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10-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2463133C2
Принадлежит: КОМЕТ ГРУП ГМБХ (DE)

Способ включает действия, при которых вытачивают корпус из основного материала по контуру корпуса сверла с образованием первой заготовки, симметричной относительно оси вращения. В первой заготовке выполняют по меньшей мере два расположенных на расстоянии друг от друга глубоких отверстия, которые проходят, начиная от мест, расположенных эксцентрически относительно центральной оси (34) с торцевой стороны заготовки, где располагается режущая головка, в направлении ее хвостовика. Изготовленную таким образом вторую заготовку с расположенными в осевом направлении на расстоянии друг от друга местами зажима в зоне, находящейся между ними, нагревают до заданной температуры и спиралеобразно закручивают путем пластической деформации под заданным углом. Для упрощения изготовления в образованной таким образом третьей заготовке спиралеобразно фрезеруют соответствующее количеству глубоких отверстий количество канавок для отвода стружки таким образом, что закрученные глубокие отверстия проходят внутри ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462333C2
Принадлежит: КОМЕТ ГРУП ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано при изготовлении сверлильного инструмента и его работе на металлообрабатывающих станках. Инструмент содержит корпус сверла, режущую головку, расположенную с торцевой стороны на корпусе сверла, и хвостовик, расположенный на его конце. Корпус сверла имеет две канавки для отвода стружки, которые ограничены на своих боковых сторонах ребрами. Первая канавка для отвода стружки спиралеобразно изогнута. Вторая канавка для отвода стружки не изогнута или является спиралеобразно изогнутой с отличным от первой канавки углом подъема, предпочтительно проходящим в том же направлении вращения. Приведены варианты способов изготовления сверлильных инструментов. Улучшаются характеристики инструмента в отношении вибраций, изгиба и скручивания в области корпуса сверла. 5 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

06-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015119048A3

02-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2744081C2

Режущий инструмент имеет множество периферийных режущих кромок и множество канавок, расположенных между ними, причем каждая канавка имеет по меньшей мере одну поверхность, по меньшей мере одно утопленное в ней углубление. Каждое из углублений имеет внутреннюю часть, выполненную с возможностью захвата охлаждающей жидкости в процессе работы режущего инструмента. По меньшей мере, одно из углублений имеет такие размер и расположение, которые улучшают рассеивание тепла от по меньшей мере одной из периферийных режущих кромок, за счет чего достигается повышение стойкости режущего инструмента. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

07-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2809150C1

Изобретение относится к сверлильным режущим пластинам и узлам сверлильного инструмента. Сверлильная режущая пластина содержит тело сверлильной режущей пластины, имеющее первый режущий конец, противоположный второму установочному концу, первую и вторую боковые установочные поверхности и первую направляющую поверхность, противоположную второй направляющей поверхности на наружном диаметре тела, и ось вращения. Первый режущий конец тела сверлильной режущей пластины имеет связанные с ним режущие кромки. Первая и вторая боковые установочные поверхности вместе устанавливают режущую пластину относительно держателя сверлильной режущей пластины. Первая и вторая направляющая поверхности образуют область взаимодействия со стороной просверленного отверстия на его участке. Области взаимодействия имеют передний и задний концы. Разнесенные каналы подачи охлаждающей жидкости проходят через области взаимодействия от переднего до заднего края областей взаимодействия, чтобы позволить охлаждающей жидкости протекать ...

27-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2603341C1

Изобретение может быть использовано при обработке твердых материалов, в частности, сваркой трением, или фрезерованием, или сверлением. На одном конце корпуса обрабатывающего вращающегося инструмента расположен хвостовик, а на другом его конце - рабочая часть с обрабатывающим элементом. Корпус инструмента выполнен с внутренней полостью в форме усеченного конуса с расширением в сторону обрабатывающей части и предназначенной для заливки в нее легкоиспаряющейся жидкости (ЛЖ) в количестве, достаточном для охлаждения инструмента за счет изменения ее агрегатного состояния путем теплопереноса ЛЖ от зоны ее испарения к зоне конденсации. Хвостовик инструмента выполнен с охлаждающей камерой, герметично отделенной от полости корпуса прокладкой из высокотеплопроводного материала, и имеет каналы для введения в упомянутую камеру хладагента и выведения из нее отработанного хладагента. Инструмент, испытывающий интенсивный нагрев в процессе обработки материалов, имеет рабочую зону, свободную от коммуникаций ...

10-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009146145A

... 1. Оснащаемый приводом вращения режущий инструмент, в особенности прецизионный инструмент, например развертка, с интегрированной системой подачи смазочно-охлаждающей жидкости, для обработки сверленых отверстий, предпочтительно сквозных отверстий, с режущей частью (24; 124; 224; 324; 424), на которой находится большое количество резцов (28; 128; 228; 328; 428) либо режущих кромок и стружечных канавок (30; 130; 230; 330; 430), и телом (26; 126; 226; 326; 426), у которого на стороне, обращенной от режущей части (24; 124; 224; 324; 424) есть участок зажима (22; 122; 222; 322; 422), отличающийся тем, что в участке зажима (22; 122; 222; 322; 422) есть соответствующее числу стружечных канавок (30; 130; 230; 330; 430) количество каналов смазочно-охлаждающей жидкости (38; 138; 238; 338; 438), каждый из которых имеет осевое выходное отверстие (42; 142; 242; 342; 442) и ведет вдоль тела к соответствующей стружечной канавке (30; 130; 230; 330; 430) режущей части (24; 124; 224; 324; 424). ! 2. Инструмент ...

20-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010114754A

... 1. Сверлильный инструмент с имеющим центральную ось (24) вращения основным корпусом (32) и соединенной разъемно с основным корпусом (32) сверлильной коронкой (34), причем сверлильная коронка (34) содержит соединяемую с расположенным с торца основного корпуса (32) посадочным гнездом (94) соединительную деталь (96), которая содержит расположенные с разносом по периметру, по меньшей мере, два центрирующих участка (40) с выпуклой кривизной, которые с точной подгонкой входят в зацепление с ответными им, соответственно вогнутыми, центрирующими участками (42) посадочного гнезда (94), причем соединительная деталь (96) содержит находящийся в зацеплении с поводком (44) вращения посадочного гнезда (94), по меньшей мере, один ответный поводковый упор (46), и при этом центрирующие участки (40, 42) соединительной детали (96) и/или посадочного гнезда (94) содержат прижимные поверхности (48, 50), перекатывающиеся друг по другу по типу поворотной шпонки в направлении, противоположном заданному рабочему ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015119048A

... 1. Опорная пластина (5) для вращающегося режущего инструмента (1), выполненного с возможностью вращения вокруг оси (х) вращения в направлении (R) вращения, определяющая центральную продольную ось (а) и имеющая сторону (11) первой продольной кромки, противоположную сторону (12) второй продольной кромки, сторону (13) первой поперечной кромки и противоположную сторону (14) второй поперечной кромки,причем опорная пластина (5) содержитпо меньшей мере первую опорную поверхность (16), которая выпукло изогнута на виде в плоскости, перпендикулярной центральной продольной оси (а), ипо меньшей мере одно первое углубление (20), которое продолжается в первой опорной поверхности (16) в направлении от стороны (11) первой продольной кромки к стороне (12) второй продольной кромки,отличающаяся тем, что упомянутое по меньшей мере одно первое углубление (20) продолжается до конечного положения на первой опорной поверхности (16).2. Опорная пластина по п. 1, в которой упомянутое по меньшей мере одно углубление ...

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009111861A

... 1. Способ изготовления сверлильной головки, используемой с резьбовым хвостовиком, объединенным с корпусом головки, соединенным при помощи резьбы с дистальной оконечной частью полого хвостовика инструмента для глубокого сверления, и обеими сторонами, между которыми расположена резьбовая часть резьбового хвостовика, входящими в плотный контакт, как граничащие круговые поверхности, с периферией хвостовика инструмента, причем способ содержит сваривание и объединение цилиндрического элемента резьбового хвостовика, имеющего запас резания, оставленный, по меньшей мере, на частях для граничащих круговых поверхностей, с задним концом корпуса головки, к которому конец режущей пластины припаян в установочном гнезде для режущей пластины, и последующее срезание запаса резания цилиндрического элемента резьбового хвостовика для завершающей обработки с получением резьбового хвостовика. ! 2. Способ изготовления сверлильной головки по п.1, в котором используют цилиндрический элемент резьбового хвостовика ...

27-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011106277A

... 1. Охлаждающее устройство крепления режущих пластин, содержащее устройство закрывающей пластины с канавками для прохода охлаждающей жидкости, установленной на задней поверхности режущей кромки спирального сверла, отличающееся тем, что канавки для прохода охлаждающей жидкости выполнены под основанием режущей пластины на нижней части крепежного устройства, прижатого верхней частью крепежного устройства, между которыми установлена режущая пластина, причем верхняя часть крепежного устройства выполнена с отверстиями для охлаждающей жидкости с возможностью распыления охлаждающей жидкости и с возможностью направления потока между сходящей стружкой и передней поверхностью режущей кромки под давлением, а передняя поверхность режущей кромки режущей пластины расположена выше начала поверхностей восприятия трения и тепла сходящей стружки верхней части крепежного устройства на 0,1-0,5 мм, при этом режущая пластина выполнена с одной или, как минимум, с двумя сменными режущими частями и выполнена с частями ...

31-10-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003600681C2
Принадлежит: FRIED. KRUPP GMBH, 4300 ESSEN, DE

14-08-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE8530884U1
Принадлежит: FRIED. KRUPP GMBH, 4300 ESSEN, DE

17-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005007359D1
Принадлежит: ISCAR LTD, ISCAR LTD.

17-08-2005 дата публикации

A tool holder assembly

Номер: GB0000514440D0

30-11-2005 дата публикации

Drill bit

Номер: GB0000521614D0

09-04-2014 дата публикации

Method of forming a drill bit having PCD cutting tip and cooling channels

Номер: GB0002506768A

A method for forming a rotary cutting tool 300 having a polycrystalline-diamond (PCD) cutting tip (22 figure 1), the method comprising of forming at least two generally axially extending coolant passages 312 in a generally cylindrical tool body 302. Forming at least two coolant passages 308 in the tip portion 304, the passages extend between a work face and rear face of the tip portion. The tip portion is machined separately from the tool body and then coupled to the tool body with the respective coolant passages in the tool body and tip portion aligned. The tip portion can be coupled to the tool body via a brazing process to form the rotary cutting tool with at least two generally axial channels therethrough.. Further independent claims include a rotary cutting tool with an elongate body disposed about a longitudinal axis (A-A fig.1), the body including a helical flute (32 fig.1) and a PCD cutting tip. The cutting tip includes a work face with an inner axially projecting point portion ...

27-10-2010 дата публикации

Twist drill assembly

Номер: GB0201015541D0

07-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001541715A

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408487T

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357995T

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000386602T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000450333T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477870T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000468193T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449663T

15-01-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Bearbeiten eines an einer Werkzeugmaschine eingespannten hohlen Werkstücks

Номер: AT513785B1

The method involves inserting peeling tool (1) into a workpiece (28), where the tool has guiding strips (4, 5) for supporting the tool at the workpiece, a peeling blade (8) arranged between the strips and a splinter chamber (10) connected to the blade. Cooling lubricant (24) is passed through the chamber to remove splinters produced during peeling of the workpiece. The workpiece is peeled when the lubricant is passed through the workpiece opposite to advance direction of the tool such that the lubricant guides the splinters through the chamber and removes the splinters from the workpiece.

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000514506T

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000188152T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000336311T

15-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000228041T

15-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA72186A

25-03-1970 дата публикации

Procedure for manufacturing twist drills od.ähnl tools as well as in the procedure of manufactured twist drills

Номер: AT0000279998B

25-11-1970 дата публикации

Twist drill od. such.

Номер: AT0000286066B

23-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037719770T

08-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035959050T

22-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034182403T

16-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033619988T

21-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035882606T

06-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039311934T

07-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032741585T

19-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033241232T

02-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031957885T

13-02-2001 дата публикации

Drill unit with three cutting edges

Номер: AU0006194800A

05-10-2006 дата публикации

Rotary cutting tool

Номер: AU2006228514A1

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Drill bit

Номер: AU2015248420B2
Принадлежит: Cullens Pty Ltd

A drill bit comprising a pointed end and a bit shaft. A dust suction passage is formed in the bit shaft. A hole, which has an opening in the pointed end or in an area near the front end of the bit shaft, is formed. The bit shaft has a first section that has a core and ribs. The core extends in the axial direction and is thinner than the pointed end. The ribs extend outward in the radial direction from the side surface of the core and extend over the entire length of the first section. The dust suction passage bores through the core in the axial direction.

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002392965C
Принадлежит: AIRBUS FRANCE

Rotary cutting tool, in particular for high speed machining with nano-lubrication. The lubricant is fed to the end surface of the cutting part (12) of the tool through a central lubrication channel (22) drilled along the axis of rotation (10) of the tool, with one non-through end, located just near the end surface, which is connected to the latter by secondary channels (24) opening near each end cutting edge (20). Cutting parameters relating, in particular, to the end dedendum angle, the width of end clearance and the width of the circular land of each cutting edge further improve the quality of the work carried out.

23-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1086102A

HIGH SPEED COOLANT FEEDING GUN DRILL AND CUTTING HEAD SECTION THEREFOR A straight fluted gun drill having large flutes providing chip exit channels, various reliefs improving coolant flow and removal of drilled material without clogging, a cutting head section with large back taper, and straight lands forming the flutes.

23-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001086102A1

13-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002392965A1

ROTARY CUTTING TOOL AND HIGH SPEED MACHINING METHOD WITH NANO-LUBRICATION USING SUCH A TOOL Rotary cutting tool, in particular for high speed machining with nano-lubrication. The lubricant is fed to the end surface of the cutting part (12) of the tool through a central lubrication channel (22) drilled along the axis of rotation (10) of the tool, with one non-through end, located just near the end surface, which is connected to the latter by secondary channels (24) opening near each end cutting edge (20). Cutting parameters relating, in particular, to the end dedendum angle, the width of end clearance and the width of the circular land of each cutting edge further improve the quality of the work carried out.

24-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003030362C

A cutting tool which forms cutting edges by a plurality of side surfaces on both sides raised at a side portion along a longitudinal direction is provided with such a configuration that a coolant is supplied to a wide area of a side surface on a rotating direction side to achieve efficient cooling of the cutting edges and removal of chips from the cutting edges. [Solution Means] A cutting tool 1 has cutting edges 2 formed by a plurality of side surfaces on both sides 21, 22 raised at a side portion along a longitudinal direction, and the cutting tool 1 in which a coolant passage pipe 30 is extended around a rotation center axis 5, and coolant passage pipes 31 branched from the extended coolant passage pipe 30 are projected along a direction of a raised side surface 21 on a rotating direction side of the raised side surfaces on both sides 21, 22.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003079146A1
Принадлежит: WILSON LUE LLP

A rotary cutting tool (20) includes a cutting head (22) and a tool shank (24), each having an axial abutment surface (66, fig. 3; 102, fig. 6) and a plurality of drive surfaces (52, fig. 3; 88, fig. 6). One of the two (22, 24) includes a locating pin (38), while the other includes a pin receptacle (80) and at least one clamping through bore (84) that opens out to the pin receptacle (80). The locating pin (38) is received into the pin receptacle (80). The cutting head (22) and tool shank (24) are releasably clamped together by at least one clamping member (28) that passes through the at least one clamping through bore (84) and acts on the locating pin (38) so that the drive surfaces (52, 88) and the axial abutment surfaces (66, 102) on each part (22, 24) abut each other.

30-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002731714A1

A rotary cutting tool (20) comprises an elongate body disposed about a longitudinal axis (A-A), the elongate body including a helical flute (32) and a polycrystalline-diamond cutting tip (22). The cutting tip (22) comprises an inner portion (50) having an inner point angle (.gamma.) and an outer portion (52) having an outer point angle (.GAMMA.) different from the inner point angle (.gamma.).

30-06-1958 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000330828A

31-01-1971 дата публикации

Bohrwerkzeug mit Kühlmittelanschluss

Номер: CH0000502151A

30-11-1969 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von Bohrern

Номер: CH0000481706A
Принадлежит: KOBE STEEL LTD

15-08-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000603295A5

15-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000663369A5

15-09-2005 дата публикации

Tool for a machine tool.

Номер: CH0000694906A5

13-10-2017 дата публикации

Cutting tool with at least one cooling channel.

Номер: CH0000712323A1

Ein spanabhebendes Werkzeug (1) umfasst einen sich entlang einer Mittelachse (M) erstreckenden Einspannabschnitt (2), ein sich dem Einspannabschnitt (2) anschliessenden einen Nenndurchmesser aufweisenden Schneidabschnitt (3) und mindestens einen Kühlkanal (4), welcher vorzugsweise im Einspannabschnitt (2) und im Schneidabschnitt (3) verläuft, wobei die Querschnittsform des Kühlkanals (4) in einem Querschnittsbereich des jeweiligen Abschnittes (2, 3) angeordnet ist, in welchem die Vergleichsspannung bei einer spanabhebenden Belastung einen möglichst geringen Wert aufweist, und/oder wobei die Querschnittsform des Kühlkanals (4) durch ein innenliegendes Kurvensegment (5), ein beabstandet dazu angeordnetes aussenliegendes Kurvensegment (6) und über zwei die beiden Kurvensegmente (5, 6) verbindende Tangenten (7) definiert ist.

13-11-2020 дата публикации

The invention relates to a cutting tool with integrated lubrication.

Номер: CH0000716140A2

La présente invention se rapporte à un outil de coupe (100) pour l'usinage de pièces mécaniques, comprenant un corps d'outil (101) avec un axe central (A) et un diamètre de serrage (D101), une tête d'outil (102) adjacente au corps d'outil (101) en direction de l'axe central (A) et composée d'une zone intermédiaire (103) et d'une partie coupante (104) ayant un diamètre de coupe (D104) inférieur au diamètre de serrage (D101), la zone intermédiaire (103) étant positionnée entre le corps d'outil (101) et la partie coupante (104) et ayant une forme essentiellement en cône tronqué. L'outil de coupe (100) comprend au moins un premier canal de lubrification (C101a) et un deuxième canal de lubrification (C101b) qui s'étendent à travers le corps d'outil (101), le premier canal de lubrification (C101a) débouchant dans un premier trou d'arrosage et le deuxième canal de lubrification (C101b) débouchant dans un deuxième trou d'arrosage, le premier trou d'arrosage et le deuxième trou d'arrosage étant ...

13-11-2020 дата публикации

An integrated lubrication cutting tool having a directional spray ring.

Номер: CH0000716141A2

La présente invention se rapporte à un outil de coupe pour l'usinage de pièces mécaniques, comprenant un corps d'outil (102) avec un axe central (A) et un diamètre de serrage (D102), une tête d'outil (103) adjacente au corps d'outil (102) en direction de l'axe central (A) et composée d'une zone d'arrosage (104) et d'une partie coupante (105) ayant un diamètre de coupe inférieur au diamètre de serrage (D102), l'outil de coupe comprenant aussi au moins un canal de lubrification (C102) qui s'étend à travers le corps d'outil (102) et qui débouche dans un trou d'arrosage (S104) situé dans la zone d'arrosage (104). L'outil de coupe comprend une bague d'arrosage directionnelle (106) prévue pour se fixer sur une zone de connexion de bague du corps d'outil (102), la zone de connexion de bague étant adjacente à la zone d'arrosage (104), La bague d'arrosage directionnelle (106) est configurée de telle façon qu'elle délimite avec au moins une partie de la zone d'arrosage (104) un espace de répartition ...

25-02-2009 дата публикации

Tooling system

Номер: CN0101374619A

A tooling system is proposed having at least two tooling parts (1, 23) in contact with one another in the region of an interface, where intermeshing is provided in that those contact areas (15, 25) facing towards one another of the tooling parts have teeth (7, 27) and depressions (9, 29) engaging into one another. A feature of the system is that the manner of intermeshing is such that the contact areas (5, 25) can be brought into contact only in at least one certain rotation-angle position with respect to the central axis (15) of the tooling parts.

21-12-2018 дата публикации

Cutting tool and used for preparing the cutting tool

Номер: CN0105339119B

24-08-1962 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001302191A

20-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002201156B3

23-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002295810A1

22-06-1950 дата публикации

Номер: FR0000962884A

18-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101164467B1

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120034158A

28-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200090257A

22-01-2020 дата публикации

Counter sink cutter

Номер: KR1020200007412A

03-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: SE0009601674L

17-05-2002 дата публикации

Borrverktyg för hålborrning i metalliska material

Номер: SE0000201517D0

26-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009037020A1

The invention relates to a drilling tool with a base (32), having a central axis of rotation (24), and a drill bit (34), detachably connected to the base (32). The drill bit (34) has a coupling part (96), which can be coupled with a coupling receptacle (94) on the face of the base (32) and has at least two convexly curved centring portions (40), which are arranged such that they are distributed over the circumference and engage with an exact fit in complementary concavely curved centring portions (42) of the coupling receptacle (94). The coupling part (96) has a complementary driver stop (46), meshing with a rotary driver (44) of the coupling receptacle (94). It is claimed as novel that the centring portions (40, 42) of the coupling part (96) and/or of the coupling receptacle (94) have clamping surfaces (48, 50), which run onto each other in the manner of a rotary wedge until the driver stop (46) and the rotary driver (44) come up against each other counter to a predetermined direction ...

31-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003061898A1

The invention relates to a rod-shaped drill consisting of a hard metal or ceramic. Said drill has a first (E1) end region and a second (E2) end region in the longitudinal direction, whereby the second end region is provided with a cutting edge (s). In addition, the drill has at least one chip chamber (SK) on its external circumference in the longitudinal direction and at least one internal cavity (I) running in the longitudinal direction, by means of which coolant liquid or lubricant can be introduced into the cutting region of the drill. The cross-sectional surface of the internal cavity in the second end region of the drill is greater than the cross-sectional surface of the internal cavity in the first end region of the drill. The invention also relates to a method for producing a drill of this type.

14-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000074870A1

La présente invention concerne un procédé et un dispositif permettant la fabrication d'un outil, ainsi qu'un outil fabriqué selon ce procédé. Ledit dispositif doit être monté sur une machine permettant l'extrusion d'un outil pour machines à usiner par enlèvement de copeaux. Ce dispositif (20) comprend un boîtier (21) devant être fixé à la machine pour l'extrusion. Le boîtier (21) présente un évidement traversant (24) à travers lequel un mélange doit être extrudé dans une direction d'alimentation (F). L'évidement (24) comprend un étranglement (27) dans une buse (28) et un trou (30) dans une tuyère (29). Ce dispositif (20) comprend au moins une mâchoire (40, 41) qui est radialement mobile par rapport à l'évidement (24) et qui est prévue pour engager et dégager ledit mélange.

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: WO1994020247A1
Автор: BORDES, Sylvain

A drill comprising a rod portion (1) connectable to an apparatus such as a drilling unit, as well as an operative cutting portion (2), said portions (1 and 2) forming a single disposable plastic unit.

04-03-2008 дата публикации

Method and tool for the machining of workpieces with cooling

Номер: US0007337879B2

The invention relates to a method for the cutting or shaping working of metallic or ceramic workpieces and the use of a preferably submerged tool, whereby during the machining process a cooling agent, comprised at least mostly of carbon dioxide (CO2), is supplied to the working position. The invention further relates to a tool for carrying out said method. According to the invention, the cooling in particular of submerges tools may be improved, whereby liquid CO2 under pressure is supplied internally through the tool and released from the tool in the direct vicinity of the actual machining position, expanding through a pressure drop to atmospheric pressure, to give a cooling flow, comprising cold gas and ice particles.

30-10-1990 дата публикации

Drill bit for drilling a hole in layered material of different hardness

Номер: US0004966503A

A drill bit for drilling a hole in layered material where the first layer encountered by the bit is softer than the second layer and where the second layer encountered by the bit produces chips capable of abrading the first layer. The drill bit comprises a solid shaft having a cutting tip, an internal bore for conducting flushing fluid to the tip and a flute for conveying the fluid and the chips away from the tip. A collar fixed to the outer surface of the shaft prevents the chips from contacting the bore drilled in the first layer.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180272442A1

The invention relates to a modular rotary tool, which extends along an axis of rotation () in the longitudinal direction and which has a carrier provided with flutes as well as a cutting head exchangeably secured on said carrier, wherein the carrier has on the end surface a coupling receiving means for receiving a coupling pin of the cutting head, wherein in the carrier, a coolant channel is formed, which terminates at a first outlet opening in the coupling receiving means, and wherein a branch channel is provided, which is spaced apart from the coupling receiving means and which opens into the coolant channel at one end and terminates at a second outlet opening in the flute at the other end. 1. A modular rotary tool , which extends along an axis of rotation in the longitudinal direction and which has a carrier provided with flutes as well as a cutting head exchangeably secured on said carrier ,wherein the carrier has on the end surface a coupling receiving means for receiving a coupling pin of the cutting head,wherein in the carrier, a coolant channel is formed, which terminates at a first outlet opening in the coupling receiving means, andwherein a branch channel is provided, which is spaced apart from the coupling receiving means and which opens into the coolant channel at one end and terminates at a second outlet opening in the flute at the other end.2. The modular rotary tool according to claim 1 ,characterized in that the branch channel is introduced into the flute as a bore.3. The modular rotary tool according to claim 1 ,characterized in that the branch channel extends obliquely to the coolant channel on an incline at an acute angle.4. The modular rotary tool according to claim 1 ,characterized in that the second outlet opening of the branch channel is oriented toward a cutting edge of the secured cutting head.5. The modular rotary tool according to claim 1 ,characterized in that the coolant channel has an outlet section with a reduced flow diameter in the ...

14-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001407865A1

A tool, a device, and a method for drilling capable of very easily forming a hole part in a drilled matter by extremely smoothly discharging chips produced at drilled positions so as to maintain an excellent drilling efficiency. By using a drilling tool having a shaft with a spiral groove part formed in the outer peripheral surface thereof and a bit fixed to the tip part of the shaft, the hole part is formed in a drilled matter by rotating the shaft.

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2409452C2

Ружейное сверло содержит режущую головку, имеющую выпускное отверстие для хладагента, сообщенное с каналом для подачи хладагента на дальней концевой поверхности на дальнем конце полой хвостовой части, имеющей канавку для отвода стружки, сечение которой в продольном направлении имеет V-образную форму на наружной поверхности и имеет внутреннее пространство, выполненное в виде канала для подачи хладагента, при этом режущая часть режущей головки выполнена из металлокерамического твердого сплава. Для повышения эффективности обработки за счет повышения скорости резания, по меньшей мере, часть части режущей головки, входящей в скользящий контакт с внутренней периферией, за исключением ее режущей части, состоит из отличающегося материала, имеющего твердость, которая выше твердости металлокерамического твердого сплава. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил., 1 табл.

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2481176C2

Группа изобретений относится к области обработки металлов резанием, в частности к металлорежущим инструментам. Инструмент содержит подвижные режущие элементы 1, установленные на платформах 3, имеющих возможность возвратно-поступательного движения в направлении подачи, и неподвижные режущие элементы 2, закрепленные на корпусе инструмента. Платформы 3 сопряжены с корпусом трапециевидными направляющими и соединены с силовым устройством. Для охлаждения режущих элементов в процессе резания платформы перемещают в направлении подачи за диаметр резания неподвижных режущих элементов 2, в результате чего отключают источник нагрева неподвижных режущих элементов 2, что позволяет охладить их до температуры охлаждающей жидкости. Способ охлаждения может быть применим при сверлении, бурении и фрезеровании. Обеспечивается охлаждение режущих кромок инструмента и повышение его стойкости, а также защита режущих кромок режущих элементов инструмента. 7 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2467837C2

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано при обработке отверстий. Инструмент содержит основной корпус и разъемно соединенную с ним сверлильную коронку. Сверлильная коронка содержит соединяемую с расположенным с торца основного корпуса посадочным гнездом соединительную деталь, которая содержит расположенные с разносом по периметру, по меньшей мере, два центрирующих участка с выпуклой кривизной, с точной подгонкой входящие в зацепление с дополняющими их ответно вогнутыми центрирующими участками посадочного гнезда. Соединительная деталь содержит находящийся в зацеплении с поводком вращения ответный поводковый упор. Центрирующие участки соединительной детали и/или посадочного гнезда содержат прижимные поверхности, которые до стыковки поводкового упора с поводком вращения в направлении, противоположном заданному направлению вращения, прокатываются друг по другу по типу поворотной шпонки в направлении, противоположном заданному рабочему направлению вращения, до взаимной ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2684650C2

Изобретение относится к области металлообработки и может быть использовано в конструкциях держателей обрабатывающего инструмента, устанавливаемого в шпиндель станка. Держатель (1) для инструмента содержит принимающий корпус (3) с приемным отверстием (5) для хвостовика (6) инструмента, с центральным сквозным каналом (8), связанным с приемным отверстием (5), и с первым гидравлическим подводом (22, 33, 35) для подведения охлаждающего смазочного средства к инструменту, при этом в принимающем корпусе (3) выполнен второй гидравлический подвод (23, 34, 41), изолированный от первого гидравлического подвода (22, 33, 35), для подведения охлаждающего смазочного средства к инструменту отдельно от первого гидравлического подвода (22, 33, 35), при этом в упомянутом канале (8) внутри принимающего корпуса (3) со стороны приемного отверстия (5) установлена с возможностью осевого перемещения упорная деталь (17) в форме втулки с осевым сквозным каналом (22) и по меньшей мере одним сквозным каналом (23). Использование ...

27-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2402410C2
Принадлежит: ИСКАР ЛТД. (IL)

Режущий инструмент имеет продольную ось вращения и включает проходящий в основном по оси канал для прохода жидкости, гнездо под режущую пластину, открытое на периферийную поверхность режущего инструмента через выход и соединенное с каналом, режущую пластину, установленную в гнезде с возможностью скольжения и перемещения от отведенного положения к выдвинутому положению посредством давления жидкости, которая воздействует на нее и смещает в направлении к выдвинутому положению. В выдвинутом положении, по крайней мере, часть режущей пластины выступает из выхода над периферийной поверхностью режущего инструмента. Инструмент содержит также резьбовой крепежный элемент для предотвращения выхода режущей пластины из гнезда и ограничения ее поворота вокруг своей оси. Технический результат: расширение технологических возможностей за счет встраивания режущей пластины вблизи канавок сверла. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2135332C1

Изобретение относится к сверлильному инструменту. Сверло имеет корпус, в частности выполненный сплошным из твердого сплава, режущие кромки, расположенные на рабочем конце корпуса, зону соединения с приводным шпинделем металлорежущего станка, расположенную на другом конце корпуса, и каналы, проходящие друг около друга через корпус, преимущественно в продольном направлении, выходящие на его рабочий конец и предназначенные для пропускания жидкого средства со стороны зоны соединения в сторону режущих кромок. В сверле предусмотрена закрывающая пластина, перекрывающая вместе устья упомянутых каналов, не пропускающая жидкость, расположенная на расстоянии от соседней режущей кромки и предназначенная для создания прохода жидкости, соединяющего пространственно устья упомянутых каналов. При этом последние расположены с возможностью образования нескольких петель охлаждающего средства в замкнутом циркуляционном контуре. Причем, в частности, пара каналов имеет устья, расположенные на рабочем конце в ...

01-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2693242C1

Изобретение относится к обработке материалов резанием и может быть использовано при сверлении отверстий в труднообрабатываемых металлических материалах или композитных материалах, армированных волокном. Способ включает формирование отверстия, на котором обрабатывают обрабатываемый участок материала, причем смазочный материал, содействующий обработке и имеющий листовую форму, находится в контакте со сверлом и/или обрабатываемым участком. Сверло для формирования отверстия содержит по меньшей мере одну режущую кромку и переднюю поверхность, смежную режущей кромке. Передняя поверхность имеет шероховатость Ra поверхности 2,0 мкм или больше и 3,0 мкм или меньше. При обработке смазочный материал, содействующий обработке, удерживают на передней поверхности. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 2 табл.

20-04-2018 дата публикации

Спиральное сверло

Номер: RU178866U1

Полезная модель относится к обработке металлов резанием, в частности к конструкции спиральных сверл с каналами для принудительного охлаждения. Спиральное сверло, корпус которого выполнен с Y-образным каналом подачи СОЖ, центральная часть которого размещена вдоль оси сверла, а два ответвления выходят на задние поверхности пера сверла, в корпусе выполнены два дополнительных ответвления, соединяющих центральную часть канала с участками задних поверхностей пера сверла между ответвлениями и соответствующими спинками сверла, причем дополнительные ответвления выполнены с полным или частичным пересечением стружечных канавок. Технический результат - повышение стойкости спирального сверла. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009119249A

... 1. Устройство для получения глубоких отверстий резанием, содержащее ! режущую головную часть с внешней периферией, ! выемку для установки планки, выполненную на внешней периферии режущей головной части, и ! направляющую планку, съемно прикрепленную к выемке для установки планки посредством установочного винта, находящуюся в скользящем контакте с внутренней периферией отверстия, получаемого резанием, и имеющую вершину, выступающую наружу в радиальном направлении дальше, чем окружность резания, описываемая режущей пластиной. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором вершина направляющей планки расположена дальше впереди в направлении вращения инструмента, чем середина по ширине направляющей планки вдоль направления вращения инструмента. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором вершина направляющей планки находится на окружной дугообразной поверхности, радиус кривизны которой меньше, чем у окружности резания, описываемой режущей пластиной, а также расположена дальше впереди в направлении вращения инструмента ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008130675A

... 1. Станок для глубокого сверления, в котором трубчатая расточная головка (2), содержащая выходные отверстия (4a, 4b), соединенные с каналом (10) для выхода стружки на стороне режущих пластин (3a-3c), прикреплена к дальнему концу полой расточной оправки (1), содержащей внутреннюю часть, выполняющую функцию канала (10) для выхода стружки, при этом охлаждающее вещество (C) подается с наружной стороны на сторону режущих пластин (3a-3c) через зазор (T) между наружной периферийной поверхностью расточной оправки (1) и внутренней периферийной поверхностью высверленного отверстия (H), и стружка (S), образующаяся при сверлении, выходит из выходных отверстий (4a, 4b) наружу через канал (10) для выхода стружки вместе с охлаждающим веществом (C), при этом во множестве положений по окружности в периферийной стенке (21) расточной головки (2) выполнены перепускные отверстия для прохождения под наклоном таким образом, что наружное отверстие (5a) располагается ближе к стороне дальнего конца головки, чем ...

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007135652A

... 1. Вращающийся режущий инструмент (10), имеющий продольную ось вращения (А) и включающий; ! образованный в нем и проходящий в основном по оси канал (22) для прохода жидкости, ! гнездо (36) под режущую пластину, открытое на периферийную поверхность (16) режущего инструмента через выход (38) и соединенное с каналом (22), и ! режущую пластину (34), установленную в гнезде (36) с возможностью скольжения и перемещения от отведенного положения к выдвинутому положению посредством давления жидкости, которая воздействует на режущую пластину и смещает ее в направлении к выдвинутому положению, причем в выдвинутом положении, по крайней мере, часть режущей пластины (34) выступает из выхода (38) над периферийной поверхностью (16) режущего инструмента (10). ! 2. Вращающийся режущий инструмент (10) по п.1, в котором выполнено отверстие (30) под крепежный элемент, открытое на периферийную поверхность (16) и соединенное с гнездом (36) под пластину. ! 3. Вращающийся режущий инструмент (10) по п.1, в котором ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Спиральное сверло

Номер: RU0000193631U1

Полезная модель относится к обработке металлов резанием, в частности к конструкциям спиральных сверл с каналами для принудительного охлаждения.В основу заявленной полезной модели был положен технический результат - расширение эксплуатационных возможностей за счет повышения эффективности охлаждения нагреваемых частей спирального сверла и повышения технологичности изготовления при сохранении максимально возможного количества переточек последнего.Спиральное сверло содержит корпус с винтовыми стружечными канавками, сердцевиной, пером с передними и задними 6 поверхностями и двумя каналами подачи смазочно-охлаждающей жидкости (СОЖ) к зоне резания с выходами на соответствующую заднюю поверхность пера корпуса сверла. Оба канала подачи смазочно-охлаждающей жидкости выполнены в сердцевине и расположены параллельно друг другу и оси сверла, что позволяет охлаждать непосредственно сердцевину сверла и заднюю поверхность пера 4, подводя жидкость максимально близко к режущей кромке, образованной пересечением передней и задней поверхностями, увеличивая интенсивность охлаждения последней. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 631 U1 (51) МПК B23B 51/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B23B 51/06 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019124429, 01.08.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 07.11.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 07.11.2019 Бюл. № 31 1 9 3 6 3 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 110871 A1, 01.01.1957. SU 671940 A1, 05.07.1979. RU 2140341 C1, 27.10.1999. RU 2507038 C1, 20.02.2014. WO 2007063953 A1, 07.06.2007. (54) Спиральное сверло (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к обработке металлов резанием, в частности к конструкциям спиральных сверл с каналами для принудительного охлаждения. В основу заявленной полезной модели был положен технический результат - расширение эксплуатационных возможностей за счет повышения эффективности охлаждения ...

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Cutting tools and cutting inserts including internal cooling

Номер: US20120087746A1
Принадлежит: TDY Industries LLC

A cutting tool comprises a cutting insert, a tool holder, and a fastener. The cutting insert comprises a cutting edge and a fastener bore adapted to accept a fastener for fastening together the cutting tool and tool holder. A coolant flow recess in the fastener bore is adapted to direct coolant though the coolant flow recess and toward a head portion of the fastener. The tool holder comprises an insert pocket adapted to removably fasten the cutting insert and fastener to the tool holder, and a coolant bore adapted to direct the coolant from the tool holder to the coolant flow recess of the fastener bore. The head portion of the fastener and the coolant flow recess of the fastener bore define a gap that directs the coolant to the cutting edge of the cutting insert.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Mechanism for delivering cryogenic coolant to a rotating tool

Номер: US20120093604A1
Принадлежит: Creare Inc

A rotary coolant adapter that is compatible with commercially available tool holders attaches to a rotary tool holder to supply coolant to a flow path in a rotary tool. The rotary coolant adapter has a stationary outer housing and a stationary supply tube for supplying coolant to an annular coolant manifold that surrounds a portion of the rotary tool holder. An internal radial feed tube supplies coolant from the annular coolant manifold to the flow path in the tool. Bearings support the stationary outer housing on the rotary coolant holder, and seals are located between the annular coolant manifold and the bearings to prevent coolant leakage from the annular manifold reaching the bearings.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Drill head for a deep hole drilling tool for bta deep hole drilling, and deep hole drilling tool

Номер: US20130078045A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A drill head for a deep hole drilling tool. A drill head body is rotatable about an axis of rotation and has a drilling side and a cavity duct with a chip collecting orifice. A cutting edge has a main and a secondary cutting edge cant, the secondary cutting edge cant arranged on a radial outside of the cutting edge. The main and the secondary cutting edge cants form a cutting edge corner and span a rake which is arranged contiguously to the chip collecting orifice. A first guide pad is arranged in a circumferential half, facing away from the rake, and a second guide pad is arranged diametrically opposite the cutting edge corner. The first guide pad can be offset to the cutting edge corner by the amount of a guide pad angle in the circumferential direction of the drill head The guide pad angle amounts to less than 70°.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Drilling tool and method for producing port seals

Номер: US20130089383A1
Принадлежит: Allied Machine and Engineering Corp

The present invention provides a new drilling tool useful in machining hydraulic port seals for fluid power ports. The drilling tool drills the port hole to size in a solid material for the minor thread diameter in combination with forming the port in a single operation. The drilling tool has a tool holder having a rotational axis, a first drilling insert having cutting surfaces on a first side and a mounting surface on a second side, at least one second drilling insert having a predetermined cutting surface portion and a mounting portion which is mounted on the holder at a location from the rotational axis of the holder. The at least one second drilling insert has first and second portions which engage and machine a work piece in a drilling operation to form a spot face and a seal form.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Tool holder and machine tool

Номер: US20130108380A1
Автор: Sung Geun Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A tool holder includes: a shank portion gripped by a main shaft; a tool attachment portion having an insertion port into which a tool is inserted in a tip end surface thereof; a cover having a tubular wall that covers an outer periphery of the tool attachment portion and a bottom surface that covers the tip end surface of the tool attachment portion; a bearing provided between the tubular wall of the cover and the tool attachment portion; and a stopper that prevents the cover from co-rotating with the tool attachment portion. A through hole penetrated by the tool and an ejection port disposed on a periphery of the through hole in order to eject the coolant toward the tool are provided in the bottom surface of the cover.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Chip breaker system, cooling channel, cooling channel system and high-speed reamer comprising at least one thereof

Номер: US20130115017A1
Принадлежит: Guehring KG

The description shows a chip breaker system for a drilling, turning, milling or reaming tool, wherein the chip breaker system comprises: a portion of a flute and a first area which is produced by a progressive cut, wherein a first edge is arranged between the portion and the first area in such a way that chips produced by a cutting movement of the drilling, turning, milling or reaming tool can be broken at the first edge. The application further relates to a high-speed reamer comprising such a chip breaker system, a reamer made of solid carbide, a reamer with axially extending cooling channels which are disposed in a decentralized manner, a reamer with cooling channels which are unevenly distributed in the peripheral direction, and a reamer with cooling channels, wherein the outlet openings of the cooling channels are arranged on different cutting planes.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136550A1
Принадлежит: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB

The present invention relates to a method and a device for manufacturing a blank for a round tool and to a blank for a round tool, and eventually to a method for manufacturing a round tool and to a round tool obtained. The device comprises a die for extrusion and a sleeve arrangement comprising a sleeve, and an end member for closing the sleeve in one end. Extrusion through the die continuously forms an extruded material comprising chip flutes and optionally internal coolant channels, which is received by the sleeve arrangement. The extruded material received by the sleeve arrangement is reworked and shaped to a shank portion after the interior shape of the sleeve arrangement. A projection of the end member protruding into the sleeve forms a bore in the blank. When the shank portion is finished the end member is released and moved forward as extrusion continues to form a fluted portion to complete the blank. The material waste is minimal in this process and since the internal coolant channels are formed simultaneously with the chip flutes in the fluted portion there is no risk of deforming the internal coolant channels. Moreover, a bore in the round tool removes unnecessary material and provides improved design of internal coolant channels. 1. A method for manufacturing a blank for a round tool , the blank comprising a shank portion and a fluted portion , the method comprising the steps of:providing a feed material;feeding the feed material through a die, thereby forming by extrusion an extruded material with chip flutes defined by an interior flute-forming surface of the die;allowing the extruded material to progress in an extrusion direction into a first end of a sleeve, the sleeve being closed in a second end by an end member including a projection protruding into the sleeve, and to fill the sleeve, thereby forming the shank portion having a shape defined by an interior shank-forming surface of the sleeve and the end member;releasing the end member to allow the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223943A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A tool head for use with a modular shank tool includes at least two preforms. Each preform of the at least two prefroms is made separately from the other preform of the at least two preforms from granular materials and then put together and jointly compressed and integrally bonded. 1. A tool head for use with a modular shank tool , the tool head comprising:at least two preforms,wherein each preform of the at least two preforms is made separately from the other preform of the at least two preforms from granular materials and then put together and jointly compressed and integrally bonded.2. The tool head of wherein each preform of the at least two preforms consists of a different material than the other preform.3. The tool head of wherein the tool head comprises a front cutter end and claim 1 , opposite thereto claim 1 , a rear coupling end structured to connect the tool head to a tool shank of the modular shank tool.4. The tool head of wherein the cutter end includes at least one outlet opening for a cooling lubricant claim 3 , which outlet opening is connected by a duct system to at least one inlet opening for the cooling lubricant on the coupling end.5. The tool head of wherein the at least one outlet opening includes at least two outlet openings which are connected by a branched duct system to a common inlet opening on the coupling end.6. The tool head of wherein the branched duct system comprises straight duct portions disposed in each preform of the at least two preforms.7. The tool head of wherein the branched duct system comprises at least one distributor chamber for branching into a plurality of subducts claim 5 , which distributor chamber lies in a connecting zone between the at least two preforms.8. The tool head of wherein the at least one outlet opening consists of one of either a round claim 4 , an oval or a substantially polygonal opening geometry.9. A shank tool comprising:a main body; anda tool head reversibly connected to the main body, the tool head ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302100A1
Автор: BOZKURT Lutfi

The invention relates to a rotationally driven multi-bevel step tool, particularly a step drill for drilling into solid material, comprising a plurality of one-edged or multi-edged cutting steps which are arranged in a staggered manner in the cutting and advancing directions and each have a number of flutes that corresponds to the number of edges. Flutes () adjoining each other in the circumferential direction are separated from each other by a web (). According to the invention, the flues () adjoining each other in the circumferential direction of two consecutive cutting steps () in the cutting and advancing directions are connected to each other by a metal-cutting window () that is open on the circumferential side and interrupts the interposed web (). 1. A rotationally driven multi-bevel step tool , particularly a step drill for drilling into solid material , with a plurality of in each case single- or multi-edged cutting steps arranged in a staggered manner in the cutting and feed direction with a number of flutes corresponding to the number of cutting edges in each case , wherein flutes which are adjacent in the circumferential direction are delimited from one another in each case by means of a web , characterised in thatthe flutes, which are adjacent in the circumferential direction, of two successive cutting steps are connected to one another by means of a swarf window which penetrates the web located therebetween and is open on the circumferential side.2. The multi-bevel step tool according to claim 1 , characterised in that the swarf window extends in the radial direction essentially as far as the base of the flute of the trailing cutting step.3. The multi-bevel step tool according to claim 1 , characterised in that the swarf window extends in the axial direction towards the tool shank at least as far as the start of the trailing cutting step.4. The multi-bevel step tool according to claim 3 , characterised in that the swarf window extends in the axial ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302101A1

A twist drill assembly () comprising a shaft () and a drill tip (); the shaft having a single internal shaft conduit () for a fluid, extending between orifices () formed into the shaft; the drill tip having an internal drill tip conduit () for the fluid, extending between orifices formed into the drill tip; the shaft and the drill tip configured such that the drill tip is connectable to an end of the shaft with the internal drill tip conduit in communication with the internal shaft conduit, allowing the fluid to be capable of flowing from the internal shaft conduit into the internal drill tip conduit; the internal shaft conduit having a spiral form aligned with a central longitudinal axis of the shaft, and configured to complement the arrangement of spiral flutes () formed on the shaft. 1. A twist drill assembly comprising a shaft and a drill tip; the shaft having a single internal shaft conduit for a fluid , extending between orifices formed into the shaft; the drill tip having an internal drill tip conduit for the fluid , extending between orifices formed into the drill tip; the shaft and the drill tip configured such that the drill tip is connectable to an end of the shaft with the internal drill tip conduit in communication with the internal shaft conduit , allowing the fluid to be capable of flowing from the internal shaft conduit into the internal drill tip conduit; the internal shaft conduit having a spiral form aligned with a central longitudinal axis of the shaft , and configured to complement the arrangement of spiral flutes formed on the shaft.2. A twist drill assembly as claimed in claim 1 , in which the internal shaft conduit is configured to have a sufficiently large cross-sectional area to allow a desired predetermined flux of fluid to pass through it claim 1 , and configured within the shaft to maximise the thickness of the wall between the internal shank conduit and the innermost surface of the flutes.3. A twist drill assembly as claimed in claim 1 ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037391A1

A drilling head for a tubular shank having an inside diameter and threads may comprise an axial body comprising a duct exiting through a first end; threads adjacent the first end corresponding to the threads on the shank and aligning the duct with the shank inside diameter; a bore from an outer surface of the body to the duct; and two axially extending approximately parallel and offset surfaces adjacent a second end; and an insert affixed between the offset surfaces, the insert comprising: a first face at least partially contacting one offset surface and a second face at least partially contacting the other offset surface; one or more cutting edges adjacent the first face, the second face, or both; and a cutting lip adjacent one or more cutting edges. 1. A drilling head for a tubular shank , the drilling head comprising:a body comprising an outer surface, and a duct formed from an opening in the outer surface and exiting through a rear of the body; and a replaceable insert affixed to the body by a temporary fastening system, the replaceable insert comprising two cutting edges extending from a rotational axis of the insert in opposing manners for double effective cutting and having an outer edge which extends beyond the axial body when mounted therewith; wherein in use, a drilling fluid is supplied to the area of the two cutting edges and exits though the duct with the opening positioned to receive drilling fluid from each of the two cutting edges.2. The drilling head according to claim 1 , the insert further comprising at least one cutting lip adjacent each of the two cutting edges which forms a predetermined chip of material.3. The drilling head according to claim 2 , where the size and shape of the chip produced may be controlled by altering the position claim 2 , size and/or configuration of the at least one cutting lip.4. The drilling head according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting lip has a cutting geometry having a positive rake angle.5. The drilling head ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for producing a cutting tool, and cutting tool

Номер: US20190015903A1
Автор: Sebastian Schleicher
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A method for producing a cutting tool is described. This method includes the production of a tool body of the cutting tool by means of a generative production method. At least one coolant cavity that has, at least in segments, an essentially triangular cross section is in this case provided in the tool body. Moreover, a cutting tool produced by means of this method is presented. Also proposed is a cutting tool having at least one coolant cavity running therein, wherein the coolant cavity has, at least in segments, an essentially triangular cross section and the cutting tool is produced, at least in segments, by means of a generative production method.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015939A1
Автор: Guter Tim

A method for producing a cutting head is specified. The latter is manufactured from a blank, which in turn is manufactured by means of extrusion. During extrusion, a number of coolant channels as well as a number of flutes are formed, wherein the coolant channels and the flutes are in each case formed helically during extrusion. After extrusion, the flutes have a pitch that is adjusted by grinding the flutes to a finished dimension. The method is particularly material-saving. A corresponding cutting head is moreover specified. 1. A method of producing a cutting head that is manufactured from a blank comprising: extruding the blank , wherein a number of coolant channels as well as a number of flutes are formed during the extrusion , wherein the coolant channels and the flutes are each formed helically during extrusion , and wherein , after extruding , the flutes have a pitch that is adjusted by grinding the flutes to a finished dimension.22. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the flutes have an angle of twist (D) that is adjusted after extrusion by changing the pitch.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein during extrusion claim 1 , an endless blank is produced from which the blank is parted off.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the blank is parted off from the endless blank without any sacrificial allowance.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the flutes are formed in an outer region that surrounds a core region claim 1 , and that the coolant channels are formed in the core region.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the blank is extruded via an extrusion nozzle with a circular aperture into which a shaping projection protrudes for each of the flutes.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the blank is sintered after extrusion.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the blank is reworked after extrusion by grinding a number of cutting edges into the blank.9. A cutting head which is produced by a method according to . ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016370A1

A cutting tool includes a body having a base and a cutting portion. The cutting portion defines a plurality of first edges and a plurality of second edges. The body defines a trunk passage, a plurality of first branch passages, and a plurality of first independent passages. Each of the first branch passages is open to the trunk passage and has an outlet open to an exterior of the cutting portion proximate to a corresponding one of the second edges. Each of the first independent passages is independent of the trunk passage and the first branch passages and has an outlet open to an exterior of the cutting portion proximate to a corresponding one of the first edges. 1. A cutting tool comprising:a body having a base and a cutting portion, the cutting portion defining a plurality of first edges and a plurality of second edges, the body defining a trunk passage, a plurality of first branch passages, and a plurality of first independent passages,wherein each of the first branch passages is open to the trunk passage and has an outlet open to an exterior of the cutting portion proximate to a corresponding one of the second edges, andwherein each of the first independent passages is independent of the trunk passage and the first branch passages and has an outlet open to an exterior of the cutting portion proximate to a corresponding one of the first edges.2. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the trunk passage is coaxially disposed about a central axis of the body and the first independent passages are not coaxial with the central axis.3. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the body is disposed about a central axis and the first edges are located at a first diameter and the second edges are located at a second diameter that is greater than the first diameter.4. The cutting tool according to claim 3 , wherein the body defines a plurality of second branch passages and the cutting portion defines a plurality of third edges claim 3 , the third edges being ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025008A1

A method of producing cooling apertures in a combustion chamber head includes mechanically drilling a plurality of cooling apertures through the combustion chamber head from the downstream side of the combustion chamber head. A tool is inserted through at least one aperture for a fuel injector from the downstream side of the combustion chamber head and the tool is rotated about its axis whilst within the aperture for a fuel injector. Fluid is supplied from the drilling machine through the tool and jets of fluid are directed from nozzles in the tool with at least a radial component towards the cooling apertures on the upstream side of the combustion chamber head to remove burrs and/or caps adjacent the cooling apertures. The present disclosure enables cooling apertures to be drilled through a combustion chamber head using conventional mechanical drilling in a viable and cost effective manner. 1. A method of producing cooling apertures in a combustion chamber head , the combustion chamber head having an upstream side , a downstream side and at least one aperture extending there-through for a fuel injector , the upstream side of the combustion chamber head is inaccessible , the method comprising providing a drilling machine , mechanically drilling a plurality of cooling apertures through the combustion chamber head from the downstream side of the combustion chamber head , inserting a tool through the at least one aperture for the fuel injector from the downstream side of the combustion chamber head , rotating the tool about its axis whilst within the at least one aperture for the fuel injector , supplying fluid from the drilling machine through the tool , directing a jet of fluid from the tool with at least a radial component towards the cooling apertures on the upstream side of the combustion chamber head to remove burrs and/or caps adjacent the cooling apertures.2. A method as claimed in comprising directing a plurality of jets of fluid from the at least one passage ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028480A1

The rotary tool () is in particular designed as a modular drill and extends in an axial direction () along an axis of rotation (). It comprises two coupling parts, namely a carrier () and a cutting head () that is attached to the carrier () so as to be exchangeable. A pin receiving means () is provided on the carrier (), into which pin receiving means a coupling pin () of the cutting head () is introduced in a clamping manner and so as to be reversibly exchangeable. The pin receiving means () and the coupling pin () have torque sections () and clamping sections () that correspond to one another. In order to permit simple production, these clamping and torque sections are oriented parallel to the axis of rotation (). In addition, in order to prevent pulling-out in an axial direction, stop surfaces () are provided on the pin receiving means () and on the coupling pin (), said stop surfaces being effective in an axial direction () and corresponding to one another. These stop surfaces preferably extend horizontally and therefore perpendicular to the axis of rotation (). The invention relates to a rotary tool, in particular a drill, with the features of the preamble of claim . The invention furthermore relates to a cutting head for said rotary tool.The rotary tool, in particular a drill, is what is known as a modular rotary tool which extends in an axial direction along an axis of rotation and which comprises two coupling parts, namely a carrier and a cutting head, wherein the cutting head is attached to the carrier so as to be exchangeable. For this purpose, the carrier usually comprises on its end surface two opposite fastening webs which are separated from each other by means of flutes and by means of which a pin receiving means is delimited. A coupling pin of the cutting head is inserted into this pin receiving means. This is carried out by turning the cutting head around the axis of rotation relative to the carrier. During said turning, a clamping connection between ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031016A1
Автор: Takai Kazuteru

A three-flute drill having: a tool main body with cutting edges at an axially distal end thereof, a flute portion having discharge flutes in a distal-end side portion of the body, and a cutting fluid supply hole for supplying fluid toward the edges, a rear inner wall surface on the radial direction on a rear side in the drill rotation direction and opposed to the front inner wall surface in a drill circumferential direction, an outer circumferential inner wall surface made up of a partially cylindrical surface whose center lies on an axis of the drill, and an inner circumferential inner wall surface having a partially cylindrical surface whose center lies on the drill axis and opposed to the outer circumferential inner wall surface in the radial direction, the inner circumferential inner wall having a curvature radius smaller than that of the outer circumferential inner wall surface. 1. A three-flute drill comprising: a tool main body provided with cutting edges at an axially distal end of the tool main boy , a flute portion having discharge flutes formed in a distal-end side portion of the tool main body for discharging chips generated by the cutting edges , and a cutting fluid supply hole for supplying cutting fluid toward the cutting edges through an inside of the flute portion ,the cutting fluid supply hole having a fan-shaped cross section defined by a front inner wall surface located along a radial direction of the three-flute drill on a front side in a rotation direction of the three-flute drill, a rear inner wall surface located along the radial direction on a rear side in the rotation direction of the three-flute drill and opposed to the front inner wall surface in a circumferential direction of the three-flute drill, an outer circumferential inner wall surface made up of a partially cylindrical surface whose center lies on an axis of the three-flute drill, and an inner circumferential inner wall surface made up of a partially cylindrical surface whose ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030623A1

According to one implementation, a drill includes: a drill includes: a body without a back taper; and a cutting edge part integrated with the body. The body has a flow path of a cutting oil inside. The cuffing edge part has a first supply port that supplies the cutting oil toward a workpiece, The body has at least one second supply port that supplies the cutting oil to a clearance formed between a bush for positioning and the body. The bush is used by being inserted in the body. 1. A drill comprising:a body without a back taper, the body having a flow path of a cutting oil inside; anda cutting edge part integrated with the body, the cutting edge part having a first supply port that supplies the cutting oil toward a workpiece,wherein the body has at least one second supply port that supplies the cutting oil to a clearance formed between a bush for positioning and the body, the bush being used by being inserted in the body.2. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein the flow path of the cutting oil is branched to a first flow path and a second flow path, the cutting oil being supplied to the first supply port through the first flow path while the cutting oil being supplied to the at least one second supply port through the second flow path.3. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one second supply port is formed on an outer periphery of the body.4. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one second supply port includes only one supply port per a same position in a tool axis direction.5. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one second supply port includes supply ports formed at different positions in a tool axis direction.6. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein the flow path is formed to make a quantity of the cutting oil supplied to the at least one second supply port less than a quantity of the cutting oil supplied to the first supply port.7. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein the body and the cutting edge part are a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Drilling Tool Comprising A Replaceable Cutting Disk

Номер: US20200030894A1
Автор: Juergen Deeg

Described are a drilling tool and a replaceable cutting disk which allow the replaceable cutting disk to be positioned with high accuracy and in a form-locking manner in the drilling tool. At the same time, a cutting disk can be replaced more easily.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036277A1

A cutting tool for performing cutting operations on a workpiece when the cutting tool is rotated about a central axis by a machine tool, the cutting tool includes a generally cylindrical body disposed about the central axis. The generally cylindrical body includes a first end and an opposite second end. The cutting tool further includes a cutting portion and a mounting portion. The cutting portion is disposed at or about the first end of the generally cylindrical body and includes a number of cutting edges structured to engage the workpiece during cutting operations. The mounting portion is disposed at or about the opposite second end of the generally cylindrical body and is structured to be coupled to the machine tool. At least a portion of the generally cylindrical body comprises a molded portion formed via a molding process about the cutting portion in a manner that couples the cutting portion to the generally cylindrical body. 1. A cutting tool for performing cutting operations on a workpiece when the cutting tool is rotated about a central axis by a machine tool , the cutting tool comprising:a generally cylindrical body disposed about the central axis, the generally cylindrical body having a first end and an opposite second end;a cutting portion disposed at or about the first end of the generally cylindrical body, the cutting portion having a number of cutting edges structured to engage the workpiece during cutting operations; anda mounting portion disposed at or about the opposite second end of the generally cylindrical body, the mounting portion being structured to be coupled to the machine tool,wherein at least a portion of the generally cylindrical body comprises a molded portion formed via a molding process, andwherein the molded portion is formed about the cutting portion in a manner that couples the cutting portion to the generally cylindrical body.2. The cutting tool of wherein the molded portion comprises fibers or particles disposed randomly or in a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036311A1

A method of joining a plurality of parts to form a unitary body. At least two sintered parts are provided. At least one of the sintered parts has at least one internal cavity. Each of the parts is formed of a hard metal composition of material. The at least two sintered parts are assembled into the shape of a unitary body. Each of the at least two sintered parts has a joining surface and when each joining surface is brought into contact the surfaces form a bonding interface therebetween. The assembled parts are subjected to a vacuum or gas atmosphere, without the application of external pressure, and to a temperature sufficient to fuse the at least two sintered parts together at the bonding interface to form the unitary body. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. (canceled)26. A wear resistant tool comprising:a plurality of sintered parts, each of the plurality of sintered parts being formed of a hard metal composition of material, at least one of the sintered parts having at least one internal cavity, wherein the plurality of sintered parts can be assembled into a shape of a unitary body; anda joining surface disposed on each of the plurality of sintered parts, wherein when the parts are assembled each joining surface is brought into contact to form a bonding interface therebetween, such that when the assembled parts are subject to a vacuum or gas atmosphere, without the application of external pressure, and to a temperature sufficient to fuse the plurality of parts, the plurality of sintered parts are joined together at a respective bonding interface to form the unitary body.27. The wear resistant tool of claim 26 , wherein each of the plurality of sintered parts has a ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043983A1

A drill, such as a spade drill, is provided. The drill includes a drill body that includes a mounting end and a cutting end. The cutting end includes first and second cutting edges that are generally curved along the entirety of the cutting end of the drill body, removing any sort of cutting corner. The curved cutting edge provides a more resilient drill for removing material from a workpiece. The cutting edges may also include a drilling point at a distal end and at least partially between the first and second edges, along with webs extending from the drilling point to the cutting edges. The mounting portion includes structure to attach the drill to a holder, which can connect to a rotating apparatus for rotating the holder and drill. 1. A drill , comprising:a body having first and second opposite faces, and a first end and a second end, the first end including mounting apertures for mounting the drill to a holder;first and second sides at the ends of the first and second faces and extending the height of the first end; anda cutting edge at the second end and comprising a curved edge from one side to the other.2. The drill of claim 1 , further comprising a drilling point at a distal end of the second end along the cutting edge.3. The drill of claim 2 , further comprising first and second webs in the first and second faces at the drilling point.4. The drill of claim 1 , further comprising slots formed in the cutting edge configured to break up material of a workpiece.5. The drill of claim 1 , further comprising secondary cutting edges formed along at least a portion of the cutting edge on both the first and second faces.6. The drill of claim 1 , further comprising an edge preparation on the cutting edge on both of the first and second faces.7. The drill of claim 6 , wherein the edge preparation comprises a hone claim 6 , K-land claim 6 , or both.8. The drill of claim 1 , wherein the first and second faces are substantially parallel to one another.9. The drill of ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043504A1

A method is provided for manufacturing a component using a body comprising metal. This method includes: cooling the body to provide at least a cooled region of the body; and machining the cooled region using a tool that contacts the cooled region. 1. A method for manufacturing a component using a body comprising metal , the method comprising:cooling the body to provide at least a cooled region of the body; andmachining the cooled region using a tool that contacts the cooled region.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cooling of the body comprises cooling a select region of the body.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cooling of the body comprises cooling substantially an entirety of the body.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the body is cooled using cryogenic fluid.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the cryogenic fluid comprises liquid nitrogen.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the cryogenic fluid comprises liquid carbon-dioxide.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the cryogenic fluid is directed to a first location during the cooling of the body claim 4 , and the tool is at a second location behind the first location.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising cooling the tool during the machining.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the tool is cooled using cryogenic fluid.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machining of the cooled region comprises milling the cooled region.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machining of the cooled region comprises turning the cooled region.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machining of the cooled region comprises drilling the cooled region.13. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machining of the cooled region comprises grinding the cooled region.14. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machining of the cooled region comprises cutting the cooled region.15. A method for manufacturing a component claim 1 , comprising:cooling a body and a tool using cryogenic fluid; andmachining a cooled region of the body using a ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Tool Arrangement and Tool Receptacle for Such a Tool Arrangement

Номер: US20150050097A1
Автор: Franz Haimer
Принадлежит: Franz Haimer Maschinenbau KG

A tool arrangement with a tool receptacle and a tool, with at least one fluid channel for supplying a fluid to the tool provided in the tool arrangement. In order to allow an improved supply of alternative fluids to the tool, the fluid channel has at least one throttle point for maintaining the pressure in the fluid channel upstream of the throttle point, and the throttle point is suitable for keeping the pressure on the fluid sufficiently high such that no excessive premature evaporation of the fluid takes place.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047060A1

The invention relates to a rotary tool as well as to a carrier and a cutting insert of such a rotary tool. The carrier comprises a seat, which comprises several lateral surfaces, between which the cutting insert can be inserted. The cutting insert comprises, for each of the lateral surfaces, a contact surface which abuts against the respective lateral surface in an inserted state. At least one coolant channel is formed, which comprises a first partial channel and a second partial channel, which adjoins the first partial channel, wherein the first partial channel proceeds within the carrier up to an outlet opening, wherein the second partial channel proceeds within the cutting insert from an inlet opening up to a coolant outlet, wherein the outlet opening and the inlet opening form an interface for transferring coolant from the carrier to the cutting insert. The outlet opening is arranged in one of the lateral surfaces and the inlet opening is arranged in one of the contact surfaces. 1. A rotary tool which extends in a longitudinal direction and which comprises a carrier as well as a cutting insert ,wherein the carrier comprises a seat, which comprises several lateral surfaces, between which the cutting insert can be inserted,wherein the cutting insert comprises, for each of the lateral surfaces, a contact surface which abuts against the respective lateral surface in an inserted state,wherein at least one coolant channel is formed, which comprises a first partial channel and a second partial channel, which adjoins the first partial channel,wherein the first partial channel proceeds within the carrier and extends up to an outlet opening,wherein the second partial channel proceeds within the cutting insert and extends from an inlet opening up to a coolant outlet, 'characterized in that', 'wherein the outlet opening and the inlet opening form an interface for transferring coolant from the carrier to the cutting insert,'}the outlet opening is arranged in one of the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053128A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A rotary cutting tool includes a main body, a shank portion having a rearward end, and a flute portion having a forward end with one or more flanks. One or more connecting fluid holes are in fluid communication with a central fluid hole and terminates at a flank at the forward end of the cutting tool. One or more twisted fluid holes extend through a lobe in the flute portion and terminates at a flank at the forward end of the cutting tool. A cross-sectional shape of the connecting fluid holes and the twisted fluid holes is selected to provide enhanced delivery of fluid to the cutting edge. In one aspect, the rotary cutting tool is a modular drill and the flute portion has a pocket for holding a replaceable cutting insert. 1. A rotary cutting tool , comprising:a main body;a shank portion having a rearward end;a flute portion having a forward end with one or more flanks, the flute portion having a plurality of flutes separated by lobes, the flute portion integral and adjacent the shank portion in an axial direction of the main body;a central fluid hole extending along a central, rotational axis, RA, from the rearward end, through the shank portion, partly into the flute portion, and terminating at a predetermined distance, DT, from the forward end;one or more connecting fluid holes in fluid communication with the central fluid hole and terminating at a flank at the forward end of the flute portion for supplying fluid to one or more cutting edges of the flute portion; andone or more twisted fluid holes extending from the rearward end through the shank portion, through a lobe in the flute portion, and terminating at a flank at the forward end of the flute portion for supplying fluid to one or more cutting edges of the flute portion,wherein a cross-sectional area of the central coolant fluid hole is larger than a cross-sectional area of one or more of the twisted fluid holes;wherein the central coolant fluid hole has a non-circular cross-sectional shape; andwherein each ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050248A1

A tool for machining a workpiece. The tool comprises a first tool component which comprises a first internal coolant bore and, on a first face side end, a first connection interface, wherein the first connection interface comprises a first end face for attaching a joining material as well as an elevation which protrudes from the first end face, wherein a first coolant outlet of the first internal coolant bore is arranged on the elevation. In addition, the tool comprises a second tool component which comprises a second internal coolant bore and, on a second face side end, a second connection interface, wherein the second connection interface comprises a second end face for attaching the joining material as well as a recess provided in the second end face, wherein a second coolant outlet of the second internal coolant bore is arranged in the recess. The first tool component and the second tool component are joined together by means of the joining material attached to the first and second end face in such a manner that the first coolant outlet is aligned with the second coolant outlet. 1. Tool for machining a workpiece , said tool comprising:a first tool component which comprises a first internal coolant bore which is realized as a coiled bore, and, on a first face side end, a first connection interface, wherein the first connection interface comprises a first end face for attaching a joining material as well as an elongated feather key which protrudes from the first end face, runs along a straight line, extends at least over a major part of the width of the first tool component in the radial direction and divides the first end face into two equally-sized first part-end faces, wherein a first coolant outlet of the first internal coolant bore is arranged on the elongated feather key; anda second tool component which comprises a second internal coolant bore which is realized as a coiled bore, and, on a second face side end, a second connection interface, wherein the ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Precessional Drilling and Reaming

Номер: US20150056032A1
Автор: Scianamblo Michael J.

This document provides novel drills and/or reamers that are well-suited for making holes in a variety of materials including, but not limited to, metals, ceramics, glass, wood, plasterboard, plastics, stone, composites, synthetics, silicon or multi-layered or hybridized substrates. In some embodiments, these drilling devices have some centers of mass that are offset from the axis of rotation. Accordingly, such drills and/or reamers may rotate and cut using a precessional pattern of motion. Precessional cutting devices may display a mechanical wave pattern in relationship to the longitudinal axis of the device. If the cutting device is fabricated from a flexible material, for example Nickel-Titanium, bodily deflection of the device may result during rotation. 1. A cutting instrument , comprising:a shank configured to be releasably attachable to a motor to rotate the cutting instrument about an axis of rotation; anda drill body extending from the shank, the drill body including a shank end where the drill body extends from the shank and a free end at an end of the drill body that is opposite of the shank end, the drill body including a cutting portion between the shank end and the free end, the drill body comprising a plurality of transverse cross-sections, each transverse cross-section of the drill body having a center of mass, the drill body having a center of mass path that is defined by the centers of mass of all transverse cross-sections of the body, wherein a center of mass of a transverse cross-section at the shank end is offset from the axis of rotation, and a center of mass of a transverse cross-section at the free end lies on or near the axis of rotation.2. The cutting instrument of claim 1 , wherein a distance of the center of mass from the axis of rotation decreases linearly from the shank end to the free end.3. The cutting instrument of claim 1 , wherein the center of mass of the transverse cross-section at the free end lies on the axis of rotation.4. The ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059323A1
Автор: RIESTER Christine

A multi-lip drilling tool having internal cooling ducts and point grinding with point thinning is described, in which a main cutting edge transitions in the region of the drill web into a centre lip section, wherein a duct that leads to the drill tip is formed in each drill web. The cooling duct has the following characteristics, as seen in the cross section of the drill: a) it has the cross-sectional form of an asymmetrical kidney, wherein b) the largest circle (KE) substantially inscribed in the cooling duct cross section overlaps the centre of the drill webs ( ) and bounds the contour of the cooling duct cross section via a central angle (WZKE) in the range between 80 and 90° in a radially external region (KEZW) facing away from the direction of rotation ( ); c) radially externally and in the cutting direction, the boundary curve (KEZW) defined by the inscribed circle (KE) is adjoined substantially in the circumferential direction by a cross-sectional contour section (BQ) with a radius of curvature (R) that is in the same direction as but considerably smaller than the inscribed circle (KE); d) the smaller radius of curvature (R) of the cross-sectional contour section BQ transitions into a concave curve (KK) having a radius of curvature (R) which is larger by a multiple than the curvature of the inscribed largest circle (KE); e) radially internally and outside the inscribed largest circle (KE), the concave curve (KK) is adjoined by a once again convex duct bulging section (AKA) having a radius of curvature (R) which is much greater than the small radius of curvature (R) in the cross-sectional contour section BQ and f) the curvature of the cross-sectional boundary increases continuously from the bulging section (AKA) to the region KEZW. 1. A multi-lip drilling tool with internal cooling ducts and point grinding with point thinning , in which a main cutting edge transitions into a central cutting edge section in the area of the drill core , wherein a cooling duct ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056984A1
Автор: Zabrosky Jared R.

The invention is directed to a drill system that better uses the power curve of modern machine tools. The drill system uses IC inserts to perform the major hole diameter cutting, and a central drilling system that cuts the remaining minor diameter portion of the hole, and is configured to see less cutting surface footage, due to its position from the rotating center of the tool. A connection between the drill head and a holder body secures the drill head in a manner to effectively absorb lateral drilling forces. The drill system allows for a large diameter deep hole that remains straight throughout to be drilled at higher speed and lighter feed rates thus offering a more productive tool that takes advantage of the power curves and lower thrust capabilities of modern machine tools. 1. A drilling system for producing deep holes in a workpiece , comprising:a holder body;a drill head attachable to the holder body, with the holder body having a first mating surface, and the drill head having a second mating surface;at least one outwardly extending portion and at least one inwardly extending portion formed on opposing first and second mating surfaces respectively, the at least one outwardly extending portion having a length and including a first surface extending at an obtuse angle relative to the mating surface, a second surface extending from the first surface a predetermined length, and a third surface extending from the second surface at an acute angle and back to the mating surface, and wherein the at least one inwardly extending portion has corresponding first, second and third surfaces, and wherein the third surface of each engage one another upon insertion of the at least one outwardly extending portion into the at least one inwardly extending portion and rotation of the drill head relative to the holder body about the axis of the tool.2. The drilling system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one outwardly extending portion and at least one inwardly extending ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055129A1

This disclosure relates to a cutting tool having a tool head that can be rotated about its mid-axis and has a front end face and a circumferential surface, a plurality of cutting elements and associated chip grooves arranged to be distributed in the circumferential direction on the circumferential surface, and a channel system running through the tool head for the coolant supply to the cutting elements. According to this disclosure, the end face of the tool head has coolant grooves, which each lead from an outlet opening of the channel system to an end opening in a chip groove, wherein the longitudinal openings of the coolant grooves are covered by a baffle plate fixed to the front face of the tool head. 1. A tool head for use in a cutting tool such as a milling cutter , boring tool or reamer , the tool head comprising:a central axis about which the tool head is rotatable when coupled to a cutting tool;a front end face;a circumferential surface;a plurality of cutting elements and associated flutes distributed circumferentially on the circumferential surface;a channel system configured to supply coolant to the cutting elements;the front end face having coolant grooves, each of which leads from an associated outlet of the channel system to a mouth in one of the flutes;the coolant grooves having longitudinal openings; anda baffle disk fixed to the front end face and covering the longitudinal openings.2. The tool head of claim 1 , wherein each coolant groove extends from an associated one of the outlets towards the respective mouth counter to a direction of rotation of the tool head.3. The tool head of claim 1 , wherein the coolant grooves extend obliquely or in a curved manner or tangentially so as to deviate from a radial direction.4. The tool head of claim 1 , wherein each mouth is formed in a wall of an associated flute and is oriented towards a cutting edge of a respective cutting element.5. The tool head of claim 1 , wherein the cutting elements each delimit a ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063926A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

An indexable cutting insert includes a rake face, a flank surface, a bottom surface, and a central aperture defined by an aperture side wall. The indexable cutting insert further has a mouth defined by a mouth surface. There is a primary coolant trough that has an aperture section in the side wall contained in the aperture side wall, a mouth section contained in the mouth surface, and a rake face section contained in the rake face. There is a radial angular coolant trough, which has an entrance end opening into a selected one of the primary coolant trough and the mouth. The radial angular coolant trough has an orientation wherein the central longitudinal axis thereof is generally perpendicular to a corresponding discrete cutting edge whereby during operation a coolant stream is directed toward the corresponding discrete cutting edge. 1. An indexable cutting insert comprising:a rake face, a flank surface, and a bottom surface, and the indexable cutting insert containing a central aperture having a top aperture end and being defined by an aperture side wall, and the indexable cutting insert further having a mouth defined by a mouth surface;a primary coolant trough, the primary coolant trough having an aperture section contained in the aperture side wall and the aperture section having an aperture section bottom surface, a mouth section contained in the mouth surface and the mouth section having a mouth section bottom surface, and a rake face section contained in the rake face and the rake face section having a rake face section bottom surface; anda radial angular coolant trough having an entrance end, the entrance end opening into a selected one of the primary coolant trough or the mouth; andthe radial angular coolant trough having a central longitudinal axis, and the radial angular coolant trough having an orientation wherein the central longitudinal axis thereof being generally perpendicular to a corresponding discrete cutting edge whereby during operation a coolant ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Indexable drill assembly and drill body having coolant supply

Номер: US20150063931A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

An indexable drill assembly includes a drill body, which has a head portion at the axial forward end thereof and wherein the head portion has an outboard pocket and an inboard pocket. The drill body contains an outboard pocket coolant channel adjacent the outboard pocket and an inboard pocket coolant channel adjacent the inboard pocket. The outboard pocket has a seating surface and the outboard pocket coolant channel opening at the seating surface. The drill body further contains an outboard retention screw aperture opening in the seating surface wherein the seating surface contains an outboard coolant ring surrounding the retention screw aperture wherein the outboard coolant is being in fluid communication with the outboard pocket coolant channel. The inboard pocket has a seating surface and the inboard pocket coolant channel opens at the seating surface. The drill body further contains an inboard retention screw aperture opening in the seating surface wherein the seating surface contains an inboard coolant ring surrounding the inboard retention screw aperture wherein the inboard coolant ring is in fluid communication with the inboard pocket coolant channel. The drill assembly further includes an indexable outboard cutting insert retained in the outboard pocket, and an indexable inboard cutting insert retained in the inboard pocket.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Rotary tool and method for manufacturing machined product

Номер: US20220080516A1
Автор: Hiroshi Ogawa
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

A rotary tool may include a base extended along a rotation axis from a first end toward a second end. The base may include a cutting part and a flow path located inside the base. The cutting part may include a first flute and a first ridgeline. The first flute may be spirally extended from the first cutting edge. The first ridgeline may be a ridgeline formed by the first flute and an outer peripheral surface adjacent to the first flute on a rear side in a rotation direction. The flow path may include a first sub flow path extended from a main flow path toward a side of the second end. A first angle formed by the rotation axis and the first sub flow path may be smaller than a helix angle formed by the rotation axis and the first ridgeline.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072477A1
Принадлежит: GÜHRING KG

A rotary tool for machining workpieces, comprising at least one main body with a clamping segment, a tool head comprising a cutting region, and at least one coolant channel for feeding a cooling and lubricating fluid into the cutting region. At least one partial surface section of the cutting region forms a hardened region, which covers and/or defines the coolant channel and is surface-hardened. A method for producing a rotary tool. 1. A rotary tool for machining workpieces , comprising a main body with a clamping segment and a tool head comprising a cutting region with at least one cutting edge , the tool head further comprising at least one coolant channel for feeding a cooling and lubricating fluid into the cutting region , at least a partial surface section of the cutting region forming a hardened region that covers and/or defines the coolant channel and is surface-hardened.2. The rotary tool according to claim 1 , wherein an essentially round or elliptical hardened region is formed concentrically around a cooling channel outlet nozzle on an end face or lateral face claim 1 , of the cutting region.3. The rotary tool according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary tool comprises an essentially elongate and strip-shaped hardened region claim 1 , which follows the coolant channel in the interior of the tool head and covers the coolant channel.4. The rotary tool according to claim 1 , wherein the hardened region is formed by selectively austenitizing the outer layer of a surface material in the cutting region.5. The rotary tool according to claim 4 , wherein the austenitizing of the outer layer is realized by means of laser beam hardening claim 4 , electron beam hardening claim 4 , ion beam hardening or induction hardening.6. A method for producing a rotary tool according to claim 1 , wherein at least one partial surface section of the cutting region of the tool head is claim 1 , during or after the production of the rotary tool from a main body claim 1 , subjected to a ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140154020A1
Автор: Miyanaga Masaaki

A coolant supply device attached to an electric drilling tool is configured to supply a coolant to a drilling portion at a distal end of a drill. The coolant supply device includes: a first flange member and a second flange member provided axially on a rotating shaft, the rotating shaft sharing a same axis with the drill, the first flange member being positioned at the drill side, the second flange member being positioned such that the second flange member is more distant from the drill than the first flange member; space formed between the flange members, into which a coolant is injected; a coolant supply passage formed between the first flange member and the drill and guiding the coolant in the space to the drill; and a coolant push-out mechanism configured to push the coolant out of the space toward the coolant supply passage. 1. A coolant supply device attached to an electric drilling tool and configured to supply a coolant to a drilling portion at a distal end of a drill when the drill performs drilling , the coolant supply device comprising:a first flange member and a second flange member provided on a rotating shaft, the rotating shaft sharing a same axis with the drill, the first flange member being positioned at the drill side, the second flange member being positioned such that the second flange member is more distant from the drill than the first flange member along the rotating shaft;space formed between the flange members, into which a coolant is injected;a coolant supply passage formed between the first flange member and the drill, the coolant supply passage guiding the coolant in the space to the drill; anda coolant push-out mechanism configured to push the coolant out of the space toward the coolant supply passage.2. The coolant supply device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a supply valve disposed on the coolant supply passage and configured to switch a state of the coolant between a state of being allowed to flow from the space to the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076907A1

A cutting edge of a machining tool and a surface treatment method for the same. A cutting edge of a machining tool and a region in the vicinity of the cutting edge, e.g. a region of at least 1 mm and preferably at least 5 mm from the cutting edge, are defined as a treatment region; and substantially spherical injection granules having a median diameter of 1 to 20 μm are injected onto the treatment region with an injection pressure of 0.01 MPa to 0.7 MPa in order for dimples having an equivalent diameter of 1 to 18 μm and preferably 1 to 12 μm, and a depth at least equal to 0.02 μm and at most equal to 1.0 μm to be formed such that the projected surface area of the dimples is at least equal to 30% of the surface area of the treatment region. 1. A method for surface treatment of a cutting edge portion of a machining tool , comprising:setting a treatment region, the treatment region including the cutting edge of the machining tool and an area in a vicinity of the cutting edge;ejecting substantially spherical ejection particles having a median diameter of 1 to 20 μm to the treatment region at an ejection pressure of 0.01 MPa to 0.7 MPa for forming dimples having an equivalent diameter of 1 to 18 μm and a depth of 0.02 to 1.0 μm or less than 1.0 μm so that a projected area of the dimples occupies 30% or more of a surface area of the treatment region.2. The method for surface treatment of a cutting edge portion of a machining tool according to claim 1 , wherein preliminarily polishing of the treatment region is performed to a surface roughness of Ra of 3.2 μm or less before the ejection of the ejection particles.3. The method for surface treatment of a cutting edge portion of a machining tool according to claim 2 , wherein the preliminary polishing is performed by ejecting elastic abrasives in which abrasive grains are dispersed in each of an elastic body claim 2 , or the abrasive grains are carried on each of a surface of the elastic body so that the elastic abrasives ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080534A1

A rotary cutting tool with an elongate body disposed about a longitudinal axis, the elongate body including a helical flute and a polycrystalline-diamond cutting tip. The cutting tip comprises an inner portion having an inner point angle and an outer portion having an outer point angle different from the inner point angle. 1. A method for forming a rotary cutting tool having a polycrystalline-diamond cutting tip , the method comprising:forming at least two coolant passages in a generally cylindrical tool body;forming at least two coolant passages in a tip portion, the tip portion being separate from the tool body; andcoupling the tip portion to the tool body to form the rotary cutting tool.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tip portion is coupled to the tool body via a brazing process.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two coolant passages are formed in the generally cylindrical tool body by an extrusion process.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two passages are formed in the tip portion via an EDM drilling process.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the generally cylindrical tool body comprises:an elongate body disposed about a longitudinal axis;the elongate body including a helical flute.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the tip portion comprises a polycrystalline diamond cutting tip.7. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the elongate body is formed from a carbide material.8. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the elongate body comprises:a first end opposite the cutting tip;wherein each of the at least two coolant passages extends from the first end to the cutting tip.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each of the at least two coolant passages of the elongate body is generally helical in shape.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein each of the at least two coolant passages of the tip portion comprises a straight passageway.11. The method according to ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086401A1

A cutting tool comprises at least one cutting edge and at least one relief surface adjacent thereto. The relief surface is arranged to provide clearance behind the cutting edge between the cutting tool and a workpiece and comprises one or more grooves arranged to communicate, in use, a cutting media across the relief surface. 147.-. (canceled)48. A cutting tool comprising at least one cutting edge and at least one relief surface adjacent to the cutting edge wherein the relief surface is arranged to provide clearance behind the cutting edge between the cutting tool and a workpiece , and wherein the relief surface adjacent the cutting edge comprises one or more grooves arranged to communicate , in use , a cutting media across the relief surface.49. The cutting tool of claim 48 , wherein the cutting tool has a proximal end for connection to a drive mechanism and a distal cutting tip claim 48 , the distal cutting tip comprising at least one cutting portion claim 48 , wherein the cutting edge forms a leading part of the at least one cutting portion and extends from a central region of the cutting tip to intersect with the periphery of the cutting tool.50. The cutting tool of claim 49 , wherein the intersection between a cutting edge and the periphery of the cutting tool defines a corner of the at least one cutting portion.51. The cutting tool of claim 48 , further comprising one or more channels extending through the cutting tool from the proximal end to the distal tip and configured to communicate claim 48 , in use claim 48 , the cutting media to a relief surface of the cutting tool.52. The cutting tool of claim 51 , wherein at least one groove intersects with an opening of the channel at a relief surface to allow claim 51 , in use claim 51 , cutting media to flow from the channel into the at least one groove.53. The cutting tool of claim 49 , wherein each relief surface is sub-divided into a primary relief surface adjacent to the cutting edge and a secondary relief ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Cutting tool and method for its manufacture

Номер: US20180093330A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A cutting tool ( 2 )—in particular a rotary tool—is described, having a cutting edge ( 4 ) from which a rake face ( 6 ) and a clearance face ( 8 ) extend, characterized in that a groove ( 12 ) is introduced into the clearance face ( 8 ) in a region along the cutting edge ( 4 ) so that a part of the clearance face ( 8 ) is formed as a wear face ( 14 ) that extends between the groove ( 12 ) and the cutting edge ( 4 ) and is bounded by the groove ( 12 ) and the cutting edge ( 4 ). The groove ( 12 ) advantageously limits the wear of the cutting tool ( 2 ) in the region of the cutting edge ( 4 ) on the wear surface ( 14 ), so that overall the frictional forces that occur are kept small and the service life of the cutting tool ( 2 ) is extended. Furthermore, a cutting element for a cutting tool ( 2 ) as well as a method for manufacturing the cutting tool ( 2 ) are described.

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Cutting tool and method for manufacturing a cutting tool

Номер: US20190091771A1
Автор: Sebastian Schleicher
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A cutting tool, in particular for machining metal, is described. It comprises a tool main body that has at least one interface for receiving a cutting insert that can be attached to the tool main body. At least one cooling duct is provided in the tool main body and has, at its end on the interface side, an outlet section with an elongate outlet cross-section on the interface side. The tool main body is manufactured at least in sections by means of a generative manufacturing process. A method for manufacturing such a cutting tool is also presented.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100783A1

A drill has a replaceable cutting head mounted to a shank in an interlocking fashion. The shank has a pocket with at least one flat, vertically-angled retention surface located closer to a rotational axis than at least one driving surface. Similarly, the cutting head has at least one vertically-angled retention surface located closer to the rotational axis of the drill than at least one driven surface. As a result of the relative locations between the surfaces with respect to the rotational axis, the stresses and fatigue imposed on the drill are minimized, thereby prolonging tool life. 1. A cutting tool assembly for conducting rotary cutting operations on a work piece comprising a tool shank and a replaceable cutting head which is installed on and engages the tool shank , the tool shank and the cutting head having a common rotational axis and complimentary peripheral surfaces when assembled together;the shank having a pocket for coupling to the cutting head, an interlocking member arranged to retain the cutting head when the cutting head is installed within the pocket, at least one axial abutment surface abutting the cutting head when the cutting head is installed within the pocket, at least one driving surface arranged to rotate the cutting head when the shank is rotated with the cutting head installed within the pocket, and at least one vertically-angled retention surface located closer to the rotational axis than the at least one driving surface; andthe cutting head having a peripheral base surface facing the pocket and a cylindrical member located centrally along the common rotational axis, a cutting portion at a leading end of the cutting tool assembly, and a shank connection portion opposite the cutting portion and facing a trailing end of the shank connection portion, a corresponding interlocking member for engaging the interlocking member of the shank, a cutting head abutment surface abutting the at least one abutment surface of the shank when the cutting ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100784A1

A cutting head is formed for insertion into a support in a modular rotary tool, in particular a drill. It has a coupling pin onto which outer cover surfaces and torque surfaces are formed as clamping surfaces. The coupling pin has a particular circular groove, which divides the cutting head into a front pin part and a rear pin part. Stop surfaces for an axial pullout safety are formed in the transition area between the two parts. The torque surfaces and the clamping surfaces are arranged in different pin parts. The torque surfaces are preferably formed in the rear pin part. 1. A cutting head for a rotary tool extending in an axial direction along an axis of rotation comprising a cutting part in an axial front area , to which is attached contrary to the axial direction a coupling pin with an outer cover surface that runs in a peripheral direction; torque surfaces and clamping surfaces formed on the outer cover surface; a groove inserted into the coupling pin such that forms a front pin part , a rear pin part when viewed in the axial direction , and a stop surface for an axial pullout safety effective in the axial direction , wherein at least one type of function surface is formed on the rear pin part.2. The cutting head according to claim 1 , wherein the one type of function surfaces is formed on the front pin part and the other type of function surfaces is formed on the rear pin part.3. The cutting head according to claim 1 , wherein the torque surfaces are formed on the rear pin part.4. The cutting head according to claim 1 , wherein the groove runs transverse to the axial direction.5. The cutting head according to claim 1 , wherein the stop surface runs under a first angle of inclination at an incline to the axial direction.6. The cutting head according to claim 5 , wherein the first angle of inclination ranges from 30° to 85°.7. The cutting head according to claim 6 , wherein the first angle of inclination ranges from 40° to 60°.8. The cutting head according to ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168822A1
Принадлежит: botek Präzisionsbohrtechnik GmbH

An indexable guide plate and an associated drilling tool are described in which the indexable guide plates have very small dimensions but, despite these small dimensions, have a large number of guide surfaces. As a result, the indexable guide plate according to the invention can be used for a long time, even with drilling tools having a small drilling diameter. 1. Indexable guide plate for use in a drilling tool , wherein the indexable guide plate has a support surface , multiple guide surfaces and a central fastening hole , wherein the indexable guide plate is rotationally symmetrical with respect to a longitudinal axis of the fastening hole , and wherein the support surface is flat , characterized in that an outer contour of the indexable guide plate has the shape of a hexagon.2. Indexable guide plate for use in a drilling tool , wherein the indexable guide plate has two sides and a central fastening hole , wherein a support surface and multiple guide surfaces are formed on each side , wherein the indexable guide plate is rotationally symmetrical with respect to a longitudinal axis of the fastening hole , wherein the guide surfaces on one side of the indexable guide plate are separated from one another only by radially extending depressions , and wherein a base of these depressions is designed as a flat support surface , characterized in that the depressions are T-shaped at their radially outer ends.3. Indexable guide plate according to claim 1 , characterized in that the outer contour of the indexable guide plate has the shape of a hexagon claim 1 , and in that the hexagon has three longer edges and three shorter edges alternately.4. Indexable guide plate according to claim 2 , characterized in that a longitudinal axis of the depressions and a radius beam directed from the central point to the corners of the outer contour enclose an angle α different from zero degrees.5. Indexable guide plate according to claim 1 , characterized in that the guide surfaces are ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Pneumatic mechanism

Номер: US20160108932A1
Автор: Kuang-Tai LI
Принадлежит: GISON Machinery Co Ltd

A pneumatic mechanism includes: a casing having a main body and a base seat; a drive mechanism disposed in the main body; a first air bypass disposed in the main body, a rear end of the first air bypass communicating with the drive mechanism; a second air bypass having a rear end positioned on the base seat; at least one airflow passage disposed on the base seat, one end of which communicating with the second air bypass; at least one sucker disposed on the base seat; and at least one air-sucking passage disposed between the base seat and the sucker. One end of the air-sucking passage communicates with the air chamber of the sucker, the other end communicates with the airflow passage. The pneumatic mechanism is powered by one single power source to operate and produce sucking force.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170106454A1

A rotary cutting tool including a polycrystalline diamond material of the invention includes: a tool body rotated about an axis with a carbide substrate made of cemented carbide and a flute provided at a tip portion thereof; a PCD layer sintered integrally with the carbide substrate, provided on an inside face of the flute facing in a rotation direction; and a cutting edge provided on the PCD layer to have the inside face as a rake face, in which a margin portion continuous with a rear side of the flute in the rotation direction is formed on an outer periphery of the tip portion, the cutting edge is formed at a ridge portion of the rake face, and a thickness of the PCD layer is 1/3 to 1 times a width of the margin portion. 1. A rotary cutting tool including a polycrystalline diamond material , the rotary cutting tool comprising:a tool body configured to be rotated about an axis with a carbide substrate made of cemented carbide and a flute provided at a tip portion of the tool body;a polycrystalline diamond layer made of a polycrystalline diamond material sintered integrally with the carbide substrate and provided on an inside face of the flute which faces in a rotation direction of the tool body; anda cutting edge provided on the polycrystalline diamond layer to have a rake face as the inside face,wherein a margin portion continuous with a rear side of the flute in the rotation direction is formed on an outer periphery of the tip portion of the tool body,the cutting edge is formed at a ridge portion of the rake face at a tip side of the tool body, anda thickness of the polycrystalline diamond layer is set in a range of 1/3 to 1 times a width of the margin portion when seen from the tip side of the tool body in a direction of the axis.2. A rotary cutting tool including a polycrystalline diamond material , the rotary cutting tool comprising:a tool body configured to be rotated about an axis with a carbide substrate made of cemented carbide and a flute provided at a ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113283A1
Автор: Kress Dieter

A drilling tool for producing drill holes includes a tip and a shaft arranged opposite the tip in a direction of a longitudinal axis of the drilling tool. The drilling tool has at least one geometrically defined cutting edge in the tip area, and has an expanded diameter trailing the tip in a longitudinal direction from the tip. The drilling tool has a first area with a first diameter that precedes the expanded diameter, and a second area with a second diameter, larger than the first diameter, that trails the expanded diameter. The drilling tool is distinguished in that the expanded diameter and/or the second area is/are embodied such that chips are produced in the area of the expanded diameter and/or in the second area when a workpiece is machined, chips consistent with those produced when a workpiece is machined with a geometrically undefined cutting edge. 125-. (canceled)26. A drilling tool for producing drill holes in a workpiece , the drilling tool comprising:a tip;a shaft arranged opposite the tip in a direction of a longitudinal axis of the drilling tool;a first area preceding an expanded diameter and having a first diameter, the first area including a first cutting portion configured to remove chips from the workpiece;a second area trailing the first area and having a second diameter, the second diameter being larger than the first diameter, the second area having at least one second cutting portion configured to remove fine material in the form of dust-like particles from the workpiece; andat least one groove for collecting the dust-like particles.27. The drilling tool in accordance with claim 26 , wherein the at least one groove includes a pair of grooves.28. The drilling tool in accordance with claim 26 , wherein the at least one groove is a helical groove.29. The drilling tool in accordance with claim 26 , wherein the at least one groove extends to the tip.30. The drilling tool in accordance with claim 26 , further comprising a coating at least at the ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138561A1
Автор: STERLING Bjorn

A tool tip is integral with or removably secured to a tool body and configured to machine a metal object. The tool tip has a tool tip diameter, a rotational axis and at least one coolant duct. The tool tip includes at least one major cutting edge formed at an intersection of a rake face and a first major flank. The rake face forms part of a chip flute. The coolant duct is configured to be in flow communication with discharge orifices located exclusively in the tool tip. The tool tip has an arrangement, such as a row of two or more discharge orifices located exclusively in the rake face of a major cutting edge. The arrangement extends at a non-zero angle relative to the rotational axis. 1. A one-piece tool tip being integral with or being configured to be removably secured to a tool body , and configured to machine a metal object , the tool tip comprising:a tool tip diameter, a rotational axis and at least one coolant duct;at least one major cutting edge formed at an intersection of a rake face and a first major flank, the rake face forming part of a chip flute, the at least one coolant duct being configured to be in flow communication with discharge orifices located exclusively in the tool tip; andan arrangement of a row of two or more discharge orifices located exclusively in the rake face of the at least one major cutting edge, wherein the arrangement extends at a non-zero angle relative to the rotational axis.2. The tool tip according to claim 1 , wherein the arrangement follows a substantially straight path or a curved path having three or more discharge orifices in the rake face of the at least one major cutting edge.3. The tool tip according to claim 1 , wherein the arrangement extends along or parallel to the at least one major cutting edge in the rake face.4. The tool tip according to claim 1 , wherein the arrangement is defined by a line intersecting at least two or three discharge orifices.5. The tool tip according to claim 1 , wherein a line intersecting ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108448A1
Автор: BOPP Michael
Принадлежит: Guehring KG

A cutting tool comprising at least one blade arranged at an axial cutting head end of a tool carrier. The tool carrier comprises a chip-removal space that receives material chips removed by the blade. In some embodiments, the blade is adjacent to a chip passage feeding into the chip-removal space, which passage is limited by a radial chip gap partially limited by the blade and from there by a first and second passage surface, the first passage surface a continuation of the chip surface of the blade, the second passage surface running at an angle and widening relative to same, and is closed and limited at least in an axial sub-section facing the cutting head end, all around by a peripheral wall as a third passage surface, wherein at least one coolant channel is formed within the peripheral wall, which is provided to guide coolant to the cutting head end. 1. A cutting tool , comprising a clamping shank and a tool carrier comprising a cutting head and at least one blade , which is arranged at an axial cutting head end of the tool carrier , wherein the tool carrier comprises a chip-receiving space , which is molded to receive material chips of a component to be processed removed by the blade , wherein a respective chip passage , which feeds into the chip-receiving space and which is limited by a chip gap , which runs radially and which is partially limited by the blade , and from there by a first and second passage surface extending in the direction of the chip-receiving space , adjoins the at least one blade , wherein the first passage surface is a continuation of the chip surface of the blade , and the second passage surface runs at an incline and widening thereto , and is formed to be limited and closed circumferentially at least in an axial sub-section facing the cutting head end by a circumferential wall as third passage surface , wherein at least one coolant duct , which is provided to guide coolant to the cutting head end , is formed within the circumferential ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180126467A1

A tool head for use with a modular shank tool includes at least two preforms. Each preform of the at least two preforms is made separately from the other preform of the at least two preforms from granular materials and then put together and jointly compressed and integrally bonded. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for manufacturing a tool head for use with a modular shank tool , wherein the tool head has a central longitudinal axis about which the tool head rotates during operation , the method comprising:producing at least two preforms separately from each other in an injection molding or diecasting process from granular materials;abutting the at least two preforms together in a desired relationship;integrally bonding the at least two preforms together by jointly compressing the at least two preforms.18. The method of wherein producing at least two preforms separately from each other in an injection molding or diecasting process from granular materials comprises forming duct portions in each of the at least two preforms.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein forming duct portions in each of the at least two preforms comprises forming linear ducts in each of the at least two preforms.20. The method of wherein producing at least two preforms separately from each other in an injection molding or diecasting process from granular materials further comprises forming at least one distributor chamber between and defined by the at least two preforms.21. The method of claim 17 , wherein said producing comprises forming each of the at least two preforms from a different material.22. The method of claim 17 , wherein: the first preform comprises a cutter end structured to engage a workpiece; and', 'the second preform comprises a coupling end structured to connect the tool head to a tool shank of the modular shank tool; and, 'said producing comprises producing a first preform and a second preform, whereinsaid bonding comprises jointly compressing and sintering the first preform and ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140212234A1

A drill capable of performing high-quality drilling machining on a material which is hard to be cut such as CFRP is provided. The drill includes a drill body having a shank portion at a rear side of the drill main body and a cutting portion at a front side of the drill main body, a first land A to a fourth land D at the cutting portion , a first cutting portion groove to a fourth cutting portion groove provided between the lands of the first land A to the fourth land D, a pilot blade formed at the tip of the cutting portion , a diameter-enlarging spiral thread portion continuously following the pilot blade , a finished spiral thread portion continuously following the diameter-enlarging spiral thread portion , a diameter-enlarging spiral blade portion , and a finishing spiral blade portion 1. A drill comprising:a drill main body having a shank portion at a rear side of the drill main body and a cutting portion at a front side the drill main body;a group of lands including a first land to an n-th land formed at the cutting portion;a group of cutting portion grooves including a first cutting portion groove to an n-th cutting portion groove, each of the cutting portion grooves being formed between two adjacent lands from the group of lands;a pilot blade which is formed at a tip of the cutting portion and forms a pilot cutting hole in a material to be machined;a diameter-enlarging spiral thread portion having a group of threads of a diameter-enlarging spiral thread which is formed on each of the first land to the n-th land of the group of lands so as to continuously follow the pilot blade, the diameter-enlarging spiral thread gradually forming a spiral convex part while cutting the pilot cutting hole so as to enlarge a diameter of the pilot cutting hole;a finishing spiral thread portion having a group of threads of a finishing spiral thread which is formed on each of the first land to the n-th land of the group of lands so as to continuously follow the diameter-enlarging ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180133809A1
Автор: Brunner Michael
Принадлежит: Guehring KG

A rotary tool for machining workpieces, said tool comprising a base body having a clamping section and a tool head comprising a cutting region having at least one cutting edge. The tool head comprises at least one coolant channel for supplying a cooling and/or lubricating fluid into the cutting region. At least some sections of the coolant channel have a cross-section that tapers in the direction of the tool head. In this region, at least two coolant outlet lines branch off from contact points of the coolant channel in the direction of the tool head upper surface, and are offset in the axial longitudinal direction of the coolant channel. Also, a production method for a rotary tool, in which the blank of the tool is produced by a sintering method in which the coolant channel of the tool is formed integrally in the sintering method at the same time. 1. A lathe tool for machining workpieces , said tool comprising a base body having a clamping section and a tool head which comprises a cutting region having at least one cutting edge , wherein the tool head comprises at least one coolant channel for supplying a cooling and/or lubricating fluid to the cutting region , wherein the coolant channel has at least in sections , a cross-section tapering in the direction of the tool head and , in this area , at least two coolant outlet lines branching off from the contact points of the coolant channel in the direction of the tool head surface are arranged in the area of the tool head , wherein the at least two coolant outlet lines are arranged at positions offset in an axial longitudinal direction of the coolant channel.2. A lathe tool according to claim 1 , wherein the coolant outlet lines are arranged offset in the circumferential direction of the coolant channel.3. A lathe tool according to claim 1 , wherein the contact points of the coolant outlet lines are arranged with the coolant channel in a spiral shape around the coolant channel.4. A lathe tool according to claim 1 , ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Vacuum Drilling System and Methods

Номер: US20170136555A1

A vacuum drilling system and methods is provided that may utilize both a through tool coolant supply as well as a central vacuum extraction system. The system may include a cutting head provided on a hollow tube and a vacuum source to apply vacuum pressure to the area of the cutting head via one or more chip inlets arranged proximate to the cutting head. Sealed coolant containment channels supply coolant to the area of the cutting head. 1. A drilling system comprising a body member , a cutting head coupleable at the front end of the body member , the cutting head having at least one cutting edge associated therewith , the body member having a hollow interior running therethrough and at least one opening adjacent the cutting head , a fluid containment system positioned exterior to the body member and forming in association with the body member at least one sealed channel exterior to the body member to provide the coolant fluid to the area of the at least one cutting edge , and a vacuum connected to the hollow interior to apply vacuum pressure through the hollow interior , with at least one air intake channel formed on the exterior of the fluid containment system to supply air into the hole being drilled with the system.2. The drilling system of wherein there are provided a plurality of air intake channels.3. The drilling system of claim 2 , further comprising a bushing mounted on the exterior of the fluid containment system to guide the drilling system claim 2 , and the plurality of air intake channels provide reduced contact area in the bushing to decrease the amount of heat generated and increase cooling from the air flow through the bushing provided by the plurality of air intake channels.4. The drilling system of wherein the at least one sealed channel is formed by a coolant containment sleeve mated to the exterior of the body member.5. The drilling system of wherein the system is used in a positive feed peck drill.6. The drilling system of the fluid containment ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160144437A1

The cutting tool (), especially drill or milling cutter, comprises a base () which extends in an axial direction () and has an outer shell () with at least one interior recess () that extends in the axial direction (), a supporting structure () having at least one separating piece () which separates a plurality of recesses () from each other being formed in the supporting structure. The cutting tool () is particularly a solid hard-metal tool. The supporting structure () ensures an efficient use of material. 1. A cutting tool , in particular a drill , comprising a base body extending in an axial direction , having an outer shell with at least one inner recess extending axially ,wherein within the outer shell a support structure is formed with at least one separating web by means of which a plurality of recesses are separated from each other.2. The cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the support structure is grid-like when viewed in cross section.3. The cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the outer shell is approximately annular and surrounds at least one centered central space.4. The cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the supporting structure is designed as a separate insert.5. The cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the supporting structure is formed of a material that is different from the material of the outer shell.6. The cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the base body is a sintered body.7. The cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the base body has a clamping shank and a cutting element, wherein at least a plurality of recesses are continued in the cutting element in the axial direction and a total cross-sectional area of the recesses in the cutting element is less than a total cross-sectional area of the recesses in the clamping shaft.8. The cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the base body has a clamping shank and a cutting element and the outer shell and the support structure in the clamping shank have a ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144231A1

A drilling head for a tubular shank having an inside diameter and threads may comprise an axial body comprising a duct exiting through a first end; threads adjacent the first end corresponding to the threads on the shank and aligning the duct with the shank inside diameter; a bore from an outer surface of the body to the duct; and two axially extending approximately parallel and offset surfaces adjacent a second end; and an insert affixed between the offset surfaces, the insert comprising: a first face at least partially contacting one offset surface and a second face at least partially contacting the other offset surface; one or more cutting edges adjacent the first face, the second face, or both; and a cutting lip adjacent one or more cutting edges. 1. A drilling head for a tubular shank , the drilling head comprising:a body having first and second ends and a hollow portion open at a first end, and a bore on each side of the body to the hollow portion;a fastening system adjacent the first end to fasten the drilling head on the tubular shank;the body having a cutting insert mounting portion at the second end, with at least one replaceable cutting insert affixed to the mounting portion, the at least one replaceable cutting insert comprising at least two cutting edges extending from a rotational axis of the drilling head.2. The drilling head of claim 1 , where the at least two cutting edges extend beyond the exterior of the body.3. The drilling head of claim 1 , where the body has cladding or wear pads positioned around the outside diameter of the body and on opposing sides of the body.4. The drilling head of claim 1 , where the at least two cutting edges include a cutting geometry having a positive rake angle.5. The drilling head of claim 1 , where the body further comprises at least one channel along a portion of the outer surface of the body.6. The drilling head of claim 5 , where the at least one channel is parallel to the rotational axis of the body.7. The ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160151842A1

A long twist drill includes a shank and a drill body having a drill tip (). The twist drill has a length L and an outer diameter D, and has a cemented carbide or high speed steel substrate and a coating of at least one layer. The quota L/D is at least 16. The twist drill has two cutting segments at the tip and two flutes chip. The twist drill is provided with holes for fluid opening in the tip. The twist drill has an axial web thinning angle GAA, which is 40 to 50°. The twist drill further has a web that back tapers such that a web diameter gets smaller in a direction away from the tip towards the shank within an axial distance. 1. A twist drill comprising: a shank and a drill body having a drill tip , and having a length and an outer diameter , and including a cemented carbide or high speed steel substrate and a coating having at least one layer , wherein a quota L/D is at least the twist drill having;two cutting segments at the tip and two chip flutes;a plurality of holes for fluid opening in the tip;an axial web thinning angle, wherein the axial web thinning angle is 40 to 50°; anda web which back tapers from such that a web diameter gets smaller in a direction away from the tip towards the shank within an axial distance.2. The twist drill of claim 1 , wherein the web diameter contracts continuously at a rate of 0.33 to 0.35 mm per 100 mm.3. The twist drill of claim 1 , wherein the chip flute has a surface fineness of more than 0.001 but less than 0.1 μm claim 1 , along at least at 80% of an axial extension of the flute.4. The twist drill of claim 1 , wherein the layer is deposited on a tip area claim 1 , defined as the area reaching from the tip of the twist drill up to a distance towards the shank of about 5 to 20 mm.5. The twist drill of claim 1 , wherein the back taper ends at the axial distance and transfers into a cylindrical web with a constant diameter.6. The twist drill of claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter back tapers such that it is smaller in ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220288703A1
Принадлежит: botek Präzisionsbohrtechnik GmbH

The invention relates to single-lip drills in which two longitudinal grooves are formed in the rake face. They are arranged in the longitudinal direction of the tool, spaced apart from one another by a ridge and favor chip breaking. 1. A single-lip drill comprising a drill head , the drill head having an axis of rotation , a drilling diameter and a cutting edge , a rake face being assigned to the cutting edge , longitudinal grooves running parallel to each other being provided in the rake face , and a ridge being provided between the inner longitudinal groove and the outer longitudinal groove , characterized in that the ridge opens out into the cutting tip.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The single-lip drill according to or , characterized in that the longitudinal grooves are arranged symmetrically or geometrically similar in cross section to the ridge.5. The single-lip drill according to claim 1 , characterized in that the longitudinal grooves have the shape of a first straight line and a tangentially adjoining curved line in a cutting plane running orthogonally to the axis of rotation of the deep hole drill claim 1 , that the first straight line and the rake face form an angle (α) claim 1 , and that the curved line intersects the rake face at an angle (β).6. The single-lip drill according to claim 1 , characterized in that the longitudinal grooves have the shape of a first straight line and an adjoining second straight line in a sectional plane running orthogonally to the axis of rotation of the deep hole drill claim 1 , that the first straight line and the rake face form an angle (α) claim 1 , and that the second straight line and the rake face form an angle (β).7. The single-lip drill according to claim 5 , characterized in that the angle (α) is less than or equal to 30° and/or that the angle (α) is greater than or equal to 10°.8. The single-lip drill according to claim 5 , characterized in that the angle (α) is less than or equal to 25° and/or that the angle (α) ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143423A1

A cutting tool has a rake face and a flank face. The flank face is provided with a coolant supply hole. A ridgeline between the rake face and the flank face forms a cutting edge. An outer shape of the coolant supply hole in a cross section orthogonal to an axis includes a first portion facing the cutting edge, and a second portion opposite to the cutting edge when viewed from the first portion. The first portion has a concave portion extending toward the second portion. The concave portion is defined by a first side portion and a second side portion facing each other, and a bottom continuous with both the first side portion and the second side portion. In the cross section, an angle formed by a tangent of the first side portion and a tangent of the second side portion is not more than 160°. 1. A cutting tool configured to rotate around an axis , comprising:a rake face; anda flank face continuous with the rake face, whereinthe flank face is provided with a coolant supply hole,a ridgeline between the rake face and the flank face forms a cutting edge,an outer shape of the coolant supply hole in a cross section orthogonal to the axis includes a first portion facing the cutting edge when viewed from a direction parallel to the axis, and a second portion opposite to the cutting edge when viewed from the first portion,the first portion has a concave portion extending toward the second portion,the concave portion is defined by a first side portion and a second side portion facing each other, and a bottom continuous with both the first side portion and the second side portion, andin the cross section, an angle formed by a tangent of the first side portion and a tangent of the second side portion is not more than 160°.2. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe second portion has an outwardly convex shape.3. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , whereinwhen viewed from the direction parallel to the axis, in a first direction parallel to a line connecting an outer ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200139448A1
Автор: Harif Gershon

A cutting insert is provided, comprising a top surface, a bottom surface, a plurality of side surfaces spanning therebetween, and a cutting edge formed at an intersection of the side surface and a forwardly-disposed portion of the top the surface. It further comprises a cooling cavity projecting into the insert, a top end thereof being disposed further forwardly than an open bottom end thereof. The cooling cavity defines at least one molding axis such that a solid element having the shape of the cooling cavity and completely inserted therein may be retracted intact therefrom along a linear path parallel to the molding axis. A circumscribing portion is formed on the side surfaces encircling the cutting insert. The circumscribing portion is formed parallel to the molding axis and has a non-zero height along its entire extent. The cutting insert does not extend beyond the circumscribing portion. 1. A cutting insert , comprising:a front face, an opposite rear face, and at least one side face extending therebetween;a rake surface constituted by a portion of the front face;a relief surface constituted by a portion of the at least one side face;a cutting edge defined at an intersection of the rake and relief surfaces, the cutting insert comprising a cooling cavity defined by a cavity surface, the cooling cavity having an open end at a rear face of the cutting insert; andat least one shell-like cutting zone defined by an external surface and an internal surface, the external surface being constituted by the cutting edge and the corresponding rake and relief surfaces, the internal surface being constituted by a portion of the cavity surface,wherein, in a plane perpendicular to the front and rear faces and passing through the cutting edge, the cooling cavity is characterized by first and second dimensions, the first dimension being along the open end, and the second dimension being along a line parallel to the open end and passing through the cutting zone, the first dimension ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210178493A1
Автор: SHIKAMA Hiroya

A drilling tool with improved structure to improve chips discharging performance. The drilling tool comprises a cutting insert having a cutting edge at the front end portion and a main body mounted with the cutting insert further, the drilling tool comprises a hollow discharge channel formed inside the main body and the discharge channel has a curved surface for guiding the chips S in a direction towards the base end portion opposite to the front end portion. 1. A drilling tool comprising: 'the cutting insert has a cutting edge at a front end portion;', 'a cutting insert, wherein'} 'the main body is mounted with the cutting insert;', 'a main body, wherein'} 'the hollow discharge channel is formed inside the main body, and', 'a hollow discharge channel, wherein'}the hollow discharge channel has a curved surface for guiding a chip in a direction towards a base end portion opposite to the front end portion.2. The drilling tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe hollow discharge channel is formed between a rotation axis of the drilling tool and the outer circumferential surface.3. The drilling tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe curved surface is an inclined surface configured to apply an urging force on the chip in a direction towards the base end portion during rotation of the drilling tool.4. The drilling tool according to claim 3 , whereinthe curved surface is formed with a helical shape around the rotation axis of the drilling tool.5. The drilling tool according to claim 4 , whereinthe curved surface has a concaved shape in a cross section perpendicular to the rotation axis.6. The drilling tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe drilling tool is provided with a plurality of cutting inserts, anda plurality of discharge channels being formed to extend from the front end portion to the base end portion and connecting with each other during extending, andthe number of the discharge channels are same as the number of the cutting insert.7. The drilling tool according to ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154465A1

A cutting insert () includes a body () having a top face (), a bottom face () opposite the top face (), and at least one flank face (). A coolant inlet aperture (), a coolant outlet aperture (), and an internal coolant passage () in fluid communication with the coolant inlet aperture () and the coolant outlet aperture () are formed using electro-magnetic radiation. The coolant inlet aperture () can be formed in the top face (), the bottom face () and/or the flank face (), and the coolant outlet aperture () can be formed in any different face (). A method of forming the internal coolant passages () is described. 1. A toolholder assembly comprising:a body portion and a cutting end portion extending from the body portion, the cutting end portion including a pocket having a bottom support surface and at least one side support surface;a cutting insert mounted in the pocket, the cutting insert having a top face, a bottom face opposite the top face, at least one flank face, a coolant inlet aperture formed in one of the top face, the bottom face, and the at least one flank face, a coolant outlet aperture formed in a different one of the top face, the bottom face and the at least one of the flank face, and an internal coolant passage in fluid communication with the coolant inlet aperture and the coolant outlet aperture,wherein the coolant inlet aperture, the at least one internal coolant passage and the coolant outlet aperture are formed by using electro-magnetic radiation; andwherein the cutting insert has a cutting edge, and the coolant outlet aperture is formed proximate the cutting edge and is directed towards the cutting edge.2. The toolholder assembly of claim 1 , wherein one of the coolant inlet aperture claim 1 , the at least one internal coolant passage claim 1 , and the coolant outlet aperture are circular in cross-sectional shape.3. The toolholder assembly of claim 1 , wherein one of the coolant inlet aperture claim 1 , the at least one internal coolant passage ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147702A1
Автор: Lee Nam-Doo

A cutting processing system includes: a spindle mounted with a cutting tool in which a lubrication discharge path is formed along the central axis thereof for rotating the cutting tool; a lance provided inside the spindle in order to supply oil and air to the cutting tool; and a rotary union mounted on the end portion of the spindle for supplying the oil and the air to the lance in a non-mixed state. 1. A cutting processing system , comprising:a spindle mounted with a cutting tool in which a lubrication discharge path is formed along the central axis thereof, the spindle configured for rotating the cutting tool;a lance provided inside the spindle in order to supply oil and air to the cutting tool; anda rotary union mounted on an end portion of the spindle for supplying the oil and the air to the lance in a non-mixed state.2. The cutting processing system of claim 1 , wherein the lance comprises:an internal pipe through which the oil flows; andan external pipe concentric with the internal pipe, disposed outside the internal pipe, and through which the air flows.3. The cutting processing system of claim 1 , wherein the spindle comprises:a body having a through hole in which the lance is disposed; anda cover mounted on the body to connect the lance and the rotary union.4. The cutting processing system of claim 3 , wherein the cover comprises:a first joint fixed to an outside of the through hole for guiding the lance so that one side end portion of the lance is disposed on a central axis of the through hole; anda second joint for fixing the rotary union to the first joint in order to maintain a state where the one side end portion of the lance has been fastened with a coupling part of the rotary union.5. The cutting processing system of claim 4 , wherein the first joint provides a fastening space into which the coupling part is inserted to be fastened with the lance claim 4 , a first coupling ring through which the coupling part of the rotary union passes and having an ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Hole-drilling and wall-penetrating fire extinguishing device

Номер: US20160166865A1
Автор: Chan So

A drilling and through-wall fire extinguishing device comprises a main water turbine, a forward and reverse commutator, a reducing sleeve, a hollow drill bit, a handwheel booster, a guide rail, a water separator, a vice water turbine and a high pressure water pump. The handwheel booster is connected with the main water turbine, the main water turbine is drivingly connected with the hollow drill bit through the forward and reverse commutator, the reducing sleeve is arranged between the hollow drill bit and the forward and reverse commutator, and the main water turbine and the forward and reverse commutator are fixed on the guide rail; and fire-fighting pressure water is fed by the water separator, a first water outlet of the water separator is communicated with the main water turbine, a second water outlet is communicated with the vice water turbine, and the vice water turbine is drivingly connected with the high pressure water pump. 1. A hole-drilling and wall-penetrating fire extinguishing device , wherein it comprises main hydroturbine , forward/backward diverter , adapting sleeve , hollow drill bit , hand-wheel booster , guide rail , water distributor , auxiliary hydroturbine , high-pressure water pump;The said hand-wheel booster is connected with the main hydroturbine, the main hydroturbine is connected with the drive of the hollow drill bit via the forward/backward diverter, adapting sleeve is also provided between the said hollow drill bit and forward/backward diverter, and the said main hydroturbine and forward/backward diverter are fixed on the guide rail;the high-pressure water hose used for connecting the pressure fire water pipe is connected with the inlet of the water distributor, the first outlet of the said water distributor is connected with the main hydroturbine, the second outlet of the said water distributor is connected with the auxiliary hydroturbine, the said auxiliary hydroturbine is connected with the drive of the high-pressure water pump, the ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180161885A1

The present disclosure relates to a tool having a holder body, a cutting insert and a nozzle. The nozzle includes a single through hole for a fastening member. The nozzle has a forward end, a rear end and a bottom face. The through hole extends between the bottom face and an opposite top face. At least one internal coolant channel is provided in the nozzle and extends from a first opening to a second opening. The first opening connects to a coolant supply conduit in the holder body. The second opening serves as an exit for the coolant at the forward end. The at least one coolant channel and the first opening are spaced from the through hole. 1. A tool comprising:a holder body;a cutting insert; anda nozzle, said nozzle having a single through hole arranged to receive a fastening member, said nozzle having a forward end, a rear end and a bottom face, said through hole extending between the bottom face and an opposite top face, at least one internal coolant channel being provided in the nozzle and extending from a first opening to a second opening, said first opening connecting to a coolant supply conduit in the holder body, said second opening serving as exit for the coolant at the forward end, wherein the at least one internal coolant channel and the first opening are spaced from the through hole.2. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the nozzle has a longitudinal axis that intersects the through hole and wherein the nozzle has a mirror symmetry about a plane containing a longitudinal axis of the nozzle.3. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the first opening is located at a portion or second surface of the bottom face claim 1 , said portion projecting such that a tangent to the bottom face facing the cutting insert claim 1 , and perpendicular to a through hole axis intersects the first opening or the at least one internal coolant channel.4. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the nozzle is a removable nozzle for turning applications and wherein the tool ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Cutting tool, especially a drilling or milling tool

Номер: US20150174671A1
Автор: MAURER Eugen

The invention pertains to a cutting tool for material-removing machining of materials, comprising a shaft () with a tool head () having a cutting blade (). For the effective cooling of the tool blades, the shaft () has a single coolant supply channel () running in the longitudinal direction of the shaft and a single coolant return channel () running in the longitudinal direction and the tool head () has a single flow channel () connecting the coolant supply channel () to the coolant return channel () which is thermally coupled to the tool blades (). 11011016612114170161201727072148150208210. Cutting tool ( , , ) for material-removing machining of materials , comprising a shaft ( , , ) with tool head (; ; ) having a tool blade ( , ; , ; , ) ,characterized in that{'b': 12', '114', '170', '26', '122', '178', '28', '124', '180', '16', '120', '172', '78', '164', '200', '26', '122', '178', '28', '124', '180', '70', '72', '148', '150', '208', '210, 'the shaft (; ; ) has a single coolant supply channel (; ; ) running in the longitudinal direction of the shaft and a single coolant return channel (; , ) running in the longitudinal direction and the tool head (; ; ) has a single flow channel (; ; ) connecting the coolant supply channel (; ; ) to the coolant return channel (; , ) which is thermally coupled to the tool blades (, ; , ; , ).'}2. Cutting tool according to claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': 78', '164', '200', '70', '72', '148', '150', '208', '210', '16', '120', '172, 'the single flow channel (; ; ) is thermally coupled to the tool blades (, ; , ; , ) arranged in the tool head (; ; ).'}3. Cutting tool according to claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': 78', '16, 'the single flow channel () is configured as at least one radial borehole or a segment of the at least one radial borehole in a toolbox of the tool head ().'}4. Cutting tool according to claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': 78', '80', '82', '64', '16', '84', '84, 'the single flow channel () is formed from ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140255115A1
Автор: Zabrosky Jared R.

The invention is directed to a drill system that better uses the power curve of modern machine tools. The drill system uses a two-step drill, utilizing IC inserts to perform the major hole diameter cutting, and a central drilling system. In examples, the IC inserts can be set in a drill head in a single or double effective configuration. A central drilling system cuts the remaining minor diameter portion of the hole, and is configured to see less cutting surface footage, due to its position from the rotating center of the tool. The central drilling system may include a “self-centering” geometry, such that the drill head of the tool with be guided throughout the depth of the hole. The drill system allows for a large diameter deep hole that remains straight throughout to be drilled at higher speed and lighter feed rates thus offering a more productive tool that takes advantage of the power curves and lower thrust capabilities of modern machine tools.

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140255116A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A replaceable cutting insert includes a cutting insert body having a forward cutting face and an opposing rearward base, an inlet coolant channel formed in the cutting insert body, a first outlet coolant channel formed in the cutting insert body and in fluid communication with the inlet coolant channel and a second outlet coolant channel formed in the cutting insert body and in fluid communication with the inlet coolant channel. The inlet coolant channel includes a longitudinal axis that is not axially aligned with either a first longitudinal axis of the first outlet coolant channel or a second longitudinal axis of the second outlet coolant channel. A rotary cutting tool incorporating the replaceable cutting insert is also provided. A method of making a replaceable cutting insert is also provided.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170173706A1
Автор: GEORGIOU George

A rotating cutting tool that is internally cooled by cryogenic fluid has a generally cylindrical outer shape. At least one flute is formed on the cutting tool and a cutting edge is formed on an outer edge of the flute for cutting a workpiece. An internal cold flow delivery path for cryogenic coolant is in proximity to the cutting edge. A coolant cavity is formed in the cutting tool for supplying cryogenic coolant to the internal cold flow delivery path and a return path for cryogenic coolant is downstream from the cold flow delivery path. An exhaust port is coupled to the return path for exhausting cryogenic coolant to atmosphere. The exhaust port is remote from the cutting edge so that the cryogenic coolant is exhausted away from the cutting edge and away from a workpiece so that the cryogenic coolant does not cool and toughen the workpiece. 1. A rotating cutting tool that is internally cooled by cryogenic fluid , the rotating tool comprising:a tool body having a generally cylindrical outer shape;at least one flute formed on a front part of the cutting tool and a cutting edge formed on an outer edge of the at least one flute for cutting a workpiece;an internal cold flow delivery path f or cryogenic coolant in the cutting tool, said cold flow delivery path being in proximity to the cutting edge on the at least one flute;a coolant cavity formed in the cutting tool for supplying cryogenic coolant to the internal cold flow delivery path;an internal return path for cryogenic coolant that is downstream from the cold flow delivery path; and,an exhaust port coupled to the internal return path for exhausting cryogenic coolant to atmosphere, the exhaust port being remote from the cutting edge, whereby the cryogenic coolant is exhausted away from the cutting edge and away from a workpiece engaged by the cutting edge so that the cryogenic coolant does not cool the workpiece.2. The rotating cutting tool of further comprising:a plurality of flutes formed on the front part of the ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210205900A1
Автор: Miller Helmut

For improving a drill, in particular a spiral drill, comprising a base body extending substantially longitudinally in a direction axial to a drill axis, said base body comprising a drilling portion, wherein a radially inward core region in relation to the drill axis and a radially outer region are provided in the base body in the drilling portion, and the drilling portion comprises a plurality of spiral-shaped recesses in the outer region, and arranged between each two spiral-shaped recesses is a wall part, it is proposed that the drill comprises at least four main cutting edges, in particular exactly four main cutting edge and/or the drill comprises at least three central cutting edge portions. 1. Drill comprising:a base body extending substantially longitudinally in a direction axial to a drill axis, said base body comprising a drilling portion, wherein a radially inward core region in relation to the drill axis and a radially outer region are provided in the base body in the drilling portion, and the drilling portion comprises a plurality of spiral-shaped recesses in the outer region, and arranged between each two spiral-shaped recesses is a wall part,wherein the drill comprises at least four main cutting edges and/or comprises at least three central cutting edge portions.2. Drill in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the drill has exactly four main cutting edges.3. Drill in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the drill claim 1 , in relation to a location and/or a configuration of the main cutting edges claim 1 , is of rotationally symmetrical configuration with respect to a rotation of 360°/N about the drill axis claim 1 , N being the number of main cutting edges.4. Drill in accordance with claim 1 , wherein at least one main cutting edge comprises a main cutting edge outer portion extending in the outer region claim 1 , wherein at least one main cutting edge outer portion extends in a direction radial to the drill axis completely through the outer region.5. Drill ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140271003A1
Принадлежит: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB

A method of joining a plurality of parts to form a unitary body. At least two sintered parts are provided. At least one of the sintered parts has at least one internal channel. Each of the parts is formed of a hard metal composition of material. The at least two sintered parts are assembled into the shape of a unitary body. Each of the at least two sintered parts has a joining surface and when each joining surface is brought into contact the surfaces form a bonding interface therebetween. The assembled parts are subjected to a vacuum or gas atmosphere, without the application of external pressure, and to a temperature sufficient to fuse the at least two sintered parts together at the bonding interface to form the unitary body. 1. A method of joining a plurality of parts to form a unitary body comprising the steps of:providing at least two sintered parts, each of the parts being formed of a cemented carbide or cermet, at least one of the sintered parts having at least one internal channel;assembling the at least two sintered parts into a shape of a unitary body, wherein each of the at least two parts has a joining surface and when each joining surface is brought into contact the joined surfaces form a bonding interface therebetween; andsubjecting the assembled at least two parts to a vacuum or gas atmosphere, without the application of external pressure, and to a temperature sufficient to fuse the at least two sintered parts together at the bonding interface to form the unitary body.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hard metal composition of material is cemented carbide.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the cemented carbide has a hard phase of tungsten carbide and of one or more carbides claim 2 , nitrides or carbonitrides selected from the group of titanium claim 2 , chromium claim 2 , vanadium claim 2 , tantalum claim 2 , niobium bonded by a metal phase selected from the group of cobalt claim 2 , nickel claim 2 , iron and combinations thereof.4. The method of ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180185927A1

The present disclosure relates to a cutting tool for metal chip removing machining having at least one internal coolant channel for fluid having a flow direction. The at least one internal coolant channel having a length and including a plurality of grooves extending internally at least partially along the coolant channel. 1. A cutting tool for metal chip removing machining having at least one internal coolant channel for fluid having a flow direction , the at least one internal coolant channel having a length , wherein the at least one coolant channel includes a plurality of grooves extending internally at least partially along the at least one internal coolant channel.2. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein a direction of the plurality of grooves coincides with the flow direction at least along half of the length of the at least one internal coolant channel.3. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of grooves coincide with the flow direction along at least 80% of the length of the at least one internal coolant channel.4. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein a size of the groove is in the range of 0.1 to 30 micrometers.5. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one internal coolant channel has a changing cross-section.6. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one internal coolant channel has a diameter in the range of 0.1 mm to 8 mm.7. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one internal coolant channel has a first and a second opening claim 1 , a diameter of the second opening of the at least one internal coolant channel defining a smallest diameter of the at least one internal coolant channel.8. The tool according to claim 1 , further comprising a holder body claim 1 , a cutting insert and a nozzle claim 1 , said nozzle having a single through hole for a fastening member and having the at least one internal coolant channel claim 1 , said nozzle having a forward end claim 1 , a rear end and a bottom face ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Drill Bit And Hole Formation Method

Номер: US20190184472A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc

Provided are a hole formation method enabling the formation of a high-quality hole even when a workpiece material is a difficult-to-machining metal material or a fiber-reinforced composite material and a drill bit used in the method. A drill bit includes at least one cutting edge and a leading flank adjacent to the cutting edge, and the leading flank is set to have a surface roughness Ra of 2.0 μm or more and 3.0 μm or less. A hole formation method includes a hole formation step of machining a portion to be processed of a workpiece material by means of drilling to form a hole while a lubricant material for assisting machining process is in contact with a drill bit and/or the portion to be processed, and in the hole formation step, the drill bit is used.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180045A1

According to one implementation, a drill includes: a body without a back taper and a cutting edge part. The body has a flow path of a cutting oil. The flow path is branched to first and second flow paths inside the body. The cutting edge part has a first supply port that supplies the cutting oil toward a workpiece. The first supply port is an outlet of the first flow path. The body has a second supply port that supplies the cutting oil to a clearance between the body and a bush for positioning the body. The second supply port is an outlet of the second flow path. The second flow path has a pressure loss by which the cutting oil is not scattered from the second supply port in a radial direction of the body but exuded from the second supply port. 1. A drill comprising:a body without a back taper, the body having a flow path of a cutting oil inside, the flow path being branched to a first flow path and a second flow path inside the body; anda cutting edge part integrated with the body, the cutting edge part having a first supply port that supplies the cutting oil toward a workpiece, the first supply port being an outlet of the first flow path,wherein the body has a second supply port that supplies the cutting oil to a clearance formed between the body and a bush for positioning the body, the bush being used by inserting the body inside the bush, the second supply port being an outlet of the second flow path, the outlet of the second flow path being formed on an outer peripheral surface of the body, the second flow path having a pressure loss by which the cutting oil is not scattered from the second supply port in a radial direction of the body but exuded from the second supply port.2. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein a cross section of at least a part of the second flow path has an area causing the pressure loss.3. The drill according to claim 1 ,wherein at least a part of the second flow path has been formed by a porous material or a clearance between a male ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Blade fastening device having cuttign fluid guide grooves on a blade

Номер: US20160207122A1
Автор: Chen Peter

A blade for a blade fastening device is provided with a body having a first end fastened in a blade seat and a second end extending out of the blade seat; a machining point formed at the second end of the body for machining an object being machined; and at least one cutting fluid groove formed on a surface of the body and extending from the second end of the body to the machining point. The blade can guide cutting fluid to an object being machined via the at least one groove so as to clear swarf left at a cutting site and decrease temperature at the cutting site. Further, the structural strength of the blade can be maintained. 1. A blade for a blade fastening device comprising:a body having a first end fastened in a blade seat and a second end extending out of the blade seat;a machining point formed at the second end of the body for machining an object being machined; andat least one cutting fluid groove formed on a surface of the body and extending from the second end of the body to the machining point.2. The blade fastening device of claim 1 , wherein each of the at least one cutting fluid groove is helical.3. The blade fastening device of claim 1 , wherein each of the at least one cutting fluid groove is straight.4. The blade fastening device of claim 1 , wherein the machining point is configured as an object machining member. 1. Field of the Invention The invention relates to blade fastening devices and more particularly to a blade fastening device having grooves on a surface of a blade for guiding cutting fluid to an object being machined at a cutting site so that swarf can be effectively cleared.2. Description of Related ArtCNC (computer numerical control) lathes are widely employed as technologies advance. The CNC lathes can perform cutting, drilling, etc. on an object. For example, a lathe may be required to cut an object by using one of different blades. Blade fastening device plays a big role when operating the CNC lathe.As shown in , in a typical lathe, a ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200198023A1
Принадлежит: C. & E. Fein GmbH

A housing for an electric machine tool, in particular for a core drill, said housing in which a motor is accommodated, which has a motor shaft for driving a tool mount and to which cooling air is supplied through at least one air guide duct, which is delimited at one end by at least one air inlet and at the other end by at least one air outlet. A guide structure, providing air guidance for the cooling air and associated with a motor mount, in which the motor is at least partially accommodated, is disposed in the air guide duct downstream from the at least one air inlet. 1. A housing for an electronic machine tool , in particular for a core drill , the housing accommodating a motor that has a motor shaft for driving a tool mount , the housing comprising:at least one air duct to supply cooling air to the motor;at least one air inlet delimiting the at least one air duct at a first end;at least one air outlet delimiting the at least one air duct at a second end; anda guide structure to provide air guidance for the cooling air and being associated with a motor mount on which the motor is at least partially accommodated, the guide structure being disposed in the air guide duct downstream from the at least one air inlet.2. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the motor mount is disposed in an area of a commutator of the motor.3. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the guide structure comprises a plate-shaped base body and wherein the motor mount extends substantially perpendicular to the base body.4. The housing according to claim 3 , wherein the plate-shaped base body is axially spaced in a flow direction from the at least one air inlet.5. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the motor mount is disposed on a side of the guide structure claim 1 , said side facing away from the tool mount.6. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein a gap claim 1 , which has a width which lies between 10% and 30% or between 15% and 20% of a diameter of motor shaft claim ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170216926A1
Автор: Harif Gershon

An integral cutting tool configured for revolving about a central axis is provided. The cutting tool is formed with at least one cutting portion having a rake surface, a relief surface, and a cutting edge formed at the intersection between the rake surface and the relief surface. The cutting tool is further provided with a cooling fluid provision arrangement having at least one passage, and a cooling aperture formed at the relief surface. The cooling aperture is directed towards the cutting edge at an acute angle. 1. An integral cutting tool configured for revolving about a central axis thereof , said integral cutting tool being formed with at least one cutting portion having a rake surface , a relief surface and a cutting edge formed at the intersection between said rake surface and said relief surface , said integral cutting tool being further provided with a cooling fluid provision arrangement having at least one passage and a cooling aperture formed at the relief surface , said cooling aperture being directed towards the cutting edge at an acute angle.2. The integral cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein said integral cutting tool is formed with a plurality of cutting portions and a corresponding plurality of chip evacuation channels formed between each two neighboring cutting portions claim 1 , said cooling aperture being located such that said cutting edge is disposed between said cooling aperture and its corresponding chip evacuation channel.3. The integral cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein said integral cutting tool is used for milling or drilling.4. A mold for the manufacture of a cutting element claim 1 , cutting element top and bottom faces and at least one side face extending therebetween claim 1 , a cutting portion and a cooling portion claim 1 , said cutting portion having a rake surface on at least one of said top and bottom faces claim 1 , a relief surface on said side face claim 1 , and a cutting edge defined at the intersection ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Thin drill

Номер: US20200206830A1
Принадлежит: Shiba R&d Co Ltd

[Problem] To protect a leading end part of a drill having a coolant hole which is adapted for drilling a thin diameter or very thin diameter hole in a workpiece. [Solution] A coolant hole 33 is formed in a shank 3 and a shaft body 7 so as to extend through from a rear end surface 31 of the shank 3 to a leading end surface 15 of the shaft body 7 along an axis thereof. A leading end part of the coolant hole 33 is branched into a pair of discharge holes 35, at a position slightly toward a base end relative to the leading end surface 15 of the shaft body 13. The discharge holes 35 extend in the opposite directions, perpendicular to the coolant hole 33, respectively, and open at opposite side surfaces 37, 37 to define discharge ports 39, 39. A leading end opening 41 of the coolant hole 33 is closed by a bottom face 17 of the drill part 9.

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170225240A1

Drill plate assemblies are disclosed in the examples herein. An example method includes positioning an absorbent material between a drill plate and a surface to be drilled; performing a drilling operation on the surface including flowing coolant through the drill; and capturing at least some of coolant in the absorbent material. 1. A method , comprising:positioning an absorbent material between a drill plate and a surface to be drilled;performing a drilling operation on the surface including flowing coolant through a drill; andcapturing at least some of the coolant in the absorbent material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the absorbent material includes disposing the absorbent material within a housing and coupling the drill plate to the housing.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the housing includes a contour corresponding to a contour of the surface.4. The method of claim 2 , further including positioning a bushing through substantially coaxial apertures of the drill plate and the housing.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein performing the drilling operation includes coupling a drill to a face of the drill plate or to the bushing.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the absorbent material includes coupling the absorbent material and the drill plate to the surface.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surface to be drilled includes a surface of a fuselage claim 1 , and the positioning of the absorbent material includes coupling the drill plate and the absorbent material to the surface of the fuselage.8. An apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a housing defining a cavity;an absorbent material to be disposed within the cavity; anda drill plate to be coupled to the housing, the absorbent material to be between the drill plate and a surface to be drilled during a drilling operation, the absorbent material to collect coolant during the drilling operation.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the housing claim 8 , the absorbent material claim 8 , and ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140321931A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

Provision is made of a cutting tool, in particular a drill or a milling cutter, having a shank and a chip transporting portion, which receives a cutting insert, wherein the cutting tool is a hybrid composite body. Furthermore, a chip transporting portion for a cutting tool and also a process for producing a cutting tool are described. 1. A cutting tool comprising:a shank; anda working portion which receives a cutting insert,wherein the cutting tool is a hybrid composite body.2. The cutting tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cutting tool comprises one of a drill claim 1 , a milling cutter claim 1 , a turning tool claim 1 , a piercing tool or a reaming tool.3. The cutting tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the working portion is fixedly connected to the shank.4. The cutting tool as claimed in wherein the working portion is fixedly connected to the shank via laser-weld claim 3 , solder claim 3 , or screw.5. The cutting tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the working portion is grown directly onto the shank.6. The cutting tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the material for the working portion is free of pores to an extent of more than 98%.7. The cutting tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the material for the working portion is free of pores to an extent of more than 99.9%.8. The cutting tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the working portion has an internal coolant duct.9. The cutting tool as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the coolant duct has a changing cross section.10. A chip transporting portion for a cutting tool claim 8 , the chip transporting portion comprising:a coupling region, which bears a cutting edge; anda connection region for connecting the chip transporting portion to a shank,wherein at least the coupling region has been produced by a process from the group of the rapid prototyping processes.11. The chip transporting portion as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the material is free of pores to an extent of more than 98%.12. The chip transporting ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170232531A1

A method for reloading a single-flute drill comprising a shaft made of a hard metal and a drill head that is connected to the shaft and is made of a hard metal, is characterized by the following steps: removing a worn drill head from the shaft; integrally bonding a new drill head to the shaft. 1110120120. Method for reloading a single-flute drill , comprising a shaft () consisting of a carbide and a drill head () connected to this and consisting of a carbide () , characterised by the following steps:{'b': 120', '110, 'detaching a worn drill head () from the shaft (); and'}{'b': 120', '110, 'integrally fixing a new drill head () to the shaft ();'}{'b': 170', '120', '110, 'wherein a soldering/adhesion hinge () is inserted in the shaft after detaching the worn drill head () from the shaft ().'}2120110. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the integral bonding of the new drill head () to the shaft () takes place by soldering or adhesion.3110120. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the same carbide is used for the shaft () and the drill head ().4. (canceled)5170110. Method according to claim 1 , wherein inserting the soldering/adhesion hinge () in the shaft () takes place by grinding it in.6170. Method according to claim 1 , wherein a mirror-inverted counter-piece relative to the soldering/adhesion hinge () is provided on the new drill head.7170. Method according to claim 6 , wherein the soldering/adhesion hinge () and the counter-piece are formed in such a way that as large a connection surface as possible arises.8110120110110120170110. Single-flute drill comprising a shaft () and a drill head () able to be connected to the shaft () by a soldering/adhesion connection releasably claim 6 , wherein the shaft () and the drill head () consist of a carbide claim 6 , wherein a soldering/adhesion hinge () is provided in the shaft ().9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11170110. Single-flute drill according to claim 8 , wherein the soldering/adhesion hinge () is substantially aligned ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Cutting Tool

Номер: US20190224761A1
Принадлежит: Matsuura Machinery Corp

A cutting tool 1 includes a cutting edge equipped with a helically curved groove 2 at a side outer periphery in the longitudinal direction, and a coolant passage pipe 3 extended internally and communicatively connected with ejection holes 4 of coolant arranged inside the groove 2 by way of a coolant passage pipe 31 branched from the coolant passage pipe 3 extended around a rotation center axis along the longitudinal direction or along the helically curved groove.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180236568A1

A drill has a thinning rake face formed in the front end. An intersection ridgeline between the thinning rake face and the tip flank face is the thinning edge. On the opposite side of the rotation direction, the first and second thinning wall surfaces () and are formed. Viewed from the front, an intersection angle between the thinning edge () and the first thinning ridgeline is larger than 95°. The second thinning ridgeline (L) is bent to the opposite side of the rotation direction. The thinning edge and the first thinning ridgeline are connected via a concave curve line. The first and second thinning wall surfaces are connected via a concave surface, and a curvature radius of the concave curve line is smaller than a curvature radius of the concave surface. 1. A drill comprising:a drill main body configured to be rotated about an axis;a chip discharge flute, which has an opening in a tip flank face of the drill main body and extends toward a rear end side of the drill main body, formed on an outer circumference of a front end portion of the drill main body; anda cutting edge formed on an intersection ridgeline between a wall surface of the chip discharge flute facing a drill rotation direction and the tip flank face, whereina thinning rake face is formed in a front end inner peripheral portion of the wall surface facing the drill rotation direction of the chip discharge flute by a thinning part being formed in a front end inner peripheral portion of the chip discharge flute, and a thinning edge, which is an inner peripheral portion of the cutting edge, is formed on an intersection ridgeline between the thinning rake face and the tip flank face,a first thinning wall surface, which is connected to the thinning rake face and faces an outer circumference side of the drill main body, and a second thinning wall surface, which is connected to the first thinning wall surface and extends toward a heel side, are formed on a wall surface facing an opposite side of the drill ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190232388A1

The holder has a first surface and a second surface. The head includes a cutting edge portion and a shank portion. The holder is provided with a first hole and a second hole communicating with the first hole, the first hole extending in a third direction inclined by a second angle relative to a second direction extending from the second surface toward the first surface when viewed in a direction parallel to the axis line. The shank portion has a flat surface portion, and is provided inside the second hole. The fastening portion is provided inside the first hole, and is in contact with the flat surface portion. In a plane perpendicular to the axis line, a third angle between the second direction and a fourth direction perpendicular to the flat surface portion is larger than the second angle. The third angle is less than 90°. 1. A cutting tool comprising:a holder having a first surface and a second surface provided to be separated from each other to sandwich an axis line;a head including a cutting edge portion located between the first surface and the second surface, and a shank portion configured to hold the cutting edge portion; anda fastening portion configured to fix the head to the holder,the holder being provided with a first hole and a second hole, the first hole extending in a first direction and a third direction, the first direction being inclined by a first angle toward the cutting edge portion relative to a direction perpendicular to the axis line, the third direction being inclined by a second angle relative to a second direction extending from the second surface toward the first surface when viewed in a direction parallel to the axis line, the second hole communicating with the first hole, the second hole extending in the direction parallel to the axis line,the shank portion having a flat surface portion, the shank portion being provided inside the second hole,the fastening portion being provided inside the first hole, the fastening portion being in ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Bore Cutting Tool and Method of Making the Same

Номер: US20190232390A1
Принадлежит: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB

A bore cutting tool for cutting metal workpieces includes a tool substrate and a tool coating on a surface of the tool substrate. The bore cutting tool includes a plurality of pits in the surface of the tool substrate and wherein the tool coating extends over the pits such that the pit surface includes the tool coating. In this way, the pit dimensions can be retained over prolonged tool life and the pits, with their coated surface, are particularly effective at retaining lubricant so that the thickness of a lubricant film can be increased as compared to a tool without the coated pits. In the embodiments, the pits are formed by laser etching and are present only on the cylindrical land. Average pit depth is suitably in the range 8 μm to 25 μm, average pit width and pit length is independently selected from 40 μm to 250 μm and average pit density may be 20 to 30 pits/mm 2 .

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Drill body of indexable drill

Номер: US20140341667A1
Автор: Takuma Aoyama
Принадлежит: OSG Corp

A drill main body of an indexable drill is disposed first and second spiral flutes on a column-shaped outer circumferential surface with an inner blade tip cutting a hole center side mounted on a tip portion of the first spiral flute and an outer blade tip cutting a hole outer circumferential side mounted on a tip portion of the second spiral flute and the drill main body discharges chips through the first spiral flute and the second spiral flute toward a shank while hole machining is performed with the inner blade tip and the outer blade tip. The drill is a deep hole machining drill having a length of the first spiral flute and the second spiral flute equal to or greater than 4D relative to a drill diameter D that is an outer diameter of the outer blade tip.

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for forming tapered holes in workpieces

Номер: US20210291281A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A robotic forming system and method for forming a tapered hole in a workpiece include a housing and a nose extending from the housing. The housing defines an internal chamber. A vacuum gate is in fluid communication with an internal cavity of the nose. A seal is within the nose. A first spindle includes a first operative head. The first spindle is retained within the internal chamber. The first spindle is configured to be moved between a first stowed position within the housing and a first operating position in which the first operative head extends into the nose. The first operative head is configured to form an initial hole within the workpiece. A second spindle includes a second operative head. The second spindle is retained within the internal chamber. The second spindle is configured to be moved between a second stowed position within the housing and a second operating position in which the second operative head extends into the nose. The second operative head is configured to modify the initial hole to form a tapered hole.

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150266106A1
Автор: BOZKURT Lutfi

A rotationally driven multi-bevel step tool comprises a plurality of single- or multi-edged cutting steps arranged in a staggered manner in a cutting and feeding direction, a number of flutes in each step corresponding to the number of cutting edges in each corresponding step, at least one web, and at least one swarf window. Flutes which are adjacent in the circumferential direction in each step are delimited from one another by at least one of the at least one web. The flutes which are adjacent in the circumferential direction, of two successive cutting steps, are connected to one another by at least one of the at least one swarf window, the at least one of the at least one swarf window penetrating the web located therebetween and being open on the circumferential side. 1. A rotationally driven multi-bevel step tool comprising:a plurality of single- or multi-edged cutting steps arranged in a staggered manner in a cutting and feeding direction of the multi-bevel step tool;a number of flutes in each step corresponding to the number of cutting edges in each corresponding step;at least one web, flutes which are adjacent in the circumferential direction, in each step, delimited from one another by at least one of said at least one web; andat least one swarf window, the flutes which are adjacent in the circumferential direction, of two successive cutting steps, connected to one another by at least one of said at least one swarf window, said at least one of said at least one swarf window penetrating the web between the two successive cutting steps, the swarf window being open on the circumferential side.2. The multi-bevel step tool according to claim 1 , wherein the swarf window extends in the radial direction essentially as far as a base of the flute of a trailing cutting step.3. The multi-bevel step tool according to claim 1 , wherein the multi-bevel step tool comprises a tool shank and the swarf window extends in the axial direction towards the tool shank at least as ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Coupling part for rotary tool and rotary tool including same

Номер: US20140348602A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A coupling part structured to engage with a complementary coupling part for interchangeably fastening a cutting head to a carrier of a rotary cutting tool. The coupling part includes a pair of coupling pins arranged opposite each other with respect to a central longitudinal axis and spaced apart from each other so as to form a receiving space structured to receive a central pin of the complementary coupling part. Each coupling pin includes a stop surface for transmitting a torque, a radially external outer surface, and a radially internal inner surface. At least one of the outer surface or inner surface is a clamping surface oriented in an obliquely inclined manner with respect to the central longitudinal axis for centering and clamping the coupling part.

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Cutting insert and indexable drill

Номер: US20160263664A1
Принадлежит: KORLOY INC

The present disclosure relates to a cutting insert and an indexable drill. The cutting insert and the indexable drill according to the present disclosure are configured such that when the cutting insert is mounted on the indexable drill, the cutting insert is easily inserted into the indexable drill at the initial time, and strong coupling force is implemented between the indexable drill and the cutting insert at a point of time at which the cutting insert is completely mounted. In addition, the cutting insert, according to the present disclosure, has excellent rigidity, when compared to cutting inserts in the related art that perform identical/similar cutting processing, since a portion, which is weak in rigidity, is provided as a thick portion.

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160263665A1

In one aspect, composite blanks and tooling are described herein employing composite structures for efficient use of high grade materials, such as high grade sintered cemented carbides and/or ceramics. 1. A composite blank comprising:a hollow shank portion extending along a central longitudinal axis of the blank; anda cutting portion extending from the hollow shank portion, the cutting portion comprising flutes along an axial length of cut and one or more interior coolant channels extending along the central longitudinal axis and terminating at a cutting end surface of the blank, wherein the cutting portion is formed of a first material along the axial length of cut differing in at least one property from a second material forming the hollow shank portion.2. The composite blank of claim 1 , wherein the hollow shank portion and cutting portion are continuous with one another.3. The composite blank of further comprising a braze joint between the hollow shank portion and cutting portion.4. The composite blank of claim 1 , wherein the one or more interior coolant channels extend helically along the longitudinal axis.5. The composite blank of claim 1 , wherein the one or more interior coolant channels extend linearly along the longitudinal axis.6. The composite blank of claim 1 , wherein the first material is a first cemented carbide and the second material is a second cemented carbide.7. The composite blank of claim 6 , wherein the first cemented carbide differs from the second cemented carbide in composition.8. The composite blank of claim 7 , wherein the first cemented carbide comprises cubic carbides in an amount less than 0.3 wt. % claim 7 , and the second cemented carbide comprises cubic carbides in an amount greater than 0.3 wt. %.9. The composite blank of claim 6 , wherein the first cemented carbide and the second cemented carbide differ in average particle size.10. The composite blank of claim 9 , wherein the first cemented carbide has an average particle size ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160263666A1

A cutting member with coolant delivery that has a cutting member body with an axial forward end and an axial rearward end. The cutting member body has a shank portion adjacent the axial rearward end thereof and a cutting portion adjacent to the axial forward end. The cutting member body contains a coolant delivery passage wherein the coolant delivery passage comprises a primary cavity in the shank portion and a central coolant passage in the cutting portion and a plurality of lateral coolant passages in the cutting portion. The lateral coolant passages are a communication with the primary cavity through the central coolant passage. Each of the lateral coolant passages has an open end through which coolant exits the cutting member. The cutting portion is of a first grade of hard material, and the shank portion is of a second grade of hard material wherein the first grade of hard material is different from the second grade of hard material. 1. A cutting member with coolant delivery comprising:a cutting member body having an axial forward end and an axial rearward end, the cutting member body having a central longitudinal axis;the cutting member body having a shank portion adjacent the axial rearward end thereof, and the shank portion having a shank exterior surface; and cutting member body having a cutting portion adjacent to the axial forward end thereof, and the cutting portion having a cutting exterior surface containing one or more cutting edges;the cutting member body containing a coolant delivery passage wherein the coolant delivery passage comprises a primary cavity in the shank portion and a central coolant passage in the cutting portion and a plurality of lateral coolant passages in the cutting portion, and the lateral coolant passages being a communication with the primary cavity through the central coolant passage, and each of the lateral coolant passages having an open end through which coolant exits the cutting member; andthe cutting portion being of a ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Drilling tool and method for producing a drilled hole

Номер: US20200246881A1

The invention relates to a tool for forming a drilled hole (B), comprising a shank that is rotatable or rotates about a tool axis (A), at least one first portion, which is rotatable or rotates about the tool axis (A), for producing and/or widening a drilled hole (B) by chip cutting, and a second portion, which rotates about the tool axis (A), for widening a drilled hole (B) without chip cutting, wherein the second portion is arranged behind the first portion in a direction of advance (V) of the tool. The invention additionally relates to a method for producing a drilled hole (B).

14-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210316376A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A rotary cutting tool includes a main body, a shank portion having a rearward end, and a flute portion having a forward end with one or more flanks. One or more connecting fluid holes are in fluid communication with a central fluid hole and terminates at a flank at the forward end of the cutting tool. One or more twisted fluid holes extend through a lobe in the flute portion and terminates at a flank at the forward end of the cutting tool. A cross-sectional shape of the connecting fluid holes and the twisted fluid holes is selected to provide enhanced delivery of fluid to the cutting edge. In one aspect, the rotary cutting tool is a modular drill and the flute portion has a pocket for holding a replaceable cutting insert.

18-11-2021 дата публикации

Cutting tool and method for producing a cutting tool

Номер: US20210354210A1

A cutting tool for machining workpieces is disclosed, which comprises a shank portion and a cutting portion, wherein a coolant channel extends along a longitudinal axis from a free end of the shank portion through the cutting tool, which has a peripheral wall and an end wall, wherein the coolant channel has one or more outlet openings in the end wall, through which coolant can exit the cutting tool. Also disclosed is a method for producing a cutting tool. 1. A cutting tool for machining workpieces , comprising a shank portion and a cutting portion , wherein a coolant channel extends along a longitudinal axis from a free end of the shank portion through the cutting tool , which has a peripheral wall and an end wall , wherein the coolant channel has one or more outlet openings in the end wall , through which coolant can exit the cutting tool.2. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the coolant channel extends in a straight line exclusively along a longitudinal axis of the cutting tool.3. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the coolant channel has a constant cross-section.4. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the coolant channel is stepped claim 1 , wherein at least one additional outlet opening is formed on the stepped portion.5. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on the end wall of the coolant channel claim 1 , there is an elevation which projects into the coolant channel.6. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , at least in sections claim 1 , a diameter of the coolant channel is between 60% and 95% of a nominal diameter of the cutting tool.7. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein notches or depressions are configured in an end face of the cutting portion claim 1 , which intersect with the coolant channel.8. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein flutes extend along the cutting portion claim 1 , which intersect with the coolant channel.9. The cutting tool according to ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Power tool

Номер: US20180272435A1

A spindle of a drilling tool includes a socket portion having a first axial length (a1) of a first diameter (d1) for receiving and attaching a drill bit to the spindle. The spindle includes a fluid conduit having a second diameter (d2) narrower than (d1) for conveying a fluid to the socket portion. An interface space with diameter (d1) is formed between the fluid conduit and the drill bit when the drill bit is installed in the socket portion. A fluid conveyor, having a third diameter (d3) narrower than (d1), connects the fluid conduit to the drill bit to avoid fluid gathering in a periphery of the interface space. The fluid conveyor includes a first O-ring abutting a mouth of the fluid conduit, a second O-ring abutting a mouth of a fluid channel of the drill bit, and a spring between the first and second O-rings.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180272440A1

A drilling system and methods provide stability and cutting performance to produce holes having desired straightness and other characteristics. The system may include a cutting head provided with a central cutting system and first and second side cutting inserts. The tool provides a major diameter with the OD cutting margins on the replaceable side inserts, as well as possibly cutting margins on the center cutting member. Adjustment mechanisms may be provided to adjust the center cutting member and/side cutting inserts. 1. A drilling system comprising a generally cylindrical body member having an outer surface , a replaceable cutting head mounted to the front end of the body member having a central cutting system with first and second cutting edges extending from the rotational axis of the cutting head , and at least first and second side cutting inserts disposed outwardly from the central cutting system , the side cutting inserts each having a cutting edge extending from adjacent the first and second cutting edges of the central cutting system to cut the major diameter of a hole , wherein the side cutting inserts are indexable and have at least two cutting edges.2. The drilling system of claim 1 , further comprising wear surfaces adjacent the at least first and second side inserts below the major diameter of the inserts.3. The drilling system of claim 2 , wherein the wear surfaces are formed from a group consisting of inserts attached to the body member claim 2 , deposition applied wear material or combinations thereof.4. The drilling system of claim 1 , where the at least first and second side cutting inserts include a cutting margin at the outer diameter.5. The drilling system of claim 1 , where the at least first and second side cutting inserts include a cutting geometry including a cutting lip.6. The drilling system of claim 1 , where the cutting plane of the side cutting inserts are rotationally offset from the cutting plane of the central cutting system.7. ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200261990A1

According to one implementation, a rotary cutting tool includes: a body without a back taper; and a cutting edge part integrated with the body. The body has a flow path of a cutting oil inside the body. The cutting edge part has a first supply port that supplies the cutting oil toward a workpiece. The body has at least one second supply port that supplies the cutting oil to a clearance formed between a bush for positioning and the body. The bush is used by being inserted in the body. 1. A rotary cutting tool comprising:a body without a back taper, the body having a flow path of a cutting oil inside the body; anda cutting edge part integrated with the body, the cutting edge part having a first supply port that supplies the cutting oil toward a workpiece,wherein the body has at least one second supply port that supplies the cutting oil to a clearance formed between a bush for positioning and the body, the bush being used by inserting the body.2. The rotary cutting tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe flow path of the cutting oil is branched to a first flow path and a second flow path, andthe cutting oil is supplied to the first supply port through the first flow path while the cutting oil is supplied to the at least one second supply port through the second flow path.3. The rotary cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one second supply port is formed on an outer periphery of the body.4. The rotary cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one second supply port includes one or two second supply ports per a same position in a tool axis direction.5. The rotary cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one second supply port includes second supply ports formed at different positions in a tool axis direction.6. The rotary cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the flow path is formed to make a quantity of the cutting oil supplied to the at least one second supply port less than a quantity of the cutting oil supplied to ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190270150A1
Автор: Hayashi Katsura

A cutting tool may include a circular columnar body extending from a first end to a second end along a rotation axis. At least a part of the columnar body may correspond to an insert including a cutting edge at the first end. The insert may include therein a flow path extending from a side of the first end toward a side of the second end. A width of the flow path along a radial direction of the circular columnar body may be smaller than a width of the flow path along a circumferential direction of the circular columnar body in a cross section orthogonal to the rotation axis. 1. A cutting tool , comprising:a circular columnar body extending from a first end to a second end along a rotation axis, at least a part of the columnar body corresponds to an insert comprising a cutting edge at the first end, whereinthe insert comprises therein a flow path extending from a side of the first end toward a side of the second end, anda width of the flow path along a radial direction of the circular columnar body is smaller than a width of the flow path along a circumferential direction of the circular columnar body in a cross section orthogonal to the rotation axis.2. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe insert comprises a first region including the rotation axis and lying along the rotation axis, and a second region covering the first region, andan outer diameter of the first region at a side of the second end is greater than an outer diameter of the first region at a side of the first end.3. The cutting tool according to claim 2 , whereinan outer diameter of the first region increases as going from a side of the first end toward a side of the second end.4. The cutting tool according to claim 3 , whereinthe insert comprises a pair of the flow paths located point symmetrically on a basis of the rotation axis, anda distance between the pair of flow paths becomes smaller at a side of the first end than at a side of the second end.5. The cutting tool according to claim ...
