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20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2338888C2

Способ изготовления компонента статора, предназначенного для направления потока газа и передачи усилий в процессе работы статора, осуществляется путем сборки в окружном направлении, по меньшей мере, двух отлитых в виде отдельных деталей секторов, которые устанавливают рядом друг с другом и соединяют сваркой. Каждый сектор отливают с первым и вторым элементами стенки, расположенными на расстоянии друг от друга с образованием в окружном направлении между ними канала для прохода газа. Затем соединяют друг с другом два элемента стенки, по одному от двух соседних секторов, так что они образуют в компоненте статора вытянутую в его радиальном направлении перегородку. Указанная перегородка служит в компоненте статора для направления потока газа и/или передачи возникающих при работе усилий. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить высокую производительность и снизить затраты при изготовлении компонента статора, а также повысить его прочность. 17 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018107530A3

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017135217A3

28-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018106439A3

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695687C1

Изобретение относится к изготовлению детали посредством выборочного расплавления порошка. Наносят первый слой первого металлического порошка, основным элементом которого является первый металлический элемент. Перемещают второй энергетический пучок по первому слою, при этом энергия, обеспечиваемая вторым пучком, позволяет производить локальное и поверхностное расплавление первого слоя. Затем на первый слой наносят второй слой второго металлического порошка, основным элементом которого является второй металлический элемент, отличный от первого металлического элемента. Перемещают первый энергетический пучок по второму слою, при этом энергия, обеспечиваемая первым пучком, позволяет инициировать экзотермическую реакцию между первым элементом и вторым элементом, причем энергия, выделяемая при такой экзотермической реакции, обеспечивает локальное сплавление вместе первого и второго слоев. Обеспечивается снижение расхода энергии, связанной с генерированием пучков. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2713668C1
Принадлежит: АРКОНИК ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к алюминий-титан-циркониевым сплавам, и может быть использовано при изготовлении компонентов турбины в двигателях или в других высокотемпературных областях применения. Заявлен алюминий-титан-циркониевый сплав, деталь, выполненная из него, и способ изготовления детали. Алюминий-титан-циркониевый сплав содержит, вес.%: Al 29,0-42,4; Ti 41,2-59,9; Zr 10,3-24,1; второстепенные элементы-модификаторы: C до 0,15 вес.%, B до 0,15 вес.%. Способ изготовления детали включает подачу заготовки из алюминий-титан-циркониевого сплава в устройство для аддитивного производства и послойное формирование детали из алюминий-титан-циркониевого сплава. Сплав характеризуется высокими значениями прочности, трещиностойкости, стойкости к окислению, сопротивлению усталости, ползучести, а также высокой устойчивостью к воздействию высоких температур. 3 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 2 табл.

27-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005132387A

... 1. Способ изготовления компонента статора реактивного двигателя, предназначенного для направления потока газа и передачи усилий, отличающийся тем, что компонент статора собирают в окружном направлении по меньшей мере из двух отлитых в виде отдельных деталей секций (1, 20), которые устанавливают рядом друг с другом и соединяют сваркой. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что поверхность (22, 23, 24, 25, 26), по которой каждый сектор (1, 20) сваривают с другим сектором, по меньшей мере частично проходит по внешнему краю его корпуса. 3. Способ по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что поверхность (22, 23, 24, 25, 26), по которой сваривают секторы, проходит и в радиальном, и в осевом направлениях. 4. Способ по п.3, отличающийся тем, что участок (25, 26) поверхности, по которой сваривают секторы, расположенный в месте перехода радиального участка в осевой, выполнен скругленным. 5. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что поверхность (22, 23, 24, 25, 26), по которой сваривают секторы, выполнена непрерывной ...

10-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003122113A

... 1. Способ ремонта пера лопатки, при котором на пере лопатки выбирают линию ремонтного сечения и отрезают дефектную часть пера лопатки, сборку вставки и пера лопатки осуществляют в замок по линии ремонтного сечения, электронно-лучевую сварку ведут со сквозным проплавлением при постоянной фокусировке и скорости сварки, а затем осуществляют термическую обработку сварного соединения, отличающийся тем, что линию ремонтного сечения выбирают в зоне несовпадения максимальных вибрационных нагрузок, входную кромку пера устанавливают на полке вставки, на спинке пера с перекрытием входной кромки пера размещают пластину, причем суммарная толщина пластины и пера лопатки по всему ремонтному сечению равна толщине профиля пера в ремонтном сечении, сварку сквозным проплавлением ведут от торца пера к выходной кромке пера, второй проход осуществляют со смещением электронного луча на вставку, а термическую обработку производят сканирующим электронным лучом. 2. Способ ремонта пера лопатки по п.1, отличающийся ...

12-05-2011 дата публикации

Welding together tapes of different materials by electron-beam along its longitudinal sides, comprises automatically controlling the position of melt bath and weld seam depth and positioning the transfer field over guidance position

Номер: DE102009052464A1

The method for welding together tapes (3) of different materials by electron-beam (5) along its longitudinal sides, comprises automatically controlling the position of melt bath and weld seam depth and positioning the transfer field over guidance position of the tapes to be connected and/or constantly holding the vacuum in recipients (2), where the energy transmission field is automatically shifted diagonally to the tape feeding direction in which the penetration electrons are detected through an electron absorber (7) and are compared with an actual value. The method for welding together tapes (3) of different materials by electron-beam (5) along its longitudinal sides, comprises automatically controlling the position of melt bath and weld seam depth and positioning the transfer field over guidance position of the tapes to be connected and/or constantly holding the vacuum in recipients (2), where the energy transmission field is automatically shifted diagonally to the tape feeding direction ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Schneidglied für eine Sägekette

Номер: DE202019103024U1

Schneidglied (11) für eine Sägekette mit einem Trägerteil (16) aus einer bruchfesten Stahllegierung und ein mit dem Trägerteil (16) entlang einer Schweißverbindung (18) verschweißten Schneidteil (17) aus einem Schnellarbeitsstahl, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Stahlmaterial des Trägerteils (16) im vergüteten Zustand eine Härte von mehr als 600 HV und eine Zugfestigkeit von mehr als 2000 MPa aufweist.

01-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003662981D1

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Gehäusemittelteils eines Hochdruck-Absperrschiebers

Номер: DE102014013998A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Gehäusemittelteils (1) eines Hochdruck-Absperrschiebers aus hochwarmfestem Stahl, bei welchem zwei gesenkgeschmiedete Gehäusemittelteilhalbschalen (1a, 1b) mit angeschmiedeten Stutzen (4a, 4b) durch ein Elektronenstrahl-Schweißverfahren ohne Schweißzusatzwerkstoff durch eine stumpfe Schweißnaht (2) miteinander verschweißt werden, die in einer quer zu den Rohrstutzen (4a, 4b) verlaufenden, das Gehäusemittelteil (1) unterteilenden Ebene (3) verläuft. Um bei einem solchen Gehäusemittelteil bei günstigen Herstellungskosten die Dauerstandfestigkeit zu erhöhen und das Gewicht zu vermindern, schlägt die Erfindung vor, dass die Wanddicken der Gehäusemittelteilhalbschalen (1a, 1b) insgesamt unter Zugrundelegung eines Schweißnahtfaktors (WSF = 1) ausgelegt werden, und dass nach der Herstellung der Schweißnaht (2) das gesamte Gehäusemittelteil (1) einer durchgreifenden Wärmebehandlung mit Erwärmen bis über die Umwandlungstemperatur, Abschrecken ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum rissfreien Schweißen, Reparaturschweißen oder Auftragsschweißen heißrissanfälliger Werkstoffe

Номер: DE102006048580C5

Verfahren zum rissfreien Schweißen, Reparaturschweißen oder Auftragschweißen heißrissanfälliger Werkstoffe mittels eines Schweißverfahrens hoher Leistungsdichte und einer weiteren, mit der Schweißgeschwindigkeit in einem konstanten Abstand zur Schweißzone mitlaufenden örtlichen Temperaturbeaufschlagung, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die mitlaufende örtliche Temperaturbeaufschlagung durch zwei beidseitig parallel oder nahezu parallel zur Schweißrichtung (8) verlaufende und sich zur Schweißrichtung (8) längs erstreckende elektromagnetisch durch eine Volumenenergiequelle im Inneren der Bauteile 1 und 2 (1, 2) (22) erzeugte Temperaturfelder (9, 10) erfolgt, die beide in Schweißrichtung (8) vor der Schweißzone (4) beginnen und deren Temperaturmaxima (13) sich außerhalb der Wärmeeinflusszone (14) und in Schweißrichtung (8) hinter der Erstarrungszone (6) befinden und die Tiefe der Temperaturfelder (9, 10) am Ort des Temperaturmaximums (13) mindestens die Schweißnahttiefe erreicht.

10-06-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines geschweißten Rotors für ein Gasturbinentriebwerk

Номер: DE102008060205A1

Bei einem Verfahren zur Herstellung geschweißter Rotoren für ein Gasturbinentriebwerk, bei dem zwei oder mehrere Rotorscheiben mit herkömmlichen Schweißverfahren durch radial zur Rotorachse verlaufende Schweißnähte miteinander verbunden werden und der Schweißnahtbereich anschließend einer Wärmebehandlung bei einer Temperatur zum Abbau von Zugeigenspannungen infolge Relaxation unterworfen wird, wird die Schweißnaht auf ein deutlich niedrigeres, keine Relaxation bewirkendes Temperaturniveau als die an die Schweißnaht angrenzende Wärmeeinflusszone eingestellt und dabei aufgrund des hohen Temperaturgradienten eine Druckeigenspannung oder zumindest stark reduzierte Zugeigenspannung in die Schweißnaht eingeprägt. Gegenüber konventionell wärmebehandelten, geschweißten Rotoren werden infolge der so Spannungen verbesserte Festigkeitseigenschaften im Schweißnahtbereich und eine erhöhte Lebensdauer erreicht.

30-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: GB2458552A

A fastener 10 for fastening a welding nozzle to a gas output device, the fastener 10 comprising: a first clamping member 12 and a second clamping member 14, moveable between an open configuration and a closed configuration, and which define an aperture 24 for receiving the welding nozzle, the first clamping member 12 including: a member 34 for resiliently engaging the welding nozzle, wherein the member 34 is arranged to be progressively deformed by the welding nozzle as the first clamping member 12 and second clamping member 14 move from the open configuration toward the closed configuration, and is arranged such that the degree of deformation of the member 34 by the welding nozzle achieved when the first and second clamping members 12, 14 reach the closed configuration is equal to, or less than, the maximum resilient deformation of the member 34.

31-10-2018 дата публикации

Additive Manufacturing

Номер: GB0002533102B

28-11-2018 дата публикации

Apparatuses, systems and methods for three-dimensional printing

Номер: GB0002546016B
Принадлежит: VELO3D INC, Velo3D Inc.

04-10-2017 дата публикации

Porous structures

Номер: GB0201713360D0

08-03-2023 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to metal packers

Номер: GB0002610493A

A weld joint and method of welding a joint in parts subject to expansion in use. The weld joint is between dissimilar steel alloys and a weldable nickel-base shim is located between faces of the steel alloys prior to welding by an electron beam. Embodiments of an expandable metal sleeve and a metal packer for use as an isolation barrier in a well, are described which include the weld joint.

18-04-2006 дата публикации

Improved system for processing, storing, and transporting liquefied natural gas.

Номер: OA0000011995A

15-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: ATA287386A

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Cutting tool

Номер: AT0000016111U1

Es wird ein Schneidwerkzeug (1) bereitgestellt, mit einem Schneidenbereich (4) aus einem Hartmetall, das in einen duktilen metallischen Binder eingebettete Hartstoffpartikel aufweist, und einem Trägerbereich (2) aus einem metallischen Werkstoff. Der Schneidenbereich (4) und der Trägerbereich (2) sind über einen Strahlschweiß-Fügebereich (3) stoffschlüssig miteinander verbunden, in dem zumindest das Material des Trägerbereichs (2) durch Einwirken eines Energiestrahls aufgeschmolzen wurde. Ein Anteil des duktilen metallischen Binders an dem Hartmetall beträgt höchstens 8 Gew.-%.

15-12-2019 дата публикации

Manufactured refractory metal component additive, additive manufacturing method and powder

Номер: AT0000016308U3

Bauteil mit einer Matrixphase aus zumindest einem Material, ausgewählt aus einer Gruppe umfassend Molybdän, eine Molybdän-basierte Legierung, Wolfram, eine Wolfram-basierte Legierung und eine Molybdän-Wolfram-basierte Legierung, die mittels Laser oder Elektronenstrahl in einem additiven Fertigungsverfahren gefertigt ist, wobei der Molybdängehalt, der Wolframgehalt oder der Summengehalt von Molybdän und Wolfram größer ist als 85 at% und wobei das Bauteil Teilchen enthält, deren Schmelzpunkt oberhalb des Schmelzpunktes der Matrixphase liegt.

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Method for the production of parts made from metal or metal matrix composite and resulting from additive manufacturing followed by an operation involving the forging of said parts

Номер: AU2015255150B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention relates to a method for the production of a part made from metal alloy or metal matrix composite materials, in which a preform is produced by means of additive manufacturing in which material is added via the stacking of successive layers and the preform is subjected to a one-step forging operation between two dies in order to obtain the end shape of the part to be produced.

06-07-2000 дата публикации

Improved welding method

Номер: AU0000721591B2

15-05-1998 дата публикации

Improved welding method

Номер: AU0005300298A

17-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002771005A1

This invention relates to a method and reactor of manufacturing an object by solid freeform fabrication, especially an object made of titanium or titanium alloys. The reactor of production of an object of a weldable material by solid freeform fabrication comprises a reactor chamber which is closed to the ambient atmosphere, wherein the reactor is given a design such that all adjacent wall elements forming the reactor chamber are joined with an obtuse angle (larger than 90°), the actuator located below the reactor chamber is given a design such that the actuator protrudes into the reactor chamber through an opening at the bottom of the reactor chamber holding the support substrate inside the reactor chamber, the opening is sealed by at least one elastic gas impermeable membrane which is gas tight attached to the reactor wall at the opening and to the actuator, the actuator located outside the reactor chamber is given a design such that the actuator protrudes into the reactor chamber through ...

16-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001313610C

A b s t r a c t In a process for producing frogs of railway switches or rail pieces located in the area of switches which is hit by the wheels comprising a highly wear-resistent surface layer, which is travelled upon by the wheels, of an age-hardening steel of the composition C 0.01 to 0.05 % Al 0 to 0.2 % Si 0.01 to 0.2 % B 0 to 0.1 % Mn 0.01 to 0.2 % Zr 0 to 0.1 %, Co 0 to 15 % Mo 1.5 to 6 % Ni 7 to 20 % Ti 0.1 to 1 % Cr 0 to 13 % the surface layer to be travelled upon by the wheels is applied by explosion plating or electron beam welding or roll plating onto a base body of a well weldable steel, in particular a steel comprising not more than 0.24 % C, not more than 0.04 % P and S, respectively, not more than 0.65 % Si and not more than 1.7 % Mn.

26-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001039089A1

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003020502A1

New alpha-beta titanium alloys are disclosed. The new alloys generally include 7.0 - 11.0 wt. % A1, and 1.0 - 4.0 wt. % Mo, wherein Al:Mo, by weight, is from 2.0:1 - 11.0:1, the balance being titanium, any optional incidental elements, and unavoidable impurities. The new alloys may realize an improved combination of properties as compared to conventional titanium alloys.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002994277A1

A system for producing an object is disclosed including a build device having a build area and a material bonding component to receive portions of a material that are used to produce the object, at least one gripper within the build area to contact the object to provide support and to provide for at least one of a heat sink for the object, a cold sink for the object, and electrical dissipation path from the object, and a movement mechanism to move the build device relative to the object to position the build device at a position to further produce the object. Another system and methods are also disclosed.

09-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002946556A1

A method of forming a passage in a turbine component that includes using an additive manufacturing process to form a first support structure on a first surface of the turbine component; and forming a passage through the first support structure and the turbine component.

30-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002269558A1

A welding method for improving the durability and strength of fusion weld joints in metal structures; the method is especially beneficial for metal structures fabricated from nickel-titanium alloy (nitinol) and for medical devices.

31-01-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000595011A5

28-08-2015 дата публикации

System having a layered structure and method of manufacturing the same.

Номер: CH0000709268A2

Ein System enthält eine Schichtstruktur. Die Schichtstruktur enthält eine erste (50) und eine zweite (52) koaleszierte Schicht und eine Zwischenschicht (54), die zwischen der ersten (50) und der zweiten (52) koaleszierten Schicht angeordnet ist. Die erste und die zweite (52) koaleszierte Schicht haben ein höheres Mass an Koaleszenz als die Zwischenschicht (54).

15-04-2004 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of cutting tools for machine tools.

Номер: CH0000693902A5
Принадлежит: SCINTILLA AG

30-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201290093A1

04-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003087682B1

07-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002461548B1

30-04-1965 дата публикации

Process of assembly of elements of magnetic circuit

Номер: FR0001397334A

13-07-1994 дата публикации

Fabrication process for railway switch gear elements used as points and crossings

Номер: FR0002700344A1

Le procédé pour la fabrication d'un élément d'un appareil de voie ferroviaire notamment un coeur de croisement ou une pointe d'aiguille comprenant une partie (10) médiane en acier au manganèse avec au moins une branche (11) et au moins un tronçon (20) de rail normalisé en acier au carbone entre lesquels est fixée une entretoise (30) relativement courte délimitée par deux tranches opposées est caractérisé en ce qu'on place le tronçon de rail (20) dans une atmosphère raréfiée, on soude à l'aide d'un faisceau d'électrons l'une des tranches de l'entretoise (30) au tronçon de rail (20) en atmosphère raréfiée, on met à l'air libre le tronçon de rail (20) et l'entretoise (30) soudés l'un à l'autre et on soude par étincelage l'autre des tranches de l'entretoise (30) à la branche (11) de la partie médiane (10). Application à la fabrication d'un coeur de croisement.

08-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003014339B1

25-09-1964 дата публикации

Process and device of welding by means of a beam of electrified particles

Номер: FR0000083659E

14-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: KR19890000927B1

Wear resistant composite tool for stamping, slitting, milling, reaming or hot-rolling is made of a steel core and a cemented carbide shell. In the case of small tools, a part of the entire interface is molten on the steel side by a high-energy beam like laser-beam and electron beam. In the case of rolls for hot rolling mills, the outer cemented carbide ring is fused to the inner steel ring over a distance of under 20mm (5-15mm) at each end. This low-cost method is suitable for tools of large size and eliminates thermal stresses. Copyright 1997 KIPO ...

01-06-2020 дата публикации

Three-dimensional parts and methods fabricating the same

Номер: TW0202019596A

In various embodiments, wire composed at least partially of arc-melted refractory metal material is utilized to fabricate three-dimensional parts by additive manufacturing.

05-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009015974A1
Автор: NILSSON, Ulf

A method of producing an impeller by forming an impeller blank (100) and subsequently machining the impeller blank (100), characterised in that at least two dissimilar materials are joined in the impeller blank (100) before the machining.

19-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012048696A3

The invention relates to a method for generatively producing or for repairing at least one area of a component, wherein a zone arranged downstream of a molten bath is post-heated to a post-heating temperature and the component is set to a base temperature. The invention further relates to a device for carrying out such a method.

02-02-2006 дата публикации

Method of making and joining an aerofoil and root

Номер: US2006021222A1

A ducted fan gas turbine engine aerofoil is made by electron beam welding together at least two metal sheets ( 10 ) and ( 12 ) and electron beam welding that sub assembly via an end to a root that has been manufactured in a separate operation, and then heating the whole to a temperature that will convert the electron beam welds to diffusion bonds.

06-04-2021 дата публикации

Vehicular differential device and welding method for the same

Номер: US0010967455B2

A vehicular differential device includes a differential case, a ring gear, and a welded portion positioned on an abutting surface where the differential case and the ring gear are in contact with each other. The welded portion is configured to join the differential case and the ring gear for integral rotation of the differential case and the ring gear around a rotation axis of the vehicular differential device. The welded portion includes a plurality of welding surfaces positioned at predetermined intervals along a circumferential direction around the rotation axis.

21-12-2006 дата публикации

Electron beam welding of sputtering target tiles

Номер: US20060283705A1

Embodiments of the invention provide a method of welding sputtering target tiles to form a large sputtering target. Embodiments of a sputtering target assembly with welded sputtering target tiles are also provided. In one embodiment, a method for welding sputtering target tiles in an electron beam welding chamber comprises providing strips or powder of sputtering target material on a pre-determined at least one interfacial line between at least two sputtering target tiles, that are yet to be placed, on a surface of support, placing the at least two sputtering target tiles side by side with edges of the at least two sputtering target tiles abutting and forming at least one interfacial line on top of the strips or powder of sputtering target material, pumping out the gas in the electron beam welding chamber, preheating the at least two sputtering target tiles and the strips or powder of sputtering target material to a pre-heat temperature less than the temperature at which the at least two ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180311769A1

Systems and methods for multi-materials and varying print parameters in Additive Manufacturing systems are provided. In one example, a layer including a first powder material and a second material different from the first powder material are deposited, such that at least a first portion of the first powder material is in a first area that is devoid of the second material. An energy beam is generated and applied to fuse the layer at a plurality of locations. In another example, a layer of a powder material is deposited based on a first subset of parameters. An energy beam is generated based on a second subset of the parameters, and the energy beam is applied to fuse the layer at a plurality of locations based on a third subset of the parameters. At least one of the parameters is set to have different values during a slice printing operation.

12-01-2021 дата публикации

Three-dimensional printing of three-dimensional objects

Номер: US0010888925B2
Принадлежит: VELO3D, INC., VELO3D INC

The present disclosure provides three-dimensional (3D) printing methods, apparatuses, systems and/or software to form one or more three-dimensional objects, some of which may be complex. The three-dimensional objects may be formed by three-dimensional printing using one or more methodologies. In some embodiments, the three-dimensional object may comprise an overhang portion, such as a cavity ceiling, with diminished deformation and/or auxiliary support structures.

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200283876A1

The present invention relates to a 3D-printed iron based alloy product comprising carbon, tungsten, vanadium, cobalt, chromium and molybdenum with very high hardness and very good high temperature properties thermal properties as well as a method of preparing the 3D-printed product and a powder alloy.

25-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210362267A1

A method for making an article is disclosed. According to the method, a digital model of the article is generated. The digital model is inputted into an additive manufacturing apparatus comprising an energy source. The additive manufacturing apparatus applies energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model. The powder particles individually include a composite core including a first phase of a first metal and a second phase of a ceramic. A first shell including a second metal is disposed over the core.

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Metal Matrix Compositions and Methods for Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20210164295A1
Принадлежит: Seed Technologies Corp.,Ltd.

A metal matrix composite composition includes tungsten carbide in an amount of 45 wt % to 72 wt % of the composition. In addition, the composition includes a binder in an amount of 28 wt % to 55 wt % of the composition. The binder includes nickel in an amount of at least 99 wt % of the binder. 1. A metal matrix composite composition , comprising:tungsten carbide in an amount of 45 wt % to 72 wt % of the composition; and 'nickel in an amount of at least 99 wt % of the binder.', 'a binder in an amount of 28 wt % to 55 wt % of the composition, wherein the binder comprises2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the amount of tungsten carbide is 50 wt % to 65 wt % of the composition and the amount of the binder is 35 wt % to 50 wt % of the composition.3. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the amount of tungsten carbide is 55 wt % to 60 wt % of the composition and the amount of the binder is 40 wt % to 45 wt % of the composition.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises substantially 0.0 wt % Si and 0.0 wt % B.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises 100 wt % Ni.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein at least 50 vol % of the tungsten carbide comprises spherical cast WC/WC.7. The composition of claim 6 , wherein at least 70 vol % of the tungsten carbide comprises spherical cast WC/WC.8. An earth boring drill bit for drilling a borehole in an earthen formation claim 6 , the drill bit comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a bit body made of the metal matrix composite of .'} This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/111,851 filed Jul. 15, 2016, and entitled “Metal Matrix Compositions and Methods for Manufacturing Same,” which is a 35 U.S.C. § 371 national stage application of PCT/CN2016/080123 filed Apr. 25, 2016 and entitled, “Metal Matrix Compositions and Methods for Manufacturing Same,” which claims benefit of Chinese patent application Serial No. 201510887962.8 filed Dec. 7, 2015, ...

01-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP3332080B1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Holdings LLC

07-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729569C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к получению изделий из титановых сплавов с использованием аддитивных технологий. Титановый сплав содержит, мас.%: алюминий 2,0-6,0, ванадий 4-8,75, железо 1,0-5,0, остальное - титан, неизбежные примеси и один или более необязательных второстепенных элементов, выбранных из кремния до 1 мас.%, иттрия до 1 мас.%, эрбия до 1 мас.%, углерода до 0,5 мас.%, кислорода до 0,5 мас.% и бора до 0,5 мас.%. Количество титана, алюминия, ванадия и железа в сплаве достаточно для обеспечения температуры бета-перехода не более 850ºC. Изделие из титанового сплава получают путем нанесения последовательных слоев сырья и затем выборочного плавления с образованием изделия. Обеспечивается получение материала с высокой точкой ликвидуса и узким равновесным интервалом кристаллизации, ограничивающим микросегрегацию при затвердевании. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 5 табл., 1 пр.

15-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664119C2

Изобретение относится к способу аддитивного изготовления компонента из композиционного материала с металлической матрицей. Способ включает расплавление электронным пучком порошкообразной смеси, которая содержит порошкообразный карбид вольфрама в количестве от 45 до 72 мас.% от массы порошкообразной смеси и порошкообразное связующее в количестве от 28 до 55 мас.% от массы порошкообразной смеси. Указанное порошкообразное связующее содержит никель в количестве по меньшей мере 70 мас.% от массы порошкообразного связующего. Обеспечивается повышение стойкости к износу, эрозии, коррозии и ударопрочности. 18 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 2 табл., 11 пр.

31-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696108C2

Изобретение относится к области порошковой металлургии и может быть использовано при изготовлении изделий для автомобильной промышленности и авиастроения. Получают заготовку из металлического сплава путем использования аддитивного производства с добавлением порошка в следующие один за другим слои заготовки. При этом заготовка содержит зоны, в которых порошок не связан или объединен частично. Полученную заготовку подвергают ковке, которую осуществляют в один этап между двумя пресс-формами с обеспечением связывания порошка в упомянутых зонах. В результате повышаются механические характеристики полученных изделий. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы.

23-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1804380C

09-11-2006 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Verschweißen eines Tellerrads mit einem Ausgleichsgehäuse eines Getriebes

Номер: DE102005023230A1

Verfahren zum Verschweißen eines Tellerrads mit einem Ausgleichsgehäuse eines Getriebes, mit folgenden Schritten: DOLLAR A - Herstellen eines Tellerrads, wobei das Tellerrad einen Tellerradflansch mit einer Flanschfläche aufweist, DOLLAR A - Einsatzhärten des Tellerrads, DOLLAR A - Gießen eines Ausgleichsgehäuses aus einem Gusseisenmaterial, wobei das Ausgleichsgehäuse eine Flanschschulter aufweist, DOLLAR A - Herstellen eines Ausgleichsgehäuseflansches durch Drehbearbeiten der Flanschschulter, DOLLAR A - Fügen des Tellerrads und des Ausgleichsgehäuses, wobei das Tellerrad mit seiner Flanschfläche gegen die Flanschschulter gedrückt wird, DOLLAR A - Verschweißen des Tellerradflansches mit der Flanschschulter mittels eines Hochenergiestrahls, wobei während des Schweißvorgangs der Schweißzone ein nickelhaltiger Zusatzwerkstoff zugeführt wird. DOLLAR A Die Flanschschulter weist folgende Flanschbereiche auf: DOLLAR A - einen sich in einer Umfangsrichtung der Flanschschulter erstreckenden Steg ...

30-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002531327A1

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Elektronenstrahlschweißen von Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen und Vorrichtung

Номер: DE102019210430A1

Durch das Elektronenschweißen mit einer Verfahrgeschwindigkeit von 40mm/min bis 80mm/min können insbesondere artungleiche Fügezonen von Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen erreicht werden.

02-04-2008 дата публикации

Weldable ultrahard materials and associated methods of manufacture

Номер: GB0002442399A

A weldable ultrahard insert (12) can include an ultrahard working layer (14) and a weldable metal layer (18) metallically bonded with the working layer (14). The ultrahard working layer (14) can be any ultrahard material such as PCD, PCBN, metal carbide, ceramic, diamond, or the like. The weldable ultrahard inserts (12) can be formed by charging a reaction vessel with ultrabard materials, including precursors thereof, and placing a weldable metal layer in the reaction vessel with an optional intermediate layer. The assembly can be subjected to a pressure and a temperature sufficient to metallically bond the weldable metal layer (18) to the ultrahard material. The weldable layer is formed as part of the insert in situ which facilitates subsequent welding of the insert to a tool substrate without risking damage to the ultrahard material.

21-01-2015 дата публикации

Additive manufacturing

Номер: GB0201421857D0

22-06-2016 дата публикации

Manufacture of component with cavity

Номер: GB0201608245D0

23-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001546406A

25-06-1980 дата публикации

Electron beam welding of metal objects

Номер: GB0002035872A
Автор: Arakawa, Yukichi

In effecting a relatively deep and narrow weld between two metal objects (1 & 2), e.g. in forming a compound gear for a vehicle transmission, at least one of which objects is formed of sintered metal, an air vent passage (5, 6 & 7) is provided which leads from the rear of the welding zone to the outside and vents air evolved from the sintered metal during an electron beam welding operation, whereby formation of large air pockets in the weld zone is avoided. ...

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000363586T

15-07-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Bauteils

Номер: AT14301U1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Bauteils aus Refraktärmetall oder einer Refraktärmetalllegierung mit einem Refraktärmetallgehalt > 50 At.%, das die Schritte Bereitstellen eines aus Partikeln gebildeten Pulvers und Verfestigen des Pulvers unter Einwirken eines Laser- oder Elektronenstrahls umfasst, wobei das Pulver eine laseroptisch gemessene Partikelgröße d50 von > 10 µm und eine mittels BET gemessene mittlere Oberfläche > 0,08 m2/g aufweist.

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Bcc materials of titanium, aluminum, vanadium, and iron, and products made therefrom

Номер: AU2017257559A1

New beta-style (bcc) titanium alloys are disclosed. The new alloys generally include 2.0 - 6.0 wt. % Al, 4.0 - 12.0 wt. % V, and 1.0 - 5.0 wt. % Fe, the balance being titanium, any optional incidental elements, and unavoidable impurities. The new alloys may realize an improved combination of properties as compared to conventional titanium alloys.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

A metal loss probe and method for fabricating the metal loss probe

Номер: AU2012212274A1

The present invention describes the connecting of a corrodible material (100, 105) with a non-corrodible material (110, 115) by electron beam welding so that the corrodible (100, 105) material is not affected by non-corrodible material (110, 115) during the welding process. Employing an electron beam welding process not only minimizes unintended alloying of the corrodible element (100, 105) but also minimizes the width of the weld heat affected and fusion zones. This fabrication method is necessary to ensure that the corrodible element (100, 105) faithfully replicates the wastage of the subject metal.

26-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002573342A1

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002963547A1

Laminated needle assemblies and methods of their manufacture and use are provided herein. Disclosed herein are laminated needle assemblies for delivering ultrasonic energy. The laminated needle assemblies can include a first elongate portion and a second elongate portion. The first elongate portion defines a first length and has an inner diameter, an outer diameter, a proximal end, and a distal end. The second elongate portion defines a second length, is coaxially aligned with the first elongate portion and has an inner diameter, an outer diameter, a proximal end, and a distal end.

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003011463A1

The present disclosure is directed towards different embodiments of additively manufacturing and smoothing an AM preform to configure an AM preform for downstream processing (working, forging, and the like).

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002978642A1

The present disclosure relates to aluminum alloy products having 1-30 vol. % of a ceramic phase. The aluminum alloy products may be produced via additive manufacturing techniques to facilitate production of the aluminum alloy products having the 1-30 vol. % of the ceramic phase.

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003017248A1

The present disclosure relates to new materials comprising Al, Co, Cr, and Ni. The new materials may realize a single phase field of a face-centered cubic (fcc) solid solution structure immediately below the solidus temperature of the material. The new materials may include at least one precipitate phase and have a solvus temperature of at least 1000°C. The new materials may include 2.2 - 8.6 wt. % Al, 4.9 - 65.0 wt. % Co, 4.3 - 42.0 wt. % Cr, and 4.8 - 88.6 wt. % Ni. In one embodiment, the precipitate is selected from the group consisting of the L12 phase, the B2 phase, the sigma phase, the bcc phase, and combinations thereof. The new alloys may realize improved high temperature properties.

17-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002711795A1

The present invention provides a method for welding and heat-treating seam-welded constructions of hardenable steel and ferrous alloys with reduced weld-zone hardness and improved weld-zone ductility and toughness. This method consists of controlling the cooling rate of the seam weld with a secondary heat source, applied after the weld cools below the materials upper critical temperature (AC3), but prior to the weld cooling to ambient temperature. This invention is particularly suited to the production of high strength hardenable alloy seam- welded pipe and tubing.

17-04-2018 дата публикации

In-space manufacturing and assembly of spacecraft device and techniques

Номер: CN0107921564A

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233846A1

Disclosed is a method for generatively producing or for repairing at least one area of a component, wherein a zone arranged downstream of a molten bath is post-heated to a post-heating temperature and the component is set to a base temperature, and also a device for carrying out such a method. 110.-. (canceled)11231. A method for generatively producing of for repairing at least one area of a component which is made up of individual powder layers , wherein the method comprises (i) locally heating , by a first high-energy beam , a powder layer to be produced to a melting temperature (T) , whereby a molten bath is formed , (ii) post-heating , by a second high-energy beam , a zone arranged downstream of the molten bath to a post-heating temperature (T) , and (iii) setting , by a heating device , a temperature of the component globally to a base temperature (T).121. The method of claim 11 , wherein the base temperature (T) is kept at a constant level.1312. The method of claim 12 , wherein the base temperature (T) is kept in a range of between 300° C. and 400° C. below the melting temperature (T).14. The method of claim 11 , wherein the component is heated virtually uniformly over its entire surface area.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the component is heated inductively.16. The method of claim 11 , wherein the zone arranged downstream of the molten bath adjoins the molten bath.17. The method of claim 11 , wherein an environment surrounding the heating device is cooled.18. The method of claim 11 , wherein the first high-energy beam is a laser beam.19. The method of claim 11 , wherein the first high-energy beam is an electron beam.20. The method of claim 11 , wherein the second high-energy beam is a laser beam.21. The method of claim 11 , wherein the second high-energy beam is an electron beam.22. The method of claim 11 , wherein the second high-energy beam is an IR beam.23231. An apparatus for carrying out the method of claim 11 , wherein the apparatus comprises (a) ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for welding steel material to ni-based superalloy and welding joint

Номер: US20130272781A1
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

When a turbine impeller ( 4 ) formed from an Ni-based superalloy and a rotor shaft ( 2 ) formed from a steel material are joined by being fused together via welding in a boundary portion, a mixing ratio of a welding metal ( 6 ) that is formed in the boundary portion by fusing together the Ni-based superalloy forming the turbine impeller ( 4 ) and the steel material forming the rotor shaft ( 2 ) is between 0.5 and 0.8. As a result, it is possible to obtain a sound welding joint in which there are no cracks in the boundary between the welding metal ( 6 ) and the Ni-based superalloy ( 4 ).

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Localized repair of superalloy component

Номер: US20130316183A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG, Siemens Energy Inc

A method for repairing a damaged portion ( 144 ) of a brazed-on gas turbine engine seal ( 142 ) without the need to remove and to replace the entire seal. The damaged portion is removed to reveal a repair surface ( 146 ) of the underlying superalloy material, and a new seal structure ( 148 ) is formed by an additive manufacturing processes using a laser beam ( 124 ) to melt a powder ( 116 ) including superalloy material ( 116 ′) and flux material ( 116 ″). The flux material forms a protective layer of slag ( 132 ) over the melted superalloy material, thereby permitting the new seal structure to be formed directly onto the underlying superalloy material without the need for an intervening braze layer.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Glass, in particular solder glass or fusible glass

Номер: US20130330600A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A glass, for example a glass solder, includes the following components in mole percent (mol-%): P 2 O 5 37-50 mol-%, for example 39-48 mol-%; Al 2 O 3 0-14 mol-%, for example 2-12 mol-%; B 2 O 3 2-10 mol-%, for example 4-8 mol-%; Na 2 O 0-30 mol-%, for example 0-20 mol-%; M 2 O 0-20 mol-%, for example 12-20 mol-%, wherein M is, for example, K, Cs or Rb; Li 2 O 0-42 mol-%, for example 0-40 mol-% or 17-40 mol-%; BaO 0-20 mol-%, for example 0-20 mol-% or 5-20 mol-%; and Bi 2 O 3 0-10 mol-%, for example 1-5 mol-% or 2-5 mol-%.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337316A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A feed-through, in particular a feed-through which passes through part of a housing, in particular a battery housing, for example made of metal, in particular light metal, for example aluminum, an aluminum alloy, AlSiC, magnesium, an magnesium alloy, titanium, a titanium alloy, steel, stainless steel or high-grade steel. The housing part has at least one opening through which at least one conductor, in particular an essentially pin-shaped conductor, embedded in a glass or glass ceramic material, is guided. The base body is, for example, an essentially annular-shaped base body. 1. A housing part of a housing having at least one opening , said housing part comprising: one of a glass material and a glass ceramic material;', 'at least one conductor embedded in said one of a glass material and a glass ceramic material; and', 'a base body through which said at least one conductor embedded in said one of a glass material and a ceramic material is guided., 'a feed-through placed in said at least one opening, said feed-through including2. The housing part according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is a battery housing.3. The housing part according to claim 2 , wherein the housing part is a metal.4. The housing part according to claim 3 , wherein said metal is a light metal.5. The housing part according to claim 4 , wherein the metal is one of aluminum claim 4 , an aluminum alloy claim 4 , aluminum silicon carbide (AlSiC) claim 4 , magnesium claim 4 , a magnesium alloy claim 4 , titanium claim 4 , a titanium alloy claim 4 , steel claim 4 , stainless steel and a high-grade steel.6. The housing part according to claim 1 , wherein said base body is an essentially ring-shaped base body.7. The housing part according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one conductor is an essentially pin-shaped conductor.8. The housing part according to claim 1 , wherein said base body is in a region of said at least one opening and is hermetically sealed with the housing part by one of welding ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001427A1

A welding fixture including an electromagnet, a non-magnetic support configured to receive at least two sheets of material to be welded, and one or more clamping shoes configured to cooperate with the electromagnet to apply a clamping pressure to the at least two sheets of material and the non-magnetic support as a result of a magnetic force produced by the electromagnet is provided. A first of the at least two sheets of material is in contact with at least one of the one or more clamping shoes, and a second of the at least two sheets of material is in contact with at least the non-magnetic support. The one or more clamping shoes being shaped such that a perimeter defined by the one or more clamping shoes is located in the vicinity of a defined weld line to be welded on the at least two sheets of material, the weld line remaining substantially free from optical obstruction during production of the magnetic force. 1. A welding fixture , comprising:an electromagnet;a non-magnetic support configured to receive at least two sheets of material to be welded; andone or more clamping shoes configured to cooperate with the electromagnet to apply a clamping pressure to the at least two sheets of material and the non-magnetic support as a result of a magnetic force produced by the electromagnet;wherein a first of the at least two sheets of material is in contact with at least one of the one or more clamping shoes, and wherein a second of the at least two sheets of material is in contact with at least the non-magnetic support, the one or more clamping shoes being shaped such that a perimeter defined by the one or more clamping shoes is located in the vicinity of a defined weld line to be welded on the at least two sheets of material, the weld line remaining substantially free from optical obstruction during production of the magnetic force.2. The welding fixture of claim 1 , further comprising a laser welding device or an electron beam welding device.3. The welding fixture of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008889A1
Автор: Xu JinQuan

A method for forming a diffusion cooling hole in a substrate includes removing material from the substrate to form a metering section having an inlet on a first side of the substrate and removing material from the substrate to form a diffusing section that extends between the metering section and an outlet located on a second side of the substrate generally opposite the first side. The method also includes forming a feature on a substrate surface within one of the metering section and the diffusing section. Forming the feature includes depositing a material on the substrate surface and selectively heating the material to join the material with the substrate surface and form the feature. 1. A method for forming a diffusion cooling hole in a substrate , the method comprising:removing material from the substrate to form a metering section having an inlet on a first side of the substrate;removing material from the substrate to form a diffusing section that extends between the metering section and an outlet located on a second side of the substrate generally opposite the first side; depositing a material on the substrate surface;', 'selectively heating the material to join the material with the substrate surface and form the feature., 'forming a feature on a substrate surface within one of the metering section and the diffusing section comprising2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the steps of removing material from the substrate to form a metering section and removing material from the substrate to form a diffusing section are performed by a technique selected from the group consisting of casting claim 1 , drilling claim 1 , laser drilling claim 1 , machining claim 1 , electrical discharge machining and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate surface on which the feature is formed is located within the metering section.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the feature obscures a line of sight between the inlet and the outlet.5. The method of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Part Obtained by Selective Melting of a Powder Comprising a Main Element and Rigid Secondary Elements

Номер: US20160009039A1
Автор: BLANCHET Etienne

A part obtained by selective melting of a powder on a support plate having a main element and rigid secondary elements arranged between the main element and the support plate, and adapted to be detached from the main element. All or part of the secondary elements comprises a body of thickness E and a head of width L greater than the thickness E of this body, the body connected to the support plate and the head connected to main element. All or part of the secondary elements includes a region of connection between the head and the body. The head of the secondary element extends over at most half the height H of this element. 1. A part obtained by selective melting of a powder on a support plate , this part comprising:a main element, andrigid secondary elements,wherein these secondary elements are arranged between the main element and the support plate,wherein the secondary elements are adapted to be detached from the main element,{'b': '9', 'wherein all or part of the secondary elements comprises a body of thickness E and a head of width L which is greater than the thickness E of this body (),'}wherein the body is connected to the support plate and the head is connected to the main elementwherein all or part of the secondary elements comprises a region of connection between the head and the body, andwherein the head of the secondary element extends over at most half the height H of this element.2. The part according to claim 1 , wherein the head of the secondary element extends over at most ⅓ of the height H of the secondary element.3. The part according to claim 1 , wherein the region of connection has a blend radius R.4. The part according to claim 1 , wherein the head widens progressively from the region of connection with a divergence α.5. The part according to claim 4 , wherein the divergence α of the head is between 20° and 140°.6. The part according to claim 4 , wherein the divergence α of the head is between 90° and 120°.7. The part according to claim 1 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010457A1

A turbine wheel for an exhaust gas turbocharger may include a body composed of a TiAl alloy via at least one of metal injection moulding, selective laser melting and electron beam melting. The body may include a plurality of blades each having an outlet blade root and an outlet blade tip disposed radially away from a rotation axis with respect to the outlet blade root. The body may have a quotient Q of a diameter ddefined by each of the outlet blade tips to a diameter ddefined by each of the oulet blade roots corresponding to the following relationship: Q=d/d 1. A turbine wheel for an exhaust gas turbocharger , comprising: a body composed of a TiAl alloy via at least one of metal injection moulding , selective laser melting and electron beam melting , the body including a plurality of blades each having an outlet blade root and an outlet blade tip disposed radially away from a rotation axis with respect to the outlet blade root , wherein the body has a quotient Q of a diameter ddefined by each of the outlet blade tips to a diameter ddefined by each of the outlet blade roots corresponding to the following relationship:{'br': None, 'i': Q=d', '/d, 'sub': S', 'N, '>3.85.'}2. An exhaust gas turbocharger , comprising: a turbine wheel composed of a TiAl alloy , the turbine wheel including a plurality of blades each having an outlet blade root and an outlet blade tip disposed radially away from a rotation axis with respect to the outlet blade root;{'sub': S', 'N, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': Q=d', '/d, 'sub': S', 'N, '>3.85.'}, 'wherein the turbine wheel has a quotient Q of a diameter ddefined by each of the blade tips to a diameter ddefined by each of the outlet blade roots corresponding to the following relationship4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the powdered metallurgy process is metal injection moulding claim 3 , and further comprising the steps of debinding and sintering the component.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the component is a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Turbine blade, turbine, and method for producing turbine blade

Номер: US20180010460A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A turbine blade disposed along a radial direction of a turbine includes: an airfoil portion positioned in a fluid flow passage of the turbine; and a shroud portion positioned on an inner side or an outer side of the airfoil portion in the radial direction, and having an opening with which an end portion of the airfoil portion is to be engaged. A clearance is formed between a wall surface forming the opening of the shroud portion and an outer peripheral surface of the end portion of the airfoil portion. The wall surface of the shroud portion and the outer peripheral surface of the airfoil portion are joined to each other. At least one of the shroud portion or the airfoil portion has a cooling hole formed thereon, the cooling hole having an opening into the clearance and being configured to supply the clearance with a cooling fluid.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013692A1

In one embodiment, a stator includes a stator core and a winding assembly. The stator core has an axis and a slot extending a radial depth from a slot opening. The winding assembly is disposed in the slot, and includes a plurality of winding strands with cross-sectional shapes that vary as a function of radial location within the slot. 1. A stator comprising:a stator having an slot extending a slot depth from a slot opening; anda winding assembly disposed in the slot, the winding assembly comprising a plurality of winding strands with cross-sectional shapes that vary as a function of depth within the slot.2. The stator of claim 1 , wherein the stator has an axis claim 1 , and the slot depth is a radial depth from the slot opening.3. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the winding strands have substantially the same cross-sectional area claim 1 , despite varying in cross-sectional shape.4. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein each winding strand has a substantially rectangular or trapezoidal cross-section though a plane normal to the axis.5. The stator assembly of claim 4 , wherein a radial depth of each winding strand decreases as a function of radial distance from the slot.6. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of winding strands are arranged in a plurality of radial sections claim 1 , each radial section having a different number of winding strands per radial layer.7. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein each winding strand is displaced across a range of radial locations over the course of one or more full turns.8. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the winding strands form twisted bundles.9. A method of forming a stator winding assembly for a stator slot claim 1 , the method comprising:additively manufacturing a plurality of winding strands with cross-sectional shape that varies as a function of depth within the slot; andadditively manufacturing an insulating gap matrix that separates separating the winding strands.10. The ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Aluminum alloy products, and methods of making the same

Номер: US20170014937A1
Принадлежит: Arconic Inc

The present disclosure relates to new metal powders for use in additive manufacturing, and aluminum alloy products made from such metal powders via additive manufacturing. The composition(s) and/or physical properties of the metal powders may be tailored. In turn, additive manufacturing may be used to produce a tailored aluminum alloy product.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015566A1

Disclosed is a method for manufacturing a mechanical component, by applying additive manufacturing, wherein the method includes depositing a powder material and locally melting and resolidifying the powder material, thereby providing a solid body, the method including choosing a powder material of a specified chemical composition. 1. A method for manufacturing a mechanical component , the method comprising:applying an additive manufacturing by depositing a powder material and locally melting and resolidifying the powder material, thereby providing a solid body, the method comprising:choosing a powder material of the a following chemical composition of elemental contents:elemental content of carbon larger than or equal to 0.04 wt % and less than or equal to 0.15 wt %,elemental content of manganese less than or equal to 1.00 wt %,elemental content of silicon less than or equal to 0.75 wt %,elemental content of phosphorus less than or equal to 0.03 wt %,elemental content of sulfur less than or equal to 0.015 wt %,elemental content of chromium larger than or equal to 20.00 wt % and less than or equal to 24.00 wt %,elemental content of cobalt less than or equal to 5.00 wt %,elemental content of iron less than or equal to 3.00 wt %,elemental content of aluminum larger than or equal to 0.20 wt % and less than or equal to 0.50 wt %,elemental content of titanium less than or equal to 0.10 wt %,elemental content of boron less than or equal to 0.015 wt %,elemental content of copper less than or equal to 0.50 wt %,elemental content of lanthanum less than or equal to 0.10 wt %,elemental content of tungsten larger than or equal to 13.00 wt % and less than or equal to 15.00 wt %,elemental content of molybdenum larger than or equal to 1.00 wt % and less than or equal to 3.00 wt %,wherein a difference of a sum of the elemental contents of all mentioned elements plus elemental contents of eventual residual impurities to 100 wt % is provided as nickel,wherein residual impurities ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016254A1

A method for layer-by-layer manufacturing of a three-dimensional work piece, including: (a) delivering a metallic feed material into a feed region; (b) emitting an electron beam; (c) translating the electron beam through a first predetermined raster pattern frame that includes: (i) a plurality of points within the feed region; and (ii) a plurality of points in a substrate region that is outside of the feed region; (d) monitoring a condition of the feed region or the substrate region for the occurrence of any deviation from a predetermined condition; (e) upon detecting of any deviation, translating the electron beam through at least one second predetermined raster pattern frame that maintains the melting beam power density level substantially the same, but alters the substrate beam power density level; and (f) repeating steps (a) through (e) at one or more second locations for building up layer-by-layer.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016094A1

A method for making an article is disclosed. The method involves first generating a digital model of the article. The digital model is inputted into an additive manufacturing apparatus comprising an energy source. The additive manufacturing apparatus applies energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model. The powder includes an aluminum alloy having 90.15-95.80 wt. % aluminum, 3.00-4.50 wt. % silicon, 0.70-1.50 wt. % magnesium, 0.50-1.00 wt. % manganese, 0-0.50 wt. % iron, 0-0.10 wt. % copper, 0-0.50 wt. % titanium, 0-0.20 wt. % boron, 0-1.50 wt. % nickel, and 0-0.05 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy. 1. A method for making an article , comprising:generating a digital model of the article;inputting the digital model into an additive manufacturing apparatus or system comprising an energy source; andrepeatedly applying energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model, wherein the powder comprises an aluminum alloy comprising 90.15-95.80 wt. % aluminum, 3.00-4.50 wt. % silicon, 0.70-1.50 wt. % magnesium, 0.50-1.00 wt. % manganese, 0-0.50 wt. % iron, 0-0.10 wt. % copper, 0-0.50 wt. % titanium, 0-0.20 wt. % boron, 0-1.50 wt. % nickel, and 0-0.05 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source sinters the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source melts or fluidizes the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source provides homogeneous melting of the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing an inert atmosphere around the aluminum alloy ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016095A1

A method for making an article is disclosed. The method involves first generating a digital model of the article. The digital model is inputted into an additive manufacturing apparatus comprising an energy source. The additive manufacturing apparatus applies energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model. The powder includes an aluminum alloy having 85.20-96.40 wt. % aluminum, 2.50-4.00 wt. % magnesium, 0.10-0.50 wt. % copper, 0.50-1.00 wt. % nickel, 0.50-5.50 wt. % zinc, 0-0.15 wt. % chromium, 0-3.00 wt. % titanium, 0-0.50 wt. % boron, and 0-0.15 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy. 1. A method for making an article , comprising:generating a digital model of the article;inputting the digital model into an additive manufacturing apparatus or system comprising an energy source; andrepeatedly applying energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model, wherein the powder comprises an aluminum alloy comprising 85.20-96.40 wt. % aluminum, 2.50-4.00 wt. % magnesium, 0.10-0.50 wt. % copper, 0.50-1.00 wt. % nickel, 0.50-5.50 wt. % zinc, 0-0.15 wt. % chromium, 0-3.00 wt. % titanium, 0-0.50 wt. % boron, and 0-0.15 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source sinters the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source melts or fluidizes the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source provides homogeneous melting of the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing an inert atmosphere around the aluminum alloy powder.6. The method of claim 1 , ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

High-density, crack-free metallic parts

Номер: US20190015883A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In various embodiments, three-dimensional layered metallic parts are substantially free of gaps between successive layers, are substantially free of cracks, and have densities no less than 97% of the theoretical density of the metallic material.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015924A1

A method for layer-by-layer manufacturing of a three-dimensional metallic work piece, comprising the steps of: delivering a metallic feed material in a substantially solid state into a feed region; emitting an electron beam having one or more predetermined electrical currents; translating the electron beam through a first predetermined raster pattern frame in an x-y plane that includes: a plurality of points within the feed region sufficient so that the metallic feed material is subjected to a melting beam power density level sufficient to cause melting of the metallic feed material and formation of a molten pool deposit; and a plurality of points in a substrate region that is outside of the feed region, sufficient so that the plurality of points outside the feed region is subjected to a substrate beam power density level that is different from (e.g., lower than) the melting beam power density level; monitoring a condition of one or both of the feed region or the substrate region substantially in real time for the occurrence of any deviation from a predetermined condition; upon detecting of any deviation, translating the electron beam through at least one second predetermined raster pattern frame in the x-y plane that maintains the melting beam power density level substantially the same as the first predetermined raster pattern frame, but alters the substrate beam power density level in a manner so that the monitored condition returns to the predetermined condition, and repeating the above steps at one or more second locations for building up layer by layer, generally along a z-axis that is orthogonal to the x-y plane, a three-dimensional layered metallic work piece. The teachings herein also contemplate an apparatus that includes an electronic control device that performs any of the methods herein, as well as articles made according to such methods. 1. A method for layer-by-layer manufacturing of a three-dimensional metallic work piece , comprising the steps of:a) ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016574A1

A metallic positive expulsion fuel tank with stress free weld seams may include a first hemispherical shell with a first edge; a pressurized gas inlet attached to the first hemispherical shell; and a metallic cylinder with first and second edges attached to the first hemispherical shell along matching first edges by a first weld seam. The tank may also include a second hemispherical shell with a first edge attached to a fuel outlet fixture. An elastomeric diaphragm may be attached to the fuel outlet fixture on the second hemispherical shell. The second hemispherical shell may be attached to the second edge of the metallic cylinder along matching edges by a second weld seam thereby forming a positive expulsion fuel tank with two interior chambers separated by the elastomeric diaphragm. The first and second weld seams may be subjected to a localized post-weld stress relief heat treatment in which heating of the tank is confined to a distance of 2 inches (5.08 cm) of the first weld seam and a distance of 2 inches (5.08 cm) of the second weld seam such that the stresses in the first and second weld seams are relieved and the elastomeric diaphragm is unaffected by the heat treatment. 1. A metallic positive expulsion fuel tank comprising:a first hemispherical shell with a circumferential edge;a pressurized propellant gas inlet attached to the first hemispherical shell;a metallic cylinder with first and second circumferential edges wherein the first circumferential edge is attached to the circumferential edge of the first hemispherical shell by a first weld seam;a second hemispherical shell with a circumferential edge;a fuel outlet fixture attached to the second hemispherical shell;a hemispherical elastomeric diaphragm attached to the fuel outlet fixture;a second hemispherical shell attached to the second circumferential edge of the cylinder by a second weld seam forming two interior chambers separated by the elastomeric diaphragm;the first and second weld seams being ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023272A1

In a first embodiment, a hollow gas turbine engine workpiece comprises first and second walls formed via additive manufacturing, and a cooling passage defined between the first and second walls by a surface of the first and second walls having arithmetic average surface roughness of at least 100 μin (0.0025 mm). In a second embodiment, a method of manufacture of a gas turbine engine component comprises depositing successive layers of pulverant material via additive manufacturing to form first and second walls defining a cooling passage therebetween, and loading a grain size of the pulverant material to produce lattice convective cooling design networks of various size and proportions with each having a range of relative roughness values, 0.10<ε/Dh<0.50 to achieve optimal thermal cooling performance along the cooling passage. 1. A hollow gas turbine engine workpiece comprising:a first wall;a second wall; anda cooling passage defined between the first wall and the second wall by surfaces of the first and second walls having a relative roughness ε/Dh between 0.10 and 0.50.2. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the relative roughness ε/Dh is at most 0.30.3. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the relative roughness ε/Dh is at least 0.14.4. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the hollow gas turbine engine workpiece is a gas turbine vane claim 1 , blade claim 1 , air seal claim 1 , or panel claim 1 , and the cooling passage is a vascular cooling passage.5. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the arithmetic average surface roughness is between 100 μin (0.0025 mm) and 1000 μin (0.0254 mm).6. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 5 , wherein the arithmetic average surface roughness is less than 600 μin (0.0152 mm).7. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the cooling passage has a minimum passage dimension less than 0.15 inches (3.8 mm).8. The ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing metal articles

Номер: US20180021878A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A method for making an article is disclosed. According to the method, a digital model of the article is generated. The digital model is inputted into an additive manufacturing apparatus comprising an energy source. The additive manufacturing apparatus applies energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model. The powder particles individually include a composite core including a first phase of a first metal and a second phase of a ceramic. A first shell including a second metal is disposed over the core.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022827A1

Hybrid bonded turbine rotors and methods for manufacturing the same are provided. A method for manufacturing a hybrid bonded turbine rotor comprises the steps of providing turbine disk having a rim portion comprising a live rim of circumferentially continuous material and a plurality of live rim notches in an outer periphery of the turbine disk alternating with a plurality of raised blade attachment surfaces defining the outer periphery; providing a plurality of turbine blades, each of which comprising an airfoil portion and a shank portion, the shank portion having a base surface; metallurgically bonding a compliant alloy material layer to either or both of the raised blade attachments surfaces of the turbine disk and the base surfaces of the blade shanks; and linear friction welding the plurality of blades to the turbine disk so as to form a bond plane between the raised blade attachments surfaces of the turbine disk and the base surfaces of the blade shanks, the compliant alloy material layer being disposed at the bond plane. 1. A method for manufacturing a hybrid bonded turbine rotor comprising the steps of:providing turbine disk having a rim portion comprising a live rim of circumferentially continuous material and a plurality of live rim notches in an outer periphery of the turbine disk alternating with a plurality of raised blade attachment surfaces defining the outer periphery;providing at least one turbine blade, the at least one turbine blade comprising an airfoil portion and a shank portion, the shank portion having a base surface;metallurgically bonding a compliant alloy material layer to either or both of one or more of the raised blade attachment surfaces of the turbine disk and the base surface of the blade shank, wherein the compliant alloy is bonded only to the one or more of the raised blade attachment surfaces and not any other portion of the turbine disk, only to the base surface of the blade shank and not any other portion of the at least one ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029241A1

A cutting tool comprising a blade portion having a sharpened edge area and a body portion, wherein the body portion comprises a casted metal or a ceramic, wherein the sharpened edge area comprises at least 50% by volume of amorphous alloy material, the amorphous alloy material being limited to the sharpened edge area, and a method of forming the cutting tool having a blade portion having a sharpened edge and a body portion. The body portion is formed from a metal or a ceramic and the sharpened edge includes an amorphous alloy material thereon, is described. The sharpened edge area may have at least 50% by volume of amorphous alloy material. The amorphous alloy may be chromium-based, iron-based, or zirconium-based. A thickness of the amorphous alloy material on the sharpened edge may be between approximately 2 to 5 microns. 1. A method comprising:casting a blade portion of a cutting tool using a metal or a ceramic;fusing an amorphous alloy material to an edge of the casted blade portion; andsharpening the edge of the amorphous alloy material,wherein the sharpened edge area comprises at least 50% by volume of the amorphous alloy material or a thickness of the amorphous alloy material on the edge is up to 5 microns.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising mounting a handle onto the body portion.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fusing of the amorphous alloy material to the edge of the blade portion comprises welding claim 1 , thermal spraying claim 1 , laser cladding claim 1 , electron beam welding claim 1 , baking or combinations thereof.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amorphous alloy material comprises approximately 20% to approximately 50% by weight of chromium.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amorphous alloy material comprises approximately 30% to approximately 50% by weight of iron.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amorphous alloy material comprises approximately 30% to approximately 60% ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Atomic Number (Z) Grade Shielding Materials and Methods of Making Atomic Number (Z) Grade Shielding

Номер: US20170032857A1

In some aspects, this disclosure relates to improved Z-grade materials, such as those used for shielding, systems incorporating such materials, and processes for making such Z-grade materials. In some examples, the Z-grade material includes a diffusion zone including mixed metallic alloy material with both a high atomic number material and a lower atomic number material. In certain examples, a process for making Z-grade material includes combining a high atomic number material and a low atomic number material, and bonding the high atomic number material and the low atomic number together using diffusion bonding. The processes may include vacuum pressing material at an elevated temperature, such as a temperature near a softening or melting point of the low atomic number material. In another aspect, systems such as a vault or an electronic enclosure are disclosed, where one or more surfaces of Z-grade material make up part or all of the vault/enclosure. 1. A Z-grade alloy material comprising:a high atomic number material; anda low atomic number material, wherein an atomic number of the low atomic number material is lower than an atomic number of the high atomic number material, and wherein the low atomic number material is bonded to the high atomic number material; andwherein the Z-grade material comprises a diffusion zone, the diffusion zone comprising a mixed metallic alloy material, the alloy material comprising both the high atomic number material and the lower atomic number material, and wherein the diffusion zone is at least 0.5 mil in thickness.2. The Z-grade alloy material of , The Z-grade alloy material of , wherein the diffusion zone is at least 5 mil in thickness.3. The Z-grade alloy material of claim 1 , wherein an areal density of the Z-grade alloy material is at least about 3.0 g/cm claim 1 , and wherein an overall thickness of the Z-grade alloy material is about 140 mils or less.4. The Z-grade alloy material of claim 1 , wherein the overall thickness of ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036831A1

A turbocharger wheel () and shaft () assembly exhibits a frustoconical geometry of welding zone contact surfaces extending to the outer circumference of the shaft (). This frustoconical geometry not only allows continuous centering of the parts () during joining, it also eliminates the problem of stress propagation along a plane. The location of the electron beam is shifted so that only the radially outer segment of the frustoconical contact surface is joined by welding, leaving a radially inner unmelted and unfused zone for maintaining firm contact of the oblique surfaces. 1. A method for joining a turbocharger turbine wheel to a shaft , the method comprising:providing on one end of the shaft, the shaft having a shaft axis, a frustoconical contact surface extending to the outer diameter of the shaft,providing on the turbine wheel a complementary mating contact surface,contacting the contact surfaces of the turbine wheel and shaft along a contact zone,electron beam or laser beam welding the turbine wheel and shaft,wherein the turbine wheel is joined to the shaft by melting and fusing a radially outer section of the frustoconical contact surfaces, and wherein a radially inner section of the frustoconical contact surfaces is not melted.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the outer ⅓ to ¾ of the contact zone claim 1 , based on the total contact zone surface area claim 1 , is melted and fused.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the outer ½ to ⅔ of the contact zone claim 1 , based on the total contact zone surface area claim 1 , is melted and fused.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the frustoconical contact surfaces are at an angle of from 5° to 45° relative to the plane perpendicular of the shaft axis.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the frustoconical contact surfaces are at an angle of from 10° to 30° relative to the plane perpendicular to the shaft axis.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the frustoconical contact ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Method for producing a welded metal blank and thus obtained welded metal blank

Номер: US20210046577A1

A method for producing a welded metal blank () includes cutting a first initial metal sheet () and a second initial metal sheet () from a first and second metal strip (); joining the first and second initial metal sheets () by welding so as to obtain an initial welded metal blank (), the initial welded metal blank () comprising a weld joint () joining the first and the second initial metal sheets (); and cutting said initial welded metal blank () by a process involving metal melting so as to obtain at least one final welded metal blank () comprising a first metal blank portion () and a second metal blank portion () joined by a weld joint portion () consisting of a portion of the weld joint () obtained during the joining step. 134-. (canceled)35. A method for producing a welded metal blank comprising the steps of:cutting at least a first initial metal sheet from a first metal strip and a second initial metal sheet from a second metal strip;joining at least the first initial metal sheet and the second initial metal sheet by welding so as to obtain an initial welded metal blank having an initial contour, the initial welded metal blank comprising a weld joint joining the first and the second initial metal sheets; andcutting the initial welded metal blank by a process involving metal melting so as to obtain at least one final welded metal blank having a final contour, the at least one final welded metal blank comprising a first metal blank portion and a second metal blank portion joined by a weld joint portion consisting of a portion of the weld joint obtained during the joining step.36. The method according to claim 35 , wherein at least one of the first initial metal sheet and the second initial metal sheet has a quadrilateral-shaped contour.37. The method according to claim 35 , wherein the joining step is a laser welding claim 35 , an electron beam welding claim 35 , an arc welding claim 35 , a friction stir welding or a resistance welding step.38. The method ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043395A1

Material is provided for forming a part using a manufacturing system. The material includes a plurality of discrete particles. Each of the particles includes a metal powder core encapsulated by a non-metal coating. At least the cores of the particles are adapted to be solidified together by the manufacturing system to form the part. 1. Material for forming a part using a manufacturing system , the material comprising:a plurality of discrete particles, each of the particles including a metal powder core encapsulated by a non-metal coating;wherein at least the cores of the particles are adapted to be solidified together by the manufacturing system to form the part.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the metal powder core of one of the particles comprises a degassed metal powder core.3. The material of claim 1 , wherein the coating of one of the particles is adapted to prevent the core from adsorbing moisture.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the coating of one of the particles is adapted to decompose to expose the core.5. The material of claim 1 , wherein the coating of one of the particles is adapted to volatize to expose the core.6. The material of claim 1 , wherein the coating of one of the particles comprises polymer.7. The material of claim 1 , wherein the coating of one of the particles comprises ceramic.8. The material of claim 1 , wherein the coating of one of the particles comprises at least one of the following materials: alkoxysilane claim 1 , aminosilane claim 1 , organic phospholic acid claim 1 , nitride claim 1 , fluoride claim 1 , epoxy claim 1 , thiol claim 1 , disulphide claim 1 , thoilate claim 1 , triazol claim 1 , alkylphosphonic acids claim 1 , fluoropolymers claim 1 , silicones claim 1 , polypyrrol claim 1 , polyanyline claim 1 , and polymeric assembled monolayers.9. The material of claim 1 , wherein the core of one of the particles includes one or more metal particles.10. The material of claim 1 , wherein the core of one of the particles ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043402A1
Принадлежит: Saint Jean Industries

A method of manufacturing a piece of metal alloy or of metal matrix composite materials includes making a preform by additive manufacturing by adding material in successive layers, and subjecting the preform to a forging operation taking place in a single step and between two dies with a view to obtaining the final shape of the piece. 1- A method of manufacturing a piece of metal alloy or of metal matrix composite materials , comprising:making a preform by additive manufacturing by adding material in successive layers; andsubjecting the preform to a forging operation taking place in a single step and between two dies with to obtain a final shape of the piece.2- The method according to claim 1 , wherein the piece of metal alloy comprises an alloy based on iron claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , or cobalt.3- The method according to claim 1 , wherein the piece of composite materials comprises a titanium-titanium carbide alloy claim 1 , an aluminum-alumina alloy claim 1 , or an aluminum-silicon carbide alloy.4- The method according to claim 1 , wherein the forging operation is performed semi-hot or cold or hot.5- The method according to claim 1 , wherein the preform contains zones in which a powder is not bonded or is partially consolidated.6- Pieces or parts obtained by implementing the method according to . The invention relates to the technical field of manufacturing pieces of metal or of metal matrix composite, particularly but non-limitingly for making components and equipment for the automobile and aviation sectors.Additive manufacturing, which enables pieces or parts to be fabricated by fusing (melting together) or sintering successive layers, is developing, the basic concept being defined in Patent U.S. Pat. No. 4,575,330 dating from 1984.Additive manufacturing is defined by ASTM as being a process of joining materials to make objects from three-dimensional (3D) model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047255A1

A gas turbine engine blade containment system is disclosed. The blade containment system may include a generally cylindrical casing being made of a first material, and a generally cylindrical ring being made of a second material coaxially surrounding the casing, at least some portion of the ring metallurgically bonded to the casing. 1. A gas turbine engine blade containment system , comprising:a generally cylindrical casing being made of a first material; anda generally cylindrical ring being made of a second material coaxially surrounding the casing, at least some portion of the ring metallurgically bonded to the casing.2. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 1 , further including a generally cylindrical second ring comprising a third material axially spaced apart from the ring claim 1 , at least some portion of the second ring metallurgically bonded to the casing.3. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 2 , wherein the second material and third material are the same.4. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 2 , wherein the second material and third material are different.5. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 1 , further including a gap positioned between the casing and the ring.6. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 1 , further including a sheet metal core positioned between the casing and the ring.7. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 5 , further including a rib connected to at least some portion of the sheet metal core and extending through the ring.8. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 1 , further including metallic foam positioned between the casing and the ring.9. A gas turbine engine claim 1 , comprising:a fan section;a compressor section downstream of the fan section;a combustor section downstream of the compressor section; anda turbine section downstream of the combustor section, the turbine section including a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Trapped Vortex Fuel Injector and Method for Manufacture

Номер: US20170050242A1

A method for fabricating a main body of a trapped vortex fuel injector having a main body defining a fuel circuit. The method includes determining three-dimensional information of the main body including the fuel circuit where the fuel circuit is fully circumscribed within the main body and extends between an annular portion and a semi-annular portion of the main body and where the three-dimensional information of the main body further includes a plurality of fuel injection ports which provide for fluid communication between the fuel circuit and a trapped vortex pre-mix zone. The method further includes converting the three-dimensional information into a plurality of slices that define a cross-sectional layer of the main body and successively forming each layer of the main body by fusing a metallic powder using laser energy or electron beam energy. 1. A method for fabricating a main body of a trapped vortex fuel injector , the main body defining a fuel circuit:determining three-dimensional information of the main body including the fuel circuit, wherein the fuel circuit is fully circumscribed within the main body and extends between an annular portion and a semi-annular portion of the main body, wherein the three-dimensional information of the main body further includes a plurality of fuel injection ports, wherein the fuel injection ports provide for fluid communication between the fuel circuit and a trapped vortex pre-mix zone;converting the three-dimensional information into a plurality of slices that define a cross-sectional layer of the main body, wherein at least some of the plurality of slices defines a void within the cross-sectional layer; andsuccessively forming each layer of the main body by fusing a metallic powder using laser energy or electron beam energy.2. The method as in claim 1 , wherein determining three-dimensional information of the main body further comprises generating a three dimensional model of the main body.3. The method as in claim 1 , ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050253A1

Method for manufacturing an electrically effective point of contact on the end of an electrical conductor with a plurality of stranded wires composed of aluminum or an aluminum alloy. At the end of the conductor arranged with the vertical course, initially a holder is placed surrounding the conductor so that the front side of the conductor is exposed and the point is accessible from the top. After the point of the conductor is in an axial direction, on the front surface a heat source of a temperature from 2000° C. and higher heats the surface. The material of the individual wires surrounding oxide layer are melted or steamed away until all the wires of the conductor including the same surrounding oxide layer form a one-piece combined aluminum composed contact part. After that the contact part together with the end of the conductor is cooled. 1. Method for manufacturing an electrically effective point of contact on the end of an electrical conductor , the electrical conductor having a plurality of stranded wires composed of aluminum or an aluminum alloy , with the end of the conductor arranged with the vertical course , said method comprising:initially a holder is placed surrounding the conductor so that the front side of the conductor is exposed and the point is accessible from the top, by which after the point of the conductor is in an axial direction, on the front surface a heat source of a temperature from 2000° C. and higher heats the surface, by which the material of the individual wires with surrounding oxide layer are melted or steamed away until all the wires of the conductor including the same surrounding oxide layer are forming a one-piece combined aluminum composed contact part in which after that the contact part together with the end of the conductor is cooled.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein for the melting of the conductor a plasma light generator claim 1 , or a laser light beam claim 1 , or an electron beam claim 1 , or a Wolfram-inert-gas ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072646A1

An excess metal amount setting method includes: a thermal shrinkage prediction step of predicting a thermal shrinkage amount in the deposited body after manufacturing; a thermal shrinkage modifying step of obtaining a thermal deformation modifying profile by expanding a target profile according to the thermal shrinkage amount; a release strain prediction step of predicting an elastic deformation amount due to release strain of the deposited body after machining; an elastic deformation modifying step of obtaining an elastic deformation modifying profile by deforming the thermal deformation modifying profile according to the elastic deformation amount in a direction opposite to a deformation direction due to the release strain; and an excess metal amount setting step of adjusting an outer edge shape of the deposited body so that an excess metal amount from the elastic deformation modifying profile to an outer edge of the deposited body falls within a predetermined reference range. 1. An excess metal amount setting method for setting an excess metal amount of a deposited body in manufacturing the deposited body with weld beads formed by melting and solidifying a filler metal and forming a built object having a target shape by performing machining on the deposited body , the excess metal amount setting method comprising:a thermal shrinkage prediction step of predicting a thermal shrinkage amount in the deposited body after manufacturing;a thermal shrinkage modifying step of obtaining a thermal deformation modifying profile by expanding a target profile representing an outer edge of the target shape of the built object according to the thermal shrinkage amount;a release strain prediction step of predicting an elastic deformation amount due to release strain of the deposited body after the machining;an elastic deformation modifying step of obtaining an elastic deformation modifying profile by deforming the thermal deformation modifying profile according to the elastic ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Porous structures

Номер: US20190054535A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

Method of forming porous structures which are permeable in two or more dimensions. The method comprises forming successive layers of material on top of one another and, for each layer, selectively fusing powdered material according to a geometry having voids to be permeable in one or more dimensions, and selectively eroding material from the layer to create additional permeability.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056179A1
Автор: Lorio Morgan Packard

An expandable intervertebral cage with living hinges manufactured using 3D printing. The intervertebral cage is configured to expand from an unexpanded to an expanded configuration. The intervertebral cage can include a deployment system, such as a variable volume pouch or deployment cable, to apply force to the intervertebral cage to deploy the intervertebral cage. 1. A method for making an expandable intervertebral cage with living hinges using 3D printable materials for placement between adjacent vertebrae , the method comprising:providing 3D data of the expandable intervertebral cage to a 3D printer, the expandable intervertebral cage includes a circuitous body having a plurality of side segments rotatably attached by integral living hinges configured to flex or deform during the transition of the circuitous body from an unexpanded configuration to an expanded configuration; andprinting the plurality of side segments and integral living hinges of the circuitous body using one or more 3D printable materials.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more 3D materials is selected from the group consisting of: thermoplastics claim 1 , photopolymers claim 1 , metal powders claim 1 , eutectic metals claim 1 , titanium alloys and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more 3D material is selected from the group consisting of: a natural biocompatible material claim 1 , a synthetic biocompatible material claim 1 , a metallic biocompatible material claim 1 , adaptive material claim 1 , 4D printing claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more 3D material is selected from the group consisting of: polyetherketone (PEK) claim 1 , polyetherimide (PEI) claim 1 , such as Ultem claim 1 , ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMPE) claim 1 , polyphenylene claim 1 , polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) claim 1 , comprise a memory PEEK material such as claim 1 , for example claim 1 , PEEK Altera claim 1 , and ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Pressure Vessels, Design and Method of Manufacturing Using Additive Printing

Номер: US20160061381A1
Автор: Kotliar Igor K.

Method and design of a pressure vessel having an internal supportive structure that reduces pressure forces applied to the external shell of the vessel by distributing such forces via internal bonds mostly connected to a central supporting element. The method and design allow making much lighter and stronger pressure vessels and containers using additive manufacturing technology, known as 3D printing. 1. A method of making a vessel for holding fluid at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure , said method comprising:providing a hermetically sealed external wall structure having at least one opening for acting as at least one of a filling device and a release device; andproviding at least one supporting bond within said external wall structure for supporting said external wall structure, said at least one supporting bond being positioned to perform at least one of the functions of distributing and reducing pressure forces applied to said external wall structure;whereby the provision of said at least one supportive bond inside the vessel provides a strong connection between walls of the vessel, which allows the vessel to be exposed to a much greater pressure differential with the ambient pressure than the same vessel without said at least one supporting bond would be able to accommodate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said at least one opening is a valve.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said external wall structure and said at least one supporting bond is fabricated using an additive manufacturing technique.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein said additive manufacturing technique is selected from the group consisting of: Fused Deposition Modeling; Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication; Direct Metal Laser Sintering: Electron Beam Melting: Selective Laser Melting: Selective Heat Sintering; and Selective Laser Sintering.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the vessel is formed of one or more materials selected from the group consisting ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for connecting different types of metallic joining partners using a radiation source

Номер: US20140144890A1

A method for connecting different types of metallic joining partners using a radiation source, the two joining partners, having a different melting temperature, at least indirectly making contact lying against each other in the region of a joining zone, and the radiation source introducing its radiation energy into the one joining partner in a region next to the joining zone. It is provided that, because of the radiation source in the joining zone only the joining partner having a lower melting temperature is melted.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070250A1
Автор: Xu JinQuan

A method for forming a diffusion cooling hole in a substrate includes removing material from the substrate to form a metering section having an inlet on a first side of the substrate and removing material from the substrate to form a diffusing section that extends between the metering section and an outlet located on a second side of the substrate generally opposite the first side. The method also includes forming a feature on a substrate surface within one of the metering section and the diffusing section. Forming the feature includes depositing a material on the substrate surface and selectively heating the material to join the material with the substrate surface and form the feature. 1. A gas turbine engine component comprising:a wall having a first surface and an opposing second surface; a metering section oriented along an axis and having an inner surface; and', 'the diffusing section having a top surface and a bottom surface; and', 'a diffusing section adjacent to and downstream of the metering section;'}, 'at least one raised feature formed in the diffusion cooling hole, a portion of the at least one raised feature being proximate a transition point between a downstream end of the metering section and an upstream end of the diffusing section., 'a diffusion cooling hole extending through the wall and fluidly connecting the first and second wall surfaces, the diffusion cooling hole comprising2. The component of and further comprising: an inlet formed in the first wall surface upstream of the metering section.3. The component of and further comprising: an outlet formed in the second wall section downstream of the diffusing section.4. The component of claim 3 , wherein the raised feature is formed on the top surface of the diffusing section.5. The component of claim 4 , wherein the at least one raised feature has a curved shape.6. The component of claim 4 , wherein the at least one raised feature obscures a line of sight between the inlet and the outlet.7. The ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Method for the fabrication of corrosion resistant electrodes

Номер: US20190072517A1
Автор: Trainoff Steven P.

An electrode for use in instruments capable of measuring the electrophoretic mobility of particles in solution is disclosed. The electrode is comprised of an inexpensive support member, generally made of titanium, onto a flat surface of which has been connected, generally by microwelding, a flat electrically conductive but chemically inert foil member, preferably platinum. A uniform texture can be generated on the exposed surfaces of the electrode by various means including tumbling the electrode with an abrasive. An oxide layer can be generated on the support member by soaking the composite electrode in an appropriate medium, protecting the exposed surface of the support member from fluid contact with the sample solution, while the foil member, unaffected by the oxidation process, is able to contact the sample solution. 1. A method comprising:providing an electrically conductive support member comprising at least one planar surface;providing a flat, chemically inert, electrically conductive foil member;welding the foil member to the conductive support member about the perimeter of the foil member, forming, thereby, a composite electrode, wherein the welding is performed by an electron beam;etching an exposed surface of the foil member of the composite electrode so as to achieve a uniform, non-smooth surface there upon, wherein the etching comprises applying hydrofluoric acid to the composite electrode; andin response to the etching, exposing the composite electrode to an oxidation agent, thereby causing an oxide layer to be formed upon an exposed surface of the support member.2. The method of wherein the foil member comprises platinum.3. The method of wherein the foil member is a disc of platinum foil.4. The method of further comprising milling an o-ring groove about a perimeter of the support member wherein the perimeter of the support member is chosen such that the perimeter does not intersect the planar surface to which the foil member is attached.5. The method ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082537A1

The present disclosure is directed to methods of refinishing surface features in bulk metallic glass articles by welding. 1. A method of refinishing a BMG article having a surface feature , the method comprising:applying a BMG filler material to a surface feature wherein the BMG filler material comprises an alloy composition the same as the alloy composition of the BMG article;heating the BMG filler material and a portion of the BMG article adjacent the surface feature to a temperature above the melting temperature of the BMG filler material to melt the filler material and the portion of the BMG article adjacent the surface feature; andcooling the melted BMG filler material and melted portion of the BMG article adjacent the surface feature sufficiently fast to a temperature below the glass transition temperature of the metallic glass article without inducing substantial crystallization.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the BMG filler material fills the entirety of a void space created by the surface feature.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surface feature is at least 0.1 mm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surface feature is at least 0.5 mm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surface feature is at least 1 mm.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating step is performed using a laser claim 1 , electron beam claim 1 , or an electrode.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the BMG filler material is in an amorphous state.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the BMG filler material is a sheet claim 1 , wire claim 1 , ribbon claim 1 , pellet claim 1 , or powder.9. A method of removing a region of localized crystallization in a BMG article comprising:heating the region of localized crystallization of the BMG article to a temperature above the melting temperature of the BMG to melt the region of localized crystallization; andcooling the melted region of localized crystallization of the BMG article sufficiently fast to a temperature below the glass transition ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080329A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

A steam turbine rotor blade achieving both abrasion resistance and reliability, and a method for manufacturing a steam turbine rotor blade capable of obtaining such a steam turbine rotor blade are provided. A steam turbine rotor blade according to the invention is characterized by including a blade base material and an erosion shield formed on a surface of the blade base material, wherein the blade base material is composed of a titanium alloy, and the erosion shield is composed of a weld overlay layer including a parent phase composed of pure titanium in which a metal element is solid-dissolved or a titanium alloy in which a metal element is solid-dissolved, and a hard phase dispersed in the parent phase. 1. A steam turbine rotor blade , characterized by comprising a blade base material and an erosion shield formed on a surface of the blade base material , whereinthe blade base material is composed of a titanium alloy, andthe erosion shield is composed of a weld overlay layer including a parent phase composed of pure titanium in which a metal element is solid-dissolved or a titanium alloy in which a metal element is solid-dissolved, and a hard phase dispersed in the parent phase.2. The steam turbine rotor blade according to claim 1 , characterized in that the weld overlay layer has a melted and solidified structure.3. The steam turbine rotor blade according to claim 1 , characterized in that the metal element is at least one of chromium and iron.4. The steam turbine rotor blade according to claim 1 , characterized in that the hard phase is composed of at least one of titanium carbide claim 1 , titanium silicide claim 1 , and titanium boride.5. The steam turbine rotor blade according to claim 1 , characterized in that the erosion shield has a thickness of 20 mm or more.6. The steam turbine rotor blade according to claim 1 , characterized in that the titanium alloy is 6Al-4V—Ti or 15Mo-5Zr-3Al—Ti.7. The steam turbine rotor blade according to claim 1 , characterized ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Method for Producing a Near Net Shape Metallic Leading Edge

Номер: US20170081752A1
Автор: Hanley Gary L.

A method for the manufacture of a metallic protective device such as a metal leading edge for a component such as a gas turbine engine composite fan blade, an aluminum alloy fan blade, or other component requiring a metallic protective device. The method can be used to manufacture a near net shape metallic leading edge using a powder bed fusion process. Powder bed fusion technology utilizes a digital three dimensional computer aided design model of a component to manufacture the part with a layer by layer material build-up approach. 1. A method for manufacturing a near net shape metallic leading edge for an airfoil surface , comprising: a powder bed fusion build chamber comprising a build platform;', 'a powder delivery system;', 'a heat source; and', 'a scanning system; and, 'providing a powder bed fusion apparatus comprisinggenerating a three dimensional computer aided design model of the near net shape metallic leading edge;fixing a substrate on the build platform;filling the powder bed fusion build chamber with an inert gas;delivering a layer of a powder to the substrate via the powder delivery system;melting the layer of powder onto the substrate with the heat source;allowing the layer of melted powder to solidify on the substrate;scanning the layer of solidified powder with the scanning system; andrepeating the process by adding a plurality of layers of the power until the near net shape metallic leading edge is complete.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising using the scanning system to follow a pre-calculated tool path along the solidified layer of powder and then selectively re-melting the solidified layer of powder in a controlled layer by layer methodology.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising heat treating the completed near net shape metallic leading edge.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising forging the near net shape metallic leading edge.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising enhancing a surface of the near net shape ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095888A1
Автор: Butcher Evan

A component includes an additively manufactured component with an internal passage and an additively manufactured elongated member within the internal passage. A method of additively manufacturing a component including additively manufacturing a component with an internal passage; and additively manufacturing an elongated member within the internal passage concurrent with additively manufacturing the component. 1. A component , comprising:an additively manufactured component with an internal passage; andan additively manufactured elongated member within the internal passage.2. The component as recited in claim 1 , wherein the additively manufactured component include a first flange claim 1 , a second flange claim 1 , and a conduit with the internal passage therebetween.3. The component as recited in claim 2 , wherein the conduit includes multiple bends.4. The component as recited in claim 2 , wherein the internal passage is non line of sight.5. The component as recited in claim 1 , wherein the additively manufactured elongated member defines a maximum diameter that forms an about 0.01 inch radial gap with the internal passage.6. The component as recited in claim 1 , wherein the additively manufactured elongated member extends along a centerline of the internal passage.7. The component as recited in claim 1 , wherein the internal passage defines an aspect ratio with a diameter to length of less that 1:4.8. The component as recited in claim 1 , wherein a ratio between the internal passage internal diameter and the elongated member outer diameter is between 1.005:1 to 25:1.9. The component as recited in claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the elongated member is greater than about 0.03 inches and less than a maximum diameter that forms an about 0.01 inch radial gap with the internal passage.10. The component as recited in claim 9 , wherein the internal passage is between about 0.25 and 2.0 inches (˜6-50 mm) in diameter.11. A method of additively manufacturing a component ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Metallic Sleeve For Reducing Distortion In Additive Manufacturing

Номер: US20180099358A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method of manufacturing a metal object by selective melting of a metal powder is provided. The method includes forming the metal object layer by layer in a metal powder bed on a retractable build platform. During the forming, a metal sleeve is provided spaced apart from and substantially paralleling an outer surface of the metal object, the metal sleeve being separated from the metal object by a gap filled with non-melted metal powder. The metal sleeve reduces thermal distortions in the object. An additive manufacturing system that includes a metallic sleeve that surrounds the metal object as it is formed is also disclosed.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Method and device for manufacturing titanium objects

Номер: US20160107261A1
Автор: Sigrid Guldberg

A method and reactor of manufacturing an object by solid freeform fabrication, especially an object made of titanium or titanium alloys. An objective is to provide a method for rapid layered manufacture of objects in titanium or titanium alloys. A further objective is to provide a deposition chamber which allows prosecution of the method according to the invention.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Turbine Blade, and Turbine Rotor and Steam Turbine Using the Turbine Blade

Номер: US20160108743A1

Disclosed is a turbine blade including a turbine blade substrate including an iron-base alloy; an erosion shield plate including a Co-base alloy; and a shim including a Ni—Fe alloy, in which the erosion shield plate is fixed to a leading edge of the turbine blade substrate with the shim therebetween by an electron beam welding. Thus, a turbine blade having a highly reliable, bonded portion of an erosion shield, and a turbine rotor and a steam turbine using the turbine blade are provided. 1. A method for manufacturing a device which includes a turbine blade substrate including an iron-base alloy , an erosion shield plate including a Co-base alloy , and a shim including a Ni—Fe alloy , the method comprising:fixing the erosion shield plate to the leading edge of the turbine blade substrate with the shim using a single pass of electron beam injection, whereinthe shim has a larger width on an electron-beam injection side than a width on a back side of the shim,the shim being disposed in a groove between the leading edge of the turbine blade substrate and the erosion shield plate.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the shim has a trapezoidal shape when viewed in cross-section.3. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein a thicknesses of a weld zone of the turbine blade substrate and the erosion shield plate at a section perpendicular to a radial direction of the turbine blade substrate are larger than a thickness of a main body of the turbine blade substrate at the section, and the thickness of the shim is equal to the thicknesses of the weld zone.4. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the shim is formed of a Ni—Fe alloy containing Ni of 70% or more.5. The method according to wherein the device is a low-pressure turbine rotor.6. The method according to wherein the device is a low pressure steam turbine.7. The method according to wherein the device is a steam turbine generation plant.8. The method according to claim 2 ,wherein a thicknesses of a weld zone of ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105730A1

A vehicular differential device includes a differential case, a ring gear, and a welded portion positioned on an abutting surface where the differential case and the ring gear are in contact with each other. The welded portion is configured to join the differential case and the ring gear for integral rotation of the differential case and the ring gear around a rotation axis of the vehicular differential device. The welded portion includes a plurality of welding surfaces positioned at predetermined intervals along a circumferential direction around the rotation axis. 1. A vehicular differential device comprising:a differential case;a ring gear; anda welded portion positioned on an abutting surface where the differential case and the ring gear are in contact with each other, the welded portion being configured to join the differential case and the ring gear for integral rotation of the differential case and the ring gear around a rotation axis of the vehicular differential device and the welded portion including a plurality of welding surfaces positioned at predetermined intervals along a circumferential direction around the rotation axis.2. The vehicular differential device according to claim 1 , wherein:at least one of the differential case and the ring gear has a plurality of recessed portions where the differential case and the ring gear do not abut against each other along the circumferential direction around the rotation axis in the abutting surface; andthe welding surface is positioned on the abutting surface between the differential case and the ring gear other than the recessed portion.3. The vehicular differential device according to claim 1 , wherein the differential case is formed of a cast iron material.4. A welding method for a vehicular differential device including a differential case and a ring gear claim 1 , the welding method comprising forming claim 1 , by welding claim 1 , a welded portion positioned on an abutting surface where the differential ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106996A1

A gas turbine engine blade containment system is disclosed. The blade containment system may include a generally cylindrical casing being made of a first material, and a generally cylindrical ring being made of a second material coaxially surrounding the casing, at least some portion of the ring metallurgically bonded to the casing. 1. A gas turbine engine blade containment system , comprising:a generally cylindrical casing being made of a first material; anda generally cylindrical ring being made of a second material coaxially surrounding the casing, at least some portion of the ring metallurgically bonded to the casing.2. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 1 , further including a generally cylindrical second ring comprising a third material axially spaced apart from the ring claim 1 , at least some portion of the second ring metallurgically bonded to the casing.3. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 2 , wherein the second material and third material are the same.4. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 2 , wherein the second material and third material are different.5. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 1 , further including a gap positioned between the casing and the ring.6. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 1 , further including a sheet metal core positioned between the casing and the ring.7. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 5 , further including a rib connected to at least some portion of the sheet metal core and extending through the ring.8. The gas turbine engine blade containment system of claim 1 , further including metallic foam positioned between the casing and the ring.9. A gas turbine engine claim 1 , comprising:a fan section;a compressor section downstream of the fan section;a combustor section downstream of the compressor section; anda turbine section downstream of the combustor section, the turbine section including a ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing a shaped body and shaped body that can be produced thereby

Номер: US20160115571A1
Принадлежит: Plansee Se

A method for producing a shaped body from a metallic infiltrated composite, includes a first step in which a shaped body framework, some regions of which have an open pore framework structure, is produced from a powder or from a powder mixture having a primary component of a first metal or of a first metal alloy, in that the powder or the powder mixture is applied in layers, at least partially locally melted at predefined sites by a selective beam melting method and binds together upon solidification. In a second step, the shaped body framework is infiltrated with a melt of a second metal or metal alloy which melts at a lower temperature than the first metal or metal alloy.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111219A1
Автор: Ackelid Ulf

A method for forming at least one three-dimensional article through successive fusion of parts of a powder bed, the method comprising the steps of: providing a model of the at least one three dimensional article; applying a first powder layer on at least one build platform; directing an electron beam from an inclined electron beam source over the at least one build platform where a central electron beam emanating from the source is building an angle α with respect to a normal to the build platform the directing of the first energy beam causing the first powder layer to fuse in a first selected locations according to the model; rotating or tilting the electron beam source a predetermined angle, directing the electron beam from the tilted or rotated electron beam source causing a first powder layer to fuse in a second selected locations according to the model. 1. A method for increasing the build area when forming at least one three-dimensional article through successive fusion of parts of a powder bed , which parts correspond to successive cross sections of the at least one three-dimensional article , the method comprising the steps of:providing a model of the at least one three dimensional article;applying a first powder layer on at least one build platform;directing a deflectable electron beam from an electron beam source arranged in a first position over the at least one build platform, the directing of the electron beam causing the first powder layer to fuse in a first selected locations according to the model, so as to form a first part of a first cross section of the three-dimensional article;at least one of rotating or tilting the electron beam source a predetermined angle to a second position; anddirecting the deflectable electron beam from the electron beam source in the second position over the at least one build platform, the directing of the electron beam causing a first powder layer to fuse in a second selected locations according to the model, so as to ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176458A1
Автор: Snis Anders
Принадлежит: ARCAM AB

A method for producing three-dimensional objects layer by layer using a powdery material which can be solidified by irradiating it with at least two electron beams, said method comprises a pre-heating step, wherein the pre-heating step comprises the sub-step of scanning a pre-heating powder layer area () by scanning a first electron beam in a first region (I) and by scanning a second electron beam in a second region (II) distributed over the pre-heating powder layer area (), wherein consecutively scanned paths are separated by, at least, a security distance (ΔY), said sub-step further comprising the step of synchronising the preheating of said first and second electron beams when simultaneously preheating said powder material within said first and second regions respectively, so that said first and second electron beams are always separated to each other with at least a minimum security distance (ΔX). 1. A computer program product comprising at least one non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having computer-readable program code portions embodied therein , the computer-readable program code portions comprising one or more executable portions configured for:scanning a powder layer area by scanning a first electron beam in a first region along a first series of paths and by scanning a second electron beam in a second region along a second series of paths distributed over the powder layer area, wherein consecutively scanned paths in each of the first and second series of paths are separated by, at least, a security distance, said security distance being adapted to prevent a pre-heated powder in said first and second regions respectively to exceed a maximum charge density, above which discharge will occur, from said consecutively scanned paths; andsynchronizing a movement of said first and second electron beams when simultaneously preheating powdery material within said first and second regions respectively, so that said first and second electron beams are ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160121399A1

The present disclosure provides three-dimensional (3D) objects, 3D printing processes, as well as methods, apparatuses and systems for the production of a 3D object. Methods, apparatuses and systems of the present disclosure may reduce or eliminate the need for auxiliary supports. The present disclosure provides three dimensional (3D) objects printed utilizing the printing processes, methods, apparatuses and systems described herein. 1. An apparatus for forming a three-dimensional object , comprising a controller that is programmed to:{'sub': 1', '2', '1, '(a) direct a supply of powder material from a powder dispenser to a powder bed operatively coupled to the powder dispenser, wherein the supply of powder material comprises supply of (i) a first layer of powder material to form a powder bed at a first time (t) and (ii) a second layer of powder material in the powder bed at a second time (t) that follows twherein the second layer of material is provided adjacent to the first layer of powder material, wherein the powder material comprises an elemental metal, metal alloy, ceramic, or an allotrope of elemental carbon, wherein the powder dispenser is operatively coupled to the controller;'}(b) direct an energy beam generated by an energy source to the powder bed to transform at least a portion of the powder material to a transformed material that subsequently hardens to yield the three-dimensional object, wherein the energy beam is operatively coupled to the controller; and{'sub': 2', '3, '(c) direct a cooling member disposed adjacent to at least one of the first layer and the second layer to remove thermal energy from the second layer at a time interval from tto a third time (t), wherein the thermal energy is removed along a vertical direction of the energy beam, wherein upon removal of thermal energy the transformed material solidifies to form at least a portion of the three-dimensional object, and wherein the cooling member is operatively coupled to the controller.'} ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160121429A1

A method of repairing a wear or cutting element of a tool, the tool comprising a sintered polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) structure bonded to a cemented metal carbide substrate, an example of which is a PDC cutter for an earth-boring drill. One example of the method comprises heating a spot within the damaged area of the substrate while introducing the inlay material to the spot, resulting in the substrate at the spot being heated and the inlay material melting onto the spot, without heating the substrate to the point of causing graphitization or rupture of diamond-to-diamond bonds of the diamond structure. 1. A method for repairing a downhole cutter with a substrate and diamond table comprising:heating an inlay material with a high intensity beam; andintroducing the heated inlay material onto a damaged portion of the substrate such that the inlay material is bonded to the damaged portion of the substrate.2. The method of including heating the damaged portion of the substrate with the high intensity beam prior to introducing the heated inlay material.3. The method of including preheating the substrate prior to heating the damaged portion with the high intensity beam.4. The method of wherein the inlay material is in the form of a wire fed to the high intensity energy beam at the heated damaged portion.5. The method of wherein the inlay material is powder fed to the high intensity energy beam at the heated damaged portion.6. The method of the claim 1 , wherein the high intensity energy beam is a pulsed laser beam.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a source for the high intensity energy comprises an electro spark discharge generator and the inlay material comprises an electrode of the generator.8. The method of wherein the inlay material is comprised of approximately 70% copper and approximately 30% nickel by weight.9. The method of wherein the inlay material has a melting temperature of greater than 750 degrees Celsius.10. The method of wherein the inlay ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Rapid manufacturing process of ferrous and non-ferrous parts using plasma electron beam

Номер: US20170120370A1
Автор: Dong Gyu Ahn, Ho Jin Lee

Provided is a rapid manufacturing process of ferrous and non-ferrous parts using a plasma electron beam in which the plasma electron beam is workable even in a low vacuum pressure environment and has a relatively large radiation range, productivity of the process is improved as a high-power beam can be emitted to a ferrous and non-ferrous powder, and production costs are reduced due to low maintenance and manufacturing costs.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120386A1

The present disclosure relates to aluminum-based products having 1-30 vol. % of a ceramic phase. The aluminum alloy products may be produced via additive manufacturing techniques to facilitate production of the aluminum-based products having the 1-30 vol. % of the ceramic phase. 1. A method for producing an aluminum-based product , the method comprising:(a) dispersing a metal powder in a bed, wherein the metal powder comprises ceramic-metal particles, wherein the ceramic-metal particles include a ceramic material dispersed within an aluminum material;(b) selectively heating a portion of the metal powder to a temperature above the liquidus temperature of the aluminum material;(c) forming a molten pool; and(d) cooling the molten pool at a cooling rate of at least 1000° C. per second;(e) repeating steps (a)-(d) until the aluminum-based product is completed, wherein the aluminum-based product comprises one or more ceramic phases, and wherein the aluminum-based product comprises 1-30 vol. % of the one or more ceramic phases dispersed within an aluminum-based matrix.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum material of the ceramic-metal particles is a 2xxx aluminum alloy or an 8xxx aluminum alloy.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the ceramic material of the ceramic-metal particles is at least one of TiB claim 2 , TiC claim 2 , SiC claim 2 , AlO claim 2 , BC claim 2 , BN claim 2 , and SiN.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the ceramic-metal particles consist essentially of the 2xxx or 8xxx aluminum alloy and the ceramic phase.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the ceramic-metal particles consist essentially of aluminum alloy 2519 and TiB.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the ceramic-metal particles consist essentially of (a) aluminum alloy 8009 or 8019 and (b) TiB.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein the ceramic-metal particles comprise a homogenous distribution of the ceramic material within the 2xxx or 8xxx aluminum alloy.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Part Manipulation Using Printed Manipulation Points

Номер: US20170120387A1
Принадлежит: Seurat Technologies Inc

A manipulator device such as a robot arm that is capable of increasing manufacturing throughput for additively manufactured parts, and allows for the manipulation of parts that would be difficult or impossible for a human to move is described. The manipulator can grasp various permanent or temporary additively manufactured manipulation points on a part to enable repositioning or maneuvering of the part.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120393A1

The present disclosure relates to aluminum-based products having 1-30 vol. % of a ceramic phase. The aluminum alloy products may be produced via additive manufacturing techniques to facilitate production of the aluminum-based products having the 1-30 vol. % of the ceramic phase. 1. An aluminum alloy product , wherein the aluminum alloy product is a 2xxx or an 8xxx aluminum alloy , wherein the aluminum alloy product comprises one or more ceramic phases , and wherein the aluminum alloy product comprises 1-30 vol. % of the one or more ceramic phases , wherein the aluminum alloy product comprises a homogenous distribution of the at least one or more ceramic phases within the aluminum alloy product , and wherein the aluminum alloy product comprises a cellular structure having an average size of from 0.1 to 5 microns in the as built condition.2. The aluminum alloy product of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum alloy is a 2xxx aluminum alloy.3. The aluminum alloy product of claim 2 , wherein the one or more ceramic phases comprise TiB.4. The aluminum alloy product of claim 3 , wherein the aluminum alloy is a 2519.5. The aluminum alloy product of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum alloy is an 8xxx aluminum alloy.6. The aluminum alloy product of claim 5 , wherein the one or more ceramic phases comprise TiB.7. The aluminum alloy product of claim 6 , wherein the 8xxx aluminum alloy is 8009 or 8019.8. The aluminum alloy product of claim 1 , wherein a maximum size of any portion of the cellular structure is not great than 50 microns.9. A wrought aluminum alloy product claim 1 , wherein the wrought aluminum alloy product is a 2xxx or 8xxx aluminum alloy claim 1 , wherein the wrought aluminum alloy product comprises one or more ceramic phases claim 1 , and wherein the wrought aluminum alloy product comprises 1-30 vol. % of the one or more ceramic phases claim 1 , wherein the wrought aluminum alloy product comprises a homogenous distribution of the at least one or more ceramic phases within ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120399A1

In one aspect, the present disclosure is directed to a method for treating a region of a gas turbine component. The method includes heating the region to a first temperature. One or more surface discontinuities located in the region are welded such that at least a portion of the region is heated to a second temperature. The region is annealed at a third temperature. The second temperature is relatively greater than the first temperature, and the first temperature is relatively greater than the third temperature. 1. A method for treating a region of a gas turbine component , the method comprising:heating the region at a first temperature;welding one or more surface discontinuities located in the region, wherein at least a portion of the region is heated at a second temperature;annealing the region at a third temperature;wherein the second temperature is greater than the first temperature, and the first temperature is greater than the third temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas turbine component is a turbine nozzle.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the turbine nozzle is formed of a nickel-based superalloy.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the region is on an airfoil of the turbine nozzle.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the region is on an inner band or an outer band of the turbine nozzle.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein at least one core plug remains installed in the airfoil during heating claim 2 , welding claim 2 , and annealing steps.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating step and the annealing step comprise the same duration.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the annealing step comprises a longer duration than the heating step.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is at least one hundred degrees Fahrenheit higher than the third temperature.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is at least one hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit higher than the third temperature.11. A method for treating a ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Layered Construction of In-Situ Metal Matrix Composites

Номер: US20170121798A1

The present disclosure is directed at alloys and method for layer-by-layer deposition of metallic alloys on a substrate to produce a metallic part. Applications for the metallic parts include pumps, pump parts, valves, molds, bearings, cutting tools, filters or screens. 1. A method of layer-by-layer construction of a metallic part comprising:an alloy in particle form comprising the following elements: at least 50.0 wt. % Fe, in combination with B, Cr, Si and Ni, and optionally C and/or Mn;supplying a substrate;applying one or more layers of said alloy onto said substrate by melting said alloy into a molten state and cooling and forming a solidified layer of said elements wherein each of said solid layers has a thickness as formed of 3.0 to 200.0 microns;heat treating said alloy;{'sup': '3', 'optionally removing said substrate to form a free-standing metallic part and wherein said one or more solid layers indicates an abrasion resistance as measured by ASTM G65-04(2010) Procedure A of less than or equal to 175 mm.'}2. The method of wherein said cooling is in the range of 10to 10K/sec.3. The method of wherein said solidified layer after cooling includes said elements defining a primary dendritic austenite phase and an initial level of interdendritic lamellar boride phases with lamella width of less than 0.1 microns claim 1 , and upon heating claim 1 , said boride phases consolidate and grow by diffusion of said elements from said primary phase into spheroidized boride phases ranging in diameter from about 0.2 micron to 5 microns.4. The method of wherein said heat treatment comprises heating at a temperature in the range of 800 to 1200° C. for a time period of 30-1000 minutes.5. The method of wherein said alloy comprises Fe at a level of 50.0 to 76.0 wt. % claim 1 , B at 0.5 to 3.0 wt. % claim 1 , Cr at 15.0 to 22.0 wt. % claim 1 , Si at 2.0 to 5.0 wt. % claim 1 , and Ni at 5.0 to 15.0 wt. %.6. The method of wherein said alloy comprises Fe at 55.5 to 71.5 wt. %; B at 0 ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Light recycling for additive manufacturing optimization

Номер: US20170123237A1
Принадлежит: Seurat Technologies Inc

A method and an apparatus pertaining to recycling and reuse of unwanted light in additive manufacturing can multiplex multiple beams of light including at least one or more beams of light from one or more light sources. The multiple beams of light may be reshaped and blended to provide a first beam of light. A spatial polarization pattern may be applied on the first beam of light to provide a second beam of light. Polarization states of the second beam of light may be split to reflect a third beam of light, which may be reshaped into a fourth beam of light. The fourth beam of light may be introduced as one of the multiple beams of light to result in a fifth beam of light.

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Additive manufacturing process and powder material therefor

Номер: US20190127828A1

A powder material for an additive manufacturing process and a method of manufacturing a three-dimensional article via an additive manufacturing process. The powder material comprises an iron-based alloy including alloying elements of carbon (C) and copper (Cu). The iron-based alloy may be formulated to achieve a precipitation strengthened microstructure comprising a lath martensite matrix phase and a Cu precipitate phase. The iron-based alloy may have a Cu weight fraction and a nickel (Ni) weight fraction, and the Ni weight fraction may be less than the Cu weight fraction of the iron-based alloy.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123908A1
Автор: BUNKER Ronald Scott

A method of forming a passage in a turbine component includes: using an additive manufacturing process to form a first support structure on a first surface of the turbine component; forming a second support structure on a second surface of the turbine component, the second support structure being spaced apart from the first support structure; and forming a passage in the turbine component between the first and second support structures. 1. A method of forming a passage in a turbine component , comprising:using an additive manufacturing process to form a first support structure on a first surface of the turbine component;forming a second support structure on a second surface of the turbine component, the second support structure being spaced apart from the first support structure; andforming a passage in the turbine component between the first and second support structures.2. The method of wherein the additive manufacturing process comprises depositing powder on the first surface of the turbine component; and fusing the powder in a pattern corresponding to a layer of the first support structure.3. The method of further comprising repeating in a cycle the steps of depositing and fusing to build up the support structures in a layer-by-layer fashion.4. The method of further comprising forming the passage such that it is positioned closer to the second support structure than the first support structure.5. The method of further comprising removing at least a portion of the first support structure and the first surface.6. The method of further comprising removing at least a portion of the second support structure.7. The method of further comprising removing at least a portion of the first and second support structures.8. The method of further comprising completely removing the first and second support structures.9. A method of forming a passage in a turbine airfoil claim 1 , comprising:using an additive manufacturing process to form a first support structure on a first ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138400A1

New aluminum alloys having iron, vanadium, silicon and copper are disclosed. The new alloys may include from 3 to 12 wt. % Fe, from 0.1 to 3 wt. % V, from 0.1 to 3 wt. % Si, and from 1.0 to 6 wt. % Cu, the balance being aluminum and impurities. The new aluminum alloys may be produced via additive manufacturing techniques, which may facilitate rapid solidification of a molten pool of the aluminum alloy. 1. An aluminum alloy consisting essentially of:from 3 to 12 wt. % Fe;from 0.1 to 3 wt. % V;from 0.1 to 3 wt. % Si; andfrom 1.0 to 6 wt. % Cu;the balance being aluminum and impurities.2. An aluminum alloy body made from the aluminum alloy of .3. The aluminum alloy body of claim 2 , wherein the aluminum alloy body is in the form of an engine component for an aerospace vehicle.4. The aluminum alloy body of claim 2 , comprising from 5 to 35 vol. % AlFeVSi dispersoids.5. The aluminum alloy body of claim 4 , wherein the AlFeVSi dispersoids comprise at least some copper.6. The aluminum alloy body of claim 2 , comprising a cellular structure comprising iron and copper.7. A method of making an aluminum alloy body claim 2 , comprising: from 3 to 12 wt. % Fe;', 'from 0.1 to 3 wt. % V;', 'from 0.1 to 3 wt. % Si; and', 'from 1.0 to 6 wt. % Cu,', 'the balance being aluminum (Al) and impurities;, '(a) dispersing a powder comprising in a bed, wherein the powder consists essentially of(b) selectively heating a portion of the powder to a temperature above the liquidus temperature of the particular aluminum alloy body to be formed;(c) forming a molten pool having the Fe, V, Si, Cu, and Al;(d) cooling the molten pool at a cooling rate of at least 1000° C. per second; and(e) repeating steps (a)-(d) to form an additively manufactured aluminum alloy body.8. The method of claim 7 , comprising:completing the additively manufactured aluminum alloy body, thereby realizing a final aluminum alloy product;naturally aging the final aluminum alloy product; andafter the natural aging, artificially ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Electron-beam welding nickel-based superalloys, and device

Номер: US20220281027A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Global GmbH and Co KG

A method for electron-beam welding of nickel-based superalloys includes joining two components of a component to be produced of nickel-based superalloys by electron radiation in which the electron radiation is guided with a feed rate of 12 mm/min to 120 mm/min, in particular of 40 mm/min to 80 mm/min, over a joining zone of the two components. A device for the electron-beam welding of two components to form a component of nickel-based alloys, which has at least a vacuum chamber, in which an electron radiation or laser radiation is generated and is directed onto a joining zone of two components to be joined.

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281041A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG

A method for electron-beam welding of nickel-based superalloys includes joining two components of a component to be produced of nickel-based superalloys by electron radiation in which the electron radiation is guided with a feed rate of 12 mm/min to 120 mm/min, in particular of 40 mm/min to 80 mm/min, over a joining zone of the two components. A device for the electron-beam welding of two components to form a component of nickel-based alloys, which has at least a vacuum chamber, in which an electron radiation or laser radiation is generated and is directed onto a joining zone of two components to be joined. 1. A method for joining two components of a component to be produced of nickel-based superalloys by means of electron radiation , the method comprising:guiding the electron radiation with a feed rate of 12 mm/min to 120 mm/min, over a joining zone of the two components.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the components to be joined are pressed together during the joining by means of a force.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the components to be joined are turned by means of a turning device during the joining.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the joining via electron radiation has an energy per unit length of higher than 600 J/mm.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein bath support is used in a cavity or hollow components.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein one component has a shoulder, and the other component is formed as complementary thereto.7. The method as claimed in claim 6 ,wherein the shoulder is present on a surface facing away from the electron radiation.8. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the components comprise the same alloy.9. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the components comprise different alloys.10. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein a laser in a vacuum is used instead of the electron radiation.11. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the joining zone of the components is ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Method for controlling deformation and precision of parts in parallel during additive manufacturing process

Номер: US20200130267A1
Автор: Guilan Wang, Haiou Zhang

A method for controlling deformation and precision of a part in parallel during an additive manufacturing process includes steps of: performing additive forming and isomaterial shaping or plastic forming, and simultaneously, performing one or more members selected from a group consisting of isomaterial orthopedic process, subtractive process and finishing process in parallel at a same station, so as to achieve a one-step ultra-short process, high-precision and high-performance additive manufacturing, wherein: performing in parallel at the same station refers to simultaneously implement different processes in a same pass or different passes of different processing layers or a same processing layer when a clamping position of the part to be processed is unchanged. The method can realize the one-step high-precision and high-performance additive manufacturing which has the ultra-short process, has high processing precision, and the parts can be directly applied, so that the method has strong practical application value.

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Metal Flake Composites and Methods of Making and Using the Same for Additive Manufacturing

Номер: US20180141119A1
Автор: Chen Min, Shu Jun, Shu Manning

This patent describes metal flake composites consisting of metal flakes and thermoplastic resins as printing materials for additive manufacturing of prototypes with metallic appearance, improved mechanical properties and durability. Metal flakes of 5 to 50 microns in average size (D) and 0.2-2 microns in thickness are made of base metals such as aluminum, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, nickel, tin, titanium, zinc, and their alloys, e.g., stainless steel, brass and bronze by ball milling metal powder precursors in the presence of a liquid solvent and lubricants. Thermoplastic resins such as Nylon, polystyrene, polycarbonate, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene are coated with metal flakes in a composition ranging from 0.5 to 50% by weight. The composite undergoes a bonding process to improve its adhesion and uniformity. The metal flake-based resin composites are used for additive manufacturing by selective laser sintering or other heating methods such as resistance heating at temperature ranging from 150 to 280° C. 1. A coated thermoplastic powder composite material , for use in additive manufacturing , comprisinga. a thermoplastic resin powder in the size range of 20-100 microns;{'sub': '50', 'b. at least one metal flake powder with thickness in the range of 0.2-2 microns, and an average size in the range of 5-50 microns (D), coated on the outside surface of said thermoplastic resin powder; said metal flake powder is in an amount of 0.5% to 50% by weight of said composite material.'}2. The composite material of in which the metal flake powder is in an average size range of 5-50 microns (D).3. The composite material of in which the thermoplastic resin powder comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of polyamide 12 claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , acrylonitrile butadiene styrene claim 1 , polylactic acid claim 1 , polyetherimide claim 1 , castable wax claim 1 , and co-polymers.4. The composite material of in which the metal flake ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Three-dimensional laminating and shaping apparatus, three-dimensional laminating and shaping apparatus control method, and three-dimensional laminating and shaping apparatus control program

Номер: US20180147779A1

This invention effectively suppresses a decrease in shaping accuracy based on a difference in thermal expansion coefficient between a three-dimensional laminated and shaped object and shaping plate. A three-dimensional laminating and shaping apparatus includes a linear funnel that recoats the material of a three-dimensional laminated and shaped object. The three-dimensional laminating and shaping apparatus also includes an electron gun that generates an electron beam. The three-dimensional laminating and shaping apparatus further includes a shaping base material on which the three-dimensional laminated and shaped object is to be shaped. The thermal expansion coefficients of the shaping base material and three-dimensional laminated and shaped object are equal or have a difference not more than a predetermined value.

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Corrosion resistant electrodes

Номер: US20200141902A1
Автор: Trainoff Steven P.

An electrode for use in instruments capable of measuring the electrophoretic mobility of particles in solution is disclosed. The electrode is comprised of an inexpensive support member, generally made of titanium, onto a flat surface of which has been connected, generally by microwelding, a flat electrically conductive but chemically inert foil member, preferably platinum. A uniform texture can be generated on the exposed surfaces of the electrode by various means including tumbling the electrode with an abrasive. An oxide layer can be generated on the support member by soaking the composite electrode in an appropriate medium, protecting the exposed surface of the support member from fluid contact with the sample solution, while the foil member, unaffected by the oxidation process, is able to contact the sample solution. 1. An electrode comprising:an electrically conductive support member comprising at least one planar surface; and wherein the foil member is welded by an electron beam to the conductive support member about the perimeter of the foil member, resulting in a composite,', [ 'wherein the etching comprises mechanically tumbling the composite with an abrasive, and', 'wherein the exposed surface of the foil member comprises a uniform, non-smooth surface resulting from etching the exposed surface of the foil member,'}, 'wherein the exposed surface of the support member comprises an oxide layer resulting from exposing the composite to an oxidation agent., 'wherein the composite comprises an exposed surface of the foil member and an exposed surface of the support member,'}], 'a flat, chemically inert, electrically conductive foil member,'}2. The electrode of wherein the foil member comprises platinum.3. The electrode of wherein the foil member is a disc of platinum foil.4. The electrode of wherein the support member further comprises an o-ring groove milled about a perimeter of the support member claim 3 ,wherein the perimeter does not intersect a planar ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180151864A1

A battery electrode structure includes a substrate, a first conductive layer and a plurality of active particles. The substrate has a substrate surface. The first conductive layer is disposed on the substrate surface. Each of the active particles has a first portion conformally engaged with a surface of the first conductive layer and a second portion protruding outwards from the surface of the first conductive layer. 1. A battery electrode structure comprising:a substrate, having a substrate surface;a first conductive layer disposed on the substrate surface; anda plurality of first active particles, each of the first active particles has a first portion conformally engaged with a surface of the first conductive layer and a second portion protruding outwards from the surface of the first conductive layer.2. The battery electrode structure according to claim 1 , wherein the first conductive layer is a patterned conductive layer having at least one conductive bumping forming a non-straight angle with the substrate surface.3. The battery electrode structure according to claim 2 , wherein a first grid structure having a plurality of first openings is define by the at least one conductive bumping claim 2 , and a portion of the substrate surface is exposed from the first openings.4. The battery electrode structure according to claim 3 , further comprising a plurality of second active particles claim 3 , each of the second active particles has a third portion conformally engaged with the exposed portion of the substrate surface and a second portion protruding outwards from the exposed portion of the substrate surface.5. The battery electrode structure according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one first opening has an average width ranging from 10 micrometers (μm) to 200 μm; and the first active particles have an average grain size ranging from 1 μm to 10 μm.6. The battery electrode structure according to claim 3 , further comprising a second conductive layer disposed on ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Fabrication Method of Steam Turbine Blade Equipped with Erosion Shield

Номер: US20160158875A1

A fabrication method of a steam turbine blade equipped with an erosion shield includes the steps of preparing constituent elements including the steam turbine blade having a blade part, the erosion shield to be joined to a leading edge part of the blade part on the tip side thereof, and a shim to be disposed between the blade part and the erosion shield, any of the constituent elements having a backing part to serve as a backing for preventing burn through of molten metal at the time of the electron beam welding; assembling the constituent elements; performing electron beam welding to the leading edge part of the blade part, the erosion shield and the shim while utilizing the backing; and machining including removal of the backing part, after the electron beam welding, thereby forming the steam turbine blade in the shape of a final product thereof. 1. A method of fabricating a steam turbine blade equipped with an erosion shield , comprising the steps of:preparing constituent elements for a steam turbine blade equipped with an erosion shield, including the steam turbine blade having a blade part, the erosion shield to be joined to a leading edge part of the blade part on the tip side thereof, and a shim to be disposed between the blade part and the erosion shield at the time of the electron beam welding, wherein any of the constituent elements has a backing part to serve as a backing for preventing burn through of molten metal at the time of the electron beam welding;assembling the constituent elements so that the backing part is arranged on the back side of a groove;performing electron beam welding to the leading edge part of the blade part, the erosion shield and the shim while utilizing the backing; andapplying a machining work including removal of the backing part after the electron beam welding so as to be finished up in the final shape of the blade part as a target.2. The method of fabricating the steam turbine blade according to claim 1 , wherein the shim ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170154713A1

This application concerns a magnet having a magnet body as well as a method for manufacturing such a magnet. The magnet body has a first region with first magnetic properties and a second region with second magnetic properties that are different to the first properties. Owing to the manufacturing process of the magnet body, the relative location of the first region and the second region within the magnet body is freely predeterminable. 1. A magnet including a one-piece magnet body comprisinga first region with first magnetic properties,a second region with second magnetic properties that are different to the first properties, wherein the first region has at least one of a coercivity and a remanence value that is different from the value of the second region,and wherein the location of the first region and the second region within the magnet body is freely predeterminable,and wherein the first region has a different microstructure than the second region.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The magnet according to claim 1 , wherein an average size of magnetic grains in the first region is larger than an average size of magnetic grains in the second region.5. (canceled)6. The magnet according to claim 1 , wherein the average size of magnetic grains in the first region is at least 50% larger than the average size of magnetic grains in the second region.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The magnet according to claim 6 , wherein the average magnetic grains in the second region have a ratio of a longest dimension with respect to its gravity center to a shortest dimension with respect to the gravity center of at least 2:1.10. The magnet according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition of the first region differs from the chemical composition of the second region.11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. The magnet according to claim 1 , wherein the second region is at least one of an edge region and a corner region of the magnet body claim 1 ,and wherein a region depth of the second region ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170155309A1

A method of making a component of a radial or axial flux electrical machine is provided. An additive manufacturing process is used to manufacture a plurality of laminas, including applying beams of energy to a successive plurality of ferromagnetic material particles and fusing them together to form a ferromagnetic helix or spiral, disposing an insulating material on said ferromagnetic helix or spiral, compressing the ferromagnetic helix or spiral to form a compressed ferromagnetic helix or spiral, and fixing the compressed ferromagnetic helix or spiral. A method of making a component of a transverse flux electrical machine is provided, including using an additive manufacturing process. 1. A method of making a component of a radial flux electrical machine comprising:using an additive manufacturing process to manufacture a plurality of laminas wherein said additive manufacturing process comprises applying a beam or beams of energy to a successive plurality of ferromagnetic material particles and fusing together the successive plurality of ferromagnetic material particles to form a ferromagnetic helix;disposing an insulating material on said ferromagnetic helix;compressing the ferromagnetic helix to form a compressed ferromagnetic helix; andfixing the compressed ferromagnetic helix.2. The method of wherein the additive manufacturing process comprises selective laser melting claim 1 , selective laser sintering claim 1 , direct metal laser sintering claim 1 , or electron beam melting.3. The method of wherein the ferromagnetic material particles comprise a metal claim 1 , a metal alloy claim 1 , a silicon-metal alloy claim 1 , a carbon-metal alloy claim 1 , or any combination of the foregoing.4. The method of wherein the ferromagnetic material particles comprise nickel-iron claim 3 , silicon-iron claim 3 , iron claim 3 , iron-cobalt claim 3 , ferritic steel claim 3 , or a combination of one or more of the foregoing.5. The method of wherein a stacking factor of the ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297186A1

The present disclosure provides three-dimensional (3D) objects, 3D printing processes, as well as methods, apparatuses and systems for the production of a 3D object. Methods, apparatuses and systems of the present disclosure may reduce or eliminate the need for auxiliary supports. The present disclosure provides three dimensional (3D) objects printed utilizing the printing processes, methods, apparatuses and systems described herein. 130-. (canceled)31. A device for generating a planar layer of powder material , the device comprising:a dispenser configured to (I) contain powder material and (II) dispense at least a portion of the powder material through an opening to generate a first portion of a powder bed having a first exposed surface;a shaker configured to shake the at least the portion of the powder material for dispensing from the opening of the dispenser, the shaker (i) being operatively coupled to the dispenser or (ii) being part of the dispenser; anda remover configured to remove powder material from the first portion of the powder bed to generate a second exposed surface of a second portion of the powder bed at least in part by being configured to operatively couple to an attractive force source to operatively couple the attractive force source with the powder bed, the attractive force attracting powder material from the first portion of the powder bed to generate the planar layer having the second exposes surface as part of the second portion of the powder bed that is a remainder of the first portion of the powder bed.32. The device of claim 31 , wherein the device is configured to dispense the planar layer of powder material while maintaining a gap with the first portion the powder bed such that the device dispenses the planar layer of powder material without contacting the first portion of the powder bed.33. The device of claim 31 , wherein the attractive force comprises vacuum.34. The device of claim 31 , wherein the attractive force comprises a ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190151974A1

A method for joining materials, includes: providing a first material and a second material, providing the first material with a grid structure at a joining point, and joining, in particular soldering, the second material to the grid structure such that a material composite of the first material and the second material is produced, wherein the grid structure is designed in such a way that stresses in the material composite are at least partly compensated by the grid structure. 1. A method for joining materials , comprising:a) providing a first material and a second material,b) providing the first material at a connection point with a grid structure, wherein the grid structure is produced with an additive production method or selective laser melting or electron beam melting, andc) connecting or soldering, the second material to the grid structure so that a material compound is generated from the first material and the second material, wherein the grid structure is formed in such a manner that tensions in the material compound are at least partially compensated by the grid structure.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the first material is a metallic material, or a nickel- or cobalt-based superalloy.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the second material is a ceramic material, or a ceramic fiber composite.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the grid structure is produced from the same material as the first material.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the first material is produced with an additive production method, or selective laser melting or electron beam melting.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the grid structure is produced in the same production method with the first material in order to form a composite component.7. The method as claimed in claim 6 ,wherein the composite component is a part of a gas turbine, or a part of a gas turbine upon which hot gas acts.8. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the second ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Porous aerostatic carrier and porous body therein

Номер: US20170157884A1

A porous aerostatic carrier includes a porous body made by additive manufacturing method and a sealing layer, the porous body comprises a first ventilating portion and a second ventilating portion, and a first porosity of the first ventilating portion is higher than a second porosity of the second ventilating portion. Because of additive manufacturing method, pore size and porosity of the first ventilating portion and the second ventilating portion are controllable to make flow pressure passing through the porous aerostatic carrier distributing evenly.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Chamber Systems For Additive Manufacturing

Номер: US20210187833A1

An apparatus and a method for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing involve a multiple-chamber design achieving a high efficiency and throughput. The multiple-chamber design features concurrent printing of one or more print jobs inside one or more build chambers, side removals of printed objects from build chambers allowing quick exchanges of powdered materials, and capabilities of elevated process temperature controls of build chambers and post processing heat treatments of printed objects. The multiple-chamber design also includes a height-adjustable optical assembly in combination with a fixed build platform method suitable for large and heavy printed objects. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a print head comprising an energy source, the print head comprising one or more energy patterning units configured to provide one or more two-dimensional patterned incident beams to process a powdered material;a build chamber configured to at least partially surround a build platform capable of holding a powder bed formed by the powdered material; andan optical-mechanical assembly comprising optical components arranged to receive and direct the one or more incident beams into the build chamber,a rejected energy handling unit configured to reuse beam energy rejected by the one or more energy patterning units.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the rejected energy handling unit reuses the beam energy rejected by the one or more energy patterning units by performing either or both of:recycling the rejected beam energy using beam shaping optics; anddirecting the rejected beam energy to an article processing unit for heating or further patterning.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the build platform is height adjustable.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the build chamber is configured to accommodate side removal of the build platform.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the build chamber further comprises a thermal regulation system claim 1 , wherein the thermal ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160175960A1
Автор: Harris Stephen Isaiah

A method of melt infiltrating a green ceramic matrix composite (CMC) article, wherein the green CMC article includes a ceramic reinforcing structure. The method includes heating a localized region of the green CMC article; melting a metal alloy infiltrant to form a molten metal alloy; and introducing the molten metal alloy into the localized region to infiltrate the reinforcing structure of the green CMC article with the metal alloy infiltrant and form the CMC article. 1. A method of melt infiltrating a green ceramic matrix composite (CMC) article , wherein the green CMC article comprises a ceramic reinforcing structure , the method comprising:heating a localized region of the green CMC article;melting a metal alloy infiltrant to form a molten metal alloy; andintroducing the molten metal alloy into the localized region to infiltrate the reinforcing structure of the green CMC article with the metal alloy infiltrant and form the CMC article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal alloy infiltrant comprises a metal alloy selected from the group consisting of Si claim 1 , B claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , oxides thereof claim 1 , and mixtures and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic reinforcing structure comprises a ceramic material selected from the group consisting of aluminum oxide (AlO) claim 1 , mullite (AlSiO) claim 1 , zirconium oxide (ZrO) claim 1 , Boron Carbide (BC) claim 1 , carbon (C) claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , silicon carbide (SiC) claim 1 , silicon carbon nitride claim 1 , silicon nitride claim 1 , and mixtures and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the ceramic material comprises fibers.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the localized region and the metal alloy infiltrant are heated by at least one of a laser claim 1 , an electric arc claim 1 , an electron beam claim 1 , and a microwave generator.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal alloy infiltrant comprises Si ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169785A1
Принадлежит: Shott AG

A glass, for example a glass solder, includes the following components in mole percent (mol-%): PO37-50 mol-%, for example 39-48 mol-%; AlO0-14 mol-%, for example 2-12 mol-%; BO2-10 mol-%, for example 4-8 mol-%; NaO 0-30 mol-%, for example 0-20 mol-%; MO 0-20 mol-%, for example 12-20 mol-%, wherein M is, for example, K, Cs or Rb; LiO 0-42 mol-%, for example 0-40 mol-% or 17-40 mol-%; BaO 0-20 mol-%, for example 0-20 mol-% or 5-20 mol-%; and BiO0-10 mol-%, for example 1-5 mol-% or 2-5 mol-%. 1. A feed-through , comprising: [{'sub': 2', '5, 'PO35-50 mol-%;'}, {'sub': 2', '3, 'AlO0-14 mol-%;'}, {'sub': 2', '3, 'BO2-10 mol-%;'}, {'sub': '2', 'NaO 0-30 mol-%;'}, {'sub': '2', 'MO 0-20 mol-%, wherein M is one of potassium, cesium and rubidium;'}, {'sub': '2', 'LiO 0-42 mol-%;'}, 'BaO 0-20 mol-%; and', {'sub': 2', '3, 'BiO1-10 mol-%.'}], 'a glass having a composition including in mole percent (mol-%)2. The feed-through according to claim 1 , the glass having a composition including:{'sub': 2', '5, 'PO39-48 mol-%;'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlO2-12 mol-%;'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'BO4-8 mol-%;'}{'sub': '2', 'NaO 0-20 mol-%;'}{'sub': '2', 'MO 12-19 mol-%;'}{'sub': '2', 'LiO 0-40 mol-%;'}BaO 5-20 mol-%; and{'sub': 2', '3, 'BiO1-5 mol-%.'}3. The feed-through according to claim 2 , the glass composition including:{'sub': '2', 'LiO 17-40 mol-%; and'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'BiO2-5 mol-%.'}4. The feed-through according to claim 1 , wherein the glass is a solder glass.5. The feed-through according to claim 1 , the glass including at most 35 mol-% LiO.6. The feed-through according to claim 1 , the glass including at least 17 mol-% LiO.7. The feed-through according to claim 1 , the glass including 4-8 mol-% BiO.8. The feed-through according to claim 1 , the glass being lead free except for contaminants.9. The feed-through according to claim 1 , the glass including at most 20 mol-% NaO.10. The feed-through according to claim 1 , the glass including at least 2 mol-% BiO.11. The feed-through according to claim ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170175234A1

A heavy metal part and method of manufacturing includes a dense alloy or a metallic composite consisting of a plurality of dense metal particles formed of a first metal and a melted metal matrix that is a continuous phase of the first metal and a second metal having a lesser density than the first metal. The metal particles are a discrete phase within the continuous phase and the heavy metal part is formed by an additive manufacturing process of a powder feedstock comprising the metal particles coated with the second metal. 1. A heavy metal part comprising:a plurality of pure metal particles formed of a first metal; anda metal matrix that is a continuous phase of a mixture of the first metal and a second metal,wherein the metal particles are a discrete phase within the metal matrix and the heavy metal part is formed by an additive manufacturing process of a powder feedstock comprising the metal particles coated with the second metal.2. The heavy metal part of claim 1 , wherein the heavy metal part is formed of an alloy or metallic composite of the first metal and the second metal.3. The heavy metal part of claim 1 , wherein the second metal has a melting point lower than that of the first metal.4. The heavy metal part of claim 3 , wherein the second metal solders to the first metal.5. The heavy metal part of claim 1 , wherein the additive manufacturing process includes one of direct metal laser sintering claim 1 , electron beam melting claim 1 , and micro-induction sintering.6. The heavy metal part of claim 1 , wherein the metal matrix is composed of a greater weight percent of the second metal than the first metal.7. The heavy metal part of claim 1 , wherein the first metal has a solubility in the metal matrix between 30 and 40 percent.8. The heavy metal part of claim 1 , wherein the first metal has a density greater than 16 g/cmand a melting point higher than 6000 degrees Fahrenheit.9. The heavy metal part of claim 1 , wherein the first metal is tungsten.10. The ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160180994A1

A method of manufacturing soft magnetic material, including smelting magnetic and metallic glass forming compositions, to form a uniform molten master alloy block material, melting the master alloy material into liquid, and exerting a force on the liquid master alloy block material to make it into coarse powder. The coarse powder is screened to separate the working powder, and the working powder is put into an additive manufacturing device, to make the working powder melt, cool and condense into the soft magnetic material. The soft magnetic material is made by a simple process, with low iron loss rate and better electromagnetic shielding feature and other properties, and can improve magnetic permeability and save energy when applied to the electronic products. 1. A method of manufacturing soft magnetic material , including:smelting a magnetic composition and a metallic glass forming composition, to form a uniform molten master alloy block material;melting the master alloy block material into liquid, and exerting a force on the liquid master alloy block material to make it into a coarse powder;screening the coarse powder to separate a working powder;putting the working powder into an additive manufacturing device, and making the working powder melt, cool and condense into the soft magnetic material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic composition is iron claim 1 , cobalt or nickel claim 1 , the metallic glass forming composition is phosphorus claim 1 , boron claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , zirconium silicon claim 1 , or carbon claim 1 , the master alloy block material is smelted from iron claim 1 , cobalt or nickel (one or more compositions) and phosphorus claim 1 , boron claim 1 , silicon claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , zirconium or molybdenum (one or more compositions).3. The method mentioned of claim 1 , wherein the additive manufacturing device contains a work unit and a thermal management unit claim 1 , the work unit ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Fcc materials of aluminum, cobalt, iron and nickel, and products made therefrom

Номер: US20190169718A1
Автор: Jen Lin, Xinyan Yan
Принадлежит: Arconic Inc

The present disclosure relates to new materials comprising Al, Co, Fe, and Ni. The new materials may realize a single phase field of a face-centered cubic (fcc) solid solution structure immediately below the solidus temperature of the material. The new materials may include at least one precipitate phase and have a solvus temperature of at least 1000° C. The new materials may include 4.4-11.4 wt. % Al, 4.9-42.2 wt. % Co, 4.6-28.9 wt. % Fe, and 44.1-86.1 wt. % Ni. In one embodiment, the precipitate is selected from the group consisting of the L1 2 phase, the B2 phase, and combinations thereof. The new alloys may realize improved high temperature properties.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Multi-Functional Ingester System For Additive Manufacturing

Номер: US20200164438A1

A method and an apparatus for collecting powder samples in real-time in powder bed fusion additive manufacturing may involves an ingester system for in-process collection and characterizations of powder samples. The collection may be performed periodically and uses the results of characterizations for adjustments in the powder bed fusion process. The ingester system of the present disclosure is capable of packaging powder samples collected in real-time into storage containers serving a multitude purposes of audit, process adjustments or actions. 1. A method comprising the steps of:collecting a plurality of powder samples of a powdered material in real-time during a print job;performing a set of characterizations on the powder samples; andpackaging the powder samples in a plurality of sample canisters, with a second atmosphere in the sample canisters substantially equivalent to a first atmosphere utilized during the print job.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the collecting of the powder samples of the powdered material in real-time comprises collecting the powder samples of the powdered material periodically at a predetermined interval claim 1 , randomly claim 1 , or at one or more predetermined stages during claim 1 , before claim 1 , or after the print job.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of aborting the print job when an unlicensed powder is used.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first atmosphere or the second atmosphere comprises air or an inert gas.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the inert gas comprises nitrogen claim 4 , carbon dioxide claim 4 , argon claim 4 , helium claim 4 , or other noble gas.6. A method comprising the steps of:collecting a plurality of powder samples of a powdered material in real-time during a print job;performing a set of characterizations on the powder samples;determining whether to modify a set of printing parameters employed during the print job or abort the print job according to a result of the set of ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160184891A1
Автор: Mironets Sergey

A globule for an additive manufacturing process includes a plurality of additive manufacturing stock particles respectively having a submicron size. A binder fixes the plurality of submicron size additive manufacturing stock particles to one another such that the particles form a globule having a size of less than fifty microns. 1. A globule for an additive manufacturing process , comprising:a plurality of additive manufacturing stock particles of submicron size; anda binder fixing the plurality additive manufacturing stock particles to one another, wherein the plurality of additive manufacturing stock particles and the binder form a globule having a size of less than 50 microns.2. A globule as recited in claim 1 , wherein the binder fixes the plurality of additive manufacturing stock particles to one another within an encapsulating droplet.3. A globule as recited in claim 1 , wherein the binder defines a plurality of capillary bonds fixing the plurality of additive manufacturing stock particles to one another.4. A globule as recited in claim 1 , wherein the binder defines a plurality of funicular bonds fixing the plurality of additive manufacturing stock particles to one another.5. A globule as recited in claim 1 , wherein the binder defines a plurality of pendular bonds fixing the plurality of additive manufacturing stock particles to one another.6. A globule as recited in claim 1 , wherein the binder includes material from one of the additive manufacturing stock particles diffused over a surface of another of the plurality of additive manufacturing stock particles.7. A globule as recited in claim 1 , wherein the additive manufacturing stock particles include at least one of a metallic material claim 1 , a ceramic material claim 1 , and a polymeric material.8. A globule as recited in claim 1 , wherein the binder material includes water.9. A method of making globules for an additive manufacturing process claim 1 , the method comprising:introducing a plurality of ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180178312A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A feed-through component for a conductor feed-through which passes through a part of a housing, for example a battery housing, is embedded in a glass or glass ceramic material and has at least one conductor, for example an essentially pin-shaped conductor, and a head part. The surface, in particular the cross-sectional surface, of the head part is greater than the surface, in particular the cross-sectional surface, of the conductor, for example of the essentially pin-shaped conductor. The head part is embodied such that is can be joined to an electrode-connecting component, for example an electrode-connecting part, which may be made of copper, a copper alloy CuSiC, an aluminum alloy AlSiC or aluminum, with a mechanically stable and non-detachable connection. 1. A method of producing a feed-through component for feeding through a part of a housing , the method comprising the steps of:providing a feed-through component including at least one essentially pin-shaped conductor and a head part;providing an electrode connecting component which is separate from said feed-through component; andconnecting said feed-through component with said electrode connecting component in a region of said head part through a mechanically stable, non-detachable connection.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said housing is a battery housing.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of treating a surface of said electrode connecting component.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said treating step includes coating said surface of said electrode connecting component prior to connecting said electrode connecting component with said feed-through component.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein said electrode connecting component is coated with one of copper (Cu) claim 4 , aluminum (Al) claim 4 , silver (Ag) claim 4 , nickel (Ni) claim 4 , gold (Au) claim 4 , palladium (Pd) and zinc (Zn).6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said step of ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170182558A1
Принадлежит: Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.

The present invention generally relates to methods and apparatuses adapted to perform additive manufacturing (AM) processes and the resulting products made therefrom, and specifically, to AM processes that employ an energy beam to selectively fuse a base material to produce an object. More particularly, the invention relates to methods and systems that use reactive fluids to actively manipulate the surface chemistry of the base material prior to, during and/or after the AM process. 1. An additive manufacturing method of fabricating an object on a build stage , the method comprising:introducing into a build chamber having a build stage at least one reactive fluid and at least one base material having a surface capable of modification to a desired chemistry by said reactive fluid;applying a first quantity of said at least one base material onto the build stage and applying energy to said first quantity of said at least one base material so as to fuse said first quantity of said base material into a first layer or substrate;forming at least one additional layer on said substrate by applying energy to at least a second quantity of base material deposited upon said substrate so as to fuse said second quantity of said base material into said substrate; andcontinuing to form individual layers of base material on said substrate until the fabrication of the object is complete.2. The additive manufacturing method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of introducing into the build chamber having the build stage at least one base material having a surface that is non-reactive to said reactive fluid.3. The additive manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein said at least one non-reactive base material is selected from the group consisting of a solid and a fluid.4. The additive manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the surface of said at least one base material is modified prior to being introduced into the build chamber by contacting the base material with at least one ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213504A1

In various embodiments, three-dimensional layered metallic parts are substantially free of gaps between successive layers, are substantially free of cracks, and have densities no less than 97% of the theoretical density of the metallic material. 114.-. (canceled)15. A three-dimensional metallic part manufactured by additive manufacturing using a metallic feedstock material , the part (i) comprising a plurality of layers of one or more of molybdenum , niobium , rhenium , or tungsten , (ii) being free of gaps between successive layers , and (iii) being free of cracks , wherein a density of the part is no less than 97% of a theoretical density , and wherein a concentration within the part of at least one of sodium , silicon , calcium , antimony , magnesium , phosphorous , sulfur , or potassium is less than 20 ppm by weight and at least 0.001 ppm by weight.16. The part of claim 15 , wherein the concentration within the part of each of sodium claim 15 , silicon claim 15 , calcium claim 15 , antimony claim 15 , magnesium claim 15 , phosphorous claim 15 , sulfur claim 15 , and potassium is less than 20 ppm by weight and at least 0.001 ppm by weight.17. The part of claim 15 , wherein the concentration within the part of each of sodium claim 15 , silicon claim 15 , calcium claim 15 , antimony claim 15 , magnesium claim 15 , phosphorous claim 15 , sulfur claim 15 , and potassium is less than 10 ppm by weight and at least 0.001 ppm by weight.18. The part of claim 15 , wherein the concentration within the part of each of sodium claim 15 , silicon claim 15 , calcium claim 15 , antimony claim 15 , magnesium claim 15 , phosphorous claim 15 , sulfur claim 15 , and potassium is less than 5 ppm by weight and at least 0.001 ppm by weight.19. The part of claim 15 , wherein the concentration within the part of at least one of sodium claim 15 , silicon claim 15 , calcium claim 15 , antimony claim 15 , magnesium claim 15 , phosphorous claim 15 , sulfur claim 15 , or potassium is less than ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Process for producing a component

Номер: US20170189962A1
Принадлежит: Plansee Se

A method of producing a component from refractory metal or a refractory metal alloy having a refractory metal content >50 at %. The process includes the steps of providing a powder formed of particles and solidifying the powder under the action of a laser beam or electron beam. The powder has a particle size d 50 as measured laser-optically of >10 μm and an average surface area as measured by the BET method of >0.08 m 2 /g.

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Apparatuses, Systems and Methods for Three-Dimensional Printing

Номер: US20170189963A1
Принадлежит: Velo3D Inc

The present disclosure provides three-dimensional (3D) objects, 3D printing processes, as well as methods, apparatuses and systems for the production of a 3D object. Methods, apparatuses and systems of the present disclosure may reduce or eliminate the need for auxiliary supports. The present disclosure provides three dimensional (3D) objects printed utilizing the printing processes, methods, apparatuses and systems described herein.

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180187569A1

A process includes forming a printed article having an external surface and at least one microfeature with an internal surface by additive manufacture, coating the external surface and the internal surface of the printed article with a metallic microlayer to form a coated article, and densifying the coated article to form a component. After formation, the printed article has a porosity such that the printed article is not at full density. A densified component includes a printed article having an external surface and at least one microfeature with an internal surface and a metallic microlayer coating the external surface and the internal surface of the printed article. The printed article is formed by additive manufacture. 1. A process comprising:forming a printed article having an external surface and at least one microfeature with an internal surface by additive manufacture, wherein the printed article has a porosity such that the printed article is not at full density;coating the external surface and the internal surface of the printed article with a metallic microlayer to form a coated article; anddensifying the coated article to form a component.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises depositing the metallic microlayer on the external surface and the internal surface of the printed article by a coating method selected from the group consisting of plating claim 1 , physical vapor deposition claim 1 , chemical vapor deposition claim 1 , thermal spraying claim 1 , cold spraying claim 1 , plasma spraying claim 1 , cathodic arc claim 1 , spark plasma sintering claim 1 , and plasma spray physical vapor deposition.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the densifying comprises hot isostatic pressing.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the component is greater than 90% of full density.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the printed article is formed of a superalloy including a composition claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , selected from the group consisting ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180193916A1

A core-shell structured alloy powder for additive manufacturing, an additively manufactured precipitation dispersion strengthened alloy component, and a method for additively manufacturing the component are provided. The alloy powder comprises a plurality of particles, where one or more of the plurality of particles comprise an alloy powder core and an oxygen or nitrogen rich shell disposed on at least a portion of the alloy powder core. The alloy powder core comprises an alloy constituent matrix with one or more reactive elements, where the reactive elements are configured to react with oxygen, nitrogen, or both. The alloy constituent matrix comprises stainless steel, an iron based alloy, a nickel based alloy, a nickel-iron based alloy, a cobalt based alloy, a copper based alloy, an aluminum based alloy, a titanium based alloy, or combinations thereof. The alloy constituent matrix comprises reactive elements present in a range from about 0.01 weight percent to 10 weight percent of a total weight of the alloy powder. 1. A core-shell structured alloy powder for additive manufacturing , comprising a plurality of particles , wherein one or more of the plurality of particles comprise:an alloy powder core having an alloy constituent matrix with one or more reactive elements, wherein the reactive elements are configured to react with oxygen, nitrogen, or both; andan oxygen or nitrogen rich shell disposed on at least a portion of the alloy powder core,wherein the alloy constituent matrix comprises stainless steel, an iron based alloy, a nickel based alloy, a nickel-iron based alloy, a cobalt based alloy, a copper based alloy, an aluminum based alloy, a titanium based alloy, or combinations thereof, and wherein the alloy constituent matrix comprises reactive elements present in a range from about 0.01 weight percent to 10 weight percent of a total weight of the alloy powder.2. The core-shell structured alloy powder of claim 1 , wherein oxygen reactive elements comprise ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229206A1

This disclosure relates to weldability of steel alloys that provide weld joints which retain hardness values in a heat affected zone adjacent to a fusion zone and which also have improved resistance to liquid metal embrittlement due to the presence of zinc coatings. 1. A welded high strength steel sheet comprising 70 to 90 atomic % iron , one or both of Ni and Cu , and at least two elements selected from Si , Mn , Cr and C , wherein the steel sheet has a thickness of up to 5 mm , a total elongation of from 10.0 to 75.0% , a yield strength of from 250 to 1200 MPa , a tensile strength of from 700 to 1700 MPA , and a hardness H1 , and wherein the steel sheet includes a weld zone comprising: a fusion zone containing >50 volume % austenite; and a heat affected zone having a hardness H2 , wherein H2=H1+/−100 HV.2. The welded high strength steel sheet of wherein the steel sheet has a thickness of from 0.1 mm to 5 mm.3. The welded high strength steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein Hi is from 150 to 650 HV.4. The welded high strength steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the steel sheet contains both Ni and Cu.5. The welded high strength steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the weld zone is a resistance spot weld claim 1 , a resistance seam weld claim 1 , an upset weld claim 1 , a laser beam weld claim 1 , or an electron beam weld.6. The welded high strength steel sheet of wherein at least a portion of the steel sheet is coated with a zinc-containing coating.7. The welded high strength steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the weld zone is a side-by-side weld between the high strength steel sheet and another steel sheet.8. The welded high strength steel sheet of claim 7 , wherein the other steel sheet is of a same grade as the high strength steel sheet.9. The welded high strength steel sheet of claim 7 , wherein the other steel sheet is of a different grade than a grade of the high strength steel sheet. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/134,005, filed ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180200766A1

A titanium material for hot rolling includes a titanium cast piece , and titanium sheets that are welded to faces corresponding to rolling surfaces of the titanium cast piece . The titanium cast piece and the titanium sheets have the same kind of chemical composition. The titanium material for hot rolling can maintain good surface properties after hot rolling even if a slabbing process or a finishing process is omitted. 1. A titanium material for hot rolling , comprising:a titanium cast piece, anda titanium sheet welded to a face corresponding to a rolling surface of the titanium cast piece;wherein:the titanium cast piece and the titanium sheet have a same kind of chemical composition as each other.2. The titanium material for hot rolling according to claim 1 , wherein:a thickness of the titanium sheet is within a range of 1 mm to 20 mm.3. The titanium material for hot rolling according to claim 1 , wherein:a grain size of the titanium sheet is less than 1 mm.4. The titanium material for hot rolling according to claim 1 , wherein:the titanium cast piece is a titanium slab produced by electron beam remelting or plasma arc melting.5. The titanium material for hot rolling according to claim 1 , wherein:the welding is electron beam welding, plasma arc welding or tungsten inert gas welding.6. The titanium material for hot rolling according to claim 1 , wherein:the welding is performed in a vacuum.7. The titanium material for hot rolling according to claim 2 , wherein:a grain size of the titanium sheet is less than 1 mm.8. The titanium material for hot rolling according to claim 2 , wherein:the titanium cast piece is a titanium slab produced by electron beam remelting or plasma arc melting.9. The titanium material for hot rolling according to claim 3 , wherein:the titanium cast piece is a titanium slab produced by electron beam remelting or plasma arc melting.10. The titanium material for hot rolling according to claim 7 , wherein:the titanium cast piece is a titanium ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Additive manufacturing using a mobile build volume

Номер: US20180200792A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The present disclosure generally relates to additive manufacturing systems and methods on a large-scale format. One aspect involves a build unit that can be moved around in three dimensions by a positioning system, building separate portions of a large object. The build unit has an energy directing device that directs, e.g., laser or e-beam irradiation onto a powder layer. In the case of laser irradiation, the build volume may have a gasflow device that provides laminar gas flow to a laminar flow zone above the layer of powder. This allows for efficient removal of the smoke, condensates, and other impurities produced by irradiating the powder (the “gas plume”) without excessively disturbing the powder layer. The build unit may also have a recoater that allows it to selectively deposit particular quantities of powder in specific locations over a work surface to build large, high quality, high precision objects.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Fabrication of high-entropy alloy wire and multi-principal element alloy wire

Номер: US20170209908A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In various embodiments, metallic wires are fabricated by combining one or more powders of substantially spherical metal particles with one or more powders of non-spherical particles within one or more optional metallic tubes. The metal elements within the powders (and the one or more tubes, if present) collectively define a high entropy alloy of five or more metallic elements or a multi-principal element alloy of four or more metallic elements.

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170209954A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

An alloy structure has an arbitrary shape dimension which has high uniformity in the distribution of the element composition. The alloy structure contains Fe and at least four elements, which are selected from the group consisting of elements from atomic number 13 to atomic number 79 included in Group 3 to Group 16 of the periodic table of the elements and have a ratio of the atomic radius to an Fe atom of 0.83 or more but 1.17 or less, each of Fe and the four elements is contained in an atomic concentration range of 5 at % or more but 30 at % or less, a difference in atomic concentration between at least four elements among the at least four elements and Fe is in a range of less than 3 at %, and the alloy structure has, a column crystal in which the at least four elements and Fe are solid-dissolved. 120-. (canceled)21. An alloy structure comprising five elements of Fe and at least four elements , which are selected from the group consisting of elements from atomic number 13 to atomic number 79 included in Group 3 to Group 16 of the periodic table of the elements and have a ratio of the atomic radius to an Fe atom of 0.83 or more but 1.17 or less , the alloy structure having , as a main crystal , a column crystal in which the five elements are solid-dissolved.22. The alloy structure according to claim 21 , wherein the at least four elements are selected from the group consisting of Al claim 21 , Si claim 21 , P claim 21 , Ti claim 21 , V claim 21 , Cr claim 21 , Mn claim 21 , Co claim 21 , Ni claim 21 , Cu claim 21 , Zn claim 21 , Ga claim 21 , Ge claim 21 , As claim 21 , Se claim 21 , Nb claim 21 , Mo claim 21 , Tc claim 21 , Ru claim 21 , Rh claim 21 , Pd claim 21 , Ag claim 21 , Sn claim 21 , Sb claim 21 , Te claim 21 , Ta claim 21 , W claim 21 , Re claim 21 , Os claim 21 , Ir claim 21 , Pt claim 21 , and Au.23. The alloy structure according to claim 21 , wherein the five elements are Al claim 21 , Co claim 21 , Cr claim 21 , Fe claim 21 , and Ni.24. The alloy ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170209963A1

In various embodiments, additive manufacturing is utilized to fabricate three-dimensional metallic parts using metallic alloy wire as a feedstock material. 1. A method of forming a three-dimensional part comprising a high-entropy alloy or a multi-principal element alloy by additive manufacturing , wherein the high-entropy alloy or multi-principal element alloy comprises four or more metallic elements selected from the group consisting of Nb , Ta , Mo , W , Ti , Hf , V , Zr , Al , and Cr , the method comprising:(a) providing a wire comprising a substantially homogenous assemblage of (i) one or more first metal powders each comprising one or more of the metallic elements, wherein particles of each first metal powder are substantially spherical, and (ii) one or more second metal powders each comprising one or more of the metallic elements, wherein particles of each second metal powder are non-spherical;(b) translating a tip of the wire relative to a platform;(c) there during, melting a tip of the wire with an energy source to form a molten bead comprising the four or more metallic elements, whereby the bead cools to form at least a portion of a layer of a three-dimensional part; and(d) repeating steps (b) and (c) one or more times to produce the three-dimensional part,wherein the three-dimensional part comprises the high-entropy alloy or the multi-principal element alloy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first metal powders is an elemental powder consisting essentially of one of the metallic elements.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first metal powders is an alloy powder consisting essentially of two or more of the metallic elements.4. The method of claim 1 , at least one of the second metal powders is an elemental powder consisting essentially of one of the metallic elements.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the second metal powders is an alloy powder consisting essentially of two or more of the metallic ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150224593A1

An article is provided and includes a first part having a first edge defined at an intersection of first and second surfaces where the first and second surfaces form a first angle, a second part having a second edge defined at an intersection of third and fourth surfaces where the third and fourth surfaces form a second angle which is different from the first angle and a weld joint formed at locations where the first surface contacts the third surface. 1. A method of forming an article , comprising:forming a wrought first part having a first edge defined at an intersection of first and second surfaces where the first and second surfaces form a first angle;casting a second part having a second edge defined at an intersection of third and fourth surfaces where the third and fourth surfaces form a second angle which is different from the first angle; andelectron beam welding the first surface and the third surface.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the forming of the wrought first part comprises forming the wrought first part as an annular part and the casting of the second part comprises casting the second part as an annular part.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the second angle is larger than the first angle.4. A method of forming an article claim 2 , the method comprising:forming a first annular wrought part having first and second surfaces and a first edge defined at an intersection of the first and second surfaces, the first surface being an annular, radially outwardly facing surface;casting a second annular part having third and fourth surfaces and a second edge defined at an intersection of the third and fourth surfaces, the third surface being an annular, radially inwardly facing surface; andelectron beam welding the first surface and the third surface to form an annular weld joint at locations where the first surface contacts the third surface such that the weld joint is disposed at a junction of the first part and the second part and the ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180214955A1

A method of additively manufacturing an article includes forming a first portion of the article by three-dimensional printing of a plurality of first layers from a first powder material cut having a first average particle size corresponding to a first feature resolution. The first layers have a first average layer thickness. The method also includes forming a second portion of the article by three-dimensional printing of a plurality of second layers from a second powder material cut having a second average particle size corresponding to a second feature resolution less than the first feature resolution. The second portion includes at least one feature. The second layers have a second average layer thickness less than the first average layer thickness. A three-dimensional printing system and an article formed from a powder material by three-dimensional printing are also disclosed. 1. A method of additively manufacturing an article comprising:forming a first portion of the article by three-dimensional printing of a plurality of first layers from a first powder material cut having a first average particle size corresponding to a first feature resolution, the plurality of first layers having a first average layer thickness; andforming a second portion of the article by three-dimensional printing of a plurality of second layers from a second powder material cut having a second average particle size corresponding to a second feature resolution less than the first feature resolution, the second portion comprising at least one feature, the plurality of second layers having a second average layer thickness less than the first average layer thickness.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the first portion and forming the second portion comprise powder bed processing and a technique selected from the group consisting of direct metal laser melting claim 1 , direct metal laser sintering claim 1 , selective laser melting claim 1 , selective laser sintering claim 1 , electron ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Method for the fabrication of corrosion resistant electrodes

Номер: US20160231273A1
Автор: Trainoff Steven P.

An electrode for use in instruments capable of measuring the electrophoretic mobility of particles in solution is disclosed. The electrode is comprised of an inexpensive support member, generally made of titanium, onto a flat surface of which has been connected, generally by microwelding, a flat electrically conductive but chemically inert foil member, preferably platinum. A uniform texture can be generated on the exposed surfaces of the electrode by various means including tumbling the electrode with an abrasive. An oxide layer can be generated on the support member by soaking the composite electrode in an appropriate medium, protecting the exposed surface of the support member from fluid contact with the sample solution, while the foil member, unaffected by the oxidation process, is able to contact the sample solution. 1. A method for the fabrication of an electrode for use in an electrophoretic mobility detector comprising the steps ofA. providing an electrically conductive support member comprising at least one planar surface;B. providing a flat, chemically inert, electrically conductive foil member;C. welding said foil member to said conductive support member about the perimeter of said foil member, forming, thereby, a composite electrode; andD. etching the exposed surface of said electrically conductive foil member of said composite electrode so as to achieve a uniform, non-smooth surface there upon.2. The method of wherein said welding is performed by an electron beam.3. The method of wherein said electrically conductive foil member is comprised of platinum.4. The method of wherein said platinum foil member is disc shaped.5. The method of comprising the further step of milling an o-ring groove about a perimeter of the support member where said perimeter of said support member is chosen such that it does not intersect the planar surface to which the foil member is attached.6. The method of wherein said platinum foil member is 100±5 μm thick claim 3 , ...
