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27-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2201344C2
Принадлежит: Б.К. ФОАМ С.Р.Л. (IT)

FIELD: manufacture of panels, sheets and pipes for construction and packaging. SUBSTANCE: proposed method includes extrusion of polyester starting material at density of 0.8 dl/g with foaming agent introduced in it from two-screw extruder. Two-screw extruder has two engageable screws at ratio of axial distance to diameter ranging from 0.6 to 0.8. Screw rotate simultaneously at speed between 14 and 40 r/min. Proposed method makes it possible to produce foamed polyester at density of at least 40 kg/cu m, homogeneous structure consisting of small cells without destruction confirmed by reduction of molecular mass and viscosity relative to starting product. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency. 15 cl, 3 dwg _ УУЗГОСС П4 сэ (19) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ ВИ” 2 201 344. (51) МПК” 13) С2 В 29 С 44/52, 47/40, 47/14 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 99126423/12, 05.05.1998 (24) Дата начала действия патента: 05.05.1998 (30) Приоритет: 09.05.1997 11 ТО97АООО394 (46) Дата публикации: 27.03.2003 (56) Ссылки: ЕР 0719626 А2, 03.07.1996. Экструзия. Библиотечка рабочего по переработке пластмасс. - Л.: Химия, 1973, с.21. РЯБИНИН Д.Д., ЛУКАЧ Ю.Е. Червячные машины для переработки пластических масс и резиновых смесей. - М.: Машиностроение, 1965, с.75. СВ 1231535 А, 12.05.1971. ЦЗ 4892691 А, 09.01.1990. $Ц 476740 А, 05.07.1975. (85) Дата перевода заявки РСТ на национальную фазу: 09.12.1999 (86) Заявка РСТ: ЕР 98/02648 (05.05.1998) (87) Публикация РСТ: У\/О 98/51467 (19.11.1998) (98) Адрес для переписки: 129010, Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. Е.В.Томской, рег.№ 0106 (71) Заявитель: Б.К. ФОАМ С.Р.Л. (17) (72) Изобретатель: КРАНА Ренато (1!Т) (73) Патентообладатель: Б.К. ФОАМ С.Р.Л. (1Т) (74) Патентный поверенный: Томская Елена Владимировна (54) СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ВСПЕНЕННОГО ПОЛИЭФИРА, В ЧАСТНОСТИ ПЭТФ (57) Изобретение относится к способу получения вспененного полиэфира, ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2516172C2

Заявленное изобретение относится к шнековым элементам для многовальных шнековых машин с попарно вращающимися в одном направлении и очищающими друг друга шнековыми валами, применению шнековых элементов в многовальных шнековых машинах, а также к способу изготовления шнековых элементов. Техническим результатом заявленного изобретения является улучшение эффективности диспергирования при минимальной энергоподаче. Технический результат достигается в шнековых элементах для многовальных шнековых машин, попарно вращающихся в одном направлении и попарно точно очищающих друг друга скоблением шнековыми валами, имеющих два или более хода шнека. Причем профили шнека можно по всему сечению представить в виде непрерывно дифференцируемой кривой профиля. При этом профиль шнека по всему сечению состоит из четырех или более дуг окружности, а в своих начальной и конечной точках дуги окружности переходят друг в друга тангенциально. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 28 ил.

02-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643544C2

FIELD: machine engineering. SUBSTANCE: degassing device includes an extruder having a body and n drilled holes of the body B n with the corresponding diameters D n . Wherein n is an integer, preferably, an integer from 1 to 16. Preferably, the drilled holes in the body to intersect one another and be parallel in the case when n is greater than 1. One or more rotatable shafts W n which in each case are concentrically arranged in one of the drilled holes of the body B n , have the axis of rotation A n and equipped with processing elements. The section profile of the shafts in the generatrix direction has m relative maximum R m max n of the radial extension value of the section profile to the axis A n of shaft rotation W n . Wherein M is an integer from 1 to 8. The maximum value R max n for the radial extension of the section profile to the axis A n of shaft rotation W n . Wherein, for R max n the relationship is the following: R max n <=(D n /2). A feeding zone, one or several degassing zones in each case including degassing opening suitable for withdrawal of volatile components of medium containing polymers from the extruder, an output zone. In terms of the processing elements, the extruder is equipped with screw elements SE with helix screw line movement t, which are designed so that at least two of the following three conditions are satisfied. 1) at the cross-section profile, for the radial extension of the profile curve, there is at least one relative maximum R m max n , for which it is true: 0.430 D n ≤R m max n <0.485 D n . 2) 1.60 D n <t<3.00 D n . 3) the cross-section profile of this particular screw element does not have active side surface on the front in the direction of rotation, in the region of the radial extension from 0.90 R max to R max of tangent angle b which is greater than 25°. The tangent angle b is defined as a smaller one among the two angles that are obtained by laying tangent to arbitrary point on profile section of the processing ...

03-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017127060A3

10-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2145281C1
Принадлежит: Фаррел Корпорейшн (US)

Изобретение относится к области многошнековых экструдеров-смесителей с совместно вращающимися взаимосцепленными шнеками, предназначенных для обработки пластмассы. Многошнековый экструдер-смеситель содержит узел корпуса и шнеки. Корпус включает две примыкающие друг к другу и имеющие форму кругового цилиндра секции, каждая из которых имеет внутреннюю стенку. Шнеки расположены внутри секций цилиндра экструдера и выполнены с обеспечением возможности вращения в одном и том же направлении вокруг оси вращения. Каждый шнек включает множество взаимосцепленных транспортирующих шнековых элементов и, по меньшей мере, одну группу взаимосцепленных несимметричных модульных смесительных элементов. Транспортирующие шнековые элементы установлены с обеспечением возможности демонтажа на приводимом во вращение валу и закреплены на нем шпонками. Каждый из модульных смесительных элементов также установлен с возможностью вращения и демонтажа на валу и закреплен на нем шпонками. Каждая группа несимметричных модульных ...

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004120704A

... 1. Многоэкструзионное устройство, отличающееся тем, что два вращающихся в одном направлении двухшнековых экструдера для смешивания экструдируемого материала и один вращающийся во встречном направлении двухшнековый экструдер в качестве органа создания давления соединены между собой по потоку. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что два вращающихся в одном направлении двухшнековых экструдера и вращающийся во встречном направлении двухшнековый экструдер расположены друг за другом. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что два вращающихся в одном направлении двухшнековых экструдера расположены параллельно друг другу, причем шнековые пары могут иметь одинаковые или встречные направления вращения, а за обоими вращающимися в одном направлении двухшнековыми экструдерами включен служащий для создания давления, вращающийся во встречном направлении двухшнековый экструдер. 4. Устройство по п.3, отличающееся тем, что соответственно один из имеющих разные направления вращения шнековых валов каждой ...

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007112118A

... 1. Шнек экструдера, состоящий из вала шнека с несколькими съемно насаживаемыми или насаженными на него элементами шнека, причем вал шнека имеет наружный зубчатый венец, а элементы шнека имеют входящий с ним в зацепление внутренний зубчатый венец, отличающийся тем, что профиль зубьев (23, 33) наружного и внутреннего зубчатых венцов (16а, 25а, 25b, 22а, 22b, 22с, 26а, 26b) является асимметричным, причем относительно предпочтительного направления (R) вращения шнека (12, 23а, 23b) передающие крутящий момент боковые поверхности (29, 31) зубьев (28, 33) наружного и внутреннего зубчатых венцов (16а, 25а, 25b, 22а, 22b, 22с, 26а, 26b) расположены под меньшим углом к нормалям (N) к оси (А) вращения, чем соответствующие противоположные боковые поверхности (30, 35) зубьев (28, 30) наружного и внутреннего зубчатых венцов (16а, 25а, 25b, 22а, 22b, 22с, 26а, 26b). 2. Шнек экструдера по п.1, отличающийся тем, что меньший угол составляет между 0° и 5°, а больший угол - между 45° и 15°. 3. Шнек экструдера ...

27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011101760A

... 1. Шнековые элементы для многовальных шнековых машин с попарно вращающимися в одном направлении и попарно точно очищающими друг друга скоблением шнековыми валами, отличающиеся тем, что создающий и создаваемый профили шнека характеризуются последовательностью «участок уплотнения - переходный участок - участок канала - переходный участок», причем участок уплотнения представляет собой последовательность «область гребня - боковая область - область гребня», участок канала представляет собой последовательность «область паза - боковая область - область паза», а переходный участок - это последовательность областей шнековых профилей которая начинается боковой областью и заканчивается также боковой областью. ! 2. Шнековые элементы по п.1, причем участок уплотнения характеризуется тем, что ! - боковой участок расположен относительно центра вращения профиля шнека под углом δ_fb1, который больше половины угла раскрытия между углами корпуса (δ_fb1≥arccos(0,5*a/ra)) или равен ей, и который предпочтительно ...

20-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012128348A

... 1. Способ создания двух тел K1 и K2, которые при равнонаправленном вращении с одинаковой скоростью вокруг двух расположенных параллельно друг другу на расстоянииосей A1 и A2 всегда по меньшей мере в одной точке соприкасаются друг с другом, отличающийся тем, что в некоторой плоскости Е перпендикулярно осям вращения образуется профиль сечения тела K1 посредством непрерывной, на отдельных участках непрерывно дифференцируемой, замкнутой, выпуклой кривой, а профиль сечения тела K2 образуется из кривойв соответствии с отношениемпричем- в каждой точке криваяимеет радиус кривизны ρ, который меньше расстоянияили равен ему;- для каждой точки кривойв пределах непрерывно дифференцируемого участка существует нормированный нормальный вектордлины 1, который в данной конкретной точке перпендикулярен касательной к кривойи указывает в направлении центра круга кривизны, принадлежащего к данной конкретной точке кривой;-представляет собой вектор, который проходит от точки пересечения S1 оси вращения A1 с плоскостью ...

27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011101758A

... 1. Шнековые элементы для многовальных шнековых машин с попарно вращающимися в одном направлении и попарно точно очищающими друг друга скоблением шнековыми валами, в каждом случае только с одним ходом шнека, с межосевым расстоянием а и наружным радиусом ra, отличающиеся тем, что сумма углов гребня пары валов меньше, чем а в случае профилей шнеков, обладающих осевой симметрией, ни один из центров боковых окружностей не лежит на перпендикуляре к оси симметрии профиля, проходящем через центр вращения. ! 2. Шнековые элементы по п.1, отличающиеся тем, что профиль поперечного сечения состоит предпочтительно из пяти или более дуг окружности с радиусом большим или равным нулю и меньшим или равным а, причем дуги окружности в своих конечных пунктах переходят друг в друга тангенциально. ! 3. Шнековые элементы по п.1, отличающиеся тем, что они выполнены как смесительные или транспортировочные элементы. !4. Шнековые элементы по п.1, отличающиеся тем, что они выполнены как месильные элементы. ! 5. Шнековые ...

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2522624C9

Изобретение относится к шнековым элементам для многовальных шнековых машин с попарно вращающимися в одном направлении и попарно точно очищающими друг друга скоблением шнековыми валами, применению таких шнековых элементов и способу изготовления этих шнековых элементов. Техническим результатом заявленного изобретения является снижение энергоподачи и оптимизация обработки продукта в многовальной шнековой машине. Технический результат достигается шнековыми элементами для многовальных шнековых машин с попарно вращающимися в одном направлении и попарно очищающими друг друга скоблением шнековыми валами. Шнековые элементы имеют два или более хода шнека Z с межосевым расстоянием А и наружным диаметром DE. Причем сумма углов гребня пары элементов больше 0 и меньше чема шнековые профили имеют зазоры в пределах от 0,001 до 0,1 относительно наружного диаметра DE. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 24 ил., 4 табл.

13-11-1997 дата публикации

Compounding machine for plasticisable materials

Номер: DE0019704866A1

Compounding equipment for plasticisable materials has two parallel shafts divided into three axial sections (4a,4b,4c), the first of which (4a) has processing elements (40) with a first radius and the second section (4b) has processing elements with a different radius. The shafts are contained in a housing with consecutive chambers (21,22,23) of corresponding diameter to the shaft sections. Processing elements (40,43) of the first (4a) and third (4c) sections have a twin start profile, while those (41,42) of the second section (4c) have a triple start profile. Furthermore the processing elements (40,43) in the first (4a) and third (4c) sections have a larger radius than those (41,42) in the second section (4b). Preferably processing elements (41,42) in the first section (4a) are conveying screws and in the second section(4b) are mixing and kneading elements. The housing is also divided into sections (1,2,3) corresponding to those of the shafts and the central housing section (2) with the ...

29-03-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002533195B2

12-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029720689U1

12-05-2005 дата публикации

Schneckenelement für gleichsinnig drehende Mehrschneckenextruder

Номер: DE0010114727B4

Schneckenelement mit einem Außenradius Ra und einem Kernradius Ri für Mehrschneckenextruder mit gleichsinnig drehenden und miteinander kämmenden Schneckenwellen, insbesondere für Doppelschneckenextruder, das im axialen Querschnitt durch seine Längsachse (10) ein Profil aufweist, das an den beiden axialen Stirnseiten (vordere Stirnseite 8, hintere Stirnseite 8') jeweils nur einen einem herkömmlichen eingängigen Schneckenelement für miteinander kämmende Schneckenwellen entsprechenden Schneckensteg (1, 1') aufweist, dessen Stegoberfläche zwischen einer linken (5, 5') und einer rechten Stegkante (6, 6') Teil einer Zylinderoberfläche mit dem Außenradius Ra ist, wobei jede Stirnseite (8, 8') einen kreisförmigen Grund (2, 2') mit dem Kernradius Ri der Schneckenwelle und eine linke (3, 3') und eine rechte Flanke (4, 4') aufweist, die den Grund (2, 2') mit der linken (5, 5') bzw. rechten Stegkante (6, 6') des Schneckenstegs (1, 1') verbindet, dadurch gekennzeichnet, - dass die Breite (Kammwinkel ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung einer Folie für elektrische Energiespeicher

Номер: DE102017211492A1

Bei einem Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Folie (2) für elektrische Energiespeicher, insbesondere für Batterien und Akkumulatoren, wird Polyethylen (5) und erwärmtes Öl (7) durch mindestens eine Zuführöffnung (33, 34) in mindestens zwei Gehäusebohrungen (23) einer Mehrwellen-Schneckenmaschine (3) zugeführt. In den mindestens zwei Gehäusebohrungen (23) sind mindestens zwei Behandlungselementwellen (26) drehantreibbar angeordnet, die jeweils mindestens ein dreigängig ausgebildetes Behandlungselement (43‘, 44‘, 45‘) aufweisen. Mittels der mindestens dreigängigen Behandlungselemente (43‘, 44‘, 45‘) wird durch Drehantreiben der mindestens zwei Behandlungselementwellen (26) aus dem Polyethylen (5) und dem Öl (7) eine Mischung (M) erzeugt. Aus der Mischung (M) wird anschließend die Folie (2) hergestellt. Dadurch, dass erwärmtes Öl (7) zugeführt wird, muss mittels der Mehrwellen-Schneckenmaschine (3) nur noch wenig Energie in das Polyethylen (5) eingebracht werden, um dieses aufzuschmelzen. Durch ...

09-04-1998 дата публикации

Compounder für plastifizierbare Massen

Номер: DE0029723087U1

21-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001471115A

... 1471115 Extruding cellular polymers GENERAL ENG CO (RADCLIFFE) Ltd 4 April 1974 [11 April 1973] 17490/73 Heading B5A Cellular plastics or rubber material is extruded Fig. 1, by at least one non-positive displacement screw extruder 10 delivering through a feed pipe 12 to a positive displacement means 13, which meters the material and delivers it at the required pressure to an extrusion die 14, the extruder 10 comprising a vent V through which a fluid blowing medium is introduced into the material, and a pressure sensing means (23), Fig. 5 (not shown) located on the extruder between its outlet and the vent V. The vent V, operates at partially filled flights of the screw. The apparatus separates the compounding function of the screw from the function of generating pressure for extruding through the die. The positive displacement means may comprise a gear pump, or an intermeshing positive displacement multi-screw pump. The non-positive screw extruder may comprise a single screw, or a plurality ...

25-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201314583D0

17-05-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001274907A

... 1,274,907. Screw mixers. R. P. FRITSCH. 14 Aug., 1969 [14 Aug., 1968], No. 40694/69. Heading B1C. [Also in Division B5] A single or multiple-intermeshing screw mixer or extruder has two inlets 1, 2 and a controllably variable throttling section 4 which generates back-pressure in a zone extending upstream at least as far as the downstream edge of the inlet 1. In operation the screw(s) are rotated at a constant speed and the primary component is fed ad lib to the inlet 1 and will be taken up at a rate dependent on the back pressure. Conventional means (not described) are provided to meter other mixture components into the inlet 2, downstream of the throttling section 4, in dependence upon the rate of introduction of the primary component. As shown a slide 6 enables both the throttling section 4 and the position of the downstream edge of the inlet 1 to be adjusted. There are cavities 8 for a heating or cooling medium. The principal component in the form of slabs may be fed by a vacuum lift ...

27-06-1962 дата публикации

Screw press for heat mouldable synthetic plastics

Номер: GB0000899743A

... 899,743. Compression mixers. BERSTORFF MASCHINENBAU - ANSTALT G.m.b.H., HERMANN. Feb. 27, 1961 [Feb. 25, 1960], No. 7084/61. Class 86. A compression mixing machine has intermeshing tapered screws 2, 3 arranged vertically one above the other; their flights may have slots around the periphery, see Fig. 2 (not shown). There may be passages 5, 6 for a heat exchange medium.

07-08-1968 дата публикации

Screw press for the synthetic plastic extrusion.

Номер: OA0000001021A

20-09-1969 дата публикации

Improvement with the screw slubbing machines for the thermoplastic matter extrusion.

Номер: OA0000001643A

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405405T

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000359165T

27-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000394051B

PCT No. PCT/AT89/00117 Sec. 371 Date Jun. 5, 1991 Sec. 102(e) Date Jun. 5, 1991 PCT Filed Dec. 6, 1989 PCT Pub. No. WO90/06218 PCT Pub. Date Jun. 14, 1990.A shaped part comprises a body of plastic material, more than 50% of the volume of the shaped part consisting of plastic waste particles and particles of impurity distributed therethrough and embedded therein. The plastic waste particles have a flow point or more than 80 DEG C. and a length of less than 6 mm, up to 70% of the volume of the shaped part comprising plastic waste particles having a flow point exceeding the maximum processing temperature of the plastic material of the body. A portion of the plastic waste particles have a wall thickness of more than 0.5 mm and the remaining portion thereof has a wall thickness of less than 0.5 mm. Particles of the plastic material, plastic waste and impurities are mixed, the plastic material particles are plasticized at a processing temperature of 150 DEG C. to 210 DEG C. while the mixture ...

10-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000392932B

10-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000325295B

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000324969T

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000431237T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503371B1

A device for processing material by mixing and/or plasticization or agglomeration has a screw housing, in which at least two screws are situated adjacent to one another. The screw channels are engaged with one another. The screws are driven to rotate by at least one motor. The screws are supplied with the material through an intake opening of the screw housing and the processed material leaves the screw housing through at least one outlet opening. An apparatus is provided, which in operation of the device provides the gap which exists between adjacent screw channels of the screws alternately with a periodic enlargement or reduction, which is superimposed on the rotational movements of the two screws. In the method for material processing, the material, in addition to the compaction which is caused by the conveyance action of the screws, is subjected to periodic squeezing by the screws.

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503371A1

15-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA550880A

15-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: ATA169289A

15-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: ATA299288A

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000541691T

15-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000519286B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Doppelschneckenextruder (1) - insbesondere einen gegensinnig drehenden Doppelschneckenextrudern (1) - zum Mischen eines Schmelzstromes, mit einem Schneckenvorraum (8, 10) mit einer ersten Schnecke (3) und einer zweiten Schnecke (4). Aufgabe der Erfindung ist es, einen Doppelschneckenextruder anzugeben, der eine gute Temperaturdurchmischung erreicht. Erfindungsgemäß wird das dadurch gelöst, dass die erste Schnecke (3) eine Verlängerung in Form einer Misch-Schneckenspitze (6) aufweist, wobei die Misch-Schneckenspitze (6) mit der ersten Schnecke (3) fest verbunden ist, wobei ein erster Schmelzekanal (23) in dem die erste Schnecke (3) angeordnet ist zu einem zweiten Schmelzekanal (24), in dem die zweite Schnecke (4) angeordnet ist, über einen länglichen Schlitz (20) strömungsverbunden angeordnet ist.

12-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000376397B

25-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405262B

26-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411663B

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509754T

15-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000139176T

15-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000116899T

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000277741T

26-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343362B

15-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000177677T

02-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008203987A

11-11-2004 дата публикации

A method for producing expanded polymeric materials and an extruder for carrying it out

Номер: AU0000777984B2

17-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000638063B2

23-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002784913A1

The invention relates to novel screw feed elements for multi-shaft screw feeding machines having screw feed profiles rotating in the same direction in pairs and precisely abrading in pairs, to the use of the screw feed elements in multi-shaft screw feeding machines, and to a method for extruding viscoelastic masses.

17-03-1970 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000836936A

08-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1124973A

A self-cleaning type extruder including a cylinder and at least two screws therein adapted to rotate in the same directions, said screws being in such a relation that at any position in at least a part of the screws which lies in the longitudinal direction of the extruder, the contour of one screw in a cylinder cross-section taken at right angles to the screw axes is in substantial contact at one point with the contour in the same cross-section of another screw intermeshing therewith; wherein each of said screws has at least two screw flights, and the top of at least one of the screw flights is substantially in contact with the inner wall surface of the cylinder and the top of at least one other screw flight has a predetermined tip clearance with respect to the inner wall surface of the cylinder.

09-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1085126A

A MULTI-SHAFT SCREW EXTRUDER The screw extruder is provided with screw shafts arranged so as to intermesh in pairs and rotate in pairs in the same sense, each screw shaft of a pair containing at least one double or triple threaded pressure build-up section corresponding to that of the other screw shaft. At least part of the pressure build-up sections have at least a ratio of screw pitch t to housing inner diameter d within the range: 0.7.f(h/d, .delta./d, q/nd3) Подробнее

15-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001311340C

An apparatus for preheating and dosing plastic which is to be fed to an extruder consists of a housing 3 with a heatable casing and a double worm screw (1,2) mounted at both ends in the housing 3 and turning oppositely. The two worm screws (1,2) of the double worm screw are hollow, such that the hollow cavity (8) serves to accept a heating medium, for example hot water, for the purpose of heating the worm screws (1,2). The apparatus allows the working material to be uniformly heated, and precisely metered to the extruder. (Fig. 2).

26-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002626693A1

25-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002989360C

The present invention discloses a biaxial or tri-axial eccentric rotor volume pulsed deformation plasticizing method and device. The method is characterized in that: the conveying volume of materials formed between two or three engaged eccentric rotors, which are formed by spiral structures and eccentric cylindrical structures connected alternately, and an inner surface of a stator changes periodically along the axial direction and the radial direction of the rotors, achieving the volume pulsed deformation plasticizing and conveying of the materials during engaged rotation of the two or three engaged eccentric rotors. The device's eccentric rotors are all formed by length-varying spiral structures and eccentric cylindrical structures connected alternately; the spiral structures of the eccentric rotors are engaged to each other; the axial positions of eccentric cylindrical structures of the two or three rotors are the same.

04-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002154459A1

An apparatus for heating and blending highly filled thermoplastic material, such as the PVC compounds used in making plastic pipe, prior to delivering the material into the barrel of an extruder. The apparatus has an elongated housing (34) which contains two feed screws (50) that are driven to rotate in the same direction. Controlled heating is provided by electric band heaters (102) which encircle the exterior of the housing (34), and electric cartridge heating elements fitted into aluminum cores that are received by an axial bore in each of the feed screws (50). The use of co-rotating screws and precisely controlled supplemental heat is effective in delivering a constant flow of material to the extruder without localized heating or compacting.

17-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002173220C

A process for continuously producing a chewing gum base comprises the steps of continuously adding an elastomer, a filler and a plasticizer into a continuous mixer, subsjecting the elastomer, filler and plasticizer a highly distributive mixing operation followed by a restriction element and continuously discharging the resulting chewing gum base from the mixer while the adding and mixing steps are in progress.

02-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002264807A1

A multiple-screw extruder in which paired screws, or segments thereof, contain unequal numbers of flights; and a screw for use in such extruder.

31-10-1956 дата публикации

Schneckenpresse für plastische Massen

Номер: CH0000316867A

28-02-1953 дата публикации

Pressa a vite per l'estrusione di materie plastische.

Номер: CH0000289135A

31-03-1971 дата публикации

Misch- und Knetmaschine

Номер: CH0000504889A

31-05-1968 дата публикации

Extruder für Kunststoffe und Verfahren zum Betrieb des Extruders

Номер: CH0000456937A
Принадлежит: PME HOLDING AG

30-09-1972 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Aufarbeiten von Kunststoffabfällen

Номер: CH0000528352A

15-10-1982 дата публикации

Machine for the continuous processing of a viscous composition

Номер: CH0000632445A5

Transport screws (10, 10a) intermeshing in pairs operate in an elongated housing (B). At a flow control point (U), the transport screws (10, 10a) are equipped with throttle rings (42-43a, 43-42a) which are disposed opposite one another in the transverse direction. At the flow control point, flow control elements (S) are provided which cooperate with the throttle ring pairs in such a manner that, in a specific adjustment position, they divert the material being processed away from a vent opening (100). Vacuum devolatilisation of the material being processed is made possible by means of the vent opening. ...

15-07-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000589511A5

31-07-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000602171A5
Принадлежит: BAYER AG

30-11-1983 дата публикации

Twin-screw extruder

Номер: CH0000639596A5

15-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000677309A5
Принадлежит: BUEHLER AG

23-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003045441A1

Installation d'extrusion destinée à la fabrication d'un profilé coextrudé P pour pneumatiques réalisé à base de mélanges de caoutchouc de différentes compositions, comportant un dispositif de profilage (30) agencé en sortie d'au moins deux canaux d'écoulement (34,35) de mélanges caoutchouteux de composition différente. Selon l'invention, lesdits canaux reçoivent les mélanges en provenance d'extrudeuses bi-vis (10,20) contrarotatives à filets interpénétrés et profils conjugués.

22-09-2015 дата публикации

bomba de massa fundida para criação de pressão para compressão de massa fundida de plástico por uma ferramenta

Номер: BR102014031751A2

16-04-2018 дата публикации

Thermally vulcanisable adhesive and adhesive strip produced therefrom

Номер: TW0201814018A

The invention relates to a thermally vulcanisable, meltable, preferably touch-sensitive adhesive, comprising a meltable polybutadiene-polyurethane, ground sulphur and optionally at least one vulcanisation accelerator, at least one filling material, at least one epoxide resin, at least one tackifier resin, bitumen, at least one softener and further auxiliary and additive materials, wherein said adhesive can be thermally vulcanised within a temperature range of 130 DEG C to 230 DEG C, such that same, as well as an adhesive strip produced from same, can be used for adhesion and/or sealing in the automotive industry, as well as in structural work on oiled sheet metal, and in the painting line on e-coated or otherwise painted sheet metal, for example, for crimp fold adhesion, for crimp fold sealing, for seam sealing, for lining adhesion, for hole closure and much more.

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: BE0001021055B1

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing fully cooked extrudates with significantly reduced specific mechanical energy inputs

Номер: US20120092952A1
Принадлежит: Wenger Manufacturing LLC

Improved extruders and methods for the extrusion cooking of comestible products such as human foods or animal feeds are provided wherein the products may be produced with very low specific mechanical energy (SME) inputs as compared with conventional processing. The methods preferably involve introduction of very high levels of steam into the extruder barrel during processing, which concomitantly reduces necessary SME inputs required to achieve desired cook and expansion levels in the products. In accordance with the invention, fully-cooked pet foods can be fabricated with SME inputs of up to about 18 kWhr/T, whereas aquatic feeds can be fabricated with SME inputs of up to about 16 kWhr/T.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Feeding device having a double-disk feed having a separated drive and method for operating such a feeding device

Номер: US20120118916A1
Принадлежит: Netzsch Pumpen and Systeme GmbH

A feeding device for an in-line screw machine with a shaft rotating in a feed container. A conveying screw is arranged in the direction toward the longitudinal axis of the rotating shaft. At least one disk wheel is allocated to each longitudinal side in the feed container. A separate drive is allocated to each disk wheel for purposes of rotational movement.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Seal ring

Номер: US20120146292A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A seal ring is provided which allows the interior of a cylinder 1 of a screw extruder to be maintained at elevated temperature and elevated pressure, thus suppressing a variation in the pressure in the cylinder 1. In a special seal ring 300 attached to a screw shaft 7 in the cylinder of the screw extruder so as to be rotatable integrally with the screw shaft 7, thus restraining a material to be treated from being fed from upstream to downstream in the cylinder, a lead groove 317 extending in an axial direction of the shaft 7 is formed in an outer circumferential surface 316 opposing with a predetermined gap to an inner circumferential surface 1 a of the cylinder. The lead groove 317 serves to disturb the flow of the material to be treated passing between the outer circumferential surface 316 and the inner wall surface 1 a of the cylinder 1 to complex the flow. This stabilizes feeding resistance to suppress a variation in the pressure in the cylinder 1.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for starting up a processing plant for producing plastics material granulate and processing plant for producing plastics material granulate

Номер: US20130285276A1
Принадлежит: Coperion GmbH

In a processing plant for producing plastics material granulate, the start-up takes place in such a way that a screw machine is firstly driven by means of a drive device and then plastics material to be processed is fed by means of a metering device into the screw machine. At least one conveying position of the plastics material in the screw machine is determined by means of a control device by evaluating at least one measuring signal. Depending on the conveying position determined, a granulating device is activated and put into operation. The method according to the invention allows a direct start-up of the processing plant without the use of a start-up valve. This ensures an easy and safe start-up of the processing plant.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for producing polymer agglomerates

Номер: US20140027937A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a device ( 1 ) for producing polymer agglomerates, comprising a compounder ( 2 ) having a housing ( 21 ) and a twin screw ( 22 ) arranged therein as well as a plurality of material inlets ( 3, 4 ) for admission of a polymer and additives, tempering units for heating the mix comprising polymer and additives, at least one degassing unit ( 5 ) and an outlet ( 23 ) and an agglomerating vessel ( 11 ) having an agglomerating tool ( 8 ) and a cooling tool ( 10 ). The agglomerating vessel ( 11 ) is connected via a connection channel ( 6 ) to the outlet ( 23 ) of the compounder ( 2 ), wherein the twin screw ( 22 ) of the compounder ( 2 ) is designed as a co-rotating twin Screw ( 22 ) and the agglomerating tool ( 8 ) of the agglomerating vessel ( 11 ) is arranged in the fall direction of the mix below the connection channel ( 6 ) and comprises mutually engaging rotors ( 81 ) and stators ( 82 ) for producing agglomerates of defined particle size. The invention further relates to a method for producing polymer agglomerates.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Continuous flow dryer for treating bulk material

Номер: US20180003439A9
Автор: Michael Thomas
Принадлежит: Individual

A continuous flow dryer system according to various embodiments can include a source for supplying a material to be treated having a high moisture content, such as a distiller wet grain, a profile screw compression dryer, a profile screw, and a drive coupled to the profile screw for axially rotating the profile screw. The profile screw compression dryer includes an inlet for receiving the material for drying, which is fed therein in a controlled manner. The profile screw is provided within the housing of the dryer. The profile screw has a diameter that increases in dimension in a direction away from the inlet for increasing the compressive force applied to the material to assist with drying as the profile screw rotates and moves the material longitudinally along the profile screw to produce a final product, for example, a distiller dried grain for use as an animal feed.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023554A1

A co-rotating self-cleaning two-screw extruder with a gradual number of threads and through self-cleaning function, and a processing method using the same, are disclosed. The screw assembly in the extruder includes a first screw () and a second screw () that co-rotate at the same speed in engagement; the first screw () includes a first single threaded element, a first transition element, a multiple threaded element, a second transition element and a second single threaded element that are connected in sequence; and the second screw () includes a first single threaded element, a third transition element, a multiple threaded element, a fourth transition element and a second single threaded element that are connected in sequence. The materials are transferred by rotation of the first () and second screws (), and get their respective compositions mixed based on the structure of a gradual number of threads; with the flow passage expanded, contracted and re-expanded in shape in sequence, the materials undergo the single-to-multiple threaded, multiple-to-single threaded and again single-to-multiple threaded chaotic mixing in sequence; and the first and second screws achieve the self-cleaning effect by wiping each other. 1. A co-rotating self-cleaning two-screw extruder with a gradual number of threads and through self-cleaning function , comprising a barrel and a screw assembly , the screw assembly being located in a barrel chamber of the barrel , characterized in that: the screw assembly includes a first screw and a second screw , which co-rotate at the same speed in engagement; the first screw includes a first single threaded element , a first transition element , a multiple threaded element , a second transition element and a second single threaded element that are connected in sequence; and the second screw correspondingly includes a first single threaded element , a third transition element , a multiple threaded element , a fourth transition element and a second ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Distiller grain production device

Номер: US20170042212A1
Автор: Michael R. Thomas
Принадлежит: Nationwide 5 LLC

A device for producing a high density compact livestock feed from a loose granular material according to various embodiment can include a source for supplying a loose granular material to be treated and moving the treated material through a series of successive treatment zones. Rotatable screws are provided within an extruder to compress and transport the treated material a die. The treated material is pressed through the die while a two-dimensional cross-section compression is applied to the treated material.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Biaxially stretched polyester film, method of producing same, and solar cell module

Номер: US20140158195A1
Автор: Yukio Shirokura
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

Provided is a biaxially stretched polyester film in which a thickness is from 200 μm to 800 μm, fracture strength in both a longitudinal stretching direction and a lateral stretching direction is from 180 MPa to 300 MPa, an internal haze (Hin) is from 0.3% to 20%, a difference (ΔH=Hsur−Hin) between an external haze (Hsur) and the internal haze (Hin) is 2% or less, and an intrinsic viscosity is from 0.68 to 0.90, a method of the biaxially stretched polyester film, a solar cell power generation module using the biaxially stretched polyester film.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Reactive twin-screw extrusion valve

Номер: US20180079964A1

A system for the production of carbonized biomass that includes an infeed for accepting biomass feed material and an associated twin screw extruder. A water heater is connected with respect to at least one inlet along a length of the twin screw extruder and a pressure sustaining valve is connected at an outlet of the twin screw extruder.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143894A1
Автор: DREGER Henning

In a method for producing batteries in which a suspension with a variable product parameter is extruded in an extrusion process by means of an extruder as an electrode paste, a number of extrusion parameters of the extrusion process are determined, an extruder-specific stress model is calculated on the basis of the extrusion parameters, and the extrusion process is controlled in an open loop and/or regulated, i.e., controlled in a closed loop, on the basis of the stress model. 1. A method for producing batteries , comprising:extruding a suspension with a variable product parameter as an electrode paste in an extrusion process by means of an extruder,determining a number of extrusion parameters of the extrusion process,calculating an extruder-specific stress model on the basis of the extrusion parameters, andcontrolling the extrusion process in an open loop and/or a closed loop on the basis of the stress model.2. The method as recited in claim 1 ,wherein the product parameter used is a dispersion of conductive particles in the suspension, andwherein the stress model is calculated for a continuous dispersion of the conductive particles in the suspension.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in order to calculate the stress mode claim 2 , a product characteristic (d) of the conductive particles is correlated with a specific energy required to deagglomerate the conductive particles with the product characteristic.4. The method as recited in claim 3 , wherein the product characteristic used is a particle size of the conductive particles.5. The method as recited in claim 3 , wherein the specific energy is determined as a function of a shear stress and a degree of filling and of a density of suspension as extrusion parameters.6. The method as recited in claim 5 , wherein the shear stress is determined by a shear rate test claim 5 , on the basis of a measured flow curve claim 5 , and on the basis of geometrical properties of the extruder as extrusion ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Polyarylene sulfide-derived resin composition and insert molded body

Номер: US20170096557A1
Принадлежит: Polyplastics Co Ltd

A polyarylene sulfide-derived resin composition which has flowability optimal for insert molding and which can impart superior high- and low-temperature impact properties to a molded body, and an insert-molded body using the resin composition. The resin composition includes a polyarylene sulfide resin having carboxylic terminal groups, an olefin-derived copolymer, glass fibers and calcium carbonate. The weight-average molecular weight of the polyarylene sulfide resin is 15,000-40,000; as copolymerization components, the olefin-derived copolymer includes α-olefins, glycidyl esters of α,β-unsaturated acids, and acrylic esters, and the content of the copolymerization component derived from the glycidyl esters in the resin composition is 0.2-0.6 mass %. Further, the fiber diameter of the glass fibers is 9-13 μm, the average particle diameter of the calcium carbonate is 10-50 μm, and the total content of glass fibers and the calcium carbonate is 45-55 mass % of the resin composition.

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Screw to be used in an extruder and extruder

Номер: US20180099447A1
Автор: Helmut Meyer

A screw used in an extruder and an extruder having such a screw, in particular a screw used in a multiple-screw extruder and a multiple-screw extruder uses an additional connecting element directly leading from one segment to the next in order to relieve the mandrel. The screw includes a mandrel and a plurality of segments borne by the mandrel and arranged axially with respect to one another, a segment border between a first segment and an axially adjacent second segment has a separate cylindrical connecting element adapted to transmit a torque over the segment border. The ratio of a length of the connecting element to the diameter of the connecting element is higher than 11.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176591A1

A mixing and extrusion machine () for the manufacture of rubber mixtures includes a mixer with a converging conical twin-screw () with a fixed frame () that supports sleeves (). Two screws (), being mounted at an angle, are mounted in the mixer () in such a way as to move in translational movement between an opening () arranged upstream and an outlet () arranged downstream of the sleeves. The screws are mounted in the sleeves with removable doors including sliding shutters () installed relative to the outlet (). The sliding shutters move linearly between a closed position, in which the sliding shutters prevent the mixer from discharging the mixture, and an open position, in which the sliding shutters prevent discharge of the mixture through the sides of two counter-rotating rollers () of a roller nose type system located just downstream of the outlet. 11010. A mixing and extrusion machine () for the production of rubber mixtures , the machine () comprising:{'b': 12', '14', '16', '18', '22', '24', '10', '25', '12', '20', '25, 'a converging conical twin-screw mixer () with a fixed frame () that supports sleeves () in which two screws () are mounted at an angle between an opening () disposed upstream of the sleeves, where an introduction hopper () of the machine () feeds the screws, and an outlet () disposed downstream of the sleeves, where the mixer () discharges the mixture at the end of a mixing cycle, one or more motors () that rotate the two screws in the sleeves during the mixing cycle, and one or more removable doors provided at the outlet () to allow, during the mixing cycle, the discharge and shaping of a rubber mixture,'}{'b': 16', '40', '25', '12', '32', '25', '12, 'wherein the screws are mounted in the sleeves () with the removable doors that conform to the shape of the screws, the removable doors comprising sliding shutters () installed relative to the outlet () so that the sliding shutters move linearly between a closed position, in which the sliding ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138711A1

A twin screw extruder () for producing a fiber-reinforced resin composition, which is obtained by charging the extruder with a thermoplastic resin and reinforcing fibers in roving form and the reinforcing fibers being fibrillated/cut and being dispersed/kneaded into the thermoplastic resin, comprises: a plate-shaped blade (), which protrudes from the inner surface of a cylinder () and faces a screw () and the longitudinal direction of which faces the axial direction of the cylinder; and a height adjustment means () for adjusting the gap between the blade () and the screw (). 1. A twin screw extruder for producing a fiber-reinforced resin composition , in which a thermoplastic resin and roving-like reinforced fibers are fed and the reinforced fibers are defibrated and cut to be dispersed and kneaded in the thermoplastic resin , the extruder comprising:a plate-shaped blade protruding from an inner surface of a cylinder and facing a screw, a length direction of the blade being directed in a cylinder axis direction; andheight adjustment means for adjusting a gap between the blade and the screw.2. The twin screw extruder according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , on an upstream side of the blade claim 1 ,a torpedo screw; anda protrusion member suspended from a cylinder neck portion of the cylinder to face the torpedo screw.3. The twin screw extruder according to claim 2 , wherein the torpedo screw and the protrusion member are provided in an intermediate portion of a full-flight screw.4. The twin screw extruder according to claim 2 , wherein the torpedo screw and the protrusion member are provided in a joint portion of the full-flight screw and a reverse flight screw.5. A twin screw extruder comprising a plate-shaped blade protruding from an inner surface of a cylinder and facing a screw claim 2 , a length direction of the blade being directed in the cylinder axis direction claim 2 ,wherein the blade is configured such that a gap between the blade and the screw ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Twin screw extruder

Номер: US20140197566A1
Автор: Fares D. ALSEWAILEM

An extruder is disclosed, and more particularly, a twin screw extruder for mixing, compounding, kneading and/or extruding of materials. The twin screw extruder includes a barrel assembly having a housing. The twin screw extruder further includes a first screw provided within the housing and comprising threads. The twin screw extruder further includes a second screw provided within the housing and comprising a threaded portion and a shaft portion devoid of threads. A drive system which drives the first screw and the second screw.

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Extruder screw, extruder, and method for producing an extruder screw

Номер: US20140199424A1
Автор: Michael Behling

An extruder screw includes an extruder shaft and at least one extruder segment The extruder shaft has a prismatic mandrel having external teeth and a longitudinal mandrel axis. The extruder segment has internal teeth and a longitudinal internal-teeth axis and can be slid onto the mandrel, such that the extruder segment can be connected to the mandrel for rotation therewith. The internal teeth have a profile having a meshing profile and, in an inner area between the first and second end faces of the extruder segment, include a prismatic main profile that has a main cross-section. Furthermore, the internal teeth of the extruder segment have an edge profile adjacent to at least one end face of the extruder segment, which edge profile has a smaller edge cross-section than the main profile at least in the area of the meshing profile.

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162625A1
Автор: Walsh Conor James

An extruder that includes: an extruder barrel with an inlet end and a discharge end; a rotatable screw element disposed axially within the barrel with a screw inlet end proximate the inlet end and a screw discharge end proximate the discharge end of the barrel; a shaft extending axially through the screw element and comprising a central bore with an opening proximate to the inlet end of the barrel and extending through the shaft to a closed terminal end; and a coolant delivery conduit extending axially within the bore comprising a coolant inlet end proximate to the inlet end of the barrel and a coolant discharge end. The closed terminal end of the bore is located at a predetermined distance upstream from the screw discharge end. Further, the coolant discharge end is located within the bore and proximate to the closed terminal end of the bore. 1. An extruder for extruding structures from a ceramic-forming mixture , the extruder comprising:an extruder barrel for conveying the mixture, the barrel comprising an inlet end and a discharge end;a rotatable screw element disposed axially within the extruder barrel, the screw element comprising a screw inlet end proximate the inlet end of the barrel and a screw discharge end proximate the discharge end of the barrel;a shaft extending axially through the screw element , the shaft comprising a central bore, the bore comprising an opening proximate to the inlet end of the extruder barrel and extending through the shaft to a closed terminal end; anda coolant delivery conduit extending axially within the central bore comprising a coolant inlet end proximate to the inlet end of the extruder barrel and a coolant discharge end,wherein the closed terminal end of the central bore is located at a predetermined distance upstream from the screw discharge end, andfurther wherein the coolant discharge end is located within the bore and proximate to the closed terminal end of the central borewherein the extruder barrel comprises a plurality ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210163713A1

The invention relates to compositions comprising composite materials comprised of discontinuous fibers and one or more polymers and/or oligomers. The invention relates to methods of making the same. The composite materials can be in the form of compositions, composite sheets, laminates, pellets, and/or shaped composite products. 1. A method for preparing a polymer composite composition comprising:mixing discontinuous fibers and one or more polymers and/or oligomers to form a mixture in an extruder; wherein said polymer and/or oligomer is a thermoplastic or a thermoset; and wherein said discontinuous fibers are aramid fibers, carbon fibers, ceramic fibers, glass fibers, polymeric fibers, or mineral-based fibers, or a combination thereof;rolling the mixture to form the polymer composite composition into a sheet, wherein the rolling orients the discontinuous fibers in one direction; andwherein one or more stages of the method minimize the fiber length attrition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said discontinuous fibers comprise aramid fibers claim 1 , carbon fibers claim 1 , glass fibers claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said extruder is a single-screw or twin-screw extruder.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises drawing the sheet after the rolling step claim 1 , and wherein the drawing further orients the discontinuous fibers in the same direction.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the discontinuous fiber is present in the composite sheet at a load of between about 2 wt. % and about 75 wt. %; and wherein the polymer and/or oligomer can be present in the composite at a load of between about 25 wt. % and about 98 wt. %.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the extruder feeds into a rolling process through a die that is larger than the extruder opening claim 1 , through a die that is the same size as the extruder opening claim 1 , or without passing the extrudate through a die.7. The method of claim 1 , further ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Biodegradable polyester composition and uses thereof

Номер: US20180142097A1
Принадлежит: Carbios SA

The present invention relates to plastic composition comprising at least one polyester, biological entities having a polyester-degrading activity and at least an anti-acid filler, wherein the biological entities represent less than 11% by weight, based on the total weight of the plastic composition, and uses thereof for manufacturing biodegradable plastic articles.

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220288831A1
Автор: Tieben Michael

A sealing device for sealing the intermediate space between a housing and a shaft rotatably mounted in the housing, having a first plate-shaped body with a front face, a rear face, and a first opening, which extends from the front face to the rear face and is suitable for feeding through the shaft, and having a cooling line, which runs in the body and is suitable for conducting a cooling medium. The first body is suitable for being tightly secured to the housing such that the shaft rotatably mounted in the housing is guided through the first opening. The first opening is suitable for introducing sealant such that the sealant seals an intermediate space between the shaft and the first body. The cooling line is guided around the first opening between a cooling line inlet and a cooling line outlet for the cooling medium such that heat produced from rotating the shaft can be dissipated by the cooling medium in a spatially homogenous manner. 1100200310. A sealing device () for sealing the intermediate space between a housing () and a shaft () rotatably mounted in the housing , having:{'b': 110', '120', '310, 'a first plate-shaped body () with a front face, a rear face and a first opening (), which extends from the front face to the rear face and is suitable for feeding through the shaft ();'}{'b': 170', '110', '110', '200', '310', '200', '120, 'a cooling line () which runs in the body () and is suitable for directing a cooling medium; wherein the first body () is suitable for being tightly secured to the housing () such that the shaft (), rotatably mounted in the housing (), is guided through the first opening ();'}{'b': 120', '140', '140', '310', '110, 'the first opening () is configured for introducing sealants () such that the sealants () seal an intermediate space between the shaft () and the first body (); and'}{'b': 170', '120', '172', '174', '310, 'the cooling line () is guided continuously around the first opening () between a cooling line inlet () and a cooling ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190152119A1

A method of extruding a material including a binder and one or more energetic fillers and using an installation including an extruder including a sheath having at least one extrusion screw present therein, the extruder having at least one acoustic sensor fastened on the sheath, and a monitor system suitable for detecting an anomaly as a function of the acoustic signal picked up by the acoustic sensor, the monitor system being configured to measure variations in the amplitude of the acoustic signal picked up by the acoustic sensor, the method including an extrusion step for extruding the material through the extruder during which the acoustic signal picked up by the sensor is analyzed by the monitor system, and a detection step for detecting variation in the composition of the extruded material from variation in the amplitude of the acoustic signal. 1. A method of extruding a material comprising a binder and one or more energetic fillers and using an installation comprising:an extruder comprising a sheath having at least one extrusion screw present therein, the extruder having at least one acoustic sensor fastened on the sheath; anda monitor system configured to detect an anomaly as a function of the acoustic signal picked up by the acoustic sensor, the monitor system being configured to measure variations in the amplitude of the acoustic signal picked up by the acoustic sensor;the method comprisingan extrusion step for extruding the material through the extruder during which the acoustic signal picked up by the sensor is analyzed by the monitor system, anda detection step for detecting variation in the composition of the extruded material from variation in the amplitude of the acoustic signal.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein a variation in the binder/filler ratio is detected during the detection step.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the extruder includes at least two extrusion screws.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Modified tire sealant mixing device

Номер: US20170165872A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

A mixing and extrusion machine for tire sealant materials of the type comprising: a dump extruder equipped with conical converging twin screws located in a batching chamber, said chamber having a low pressure feeding area and a high pressure ducted area; a removable blind flange for temporarily sealing the outlet of said batching chamber so that said material is forced to recirculate between said duct area and said feeding area within said batching chamber, said chamber thereby also acting as a compounding chamber; and an inlet port located in the high pressure ducted area, the inlet port capable of introducing a diluent during mixing of a tire sealant material.

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Kneading method for fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin, plasticizing device, and extruding machine

Номер: US20210197420A1
Принадлежит: Japan Steel Works Ltd

The present invention provides a kneading method for a fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin with which dispersibility of reinforcement fibers is enhanced and sufficient reinforcement fibers having a proper fiber length remain, and a fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin plasticizing device and an extruding machine for carrying out the method. The kneading method comprises supplying a thermoplastic resin and reinforcement fibers into a cylinder of a plasticizing device, and rotating a screw to obtain a fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin, wherein the size of a clearance between the bore of the cylinder and the screw is made different between an upstream side in the vicinity of a reinforcement fiber loading port and a downstream side, so that the clearance becomes larger from the vicinity of the reinforcement fiber loading port toward the downstream side compared with the upstream side.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Oxygen Scavenging Compositions, Articles Containing Same, and Methods of Their Use

Номер: US20200165051A1

The disclosure relates to oxygen scavenging compositions, methods of making the compositions, articles prepared from the compositions, and methods of making the articles. This abstract is intended as a scanning tool for purposes of searching in the particular art and is not intended to be limiting of the present invention. 1. An oxygen scavenging master batch composition consisting of:(a) one or more transition metal compounds; and(b) one or more oxygen scavenger compounds;wherein the one or more transition metal compounds is present in an amount greater than about 500 ppm (by metal) based on the total weight of the oxygen scavenging master batch composition.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more transition metal compounds comprises cobalt.3. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the one or more transition metal compounds is a cobalt carboxylate claim 3 , a cobalt neodecanoate claim 3 , or a combination thereof.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more oxygen scavenger compounds comprises an N-allylic amine or N-benzylic amide.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more oxygen scavenger compounds is present in a weight percent amount of about 50% to about 90%.7. A method of making an oxygen scavenging master batch composition comprising the step of combining:(a) one or more transition metal compounds; and(b) one or more oxygen scavenger compounds;under conditions effective to provide an oxygen scavenging master batch composition;wherein the one or more transition metal compounds is present in an amount greater than about 500 ppm (by metal) weight percent based on the weight of the oxygen scavenging master batch composition,wherein the oxygen scavenging master batch composition consists of the one or more transition metal compounds and the one or more oxygen scavenger compounds.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the one or more transition metal compounds comprises cobalt.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the one or more ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Hot viscous raw material leaving a cooler perforated body cooling a cutter

Номер: US20160185012A1

An embodiment of the invention relates to an apparatus for manufacturing particles, wherein the apparatus comprises a supply unit adapted for supplying a viscous raw material, a perforated body having a plurality of perforations and arranged to receive the viscous raw material from the supply unit to flow through the plurality of perforations, and a cutter arranged so that the viscous raw material flowing out of the plurality of perforations is cut into the particles by the cutter, wherein the apparatus is configured so that, during manufacturing the particles, a temperature of at least a portion of the perforated body is lower than a temperature of the viscous raw material flowing through the plurality of perforations, wherein the perforated body and the cutter are arranged relative to one another such that the cutter is cooled by thermal exchange with the perforated body during operation of the apparatus.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180202A1
Принадлежит: BOSTIK SA

The invention concerns a method for preparing an adhesive composition using an extruder having at least two rotating screws, successively comprising: 1. A method for preparing an adhesive composition , using an extruder having at least two rotating screws , successively comprising:feeding at least one plasticizer into the extruder;degassing the plasticizer in the extruder;feeding at least one silylated prepolymer and mixing the latter with the plasticizer in the extruder; anddischarging the mixture from the extruder.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the extruder is a co-rotating claim 1 , intermeshing twin-screw extruder.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the extruder has a geometry defined by the ratio of the outer diameter of the screws to the inner diameter of the screws claim 1 , De/Di claim 1 , being 1.3 to 1.8.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the extruder is defined by a multiple of the diameter D of the screws claim 1 , being 28D to 100D.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the silylated prepolymer has a main chain selected from among a main polyether chain claim 1 , main polyether-polyurethane chain claim 1 , main polyester chain claim 1 , main polyester-polyurethane chain claim 1 , main polyether-polyester-polyurethane chain claim 1 , main polyolefin chain claim 1 , main polyolefin-polyurethane chain claim 1 , main polyether-polyolefin-polyurethane chain claim 1 , main polyacrylate chain and main polyether-polyacrylate chain claim 1 , and comprises two hydrolysable alkoxysilane terminal groups.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer is or comprises a tackifying resin.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the tackifying resin has a number average molecular weight of between 200 Da and 10 kDa and is selected from among:(i) resins obtained by polymerization of terpene hydrocarbons and phenols, in the presence of Friedel-Crafts catalysts;(ii) resins obtained with a method ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Biaxial or tri-axial eccentric rotor volume pulsed deformation plasticizing method and device

Номер: US20180200937A1

The present invention discloses a biaxial or tri-axial eccentric rotor volume pulsed deformation plasticizing method and device. The method is characterized in that: the conveying volume of materials formed between two or three engaged eccentric rotors, which are formed by spiral structures and eccentric cylindrical structures connected alternately, and an inner surface of a stator changes periodically along the axial direction and the radial direction of the rotors, achieving the volume pulsed deformation plasticizing and conveying of the materials during engaged rotation of the two or three engaged eccentric rotors. The device's eccentric rotors are all formed by length-varying spiral structures and eccentric cylindrical structures connected alternately; the spiral structures of the eccentric rotors are engaged to each other; the axial positions of eccentric cylindrical structures of the two or three rotors are the same. The present invention can implement extrusion of polymer materials or implement, in combination with a plunger injection unit, injection molding of polymer materials, and have many features such as desirable mixing and plasticizing effects for materials, a short thermo-mechanical course, low power consumption, and wide adaptability.

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210252763A1
Автор: POLZER Karl-Conrad

A treatment element for a treatment element shaft of a screw machine comprises a main body with an outer wall, wherein the outer wall has a first wall section and a second wall section and wherein the first wall section is harder than the second wall section. 2. The treatment element according to claim 1 , comprising several of the first wall sections and several of the second wall sections.3. The treatment element according to claim 1 , wherein the first wall section is harder by at least 50 HV 10 than the second wall section.4. The treatment element according to claim 1 , wherein only the first wall section lies on a lateral surface of revolution of the main body.5. The treatment element according to claim 1 , wherein the outer wall has a ridge section and a base section claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first wall section and the second wall section are arranged on at least one of the ridge section and on the base section.6. The treatment element according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment element is formed as a screw element claim 1 , wherein a main extent direction of at least one of the first wall section and of the second wall section is oriented at least one of parallel and transversely with respect to a helical line of the screw element.7. The treatment element according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first wall section and the second wall section are of strip-like form.8. The treatment element according to claim 7 , wherein at least one of the first wall section and the second wall section are oriented at least one of parallel and perpendicular to an axis of rotation of the treatment element.9. The treatment element according to claim 7 , wherein the first wall section and the second wall section are oriented parallel to one another.10. The treatment element according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first wall section and the second wall section surrounds an axis of rotation of the treatment element over at least 180°.11. The ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Wet grain drying system and method

Номер: US20160257087A1
Автор: Michael R. Thomas
Принадлежит: Nationwide 5 LLC

A device according to various embodiments for drying wet grain can include a first screw configured to receive wet grain. A second screw receives the wet grain from the first screw. At least one mechanism is included within at least one of the first screw and the second screw to vaporize water content in the wet grain.

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Polymerization Coupled Compounding Process

Номер: US20200277452A1

The present invention provides a process for preparing an improved compounded product and a compounded product prepared by that process.

19-10-2017 дата публикации

A co-rotating self-cleaning two screw extruder with an internal baffle

Номер: US20170296989A1

A self-cleaning extruding apparatus with two co-rotating screws and the method thereof are provided here. Said apparatus is comprised of a screw mechanism, a barrel ( 1 ), a feeding port ( 10 ), a venting port ( 11 ), and a discharge port ( 12 ). Said screw mechanism is comprised of the first screw with one tip ( 3 ) and the second screw with two tips ( 4 ). There is a baffle in the channel of the first screw and the baffle's height is lower than that of the screw flight. The baffle will cause hyperbolic perturbation in the shape of a ‘ figure 8 ’ flow pattern above the top of the baffle. The first and second screws rotate at the same speed and touch each other at all times, thereby achieving a self-cleaning function. The baffle will generate chaotic mixing in the screw channel caused by the hyperbolic perturbation. Topological chaos is also introduced into the screw channel by the mechanism ‘one part divided into two parts, then two parts converging into one part, and then one part divided into two parts once more’. Each of the screws in the present invention uses an asymmetrical flow channel geometrical shape, such that a periodic action like ‘compression—expansion—further compression—expansion further’ works. The above three enhancement mechanisms work together to efficiently accelerate melting and mixing.

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Food processing system including extruder with hollow core screw assembly

Номер: US20190299179A1
Принадлежит: Wenger Manufacturing LLC

Apparatus and methods for food production including a food preconditioner ( 228 ) operable to heat and partially pre-cook food ingredients, and a twin screw extruder ( 20 ) operable to further cook the preconditioned ingredients to create final food products. The extruder ( 20 ) includes a pair of hollow core extrusion screws ( 50, 52, 124, 126, 190 ) having elongated hollow core shafts ( 54, 128, 130, 192 ) equipped with helical fighting ( 56, 132, 134, 194 ) along the lengths thereof. The fighting ( 132, 134, 194 ) is also of hollow construction which communicates with the hollow core shafts ( 54, 128, 130, 192 ). The flighting ( 56, 132, 134, 194 ) also includes forward, reverse pitch sections ( 64, 162, 216 ). The extrusion screws ( 50, 52, 124, 126, 190 ) are designed to impart high levels of thermal energy into materials being processed in the extruders ( 20 ), without adding additional moisture.

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Screw machine and method for the processing of material to be processed

Номер: US20180326646A1
Автор: Soren Welb
Принадлежит: Coperion GmbH

A screw machine includes an inductive heating device for processing of material to be processed. The inductive heating device is used to heat the material in a heating zone. In the heating zone, at least one housing portion is made of an electromagnetically transparent material at least partly, the material being non-magnetic and electrically non-conductive, whereas at least one treatment element shaft is made of an electrically conductive material at least partly. The inductive heating device includes at least one coil formed integrally with a component of the at least one housing portion, in particular in such a way as to form a hybrid component. During the processing of the material, the inductive heating device generates an alternating magnetic field that produces eddy current losses in the at least one treatment element shaft, the eddy current losses leading to a temperature increase of the at least one treatment element shaft.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Plant comprising a twin-screw extruder for the continuous production of rolls of plastic stretch film

Номер: US20190329472A1
Автор: Mencarelli Maurizio

A twin-screw extruder is configured to produce rolls of plastic stretch film on a continuous basis, starting from the extrusion of granules of one or more polymers an using cast extrusion.

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200339766A1

The present invention relates to a masterbatch composition comprising high concentration of biological entities having a polymer-degrading activity and uses thereof for manufacturing biodegradable plastic articles. 1. A masterbatch composition comprising a carrier material and biological entities having a polymer-degrading activity , whereinthe carrier material comprises at least one synthetic polymer that has a melting temperature below 180° C. and represents between 10% and 89% by weight of the composition, based on the total weight of the masterbatch composition;the biological entities are embedded in the carrier material, wherein the biological entities represent between 11% and 90% by weight of the composition, based on the total weight of the masterbatch composition and are selected from enzymes having a synthetic polymer-degrading activity and microorganisms expressing an enzyme having a synthetic polymer-degrading activity; andthe masterbatch composition is in a solid form.2. The masterbatch composition of claim 1 , wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of PLA claim 1 , PCL claim 1 , PBAT claim 1 , PHA claim 1 , PBS and EVA.3. The masterbatch composition of claim 1 , wherein the carrier material further comprises a filler material claim 1 , wherein the filler material is selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate claim 1 , hydrous magnesium silicate claim 1 , talc claim 1 , soapstone claim 1 , alumnisilicate claim 1 , kaolin claim 1 , gypsum claim 1 , glass fibers claim 1 , wood flour claim 1 , plant or vegetable flour claim 1 , cereal flour claim 1 , hemp fibers claim 1 , and derivatives thereof.4. The masterbatch composition of claim 1 , wherein the carrier material further comprises a filler material claim 1 , and wherein the concentration of said at least one polymer in the carrier material is higher than the concentration of the filler material.5. The masterbatch composition of claim 1 , wherein the carrier material ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Bipolar plate for fuel cell having controlled structure of carbon materials and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20180358630A1
Принадлежит: MORGAN CO Ltd

This invention relates to a bipolar plate for a fuel cell having a controlled structure of carbon materials and a method of manufacturing the same, the method including obtaining a masterbatch by mixing a first carbon material powder having a size ranging from 0.1 to 200 μm with a polymer resin, forming a masterbatch powder by crushing the masterbatch, preparing a conductive composition by mixing the masterbatch powder with a second carbon material powder having a size ranging from 300 μm to 1 mm, and manufacturing a bipolar plate by subjecting the conductive composition to compression molding. Thereby, carbon materials in a powder phase having different sizes can be uniformly dispersed via a masterbatch to thus shorten a conductive path, thereby decreasing electrical resistivity, and furthermore, dispersion in the polymer resin can be improved, thereby increasing flexural strength.

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Method of Producing a Bioplastic Granulate Based on Sunflower Seed Shells/Sunflower Seed Hull Material on the One Hand and a Plastic Material on the Other Hand

Номер: US20190358854A1

A method of producing a bioplastic granulate on the basis of sunflower seed shells or sunflower seed hulls. In the method, ground sunflower seed shells/sunflower seed hull material is provided, wherein the particle size is in the region of 3 mm or less, preferably in the region of 0.01 to 1 mm, preferably in the region of 0.1 to 0.3 mm. A plastic material is provided, which is compounded with the sunflower seed shells/sunflower seed hull material, wherein the compounding operation is preferably effected in an extruder, preferably a double-screw extruder. The compounded material is chopped at the end of the extruder section with a tool with the addition of water, wherein the water is at a temperature of preferably more than 50° C., preferably about 80 to 90° C., to cool down the compound material. During the compounding operation, the compounding material is subjected to atmospheric degassing and/or vacuum degassing.

26-12-2019 дата публикации

Multi-screw kneader and method for producing nano-composite using said multi-screw kneader, and disk-shaped segment used for said kneader and said method

Номер: US20190389092A1
Принадлежит: Doshisha Co Ltd

A multi-screw kneader that exhibits an extensional flow function before and behind small holes of a disk-shaped segment having the small holes and a method for producing a nano-composite using the multi-screw kneader and a disk-shaped segment to be used therein. The multi-screw kneader includes a plurality of kneading screws and a disk-shaped segment in a barrel. The disk-shaped segment partitions the inside of the barrel downstream a part for charging a kneading material and includes a plurality of shaft penetrating parts through which rotating shafts of the kneading screws rotatably pass and a large number of small holes punched in a periphery of these shaft penetrating parts and serving as flow channels of the kneading material. The nano-composite production includes charging nanoparticles as a resin additive using the multi-screw kneader. The disk-shaped segment includes the shaft penetrating parts and the large number of the small holes.

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200398474A1

A twin-screw extruder is provided in which screws have different rotational speeds depending on the process of treating the raw material and in which degradation of the raw material is less likely to occur. 1. A twin-screw extruder comprising:two screws that extend in parallel to each other, wherein each screw has a cylindrical upstream screw and a downstream screw, wherein the upstream screw has a shaft hole that extends in a longitudinal direction and a screw flight on an outer circumferential surface thereof, and the downstream screw includes a large diameter portion having a screw flight on an outer circumferential surface thereof and a small diameter shaft portion that has a smaller diameter than the large diameter portion, wherein the small diameter shaft portion of the downstream screw is inserted into the shaft hole of the upstream screw, and the upstream screw and the downstream screw can be independently rotated;an upstream rotating mechanism that rotates the upstream screws of the two screws; anda downstream rotating mechanism that is provided independent of the upstream rotating mechanism and that rotates the downstream screws of the two screws.2. The twin-screw extruder according to claim 1 , wherein the screw flights of the respective upstream screws of the two screws at least partially mesh with each other claim 1 , and the screw flights of the respective downstream screws of the two screws at least partially mesh with each other.3. The twin-screw extruder according to claim 1 , wherein each upstream screw of the two screw constitutes a kneading portion claim 1 , and each downstream screw of the two screw constitutes a metering portion.4. The twin-screw extruder according to claim 1 , wherein labyrinth grooves are formed on an outer circumferential surface of the small diameter shaft portion of the downstream screw of at least one of two screws.5. The twin-screw extruder according to claim 1 , wherein the upstream screw includes a cylindrical member ...

28-07-2015 дата публикации

System and method for blending polymers

Номер: US9089831B2
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present techniques provide an extruder screw comprising a high shear melting and mixing zone starting a distance away from an entry point of the screw corresponding to 35%-50% of the overall screw L/D. The extruder screw may also include elements capable of increasing a degree of fill of the high shear melting and mixing zone. In accordance with present techniques, the extruder screw is configured to blend two or more polyolefin polymers having greater than about a 200,000 difference in weight-average molecular weight in a single extrusion step. The extruder screw of the present techniques may be used in a single screw or twin screw extruder, and may be incorporated into a polyolefin production plant for producing multi-modal resins.

21-04-1994 дата публикации

Co-rotating screw kneader

Номер: DE4134026C2
Принадлежит: Werner and Pfleiderer GmbH

19-10-2021 дата публикации

Biaxially stretched porous film

Номер: US11148347B2
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A film that comprises a thermoplastic composition that contains a continuous phase that includes a polyolefin matrix polymer and a nanoinclusion additive dispersed within the continuous phase in the form of discrete domains is provided. The film is biaxially stretched in a machine direction and cross-machine direction to form a porous network in the composition. The porous network contains nanopores having a maximum cross-sectional dimension of about 800 nanometers or less. At least a portion of the nanopores are oriented in the cross-machine direction so that the axial dimension generally extends in the cross-machine direction and the cross-sectional dimension generally extends in the machine direction.

02-10-2003 дата публикации

Kneading device and ropesizer

Номер: US20030185092A1
Принадлежит: Morinaga and Co Ltd

A kneading device kneads a main raw material of high viscosity and a secondary raw material of liquid or powder and continuously delivers a kneaded raw material obtained, and a ropesizer includes a sheet forming unit, and a delivering unit applies a second raw material onto a first raw material, which is elongated into a sheet shape and is conveyed by the sheet forming unit, so as to be in a strand form.

11-03-2004 дата публикации

Kneading device and molding device

Номер: JPWO2002037978A1
Принадлежит: Morinaga and Co Ltd

高粘性の原料と低粘性原料あるいは液体または粉体の副原料とを混練りしつつ得られた混合原料を連続的に送り出す混練装置、および、シート成形機とこのシート成形機によりシート状に引き延ばされて移送された第1の原料上に第2の原料を紐状に送り出す送り出し機とを備えた成形装置。 A kneading device for continuously feeding a mixed raw material obtained by kneading a high-viscosity raw material with a low-viscosity raw material or a liquid or powder auxiliary raw material, and a sheet forming machine and the sheet forming machine A molding apparatus comprising: a feeder that feeds the second raw material in a string shape onto the first raw material that has been extended and transferred.

09-05-2000 дата публикации

Process for the degradation of polyolefins

Номер: US6060584A
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

A novel process for the production of degraded polyolefin is described. The process involves introducing polyolefin into one end of a vented multi-screw extruder, in the substantial absence of free radical initiator and oxidizing agent, and removing degraded polyolefin from the opposite end of the extruder.

05-04-2022 дата публикации

Fractional lobe processor and related process for hot melt extrusion

Номер: ES2904569T3
Принадлежит: Steerlife India Pvt Ltd

Un procesador de lóbulo fraccionado que comprende a. un barril con medios de calentamiento y enfriamiento que tiene dos orificios paralelos que se cruzan de igual diámetro, en donde la distancia entre centros de los dos orificios es menor que el diámetro del orificio; b. un eje acoplado a múltiples elementos de tornillo para formar un tornillo dentro de cada orificio, en donde los tornillos están engranados entre sí, caracterizado por que los tornillos forman al menos tres zonas dentro del barril, comprendiendo las zonas i. una zona de admisión que comprende al menos un elemento de pala de desplazamiento profundo en cada tornillo de engrane para recibir una alimentación que comprende una sustancia activa y/o un excipiente, en donde el elemento de pala de desplazamiento profundo es un elemento que define ángulo agudo socavado, en donde el ángulo agudo se mide en una dirección de flujo del material lejos de un elemento de admisión con respecto a un eje del elemento de admisión; ii. una zona de fusión que consiste únicamente en elementos de lóbulos fraccionados para fundir la sustancia activa y/o un excipiente para formar una masa viscosa o masa fundida; y iii. una zona de descarga; en donde la zona de fusión está situada antes de la zona de descarga y después de la zona de admisión; y en donde la zona de fusión tiene múltiples elementos de lóbulos fraccionados en cada eje. A fractional lobe processor comprising a. a barrel with heating and cooling means having two parallel intersecting holes of equal diameter, wherein the distance between centers of the two holes is less than the diameter of the hole; b. a shaft coupled to multiple screw elements to form a screw within each hole, wherein the screws are engaged with each other, characterized in that the screws form at least three zones within the barrel, comprising zones i. an intake zone comprising at least one deep displacement blade element on each gear screw to receive a feed comprising an active substance and/or ...

09-06-2011 дата публикации

Extruder screw

Номер: WO2011068525A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies Inc.

Embodiments of the present disclosure include an extruder screw, (200 -1,200 -2) an extruder screw system (254) having a least one of a first extruder screw (200-1, 200-2) and at least one of a second extruder screw, (200-1, 200-2) an extruder system ( 250) having the extruder screw system (254), a continuous process for the production of an aqueous dispersion using the extruder system, and an aqueous dispersion formed by the process. For the various embodiments, the extruder screw (200-1, 200-2) includes a mixing and melting segment (266); a high internal phase emulsion segment (268) that includes a kneading block having a plurality of disks with surfaces that define a plurality of channels; a distributing and pumping segment (270); a first seal segment (272) between the mixing and melting segment (266) and the high internal phase emulsion segment (268); a second seal segment (274) between the high internal phase emulsion segment (268) and the distributing and pumping segment (270); and a third seal segment (276) at an end distal the distributing and pumping segment (270 ) relative the high internal phase emulsion segment (268).

08-03-2016 дата публикации

Extruder screw

Номер: US9278473B2

Embodiments of the present disclosure include an extruder screw, ( 200 - 1, 200 - 2 ) an extruder screw system ( 254 ) having a least one of a first extruder screw ( 200 - 1, 200 - 2 ) and at least one of a second extruder screw, ( 200 - 1, 200 - 2 ) an extruder system ( 250 ) having the extruder screw system ( 254 ), a continuous process for the production of an aqueous dispersion using the extruder system, and an aqueous dispersion formed by the process. For the various embodiments, the extruder screw ( 200 - 1, 200 - 2 ) includes a mixing and melting segment ( 266 ); a high internal phase emulsion segment ( 268 ) that includes a kneading block having a plurality of disks with surfaces that define a plurality of channels; a distributing and pumping segment ( 270 ); a first seal segment ( 272 ) between the mixing and melting segment ( 266 ) and the high internal phase emulsion segment ( 268 ); a second seal segment ( 274 ) between the high internal phase emulsion segment ( 268 ) and the distributing and pumping segment ( 270 ); and a third seal segment ( 276 ) at an end distal the distributing and pumping segment ( 270 ) relative the high internal phase emulsion segment ( 268 ).

25-04-2018 дата публикации

압출기 스크루

Номер: KR101852206B1

본 개시내용의 실시양태는 압출기 스크루 (200-1, 200-2), 1개 이상의 제1 압출기 스크루 (200-1, 200-2) 및 1개 이상의 제2 압출기 스크루 (200-1, 200-2)를 갖는 압출기 스크루 시스템 (254), 압출기 스크루 시스템 (254)을 갖는 압출기 시스템 (250), 상기 압출기 시스템을 사용하는 수성 분산액의 연속 제조 방법, 및 상기 방법에 의해 형성된 수성 분산액을 포함한다. 다양한 실시양태에서, 압출기 스크루 (200-1, 200-2)는 혼합 및 용융 세그먼트 (266); 복수 개의 채널을 한정하는 표면이 있는 복수 개의 디스크를 갖는 혼련 블록을 포함하는 고내상 에멀젼 세그먼트 (268); 분배 및 펌핑 세그먼트 (270); 혼합 및 용융 세그먼트 (266)와 고내상 에멀젼 세그먼트 (268) 사이의 제1 밀봉 세그먼트 (272); 고내상 에멀젼 세그먼트 (268)와 분배 및 펌핑 세그먼트 (270) 사이의 제2 밀봉 세그먼트 (274); 및 고내상 에멀젼 세그먼트 (268)에 비해 분배 및 펌핑 세그먼트 (270)로부터 원위에 있는 단부의 제3 밀봉 세그먼트 (276)를 포함한다.

07-11-2012 дата публикации

Curing rubber by hydrosilation

Номер: EP2079797B1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

30-11-2018 дата публикации

Patent RU2017118768A3

Номер: RU2017118768A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 118 768 A (51) МПК B29D 7/01 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017118768, 17.11.2015 (71) Заявитель(и): КИМБЕРЛИ-КЛАРК ВОРЛДВАЙД, ИНК. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 26.11.2014 US 62/084,712; 11.12.2014 US 62/090,427 34 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 30.11.2018 Бюл. № (72) Автор(ы): ТОПОЛКАРАЕВ Василий А. (US), МАКИНИНИ Райан Дж. (US), СТОППЕР Стивен Р. (US) (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 30.05.2017 US 2015/061081 (17.11.2015) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U Адрес для переписки: 123242, Москва, пл. Кудринская, д. 1, а/я 35, "Михайлюк, Сороколат и партнеры патентные поверенные" (54) БИАКСИАЛЬНО РАСТЯНУТАЯ ПОРИСТАЯ ПЛЕНКА (57) Формула изобретения 1. Пленка, которая содержит термопластичную композицию, которая содержит непрерывную фазу, которая включает полиолефиновый матричный полимер, и добавкунановключение, диспергированную в непрерывной фазе в форме дискретных доменов, где пленка биаксиально растянута в продольном направлении и поперечном направлении с образованием пористой сети в композиции, где пористая сеть содержит нанопоры, имеющие осевой размер и размер в поперечном сечении, при этом максимальный размер в поперечном сечении нанопор составляет приблизительно 800 нанометров или меньше, и при этом дополнительно по меньшей мере часть нанопор ориентирована в поперечном направлении так, что осевой размер, как правило, проходит в поперечном направлении, а размер в поперечном сечении, как правило, проходит в продольном направлении. 2. Пленка по п. 1, где нанопоры имеют максимальный осевой размер в диапазоне от приблизительно 100 до приблизительно 5000 нанометров. 3. Пленка по п. 1, где по меньшей мере часть нанопор ориентирована в продольном направлении так, что осевой размер, как правило, проходит в продольном направлении, а размер в поперечном сечении, как правило, проходит в поперечном ...

26-06-1957 дата публикации

An improved method of preparing a composition comprising a synthetic resin and a natural or synthetic rubber

Номер: GB777894A
Принадлежит: United States Rubber Co

A composition is prepared by blending synthetic rubber latex with a compatible dry particulate synthetic resin, at a temperature below that at which the resin and rubber fuse into a single phase, to form a granular free-flowing mixture which is masticated at an elevated temperature, e.g. 150 DEG to 475 DEG F., to fuse the resin and rubber into a single phase, removing water and any other volatiles from the mixture prior to completion of the mastication, and extruding the resulting mixture. The original mixture preferably comprises 4 to 60 per cent by weight of water derived from the latex, and 4 to 55 parts by weight of rubber per 96 to 45 parts of synthetic resin, and 0 to 60 per cent of a filler based on the total weight of rubber and resin. The latex may be that of butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymer, or a copolymer containing at least 25 per cent by weight of a diolefin, e.g. butadiene, copolymerized with a monoethylenically unsaturated monomer, e.g. methacrylonitrile, a lower alkyl acrylate, methacrylate, maleate, or fumarate, styrene, a -methyl styrene, para-methyl styrene, a -paradimethyl styrene, 2-, 3- or 4-vinyl pyridine, or a mono-lower alkyl mono-vinyl pyridine. Neoprene latex may also be used. The synthetic resin may comprise a phenol-aldehyde resin of the Novolac type which is rendered insoluble and infusible on heating with a hardening agent, such as hexamethylene tetramine, e.g. a cashew-nut shell oil-modified phenolformaldehyde resin, or it may comprise a thermoplastic resin, e.g. polyvinyl acetal, a copolymer of styrene and acrylonitrile or butadiene, polyvinyl chloride, or a copolymer of vinyl chloride and a minor proportion of vinyl acetate. In one example 17.12 parts by weight of wood flour are mixed with 36.47 parts of butadiene-acrylonitrile latex, 33.18 parts cashew nut shell oil-modified phenol-formaldehyde resin containing 8 per cent hexamethylenetetramine, 6.77 parts cryolite, 2.92 parts yellow iron oxide, and 1.12 parts paraffin wax. The ...

28-12-2006 дата публикации

Preparation of thermoplastic elastomers by dynamic vulcanization in multi-screw extruders

Номер: US20060293457A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a method of preparing a thermoplastic vulcanizate comprising: a) melt processing a blend of thermoplastic polymer and vulcanizable elastomer in a multi-screw extruder having at least three intermeshing screws, wherein said screws have 3-170 mixing zones, and said extruder having a L/D ratio of 15-100, and a screw profile that has 3 to 17 meshes per L/D; b) adding at least one curing agent to the melt-processed blend of a) in at least one location in the first 46% of the length of said extruder, or adding at least one curing agent to the melt-processed blend of a) in a second extruder, so as to initiate curing of the blend: and, curing at least partially said elastomer by reactive melt processing. Improved processing, reaction kinetics and efficiencies are achieved, as well as thermoplastic vulcanizate products having decreased weight gain when placed in mineral oils.

19-12-2002 дата публикации

Thermoplastic vulcanizates

Номер: WO2002100940A1
Автор: Jonas Angus, Paul Brunelle
Принадлежит: Thermoplastic Rubber Systems, Inc.

Thermoplastic vulcanizates, comprising blends of olefin rubber having a high Mooney Viscosity and thermoplastic olefin resin in which the rubber is completely cured by a phenolic curative, exhibit superior physical properties over other products.

02-02-2010 дата публикации

Preparation of thermoplastic elastomers by dynamic vulcanization in multi-screw extruders

Номер: US7655728B2
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The invention relates to a method of preparing a thermoplastic vulcanizate comprising: a) melt processing a blend of thermoplastic polymer and vulcanizable elastomer in a multi-screw extruder having at least three intermeshing screws, wherein said screws have 3-170 mixing zones, and said extruder having a L/D ratio of 15-100, and a screw profile that has 3 to 17 meshes per L/D; b) adding at least one curing agent to the melt-processed blend of a) in at least one location in the first 46% of the length of said extruder, or adding at least one curing agent to the melt-processed blend of a) in a second extruder, so as to initiate curing of the blend: and, curing at least partially said elastomer by reactive melt processing. Improved processing, reaction kinetics and efficiencies are achieved, as well as thermoplastic vulcanizate products having decreased weight gain when placed in mineral oils.

04-01-2007 дата публикации

Preparation of thermoplastic elastomers by dynamic vuclanization in multi-screw extruders

Номер: WO2007001609A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P.

The invention relates to a method of preparing a thermoplastic vulcanizate comprising: a) melt processing a blend of thermoplastic polymer and vulcanizable elastomer in a multi-screw extruder (10A) having at least three intermeshing screws (14) , wherein said screws have 3-170 mixing zones, and said extruder having a L/D ratio of 15-100, and a screw profile that has 3 to 17 meshes per L/D,- b) adding at least one curing agent to the melt-processed blend of a) in at least one location in the first 46% of the length of said extruder, or adding at least one curing agent to the melt-processed blend of a) in a second extruder, so as to initiate curing of the blend: and, curing at least partially said elastomer by reactive melt processing. Improved processing, reaction kinetics and efficiencies are achieved, as well as thermoplastic vulcanizate products having decreased weight gain when placed in mineral oils.

06-09-2005 дата публикации

Method for making electrode

Номер: US6939383B2
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Described are methods of making electrodes for electrochemical systems, especially cathodes for lithium polymer batteries, and products prepared from the methods; the methods involve the use of a co-rotating, fully intermeshing twin screw extruder, the extrusion of essentially solvent-free systems, or both.

31-05-2011 дата публикации

Curing rubber by hydrosilation

Номер: US7951871B2
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A method for preparing a thermoplastic vulcanizate, the method comprising dynamically vulcanizing a rubber within a blend that includes the rubber and a thermoplastic polymer, where said dynamically vulcanizing is effected with a cure system that includes a hydrosilating agent and a catalyst, where the hydrosilating agent includes a compound including at least 3 silicon hydride groups defined by the formula where each R is independently a monovalent organic group or hydrogen, and where the silicon atoms of the respective silicon hydride groups are spatially separated by at least 6 atoms.

29-01-2004 дата публикации

Extruder for the continuous handling and/or processing of free-flowing materials

Номер: WO2004009327A1
Автор: Josef A. Blach
Принадлежит: 3&#43;Extruder Gmbh

An extruder comprises shafts (3), rotating in parallel, in the same sense around a circle, fitted with elements made at least partly from screw elements (1), which tightly interlock over the entire circumference thereof. At least one screw element is embodied as a pass screw element (6) with recesses in the screw ridge, screw core and/or in the screw flank. A restrictor element is placed after the above in the product flow during operation of the pass screw element (6).

23-10-2007 дата публикации

Extruder for continuously working and/or processing flowable materials

Номер: US7284897B2
Автор: Josef A. Blach
Принадлежит: Blach Verwaltungs GmbH and Co KG

An extruder has at least three parallel, co-rotating shafts disposed in a cavity therein along a circle. The shafts are equipped with screw elements closely intermeshing over their whole circumference. At least one screw element is formed as a passage screw element with recesses in the screw crest, screw core and/or screw flank. Downstream of a supply port an element is provided for inhibiting the product flow in the flight of the passage screw element. A degassing opening is located downstream and adjacent the inhibiting element.

15-09-1992 дата публикации

Screw mixer for polymeric materials

Номер: SU1761523A2

Использование: переработка полимерных материалов при получении однородных в зкотекучих композиций в черв чных смесител х . Сущность: снабжение смесител  шестеренчатым механизмом. Ведущие и ведомые шестерни этого механизма установлены на валах в р д с основными и дополнительными ведущими и ведомыми шестерн ми. При этом ведущие и ведомые шестерни размещены на каждом валу с чередованием между собой. В результате перемещени  материала вдоль ведущих и ведомых шестерен и их зубьев создаютс  сложные траектории движени  смешиваемых компонентов и необходимые деформации . Это обеспечивает повышение качества смешени  и гомогенизации смеси . 3 ил. Usage: processing of polymeric materials in obtaining homogeneous in flowing compositions in worm mixers. Essence: the supply of the mixer gear mechanism. The driving and driven gears of this mechanism are mounted on shafts in a row with the main and additional driving and driven gears. In this case, the driving and driven gears are placed on each shaft alternating with each other. As a result of the material moving along the driving and driven gears and their teeth, complex trajectories of movement of the mixed components and the necessary deformations are created. This improves the quality of mixing and homogenization of the mixture. 3 il.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Способ получения эластомерной композиции

Номер: RU2719988C2
Принадлежит: ПИРЕЛЛИ ТАЙР С.П.А.

Изобретение относится к способу получения эластомерной композиции, упрочненной наполнителями на основе кремнезема, и к соответствующему способу получения шин для колес транспортных средств. Способ получения эластомерной композиции (108), содержащей по меньшей мере один эластомерный полимер (102), армирующий наполнитель (103) на основе кремнезема и по меньшей мере один силановый аппрет (104), при этом способ включает: обеспечение смесителя (101) периодического действия, содержащего смесительную камеру, два ротора, размещенных в смесительной камере, и поршень, расположенный над роторами и выполненный с возможностью перемещения к двум роторам и от них; подачу вышеперечисленных компонентов в смеситель периодического действия; смешивание компонентов в смесителе периодического действия и в течение первого заданного интервала времени; полную выгрузку порции промежуточной композиции (105) из смесителя периодического действия; обеспечение двухшнекового конического смесителя (201), имеющего смесительную камеру (202), предусмотренную с впускным отверстием (203) и выпускным отверстием (204), при этом в смесительной камере размещены два конических шнека (205); подачу порции промежуточной композиции в двухшнековый конический смеситель; смешивание промежуточной композиции в двухшнековом коническом смесителе; выгрузку эластомерной композиции из двухшнекового конического смесителя. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение производительности пары машин, состоящей из смесителя периодического действия, используемого для диспергирования наполнителя на основе кремнезема в полимерной основе, и из соответствующего разгрузочного устройства, взаимодействующего с ним, при обеспечении заданных физико-химических свойств полученной эластомерной композиции до и после вулканизации, и заданных эксплуатационных характеристик шины, изготовленной при использовании такой композиции, при сохранении ограниченных общих затрат на процесс производства эластомерной композиции, включая затраты на приобретение, ...

16-07-2008 дата публикации

Polyolefin series resin film, composition for preparing the same, process for preparing the composition for preparing the same, and apparatus for preparing the same

Номер: KR100846648B1

폴리올레핀 [A] 는 2850 nm 이상의 중량 평균 분자 사슬 길이 및 밀도 ρ1 (g/cm 3 ) 를 갖고, 폴리올레핀 왁스 [B] 는 700 - 6000 의 중량 평균 분자량 및 밀도 ρ2 (g/cm 3 ) 를 가지며, 폴리올레핀 및 폴리올레핀 왁스가 [A]/[B] = 90/10 - 50/50 (중량비) 로 배합되고, 밀도 ρ1 및 ρ2 는 하기 조건을 만족시킨다: 0.92 ≤ρ1 ≤0.94, 0.91 ≤ρ2 ≤0.93, -0.03 ≤(ρ1 - ρ2) ≤0.03. Polyolefin [A] has a weight average molecular chain length and density ρ 1 (g / cm 3 ) of 2850 nm or more, polyolefin wax [B] has a weight average molecular weight and density ρ 2 (g / cm 3 ) of 700-6000, Polyolefins and polyolefin waxes are blended at [A] / [B] = 90/10-50/50 (weight ratios), and the density ρ1 and ρ2 satisfy the following conditions: 0.92 ≤ρ1 ≤0.94, 0.91 ≤ρ2 ≤0.93, −0.03 ≦ (ρ 1 −ρ 2) ≦ 0.03.

21-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: IT1291706B1
Автор: Renato Crana
Принадлежит: L M P Impianti S R L

08-04-2019 дата публикации

Method for removing volatile components from elastomer-containing media and degassing devices therefor

Номер: RU2684367C2

FIELD: plastic processing.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method for degassing elastomer-containing media, such as elastomer solutions and dispersions in particular, and degassing devices for carrying out said method. Method for removing volatile compounds from an elastomer-containing medium (EM) containing at least one elastomer and at least one volatile compound comprises feeding the elastomer-containing medium (EM) in a degassing device, which is operated so that volatile compounds are removed from the elastomer-containing medium (EM) through the vents of the degassing device and, thus, the content of volatile compounds in the elastomer-containing medium (EM) is reduced, and during the drainage from the degassing device, the polymer is recovered from the elastomer-containing medium as a product P, which then has a lower proportion of volatile compounds than the elastomer-containing medium (EM) supplied to the degassing device, and preferably has a total content of volatile compounds of 1 wt. % or less based on the mass of the elastomer.EFFECT: invention provides effective removal of volatile compounds from elastomer-containing media.29 cl, 13 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 684 367 C2 (51) МПК B29B 7/48 (2006.01) B29B 7/74 (2006.01) B29B 7/84 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B29C 47/08 (2018.01); B29C 47/40 (2018.01); B29C 47/60 (2018.01); B29C 47/76 (2018.01); B29B 7/48 (2018.01); B29B 7/74 (2018.01); B29B 7/84 (2018.01) (21) (22) Заявка: 2015147192, 04.04.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 08.04.2019 04.04.2013 EP 13001716.3 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 16.05.2017 Бюл. № (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2003039527 A, 13.02.2003. EP 861717 A1, 02.09.1998. EP 2353839 A1, 10.08.2011. WO 3020493 A1, 13.03.2003. RU 2050273 C1, 20.12.1995. SU 700054 A3, 25.11.1979. WO 2004009327 A1, 29.01.2004. EP 160570 A2, 06.11. ...

15-08-1985 дата публикации

Back-pressure and mixing device for twin-screw extruder

Номер: SU1172738A1

ЭЛЕМЕНТ ПОДПОРА И СМЕШЕНИЯ ДЛЯ ДВУХЧЕРВЯЧНОГО ЭКСТРУДЕРА, вы- полненный в форме усеченных конусов, расположенных попарно друг напротив друга в одной плоскости с образованием зазора между наружными поверхност ми конусов и смонтированных на гладких валах с черв чными втулками, наход щимис  в зацеплении, отличающийс  тем, что за элементом 5 подпора и смешени  расположен р д дополнительных элементов подпора и смешени  с различными величинами . углов конусов, размещенных между активно-транспортирующими зонами черв чных втулок 3 и 8 на гладких валах 1, причем пара элементов подпора и смешени  имеет одинаковый угол конусов , а между элементами подпора и смешени  расположены замен емые g распорные шайбы 7 дл  изменени  зазора 6 между элементами подпора и сме (Л шени . ELEMENT OF THE SUPPORTS AND MIXES FOR A TWO-FINGER EXTRUDER, made in the form of truncated cones arranged in pairs opposite to each other in the same plane with the formation of a gap between the outer surfaces of the cones and mounted on smooth shafts with worm sleeves that are in engagement, differing in what is behind the support and mixing element 5 is a number of additional support and mixing elements with various quantities. the angles of the cones located between the actively-transporting zones of the screw sleeves 3 and 8 on smooth shafts 1, the pair of supporting and mixing elements having the same angle of cones, and the replaceable g spacers 7 to change the gap 6 between the elements of the supporting and mixing elements backwater and sm (L sheni.

28-07-1970 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for polymerizing liquids

Номер: US3522214A
Принадлежит: Mobil Oil Corp

13-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CN102120345A


20-06-2015 дата публикации

Улучшенная обезвоживающая машина и способ

Номер: RU2013155322A

1. Обезвоживающая машина для сокращения влажности по меньшей мере одного из полимера и эластомера, указанная машина содержит:по существу, сплошной корпус;пару шнеков, расположенных в указанном корпусе, по меньшей мере часть указанных шнеков является зацепляющейся;приводное средство, присоединенное к указанным шнекам;по меньшей мере один механический фильтр, присоединенный к указанному корпусу для удаления влаги из указанных по меньшей мере одного из указанного полимера и указанного эластомера; исредство для позволения указанной машине сплавлять частицы указанного по меньшей мере одного из указанного полимера и указанного эластомера, посредством чего сокращают количество мелких частиц, выходящих из машины, и указанную влажность указанного по меньшей мере одного полимера сокращают с приблизительно 20% воды по массе до приблизительно менее чем 0,5% воды по массе и указанного по меньшей мере одного эластомера сокращают с приблизительно 50% воды по массе до приблизительно менее чем 3,0% воды по массе.2. Обезвоживающая машина по п. 1, в которой указанное средство, позволяющее указанной машине сплавлять частицы указанного по меньшей мере одного из указанного полимера и указанного эластомера, содержит:загрузочную зону, сформированную в указанном корпусе для приема материала добавки;средство для введения пара в указанный корпус ниже по ходуот указанной загрузочной зоны; ипитатель, присоединяемый к указанному корпусу ниже по потоку от указанной загрузочной зоны и указанного средства для введения пара, посредством чего указанный питатель принимает указанный по меньшей мере один из указанного полимера и указанного РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2013 155 322 A (51) МПК B30B 9/16 (2006.01) F26B 17/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013155322/02, 14.05.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): НФМ ВЭЛДИНГ ИНДЖИНИРС, ИНК. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 13.05.2011 US 61/485,762 (85) Дата начала ...

15-04-1980 дата публикации

Conical multi-shaft extruder screw

Номер: JPS5551543A
Принадлежит: Toshiba Machine Co Ltd

24-04-2020 дата публикации

섬유 강화 열가소성 수지의 혼련 방법, 가소화 장치 및 압출기

Номер: KR20200042934A

본 발명은 강화 섬유의 분산성을 향상시키고, 적절한 섬유 길이를 갖는 강화 섬유를 충분히 남기는 섬유 강화 열가소성 수지의 혼련 방법, 및 그 방법을 실시하기 위한 섬유 강화 열가소성 수지 가소화 장치 및 압출기를 제공한다. 상기 혼련 방법은 열가소성 수지와 강화 섬유를 가소화 장치의 실린더에 공급하고, 스크류를 회전시켜 섬유 강화 열가소성 수지를 얻는 단계를 포함하고, 실린더의 보어와 스크류 사이의 클리어런스의 크기를 강화 섬유 투입구 부근의 상류측과 하류측 사이에서 상이하게 하고, 상기 클리어런스는 강화 섬유 투입구 부근으로부터 상류측보다 하류측이 더 커진다.

20-09-2014 дата публикации

Extrusion of plastics

Номер: RU2513427C9

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to extrusion of plastics. In compliance with this method, auger elements are used for multiple shaft auger machines with auger shafts running in pairs in one direction and cleaning each other in pairs by scraping. Said shafts feature two (or more) auger strokes with preset axle base and OD. EFFECT: higher quality of extrusion. 17 cl, 13 dwg, 1 tbl, 4 ex с 9 2513427 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ В29В ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ 1) Ву“” за 427 С9 К < Х ох м $ (50) МПК 7/48 (2006.01) (12) СКОРРЕКТИРОВАННОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ Примечание: библиография отражает состояние при переиздании (21)(22) Заявка: 2011101757/05, 30.05.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.05.2009 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 20.06.2008 РЕ 102008029305.9 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.07.2012 Бюл. № 21 (45) Опубликовано: 20.04.2014 (15) Информация о коррекции: Версия коррекции №1 ( С2) (48) Коррекция опубликована: 20.09.2014 Бюл. № 26 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ЕР 0160204 А2, 06.11.1985. 9$ 5487602 А, 30.01.1996. \О 2009153002 АТ, 23.12.2009; . \О 2009152973 АД, 23.12.2009. 50 1581590 АТ, 30.07.1990 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки РСТ на национальной фазе: 20.01.2011 (86) Заявка РСТ: ЕР 2009/003891 (30.05.2009) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: УГО 2009/152948 (23.12.2009) Адрес для переписки: 105064, Москва, а/я 88, "Патентные поверенные Квашнин, Сапельников и партнеры" (72) Автор(ы): КЕНИГ Томас (ОЕ), БИРДЕЛЬ Михаэль (ОЕ), ЛИЗЕНФЕЛЬЛЕР Ульрих (ОЕ), КОЛЬГРЮБЕР Клеменс (ОЕ), РЕХНЕР Йоханн (ОЕ) (73) Патентообладатель(и): БАЙЕР МАТИРИАЛЬСАЙЕНС АГ (ОЕ) (54) СПОСОБ ЭКСТРУЗИИ ПЛАСТИЧЕСКИХ МАСС (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к способу экструзии пластических масс. Согласно способу применяют шнековые элементы для многовальных шнековых машин с попарно вращающимися в одном направлении и попарно точно очищающими друг друга скоблением шнековыми валами, ...

07-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CN102741033B


07-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CN1033233A
Принадлежит: Biller Brothers Ltd

新发明建议为了制作面食品用面团,在连续操作 的双轴揉捏机(11)中形成蛋白质基质,无需如现有技 术那样,在混合槽中滞留10~15分钟,从而形成所 谓的干面团或碎屑面团。尽可能在无压条件下,将面 团直接输送到单轴挤压螺杆(31)。根据本发明方法 的三个阶段,新发明的设备配置有:用于干组分与水 均匀混合的一台一次旋转式混合器(8)、一台双轴揉 捏机(11)和一台单轴挤压机(31)。

10-03-2015 дата публикации

Extrusion of plastics

Номер: RU2516399C9

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to extrusion of plastic mass using a multi-shaft extruder with special geometric parameters of augers. The result is achieved through a method of extruding plastic mass using auger elements for multi-shaft screw extruders, with auger shafts which rotate in pairs in the same direction and clean each other in pairs and have two or more auger pitches. The auger profiles can be presented on the entire cross-section in the form of a continuously differentiable profile curve, and between the auger elements and the housing and/or between adjacent auger elements, there are gaps measuring 0.1-0.001 times the diameter of the auger profile, and the auger profile on the entire cross-section consists of four or more circular arcs. In their initial and end points, the circular arcs transition into each other at a tangent. The forming and formed auger profiles are located at a centre-to-centre distance, a, from each other. The number of circular arcs of the formed auger profile is equal to n. The external radius ra of the forming auger profile is greater than 0 (ra>0) and less than the centre-to-centre distance (ra<a). The internal radius ri of the forming auger profile is greater than 0 (ri>0) and less than or equal to the centre-to-centre distance (ri≤ra). The circular arcs form a closed auger profile. Each circular arc of the formed auger profile is located within or on the boundary of a ring having an external radius ra and an internal radius ri, the centre of which lies at the centre of rotation of the forming auger profile. One of the circular arcs of the forming auger profile touches the external radius ra of the forming auger profile at a point P A . One of the circular arcs of the forming auger profile touches the internal radius ri of the forming auger profile at a point P I . The number of circular arcs of the formed auger profile n׳ is equal to the number of circular arcs of the forming auger profile n. The ...

08-08-1978 дата публикации

Process for producing a polyacetal polymer

Номер: US4105637A
Принадлежит: Celanese Corp

A process for producing a polyacetal polymer. The process includes reacting a polyacetal forming polymerization mixture in a polymerization reaction zone, which zone includes an elongated casing substantially following the outer boundaries of at least a pair of shafts, each of the shafts provided with a plurality of intermeshing elliptical shaped plates having flattened edges at the major axis which mesh, wiping the surface of its mating plate. The polymerization mixture is polymerized to form a polyacetal product in the form of a finely divided solid.

20-05-2014 дата публикации

Extrusion of plastics

Номер: RU2516399C2

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to extrusion of plastics, particularly, to polymer melts and mixes thereof. Said materials include, first of all, thermoplastics and elastomers, preferably polycarbonates and mixes thereof with addition of other substances. The latter include solids, fluids, gases or other polymers of other mixes thereof with improved exterior properties. said materials are processed with the help of cluster extruder with specific geometrical parameters of the screw. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 14 cl, 37 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B29C 47/40 (13) 2 516 399 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011102012/05, 12.06.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.06.2009 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.07.2012 Бюл. № 21 (73) Патентообладатель(и): БАЙЕР МАТИРИАЛЬСАЙЕНС АГ (DE) (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2014 Бюл. № 14 A, 19.08.1975. EP 0160124 A2, 06.11.1985. EP 0778078 A1, 11.06.1997. EP 0931640 A1, 28.07.1999. SU 1279522 A3, 23.12.1986. SU 1634511 A2, 15.03.1991 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2009/004248 (12.06.2009) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 20.01.2011 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2009/153000 (23.12.2009) 2 5 1 6 3 9 9 2 5 1 6 3 9 9 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6699416 B2, 02.03.2004. US 3900187 R U R U 20.06.2008 DE 102008029303.2 (72) Автор(ы): БИРДЕЛЬ Михаэль (DE), КЕНИГ Томас (DE), КОНЦЕН Карстен (DE), ЛИЗЕНФЕЛЬДЕР Ульрих (DE), КОЛЬГРЮБЕР Клеменс (DE), РУДОЛЬФ Райнер (DE), РЕХНЕР Йоханн (DE) Адрес для переписки: 105064, Москва, а/я 88, "Патентные поверенные Квашнин, Сапельников и партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ ЭКСТРУЗИИ ПЛАСТИЧЕСКИХ МАСС (57) Реферат: Изобретение касается способа экструзии веществ, как то: твердых веществ, жидкостей, пластических масс, в частности расплавов газов или других полимеров, или других смесей ...

19-04-1999 дата публикации

Method for stabilizing terminal of oxymethylene copolymer

Номер: JP2884439B2
Принадлежит: 旭化成工業株式会社

02-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for blending polymers

Номер: WO2013062810A1

The present techniques provide an extruder screw comprising a high shear melting and mixing zone starting a distance away from an entry point of the screw corresponding to 35%-50% of the overall screw L/D. The extruder screw may also include elements capable of increasing a degree of fill of the high shear melting and mixing zone. In accordance with present techniques, the extruder screw is configured to blend two or more polyolefin polymers having greater than about a 200,000 difference in weight-average molecular weight in a single extrusion step. The extruder screw of the present techniques may be used in a single screw or twin screw extruder, and may be incorporated into a polyolefin production plant for producing multi-modal resins.

28-09-2015 дата публикации

Improved extrusion process

Номер: CA2847628A1
Автор: Tieqi LI
Принадлежит: Nova Chemicals Corp

A method for the improved extrusion of polyethylene polymers comprising passing polyethylene through a single stage, twin screw extruder comprising a solid polymer conveying zone, a polymer melting zone, a dispersive mixing zone, and a distributive mixing/pumping zone, in which the throughput and screw speed are optimized to reduce the number of gels present, ensure complete polymer melting within the polymer melting zone, and to minimize polymer degradation.

31-01-1956 дата публикации

R street

Номер: US2733051A

05-05-1987 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of extrusion

Номер: US4663103A
Принадлежит: Collins and Aikman Corp

Apparatus and method are provided in a system for continuously feeding disparate materials into a compounding extruder for the inline sheet extrusion of a highly filled thermoplastic material having at least about 65 percent by weight of filler. The apparatus and method of the present invention are particularly suitable in conjunction with the continuous lamination of the inline sheet extruder product with carpet.

23-01-1990 дата публикации

Method of producing a support for photographic paper

Номер: US4895688A
Принадлежит: Oji Paper Co Ltd

A support for photographic paper is produced by a method including the steps of coating one or two surfaces of a substrate sheet with a resinous melt includes a water-proof thermoplastic polymer and a pigment, by a melt-extrude-coating method, and solidifying the coating layer of the resinous melt on the substrate sheet, and wherein at least one melt-kneading procedure is applied to the resinous melt in a melt extruder having a pair of biaxial screws engaged with each other and satisfying the relationship (i) L>/=20D (I) wherein L is a length of the screws and D is a diameter of the screws, and provided with at least one pair of kneading disks located in at least a portion of the screws.

11-04-2000 дата публикации

Multi-shaft screw-type extruder, in particular twin-shaft extruder

Номер: US6048088A
Принадлежит: Krupp Werner and Pfleiderer GmbH

A multi-shaft screw-type extruder having a casing with two parallel intersecting casing bores and two shafts drivably disposed in the casing bores. Screw elements intermeshing kneading disks are fixed on the shafts The widths of the respective crest portions of the kneading disks are smaller than the disk width and form mixing-and-scraping-studs on the periphery of the disks. The mixing-and-scraping-studs on each kneading disk are axially misaligned relative to each other such that their peripheral faying surfaces jointly cover the entire disk width.

16-06-2005 дата публикации

Homogenizing multimodal polymer

Номер: US20050127559A1
Автор: Arne Syre, Svein Eggen

A method of homogenizing polypropylene using twin counter-rotating screws with a melting stage and a separate downstream mixing phase. The polypropylene is melted to at least 5° C. above its melting point in the melting stage and passed through a gate valve into the mixing section. The elongational stress applied to the polymer in the mixing section is at least 20% greater than that of conventional counter-rotating extruders and causes a Henchy strain of between 1.5 and 2.5 in the polymer. This causes significant strain hardening within the polymer sufficient to break up gels within the polypropylene, thereby producing a polymer with no visible white spots.

02-11-2006 дата публикации

Method for fusing and homogenizing multimodal and bimodal polyolefins

Номер: US20060245294A1
Автор: Ulrich Burkhardt
Принадлежит: Individual

In a method of melting and homogenizing multimodal and bimodal polyolefins, use is made of a multiple-shaft first extruder ( 1 ) and a second extruder ( 2 ) which is disposed downstream thereof in the conveying direction ( 17 ). The second extruder ( 2 ) is also of multiple-shaft design. The outside diameter of the screw shafts ( 14, 15 ) of the first extruder ( 1 ) is smaller than the outside diameter of the second screw shafts ( 29, 30 ) of the second extruder ( 2 ). The first extruder ( 1 ) is driven at a higher rotational speed than the second extruder ( 2 ). The shear rate in the first extruder ( 1 ) is higher than in the second extruder ( 2 ).

03-06-2011 дата публикации

Closed-cell expanded article based on extruded polystyrene, method and plant to obtain said article

Номер: WO2011064651A2

An article based on extruded polystyrene, in the form of a slab, panel or flexible sheet to make heat insulations is made with re-granulated polystyrene from industrial working or production scrap, or from primary production plants.

24-04-2002 дата публикации

Homogenising multimodal polymer

Номер: GB0205932D0
Автор: [UNK]

29-07-2004 дата публикации

Thermoplastic vulcanizates

Номер: US20040147677A1
Автор: Jonas Angus, Paul Brunelle

Thermoplastic vulcanizates, comprising blends of olefin rubber having a high Mooney Viscosity and thermoplastic olefin resin in which the rubber is completely cured by a phenolic curative, exhibit superior physical properties over other products.

05-06-2018 дата публикации

Production of TPO roofing membrane via counter-rotating extrusion

Номер: US9987786B2
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present disclosure is directed to a process for producing thermoplastic polyolefin roofing membrane. The process includes directly adding components of a high-load flame retardant TPO formulation to a counter-rotating twin screw extruder. The process includes extruding the formulation with counter-rotation of the twin screws and forming a TPO roofing membrane having a tensile strength of greater than 10 MPa and a flame retardance of rating of classification D as measured in accordance with EN ISO 1 1925-2, surface exposure test.

04-08-2020 дата публикации

Production of TPO roofing membrane via counter-rotating extrusion

Номер: US10730223B2
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present disclosure is directed to a process for producing thermoplastic polyolefin roofing membrane. The process includes directly adding components of a high-load flame retardant TPO formulation to a counter-rotating twin screw extruder. The process includes extruding the formulation with counter-rotation of the twin screws and forming a TPO roofing membrane having a tensile strength of greater than 10 MPa and a flame retardance of rating of classification D as measured in accordance with EN ISO 11925-2, surface exposure test.

17-03-1999 дата публикации

Preheating apparatus for an extruder

Номер: EP0680402B1
Принадлежит: Milacron Inc

An apparatus for heating and blending highly filled thermoplastic material, such as the PVC compounds used in making plastic pipe, prior to delivering the material into the barrel of an extruder. The apparatus has an elongated housing (34) which contains two intermeshing feed screws (50) that are driven to rotate in the same direction. Controlled heating is provided by electric band heaters (102) which encircle the exterior of the housing (34), and electric cartridge heating elements fitted into aluminum cores that are received by an axial bore in each of the feed screws (50). The use of co-rotating screws and precisely controlled supplemental heat is effective in delivering a constant flow of material to the extruder without localized heating or compacting.
