vertical direction.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170281552A1

A powdery material mixing degree measurement device includes a discharger configured to discharge mixed powdery materials to a filler configured to fill, with the powdery materials, a vertically penetrating die bore of a compression-molding machine including a table including the die bore, a slidable lower punch including an upper end inserted to the die bore, and a slidable upper punch including a lower end inserted to the die bore, a plurality of movable portions configured to move the mixed powdery materials to the discharger, and a sensor configured to measure a mixing degree of the mixed powdery materials in the movable portions. 1. A powdery material mixing degree measurement device configured to measure a mixing degree of mixed powdery materials including at least two types of powdery materials , the device comprising:a discharger configured to discharge the mixed powdery materials to a filler configured to fill, with the powdery materials, a die bore of a compression-molding machine configured to cause punches to compress the mixed powdery materials in the die bore to mold a molded product;a plurality of movable portions configured to move the mixed powdery materials to the discharger; anda sensor configured to measure a mixing degree of the mixed powdery materials in the movable portions.2. A powdery material mixing degree measurement device configured to measure a mixing degree of mixed powdery materials including at least two types of powdery materials , the device comprising:a discharger configured to discharge the mixed powdery materials to a filler configured to fill, with the powdery materials, a die bore of a compression-molding machine configured to cause punches to compress the mixed powdery materials in the die bore to mold a molded product;a plurality of movable portions configured to move the mixed powdery materials to the discharger;a feeding unit configured to feed the movable portions with the mixed powdery materials; anda sensor configured ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Pot lid assembly and cooking utensil

Номер: US20210378449A1
Автор: Jiwei Wang, Yi Qin, YuDe Han
Принадлежит: Instant Brands Holdings Inc

A pot lid assembly comprises a pot lid, an electric motor assembly and a mixing apparatus. The electric motor assembly is fixed to the pot lid. The mixing apparatus includes a stirring rod and a plurality of stirring vanes. The electric motor assembly includes an electric motor. The electric motor includes a rotary shaft operatively connected with the stirring rod so that the electric motor can cause the stirring rod to rotate. The pot lid is configured to cover the pot body to form a closed cooking space. When the pot lid is removed from the pot body, the rotary shaft is disengaged from the stirring rod, and the mixing apparatus can stand in the cooking space of the pot body, with the stirring vanes serving as a support. The mixing apparatus remains in the cooking space of the pot body after the removal of the pot lid.

09-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210378450A1
Автор: Han YuDe, QIN Yi, Wang Jiwei
Принадлежит: Instant Brands Holdings Inc.

Disclosed in an embodiment of the present application is a mixing apparatus, mixing machine, and cooking utensil. A mixing apparatus that can be fitted to an electric motor assembly. The electric motor assembly is able to drive the mixing apparatus to rotate for mixing food ingredients. The mixing apparatus comprises a connection part, stirring rods extended from the connection part and stirring bars. The positions at which the stirring bars are fitted to the stirring rods can be adjusted based on the type and quantity of food ingredients to increase mixing uniformity. 1. A mixing apparatus that can be fitted to an electric motor assembly , the electric motor assembly being able to drive the mixing apparatus to rotate for mixing food ingredients , the mixing apparatus comprising:a connection part;stirring rods extending from the connection part; and,stirring bars;wherein the positions at which the stirring bars are fitted to the stirring rods are selectively adjustable based on the type and quantity of food ingredients to be mixed.2. The mixing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the stirring rods and the stirring bars are crossedly arranged.3. The mixing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the mixing apparatus includes a plurality of stirring rods claim 2 , and the stirring bars are fitted to at least two of the stirring rods.4. The mixing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the mixing apparatus includes at least two of the stirring bars.5. The mixing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the stirring rods includes a connection part extended horizontally from the connection part claim 1 , a stirring part extended downward from the connection part claim 1 , and the stirring bars are fitted to the stirring parts.6. The mixing apparatus of claim 5 , wherein each of the stirring parts is provided with a plurality of positioning pieces claim 5 , the positioning pieces protruding towards one side thereof to position the stirring bars relative to the stirring rods.7. The mixing ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190270058A1
Автор: ISHIHATA Atsuhiro

A stirring blade includes a first member having a first flat surface and a second member having a second flat surface, wherein the stirring blade is rotatable about a rotational axis in a state where the first and second flat surfaces are opposed to each other and spaced by a first distance across the rotational axis. When the stirring blade is rotated about the rotational axis with the first and second flat surfaces at least partially immersed in an object to be stirred, the object to be stirred having entered between the first and second flat surfaces is discharged in a direction away from the rotational axis by a centrifugal force and, simultaneously, the object to be stirred is sucked into and between the first and second flat surfaces from a direction along the rotational axis. 1. A stirring blade comprising a first member having a first flat surface and a second member having a second flat surface , wherein the stirring blade is rotatable about a rotational axis in a state where the first flat surface and the second flat surface are opposed to each other and spaced by a first distance across the rotational axis.2. The stirring blade according to claim 1 , wherein the space between the first flat surface of the first member and the second flat surface of the second member is open in a width direction of the first member and the second member.3. The stirring blade according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when rotated about the rotational axis with the first flat surface and the second flat surface at least partially immersed in an object to be stirred claim 1 , the object to be stirred having entered between the first and second flat surfaces is discharged in a direction away from the rotational axis by a centrifugal force and claim 1 , simultaneously claim 1 , the object to be stirred is sucked into and between the first and second flat surfaces from a direction along the rotational axis.4. The stirring blade according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190275477A1

A fine-bubble mixed liquid producing apparatus includes a reservoir and a bubble feeding means for feeding bubbles to a liquid L stored in the reservoir , wherein the bubble feeding means includes a rotary cylinder having an emitting part on the outer circumferential surface, the emitting part for being rotationally driven by a drive means , a circulating means for drawing out the liquid L stored in the reservoir and feeding the liquid L from the emitting part to the reservoir , and a gas-liquid mixing part for mixing bubbles with the liquid L circulated by the circulating means . This apparatus enables a fine-bubble mixed liquid to be efficiently produced. 1. A fine-bubble mixed liquid producing apparatus comprising a reservoir and a bubble feeding means for feeding bubbles to a liquid stored in the reservoir , wherein a rotary cylinder having an emitting part on an outer circumferential surface, wherein the rotary cylinder is for being rotationally driven by a drive means,', 'a circulating means for drawing out the liquid stored in the reservoir and feeding the liquid from the emitting part to the reservoir, and', 'a gas-liquid mixing part for mixing bubbles with the liquid circulated by the circulating means, and, 'the bubble feeding means comprisesby immersing the emitting part in the liquid stored in the reservoir and rotating the rotary cylinder, a bubble-mixed liquid is emitted from the emitting part, and a fine-bubble mixed liquid is thus produced.2. The fine-bubble mixed liquid producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary cylinder comprises rotary blades inside.3. The fine-bubble mixed liquid producing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising an outer cylinder disposed coaxially with the rotary cylinder such that there is a space between the outer cylinder and an outer circumferential surface of the rotary cylinder.4. A method for producing a fine-bubble mixed liquid by mixing bubbles with a liquid stored in a reservoir claim 1 , ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190275480A1
Автор: Bae Seo Jun

The present invention relates to an apparatus for producing a fuel made by mixing water with oil in a vacuum state. The apparatus includes: a vacuum tank adapted to seal an internal space thereof to allow the internal space to be maintained to a vacuum state; a vacuum pump located on one side of the vacuum tank to suck the air from the interior of the vacuum tank, so that the vacuum tank is kept in the vacuum state; a stirring vessel located inside the vacuum tank in such a manner as to communicate with the vacuum tank through a bypass pipe, the water and oil being supplied thereto; and stirrers rotating by the drive of motors to stirringly mix the water with the oil. 1. An apparatus for producing a fuel made by mixing water with oil in a vacuum state , the apparatus comprising:{'b': '10', 'a vacuum tank adapted to seal an internal space thereof to allow the internal space to be maintained to a vacuum state;'}{'b': 20', '10', '10', '10, 'a vacuum pump located on one side of the vacuum tank to suck air from the interior of the vacuum tank , so that the vacuum tank is kept in the vacuum state;'}{'b': 30', '10', '10', '31, 'a stirring vessel located inside the vacuum tank in such a manner as to communicate with the vacuum tank through a bypass pipe , the water and oil being supplied thereto; and'}{'b': 40', '41', '30', '32', '39', '33', '331', '34', '341', '33', '34', '35, 'stirrers rotating by the drive of motors to stirringly mix the water with the oil, wherein the stirring vessel has a structure in which a plurality of cylindrical containers are bonded to each other, the cylindrical containers having cut portions formed by cutting side peripheries thereof in such a manner as to be face-contacted with each other and thus bonded to each other to form a bonding portion , and the cylindrical containers are connected correspondingly to a water supply pipe on which an electronic water supply valve is disposed and to an oil supply pipe on which an electronic oil supply ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for processing glass melt including tube segments joined together at an integral solid-state joint and methods

Номер: US20170291840A1
Автор: Martin Herbert Goller
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

An apparatus for processing a quantity of glass melt comprises a segmented tube including a first tube segment and a second tube segment. A second end portion of the first tube segment is joined to a first end portion of the second tube segment. In further examples, methods of fabricating a segmented torsion tube include joining together segmented torsion tubes at an integral solid-state joint.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190284118A1

A process of the type for producing chlorinated propanes by reacting carbon tetrachloride with ethylene within a tank reactor that includes a liquid reaction mixture and a headspace above the reaction mixture wherein ethylene gas diffuses from the liquid reaction mixture into the headspace while agitating the reaction mixture, the improvement comprising transferring ethylene within the headspace back into the reaction mixture through a conduit within the mixing device that agitates the reaction mixture. 1. A process of the type for producing chlorinated propanes by reacting carbon tetrachloride with ethylene within a tank reactor that includes a liquid reaction mixture and a headspace above the reaction mixture wherein ethylene gas diffuses from the liquid reaction mixture into the headspace while agitating the reaction mixture , the improvement comprising transferring ethylene within the headspace back into the reaction mixture through a conduit within the mixing device that agitates the reaction mixture.2. The process of claim 1 , where the mixing device is an aspirating agitator.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mixing device is operating a power to volume ratio of at least 10 kW/m.4. A process of the type for producing chlorinated propanes by reacting carbon tetrachloride with an olefin in the presence of an insoluble or partially soluble catalyst or catalyst precursor within a liquid reaction mixture claim 1 , the improvement comprising charging the catalyst or catalyst precursor to the reaction mixture within a slurry that is continuously agitated.5. The process of claim 4 , where said continuous agitation takes place within a continuously-stirred slurry tank.6. The process of claim 4 , where said continuous agitation is caused by continuous circulation of the slurry through a slurry loop.7. The process of claim 4 , where the catalyst is iron powder.8. The process of claim 4 , where the olefin is ethylene.9. The process of claim 4 , where the carbon ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180292011A1

Systems and methods for bearing housings are disclosed. A labyrinth seal bearing housing includes: a first seal element that is structured and arranged to be connected to a wall of a mixing vessel; a second seal element that is structured and arranged to be connected to a rotatable shaft; and a bearing support that is structured and arranged to be connected to the first seal element. The second seal element is configured to rotate relative to the first seal element and the bearing support. The first seal element and the second seal element are structured and arranged to create a tortuous flow path between an exterior and an interior of the mixing vessel. 1. A labyrinth seal bearing housing , comprising:a bearing support having a first end and a second end;a first seal element covering the first end of the bearing support;a cover covering the second end of the bearing support;a bearing for connection to a rotatable shaft, the bearing at least partially located in a circular recess in the second end of the bearing support and beneath said cover;a second seal element that can be connected to the rotatable shaft, the second seal element located within the bearing support when the bearing and second seal are connected to the rotatable shaft; andwherein the first seal element and the second seal element form a tortuous flow path between them when the bearing and second seal are connected to the rotatable shaft.2. The labyrinth seal bearing housing of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the bearing support comprises an end surface of a post.3. The labyrinth seal bearing housing of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the bearing support comprises end surfaces of a plurality of posts.4. The labyrinth seal bearing housing of claim 1 , wherein the bearing has an inner race and an outer race claim 1 , and the outer race is seated in the circular recess of the bearing support.5. The labyrinth seal bearing housing of claim 1 , wherein the second seal element is configured to rotate ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160312122A1
Автор: Mansour Rawya Lotfy

The present invention concerns device for producing green coal for agricultural use from organic agricultural materials comprising: a container () suitable for receiving the organic materials, an enclosure () enclosing the container () and delimiting an intermediate space around the container (), a system for heating the intermediate space and a rotary stirring system configured to stir the organic materials placed in the container (), characterised by the fact that the rotary stirring system comprises a plurality of blades () that are fixed relative to the container () and a plurality of blades () that are mobile in rotation relative to the container (), the plurality of fixed blades () being distributed between at least two stages of fixed blades () along the axis () of rotation, the plurality of mobile blades () being distributed between at least two stages of mobile blades along the axis () of rotation, the stages of fixed blades and the stages of mobile blades alternating along the axis () of rotation. 1. A device for producing green charcoal for agricultural use from agricultural organic materials , comprising:a container able to receive the organic materials;an enclosure enclosing the container and delimiting an intermediate space around the container;a system for heating the intermediate space;a rotary stirring system configured so as to stir the organic materials placed in the container;wherein the rotary stirring system comprises a plurality of blades fixed relative to the container and a plurality of moving blades rotating relative to the container, the plurality of fixed blades being distributed in at least two stages of fixed blades along the rotation axis, the plurality of moving blades being distributed in at least two stages of moving blades along the rotation axis, the fixed-blade stages and the moving-blade stages being alternating along the rotation axis, and in that the spacing between any two adjacent stages from respectively the fixed-blade ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190299173A1

The present invention provides a vessel used for a centrifuge, a centrifugation method using same, and a method for stromal vascular fraction (SVF) isolation using same. In particular, the centrifuge vessel according to the present invention has a rotatable body unit () provided with a side accommodation part () which is on the side thereof and formed by extending at least a part thereof radially outwards and on which is positioned a plate () having a radial end positioned therein. As a result, the present invention substantially eliminates a stirring effect, has high isolation efficiency, and obtains a superior SVF yield. 1. A centrifuge vessel comprising:{'b': '300', 'a body unit that is rotatable;'}{'b': 200', '300, 'a cover part that covers the body unit ; and'}{'b': 100', '200', '111', '112', '300, 'a connection part provided in the cover part and comprising a plurality of connection pipes and in fluid communication with an inside of the body unit ,'}{'b': '300', 'wherein the body unit comprises'}{'b': 310', '300, 'a side accommodation part formed on a side surface of the body unit by extending at least a part thereof radially outwards, and'}{'b': 150', '310, 'a plate having a radial end positioned on the side accommodation part .'}2310. The centrifuge vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the side accommodation part extends radially in all directions.3150150300. The centrifuge vessel according to claim 2 , wherein the plate is a body of revolution such that the stirring effect does not occur even when the plate is not rotated during rotation of the body unit .4152112111112150. The centrifuge vessel according to claim 3 , wherein a side flow path in fluid communication with one connection pipe of the plurality of connection pipes and is provided inside the plate .5111111112303300. The centrifuge vessel according to claim 4 , wherein an end of the other connection pipe of the connection pipes and reaches the lower body of the body unit .6100115. The centrifuge ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170326512A1

The enclosed offset pail mixer is an invention which allows for safe, efficient and clean mixing of liquid solutions and liquid mechanical mixtures. The mixer includes a moveable head assembly that is constrained to two positions. In the operating position, the mixer geometry substantially encloses the moving parts of the mixer, preventing personnel from coming in contact with moving parts. The geometry also acts to contain dusts and vapors. A safety control circuit ensures that the impeller motor will not operate unless the vessel and the shroud are both in their respective operating position. In the operating position, the impeller shaft axis is strategically offset from the vessel axis to reduce large vortices and associated aeration. When the movable head is in the retracted position, the impeller is positioned over a removable drip cup to prevent residue from dripping on the floor or machine frame. 2. The enclosed offset pail mixer from claim 1 , wherein the shroud acts to enclose the open-top vessel to prevent personnel from accessing the rotor assembly while the movable head assembly is in its operating position and the shroud acts as a dust and vapor containment boundary with one or more connection points for interfacing with an external dust or vapor evacuation system.3. The enclosed offset pail mixer from claim 1 , wherein the controller sends power to the motor when the start button is momentarily pressed and thereafter the controller continues to provide power to the motor until the vessel position sensor detects the absence of a vessel claim 1 , OR until the head position sensor detects that the head is NOT in its operating position claim 1 , OR until the stop button is pressed. Not ApplicableThis invention pertains to pails or other open-top vessels of various shapes and sizes which contain solutions or mechanical mixtures which are required to be blended. This is a very common need in a wide range of industries which process food products, ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190314778A1

The mixing device of cell printing composition according to the present disclosure comprises a first syringe comprising a first container for containing first liquid, a first moving element discharging the first liquid contained in the first container; a second syringe comprising a second container for containing second liquid, a second moving element discharging the second liquid contained in the second container; a mixing container which comprises a rotating mixing unit and receives the discharged first liquid and the discharged second liquids; a power transmission unit for driving the first moving element, the second moving element and the mixing unit; a first threaded guide where the first moving element is movably connected; a second threaded guide where the second moving element is movably connected; and a rod for rotating the mixing unit. 2. The mixing device according to claim 1 , wherein the power transmission unit comprises a ring gear claim 1 , a sun gear which is rotatable by the rotation of the ring gear claim 1 , a first planetary gear which is engageable with the sun gear claim 1 , and a second planetary gear which is engageable with the sun gear; and wherein the first threaded guide is rotatable by the first planetary gear; the second threaded guide is rotatable by the second planetary gear; and the rod is rotatable by the sun gear.3. The mixing device according to claim 2 , wherein the first moving element is connected to the first threaded guide via a first connecting portion which is guidable by the first threaded guide; and the second moving element is connected to the second threaded guide via a second connecting portion which is guidable by the second threaded guide.4. The mixing device according to claim 3 , further comprising a first guard portion having a first slot where the first connecting portion is guidable; and a second guard portion having a second slot where the second connecting portion is guidable.5. The mixing device according to ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160346749A1
Автор: Hagata Yutaka, Ishida Yuu
Принадлежит: SINTOKOGIO, LTD.

To provide a dispersing device that carries out an appropriate dispersion having a good yield, processing within an appropriate temperature range, and having a high power to disperse. The dispersing device disperses a mixture that is slurry or a liquid by causing the mixture to flow between a rotor and a stator toward the outer circumference by centrifugal force. It comprises a container, a cover assembly that closes an upper opening of the container, a stator that is fixed under the cover assembly, a rotor that is disposed to face the lower surface of the stator, a rotary shaft that rotates the rotor, a bearing that is located above the stator, and a spacer that is detachably disposed between the rotary shaft and the rotor to adjust a gap between the rotor and the stator. 1. A shear-type dispersing device for dispersing a mixture of a slurry or a liquid by causing the mixture to flow by centrifugal force toward an outer circumference between a rotor , and a stator that is disposed to face the rotor , comprising:a container for receiving the dispersed mixture;a cover assembly that closes an upper opening of the container;a stator that is fixed under the cover assembly;a rotor that is disposed to face a lower surface of the stator;a rotary shaft that rotates the rotor;a bearing that is disposed in the cover assembly and is located above the stator to rotatably hold the rotary shaft; anda spacer that is detachably disposed between the rotary shaft and the rotor to adjust a gap between the rotor and the stator;wherein when the spacer is disposed an axial position of he rotor in relation to the stator is fixed.2. The dispersing device of claim 1 , wherein the cover assembly has a part for holding the bearing and a part for holding the stator that is disposed under the part for holding the bearing claim 1 ,wherein the part for holding the bearing has a part for controlling an axial position that controls the axial position of the part for holding the stator by abutting ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200324947A1
Автор: Cunningham Bobby Ray

An apparatus for stirring the contents of a beverage cup without removing the lid. The lid of the cup is equipped with a rotating disk. A shaft having a finger tab at its top and a paddle device at its bottom traverses the disk in an offset position relative to the center of the disk. When the disk is rotated by the shaft, the paddle is dragged through the beverage, thus stirring the beverage. 1. a device for stirring a beverage within a sealed beverage container comprising ,A means for sealing said container, said means further comprising a lid member, said lid member further comprising a top plate, said top plate being generally flat and affixed to said container by said lid member, said lid member further comprising a drinking aperture, said top plate further comprising a circular, medially positioned opening, said medially positioned opening having an edge,B means for stirring said beverage, andC means for mounting said means for stirring said beverage to said top plate of said lid member.2. a device as described in claim 1 , wherein said means for stirring said beverage further comprises a finger grip member claim 1 , a shaft claim 1 , said shaft having a top end and a bottom end claim 1 , a stirring member claim 1 , and a circular rotary plate claim 1 , said circular rotary plate being rotationally fixed within said circular claim 1 , medially positioned opening claim 1 , said circular rotating plate having an outer edge claim 1 , said circular rotary plate further comprising a shaft opening claim 1 , said shaft opening being located near said outer edge of said circular rotating plate claim 1 , said shaft traversing said shaft opening claim 1 , said bottom end of said shaft being rigidly affixed to said stirring member said top end of said shaft being affixed to said finger grip member.3. a device as described in claim 2 , wherein said means for mounting said means for stirring said beverage to said top plate of said lid member comprises a slotted rim claim 2 ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190374067A1

A module includes a housing and an agitator. The housing defines a cavity and includes a boss that extends from a first end of the housing into the interior cavity towards a second opposing end of the housing. The boss has an exterior surface and defines an inner bore. The boss includes a flange extending outwardly from the exterior surface. The agitator includes a base, a shaft, and a mixing element. The shaft of the agitator extends from the base and is slidable relative to the inner bore of the boss such that the agitator is movable between a fully retracted position, a partially extended position, and a fully extended position. The mixing element of the agitator extends from the base and includes a portion that is configured to engage the flange of the boss in a non-rotational fashion in response to the agitator being in the partially extended position. 1. A module for use with a system , the module comprising:a housing defining an interior cavity and including a boss that extends from a first end of the housing into the interior cavity towards a second opposing end of the housing, the boss having an exterior surface and defining an inner bore, the boss including a flange extending outwardly from the exterior surface; andan agitator including a base, a shaft, and a mixing element, the shaft of the agitator extending from the base and being slidable relative to the inner bore of the boss such that the agitator is movable between a fully retracted position, a partially extended position, and a fully extended position, the mixing element of the agitator extending from the base and including a portion that is configured to engage the flange of the boss in a non-rotational fashion in response to the agitator being in the partially extended position.2. The module of claim 1 , wherein the mixing element is configured such that the portion of the mixing element does not engage the flange of the boss in a non-rotational fashion in response to the agitator being in the ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190374913A1

The present disclosure provides a stirred tank. The stirred tank includes a tank body, a stirring shaft, a plurality of blades and baffles. The tank body is configured to hold the material to be stirred; an axis of the stirring shaft is configured to coincide with an axis of the tank body; the blades are disposed on the stirring shaft; the baffles are disposed in the tank body and arranged at a periphery of the stirring shaft, and each baffle is provided with a plurality of punched holes and has a wave-like cross section. During the agitation of the stirred tank, a large number of high-speed jets are formed after the fluid passes through the punched holes. 1. A stirred tank , comprising:a tank body configured to hold the material to be stirred;a stirring shaft, wherein an axis of the stirring shaft is configured to coincide with an axis of the tank body;a blade disposed on the stirring shaft; anda plurality of baffles, wherein the baffles are disposed in the tank body and arranged at a periphery of the stirring shaft, and each baffle of the plurality of baffles is provided with a plurality of punched holes and has a wave-like cross section.2. The stirred tank of claim 1 , wherein the wave-like cross section is composed of a plurality of broken lines or a plurality of arcs.3. The stirred tank of claim 2 , wherein in a case where the wave-like cross section is composed of a plurality of broken lines claim 2 , an angle between adjacent broken lines ranges from 10° to 170°.4. The stirred tank of claim 1 , wherein the baffles are mounted on the inner wall of the tank body.5. The stirred tank of claim 1 , wherein a gap is provided between the each baffle and the inner wall of the tank body.6. The stirred tank of claim 1 , wherein a length of the wave-like cross section of the each baffle in the radial direction of the tank body is 1/15˜ 1/10 of a diameter of the tank body.7. The stirred tank of claim 1 , wherein the number of the baffles is in a range of 2 to 8 and the ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200398236A1

A stirring apparatus includes a case that houses fiber pieces containing fibers, and a rotary body that is disposed inside the case and that stirs the fiber pieces, in which the rotary body includes a rotary portion that forms a portion of a bottom surface of the case and that rotates, and blades that stand upright on the rotary portion. 1. A stirring apparatus comprising:a case that houses fiber pieces containing fibers; anda rotary body that is disposed inside the case and that stirs the fiber pieces, whereinthe rotary body includesa rotary portion that forms a portion of a bottom surface of the case and that rotates, andblades that stand upright on the rotary portion.2. The stirring apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe blades are disposed on imaginary lines extending radially from a rotation center of the rotary portion, andthe rotary body has, at a rotation center of the rotary portion, a protruding member that closes a space between the plurality of blades.3. The stirring apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe protruding member has a height that is higher than a height of the blades.4. The stirring apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe blades are provided from the protruding member to a peripheral edge of the rotary portion.5. The stirring apparatus according to claim 4 , whereina portion of an outer peripheral edge of the blades protrudes outward from a peripheral edge of the rotary portion.6. The stirring apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinin plan view of the rotary portion, the blades include a plurality of blades having a first height and a plurality of blades having a second height that is less than the first height, the blades having the second height being disposed between the blades having the first height.7. The stirring apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe case includes a bottom surface, the rotary portion is configured to rotate with respect to the bottom surface, and a sealing member is disposed between the bottom ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger System with Flexible Bag

Номер: US20200407669A1

A bag assembly for use with a heat exchanger includes a flexible bag having of one or more sheets of polymeric material, the bag having a first end that bounds a first compartment and an opposing second end that bounds a second compartment, a support structure being disposed between the first compartment and the second compartment so that the first compartment is separated and isolated from the second compartment. A first inlet port, a first outlet port, and a first drain port are coupled with the flexible bag so as to communicate with the first compartment. A second inlet port, a second outlet port, and a second drain port are coupled with the flexible bag so as to communicate with the second compartment. 118.-. (canceled)19. A method for using a heat exchanger , the method comprising:placing a flexible bag on a body of a heat exchanger so that a first end of the flexible bag bounding a first fluid pathway is disposed against a first side face of the body and a second end of the flexible bag bounding a second fluid pathway is disposed against an opposing second side face of the body;passing a first fluid that comprises at least some liquid through the first fluid pathway while the first end of the flexible bag is disposed against the first side face of the body; andpassing a second fluid that comprises at least some liquid through the second fluid pathway while the second end of the flexible bag is disposed against the second side face of the body.20. The method as recited in claim 19 , further comprising securing the flexible bag to the body of the heat exchanger so that the first end is pushed against the first side face and the second end is pushed against the second side face while the first fluid is passing through the fluid pathway and the second fluid is passing through the second fluid pathway.21. The method as recited in claim 19 , wherein the flexible bag is placed on the body so that a support structure disposed between the first fluid pathway and the ...

02-11-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus for homonizing by using raw material homonizing equipment

Номер: KR101914139B1
Автор: 조현용
Принадлежит: 주식회사 우원

본 발명은 믹서 본체의 내부에서 혼합된 원료를 분쇄하여 균질화시키는 균질화 장치에 있어서, 내륜모터부와 연결되어 상기 믹서 본체의 하부면 중앙부에서 회전하는 제1임펠러와, 상기 제1임펠러의 외측면에 위치하고 외륜모터부와 연결되어 상기 제1임펠러의 반대방향으로 회전하는 제2임펠러를 포함하며, 상기 제1임펠러와 상기 제2임펠러가 서로 반대방향으로 회전하면서 상기 제1임펠러와 상기 제2임펠러 사이로 투입된 원료를 분쇄하여 균질화시키고, 상기 제2임펠러는 상기 외륜모터부와 연결되는 원판띠형상의 제2연결단과, 상기 제2연결단의 상부면 내측에 복수개가 등간격으로 이격되게 구비되며, 상기 제1커터와 반대방향으로 회전하면서 상기 제1커터와의 사이로 투입된 원료를 분쇄하는 제2커터와, 상기 제2연결단의 상부면 외측에 복수개가 등간격으로 이격되게 구비되며 상기 제1커터와 상기 제2커터로 원료를 공급하는 블레이드를 포함하는 균질화 장치 및 이를 이용하여 믹서 본체의 내부에 투입된 원료를 혼합하면서 원료를 분쇄하여 균질화시키는 원료 균질화 설비를 제공한다. 따라서, 제1임펠러와 제2임펠러의 간격을 조절하여 원료를 원하는 크기로 분쇄할 수 있고, 제1임펠러와 제2임펠러에 각각 경사진 제1커터와 제2커터가 구비되고, 제2임펠러에 블레이드가 구비됨으로써 원료의 펌핑력 및 전단력을 향상시킬 수 있으며, 균질화 장치와 혼합부재를 이용하여 믹서 본체의 내부로 투입된 원료를 원활하게 혼합할 수 있어 원료의 혼합과 분쇄를 동시에 수행하여 작업 시간을 단축시킬 수 있다. The present invention relates to a homogenizer for homogenizing raw materials mixed in a mixer main body, the homogenizer comprising: a first impeller connected to an inner wheel motor part and rotating at a central portion of a lower surface of the mixer main body; And a second impeller which is connected to the outer ring motor unit and rotates in a direction opposite to the first impeller, wherein the first impeller and the second impeller are rotated in opposite directions to each other, and between the first impeller and the second impeller Wherein the second impeller has a second connecting end in the form of a disk strip connected to the outer ring motor portion and a plurality of second connecting ends spaced apart from each other at an equal interval inside the upper surface of the second connecting end, A second cutter which rotates in a direction opposite to the first cutter and crushes the raw material introduced into the gap between the first cutter and the second cutter, A homogenizer including a blade for supplying raw materials to the first cutter and the second cutter, and a raw material homogenizing device for homogenizing raw materials while mixing the raw materials injected into the mixer main body by ...

06-03-2018 дата публикации

Mixer, method of mixing raw material for powder metallurgy binder for injection moulding composition

Номер: US9908261B2
Автор: Damien Cartier
Принадлежит: Comadur SA

A mixer for ceramic feedstock pellets with a tank, a mixing shaft, and a heat exchanger including a cooler for the cooling of the content of this tank is provided. A controller controls the heat exchanger which includes a heater arranged to heat the content of this tank to a temperature comprised between a lower temperature (TINF) and a higher temperature (TSUP) stored in a memory for a specific mixture, and the heater exchanges energy with a heat exchange and mixing temperature maintenance circuit, external to this tank, and wherein the thermal inertia of this circuit is higher than that of this fully loaded tank. The invention also concerns a method for mixing raw material for powder metallurgy, implementing a specific injection molding composition and a specific binder.

07-12-2021 дата публикации

생물막 부착증식 기능이 구비된 교반장치와 나선형 열매체 순환관 및 이를 포함하는 반응장치와 수처리장치

Номер: KR102334693B1
Автор: 한석진
Принадлежит: 한석진

본 발명은 생물막 부착증식 기능이 구비된 교반장치와 반응 및 수처리 장치에 관한 것으로, 회전력을 생성하는 구동부, 미생물이 부착증식하는 담체 유니트, 구동부의 회전력을 상기 담체 유니트에 전달하는 회전축을 포함하고, 상기 담체 유니트는 복수의 관통구가 구비되며 상대적으로 견고한 구조의 외곽 담체와 상대적으로 비표면적과 공극율이 큰 생물막 담체로 구성되어 미생물 부착증식과 교반을 병행할 수 있는 교반장치를 제공하는 한편, 반응액을 교반하는 교반장치, 반응액이 체류하는 반응기와 상기 반응기의 내부에 미리 정해진 간격 및 각도만큼 서로 이격 및 경사지도록 배치된 나선형 열매체 순환관으로 구성되고 교반장치에 의해 생성되는 회전유동과 나선형 열매체 순환관의 충돌 및 난류 생성에 의해 열교환 효율 및 반응 효율이 증대되고 스케일 형성이 방지될 수 있는 반응장치와 이를 이용한 수처리장치에 관한 것이다.

20-05-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus for generating nano bubble

Номер: KR101980480B1
Автор: 황창배
Принадлежит: 황창배

A nanobubble generator is disclosed, which can generate a large amount of nanobubbles and effectively mix fluid by ultra-fining a number of particles flowing in the fluid with a flow path having a bubble generating unit and a boundary layer theory applied thereto. According to an aspect of the present invention, the nanobubble generator includes: a housing in which an inlet and an outlet are formed so that the fluid can flow out through the outlet and can flow in through the inlet; the bubble generating unit which is installed in a fluid moving path within the housing to microscopically separate the fluid composed of a number of the particles by impact, friction and cavitation effects of the fluid, and includes a plurality of impact members disposed to be spaced apart from one another; and the flow path which is disposed in at least one of an inner part and an outer part of the housing to induce the fluid to be ultra-fined by shear stress and boundary layer theory generated in the surface of the flow path during movement of the fluid due to viscosity of the fluid.

26-12-2017 дата публикации

Transportation and delivery of set-delayed cement compositions

Номер: US9850419B2
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Disclosed herein are methods and systems for the transportation and delivery of set-delayed cement compositions to a well site. A method of cementing may comprise preparing a set-delayed cement composition. The method further may comprise storing the set-delayed cement composition. The method further may comprise transporting the set-delayed cement composition to a well site in a containment vessel. The method further may comprise discharging the set-delayed cement composition from the containment vessel and into a wellbore.

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for kneading and steaming flour

Номер: KR102101260B1
Автор: 이선재
Принадлежит: 이선재

본 발명은 곡분 자동 교반 및 증숙장치에 관한 것으로, 곡분과 물로 된 재료의 교반은 교반통에서 이루어지고, 교반물의 증숙은 증숙수단에서 이루어지므로 딱딱한 증숙물이 섞이는 일이 없게 하여 최종 성형품의 품질이 저하되지 않고 항상 일정하며 양질의 성형품을 성형할 수 있는 증숙물을 제공할 수 있으며, 1차 증숙물을 국수가락 형태로 토출하여 수분함량이 많은 1차 증숙물에서 수분을 쉽게 증발시킴으로써 빠른 건조가 가능하게 되며, 작업장 내에 스팀이 방출되지 않아 작업장의 작업 환경을 쾌적하게 유지할 수 있도록 한 것이다. The present invention relates to an automatic stirring and steaming device for grain, and the stirring of the material of grain and water is performed in a stirring tube, and the steaming of the stirred material is performed in a steaming means, so that the hard steamed material does not mix and the quality of the final molded product is improved. It can provide a steaming material that can always mold a high-quality molded product without deterioration, and discharges the first steaming material in the form of noodles to quickly evaporate moisture from the primary steaming water with a lot of moisture. It is made possible, and the steam is not discharged in the workplace so that the working environment of the workplace can be comfortably maintained.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Multi-Stage Activated Carbon Regeneration

Номер: KR101706668B1
Автор: 이정무

The present invention relates to a multi-stage activated carbon regeneration furnace and, more specifically, to a multi-stage activated carbon regeneration furnace which forms devices for regenerating activated carbon in multiple layers by supplying heat energy, sequentially makes the activated carbon descended and regenerated, and controls a mixing speed of the activated carbon, thereby setting residence time of the activated carbon in each layer and reusing waste heat used for regenerating the activated carbon.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: KR102277767B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 반응기에 관한 것으로, 본 발명의 일 측면에 따르면, 반응물이 수용되는 반응공간을 갖는 하우징, 반응공간의 하부에 연결된 출구 파이프, 하우징 내에 배치된 회전축 및 회전축에 장착된 교반 블레이드를 포함하며, 하우징은 출구 파이프 측으로 갈수록 단면적이 작아지는 하부 수렴영역을 갖고, 교반 블레이드는 적어도 일부가 하부 수렴영역에 위치하며, 출구 파이프는 반응물의 배출 방향을 따라 단면적이 감소하며, 하부 수렴영역에 연결된 제1 영역 및 제1 영역으로부터 배출 방향을 따라 연장되고, 단면적이 일정하게 유지되는 제2 영역을 포함하는 반응기가 제공된다. The present invention relates to a reactor, and according to one aspect of the present invention, comprises a housing having a reaction space in which a reactant is accommodated, an outlet pipe connected to the lower portion of the reaction space, a rotating shaft disposed in the housing, and a stirring blade mounted to the rotating shaft, , the housing has a lower convergence region whose cross-sectional area becomes smaller toward the outlet pipe side, at least a part of the stirring blade is located in the lower convergence region, and the outlet pipe has a reduced cross-sectional area along the discharge direction of the reactants, and the second connected to the lower convergence region A reactor is provided comprising a first zone and a second zone extending from the first zone along an outlet direction and having a constant cross-sectional area.

30-12-2021 дата публикации

Agitator equipped with a connector for installing a foldable agitator

Номер: KR102345902B1
Автор: 김수현
Принадлежит: 김수현

Disclosed is an agitator equipped with a connector for installing a foldable agitator and an assembly jig, which facilitate installation of the agitator. According to one embodiment of the present invention, a connector for installing an agitator comprises a main body unit extending in a vertical direction and a support rib protruding from the outer circumferential surface of the main body unit and extending in the vertical direction, wherein a locking protrusion is formed at a predetermined position of the support rib. Accordingly, a connector for installing an agitator, an assembly jig, and an agitator, which facilitate installation of agitators of various shapes in an environment, that is, the inside of an agitation tank difficult for an operator to access. The connector increases workability of an installation process, thereby saving time and money.

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR102186354B1
Автор: 김선영, 조현용

본 발명은 패들 사이의 간격과, 패들의 폭을 표준화하고, 호모 믹서로의 연속적인 유체 공급을 할 수 있는 패들 간격 및 보조 블레이드를 활용한 교반기를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 상기 목적을 달성하기 위해, 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 교반기는, 액상체와 액상체 또는 점성체와 분말체가 수용되는 수용부(100)와, 상기 수용부(100) 내에 동력에 의해 회전되도록 포함되어 상기 액상체와 액상체 또는 상기 점성체와 분말체를 교반시키는 교반부(200)를 포함한다. An object of the present invention is to standardize the spacing between paddles and the width of the paddles, and to provide a stirrer using the paddle spacing and auxiliary blades capable of continuously supplying fluid to a homomixer. In order to achieve the above object, the agitator according to an embodiment of the present invention, a liquid body and a liquid body or a viscous body and a powder body to be accommodated in the receiving portion 100, so that the rotation by power in the receiving portion 100 It is included and includes a stirrer 200 for stirring the liquid body and the liquid body or the viscous body and the powder body.

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Device for manufacturing cathode active material for lithium battery

Номер: KR101984138B1
Автор: 김영상, 박정우

이차전지용 양극 활물질 제조장치를 제공한다. 본 발명에 따르면, 어느 일방향으로 자체 회전되고 적어도 한 종 이상의 원료 물질을 수용하여 유동시키는 회전 용기, 상기 회전 용기의 상부에 설치되고, 상기 회전 용기를 회전 가능하게 덮어주는 덮개, 상기 덮개의 상단부에 설치되고, 상기 회전 용기 내에 상기 원료 물질의 코팅 용액을 분사하기 위한 노즐, 및 상기 덮개의 내측면에 설치되고, 상기 회전 용기 내에서 회전되어 상기 회전 용기 내의 원료 물질과 코팅 용액을 교반하는 교반 날개를 포함한다. A cathode active material manufacturing apparatus for a secondary battery is provided. According to the present invention, there is provided a rotary type rotary kiln, comprising: a rotary container which is self-rotated in any one direction and accommodates and flows at least one kind of raw material; a cover provided on the rotary container for covering the rotary container rotatably; A nozzle for spraying the coating solution of the raw material into the rotary container, and a stirring blade installed on the inner surface of the cover for stirring the raw material and the coating solution in the rotary container, .

03-02-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for kneading and steaming flour

Номер: KR20200011115A
Автор: 이선재
Принадлежит: 이선재

본 발명은 곡분 자동 교반 및 증숙장치에 관한 것으로, 곡분과 물로 된 재료의 교반은 교반통에서 이루어지고, 교반물의 증숙은 증숙수단에서 이루어지므로 딱딱한 증숙물이 섞이는 일이 없게 하여 최종 성형품의 품질이 저하되지 않고 항상 일정하며 양질의 성형품을 성형할 수 있는 증숙물을 제공할 수 있으며, 1차 증숙물을 국수가락 형태로 토출하여 수분함량이 많은 1차 증숙물에서 수분을 쉽게 증발시킴으로써 빠른 건조가 가능하게 되며, 작업장 내에 스팀이 방출되지 않아 작업장의 작업 환경을 쾌적하게 유지할 수 있도록 한 것이다.

24-10-2016 дата публикации

Fine particle production method

Номер: KR20160122716A
Принадлежит: 엠. 테크닉 가부시키가이샤

회전하는 교반 날개를 갖는 교반기를 사용하여 적어도 1종류의 미립자 원료를 용매에 용해시켜서 미립자 원료 용액을 얻는 용해 스텝과, 미립자 원료 용액으로부터 미립자 원료를 석출시키기 위한 적어도 1종류의 석출 용매와, 미립자 원료 용액을 대향해서 배치되고, 접근·이반 가능하고, 적어도 한쪽이 다른쪽에 대하여 상대적으로 회전하는 적어도 2개의 처리용 면 사이로 도입하고, 적어도 2개의 처리용 면 사이에 형성되는 박막 유체 중에서 혼합하여 미립자를 석출시키는 석출 스텝을 구비한 미립자의 제조 방법을 제공한다. 상기 용해 스텝에서 교반기에 의한 교반 시간 조건, 교반 날개의 둘레 속도 조건, 미립자 원료 용액의 온도 조건으로 규정되는 교반 에너지를 상기 조건 중 적어도 1개를 변화시킴으로써 증감시키고, 교반 에너지의 증감에 의해 석출 스텝에서 얻어지는 미립자의 결정화도나 결정형을 제어한다.

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Disposal System Of Waste Asbestos

Номер: KR102180292B1
Автор: 장영일, 최혁목
Принадлежит: 주식회사 한국종합플랜트

The present invention relates to a waste asbestos detoxification treatment system with improved efficiency, comprising: a waste asbestos injection device (100); a crusher (200); a filtration dust collector (300); a waste asbestos detoxification device (400); a waste asbestos discharge device (500); a manned blower (600); and a washing tower (700). The waste asbestos detoxification treatment system of the present invention consists of one process system, conveniently and efficiently detoxifies waste asbestos by crushing and pulverizing waste asbestos, and detoxifying the same, effectively detoxifies the waste asbestos by efficiently using heat generated by microwaves, and effectively removes dust in the workplace by recycling water.

13-06-2017 дата публикации

Device of stirring sludge

Номер: KR101745932B1
Автор: 정현철
Принадлежит: 엔이에스 주식회사

교반기 탱크; 상기 교반기 탱크에 구성된 상부판; 상기 상부판 직하부에 구성된 제1교반기 날개부; 상기 교반기 날개부의 하부에 구성된 슬러지 연결부; 상기 슬러지 연결부의 슬러지 연결로를 통하여 제2교반기 날개부: 상기 제2교반기 날개부를 통하여 교반된 슬러지를 이동하는 스크러버; 상기 스크러버를 통하여 슬러지 배출구로 이동하는 스크러버로 구성된 것을 특징으로 하는 슬러지 교반장치에 관한 것이다. Stirrer tank; A top plate configured in the stirrer tank; A first stirrer blade unit disposed under the upper plate; A sludge connection portion formed at a lower portion of the stirrer blade portion; And a second stirrer blade section through a sludge connecting path of the sludge connecting section, A scrubber for moving the agitated sludge through the second agitator wing; And a scrubber that moves to the sludge outlet through the scrubber.

22-05-2019 дата публикации

Rice washing apparatus

Номер: KR101981190B1
Автор: 김수빈, 정민승
Принадлежит: 김수빈, 정민승

본 발명은 쌀 세척기에 관한 것으로서, 상부에 개구가 형성되고 세척수와 쌀이 수용되기 위한 세척용기; 상기 세척용기의 바닥에 회전 가능하게 설치되는 회전 날개부; 상기 개구에 착탈이 가능하게 결합되는 커버; 및, 상기 커버를 관통하여 상기 회전 날개부에 결합되는 누름 작동부를 포함하며, 상기 누름 작동부의 상하 왕복 이동에 의해 상기 회전 날개부가 수평 왕복 회전하도록 구성되는 것을 특징으로 하므로, 손으로 누름 작동부의 상단을 누르거나 뽑으면 상기 누름 작동부에 결합된 회전 날개부가 수평으로 왕복 회전하면서 상기 세척용기 내에 수용된 쌀과 세척수를 교반하는 것에 의해 손목이나 팔을 회전시키는 것에 의해 무리가 발생하는 것을 방지할 수 있다.

18-09-2017 дата публикации

System for recycling sludge and method for recycling sludge using the same

Номер: KR101778781B1
Автор: 김재경, 윤태근
Принадлежит: 그린에너지개발주식회사

One embodiment of the present invention is a sludge recycling system including a sludge storage unit, a solidifying agent storage unit, a premixing unit, a mixing curing unit, and an air supply unit, A downcar traveling along the pair of rails; A relative vehicle traveling along a pair of rails formed parallel to each other in the width direction on the upper portion of the lower rail; A drive motor installed at an upper portion of the relative vehicle and having a hood at a lower portion thereof; A driving shaft connected to a lower portion of the driving motor, and a paddle provided on a lower side of the driving shaft and rotating; A plurality of through holes formed on a lower surface and a side surface of the mixed curing unit, And a gas outlet disposed at an upper end of the mixed curing part, wherein the plurality of mixed curing parts are disposed in parallel to each other.

03-04-2018 дата публикации

A cooling device for roasted coffee beans

Номер: KR101845030B1
Автор: 김정민

Disclosed is a cooling apparatus for coffee beans. The cooling apparatus for coffee beans according to the present invention comprises: a main body unit provided with a plurality of unit main bodies which are mutually stacked in a height direction, wherein each of unit main bodies is provided with a cooling space in which cool air is supplied and roasted coffee beans are cooled by the cool air, and sequentially cooling the coffee beans by moving the same from the uppermost cooling space to the lowermost cooling space; and a stirring unit having a rotating shaft coupled to a central part of the main body unit to rotate by penetrating, and at least one stirring blade coupled to the rotating shaft to rotate and provided in each of cooling spaces to stir the coffee beans.

14-05-2018 дата публикации

Surface Agitator of Self-Levitation

Номер: KR101857869B1
Автор: 권혁성
Принадлежит: 권혁성

본 발명은 오/폐수처리 기술을 개시한다. 즉, 본 발명의 실시예로의 자기부상식 표면 교반기는 고농도 유기물이 분해되면서 발생한 가스가 상승하고 저농도 유기물이 함께 부상함에 따라 이렇게 부상한 저농도 유기물을 다시 물속으로 내려보내는 역할을 수행한다. 부가적으로, 본 발명의 자기부상식 표면 교반기는 정화조나 오/폐수처리조 등에서 발생한 거품을 제거하고 오수의 수위에 따라 거품 제거위치를 자동변경토록 유동시켜 오수의 수위에 따른 거품 제거위치를 탄력적으로 변형케 하고, 거품 제거를 위한 장비의 부양위치를 거품과 물의 경계선상으로 유지시킴으로써, 오수 상에 생성된 거품을 효율적으로 제거한다. 또한, 본 발명은 파쇄블레이드가 거품과 함께 물에 접촉하여 거품이 들러붙는 현상을 방지시킴과 동시에 동력손실을 최소화시켜 비용절감 및 장비의 수율을 더욱 향상시키는 계기를 마련한다. The present invention discloses an o / wastewater treatment technique. That is, in the magnetic in-surface type surface stirrer according to the embodiment of the present invention, the gas generated due to the decomposition of the high concentration organic material rises and the low concentration organic material floats together, and then the low concentration organic material is returned to the water. In addition, the magnetic in-plane surface agitator of the present invention removes bubbles generated in a septic tank or an ozone / wastewater treatment tank, and automatically changes the bubble removing position according to the level of the wastewater, And effectively removes foam generated in the wastewater by maintaining the floatation position of the equipment for bubble removal on the bubble-water boundary line. In addition, the present invention prevents breakage of the brittle blades due to contact of bubbles with water and minimizes power loss, thereby further reducing the cost and improving the yield of equipment.
