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Применить Всего найдено 8570. Отображено 199.
04-09-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018130970A3

14-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015144167A3

30-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752706C1

... группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Модуль сбора, адаптированный к приему пробы, содержит корпус, имеющий впуск и выпуск, сообщающиеся по текучей среде; камеру смешивания, расположенную между впуском и выпуском; стабилизатор пробы, расположенный между впуском и выпуском; и камеру сбора, расположенную между камерой смешивания и выпуском. Камера сбора включает первый деформируемый участок и второй деформируемый участок, а также участок жесткой стенки между первым деформируемым участком и вторым деформируемым участком. Камера смешивания принимает пробу и по меньшей мере часть заключенного в ней стабилизатора пробы. Раскрыты альтернативный вариант выполнения модуля сбора и устройство для сбора биологической жидкости, содержащее модуль сбора. Технический результат состоит в обеспечении дозирования пробы при минимальном риске для пациента. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 24 ил.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663749C1

Группа изобретений относится к молекулярно-биологическому диагностированию. Микрофлюидный картридж (100) для детекции биомолекул содержит камеру (140) детекции, микрочип (142) на основе комплементарной структуры металл-оксид-полупроводник (CMOS), имеющий сенсорную область (144), расположенную в камере (140) детекции, и контактную область (146), герметично отделенную от камеры (140) детекции. Камера (140) детекции выполнена с возможностью подачи раствора пробы через впускной канал (124) и вывода анализируемого раствора пробы через выпускной канал (126). Сенсорная область (144) микрочипа (142) содержит систему функционализованных тестовых участков (130) для электрохимической детекции биомолекул в растворе пробы. Каждый тестовый участок (130) сенсорной области (140) снабжен собственным сигма-дельта модулятором (132) для аналого-цифрового преобразования электрических сигналов, генерируемых на тестовых участках (130) при электрохимической детекции. Обеспечивается упрощение и сокращение времени ...

27-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008102386A

... 1. Картридж, предназначенный для детектирования присутствия, отсутствия и/или количества целевой последовательности нуклеотидов в образце, содержащем одну или более последовательностей нуклеиновых кислот, отличающийся тем, что картридж содержит общую часть и одну или более отдельных, специфичных для применения частей, соединяемых с общей частью. ! 2. Картридж по п.1, в котором одна из одной или более специфичных частей представляет собой корпус ПЦР, имеющий одну или более камер термоциклирования и содержащий множество праймеров. ! 3. Картридж по п.2, в котором, по меньшей мере, один праймер расположен в каждой из одной или более камер термоциклирования. ! 4. Картридж по п.2, в котором, по меньшей мере, один из множества праймеров нанесен в виде пятна на корпус ПЦР. ! 5. Картридж по п.2, в котором корпус ПЦР имеет форму диска. ! 6. Картридж по п.2, в котором корпус ПЦР содержит одну или более тепловых масс. ! 7. Картридж по п.1, в котором одна из одной или больше специфичных для применения ...

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011118374A

... 1. Микрожидкостное устройство, содержащее: ! множество камер (3, 4, 5, 6), выполненных с возможностью осуществления химических, биохимических или физических процессов; ! путь (9) прохождения, соединяющий множество камер (3, 4, 5, 6), выполненных с возможностью размещения, по меньшей мере, одной магнитной частицы (7), проходящей одну за другой множество камер; ! множество камер (3, 4, 5, 6), разделенных, по меньшей мере, одной структурой (10), подобной клапану, выполненной с возможностью разрешение прохождения, по меньшей мере, одной магнитной частицы (7) из одной из множества камер в другую из множества камер; и ! по меньшей мере, одну замедляющую структуру (11, 111), выполненную с возможностью замедления перемещения, по меньшей мере, одной магнитной частицы (7) вдоль пути прохождения посредством остановки управляемым способом перемещения, по меньшей мере, одной магнитной частицы (7) и посредством возобновления перемещения управляемым способом, по меньшей мере, одной магнитной частицы ( ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014110015A

... 1. Устройство для сбора образцов текучей среды, содержащее:по существу дискообразный корпус, имеющий периферию;проходящий через корпус и ограниченный периферией капиллярный канал, имеющий первый конец и второй конец, причем первый конец выполнен с возможностью втягивания текучей среды в канал с помощью капиллярного эффекта;резервуар для сбора образцов, размещенный вблизи второго конца и сообщающийся по текучей среде с капиллярным каналом; иось вращения, проходящую через центр диска и по существу перпендикулярную основной поверхности дискообразного корпуса.2. Устройство для сбора образцов по п. 1, в котором устройство для сбора образцов выполнено с возможностью вращения вокруг оси вращения внутри кассеты, корпус которой содержит воздушное отверстие, сообщающееся по текучей среде с капиллярным каналом во время вращения диска в первое положение.3. Устройство для сбора образцов по п. 2, в котором воздушное отверстие размещено вблизи второго конца капиллярного канала и сообщается с ним по текучей ...

18-04-2012 дата публикации

Optical approach for microfluidic dna electrophoresis detection

Номер: GB0002484610A

Aspects of the disclosure provides a DNA analyzer to facilitate an integrated single-chip DNA analysis. The DNA analyzer includes an interface for coupling a microfluidic chip to the DNA analyzer. The microfluidic chip includes a first domain configured for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA fragments, and a second domain fluidically coupled to the first domain to receive the DNA fragments and perform electrophoretic separation of the DNA fragments. The DNA fragments are tagged with fluorescent labels. The DNA analyzer includes a detection module to excite the fluorescent labels to emit fluorescence and detect the emitted fluorescence. The detection module includes a laser source, a set of optical elements, a filter module and a photo-detector.

01-01-2014 дата публикации

Fluidic separation and detection

Номер: GB0201320146D0

02-02-2000 дата публикации

A device for analytical determinations

Номер: GB0009929347D0

01-11-2000 дата публикации

Microfabricated reaction chamber systerm

Номер: GB0000022754D0

24-03-2021 дата публикации

A Cuvette

Номер: GB2555403B
Принадлежит: ENTIA LTD, Entia Limited

16-12-2009 дата публикации

Device and apparatus

Номер: GB0000919159D0

04-11-2009 дата публикации

2-dimensional separation

Номер: GB0000916741D0

05-03-1997 дата публикации

Assay device

Номер: GB0009700759D0

17-08-2016 дата публикации

Microfluidic device

Номер: GB0201611770D0

16-09-2020 дата публикации

Breastmilk sample collection

Номер: GB0202011998D0

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Microfluidic device for detection of analytes

Номер: GB0201705328D0

15-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364843T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000369553T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000548116T

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408143T

15-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000051299T

15-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000061484T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342347T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337544T

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000244755T

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Devices with optically readable liquid reservoirs

Номер: AU2019326290A1

A device includes a lower reservoir surface, an upper reservoir surface, and a reservoir sidewall extending between the upper and lower reservoir surfaces which together define a reservoir. The reservoir is configured to be completely filled by a liquid such that the liquid forms a column contacting the upper reservoir surface, the lower reservoir surface, and the reservoir sidewall, with a meniscus of the liquid being outside of the reservoir. At least one of the upper reservoir surface and the lower reservoir surface is configured to transmit light.

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Detection and analysis of cells

Номер: AU2019355198A1

The invention provides a version of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in which all the steps are performed at physiological temperatures, i.e., body temperature, to detect and identify pathogenic bacteria in clinical samples. Methods of the invention use species-specific fluorescent probes to label clinically important infectious bacteria. A sample such as a urine sample is loaded into a cartridge, fluorescently labeled, and imaged with a microscope. Labelled bacteria are pulled down onto an imaging surface and a dye cushion is used to keep unbound probes off of the imaging surface. A microscopic image of the surface shows whether and in what quantities the infectious bacteria are present in the clinical sample.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Integrated nucleic acid assays

Номер: AU2007225038B2

Integrated microfluidic cartridges for nucleic acid extraction, amplification, and detection from clinical samples are disclosed. The devices are single-entry, sanitary, and disposable. The devices enable simplex or multiplex nucleic acid target detection, as for example: assay panels for multiple infectious agents, or assay panels for cancerous cell types. Methods for use of microfluidic cartridges in a fully automated, pneumatically controlled apparatus are also disclosed.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Multiple-sample microfluidic chip for DNA analysis

Номер: AU2010257126A1

Aspects of the disclosure provide a microfluidic chip to facilitate DNA analysis. The microfluidic chip includes a first domain configured for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA fragments, a dilution domain coupled to the first domain to dilute a PCR mixture received from the first domain, and a second domain that is coupled to the dilution domain so as to receive the amplified DNA fragments. The second domain includes a separation channel that is configured to perform electrophoretic separation of the amplified DNA fragments. In addition, the disclosure provides a DNA analyzer to act on the microfluidic chip to perform an integrated single chip DNA analysis.

19-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003266637A1

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Method and device for isolating cells from heterogeneous solution using microfluidic trapping vortices

Номер: AU2011302302B2

A method of isolating cells includes providing a microfluidic device having at least one microfluidic channel coupled to an inlet and an outlet, the at least one microfluidic channel comprises at least one expansion region disposed along the length thereof. The at least one expansion region is an abrupt increase in a cross-sectional dimension of the at least one microfluidic channel configured to generate a vortex within the at least one expansion region in response to fluid flow. A solution containing a population of cells at least some of which have diameters 10 µm flows into the inlet. A portion of cells is trapped within vortex created within the at least one expansion region. The trapped cells may then released from the expansion region.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Integrated hinged cartridge housings for sample analysis

Номер: AU2010330821B2

The invention relates to a cartridge housing for forming a cartridge capable of measuring an analyte or property of a liquid sample. The housing comprising a first substantially rigid zone, a second substantially flexible zone, a hinge region, and at least one sensor recess containing a sensor. The housing is foldable about said hinge region to form a cartridge having a conduit over at least a portion of said sensor. The invention also relates to methods for forming such cartridges and to various features of such cartridges.

01-04-2010 дата публикации

Capillary action collection device and container assembly

Номер: AU2009297049A1

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Device for detection of antigens and uses thereof

Номер: AU2010278857B2

Devices and methods for the detection of antigens are disclosed. Devices and methods for detecting food-borne pathogens are disclosed.

12-08-2002 дата публикации

Open substrate platforms suitable for analysis of biomolecules

Номер: AU2002249481A1

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Centrifugal microfluidic chip control

Номер: AU2015225844A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A technique is provided for incorporating pneumatic control in centrifugal microfluidics. The technique involves providing a chip controller that has pressurized fluid supply lines for coupling one or more pressurized chambers of the controller with ports of a microfluidic chip. At least part of the chip controller is mounted to a centrifuge for rotation with the chip. A flow control device is provided in each supply line for selectively controlling the pressurized fluid supply, and is electrically controlled. Bubble mixing, on and off-chip valving, and switching are demonstrated.

03-09-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for detection and quantification of analytes

Номер: AU2014248813A1

Devices, systems, and methods for detecting molecules of interest within a collected sample are described herein. In certain embodiments, self-contained sample analysis systems are disclosed, which include a reusable reader component, a disposable cartridge component, and a disposable sample collection component. In some embodiments, the reader component communicates with a remote computing device for the digital transmission of test protocols and test results. In various disclosed embodiments, the systems, components, and methods are configured to identify the presence, absence, and/or quantity of particular nucleic acids, proteins, or other analytes of interest, for example, in order to test for the presence of one or more pathogens or contaminants in a sample.

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Device for analysis of cellular motility

Номер: AU2014261825B2
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

The present invention relates to a mesoscale fluidic system comprising a substrate having a sample chamber and an analysis chamber; the sample chamber comprising a cell permeable filter defining a sample application compartment and a conditioning medium compartment; the sample chamber having a sample inlet port in the sample application compartment; the analysis chamber having an entry port and an exit port; the conditioning medium compartment being in fluid communication with the entry port of the analysis chamber via a channel; wherein the sample application compartment is below the cell permeable filter and the conditioning medium compartment is above the cell permeable filter. The mesoscale fluidic system is suited for analysing cellular motility in a sample. The invention also relates to method of estimating the quantity of motile cells in a sample and to a method of extracting motile cells from non-motile cells.

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2016210684A1

Devices, systems, and methods for detecting molecules of interest within a collected sample are described herein. In certain embodiments, self-contained sample analysis systems are disclosed, which include a reusable reader component, a disposable cartridge component, and a disposable 5 sample collection component. In some embodiments, the reader component communicates with a remote computing device for the digital transmission of test protocols and test results. In various disclosed embodiments, the systems, components, and methods are configured to identify the presence, absence, and/or quantity of particular nucleic acids, proteins, or other analytes of interest, for example, in order to test for the presence of one or more pathogens or o contaminants in a sample. XR Ml 00 -_0 ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Plurality of reaction chambers in a test cartridge

Номер: AU2016208331A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

PLURALITY OF REACTION CHAMBERS IN A TEST CARTRIDGE A fluidic testing system (100), comprising a plurality of test chambers (116), each having a wall that defines a longest side of a given test chamber (116), wherein each of the plurality of test chambers (116) has only one opening (304) being through the wall of a corresponding test chamber (116), and wherein the wall is aligned substantially parallel to a gravity vector; a plurality of inlet channels (210), wherein each of the plurality of test chambers (116) is coupled via its respective opening (304) to only one of the plurality of inlet channels (302); and a fluidic network configured to connect the plurality of inlet channels (210) to one or more other chambers (116).

19-07-2018 дата публикации

A method and a system for quantitative or qualitative determination of a target component

Номер: AU2013279833B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

The invention relates to a method and a system for quantitative or qualitative determination of a target component in a liquid sample. The method comprises i) providing a plurality of magnetic particle comprising one or more capture sites for the target component on their respective surfaces; ii) providing a plurality of fluorophores configured to bind to the capture sites of the magnetic particles; iii) bringing the liquid sample into contact with the fluorophores and the magnetic particles in a flow channel of a micro fluidic device comprising a transparent window; and iv) at least temporally immobilizing the magnetic particles adjacent to the transparent window using a magnet, emitting exciting electromagnetic beam towards the immobilized magnetic particles, reading signals emitted from fluorophores captured by the immobilized magnetic particles and performing a quantitative or qualitative determination of the target component based on the read signal. The invention also relates to a ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

A method and a system for quantitative or qualitative determination of a target component

Номер: AU2013279833A1

The invention relates to a method and a system for quantitative or qualitative determination of a target component in a liquid sample. The method comprises i) providing a plurality of magnetic particle comprising one or more capture sites for the target component on their respective surfaces; ii) providing a plurality of fluorophores configured to bind to the capture sites of the magnetic particles; iii) bringing the liquid sample into contact with the fluorophores and the magnetic particles in a flow channel of a micro fluidic device comprising a transparent window; and iv) at least temporally immobilizing the magnetic particles adjacent to the transparent window using a magnet, emitting exciting electromagnetic beam towards the immobilized magnetic particles, reading signals emitted from fluorophores captured by the immobilized magnetic particles and performing a quantitative or qualitative determination of the target component based on the read signal. The invention also relates to a ...

14-01-2010 дата публикации

Enhanced immunoassay sensor

Номер: AU2009269702A1

19-11-2009 дата публикации

Reagent preparation and dispensing device and methods for the same

Номер: AU2009246306A1

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Method and device for isolating cells from heterogeneous solution using microfluidic trapping vortices

Номер: AU2015200910A1

A method of isolating cells includes providing a microfluidic device having at least one microfluidic channel coupled to an inlet and an outlet, the at least one microfluidic channel 5 comprises at least one expansion region disposed along the length thereof. The at least one expansion region is an abrupt increase in a cross-sectional dimension of the at least one microfluidic channel configured to generate a vortex within the at least one expansion region in response to fluid flow. A solution containing a population of cells at least some of which have diameters > 10 pm flows into the inlet. A portion of cells is trapped within vortex created within 0 the at least one expansion region. The trapped cells may then released from the expansion region.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Microfluidic device for detection of analytes

Номер: AU2018247760A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A microfluidic device for detection of an analyte in a fluid is described. The microfluidic device comprises a substrate having a first surface defining entrances to one or more chambers defined in the substrate, surfaces of the chambers defining a second surface of the substrate, the first surface being modified for selective targeting and capture of at least one analyte to operably effect a blocking of the entrance to at least one of the chambers, and wherein a response characteristic of the microfluidic device is operably varied by the blocking of the entrance to the at least one of the chambers, thereby providing an indication of the presence of the analyte within the fluid.

01-08-1997 дата публикации

Micropump with sonic energy generator

Номер: AU0001358697A

14-01-1999 дата публикации

A disposable cartridge and method for an assay of a biological sample

Номер: AU0000700750B2

11-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002487350A1

A cartridge (26) for analysis of fluid samples useable with an analyzer device includes an arrangement to selectively control fluid flow within the cartridge. One type of cartridge (26) includes a fluid channel (54). A sensor arrangement (56) is oriented within the fluid channel and includes at least one dry-stored sensor and at least one wet-stored sensor. The cartridge may include a first port (66). In some instances, the cartridge can include a second port (70). In some instances, the cartridge can include a third port (78). In some implementations, a cartridge includes a fluid reservoir in fluid communication with a port an the cartridge (68). The fluid reservoir (68) defines a fluid passage and a fluid dispenser actuator. The actuator includes an over-center engageable button depressible to initiate fluid flow from an internal volume in the fluid reservoir and through the fluid passage and through the port into the sensor arrangement an the cartridge. Methods for analyzing, calibrating ...

17-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002597496A1

26-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002439627A1

A microfluidic device that comprises several microchannel structures in which there are an inlet port, an outlet port and therebetween a substructure comprising a fluidic function. The device has an axis of symmetry around which the microchannel structures are arranged as two or more concentric annular zones. for an inlet port and an outlet port of the same microchannel structure the inlet port is typically closer to the axis of symmetry than the outlet port. Each microchannel structure comprises a substructure that can retain liquid while the disc is spun around the axis and/or the inlet ports are positioned separate from the paths waste liquid leaving open waste outlet ports will follow across the surface of the disc when it is spun. For the microchannel structures of an annular zones the corresponding substructures are at essentially at the same radial distance while corresponding substructures in microchannel structures of different annular zones are at different radial distances. The ...

07-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002547109A1

The present invention provides disposable, semi-reusable, or single use reaction vessels with integrated optical elements for use with diffraction based assay systems. The vessel for assaying liquids for analytes includes a housing having at least one chamber or well for receiving a liquid therein and an optical element integrally formed with the housing for directing an incident light beam towards the well or chamber and directing a light beam away from the chamber after the light beam has interacted with analytes present in the liquid. The vessel may be test tube such as a blood collection tube, with or without, an optical element but having a pattern of analyte- specific receptors located on an inner surface of the tube wall so that when a liquid is introduced into the interior of the test tube analytes present in the liquid can bind with the pattern of analyte-specific receptors.

09-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002374423C
Принадлежит: CEPHEID

... ²²²A cartridge for separating a desired analyte from a fluid sample has a sample ²flow path and a lysing chamber (86) in the sample flow path. The lysing ²chamber contains at least one filter for capturing cells or viruses from the ²sample as the sample flows through the lysing chamber. Beads are also disposed ²in the lysing chamber for rupturing the cells or viruses to release the ²analyte therefrom. An analyte flow path extends from the lysing chamber and ²diverges from the sample flow path. The analyte flow path preferably leads to ²a reaction chamber for chemically reacting and optically detecting the ²analyte. The cartridge also includes at least one flow controller (e.g., ²valves) for directing the sample into the waste chamber after the sample flows ²through the lysing chamber and for directing the analyte separated from the ²sample into the analyte flow path.² ...

07-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002757560A1

In certain embodiments, the present invention provides amplification methods in which nucleotide tag(s) and, optionally, a barcode nucleotide sequence are added to target nucleotide sequences. In other embodiments, the present invention provides a microfluidic device that includes a plurality of first input lines and a plurality of second input lines. The microfluidic device also includes a plurality of sets of first chambers and a plurality of sets of second chambers. Each set of first chambers is in fluid communication with one of the plurality of first input lines. Each set of second chambers is in fluid communication with one of the plurality of second input lines. The microfluidic device further includes a plurality of first pump elements in fluid communication with a first portion of the plurality of second input lines and a plurality of second pump elements in fluid communication with a second portion of the plurality of second input lines.

03-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002782176A1

The disclosure relates to an apparatus for segregating particles on the basis of their ability to flow through a stepped passageway. At least some of the particles are accommodated in a passage bounded by a first step, but at least some of the particles are unable to pass through a narrower passage bounded by a second step, resulting in segregation of the particles. The apparatus and methods described herein can be used to segregate particles of a wide variety of types. By way of example, they can be used to segregate fctal-like cells from a maternal blood sample such as maternal arterial blood.

26-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002441206A1

A microscale method for the characterization of one or more reaction variables that influence the formation or dissociation of an affinity complex comprising a ligand and a binder, which have mutual affinity for each other. The method is characterized in comprising the steps of: (i) providing a microfluidic device comprising a microchannel structures that are under a common flow control, each microchannel structure comprising a reaction microactivity; (ii) performing essentially in parallel an experiment in each of two or more of the plurality of microchannel structures, the experiment in these two or more microchannel structures comprising either a) formation of an immobilized form of the complex and retaining under flow conditions said form within the reaction microactivity, or b) dissociating, preferably under flow condition, an immobilized form of the complex which has been included in the microfluidic device provided in step (i), at least one reaction variable varies or is uncharacterized ...

03-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002412275A1

Devices, systems, and methods for processing sample materials. The sample materials may be located in a plurality of process chambers in the device, which is in the form of a disk, rotated during heating of the sample materials. The temperature of the disk may be controlled by directing electromagnetic energy at its bottom surface while rotating it. Sample materials may be moved betwwen process chambers using centrifugal force.

14-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001137553A1

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003100506A1

A sampling device comprises a receptacle (22) having an inner material receiving space (40) defined by a side wall portion (36) and a bottom wall portion (38) and having a receptacle opening (42); and a sample container (10') being adapted to close the receptacle opening (42) when collocated with the receptacle (22), and includes: a sample receiving portion (14) which, when collocated with the receptacle (22) is located in liquid communication with the inner material receiving space (40); a sample well (18) positioned radially outside of the sample receiving portion (14) in a direction perpendicular to a longitudinal axis (A), the sample well having a well opening; a liquid passageway (16) for directing liquid from the sample receiving portion (14) towards the well opening; a container (20) having a container opening; and a liquid impermeable barrier (8'; 44) for preventing liquid entering the container opening from the sample receiving portion (14).

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003078976A1

A method includes coupling a molecular diagnostic test device to a power source. A biological sample is conveyed into a sample preparation module. The device is then actuated by only a single action to cause the device to perform the following functions without further user action. First, the device heats the sample via a heater of the sample preparation module to lyse a portion of the sample. Second, the device conveys the lysed sample to an amplification module and heats the sample within a reaction volume of the amplification module to amplify a nucleic acid thereby producing an output solution containing a target amplicon. The device then reacts, within a detection module, each of (i) the output solution and (ii) a reagent formulated to produce a signal that indicates a presence of the target amplicon within the output solution. A result associated with the signal is then read.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003058081A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

A microfluidic device for detection of an analyte in a fluid is described. The microfluidic device comprises a substrate having a first surface defining entrances to one or more chambers defined in the substrate, surfaces of the chambers defining a second surface of the substrate, the first surface being modified for selective targeting and capture of at least one analyte to operably effect a blocking of the entrance to at least one of the chambers, and wherein a response characteristic of the microfluidic device is operably varied by the blocking of the entrance to the at least one of the chambers, thereby providing an indication of the presence of the analyte within the fluid.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003088037A1

The invention relates to a method for operating a microfluidic device (1), comprising at least the following steps: a) providing at least one first medium (2, 9) at a first location of the microfluidic device (1), b) transporting at least one first medium (2, 9) from a first location to a second location of the microfluidic device (1), the at least one first medium (2, 9) being surrounded by at least one second medium (3) in such a way that the at least one first medium (2, 9) only borders on the at least one second medium (3) and on fluid boundaries (24) of the microfluidic device (1) or only on the at least one second medium (3), wherein the at least one first medium (2) and the at least one second medium (2, 9) cannot be mixed with one another.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Portable sample analyzer cartridge

Номер: US20120003730A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A sample analyzer cartridge for use at a point of care of a patient such as in a doctor's office, in the home, or elsewhere in the field. By providing a removable and/or disposable cartridge with all of the needed reagents and/or fluids, the sample analyzer can be reliably used outside of the laboratory environment, with little or no specialized training.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Microfluidic Cell Motility Assay

Номер: US20120094325A1
Автор: Daniel Irimia
Принадлежит: General Hospital Corp

Certain isolated motile cells spontaneously migrate unidirectionally through a mechanically confined space, such as a microcapillary channel, in the absence of an external gradient (e.g., a chemical gradient). Assays and methods for detecting motile cells, and identifying chemical agents that inhibit cell migration, can include detecting the movement of motile cancer cells through a microcapillary channel.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Liquid feeding system for microchip, sample detection device, and liquid feeding method for liquid feeding system for microchip

Номер: US20120156800A1

A liquid feeding system for a microchip performs: a first liquid feeding step in which a sample liquid in a sample liquid containing section is fed in the direction to a primary containing section via a reaction field; a second liquid feeding step in which, after the first liquid feeding step, the sample liquid is fed from the primary containing section in the direction to the reaction field; and a third liquid feeding step in which, after the second liquid feeding step, the feedings of the sample liquid from and to the reaction field and the primary containing section a rear side gas-liquid boundary face of the sample liquid in the first liquid feeding step and the front side and rear side gas-liquid boundary faces of the sample liquid in the second and third liquid feeding steps do not pass through the reaction field.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Biological microfluidics chip and related methods

Номер: US20120164679A1

A biological microfluidics chip ( 100 ) comprising a substrate ( 102 ), a microfluidic inlet port ( 104 ) defining an opening in a surface of the substrate ( 102 ), and a microfluidic outlet port ( 106 ) defining an opening in a surface of the substrate ( 102 ). The biological microfluidics chip ( 100 ) also comprises a plurality of wells ( 108 ) extending from a top surface ( 110 ) of the substrate, wherein each well ( 108 ) is bounded by one or more walls, and an inlet opening ( 112 ) and an outlet opening ( 114 ) are provided in a wall of each of the plurality of wells ( 108 ). An inlet microfluidic channel ( 116 ) is provided in the substrate ( 102 ) to connect the microfluidic inlet port ( 104 ) to each of the inlet openings ( 112 ) in the walls of the wells, and an outlet microfluidic channel ( 118 ) is provided in the substrate to connect each of the outlet openings ( 114 ) in the walls of the wells to the microfluidic outlet port ( 106 ).

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Temperature control system

Номер: US20120230888A1
Принадлежит: Aida Engineering Ltd, NEC Corp

For heating or cooling a sample contained in a vessel portion through a heat transfer member held in contact with the vessel portion, there is used the vessel portion, which has a part formed of an elastic member, expands and contracts for injection and discharge of the sample, is closed other than a connecting port with a channel connected to the vessel, and expands and contracts for injection and discharge of the sample. The vessel portion expands correspondingly to the injection when the sample is injected through an inflow path serving as the channel into the vessel portion contracting in a non-contacting state with the heat transfer member. A predetermined amount of sample is injected into the vessel portion so as to expand the vessel portion, and the vessel portion comes into contact with the heat transfer member. The vessel portion is heated or cooled through the heat transfer member.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Device and apparatus

Номер: US20120270225A1

A device ( 1 ) for carrying out a chemical or biochemical reaction and detecting the results, such as an assay to detect a target nucleic acid in a sample, said device comprising (i) a first well ( 8 ) in which a chemical or biochemical reaction such as a nucleic acid amplification reaction may be effected in a liquid phase or a receiving means for such a first well; (ii) a first channel ( 16 ) extending from the first well; (iii) a lateral flow assay device ( 32 ) arranged to receive liquid contents from said first channel, optionally by way of second well, on a bibulous membrane thereon, wherein said membrane contains elements that are able to detect the products of the chemical or biochemical reaction such as a target nucleic acid. Methods for using such devices and apparatus for carrying out assays using these are also described and claimed.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Sanitary swab collection system, microfluidic assay device, and methods for diagnostic assays

Номер: US20120271127A1
Принадлежит: Micronics Inc

Biohazard specimen collection containers are provided with an external disposable skin, that is stripped away and discarded after the biohazardous specimen is collected, thus reducing or eliminating objectionable or dangerous residues on the outside surfaces of the container. Further, we teach that the sample collection container with external disposable skin may also serve as an integrated microfluidic biosample processing and analytical device, thereby providing a single entry, disposable assay unit, kit and system for “world-to-result” clinical diagnostic testing. These integrated assay devices are provided with synergic, multiple safe-handling features for protecting healthcare workers who handle them. The modified collection containers and analytical devices find application, for example, in PCR detection of infectious organisms or pathogenic markers collected on a swab.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Sample processing cartridge and method of processing and/or analysing a sample under centrifugal force

Номер: US20120282707A1
Автор: Stig Morten Borch
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a sample processing cartridge ( 10 ) for carrying out processing under centrifugal force acting in at least two directions as the orientation of cartridge relative to centrifugal force is changed, the cartridge comprising: a first cavity ( 18 ) adapted to contain a sample; and a second cavity ( 22 ) in fluid communication with the first cavity, wherein the first and second cavities are arranged such that the sample in the first cavity is moved therefrom to the second cavity as a centrifugal force acting on the cartridge is changed from a first direction ( 30 ) to a second direction ( 36 ), the first cavity is elongated perpendicular to the centrifugal force acting in the first direction, and the second cavity is more shallow than the first cavity and more extended in the direction of the centrifugal force acting in the second direction than the first cavity is extended in the direction of the centrifugal force acting in the first direction. The present invention also relates to a method of processing and/or analysing a sample under centrifugal force.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Cartridge for conducting a chemical reaction

Номер: US20120288924A1
Принадлежит: Cepheid

A cartridge for conducting a chemical reaction includes a body having at least one flow path formed therein. The cartridge also includes a reaction vessel extending from the body for holding a reaction mixture for chemical reaction and optical detection. The vessel comprises a rigid frame defining the side walls of a reaction chamber. The frame includes at least one channel connecting the flow path to the chamber. The vessel also includes flexible films or sheets attached to opposite sides of the rigid frame to form opposing major walls of the chamber. In addition, at least two of the side walls are optically transmissive and angularly offset from each to permit real-time optical detection of analyte in the reaction chamber.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for valving on a sample processing device

Номер: US20120291565A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A system and method for valving on a sample processing device. The system can include a valve chamber, a process chamber, and a valve septum located between the valve chamber and the process chamber. The system can further include a fluid pathway in fluid communication with an inlet of the valve chamber, wherein the fluid pathway is configured to inhibit a liquid from entering the valve chamber and collecting adjacent the valve septum when the valve septum is in a closed configuration. The method can include rotating the sample processing device to exert a first force on the liquid that is insufficient to move the liquid into the valve chamber; forming an opening in the valve septum; and rotating the sample processing device to exert a second force on the liquid to move the liquid into the valve chamber.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Multi-Sample Particle Analyzer and Method for High Throughput Screening

Номер: US20120309635A1
Принадлежит: Intellicyt Corp

Embodiments of the present invention provide a system and method for analyzing a plurality of samples comprising obtaining with an autosampler a plurality of samples from a first plate having a plurality of sample wells wherein the autosampler has a plurality of probes for sampling a set of samples and wherein each probe of the plurality of probes is in communication with a separate flow cytometer via a separate conduit. The plurality of samples comprising particles is moved into a fluid flow stream for each separate conduit. Adjacent ones of the plurality of samples are separated from each other in the fluid flow stream by a separation gas, thereby forming a gas-separated fluid flow stream. The gas-separated fluid flow stream is independently guided to and through each separate flow cytometer.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Filter device

Номер: US20130001149A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A filter device of the present disclosure includes a first port from which a solution containing a substance is to be input, and a first flow passage communicating with the first port. A filter portion made of a plurality of fibrous substances including inorganic oxide is formed in at least one part in the first flow passage. The plurality of fibrous substances has one peak in the diameter distribution.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Dna analyzer

Номер: US20130004956A1
Принадлежит: ZyGEM Corp Ltd

Aspects of the disclosure provide a microfluidic chip to facilitate DNA analysis. The microfluidic chip includes a first domain configured for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA fragments, a dilution domain coupled to the first domain to dilute a PCR mixture received from the first domain, and a second domain that is coupled to the dilution domain so as to receive the amplified DNA fragments. The second domain includes a separation channel that is configured to perform electrophoretic separation of the amplified DNA fragments. In addition, the disclosure provides a DNA analyzer to act on the microfluidic chip to perform an integrated single chip DNA analysis.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Sample processing device and method

Номер: US20130029321A1
Принадлежит: Danmarks Tekniskie Universitet

A sample processing device is disclosed, which sample processing device comprises a first substrate and a second substrate, where the first substrate has a first surface comprising two area types, a first area type with a first contact angle with water and a second area type with a second contact angle with water, the first contact angle being smaller than the second contact angle. The first substrate defines an inlet system and a preparation system in areas of the first type which two areas are separated by a barrier system in an area of the second type. The inlet system is adapted to receive a sample liquid comprising the sample and the first preparation system is adapted to receive a receiving liquid. In a particular embodiment, a magnetic sample transport component, such as a permanent magnet or an electromagnet, is arranged to move magnetic beads in between the first and second substrates.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Multilayer high density microwells

Номер: US20130052649A1

A multilayer well device includes a first substrate comprising an array of wells having a first pattern disposed therein and a second substrate comprising an array of wells having a second pattern, complementary to the first pattern disposed therein, wherein the second substrate is secured adjacent to a face of the first substrate. A common channel is interposed between the array of wells of the respective first and second substrates and is coupled to an inlet and an outlet.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for a Microfluidic Device

Номер: US20130068310A1

An microfluidic device and methods for its use, where the microfluidic device comprises: (a) a porous membrane, (b) a gradient layer defining a plurality of gradient micro-channels, where the gradient layer is coupled to a top surface of the membrane, (c) a distributor layer defining a plurality of distributor micro-channels, where the distributor micro-channels are coupled to the plurality of gradient micro-channels, where the distributor layer defines at least one inlet opening and at least one outlet opening, each inlet opening and outlet opening are coupled to the plurality of distributor micro-channels, and (d) self-supporting means coupled to one or more of the porous membrane, the gradient layer and the distributor layer.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Fluid controlling apparatus and method of controlling fluid by using the same

Номер: US20130086998A1

A fluid controlling apparatus including at least one sample chamber for holding a fluid containing target materials; a cleaning chamber for holding a cleaning solution; a first multi-port connected to the at least one sample chamber through a first channel and connected to the cleaning chamber through a second channel; a filter portion, connected to the first multi-port through a third channel, for filtering the target materials; and a first pump, connected to the filter portion, for applying a pressure; and a method of controlling a fluid using the fluid controlling apparatus, which comprises passing the fluid containing the target materials from the at least one sample chamber to the filter portion; and cleaning a path of the fluid by passing the cleaning solution through the path.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Flow passage structure

Номер: US20130153071A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

A flow passage structure having a plurality of flow passageways therein includes a first junction portion for joining a first fluid introduced into a first inlet path and a second fluid introduced into a second inlet path, a first joined fluid flow passage through which a fluid made by joining both the fluids flows, a branch portion for dividing the fluid flowing in the first joined fluid flow passage into two fluids, a first branch path through which one of the two divided fluids flows, and a second branch path through which the other flows, wherein a corresponding diameter of the first branch path and a corresponding diameter of the second branch path in each of the passageways are smaller than a corresponding diameter of the first joined fluid flow passage in the passageway.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Self-Contained Biological Analysis

Номер: US20130157349A1
Принадлежит: Biofire Diagnostics Inc

Devices, containers, and methods are provided for performing biological analysis in a closed environment. Illustrative biological analyses include nucleic acid amplification and detection and immuno-PCR.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for isolating cells from heterogeneous solution using microfluidic trapping vortices

Номер: US20130171628A1

A method of isolating cells includes providing a microfluidic device having at least one microfluidic channel coupled to an inlet and an outlet, the at least one microfluidic channel comprises at least one expansion region disposed along the length thereof. The at least one expansion region is an abrupt increase in a cross-sectional dimension of the at least one microfluidic channel configured to generate a vortex within the at least one expansion region in response to fluid flow. A solution containing a population of cells at least some of which have diameters ≧10 μm flows into the inlet. A portion of cells is trapped within vortex created within the at least one expansion region. The trapped cells may then released from the expansion region.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Microfluidic device, microfluidic dosing system and method for microfluidic flow measurement and dosing

Номер: US20130183209A1

A microfluidic device for detecting a flow parameter, includes a channel configured within a base body, the channel including a first inlet for feeding a first fluid and a second inlet for feeding a second fluid so as to form a fluid stream having the first and second fluids within the channel, and further including an output for providing the fluid stream on the output side, a first feeder including a micropump associated with the first inlet for selectively feeding the first fluid to the channel, a second feeder associated with the second inlet for feeding the second fluid to the channel; and a detector for detecting, on the basis of a different physical property of the first fluid and the second fluid within the channel, a measurement value dependent on a current flow parameter of the first or second fluid.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for transferring materials between locations possessing different cross-sectional areas with minimal band spreading and dispersion due to unequal path-lengths

Номер: US20130183211A1
Автор: Fred C. Senftleber
Принадлежит: Individual

Non-limiting exemplary embodiment(s) of apparatus(es) and method(s) are described for the conveyance of fluid media and entrained materials between two or more locations, each possessing a different cross-sectional area. Equidistant pathways incorporated into uniquely designed conduits enable this transference to occur with minimal band spreading and separation resolution loss due to undesirable flow patterns that arise from end effects. The design enables the conduits to be employed with locations of almost any description including process channels, surfaces, or even open volume of any size and used for almost any purpose. The conduits and/or associated locations may be empty of any contents or filled with gelatinous, porous, granular, or particulated material. The design of non-limiting exemplary embodiment(s) of apparatus(es) and method(s) may be easily adapted or configured as necessary.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Assay device

Номер: US20130203183A1
Принадлежит: AMIC AB

An assay device for performing an assay on a liquid sample using a detection conjugate capable of binding to an antigen and containing a label. The device includes a substrate surface having a sample addition zone, a reaction zone and an absorbing zone, the zones being connected by at least one fluid passage, wherein the device has a first functionality verifying feature located between the sample addition zone and the reaction zone, and a second functionality verifying feature located within the absorbing zone. Both functionality verifying features are capable of undergoing a detectable change when contacted by the sample, in which the assay device further includes at least one alignment verification zone. There is further provided a kit of parts and a method of conducting an assay.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Microfluidic chips and assay systems

Номер: US20130209327A1
Принадлежит: Rheonix Inc

The systems and methods described herein include a microfluidic chip having a plurality of microfeatures interconnected to provide a configurable fluid transport system for processing at least one reagent. Inserts are provided to removably interfit into one or more of the microfeatures of the chip, wherein the inserts include sites for interactions with the reagent. As will be seen from the following description, the microfluidic chip and the inserts provide an efficient and accurate approach for conducting parallel assays.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Microfluidic cartridge for processing and detecting nucleic acids

Номер: US20130210126A1
Принадлежит: Molecular Systems Corp

A microfluidic cartridge, configured to facilitate processing and detection of nucleic acids, comprising: a top layer comprising a set of cartridge-aligning indentations, a set of sample port-reagent port pairs, a shared fluid port, a vent region, a heating region, and a set of Detection chambers; an intermediate substrate, coupled to the top layer comprising a waste chamber; an elastomeric layer, partially situated on the intermediate substrate; and a set of fluidic pathways, each formed by at least a portion of the top layer and a portion of the elastomeric layer, wherein each fluidic pathway is fluidically coupled to a sample port-reagent port pair, the shared fluid port, and a Detection chamber, comprises a turnabout portion passing through the heating region, and is configured to be occluded upon deformation of the elastomeric layer, to transfer a waste fluid to the waste chamber, and to pass through the vent region.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Three-dimensional digital microfluidic system

Номер: US20130220810A1
Автор: Gary Chorng-Jyh Wang
Принадлежит: Individual

A three-dimensional digital microfluidic system comprises a first plate with a first electrode, a second plate with a second electrode, and a microfluidic drop in between the first and the second electrode. The electrodes are able to be actuated in sequence such that the microfluidic drop is able to be transported. A bridge plate is able to be included.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Integrated Sample PReparation, Reaction and Detection

Номер: US20130266948A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Cartridges for the isolation of a biological sample and downstream biological assays on the sample are provided, as are methods for using such cartridges. In one embodiment, a nucleic acid sample is isolated from a biological sample and the nucleic acid sample is amplified, for example by the polymerase chain reaction. The cartridges provided herein can also be used for the isolation of non-nucleic acid samples, for example proteins, and to perform downstream reactions on the proteins, for example, binding assays. Instruments for carrying out the downstream biological assays and for detecting the results of the assays are also provided.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Microfluidic fluid separator and related methods

Номер: US20130267005A1

A microfluidic fluid separator for separating target components of a fluid by filtration is described. Methods for separating target components of a fluid by filtration and methods for processing blood on a large scale with the microfluidic fluid separator are provided.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280144A1
Принадлежит: ROHM CO LTD

A microchip including a fluid circuit formed by a groove of a first substrate and a surface of a second substrate is provided. The fluid circuit includes a fluid retaining reservoir for containing a fluid. The fluid retaining reservoir includes a fluid outlet or outflow channel for allowing the fluid to flow out, and a partition dividing the fluid retaining reservoir into a first region including a fluid inlet for injecting a fluid into the fluid retaining reservoir and a second region including the fluid outlet or outflow channel. The partition includes at least one communication gate for allowing communication between the first region and the second region.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Flow cells for high density array chips

Номер: US20130281305A1
Принадлежит: Complete Genomics Inc

Biochemical flow cells having sealed inlets and outlets are provided for performing high-volume assays on macromolecules. In one example embodiment, a flow cell with detachable inlet and outlet connectors comprises an inlet manifold, a coverslip, and a substrate disposed below the coverslip to form a reaction chamber, where the substrate is disposed to partially cover the inlet manifold such that a slit is formed along an entire edge of the substrate where fluids can flow from the inlet manifold through the slit, around substantially the entire edge of the substrate, and into the reaction chamber at equalized pressure and without bubbles. In another embodiment, a flow cell comprises an outlet manifold, two or more flow regions each connected to its own loading port via its own flow distribution funnel, each loading port connected to the outlet manifold, and plugs in a wall of the outlet manifold opposite each loading port, such that when a plug is absent from the wall of the outlet manifold, a loading tip may be inserted in its place, passing through the outlet manifold and connecting directly to a loading port.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Hydrophilic coating for nonporous surfaces and microfluidic devices including same

Номер: US20130287630A1
Автор: Michael J. Pugia
Принадлежит: Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc

A coating formula and method for surface coating non-porous surfaces. Microfluidic devices including said coating achieve desired properties including increased hydrophilicity, improved adhesion, stability and optical clarity.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Test chip and test chip unit incorporated with test chip

Номер: US20130312546A1
Автор: Shigeru Wada

The present invention is characterized in being provided with a chip main body, which is provided with a flow channel having the end portion thereof opened in the surface, and a sheet-like sealing member, which brings the inside of the flow channel into a hermetically closed state by covering at least the opening in the surface of the chip main body. The present invention is also characterized in that in the sealing member, a plurality of sheets are laminated, said sheets including a first sheet, which has ductility and elasticity such that the first sheet can be penetrated by means of a nozzle member, and a second sheet having ductility lower than that of the first sheet, the sheets adjacent to each other are bonded with an adhesive agent or a cohesive agent, and that the second sheet is positioned further toward the chip main body side than the first sheet.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Microfluidic device for high-throughput cellular gradient and dose response studies

Номер: US20130337486A1

The ability to form and maintain gradients is essential for the study of response of cells to various stimuli. The invention includes devices and methods for the high-throughput, reproducible formation of gradients for the study of living cells. The invention includes microfluidics device with a lest chamber having a depth flanked by flow-through channels having a deeper depth. Flow of two different fluids through the flow-through channels results in the creation of a gradient by diffusion across the test chamber having essentially no flow.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Sealed fluidic component comprising a composite material of different paek materials

Номер: US20130341260A1
Автор: Bernhard Dehmer

A sealed fluidic component ( 280 ) for use in a fluidic flow path is made by providing a composite material ( 300 ) comprising a first material ( 305 ) and a second material ( 310 ), wherein the first material ( 305 ) and the second material ( 310 ) are different PAEK materials with the first material ( 305 ) having a lower melting point than the second material ( 310 ). The composite material ( 300 ) is heated in order to provide a sealing by the first material ( 305 ).

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Integrated Cartridge Housings For Sample Analysis

Номер: US20130343955A1

The invention relates to a cartridge housing for forming a cartridge capable of measuring an analyte or property of a liquid sample. The housing including a top portion having a first substantially rigid zone and a substantially flexible zone, a bottom portion separate from the top portion including a second substantially rigid zone, and at least one sensor recess containing a sensor. The top portion and the bottom portion are bonded to form the cartridge having a conduit over at least a portion of the sensor. The invention also relates to methods for forming such cartridges and to various features of such cartridges.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Bead sealing method, method for detecting target molecule, array, kit, and target molecule detection device

Номер: US20130345088A1

This invention provides a technique enabling to detect target molecules of low concentration with high sensitivity. This invention includes (i) a step of introducing a hydrophilic solvent ( 42 ) containing beads ( 40 ),( 41 ′) into a space ( 30 ) between (a) a lower layer section ( 10 ) including a plurality of receptacles ( 13 ) each of which is capable of storing only one of the beads ( 41 ),( 41 ′) and which are separated from each other by a side wall ( 12 ) having a hydrophobic upper surface and (b) an upper layer section ( 20 ) facing a surface of the lower layer section ( 10 ) on which surface the plurality of receptacles ( 13 ) are provided; and (ii) a step of introducing a hydrophobic solvent ( 43 ) into the space ( 30 ), the step (ii) being carried out after the step (i).

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Disposable cartridge for preparing a sample fluid containing cells for analysis

Номер: US20140033809A1
Принадлежит: Pixcell Medical Technologies LTD

The invention discloses a disposable cartridge for preparing a sample fluid containing cells for analysis. The cartridge comprises one or more parallel preparation units, each preparation unit comprises one or more chambers enclosed between seals and connected in series. Each chamber is configured for receiving an input fluid, performing a procedure affecting the fluid thereby generating an output fluid, and releasing the output fluid. A first chamber of the one or more chambers is a pressable chamber coupled to a first opening, while a last chamber of the one or more chambers is coupled to a second opening. The input fluid of the first chamber is the sample fluid. The one or more preparation units are coupleable to a compartment for performing analysis of the respective output fluids convey able via the second openings.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Microfluidic and nanofluidic devices, systems, and applications

Номер: US20140045704A1
Принадлежит: Integenx Inc

The present invention discloses the integration of programmable microfluidic circuits to achieve practical applications to process biochemical and chemical reactions and to integrate these reactions. In some embodiments workflows for biochemical reactions or chemical workflows are combined. Microvalves such as programmable microfluidic circuit with Y valves and flow through valves are disclosed. In some embodiments microvalves of the present invention are used for mixing fluids, which may be part of an integrated process. These processes include mixing samples and moving reactions to an edge or reservoir for modular microfluidics, use of capture regions, and injection into analytical devices on separate devices. In some embodiments star and nested star designs, or bead capture by change of cross sectional area of a channel in a microvalve are used. Movement of samples between temperature zones are further disclosed using fixed temperature and movement of the samples by micropumps.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Methods of fabrication of cartridges for biological analysis

Номер: US20140057210A1

Methods to fabricate reaction cartridges for biological sample preparation and analysis are disclosed. A cartridge may have a reaction chamber and openings to allow fluids to enter the chamber. The cartridge may also have handles to facilitate its use. Such cartridges may be used for polymerase chain reaction.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Device with controlled fluid dynamics, for isolation of an analyte from a sample

Номер: US20140057271A1
Принадлежит: Northwestern University, Quidel Corp

Devices for use in extracting an analyte of interest from a sample are described. In one embodiment, a device is comprised of a first plurality of chambers, where one or more chambers in the plurality of chambers has a deep end and a shallow end with a depth d 1 . A channel disposed between at least two adjacent chambers in the plurality of chambers has a depth greater than d 1 . The dimensions of the chamber and channel provide control of fluid movement in the device, particularly when introducing fluid into the device for its use and during use of the device.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

High Definition Nanomaterials

Номер: US20140079601A1

A microfluidic device for manipulating particles can include a substrate and one or more obstacles, each obstacle comprising a plurality of aligned nanostructures including a plurality of nanoparticles or a plurality of polymer layers, or a combination thereof. The obstacle on a substrate can be forests with intra-carbon nanotube spacing ranging between 5-100 nm for isolation of particles such as very small viruses and proteins.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

The Use of Microfluidic Systems in the Electrochemical Detection of Target Analytes

Номер: US20140087374A1
Автор: Jon Faiz Kayyem
Принадлежит: Jon Faiz Kayyem

The invention relates generally to methods and apparatus for conducting analyses, particularly microfluidic devices for the detection of target analytes.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Methods, Systems and Apparatus for Size-Based Particle Separation

Номер: US20140091012A1
Принадлежит: Arizona Board of Regents of ASU

A microfluidic device for size-based particle separation and methods for its use, where the microfluidic device comprises: (a) an inlet reservoir, where the inlet reservoir is configured for communication with an inlet electrode, (b) an insulator constriction coupled to the inlet reservoir via a microchannel, where the insulator constriction comprises an insulating material, and (c) a plurality of outlet channels each defining a first end and a second end, where the first end of each of the plurality of outlet channels is coupled to the insulator constriction, where the second end of each of the plurality of outlet channels is coupled to one of a plurality of outlet reservoirs, and where the plurality of outlet reservoirs are configured for communication with one or more outlet electrodes.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Microfluidic device for measuring the enzymatic activity of thiopurin s-methyltransferase

Номер: US20210001333A1

A test microfluidic strip or cartridge comprising a blood sample collection zone, red blood cell isolation zone, lysis zone, reagents mixing zone, and sensing zone for measuring the enzymatic activity thiopurine methyltransferase is disclosed. The test strip or cartridge is disclosed to be operably connected to a metering device comprising a processor, a display and a memory card.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001334A1

The present technology provides for a microfluidic substrate configured to carry out PCR on a number of polynucleotide-containing samples in parallel. The substrate can be a single-layer substrate in a microfluidic cartridge. Also provided are a method of making a microfluidic cartridge comprising such a substrate. Still further disclosed are a microfluidic valve suitable for use in isolating a PCR chamber in a microfluidic substrate, and a method of making such a valve. 118.-. (canceled)19. A method of making a microfluidic valve , the method comprising:directing a dispensing head over an inlet hole in a microfluidic substrate;propelling a quantity of thermally responsive substance from the dispensing head into the inlet hole;maintaining a temperature of the microfluidic substrate so that the thermally responsive substance flows by capillary action into a microfluidic channel in communication with the inlet hole; andcovering the inlet hole.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein covering the inlet hole comprises covering two or more inlet holes.21. The method of claim 19 , wherein covering the inlet hole comprises covering two or more inlet holes for valves that are in a sample lane of the microfluidic substrate.22. The method of claim 19 , wherein covering the inlet hole comprises covering two or more inlet holes for valves that are in different sample lanes of the microfluidic substrate.23. The method of claim 19 , wherein covering the inlet hole comprises covering the microfluidic substrate with a layer of plastic.24. The method of claim 19 , wherein covering the inlet hole comprises covering the microfluidic substrate with a layer comprising a pressure sensitive adhesive.25. The method of claim 19 , wherein propelling a quantity of thermally responsive substance comprises propelling a quantity of thermally responsive substance to the bottom of the inlet hole.26. The method of claim 19 , wherein propelling a quantity of thermally responsive substance comprises ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Device for analysis of cellular motility

Номер: US20210001335A1

A mesoscale fluidic system comprises a substrate having a sample chamber and an analysis chamber. The sample chamber comprises a cell permeable filter defining a sample application compartment and a conditioning medium compartment. The sample chamber has a sample inlet port in the sample application compartment. The analysis chamber has an entry port and an exit port. The conditioning medium compartment is in fluid communication with the entry port of the analysis chamber via a channel. The sample application compartment is below the cell permeable filter and the conditioning medium compartment is above the cell permeable filter. The mesoscale fluidic system is suited for analysing cellular motility in a sample. Also disclosed is a method of estimating the quantity of motile cells in a sample and a method of extracting motile cells from non-motile cells.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001286A1
Автор: ETTLIN Josef

An apparatus includes an inlet chamber, a preparation chamber, an analysis element and a housing with an inner housing space in which a preparation element bounding the preparation chamber and an inlet element bounding the inlet chamber are arranged. The test strip is arranged in the housing so as to be visible from the outside. Test liquid can be brought from the inlet chamber via the preparation chamber onto the analysis element. The inner housing space is of cylindrical design and the preparation element is capable of being rotated with respect to the inlet element and the housing. Thus, a compact housing is possible, in particular, a compact housing with a cylindrical or parallelepiped-shaped outer contour. 1. An apparatus for analyzing a test liquid , comprising:an inlet chamber;a preparation chamber;an analysis element;a housing having an inner housing space;a preparation element at least partly bounding the preparation chamber and being arranged within the inner housing space; andan inlet element at least partly bounding the inlet chamber and being arranged within the inner housing space, whereinthe inlet chamber being arranged to receive the test liquid, the preparation chamber being configured to bring the test liquid from the inlet chamber onto the analysis element, andthe analysis element being arranged in the housing so as to be at least partly visible from the outside,the inner housing space being a cylindrical design, andthe preparation element being rotatable with respect to the inlet element and to the housing.2. The apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , whereinthe preparation element has a predominantly hollow cylindrical basic shape,the inlet element has a predominantly hollow cylindrical basic shape and is arranged within the preparation element, andthe housing, the preparation element and the inlet element are configured and arranged such that, in a starting position, the inlet chamber and the preparation chamber are separate from one another, ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001290A1
Автор: Issadore David, Ko Jin A.

A microfluidic device includes a substrate and a microfluidic channel embedded in the substrate. The microfluidic channel includes a plurality of fluid inlets, at least one waste outlet, at least one vesicle outlet, a flow junction joining the at least one vesicle outlet and the at least one waste outlet in fluid communication, the flow junction having a fluid flow path that is orthogonal to the plane of the substrate, and at least one membrane between the at least one vesicle outlet and the at least one waste outlet configured to intercept a portion of the fluid flow path. 1. A microfluidic device for generating vesicles comprising:a substrate; and a plurality of fluid inlets;', 'at least one waste outlet;', 'at least one vesicle outlet;, 'a microfluidic channel embedded in the substrate, the microfluidic channel includingto a flow junction joining the at least one vesicle outlet and the at least one waste outlet in fluid communication, the flow junction having a fluid flow path that is orthogonal to the plane of the substrate; andat least one membrane between the at least one vesicle outlet and the at least one waste outlet configured to intercept a portion of the fluid flow path.2. The microfluidic device of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is comprised of a polymer.3. The microfluidic device of claim 2 , wherein the substrate is comprised of polydimethylsiloxane.4. The microfluidic device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fluid inlets comprises a fluid inlet for a liquid and a fluid inlet for an emulsion.5. The microfluidic device of claim 4 , wherein the emulsion comprises a plurality of water-in-oil emulsion droplets.6. The microfluidic device of further comprising at least one emulsion droplet generator in fluid communication with the emulsion inlet.7. The microfluidic device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one membrane is a nanoporous membrane.8. The microfluidic device of claim 7 , wherein the nanoporous membrane is selected from the group consisting ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001294A1

A device for forming a liquid aliquot, the device including: a first layer; an elastic second layer overlapping the first layer; a first passageway to receive and hold a volume of liquid, the first passageway formed from the first and second layers; a first actuator to press on the elastic layer thereby dividing the liquid filled passageway into a series of liquid aliquots; a series of vents associated with the series of aliquots; a second actuator to control flow of liquid aliquots through the associated vents; and an attachment structure for attachment of aliquot receptacles to receive liquid aliquots that flow through the vents. 1. A device for forming a liquid aliquot , the device comprising:a first layer;an elastic second layer overlapping the first layer;a passageway to receive and hold a volume of liquid, the passageway formed from the first and second layers;a first actuator to press on the elastic layer thereby dividing the liquid filled passageway into a series of liquid aliquots;a series of vents associated with the series of aliquots; anda second actuator to control flow of liquid aliquots through the associated vents.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first actuator contains a heating element capable of welding the first and second layers claim 1 , thereby sealing the liquid aliquots from one another.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a rupturable membrane claim 1 , wherein rupturing of the membrane controls flow of a liquid aliquot through the associated vent.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the rupturable membrane comprises scored locations to rupture when pressure is applied to an associated aliquot.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second actuator is a presser claim 1 , wherein pressing the second elastic layer toward the rupturable membrane ruptures the rupturable membrane thereby controlling the flow of a liquid aliquot through the associated vent.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an input reservoir to provide ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001197A1

A microfluidic exosome profiling platform integrating exosome isolation and targeted proteomic analysis is disclosed. This platform is capable of quantitative exosomal biomarker profiling directly from 30 μL plasma samples within approximately 100 minutes with markedly enhanced sensitivity and specificity. Identification of distinct subpopulation of patient-derived exosomes is demonstrated by probing surface proteins and multiparameter analyses of intravesicular biomarkers in the selected subpopulation. The expression of IGF-1R and its phosphorylation level in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patient plasma is assessed, as a non-invasive alternative to the conventional biopsy and immunohistochemistry. The microfluidic chip, which may be fabricated of a glass substrate and a layer of poly(dimethylsiloxane), can include a first capture chamber, a second capture chamber, a serpentine microchannel, a first microchannel, a second microchannel, a sample inlet, a buffer inlet, a bead inlet, at least a first connector channel, and a reagent inlet. 1. A microfluidic chip comprising:a first capture chamber configured to enable immunomagnetic isolation;a second capture chamber configured to enable protein analysis;a serpentine microchannel connecting the first capture chamber and the second capture chamber;a first microchannel connecting the first capture chamber and the serpentine microchannel;a second microchannel connecting the serpentine microchannel and the second capture chamber;a sample inlet connected to the first capture chamber;a buffer inlet connected to the first capture chamber;a bead inlet;at least a first connector channel connected to the bead inlet and the first microchannel, wherein the first connector channel is connected to the first microchannel upstream of the serpentine microchannel and downstream of the first capture chamber; anda reagent inlet connected to the second microchannel upstream of the second capture chamber and downstream of the serpentine ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001297A1

A pumpless microfluidic system is disclosed that can be used to mimic the interaction of organ systems with the immune system. Also disclosed is a method for mimicking an immune system, comprising culturing a plurality of organ cells and at least one population of immune cells in the disclosed pumpless microfluidic system under physiological conditions. The method can further comprise activating an immune reaction in the pumpless microfluidic system, continuing the culture for a defined period, collecting a sample of culture medium from the system, and assaying the sample for one or more indicators of an immune response. 1. A pumpless microfluidic system , comprising:a first chamber containing a first plurality of organ cells attached to at least a portion of a cell attachment surface of the first chamber, wherein the first plurality of organ cells mimic a function of a first organ; andat least one population of immune cells, including at least one population of leukocytes, circulating through the first chamber in a serum free culture medium under conditions suitable for survival of the at least one population of leukocytes for at least two days without activation.2. The pumpless microfluidic system of claim 1 , further comprising a second chamber in fluid connection with the first chamber containing a second plurality of organ cells attached to at least a portion of a cell attachment surface of the second chamber claim 1 , wherein the second plurality of organ cells mimic a function of a second organ.3. The pumpless microfluidic system of claim 2 , further comprising a third chamber in fluid connection with the first and second chambers containing a third plurality of organ cells attached to at least a portion of a cell attachment surface of the third chamber claim 2 , wherein the third plurality of organ cells mimic a function of a third organ.4. The pumpless microfluidic system of claim 1 , wherein the organ cells are selected from the group consisting of: ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001317A1

The present disclosure provides apparatuses, systems, and methods involving a spotter apparatus for depositing a substance from a carrier fluid onto a deposition surface in an ordered array, the spotter apparatus comprising a loading surface including a first well and a second well; and a different outlet surface, including a first opening and a second opening, where a first microconduit fluidly couples the first well with the first opening and a second microconduit fluidly couples the second well with the second opening. An overlay is sealed to the outlet surface and penetrated by a deposition channel that is situated to communicate carrier fluid among the first opening, the second opening, and the deposition surface when the overlay is pressed against the deposition surface. 1. A method of depositing at least one substance from a carrier fluid on a deposition surface , the method comprising: i) a loading surface including the first well and a second well;', 'ii) an outlet surface, different than the loading surface, including a first opening and a second opening;', 'iii) a first microconduit fluidly coupling the first well with the first opening;', 'iv) a second microconduit fluidly coupling the second well with the second opening; and', 'v) an overlay positioned on the outlet surface and penetrated by a deposition channel, wherein the deposition channel is situated to communicate carrier fluid among the first opening, the second opening, and a deposition surface when the overlay is pressed against the deposition surface, and, 'a) loading a carrier fluid having at least one substance into a first well of a spotter apparatus, wherein the spotter apparatus comprisesb) flowing the carrier fluid in series from the first well, through the first microconduit to the deposition channel, through the second microconduit and into the second well, wherein the deposition channel directs at least one substance from the carrier fluid onto the deposition surface.2. The method of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for preparing a biological sample for analysis

Номер: US20190001321A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An apparatus for processing a biological sample is provided. The apparatus comprises a body having a processing chamber, a first reservoir, a second reservoir, a filter, a first one-way valve, a second one-way valve, a first fluid pathway, and a second fluid pathway. The first fluid pathway and the second fluid pathway pass through the filter. A method of processing a sample using the apparatus is also provided. The method comprises placing a sample comprising a liquid into the processing chamber; urging at least a portion of the liquid through the filter; after urging the at least a portion of the liquid through the filter, urging a portion of a back-flush liquid through the filter into the process chamber to form a first processed sample; and analyzing at least a portion of the first processed sample to detect an indication of a microorganism.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Chip and application thereof

Номер: US20190001327A1
Автор: Ping Wu, QIN Yan
Принадлежит: Direct Genomics Co Ltd

Disclosed is a chip. The chip comprises a substrate (1) and a base layer (2) in pressing arrangement with the substrate; the substrate comprises a first surface (1a) and a second surface (1b) in opposite arrangement, reaction tank arrays formed by a plurality of flowing channels (11) are arranged on the first surface of the substrate at intervals, two oppositely arranged side walls (111, 112) of each flowing channel (11) stretch along the length direction of the flowing channel (11) and intersect at two ends of the flowing channel to form two tapered tail ends (113) with included angles, and a fluid inlet hole (12) and a fluid outlet hole (13) which are communicated with the second surface of the substrate are respectively provided on the surfaces of the two tapered tail ends (113); and the base layer (2) comprises a transparent base (21) and a spacing layer (22) arranged on the surface of the transparent base, the spacing layer (22) is in contact with the firs surface (1a) of the substrate, and a corrosion groove is provided on the spacing layer (22) corresponding to a position where the flowing channel (11) is located. The flow field distribution of the chip is good, the deformation rate of a base in the chip is low, and the fluid in the chip can be fully flushed or replaced. Also disclosed is an application of the chip.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001328A1

A method of making a flowcell includes bonding a first surface of an organic solid support to a surface of a first inorganic solid support via a first bonding layer, wherein the organic solid support includes a plurality of elongated cutouts. The method further includes bonding a surface of a second inorganic solid support to a second surface of the organic solid support via a second bonding layer, so as to form the flowcell. The formed flowcell includes a plurality of channels defined by the surface of the first inorganic solid support, the surface of the second inorganic solid support, and walls of the elongated cutouts. 138-. (canceled)39. A method of making a flowcell , the method comprising:bonding a first surface of an organic solid support to a surface of a first inorganic solid support via a first bonding layer, wherein the organic solid support includes a plurality of elongated cutouts;bonding a surface of a second inorganic solid support to a second surface of the organic solid support via a second bonding layer, so as to form the flowcell;wherein the formed flowcell comprises a plurality of channels defined by the surface of the first inorganic solid support, the surface of the second inorganic solid support, and walls of the elongated cutouts.40. The method of claim 39 , further comprising:before bonding the first surface of the organic solid support to the surface of the first inorganic solid, forming the first bonding layer on an entirety of the surface of the first inorganic solid support; andbefore bonding the surface of the second inorganic solid support to the second surface of the organic solid support, forming the second bonding layer on an entirety of the surface of the first inorganic solid support.41. The method of claim 39 , wherein:each of the first and second bonding layers is formed of a radiation-absorbing material;bonding the first surface of the organic solid support to the surface of the first inorganic solid comprises irradiating the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001335A1

Examples include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) devices. Example PCR devices comprise a fluid input, ejection nozzles, and a set of microfluidic channels that fluidly connect the fluid input and the ejection nozzles. Each microfluidic channel comprises a reaction chamber, and examples further comprise at least one heating element, where the at least one heating element is positioned in the reaction chamber of each microfluidic channel. The at least one heating element is to heat fluid in the reaction chamber of each fluid channel. The device may eject fluid via the ejection nozzles. 1. A polymerase chain reaction device comprising:a fluid input;a set of ejection nozzles to eject fluid;a set of microfluidic channels, each microfluidic channel of the set fluidly connecting the fluid input and a respective nozzle of the set of nozzles, each microfluidic channel of the set comprising a respective reaction chamber; and 'heat fluid in the respective reaction chamber of each microfluidic channel.', 'at least one heating element, the at least one heating element positioned in the reaction chamber of each fluid channel, the at least one heating element to2. The polymerase chain reaction device of claim 1 , wherein the respective nozzle fluidly connected to each microfluidic channel is a surface that defines the respective reaction chamber.3. The polymerase chain reaction device of claim 2 , wherein the at least one heating element is further to thermally eject fluid from the ejection nozzles.4. The polymerase chain reaction device of claim 1 , further comprising: 'eject fluid via the ejection nozzle and approximately concurrently pump fluid in the fluidly connected microfluidic channel.', 'a respective fluid ejector positioned proximate each ejection nozzle of the set of ejection nozzles to5. The polymerase chain reaction device of claim 1 , wherein each ejection nozzle of the set of nozzles is fluidly connected to at least two microfluidic channels.6. The polymerase chain ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002718A1
Принадлежит: IIIumina, Inc.

A system including a reaction valve having a mating side and a valve inlet. The reaction valve includes a sample chamber, and the valve inlet is in fluid communication with the sample chamber. The system also has a manifold having an engagement surface. The manifold may include first and second manifold ports at the engagement surface. The engagement surface and the mating side of the reaction valve may be positioned adjacent to each other along an interface. The system may also include a positioning assembly that is operatively coupled to at least one of the reaction valve or the manifold. The positioning assembly is configured to move at least one of the reaction valve or the manifold along the interface to fluidly disconnect the valve inlet from the first manifold port and to fluidly connect the valve inlet to the second manifold port. 133-. (canceled)34. A system comprising:a reaction valve including a sample chamber;a positioning assembly operatively coupled to the reaction valve and configured to rotate the reaction valve about an axis of rotation; andan imaging assembly positioned proximate to the sample chamber of the reaction valve and configured to obtain at least one image of the sample chamber, the positioning assembly configured to rotate the reaction valve to move the sample chamber relative to the imaging assembly, the positioning assembly configured to at least one of (a) rotate the reaction valve after the imaging assembly has imaged the sample chamber or (b) rotate the reaction valve as the imaging assembly images the sample chamber.35. The system of claim 34 , wherein the imaging assembly has an imaging plane claim 34 , the sample chamber moving along the imaging plane as the reaction valve is rotated.36. The system of claim 34 , wherein the at least one image includes first claim 34 , second claim 34 , and third images and the imaging assembly is configured to sequentially obtain the first claim 34 , second claim 34 , and third images claim 34 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Fluidic Cartridge With Valve Mechanism

Номер: US20170002399A1

Provided herein is a fluidic cartridge having a body comprising a malleable material and a layer comprising a deformable material bonded to a surface of the body that seals one or more fluidic channels that communicate with one or more valve bodies formed in a surface of the body. The valve can be closed by applying pressure to the deformable material sufficient to crush and close off a fluidic channel in the body. Also provided are a cartridge interface configured to engage the cartridge. Also provided is a system including a cartridge interface and methods of using the cartridge and system. 1. A cartridge comprising:(a) a body comprising a malleable material; and(b) a layer comprising a deformable material bonded to a surface of the body and sealing one or more fluidic channels that communicate with one or more valve bodies formed in a surface of the body; [ (A) a segment of the channel comprising a wall having a pair of ridges and a floor depressed into the surface; and optionally', '(B) reliefs depressed into the surface and defining depressions that flank the ridges on two sides of the segment of the channel; and, '(i) the one or more valve bodies comprise, '(iii) the layer is bonded to the surface of the body and to the ridges such that the one or more channels, channel segments and reliefs are sealed; and, 'whereinwherein a valve body sealed with the layer forms a valve closable by forcing the layer against the floor of the segment of the channel.2. The cartridge of comprising elements of a fluidic circuit including a fluid inlet claim 1 , a fluid outlet and at least one compartment claim 1 , which elements are fluidically connected through fluidic channels claim 1 , wherein at least one fluidic channel comprises a valve body.3. The cartridge of comprising at least one compartment selected from a reagent compartment claim 2 , a sample compartment claim 2 , a mixing compartment claim 2 , a reaction compartment and a waste compartment.4. The cartridge of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002959A1

A system and method for processing and detecting nucleic acids from a set of biological samples, comprising: a molecular diagnostic module configured to receive nucleic acids bound to magnetic beads, isolate nucleic acids, and analyze nucleic acids, comprising a cartridge receiving module, a heating/cooling subsystem and a magnet configured to facilitate isolation of nucleic acids, a valve actuation subsystem including an actuation substrate, and a set of pins interacting with the actuation substrate, and a spring plate configured to bias at least one pin in a configurations, the valve actuation subsystem configured to control fluid flow through a microfluidic cartridge for processing nucleic acids, and an optical subsystem for analysis of nucleic acids; and a fluid handling system configured to deliver samples and reagents to components of the system to facilitate molecular diagnostic protocols. 1. A system for processing a biological sample comprising:a cartridge platform receiving a cartridge including a fluidic pathway, wherein the cartridge platform comprises an access region configured to align with the fluidic pathway; a pin comprising a first end, a second end opposing the first end, and a pin slot defined along a length of the pin between the first and the second end, the pin actuatable along a displacement axis extending through the first end, the second end, and the access region; and', 'an actuation substrate translatable along an actuation axis between a first substrate position, wherein a first substrate feature of the actuation substrate passes through the pin slot to transmit the pin through the access region; and a second substrate position, wherein a second substrate feature of the actuation substrate passes through the pin slot to transmit the pin away from the access region., 'a valve actuation subsystem comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the valve actuation system further comprises a spring coupled to a region of the pin claim 1 , ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003815A1

Embodiments of the invention provide methods, systems, and devices for detection and measurement of an analyte or analytes. In one embodiment, the invention provides an assay system comprising a cartridge device including: one or more reservoir portions for holding one or more liquids; and at least one assay portion for receiving the one or more liquids from the at least one reservoir portion, the at least one assay portion having a plurality of binding sites over which the one or more liquids from the one or more reservoirs can be flowed repeatedly (more than one time); and a measurement device for measuring binding of one or more analytes in the one or more liquids to the plurality of binding sites. 1. An assay system comprising: at least one reservoir portion for holding one or more liquids; and', 'at least one assay portion for receiving the one or more liquids from the at least one reservoir portion, the at least one assay portion having a plurality of binding sites over which the one or more liquids can be repeatedly flowed; and, 'a cartridge device includinga measurement device for measuring binding of one or more analytes in the one or more liquids to the plurality of binding sites.2. The assay system of claim 1 , further comprising:an interface into which the cartridge device is received and removed, wherein the interface includes an apparatus for controlling flow or movement of the one or more liquids from the at least one reservoir portion through the at least one assay portion,wherein the apparatus for controlling flow of the one or more liquids can independently control at least one of the following:the rate of flow of the at least one liquid across the at least one assay portion,the duration of flow of the at least one liquid across the at least one assay portion, orthe number of times a quantity of the at least one liquid is flowed over the at least one assay portion.3. The assay system of further comprising:a flow rate sensor,wherein the interface ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for integrated mutliplexed modular photometry

Номер: US20200003676A1
Принадлежит: General Hospital Corp

Reusable network of spatially-multiplexed microfliuidic channels each including an inlet, an outlet, and a cuvette in-between. Individual channels may operationally share a main or common output channel defining the network output and optionally leading to a disposable storage volume. Alternatively, multiple channels are structured to individually lead to the storage volume. An individual cuvette is dimensioned to substantially prevent the formation of air-bubbles during the fluid sample flow through the cuvette and, therefore, to be fully filled and fully emptied. The overall channel network is configured to spatially lock the fluidic sample by pressing such sample with a second fluid against a closed to substantially immobilize it to prevent drifting due to the change in ambient conditions during the measurement. Thereafter, the fluidic sample is flushed through the now-opened valve with continually-applied pressure of the second fluid. System and method for photometric measurements of multiple fluid samples employing such network of channels.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005190A1

A biological and chemical sample processing device that b. comprises a high pressure-resistant, shallow and wide area microfluidic chamber having at least one wall formed by a detachable slide containing samples such as immobilized entities, biological samples or molecules, c. comprises an arrangement of microfluidic access holes for injecting to and collecting fluid form said chamber, d. is interfaced with inlet ports and microfluidic channels which are formed external to the chamber, e. is configured so that the slide may be brought into contact with the device to form the said chamber, f. is adapted to deliver and to transport fluidic substances and reagents inside said chamber in a fast manner, preferably within less than 15 seconds, and in a regular or uniform way owing to said arrangement of microfluidic access holes. 1. A biological and chemical sample processing device thata. comprises a high pressure-resistant, shallow and wide area microfluidic chamber having at least one wall formed by a detachable slide containing samples such as immobilized entities, biological samples or molecules,b. comprises an arrangement of microfluidic access holes for injecting to and collecting fluid form said chamber,c. is interfaced with inlet ports and microfluidic channels which are formed external to the chamber,d. is configured so that the slide may be brought into contact with the device to form the said chamber,e. is adapted to deliver and to transport fluidic substances and reagents inside said chamber in a fast manner, preferably within less than 15 seconds, and in a regular or uniform way owing to said arrangement of microfluidic access holes.2. A device according to comprising pressure-driven flow generating means for creating a fluid flow inside the chamber claim 1 , i.e. which induces a pressure difference between inlets and outlets.3. A device according to comprising electrokinetic flow generating means for creating a fluid flow inside the chamber claim 1 , by ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008000A1
Автор: KIM Sung Woo

One embodiment of the present invention relates to a PCR device provided with a unidirectional sliding means and a method for PCR using same. According to the present invention, the amount of samples treated can be increased by simultaneously, rapidly, and accurately performing a PCR on a large number of samples through sequential thermal contact between a thermal block in which at least two heaters are repeatedly arranged and a PCR chip in which at least two reaction chambers are repeatedly arranged. Also, the present invention is capable of: significantly improving PCR yield by preventing radial heat distribution generated by each heater and consequent non-uniform thermal overlap between neighboring heaters; significantly contributing to size reduction and integration of the device by not requiring a separate temperature control means; simultaneously and rapidly amplifying multiple nucleic acid samples by using the thermal block in which heater units are repeatedly arranged and a plate-shaped PCR reacting portion; and confirming a nucleic acid amplifying step in real time by measuring continuous optical signals or electrochemical signals. 113-. (canceled)14. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) device comprising: a first substrate having a flat-plate shape, and', 'a plurality of heating units, each of the plurality of heating units having a first heater and a second heater, each of the plurality of heating units being evenly spaced apart from adjacent heater and mounted on an upper surface of the first substrate;, 'a PCR thermal block comprising a second substrate having a flat-plate shape, and', 'a plurality of reaction chambers evenly spaced apart from each other and mounted on an upper surface of the second substrate; and, 'a PCR chip comprisingan unidirectional sliding element sliding the PCR chip relative to the PCR thermal block while maintaining a contact between the PCR chip and the PCR thermal block, the reaction chambers in the PCR chip are spaced apart ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008813A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Healthcare Diagnostic Inc.

A microfluidic distributing device having a plurality of microchannels for the analysis of a fluid sample (such as blood). The microfluidic distributing device has a fluid sample entry port from which subsamples of the fluid sample are distributed to the plurality of microchannels in which fluid subsamples are treated for analysis by test devices. 1. A microfluidic analysis system , comprising:A microfluidic distributing device, the microfluidic distributing device containing a base portion having a fluid sample entry port for receiving a fluid sample, a plurality of fluid flow microchannels in fluid communication with the fluid sample entry port such that the fluid sample received in the fluid sample entry port is separated into a plurality of fluid subsamples, and a plurality of fluid subsample exit ports, each of the fluid subsample exit ports in fluid communication with a corresponding one of the microchannels,wherein each of the microchannels has a valve disposed therein for controlling flow of the fluid subsample through the microchannel, and a reagent area with a reagent for reacting on or with the fluid subsample passing through the microchannel anda plurality of test devices, each of which is in fluid communication with a separate exit port of the microluidic distributing device for receive and analyze a fluid subsample received from the corresponding exit port,wherein the plurality of test devices are arranged so that the microfluidic distributing device is moveable to sequentially engage each of the test devices.2. The microfluidic distributing device of claim 1 , wherein the fluid sample entry port is a single fluid sample entry port.3. The microfluidic distributing device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the microchannels comprises a metering area positioned between the reagent area and the fluid subsample exit port in the microchannel.4. The microfluidic distributing device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of microchannels are in fluid ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Device, System And Method For Processing A Sample

Номер: US20180008977A1
Автор: Wisniewski Craig Alan
Принадлежит: Diagnostics for the Real World, Ltd.

A device for processing a sample comprises a blister defined by first and second walls. The first wall is flexible allowing the blister to be divided into one or more sealed regions by an external pressure applied to a portion of the first wall. The external pressure is applied in the form of a 2-dimensional shape to form a sealed region having that shape. 131-. (canceled)32. A method of processing a sample in a device having a single blister only , the blister defined between a first wall and a second wall , in which at least the first wall is flexible such that the blister can be divided into one or more sealed chambers by an external pressure applied to a portion of the first wall that urges the first wall towards the second wall , the method comprising:applying a localised external pressure in the form of a two dimensional shape to urge the first wall towards the second wall to form first and second sealed chambers within the blister,introducing a liquid sample to the first sealed chamber, andremoving the localised external pressure, so that the blister becomes undivided, and to open the seal between the first and second sealed chambers.33. A method according to claim 32 , further comprising: preloading the blister with dried reagents held at predetermined locations and claim 32 , after applying the localised external pressure claim 32 , a first reagent is located in the first sealed chamber and a second reagent is located in the second sealed chamber.34. A method according to claim 32 , further comprising: incubating claim 32 , heating or mixing in the first sealed chamber before the seal is opened between the first and second sealed chambers.35. A method according to claim 32 , wherein the localised external pressure is applied by a shaped platen or tool.36. A method according to claim 32 , wherein more than two sealed chambers are formable within the blister.37. A method according to claim 35 , wherein a plurality of tools or platens are used to apply the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008980A1

Systems and methods for measuring dynamic hydraulic conductivity and permeability associated with a cell layer are disclosed. Some systems include a microfluidic device, one or more working-fluid reservoirs, and one or more fluid-resistance element. The microfluidic device includes a first microchannel, a second microchannel, and a barrier therebetween. The barrier includes a cell layer adhered thereto. The working fluids are delivered to the microfluidic device. The fluid-resistance elements are coupled to one or more of the fluid paths and provide fluidic resistance to cause a pressure drop across the fluid-resistance elements. Mass transfer occurs between the first microchannel and the second microchannel, which is indicative of the hydraulic conductivity and/or dynamic permeability associated with the cells. 1. A method for measuring hydraulic conductivity associated with cells , the method comprising:flowing a working fluid through a first microchannel at a first flow rate along a layer of cells, the layer of cells being disposed on a barrier, the first flow rate causing a first shear stress on the layer of cells;applying a first pressure to the working fluid in the first microchannel to cause a portion of the working fluid to travel to a second microchannel through the layer of cells and the barrier; andcalculating a hydraulic conductivity of the layer of cells.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein some of the portion of the working fluid claim 1 , that travels through the layer of cells and the barrier claim 1 , exits the second microchannel.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising collecting the working fluid exiting the second microchannel.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein said calculating is based on said pressure and said collected working fluid exiting the second microchannel.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising performing an image-gathering technique on the layer of cells during the flowing and applying pressure steps.6. The method of claim ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Fluid handling device

Номер: US20210008558A1
Автор: Nobuya SUNAGA
Принадлежит: Enplas Corp

The objective of the present invention is to provide a fluid handling device capable of easily isolating droplets. This objective is achieved by means of a fluid handling device which includes a first flow passage through the interior of which, when a fluid containing a droplet is delivered, the droplet can move, a first chamber which captures the droplet moving through the first flow passage, a second chamber into which the droplet captured by the first chamber can move, and a second flow passage providing communication between the first chamber and the second chamber, wherein the second flow passage is capable of selectively allowing the droplet to pass, or restricting passage of the droplet.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008560A1
Автор: Arlett Ben, Edwards Tom

Instrument for performing a diagnostic test on a fluidic cartridge A cartridge reader is for carrying out a diagnostic test on a sample contained in a fluidic cartridge inserted into the reader. The fluidic cartridge comprises a fluidic layer comprising at least one sample processing region, at least one collapsible blister containing a liquid reagent, a pneumatic interface, an electrical interface and at least one mechanical valve. The reader comprises a housing; an upper clamp occupying a fixed position relative to the reader, and a lower clamp, movable relative to the first clamp, wherein the upper clamp and the lower clamp define a cartridge receiving region therebetween. The reader comprises a thermal module comprised in the lower clamp, wherein the thermal module comprises at least one thermal stack for heating the at least one sample processing region of the cartridge inserted into the reader. The reader comprises at least one mechanical actuator for actuating the mechanical valve comprised in the cartridge inserted into the reader. 123-. (canceled)24. A fluidic cartridge for carrying out a diagnostic test on a sample contained therein , the cartridge comprising: a housing;', 'an upper clamp occupying a fixed position relative to the reader and a lower clamp movable relative to the upper clamp, wherein the upper clamp and the lower clamp define a cartridge receiving region therebetween, wherein the cartridge receiving region comprises a tray configured to move between an open position and a closed position and to receive a cartridge;', 'a thermal module comprised in the lower clamp;', 'a pneumatics module comprising a plurality of pneumatic interface;', 'at least one mechanical actuator;', 'at least one blister actuator;', 'an electrical module comprising a plurality of pins; and', 'a barcode reader, wherein at least part of each of the pneumatics module, the at least one mechanical actuator, the at least one blister actuator, the electrical module and the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009272A1

Nucleic acid from cells and viruses sampled from a variety of environments may purified and expressed utilizing microfluidic techniques. In accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, individual or small groups of cells or viruses may be isolated in microfluidic chambers by dilution, sorting, and/or segmentation. The isolated cells or viruses may be lysed directly in the microfluidic chamber, and the resulting nucleic acid purified by exposure to affinity beads. Subsequent elution of the purified nucleic acid may be followed by ligation and cell transformation, all within the same microfluidic chip. In one specific application, cell isolation, lysis, and nucleic acid purification may be performed utilizing a highly parallelized microfluidic architecture to construct gDNA and cDNA libraries. 1. A microfluidic apparatus comprising:(a) a solid substrate;(b) a cell separation and processing system embedded in the substrate that includes an arrangement of flow channels configured so that individual cells from a cell population can be singly isolated;(c) one or more inlet channels in the substrate connected with the cell separation and processing system so that a reagent can be delivered through the inlet channel(s) and combined with cells isolated by the system; and(d) one or more outlet channels in the substrate connected with the cell separation and processing system so that contents obtained by lysing isolated cells can be flowed through the outlet channel(s) and kept separate;wherein the apparatus is designed and constructed so that a user can prepare a plurality of cDNA libraries from single cells by a method that comprises:(1) receiving a sample of cells into the cell separation and processing system of the apparatus;(2) processing the sample in the cell separation and processing system such that a plurality of single cells from the sample are fluidically isolated from all other cells in the sample, thereby producing isolated single cells;(3) combining ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009276A1

The present disclosure relates to a sample assessment device. By way of example, the sample assessment device may include a substrate including a sample application region; an amplification region comprising a plurality of amplification reagents; a waste region comprising an entrance fluidically coupled to the amplification region and extending away from the amplification region; and a detection region spaced apart from the amplification region. The sample assessment device may also include a valve coupled to the substrate and configured to separate the amplification region from the detection region in a closed configuration, wherein the amplification region and the valve are positioned on the sample assessment device between the sample application region and the detection region and wherein the sample assessment device is configured to permit lateral flow from the amplification region to the detection region when the valve is in an open configuration. 115-. (canceled)16. A sample assessment device comprising:a substrate, wherein the substrate comprises:a sample application region;an amplification region;a waste region comprising an entrance fluidically coupled to the amplification region and extending away from the amplification region; anda detection region spaced apart from the amplification region; anda valve coupled to the substrate and configured to separate the amplification region from the detection region in a closed configuration, wherein the amplification region and the valve are positioned on the sample assessment device between the sample application region and the detection region and wherein the sample assessment device is configured to permit lateral flow from the amplification region to the detection region when the valve is in an open configuration.17. The device of claim 16 , wherein the waste region extends away from an elongated strip claim 16 , wherein the sample application region claim 16 , the amplification region claim 16 , and the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Biocompatible Micropillar Array Substrate and Methods for Fabricating Such Substrate

Номер: US20200009564A1
Автор: Liu Lian

A biocompatible micropillar array substrate (MAS) and methods for preparing the biocompatible MAS are provided. In on example, the biocompatible MAS includes multiple micropillars made from a biocompatible polymer. The biocompatible MAS may be prepared using a replica fabricated based on a silicon MAS. The configuration of the multiple micropillars of the silicon MAS and a configuration of the multiple micropillars of the biocompatible MAS are the same. 1. A method for preparing a biocompatible micropillar array substrate (MAS) with multiple micropillars comprising:preparing a replica based on a silicon MAS with multiple micropillars; andpreparing the biocompatible MAS by imprinting the replica on a layer of biocompatible polymer, where a configuration of the multiple micropillars of the silicon MAS and a configuration of the multiple micropillars of the biocompatible MAS are the same.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein preparing the replica based on the silicon MAS includes treating a surface of the silicon MAS with hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) claim 1 , and coating the treated surface of the silicon MAS with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the replica includes a plurality of indentations claim 1 , and imprinting the replica on the layer of biocompatible polymer includes flowing the biocompatible polymer into the indentations.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the biocompatible polymer is flowed into the indentations by applying pressure and heat to the replica and the biocompatible polymer.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein imprinting the replica on the layer of biocompatible polymer further includes polymerizing the biocompatible polymer after flowing the biocompatible polymer into the indentations claim 3 , and removing the replica from the polymerized biocompatible polymer.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the layer of biocompatible polymer is formed by coating a flat substrate with the biocompatible polymer.7. The method of claim ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Biocompatible Micropillar Array Substrate and Methods for Fabricating Such Substrate

Номер: US20200009567A1
Автор: Liu Lian

A biocompatible micropillar array substrate (MAS) and methods for preparing the biocompatible MAS are provided. In on example, the biocompatible MAS includes multiple micropillars made from a biocompatible polymer. The biocompatible MAS may be prepared using a replica fabricated based on a silicon MAS. The configuration of the multiple micropillars of the silicon MAS and a configuration of the multiple micropillars of the biocompatible MAS are the same. 1. A method for preparing a biocompatible micropillar array substrate (MAS) with multiple micropillars comprising:preparing a replica based on a silicon MAS with multiple micropillars; andpreparing the biocompatible MAS by imprinting the replica on a layer of biocompatible polymer, where a configuration of the multiple micropillars of the silicon MAS and a configuration of the multiple micropillars of the biocompatible MAS are the same.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein preparing the replica based on the silicon MAS includes treating a surface of the silicon MAS with hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) claim 1 , and coating the treated surface of the silicon MAS with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the replica includes a plurality of indentations claim 1 , and imprinting the replica on the layer of biocompatible polymer includes flowing the biocompatible polymer into the indentations.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the biocompatible polymer is flowed into the indentations by applying pressure and heat to the replica and the biocompatible polymer.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein imprinting the replica on the layer of biocompatible polymer further includes polymerizing the biocompatible polymer after flowing the biocompatible polymer into the indentations claim 3 , and removing the replica from the polymerized biocompatible polymer.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the layer of biocompatible polymer is formed by coating a flat substrate with the biocompatible polymer.7. The method of claim ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009570A1

Microfluidic structures and methods for manipulating fluids, fluid components, and reactions are provided. In one aspect, such structures and methods can allow production of droplets of a precise volume, which can be stored/maintained at precise regions of the device. In another aspect, microfluidic structures and methods described herein are designed for containing and positioning components in an arrangement such that the components can be manipulated and then tracked even after manipulation. For example, cells may be constrained in an arrangement in microfluidic structures described herein to facilitate tracking during their growth and/or after they multiply. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for partitioning a fluid sample , the method comprising:providing a microfluidic device having a substrate comprising a plurality of microwells in fluid communication with an inlet;introducing a first fluid into the inlet of the microfluidic device, the first fluid comprising a biological sample and a plurality of beads, each bead comprising a reactive component for binding a target molecule from the biological sample to the bead; a subvolume of the first fluid,', 'a portion of the biological sample, and', 'more than one bead; and, 'introducing a second fluid immiscible with the first fluid into the microfluidic device and flowing the second fluid towards each of the plurality of microwells so as to form partitions of fluid in corresponding microwells, wherein at least some of the partitions include'}maintaining each partition of fluid in corresponding microwells for detection of contents in each partition of fluid.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein a subset of the partitions do not include any beads and a second subset of the partitions each include a single bead.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein each partition of fluid is separated from the others by the second fluid.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the second fluid is an oil.25. The method of claim 21 , further ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Flow cell and liquid feed system

Номер: US20170010205A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp

A flow cell ( 2 ) includes a plate-shaped body 21 that is almost rectangular in a plan view, an introduction portion ( 22 ) that is made of a concave portion formed in the upper surface of the body ( 21 ), a channel ( 23 ) that is formed inside the body ( 21 ) and has one end connected to the lower end of the introduction portion ( 22 ), and a delivery portion ( 24 ) that is made of a concave portion formed in the body ( 21 ) and has the lower end connected to the other end of the channel ( 23 ). The introduction portion ( 22 ) is formed to cause the meniscus of a liquid introduced from an opening to apply, to the liquid, a positive pressure or a negative pressure whose absolute value is smaller than that of a negative pressure applied to the liquid introduced into the channel ( 23 ) by the meniscus of the liquid. The channel ( 23 ) is formed to cause the meniscus of the liquid introduced into the channel ( 23 ) to apply a negative pressure to the liquid. This invention provides a flow cell and a liquid feed system capable of more easily controlling feed of a trace amount of liquid.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010059A1

The present technology provides for an apparatus for detecting polynucleotides in samples, particularly from biological samples. The technology more particularly relates to microfluidic systems that carry out PCR on nucleotides of interest within microfluidic channels, and detect those nucleotides. The apparatus includes a microfluidic cartridge that is configured to accept a plurality of samples, and which can carry out PCR on each sample individually, or a group of, or all of the plurality of samples simultaneously. 1. A method of carrying out amplification on a plurality of samples , the method comprising:introducing each of the plurality of samples into an amplification zone of a multi-lane microfluidic cartridge;isolating each of the plurality of samples within the multi-lane microfluidic cartridge;independently thermally cycling each amplification zone; andamplifying polynucleotides contained within each of the plurality of samples.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising detecting the presence of a polynucleotide or a polynucleotide probe in the plurality of samples.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein independently thermally cycling each amplification zone comprises heating each amplification zone with a plurality of heaters.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein independently thermally cycling each amplification zone comprises heating each amplification zone with four heaters.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein independently thermally cycling each amplification zone comprises heating each amplification zone with two long heaters and two short heaters.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein isolating each of the plurality of samples comprises closing at least one valve.7. A method of carrying out amplification on a plurality of samples claim 1 , the method comprising:introducing a sample of a plurality of samples into an amplification zone in a lane of a multi-lane microfluidic cartridge;isolating the sample from the plurality of samples within the multi-lane ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010071A1

An example method includes reacting a first solution and a different, second solution on a flow cell by flowing the first solution over amplification sites on the flow cell and subsequently flowing the second solution over the amplification sites. The first solution includes target nucleic acids and a first reagent mixture that comprises nucleoside triphosphates and replication enzymes. The target nucleic acids in the first solution transport to and bind to the amplification sites at a transport rate. The first reagent mixture amplifies the target nucleic acids that are bound to the amplification sites to produce clonal populations of amplicons originating from corresponding target nucleic acids. The amplicons are produced at an amplification rate that exceeds the transport rate. The second solution includes a second reagent mixture and lacks the target nucleic acids. The second solution is to increase a number of the amplicons at the amplification sites. 1. A fluidic system , comprising:a reagent manifold including at least one valve in fluid communication with an inlet port of a flow cell that includes an array of amplification sites, the reagent manifold further including a plurality of channels fluidly connected between the at least one valve and corresponding reagent reservoirs; anda controller including one or more processors, the controller to control the at least one valve and a pump to flow a first solution through the inlet port over the array of amplification sites on the flow cell and to subsequently flow a different, second solution through the inlet port over the array of amplification sites on the flow cell;wherein the first solution includes a number of target nucleic acids and a first reagent mixture that comprises nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) and one or more replication enzymes, the number of target nucleic acids in the first solution exceeding a number of the amplification sites in the array, the first solution reacting on the flow cell to ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Sensor arrays and methods for making same

Номер: US20160011146A1
Принадлежит: Life Technologies Corp

A system includes a sensor including a sensor pad and includes a well wall structure defining a well operatively connected to the sensor pad. The sensor pad is associated with a lower surface of the well. The well wall structure defines an upper surface and a wall surface extending between the upper surface and the lower surface. The upper surface is defined by an upper buffer material having an intrinsic buffer capacity of at least 2×10 17 groups/m 2 . The wall surface is defined by a wall material having an intrinsic buffer capacity of not greater than 1.7×10 17 groups/m 2 .

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010989A1

A tube for mixing, diluting and preserving a sample includes a hollow first container for receiving and storing a solution, the first container having first and second ends, wherein at least the first end has a through-hole, and a transport-pin located in the through-hole of the first end having a shape closely matching to the through-hole, the transport-pin including a recess with a predetermined size. The recess is suitable to be filled by a sample, wherein the transport-pin is movable between an initial position in which the recess is positioned at least partially on the outer side of the first container, and an end position in which the recess is positioned at least partially on the inner side of the first container. 125-. (canceled)26. A tube for mixing , diluting , preserving and discharging a sample , in combination with a sample , the tube comprises a hollow first container for receiving and/or storing a solution , wherein the hollow first container having first and second ends , wherein the first end has a first through-hole suitable for inserting a sample pin having a shape matching to the through-hole , the second end has a discharge port suitable for discharging a diluted sample , wherein the hollow first container comprises first locking means for locking a sample pin in a first position and second locking means for locking the sample pin in a second position , the second locking means prevents retraction of the sample pin , and further comprising a sample pin comprising an elongated pin , a handle located at a proximal end of the elongated pin , and at least one recess with a predetermined volume formed in a distal portion of the elongated pin , wherein the handle comprises at least one locking portion corresponding to the first and second locking means , wherein the sample pin comprises pressing portions that serve to deform the handle to unlock the sample pin from the first locking means.27. The tube according to claim 26 , wherein the second locking ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010872A1

A microfluidic processing device includes a substrate defining a microfluidic network. The substrate is in thermal communication with a plurality of N independently controllable components and a plurality of input output contacts for connecting the substrate to an external controller. Each component has at least two terminals. Each terminal is in electrical communication with at least one contact. The number of contacts required to independently control the N components is substantially less than the total number of terminals. Upon actuation, the components typically heat a portion of the microfluidic network and/or sense a temperature thereof. 130-. (canceled)31. A system , comprising:a first substrate defining a microfluidic network comprising a reaction chamber configured to receive a polynucleotide-containing sample;a second substrate defining a plurality of resistive heaters and temperature sensors, wherein in use, the first substrate and the second substrate mate to bring the microfluidic network and the plurality of resistive heaters and temperature sensors into thermal communication;andwherein each resistive heater is individually actuatable by supplying electric current to an appropriate pair of contacts, wherein the number of contacts is reduced by structuring the contacts to serve more than one resistive heater while allowing control of each resistive heater independently of other resistive heaters.32. The system of claim 31 , further comprising a controller.33. The system of claim 31 , further comprising a processor.34. The system of claim 31 , further comprising a heat source driver configured to supply a specified amount of current.35. The system of claim 31 , further comprising a heat source driver configured to supply a particular voltage.36. The system of claim 31 , wherein a resistive heater and a temperature sensor of the plurality of resistive heaters and temperature sensors are combined.37. The system of claim 31 , wherein the first substrate ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032302A1

A sample loading cartridge () for a microfluidic device comprises a cartridge body () with a sample reservoir () configured to house a volume of a liquid sample () and a sample port () in connection with the sample reservoir (). The cartridge () also comprises an output channel () extending from the sample reservoir () and a feedback channel () connected to the sample reservoir () and to the sample port (). The cartridge body () comprises a detection portion () aligned with the feedback channel () to enable detection of any sample () in the feedback channel (). The flow resistance of the feedback channel () is lower than the flow resistance of the output channel () to cause liquid sample () received in the sample port () to enter the feedback channel () with substantially no liquid sample () entering the output channel (). 118.-. (canceled)19. A sample loading cartridge for a microfluidic device , the sample loading cartridge comprising:a cartridge body comprising a sample reservoir configured to house a volume of a liquid sample;a sample port in connection with the sample reservoir and configured to receive the liquid sample;an output channel connected to and extending from the sample reservoir; anda feedback channel connected to the sample reservoir and to the sample port, whereinthe cartridge body comprises a detection portion aligned with at least a portion of the feedback channel to enable detection of presence of liquid sample in the feedback channel; anda flow resistance of the feedback channel is lower than a flow resistance of the output channel to cause liquid sample received in the sample port to enter the feedback channel with substantially no liquid sample entering the output channel.20. The sample loading cartridge according to claim 19 , wherein the detection portion is a window aligned with the at least a portion of the feedback channel to provide visual access to the feedback channel.21. The sample loading cartridge according to claim 19 , wherein ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Wafer level sequencing flow cell fabrication

Номер: US20210013025A1
Принадлежит: MGI Tech Co Ltd

A method for forming sequencing flow cells can include providing a semiconductor wafer covered with a dielectric layer, and forming a patterned layer on the dielectric layer. The patterned layer has a differential surface that includes alternating first surface regions and second surface regions. The method can also include attaching a cover wafer to the semiconductor wafer to form a composite wafer structure including a plurality of flow cells. The composite wafer structure can then be singulated to form a plurality of dies. Each die forms a sequencing flow cell. The sequencing flow cell can include a flow channel between a portion of the patterned layer and a portion of the cover wafer, an inlet, and an outlet. Further, the method can include functionalizing the sequencing flow cell to create differential surfaces.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Light-controlled electrokinetic assembly of particles near surfaces

Номер: US20170014794A1
Автор: Michael Seul
Принадлежит: Bioarray Solutions Ltd

A method and apparatus for the manipulation of colloidal particulates and biomolecules at the interface between an insulating electrode such as silicon oxide and an electrolyte solution. Light-controlled electrokinetic assembly of particles near surfaces relies on the combination of three functional elements: the AC electric field-induced assembly of planar aggregates; the patterning of the electrolyte/silicon oxide/silicon interface to exert spatial control over the assembly process; and the real-time control of the assembly process via external illumination. The present invention provides a set of fundamental operations enabling interactive control over the creation and placement of planar arrays of several types of particles and biomolecules and the manipulation of array shape and size. The present invention enables sample preparation and handling for diagnostic assays and biochemical analysis in an array format, and the functional integration of these operations. In addition, the present invention provides a procedure for the creation of material surfaces with desired properties and for the fabrication of surface-mounted optical components.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Fluidic System for Performing Assays

Номер: US20170014821A1

A fluidic testing system and method for use are presented. The fluidic testing system includes a microfluidic channel, a first chamber and second chamber. The microfluidic channel has only one port for the introduction and/or extraction of fluid through the microfluidic channel. The first chamber is disposed at a terminal end of the microfluidic channel. The second chamber is coupled to the fluidic channel and is aligned such that each opening to the second chamber is configured to be aligned substantially parallel to a gravity vector during operation. 1. A fluidic testing system , comprising:a microfluidic channel having only one port;a first chamber disposed at a terminal end of the microfluidic channel; anda second chamber coupled to the microfluidic channel, the second chamber being aligned such that each opening to the second chamber is configured to be aligned substantially parallel to a gravity vector during operation.2. The fluidic testing system of claim 1 , further comprising:one or more liquid sensing areas coupled to the microfluidic channel.3. The fluidic testing system of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the one or more liquid sensing areas is configured to dose a pre-determined amount of liquid into the second chamber.4. The fluidic testing system of claim 1 , further comprising:a third chamber coupled to the fluidic channel, and configured to include one or more reagents.5. The fluidic testing system of claim 4 , wherein the third chamber is sized to include a freeze-dried pellet containing the one or more reagents.6. The fluidic testing system of claim 1 , wherein the second chamber comprises a removable element that includes one or more reagents.7. The fluidic testing system of claim 6 , wherein the one or more reagents are coated on a surface of the removable element.8. The fluidic testing system of claim 7 , wherein the one or more reagents include capture antibodies.9. The fluidic testing system of claim 7 , wherein the one or more reagents ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Unit for Making Available a Fluid for a Biochemical Analysis Device, and Method and Device for Producing such a Unit

Номер: US20170014825A1

A unit is configured to make available a fluid for a biochemical analysis device. The unit includes a lid element and a bottom element with a bottom recess lying opposite the lid element. The unit includes a film, arranged between the lid element and the bottom element, and a fluid bag with a force introduction surface configured to introduce a force into the fluid bag. The fluid bag is folded and/or arranged in the bottom recess such that, without pressure acting on the film, the force introduction surface and a main plane of the film are oriented in different directions. The film is configured to be pressed against the force introduction surface when pressure acts on the film in the direction of the bottom recess to introduce the force into the fluid bag. The fluid bag has at least one closure seam configured to open when the force is introduced. 1. A unit for making available a fluid for a biochemical analysis device , the unit comprising:a lid element;a bottom element with at least one bottom recess, wherein the at least one bottom recess is arranged lying opposite the lid element;a film which, at least in an area of the at least one bottom recess, is arranged between the lid element and the bottom element; andat least one fluid bag with a force introduction surface configured to introduce a force into the at least one fluid bag,wherein the at least one fluid bag is arranged folded in the at least one bottom recess and/or is arranged in the at least one bottom recess in such a way that, in a rest state of the film, without pressure acting on the film, the force introduction surface and a main plane of extent of the film are oriented in different directions,wherein the film is configured to be pressed against the force introduction surface when pressure acts on the film in the direction of the at least one bottom recess, so as to introduce the force into the at least one fluid bag, andwherein the at least one fluid bag has at least one closure seam configured to ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Disposable diagnostic device with volumetric control of sample and reagents and method of performing a diagnosis therewith

Номер: US20180015453A1
Автор: David W. Wright
Принадлежит: David W. Wright

A single-use, consumable diagnostic cartridge and method of performing a diagnostic test are provided. The cartridge has a sample inlet opening, an inlet port, a sample receiving chamber, an analysis chamber and a fluid channel extending between the sample receiving chamber and analysis chamber. A rupturable blister contains a fluid for selective mixing with a sample selectively disposed in the sample receiving chamber. A valve member, having a sample through port and a fluid passage, is selectively moveable between closed and open states. In the closed state, the fluid passage is out of fluid communication with the sample, and the sample through port is registered with the sample inlet opening and the sample receiving chamber. In the open state, the fluid passage extends between the inlet port and the sample receiving chamber to allow fluid dispelled from the blister to transport the sample to the analysis chamber.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Disposable device for performing plurality of simultaneous biological experiments in fluidic samples

Номер: US20180015459A1
Принадлежит: Ikerlan S Coop

The present invention relates to a disposable device for performing a plurality of identical and simultaneous microfluidic experiments according to a set of consecutive steps. Another object of the invention is the machine which is adapted to act on the disposable device, allowing performance of the plurality of experiments. The particular configuration of the disposable device allows that different experiments require redesigning only one of the portions of the device, maintaining the remaining components without necessarily being modified.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016167A1

The liquid feeding device includes a branched portion at which a fluid is branched into a main flow passage that feeds the fluid from an upstream side to a downstream side and a first flow passage being branched from the main flow passage; 1. A liquid feeding device comprising:a branched portion at which a fluid is branched into a main flow passage that feeds the fluid from an upstream side to a downstream side and a first branched flow passage that is branched from the main flow passage;a narrow flow passage which is provided at a terminal end portion, which is different from the branched portion of the first branched flow passage, and has a cross-sectional area smaller than that of the first branched flow passage; anda liquid feeding mechanism which feeds the fluid to the main flow passage and the first branched flow passage,wherein the narrow flow passage suppresses the fluid, which is fed from the main flow passage side to the first branched flow passage using the liquid feeding mechanism in the branched portion, from leaking from the first branched flow passage, quantitatively determines the fluid as a first volume by filling the first branched flow passage, which has the first volume, with the fluid, and feeds the quantitatively determined fluid to the main flow passage.2. The liquid feeding device according to claim 1 ,wherein a first fluid with a first volume which is inserted into the upstream side of the main flow passage is fed to the first branched flow passage through the branched portion using the liquid feeding mechanism,wherein the volume of the first fluid, with which the first branched flow passage is filled, is quantitatively determined so as to become a second volume, by filling the first flow passage, which has the second volume smaller than the first volume, with the first fluid, andwherein the first fluid which is quantitatively determined as the second volume using the liquid feeding mechanism is fed to the main flow passage through the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016168A1

A device for detecting the concentration of biological materials is formed in a body having a plurality of fluidic paths connectable to a multi-microbalance structure carrying a plurality of microbalances, each microbalance having a sensitive portion facing a reaction chamber. The body and the multi-microbalance structure are configured to be mechanically coupled together and each microbalance is configured to be coupled to a respective fluidic path. Each fluidic path includes an inlet, a duct and a liquid waste, each duct being configured to be coupled with a respective reaction chamber. The plurality of fluidic paths and microbalances form at least one first and one second reference cells and one first sample cell.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016169A1

Microfluidic devices for the rapid and automated processing of sample populations are provided. Described are multiplexer tiplexer microfluidic devices configured to serially deliver a plurality of distinct sample populations to a sample processing element rapidly and automatically, without cross-contaminating the distinct sample populations. Also provided are microfluidic sample processing elements that can be used to rapidly and automatically manipulate and/or interrogate members of a sample population. The microfluidic devices can be used to improve the throughput and quality of experiments involving model organisms, such as

19-01-2017 дата публикации

System for Separation of a Sample

Номер: US20170015970A1
Автор: Naida M. Loskutoff
Принадлежит: Individual

A centrifuge layering insert configured for insertion into a centrifuge tube includes a tube having a first open end and a second open end. The centrifuge layering insert also includes a casing having an outer wall, an inner wall, a first open end, and a second substantially closed end. The casing forms an annular space around the tube between the tube first end and the tube second end. The tube has at least a portion of the length extending beyond the first open end of the casing in a direction opposite the second open end of the tube.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034864A1
Автор: YONETA Masashi

A particle separating and measuring device of the present disclosure includes: a first flow path device including a post-separation flow outlet through which a first fluid containing specific particles to be separated flows out; and a second flow path device on which the first flow path device is placed and including a first flow inlet through which the first fluid flows in, the first flow path device in which the post-separation flow outlet is arranged in a lower surface is placed on the second flow path device in which the first flow inlet is arranged in an upper surface of a first region, the post-separation flow outlet and the first flow inlet are connected so as to face each other, and a size of an opening of the first flow inlet is larger than a size of an opening of the post-separation flow outlet. 1. A particle separating and measuring device comprising:a first flow path device having a plate-like shape and including a pre-separation flow inlet through which a fluid flows in that contains specific particles to be separated, a main flow path connected to the pre-separation flow inlet, a plurality of branch flow paths each connected to the main flow path, and a post-separation flow outlet through which a first fluid flows out that contains the specific particles that have been separated; anda second flow path device having a plate-like shape and having a first region on which the first flow path device is placed, and a second region that serves as a measurement region for the specific particles, the second flow path device including a first flow inlet through which the first fluid flows in, a second flow inlet through which a second fluid not containing the specific particles flows in, a first flow path connected to the first flow inlet and through which the first fluid passes, and a second flow path connected to the second flow inlet and through which the second fluid passes, wherein the first flow path and the second flow path are arranged in the second ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016573A1

Methods, devices and systems for handling sample liquids, encapsulating liquids and magnetic particles are disclosed. 119-. (canceled)20. A liquid handling system comprising:a conduit having a predetermined trapping site,a pump configured to apply positive pressure, negative pressure, or no external pressure to a location in the conduit,a magnetic field source configured to apply a magnetic field at the trapping site when activated and substantially no magnetic field when not activated, anda controller operably attached to the pump and the magnetic field source so that the controller can activate the pump and/or the magnetic field source, the controller being programmed to:activate the pump so that an encapsulating liquid is flowed in the conduit;activate the pump so that a sample liquid is flowed in the conduit in such a way that the sample liquid is (a) surrounded by the encapsulating liquid and (b) located at the trapping site within the conduit, the sample liquid containing magnetic particles;activate the magnetic field source so that the magnetic particles are immobilized at the trapping site; andactivate the pump so that an elution liquid is flowed in the conduit in such a way that (a) the elution liquid is surrounded by the encapsulating liquid, (b) the sample liquid is flowed away from the trapping site, and (c) the elution liquid is flowed to the trapping site and surrounds the magnetic particles.21. The system of wherein the conduit is a capillary tube.22. The system of wherein the encapsulating liquid claim 20 , sample liquid and elution liquid are flowed by negative pressure applied by the pump to the conduit.23. The system of wherein the encapsulating liquid claim 20 , sample liquid and elution liquid are flowed by positive pressure applied by the pump to the conduit.24. A system for handling a first sample liquid containing magnetic particles claim 20 , a second sample liquid claim 20 , and an encapsulating liquid claim 20 , both sample liquids being ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Multiple Analyte Detection

Номер: US20180016624A1

Systems and methods for multiple analyte detection include a system for distribution of a biological sample that includes a substrate, wherein the substrate includes a plurality of sample chambers, a sample introduction channel for each sample chamber, and a venting channel for each sample chamber. The system may further include a preloaded reagent contained in each sample chamber and configured for nucleic acid analysis of a biological sample that enters the substrate and a sealing instrument configured to be placed in contact with the substrate to seal each sample chamber so as to substantially prevent sample contained in each sample chamber from flowing out of each sample chamber. The substrate can be constructed of detection-compatible and assay-compatible materials. 1. A system for distribution of a biological sample , the system comprising:a substrate, wherein the substrate comprises a plurality of sample chambers, a sample introduction channel for each sample chamber, and a venting channel for each sample chamber;a preloaded reagent contained in each sample chamber and configured for nucleic acid analysis of a biological sample that enters the substrate; anda sealing instrument configured to be placed in contact with the substrate to seal each sample chamber so as to substantially prevent sample contained in each sample chamber from flowing out of each sample chamber,wherein the substrate is constructed of detection-compatible and assay-compatible materials.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sealing instrument is configured to be placed in contact with an exterior portion of the substrate.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sealing instrument is configured to be placed in contact with the substrate at least one of before a reaction process that occurs in the sample chambers and during a reaction process that occurs in the sample chambers.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the sealing plate is configured to be placed in contact ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016597A1

Air-matrix digital microfluidics (DMF) apparatuses and methods of using them to prevent or limit evaporation and surface fouling of the DMF apparatus. In particular, described herein are air-matrix DMF apparatuses and methods of using them in which a separate well that is accessible from the air gap of the DMF apparatus isolates a reaction droplet by including a cover to prevent evaporation. The cover may be a lid or cap, or it may be an oil or wax material within the well. The opening into the well and/or the well itself may include actuation electrodes to allow the droplet to be placed into, and in some cases removed from, the well. Also described herein are air-matrix DMF apparatuses and methods of using them including thermally controllable regions with a wax material that may be used to selectively encapsulate a reaction droplet in the air gap of the apparatus. 149.-. (canceled)50. A method of preventing evaporation of a reaction droplet within an air-matrix digital microfluidic (DMF) apparatus , the method comprising:combining the reaction droplet with a liquid wax material to form a coated reaction droplet;dispensing the coated reaction droplet within an air gap of the air-matrix DMF apparatus, the air-gap formed between a first plate and a second plate of the air-matrix DMF apparatus;moving the coated reaction droplet to a location within the air gap by electro wetting; andallowing a reaction to proceed within the coated reaction droplet at the location, wherein the liquid wax material protects the coated reaction droplet from evaporation.51. The method of claim 50 , wherein the first plate comprises a plurality of adjacent actuation electrodes claim 50 , and wherein moving the coated reaction droplet comprises applying energy to a subset of the plurality of adjacent actuation electrodes thereby moving the coated reaction droplet.52. The method of claim 50 , wherein the liquid wax or the reaction droplet is held in a reservoir in communication with the air ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016607A1
Автор: Wu Min-Hsien

A apparatus for performing contactless ODEP for separation of CTCs comprises an ODEP device including a first conductive glass and a second conductive glass, the first conductive glass includes a transverse main channel and a longitudinal micro channel perpendicular to the main channel and joining the main channel at a cell separation zone; the first conductive glass includes a first hole and a second hole aligned with two ends of the main channel respectively, and a third hole aligned with one end of the micro channel that is distal to the cell separation zone; a sample receiving member disposed on and aligned with the first hole; an exhaust discharge member disposed on and aligned with the second hole; a target collection member disposed on and aligned with the third hole; and a controller including an optical projection device and an image fetch device. 1. An apparatus for performing contactless optically-induced dielectrophoresis for separation of circulating tumor cells , the apparatus comprising:an ODEP device including a first conductive glass and a second conductive glass wherein the first conductive glass is disposed on the second conductive glass; the first conductive glass includes a transverse main channel and a longitudinal micro channel perpendicular to the main channel and joining the main channel at a cell separation zone; and the first conductive glass includes a first hole and a second hole aligned with two ends of the main channel respectively, and a third hole aligned with one end of the micro channel;a sample receiving member disposed on and aligned with the first hole;an exhaust discharge member disposed on and aligned with the second hole;a target collection member disposed on and aligned with the third hole; anda controller including an optical projection device and an image fetch device.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a first electrode channel disposed along an edge of the first conductive glass and corresponding to the main ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Microfluidic cartridge comprising silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive

Номер: US20210016279A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A microfluidic cartridge is provided. The microfluidic cartridge has an interior and an exterior. The microfluidic cartridge includes a reservoir disposed in the interior of the microfluidic cartridge and configured to contain a fluid composition. The microfluidic cartridge includes an electric circuit disposed on the exterior of the microfluidic cartridge. The electric circuit comprises a first end portion having electrical contacts and a second end portion opposing the first end portion. The microfluidic cartridge includes a microfluidic die disposed on the exterior of the microfluidic cartridge, wherein the microfluidic die is electrically connected with the second end portion of the electric circuit and in fluid communication with the reservoir. A silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive is used to join the electric circuit with the exterior of the microfluidic cartridge.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017525A1

The invention provides methods and compositions, including, without limitation, algorithms, computer readable media, computer programs, apparatus, and systems for determining the identity of nucleic acids in nucleotide sequences using, for example, data obtained from sequencing by synthesis methods. A plurality of smaller flow cells is employed, each with a relatively small area to be imaged, in order to provide greater flexibility and efficiency. 121-. (canceled)22. An automated nucleic acid sequencing system , comprising:a) flow cells comprising nucleic acid to be sequenced, said flow cells mounted onb) a moveable support controlled by ac) software user interface, said support configured to move flow cells toc) reagent delivery stations, each reagent delivery station in fluidic communication withd) reagent reservoirs configured to supply extension reagents including fluorescent nucleotide analogues, ande) an imaging platform configured to detect said fluorescent nucleotide analogues.23. The system of claim 22 , wherein said imaging platform is associated with a camera claim 22 , said camera positioned for imaging one or more flow cells.24. The system of claim 23 , wherein said imaging platform is configured for x/y movement and said imaging platform is positioned under said camera.25. The system of claim 22 , wherein said system is contained within the housing of an instrument claim 22 , said software user interface mounted on said housing claim 22 , said software user interface in communication with a programmable processor.26. The system of claim 22 , wherein said moveable support is a carousel.27. The system of claim 22 , further comprising an actuator configured for raising said moveable support so as to disconnect said flow cells from said stations.28. The system of claim 22 , further comprising a transfer means configured for moving at least one of said flow cells from said moveable support to said imaging platform. The invention relates to methods, ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017562A1

A test substrate for detecting a LAL-reactive substance, wherein at least a portion of said test substrate has been preloaded with at least one LAL reagent and/or at least one LAL-reactive standard. Methods of use of the test substrate are disclosed. Methods of depositing test reagents on a test substrate are also disclosed. 1. A preloaded test substrate for detecting a LAL-reactive substance , wherein at least a portion of said preloaded test substrate has been preloaded with at least one LAL-reactive standard , or preloaded with at least one detection reagent and at least one LAL-reactive standard , and wherein said LAL-reactive standard is present in a plurality of concentrations and wherein each concentration is present on a separate portion of said preloaded test substrate.2. The preloaded test substrate of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of said preloaded test substrate has a modified surface.3. The preloaded test substrate of claim 2 , wherein said modified surface is modified using plasma etching.4. The preloaded test substrate of claim 2 , wherein said modified surface is modified using at least one coating claim 2 , wherein said coating is a static coating claim 2 , dynamic coating claim 2 , or combinations thereof.5. The preloaded test substrate of claim 4 , wherein at least one static coating is selected from the group consisting of polyethylene glycol (PEG) claim 4 , collagen claim 4 , and combinations thereof.6. The preloaded test substrate of claim 4 , wherein at least one dynamic coating is selected from the group consisting of polyethylene glycol (PEG) claim 4 , sodium deoxycholate claim 4 , and combinations thereof.7. The preloaded test substrate of claim 1 , further comprising at least one mechanical barrier between at least one of said separate portions.8. The preloaded test substrate of claim 7 , wherein at least one mechanical barrier is soluble.9. The preloaded test substrate of claim 1 , wherein said preloaded test substrate further ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017999A1

The present invention relates to a micro-fluid chip for blood vessel formation. The micro-fluid chip of the present invention is constituted by first to fifth channels arranged adjacent to one another on a substrate in sequence, and two or more micro-structures or micro-posts having a gap therebetween are disposed on the interface that each channel forms together with an adjacent channel while contacting the same. Each channel performs a fluidic interaction with a different channel through the gap formed by the micro-structures, and biochemical materials can move therethrough. The micro-fluid chip, according to the present invention, provides a micro-blood vessel having a flat and continuous blood vessel interface outside a body. Furthermore, cancer angiogenesis, cancer intravasation, and cancer extravasation can be modeled using the micro-fluid chip of the present invention. In addition, the micro-fluid chip of the present invention can be used to screen candidate anti-cancer drugs. 1. A biological tissue chip configured such that blood vessels or lymphatic vessels and cells , co-cultured in vitro , interact with each other , the biological tissue chip comprising:at least one blood vessel channel and blood vessels or lymphatic vessels or a combination of blood vessels or lymphatic vessels, formed in the blood vessel channel;at least one cell channel and cells cultured in the cell channel; andat least one medium channel,wherein the blood vessel channel, the cell channel and the medium channel are disposed adjacent and parallel to one another such that they are in fluidic communication with one another;both sides or one side of the blood vessel channel is adjacent to the medium channel, both sides or one side of the cell channel is adjacent to the other side of the medium channel, and two or more barrier structures or microstructures are disposed at an interface between adjacent two of the channels with a gap;the medium channel is connected with a medium reservoir ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Centripetal microfluidic platform for lal reactive substances testing

Номер: US20190018013A1
Принадлежит: Bl Technologies Inc

A centripetal microfluidic platform comprised of a microfluidics disc and a reader for testing LAL-reactive substances in fluid samples is provided. The microfluidic disc may comprise at least two testing areas wherein each testing area includes a reservoir portion for receiving at least one fluid sample. The disc may comprise a distribution network portion in fluid communication with the reservoir portion. Each distribution network portion may comprise a distribution network of at least four (4) channels, wherein each channel has a metering portion and at least one analysis chamber portion. The analysis chamber portion may comprise a mixing chamber for mixing samples and reagents and an optical chamber portion that is compatible with an optical reader. The metering portion may be sized to meter an aliquot of the fluid sample for analysis in the analysis chamber portion. At least one analysis chamber portion has at least one reagent isolated therein. The centripetal microfluidic platform further includes a reader for testing fluid samples within a microfluidic disc comprising an enclosure, an optical bench, a centripetal disc drive, and a controller. A method for testing at least one fluid sample for LAL-reactive substances is also provided.
