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27-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2250836C2

Изобретение относится к автомобильной промышленности. Подкрепляющие элементы подкрепляющего слоя имеют индивидуальное покрытие из каучуковой смеси, имеющей заданный состав и физические свойства. Причем подкрепляющие элементы, расположенные параллельно друг другу, покрыты на одной своей стороне первым каучуковым слоем или так называемым первым облицовочным слоем, обладающим постоянным составом и свойствами, тогда как на своей противоположной стороне элементы покрыты вторым облицовочным каучуковым слоем, имеющим состав и свойства, изменяющиеся в функции меридионального положения на данном слое в этой пневматической шине. В результате повышается прочность шины. 4 н.и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659135C2
Принадлежит: ПИРЕЛЛИ ТАЙР С.П.А. (IT)

Шина (100) содержит брекерный конструктивный элемент (106), который содержит радиально наружный окружной слой (106с) брекера в брекерном конструктивном элементе, содержащий множество гибридных армирующих кордов, расположенных в соответствии с по существу нулевым углом относительно экваториальной плоскости (Х-Х) шины. Каждый из указанных гибридных армирующих кордов образован двумя нитями из волокна из ароматического полиамида и нитью из волокна из полиэфира и/или из алифатического полиамида. Каждая из нитей из волокна из ароматического полиамида имеет линейную плотность, которая меньше или равна приблизительно 1500 дтекс, и исходный модуль, равный или превышающий приблизительно 6000 сН/текс, измеренные в соответствии со стандартом BISFA - Методы испытаний для нитей из параарамидных волокон, издание 2002 г. Технический результат - улучшение эксплуатационных характеристик шины. 2 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 2 табл.

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699647C2
Принадлежит: ПИРЕЛЛИ ТАЙР С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к способу сборки шин для колес транспортных средств. Техническим результатом является повышение качества разрезания полуфабриката и качества шины. Технический результат достигается способом сборки шин для колес транспортных средств, который включает образование компонента шины (2) на формообразующем барабане (14). При этом компонент образуют посредством подачи непрерывной обрезиненной ленты (15), отрезки непрерывной обрезиненной ленты (15) по размеру, наложения отрезанной непрерывной обрезиненной ленты (15) на формообразующий барабан (14). Причем отрезка по размеру включает перемещение ножа (30), образованного первой половинной частью (46) и второй половинной частью (50), над непрерывной обрезиненной лентой (15) вблизи центральной части зоны резки. Подъем части обрезиненной ленты (15) подъемным элементом (25), размещенным под непрерывной обрезиненной лентой (15) и у зоны резки. Опускание первой половинной части (46) ножа (30), обеспечение ее перемещения относительно ...

05-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2646409C2
Принадлежит: ПИРЕЛЛИ ТАЙР С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к способу и установке для сборки шин. Способ включает предварительное размещение начальных компонентов, изготовление промежуточного изделия из начальных компонентов, сборку сырой шины из промежуточных изделий, формирование и вулканизацию сырой шины, измерение по меньшей мере двух параметров, относящихся к изготавливаемой шине, контроль параметров для присвоения каждому из них показателя качества, сравнивая каждый параметр с порогом отбраковки и порогом условия, при этом порог отбраковки отделяет уровень отбраковки от приемлемого уровня показателя качества, а порог условия соответствует приемлемому уровню показателя качества и определяет один или более условно приемлемых уровней вблизи порога отбраковки, отбраковку изготавливаемой шины, если одному из параметров присвоен показатель качества, соответствующий уровню отбраковки, и создание обратной связи по результату контроля параметра для проверки показателя качества параметров. Установка содержит систему управления ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2641564C2
Принадлежит: ПИРЕЛЛИ ТАЙР С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение предпочтительно относится к дорожным шинам высокоскоростного типа и к шинам гоночных автомобилей. Способ регулирования симметрии зоны отпечатка шины, движущейся по прямолинейной траектории, при угле развала колес, отличном от нуля, включает следующие этапы: уменьшение давления контакта, действующего на шину (2) в зоне отпечатка у внутренней боковины (в случае отрицательного угла развала колес) или у наружной боковины (в случае положительного угла развала колес); расположение любой средней линии (lm) протекторного браслета (9) шины, расположенной с обеспечением ее соответствия зоне отпечатка, по существу параллельно грунту. В соответствии с изобретением также разработаны шина и колесо для автотранспортных средств, в которых средняя линия (lm) протекторного браслета (9) и ось (Х-Х) вращения шины (2) образуют угол (α), по существу равный по абсолютной величине углу (β) развала колес. Изобретение также охватывает способ изготовления подобных шин, в котором невулканизованную шину ...

28-06-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017133827A3

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012153673A

... 1. Пневматический объект или надувное изделие, снабженное газонепроницаемым эластомерным слоем, содержащим, в качестве единственного эластомера или в качестве эластомера, преобладающего по массе, по меньшей мере, один термопластичный полиизобутиленовый блок-эластомер, отличающийся тем, что указанный непроницаемый эластомерный слой содержит микродомены термоплавкого полимера на основе, по меньшей мере, одного термопластичного материала.2. Пневматический объект или надувное изделие по п.1, в котором термопластичный материал указанных микродоменов термоплавкого полимера выбирают из группы, состоящей из полиолефинов, хлорированных виниловых полимеров, полистиролов, полиамидов, сложных полиэфиров, сополимеров этилена и винилового спирта (EVOH), полиакрилатов, полиацеталей, термопластичных полиуретановых (TPU) эластомеров, сложных сополимеров (СОРЕ) и их смесей.3. Пневматический объект или надувное изделие по п.2, в котором полиолефины выбирают из полиэтиленов и полипропиленов.4. Пневматический ...

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012131154A

... 1. Способ сборки различных типов невулканизованных шин для колес транспортных средств для каждого размера шины, посредством использования элементарных полуфабрикатов, на сборочной установке, содержащей множество рабочих станций, при этом способ включает:a) сборку каркасного конструктивного элемента невулканизованной шины, содержащего, по меньшей мере, один слой каркаса и пару кольцевых фиксирующих конструктивных элементов;b) сборку коронного конструктивного элемента невулканизованной шины, содержащего, по меньшей мере, один брекерный конструктивный элемент и протекторный браслет;c) обеспечение на каждой из, по меньшей мере, двух рабочих станций, по меньшей мере, одного первого устройства (12) для подачи первого элементарного полуфабриката и одного второго устройства (12) для подачи второго элементарного полуфабриката, при этом, по меньшей мере, один первый и один второй элементарные полуфабрикаты отличаются друг от друга;d) сборку на каждой из, по меньшей мере, двух рабочих станций, по ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012154629A

... 1. Способ изготовления невулканизованной шины посредством использования сборочного барабана (1) и передаточного устройства (3), включающий:этап размещения и образования первого компонента шины в сборе, предназначенного для невулканизованной шины, на сборочном барабане (1);этап размещения передаточного устройства (3) рядом со сборочным барабаном (1);этап снятия первого компонента шины в сборе, предназначенного для невулканизованной шины, снимаемого со сборочного барабана (1), посредством передаточного устройства (3),отличающийся тем, что после этапа снятия вторые компоненты шины, предназначенные для той же самой невулканизованной шины, размещают на сборочном барабане (1), после чего следуютэтап размещения передаточного устройства (3) рядом со сборочным барабаном (1) иэтап размещения первого компонента шины в сборе на вторых компонентах шины.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что первый компонент шины в сборе включает в себя каркасный комплект (10), а вторые компоненты шины включают в себя ...

30-09-1999 дата публикации

Reifenform und Verfahren zum Formen eines Reifens

Номер: DE0069420227D1

19-07-1990 дата публикации

Uncured tyre tread strip - has tread layer with grooves along edges with specific relationship to difference in vol. of grooved and raised areas in final cured tread

Номер: DE0004000926A1

In a process for producing radial tyres with grooves in the shoulder areas the uncured tread layer has a series of depressions at an equal distance from each other formed along the edges. The depressions are created in the tread layer before final vulcanization of the tyre and correspond with the tread grooves in the final product. The volume of each depression has a certain relationship to volume difference between the area below the groove and the adjacent raised area in the final cured tread. USE/ADVANTAGE - The tyres are used in arduous applications such as heavy goods vehicles and buses. (P) produces a tyre in which the waviness of the outer surface in the shoulder area is reduced. This in turn reduces the chances of separation of the reinforcing layer. Tyre appearance is improved.

05-08-1999 дата публикации

Vehicle tire production with greater control over tire properties

Номер: DE0019804069A1

In a two part process the first part (A) involves building a first set of tire components (1) to produce two carcass halves including an inner liner (4), a carcass layer (2), bead wires (5), bead reinforcement and bead filler strips (6) and partially vulcanizing and shaping in a mold. In the second process part (B) the breaker layers (11a,11b) and tread strip (12) are combined with the two carcass halves and molded and vulcanized with the latter to form a complete tire. An Independent claim is included for a tire produced by the above process. Preferred Features: Parts of the sidewalls and inner liner (4) may be vulcanized in the first stage (A) and the remaining parts added in the second stage (B). Alternatively all inner liner and sidewall parts are vulcanized in the first stage and the inner liners of each half overlap when the tire is completed in stage B. A gap between the two carcass layer halves (2) is filled by a material strip (14). In stage A the radially outer carcass layer is ...

24-03-1966 дата публикации

Grobstolliger Fahrzeugreifen

Номер: DE0001213276B

29-01-1970 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung eines Luftreifens

Номер: DE0001579162A1

10-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002804476A1

04-02-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002305004C3

01-02-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in pneumatic tyres

Номер: GB0000744164A

... 744,164. Pneumatic tyres. DUNLOP RUBBER CO., Ltd. Sept. 14, 1953 [Oct. 14, 1952], No. 25653/52. Class 144 (2). [Also in Group XXIV] A pneumatic tyre is built up of two annular reinforced rubber side walls 4 attached one to each side of an articulated tread hoop of rigid segments 2 separated at their inner peripheries by flexible spacing strips 3. As shown, each sidewall 4 comprises an annulus of rubberized textile, metal or plastic filament plies with inner and outer wire bead portions 11, 12, the outer bead 12 being of looped formation to engage corresponding hooked portions 5 formed on each side of the rigid segments 2 and spacing strips 3. The segments 2, which may be of metal, plastic or reinforced rubber, each have a spacing strip 3 bonded to each side thereof and are assembled to the side walls 4 to place the resulting two strips 3 between adjacent segments under about 10 per cent compression. Hard rubber tread blocks 8 are bonded to the segments 2, the rubber covering the ends and ...

15-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008400823D0

03-12-1969 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Making a Pneumatic Tyre.

Номер: GB0001172704A

... 1,172,704. Moulding tyres. B. F. GOODRICH CO. 16 Jan., 1967 [19 Jan., 1966], No. 2281/67. Heading B5A. A pneumatic tyre having an axially extending fold in each side wall when uninflated is produced by apparatus comprising upper and lower mould plates 11, 15 movable towards each other by rams 22, 24 and a rigidly supported tread mould ring 20. A green tyre carcass 30 is placed on the plate 15 with its bead received in a seat 19 and the upper plate is then lowered so that the upper bead is received in a seat 14. A pressure fluid medium may be introduced through a pipe 26 to assist in expanding the tread region 34 of the carcass into engagement with the tread ring 20 as the plates are brought into engagement with the ring. Annular rings 13 and 18 extending from the plates 11, 15 cause the sidewalls of the tyre to be folded as in Fig. 3. The tyre may then be cured by the introduction of steam into the carcass or by other means.

23-01-1985 дата публикации

Building radial tyres

Номер: GB0002142590A

A method and apparatus for use at the stage of a radial tire building process at which a tread and breaker, and sidewall rubbers, are added to the expanded carcass. A tread assembly is built, comprising tread rubber breaker and sidewall rubbers and is then located around the carcass which is then expanded into the tread assembly. A tread assembly former has a central portion expansible to bring side portions to a frusto-conical shape.

12-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008821149D0

08-01-1992 дата публикации

Pneumatic tyre and wheel assembly

Номер: GB0002245530A

In a method for the manufacture of a tyre and wheel the tyre carcass is built on a pair of annular wheel rim portions (10, 11) each having a substantially cylindrical shape at a radially outermost portion (13). With the wheel rim portions axially spaced apart components (18, 19, 20) of a tyre are applied around the wheel portions, the wheel portions are moved together to facilitate deformation of the component parts to a toroidal shape and tread and breaker components are then applied to result in an integral tyre and wheel assembly. Preferably the wheel portions (10, 11) have annular grooves (15) which provide positive safe location of the tyre beads.

18-09-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to methods of manufacturing pneumatic tyres

Номер: GB0001127571A

... 1,127,571. Pneumatic tyres. DUNLOP RUBBER CO. Ltd. 24 Aug., 1965 [15 Sept., 1964], No. 37555/64. Heading B7C. A method of manufacturing a pneumatic tyre comprises the steps of building a carcass with a cylindrical crown having a diameter less than that of the crown of the carcass in the finished tyre, locating around the carcass a rubber tread reinforced with filaments, each of which is longitudinally compressed, and forming the tyre into its finished shape so as simultaneously to increase the diameter of the tread and partially or substantially completely to decompress the filaments. The tread is formed with a plurality of circumferential grooves and projections, some of the filaments extending into the projections during moulding. The filaments may be incorporated into the tread in the form of bias-laid plies having initial and final cord angles to the circumferential of 47 and 29 degrees respectively, or as a single ply containing circumferential cords. The cords are preferably of nylon ...

24-12-1930 дата публикации

A new or improved batching means for use with tread stock or the like substance for use in the manufacture of tyres and other purposes

Номер: GB0000340061A

... 340,061. Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Willshaw, H., and Smith, H. Oct. 11, 1929. Winding webs.-Apparatus for winding strips of rubber or the like, particularly tread stock for tyres, comprises means for sup. porting and moving one or more winding spools so that the strips are wound thereon in one or more layers of helical wrappings. Figs. 1 and 2 show apparatus for winding two strips simultaneously. The spools 35 are supported on pairs of winding drums 40, 41 mounted on a. carriage 1 supported by wheels 3 so that it can be reciprocated on rails 5. A nut 6 fixed to the carriage is engaged by a rotatable screwed shaft 7 driven by reversing gear comprising a clutch 20 slidably keyed to the shaft and adapted to engage alternately with gears 12, 13 loose on the shaft and driven by a gear 14 on a shaft 15 which is driven by a chain 18 from a power shaft 19. At the end of each stroke of the carriage a pin 6 projecting from the nut 6 operates one or the other of a pair of levers 25, 25a pivoted ...

23-04-1969 дата публикации

Method of and apparatus for longitudinally compressing the filaments of rubberised textile filamentary fabric e.g. in tyre manufacture

Номер: GB0001149385A

... 1,149,385. Tyre-building machines. DUNLOP CO. Ltd. 11 July, 1966 [17 July, 1965], No. 30477/65. Heading B7C. [Also in Division D1] A method of longitudinally compressing the parallel cords of a breaker 23 comprises the steps of forming the breaker on a drum and removably securing it within a cylinder 11 reinforced with inextensible and incompressible axial cords, and reducing the diameter of the cylinder 11 to compress the breaker cords. The cylinder ends may be joined by a casing 12 reinforced with cross-laid cords whereby on inflation of the toroidal member 10 so formed the diameter of the cylinder is increased. In a second embodiment (Fig. 8, not shown) the ends of cylinder 11 are joined to the ends of a radially outer, rigid cylinder (39) by resilient diaphragms (41) to form a toroidal member whose interior is connectible to a source of vacuum. The tyre building former 3 and breaker former may be mounted coaxially (Figs. 6, 8, not shown), or with their axes mutually perpendicular (see ...

23-10-1930 дата публикации

Pneumatic cushion wheel and method of making same

Номер: GB0000336715A

... 336,715. Musselman, A. J. Aug. 17, 1929. Jackets and covers; tyre attachments to rims.-A " balloon-tyre " of relatively large tread diameter, and adapted to be fitted to a hub member is formed from one or more plies of fabric which are shaped from an original diameter shown in broken ing the edge portions on a cylindrical support, which may be the hub member. In the form shown in Fig. 3, the edges of the tyre casing 21, having the original diameter shown in broken lines, are contracted to fit the hub 27 by means of strings &c. 23 about which the edges are looped. The tyre is secured between fixed and removable hub flanges 28, 29. The tread portion having inextensible edge reinforcements 64<1> may be separately formed and vulcanized to the shaped casing. In the modification shown in Fig. 4, the edges are fitted with multiple retaining devices 23 and clamped between flanged rings 44, 45, the latter being spaced by rubber &c. rings 47.

17-01-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to a machine for forming pneumatic tyre carcases

Номер: GB0000616081A

... 616,081. Pneumatic tyres. WITT, E. W. Aug. 26, 1946, No. 25511. Convention date, Aug. 24, 1945. [Class 144 (i)] In a machine of the kind described in Specification 566,341, for making tyre casings by winding strip cord material about a rotary drum, means are provided whereby the axis of rotation of the strip-feeding device passes through the geometrical centre of the drum irrespective of the relative obliquity of the two axes. To this end, means are provided for effecting lateral adjustment of the strip-feed axis to compensate for altered inclination of the drum-axis. Means are also provided for varying the relative speeds of rotation of the strip-feed and drum. As shown, the building- drum 13 is mounted on the lower end of a shaft 12 the upper end of which is fitted with a worm-wheel 25 meshing with a worm 26 on a driven shaft 20. The latter is mounted between arms 22 which are vertically-adjustable in a supporting-bracket 8 to vary the inclination of the shaft 12. The tyre-material (in ...

23-12-2020 дата публикации

Pneumatic aircraft tyre

Номер: GB0002584888A

A pneumatic aircraft tyre (100), comprising: a pair of sidewall portions (102a, 102b) connected by a crown portion (104), each sidewall portion (102a, 102b) comprising a bead region (106a, 106b) for mounting the tyre onto the rim (108) of a wheel, wherein each of the bead regions (106a, 106b) comprises a bead core (110a, 110b), each bead core (110a, 110b) comprising a toroidal member formed from a composite material. A method (200) of manufacturing the pneumatic tyre is also disclosed.

10-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358408B

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368563T

15-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA717174A

15-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA461678A

15-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA195277A

15-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000195277A

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349344T

15-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000806377A

15-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000039785A

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009074T

15-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000097608T

15-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA22188A

03-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006739381A

06-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000601216B2

29-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000577662B2

12-08-2005 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a tyre

Номер: AU2003296841A1

04-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007558087A

04-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008200991A

14-10-1999 дата публикации

Two drum turret for tire assembly

Номер: AU0000711373B2

16-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001154388A

24-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001068460A1

11-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001139204A1

08-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1258155A

A method of manufacture of a tyre including forming a tread (70) in a tread mould (52), assembling a shapedup carcass (80) with the tread (70), and forming a pair of sidewalls (85) (86) in separate sidewall moulds (53) (54). The sidewall moulds (53) (54) are brought into sealing engagement with a tyre curing mould (51) which includes the tread mould (52). Air is removed from the space (90) (91) between the sidewalls (85) (86) and the carcass (80) and the sidewalls are then pressed into the carcass. There is also described apparatus for the above method.

05-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1259016A

... of Dicslosure TRANSFER APPARATUS FOR TIRE CARCASSES AND TIRE BANDS A transfer apparatus for an uncured cylindrical tire component and which comprises a hollow cylindrical housing having a pair of annular sealing and gripping means, preferably air operable bladders, located one at each end of the housing. The housing has a vacuum port located between the two annular gripping and sealing means so after said means seal against the outer side of the cylindrical component, air is evacuated through said port to retain the component in the housing. The invention also describes a method of transporting a cylindrical tire component using the above apparatus.

07-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1262675A

TRANSFER RING SPACER SEGMENT Spacer segments (24) of various thicknesses are attached to radially movable master segments (14) of a transfer ring (16) for gripping and transferring tread belt packages of different diameters. The spacer segments (24) are of a resilient material and may have molded arm members (32) with flexible, resilient ribs (42) for engaging edge portions (46) of the master segments (14). Handles (70) may be provided on the arm members (32) for bending the arm members (32) to install and remove the spacer segments (24). Axial movement of the spacer segments (24) relative to the master segments (14) is limited by circumferentially extending raised edges (58,60,66,68) on the cylindrical mating surfaces (26,28) of the master segments (14) and the spacer segments (24).

14-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1272567A

In a green tire vulcanizing press including a lower die having a heat source, an upper die capable of being opened and closed relative to the lower die and having a heat source, a shaping bladder received in a bladder well disposed in a central part of the lower die, and a hot pressure medium supplied into the bladder, the bladder well is made movable vertically and an upper clamp ring for the shaping bladder is held stationary while a lower clamp ring is provided vertically movably, whereby the shaping for a green tire as well as the separation of the bladder from the tire and removal of the tire after the vulcanizing press work are performed through vertical movements of the lower clamp ring and the bladder well under a fixed state of the upper clamp ring.

05-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA927727A

19-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1144851A

PNEUMATIC RADIAL TIRE A pneumatic radial tire has a two-ply tread reinforcing breaker with cords of filamentary material. The breaker plies are of unequal widths and arranged symmetrically with respect to the median circumferential or equatorial plane of the tire, the overall width of the breaker being substantially the width of the overlying tread. In the region of each shoulder of the tread, the edges of one ply are folded back on themselves forming superimposed two-ply regions and three-ply regions enclosing the edges of a narrow, non-folded ply. Surrounding each two-ply region of the folded ply is a cushion rubber which is softer than the tread or breaker skimcoat rubbers. The breaker construction substantially eliminates breaker edge separation, resulting in a more durable radial tire which can be recapped to provide further service.

22-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1157358A

Profile Actuated Cable Wrapping Apparatus A cable-wrapping apparatus is provided for applying cable to a toroidal, non-cylindrically-shaped body under uniform tension and with a uniform spacing. The machine includes a shuttle rotatable about a transverse section of said body, which body is being rotated in a plane transverse to the plane of rotation of the shuttle. A compensating apparatus is provided on the shuttle and includes a profile follower roller held in contact with the surface of the body by centrifugal force created by the rotation of the shuttle. A compensator wheel on the compensating apparatus moves with the follower roller to control storing of cable during periods of low cable demand and paying out the stored cable during periods of high cable demand.

12-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1056287A

METHOD OF FORMING A TIRE CARCASS Disclosed herein is a method of forming a tire carcass on a porous sand core in the shape of the toroidal member, such method comprising the steps of helically wrapping rubber material about the body of the toroidal member, applying a vacuum through the porous toroidal member to the inner surface of the helically wrapped rubber material, applying force to the outer surface of the rubber material, helically winding wire about the body of the toroidal member over the outer surface of the already-wrapped rubber material, and helically wrapping additional rubber material about and over the wire and first-mentioned rubber material. A vacuum probe is introduced into the area of the helically wound wire, and force is applied to the additional, outer rubber material to urge it against the wire and against the first-mentioned rubber material.

08-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001278736C

A cylindrical tire building former (11) has two sets of radially expandable segments (37) or (38) located one set at each axial end of the former. The sets of segments (37) or (38) are expanded by engagement of each segment with an axially moveable wedge member (36). The wedge member (36) may comprise an annular body, or an annular array of individual wedges. The wedge member (36) is moved by operation of a plurality of screw struts (47) which are arranged on a pitch circle and which are each rotated by a planet gear (51). The planet gears (51) are driven simultaneously by a central sun gear (52) to move the wedge member evenly along the screw struts (47).

08-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001069423A1

01-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002038138C

Tire building apparatus and method for applying first station components of a tare carcass on a first drum located in a first position, interchanging the first drum with a second drum located at a second position by oscillating a hub on which the drums are mounted while inclining the axis of rotation of the hub to the horizontal so as to raises the drums over the floor, thereafter applying first station components of a tire carcass to the second drum located in the first position, concurrently shaping the tire carcass at the second station and applying second station components of a tire carcass on the first drum located in the second position and removing the tire carcass from the first drum at the second position.

03-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002007182A1

20-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002228617A1

Molds for injection molding tire components have controlled temperature passages leading to a manifold (40) surrounding each mold cavity (16). The manifold (40) is positioned to minimize weld lines in the injected tire component (18). In addition, a narrow gate opening (42, 44, 46) between the manifold (40) and mold cavity (16) provides an elevated temperature of the injected material for decreasing the curing time of the tire component in the mold. Blade members (48) may support and position tire components (50) such as bead apex assemblies in the mold. These tire components (18) may be unloaded by an unloader ring (172) in communication with a source of vacuum for pulling the tire component out of the mold.

11-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002145441C

A strip of resilient material is clamped uniformly across the width of the material at a first position by vertically spaced clamps which are separated to stretch a section of the material beyond the elastic limit. The stretched section of material is released and transported on a horizontal conveyor to a second position where the stretched section is cut by a cutter providing edges of reduced thickness which are suitable for overlapping other stretched edges of reduced thickness for splicing.

29-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002180767A1
Принадлежит: SIM & MCBURNEY

Tire building apparatus and method wherein the cut to length tread is transported to a drum on a conveyor having laterally movable driving rollers and inverted guide rollers engaging the inner surfaces of raised shoulders of the tread. Control of the tread length is provided by measuring the length of the tread before and while it is being wrapped on the drum and then varying the stretching and rate of tread application to the drum to provide a precise splice of the ends of the tread. The position of the tread ends are controlled by a pricker bar to insure placement of the leading end on the drum and then placement of the trailing end on the drum over the leading end to provide the desired splice.

04-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002291499A1

A anchoring patch for preparing the innerliner of a pneumatic tire so that an encapsulated electronic monitoring device may be adhered to the prepared area of the innerliner includes a cover, a layer of uncured rubber, and a layer of cure material disposed between the cover and the uncured rubber. A polyethylene release cover may also be used to protect the layer of uncured rubber until the patch is used on an innerliner. The layer of uncured rubber may be continuous or in the form of a frame that allows the layer of cure material direct contact with the innerliner of a tire when the patch is placed on an innerliner. The patch is applied to a green tire with the layer of uncured rubber contacting the innerliner. The green tire is then cured and the cover and the layer of cure material are removed to deposit an anchoring layer on the innerliner of the tire. An electronic monitoring device may be securely bonded to the anchoring layer deposited on the innerliner either directly or by using ...

01-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002283884A1

The present invention relates to the manufacture of an original or retreaded tire with a vulcanized, splice-free, innerliner and a method of constructing the innerliner as an intermediate article of manufacture. The splice-free, vulcanized innerliner has a cylindrical or toroidal shape and is formed from different molding techniques.

13-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000631384A5

15-02-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000595209A5

31-07-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000602365A5

24-02-2016 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire, and method of manufacturing pneumatic tire

Номер: CN0105358336A

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for manufacturing tyres for vehicle wheels

Номер: US20120027880A1
Принадлежит: Pirelli Tyre SpA

In a method for manufacturing tyres for vehicle wheels, a green tyre, once formed, is transferred into a vulcanisation mould and pressed against the holding walls of a moulding cavity. Concurrently with the pressing step, a fluid present between the green tyre and the holding walls is evacuated through vent valves. The tyre is brought into contact with the closing head of each valve so as to push it toward a closed position of the valve itself. The closing head has a distal portion facing the moulding cavity and includes at least one grip element for the tyre blend, so that the closure member is pulled toward the open position while the moulded and cured tyre is moved away from the inner surface of said moulding cavity.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Tire vulcanization mold

Номер: US20120219650A1
Автор: Yusaku Miyazaki
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

A tire vulcanization mold can be configured to provide stable ventilation. For example, a tire molding surface has a ventilation groove having a rectangular shape in plan view. A blade has upper end, contact and communication sections. The upper end section thickness is smaller than a groove thickness. The contact section below the upper end section contacts both thickness-direction-facing side faces of the groove. The communication section communicates between a ventilation hole, and a small gap is formed between the groove and the upper end section. Alternatively, the blade has a groove section formed in at least one side face that faces in a blade thickness direction and extends between upper and lower blade ends to form a small gap between the groove and groove section. Air and gas pass through the gap and the communication section and vent to an exterior of the mold through the ventilation hole.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Process and plant for building green tyres for vehicle wheels

Номер: US20120255666A1
Автор: Gianni Mancini
Принадлежит: Pirelli Tyre SpA

A plant and a process for building different types of green tyres for vehicle wheels for each tyre size, through the use of elementary semi-finished products, includes: a) building a carcass structure of a green tyre, the carcass structure including at least one carcass ply and a pair of annular anchoring structures; and b) building a crown structure of a green tyre, the crown structure including at least one belt structure and a tread band; wherein at least one between the building of the carcass structure and the building of the crown structure includes: c) providing at least one first feeding unit of a first elementary semi-finished product and one second feeding unit of a second elementary semi-finished product, the at least one first and one second elementary semi-finished products being different from one another; and d) building at least one portion of a structural component of the tyre being processed, starting from at least one of the first and second elementary semi-finished products, in one work station fed by the first and second feeding units of the first and second elementary semi-finished products.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for building tyres for vehicle wheels

Номер: US20120255667A1
Принадлежит: Pirelli Tyre SpA

A process and an apparatus for building tyres for vehicle wheels includes assembling at least one tyre component through laying of strip-like elements disposed circumferentially close to each other on a deposition surface radially external to the forming drum, wherein laying of each strip-like element includes: radially moving the strip-like element close to the deposition surface; locking a central portion of the strip-like element against the deposition surface; and pulling the strip-like element in opposite directions starting from the central portion toward the opposite ends thereof, while the central portion is maintained in a locked condition against the deposition surface, so as to progressively lay down the strip-like element against the deposition surface.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Pneumatic object provided with a gastight layer containing a thermoplastic elastomer and a thermoplastic

Номер: US20130072621A1

A pneumatic object or inflatable article is provided with a gastight elastomer layer. The gastight elastomer layer includes a thermoplastic polyisobutylene block elastomer and hot-melt polymer microdomains based on at least one thermoplastic material.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Solid deck bead lock drum

Номер: US20130075041A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

A rotatable tire building drum 10 has a pair of axially and radially moveable bead locks 20 and a radially expandable center building deck assembly 40 with two sets of deck plates when expanded forms a 360 degree solid deck surface. The deck plates have been sized to abut when fully expanded to form a solid 360 degree building surface to support a tire carcass 2. The two sets of deck plates are divided into a first set of even deck plates and a second set of odd deck plates, arranged in a sequence of at least 6 or more circumferentially adjacent abutting deck plates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in an expanded state. In a retracted state, the first set of even deck plates 42 moves radially inward of the second set of odd deck plates 44, the first set 42 underlying the second set 44.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087267A1

The present invention is directed to a method for making a tire having a foam noise damper, comprising the steps of: pressing a barrier layer onto an exposed virgin surface of a green tire innerliner to adhere the barrier layer to the virgin surface and thereby form a protected green innerliner; curing the protected green innerliner; removing the barrier layer to reveal the virgin surface; and securing a foam noise damper to the virgin surface. 1. A method for making a tire having a foam noise damper , comprising the steps of:pressing a barrier layer onto an exposed virgin surface of a green tire innerliner to adhere the barrier layer to the virgin surface and thereby form a protected green innerliner;curing the protected green innerliner;removing the barrier layer to reveal the virgin surface; andsecuring a silicone rubber foam noise damper to the virgin surface.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of exposing the protected green innerliner to a mold release agent.3. The method of wherein the barrier layer is a thermoformable film.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer is a nylon film.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer is a rubber strip.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer is a rubber strip comprising butyl rubber and ethylene-propylene-diene (EPDM) rubber.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer is a rubber strip claim 1 , and the rubber strip is co-vulcanized with the green innerliner.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the foam noise damper is secured to the virgin surface using an adhesive.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the foam noise damper is secured to the virgin surface using double sided tape.13. The method of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer is applied during a tire building process on a tire building drum. This invention relates to a method of protecting the innerliner of a tire from contamination during manufacture to enable ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126064A1

Disclosed is a method of producing a pneumatic tire in which a green tire having a layer of film having a thermoplastic resin as a main component, and an uncured rubber layer provided thereon is cured. When the uncured rubber layer is formed on the film layer, at least one uncured rubber strip is applied serially onto the film layer to form the uncured rubber layer. 1. A method of producing a pneumatic tire in which a green tire having a layer of film having a thermoplastic resin as a main component , and an uncured rubber layer provided thereon is cured , the method comprising the steps of:applying at least one uncured rubber strip having a width 5 mm to 50 mm onto the film layer from one longitudinal end side of the at least one uncured rubber strip, andpressing the at least one uncured rubber strip applied onto the film layer by pressing means from the one longitudinal end side of the at least one uncured rubber strip while applying the at least one uncured rubber strip, whereby the at least one uncured rubber strip is applied onto the film layer to form the uncured rubber layer,wherein the at least one uncured rubber strip has opposite widthwise ends, and wherein the step of applying the at least one uncured rubber strip includes applying the at least one uncured rubber strip in such a manner that the opposite widthwise ends overlap with each other,wherein the overlapping opposite widthwise ends of the at least one uncured rubber strip comprise one widthwise end which comes into contact with the film layer and another widthwise end which comes into contact with the one widthwise end on an upper side thereof, and wherein the one widthwise end has a thickness of 0.1 mm to 1.1 mm at an edge thereof,wherein the film layer is an inner liner layer disposed facing to a cavity of the tire, andwherein the uncured rubber layer is an uncured carcass ply having reinforcing cords embedded therein, wherein the at least one uncured rubber strip comprises a plurality of uncured ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133811A1
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

A manufacturing method of a pneumatic tire comprises a forming step of a tread rubber which includes a two-shot stage of simultaneously winding a first rubber ribbon constructed by a nonconductive rubber, and a second rubber ribbon constructed by a nonconductive rubber. In the two-shot stage, the first rubber ribbon and the second rubber ribbon which are adjacent to each other are spirally wound in such a manner as to come into contact with each other, and a ribbon winding position passes through an L-shaped route. A conductive rubber is partly provided in the first rubber ribbon in the winding process when the ribbon winding position passes through the L-shaped route. A conductive portion which spirally and continuously extends to the tread end from the ground-contacting surface and intermittently appears in the tire meridian cross section is formed by the conductive rubber. 1. A manufacturing method of a pneumatic tire comprising a forming step of a tread rubber ,wherein the forming step of the tread rubber includes a two-shot stage of simultaneously winding a first rubber ribbon which is supplied from a first rubber ribbon forming apparatus and is constructed by a nonconductive rubber, and a second rubber ribbon which is supplied from a second rubber ribbon forming apparatus and is constructed by a nonconductive rubber,in the two-shot stage, the first rubber ribbon and the second rubber ribbon which are adjacent to each other are spirally wound in such a manner as to come into contact with each other, and a ribbon winding position passes through an L-shaped route which extends to an inner side in a tire diametrical direction from a ground-contacting surface and extends to one side in a tire width direction so as to reach a tread end, in a tire meridian cross section, anda conductive rubber is partly provided in the first rubber ribbon in the winding process at a time when the ribbon winding position passes through the L-shaped route, and a conductive portion ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139938A1

Adhesiveness between the tread member and a tire frame member is raised whilst reducing the volume of a tread member and decreasing rolling resistance. 1. A tire manufacturing method comprising:forming a tire frame member using a resin material;disposing a tread member at a tire radial direction outside of the tire frame member, the tread member formed with a groove on a ground contact face side of the tread member and with an air hole formed at a bottom portion of the groove and penetrating through to the opposite side of the tread member from the ground contact face; anddisposing an adhesion member between an outer peripheral face of the tire frame member and the tread member, and adhering the tread member to the tire frame member.2. The tire manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the air hole is formed during molding of the tread member.3. The tire manufacturing method of either claim 1 , wherein the air hole is bored after the tread member has been molded and before adhering the tread member to the tire frame member.4. A tread member formed with a groove on a ground contact face side of the tread member claim 1 , and with an air hole formed at a bottom portion of the groove and penetrating through to an opposite side of the tread member from the ground contact face.5. A tire comprising:a tire frame member formed using a resin material;a tread member that is disposed at a tire radial direction outside of the tire frame member and that is formed with a groove on a ground contact face side and with an air hole formed at a bottom portion of the groove; andan adhesion member that is disposed between an outer peripheral face of the tire frame member and the tread member, that adheres the tread member and the tire frame member together, and that blocks off the air hole of the tread.6. The tire of claim 5 , wherein:the tire frame member includes at both tire width direction sides a bead portion that configures a fitting portion to a rim, and a side portion that is ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139957A1
Автор: Araki Yusuke

A tire manufacturing apparatus and a tire manufacturing method capable of efficiently manufacturing quality tire by uniformly expanding the diameter of an annular tread and mounting the tread on a base tire without axial deviation. The tire manufacturing apparatus for mounting an annular tread on the outer periphery of a base tire includes a drum for securing a base tire, a plurality of holding means each having a holding surface for holding the outer periphery of the annular tread, a moving means for moving the holding means along the central axis of the base tire, a sealing means for sealing the opening on one side of the annular tread, and an air supplying means for supplying air into a space surrounded by the annular tread and the sealing means. 1. A tire manufacturing apparatus for mounting an annular tread on the outer periphery of a base tire , the apparatus comprising:a drum for securing a base tire;a holding means having holding surfaces for holding the outer periphery of the annular tread;a moving means for moving the holding means along the central axis of the base tire;a sealing means for sealing an opening on one side of the annular tread; andan air supplying means for supplying air into a space surrounded by the annular tread and the sealing means.2. The tire manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing means has an annular sealing member that comes in contact with an outer peripheral surface of the annular tread.3. The tire manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each of the holding surfaces has projections corresponding to circumferential grooves in the annular tread. The present invention relates to a tire manufacturing apparatus and a tire manufacturing method and, in particular, to a tire manufacturing apparatus and a tire manufacturing method for mounting a tread, which has been formed into an annular shape in advance, on a base tire.In a conventionally known method for manufacturing a tire, a base tire, which ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for Joining a Layer of Material in Order to Produce a Raw Tire Blank

Номер: US20130146212A1

A method for jointing an external layer (12) of material to a base layer (14) to produce a green tire, the green tire having an axis of revolution (X), the method comprising a step of applying the outer layer (12) to the base layer (14), followed by a step of jointing the outer layer (12) to the base layer (14). The jointing step is done using a pressing element (18) surrounding the outer layer (12) and elastically deformable between a configuration called the enlarged configuration and a configuration called the outer-layer (12) pressing configuration, in which the pressing element (18) applies a radial pressure to the outer layer, the jointing step comprising the following steps: the passage of the pressing element (18) from the enlarged configuration to the layer-pressing configuration, the movement of the pressing element (18) in the pressing configuration, in the axial direction (X) of the green tire. 1. A method for jointing an external layer of material to a base layer to produce a green tire , the green tire having an axis of revolution , the method comprising a step of applying the outer layer to the base layer , followed by a step of jointing the outer layer to the base layer , wherein the jointing step is done using a pressing element surrounding the outer layer and elastically deformable between a configuration called the enlarged configuration and a configuration called the outer-layer pressing configuration , in which the pressing element applies a radial pressure to the outer layer , the jointing step comprising the following steps:the passage of the pressing element from the enlarged configuration to the layer-pressing configuration; andthe movement of the pressing element in the pressing configuration, in the axial direction of the green tire.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the pressing element delimits a closed outline of a given perimeter and is configured in such a way that the perimeter of its outline claim 1 , when it is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160951A1
Автор: De Graaf Martin
Принадлежит: VMI HOLLAND B .V.

The invention provides a building drum for building an unvulcanized tyre or air spring using rubber components. The building drum comprises a central shaft and a casing that can be slid onto the shaft. The casing is detachably attached to the shaft via a coupling pin that can be moved to a coupled position for mutually coupling the shaft and the casing and into an uncoupled position in which the casing can be removed from the central shaft. The casing further comprises a locking device with a locking pin, wherein the locking pin is adapted for, in the coupled position of the coupling pin, engaging thereon for substantially blocking a movement of the coupling pin. The locking device comprises a locking member that in a condition in which the locking pin does not engage onto the coupling pin, is placed such that it prevents a connection of lines to the casing, and/or provides an indication of the casing being mounted incorrectly. 1. Building drum for building an unvulcanized tyre or air spring using rubber components , comprising:a central shaft with a circumferential wall having an outer diameter,a casing with a circumferential surface for arranging the components thereon, wherein the casing comprises a substantially continuous opening having an inner diameter that corresponds with the outer diameter of the circumferential wall of the central shaft, wherein the casing is detachably attached to the central shaft, and wherein the casing is provided with a movable coupling pin that can be placed in coupled position in which the coupling pin extends in an opening in the circumferential wall of the central shaft, and in an uncoupled position in which the coupling pin is placed outside of the circumferential wall of the central shaft, characterized in that the casing further comprises a locking device with a locking pin, wherein the locking pin is adapted for in the coupled position of the coupling pin engaging thereon in order to substantially block a movement of the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180647A1

A process for manufacturing a tyre for vehicle wheels includes: laying at least one carcass ply on a forming support having a rotation axis; bringing an annular anchoring structure in contact position with an end edge of the carcass ply; holding through a positioning device, the annular anchoring structure in contact position with the end edge while an air chamber is partially inflated to carry out a first part of turning up the end edge around the annular anchoring structure; moving the positioning device away from the annular anchoring structure; and completing the inflation of the air chamber to carry out the remaining part of turning up the end edge around the annular anchoring structure, so as to form a turned up end portion of the carcass ply including the annular anchoring structure. 115-. (canceled)16. A process for manufacturing a tyre for vehicle wheels , comprising:laying at least one carcass ply on a forming support having a rotation axis;bringing an annular anchoring structure in contact position with an end edge of the carcass ply;holding, through at least one positioning device, the annular anchoring structure in contact position with the end edge of the carcass ply while at least one air chamber is partially inflated to carry out a first part of turning up the end edge of the carcass ply around the annular anchoring structure;moving said at least one positioning device away from said annular anchoring structure;completing the inflation of said at least one air chamber to carry out the remaining part of turning up the end edge of the carcass ply around the annular anchoring structure, so as to form a turned up end portion of the carcass ply comprising the annular anchoring structure.17. The process according to claim 16 , wherein during the partial inflation of said at least one air chamber claim 16 , a maximum pressure value of between about 0.1 bar and about 0.4 bar is reached.18. The process according to claim 16 , wherein said at least one air ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Customizing Vehicle Tires on Demand at Point-of-Sale

Номер: US20130199704A1
Автор: Damon Scott

Methods and systems for on demand, customized manufacture of vehicle tires at a point-of-sale are disclosed. At a point-of-sale, tire casings and tire treads that have been manufactured separately to enhance certain performance characteristics are assembled to provide a final customized tire. 1. A system for manufacturing tires at a point-of-sale facility , said system comprising:a tire casing inventory of a plurality of different types of tire casings, the tire casing inventory stored at the point-of-sale facility;a tire tread inventory of a plurality of different types of tire treads, the tire tread inventory stored at the point-of-sale facility;tire building equipment disposed at the point-of-sale facility and adapted to combine a selected type of the tire casings with a selected type of the tire treads to produce a new finished tire having at least one predetermined tire characteristic.2. The system for manufacturing tires at a point-of-sale facility of claim 1 , wherein said at least one tire characteristic includes at least one of rolling resistance claim 1 , wear resistance claim 1 , traction capability under different weather and climate conditions claim 1 , speed rating claim 1 , and drive-surface-specific features of the tire.3. The system for manufacturing tires at a point-of-sale facility of claim 1 , further comprising:a customization system including a physical computer-readable medium having computer-executable instructions stored thereon and a processor adapted to execute said computer-executable instructions to present a graphical user interface adapted to receive customer selection information and to determine a listing corresponding to tread-casing combinations from the different types of tire casings and the different types of tire treads which produce a tire corresponding to the customer selection information.4. The system for manufacturing tires at a point-of-sale facility of claim 3 , wherein the customization selection information includes ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Tire, and manufacturing method for same

Номер: US20130206311A1
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

Provided is a tire having a circular tire frame formed of at least a thermoplastic resin material, in which the tire includes a reinforcing cord member that forms a reinforcing cord layer on an outer circumference of the tire frame, and the thermoplastic resin material contains at least a polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213559A1
Автор: Damon Scott

Systems and methods for decentralized tire manufacturing permit the pre-selection of properties of a new casing by individually selecting properties of the casing. The components and raw materials are pre-selected to provide improved and individualized performance characteristics when combined with separately-manufactured new cured tire treads. The new cured treads are manufactured separately in such a manner that pre-selected processing and raw materials may be used to selectively improve performance characteristics. The pre-selected materials and processing used in the separate manufacture of the cured treads from the casing are chosen so as to provide an improved final result that is coordinated through the pre-selections. In this manner, a final tread-casing combination can be made in such a way as to improve one or more performance properties of a final tire. 1. A decentralized tire manufacturing system comprising:a casing manufacturing facility adapted to manufacture a set of different types of cured casings;a tread manufacturing facility adapted to manufacture a set of different types of cured treads;an assembly facility adapted to assemble multiple tread-casing combinations to for new tires made from the different types of cured casings and the different types of cured treads;wherein each type of cured casing is made so as to be specifically made for combination with at least one type of the set of different types of cured treads to provide a new tire with a desired tire characteristic.2. The decentralized claim 1 , distributed tire manufacturing system of claim 1 , wherein each type of cured tread is made so as to be specifically made for combination with at least one type of the set of different types of cured casings to provide a new tire with a desired tire characteristic.3. The decentralized claim 2 , distributed tire manufacturing system of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the different types of cured treads is made so as to be specifically made for ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218699A1
Автор: Damon Scott

Systems and methods are disclosed for manufacturing a tire selected having a certain performance and/or size characteristic from a range of tread-casing combinations having a range of performance and/or size characteristics from a reduced inventory supply. The systems and methods for producing tires can be used to build tires having a selected performance characteristic from an inventory supply having reduced storage time. A customized tire can be produced by providing, either at or near a point-of-sale facility, a set of cured tire casings manufactured without tire treads and a set of cured tire treads manufactured without tire casings. A tire that is customized to the customer is built upon demand at an assembly facility at or near the point-of-sale and delivered to the customer at or near the time of building upon demand by the customer. 1. A system for manufacturing tires having a predetermined tire characteristic , said system comprising:an inventory facility configured to maintain a casing inventory including a plurality of different types of cured casings and a tread inventory including a plurality of different types of cured treads;an assembly facility including tire building equipment adapted to produce a new tire having the predetermined tire characteristic using a tread-casing combination including a selected type of the cured casings in the casing inventory and a selected type of the cured treads in the tread inventory of the inventory facility;wherein the casing inventory and the tread inventory are configured such that, for a particular type of cured casing in the casing inventory, multiple types of cured treads in the tread inventory are compatible with the particular type of cured casing to produce different tread-casing combinations, each including said particular type of cured casing.2. The system for manufacturing tires of claim 1 , wherein a set of tread-casing combinations from the casing inventory and the tread inventory of the inventory ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220518A1
Автор: Matsunaga Futoshi

Provided is a pneumatic tire and a manufacturing method therefor which allow a reduction in a cavity resonance sound without complicated manufacturing steps. A pneumatic tire of the present invention includes: a pair of bead portions; a carcass layer bridged between the pair of bead portions; and an inner liner layer disposed at a tire inner surface side of the carcass layer, the inner liner layer being made of a thermoplastic resin or a thermoplastic elastomer composition obtained by blending a thermoplastic resin with an elastomer. The inner liner layer has a laminated structure including multiple film layers having different melting points of the thermoplastic resin from each other. The film layer having the lowest melting point of the thermoplastic resin is foamed to form multiple convex portions in the tire inner surface. 1. A manufacturing method for a pneumatic tire comprising the steps of:bridging a carcass layer between a pair of bead portions;disposing an inner liner layer at a tire inner surface side of the carcass layer, the inner liner layer being made of any one of a thermoplastic resin and a thermoplastic elastomer composition that is obtained by blending a thermoplastic resin with an elastomer;building an uncured tire in which the inner liner layer has a laminated structure including a plurality of film layers having different melting points of the thermoplastic resin from each other;curing the uncured tire while pressurizing the tire from an inside thereof; andin depressurizing the tire after the curing, foaming a film layer having a lowest melting point of the thermoplastic resin to thus form a plurality of convex portions in the tire inner surface.2. The manufacturing method for a pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , whereina film layer having a highest melting point of the thermoplastic resin has a melting point set in a range of 175° C. to 250° C., anda difference in melting point between the film layer having the highest melting point of the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220520A1

A process for manufacturing tyres for vehicle wheels includes associating at least one reinforcing structure with at least one surface portion of at least one tyre component laid on a forming support, wherein associating the at least one reinforcing structure includes bringing, through a handling and deposition member, at least one reinforcing element to the forming support and depositing, through said handling and deposition member, the reinforcing element on a respective deposition part defined on a surface portion of the component. The depositing includes gradually laying the reinforcing element on the deposition part following the profile of the deposition part in a circumferential direction. 130-. (canceled)31. A process for manufacturing a tyre for a vehicle wheel , comprising associating at least one reinforcing structure with at least one surface portion of at least one tyre component laid on a forming support , wherein associating said at least one reinforcing structure comprises:bringing, through a handling and deposition member, at least one reinforcing element to said forming support; anddepositing, through said handling and deposition member, said at least one reinforcing element on a respective deposition part defined on at least one surface portion of said at least one tyre component, wherein said depositing comprises gradually laying said at least one reinforcing element on said deposition part following a profile of said deposition part in a circumferential direction.32. The process according to claim 31 , wherein gradually laying said at least one reinforcing element on said deposition part claim 31 , is carried out starting from a central portion of the reinforcing element up to opposite end portions thereof.33. The process according to claim 32 , wherein gradually laying said at least one reinforcing element on said deposition part claim 32 , comprises:positioning said central portion of said at least one reinforcing element on said deposition ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276958A1
Автор: Kanou Motoaki

In the method for producing a tire casing of the present invention by vulcanizing a casing portion comprising a belt portion composed of multiple belt layers, a side portion and a bead portion and also comprising at least any one of a tread casing and a belt under-cushion rubber, a rubber composition containing carbon black having a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of from 25 to 130 m/g as defined in JIS K 6217-2:2001 in an amount of from 25 to 45 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component therein is used as at least the rubber composition constituting the tread casing to be a part of the tread portion or the rubber composition constituting the belt under-cushion rubber, and accordingly, the rolling resistance of the tire can be reduced and the durability thereof can be improved. 1. A method for producing a tire casing by vulcanizing a casing portion comprising a belt portion composed of multiple belt layers , a side portion and a bead portion and also comprising at least any one of a tread casing and a belt under-cushion rubber , wherein:{'sup': '2', 'a rubber composition containing carbon black having a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of from 25 to 130 m/g as defined in JIS K 6217-2:2001 in an amount of from 25 to 45 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component therein is used as at least the rubber composition constituting the tread casing or the rubber composition constituting the belt under-cushion rubber.'}2. The method for producing a tire casing according to claim 1 , wherein a rubber composition containing carbon black having a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of from 35 to 130 m/g as defined in JIS K 6217-2:2001 in an amount of from 25 to 45 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component therein is used as the rubber composition constituting the tread casing.3. The method for producing a tire casing according to claim 1 , wherein a rubber composition containing carbon black having a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing base tire, method for manufacturing tire, and base tire

Номер: US20130284336A1
Автор: Hideyuki Kaneda
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

A method for manufacturing a base tire with a uniform degree of cure (vulcanization) by preventing undercure or overcure in curing an uncured base tire, a method for manufacturing a tire using such a base tire, and a base tire thus manufactured are provided. In a method for manufacturing a cured base tire having a tread region where a tread rubber is attached, an uncured base tire is enclosed within a curing mold, the side regions of the base tire are heated by a first heating means, the tread region with a thicker tire thickness than the side regions is heated by a second heating means, and a cure-molding is performed such that the amount of heat given to the tread region by the second heating means is smaller than the amount of heat given to the side regions by the first heating means.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Tire manufacturing method and precured tread

Номер: US20130284349A1
Автор: Kenji Kawagoe
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

A tire exhibiting a desired design performance can be manufactured at a low cost using a precured tread having a mounting surface formed flat. In the process of manufacture, a base tire formed with a tread mounting surface having curvatures in the axial and circumferential directions of the tire and a precured tread having amounting surface formed flat, which is to be applied to the tread mounting surface of the base tire, are used. The precured tread has grooves ( 9 ) in its tread pattern surface opposite from its mounting surface. And the circumferential and axial lengths of the grooves ( 9 ) are formed shorter than desired design values, based on the differences in the circumferential and axial lengths between when the mounting surface of the tread applied to the base tire is curved along the curvatures of the tread mounting surface of the base tire and when the mounting surface of the tread is in a flat state.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306243A1
Автор: Mancini Gianni
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

An apparatus for producing a pneumatic tyre has a building unit designed to form a green tyre having a pair of beads. Each of the pair of beads is defined along a respective inner circumferential edge of the green tyre. The apparatus further includes bead moulding devices to tighten each bead between two axially opposite clamping surfaces. A moulding unit of the green tyre has a moulding cavity with an inner wall substantially conforming in shape to an outer surface of a moulded tyre. The apparatus further includes devices for vulcanising the green tyre, and actuating devices for transferring the green tyre together with the bead moulding devices into the moulding cavity. 159-. (canceled)60. An apparatus for producing a pneumatic tyre , comprising:a building unit designed to form a green tyre having a pair of beads each defined along a respective inner circumferential edge of said green tyre;bead moulding devices to tighten each bead between two axially opposite damping surfaces;a moulding unit of the green tyre having a moulding cavity with an inner wall substantially conforming in shape to an outer surface of a moulded tyre;devices for vulcanising the green tyre; andactuating devices for transferring the green tyre together with said bead moulding devices into the moulding cavity.61. The apparatus as claimed in claim 60 , comprising pre-vulcanisation devices for at least partial pre-vulcanisation of said beads.62. The apparatus as claimed in claim 60 , wherein said moulding unit has at least one housing seat for the bead moulding devices.63. The apparatus as claimed in claim 60 , wherein the building unit comprises devices for forming at least one carcass ply having end flaps turned up around respective annular reinforcing structures integrated into each of the beads of the green tyre.64. The apparatus as claimed in claim 61 , wherein said bead moulding devices and pre-vulcanisation devices operate in a moulding and pre-vulcanisation station separated from the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340904A1
Автор: Inoue Yuji
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

A tread rubber of a pneumatic tire is formed by a ribbon rubber which is spirally wound around a tire rotating axis. The ribbon rubber is wound toward one side in a tire width direction from a start point which is positioned closer to a center side than tread ends in a tire meridian cross section, is next folded back to the other side in the tire width direction at the tread end on the one side, is wound toward the tread end on the other side beyond the start point, is next folded back to the one side in the tire width direction at the tread end on the other side, and is wound toward an end point. The ribbon rubber has the winding start end and the winding terminal end at tread end vicinity portions avoiding the tread ends and a tread center portion. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:a tread rubber, the tread rubber being formed by a ribbon rubber which is spirally wound around a tire rotating axis,wherein the ribbon rubber is wound from a start point which is positioned closer to a center side than tread ends toward one side in a tire width direction in a tire meridian cross section, is next folded back to the other side in the tire width direction at the tread end on the one side, is wound toward the tread end on the other side beyond the start point, is next folded back to the one side in the tire width direction at the tread end on the other side, and is wound toward a terminal end which is positioned closer to the center side than the tread ends, andwherein the ribbon rubber has a winding start end and a winding terminal end in the vicinity of the tread ends avoiding the tread ends and the tread center portion.2. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the winding terminal end is arranged at a position at which a main groove extending in a tire peripheral direction is formed.3. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the tread rubber has a three-layer structure portion in which the ribbon rubber wound toward the one side in the tire width ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340910A1
Автор: MIAO Dong

The present invention prevents core deformation at a time of mounting a tire on a rim while corrosion resistance and air-leak resistance are assured in a tire made with a inner molding process. A bead core comprises axially inner and outer core pieces, and a radially inner end part of a carcass ply is held therebetween. The axially inner and outer bead pieces are composed of a spiral-wound body in which a bead wire has been spirally wound and overlapped. The bead wire comprises a core part in which core strands have been twisted together and a sheath part in which sheath strands have been twisted together around the core part. The core strands and/or the sheath strands comprise an embossed strand. The twisting direction and twisting pitch (Pc) of the core strands are the same as the twisting direction and twitching pitch (Ps) of the sheath strands. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising a carcass comprising a carcass ply extending from a tread portion through a sidewall portion to a bead core of a bead portion , whereinsaid bead core comprises axially inner and outer core pieces, and a radially inner end part of the carcass ply is held between the axially inner and outer core pieces without being turned-up around the bead core;each of said inner and outer bead pieces are composed of a spiral-wound body in which a bead wire is wound from the radially-inwardly to the height of over the radially outer end of a rim flange in an overlapping manner in the shape of spiral;said bead wire comprises a core part made of not less than two core strands twisted together and a sheath part made of not less than three sheath strands twisted together around said core part, the diameter of the core strands is the same as the diameter of the sheath strands, and said core strands and/or sheath strands include an embossed strand that is embossed in a wave shape before twisting;the twisting direction and the twisting pitch Pc of said core strands are the same as a twisting direction and twisting ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Run-flat pneumatic tire assembly and method

Номер: US20140000790A1
Автор: Edward G. Markow

A run-flat pneumatic tire assembly includes a pneumatic tire having an elastomeric casing and a tire cavity formed therein. A longitudinally-extending and approximately planar length of strip material is helically arranged within the tire cavity to pre-stress the length of strip material for usage of the pneumatic tire during under-inflated and non-inflated conditions. A method of making a run-flat pneumatic tire assembly is also included.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for manufacturing pneumatic tyres

Номер: US20140004216A1
Принадлежит: Pirelli Tyre SpA

A green pneumatic tyre is built on a rigid toroidal support externally having a forming surface of a conformation corresponding to the inner shape of a tyre. The green tyre engaged on the expandable toroidal support is introduced into a vulcanisation mould and submitted to a vulcanisation cycle. During vulcanisation, axial moving apart of side portions of the toroidal support is caused so as to press the beads and sidewalls of the tyre against the vulcanisation mould.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027042A1

Provided is a method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire, including the steps of preparing a polymer layer stack formed of a first layer made of a styrene-isobutylene-styrene triblock copolymer and having a thickness of 0.05 mm to 0.6 mm and a second layer made of an epoxidized styrene-butadiene-styrene triblock copolymer and having a thickness of 0.01 mm to 0.3 mm, molding a raw tire with the polymer layer stack bonded to the inner side of the tire as an inner liner, arranging the raw tire in a mold and vulcanizing the tire under pressure from a bladder, and cooling a vulcanized tire at 50° C. to 120° C. for 10 seconds to 300 seconds. 1. A method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire , comprising the steps of:preparing a polymer layer stack formed of a first layer made of a styrene-isobutylene-styrene triblock copolymer and having a thickness of 0.05 mm to 0.6 mm and a second layer made of an epoxidized styrene-butadiene-styrene triblock copolymer and having a thickness of 0.01 mm to 0.3 mm;molding a raw tire with said polymer layer stack bonded to an inner side of the tire as an inner liner;arranging said raw tire in a mold and vulcanizing the tire under pressure from a bladder; andcooling a vulcanized tire at 50° C. to 120° C. for 10 seconds to 300 seconds.2. The method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein said step of cooling a vulcanized tire is performed by cooling the inside of the bladder.3. The method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein said step of cooling a vulcanized tire uses claim 1 , as a coolant claim 1 , one or more coolants selected from the group consisting of air claim 1 , water vapor claim 1 , water claim 1 , and oil.4. The method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer of said polymer layer stack is arranged at the radially innermost side of said raw tire.5. The method for manufacturing of a pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the second ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042663A1
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

An apparatus for extruding a polymeric material, having an extrusion head which includes a male die, a female die coaxially arranged with respect to the male die, a conveying channel, and at least one portion of which is defined between the male die and the female die. The apparatus further includes a device for adjusting a cross-sectional area of the at least one portion of the conveying channel by reciprocally displacing the female die with respect to the male die in response to an extrusion speed variation of the polymeric material. 136-. (canceled)37. An apparatus for extruding a polymeric material , comprising an extrusion head which comprises:a male die;a female die coaxially arranged with respect to said male die;a conveying channel, at least one portion of which is defined between said male die and said female die; anda device for adjusting a cross-sectional area of said at least one portion of said conveying channel by reciprocally displacing said female die with respect to said male die in response to an extrusion speed variation of said polymeric material.38. The apparatus according to claim 37 , wherein the male die is provided with an inner cavity coaxially extending with respect to a longitudinal axis of the extrusion head.39. The apparatus according to claim 37 , wherein the device for adjusting the cross-sectional area of the at least one portion of the conveying channel comprises a resilient element acting on at least one die.40. The apparatus according to claim 39 , wherein the resilient element is associated with the female die.41. The apparatus according to claim 39 , wherein the resilient element is a spring whose elastic constant K is selected in response to the range of variation of the extrusion speed.42. The apparatus according to claim 37 , wherein the device for adjusting the cross-sectional area of the at least one portion of the conveying channel is a servo-device that detects the variation of the at least one parameter indicative of the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053961A1
Автор: Shimomura Kazuo

A pneumatic tire has a rubber member constructed by a rubber ribbon winding body formed by spirally winding a rubber ribbon. The rubber ribbon includes a composite rubber ribbon which is formed by a non-conductive rubber, and a conductive rubber partly covering the non-conductive rubber. The composite rubber ribbon has a flat cross sectional shape and is gradually reduced in its thickness toward both ends. The conductive rubber has a cross sectional area which is equal to or less than 3% of a cross sectional area of the composite rubber ribbon, and forms a surface in one side and a surface in the other side in both ends of the composite rubber ribbon. The composite rubber ribbons that are adjacent in the width direction are partly overlapped, and a conductive route is provided by the conductive rubber connected between the composite rubber ribbons. 1. A pneumatic tire having a rubber member constructed by a rubber ribbon winding body which is formed by spirally winding a rubber ribbon ,wherein the rubber ribbon includes a composite rubber ribbon which is formed by a non-conductive rubber, and a conductive rubber partly covering the non-conductive rubber;wherein the composite rubber ribbon has a flat cross sectional shape which is smaller in its thickness than its width, and is gradually reduced in its thickness toward both ends in a width direction thereof;wherein the conductive rubber has a cross sectional area which is equal to or less than 3% of a cross sectional area of the composite rubber ribbon, and forms a surface in one side and a surface in the other side in both ends of the composite rubber ribbon so as to prevent the non-conductive rubber from being exposed on both ends of the composite rubber ribbon; andwherein the rubber member is structured such that the composite rubber ribbons that are adjacent in the width direction are partly overlapped, and a conductive route is provided by the conductive rubber which is connected between the composite rubber ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053964A1

The present invention relates to a method of forming at least one circumferential belt layer of a pneumatic tire comprising: winding the strip for a half length of an outer circumferential length of the crown portion of the carcass along the tire equatorial plane from a widthwise inner side of the belt end region; winding the strip for the remaining half length while shifting the strip for the width of the strip from a widthwise inner to outer side; winding the strip for the outer circumferential length of the crown portion of the carcass along the tire equatorial plane; winding the strip for the half length of the outer circumferential length of the crown portion of the carcass while shifting the strip for the width of the strip from the widthwise outer to inner side; and winding the strip for the remaining half length along the tire equatorial plane. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:a pair of bead portions;a carcass troidally extending between the bead portions;at least one circumferential belt layer disposed on a radially outer side of a crown portion of the carcass and formed by spirally winding a strip in a tire circumferential direction, the strip having at least one rubber-coated cord extending along a tire equatorial plane; anda tread disposed on a radially outer side of the circumferential belt layer; whereinthe circumferential belt layer is formed by using a method comprising:assuming that a region having twice the width of the strip from an edge in a tire width direction of the circumferential belt layer toward the tire equatorial plane is defined as a belt end region,winding the strip for a half length of an outer circumferential length of the crown portion of the carcass along the tire equatorial plane from a widthwise inner side of the belt end region;winding the strip for the remaining half length while shifting the strip for the width of the strip from a widthwise inner to outer side;winding the strip for the outer circumferential length of the crown ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Rim assembly, tire testing machine, and rim assembly replacing method

Номер: US20140069180A1

To provide a rim assembly to which even a small tire can be mounted, a tire testing machine, and a rim assembly replacement method. The rim assembly having an upper rim and a lower rim in a pair to which a tire to be tested is mounted, includes: a pin provided on the lower rim; a pin receiving portion that is provided on the upper rim and engageable with the pin; and a groove portion having a recessed groove with a recessed section that can house at least a part of a tip of the pin, formed in a surface of the upper rim on a side of the lower rim.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Tire vulcanizer and tire vulcanizing system

Номер: US20140079837A1
Автор: Hideki Fukuda, Joji Yusa

A tire vulcanizer and tire vulcanizing system improving production efficiency by shortening time for loading and unloading of tires are provided. They include: a lower mold supporting part; an upper mold supporting part; a moving device moving the upper mold supporting part horizontally; an elevator device moving the upper mold vertically; a lift device pushing up a vulcanized tire held in the lower mold; and a tire supporting part supported by the upper mold supporting part. The tire supporting part moves between a supporting position and a retreated position. The bottom side of the vulcanized tire is supported by the tire supporting part at a peripheral side closer to the outside than a pushed-up position in the supporting position. The retreated position is positioned at a peripheral side closer to the outside than the vulcanized tire.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Multi bead type greentire manufacturing apparatus

Номер: US20140083619A1
Автор: Gooyeon Hwang

Disclosed herein is a multi bead type greentire manufacturing apparatus. The apparatus includes a rubber plate made from a raw material of the greentire and mounted on a winding drum. Additionally, a plurality of gloves and bladders are formed separately to transform the rubber plate ( 91 ), thereby automating a manufacturing process of a large-scale greentire having multi-layer beads. The multi bead type greentire manufacturing apparatus increases the productivity of large sized greentires and reduces an error rate in forming the greentires by increasing forming accuracy.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001340A1
Автор: KOYANAGI Tomo

A mold capable of imparting an appropriate amount of heat depending on a part of an object to be heated, the mold for transferring heat to the object to be heated is provided with a hollow portion inside the mold, and a heat amount adjusting agent, which is accommodated in the hollow portion, for changing heat transfer property of the hollow portion, in which the heat amount adjusting agent is made of a powdery or granular material having a material property different from a material property of the mold. 1. A mold for transferring heat to an object to be heated comprising:a hollow portion provided inside the mold; anda heat amount adjusting agent held in the hollow portion for changing a heat transfer property of the hollow portion;wherein the heat amount adjusting agent is made of a powdery or granular material having a material property different from that of the mold.2. The mold according to claim 1 , wherein the heat amount adjusting agent is made of plural types of powdery or granular materials having material properties different from that of the mold.3. The mold according to claim 1 , wherein the heat amount adjusting agent is a product material produced by melting and then solidifying a powdery or granular material of a metal.4. The mold according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of hollow portions are provided independently of each other.5. The mold according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow portion has a heat transfer assisting member disposed therein.6. The mold according to claim 5 , wherein the heat transfer assisting member is provided to be insertable and removable to and from the hollow portion.7. The mold according to claim 5 , wherein a cubic volume of the heat transfer assisting member is in a range from 5% to 50% of a capacity of the hollow portion.8. The mold according to claim 1 , wherein a heat mount adjusting agent supply-discharge passage communicating between the hollow portion and outside is provided.9. A method for manufacturing a mold ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001664A1
Автор: Douglas Jeffrey P.

A tire having a pair of high strength sidewalls lying opposite one another, wherein each sidewall has a plurality of plies that are shaped during manufacture to have a series of pleats or corrugations formed therein and stretching from the tire beads radially outward along the sidewalls. Each of the series of sidewall corrugations includes a pattern of alternating inwardly extending depressions and outwardly extending projections that extend continuously around the tire. The corrugations provide the sidewalls with an integral structural reinforcement, whereby the tire is advantageously capable of providing run flat support and avoiding damage to the rim on which the tire is mounted. According to a preferred embodiment, the tire herein disclosed is ideally suited for use on a motorcycle rim. 19.-. (canceled)10. A method for making a tire comprising the steps of:molding a pair of sidewalls that lie opposite one another by bonding a plurality of fibrous plies together one on top of the other;molding a crown extending circumferentially around said tire and located radially outward from said pair of sidewalls;forming a reinforced bead in each of said pair of sidewalls such that said beads extend around said sidewalls opposite said crown; andshaping the plurality of fibrous plies of each of said pair of sidewalls so that each sidewall has a series of corrugations extending continuously therearound, and each series of corrugations has alternating inwardly extending depressions and outwardly extending projections that extend side-by-side one another between the crown of said tire and the bead of a respective one of said pair of sidewalls.11. The method recited in claim 10 , comprising the additional step of forming each corrugation from each of said series of corrugations so as to encompass respective ones of the beads of said pair of sidewalls and stretch from said beads radially outward along respective ones of said pair of sidewalls.12. A tire claim 10 , comprising:a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009138A1

In an internal pressure state where an internal pressure that is 0.05 times a normal internal pressure P has been increased to the normal internal pressure P, amounts of protrusions at points Pa, Ph, Pd, and Pe are represented as Da (mm), Dh (mm), Dd (mm), and De (mm), respectively. A sum Fa (((Dd+De)/W)×100) of the amounts of protrusions for each sidewall satisfies mathematical expressions (2) and (3) in which an aspect ratio A is used, and a difference Gs (((Da−Dh)/W)×100) in the amount of protrusion for a tread satisfies mathematical expressions (5) and (6). 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:a tread having an outer surface that forms a tread surface;a pair of sidewalls that extend almost inward from ends, respectively, of the tread in a radial direction;a pair of beads that are disposed inward of the sidewalls in the radial direction;a carcass that is extended along inner sides of the tread and the sidewalls; anda belt that is disposed outward of the carcass in the radial direction and layered over the carcass, whereinthe belt has an inner layer, and an outer layer disposed outward of the inner layer in the radial direction and layered over the inner layer,the tread surface has grooves formed so as to extend in a circumferential direction,the carcass has a carcass ply, and the carcass ply forms a main body portion that is extended on and between one of the beads and the other of the beads,a position, on an equator plane, of the tread surface is represented as a point Pa,positions, on the tread surface, which are distant from each other by 0.8 times a width Wb, in an axial direction, of a region where the inner layer and the outer layer of the belt are layered over each other, are each represented as a point Ph,positions, on axially outer side surfaces of the sidewalls, which are distant from each other with a maximum width, are each represented as a point Pe,positions, on the axially outer side surfaces of the sidewalls, each of which is a midpoint between the point ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Compression Molded Green Rubber Component and Method for Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20150013871A1

Various embodiments of a compression molded green rubber component, and methods for manufacturing the same, are disclosed.

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Pneumatic Tire and Method of Manufacturing Pneumatic Tire

Номер: US20140110034A1

A pneumatic tire includes: an annular structure that is cylindrical and metal where at least an outer side surface in the radial direction is a rough surface; a tread rubber layer that will become a tread portion provided along a circumferential direction of the annular structure on an outer side of the annular structure; and a carcass portion including fibers covered with rubber, provided on at least both sides in a direction parallel to a center axis of the cylindrical structure including the annular structure and the tread rubber layer. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising: a tread rubber layer that will become a tread portion provided along a circumferential direction of the annular structure on an outer side of the annular structure; and', 'a carcass portion including fibers covered with rubber provided on at least both sides, in a direction parallel to a center axis, of a cylindrical structure including the annular structure and the tread rubber layer., 'an annular structure that is cylindrical and metal where at least an outer side surface in a radial direction is a rough surface;'}2. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the annular structure has an inner side surface in the radial direction that is a rough surface.3. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the outer side surface in the radial direction has an arithmetic mean roughness Ra of not less than 0.5 μm and not greater than 50 μm.4. The pneumatic tire according to of claim 1 , wherein an inner side surface in the radial direction is a rough surface and has an arithmetic mean roughness Ra of not less than 0.5 μm and not greater than 50 μm.5. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein: a JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) hardness of the tread rubber layer is not less than 46 and not greater than 88; and the tread rubber layer contacts the annular structure.6. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive rubber layer that bonds the tread rubber layer ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027620A1
Принадлежит: MESNAC CO., LTD.

A bead ring and a belt-tread component are prepared in advance, and a forming drum capable of axially moving carries a tire body component to enter a forming pressing workstation. The forming machine comprises a main machine and a servicer, wherein a belt drum laminating workstation at one side of a belt drum, a main servicer laminating workstation at one side of the forming drum, and a forming pressing workstation at one side of a combined roller are arranged along the center line of a main shaft of the main machine; the prepared belt-cap ply-tread component and sidewall-inner liner-carcass ply component are conveyed to the workstations and combined with the bead ring, so as to carry out turn-up forming and pressing operation technologies of a tire blank; the forming pressing workstation is arranged between the belt drum laminating workstation and the forming pressing workstation. 1. A unistage dual-drum forming machine for a car tire , comprising:a main machine comprising a belt drum case, a tire bead transfer ring, a forming drum case, a forming drum, a base and a slide frame, a belt transfer ring, a belt drum, a combined roller, and a tire bead preset device; anda servicer comprising a tread servicer, a belted layer servicer, a cap ply servicer, and a main servicer;a belt drum laminating workstation at one side of the belt drum arranged along a main shaft center line of the main machine, so as to finish laminating of a belt and tread, and winding of the cap ply;a main servicer laminating workstation at one side of the forming drum arranged along the main shaft center line of the main machine, so as to finish laminating of a tire side, an inner liner layer and cord fabric; and the forming pressing workstation is arranged between the belt drum laminating workstation and the forming pressing workstation; and', 'the forming drum case is carried on the base and the slide frame in a sliding manner, so as to drive the forming drum to the forming pressing workstation., ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Bead Wire For A Tire, Tire And Manufacturing Method

Номер: US20190030961A1

The bead wire () comprises several windings of wire and a basic hexagonal bead wire () comprising: two axially and radially external lateral rows (F F) of N2 windings, two axially external and radially internal lateral rows (F F) of N2 windings, where N1=N2+1 or N1=N2, two junctions (J J), each formed by a winding that an axially and radially external lateral row (F F) and an axially external and radially internal lateral row (F F), have in common, each winding in common having no winding of wire axially on the outside of it. The bead wire () comprises two axially and radially external additional lateral rows (A A) of N3 windings substantially parallel respectively to each axially and radially external lateral row (F F). 1. A bead wire for a tire substantially of revolution about an axis comprising several windings of at least one wire which are arranged axially next to one another over N layers radially superposed on one another , comprising: a radially external layer of N1 windings,', 'a radially internal layer of N1 windings,', 'two axially and radially external lateral rows of N2 windings axially opposite one another,', 'two axially external and radially internal lateral rows of N2 windings axially opposite one another, with N1=N2+1 or N1=N2, and', 'two junctions each one formed by a winding that an axially and radially external lateral row and an axially external and radially internal lateral row have in common, each winding in common forming each junction having no winding of the wire axially on the outside of it; and, 'a basic hexagonal bead wire comprising 'at least two pairs of axially external and radially internal additional lateral rows, each of the at least two pairs of axially external and radially internal additional lateral rows having a radially internal winding radially aligned with the radially internal layer of the basic hexagonal bead wire.', 'additional rows comprising2. The bead wire according to claim 1 , the additional rows further ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116601A1
Автор: Bormann Rene

The present application is directed to a method for applying a flexible annular strip to a radially inward oriented surface of a tire. Moreover, the present invention is directed to a corresponding apparatus for carrying out the above method. 1. A method for applying a flexible annular strip to a radially inward oriented surface of a tire , the method comprising the steps of:providing a plurality of segments arranged about a central axis, each segment being movable between a collapsed radial position and an expanded radial position and having a radial outer surface for supporting at least a part of a length of the annular strip;providing a plurality of fingers arranged about the central axis and extending in a direction parallel to that axis, wherein each finger is movable between an inner radial position and an outer radial position, and wherein each angular area between two circumferentially neighboring segments is provided with one of the fingers;placing the annular strip about the radially outer surfaces of the segments;placing excess lengths of the annular strip between two circumferentially neighboring segments about a radially inner surface of the finger provided in the angular area between these neighboring segments;inserting the plurality of fingers and the plurality of segments supporting the annular strip into the tire's rim diameter with the central axis being positioned along the tire's axis;expanding each segment in an outer radial direction; andpressing the annular strip with the segments against the radially inward oriented surface of the tire.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the fingers are retracted before the segments press the strip onto the inward oriented surface of the tire.3. The method of claim 2 ,wherein the fingers are retracted in a direction having at least one component in an axial direction.4. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the fingers are biased towards the central axis.5. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein after ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039159A1
Автор: Losi Piero

A green tyre has a symmetric profile in radial section having a radially outer tread band, two radially inner beads and two sidewalls each extended from one edge of the tread band to one of the beads. During a moulding and vulcanisation treatment of the green tyre, a movement is imposed to the tread band with respect to the beads along a direction parallel to a rotation axis of the tyre, to obtain a moulded and vulcanised tyre having an asymmetric profile in radial section. A mould for vulcanizing tyres for vehicle wheels is also described, having a tread wall axially asymmetric with respect to a middle line plane of the mould. 1. A process for manufacturing tyres for vehicle wheels , comprising:building a green tyre having a symmetric profile in radial section, having a radially outer tread band, two radially inner beads and two sidewalls each being extended from one edge of the tread band to one of the beads;moulding and vulcanising the green tyre;during moulding and vulcanisation, imposing a movement to the tread band with respect to the beads along a direction parallel to a rotation axis of the tyre, to obtain a moulded and vulcanised tyre having an asymmetric profile in radial section.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , also comprising introducing the green tyre in a moulding cavity claim 1 , wherein the green tyre claim 1 , before being introduced in the moulding cavity claim 1 , is symmetric with respect to its own middle line plane orthogonal to the rotation axis of the tyre.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , also comprising closing the green tyre in a moulding cavity claim 1 , wherein said green tyre claim 1 , closed in the moulding cavity claim 1 , is symmetric with respect to its own middle line plane orthogonal to the rotation axis of the tyre.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein during vulcanisation claim 1 , the tread band moved axially with respect to the beads is retained in accordance with an axially asymmetric position with respect ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039252A1
Автор: Frerichs Udo

A pneumatic vehicle tire has a carcass with at least one carcass ply. The surface of the carcass ply has an overlay made of an electrically conductive rubber mixture. The overlay extends continuously from an electrically conductive bead base to a superstructure and contacts the superstructure. A method for making a pneumatic vehicle tire includes the steps of making a carcass ply, covering a surface of the carcass ply with a continuous overlay made of an electrically conductive rubber mixture. The overlay contacts an electrically conductive bead base and the superstructure in the finished pneumatic vehicle tire. 1. A pneumatic vehicle tire comprising:a superstructure;a carcass;a first tire bead having a first bead base;a second tire bead having a second bead base;said carcass extending from said first bead base via said superstructure to said second bead base;said superstructure being configured to be electrically conductive;at least one of said first and said second tire bead bases being configured as an electrically conductive bead base;said carcass having at least one carcass ply and being configured to be electrically nonconductive;said carcass ply defining a surface having an overlay of electrically conductive material;said overlay being an electrically conductive rubber mixture;said carcass ply extending from said one electrically conductive bead base to said superstructure;said overlay contacting said superstructure and said one electrically conductive bead base;said overlay extending continuously on said surface of said carcass ply from said one electrically conductive bead base to said superstructure; and,said overlay making electrical contact to said one electrically conductive bead base and said superstructure so as to electrically conductively connect said one electrical bead base to said superstructure.2. The pneumatic vehicle tire of claim 1 , wherein said overlay extends axially on the outside with respect to said carcass between said superstructure ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Tire holding apparatus

Номер: US20150047790A1

A tire holding apparatus which holds a tire using an annular rim that is detachably mounted, includes: a body section having a support surface which supports the rim; an inflation gas supply portion which has an inflation flow passage that passes from an inner portion of the body section to a center portion of the rim and supplies inflation gas into a tire supported by the rim; and a clamping portion which is mounted on the body section and clamps the rim to the support surface of the body section by using pressure of the inflation gas that flows through the inflation flow passage as a drive force.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052350A1

A tire assembly includes a tire having a pneumatic cavity, first and second sidewalls extending respectively from first and second tire bead regions to a tire tread region with the first sidewall having at least one bending region operatively bending when radially within a rolling tire footprint, and a chafer component with an air passageway defined by an air tube resiliently deforming segment by segment between an expanded condition and an at least partially collapsed condition in response to respective segment by segment deformation of the sidewall when radially within the rolling tire footprint. The air tube is inserted into the chafer before assembly with other components of an uncured tire and curing of the uncured tire. 1. A tire assembly comprising:a tire having a pneumatic cavity;first and second sidewalls extending respectively from first and second tire bead regions to a tire tread region, the first sidewall having at least one bending region operatively bending when radially within a rolling tire footprint; anda chafer component with an air passageway defined by an air tube resiliently deforming segment by segment between an expanded condition and an at least partially collapsed condition in response to respective segment by segment deformation of the sidewall when radially within the rolling tire footprint,the air tube being inserted into the chafer before assembly with other components of an uncured tire and curing of the tire.2. The tire assembly as set forth in wherein the air tube has an outer profile corresponding to an inner profile of an annular groove within the chafer.3. The tire assembly as set forth in further including check valves disposed at multiple arcuate positions about the annular groove of the chafer.4. A tire assembly comprising:a tire having a pneumatic cavity;first and second sidewalls extending respectively from first and second tire bead regions to a tire tread region, the first sidewall having at least one bending region ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051313A1

Provided is a method for producing a polyisoprenoid, which can increase natural rubber production by enhancing the rubber synthesis activity of rubber particles. The present invention provides methods for producing a polyisoprenoid using a gene coding for a cis-prenyltransferase (CPT) family protein, a gene coding for a Nogo-B receptor (NgBR) family protein and a gene coding for a rubber elongation factor (REF) family protein, specifically a method for producing a polyisoprenoid in vitro using rubber particles bound to proteins coded for by these genes, and a method for producing a polyisoprenoid in vivo using a recombinant organism (plant) having these genes introduced therein. 1. A method for producing a polyisoprenoid , the method comprising:a step of binding a protein expressed by a gene coding for a cis-prenyltransferase (CPT) family protein, a protein expressed by a gene coding for a Nogo-B receptor (NgBR) family protein, and a protein expressed by a gene coding for a rubber elongation factor (REF) family protein to rubber particles in vitro.2. The method for producing a polyisoprenoid according to claim 1 ,wherein at least one selected from the group consisting of the gene coding for a cis-prenyltransferase (CPT) family protein, the gene coding for a Nogo-B receptor (NgBR) family protein, and the gene coding for a rubber elongation factor (REF) family protein is derived from a plant.3. The method for producing a polyisoprenoid according to claim 2 ,{'i': 'Hevea brasiliensis.', 'wherein at least one selected from the group consisting of the gene coding for a cis-prenyltransferase (CPT) family protein, the gene coding for a Nogo-B receptor (NgBR) family protein, and the gene coding for a rubber elongation factor (REF) family protein is derived from'}4. The method for producing a polyisoprenoid according to claim 1 ,wherein the binding step comprises performing protein synthesis in the presence of both rubber particles and a cell-free protein synthesis solution ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059629A1

A method of making a tire carcass is described. The method includes providing a first and second bead; aligning the first and second bead in parallel relationship to each other, and aligning the centers of each bead on a central axis; winding a strip of ply about the first and second bead so that the strip of ply extends between the beads in parallel relationship to the central axis forming a first stage tire carcass having two layers of ply. The method results in a tire having a carcass formed of a dual wrapped ply that is continuous in nature. 1. A method of making a tire carcass comprising the following steps:a. providing a first and second bead;b. aligning the first and second bead in parallel relationship to each other, and aligning the centers of each bead on a central axis;c. winding a strip of ply about the first and second bead so that the strip of ply extends between the beads in parallel relationship to the central axis forming a first stage tire carcass having two layers of ply.2. The method of further comprising the step of shaping the first stage tire carcass into a toroid.3. The method of wherein the bead includes an apex.4. The method of further comprising the step of rotationally indexing the first and second bead while winding the strip of ply.5. A method of making a tire carcass comprising the following steps:a) providing a rotatable member mounted to a support frame, wherein the rotatable member further comprises a spool of ply strip;b) providing a first and second bead located adjacent the rotatable member wherein the first and second beads are placed in parallel relationship and axial alignment with respect to each other;c) rotating the rotatable member through and around the first and second bead while winding the strip of ply around and through the opposed beads.6. The method of further comprising the step of rotationally indexing the first and second bead.7. The method of wherein the rotatable member is c shaped.8. A method of making a tire ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059630A1

A method of forming a layer of tire ply is disclosed. A first strip of ply is provided having a plurality of evenly spaced reinforcement cords, having a spacing S, and having a lateral end, wherein the last two cords are spaced apart a distance X, wherein X is not equal to S. A second strip of ply is provided having a plurality of evenly spaced reinforcement cords, having a spacing S, and having a lateral end, wherein the last two cords are spaced apart a distance Y, wherein Y is not equal to S. The lateral ends of the first and second strip are joined together in a lap joint. The first and second lateral ends are overlapped so that the spacing X partially or completely overlaps with the spacing Y. 1. A method of forming a layer of tire ply comprising the following steps:a. providing a first strip of ply having a plurality of evenly spaced reinforcement cords with a spacing S, and having a lateral end, wherein two cords at the lateral end are not evenly spaced, and said two cords are spaced apart a distance X, wherein X is not equal to S;b. providing a second strip of ply having a plurality of evenly spaced reinforcement cords having a spacing S, and having a lateral end wherein two cords at the lateral end are not evenly spaced, wherein said two cords at the lateral end are spaced apart a distance Y, wherein Y is not equal to S;c. joining the first and second lateral ends so that the spacing X partially overlaps with the spacing Y.2. The method of wherein Y is greater than S.3. The method of wherein X is greater than S.4. The method of wherein Y is greater than 2*S.5. The method of wherein X is greater than 2*S.6. The method of wherein X equals Y.7. The method of wherein the two cords of the first strip of ply are the last two cords on the end of the first strip.8. The method of wherein the two cords of the second strip of ply are the last two cords on the end of the second strip.9. The method of wherein the cords of the first strip lateral end are in parallel ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055237A1

Disclosed herein are processes for production of a cured polymeric product which processes include using rubber particles to form a rubber layer, applying liquid binder to form a bound layer from the rubber layer, and curing, whereby repetition of steps allows for formation of additional layers and ultimately production of the cured polymeric product. 117-. (canceled)18. A process for producing a cured polymeric product by additive manufacturing , comprising:providing an additive manufacturing device comprising a source of actinic radiation, a tank capable of containing a binder, and a support structure;forming rubber particles into a first rubber layer upon the support structure, wherein the rubber particles comprise at least one conjugated diene-monomer containing polymer and reinforcing filler, preferably carbon black, silica, or a combination thereof;applying liquid binder to the first rubber layer to form a first bound layer, wherein the liquid binder comprises a curable polymeric mixture and optionally a cure package;sequentially forming additional rubber layers upon the first bound layer and applying liquid binder to at least some of the additional rubber layers to form additional bound layers; andeffecting curing by applying actinic radiation, heat, or a combination thereof to one or more of the bound layers,thereby producing a cured polymeric product.19. The process of claim 18 , wherein the rubber particles have an average particle size of about 10 microns to about 1000 microns.20. The process of claim 18 , wherein the at least one conjugated diene monomer-containing polymer of the rubber particles comprises uncured rubber.21. The process of claim 18 , wherein the at least one conjugated diene monomer-containing polymer of the rubber particles comprises cured rubber.22. The process of claim 18 , wherein the rubber particles are in powder form.23. The process of claim 18 , wherein the rubber particles are in paste form.24. The process of claim 18 , wherein ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140138006A1
Автор: Inoue Yuji
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

The invention provides a pneumatic tire which suppresses one-sided flow of a tire caused by ply steer without deteriorating uniformity. A tread rubber is formed by a ribbon rubber which is wound around a tire rotating axis continuously from a winding start end to a winding terminal end. Positions of the winding start end and the winding terminal end are different from each other in a tire width direction. In the case that a belt incline side is set to a side in which a cord of a belt ply in the outermost side in a tire diametrical direction among a plurality of belt plies is inclined to a tire peripheral direction, the ribbon rubber is wound in a posture in which the ribbon rubber is inclined to an opposite side to the belt incline side in relation to the tire peripheral direction. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:a belt layer which is provided in a tread portion and is constructed by a plurality of belt plies having cords which are inclined to a tire peripheral direction; anda tread rubber which is arranged in an outer side in a tire diametrical direction of the belt layer in the tread portion,wherein the tread rubber is formed by a ribbon rubber which is wound around a tire rotating axis continuously from a winding start end to a winding terminal end,wherein positions of the winding start end and the winding terminal end are different from each other in a tire width direction, andwherein in a case that a belt incline side is set to a side in which the cord of the belt ply in the outermost side in the tire diametrical direction among the plurality of belt plies is inclined to the tire peripheral direction, at least a part of the ribbon rubber is wound in a posture in which the part is inclined to an opposite side to the belt incline side in relation to the tire peripheral direction.2. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein in the case that the cord of the belt ply in the outermost side in the tire diametrical direction extends from one side in the tire ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065278A1
Автор: PARK Gye Jeung

A method for manufacturing a tire structure includes an adhesive composition attaching step of attaching to an inner surface of a tire an adhesive composition used for forming an attachment layer; a supporting layer attaching step of attaching a spike supporting layer to the adhesive composition, the spike supporting layer supporting the spikes operated in conjunction with deformation of the tire; and a curing step of applying pressure and heat to the adhesive composition for a predetermine time such that physical properties of the adhesive composition are changed through a chemical reaction, thereby enabling an existing tire to be used for a power generation system using tire deformation. 1. A method for manufacturing a tire structure having spikes coupled thereon , wherein the tire structure is used for a power generation system using tire deformation and is manufactured by coupling to a tire spikes operated in conjunction with deformation of the tire.2. The method for manufacturing the tire structure having spikes coupled thereon of claim 1 , the method comprising:an adhesive composition attaching step of attaching an adhesive composition to an inner surface of the tire, the adhesive composition being used for forming an attachment layer; anda supporting layer attaching step of attaching a spike supporting layer to the adhesive composition attached to the inner surface of the tire, the spike supporting layer supporting the spikes operated in conjunction with deformation of the tire.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:a curing step of applying pressure and heat to the adhesive composition for a predetermined time such that physical properties of the adhesive composition are changed.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the adhesive composition attaching step includes:a grinding step of grinding and roughening the inner surface of the tire such that the adhesive composition is closely attached to the inner surface of the tire before attaching the adhesive ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150956A1
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

In tyre manufacture, a belt structure is made by means of strip-like segments each including parallel cords incorporated into an elastomeric layer, which strip-like segments are sequentially laid down in mutual circumferential side by side relationship on a toroidal support. The apparatus for manufacturing such a reinforcing structure for vehicle tyres includes: a feeding unit to supply strip-like elements, each including threadlike elements disposed parallel to each other and at least partly coated with at least one layer of elastomeric material; a laying unit including at least one laying assembly to apply each of said strip-like elements onto a toroidal support according to a predetermined laying angle relative to a circumferential extension direction of the toroidal support itself, the laying unit including at least one presser element movable in contrast relationship against the outer surface of the toroidal support and at least one guide element to keep the strip-like element centered and guide it during laying of same, wherein the guide element includes at least one cavity in which the presser element is at least partly housed during laying of said strip-like element. 111-. (canceled)12. A process for producing tyres on a toroidal support , the tyres comprising a reinforcing structure made up of at least one layer having a continuous circumferential extension around the geometric rotation axis of a toroidal support and formed of a plurality of strip-like elements distributed in mutual side by side relationship along a circumferential extension of said toroidal support comprising an outer surface , comprising the following steps:a) bringing two first presser elements in coupling relationship with two respective guide elements to form two laying assemblies so as to retain a strip-like element;b) translating the laying assemblies toward the toroidal support so that the strip-like element is radially moved close to the toroidal support until said strip-like ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075180A1

A tire including: a tire case serving as an example of a circular tire frame member formed from a frame resin material; and a reinforcing cord member that is disposed at an outer circumference of the tire case, that is wound along a tire circumferential direction so as to form a spiral shape, and that is bonded to the tire case, wherein cord end portions serving as length direction end portions are embedded in the tire case so as to be disposed further to a side of an inner circumferential surface of the tire case than a cord intermediate portion serving as a length direction intermediate portion. 1. A tire comprising:a circular tire frame member formed from a frame resin material; anda reinforcing cord member that is disposed at an outer circumference of the tire frame member, that is wound along a tire circumferential direction so as to form a spiral shape, and that is bonded to the tire frame member, wherein a length direction end portion of the reinforcing cord member is embedded in the tire frame member so as to be disposed further to a side of an inner face of the tire frame member than a length direction intermediate portion of the reinforcing cord member.2. The tire of claim 1 , wherein a depth of embedding of the reinforcing cord member in the tire frame member is gradually deeper from the intermediate portion toward the end portion.3. The tire of claim 1 , wherein:the tire frame member is formed with a frame resin material that has thermoplastic properties;the reinforcing cord member is configured including a reinforcing cord, and a resin covering layer that covers the reinforcing cord and that is formed from a covering resin material having thermoplastic properties; andthe resin covering layer and the tire frame member are welded together.4. The tire of claim 3 , wherein:portions of the reinforcing cord member that are adjacent to each other in a tire axial direction are bonded together.5. The tire of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the outer circumference ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070810A1

A pneumatic tire includes: a tire frame member having a tire inner surface made of a resin material; and a sound absorbing body that is made of a thermoplastic resin material, that is configured to absorb sound, and that is coupled to the tire inner surface via a welded portion. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:a tire frame member having a tire inner surface made of a resin material; anda sound absorbing body that is made of a thermoplastic resin material, that is configured to absorb sound, and that is coupled to the tire inner surface via a welded portion.2. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein:the tire frame member is made of a thermoplastic resin material,a belt layer is provided at an outer-side in a tire radial direction of the tire frame member, andthe welded portion is provided in a range overlapping with the belt layer in the tire radial direction.3. The pneumatic tire according to claim 2 , wherein the sound absorbing body is provided in a range of the belt layer in a tire width direction.4. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the welded portion is a portion at which the tire inner surface and the sound absorbing body are welded by ultrasonic welding.5. The pneumatic tire according to claim 4 , wherein the welded portion is continuously claim 4 , intermittently claim 4 , or discretely provided in a tire circumferential direction at both sides of a tire equatorial plane in a tire width direction.6. A method of manufacturing a pneumatic tire claim 4 , the method comprising:a process of manufacturing a tire frame member having a tire inner surface made of a resin material; anda process of welding a sound absorbing body, which is made of a thermoplastic resin material and is configured to absorb sound, to the tire inner surface.7. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein:the tire frame member is made of a thermoplastic resin material,a belt layer is provided at an outer-side in a tire radial direction of the tire frame member, ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070580A1
Автор: Losi Piero
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

Method for controlling the symmetry of the footprint area of a tyre miming on a straight trajectory with camber angle different from zero, wherein the method comprises the steps: —reducing the contact pressure of the tyre () on the footprint area at an inner shoulder (in case of negative camber) or at an outer shoulder (in case of positive camber); —disposing any medium line (Im) of the tread band () placed in correspondence with the footprint area substantially parallel to the ground; the invention also defines a tyre and a wheel for motor-vehicles, wherein the medium line (Im) of the tread hand () and the rotation axis (X-X) of the tyre () form an angle (a) substantially equal in absolute value to the camber angle (β); the invention also encompasses a process for manufacturing such tyres, wherein a green tyre with symmetric outer profile is deformed during the vulcanising and moulding step until a predetermined angle (a) different from zero is formed between any medium line (Im) of the tread band () and the rotation axis (X-X) of the vulcanised tyre (). 134-. (canceled)35. A method for controlling symmetry of a footprint area of a tyre running on a straight trajectory , comprising:installing the tyre on a motor-vehicle with a camber angle different from zero; anddisposing a medium line of a tread band of the tyre so the medium line is substantially parallel to the ground once the medium line is in correspondence with the footprint area, so as to reduce the contact pressure of the tyre on the footprint area at an inner shoulder of the motor-vehicle, if the camber angle is negative, or at an outer shoulder of the motor-vehicle, if the camber angle is positive.36. The method of claim 35 , further comprising shifting a median circumferential line of the tread band toward an outside of the motor-vehicle by a predetermined distance relative to a mid-line plane of a wheel comprising the tyre.37. The method of claim 36 , further comprising maintaining the medium line of ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082783A1

A pneumatic tire and a method of fabricating a pneumatic tire are disclosed herein. The pneumatic tire includes a tread, sidewalls, and a carcass including at least one carcass ply. One or more bead wire codes formed by stacking and arranging bead wires in a plurality of layers are formed on one or both sides of the carcass ply. One or more bead filler films are placed between the bead wire codes. An end of the carcass ply is wrapped around at least one bead wire code. The wrap-around end of the carcass ply is disposed between neighboring bead wire codes or beside the axially outermost bead wire code. 1. A pneumatic tire , comprising a tread , sidewalls , and a carcass including at least one carcass ply;wherein one or more bead wire codes formed by stacking and arranging bead wires in a plurality of layers are formed on one or both sides of the carcass ply, one or more bead filler films are placed between the bead wire codes, an end of the carcass ply is wrapped around the one or more bead wire codes, and the wrap-around end of the carcass ply is disposed between neighboring bead wire codes or beside the axially outermost bead wire code.2. The pneumatic tire of claim 1 , wherein the carcass ply is wrapped around the bead wire code from an axially inner side of the tire toward an axially outer side of the tire or from the axially outer side of the tire toward the axially inner side of the tire.3. The pneumatic tire of claim 1 , wherein the carcass comprises two or more carcass plies claim 1 , and the bead wire code comprises two or more rows of bead wire codes.4. The pneumatic tire of claim 3 , wherein each end of the two or more carcass plies are wrapped around different respective bead wire codes.5. The pneumatic tire of claim 4 , wherein each end of the two or more carcass plies are wrapped around the different respective bead wire codes in different axial directions.6. The pneumatic tire of claim 5 , wherein an end of one carcass ply is wrapped around one bead ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Method For Manufacturing Pneumatic Tire

Номер: US20140166190A1
Автор: SATO Shun, Seto Hideki

A method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire may include lap-splicing end parts of a laminate sheet in which a sheet obtained from a thermoplastic resin or a thermoplastic resin composition of a thermoplastic resin blended with an elastomer is laminated with a rubber that undergoes vulcanizing adhesion with the thermoplastic resin or the thermoplastic resin composition. After the sheet obtained from the thermoplastic resin or the thermoplastic resin composition is cut into lengths to be supplied for lap-splicing, and at a stage before tire vulcanization molding, distal end parts of the sheet obtained from the thermoplastic resin or the thermoplastic resin composition are sharpened with a thermal treatment. 1. A method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire , comprising:lap splicing end parts of a laminate sheet comprising a sheet obtained from a thermoplastic resin or a thermoplastic resin composition of a thermoplastic resin blended with an elastomer laminated with a rubber that undergoes vulcanizing adhesion with the thermoplastic resin or the thermoplastic resin composition; andsharpening distal end parts of the sheet obtained from the thermoplastic resin or the thermoplastic resin composition with a thermal treatment after the sheet obtained from the thermoplastic resin or the thermoplastic resin composition is cut into lengths to be supplied to the lap-splicing step, and at a stage before tire vulcanization molding.2. The method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein a temperature of the thermal treatment is at or above the melting point of the thermoplastic resin or the thermoplastic resin composition.3. The method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when the thermal treatment is conducted solely on the sheet obtained from the thermoplastic resin or the thermoplastic resin composition claim 2 , the thermal treatment is conducted at a temperature at or above the melting point of the thermoplastic ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140174665A1
Автор: Mancini Gianni
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A

Along a building line, a green tyre is built on a rigid toroidal support having an outer surface substantially conforming in shape to an inner surface of the green tyre. The green tyre is then transferred to a bead moulding and prevulcanisation station where each bead of the tyre is moulded by tightening it between a surface portion of the toroidal support and an annular clamping surface carried by a removable tightening flange. The tightened beads are prevulcanised through a heat supply by means of electric resistors integrated into the tightening flanges. The tyre with the prevulcanised and tightened beads is transferred into a moulding cavity having an inner wall of a shape substantially conforming to that of the outer surface of the moulded tyre, to carry out moulding of the tyre and complete vulcanisation of same. 137-. (canceled)38. An apparatus for producing pneumatic tyres , comprising: bead moulding devices to tighten each bead between a surface portion of the toroidal support and an annular clamping surface axially opposite to said surface portion of the toroidal support;', 'a moulding unit of the tyre having a moulding cavity with an inner wall substantially conforming in shape to an outer surface of the moulded tyre;', 'devices for vulcanising the tyre; and', 'actuating devices for transferring the tyre together with said toroidal support and said bead moulding devices into the moulding cavity., 'a building line designed to form a green tyre on a toroidal support, the green tyre having a pair of beads each defined along a respective inner circumferential edge of said tyre, said toroidal support having an outer surface substantially conforming in shape to an inner surface of the green tyre;'}39. The apparatus as claimed in claim 38 , wherein said apparatus comprises prevulcanisation devices for at least partly prevulcanising said beads.40. The apparatus as claimed in claim 38 , wherein said moulding unit has at least one housing seat for the bead moulding ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Preparaton of apex/bead composite and tire with pre-apexed bead

Номер: US20160101656A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

The invention relates to preparation of an apex/bead composite as a pre-apexed bead, and pneumatic tire containing such pre-apexed bead. The invention relates to such pre-apexed bead where the apex is comprised of a rubber composition which contains a syndiotactic-1,2-polybutadiene polymer.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099969A1
Автор: Takai Yuichi

To accurately cut a ply for a tire. It is a cutting device for cutting a ply for a tire in which a plurality of cords parallelly arranged at fixed pitches are coated with an unvulcanized topping rubber It has a pitch increasing means for increasing the pitches of the cords by pressing the ply from a second surface side to a first surface side of the ply so as to stretch the ply toward the first surface side; and a ply cutting means disposed on the first surface side of the ply for cutting the stretched portion of the ply along the cords 1. A cutting device for cutting a ply for a tire in which a plurality of cords arranged in parallel at fixed pitches are coated with an unvulcanized topping rubber , which is characterized by havinga pitch increasing means for increasing the pitches of the cords by pressing the ply from a second surface side to a first surface side of the ply so as to stretch the ply toward the, first surface side, anda ply cutting means disposed on the first surface side of the ply, for cutting the stretched portion of the ply along the cords.2. The cutting device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the pitch increasing means comprisesa pair of holding tools for holding the ply at positions separated from each other in a direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the cords, anda pressing tool for projecting the ply between the holding tools toward to the first surface side.3. The cutting device as set forth in claim 2 , wherein each of the holding tools has a section which sandwiches the ply between a protruding part claim 2 , and a recessed part engaged with the projecting part.4. The cutting device as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the ply cutting means has a cutter blade.5. The cutting device as set forth in claim 1 , which further comprises a cord cutting means for cutting the cords in a direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the cords.6. A cutting method of cutting a ply for a tire in which a plurality of cords arranged ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150115499A1

A standardization system for the manufacture of tires is provided. The same size tire components can be used in the summit of tires having different sizes i.e., tires having different section widths, sidewall heights, and/or aspect ratios. A matrix of tire sizes can be associated with one or more tire summit parameters. The matrix can be used for the manufacture of tires having one or more standardized components by holding substantially constant the value of one or more tire summit parameters across a diagonal of the matrix. 1. A method of tire manufacture , comprising the steps of:creating a matrix of tire sizes using tire dimensions along the axes of the matrix;associating a tire summit parameter with corresponding pairs of the tire dimensions;standardizing the tire summit parameter along a diagonal of the matrix by making the tire summit parameter along such diagonal substantially constant; and,manufacturing tires using the matrix.2. A method of tire manufacture as in claim 1 , said manufacturing step comprises:creating tires having different sidewall heights and aspect ratios that incorporate tread belts having the same width along the axial direction.3. A method of tire manufacture as in claim 1 , wherein said manufacturing step comprises:producing tires having different sidewall heights and aspect ratios that incorporate one or more belts under the tread in the summit of the tires that have the same width along an axial direction of the tires.4. A method of tire manufacture as in claim 1 , wherein said manufacturing step comprises:extruding tread belts having the same width along an axial direction for incorporation into tires having different sidewall heights and aspect ratios.5. A method of tire manufacture as in claim 1 , wherein said standardizing step comprises designing multiple tires having different sizes that each use a component in the summit having the same width along the axial direction.6. A method of tire manufacture as in claim 1 , wherein said ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140190617A1

An objective of the present invention is to reduce the development of defect during vulcanization. A method for producing a pneumatic tire comprises: a carcass ply forming step to cover both surfaces of a code array made of the carcass cords of the carcass ply with a topping rubber; a step of forming a raw cover including the carcass; and a step of vulcanizing the raw cover. The carcass ply forming step comprises an arranging process to intersect rubber-un-coated air-absorptive organic fiber cords with carcass cords of the carcass ply on at least one side of the carcass ply. 1. A production method of a pneumatic tire with a carcass comprising a toroidal carcass ply extending from a tread portion through a sidewall portion to a bead core of a bead portion; whereinsaid method of producing a pneumatic tire comprisesa carcass ply forming step to cover both surfaces of a code array made of the carcass cords of the carcass ply with a topping rubber,a step of forming a raw cover including the carcass, anda step of vulcanizing a raw cover; andthe carcass ply forming step comprises an arranging process for arranging rubber-un-coated air-absorptive organic fiber cords on at least one side of the carcass ply so as to intersect with the carcass cords of the carcass ply.2. The pneumatic tire production method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said organic fiber cords are arranged of an angle of from 3 to 20 degrees with respect to the carcass cords.3. The pneumatic tire production method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said organic fiber cords are arranged in parallel at intervals of from 30 to 80 mm.4. The pneumatic tire production method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said organic fiber cords have a cord diameter of from 5% to 35% of the interval of the carcass cords.5. The pneumatic tire comprisingthe toroidal carcass extending from the tread portion through the sidewall portion to the bead core of the bead portion, andair-absorptive organic fiber cords intersecting with ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

System for winding and/or unwinding storage reels

Номер: US20150122933A1
Принадлежит: VMI Holland BV

The invention relates to a system ( 1 ) for the winding-up and/or unwinding of rubber sheet material ( 91 ) for tyres and an intervening liner ( 92 ) onto or from storage reels ( 6 ), comprising a first reel handling section ( 11 ), a second reel handling section ( 13 ) and a winding section ( 12 ) located between the first reel handling section and the second reel handling section, wherein the system is provided with a first station ( 2 ) and a second station ( 3 ), wherein the first station and the second station are stationed in a handling position in the first reel handling section and the second reel handling section, respectively, for handling the loading and/or unloading of the storage reels ( 6 ) and the liner reels ( 7 ) onto or from the stations, and wherein the first station ( 2 ) and the second station ( 3 ) are arranged to be alternately moved from their respective handling positions in the reel handling sections into a winding position in the winding section and vice versa.

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202619A1
Автор: Sandstrom Paul Harry
Принадлежит: The Goodvear Tire & Rubber Company

A system for constructing a pneumatic tire includes a tread component having two opposite tread splice ends, a water based adhesive applied to the tread splice ends for securing the tread splice ends to each other; and a heating means applied to the tread splice ends and water based adhesive for reducing drying duration of the water based adhesive. 1. A system for constructing a pneumatic tire comprising:a tread component having two opposite tread splice ends;a water based adhesive applied to the tread splice ends for securing the tread splice ends to each other, the water based adhesive including about 0.02 to 0.6 weight percent pH adjusters selected from the group of potassium hydroxide, aqueous ammonia, and mixtures thereof, the water based adhesive further including elastomers from the group consisting of natural rubber, styrene butadiene rubber, polybutadiene rubber, and mixtures thereof, the water based adhesive comprising 35 percent to 50 percent total weight of elastomer; anda heater applying heat to the tread splice ends and water based adhesive for reducing drying duration of the water based adhesive, the heat being applied to the cured tread splice ends prior to application of the water based adhesive.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The system as set forth in wherein the tread component is uncured.5. The system as set forth in wherein the water based adhesive also secures the tread component to a tire carcass structure.6. The system as set forth in wherein the heater comprises one or more of the group consisting of infrared heaters claim 1 , convection heaters claim 1 , radiant heaters claim 1 , and induction heaters.7. The system as set forth in wherein the pneumatic tire is a retreaded pneumatic tire.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. A method for constructing a pneumatic tire comprising the steps of:providing a tread component having two opposite tread splice ends;securing the tread splice ends to each other with a water based adhesive applied to ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Tire building drum

Номер: US20170129198A1
Автор: Tatsuya Itoh
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

A tire building drum ( 10 ) is used to build a large green tire. The tire building drum ( 10 ) comprises: a cylindrical drum main body ( 12 ) haying an outer peripheral surface ( 14 ) a diameter of which is capable of being increased and reduced; and a coating ( 16 ) formed on the outer peripheral surface of the drum main body. The coating ( 16 ) includes a silicon layer ( 26 ) defining a surface of the coating ( 16 ), and the silicon layer has a surface roughness Ra of 10 μm or greater. The tire building drum ( 10 ) requires no application of stearic acid onto the surface thereof in release of the green tire.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190126514A1
Автор: Ando Takahiro
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

A tire cure mold has a tread molding face that comes in contact with a tread face of a tire set in a cavity, a protruding portion for foaming a groove portion and protruding inward in a tire diametrical direction from the tread molding face, a depression for foaming a groove bottom projection and formed by recessing a top face of the protruding portion, a first vent hole open in the tread molding face, a second vent hole open in a bottom face of the depression, and a spring vent mounted in the second vent hole. 1. A tire cure mold comprising:a tread molding face that comes in contact with a tread face of a tire set in a cavity;a protruding portion for foaming a groove portion and protruding inward in a tire diametrical direction from the tread molding face;a depression for foaming a groove bottom projection and famed by recessing a top face of the protruding portion;a first vent hole open in the tread molding face;a second vent hole open in a bottom face of the depression; anda spring vent mounted in the second vent hole.2. The tire cure mold according to claim 1 , wherein a spring vent is mounted in the first vent hole and an opening/closing stroke of the spring vent mounted in the second vent hole is shorter than an opening/closing stroke of the spring vent mounted in the first vent hole.3. The tire cure mold according to claim 2 , wherein a difference between the opening/closing stroke of the spring vent mounted in the first vent hole and the opening/closing stroke of the spring vent mounted in the second vent hole is 0.05 mm or longer.4. The tire cure mold according to claim 1 , wherein a spring vent is mounted in the first vent hole and an outer diameter of the spring vent mounted in the second vent hole is smaller than an outer diameter of the spring vent mounted in the first vent hole.5. The tire cure mold according to claim 4 , wherein a difference between the outer diameter of the spring vent mounted in the first vent hole and the outer diameter of the ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Method of producing a non-pneumatic support structure

Номер: US20180133993A1
Автор: Ceyhan Celik
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

A method manufactures a wheel and tire assembly for a mobile vehicle. The method includes the steps of: extruding a cylindrical sprocket structure out of a first polymer; sliding the structure over a cylindrical tire building drum; forming an annular reinforcement layer by wrapping a ply around inflatable bladders; transferring the reinforcement layer and bladders to a sprocket structure; positioning the bladders and ply to correspond to curved indentations of the sprocket structure; inflating the bladders to tension and appropriately position the ply; extruding a cylindrical ring structure out of a second polymer; sliding the ring structure over the tire building drum; positioning the bladders and ply to correspond to curved indentations of the ring structure; forming cylindrical cavities by the curved indentations of the sprocket structure and ring structure; securing an annular layer about an outer surface of the ring structure; deflating the bladders; contracting the tire building drum; removing the bladders and tire build drum from a complete structure including the sprocket structure, the ply, the ring structure, and the layer; curing the complete structure; and mounting the complete, cured structure on a vehicle wheel.

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Bead Wire For A Tire, Tire and Manufacturing Method

Номер: US20160152098A1

The bead wire () comprises several windings of wire and a basic hexagonal bead wire () comprising: two axially and radially external lateral rows (F1, F2) of N2 windings, two axially external and radially internal lateral rows (F3, F4) of N2 windings, where N1=N2+1 or N1=N2, two junctions (J1, J2), each formed by a winding that an axially and radially external lateral row (F1, F2) and an axially external and radially internal lateral row (F3, F4), have in common, each winding in common having no winding of wire axially on the outside of it. The bead wire () comprises two axially and radially external additional lateral rows (A1, A2) of N3 windings substantially parallel respectively to each axially and radially external lateral row (F1, F2). 1. Bead wire for a tire substantially of revolution about an axis comprising several windings of at least one wire which are arranged axially next to one another over N layers Cradially superposed on one another , characterized in that it comprises a basic hexagonal bead wire comprising:a radially external layer of N1 windings;a radially internal layer of N1 windings;two axially and radially external lateral rows of N2 windings axially opposite one another;two axially external and radially internal lateral rows of N2 windings axially opposite one another, with N1=N2+1 or N1=N2;two junctions each one formed by a winding that an axially and radially external lateral row and an axially external and radially internal lateral row have in common, each winding in common forming each junction having no winding of the wire axially on the outside of it; andat least two axially and radially external additional lateral rows, each axially and radially external additional lateral row being respectively substantially parallel to each axially and radially external lateral row.2. The bead wire according to claim 1 , wherein each radially external winding of each axially and radially external additional lateral row is radially substantially ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230984A1
Автор: MIYAZAKI Tatsuya

An object of the present invention is to provide a production method of a pneumatic tire in which a generation of a tread groove crack is prevented while maintaining productivity and tire performance, and a pneumatic tire produced by this production method. The production method of a pneumatic tire having a tread composed of a predetermined rubber composition for a tread comprises: step A of molding an unvulcanized rubber composition for a tread to obtain a tread shape unvulcanized rubber composition provided with a concave profile, a step B of laminating the tread shape unvulcanized rubber composition obtained in the step A with other unvulcanized rubber compositions for tire member to obtain an unvulcanized tire, and a step C of vulcanizing the unvulcanized tire obtained in the step B in a vulcanization mold. 1. A production method of a pneumatic tire which has a tread composed of a rubber composition for a tread comprising{'sup': '2', '40 to 120 parts by mass of silica which has a BET specific surface area of 70 to 250 m/g and 2.5 to 6 parts by mass of at least one selected from the group consisting of: stearic acid, a metal salt of saturated fatty acid and a mold release agent comprising at least one selected from the group consisting of a metal salt of fatty acid, a fatty acid amide and an amide ester, based on 100 parts by mass of the rubber component, the production method comprising(A) a step of molding an unvulcanized rubber composition for a tread to obtain a tread shape unvulcanized rubber composition provided with a concave profile,(B) a step of laminating the tread shape unvulcanized rubber composition obtained in the step (A) with other unvulcanized rubber compositions for tire member to obtain an unvulcanized tire, and(C) a step of vulcanizing the unvulcanized tire obtained in the step (B) in a vulcanization mold, wherein the concave profile provided in the tread shape unvulcanized rubber composition is placed at a position where a convexity for the ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for assembling tyres

Номер: US20150158261A1
Принадлежит: Pirelli Tyre SpA

In an assembly station a carcass sleeve and an outer sleeve manufactured along respective building ones are mutually coupled. Integrated into the assembly station are engagement devices that can be alternatively coupled to an auxiliary drum carrying an outer sleeve and to a building drum carrying a carcass sleeve. A grip unit picks up the outer sleeve from the auxiliary drum associated with the engagement devices in order to position it to a location radially external to the carcass sleeve carried by the building drum associated with the engagement devices in place of the auxiliary drum. Shaping devices that can be operatively coupled to the building drum cause radial expansion of the carcass sleeve so as to enable the latter to be coupled to the outer sleeve retained by the grip unit

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Tire and method of producing the same

Номер: US20180154693A1
Автор: Masahiro Homma
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

A tire including a tire frame, which is toric and is formed with a resin material containing a thermoplastic resin; an adhesion layer, which is formed with a composition including a polythiol compound, a polyisocyanate compound, and a radical generator, and in which a ratio (S/N) of the number (S) of sulfur atoms contained in the adhesion layer to the number (N) of nitrogen atoms contained in the adhesion layer is three or more; and an exterior component, which contains a rubber, and which is mounted on the tire frame via the adhesion layer such that at least part of the rubber touches the adhesion layer.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Tire Comprising a Mark Including a Plurality of Grey Levels

Номер: US20170157994A1

A tire () made of rubber material, comprising a tread () and a sidewall (), said tire () comprising a marking () on the tread () and/or said sidewall (). The marking () is divided into a plurality of basic zones () of the same size, each basic zone () being able to be inscribed in a circle of diameter equal to 8 mm, each basic zone () comprising between 0 and N motifs (), said motifs being formed integrally with the tire so as to define a grey level (Nx) of the basic zone () from N+1 grey levels (Nx), the grey level of a basic zone () depending on the number of motifs present in this basic zone (). The marking () on the tire comprises at least 5 different grey levels. 1. A tire made of rubber material , comprising a tread and a sidewall , said tire comprising a marking on the tread and/or said sidewall , wherein said marking is divided into a plurality of basic zones of the same size , each said basic zone being able to be inscribed in a circle of diameter equal to 8 mm , each said basic zone comprising between 0 and N motifs , said motifs being formed integrally with the tire so as to define a grey level (Nx) of the basic zone from N+1 grey levels (Nx) , the grey level of a said basic zone depending on the number of motifs present in this basic zone , and wherein the marking on the tire comprises at least 5 different grey levels.2500. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein a basic zone is divided into N parts () claim 1 , a part comprising at most one said motif.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the motifs are identical.4. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein a basic zone is a polygon claim 1 , each side length of which is between 0.02 mm and 5 mm.5. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein a motif is made up of an element protruding from the tread and/or said sidewall.6. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein said protruding element is a lamella having a mean width of between 0.02 mm and 0.25 mm.7. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Tire Comprising a Mark Formed by a Plurality of Linear Patterns

Номер: US20170157995A1
Автор: Muhlhoff Olivier

A tire () made of rubber material, comprising a tread () and a sidewall (). The tire () comprises a marking () on the tread () and/or the sidewall (). The marking () is formed by a plurality of linear motifs formed integrally with the tire, the motifs being mutually parallel and spaced apart by a spacing P less than or equal to 1 mm, each linear motif having a length. All or some of the linear motifs () have one or more variations in width (Lt) along their length so as to define the marking. 1. A fire made of rubber material , comprising a tread and a sidewall , said tire comprising a marking on said tread and/or said sidewall , in that wherein the marking is formed by a plurality of linear motifs formed integrally with the tire , said motifs being mutually parallel and spaced apart by a spacing P less than or equal to 1 mm , each linear motif having a length L , and wherein all or some of the linear motifs have one or more variation(s) in width along their length L , so as to define the marking.2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the marking is a representation of a photograph.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the linear motifs are disposed obliquely in the marking.4. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein a linear motif is made up of one or more elements protruding from the tread and/or said sidewall and/or one or more elements recessed into the tread and/or said sidewall.5. The tire according to claim 4 , wherein all or some of the protruding elements are strands distributed through the linear motif at a density at least equal to one strand per square millimeter claim 4 , each strand having a mean cross section of between 0.0005 mmand 1 mm.6. The tire according to claim 4 , all or some of the protruding elements are substantially mutually parallel lamellae claim 4 , the spacing of the lamellae in the linear motif being at most equal to 0.5 mm claim 4 , each lamella having a mean width of between 0.02 mm and 0.25 mm.7. The tire according to claim ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174959A1
Автор: Losi Piero
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

A method for controlling the symmetry of the footprint area of a tyre running on a straight trajectory with camber angle different from zero, includes the steps: reducing the contact pressure of the tyre on the footprint area at an inner shoulder (in case of negative camber) or at an outer shoulder (in case of positive camber); and disposing any medium line of the tread band placed in correspondence with the footprint area substantially parallel to the ground. A tyre and a wheel for motor-vehicles, wherein the medium line of the tread band and the rotation axis of the tyre form an angle substantially equal in absolute value to the camber angle. A process for manufacturing such tyres, wherein a green tyre with symmetric outer profile is deformed during the vulcanising and moulding step until a predetermined angle different from zero is formed between any medium line of the tread band and the rotation axis of the vulcanised tyre. 134-. (canceled)36. The tyre as claimed in claim 35 , wherein said predetermined angle is greater than about 0.5°.37. The tyre as claimed in claim 35 , wherein said predetermined angle is less than about 5°.38. The tyre as claimed in claim 35 , wherein the axial end portions of the tread band are axially spaced apart a same distance from a mid-line plane of the tyre.39. The tyre as claimed in claim 35 , wherein a median circumferential line of the tread band is axially shifted by a predetermined distance relative to a mid-line plane of the tyre.40. The tyre as claimed in claim 39 , wherein said predetermined distance is between about 3 mm and about 30 mm.41. The tyre as claimed in claim 35 , wherein axial end portions of the tread band have different axial distances from a mid-line plane of the tyre.42. The tyre as claimed in claim 41 , wherein the axial end portion that is axially farthest from the mid-line plane is also the axial end portion that is radially the farthest from the rotation axis.435. The tyre as claimed in claim claim 41 , ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160176234A1
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

A tyre for wheels of vehicles, includes a belt structure including a radially outer circumferential belt layer of the belt structure including a plurality of hybrid reinforcement cords arranged according to a substantially zero angle with respect to the equatorial plane of the tyre, each of the hybrid reinforcement cords being formed by two aromatic polyamide fibre yarns and by a polyester and/or aliphatic polyamide fibre yarn wherein each of the aromatic polyamide fibre yarns has a linear density less than or equal to about 1500 dTex and an initial modulus equal to or greater than about 6000 cN/tex measured in accordance with the BISFA standard, testing methods for para-aramid fibre yarns, 2002 edition. 122-. (canceled)23. A tyre for wheels of vehicles , comprising a belt structure comprising a radially outer circumferential belt layer of the belt structure comprising a plurality of hybrid reinforcement cords arranged according to a substantially zero angle with respect to an equatorial plane of the tyre , each of said hybrid reinforcement cords being formed by two aromatic polyamide fibre yarns and by a polyester and/or aliphatic polyamide fibre yarn wherein each of the aromatic polyamide fibre yarns has a linear density less than or equal to about 1500 dTex and an initial modulus equal to or greater than about 6000 cN/tex measured in accordance with BISFA standard for testing para-aramid fibre yarns.24. The tyre for wheels of vehicles as claimed in claim 23 , wherein each of said aromatic polyamide fibre yarns has a linear density less than or equal to about 1400 dTex.25. The tyre for wheels of vehicles as claimed in claim 23 , wherein each of said aromatic polyamide fibre yarns has a linear density equal to or greater than about 600 dTex.26. The tyre for wheels of vehicles as claimed claim 23 , wherein each of said aromatic polyamide fibre yarns has an initial modulus equal to or greater than about 6200 cN/tex.27. The tyre for wheels of vehicles as claimed in ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170190128A1

A process for building different models of green tyres for vehicle wheels, by using elementary semi-finished products, in a building plant including a plurality of workstations is described. The process includes building a first carcass structure of a first model of tyre on a first forming support, in a first workstation, the first carcass structure including at least one first carcass ply obtained from a first elementary semi-finished product, and at least one first pair of annular reinforcing inserts. The process includes the delivery of the first forming support to a bypass device to go beyond at least one second workstation without transiting through it. A plant suitable for allowing the aforementioned process to be carried out is also described. 1. A process for building different models of green tyres for vehicle wheels , by using elementary semi-finished products , in a building plant comprising a plurality of workstations , the process comprising:building a first carcass structure of a first model of tyre on a first forming support, in a first workstation, said first carcass structure comprising at least one first carcass ply obtained from a first elementary semi-finished product, and at least one first pair of annular reinforcing inserts; andbuilding at least one second carcass structure of at least one second model of tyre different from said first model of tyre, on at least one second forming support, in at least one second workstation, said at least one second carcass structure comprising at least one first carcass ply obtained from at least one second elementary semi-finished product different from said first elementary semi-finished product and at least one second pair of annular reinforcing inserts,wherein said building said first carcass structure is carried out at least in part simultaneously with said building said at least one second carcass structure; andupon completion of the building of said first carcass structure, said first forming support ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210221082A1

A plant for building different models of green tyres for vehicle wheels, including a plurality of workstations using elementary semi-finished products is described. A first carcass structure of a first model of tyre is built on a first forming support, in a first workstation, the first carcass structure including at least one first carcass ply obtained from a first elementary semi-finished product, and at least one first pair of annular reinforcing inserts. The first forming support is delivered to a bypass device to go beyond at least one second workstation without transiting through it. 1. A plant for building different models of green tyres for vehicle wheels by using elementary semi-finished products , comprising: a first assembly apparatus configured for assembling said first carcass structure, wherein said first assembly apparatus comprises a first feeding unit configured for feeding a first elementary semi-finished product onto said first forming support, a first transportation device configured for transporting said first forming support towards to and away from said first assembly apparatus,', 'a first application unit configured for applying annular reinforcing inserts on said first forming support, and', 'a first filling insert application device configured for applying at least one first filling insert on said first forming support;, 'at least one first workstation for building a first carcass structure on a first forming support, said first workstation comprising at least one second assembly apparatus configured for assembling said at least one second carcass structure,', 'wherein said at least one second assembly apparatus comprises at least one second feeding unit configured for feeding a second elementary semi-finished product,', 'wherein the second elementary semi-finished product is different from said first elementary semi-finished product including different elastomeric material used to make the first elementary semi-finished product and/or ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Conicity correction for rubber component extrusion

Номер: US20160200059A1
Автор: Warren Paul Ripple
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

A method for correcting the conicity of a tread strip is described. The method includes the steps of extruding a tread profile having a right hand side, a left hand side and a chimney; measuring the thickness of the tread profile at the right hand side and the left hand side; calculating the mass of the tread on the left hand side and the right hand side; and adjusting the location of the chimney incrementally towards the side which is least in mass.

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: US20170197470A1
Автор: Kiyoto Maruoka
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd

A pneumatic tire includes a tread, a carcass and a belt. The belt includes inner and outer layers including steel cords and topping rubbers such that the cords in each layer are parallel-aligned and inclined with respect to equatorial plane and inclination directions of the cords in the layers are opposite to each other with respect to the plane, inclination angle αs of the cords in the inner layer at edge is larger than inclination angle αc at the plane, the edge of the inner layer is at position of 0.9 times axial direction width, inclination angle βs of the cords in the outer layer at edge is larger than inclination angle βc o at the plane, the edge of the outer layer is at position of 0.9 times axial direction width, and difference between the angles as and ac is larger than difference between the angles βs and βc.

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of tire component and manufacturing device of tire component

Номер: US20190202155A1
Автор: Shuhei Ito
Принадлежит: Toyo Tire and Rubber Co Ltd

During manufacturing of a tire component that includes a process of adhering a sheet-like rubber member 8 b that is held by a supply section 30 to a drum 22 , positions of ends 7 d 1, 7 d 2 n a width direction of the sheet-like rubber member 8 b are detected by using sensors 52, 54 provided between the supply section 30 and the drum 22, and the supply section 30 is moved in a width direction X of the sheet-like rubber member 8 b in accordance with the detected positions, so as to adhere the sheet-like rubber member 8 b to a specified position on the drum 22.

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190202239A1
Автор: Seiji Kon, Yoshihide Kouno
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

A tire, including: a tire frame member formed of a resin material; and a reinforcing layer that includes a plurality of reinforcing cords coated with a rubber material and that is disposed on an outer side of the tire frame member in a tire radial direction; in which the tire frame member has a region formed of a resin material having a Young's modulus in a range of from 50 MPa to 2,000 MPa, and the region being included in at least a part of a reinforcing region in which the reinforcing layer is disposed on an outer side in the tire radial direction.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210310A1
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

A method for verifying the correct formation of the beads in a process and a plant for building tyres for vehicle wheels, includes: loading a plurality of annular anchoring structures in a storage, disposing them in two groups separated by an opening; positioning a building drum provided with a carcass sleeve in a tyre bead-forming machine; picking up two of the annular anchoring structures from the storage and loading them on the tyre bead-forming machine. In a work area of the tyre bead-forming machine, on each of two axially opposite zones of the carcass sleeve, a respective annular anchoring structure is fit and each of the abovementioned zones is turned up around the respective annular anchoring structure to form the beads. The aforesaid opening allows an operator to conduct a visual inspection of the work area and/or access the work area during the entire work cycle of the machine. 1. A plant for building tyres for vehicle wheels , comprising:{'b': 10', '11', '13', '11', '13', '15', '16', '17', '16', '17, 'a line () for building carcass structures on a building drum () comprising a plurality of building stations () and devices for transferring the building drum () from one building station () to another; a line () for building crown structures on a forming drum () comprising a plurality of work stations () and devices for transferring the forming drum () from one work station () to another;'}{'b': 13', '14', '6', '20', '6', '20', '6', '20', '20', '20', '42', '20', '20, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'wherein one of the building stations () is a station () for the integration of annular anchoring structures () in the carcass sleeve and comprises: a storage () for the annular anchoring structures () having a first free side () for loading the annular anchoring structures () in the storage () and a second side () opposite the first side (); a tyre bead-forming machine () arranged adjacent to the second side () of the storage ();'}{'b': 20', '34', '20', '42', '42', '42, ' ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150231843A9
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

An apparatus for extruding a polymeric material, having an extrusion head which includes a male die, a female die coaxially arranged with respect to the male die, a conveying channel, and at least one portion of which is defined between the male die and the female die. The apparatus further includes a device for adjusting a cross-sectional area of the at least one portion of the conveying channel by reciprocally displacing the female die with respect to the male die in response to an extrusion speed variation of the polymeric material. 136-. (canceled)37. An apparatus for extruding a polymeric material , comprising an extrusion head which comprises:a male die;a female die coaxially arranged with respect to said male die;a conveying channel, at least one portion of which is defined between said male die and said female die; anda device for adjusting a cross-sectional area of said at least one portion of said conveying channel by reciprocally displacing said female die with respect to said male die in response to an extrusion speed variation of said polymeric material.38. The apparatus according to claim 37 , wherein the male die is provided with an inner cavity coaxially extending with respect to a longitudinal axis of the extrusion head.39. The apparatus according to claim 37 , wherein the device for adjusting the cross-sectional area of the at least one portion of the conveying channel comprises a resilient element acting on at least one die.40. The apparatus according to claim 39 , wherein the resilient element is associated with the female die.41. The apparatus according to claim 39 , wherein the resilient element is a spring whose elastic constant K is selected in response to the range of variation of the extrusion speed.42. The apparatus according to claim 37 , wherein the device for adjusting the cross-sectional area of the at least one portion of the conveying channel is a servo-device that detects the variation of the at least one parameter indicative of the ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Method and plant for building tyres

Номер: US20200247075A1
Принадлежит: Pirelli Tyre SpA

A carcass sleeve is situated in a radially external position with respect to a toroidal forming drum, arranged in a first radially contracted operative condition. The carcass sleeve is shaped according to a toroidal configuration while the forming drum is positioned inside the carcass sleeve. During shaping of the carcass sleeve, the forming drum is radially expanded up to a second radially expanded operative condition. Upon completed shaping, the carcass sleeve is coupled to the forming drum in the second operative condition. The forming drum, coupled to the shaped carcass sleeve, is arranged in proximity to at least one device for building at least one belt layer at a radially external position relative to the shaped carcass sleeve.

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Method for improving production process for wide-base truck radial tire

Номер: US20180257443A1
Принадлежит: Jiangsu University

The present patent provides a method for improving the construction process of a wide-base radial truck tire, and the improvement of the tire construction process is realized by the design of carcass ply, the tire belt drum and the tire semi-finished components. The patent solves the problem of carcass bending, and provides theoretical guidance and technical support for improving the performance of wide-angle radial tires. The design method of the belt drum of the tire molding machine effectively controls the cords elongation of the belt. In addition, the problem of uneven force in the cords of the belt is eliminated, which dispels the abnormal flow of the wide-base tire shoulder rubber to the center of the crown during the shaping process, thus improving the durability and operability of the tire. The proposed semi-finished components design method in this patent can accurately design the tire semi-finished parts material distribution map, significantly improve the finished tire and the theoretical design of tire material distribution consistency, thus reducing tire development cycle and development costs.

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150273777A1

A method for manufacturing a motorcycle tire includes forming a cylindrical raw tire body including a carcass body including a carcass ply and bead cores on the carcass ply, and forming a cylindrical belt ply wound in a cylindrical shape. The forming of the belt ply includes filling the tire body to expand to first expanded phase, winding a sheet-type belt ply by extending the sheet-type belt ply on bell rings to form the cylindrical belt ply with inner surface bonded to the apex of the tire body, filling the tire body to expand the apex of the tire body along with the belt ply to second expanded phase, increasing diameter of an expandable profile deck to expand the apex of the tire body along with the belt ply to third expanded phase, and winding down edges of the belt ply to bond the belt ply to the tire body. 1. A method for manufacturing a motorcycle tire , comprising:forming a cylindrical raw tire body comprising a cylindrical carcass body including a sheet-type carcass ply of a carcass wound to be cylindrical and bead cores positioned on edges of the sheet-type carcass ply; andforming a cylindrical belt ply wound in a cylindrical shape,wherein the forming of the cylindrical belt ply includes moving a pair of cylindrical bell rings for a distance toward both sides of a tire in axial directions with a tire equatorial plane set as a center of movement and positioned on an outside of the cylindrical raw tire body to be concentric with the tire such that the pair of cylindrical bell rings moves from a standby position on an axially outer side toward an axially inner side of the tire and leaves a gap in between, filling the cylindrical raw tire body at a first inflation pressure while reducing a distance between the bead cores to a first distance such that an apex of the cylindrical raw tire body protrudes in a radially outward direction through the gap left between the bell rings and that the cylindrical raw tire body is expanded in a toroidal shape to a first ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160280008A1

Provided is a tire having a circular tire frame formed of at least a thermoplastic resin material, in which the tire includes a reinforcing cord member that forms a reinforcing cord layer on an outer circumference of the tire frame, and the thermoplastic resin material contains at least a polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer. 1. A tire comprising a circular tire frame formed of a thermoplastic resin material , the thermoplastic resin material including:a polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer (A) including: a hard segment including a polyester resin; and a soft segment; anda polyester resin (B) other than a thermoplastic elastomer.2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein an elastic modulus of the polyester resin (B) is 700 MPa or greater.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein a mass ratio (A:B) of the polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer (A) and the polyester resin (B) other than a thermoplastic elastomer is from 95:5 to 50:50.4. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer (A) in the thermoplastic resin material is from 50% by mass to 95% by mass.5. The tire according to claim 1 , further comprising a reinforcing cord member that is wound around an outer circumference of the tire frame in a circumferential direction and forms a reinforcing cord layer. This is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/818,348, filed Apr. 29, 2013, which is a 371 of PCT/JP2011/069224, filed Aug. 25, 2011 which claims benefit of priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-188909, filed Aug. 25, 2010, Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-188917, filed Aug. 25, 2010, Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-188907, filed Aug. 25, 2010, Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-188905, filed Aug. 25, 2010, Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-188906, filed Aug. 25, 2010, Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-188908, filed Aug. 25, 2010, Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-203737, filed Sep. 10, 2010, Japanese Patent ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150283770A1
Автор: Kon Seiji, Kouno Yoshihide

A tire configured from joining together plural tire frame members formed from a thermoplastic material in which sufficient strength of the joint portion is secured. Two tire halves A formed from a first thermoplastic material are supported by a tire supporting section so as to be aligned with each other and abutting, while rotating this configuration melted welding thermoplastic material is extruded from a nozzle towards the joining location, and the welding thermoplastic material is pressed by a flattening roller The one tire half A and the other tire half A are thereby welded together with the welding thermoplastic material Since the tire halves A themselves are not melted, deterioration of the thermoplastic material forming the tire halves A is suppressed, and sufficient strength of the joint portion is secured. 1. A tire manufacturing method for manufacturing a tire configured by a plurality of joined together tire frame members disposed along a tire axial direction and formed from a thermoplastic material , the manufacturing method comprising processes of:joining together one of the tire frame members and another of the tire frame members by applying a melted thermoplastic material to both the one tire frame member and the other tire frame member, and letting the melted thermoplastic material applied to the one tire frame member and the other tire frame member cool and harden.2. The tire manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the melted thermoplastic material is supplied sequentially along the joint portions of the one tire frame member and the other tire frame member claim 1 , and the melted thermoplastic material applied to the tire frame members is sequentially pressed by a roller.3. A tire manufacturing method comprising:sequentially supplying a strip shaped welding sheet formed from a thermoplastic material so as to face a joint portion between one tire frame member and another tire frame member; andsoftening or melting respective surfaces of a surface ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Pneumatic tyre, tyre mold and method for manufacturing pneumatic tyre using the same

Номер: US20200262248A1
Автор: Tatsuya Kobayashi
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd

A pneumatic tyre includes a tread portion being provided with a land portion divided by a main groove extending continuously in a tyre circumferential direction. The land portion is provided with two or more sipes having a width less than 1.5 mm on a ground contacting surface of the land portion and two or more groove elements having a width equal to or more than 1.5 mm on the ground contacting surface. Lengths in a tyre axial direction of the groove elements are equal to or less than 15% of a maximum width in the tyre axial direction of the ground contacting surface of the land portion, and at least one of the sipes is in communication with one of the groove elements.

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire and method for making a pneumatic tire

Номер: US20160288575A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

A pneumatic tire includes an integrated belt/overlay component having a plurality of individually dipped and tackified cords applied individually to the tire component.

25-12-2014 дата публикации

Pneumatic Tire

Номер: US20140373995A1

A tire comprising a tread portion, a bead portion including a bead core, and a body ply including a turn-up portion positioned on an exterior of the tire, the turn-up portion of the body ply extending between said bead core and said tread and across a side portion of the tire. 129-. (canceled)30. A tire comprising:a tread portion, a bead portion including a bead core, and a body ply including a turn-up portion positioned on an exterior of the tire, the turn-up portion of the body ply extending between said bead core and said tread and across a side portion of the tire.31. The tire of claim 30 , where the tire is devoid of a separate sidewall component.32. The tire of claim 30 , where said body ply includes a first surface that forms the outermost exposed surface of the side portion of the tire claim 30 , a second surface opposite said first surface claim 30 , and a plurality of radially extending reinforcing cords positioned within said body ply between said first and second surfaces claim 30 , where said reinforcing cords are positioned offset from a center of said body ply claim 30 , the cords being closer to said second surface of said body ply than said first surface of said body ply.33. The tire of claim 32 , where said reinforcing cords are spaced from a center of said body ply by between 0.02 and 0.08 inches claim 32 , where said reinforcing cords have a diameter of between approximately 0.20 and 2.00 mm claim 32 , where said reinforcing cords are spaced from adjacent body cords by a distance of between 0.10 and 4.00 mm claim 32 , and where said body ply having a thickness of greater than about 0.060 inches.34. The tire of claim 30 , further comprising an inner liner positioned on an interior of the tire claim 30 , and a belt package extending around said body ply in the direction of travel of the tire.35. The tire of claim 30 , where said body ply includes a rubber component that is the vulcanized product of natural rubber and a polydiene claim 30 , where ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160297245A1

The cap ply reinforcement strip is a ready-to-use plain woven fabric and is composed of hybrid cord warps () and texturized weft yarns (). The cap ply reinforcement strip for pneumatic tires () eliminates calendering and strip preparation steps by eliminating the need for rubber coating and decreases the rolling resistance of the tire and the fuel consumption. 1. A cap ply reinforcement strip pneumatic tires which eliminates calendering and strip preparation steps by eliminating the need for rubber coating and enables to decrease the rolling resistance of the tire and to decrease the fuel consumption , comprising:a plurality of texturized weft yarns which are parallel to each other with intervals and are used as support members enabling a base structure to be kept together by means of the cap ply reinforcement strip having Resorcinol Formaldehyde Latex (RFL) dip content (Dip Pick Up, DPU %) amount of which ranges from 5% and 50% and, which are prepared from at least one material selected from a group comprising nylon 6.6, nylon 6, or polyethylene terephthalate (PET); and at least one yarn with high modulus and one yarn with low modulus,', 'wherein a plain woven structure is formed by the yarn with high modulus and the yarn with low modulus by passing the hybrid cord warps which are parallel to each other orthogonally through the texturized weft yarns, and by a plurality of spacings between the hybrid cord warps being minimized and being completely or partially filled with a tacky material tacky RFL)., 'a plurality of hybrid cord warps which comprises2. The cap ply reinforcement strip in pneumatic tires according to claim 1 , the number of hybrid cord warps within a width of 10 cm ranges from 50 to 200.3. The cap ply reinforcement strip in pneumatic tires according to claim 1 , wherein the spacing between the hybrid cord warps ranges from 0 to 1.5 mm.4. The cap ply reinforcement strip in pneumatic tires according to claim 1 , wherein the linear densities of the yarns ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160297257A1
Автор: Douglas Jeffrey P.

A tire having a pair of high strength sidewalls lying opposite one another, wherein each sidewall has a plurality of plies that are shaped during manufacture to have a series of pleats or corrugations formed therein and stretching from the tire beads radially outward along the sidewalls. Each of the series of sidewall corrugations includes a pattern of alternating inwardly extending depressions and outwardly extending projections that extend continuously around the tire. The corrugations provide the sidewalls with an integral structural reinforcement, whereby the tire is advantageously capable of providing run flat support and avoiding damage to the rim on which the tire is mounted. According to a preferred embodiment, the tire herein disclosed is ideally suited for use on a motorcycle rim. 1. A tire comprising a crown running circumferentially therearound and a pair of sidewalls lying opposite one another and joined at first ends thereof to the crown , said tire also comprising a series of corrugations formed in at least one of said pair of sidewalls.2. The tire recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the pair of sidewalls has a series of corrugations formed therein.3. The tire recited in claim 2 , wherein the series of corrugations that is formed in each of said pair of sidewalls includes alternating inwardly extending depressions and outwardly extending projections that are aligned side-by-side one another and extend around each of said sidewalls.4. The tire recited in claim 3 , wherein each of said alternating inwardly extending depressions and outwardly extending projections of each of the series of corrugations runs radially along each of said pair of sidewalls.5. The tire recited in claim 3 , wherein each of the pair of sidewalls has a reinforced bead running therearound claim 3 , and each of said alternating inwardly extending depressions and outwardly extending projections of each of said series of corrugations being formed in each of said pair of sidewalls so ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283504A1
Автор: Murata Hiroshi

A tire includes a resin tire case , a belt layer , a corner filler member , and a tread . The resin tire case is made from resin and includes a bead portion , a side portion , and a crown portion . The belt layer is provided at the tire radial direction outside of the crown portion and is formed by winding a covered reinforcing cord configured by covering a reinforcing cord with resin in a tire circumferential direction so as to form a spiral pattern. The corner filler member is provided at the radial direction outside of the crown portion so as to fill a corner recess formed between an outer face A of the crown portion and an upright-projecting face of the belt layer . The tread covers the crown portion from the tire radial direction outside of the belt layer 1. A tire , comprising:a tire frame member that is made of resin and that includes a bead portion, a side portion formed continuously with a tire radial direction outer side of the bead portion, and a crown portion formed continuously with a tire width direction inner side of the side portion;a belt layer that is provided at a tire radial direction outer side of the crown portion, and that comprises a resin-covered reinforcing cord wound in a tire circumferential direction in a spiral pattern;a corner filler member that is provided at the radial direction outer side of the crown portion so as to fill a corner recess formed between an outer face of the crown portion and an upright face of the belt layer; anda tread that covers the crown portion from a tire radial direction outer side of the belt layer.2. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the upright face is at least one of a side end face at a tire axial direction outer side of the belt layer claim 1 , or a winding start end face or a winding finish end face of the resin-covered reinforcing cord.3. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the corner filler member has an annular shape and configures a separate body from the tire frame member.4. The tire of claim 1 , wherein ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Tire, and tire manufacturing method

Номер: US20160303905A1
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

Provided is a tire having at least a circular tire frame formed of a thermoplastic resin material, the tire including a reinforcing cord member that forms a reinforcing cord layer on the outer circumference of the tire frame, and the thermoplastic resin material including at least a polyamide-based thermoplastic elastomer.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160303907A1

The present invention relates to a pneumatic tire having a multilayered film innerliner with rubber reinforced spliced overlapping ends. 1. A pneumatic tire is provided having an innerliner comprised of a multilayered innerliner film covering at least a portion of the tire carcass's inner surface in a circumferential direction;wherein said multilayered innerliner film contains an RFL adhesive coating on both of its sides and is comprised of from 2 through 7 layers,wherein the multilayered innerliner film has a film modulus in a range of from about 11 to about 20 MPa,wherein the film modulus of each of the layers of the multilayered film successively increases from its innermost layer adjacent to the tire rubber carcass, through its RFL coating, to and including its outermost layer by least one MPa,wherein said multilayered film has its two end portions overlapping each other to form a splice comprised of an inner first end portion adjacent to the tire rubber carcass and an outer second end portion adjacent to the internal air cavity of the pneumatic tire;wherein said innerliner film splice is comprised of:(A) the overlapping inner first and outer second end portions of said innerliner film bonded through a first rubber strip positioned therebetween, wherein said first rubber strip extends circumferentially beyond said splice on the inner surface of the innerliner film to further bond a combination of a surface of said inner end portion of the innerliner film, said inner surface of the innerliner film and said tire rubber carcass, and(B) a second rubber strip abridging and bonded to the a surface of said outer second end portion of the innerliner film and outer surface of said innerliner film adjacent to the internal air cavity of said pneumatic tire; (1) from about 40 to about 85 weight percent of a thermoplastic polyamide-based polymer (or resin), which may be comprised of, for example, a copolymer of a diamine and dicarboxylic acid, and', (a) copolymer or mixture ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Method and plant for building tyres for vehicle wheels

Номер: US20150306830A1
Принадлежит: Pirelli Tyre SpA

Tyres are processed while simultaneously passing along a building line, each tyre to be subjected to a plurality of processes, each in a respective work station. At least one first and one second tyre reach a work area at different times, stay in the work area simultaneously in respective work stations adapted to perform respective homologous processes on the tyres, and leave the work area at different times. The tyres stay respectively in at least one first work station and at least one second work station, both integrated in the work area. The first tyre passes through the work area without staying in the second work station, and the second tyre passes through the work area without staying in the first work station.

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160311258A1

The present disclosure relates to a tire including a tread that has a rubber composition based on at least an elastomer matrix, a reinforcing filler, ex-pitch carbon fibres, z being the direction normal to the surface of the tread intended to be in contact with a running surface, x and y being two directions orthogonal to z, x the circumferential direction of the tire, y the axial direction with respect to the axis of rotation of the tire, Cx, Cy and Cz being the thermal diffusivities measured at 25° C. of the tread in the cured state respectively in the directions x, y and z, which tire has Cz/Cx and Cz/Cy thermal diffusivity ratios of greater than 2. Such a tire has an improved compromise between the productivity of the curing step in the manufacture of the tire and the wear performance of the tire. 1. A tire having a tread that include a rubber composition , comprising:an elastomer matrix,a reinforcing filler,ex-pitch carbon fibres,optionally a plasticizer,z being the direction normal to the surface of the tread intended to be in contact with a running surface, x and y being two directions orthogonal to z, x the circumferential direction of the tire, y the axial direction with respect to the axis of rotation of the tire,Cx, Cy and Cz being the thermal diffusivities measured at 25° C. of the tread in the cured state respectively in the directions x, y and z,which wherein the Cz/Cx and Cz/Cy thermal diffusivity ratios are greater than 2.2. A tire according to claim 1 , wherein the elastomer matrix comprises a diene elastomer.3. A tire according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition comprises a plasticizer.4. A tire according to claim 3 , wherein the ratio of the weight of plasticizer to the sum of the weights of the plasticizer and of the elastomer matrix is greater than 0.35.5. A tire according to claim 4 , wherein the ratio of the weight of plasticizer to the sum of the weights of the plasticizer and of the elastomer matrix is between 0.35 and 0.60 claim 4 ...
