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16-10-1995 дата публикации

Пишущее устройство

Номер: RU0000000915U1

Пишущее устройство, содержащее пишущий элемент и средство крепления его к пальцу, отличающееся тем, что средство крепления пишущего элемента к пальцу выполнено в виде резинового пальцедержателя, а пишущий элемент образован кистью с ободком, установленным соосно с пальцедержателем, жестко закрепленными на его закрытом конце. (19) RU (11) (13) 915 U1 (51) МПК B43K 25/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94007769/12, 04.03.1994 (46) Опубликовано: 16.10.1995 (71) Заявитель(и): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич (73) Патентообладатель(и): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич U 1 9 1 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Пишущее устройство, содержащее пишущий элемент и средство крепления его к пальцу, отличающееся тем, что средство крепления пишущего элемента к пальцу выполнено в виде резинового пальцедержателя, а пишущий элемент образован кистью с ободком, установленным соосно с пальцедержателем, жестко закрепленными на его закрытом конце. 9 1 5 (54) Пишущее устройство R U (72) Автор(ы): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич RU 915 U1 RU 915 U1

20-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000088609U1

1. Приспособление для удержания небольших предметов различной формы представляет собой конструкцию в виде задней и передней параллельных прямоугольных пластин одинаковых размеров, расположенных соразмерно на одном горизонтальном уровне и соединенных перпендикулярно с n прямоугольными перегородками, где n - целое число, больше 2, прямоугольные перегородки расположены с задней и передней параллельными прямоугольными пластинами соразмерно и на одном горизонтальном уровне, вертикальные размеры прямоугольных перегородок совпадают с вертикальными размерами задней и передней параллельных прямоугольных пластин, прямоугольные перегородки расположены на одинаковом расстоянии друг от друга и вместе с задней и передней параллельными прямоугольными пластинами образуют n-1 прямоугольных ячеек, где n - целое число, ≥2, передняя параллельная прямоугольная пластина каждой ячейки разделена вертикально пополам на одинаковом расстоянии от каждой прямоугольной перегородки, на задней параллельной прямоугольной пластине прикреплено двухстороннее клейкое покрытие, при этом указанные пластины и перегородки выполнены из пластика. 2. Приспособление по п.1, отличающееся тем, что внутренние поверхности каждой ячейки содержат ребра жесткости. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 88 609 (13) U1 (51) МПК B43K 1/02 (2006.01) B43K 23/00 (2006.01) B43K 25/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009124615/22, 29.06.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.06.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2009 (72) Автор(ы): Гиганов Алексей Арсеньевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Гиганов Алексей Арсеньевич (RU) U 1 8 8 6 0 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Приспособление для удержания небольших предметов различной формы представляет собой конструкцию в виде задней и передней параллельных прямоугольных пластин одинаковых размеров, расположенных соразмерно на одном ...

27-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000111807U1

1. Корректор техники письма, содержащий основание пишущего инструмента в виде любых видов ручек, карандашей, фломастеров и иных письменных принадлежностей, с расположенным на нем под прямым углом поперечным упором, обеспечивающим фиксацию кисти руки в положении правильного захвата пишущего инструмента, снимающий излишнее напряжение кисти руки, ограничивающий неправильную амплитуду движений руки при письме, способствующий формированию устойчивых графических форм, становлению и развитию умений и навыков правильного письма, отличающийся тем, что поперечный упор в зависимости от размеров и анатомического строения кисти руки зафиксирован в необходимом положении относительно оси основания пишущего инструмента неподвижным соединением и имеет длину, обеспечивающую упор кисти руки на него от основания пишущего инструмента до границ центра ладони. 2. Корректор техники письма по п.1, отличающийся тем, что поперечный упор имеет подвижное соединение с основанием пишущего инструмента, обеспечивающее его перемещение вдоль оси основания пишущего инструмента с последующей фиксацией в необходимом положении в неподвижном состоянии. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B43K 25/00 (13) 111 807 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011118666/12, 10.05.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.05.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Чередниченко Алексей Григорьевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Чередниченко Алексей Григорьевич (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.05.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2011 Бюл. № 36 1 1 1 8 0 7 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Корректор техники письма, содержащий основание пишущего инструмента в виде любых видов ручек, карандашей, фломастеров и иных письменных принадлежностей, с расположенным на нем под прямым углом поперечным упором, обеспечивающим фиксацию кисти руки в положении правильного захвата пишущего инструмента, снимающий излишнее напряжение кисти ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000112866U1

1. Колпачок для пишущего устройства со средством для крепления на одежде, содержащий корпус, на закрытом торце которого имеется цилиндрический выступ, имеющий, по крайней мере, одну лыску, и резьбовой элемент, и взаимодействующий с этим резьбовым элементом фиксирующий элемент, средство для крепления установлено на цилиндрическом выступе и поджато к торцу корпуса фиксирующим элементом, при этом средство для крепления представляет собой металлический Г-образный зажим, имеющий фланец в виде плоского кольца с отверстием, сопряженным с упомянутым цилиндрическим выступом и предотвращающим проворачивание металлического Г-образного зажима относительно корпуса, и соединенный с фланцем удлиненный упругий поджимающий элемент, выполненный в виде пластинки постоянной ширины с поперечными гофрами. 2. Колпачок по п.1, в котором фланец металлического Г-образного зажима имеет диаметр, равный диаметру торца корпуса. 3. Колпачок по п.1, в котором концевой поперечный гофр на пластинке касается стенки корпуса, а остальные поперечные гофры расположены с зазором относительно корпуса. 4. Колпачок по п.1, в котором поперечные гофры установлены с зазором относительно корпуса, при этом концевой поперечный гофр установлен с меньшим зазором относительно корпуса, чем остальные гофры. 5. Колпачок по п.1, в котором поперечный гофр, прилегающий к фланцу, расположен с зазором относительно корпуса, а остальные поперечные гофры касаются стенки корпуса. 6. Колпачок по п.1, в котором все поперечные гофры касаются стенки корпуса. 7. Колпачок по п.1, в котором гофры выполнены с равным шагом. 8. Колпачок по п.1, в котором отверстие в плоском кольце ограничено цилиндрической поверхностью и, по крайней мере, одной плоской поверхностью, соединяющей кромки цилиндрической поверхности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 112 866 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация отчуждения исключительного права по договору Лицо( ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000112867U1

1. Пишущее устройство со средством для крепления на одежде, содержащее корпус, на одном из торцов которого имеется цилиндрический выступ, имеющий, по крайней мере, одну лыску, и резьбовой элемент, и взаимодействующий с этим резьбовым элементом фиксирующий элемент, средство для крепления установлено на цилиндрическом выступе и поджато к торцу корпуса фиксирующим элементом, при этом средство для крепления представляет собой металлический Г-образный зажим, имеющий фланец в виде плоского кольца с отверстием, сопряженным с упомянутым цилиндрическим выступом и предотвращающим проворачивание металлического Г-образного зажима относительно корпуса, и соединенный с фланцем удлиненный упругий поджимающий элемент, выполненный в виде пластинки постоянной ширины с поперечными гофрами. 2. Пишущее устройство по п.1, в котором фланец металлического Г-образного зажима имеет диаметр, равный диаметру торца корпуса. 3. Пишущее устройство по п.1, в котором концевой поперечный гофр на пластинке касается стенки корпуса, а остальные поперечные гофры расположены с зазором относительно корпуса. 4. Пишущее устройство по п.1, в котором поперечные гофры установлены с зазором относительно корпуса, при этом концевой поперечный гофр установлен с меньшим зазором относительно корпуса, чем остальные гофры. 5. Пишущее устройство по п.1, в котором поперечный гофр, прилегающий к фланцу, расположен с зазором относительно корпуса, а остальные поперечные гофры касаются стенки корпуса. 6. Пишущее устройство по п.1, в котором все поперечные гофры касаются стенки корпуса. 7. Металлический Г-образный зажим для закрепления пишущего устройства на одежде, содержащий фланец, выполненный в виде плоского кольца с отверстием в его центральной части, ограниченным цилиндрической поверхностью и, по крайней мере, одной плоской поверхностью, соединяющей кромки цилиндрической поверхности, для установки зажима на авторучку, и соединенный с фланцем удлиненный упругий поджимающий элемент, выполненный в виде пластинки ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000185288U1
Принадлежит: ЭсДиАй Корпорейшн

Предложено устройство регулировки давления для пишущего инструмента, содержащее деформируемый элемент. Небольшие изменения давления воздуха в трубчатом корпусе пишущего инструмента могут быть компенсированы деформацией деформируемого элемента. Большие изменения давления воздуха в трубчатом корпусе ручки также могут быть компенсированы перемещением устройства регулировки давления. Таким образом, трубчатый корпус пишущего инструмента может предотвращать возникновение несбалансированности внутреннего давления воздуха, вызванной высокой наружной температурой или низким давлением воздуха. Перед поставкой пишущего инструмента изготовителем деформируемый элемент уже находится под давлением, в результате чего незначительное изменение давления воздуха, создаваемое при закрытии пишущего инструмента колпачком ручки, уравновешивает давление воздуха, предварительно приложенное к деформируемому телу. Таким образом, после снятия колпачка ручки чернила, находящиеся во внутреннем пространстве внутренней камеры, не выльются наружу, и не произойдет чрезмерной выдачи или утечки чернил в процессе письма. И 1 185288 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 185 288” 94 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 09.05.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 16.02.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 16.02.2021 Бюл. №5 Стр.: 1 па 8 ЗС‘ ЕП

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Writing implement with magnetic repulsion

Номер: US20120057920A1
Автор: Frank Rolion
Принадлежит: BIC SA

A writing implement that includes a tubular body that extends longitudinally between a front end and a back end; a writing member that is movable relative to the body between an extended position in which the writing member projects from the front of the body and a retracted position in which the writing member is housed inside the body; a first magnetic member secured to the writing member and movable with it; and a selection device that includes a second magnetic member and an actuation member A, adapted for moving from a first configuration of the device in which the writing member is in the retracted position, to a second configuration in which the writing member is in the extended position.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method Of Forming Polysilicon, Thin Film Transistor Using The Polysilicon, And Method Of Fabricating The Thin Film Transistor

Номер: US20130126880A1

A method of forming polysilicon, a thin film transistor (TFT) using the polysilicon, and a method of fabricating the TFT are disclosed. The method of forming the polysilicon comprises: forming an insulating layer on a substrate; forming a first electrode and a second electrode on the insulating layer; forming at least one heater layer on the insulating layer so as to connect the first electrode and the second electrode; forming an amorphous material layer containing silicon on the heater layer(s); forming a through-hole under the heater layer(s) by etching the insulating layer; and crystallizing the amorphous material layer into a polysilicon layer by applying a voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode so as to heat the heater layer(s).

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Writing Device

Номер: US20140044470A1
Принадлежит: Andrew Alexander Jewson

An apparatus comprises a writing device and an electronic device. The electronic device comprises a headphone socket and the writing device is elongate and comprises first and second ends. The first end is shaped to be received by and releasably retained in the headphone socket of the electronic device. The second end is shaped to allow a user to withdraw the writing device from the headphone socket of the electronic device when the first end is retained in the headphone socket. In a first, housed configuration the first end is releasably retained in the headphone socket and the second end is exposed remote from the electronic device. In a second, writable configuration the second end is releasably retained in the headphone socket and the first end is exposed remote from the electronic device to enable the writing device, in combination with the electronic device, to be used to write with.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Assembly made of a flat writing instrument and of an element that holds the writing instrument inside an exercise book or notebook

Номер: US20140086663A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An assembly is made of a flat writing instrument ( 1 ) and of an element ( 2 ) for holding the writing instrument ( 1 ) against a supporting surface of an exercise book or notebook, for immobilizing the instrument ( 1 ) in a storage position in which it extends parallel to the supporting surface. The element ( 2 ) is made of a body ( 21 ) having a first fixing face ( 211 ) which is intended to be applied to the supporting surface, and a second face ( 221 ) opposite to the fixing face ( 211 ) and carrying elements for immobilizing the instrument ( 1 ), the fixing face ( 211 ) carrying elements for fixing the holding element ( 2 ) to the supporting surface such that the element ( 2 ) can be fixed to the supporting surface without protruding from the exercise book or notebook.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001467A1
Автор: KIM Hak Jae

The heating eraser for removing thermally changeable ink comprises a heating eraser unit that removes or changes a color by instantaneously applying heat at 50 to 65° C. as a color changing temperature range of a phase transition material selectively along a handwriting written or drawn by a writing instrument using the thermally changeable ink containing thermally changeable fine particles of 10 wt % to 70 wt % including a core portion containing the transition material including a phenol-based compound containing an aliphatic functional group having carbon atoms of 6 or more and a shell layer covering the core portion and made of a polymer resin on a substrate. 1. A heating eraser for removing thermally changeable ink comprising a heating eraser unit that removes or changes a color by instantaneously applying heat at 50 to 65° C. as a color changing temperature range of a phase transition material selectively along a handwriting written or drawn by a writing instrument using the thermally changeable ink containing thermally changeable fine particles of 10 wt % to 70 wt % including a core portion containing the transition material including a phenol-based compound containing an aliphatic functional group having carbon atoms of 6 or more and a shell layer covering the core portion and made of a polymer resin on a substrate , wherein the heating eraser unit is integrally coupled with the writing instrument , separated from the writing instrument , has the writing instrument form , or detachably coupled with at least a part of the writing instrument.2. The heating eraser for removing thermally changeable ink of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': '50', 'a heat supply unit supplying hot air or heat by facing the substrate, a heat generating unit disposed adjacently to the heat supply unit for supplying the heat to the heat supply unit to instantaneously generate heat at 50 to 65° C., a temperature control unit controlling the temperature of the heat generated from the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008331A1
Автор: Kuo Tang-Ning

An improved structure of writing instrument includes a pen body including a pen barrel and an ink refill and tip mounted in the pen barrel, a positioning device including a retaining ring mounted in the pen barrel and a positioning protrusion located at the retaining ring and extended outside the pen barrel, and a pen clip having a clickable top end thereof coupled to the pen body that controls the ink refill and tip between an extended position and a retracted position and an opposing bottom end thereof provided with a U groove that is coupled with the positioning protrusion of the positioning device to guide the pen clip to slide up and down in relation to the positioning protrusion stably and smoothly, and prevent deviation or loosening. 1. A writing instrument , comprising:a pen body comprising a pen barrel and an ink refill and tip mounted in said pen barrel, said pen barrel comprising a through hole at one side thereof;a positioning device comprising a retaining ring mounted in said pen barrel, and a positioning protrusion located at said retaining ring and inserted through said through hole to extend outside of said pen barrel; anda pen clip having a clickable top end thereof coupled to said pen body that controls said the ink refill and tip between an extended position and a retracted position and an opposing bottom end thereof provided with a U groove, said U groove being coupled with said positioning protrusion of said positioning device to guide said pen clip to slide up and down in relation to said positioning protrusion.2. The writing instrument as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said retaining ring of said positioning device comprises a ring body and a elastic connection extended from said ring body; said positioning protrusion is formed on one side of said elastic connection.3. The writing instrument as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said retaining ring of said positioning device comprises a ring body; said positioning protrusion is formed on one side of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010674A1
Принадлежит: Pentel Kabushiki Kaisha

A clip attaching structure includes a clip supporting portion which is protruded on an outer circumferential surface of a main body, a clip, and a coil spring. The clip is configured to be rotatable with respect to a fulcrum at which the clip is engaged with the clip supporting portion. The coil spring is provided being closer to one end portion of the clip than the fulcrum, and biases the other end portion of the clip to make the other end portion abut against the outer circumferential surface. The clip has a convex portion which is protruded towards the outer circumferential surface of the main body. The convex portion is inserted into an inside of one end portion of the coil spring. The other end portion of the coil spring abuts against the outer circumferential surface of the main body. 1. A clip attaching structure , comprising:a clip supporting portion which is protruded on an outer circumferential surface of a main body;a clip which is engaged with the clip supporting portion; anda coil spring which biases one end portion of the clip in a direction of being separated from the outer circumferential surface of the main body,wherein the clip is configured to be rotatable with respect to a fulcrum at which the clip is engaged with the clip supporting portion,wherein the coil spring is provided being closer to the one end portion of the clip than the fulcrum, and biases the clip so that the other end portion of the clip abuts against the outer circumferential surface of the main body,wherein the clip has a convex portion which is protruded towards the outer circumferential surface of the main body from a surface of the clip which faces the outer circumferential surface of the main body,wherein the convex portion is inserted into an inside of one end portion of the coil spring, andwherein the other end portion of the coil spring abuts against the outer circumferential surface of the main body.2. The clip attaching structure according to claim 1 ,wherein the outer ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Writing Instrument with Magnetic Features and Quick Refill Capability

Номер: US20190023057A1
Автор: Leighton Davies-Smith
Принадлежит: Scribe Technical Consulting LLC

A writing instrument assembly has a writing instrument with a body and a working tip extended or extendable from the body. A holder has a landing spot for the writing instrument. The writing instrument is magnetically and detachably retained at the landing spot when attached to the holder. The working tip is sheathed or covered automatically when the writing instrument is attached to the holder and is unsheathed or uncovered when detached from the holder.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Erasing implement and writing implement provided with erasing implement

Номер: US20150033499A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Pencil Co Ltd

Provided are an erasing implement and a writing implement equipped with the erasing implement, the erasing implement being capable of erasing writing regardless of the type of ink or lead of the writing implement, even writing with thermochromic ink or writing with pencil lead. The erasing implement is equipped with a first erasing member for erasing writing with thermochromic ink and a second erasing member for erasing writing of types other than thermochromic ink, and is configured by covering the outer surface of the second erasing member with the first erasing member.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036479A1
Автор: Truckai Csaba
Принадлежит: Hermes Innovations, LLC

A modular combination toy and desktop writing accessory apparatus comprising a plurality of structural elements each having at least one nodal connector portion to which a complementary connector portion of another structural element can be coupled. The structural elements can be assembled into a barrel-like form that is configured with a passageway for carrying a writing component of the invention. The writing component can be a pen, pencil, marker, crayon, eraser or the like. The modular combination toy and writing instrument has multiple functions in playtime as well as in everyday desk-bound activities. 1a writing cartridge; anda plurality of structural elements connectable to one another in a surrounding arrangement relative to the writing cartridge;wherein the structural elements are connectable to one another in a plurality of non-surrounding arrangements in the absence of the writing cartridge to form a toy.. A combination toy and writing accessory comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/338,223 filed Jul. 22, 2014, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/564,089 filed Aug. 1, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,790,150, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/829,681 filed Jul. 2, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,257,131, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/582,421 filed on Oct. 18, 2006, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,780,499, the contents of each of which are incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.Field of the InventionThe invention relates generally to a toy with modular parts, and in particular relates to a combination toy and writing accessory that has multiple functions in playtime as well as in everyday desk-bound activities.Description of the Prior ArtThe assembly of toy structural members or building blocks into models and pre-determined assemblies that represent figures, machines, vehicles and the like is a universally practiced activity among ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Customizable therapy clip for a writing instrument

Номер: US20220055398A1

A clip comprised of removably attached components. The clip may be attached to a writing instrument, such as a pencil, or stylus. The surface of the clip has male elements that allow the components to snap on to the clip so that the clip may be adorned. The components are secured to the clip so that they may rotate freely around the male element. The components may be comprised of decorative elements, such as jewels, initials, logos, or pictures. The components may be comprised of a utilitarian element, such as a lanyard, or a flashing light to indicate an incoming email. The components may have a tactile surface comprised of bumps, or waves. The components may comprise of movable elements such as a rolling ball, or star that spins. The tactile surface and moving elements of a component may aid in the treatment of anxiety and attention deficit disorders. 1. The invention claimed is a writing instrument clip comprising: a band with stem; said stem having male elements; and removably attachable components secured to said male elements along the stem.2. The clip as sited in further comprises of a band that attaches to claim 1 , and may be removed from claim 1 , a writing device such as a pencil claim 1 , pen claim 1 , or stylus.3. The band as sited in further comprising of an inner lining that may grasp the writing instrument to prevent the clip from slipping down the writing instrument.4. The male elements of the stem as sited in further comprising of a shaft with lip that removably inserts into said component.5. The component as sited in further comprising of a cavity wherein a narrow opening leads to a larger opening within the component.6. The component as sited in wherein said female cavity is compatible with said male element on the stem as sited in .7. The attachable component as sited in claim 6 , wherein the component attached to said male element is free to rotate around said male element on the stem.8. The said attachable component as sited in wherein the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Pen For Writing And Painting Purposes

Номер: US20190039405A1
Принадлежит: Faber Castell AG

A pen for writing and/or drawing purposes, and having a shaft and a core which is arranged within the shaft and is axially adjustable in the longitudinal direction of the shaft between an active position and an inoperative position. The core is completely arranged within the shaft in the inoperative position and projects with an overhang from a front end of the shaft in the active position. An actuating element is provided which is movable perpendicularly to the longitudinal direction of the shaft between an active position and an inoperative position and which is operatively connected to the core via a connecting element in such a way that, during a movement of the actuating element perpendicularly to the longitudinal direction of the shaft between the inoperative position and the active position, the core is axially adjustable in the longitudinal direction of the shaft.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050064A1

A structure for mounting a clip for a writing implement that includes (i) a pivotable clip which includes a stationary coupling portion extending along a reference axis; a main body that is pivotable in a pivot plane containing the reference axis, having two sidewalls each comprising a pivot-limiting hook; and a resiliently deformable curved portion connecting the main body to the coupling portion, enabling the main body to pivot relative to the coupling portion; (ii) a receiving member for receiving the coupling portion of the clip. 111-. (canceled)12. A structure for mounting a clip for a writing implement comprising:a pivotable clip which comprises:a stationary coupling portion extending along a reference axis;a main body that is pivotable in a pivot plane containing the reference axis, having two sidewalls each comprising a pivot-limiting hook; anda resiliently deformable curved portion connecting the main body to the coupling portion , enabling the main body to pivot relative to the coupling portion;a receiving member receiving the coupling portion of the clip, comprising an abutment member having at least one pivot stop adapted to cooperate with the pivot-limiting hook to limit the pivoting of the main body;wherein the abutment member is arranged between the two sidewalls of the main body of the clip and has two lateral abutments adapted to prevent movement of the main body perpendicularly to the pivot plane.13. The mounting structure according to claim 12 , wherein the two lateral abutments are formed by two side surfaces of the abutment member which are located one on each side of the pivot plane claim 12 , and the two pivot stops are each formed by a surface which advances towards the pivot plane from an edge of the side surface.14. The mounting structure according to claim 12 , wherein at least the sidewalls of the clip are formed from a metal sheet claim 12 , and each pivot-limiting hook is formed by a tab of the metal sheet bent at an edge of a sidewall ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047319A1

The writing instrument comprises a first barrel, a second barrel, and a self-blocking assembly system for assembling the first barrel with the second barrel. The self-blocking assembly system includes a blocking device for blocking the first barrel with respect to the second barrel in a longitudinal direction and a locking device for locking the blocking device. The locking device includes a slot formed in the first barrel and two ramps carried by the second barrel. The slot extends in the longitudinal direction and has two longitudinal edges. The two ramps are configured to part the two longitudinal edges of the slot progressively in a circumferential direction as the first and second barrels are assembled. A window extends in the longitudinal direction formed between the two ramps, and a lateral button is housed at least partially in the window that includes guide surfaces for guiding the lateral button. 1. A writing instrument extending in a longitudinal direction and having a circumferential direction and a radial direction , the writing instrument comprising: a first barrel , a second barrel , and a self-blocking assembly system for assembling together the first barrel and the second barrel , the self-blocking assembly system comprising a blocking device for blocking the first barrel relative to the second barrel in the longitudinal direction and a locking device for locking the blocking device , the locking device comprising a slot arranged in the first barrel and two ramps carried by the second barrel , the slot extending in the longitudinal direction and presenting two longitudinal edges , while the two ramps are configured to move the two longitudinal edges of the slot apart progressively in the circumferential direction during assembly of the first and second barrels , the writing instrument including a window extending in the longitudinal direction and arranged between the two ramps , and also a side button received at least in part in the window , the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Combination Glove and Marking Device

Номер: US20200047539A1
Автор: Newsome Patrick

A combination glove and marking device where the marking device is built into the forefinger portion of a glove and the applicator tip extends through an aperture located at the tip of the forefinger of the glove so that a user can mark an item such as a bingo card by simply pressing down with his or her forefinger. In an alternate embodiment, the marking device can be attached to the user's finger by one or more straps. The marking device includes an ink reservoir that is refillable by the user. 1. combination glove and marking device comprising:a hand glovean elongate ink storage reservoir;a reservoir cap;a porous applicator member;a compression spring;an ink flow control disk;an applicator member enclosure;an applicator cap;liquid ink;said elongate ink storage reservoir being open on both ends;said reservoir cap being removably attached to one end of elongate ink storage reservoir;said applicator enclosure being integrally attached to opposite end of said ink storage reservoir;said compression spring located within said applicator member enclosure and forcing said porous applicator member downward; andsaid ink flow control disk mounted above said porous member and below said compression spring so that when a user pushes down on said porous applicator member, said spring compresses allowing said liquid ink to flow from said applicator member enclosure to said porous applicator;said marking device stored within the forefinger portion of said glove;said porous applicator member exiting an aperture located at the tip of said forefinger portion of said glove;said porous applicator member capable of being covered by said applicator cap when said applicator is not in use.2. A combination glove and marking device as claimed in wherein said applicator member is angled upwards at approximately fifteen degrees with respect to the plain of said elongate ink storage reservoir.3. A combination glove and marking device as claimed in wherein an alternate embodiment claim 1 , one ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047540A1
Автор: ITO Yoshihiro

A thermochromic writing instrument including a writing body, storing a thermochromic ink therein, stored in a barrel; an operation body provided in the barrel to be operated to longitudinally move the writing body; a nib of the writing body configured to be capable of appearing from a front end of the writing instrument, wherein the writing instrument further includes a friction unit, for rubbing handwriting in the thermochromic ink and capable of thermally changing the color of the handwriting by frictional heat generated at that time, and at least one clip body as the operation body, the friction unit is provided at a rear end of the barrel, and the clip body is provided in an area other than the rear end of the barrel. 1. A thermochromic writing instrument , comprising:a writing body, storing a thermochromic ink therein, stored in a barrel; an operation body provided in the barrel to be operated to longitudinally move the writing body;a nib of the writing body configured to be capable of appearing from a front end of the writing instrument, whereinthe writing instrument further includes a friction unit, rubbing handwriting in the thermochromic ink and capable of thermally changing the color of the handwriting by frictional heat generated at that time, and at least one clip body as the operation body, the friction unit is provided at a rear end of the barrel, and the clip body is provided in an area other than the rear end of the barrel.2. The thermochromic writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument includes only a single of the clip body as the operation body claim 1 , and by operating the single clip body claim 1 , the nib of the writing body is enabled to be put in a projection condition and a retraction condition.3. The thermochromic writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument further includes a longitudinally extending slide hole is provided in a side wall of the barrel and an appearance mechanism putting the nib of the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Retractable Writing Instrument

Номер: US20220072894A1
Автор: Hisatoshi Hayakawa
Принадлежит: Pilot Corp

A clip body includes one upper wall extending in a longitudinal direction of a barrel and a pair of side walls formed at least on a front side of the upper wall, projecting from both side portions of the upper wall in a direction of a surface of the barrel, and having inner surfaces facing each other, a holding portion is provided on a back side of the clip body and between the pair of side walls, has a shape capable of producing an elastic force by deformation, and projects more in the direction of the surface of the barrel than the pair of side walls, the surface of the barrel includes a guide groove extending in the longitudinal direction of the barrel, and provided with a bottom surface contacting the holding portion and a pair of side surfaces to restrict lateral movement of the holding portion and a clip base is connected to a rear side of the clip body, and supports the clip body at a height not to cause the pair of side walls to contact the surface of the barrel and the holding portion to contact the bottom surface of the guide groove.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061413A1
Автор: YANG Chun-Kai

A pen structure with a glass smasher has the glass smasher mounted at the front end of a pen. When a user holds the pen and presses the front end (i.e., the smashing cone) of the smashing rod of the glass smasher forcibly against a glass obstacle, an impact block will strike the rear section of the smashing rod vigorously such that the smashing cone is instantly driven to smash the glass obstacle. A ballpoint/rollerball refill is detachably provided in the pen and is at least 6 cm long in order to contain enough ink. The overall length of the pen is at least 10 cm so that the pen can be easily held while the user writes or draws with the ballpoint/rollerball tip and while the user applies a force to a glass obstacle through the front end of the smashing rod to smash the glass obstacle. 1. A pen structure with a glass smasher , comprising:a pen body having a front end formed with an aperture, wherein the pen body is provided therein, sequentially in a front-to-rear direction, with an impact groove, a tapering groove, an aligning groove, and a compression force application groove; the aperture is in communication with the impact groove, the tapering groove, the aligning groove, and the compression force application groove sequentially; the aperture has a smaller diameter than the impact groove; the tapering groove extends taperingly from a rear end of the impact groove to a front end of the aligning groove and has a wall forming a first tapering pressing surface; and the aligning groove has a smaller diameter than the impact groove and the compression force application groove; a smashing rod having a front section formed with a smashing cone, a middle section matching the aligning groove in diameter, and a rear section, wherein the middle section has a wall forming a second tapering pressing surface adjacent to the rear section;', 'an eccentric spring mounted around a periphery of the middle section of the smashing rod and forcing an axis of the smashing rod to be ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Writing instrument

Номер: US20220080767A1
Автор: Yoshihiro Ito
Принадлежит: Pilot Corp, Pilot Ink Co Ltd

A thermochromic writing instrument including a writing body, storing a thermochromic ink therein, stored in a barrel; an operation body provided in the barrel to be operated to longitudinally move the writing body; a nib of the writing body configured to be capable of appearing from a front end of the writing instrument, wherein the writing instrument 1 further includes a friction unit, for rubbing handwriting in the thermochromic ink and capable of thermally changing the color of the handwriting by frictional heat generated at that time, and at least one clip body as the operation body, the friction unit 10 is provided at a rear end of the barrel, and the clip body is provided in an area other than the rear end of the barrel.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079285A1
Автор: Bottjer Beckie

An adjustable writing device is provided. The adjustable writing device has a digit engaging member that has an adjustable diameter for functionally engaging a portion of a user's digit without substantially impeding articulation of the digit. The writing device has a cartridge engaging member that includes a writing tip coupled to the cartridge engaging member and an ink cartridge adapted to communicate with the cartridge engaging member to allow ink within the ink cartridge to be dispensed from the writing tip. The writing tip can be oriented substantially orthogonal to an axis of the digit engaging member. A friction fit between the digit engaging member and the digit prevents the writing tip from rotating about the digit. 1. An adjustable holder for a writing instrument , the holder comprising:a digit engaging member, wherein the digit engaging member has an axis and an adjustable diameter for functionally engaging a portion of a user's digit without substantially impeding articulation of the digit; andan instrument engaging member functionally coupled to the digit engaging member, the instrument engaging member configured to receive the writing instrument,wherein under a condition the writing instrument is functionally engaged by the instrument engaging member, a length of the writing tip of the writing instrument is oriented substantially orthogonally to the axis of the digit engaging member.2. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the digit engaging member is configured to repeatedly and releasably engage the portion of the user's digit.3. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the digit engaging member engages the user's digit between neighboring joints of the digit without impeding articulation of the digit.4. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the instrument engaging member is configured to rotate with respect to the digit engaging member between an orthogonal position wherein the length of the writing tip and the axis of the digit engaging member are substantially ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078354A1

A mechanism of a daily commodity ejecting and retracting device includes an operating portion provided to rotate around a center line vertical to an axis line of a shaft tube in relation to the shaft tube between a first rotation position and a second rotation position. A rod portion is coupled within the shaft tube to rotate around a first axis line and is coupled to the daily commodity to rotate around a second axis line which is parallel to the first axis line. An eccentric position of the first axis line is set so that the daily commodity is immersed into the shaft tube via the rod portion when the operating portion is rotated to the first rotation position, and the daily commodity protrudes out of a leading end port of the shaft tube via the rod portion when the operating portion is rotated to the second rotation position. 1. A daily commodity ejecting and retracting device comprising:a shaft tube;a daily commodity which is accommodated in the shaft tube; andan ejecting and retracting mechanism which ejects and retracts the daily commodity in relation to a leading end port of the shaft tube,wherein the ejecting and retracting mechanism includes:an operating portion which is provided so as to be rotatable around a center line vertical to an axis line of the shaft tube in relation to the shaft tube between a first rotation position and a second rotation position; anda rod portion which is coupled in one end portion thereof to the operating portion so as to be rotatable around a first axis line which is eccentric from the center line, and is coupled in the other end portion thereof to the daily commodity so as to be rotatable around a second axis line which is parallel to the first axis line, andwherein an eccentric position of the first axis line in relation to the center line is set in such a manner that the daily commodity comes to an immersed state where the daily commodity is immersed into the shaft tube via the rod portion when the operating portion is ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190079313A1

A device is for attaching glasses to garments. The device includes an elongate element into which are placed fasteners for fastening to garments and a device for attaching a glasses temple. 1. A device for attaching glasses , the device comprising an elongate element into which are placed means for fastening to garments and means for attaching a glasses temple.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said elongate element comprises a writing instrument claim 1 , a stylus for mobile devices claim 1 , a flashlight claim 1 , a small tool or a laser pointer.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said means for fastening to garments comprise a clip-type clamp.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said means for attaching a temple comprise rings configured so that a glasses temple is insertable through the rings.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said means for attaching a temple comprise clamps configured so that a glasses temple is insertable into the clamps by pressure.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said means for attaching the temple are detachable and are fastened by pressure to the elongate element through holes located on a surface of said element. The present invention belongs to the sector of devices intended for attaching and transporting usable items. In particular, it relates to a device for attaching glasses that allows them to be fastened to a garment when said glasses are not in use.Attaching glasses to garments entails inconvenience for the user. Glasses are usually hung from a pocket or the neckline of a shirt/blouse by inserting one of their temples into said pocket or said neckline. However, this type of attachment is very insecure and requires the presence of a shirt neckline or pocket of suitable size and arrangement.This problem has led to the development of various devices that adhere to one of the temples of the glasses and which, by means of a clip-type element, allow them to be attached to any garment. ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086133A1
Автор: ITO Yoshihiro

A thermochromic writing instrument including a writing body, storing a thermochromic ink therein, stored in a barrel; an operation body provided in the barrel to be operated to longitudinally move the writing body; a nib of the writing body configured to be capable of appearing from a front end of the writing instrument, wherein the writing instrument further includes a friction unit, for rubbing handwriting in the thermochromic ink and capable of thermally changing the color of the handwriting by frictional heat generated at that time, and at least one clip body as the operation body, the friction unit is provided at a rear end of the barrel, and the clip body is provided in an area other than the rear end of the barrel. 1. A thermochromic writing instrument , comprising:a writing body, storing a thermochromic ink therein, stored in a barrel; an operation body provided in the barrel to be operated to longitudinally move the writing body;a nib of the writing body configured to be capable of appearing from a front end of the writing instrument, whereinthe writing instrument further includes a friction unit, rubbing handwriting in the thermochromic ink and capable of thermally changing the color of the handwriting by frictional heat generated at that time, and at least one clip body as the operation body, the friction unit is provided at a rear end of the barrel, and the clip body is provided in an area other than the rear end of the barrel.2. The thermochromic writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument includes only a single of the clip body as the operation body claim 1 , and by operating the single clip body claim 1 , the nib of the writing body is enabled to be put in a projection condition and a retraction condition.3. The thermochromic writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument further includes a longitudinally extending slide hole is provided in a side wall of the barrel and an appearance mechanism putting the nib of the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Compact writing instrument

Номер: US20190111726A1
Автор: Thomas Aten Nielson
Принадлежит: Individual

A writing instrument includes a barrel and a cap capable of being assembled with and secured to the barrel. The barrel carries a writing instrument. The cap carries a clip. A free end of the clip includes a detent that can be received by a corresponding indentation of an exterior surface of an external portion of the barrel when the cap is assembled with the barrel. The detent of the clip and the indentation of the barrel are capable of securing the cap and the barrel in their assembled relationship. The writing instrument may be compact. Methods of using a writing instrument include securing a cap of the writing instrument to a barrel of the writing instrument by causing a detent of a free end of a clip of the cap to engage a corresponding indentation of an exterior portion of the barrel.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190139525A1
Принадлежит: Touching Design LLC

Example clippable multi-tone whistles, as well as systems and methods for manufacturing the same are described. An example clippable multi-tone whistle may comprise: a clip attached to a whistle body. The whistle body comprises a flat surface under the clip; a first opening configured to allow air flow to come into the whistle body; and on the flat surface a second opening configured to allow air flow to come out of the whistle body. The second opening is at least partially blocked by the clip, which controls direction of one or more air flows coming out of the second opening. The whistle part is configured to generate a plurality of different sound tones in accordance with user finger movements around the clip and the second opening. The whistle may further comprise a glass breaker, a length scale, and a bolt action switch, which may function as a fire starter. 1. A clippable whistle , comprising:a whistle body having a first end and a second end located opposite the first end; and a flat surface located under the clip;', 'a first opening located at the first end, the first opening configured to allow air flow to enter an inner portion of the whistle body; and', 'a second opening located on the flat surface between the first end and the second end, the second opening configured to allow air flow to exit the whistle body, wherein the second opening is at least partially blocked by the clip to control direction of air flow coming out of the second opening;', 'wherein the clippable whistle is configured to generate a plurality of different sound tones in accordance with user finger movements around the clip and the second opening., 'a clip attached to the whistle body, wherein the whistle body comprises2. The clippable whistle of claim 1 , wherein the first opening is unobstructed by the clip.3. The clippable whistle of claim 1 , wherein the second opening is positioned under the clip.4. The clippable whistle of claim 1 , wherein the second opening is the only opening ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143741A1

Writing equipment includes a cylinder-shaped body having a lead and a lead tank, and an arch-shaped scale on which scale marks are printed, wherein the scale is coupled with the body detachably, and wherein the scale is formed with the particular angle, which is same as that of a curve of the cylinder-shaped body. 1. Writing equipment , comprising:a cylinder-shaped body having a lead and a lead tank, andan arch-shaped scale on which scale marks are printed, wherein the scale is coupled with the body detachably, and wherein the scale is formed with the particular angle, which is same as that of a curve of the cylinder-shaped body,wherein the arch-shape of the detachable scale is formed with the same particular angle, which is same as that of a curve of the cylinder-shaped body.250. Writing equipment as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a hand grip being formed on the surface of the body claim 1 , and being adjacent to one end of the body claim 1 , wherein the scale has length claim 1 , which equals to the length starting from the location of a hand grip and ending to the location of a pen end adjacent to the other end of the body.3. Writing equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the scale has arc length claim 1 , which equals to half of the length of the outer periphery of the body.4. Writing equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the body is made of material claim 1 , which can be attracted to a magnet by magnetic force claim 1 , and wherein the scale is made of the magnet.5. Writing equipment as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the outer surface of the body is formed with one of nickel claim 4 , cobalt and iron.6. Writing equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the scale is made of material claim 1 , which can be attracted to a magnet by magnetic force claim 1 , and wherein the body is made of the magnet.7. Writing equipment as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the scale is formed one of nickel claim 6 , cobalt and iron.8. Writing ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Writing Instrument With Holder Element

Номер: US20160176226A1
Автор: Chatterton Philip

A writing instrument includes a housing having a first end and a second end, and a holder member coupled to the housing, wherein the holder member includes a first part extending toward the second end of the housing and having a first retaining element for retaining a first object between the housing and the first part, and a second part extending toward the first end of the housing and having a second retaining element for retaining a second object between the first and second parts, wherein the second part at least partially extends over the first part. 1. A writing instrument , comprising:a housing having a first end and a second end; and a first part extending toward the second end of the housing and having a first retaining element for retaining a first object between said housing and said first part; and', 'a second part extending toward the first end of the housing and having a second retaining element for retaining a second object between said first and second parts, wherein the second part at least partially extends over the first part., 'a holder member coupled to the housing, wherein said holder member comprises2. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein said holder member is removably coupled to the housing.3. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein said second part of said holder member is removably coupled to said first part of the holder element.4. The writing instrument of claim 3 , wherein said second part is coupled to said first part via a snap-fit connector.5. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first retaining element comprises a raised portion of the first part of the holder element that extends toward the housing claim 1 , and the second retaining element comprises a raised portion of the second part of the holder element that extends toward the first part.6. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein said second part of said holder member has a top surface with a decorative pattern.7. The writing instrument of claim 6 , ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Reversibly thermochromic composition

Номер: US20140291585A1
Принадлежит: Pilot Corp

[Object] To provide a reversibly thermochromic composition free from accidental discoloration by heat conducting from the opposite side writing surface or by self-heating due to quick writing; and also to provide a solid writing material and a writing ink composition comprising that composition. [Means to solve the problem] A reversibly thermochromic composition comprising a combination of: (a) a reversibly thermochromic component capable of being discolored or decolored by heat and (b) a component for controlling heat conducting to the reversibly thermochromic component; and also a solid writing material and a writing ink composition comprising that composition.

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Slide type writing tool having device for preventing dryness

Номер: US20150224812A1
Автор: Kwang Ju CHEON
Принадлежит: Kwang Ju CHEON

A slide type writing tool includes: a pen housing ( 10 ); an ink holder ( 30 ); a sealing member ( 40 ) having a cover ( 41 ); a spring ( 50 ) elastically supporting the sealing member ( 40 ) and the ink holder ( 30 ); and a guide member ( 60 ) positioned between the sealing member ( 40 ) and the pen housing ( 10 ) and having an operation hole ( 65 ) for the coming in and out of the pen tip ( 31 ) in response to the forward or backward movement of the ink holder ( 30 ), wherein the opening and closing operations of the cover ( 41 ) of the sealing member ( 40 ) are guided when the sealing member ( 40 ) moves, the ink holder ( 30 ) has cam protrusions ( 70 ) for enabling the guide member ( 60 ) to move and moving along the operation slits ( 62 ), and the sealing member ( 40 ) has a sealing portion ( 42 ) coming into contact with the ink holder ( 30 ) and protrusions ( 44 ).

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223120A1
Автор: ONO Yoshiaki
Принадлежит: THE PILOT INK CO., LTD.

[Problems] An object of the present invention is to provide: a thermochromic color-memory composition which effectively expresses a property of being able to interchangeably memorize and retain colors and which is thus applicable to various fields; 2. The thermochromic color-memory composition according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the ester compound represented by the Formula (1) claim 1 , R represents an alkyl group having 6 to 16 carbon atoms claim 1 , a cycloalkylalkyl group having 6 to 8 carbon atoms or a cyclohexyl group claim 1 , more preferably an alkyl group having 6 to 14 carbon atoms or a cyclohexylmethyl group; each X independently represents a hydrogen atom claim 1 , a methyl group claim 1 , an ethyl group claim 1 , a methoxy group or an ethoxy group; and each Y independently represents a hydrogen atom claim 1 , a methyl group claim 1 , an ethyl group or a methoxy group.3. The thermochromic color-memory composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (a) is a compound selected from the group consisting of phthalide compounds claim 1 , fluoran compounds claim 1 , styrynoquinoline compounds claim 1 , diazarhodamine lactone compounds claim 1 , pyridine compounds claim 1 , quinazoline compounds and bisquinazoline compounds.4. The thermochromic color-memory composition according to claim 1 , wherein composition ratios of the component (b) and the component (c) with respect to 1 part of the component (a) are 0.1 to 50 parts and 1 to 800 parts claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , on mass basis.5. The thermochromic color-memory composition according to claim 1 , having a hysteresis width ΔH of 8° C. to 80° C.6. A thermochromic color-memory microcapsule pigment encapsulating the thermochromic color-memory composition according to .7. An ink composition comprising the thermochromic color-memory microcapsule pigment according to claim 6 , and a vehicle.8. The ink composition according to claim 7 , comprising the thermochromic color-memory microcapsule ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Housing element for a writing instrument and writing instrument

Номер: US20190217656A1
Автор: Gerhard Moeck
Принадлежит: Individual

A housing element for a writing instrument includes a hollow, sleeve-shaped, elongated base body having an opening for receiving the writing instrument or a pencil lead of the writing instrument at a first longitudinal end. The base body has a second longitudinal end, which is opposite the first longitudinal end, and has a retaining recess that is formed with a polygonal cross section for directly or indirectly retaining a bit in a rotationally fixed manner. A writing instrument including the housing element is also provided.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180236807A1

A refill for a writing tool includes an ink containing tube that is made from a resin material and formed in a straight cylindrical shape, and a writing tip that is attached to an end of the ink containing tube. A press-fit portion, formed at the end of the ink containing tube, has a thickness being made thickened toward an inner circumferential surface and has an opening hole penetrating in an axial direction at a central portion of the press-fit portion. The writing tip or a relay member supporting the writing tip is press-fitted and attached to the press-fit portion. The refill for a writing tool can ensure a necessary and sufficient amount of ink stored without expanding an outer diameter of the ink containing tube, and sufficiently secure mechanical strength of an end portion, and a writing tool using the same can be provided. 1. A refill for a writing tool comprising:an ink containing tube that is made from a resin material and formed in a straight cylindrical shape; anda writing tip which is attached to an end of the ink containing tube,wherein a press-fit portion, of which thickness is made thickened toward an inner circumferential surface and which has an opening hole penetrating therethrough in an axial direction at a central portion of the press-fit portion, is formed at the end of the ink containing tube, andthe writing tip or a relay member supporting the writing tip is press-fitted and attached to the press-fit portion.2. The refill for a writing tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe press-fit portion is formed at each of both ends of the ink containing tube.3. The refill for a writing tool according to claim 1 ,whereinan abutment portion in which a shaft hole having a smaller diameter than the opening hole is bored is formed closer to the central portion of the ink containing tube in the press-fit portion.4. The refill for a writing tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe press-fit portion is integrally formed with the ink containing tube.5. A writing ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140331448A1
Автор: Ohtsuka Hiroshi

A writing instrument () is provided with an erasing member () mounted to the rear end section of the writing instrument body () or to the front end section of a cap (). The end section has a fitting section () which is disposed on the center axis and a connection section () which connects the end section and the fitting section (). The erasing member () has a fitting hole () which receives both the fitting section () and the connection section (). When the erasing member () is mounted in position, a gap space () is formed around the connection section (). 1. A writing instrument comprising an erasing member which is attached to a back end part of a writing instrument body or a front end part of a cap , whereinsaid end part has an fitting part which is arranged on a center axis and a connecting part which connects said end part and said fitting part,said erasing member has an fitting hole which receives said fitting part and said connecting part, and,in a state where said erasing member is attached, a clearance space is formed around said connecting part.2. The writing instrument according to claim 1 , characterized by further comprising a supporting wall which surrounds part of said erasing member claim 1 , the side surface of said part of said erasing member being provided with an engagement projecting part claim 1 , and said engaging projecting part and said inner circumferential surface of said supporting wall abutting against each other.3. The writing instrument according to claim 2 , characterized in that a flat part is provided at the side surface of said part of said erasing member.4. The writing instrument according to claim 1 , characterized in that the entrance part of said fitting hole has a tapered shape taper part which becomes narrower the further toward the back.5. The writing instrument according to claim 2 , characterized in that the entrance part of said fitting hole has a tapered shape taper part which becomes narrower the further toward the back. ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170246903A1
Автор: CHEON Kwang Ju

A multicolor writing instrument with an automatic return function includes a lower housing having a hollow cylindrical shape; an upper housing connected to an upper portion of the lower housing and formed with locking steps; a clip member hingedly provided on the upper housing so as to be movable about a hinge shaft; a coil spring resiliently installed between the clip member and the upper housing; pen cores filled with at least two different color inks; knobs having ends fitted into the respective pen cores; return springs resiliently installed between the pen cores and the knobs; and a return member formed integrally with the clip member on one side of the hinge shaft and toward the respective knobs. 1{'b': 10', '11, 'a lower housing () having a hollow cylindrical shape and having a nib passing through-hole () formed therethrough at a tip of the lower housing;'}{'b': 20', '10', '21', '22, 'an upper housing () connected to an upper portion of the lower housing () and having guide holes () and locking steps () formed respectively inside the guide holes;'}{'b': 30', '20', '31, 'a clip member () hingedly provided on the upper housing () so as to be movable about a hinge shaft ();'}{'b': 40', '30', '20, 'a coil spring () resiliently installed between the clip member () and the upper housing ();'}{'b': 50', '20', '10, 'pen cores () accommodated in the upper housing () and the lower housing () and filled with at least two different color inks;'}{'b': 60', '21', '50', '61', '22', '62', '63, 'knobs () installed to be slidably moved under guidance of the guide holes () and having ends fitted into the respective pen cores (), each of the knobs having a top locking protrusion () caught by the locking steps () and two unlocking portions (, );'}{'b': 70', '50', '60, 'return springs () resiliently installed between the pen cores () and the knobs (); and'}{'b': 80', '30', '31', '60', '30', '80', '60', '50, 'a return member () formed integrally with the clip member () on one side ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Mounting accessories for writing implements

Номер: US20170259612A1
Принадлежит: Amazing Magnets LLC

An apparatus for connecting a writing implement to a glassboard, whiteboard or the like is provided. The apparatus has a housing adapted to be connected to a writing implement. The housing has a side surface with an opening formed therein and a recess extending from the opening into the housing. A magnet is disposed in the recess and has a first pole at the opening. The magnet provides a magnetic field in a direction away from the side surface of the housing. The apparatus enables a side periphery of a writing implement coupled with the apparatus to magnetically couple with the glassboard, whiteboard or the like in a predetermined orientation regardless of the initial orientation of approach of the writing implement even in the presence of a similarly magnetically self-supporting writing implement or object.

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Combined Writing Utensil and Light Emitter Assembly

Номер: US20150290964A1
Автор: Chauvin, II Curtis J.

A combined writing utensil and light emitter assembly ensures that various accessories are readily accessible for use during hunting. The assembly includes a tube having a first end, a second end and a hollow interior configured to receive objects therein. A writing implement is provided having a main body and a tip. The writing implement is positionable within the hollow interior of the tube through the first end of the tube wherein the tip is positioned proximate the second end of the tube when the writing implement is positioned within the hollow interior. An light emitter is coupled to the second end of the tube. A first end cap is coupled to a distal end of the main body with respect to the tip. The first end cap is removably couplable to the first end of the tube for securing the writing implement within the hollow interior. 1. A combined writing utensil and light emitter assembly comprising:a tube having a first end, a second end and perimeter surface coupled to and extending between said first end and said second end, said tube having a hollow interior configured to receive objects therein;a writing implement having a main body and a tip, said writing implement being removably positionable within said hollow interior of said tube through said first end of said tube wherein said tip is positioned proximate said second end of said tube when said writing implement is positioned within said hollow interior;an light emitter coupled to said second end of said tube; anda first end cap coupled to a distal end of said main body with respect to said tip, said first end cap being removably couplable to said first end of said tube for securing said writing implement within said hollow interior.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a clip attached to said first end cap.3. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a second end cap coupled to said second end of said tube claim 1 , said light emitter being positioned within said second end cap.4. The assembly ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160297233A1
Автор: XU Kuanfei

The present invention discloses a multifunctional pen, comprising a penholder and a refill provided in the penholder; a clip is provided on the penholder; the penholder comprises a upper penholder and a lower penholder hinged to each other, the lower penholder may bend and tilt toward the upper penholder through a hinged joint; and the clip is arranged on the upper penholder and across the upper penholder and the lower penholder, and a tail end of the clip is raised and a pressing raised strips for a mobile phone is provided thereon. 1. A multifunctional pen , comprising a penholder and a refill provided in the penholder , a clip being provided on me penholder , wherein the penholder comprises an upper penholder and a lower penholder hinged to each other , and the lower penholder is bendable and inclined toward the upper penholder through the hinged joint; the clip is arranged on the upper penholder and spanned across the upper penholder and the lower penholder , and a mobile phone holding raised-strip is convexly provided inward at a tail end of the dip.2. The multifunctional pen according to claim 1 , wherein hinged end of the upper penholder is a concave arc surface claim 1 , a hinged end of the lower penholder is a convex arc surface claim 1 , the hinged end of the lower penholder is hinged to the middle of the concave arc surface claim 1 , and the lower penholder is bendable and inclined toward the upper penholder through the hinged joint at an angle.3. The multifunctional pen according to claim 1 , wherein a hinged end of the upper penholder is a concave arc surface claim 1 , a hinged end of the lower penholder is a convex arc surface claim 1 , the hinged end of the lower penholder is hinged to the middle of the concave arc surface claim 1 , and the lower penholder is bendable through the hinged joint at a maximum angle of 100° to 130°.4. The multifunctional pen according to claim 2 , wherein a hinged shaft of the upper penholder and the lower penholder is ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Multiple Use Pocket Clip

Номер: US20190281963A1
Автор: Trent James E.

A pocket clip for holding various articles on a person's clothing has a spring-loaded strip- or cloth-retaining cam assembly at the upper end and a strap holder at the lower end. The strap holder is pinched closed by a draw latch or snap. The lower end of the clip may include a spacer so dimensioned as to provide space for the latch or snap between the clothing and the cam assembly. 1. A clip for hanging articles from a garment worn by a user , comprising: the upper end comprises means for releasably holding the upper edge of a garment; and', 'the lower end comprises a draw latch assembly for releasably holding an article between a clamp panel and a back plate., 'a front, a rear, an upper end, and a lower end;'}2. The clip of claim 1 , wherein:said means includes an inverted U-shaped housing with a pair of parallel vertical flanges in front and a grip plate in the rear;said inverted U-shaped housing is shaped to accommodate said upper edge of a garment;the vertical flanges support a horizontal axle therebetween;a cam assembly rotates on the horizontal axle;the cam assembly has a cam part and a lever;the lever rotates the cam part away from the grip plate when pressed by a user;said upper edge of a garment fits in-between the cam part and the grip plate; anda biasing means rotates the cam part about the horizontal axle towards the grip plate when the lever is not pressed by the user.3. The clip of claim 2 , wherein:said back plate has an upper back plate edge, a lower back plate edge, a right back plate edge, a left back plate edge, a front back plate surface, and a rear back plate surface;said clamp panel has a right panel edge, a left panel edge and a rear panel surface;the left panel edge of the clamp panel is flexibly attached to the left back plate edge of the back plate;the clamp panel has a loop keeper affixed to its right panel edge;the draw latch assembly has a rearward depth and is affixed to the rear back plate surface;the draw latch assembly comprises a ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160303891A1

A marking pen including a body having a first end, a second end, a longitudinal axis that extends centrally through the body and through the first end and the second end, and a pen adjacent the first end. The body is generally cylindrical from the first end to the second end. The marking pen further includes a fin that extends from the body between the first end and the second end. The fin is integrally formed with the body and has a height measured normal to the longitudinal axis. The height of the fin gradually increases in a direction from the second end toward the first end. 1. A marking pen comprising:a body including a first end, a second end, a longitudinal axis that extends centrally through the body and through the first end and the second end, and a pen adjacent the first end, the body is generally cylindrical from the first end to the second end; anda fin that extends from the body between the first end and the second end, the fin is integrally formed with the body and has a height measured normal to the longitudinal axis, the height of the fin gradually increases in a direction from the second end toward the first end.2. The marking pen of claim 1 , wherein the height of the fin gradually increases in a direction from the first end toward the second end such that the fin includes a tip defining a maximum height of the fin.3. The marking pen of claim 2 , wherein the tip of the fin defines a maximum diameter of the body measured normal to the longitudinal axis.4. The marking pen of claim 1 , wherein the fin includes a length measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body claim 1 , wherein the body includes a length measured parallel to the longitudinal axis claim 1 , and wherein the length of the fin is less than one-third of the length of the body.5. The marking pen of claim 1 , further comprising a capacitive stylus adjacent the second end of the body.6. The marking pen of claim 1 , wherein the body includes a metal body and a plastic outer body ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Stylus pen

Номер: US20150306899A1
Автор: Pao Feng Li
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is provided with a stylus pen combined with a writing function which is characterized in that a stylus pen is characterized in that a stylus pen comprises a barrel which made of a non-mental material; an ink device arranged inside the barrel; a thrust device arranged at top of the barrel; a tip disposed at the bottom of the barrel; and a touching head disposed on the tip and provided with an orifice for the ink device therethrough, both the non-metal barrel and the tip are coated with a layer of electroplate in the surface for electric conduction so as to conduct the electric to a touch screen of electronic product through the touching head by transmission from an operator's static electric current.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190301502A1

A combination structure for a base member and an erect member, and a manufacturing method thereof, are disclosed. The combination structure includes a base member comprising a slot and a through hole in communications with the slot. An erect member is inserted into the slot, and a combining member detachably engages with the through hole. The combining member thereby fixedly positions the erect member in the slot when the combining member is joined to the through hole. 1. A combination structure of a base member and an erect member , comprising:a base member comprising a slot and a through hole in communication with the slot;an erect member inserted into the slot; anda combining member detachably joined to the through hole, wherein the combining member positions the erect member in the slot when the combining member is joined to the through hole.2. The combination structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the base member comprises at least one base plate claim 1 , and the slot and the through hole are formed in the base plate.3. The combination structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the erect member comprises a positioning portion configured to be inserted into the slot and a latch portion connected to the positioning portion.4. The combination structure as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the positioning portion is perpendicularly inserted into the slot.5. The combination structure as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the combining member comprises a screw thread portion configured to engage the through hole and the positioning portion inserted into the slot claim 3 , and the screw thread portion forms screw threads on an inner wall of the through hole and a surface of the positioning portion.6. The combination structure as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the erect member further comprises a stop portion connected to the positioning portion and protrudes from the surface of the positioning portion claim 5 , and the latch portion is connected to the stop portion.7. The ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Pen press and methods

Номер: US20190308441A1
Принадлежит: NOMIS LLC

A pen assembling press includes a base, a press unit, a carriage, and a positioning arrangement. Actuation of a lever moves an engagement head relative to the base along an actuation axis. A second engagement head is coaxial with the first engagement head. The carriage is movably mounted to the base. The positioning arrangement includes a slot, a plurality of recesses and a pin. The slot extends through the first leg in a direction perpendicular to the actuation axis. The slot has a constant height section having a height. The pin has a shaft and a head. The head is receivable in the recesses. The shaft has a thickness being substantially equal to the height of the constant height section of the slot. The pin is movable relative to the carriage along a pin axis that is perpendicular to the actuation axis to selectively engage and disengage the recesses.

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150336420A1
Автор: ITO Yoshihiro

Provided is a thermochromic writing instrument, comprising: a writing body, storing a thermochromic ink therein, stored in a barrel; an operation body provided in the barrel to be operated to longitudinally move the writing body; a nib of the writing body configured to be capable of appearing from a front end of the writing instrument, wherein the writing instrument further includes a friction unit, rubbing handwriting in the thermochromic ink and capable of thermally changing the color of the handwriting by frictional heat generated at that time, and at least one clip body as the operation body, the friction unit is provided at a rear end of the barrel, and the clip body is provided in an area other than the rear end of the barrel. 126-. (canceled)27. A writing instrument , comprising: a writing body stored in a barrel; an operation body provided at the barrel to be operated to longitudinally move the writing body; and a nib of the writing body configured to be capable of appearing from a front end of a writing instrument , whereinthe writing instrument further includes at least one of the operation body, a longitudinally extending slide hole provided in a side wall of the barrel, and an appearance mechanism putting the nib of the writing body from a retraction condition into a projection condition by slide operating the operation body placed in the slide hole forward,the barrel includes a plurality of components capable of being coupled to each other, a first or second long hole longitudinally extending and opened forward or backward is provided respectively on respective side walls of two of the components configuring the barrel, and when coupling the two components, the first and second long holes form the slide hole in communication with each other,the barrel includes therein, as the appearance mechanism, a plurality of longitudinally extending cam teeth and cam grooves alternately placed along a circumferential direction, a rotary member having a plurality of ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180319200A1

A ballpoint pen is provided in which the width of the drawing line can be changed, wherein responsiveness can be improved when distinguishing between drawing thin lines and thick lines. A ballpoint pen provided at the pen tip side with a first writing part having a writing ball wherein the ballpoint pen is characterized by being provided with a writing part at the pen tip side with which it is possible to write a thicker line than the line written with the first writing part, only the first writing part being used when the writing weight is 1 g and the writing angle is 90°, and the second writing part being used when the writing weight is 200 g, and the writing angle is 40-90°. 1. A ballpoint pen comprising: a first writing part having a writing ball on a pen tip side; anda second writing part on the pen tip side, which is capable of drawing a thicker line than a line drawn by the first writing part:wherein only the first writing part works when a writing weight is 1 g and a writing angle is 90 degrees, andwherein the second writing part works when the writing weight is 200 g and the writing angle is 40 to 90 degrees.2. The ballpoint pen according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of an average writing flow rate when the line is drawn with the writing angle of 60 degrees and the writing weight of 200 g claim 1 , to an average writing flow rate when the line is drawn with the writing angle of 60 degrees and the writing weight of 40 g claim 1 , is 1.2 or larger.3. The ballpoint pen according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a width of the line which is drawn with the writing angle of 60 degrees and the writing weight of 200 g claim 1 , to a width of the line which is drawn with the writing angle of 60 degrees and the writing weight of 40 g claim 1 , is 1.3 or larger.4. The ballpoint pen according to claim 2 , wherein a ratio of a width of the line which is drawn with the writing angle of 60 degrees and the writing weight of 200 g claim 2 , to a width of the line which is ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации

Knock type writing instrument

Номер: US20180333980A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Pencil Co Ltd

Provided is a knock type writing instrument provided with a simple mechanism allowing a stable fretting operation or the like. A knock type writing instrument 1 is provided with: a shaft cylinder 2; a refill 5 arranged inside the shaft cylinder 2; a spring 6 biasing the refill 5 backward; an operation part 20 pressed forward against a biasing force of the spring 6 in a knocking operation; and a main rotor 30, and is switchable between a writing state and a non-writing state with the knocking operation. The knock type writing instrument 1 is further provided with: a knock locking member 50 movable forward and backward inside the shaft cylinder 2 due to gravity; and a locking part 60 provided on a side of the shaft cylinder 2 and capable of being locked with the knock locking member 50. When a front end of the shaft cylinder 2 is directed upward, the knock locking member 50 moves backward to be locked with the locking part 60 to prevent forward movement of the operation part 20.

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160355048A1
Автор: ALZHRANY Ahmad

A writing instrument including a hollow cylindrical barrel with a first segment that is connected to a second segment, a tip located at a first longitudinal end of the barrel, a cap connected to the second segment that covers a second longitudinal end of the barrel and includes a clip, an ink cartridge, a battery, a light emitting device, a first actuator to extend and retract the writing end of the ink cartridge, and a second actuator to activate or deactivate the light emitting device. The light emitting device is located in the tip, at the end of the clip, or within the segmented barrel. The light is directed towards a writing surface based on proximity or directional lighting whereby the location of the light emitting device directs the light to the writing surface from the clip or down the length of the barrel. 1: A writing instrument , comprising:a hollow cylindrical barrel with a longitudinal central axis of extension and a first segment that is connected to a second segment;a tip located at a first longitudinal end of the barrel on the first segment;a cap connected to the second segment that covers a second longitudinal end of the barrel, wherein the cap includes a clip;an ink cartridge with a writing end located inside the barrel and the tip for dispensing ink onto a writing surface;a battery;a light emitting device, which emits light onto the writing surface;a first actuator with a first rotably activated mechanism to extend and retract the writing end from and into the tip;a second actuator with a second rotably activated mechanism to activate or deactivate the light emitting device;wherein the mechanism of activation of the first actuator and the second actuator is circumferential to the longitudinal central axis of extension.2: The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the tip is twistably secured to the first longitudinal end of the barrel by screw threads.3: The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first actuator is mechanically connected to ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200333894A1

Example implementations relate to pen holding devices. In an example, a pen holding device can comprise a connector coupled to a receiver to couple the pen holding device to an electronic device, and the receiver including a magnet and a pen clip holder, the receiver to couple a pen via the magnet and the pen clip holder. 1. A pen holding device , comprising:a connector coupled to a receiver to couple the pen holding device to an electronic device; andthe receiver including a magnet and a pen clip holder, the receiver to couple a pen via the magnet and the pen clip holder.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the receiver is unremovably coupled to the connector to prevent a disassembly of the pen holding device.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pen holding device includes the magnet positioned adjacent to the pen clip holder to couple the pen via both the magnet and the pen clip holder at the same time.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the receiver is to couple a pen clip of the pen to provide additional frictional coupling via the pen clip holder.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the receiver is to claim 3 , upon coupling the pen clip claim 3 , limit an orientation of the pen along a longitudinal axis of the pen to secure the coupling between the pen and the receiver.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the receiver includes a snap feature to couple and detach the pen.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the connector is to couple the pen holding device to the electronic device via a standardized interface of the electronic device.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the connector includes a flexible end disposable against a surface of a standardized interface of the electronic device to removably couple the pen holding device to the electronic device.9. The device of claim 8 , wherein the connector includes the flexible end claim 8 , the flexible end forming a U-shaped end.10. A system claim 8 , comprising:an electronic device; andthe pen holding device coupled to ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190337324A1

This disclosure relates to a utilitarian holster for a marker making one-hand accessibility and use simple. Specifically, embodiments herein provide for a holster that can hold a variety of off-the-shelf marking pens in a manner that they will not dry out and allow for one-handed sightless insertion and withdrawal. 1. A marker holster , comprising:a tubular implement having an opening at a first end and a closed tip at its second opposite end;said tubular implement further comprising a side opening disposed along a defined length beginning at said opening at said first end;said tubular implement further comprising at least one flange disposed adjacent to and extending from the opening at said first open end;said tubular implement further comprising a smaller inner cavity, generally tubular in shape, also having a first open end and a second opposite closed end, disposed within and at or near the closed end of the tubular implement; anda clip.2. The marker holster of claim 1 , wherein it is made from plastic.3. The marker holster of claim 1 , wherein there are two flanges.4. The marker holster of claim 1 , wherein it is made from a material of a specific color claim 1 , chosen from the group: black claim 1 , white claim 1 , red claim 1 , yellow claim 1 , orange claim 1 , green claim 1 , purple claim 1 , blue claim 1 , brown claim 1 , and gray.5. The marker holster of claim 1 , further comprising an extended area from the opening at the first end to act as a clothing protector.6. The marker of claim 1 , wherein it is made from a material that does not absorb alcohol.7. The marker holster of claim 1 , wherein it is made from a non-rigid material and the clip is made from a rigid material. The present application claims the benefit of the prior filed U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/666,924, filed by the present inventors on May 4, 2018, which is incorporated herein by reference.This disclosure relates to a utilitarian holster for a marker making one-hand ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190344604A1
Автор: An Jung-gul, Kim Hakjae

Disclosed is a knock-type pen, which includes: a housing having a ‘¬’-shaped guide groove formed at a top end thereof; a pen seam accommodated in the housing; a pressing member having a moving protrusion provided at a lower end thereof and movably inserted into the guide groove; a rotating member rotatably coupled to an outer circumference of the top end of the housing and having a ‘l’-shaped slide groove into which an end of the moving protrusion inserted into the guide groove is movably inserted; and a knock unit disposed between the pressing member and the pen seam and configured to allow an end of the pen seam to move in and out at a lower end of the housing when the pressing member is pressed. 1. A knock-type pen , comprising:a housing having a ‘¬’-shaped guide groove formed at a top end thereof;a pen seam accommodated in the housing;a pressing member having a moving protrusion provided at a lower end thereof and movably inserted into the guide groove, the pressing member rotating and moving up and down inside the housing along the guide groove in a state where a top end protrudes from the top end of the housing;a rotating member rotatably coupled to an outer circumference of the top end of the housing and having a ‘l’-shaped slide groove into which an end of the moving protrusion inserted into the guide groove is movably inserted; anda knock unit disposed between the pressing member and the pen seam and configured to allow an end of the pen seam to move in and out at a lower end of the housing when the pressing member is pressed.2. The knock-type pen of claim 1 , wherein the slide groove of the rotating member is sized to match with a vertical direction of the guide groove.3. The knock-type pen of claim 2 , wherein the rotating member has a clip.4. A knock-type pen claim 2 , comprising:a housing having a ‘¬’-shaped guide groove formed at a top end thereof;a pen seam accommodated in the housing;a pressing member having a moving protrusion provided at a lower ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации

Lever-actuated pen

Номер: US20160375716A1
Автор: Joseph M. Csokmay
Принадлежит: Berea Hardwoods Co Inc

A pen is provided that utilizes actuating components of a conventional push-button type ballpoint, but which are actuated in a novel and unique manner by the use of an externally mounted lever. The externally mounted and movable lever provides a unique attractiveness to the pen and simulates the lever action used with Early American Western rifles, which in addition to providing a function to the pens, provides an attractive and unique-looking pen which can be combined with other features. A conical nose can be formed of brass which would simulate the end of a bullet and a tubular member can be formed of wood simulating a rifle stock. Also various engraving such as used on many Early American Western rifles can be incorporated into the outer surface of tubular member.

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180361781A1
Автор: ITO Yoshihiro

A retractable writing instrument includes a push member including a clip and a protruding and retracting mechanism that causes a pen point to protrude from and retract into a front end of the barrel at a frontward press on the push member, without the push member rotating with respect to the instrument. The protruding and retracting mechanism includes cam teeth and cam grooves formed in an inner face of the barrel, a rotary member including protuberances engageable alternately with the cam teeth or the cam grooves, a cam member connected to the push member and includes cam projections rotating the rotary member, and engagement projections engaged with the cam grooves in the inner face of the barrel so as to be movable in the longitudinal direction; and a resilient element that biases the writing element rearward. The push member and the cam member are in detent engagement with each other. 1. A retractable writing instrument comprising:a barrel;a writing element that is accommodated in the barrel and is movable in a longitudinal direction;a push member that includes a clip and is disposed on a rear end portion of the barrel; anda protruding and retracting mechanism that causes a pen point of the writing element to protrude from and retract into a front end of the barrel at a frontward press on the push member, a plurality of cam teeth and a plurality of cam grooves that are formed on and in an inner face of the barrel, are arranged alternately along a circumferential direction, and extend in the longitudinal direction;', 'a rotary member that is rotatably disposed rearward of the writing element and includes a plurality of protuberances engageable alternately with the cam teeth or the cam grooves;', 'a cam member that is connected to the push member and includes a plurality of cam projections rotating the rotary member, and a plurality of engagement projections engaged with the cam grooves in the inner face of the barrel so as to be movable in the longitudinal ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200376884A1
Автор: GUILBERT Patrick
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

The invention relates to a cap () for a pencil, comprising an insertion opening (), at least two internal retainer ribs () which are distributed angularly and uniformly about a central axis (A) of the cap, positioned close to the insertion opening () and configured to cooperate with an unsharpened portion of the pencil, and a stop surface which is configured to cooperate with a sharpened end of the pencil. 1. A cap for a pencil comprising an insertion opening that is designed for receiving an end of the pencil , at least two internal holding ribs that are distributed angularly in a uniform manner about a central axis of the cap , the at least two internal holding ribs being arranged in the vicinity of the insertion opening and being designed for cooperating with a non-sharpened portion of the pencil , an arresting surface that is designed to cooperate with a sharpened end of the pencil , and a stop that is designed to cooperate with a non-sharpened end of the pencil , wherein the stop and the arresting surface are borne by an arresting rib.2. A cap according to claim 1 , comprising a clip.3. A cap according to claim 1 , comprising an eraser that is received in an eraser reception recess.4. A cap according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the internal ribs comprises a guide surface that is designed for guiding the non-sharpened portion of the pencil during insertion thereof into the cap claim 1 , the guide surface being at an angle (α) of 10°+/−0.5° relative to the central axis claim 1 , in a plane passing through the internal rib and the central axis of the cap.5. A cap according to claim 1 , wherein each internal rib comprises a clamping part that is designed to cooperate with the non-sharpened portion of the pencil claim 1 , the clamping part having claim 1 , in a plane perpendicular to the axial direction claim 1 , an inscribed diameter of more than or equal to 95% of the minimum inscribed diameter of the pencil with which the cap is designed to cooperate ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Multi-function writing instrument comprising a leadholder system

Номер: US20200398607A1
Принадлежит: BIC SA

A multi-function writing instrument comprises a body extending in an axial direction and a radial direction, and having at least two writing elements arranged inside the body, each writing element comprising a writing head and a button, at least one button extending in the radial direction through a window and allowing the writing element to be moved between a retracted position in which the writing head is retracted into the body and a writing position in which the writing head projects from the body, and one of the writing elements being a leadholder system comprising a leadholder mechanism and a lead container, the button of the leadholder system comprising a lead-insertion channel extending in the axial direction.

11-08-2011 дата публикации

Writing tool

Номер: WO2011096357A1
Автор: 伊藤 喜博
Принадлежит: パイロットインキ株式会社

Provided is a thermochromic writing tool (1) configured so that a writing body (9) storing a thermochromic ink thereinside is housed in a shaft tube (2), the writing body (9) is moved in the forward/backward directions by operating an operation body provided on the shaft tube (2), and a pen tip (91) of the writing body (9) can project/recede from the tip end of the writing tool; wherein the thermochromic writing tool (1) is provided with a friction unit (10) capable of applying friction to an object handwritten by the thermochromic ink and changing the color of the handwritten object by the frictional heat caused thereby, and a clip body (7) functioning as at least an operation body; and wherein the friction unit (10) is arranged at the rear end of the shaft tube (2), and the clip body (7) is arranged at a portion of the shaft tube (2) other than the rear end.

21-01-2014 дата публикации

Retractable lamp pen

Номер: US8632270B2
Автор: LIANG Liu
Принадлежит: Beifa Group Co Ltd

A lamp pen includes a pen body, a refill, a conductive rotating slide, a lamp, and a cartridge holding a battery. The rotating slide is electrically connected to the battery. A conductive bar on a surface of the slide abuts an end of the cartridge, which comprises a helical surface forming higher and auxiliary higher slots disposed at a highest point of the surface. A first lead of the lamp is connected to the battery, and a second lead is affixed within the higher slot. Rotating the slide causes the conductive bar to engage either the higher slot or auxiliary higher slot, pushing the cartridge downward so that the refill extends out of the pen tip. When the higher slot is engaged, the second lead of the lamp connects to the conductive bar, the electric circuit completes, and the lamp illuminates.

04-04-2006 дата публикации

Advertising light emitting pen having a movable light emitting device

Номер: US7022973B2
Автор: Ming Huang
Принадлежит: Ming Huang

An advertising light emitting pen comprises an upper pen tube and a lower pen tube. The feature of the advertising light emitting pen is that a top of the light guide tube resists against a lower end of the light emitting device. A surface of the inner tube is coated with film having advertising patterns or texts thereon. The film includes two parts with one part being a transparent surface and another part being an opaque surface for printing with pattern or texts. The transparent surface has no pattern or text thereon. When the light emitting device lights up, light transmits into the inner tube through the light guide tube and then emits out from the inner tube; the light emits from the outer tube to radiate into a paper to be written.

09-08-2005 дата публикации

Light emitting pen actuated by pivotally rotating a clip

Номер: US6926421B2
Автор: Ming Huang
Принадлежит: Ming Huang

A light emitting pen actuated by pivotally rotating a clip includes an upper pen tube and a lower pen tube. A base at an upper end of the upper pen tube has a slot. The clip is buckled into the slot. The clip is an eccentric block. The eccentric block is pivotally installed in the slot by using a stud. A top stud of the switch button protrudes from a central round hole of the base. A top of the top stud resists against the eccentric block of the clip. When the clip pivotally rotates upwards, the switch button descends to contact the light emitting device to light up. The light emitting device moves downward to cause the refill moves downwards. Then a tip of the refill protrudes out of the pen tube. When the clip pivotally rotates, the light emitting body does not light up and the tip embeds into the pen tube.

30-03-2012 дата публикации

Multiple loop reactor for olefin polymerization

Номер: EA016208B1
Автор: Уго Вандаль

The present invention provides a multiple loop reactor for the production of ethylene homopolymerization and ethylene copolymerization and higher 1-olefin copolymers. Reactor 1 comprises two loop reactors 2 and 3 extended substantially in the same horizontal plane and interconnected by a transfer line 16 for transferring polymer slurry from a reactor to another reactor extending from the exit of a vertical settling leg of the first reactor to the entry in the other reactor and extended substantially horizontally. A method is also proposed for the oproduction of said ethylene polymers.

02-07-2007 дата публикации

프린트된 페이지의 카피를 제공하는 방법 및 시스템

Номер: KR100733864B1

문서의 동일성 및 문서 상의 복수의 기준점을 표시하는 코딩된 데이터를 포함하는 프린트된 문서로부터의 페이지의 카피를 제공하는 방법은, 컴퓨터 시스템에서, 유저에 의해 동작된 센싱 장치로부터 표시 데이터를 수신하는 단계 - 상기 표시 데이터는 상기 문서의 동일성 및 상기 문서에 관련된 상기 센싱 장치의 위치에 관한 것이고, 상기 센싱 장치는 상기 문서에 관련된 동작 위치에 있을 때 상기 코딩된 데이터의 적어도 일부를 이용하여 상기 표시 데이터를 센싱함 -; 및 상기 컴퓨터 시스템에서 상기 표시 데이터로부터 상기 문서의 페이지의 카피 요구를 식별하는 단계를 포함한다. 표시 데이터, 센싱 장치, 컴퓨터 시스템, 표면 정의 수단, 페이지

01-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CN101396939A
Автор: 刘亮
Принадлежит: Beifa Group Co Ltd


31-01-2018 дата публикации

A writing instrument in which a pen tip is protruded by a knock button provided on a side surface

Номер: KR101824368B1
Автор: 어명혁
Принадлежит: 어명혁

The present invention relates to a writing instrument with a pen core retractable through a knock button formed on a side surface and, more specifically, relates to a writing instrument with a pen core retractable through a knock button formed on a side surface, capable of easily operating knock operation to retract the pen core through the knock button formed on the side surface of a pen body to enhance user convenience; and operating the knock button in only one direction to facilitate an operation performing retraction of the pen core and clearly perform the knock operation. According to the present invention, the writing instrument comprises: the pen body formed with a tubular body to have an operation hole formed on a side surface and having a clip fastening part formed in a top; a knock operation device formed with a tubular body installed in the pen body and receiving the pen core elastically supported by a spring, and having a retraction control means coupling part formed in an upper part; and a retraction control means inserted into the retraction control means coupling part to control retraction of a pen tip of the pen core. Accordingly, since the knock operation of the writing instrument is performed on the side surface of the pen body, it is not required to change a state of holding the writing instrument to perform the knock operation; thereby enhancing convenience in operation of the writing instrument.

18-09-2017 дата публикации

Writing tool

Номер: KR101779233B1
Автор: 요시히로 이토

내부에 열변색성 잉크를 수용한 필기체(9)를 축통(2)내에 수용하고, 축통(2)에 마련한 조작체를 조작하여 필기체(9)를 전후방향으로 이동시켜, 필기체(9)의 펜 끝(91)을 필기구의 선단으로부터 출몰 가능하게 구성한 열변색성 필기구(1)로서, 열변색성 잉크의 필적을 마찰시키고 그때에 생기는 마찰열로 상기 필적을 열변색할 수 있는 마찰부(10)와, 적어도 하나의 조작체로서의 클립체(7)를 구비하고, 마찰부 (10)를 축통(2)의 후단에 마련하는 동시에, 축통(2)에 있어서의 후단 이외의 부위에 클립체(7)를 마련한 열변색성 필기구(1)를 제공한다. The writing body 9 accommodating the thermochromic ink therein is accommodated in the barrel 2 and the writing body 9 is moved in the front and rear direction by operating the operating body provided on the barrel 2, A thermochromic writing implement (1) comprising a tip (91) made to protrude and retract from the tip of a writing instrument, comprising a friction portion (10) capable of frictionally writing the thermochromic ink and thermally discoloring the writing with frictional heat generated at that time And the clip body 7 is provided at a position other than the rear end of the barrel 2. The clip body 7 is provided at the rear end of the barrel 2, Is provided with a thermochromic writing instrument (1).

08-04-2020 дата публикации

Writing tool

Номер: KR102098571B1
Автор: 요시히로 이토

내부에 열변색성 잉크를 수용한 필기체(9)를 축통(2)내에 수용하고, 축통(2)에 마련한 조작체를 조작하여 필기체(9)를 축방향으로 이동시켜, 필기체(9)의 펜 끝(91)을 필기구의 선단으로부터 출몰 가능하게 구성한 열변색성 필기구(1)로서, 열변색성 잉크의 필적을 마찰시키고 그때에 생기는 마찰열로 상기 필적을 열변색할 수 있는 마찰부(10)와, 적어도 하나의 조작체로서의 클립체(7)를 구비하고, 마찰부 (10)를 축통(2)의 후단에 마련하는 동시에, 축통(2)에 있어서의 후단 이외의 부위에 클립체(7)를 마련한 열변색성 필기구(1)를 제공한다. The writing body 9 containing the thermochromic ink therein is accommodated in the cylinder 2, and the manipulation body provided in the cylinder 2 is operated to move the writing body 9 in the axial direction, and thus the pen of the writing body 9 A thermochromic writing instrument (1) having an end (91) rotatable from the tip of the writing instrument, a friction unit (10) capable of rubbing the handwriting of the thermochromic ink and thermally discoloring the handwriting with friction heat generated at that time A clip body 7 is provided as at least one operating body, the friction portion 10 is provided at the rear end of the shaft 2, and the clip body 7 is located at a portion other than the rear end of the shaft 2. It provides a thermochromic writing instrument (1) provided.

21-09-2007 дата публикации

Ultra thin Hf-silicate film growth by atomic layer chemical vapor deposition using a new combination of precursors: metal-alkylamide and metal-alkoxide

Номер: KR100760962B1
Автор: 김재현, 용기중

본 발명은 신규한 전구체 조합을 이용하여 우수한 특성의 하프늄 실리케이트 박막을 성장시키는 원자층 화학 증착법에 관한 것이다. 원자층 화학증착법은 기판 표면에서 전구체간 리간드 치환반응을 통해 박막이 성장되는 방법이기 때문에 전구체의 선택이 박막특성에 크게 영향을 준다. 본 발명에서 사용된 적용된 전구체 조합은 추가적인 산화제 없이 금속(M1=Hf 혹은 Si)-알콕사이드와 금속(M2=Hf 혹은 Si)-알킬아마이드를 사용하여 삼성분계 금속산화막을 성장시킬 수 있다. The present invention relates to an atomic layer chemical vapor deposition method using a novel precursor combination to grow hafnium silicate thin films with excellent properties. Atomic layer chemical vapor deposition is a method of growing a thin film by ligand substitution reaction between precursors on the substrate surface, so the selection of precursor greatly affects the thin film properties. The applied precursor combinations used in the present invention can grow ternary metal oxide films using metal (M1 = Hf or Si) -alkoxide and metal (M2 = Hf or Si) -alkylamide without additional oxidizing agents. 본 발명에 따른 전구체조합을 원자층 화학증착법에 적용하면, 높은 유전상수 (k), 큰 밴드갭에너지 (Eg), 우수한 열적안정성, 우수한 계면특성, 우수한 층 덮임률을 가진 수 나노두께의 하프늄 실리케이트 박막을 얻을 수 있다. When the precursor combination according to the present invention is applied to atomic layer chemical vapor deposition, several nano-thick hafnium silicates have high dielectric constant (k), large bandgap energy (Eg), excellent thermal stability, good interfacial properties and good layer coverage. A thin film can be obtained. 원자층 화학 증착법(ALCVD), 금속-알킬아마이드, 금속-알콕사이드, 하프늄 실리케이트 박막, 게이트산화막 Atomic Layer Chemical Vapor Deposition (ALCVD), metal-alkylamides, metal-alkoxides, hafnium silicate thin films, gate oxide films

09-12-2015 дата публикации

Номер: CN105128559A
Автор: 伊藤喜博
Принадлежит: K K PILOT, Pilot Ink Co Ltd


30-10-2003 дата публикации

녹크식 필기구

Номер: KR100403123B1
Принадлежит: 가부시키가이샤 고도부키

외통에 표시되는 표시내용을 변화시킬 수 있도록 된 필기구에 관한 것으로, 외통(10)내에 배치되어 뒤쪽으로 밀어붙여지도록 된 필심부재(18)와, 외통(10)내에서 회전할 수 있고 전후이동도 할 수 있게 설치되어 필심부재(18)가 뒤쪽으로 이동하는 것을 규제하게 되는 캠원통체(24), 이 캠원통체(24)가 전진할 때마다 캠원통체(24)를 소정 각도로 회전시켜 캠원통체(24)를 전진위치와 후퇴위치로 교대로 이동시키는 캠본체(26), 상기 캠원통체(24)를 앞쪽으로 밀어내는 캠바아(28)로 이루어진 회전캠기구(22), 상기 캠바아(28)에 연결되어 녹크조작하도록 된 녹크부재(30) 및, 캠원통체(26)의 회전에 연동해서 회전함과 더불어 외주면에 문자나 그림이 표시된 회전드럼(32)을 구비하고서, 상기 외통(14)의 외주면 일부에 내부를 투시할 수 있는 창(14a)이 설치되어 이 창(14a)을 통해 상기 회전드럼(32)에 표시된 내용을 볼 수 있도록 되어 있다.

30-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CN1319311C


31-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CN1662029A


23-08-2007 дата публикации

Interactive printer with actuator

Номер: KR100751439B1

제1면상에 제1인터페이스를 프린트하고, 그에 의해서 제1인터페이스 면을 발생하기 위한 프린터가 개시된다. 상기 제1인터페이스는 제1코딩데이터를 포함하고 적어도 부분적으로는 제1문서데이터에 기초를 둔다. 상기 문서데이터는 적어도 하나의 아이덴티티를 나타내는 제1아이덴티티 데이터를 포함하고, 상기 아이덴티티는 상기 제1인터페이스의 영역과 관련된다. 상기 프린터는 버튼 형태의 액츄에이터, 적어도 부분적으로 상기 제1아이덴티티 데이터에 기초한 상기 제1코딩데이터를 발생하는 코딩데이터 발생기 및 프린팅 메커니즘을 포함한다. 상기 버튼이 눌려지면, 상기 프린터는 상기 제1면상에 상기 제1인터페이스를 프린트한다. A printer for printing a first interface on a first surface, thereby generating a first interface surface, is disclosed. The first interface comprises first coding data and is based at least in part on the first document data. The document data includes first identity data representing at least one identity, the identity being associated with an area of the first interface. The printer includes an actuator in the form of a button, a coding data generator and a printing mechanism for generating the first coding data based at least in part on the first identity data. When the button is pressed, the printer prints the first interface on the first surface.

14-11-2018 дата публикации

Writing instrument or applicator provided with a plurality of resin molding members

Номер: JP6422692B2
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Pencil Co Ltd

22-06-2016 дата публикации

Multi-color writing instrument having an automatic return function

Номер: KR101632590B1
Автор: 천광주
Принадлежит: 천광주

The present invention relates to a multi-color writing instrument having an automatic return function, which prevents damage to the exposed tip of the writing instrument and clothes when not in use as the exposed tip of the writing instrument is automatically received in a pen housing. The multi-color writing instrument having an automatic return function comprises: a lower housing (10) which has a tip entrance hole (11) in the front end; an upper housing (20) which is connected to the top of the lower housing (10); a clip member (30) which is installed in the upper housing (20) to be moved; a coil spring (40) which is elastically installed between the clip member (30) and the upper housing (20); tips (50) which are received in the upper and lower housings (20, 10) and are filled with two or more different color inks; knobs (60) of which the ends are fitted and assembled to the tips (50), respectively; return springs (70) which are elastically installed between the tips (50) and the knobs (60); a return member (80) which is formed in the clip member (30) to be integrated; and auxiliary members (90) which are formed between the return member (80) and the knobs (60) and simultaneously press the knobs (60) when the return member (80) is rotated.

10-08-2007 дата публикации

Method and system for providing targeted information in a document

Номер: KR100748473B1

본 발명은 문서에 타깃팅된 컨텐츠를 제공하는 방법 및 시스템에 관한 것이다. 이 방법은, 유저의 인구통계에 타깃팅된 컨텐츠를 갖는 정보를 포함하도록 포맷된 프린트된 문서를 유저에게 제공하는 단계를 포함하며, 상기 문서는, 요구를 지시하는 데이터를 컴퓨터 시스템으로 전송하기에 적합한 센싱 장치를 사용하여 유저 양방향 요소와 상호작용함으로써 유저가 상기 컨텐츠에 관한 추가적인 정보에 대한 요구를 지시할 수 있게 하는 적어도 하나의 유저 양방향 요소를 갖는다. The present invention relates to a method and system for providing content targeted to a document. The method includes providing a user with a printed document that is formatted to include information having content targeted to a user's demographic, the document being adapted to transmit data indicative of a request to a computer system. It has at least one user interactive element that interacts with the user interactive element using a sensing device to allow the user to indicate a request for additional information about the content. 넷페이지, 프린트, 타깃팅된 컨텐츠, 유저 양방향 요소, 유저 요구 Netpage, Print, Targeted Content, User Interactive Elements, User Requests

17-09-2007 дата публикации

Method and system for delivery of a secure document

Номер: KR100759351B1

티켓 또는 쿠폰과 같은 보안 문서를 발행하는 방법 및 시스템이 제공된다. 이 방법은, 보안 문서를 나타내는 고유 식별자를 포함하는 코딩 데이터와 프린트된 정보를 갖는 보안 문서를 생성하는 단계를 포함한다. 컴퓨터 시스템에 상기 보안 문서와 상기 문서에 관한 유효 상태 및/또는 인증 정보 간의 대응성이 기록된다. 상기 보안 문서상의 상기 코딩된 데이터를 센싱하기에 적합한 센싱 장치가 제공된다. 상기 센싱 장치는 또한 상기 컴퓨터 시스템과 통신하기에 적합하며, 이에 의해 상기 코딩된 데이터를 센싱하여 상기 보안 문서 고유 식별자를 얻고 상기 컴퓨터 시스템과 통신하여 그에 대응하는 유효 상태 및/또는 인증 정보를 결정함으로써 상기 문서의 유효 상태 및/또는 인증이 결정될 수 있다. 상기 보안 문서는 유저로부터 상기 컴퓨터 시스템을 통하여 발행자로의 요구에 응답하여 요구시에 생성될 수 있으며, 상기 보안 문서는 유저의 댁내(premise)에서 생성된다. Methods and systems for issuing secure documents such as tickets or coupons are provided. The method includes generating a secure document having printed data and coding data comprising a unique identifier representing the secure document. The correspondence between the security document and the valid status and / or authentication information about the document is recorded in the computer system. A sensing device suitable for sensing the coded data on the secure document is provided. The sensing device is also suitable for communicating with the computer system, whereby sensing the coded data to obtain the secure document unique identifier and communicating with the computer system to determine corresponding valid state and / or authentication information. The validity status and / or authentication of the document can be determined. The secure document can be created on demand in response to a request from the user to the issuer through the computer system, and the secure document is generated in the user's premises. 넷페이지, 보안 문서, 고유 식별자, 프린터, 인증 Netpage, Secure Document, Unique Identifier, Printer, Authentication

29-03-2022 дата публикации

retractable writing instrument

Номер: KR20220039700A

클립(4)을 축통의 전후 방향으로 슬라이드시키는 것에 의해, 펜촉이 축통으로부터 돌출한 상태 또는 축통 내로 몰입된 상태로 되도록 구성된 출몰식 필기구로서, 클립(4)은, 축통의 전후 방향으로 연장되는 클립 본체(41)와, 클립 본체(41)의 전방측에 마련되어, 축통의 표면 방향으로 돌출하는 둥근 볼록부(42)와, 클립 본체(41)의 후방측에 마련된 클립 베이스(43)를 포함하고, 또한 축통의 표면 방향으로 바이어스력을 발생시키는 것이 가능하게 구성되고, 축통의 표면에는, 축통의 전후 방향으로 연장되는 홈으로, 둥근 볼록부(42)의 측방의 움직임을 제한하는 한 쌍의 측면(234)을 구비한 가이드 홈(23f)이 마련되고, 가이드 홈(23f)은, 적어도 펜촉이 몰입된 상태일 때에, 둥근 볼록부(42)를 상기 바이어스력의 방향에서 비접촉 상태로 하는 것이 가능한 관통 홈(235)을 가진다.

04-11-2004 дата публикации

a sharp pencil

Номер: KR200366040Y1
Автор: 남철환
Принадлежит: 남철환

본 고안은 샤프펜슬에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 연필심을 출몰하는 매커니즘(mechanism)으로 구성된 카트리지(cartridge)가 널리 사용되는 볼펜 케이스에 내장되어 전체적인 샤프펜슬의 제조원가를 저렴하게 유지할 수 있고, 샤프펜슬을 사용하지 않을 때에는 연필심이 출몰되는 금구가 캡 내부에 수납되어 매우 안전하게 휴대할 수 있도록 한 고안에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a mechanical pencil, more specifically, a cartridge (cartridge) consisting of a mechanism for releasing a pencil lead is embedded in a widely used ball-point pen case to maintain the overall manufacturing cost of the mechanical pencil at low cost, When not in use is related to a device designed to be very safe to carry the bracket inside the cap that the pencil lead haunted. 전술한 본 고안은, 필기관(11)의 하부에는 캡(12)이 나사 결합되고, 필기관(11)의 상부에 삽입된 노브(13)의 일측에는 탄성편(14)이 형성되며, 탄성편(14)에 돌출된 제1,2걸림구(14a)(14b)들이 필기관(11)의 상부 일측에 뚫려진 걸림공(11a)과 장공(11b)에 결합되는 케이싱부(10)와; 연필심(2)들이 수납되는 관형의 슬리브(21)의 하부에는 연필심(2)이 관통되는 척(22)이 결합되어 스프링(23a)으로 탄력 지지되고, 척(22) 외부에 결합되어 스프링(23a)을 지지하는 제1지지관(23)의 하부에는 제2지지관(24)이 결합되며, 제2지지관(24)의 제1공간부(24a)에는 척(22)이 출몰되는 협지링(25)이 삽입되고, 제1공간부(24a)의 하부에 형성된 직경이 작은 제2공간부(24b)에는 연필심 멈춤용 고무링(26)이 삽입되며, 제2지지관(24)의 하부에는 연필심(2) 출입용 금구(27)가 형성된 카트리지(20)와; 상기 카트리지(20)가 케이싱부(10)의 필기관(11) 내부에 삽입되어 스프링(15)으로 탄력 지지된 상태에서 노브(13)를 눌러주면 탄성편(14)에 돌출된 제1,2걸림구(14a)(14b)들이 필기관(11)의 상부에 뚫려진 장공(11b)에 삽입 고정되어 카트리지(20)의 하부 금구(27)가 캡(12)에 뚫려진 출입공(12a)을 통해 돌출되고, 제2걸림구(14b)를 눌러주면 노브(13)가 상승되면서 제1걸림구(14a)는 걸림공(11a)에 제2걸림구(14b)는 장공(11b)의 상부에 위치되어 금구(27)가 캡(12)의 내부에 수납되도록 한 것을 특징으로 하는 샤프펜슬에 의하여 달성될 수 있는 것이다. The present invention described above, the cap 12 is screwed to the lower portion of the writing tube 11, the elastic piece 14 is formed on one side of the knob 13 inserted into the upper portion of the writing tube 11, elastic The first and second catching holes 14a and 14b protruding from the piece 14 are coupled to the catching hole 11a and the long hole 11b which are opened at the upper side of the writing tube 11 and the casing part 10. ; The lower portion of the tubular sleeve 21 in which the pencil cores 2 are accommodated is coupled to the chuck 22 ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for encoding/decoding graphic data

Номер: KR101334173B1
Автор: 안정환, 한만진
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명에 의한 그래픽 데이터 부호화 방법과 장치는, 부호화 가능한 다수의 제1 정보들 중 소정 그래픽 프로파일을 고려하여 결정된 하나 이상의 제1 정보들을 갖는 헤더를 부호화하며, 부호화 가능한 다수의 제2 정보들 중 그 그래픽 프로파일을 고려하여 결정된 하나 이상의 제2 정보들을 갖는 페이로드를 부호화하여, 비트스트림을 생성하고, 본 발명에 의한 그래픽 데이터 복호화 방법과 장치는, 그 생성된 비트스트림을 복호화하므로, 본 발명에 의한 그래픽 데이터 부호화 장치가 수행할 수 있는 기능들이 무엇인지, 및 본 발명에 의한 그래픽 데이터 복호화 장치가 수행할 수 있는 기능들이 무엇인지에 관계없이, 그 그래픽 프로파일을 만족하는 본 발명에 의한 그래픽 데이터 복호화 장치는 그 그래픽 프로파일을 만족하는 본 발명에 의한 그래픽 데이터 부호화 장치가 생성한 비트스트림에 기술된 3차원 메쉬 모델을 온전히 복원하는 효과를 갖는다.

06-09-2007 дата публикации

Sliding pen

Номер: KR100755881B1
Автор: 윤현선
Принадлежит: 주식회사 모리스

A sliding pen is provided to make the structure simple by forming a pen core, a pen core moving body, and a body and to facilitate assembly work and operation. In a sliding pen, a pen core(1) has a nib. A pipe-shaped pen core moving body(20) comprises a pen core fixing unit of which the lower end is opened to protrude the nib of the pen core and to receive and fix the pen core at the inside, and a guide projection formed at the upper part. A body(10) is composed of a pipe-shaped upper part; a pipe-shaped middle part of which one side is opened to receive the pen core moving body and to expose a portion of the outer peripheral surface of the pen core moving body to the outside; a cone-shaped lower part; a lower end opened to protrude or insert the nib of the pen core; and a guide groove formed at the upper part to fix the guide projection of the pen core moving body with vertically moving. The pen core moving body slides in the body if the guide projection of the pen core moving body vertically moves in the guide groove formed at the upper part of the body, and then the nib of the pen core settled at the pen core fixing unit of the pen core moving body is projected or inserted through the lower end of the pen body.

01-09-2008 дата публикации

Method and system for delivery of a secure document

Номер: KR100855785B1

티켓 또는 쿠폰과 같은 보안 문서를 발행하는 방법 및 시스템이 제공된다. 이 방법은, 보안 문서를 나타내는 고유 식별자를 포함하는 코딩 데이터와 프린트된 정보를 갖는 보안 문서를 생성하는 단계를 포함한다. 컴퓨터 시스템에 상기 보안 문서와 상기 문서에 관한 유효 상태 및/또는 인증 정보 간의 대응성이 기록된다. 상기 보안 문서상의 상기 코딩된 데이터를 센싱하기에 적합한 센싱 장치가 제공된다. 상기 센싱 장치는 또한 상기 컴퓨터 시스템과 통신하기에 적합하며, 이에 의해 상기 코딩된 데이터를 센싱하여 상기 보안 문서 고유 식별자를 얻고 상기 컴퓨터 시스템과 통신하여 그에 대응하는 유효 상태 및/또는 인증 정보를 결정함으로써 상기 문서의 유효 상태 및/또는 인증이 결정될 수 있다. 상기 보안 문서는 유저로부터 상기 컴퓨터 시스템을 통하여 발행자로의 요구에 응답하여 요구시에 생성될 수 있으며, 상기 보안 문서는 유저의 댁내(premise)에서 생성된다. Methods and systems for issuing secure documents such as tickets or coupons are provided. The method includes generating a secure document having printed data and coding data comprising a unique identifier representing the secure document. The correspondence between the security document and the valid status and / or authentication information about the document is recorded in the computer system. A sensing device suitable for sensing the coded data on the secure document is provided. The sensing device is also suitable for communicating with the computer system, whereby sensing the coded data to obtain the secure document unique identifier and communicating with the computer system to determine corresponding valid state and / or authentication information. The validity status and / or authentication of the document can be determined. The secure document can be created on demand in response to a request from the user to the issuer through the computer system, and the secure document is generated in the user's premises. 넷페이지, 보안 문서, 고유 식별자, 프린터, 인증 Netpage, Secure Document, Unique Identifier, Printer, Authentication

01-08-2007 дата публикации

Method and system for delivery of electronic mail

Номер: KR100744674B1

메일링 시스템은, 송신자 단말과 수신자 단말을 가지며 상기 송신자 단말로부터 상기 수신자 단말로 메일 아이템을 전송하기에 적합한 컴퓨터 시스템을 포함한다. 상기 수신자 단말의 프린터 장치는, 상기 송신자 단말로부터의 메일 아이템을, 상기 메일 아이템의 동일성의 표시 및 상기 문서상의 적어도 하나의 기준점의 표시를 포함하는 코딩된 데이터를 담고 있는 문서에 프린트하기에 적합하다. 센싱 장치는, 자신으로부터의 표시 데이터를 상기 컴퓨터 시스템으로 통신하도록 배치되며, 상기 표시 데이터는 상기 코딩된 데이터의 적어도 일부를 사용하여 상기 센싱 장치에 의해 생성된, 문서에 대한 상기 센싱 장치의 적어도 한번의 움직임 및 상기 메일 아이템의 동일성에 관한 정보를 포함하고 있으며, 이로써 상기 컴퓨터 시스템은 상기 센싱 장치로부터의 상기 표시 데이터를 사용하여 제 2 메일 아이템을 생성할 수 있다. The mailing system comprises a computer system having a sender terminal and a receiver terminal and adapted to transfer a mail item from the sender terminal to the receiver terminal. The printer apparatus of the receiver terminal is suitable for printing a mail item from the sender terminal to a document containing coded data including an indication of the identity of the mail item and an indication of at least one reference point on the document. . A sensing device is arranged to communicate display data from itself to the computer system, wherein the display data is generated by the sensing device using at least a portion of the coded data at least once of the sensing device for a document. And information about the identity of the mail item and the identity of the mail item, thereby allowing the computer system to generate a second mail item using the display data from the sensing device. 넷페이지, 프린트, 넷페이지 펜, 메일링 시스템, 송신자 단말, 수신자 단말 Netpage, print, netpage pen, mailing system, sender terminal, receiver terminal

14-01-2003 дата публикации

A ballpen with a light

Номер: KR200300737Y1
Автор: 박대진
Принадлежит: 박대진

본 고안은 조명 등을 겸한 볼펜에 관한 것으로 특히 어두운 곳에서 글씨를 쓸 때 글씨가 잘 보이게 하도록 고안한 것이다. The present invention relates to a ballpoint pen that also serves as lighting, and is especially designed to make the text look good when writing in a dark place. 종래에는 볼펜에 장착되어 있는 조명 등이 볼펜의 내부에 형성되어 있어 어두운 곳에서 상기 조명등을 켜면 밝기가 약해 글씨를 전체적으로 파악하는데 많은 불편한 점이 있었다. In the related art, a light or the like mounted on a ballpoint pen is formed inside the ballpoint pen, and thus, when the light is turned on in a dark place, the brightness is weak and thus there is a lot of inconvenience in grasping the entire font. 이를 실현하기 위하여 본 고안은 볼펜의 상측에 형성되어 있는 클립에 조명등을 장착하여 강한 밝기의 빛이 발산되도록 한 것이다. In order to realize this, the present invention is to attach a lamp to the clip formed on the upper side of the ballpoint pen to emit light of strong brightness.

30-08-2007 дата публикации

Method and system for delivery of a greeting card

Номер: KR100753523B1

인사 카드를 선택하고 배달하는 방법은, 입수 가능한 인사 카드의 선택의 상세를 갖고, 컴퓨터 시스템으로 양 방향 데이터를 전송하는 데 적합한 센싱 장치를 이용하여 카드를 선택하도록 유저와 상호 작용하는 적어도 하나의 유저 양 방향 요소를 갖는 문서를 얻는 단계; 상기 센싱 장치를 이용하여 카드의 선택을 표시하는 단계; 상기 센싱 장치를 이용하여 메시지를 포함하는 단계; 및 상기 컴퓨터 시스템을 통하여 수령자 주소로 상기 카드를 발송하는 단계를 포함한다. The method of selecting and delivering a greeting card includes at least one user who has details of the selection of available greeting cards and that interacts with the user to select the card using a sensing device suitable for transmitting bidirectional data to a computer system. Obtaining a document having bidirectional elements; Displaying a selection of a card using the sensing device; Including a message using the sensing device; And sending the card to a recipient address via the computer system. 인사 카드, 양 방향 데이터, 컴퓨터 시스템, 센싱 장치 Computer Card, Greeting Card, Bidirectional Data, Sensing Device

20-12-2006 дата публикации

Method and system for note taking

Номер: CN1291302C


22-11-2007 дата публикации

Method and system for delivery of a facsmile

Номер: KR100778962B1

팩시밀리 발송 방법은 양식에서 코딩된 데이터를 판독하는 센싱 장치를 사용하여 메시지를 입력하기 위하여 프린트된 양식을 제공하는 단계, 상기 코딩된 데이터와 상기 센싱 장치의 상호작용을 나타내고, 메시지가 전자적으로 컴퓨터 시스템에서 포착되게 하는 상호자용 데이터를 상기 컴퓨터 시스템에서 수신하는 단계, 및 팩시밀리 발송을 위해 지정된 수신 어드레스로 상기 메지시를 전송하는 단계를 포함한다. The method for sending a facsimile includes providing a printed form for inputting a message using a sensing device that reads coded data in the form, wherein the coded data represents an interaction of the sensing device, the message being electronically computer system. Receiving mutual data at the computer system to be captured at, and sending the message to a designated destination address for facsimile dispatch. 팩시밀리 발송, 센싱 장치, 컴퓨터 시스템 Fax machine, sensing device, computer system

19-06-2020 дата публикации

Multi-color writing tool with automatic return function

Номер: CN106808847B
Автор: 千光柱
Принадлежит: Individual


17-07-2002 дата публикации

Method and system for delivery of facsimile

Номер: CN1359586A
Автор: 保罗·拉普斯顿


27-02-2008 дата публикации

Method and system for providing information in a document

Номер: KR100807902B1

본 발명은 컨텐츠의 개별화 및 유저 응답을 허용하도록 문서에 정보를 제공하는 방법 및 시스템에 관한 것이다. 문서에 정보를 제공하는 방법은, 개별화된 유저 컨텐츠 선호물을 정하는 단계; 상기 컨텐츠 선호물에 대응하는 정보를 선택하고 포맷하는 단계; 및 응답 데이터를 컴퓨터 시스템으로 전송하기에 적합한 센싱 장치를 사용하여 상기 요소와 상호작용함으로써 유저가 문서에서의 연관된 정보에 대한 응답을 지시할 수 있게 하는 적어도 하나의 유저 양방향 요소와 함께 문서내에 상기 포맷된 정보를 프린트하는 단계를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a method and system for providing information in a document to allow for personalization of content and user response. A method of providing information in a document includes: determining personalized user content preferences; Selecting and formatting information corresponding to the content preferences; And the format in the document with at least one user interactive element that allows the user to indicate a response to the associated information in the document by interacting with the element using a sensing device suitable for transmitting response data to the computer system. Printing the collected information. 넷페이지, 프린트, 문서에 정보를 제공하는 방법, 유저 양방향 요소, 유저 응답. How to provide information on netpages, prints, documents, user interactive elements, user responses.

13-10-2004 дата публикации

Network terminal authorization protocol

Номер: CN1171141C


06-11-2002 дата публикации

Method and system for note taking

Номер: CN1378663A


31-08-2022 дата публикации

Thermochromic writing instrument having electrical conductivity

Номер: KR102438413B1
Автор: 임승재
Принадлежит: 임승재

열변색성 필기구에 의해서 쓰여진 필적을 마찰하고 이때 발생하는 마찰열로 필적을 열변색시키기 위한 지우개 뿐만아니라 필기구 본체에 도전성을 부여함으로써, 필기구 자체로서의 기능 뿐만아니라 스마트폰, 노트북, 또는 태블릿과 같은 전자기기의 터치펜으로서도 사용이 가능하여, 사용상의 편의성이 향상되고 사용자의 호기심과 흥미를 유발하여 사용상의 즐거움을 배가시킬 수 있는 도전성을 갖는 열변색성 필기구(10)에 관한 것이다. 상부 및 하부가 개방된 중공의 원통형 펜몸체(20), 상기 펜몸체(20)의 하부에 나사결합 방식으로 체결되는 하부 캡(90), 및 상기 펜몸체(20)의 상부 외측에 분리 가능하게 결합되는 중공의 상부커버(30)는 자체에 도전성을 갖도록 그 표면에 금속도금 또는 금속진공증착을 실시하거나 전기전도성 플라스틱을 이용하여 사출성형된다. 상기 열변색성 필기구(10)에 의해서 쓰여진 필적을 마찰하고 이때 발생하는 마찰열로서 이 필적을 열변색시키기 위한 지우개(40)는 도전성을 갖도록 고무나 합성수지재에 가압성 도전성 물질을 혼합하여 제조된다. 상기 지우개(40)를 상기 상부커버(30)에 연결하기 위한 탈부착 플러그(70)는 전도성을 갖도록 금속을 가공하여 일체로 형성된다. By imparting conductivity to the writing instrument body as well as an eraser for rubbing the handwriting written by the thermochromic writing instrument and heat discoloring the handwriting with the frictional heat generated at this time, it not only functions as a writing instrument itself, but also electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, or tablets. The present invention relates to a thermochromic writing instrument (10) having conductivity that can be used as a touch pen for the user, thereby improving the convenience of use and increasing the enjoyment of use by arousing the user's curiosity and interest. A hollow cylindrical pen body 20 with an open top and a bottom, a lower cap 90 screwed to the lower portion of the pen body 20, and detachably on the outside of the top of the pen body 20 The hollow upper cover 30 to be coupled is subjected to metal plating or metal vacuum deposition on its surface so as to have conductivity in itself, or injection-molded using an electrically conductive plastic. The eraser 40 for rubbing the handwriting written by the thermochromic writing instrument 10 and thermally discoloring the handwriting as frictional heat generated at this time is manufactured by mixing a rubber or synthetic resin material with a pressurized conductive material to have conductivity. The detachable plug 70 for connecting the eraser 40 to the ...

01-07-2004 дата публикации

Ballpen Which Can Chang its length

Номер: KR200354503Y1
Автор: 구본춘
Принадлежит: 구본춘

본 고안은 길이가변식 볼펜에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 길이가 신축가능하여 악세사리 형태로 휴대가 용이하고, 사용을 위해 뚜껑을 벗기면 자동으로 길이가 신장되어 편리하게 사용할 수 있도록 하는 길이가변식 볼펜에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a variable-length ballpoint pen, more specifically, the length is stretchable and easy to carry in the form of accessories, the length-variable ballpoint pen to automatically extend the length by removing the lid for use It is about. 이를 실현하기 위한 본 고안의 길이가변식 볼펜은, 펜심이 수납된 펜대와 뚜껑으로 이루어진 볼펜에 있어서, Length-variable ballpoint pen of the present invention for realizing this, in the ballpoint pen consisting of a pen stand and a lid containing a pen nib, 상기 펜대는 펜심을 수납한 선단펜대와 상기 선단펜대가 안테나식으로 인입/인출되는 후단펜대로 이루어지고, 상기 선단펜대의 전방에 볼펜팁이 노출됨과 아울러, 외주면에 걸림돌기가 형성된 전방캡이 고정되며, 상기 후단펜대의 후방을 밀폐시키도록 후방캡이 체결되는 한편, 상기 뚜껑을 내주면으로 전방캡의 걸림돌기와 끼움 결합되는 체결돌기가 형성된 것을 특징으로 한다. The pen holder is made of a tip pen holder for accommodating the pen nib and a rear pen with the tip pen holder in / out of an antenna type. The pen tip is exposed to the front of the tip pen holder, and the front cap having a locking protrusion is fixed to the outer circumferential surface thereof. And, while the rear cap is fastened to seal the rear of the rear pen stand, the cap is characterized in that the engaging projection formed by engaging the engaging projection of the front cap to the inner peripheral surface.

20-01-2016 дата публикации

Writing instrument with eraser

Номер: JP5844933B1
Автор: 猛 阿部, 阿部 猛
Принадлежит: 猛 阿部, 阿部 猛

【課題】 従来のシャープペン又は熱変色性ボールペンに用いられる筆跡消去用の消去部材として、消しゴム及び摩擦熱で消去する摩擦体を軸筒の後端部に露出して取り付けていたため、キャップ紛失、ゴミ屑等が付着して消去時、用紙が汚れる問題があった。【解決手段】 クリップ2を、軸筒1内の可動ノックホルダー9に連接して、これらを前後の可動移動操作を可能にし、前方部10を筆記芯12の方向と離間又は接する機構を構成し、一方の後方部14に消去部材15を装着して軸筒1の後方端部孔19から突出させて出し入れすると共に、軸筒1内に、前記消去部材15を収納できるようにする。【選択図】図1

12-03-2008 дата публикации

System and method for delivering a greeting card to a user

Номер: CN100375494C


15-11-2007 дата публикации

Pen with assistant grip

Номер: KR100775546B1
Автор: 이윤진
Принадлежит: (주)세줄

본 발명은 보조 그립부를 갖는 필기구에 관한 것으로서, 필기구 몸체부 및 상기 몸체부의 일단부에 설치되는 펜팁부를 포함하는 필기구에 있어서, 상기 몸체부에 일단부가 고정되고, 상기 몸체부를 따라서 연장되는 소성을 갖는 보조 그립부를 추가적으로 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 보조 그립부를 갖는 필기구를 제공한다. 본 발명에 의하면, 필기구 사용시에 검지와 중지에 가해지는 힘을 검지와 중지의 사이 또는 엄지 손가락의 하부 등으로 분산시킬 수 있으므로, 장시간 사용하여도 손가락에 가해지는 피로감이 현저하게 줄어들게 된다. 또한, 볼펜이나 샤프 펜슬과 같이 노킹부를 갖는 필기구의 경우에는 필기구를 파지한 상태에서 손을 떼지 않고 노킹 동작을 행할 수 있으므로 보다 편리하게 사용할 수 있게 된다. 필기구, 그립부, 보조 그립부, 파지.
