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10-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000028063U1
Автор: Борисов Е.И.

Сборный инструмент для снятия фасок и заусенцев с торцов зубьев зубчатых колес, состоящий из корпуса, на котором при помощи равнорасположенных винтов закреплены режущие инструменты, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде поводкового косозубого колеса ступенчатой формы, высота которого должна быть меньше обрабатываемой детали на ширину двух фасок, режущие инструменты выполнены в виде накатников, состоящих из двух прямозубых колес с чередующимся количеством зубьев, высота которых выполнена с равномерным увеличением и задним углом при вершине, внутренняя сторона накатника с торца также выполнена под углом. (19) RU (11) 28 063 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/10 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002115334/20 , 10.06.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.06.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Борисов Е.И. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "ГАЗ" U 1 2 8 0 6 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Сборный инструмент для снятия фасок и заусенцев с торцов зубьев зубчатых колес, состоящий из корпуса, на котором при помощи равнорасположенных винтов закреплены режущие инструменты, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде поводкового косозубого колеса ступенчатой формы, высота которого должна быть меньше обрабатываемой детали на ширину двух фасок, режущие инструменты выполнены в виде накатников, состоящих из двух прямозубых колес с чередующимся количеством зубьев, высота которых выполнена с равномерным увеличением и задним углом при вершине, внутренняя сторона накатника с торца также выполнена под углом. 2 8 0 6 3 (54) СБОРНЫЙ ИНСТРУМЕНТ ДЛЯ СНЯТИЯ ФАСОК И ЗАУСЕНЦЕВ С ТОРЦЕВОЙ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ЗУБЬЕВ ЗУБЧАТЫХ КОЛЕС R U Адрес для переписки: 603004, г.Нижний Новгород, пр. Ленина, 88, ОАО "ГАЗ", Управление новой техники (71) Заявитель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "ГАЗ" U 1 U 1 2 8 0 6 3 2 8 0 6 3 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 28 ...

27-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000050140U1

Фреза червячная одновитковая для снятия фасок, имеющая разделенные стружечными канавками и расположенные на одном витке червяка зубья, выполненные с главной и вспомогательной режущими кромками, причем главная режущая кромка выполнена на одной из боковых сторон, отличающаяся тем, что зубья фрезы выполнены с дополнительной главной режущей кромкой на другой боковой стороне, при этом главные режущие кромки выполнены с различными углами профиля, величина которых определяется зависимостью: где α - угол профиля зуба фрезы; h - высота обрабатываемого зуба колеса; h - высота рабочего участка фрезы; Δl- величина, на которую переместится точка на вершине зуба колеса за время обработки одним зубом фрезы; α -угол профиля колеса; S - толщина зуба колеса по дуге делительной окружности; D - диаметр делительной окружности колеса; τ - угловой шаг зубьев колеса, кроме этого, толщина зубьев фрезы является переменной величиной, увеличивающейся от первого зуба к последнему, причем толщина первого зуба равна окружной ширине впадины обрабатываемого колеса, а разность по толщине зуба выражается зависимостью: где z -число зубьев фрезы; ƒ - линейный размер фаски, при этом величина осевого шага, измеряемая между центральными линиями зубьев, равна окружному шагу обрабатываемого колеса по дуге делительной окружности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 50 140 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/10 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005116044/22 , 26.05.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.05.2005 (72) Автор(ы): Белугин Ю.Ф. (RU) , Кондрашов А.Г. (RU) 5 0 1 4 0 R U Формула полезной модели Фреза червячная одновитковая для снятия фасок, имеющая разделенные стружечными канавками и расположенные на одном витке червяка зубья, выполненные с главной и вспомогательной режущими кромками, причем главная режущая кромка выполнена на одной из боковых сторон, отличающаяся тем, что зубья ...

10-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000056246U1

Инструмент для финишной обработки цилиндрических зубчатых колес, содержащий прямозубое или косозубое цилиндрическое колесо, с режущими кромками на боковых эвольвентных винтовых поверхностях зубьев с положительными и отрицательными передними углами, отличающийся тем, что на боковых поверхностях зубьев, на которых расположены режущие кромки с отрицательными передними углами, выполнены фаски. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 56 246 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005121233/22 , 07.07.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.07.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования ТУЛЬСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ (ТулГУ) (RU) U 1 5 6 2 4 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Инструмент для финишной обработки цилиндрических зубчатых колес, содержащий прямозубое или косозубое цилиндрическое колесо, с режущими кромками на боковых эвольвентных винтовых поверхностях зубьев с положительными и отрицательными передними углами, отличающийся тем, что на боковых поверхностях зубьев, на которых расположены режущие кромки с отрицательными передними углами, выполнены фаски. 5 6 2 4 6 (54) ИНСТРУМЕНТ ДЛЯ ФИНИШНОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ ЦИЛИНДРИЧЕСКИХ ЗУБЧАТЫХ КОЛЕС R U Адрес для переписки: 300600, г.Тула, пр. Ленина, 92, ТулГУ, патентно-лицензионный сектор (72) Автор(ы): Валиков Евгений Николаевич (RU), Ямников Александр Сергеевич (RU), Белякова Валентина Александровна (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 56 246 U1 Предложенное техническое решение относится к области производства цилиндрических зубчатых колес средних (от 2 до 10 мм) модулей и может быть использовано в различных отраслях машиностроения и приборостроения. Известен инструмент для комбинированной отделочно-упрочняющей обработки зубьев цилиндрических колес [А.Ф.Корытко ...

27-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000058416U1

Фреза червячная одновитковая, содержащая корпус в виде тела вращения с выполненными на нем зубьями, расположенными вдоль винтовой линии и имеющими переменную высоту, причем зубья имеют главную режущую кромку на боковой стороне и вспомогательную режущую кромку на периферийной стороне, отличающаяся тем, что фреза выполнена сборной, а ее зубья содержат гнезда, в которых размещены режущие пластины, закрепленные при помощи деталей крепления, кроме того, фреза имеет переменный осевой шаг S, между зубьями, равномерно уменьшающийся от первого зуба к последнему, величину которого определяют следующей зависимостью: S=S+Δ(z-i), где i - номер зуба фрезы; z - число зубьев фрезы; S - величина осевого шага последнего зуба, которую определяют по формуле где h - высота зуба заготовки; b - ширина скоса; t - глубина скоса; Δ - разница между осевыми шагами смежных зубьев, при этом указанную разницу определяют по формуле РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 58 416 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006122979/22 , 27.06.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.06.2006 (72) Автор(ы): Белугин Юрий Федорович (RU), Кондрашов Алексей Геннадьевич (RU) 5 8 4 1 6 Формула полезной модели Фреза червячная одновитковая, содержащая корпус в виде тела вращения с выполненными на нем зубьями, расположенными вдоль винтовой линии и имеющими переменную высоту, причем зубья имеют главную режущую кромку на боковой стороне и вспомогательную режущую кромку на периферийной стороне, отличающаяся тем, что фреза выполнена сборной, а ее зубья содержат гнезда, в которых размещены режущие пластины, закрепленные при помощи деталей крепления, кроме того, фреза имеет переменный осевой шаг S i, между зубьями, равномерно уменьшающийся от первого зуба к последнему, величину которого определяют следующей зависимостью: Si=SП+Δ(z0-i), где i - номер зуба фрезы; z0 - число ...

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000060885U1

Накатной блок для снятия фасок и заусенцев, содержащий синхронизатор, выполненный в виде цилиндрического зубчатого колеса, имеющего ширину венца меньше ширины венца обрабатываемого колеса, с размещенным на нем и закрепленным при помощи деталей крепления, по крайней мере, одним накатником, выполненным в виде косозубого колеса с углом наклона винтовой линии зубьев, равным углу фаски на торце, зубья которого содержат активную и неактивную боковые стороны, причем торцовый модуль накатника равен торцовому модулю обрабатываемого колеса, отличающийся тем, что торцовый угол профиля накатника определяют зависимостью где D - диаметр делительной окружности поверхности фаски, который определяют по формуле D=mz; m - торцовый модуль обрабатываемого колеса; z - число зубьев обрабатываемого колеса; D - диаметр основной окружности поверхности фаски, определяемый решением следующего уравнения: D - диаметр вершин зубьев обрабатываемого колеса; D - диаметр впадин зубьев обрабатываемого колеса; φ - угол разворота точек фаски; θ - угол между точками на вершине и впадине теоретического торцового профиля обрабатываемого колеса, при этом рабочий торец накатника выполнен под углом, равным углу наклона торца обрабатываемой детали, а на неактивной боковой стороне зуба накатника под тем же углом выполнен срез. 6105 РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 60 885 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006129338/22 , 11.08.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.08.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.02.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "КАМАЗ" (RU) U 1 6 0 8 8 5 R U где Dф - диаметр делительной окружности поверхности фаски, который определяют по формуле Dф=mtz; mt - торцовый модуль обрабатываемого колеса; z - число зубьев обрабатываемого колеса; Db ф - диаметр основной окружности поверхности фаски, определяемый решением ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000067001U1

Накатной зубофасочный блок, содержащий оправку, закрепленный на ней, по крайней мере, один накатник, выполненный в виде косозубого колеса с углом наклона винтовой линии зубьев, равным углу фаски на торце, опорный диск и, по крайней мере, один дисковый нож, прижимаемый к торцу заготовки посредством размещенных в отверстиях опорного диска пружин, и закрепленный при помощи деталей крепления, обеспечивающих возможность его осевого перемещения и фиксацию от проворота относительно оправки, отличающийся тем, что на оправке размещен с возможностью вращения, по крайней мере, один прижимной диск, содержащий наклонные поверхности, контактирующие с клином, жестко закрепленным на суппорте заготовки, при этом прижимной диск своим торцом контактирует с торцом опорного диска, установленным с возможностью осевого перемещения, а в качестве деталей крепления дискового ножа используют штифты с пружинами, контактирующими с торцами накатника и дискового ножа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 67 001 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007120657/22 , 01.06.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.06.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кондрашов Алексей Геннадьевич (RU), Чемборисов Наиль Анварович (RU) 6 7 0 0 1 R U Формула полезной модели Накатной зубофасочный блок, содержащий оправку, закрепленный на ней, по крайней мере, один накатник, выполненный в виде косозубого колеса с углом наклона винтовой линии зубьев, равным углу фаски на торце, опорный диск и, по крайней мере, один дисковый нож, прижимаемый к торцу заготовки посредством размещенных в отверстиях опорного диска пружин, и закрепленный при помощи деталей крепления, обеспечивающих возможность его осевого перемещения и фиксацию от проворота относительно оправки, отличающийся тем, что на оправке размещен с возможностью вращения, по крайней мере, один прижимной диск, содержащий наклонные ...

27-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000070474U1

Сборная зубофасочная фреза, содержащая корпус с выполненными на нем гнездами, размещенные в них образованные неперетачиваемыми пластинами зубья, имеющие главную режущую кромку на одной боковой стороне с углом профиля α и вспомогательную режущую кромку на вершине зуба, с размещением главных режущих кромок на одном витке червяка, осевой шаг Р которого отличается от окружного шага обрабатываемого колеса, отличающаяся тем, что неперетачиваемые пластины размещают тангенциально, а их крепление осуществляют со стороны задней поверхности, при этом задний угол по вершине φ выбирают из следующего условия: φ>arccos(1-2l/D)/2, где l - длина режущей кромки пластины, мм; D - наружный диаметр фрезы, мм. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 70 474 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007130477/22 , 08.08.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.08.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.01.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "КАМАЗ" (RU) окружного шага обрабатываемого колеса, отличающаяся тем, что неперетачиваемые пластины размещают тангенциально, а их крепление осуществляют со стороны задней поверхности, при этом задний угол по вершине φ выбирают из следующего условия: φ>arccos(1-2l2/D 2)/2, где l - длина режущей кромки пластины, мм; D - наружный диаметр фрезы, мм. U 1 R U 7 0 4 7 4 вспомогательную режущую кромку на вершине зуба, с размещением главных режущих кромок на одном витке червяка, осевой шаг Р0 которого отличается от Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Сборная зубофасочная фреза, содержащая корпус с выполненными на нем гнездами, размещенные в них образованные неперетачиваемыми пластинами зубья, имеющие главную режущую кромку на одной боковой стороне с углом профиля α0 и 7 0 4 7 4 (54) СБОРНАЯ ЗУБОФАСОЧНАЯ ФРЕЗА R U Адрес для переписки: 423800, Республика Татарстан, г. Набережные Челны, пр. М. Джалиля, ...

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000071580U1

1. Зубофасочная головка для образования фасок по всему контуру зубьев на торцах зубьев зубчатых колес, содержащая корпус, размещенный на нем и закрепленный при помощи деталей крепления, по крайней мере, один накатник, выполненный в виде зубчатого колеса, содержащего зубья с различным направлением и углом наклона на их боковых сторонах, и вершиной зуба, выполненной под углом к оси, отличающаяся тем, что боковые стороны зубьев накатника образованы двумя винтовыми эвольвентными поверхностями, пересекающимися в средней плоскости накатника, и образующих сочетание из двух зубьев с наклоном β и β, при этом указанные углы наклона определяются следующими зависимостями: β=δ-β, β=arctg((ltgβ+b)/l), где β - угол наклона зубьев заготовки; δ - угол наклона фаски от направления зуба на острой стороне профиля; l - размер фаски вдоль оси заготовки; b - размер фаски в плоскости торца заготовки; b=l(tgβ+tgβ), наклон вершины зуба накатника выполнен в двух противоположных направлениях, а угол при вершине зуба накатника φ определяется следующей зависимостью: φ=arctg(b/l). 2. Зубофасочная головка для образования фасок по всему контуру зубьев на торцах зубьев зубчатых колес по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде синхронизатора и содержит зубчатый венец, сопрягаемый с обрабатываемой заготовкой. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 71 580 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007139088/22 , 22.10.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.10.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "КАМАЗинструментспецмаш" (RU) U 1 7 1 5 8 0 R U наклона определяются следующими зависимостями: βA=δ-β, βB=arctg((lфtgβA+bф)/lф), где β - угол наклона зубьев заготовки; δ - угол наклона фаски от направления зуба на острой стороне профиля; lф - размер фаски вдоль оси заготовки; bф - размер фаски в ...

27-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000074326U1

Фреза червячная одновитковая для снятия фасок на торцах зубьев зубчатых колес, содержащая разделенные стружечными канавками и расположенные на одном витке червяка зубья, выполненные с режущими кромками на боковых сторонах и вершине зубьев, имеющие различные углы профиля α и α на разных сторонах, переменную толщину, увеличивающуюся от первого зуба к последнему, отличающаяся тем, что режущие кромки на боковых сторонах зубьев размещены на винтовых поверхностях, имеющих различные осевые шаги Р и Р для каждой стороны зуба, а задние поверхности на одной боковой стороне и вершине зубьев образованы совместно и независимо от другой боковой стороны косым затылованием, причем величины затылования на разных сторонах k и kразличные и связаны между собой зависимостью k=cosα(ksinφ(tgα+tgα)-kcos(φ-α)/cosα+(P-P)/z/cos(φ-α), где φ и φ - углы между направлением затылования и осью фрезы на боковых сторонах зубьев; z - число зубьев фрезы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 74 326 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007144230/22 , 28.11.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.11.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "КАМАЗинструментспецмаш" (RU) U 1 7 4 3 2 6 R U толщину, увеличивающуюся от первого зуба к последнему, отличающаяся тем, что режущие кромки на боковых сторонах зубьев размещены на винтовых поверхностях, имеющих различные осевые шаги Р1 и Р2 для каждой стороны зуба, а задние поверхности на одной боковой стороне и вершине зубьев образованы совместно и независимо от другой боковой стороны косым затылованием, причем величины затылования на разных сторонах k1 и k2 различные и связаны между собой зависимостью k1=cosα1(k2sinφ2(tgα1+tgα2)-k2cos(φ2-α2)/cosα2+(P2-P1)/z0/cos(φ1-α1), где φ1 и φ2 - углы между направлением затылования и осью фрезы на боковых сторонах зубьев; z0 - ...

27-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000074327U1

Фрезерный блок для снятия фасок на торцах зубьев зубчатых колес, содержащий оправку, размещенную на ней и закрепленную при помощи деталей крепления червячную одновитковую фрезу, содержащую зубья, выполненные на одном витке червяка, осевой шаг которого отличается от окружного шага обрабатываемого колеса, и имеющие режущие кромки на одной боковой стороне и вершине зуба, отличающийся тем, что он содержит дополнительную червячную одновитковую фрезу, размещенную на оправке, ее зубья содержат режущие кромки на противоположной боковой стороне и вершине, причем вершина зуба выполнена под углом ε к оси фрезы, который выбирают из следующего неравенства: где b - величина смещения вершины зуба фрезы от центра заготовки; β - угол между передней поверхностью зуба фрезы и торцом заготовки в момент их касания; D - диаметр начала фаски, при этом зубья обеих фрез имеют различные углы профиля и различные осевые шаги. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 74 327 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007145335/22 , 06.12.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.12.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "КАМАЗинструментспецмаш" (RU) U 1 7 4 3 2 7 R U где b - величина смещения вершины зуба фрезы от центра заготовки; β - угол между передней поверхностью зуба фрезы и торцом заготовки в момент их касания; Dф - диаметр начала фаски, при этом зубья обеих фрез имеют различные углы профиля и различные осевые шаги. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Фрезерный блок для снятия фасок на торцах зубьев зубчатых колес, содержащий оправку, размещенную на ней и закрепленную при помощи деталей крепления червячную одновитковую фрезу, содержащую зубья, выполненные на одном витке червяка, осевой шаг которого отличается от окружного шага обрабатываемого колеса, и имеющие режущие кромки на одной боковой ...

20-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000079822U1

Зубчатый хон, состоящий из стального цилиндрического зубчатого колеса с утоненными зубьями, на боковые поверхности которых нанесен абразивный слой, состоящий из металлической связки с равномерно распределенными в ней зернами синтетических алмазов, отличающийся тем, что абразивный слой нанесен на участки, шириной 2…3 мм и высотой, определяемой по зависимости h=2,1·m, где m - модуль зубьев обрабатываемой заготовки-колеса, образующие одно- или многозаходную спираль. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 79 822 U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/05 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008107064/22, 27.02.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.02.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Тульский государственный университет (ТулГУ) (RU) U 1 7 9 8 2 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Зубчатый хон, состоящий из стального цилиндрического зубчатого колеса с утоненными зубьями, на боковые поверхности которых нанесен абразивный слой, состоящий из металлической связки с равномерно распределенными в ней зернами синтетических алмазов, отличающийся тем, что абразивный слой нанесен на участки, шириной 2...3 мм и высотой, определяемой по зависимости h=2,1·m, где m - модуль зубьев обрабатываемой заготовки-колеса, образующие одно- или многозаходную спираль. 7 9 8 2 2 (54) ЗУБЧАТЫЙ ХОН R U Адрес для переписки: 300600, г.Тула, пр. Ленина, 92, (ТулГУ), патентно-лицензионный сектор (72) Автор(ы): Маликов Андрей Андреевич (RU), Валиков Евгений Николаевич (RU), Ямников Александр Сергеевич (RU), Сидоркин Андрей Викторович (RU) U 1 U 1 7 9 8 2 2 7 9 8 2 2 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 79 822 U1 Техническое решение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано для обработки зубчатых колес. Известны хоны, представляющие собой ...

27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000103084U1

Сборный инструмент для снятия фасок и заусенцев с торцов зубьев зубчатых колес, состоящий из корпуса, выполненного в виде поводкового косозубого колеса ступенчатой формы и высотой меньше обрабатываемой детали на ширину двух фасок, на котором при помощи равнорасположенных винтов закреплены режущие инструменты, выполненные в виде накатников, имеющих внутреннюю сторону с торца, выполненную под углом, и состоящих из двух прямозубых колес с чередующимися группами зубьев, выполненных с задним углом при вершине и с увеличением их высоты в группе, отличающийся тем, что зубья в группе выполнены с неравномерным увеличением их высоты и диаметрами d, определяемыми зависимостью где d - диаметр основной окружности режущего инструмента; ρ - радиус кривизны эвольвенты на вершине i-го зуба режущего инструмента, определяемый по формуле ρ=ρ+l·(i-1)/(n-1), где l - длина активной линии зацепления зубьев заготовки и инструмента; ρ - радиус кривизны эвольвенты в нижней активной точке профиля режущего инструмента; n - число зубьев режущего инструмента в группе. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 103 084 (13) U1 (51) МПК B23F 19/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010142659/02, 18.10.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.10.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "КАМАЗ" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2011 1 0 3 0 8 4 R U Формула полезной модели Сборный инструмент для снятия фасок и заусенцев с торцов зубьев зубчатых колес, состоящий из корпуса, выполненного в виде поводкового косозубого колеса ступенчатой формы и высотой меньше обрабатываемой детали на ширину двух фасок, на котором при помощи равнорасположенных винтов закреплены режущие инструменты, выполненные в виде накатников, имеющих внутреннюю сторону с торца, выполненную под углом, и состоящих из двух прямозубых колес с чередующимися группами зубьев, выполненных с задним углом при ...

20-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000128141U1

Инструмент для чистовой обработки цилиндрических зубчатых колес, выполненный в виде цилиндрического зубчатого колеса, на боковых поверхностях зубьев которого выполнены режущие кромки, которые образованы пересечением поверхностей зубьев с винтовыми поверхностями стружечной канавки, смещенные в осевом направлении относительно друг друга на величину , где Р - шаг винтовой стружечной канавки; z - число зубьев инструмента, образующее с обрабатываемой заготовкой-колесом зубчатую пару внеполюсного зацепления, отличающийся тем, что профиль винтовой стружечной канавки инструмента образован кривыми второго порядка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B23F 19/06 (11) (13) 128 141 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012145438/02, 26.10.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.10.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Маликов Андрей Андреевич (RU), Сидоркин Андрей Викторович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2013 Бюл. № 14 (54) ИНСТРУМЕНТ ДЛЯ ЧИСТОВОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ ЦИЛИНДРИЧЕСКИХ ЗУБЧАТЫХ КОЛЕС U 1 , где Р - шаг винтовой стружечной канавки; z - число зубьев инструмента, образующее с обрабатываемой заготовкой-колесом зубчатую пару внеполюсного зацепления, отличающийся тем, что профиль винтовой стружечной канавки инструмента образован кривыми второго порядка. R U 1 2 8 1 4 1 относительно друг друга на величину Стр.: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Инструмент для чистовой обработки цилиндрических зубчатых колес, выполненный в виде цилиндрического зубчатого колеса, на боковых поверхностях зубьев которого выполнены режущие кромки, которые образованы пересечением поверхностей зубьев с винтовыми поверхностями стружечной канавки, смещенные в осевом направлении 1 2 8 1 4 1 Адрес для переписки: 300012, г.Тула, пр. Ленина, 92, ФГБОУ ВПО "Тульский государственный университет" (ТулГУ), патентно-лицензионный отдел R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего ...

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing gear

Номер: US20120177457A1
Автор: Eiri Nagata
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

A method of manufacturing a gear by a skiving process, the skiving process utilizing a cutter including a rotational axis inclined to a rotational axis of a work to be processed into the gear, the skiving process feeding the cutter in a tooth trace direction of a tooth to be formed at the work in a state where the cutter rotates in synchronization with the work, the method includes a surface hardening process for hardening a work surface of the work before the skiving process is performed.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Robust Method for Skiving and Corresponding Apparatus Comprising a Skiving Tool

Номер: US20120328384A1
Автор: Hartmut Marx, Olaf Vogel
Принадлежит: Individual

Method and an apparatus for setting up and plunging a skiving tool with respect to a work piece, on which a rotational-symmetric, periodic structure is to be manufactured with application of the skiving tool, wherein a radial feed motion in the direction of the work piece is performed, so to bring the skiving tool in contact with the work piece for the first time, and the skiving tool is plunged from the moment of the first contact down to a predetermined depth in a radial plunging movement, before the proper skiving of the rotation-symmetric, periodic structure is carried out.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171912A1
Автор: Radev Stoyan

The present invention relates to a method for producing periodic tooth flank modifications, wherein a tool is used during a first stroke carried out relative to a tooth flank of a tooth of a workpiece along an axis, which is rotated by a helix angle β relative to a center axis of the workpiece and which produces an enshrouding plane. The invention further relates to a machine tool, which is designed to carry out said method, and to a computer-readable medium having instructions, which lead to the open- or closed-loop control of a machine tool according to the method above when executed by a processor. 1132344653353. A method for producing periodic tooth flank modifications , wherein a tool is used during a first stroke carried out relative to a tooth flank of a tooth () of a workpiece () along an axis , which is rotated by a helix angle β relative to a center axis () of the workpiece () and which produces an enshrouding plane () , wherein the enshrouding plane () is oriented orthogonally to a plane of action () so that during the first stroke a machining track is created exactly along a first contact line () for a first corresponding rolling position by means of the machining effect of the tool on the workpiece () , wherein furthermore the tooth flank modification is created by means of an advancement by the value (z) of the tool in the normal direction of the tool and of the workpiece () along the first contact line () and the workpiece () performs no rolling motion during the individual stroke.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the value (z) remains unchanged during an individual stroke.35. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , after finishing the first tooth flank modification by the first stroke exactly on the first contact line () claim 1 , a second stroke is carried out exactly on a third contact line so as to create a second tooth flank modification claim 1 , said third contact line corresponding to a fourth ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Bevel gear for a bevel-gear transmission

Номер: US20130192401A1
Автор: Michael Potts
Принадлежит: Schottel GmbH

The invention relates to a bevel gear wheel of a bevel gear mechanism, the teeth of which bevel gear wheel have in each case a load flank and a rear flank, wherein the rear flanks have an engagement region for rear flanks of the meshing gear wheel, wherein the outer region, which surrounds the original maximum possible usable engagement region which normally comes into engagement, of the rear flank and an outer edge region of the original engagement region are reduced in terms of the face height thereof such that said reduced regions always remain free from contact and only the remaining, inner, raised region which is reduced in size comes into contact.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Rotation processing machine and rotation processing method

Номер: US20130225379A1
Принадлежит: Aisin AW Co Ltd

A rotation processing machine, including a rotating device that holds and rotates a workpiece; a processing device on which a cutting tool is mounted to process the workpiece; and a turning loader that has grippers arranged about a turning central axis, and that turns so that the grippers sequentially face the rotating device. The turning loader is configured to deliver and receive the workpiece to and from the rotating device by turning with the workpiece being directly or indirectly held by the gripper, and to deliver and receive the cutting tool to and from the processing device by turning with the cutting tool being directly or indirectly held by the gripper.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243539A1
Автор: Augsburg Markus

A chamfering method comprising defining a tooth edge utilizing theoretical data, defining an actual tooth edge utilizing the theoretical tooth edge data, defining a motion path of a chamfering tool and chamfering the actual tooth edge by moving the chamfering tool and the actual tooth edge relative to one another according to the motion path to chamfer the actual tooth edge. 1. A method of chamfering at least one edge of a tooth on a bevel gear having a plurality of teeth with a rotatable chamfering cutter having a plurality of cutting blades , said method comprising:selecting at least one tooth edge for chamfering,defining said at least one tooth edge by a plurality of edge points located along said at least one tooth edge,determining an orientation of said chamfering cutter at each of said edge points,determining a path of chamfer cutter travel between each of said edge points,rotating said chamfer cutter and moving said chamfer cutter relative to said at least one tooth edge along said path of chamfer cutter travel to produce a desired chamfer on said at least one tooth edge, said chamfer cutter transitioning from a determined orientation at one point to a determined orientation at a successive point for all edge points along said path of chamfer cutter travel on said tooth edge,wherein said method of chamfering is carried out without a teaching step.2. The method of wherein during said chamfering claim 1 , said chamfer cutter and said bevel gear are rotated according to a hobbing motion defined by the ratio of the number of cutting blades on said chamfer cutter and the number of teeth on said bevel gear.3. The method of further including chamfering an edge of a root portion between successive teeth on said bevel gear.4. The method of wherein said edge of a root portion is defined by a plurality of edge points located an edge of said root portion.5. The method of wherein the cutting blades of said chamfer cutter include a cutting edge and a radiused cutting tip ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007725A1
Автор: Enghels Florence
Принадлежит: Hispano Suiza

A method of manufacturing a mechanical component made of steel including a surface-hardening phase. The method includes creating a rough form of the component with regions to be hardened, then successive case hardening with cooling without quenching, heating to an austenitizing temperature of the steel by induction heating the zones, and quenching. 16-. (canceled)7. A method of manufacturing a steel toothed gearwheel with a phase of hardening surface zones , comprising:creating a blank of a component with zones that are to be hardened; and thencarburizing, the carburizing being followed by a cooling without quenching;localized induction heating using at least one medium-frequency or low-frequency current generator, which is applied to an entire depth of the gearwheel tooth set, up to an austenitizing temperature of the steel; andquenching.8. The method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the material is a steel with a carbon content of at least 0.3%.9. The method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the component is carburized such that surface carbon content is at least 0.8%.10. A gearwheel obtained according to the method of claim 7 , wherein surface hardness of the gearwheels is at least 680 HV.11. The gearwheel as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the hardness of the quenched but not carburized zones is at least 450 HB.12. The gearwheel as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the hardness of the non-quenched base material is between 100 and 400 HB. The present invention relates to the field of the treatment of metal components made of steel to make them better able to withstand the loadings to which they are subjected while they are in use. It relates in particular to the treatment of gearwheels.A gearwheel, an example embodiment of which is depicted in , is a mechanical component that transmits rotational load. The gearwheel depicted in the figure comprises a wheel disk with a tooth set formed at its periphery. The wheel disk is extended axially by cylindrical surfaces forming the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001397A1
Автор: Lee Kwang Hui

A gear manufacturing method includes a step of preparing a gear blank; a step (teeth cutting step) of cutting the gear blank to form a half-finished gear having a plurality of gear teeth; a step (heat treatment step) of heat-treating the half-finished gear having the gear teeth; and a step (form rolling step) of rolling the half-finished gear which is subjected to the heat treatment, in which the gear teeth of the half-finished gear which is subjected to the teeth cutting step is formed with protuberances on both sides in a circumferential direction, and at the form rolling step, the protuberances are pressed by a rolling die, so that the half-finished gear becomes a gear. 1. A gear manufacturing method comprising:a step of preparing a gear blank;{'b': 110', '20', '21, 'a step (teeth cutting step; ST-) of cutting the gear blank to form a half-finished gear () having a plurality of gear teeth ();'}{'b': '120', 'a step (heat treatment step; ST-) of heat-treating the half-finished gear having the gear teeth; and'}{'b': '130', 'a step (form rolling step; ST-) of rolling the half-finished gear which is subjected to the heat treatment,'}{'b': 21', '20', '28', '130', '28, 'in which the gear teeth () of the half-finished gear () which is subjected to the teeth cutting step is formed with protuberances () on both sides in a circumferential direction, and at the form rolling step (ST-), the protuberances () are pressed by a rolling die, so that the half-finished gear becomes a gear.'}228. The gear manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the protuberance () has the maximum thickness at a portion corresponding to a pitch circle claim 1 , and the thickness is gradually decreased toward an addendum circle and a dedendum circle.32828. The gear manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the gear is an involute gear claim 1 , the protuberance () is provided in a range of an addendum circle and a dedendum circle claim 1 , and the protuberance () has the maximum ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009016A1

A gear machining apparatus includes: a hob cutter; at least one processor; and at least one memory having instructions. The instructions, when executed by the at least one processor, cause the gear machining apparatus to perform operations including: performing first chamfering on a first axial end of a gear profile by relatively moving the hob cutter with respect to a workpiece in radial and axial directions of the workpiece; performing, subsequent to the first chamfering, gear profile machining by relatively moving the hob cutter with respect to the workpiece in the axial direction; and performing, subsequent to the gear profile machining, second chamfering on a second axial end of the gear profile by relatively moving the hob cutter with respect to the workpiece in the radial and axial directions. 1. A gear machining apparatus comprising:a hob cutter configured to machine a gear profile on a workpiece;at least one processor; andat least one memory having instructions that, when executed by the at least one processor, cause the gear machining apparatus to perform operations to relatively move the hob cutter and the workpiece while synchronously rotating the hob cutter and the workpiece, performing first chamfering on a first axial end of the gear profile by relatively moving the hob cutter with respect to the workpiece in a radial direction of the workpiece while relatively moving the hob cutter with respect to the workpiece in an axial direction of the workpiece;', 'performing, subsequent to the first chamfering, gear profile machining by relatively moving the hob cutter with respect to the workpiece in the axial direction of the workpiece; and', 'performing, subsequent to the gear profile machining, second chamfering on a second axial end of the gear profile opposite to the first axial end in the axial direction by relatively moving the hob cutter with respect to the workpiece in the radial direction of the workpiece while relatively moving the hob cutter with ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008104A1
Автор: Wuerfel Robert

One or more workpieces having a desired gear geometry may be produced by means of a suitably dressed tool which is respectively dressed by a dresser after the carrying out of one or more machining steps before further machining steps are carried out at the same workpiece or at further workpieces. A relative position between the dresser and the tool may be changed by a corresponding additional adjustment of the axes of movement of the dressing machine in a later dressing process with respect to an earlier dressing process in addition to the smaller center distance resulting from the smaller tool diameter. 1. A method of manufacturing one or more workpieces having a desired gear geometry by means of a suitably dressed tool , wherein , after the carrying out of one or more machining steps , the tool is respectively dressed by a dresser of a dressing machine before further machining steps are carried out at the same workpiece or at further workpieces , wherein on a later dressing procedure , the relative position between the dresser and the tool is changed with respect to a prior dressing procedure in addition to the smaller center distance resulting by the smaller tool diameter by a corresponding additional adjustment of the axes of movement of the dressing machine.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the additional adjustment of the axes of movement of the dressing machine partly compensates modifications of the gear geometry which result by the smaller tool diameter; and/or wherein the additional adjustment of the axes of movement of the dressing machine with respect to a dressing without such an additional adjustment effect a change of the profile crowning resulting during dressing; and/or wherein the additional adjustment is selected such that a deviation of the gear geometry resulting on the workpiece from a desired gear geometry is reduced and/or minimized; and/or wherein the additional adjustment reduces or minimizes a deviation of the gear ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008105A1
Автор: Wuerfel Robert

A method of producing a workpiece having a desired gear geometry by means of a suitably dressed tool may include specifying a desired gear geometry of the workpiece and selecting a combination of a dresser and a tool, such that the desired gear geometry of the workpiece can be produced by the selected combination at least within one permitted tolerance. The method may further include dressing the tool with the dresser in line contact for producing a suitable gear geometry of the tool and machining the workpiece with the dressed tool for producing the desired gear geometry of the workpiece at least within a permitted tolerance. 1. A method of producing a workpiece having a desired gear geometry by means of a suitably dressed tool , comprising:specifying a desired gear geometry of the workpiece;selecting a combination of a dresser and a tool which can produce the desired gear geometry of the workpiece at least within a permitted tolerance;dressing the tool with the dresser in line contact; andproducing the desired gear geometry of the workpiece at least within the permitted tolerance machining the workpiece with the dressed tool.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the selection takes place from a plurality of dressers and/or from a plurality of tools in dependence on the desired gear geometry of the workpiece; and/or wherein the dressers and/or tools belong to an at least partly specified or already existing range; and/or wherein the dressers are designed for different tools and/or have different modifications and/or different diameters; and/or wherein the tools differ with respect to their macrogeometry claim 1 , including with respect to the number of starts and/or diameter and/or profile angle; and/or wherein specifications are present with respect to the dressers and/or tools which can be used and are complemented such that the desired gear geometry of the workpiece can be produced by the selected combination at least within the permitted tolerance; ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008107A1
Автор: Wuerfel Robert

In a method of producing a toothed workpiece having a modified surface geometry by a diagonal generating method by means of a modified tool, a tool may be used whose surface geometry comprises a modification which can be described at least approximately in the generating pattern at least locally in a first direction of the tool by a linear and/or quadratic function, with the specific modification of the tool producing a corresponding modification on the surface of the workpiece by the diagonal generating method, with the modification of the workpiece produced by the specific modification of the tool having a profile modification and/or a modification caused by a change of the machine kinematics during the machining process of the workpiece superposed on it. 1. A method of producing a toothed workpiece having a modified surface geometry by a diagonal generating method by means of a modified tool , wherein a tool is used whose surface geometry comprises a modification which can be described at least approximately at least locally in the generating pattern in a first direction of the tool by a linear and/or quadratic function; wherein the coefficients of this linear and/or quadratic function are formed in a second direction of the tool which extends perpendicular to the first direction by coefficient functions F , Fand/or Fand/or a modification whose pitch and/or crowning varies in dependence on the angle of rotation of the tool and/or on the tool width position; and wherein the specific modification of the tool by the diagonal generating method produces a corresponding modification on the surface of the workpiece , wherein the modification of the workpiece produced by the specific modification of the tool is superposed by a profile modification and/or a modification caused by a change of the machine kinematics during the machining process of the workpiece.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the shape and/or portions and/or parameters of the respective ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008108A1
Автор: Wuerfel Robert

A toothed workpiece having a modified surface geometry may be produced by a diagonal machining method by means of a modified tool. The modification of the tool can be described at least approximately at least locally in the generating pattern in a first direction of the tool by a linear and/or quadratic function; the coefficients of this linear and/or quadratic function are formed in a second direction of the tool which extends perpendicular to the first direction. A pitch and/or crowning of the modification varies in dependence on the angle of rotation of the tool and/or on the tool width position, and a tooth thickness of the modified tool varies in a non-linear manner in dependence on the angle of rotation of the tool and/or on the tool width position. 1. A method of producing a toothed workpiece having a modified surface geometry by a diagonal generating method by means of a modified tool , wherein a tool is used for producing the modification of the workpiece whose surface geometry comprises a modification which can be described at least approximately at least locally in the generating pattern in a first direction of the tool by a linear and/or quadratic function; wherein the coefficients of this linear and/or quadratic function are formed in a second direction of the tool which extends perpendicular to the first direction by coefficient functions Ffor the constant portion , Ffor the linear portion , and/or Ffor the quadratic portion , with Fdepending in a non-linear manner on the position in the second direction and Fbeing non-constant; and/or a modification whose pitch and/or crowning varies in dependence on the angle of rotation of the tool and/or on the tool width position; and whose tooth thickness varies in a non-linear manner in dependence on the angle of rotation of the tool and/or on the tool width position.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the modification produced by the modified tool has a modification superposed on it which is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008109A1
Автор: Wuerfel Robert

A tool which can be used for gear manufacturing machining of a workpiece may be dressed on a dressing machine, and the dressing may take place with line contact between the dresser and the tool. A specific modification of the surface geometry of the tool is produced by the suitable selection of the position of the dresser with respect to the tool during dressing. The specific modification of the surface geometry of the workpiece is specifiable with regard to various parameters. 1. A method of dressing a tool , which can be used for the gear tooth machining of a workpiece , on a dresser , wherein the dressing takes place with line contact between the dresser and the tool , wherein a specific modification of the surface geometry of the tool is produced by the suitable choice of the position of the dresser to the tool when dressing , wherein the specific modification of the surface geometry of the tool is specifiable at at least three rolling angles , and/or wherein a crowning of the specific modification of the surface geometry of the tool is specifiable; and/or in that the specific modification of the surface geometry of the tool is specifiable at at least two rolling angles and , in addition , an association of a specific radius of the dresser with a specific radius of the tool takes place , and/or wherein a pitch of the specific modification of the surface geometry of the tool is specifiable and , in addition , an association of a specific radius of the dresser with a specific radius of the tool takes place; and/or in that an association of two specific radii of the dresser with two specific radii of the tool takes place; and/or in that the angle of rotation of the tool and the tool width position are varied during dressing to guide the dresser along the tool and at least two further degrees of freedom of the relative position between the dresser and the tool are set independently of one another for influencing the gear tooth geometry produced by the dressing and/ ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008653A1

A gear machining support device supports machining when a tooth of a gear is machined on a workpiece by relatively moving the workpiece and a machining tool while synchronizing rotations of the workpiece and the machining tool around respective center axis lines thereof. The gear machining support device includes: a target modification amount storage unit configured to store target modification amounts of at least two of modification elements of a tooth surface shape of the tooth of the gear, the modification elements including crowning, bias, a helix angle, a pressure angle, and a tooth profile roundness; and a correction amount determination unit configured to determine a correction amount of a machining control element during a machining operation such that the at least two of modification elements approximate the respective target modification amounts stored in the target modification amount storage unit. 1. A gear machining support device that supports machining when a tooth of a gear is machined on a workpiece by relatively moving the workpiece and a machining tool while synchronizing a rotation of the workpiece around a center axis line of the workpiece and a rotation of the machining tool around a center axis line of the machining tool , the gear machining support device comprising:a target modification amount storage unit configured to store target modification amounts of at least two of modification elements of a tooth surface shape of the tooth of the gear, the modification elements comprising crowning, bias, a helix angle, a pressure angle, and a tooth profile roundness; anda correction amount determination unit configured to determine a correction amount of a machining control element during a machining operation such that the at least two of modification elements approximate the respective target modification amounts stored in the target modification amount storage unit.2. The gear machining support device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014924A1
Автор: Philippin Matthias

The invention relates to a method for loading and unloading an internally toothed workpiece or a workpiece that is to be provided with internal toothing into/out of a clamping position, in which the workpiece, which is held by a retaining device, is brought into the clamping position by means of a conveying movement so that said workpiece, when clamped, has internal toothing cut by a gear cutting tool that occupies a cutting chamber and, after cutting, said workpiece, which is held by the retaining device, is returned from the clamping position in a return movement, wherein, prior to cutting, the retaining device is permitted to carry out an evasive movement that is different from the return movement/reverse conveying movement and that frees the cutting chamber, or the cutting chamber is already kept free of the retaining device as soon as the clamping position is reached. 12. Method for loading and unloading an internally toothed workpiece () or a workpiece that is to be provided with internal toothing into/out of a clamping position ,{'b': '2', 'in which the workpiece (), which is held by a retaining device, is brought into the clamping position by means of a conveying movement (α) so that said workpiece, when clamped, has internal toothing cut by a gear cutting tool (T) that occupies a cutting chamber (U) and, after cutting, said workpiece, which is held by the retaining device, is returned from the clamping position in a return movement (ω),'}{'b': 10', '10, 'characterised in that, prior to cutting, the retaining device () is permitted to carry out an evasive movement (δ) that is different from the return movement (ω)/reverse conveying movement (−α) and that frees the cutting chamber (U), or the cutting chamber (U) is already kept free of the retaining device () as soon as the clamping position is reached.'}2115334abab. Method according to claim 1 , wherein components of the retaining device comprising the retaining regions ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) thereof and/or ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021437A1
Автор: Wyman Hastings

Methods for machining may include: (a) providing a bevel gear on a workpiece spindle of a machine, the gear having a tooth having a head, (b) rotationally driving the gear about an axis of the spindle, (c) providing a first machining tool on a tool spindle of the machine, (d) machining the gear by means of the first machining tool, (e) providing a grinding tool as a second machining tool on the tool spindle or on a further spindle, (f) driving the grinding tool to rotate about a tool axis of the tool spindle, wherein the grinding tool comprises a concave machining region that has a ring shape and is arranged concentrically in relation to the tool axis, and (g) advancing the grinding tool in relation to the gear to bring the machining region into chip-removing operational connection with an edge in a region of the head to produce a chamfer on the edge by grinding. 1. A method for finish machining a bevel gear , comprising:(a) fastening a bevel gear on a workpiece spindle of a machine tool, the bevel gear having a tooth, the tooth having a tooth head, a tooth flank and a tooth width,(b) rotationally driving the bevel gear about a workpiece axis of rotation of the workpiece spindle,(c) machining the bevel gear using a first machining tool located on a tool spindle of the machine tool,(d) driving a grinding tool located on the tool spindle or on a further tool spindle of the machine tool to rotate about a tool axis of rotation of the tool spindle, wherein the grinding tool comprises a concave machining region that has a ring shape and is arranged concentrically in relation to the tool axis of rotation, and(e) advancing the grinding tool in relation to the bevel gear in order to bring the concave machining region of the grinding tool into chip-removing operational connection with an edge in a region of the tooth head, wherein the edge extends along the tooth width and defines a transition between the tooth flank and the tooth head, to produce a head chamfer on the edge ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Tool, Machine and Method for Producing Roof Ridge-Shaped Chamfers on Teeth of an Internally and Externally Toothed Gearwheel

Номер: US20200023445A1

The invention provides a tool, a method and a machine with which roof ridge-shaped chamfers can be produced on teeth of an internally and externally toothed gearwheel with minimised changeover times during tool set up. For this purpose, a tool according to the invention comprises a tool carrier having a holding section for attachment in a tool holder and a chamfering tool, which is held on the end section of the tool carrier, said end section being associated with the other end face, and during use describes an impact circle with its cutting edge, the diameter of said circle being determined by the radial distance of the cutting edge of the chamfering tool from the axis of rotation of the tool. According to the invention, at least one further chamfering tool is attached in a middle section of the tool carrier which is offset relative to the end section provided with the chamfering tool towards the holding section of the tool carrier. At the same time, the further chamfering tool is held with its cutting edge at a radial distance from the axis of rotation of the tool, which is greater than the radial distance of the cutting edge of the chamfering tool held on the end section of the tool holder. A method according to the invention and a machine according to the invention are based on the use of tools according to the invention. 1. A tool for producing roof ridge-shaped chamfers on teeth of an internally and externally toothed gearwheel , wherein the tool comprisesa finger-like tool carrier having a holding section which is associated with an end face of the tool carrier and provided for fastening in a tool holder of a machine tool,anda chamfering tool, which is held on the end section of the tool carrier associated with the other end face, and during use describes an impact circle with its cutting edge, whose diameter is determined by the radial distance of the cutting edge of the chamfering tool from the axis of rotation of the tool,wherein at least one further ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031023A1

The invention concerns a method for the machining of toothed workpieces, in particular for the plastic reshaping of the tooth edges at the ends of the teeth through a meshing tooth engagement with a tool that is rotatable with free-running mobility about its axis of rotation, in particular a chamfering tool, wherein between the machining of one workpiece and the next, the tool is subjected to a traverse movement, whereby the tool is caused to perform a rotary movement so that, if a tool region () that is designed for the initial engagement with the work pieces is not suitably positioned, it is brought into a position that is suitable for the machining of the next work piece, wherein the rotary movement is effected by coupling the rotary movement at least in sections to the traverse movement. 12102. Method for the machining of toothed workpieces () for generating a chamfer on the tooth edges at the ends of the teeth , through a meshing tooth engagement with a chamfering tool () that is rotatable with free-running mobility about its axis of rotation (Z) , wherein between the machining of one workpiece and the next , the tool is caused to perform a traverse movement ,{'b': 6', '6, 'i': a', 'b, 'characterized in that the tool is caused to perform a rotary movement whereby, if a tool region (, ) that is designed for the initial engagement with the work pieces is not suitably positioned, it is brought into a position that is suitable for the machining of the next work piece.'}210. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary movement is effected through a relative displacement movement between the tool () and a counterpart that is configured in particular as a guide arrangement.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary movement is effected by coupling the rotary movement at least in sections to the traverse movement.4. Method according to claim 3 , wherein the traverse movement takes place along a closed-loop path.5. Method according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030660A1
Автор: Wern Michael J.

A method and apparatus for processing a metallic workpiece with defined edges (e.g., a gear) comprises media blasting of the workpiece by directing a first media against exposed surfaces on the workpiece to increase the root strength of the gear, the blasting causing the defined edges to be radiused or mushroomed, ceasing the media blasting, loading the workpiece into a finishing apparatus, and subjecting the workpiece to a finishing process with a second media, the exposed surfaces on the workpiece being subjected to the finishing process to reduce the radiused edges on the workpiece created from the media blasting. The process of moving the workpiece to the spindle-finishing apparatus from the media blasting may be performed automatically by a machine. Once the workpiece has been subjected to the finishing process with the second media, it may be removed from the spindle-finishing machine, washed, and rinsed with rust inhibitor whereby wear properties of the workpiece are enhanced. 120-. (canceled)21. An apparatus for processing a workpiece having one or more defined edges , the one or more defined edges having a cross-sectional shape that includes at least one tip , the apparatus comprising:a media blasting apparatus configured to subject the workpiece to a media blasting process with a first media and forming the tip of the one or more defined edges into a radiused tip having a first width; anda finishing apparatus configured to subject the workpiece to a finishing process after the media blasting process, the finishing process comprising vibrating a second media to wear down the radiused tip such that the width of the radiused tip becomes a second width, wherein the second width is less than the first width.22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the workpiece comprises one or more teeth claim 21 , and wherein the one or more defined edges are located on a tip of the one or more teeth.23. The apparatus of claim 22 , wherein the workpiece is a gear.24. The ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030899A1
Автор: Stadtfeld Hermann J.

A method of machining a tooth flank of a gear with a gear machining tool. The method comprises rotating the tool and bringing the tool and the tooth flank into contact. Relative movements are provided between the tool and the gear to traverse the tool across the tooth flank along a path whereby the path produces a tooth flank geometry of a form which, when brought into mesh with a mating tooth flank under no load or light load to form a tooth pair, provides a motion graph curve comprising a sinusoidal portion () and a parabolic portion (). 1. A method of machining a tooth flank of a gear with a finishing tool , said method comprising:rotating said finishing tool and bringing said tool and said tooth flank into contact,providing relative movement between said tool and said gear to traverse said tool across said tooth flank along a path,whereby said path produces a tooth flank geometry of a form which, when brought into mesh with a mating tooth flank under no load or light load to form a tooth pair, provides a motion graph curve comprising a sinusoidal portion and a parabolic portion.2. A method of machining tooth flank surfaces of mating gear members with a first tool for machining the tooth flank surfaces of one mating gear member , and a second tool for machining the tooth flank surfaces of the other mating gear member , said method comprising:rotating said first tool and bringing said first tool and the tooth flank of said one mating gear member into contact,providing relative movement between said first tool and said one mating gear member to traverse said first tool across the tooth flank along a first path,rotating said second tool and bringing said second tool and the tooth flank of said other mating gear member into contact,providing relative movement between said second tool and said other mating gear member to traverse said second tool across the tooth flank along a second path,whereby said first path and said second path produces respective tooth flank ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Mutual-lapping device for improving gear machining accuracy and the mutual-lapping method thereof

Номер: US20210046565A1
Принадлежит: Dalian University of Technology

A mutual-lapping device and mutual-lapping method for improving processing precision based on the principle of error averaging is proposed. The device including driving friction wheel, driving belt pulley, transmission belt A, connecting rod A, rotation shaft segment A, multi-ball sleeve, mutual-lapping gear A, tension spring, driven friction wheel, pendulum bar of the driven friction wheel, driven belt pulley, transmission belt B, connecting rod B, pressure spring of tensioning pulley, tensioner mechanism, rotation shaft segment B and mutual-lapping gear B. By mutual lapping the high-precision gears, not only the pitch deviation, tooth profile deviation, helix deviation and runout can be reduced synchronously, but also the machining cost is low. Meanwhile, the effect of improving pitch accuracy, profile accuracy, helix accuracy and runout accuracy and reducing surface roughness is remarkable.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043446A1
Автор: Masuo Koichi

The present invention is provided with: gear chamfering tools that perform cutting for chamfering a tooth profile ridge section of a gear to be cut; tool holding parts for holding the gear chamfering tools at one end portion thereof; substantially linear movement means which cause substantially linear movement of the other end portion opposed to the one end portion for holding the gear chamfering tools in the tool holding parts; and circular movement means for causing circular movement of an intermediate portion between the one end portion for holding the gear chamfering tools and the other end portion subjected to the substantially linear movement by the substantially linear movement means in the tool holding parts. By combining the substantially linear movement means and the circular movement means, substantially elliptical movement of tip end parts of the gear chamfering tools is achieved. 1. A gear chamfering device comprising:a gear chamfering tool which chamfers a tooth profile ridge section of a gear to be cut by cutting;a tool holding part which holds the gear chamfering tool in one end portion thereof;substantially linear movement means for causing another end portion of the tool holding part to make a substantially linear movement, the other end portion being opposite to the one end portion which holds the gear chamfering tool; andcircular movement means for causing an intermediate portion of the tool holding part to make a circular movement, the intermediate portion provided between the one end portion which holds the gear chamfering tool and the other end portion which is caused to make the substantially linear movement by the substantially linear movement means, whereina tip end part of the gear chamfering tool is caused to make a substantially elliptical movement so as to pass an entrance position where at least part of the gear chamfering tool enters a portion between tooth surfaces of the gear to be cut and an exit position where the gear chamfering ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Rolling Device for Rolling Work Pieces Having a Toothing, and Associated Method

Номер: US20190047114A1
Автор: Karsten Roettger

The invention relates to a rolling device for rolling work pieces with toothing, in particular gear wheels, with (g) a first shaping tool ( 14.1 ), (h) at least one second shaping tool ( 14.2 ) and at least one guide ( 16 ) designed for the guided movement of the shaping tools ( 14.1, 14.2 ) relative to a work piece, such that a first region (B 1 ) of a tooth flank ( 38 ) of the work piece can be shaped with the first shaping tool ( 14.1 ), (i) wherein the first shaping tool ( 14.1 ) has a first roller ( 46.1 ) that is rotatably mounted about a first tool rotational axis (D 14.1 ), (j) wherein the second shaping tool ( 14.2 ) has a second roller ( 46.2 ) that is rotatably mounted about a second tool rotational axis (D 14.2 ) and (k) wherein the first roller ( 46.1 ) has a first effective axial thickness (d 1 ) on the circumference thereof. According to the invention, the second roller ( 46.2 ) has a second effective axial thickness (d 2 ) on the circumference thereof, which differs from the first effective axial thickness (d 1 ) such that a second region (B 2 ) of the tooth flank ( 38 ) that is different from the first region can be shaped with the second shaping tool ( 14.2 ).

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Tool for Cutting Teeth or for Dressing of a Fine Machining Tool Having a Set of External Teeth

Номер: US20200047269A1

The invention relates to a tool for dressing or cutting teeth of fine machining tools, which tool makes it possible to exactly reproduce, in a simple manner, the required tooth system geometry on the fine machining tool which is to be dressed or in which teeth are to be cut. The tool is annular and has a set of internal teeth, the teeth of which mesh, during the tooth-cutting or dressing operation, with the set of external teeth of the fine machining tool in which teeth are to be cut or which is to be dressed. At the same time, the tool has a central longitudinal axis, which extends through the centre point of the opening surrounded by the tool. According to the invention, the set of internal teeth is now formed on a ring element, which is at most 5 mm thick and is produced from a diamond material. The teeth of the set of internal teeth have cutting edges, by means of which said teeth remove material of the fine tool during the tooth-cutting or dressing machining process. The ring element is supported by a support ring, on which at least one support element associated with the support ring opening of the support ring is provided. The ring element is supported on said support element. The teeth of the set of internal teeth formed on the ring element protrude beyond the edge of the support element facing the support ring opening at least over part of the length of the cutting edges of said teeth in the direction of the central longitudinal axis of the tool. 1. A tool for cutting teeth or dressing of a fine machining tool having a set of external teeth for the fine-machining of workpieces , wherein the tool is annular and has a set of internal teeth , the teeth of which mesh , during the tooth-cutting or dressing operation , with the set of external teeth of the fine machining tool in which teeth are to be cut or which is to be dressed , and wherein the tool has a central longitudinal axis , which extends through the centre point of the opening surrounded by the tool , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056416A1
Автор: Ribbeck Karl-Martin

Semi-completing single indexing methods for machining the tooth flanks of a face coupling workpiece. A tool is used which includes at least one cutting head having two cutting edges or two grinding surfaces. Exemplary methods include executing at least one first relative setting movement, to achieve a first relative setting, finish machining a first tooth flank of a tooth gap of the face coupling workpiece using a first cutting edge or using a first grinding surface of the tool and simultaneously pre-machining a second tooth flank of the second tooth gap using the second cutting edge or using the second grinding surface, executing at least one second relative setting movement, to achieve a second relative setting, and finish machining the second tooth flank of the same or a further tooth gap using a second cutting edge or using the second grinding surface of the tool. 1. A method for machining the tooth flanks of a face coupling workpiece in a semi-completing single indexing process , the method comprising:(i) executing at least one first relative setting movement between a face coupling workpiece and a gear cutting tool including at least one cutting head having a first cutting edge and a second cutting edge arranged on the at least one cutting head to define a positive tip width between the first cutting edge and the second cutting edge and, in turn, defining a first relative setting of the tool in relation to the face coupling workpiece;(ii) finish machining a first tooth flank of a first tooth gap of the face coupling workpiece with the first cutting edge, and simultaneously pre-machining a second tooth flank of the first tooth gap with the second cutting edge,(iii) executing at least one second relative setting movement between the face coupling workpiece and the gear cutting tool, and, in turn, defining a second relative setting of the tool in relation to the face coupling workpiece, and(iv) finish machining, with the second cutting edge, one or more of the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056417A1
Автор: Kreh Wilhelm

A continuous semi-completing method for machining the tooth flanks of a face coupling workpiece using a gear cutting tool having multiple blades. Exemplary methods include a) setting of a first machine setting, wherein an inner cutting edge of an mth blade of the gear cutting tool machines a convex flank of a first tooth gap, and an inner cutting edge of a further blade machines a convex flank of a following tooth gap, until all convex flanks of all tooth gaps are finish machined, and b) setting of a second machine setting wherein an outer cutting edge of an nth blade of the gear cutting tool machines a concave flank of a tooth gap, and an outer cutting edge of a further blade machines a concave flank of a following tooth gap, until all concave flanks of all tooth gaps are finish machined. 1. A method for machining tooth flanks of a face coupling workpiece in a continuous semi-completing process , the method comprising:performing the following steps a) and b), which are carried out in a sequence of step a) and then step b), or a sequence of step b) and then step a), using a gear cutting tool having a plurality of blades, wherein each of the plurality of blades includes an inner cutting edge and an outer cutting edge, and steps a) and b) comprise:a) setting a first machine setting, rotationally driving the face coupling workpiece about a workpiece rotational axis, and coupledly rotationally driving the gear cutting tool about a tool rotational axis, wherein the first machine setting is defined and said coupled driving of the face coupling workpiece with said driving of the gear cutting tool is performed to provide an indexing movement of the face coupling workpiece relative to the gear cutting tool, machine a convex flank of a first tooth gap of the face coupling workpiece with a respective inner cutting edge of an mth blade of the gear cutting tool, and machine a convex flank of a following tooth gap of the face coupling workpiece with an inner cutting edge of a ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Device And Method For Producing A Chamfer On A Toothed Workpiece Wheel

Номер: US20190054554A1
Автор: Sobczyk Marcel

A method for producing a toothed workpiece wheel, the tooth root of which adjoins an end face of the workpiece wheel with a chamfer extending into the tooth flanks being formed, wherein the toothing of the workpiece wheel is created by skiving with a gear-cutting tool which has a first number of cutting teeth that each form cutting edges and the rotation axis of which is at a first crossed-axes angle to the axis of rotation of the workpiece wheel, with an infeed in a first infeed direction parallel to the direction of extension of the tooth flanks to be produced and of the tooth root. The chamfer is created by skiving with a chamfering tool which has a second number of cutting teeth that each form cutting edges and the rotation axis of which is at a second crossed-axes angle to the axis of the workpiece wheel, with an infeed in a second infeed direction parallel to the direction of extension of the chamfer to be produced in the tooth root. Also disclosed is an associated tool set. 1. A method for producing a toothed workpiece wheel , the tooth root of which adjoins an end face of the workpiece wheel with a chamfer extending into the tooth flanks being formed , wherein the toothing of the workpiece wheel is created by skiving with a gear-cutting tool , which has a first number of cutting teeth that each form cutting edges and the axis of rotation of which is at a first crossed-axes angle to the axis of rotation of the workpiece wheel , with an infeed in a first infeed direction parallel to the direction of extension of the tooth flanks to be produced and of the tooth root , wherein the chamfer is created by skiving with a chamfer tool , which has a second number of cutting teeth that each form cutting edges and the axis of rotation of which is at a second crossed-axes angle to the axis of the workpiece wheel , with an infeed in a second infeed direction parallel to the direction of extension of the chamfer to be produced in the tooth root.2. A tool set for producing ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150071722A1
Принадлежит: GE Avio S.r.l.

The axis of rotation of a gear wheel subjected to thermal treatment and comprising at least one intermediate crown wheel and a pair of lateral tubular hubs arranged on opposite sides of the crown wheel is restored automatically by coupling a first of the hubs to a head rotating about a fixed axis of own rotation axis, displacing the other hub in a direction transverse to the fixed axis until both of the hubs and the crown wheel are brought into positions substantially sharing the fixed axis and providing on each of the hubs a respective centring surface sharing the fixed axis without uncoupling the first hub from the rotating head and keeping the gear wheel in a vertical and angularly fixed position. 1. A method for machining a gear wheel comprising at least one outer crown wheel , a first hub and a second hub opposed to each other and projecting in cantilever fashion from opposite axial sides of said crown wheel , the method comprising the steps of: coupling said first hub to a motor-driven rotating head having an own fixed vertical axis of rotation; displacing said second hub in a direction transverse to said fixed axis; bringing said hubs into a position substantially sharing said fixed axis; and machining the hubs , providing on each of said hubs a respective inner centring surface sharing said fixed axis; the steps of bringing said hubs into a position substantially sharing said fixed axis and of machining the hubs themselves to obtain said inner centring surfaces are obtained without uncoupling said first hub from said motor-driven rotating head.2. A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the steps of bringing said hubs into a position substantially sharing said fixed axis and of machining the hubs themselves to obtain said centring surface are performed claim 1 , keeping said axis in a vertical position.3. A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that said centring surfaces are provided claim 1 , keeping said gear wheel in an angularly ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070682A1

The present disclosure relates to a device for machining a work-piece with a tool, including a tool receptacle for releasably clamping a tool, such as a hob peeling wheel, and a machining head, which is provided with the tool receptacle, and is designed to drive a tool clamped therein, and to move it relative to a work-piece to be machined, including an assessment unit for imaging and/or measuring a tool, or a part thereof, in order to detect the state of wear of the tool. 1. A method for machining a work-piece with a tool , including:a tool receptacle for releasably clamping a tool,a machining head, which is provided with the tool receptacle, and drives a tool clamped therein, and moves it relative to a work-piece to be machined, andat least one assessment unit for imaging or measuring a tool, or a part thereof, in order to detect the state of wear of the tool.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one assessment unit images at least one of multiple cutting edges of the tool.3. The method according to claim 1 , further with a display unit claim 1 , in order to display the image generated by the assessment unit.4. The method according to claim 1 , further with a storage unit claim 1 , in order to store the image created of the tool.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the storage unit further stores a time of the recording claim 4 , wearing information derived from the image claim 4 , a tool life of the tool claim 4 , and/or motor and control parameters of the machining head in a machining of a tool preceding the imaging.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the assessment unit is a camera claim 1 , a microscope camera claim 1 , or a laser scanner.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the assessment unit is arranged on a movement device claim 1 , which makes a relative movement relative to a resting tool possible.8. The method according to claim 1 , further with a semi- or fully automatic tool changer claim 1 , which receives ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Method for machining a workpiece, tool arrangement and tooth cutting machine

Номер: US20170072485A1
Принадлежит: Gleason Pfauter Maschinenfabrik GmbH

The invention relates to a method for machining a workpiece, wherein, in particular in the skiving process, a toothing is produced on the workpiece in a first machining operation, in which a toothed cutting wheel, which rotates about the axis of rotation thereof and, on a first end face, comprises cutting edges on the toothing thereof, is coupled in a rolling manner to the workpiece which rotates about the axis of rotation thereof, and a cutting movement of the cutting edges, which has directional components in parallel with the workpiece axis, ends at an axial side of the workpiece toothing, the cutting edges of the cutting wheel forming a first operating region which can be positioned with respect to the workpiece by means of movement axes, and in which, in a second machining operation using a second operating region, the workpiece is machined on the side of the workpiece toothing at which the movement ends, wherein the second operating region can be positioned with respect to the workpiece by means of the same movement axes as the first operating region, and in particular is coupled for movement to the first operating region.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076943A1
Автор: MONDEN Tetuji

A skiving cutter includes a cutting edge portion in which a tooth trace extends in a direction inclined with respect to an axis of a base. The cutting edge portion is segmented into a plurality of segmented cutting edges by cutting edge grooves extending in a direction intersecting the tooth trace. One of the plurality of segmented cutting edges forms a reference cutting edge. Among the plurality of segmented cutting edges constituting the cutting edge portion, the reference cutting edge has the largest axis-cutting edge distance which is a distance from the axis to the outer circumferential cutting edge of the segmented cutting edge, and the remaining one or more segmented cutting edges have gradually smaller axis-cutting edge distances as a distance from the reference cutting edge to each of the remaining cutting edges increases. A helix angle is different according to positions of the plurality of segmented cutting edges. 1. A skiving cutter comprising:a base having a circular cross-sectional shape perpendicular to an axis; anda plurality of cutting edge portions protruding from an outer circumferential surface of the base, formed at intervals in a circumferential direction with respect to the axis, and having a tooth trace extending in a direction inclined with respect to the axis, whereineach of the cutting edge portions is segmented into a plurality of segmented cutting edges by cutting edge grooves extending in a direction intersecting the tooth trace,each of the segmented cutting edges includes an outer circumferential cutting edge which is an edge farthest away from the base among portions forming the segmented cutting edge,one of the plurality of segmented cutting edges constituting the cutting edge portion forms a reference cutting edge, and the reference cutting edge has the largest axis-cutting edge distance which is a distance from the axis to the outer circumferential cutting edge and the remaining one or more segmented cutting edges have gradually ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076945A1
Автор: Schmezer Ralf

The invention relates to a method for producing a removal of material on a tooth end edge of a workpiece toothing with a rotationally driven chamfering tool in a machining operation brought about by controlled axial machine movements between the chamfering tool and the likewise rotationally driven workpiece toothing, wherein material is removed with a geometrically undefined cutting edge and the removal takes place in a coordinated action between a profiling, in particular, an alterable profiling, of the chamfering tool and a machine control used for the machining operation, performed in dependence on predetermined parameters that are characteristic of the removal of material to be produced. 166ab. A method for producing a removal of material on a tooth end edge of a workpiece toothing (W) with a rotationally driven chamfering tool ( , ) in a machining operation brought about by controlled axial machine movements between the chamfering tool and the likewise rotationally driven workpiece toothing ,characterized in that material is removed with a geometrically undefined cutting edge, and the removal takes place in a coordinated action between a profiling of the chamfering tool and an axial machine control used for the machining operation, performed in dependence on predetermined parameters that are characteristic of the removal of material to be produced.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the machining operation is a skiving machining operation claim 1 , and the chamfering tool is helical in shape.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the coordinate action comprises dressing that alters the profile of the chamfering tool.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the control parameters of the axial machine control are at least partially recalculated in a manner at least partially overlapping in time with the dressing.566ab. The method according to wherein the chamfering tool is a first chamfering tool () claim 1 , and the removal produced therewith ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Gearing Method With Tooth Finishing And Combination Tool Therefor

Номер: US20180079019A1
Автор: Heyn Stefan

A method for producing gears, wherein in a first step a set of teeth is formed by means of a skiving wheel rotationally driven by a tool spindle in a workpiece gear rotationally driven synchronously thereto by a workpiece spindle, wherein the workpiece spindle and the tool spindle are at an axis intersection angle to each other and the advancement occurs in the tooth-flank extension direction, and wherein in a second step at least some teeth of the set of teeth are machined by means of a tooth-machining tool. A combined tool is used, in the case of which the toothmachining tool and the skiving wheel are fixedly connected to each other. Between the two steps, the combined tool remains connected to the tool spindle and the workpiece gear remains connected to the workpiece spindle. Between the two steps, merely the relative position of the tool spindle in relation to the workpiece spindle and the rotational speed ratio of the two spindles are changed. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for producing gears , in which a skiving wheel , which is rotationally driven by a tool spindle , produces a gearing in a workpiece gear , which is rotationally driven synchronously with the skiving wheel by a workpiece spindle , in a first step , wherein the workpiece spindle and the tool spindle are aligned at an axial intersection angle (α) to one another and the advance takes place in the direction , in which the tooth flanks extend , wherein at least a few teeth of the gearing are machined with a tooth machining tool in a second step , wherein the tooth machining tool and the skiving wheel are rigidly connected to one another and form a combination tool , and wherein the combination tool remains connected to the tool spindle and the workpiece gear remains connected to the workpiece spindle between the two steps , wherein the tooth machining tool is a scarping tool , an undercutting tool , a grooving tool or a universal milling or boring tool , wherein the two machining steps are carried ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Bevel gear cutting machine for chamfering bevel gear tooth edges and method for chamfering the tooth edges of bevel gears

Номер: US20180085839A1
Принадлежит: Klingelnberg AG

Bevel gear cutting machines having multiple numerically-controllable axes, a workpiece spindle, which accommodates a bevel gear coaxially in relation to a workpiece spindle axis, and a deburring device having a deburring spindle for accommodating at least one first deburring tool. The bevel gear cutting machines may chamfer tooth edges of the bevel gear in two passes, where, in a first pass, first chamfers are provided on the tooth edges by using the first deburring tool, and, in a second pass, second chamfers are provided in the region of the first chamfers by using the first deburring tool or by using a second deburring tool in a continuous procedure, in which the bevel gear and the first or second deburring tool rotate in a coupled manner while engaged with one another.

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Swing motion for manufacturing non-generated bevel gears with end relief

Номер: US20160089735A1
Принадлежит: Gleason Works

A motion which creates an end relief and which is integrated into the plunging cycle of non-generated bevel gears. The tool, after feeding to the correct tooth forming position in case of non-generated gears, is swung sideways out of cutting or grinding contact with the slot instead of along a withdraw path which is identical to the plunge path but opposite in direction.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089736A1
Автор: IMAIZUMI Tomomi

A lapping machine includes a lap that is meshed with a workpiece gear and laps the workpiece gear. The lap is meshed with the workpiece gear such that: there is a clearance in a prescribed amount between a tooth tip of the lap and a bottom land of the workpiece gear, and there is a clearance in the prescribed amount between a bottom land of the lap and a tooth tip of the workpiece gear; and an effective tooth tip of the lap is located closer to the bottom land of the workpiece gear than a curved line indicating a tooth profile management diameter of the workpiece gear is. 1. A lapping machine comprising a lap that is meshed with a workpiece gear and laps the workpiece gear , wherein there is a clearance in a prescribed amount between a tooth tip of the lap and a bottom land of the workpiece gear, and there is a clearance in the prescribed amount between a bottom land of the lap and a tooth tip of the workpiece gear; and', 'an effective tooth tip of the lap is located closer to the bottom land of the workpiece gear than a curved line indicating a tooth profile management diameter of the workpiece gear is., 'the lap is meshed with the workpiece gear such that2. A lapping method of lapping a workpiece gear with a lap that is meshed with the workpiece gear , there is a clearance in a prescribed amount between a tooth tip of the lap and a bottom land of the workpiece gear and there is a clearance in the prescribed amount between a bottom land of the lap and a tooth tip of the workpiece gear; and', 'an effective tooth tip of the lap is located closer to the bottom land of the workpiece gear than a curved line indicating a tooth profile management diameter of the workpiece gear is., 'the lapping method comprising meshing the lap with the workpiece gear such that The disclosure of Japanese Patent Application No. 2014-199414 filed on Sep. 29, 2014 including the specification, drawings and abstract is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.1. Field of the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089737A1
Автор: Zeller Thomas

The present disclosure relates to a method and to an apparatus for chamfering and deburring gear cut workpieces, especially of large-volume gear cut workpieces, using a deburring apparatus which is arranged on or at the cutting head of a gear cutting machine and which at least partially utilizes the machine axes of the gear cutting machine to chamfer and to deburr gear teeth along a tooth contour. 1. A method for chamfering and deburring a gear cut workpiece comprising:arranging a chamfering and deburring apparatus on or at a cutting head of a gear cutting machine; andcutting a chamfer by pivoting a chamfering spindle of the apparatus with a chamfering miller from a rest position outside a disturbing contour of the gear cutting machine into a work position in a working region of a gear cutting tool at the chamfering and deburring apparatus, wherein, the chamfering spindle is positioned with the chamfering miller closer to the workpiece than the gear cutting miller so that the gear cutting tool can remain in a cutting head of a chamfer cutting;wherein movements of the chamfering spindle with a chamfering cutter for a contour tracking along the tooth edge take place by movement of axes of the gear cutting machine.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein movement of axes of the gear cutting machine claim 1 , include movement of axes of a cutting head of the heat cutting machine; and wherein a portion of the movement for the contour tracking take place with movement axes within the chamfering and deburring apparatus.3. The method in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , determining claim 1 , using a measuring device integrated in the gear cutting machine claim 1 , a location and shape of a tooth gap claim 1 , and a location and shape for upper and lower end faces in a region of gear teeth to determine a tooth edge extent for the chamfer.4. The method in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , determining claim 1 , via a ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Method for deburring a gear blank

Номер: US20170087653A1
Автор: Oliver Winkel
Принадлежит: Liebherr Verzahntechnik GmbH

A method for deburring a gear blank includes correcting chamfer sizes, chamfer shapes and chamfer symmetry at tooth edges which were produced with a deburring cutter with a strongly asymmetric tooth shape (ChamferCut). The chamfers are semi-automatically corrected by coupling the movement of several axes of a gear cutting machine, including a workpiece axis of rotation C 1 , spatial shifting axes of a machine column Z 1 , X 1 , and Y 1 , and a V 1 -axis corresponding to the tool axis. The method further includes specifying a correction in the axial direction in one of the axes Z 1 , V 1 and C 1 , and calculating the correction amount of further axes by the controller depending on the specified axis.

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Gear processing apparatus and method

Номер: US20220134457A1
Автор: Yu-Ren Wu
Принадлежит: National Central University

The presented disclosure provides a gear processing apparatus, including a base, a bearing unit, a grinding unit, and a control unit. The bearing unit and the grinding unit are arranged on the base. The bearing unit is configured to carry the gear. The grinding unit includes a driving module and a grinding member connecting to the driving module. The grinding member can perform a motion of a plurality of axial directions relative to the bearing unit to contact the tooth surface of the gear. The control unit is electrically connected to the bearing unit and the grinding unit. The control unit is configured to control the driving module to apply additional motion to at least one of the plurality of axial directions during the grinding process to drive the grinding member to grind the tooth surface of the gear.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134459A1
Принадлежит: REISHAUER AG

A method for automatic process monitoring during continuous generating grinding of pre-toothed workpieces, which permit early detection of grinding wheel breakouts. A generating grinding machine is used to machine multiple workpieces by clamping them onto at least one workpiece spindle and successively moving them into generating engagement with a grinding wheel. At least one measured variable is monitored during the machining to indicate if a grinding wheel breakout exists. If a grinding wheel breakout is indicated, the grinding wheel is examined automatically by moving a dressing tool over the tip region of the grinding wheel and generating a contact signal. A breakout is determined by analyzing the contact signal and, if present, the grinding wheel is dressed as often as necessary in order to eliminate the grinding wheel breakout. Alternatively, the checking of the grinding wheel is carried out directly at the first dressing stroke.

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Generative Gear Machining Method and Apparatus

Номер: US20160096230A1

Gear machining apparatus and methods are configured to produce gaps between gear teeth having portions formed by two different machining processes. A rough cutting process may be used to form a root portion of the gap, while a finish cutting process may be used to form final tooth faces. The apparatus and methods may further be configured to machine one or more gear tooth profile modifications. 1. A method of machining a gear from a workpiece , the gear having a series of gear teeth separated by intervening gaps , the method comprising:securing the workpiece in a workpiece retainer, the workpiece having a work surface;providing a rough cutting tool in a rough tool retainer, the rough cutting tool including a series of cutting teeth;controlling one or more of the workpiece retainer and the rough tool retainer such that the cutting teeth engage the work surface to machine a series of initial gaps in the workpiece, each initial gap having an initial gap profile defined by the cutting teeth and including a gap root portion and an adjacent pair of initial tooth faces;providing a finish cutting tool having a finish cutting surface in a finish tool retainer; andcontrolling one or more of the workpiece retainer and the finish tool retainer such that the finish cutting surface machines each initial tooth face into a final tooth face, so that each intervening gap comprises a gap root portion disposed between an adjacent pair of final tooth faces.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the rough cutting tool comprises a rough hob tool and in which each initial gap profile is defined by the cutting teeth profile.3. The method of claim 2 , in which the finish cutting tool comprises one of a finish hob tool claim 2 , a milling tool claim 2 , and a gear shaper.4. The method of claim 2 , in which the rough hob tool comprises a hub claim 2 , and in which the series of cutting teeth are configured to complete at least one helix around the hub.5. The method of claim 2 , in which the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150111470A1

Method and apparatus for lapping gears which includes an active torque system to substantially improve the lapping process with respect to run-out and other longer-term motion transmission errors without compromising tooth-to-tooth performance. Motion transmission error measurements provide the basis for calculating a corrective active torque component which is combined with conventional process torque to reduce or eliminate part run-out. 1. A method of lapping gears comprising rolling a first member of a gear set together in mesh with a second member of the gear set with an amount of torque between said first and second members while applying an abrasive mixture to the gear set members , said method further comprising:measuring motion-transmission-error of the gear-set in real time,obtaining a real-time measurement of run-out from the measured motion-transmission-error,determining a corrective torque component at one or more predetermined frequencies,introducing the corrective torque component for reducing the run-outlapping said gear set with a torque defined by said amount of torque adjusted in accordance with said corrective torque component.2. The method of wherein said gear set members each comprise teeth having a drive side and a coast side and wherein said lapping method is applied to one of said drive side and said coast side and then applied to the other of said drive side and said coast side.3. The method of wherein said real-time measurement of run-out excludes run-out due to workholding equipment releasably clamping the gear set.4. The method of wherein said first and second gear set members each comprise teeth having tooth surfaces which contact one another at a tooth surface contact position during said lapping and wherein said tooth surface contact position is moved to a plurality of locations on the tooth surface during said lapping claim 1 ,said steps of measuring, obtaining, determining and introducing being repeated for each of said plurality of ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104754A1
Автор: Houben Rudolf

Methods and apparatuses enabling/improving retractability of a first bevel gear that with at least one second bevel gear forms a transmission, performing: 1. A method for providing retractability of a first bevel gear defining a plurality of teeth configured to form a transmission with at least one second bevel gear defining a plurality of teeth , which is configured to be installed in a housing so that a rotational movement of the first bevel gear or the at least one second bevel gear is transferrable into a rotational movement of the other of the first bevel gear and the at least one second bevel gear , the method comprising: (A) determining with a computer whether one or more of (a) during said installation, the first bevel gear is engageable with the at least one second bevel gear via an axial insertion movement or (a) the first bevel gear is separable from engagement with the second bevel gear with via an axial retraction movement; and', (i) determining with a computer a flank modification for said teeth of one or more of the first bevel gear or the at least one second bevel gear configured to prevent said collision; and', '(ii) determining modified machine data based on said flank modification; and, '(B) when the determining step predicts a collision during said engagement or during said separation between at least one tooth of the first bevel gear and at least one tooth of the at least one second bevel gear], '(I) performing a retractability analysis including(II) finish machining at least one of said teeth with a bevel gear cutting machine based on the modified machine data and, in turn, providing said flank modification thereon.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to step (I) claim 1 , generating design data for one or more of the first bevel gear or the at least one second bevel gear claim 1 , and generating first machine data configured for preliminary machining of teeth of one or more of the first bevel gear or the at ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing and/or processing a gear and gear cutting machine

Номер: US20160114417A1
Принадлежит: Gleason Pfauter Maschinenfabrik GmbH

The invention concerns a method to generate and/or machine gear teeth on a workpiece, wherein the workpiece is subjected to a movement from a first location where the workpiece, while being held by a clamping device connected to a workpiece spindle, is brought into machining engagement with a first tool, to a second location where the work piece, while remaining in its clamped condition, is brought into machining engagement with a second tool, wherein prior to performing the movement, the connection between the clamping device and the workpiece spindle is released, and after the movement, the clamping device is connected to another workpiece spindle for the machining engagement with the second tool.

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Method for Incorporating Undercuts in Tooth Flanks of Teeth of Toothed Wheels

Номер: US20170113289A1
Автор: Sobczyk Marcel

A machine tool and method for incorporating undercuts in left and right tooth flanks of teeth of a toothed gear blank by hob peeling, wherein the gear blank and a cutting wheel having cutting teeth with right and left cutting edges arranged at an axis intersection angle to the gear blank are continuously rotationally driven at a fixed speed ratio, the cutting teeth engage in the tooth flanks in a manner that removes shavings and the feed has at least one movement component in the direction of extension of the teeth of the gear blank. 1. A method for incorporating undercuts in left and right tooth flanks of teeth of a toothed gear blank by hob peeling , wherein the gear blank and a cutting wheel having cutting teeth with right and left cutting edges arranged at an axis intersection angle to the gear blank are continuously rotationally driven at a fixed speed ratio , the cutting teeth engage in the tooth flanks in a manner that removes shavings and a feed has at least one movement component in the direction of extension of the teeth of the gear blank , wherein in two consecutive machining steps the left tooth flanks are each machined by a differential and/or tangential feed component in an anticlockwise direction of rotation with the left cutting edges of the cutting teeth and the right tooth flanks are machined by a differential and/or tangential feed component in a clockwise direction of rotation with the right cutting edges of the cutting teeth.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein either only the differential feed component in the anticlockwise direction of rotation or in the clockwise direction of rotation or only the left tangential feed component or right tangential feed component is superposed on the feed movement in the direction of extension of the teeth.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein for correction of distortions in a surface profile of undercut flanks during feed in the tooth flank direction claim 1 , a radial distance of a point of ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190111505A1

The present disclosure relates to generating a modified gear flank geometry on an active surface of the workpiece by generation grinding or honing. In at least one example, the modified gear flank geometry of the workpiece may be generated on the active surface of the workpiece by variation of an engagement depth of a tool into the workpiece in dependence on an angle of rotation of the tool. Additionally, the workpiece may comprise a cylindrical spur gear, a helical gear, a spherical gear, or a conical gear. Further, in one or more examples, the modified gear flank geometry of the workpiece includes at least one of a profile waviness or a defined periodic flank waviness. 1. A method for manufacturing a workpiece , comprising:generating a modified gear flank geometry on an active surface of the workpiece by generation grinding or honing,wherein the modified gear flank geometry of the workpiece is generated on the active surface of the workpiece by variation of an engagement depth of a tool into the workpiece in dependence on an angle of rotation of the tool,wherein the workpiece comprises a cylindrical spur gear, a helical gear, a spherical gear, or a conical gear, andwherein the modified gear flank geometry of the workpiece includes at least one of a profile waviness or a defined periodic flank waviness.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engagement depth is varied periodically.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein modifications generated by the method are used to compensate unwanted deviations and/or waviness of a surface of the workpiece.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the modified gear flank geometry of the workpiece has a constant value at least locally in a first direction of the workpiece and is further given by a predefined function f(x) in a second direction of the workpiece which extends perpendicular to the first direction of the workpiece.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the variation of the engagement depth of the tool into the workpiece in ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140199920A1
Автор: Jaeger Helmut F.
Принадлежит: FELSOMAT GmbH & Co. KG

A method for honing a workpiece includes moving the workpiece onto an intermediate retention member which is rotatable about a vertical workpiece axis. Then, the workpiece is brought into a rolling engagement with a teaching wheel. An angular transfer position of the workpiece is established by the rotary sensor of the teaching wheel retention member. Next, the workpiece is transferred from the intermediate retention member onto a workpiece spindle, where the workpiece is retained onto the workpiece spindle. Then, the workpiece goes through a honing process by bringing the workpiece into a synchronized rolling engagement with a honing tool by utilizing the angular transfer position of the workpiece, thereby eliminating a separate centering step of the workpiece. 1. A method for honing a workpiece , the method comprising the steps of:providing a teaching wheel on a teaching wheel retention member, where the teaching wheel retention member is rotatable about a teaching wheel axis, and wherein a rotary sensor is configured to detect an angular position of the teaching wheel retention member;moving a workpiece onto an intermediate retention member, where the intermediate retention member is rotatable about a workpiece axis;bringing the workpiece into a rolling engagement with the teaching wheel, wherein the teaching wheel retention member or the intermediate retention member is rotatably driven by a first motorized drive;establishing an angular transfer position of the workpiece by the rotary sensor of the teaching wheel retention member;providing a workpiece spindle configured to retain the workpiece, where the workpiece spindle is rotatable about a workpiece spindle axis and rotatably driven by a second motorized drive;providing a honing tool on a tool spindle, where the tool spindle is rotatable about a spindle axis and rotatably driven by a third motorized drive;transferring the workpiece from the intermediate retention member onto the workpiece spindle, where the ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140199924A1
Автор: Jaeger Helmut F.
Принадлежит: FELSOMAT GmbH & Co. KG

A honing machine includes a machine housing enclosing a workpiece spindle and a tool spindle. The workpiece spindle includes a spindle collar with a spindle head configured to hold a workpiece. The tool spindle includes a cup-shaped holder with a honing ring located on an inside of the cup shaped holder. An operating tank is also located within the machine housing, where the operating tank surrounds the tool spindle in an oil-tight manner. The operating tank includes a panel with a recess, where the workpiece spindle is configured to insert the spindle head through the recess and form a first oil-tight seal between the recess and the spindle collar. The panel is moveable relative to the operating tank and tool spindle when the panel is carried along by the workpiece spindle during a feed motion. A second oil-tight seal is formed between the panel and the operating tank. 1. A honing machine , comprising:a machine housing;a workpiece spindle located within the machine housing, the workpiece spindle comprising a spindle collar with a spindle head, where the spindle head is configured to hold a workpiece, and where the workpiece spindle is translatable by motor in a vertical and horizontal direction;a tool spindle located within the machine housing, the tool spindle comprising a holder with a honing ring; andan operating tank located within the machine housing, the operating tank surrounding the tool spindle in an oil-tight manner, where the operating tank comprises a panel with a recess, where the workpiece spindle is configured to insert the spindle head through the recess and form a first oil-tight seal between the recess and the spindle collar;wherein the panel is moveable relative to the operating tank and tool spindle when the panel is carried along by the workpiece spindle during a feed motion, where a second oil-tight seal is formed between the panel and the operating tank.2. The honing machine of claim 1 , wherein the tool spindle is aligned vertically along a ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140199925A1
Автор: Jaeger Helmut F.
Принадлежит: FELSOMAT GmbH & Co. KG

A tool spindle for a honing machine includes a bowl-shaped holder having a circumferential peripheral wall connected to a bottom part. The bowl-shaped holder is configured to hold a honing ring on an inside of the bowl-shaped holder. At least one expansion element is formed on the inside of the bowl-shaped holder along an inner surface of the circumferential peripheral wall. The at least one expansion element radially clamps and centers the honing ring inside the bowl-shaped holder. A hydraulic chamber is disposed in the bottom part of the bowl-shaped holder. At least one hydraulic line is connecting in fluid communication the at least one expansion element and the hydraulic chamber. A single adjustment element is movable in relation to the bottom part of the bowl-shaped holder, where the single adjustment element is in fluid communication with the hydraulic chamber. 1. A tool spindle for a honing machine , comprising:a bowl-shaped holder having a circumferential peripheral wall connected to a bottom part, where the bowl-shaped holder is configured to hold a honing ring on an inside of the bowl-shaped holder;at least one expansion element formed on the inside of the bowl-shaped holder along an inner surface of the circumferential peripheral wall, where the at least one expansion element radially clamps and centers the honing ring inside the bowl-shaped holder;a hydraulic chamber disposed in the bottom part of the bowl-shaped holder;at least one hydraulic line connecting in fluid communication the at least one expansion element and the hydraulic chamber; anda single adjustment element movable in relation to the bottom part of the bowl-shaped holder, where the single adjustment element is in fluid communication with the hydraulic chamber.2. The tool spindle of claim 1 , wherein the at least one expansion element comprises only one expansion element formed circumferentially along an entirety of the inner surface of the circumferential peripheral wall.3. The tool ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154778A1

A process for forming a finished spiral bevel gear includes forging a blank to form a forging having near net-shaped spiral bevel teeth, machining the forging, coining the forging to form a coined spiral bevel gear with net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth; heat treating the coined spiral bevel and finishing the heat treated, coined spiral bevel gear without machining the net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth in a machining operation that forms chips. 1. A process for providing a spiral bevel gear and a spiral bevel pinion gear , the process comprising:providing a blank;heating the blank to a temperature in excess of a predetermined temperature threshold;forging the heated blank while the heated blank is at a temperature in excess of the predetermined temperature threshold to produce a forging, the forging having a first side and a second side, the first side comprising a plurality of near net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth, the forging being formed of metal;machining the second side of the forging to a predetermined distance from a portion of the near net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth to form a machined forging;without machining the near net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth, forming a coined gear by cold working the machined forging in a coining die to induce plastic flow in the near net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth and form net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth that conform to a desired tooth profile with a desired degree of accuracy, wherein each of the net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth has a pair of flanks, and wherein the desired tooth profile includes a contour of the flanks of the net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth;heat-treating the coined gear to form a heat-treated gear;providing a spiral bevel pinion gear; andfinishing the heat-treated gear without machining the net-shaped spiral bevel gear teeth in a chip forming operation to produce a finished spiral bevel gear;wherein the teeth of the finished spiral bevel gear that have a quality level in which the finished ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180126471A1

A process for improving the excitation behavior of a ground bevel gear set by altering the surface structure of a gear set member from tooth slot to tooth slot (Teeth 1-3). The method comprises shifting the roll-positions in a way that not every facet or flat (F) is positioned the same way on each flank (2) and/or changing the distances of the roll angle along a tooth slot (delta RPj) whereby flats are spaced unequally (i.e. varying widths) along the tooth. One or more additional processes for altering the surface structure may be included. 1. A method of machining a bevel gear having a plurality of teeth with a rotating tool , said method comprising:machining a tooth flank surface of a first tooth to produce a pattern of machining-specific flats on said tooth flank surface,machining a tooth flank surface of a next tooth to produce a pattern of machining-specific flats on said tooth flank surface, wherein the pattern of machining-specific flats on the tooth flank surface of said next tooth is different than the pattern of machining-specific flats on the tooth flank surface of said first tooth.2. The method of further comprising machining a tooth flank surface on each of the remaining teeth of said plurality of teeth of said bevel gear to produce a pattern of machining-specific flats on the tooth flank surface of said each of said remaining teeth claim 1 , wherein the pattern of machining-specific flats on the tooth flank surface of a respective tooth of said remaining teeth comprises a pattern of machining-specific flats different than the pattern of machining-specific flats on an immediately preceding machined tooth flank surface of said remaining teeth.3. The method of wherein said machining a tooth flank surface comprises engaging said rotating tool and said bevel gear and moving said tool and said bevel gear together in a generating roll which begins at a roll position and extends over a roll angle claim 2 ,wherein the roll position for each tooth flank surface ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Gear machining device and gear machining method

Номер: US20180126472A1
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp

To provide a gear machining device and a gear machining method which achieve machining of tooth flanks having different torsion angles with high degree of accuracy. In a gear machining device, a side surface of a tooth of a gear includes a first tooth flank and a second tooth flank having a different torsion angle from the first tooth flank, a cutting blade of a machining tool has a blade traces having a torsion angle determined based on a torsion angle of the second tooth flank and an intersection angle between a rotation axis of a workpiece and a rotation axis of the machining tool so as to allow the second tooth flank to be machined on the pre-machined first tooth flank.

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150135820A1
Автор: Müller Hartmuth

An apparatus including a first spindle group for chucking a first gear, whereby the first gear is mountable on the first spindle group so that it is rotatable, and a second spindle group for chucking a second gear, whereby the second gear is mountable on the second spindle group so that it is rotatable. The apparatus further defining a first linear axis oriented to perform a first linear displacement of the first spindle group relative to the second spindle group; a second linear axis oriented to perform a second linear displacement of the first spindle group relative to the second spindle group; and at least one of a swivel axis oriented to perform pivoting of the first spindle group thereabout, and a swivel axis oriented to perform pivoting of the second spindle group thereabout. 1. An apparatus for the lapping or testing of gears , comprising:a first spindle group for chucking a first gear, whereby the first gear is mountable on the first spindle group so that it is rotatable about a first axis of rotation;a second spindle group for chucking a second gear, whereby the second gear is mountable on the second spindle group so that it is rotatable about a second axis of rotation;the apparatus defining a first linear axis oriented to perform a first linear displacement of the first spindle group with the first gear relative to the second spindle group with the second gear; andfurther defining a second linear axis oriented to perform a second linear displacement of the first spindle group with the first gear relative to the second spindle group with the second gear;wherein the apparatus further defines at least one of:a swivel axis oriented to perform pivoting of the first spindle group with the first gear thereabout; anda swivel axis oriented to perform pivoting of the second spindle group with the second gear thereabout.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus defines the swivel axis oriented to perform pivoting of the first spindle group with the ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for hard fine machining of two toothings on a workpiece, and gear cutting machine, control program, hard fine machining combination tools and sensor assembly therefor

Номер: US20220274193A1
Принадлежит: Gleason Switzerland AG

A method for hard finishing two different toothings on a workpiece, wherein, prior to each machining process, to set the correct tool engagement position for the machining process, a first relative rotational angle position of a first rotational position reference of the first toothing is determined relative to an axial rotational position of the workpiece spindle holding and clamping the workpiece for the first machining, and a second relative rotational angle position of a second rotational position reference of the second toothing is determined relative to an axial rotational position of a workpiece spindle holding and clamping the workpiece for the second machining, wherein the machining operations are carried out on the same workpiece spindle with no intervening clamping change, and with the first and second rotational position references coupled to each other as the basis thereof.

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for Producing Tooth Flank Modifications on Toothing of Workpieces and Tools for Performing Said Method

Номер: US20220274194A1

The invention relates to a method for producing tooth flank modifications on toothing of workpieces, in which the workpiece and a tool are moved relative to one another and, as a result, material is removed from the tooth flank () of the workpiece. Different tooth flank modifications are generated on teeth () of the workpiece by means of a continuously rolling manufacturing process, by the tool comprising individually different tool profile geometries which generate the different tooth flank modifications on the teeth () of the workpiece. The tool can be a dresser with variable profile in order to provide, with dressable tools, individually different tool profile geometries. 114.-. (canceled)15. A method for producing different tooth flank modifications on teeth of a workpiece , the method comprising:providing a tool comprising individually different tool profile geometries;producing the different tooth flank modifications on the teeth of the workpiece by the individually different tool profile geometries of the tool by employing a continuously rolling manufacturing method to move the workpiece and the tool in relation to each other and remove material from tooth flanks of the teeth of the workpiece.16. The method according to claim 15 , further comprising realizing an integer divider between a number of teeth of the workpiece and a number of teeth of the tool or a number of threads of the tool.17. The method according to claim 15 , further comprising selecting a worm-type tool as the tool comprising individually different tool profile geometries.18. The method according to claim 17 , further comprising providing the individually different tool profile geometries on the worm-type tool in the form of at least two threads that are differently profiled.19. The method according to claim 17 , further comprising providing the individually different tool profile geometries on the worm-type tool in the form of a thread that comprises differently profiled thread regions ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Topland chamfering of gears

Номер: US20190134727A1
Автор: Hermann J. Stadtfeld
Принадлежит: Gleason Works

A method wherein a cutting or grinding chamfering tool ( 25 ) is guided along the face width of a gear ( 12, 23, 52 ) through one tooth slot ( 8 ) (e.g. from heel to toe) while it contacts the topland corners ( 10, 1 1 ) of the respective concave and convex tooth flanks of adjacent teeth ( 2, 4 ). The tool moves to an index position, the gear is indexed to the next tooth slot position and the tool moves through the tooth slot (e.g. from the toe to the heel). The cycle is repeated until all topland corners are chamfered.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130120A1

A machine tool includes a workpiece holder, a tool holder holding working tools that includes a hob cutter used in a rough machining and a skiving cutter used in a finish machining, a tool magazine, a tool replacing device replacing one of the working tools mounted on the tool holder with the other of working tools housed in the tool magazine, a rough machining controlling section performing the rough machining on the workpiece, a tool measuring device measuring a position of a blade in a rotation direction of the skiving cutter, an angle correcting section correcting a rotation angle of the skiving cutter based on a result measured by the tool measuring device, and placing a tooth space formed in the workpiece and an edge tip of the blade in a position corresponding to each other, and a finish machining controlling section by which workpiece is finish machined. 1. A machine tool comprising:a workpiece holder that is configured to rotatably hold a workpiece;a tool holder that is configured to be relatively movable with respect to the workpiece holder while rotatably holding working tools configured to machine the workpiece, the working tools being configured to be attachable to and detachable from the tool holder, and including a hob cutter that is to be used in a rough machining of the workpiece and a skiving cutter that is to be used in a finish machining of the workpiece;a tool magazine that is configured to house the working tools;a tool replacing device that is configured to replace one of the working tools mounted on the tool holder with the other of working tools housed in the tool magazine;a rough machining controlling section that is configured to perform the rough machining on the workpiece by relatively moving the workpiece and the hob cutter while synchronously rotating the workpiece that is held by the workpiece holder and the hob cutter that is mounted on the tool holder;a tool measuring device that is configured to measure a position of a blade in a ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160151847A1

A method and a device for the fine-machining of a toothed workpiece with a toothed finishing tool () which meshes with the workpiece in mutual tooth engagement are, for the purpose of producing conically modified tooth flanks, designed according to the invention in such a way that in the dressing process the finishing tool () and the dressing tool () are set at a position of reduced center distance (a) that is offset from a position of maximum center distance. 112101210101121211011. Method of fine-machining of a toothed workpiece () , using a toothed finishing tool () which meshes with the workpiece () in mutual tooth engagement , wherein the finishing tool () is subjected to a dressing process in which the finishing tool () and a toothed dressing tool () , in tooth engagement with each other , rotate about their respective gear axes (C , C) which are arranged relative to each other at a center distance (a) different from zero and an axis-crossing angle different from zero , characterized in that the gear axes (C , C) of the finishing tool () and of the dressing tool () are arranged relative to each other in a position that is offset from the position of maximum center distance (a′) to a position of reduced center distance (a).21011. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the toothed contour of the finishing tool () is an internal toothed contour claim 1 , while the toothed contour of the dressing tool () is an external toothed contour.31011. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the toothed contour of the finishing tool () is an external contour claim 1 , while the toothed contour of the dressing tool () is an internal contour.410. Method according to characterized in that the finishing tool () is a ring-shaped honing tool.511. Method according to characterized in that the tooth thickness of the dressing tool () claim 1 , disregarding tooth trace convexities claim 1 , is constant over the tooth width.611110. Method according to ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160158861A1

The invention concerns a method for the machining of the tooth edges between an axially facing surface and the tooth flanks of a gear with a machining tool that has a toothed contour. For the material-removing cutting operation, the machining tool, rotating about the axis of its toothed contour, is brought into rolling engagement with the toothed workpiece under a crossing angle different from zero between the rotary axes of the machining tool and the toothed workpiece. 132122. Method for the machining of the tooth edges between an axially facing surface () and the tooth flanks of a toothed workpiece () wherein a tool () with a cutting edge removes material from the tooth edges of the toothed workpiece () through a cutting action as the toothed workpiece () rotates about its workpiece gear axis (Z) ,{'b': '2', 'characterized in that the machining tool has a toothed contour and that, for the material-removing cutting operation the machining tool, rotating about the axis (ZW) of its toothed contour, is brought into rolling engagement with the toothed workpiece () that is to be machined, with the rotary axes of the toothed workpiece and the machining tool (Z, ZW) in process being positioned relative to each other at an axis-crossing angle (Σ) different from zero.'}2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein as a result of the non-vanishing axis-crossing angle claim 1 , the cutting direction(s) of the cutting movement has a directional component which along the tooth flank adjoining the machined tooth edge runs in the direction of the tooth width.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein as a result of a non-vanishing angle of inclination (η) of the rotary axis of the tool relative to a plane extending orthogonal to the connecting line between the center of the workpiece gear profile and the center of the tool claim 1 , the cutting direction(s) of the cutting movement has a directional component which runs orthogonal to the tooth flank.4. Method according to wherein the ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147706A1
Автор: Ribbeck Karl-Martin

A deburring tool including a tool base body defining a blade shaft and a bar blade defining a cutting profile having a main cutting edge and a secondary cutting edge, wherein at least a portion of the main cutting edge and/or the secondary cutting edge is concave or convex, the bar blade is held in the blade shaft, and the deburring tool is configured to deburr a bevel gear. 1. A deburring tool , comprisinga tool base body defining a blade shaft; andat least one bar blade defining a cutting profile having a main cutting edge and a secondary cutting edge, wherein at least portions of one or more of the main cutting edge or the secondary cutting edge are concave or convex; andwherein said at least one bar blade is held in the blade shaft and the deburring tool is configured to deburr a bevel gear.2. The deburring tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe tool base body defines an axis of rotation thereof; andthe at least one bar blade and the blade shaft each define a longitudinal extension thereof oriented one or more of substantially radially or substantially perpendicular to the axis of rotation.3. The deburring tool according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of(a) at least portions of one or more of the main cutting edge or the secondary cutting edge are convex and the at least one bar blade is configured to deburr one or more of a heel-side or a toe-side adjacent to a concave flank of a bevel gear tooth; or(b) at least portions of one or more of the main cutting edge or the secondary cutting edge are concave and the at least one bar blade is configured to deburr one or more of a heel-side or a toe-side adjacent to a convex flank of a bevel gear tooth.4. The deburring tool according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one bar blade is configured to deburr one or more of a heel-side or a toe-side adjacent to one or more of a convex flank or a concave flank of a bevel gear tooth in no more than five enveloping cuts.5. The deburring tool according to claim 4 , wherein the ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150165533A1
Автор: Krebser Gerhard

The invention concerns a method of machining a workpiece, wherein an end-facing tooth edge of a gear profile of the workpiece that was generated by a chip-removing machining process is reworked at a first location into a chamfered edge by way of a plastic forming operation. The material which in the plastic forming operation was displaced towards the end surface of the gear profile is pushed outward as a material protrusion in the end surface of the tooth, while the material displaced towards the flank of the tooth is pushed outward as a material protrusion on the flank side of the chamfer, and the resulting material protrusions in the end surface and on the flank side are removed. The workpiece, while still carrying the material protrusion on the end surface of the gear profile, is transferred to a second location where the protrusion on the flank side of the chamfer is removed. 1. A method of machining a workpiece (A , B , C , D , E , F) wherein the edge at the end of a tooth flank of a gear profile which has been formed on the workpiece by a chip-removing machining process is changed by way of a plastic forming operation at a first location (β) into a chamfered edge , wherein the material displaced in the plastic forming operation towards the end face of the gear profile gives rise to an end-facing material protrusion , while the material displaced towards the tooth flank of the gear profile causes a material protrusion on the flank side , and wherein the resulting material protrusions in the end surface and on the flank side are removed by said method , characterized in that the workpiece , while still carrying the end-facing material protrusion , is switched to a second location (γ) , where the removal of the material protrusion on the flank side takes place.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the removal of the material protrusion on the flank side is performed through a chip-cutting engagement of a machining tool.3. The method according to claim 1 , ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210187643A1

A shaving processing method and apparatus for a gear are provided which reduce a load at the time of processing a tooth surface, thereby reducing a transmission error of the gear. Embodiments include a method for finishing the tooth surface of the gear in a state where the gear and a shaving cutter are engaged with each other and the shaving cutter is rotated. The gear has a pair of end surfaces facing each other in the tooth width direction. A first shaving step of processing the tooth surface is performed so that a processing region gradually expands from one end surface of the pair of end surfaces toward the other end surface, and a second shaving step of processing the tooth surface is performed so that a processing region gradually expands from the other end surface of the pair of end surfaces toward the one end surface. 1. A shaving processing method for finishing a tooth surface of a gear in a state where the gear and a shaving cutter are engaged with each other and the shaving cutter is rotated , the gear comprising a pair of end surfaces facing each other in a tooth width direction , the method comprising:performing a first shaving step of processing the tooth surface so that a processing region gradually expands from one end surface of the pair of end surfaces toward the other end surface; andperforming a second shaving step of processing the tooth surface so that a processing region gradually expands from the other end surface of the pair of end surfaces toward the one end surface.2. The shaving processing method according to claim 1 , whereinan intersection angle between a central axis of the gear and a central axis of the shaving cutter is set to a first intersection angle in the first shaving step and is set to a second intersection angle in the second shaving step,the first intersection angle is larger than the second intersection angle, andthe second intersection angle corresponds to a finishing condition of the tooth surface.3. The shaving ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180161896A1
Автор: Wuerfel Robert

The present invention shows a process for gear manufacturing machining a workpiece by a tool on a gear manufacturing machine, wherein the workpiece is machined by a generating machining process in which the tool for gear manufacturing machining rolls off on the workpiece at a predefined center distance and axial cross angle, wherein the gear manufacturing machining preferably takes place on two flanks, with a desired tooth trace shape and/or tooth thickness of the gearing being generated by the generating machining process. The process is characterized in that an additional condition is predefinable and in that the center distance and the axial cross angle are determined in dependence on the desired tooth trace shape and/or tooth thickness of the gearing and on the additional condition. 1. A process for gear manufacturing machining a workpiece by a tool on a gear manufacturing machine , wherein the workpiece is machined by a generating machining process in which the tool rolls off the workpiece for the gear manufacturing machining at a predefined center distance and axial cross angle; wherein a desired tooth trace shape and/or tooth thickness of the gearing is generated by the generating machining process; and wherein an additional condition is predefined and the center distance and the axial cross angle are determined in dependence on the desired tooth trace shape and/or on the tooth thickness of the gearing and on the additional condition.2. The process in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an axial cross angle is selected in dependence on the additional condition claim 1 , said axial cross angle differing from an axial cross angle predefined by a helix angle of the tool and of the workpiece; and wherein the center distance is set such that the desired tooth trace shape and/or the tooth thickness is generated despite a deviating helix angle claim 1 , with the center thickness and a deviation between the axial cross angle to be set and the axial cross angle ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170173713A1

A method for skiving machining a toothed workpiece includes the steps of: providing the toothed workpiece rotatable about a workpiece axis; providing a toothed tool rotatable about a tool axis; tilting the tool axis through an azimuth angle φ>0° with respect to an x direction; tilting the tool axis furthermore through a polar angle Θ<90 ° with respect to a z direction; rotating the toothed tool about the tool axis, the toothed tool in a contact zone sliding over the toothed workpiece rotating about the workpiece axis. The workpiece axis defines the x direction and the perpendicular of the contact zone to the workpiece axis defines a z direction. The x direction, a y direction and the z direction form a Cartesian coordinate system. This method can easily produce a chamber on the toothed workpiece with the toothed tool which is subject to fewer geometric restrictions. 1. A method for skiving machining a toothed workpiece , the method comprising the steps of:providing the toothed workpiece rotatable about a workpiece axis;providing a toothed tool rotatable about a tool axis;tilting the tool axis through an azimuth angle φ>0° with respect to an x direction;tilting the tool axis furthermore through a polar angle Θ<90° with respect to a z direction;rotating the toothed tool about the tool axis, the toothed tool in a contact zone sliding over the toothed workpiece rotating about the workpiece axis;wherein the workpiece axis defines the x direction and the perpendicular of the contact zone to the workpiece axis defines a z direction, and the x direction, a y direction and the z direction form a Cartesian coordinate system; andproducing a chamfer on the toothed workpiece with the toothed tool.2. The method for skiving machining a toothed workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the azimuth angle φ is greater than or equal to 10°.3. The method for skiving machining a toothed workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the azimuth angle φ is 20°≧φ≧60°.4. The method for skiving machining a toothed ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Honing method with cross-grinding for gear wheels

Номер: US20190168323A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for creating a surface structure on a gear wheel in a honing process, in which at least one honing tool is moved along the gear wheel in a first direction using a first crossed axes angle, and in which, subsequently, the at least one honing tool is moved along the gear wheel in a second direction, opposite to the first direction, using a second crossed axes angle, and in which the first crossed axes angle and the second crossed axes angle are chosen such that first scoring marks produced when the at least one honing tool is moved in the first direction on a surface of the gear wheel at least partially intersect, at a given angle, respective second scoring marks produced when the at least one honing tool is moved in the second direction on the surface of the gear wheel.

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160184910A1
Принадлежит: MDC Max Daetwyler AG

A machine for machining workpieces includes a machine frame (), a honing ring carrier () which is mounted on the machine frame and in which a honing ring or a honing ring blank is clampable and rotationally drivable about its central axis, and a workpiece spindle module () having a workpiece spindle (), wherein a workpiece which is to be machined with the honing ring clamped in the honing ring carrier () is mountable in the region of a free end of the workpiece spindle (). The machine further includes a grinding module () for profiling a honing ring as a result of grinding a honing ring blank, wherein the grinding module () is arranged in such a manner on the machine frame () that a grinding wheel of the grinding module () can be positioned relative to the honing ring carrier () inside a truly three-dimensional space. The profiling of a honing ring and the honing of a workpiece can consequently be effected in the same clamping setup of the honing ring. Problems, which are produced as a result of inaccurate centering when (re-)clamping the honing ring, are avoided as a result. An externally profiled tool which is specific to honing rings, e.g. a diamond gear wheel, is not required to produce the honing ring. 1. A machine for machining workpieces , includinga) a machine frame;b) a honing ring carrier which is mounted on the machine frame and in which a honing ring or a honing ring blank is clampable and rotationally drivable about its central axis;c) a workpiece spindle module having a workpiece spindle, wherein a workpiece which is to be machined with the honing ring clamped in the honing ring carrier is mountable in the region of a free end of the workpiece spindle;characterized byd) a grinding module for profiling a honing ring as a result of grinding a honing ring blank, wherein the grinding module is arranged in such a manner on the machine frame that a grinding wheel of the grinding module can be positioned relative to the honing ring carrier inside a truly ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190176254A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for machining an internally toothed workpiece, in which the workpiece is clamped into a toothed honing machine, and in which at least one tool that is at least partially made of a high-hardness cutting material is guided along respective teeth of the internally toothed workpiece, in order to carry out hard-fine machining of the teeth of the internally toothed workpiece. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for machining an internally toothed workpiece , comprising:the workpiece is clamped into a mount of a toothed honing machine, said mount being provided for the insertion of a honing ring, and at least one tool that is at least partially made of a high-hardness cutting material is guided along respective teeth of the internally toothed workpiece, in order to carry out hard-fine machining of the teeth of the internally toothed workpiece.15. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein an internally toothed gearwheel with hardened tooth flanks is chosen as the workpiece.16. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein polycrystalline diamond claim 14 , especially a ceramically bonded diamond is chosen as the high-hardness cutting material.17. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein boron nitride claim 14 , especially cubic ceramically bonded boron nitride is chosen as the high-hardness cutting material.18. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein at least one externally toothed gearwheel-shaped tool is chosen as the at least one tool claim 14 , wherein the at least one tool is broader than the workpiece by a multiple claim 14 , especially a twofold or a threefold factor.19. The method as claimed in claim 18 , wherein an axis intersection angle of the at least one tool with the workpiece is modified claim 18 , so that the workpiece contacts the at least one tool at a predetermined point.20. The method as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the tool is displaced axially along an axis running horizontally or vertically through a center point of the tool claim 18 , so ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150192195A1

Provided are gears in which flanks of mutually meshing teeth are polished and finished to a predetermined surface texture. In the gears, the arithmetic mean roughness Ra of the tooth flanks is equal to or less than 0.15 μm and the peak height Rpk satisfies 0.01 μm Подробнее

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160199927A1
Принадлежит: MDC Max Daetwyler AG

A machine for honing gears comprises a workpiece spindle, the spindle axis of which is oriented vertically, wherein a workpiece to be machined is attachable in the region of a free end of the workpiece spindle, a honing ring carrier in which a honing ring for machining the workpiece attached to the workpiece spindle is clampable and is drivable in rotation about its central axis, and a machine frame on which the workpiece spindle and the honing ring carrier are mounted. The machine frame surrounds the honing ring carrier. The honing ring carrier is additionally mounted at two bearing points on the machine frame, said bearing points being substantially diametrically opposite one another with regard to the honing ring carrier, so as to be movable linearly along a horizontal axis which extends through the bearing points and so as to be movable in rotation about this axis. The machine has a simple and compact structure. The machine frame serves not only as a structural element for mounting the individual components of the machine and all required shafts, but at least partially also to form a working space in which the machining takes place. 2. The machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the free end of the workpiece spindle is directed upward and in that the workpiece spindle is surrounded by the machine frame.3. The machine as claimed in claim 2 , wherein that a drive for the workpiece spindle is arranged beneath the free end of the workpiece spindle.4. The machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the machine frame forms a substantially closed enclosure which encloses a working space.5. The machine as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the machine frame is configured such that the working space is closable at the top by way of a flat cover for operation of the machine.6. The machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the machine frame is configured in a straight cylindrical claim 1 , in particular circular cylindrical manner.7. The machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190193177A1

A tooth shape of the first tooth-shaped die part is formed have a constant tooth width from an upper end to a lower end and to correspond to a tooth width of a part in which a desired crowning has been produced. A tooth shape of the second tooth-shaped die part is formed to have a constant tooth width from an upper end to a lower end and to correspond to a tooth width of a central part, which is a part other than the part in which the desired crowning has been produced. A crowning forming method includes the steps of: forming a tooth shape on an outer circumference of the material by the tooth shape of the first tooth-shaped die part; and pressing the central part of the tooth shape of the material against the tooth shape of the inner circumference of the second tooth-shaped die part. 1. A crowning forming method in which a desired crowning is formed in a tooth shape formed on an outer circumference of an annular material by a cylindrical die , whereinthe cylindrical die comprises a first tooth-shaped die part and a second tooth-shaped die part, a tooth shape of the first tooth-shaped die part being formed on an inner circumference to have a constant tooth width from an upper end part to a lower end part and to correspond to a tooth width of a part in which the desired crowning has been produced, and a tooth shape of the second tooth-shaped die part being formed on an inner circumference to have a constant tooth width from an upper end part to a lower end part and to correspond to a tooth width of a central part, which is a part other than the part in which the desired crowning has been produced, the method comprising the steps of:forming a tooth shape on an outer circumference of the material by the tooth shape of the inner circumference of the first tooth-shaped die part; andmoving the material in which the tooth shape is formed into the second tooth-shaped die part, and pressing the inner circumferential surface of the material outwardly in such a way that the ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180200813A1
Автор: Schnell Josef

The invention relates to a method for the fine-processing of a toothing by a single-indexing method, wherein a disk-type fine-toothing machine (S) that rotates about its axis is brought into rolling processing engagement with a tooth flank of the toothing in order to remove material from the tooth flank, wherein a line contact is established while in processing engagement, and the contact line moves over the tooth flank in accordance with a movement having a directional component (Xc) that is radial to the toothing axis (C), and wherein the processing engagement is maintained in the same pitch with a reduced tangential distance between the tooth flank and the disk plane of the fine-processing tool and with a sign reversal of the radial directional component of the contact line displacement. 1. A method for the fine-processing of a toothing (W) by a single-indexing method , wherein a disk-type fine-toothing tool (S) that rotates about its axis is brought into rolling processing engagement with a tooth flank of the toothing in order to remove material from the tooth flank , wherein a line contact is established while in processing engagement , and the contact line moves over the tooth flank in accordance with a movement having a directional component that is radial to the toothing axis ,characterized in that the processing engagement is maintained in the same pitch with a reduced tangential distance between the tooth flank and the disk plane of the fine-processing tool and with a sign reversal of the radial directional component of the contact line displacement.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tangential distance for the processing engagement is increased again on the next tooth flank after the indexing.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the total amount of material removed to achieve the desired final dimensions is distributed over multiple processing cycles of the toothing claim 1 , and the process can be continued in one or more processing ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Method for Honing Toothed Wheels

Номер: US20180200814A1
Автор: Schieke Jörg

A method for honing processing a toothed wheel in which the toothed wheel and a honing tool mesh with each other and the rotation axes of the toothed wheel and honing tool intersect at an axial intersection angle. The toothed wheel and honing tool carry out a relative movement which oscillates in an axial direction of the rotation axis of the toothed wheel and are positioned in a direction towards each other at the same time in a radial direction with respect to the rotation axis of the toothed wheel starting from an end position in order to remove material from the toothed wheel. During the oscillating relative movement which is directed in an axial direction of the rotation axis of the toothed wheel, the rotation position of the toothed wheel with respect to the rotation axis thereof is changed in accordance with the positioning in a radial direction. 1. A method for honing processing a toothed wheel comprising: bringing the toothed wheel to be honed into engagement with a honing tool having a tooth arrangement which corresponds to the tooth arrangement of the toothed wheel such that the toothed wheel and the honing tool rotate about respective rotation axes , wherein the rotation axes of the toothed wheel and honing tool are orientated so as to intersect with each other at an axial intersection angle , moving the toothed wheel and the honing tool in an oscillating manner relative to each other in an axial direction of the rotation axis of the toothed wheel between two reversal positions and positioning the toothed wheel and the honing tool in a direction towards each other starting from an end position in a radial direction with respect to the rotation axis of the toothed wheel in order to remove material from the toothed wheel , wherein , during the oscillating relative movement which is directed in an axial direction of the rotation axis of the toothed wheel , a rotation position of the toothed wheel with respect to the rotation axis thereof is changed in ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140294530A1

An apparatus for chamfering a toothed workpiece with at least one rotatably mounted workpiece spindle and with at least one machining unit with at least one machining head for chamfering a workpiece clamped in a spindle, wherein the machining unit with at least one machining head exclusively comprises chamfer cutters which permit machining of the workpiece on two different sides of the workpiece, in particular Chamfer Cut units, and that the machining unit with at least one machining head comprises a device for loading chamfer cutters and/or for centering chamfer cutters relative to the position of the toothing on the workpiece. 2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the machining unit with at least one machining head comprises at least two separately actuatable Chamfer Cut units claim 1 , provided on separately actuatable drives.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is arranged in a suspended position.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is arranged inside a gear cutting machine.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is formed as an independent chamfering machine.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is coupled with an adjacent gear cutting machine via a transport device.7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is arranged inside a toothed workpiece for chamfering internal toothings and wherein the apparatus further comprises an automatic tool changer.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the machining unit is not in a vertical arrangement.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the Chamfer Cut units are rotatably mounted directly on the machining unit.10. A method for chamfering a workpiece claim 1 , comprising:rotatably mounting a workpiece spindle;clamping a toothed workpiece in the spindle; 'machining the workpiece on two different sides of the workpiece via the Chamfer Cut units.', 'loading and/or centering Chamfer Cut units of a ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204957A1
Автор: Sheen Benjamin S.

A parallel axis gear configuration constructed in accordance to one example of the present disclosure can include a first gear having a first gear tooth that includes a lead crowning across a face width thereof. The lead crowning can include (i) a first lead crown defined from a centerline to a transition point and (ii) a second lead crown defined from the transition point to a first end point. The lead crowning can include a drop-off magnitude that is greater at the second lead crown than the first lead crown. 1. A parallel axis gear configuration comprising: a first lead crown defined from a centerline to a transition point; and', 'a second lead crown defined from the transition point to a first end point; and, 'a first gear having a first gear tooth that includes a lead crowning across a face width thereof, the lead crowning comprisingwherein the lead crowning includes a drop-off magnitude that is greater at the second lead crown than the first lead crown.2. The parallel axis gear configuration of claim 1 , further comprising a second gear that is in meshed relationship with the first gear.3. The parallel axis gear configuration of wherein the first and second gears are helical gears.4. The parallel axis gear configuration of claim 3 , further comprising:a parallel axis differential that houses the first and second gears.5. The parallel axis gear configuration of wherein the first gear includes a chemical vapor deposit coating thereon.6. The parallel axis gear configuration of wherein the chemical vapor deposit coating comprises BALINIT® C Star coating.7. A parallel axis gear configuration comprising: a first lead crown defined from a centerline to a transition point; and', 'a second lead crown defined from the transition point to a first end point; and, 'a first gear having a first gear tooth that includes a lead crowning across a face width thereof, the lead crowning comprisingwherein the first and second lead crowns have a distinct magnitudes across the face ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202484A1
Автор: Olson Eric Stephen
Принадлежит: Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.

A drive shaft includes a plurality of external crowned spline teeth configured for transmitting torque in a drive system such that contact stress can remain substantially even as misalignments occur. The drive shaft can be manufactured by forming a groove in a drive shaft blank in a direction perpendicular to the side faces of the spline teeth being formed. The resulting spline teeth can have crowned side-wall surfaces that have equal crown drops along the height of the side walls of the spline teeth. 1. A drive shaft comprising:a first external crowned spline tooth including a first spline tooth side wall extending from a first base portion to a first tip portion of the first spline tooth, the first spline tooth further including a first midpoint region between the first base portion and the first tip portion;a second external crowned spline tooth having a second spline tooth side wall extending from a second base portion to a second tip portion of the second spline tooth, the second spline tooth further including a second midpoint region between the second base portion and the second tip portion; andwherein the first spline tooth side wall has a first crown drop at the midpoint region thereof, andwherein the first spline tooth side wall has a second crown drop equal to the first crown drop at the first base portion thereof.2. The drive shaft of claim 1 , further comprising a groove defined by the first and second spline tooth side walls between the first and second spline teeth.3. The drive shaft of claim 2 , wherein the groove is further defined by a root portion between the first and second base portions of the first and second spline teeth.4. The drive shaft of claim 3 , wherein the root portion is a filet root portion.5. The drive shaft of claim 1 , wherein the first spline tooth side wall has a third crown drop equal to the first crown drop at the first tip portion thereof.6. The drive shaft of claim 1 , wherein the first crown drop is between a centerline of ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for the gear manufacturing machining of a workpiece by a diagonal generating method

Номер: US20160214194A1
Автор: Robert Wuerfel
Принадлежит: Liebherr Verzahntechnik GmbH

The present disclosure relates to a method for the gear manufacturing machining of a workpiece by a diagonal-generating method, in which the workpiece is subjected to gear tooth machining by the rolling off of a tool, wherein an axial feed of the tool takes place during the machining with a diagonal ratio given by the ratio between the axial feed of the tool and the axial feed of the workpiece. According to the present disclosure, the diagonal ratio is changed within the course of the machining of a workpiece.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150217388A1
Автор: Guo Changsheng

A disclosed method utilizes virtual representations of gear profiles produced in view of accuracies and capabilities of specific machine and tool combinations to validate profile finishing parameters. The virtual representations are utilized to identify modifications needed to account for process capability and are implemented into the process to change the nominal profile utilized for producing the finished gear profiles. The resulting nominal gear profile accounts for process variations and thereby provides a more accurate and repeatable gear tooth profile. 1. A method of finishing a gear tooth profile comprising:determining a machine accuracy in repeating gear tooth profile forming processes;determining an accuracy of a tool mounted to the machine for forming a desired gear tooth profile;generating a representation of gear tooth profiles for mating gears utilizing the determined machine accuracy and the determined tool accuracy as a virtual simulation within a computer system;identifying deviations from a desired gear tooth profiles at an interface between the representation of gear tooth profiles of the mating gears with the computer system;determining modifications to the gear tooth profile accounting for the identified deviations from the desired gear tooth profiles;defining machine operating parameters required to provide the desired gear tooth profiles including the determined modifications to the gear tooth profile accounting for the identified deviations from the desired gear tooth profiles; andperforming finishing operations of the gear tooth profiles of at least one of the mating gears.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of determining an accuracy of a tool comprises determining an accuracy of an abrasive wheel profile and a variation of the abrasive wheel profile caused by wear during operation.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the abrasive wheel profile includes a profile defining a groove and sides of adjacent gear teeth ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Method for Modifying the Flanks of a Gear Wheel Tooth with the Aid of a Tool

Номер: US20150217389A1
Автор: Schieke Jörg

The invention relates to a method for modifying the geometry of gear wheel tooth flanks with a tool with a toothing that engages with the gear wheel during a precision machining. A varied profile is produced on the tool over the width of the tool, in that during a dressing procedure a dressing wheel is moved along the tooth flank of the tooth to be dressed. The width of the teeth of the dressing wheel is much smaller than the width of the tool. In order to cover the width of the tool a length must be covered corresponding to a multiple of the width of the teeth of the dressing wheel. After the dressing, the precision machining of the gear wheel is carried out with the tool. Since the dressing wheel is moved with a changing pitch and a changing crossed axes angle relative to the tool, the modification of the tooth flank geometry can be reproduced in the tool. A modification of the crossed axes angle dependent on the helical angle of the tool takes place with equalisation of the helical angle of the tool changing over the width of the teeth of the tool. 1. A method for modifying the geometry of the tooth flanks of a gear wheel with the aid of a tool , which has a toothing engaging with the teeth of the gear wheel during a precision machining , wherein the following working steps are performed:a) forming a profile on the tool varying over the width of the tool, in which a dressing wheel is moved during a dressing procedure along the tooth flank of the tooth to be respectively dressed, wherein the width of the teeth of the dressing wheel engaging with the tool to be dressed is smaller than the width the tool to be dressed to such an extent that, in order to cover the width of the tool to be dressed, the dressing wheel has to be moved by a length in a direction that corresponds to a multiple of the width of the teeth of the dressing wheel, andb) precision machining of the gear wheel with the tool that has been dressed in this way,wherein the dressing wheel during the ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245278A1

A toothed workpiece chamfering device having a chamfering head () which includes a first axis of rotation (B) for rotation of a first chamfering tool () and a second axis of rotation (T) for rotation of a second chamfering tool () wherein the first and second chamfering tools are of different types and their respective material removal methods are also different from one another. Preferably, the first and second axes of rotation are not coincident with one another and in a more preferred arrangement, the first tool axis and the second tool axis are arranged perpendicularly to one another. 1. A toothed workpiece chamfering device , said chamfering device comprising:a chamfering head comprising a first tool axis of rotation and a second tool axis of rotation,said chamfering head being operable to rotate a first chamfering tool about said first axis of rotation thereby enabling chamfering by a first material removal method,said chamfering head being further operable to rotate a second chamfering tool about said second axis of rotation thereby enabling chamfering by a second material removal method,wherein said first chamfering tool and said second chamfering tool are different from one another and wherein said first material removal method and said second material removal method are different from one another.2. The device of said first tool axis and said second tool axis are perpendicular to one another.3. The device of wherein said second tool axis of rotation is angularly movable about a pivot axis.4. The device of wherein said pivot axis is parallel to said first tool axis of rotation.5. The device of wherein angular movement of said second axis of rotation comprises movement of the second axis in a tool axis plane claim 3 , said tool axis plane being perpendicular to said first tool axis of rotation.6. The device of further comprising a cutting tool rotatable about said first axis of rotation with said cutting tool comprising one or more cutting tips wherein the ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации

Method for Dressing a Honing Tool and Method for Honing a Toothed Wheel

Номер: US20170225249A1

A method for dressing a honing tool using a dressing tool which during the dressing operation rolls at an axial intersection angle with the honing tool. The teeth thereof which move into engagement with the teeth of the dressing tool each have an upper face which is intended to be dressed and tooth flanks which are also to be dressed. 1. A method for dressing a honing tool for the fine machining of the teeth of a toothed wheel , comprising: applying a dressing tool such that , during a dressing operation with the honing tool to be dressed , the dressing tool continuously rolls at an axial intersection angle so that teeth which are formed on the dressing tool move into engagement with teeth which are formed on the honing tool , each of the teeth formed on the honing tool having an upper face to be dressed and tooth flanks which are also to be dressed , wherein in at least one positioning of the dressing tool both the upper faces and the tooth flanks of the honing tool are processed , and wherein using tooth base rounded portions which are provided on the teeth of the dressing tool , step-free transitions from the tooth flanks to the upper faces are modeled on the honing tool.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the honing tool is an internally toothed honing ring.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the honing tool is an externally toothed cylinder wheel.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a geometry of the tooth base rounded portions of the teeth of the dressing tool corresponds to a desired geometry of the teeth of the toothed wheel which is to be processed with the honing tool in each case claim 1 , in the completely processed state.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein an entire geometry of the teeth of the dressing tool corresponds to the desired geometry of the teeth of the toothed wheel which is to be processed with the honing tools in the completely processed state.6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the desired ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224767A1

A method for deburring bevel gears using a deburring tool, which comprises at least one cutting edge, having the following steps: 1. A method comprising: rotationally driving the deburring tool around a deburring spindle axis,', 'rotationally driving the bevel gear around a workpiece spindle axis in a coupled manner with said rotationally driving the deburring tool using an inverse coupling transmission ratio,', 'executing a relative flight movement of the at least one cutting edge relative to the bevel gear, wherein the relative flight movement is defined by a hypocycloid, and', 'removing at least one burr located at or near one or more of the bevel gear heel or the bevel gear toe from at least one of the at least one tooth edge by cuttingly contacting the at least one cutting edge with the at least one of the at least one tooth edge., 'deburring in a continuous method a bevel gear defining a bevel gear heel, a bevel gear toe, at least one tooth and at least one tooth gap defining at least one tooth edge, by using a deburring tool including at least one cutting edge, the deburring step comprising2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one tooth includes a tooth base and a tooth head claim 1 , and the executing step includes executing the relative flight movement of the at least one cutting edge in the at least one tooth gap from at or near the tooth base and in a direction towards the tooth head.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the inverse coupling transmission ratio is defined by a hypocycloid coupling.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the deburring tool defines a number of threads and the at least one tooth defines a number of teeth claim 1 , and the inverse coupling transmission ratio is defined by the number of teeth and the number of threads.5. A method according to claim 2 , including performing the cuttingly contacting step by said step of executing the relative flight movement of the at least one cutting edge in the at ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200223000A1
Автор: Peschina Jürgen

A hobbing machine is disclosed having a workpiece spindle, by means of which a workpiece can be rotated about a workpiece axis, a hobbing head, at least one chamfering device, a first slide with a first slide guide system, wherein the hobbing head is arranged on the first slide, and a rail system. The first slide, by means of its first slide guide system, is arranged in a displaceable manner on the rail system. The hobbing machine also has a second slide with a second slide guide system. The at least one chamfering device is arranged on the second slide. Also, the second slide, by means of its second slide guide system, is arranged in a displaceable manner on the rail system, such that the first slide and the second slide can be displaced on an identical portion of the rail system. Presented is a structurally simple hobbing machine by means of which a workpiece can be hobbed and chamfered in a short period of time. 1. A hobbing machine , comprising:a workpiece spindle, by means of which a workpiece can be rotated about a workpiece axis;a hobbing head;at least one chamfering device;a first slide with a first slide guide system, wherein the hobbing head is arranged on the first slide;a rail system, wherein the first slide, by means of its first slide guide system, is arranged in a displaceable manner on the rail system; anda second slide with a second slide guide system, wherein the at least one chamfering device is arranged on the second slide; andwherein the second slide, by means of its second slide guide system, is arranged in a displaceable manner on the rail system, such that the first slide and the second slide can be displaced on an identical portion of the rail system.2. The hobbing machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein both the first slide and the second slide are designed in the form of driven slides.3. The hobbing machine as claimed in claim 2 , wherein each driven slide comprises a dedicated motor drive claim 2 , by means of which the driven slide can ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Buildup Shedding Sprocket for Driving a Wire Conveyor Belt

Номер: US20150259150A1

A method and apparatus for driving a wire conveyor belt with a buildup shedding sprocket. When driving a belt in any application in which material is added to articles on the belt, excess material accumulates on the support shelves between the sprocket teeth. A relief cut is made between the sprocket teeth providing a channel through which the excess material can be pushed away. 1. A buildup shedding sprocket for driving a wire conveyor belt comprising:a sprocket body with a first width having sprocket teeth and support shelves between the sprocket teeth wherein the sprocket teeth have a second width the same as the first width and the support shelves have a width narrower than the first width.2. The sprocket of having a threaded hole for a set screw is one of the sprocket teeth.3. A buildup shedding sprocket for driving a wire conveyor belt comprisinga sprocket body having sprocket teeth with a first width and spaces between the sprocket teeth; andrelief cuts in the spaces between the sprocket teeth causing the spaces between the sprocket teeth to have a width less than the first width.4. The sprocket of having a threaded hole in a space between the sprocket teeth in which there is no relief cut.5. A method for producing a buildup shedding sprocket for driving a wire conveyor belt comprisingproviding a sprocket body of a first width with sprocket teeth of the same width as the sprocket body;causing relief cuts to be made in the spaces between the sprocket teeth such that the spaces between the sprocket teeth have a second width that is narrower than the first width. The present application claims the benefit of Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/953,113 filed Mar. 14, 2014, which is incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a sprocket for driving a wire conveyor belt. In particular, it relates to a buildup shedding sprocket for driving a wire conveyor belt.Wire conveyor belts are commonly used for conveying articles during coating, ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170252842A1
Автор: Hanus Elmar, Schmezer Ralf

The invention relates to a method for machining a toothing that is chamfered on a tooth head front edge, in which a material projection resulting on said tooth head front edge chamfer, caused by chamfer formation on a tooth front edge of the toothing by means of plastic deformation, and/or caused by removing a primary/secondary burr produced on said end face during production of the toothing and, if applicable, formation of the tooth front edge chamfer, is removed in a rotational operation by a machining procedure with a machining tool that has a cutting edge. 131333332101013a, b. Method for machining a toothing () that is provided with a chamfer () on a tooth tip end edge , wherein excess material on the chamfer () on the tooth tip end edge that results from chamfering on a tooth end edge () of the toothing by means of plastic deformation and/or from removal of a primary or secondary burr produced on the end face during production of the toothing or during chamfering of the tooth end edge is removed by machining engagement in a turning operation using a machining tool ( , ′) that is provided with a cutting edge ().2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the removal of the secondary burrs and/or the chamfering on the tooth end edge occurs at the same location and/or in the same setting of the machined toothing as the turning operation claim 1 , and from the same side.31010. Method according to wherein the secondary burrs are removed using the same machining tool ( claim 1 , ′) as is used in the turning operation by means of filing off.4. Method according to wherein the machining tool is also used while producing the toothing claim 1 , to remove the primary burrs that form in the process on the end face of the toothing.5. Method according to wherein radial infeed motions on the tool side for the chamfering on the tooth end edge and for the turning operation are coupled together claim 1 , axial displacement movements on the tool side for the chamfering on the tooth ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Offset Chamfered Teeth For Coaxial Cooperating Gears In Vehicle Power Trains

Номер: US20200240504A1
Автор: LEBANG Xie

A power train component such as a gearbox includes driving and driven, coaxially arranged cooperating gears which engage each other via teeth. The engaging end surfaces of the teeth are provided with a first chamfer and a second chamfer, in which the chamfer edge is offset from bisecting the tooth. Preferably the offset chamfer edges are provided on both a driving gear (shifter), axially positionable using a shifting fork on a shift drum, and a driven low gear. In one preferred driving gear (shifter) design, the offset chamfer edges are only provided for the side engaged when the shifting fork moves against a spring force. The invention facilitates smoother and less binding movement between the non-engaged and the engaged axial positions, such that the gear can be more easily shifted by the shifting fork in at least one direction. 2. The pair of cooperating coaxially arranged gears of wherein the first gear is a driving gear and the second gear is a driven low gear of a gearbox.3. The pair of cooperating coaxially arranged gears of claim 2 , wherein the driving gear comprises:an inside diameter with a plurality of axially extending splines for transferring power train torque to or from the shaft; anda fork-receiving recess on its outer periphery.4. The pair of cooperating coaxially arranged gears of claim 3 , wherein the driving gear is formed of steel with an inside in the range of 20-40 mm claim 3 , and wherein the axially extending splines each have a height which is less than 20% of the inner diameter.5. The pair of cooperating coaxially arranged gears of claim 3 , wherein the driving gear further comprises a plurality of axially extending teeth on an opposite side of the fork-receiving recess from the first gear engagement face.6. The pair of cooperating coaxially arranged gears of claim 5 , wherein the driving gear has three axially extending teeth on the opposite side of the fork-receiving recess from the first gear engagement face claim 5 , the three axially ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190247941A1

A method of preparing a machining process of a toothed workpiece rotatably drivable around its rotation axis, the machining process to be executed by a tool rotatably drivable around its rotation axis, wherein, for establishing a synchronized matching engagement of the tool with the workpiece toothing, a contact with the workpiece can be or is generated by performing a movement via a positioning axis, and, by means of a surveillance of a movement dedicated to an axis of motion, a contact to the workpiece is used for establishing information about a relative rotary position of the workpiece, whereby the contact is made by a portion of the tool and the dedicated axis of motion is an axis capable to move or rotate the workpiece or the tool but which is not the positioning axis. 1110111021101010101. A method of preparing a machining process of a toothed workpiece () rotatably drivable around its rotation axis () , the machining process to be executed by a tool () rotatably drivable around its rotation axis (B) , wherein , for establishing a synchronized matching engagement of the tool with the workpiece toothing () , a contact with the workpiece () can be or is generated by performing a movement via a positioning axis (Z; Y) , and , by means of a surveillance of a movement dedicated to an axis of motion (B; C) , a contact to the workpiece () is used for establishing information about a relative rotary position of the workpiece ,{'b': 12', '11', '10', '10', '10', '10, 'characterized in that the contact is made by a portion () of the tool () and the dedicated axis of motion (B; C) is an axis capable to move or rotate the workpiece or the tool but which is not the positioning axis (Z; Y).'}21010. The method according to wherein the positioning axis is a first axis (Z) moving the tool with a main direction component in direction of the rotation axis (C) of the workpiece claim 1 , the first axis being in particular parallel to the rotation axis of the workpiece.310. The ...
