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20-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2373062C2

Изобретение относится к комбинированной пластине для противопожарных дверей и к способу ее изготовления. Способ изготовления комбинированной пластины заключается в том, что на противопожарный слой А, представляющий собой армированный волокном водосодержащий силикат натрия, наносят смесь эпоксидной смолы и отвердителя или полиуретановую смолу для образования защитного слоя В. Перед отверждением защитного слоя В на него наносят субстратный слой С из дерева или древеснотружечной плиты средней или высокой плотности. До или после нанесения защитного слоя В и субстратного слоя С на противопожарный слой А наносят защитный слой В′. Далее отверждают комбинированную пластину путем прессования. Полученная комбинированная пластина содержит последовательность слоев B′-A-B-C и состоит из противопожарного слоя А из водосодержащего армированного волокном силиката натрия, субстратного слоя С из дерева или древесностружечной плиты средней или высокой плотности, защитных слоев В и В′, нанесенных с обеих сторон ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2771539C2

Изобретение относится к гипсокартонным листам и способам их изготовления. Гипсокартонный лист содержит сердечник из затвердевшего гипсового материала, проходящий от первой до второй поверхности гипсокартонного листа, и один или несколько непрерывных слоев материала, расположенных внутри сердечника и проходящих вдоль первой оси по существу до двух противоположных кромок гипсокартонного листа. Причем первая и вторая стороны каждого непрерывного слоя материала по существу покрыты затвердевшим гипсовым материалом. Каждый непрерывный слой представляет собой демпфирующий лист, имеющий коэффициент потерь при демпфировании больше, чем коэффициент потерь при демпфировании затвердевшего гипсового материала, причём демпфирующий лист содержит вязкоупругий полимер. Способ изготовления гипсокартонного листа включает сушку влажного сердечника из гипсового материала, в то время как внутри него расположен непрерывный слой материала или его заготовки. Обеспечивается улучшение качества звукоизолирующих гипсокартонных ...

18-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016133039A3

05-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696715C1

Изобретение относится к панелям для настила, в частности, для зон вне помещений и влажных зон. Технический результат изобретения заключается в снижении трудозатрат при монтаже настила. Настил содержит несущую плиту с лицевой поверхностью и тыльной поверхностью, причем несущая плита на своей лицевой поверхности снабжена декоративным и/или защитным слоем. Для отвода жидкостей, в частности воды, на тыльной поверхности несущей плиты нанесены дренажные выступы. 4 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2511365C2

Изобретение относится к строительным материалам и касается композитного строительного картона с пластиковым покрытием и способа его изготовления. Композитный строительный картон может включать один или более слоев суспензии с погруженными волокнистыми матами. Внешнее пластиковое покрытие механически прикреплено к нижележащему слою суспензии. Пластиковый слой химически связан и образует поперечные химические связи с полимерными добавками в слое суспензии. Изобретение обеспечивает создание строительного картона с полимерной матрицей, обеспечивающей улучшенную долговечность и нагрузочную способность. 5 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

09-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017123102A

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012101939A

... 1. Обработанный облицовочный материал для применения в гипсовых облицовочных плитах, включающий:облицовочный материал, поверхность которого обработана некоторым количеством затравочных кристаллов, приклеенных к поверхности облицовочного материала, причем затравочные кристаллы выбирают из группы, включающей СаСО, CaSO, BaSO, NaSO, KAl(SO), CaMg(СО), MgCO, KSO, Fe[SO]/FeSO, Al[SO]и гидратированные формы перечисленного.2. Обработанный облицовочный материал для применения в гипсовых облицовочных плитах по п.1, в котором затравочные кристаллы включают CaSOи его гидратированные формы.3. Обработанный облицовочный материал для применения в гипсовых облицовочных плитах по п.2, в котором CaSOнаходится в безводной форме.4. Обработанный облицовочный материал для применения в гипсовых облицовочных плитах по п.2, в котором CaSOнаходится в форме полугидрата.5. Обработанный облицовочный материал для применения в гипсовых облицовочных плитах по п.2, в котором CaSOнаходится в форме дигидрата.6. Обработанный ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2020114640A

11-03-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002043371A1

14-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001420929A

... 1420929 Indenting glass; glass panels ICI AUSTRALIA Ltd 10 Nov 1972 [29 Nov 1971 8 March 1972 13 April 1972 29 June 1972] 52064/72 Heading C1M [Also in Division B5] A cuspated glass sheet comprises an array of hollow projections on one or both faces of the sheet each projection having a thickness which is greater at the outer tip than the part of the sheet connecting the tips, and wherein the ratio of height of projection to its maximum cross-sectional dimension is greater than 2 : 1. The sheet is manufactured by pressing an arrangement of cold projection, e.g. needles, against a heated sheet. In moving towards the sheet the needles can follow curved, slanting or different paths. The sheet can be formed by passing a heated sheet between two endless belts carrying cold projections, Fig. 6, not shown. In other embodiments the hollow projections are formed by projecting ballbearings or pulses of cold fluid on to a heated sheet. The tips of the hollow projections can be removed to form a perforated ...

03-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008710176D0

18-11-1981 дата публикации

Composite structures new adhesive and cement compostion

Номер: GB0002075367A
Автор: F Jasperson

Composite structure suitable for use as a roof or wall of a building comprising an interior substrate, a layer of rigid insulation having an insulating ability at least equal to one inch of rigid urethane foam, an adhesive layer bonding the insulation to the substrate, a layer at least one sixteenth inch thick of cementitious material adhered to the insulation, and an exterior layer at least 2-4 mils thick of the dried residue of a polymer-rich latex coating composition. The exterior layer contains at least 80% by weight of a film-forming polymer selected from acrylic polymers and vinyl polymers and has a Mar Elasticity Value of at least 1 and a dry and wet adhesion to maintain the adhesion of the layer to said cementitious material under normal atmospheric conditions.

29-01-2014 дата публикации

Adhesive strength enhancers for cementitious compositions

Номер: GB0002504394A

An adhesion bond strength enhancer for cementitious adhesive mortar is disclosed. The adhesion enhancer improves bond strength between the mortar and relatively hydrophobic plastic material, such as extruded polystyrene boards and expanded polystyrene boards of the type generally employed in Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems ("EIFS"). Preparation of non-caking, free-flowing, solid dialkyl sulfosuccinate compositions for use as the adhesion enhancer is also disclosed. The adhesion enhancer is attractive for large-scale application in mineral mortar dry-mixes or other solid construction materials. The invention can be used to improve the strength of an adhesive bond between a) gypsum based plaster or stucco and concrete or bricks, b) tile adhesives and concrete, and c) mineral mortars on polystyrene boards, among others.

06-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001523858A

... 1523858 Making a polyurethane and concrete panel R LABRECQUE 3 March 1977 09099/77 Heading B5A A construction panel comprising bonded together layers of concrete and foamed polyurethene, is made by depositing a layer of wet concrete in a mould, sprinkling on a layer of dry cement mixture, pouring on a foaming polyurethane composition, and allowing to set under the pressure of a mould cover. The concrete and cement mixtures include cement, silica, expanded mica and colouring; vibration is used.

30-04-1983 дата публикации

Manufactoring process of the standard sandwich panels extrusive rock.

Номер: OA0000006897A

15-09-1979 дата публикации

Synthetic concrete laminate.

Номер: OA0000004025A

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398015T

15-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA164076A

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: ATA211199A

15-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000164076A

15-05-2017 дата публикации

Adhesive booster for cementitious compositions

Номер: AT0000512620B1

Ein Klebkraftverstärker für Zementklebemörtel ist offenbart. Der Klebeverstärker verbessert die Verbindungskraft zwischen dem Mörtel und relativ hydrophobem Kunststoffmaterial wie Platten aus extrudiertem Polystyrol und Platten aus geschäumtem Polystyrol des in Wärmedämmverbundsystemen ("WDVS") eingesetzten Typs. Die Herstellung von nicht verklumpenden, rieselfähigem Dialkylsulfosuccinatzusammensetzungen zur Verwendung als Klebeverstärker ist ebenfalls offenbart. Der Klebeverstärker ist zur großangelegten Anwendung in Mineralmörtel-Trockengemischen oder anderen festen Baumaterialien geeignet. Die Erfindung kann zum Verbessern der Kraft einer Klebeverbindung unter anderem zwischen a) Putz oder Stuck auf Gipsbasis und Beton oder Ziegeln, B) Fliesenklebern und Beton und c) Mineralmörteln auf Polystyrolplatten verwendet werden.

15-02-2016 дата публикации

Klebkraftverstärker für Zementzusammensetzungen

Номер: AT512620A5

An adhesion bond strength enhancer for cementitious adhesive mortar is disclosed. The adhesion enhancer improves bond strength between the mortar and relatively hydrophobic plastic material, such as extruded polystyrene boards and expanded polystyrene boards of the type generally employed in Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems ("EIFS"). Preparation of non-caking, free-flowing, solid dialkyl sulfosuccinate compositions for use as the adhesion enhancer is also disclosed. The adhesion enhancer is attractive for large-scale application in mineral mortar dry-mixes or other solid construction materials. The invention can be used to improve the strength of an adhesive bond between a) gypsum based plaster or stucco and concrete or bricks, b) tile adhesives and concrete, and c) mineral mortars on polystyrene boards, among others.

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000305066T

15-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000203079T

14-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008917282A

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Improved polymeric composition for cement based substructures

Номер: AU2012251125B2

The present invention is directed to a composition capable of inhibiting moisture vapor emission from concrete structures and enhancing adhesion of a finish material to the concrete structure comprising an aqueous mixture of a first copolymer of mer units formed from vinylidene halide and a C1-C2 alkyl acrylate with a second copolymer of mer units formed from vinylidene halide and a C4-CS alkyl acrylate and to the method of forming a moisture barrier/adhesion promoter coating on concrete comprising applying from 2.8 to 5.6 liters (0.75 to 1.5 gallons) of an aqueous carrier having from 10 to 50 weight percent of the mixture of copolymers stated above per 14 m2 (150 square feet) of the free surface of a concrete structure.

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Insulated corrugated fiber cement sheet, and method for producing same

Номер: AU2014280511A1

A method of producing an insulated corrugated fiber cement sheet (1) is described. The method comprises providing a cured corrugated fiber cement sheet, shrinking the cured corrugated fiber cement sheet and adhering a thermal insulation panel (2) having recesses (3) such that these engage with the undulations (4) of the fiber cement sheet (7) while leaving openings (5) for acclimatization. Disclosed is also an insulated corrugated fiber cement sheet (1), a thermal insulation panel (2) for producing such an insulated corrugated fiber cement sheet, and a kit of parts comprising the fiber cement sheet (7) and the thermal insulation panel (2).

01-10-2009 дата публикации

Biolaminate composite assembly and related methods

Номер: AU2009229406A1

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Construction of tubular assemblies

Номер: AU2017274085A1
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

A method and apparatus for constructing a tubular assembly 40 comprising an inner portion (24) and a further portion (23) surrounding the inner portion. The inner portion (24) comprises reinforcement (37) and the further portion (23) being formed from a strip (50) of material comprising two opposed longitudinal marginal side portions (53). The apparatus comprises an assembly station (220) comprising a wall (253). The apparatus comprises means for advancing the inner portion (21) along a first path (231) extending passed the wall (253), and means for advancing the strip (50) along a second path (232) and causing the strip to encircle the wall (253) and thereby wrap about and surround the inner portion (21). The apparatus further comprises means (321) for introducing resinous binder into the reinforcement (37) as the strip(50) is being wrapped about the inner portion (21).

30-05-2001 дата публикации

Prefabricated durable building material

Номер: AU0001777101A

24-02-1972 дата публикации

Номер: AU0001908070A

18-11-1996 дата публикации

Laminated structure with improved fire resistance and proced ure for the manufacture of the structure

Номер: AU0002740295A

14-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004644972A

09-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004856972A

09-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001085182A1

28-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001148844A1

18-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760539C

Embodiments of the present invention relate to composite materials. In one embodiment, a composite material comprises an inorganic ceramic matrix comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite the first outer surface and general-ly parallel to the first outer surface. At least one open weave fiber glass fabric is disposed in the inorganic ceramic matrix between the first surface and the second surface. In another embodiment, a composite material comprises a first inorganic ceramic matrix comprising pieces of stone, a second inorganic ceramic matrix attached adjacent to the first inorganic ceramic matrix, and at least one open weave fiber glass fabric disposed in the second inorganic ceramic matrix.

12-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3102487A1

ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE Provided are wallboard panels that include a foam material layer and a core material, with one or more sheets of facer material and/or one or more sheets of backing material. The foam material layer may include one or more pores having an open pore geometry. Additionally, provided are methods of manufacturing such wallboard panels. Page 39 of 39 Date Recue/Date Received 2020-12-11 ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3104184A1

A floor element for forming a floor covering, wherein the floor element comprises a decorative layer made of a ceramic material and a support layer arranged below the decorative layer, wherein the support layer comprises edges provided with coupling elements configured to allow a mechanical coupling with coupling elements of an adjacent floor element and wherein the floor element comprises an intermediate layer having a resin material that permeates a lower surface of the decorative layer. A method for manufacturing a floor element, comprising the steps of: (i) providing a decorative layer made of a ceramic material; (II) providing a support layer; (iii) providing a resin material for bonding the decorative layer and the support layer together; (iv) pressing the layers together for forming the floor element such that the resin material permeates the ceramic layer.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003075596A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

In a method of manufacturing a concrete element having a functional layer, a rear side of the functional layer being bonded to the concrete element by means of an adhesive, the roughness of the rear side of the functional layer is increased by means of sand blasting, wherein the sand blasting is carried out for obtaining a surface roughness Ra of the rear side of the functional layer of between 1.5µm and 6µm.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA3129310A1

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003060644A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

A floor element (1) for forming a floor covering, wherein the floor element (1) comprises a decorative layer (3) made of a ceramic material and a support layer (14) arranged below this decorative layer (3), wherein the support layer (14) comprises edges (15) provided with coupling elements (16, 17, 31, 35) configured to realize a mechanical coupling with coupling elements (16, 17, 31, 35) of an adjacent floor element (1) and wherein the floor element (1) comprises a reinforcing layer (11) arranged in between the decorative layer (3) and the support layer (14).

13-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003055349A1

A lightweight composite concrete cover is provided for subgrade trenches and vaults. The lightweight cover comprises at least one low density layer that has a low density filler material such as polyethylene terephthalate beads. The low density layer substantially reduces the overall weight of the cover, and the remaining layers provide sufficient structure for the cover to pass rigorous load and chemical exposure testing. In addition, a method of manufacturing a lightweight cover is provided that promotes the combination of different layers of the cover and the cross linking of polymer chains between layers of the cover. The lightweight cover has substantial weight savings and also meets rigorous testing standards such that a worker can manually remove the cover, transportation costs are realized, and worker safety is improved.

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003011493C

The invention relates to a spar cap for a rotor blade of a wind energy plant, having a longitudinal extension from a first end to a second end, a transverse extension orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and a thickness orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and the transverse extension. The invention further relates to a method for producing the aforementioned spar cap. The spar cap has a longitudinal extension from a first end to a second end, a transverse extension orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and a thickness orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and the transverse extension. The spar cap comprises at least two layers of a first fiber composite material and at least one layer of a second fiber composite material, the first fiber composite material having another matrix material and/or other fibers than the second fiber composite material, wherein the second fiber composite material is disposed in a portion adjacent to the second end in the direction of the thickness ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003038765A1
Принадлежит: MILTONS IP/P.I.

A trestle mat construction panel configured for use with building equipment and a method of manufacture and use thereof. The trestle mat construction panel is preferably formed of a partially hollow core body and strong support material to allow the construction panel to be easily placed and moved and to support various materials, such as construction equipment including cranes and the like, when in use.

14-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008472A1

A flooring mat that includes a first layer that includes a vapor barrier, a second layer that includes a textile pad, and a third layer having an entangled filament structure. The second layer is disposed between the first layer and the third layer. The flooring mat may be provided between a subfloor and a surface layer of a flooring structure.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002997269A1

A simulated brick includes a polymeric core member (20), a mesh layer (30) adhered to the core member, a basecoat layer (43) covering an entirety of the mesh layer, and a finish layer (46) covering an entirety of the basecoat layer. The core member, the mesh layer, the basecoat layer, and the finish layer together define a brick profile portion (11) having first and second lateral sides extending to a planar outer surface to define a first thickness, and an offset portion (12) extending from the first lateral side of the brick profile portion to a lateral end surface and having an outer surface defining a second thickness smaller than the first thickness, the brick profile portion and the offset portion together defining a planar rectangular base surface (16) extending from the second lateral side of the brick profile portion to the lateral end surface of the offset portion.

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002999957A1

The invention provides a waterproofing membrane which does not require a removable release sheet but which nevertheless bonds to post-cast concrete and facilitates water-tight sealing at membrane-to-membrane overlaps. The waterproofing membrane comprises a carrier and pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) layers, an inorganic particle layer having particulate bodies which are partially embedded in the PSA and which have an average particle size less than the average thickness of the PSA layer, and an anti-submarining nano-silica-containing coating layer attached to un-embedded portions of the inorganic particles to prevent total embedding into the PSA when the membrane is rolled or unrolled, whereby water-tight seams are facilitated between overlapped portions of adjacently installed waterproofing membranes, and whereby the water-tight seam is achieved preferably using only detailing or waterproofing tape and without the additional use of a liquid primer, mastic, or other coating.

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003011493A1

The invention relates to a spar cap for a rotor blade of a wind energy plant, having a longitudinal extension from a first end to a second end, a transverse extension orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and a thickness orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and the transverse extension. The invention further relates to a method for producing the aforementioned spar cap. The spar cap has a longitudinal extension from a first end to a second end, a transverse extension orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and a thickness orthogonal to the longitudinal extension and the transverse extension. The spar cap comprises at least two layers of a first fiber composite material and at least one layer of a second fiber composite material, the first fiber composite material having another matrix material and/or other fibers than the second fiber composite material, wherein the second fiber composite material is disposed in a portion adjacent to the second end in the direction of the thickness ...

18-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002544233A1

An insulated composite material for structural reinforcement applications is provided. The insulated composite material includes a fiber reinforced composite material and a cementitious insulating layer applied over the composite material. Also provided is a structural member reinforced with the insulated composite material and a method of reinforcing a structural member with the insulated composite material.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003051808A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

Board, characterized in that it consists at least of a substrate which is formed at least of a gypsum-based and/or cement-based basic material layer with a compressive strength of 30 kg/cm2 and a resin-based covering provided on at least one side of the substrate, in the form of a laminate layer directly pressed onto the substrate, also named "DPL" (Direct Pressure Laminate).

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002949296A1

The object of the present invention is a multilayer panel with light transparency and thermal insulation properties. The panel comprises a first outermost portion (4), a second outermost portion (5) and a central portion (6) between said two outermost portions. The central portion comprises spacer means that define at least one interspace between the outermost portions (4,5).

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002969352A1

A laminated panel is disclosed that includes a first layer having an internal surface and an external surface, a second layer having an internal surface and an external surface, and a glue layer extending therebetween. The glue layer is produced from an aqueous dispersion of polymeric acrylic microparticles.

24-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002717506C

A cementitious panel with ballistic and blast resistant properties having a core layer of ultra-high compressive strength composite and at least one skin layer. The panels can also be used in walls, ceiling and flooring panels which require high compressive strength for resistance to earthquakes and surfaces resistant to surface abuse such as in prison and other institutions. The panel core layer has a continuous cementitious phase resulting from the curing of an aqueous mixture, in the absence of silica flour, of inorganic cement binder, inorganic mineral filler having a particle size of about 150-450 microns, a pozzolanic mineral filler, polycarboxylate based superplasticizer, alkanolamine and acid or alkali metal acid salt; and water. The mixture may be uniformly reinforced with fiber added before curing. The cementitious core layer is then reinforced with the skin, such as fiber reinforced polymer, attached to at least one panel surface.

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002837152A1

A construction element for a plant for capture of an acidic gas using an aqueous amine absorbent, wherein at least a part of a surface of said element comprises a polyolefin, and a hydrolytically stable antioxidant, is described. Additionally, a liner comprising said polyolefin and the hydrolytically stable antioxidant, is described. The construction element may be a column, a pipe, an insert, like a column packing element or a tray. An apparatus for capturing CO2 using the construction elements, is also described.

12-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002884404C

The present invention relates to floor panels for outdoor use, which front side is provided with a decorative - respectively protective layer and which comprises at its sides coupling means inform of groove and tongue elements. The material of the carrier plate is thereby MDF or HDF board of acetylated wood, a fiber cement board or is based on polyvinylchloride and the decorative - respectively protective layer consisting of a radiation cured acrylate-containing film or a polymeric layer with hardness gradient, wherein the hardness of the polymeric layer decreases in particular continuously with increasing depth seen from the surface of the polymeric layer.

30-11-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000582291A5

15-06-1973 дата публикации

Structure composite amortissant les vibrations

Номер: CH0000537809A

13-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000556730A

15-03-1976 дата публикации

Cuspidal glass/plastic sheet - with group of peaks of hollow projections on each face

Номер: CH0000573295A5

Cuspidal sheet has two faces each having a gp of peaks of hollow projections the part of the sheet connecting the peaks having a minimum area, and the peak of each projection being thicker than the parts of the sheet connecting them, the ratio of the height of the cusps to their diameter bing above 2:1 pref. 2:1-3:1. The sheet has high resistance to compression vertical to the plane of the cuspids, is extremely flexible. Specif. the sheet is made of a thermoplastic material which can be melt spun, soda glass, borosilicate glass, low density polyethylene, high density polyethylene, polypropylene high impact polystyrene, nylon 6, nylon 6.6, or nylon 6.10. and is produced by (a) defoaming a sheet of thermoplastic material by pressing against a face of the heated sheet a group of cold projections, and (b) pressing simultaneously against the second face of the sheet, a second group of cold projections, so that the gps. overlap or interpenetrate and the projections of the second gp are spaced ...

31-08-1979 дата публикации

Prefabricated wall structural part for exterior walls

Номер: CH0000613010A5

15-11-1978 дата публикации

Lamination of cast polyester resin and concrete slabs

Номер: CH0000606685A5

The interface between cast layers of concrete and of a polyester resin material is keyed by use of granular particles which are partially immersed in the resin surface and project into the zone to be filled with cast concrete.Used for prefabrication of composite slabs of e.g. polyester faced reinforced concrete for building or cladding silos, docks etc. The component layers may be solid or hollow, opt. may feature assembly holes or projecting tie bars. The interfacial bond is substantially mechanically without involving expensive materials, equipment or lab-out.

15-11-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000606684A5

13-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000693799A5

30-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201991259A1

18-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201992653A1

08-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0202090110A1

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000111803C2

30-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201490190A1

07-09-2018 дата публикации

With integrated air/water barrier film outer sheath panel

Номер: CN0105209251B

29-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002382552A

L'invention concerne la construction. Elle concerne notamment un élément de construction préfabriqué pour murs extérieurs en béton armé, caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte extérieurement une couche calorifuge. L'invention s'applique en particulier à la réalisation de murs extérieurs de grande dimension.

20-06-1975 дата публикации

Boat hull - consisting of alternating bonded layers of cement-epoxy resin and glass-fibre-reinforced epoxy resin

Номер: FR0002179635B1

16-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002849803A3

Panneau multicouche flexible (100) constitué d'une couche médiane (1) et des couches externes (2; 3), dans lequel la couche médiane est en matière synthétique polymère, flexible, présentant une structure alvéolaire de grosses cellules (4), les cellules étant ouvertes vers la face supérieure et vers la face inférieure de la couche médiane. Les couches externes sont constituées d'un mortier restant flexible après séchage par l'adjonction de résines synthétiques et sont armées à l'aide de bandes constituées pour l'essentiel de fibres, la face externe (5) de la couche externe présentant après séchage un aspect rugueux d'enduit formant des cuvettes plates (20). Le panneau peut être courbé sans que les couches externes ne présentent d'éclats.

07-04-1978 дата публикации

Composite wall panel for habitable building - has sandwich construction with outer, intermediate and inner insulating layers

Номер: FR0002364308A1

21-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002375405A1

02-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002479090A


17-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002382552B3

14-10-1977 дата публикации

Sandwich panel for box or shelter for electrical appts. - with asbestos fibre core and two reinforced resin panels

Номер: FR0002344403A1

28-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing concrete prefabricated construction panel for construction of building, involves binding thermal insulation panel with concrete panel by star type peg having large head and anchor rod while concrete is not hardened

Номер: FR0002995926A1

Le panneau de construction préfabriqué en béton avec isolation comporte un panneau de béton armé (1) et un panneau isolant (2) fixé sur le panneau en béton par des chevilles étoiles (5) dont la tige (51) est noyée dans le béton du panneau alors que ce dernier n'est pas encore durci. Préférentiellement, le panneau comporte en plus un revêtement (3) en mortier ou micro-béton fibré, de faible épaisseur, ancré sur le panneau isolant par des nervures formées par insertion dudit mortier ou béton fibré dans des rainures en queue d'aronde (21) du panneau isolant, et une couche de finition (4) constituée d'un matériau composite nanostructuré.

28-02-2008 дата публикации

Fiber cement siding planks, methods of making and installing

Номер: KR0100807998B1

22-10-2018 дата публикации

술폰산계 공중합체와 아미노 수지로 이루어지는 친수성 재료

Номер: KR0101910753B1
Автор: 오카자키 고즈
Принадлежит: 미쯔이가가꾸가부시끼가이샤

... 친수성, 내마모성의 밸런스가 우수하고, 수세를 해도 높은 친수성을 유지함과 함께, 장기 보존 또는 가열해도 오염 물질이 부착되기 어려워(또는 탈착되기 쉬워) 친수성이 유지되는 경화물(예를 들어, 당해 경화물로 이루어지는 막), 당해 경화물을 얻을 수 있는 조성물을 제공한다. 특정한 화학 식으로 표시되는 구성 단위를 포함하는 공중합체 (i)과, 아미노 수지 (ii)를 포함하는 조성물을 경화하여, 경화물을 제작한다.

01-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102095281B1

17-11-2015 дата публикации

Nonwoven cementitious composite for in-situ hydration

Номер: US0009187902B2

One embodiment of the present disclosure relates to a cementitious composite material for in-situ hydration that includes a mesh layer, a cementitious material, a sealing layer, and a containment layer. The mesh layer includes a plurality of fibers arranged in a nonwoven configuration and forms a mat having a first side and an opposing second side. The cementitious material is disposed within the mesh layer and includes a plurality of cementitious particles. The sealing layer is disposed along the first side of the mesh layer and is coupled to the plurality of fibers. The containment layer is disposed along the opposing second side of the mesh layer and is configured to prevent the plurality of cementitious particles from migrating out of the mesh layer.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Cathode For Preventing Corrosion, And Concrete Structure Corrosion Prevention Structure And Corrosion Prevention Method Employing Same

Номер: US20170130341A1

A corrosion protection cathode using an external power supply in which a reinforcing layer formed of a fiber base material is laminated with an adhesive layer on one surface of a conductive layer formed of a graphite sheet, and an electrolyte layer of an electrolyte-containing resin formed in a sheet shape and having adhesive power such that the layer is capable of being adhered to the conductive layer and to a surface layer of an object to be protected from corrosion is adhered by the adhesive power thereof to the other surface of the conductive layer, wherein the conductive layer always has a resistance value of 4Ω or less between any two points on the surface thereof on a side that comes into contact with the electrolyte layer.

04-03-1997 дата публикации

Connectors used in making highly insulated composite wall structures

Номер: US0005606832A1
Принадлежит: H. K. Composites, Inc.

Highly insulating connectors used in making highly insulative composite wall structures. At least a substantial portion of the connector is injection molded in a single step from an appropriate resinous material or moldable plastic. The connector has a substantially pointed end in a penetrating segment for facilitating penetration of the connector through an insulating layer and a yet unhardened structural material, such as concrete, that will harden into a first structural layer. The opposite end, or gripping segment, includes arcuate wings for facilitating gripping of the connector during placement in the insulating layer and first unhardened structural layer, and also for anchoring the connectors upon hardening of a second structural layer. A middle or mesial segment resides within the insulating layer, which is sandwiched between the first and second structural layer. The arcuate wings are curved toward the penetrating end and terminate in an elongated surface to limit the depth of ...

15-08-1978 дата публикации

Granulated fire retardant materials

Номер: US0004107376A

The invention provides a heat-resistant composite comprising a noncombustible porous core material (e.g., a calcined mineral such as perlite, etc.) which has been impregnated or coated with an inorganic filler material (e.g., sodium metaborate, sodium meta silicate, sodium metaphosphate, etc.) capable of foaming spontaneously when heated at an elevated temperature. The composite may be incorporated in a molded synthetic resin (e.g., polyurethane) to obtain a flame and heat-resistant molded article in the form of a panel useful as a building material, which, in turn, may be sandwiched between a facing material (e.g., a steel plate, plywood, etc.) and a backing material (e.g., aluminum foil, asbestos paper, etc.) to form a heat-resistant structure which is also useful as a building material. The composite may also be formed by mixing and pelletizing at least one organic filler material with a clay (e.g., kaolin, bentonite, etc.) and incorporating this composite into a synthetic resin panel ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации

Polymeric composition for cement based substructures

Номер: US0008940371B2

The present invention is directed to a composition capable of inhibiting moisture vapor emission from concrete structures and enhancing adhesion of a finish material to the concrete structure comprising an aqueous mixture of a first copolymer of mer units formed from vinylidene halide and a C1-C2 alkyl acrylate with a second copolymer of mer units formed from vinylidene halide and a C4-CS alkyl acrylate and to the method of forming a moisture barrier/adhesion promoter coating on concrete comprising applying from 2.8 to 5.6 liters (0.75 to 1.5 gallons) of an aqueous carrier having from 10 to 50 weight percent of the mixture of copolymers stated above per 14 m2 (150 square feet) of the free surface of a concrete structure.

16-01-2018 дата публикации

Gypsum panels, systems, and methods

Номер: US0009869089B2

Gypsum panels, sheathing systems, and methods of making and using the same are provided. A gypsum panel includes a gypsum core associated with a first fiberglass mat having a continuous barrier coating, the coating penetrating a portion of the first fiberglass mat opposite the gypsum core, wherein gypsum penetrates a remaining fibrous portion of the first fiberglass mat such that voids in the first fiberglass mat are substantially eliminated. A building sheathing system includes at least two gypsum panels and a seaming component to provide a seam at an interface between the gypsum panels.

16-02-2021 дата публикации

Transaction and ID cards having selected texture and coloring

Номер: US0010922601B2

Cards made in accordance with the invention include a specially treated thin decorative layer attached to a thick core layer of metal or ceramic material, where the thin decorative layer is designed to provide selected color(s) and/or selected texture(s) to a surface of the metal cards. Decorative layers for use in practicing the invention include: (a) an anodized metal layer; or (b) a layer of material derived from plant or animal matter (e.g., wood, leather); or (c) an assortment of aggregate binder material (e.g., cement, mortar, epoxies) mixed with laser reactive materials (e.g., finely divided carbon); or (d) a ceramic layer; and (e) a layer of crystal fabric material. The cards may be dual interface smart cards which can be read in a contactless manner and/or via contacts.

21-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001177353B1

01-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001534511A2
Автор: PENG, Weiling

Protected prefinished fiber cement products are manufactured by applying a protective layer on the finished surface of a fiber cement product. The protective layer protects the finish layer of the prefinished fiber cement product during handling, storage, and transport. Removing the protective layer leaves no adhesive residue on the finish layer, does not damage the finish layer, and does not substantially tear the protective layer. Protected prefinished fiber cement products are typically stacked on pallets for storage and transport. Optionally, spacers may be placed between the stacked protected prefinished fiber cement products.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Board complex having pla cover

Номер: US20130004703A1
Принадлежит: LG HAUSYS LTD

The present invention relates to a board complex having a polylactic acid (PLA) cover. The board complex includes: a cover member having at least one layer containing a PLA resin; and a board formed beneath the cover member, wherein the material for the board is selected from medium-density fiberboard (MDF), plywood, asbestos-free cellulose fiber reinforced cement board, magnesium board, glued laminated timber, high density fiberboard (HDF), particle board, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, ceramic board, and click-fastened board.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130115464A1

An interlayer adhesive which is interposed between a waterproof layer formed from a resin-coated film and an inorganic material layer using mortar or concrete to adhere the waterproof layer and the inorganic material layer to each other, the interlayer adhesive containing a resin composition obtained by reacting (a) a base resin including an emulsion of a main resin containing at least one of an acrylic-based resin, an ethylene-vinyl acetate-based resin, and an epoxy-based resin, with (b) an isocyanate compound having an isocyanate group. 1. An interlayer adhesive which is interposed between a waterproof layer formed from a resin-coated film and an inorganic material layer formed from a mortar or concrete , wherein the interlayer adhesive is suitable for adhering the waterproof layer and the inorganic material layer to each other , the interlayer adhesive comprising:a resin composition obtained by reacting (a) a base resin including an emulsion of a main resin containing at least one of an acrylic-based resin, an ethylene-vinyl acetate-based resin, and an epoxy-based resin, with (b) an isocyanate compound having an isocyanate group.2. The interlayer adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the main resin contains at least one acrylic-based resin having a functional group having an active hydrogen in a molecule.3. The interlayer adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the main resin contains at least one acrylic-based resin having a glass transition temperature of −60 to −10° C.4. The interlayer adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the base resin is an oil-in-water emulsion using an acrylic-based resin as the main resin.5. The interlayer adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the isocyanate compound is a water-dispersible or water soluble polyisocyanate compound.6. The interlayer adhesive according to claim 5 , wherein the water-dispersible or the water soluble polyisocyanate compound includes at least one of an HDI trimer claim 5 , a burette modified body claim 5 ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183497A1

A concrete structure member strengthened with prestressed FRP elements includes a concrete structure body and a prestressed FRP element arranged on the former. An epoxy resin overlay surrounding the prestressed FRP element is provided to wrap it up, and a polymer concrete supplemental layer is provided outside the epoxy resin overlay. The concrete structure member can uniformly and effectively transfer the stress from the prestressed FRP element. 1. A concrete structure member strengthened with prestressed FRP bar , comprising prestressed FRP bar and a concrete structure member body , wherein , the prestressed FRP bar is arranged on the concrete structure member body , an epoxy resin cladding layer is arranged around the prestressed FRP bar to surround the prestressed FRP bar , and a polymer-concrete thickening layer is arranged outside of the epoxy resin cladding layer.2. The concrete structure member strengthened with prestressed FRP bar according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , a groove is made on the bottom surface of the concrete structure member claim 1 , the prestressed FRP bar is arranged in the groove; the epoxy resin cladding layer is filled into one part of the groove and surrounds the prestressed FRP bar claim 1 , and the polymer-concrete thickening layer is filled into the rest part of the groove.3. The concrete structure member strengthened with prestressed FRP bar according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the polymer-concrete thickening layer forms a dome shape on the bottom surface of the concrete structure member body.4. The concrete structure member strengthened with prestressed FRP bar according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the depth and the width of the groove are equal to each other claim 2 , and are 1.5 times of the diameter of the prestressed FRP bar.5. The concrete structure member strengthened with prestressed FRP bar according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the prestressed FRP bar claim 1 , epoxy resin cladding layer claim 1 , and polymer- ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305641A1

A composite panel useful for efficient and economic construction of a building wall or roof includes at least a first rigid structural layer and a cross-linked polymer film layer bonded to and covering a first major planar surface of the rigid structural panel. The panels integrate sheathing or decking and weatherproofing into an integrated product that may be installed on building frame members in substantially the same way that ordinary sheathing or decking is conventionally installed. 1. A composite panel comprising:at least a first rigid structural layer; anda cross-linked polymer film layer bonded to and covering a first major planar surface of the first rigid structural panel.2. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the first rigid structural layer is made of an engineered wood product.3. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the first rigid structural layer is made of particleboard claim 1 , plywood or oriented strand board.4. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the first rigid structural layer is made of lumber or glued laminated timber.5. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the first rigid structural layer is made of a fiberboard selected from the group consisting of particleboard claim 1 , medium-density fiberboard and hardboard.6. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the first rigid structural layer is made of masonite.7. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the first rigid structural layer is made of concrete.8. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the first rigid structural layer has a modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus) of at least 5×10lb/in(3.4 MPa) and a thickness of at least 0.15 inches (3.8 millimeters).9. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the first rigid structural layer has a modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus) of at least 7×10lb/in(4.8 MPa) and a thickness of at least 0.15 inches (3.8 millimeters).10. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linked polymer film is a thermoset polyurethane ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Layered structure and method of manufacturing a layered structure

Номер: US20130344303A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A layered surface is provided that includes a first, second, third and fourth layer. The first layer includes a mixture of cement and acrylic resin. The first layer is further formed from two sub-layers. The first sub layer includes a mixture of cement and acrylic resin and has a ratio of cement to acrylic resin of approximately 10 to 1. The second sub-layer has a mixture of cement and acrylic resin at a ratio of cement to acrylic is greater than that of the first sub-layer. The second layer includes a colorant, the third layer includes an epoxy resin, and the fourth layer includes a wax.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Floor panel having drainage protrusions

Номер: US20190003189A1
Автор: Dieter DÖHRING

The present invention relates to a floor panel 10, in particular for the outdoor area or wet areas, with a carrier plate 11 having a front face and rear face, wherein the carrier plate 11 is provided on its front face with a décor and/or protective layer 16. For drainage of liquids and in particular of water, on the rear face of the carrier plate 11 drainage protrusions 22, 24, 26, 32 are applied.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Stainable surface

Номер: US20210009841A1
Принадлежит: SWISS KRONO Tec AG

The invention relates to a method for producing a color-changeable decorative surface. In order to provide a decorative surface that can be changed in a particularly simple manner in terms of its coloring by the end consumer and which is particularly cost-effective and resistant, it is provided that at least one layer of a coating agent, which enables the absorption of color particles, is applied.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010698A1
Автор: Bierman Timm

A composite board is disclosed comprising a first layer of drywall coupled to a second backing layer comprising at least one of an HDPE or cellular PVC layer. 1. A composite board comprising a first layer of drywall coupled to a second backing layer comprising at least one of an HDPE or cellular PVC layer. This application claims the benefit of co-pending U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/529,204, filed 6 Jul. 2017.Drywall & cement board for tile backing (wallboard) are commonly used products for walls in construction. A problem for both products is the ability to mount anything directly to them without providing supplemental backing or finding a wall framing stud. Typical items that are mounted to walls include safety grab bars in showers and around toilets, towel bars, toilet paper holders, cabinetry, handrails at stairs, closet interior systems, etc. Currently an installer either needs to layout and install wood blocks as backing at the areas where items are to be mounted, cover the entire wall with plywood or similar prior to installing wallboard, stagger anchors to conform to the concealed stud framing or use specialty “hollow” wall anchors to secure the item to the wallboard.The performance characteristics provided by the composite product can only be achieved currently by providing supplemental blocking and/or backing to existing products which adds expense, requires more construction time and can decrease room size.Gypsum drywall and cement board have favorable characteristics in construction & finishing of walls however both products have poor characteristics in impact resistance and anchor retention. The invention claimed here solves this problem.This product allows for the mounting of various items without needing supplemental blocking, backing or use of specialty hollow wall anchors. Gypsum drywall and cement board have favorable characteristics in construction & finishing of walls however both products have poor characteristics in impact ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017703A1
Принадлежит: The LYCRA Company LLC

Articles, such as garments, including films comprising dried aqueous polyurethane dispersions are disclosed, whereby the garment has an altered stress which is exhibited during wear of the garment and/or has one or more sections of waterproof or water-resilient fabric. The film may be bonded to the fabric of the article to provide a fabric or film laminate. 1. An article comprising one or more sections of waterproof or water-resilient fabric , wherein each waterproof or water-resilient section comprises a film of dried aqueous polyurethane dispersion comprising a water-repellant and a prepolymer , the prepolymer comprising:a glycol,an aliphatic diisocyanate anda diol,wherein a ratio of isocyanate groups in the aliphatic diisocyanate to hydroxy groups in the glycol and the diol (NCO/OH) is about 1.30 to about 2.20.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein less than 10% of the aqueous polyurethane dispersion is comprised of the water-repellant.3. The article of wherein the water repellant is non-fluorinated.4. The article of wherein the water repellant is fluorinated.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the aliphatic diisocyanate is 4 claim 1 ,4′-methylene bis (cyclohexyl isocyanate).6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the glycol is a poly(tetramethylene ether) glycol.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the diol is DMPA.8. The article of claim 1 , wherein a concentration range of carboxylic acid groups in milliequivalent per kg of prepolymer (Meq Acid/kg CG) is about 140 to about 250.9. The article of claim 1 , wherein the prepolymer further comprises a monofunctional alcohol.10. The article of claim 8 , wherein the monofunctional alcohol is 1-hexanol.11. The article of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous polyurethane dispersion further comprises a cross-linking agent.12. The article of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous polyurethane dispersion further comprises a pigment.13. A method for producing a water-proof or water-resilient fabric claim 1 , said method comprising:applying an ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018077A1

A wall panel may have a rigid layer, a first insulation layer made from a two-part rigid urethane pour foam, and a second insulation layer made from a phase change material. The first insulation layer maybe chemically bonded to the rigid layer and may also be bonded to the phase change layer. The first insulation layer may be positioned between the second insulation layer and the rigid layer. The rigid layer may be a finished surface or a veneer layer may be applied to the rigid layer. 1. A wall panel comprising:a rigid layer having a first and a second side;a first insulation layer comprising a phase change material (PCM) having a first and a second side; anda second insulation layer comprising a two part rigid urethane pour foam having a first side chemically bonded to the second side of the rigid layer and a second side chemically bonded to the first side of the first insulation layer.2. The wall panel of wherein the PCM comprises a supersaturated solution of calcium chloride hexahydrate.3. The wall panel of wherein the second side of the PCM may be attachable to a fixed structural building component.4. The wall panel of wherein the wall panel is characterized by a lack of any additional sagging prevention layer positioned between first or second insulation layers and a fixed structural building component.5. The wall panel of further comprising an outer veneer layer adhered to the first side of the oxide layer.6. The wall panel of wherein the outer veneer layer is selected from a group consisting of: clay brick claim 5 , ceramic tile claim 5 , porcelain tile claim 5 , natural stone claim 5 , engineered stone claim 5 , paint claim 5 , cement claim 5 , plaster claim 5 , natural stucco claim 5 , and synthetic stucco.7. The wall panel of wherein the wall panel is attached to a building structure using an attachment selected from the group consisting of: screws claim 1 , nails claim 1 , bolts claim 1 , welds claim 1 , construction adhesive claim 1 , rivets claim 1 , ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032607A1
Принадлежит: Structural Integrity Associates

The present invention provides methods and systems for an impact barrier system that includes a concrete panel having a front side and a back side, and an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene layer engaged to at least one side of the concrete panel. 1. An impact barrier system , comprising:a concrete panel having a front side and a back side; anda ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene layer engaged to at least one side of the concrete panel.2. The impact barrier system of claim 1 , further comprising a reinforced concrete panel.3. The impact barrier system of claim 1 , further comprising the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene layer is engaged to front side and the back side of the concrete panel.4. The impact barrier system of claim 1 , wherein the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene layer substantially covers the front side of the concrete panel.5. The impact barrier system of claim 1 , wherein the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene layer contains between about 1 to about 200 plys.6. The impact barrier system of claim 1 , wherein the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene forms a layer of about ¼″ thick.7. An impact barrier system claim 1 , comprising:at least two concrete panels having a first side and a second side;at least one steel column for selectively securing the first side of each concrete panel; anda ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene layer engaged to at least one side of the concrete panel.8. The impact barrier system of claim 7 , further comprising reinforced concrete panels.9. The impact barrier system of claim 7 , further comprising the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene layer is engaged to front side and the back side of the concrete panel.10. The impact barrier system of claim 7 , wherein the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene layer substantially covers the front side of the concrete panel.11. The impact barrier system of claim 7 , wherein the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene layer contains between ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049496A1

Example embodiments of the described technology provide a prefabricated building panel. The prefabricated building panel may comprise an insulative core having first and second opposing faces. The prefabricated building panel may also comprise a cementitious layer covering at least one of the first and second opposing faces of the insulative core. The prefabricated building panel may also comprise an insulative casing. The insulative casing may comprise an insulative material. The casing may at least partially surround at least one edge surface of the panel. 1. A prefabricated building panel , the panel comprising:an insulative core having first and second opposing faces;{'claim-text': ['a second cementitious layer covering the second face of the insulative core and wrapping over the second face of the insulative core to cover a portion of the at least one edge surface of the insulative core; and', 'an insulative casing positioned between the first and second cementitious layers, the insulative casing covering the remaining portions of the at least one edge surface.'], '#text': 'a first cementitious layer covering the first face of the insulative core and wrapping over the first face of the insulative core to cover a portion of at least one edge surface of the insulative core;'}2. The panel of wherein the insulative casing increases an insulative strength of a thermal break between the first and second cementitious layers.3. The panel of wherein the insulative casing increases structural strength of the panel.4. The panel of wherein the insulative casing covers at least a portion of two edge surfaces of the insulative core.5. The panel of wherein the insulative casing peripherally surrounds the insulative core.6. The panel of wherein the insulative casing has a thickness that is the same as the thickness of one or both of the first and second cementitious layers.7. The panel of wherein the insulative casing has a thickness that is different than the thickness of one ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Wall panel

Номер: US20170037639A1
Принадлежит: Max Life LLC

A wall panel may have a veneer layer, a middle layer made from magnesium oxide and an insulation layer made from a two-part rigid urethane pour foam. The insulation layer maybe chemically bonded to the middle layer. The veneer layer may include a poured substrate made from polyurethane or plastic. The veneer layer may further include aesthetic elements embedded in and bonded to the poured substrate. The aesthetic elements may include one or more of brick, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, natural stone, engineered stone, wood, ceramic, plastic, or vinyl. A finished surface of the aesthetic elements may extend above a top surface of the poured substrate. The poured substrate may include sand causing the top surface of the poured substrate to have an appearance of mortar.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037779A1

A hotmelt adhesive composition includes at least one polyolefin polymer (P) which is solid at 25° C. and is preferably a thermoplastic poly-α-olefin and more preferably an atactic poly-α-olefin (APAO), at least one polyolefin resin (PH) which is liquid at 25° C. and is preferably based on polyisobutylene, and optionally at least one polyolefin wax (PW) which is preferably a maleic anhydride-grafted polyolefin wax and more preferably a maleic anhydride-grafted polypropylene or polyethylene wax. The hotmelt adhesive composition is notable not only for high intrinsic tack and effective adhesion to low-energy surfaces but also for advantageously high UV integrity. 1. Hot-melt adhesive composition comprising:a) at least one 25° C. solid polyolefin polymer P,b) at least one 25° C. liquid polyolefin resin PH, and optionallyc) at least one polyolefin wax PW.2. Hot-melt adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin polymer P is a thermoplastic poly-α-olefin.3. Hot-melt adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin polymer P has a softening point claim 1 , as measured by the ring-and-ball method of DIN EN 1238 claim 1 , between 70° C. and 170° C.4. Hot-melt adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the at least one 25° C. solid polyolefin polymer P is from 10 to 60 wt % based on the hot-melt adhesive composition.5. Hot-melt adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one 25° C. liquid polyolefin resin PH is a polyisobutylene resin.6. Hot-melt adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the at least one polyolefin resin PH is not less than 30 wt % based on the hot-melt adhesive composition.7. Hot-melt adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one polyolefin wax PW is a maleic anhydride-grafted polyolefin wax.8. Hot-melt adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the at least one polyolefin wax PW is more than 1 wt % based on ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038328A1

The present disclosure discloses a bone stabilization device (also referred to as a bone tape), which includes a composite flexible construct including a rigidifiable biocompatible sheet structure having first and second opposed surfaces. A biocompatible cement is located on the first surface. In use the composite flexible construct is applied to a bone with the cement contacted directly to the bone. The cement is made of a material that, once adhered to the bone, is curable to mechanically and/or ionically bond to the sheet structure and to chemically bond to the bone to achieve a permanent bond. The bone tape allows simultaneous alignment and stabilization of multiple articulated fragments for successful 3D reconstruction of shattered bones. Initial flexibility and translucency provided by the bone tape can facilitate the temporary stabilization and alignment adjustment of multiple fragments, prior to permanent rigid bonding. 1. A bone tape , comprising: a flexible rigidifiable biocompatible sheet structure having first and second opposed surfaces,', 'a biocompatible cement located on said first surface,, 'a composite flexible construct including'}said cement being made of a material that, once said first surface is adhered to bone, forms a permanent bond, andwherein the bone tape has flexibility to allow for alignment and stabilization of multiple bone fragments prior to the flexible rigidifiable biocompatible sheet structure being rigidized, and when rigid, acts to hold the bone fragments fixed with respect to each other.2. (canceled)3. The bone tape according to wherein a main constituent of said biocompatible sheet structure is a biodegradable and/or bioresorbable polymer material and said polymer material is comprised of a polymer containing repeating groups which include any one or a combination of amides claim 1 , peptides claim 1 , urethanes claim 1 , esters claim 1 , carbonates claim 1 , anhydrides claim 1 , ethers claim 1 , and sulphonamides.49-. ( ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Plaster boards and methods for making them

Номер: US20220074197A1
Принадлежит: Certainteed Gypsum Inc

One aspect of the disclosure is a plaster board having a first edge and an opposed second edge, and a third edge and an opposed fourth edge. The plaster board includes a first layer of hardened plaster material including a first surface and an opposed second surface, and a second layer of hardened plaster material including a first surface and an opposed second surface. The second layer of hardened plaster material is stacked against the first layer such that their first surfaces face one another. The first layer and the second layer together define the first, second, third, and fourth edges of the plaster board. The plaster board also includes a viscoelastic polymer disposed between the first surfaces of the first and second layers of hardened plaster material. The viscoelastic polymer does not extend substantially to the first, second, third, and fourth edges of the plaster board.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058074A1

The invention comprises a relatively lightweight cementitious-based material panel. The cementitious-based material panel comprises a foam insulating panel having a first surface and a second surface; a first structural layer of cementitious-based material formed on the first surface of the foam insulating panel and affixed thereto; and a second non-structural layer of cementitious-based material formed on the second surface of the foam insulating panel and affixed thereto. The second non-structural layer of cementitious-based material is substantially thinner than the first structural layer of concrete. The second non-structural layer of cementitious-based material is preferably formed from polymer modified concrete, plaster or mortar. A method of making the cementitious-based material panel is also disclosed. 130-. (canceled)31. A product comprising:a foam insulating panel, the panel having a first primary surface and an opposite second primary surface;an elongate anchor member having a first end and an opposite second end, a first portion of the anchor member penetrating the foam panel from the first primary surface to the second primary surface, a second portion of the anchor member extending outwardly from the second primary surface of the foam panel;a first enlarged portion on the elongate anchor member intermediate the first and second ends thereof, the first enlarged portion contacting the first primary surface; anda first layer of cementitious-based material formed on and adhered to the second primary surface such that the second portion of the anchor member is embedded in the first layer of cementitious-based material. The present application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 14/531,644 filed Nov. 3, 2014, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/626,087 filed Sep. 25, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,877,329.The present invention generally relates to the forming of concrete structures. More particularly, this invention relates to precast ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063082A1

A flooring assembly () comprising at least one vertically lapped fibrous material layer (), at least one pressure sensitive adhesive layer () including a flexible substrate (), a mesh () and an adhesive () located along the flexible substrate, and at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer (). 1. A flooring assembly comprising:a) at least one vertically lapped fibrous material layer;b) at least one adhesive layer; and 'wherein the flooring assembly provides acoustic damping.', 'c) at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer;'}2. (canceled)3. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , including a composite layer located above all other layers.4. (canceled)5. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , including a first adhesive layer located in direct planar contact with a first surface of the at least one vertically lapped fibrous material layer.6. The flooring assembly of claim 5 , including a second adhesive layer located in direct planar contact with a second surface of the at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer is located in direct planar contact with the at least one vertically lapped fibrous material layer.10. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the assembly comprises:a. exactly one vertically lapped fibrous material layer;b. exactly one moisture impermeable membrane layer located in direct planar contact with a second surface of the vertically lapped fibrous material layer;c. a first adhesice layer located in direct planar contact with a first surface of the vertically lapped fibrous material layer; andd. a second adhesive layer located in direct planar contact with a second surface of the moisture impermeable membrane layer.11. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the vertically lapped fibrous material layer is about 0.5 mm or greater and about 10 mm or less.12. (canceled)13. The flooring assembly of ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066430A1

A cementitious composite for in-situ hydration includes a first layer, a second layer spaced from the first layer, and a cementitious mixture disposed between the first layer and the second layer. The cementitious mixture includes cementitious materials. The cementitious mixture is configured to absorb a mass of water that provides a maximum 28 day compressive strength of the cementitious composite upon curing which is represented by M=x·M. Mis the mass of the water per unit area of the cementitious composite. Mis a mass of the cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite. x is a ratio of the mass of the water relative to the mass of the cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite that provides the maximum 28 day compressive strength of the cementitious composite. x is between 0.25 and 0.55. 1. A cementitious composite for in-situ hydration , comprising:a first layer;a second layer spaced from the first layer; anda cementitious mixture disposed between the first layer and the second layer, the cementitious mixture including cementitious materials;wherein the cementitious mixture is configured to absorb a mass of water that provides a maximum 28 day compressive strength of the cementitious composite; and {'br': None, 'i': M', '=x·M, 'sub': w', 'c}, 'wherein [{'sub': 'w', 'Mis the mass of the water per unit area of the cementitious composite;'}, {'sub': 'c', 'Mis a mass of the cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite; and'}, 'x is a ratio of the mass of the water relative to the mass of the cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite that provides the maximum 28 day compressive strength of the cementitious composite, wherein x is between 0.25 and 0.55., 'where2. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the mass of the water relative to the mass ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071357A1
Принадлежит: The LYCRA Company LLC

Articles, such as garments, including films comprising dried aqueous polyurethane dispersions are disclosed, whereby the garment has an altered stress which is exhibited during wear of the garment. The film may be bonded to the fabric of the article to provide a fabric or film laminate. 134-. (canceled)35. A bust supporting garment comprising:a material defining a breast cup including a lower periphery and a side periphery that extends from said lower periphery to a top portion of the breast cup where a strap is optionally attached, and a winged portion; and a glycol,', 'an aliphatic diisocyanate and', 'a diol,, 'a film adhered to at least a portion of the material, said film comprising a dried aqueous polyurethane dispersion including a prepolymer, said prepolymer comprisingwherein a ratio of isocyanate groups in the aliphatic diisocyanate to hydroxy groups in the glycol and the diol (NCO/OH) is about 1.30 to about 2.20.36. The bust supporting garment of claim 35 , wherein the breast cup comprises a pair of breast cups claim 35 , each of said breast cups includes the lower periphery and the side periphery that extends from said lower periphery to the top portion of each of said breast cups.37. The bust supporting garment of claim 36 , wherein the film is adhered to at least a portion of the material at the lower and/or side peripheries of the breast cups.38. The bust supporting garment of claim 35 , wherein the film is adhered to at least the wing portions.39. The bust supporting garment of claim 35 , wherein the film is adhered to the straps of the garment.40. The bust supporting garment of claim 35 , wherein the film is a continuous film in the form of a triangular shape claim 35 , a trapezoid shape claim 35 , or a narrow strip.41. The bust supporting garment of claim 35 , wherein the garment is a brassiere claim 35 , bralette or sports bra.42. The bust supporting garment of claim 35 , wherein the breast cup is formed without underwire claim 35 , seams claim 35 , ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090391A1
Автор: NILSSON Christoffer

A building panel, such as floor panel, including a core, the panel further including an upper arrangement being attached to an upper side of the core and/or a lower arrangement being attached to a lower side of the core. At least one of the core, the upper arrangement and lower arrangement is mineral-based, and at least one of upper and/or lower arrangement includes at least one rigid layer. The rigid layer includes at least one of an impact modifier or an acrylic processing aid. 1. A building panel comprising a core , the panel further comprising an upper arrangement being attached to an upper side of the core and/or a lower arrangement being attached to a lower side of the core , wherein the core is mineral-based , wherein the mineral-based core comprises at least 20 wt % of a mineral material , and wherein at least one of the upper arrangement or the lower arrangement comprises at least one rigid layer , wherein said rigid layer comprises at least a thermoplastic polymer and at least one of an impact modifier or an acrylic processing aid.2. The building panel according to claim 1 , wherein said rigid layer is a non-plasticized layer and/or is essentially free from plasticizer.3. The building panel according to claim 1 , wherein the impact modifier and acrylic processing aid claim 1 , combined claim 1 , is present in an amount of 0.5 to 10 wt % of the rigid layer.4. The building panel according to claim 1 , wherein said impact modifier comprises Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE) claim 1 , Acrylic copolymer (ACR) claim 1 , Methylmethacrylate-butadiene-styrene copolymer (MBS) claim 1 , Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) claim 1 , Ethylene/vinyl acetate/carbon monoxide (E/VA/CO) or combinations thereof.5. The building panel according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of impact modifier is in the range of 0.5 to 10 wt % of the rigid layer.6. The building panel according to claim 1 , wherein said acrylic processing aid comprises Acrylic copolymers (ACR).7. The ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079662A1
Принадлежит: Max Life, LLC

A wall panel may have a rigid layer, a first insulation layer made from a two-part rigid urethane pour foam, and a second insulation layer made from a phase change material. The first insulation layer maybe chemically bonded to the rigid layer and may also be bonded to the phase change layer. The first insulation layer may be positioned between the second insulation layer and the rigid layer. The rigid layer may be a finished surface or a veneer layer may be applied to the rigid layer. 1. A wall panel having an inner side and an outer side and configured for installation on a fixed structural building component on its inner side , the wall panel comprising:a rigid layer having a first and a second side and comprising magnesium oxide and a reinforcing material embedded therein, wherein the reinforcing material is configured to be the principal load-carrying member of the rigid layer; andan insulation layer comprising a foam having a first side chemically bonded to the second side of the rigid layer.2. The wall panel of further comprising a phase change material (PCM) having a first side chemically bonded to the insulation layer and comprising a supersaturated solution of calcium chloride hexahydrate.3. The wall panel of wherein a second side of the PCM may be attachable to the fixed structural building component.4. The wall panel of wherein the wall panel is characterized by a lack of any additional sagging prevention layer positioned between the insulation layers and the fixed structural building component.5. The wall panel of further comprising an outer veneer layer adhered to the first side of the rigid layer.6. The wall panel of wherein the outer veneer layer is selected from a group consisting of: clay brick claim 5 , ceramic tile claim 5 , porcelain tile claim 5 , natural stone claim 5 , engineered stone claim 5 , paint claim 5 , cement claim 5 , plaster claim 5 , natural stucco claim 5 , and synthetic stucco.7. The wall panel of wherein the wall panel is ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Multilayer panel comprising at least one layer made of cementitious material

Номер: US20170080686A1
Принадлежит: Italcementi SpA

The object of the present invention is a multilayer panel with light transparency and thermal insulation properties. The panel comprises a first layer ( 10 ) made of cementitious material, a second layer ( 20 ) made of a transparent material and an intermediate layer ( 11 ) made of a thermoplastic material which produces adhesion between the first ( 10 ) and the second layer ( 20 ).

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Composite Materials and Applications Thereof

Номер: US20180080742A1
Принадлежит: Electric Glass Fiber America LLC

Embodiments of the present invention relate to composite materials. In one embodiment, a composite material comprises an inorganic ceramic matrix comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite the first outer surface and generally parallel to the first outer surface. At least one open weave fiber glass fabric is disposed in the inorganic ceramic matrix between the first surface and the second surface. In another embodiment, a composite material comprises a first inorganic ceramic matrix comprising pieces of stone, a second inorganic ceramic matrix attached adjacent to the first inorganic ceramic matrix, and at least one open weave fiber glass fabric disposed in the second inorganic ceramic matrix.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087802A1
Принадлежит: Halcementi S.P.A.

The object of the present invention is a multilayer panel with light transparency and thermal insulation properties. The panel comprises a first outermost portion (), a second outermost portion () and a central portion () between said two outermost portions. The central portion comprises spacer means that define at least one interspace between the outermost portions (). 1) A multilayer panel with light transparency properties , said panel comprising a first outer surface and a second outer surface opposite to said first outer surface , characterized in that said panel comprises at least:a first portion of said panel comprised between said first outer surface and a first inner surface, said first portion comprising at least a first layer of composite material based on cementitious mortar, said first layer of said first portion defining at least said first outer face of said panel and comprising inner portions made of translucent material, said inner portions of said first layer of said first portion being passing through the entire thickness of the first layer itself of said first portion;a second portion of said panel which extends between said second outer surface and a second inner surface, said second portion comprising at least a first layer of composite material based on cementitious mortar, said first layer of said second portion defining said second outer surface of said panel and comprising second inner portions made of translucent material, said inner portions of said first layer of said second portion being passing through the entire thickness of the said first layer itself of said second portion;a third portion of said panel comprised between said first inner surface of said first portion and said second inner surface of said second portion, said third portion comprising spacing means which define at least a first interspace between said first portion and said second portion of said panel.2) The panel according to claim 1 , wherein said first portion ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093343A1

One aspect of the disclosure is a plaster board having a first edge and an opposed second edge, and a third edge and an opposed fourth edge. The plaster board includes a first layer of hardened plaster material including a first surface and an opposed second surface, and a second layer of hardened plaster material including a first surface and an opposed second surface. The second layer of hardened plaster material is stacked against the first layer such that their first surfaces face one another. The first layer and the second layer together define the first, second, third, and fourth edges of the plaster board. The plaster board also includes a viscoelastic polymer disposed between the first surfaces of the first and second layers of hardened plaster material. The viscoelastic polymer does not extend substantially to the first, second, third, and fourth edges of the plaster board. 1. A plaster board having a first edge and an opposed second edge , and a third edge and an opposed fourth edge , the plaster board comprising:a first layer of hardened plaster material comprising a first surface and an opposed second surface;a second layer of hardened plaster material comprising a first surface and an opposed second surface, the second layer of hardened plaster material being stacked against the first layer such that their first surfaces face one another, the first layer and the second layer together defining the first, second, third, and fourth edges of the plaster board; anda viscoelastic polymer disposed between the first surface of the first layer of hardened plaster material and the first surface of the second layer of hardened plaster material, the viscoelastic polymer not extending substantially to the first, second, third, and fourth edges of the plaster board.2. The plaster board of claim 1 , wherein the second surface of the second layer of hardened plaster material is tapered along one or more of the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , third and fourth edges of ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Concrete panel board

Номер: US20190093352A1
Автор: Randy Orr
Принадлежит: Arts & Labour Artisans Inc

A concrete panel board is provided. The panel board includes: a substrate board; a primer layer applied to the substrate; a thinset mortar layer applied to the primer layer; a plaster layer applied to the thinset mortar layer; and a sealant layer applied to the plaster layer.

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Method for waterproofing of tunnel structures

Номер: US20220170369A1

A method for waterproofing a substrate includes steps of: attaching a separation sheet to the surface of the substrate; and attaching a waterproofing membrane sheet to a surface of the separation sheet by a plurality of adhesive elements having a first and second major adhesive surface, wherein the separation sheet is a non-woven fabric sheet, or an embossed polyolefin membrane sheet and each adhesive element includes an adhesive layer composed of a pressure sensitive adhesive.

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Heat storage laminate

Номер: US20190107335A1
Принадлежит: DIC Corp

A heat storage laminate includes an inorganic substrate and an organic heat storage layer, wherein the inorganic substrate and the organic heat storage layer are laminated to one another. The inorganic substrate has a thickness of 8 mm or more and a mass reduction ratio of 4% by mass or more, as measured when the inorganic substrate is held at a temperature of 105° C. until a constant mass is obtained.

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114553A1
Автор: Bakker Gerald
Принадлежит: REDCO NV

A method of producing an insulated corrugated fiber cement sheet () is described. The method comprises providing a cured corrugated fiber cement sheet, shrinking the cured corrugated fiber cement sheet, shrinking the cured corrugated fiber cement sheet and adhering a thermal insulation panel () having recesses () such that these engage with the undulations () of the fiber cement sheet () while leaving openings () for acclimatization. Disclosed is also an insulated corrugated fiber cement sheet (), a thermal insulation panel () for producing such an insulated corrugated fiber cement sheet, and a kit of parts comprising the fiber cement sheet () and the thermal insulation panel (). 11: Method of producing an insulated corrugated fiber cement sheet () , comprising the steps of:a) providing a cured corrugated fiber cement sheet;{'b': '7', 'b) shrinking of the cured corrugated fiber cement sheet, thereby providing a pre-shrunk corrugated fiber cement sheet () having a residual shrinkage in the direction of the corrugation is less than 4 mm/m;'}{'b': 2', '3', '7', '1', '4', '7', '5', '2', '7, 'c) adhering a thermal insulation panel () comprising a plurality ref elongated recesses () to one side of the pre-shrunk corrugated fiber cement sheet () having undulations thereby providing said insulated corrugated fiber cement sheet (), the recesses having a shape for partly engaging with the undulations () of the pre-shrunk corrugated fiber cement sheet () while leaving openings () between the thermal insulation panel () and the pre-shrunk corrugated fiber cement sheet () for allowing air flow on both sides of the fiber cement sheet.'}27: The method according to claim 1 , wherein reducing the shrinkage of the cured corrugated fiber cement sheet comprises reducing the moisture content of the cured corrugated fiber cement sheet to an amount less than 12% w claim 1 , thereby providing the pre-shrunk corrugated fiber cement sheet ().3: The method according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Self-Stressing Engineered Composite Materials, Methods of Self-Stressing Engineered Composite Materials, and Self-Stressing Reinforcement for Same

Номер: US20180111348A1

Self-stressing engineered composites that include a matrix containing self-stressing reinforcement that is activated by an activator that causes, in situ, the self-stressing reinforcement to transfer at least some of its pre-stress into portions of the matrix adjacent the self-stressing reinforcement. In some embodiments, the activator can be of a self-activating, an internal activating, and/or an external activating type. In some embodiments, the self-stressing reinforcement includes an active component that holds and transfers pre-stress to a matrix and a releasing component that causes the active component to transfer its pre-stress to the matrix. In some embodiments, the self-stressing reinforcement is initially unstressed and becomes stressed upon activation. Various engineered composites, self-stressing reinforcement, and applications of self-stressing engineered composites are disclosed. 1. An engineered composite , comprising:a matrix; andself-stressing reinforcement contained in the matrix, wherein the self-stressing reinforcement imparts compressive stress into adjacent portions of the matrix in response to activation by an activator during forming of the engineered composite.2. The engineered composite according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix comprises a cementicious material.3. The engineered composite according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix comprises a polymer.4. The engineered composite according to claim 1 , wherein the self-stressing reinforcement comprises a releasing component and an active component claim 1 , wherein the releasing component is activated by the activator to release pre-stress in the active component so as to transfer a portion of the pre-stress into the adjacent portions of the matrix to create the compressive stress in the adjacent portions of the matrix.5. The engineered composite according to claim 4 , wherein the active component comprises a core and the releasing component comprises a sleeve surrounding the core and holding ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140137A1
Автор: Rudyan Amir

The present invention relates generally to a below grade, blind side, waterproofing sheet membrane with adhesive and low reflectivity granular particle layer to fully bond to concrete/shotcrete, and a method of making, and using same. More particularly, the invention encompasses a below grade, blind side, waterproofing sheet membrane with adhesive, and having at least one layer of low reflectivity granular particle layer that are fully or partly embedded into the adhesive layer, and where the average reflectivity of the exposed granular particles is below about 50 percent reflectivity on a standard reflectivity scale. The inventive waterproofing layer having the waterproofing sheet membrane, and an adhesive layer having embedded therein low reflectivity granular particles can be used in any building or wall construction, and can be placed under or around a foundation of a building or dwelling or on its below grade blind side retaining walls, etc. 1. A below grade , blind side , waterproofing sheet membrane with adhesive and low reflectivity granular particle layer to fully bond to concrete/shotcrete , comprising:(a) at least one sheet membrane having a first membrane surface, and a second membrane surface;(b) at least one first adhesive layer having a first adhesive surface, and a second adhesive surface, and wherein said second adhesive surface is in secure contact with at least a portion of said first membrane surface; and(c) at least one layer of at least one low reflectivity granular particle layer, having a first particle layer surface, and a second particle layer surface, and wherein said second particle layer surface is in secure contact with at least a portion of said first adhesive surface, and wherein reflectivity of said at least one layer of at least one low reflectivity granular particle layer is below about 50 percent reflectivity.2. The below grade claim 1 , blind side claim 1 , waterproofing sheet membrane with adhesive and low reflectivity granular ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154909A1

A method and apparatus for constructing a tubular assembly comprising an inner portion () and a further portion () surrounding the inner portion. The inner portion () comprises reinforcement () and the further portion () being formed from a strip () of material comprising two opposed longitudinal marginal side portions (). The apparatus comprises an assembly station () comprising a wall (). The apparatus comprises means for advancing the inner portion () along a first path () extending passed the wall (), and means for advancing the strip () along a second path () and causing the strip to encircle the wall () and thereby wrap about and surround the inner portion (). The apparatus further comprises means () for introducing resinous binder into the reinforcement () as the strip () is being wrapped about the inner portion (). 17.-. (canceled)8. Apparatus for constructing a tubular assembly comprising an inner portion and a further portion surrounding the inner portion , the inner portion comprising reinforcement and the further portion being formed from a strip of material comprising two opposed longitudinal marginal side portions; the apparatus comprising: an assembly station comprising a wall; means for advancing the inner portion along a first path extending passed the wall; means for advancing the strip along a second path and causing the strip to encircle the wall and thereby wrap about and surround the inner portion , a surface over which the prefabricated tubular assembly is caused to move; means for introducing resinous binder into the reinforcement as the strip is being wrapped about the inner portion; wherein the surface has a least one port through which the resinous binder is delivered to the reinforcement wherein the wall is defined by a plate structure and the surface is defined by a base portion mounted below the plate structure; wherein the base portion and the plate structure define a space through which the first path extends; and wherein the base ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180129927A1

Cards made in accordance with the invention include a decorative layer attached to a core layer, where the decorative layer is designed to provide selected color(s) and/or selected texture(s) to a surface of the metal cards. At least one of the decorative layers is a layer derived from animal matter (e.g. leather). The cards may be dual interface smart cards configured to be read in a contactless manner and/or via contacts. 157-. (canceled)58. A method for making cards with a given appearance comprising the steps of:selecting a decorative layer, wherein said decorative layer is an embossed animal derived material veneer layer; andselecting a core for forming the body of said card, said core layer having first and second surfaces; said core layer comprising one of: (a) metal; (b) ceramic coated metal; (c) ceramic coated polymer, or (d) solid ceramic, andattaching said decorative layer to the first surface of the core layer.59. The method of claim 58 , wherein the step of attaching said decorative and core layers includes laminating the layers.60. The method of claim 58 , further comprising attaching a polymeric layer to the second surface of the core layer.61. The method of claim 58 , further comprising disposing an integrated circuit module within said card claim 58 , said integrated circuit module configured for at least one of: (a) wireless radio frequency (RF) transmission between the card and an external card reader; and (b) contact reading between the card and a contact reader.62. The method of claim 58 , comprising selecting leather for said animal derived material veneer.63. The method of claim 62 , further comprising processing said leather by treating a bottom surface of the leather layer so that it is adapted to accept an adhesive.64. The method of claim 63 , further comprising the steps of:embossing a top surface of said leather layer and attaching the bottom surface of said leather to said first surface of said core layer to form a first assembly.65. The ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127980A1
Принадлежит: Cortex Composites, Inc.

A cementitious composite includes a structure layer, a cementitious material, a water-impermeable sealing layer, and a containment layer. The structure layer has a first side and an opposing second side. The structure layer defines a plurality of open spaces. The cementitious material includes a plurality of cementitious particles disposed within the plurality of open spaces of the structure layer. The water-impermeable sealing layer is disposed along the first side of the structure layer. The containment layer is disposed along the opposing second side of the structure layer. The containment layer is positioned to prevent the plurality of cementitious particles from migrating out of the structure layer through the containment layer. 1. A cementitious composite comprising:a structure layer having a first side and an opposing second side, the structure layer defining a plurality of open spaces;a cementitious material including a plurality of cementitious particles disposed within the plurality of open spaces of the structure layer;a water-impermeable sealing layer disposed along the first side of the structure layer; anda containment layer disposed along the opposing second side of the structure layer, the containment layer positioned to prevent the plurality of cementitious particles from migrating out of the structure layer through the containment layer.2. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein the structure layer includes a plurality of fibers arranged in a nonwoven configuration.3. The cementitious composite of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of fibers are arranged to form a plurality of discrete nodes spaced relative to one another such that the plurality of fibers cooperatively define the plurality of open spaces between the plurality of discrete nodes.4. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein at least one of (i) the water-impermeable sealing layer and (ii) the containment layer is at least one of welded claim 1 , adhesively secured claim 1 , ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Floor Panel and Method of Producing Such a Floor Panel

Номер: US20200123788A1

The invention relates to a floor panel, in particular a magnesium oxide based floor panel, which is preferably provided with interconnecting coupling parts for mutually connecting adjacent floor panels to each other. The invention also relates to a method of producing a floor panel, in particular a magnesium oxide based floor panel. 1. A floor panel , comprising a laminate of:a magnesium oxide based core layer;at least one magnesium oxide based upper crust layer positioned on top of said core layer, wherein the density of said upper crust layer is larger than the density of the core layer; andat least one upper reinforcing layer situated in between said core layer and said at least one upper crust layer.2. The floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the floor panel claim 1 , in particular the core layer claim 1 , comprises a first pair of opposite edges claim 1 , said first pair of opposite edges comprising complementary coupling parts allowing to mutually couple of plurality of floor panels to each other.3. (canceled)4. The floor panel according to claim 2 , wherein the floor panel claim 2 , in particular the core layer claim 2 , comprises a second pair of opposite edges claim 2 , wherein both pairs of opposite edges comprise coupling parts allowing to mutually couple a plurality of floor panels to each other.5. The floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the core layer comprises one or more of the group consisting of (magnesium sulphate claim 1 , magnesium chloride claim 1 , wood fibres).6. The floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the upper crust layer comprises magnesium sulphate and/or magnesium chloride.7. (canceled)8. The floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the upper crust layer comprises wood fibres.9. The floor panel according to claim 8 , wherein the core layer comprises wood fibres claim 8 , and the weight content of wood fibres in the core layer is larger than the weight content of wood fibres in the upper crust layer.10. The floor ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Transaction and id cards having selected texture and coloring

Номер: US20210166098A1

Cards made in accordance with the invention include a specially treated thin decorative layer attached to a thick core layer of metal or ceramic material, where the thin decorative layer is designed to provide selected color(s) and/or selected texture(s) to a surface of the metal cards. Decorative layers for use in practicing the invention include: (a) an anodized metal layer; or (b) a layer of material derived from plant or animal matter (e.g., wood, leather); or (c) an assortment of aggregate binder material (e.g., cement, mortar, epoxies) mixed with laser reactive materials (e.g., finely divided carbon); or (d) a ceramic layer; and (e) a layer of crystal fabric material. The cards may be dual interface smart cards which can be read in a contactless manner and/or via contacts.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135707A1

A cementitious composite includes a cementitious mixture of cementitious materials and non-cementitious materials. Prior to the in-situ hydration, V=M/ρ·(1+F)+Σ(M/ρ) where Vis the bulk volume of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite, Mis a mass of the cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite, ρis a density of the cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture, Mis a mass of each constituent type of the non-cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite, ρis a density of each constituent type of the non-cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture, and Fis a ratio of the volume of the voids within the cementitious mixture relative to the volume of the cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite. Fis between 0.64 and 1.35. 2. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein the first layer is a sealing layer positioned to seal a first side of the cementitious composite such that the cementitious mixture and water does not migrate through the first side.3. The cementitious composite of claim 2 , wherein the second layer is a containment layer positioned at an opposing second side of the cementitious composite to at least partially contain the cementitious mixture within the cementitious composite.4. The cementitious composite of claim 3 , wherein the containment layer is water permeable and thereby configured to facilitate the in-situ hydration of the cementitious mixture.5. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , further comprising a structure layer disposed between the first layer and the second layer claim 1 , wherein the cementitious mixture is disposed within the structure layer.6. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein Fis greater than 1.7. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein Fis less than 1.8. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein Fis between ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153187A1

A laminated panel is disclosed that includes a first layer having an internal surface and an external surface, a second layer having an internal surface and an external surface, and a glue layer extending therebetween. The glue layer is produced from an aqueous dispersion of polymeric acrylic microparticles. 1. A laminated panel comprising:a first layer having an internal surface and an external surface;a second layer having an internal surface and an external surface; anda glue layer extending between and at least partially covering said internal surface of said first and second layers, said glue layer produced from an aqueous dispersion of polymeric acrylic microparticles.2. The panel of claim 1 , wherein said polymeric acrylic microparticles are prepared from a reaction mixture comprising (i) a hydroxy-functional monomer claim 1 , (ii) an acid functional monomer claim 1 , and (iii) an ethylenically unsaturated monomer that is different from monomer (i).3. The panel claim 1 , wherein said hydroxy-functional monomer (i) comprises a hydroxyalkyl (meth)acrylate or a caprolactone adduct thereof or both.4. The panel of claim 2 , wherein said acid-functional monomer (ii) comprises an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid monomer.5. The panel of claim 2 , wherein said ethylenically unsaturated monomer (iii) comprises a (meth)acrylate monomer.6. The panel of claim 2 , wherein said aqueous dispersion further comprises a plasticizer.7. The panel of claim 6 , wherein said plasticizer comprises an itaconate plasticizer.8. The panel of claim 2 , wherein said aqueous dispersion further comprises rosin.9. The panel of claim 1 , further comprising a coating composition provided on at least a portion of at least one of said external surfaces claim 1 , said coating composition comprising another aqueous dispersion of polymeric acrylic microparticles.10. The panel of claim 1 , Wherein said first layer or said second layer or both comprise gypsum.11. A laminated panel comprising: ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141132A1

A progressive stage load distributing and absorbing system that lies below a superstructure material which is exposed to percussive forces. The progressive stage load distributing and absorbing system is interposed between the superstructure material and a foundation. The system has a barrier layer that lies below the superstructure material and an underlayment infrastructure positioned below the barrier layer. Included in the underlayment infrastructure are hat-shaped absorbing members that have a relatively compliant stage subsystem and one or more relatively stiff stage subsystems. 1. A progressive stage load distributing and absorbing system that lies below a superstructure material which is exposed to percussive forces , the progressive stage load distributing and absorbing system being interposed between the superstructure material and a foundation , the progressive stage load distributing and absorbing system comprising: a barrier layer that lies below the superstructure material;', [ a stiff stage absorbing subsystem with members having', 'a basal portion that is positioned adjacent to the barrier layer;', 'a curvilinear wall extending from the basal portion, the curvilinear wall having a top region extending from the basal portion and a bottom region, and', 'a shoulder portion extending from the bottom region; and', 'a compliant stage load absorbing subsystem that extends from the shoulder portion towards the foundation, wherein, 'one or more progressive stage hat-shaped absorbing members, at least some of the progressive stage hat-shaped absorbing members having'}, 'the compliant stage load absorbing subsystem deflects before the stiff stage absorbing subsystem in response to the load., 'an underlayment infrastructure positioned below the barrier layer, the underlayment infrastructure including'}], 'one or more load distributing and absorbing tiles, at least some of the tiles having'}2. The progressive stage load distributing and absorbing system of claim ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147930A1

An exterior sheathing cementitious panel which prevents water penetration and air leakage is provided. Methods for manufacturing exterior sheathing cementitious panels with a highly efficient integrated air/water barrier membrane are provided as well. 1. An exterior sheathing panel with an exterior facing surface and comprising a gypsum core , the gypsum core being overlaid with a fibrous mat , the fibrous mat being overlaid on the exterior facing surface with an integrated air and water barrier membrane , wherein the integrated air and water barrier membrane reduces water penetration through the exterior sheathing panel and wherein the integrated air and water barrier membrane is water vapor permeable , and wherein the integrated air and water barrier membrane comprises:(a) polyacrylate, acrylic styrene co-polymer, styrene-butadiene co-polymer or any combination thereof;(b) dispersant;(c) defoamer;(d) pigment;(e) calcium carbonate;(f) thickener;(g) wetting and leveling agent; and(h) cross-linker.2. The exterior sheathing panel of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous mat is woven or non-woven.3. The exterior sheathing panel of claim 2 , wherein the fibrous mat comprises polymer fibers claim 2 , glass fibers claim 2 , mineral fibers or any combination thereof.4. The exterior sheathing panel of claim 1 , wherein the integrated air and water barrier membrane has a dried thickness in the range from 10 to 90 mils.5. The exterior sheathing panel of claim 1 , wherein the integrated air and water barrier membrane further comprises one or more of the following: preservative claim 1 , pH adjuster claim 1 , emulsion stabilizer or any combination thereof.6. The exterior sheathing panel of claim 1 , wherein the integrated air and water barrier membrane reduces air infiltration through the panel by at least 50%.7. The exterior sheathing panel of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous mat is non-woven and comprises glass fibers bound together by a polymeric binder which comprises one or more from ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190153185A1

The invention relates to a sandwich component composed of at least two building material plates which are arranged essentially parallel to one another at a distance from one another and have a polyurethane foam core between the spaced building material plates, wherein the ratio of the greatest measured compressive modulus of the polyurethane foam core in a direction oriented parallel to the building material plates to the compressive modulus of the polyurethane foam core in a direction oriented perpendicular to the building material plates is less than 1.7. To produce the sandwich components, a mixture of (a) at least one polyisocyanate component, (b) at least one component which comprises at least one polyfunctional compound which is reactive toward isocyanates and (c) at least one blowing agent is introduced by the high-pressure injection method into a hollow space between spaced building material plates. The process makes it possible to produce sandwich components whose foam core has reduced anisotropy combined with good insulation values. 1. A sandwich component comprising at least two building material plates which are arranged essentially parallel to one another at a distance from one another and have a polyurethane foam core between the spaced building material plates , wherein the ratio of the greatest measured compressive modulus of the polyurethane foam core in a direction oriented parallel to the building material plates to the compressive modulus of the polyurethane foam core in a direction oriented perpendicular to the building material plates is less than 1.7.2. The sandwich component according to claim 1 , wherein the core density of the polyurethane foam core is in the range from 20 to 100 kg/m.3. The sandwich component according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the building material plates is provided at least partly with a primer on the side facing the polyurethane foam core.4. The sandwich component according to claim 1 , wherein the building ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210187925A1

Composite panels and methods of preparation are described herein. In some embodiments, the composite panel can include a first fiber reinforcement, a polyurethane composite having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface, wherein the first surface is in contact with the first fiber reinforcement; and a cementitious material adjacent the first fiber reinforcement opposite the polyurethane composite. The polyurethane composite can be formed from (i) one or more isocyanates selected from the group consisting of diisocyanates, polyisocyanates, and mixtures thereof, (ii) one or more polyols, and (iii) a particulate filler. The fiber reinforcement can be formed from a woven or non-woven material, such as glass fibers. The composite panel can further include a material, such as a second fiber reinforcement and a cementitious layer, in contact with the second surface of the polyurethane composite. Articles comprising the composite panels are also disclosed. 1. A composite panel comprising:a first fiber reinforcement;a polyurethane composite having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface, wherein the first surface is in contact with the first fiber reinforcement, and wherein the polyurethane composite comprises (a) a polyurethane formed by the reaction of (i) one or more isocyanates selected from the group consisting of diisocyanates, polyisocyanates, and mixtures thereof, and (ii) one or more polyols; and (b) from 40% to 90% by weight, based on the total weight of the polyurethane composite, of a particulate filler; anda cementitious material adjacent the first fiber reinforcement opposite the polyurethane composite.2. The composite panel of claim 1 , wherein the composite further comprises a material in contact with the second surface of the polyurethane composite.3. The composite panel of claim 2 , wherein the material comprises a cementitious layer claim 2 , a paper sheet claim 2 , a metal sheet claim 2 , a polymeric layer ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171626A1
Автор: Glean Aldo, Shi Zhiqiang

The present disclosure relates to plaster boards and methods for making them. For example, one aspect of the disclosure is a plaster board comprising one or more continuous layers of material disposed within a body of hardened plaster material, the first side and second side of each continuous layer of material being substantially covered by the hardened plaster material. In certain such embodiments, each continuous layer of material includes a polymer (e.g., a damping polymer) disposed on a carrier sheet. Another aspect of the disclosure relates to a method for making a plaster board that involves drying a wet body of plaster material while a continuous layer of material or precursor therefor is disposed within it. 1. A plaster board having a first surface and an opposed second surface , the plaster board comprisinga body of hardened plaster material extending from the first surface of the plaster board to the second surface of the plaster board, andone or more continuous layers of material disposed within the body, each continuous layer of material having a first side and an opposed second side, the first side and second side of each continuous layer of material being substantially covered by the hardened plaster material.2. The plaster board of claim 1 , wherein the plaster material comprises a base material that is a gypsum material.3. The plaster board of claim 1 , wherein each continuous layer of material is a sheet comprising a carrier sheet having a polymer disposed thereon.4. The plaster board of claim 1 , wherein each continuous layer of material is a damping sheet comprising a carrier sheet having a damping polymer disposed thereon claim 1 , each damping sheet having a damping loss factor that is greater than a damping loss factor of the hardened plaster material.5. The plaster board of claim 4 , wherein the carrier sheet comprises a fiberglass mat claim 4 , a fiberglass fabric claim 4 , a sheet of foamed polymer claim 4 , a paper sheet or a woven or non- ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Insulation tile and method for its manufacture

Номер: US20180171633A1
Автор: Nieminen Henri
Принадлежит: FINNFOAM OY

The insulation tile comprises a first planar surface, a second planar surface and side surfaces defining the surfaces, and a casting compound layer as well as an insulation material layer, which is manufactured from thermal insulation material, the compression strength of which is at least 10 kPa. The casting compound layer forms the first planar surface of the insulation tile and the insulation material layer forms the second planar surface of the insulation tile. Furthermore, the insulation material layer of the insulation tile comprises grooves in the area of the planar surface which will be against the casting compound layer. The insulation tile according to the invention can be used in floor, roof and wall structures. 2. Insulation tile according to claim 1 , wherein the planar surface of the insulation material layer which will be against the casting compound layer comprises grooves in longitudinal and/or lateral direction of the surface.3. Insulation tile according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal insulation material is extruded polystyrene (XPS) claim 1 , expanded polystyrene (EPS) claim 1 , polyurethane (PIR/PUR) or phenolic foam.4. Insulation tile according to claim 1 , wherein the insulation material layer comprises 1-80 weight-% claim 1 , preferably 1-50 weight-% recycled extruded polystyrene claim 1 , expanded polystyrene claim 1 , polyurethane (PIR/PUR) or phenolic foam material or recycled rubber granules.5. Insulation tile according to claim 1 , wherein the insulation tile has a groove on at least one side surface substantially in longitudinal direction of the at least one side surface.6. Insulation tile according to claim 5 , wherein the insulation material layer is formed of at least one plate claim 5 , which comprises a first planar surface claim 5 , a second planar surface and four side surfaces claim 5 , wherein at least one side surface of the insulation material layer is notched so that the first planar surface which will be against the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169847A1
Принадлежит: Cortex Composites, Inc.

A cementitious composite includes a first layer, a second layer spaced from the first layer, a cementitious mixture disposed between the first layer and the second layer, and a structure layer disposed between the first layer and the second layer. The cementitious mixture is disposed within the structure layer. The cementitious mixture includes cementitious materials. The cementitious mixture is configured to absorb a mass of water that provides a maximum 28 day compressive strength of the cementitious composite upon curing which is represented by M=x·M. Mis the mass of water per unit area of the cementitious composite. Mis a mass of cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite. x is a ratio of the mass of water relative to the mass of cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite. x is between 0.25 and 0.55. 1. A cementitious composite for in-situ hydration , the cementitious composite comprising:a first layer;a second layer spaced from the first layer;a cementitious mixture disposed between the first layer and the second layer, the cementitious mixture including cementitious materials; anda structure layer disposed between the first layer and the second layer, wherein the cementitious mixture is disposed within the structure layer;wherein the cementitious mixture is configured to absorb a mass of water; and {'br': None, 'i': M', '=x·M, 'sub': w', 'c}, 'wherein [{'sub': 'w', 'Mis the mass of water per unit area of the cementitious composite;'}, {'sub': 'c', 'Mis a mass of cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite; and'}, 'x is a ratio of the mass of water relative to the mass of cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite that provides a maximum 28 day compressive strength of the cementitious composite, wherein x is between 0.25 and 0.55., 'where2. The cementitious ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171797A1

An exterior sheathing cementitious panel which prevents water penetration and air leakage is provided. Methods for manufacturing exterior sheathing cementitious panels with a highly efficient integrated air/water barrier membrane are provided as well. 18.-. (canceled)9. A method of manufacturing an exterior sheathing panel with an integrated air and water barrier membrane , the method comprising the following steps:coating a cementitious panel comprising a cover sheet, wherein the cover sheet is a fibrous mat with an exterior facing surface on at least the exterior facing surface with an integrated air and water barrier membrane formulated with 30 to 70% by weight of a polymeric binder comprising a polyacrylate, polyurethane, silicone emulsion, polystyrene, styrene acrylic copolymer or any combination thereof; 20 to 50% by weight of calcium carbonate; 0.1 to 5% by weight of a wetting and leveling agent; and 0.1 to 5% by weight of a cross linker; andconditioning the coated cementitious panel in an oven, wherein the coated cementitious panel is exposed to at least two different temperature zones, a first temperature zone and a second temperature zone, wherein the first temperature zone has a temperature lower than the second temperature zone.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the temperature in the first temperature zone is in the range from 100° F. to 140° F. and wherein the temperature in the second temperature zone is in the range from about 160° F. to 190° F.1119.-. (canceled)20. The method of claim 9 , wherein the integrated air and water barrier membrane is applied by spray coating claim 9 , roll coating and/or flood coating.21. The method of claim 9 , wherein the method further comprises:preparing a gypsum slurry;sandwiching the gypsum slurry between two cover sheets; andallowing the gypsum slurry to set, and thereby forming a cementitious panel.22. The method of claim 9 , wherein the integrated air and water barrier membrane is applied to the cementitious ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Plastic Coated Composite Building Boards and Method of Making Same

Номер: US20180187416A1

Disclosed are composite building boards and associated manufacturing methods. The composite boards may include, for example, one or more slurry layers with embedded fibrous mats. An exterior plastic coating is mechanically adhered to the underlying slurry layer. The plastic layer chemically bonds and cross-links with polymer additives within the slurry layer. The result is an integrated polymer matrix with greatly improved durability and surface strength. 1. A composite structural panel comprising:a slurry layer with an embedded mat, the mat consisting essentially of fibers that are bound together by a hot melt thermoplastic.2. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the fibers are organic.3. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the fibers are inorganic.4. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the fibers are continuous.5. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the fibers are non continuous.6. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is applied in a layer that follows the topography of the underlying mat.7. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is applied in a smooth layer.8. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is applied in a layer having a thickness of between 0.1 to 10 mils.9. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is formed from ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA).10. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is formed from ethylene methyl acrylonitrile (EAA).11. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is translucent.12. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is colored.13. A composite structural panel comprising:first and second gypsum slurry layers, wherein the second slurry layer has a higher density than the ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Sound Damping Gypsum Board and Method of Constructing a Sound Damping Gypsum Board

Номер: US20200180271A1

The present invention is directed to an improved gypsum board, such as an improved sound damping gypsum board. The gypsum board comprises a gypsum core including gypsum and a sound damping polymer. The gypsum core includes a first gypsum layer surface and a second gypsum layer surface opposing the first gypsum layer surface. In addition, a first encasing layer is disposed on the first gypsum layer surface and a second encasing layer is disposed on the second gypsum layer surface. 1. A gypsum board , comprising:a gypsum core including gypsum and a sound damping polymer, wherein the gypsum core includes a first gypsum layer surface and a second gypsum layer surface opposing the first gypsum layer surface, andwherein a first encasing layer is disposed on the first gypsum layer surface and a second encasing layer is disposed on the second gypsum layer surface.2. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the sound damping polymer comprises a viscoelastic polymer.3. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the sound damping polymer comprises an acrylic polymer or copolymer.4. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the gypsum core further comprises a plasticizer.5. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the gypsum core further comprises a starch.6. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the sound damping polymer is present in an amount of from 0.001 wt. % to 10 wt. % based on the weight of gypsum.7. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the sound damping polymer is present in an amount of from 0.001 lbs/MSF to 150 lbs/MSF.8. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the gypsum core includes a first gypsum layer and a second gypsum layer claim 1 , wherein the first gypsum layer has a density greater than a density of the second gypsum layer claim 1 , wherein the sound damping polymer is in the first gypsum layer claim 1 , the second gypsum layer claim 1 , or both.9. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the sound damping polymer is provided at an interface of the first encasing layer ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200184303A1
Автор: HERSLOW JOHN, Lowe Adam J.
Принадлежит: CompoSecure, LLC

A process for making a card includes the steps of forming a core layer having a first surface and a second surface, disposing an uncured decorative ceramic layer of ceramic particles disposed in a resin binder over the first surface of the core layer, such as by spray coating, and curing the uncured decorative ceramic layer to form a cured decorative ceramic layer. Card products of the process may have a core layer of metal, ceramic, or a combination thereof that form a bulk of the card. 1. A process for making a card , the process comprising the steps of:(a) forming a core layer having a first surface and a second surface;(b) disposing an uncured decorative ceramic layer, comprising ceramic particles disposed in a resin binder, over the first surface of the core layer; and(c) curing the uncured decorative ceramic layer to form a cured decorative ceramic layer.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein step (b) comprises spray coating the decorative ceramic layer over the first surface of the core layer.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising the step of forming one or more pockets in the core layer or the cured decorative ceramic layer.4. The process of claim 1 , comprising forming at least one pocket in the core layer prior to performing steps (b) and (c).5. The process of claim 4 , wherein performing steps (b) and (c) results in a depression in the ceramic layer overlying the at least one pocket claim 4 , and the process further comprises disposing a component in the depression such that the component and the cured decorative ceramic layer not overlying the pocket define a smooth surface.6. The process of claim 4 , comprising disposing a component in the pocket prior to performing steps (b) and (c) claim 4 , such that the component is disposed below the cured decorative ceramic layer after performing steps (b) and (c).7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the component comprises a booster antenna.8. The process of claim 3 , comprising forming said at least one ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180197062A1

Cards made in accordance with the invention include a decorative layer attached to a core layer, where the decorative layer is designed to provide selected color(s) and/or selected texture(s) to a surface of the metal cards. At least one of the decorative layers is a layer derived from plant matter (e.g., wood). The cards may be dual interface smart cards that can be read in a contactless manner and/or via contacts. 157-. (canceled)58. A method for making cards with a given appearance comprising the steps of:selecting a decorative layer, wherein said decorative layer is a plant derived material veneer layer; andselecting a core for forming the body of said card, said core layer having first and second surfaces; said core layer comprising one of: (a) metal; (b) ceramic coated metal; (c) ceramic coated polymer, or (d) solid ceramic, andattaching said decorative layer to the first surface of the core layer.59. The method of claim 58 , wherein the step of attaching said decorative and core layers includes laminating the layers.60. The method of claim 58 , further comprising attaching a polymeric layer to the second surface of the core layer.61. The method of claim 58 , further comprising disposing an integrated circuit module within said card claim 58 , said integrated circuit module configured for at least one of: (a) wireless radio frequency (RF) transmission between the card and an external card reader; and (b) contact reading between the card and a contact reader.62. The method of claim 58 , comprising selecting wood for said plant derived material veneer.63. The method of claim 62 , comprising selecting wood having a low lignin content.64. The method of claim 62 , further comprising processing said wood decorative layer by sanding the wood until the wood has a desired thickness.65. The method of claim 62 , further comprising applying an oil film to the wood layer configured to maintain the appearance of the wood layer during a lamination step.66. The method of ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210230874A1
Принадлежит: Cortex Composites, Inc.

A cementitious composite includes a structure layer, cementitious material, a first layer, and a second layer. The structure layer defines a plurality of open spaces. The cementitious material is disposed within the plurality of open spaces of the structure layer. The first layer is disposed along a first side of the structure layer. The second layer is disposed along an opposing second side of the structure layer. The second layer is positioned to prevent at least a portion of the cementitious material from migrating out of the structure layer. 1. A cementitious composite comprising:a structure layer defining a plurality of open spaces;cementitious material disposed within the plurality of open spaces of the structure layer;a first layer disposed along a first side of the structure layer; anda second layer disposed along an opposing second side of the structure layer, the second layer positioned to prevent at least a portion of the cementitious material from migrating out of the structure layer.2. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein the first layer and the second layer are coupled to the structure layer without puncturing the first layer and the second layer.3. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein the first layer is a water-impermeable layer.4. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein the first layer is integrally formed with the structure layer.5. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein the second layer is water soluble such that the second layer disintegrates upon hydration.6. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein the second layer is biodegradable.7. The cementitious composite of claim 1 , wherein the second layer defines a retaining surface and an aperture that facilitates a fluid flow into the cementitious material claim 1 , wherein the aperture has an area of between 0.001 square millimeters and 3.0 square millimeters.8. The cementitious composite of claim 7 , wherein the aperture is a plurality of apertures ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Floor Panel and Method of Manufacturing a Floor Panel

Номер: US20210237402A1
Принадлежит: Champion Link International Corporation

Provided is a panel for constructing a floor or wall covering. The panel includes a core which includes a mineral material and at least one dendritic additive for improving the flexibility and tensile strength of the panel. The panel further includes at least one pair of opposite side edges. The pair of opposite side edges are provided with interconnecting coupling means for interconnecting adjacent panels. 1. A panel for constructing a floor or wall covering comprising:a core comprising a mineral material and comprising at least one pair of opposite side edges wherein the opposite side edges are provided with interconnecting coupling means for interconnecting adjacent panels,wherein the core further comprises at least one dendritic additive within the core.2. The panel according to claim 1 , comprising at least one top layer affixed to said core.3. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the mineral material comprises magnesium oxide claim 2 , magnesium oxysulfate or magnesium oxychloride or wherein the mineral material comprises magnesium oxide claim 2 , magnesium oxysulfate and magnesium oxychloride.4. The panel according to claim 3 , wherein the dendritic additive is a dendritic polymer.5. The panel according to claim 4 , wherein the dendritic polymer is non-linear.6. The panel according to claim 5 , wherein the core comprises 0.1 to 10 wt % dendritic additive.7. The panel according to claim 6 , wherein the core is a multilayer core.8. The panel according to claim 7 , wherein the core comprises at least one upper core layer and at least one lower core layer claim 7 , wherein at least one core layer comprises at least one dendritic additive.9. The panel according to claim 8 , wherein the core comprises at least one reinforcing layer.10. The panel according to claim 9 , wherein the reinforcing layer comprises fiber glass claim 9 , polypropylene claim 9 , jute claim 9 , cotton and/or polyethylene terephthalate or wherein the reinforcing layer comprises fiber glass ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210238822A1
Автор: Rudyan Amir

The present invention relates generally to a below grade, blind side, waterproofing sheet membrane with adhesive and moderate reflectivity granular particle layer to fully bond to concrete/shotcrete, and a method of making, and using same. More particularly, the invention encompasses a below grade, blind side, waterproofing sheet membrane with adhesive, and having at least one layer of moderate reflectivity granular particle layer that are fully or partly embedded into the adhesive layer, and where the average reflectivity of the exposed granular particles is below 55 percent reflectivity on a standard reflectivity scale. The inventive waterproofing layer having the waterproofing sheet membrane, and an adhesive layer having embedded therein moderate reflectivity granular particles can be used in any building or wall construction, and can be placed under or around a foundation of a building or dwelling or on its below grade blind side retaining walls, etc. 1. A below grade , blind side , waterproofing sheet membrane with adhesive and moderate reflectivity granular particle layer to fully bond to concrete/shotcrete , comprising:(a) at least one sheet membrane having a first membrane surface, and a second membrane surface;(b) at least one first adhesive layer having a first adhesive surface, and a second adhesive surface, and wherein said second adhesive surface is in secure contact with at least a portion of said first membrane surface; and(c) at least one layer of at least one moderate reflectivity granular particle layer, having a first particle layer surface, and a second particle layer surface, and wherein said second particle layer surface is in secure contact with at least a portion of said first adhesive surface, and wherein reflectivity of said at least one layer of at least one moderate reflectivity granular particle layer is below 55 percent reflectivity.2. The below grade claim 1 , blind side claim 1 , waterproofing sheet membrane with adhesive and moderate ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180216351A1

A wall panel may have a veneer layer, a middle layer made from magnesium oxide and an insulation layer made from a two-part rigid urethane pour foam. The insulation layer maybe chemically bonded to the middle layer. The veneer layer may include a poured substrate made from polyurethane or plastic. The veneer layer may further include aesthetic elements embedded in and bonded to the poured substrate. The aesthetic elements may include one or more of brick, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, natural stone, engineered stone, wood, ceramic, plastic, or vinyl. A finished surface of the aesthetic elements may extend above a top surface of the poured substrate. The poured substrate may include sand causing the top surface of the poured substrate to have an appearance of mortar. 1. A wall panel comprising:a poured substrate, selected from the group consisting of polyurethane and plastic, and comprising: a first side having a plurality of parallel ridges formed on a surface of the first side, a plurality of parallel channels formed on the surface of the first side and defined by a void between the parallel ridges, and a second side which is opposite the first side; anda plurality of aesthetic elements bonded to the second side of the poured substrate.2. The wall panel of wherein the plurality of aesthetic elements is selected from the group consisting of: consisting of brick claim 1 , ceramic tile claim 1 , porcelain tile claim 1 , natural stone claim 1 , engineered stone claim 1 , wood claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , vinyl claim 1 , and paint.3. The wall panel of wherein the poured substrate wherein the poured substrate further comprises sand causing a top surface of the second side of the poured substrate to have an appearance of mortar.4. The wall panel of wherein a finished surface of the plurality of aesthetic elements extends above the top surface of the second side of the poured substrate claim 3 , and wherein each one of the plurality of aesthetic elements ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Cementitious Panels with Polymeric-Film Facing Material

Номер: US20200207060A1

Provided are cementitious panels that include a cementitious core material and a plurality of sheets of facing material surrounding the cementitious core material, in which at least one of the plurality of sheets of facing material includes a polymeric-film. The polymeric film may include a thermoplastic composition that has a polymeric matrix including one or more polymeric materials. Additionally, the thermoplastic composition may optionally include a filler material. Additionally, provided are methods of manufacturing such cementitious panels. 157-. (canceled)58. A cementitious panel , comprising:a cementitious core material;a plurality of sheets of facing material surrounding the cementitious core material, the plurality of sheets of facing material comprising a first sheet of facing material and a second sheet of facing material;wherein the first sheet of facing material and/or the second sheet of facing material comprises a polymeric-film, the polymeric film containing a thermoplastic composition comprising a polymeric matrix comprising one or more polymeric materials and a filler material.59. The cementitious panel of claim 58 , wherein the matrix polymer comprises a polyolefin claim 58 , a polyester claim 58 , a polyamide claim 58 , a polyimide claim 58 , a polysulfonate claim 58 , a polytetrafluoroethylene claim 58 , and/or a polyvinylidene difluoride.60. The cementitious panel of claim 58 , comprising a network of interconnected pores throughout the polymeric matrix.61. The cementitious panel of claim 58 , wherein the filler material comprises one or more organic filler materials and/or inorganic filler materials.62. The cementitious panel of claim 58 , wherein the filler material comprises particles and/or discrete domains of a micro-scale size claim 58 , the particles and/or discrete domains having an average cross-sectional dimension from 1 μm to 2000 μm.63. The cementitious panel of claim 58 , wherein the filler material comprises particles and/or ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150233127A1
Автор: Döhring Dieter

The present invention relates to floor panels for outdoor use, which front side is provided with a decorative—respectively protective layer and which comprises at its sides coupling means inform of groove and tongue elements. The material of the carrier plate is thereby MDF or HDF board of acetylated wood, a fiber cement board or is based on polyvinylchloride and the decorative—respectively protective layer consisting of a radiation cured acrylate-containing film or a polymeric layer with hardness gradient, wherein the hardness of the polymeric layer decreases in particular continuously with increasing depth seen from the surface of the polymeric layer. 1. A floor panel for outdoor use , comprising a carrier plate with a front side and rear side , wherein the carrier plate is provided on its front side with a decorative layer respectively a protective layer and has at its sides coupling means in the form of groove and tongue elements , which allow connecting multiple similar panels in directions parallel to the front side as well as perpendicular to the front side by form fit , wherein MDF or HDF-board of acetylated wood;', 'Fiber cement board;', 'Polyvinylchloride;, 'the material of the carrier plate is chosen from the group consisting ofand the decorative respectively protective layer is a radiation cured acrylate-containing film, wherein the film is adhered with a polyurethane adhesive to the front side of the carrier plate.2. (canceled)3. The floor panel for outdoor use according to claim 1 , wherein there is provided a glass non-woven claim 1 , a waterproof film claim 1 , such as PVC claim 1 , or an acrylate coating on the rear side of the fiber cement board.4. The floor panel for outdoor use according to claim 1 , wherein the film is imprinted with a decor claim 1 , in particular a wood claim 1 , tile or stone decor.5. The floor panel for outdoor use according to claim 1 , wherein the front side of the carrier plate is provided with an undercoat under the film ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Cross-laminated timber having a conduit therein

Номер: US20200215784A1
Принадлежит: Six Minutes LLC

A cross-laminated panel including a first layer, a second layer, and a third layer. The first layer of the cross-laminated panel having first boards oriented in a first direction. The second layer of the cross-laminated panel having second boards oriented in a second direction, the second direction being substantially perpendicular to the first direction. The third layer of the cross-laminated panel having third boards oriented in the first direction. The cross-laminated panel also including adhesive situated between each of the first layer, the second layer, and the third layer. The cross-laminated panel further including a hollow member forming a conduit and disposed in any one of the first layer, the second layer, and the third layer.

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200215793A1

An object of the present invention is to provide an inorganic board suitable for achieving high specific strength and high freeze-thaw resistance as well as weight reduction and a method for producing the inorganic board. An inorganic board X according to the present invention includes a cured layer that includes an inorganic cured matrix, an organic reinforcement material dispersed therein, and a hollow body that is attached to the organic reinforcement material and is smaller than the maximum length of the organic reinforcement material. A method for producing an inorganic board according to the present invention includes a first step of preparing a first mixture through mixing of an organic reinforcement material and a hollow body smaller than the maximum length of the organic reinforcement material, a second step of preparing a second mixture through mixing of the first mixture, a hydraulic material, and a siliceous material, and a third step of forming a second mixture mat by depositing the second mixture. 1. An inorganic board comprising a cured layer that includes an inorganic cured matrix , an organic reinforcement material dispersed in the inorganic cured matrix , and a hollow body that is attached to the organic reinforcement material and is smaller than a maximum length of the organic reinforcement material.2. The inorganic board according to claim 1 , wherein the organic reinforcement material is coated with a waterproofing agent claim 1 , and the hollow body is attached to the organic reinforcement material through the waterproofing agent.3. The inorganic board according to claim 2 , wherein the waterproofing agent contains a synthetic resin.4. The inorganic board according to claim 1 , wherein the organic reinforcement material and the hollow body attached to the organic reinforcement material are coated with a waterproofing agent.5. The inorganic board according to claim 4 , wherein the waterproofing agent contains a synthetic resin.6. The inorganic ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Exterior Polymer-Based Brick Building Material

Номер: US20180245351A1

A simulated brick includes a polymeric core member (), a mesh layer () adhered to the core member, a basecoat layer () covering an entirety of the mesh layer, and a finish layer () covering an entirety of the basecoat layer. The core member, the mesh layer, the basecoat layer, and the finish layer together define a brick profile portion () having first and second lateral sides extending to a planar outer surface to define a first thickness, and an offset portion () extending from the first lateral side of the brick profile portion to a lateral end surface and having an outer surface defining a second thickness smaller than the first thickness, the brick profile portion and the offset portion together defining a planar rectangular base surface () extending from the second lateral side of the brick profile portion to the lateral end surface of the offset portion. 167.-. (canceled)68. A wall system comprising:a wall substrate including a substantially planar exterior surface; andat least first and second simulated bricks, each comprising a brick profile portion having first and second lateral sides extending to a planar outer surface to define a first thickness, and an offset portion extending from the first lateral side of the brick profile portion to a lateral end surface and having an outer surface defining a second thickness smaller than the first thickness, the brick profile portion and the offset portion together defining a planar rectangular base surface extending from the second lateral side of the brick profile portion to the lateral end surface of the offset portion;wherein the planar rectangular base surfaces of the first and second simulated bricks are adhered to the exterior surface of the wall substrate such that at least a portion of the lateral end surface of the offset portion of the second simulated brick abuts the second lateral side of the brick profile portion of the first simulated brick; andwherein a grout material is adhered to the outer surface ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180251986A1

A wall panel may have a layer made from magnesium oxide, a first insulation layer made from a two-part rigid urethane pour foam, and a second insulation layer made from a phase change material. The first insulation layer maybe chemically bonded to the magnesium oxide layer and may also be bonded to the phase change layer. The first insulation layer may be positioned between the second insulation layer and the magnesium oxide layer. The magnesium oxide layer may be a finished surface or a veneer layer may be applied to the magnesium oxide layer. 1. A wall panel comprising:a rigid magnesium oxide layer having a first and a second side;a first insulation layer comprising a phase change material (PCM) having a first and a second side; anda second insulation layer comprising a two part rigid urethane pour foam having a first side chemically bonded to the second side of the rigid magnesium oxide layer and a second side chemically bonded to the first side of the first insulation layer.2. The wall panel of wherein the PCM comprises a supersaturated solution of calcium chloride hexahydrate.3. The wall panel of wherein the second side of the PCM may be attachable to a fixed structural building component.4. The wall panel of wherein the wall panel is characterized by a lack of any additional sagging prevention layer positioned between first or second insulation layers and a fixed structural building component.5. The wall panel of further comprising an outer veneer layer adhered to the first side of the rigid magnesium oxide layer.6. The wall panel of wherein the outer veneer layer is selected from a group consisting of: clay brick claim 5 , ceramic tile claim 5 , porcelain tile claim 5 , natural stone claim 5 , engineered stone claim 5 , paint claim 5 , cement claim 5 , plaster claim 5 , natural stucco claim 5 , and synthetic stucco.7. The wall panel of wherein the wall panel is attached to a building structure using an attachment selected from the group consisting of: screws ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140349104A1

Inorganic polymer/organic polymer composites and methods for their preparation are described herein. The inorganic polymer/organic polymer composites comprise a first layer comprising an inorganic polymer and a second layer adhered to the first layer comprising an organic polymer. The inorganic polymer is formed by reacting, in the presence of water, a reactive powder, an activator, and optionally a retardant. The reactive powder comprises 85% by weight or greater fly ash and less than 10% by weight portland cement. Also described herein are building materials including the composites. 1. An inorganic polymer/organic polymer composite , comprising: a reactive powder comprising 85% by weight or greater fly ash and less than 10% by weight portland cement; and', 'an activator; and, 'a first layer comprising an inorganic polymer formed by reacting in the presence of watera second layer adhered to the first layer comprising an organic polymer.2. An inorganic polymer/organic polymer composite , comprising: a reactive powder comprising fly ash and less than 10% by weight portland cement; and', 'an activator; and, 'a first layer comprising an inorganic polymer formed by reacting in the presence of watera second layer adhered to the first layer comprising an organic polymer and a filler.3. The composite of claim 2 , wherein the fly ash is present in an amount of greater than 85% by weight of the reactive powder.4. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the reactive powder includes less than 5% by weight of portland cement.5. The composite of claim 1 , wherein greater than 75% of the fly ash comprises Class C fly ash.6. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the activator includes citric acid.7. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the activator includes sodium hydroxide.8. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic polymer is substantially free from retardants.9. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic polymer further comprises fibers.10. The composite of claim 1 , ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190249419A1

A draining construction wrap includes a pliable moisture impermeable layer having interior and exterior surfaces. A drainage framework is configured to channel moisture across the exterior surface of the pliable moisture impermeable layer. The drainage framework includes a plurality of support struts. Each of the support struts includes a base strut portion coupled with the exterior surface, a strut support face, and a strut body extending from the base strut portion to the strut support face. A plurality of drain channels are between the support struts. The draining construction wrap includes an installation surface configured for coupling with an outer wall. The installation surface includes the strut support faces of the plurality of support struts. The strut bodies of the plurality of support struts brace the installation surface and the pliable moisture impermeable layer is recessed from the installation surface with a strut gap therebetween. 1. A draining construction wrap comprising:a pliable moisture impermeable layer having an interior surface and an exterior surface; [ a base strut portion coupled with the exterior surface of the pliable moisture impermeable layer;', 'a strut support face; and', 'a strut body extending from the base strut portion to the strut support face; and, 'a plurality of support struts, each of the support struts of the plurality of support struts includes, 'a plurality of drain channels between the support struts; and, 'a drainage framework configured to channel moisture across the exterior surface of the pliable moisture impermeable layer, the drainage framework includesan installation surface configured for coupling with an outer wall, the installation surface includes the strut support faces of the plurality of support struts, wherein the strut bodies of the plurality of support struts brace the installation surface and the pliable moisture impermeable layer is recessed from the installation surface with a strut gap therebetween. ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Asymmetrical Laminate Panel and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20200247091A1
Автор: EVANS Phillip, Glean Aldo

The present disclosure relates generally to plaster wall panels, for example, suitable for covering interior wall frames. The present disclosure relates more particularly to a plaster wall panel including a first plaster layer, a second plaster layer, and a damping layer disposed between the first and second plaster layers. The first plaster layer has a first thickness and is composed of a first plaster material that has a first material property. The second plaster layer has a second thickness and is composed of a second plaster material that has a second material property. The first thickness is smaller than the second thickness, and the first and second material properties are different. 1. A plaster wall panel comprising:a first plaster layer having a first thickness and being composed of a first plaster material having a first material property;a second plaster layer having a second thickness and being composed of a second plaster material having a second material property, wherein the first thickness is smaller than the second thickness and wherein the first and second material properties are different; anda damping layer disposed between the first plaster layer and the second plaster layer.2. The plaster wall panel according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first plaster material and second plaster material comprises a base material that is a gypsum material.3. The plaster wall panel according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first plaster material and second plaster material comprises a base material that is lime or a cement.4. The plaster wall panel according to claim 1 , wherein the first thickness is in a range from 3% to 75% of the second thickness.5. The plaster wall panel according to claim 1 , wherein the elastic modulus of the first plaster material is in a range from 150% to 1000% of the elastic modulus of the second plaster material.6. The plaster wall panel according to claim 1 , wherein the density of the first plaster material is ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Facilitated Detailing for Pre-Applied Waterproofing Membranes

Номер: US20200248446A1

The invention provides a waterproofing membrane which does not require a removable release sheet but which nevertheless bonds to post-cast concrete and facilitates water-tight sealing at membrane-to-membrane overlaps. The waterproofing membrane comprises a carrier and pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) layers, an inorganic particle layer having particulate bodies which are partially embedded in the PSA and which have an average particle size less than the average thickness of the PSA layer, and an anti-submarining nano-silica-containing coating layer attached to un-embedded portions of the inorganic particles to prevent total embedding into the PSA when the membrane is rolled or unrolled, whereby water-tight seams are facilitated between overlapped portions of adjacently installed waterproofing membranes, and whereby the water-tight seam is achieved preferably using only detailing or waterproofing tape and without the additional use of a liquid primer, mastic, or other coating. 1. A pre-applied waterproofing membrane , comprising:a carrier layer;a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer coated onto a major surface of the carrier layer;an inorganic particle layer formed of individual particulate bodies partially embedded within a major surface of the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer;an anti-submarining layer coated on unsubmerged portions of the individual particulate bodies to prevent the individual particulate bodies from becoming totally embedded or submerged within the pressure-sensitive adhesive.2. The pre-applied waterproofing membrane of claim 1 , wherein the anti-submarining layer contains silica.3. The pre-applied waterproofing membrane of claim 1 , wherein the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer has a penetration of greater than about 30 decimillimeters (dmm) (150 g. claim 1 , 5 sec. claim 1 , 70° F.) as measured according to ASTM D 5-73.4. The pre-applied waterproofing membrane of claim 1 , wherein the individual particulate bodies have an average size of 70 μm to ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Plastic Coated Composite Building Boards and Method of Making Same

Номер: US20160273220A1

Disclosed are composite building boards and associated manufacturing methods. The composite boards may include, for example, one or more slurry layers with embedded fibrous mats. An exterior plastic coating is mechanically adhered to the underlying slurry layer. The plastic layer chemically bonds and cross-links with polymer additives within the slurry layer. The result is an integrated polymer matrix with greatly improved durability and surface strength. 1. A composite structural panel comprising:a slurry layer with an embedded mat, the mat consisting essentially of fibers that are bound together by a hot melt thermoplastic.2. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the fibers are organic.3. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the fibers are inorganic.4. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the fibers are continuous.5. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the fibers are non continuous.6. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is applied in a layer that follows the topography of the underlying mat.7. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is applied in a smooth layer.8. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is applied in a layer having a thickness of between 0.1 to 10 mils.9. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is formed from ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA).10. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is formed from ethylene methyl acrylonitrile (EAA).11. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is translucent.12. The composite structural panel as described in wherein the hot melt thermoplastic is colored.13. A composite structural panel comprising:first and second gypsum slurry layers, wherein the second slurry layer has a higher density than the ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Exterior polymer-based brick building material

Номер: US20170268230A1
Принадлежит: Dryvit Systems Inc

A simulated brick includes a polymeric core member and a laminate adhered to the core member. The core member and the laminate together define a brick profile portion having first and second lateral sides extending to a planar outer surface to define a first thickness, an offset portion extending from the first lateral side of the brick profile portion to a lateral end surface and having an outer surface defining a second thickness smaller than the first thickness, and a rectangular base surface extending from the second lateral side of the brick profile portion to the lateral end surface of the offset portion. The laminate covers the core member to define the first and second lateral sides and the outer surface of the brick profile portion, and the lateral end surface and the outer surface of the offset portion, and the core member is uncovered by the laminate on the base surface such that the core member defines the base surface.

11-11-2021 дата публикации

Floor element for forming a floor covering, a floor covering, and a method for manufacturing a floor element

Номер: US20210348397A1
Принадлежит: Dal Tile Corp

A floor element for forming a floor covering, wherein the floor element comprises a decorative layer made of a ceramic material and a support layer arranged below this decorative layer, wherein the support layer comprises edges provided with coupling elements configured to realize a mechanical coupling with coupling elements of an adjacent floor element and wherein the floor element comprises an intermediate layer having a resin material and wherein said resin material comprises a modulus of elasticity greater than 0.1 GPa, preferably greater than 0.5 GPa, even more preferably greater than 1 GPa.

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210355688A1
Автор: Boo Christian

A mineral-based panel including a core, wherein the panel includes a mechanical locking system at respective opposite first and second edges, for assembling a first panel in an assembled position with an adjacent second panel by means of a folding displacement and/or a vertical displacement of the adjacent panels; the first edge including a locking strip projecting beyond a vertical plane and a locking element projecting from the locking strip; the second edge including a downwardly open locking groove configured to receive the locking element by for horizontal locking of the adjacent panels, wherein a first pair of horizontal locking surfaces includes a first locking surface provided by the locking element and a second locking surface provided by the locking groove. The locking system has play between the first locking surface and the second locking surface during assembling of the first and second panel by means of said displacement. 1. A mineral-based panel comprising a core preferably comprising magnesium oxide , wherein the panel comprises a mechanical locking system at respective opposite firsts and second edges , for assembling a first panel in an assembled position with an adjacent similar or essentially identical second panel by means of a folding displacement of the adjacent panels; wherein immediately juxtaposed upper edge portions of the first edge of the first panel and the second edge of the second panel in the assembled position form a vertical plane; the first edge comprising a locking strip projecting beyond the vertical plane and a locking element projecting from the locking strip; the second edge comprising a downwards open locking groove configured to receive the locking element by means of said displacement for horizontal locking of the panels , wherein a first pair of horizontal locking surfaces comprises a first locking surface provided by the locking element and a second locking surface provided by the locking groove wherein the locking ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180273812A1

A laminate comprising a substrate layer; a contact adhesive layer comprising a contact adhesive agent having at least one of chloroprene rubber or acrylic copolymers, as well as microspheres having an average particle size of 0.5 μm or greater in the contact adhesive layer, wherein the contact adhesive layer contains from 5 parts by mass to 500 parts by mass of the microspheres per 100 parts by mass of the contact adhesive agent, and the contact adhesive layer has a plurality of protruding portions because of the microspheres. 1. A laminate comprising:a substrate layer having a first and second major surface;a contact adhesive layer having a first and second major surface, the second major surface of the contact adhesive layer adhesively coupled to the first major surface of the substrate layer, the contact adhesive layer comprising a contact adhesive agent comprising at least one of chloroprene rubber or acrylic copolymers, and additionally comprising microspheres have an average particle size of 0.5 μm or greater; wherein the contact adhesive layer contains from 5 parts by mass to 500 parts by mass of the microspheres per 100 parts by mass of the contact adhesive agent, andthe first major surface of the contact adhesive layer comprises a plurality of protrusions corresponding to the locations of at least some of the microspheres.2. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the contact adhesive layer is substantially nontacky.3. The microspheres according to claim 1 , wherein the microspheres comprise cross-linked organic resin.4. The laminate according to any claim 1 , wherein the microspheres comprise solid microspheres of acrylic polymer or urethane polymer.5. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the microspheres are substantially nontacky.6. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a mass per unit area of the contact adhesive layer is from 5 g/mto 100 g/m.7. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a 60 degree gloss value of the first major ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Decorative material

Номер: US20190270292A1
Автор: Eiichi Higashikawa
Принадлежит: Toppan Printing Co Ltd

A decorative material that has higher scratch resistance while preventing defects generated during lamination of a gloss-adjusting layer. In a decorative material according to an embodiment of the present invention, a resin component that constitutes a first gloss-adjusting layer is a mixture of a urethane-based thermosetting resin having a polyol and an isocyanate, and an ionizing radiation-curable resin having an acrylic group or a methacrylic group; and the urethane-based thermosetting resin is contained in an amount within a range of 3 parts by mass or more and 100 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the ionizing radiation-curable resin.

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Negative-Side Water Proofing for Preexisting Building Structures Subject to Water Intrusion

Номер: US20190271168A1
Автор: Clark Richard N.

A negative-side waterproof shell (W-shell) is retrofitted onto a below ground preexisting building subject to water intrusion. The W-shell includes a high density polyethylene (HDPE) membrane adhered to the building's sidewalls and floor. The HDPE membrane has a metal core (usually aluminum). The W-shell includes a concrete shell formed on an inboard side of the HDPE membrane. Typically, the W-shell's concrete typically includes rebar and supplemental vertical columns which are thicker than the W-shell. The HDPE membrane has overlapped seams at the vertical to horizontal transition regions. The core may be non-continuous, in strips, or may be ferrous or non-ferrous metals, alloys or aluminum alloys. The W-shell covers the building's interior concrete-formed structures. To seal high tide salt water intrusion, the W-shell extends above the high tide water line. Also, drain piping, leading to a sump, may be laid between the membrane and the floor. 1. A negative-side waterproof shell for a preexisting building structure subject to water intrusion through sidewalls rising above a floor comprising:an adhesive adhering a high density polyethylene (HDPE) membrane on said vertical sidewalls and said floor subject to said water intrusion, said HDPE membrane having a metal or polymer core; anda concrete shell formed on an inboard side of said HDPE membrane.2. A negative-side waterproof shell as claimed in includingrebar in said concrete shell; andwherein said sidewalls are substantially vertical sidewalls, and other than a plurality of periodic columns, said waterproof shell formed by said HDPE membrane and said concrete shell on said vertical sidewalls have a substantially uniform thickness, and a thickness of said periodic columns being greater than said uniform thickness.3. A negative-side waterproof shell as claimed in including perforated tubing interposed (a) beneath said HDPE membrane at least one vertical to horizontal transition region of a plurality of vertical to ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160289966A1
Принадлежит: Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC

Gypsum panels, sheathing systems, and methods of making and using the same are provided. A gypsum panel includes a gypsum core associated with a first fiberglass mat having a continuous barrier coating, the coating penetrating a portion of the first fiberglass mat opposite the gypsum core, wherein gypsum penetrates a remaining fibrous portion of the first fiberglass mat such that voids in the first fiberglass mat are substantially eliminated. A building sheathing system includes at least two gypsum panels and a seaming component to provide a seam at an interface between the gypsum panels. 1. A gypsum panel , comprising:a gypsum core associated with a first fiberglass mat having a continuous barrier coating, the coating penetrating a portion of the first fiberglass mat opposite the gypsum core,wherein gypsum of the gypsum core penetrates a remaining fibrous portion of the first fiberglass mat such that voids in the first fiberglass mat are substantially eliminated, andwherein the gypsum panel passes a hydrostatic head test against water leakage, as measured by AATCC 127-2008.2. The gypsum panel of claim 1 , wherein the gypsum core comprises a first gypsum layer that at least partially penetrates the remaining fibrous portion of the first fiberglass mat claim 1 , the first gypsum layer having a slurry density of from about 88 pcf to about 98 pcf.3. The gypsum panel of claim 2 , wherein the first gypsum layer is formed by a gypsum slurry that comprises a wetting agent in an amount effective to bring a slurry surface tension of the first gypsum layer to from about 30 dyne/cm to about 55 dyne/cm.4. The gypsum panel of claim 2 , wherein the first gypsum layer is present in an amount from about 5 percent to about 20 percent claim 2 , by weight claim 2 , of the gypsum core.5. The gypsum panel of claim 1 , wherein the continuous barrier coating comprises a polymer binder and at least one inorganic filler.6. The gypsum panel of claim 1 , wherein the gypsum panel has a water ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180281347A1
Автор: GOSSI Matthias

A membrane used in waterproofing, roofing and tunneling applications, the membrane includes a barrier layer including thermoplastic polymer component and a contact layer bonded directly to at least portion of the barrier layer, the contact layer includes a mixture of mineral binder component, thermoplastic polymer component, and surfactant component. Also includes a method for producing the membrane, a method for waterproofing a substrate, to a waterproofed construction, to a method for sealing a substrate against water penetration and to a sealed construction for sealing a substrate against water penetration. 1. A membrane comprising a barrier layer having a first and a second opposing surface and a contact layer having a first and a second opposing surface , wherein at least a portion of the first surface of the barrier layer and the second surface of the contact layer are directly bonded to each other , and wherein the barrier layer comprises a thermoplastic polymer component and the contact layer comprises a mixture of a mineral binder component , a thermoplastic polymer component , and a surfactant component , and wherein the amount of the mineral binder component is 10.0-90.0 wt.-% , based on the total weight of the contact layer.2. The membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the contact layer comprises not more than 3.0 wt. % of hydrated mineral binders claim 1 , based on the total weight of the contact layer.3. The membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the mineral binder component is 20.0-85.0 wt. % based on the total weight of the contact layer.4. The membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the membrane has a concrete adhesion strength claim 1 , determined by means of the method cited in the description claim 1 , of at least 5 N/50 mm.5. The membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the mineral binder component comprises at least one mineral binder selected from the group consisting of hydraulic binders claim 1 , non-hydraulic binders claim 1 ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Flexible composite

Номер: US20190275762A1
Принадлежит: Concrete Canvas Technology Ltd

The present invention relates to a flexible composite that can be set to become rigid or semi-rigid, the composite comprising: a first layer; a second layer opposing the first layer and separated from the first layer by a space; a fill material located in the space between the first and second layers, which is capable of setting to a rigid or semi-rigid solid on the addition of a liquid, gas or radiation; a plurality of elements extending substantially into the space from the first layer and/or the second layer and which may pass through the opposing layer or join with other elements present in the space from an opposing layer, thereby forming linking elements for joining the layers together; and wherein the unset fill material is provided in the space at a pressure such that tension is applied one or more of the linking elements and to cause the first and/or second layers to bulge outwards relative to the longitudinal length of said one or more linking elements under tension.

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Polyester Laminated Building Boards With Improved Surface Characteristics

Номер: US20190277029A1

This disclosure relates to using polyester films on building boards to enable improved surface coatings. The polyester film is preferably applied to a glass mat via an adhesive to form a laminate. This laminate is then bonded to the exterior surface of a gypsum board. The polyester film is advantageous because it allows for exterior surface coatings to be applied. In one embodiment, an exterior acrylic coating is applied to the polyester film. Boards constructed in accordance with this disclosure allow for exterior finishings to be achieved without the need for excessive finishing materials or steps. 1. A composite , multi-layered building panel comprising:opposed upper and lower fiber mats, the mats being porous and each mat having an interior and an exterior surface;a set gypsum core extending between and bonded to the interior surfaces of the upper and lower fiber mats, the portion of the set gypsum core proximate the upper and lower fiber mats having a density that is greater than the remainder of the set gypsum core;a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film having an interior and an exterior surface;a polymer adhesive adhering the interior surface of the PET film to the exterior surface of the upper fiber mat, whereby the PET film is bonded to the upper fiber mat; andan acrylic coating applied to the exterior surface of the PET film, the acrylic coating providing a surface finish to the composite, multi-layered building panel;wherein the polymer adhesive forms a smooth outer stratum on the upper and lower fiber mats, the outer stratum being substantially free of the fibers that make up the upper and lower fiber mats.2. The building panel of claim 1 , wherein the exterior surface of the PET film includes topological inconsistencies ranging from a depth of about 0.001 inches to about 0.01 inches.3. The building panel of claim 1 , wherein the surface finish is a level 4 or level 5 surface finish.4. The building panel comprising:a first mat having an interior and an ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200277787A1
Принадлежит: Cortex Composites, Inc.

A cementitious composite includes a first layer, a second layer, and a cementitious mixture disposed between the first layer and the second layer. The cementitious mixture includes (i) cementitious materials and (ii) a viscosity modifier and/or an accelerator. The cementitious materials provide a void fraction between 0.64 and 1.35. The void fraction is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids within the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite to the volume of the cementitious materials per unit area of the cementitious composite. The cementitious mixture is configured to absorb a mass of water that provides a maximum 28 day compressive strength of the cementitious composite. A ratio of the mass of the water relative to the mass of the cementitious materials of the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite that provides the maximum 28 day compressive strength of the cementitious composite is between 0.25 and 0.55. 1. A cementitious composite for in-situ hydration , the cementitious composite comprising:a first layer;a second layer spaced from the first layer; anda cementitious mixture disposed between the first layer and the second layer, the cementitious mixture including cementitious materials and a viscosity modifier, the cementitious materials shaped and arranged to provide a void fraction between 0.64 and 1.35, wherein the void fraction is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids within the cementitious mixture per unit area of the cementitious composite to the volume of the cementitious materials per unit area of the cementitious composite;wherein the cementitious mixture is configured to absorb a mass of water that provides a maximum 28 day compressive strength of the cementitious composite; and {'br': None, 'i': M', '=x·M, 'sub': w', 'c}, 'wherein [{'sub': 'w', 'Mis the mass of the water per unit area of the cementitious composite;'}, {'sub': 'c', 'Mis a mass of the cementitious materials of the ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Contact layer with mineral binder component

Номер: US20180290433A1
Автор: Matthias GÖSSI

A contact layer used in waterproofing and roofing applications. The contact layer includes a mineral binder component B, thermoplastic polymer component P, and a surfactant component S. Also, a method for producing the contact layer, a method for binding two substrates to each other, a method for waterproofing a substrate, a waterproofed structure, a method for sealing a substrate against water penetration, a sealed construction for sealing a substrate against water penetration and a use of the contact layer as a waterproofing membrane.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283490A1
Автор: Hannig Hans-Jurgen

The disclosure relates to a decorated, surface-structured wall or floor panel and a method for manufacturing same. The decorated, surface-structured wall or floor panel of the disclosure comprises a substrate made of a fiber cement material, a primer coat on a surface of the substrate, a decorative coat on the primer coat, a coat of radiation curable varnish or hot melt on the decorative coat, a structured plastic film on the coat of radiation-curable varnish or hot melt, and a coat of finishing varnish on the structured plastic film. 1. A decorated wall or floor panel comprising:a carrier made of a fiber cement material;a primer layer disposed on a surface of the carrier;a decorative layer disposed on the primer layer;a layer of a radiation-curable varnish or a hot melt disposed on the decorative layer;a structured plastic film disposed on the layer of a radiation-curable varnish or hot melt; anda topcoat layer disposed on the structured plastic film.2. the decorated wall or floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier comprises a fiber cement material which includes inorganic claim 1 , organic claim 1 , metallic claim 1 , synthetic fibers or mixtures thereof.3. The decorated wall or floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the primer layer comprises a radiation-curing urethane and/or urethane acrylate.4. The decorated wall or floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the decorative layer comprises at least one radiation-curing ink composition.5. The decorated wall or floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the varnish applied onto the decorative layer in order to form a layer of a radiation-curable varnish comprises an acrylate claim 1 , a diacrylate claim 1 , a methacrylate claim 1 , a urethane claim 1 , urethane acrylate or mixtures thereof.6. The decorated wall or floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein the structured plastic film is made of a plastic selected from the group consisting of polypropylene (PP) claim 1 , polyethylene (PE) claim 1 ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Construction Panel

Номер: US20150314565A1

A panel for use in building construction comprises a plasterboard having two opposed faces, a polymer-based lamina being provided on one of these faces. The polymer-based lamina is characterised in that it is provided by a material for which the work done under uniaxial tensile stress to achieve a tensile strain of up to 0.12 is greater than 2.1 MJ/m. 1. A panel for use in building construction , the panel comprising a plasterboard having two opposed faces , a polymer-based lamina being provided on one of the faces of the plasterboard ,{'sup': '3', 'the polymer-based lamina being characterised in that it is thinner than the plasterboard and in that it is provided by a material for which the work done under uniaxial tensile stress to achieve a tensile strain of up to 0.12 is greater than 2.1 MJ/m.'}2. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina is characterised in that it is provided by a material for which the work done under uniaxial tensile stress to achieve a tensile strain of up to 0.12 is greater than 2.9 MJ/m claim 1 , preferably greater than 3.8 MJ/m.3. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina is either a monolithic polymer or a composite having a polymer matrix.4. A panel according to claim 2 , wherein the polymer-based lamina is provided by a fibre-reinforced polymer.5. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina comprises principally a thermoplastic polymer.6. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina comprises principally a thermosetting polymer.7. A panel according to claim 6 , wherein the fibres and the matrix of the fibre-reinforced polymer are provided by the same polymer.8. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina is solid and non-porous.9. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the polymer-based lamina is less than 20% of the thickness of the plasterboard.10. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the polymer- ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Soundproofing Panel

Номер: US20150322670A1

A panel for use in building construction comprises a plasterboard having two opposed faces, a polymer-based lamina being provided on one of these faces. The weight per unit area of the panel lies in the range 13.5 to 17.5 kg/m, and the thickness of the panel lies in the range 11-25 mm. 1. A panel comprising a plasterboard having a front face and a back face , the panel being for use in mounting on a support structure to provide a partition , such that the back face of the board faces towards the support structure;wherein a polymer-based lamina is provided on the back face of the plasterboard,{'sup': '2', 'and further wherein the weight per unit area of the panel lies in the range 13.5 to 17.5 kg/m, and the thickness of the panel lies in the range 11-25 mm.'}2. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina is either a monolithic polymer or a composite having a polymer matrix.3. A panel according to claim 2 , wherein the polymer-based lamina is provided by a fibre-reinforced polymer.4. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina is provided by thermoplastic polymer.5. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina is glued to the plasterboard.6. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the polymer-based lamina is less than 20% of the thickness of the plasterboard.7. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the polymer-based lamina is less than 5 mm.8. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina is selected from the group comprising: polyvinylchloride claim 1 , HDPE claim 1 , and polypropylene.9. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based lamina comprises a glass-reinforced polymer.10. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the density of the polymer-based lamina is in the range 700-1500 kg/m.11. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the Modulus of Elasticity of the polymer-based lamina at least 500 MPa.12. A panel according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Ceramic-containing and ceramic composite transaction cards

Номер: US20170316300A1
Автор: Adam J. Lowe, John Herslow

A transaction card includes a monolithic ceramic card body having one or more pockets, and at least one of a magnetic stripe, a barcode, and a laser signature portion. The one or more pockets may be configured to receive at least one of the magnetic stripe, the barcode, a contact chip module, a contactless chip module, a dual interface chip module, a booster antenna, a hologram or commercial indicia. A transaction card may also include a substrate layer having a first side and a second side. A first ceramic layer is connected to the first side of the substrate layer.

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170328056A1
Принадлежит: Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC

Gypsum panels, sheathing systems, and methods of making and using the same are provided. A gypsum panel includes a gypsum core associated with a first fiberglass mat having a continuous barrier coating, the coating penetrating a portion of the first fiberglass mat opposite the gypsum core, wherein gypsum penetrates a remaining fibrous portion of the first fiberglass mat such that voids in the first fiberglass mat are substantially eliminated. A building sheathing system includes at least two gypsum panels and a seaming component to provide a seam at an interface between the gypsum panels. 1. A method of constructing a building sheathing system , comprising:installing at least two gypsum panels having an interface therebetween; and the system passes a hydrostatic head test against water leakage, as measured by AATCC 127-2008,', 'the system displays no water leaks when measured according to ICC Evaluation Service Acceptance Criteria 212,', 'the system passes ICC Evaluation Service Acceptance Criteria 310, and/or', 'the system displays no water leaks when measured according to ASTM E331 wall assembly test., 'applying a seaming component at the interface between the at least two gypsum panels, wherein2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each gypsum panel comprises a gypsum core associated with a first fiberglass mat having a continuous barrier coating claim 1 , the coating penetrating a portion of the first fiberglass mat opposite the gypsum core claim 1 ,wherein gypsum of the gypsum core penetrates a remaining fibrous portion of the first fiberglass mat such that voids in the first fiberglass mat are substantially eliminated.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the gypsum core of each gypsum panel comprises a first gypsum layer that at least partially penetrates the remaining fibrous portion of the first fiberglass mat claim 2 , the first gypsum layer having a slurry density of about 88 pcf to about 98 pcf.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the gypsum core of each gypsum ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170328073A1

A moisture barrier layer-foamed polymeric composite sheet underlayment article comprising a foamed polymeric sheet and a moisture barrier layer adhered thereto is disclosed. In one aspect, cork particles are present in the composite. 1. A composite comprising:a foamed polymeric sheet having a first surface and a second surface; anda moisture barrier layer adjacent at least one of the first and the second surfaces.2. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the foamed polymeric sheet is at least partially cross-linked.3. (canceled)4. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the foamed polymeric sheet comprises a first average foam cell diameter distribution and a second average foam cell diameter distribution of foam cells less than the first average foam cell diameter distribution.5. The composite of claim 4 , wherein a ratio of the first average foam cell diameter distribution to the second average foam cell diameter distribution is at least 6:1.6. (canceled)7. The composite of claim 4 , wherein the first average foam cell diameter distribution is between 300 micron to 3500 micron and the second average foam cell diameter distribution is 1 micron to 50 micron.8. The composite of claim 1 , further comprising cork particles claim 1 , wherein the cork particles are of an average particle size of 300 micron to 1200 micron and the foamed polymeric sheet comprises an average foam cell diameter is between 500 micron to 3500 micron claim 1 , wherein the foamed polymeric sheet comprises cork particles in an amount of between 1 PHR to 50 PHR.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the moisture barrier layer comprises at least one of: a co-extruded thermoplastic-thermoplastic laminate film claim 1 , a co-extruded thermoplastic-polyolefin vinyl acetate film claim 1 , a co-extruded polyolefin-polyolefin laminate film claim 1 , a co-extruded polyolefin-polyolefin vinyl acetate film claim 1 , a co-extruded thermoplastic-cellulose laminate film claim 1 , and a co- ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150354214A1
Автор: Sheehy Gregory R.
Принадлежит: EPI 04, Inc.

A method for forming a variably sized wall panel by supplying a face panel of a first material, the face panel having a front face and a back face, the back face having a plurality of crosspieces extending therefrom. The face panel is placed in a mold such that the front face of the face panel abuts a bottom of the mold and the back face of the face panel faces away from the bottom of the mold. A flowable second material is layered on top of the face panel and the flowable second material is allowed to harden such that the back face of the face panel and the crosspieces are frictionally bound to the hardened second material. 111-. (canceled)12. A composite wall panel comprising:a first plastic face panel, the first plastic face panel having a front face and a back face; anda layer of concrete having a front face bonded to and coextensive with the back face of the first plastic face panel;wherein the first plastic face panel has two side edges one or both of the side edges comprising a protrusion extending along its height;wherein the back face of the first plastic face panel has a plurality of crosspieces extending therefrom in addition to the protrusion on one or both Of the side edges; andwherein the concrete is bonded to the first plastic face panel by frictional engagement with the plurality of crosspieces such that the wall panel is structurally sound without requiring support on an opposite, back face of the layer of concrete.13. The composite wall panel according to claim 12 , further comprising reinforcing bars within the layer of concrete.14. The composite wall panel according to claim 17 , further comprising a layer of insulation between two layers of concrete.15. The composite wall panel of claim 12 , wherein each crosspiece in the plurality extends from a bottom edge of the face panel to a top edge of the face panel and is spaced at an interval from adjacent crosspieces in the plurality.16. (canceled)17. The composite wall panel according to claim 12 , ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200331236A1

An exterior sheathing cementitious panel which prevents water penetration and air leakage is provided methods for manufacturing exterior sheathing cementitious panels with a highly efficient integrated air/water barrier membrane are provided as well. 117-. (canceled)18. A liquid coating composition , which , when cured , forms a water vapor permeable integrated air and water barrier membrane coating for use on an exterior surface of a sheathing panel , the coating composition comprising:from 30 to 70% by weight of a polymeric binder comprising a polyacrylate, polyurethane, silicone emulsion, polystyrene, styrene acrylic copolymer, or any combination thereof, andfrom 20 to 50% by weight of calcium carbonate.19. The coating composition of claim 18 , wherein the coating composition further comprises at least one additive selected from the group consisting of a dispersant claim 18 , a defoamer claim 18 , a pigment claim 18 , a thickener claim 18 , a preservative claim 18 , a pH adjuster claim 18 , an emulsion stabilizer claim 18 , a wetting and leveling agent claim 18 , and a cross linker.20. The coating composition of claim 18 , wherein the coating composition further comprises from 0.1 to 5% by weight of a cross linker.21. The coating composition of claim 20 , wherein the cross linker comprises at least one of: zinc oxide claim 20 , a zinc metal ion claim 20 , a stabilized ammonium zirconium carbonate containing one or more anionic hydroxylated zirconium polymers claim 20 , or an epoxy functional silane.22. The coating composition of claim 19 , wherein the cross linker comprises at least one of: zinc oxide claim 19 , a zinc metal ion claim 19 , a stabilized ammonium zirconium carbonate containing anionic hydroxylated zirconium polymers claim 19 , or an epoxy functional silane.23. The coating composition of claim 20 , wherein the coating composition further comprises from 0.1 to 5% by weight of a wetting and leveling agent.24. The coating composition of claim 23 , ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190330846A1

Mat-faced cementitious board including: (a) a cementitious core; (b) a fibrous mat having an inner first surface facing at least one face of the cementitious core, and an outer second surface, wherein the inner first surface and the outer second surface are opposed; (c) a hydrophobic, non-setting coating resulting from applying to the outer second surface of the fibrous mat a layer of hydrophobic finish composition including: (i) about 50 to about 80 weight % non-setting, inorganic filler having a mean particle diameter of about 12 microns to about 35 microns, (ii) about 20% to about 50 weight % an aqueous dispersion of a film-forming polymer, (iii) 0% to about 30 weight % additional water; (iv) an absence of fly ash, (v) an absence of pozzolanic material, (vi) an absence of hydraulic cement, (vii) an absence of calcium sulfate hemihydrate, and (viii) an absence of calcium sulfate anhydrite.

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150361793A1

The core of the invention is a method for producing a tubbing of concrete for jacketing a tunnel, in particular a traffic tunnel, wherein the tubbing has a convexly curved outer surface and a concavely curved inner surface opposite the outer surface, comprising the steps a) placing a membrane comprising a hot-melt adhesive layer and a thermoplastic sealing layer on the outer surface and, furthermore, on all sides of the outer side surfaces of the tubbing, which sides face the outer surface, wherein the hot-melt adhesive layer faces the tubbing; b) supplying heat under the partial melting of the hot-melt adhesive layer; and c) cooling the hot-melt adhesive layer with formation of an adhesive composite between membrane and the tubbing. 1. A method for the production of a tubbing of concrete for jacketing a tunnel , in particular a traffic tunnel , wherein the tubbing has a convexly curved outer surface and a concavely curved inner surface opposite the outer surface , comprising the following steps:a) placing a membrane comprising a hot-melt adhesive layer and a thermoplastic sealing layer on the outer surface and, furthermore, at least partially on at least one, in particular all of the sides of the outer side surfaces of the tubbing, which sides face the outer surface, wherein the hot-melt adhesive layer faces the tubbing;b) supplying heat with partial melting of the hot-melt adhesive layer; andc) cooling the hot-melt adhesive layer with formation of an adhesive composite between membrane and the tubbing.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tubbing comprises a sealing groove surrounding the outer side surfaces claim 1 , in which a sealing body is arranged.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing layer is placed partially claim 1 , in particular up to the sealing groove claim 1 , on all sides of the outer side surfaces of the tubbing that face the outer surface.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic sealing layer ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Tile Setting Structure and Method of Setting Tile

Номер: US20190345712A1
Автор: Christopher J. Claudy
Принадлежит: Individual

A tile setting structure comprises a floor panel and a plurality of wall panels each attached to either the floor panel or one of the other wall panels with a waterproof caulk. Each of the wall panels includes a first rigid layer, a second rigid layer attached to the first rigid layer by a thinset mortar, and a waterproofing layer formed of a flexible material and attached to the second rigid layer by the thinset mortar.

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170362837A1

A flooring assembly () comprising at least one vertically lapped fibrous material layer (), at least one pressure sensitive adhesive layer () including a flexible substrate (), a mesh () and an adhesive () located along the flexible substrate, and at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer (). 1. A flooring assembly comprising:a) at least one thermoformable short fiber nonwoven material layer;b) at least one pressure sensitive adhesive layer including a flexible substrate, a mesh and an adhesive located along the flexible substrate; andc) at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer.2. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , including a concrete layer located beneath all other layers.3. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , including a composite layer located above all other layers.4. (canceled)5. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , including a first pressure sensitive adhesive layer located in direct planar contact with a first surface of the at least one thermoformable short fiber nonwoven material layer.6. The flooring assembly of claim 5 , including a second pressure sensitive adhesive layer located in direct planar contact with a second surface of the at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer.7. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thermoformable short fiber nonwoven material layer is vertically lapped fibrous material layer.8. (canceled)9. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one moisture impermeable membrane layer is located in direct planar contact with the at least one thermoformable short fiber nonwoven material layer.10. The flooring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the assembly comprises:a. exactly one thermoformable short fiber material layer;b. exactly one moisture impermeable membrane layer located in direct planar contact with a second surface of the thermoformable short fiber nonwoven material layer;c. a first pressure sensitive adhesive layer located in direct planar contact with a first surface of the ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160375662A1

A method for manufacturing a layered tile comprising a mutually connected ceramic tile and a concrete body, the method comprising the steps of applying an organic primer to a first surface of the ceramic tile, optionally positioning the ceramic tile in a mold, exposing the first surface, applying a concrete mixture on top of the tile's first surface, pre-hardening the concrete mixture for obtaining a green product, removing the product from the mold, and fully hardening the concrete for obtaining the layered tile. 1. A method for manufacturing a layered tile comprising a mutually connected ceramic tile and a concrete body , said method comprising the steps of:applying an organic primer to a first surface of said ceramic tile,positioning said ceramic tile in a mold, exposing said first surface,applying a concrete mixture on top of said tile's first surface,compacting said concrete after applying same to the mold,pre-hardening said concrete mixture for obtaining a green product,removing said product from the mold, andfully hardening said concrete for obtaining said layered tile.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising the step of applying a concrete with an open structure.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said primer is comprised of a polymeric substance.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said primer comprises a styrene butadiene or a polyurethane polymer.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said primer is applied as such or as a liquid dispersion comprising a Portland cement.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein said primer comprises from 0 weight % Portland cement to 75 weight % Portland cement7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein said primer comprises from 10 weight % Portland cement to 60 weight % Portland cement.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said concrete mixture comprises as an aggregate at least one of sand claim 1 , granulate claim 1 , cement and blast furnace slag.94. The method according to ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180361716A1

The invention is directed to a membrane used in waterproofing and roofing applications, the membrane comprising a barrier layer S1 comprising a thermoplastic polymer component P1 and a contact layer S2 bonded to at least portion of the barrier layer S1, the contact layer S2 comprising a mixture of a solid filler component F and a thermoplastic polymer component P2. The invention is also directed to a method for producing the membrane, a method for waterproofing a substrate, to a waterproofed construction, to a method for sealing a substrate against water penetration and to a sealed construction for sealing a substrate against water penetration. 1121211222. A membrane comprising a barrier layer S having a first and a second opposing surface and a contact layer S having a first and a second opposing surface , wherein at least a portion of the first surface of the barrier layer S and the second surface of the contact layer S are directly bonded to each other , and wherein the barrier layer S comprises a thermoplastic polymer component P and the contact layer S comprises a mixture of a solid filler component F and a thermoplastic polymer component P , and wherein the amount of the solid filler component F is 10.0-90.0 wt.-% , based on the total weight of the contact layer S.222. The membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the contact layer S comprises not more than 2.5 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the contact layer S.32. The membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polymer component P has a melting point determined according to ISO 11357 of 25-250° C.42. The membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the solid filler component F is 15.0-80.0 wt.-% claim 1 , based on the total weight of the contact layer S.5. The membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the membrane has a concrete adhesion strength claim 1 , determined by means of the method cited in the description claim 1 , of at least 10 N/50 mm.6. The membrane according to ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200354965A1
Автор: Attebery, II Harold C.

A panelized lath and drainage plane panel and system is disclosed. A panel comprises a patterned polymer board providing a continuous drainage plane and a metallic lath affixed to the patterned polymer board, such that a first pair of adjacent edges include an exposed surface of the patterned polymer board. The panel may also include a second pair of adjacent edges, opposite the first pair of adjacent edges include an overhang of metallic lath. The system provides an open-air space between the exterior of the structure and the polymer board to allow the egress of liquid water and water vapor. A wall system using such panels is also disclosed. Typically, a manmade or natural stone veneer or a stucco is applied over the system. 1. A building exterior system for providing a drainage plane between a decorative counterflashing and a structural wall , comprising:an exterior wall; the patterned polymer board having a base and a face defined by raised sections defining continuous hollows beneath the raised sections, the board being generally rectangular with pairs of opposed edges;', 'the lath panel being generally rectangular with pairs of opposed edges; and', 'the lath being affixed to the patterned polymer board such that one pair of edges of the patterned polymer board is offset from a corresponding pair of edges of the lath;, 'a plurality of panels of panelized lath and patterned polymer board on the exterior wall;'} 'a cementitious layer applied to the panels to substantially coat the lath and at least partially fill the face of the patterned polymer board.', 'wherein, the drainage plane is defined by the hollows created by the patterned polymer board to allow liquid water to flow between the raised sections and the exterior wall; and'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein one pair of edges of the lath extend beyond a corresponding pair of edges of the patterned polymer board.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the offset pair of edges of the patterned polymer board are ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180371745A1

A contact layer used in waterproofing and roofing applications. The contact layer includes a solid filler component F and a thermoplastic polymer component P. Also directed to a method for producing the contact layer, to a method for binding two substrates to each other, to a method for waterproofing a substrate, to a waterproofed structure, to a method for sealing a surface against water penetration, to a sealed construction for sealing a substrate against water penetration and to use of the contact layer as waterproofing membrane. 1. A contact layer comprising a solid filler component F and a thermoplastic polymer component P , wherein the amount of the solid filler component F is 10.0-90.0 wt.-% based on the total weight of the contact layer.2. The contact layer according to comprising not more than 2.5 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the contact layer.3. The contact layer according to claim 1 , wherein the solid filler component F contains at least 60.0 wt. % of mineral binders.4. The contact layer according to claim 1 , wherein the contact layer has a concrete adhesion strength claim 1 , determined by means of the method cited in the description claim 1 , of at least 10 N/50 mm.5. The contact layer according to claim 1 , wherein the solid filler component F comprises at least one mineral binder selected from the group consisting of hydraulic binders claim 1 , non-hydraulic binders claim 1 , latent hydraulic binders claim 1 , and pozzolanic binders claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.6. The contact layer according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the thermoplastic polymer component P is 10.0-90.0 wt.-% claim 1 , based on the total weight of the contact layer claim 1 , and wherein the thermoplastic polymer component P comprises at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of ethylene-vinyl acetate co-polymers (EVA) claim 1 , ethylene-acrylic ester copolymers claim 1 , ethylene-α-olefin co-polymers claim 1 , ethylene-propylene co-polymers ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации

Gypsum Panels, Systems, and Methods

Номер: US20190376286A1

Gypsum panels, sheathing systems, and methods of making and using the same are provided. A gypsum panel includes a gypsum core associated with a first fiberglass mat having a continuous barrier coating, the coating penetrating a portion of the first fiberglass mat opposite the gypsum core, wherein gypsum penetrates a remaining fibrous portion of the first fiberglass mat such that voids in the first fiberglass mat are substantially eliminated. A building sheathing system includes at least two gypsum panels and a seaming component to provide a seam at an interface between the gypsum panels. 1. A method of making a gypsum panel , comprising:depositing a gypsum slurry onto a surface of a first fiberglass mat opposite a continuous barrier coating that penetrates a portion of the first fiberglass mat; andallowing the gypsum slurry to set to form a gypsum core,wherein the gypsum slurry penetrates a remaining fibrous portion of the first fiberglass mat such that voids in substantially all of an interstitial volume of the first fiberglass mat that is not filled by the coating are substantially eliminated, andwherein the gypsum panel passes a hydrostatic head test against water leakage, as measured by AATCC 127-2008.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:depositing the gypsum slurry comprises depositing a first gypsum slurry onto the surface of the first fiberglass mat, the first gypsum slurry having a density of from about 88 pcf to about 98 pcf, andallowing the gypsum slurry to set comprises allowing the first gypsum slurry to set to form at least a portion of the gypsum core.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first gypsum slurry comprises a wetting agent in an amount effective to reduce a surface tension of the first gypsum slurry to from about 30 dyne/cm to about 55 dyne/cm.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the wetting agent is selected from a group consisting of surfactants claim 3 , superplasticisers claim 3 , dispersants claim 3 , agents containing surfactants claim 3 ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Electronic device screen covers and electronic devices with bioactive materials

Номер: US20200383323A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Certain embodiments described herein are directed to electronic device screen covers that include one more bioactive materials. In some embodiments, the electronic device screen covers can be used with capacitive touch screens on electronic devices such as cellular phones, tablets, laptops, kiosk displays or other electronic devices that include screens. Methods of using the screen covers and screens to reduce spread of infections are also described.

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200385951A1

A rotomolded lid for a meter box and a method of making the same are provided. The lid is formed in a rotomold process that embeds a pair of rebars within a hollow lid product. Concrete is then poured into the hollow portion and allowed to cure. The end result is a reinforced meter box lid that is configured to handle loads of up to 16,000 lbs. In addition, the presence of the rebars, which are ferromagnetic, allows a metal detector to detect the presence of the lid should it ever be inadvertently covered over or otherwise obscured from view. Furthermore, the central lid portion may also include a passageway covered by a hinged door to permit access to the meter box without having to lift up the lid itself. Another passageway, along with an associated countersunk portion in an upper lid surface, permits a wireless transponder to be positioned therein and connected to meter equipment in the box. 1. A lid configured for being positioned on top of a meter box , said lid comprising: a body , formed of a plastic material , having a hollow interior that is filled with cement that includes a pair of rebars for reinforcing said lid and for making said lid detectable by a metal detector.2. The lid of wherein said body is formed into a rectangular shape having rounded corners claim 1 , said rectangular shape having rounded corners permitting said body to fit snugly into the opening of a correspondingly-shaped opening at the top of the meter box.3. The lid of wherein said pair of rebars are positioned in parallel and are aligned with a long side of said rectangularly-shaped body.4. The lid of further comprising a passageway formed in a central region of said body from a top side to a bottom side of said body and wherein a door is pivotally hinged within said passageway claim 1 , said door being openable to permit access through said lid without having to raise the lid when said lid is positioned on top of the meter box.5. The lid of wherein said door comprises a slit for ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190383032A1

A flooring mat that includes a first layer that includes a vapor barrier, a second layer that includes a textile pad, and a third layer having an entangled filament structure. The second layer is disposed between the first layer and the third layer. The flooring mat may be provided between a subfloor and a surface layer of a flooring structure. 1. A flooring mat , comprising:a first layer;a second layer comprising a textile pad; anda third layer comprising an entangled filament structure,wherein the entangled filament structure is formed by extrusion into a three-dimensional structure having a patterned configuration,wherein the patterned configuration includes individual pyramids, cones, cylinders, cubes or domes,wherein the individual pyramids, cones, cylinders, cubes or domes are separated by intersecting lanes, the lanes being areas where polymers of the entangled filament structure adhere to the second layer, the pattern of the individual pyramids, cones, cylinders, cubes or domes of filaments extending continuously across an entirety of the third layer, each of the individual pyramids, cones, cylinders, cubes or domes of filaments separated from adjacent ones of the individual pyramids, cones, cylinders, cubes or domes of filaments along both a first axis and a second axis perpendicular to the first axis.2. The flooring mat according to claim 1 ,wherein the second layer is disposed between the first layer and the third layer.3. The flooring mat according to claim 1 ,wherein the first layer is a vapor barrier.4. The flooring mat according to claim 1 ,wherein the textile pad comprises a fibrous web layer where one surface of the fibrous web layer is coated with an adhesive, and wherein the fibrous web layer comprises interlocked reinforcement fibers distributed substantially randomly in a first plane.5. The flooring mat according to claim 3 ,wherein the vapor barrier comprises a single polyethylene layer.6. The flooring mat according to claim 3 ,wherein the ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190390456A1

A reinforced water-resistant board includes a cover board with a reinforced water-resistant membrane applied to a surface of the cover board. The reinforced water-resistant membrane includes a primer layer, a reinforced membrane, a traffic coat, and a sealing layer. The primer layer is applied over the surface of the cover board. The reinforced membrane includes fleece soaked in a liquid resin and is applied over the primer layer. The traffic coat is boned to the reinforced member. The sealing layer is applied over the traffic coat. 1. A method of installing a water-resistant system , the method comprising:securing a first water-resistant board having a first edge to a support structure, the first board having an outside surface including a central region and a first recess defined between the central region of the first board and the first edge;securing a second board to the support structure with a second edge of the second board adjacent the first edge of the first board to form a first joint between the first and second edges of the first and second boards, the second board having an outside surface including a central region and a second recess defined between the central region of the second board and the second edge; andapplying a sealing strip over the first joint to seal the first joint with the sealing strip forming a seamless joint between the central regions of the first and second boards.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising applying a sealing compound to the first joint before applying the sealing strip over the first joint claim 1 , the sealing strip being applied over the sealing compound.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein securing the first board includes driving a fastener through the first board adjacent the first edge into the support structure and wherein applying the sealing strip over the first joint includes applying the sealing strip over the fastener.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein applying the ...

21-04-1998 дата публикации

Adhesion promoter for a laminate comprising a substantially linear polyolefin

Номер: US5741594A
Автор: Gary L. Jialanella
Принадлежит: Dow Chemical Co

The present invention is a laminate comprising a first substrate adhesively bonded to a second substrate through an adhesion promoter. The first substrate comprises a substantially linear olefin copolymer and the adhesion promoter comprises a polar group functionalized substantially linear olefin copolymer. The present invention is also an adhesion promoter that comprises a mixture of a copolymer of a C 2-20 olefin and an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid or acid anhydride and a polar group functionalized substantially linear olefin copolymer or a polar group functionalized copolymer of ethylene and a C 3-20 olefin having a narrow molecular weight distribution, a random distribution of comonomer units along the polymer backbone, and a homogeneity index of at least 75. The present invention is useful in a variety of applications such as bathroom scales, shoe soles, carpet-backing, and automobile windshields.
