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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2608028C2
Принадлежит: СВИСС КРОНО Тек АГ (CH)

Группа изобретений относится к составам для клеящих композиций и к клеящим композициям, в частности для комбинированного клеящего вещества, а также к применению клеящей композиции для изготовления изделий на основе дерева, а также к применению полимеров простых эфиров в клеящих веществах на основе аминосмол. Композиция содержит по меньшей мере одну смесь аминосмолы и по меньшей мере одного полимера простого эфира, и комбинацию смеси с изоцианатом. Клеящие композиции являются особенно подходящими для применения в качестве клеящих веществ для материалов на основе дерева, в частности плит ОСП, древесно-волокнистых плит, или древесно-стружечных плит. В еще одном аспекте изобретение относится к способам изготовления таких материалов на основе дерева из лигноцеллюлозных продуктов измельчения, в частности к способам изготовления плит ОСП, древесно-волокнистых плит, или древесно-стружечных плит, где лигноцеллюлозные продукты измельчения контактируют с клеящей композицией в соответствии с изобретением ...

20-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2250319C2

Изобретение относится к области строительства, в частности к покрытию пола, состоящему из жестких панелей. Технический результат изобретения заключается в точности монтажа панелей. Панели пола имеют, по меньшей мере, на двух противоположных кромках соединительные средства, выполненные как единое целое с панелями. Эти соединительные средства обеспечивают взаимную фиксацию в направлении (R1), перпендикулярном плоскости покрытия пола, а также в направлении (R2), перпендикулярном соответствующим кромкам и параллельном плоскости покрытия пола. Эти соединительные средства содержат шип и паз. Выступ, который расположен на нижней стороне паза, длиннее выступа на верхней стороне. Кромка, которая снабжена шипом, выполнена гибкой. 9 н. и 64 з.п.ф-лы, 26 ил.

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2467881C2
Принадлежит: Хюк Рейнише ГмбХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к заготовке материала и к плите пресса для заготовки материала. Заготовка материала включает, по крайней мере, один центральный слой подложки и декоративный слой, выполненный, по крайней мере, на одной стороне слоя подложки. Декоративный слой расположен с обеих сторон изготавливаемой заготовки материала, и обеспечивается точное тиснение, где структуры с обеих сторон заготовки материала сформированы точно выровненными. Изобретение позволяет повысить качество заготовки. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

17-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675142C2

Способ изготовления декоративных ламинатов, включающий стадии: пропитки бумажной подложки термореактивной смолой на меламино-формальдегидной основе; нанесения на пропитанную термореактивной смолой бумажную подложку слоя, захватывающего краску, содержащего неорганический пигмент P и полимерное связующее B с массовым отношением P/B неорганического пигмента к полимерному связующему более 1,5; струйной печати на слое, захватывающем краску, цветного рисунка водными пигментными красками и/или пигментными красками на основе органического растворителя, содержащими цветной пигмент C; и горячего прессования термореактивной бумаги в декоративный ламинат, причём массовое отношение Р/С неорганического пигмента слоя, захватывающего краску, к распыляемому цветному пигменту в цветном рисунке составляет более 4,0, а слой, захватывающий краску, имеет общую сухую массу не более 10 г/м. Изобретение обеспечивает улучшенный способ получения декоративных поверхностей методом струйной печати. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы ...

02-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2626948C2

Группа изобретений относится к деревообрабатывающей промышленности, в частности к нанесению декоративной поверхности на панель. Формируют первый, второй и третий слои. Первый слой содержит волокна, второй слой - износостойкие частицы, третий слой - частицы термореактивного связующего вещества. Во втором варианте выполнения формируют первый слой первого материала, наносят второй слой второго материала на первый слой, смешивают первый и второй слои в смесь и наносят на подложку. Насыпающее оборудование содержит первое устройство выдачи, второе устройство выдачи, подвижное устройство транспортировки и смешивающее устройство. Первое устройство выдачи выполнено с возможностью нанесения первого материала на устройство транспортировки. Второе устройство выдачи выполнено с возможностью нанесения второго материала на первый материал. Смешивающее устройство выполнено с возможностью смешивания первого и второго материалов и удаления первого и второго материалов с устройства транспортировки. Упрощается ...

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2348517C2
Принадлежит: ЛИГНОР ЛИМИТЕД (AU)

Изобретение относится к продукции из твердой древесины. Щеповой пиломатериал или щеповая плита выполнены из эвкалиптовых пород и связаны посредством связующего, содержащего изоциоанатный или феноловый полимер. Эвкалипты выбраны из таких видов как Bluegum (E. Globulus), Karri (E. Diversicolor), Sydney Bluegum (E. Saligna), Marri (E. Calophylla) или Jarrah (E. Marginata). Изобретение позволяет получить продукцию с высокой поверхностной прочностью, влагостойкостью, низким коэффициентом набухания. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

04-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2756645C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к строительной панели, имеющей ламинированную структуру, включающую в себя слой поверхностного покрытия, содержащий первый разбухающий состав, слой целлюлозного шпона, адгезивный слой, образованный из адгезивной композиции, содержащей второй разбухающий состав, и слой металлического субстрата, при этом слой целлюлозного шпона по меньшей мере частично связан с металлическим субстратом адгезивным слоем. Получаемая строительная панель обладает превосходной огнестойкостью, оцениваемой Классом А степени пожарной безопасности в соответствии с ASTM Е-84. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 8 табл.

20-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2358878C2

Многослойная плита включает в себя плиту заготовки, которая по своей лицевой стороне покрыта, по меньшей мере, одним пропитанным смолой слоем бумаги. При этом на обращенной от плиты заготовки стороне, по меньшей мере, одного слоя бумаги или верхнего слоя бумаги имеется слой смолы, среднее значение толщины которого составляет, по меньшей мере, 5 мкм. Использованный при изготовлении многослойной плиты видимый слой бумаги имеет измеренную по Бекку лощеность бумаги-основы, по меньшей мере, 20 сек. Изобретение повышает глянцевые свойства декоративных поверхностей бумаги для многослойной плиты. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 1 табл.

20-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2373062C2

Изобретение относится к комбинированной пластине для противопожарных дверей и к способу ее изготовления. Способ изготовления комбинированной пластины заключается в том, что на противопожарный слой А, представляющий собой армированный волокном водосодержащий силикат натрия, наносят смесь эпоксидной смолы и отвердителя или полиуретановую смолу для образования защитного слоя В. Перед отверждением защитного слоя В на него наносят субстратный слой С из дерева или древеснотружечной плиты средней или высокой плотности. До или после нанесения защитного слоя В и субстратного слоя С на противопожарный слой А наносят защитный слой В′. Далее отверждают комбинированную пластину путем прессования. Полученная комбинированная пластина содержит последовательность слоев B′-A-B-C и состоит из противопожарного слоя А из водосодержащего армированного волокном силиката натрия, субстратного слоя С из дерева или древесностружечной плиты средней или высокой плотности, защитных слоев В и В′, нанесенных с обеих сторон ...

20-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2367752C2

Изобретение относится к области строительства, в частности плитам для полов. Технический результат изобретения заключается в упрощении и удешевлении изготовления плит полов с повышением звукоизоляции. В плите пола используется компенсационный элемент, в частности противорастягивающий импрегнат, у которого пропитанная бумага соединена с изолирующим нижним слоем. Изолирующий нижний слой в плите пола служит слоем звукоизолирующего материала. Причем между бумагой и нижним слоем используется клеевое покрытие. 3 н. и 38 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

01-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2765643C2
Принадлежит: ИКЕЯ САППЛАЙ АГ (CH)

Изобретение относится к области деревообоработки и касается древесно-стружечной плиты (10) и способа ее изготовления. Плита включает: внутренний слой (2), сформированный из покрытых смолой древесных частиц с большим размером частиц; по меньшей мере один поверхностный слой (1, 4), образованный из покрытых смолой древесных частиц, где по меньшей мере один поверхностный слой (1, 4) содержит древесные частицы с размерами частиц меньшими, чем размеры частиц внутреннего слоя (2); и по меньшей мере один промежуточный слой (3, 5), расположенный между поверхностным слоем (1, 4) и внутренним слоем (2), где промежуточный слой (3, 5) выполнен из не пропитанной смолой бумаги или перфорированного пластикового листового материала, и по меньшей мере один промежуточный слой (3, 5) имеет поверхностную плотность в интервале от 5 до 600 г/м2 и толщину в интервале от 0,05 до 3 мм. Изобретение обеспечивает получение древесно-стружечной плиты низкой общей массы с тонким поверхностным слоем с ровной поверхностью ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2558883C2

Изобретение относится к области панелей на волокнистой основе с износостойкими поверхностями в качестве строительных панелей, предпочтительно напольных панелей. Способ изготовления износостойкого поверхностного слоя включает стадии: нанесение нижнего слоя, включающего смесь из древесных волокон и смолы, на носитель, нанесение сухого порошкового слоя, включающего смесь очищенных волокон, связующего материала, пигментов и износостойких частиц, на носитель, при этом нижний слой располагают между носителем и сухим порошковым слоем, и отверждение сухого порошкового слоя в износостойкий поверхностный слой путем применения нагревания и давления к сухому порошковому слою. Изобретение также относится к напольной панели, изготовленной указанным способом. Износостойкий поверхностный слой имеет светлую и/или простую окраску. 3 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539158C2

Изобретение относится к композитным материалам, используемым в качестве материалов в отделке интерьеров, для обивки, в строительстве и для изготовления мебели, и касается печатания на нетканых полотнах и их применения в композитных материалах. Способ изготовления композитного материала, в котором композитный материал включает в себя носитель и по меньшей мере одну текстильную поверхностную структуру, наслоенную по меньшей мере на одну из двух сторон носителя, причем текстильная поверхностная структура включает по меньшей мере одно отверждаемое связующее средство в состоянии "B-stage" и перед наслоением отпечатана с приданием ей декора с помощью цифровой печати, при этом включает стадии: a) приготовление носителя; b) нанесение покровной бумаги или покровного нетканого полотна по меньшей мере на одну поверхность носителя, причем покровная бумага или покровное нетканое полотно включает по меньшей мере одно связующее средство в состоянии "B-stage"; c) нанесение текстильной поверхностной структуры ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719985C2

Изобретение относится к деревообрабатывающей промышленности и касается способа получения ламинированных плит. Способ осуществляют путем нанесения укладкой в стопу нескольких слоев волокон и/или частиц со связующим материалом и/или другими химическими добавками на конвейерную ленту до образования многослойного ковра, в котором слои физически различаются друг от друга. Способ включает: определение конечной толщины и плотности плиты; определение количества слоев, формирующих плиту, и типа материала, используемого для каждого слоя; выбор и подготовку компонента каждого слоя, который должен быть сформирован; нанесение укладкой в стопу со смещением слоев, предварительно определенных в соответствии с массой на мкаждого слоя; предварительное уплотнение и, необязательно, предварительный нагрев ковра; уплотнение ковра с использованием давления и тепла. Изобретение также описывает плиту, полученную с помощью указанного способа для получения симметричной или асимметричной стабильной плиты. Изобретение ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2387758C2
Принадлежит: ДЖОНС МЭНВИЛЛ (US)

Изобретение относится к способам обеспечения влагостойкости наружных и внутренних стеновых конструкций и к улучшенным стеновым конструкциям, полученным этими способами. Способ обеспечения влагостойкости наружной стеновой конструкции здания, в котором: (а) создают одну или более влагостойкую стеновую панель обшивки, при этом каждая панель содержит деревянное листовое изделие и мат из нетканого материала, приклеенный к деревянному листовому изделию, причем каждую панель изготавливают путем воздействия на деревянное листовое изделие и мат из нетканого материала в состоянии стадии "В" теплотой и давлением, достаточными для отверждения связующего в мате и для приклеивания мата к деревянному листовому изделию, при этом мат в состоянии стадии "В" содержит волокна, связанные друг с другом связующим на основе смолы, которое отверждено лишь частично; (b) устанавливают стеновую панель (панели) обшивки на наружную стеновую конструкцию здания так, что нетканый мат каждой панели обращен наружу здания ...

27-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2483086C2
Принадлежит: ЮПМ-Кюммене Вуд Ой (FI)

Изобретение относится к самоклеящемуся материалу для древесной плиты. Самоклеящийся материал сформирован из полиолефиновой пленки, которая имеет показатель текучести расплава меньше или равным 4 г/10 мин (измеренным при 190°С/2,16 кг) и содержит реакционноспособные группы малеинового ангидрида, реагирующие с -ОН группами древесины для образования самоклеящихся свойств. При этом реакционноспособные группы полиолефина активированы при температурах выше 180°С в ходе изготовления самоклеящегося материала для образования ковалентных связей с -ОН группами древесины. Древесная плита с самоклеящимся материалом по данному изобретению обладает высокой износостойкостью, и ее можно использовать для боковых стенок фургонов, трейлеров, кузовов для перевозки лошадей, кухонь и мебели, оборудования для игровых площадок, спортивного снаряжения, контейнеров и дорожных знаков. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 6 табл., 2 пр.

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2591466C2

Группа изобретений относится к деревообрабатывающей промышленности, в частности к производству панелей из древесных волокон и связующего. Первый слой из первой смеси на порошкообразной основе, содержащей древесные волокна и термоотверждающееся связующее, наносят на сердцевину. Наносят жидкое вещество на первую смесь на порошкообразной основе. Выполняют сушку первой смеси на порошкообразной основе. Переворачивают сердцевину с высушенной первой смесью на порошкообразной основе так, чтобы первая смесь на порошкообразной основе была обращена вниз. Наносят второй слой на верхнюю часть сердцевины. Выполняют отверждение первого и второго слоев посредством подвода тепла и давления. Первый слой образует балансирующий и/или защитный слой. Второй слой образует декоративный поверхностный слой в строительной панели. Отдельный и непрерывный балансирующий и/или защитный слой содержит порошкообразную смесь соединенных волокон и не отвержденного термоотверждающегося связующего. Повышается прочность и влагостойкость ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018117285A3

26-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016135231A3

14-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017123223A3

18-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019115804A3

19-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018135275A3

15-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019132081A3

27-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018106892A3

12-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016116434A3

05-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696715C1

Изобретение относится к панелям для настила, в частности, для зон вне помещений и влажных зон. Технический результат изобретения заключается в снижении трудозатрат при монтаже настила. Настил содержит несущую плиту с лицевой поверхностью и тыльной поверхностью, причем несущая плита на своей лицевой поверхности снабжена декоративным и/или защитным слоем. Для отвода жидкостей, в частности воды, на тыльной поверхности несущей плиты нанесены дренажные выступы. 4 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012152808A

... 1. Форма для изготовления полых панелей, представляющих собой вид панелей, сформированных из полой центральной панели и двух наружных листов обшивки, соединенных с центральной панелью клеящим веществом, размещаемая в рамном прессе, верхняя нагревательная пластина которого поднимается, обеспечивая доступ для дозирующего устройства, подающего в форму материал из древесного волокна и клея, а затем опускается на этапе прессования, смыкаясь с верхней частью формы, а нижняя нагревательная плита пресса определяет передвижную нижнюю часть формы, характеризуется тем, что включает:- неподвижный периферийный каркас (19) с размерами, соответствующими панели,- нагревательную плиту (20), которая может вертикально перемещаться гидравлическими цилиндрами (11), на свободной поверхности указанной нагревательной плиты (20) установлена сменная плита с зубчатым профилем, которая образует форму (6) с параллельными выступами под определенным углом и с необходимой высотой,- опорная платформа (30) и нагревательная ...

20-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009107978A

... 1. Применение ПВП или ПСП для изготовления напольной панели, которая на одной продольной и на одной поперечной сторонах оснащена пазом, а в каждом случае на противоположной продольной и поперечной стороне - подходящим к пазу гребнем и включающей в себя ! А сердцевину из ПВП или ПСП, содержащую по меньшей мере один пигмент, а относительно пигмента - от 0,5 до 10 мас.% по меньшей мере одного красителя и ! В стабилизирующий слой с нижней стороны, ! причем наличие декоративного слоя исключено. ! 2. Применение ПВП или ПСП по п.1, причем наличие декоративного слоя, который добавляют к напольной панели в форме окрашенной или с оттиском бумаги или покровного материала или посредством полномасштабного запечатывания, исключено. ! 3. Применение ПВП или ПСП по п.1, отличающееся тем, что напольная панель имеет на верхней стороне прозрачный защитный слой С. ! 4. Применение ПВП или ПСП по п.1, отличающееся тем, что сердцевина А содержит от 0,001 до 20 мас.% по меньшей мере одного окрашивающего компонента ...

20-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011113528A

... 1. Композиционный материал, содержащий: ! (i) по меньшей мере один материал основы и ! (ii) по меньшей мере одну плоскую текстильную структуру, причем плоская текстильная структура содержит по меньшей мере одно окончательно отвержденное связующее B-стадии, ! отличающийся тем, что ! (iii) окончательно упрочненная связующим B-стадии плоская текстильная структура содержит полости, которые соответствуют объему пор диапазоне более 20%. ! 2. Композиционный материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что имеющаяся в композиционном материале плоская текстильная структура содержит до 35 вес.%, предпочтительно от 15 вес.% до 20 вес.%, окончательно отвержденного связующего B-стадии (каждый раз в расчете на плоскую текстильную структуру без функциональных материалов). ! 3. Композиционный материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что имеющаяся в композиционном материале плоская текстильная структура содержит по меньшей мере один акустически активный наполнитель, который заполняет объем пор, и количество окончательно ...

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010134493A

... 1. Самоклеющийся материал для древесной плиты, отличающийся тем, что он сформирован из полиолефиновой пленки, обладающей показателем текучести расплава ≤4 г/10 мин (измеренным при 190°С/2,16 кг), причем полиолефиновая пленка содержит группы, способные реагировать с -ОН группами древесины для образования самоклеющихся свойств, и эти реакционно-способные группы полиолефиновой пленки активируют в ходе изготовления самоклеющегося материала для образования ковалентной связи с группами -ОН древесины. ! 2. Самоклеющийся материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что полиолефиновая пленка по меньшей мере частично сшита поперечными связями. ! 3. Самоклеющийся материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что реакционно-способные группы полиолефиновой пленки активируют в ходе изготовления самоклеющегося материала при температурах выше 180°С. ! 4. Самоклеющийся материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что при изготовлении самоклеющегося материала используют катализатор. ! 5. Самоклеющийся материал по п.1, отличающийся тем ...

11-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018112477A

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013101801A

... 1. Панель (1), содержащая полимерный композиционный слой (4) и слой покрытия, который ламинирован к полимерному композиционному слою (4), в которой слой покрытия включает полимерную пленку (5).2. Панель (1) по п.1, в которой полимерный композиционный слой представляет собой ДПК слой (4), изготовленный из древесно-пластикового композиционного материала (ДПК), и слой покрытия представляет собой отличную от ДПК полимерную пленку (5), или полимерный композиционный слой представляет собой композит полимера и неполимерного композиционного вещества, при этом полимерная пленка (5) не содержит указанное неполимерное композиционное вещество.3. Панель (1) по п.1, в которой полимерная пленка (5) имеет толщину менее 1500 мкм и предпочтительно менее 500 мкм.4. Панель (1) по п.1, в которой полимерный композиционный слой (4) содержит неполярный полимер.5. Панель (1) по п.1, в которой полимерная пленка (5) изготовлена из ПВХ, полиэтилена, полипропилена, полиэстера, полистирола или полипропилена.6. Панель ...

27-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007113164A

... 1. Способ обеспечения влагостойкости наружной стеновой конструкции здания, в котором:(а) создают одну или более влагостойких стеновых панелей обшивки, при этом каждая панель содержит деревянное листовое изделие и мат из нетканого материала, приклеенный к деревянному листовому изделию, причемкаждую панель изготавливают путем воздействия на деревянное листовое изделие и мат из нетканого материала в состоянии стадии "В" теплотой и давлением, достаточными для отверждения связующего в мате и для приклеивания мата к деревянному листовому изделию, при этом мат в состоянии стадии "В" содержит волокна, связанные друг другом связующим на основе смолы, которое отверждено лишь частично;(b) устанавливают стеновую панель (панели) обшивки на наружную стеновую конструкцию здания так, что нетканый мат каждой панели обращен наружу здания.2. Способ по п.1, в котором волокна являются стекловолокном, а мат является нетканым матом из стекловолокна.3. Способ по п.1, в котором волокна являются полиэфирными волокнами ...

27-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010125230A

... 1. Строительная панель, содержащая поверхностный слой (5) и внутренний слой (6), причем внутренний слой содержит древесные волокна (14), отличающаяся тем, что ! поверхностный слой (5) содержит по существу гомогенную смесь, состоящую из древесных волокон (14), связующего вещества (19) и износостойких частиц (12), причем древесные волокна (14) в поверхностном слое (5) являются неочищенными и содержат натуральные смолы, например, лингин, ! при этом панель является панелью напольного покрытия, содержащей стабилизирующий слой (7), ! связующее вещество (19) является термоотверждаемой смолой, и износостойкие частицы (12) содержат оксид алюминия, ! причем частицы (12) оксида алюминия находятся в непосредственном контакте с верхней частью внутреннего слоя (6). ! 2. Строительная панель по п.1, в которой внутренний слой (6) является плитой, например, древесноволокнистой плитой высокой плотности (ХДФ) или древесностружечной плитой, при этом поверхностный слой (5) дополнительно содержит цветные пигменты ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Sandwich element for use as wall element, ceiling element and roof element in building industry, has insulation layer that is arranged between carrier layers and is made of soft wood fiber material

Номер: DE102012015305A1

The sandwich element has an insulation layer (2) that is arranged between carrier layers (1,3). The insulation layer is made of soft wood fiber material. The carrier layers are made of metal. The carrier layers are connected with the insulation layer by an adhesive bond layer in a slide-resistant manner.

29-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069321262D1

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Faserpaneele mit einer verschleißfesten Oberfläche

Номер: DE202008018477U1

Bodenplatte, die umfasst: einen Träger (6), eine Unterschicht (6b), die an einer ersten Fläche des Trägers (6) angeordnet ist, und eine Holzfurnier-Schicht (5), die auf der Unterschicht (6b) angeordnet ist, wobei die Unterschicht (6) Kork oder Holzfasern umfasst, die mit einem Bindemittel gemischt sind.

14-05-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002606924B2

09-08-2001 дата публикации

Querfaserfurnier und Furniertafel

Номер: DE0019708196C2

11-01-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002628950C3

16-09-2004 дата публикации

Spanholzwerkstoff und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE0060012839D1

30-08-2007 дата публикации

Substrat für den Inkjet-Druck zum Beschichten eines Paneels aus Holzwerkstoff

Номер: DE102005060758B3
Принадлежит: KRONOTEC AG

Die Erfindung betrifft ein mit Inkjet-Druck bedruckbares Substrat 2 zum Aufpressen auf Holzwerkstoffe, aufweisend ein Fasergerüst 4, das vollständig mit einem ausgehärtetem, polaren Füllmaterial 6 gefüllt ist, und das einseitig mit einem Klebstrich 12 versehen ist. Die Erfindung betrifft weiter ein Paneel aus Holzwerkstoff, mindestens abschnittsweise beschichtet mit einem Substrat 2 nach einem oder mehreren der Ansprüche 1 bis 7.

24-01-2008 дата публикации

Production of wood composite panels with structured surface comprises applying flexible coating to support panel, cutting into strips, embossing coated surface, profiling long edges, cutting into panels and profiling top and bottom edges

Номер: DE102006052555B3

The method for production of wood composite panels with a structured surface (18) comprises: (A) forming a support panel (3); (B) applying a flexible coating (2); (C) separating the product into strips (1); (D) embossing the coated surface to produce the structure (10, 16);profiling the long edges (13, 14) of the strip; (E) cutting it into panels; and (F) profiling the top and bottom edges of the panels.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Reliefplatte

Номер: DE102017115100A1

Ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Reliefplatte (1) für den Innenausbau oder den Möbelbau oder dergleichen weist die folgenden Verfahrensschritte auf:Bereitstellen einer Presse mit einem Presstempel und eines plattenförmigen, oberflächenstrukturierten Frontwerkzeugs (5), wobei das oberflächenstrukturierte Frontwerkzeug (5) als Struktur ein Negativrelief (7) einer verbrannten Holzbrettoberfläche aufweist, und eines plattenförmigen Rückwerkzeugs (6);Bereitstellen eines durchgefärbten Außenfurniers (2) und einer Trägerplatte (3), Verpressen eines geschichteten Stapels, bestehend aus dem durchgefärbten Außenfurnier (2) und der Trägerplatte (3) zwischen dem strukturierten Frontwerkzeug (5) und dem Rückwerkzeug (6) mit der Presse zu der Reliefplatte (1), die auf zumindest einer Seite eine verbranntem Holz entsprechende Oberflächenstruktur (8) aufweist.

11-02-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Werkstoffplatte

Номер: DE102019121465A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Werkstoffplatte, insbesondere einer Holzwerkstoffplatte (1), die zumindest eine Kernschicht (2) aus Strands (3) oder aus Spänen sowie Deckschichten (4, 5) aus Spänen (6) aufweist, wobei eine mehrschichtige Pressgutmatte (1') mit zumindest einer Kern-Pressgutschicht (2') aus Strands (3) oder Spänen und einer unteren und einer oberen Deck-Pressgutschicht (4', 5') aus Spänen (6) erzeugt wird und wobei die mehrschichtige Pressgutmatte (1') unter Bildung der Holzwerkstoffplatte (1) mit der Kernschicht (2) und den Deckschichten (4, 5)verpresst wird.Das Verfahren ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Kern-Pressgutschicht (2') aus streufähigen Strands (3) oder Spänen durch Streuen erzeugt wird und dass die Deck-Pressgutschichten (4', 5') jeweils aus einem fließfähigen Span-Flüssigkeitsgemisch (9) erzeugt werden.

16-11-1978 дата публикации

Multilayer chipboard prodn. - using aminoplast -contg. binder in top layer and phenoplast binder in inner layer(s)

Номер: DE0002719795A1

Binder contg. >70% aminoplast, bal. phenoplast, in top layers is in a multi-layer chipboard contg. >=1 internal layer bonded with phenoplast binder. High strength is achieved by (i) adding an alkaline hardener to the binder of one layer and an acid hardener to the binder of the other layer, in quantities differing such that the finished chipboard contains acid or alkaline zones in the are between the top layers and the inner layer, or (ii) by adding a hardener only to the binder of the internal layer, while the temp. in the top layers is sufficiently high to provide a temp. High strength chipboard is prepd., free from surface-blooming and staining. Dust, formed in polishing the chipboard, no longer cakes, when burning in combustion plant.

31-01-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002218074B2

10-04-2017 дата публикации

Fußleiste und Dekorationssystem

Номер: DE202017100562U1
Принадлежит: IVC BVBA, IVC, BVBA

Eine Fußleiste (1), umfassend einen Kern (4) mit einer Oberseite (5), einer dieser gegenüberliegenden Unterseite (6) und einer einander gegenüberliegenden Vorderseite (7) und Rückseite (8), die sich zwischen der Unterseite (6) und der Oberseite (5) erstrecken, und ein an dem Kern (4) befestigtes plattenförmiges Material (10), das mindestens die Vorderseite (7) bedeckt, wobei das plattenförmige Material (10), von der Oberseite (5) des Kerns (4) aus gesehen, sich über die Unterseite (6) des Kerns (4) hinaus erstreckt.

16-08-2007 дата публикации

Tabletop for garden furniture comprises thinner surface plate of fibre-glass reinforced synthetic resin connected to and forming outside of support plate

Номер: DE102006006945A1

... the tabletop (10) comprises a support plate (11) and surface plate (12) connected to one another so that the surface plate which is thinner and made of fibre-glass reinforced synthetic resin forms at least part of the outside of the tabletop. The synthetic resin can contain a colour pigment and a mineral filler. The support plate can be made of MDF or chipboard. Independent claim describes method for manufacturing tabletop by mixing synthetic resin with colour pigments, adding it to a production mould and letting it set and harden on a support plate.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Leichtbauplatte für den Möbelbau

Номер: DE102008020976B4

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Leichtbauplatte (1) für den Möbelbau, die mindestens eine Decklage (2a, 2b) aus einem Holzwerkstoff und eine damit zu verklebende Mittellage (3) aus einer Pappwabe oder Dünnst-MDF mit einer Wabenstruktur (4) aufweist, bei dem die folgenden Schritte durchgeführt werden: – Befeuchten einer Klebstoff (6a) enthaltenden Klebefolie (6) und/oder einer benachbarten Lage (2a, 2b, 3, 7, 8) durch Benetzen mit Wasser, – Herstellen eines Schichtaufbaus (5) aus der mindestens einen Decklage (2a, 2b), der Mittellage (3) und der Klebefolie (6), wobei die Klebefolie (6) zwischen mindestens einer der Decklagen (2a; 2b) und der Mittellage (3) angeordnet wird, – Erzeugen eines elektromagnetischen Wechselfeldes, wobei der Schichtaufbau (5) dem elektromagnetischen Feld ausgesetzt wird, – Fixieren des Schichtaufbaus (5), wobei sich der Klebstoff (6a) zumindest teilweise verfestigt.

03-08-1972 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von durch Einformen in Holzpartil elchen und -Furniere gewonnenen Stuecken

Номер: DE0002201755A1

04-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008925813D0

28-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009022671D0

28-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008910805D0

05-05-2010 дата публикации

Resin composition for the manufacture high gloss laminated panels

Номер: GB0201004538D0

01-04-1987 дата публикации

Fast curing condensation product and process for its production

Номер: GB2180545A

Condensation products are prepared from a composition which comprises an aminoplastic resin former, formaldehyde, thiourea, and a separating agent. The composition and condensation product may also contain a plasticiser, a guanamine, a wetting agent and/or a curing agent. The condensation products may be used for the production of laminates or laminated derived timber products and require very short pressing times. The separating agent may comprise guanamine or a salt or ester of a fatty acid, e.g. guanidine stearate or palmitate.

26-03-1997 дата публикации

Acoustical products and coatings therefor

Номер: GB0002304725A

This invention describes two products both with a plain, fine textured, nonperforated surface visual consisting of a fiberboard substrate with or without a laminated porous nonwoven scrim and then a finished painted surface. The finish painted surface decorates or finishes the board, but most important, must remain acoustically transparent to retain the sound absorption properties of the fiberboard prior to painting. The fiberboard substrate is made to be porous or modified with hole perforations to cause it to be a good sound absorber. If the fiberboard substrate is sufficiently porous without hole perforations, then the sprayable, high solids, porous paint can be directly applied. If hole perforations are used to improve the sound absorption properties of the board substrate, then a porous, nonwoven scrim is attached and painted using the same high solids porous paint. This painted scrim must be sufficiently optically opaque to hide the hole punched board, yet sufficiently open to render ...

05-10-2005 дата публикации

Process for the ennobling of softwood panels and panels obtained in this way

Номер: GB0002394695B

06-01-1999 дата публикации

Furniture panel

Номер: GB0002326840A

24-07-1996 дата публикации

Decorative surface finishes for boards and panels

Номер: GB2297064A

A board or panel such as a furniture door is provided with a decorative finish by attaching foil to the surface of a cut-away part of the board or panel . The door (1), which may be formed from medium density fibreboard (MDF) with a bonded laminate surface cover, is cut or routed to provide a groove (4) to set off a central portion (5) in relief. Masking film is applied over the door surface (2) and is then removed from the groove (4). Adhesive is applied over the film and the film is stripped away leaving glue in the groove (4). A sheet of PVC foil is applied over the door surface and is bonded by the adhesive in the groove. Excess foil overlaying the portions (3) of the door beyond the groove (4) is then cut away.

09-05-1985 дата публикации

Modular panel for raised floors

Номер: GB0002147248A

The panel consists of a main layer which is made of chipboard and on whose upper face a covering is applied, which covering constitutes the treading surface. The lower surface is combined with a layer of material which has a low heat transmission coefficient and is covered with a thin metal sheet made, for example, of aluminium, which sheet has the function of reflecting the incident radiation in the event of a fire, thereby allowing a long interval of time before the panel gives way and safety margins for evacuation of the premises. ...

03-07-2002 дата публикации

Item of furniture

Номер: GB0000211776D0

01-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002104448B
Принадлежит: HELD KURT, KURT * HELD

17-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008619389D0

08-03-1995 дата публикации

Decorative surface finishes for boards and panels

Номер: GB0009500910D0

03-11-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001454853A

... 1454853 Laminates W P CRADDEN and J D COLLING [trading as C & C COFFIN MFG CO] 10 July 1975 [20 July 1974] 32241/74 Heading B5N A panel for use in furniture or coffins comprises a sheet of particle board 10, e.g. wood chip board, a piece of natural timber 14 set in the sheet so that the junction between the outer face of the piece and a surface of the sheet is flush, the outer face of the piece being shaped, and the surface of the sheet being veneered. Timber 14 may be held in groove 12 by means of adhesive. Veneer 16 may cover the external abutting edges of the piece 14 and sheet 10 may be of the same timber as the piece.

23-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001546518A

07-10-2020 дата публикации

Structural insulated panel and inter-panel connection method

Номер: GB0002582845A
Автор: MARC ALMOND, Marc Almond

A lattice framework for structural insulated panels (SIPs), wherein the SIPs each comprise a first facesheet and a second facesheet, comprises a plurality of surface struts configured to be external to the external surface of each facesheet, a plurality of internal struts connected to the surface struts and at least one connecting element for connecting the lattice framework with an adjacent lattice framework. The connecting element may be a strap. Also provided is a method for connecting a pair of such adjacent frameworks and a SIP comprising first and second facesheets and a lattice framework. The SIP may also incorporate sustainably sourced insulation material between the face sheets. An alternative arrangement in which the surface struts are embedded into an external surface of the face sheets is provided as is a method of connecting two or more SIPs by providing an exoskeleton to each panel and connecting the exoskeletons to each other.

09-05-2008 дата публикации

Composite structural material with laminar covering and core, method of making same, and shipping patlet including same.

Номер: AP0000001847A

A composite structural material suitable, for example, as a replacement for wooden boards, is disclosed. It comprises a dimensionally stable core material ensheathed in a dimensionally stable, laminar covering that is adherent to the core material. The laminar covering is comprised of at least one layer of parallel cords (19) bonded to at least one layer of arigidified web material (10) selected from the group consisting of paper and cloth. Suitable core materials include polyurethane foam (38), optionally filled with particles (32) of granulated rubber, expanded perlite, expandable polymer beads, and/or glass microspheres. The parallel cords (19) preferably are supplied in the form of a strip of polyester cloth, as the warp cords thereof. The web material (10) preferably is kraft paper that is rigidified with an epoxy resin.

20-07-2011 дата публикации

Hard wood strand products.

Номер: AP0000002252A

31-08-2006 дата публикации

Hard wood strand products

Номер: AP2006003715A0

31-12-2004 дата публикации

Composite structural material and method of makingsame.

Номер: AP2004003158A0

15-07-1979 дата публикации

Номер: ATA858077A

25-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357763B

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360734T

25-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000355168B

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390276T

15-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA680275A

15-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA760375A

15-11-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA963673A

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503236A3

The invention relates to a building panel, in particular a structural element, wall element, cladding element, support element or the like with a multi-layer structure, preferably based on wood or wooden materials which is or are formed with two outer layers arranged at a distance from one another and with at least one core layer arranged between said outer layers and connected thereto, and is characterized in that between two outer layers (3, 4), where appropriate multi-layer outer layers, each formed with a planar layer material, preferably from the group consisting of wood, wooden materials, metals, textile materials, paperboards, plastics, mineral-based building materials and stones, there is arranged, as the core layer, at least one, at least single-layer, oblique-fibre core layer (5) which is formed from a material, preferably consisting of wood, or of "wood plastic", having a uniform grain, wherein the fibres have an angle (+a) of between +25 and +80° and/or an angle (-a) of from ...

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501838T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000452753T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000482319T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000483866T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501845T

15-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: ATA360381A

15-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA387376A

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of a relief plate

Номер: AT0000520137A2

Ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Reliefplatte (1) für den Innenausbau oder den Möbelbau oder dergleichen weist die folgenden Verfahrensschritte auf: Bereitstellen einer Presse mit einem Presstempel und eines plattenförmigen, oberflächenstrukturierten Frontwerkzeugs (5), wobei das oberflächenstrukturierte Frontwerkzeug (5) als Struktur ein Negativrelief (7) einer verbrannten Holzbrettoberfläche aufweist, und eines plattenförmigen Rückwerkzeugs (6); Bereitstellen eines durchgefärbten Außenfurniers (2) und einer Trägerplatte (3), Verpressen eines geschichteten Stapels, bestehend aus dem durchgefärbten Außenfurnier (2) und der Trägerplatte (3) zwischen dem strukturierten Frontwerkzeug (5) und dem Rückwerkzeug (6) mit der Presse zu der Reliefplatte (1), die auf zumindest einer Seite eine verbranntem Holz entsprechende Oberflächenstruktur (8) aufweist.

15-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: ATA113497A

15-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: ATA194691A

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000556185T

15-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000014391A

15-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000253984A

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Ventilated Structural Panels and Method of Construction with Ventilated Structural Panels

Номер: US20120047844A1
Автор: James WALKER
Принадлежит: Individual

A ventilated structural panel comprising a first sheet, having edges that define a horizontal axis with a first horizontal edge and a second horizontal edge, and vertical axis with a first vertical edge and a second vertical edge, a second sheet being of substantially the same planar dimensions as the first sheet and having edges that define a horizontal axis and vertical axis, with a first horizontal edge and a second horizontal edge and a first vertical edge and a second vertical edge, the first and the second sheet being parallel in plane and matched in at least one of the vertical axis and the horizontal axis, a plurality of spacing structural elements, fixedly attaching the first sheet to the second sheet, such that the yield strength of the combined panel is greater than the combined individual yield strengths of the first and the second sheet; and the plurality of spacing structural elements being arranged such that a plurality of unobstructed pathways are created for air to move from at least one edge of the panel to at least one of an opposite and an adjacent edge of the panel, and being arranged to provide integral ventilation through the materials and between the first and the second sheet.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Light weight composite structural support material having natural oil and polyol foam bonded directly between substrates

Номер: US20120263931A1
Принадлежит: ATI Industries Inc

A composite substrate includes first and second substrate layers with a polyurethane foam layer there between. The foam layer preferably penetrates into the first and second substrate layers to form very strong bonds without the need for intervening adhesives. A component of the foam material formulation is natural oil. The resultant composite substrate thereby has excellent load-bearing properties. It can also be manufactured with lower cost capital equipment and a reduced impact on the environment relative to substrates using more conventional foam formulations and bonding processes.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Powder based balancing layer

Номер: US20120263965A1
Принадлежит: CeraLoc Innovation Belgium BVBA

A method to produce a building panel comprising a decorative surface layer, a core and a balancing and/or protective layer is disclosed.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Access floor panel

Номер: US20130047529A1
Автор: Glenn Foden
Принадлежит: Individual

An access floor panel may have a core panel placed between a top pan and a bottom pan. The top pan and the bottom pan may be made from metal and may be formed around the core panel. The top pan may have a coating applied thereto, the coating may have one or more of several advantageous properties such as fire resistance, electrostatic dissipation properties, slip resistance, wear resistance and the like. In an embodiment, the coating may also have a predetermined surface pattern to give the panel an aesthetically pleasing look.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Powdered resins with fillers

Номер: US20130085211A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Chemicals LLC

Particulate binder compositions and methods for making and using same are provided. The binder composition for producing composite lignocellulose products can include an aldehyde based resin and a filler, an extender, or a combination thereof. The binder composition can be in the form of particulates. The particulates can each comprises the filler, the extender, or the combination thereof and the aldehyde based resin.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Panel comprising a polymeric composite layer and a reinforcement layer

Номер: US20130183506A1
Принадлежит: Spanolux NV SA

A panel comprises a polymeric composite layer and at least a reinforcement layer for reinforcing the polymeric composite layer at least in the plane of the panel. The reinforcement layer is made of a material which is different from that of the polymeric composite layer.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183517A1

The present invention relates to lignocellulosic materials having a core and two outer layers, comprising in the core 1. A lignocellulosic material having a core and two outer layers , comprising in the coreA) 30% to 98% by weight of lignocellulose particles;{'sup': '3', 'B) 1% to 25% by weight of expanded plastics particles having a bulk density in the range from 10 to 150 kg/m,'}C) 1% to 50% by weight of one or more binders selected from the group consisting of phenoplast resin, aminoplast resin, and organic isocyanate having at least two isocyanate groups, andD) 0% to 30% by weight of additives and in the outer layersE) 70% to 99% by weight of lignocellulose fibres,F) 1% to 30% by weight of one or more binders selected from the group consisting of phenoplast resin, aminoplast resin, and organic isocyanate having at least two isocyanate groups, andG) 0% to 30% by weight of additives, comprising in the coreA) 30% to 98% by weight of lignocellulose particles;{'sup': '3', 'B) 1% to 25% by weight of expanded plastics particles having a bulk density in the range from 10 to 150 kg/m,'}C) 1% to 50% by weight of one or more binders selected from the group consisting of phenoplast resin, aminoplast resin, and organic isocyanate having at least two isocyanate groups, andD) 0% to 30% by weight of additives and in the outer layersE) 70% to 99% by weight of lignocellulosic fibers,F) 1% to 30% by weight of one or more binders selected from the group consisting of phenoplast resin, aminoplast resin, and organic isocyanate having at least two isocyanate groups, andG) 0% to 30% by weight of additives, wherein the expanded plastics particles B are present in nonuniform distribution in the core or consisting in the core ofA) 30% to 98% by weight of lignocellulose particles;{'sup': '3', 'B) 1% to 25% by weight of expanded plastics particles having a bulk density in the range from 10 to 150 kg/m,'}C) 1% to 50% by weight of one or more binders selected from the group consisting of ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Panel and a method for building panels

Номер: US20130192157A1
Автор: Sean Coyle
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of manufacturing a construction panel comprising the steps of laying a plurality of rigid support members on a preformed assembly jig, each rigid support member having two main planar surfaces with perimeter surfaces extending between these main planar surfaces, laying the plurality of rigid support members so that each rigid support member has at least one perimeter surface in an abutting relationship with the perimeter surface of an adjacent rigid support member, bridging at least part of the length of abutting perimeter surfaces with at least one connector means for connecting the plurality of rigid support members together into a predetermined shape and size of modular rigid panel member.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Diluents for crosslinker-containing adhesive compositions

Номер: US20130224482A1
Принадлежит: HERCULES LLC

The disclosure relates to an adhesive composition for bonding lignocellulosic substrates. The adhesive composition contains a crosslinker and a non-urea diluent where the non-urea diluent is present in an amount from about 0.01 to about 75 weight % based on the total wet weight of the composition and where the crosslinker contains essentially no formaldehyde and contains no urea. Also disclosed is the adhesive further containing an aqueous mixture of a protein source. The disclosure also relates to a process for making lignocellulosic composites utilizing the disclosed adhesive composition and to the lignocellulosic composites made using the disclosed process.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Floor covering

Номер: US20130247500A1
Принадлежит: Flooring Industries Ltd SARL

Hard panels formed from a wood-based material and having a decorative layer for floor coverings are provided, at least on two opposite edges, with coupling devices made in one piece with the panels wherein similar panels may be coupled together to form a floor covering, wherein these coupling devices provide for an interlocking in a direction perpendicular to the plane of coupled panels, as well as in a direction perpendicular to the edges concerned and parallel to the plane of coupled panels. These coupling devices are constituted of a tongue and a groove. The top side of the tongue has a protrusion that cooperates with a meshing recess located in the lower side of the upper lip of the groove of the coupling devices, and a portion extending generally parallel with the plane of the panel to form a contact surface cooperating with the lower side of the upper lip of the groove.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287993A1

Composite products and methods for making same are provided. The composite product can include a plurality of substrates and an at least partially cured binder composition. The binder composition, prior to curing, can include one or more tannins and one or more multifunctional aldehyde compounds. The one or more multifunctional aldehyde compounds can include (1) three or more carbon atoms and two or more aldehyde functional groups, or (2) two or more carbon atoms, at least one aldehyde functional group, and at least one functional group other than an aldehyde functional group. A carbon atom of at least one aldehyde functional group in the cured binder composition can have a first bond with a first tannin molecule and a second bond with (a) the first tannin molecule, (b) a second tannin molecule, or (c) an oxygen atom of the at least one aldehyde functional group. 1. A composite product , comprising: one or more tannins; and', (1) three or more carbon atoms and two or more aldehyde functional groups, or', '(2) two or more carbon atoms, at least one aldehyde functional group,, 'one or more multifunctional aldehyde compounds comprising, 'and at least one functional group other than an aldehyde functional group, wherein a carbon atom of at least one aldehyde functional group in the cured binder composition has a first bond with a first tannin molecule of the one or more tannins and a second bond with (a) the first tannin molecule, (b) a second tannin molecule of the one or more tannins, or (c) an oxygen atom of the at least one aldehyde functional group., 'a plurality of substrates and an at least partially cured binder composition, wherein the binder composition, prior to curing, comprises2. The composite product of claim 1 , wherein the at least one functional group other than an aldehyde functional group is selected from the group consisting of: a carboxylic acid group claim 1 , an ester group claim 1 , an amide group claim 1 , an imine group claim 1 , an epoxide ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Hollow panel and mould for the manufacture thereof

Номер: US20130344262A1
Автор: Manuel Lopez Sanchez

A hollow panel including a hollow central board or body and two external sheets forming a sandwich, the central body being made of wod fiber and glues and made in a mold, the mold having an uneven surface with oblique walls and truncated vetices where, the external sheets, made form the same material as the central body, are joined using the same glues, and the mold has a fixed peripheral frame, a thrust platform and a heating plate with a serrated plate to which another, similar plate is brought close—such that the two serrated plates constitutes the mold, where—the latter plate is ridigly secured to the upper hot plate of the press for forming the cnetral board or body, and the teeth of the two plates are offset in a staggered pattern, and do not meet, to form the uneven surface with the desired thickness.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037892A1
Автор: CHANG Yong Leong

The invention relates to a method for producing an artificial wood product from fibres and bonding agent and to an artificial wood product comprising fibres and bonding agent. The objective of the invention is to disclose a new kind of method and a product which allows a production of an artificial wood having an outer appearance just like a natural wood. 112-. (canceled)13. Artificial wood product comprising fibres and bonding agent , characterized in that said wood product comprises strand wires made of longitudinally aligned fibres , said strand wires being bonded with said bonding agent unidirectionally and side by side together to form a fibre sheets and several of said fibre sheets being stacked and bonded with said bonding agent one upon the Other in layers to form an artificial wood product in which said sheets replicate the pattern of annular growth rings of a natural wood.14. Artificial wood product according to claim 13 , characterized in that said fibre is jute fibre claim 13 , hem fibre claim 13 , palm tree fibre claim 13 , coconut fibre or bamboo fibre.15. Artificial wood product according to claim 13 , characterized in that said bonding agent is polyester resin.16. Artificial wood product according to claim 13 , characterized in that said wood product comprises additives to increase or to decrease the weight of the product.17. Artificial wood product according to claim 13 , characterized in that the fibres or the bonding agent of said wood product or a part of said wood product comprises pigment.18. Artificial wood product according to claim 13 , characterized in that said stacked and bonded fibre sheets are unidirectionally one upon the other. The invention relates to a method for producing an artificial wood product from fibres and bonding agent and. to an artificial wood product comprising fibres and bonding agent.The growing demand for natural wood and especially rare and beautiful tropical hardwood has led to tropical deforestation and so to ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Floor covering

Номер: US20140090330A1
Принадлежит: Flooring Industries Ltd SARL

Hard panels formed from a wood-based material and having a decorative layer for floor coverings are provided, at least on two opposite edges, with coupling devices made in one piece with the panels wherein similar panels may be coupled together to form a floor covering, wherein these coupling devices provide for an interlocking in a direction perpendicular to the plane of coupled panels, as well as in a direction perpendicular to the edges concerned and parallel to the plane of coupled panels. These coupling devices are constituted of a tongue and a groove. The top side of the tongue has a protrusion that cooperates with a meshing recess located in the lower side of the upper lip of the groove of the coupling devices, and a portion extending generally parallel with the plane of the panel to form a contact surface cooperating with the lower side of the upper lip of the groove.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002996A1
Автор: KLIEN Carlos

Method for manufacturing on industrial scale of complete, highly reliable, flexible and accurate construction panels that are lightweight and have a very high R-value, wherein the processing is performed, under the control of a digital construction data file, by means of digitally controlled processing devices, such as milling and/or cutting devices. Portions of the construction panel from which the covering layer has been removed by the processing devices (such as the sides of recesses for door and window frames etcetera and optionally milled gutter slots) and portions of the construction panel of which the cover layer requires extra protection, such as portions below ground level, under control of the digital construction data file, are provided with a rigid and highly reliable protective layer of polyurea, polyester or epoxy by means of digitally controlled spraying devices. One or more delta robots can be used for mounting cladding elements such as a brick strip, which robots can be moved by means of the X-Y displacement system above the construction panel controllable from the digital construction data file. 1. Method for manufacturing a building panel intended for use as a self-supporting wall panel or roof panel having a high R-value , comprising the following steps:providing a digital construction data file with the desired construction data of the construction panel, obtained by scanning of an existing building and/or obtained from design;providing a device for manufacturing a construction panel comprising a base layer of foamed material of, for example, EPS, provided with a thin, rigid reinforcement cover layer on one side, hereinafter referred to as the first cover layer, and on the other side also provided with a thin, rigid reinforcement cover layer, hereinafter referred to as the second cover layer, wherein the layers are either directly applied to the base layer or by means of an intermediate layer of a material, which is suitable for screws,providing ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001374A1

A method for the manufacture of a floor (), comprising at least the following successive steps: obtaining a substrate () having at least a wood based upper layer (); coating the substrate (), wherein coating the substrate () comprises applying at least a first layer of coating () on the upper surface (), curing the first layer of coating () using UV rays, applying a second layer of coating () on the first layer of coating (), and curing the second layer of coating () using UV rays, wherein the first layer of coating () contains a hardener and the second layer of coating () contains a filler; applying a primer layer () on the coated substrate; digitally printing a décor () on the primer layer (); and applying a top coat () on the décor (). 1. A method for the manufacture of a floor tile , comprising at least the following successive steps:obtaining a substrate having at least a wood based upper layer;optionally sanding an upper surface defined by the upper layer;coating the substrate, wherein coating the substrate comprises applying at least a first layer of coating on the upper surface, curing the first layer of coating using UV rays, applying a second layer of coating on the first layer of coating, and curing the second layer of coating using UV rays, wherein the first layer of coating contains a hardener and the second layer of coating contains a filler;optionally sanding an upper surface of the coated substrate;applying a primer layer on the coated substrate;digitally printing a décor on the primer layer; andapplying a top coat on the décor.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein obtaining the substrate comprises obtaining a core layer claim 1 , and paving the core layer with several adjacent pieces of veneer in order to obtain the upper layer.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the core layer is chosen from the group consisting of panels and boards claim 1 , preferably from the group consisting of HDF claim 1 , MDF claim 1 , cardboards and WPC.4. ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002573A1

The invention relates to a laminate floor element including a support () on which is decorative layer () is arranged. This decorative layer () includes at least one microporous thermoplastic film. 1133. A laminate floor element comprising a carrier () formed from at least one of particleboard , medium-density (MDF) , high-density (HDF) fiberboard , or thermoplastic carrier sheets; a decorative layer () arranged on the carrier , and the decorative layer () comprises at least one microporous thermoplastic film.2434. The laminate floor element as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising an overlay () arranged on the decorative layer () claim 1 , the overlay () comprises at least one thermoplastic film.3. The laminate floor element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the microporous film comprises cells with microcavities claim 1 , and comprises connecting pores between the cells.410. The laminate floor element as claimed in claim 3 , wherein an average diameter of the pores of the microporous film is less than μm.5. The laminate floor element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a water vapor transmission of the microporous film claim 1 , determined in accordance with ASTM E96 method E claim 1 , is 500 g/m/24 h or greater.6. The laminate floor element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the microporous film has been produced by a process comprising the following steps:forming a film made of a polymeric composition, andstretching the film in at least one direction.7. The laminate floor element as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the polymeric composition comprises at least one of an ethylene-propylene component or a propylene component.8. The laminate floor element as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the polymeric composition comprises no inorganic filler.9. The laminate floor element as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the polymeric composition comprises a nucleating agent.10. The laminate floor element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a density of the microporous film is less than 800 kg/m.11. ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002921A1
Автор: Cropper Graig

A sheathing material includes a layer of ceramic paper to help prevent the burning of the sheathing during a fire. The material may include insulation disposed between the ceramic paper and the substrate to further reduce damage to the substrate, and may include a thin layer of wood or paper placed over the ceramic paper to protect the ceramic paper and to allow the sheathing to be used in a manner similar to that of a conventional sheathing material. 1. A preformed construction sheathing material comprising:a generally planar and continuous sheet of gypsum board having a length and a width and having a first side and a second side and a thickness disposed between the first side and the second side; anda layer of ceramic fiber material affixed directly to the first side of the sheet of gypsum board to cover substantially all of the first side thereof;wherein substantially all of the second side of the sheet of gypsum board is exposed and forms a second exterior surface of the sheathing material opposite the first exterior surface of the sheathing material;wherein the sheathing material is attached to a building as wall sheathing or ceiling sheathing, such that the second side of the sheet of gypsum board is attached to the building, such that the first side of the sheet of gypsum board faces away from the surface of the building to which the second side of the sheet of gypsum board is attached, and such that the sheet of gypsum board is disposed between the layer of ceramic fiber material and the building such that the layer of ceramic fiber material covers the sheet of gypsum board.2. The sheathing material of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic fiber material is a ceramic paper which has a thickness which is between about 0.3 millimeters and 3 millimeters.3. The sheathing material of claim 1 , wherein the gypsum board comprises a gypsum layer and a paper backing layer.4. The sheathing material of claim 1 , wherein the layer of ceramic fiber material forms a first ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002934A1

Building panels with a homogenous decorative surface having a wear layer comprising fibres, binders and wear resistant particles. A building panel including a surface layer and a core, the core including wood fibres, and the surface layer including a substantially homogenous mix of wood fibres, a binder and wear resistant particles, the substantially homogenous mix of wood fibres including natural resins. 1the core comprising wood fibres, andthe surface layer comprising a substantially homogenous mix of wood fibres, a binder and wear resistant particles,the substantially homogenous mix of wood fibres comprising natural resins.. A building panel comprising a surface layer and a core, The present application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/270,257, filed on Nov. 13, 2008, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/996,473, filed on 19 Nov. 2007, and to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/042,938, filed on 7 Apr. 2008. The entire contents of each of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/270,257, U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/996,473, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/042,938 are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The disclosure generally relates to the field of fibre-based panels with wear resistant surfaces for building panels, preferably floor panels. The disclosure relates to building panels with such wear resistance surface and to production methods to produce such panels.The present disclosure is particularly suitable for use in floating floors, which are formed of floor panels with a wood fibre core and a decorative wear resistant surface. The following description of technique, problems of known systems and objects and features of the invention will therefore, as a non-restrictive example, be aimed above all at this field of application and in particular at floorings which are similar to traditional floating wood fibre based laminate floorings. The disclosure does not exclude floors that are glued ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004356A1
Автор: Lin Robert

A board structure is disclosed in the present invention. First, a chip board is cut into a predetermined size to be sent into an edge sealing machine. In the meantime, sealing materials are laminated onto the two corresponding side surfaces of the chip board, and chamfers are formed at the adjacent edges of the chip board. A flexible surface material is then laminated continuously along the two main surfaces of the chip board and the sealing material on one side of the chip board, so the three sequential adjacent edges of the board becomes seamless. In this way, the aesthetic appearance of the board is enhanced, the moist is prevented from entering into the chip board and the production cost of the shelves manufactured with board materials is reduced. 1. A board structure , comprising:a rectangular chip board having a first main surface and a second main surface parallel to each other, a first side surface and a second side surface parallel to each other, and a third side surface and a fourth side surface parallel to each other;two sealing materials laminated on said first side surface and said second side surface respectively; anda flexible surface material laminated continuously along said first main surface of said chip board, one side of said sealing material and said second main surface.2. The board structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a chamfer is formed at an adjacent edge between said first main surface of said chip board and one of said sealing material claim 1 , and another chamfer is formed at the adjacent edge between said second main surface and said sealing material on the side thereof.3. The board structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said chamfers are formed with round corners. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a board structure, especially relates to a board structure for use in a seamless panel furniture, such as cabinets and cupboards.2. The Prior ArtsThe body of the panel furniture is composed of multiple panels. ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Floor panel having drainage protrusions

Номер: US20190003189A1
Автор: Dieter DÖHRING

The present invention relates to a floor panel 10, in particular for the outdoor area or wet areas, with a carrier plate 11 having a front face and rear face, wherein the carrier plate 11 is provided on its front face with a décor and/or protective layer 16. For drainage of liquids and in particular of water, on the rear face of the carrier plate 11 drainage protrusions 22, 24, 26, 32 are applied.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016872A1
Автор: KALWA Norbert

The invention relates to a method for producing a wooden material having a supporting plate and at least one first, non-external veneer and a second veneer on a first surface of the supporting plate, wherein the supporting plate, the first and the at least second veneer are connected to one another by synthetic resin. In order to create a cost-effective wooden material board with a veneered surface, 1125532557abab. A method for producing a wooden material () with a supporting plate () and at least one first , non-external veneer () and a second veneer () on a first surface () of the supporting plate , wherein the supporting plate () , the first and the at least second veneer ( , ) are connected to one another by means of synthetic resin () , wherein{'b': 7', '2', '5', '5, 'sup': '2', 'i': a', 'b, 'a liquid synthetic resin () is applied in an amount of at least 150 g/m, given as 100% solid material, and thereby in excess in relation to the quantity required for gluing purposes, to the supporting plate () and/or the first veneer () and/or the at least second veneer (),'}{'b': '7', 'the synthetic resin () applied in excess is dried but not cured,'}{'b': 2', '5', '5, 'i': a', 'b, 'the supporting plate (), the first, non-external veneer (), and the at least second veneer () are assembled to form a stack of material to be pressed, and'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'b': '1', 'the stack of material to be pressed is compressed in a high-pressure press at a press-forming pressure of 25 N/mmto 50 N/mm, at a press-forming temperature of 160° C.-220° C. as well as a press-forming time of 20 seconds-60 seconds, to form a wooden material ().'}232. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least three veneers are applied to a first surface () of the supporting plate ().37255ab. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a first partial quantity of the synthetic resin () and at least one further partial quantity of the synthetic resin are applied to different surfaces of the supporting plate ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008258A1
Автор: Bogner Harry, Quinlan Dick

A flooring board having a plurality of layers may have a sufficiently high modified Janka hardness rating for use in general flooring applications. The flooring board may comprise a fiberboard core layer having a thin veneer layer of a natural wood species adhered to a surface of the core layer. The veneer layer may be a gymnosperm (softwood) or angiosperm (hardwood) having a low Janka hardness rating. Surprisingly, the flooring board has a high modified Janka hardness rating significantly higher than the Janka hardness rating of the natural wood species and sufficient for use in general flooring applications when the veneer layer is sufficiently thin. 1. A flooring board comprising:a core layer comprising a fiberboard material; anda veneer layer adhered to the core layer such that the veneer layer defines an aesthetic and durable surface of the flooring board, wherein the veneer layer comprises a natural wood species having a Janka side hardness rating between about 350 lbf and about 850 lbf when tested in block form, and wherein the veneer layer has a thickness between about 0.6 mm and about 2.0 mm; andwherein the flooring board has a modified Janka hardness rating measured on the aesthetic and durable surface of the flooring board of at least about 120% of the Janka side hardness rating of the wood species tested in block form.2. The flooring board of claim 1 , wherein the natural wood species is a gymnosperm.3. The flooring board of claim 2 , wherein the natural wood species is selected from the group consisting of: pine and fir.4. The flooring board of claim 1 , wherein the natural wood species is selected from the group consisting of: sweetgum claim 1 , poplar claim 1 , and aspen.5. The flooring board of claim 1 , wherein the veneer layer has a thickness between about 0.6 mm and about 1.75 mm.6. The flooring board of claim 5 , wherein the flooring board has a modified Janka hardness rating measured on the aesthetic and durable surface of the flooring board of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008863A1

A method for the generation of a gas mixture comprising carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and optionally hydrogen for use in hydroformylation plants or in carbonylation plants, including mixing an optional steam with carbon dioxide in the desired molar ratio, feeding the resulting gas to a solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) or an SOEC stack at a sufficient temperature for the cell or cell stack to operate while effecting a partial conversion of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide and optionally of steam to hydrogen, removing some or all the remaining steam from the raw product gas stream by cooling the raw product gas stream and separating the remaining product gas from a liquid, and using said gas mixture containing CO and COfor liquid phase synthesis reactions utilizing carbon monoxide as one of the reactants while recycling COto the SOEC or SOEC stack. 1. (canceled)2. A veneered element , comprisinga substrate,a wood veneer layer having a first surface and a second surface, the first surface being opposite to the second surface,an adhesive layer adapted to adhere the first surface of the wood veneer layer to a surface of the substrate,wherein adhesive from the adhesive layer is present in a first portion of the wood veneer layer, extending from the first surface of the wood veneer layer and into at least 10% of the thickness of the wood veneer layer,wherein the second surface of the wood veneer layer is substantially free from adhesive from the adhesive layer, andwherein the wood veneer layer is compressed to a thickness being less than or equal to 80% of its original thickness.3. The veneered element according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , less than 40% of pores or tracheids of the wood veneer layer extending into the second surface of the wood veneer layer are filled with the adhesive from the adhesive layer up to the second surface of the wood veneer layer.4. The veneered element according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , a second portion of the wood veneer layer ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Stainable surface

Номер: US20210009841A1
Принадлежит: SWISS KRONO Tec AG

The invention relates to a method for producing a color-changeable decorative surface. In order to provide a decorative surface that can be changed in a particularly simple manner in terms of its coloring by the end consumer and which is particularly cost-effective and resistant, it is provided that at least one layer of a coating agent, which enables the absorption of color particles, is applied.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Ethylene based polymer composition suitable for use in extrusion coating

Номер: US20190010262A1
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

The present invention relates to an ethylene based polymer composition suitable for use in extrusion coating. The present invention also relates to an extrusion coating product comprising such composition and the use of such a composition.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010277A1
Автор: VANDEVOORDE Christof
Принадлежит: UNILIN, BVBA

A method for manufacturing a floor panel with a substrate and a top layer of laminate, which floor panel, at one or more edges, is provided with a lower edge region, where the laminate extends in one piece from the actual upper surface of the substrate over the lower edge region at least up to a point. The laminate surface is situated at a level in a horizontal plane which intersects the substrate and that the substrate material, at the location of the lower edge region, has the same or a lower density than at the actual upper surface of the substrate material. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for manufacturing floor panels , wherein these floor panels comprise at least a substrate and a top layer of laminate and wherein said floor panel , at one or more edges , is provided with a lower edge region in the form of a bevel or other chamfer , wherein the method comprises at least the following steps:providing a basic board of the material of the substrate and of structuring an upper surface of said basic board, wherein the structure consists at least of a recess in the upper surface of the basic board at a location of said lower edge region;composing a stack which comprises at least the structured basic board and one or more melamine resin layers and possibly paper layers;pressing said stack in a heated press, wherein said melamine resin hardens and, together with the possible paper layers, forms a laminate layer adhered to the substrate, and wherein the laminate layer extends in one piece from the upper surface of the basic board up to into said recess, at least up to a point, wherein the laminate surface is situated at a level in a horizontal plane intersecting the substrate;subdividing the pressed whole into panels, of which said floor panels can be formed; andfinishing the panels to form said floor panels, wherein an edge of said recess forms the lower edge region.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein one or more of the paper layers consist of paper strips ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010711A1

A building panel with a surface layer including a wood veneer, a wood fibre based core and a sub-layer between the surface layer and the core. The sub-layer includes wood fibres and a binder. The surface layer has surface portions including material from the sub-layer. The surface portions including material from the sub-layer extend into the wood veneer. 1. (canceled)2. A method to produce a building panel , the method comprising:applying a wood fibre powder and a binder on a wood fibre based core, to obtain a sub-layer;applying a wood veneer, comprising holes through the veneer, on the sub-layer,applying heat and pressure to bond the veneer, the sub-layer and the wood fibre based core together, wherein a portion of the wood fibre powder and the binder is pressed into the holes.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising applying a foaming agent in the sub-layer.42. The method as claimed in clam claim 2 , wherein the wood fibre powder comprises lignocellulosic particles or cellulose particles.5. The method as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising applying different colour pigments claim 2 , such that the colour of the visible sub-layer portion varies along the building panel claim 2 , or such that the portion of the sub-layer in the holes forms a pattern.6. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein after applying pressure claim 2 , the wood veneer comprises embossed portions claim 2 , and wherein a part of the sub-layer is more compressed under an embossed surface portion than under a non-embossed surface portion.7. The method as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising applying a protective overlay with wear resistant particles on the wood veneer claim 2 , preferably prior to pressing.8. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the sub-layer comprises colour pigments and/or a colorant.9. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the sub-layer comprises wear resistant particles. The present application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Resin composition, fluorine-based film, fluorine-based laminated film, and laminated molded body

Номер: US20200010660A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Chemical Corp

Provided is a resin composition including 40 to 99% by mass of a fluorine-based resin (A), and 1 to 60% by mass of a matting agent (B), in which a swell ratio as measured under the conditions of a measurement temperature of 230° C., an ambient temperature of 23° C., and a shear rate of 96 (1/sec) is 0.90 to 2.00.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013878A1
Автор: KALWA Norbert

The present invention relates to new formulations for adhesive compositions and also to adhesive compositions particularly for a hybrid adhesive comprising at least one mixture of an amino resin and at least one polyether, and the combination of this mixture with isocyanate, and also to the use of polyethers in adhesives based on amino resins. These adhesive compositions are especially suitable for use as adhesives for woodbase materials, more particularly OSB boards, fiberboards, or chipboards. In a further aspect the present invention relates to processes for producing such woodbase materials from lignocellulosic products of comminution, more particularly to processes for producing OSB boards, wood fiberboards, or chipboards, where the lignocellulosic products of comminution are contacted with the adhesive composition of the invention and subsequently the woodbase materials are obtained by pressing with heat treatment. Lastly, the present invention is directed to woodbase materials obtainable accordingly. 1. A formulation for a hybrid adhesive composition with a component formed from i) at least one amino resin which is a condensation product of an aldehyde with a compound from the group of urea , melamine , benzoguanamine , glycoluril , acetoguanamine , biuret , or mixtures thereof , and ii) at least one polyether which comprises at least one ethylene oxide unit or propylene oxide unit and at least one isocyanate reactive group selected from the group encompassing hydroxyl , amino , epoxy , and thiol , present with i) and ii) as a mixture.2. The formulation for a hybrid adhesive composition as claimed in claim 1 , where the polyether is a polyalkylene glycol claim 1 , an oligomeric glycerol claim 1 , or an oligo- or polysaccharide claim 1 , where the polyol is of the general formula (I):{'br': None, 'sub': 3', '1', 'x', 'n', '2, 'RO—[(CHR)—O]—R\u2003\u2003(I)'}{'sub': 1', '4', '5, 'where Rindependently at each occurrence is selected from H, OH, OR, or C(O)—R, ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Door skins and method of making

Номер: US20220034153A1
Принадлежит: STEVES AND SONS Inc

The present disclosure is directed to molded door skins and methods of making. Methods include providing an at least partially consolidated flat wood composite blank. Methods further include positioning a stretchable film on an outer surface of the blank, and pressing the blank and the stretchable film together in a heated press to form the molded door skin. The molded door skin has a first surface and a second surface recessed relative to the first surface by a predetermined distance. A third planar portion extends between first and second planar portions at an angle in a range of 100 degrees and 120 degrees. Cracks or voids formed in the outer surface of the blank during the pressing are filled with the stretchable film such that an outer surface of the molded door skin is substantially or entirely crack and void free.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016153A1

A method is provided for manufacturing panels having a decorative surface, wherein the panels at least include a substrate and a top layer, and wherein the top layer includes a paper layer having a printed pattern. The method may involve providing the paper layer with an inkjet receiver coating by transporting the paper layer relative to a coater in a coating direction. The coated paper layer may be provided with at least a portion of the printed pattern using a digital inkjet printer that includes a housing containing print heads. The printed pattern may be a wood motif having wood nerves extending generally in a nerve direction that substantially corresponds to the coating direction. Providing the printed pattern may involve a relative motion between the digital inkjet printer and the paper layer during a printing operation in a printing direction. The paper layer may be maintained flat inside the housing, or the minimum radius over which the paper layer is bent inside the housing may be larger than 25 centimeters. 1. A method for manufacturing panels having a decorative surface , wherein the panels at least include a substrate and a top layer , wherein the top layer includes a paper layer having a printed pattern , the method comprising:providing the paper layer with an inkjet receiver coating by transporting the paper layer relative to a coater in a coating direction;providing the coated paper layer with at least a portion of the printed pattern using a digital inkjet printer that includes a housing containing print heads;wherein the printed pattern comprises a wood motif having wood nerves extending generally in a nerve direction substantially corresponding to the coating direction;wherein providing the printed pattern involves a relative motion between the digital inkjet printer and the paper layer during a printing operation in a printing direction substantially corresponding or substantially opposite to the coating direction;wherein the paper layer is ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023508A1
Автор: Niedermaier Thomas

A material sheet in particular for producing furniture, including at least one center substrate layer, and a decorative layer at least on one side of the substrate layer. The decorative layer is disposed on both sides of the material sheet to be produced and a precise embossing is provided. The structures on both sides of the material sheet are configured precisely aligned. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for producing material sheets with press plates , comprising:providing press plates, each press plate comprising a surface structure which is configured symmetrical to a center of the press plate and extends in a longitudinal or in a transversal direction in a symmetrical manner.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the surface structure extends in a longitudinal and in the transversal direction in a symmetrical manner.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the surface structure includes a wood grain pattern.14. The method of claim 12 , wherein the surface structure includes a wood grain pattern.15. The method of claim 11 , wherein the surface structure has a size of 2.3 m×6.0 m.16. A method for producing material sheets with press plates claim 11 , comprising: wherein the surface structure includes a wood grain pattern, and', 'a center substrate layer; and', 'wherein each of the material sheets includes], 'providing press plates, each press plate comprising a surface structure which is configured symmetrical to a center of the press plate and extends in a longitudinal or in a transversal direction in a symmetrical manner,'}a decorative layer disposed on each side of each of the material sheets, and at least on one of the decorative layers is on one side of the center substrate layer, andproviding embossing for each of the material sheets such that structures on both sides of each of the material sheets are configured precisely aligned.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein a relative rotation of the press plates to each other does not alter the structures on both sides ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Method For Manufacturing A Fibreboard

Номер: US20180021977A1
Автор: Fritz Homann
Принадлежит: GCE Deutschland GmbH

The disclosure proposes a fibreboard made of lignocellulose-containing fibres, in particular wood fibres and a binding agent for providing a fibreboard which enables to combine a high stability, on the one hand, and a comparatively small weight, on the other hand, and which can nevertheless be manufactured with a minor financial effort.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023306A1

A floor panel has a rectangular and oblong shape, and includes a substrate and a top layer provided on the substrate and forming a decorative side of the floor panel. The top layer is composed of a print provided on a carrier sheet and a transparent thermoplastic layer situated above the print. The substrate has a thickness from 2 to 10 millimeter and forms at least half of the thickness of the floor panel. The substrate is a polyurethane-based substrate and the transparent thermoplastic layer is polyurethane-based. The floor panel has a length of more than 1.1 meters and has a plurality of reinforcing layers situated outside the center line of the substrate. A reinforcing layer may be provided in combination with the substrate and the top layer. 1. A floor panel having a rectangular and oblong shape , the floor panel comprising:a substrate; anda top layer provided on the substrate and forming a decorative side of the floor panel;wherein the top layer is at least composed of a print provided on a carrier sheet and a transparent thermoplastic layer situated above the print;wherein the substrate has a thickness from 2 to 10 millimeter and forms at least half of the thickness of the floor panel;wherein the substrate is a polyurethane-based substrate and the transparent thermoplastic layer is polyurethane-based, wherein the floor panel has a length of more than 1.1 meters and further comprises a plurality of reinforcing layers situated outside the center line of the substrate.2. The floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein at least one reinforcing layer is at each side of the center line.3. The floor panel according to claim 1 , wherein at least one reinforcing layer is located in the top layer underneath the print.4. The floor panel according to claim 3 , wherein at least one reinforcing layer is embedded in the substrate at a location closer to the decorative side.5. The floor panel according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one reinforcing layer is a glass fiber ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Method For A Canvassed Self Healing Bulletin Board

Номер: US20140108205A1
Автор: Minsky Schneur

The present invention generally relates to a method for converting a client order into a custom canvassed bulletin board, where the client accesses a board maker's web site and uploads a digital image over the internet to a server. The client verifies the uploaded image, selects an image print size, and submits personal information to the server. The uploaded image is retrieved by the board maker and resized. The board maker prints the image onto a canvas, fixes the printed canvas onto a bulletin board, and delivers the custom board to the client. The bulletin board can be framed, hung on a surface, used with push pins to attach messages to the canvassed surface, or be used as decorative art. Cork's self-healing properties causes holes through the printed canvas and tack receptive cork layers to close up and restore the printed image to its near original quality. 1. A method for converting a client order into a self healing bulletin board , with the steps comprising:a. client's computer accessing a board maker's website over the internet and uploading a digital image to a remote server;b. the server of step a. returning a compressed file of the uploaded image to the client's browser for verification;c. the client selecting the image print size for the uploaded image of step a.;d. the client selecting a decorative frame for the bulletin board;e. the client submitting their personal information to the server;f. the board maker using an internet connected computer to download the digital image from step a. from the remote server and resizing the digital image in a computer according to step c.;g. the board maker transferring the resized digital image to a computer enabled printer;h. the board maker using the printer of step f. to print the resized digital image onto a cotton canvas; andi. forming a self-healing bulletin board by adhering the back surface of the printed cotton canvas of step g. to a bulletin board.2. The self-healing bulletin board of claim 1 , wherein ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042322A1
Автор: VANDEVOORDE Christof

A method for manufacturing a floor panel with a substrate and a top layer of laminate, which floor panel, at one or more edges, is provided with a lower edge region, where the laminate extends in one piece from the actual upper surface of the substrate over the lower edge region at least up to a point. The laminate surface is situated at a level in a horizontal plane which intersects the substrate and that the substrate material, at the location of the lower edge region, has the same or a lower density than at the actual upper surface of the substrate material. 1. A method for manufacturing floor panels , wherein the floor panels have at least a substrate and a top layer including at least one material sheet , wherein the method comprises at least the following steps:providing a basic board of the material of the substrate;composing a stack which comprises at least the basic board and the at least one material sheet;pressing said stack in a heated press, wherein said at least one material sheet forms a top layer adhered onto the substrate;subdividing the pressed whole into semi-finished panels, from which said panels can be formed;finishing the semi-finished panels to form said floor panels;wherein the at least one material sheet consists of material strips situated next to each other.2. The method for manufacturing panels according to claim 1 , wherein said subdividing takes place at least at a location of the edges of adjacent material strips.3. The method for manufacturing panels according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of the at least one material sheet is a paper layer claim 1 , such that said material strips are paper strips.4. The method for manufacturing panels according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one material sheet extends in the stack continuously over the substrate material of at least two of the finally envisaged panels and that the press element and/or the basic board are provided with means for concentrating tears in said at least one material ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method for forming a fire-resistant and thermal-resistant glass fiber product, and associated apparatus

Номер: US20160031132A1
Автор: Daniel Baroux

A method is provided for forming a glass fiber product, by forming a first mixture including dry melt-resistant filiform glass fibers, a fire-retarding solution, and a thickening agent; forming a second mixture including the first mixture and a binding agent, wherein the first mixture and the binding agent being configured to form an expanding foam; and applying the second mixture to a surface prior to the second mixture forming the expanding foam. A method is also provided for forming a glass fiber product, by adding a thickening agent to a fire-retarding solution to form a first mixture; adding a hardening agent to the first mixture to form a second mixture; and adding dry melt-resistant filiform glass fibers to the second mixture to form a paste mixture. Associated apparatuses are also provided.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031189A1

A method of producing a building panel, including: providing a core, applying a balancing layer having a first moisture content on a first surface of the core, the balancing layer comprising a sheet impregnated with a thermosetting binder, applying a surface layer having a second moisture content on a second surface of the core, the surface layer comprising a thermosetting binder, adjusting the first moisture content of the balancing layer such that the first moisture content of the balancing layer is higher than the second moisture content of the surface layer prior to curing, and curing the surface layer and the balancing layer by applying heat and pressure. Also, a semi-finished product adapted to be cured for forming a building panel. 119-. (canceled)20. A method of producing a building panel , comprising:providing a core,applying a balancing layer on a first surface of the core, wherein the balancing layer has a first moisture content,applying a surface layer on a second surface of the core, wherein the surface layer has a second moisture content,adjusting the first moisture content of the balancing layer such that the first moisture content of the balancing layer is higher than the second moisture content of the surface layer prior to curing by applying heat and pressure, andcuring the surface layer and the balancing layer by applying heat and pressure.21. A method according to claim 20 , wherein the step of adjusting the first moisture content of the balancing layer comprises applying water or steam to the first surface of the core prior to applying the balancing layer.22. A method according to claim 21 , wherein the step of adjusting the first moisture content of the balancing layer comprises applying water or steam to the balancing layer.23. A method according to claim 20 , wherein the step of adjusting the first moisture content of the balancing layer comprises applying water or steam to the balancing layer.24. A method according to claim 20 , wherein the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030151A1

A cone assembly for furniture or interior accessories is provided. A plurality of cones is arranged in a linear array to form the cone assembly, wherein an inner cone is received by at least one outer cone; and wherein the outer cone is made of a first layer of material being different from the material of the inner cone. 1. A cone assembly for furniture or interior accessories , comprising:{'b': '2', 'a plurality of cones arranged in a linear array to form the cone assembly, wherein an inner cone is received by at least one outer cone (C); and'}wherein the at least one outer cone is made of a first layer of material being different from a material of the inner cone.2. The cone assembly according to claim 1 , wherein a length of the at least one outer cone and a length of the inner cone are both substantially equal to a length of the cone assembly.3. The cone assembly according to claim 1 , wherein at least the at least one outer cone is formed by attaching longitudinal edges of the first layer of material to each other.4. The cone assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the inner cone has a uniform thickness at each specific longitudinal position.5. The cone assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one intermediate cone arranged between the inner cone and the at least one outer cone.6. The cone assembly according to claim 5 , wherein at least one of the intermediate cones is made of a material being the same claim 5 , or different from the material of the inner cone.7. The cone assembly according to claim 5 , wherein the at least one outer cone and/or at least one of the intermediate cones is formed by a first layer of material arranged adjacent to a second layer of material claim 5 , the material of the second layer being different from the material of the first laye claim 5 , the second layer being a paper-based backing material.89.-. (canceled)10. The cone assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer of material comprises one or ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Multilayer noncombustible wood

Номер: US20210032859A1
Автор: Nariaki Asano
Принадлежит: Moriwatakara Co Ltd

A multi-layered inflammable wood material A for use as a building material includes a support wood material part 1 for supporting load, an inner inflammable wood material part 2 a attached to a periphery of the support wood material part 1, and an outer inflammable wood material part 2 b attached to a periphery of the inner inflammable wood material part 2 a, wherein the inner inflammable wood material part 2 a and the outer inflammable wood material part 2 b both contain therein an inflammable agent, and an amount of the inflammable agent contained in the inner inflammable wood material part 2 a is smaller than an amount of the inflammable agent contained in the outer inflammable wood material part 2 b.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Floor panel

Номер: US20210032879A1
Принадлежит: Flooring Industries Ltd SARL

A floor panel has a rectangular and oblong shape, and includes a substrate and a top layer provided on the substrate and forming a decorative side of the floor panel. The top layer is composed of a print provided on a carrier sheet and a transparent thermoplastic layer situated above the print. The substrate has a thickness from 2 to 10 millimeter and forms at least half of the thickness of the floor panel. The substrate is a polyurethane-based substrate and the transparent thermoplastic layer is polyurethane-based. The floor panel has a length of more than 1.1 meters and has a plurality of reinforcing layers situated outside the center line of the substrate. A reinforcing layer may be provided in combination with the substrate and the top layer.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032880A1

A floor panel has a rectangular and oblong shape, and includes a substrate and a top layer provided on the substrate and forming a decorative side of the floor panel. The top layer is composed of a print provided on a carrier sheet and a transparent thermoplastic layer situated above the print. The substrate has a thickness from 2 to 10 millimeter and forms at least half of the thickness of the floor panel. The substrate is a polyurethane-based substrate and the transparent thermoplastic layer is polyurethane-based. The floor panel has a length of more than 1.1 meters and has a plurality of reinforcing layers situated outside the center line of the substrate. A reinforcing layer may be provided in combination with the substrate and the top layer. 1. A floor panel being rectangular and oblong and comprising a substrate and a top layer provided on said substrate;wherein said top layer is at least composed of a print and a transparent thermoplastic layer situated above said print,wherein said floor panel at least at two opposite edges comprises coupling means substantially realized in said substrate, wherein said coupling means allow that two of such floor panels can be coupled to each other, such that, in the obtained coupled condition, a locking is obtained in a vertical direction perpendicular to the plane of the coupled panels, as well as in a horizontal direction perpendicular to the coupled edge and in the plane of the panels, wherein said coupling parts comprise a tongue and a groove that are substantially responsible for said locking in said vertical directionwherein said panel at least at one of said two opposite edges comprises a lowered edge, wherein in said coupled condition a lowered area in the surface of the coupled panels is created at the location where the respective panels adjoin; wherein said lowered area comprises a flat bottom portion having a width in said horizontal direction that is smaller than the width in said horizontal direction of the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032881A1

A floor panel has a rectangular and oblong shape, and includes a substrate and a top layer provided on the substrate and forming a decorative side of the floor panel. The top layer is composed of a print provided on a carrier sheet and a transparent thermoplastic layer situated above the print. The substrate has a thickness from 2 to 10 millimeter and forms at least half of the thickness of the floor panel. The substrate is a polyurethane-based substrate and the transparent thermoplastic layer is polyurethane-based. The floor panel has a length of more than 1.1 meters and has a plurality of reinforcing layers situated outside the center line of the substrate. A reinforcing layer may be provided in combination with the substrate and the top layer. 1. A floor panel being rectangular and oblong and comprising a substrate and a top layer provided on said substrate;wherein said substrate comprises thermoplastic material selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene and polyurethane;wherein said top layer is at least composed of a print and a transparent thermoplastic layer situated above said print;wherein said floor panel at least at two opposite edges has profiles comprising coupling parts substantially realized in said substrate, wherein said coupling means allow that two of such floor panels can be coupled to each other, such that, in the obtained coupled condition, a locking is obtained in a vertical direction perpendicular to the plane of the coupled panels, as well as in a horizontal direction perpendicular to the coupled edge and in the plane of the panels, wherein said coupling parts comprise a tongue and a groove that are substantially responsible for said locking in said vertical directionwherein said panel at least on the profile of one of said two opposite edges comprises a covering by means of a water-repellent substance.2. The floor panel of claim 1 , wherein said tongue and groove are provided with additional locking parts ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036423A1

Wood-based composites, and methods for their manufacture, are provided. The composites include oriented wooden strands and cured bonding resin connecting adjacent strands. The composites are relatively low-density, having an average dry density of the wooden composites of about 15-28 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). The unique composition of the composites provide improved structural and insulating (thermal and acoustic) properties when compared to traditional engineered wood products (e.g., oriented strandboard). 1. A composite having a thickness dimension , comprising:a compressed plurality of wooden strands, each having length, width, and thickness dimensions, wherein the wooden strands are oriented such that the length and width dimensions are each orthogonal to the thickness dimension of the composite; andcured bonding resin structurally connecting the plurality of wooden strands;wherein the average dry density of the wooden composite is from about 15 to about 28 pounds per cubic foot.2. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the composite consists essentially of the wooden strands and the cured bonding resin.3. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the wooden strands are selected from the group consisting of alder claim 1 , aspen claim 1 , basswood claim 1 , eastern cottonwood claim 1 , hemlock claim 1 , black poplar claim 1 , yellow poplar claim 1 , lodgepole pine claim 1 , red pine claim 1 , sugar pine claim 1 , white pine claim 1 , juvenile southern yellow pine claim 1 , fir claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the wooden strands have a thickness of from about 0.010 inches to about 0.150 inches.5. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the wooden strands have a thickness of from about 0.015 inches to about 0.050 inches.6. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the length of the wooden strands is from about 0.25 inches to about 8.0 feet.7. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the length of the wooden strands is from about 0.25 inches to about ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037009A1

Wood derived multilayer glued or laminated product having an integrated electric circuit, comprising a paper layer and conducting elements of conductive ink deposited on said paper layer, said elements being suitable for forming an electric circuit and said paper layer has a rugosity inferior to 60 μm. The paper layer may be of kraft paper. The product may comprise one or more additional kraft paper layers, in particular having a hole for receiving electric components such that the top surface of product remains flat. The product may include a fibreboard substrate of MDF. The paper layer may be a decorative paper layer glued with the circuit facing the substrate. The manufacture process comprises depositing conductive ink elements on a paper layer having rugosity inferior to 60 μm for forming an electric circuit; and incorporating, by gluing or laminating, said paper layer into the multilayer product. 1. A wood-derived multilayer glued or laminated product having an integrated electric circuit , comprising a paper layer and conducting elements of conductive ink deposited on said paper layer , said elements forming an electric circuit and said paper layer having a surface roughness less than 60 μm.2. The product according to claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness is between 20 μm and 50 μm.3. The product according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the conductive ink is less than 20 μm.4. The product according to claim 1 , wherein said paper layer is of kraft paper.5. Product according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of kraft paper layers.6. The product according to claim 5 , wherein one or more of the plurality of kraft paper layers has a hole for receiving one or more electric components of the electric circuit claim 5 , whereby the top surface of multilayer product is flat.7. The product according to claim 1 , further comprising a top decorative paper layer.8. The product according to claim 1 , further comprising a fibreboard substrate claim 1 , ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034941A1
Автор: YE Xinwen
Принадлежит: Global Card Systems Company Ltd.

A method, apparatus, and product-by-process, for preparing an RFID access card constructed out of wood is disclosed. The method involved preparing two wooden surfaces of appropriate thickness, preparing an RFID chip emitting an appropriate frequency, and pressing the wooden surfaces and the RFID chip together through the use of adhesive(s) and a hot press and a cold press. The apparatus included an RFID access card constructed out of at least two wooden surfaces where an RFID chip is disposed between the two surfaces. The two wooden surfaces are attached with a hot melt adhesive. 1. A method of producing an RFID access card constructed partially out of wood , comprising the steps of:providing a plurality of raw woodchips;mechanically applying a first pressure and a first heat to the plurality of raw woodchips;mechanically applying a second pressure and a second heat to the plurality of raw woodchips for a period of time to create a blank wooden surface; 'wherein the chip hole is sized to accommodate an RFID chip;', 'cutting a chip hole on a portion of the blank wooden surface, by a high-precision laser machine,'}soldering the RFID chip to the blank wooden surface;disposing an adhesive tape to the soldered blank wooden surface and RFID chip;placing a second blank wooden surface on the adhesive tape to create an untreated member;laminating and pressing the untreated member at 120° C., by a laminating machine to create a laminated member;grinding, polishing, and removing any ash from the laminated member to create an uncut card,cutting the uncut card, to a predetermined size to create a cut card.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first pressure and the first heat is applied to the plurality of raw wood chips for a period of time is 10 minutes.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first pressure is 0.1 Mpa.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first heat is in the range of 115° C. to 125° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second pressure and the second heat ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040634A1

A floor panel may include a substrate and a top layer located above the substrate. The substrate may include a closed cell foamed synthetic material layer with fillers, and have an average density of more than 300 kilograms per cubic meter. The top layer may include a back layer, a printed synthetic material film above the back layer, and a transparent or translucent synthetic material wear layer above the printed synthetic material film. The back layer may include a vinyl compound with fillers, and have a thickness of at least 45 percent of the thickness of the top layer. The floor panel may include first mechanical coupling parts at the pair of long edges and second mechanical coupling parts at the pair of short edges. The first mechanical coupling parts may allow horizontal and vertical locking of two of such floor panels using a turning movement along the respective long edges. 1. A floor panel comprising:a substrate; anda top layer located above and glued to the substrate;wherein the substrate includes a closed cell foamed PVC board with fillers;wherein the closed cell foamed PVC board has an average density of more than 300 kilograms per cubic meter;wherein the top layer includes a back layer, a printed synthetic material film located above the back layer and a transparent or translucent synthetic material wear layer located above the printed synthetic material film;wherein the back layer includes a vinyl compound with fillers;wherein the back layer has a thickness of at least 45 percent of the thickness of the top layer;wherein the floor panel includes a first pair of edges and a second pair of edges;wherein the floor panel includes first mechanical coupling parts at the first pair of edges and second mechanical coupling parts at the second pair of edges;wherein the first mechanical coupling parts allow a horizontal and vertical locking of two of such floor panels using a turning movement along the respective edges;wherein the first mechanical coupling parts ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046741A1

A system and related methods for high-resolution digital printing on wood-based substrates for exterior applications or outdoor use. Textured wood-based substrates include, but are not limited to, plywood, wood planks, oriented-strand board (OSB), laminated strand lumber (LSL), laminated veneer lumber (LVL), paper board, and various forms of engineered wood. A manufactured or engineered wood product with an engineered orientation is used as the base substrate to minimize deformation. A resin-impregnated paper overlay, which may include a special adhesion-promoting primer layer, is placed on the surface that will be subject to exposure outdoors. An image or images are printed using UV-resistant inks or film coatings, and a protective layer applied over the printed ink. The elasticity of the ink or film coating and the protective layer should match the protective overlay. 1. An exterior-use engineered-wood product , comprising:a base layer with a first surface and a second surface, said base layer comprising engineered wood;a paper overlay layer with a first surface and a second surface, the second surface of the paper layer affixed to the first surface of the base layer, said paper overlay layer comprising resin-impregnated paper;a primer layer affixed to or integrated with the first surface of the paper overlay layer, said primer layer comprising an outer surface opposite the paper overlayer layer;a print layer printed on the outer surface of the primer layer; anda clear or translucent protective layer overlaying the print layer opposite the primer layer.2. The product of claim 1 , wherein the base layer comprises oriented strand board.3. The product of claim 1 , wherein the primer layer forms part of the paper overlay layer.4. The product of claim 3 , further comprising a second primer layer affixed to the primer layer forming part of the paper overlay layer.5. The product of claim 1 , wherein the print layer comprises UV-resistant inks.6. The product of claim 5 , ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040589A1

A floor panel has a substrate and a decorative layer of wood veneer provided thereon having a thickness of 1 millimeter or less. The substrate has an average density of more than 750 kilograms per cubic meter. The floor panel is rectangular and oblong and comprises a pair of opposite short edges and a pair of opposite long edges. The floor panel, on at least said two opposite long edges, is provided with coupling means allowing that two of such floor panels can be coupled to each other in a vertical direction perpendicular to the plane of the coupled panels and in a horizontal direction in this plane and perpendicular to the respective edge. The wood veneer and/or the substrate immediately underneath the wood veneer is treated at least at the short edges with a fluoro copolymer or a polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. 1. A floor panel with a substrate and a decorative layer of wood veneer provided on the substrate and having a thickness of 1 millimeter or less , wherein said substrate has an average density of more than 750 kilograms per cubic meter;wherein this floor panel is rectangular and oblong and comprises a pair of opposite short edges and a pair of opposite long edges;wherein said floor panel, on at least said two opposite long edges, is provided with coupling means allowing that two of such floor panels can be coupled to each other in a vertical direction perpendicular to the plane of the coupled panels and in a horizontal direction in this plane and perpendicular to the respective edge;wherein said wood veneer and/or said substrate immediately underneath the wood veneer is treated at least at said short edges with a fluoro copolymer or a polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate.2. The floor panel of claim 1 , wherein said substrate claim 1 , at the surface where the decorative layer is situated claim 1 , has a density of more than 900 kilograms per cubic meter.3. The floor panel of claim 1 , wherein said substrate is a wood fiberboard of an HDF ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046094A1

Described herein are hybrid wood products comprising: a first layer comprising a first thermally compressed cellulosic substrate; a second layer comprising a fiberboard, a wood-plastic composite, or a vinyl composite; and a locking profile. 1. A hybrid wood product , comprising:a first layer comprising a first thermally compressed cellulosic substrate;a second layer comprising a fiberboard, a wood-plastic composite, or a vinyl composite; anda locking profile.2. The hybrid wood product of claim 1 , wherein the first thermally compressed cellulosic substrate comprises a cellulosic material derived from a soft wood or a tropical wood.3. The hybrid wood product of claim 1 , wherein the first thermally compressed cellulosic substrate comprises a cellulosic material derived from Caribbean walnut claim 1 , coffee bean claim 1 , natural bamboo claim 1 , Australian cypress claim 1 , white oak claim 1 , Tasmanian oak claim 1 , ribbon gum claim 1 , ash claim 1 , American beech claim 1 , red oak claim 1 , Caribbean heart pine claim 1 , yellow birch claim 1 , Movingui claim 1 , heart pine claim 1 , Carapa Guianensis claim 1 , larch claim 1 , carbonized bamboo claim 1 , teak claim 1 , cocobolo claim 1 , rose gum claim 1 , Makore claim 1 , Siberian larch claim 1 , Peruvian walnut claim 1 , Boreal claim 1 , black walnut claim 1 , cherry claim 1 , red maple claim 1 , boire claim 1 , paper birch claim 1 , eastern red cedar claim 1 , southern yellow pine claim 1 , lacewood claim 1 , African mahogany claim 1 , Honduran mahogany claim 1 , Parana claim 1 , sycamore claim 1 , Shedua claim 1 , silver maple claim 1 , Douglas fir claim 1 , juniper claim 1 , chestnut claim 1 , hemlock claim 1 , western white pine claim 1 , basswood claim 1 , eastern white pine claim 1 , balsa claim 1 , cuipo or a combination of two or more thereof.4. (canceled)5. The hybrid wood product of claim 1 , wherein the second layer comprises a fiberboard.6. The hybrid wood product of claim 5 , wherein the fiberboard ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047842A1

A floor panel has a rectangular and oblong shape, and includes a substrate and a top layer provided on the substrate and forming a decorative side of the floor panel. The top layer is composed of a print provided on a carrier sheet and a transparent thermoplastic layer situated above the print. The substrate has a thickness from 2 to 10 millimeter and forms at least half of the thickness of the floor panel. The substrate is a polyurethane-based substrate and the transparent thermoplastic layer is polyurethane-based. The floor panel has a length of more than 1.1 meters and has a plurality of reinforcing layers situated outside the center line of the substrate. A reinforcing layer may be provided in combination with the substrate and the top layer. 2. The floor panel of claim 1 , wherein said print extends uninterruptedly from on the actual surface of the floor panel over the entire surface of said chamfer.3. The floor panel of claim 1 , wherein said chamfer extends to a depth of at least 0.5 millimeter below the top of said transparent thermoplastic layer.4. The floor panel of claim 3 , wherein said print extends uninterruptedly from on the actual surface of the floor panel over the entire surface of said chamfer.5. The floor panel of claim 1 , wherein said print is located at a distance of less than 0.5 millimeters from the top of said transparent thermoplastic layer.6. The floor panel of claim 1 , wherein said substrate has a density of more than 650 kilograms per cubic meter and a thickness of 2 to 10 millimeter claim 1 , wherein said print is provided on top of a carrier layer; said carrier layer being a synthetic film selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl chloride film claim 1 , polyurethane film and polypropylene film; said thermoplastic transparent layer being a layer based on a material selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl chloride claim 1 , polyurethane and polypropylene.7. The floor panel of claim 6 , wherein said substrate is ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Reaction product of a cyclic urea and a multifunctional aldehyde

Номер: US20180044461A1
Принадлежит: Allnex IP SARL

The invention relates to a reaction product UA of at least one cyclic urea U and at least one multifunctional aldehyde A which reaction product has as substituents on the carbonyl carbon atoms of the aldehyde A at least one kind of functional groups selected from the group consisting of hydroxyl groups —OH and alkoxy groups —OR characterised in that the groups —OR comprise at least two kinds of alkoxy groups —OR 1 and —OR 2 , where R 1 and R 2 are both selected from the group consisting of linear, branched or cyclic alkyl groups having from one to twelve carbon atoms, where R 1 and R 2 may be the same or may be different from each other, to a process of making these, and to a method of use as crosslinker in coating compositions.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Method to produce a building panel and a semi-finished product

Номер: US20220063326A1

A method to produce a building panel, including: providing a substrate, applying a thermosetting binder in dry form on the substrate for forming a sub-layer, applying a sheet on the sub-layer, and pressing the substrate, the sub-layer and the sheet together to form a building panel, thereby the thermosetting binder of the sub-layer impregnates the sheet from below. Also, a semi-finished product.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047263A1
Автор: BRAUN Roger, Hofer Josef
Принадлежит: SWISS KRONO Tec AG

The invention relates to a composite board composed of wood material, comprising a middle layer composed of plywood, wherein the middle layer is connected to at least one outer layer composed of fiberboard. In order to provide an economically producible composite board having improved strength properties, an artificial resin-impregnated paper according to the invention is arranged between the middle layer and the outer layer. The invention further relates to a method for producing the composite board composed of wood material. 142635. A composite board composed of wood material , comprising a middle layer () composed of plywood , wherein the middle layer is connected to at least one outer layer ( , ) composed of fiberboard , wherein an artificial resin-impregnated paper ( , ) is arranged between the middle layer and the outer layer.235. The composite board according to claim 1 , wherein an artificial resin-impregnated paper ( claim 1 , ) is utilized claim 1 , wherein the sheet weight of the paper is 15 g/mto 100 g/m.335. The composite board according to claim 1 , wherein the artificial resin-impregnated paper ( claim 1 , ) has artificial resin in a quantity of 30 g/mto 200 g/m.435. The composite board according to claim 1 , wherein the artificial resin-impregnated paper ( claim 1 , ) is impregnated with one or more of the artificial resins from the group which comprises urea claim 1 , melamine claim 1 , formaldehyde claim 1 , phenol resin claim 1 , epoxy resin as well as mixtures and derivatives thereof.5351. The composite board according to claim 1 , wherein the artificial resin-impregnated paper ( claim 1 , ) has an additive which makes difficult or prevents igniting or combusting of the composite board ().6426. The composite board according to claim 1 , wherein the middle layer () is provided with an outer layer ( claim 1 , ) on both sides.726. The composite board according to claim 1 , wherein the outer layer ( claim 1 , ) has a board made of high-density or ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053322A1

A method to produce a wear resistant foil, including providing a first foil including a first thermoplastic material, applying wear resistant particles on the first foil, applying a second foil including a second thermoplastic material on the first foil, and adhering the first foil and the second foil to each other to form a wear resistant foil. 151-. (canceled)52. A wear resistant foil comprising a first foil comprising a first thermoplastic material and a second foil comprising a second thermoplastic material , wherein wear resistant particles are arranged between the first and second foils.53. The wear resistant foil according to claim 52 , wherein the wear resistant particles are enclosed by the first and the second foil.54. The wear resistant foil according to claim 52 , wherein the first thermoplastic material comprises polyvinyl chloride (PVC).55. The wear resistant foil according to claim 52 , wherein the second thermoplastic material comprises polyurethane (PU).56. The wear resistant foil according to claim 52 , wherein the wear resistant particles comprise aluminium oxide.57. The wear resistant foil according to claim 52 , wherein the wear resistant particles have an average particle size of less than 45 μm.58. The wear resistant foil according to claim 52 , wherein the wear resistant particles do not protrude from a surface of the second foil opposite the first foil.59. The wear resistant foil according to claim 52 , wherein the wear resistant foil is substantially transparent.60. The wear resistant foil according to claim 52 , wherein a thickness of the second foil is less than 75 μm after pressing.61. A building panel comprising:a core, anda wear resistant foil arranged on the core,wherein the wear resistant foil comprises a first foil comprising a first thermoplastic material and a second foil comprising a second thermoplastic material, andwherein wear resistant particles are arranged between the first and the second foil.62. The building panel ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047469A1
Автор: FANG Qinghua

The present invention belongs to the technical field of board materials, and particularly relates to a weather-resistant composite floor and a preparation method thereof, and an artificial mineral floor and a preparation method thereof. The weather-resistant composite floor provided by the present invention sequentially includes a wear layer, an artificial mineral board and a back lay which are laminated and bonded with one another; the artificial mineral board includes modified mineral layers and fiberglass mesh layers which are alternately laminated; and the bottom and top layers of the artificial mineral board are the modified mineral layers. The wear layer and the back lay are respectively bonded to two opposite sides of the artificial mineral board. The weather-resistant composite floor provided by the present invention has high dimensional stability, and the deformation amount of it is maintained at a relatively small amplitude even in the presence of moisture or under an alternate cooling and heating condition, and thus is applicable in a wide range of areas. 1. A weather-resistant composite floor , sequentially comprising a wear layer , an artificial mineral board and a back lay which are laminated and bonded with one another;wherein the artificial mineral board comprises modified mineral layers and fiberglass mesh layers which are alternately laminated; and the bottom and top layers of the artificial mineral board are the modified mineral layers.2. The weather-resistant composite floor of claim 1 , wherein the raw material forming the modified mineral layers comprises the following components by mass: 60-80 parts of a mineral base material claim 1 , 20-24 parts of wood chips claim 1 , 3-5 parts of a modifier claim 1 , and 20-25 parts of water; and the mineral base material comprises magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride.3. The weather-resistant composite floor of claim 2 , wherein the modifier comprises sodium methine dinaphthyl sulphonate claim 2 , ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048594A1
Автор: Tarananopas Ranat

This invention relates to a board with tongue and tenon and method for manufacture of the board with tongue and tenon. Board with tongue and tenon, which can be joined together without using other tools, comprises a hard board having a rectangular shape having a top side, a bottom side, a first lateral side opposite to and parallel with a second lateral side and perpendicular to a third lateral side opposite to and parallel with a fourth lateral side, the first lateral side and the third lateral side having a male connector thereon and the second lateral side and the fourth lateral side having a female connector thereon, characterized in that said insertion of the male connector into the female connector moves along a curve which is a part of a first ellipse; a second ellipse; and a third ellipse, wherein the first ellipse, the second ellipse, and the third ellipse are concentric. 113456785796810. A board with tongue and tenon comprising a hard board () having a rectangular shape having a top side () , a bottom side () , a first lateral side () opposite to and parallel with a second lateral side () and perpendicular to a third lateral side () opposite to and parallel with a fourth lateral side () , the first lateral side () and the third lateral side () having a male connector () thereon and the second lateral side () and the fourth lateral side () having a female connector () thereon wherein{'b': 9', '5', '7', '1', '11', '13', '17', '45', '41', '11', '21', '25', '29', '19', '17', '21', '27', '25', '29', '13', '33', '37', '39', '37', '41', '35', '33', '37', '35', '29', '4', '1', '17', '21', '3', '1', '29', '4', '1', '41', '41', '39', '45, 'the male connector () protrudes from longitudinal lateral sides of the first side () and the third side () of the hard board () and comprises a tongue (), a tenon (), a male connector upper edge surface (), a male connector lower edge surface (), and a male connector lower inner surface (); the tongue () having a tongue upper ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Panel for sheathing system and method

Номер: US20220074205A1

The panel includes a water resistant barrier layer secured atop its outward facing surface. The water resistant barrier layer includes a skid resistant surface. The panels are made of lignocellulosic material. The water resistant and skid resistant surface may include indicia for aligning strips of tape or for aligning fasteners. A method for manufacturing the water resistant building panels is also disclosed and includes the steps of feeding paper onto a forming belt, depositing lignocellulosic material and the binding agent onto the forming belt so as to form a lignocellulosic mat, applying heat and pressure so as to impart the skid resistant surface on the paper, and cutting panels to predetermined sizes.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058161A1

Disclosed herein are adhesives, wood-based composites incorporating the adhesives, and methods of forming wood-based composites using the adhesives. Wood-based composites formed using the adhesives demonstrate an optimal combination of characteristics desirable to the wood products industry. Specifically, the wood products formed using the adhesive demonstrate (1) a light appearance when wet; (2) relatively low moisture content after soaking in water; (3) relatively little thickness swelling after soaking in water; and (4) minimal adhesion to metal press platens during press-forming of the wood products. 1. A wood-based composite comprising wooden elements adhered together by a polyurethane polymer formed by the reaction of a continuous phase and a dispersed phase of an adhesive emulsion , comprising:(a) a continuous phase, comprising an aqueous, alkaline solution comprising a melamine/urea/formaldehyde resin; and(b) a dispersed phase, comprising a multifunctional aromatic isocyanate component;wherein the aqueous, alkaline solution comprising the melamine/urea/formaldehyde resin has a percent solids content of about 1.0% to about 90.0%; andwherein the melamine/urea/formaldehyde resin and the multifunctional aromatic isocyanate component are present in a ratio of about 92:8 to about 40:60 on a solids mass basis.2. The wood-based composite of claim 1 , wherein the wooden elements are selected from the group consisting of strands claim 1 , flakes claim 1 , particles claim 1 , fibers claim 1 , veneer claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The wood-based composite of claim 1 , wherein the wood-based composite is of a type selected from the group consisting of oriented strandboard claim 1 , particleboard claim 1 , medium-density fiberboard claim 1 , oriented strand lumber claim 1 , parallel strand lumber claim 1 , laminated veneer lumber claim 1 , laminated strand lumber claim 1 , and plywood.4. The wood-based composite of claim 1 , further comprising an additive selected ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058456A1

A method for manufacturing decorative laminates includes the steps of a) impregnating a paper substrate with a thermosetting resin by submersion of the paper substrate in a bath of thermosetting resin; b) applying on the thermosetting resin impregnated paper substrate an ink acceptance layer containing an inorganic pigment P and a polymeric binder B having a weight ratio P/B of inorganic pigment to polymeric binder of larger than 1.5; c) jetting on the ink acceptance layer a colour pattern with one or more aqueous pigmented inkjet inks and/or organic solvent based pigmented inkjet inks containing a colour pigment C; and d) heat pressing the thermosetting paper into a decorative laminate, wherein the weight ratio P/C of the inorganic pigment of the ink acceptance layer to the jetted colour pigment in the colour pattern is larger than 4.0. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for manufacturing decorative laminates , the method comprising the steps of:impregnating a paper substrate with a thermosetting resin by submerging the paper substrate in a bath of the thermosetting resin;applying on the paper substrate impregnated with the thermosetting resin an ink acceptance layer including an inorganic pigment P and a polymeric binder B having a weight ratio P/B of the inorganic pigment P to the polymeric binder B larger than 1.5;jetting on the ink acceptance layer a color pattern with one or more aqueous pigmented inkjet inks and/or organic solvent based pigmented inkjet inks including a color pigment C; andheat pressing the paper substrate impregnated with the thermosetting resin into a decorative laminate; whereina weight ratio P/C of the inorganic pigment P in the ink acceptance layer to the color pigment C in the color pattern is larger than 4.0.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the step of heat pressing includes embossing a relief into the decorative laminate.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein a dry weight of the color pigments in the color pattern is ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190057294A1
Автор: SUTHAR Om J.

Disclosed embodiments generally relate to a transaction card with a fabric inlay. The transaction card may include a housing component having a first housing surface opposite a second housing surface and an inlay component having a first inlay surface opposite a second inlay surface. The inlay and housing may be joined along the second inlay surface and the first housing surface. In addition, the first inlay surface may include a fabric material and a backer layer configured to support the fabric material of the first inlay surface. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of manufacturing a transaction card , the method comprising:forming a housing component having a first housing surface opposite a second housing surface;forming a cavity within the housing component;forming a fabric layer having a first inlay surface opposite a second inlay surface; andjoining the second inlay surface to the first housing surface such that the fabric layer is disposed within the cavity.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein forming the cavity comprises using at least one of using a milling process or a laser-cutting process on the housing component.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein forming the cavity comprises using at least one of a sanding process or a grinding process on the housing component.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein joining the second inlay surface to the first housing surface comprises using at least one of an adhesive claim 21 , a fastener claim 21 , or a snap fit feature.25. The method of claim 21 , further comprising forming an aperture within the housing component.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein forming the aperture comprises using a milling process on the housing component.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein forming the aperture comprises using a laser-cutting process on the housing component.28. The method of claim 25 , wherein forming the aperture comprises using a stamping process on the housing component.29. The method of claim 21 , further comprising forming ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062518A1

A floor may include a substrate having a top side and a bottom side. A top layer may be provided on the substrate. The top layer may consist of a printed thermoplastic film and a thermoplastic transparent or translucent layer provided on the printed thermoplastic film. The top layer may be directly adhered to the substrate by heat welding the printed thermoplastic film and the top side of the substrate, in the absence of a glue layer. The substrate may be a synthetic material board including a filler. The substrate at least at two opposite edges may include coupling means provided in the synthetic material board. The thermoplastic transparent or translucent layer may be provided with a structure. 1. A panel , wherein said panel is selected from a list consisting of a floor panel , a wall panel and a ceiling panel , said panel comprising:a substrate having a top side and a bottom side; said substrate comprising a synthetic material board and having a density of at least 450 kilograms per cubic meter;a top layer provided on said substrate; said top layer comprising a print and a translucent or transparent layer based on synthetic material provided over said print; wherein said translucent or transparent layer is a vinyl layer or a polyurethane layer having a thickness of 0.25 to 0.7 millimeterwherein said substrate at least at two opposite edges includes mechanical coupling means consisting of milled profiles, which, for at least 70 percent of their circumference are provided in said synthetic material board;wherein said mechanical coupling means offer a locking in horizontal direction as well as in vertical direction and are substantially realized in the form of a tongue and a groove, having locking parts, wherein said groove is bordered by a lower lip and an upper lip; wherein at least a first pair of horizontally active locking surfaces of the coupling means is realized in the substrate and wherein at least a second pair of horizontally active locking surfaces of ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061317A1

A method for manufacture of a digitally printed decorative surfacing material includes applying a textured layer upon a substrate, processing a digital image to compensate for additional surface area provided by the textured layer so as to produce a resultant digital image, digitally printing the resultant digital image upon the textured layer, applying a top coat layer over the digitally printed image. A digitally printed decorative surfacing material in accordance with the method described above is also provided. 1. A method for manufacture of a digitally printed decorative surfacing material , comprising:applying a textured layer upon a substrate;processing a digital image to compensate for additional surface area provided by the textured layer so as to produce a resultant digital image;digitally printing the resultant digital image upon the textured layer;applying a top coat layer over the digitally printed image.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of processing includes creating a 3-dimensional model of a textured surface of the textured layer and cross correlating the 3-dimensional model with the digital image.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the step of cross correlating includes overlaying image data within the XY plane of the digital image upon the 3-dimensional model of the textured surface of the textured layer.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the step of cross correlating includes altering the digital image to compensate for variations in a Z-direction as exhibited in the textured layer so as to compensate for variation in surface area of the textured layer.5. The method according to claim 1 , further including the step of applying a UV cured adhesion promoter layer prior to the step of applying the textured layer.6. The method according to claim 1 , further including the step of applying a filler layer prior to the step of applying the textured layer.7. The method according to claim 1 , further including the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061325A1
Автор: Hand Richard

The present invention relates to a multi layer particle board comprising at least one core layer and two surface layers, the core layer particles being bonded by a resin binder other than a carbohydrate based binder resin, and the surface layer particles being bonded by a carbohydrate based resin, and to a process for making same. 1. A multi-layer particle board comprising at least one core layer and a surface layer , the surface layer particles being bonded by a binder comprising carbohydrate based reaction products and the core layer particles being bonded by a binder other than the carbohydrate based binder resin used in the surface layer , wherein the binder comprising carbohydrate based reaction product comprises: reaction products of a reducing sugar and a nitrogen source.2. The multi-layer particle board of wherein the core layer binder is selected from a binders comprising: phenol formaldehyde resin; urea formaldehyde resin; and isocyanate based binder resin claim 1 , such as methylene diphenyl diisocyanate.3. The multi-layer particle board of characterized by one or more of the following features:wherein the nitrogen source comprises an amine component, preferably a primary amine componentwherein the nitrogen source comprises an amine component, preferably a primary amine component and wherein the ratio of carbonyl groups in the reducing sugar to reactive amino groups in the amine components of the surface layer binder is in the range of 5:1 to 1:2, preferably in the range of 5:1 to 1:1.8, 5:1 to 1:1.5, 5:1 to 1:1.2, 5:1 to 1:1, 5:1 to 1:0.8 and 5:1 to 1:0.5, 4:1 to 1:2, 3.5:1 to 1:2, 3:1 to 1:2, 2.5:1 to 1:2, 2:1 to 1:2 and 1.5:1 to 1:2.4. The multi-layer particle board of wherein the reducing sugar is selected from the group consisting of monosaccharides claim 1 , disaccharides claim 1 , and polysaccharides or a reaction product thereof.5. The multi-layer particle board of wherein the nitrogen source is selected from: NH3; an inorganic amine; an organic ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061398A1

A digitally printed decorative surfacing material includes a base layer of vulcanized fiber with ink on a top surface thereof, the base layer and the ink defining a printed vulcanized fiber base layer. The digitally printed decorative surfacing material also includes a top coat layer applied to the printed vulcanized fiber base layer to provide scratch resistance and other physical properties. The digitally printed decorative surfacing material is manufactured by providing a base layer of vulcanized fiber, applying ink on a top surface of the base layer thereby defining a printed vulcanized fiber base layer, and applying a top coat layer to the printed vulcanized fiber base layer to provide scratch resistance and other physical properties. 1. A digitally printed decorative surfacing material , comprising:a base layer of vulcanized fiber with ink on a top surface thereof, the base layer and the ink defining a printed vulcanized fiber base layer;a top coat layer applied to the printed vulcanized fiber base layer to provide scratch resistance and other physical properties.2. The digitally printed decorative surfacing material according to claim 1 , wherein the top coat layer includes a clear hot melt polyurethane layer and a clear UV cured acrylic coating layer.3. The digitally printed decorative surfacing material according to claim 1 , wherein the base layer is a vulcanized fiber sheet.4. The digitally printed decorative surfacing material according to claim 1 , wherein the ink is UV ink.5. The digitally printed decorative surfacing material according to claim 1 , further including a substrate to which the digitally printed decorative surfacing material is secured.6. The digitally printed decorative surfacing material according to claim 1 , wherein the top coat layer includes texturing.7. A method for manufacturing a digitally printed decorative surfacing material claim 1 , comprising:providing a base layer of vulcanized fiber;applying ink on a top surface of the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080708A1
Автор: Pettersson Dan

The present disclosure relates to a hollow board with first and second main surface layers A plurality of distance elements connecting the first and second main surface layers and maintain a predetermined distance there between. The main surface layers include at least a layer of high-density fiber, HDF, board, and a plurality of distance elements are distributed in the space between the main surface layers, and at least some comprise at least one elongate HDF board strip which is oriented such that its longitudinal edges interconnect the first and second main surface layers The HDF boards of the surface layers and of the at least some of the distance elements comprise wood particles bonded by a resin including an isocyanate, such as methylene diphenyl di-isocyanate, MDI. 116.-. (canceled)17. Hollow board comprising first and second main surface layers and a plurality of distance elements connecting the first and second main surface layers and maintaining a predetermined distance there between , wherein{'sup': '3', 'each main surface layer including at least a layer of board having a density of at least 800 kg/mand'}{'sup': '3', 'a plurality of distance elements distributed in a space between the main surface layers, and at least some of said plurality of distance elements comprising at least one elongate board strip, having a density of at least 800 kg/mand being oriented such that its longitudinal edges interconnect the first and second main surface layers,'}{'sup': '3', 'wherein the plurality of distance elements includes at least one stack of glued together board strips having a density of at least 800 kg/m, wherein the stack is oriented in between the first and second surface layers such that individual board strips in the stack interconnect the first and second surface layers.'}18. Hollow board according to claim 17 , wherein the board of at least one of the main surface layers comprises wood particles.19. Hollow board according to claim 18 , wherein the wood ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for Producing an Abrasion-Resistant Wood Composite Board, and Production Line Therefor

Номер: US20220080769A1

A method for producing an abrasion-resistant wood-based panel with a top side and a bottom side. At least one decorative layer, in particular as a printed decoration, is provided on the top side. The method includes applying at least one first resin layer to the at least one decorative layer on the top side of the wood-based panel, uniformly scattering abrasion-resistant particles onto the first resin layer on the top side of the wood-based panel. The first resin layer on the top side of the wood-based panel provided with the abrasion-resistant particles is not dried after application. The method also includes applying at least one second resin layer to the first, moist resin layer provided with the abrasion-resistant particles on the top side of the wood-based panel, and then drying the assembly of first resin layer and second resin layer on the top side of the wood-based panel in at least one drying apparatus. 1. A method for producing an abrasion-resistant wood-based panel with a top side and a bottom side , wherein at least one decorative layer is provided on the top side in the form of a printed decoration , and wherein a protective layer of a not yet fully cured resin is applied to the decorative layer , comprising the steps of:applying at least one first resin layer to the at least one decorative layer on the upper surface of the wood-based panel, wherein the wood-based panel provided with the protective layer and decorative layer is not heated in a dryer before the application of the first resin layer;even scattering of abrasion-resistant particles on the first resin layer on the top side of the wood-based panel, wherein the first resin layer provided with the abrasion-resistant particles on the upper surface of the wood-based panel is not dried after application;applying at least a second resin layer to the first wet resin layer provided with the abrasion-resistant particles on the upper surface of the wood-based panel;subsequent drying of the assembly of ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063079A1

A floor panel may include a substrate and a top layer. The top layer may include a printed thermoplastic film and a thermoplastic transparent or translucent layer provided on the printed thermoplastic film. The substrate may be a synthetic material board including a filler. The substrate may include coupling means provided at edges of the synthetic material board. The coupling means may enable locking with a similar floor panel and prevent separation in a horizontal direction using locking parts with horizontally active locking surfaces. The horizontally active locking surfaces may be oriented at an angle A of more than 90 degrees with the horizontal direction. A first one of the locking parts may be an upstanding part at a bottom lip of a first one of the edges. The angle A may be between (a) a tangent of the horizontally active locking surfaces, and (b) a direction in a horizontal plane that points away from an open curved surface of the upstanding part. 1. A floor panel comprising:a substrate having a top side and a bottom side; anda top layer provided on the substrate;wherein the top layer consists of a printed thermoplastic film and a thermoplastic transparent or translucent layer provided on the printed thermoplastic film;wherein the substrate is a synthetic material board including a filler;wherein the substrate at least at two opposite edges includes coupling means provided in the synthetic material board;wherein the coupling means enable a locking with a similar floor panel at the respective edges; the locking preventing separation of the locked floor panels in a horizontal direction perpendicular to the edges using locking parts provided in each other whereby at least one pair of horizontally active locking surfaces is created, the horizontally active locking surfaces being oriented at an angle A of more than 90 degrees with the horizontal direction; the locking preventing separation of the locked floor panels in a vertical direction perpendicular to the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063080A1

A floor panel has a rectangular and oblong shape, and includes a substrate and a top layer provided on the substrate and forming a decorative side of the floor panel. The top layer is composed of a print provided on a carrier sheet and a transparent thermoplastic layer situated above the print. The substrate has a thickness from 2 to 10 millimeter and forms at least half of the thickness of the floor panel. The substrate is a polyurethane-based substrate and the transparent thermoplastic layer is polyurethane-based. The floor panel has a length of more than 1.1 meters and has a plurality of reinforcing layers situated outside the center line of the substrate. A reinforcing layer may be provided in combination with the substrate and the top layer. 1. A floor panel comprising:a substrate; anda top layer located above the substrate;wherein the top layer is connected to the substrate by means of glue;wherein the substrate is single-layered and includes a closed cell foamed PVC board having a density of more than 450 kilograms per cubic meter;wherein the substrate has a thickness of 2 to 10 millimeters;wherein the substrate forms at least half of the thickness of the floor panel;wherein the top layer includes a back layer, a printed synthetic film located above the back layer, a transparent or translucent thermoplastic layer located above the printed synthetic film and a lacquer layer located above the transparent or translucent thermoplastic layer;wherein the back layer includes PVC with plasticizers and fillers;wherein the transparent or translucent thermoplastic layer has a thickness of 1 millimeter or less;wherein the transparent or translucent thermoplastic layer includes PVC;wherein the lacquer layer is a UV-hardening lacquer layer or a PU lacquer layer;wherein the floor panel is rectangular and oblong and includes a pair of long edges and a pair of short edges;wherein the floor panel includes first mechanical coupling parts at the pair of long edges and second ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071413A1
Автор: Worch Anatol

The invention relates to a heat insulating element () for an interior insulation, a facade insulation, a roof insulation, or the like at a building (), comprising an insulating body () which is of diffusion-open design. The heat insulating element () is characterized in that it further comprises a fabric (), especially a fleece, which is of capillary-active design, and that the fabric () is arranged on a surface of the insulating body (). Furthermore, the invention relates to a building construction, to a method for avoiding moisture damage at a building (), and to the use of a heat insulating element of this type. This achieves an improved heat insulating element () for avoiding moisture damage at a building () by means of which it is possible to accelerate drying of the region concerned in the case of the accumulation of water, especially condensation water, with simple means. Furthermore, an appropriate building construction is provided in which moisture damage can be avoided more reliably, and an improved method for avoiding moisture damage at a building () is provided. 14141. A heat insulating element () for an interior insulation , a facade insulation , a roof insulation , or the like at a building () , comprising an insulating body () which is of diffusion-open design ,characterized in{'b': 4', '42, 'that the heat insulating element () further comprises a fabric (), especially a fleece, which is of capillary-active design, and'}{'b': 42', '41, 'that the fabric () is arranged and laminated on a surface of the insulating body ().'}242. The heat insulating element according to claim 1 , characterized in that the fabric () comprises a capillarity for water with a capillary rise of more than 15 cm claim 1 , preferably more than 20 cm.342. The heat insulating element according to claim 1 , characterized in that the fabric () is formed of glass fibers or plastic fibers.4. (canceled)541. The heat insulating element according to claim 1 , characterized in that the ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072915A1

A wet coating composition useful for coating a cellulosic fiber-based substrate is provided. The composition includes two aqueous emulsions. The first emulsion includes an oxidized paraffin/polyethylene wax and the second emulsion includes an ethylene/acrylic acid copolymer wax, ethylene/acrylic amide copolymer wax, ethylene/acrylic acid/acrylic amide copolymer wax or a mixture thereof. The oxidized paraffin/polyethylene wax has a surface energy less than or equal to 25 mN/m being substantially dispersive energy. The wet coating composition when dried forms a coating having a surface energy ranging from 20 to 60 mN/m being the sum of dispersive and polar energies. A process for treating a cellulosic fiber-based substrate with the wet coating composition, a substrate coated and articles including the coated substrate are also described. The process involves a heating step to allow migration of the coating towards a core of the cellulosic fiber-based substrate. 1. A wet coating composition comprising:a first aqueous emulsion of an oxidized paraffin/polyethylene wax; anda second aqueous emulsion of an ethylene/acrylic acid copolymer wax, ethylene/acrylic amide copolymer wax, ethylene/acrylic acid/acrylic amide copolymer wax or a mixture thereof;wherein the oxidized paraffin/polyethylene wax has a surface energy less than or equal to 25 mN/m being substantially dispersive energy; andwherein the wet coating composition when dried forms a coating having a surface energy ranging from 20 to 60 mN/m being the sum of dispersive and polar energies.2. The wet coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the surface energy of the oxidized paraffin/polyethylene wax ranges from about 16 to about 21 mN/m.3. The wet coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the surface energy of the coating ranges from about 21 to about 34 mN/m.4. The wet coating composition of claim 1 , further comprising a dispersant in the form of an aqueous composition claim 1 , wherein the dispersant comprises a ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071879A1

Hard panels formed from a wood-based material and having a decorative layer for floor coverings are provided, at least on two opposite edges, with coupling devices made in one piece with the panels wherein similar panels may be coupled together to form a floor covering, wherein these coupling devices provide for an interlocking in a direction perpendicular to the plane of coupled panels, as well as in a direction perpendicular to the edges concerned and parallel to the plane of coupled panels. These coupling devices are constituted of a tongue and a groove. The top side of the tongue has a protrusion that cooperates with a meshing recess located in the lower side of the upper lip of the groove of the coupling devices, and a portion extending generally parallel with the plane of the panel to form a contact surface cooperating with the lower side of the upper lip of the groove. 1. A floor panel for forming a floor covering , wherein the floor panel is rectangular and longitudinal and comprises a pair of long edges and a pair of short edges;wherein the floor panel is provided with coupling parts at the long edges and at the short edges;wherein the coupling parts at the long edges and at the short edges are made in one piece with the floor panel;wherein the coupling parts at the long edges are configured so as to allow an assembly of two of such floor panels by means of a movement of rotation;wherein the coupling parts at the long edges are configured so as to provide in a coupled condition of two of such floor panels an interlocking in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the floor panels as well as in a direction perpendicular to the coupled edges and parallel to the plane of the floor panels;wherein the coupling part at the one long edge comprises a tongue;wherein the coupling part at the other long edge comprises a groove;wherein the groove is bordered by an upper lip and a lower lip extending past the free end of the upper lip;wherein the tongue has an upper ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090377A1

Described herein is a wall assembly for use in walls of energy efficient residential or commercial buildings which can provide improved thermal resistance, moisture resistance and structural capacity. The wall assembly includes a frame assembly, an outer fiberboard, and a closed cell foam layer. The fiberboard is laminated with a lamination such as a non-perforated, non-woven polyolefin permeable membrane. The closed cell foam layer couples the frame assembly and the outer fiberboard. Also described herein is a method of manufacturing the wall assembly. 1. A wall assembly comprising:a frame assembly having a top member, a bottom member opposite to said top member, and a plurality of vertical members coupled to and extending between said top and bottom members with said frame assembly having an interior side and an exterior side opposite to said interior side;an outer fiberboard having an interior surface and an exterior surface, said fiberboard coupled to said frame assembly, extending from said exterior side of said frame assembly and terminating at an exterior surface of said fiberboard; anda closed cell foam layer disposed on and between said plurality of vertical members and extending from said exterior side of said frame assembly, said closed cell foam layer couples said fiberboard to said frame assembly.2. The wall assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said fiberboard is a laminated fiberboard.3. The wall assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the fiberboard is laminated with a lamination comprising a non-perforated claim 1 , non-woven polyolefin permeable membrane.4. The wall assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the fiberboard is mechanically fastened to the frame assembly.5. The wall assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the wall assembly is made of a material selected from the group consisting of wood claim 1 , steel claim 1 , metal claim 1 , and metal alloy.6. The wall assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber board is made of natural or ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071928A1

Sound absorbing or attenuating laminate flooring materials are provided, which are directed to be used in the production of floor covering, floor panels, furniture panels, cabinets, counter-tops and wall panels. As well, the methods for producing such products are provided. In particular, abrasion resistant panels, with a laminated structure, created by forming an assembly which consists of laminating a heat-activated resin impregnated paper wear layer, a decorative layer with printed graphics or a wood veneer decorative layer, a medium density (MDF) or high-density (HDF) natural fiber-based core and a resin impregnated paper balancing layer. To achieve sound absorbing and/or attenuating properties, any or all paper layers may be pre coated with an additional flexible elastomeric coating, film or material prior to assembly of the panel, or the natural fiber core panel may be coated with a flexible elastomeric coating, film or material prior to assembly with the papers. The flexible elastomeric coating, film or material acts to absorb, reduce, and/or ameliorate the sound transmissions inherent in laminated panels. 162-. (canceled)63. A process for the production of a sound attenuating laminated panel including a core of a particleboard or fibreboard , and a plurality of layers , comprising:assembling said layers on at least one side of said core; andpressing said core and layers under conditions of heat and pressure to form said laminated panel, wherein said core or at least one of the layers of the laminated panel is treated with an elastomeric coating, or wherein at least one of said layers is a film of an elastomeric material, so as to form a treated core and/or a treated layer within said laminated panel, in order to reduce the noise generated by said panel64. A process as claimed in wherein said laminated panel is a laminated floor panel.65. A process as claimed in wherein said laminated panel is made by a HPL (High Pressure Laminate) or DPL (Direct Pressure ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Decorative sheet for floors and decorative panel for floors

Номер: US20190077124A1
Автор: Yuuhei SHINBARA

The present invention provides a decorative sheet for floors that has an appropriately low level of wiping resistance and from which not only grime that occurs during housing construction but also oil-based grime can be easily wiped off. The present invention provides a decorative sheet for floors that comprises a base material sheet and at least a surface-protecting layer on the base material sheet, the base material sheet being a thermoplastic resin sheet, the surface-protecting layer having a surface free energy of 27 mJ/m 2 or more and less than 30 mJ/m 2 and having a Martens hardness of 70 N/mm 2 or more, and the coefficient of slip resistance (C.S.R value) of the surface-protecting layer as measured with 100% cotton socks using a Tokyo Institute of Technology sliding tester (O−Y·PSM) being 0.3 or more.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080232A1
Автор: PERVAN Darko

Building panels, especially laminated floor panels are shown, which are provided with a locking system and several core grooves at the rear side in order to save material and decrease weight. Building panels, each having a surface layer on a front side, a backing layer on a rear side and an intermediate core, wherein the intermediate core and the surface and the backing layer all comprise wood fibres and thermosetting resins, the building panels are provided with a locking system for vertical and horizontal locking of a first edge of a first building panel to an adjacent second edge of a second building panel. 117-. (canceled)18. A wood based floor panel comprising:an upper layer of high-density fibreboard; anda lower layer of high-density fibreboard,wherein the lower layer comprises cavities,and wherein the upper layer forms an upper part of the cavities.19. The wood based floor panel according to claim 18 , wherein a thickness of the upper layer is about the same as a thickness of the lower layer.20. The wood based floor panel according to claim 18 , wherein a thickness of the upper layer is smaller than a thickness of the lower layer.21. The wood based floor panel according to claim 18 , wherein a pair of opposite panel edges comprises a mechanical locking system for locking the floor panel to an adjacent essentially identical floor panel.22. The wood based floor panel according to claim 21 , wherein the mechanical locking system comprises a tongue and a tongue groove for horizontal locking.23. The wood based floor panel according to claim 21 , wherein the mechanical locking system comprises a locking element and a downwardly open locking groove for vertical locking.24. The wood based floor panel according to claim 21 , wherein the mechanical locking system is formed partly in the lower layer.25. The wood based floor panel according to claim 21 , wherein the mechanical locking system is formed completely in the lower layer.26. The wood based floor panel according ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085081A1

A laminated countertop assembly can include a first generally longitudinal slab with a first substrate, where the first substrate has lamination on a countertop side of the first substrate and lamination on an edge side of the first substrate that extends along a first portion of a length of the edge side of the first substrate. The first substrate can also include a first miter cut angled into the first substrate and slots extending into the first substrate for receiving biscuits. The laminated countertop assembly can also include a second generally longitudinal slab with a second substrate, where the second substrate has lamination on a countertop side of the second substrate and lamination on an edge side of the second substrate. The second substrate can also include a second miter cut at a corner of the second substrate and slots extending into the second substrate for receiving the biscuits. 1. A laminated countertop assembly comprising: a first substrate;', 'lamination on a countertop side of the first substrate;', 'lamination on an edge side of the first substrate at least generally perpendicular and adjacent to the countertop side of the first substrate, the lamination on the edge side of the first substrate extending along a first portion of a length of the edge side of the first substrate;', 'a first miter cut angled into the first substrate from where the laminated first portion of the edge side of the first substrate meets an unlaminated second portion of the edge side of the first substrate; and', 'a first plurality of slots extending into the first substrate along the second portion of the edge side of the first substrate, each one of the first plurality of slots for receiving a biscuit; and, 'a first generally longitudinal slab including'} a second substrate;', 'lamination on a countertop side of the second substrate;', 'lamination on an edge side of the second substrate at least generally perpendicular and adjacent to the countertop side of the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099415A1
Принадлежит: P&P IMPORTS LLC

A self-supporting reaction target assembly is disclosed herein. In an embodiment, the target assembly includes a structural support layer, a first colorant layer on the structural support layer, a laminate film on the first colorant layer, and a second colorant layer on the laminate film. The target assembly can include a stake region and an image region. The stake region can have a material strength sufficient to be driven into a solid medium without fracture. 1. A target assembly , comprising:a structural support layer;a first colorant layer on the structural support layer;a laminate film on the first colorant layer; anda second colorant layer on the laminate film.2. The target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first colorant layer is printed directly onto the structural support layer.3. The target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first colorant layer is printed onto a substrate layer claim 1 , the substrate layer being adhered to the structural support layer.4. The target assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a third colorant layer on the second colorant layer.5. The target assembly of claim 4 , wherein the third colorant layer illustrates an animal in an image region of the target assembly.6. The target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the structural support layer comprises a medium-density or high-density fiberboard material.7. The target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the structural support layer includes a stake-shaped region configured to be driven into a solid medium.8. The target assembly of claim 7 , wherein the first colorant layer claim 7 , the laminate film claim 7 , and the second colorant layer are on the stake-shaped region of the structural support layer.9. The target assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first colorant layer claim 1 , the laminate film claim 1 , and the second colorant layer are formed on the structural support layer within an image region of the target assembly.10. A target assembly claim 1 , comprising:a structural support layer ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090268A1
Автор: Dunn Randolph A.

A winding core with improved beam and hoop strength and diminished friability and method for manufacturing such a core are provided, the winding core comprising: an extruded wood fiber core member; and at least one preformed paper shell member having a split seam parallel to its major axis, the shell being adhered to an exterior surface of the extruded wood fiber core member. 1. A winding core , the winding core comprising:An extruded wood fiber core member;At least a first pre-formed paper shell member having a split seam parallel to its major axis, said shell being adhered to an exterior surface of said extruded wood fiber core member.2. The winding core of further comprising a second pre-formed paper shell member.3. The winding core of wherein said split seam of said first pre-formed paper shell member is offset from a split seam of said second pre-formed paper shell member.4. The winding core of wherein said offset is 180 degrees.5. The winding core of wherein said offset is 90 degrees.6. The winding core of wherein said first preformed paper shell member is between approximately 90/1000 inch- 200/1000 inch thick.7. A method for manufacturing a winding core claim 1 , said method comprising:Providing an extruded wood fiber core member having an external diameter;Splitting a first paper tube along a line parallel to said first tube's major axis, said first tube having an interior diameter less than the external diameter of said extruded wood fiber core member;Applying an adhesive to said extruded wood fiber core member;Opening said paper tube along said line and placing said paper tube around said extruded wood fiber core member; andClamping said tube to said extruded wood fiber core member and allowing said adhesive to cure.8. The method of wherein further comprising:splitting a second paper tube along a line parallel to said second tube's major axis, said second tube having an interior diameter less than the external diameter of said first tube;Applying an ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134715A1

Provided is a strand board with improved strength and water resistance. Reduction in productivity is prevented and characteristics of the strand board can be varied as desired while achieving certain strength and water resistance of the strand board. A strand board B is formed by stacking and laminating five strand layers each formed by a large number of strands . The strand board B has substantially constant density distribution in the lamination direction of the strand layers . Three of the five strand layers of the strand board B are high-density strand layers having a higher density than the other strand layers , and the other strand layers are low-density strand layers

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140178630A1

Building panels with a homogenous decorative surface having a wear layer comprising fibres, binders and wear resistant particles. 1. (canceled)2. A panel comprising:a core,a sub-layer arranged on a first surface of the core, anda wood veneer layer arranged on the sub-layer,wherein the sub-layer comprises fibres mixed with a binder.3. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the binder is a thermosetting binder.4. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the fibres are cork or wood fibres.5. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the core is a wood fibre based core.6. The panel according to claim 5 , wherein the core is a HDF core.7. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the core material is particleboard claim 2 , plywood claim 2 , plastic material claim 2 , or non-woven impregnated materials of natural fibres.8. The panel according to claim 2 , further comprising a balancing layer arranged on a second surface of the core claim 2 , opposite the first surface of the core.9. The panel according to claim 8 , wherein the balancing layer comprises wood fibres and a binder.10. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the wood veneer layer has a thickness of 0.3-1.0 mm.11. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the sub-layer comprises cork for reducing sound.12. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the sub-layer comprises pigments.13. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the wood veneer layer is formed with deep structures.14. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the wood veneer layer comprises embossed portions.15. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein the panel is a floorboard.16. A method of producing a panel claim 2 , comprising:providing a core,applying a sub-layer on a first surface of the core, wherein the sub-layer comprises fibres mixed with a binder,applying a wood veneer layer on the sub-layer, andpressing the core, the sub-layer and the wood veneer layer together to form a panel.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein applying the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094512A1
Автор: Schulte Guido

The invention relates to a floorboard () which has a carrier plate () having a top-side veneer (), in particular a wood veneer. The carrier plate () and the veneer () are connected to each other via a resin (). There is an edge strip () at least on two side edges () of the veneer (). Said edge strip () consists of resin (). Carrier plate () and veneer () having the resin () are hot-compressed to each other. During compressing, pores, cracks, and/or gaps in the veneer () are filled with resin (). 18-. (canceled)9. A floorboard , comprising:a carrier plate and at least two veneers arranged on a topside of the carrier plate, the carrier plate and the at least two veneers being connected with each other via a resin layer,wherein an edge strip made of the resin layer is provided at least between the at least two veneers,wherein a top surface of the edge strip and a top surface of the at least two veneers are coplanar, andwherein the resin layer forms a continuous layer on the topside of the carrier plate in contact with a bottom surface of the at least two veneers to connect the carrier plate to the at least two veneers, the continuous layer of the resin layer on the topside of the carrier plate including the edge strip of the resin layer.10. The floorboard of claim 9 , wherein the edge strip differs visually from the at least two veneers.11. The floorboard of claim 9 , further comprising a balancing layer provided on an under side of the carrier plate.12. The floorboard of claim 9 , wherein the resin layer comprises a filler.13. The floorboard of claim 9 , wherein the at least two veneers are impregnated by the resin of the resin layer.14. The floorboard of claim 9 , wherein the carrier plate is a wood board.15. The floorboard of claim 9 , wherein the surface of the at least two veneers and/or the surface of the edge strip is at least one of burnished claim 9 , embossed claim 9 , brushed and sealed.16. A floorboard claim 9 , comprising:a carrier plate and at least two ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099987A1

Provided is a strand board with improved strength and water resistance. Reduction in productivity is prevented and characteristics of the strand board can be varied as desired while achieving certain strength and water resistance of the strand board. A strand board B is formed by stacking and laminating five strand layers each formed by a large number of strands The strand board B has substantially constant density distribution in the lamination direction of the strand layers Three of the five strand layers of the strand board B are high-density strand layers a having a higher density than the other strand layers and the other strand layers are low-density strand layers 1. A wood laminate material formed by stacking and laminating multiple woodbased material layers each formed by laminated woodbased materials that are laminated multiple cut pieces or a woodbased material that is a veneer , characterized byhaving substantially constant density distribution in a lamination direction of the woodbased material layers.2. The wood laminate material according to claim 1 , characterized in that the woodbased material has a density of 300 kg/mor more and 1100 kg/mor less.3. The wood laminate material according to claim 1 , characterized in that the multiple woodbased material layers are composed so that a thickness of the woodbased material layer gradually increases from the middle woodbased material layer in the lamination direction of the wood laminate material to the top and bottom woodbased material layers.4. A wood laminate material formed by stacking and laminating multiple woodbased material layers each formed by laminated woodbased materials that are laminated multiple cut pieces or a woodbased material that is a veneer claim 1 , characterized in thatthe multiple woodbased material layers include at least one high-density woodbased material layer, the remainder of the multiple woodbased material layers is a low-density woodbased material layer, and the high-density ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150110988A1

The present disclosure relates to extrusion-coated structural systems including at least one extruded profile member coupled to and extending outwardly from an extrusion-coated structural member, as well as methods of making and using the same. Structural systems of the present invention that include at least one extruded profile member may exhibit enhanced flexibility, functionality, and/or durability. Structural systems according to embodiments of the present invention can be suitable for use in a variety of applications, including in ready-to-assemble furniture or cabinetry applications or as building and construction materials such as wall board, flooring, trim, and the like. 1. An extrusion-coated structural system comprising: an extrusion-coated structural member comprising at least one substrate and a coating material extrusion coated onto at least a portion of said substrate , wherein said extrusion-coated structural member further comprises an extruded profile member formed of said coating material , wherein said extruded profile member extends outwardly from said substrate for a maximum distance that is at least two times greater than the average thickness of said coating material coated onto said substrate adjacent said extruded profile member.2. The structural system of claim 1 , wherein said extruded profile member extends outwardly from said substrate for a maximum distance that is at least five times greater than the average thickness of said coating material coated onto said substrate adjacent said extruded profile member.3. The structural system of claim 1 , wherein at least about 75 percent of the total volume of said extruded profile member is formed of said coating material.4. The structural system of claim 1 , wherein said extruded profile member is formed at the same time said coating material is extrusion coated onto said substrate.5. The structural system of claim 1 , wherein said extruded profile member comprises at least 5 percent of the ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170312A1
Автор: Thomson Colin MacRae

A blended trim molding assembly can include a first layer of engineered wood material (e.g., medium-density fiberboard) having a first, generally rectangular cross-sectional thickness, and a second layer of wood material (e.g., lumber, particle board, fiberboard) having a second, generally rectangular cross-sectional thickness. The second layer of wood material is joined (e.g., glued) to the first layer of engineered wood material at a planar interface. Together, the first and second layers have a total thickness, with the first cross-sectional thickness being greater than or equal to at least about ten percent (10%) of the total thickness of the first and second layers. The blended trim molding assembly may also include a third layer of wood material having a third, generally rectangular cross-sectional thickness, where the third layer of wood material is joined to the first layer of engineered wood material at a second planar interface opposite the planar interface. 1. A blended trim molding assembly comprising:a first layer of engineered wood material having a first, generally rectangular cross-sectional thickness; anda second layer of wood material having a second, generally rectangular cross-sectional thickness, the second layer of wood material joined to the first layer of engineered wood material at a planar interface, the first layer of engineered wood material and the second layer of wood material having a total thickness, the first, generally rectangular cross-sectional thickness greater than or equal to at least about ten percent (10%) of the total thickness of the first layer of engineered wood material and the second layer of wood material.2. The blended trim molding assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the second layer of wood material is glued to the first layer of engineered wood material.3. The blended trim molding assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , generally rectangular cross-sectional thickness is greater than or ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106050A1

Hard panels formed from a wood-based material and having a decorative layer for floor coverings are provided, at least on two opposite edges, with coupling devices made in one piece with the panels wherein similar panels may be coupled together to form a floor covering, wherein these coupling devices provide for an interlocking in a direction perpendicular to the plane of coupled panels, as well as in a direction perpendicular to the edges concerned and parallel to the plane of coupled panels. These coupling devices are constituted of a tongue and a groove. The top side of the tongue has a protrusion that cooperates with a meshing recess located in the lower side of the upper lip of the groove of the coupling devices, and a portion extending generally parallel with the plane of the panel to form a contact surface cooperating with the lower side of the upper lip of the groove. 1. A floor panel for forming a floor covering , wherein the floor panel is rectangular and longitudinal and thus comprises a pair of opposite longitudinal edges and a pair of opposite short edges; wherein the floor panel is provided , on the pair of opposite longitudinal edges , with first coupling parts and , on the pair of opposite short edges , with second coupling parts , the first coupling parts and the second coupling parts being made in one piece with the floor panel; wherein the first coupling parts are configured so as to allow an assembly of two of such floor panels by means of a movement of rotation; wherein the first coupling parts , in a coupled condition of two of such floor panels , provide for an interlocking between the floor panels in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the floor panels as well as in a direction perpendicular to the coupled edges and parallel to the plane of the floor panels; wherein the first coupling parts comprise , at one of the opposite longitudinal edges , a tongue and , at the other of the opposite longitudinal edges , a groove; wherein the groove ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101710A1

A membrane covered panel and a membrane covered panel production method are provided wherein an elastomeric membrane, and preferably, an aqueous elastomeric resin-based membrane, is applied to a finished panel construct, prior to pressing of the membrane covered panel. The method is used to produce panels which can be used in the production of flooring materials, wall panels, furniture, countertops, and the like. The membrane is applied to a transfer film, which transfer film can be removed at any time prior to, or after the pressing operation. The panels produced have a durable but elastic surface which can protect the surfaces of the panel construct. The elastomeric covering on the panel construct also preferably provides a surface which is abrasion resistant, and provides better acoustical properties while providing a soft touch haptic surface. 162-. (canceled)64. The process as claimed in claim 63 , wherein said applying step comprises providing a transfer film on which the membrane is present claim 63 , removing said membrane from said transfer film to produce a transfer film-free membrane claim 63 , and then applying said transfer film-free membrane to the surface of a panel construct so that the membrane is positioned adjacent to a surface of the panel construct.65. The process as claimed in claim 63 , wherein said elastomeric resin-based material is a water-borne solution or dispersion of an elastomeric polyurethane-based resin claim 63 , and preferably a water based claim 63 , UV-resistant claim 63 , aliphatic polyurethane resin.66. The process as claimed in claim 63 , wherein said elastomeric resin-based material is applied to said transfer film claim 63 , using a technique selected from spray coating claim 63 , roller coating claim 63 , curtain coating claim 63 , and dip coating.67. The process as claimed in claim 63 , wherein said membrane is produced from one or more layers of a resin material claim 63 , and wherein any or all of said layers of ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Sound absorption panel

Номер: US20190108825A1
Принадлежит: Nexcem Inc

An acoustic sound absorptive panel or block is provided that is made from a plurality of materials and volumes selected such that each discrete volume of material has a sufficiently different sound absorption profile, resulting in a system that provides better overall sound absorption of traffic noise from motorways and railways in a practical and cost-efficient manner.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113435A1
Автор: MAROHN Holger

The invention relates to a method for producing a visible covering () comprising the following steps: mixing a stabilising agent with a granular material (), introducing the granular material () into a receiver () to form a moulded article (), connecting of at least a surface layer () of the moulded article with a carrier layer (), removing the composite of surface layer () and carrier layer (), wherein the visible covering () is obtained. The invention further related to a visible covering () produced with the method according to the invention and the use thereof as a facing of ceilings, walls, floors, doors, roofs and/or tabletops. 1. A method for producing a visible covering comprising the following steps:a) mixing a weak stabilising agent selected from among water, swelling clay, methyl cellulose, polysaccharides, polyvinyl alcohol, casein, loam, saponite, sephiolite, china-clay, zinc oxide and/or water glass, or any combination thereof, with a granular material; wherein said granular material is selected from among natural stone, preferably quartz, quartz sand, sandstone, granite, slate, marble, tuff, glass, plastic, wood and/or metal, or any combination thereof;b) introducing the granular material into a receiver to form a moulded article;c) forming at least one recess in the moulded article;d) filling at least part of the recess with a contrast medium, wherein an artificial structure pattern forms;e) connecting at least a surface layer of the moulded article with a carrier layer, selected from a woven material, a non-woven material and/or a meshed material, or any combination thereof;f) removing the composite of surface layer and carrier layer, wherein the visible covering is obtained.2. The method of wherein said granular material is a granulate.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said granular material is a granulate with a D50 value of about 0.02 mm to 1 mm and/or an average grain size of from about 0.1 mm-1.5 mm is used.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114550A1
Автор: PERVAN Darko

Building panels, especially laminated floor panels are shown, which are provided with a locking system and several core grooves at the rear side in order to save material and decrease weight. Building panels, each having a surface layer on a front side, a backing layer on a rear side and an intermediate core, wherein the intermediate core and the surface and the backing layer all comprise wood fibres and thermosetting resins, the building panels are provided with a locking system for vertical and horizontal locking of a first edge of a first building panel to an adjacent second edge of a second building panel. 117-. (canceled)18. Building panels , each building panel having a surface layer and an intermediate core ,wherein the intermediate core and the surface layer comprise a thermoplastic material,said building panels being provided with a vertical locking system and/or a horizontal locking system for locking a first edge of a first building panel to an adjacent second edge of a second building panel, andwherein at least two core grooves are provided in a rear side of the building panels with an opening towards the rear side, andwherein a groove length of the core grooves is smaller than a length of the rear side.19. The building panels as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the length of the rear side is a longitudinal length of the rear side.20. The building panels as claimed in claim 18 , wherein each building panel further comprises a backing layer and wherein the core grooves are provided in the backing layer.21. The building panels as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the intermediate core and the backing layer each comprises a filler.22. The building panels as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the core grooves are provided in the intermediate core.23. The building panels as claimed in claim 18 , wherein an area of the rear side is less than about 90% of an area of the surface layer.24. The building panels as claimed in claim 18 , wherein a groove depth of the core ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

OSB Board and Use of the Same

Номер: US20190112820A1
Автор: Sauter Harald

The present invention relates to an OSB board with at least two board edges lying opposite one another, in particular two opposite longitudinal edges, where the upper side of the OSB board is provided with at least one layer of a cardboard paper. The board edges respectively on the upper side of the board have a rounding with a radius of between 3 and 10 mm. Each of the two opposite board edges has an offset in form of a simple rebate, the rebate in the one board edge complementing the rebate in the opposite board edge. At least one glue tube in each case is provided in at least one of the opposite offsets of the rebates, in particular in at least one groove. 1. An OSB board comprising at least two board edges lying opposite one another ,wherein an upper side of the OSB board is provided with at least one layer of a cardboard paper;wherein the board edges respectively on the upper side of the OSB board have a rounding with a radius of between 3 and 10 mm,wherein each of the two opposite board edges has an offset in a form of a simple rebate, the rebate in one board edge complementing the rebate in the opposite board edge, andwherein at least one glue tube in each case is provided in at least one of the opposite offsets of the rebates.2. The OSB board according to claim 1 , wherein a width of the rebate in the opposite board edges is respectively between 20 and 40 mm.3. The OSB board according to claim 1 , wherein a depth of the rebate corresponds to at least a third of a thickness of the OSB board.4. The OSB board according to claim 1 , wherein at least one groove for the at least one glue tube runs along an entire length of the board edge.5. The OSB board according to claim 1 , wherein at least one groove for the at least one glue tube is introduced into the surface of the rebate with a radius of between 1 and 5 mm.6. The OSB board according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one glue tube is a continuous tube or a tube that is divided along its length into ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Composed element, multi-layered board and panel-shaped element for forming this composed element

Номер: US20210140458A1
Принадлежит: Flooring Industries Ltd SARL

A composed element includes at least two panel-shaped elements, which each have an edge zone in which coupling means are present in a profiled part respectively extending in the longitudinal direction of the respective edge zone, and each including an end face extending transversely to the respective edge zone. The profiled parts allow the coupling of the panel-shaped elements together in an interlocking manner. At least one of the panel-shaped elements includes an arrangement which hides from view at least a portion of the profiled part formed at the pertaining edge zone at the location of the end face.

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Polyoxometalate Complexes and Pharmaceutical Compositions

Номер: US20220273606A1

The disclosure relates polyoxometalate complexes and uses in the management, treatment, or prevention of cancer. In certain embodiments, the polyoxometalate complexes comprise polydentate oxygen bridging ligands such as those of the following formula: [POM{(OCH)CX}], [MO{(OCH)CX}], [VO{(OCH)CX}], salts, or derivatives thereof wherein POM is a polyoxometalate, M is a metal, and X is defined herein. In certain embodiments, the disclosure relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising polyoxometalate complexes disclosed herein. 1. A pharmaceutical composition in the form of a pill , capsule , tablet , bead , granule , or micronized particle comprising [VO{(OCH)CNH}] zwitterionic salt and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient.2. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1 , wherein the pill claim 1 , capsule claim 1 , tablet claim 1 , bead claim 1 , granule claim 1 , or micronized particle comprises an enteric coating.3. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable excipient is a diluent claim 1 , binder claim 1 , lubricant claim 1 , disintegrant claim 1 , colorant claim 1 , stabilizer claim 1 , or surfactant.4. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable excipient is selected from a polyethylene glycol claim 1 , propylene glycol claim 1 , saccharide claim 1 , polysaccharide claim 1 , sucrose claim 1 , lactose claim 1 , sorbic acid claim 1 , starch claim 1 , talc claim 1 , cellulose claim 1 , microcrystalline cellulose claim 1 , a cellulose ether claim 1 , hydroxypropyl cellulose claim 1 , hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose claim 1 , methyl cellulose claim 1 , croscarmellose sodium claim 1 , carboxymethylcellulose claim 1 , xylitol claim 1 , sorbitol claim 1 , maltitol claim 1 , and mannitol.5. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable excipient is selected from a calcium salt claim 1 , calcium phosphate claim 1 , silicone dioxide claim 1 , iron oxide ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274131A1
Автор: PERVAN Darko, Pervan Tony

A method of forming a digital print on a surface by applying powder of dry ink including colourants on the surface, bonding a part of the dry ink powder to the surface by a digital heating print head such that the digital print is formed by the bonded dry ink colourants and removing non-bonded dry ink from the surface. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of forming a digital print on a surface of a building panel , wherein the method comprises:applying a liquid substance on the surface;applying mineral particles coated with a thermosetting resin on the liquid substance and the surface;bonding a part of the mineral particles to the surface with the liquid substance; andremoving non-bonded mineral particles from the surface such that the digital print is formed by the bonded mineral particles.14. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the mineral particles comprise aluminum oxide.15. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the mineral particles comprise sand powder claim 13 , stone powder claim 13 , glass particles claim 13 , glass powders or minerals derived from oxygen claim 13 , silicon claim 13 , aluminum claim 13 , iron claim 13 , magnesium claim 13 , calcium claim 13 , sodium or potassium.16. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the mineral particles comprise color pigments.17. The method as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the color pigments are bonded to the mineral particles by the thermosetting resin.18. The method as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the color pigments are applied on an upper part and a lower part of the mineral particles.19. The method as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the mineral particles further comprise a content of thermosetting resin that is 10-30% and a pigment content that is 5-25% of the total weight of the mineral particles.20. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the thermosetting resin is a melamine formaldehyde resin.21. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the mineral particles are larger than 20 microns.22. ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for the manufacture of a wet glued wood article

Номер: US20190126507A1
Автор: Markus HIRMKE
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a wet glued wood article, as well as a wet glued article obtainable by said method and also uses of a wet glued article, wherein the method comprises the following steps: a) providing two actively never-dried or slightly dried wood pieces comprising at least one surface each which has a superficial layer having a thickness of least 2-3 wood cells; b) drying said surfaces of said wood pieces so that the moisture content of said superficial layer is below the fibre saturation point, providing a dried surface on each of the said wood pieces; c) applying a gluing agent on said dried surface of one of the wood pieces, thus providing a glue surface; d) bringing the dried surfaces together so that said glue surface touches the dried surface on the other wood piece, thus providing a wet glued wood article.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200122438A1
Автор: STADLER Peter
Принадлежит: Kronospan Luxembourg S.A.

A novel oriented strand board (OSB) may be provided comprising recycled wood flakes that have been obtained by flaking of recycled wood at least in a core layer. A process may be provided for producing a corresponding oriented strand board. An apparatus may be provided by which the oriented strand board can be produced. 1. An oriented strand board comprising:an upper surface layer comprising oriented strands bonded together by a binder,at least one core layer comprising recycled wood flakes bonded together by a binder,a lower surface layer comprising oriented strands bonded together by a binder,wherein the at least one core layer is arranged between the upper surface layer and the lower surface layer.2. The oriented strand board of claim 1 , wherein the at least one core layer comprises or has been formed from a mixture of the recycled wood flakes and strands bonded together by a binder.3. The oriented strand board of claim 1 , wherein the strands present in the at least one core layer have a smaller mean length (number-average) than the strands present in the upper and lower surface layers.4. The oriented strand board of claim 1 , wherein the oriented strand board has exactly one core layer orexactly three core layers, the three core layers comprising an inner core layer enclosed by two outer core layers.5. The oriented strand board of claim 1 , wherein a proportion by weight of the recycled wood flakes in the at least one core layer claim 1 , based on a sum of all strands and flakes in the at least one core layer claim 1 , is at least 5% by weight.6. The oriented strand board of claim 1 , wherein the oriented strand board comprises three core layers claim 1 , the three core layers comprising an inner core layer enclosed by two outer core layers claim 1 ,wherein a proportion by weight of the recycled wood flakes in the inner core layer is higher than the recycled wood flakes in the outer core layers, anda proportion by weight of the strands having a smaller mean ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Composite Adhesive Layer for a Laminate Structure

Номер: US20170136737A1
Принадлежит: IFS Industries Inc

An article includes a substrate including a bonding surface area, a first adhesive disposed on the bonding surface area in a first discrete pattern, the first adhesive comprising a hot melt adhesive, and a second adhesive disposed on the bonding surface area in a second discrete pattern that is complementary to the first discrete pattern, wherein the first discrete pattern comprises about 1% to about 25% of the bonding surface area and the second discrete pattern comprises a balance of the bonding surface area.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Articles made from lipophilic-rich cellulosic material and methods therefor

Номер: US20190136015A1
Принадлежит: Masonite Corp

The invention relates to systems and techniques for manufacturing articles containing cellulosic material, a tackifier, and a binder, and related processes of making and using the cellulosic articles. In particularly exemplary embodiments, the manufactured articles are door skins, sometimes known as door facings, and doors made from the door skins. The article contains a lipophilic cellulosic material, a tackifier, and a binder.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136528A1
Автор: Döhring Dieter

A panel and a method for manufacturing of such a panel with a carrier plate, comprising a front side and a back side, and wherein the carrier plate comprises a layer system at least at the front side that is built from various polymer layers with different hardness values. 1. A panel , in particular a wall panel , ceiling panel , or floor panel , comprising a carrier plate having a front side and a back side , wherein the carrier plate has a layer system at least at the front side , wherein the layer system , originating of the front side , comprises:{'sub': 'S1', 'sup': '2', 'a first elastic layer S1 made of an polymer, having a thickness of 80 to 600 μm and a Martens hardness Mof 2 to 50 N/mm;'}{'sub': S2', 'S2', 'S1, 'as well as a second layer S2 made of a polymer, having a thickness of 10 to 180 μm and a Martens hardness M, wherein M>M.'}2. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer of the layer S1 is an aliphatic polymer.3. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein Mis between 2 and 40 N/mm claim 1 , and most preferably between 2 and 30 N/mm.4. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein Mis between 50 and 300 N/mm claim 1 , preferably 15 and 150 N/mm claim 1 , more preferably between 20 and 100 N/mm claim 1 , and most preferably between 25 and 90 N/mm.5. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein the first elastic layer S1 has a thickness of 80 to 450 μm claim 1 , and most preferably of 120 to 240 μm.6. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein the second elastic layer S2 has a thickness of 10 to 180 μm claim 1 , preferably of 20 to 100 μm claim 1 , and most preferably of 30 to 80 μm.7. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier plate comprises coupling means in terms of tongue and groove elements at its sides claim 1 , enabling coupling of various similar panels in parallel direction to the front side and perpendicular to the front side by form fitting.8. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer of the layer S1 is based on a radiation ...
