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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Ведите корректный номера.
Ведите корректный номера.
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Применить Всего найдено 24675. Отображено 200.
20-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2189317C2

Согласно изобретению сетки для армирования грунта имеют большую площадь поверхности и высокий предел прочности при растяжении, а также раскрыт способ и устройство для их изготовления и их использование в качестве дренажных и армирующих сеток и в качестве ограждений. Описывается способ непрерывного производства сеток для армирования грунта, которые имеют большую площадь поверхности и содержат термопластовые прутки, пересекающие друг друга и соединенные вместе сваркой в местах их пересечения друг с другом. В способе используют однослойные, однородные, молекулярно-ориентированные пластмассовые прутки с высоким пределом прочности при растяжении и, применяя вибрационную сварку, одновременно прерывисто сваривают их в множестве мест пересечения, расположенных позади и около друг друга. В этом способе используют новое устройство для вибрационной сварки, содержащее в зависимости от требуемой толщины, по меньшей мере, одно вибрационно-сварочное устройство, которое может быть применено для одновременной ...

27-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2429955C2

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству вибрационной сварки и может быть использовано при сварке изделий из пластмасс. Вибрационная сварка осуществляется посредством множества механически развязанных вибрирующих головок, каждая из которых соединена с преобразователем частоты. Преобразователи частоты соединены электрической цепью таким образом, что один из преобразователей частоты функционирует в качестве ведущего преобразователя, а остальные преобразователи частоты - в качестве подчиненных преобразователей. За счет управляющего действия ведущего преобразователя обеспечивается как синхронный, так и заданный асинхронный режим работы вибрирующих головок. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594419C2
Принадлежит: ПАНТЕК АГ (CH)

Группа изобретений относится к способу и к устройству для расфасовки в многослойную тонкую пластиковую пленку, которую разделяют на отделяемые друг от друга элементы. В частности элементы выполнены в форме пакетов, изготовленных из рукавного материала для помещения в них разнообразных продуктов. Для образования контейнеров в форме пакетов пластиковую пленку обрабатывают через заданные промежутки сварными швами, проходящими поперечно продольному направлению рукавного материала, и контейнеры отделяют друг от друга путем разрезания или разделения иным образом. Способ включает следующие операции: а) пленку сваривают через заданные промежутки методом ультразвуковой сварки, причем в процессе сварки между обрабатывающим инструментом (1) и противоположным ему рабочим органом (2) выдерживают определенное расстояние, зависящее от типа пленки; b) сваренные таким образом пакеты, изготовленные из рукавного материала, разъединяют посредством механического процесса разделения без активации ультразвука ...

10-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2425665C2

Изобретение относится к одноразовым подгузникам типа трусов, имеющим переднюю основную часть и заднюю основную часть, которые соединены на боковых сторонах, чтобы тем самым образовать отверстие для талии и два отверстия для правой и левой ног, при этом соединенные участки на боковых сторонах передней основной части и задней основной части образованы с прямоугольными единичными сплавленными частями. При этом некоторое количество единичных сплавленных частей выровнено с постоянными интервалами вдоль продольного направления соединенной части. Данные единичные сплавленные части различаются по высоте от зоны к зоне в соединенной части, которые различаются по числу соединенных путем ламинирования листов. Изобретение позволяет предотвратить возникновение боли у носителя подгузника за счет уменьшения затвердевшей части на соединительных участках. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

20-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2194659C2
Принадлежит: АВНЕР ГЕЛЛЕР (IL)

Изобретение относится к контейнеру, изготовленному из листов или пленки, и способу его изготовления. Контейнер представляет собой пакет, имеющий передний, задний и нижний листы. Нижний лист пакета сложен вдоль его средней линии, причем клапаны листа проходят вниз от линии сгиба и каждый из двух нижних краев клапанов сварен с нижним краем переднего или заднего листа. Боковые края переднего и заднего листов сварены друг с другом, причем между двумя нижними частями сваренных краев расположены оба боковых края нижнего сложенного листа. Для получения контейнера центральная часть нижнего листа разложена так, чтобы эта разложенная часть имела, по существу, прямоугольную форму, образуя дно. Центральные части нижних краев нижнего листа образуют передний и задний края дна, а периферийные части нижнего листа образуют две перекрывающиеся треугольные части, чьи нижние края ограничивают два боковых края прямоугольного дна, образуя в соответствии с этим переднюю и заднюю стеновые секции контейнера, проходящие ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2221468C2

Подсборка из волосков щетины включает первую и вторую основные нити и множество полимерных элементарных нитей, соединенных с первой и второй основными нитями и простирующихся между ними. Полимерные элементарные нити образуют первый арочный ряд, когда первая и вторая основные нити соединяются вместе. Несколько типов и конфигураций щеток получаются с использованием либо арочных волосков щетины, либо сочетания арочных и прямых волосков щетины. Изобретение обеспечивает получение структуры волосков щетины в виде петель простой в изготовлении и экономически эффективной при производстве. 4 с. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

10-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2233743C2

Изобретение относится к способу сварки трением с применением нескольких головок для одновременной сварки стыкуемых поверхностей открытых или закрытых профильных рам. В способе сварки отдельные профили рам с обеих сторон рядом со стыкуемыми поверхностями жестко зажимают в сварочных головках и стыкуемые поверхности прижимают друг к другу. Свободные концы профилей с обеих сторон стыкуемых поверхностей приводят в колебание с помощью сварочных головок. Обе сварочные головки колеблются в направлениях X, Z и Y, Z, в основном, противофазно. Соответствующие обоим свободным концам каждого отдельного профиля сварочные головки колеблются также, в основном, противофазно. Устройство содержит несколько, преимущественно четыре, установленных на станине с возможностью подачи сварочных узла. Сварочный узел состоит из двух сварочных головок, колебательные плиты которых жестко соединены каждая с зажимным узлом. Каждый зажимной узел содержит установленную с возможностью перемещения относительно второй зажимной ...

26-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2648577C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения участка контейнера для длительного хранения продукта, заключающего в себе внутренний объем. Способ включает: (a) обеспечение плоского композита, содержащего i. несущий слой, ii. барьерный слой пластика, соединенный с несущим слоем, и iii. по меньшей мере один слой термопластического пластика KSa, обеспеченный на стороне барьерного слоя пластика, обращенной от несущего слоя. Затем (b) плоский композит складывают с образованием складки по меньшей мере с двумя поверхностями складки, прилегающими друг к другу. После чего (c) соединяют между собой соответственно по меньшей мере частичные участки указанных по меньшей мере двух поверхностей складки с образованием участка контейнера при помощи нагревания частичного участка. По меньшей мере один слой термопластического пластика на этапе (b) имеет температуру ниже температуры плавления указанного слоя пластика. Изобретение обеспечивает длительное время хранения продукта и не требует тщательного обеззараживания ...

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2566515C2
Принадлежит: МАРИКАП ОЙ (FI)

Группа изобретений относится к трубным соединениям. Муфтовая часть трубного соединения содержит камерное пространство, в которое два противоположных торца соединяемых вместе частей трубы помещаются, по существу, друг напротив друга так, что муфтовая часть простирается на расстоянии от точки соединения соединяемых вместе частей трубы сверху обеих частей трубы. Муфтовая часть содержит нагревающее средство, такое как резисторные проволоки, и вследствие нагревания этих резисторных проволок образуется соединение между муфтовой частью и частями трубы. Смотровое окно образовано в муфтовой части через стенку муфтовой части снаружи вовнутрь до точки, в которой может быть проверено позиционирование помещенных по существу друг напротив друга торцевых поверхностей соединяемых вместе частей трубы. Изобретение также относится к трубному соединению. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности соединения и расширении функциональных возможностей. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2572987C2

Группа изобретений относится к способу и устройству для стерильного соединения мягких трубок. Способ включает в себя следующие этапы: а) подготовку первой и второй мягких трубок (1а, 1b); б) нагрев соответственно зоны разделения первой и второй мягких трубок (1а, 1b) с использованием нагревательных средств; в) механическое разделение обеих мягких трубок (1а, 1b) за счет приложения к ним растягивающего или срезающего и растягивающего усилия. В результате последнего обе мягкие трубки (1а, 1b), соответственно, в нагретой зоне разделения разделяются на первый и второй отрезки (100а, 100b, 101a, 101b). г) После разделения мягких трубок (1а, 1b) происходит создание механического контакта образованного за счет разделения первой мягкой трубки (1а) конца (1001а) ее первого отрезка (100а) с образованным за счет разделения второй мягкой трубки (1b) концом (1001b) ее первого отрезка (100b). Причем д) механический контакт создается так, что концы (1001а, 1001b) отрезков (100а, 100b) мягких трубок вследствие ...

10-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2166271C2

В способе изготовления щетинных изделий, в частности щеток, в носителе щетины (основе), состоящей из термопластического материала, образовано определенное количество глухих отверстий (лунок), в каждое из которых вставляется до соприкосновения с дном лунки термопластический элемент щетины в виде отдельной щетинки или пучка щетинок. После этого основа и элементы щетины в зоне их контакта свариваются друг с другом вследствие того, что лазерные лучи, передаваемые сквозь основу или элемент щетины, попадают непосредственно в зону их контакта и там поглощаются с выделением тепла, что обеспечивает стойкость к выдерживанию отдельных щетинок или пучков при малом расходе материала и высокую производительность при изготовлении, а также позволяет щетке сохранить изгибную эластичность и способность к повторному распрямлению щетины. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

28-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689695C2

Группа изобретений относится к вариантам активного буфера для автомобилей. Активный буфер содержит внешнюю отделочную панель со сварной дорожкой. Расширяемый надувной камерный элемент содержит центральную часть, выполненную с возможностью крепления к опорной конструкции транспортного средства, приварной фланец по периферийному краю и гофрированную область между центральной частью и приварным фланцем. Сварная дорожка и приварной фланец соединяются посредством горячей сварки для образования уплотненной камеры. Сварная дорожка содержит множество радиально разнесенных ступенчатых выемок. Каждая выемка содержит верхнюю часть, образующую первый проем с соответствующей первой площадью поперечного сечения, и вторую часть, образующую второй проем с соответствующей второй площадью поперечного сечения, меньшей, чем соответствующая первая площадь. Периметр каждой верхней части плавится посредством горячей сварки, а периметр каждой нижней части не плавится посредством горячей сварки. Обеспечивется надежность ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2483930C2

Изобретение касается барьерных структур, которые имеют время определения прорыва при проникновении химических соединений более чем приблизительно час для опасных химических соединений, а также изделий, сделанных из таких барьерных структур. Барьерная структура включает фторполимерный слой и полимерный слой. Фторполимерный слой имеет основную поверхность, которая подвергнута обработке коронным разрядом в атмосфере органического газа. Фторполимерный и полимерный слои создают литьем, экструдированием или строганием. Барьерный материал предназначен для создания защитных укрытий, защитной одежды, систем защитных оболочек. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 2 табл., 10 пр.

27-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2301742C2
Принадлежит: ГМАЙНЕР Йозеф (DE)

Группа изобретений относится к устройству и способу для соединения слоев многослойной полосы материала с помощью ультразвукового излучения в щели между первым устройством ультразвукового излучения и по меньшей мере одним сопряженным устройством. Данное изобретение позволяет производить гофрированный картон без использования клея и снизить габариты машины для изготовления гофрированного картона. 2 н. и 36 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

29-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2750607C2

Изобретение относится к созданию сварного шва между внутренним покрытием, расположенным внутри металлической основной трубы секции трубы с внутренним покрытием, и электрофузионным фитингом, содержащим по меньшей мере один нагревательный элемент. Осуществляют размещение конца электрофузионного фитинга внутри конца секции трубы с внутренним покрытием. Размещают индукционную катушку внутри канала электрофузионного фитинга рядом с указанным по меньшей мере одним нагревательным элементом. Осуществляют подачу электрической энергии на индукционную катушку для питания указанного по меньшей мере одного нагревательного элемента за счет электромагнитной индукции. В результате достигается высокая надежность целостности внутренних покрытий труб. 7 н. и 62 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2759921C2
Принадлежит: ЗЕ БОИНГ КОМПАНИ (US)

Группа изобретений относится к способу получения термопластичной композиционной преформы, к термопластичной композиционной ленте и к термопластичной композиционной преформе. Способ получения термопластичной композиционной преформы включает сборку пакета из композиционных слоев высокоплавкого термопласта; введение низкоплавкого термопласта между композиционными слоями; и скрепление композиционных слоев высокоплавкого термопласта друг с другом посредством расплавления низкоплавкого термопласта. Сборка пакета включает выкладку полосок высокоплавкого термопластичного композиционного препрега, имеющего на поверхности низкотемпературный термопласт. Введение низкоплавкого термопласта включает нанесение частиц низкоплавкого термопласта на поверхность каждого из слоев. Группа изобретений обеспечивает повышение физико-механических свойств получаемых изделий. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

08-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702543C2
Принадлежит: ВУДУЭЛДИНГ АГ (CH)

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и конструирования. Способ соединения второго предмета с первым предметом, включающий в себя этапы, на которых: берут первый предмет, причем первый предмет содержит термопластичный размягчаемый материал, находящийся в твердом состоянии; берут второй предмет, причем второй предмет имеет участок поверхности, содержащий соединительный элемент с вырезом и/или выполненный с возможностью деформации так, чтобы образовать на нем соединительный элемент с вырезом, посредством которого второй предмет способен входить с соединение с геометрическим замыканием с первым предметом; прижимают второй предмет к первому предмету посредством инструмента, находящегося в физическом контакте с внедряющим элементом второго предмета, в то время как в инструмент внедряют механические вибрации; продолжают выполнять этап прижатия и внедрения вибраций в инструмент до тех пор, пока не произойдет размягчение текучей части термопластичного материала первого предмета и она не ...

27-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2407652C2

Использование: для ультразвуковой обработки деталей. Сущность: заключается в том, что устройство для ультразвуковой обработки деталей содержит сонотрод (1), который с входной стороны соединен с приводом (5), содержащим по меньшей мере два возбуждаемых ультразвуковым генератором ультразвуковых колебательных блока, спереди снабжен с выходной стороны узкой и длинной обрабатывающей поверхностью (12), а сбоку - по меньшей мере одной прорезью (10), расположенной приблизительно между двумя ультразвуковыми колебательными блоками, при этом сонотрод (1) от своей обрабатывающей поверхности (12) назад в направлении (Y) своей высоты (Н), оставляя свободными выемки (6) для размещения соответствующего привода (5), выполнен за одно целое до своей задней плоской поверхности (13), которая на входной стороне сонотрода (1), противоположной обрабатывающей поверхности (12) с выходной стороны, приблизительно параллельна обрабатывающей поверхности (12), имеет почти такую же длину, однако шире нее, при этом внешняя ...

30-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662756C2
Принадлежит: РЕНО (FR)

Изобретение может быть использовано для контроля сварных швов между двумя термопластическими деталями, соединенными посредством ультразвуковой сварки, в частности, на линиях сборки пластиковых деталей автотранспортных средств. Соединенные детали контролируемого образца разъединяют путем растяжения до разрыва их соединения в зоне сцепления сварных швов. На одну из деталей накладывают маску с отверстием таким образом, чтобы отверстие окружало зону разрыва соединения. Осуществляют фотосъемку в контролируемой световой окружающей среде. Полученное изображение подвергают цифровой обработке для определения поверхности сцепления сварного шва, которая является деформированной поверхностью. Вычисляют соотношение между поверхностью сцепления сварного шва и внутренней поверхностью маски. Полученные результаты вычислений сравнивают с минимально допустимой поверхностью сцепления, определенной по результатам механических испытаний сварных швов деталей на растяжение. Способ обеспечивает точный и объективный ...

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2389662C2

Группа изобретений относится к способам производства хорошо закупориваемого герметично запечатанного контейнера для напитков или пищевых продуктов с низкой себестоимостью при помощи использования лазерной сварки. Способы производства герметично запечатанных контейнеров путем сваривания корпуса контейнера и крышки, помещенной на горло контейнера, осуществляется способом лазерной сварки с получением герметичного соединения. Технический результат направлен на увеличение скорости закупоривания, предотвращение частичного избыточного подвода энергии, также не происходит уменьшения площади сварки или удельной прочности сварного соединения из-за скопления капель воды. 2 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2490129C2

Группа изобретений относится к сварочному зажиму для получения запечатанных упаковок с пищевым продуктом из трубы упаковочного материала, а также к упаковочной машине, содержащей данный зажим. Зажим содержит первую рабочую поверхность, которая взаимодействует со второй рабочей поверхностью на контрзажиме для захвата упаковочного материала и образования запечатывающей полоски поперечно пути, вдоль которого осуществляют подачу трубы упаковочного материала. Один из указанного зажима и контрзажима образует опору (9) , а другой - нагревательное средство, которое взаимодействует с опорой (9) для образования запечатывающей полоски. Указанная первая поверхность содержит по меньшей мере первое количество выступов (35, 36; 36, 36; 36, 37), удлиненных вдоль соответствующих первых осей (X), которые при образовании запечатывающей полоски прижимают соответствующие области упаковочного материала ко второй поверхности. Также указанная первая поверхность содержит по меньшей мере первое количество полостей ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2449890C2

Изобретение относится к способу для соединения снабженных покрытием тканей, к снабженной покрытием ткани и к мешку. Снабженные покрытием ткани включают в себя ткань из моноаксиально вытянутых полос из полимерного материала. Ткань из моноаксиально вытянутых полос из полимерного материала покрыта термосвариваемым слоем из термопластичного полимерного материала, точка плавления которого лежит ниже точки кристаллизация/плавление материала моноаксиально вытянутых полос. Две снабженные покрытием ткани расположены друг над другом и обращены друг к другу термосвариваемыми слоями. Нагревают, по меньшей мере, одну из снабженных покрытием ткань со стороны ткани из моноаксиально вытянутых полос из полимерного материала до температуры ниже температуры кристаллизация/плавление материала полос ткани до расплавления термосвариваемых слоев. Техническим результатом изобретения является упрощение сварки снабженной покрытием ткани и повышение прочности сварного соединения. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615739C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для сварки рулонов различных материалов. Сварочная машина для соединения по кромке перехлестывающихся рулонов материала содержит шасси, на котором расположены по меньшей мере направляющие ролики, устройство нагрева и по меньшей мере один прижимной ролик. Устройство нагрева имеет расположенный сбоку элемент контактного нагрева, который может быть вставлен между кромками рулонов материала. Шасси приводится в движение посредством электрического механизма, в качестве которого использован бесщеточный двигатель постоянного тока, предпочтительно дисковый роторный, а в качестве понижающей передачи - планетарная передача. Электрический механизм и понижающая передача объединены в барабанный приводной механизм. Шасси имеет боковую ножку, выполненную регулируемой перпендикулярно рабочему направлению относительно продольной ножки. Изобретение направлено на улучшение технических и эксплуатационных характеристик устройства. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-11-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019111175A3

27-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015144672A3

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016141862A3

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107510A3

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019136876A3

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019136042A3

28-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2614608C1
Принадлежит: КАО КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Натягиваемый предмет одежды (1) включает наружное покрытие (3), образующее наружную поверхность предмета одежды, причем обе краевые части боковых сторон наружного покрытия в переднем сегменте F и обе краевые части боковых сторон наружного покрытия в заднем сегменте R присоединяются друг к другу, образуя пару боковых уплотнений (4), отверстие для талии (8) и пару отверстий для ног (9). Каждое из боковых уплотнений (4) включает краевую часть уплотнения (41), причем краевая часть (3F) наружного покрытия (3) в переднем сегменте F и краевая часть наружного покрытия (3) в заднем сегменте R присоединяются друг к другу посредством непрерывной линейной соединяемой сплавлением части (40), проходящей в продольном направлении бокового уплотнения (4). В поперечном сечении, перпендикулярном направлению, в котором проходит боковое уплотнение (4), соединяемая сплавлением часть (40) включает узкую секцию (4F), которая образована в ее средней части в направлении толщины Q и которая имеет малую ширину W в ...

20-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2126324C1

Изобретение относится к устройству, предназначенному для соединения сваркой термопластичных материалов или материалов с покрытием из термопластов, предпочтительно упаковочных материалов, путем нагревания и сжимания вместе материалов в пределах зоны сварки с целью сплавления поверхностей наложенных друг на друга слоев термопласта для получения сплошного и обладающего механической долговечностью сварного шва, а также к способу изготовления такого устройства. Устройство для сварки выполнено в виде сварочных клещей из двух сварочных губ, подвижно расположенных относительно друг друга. Сварочные губы скомпонованы с возможностью размещения между ними предназначенного для сварки материала. По меньшей мере одна сварочная губа включает слой из изолирующего керамического материала и по меньшей мере одну непрерывную электропроводную жилу. Непрерывная жила выполнена из электропроводного керамического материала и заделана в изолирующий керамический материал. На концах непрерывная жила представляет собой ...

19-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706487C1

Устройство содержит опору с первой рабочей поверхностью и сонотрод со второй рабочей поверхностью, которые предназначены для пропускания упаковочного материала между ними и для приваривания первого участка материала ко второму его участку. По меньшей мере одна из первой или второй рабочих поверхностей содержит первую сварочную поверхность, образующую первую расширенную плоскость, и вторую сварочную поверхность, образующую вторую расширенную плоскость, которая обладает другой ориентацией, чем первая плоскость. Первая и вторая поверхности для сварки частично ограничены режущим краем с направлением расширения вдоль первой и второй сварочных поверхностей, чтобы режущий край отделял первую сварочную поверхность от второй. При этом первая и вторая рабочие поверхности выполнены с возможностью одновременно сваривать и разрезать материал. Первая расширенная плоскость и/или вторая расширенная плоскость образуют угол (α, β) в диапазоне от 72° до 90° относительно основного направления опоры и/или сонотрода ...

01-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683722C1

Емкость содержит четыре панели, образующие основную часть, горловинную часть и расширяющуюся часть, которая проходит от горловинной части, и сужающуюся промежуточную часть между основной частью и горловинной, причем горловинная часть имеет уменьшенную ширину, а расширяющаяся часть содержит расширенный конец. При этом расширяющаяся часть постепенно увеличивается от горловинной части к расширенному концу. Изобретением являются также и варианты выполнения емкости. Группа изобретений обеспечивает повышение производительности и надежности. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 19 ил., 6 табл.

15-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2022889C1

Использование: изобретение относится к формовочному устройству для упаковочных машин, предназначенных для образования отдельных упаковочных конвейеров из гибкого трубчатого упаковочного материала. Сущность изобретения: формовочное устройство содержит плиты 11 П-образного поперечного сечения, установленные попарно с возможностью смыкания их опорных поверхностей 19 с образованием прямоугольной камеры, охватывающей участок трубы из упаковочного материала. На опорных поверхностях 19 плит 11 выполнены выступы 20 и углубления 21, которые входят друг в друга и направляют трубу из упаковочного материала в камеру между плитами без защемления. Выступы и углубления взаимодействующих плит соответствуют по форме и их расположению на опорных поверхностях. Выступы могут быть выполнены закругленными. Кроме того, наружная поверхность выступов может быть скошена. 2 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2741598C1

Изобретение относится к смеси материалов для уплотнительного профиля, в частности для оконных уплотнительных профилей и дверных уплотнительных профилей, а также к способам получения уплотнительных профилей и к строительным элементам, в частности к оконным элементам или для дверных элементов, которые содержат уплотнительный профиль. Уплотнительный профиль изготовлен из смеси материалов, которая имеет следующий состав: от 5 до 60 об.% этилен-пропилен-диенового каучука (EPDM), от 8 до 50 об.% сополимера, от 5 до 70 об.% наполнителя, от 0 до 40 об.% пластификатора, от 0,1 до 5 об.% ускорителя/донора серы, от 0,05 до 5 об.% серы, от 0,05 до 5 об.% пероксида, от 0,05 до 3 об.% оксида цинка, при этом сополимер представляет собой сополимер пропилена и этилена, сополимер этилена и бутена, сополимер этилена и октена или сополимер этилена и пропилена, и при этом сополимер не сшивают серой. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы.

10-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005125414A

... 1. Способ термоформования пластиковых топливных баков из сдвоенных листов, согласно которому первый и второй листы (SA, SB) термоформуемого пластикового материала независимо друг от друга нагревают и перемещают вдоль первой (А) и, соответственно, вдоль второй (В) производственных линий от станции загрузки (11А, 11В) до соответствующей станции термоформования (16А, 16В), включающий следующие этапы: нагревание каждого пластикового листа (SA, SB), пневматический захват нагретого пластикового листа (SA, SB) за его периферические края и вакуумная поддержка этого листа (SA, SB), по существу, в плоском состоянии при перемещении его по соответствующей производственной линии (А, В), позиционирование каждого нагретого пластикового листа (SA, SB) поверх соответствующей формующей полуформы (17А, 17В), имеющей формующую полость, обращенную лицевой стороной вверх, при пневматическом удерживании листа (SA, SB) в, по существу, плоском состоянии, опускание нагретого пластикового листа (SA, SB) в соответствующую ...

10-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006121397A

... 1. Устройство для получения сварного шва (2) на фольговом пакете (1), содержащее ультразвуковой молоток (9) и наковальню (8), сварочная сторона которой обращена к ультразвуковому молотку (9) и снабжена удлиненным выступом (10), так что фольговый материал (3а, 3b, 6а, 6b, 7а, 7b) фольгового пакета (1) может быть зажат между этим выступом (10) и ультразвуковым молотком (9), отличающееся тем, что выступ (10) имеет по меньшей мере одно углубление (11), проходящее параллельно выступу (10). 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что глубина (t) указанного, по меньшей мере, одного углубления (11) меньше высоты (11) выступа (10) над указанной сварочной стороной. 3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что ширина (b) указанного, по меньшей мере, одного углубления (11) предпочтительно составляет приблизительно 10-90%, более предпочтительно 25-50% и наиболее предпочтительно 30-35% ширины (а) выступа (10). 4. Устройство по п.3, отличающееся тем, что наковальня (8) выполнена с возможностью поворота ...

27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006137080A

... 1. Способ производства мешков с элементом горловины путем сваривания трубчатого элемента горловины, содержащего термопластическую смолу, и мешочный элемент, содержащий гибкую пленку, причем способ содержит предварительный нагрев трубчатого элемента горловины при его вращении вокруг его оси цилиндра, вкладывание нагретого элемента горловины в открытую часть мешочного элемента и обжатие, и, таким образом, сваривание элемента горловины с открытой частью мешочного элемента. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором предварительный нагрев осуществляют лучевой энергией. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором в ходе вкладывания нагретого элемента горловины в открытую часть мешочного элемента и обжатия со свариванием уменьшают давление во внутренней полости мешочного элемента путем отсасывания воздуха из мешочного элемента. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором мешок с элементом горловины производят путем перемещения устройства для вращения элемента горловины по схеме предварительного нагрева, когда элемент горловины установлен ...

27-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014131312A

... 1. Способ сварки профильных элементов из пластмассы, в частности из ПВХ, включающий следующие этапы:подготовку по меньшей мере двух профильных элементов (3; 3а, 3b; 60, 61), расположенных таким образом, что соответствующие подлежащие сварке зоны (4; 62, 63) обращены друг к другу,выполнение канавки (19) в соответствии по меньшей мере с одной подлежащей сварке зоной (4; 62, 63) профильных элементов (3; 3а, 3b; 60, 61), при этом указанный этап выполнения канавки (19) выполняют посредством операции удаления на периферическом крае по меньшей мере одного профильного элемента (3; 3а, 3b; 60, 61);нагрев указанных подлежащих сварке зон (4; 62, 63);соединение подлежащих сварке зон (4; 62, 63) друг с другом, прижимая один профильный элемент (3; 3а, 3b; 60, 61) к другому таким образом, чтобы удерживать подлежащие сварке зоны (4; 62, 63) во взаимном контакте;при этом указанный этап соединения подлежащих сварке зон (4; 62, 63) включаетподэтап сплавления друг с другом подлежащих сварке зон (4; 62, 63) ...

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008142743A

... 1. Способ изготовления ячеистой структуры на пластиковой основе, включающий: ! стадию (a), во время которой параллельные тонкие пластины композиции на основе по меньшей мере одного термопластичного полимера (Р), выбранного из аморфных и полукристалличных полимеров, непрерывно экструдируют через головку, содержащую множество параллельных щелей; ! стадию (b), во время которой на выходе из головки экструдера и в перемежающейся последовательности промежутки между смежными тонкими пластинами подвергают нагнетанию текучей среды (f) и вакуумированию, причем две стороны одной и той же тонкой пластины подвергаются, с одной стороны, воздействию текучей среды (f) и, с другой стороны, воздействию вакуума, и наоборот во время следующей перемены для того, чтобы создать деформацию пластин и спаять их попарно с образованием в плоскости приблизительно параллельно направлению экструзии ячеистой структуры, чьи составляющие ячейки расширены перпендикулярно направлению экструзии; ! стадия (c), во время которой ...

20-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006119436A

... 1. Панельный сборный элемент с рамой, содержащий панель; множество рамных элементов из термопласта, расположенных вдоль края панели; при этом каждый рамный элемент имеет первую и вторую противоположные боковые стенки, между которыми образован паз, причем край панели вставлен в паз каждого рамного элемента; при этом паз каждого рамного элемента имеет расположенные в нем проставочные средства, включающие в себя первую проставку между панелью и первой боковой стенкой, предназначенную для размещения панели на расстоянии от первой боковой стенки, и вторую проставку между панелью и второй боковой стенкой, предназначенную для размещения панели на расстоянии от второй боковой стенки, и при этом перед свариванием вместе концов рамных профилей проставочные средства удерживают рамные элементы на панели. 2. Панельный сборный элемент по п.1, в котором, по меньшей мере, одна из первой и второй проставок включает в себя выступ, простирающийся от нее и входящий в контакт с соответствующей стороной панели ...

14-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2726545C1

Изобретение относится к опоре для поперечного запечатывания трубы с участком продольного шва и продвигающейся вдоль пути. Техническим результатом является упрощение конструкции опоры. Опора содержит первую удлиненную контактную поверхность и вторую удлиненную контактную поверхность. Первая удлиненная контактная поверхность содержит первую канавку, и вторая удлиненная контактная поверхность содержит вторую канавку, каждая из первой канавки и второй канавки предназначены для приема при использовании соответствующей секции участка продольного шва трубы. Первая удлиненная контактная поверхность содержит первый участок воздействия на шов, предусмотренный в пределах первой канавки и обладающий первым профилем поверхности, и вторая удлиненная контактная поверхность содержит второй участок воздействия на шов, предусмотренный в пределах второй канавки и обладающий вторым профилем поверхности, отличающимся от первого профиля поверхности. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011123471A

... 1. Барьерная структура, включающая:фторполимерный слой, имеющий основную поверхность, которая подвергнута С-обработке; иполимерный слой, покрывающий основную поверхность фторполимерного слоя;при этом барьерная структура является термосклеиваемой и имеет время определения прорыва при проникновении химических соединений более чем приблизительно один час для опасных химических соединений, при измерении по ASTM F739.2. Барьерная структура по п.1, у которой основной поверхностью является фторполимер, поддающийся С-обработке, включая фторированный этилен-пропилен (FEP), перфторалкокси-модифицированный PTFE, сополимер тетрафторэтилена и перфторпропилвинилового эфира (PFA) или их смеси.3. Барьерная структура по любому из пп.1 и 2, у которой полимерный материал включает поливинилхлорид (PVC).4. Барьерная структура по любому из пп.1 и 2, у которой полимерный материал включает полиуретан.5. Барьерная структура по п.1, дополнительно включающая армирующий слой, расположенный между фторполимерным слоем ...

20-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94045957A

Изобретение относится к способу сварки при изготовлении спирально-навитой трубы из термопластичного профиля в основном прямоугольного сечения. Пустотелый профиль навивают по винтовой линии на сварочном барабане одновременно с разогревом свариваемых поверхностей профиля до нужной температуры посредством горячего воздуха, после чего на нагретые поверхности профиля экструдируют сварочную массу, выходящую двумя потоками вдоль каждой кромки поверхности профиля и сварочную массу, нанесенную на участки пустотелого профиля, сжимают друг с другом посредством прижимного ролика. Изобретение заключается в том, что сварку осуществляют посредством сварочной головки, соединенной с экструдером и снабженной сварочным килем, который вставляют извне между двумя свариваемыми поверхностями профиля. Горячий воздух вдувают через две пары воздушных отверстий в сварочном киле, расположенных напротив участков кромки стенок профиля Нос киля, расположенный между двумя парами воздушных отверстий, является направляющей ...

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010148395A

... 1. Сварочный зажим (1) для получения запечатанных упаковок с пищевым продуктом из трубы (3) упаковочного материала, подаваемого вдоль пути (А), содержащий первую рабочую поверхность (28), которая взаимодействует со второй рабочей поверхностью (29) на контрзажиме (2) для захвата указанного упаковочного материала и образования запечатывающей полоски (6) поперечно указанному пути (А), причем один (1) из указанного зажима и контрзажима (1, 2) образует опору (9), а другой (2) из указанного зажима и контрзажима (1, 2) образует нагревательное средство (8), которое взаимодействует с указанной опорой (9) для образования указанной полоски (6), ! отличающийся тем, что указанная первая поверхность (28) содержит ! - по меньшей мере два продолговатых выступа (35, 36; 36, 36; 36, 37) вдоль соответствующих первых осей (X), которые при образовании указанной полоски (6) прижимают соответствующие области указанного упаковочного материала к указанной второй поверхности (29), и ! - по меньшей мере одну полость ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008108522A

... 1. Герметично закрытая емкость, содержащая корпус, имеющий горловинную часть, и крышку из пластикового материала, которая создает в себе напряжение, когда указанная горловинная часть закрыта, и образует участок уплотнения в состоянии приложенного давления против указанного корпуса емкости посредством усилия, которое стремится снять указанное напряжение, при этом указанный участок уплотнения образует место герметизации, и при этом указанный участок уплотнения является термосваренным. ! 2. Герметично закрытая емкость по п.1, в которой на внешней стенке указанной горловинной части обеспечен кольцевой буртик, параллельный краю указанной горловинной части, при этом на краю указанной крышки выполнен кольцевой фланец, образующий с указанным буртиком участок уплотнения, а на внешней стенке указанной горловинной части обеспечен кольцевой выступающий или вогнутый участок ближе к краю указанной горловинной части, чем указанный буртик, и на внутренней стенке указанной крышки выполнен кольцевой вогнутый ...

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010148378A

... 1. Сварочный зажим (1) для получения запечатанных упаковок пищевого продукта из трубы (3) упаковочного материала, содержащий ! - несущий корпус (11), и ! - первую рабочую поверхность (27), которая взаимодействует, при использовании, со второй рабочей поверхностью (29) на другом зажиме (2), чтобы захватывать и выполнить операцию запечатывания на указанном упаковочном материале, один (1) из указанных зажимов (1, 2) образует опору (9), а другой (2) из указанных зажимов (1, 2) образует нагревательное средство (8), которое взаимодействует, при использовании, с указанной опорой (9) для образования запечатывающей полоски (6), ! и отличающийся тем, что содержит соединительное средство (30) для соединения указанной первой поверхности (27) с указанным несущим корпусом (11), ! причем указанное соединительное средство (30) образует изогнутую третью и изогнутую четвертую поверхность (31, 32) из жесткого материала и взаимодействует совместно, чтобы позволить колебания указанной первой поверхности (27 ...

26-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015144672A

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013125449A

... 1. Муфтовая часть трубного соединения (1), причем эта муфтовая часть содержит камерное пространство, в которое два противоположных торца (5, 6) соединяемых вместе частей (2, 3) трубы помещаются,по существу, напротив друг друга так, что муфтовая часть (4) простирается на расстоянии от точки соединения соединяемых вместе частей (2, 3) трубы сверху обеих частей (2, 3) трубы, причем эта муфтовая часть (4) содержит нагревающее средство (7), такое как резисторные проволоки, и вследствие нагревания этих резисторных проволок образуется соединение между муфтовой частью (4) и частями (2, 3) трубы, причем в этой муфтовой части (4) образовано смотровое окно (8) через стенку муфтовой части снаружи вовнутрь до точки, в которой может быть проверено позиционирование помещенных, по существу, напротив друг друга торцевых поверхностей (5, 6), соединяемых вместе частей (2, 3) трубы, отличающаяся тем, что после образования соединения смотровое окно (8) используется как точка, из которой образуются окно (11, ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012154457A

... 1. Применение термопластичных формовочных масс, содержащих в качестве основных компонентовA) 29-99,95 мас.% полиэфира,B) 0,05-2,0 мас.% NaCO, KCO, NaHCO, KHCOили их смесей из расчета на 100 мас.% А) и В), а также, кроме того,C) 0-70 мас.% других присадок, причем сумма мас.% А)-С) составляет 100%,для получения проницаемых для лазерного излучения прессматериалов любого типа.2. Применение по п.1, где формовочные массы содержат 0,1-0,8 мас.% компонента В из расчета на 100 мас.% А) и В).3. Применение по п. 1, где формовочные массы имеют лазеропроницаемость, по меньшей мере, 33% (измеренную при 1064 нм на прессматериале толщиной 2 мм).4. Применение по п. 1, где компонент В) имеет коэффициент сжатия 1-2,9.5. Применение по п. 1, где частицы компонента В) имеют значение dвеличины частиц ≤500 мкм.6. Применение по пп.1-5, где компонент В) имеет значение d≤250 мкм.7. Применение проницаемых для лазера прессматериалов из термопластичной формовочной массы, как определено в пп.1-6, для получения прессматериалов ...

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010107686A

... 1. Способ сварки промышленной ткани, имеющей шовную область, согласно которому: ! определяют заранее заданный зазор, который должен иметь место между головкой и опорой во время сварки; ! размещают между головкой и опорой подлежащие сварке заделочные концы нитей шовной области ткани; ! подстраивают расстояние между головкой и опорой на заранее заданный зазор и ! подвергают сварке шовную область ткани при заранее заданном зазоре путем подачи энергии в течение заранее заданного времени или до поглощения заделочными концами нитей шовной области заранее заданного количества энергии. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором ткань выбирают из группы, содержащей: ткани для одежды бумагоделательной машины, ткань для сквозной сушки воздухом, технические ткани, ткани, используемые для отделочных или заключительных операций при обработке текстиля, такие как каландровальная или кожедубильная. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором зазор между головкой и опорой составляет 30-55% от исходной толщины свариваемой ткани. !

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004112769A

... 1. Способ соединения друг с другом первой кромки первого участка термопластичного листа и второй кромки второго участка термопластичного листа, содержащий следующие стадии: формирование углов на первой кромке первого участка термопластичного листа и на второй кромке второго участка термопластичного листа; формирование первого множества отверстий в первом участке термопластичного листа, которые проходят поперек первой кромки первого участка термопластичного листа; формирование второго множества отверстий во втором участке термопластичного листа, которые проходят поперек второй кромки второго участка термопластичного листа; совмещение первой и второй кромок первого и второго участков термопластичного листа так, что первый и второй участки термопластичного листа содержат находящие друг на друга участки, соединение первого и второго участков термопластичного листа друг с другом. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором стадия соединения содержит стадию сварки первого и второго участков термопластичного ...

27-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004111008A

... 1. Способ управления положением краев (7, 7') пленочной ленты, подаваемой с помощью направляющего клина (11) в формирующую воронку (5) устройства для изготовления трубчатых тел из пленочной ленты со швом (13) внахлестку с последующей ее сваркой, отличающийся тем, что после сварки температурный профиль замеряется в поперечном к шву (13) направлении с помощью инфракрасного строчно-линейного датчика (19), дешифруется, и при отклонениях его от заданного профиля выдается сигнал на вращение формирующей воронки (5) с направляющим клином (11). 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сварка производится с помощью высокой частоты (ВЧ). 3. Способ по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что температурный профиль замеряется непосредственно после сварки.

10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006137957A

... 1. Способ производства блистерного полотна, включающий следующие этапы: a) экструзию нижней пленки, средней пленки и верхней пленки, начиная с соответствующей гранулы; b) термоформование средней пленки; c) калибрование и частичное охлаждение нижней и верхней пленок; d) нагрев по меньшей мере одной стороны нижней и верхней пленок и соединение двух пленок - нижней и верхней, с термоформованной пленкой. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждый из компонентов пленки представляет собой многослойную структуру, состоящую по меньшей мере из трех слоев. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждый из компонентов пленки представляет собой многослойную структуру, выполненную методом соэкструзии трех слоев, причем выполненная соэкструзией трехслойная структура содержит внутренний слой из гомополимера пропилена и два наружных слоя из сополимера пропилена. 4. Способ по п.3, отличающийся тем, что выполненная соэкструзией трехслойная структура содержит АВА-структуру, содержащую внутренний слой ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014149249A

... 1. Способ формования уплотнительного кольца, включающий:формование термопластического стержня из по меньшей мере продольного слоя первого полимера и продольного слоя второго полимера, при этом экструдированный стержень имеет первый и второй концы;нагревание термопластического стержня до первой температуры выше температуры стеклования первого и второго полимеров;гибка термопластического стержня в округлую структуру при поддержании температуры по крайней мере при первой температуре;нагревание первого и второго концов экструдированного стержня до температуры выше температуры плавления первого и второго полимеров; исведение вместе нагретых первого и второго конца экструдированного стержня с получением сварного шва, соединяющего концы вместе, при этом сваренный второй полимер имеет по меньшей мере первое механическое свойство, которое является более желательным, чем первое механическое свойство сваренного первого полимера, так, что первое механическое свойство сварного шва, соединяющего концы ...

10-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005108610A

... 1. Соединение фталоцианина формулы I где по меньшей мере восемь из групп, представленных R1, R4, R5, R8, R9, R12, R13 и R16, которые являются идентичными, означают -X-J, где J независимо выбран из C1-6-алкила, C-2-6-алкенила, C4-8-циклоалкила (каждый из которых необязательно замещен группой, выбранной из C1-4-алкокси, C1-C4-алкилтио, С6-12-арила, С6-12-арилтио, C1-4 -алкилсульфонила, C1-4-алкилсульфониламино, C1-4-алкилсульфоксида, амино, моно- и ди-C1-4-алкиламино, галогена, нитро, циано и гидроксикарбонила (-СООН), гидроксисульфонила (-SO3H) или дигидроксифосфонила (-PO3H2) или их C1-4-алкиловых сложных эфиров) и С6-12-арила (необязательно замещенного группой, выбранной из C1-3-алкила, C1-3-алкокси, C1-C3-алкилтио, C1-3-алкилсульфонила, C1-3-алкилсульфониламино, C1-4 -алкилсульфоксида, амино, моно- и ди-C1-3-алкиламино, галогена, нитро, циано и гидроксикарбонила, гидроксисульфонила или дигидроксифосфонила, гидроксикарбонил-C1-3-алкила, гидроксисульфонил-C1-3-алкила, дигидроксифосфонил-C1 ...

23-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1830025C

23-12-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки термопластов

Номер: SU1199653A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СВАРКИ ТЕРМОПЛАСТОВ, содержащее корпус с каналом для присадочного материала, нагреватель канала, размещенный внутри корпуса механизм подачи присадочного материала, насадку с выходным соплом, сообщенным с каналом присадочного материала, отличающееся тем, что, с целью улучшения качества и повышения производительности за счет формирования шва за один проход, насадка шарнирно соединена с корпусом и снабжена фиксатором и дополнительными нагпевателем и выходным соплом, причем насадка выполнена в поперечном сечении в виде клина, в узкой части которого расположен дополнительный нагреватель , а в широкой части размещены одно над другим указанные сопла, при этом суммарная высота выходных отверстий сопел не меньше высоты шва. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отлиi чающееся тем, что оно снаб (Л жено установленным на корпусе регулируемым подпружиненным ограничиС телем высоты шва.

30-09-1990 дата публикации

Способ стыковой сварки деталей из термопластов

Номер: SU1595671A1

Изобретение относится к области сварки пластмасс и может найти применение при сварке деталей из термопластов встык нагретым инструментом. Цель - повышение качества сварного соединения. Для этого в способе стыковой сварки деталей из термопластов надрез на свариваемых торцах деталей выполняют по их средней линии на всю ее длину. Надрез выполняют после нагрева торцов на глубину, равную 0,1 глубины проплавления. 3 ил.

06-10-1977 дата публикации

Continuously operating welding machine for film webs and bags - has jaws inside which gas is heated and then discharged at plasticising temp.

Номер: DE0002551503A1

The material to be welded is conveyed into the welding zone by a conveyor belt system and then passed between 2 pairs of rollers which press the material together and cause it to coalesce. It is then conveyed to a cooling zone where cooling elements are supplied with cold air in the same manner as hot air was supplied for heating. The cooling elements allow the cooling air to impinge against the welding points to that the material finally issues completely welded and cooled. The material is simple and reliable in construction and is practically free from breakdowns. There is very little wear and tear, either mechanical or thermal, to which the equipment may be subjected.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for welding glass-fiber reinforced e.g. PVC-profile parts of window frame, involves generating relative movement between heating surfaces and profile parts during in-contact-treading of heating surfaces with fibers of profile parts

Номер: DE102012112533A1

The method involves connecting PVC-profile parts (1, 2) and heating surfaces (5a, 5b) of a heating element (4) with one another in a feed motion (Z) for partially melting the profile parts before the connection. Relative movement (R) is generated between the surfaces and the profile parts during in-contact-treading of the surfaces with glass fibers (3) of the profile parts, where the movement is carried out under an angle to a longitudinal course of the fibers. The heating element is provided with a separating film and/or a separating layer that is made from Teflon (RTM: PTFE). An independent claim is also included for a device for welding glass-fiber reinforced plastic profile parts.

03-05-2007 дата публикации

Diagnostisches Gerät

Номер: DE0069334042T2

31-01-1991 дата публикации

Patching hole in thermoplastic fabric in paper-making machine - by cutting elliptical hole, spot-welding overlapping patch, and pressing while heating ultrasonically

Номер: DE0003923785A1

Fabrics which contain thermoplastic threads are bonded together by overlapping them where they are softened by ultrasonic heating and are pressed together. The whole area of the overlap is heated at the same time, and the fabrics are pressed together at a pressure which brings them almost into one single plane. The process is particularly intended for use with thermoplastic polyester threads. To repair a hole in the sheet-forming fabric at the wet end of a paper machine the fabric is made taut as in service and is placed on a supporting plate. The hole is then punched out into an elliptical shape with sharp edges, and the plate is replaced with a steel plate. An ultra-sonic welder is centered in position over the hole.A patch is placed over the hole so as to overlap 1-3mm over the edges and the patch is spot welded at 2 or 3 points to fix it. An ultrasonic sonotrode is brought down to heat the overlapping area and to press the area with the patch. For this purpose the sonotrode is a ring ...

19-08-1999 дата публикации

Rohrverbindung und Verfahren zur seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE0069510770D1
Принадлежит: UPONOR BV, UPONOR B.V.

24-11-1988 дата публикации

Plastics film web

Номер: DE0003809907A1

A plastics film web (1) has two butt-connected parts (2, 3). The butting lines (5, 6) of the two parts (2, 3) are curved. These butting lines permit a positive interengaging connection. The butting lines (5, 6) are connected to each other by an adhesive paste or by welding. This produces a plastics film web which is made up of at least two butt-connected parts, can be manufactured with appropriate strength and consequently can be used for technical purposes under the given regulations. ...

07-07-2005 дата публикации

Vibration welding plant for welding plastic or plastic composite components has drive unit acting in conjunction with stroking drive unit to produce a set horizontal movement of the lower tool

Номер: DE202005007282U1

A vibrating carrier supports the upper tool and the lower tool(5) is on a stroking table(4) which, in addition to its stroking movement, can also be moved horizontally in at least one direction by a drive unit(9). A control unit(S) controls the stroke drive unit(10) and/or the drive unit for horizontal movement. during raising and lowering movements. The horizontal displacement of the table and tool follows a set control curve. Horizontal movement of the lower tool(5) on a support(2) along a transverse axis is achieved with guides(3) and slides. Sensors(Sr1, Sr2) allocated to the stroke drive unit(10) and/or horizontal drive unit(9) record the movements of the lower tool and are connected to the control system. The electronic control system compares recorded values from the sensors with set values in a storage unit and depending on the comparison controls movement of both drive units. Drive units for horizontal movement can be electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic.

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015109457A1

Eine Vorrichtung zum Fügen von thermoplastischen Werkstücken umfasst ein Ultraschallschweißgerät mit einem Ultraschallschwinger, einem Verstärker und einem Horn, das eine Schweißspitze aufweist. Ein Klemm-Mechanismus ist an dem Ultraschallschweißgerät befestigt und umfasst einen oberen Rahmen, der mit einem Schuh gekoppelt ist. Die Schweißspitze des Horns des Ultraschallschweißgeräts steht in eine Durchbrechung in dem Schuh des Klemm-Mechanismus vor. Der Klemm-Mechanismus übt eine Klemmkraft auf die Werkstücke aus, welche von einer Schweißkraft verschieden ist, die durch das Ultraschallschweißgerät ausgeübt wird, wenn das Ultraschallschweißgerät in Betrieb ist, um die thermoplastischen Werkstücke zu fügen.

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015109483B4
Принадлежит: DRAEXLMAIER LISA GMBH, Lisa Dräxlmaier GmbH

Verfahren zum Verbinden eines verpressten Faserverbundbauteils (1; 21) mit einem thermoplastischen Kunststoff als Matrixmaterial, das an seiner Oberfläche (4) mindestens einen Vorsprung (5; 15) ausbildet, der aus dem thermoplastischen Kunststoff besteht, mit einem kunststoffhaltigen Bauteil (2; 12; 22), bei dem das Faserverbundbauteil (1; 21) mit seinem mindestens einen Vorsprung (5; 15) in Kontakt mit dem kunststoffhaltigen Bauteil (2; 12; 22) gebracht wird und dort mit dem kunststoffhaltigen Bauteil (2; 12; 22), einen Kontaktbereich ausbildet, und verschweißt, insbesondere ultraschallverschweißt, wird, wobei mindestens der Kontaktbereich des Faserverbundbauteils (1; 21) und/oder des kunststoffhaltigen Bauteils (2; 12; 22) zum Ultraschallschweißen durch Heißluft (H) erwärmt wird und mittels des Kontaktbereichs ein Heißluftkanal (7) gebildet wird, durch den die Heißluft (H) geleitet wird.

30-09-1999 дата публикации

Gerät zum Schneiden und/oder Schweißen flexibler Verpackung

Номер: DE0019782074T1

02-03-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002656804B2

29-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002546095A1

23-11-2006 дата публикации

Welding or cutting unit for plastics, comprises a flat cylinder on an axis, with a radial crown with cut-outs

Номер: DE202005016252U1

An arrangement for welding or cutting plastic film or belt material, comprises a flat cylinder (1-1) on an axis (1-2). The cylinder has a radial crown with cutouts (1-4). The cutouts are circular, elliptical or grooved.

22-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069206986T2

12-11-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003911695C2

20-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002629907A1

06-04-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002619935B2

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von verstärkten Faserverbundbauteilen und mittels dieses Verfahrens hergestelltes Faserverbundbauteil

Номер: DE102017116803A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von entlang zumindest eines Lastpfads verstärkten Faserverbundbauteilen (3) durch Aufbringen eines entlang eines Lastpfades auf ein zu verstärkendes, thermoplastisch verschweißbares Bauteil (13) ausgelegten Garns (9) und Befestigen des Garns (9) auf dem Bauteil (13) und ein mittels des Verfahrens hergestelltes verstärktes Faserverbundbauteil (3). Um die Herstellung zu vereinfachen und flexibel auszugestalten, wird das Garn (9) mit Verstärkungsfasern (10) und entlang des Garns (9) angeordneten thermoplastischen Elementen (11) versehen, die thermoplastischen Elemente (11) werden mittels einer entlang des Lastpfads verlagerbaren Ultraschallsonotrode (6) unter Andrücken des Garns (9) gegen das Bauteil (13) aufgeschmolzen und das Garn (9) wird entlang des Lastpfads zumindest partiell mittels der aufgeschmolzenen thermoplastischen Elemente (11) mit dem Bauteil (13) verschweißt.

24-05-1984 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing joint connections by the vibration welding process

Номер: DE0003242478A1

Process for manufacturing joint connections on mouldings of reinforced and/or unreinforced thermoplastics by the vibration welding process. In order to obtain high quality factors of the welded connections a contact body is introduced between the joint surfaces of the mouldings and welded to the mouldings under the action of linear or angular oscillations, the contact body being variable within wide limits regarding its geometrical dimensions and its material characteristics.

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Mehrteiliges Gehäuse für eine Membranpumpe, Membranpumpe, Abgasnachbehandlungssystem

Номер: DE102017209569A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein mehrteiliges Gehäuse (1) für eine Membranpumpe (10), umfassend ein erstes Kunststoffteil (2) und ein zweites Kunststoffteil (3), die miteinander verbunden sind, wobei die Verbindung über eine radiale Schweißnaht (4) zwischen einem hohlzylinderförmigen Kragen (5) des ersten Kunststoffteils (2) und einem hierin eingesetzten Außenumfangsabschnitt (6) des zweiten Kunststoffteils (3) hergestellt ist. Erfindungsgemäß weist der Außenumfangsabschnitt (6) des zweiten Kunststoffteils (3) im Bereich eines umlaufenden Schweißstegs (7) ein radiales Übermaß (a) gegenüber einem Innendurchmesser (D) des hohlzylinderförmigen Kragens (5) des ersten Kunststoffteils (2) auf, so dass auf den Kragen (5) eine Radialkraft wirkt, die zu einer Dehnung des Kragens (5) führt, wobei zur Reduzierung der Dehnung das radiale Übermaß des Schweißstegs (7) über eine Einpresstiefe (t) variiert.Ferner betrifft die Erfindung eine Membranpumpe (10) mit einem erfindungsgemäßen Gehäuse (1) sowie ein ...

11-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003276258D1
Принадлежит: GEBERIT AG

11-10-1984 дата публикации

Film welding unit for domestic film bags

Номер: DE0003312781A1

An electrical heating device is disposed in the unit housing of a film welding unit, which heating device has a support strip onto which the pressure strip of a pivot bracket mounted on the unit housing can be pressed. A two-layer film web can be welded between the support strip and the pressure strip to form a closed bag. In order to be able to fix the film bag undisplaceably on the unit housing of the film welding unit before it is welded, apart from the pivot bracket for welding the film bag, a clamping arm which can be pressed onto the unit housing independently thereof is mounted on the unit housing so as to be pivotable in order to fix the film bag.

26-02-2004 дата публикации

Putzleiste mit daran befestigtem Armierungsmaterial

Номер: DE0059810613D1

12-02-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000095744A1

03-03-1988 дата публикации

Plastic tape for sealing or lining large-area articles

Номер: DE0003628958A1

The invention relates to a plastic tape for sealing or lining large-area articles which comprises crosslinked plastic with edge strips of uncrosslinked plastic on its longitudinal edges.

19-06-1987 дата публикации

Process, in particular for producing a heat exchanger, and a heat exchanger

Номер: DE0003636177A1

Process for the permanent fastening of the end or ends of at least one rod, consisting at least partially of thermoplastic material and having in each case at least one continuous cavity, in at least one opening of a supporting plate encompassing at least one rod. In this process, for its fastening, each rod is positioned in openings of the supporting plate provided for it, each rod cavity having a hydraulic diameter which corresponds to at least 10% of the smallest outer cross-sectional dimension of the rod, and the rod walls may have pores which make up at most 20% of the wall volume. The said process is intended in particular for producing heat exchangers and is characterised in that the rods with the supporting plate are positioned in such a way that the ends of the rods are arranged substantially vertically upwards and the supporting plate is arranged substantially horizontally, in that then heat is supplied from above to the rod ends to such an extent that the rod ends soften at least ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a plastic fuel tank with improved creep strength

Номер: US20120006476A1
Принадлежит: Inergy Automotive Systems Research SA

A method for manufacturing a plastic fuel tank including: a) inserting a plastic parison including two distinct parts into an open two-cavity mold; b) inserting a core, bearing at least part of a reinforcing element configured to create a link between the two parison parts, inside the parison; c) pressing the parison firmly against the mold cavities, for example by blowing through the core and/or creating suction behind the cavities; d) fixing the part of the reinforcing element to at least one of the parison parts using the core; e) withdrawing the core; f) closing the mold, bringing its two cavities together to grip the two parison parts around their periphery to weld them together; g) injecting a pressurized fluid into the mold and/or creating a vacuum behind the mold cavities to press the parison firmly against the mold cavities; and h) opening the mold and extracting the tank.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Method For Producing Food Filled and Sealed Container

Номер: US20120067765A1
Принадлежит: Shikoku Kakoki Co Ltd, Yakult Honsha Co Ltd

It is a method for producing a food-filled and sealed container having a high product value, in which a container lid made of resin is not deformed after sealing. In this method for producing a food-filled and sealed container, after a food is filled in a container body ( 10 ) made of thermoplastic resin, the container is sealed by heat sealing a container lid ( 20 ) made of thermoplastic resin, and the container body ( 10 ) and/or the container lid ( 20 ) have sealing surfaces ( 13, 24 ) provided with a concavity or convexity.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Sonotrode and anvil energy director grids for narrow/complex ultrasonic welds of improved durability

Номер: US20120097339A1
Автор: Gordon Hull
Принадлежит: Gordon Hull

A specially designed sonotrode and anvil are adapted to be used in combination for ultrasonic welding of work pieces, to produce a narrower weld region, but one exhibiting greater durability, thereby permitting use of less packaging material. The contact surfaces comprise a surface of the anvil having a plurality of energy directors, where the plurality of energy directors are arranged into a three-dimensional grid pattern to be capable of distributed vibration-transmissive contact. The energy directors may comprise a series of plateau surfaces being regularly spaced apart from each other in a first direction, and in a second direction that is orthogonal to the first direction, to form the grid pattern. The rectangular-shaped plateaus may be spaced apart by valleys. Engagement of the energy directors of the anvil with the corresponding surface of the sonotrode may cause minor elastic deformation of work pieces positioned therebetween prior to ultrasonic welding.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for providing a branch in a conduit made of thermoplastic polymeric material, while a fluid is running in the conduit

Номер: US20120103500A1
Автор: Renzo Bortoli
Принадлежит: Ritmo Spa

A method for providing a branch in a conduit made of thermoplastic polymeric material, while a fluid is running in the conduit, including the following steps: preparing for welding one end of a connector with an inside diameter that is substantially equivalent to the inside diameter of the conduit; preparing for welding the outer surface of the conduit; positioning the end of the connector prepared for welding in contact with the outer surface of the conduit prepared for welding; depositing a welding bead along the region of mutual contact between the end of the connector prepared for welding and the outer surface of the conduit prepared for welding; checking the tightness of the welding bead; providing an opening on the conduit, the opening being internal to the connector and with a diameter that is substantially equivalent to the inside diameter of the conduit.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Battery storage case and battery pack having the same

Номер: US20120135300A1
Автор: Shinji Ota
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The present invention provides a battery storage case capable of achieving easier insertion of an adhesive projection into an adhesion groove and ensuring adhesion sealability, and a battery pack having this battery storage case. The battery storage case includes: first and second cases 4 and 3 for sandwiching and storing a battery 2 therebetween in a predetermined sandwiching direction; an adhesive projection 10 provided in the first case 4 ; and an adhesion groove 7 provided in the second case 3 , wherein the width of the adhesion groove 7 is set to be greater than the thickness of the adhesive projection 10 , and the first case 4 and the second case 3 can be adhered to each other in a state that a clearance K 1 on the outer circumference side of the adhesive projection 10 is different from a clearance K 2 on the inner circumference side of the adhesive projection 10 over the entire circumference of an axis parallel to the sandwiching direction.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing a reagent container assembly and reagent container assembly

Номер: US20120141339A1
Принадлежит: Roche Diagnostics Operations Inc

Embodiments directed to a process for producing a reagent container assembly made of plastic and a reagent container assembly are disclosed. The process may comprise: assembling a group of particular reagent containers, and joining the reagent containers to form the reagent container assembly where at least two of the reagent containers are permanently joined together by at least one welding process.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Add-on part for connecting to a component by torsional ultrasonic welding

Номер: US20120155954A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for welding an add-on part to a component, in particular for a motor vehicle, using the in per se known torsional ultrasonic welding method having a sonotrode for transferring the vibrations generating the welding add-on part has a coupling flange for coupling the vibrations of the sonotrode and the add-on part has coupling elements for coupling the vibrations induced by the sonotrode in the welding region facing the weld interface area of the component, and the coupling elements thereby melt during the welding process and thus well the add-on part to the component.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Thermoforming Web Accumulator and Method

Номер: US20120180931A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A thermoforming web accumulator is provided having a frame, a web guide element, an arm, and an actuator. The frame is configured to be provided within a thermoforming line. The web guide element is configured to be provided beneath a web of thermoformable material being delivered along the thermoforming line. The arm is carried by the frame and is configured to articulate the web guide element between raised and lowered positions. The actuator is operatively coupled with the arm to articulate the arm to controllably move the web guide element between raised and lowered positions to accumulate an extra length of web and discharge the extra length of web during a web splicing operation. A method is also provided.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Continuous heat welded flexible pvc membrane with an interlocking vapor barrier system and including sensor detection features associated with each of a plurality of overlapping membrane sections

Номер: US20120192511A1
Автор: Terry Umlor
Принадлежит: Individual

An assembly for sealing an exposed surface including a plurality of thermoformed and individually sealing membrane sections, each provided in sheet form and configured for applying over an exterior of the surface. The membranes are directly heat welded to one another along overlapping edges in order to create a sectionalized and continuous vapor barrier across the surface. A sensor is integrated into any one or more selected membrane sections. The sensor incorporates a power supply, a processor and a transmitter which is communicable with a remote monitoring device in order to notify of a problem within any specified membrane section.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for impinging fluids on substrates

Номер: US20120213934A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Herein are disclosed apparatus and methods for impinging fluids, e.g. heated fluids, onto the surface of moving substrates and then locally removing the impinged fluid. The apparatus may comprise at least first and second fluid delivery outlets that are in diverging relation to each other. A long axis of the first fluid delivery outlet may be oriented obliquely to the path of the first moving substrate, and a long axis of the second fluid delivery outlet may be oriented obliquely to the path of the second moving substrate. The apparatus may comprise at least first and second fluid capture inlets that are locally positioned relative to the first and second fluid delivery outlets, respectively.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Compressible dual resin thermoplastic welding rod and method for electric resistance thermoplastic welding

Номер: US20120231272A1
Автор: Robert Pinder

An innovative method of thermoplastic electrofusion welding uses a novel compressible dual resin thermoplastic welding rod. This welding rod comprises an inner core made of a soft first thermoplastic resin, a resistance wire wrapped around the inner core, and an outer coating surrounding the inner core and wire. The outer coating is made of a second thermoplastic resin that is harder than the first thermoplastic resin of the inner core. The first thermoplastic may be made of thermoplastic vulcanizate (TPV). The second thermoplastic resin may be made of a high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Because of its compressibility, this dual resin electrofusion welding rod greatly facilitates the seating of parts that are to be welded together.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Soundproof material for vehicle

Номер: US20120234626A1
Принадлежит: Takehiro Co Ltd

A first sound absorbing material to be located facing a vehicle room interior side, the air-impermeable material having an air-impermeable film having bonding hot-melts on both sides thereof, and the second sound absorbing material to be located facing a vehicle room exterior side are laminated in this order, and are closely-located between two heating boards and are supplied with hot air to melt hot-melts and thus to make a laminate. The laminate is cold press molded with the first sound absorbing material on a lower mold, and at the same time as the press molding, compressed gas is supplied from an upper mold to apply pressure on the air-impermeable material and thus to compression mold the first sound absorbing material.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Welding Method and Welding Apparatus

Номер: US20120241424A1
Принадлежит: Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd

A welding technique closely contacting a light transmissive second member to a first member and radiating deflection-controlled laser light from a second member side to weld both first and second members at a weld interface thereof. A reflectance reducing means is formed by an incident angle adjusting step provided in a cover plate that is disposed on a light radiating surface side of the second member. The reflectance reducing means reduces incident angles of the light at the light radiating surfaces of the first and second members, thus reducing the reflection loss of the laser light at the light radiating surfaces and improving the welding efficiency.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Thermoplastic welding apparatus and method

Номер: US20120291948A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A thermoplastic welding apparatus includes a thermoplastic welding tool, at least one tooling surface in the thermoplastic welding tool, a magnetic induction coil in the thermoplastic welding tool and generally encircling the at least one tooling surface and at least one smart susceptor in the thermoplastic welding tool at the at least one tooling surface. The magnetic induction coil is adapted to generate a magnetic flux field oriented generally parallel to a plane of the at least one smart susceptor.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Decorative welding rod for surface coverings

Номер: US20130051904A1
Принадлежит: Tarkett GDL SA

The present invention relates to a multicolour decorative welding rod ( 3 ) and a method to produce a multicolour decorative welding rod, said welding rod comprising a PVC-based component A and a PVC-based component B, in a ratio of component A/component B comprised between 10/90 to 50/50, said components A and B being associated in such a way that the composition of said component A comprises a PVC having a higher melt viscosity and/or a higher melting point, than the PVC of said component B, said components A and B being of a different colour.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Transparent material processing with an ultrashort pulse laser

Номер: US20130095260A1
Принадлежит: IMRA America Inc

Methods for ultrashort pulse laser processing of optically transparent materials. A method for scribing transparent materials uses ultrashort laser pulses to create multiple scribe features with a single pass of the laser beam across the material, with at least one of the scribe features being formed below the surface of the material. Slightly modifying the ultrashort pulse laser processing conditions produces sub-surface marks. When properly arranged, these marks are clearly visible with side-illumination and not clearly visible without side-illumination. In addition, a method for welding transparent materials uses ultrashort laser pulses to create a bond through localized heating. The ultrashort pulse duration causes nonlinear absorption of the laser radiation, and the high repetition rate of the laser causes pulse-to-pulse accumulation of heat within the materials.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Cell-like structure manufacturing method, cell-like structure and corresponding equipment

Номер: US20130112344A1
Автор: Marc Le Monnier
Принадлежит: Individual

Method for manufacturing a cell-like honeycomb structure, formed from a plurality of thermoplastic sheets attached to each other, wherein contoured areas are provided in each sheet, and each free sheet is attached to an adjacent sheet of an intermediate block formed by the different sheets previously attached therebetween, welding at least some of the flat areas contacting this free sheet and this adjacent sheet with a laser source along a continuous line parallel to the contour axis.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for the production of hollow bodies from thermoplastic and apparatus for carrying out the method

Номер: US20130112345A1
Принадлежит: Kautex Textron GmbH and Co KG

The invention refers to a method for the production of hollow bodies from thermoplastic, in particular for the production of motor vehicle tanks, in which the plastic is shaped as an extruded preform in the still plastic state or as a semi-finished product into at least two shells with the aid of at least one moulding die ( 3 ), with the use of heat, and the subsequently cooled and then dimensionally stable shells are placed one on the other and joined together into an essentially closed hollow body. As moulding die ( 3 ) is used at least one positive die which has essentially the contour of the shells. The shells are shaped by the plastic being laid against the positive die. The apparatus for carrying out the method is also disclosed.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for the butt-welding of pipes made of thermoplastic material

Номер: US20130126088A1
Автор: Joerg Wermelinger

A method and a device for welding plastic pipes ( 1 ) made of thermoplastic material by a butt-welding method, wherein the pipes ( 1 ) are held in a coaxial position in relation to one another by clamping points ( 2 ), are trimmed by a trimmer ( 3 ), which can be brought between the clamping points ( 2 ), and are heated up by heated tools ( 6 ), which can be fitted in place of the trimmer ( 3 ), wherein the heating of the free pipe ends ( 8 ) to be welded has the effect of forming a melting region which forms a bead when pressing occurs, the pipe projection ( 5 ) of the pipes ( 1 ) being trimmed to a defined size.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Fibrous Wound Filler Material for Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

Номер: US20130172834A1
Автор: David G. Heagle

An apparatus for promoting the healing of an exuding wound includes a wound cover for defining a reservoir over a wound in which a negative pressure may be maintained. The cover may form a substantially fluid-tight seal around the wound and permit fluid communication between the reservoir and a vacuum source suitable for providing an appropriate negative pressure to the reservoir to stimulate healing of the wound. A wound filler positioned between the wound and the wound cover includes a nonwoven material at least partially perforated by sonic welding.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Microfluidic device and method of fabricating the same

Номер: US20130174964A1

Provided are a microfluidic device that performs a biochemical reaction using a small amount of a biochemical fluid and detects the result thereof, and a method of fabricating the same. The microfluidic device includes: a substrate which comprises a chamber that is formed as a concave groove and accommodates a fluid in the bottom surface of the substrate, and is formed of polymer; and a film welded on the bottom surface of the substrate to seal the chamber so that the chamber is not open at the bottom surface of the substrate, and formed of polymer. The method of fabricating a microfluidic device includes: preparing a substrate which comprises a chamber that is formed as a concave groove and accommodates a fluid in the bottom surface of the substrate, and is formed of polymer; and welding a film on a bottom surface of the substrate to seal the chamber so that the chamber is not opened at the bottom surface of the substrate, the film being formed of polymer.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for monitoring the quality of industrial processes and system therefrom

Номер: US20130199296A1
Принадлежит: Centro Ricerche Fiat SCpA

A method for monitoring the quality of an industrial working process, which includes identifying defects of the working process, comprises acquiring at least one signal having multiple frequency components from the industrial working process, decomposing the at least one signal having multiple frequency components in signals having single frequency components, calculating the information content for each signal having a single frequency component, analyzing the information content for each signal having a single frequency component, and if the value of the information content of the signal at the lowest single frequency component does not represent a main percentage of the information content of the whole acquired signal, the acquired signal having multiple frequency components is evaluated as indicative of a working process with defects and a defect analysis step is performed on the signal having multiple frequency components.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for producing a composite material

Номер: US20130213571A1

Method and device for producing a composite material. The method includes feeding at least two semi-finished webs in their respective longitudinal direction, placing one of the at least two semi-finished webs on top of an other of the at least two semi-finished webs, and connecting the at least two semi-finished webs to one another. Each semi-finished web has fibers fixed in a unidirectionally oriented manner, and, in at least one of the at least two semi-finished webs, the fibers enclose a predetermined angle greater than 0° to the longitudinal direction.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Collapsible kayak apparatus and method

Номер: US20130233234A1
Автор: Michael A. Crumpton
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus and method of use of a foldable watercraft and method of construction. The device comprises a collapsible boat hull constructed from a lightweight, low maintenance, and inexpensive material. The boat hull is frameless, folded and unfolded quickly, and is easy to transport and store.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Strap welding system and method

Номер: US20130247515A1
Автор: Bradley P. Actis

Bale strap assemblies for strapping a pressed bale are materials capable of being strapped are discussed herein. The bale strap assemblies account for jumping affects at the weld jaws due to reciprocating motions of the crank on the connecting rod and are adjusted by varying relative positions between the crank and the weld jaws.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Battery pack case assembly for electric and hybrid vehicles using a plastic composite and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130252059A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, LG HAUSYS LTD

Disclosed is a battery pack case assembly for an electric or hybrid vehicle and a method for manufacturing the same. The battery pack case assembly includes a case body and a cover. The case body receives a battery pack, and the cover is coupled to the case body. The case body is formed of a plastic composite in which a long fiber or a blend of a long fiber and a continuous fiber is used as a reinforcing fiber in a plastic matrix. A separate reinforced member is bonded to both side bracket parts for coupling to a vehicle body, and is formed of a plastic composite in which a long fiber, a continuous, or a blend of a long fiber and a continuous fiber is used as the reinforcing fiber in the plastic matrix.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Gear housing for a planetary gear, and method for the production of the same

Номер: US20130255438A1
Автор: Matthias Kieninger
Принадлежит: IMS Gear SE and Co KGaA

The invention relates to a gear housing for a planetary gear, for the purpose of accommodating the toothed components, which form the planetary gear, having a hollow cylindrical housing body comprising an inner toothing, wherein said housing body can be connected on both end faces thereof to a mounting flange, wherein according to the invention, the configuration includes—the housing body and at least one mounting flange are designed to each overlap axially on end faces thereof to form an overlap region,—in the overlap region, the housing body and the at least one mounting flange are designed with a press connection, and—at least in the overlap region, a material that is transparent to laser light, and a material that is not transparent to laser light, are included as the materials for the housing body and for the at least one mounting flange.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Methods Of Joining Textiles And Other Elements Incorporating A Thermoplastic Polymer Material

Номер: US20130260629A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A yarn or thread may include a plurality of substantially aligned filaments, with at least ninety-five percent of a material of the filaments being a thermoplastic polymer material. Various woven textiles and knitted textiles may be formed from the yarn or thread. The woven textiles or knitted textiles may be thermal bonded to other elements to form seams. A strand that is at least partially formed from a thermoplastic polymer material may extend through the seam, and the strand may be thermal bonded at the seam. The woven textiles or knitted textiles may be shaped or molded, incorporated into products, and recycled to form other products.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Device for welding a tubular lining of a wastewater pipe

Номер: US20130269878A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention describes an apparatus for welding a tubular lining of a wastewater pipe, comprising a retainer for the butt-jointed longitudinal edges ( 8, 9 ), which are intended to be welded, of a plastic panel ( 5 ) bent to form a pipe, and comprising a welding apparatus ( 25 ). In order to provide advantageous welding conditions it is proposed that the retainer for the two butt-jointed longitudinal edges ( 8, 9 ) of the plastic panel ( 5 ) comprises one respective clamping device ( 6, 7 ) consisting of a stationary clamping bar ( 10 ) on the outside of the pipe and a movable clamping bar ( 11 ) on the inside of the pipe which is connected to an actuating drive ( 12 ), that the stationary clamping bars ( 10 ) are located opposite of one another with respect to the butt joint between the two longitudinal edges ( 8, 9 ) while leaving a gap ( 21 ) open, that at least one of the two movable clamping bars ( 11 ) forms a stop ( 36 ) for one longitudinal edge ( 8 ) of the plastic panel ( 5 ) in a position placed against the associated stationary clamping bar ( 10 ), and that a guide ( 22 ) is provided along the gap ( 21 ) between the stationary clamping bars ( 10 ) for the welding device ( 25 ).

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Light Weight Thermoplastic Flex Foam and Hybrid Duct System

Номер: US20130276959A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

An aerospace vessel including a fuselage, a means for causing the fuselage to fly coupled to the fuselage, and an environmental control system within the fuselage. The environmental control system includes a duct made of closed cell thermoplastic foam, such as polyvinylidene fluoride foam.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Welded-in spout

Номер: US20130284769A1
Автор: Werner Schick
Принадлежит: Poeppelmann Holding GmbH and Co KG

A welded-in spout for connecting to a container, in particular for connecting to two foil walls of a plastic container includes a neck having a pouring channel with a vertical longitudinal central axis; two outer side surfaces joined with the neck, wherein each outer side surface is provided with an interior side wall; a plurality of stiffening webs extending between the interior side walls; a plurality of corner transitions between the side walls and each of the stiffening webs, wherein each corner transition has a contour between a first straight line representing an extension of one of the interior side walls and a second straight line formed by a surface of one of the stiffening webs; and wherein the contour of at least one of the corner transitions for stabilizing the welded-in spout during an ultrasonic welding-in process has a curvature of less than 10/mm.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Microstructure for fusion bonded thermoplastic polymer material, and related methods

Номер: US20130302547A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A material comprises a first layer that includes a thermoplastic polymer having a microstructure that includes a plurality of closed cells, each cell containing a void and each cell having a maximum dimension extending across the void within the cell that ranges between 1 micrometer and 200 micrometers long. The material also includes a second layer including a thermoplastic polymer having a microstructure that includes a plurality of closed cells, each cell containing a void and each cell having a maximum dimension extending across the void within the cell that ranges between 1 micrometer and 200 micrometers long. The material also includes an interface layer formed by fusion bonding the first layer to the second layer, the interface layer having a microstructure that includes a plurality of closed cells, each cell containing a void and each cell having a maximum dimension extending across the void within the cell that is at least 100 micrometers long.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Joint Body of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composite Material

Номер: US20130309001A1
Принадлежит: Teijin Ltd

There is provided a joint body including: a reinforcing member having at least one random layer in which a chopped carbon fiber is randomly oriented in a thermoplastic resin, and at least one unidirectional material layer in which a continuous carbon fiber is unidirectionally arranged in a thermoplastic resin; and a reinforced member with an open sectional shape having at least one selected from the group consisting of a random layer and a unidirectional material layer, wherein the reinforcing member and the reinforced member are vibration-welded to form a hollow closed section.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Marked thermoplastic compositions, methods of making and articles comprising the same, and uses thereof

Номер: US20130323476A1

An article for laser marking can comprising: a thermoplastic composition comprising a thermoplastic polymer, an active component comprising at least one of a polymeric unit and an additive, wherein the thermoplastic polymer has a visible transmission of greater than or equal to 80% according to ASTM D1003-00, Procedure A, using D65 illumination, 10 degrees observer, and thickness of 1 mm; and a mark produced by chemical rearrangement of the active component generated by a laser of a first wavelength; wherein the mark exhibits at least one of: (i) a change in optical properties in the region 400 nm to 700 nm when exposed to light having a wavelength less than or equal to 500 nm; and (ii) a change in optical properties in the region of 400 nm to 700 nm when exposed to light having a wavelength greater than or equal to the first wavelength.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor memory device and method of fabricating the same

Номер: US20130328182A1
Автор: Jae-hwan Han

Provided is a semiconductor device and method of fabricating the semiconductor memory device. The semiconductor device may be formed by forming a first welding groove along outside edges of one case of a pair of upper and lower cases, forming a first welding protrusion along outside edges of the other case, the first welding protrusion being formed to correspond to the first welding groove and having a volume larger than a volume of the first welding groove. The method may further include inserting the first welding protrusion into the first welding groove to enclose a memory module in an inner accommodating space of the upper and lower cases, melting the first welding protrusion so that a first portion of the first welding protrusion fills the first welding groove and a second portion of the first welding protrusion fills a space between welding portions of the upper case and the lower case, and solidifying the first and second portions of the first welding protrusion.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Ultrasonic sealing of packages

Номер: US20140033653A1
Принадлежит: Frito Lay North America Inc

A method and apparatus for sealing films. In one embodiment the sealing device comprises a horn and an anvil. The film has a standard portion and an increased portion. Increased energy is applied to the film in the increased portion compared to the energy applied to the standard portion. Such a method allows for sealing of varying number of layers.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Method of forming raceway knockout

Номер: US20140090768A1
Принадлежит: Bemis Manufacturing Co

A method for forming a knockout on a raceway includes removing a knockout from the raceway to form an opening, positioning the knockout within the opening, and thereafter attaching the knockout to the raceway by welding the knockout and the raceway together.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Friction welding element, and a method for connecting the friction welding element to a housing

Номер: US20160001394A1
Автор: Michael Stumpf
Принадлежит: Boellhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH

A friction welding method for fastening a connection bushing, such as a threaded bushing for example, in a housing. In order to improve the quality of the connection, the connection bushing is attached to the housing using a friction welding element. The friction welding element consists of the connection bushing, on which a friction welding shell with a radially outer friction welding contour is formed or molded. Connecting and sealing portions are produced between the friction welding element and the housing during the friction welding process by means of a special design of the friction welding contour.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Hybrid braided composite parts

Номер: US20210001564A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Systems and methods are provided for fabricating a hybrid composite part. A method includes braiding a first set of fibers to form a weave having a closed cross-sectional shape, braiding a second set of fibers into the weave that are chemically distinct from the first set of fibers, impregnating the weave with a resin, and hardening the resin within the weave to form a hybrid composite part.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001566A1

A connection includes: a first profile having a first end, the first profile including a first polymeric material comprising a thermoset material; and a second profile having a second end, the second profile including a second polymeric material, a metal, or combination thereof, wherein the first end and the second end are coincidently bonded without a bonding material at an interface of the first end and the second end. 1. A connection comprising:a first profile having a first end, the first profile comprising a first polymeric material comprising a thermoset material; anda second profile having a second end, the second profile comprising a second polymeric material, a metal, or combination thereof, wherein the first end and the second end are coincidently bonded without a bonding material at an interface of the first end and the second end.2. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the interface has a mechanical strength of at least 2% claim 1 , at least 10% claim 1 , or even at least 35% of a bulk material of the first profile and the second profile.3. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first polymeric material comprises a thermoplastic material claim 1 , a thermoset material claim 1 , or combination thereof.4. The connection in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the thermoset material of the first polymeric material comprises a silicone elastomer claim 3 , a diene elastomer claim 3 , a butyl rubber claim 3 , a natural rubber claim 3 , a polyurethane rubber claim 3 , an ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber claim 3 , an isoprene rubber claim 3 , a nitrile rubber claim 3 , a styrene butadiene rubber claim 3 , a blend claim 3 , or combination thereof.5. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the second polymeric material comprises a thermoplastic material claim 1 , a thermoset material claim 1 , or combination thereof.6. The connection in accordance with claim 5 , wherein the thermoset material comprises a silicone ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001361A1

A method for manufacturing a plastic fuel tank including: a) inserting a plastic parison including two distinct parts into an open two-cavity mold; b) inserting a core, bearing at least part of a reinforcing element configured to create a link between the two parison parts, inside the parison; c) pressing the parison firmly against the mold cavities, for example by blowing through the core and/or creating suction behind the cavities; d) fixing the part of the reinforcing element to at least one of the parison parts using the core; e) withdrawing the core; f) closing the mold, bringing its two cavities together to grip the two parison parts around their periphery to weld them together; g) injecting a pressurized fluid into the mold and/or creating a vacuum behind the mold cavities to press the parison firmly against the mold cavities; and h) opening the mold and extracting the tank. 1a) inserting a plastic parison including a first part and a second part into an open two-cavity mold;b) inserting a core inside the parison, the core bearing at least part of a reinforcing element that is substantially rigid and configured to create a link between the two parts of the parison, the reinforcing element having a first end for coupling with said first part of the parison and a second end for coupling with said second part of the parison;c) pressing the parison firmly against the mold cavities, or blowing through the core and/or creating suction behind the cavities;d) welding the first end of the reinforcing element to the first part of the parison using the core;e) withdrawing the core;f) closing the mold again, bringing its two cavities together so as to grip the first and second parts of the parison around their periphery to weld them together, and welding the second end of the reinforcing element to the second part of the parison;g) injecting a pressurized fluid into the mold and/or creating a vacuum behind the mold cavities to press the parison firmly against the mold ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001574A1

There is described a forming assembly () for forming a plurality of sealed packs () starting from a tube () of packaging material, comprising first conveying means () movable along a first path (Q) comprising: a first operative branch (Q), which has a main elongation direction parallel to an advancing direction (A) of the tube (); and a first return branch (Q) comprising an initial portion () which is arranged immediately downstream of the operative branch (Q) and extends transversally to the advancing direction (A); first conveying means (′) comprise one of a sealing element () or a counter-sealing element (); and a first half-shell (), which is movable along the operative branch (Q) between: a first rest position, in which it is detached from the tube () or the formed pack (); and a first operative position, in which it grips the tube () or the formed pack (); the first half-shell () is arranged in the first operative position along a first portion () of the first operative branch (Q); the first half-shell () is kept in the first operative position along an initial portion (), so as to grip and convey the pack () in a staggered position with respect to the advancing direction (A); and moves, from the first operative position to the rest position at an end () of the initial portion () opposite to the first portion (), so as to discharge the pack () in a staggered position with respect to the advancing direction (A). 1. A forming assembly for forming a plurality of sealed packs starting from a tube of packaging material , comprising:a first conveyor movable along first path;wherein said first path is configured to proceed according to an advancing direction of the first conveyor:a first operative branch, which has a main elongation direction parallel to an advancing direction of said tube; anda first return branch comprising, in turn, an initial portion which is arranged immediately downstream of said operative branch and extends transversally to said advancing ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002394A1
Автор: Swanick Thomas M.

A method of making expanded fluoropolymer articles thermally bonds portions of expanded fluoropolymers together, without using an adhesive or crushing force, to produce stronger bonds at the joint between the expanded fluoropolymers than the bonds within the constituent expanded fluoropolymers. The method involves placing the portions of expanded fluoropolymers to be thermally bonded together in intimate contact with each other after wet-stretching the expanded fluoropolymers, and removing the wetting agent used to wet-stretch the expanded fluoropolymers, without subsequent expansion or stretching, to yield an expanded fluoropolymer article exhibiting unexpected and superior properties that can be used in a variety of medical and industrial applications. 1. An expanded fluoropolymer thermally bonded to itself without an adhesive.2. The fluoropolymer of claim 1 , wherein the expanded fluoropolymer comprises PTFE.3. The fluoropolymer of claim 1 , wherein the expanded fluoropolymer is non-porous.4. The fluoropolymer of claim 1 , wherein at least two portions of the fluoropolymer are bonded together without the adhesive to form bonds that have an x-direction tensile strength that is greater than the x-direction tensile strength of the fluoropolymer itself.5. The fluoropolymer of claim 4 , wherein the bonds comprise a combination of bonds.6. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the combination of bonds is selected from the group consisting of covalent bonds claim 5 , van der Walls forces claim 5 , hydrogen bonds claim 5 , ionic bonds claim 5 , electrostatic interactions and changes created in the chain entanglement of the expanded fluoropolymer.7. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the combination of bonds comprises covalent bonds.8. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the combination of bonds comprises van der Walls forces.9. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the combination of bonds comprises hydrogen bonds.10. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002520A1

Gasket profile made of a materials mixture which includes from 5 to 60% by volume of elastomer, from 8 to 50% by volume of copolymer, from 5 to 70% by volume of filler, from 0 to 40% by volume of plasticizer, from 0.1 to 5% by volume of accelerator/sulfur donor, from 0 to 5% by volume of sulfur, from 0 to 5% by volume of peroxide, and from 0 to 3% by volume of zinc oxide, where the copolymer is a thermoplastic or a thermoplastic elastomer. 112.-. (canceled)13. A gasket profile for window gasket profiles and door gasket profiles , comprising a materials mixture that comprises:from 5 to 60% by volume of EPDM;from 8 to 50% by volume of copolymer;from 5 to 70% by volume of filler;from 0 to 40% by volume of plasticizer;from 0.1 to 5% by volume of accelerator/sulfur donor;from 0 to 5% by volume of sulfur;from 0.05 to 5% by volume of peroxide; andfrom 0.05 to 3% by volume of zinc oxide;where the copolymer is a thermoplastic or a thermoplastic elastomer.14. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 13 , where a ratio of EPDM to copolymer in the materials mixture is 2:1.15. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 14 , where the EPDM is crosslinkable both by sulfur and/or accelerator/sulfur donor and by peroxide.16. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 15 , where the copolymer is not sulfur-crosslinkable.17. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 16 , where the copolymer is crosslinkable by peroxides.18. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 17 , where the copolymer is a propylene-ethylene copolymer claim 17 , an ethylene-butene copolymer claim 17 , an ethylene-octene copolymer or an ethylene-propylene copolymer.19. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 18 , where the proportion of peroxide of the sulfur/peroxide ratio is between 1% and 95%.20. The gasket profile as claims in claim 19 , wherein the proportion of the sulfur/peroxide ratio is between 2% and 50%.21. The gasket profile as claims in claim 20 , wherein the proportion of the sulfur/peroxide ratio is between 5% and ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Shaker top with freshness seal and method of making same

Номер: US20170007051A1
Автор: Adam Jeffery Fisch
Принадлежит: Performance Systematix Inc

A shaker top for dispensing products in a container, including a top unit having a peelable protective cover affixed upon a dispensing liner having at least one perforation, the top unit affixed to a mouth of a container. A method of manufacturing a shaker top with a peelable protective cover, including the steps of affixing a peelable protective cover upon a dispensing liner, assembling a top unit including the peelable protective cover and the dispensing liner, affixing the top unit to a mouth of a container, and covering the container with a cap. A shaker top with a peelable protective cover attached to a container, manufactured by the method of manufacture. A method of using a container having a shaker top with a freshness seal.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024143A1

A method for optimizing a welding process to produce a weld joint having a predetermined strength includes measuring a plurality of melt layer thicknesses of weld joints for a plurality of sample assemblies formed by the welding process, measuring a plurality failure loads of weld joints for the plurality of sample assemblies, each of the measured plurality of failures loads being associated with one of the measured plurality of melt layer thicknesses, selecting a first failure load from the plurality of measured failure loads responsive to determining that the first failure load corresponds to a predetermined weld strength, and selecting a first melt layer thickness from the plurality of measured melt layer thicknesses that is associated with the selected first measured failure load. 1. A method for optimizing a welding process to produce a weld joint having a predetermined strength , the method comprising:measuring a plurality of melt layer thicknesses of weld joints for a plurality of sample assemblies formed by the welding process;measuring a plurality of failure loads of weld joints for the plurality of sample assemblies, each of the measured plurality of failures loads being associated with one of the measured plurality of melt layer thicknesses;selecting a first failure load from the plurality of measured failure loads responsive to determining that the first failure load corresponds to a predetermined weld strength; andselecting a first melt layer thickness from the plurality of measured melt layer thicknesses that is associated with the selected first measured failure load.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising welding together a first part and a second part to form a production assembly including a weld joint having the selected first melt layer thickness.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined weld strength is between about 75% and about 100% of a parent material strength of the plurality of sample assemblies.4. The method of claim 1 , ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Coupling Polymeric Components to One Another Utilizing Electromagnetic Energy

Номер: US20220024146A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Co

A method of coupling polymeric components utilizing electromagnetic energy is disclosed. The method can include obtaining a first component having a first coupling portion, a second component having a second coupling portion, and a susceptor. The method can also include mating the first and second components such that the susceptor is proximate the first and second coupling portions. In addition, the method can include applying electromagnetic energy to the susceptor. The susceptor can convert the electromagnetic energy to heat, which can melt portions of the first and second coupling portions about the susceptor to couple the first and second components to one another upon solidification.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Connection Arrangement and Method for Welding a First Plastic Component to a Second Plastic Component

Номер: US20210008811A1

A connection arrangement includes a first plastic component, a second plastic component, and a closed induction ring. The first plastic component has a first joining region designed as a receptacle, and at one end, the second plastic component has a second joining region introduced into the first joining region. At the joining regions, the induction ring is at least partially fused into the two plastic components such that at one contact region between a first plastic melt of the first plastic component and a second plastic melt of the second plastic melt, a material-conclusive connection is generated. In this case, the induction ring is melted into the first plastic component while forming at least one first undercut, and is melted into the second plastic component while forming at least one second undercut such that between the plastic components and the induction ring, one each form-fitting connection is created. 1. A connection arrangement comprising:a first plastic component having a first joining region that includes a socket;a second plastic component having, at one end, a second joining region inserted into the first joining region; anda closed induction ring melted at least partially into the first and second plastic components in the first and second joining regions such that a materially integral joint is formed in a contact region between a first plastic melt of the first plastic component and a second plastic melt of the second plastic component,wherein the closed induction ring is melted into the first plastic component so as to form at least one first undercut, and is melted into the second plastic component so as to form at least one second undercut, with the result that a respective positive joint is formed between the first and second plastic components and the closed induction ring.2. The connection arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first joining region of the first plastic component is embodied as a cylindrical receiving opening ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009153A1

A lacrosse head pocket and a related method of manufacture are provided to facilitate consistent, repeatable and/or custom manufacture of lacrosse equipment. The pocket can be knitted, weaved or otherwise assembled on an automated assembly machine from strands, and/or can be formed as a unitary textile material having regions/sections with different physical and/or mechanical properties. The pocket can be integrally molded within portions of a lacrosse head to eliminate manually constructed connections between the pocket and lacrosse head. The pocket can include a perimeter flange constructed from special materials and/or a perimeter flange including intermittent voids along an outer edge so that the perimeter flange stretches when the pocket is in a loaded state with the lacrosse ball therein, thereby providing dampening to the pocket when a lacrosse ball exerts force upon the pocket in the loaded state. 1. A method of making a lacrosse pocket comprising:mechanically manipulating a plurality of first strands and a plurality of second strands with an automated pocket assembly machine during an automated process to form a lacrosse pocket body during the automated process, the lacrosse pocket body including a predefined, three dimensional, concave shape, the lacrosse pocket body having a lower pocket portion, an upper pocket portion and a middle pocket portion therebetween;forming a perimeter flange in the lacrosse pocket body during the automated process, the perimeter flange including the plurality of first strands interlooped with one another; andforming at least one of the lower pocket portion, the upper pocket portion, and the middle pocket portion of the lacrosse pocket body with the plurality of second strands interlooped with one another, and with ones of the plurality of first strands, so that the perimeter flange and at least one of the lower pocket portion, the upper pocket portion, and the middle pocket portion form a unitary textile material,wherein the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009476A1

A system for active alignment of an inflatable web with respect to an inflation nozzle as the web is dispensed from a roll for serial inflation by the inflation nozzle, the inflatable web including top and bottom sheets sealed together by transverse seals to define a series of inflatable chambers having an opening between the terminal ends of the transverse seals and proximate a longitudinal edge of the web for receiving inflation fluid from the nozzle, the system comprising: a spool adapted to support the roll so that the roll rotates about the spool as the inflatable web is withdrawn from the roll; an actuator arranged to adjust the position of the roll along the length of the spool; an inflation nozzle adapted to provide inflation fluid into the openings of the inflatable chambers as the web travels along a path of travel past the inflation nozzle; a tracking sensor comprising: a sensor arm pivotally mounted at a pivot point at a given location relative the inflation nozzle, the sensor arm having a contact portion, the sensor arm adapted to pivot on the pivot point as the terminal ends of the transverse seals of the web contact the contact portion of the sensor arm; and an analogue sensor adapted to detect the movement of the sensor arm and to generate an analogue signal varying in relation to the movement of the sensor arm; and a controller operative to receive the analogue signal and based on the analogue signal to send output to the actuator to adjust the position of the roll on the spool to maintain the transverse position of the web within a predetermined range. 1. A system for active alignment of an inflatable web with respect to an inflation nozzle as the web is dispensed from a roll for serial inflation by the inflation nozzle , the inflatable web including top and bottom sheets sealed together by transverse seals to define a series of inflatable chambers having an opening between the terminal ends of the transverse seals and proximate a longitudinal edge ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

End effectors having compaction feet for welding thermoplastic parts

Номер: US20200009743A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

End effectors having compaction feet for welding thermoplastic parts of thermoplastic composite laminated articles are described. An example end effector is to be coupled to a robot. The end effector includes a welding head. The welding head includes a welder having a first central axis and a compaction foot having a second central axis. The welder is movable along the first central axis between a first retracted position and a first extended position relative to a surface of the end effector. The compaction foot circumscribes the welder and is movable along the second central axis between a second retracted position and a second extended position relative to the surface.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

High altitude balloon and method and apparatus for its manufacture

Номер: US20190009928A1
Автор: Austyn Daniel Crites
Принадлежит: Individual

A high altitude balloon, including a method and machine for manufacture, uses a perimeter border strip to couple two circular balloon panels with a lap or butt seal. Simultaneous sealing of two perimeter seals, one between the border strip and each of two balloon panels, is provided by supporting stacked balloon panels on a rotatable support and sealing around the full perimeter of the two interposed balloon panels and the border strip. The method and machine for manufacture allow for the mass production of high altitude balloons and minimize necessary material handling. The perimeter border strip can be dispensed and guided relative to the perimeter of the balloon panels for positioning before sealing together, as a bonding device is rotated relative to the balloon envelope.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Pulse Welding Method and Welding Tool for Pulse Welding for a Medical Pack Formed As a Bag

Номер: US20200009800A1

The invention relates to a welding tool and a method for pulse welding films of plastic for medical packs formed as bags. The invention generally provides for the film material that has been plastified during welding, and is consequently free-flowing, to be specifically displaced by increasing the sealing surface area. The displaced film material can for instance compensate for dimensional and form tolerances. At the same time, however, the strength of the welded seam region, which adjoins the interior space of the bag, is not reduced.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009949A1
Принадлежит: Magna Exteriors Inc.

A liftgate assembly having finished show surfaces, and process of manufacturing same. The liftgate assembly includes local reinforcements that are overmolded to first reinforcements, and the first reinforcements are infrared welding to a first panel. Second and third reinforcements are also infrared welded to the first panel. To infrared weld the respective reinforcements to the first panel in predetermined locations with respect to the first panel, nesting structures are provided to hold the respective reinforcements and first panel. At least one infrared heating fixture heats various predetermined surfaces on the reinforcements and first panel, and the parts are then pressed together for joining the predetermined surfaces of the respective parts together. The process is repeated, if needed, until all of the reinforcements are infrared welded to the first panel. Outer panels are bonded to the second and third reinforcements. 1. A liftgate assembly for a vehicle , comprising:at least one local reinforcement overmolded to at least one first reinforcement;at least one first panel, said at least one first reinforcement infrared welded to said at least one first panel; andat least one outer panel operably coupled to said at least one first panel, said at least one outer panel including a finished show surface.2. The liftgate assembly of claim 1 , wherein said at least one local reinforcement is at least one pair of local reinforcements claim 1 , and wherein said at least one first reinforcement is at least one pair of reinforcements.3. The liftgate assembly of claim 2 , wherein said at least one pair of reinforcements is infrared welded to said at least one first panel substantially at opposite sides of an opening in said at least one first panel claim 2 , said opening provided for a window glass.4. The liftgate assembly of claim 2 , wherein said at least one pair of reinforcements are infrared welded to said at least one first panel in a D-pillar area of said vehicle ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Flow Sensor and Manufacturing Method Thereof

Номер: US20160011029A1

Provided are a laser-welded structure and a laser welding method for a cover and a housing ensuring high reliability and suppressing changes in characteristics due to burrs protruding into a subpassage of the flow sensor. To this end, this flow sensor is provided with a housing, a cover, a circuit chamber sealed between these and housing electronic components or wiring, and a subpassage through which the fluid flows that is to be sensed, and is characterized in that there are projections provided on both ends of the joining section of the cover where the housing and the cover are laser-welded, and the height of the projection on the subpassage side is greater than the height of the projection on the side opposite of the subpassage.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010862A1

The present invention relates to an encapsulated phase-change material () comprising a phase-change material () contained within a tube (), said tube () being made of plastic and that it has a sealing weld () at least at one of its ends. 1. An encapsulated phase-change material comprising:a phase-change material contained within a tube,wherein said tube is made of plastic, and has a sealing weld at least at one end of the tube.2. The encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in the claim 1 , wherein the sealing weld is a weld between the tube and a plug.3. The encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sealing weld is produced by crushing and fusing the wall of said tube.4. The encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in claim 3 , wherein within the tube claim 3 , a plug is arranged between the sealing weld and the phase-change material.5. The encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the sealing weld has radial beads.6. A thermal battery claim 1 , comprising an encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in .7. A method of producing an encapsulated phase-change material comprising a phase-change material contained within a tube made of plastic claim 1 , said method comprising:at least a step of sealing the walls of the tube at its ends using welding.8. The production method as claimed in claim 7 , further comprising: a step of introducing a plug between the ends of the tube and the phase-change material claim 7 , prior to the step of sealing by welding.9. The production method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the weld is produced by crushing the ends of the tube and heating the walls of said tube so as to weld these together.10. The production method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein radial beads are formed as the walls of the tube are crushed and heated.11. The production method as claimed in claim 7 , the weld is produced by heating the walls of the tube so as to weld these to a plug. The present ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and sealing device for sealing the edges of composite fiber components

Номер: US20160016356A1
Автор: Johannes Born

A method for sealing the edges of composite fiber components includes applying a thermoplastic semifinished product to a cut edge of a composite fiber component and thermoplastically or integrally joining the thermoplastic semifinished product to the cut edge of the composite fiber component by ultrasonic welding.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Flexible Container with Fitment and Process for Producing Same

Номер: US20160016695A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A flexible container is provided. The flexible container includes four panels. The four panels form (i) a body portion; (ii) a neck portion, and a flare portion that extends from the neck portion; (iii) a tapered transition portion between the body portion and the neck portion; and (iv) the neck portion has a reduced width. The flare portion has an expanded end. The width of the flare portion gradually increases from the neck portion to the expanded end.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016555A1
Принадлежит: Purus Plastics GmbH

A spool for winding strand-shaped material having flange discs () with an outer flange surface and an inner flange surface () as well as a method for manufacturing the spool. The discs have a central through bore () that is surrounded by an annular recess () with an annular wall () positioned in the inner flange surface. A tubular spool core () has front surfaces which are connected in a materially bonded manner to the annular wall () inside the annular recess () of the flange discs (), wherein at least one channel () is provided next to the annular wall () inside the annular recess () for receiving liquefied connection material. The spool core () has approximately the same diameter as the annular wall () inside the annular recess (). 1. A spool for winding strand-shaped material , comprising flange discs having an outer flange surface and an inner flange surface , each of which has a central through bore that is surrounded by an annular recess with an annular wall inside the inner flange surface , anda tubular spool core,wherein the spool core comprises a tube, the front surfaces of which are connected in a materially bonded manner to the annular wall inside the annular recess of the flange discs,wherein at least one channel is provided adjacent to the annular wall in the annular recess for receiving liquefied connection material, andwherein the spool core has approximately the same diameter as the annular wall in the annular recess.2. The spool according to claim 1 , wherein the materially bonded connection of the spool core to the annular wall has been formed by means of welding or adhesive bonding.3. The spool according to claim 1 , wherein the spool core is an extruded plastic tube.4. The spool according to claim 1 , wherein the spool core is 150-700 mm long.5. The spool according to claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the spool core is 110 to 500 mm.6. The spool according to claim 1 , wherein the central opening of the flange discs has a diameter of between 55 ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods of making hybrid laminate and molded composite structures

Номер: US20200016796A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Methods of making a composite structure comprise compression molding a fiber reinforced, thermoplastic component having a web and at least one flange integral with the web; laying up a fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap; placing the fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap on the flange; and joining the fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap with the flange.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016843A1

A method of bonding a first object to a second object includes the steps of: providing the first object including thermoplastic material in a solid state, providing the second object including a proximal surface, applying a mechanical pressing force and a mechanical excitation capable to liquefy the thermoplastic material until a flow portion of the thermoplastic material is flowable and penetrates into structures of the second object, and stopping the mechanical excitation and letting the thermoplastic material resolidify to yield a positive-fit connection between the first and the second object. The second object has a region of low density, wherein the protrusion penetrates the region of low density at least partly before the thermoplastic material is made flowable, and wherein the first object includes a protruding portion after the step of letting the thermoplastic material resolidify, the protruding portion at least partly penetrates the region of low density. 152-. (canceled)54. The method according to claim 53 , wherein the method comprises a step of changing a compressive strength of the region of low density at least locally such that a critical compressive strength needed for the liquefaction of the thermoplastic material is generated.55. The method according to claim 53 , wherein the method comprises a step of compressing the region of low density at least locally such that a critical density needed for the liquefaction of the thermoplastic material is generated.56. The method according to claim 53 , wherein the second object provided comprises a density profile that increases as a function of the distance from the proximal surface claim 53 , and in that the distal end penetrates the region of low density before the thermoplastic material is made flowable.57. The method according to claim 53 , wherein the step of providing the first object comprises providing a first object comprising a protrusion region distally of the first object body claim 53 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016514A1

Installation fittings for use with induction weldable pipe connectors for assembling multi-layer pipe fluid distribution systems. Induction welding pipe connectors including a major central pipe connector section and a minor lateral pipe connector section pair having reduced thickness relative to the major central pipe connector section. Induction welding pipe connectors with integral solder flow barrier for assembling fluid distribution systems. Electromagnetic induction coil reverse action pliers for use with induction weldable pipe connectors for assembling fluid distribution systems. 1. An installation fitting for use with an induction weldable pipe connector and a multi-layer pipe for forming a welded sealed joint connecting the installation fitting and the multi-layer pipe ,the induction weldable pipe connector including i) an induction weldable pipe socket pair having a first induction weldable pipe socket and a second induction weldable pipe socket, ii) an internal thermoplastic solder lining having a central inward directed stop, and iii) a solid metal susceptor sleeve entirely peripherally enveloping the internal thermoplastic solder lining,the multi-layer pipe including i) a multi-layer construction having an external plastic layer, an aluminum core layer, an internal plastic layer, and ii) an exposed annular pipe end face having an annular aluminum core end face,the installation fitting comprising a tubular plastic pipe end having a pipe end centerline and an exposed external peripheral plastic surface co-directional with said pipe end centerline,said pipe end having a shoulder converging to a tubular pipe tang having at least two O rings,the arrangement being that said pipe end stops against the central inward directed stop on forced sliding insertion into the first induction weldable pipe socket and the multi-layer pipe stops against the central inward directed stop on forced sliding insertion into the second induction weldable pipe socket thereby ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016517A1
Автор: Barkhoff Roland

A device for thermally welding workpieces including a heating element and a shielding gas supply is provided. The device includes a heating plate consisting of a thermal insulating material in which a groove is formed, said groove includes a heating element, relative to which a surface of a workpiece to be welded is positioned in close proximity to the heating element. A feed channel for a shielding gas is formed in the heating plate and communicates with the groove via at least one through-channel, and the feed channel for supplying shielding gas can be connected to a shielding gas source via a feed line and a valve. The device may further include an assembly for welding a first and a second workpiece, said assembly includes a first and second movement device for moving the workpieces towards one another. 115.-. (canceled)16. A device for thermally welding thermoplastic workpieces comprising:a heating plate composed of a thermally insulating material;a first groove formed in the heating plate, wherein said first groove is provided with a first electrical heating element adapted so that a thermoplastic workpiece surface to be welded can be positioned in close proximity to the heating element;a first feed channel formed in the heating plate for introducing a shielding gas, wherein the first feed channel communicates with the first groove via at least one through-channel, wherein the first feed channel is adapted to be connected to a shielding gas source via a feed line and a valve.17. The device according to claim 16 , further comprising:a second electrical heating element arranged in the feed line to heat the shielding gas supplied to the first feed channel18. The device according to claim 16 , further comprising:a second electrical heating element arranged in the feed line to heat the shielding gas supplied to the first feed channel to a temperature which is below the melting temperature of a thermoplastic used in the thermoplastic workpiece.19. The device ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for forming pressure-testable field joint between pre-insulated pipe sections, and piping system with pressure-testable field joint

Номер: US20180017463A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for forming a field joint between pipe sections is provided, preferably for pre-insulated pipe sections containing a carrier pipe surrounded by insulation and an outer jacket. The carrier pipes are joined, and an air tube is positioned so that its first end is within the joint area, and its second end extends beyond the joint area. A sleeve is sealed over the joint area, joining the jackets, with the sleeve positioned to cover the first end but not the second end of the tube. Air is injected into the tube to pressurize the cavity within the jacket, and the tube bore is sealed to allow air pressure testing. If the testing shows no loss of air pressure, the bore of the tube is sealed permanently to complete the seal on the field joint. Also provided is a piping system having a field joint formed by this method.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017717A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The present invention is directed to a packaging material free from aluminium in the form of a continuous foil or film, comprising a layer of microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), wherein the layer comprising MFC has been laminated or coated on at least one side with a heat-sealable material. The MFC layer contains at least 60% by weight of microfibrillated cellulose. The present invention is also directed to a method for induction sealing, wherein a packaging material to be heat-sealed by induction is placed against an induction heating surface. 1. A heat-sealable packaging material , free from aluminum in the form of a continuous foil or film , the heat-sealable packaging material comprising:a layer that comprises at least 60% by weight of microfibrillated cellulose,wherein the layer comprising at least 60% by weight of microfibrillated cellulose is laminated or coated with a heat-sealable material.2. The heat-sealable packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-sealable material is selected from the group consisting of: polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polylactic acid claim 1 , styrene acrylic latex claim 1 , styrene butadiene latex claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The heat-sealable packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the heat-sealable packaging material is less than 70 μm.4. The heat-sealable packaging material according to wherein at least one side of the heat-sealable packaging material is provided with a coating that prevents the at least one side from adhering to a heated metal surface.5. The heat-sealable packaging material according to claim 4 , wherein the coating that prevents the at least one side from adhering to a heated metal surface is selected from the group consisting of: starch claim 4 , a wax claim 4 , a mineral or pigment coating or a polymer having a higher melting point than a melting point of the heat-sealable material.6. The heat-sealable packaging material according to claim 1 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Automated ultrasonic press systems and methods for welding physically variant components

Номер: US20210018468A1
Принадлежит: Dukane IAS LLC

The present disclosure can provide for an ultrasonic welding method for a pair of workpieces. The method can include first pressing an ultrasonic welding stack against a first workpiece in the pair so that the first workpiece comes into contact with a second workpiece in the pair. The method can then provide for initiating a weld phase by outputting energy from the ultrasonic welding stack to the first workpiece. The method can provide for monitoring, with at least one sensor, a sensed parameter. The sensed parameter can be, for example, weld force and/or weld force rate of change. The method can provide for determining whether the sensed parameter has reached a predetermined level. Based on determining that the sensed parameter has reached the predetermined level, the method can provide for ending the weld phase.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Limiting dispersion of ir radiation from a heater element during plastic welding

Номер: US20180022035A1
Принадлежит: SPM Automation Canada Inc

In a process for welding plastic parts together, an IR shield redirects IR radiation emitted from a heater of a heating tool so that IR radiation which would otherwise be directly incident on certain portions of a plastic part and/or on other parts of the heating tool is avoided.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Laser bonding method and laser bonding device

Номер: US20220040794A1
Принадлежит: Nichirin Co Ltd

A resin pipe 30 and a resin member 31 are fixed to a setting portion 5 provided on the front side of a base 6 , and a timing pulley 13 which is provided on the back side of the base 6 and to which a light emission unit 3 is attached is rotated. As a result, the light emission unit 3 applies laser light 20 to a junction 32 between the resin pipe 30 and the resin member 31 while revolving around the junction 32 . This makes it easy to fuse and join the entire outer circumferential surface of the resin pipe 30 with the entire inner circumferential surface of the resin member 31 , which are variously shaped and sized.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022952A1
Автор: JANSSON Per

This disclosure relates to a cordless, hand held and electrically powered apparatus, comprising a welding unit (), a power unit () for powering the welding unit, wherein the power unit is connectable directly to and disconnectable from the welding unit via an interface. The power unit is provided with a push button () that is configured to energize the welding unit when pressed down, thus initiating operation thereof. The advantage is that the apparatus can be made more compact, and thereby ease of handling is improved. Preferably, the welding unit and the power unit each comprise circuitry () configured to exchange information when mounted together via the interface. The information is usable for a determination whether the power unit is a correct one or not. 1. A cordless , hand held and electrically powered welding apparatus , comprising:a welding unit;a power unit for powering the welding unit; whereinthe power unit is connectable directly to and disconnectable from the welding unit via an interface;whereinthe power unit is provided with a push button that is configured to energize the welding unit when pressed down, andthe welding unit and the power unit each comprise circuitry that are configured to exchange information when mounted together via the interface, the information being usable for a determination whether the power unit is a correct one or not.2. The welding apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the interface comprises at least two contact members capable of transferring power from the power unit and means for exchanging information between the power unit and the welding unit.3. The welding apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the interface comprises two contact members for power transfer and at least one further contact member for information exchange.4. The welding apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is configured to check at least one feature of the power unit for correctness and to block activation of the welding unit ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Thermal caulking device

Номер: US20190022954A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

The first electrode section ( 7 a ) and the second electrode section ( 7 b ) are formed such that the outer portion connected to the upper portion of the heating section ( 6 ) is thinner than the inner portion connected to the lower portion of the heating section ( 6 ). The heating section ( 6 ) and the first electrode section ( 7 a ) are interconnected by an R-shaped first connecting portion ( 21 ). The inner circumferential sloping surface of the heating section ( 6 ) and the second electrode section ( 7 b ) are interconnected by an R-shaped second connecting portion ( 22 ). The first and second connecting portions ( 21 )( 22 ) are formed such that R becomes larger from the upper end to the lower end, where the upper portion is thin and the lower portion is thick. The thickness of an intermediate portion ( 6 b ) is smaller than the thicknesses of the first and second connecting portions ( 21 )( 22 ).

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and device for producing a fiber-reinforced semi-finished plate by ultrasonic welding

Номер: US20190022957A1
Принадлежит: Covestro Deutschland AG

The present invention provides a continuous method for producing a fiber-reinforced semi-finished plate. The present invention also provides a device for carrying out the continuous method for producing a fiber-reinforced semi-finished plate. The present invention provides the fiber-reinforced semi-finished plate.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023590A1
Автор: Jörn Paul, Linde Peter

A method for manufacturing a rivet connection of a fiber composite component. The method includes positioning a first component which contains a fiber composite material in an overlap joint with a second component, laser-drilling a shared through-hole at least through the fiber composite material of the first component, inserting a rivet into the through-hole and fixing the rivet to the first and to the second component. 1. A method for manufacturing a rivet connection of a fiber composite component , comprising:positioning a first component which contains a fiber composite material in an overlap joint with a second component;laser-drilling a shared through-hole at least through the fiber composite material of the first component by at least one of single-pulse drilling, percussion drilling, trepanning or spiral drilling;inserting a rivet into the through-hole; andfixing the rivet to the first component and to the second component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the laser-drilling is carried out using a high-energy laser beam.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the high-energy laser beam has a laser power in a kilowatt range.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second component likewise contains a fiber composite material which is drilled through during the laser-drilling.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fiber composite material contains carbon fibers claim 1 , some of which are partially drilled through by the laser-drilling.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a laser beam is widened or defocused for laser-drilling to produce a desired hole diameter.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the laser beam is initially more heavily widened or defocussed claim 6 , and subsequently less and less so down to the desired hole diameter claim 6 , to form a conical entry to the through-hole which is formed for countersinking a rivet head.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least the first component is provided in planar form.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Sidewall bonder and method for bonding sidewalls to thermoplastic belts

Номер: US20200023594A1
Принадлежит: Laitram LLC

A bonder and a method for bonding corrugated sidewalls to a thermoplastic belt at a splice joint. Two heating jaw assemblies with complementary and confronting corrugated vertical faces clamp a thermoplastic belt to a base of the bonder with a corrugated sidewall section separated from the belt across a splice joint received in a corrugated slot formed between the confronting vertical faces. Corrugated bonding strips at the bottoms of the corrugated vertical faces apply heat to melt the bottom of the sidewall section on opposite sides to bond the corrugated sidewall section to the base.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024275A1

Herein are disclosed apparatus and methods for impinging fluids, e.g. heated fluids, onto the surface of substrates and then locally removing the impinged fluid. The apparatus may comprise at least first and second fluid delivery outlets that are in diverging relation to each other. The apparatus may comprise at least first and second fluid capture inlets that are locally positioned relative to the first and second fluid delivery outlets, respectively. The apparatus and method may be used e.g. to impinge fluids onto two converging substrates and may be used to heat the surfaces of the substrates so as to facilitate melt-bonding the substrates to each other. 1. An apparatus for impinging fluid onto at least a first surface of a first moving substrate and a first surface of a second moving substrate and locally removing the impinged fluid , comprising:at least one first fluid delivery outlet;at least one first fluid capture inlet that is locally positioned relative to the at least one first fluid delivery outlet;at least one second fluid delivery outlet;at least one second fluid capture inlet that is locally positioned relative to the at least one second fluid delivery outlet;wherein the at least one first fluid delivery outlet and the at least one second fluid delivery outlet are in diverging relation;and wherein the at least one first fluid delivery channel and the at least one second fluid delivery channel comprise first and second portions of a common fluid delivery plenum.2. The apparatus of wherein the at least one first fluid delivery outlet comprises a circumferentially elongated arcuate shape and wherein the at least one first fluid capture inlet comprises a circumferentially elongated arcuate shape that is congruent with that of the at least one first fluid delivery outlet; and claim 1 ,wherein the at least one second fluid delivery outlet comprises a circumferentially elongated arcuate shape and wherein the at least one second fluid capture inlet comprises ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031060A1

Systems and methods are provided for consolidating thermoplastic parts. One embodiment is a method of automatically forming a thermoplastic composite structure. The method includes heating a thermoplastic preform to a forming temperature, forming the thermoplastic preform into a thermoplastic part having a desired shape, aligning multiple thermoplastic parts together, and consolidating the multiple thermoplastic parts together while controlling crystallization to form a complex thermoplastic part. 1. A method of automatically forming a thermoplastic composite structure , the method comprising:heating a thermoplastic preform to a melting temperature of resin;forming the thermoplastic preform into a thermoplastic part having a desired shape;aligning multiple thermoplastic parts together; andconsolidating the multiple thermoplastic parts together while controlling crystallization to form a complex thermoplastic part.2. The method of wherein:consolidating comprises crystallizing commingled resin of the thermoplastic parts into an integral crystal structure.3. The method of wherein:the thermoplastic parts comprise fiber reinforced thermoplastic parts.4. The method of wherein:forming the thermoplastic preform comprises stamping the thermoplastic preform.517.-. (canceled)18. A non-transitory computer readable medium embodying programmed instructions which claim 1 , when executed by a processor claim 1 , are operable for performing a method for co-consolidating thermoplastic parts claim 1 , the method comprising:melting a first resin in a first thermoplastic part defining the first surface and melting a second resin in the second thermoplastic part defining the second surface;pressing the first surface into the second surface;cooling the first surface and the second surface to a crystallization temperature; andforming the first resin and the second resin into an integral crystal structure.19. The medium of wherein:the first thermoplastic part is a fiber reinforced ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033257A1

An outer lens for a lighting fixture for a vehicle includes a first region formed of a first material and a second region formed of a second material adjacent to the first region. The first material transmits light in a visible light range. The second material has a first wavelength range with transmittance equal to or less than a first transmittance. A second wavelength range has a transmittance equal to or more than a second light transmittance. A third wavelength range is between the first wavelength range and the second wavelength range. The first wavelength range includes a visible light at an S wavelength or a shorter wavelength. The second wavelength range includes a wavelength range from an M wavelength to an L wavelength. The third wavelength range increases from the S wavelength to the M wavelength. The first wavelength range includes the emission wavelength. 1. An outer lens that is used for a lighting fixture for a vehicle , the outer lens comprising:a first region formed of a first material; anda second region formed of a second material that is colored, the second region being adjacent to the first region and including a region other than a region in contact with a housing, whereinthe first material is a material transmitting light from a first light source of a semiconductor type having an emission wavelength in a visible light range,the second material includes:a first wavelength range, in which a light transmittance is equal to or less than a first transmittance;a second wavelength range on a longer wavelength side of the first wavelength range, with the light transmittance being equal to or more than a second transmittance in the second wavelength range; anda third wavelength range between the first wavelength range and the second wavelength range,the first wavelength range is a wavelength range including a visible light at an S wavelength at least established within a visible light range or a shorter wavelength,the second wavelength range includes ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Mechanical Interlocking Realized Through Induction Heating For Polymeric Composite Repair

Номер: US20160039157A1

A method of repairing a polymeric composite workpiece. The method comprises identifying a localized area of the polymeric composite workpiece having a defect. A plurality of three dimensional interface structures are aligned adjacent at least a portion of the localized area. The method includes applying a polymeric composite patch to the localized area such that the interface structures are disposed between the polymeric composite workpiece and the polymeric composite patch. An alternating electromagnetic field may be introduced to selectively induce localized heating of the interface structures. The localized heating softens regions of the polymeric composite workpiece and the polymeric composite patch adjacent the interface structures, causing the interface structures to penetrate a distance into the respective polymeric composite workpiece and the polymeric composite patch.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Gas-permeable member and method for producing the same

Номер: US20170036393A1
Автор: Kyoko Ishii, Youzou Yano
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A gas-permeable porous fluororesin membrane ( 4 ) made of a fluororesin is welded to a resin component ( 2 ) made of a thermoplastic resin using a welding horn ( 62 ) having a working surface ( 62 p ) adapted to be brought into contact with a work object and provided with a projection ( 62 t ). The working surface ( 62 p ) of the welding horn ( 62 ) is provided with, for example, a plurality of projections ( 62 t ). The plurality of projections ( 62 t ) may be arranged in a grid pattern on the working surface ( 62 p ).

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Controlling direction and magnitude of weld force vector during a plastic welding operation

Номер: US20180036955A1
Принадлежит: SPM Automation Canada Inc

A plastic welding machine for welding plastic parts together is capable of controlling the weld force vector in both magnitude and direction.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036957A1

A portable table top welder for welding plastic material webs, the portable table top welder including a frame including a carrier housing and a support arm at which a welding device is arranged; at least one transport roller including a rotatable transport roller axle and at least one contact pressure roller that is rotatably supported at the carrier housing, wherein a weight is arranged at an eccentrical element which is rotatably connected at one side by a concentrically supported eccentrical element axle at the carrier housing and rotatably connected at another side by an eccentrically supported contact pressure roller axle at the contact pressure roller. The table top welder handles and transports easily and can be mounted on a table or on another carrier structure in a disengageable manner. 1. A portable table top welder for welding plastic material webs , the portable table top welder comprising:a frame including a carrier housing and a support arm at which a welding device is arranged;at least one transport roller including a rotatable transport roller axle and at least one contact pressure roller that is rotatably supported at the carrier housing,wherein a weight is arranged at an eccentrical element which is rotatably connected at one side by a concentrically supported eccentrical element axle at the carrier housing and rotatably connected at another side by an eccentrically supported contact pressure roller axle at the contact pressure roller.2. The portable table top welder according to claim 1 ,wherein a lever rod is attached at the eccentrical element, andwherein the weight is arranged at the lever rod in a replaceable and slideable manner so that the weight determines a contact pressure force of the contact pressure roller.3. The portable table top welder according to claim 1 , wherein the at least transport roller is arranged at the carrier housing and driven by a controllable or regulatable drive.4. The portable table top welder according to claim 1 ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055316A1
Автор: Gagne Jacques, Roach Kevin

Aspects of the disclosure relate to manufacturing a balloon envelope for use in a stratospheric balloon system. For instance, a stream of polyethylene mixture us extruded. through an extruder in order to orient molecules of polymer chains of polyethylene and to provide an oriented film. The oriented film is passed through an electron beam and thereby crosslinking the polymer chains to provide a cross-linked film. The cross-linked film is heat sealed to form the balloon envelope 120-. (canceled)21. A balloon envelope for use in a stratospheric balloon , the balloon envelope comprising:a plurality of gores; anda plurality of tendons, each tendon of the plurality of tendons arranged at a respective one or more of the plurality of gores;the balloon envelope including a cross-linked film comprising an extruded polyethylene mixture having oriented molecules and crosslinked polymer chains, wherein the balloon envelope is formed by a process of:{'claim-text': 'bonding each of the plurality of tendons to each of the respective one or more of the plurality of gores,', '#text': 'heat bonding the cross-linked film to form the plurality of gores; and'}wherein crystallinity of the balloon envelope is greater than 50% and less than 62% after the process,wherein TD tensile strain is less than 2 mm/mm for a tensile stress of 150 MPa at −60° C. with a 50 mm/min pull rate, andwherein MD tensile strain is less than 2 mm/mm for a tensile stress of 150 MPa at −60° C. with a 50 mm/min pull rate.22. The balloon envelope of claim 21 , wherein TD tensile strain is less than 2 mm/mm for a tensile stress of 100 MPa at 23 C with a 50 mm/min pull rate.23. The balloon envelope of claim 21 , wherein MD tensile strain is less than 2 mm/mm for a tensile stress of 100 MPa at 23 C with a 50 mm/min pull rate.24. The balloon envelope of claim 21 , wherein ID tensile strain is less than 2 mm/mm for a tensile stress of 140 MPa at −40 C with a 50 mm/min pull rate.25. The balloon envelope of claim 21 , ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055318A1

The invention relates to a method for connecting a thermoplastic line element () to a connecting element (). The method comprises the steps of: 132. A method for connecting a thermoplastic line element () to a connecting element () comprising the method steps:{'b': '3', '#text': 'providing the at least one thermoplastic line element ();'}{'b': ['2', '4', '6', '4', '5', '4'], '#text': 'providing the connecting element () having a thermoplastic body (), wherein a heating element () is embedded in the body () for generating heat in a welding region () for welding the body () to the at least one line element;'}{'b': ['2', '3'], '#text': 'joining the connecting element () to the at least one thermoplastic line element ();'}{'b': ['10', '2', '3'], '#text': 'providing a welding device () for welding the connecting element () to the at least one thermoplastic line element ();'}{'b': ['2', '10'], '#text': 'inputting information about the connecting element () to be welded into the welding device ();'}{'b': ['2', '3', '5', '10'], '#text': 'welding the connecting element () to the at least one thermoplastic line element () by generating heat in the welding region () by means of the welding device (), wherein'}{'b': ['10', '2', '3', '10'], '#text': 'the welding device () stops the welding of the connecting element () to the at least one thermoplastic line element () before the end of the planned welding duration and/or the welding device () outputs an error message if an error criterion is reached.'}21510. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the error criterion is reached when a certain number of error messages are summed up in an error counter () implemented in the welding device ().315162117222017. The method according to claim 2 , wherein an error message is added to the error counter () if claim 2 , over an error period () claim 2 , an actual value () of the welding current () lies outside a target value tolerance () of a target value () of the welding current (). ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039324A1

A product made by a method for bonding fibers that includes providing a first fiber layer and a second fiber layer positioned below the first fiber layer to bond the first fiber layer with the second fiber layer. The method may also include providing a first additive layer. The first additive layer is located between the first fiber layer and the second fiber layer. Then, the method may further include activating the first additive layer by directing energy at the first additive layer. 1. A product made by a process that comprises:a first fiber layer comprising a UHMWPE Dyneema fiber;a second fiber layer located adjacent the first fiber layer, wherein the second fiber layer comprises a UHMWPE Dyneema fiber, and wherein a portion of the second fiber layer overlaps a portion of the first fiber layer to create a seam area;a composite structure formed at the seam area by bonding the first UHMWPE Dyneema fiber layer and the second UHMWPE Dyneema fiber layer together with applied energy to the seam area.2. The product of claim 1 , further comprising a first additive layer located between the first fiber layer and the second fiber layer in the seam area.3. The product of claim 1 , comprising a first additive layer located adjacent a side of the first fiber layer that is opposite a side of the first fiber layer that is facing the second fiber layer in the seam area.4. The product of claim 3 , further comprising a second additive layer adjacent a side of the first fiber layer that is opposite a side that has the first additive layer in the seam area.5. The product of claim 4 , further comprising a third additive layer adjacent a side of the second fiber layer that is opposite a side of the second fiber layer that is facing the first fiber layer in the seam area.6. The product of claim 5 , wherein the first claim 5 , second claim 5 , and third additive layers are made from at least one of polyester and polyamides.7. A product made by a process for bonding Ultra-High Molecular ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039138A1

The invention relates to a modification process for modifying a biaxially oriented pipe, comprising a) providing a biaxially oriented pipe made by stretching a tube made of a thermoplastic polymer composition in the axial direction and in the peripheral direction, b) placing an insert within an end portion of the pipe, wherein the outer periphery of the cross section of the insert substantially matches the inner periphery of the cross section of the pipe and c) heating the end portion such that the end portion axially shrinks while the inner periphery of the cross section of the end portion is substantially maintained, to obtain a modified biaxially oriented pipe with a thickened end portion 1. A modification process for modifying a biaxially oriented pipe , comprisinga) providing a biaxially oriented pipe made by stretching a tube made of a thermoplastic polymer composition in the axial direction and in the peripheral direction,b) placing an insert within an end portion of the pipe, wherein the outer periphery of the cross section of the insert substantially matches the inner periphery of the cross section of the pipe, andc) heating the end portion such that the end portion axially shrinks while the inner periphery of the cross section of the end portion is substantially maintained, to obtain a modified biaxially oriented pipe with a thickened end portion.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein step a) involvesa1) forming a thermoplastic polymer composition into a tube, anda2) stretching the tube of step a1) in the axial direction at an axial draw ratio of 1.1 to 5.0 and in the peripheral direction at an average hoop draw ratio of 1.1 to 2.0 to obtain the biaxially oriented pipe.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein step a2) involves drawing the tube at a drawing temperature which is 1 to 30° C. lower than the melting point of the thermoplastic polymer composition.4. The process according to claim 3 , wherein step c) involves heating the end portion ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

In-Situ Fiber-Optic Temperature Field Measurement During Thermoplastic Composite Welding and Other Applications

Номер: US20200039153A1

An in-situ fiber-optic temperature field measurement is disclosed that can allow process monitoring and diagnosis for thermoplastic composite welding and other applications. A distributed fiber-optic sensor can be permanently embedded in a thermoplastic welded structure when it is welded and left there to perform lifelong monitoring and inspection. The fiber optic sensor can include a dissolvable coating, or a coating matched to the composite material to be welded. Other applications include in-situ fiber-optic temperature field measurement on thermoset composite curing (autoclave), for thermoplastic and thermoset composites during compression molding, and for fiber-optic field measurements on freeze/thaw of large items of public health interest, such as stored or transported foodstuffs. 1. A sensor comprising , a fiber optic sensor comprising an optical fiber having an elongated body portion for being a distributed sensor received in association with a specimen to be sensed , said fiber optic sensor further having a connection for being connected to an associated optical data acquisition system , whereby monitoring and diagnosis associated with such specimen may be conducted at plural locations of such associated specimen.2. A sensor as in claim 1 , wherein at least one of temperature and strain readings may be taken from plural locations of the associated specimen.3. A sensor as in claim 1 , wherein the specimen comprises a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite where the composite matrix is a thermoplastic polymer claim 1 , and the specimen is to be treated by induction welding.4. A sensor as in claim 3 , wherein the specimen comprises two plates to be welded to create a lap joint claim 3 , and said elongated distributed sensor is wrapped around each respective plate and through a welding region between such two plates so that simultaneous measurement of the temperature field inside the welding region and in the two plates is achieved during the welding ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039730A1

An aerosol container suitable for use as an aerosol dispenser. The aerosol container includes at least a valve and product delivery device joined to an outer container. The valve and product delivery device have respective annular welds or other seals joining the valve and product delivery to the outer container. The welds, or other seals may be concentric, with one circumscribing the other, in the same plane or different planes. Suitable product delivery devices include bags and dip tubes. 1. An aerosol container having a longitudinal axis and comprising:a polymeric outer container comprising a closed end bottom and an open neck longitudinally opposed thereto;a valve sealed to the outer container in fluid tight relationship by an outer container seal;a device for product delivery sealed to the valve in fluid tight relationship by a product delivery device seal,wherein at least one of the product delivery device seal and the outer container seal is a spin weld,and wherein the product delivery device seal is radially spaced apart from the outer container seal;a propellant disposed within the outer container; anda product disposed within the outer container.2. The aerosol container of claim 1 , wherein the product delivery device seal is spaced radially inward of the outer container seal.3. The aerosol container of claim 1 , wherein the product delivery device seal is spaced below and radially inward of the outer container seal.4. The aerosol container of claim 1 , wherein the product delivery device comprises a dip tube.5. The aerosol container of claim 1 , comprising an actuator operably connected to the valve for selectively dispensing the product from the aerosol dispenser.6. The aerosol container of claim 1 , wherein the product delivery device comprises a bag.7. An aerosol container having a longitudinal axis and comprising:a polymeric outer container comprising a closed end bottom and an open neck longitudinally opposed thereto;a valve spin welded to the outer ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Apparel and other products incorporating a thermoplastic polymer material

Номер: US20170042264A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A yarn or thread may include a plurality of substantially aligned filaments, with at least ninety-five percent of a material of the filaments being a thermoplastic polymer material. Various woven textiles and knitted textiles may be formed from the yarn or thread. The woven textiles or knitted textiles may be thermal bonded to other elements to form seams. A strand that is at least partially formed from a thermoplastic polymer material may extend through the seam, and the strand may be thermal bonded at the seam. The woven textiles or knitted textiles may be shaped or molded, incorporated into products, and recycled to form other products.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Belt splicer

Номер: US20170043524A1
Принадлежит: Laitram LLC

A belt splicer for splicing butt ends of thermoplastic belts together. The splicer uses a plurality of cranks in conjunction with heavy springs to close and rapidly open jaws holding butt ends of a belt in place against a heating wand for melting and against each other for welding the melted ends together. The rapid opening of the jaw also lowers the wand, which is locked in place by a wand lock during the melting of the butt ends.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Joined Body, Method for Producing Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Joined Body, and Fiber-Reinforced Molded Article

Номер: US20170043526A1
Автор: Hiroki Sano, Takeru Ohki
Принадлежит: Teijin Ltd

A fiber-reinforced plastic joined body is provided, in which a fiber-reinforced molded article (X) containing carbon fibers and a thermoplastic resin and having a joining surface (x), and a thermoplastic resin member (Y) having a joining surface (y) are welded via the joining surfaces (x) and (y) by applying ultrasonic to the molded article (X), and in which: (1) a maximum value of tan δ by viscoelastic measurement of the molded article (X) is less than 70% of a maximum value of tan δ by viscoelastic measurement of the thermoplastic resin contained in the molded article (X) within a range of a glass transition temperature ±100° C. of the thermoplastic resin contained in the molded article (X), (2) at least one of the joining surfaces (x) and (y) has an energy director, and (3) an application surface of the molded article (X) to which ultrasonic sound is applied is smooth.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043530A1

A multilayered article for laser marking can comprise: a first layer having a visible transmission of greater than or equal to 80%; a second layer having a visible transmission of greater than or equal to 80%, and wherein the second layer comprises an active component that will form a laser mark with an L* of less than or equal to 40, when exposed to a laser light of a wavelength of greater than 800 nm; a third layer reflective to laser light having a wavelength greater than 800 nm, wherein the third layer has a visible transmission of greater than or equal to 80%; and optionally a substrate; wherein the article comprises a laser mark having an L* of less than or equal to 40 as measured according to CIELAB 1976 (specular included). 1. A multilayered article for laser marking comprising:a layer A having a visible transmission of greater than or equal to 80% according to ASTM D1003-00, Procedure A, using D65 illumination, 10 degrees observer, at a thickness of the layer A in the multilayer article;a layer C having a visible transmission of greater than or equal to 80% according to ASTM D1003-00, Procedure A, using D65 illumination, 10 degrees observer, at a thickness of the layer C in the multilayer article, and wherein the layer C comprises a component that will form a dark laser mark with an L* of less than or equal to 40 as measured according to CIELAB 1976 (specular included), when exposed to a laser light of a wavelength of greater than 800 nm;a third layer reflective to laser light having a wavelength greater than 800 nm, wherein the third layer has a visible transmission of greater than or equal to 80% according to ASTM D1003-00, Procedure A, using D65 illumination, 10 degrees observer, at a thickness of the third layer in the multilayer article; andoptionally a substrate;wherein the article comprises a laser mark having an L* of less than or equal to 40 as measured according to CIELAB 1976 (specular included).2. The article of claim 1 , wherein each of the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Water vapor permeable, waterproof textile laminate and method for the production thereof

Номер: US20170043567A1

A water vapor permeable, waterproof textile laminate, comprising at least two layers made of planar web material, which are disposed on top of each other and bonded to each other, wherein an open fabric web comprising polymer fiber threads forms a top tier and a film-like, water vapor permeable, waterproof thermoplastic membrane web forms a bottom tier. The polymer fiber threads of the fabric web comprise raised thread regions, which are held bearing against the membrane web and/or are partially fused into the membrane web, wherein the membrane web comprises integral fusion areas with the raised thread regions, which are generated according to the invention by way of laser light in a laser transmission welding method.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Reheatable and washproof container with insulation properties

Номер: US20180044499A1
Автор: Rajesh Gandhi
Принадлежит: Hamilton Housewares Pvt Ltd

The various embodiments herein provide an insulated container. The container comprises a body assembly and a lid assembly. The body assembly comprises of an outer plastic body and a plastic ring insert molded with an inner stainless steel (SS) container. The inner SS container has a non-woven polyester fabric acting as an insulation material. The non-woven polyester fabric is enclosed in between the outer plastic body and the inner SS container. The lid assembly comprises of a plastic top lid, an inner lid and a bowl with non-woven polyester fabric acting as insulation. The polyester fabric is sandwiched between the plastic top lid, the inner lid and the bowl. In the body assembly, the outer plastic body and the inner plastic ring is joined together using a spin welding technique. In the lid assembly the top lid, inner lid and bowl are joined together using spin welding technique.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063209A1
Автор: Huotari Keijo
Принадлежит: Magna Exteriors Inc.

A process for welding of at least two separate vehicle panels () to form an integral part () for a vehicle. There is provided at least one first panel () including a first weld line area () and at least one second panel () including a corresponding second weld line area (), the second weld line area () abutting in a weldable relationship to the first weld line area (). The first and second weld line areas () have at least one first weldable portion () and at least one second portion () at which welding is substantially hindered during welding attachment of the first and second panels (). The process includes applying a curable adhesive at each second portion (), placing in a welding fixture and welding the panels () at each first weldable portion () such that the panels () are held together during curing of the adhesive.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Methods of joining textiles and other elements incorporating a thermoplastic polymer material

Номер: US20190047231A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A yarn or thread may include a plurality of substantially aligned filaments, with at least ninety-five percent of a material of the filaments being a thermoplastic polymer material. Various woven textiles and knitted textiles may be formed from the yarn or thread. The woven textiles or knitted textiles may be thermal bonded to other elements to form seams. A strand that is at least partially formed from a thermoplastic polymer material may extend through the seam, and the strand may be thermal bonded at the seam. The woven textiles or knitted textiles may be shaped or molded, incorporated into products, and recycled to form other products.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052204A1
Принадлежит: Magna International Inc.

A method for forming butt joints between thermoplastic members by resistive implant welding. A tongue is formed on one member to be joined and a complementary groove is formed in the other member. A resistive implant is placed between the tongue and the groove which are then pressed together by an applied pressure. An electric current is run through the resistive implant to melt a portion of the thermoplastic material of both the tongue and groove, and the melted plastic intermingles through the implant. When the electric current is removed, the plastic cools, forming a weld. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. A method of forming a welded butt joint between first and second thermoplastic components , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first thermoplastic component;providing a second thermoplastic component to be joined with said first thermoplastic component at an edge;providing a resistive implant operable for facilitating the joining of said first thermoplastic component to said second thermoplastic component;providing a series of support members on said second panel and extending perpendicularly away from a rear side of said second panel at intervals along said rear side of said second panel;forming a groove along an edge of said first thermoplastic component along a rear side of the first panel at the edge;forming a tongue along an edge of said second thermoplastic component;providing at least one slot formed between said series of support members and said tongue portion abutting the rear side of the first panel, said at least one slot is operable for receiving an outer surface of said groove;inserting said tongue into said groove with said resistive implant located therebetween;applying pressure to said first thermoplastic component and said second thermoplastic component to urge said tongue into said groove while applying an electric current to said resistive ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053163A1

A clamping apparatus for clamping shaped parts which may be welded along a welding contour by irradiation with a laser beam, includes a first clamping plate used as a holder for a first shaped part, a second clamping plate which is designed to apply a clamping force to the first shaped part and a second shaped part arranged thereon, an outer clamping jaw including a recess and an inner clamping jaw arranged in the recess, which together form the second clamping plate, a passage gap for a laser beam formed in sections between the outer clamping jaw and the inner clamping jaw, and one or more fastening elements which connect the outer clamping jaw with the inner clamping jaw in sections and which bridge the passage gap. The clamping apparatus includes a mirror element arranged such that a laser beam is reflected onto a section of the welding contour. 1569144. A clamping apparatus () for clamping at least two shaped parts ( , ) which may be welded along a welding contour () by irradiation with a laser beam () , comprising:{'b': '7', 'a first clamping plate () used as a holder for a first shaped part,'}{'b': 8', '6', '9, 'a second clamping plate () which is designed to apply a clamping force to the first shaped part () and a second shaped part () arranged thereon,'}{'b': 11', '12', '8, 'an outer clamping jaw () comprising a recess and an inner clamping jaw () arranged in the recess, which together form the second clamping plate (),'}{'b': 13', '4', '11', '12, 'a passage gap () for a laser beam () formed in sections between the outer clamping jaw () and the inner clamping jaw (),'}{'b': 15', '11', '12', '13', '5', '15', '17', '4', '14', '15, 'one or more fastening elements () which connect the outer clamping jaw () with the inner clamping jaw () in sections and which bridge the passage gap (), characterised in that the clamping apparatus () comprises, in the region of a fastening element (), a mirror element () which is arranged such that a laser beam () is reflected ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047128A1

The present disclosure relates to a filtration device comprising a plurality of hollow fiber membranes, a process for its production, and its use for the dead-end filtration of infusion liquids. 1. A filtration device comprising:i. a header section having an inlet for a liquid;ii. a disk having a plurality of bores, each bore holding a first end of a semipermeable hollow fiber membrane protruding from the disk, the semipermeable hollow fiber membrane being sealed at its second end; andiii. a tubular section having an outlet for a liquid;wherein the header section covers a first face of the disk; andwherein the tubular section covers a second face of the disk opposite to the first face, and enclosing the plurality of semipermeable hollow fiber membranes;wherein the header section, the disk, and the tubular section each comprise a thermoplastic polymer; andwherein the disk comprises an IR-absorptive pigment selected from the group consisting of carbon black IR-absorptive inorganic pigments and IR-absorptive organic pigments.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the IR-absorptive material comprises a phthalocyanine.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the IR-absorptive material comprises carbon black.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polymer is PETG.5. The filtration device of claim 1 , wherein both the header section and the tubular section are bonded to the disk.6. The filtration device of claim 1 , wherein both the header section and the tubular section are welded to the disk.7. The filtration device of claim 1 , wherein the semipermeable hollow fiber membranes have an inner diameter of from about 2.8 mm to about 4.0 mm claim 1 , and a wall thickness of from about 100 μm to about 500 μm claim 1 , the ratio of inner diameter to wall thickness being larger than about 10.8. The filtration device of claim 1 , wherein the semipermeable hollow fiber membranes have a mean flow pore size claim 1 , determined by capillary flow porometry claim 1 , in the range ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Composite molded body and method for producing same

Номер: US20140127521A1

A method of producing a composite molded body including joining a pre-molded preform (a) and a preform (b) with a fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin by (1) providing reinforcing fibers having a weight average fiber length of 1 mm or more in at least one of the preforms (a) and (b), (2) using a thermoplastic resin (A) for the preform (a) and using the thermoplastic resin (A) or a thermoplastic resin (B) for the preform (b), (3) forming a thin film of a thermoplastic resin (C) on a surface of either the preform (a) or (b), or on surfaces of preforms (a) and (b), and (4) melting the thermoplastic resin (C) and a part of the preforms (a) and (b) by heating such that the thin film is placed at a boundary surface of a joint, and molding the composite molded body by the joint due to the melting.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053298A1

The present invention relates to a method for producing a container which consists of a thermoplastic at least to some extent and comprises at least a first compartment element and at least a second compartment element joined to the first compartment element in a joining region by thermoplastic welding. The invention also relates to a plastic container which can be, and preferably is, produced according to said method. 122-. (canceled)23. A method for producing a container which is at least partially constructed from a thermoplastic material , comprising at least one first compartment element and at least one second compartment element which is thermoplastically welded to the first in a joining region , wherein the method comprises the following method steps:a) providing of at least one first and one second compartment element, which each comprise a plate element with at least one joining zone of a thermoplastic material comprising the outer edges of the compartment element, wherein at least the second compartment element comprises a side wall arranged around the outer periphery of the plate element and having in each case a distal first and a proximal second outer edge,b) joining together of the at least two compartment elements such that the thermoplastic material joining zones contact each other and one outer edge of the first compartment element fully abuts the first outer edge of the second compartment element and a full butt joint is formed between the two compartment elements, andc) welding of the at least two compartment elements by means of at least one temperature-regulated nozzle, wherein the at least one nozzle is guided around the periphery of the butt joint while in contact with the butt joint or the butt joint is guided alongside the at least one nozzle that is in contact with the at least one nozzle, wherein the respective first and second outer edges of the compartment elements are plasticized in the process and plasticized welding filler is ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047427A1

The invention relates to a process () for manufacturing an object () made of thermoplastic polymer composite from at least two parts () made of thermoplastic polymer composite, said thermoplastic polymer composite comprising a fibrous reinforcement and a thermoplastic polymer matrix, said process comprising the steps of: 1100110. A process () for manufacturing an object () made of a thermoplastic polymer composite from at least two parts () made of thermoplastic polymer composite , said thermoplastic polymer composite comprising a fibrous reinforcement and a thermoplastic polymer matrix , said process comprising the steps of:{'b': 120', '10', '11, 'arranging () the two parts () made of thermoplastic polymer composite adjacent or overlapping at an assembly interface zone (), and'}{'b': 130', '11', '1', '12, 'heating () to melt the thermoplastic polymer matrix at said assembly interface zone (), so as to form an object () made of thermoplastic polymer composite comprising a welded interface ().'}2. The manufacturing process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two parts made of thermoplastic polymer composite are parts made of (meth)acrylic thermoplastic polymer composite.311010. The manufacturing process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said process comprises a step prior to the arranging step claim 1 , of manufacturing () at least two parts () made of (meth)acrylic thermoplastic polymer composite claim 1 , comprising a fibrous reinforcement and a (meth)acrylic thermoplastic polymer matrix.4. The manufacturing process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fibrous reinforcement comprises fibers selected from the group consisting of carbon fibers claim 1 , glass fibers claim 1 , basalt fibers claim 1 , polymer-based fibers claim 1 , plant fibers claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.5. The manufacturing process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fibrous reinforcement is based on fibers having an aspect ratio of at least 1000.613014010. The manufacturing process as ...
