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20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2544449C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Грузовое транспортное средство содержит шарнирное рулевое управление, переднюю и заднюю части. Передняя часть через рулевой шарнир соединена с задней частью. Передняя часть включает в себя первый приводной двигатель и одну переднюю пару колес, размещенных на переднем валу. Задняя часть включает в себя устройство для размещения груза и две пары колес, размещенных на первом и втором валах. Вторая пара колес соединена с задней частью с возможностью руления. Вторая пара колес приводится во вращение электромотором через средство электромотора. Второй приводной двигатель выполнен с возможностью подачи энергии средству электромотора через электрогенератор. Второй приводной двигатель и ассоциированный электрогенератор размещены в задней части. Система приведения в движение упомянутого грузового транспортного средства содержит шарнирное рулевое управление. Достигается улучшение управляемости грузового транспортного средства. 2 ...

18-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU219458U1

Полезная модель относится к транспортному машиностроению, а именно к гидравлическим цилиндрам транспортных средств, и может быть использована в системе рулевого управления транспортных средств. Гидроцилиндр рулевого управления транспортного средства состоит из рабочего цилиндра 1 и двух центрирующих цилиндров 2, 3, штока 4 с рабочим поршнем 5 и двух центрирующих поршней 6, 7. Гидроцилиндр выполнен одноступенчатым, с одним рабочим поршнем 5. Центрирующие поршни 6 и 7 расположены с двух сторон от рабочего поршня 5. Технический результат заключается в повышении эксплуатационных качеств гидроцилиндра рулевого управления транспортного средства. 1 ил.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Способ поворота транспортного средства со всеми управляемыми колесами

Номер: RU2705413C1

Изобретение относится к безрельсовым транспортным средствам, а именно к способам поворота трактора со всеми ведущими и управляемыми колесами. На переднем и заднем мостах транспортного средства устанавливаются силовые гидроцилиндры, которые подключают посредством системы трубопроводов высокого давления к гидрораспределителю, в котором размещают цилиндрический золотник, имеющий спиралевидные канавки для подачи масла от насоса гидросистемы в полости силовых гидроцилиндров, установленных на управляемых колесах. Переключение осуществляется с помощью рукоятки золотника перед входом в поворот, обеспечивая поворот передних и задних колес в одну сторону. Подача масла в гидроцилиндры передних управляемых колес происходит до достижения определенного угла, при котором открывается полость в золотнике со спиральными каналами, обеспечивая поступление масла к гидроцилиндрам задних управляемых колес. При максимальном угле поворота передних управляемых колес спиралевидные канавки в золотнике перекрываются ...

07-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663562C1
Принадлежит: САФ-ХОЛЛАНД ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Узел моста транспортного средства общего назначения с гидравлической или пневматической системой содержит трубчатую балку моста и исполнительный механизм. Трубчатая балка моста характеризуется наличием приемного отверстия. Исполнительный механизм содержит цилиндр, шток поршня и поршень. Поршень разделяет камеру исполнительного механизма на первую и вторую области камеры. Шток поршня находится в зацеплении с поршнем и выполнен таким образом, что он может входить в зацепление с цапфой узла моста для того, чтобы приложить к цапфе усилие. Исполнительный механизм расположен в приемном отверстии трубчатой балки моста и зафиксирован в целях предотвращения перемещения в поперечном направлении относительно оси трубчатой балки и в одном направлении параллельно или вдоль оси трубчатой балки. Достигается повышение надежности возврата и блокировки цапф моста транспортного средства. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Быстроходный двухосный колёсный вездеход на шинах сверхнизкого давления с комбинированной системой управления

Номер: RU2652936C1

Группа изобретений относится к быстроходному двухосному колесному вездеходу и способу управления вездеходом. Вездеход содержит бензиновый двигатель или турбодизель, трансмиссию, подвеску, систему управления поворотом. Система управления поворотом является комбинированной и включает в себя рулевое управление автомобильного типа с обеими управляемыми осями и встречным поворотом и управление тракторного типа с использованием сдвоенных бортовых фрикционов. Способ заключается в том, что при управлении рулем механизм рулевого управления поворачивает поперечный вал качалки. Качалка, поворачиваясь на оси поперечного вала, смещает рулевые тяги в противофазе по бортам, поворачивая колеса передней оси в одном направлении, а колеса задней оси – в противоположном направлении на малый угол. Для резкого доворота или разворота на месте с помощью сдвоенных бортовых фрикционов отключается, а тормозной системой блокируется отдельный борт при одновременной передаче крутящего момента на противоположный борт ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557132C1

Предложено устройство управления приведением в движение транспортного средства, которое выполняет управление траекторией, при котором управляемые колеса управляются таким образом, чтобы заставлять транспортное средство двигаться вдоль целевой траектории. Когда существует вероятность того, что направление движения транспортного средства может быть изменено за счет управления траекторией, по меньшей мере, одно из рабочей позиции средства ввода для руления, управляемого водителем, угла относительно вертикальной оси транспортного средства и поперечной позиции транспортного средства относительно полосы движения изменяется до того, как будет выполнено изменение направления движения, в силу этого выдавая пассажирам в транспортном средстве предварительное уведомление относительно вероятности изменения направления движения транспортного средства, вызываемого за счет управления траекторией. Достигается выдача предварительного уведомления относительно изменения направления движения транспортного средства ...

23-02-1987 дата публикации

Рулевое управление транспортного средства с двумя управляемыми мостами

Номер: SU1291479A1

Изобретение относится к рулевым управлениям транспортными средствами с двумя управляемыми мостами, в частности к рулевым управлениям специальных сельскохозяйственных тракторов, Цель изобретения - повьппение надеж- нос.ти в работе. Рулевое управление содержит трубу 1 рулевой колонки, в которой концентрически установлены рулевые валы 6 и 7, снабженные жестко закрепленными на них зубчатыми венцами 8 и 9, Верхний конец рулевого вала 7 жестко соединен с рулевым колесом 10, а нижний посредством карданного вала - с рулевой трапецией одного из управляемых мостов. На нижнем конце рулевого вала 6 жестко установлены прямозубые конические шестерни 12 и 13, заключенные в корпусе 14, подвижно установленном на валу 6, В расточке корпуса установлена шестерня-вал 17, связанная посредством карданного вала 18 с рулевой трапецией другого управляемого моста. Для.поочередного введения в зацепление шестерни-вала 17 с прямозубыми коническими шестернями 12 и 13 корпус 14 снабжен педалью переключения. 2 з.п. ф-лы ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007013267B4

Ein Fahrzeuglenkungssystem mit einem Lenkungsmechanismus (3), der ein Lenkrad (1), das in einem Fahrzeug installiert ist, und einen elektrisch gesteuerten Hilfslenkungswinkel-Überlagerungsmechanismus (2) zum Lenken von lenkbaren Straßenrädern (5a, 5b) des Fahrzeugs enthält, das System umfassend: eine Lenkradwinkel-Erfassungssektion (6, 6A), die einen Lenkungswinkel des Lenkrades (1) als einen Lenkradwinkel (H) unter Verwendung eines Lenkradwinkel-Korrekturbetrags (H) erhält; eine Hilfslenkungswinkel-Erfassungssektion (10, 10A), die einen Hilfslenkungswinkel (S) erfasst, der durch den Hilfslenkungswinkel-Überlagerungsmechanismus (2) zu überlagern ist; eine Lenkungswinkel-Erfassungssektion (12), die einen gelenkten Winkel (P) der lenkbaren Straßenräder (5a, 5b) als einen absoluten Winkel erfasst; eine Fahrzustandserfassungssektion (7), die den Fahrzustand des Fahrzeugs erfasst; eine Übertragungscharakteristik-Einstellungssektion (8), die eine Übertragungscharakteristik (f(H)) zwischen dem ...

20-05-1987 дата публикации

Rear-wheel steering apparatus

Номер: GB0002182617A

A rear-wheel steering apparatus includes a steering unit for steering the front wheels in association with a rotation of the steering wheel, and a hydraulic actuator for steering the rear wheels. The actuator has first and second hydraulic chambers and a drive member connected to the rear wheels and operating in accordance with an oil pressure supplied to the hydraulic chambers. A directional control valve is provided between the steering unit and the actuator. The valve supplies oil pressure to the actuator in association with the operation of the steering unit. The valve includes a casing, and a valve body slidably arranged in the casing. First and second pressure chambers filled with oil pressure are defined in the casing. When the steering angle of the front wheels is smaller than a predetermined angle, the valve body moves to an in-phase position for supplying oil pressure to the actuator so that the rear wheels are steered in the same direction as the front wheels. When the steering ...

20-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB2225989A

A four-wheel steering apparatus for a vehicle includes a hydraulic actuator for steering the rear wheels, and first and second oil pumps. An in-phase steering control valve is connected between the first oil pump and the actuator and outputs first hydraulic output for steering the rear wheels in phase with the front wheels in accordance with a steering state of the front wheels. An antiphase steering control valve is connected between the second oil pump and the actuator and outputs second hydraulic output for steering the rear wheels in opposite phase to the front wheels in accordance with a rate of change in the steering state of the front wheels. The hydraulic actuator combines the first and second hydraulic outputs from the control valves and steers the rear wheels in accordance with the difference between the hydraulic outputs.

01-05-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to tractors or like vehicles

Номер: GB0000924680A

... 924,680. Shovel excavators. CRANES & SHOVELS PROPRIETARY Ltd., and L. M. HARDMAN. Aug. 22, 1960, No. 28933/60. Class 68 (1). [Also in Groups XXXI and XXXII] A shovel excavator comprises a rigid chassis 6, front and rear axles 12, 13 pivoted to the chassis on ball joints 14 (only one is shown) and weight transfer arms 25, 26 interconnecting both axles with two transversely spaced points on the chassis. A pair of pins 20, 20a on transverse pivots 21 carry rockers 24 on which pivot the weight transfer arms. The shovel 51 is supported on frame 50 mounted on the front axle, load transfer arm 53 being pivoted to the chassis at 55 coaxially with the ball joints 14.

01-04-2020 дата публикации

Steering system

Номер: GB0002556682B

25-07-1929 дата публикации

Improvements relating to steering means for motor vehicles

Номер: GB0000310796A

... 310,796. Fiat Soc. Anon. April 30, 1928, [Convention date]. Void [Published under Sect. 91 of the Acts]. Steering-gear; deflectable axle-ends and intermediate connections therefor.-The steering-rod or drag link 8 is disposed transversely of the vehicle and passes through or close to the axis 6 (real or virtual) about which the axle 1 oscillates, so that the angle between the rod and the axle remains substantially unchanged during oscillation of the axle. In the construction shown in Fig. 1 the frame is mounted on the axle by means of the pivot 6 and a transverse spring 4. In a modification in which the frame is mounted directly on the axle by means of the usual longitudinal springs the rod 8 is in the same horizontal plane as the bases of the springs. The rod 8 is operated by means of a drop-arm 10 on a longitudinal shaft 9 which, in the case of a vehicle having all four wheels steered, extends to the rear axle and is connected to the stub axles thereof by a similar steering-rod. The stub ...

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Four wheel drive four wheel steering vehicle

Номер: AP2001002105A0

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Four wheel drive four wheel steering vehicle

Номер: AP0200102105A0

25-07-1972 дата публикации

Procedure and mechanism for the control of vehicles, in particular of mast and Portalkranen

Номер: AT0000300266B

12-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000941751A1

30-11-1972 дата публикации

Steuerung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: CH0000530895A

15-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000632456A5

15-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000664122A5

20-04-2016 дата публикации

Steering device and vehicle with same

Номер: CN0105517879A

12-02-1931 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the direction of the motor vehicles on roads

Номер: FR0000699218A

26-04-1963 дата публикации

A vehicle carrying loads

Номер: FR0001325432A

01-02-1980 дата публикации

Adjustable-delay four-wheel steering mechanism - has transverse bar acting on cursor or roller unit

Номер: FR0002430343A1

05-09-1960 дата публикации

Differential for motor vehicle pulled by rollers

Номер: FR0000073779E

08-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003069812A1

30-11-1973 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002181152A5

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: WO2016142861A1

Transport trolley (4) comprising a frame (8) that extends from a front portion (12) to a rear portion (16), along a prevailing longitudinal direction (X-X), the front portion (12) being provided with front steering wheel (20), an idle front wheel (24), and a tiller (28), the rear portion (16) being provided with a rear steering wheel (36) and a rear idle wheel (40), in which the front and rear steering wheels (20,36) are arranged on the same side of the trolley (4). The trolley (4) comprises transmission means (44) that kinematically connect the tiller (28) with said front and rear steering wheels (20,36). The transmission means (44) comprise a front belt or chain (48) kinematically connected with the tiller (28) and with the front steering wheel (20), and a rear belt of chain ( 52 ) kinematically connected with the rear steering wheel (36), wherein said front and rear belts or chains (48, 52) are mechanically separated from each other and kinematically connected through the interposition ...

30-06-1914 дата публикации

Номер: US0001101864A1

05-03-1957 дата публикации

Номер: US0002783849A1

21-05-1912 дата публикации


Номер: US1027311A

08-04-1988 дата публикации

Номер: JP0063016310B2

04-10-2022 дата публикации

Система рулевого управления транспортного средства со всеми управляемыми колесами

Номер: RU213863U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению и может быть использована в гидравлических системах рулевого управления транспортных средств. Система рулевого управления транспортного средства со всеми управляемыми колесами содержит рулевые трапеции передних и задних управляемых колес, которые гидравлическим приводом связаны с рулевым механизмом. На валу рулевого механизма и на валу механизма управления задними колесами установлены преобразователи их углового положения в цифровой код, выполненные на основе кода Грея, сигналы преобразователей обрабатываются цифровым компаратором. Система дополнительно снабжена преобразователем угла поворота вала механизма управления передними управляемыми колесами в цифровой код. На входе в компаратор установлен переключатель сигнала с возможностью переключения сигнала между исполнительными механизмами передних и задних колес. Поворот передних и задних колес может осуществляться по различным закономерностям в зависимости от поворота рулевого колеса. Система рулевого ...

15-03-2022 дата публикации

Рулевой рычажный механизм транспортного средства

Номер: RU209323U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, в частности к рулевым механизмам транспортных средств. Сошка (1) соединена с поворотными рычагами (13, 14) первого моста (3) с помощью продольной тяги (2) и поперечных тяг (6, 7). Продольная тяга (2) и поперечные тяги (6, 7) соединены между собой маятниковым рычагом (11), установленным на первом мосту (3). Промежуточная тяга (10) соединена с рычагом (21), подвижно установленным на промежуточной опоре (22). Сошка (1) соединена с поворотными рычагами (15, 16) второго моста (5) с помощью промежуточной тяги (10), продольной тяги (3) и поперечных тяг (8, 9). Поперечные тяги (8, 9) и продольная тяга (4) соединены между собой с маятниковым рычагом (12), установленным на втором мосту (5). Гидроцилиндры (17, 18) одним концом шарнирно закреплены на поворотных рычагах (14, 16) первого и второго мостов (3, 5) соответственно. Другие концы гидроцилиндров (17, 18) шарнирно закреплены на первом и втором мостах (3,5) соответственно. Технический ...

11-05-2023 дата публикации

Рулевая система поворота транспортного средства

Номер: RU218095U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению и может быть использована в гидравлических системах рулевого управления транспортных средств, состоящих из двух полурам. Рулевая система поворота транспортного средства состоит из двух полурам с управляемыми колесами, содержит рулевое колесо, гидроусилитель, гидронасос, гидробак, рулевые трапеции передней и задней полурам, гидроцилиндры изменения положения колес передней и задней полурам, гидроцилиндры поворота полурам, гидрораспределители с электромеханическими приводами, преобразователи угла поворота золотников гидрораспределителей в цифровой код, цифровой компаратор величин. На входе в цифровой компаратор установлен переключатель сигнала с возможностью переключения сигнала между исполнительными механизмами полурам и передних и задних колес. Система дополнительно снабжена пальцем соединения полурам, составляющим шлицевое соединение через проушину с задней полурамой и шарнирное соединение через проушину с передней полурамой и преобразователем ...

18-07-2023 дата публикации

Система управления поворотом колес заднего моста транспортного средства

Номер: RU219460U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, а именно к системам управления поворотом колес задних мостов транспортных средств. Система управления поворотом колес заднего моста транспортного средства содержит насосную станцию (1), гидравлический бак (2), четырехлинейный трехпозиционный гидрораспределитель (3). Гидрораспределитель (3) сообщается с полостями гидроцилиндра (4), механически связанного с колесами заднего моста (5). Система содержит датчики (8 и 9) угла поворота колес переднего и заднего мостов соответственно, систему центрирования и устройство блокирования колес заднего моста (5) и дроссель (17). Гидроцилиндр (4) выполнен одноступенчатым с одним рабочим поршнем (12). Корпус гидроцилиндра неподвижен в направлении перемещения его штока (13). Технический результат заключается в повышении эксплуатационных качеств системы управления поворотом колес заднего моста транспортного средства. 1 ил.

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Рулевой рычажный механизм для колесного транспортного средства

Номер: RU180468U1

Предложена конструкция рулевого рычажного механизма для колесного транспортного средства, содержащего: рулевой механизм (1), закрепленный на раме и соединенный с сошкой (2), который с помощью продольной и поперечной тяг соединен с поворотными рычагами (6) первого моста, промежуточную тягу (8), соединяющую сошку (2) рулевого механизма с рычагом (9), подвижно установленным на промежуточной опоре, связанной с силовым гидроцилиндром (10) и соединенной продольным и поперечными тягами с поворотными рычагами (14) второго моста, дополнительно снабжен маятниковыми рычагами (4, 12), закрепленными на мостах, поперечные тяги (5, 13) выполнены разрезными с возможностью присоединения к маятниковым рычагам, кроме этого, рулевой механизм с сошкой, промежуточная опора и продольные тяги выполнены с возможностью расположения внутри рамы транспортного средства.Достигнуто увеличение углов поворота управляемых колес, и тем самым повышена маневренность транспортного средства. 1 ил.

15-10-1984 дата публикации

Шасси портального транспортного средства

Номер: SU1118574A1

ШАССИ ПОРТАЛЬНОГО ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА, содержащее раму, состоящую КЗ лонжеронов и поперечин, связанных межчу собой в угловых зонах рамы, стойки подвески, подвижно смонтированные в упомянутых зонах, на нижних концах которых установлены управляемые колеса, и рулевое управление , включающее рулевой механизм , кинематически связанный через внутреннюю продольную тягу и золотник гидроусилителя рулевого управления с одним плечом двуплечего рычага , и рулевой привод, включаняций в себя поперечную рулевую тягу, сило-, вой гидроцилиндр гидроусилителя рулевого управления и внешние продольные рулевые тяги, связанные с поворотными рычагами, закрепленными на стойках подвески, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности путем разгрузки стоек подвески от крутящего момента и повьшения устойчивости за счет снижения центра масс транспортного средства, оно снабжено правым и левым вертикальными поворотными валами, смонтированными в лонжеронах рамы, на верхнем конце левого из которых закреплен горизонтально ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Hinterradlenkung sowie Hinterradlenkung für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102015202208A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Hinterradlenkung (1) für ein Fahrzeug. Dieses sieht vor, dass wenigstens ein Radträger (3) derart über einen Aktuator (8) verschwenkt wird, dass ein mit dem Radträger (8) gekoppeltes Laufrad hinsichtlich seines veränderbaren Lenkwinkels (a) gegenüber einer Längsrichtung (x) des Fahrzeugs ausgerichtet wird. Erfindungsgemäß umfasst der Aktuator (8) einen Elektromotor, dessen Drehbewegung in eine zum Verschwenken des Radträgers (3) dienende translatorische Bewegung des Aktuators (8) übertragen wird. Wesentlich hierbei ist, dass die Drehbewegung des Elektromotors durch eine nicht-lineare Übertragungsfunktion in die translatorische Bewegung umgesetzt wird. Hierbei wird zum Einnehmen eines kleinen Lenkwinkels (a) die Drehbewegung des Elektromotors in die translatorische Bewegung des Aktuators (8) durch die Übertragungsfunktion hoch verstärkt, während sie zum Einnehmen eines großen Lenkwinkels (a) nur gering durch die Übertragungsfunktion ...

13-06-1984 дата публикации

Steering motor vehicles

Номер: GB0002130988A

A motor vehicle comprises a floor pan having stepped portions, and a steerable axle with a pair of steerable wheels suspended from the floor pan adjoining the stepped portions on the outside thereof. The steering mechanism includes a pitman arm, a pair of idler levers having an inner idler arm disposed above the floor pan and an outer idler arm disposed below the floor pan, the idler arms having radially outer portions, the outer portion of the inner idler arm being downwardly offset and the outer portion of the outer idler arm being upwardly offset, a shaft supporting each idler lever and extending through the floor pan, a bearing for each shaft mounted on a respective stepped floor pan portion, a steering rod connected between the pitman arm and one of the idler levers, a centrally disposed tie rod disposed above the floor pan and connecting the inner idler lever arms, a knuckle arm connected to each steerable wheel, and a laterally disposed tie rod connecting the outer idler lever arms ...

26-11-1940 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to four-wheel stearing gear for motor and other vehicles

Номер: GB0000529684A

... 529,684. Steering-gear for motor and other vehicles. BORGWARD, C. F. W., June 6, 1939, No. 16590. [Class 79 (v)] In four-wheel steering gear the front wheels are first steered until they have reached their maximum obliquity while the rear wheels are locked, further movement of the steering gear then causing catch member to lock the front wheels and release the rear wheels so that the latter also are then steered. In the construction shown the steering lever c is adapted to be connected by a sliding catch e to either of two sectors h1, k1 secured to arms h2, k2 respectively connected to the front and rear steerable wheels. In the position shown in Figs. 3 and 4 the catch e couples the levers c to the sector h1, while the sector k' is locked to the casing g by one of a pair of sliding bolts n, o connected together by a member p. Thus, when the lever c is operated it moves the sector h1 and steers the front wheels while the rear wheels ...

10-01-1973 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001302693A

17-11-1941 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the steering of mechanicallypropelled vehicles

Номер: GB0000541186A

... 541,186. Motor vehicle starting-gear. BROWN & SONS (HUDDERSFIELD), Ltd., D., and TUPLIN, W. A. June 6, 1940, No. 9889. [Class 79 (v)] In a vehicle having the front and rear pairs of wheels steered in succession, the steering control member reciprocates a pin b carrying a spur or helical pinion a engaging two-racks e, f connected respectively to the front and rear steering wheels and one or other of the racks being always locked, so that continuous movement of the control member or shaft d from a central position rolls the pinion a on the locked rack f (say) and actuates the rack e to steer the front wheels until the latter have reached their full lock position. Further movement of the control member in the same direction causes the rack e to be locked and the rack f to be released so that the rear wheels are now steered towards full lock while the front wheels are kept in the full lock position. Return movement of the control member first returns the rear wheels and afterwards the front ...

03-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000578883B2

12-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA941751A

17-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001289083C

The maneuvering area of a front and rear wheel steering vehicle is minimized by making the rear wheels follow the trajectories of the front wheels. This can be accomplished by steering the rear wheels so that they may coincide, in a spatially fixed absolute coordinate system, with the steer angles of the front wheels when they were located at the same locations as the current positions of the rear wheels. Further proposed is an algorithm for achieving the required rear wheel steering control which comprises the steps of detecting the yaw angle of the vehicle body and subtracting from the steer angles of the front wheels at the time point when the front wheels were located at the current positions of the rear wheels, the change in the yaw angle of the vehicle body from the said time point to the current time point. Thus, the vehicle is able to go through a most narrow and tortuous road for the given size of the vehicle without deviating from the prescribed course of the road, and the driver ...

03-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1145680A

A steering mechanism comprising a drop-arm, drag-link and track-rod for a vehicle adapted to travel, on wheels, on and off the roads, with either hydraulically-assisted, mechanical, or purely hydraulic steering actuated by means of hydraulic cylinders and electromagnetic valves, the change-over from hydraulically assisted to purely hydraulic operation being affected by selective connection of a cardan-shaft to one of the two systems used to actuate the steering; and comprising a hydraulic pump acting upon both systems and connected, through pipelines and a flow-control and pressure-limiting valve, to a distributor-valve from which there runs, on the one hand, a line to a steering transmission actuated by the steering mechanism through the said cardan-shaft, with lines running thence to a 2-way valve communicating with hydraulic cylinders on the front axle and, on the other hand, a line to a steering valve actutated by the said steering mechanism and cardan-shaft, with pressurized oil flowing ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3133724A1

Some embodiments may provide a suspension unit that may include a rail having a longitudinal axis, a sliding member slidably connected to the rail, and shock absorption and springing means adapted to damp motions and support forces along the longitudinal axis of the rail, wherein, the rail and the sliding member are shaped to have transverse cross-sectional profiles that prevent a rotational movement of the sliding member with respect to the rail about the longitudinal axis of the rail. In some embodiments, the suspension unit may be part of an in-wheel system further including at least a steering unit.

06-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002733730B1
Автор: JUNGO
Принадлежит: MATHIEU YNO

13-01-1989 дата публикации

Systeme d'orientation des roues arrieres participant en virage a la tenue de cap, d'un vehicule automobile

Номер: FR0002617787A

L'invention s'insere dans le contexte d'un vehicule automobile a plus de deux roues orientables. L'orientabilite des roues arrieres tend a neutraliser le devers en virage. L'orientation des moyeux arrieres du vehicule est liee a un boitier de direction. La commande de ce boitier est assujettie, par un bras de levier de direction verticale au repos, a une masse taree. Le deplacement de cette masse est lie a l'effet de l'acceleration centrifuge, ce deplacement est amorti et borne par des positions extremes et un point milieu. Le systeme est relativement compact et independant des autres parties du vehicule.

27-06-1975 дата публикации

Vehicle for use in towns - may be powered by electricity and may be entered from front allowing close parking

Номер: FR0002253370A5

25-01-1960 дата публикации

Differential for motor vehicle pulled by rollers

Номер: FR0001204349A

12-05-1928 дата публикации

Improvements with the steering mechanisms of the motor vehicles

Номер: FR0000637987A

19-07-1963 дата публикации

Direction of the motor vehicles

Номер: FR0001332579A

18-10-1988 дата публикации

Automatic guided vehicle

Номер: US0004778024A

An automatic guided vehicle having three wheels consisting a front wheel and a pair of rear wheels and being capable of travelling along a track formed on a floor by a white line or aluminum foil while detecting the track by means of an optical type track sensor. The front wheel of this vehicle can be turned relative to a main body of the vehicle in response to a steering operation and can be locked in the lateral direction. The position of the pair of rear wheels can be symmetrically changed from a paralleled state to an orthogonal state relative to the center line of the main body to be maintained in these states, thereby enabling the main body to turn or laterally travel with radii of gyration determined in accordance with turning angles of the rear wheels relative to the main body on the basis of the relative turning and driving operations of the front and rear wheels.

18-10-2022 дата публикации

Electric power steering device

Номер: US0011472480B2
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Provided is an electric power steering device including: a front-wheel steering mechanism, which is provided to front wheels of a vehicle, and includes a front-wheel steering motor as a drive source; and a rear-wheel steering mechanism, which is provided to rear wheels of the vehicle, and includes a rear-wheel steering motor as a drive source, wherein the rear-wheel steering motor is configured to be a double-inverter three-phase duplex motor, the double-inverter three-phase duplex motor including two three-phase windings and two inverters each configured to individually drive one of the two three-phase windings. Therefore, the electric power steering device is capable of, even when a failure has occurred in the steering motor of the rear-wheel steering mechanism, maintaining a function of the rear-wheel steering mechanism to secure behavior stability of the vehicle.

24-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: JP0060092979A

PURPOSE: To permit a rear wheel to be steered by installing an actuator for shifting a front lateral link which constitutes an independent suspension apparatus for rear wheel so that the inclined inner-edge installation bush is deformed in the direction of axis line. CONSTITUTION: When a car is turned rightward by the rightward steering of a steering wheel 33, a steering-angle detector 34 supplies the electric current corresponding to the steering amount into a solenoid 30a through an amplifer 35. Then, a spool 30c shifts rightward by a prescribed amount, and a valve 30 supplies a necessary oil pressure into a chamber 26a through an oil passage 27. Therefore, a hydraulic cylinder 26 as actuator is extended, and shifts a lateral link 16 in the direction of axis line of an elastic bush 20 under the deformation of elastic bushes 20 and 25, in other words, aslantly downward. Therefore, each suspension member 11, 14, 16, 17 is positioned as shown by the two-points chain line, and a rear wheel ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2570184C2

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам с переменной колеей. Транспортное средство содержит переднюю ось с парой передних колес, имеющую ширину колеи, регулируемую между широкой колеей и узкой колеей, приводную заднюю ось с задним колесом, устройство управления шириной колеи, приспособленное менять ширину колеи передних колес и менять колесную базу между передней осью и задней осью так, что для широкой колеи передних колес колесная база длиннее, чем для узкой колеи передних колес. Транспортное средство также содержит рулевое устройство, приспособленное управлять поворотом заднего колеса, когда передние колеса установлены на узкую колею, где передние колеса являются неповорачивающимися, когда установлены на узкую колею. Обеспечивается повышение маневренности и уменьшение требуемого парковочного пространства. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 23 ил.

28-09-2021 дата публикации

Система поворота задним мостом транспортного средства

Номер: RU206764U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, а именно к системам поворота задним мостом транспортных средств высокой грузоподъемности. Система поворота задним мостом транспортного средства содержит силовые гидроцилиндры (1) и (2), связанные с задним мостом, блок (3) управления поворотом оси и блок (4) контроля давления, связанные между собой рукавами высокого давления, при этом блок (4) контроля давления соединен с напорным фильтром (5) и насосом (6) гидросистемы, связанным рукавами низкого давления с гидробаком (7), оснащенным сливным фильтром (8). Также система включает в себя теплообменный аппарат (9), датчик (10) поворота передней оси, установленный непосредственно на передней оси (11), и датчик (12) поворота задней оси, установленный на задней оси (13), электронный контроллер (14) гидравлической системы поворота задней оси (13). Гидроцилиндры (1), (2) состоят из трех цилиндров и механического клапана. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности поворачиваемости ...

28-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU215053U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, в частности к рулевому управлению транспортных средств. Рулевой рычажный механизм содержит сошку (1), которая соединена с поворотным рычагом (2) первого моста (3) с помощью продольной тяги (4). Промежуточную тягу, состоящую из двух частей (14, 15), соединенных между собой маятниковым рычагом (16), подвижно установленным на раме, и соединяющую сошку (1) с поворотным рычагом (5) второго моста (6) с помощью продольной тяги (7). Поперечные тяги (8, 9), соединяющие поворотные кулаки (10, 11) мостов (3, 6) между собой. Гидроцилиндры (12, 13), расположенные на противоположной от продольных тяг (4, 7) стороне мостов (3, 6), одни концы которых шарнирно закреплены на раме, а другие концы шарнирно закреплены на поворотном рычаге (17 и 19) первого и второго мостов (3 и 6) соответственно. Технический результат заключается в повышении эксплуатационных качеств рулевого рычажного механизма. 1 ил.

12-04-2023 дата публикации

Рулевая система поворота транспортного средства

Номер: RU217686U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению и может быть использована в гидравлических системах рулевого управления транспортных средств, состоящих из двух полурам. Рулевая система поворота транспортного средства состоит из двух соединенных шарнирным устройством, полурам с управляемыми колесами, содержит рулевое колесо, рулевые трапеции передней и задней полурам, гидробак, гидронасос, гидроцилиндры изменения положения колес передней и задней полурам, гидроцилиндры поворота полурам, гидрораспределитель с электромеханическим приводом, преобразователь угла поворота вала рулевого колеса в цифровой код, цифровой компаратор величин. На входе в цифровой компаратор установлен переключатель сигнала с возможностью переключения сигнала между исполнительными механизмами передних и задних колес и полурам. Система дополнительно снабжена преобразователем угла поворота вала механизма управления полурамами в цифровой код, выполненным на основе кода Грея. Направление потока рабочей жидкости к гидроцилиндрам ...

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012125020A

... 1. Грузовое транспортное средство (1) с шарнирным рулевым управлением с передней частью (2), которая через рулевой шарнир (10) соединена с задней частью (3), при этом передняя часть (2) включает в себя первый приводной двигатель (12) и, по меньшей мере, одну переднюю пару (5, 5') приводимых во вращение колес, размещенных на переднем валу (16) колес, а задняя часть (3) включает в себя устройство (6) для размещения груза и, по меньшей мере, две пары (7, 7'; 8, 8') приводимых во вращение колес, включающих в себя первую пару (7, 7') колес, размещенную на первом валу (17) колес, и вторую пару (8, 8') колес, размещенную на втором валу (20) колес, отличающееся тем, чтовторая пара (8, 8') колес соединена с возможностью руления с задней частью (3), с точки зрения руления,вторая пара (8, 8') колес электрическим образом приводится во вращение электромотором через средство (19) электромотора,второй приводной двигатель (18) выполнен с возможностью подачи энергии средству (19) электромотора через электрогенератор ...

23-03-1987 дата публикации

Рулевое управление транспортного средства со всеми управляемыми колесами

Номер: SU1298124A1

Изобретение относится к транспортному машиностроению. Цель изобретения - улучшение управляемости транспортного средства за счет повышения точности установки задних колес в нейтральное положение . Рулевое управление содержит: гидравлический привод управления передними колесами, состоящий из рулевого механизма 1, гидронасоса 2, резервуара рабочей жидкости 3 и исполнительного гидроцилиндра 4, гидравлический привод управления задними колесами, состоящий из гидронасоса 5, резервуара рабочей жидкости 6, распределителя 7 и исполнительного гидроцилиндра 8. Рулевое управление имеет устройство 16 для автоматического возврата задних колес в среднее положение. Это устройство выполнено в виде пружины 17 двухстороннего действия, жестко связано с неподвижным элементом исполнительного гидроцилиндра 8 и кинематически - с золотником расределителя 9, корпус которого закреплен на подвижном элементе исполнительного гидроцилиндра 8. За счет жесткой связи корпуса устройства 16 с неподвижным элементом, а корпуса ...

07-09-1986 дата публикации

Механизм управления поворотом колес транспортного средства

Номер: SU1255498A1

Изобретение относится к механизму управления поворотом задних колес транспортного средства. Цель изобретения - повышение долговечности механизма путем замены линейных контактов звеньев на контакт их по поверхностям. Механизм содержит неподвижное звено, ведущее звено 4, связанное с передними управляемыми колесами, и ведомое звено 7, соединенное с задними управляемыми колесами. При повороте передних управляемых колес (УК) под действием оси 5 ведущее звено 4 в виде коромысла вращается в ползуне 6 вместе с упором 3 ромбической формы вокруг цилиндрического выступа 2 до касания в неподвижное звено 1. Пальцы 8 ведущего звена 4, соосные цилиндрическому выступу и связанные с ведомым звеном 7, не перемещаются . Задние УК зафиксированы в положении прямолинейного движения. При дальнейщем повороте передних УК ведущее звено 4 перемещается поступательно вместе с ведомым звеном 7 и ползуном 6. Задние УК поворачиваются. 5 ил. «3 ...

07-09-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE8806109U1

30-12-2009 дата публикации

Rear wheel steering system.

Номер: GB2461290A

A rear wheel steered vehicle comprises at least one pair of steered front wheels (120 see fig 3) and one pair of rear wheels (130 see fig 3) which are fixed to the vehicle in such a manner that they can be turned away from a straight ahead position by at least one actuator (330, 330' see fig 2). The vehicle includes a control system which is arranged to control the operation of the or each actuator (330, 330') and so in turn control the angular position of the rear wheels (130) relative to the straight ahead position. During normal operating conditions the rear wheels (130) are steered as a function of the steering of the front wheels of the vehicle such that the front and rear wheels work together to reduce the turning circle of the vehicle. Under certain vehicle operating conditions the control system is configured to cause the actuator (330, 330') to move the rear wheels (130) to the straight ahead position, or to maintain the rear wheels (130) in the straight ahead position if already ...

29-10-1980 дата публикации

Steering arrangement for a vehicle

Номер: GB0002045182A
Автор: Rathje, Uwe, Lappe, Manfrd

A steering gear with pitmans arm, steering tie rod and steering gear connecting rod for a vehicle with optionally hydraulically boosted, mechanical steering or purely hydraulic steering, and a hydraulic pump, driven by the drive engine, being connected via conduits and a flow regulating- and pressure limiting-valve to a directional control valve from which, on the one hand a line extends to a steering mechanism which is actuated from the steering gear via a cardan shaft and from which lines extend to a two-directional control valve which is connected with the hydraulic cylinders of the front axle and, on the other hand a line extends to a steering valve which is actuated by means of the steering gear and the cardan shaft, oil under pressure flowing either through a line to the directional valve connected with the cylinders for the front axle or through a line to the directional valve connected with the rear axle. The pressure oil is pumped by the pump over the first mentioned directional ...

10-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000381908B

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000312746T

15-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000436082A

01-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006194573A

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Axle unit

Номер: AU2016239887A1
Принадлежит: Ahearn Fox

Relates to an axle unit, in particular for use in utility vehicles with a hydraulic or compressed air system, comprising an axle tube (2) and an actuation unit (4), wherein the axle tube (2) has a receiving opening (22), wherein the actuation unit (4) has a cylinder (42), a piston rod (44) and a piston (46), wherein the piston (46) divides a chamber (41) of the actuation unit (4) into a first chamber region (41A) and a second chamber region (41B), wherein the piston rod (44) is in engagement with the piston and is designed in such a manner that it can be brought into engagement with a limb (6) of the axle unit in order to transmit a force to the limb (6), wherein the actuation unit (4) is arranged in the receiving opening (22) in the axle tube (2) and is secured against shifting transversely with respect to a tube axis (A) and at least in a direction parallel to the tube axis (A).

02-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004445885A

06-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000564285B2

03-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002125172C

A four wheel drive vehicle (10) which is suitable for use as a wheelchair or the like. The vehicle (10) has a steering arrangement which allows the vehicule to be steered merely by selectively driving the left and right wheels. The steering arrangement (18,19,22,23) requires at least one of the front and rear pairs of wheels (12,13) to be castor mounted so as to be freely pivotal around respective pivot pins (18), with the pair of pastor mounted wheels (12,13) being linked (22,23) so that they pivot generally in unison. Preferably, each of the castor mounted wheels (12, 13) rotate in a vertical plane which is laterally spaced from the pivot pins (18).

17-09-2019 дата публикации

For operating the rear wheel steering system of the vehicle and the rear wheel steering system

Номер: CN0105857390B

11-12-1905 дата публикации

Vehicle system mating direction

Номер: FR0000005102E

07-06-1920 дата публикации

Order simultaneous of the nose gear wheels and back of a vehicle

Номер: FR0000503298A

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Agricultural Transport Device

Номер: KR1020200104089A

08-10-1985 дата публикации

Independent rear suspension system for automotive vehicle

Номер: US0004545602A1
Автор: Shibahata; Yasuji
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

An independent rear suspension system according to the invention comprises two parallel lateral links having outboard ends mounted via respective elastic bushes on a wheel support carrying a road wheel and inboard ends mounted via respective elastic bushes on a vehicle body. The inboard end of the front lateral link is mounted about an inclined pivot axis. This pivot axis is so inclined from the vehicle longitudinal axis as to provide an arrangement whereby when a force is applied to a portion of the front lateral link near the inboard end thereof in a direction along the inclined pivot axis, the front lateral link moves transversely with respect to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle further than the rear lateral link does, causing a toe angle of the road wheel to vary.

29-08-1989 дата публикации

Four wheel steering system

Номер: US0004860845A

A closed hydraulic system (22 or 200) is provided for transmitting steering movement to a rear wheel steering assembly (16) in response to steering movment of a front wheel steering assembly (14). The front wheel steering assembly is controlled by a steering wheel (18) and a power steering assembly (20). The closed hydraulic system (22) includes a pump assembly (50) and an actuator assembly (52) connected together by conduits to define closed fluid flow branches (104,106) for moving a piston (90) in the actuator assembly in response to movement of a piston (72) in the pump assembly. In one embodiment (22) movement of the actuator piston is transmitted to the rear wheel steering assembly via a cam assembly which effects same direction rear wheel steering for rather small front wheel steering angles and which effects opposite direction rear wheel steering for greater front wheel steering angles. In another embodiment (200), the actuator piston (214) is connected directly to the rear wheel ...

29-03-1988 дата публикации

Two-wheeled steerable vehicle

Номер: US0004733742A

A two-wheeled, self-propelled and steerable vehicle especially designed for travel over varying terrain, including pavement, rough and rocky ground, under brush and areas dotted with water. The vehicle has a fore-and-aft body supported on front and rear wheels, both of which are steerable in unison in what may be termed articulated fashion as distinguished from so-called crab steering. Each of the wheels is steerable by a wheel mounting arrangement that eliminates the conventional fork and uses instead a split shaft and splined sleeve interconnection on which the wheel is journaled. Right and left links interconnect the sleeve respectively to proximate right and left fore-and-aft movable shaft carriers for controlling the position of the sleeve as the wheel is steered, thus increasing the range of steerability without increasing the width of the body within which the wheel is confined. Preferably, both wheels are powered by hydraulic motors.

25-08-2015 дата публикации

Actuating device employed in steering system for vehicle

Номер: US0009114823B2

An actuating device employed in a steering system comprises an input-side sun gear, which is provided on an input shaft of a steering shaft and is rotated integrally with the input shaft of the steering shaft, an output-side sun gear, which is provided on an output shaft of the steering shaft and is rotated integrally with the output shaft, an input-side planetary gear, which is engaged with the input-side sun gear, revolves around the input-side sun gear, and is provided on a planetary gear shaft, and an output-side planetary gear, which is engaged with the output-side sun gear, revolves around the output-side sun gear, and is provided on a planetary gear shaft, the output-side planetary gear being spaced apart from the input-side planetary gear.

01-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: JP0055127262A

PURPOSE: To enable forcible steering for right and left veering wheels and increase the steering angle by providing a rotary member which oscillates synchronously with its rotation, in the titled steering gear applied to a vehicle required to veer sharply, such as an electric wheeled chair. CONSTITUTION: Sprokets 7, 8 are fixed to king pins 5, 6 serving as veering shafts for left and right veering wheels 1, 2 respectively, and chains 11 and 12 are wound around the sprockets 7, 8 respectively. The chains are fitted with idle sprockets 9, 10 and an oscillating sprocket 13. The sprocket 13 rotates to steer front wheels, and its axis can oscillate in a direction X synchronously with the rotation. The oscillation of the sprocket 13 is a single harmonic motion with an amplitude of rβ and synchronous with the rotational angle α, and the front wheels can rotate in all directions while provided with an accurate steering angle with a point P as the center of turning. COPYRIGHT: (C)1980,JPO&Japio ...

02-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668771C2

Изобретение относится к рулевому управлению транспортного средства повышенной проходимости. Устройство содержит рулевое колесо с насосом-дозатором, которое гидравлически связано с первым насосом и гидробаком гидроусилителя, а также с исполнительным гидроцилиндром передней оси, исполнительные гидроцилиндры второй, третьей и четвертой осей, каждый из которых гидравлически связан с гидрораспределителем, первый выход которого гидравлически связан с фильтром, вторым насосом и гидробаком, а второй выход - посредством радиатора с гидробаком. На каждой оси транспортного средства установлен датчик положения, каждый из которых связан с управляющим контроллером, а управляющий контроллер исходя из выбранной программы руления и угла поворота передних колес управляет гидрораспределителем, который выставляет нужным образом колеса остальных трех осей. Технический результат - улучшение проходимости транспортного средства за счет непрерывного отслеживания реального положения осей с помощью датчиков. 2 з.п ...

31-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU217435U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, в частности к рулевым рычажным механизмам транспортных средств. Рулевой привод транспортного средства содержит рычаги (1, 2) поворотных кулаков, соединенные между собой тягой (3) рулевой трапеции, продольную тягу (4) и поперечную тягу (5), соединенные между собой маятниковым рычагом (6). Маятниковый рычаг (6) выполнен составным и содержит верхнюю, среднюю и нижнюю части (8, 9 и 10), соответственно. Средняя часть (9) предназначена для жесткого соединения с мостом (7). Рычаги (1, 2) поворотных кулаков соединены между собой при помощи тяги (3) рулевой трапеции. Тяга (3) рулевой трапеции и маятниковый рычаг (6) расположены с разных сторон моста (7). Технический результат заключается в повышении компоновочных возможностей рулевого привода транспортного средства. 2 ил.

03-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659707C1

Группа изобретений относится к рулевому рычагу в сборе, рулевому механизму и транспортному средству. Рулевой рычаг в сборе содержит корпус рулевого рычага, первую и вторую поворотные соединительные части, в котором первый и второй концы корпуса рулевого рычага жестко соединены с первым и вторым кулисными рычагами соответственно. Первая и вторая поворотные соединительные части соответственно соединены с первым и вторым концами корпуса рулевого рычага. Корпус рулевого рычага выполнен с возможностью поворота относительно первой и второй поворотных соединительных частей. Корпус рулевого рычага выполнен с возможностью расположения с возможностью съема на крепежном кронштейне посредством первой и второй поворотных соединительных частей, которые включают в себя первый и второй корпуса вала, которые взаимодействуют с первой и второй крепежными пластинами соответственно, для расположения с возможностью поворота корпуса рулевого рычага на крепежном кронштейне. Обеспечивается увеличение прочности ...

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008144188A

... 1. Поворотный рычаг для колеса транспортного средства, в частности автомобиля, с участком (1) крепления подшипника ступицы колеса, служащим для закрепления этого подшипника, и с участком (2) крепления направляющих звеньев подвески колеса, служащим для закрепления этих звеньев, причем участок (1) крепления подшипника ступицы колеса относительно участка (2) крепления направляющих звеньев подвески колеса установлен с возможностью упругого поворота с помощью, по меньшей мере, одного упругого пружинного средства (4), в частности, листовой рессоры, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одно первое пружинное средство (4) определяет поворотную ось (16) для поворота участка (1) крепления подшипника ступицы колеса относительно участка (2) крепления направляющих звеньев подвески колеса. ! 2. Поворотный рычаг по п.1, отличающийся тем, что участок (1) крепления подшипника ступицы колеса относительно участка (2) крепления направляющих звеньев подвески колеса установлен с возможностью упругого поворота ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015104782B4

Achseinheit , umfassend ein Achsrohr (2) und eine Betätigungseinheit (4),wobei das Achsrohr (2) eine Aufnahmeöffnung (22) aufweist,wobei die Betätigungseinheit (4) einen Zylinder (42), eine Kolbenstange (44) und einen Kolben (46) aufweist,wobei der Kolben (46) eine Kammer (41) der Betätigungseinheit (4) in einen ersten Kammerbereich (41A) und einen zweiten Kammerbereich (41B) teilt, wobei die Kolbenstange (44) mit dem Kolben (46) in Eingriff steht und derart ausgelegt ist, dass sie mit einem Schenkel (6) der Achseinheit in Eingriff bringbar ist, um eine Kraft auf den Schenkel (6) zu übertragen,wobei der Schenkel (6) schwenkbar am Achsrohr (2) festgelegt ist,wobei die Betätigungseinheit (4) in der Aufnahmeöffnung (22) des Achsrohrs (2) angeordnet und gegen Verlagerung quer zu einer Rohrachse (A) und zumindest in einer Richtung parallel zur Rohrachse (A) gesichert ist.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Lenkeinrichtung für ein Radfahrzeug mit Achsschenkellenkung

Номер: DE102008031204B4

Lenkeinrichtung für ein Radfahrzeug mit Achsschenkellenkung, wobei die Drehbewegungen eines Lenkrades (1) über eine Lenkwelle (2) und Lenkgetriebe (3, 4) auf die lenkbaren Fahrzeugachsen übertragbar sind, mit den Merkmalen: a) die Lenkwelle (2) des Lenkrades (1) ist mit der Antriebswelle eines Übersetzungsgetriebes (5) verbunden, deren Abtriebswelle mit der Antriebswelle eines zwei Abtriebswellen aufweisenden ersten Winkelgetriebes (7) verbunden ist; b) die erste Abtriebswelle des ersten Winkelgetriebes (7) ist mit dem ersten Ende (8) einer torsionsfesten flexiblen ersten Welle (9) verbunden, deren zweites Ende (10) zu der Vorderachse des entsprechenden Fahrzeuges geführt und dort über ein erstes Untersetzungsgetriebe (11) mit dem ersten Lenkgetriebe (3) zum Lenken der Vorderräder (12, 13) verbunden ist; c) die zweite Abtriebswelle des ersten Winkelgetriebes (7) ist mit dem ersten Ende (14) einer torsionsfesten flexiblen zweiten Welle (15) verbunden, deren zweites Ende (16) zu der Hinterachse ...

10-02-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002135228A1

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Independent hydraulic servo drive steering for between-the-duals direct drive equalizing beam suspension

Номер: US20120018983A1
Автор: Leo P. Oriet
Принадлежит: Navistar Canada ULC

A tandem axle (TA) has identical right and left halves, each having a walking beam ( 9 ) for suspending the respective half from a chassis frame. A front axle (FA) is at a front of the walking beam and a rear axle (RA) at the rear. Each axle has a carrier carrying a direct wheel drive mechanism having a direct drive motor ( 6 ) that drives inboard and outboard wheel hubs ( 3 ). A front steering motor ( 14 ) mounted on the walking beam has a shaft ( 14 S) coupled to the front axle carrier for steering the front axle, and a rear steering motor ( 13 ) steers the rear axle. Each carrier carries its direct wheel drive mechanism in a manner that allows the inboard wheel hub to swing upward along an arc while the outboard wheel hub swings downward along an arc, and the outboard wheel hub to swing upward along an arc while the inboard wheel hub swings downward along an arc.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Motorized three-wheeled vehicle rear steering mechanism

Номер: US20130098703A1
Автор: Ben DANIELS
Принадлежит: Sabertooth Motorcycles LLC

A system that steers the rear wheels of the three wheeled vehicle in coordination with the operator turning the front wheel that improves handling, performance and safety. The rear wheels are steered by a rear end mounted powered steering rack that is controlled by a steering control computer that receives input from a variety of sensors including a sensor for vehicle speed and a sensor in the steering neck that measures the angular rotation of the handlebars as they are turned by the operator. Based on these inputs, using proprietary programming the steering control computer calculates the rate, timing and direction to turn the rear wheels. Rear steering offers advantages over front wheel only steering including being easier for the operator to turn the vehicle, a smaller turning radius, better straight line stability, better high speed handling, improved corning performance, improved steering response and improved safety.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Rear wheel steering system for vehicles and vehicle comprising said system

Номер: US20130334785A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure relates to a rear wheel steering system for vehicles and vehicle comprising said system which allows rotating the rear wheels by means of a single actuator without increasing the suspended masses, comprising an independent suspension assembly for each rear wheel, wherein each independent suspension assembly comprises a suspension arm having a first end operatively connected to an axle of a wheel, each suspension arm having two second ends which are articulated to a fixed part of the vehicle, each suspension arm being able to rotate with respect to a rotation shaft where the two second ends of each suspension arm are articulated; the system comprising a synchronisation device comprising at least one synchronisation rod the ends of which are connected by means of sliding carriages to the rotation shafts, each sliding carriage being operatively connected to the axle of each wheel by means of a transmission rod.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001712A1
Автор: Broadbent Julian

A suspension and drive mechanism for a steerable wheel of a vehicle, comprising a wheel support assembly supporting the wheel having a rolling axis and a wheel width defined by inner and outer wheel edges. Front and rear upper control arms coupled between a chassis and the wheel support assembly, and front and rear lower control arms between the chassis and the wheel support assembly. The front and rear upper control arms being coupled to the wheel support assembly above the rolling axis and inboard of the wheel inner edge, and front and rear lower control arms being coupled to the wheel support assembly below the rolling axis and inboard of the wheel inner edge. The control arms are angled so as to establish a virtual steering pivot axis for the wheel support assembly, the virtual steering pivot axis extending transverse of the rolling axis and located within the width of the wheel. The virtual steering pivot axis location varies according to a steering angle of the wheel support assembly as controlled by the steering arm. An electric drive unit arranged within the wheel for driving thereof, and at least one of the virtual pivots that lie on said virtual steering pivot axis lies within the volume occupied by the electric drive unit during at least one point in the steering travel of said wheel. 1. A suspension and drive mechanism for a steerable wheel of a vehicle , comprising:a wheel support assembly adapted for supporting said wheel having a rolling axis and a wheel width defined by inner and outer wheel edges;front and rear upper control arms coupled between a chassis structure of said vehicle and said wheel support assembly;front and rear lower control arms in use coupled between said vehicle chassis structure and said wheel support assembly; anda steering arm coupled between a steering control assembly and said wheel support assembly;said front and rear upper control arms and said front and rear lower control arms being coupled to said chassis structure and to ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Self-propelled tandem axle trailer

Номер: US20210001938A1
Принадлежит: New Heights LLC

A trailer for towing by a power vehicle is provided and generally includes a frame and a tandem wheel assembly. The frame forms an undercarriage chassis which the tandem wheel assembly is positioned there under. The undercarriage chassis includes a steerable rear wheel assembly, a steerable front wheel assembly, and an extension assembly moving the front wheel assembly between trailing position and a self-propelled position where the rear wheel assembly and the front wheel assembly are positioned to equally support the undercarriage chassis.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Yard maintenance vehicle with cable steering assembly for tight turning

Номер: US20150008653A1
Автор: Duncan K. BURNS, Jr.
Принадлежит: HUSQVARNA AB

A riding yard maintenance vehicle may include a frame, a steering assembly, and a cable. Wheels of the riding yard maintenance vehicle may be attachable to the frame. The steering assembly may include a steering apparatus operably coupled to front wheels of the riding yard maintenance vehicle via a cable system. The cable system may include the cable, which may be wrapped around at least a portion of the steering shaft. The cable may terminate at respective ends thereof at corresponding portions of a turn magnification assembly that indirectly couples the cable to the front wheels. The turn magnification assembly may be configured to approximate Ackermann geometry steering of respective ones of the front wheels based on movement of the cable responsive to rotation of the steering shaft.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008939A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A suspension for a wheel of an axle of a motor vehicle, comprising a wheel support, which is mounted on the vehicle body via a plurality of links and which has a first supporting element and a second supporting element. A vehicle wheel is mounted rotatably on the first supporting element and the first supporting element is rotatable relative to the second supporting element for transmitting a steering torque by a steering actuator arranged on the wheel support. The first supporting element is attached to the vehicle body by an upper wishbone, and the second supporting element is attached to the vehicle body exclusively by a lower wishbone. 19-. (canceled)10. A suspension for a wheel of an axle of a motor vehicle , comprising:a wheel support, which is mounted on the vehicle body via several links, and which has a first supporting element and a second supporting element, wherein a vehicle wheel is mounted rotatably on the first supporting element, wherein the first supporting element is rotatable relative to the second supporting element for transmitting a steering torque by means of a steering actuator arranged on the wheel support,wherein the first supporting element is attached to the vehicle body by an upper wishbone, and the second supporting element is attached to the vehicle body exclusively by means of a lower wishbone.11. The suspension according to claim 10 , wherein the upper wishbone is a link rod.12. The suspension according to claim 10 , wherein the lower wishbone is a trapezoidal link.13. The suspension according to claim 10 , wherein the first supporting element is mounted in a guide bushing of the second supporting element.14. The suspension according to claim 10 , wherein claim 10 , the second supporting element is mounted in a guide bushing of the first supporting element.15. The suspension according to claim 10 , wherein the second supporting element has a recess for the steering actuator.16. The suspension according to claim 15 , wherein the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009475A1
Автор: Khoury Jean

An actuating unit for use in a steering stabilizing apparatus that includes a housing, a first transmission element and a second transmission element, wherein the first transmission element and the second transmission element protrude into the housing from the outside and are configured to be displaced along a restoring axis, wherein the first transmission element engages a first pressure element at the first end of the first transmission element and wherein the second transmission element engages a second pressure element at the first end of the second transmission element, and wherein the first pressure element and the second pressure element are disposed within a chamber of the housing and are subjected by a restoring arrangement to a restoring force acting along the restoring axis. 115.-. (canceled)16. An actuating unit for use in a steering stabilizing apparatus , comprising:a housing;a first transmission element; anda second transmission element;wherein the first transmission element and the second transmission element protrude into the housing from the outside and are configured to be displaced along a restoring axis;wherein the first transmission element engages a first pressure element at the first end of the first transmission element and wherein the second transmission element engages a second pressure element at the first end of the second transmission element; andwherein the first pressure element and the second pressure element are disposed entirely within the interior of the housing and are subjected by a restoring arrangement to a restoring force acting along the restoring axis.17. The actuating unit as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the restoring arrangement is under a preload in order to space the first pressure element apart from the second pressure element claim 16 , wherein at least one of the transmission elements and the pressure elements is supported on at least one of the housing and a stop that is disposed substantially positionally fixedly ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009925A1

A mobile self-leveling landing platform vehicle is disclosed that includes a landing surface and one or more wheel assemblies. Each wheel assembly includes a wheel, a control arm coupled with the wheel and the body of the landing platform vehicle, and an actuator coupled with the control arm and the body of the platform vehicle. Methods for self-leveling the landing platform vehicle are also disclosed. 1. A mobile landing platform vehicle comprising:a landing platform body;a landing platform surface;an inclinometer;a first actuating wheel assembly including a first wheel, a first control arm coupled with the first wheel, and a first linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the first control arm;a second actuating wheel assembly including a second wheel, a second control arm coupled with the second wheel, and a second linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the second control arm;a third actuating wheel assembly including a third wheel, a third control arm coupled with the third wheel, and a third linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the third control arm;a fourth actuating wheel assembly including a fourth wheel, a fourth control arm coupled with the fourth wheel, and a fourth linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the fourth control arm; anda controller communicatively coupled with the inclinometer, the first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, and the fourth actuator, the controller configured to determine and send at least one adjustment value to the first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, and the fourth actuator to maintain a level landing platform surface.2. The mobile landing platform vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one adjustment value is determined from data received from the inclinometer.3. The mobile landing platform vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the inclinometer comprises a dual axis inclinometer.4. The mobile ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Load-carrying vehicle part and a wheeled vehicle equipped with such vehicle part

Номер: US20220032700A1
Автор: Henry Pettersson
Принадлежит: Komatsu Forest AB

The invention relates to a load-carrying vehicle part with a first and a second wheel pair ( 10, 11 ), which are suspended in a respective bogie element ( 20 ) on each side of a frame member ( 14 ), a suspension ( 15 ) between each bogie element ( 20 ) and the frame member ( 14 ) on each side of the vehicle part to manipulate the frame member relative to the respective wheel pairs ( 10, 11 ), or support the frame member in a springing manner, each suspension ( 15 ) comprises a first and a second rocker arm ( 26 A, 26 B), wherein the first rocker arm is located in front of the second rocker arm viewed in the normal forward direction of driving of the vehicle part, that each rocker arm ( 26 A, 26 B) with its one end is pivotably in a joint ( 27, 27 ) in the frame member ( 14 ) and with its other end is pivotably in a joint ( 28, 28 ) in the bogie element ( 20 ) a first spring leg ( 25 A) and a second spring leg ( 25 B), wherein each spring leg with its one end ( 30 ) is articulately fastened to the frame member ( 14 ) and with its other end ( 31 ) is articulately fastened in a rocker arm ( 26 A, 26 B), a motion conversion arrangement ( 29 ) capable of converting a rotary motion in a joint ( 27, 28 ) for one of the rocker arms ( 26 A, 26 B) to a forward and backward translation motion.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Dump Truck

Номер: US20170015352A1

A dump truck includes a suspension and a steering mechanism. The suspension includes: a suspension arm in a form of an upper arm having an up-and-down movable proximal end supported on a vehicle body frame; and a tire support in a form of a casing rotatably attached to a distal end of the upper arm. The steering mechanism includes a steering cylinder having a proximal end attached to the upper arm and a distal end attached to a knuckle arm provided to the tire support. 1. A dump truck comprising:a vehicle body frame;a suspension;a steering mechanism;tires suspended from the vehicle body frame via the suspension and configured to be steered by the steering mechanism and travel the dump truck; anda body supported by the vehicle body frame and configured to be raised and lowered, a suspension arm comprising an up-and-down movable proximal end supported on the vehicle body frame; and', 'a tire support rotatably attached to a distal end of the suspension arm,, 'the suspension comprisingthe steering mechanism comprising: a steering cylinder comprising a proximal end attached to the suspension arm and a distal end attached to a knuckle arm provided to the tire support.2. The dump truck according to claim 1 , whereinthe suspension arm comprises an upper arm and a lower arm that are attached to the vehicle body frame such that the upper arm is arranged above the lower arm, andthe proximal end of the steering cylinder is attached to the upper arm.3. The dump truck according to claim 1 , whereinthe vehicle body frame comprises a support that supports the suspension arm such that the suspension arm is movable up and down,the suspension arm comprises a steering cylinder attachment arm extending over the support and further extending inward in a vehicle width direction, andthe proximal end of the steering cylinder is attached to the steering cylinder attachment arm.4. The dump truck according to claim 1 , whereinviewed in a travel direction, the steering cylinder has an axial ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Rear Wheel Steering System

Номер: US20190016380A1
Автор: Gullo Mario

A rear wheel steering system includes a vehicle that has a solid rear axle, a first drive shaft, a second drive shaft and a steering system. The solid rear axle includes a pair of rear wheels and the solid rear axle is pivotally coupled to the vehicle. A gear box is coupled to the vehicle and the gear box is operationally coupled to the steering system. The gear box is positioned at an intersection between the first drive shaft and the second drive shaft. Moreover, the gear box engages the second drive shaft such that the gear box urges the second drive shaft into the selected angle when the steering system is manipulated. In this way the solid rear axle facilitates the rear wheels to steer the vehicle in conjunction with front wheels of the vehicle. 1. A rear wheel steering system comprising:a vehicle having a solid rear axle, a first drive shaft, a second drive shaft and a steering system, said solid rear axle including a pair of rear wheels, said solid rear axle being pivotally coupled to said vehicle; anda gear box being coupled to said vehicle, said gear box being operationally coupled to said steering system, said gear box being positioned at an intersection between said first drive shaft and said second drive shaft, said gear box engaging said second drive shaft such that said gear box urges said second drive shaft into said selected angle when said steering system is manipulated thereby facilitating said rear wheels to steer said vehicle.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said second drive shaft has a first end and a second end claim 1 , said first end being pivotally coupled to said solid rear axle claim 1 , said second end being pivotally coupled to said first drive shaft such that said second drive shaft is positionable at a selected angle with respect to said first drive shaft.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein said solid rear axle is selectively positioned in a straight position having said second drive shaft being orientated ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016650A1

A heavy haul vehicle has a chassis capable of supporting a load to be transported by the vehicle. A first group of one or more first drive axles and a second group of one or more second drive axles are coupled to the chassis. The vehicle also has a first engine and a second engine. The first engine drives each axle in the first group of drive axles. The second engine drives each axle in the second group drive axles. 1. A heavy haul vehicle comprising:a chassis capable of supporting a load to be transported by the vehicle;at least two drive axles coupled to the chassis, the at least two drive axles comprising at least one frontward drive axle and at least one rearward drive axle;a first engine and a second engine, the first engine arranged to drive a first of the at least one frontward drive axles, and the second engine arranged to drive a first of the at least one rearward drive axles.2. The heavy haul vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the at least one frontward drive axle comprises a first frontward drive axle and a second frontward drive axle behind the first frontward drive axle claim 1 , and the first engine is arranged to drive the first and the second frontward drive axles.3. The heavy haul vehicle of claim 2 , further comprising a drivetrain arranged to impart torque in series from the first engine to the second frontward drive axle and then to the first frontward drive axle.4. The heavy haul vehicle of any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , wherein the at least one rearward drive axle comprises two or more rearward drive axles claim 2 , and the second engine is arranged to drive the two or more rearward drive axles.5. The heavy haul vehicle of any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , further comprising a steering system configured to steer one or more of the at least one of the frontward drive axles and at least one of rearward drive axles.6. The heavy haul vehicle of when dependent on or claim 2 , wherein the steering system is capable of steering both the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017142A1

Vehicle suspension systems are described herein. An example apparatus includes a cam pivotably coupled to a rear axle. The example apparatus also includes a first tie rod having a first end pivotably coupled to the cam and a second end pivotably coupled to a steering knuckle. The example apparatus also includes a second tie rod having a first end pivotably coupled to the cam outboard relative to the first end of the first tie rod and a second end coupled to a steering actuator. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a cam pivotably coupled to a rear axle;a first tie rod having a first end pivotably coupled to the cam and a second end pivotably coupled to a steering knuckle; anda second tie rod having a first end pivotably coupled to the cam outboard relative to the first end of the first tie rod and a second end coupled to a steering actuator.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cam is pivotably coupled to the rear axle via an idler joint.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cam is pivotably coupled to a rearward facing side of the rear axle.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cam is shaped to cause the tie rods to move different lateral distances when the cam pivots relative to the rear axle.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the different lateral distances increases Ackermann at wheels coupled to the rear axle.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first ends of the tie rods are vertically spaced relative to each other.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the cam is shaped to vertically space the first ends of the tie rods.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cam is plate shaped.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the cam has a first arm pivotably coupled to the rear axle claim 8 , a second arm pivotably coupled to the first end of the first tie rod claim 8 , and a third arm opposite the second arm claim 8 , the third arm pivotably coupled to the first end of the second tie rod.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a second cam ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle dynamics emulation

Номер: US20220041176A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Research Institute Inc

System, methods, and other embodiments described herein relate to emulating vehicle dynamics. In one embodiment, a method for emulating vehicle dynamics in a vehicle having a plurality of wheels and equipped with all-wheel steering, includes receiving emulation settings that indicate one or more environment parameters and/or vehicle parameters, detecting driver inputs including at least steering input and throttle input, executing a simulation model that receives the driver inputs and emulation settings, simulates the vehicle operating based on the driver inputs and the emulation settings, and outputs one or more simulated states of the vehicle based on the simulated operation of the vehicle, determining one or more actuation commands for each wheel of the vehicle to cause the vehicle to emulate the one or more simulated states, and executing the one or more actuation commands, wherein the actuation commands include at least wheel angle commands and torque commands.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Coupling structure of suspension

Номер: US20220041212A1
Автор: Ha Kyung Moon, Soon Huh
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A coupling structure of a suspension, may include a lower arm having one end portion engaged with a vehicle body, an assist knuckle in which a strut is located, a RevoKnuckle engaged with the assist knuckle, rotated independently from the assist knuckle, and configured to perform steering of a vehicle wheel, a steering input portion fixed to the vehicle body and configured to apply a steering force to the RevoKnuckle during steering, and a rotation transmission unit which is engaged with the RevoKnuckle and the steering input portion and has a length which is varied in a response to a wheel rebound of a vehicle.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031238A1
Автор: KIM Sang Mook

A control apparatus for a rear wheel steering system is provided to control the rear wheel steering system by calculating a target rear wheel steering angle using sensors included in a parking assist system. The control apparatus includes a first sensor and a second sensor spaced apart from each other and mounted on a rear portion of a vehicle, a determiner configured to determine whether a trailer is mounted at a rear side of the vehicle using the first sensor or the second sensor, and a controller configured to control the rear wheel steering system according to a target rear wheel steering angle calculated using the first and second sensors when it is determined that the trailer is mounted at the rear side of the vehicle. 1. A control apparatus for a rear wheel steering system , the control apparatus comprising:a first sensor and a second sensor spaced apart from each other and mounted on a rear portion of a vehicle;a determiner configured to determine whether a trailer is mounted at a rear side of the vehicle using the first sensor or the second sensor; anda controller configured to control the rear wheel steering system according to a target rear wheel steering angle calculated using the first and second sensors when it is determined that the trailer is mounted at the rear side of the vehicle.2. The control apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a calculator configured to calculate distances (a first distance and a second distance) from a position of each of the first sensor and the second sensor to a position of the trailer in a longitudinal direction of a vehicle frame and calculate the target rear wheel steering angle such that a difference between the first distance and the second distance is less than or equal to a threshold distance value.3. The control apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a calculator configured to calculate distances (a first distance and a second distance) from a position of each of the first sensor and the second sensor to a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039581A1

A vehicle includes a first steered axle and a second steered axle behind the first steered axle. The second steered axle is steerable independently from the first steered axle. The vehicle includes wheels on the second steered axle. An electric steering motor is connected to the at least one of the wheels. 1. A vehicle comprising:a first steered axle;a second steered axle behind the first steered axle and steerable independently from the first steered axle;wheels on the second steered axle; andan electric steering motor connected to the at least one of the wheels.2. The vehicle as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising a processor and a memory storing instructions executable by the processor to instruct the electric steering motor to steer the at least one of the wheels.3. The vehicle as set forth in claim 2 , further comprising a steering-wheel angle sensor configured to measure a rotational position of a steering wheel claim 2 , wherein the memory stores instructions executable by the processor to instruct the electric steering motor based at least on the rotational position of the steering wheel measured by steering-wheel angle sensor.4. The vehicle as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the memory stores instructions executable by the processor to instruct the electric steering motor based at least on a speed of the vehicle.5. The vehicle as set forth in claim 3 , further comprising a housing and a steering wheel rotatable relative to the housing claim 3 , the steering-wheel angle sensor being fixed to the housing and configured to detect the rotational position of the steering wheel relative to the housing.6. The vehicle as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the processor instructs the electric steering motor to steer the second steered axle at a different steering angle than a steering angle of the first steered axle.7. The vehicle as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising a hydraulic actuator connected to the first steered axle.8. The vehicle as set forth in ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043930A1
Автор: Li Wutian

A vehicle, a single-wheelset/double-wheelset trackless train and a tracking and steering control method therefor are provided in the invention. The method includes the following steps. During traveling of the vehicle, steering information of the vehicle is continually collected by the controller. Information about a guiding front wheel turning angle, a controlled rear wheel turning angle, a vehicle body position angle, an included angle between vehicle bodies, and a vehicle travel time and speed is collected; an interval for data collection is determined according to a distance between a guiding front wheel and a controlled rear wheel; and when the controlled rear wheel travels to a certain point near a front wheel travel track, the controlled rear wheel is controlled to travel in a travel direction same as that when the front wheel travels to the point. According to the rear wheel tracking and steering control method, the objective that a controlled rear wheel operates in a manner of highly approaching a guiding front wheel track can be achieved; and the higher a data collection frequency is, the higher a track fitting degree of the front wheel and the rear wheel is. 1. A vehicle , comprising a steering-controllable front wheel , a steering-controllable rear wheel and a controller , whereinduring traveling of the vehicle, steering information of the vehicle is continually collected by the controller, the steering information comprising: information about a vehicle body position angle, a front wheel turning angle, and a rear wheel turning angle;the vehicle body position angle is an angle representing a direction of a vehicle body; a difference between vehicle body position angles when the front wheel and the rear wheel of the vehicle respectively travel to a certain point on a travel track of the vehicle is the vehicle body turning angle; the front wheel turning angle is a wheel turning angle of a front wheel mechanism; the rear wheel turning angle is a wheel ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Offset Extendable Axle With Wheels On Common Centerline

Номер: US20220063331A1

An extendable axle with wheels on a common centerline preferably includes a base housing, a left axle device, a right axle device, a left extension cylinder and a right extension cylinder. The left axle device slides into a left side of the base housing and the right axle device slides into a right side of the base housing. The left axle device preferably includes a base tube, a steering knuckle, a drive motor and a steering cylinder. The steering knuckle is pivotally engaged with an end of the base tube. The drive motor is retained on the steering knuckle. The steering cylinder pivots the steering knuckle. The right axle device is the left axle device rotated 180 degrees. The left extension cylinder extends the left axle device. The right extension cylinder extends the right axle device. The left drive motor and the right drive motor are on the same centerline.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073136A1
Автор: MIN Kyongwon
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

Provided is a steering device of an independent drive wheel, the steering device including a base frame coupled to a vehicle body; a drive device coupled to the base frame and driven to rotate an output shaft; a steering knuckle connecting the base frame and the wheel through an upper arm and a lower arm spaced apart from each other in the up/down direction; and a connecting device having one end connected to the output shaft of the drive device and the other end, which extends in the longitudinal direction, connected to a steering knuckle below the upper arm to transmit the driving force of a drive device to rotate the steering knuckle in the same direction as the extending longitudinal direction. 1. A steering device of an independent drive wheel , comprising:a base frame coupled to a vehicle body;a drive device coupled to the base frame and configured to rotate the output shaft;a steering knuckle connecting the base frame and the wheel through an upper arm and a lower arm vertically spaced apart from each other; anda connecting device having a first end connected to the output shaft and a second end extending in a longitudinal direction of the connecting device, wherein the second end of the connecting device is connected to the steering knuckle and configured to transmit a driving force from the drive device to rotate the steering knuckle in the longitudinal direction of the connecting device.2. The steering device of claim 1 , wherein the connecting device is connected to the steering knuckle or the output shaft of the drive device and spaced apart from the steering knuckle in a direction traversing the longitudinal direction of the connecting device.3. The steering device of claim 1 , wherein the connecting device includes:a first coupling portion coupled to the output shaft of the drive device and extending in a direction traversing the longitudinal direction of the connecting device;an extending portion having a first end rotatably coupled to the first ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061283A1

Steering a vehicle in an electronic steering mode of operation that includes a front axle steering system, a rear axle steering system, one or more vehicle environment sensors, and a controller operatively coupled with the front axle steering system, the rear axle steering system, and the vehicle environment sensors. Commanding the vehicle to operate at a desired vehicle speed, detecting a lateral force acting on the vehicle in response to input from the vehicle environment sensors, and determining an actual lateral acceleration of the vehicle and a predicted lateral acceleration of the vehicle from the desired vehicle speed. Determining a lateral acceleration error by comparing the predicted lateral acceleration to the actual lateral acceleration, and determining if the lateral acceleration error exceeds a lateral acceleration limit, then turning both of the front axle steering system and the rear axle steering system to a crab steering correction angle. 1. A system comprising:a vehicle including a front axle steering system, a rear axle steering system, one or more vehicle environment sensors, and a controller operatively coupled with the front axle steering system, the rear axle steering system, and the one or more vehicle environment sensors, wherein the controller is configured to:operate the vehicle in an electronic steering mode of operation at a desired vehicle speed;detect presence of a lateral force on the vehicle in response to input from the one or more vehicle environment sensors;in response to detection of the lateral force on the vehicle and based on the desired vehicle speed, determine an actual lateral acceleration of the vehicle and a predicted lateral acceleration of the vehicle;determine a lateral acceleration error by comparing the predicted lateral acceleration to the actual lateral acceleration; anddetermine if the lateral acceleration error exceeds a lateral acceleration limit, then compensate for the lateral force acting on the vehicle by ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061343A1
Автор: GRANATA Francesco

A multiple-drive vehicle comprises a first driving position () for a first driver provided with first driving means (), a second driving position () for a second driver provided with second driving means (), a first pair of wheels () mechanically connected to the first driving means () and a second pair of wheels () mechanically connected to the second driving means (). The first driving means () and the second driving means () are independent of each other for moving the respective pairs of wheels () in an independent manner from each other; 246151617189101920. Vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that said first and second driving means ( claim 1 , ) comprise respective steering wheels ( claim 1 , ) each provided with a steering column ( claim 1 , ) connected to corresponding pairs of wheels ( claim 1 , ) by means of respective steering mechanisms ( claim 1 , ).335. Vehicle as claimed in claim 2 , characterized in that said guide positions ( claim 2 , ) are mutually side by side with respect to the forwarding direction of the vehicle.49101112. Vehicle as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that said first and said second pair of front wheels ( claim 3 , ) have respective front axles ( claim 3 , ) mutually parallel and staggered along the forwarding direction.546910. Vehicle as claimed in claim 4 , characterized in that said first and said second driving means ( claim 4 , ) comprise respective braking means adapted to operate on corresponding pairs of wheels ( claim 4 , ) in a manner independent of each other.64625. Vehicle as claimed in claim 5 , characterized in that said first and said second driving means ( claim 5 , ) comprise respective throttle and/or power regulation commands connected to a same engine () to vary the supplied power in a manner independent of each other.71413252625. Vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , characterized by comprising a rear axle () which two lateral rear wheels () connected to an engine () are rotatably mounted on and a ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061352A1

A steerable drive wheel assembly includes two independently motor-driven wheels. The wheels are supported in side-by-side orientation for independent rotation about a common horizontal rolling axis, and equally laterally offset from said vertical steering axis. The wheels and their respective drive motors are carried in a drive module that is mounted like a turret under an intermediate suspension module via a rotary bearing. The intermediate suspension module is mounted on linear bearing assemblies within an outer housing. Biasing members urge the intermediate suspension module together with its drive module downwardly to maintain traction with a floor. A compact configuration is achieved by overlapping the drive motors with the opposite wheels. Position control is achieved by a strategic sensor array. Electrical wire management is achieved by a serpentine energy chain located in the plane of the rotary bearing. 1. A steerable drive wheel assembly comprising:an outer housing defining a sheltered interior space, said outer housing including a top having opposing left and right edges, a right stabilizer arm extending downwardly from said right edge of said top, a left stabilizer arm extending downwardly from said left edge of said top,an intermediate suspension module disposed at least partially within said sheltered interior space of said outer housing,a drive module disposed below said intermediate suspension module, said drive module including a first drive subassembly having a first wheel and a second drive subassembly having a second wheel, said first and second wheels supported in side-by-side orientation for independent rotation about a common horizontal axis, said first drive subassembly including a first drive motor operatively connected to said first wheel through a first transmission, said second drive subassembly including a second drive motor operatively connected to said second wheel through a second transmission,a rotary bearing operatively disposed ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Lock device

Номер: US20150069730A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A lock device includes a receiver having an outer peripheral surface that is attached to a side surface of a gear (rotating body) and rotates together with the gear (rotating body) and a solenoid pin whose tip is able to be in pressure contact with the outer peripheral surface of the receiver upon reception of the solenoid pin on the outer peripheral surface. The outer peripheral surface of the receiver includes a groove (recess) wider than the tip of the solenoid pin and projections projecting from the groove (recess). The solenoid pin has a tapered face at the tip. The height of the tapered face is at least at a level at which the tapered face is in contact with a corner of the projection with the tip being in contact with the groove (recess).

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Wheel suspension

Номер: US20200062064A1
Автор: Max Riedel

A wheel suspension includes an axle limb which supports a wheel. The axle limb includes a first steering axle which provides a first steering angle in a specified range for the wheel, and components for connecting the axle limb to a support structure. At least one of the components includes a second steering axle which is selectively releasable in order to provide a steering angle which is different than the first steering axle. The components for connecting the axle limb to the support structure form a McPherson suspension.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Leveling system for lift device

Номер: US20210070595A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Corp

A lift device includes a base, an arm, a tractive element, and a steering actuator. The arm has a base end coupled to the base and a tractive element end. The arm includes a steering actuator interface positioned along an exterior surface of the arm. The tractive element is coupled to the tractive element end. The steering actuator has a first end coupled to the steering actuator interface and an opposing second end coupled to the tractive element. The arm includes a plate extending from the exterior surface of the arm at an upward angle and past the steering actuator.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Power assisting steering system and a method of operating a power assisting steering system

Номер: US20220089213A1
Принадлежит: Volvo Truck Corp

The invention relates to a power assisting steering system for a vehicle having at least a first and a second steered wheel, the system comprising a control unit configured to receive input on a desired change of steering angle, a first and a second power generating device configured to provide power assisted steering for turning the first and the steered wheel, respectively. The control unit, in response to the received input, is configured to alternatingly activate and deactivate the first and second power generating device, respectively, so as to repeatedly and alternatingly provide power assistance to the first and the second steered wheel as the first and second steered wheels are turned to achieve the desired change of steering angle. The invention also relates to a method of operating a power assisting steering system.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Automatic Steering With Selective Engagement Of Four-Wheel Steering

Номер: US20190071115A1

Automatic steering and four-wheel steering are configured on an agricultural machine so that when automatic steering is enabled, a control system selectively activates and deactivates four-wheel steering depending on sensed turning or non-turning states of the machine. When automatic steering is enabled, the machine can automatically steer, such as according to a prescription map. In straightaway paths, corresponding to non-turning states, the control system can activate two-wheel steering. However, in the headlands of fields, corresponding to turning states, the control system can activate four-wheel steering. Such turning states can be determined based on the machines location on the map. Alternatively, such turning states can be determined based on sensed turning of the wheels. When an operator takes control of steering, such as by turning the steering wheel, automatic steering can disable, and the control system can activate four-wheel steering, to provide an optimum state for turning in the headlands of fields.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070878A1

A vehicle steering control system, a vehicle and a control method. The vehicle steering control system includes a steering wheel, a steering control component, a first rotation detecting component for detecting the rotation data of the steering wheel, and at least two wheel steering mechanisms; each wheel steering mechanism includes a wheel axle, a steering knuckle and at least one steering driving component; the wheel axle is fixedly connected with the steering knuckle, and the wheel axle rotates horizontally with the horizontal rotation of the steering knuckle; the steering knuckle is connected with the steering driving component, and the steering knuckle rotates horizontally under the drive of the steering driving component. 1. A vehicle steering control system , wherein the system comprises a steering wheel , a steering control component , a first rotation detecting component for detecting rotation data of the steering wheel , and at least two wheel steering mechanisms; each wheel steering mechanism comprises a wheel axle , a steering knuckle and at least one steering driving component; the wheel axle is fixedly connected with the steering knuckle , and the wheel axle rotates horizontally with a horizontal rotation of the steering knuckle; the steering knuckle is connected with the steering driving component , and the steering knuckle rotates horizontally under a drive of the steering driving component;the steering control component is connected with the first rotation detecting component and the steering driving component, and the steering control component controls the rotation of the steering knuckle driven by the steering driving component according to the rotation data of the steering wheel obtained by the first rotation detecting component;the system further comprises a second rotation detecting component for detecting the rotation data of the steering knuckle, wherein the second rotation detecting component is connected with the steering control component ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083516A1

A steering method for an industrial truck includes manually steering at least one steerable wheel, detecting an angular position of the at least one steerable wheel, and motor-steering at least one additional steerable wheel as a function of the detected angular position. For a 90° change of a travel direction of the industrial truck, the method comprises steering the at least one steerable wheel and the at least one additional wheel by 90°, manually steering the at least one additional wheel, and motor-steering the at least one steerable wheel. 1. A steering method for an industrial truck , the steering method comprising:manually steering at least one steerable wheel;detecting an angular position of the at least one steerable wheel; andmotor-steering at least one additional steerable wheel as a function of the detected angular position,wherein, for a 90° change of a travel direction of the industrial truck, the method comprises:steering the at least one steerable wheel and the at least one additional wheel by 90°;manually steering the at least one additional wheel; andmotor-steering the at least one steerable wheel.2. The steering method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the manually steering at least one steerable wheel is performed with a steering transducer claim 1 , and the at least one steerable wheel is hydraulically connected or mechanically connected with the steering transducer.3. The steering method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the steering transducer is a steering wheel.4. The steering method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:providing the detected angular position to a steering control device;providing a preselectable steering program; andsteering the at least one additional steerable wheel with the steering control device as a function of the preselectable steering program.5. A steering system for an industrial truck claim 1 , the steering system comprising:a steering unit;at least one manually steerable first wheel;a first steering motor ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Independently Actuated Wheel Sets for Large Autonomous Self-Driving Vehicles

Номер: US20210080961A1

The technology relates to fine maneuver control of large autonomous vehicles that employ multiple sets of independently actuated wheels. The control is able to optimize the turning radius, effectively negotiate curves, turns, and clear static objects of varying heights. Each wheel or wheel set is configured to adjust individually via control of an on-board computer system. Received sensor data and a physical model of the vehicle can be used for route planning and selecting maneuver operations in accordance with the additional degrees of freedom provided by the independently actuated wheels. This can include making turns, moving into or out of parking spaces, driving along narrow or congested roads, construction zones, loading docks, etc. A given maneuver may include maintaining a minimum threshold distance from a neighboring vehicle or other object. 1. A vehicle configured to operate in an autonomous driving mode , comprising:a driving system including a steering subsystem, an acceleration subsystem and a deceleration subsystem to control driving of the vehicle in the autonomous driving mode;a plurality of wheels arranged in two or more wheel sets, each wheel set being configured for independent actuation by the driving system relative to the other wheel sets;a perception system including one or more sensors configured to detect objects in an environment surrounding the vehicle based on obtained sensor data, each of the one or more sensors being positioned along the vehicle; and receive sensor data from the perception system;', 'create a control plan based on the received sensor data;', 'identify selected ones of the plurality of wheels in the two or more wheel sets to adjust based on the control plan; and', 'actuate the identified wheels independently of one another according to the control plan when operating in the autonomous driving mode., 'a control system operatively connected to the driving system and the perception system, the control system having one or ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079450A1
Автор: Christ Armin

The invention concerns an axle unit, in particular for use in utility vehicles with a hydraulic or compressed air system, comprising an axle tube and an actuation unit, wherein the axle tube has a receiving opening, wherein the actuation unit has a cylinder, a piston rod and a piston, wherein the piston divides a chamber of the actuation unit into a first chamber region and a second chamber region, wherein the piston rod is in engagement with the piston and is designed such that it can be brought into engagement with a leg of the axle unit in order to transmit a force to the leg, wherein the actuation unit is arranged in the receiving opening of the axle tube and is secured against moving transversely relative to a tube axis and at least in one direction parallel to the tube axis. 115.-. (canceled)16. An axle unit for use in utility vehicles with at least one of a hydraulic and a compressed air system , comprising:an axle tube; andan actuation unit;wherein the axle tube has a receiving opening;wherein the actuation unit has a cylinder, a piston rod and a piston;wherein the piston divides a chamber of the actuation unit into a first chamber region and a second chamber region;wherein the piston rod is in engagement with the piston and is configured such that the piston rod can be brought into engagement with a leg of the axle unit to transmit a force to the leg; andwherein the actuation unit is arranged in the receiving opening of the axle tube and is secured against moving transversely relative to a tube axis and at least in one direction along the tube axis.17. The axle unit as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the actuation unit has a connecting portion for connection of a fluid line claim 16 , and wherein a pressurized fluid is introduced into one of the chamber regions during operation of the actuation unit.18. The axle unit as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the leg is mounted on the axle tube so as to be pivotable about a pivot axis claim 16 , wherein the pivot axis ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Wheel Suspension for an at Least Slightly Actively Steerable Rear Wheel of a Two-Track Vehicle, Axle Comprising a Wheel Suspension, and Vehicle Comprising a Wheel Suspension

Номер: US20200079167A1
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

A wheel suspension for an at least slightly actively steerable has a wheel carrier for receiving a wheel, a toe link, and at least one further link for connecting the wheel carrier to the vehicle body, and an actuator arrangement having at least one actuator for actively steering the wheel in a first active steering direction and in a second active steering direction. The wheel carrier is formed in at least two parts and has a first wheel carrier part and a second wheel carrier part. The first wheel carrier part is designed to receive the wheel and the second wheel carrier part can be attached via at least one of the further links to the vehicle body, in a non-actively steerable manner. The first wheel carrier part and the second wheel carrier part in a functional state of use of the wheel suspension in a vehicle are movable relative to one another by the actuator arrangement, such that an active, at least slight steering movement of the wheel can be effected.

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Agricultural vehicle with tread width adjustment

Номер: US20160096547A1
Автор: Matthew W. Dames
Принадлежит: Hagie Manufacturing Co

A system and method for adjusting the tread width of a vehicle. The vehicle has a swing arm on each wheel, each activated by its own hydraulic cylinder. The vehicle's tread can be adjusted by pivoting the swing arms. The swing arms are each provided with two actuators, one to maintain the proper toe angle of the wheels as the swing arms move, and one to steer the vehicle.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094807A1
Автор: Fox Robert Lee

Disclosed herein is a zero-turn radius vehicle for facilitating transporting of objects, in accordance with some embodiments. Accordingly, the zero-turn radius vehicle may include a frame. Further, the zero-turn radius vehicle may include a plurality of wheels rotatably coupled with the frame. Further, the zero-turn radius vehicle may include a propelling mechanism disposed of in the frame. Further, the propelling mechanism may be operationally coupled with the pair of opposing wheels. Further, the zero-turn radius vehicle may include an attachment member coupled to the frame. Further, the attachment member may be configured for moving between a plurality of positions. Further, the zero-turn radius vehicle may include a control member disposed of in the frame. Further, the control member may be operationally coupled with at least one of the propelling mechanism and the attachment member. 1. A zero-turn radius vehicle for facilitating transporting of objects , the zero-turn radius vehicle comprising:a frame;a plurality of wheels rotatably coupled with the frame, wherein the plurality of wheels comprises a pair of opposing wheels;a propelling mechanism disposed of in the frame, wherein the propelling mechanism is operationally coupled with the pair of opposing wheels, wherein the propelling mechanism is configured for rotating each wheel of the pair of opposing wheels independently, wherein the rotating of x wheel independently maneuvers the zero-turn radius vehicle;an attachment member coupled to the frame, wherein the attachment member is configured for moving between a plurality of positions, wherein the attachment member is configured for at least one of clamping and picking at least one object based on the moving between the plurality of positions; anda control member disposed of in the frame, wherein the control member is operationally coupled with at least one of the propelling mechanism and the attachment member, wherein the control member is configured for ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144058A1
Автор: BEN-ARI Jacob

A scalable tractive power system for vehicles (car, truck, bus, semi-trailer), integrated with all-wheel steering system which leverage synergies between plurality of differently designed electric traction-motors and all-wheel electric steering-motors is configured with plurality of sensors to virtually eliminate wheel-dragging and EPS, as part of virtually 100% dynamic efficiency. A fully automated electronic clutch-system attached to selected electric traction motors is configured to carry out above 90% traction efficiency by coupling to wheels selected electric traction-motors in their high efficiency range of operation, and de-coupling and replacing electric traction-motors with another electric traction-motors while the vehicle is changing speed or when the vehicle requires higher or lower tractive-power, from forward-motion start to top-rated speed of the vehicle. A holistic controller is configured with multi-objective optimization design (MOOD) procedures computing complex variable values and parameters, finding the required trade-off among design objectives, and improving the pertinence of solutions, while complying with NHTSA's ‘fail operational systems’ for steer-by-wire. 1. An electric scalable tractive power system for a vehicle , comprising:a plurality of electric traction-motors, configured in groups of electric traction-motors,', 'coupled to wheels of the vehicle, and', 'designed with different power ratings and different high-efficiency ranges of operation;, 'wherein the plurality of electric traction-motors isfurther wherein each group of the groups is designed to overlap each other's high efficiency range of operation while the vehicle is changing speeds in order to create a continuous high efficiency range of tractive-power from a forward-motion start of the vehicle to a top-rated speed of the vehicle, an electronic controlled clutch configured to couple and de-couple each of the plurality of the electric traction-motors, within the each group of ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094498A1
Автор: Lobo Casanova Ignacio

A fiber-reinforced plastic chassis may include a steering element, where the steering element comprises at least one reinforcement structure formed with continuous fibers, where the steering element comprises at least one stiffening structure formed with short and/or long fibers, where the at least one reinforcement structure is formed integrally with the at least one stiffening structure via a thermosetting matrix material, and where the steering element comprises a plurality of bearing receivers integrated in at least one of the at least one reinforcement structure and the at least one stiffening structure for receiving bearing elements. 1. A fiber-reinforced plastic chassis component comprising a steering element ,wherein the steering element comprises at least one reinforcement structure formed with continuous fibers,wherein the steering element comprises at least one stiffening structure formed with short and/or long fibers,wherein the at least one reinforcement structure is formed integrally with the at least one stiffening structure via a thermosetting matrix material, andwherein the steering element comprises numerous a plurality of bearing receivers integrated in at least one of the at least one reinforcement structure and the at least one stiffening structure for receiving bearing elements.2. The chassis component according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement structure has a plurality of continuous fiber layers claim 1 , wherein each continuous fiber layer of the plurality of continuous fiber layers includes a different fiber orientation.3. The chassis component according to claim 1 , wherein the stiffening structure is a ribbed structure.4. The chassis component according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement structure includes a half-shell formed by a plurality of continuous fiber layers claim 1 , and wherein the stiffening structure is a ribbed structure formed in the half-shell.5. The chassis component according to claim 1 , wherein the chassis ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Hydraulic unit, method for operating a hydraulic unit, and steering system

Номер: US20190100240A1
Принадлежит: Weber Hydraulik GmbH Germany

A hydraulic unit for supplying pressure to a hydraulic steering system is provided having at least two hydraulic cylinders and at least one hydraulic pump ( 9, 10, 32, 33 ). It is essential that the hydraulic cylinders are of interacting configuration, by an annular space ( 6 a, 6 a, 28 a, 28 b ) of the first hydraulic cylinder being connected via at least one hydraulic line to an annular space ( 6 a, 6 a, 28 a, 28 b ) of the second hydraulic cylinder, and a piston space ( 5 a, 5 b, 29 a, 29 b ) of the first hydraulic cylinder being connected via at least one hydraulic line to a piston space ( 5 a, 5 b, 29 a, 29 b ) of the second hydraulic cylinder, and a hydraulic pump ( 9, 10, 32, 33 ) being arranged at least in a hydraulic line ( 7, 8, 30, 31 ) between the two annular spaces ( 6 a, 6 a, 28 a, 28 b ) or in a hydraulic line ( 7, 8, 30, 31 ) between the two piston spaces ( 5 a, 5 b, 29 a, 29 b ). Furthermore, the invention relates to methods for operating a hydraulic unit for supplying pressure to a hydraulic steering system, and to a steering system.

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200102004A1

A four wheel steering vehicle (), in which front wheels () and rear wheels () can be steered in response to a steering input from a steering wheel (), includes a rear wheel steering control unit () that variably controls a rear wheel steering device such that the rear wheels are steered in a prescribed relation to a steered angle of the front wheels. When the steering input is determined while the front wheel brake and the rear wheel brake are engaged, the rear wheel steering control unit disengages the rear wheel brake and steers the rear wheels. When the fore and aft inclination angle detected by an inclination sensor () provided on the vehicle is greater than a threshold value, the rear wheel steering control unit prohibits a steering of the rear wheels and keeps the rear wheel brake engaged even if the steering input is determined. 1. A four wheel steering vehicle in which front wheels and rear wheels can be steered in response to a steering input from a steering member , comprising:an input determination unit that determines a steering input to the steering member;a front wheel brake that selectively applies a braking force to the front wheels;a rear wheel brake that selectively applies a braking force to the rear wheels;a front wheel steering device that steers the front wheels according to the steering input;a rear wheel steering device that steers the rear wheels; anda rear wheel steering control unit that variably controls the rear wheel steering device such that the rear wheels are steered in a prescribed relation to a steered angle of the front wheels;wherein when the steering input is determined while the front wheel brake and the rear wheel brake are engaged, the rear wheel steering control unit disengages the rear wheel brake and steers the rear wheels.2. The four wheel steering vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising an inclination sensor that detects a fore and aft inclination angle of a road surface claim 1 , wherein when the fore and aft ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Method and device for operating a steering mechanism of a motor vehicle, and control unit and steering mechanism

Номер: US20220177029A1

A method for operating a steering mechanism ( 12 ) of a motor vehicle, wherein a steering rod ( 27 ) can be held or displaced along its longitudinal axis (a) by an electric motor ( 22 ) so that the wheel steering angle ( 8, 9 ) of at least one wheel ( 5, 6 ) on at least one vehicle axle ( 1 ) can be maintained or changed. When a force (F ext ) acts essentially axially on the steering rod ( 27 ), displacement of the steering rod ( 27 ) is at least inhibited by a detent torque (RM) of the electric motor ( 22 ) and/or by a self-induced torque (M sip ) of the electric motor. The invention also relates to a device for carrying out the method and to a steering mechanism, which is preferably in the form of a steer-by-wire steering system. A control unit is provided for carrying out the method.

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Travel control device for vehicle

Номер: US20220177030A1
Автор: Yosuke Hashimoto
Принадлежит: Advics Co Ltd

A travel control device includes a turning control unit configured to execute turning support control causing a turning state quantity to follow a target turning state quantity by causing at least one of a front wheel steered angle adjustment device, a rear wheel steered angle adjustment device, and a braking device to be driven, and a steering instruction unit configured to, when steering is not being performed during the execution of turning support control, derive a holding torque and instruct a steering device to apply the holding torque to a steering wheel. The turning control unit causes the rear wheel steered angle adjustment device and/or the braking device to be driven but causes the front wheel steered angle adjustment device not to be driven when steering is not being performed. The turning control unit causes the front wheel steered angle adjustment device to be driven when steering is being performed.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150120145A1

The present disclosure relates to fault management apparatus and method for an independently controlled steering system in a four wheel drive system. The apparatus includes: a steering system unit that is disposed at four wheels of a vehicle, controls steering of the wheels, and collects and transmits the state information of the wheels; and a control unit that controls the steering system unit in accordance with the state information transmitted from the steering system unit. According to the present disclosure, when there is a fault in one or more wheels of a four wheel drive vehicle, it is possible to stabilize the vehicle body by actively adjusting the steering angles of the wheels that normally work and the speed of the vehicle in accordance with the fault environment. 1. A fault management apparatus for an independently controlled steering system in a four wheel drive system , the apparatus comprising:a steering system unit disposed at four wheels of a vehicle, controls steering of the wheels, and collects and transmits the state information of the wheels; anda control unit controls the steering system unit in accordance with the state information transmitted from the steering system unit,wherein the control unit includes:a turning center coordinate calculating unit calculates turning center coordinates such that the tangential lines of all of the wheels without a fault converge on one point and the turning radii when a fault is generated are maintained when fault information is included in the state information transmitted from the steering system unit by the turning center coordinate calculating unit calculating new turning center coordinates by calculating the intersection of the tangential line of the wheel with a fault and a circle having the turning radius when a fault is generated as its radius;a speed calculating unit calculates a speed for keeping the turning radius when a fault is generated on the basis of the turning center coordinates calculated by ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Steering-by-wire actuator with locking mechanism

Номер: US20190118854A1
Автор: Mark Brown, Shaun Tate
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A steering actuator comprising a shaft having an input coaxial with an output, wherein the output is in drivable communication with one or more wheels of a vehicle, and a locking mechanism configured to enable the shaft to rotate in both a first direction and a second direction in response to torque provided at the input, and prevent the shaft from rotating in both the first direction and the second direction in response to torque provided at the output.

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Steering system and independent suspension wheel-type heavy vehicle

Номер: US20170137058A1
Принадлежит: Xuzhou Heavy Machinery Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a steering system and an independent suspension wheel-type heavy vehicle. The steering system comprises a steering mechanism for providing a steering force to wheels and a steering hydraulic assisting system for providing a steering assisting force overcoming a steering resistance moment from the ground to the wheels. According to the invention, by providing the steering mechanism for providing a steering force to wheels and by providing the steering hydraulic assisting system for providing a steering assisting force overcoming a steering resistance moment from the ground to the wheels, the steering resistance moment from the ground can be effectively overcome, and the vehicle is offered the steering capability for various places, as compared with a steering system only depending on the torque output by a steering gear or only depending on the torque output by the steering gear and a steering assisting follower.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137150A1

A mobile self-leveling landing platform vehicle is disclosed that includes a landing surface and one or more wheel assemblies. Each wheel assembly includes a wheel, a control arm coupled with the wheel and the body of the landing platform vehicle, and an actuator coupled with the control arm and the body of the platform vehicle. Methods for self-leveling the landing platform vehicle are also disclosed. 1. A mobile landing platform vehicle comprising:a landing platform body;a landing platform surface;an inclinometer;a first actuating wheel assembly including a first wheel, a first control arm coupled with the first wheel, and a first linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the first control arm;a second actuating wheel assembly including a second wheel, a second control arm coupled with the second wheel, and a second linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the second control arm;a third actuating wheel assembly including a third wheel, a third control arm coupled with the third wheel, and a third linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the third control arm;a fourth actuating wheel assembly including a fourth wheel, a fourth control arm coupled with the fourth wheel, and a fourth linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the fourth control arm; anda controller communicatively coupled with the inclinometer, the first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, and the fourth actuator, the controller configured to determine and send at least one adjustment value to the first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, and the fourth actuator to maintain a level landing platform surface.2. The mobile landing platform vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one adjustment value is determined from data received from the inclinometer.3. The mobile landing platform vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the inclinometer comprises a dual axis inclinometer.4. The mobile ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180141586A1
Автор: Christ Armin

Relates to a cylinder unit includes a rod and a housing, wherein the rod is guided on the housing so as to be displaceable along an adjustment axis, wherein a piston is fixed to the rod, which piston divides the interior space of the housing into a first chamber and a second chamber, wherein the housing has a safety outlet, and wherein the safety outlet is arranged such that the piston closes off the safety outlet in fluid-tight fashion when the rod is in a zero position. 115.-. (canceled)16. A cylinder unit , comprising:a rod;a housing, wherein the rod is guided on the housing so as to be displaceable along an adjustment axis; anda piston is fixed to the rod, the piston dividing the interior space of the housing into a first chamber and a second chamber;wherein the housing as a safety outlet that is arranged and configured such that the piston closes off the safety outlet in a fluid-tight manner when the rod is in a zero position;wherein a first safety port and a first working port are arranged on at least one of the housing and the first port and are open into the first chamber;wherein a second safety port and a second working port are arranged on at least one of the housing and the second port and are open into the second chamber; andwherein two actuating elements block at least one of the safety ports and the working ports.17. The cylinder unit as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the safety outlet includes an aperture in an inner wall of the housing claim 16 , and wherein the piston has an extent parallel to the adjustment axis which is at least as great as the extent of the safety outlet parallel to the adjustment axis.18. The cylinder unit as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the housing has two ports claim 17 , wherein the first port opens into the first chamber and the second port opens into the second chamber claim 17 , and wherein the safety outlet is arranged at least one of above and opposite the ports.19. The cylinder unit as claimed in claim 18 , wherein at ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210176911A1

The present invention relates to a control system for use in an agricultural harvester, the system comprising a control panel () configured to send at least one mode signal () to a control means () via an user's () command (), the control means () being configured to receive the mode signal () and generate a set of instructions (), the set of instructions () being a function of the received mode signal (), the control means () being configured to control at least one piece of equipment from a set of equipment () of the agricultural harvester depending on the generated set of instructions (), providing greater reliability, precision and efficiency in its operation and elimination of operational errors caused by the user. 1101120100502011303011204030. A control system for use in an agricultural harvester , the control system comprising a control panel () configured to send at least one mode signal () to a control means () via an user's () command () , the control means () being configured to receive the mode signal () and generate a set of instructions () , the set of instructions () being a function of the received mode signal () , the control means () being configured to control at least one piece of equipment from a set of equipment () of the agricultural harvester depending on the generated set of instructions ().2. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein:{'b': '11', 'the mode signal () is at least one transportation mode signal, and'}{'b': '30', 'claim-text': [{'b': '41', 'changing the engine () rotation of an agricultural harvester to a transportation rotation;'}, {'b': 11', '11, 'preventing the reception, by the control panel (), of at least one mode signal ();'}, {'b': '40', 'interrupting operation of at least one piece of equipment from the set of equipment (); or'}, {'b': '42', 'setting the mode of operation of a harvester traction pump () for greater speed.'}], 'the set of instructions () comprises at least one from the following instructions3. ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Leveling System for Lift Device

Номер: US20200139804A1

A lift device includes a base, an arm, a drive actuator, a tractive element, and a steering actuator. The arm has a base end coupled to the base and a tractive element end. The arm includes a steering actuator interface positioned along an exterior surface of the arm. The drive actuator is pivotally coupled to the tractive element end of the arm. The tractive element is coupled to the drive actuator. The steering actuator has a first end coupled to the steering actuator interface and an opposing second end coupled to the drive actuator. The arm includes a plate extending forward of the exterior surface of the arm and past the steering actuator. 1. A lift device comprising:a base;an arm having a base end coupled to the base and a tractive element end, the arm including a steering actuator interface positioned along an exterior surface of the arm;a drive actuator pivotally coupled to the tractive element end of the arm;a tractive element coupled to the drive actuator; anda steering actuator having a first end coupled to the steering actuator interface and an opposing second end coupled to the drive actuator;wherein the arm includes a plate extending forward of the exterior surface of the arm and past the steering actuator.2. The lift device of claim 1 , wherein the arm has a longitudinal portion with the base end and a lateral portion with the tractive element end claim 1 , and wherein the lateral portion extends from an end of the longitudinal portion opposite the base end.3. The lift device of claim 2 , wherein the lateral portion extends perpendicularly from the longitudinal portion such that the arm has a L-shaped structure.4. The lift device of claim 2 , wherein the lateral portion extends at an obtuse angle from the longitudinal portion.5. The lift device of claim 2 , wherein the lateral portion has an interior surface facing the base and the exterior surface facing away from the base.6. The lift device of claim 5 , wherein the base defines a first interface and ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Leveling System for Lift Device

Номер: US20200140248A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Corp

A lift device includes a base having a first end and an opposing second end, a first arm pivotally coupled to the first end, a second arm pivotally coupled to the first end, a third arm pivotally coupled to the opposing second end, a fourth arm pivotally coupled to the opposing second end, and a leveling assembly. The leveling assembly includes a first actuator extending between the first arm and the first end, a second actuator extending between the second arm and the first end, a third actuator extending between the third arm and the opposing second end, a fourth actuator extending between the fourth arm and the opposing second end, and a controller configured to control the first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, and the fourth actuator to reconfigure the leveling assembly between (i) a shipping, transport, or storage mode and (ii) an operational mode.

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180148090A1

A steering securing arrangement includes comprising a rod, a housing and a blocking unit, the rod being guided on the housing along an actuating axis, the blocking unit configured to be moved into a first state, in which the blocking unit is out of engagement with the rod, the blocking unit being further configured to be moved into a second state, in which the blocking unit is in engagement with the rod and secures the rod against movement along the actuating axis. 115.-. (canceled)16. A steering securing arrangement , comprising:a rod;a housing; anda blocking unit;the rod being guided on the housing along an actuating axis;the blocking unit configured to be brought into a first state in which the bearing block is out of engagement with the rod;the blocking unit configured to be brought into a second state in which the bearing block is in engagement with the rod and secures the rod against movement along the actuating axis;the rod having an engagement section;the blocking unit having a blocking element;the blocking element forming, in the second state of the blocking unit, an undercut with the engagement section, where the undercut acts parallel to the actuating axis;the blocking element having a holding section on which a holding means can be brought into engagement, in order to space the blocking element apart from the rod and to hold the blocking unit in the first state;the holding means including compressed air; andthe blocking unit including a blocking carrier configured to be fixed on the housing via a thread.17. The steering securing arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , the blocking element configured to be moved along a blocking axis relative to the rod claim 16 , the blocking element being secured transversely with respect to the blocking axis against movement relative to the housing claim 16 , and the blocking axis lying transversely with respect to the actuating axis.18. The steering securing arrangement as claimed in claim 17 , a restoring means acting ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158232A1
Автор: Palmute Valter

The present invention relates to a turn system actuated by hydraulic cylinders, applied to the four wheels of sugar-cane harvesters, wherein the harvester () comprises a rear axle () and a front axle (), with wheel assemblies () associated to the axles (), wherein the rear axle () and the front axle () have a turn system, the one of the rear axle () being actuated by means of a double-action rear hydraulic cylinder () and that of the front axle () being actuated by means of a double-action front hydraulic cylinder (), the hydraulic cylinders () receiving a flow of oil through at least one flow divider () connected to an ortibrol () actuated by means of a steering wheel () of the harvester (), the flow of oil received by the flow divider () being proportional to a factor related to the turn of the steering wheel (), the turn system enabling the turn of the wheel assemblies () in amplitude ranging from 0.5 to 40 degrees, to the right or to the left, with respect to the longitudinal axis of the harvester (). 18-. (canceled)98023249232423242312411111616560806160980. A turn system applied to the four wheels of sugar-cane harvesters , the harvester () comprising a rear axle () and a front axle () , with wheel assemblies () associated to the axles ( , ) , wherein the rear axle () and the front axle () have a turn system , the turn system of the rear axle () being actuated by means of a double-action rear hydraulic cylinder () and the turn system of the front axle () being actuated by means of a double-action front hydraulic cylinder () , the rear () and front () hydraulic cylinders receiving a flow of oil through at least one flow divider () connected to an orbitrol () actuated by means of a steering wheel () of the sugar-cane harvester () , the oil flow received by the flow divider () being proportional to a factor related to the turn of the steering wheel () , and the turn system enabling the turn of the wheel assemblies () in amplitude ranging from 0.5 to 40 degrees , ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150166102A1

The axle assembly has an elongated shaft that is connected to a mounting bracket. A first end of an arm is connected to the elongated shaft. The arm extends rearwardly from the elongated shaft and connects to a bearing bracket at a second end. The bearing bracket has a pair of flanges and a pin that passes through the flanges and is received within an opening of a rotatable arm. The rotatable arm is connected to an axle. 1. An axle assembly comprising:an elongated shaft;a mounting bracket connected to the elongated shaft;an arm connected having a first end connected to an end of the elongated shaft and extending rearwardly;a bearing bracket having a pair of flanges connected to a second end of the arm;a pin disposed between the pair of flanges and received in an opening of a rotatable arm; andan axle connected to the rotatable arm.2. The axle assembly of further comprising a bearing disposed within the pair of flanges.3. The axle assembly of wherein the rotatable arm is generally L-shaped.4. The axle assembly of further comprising a link assembly connected to the bearing bracket and mounting bracket.5. The axle assembly of further comprising the link assembly having a link connected to a support arm and a support bracket.6. The axle assembly of wherein the support arm is connected to the bearing bracket.7. The axle assembly of wherein the support bracket is connected to the mounting bracket.8. The axle assembly of wherein the link assembly is adjustable.9. The axle assembly of further comprising an actuating bar connected to the rotatable arm.10. The axle assembly of wherein the actuating bar is generally parallel to the shaft and below the mounting bracket.11. The axle assembly of further comprising an actuating member connected at one end to the actuating bar and a vehicle frame at a second end.12. The axle assembly of further comprising a sensor connected to the actuating member that is in communication with a controller.13. The axle assembly of wherein the ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167698A1

A steering device including tie rods connected to right and left wheels, and configured to steer the wheels, and rack bars connected to the respective tie rods, and, is capable of simultaneously steering the right and left wheels to the right or left of the vehicle, by moving the rack bars to the right or left. A rack bar moving arrangement is provided which is capable of moving the rack bars in opposite directions by the same distance, and rack teeth are arranged along the opposite directions. The rack bar moving arrangement includes a synchronizing gear in mesh with the rack bars, and configured to convert the movement of one of the rack bars in one of the opposite directions to the movement of the other rack bars in the other opposite directions, thereby steering the wheels in opposite directions. 1. A steering device comprising:tie rods connected, respectively, to right and left wheels which are constituted by a pair of front wheels of a vehicle or a pair of rear wheels of the vehicle, and configured to steer the respective right and left wheels; anda pair of rack bars connected to the respective tie rods,wherein the steering device is capable of simultaneously steering the right and left wheels in one of right and left directions of the vehicle with respect to a direction in which the vehicle travels in a straight line, by moving, together with each other, the pair of rack bars in one of the right and left directions, andwherein a rack bar moving arrangement is provided which is capable of moving the pair of rack bars in opposite directions to each other by a same distance, and rack teeth are arranged along said opposite directions.2. The steering device of claim 1 , wherein the rack bar moving arrangement includes a synchronizing gear in mesh with the pair of rack bars claim 1 , and configured to convert a movement of one of the rack bars in one of the opposite directions to a movement of the other of the rack bars in the other of the opposite directions.3. ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Telescopic actuator and vehicular steering apparatus

Номер: US20160167700A1
Автор: Hiroshi Fujita
Принадлежит: Showa Corp

A telescopic actuator includes a rod a support member and a stroke sensor. The support member supports the rod. The stroke sensor is disposed on one end side of the rod. The stroke sensor includes a bar-like section to be detected and a detecting section. The section to be detected can enter into the detecting section. The detecting section detects a length of a portion of the section to be detected that has entered into the detecting section. The rod has a bottomed cylindrical portion that is open toward the one end side. The section to be detected is fixed to a bottom surface of the bottomed cylindrical portion. When the rod is maximally extended, the support member supports an outer peripheral surface of the bottomed cylindrical portion. When the rod is maximally contracted, the detecting section is at least partly housed in the bottomed cylindrical portion.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156426A1

An adjustment device () for a chassis of a motor vehicle. The adjustment device has an actuator () with a housing () and a spindle drive, which has an axially displaceable spindle (), with a fixed mounting () on the vehicle side and a connecting element () on the chassis side. The spindle () is extended in a direction of its longitudinal axis by an extension piece (), and the connecting element () is attached to the outer end () of the extension piece (). 18-. (canceled)9. An adjustment device , for a chassis of a motor vehicle , comprising:{'b': 2', '5, 'an actuator () with a housing (),'}{'b': 10', '7', '4, 'a spindle drive, having an axially displaceable spindle (), with a fixed mounting (), on a vehicle side, and a connection element (), on a chassis side,'}{'b': 10', '11, 'the spindle () being extended, in an axial direction, by an extension piece (), and'}{'b': 4', '11', '11, 'i': 'b', 'the connection element () being attached to an outer end () of the extension piece ().'}101110. The adjustment device according to claim 9 , wherein the extension piece () is made integrally with the spindle ().1111. The adjustment device according to claim 9 , wherein the extension piece () is supported on the vehicle side.12111314. The adjustment device according to claim 9 , wherein the extension piece () is supported by either a slide bearing or a thrust bearing ( claim 9 , ).1313143. The adjustment device according to claim 12 , wherein the slide bearing or the thrust bearing ( claim 12 , ) is in a form of a bearing block () that is fixable to the vehicle.14131452511. The adjustment device according to claim 12 , wherein the slide bearing or the thrust bearing ( claim 12 , ) is arranged in the housing () of the actuator () claim 12 , and the housing () is supported on the vehicle side in an area of the extension piece ().151110. The adjustment device according to claim 9 , wherein the extension piece () is either detachably or non-detachably connected to the spindle ().16. ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Steering System and Method for Operating a Steering System

Номер: US20210197891A1
Принадлежит: Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH

A steering system for a trailing axle of a motor vehicle includes an electric motor, a hydraulic pump, a first valve, and a working cylinder. The electric motor is configured to drive the hydraulic pump. The working cylinder has a central bore and a piston positioned in the working cylinder. The first valve is fluidically connected to the pump such that the first valve is configured to block flow between the central bore and the pump in response to pressure generated by the pump, and to release the flow in response to a non-pressurized state of the pump in order to divert hydraulic fluid from the working cylinder through the central bore via an adhesion-driven movement of the piston into a central position in the central bore. A method includes operating a steering system for a trailing axle of a motor vehicle of this type. 1. A steering system for a trailing axle of a motor vehicle , comprising: a central bore; and', 'a piston positioned in the working cylinder;, 'a working cylinder that is configured to pivot road wheels of a trailing axle of a motor vehicle, and that includesa hydraulic pump connected to the working cylinder; anda first valve fluidically connected between the central bore and the hydraulic pump such that the first valve is configured to (i) block a flow of fluid between the central bore and the hydraulic pump in response to a pressure generated by the hydraulic pump, and (ii) release the flow of fluid in response to a pressureless state of the hydraulic pump in order to discharge hydraulic fluid from the working cylinder through the central bore via an adhesion-driven movement of the piston into a central position; andan electric motor configured to drive the hydraulic pump.2. The steering system as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a first hydraulic line positioned between the hydraulic pump and a first connection of the working cylinder;a second hydraulic line positioned between the hydraulic pump and a second connection of the working ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180178607A1
Автор: Haeusler Felix

An articulated joint () for the articulated connection of a first chassis component () to a second chassis component (), which includes a joint body () with a central axis (m) and a rotational axis (a). A housing () holds the joint body () such that the joint body () can be attached to the first chassis component () and the housing () can be attached to the second chassis component (). The rotational axis (a) is positioned eccentrically relative to the central axis (m). 114-. (canceled)1523. An articulated joint for an articulated connection of a first chassis component () to a second chassis component () , the articulated joint comprising:{'b': '4', 'a joint body () having a central axis (m) and a rotational axis (a),'}{'b': 6', '4, 'a housing () holding the joint body (),'}{'b': 4', '2, 'the joint body () being attachable to the first chassis component (),'}{'b': 6', '3, 'the housing () being attachable to the second chassis component (), and'}the rotational axis (a) being arranged eccentrically relative to the central axis (m).1641213. The articulated joint according to claim 15 , wherein the joint body () comprises at least one fixing mechanism ( claim 15 , ) arranged a distance away from the rotational axis (a) for absorbing either adjustment forces or bearing forces (F).1744a. The articulated joint according to claim 15 , wherein the joint body is in a form of a ball pin ( claim 15 , ).184. The articulated joint according to claim 15 , wherein the joint body () is cylindrical.191213. The articulated joint according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one fixing mechanism is in a form of a pin or a bolt ( claim 16 , ).20848. The articulated joint according to claim 15 , wherein a bearing sleeve () is fitted in the joint body () coaxially with the rotational axis (a) claim 15 , and the bearing sleeve () is able to rotate in the joint body.2184. The articulated joint according to claim 20 , wherein either a slide bearing or a roller bearing is arranged between the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190176881A1

A travel control system and a method for an autonomous vehicle is provided to easily determine a rotating position of a steering wheel when an autonomous travel mode is switched to a driver's travel mode. The travel control system includes: a display mechanism provided in a central portion of a steering wheel to display a rotating position of the steering wheel; and a controller to controls the display mechanism to display the rotating position of the steering wheel based on a steering angle of a tire when the steering angle of the tire is input and the autonomous travel mode is switched to the driver travel mode. 1. A travel control system for an autonomous vehicle equipped with a steer-by-wire (SBW) system , the travel control system comprising:a display mechanism provided in a central portion of a steering wheel and configured to display a rotating position of the steering wheel; anda controller configured to control the display mechanism to display the rotating position of the steering wheel based on a steering angle of a tire when the steering angle of the tire is input and an autonomous travel mode is switched to a driver travel mode.2. The travel control system of claim 1 , wherein the display mechanism is a touch panel provided in a shape fitted to a central space of a rim of the steering wheel.3. The travel control system of claim 2 , wherein the display mechanism is configured to be input with a driving requirement in the autonomous driving mode and to display a driving route.4. A travel control method of an autonomous vehicle equipped with a steer-by-wire (SBW) system claim 2 , the travel control method comprising:controlling, by a controller, a display mechanism provided in a central portion of a steering wheel to display a rotating position of the steering wheel when switching from an autonomous travel mode to a driver travel mode is determined.5. The travel control method of claim 4 , further comprising:receiving, by the controller, an input steering ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180186404A1
Автор: Eckstein Lutz, SIMON Marc

A tilting vehicle having a steering system actively steering a front axle and a rear axle having two wheels that can be deflected individually in a vertical manner with respect to a vehicle body and that are independent of the steering system. The wheels of the rear axle can be steered by passive steering device configured to generate a steering force because of a vertical deflection of the wheels as the vehicle body tilts to one side. The steering force causing wheels to steer towards the opposite side. 1. A tilting vehicle having a front axle which can be actively steered by way of a steering system and a rear axle having two wheels that can be deflected individually in a vertical manner with respect to a vehicle body and that are independent of the steering system , wherein the wheels of the rear axle can be steered by a passive steering device configured to generate a steering force as a result of a vertical deflection of the wheels as the vehicle body tilts to one side and said steering force causes said wheels to steer towards the opposite-lying side.2. The tilting vehicle of including an actuator for influencing the tilt of the vehicle body.3. The tilting vehicle of wherein the wheels of the rear axle are arranged on wheel carriers connected by way of upper and lower wishbones to a vehicle body wherein wheel-side connection sites of an upper and a lower wishbone define a pivot axis of a wheel carrier.4. The tilting vehicle of wherein the wheels of the rear axle are arranged on the wheel carriers claim 1 , and wherein the passive steering device comprises at least one track rod connected to the vehicle body by an inner track rod joint and to a steering lever of a wheel carrier in by an outer track rod joint claim 1 , wherein when travelling in a straight direction the outer track rod joint and the inner track rod joint are arranged at different heights.5. The tilting vehicle of wherein the passive steering device includes two track rods connected respectively ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140284120A1

A dump truck including a suspension system and a steering system. The suspension system includes a frame and a plurality of hydraulic suspensions, and every two of the hydraulic suspensions are aligned on one axle. The suspension system includes at least two axles. The frame includes a middle box beam and spars protruding from two sides of the middle box beam. The hydraulic suspensions include a pivotal bearing, rotating frame, swing arm, hanging cylinder, oscillating axle, and wheels. The upper end of the rotating frame is arranged in the lower surface of the spar of the frame via the pivotal bearing. The upper end of the rotating frame is non-rigidly connected to the swing arm. A cylindrical pin is disposed at the front end of the swing arm. The cylindrical pin is sleeved in a pinhole of the oscillating axle. 1. A dump truck , comprising a suspension system and a steering system , whereinthe suspension system comprises a frame and a plurality of hydraulic suspensions, every two of the hydraulic suspensions are aligned on one axle, and the suspension system comprises at least two axles;the frame comprises a middle box beam and spars protruding from two sides of the middle box beam; the hydraulic suspensions comprise a pivotal bearing, rotating frame, swing arm, hanging cylinder, oscillating axle, and wheels;an upper end of the rotating frame is arranged in a lower surface of the spar of the frame via the pivotal bearing; the upper end of the rotating frame is non-rigidly connected to the swing arm via a pin; one end of the hanging cylinder is hinged to a lower end of the rotating frame, and the other end of the hanging cylinder is hinged to a middle of the swing arm;a cylindrical pin is disposed at a front end of the swing arm; the cylindrical pin disposed in the front end of the swing arm is sleeved in a pinhole of the oscillating axle; andthe wheels are arranged at two sides of the oscillating axle, respectively.2. The dump truck of claim 1 , whereinthe steering ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200189656A1

Provided is a vehicle including a plurality of wheels, a steering device, and a direction indication system. The steering device is configured to steer the wheels at least either to such a first steering angle that the vehicle travels straight in a direction intersecting the front-rear direction or to such a second steering angle that the vehicle rotates around a vertical axis passing through a central portion of the vehicle body. The direction indication system is configured to, when the steering device steers the wheels to either the first steering angle or the second steering angle, indicate toward the outside of the vehicle body that the vehicle is going to travel straight in a direction intersecting the front-rear direction or that the vehicle is going to rotate around the vertical axis passing through the central portion of the vehicle body. 1. A vehicle comprising:a plurality of wheels that is mounted to a vehicle body and grounded;a steering device configured to steer the wheels to such a steering angle that the vehicle travels straight in a front-rear direction of the vehicle, and additionally to steer the wheels at least either to such a first steering angle that the vehicle travels straight in a direction intersecting the front-rear direction or to such a second steering angle that the vehicle rotates around a vertical axis passing through a central portion of the vehicle body; anda direction indication system configured to, when the steering device steers the wheels to either the first steering angle or the second steering angle, indicate toward an outside of the vehicle body that the vehicle is going to travel straight in the direction intersecting the front-rear direction or that the vehicle is going to rotate around the vertical axis passing through the central portion of the vehicle body.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the direction indication system includes a detection unit that detects that the steering device steers the wheels to ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Steering Assistance

Номер: US20210229740A1
Принадлежит: McLaren Automotive Ltd

A vehicle comprising: a body; a pair of wheels each rotatable about a respective rolling axis and each wheel having a centre of mass; and a pair of suspension mechanisms, each wheel being attached to the body of the vehicle by a respective suspension mechanism, the suspension mechanism providing the respective wheel with freedom to move relative to the body of the vehicle in steer about a respective steer axis, the steer axis being offset from the centre of mass of the wheel so that when a different amount of torque is applied to each wheel about the rolling axis the difference in torque causes a steering torque on each wheel about the steer axis of the wheel.

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200200242A1

Actuator having a spindle drive () for a rear wheel steering system, including a spindle () with a spindle thread () and a spindle nut () with a nut thread (). The spindle thread () and the nut thread () are designed as displacement threads and the spindle nut () threadedly engages with the axially displaceable spindle () by way of the displacement thread. The spindle thread () and the nut thread () are braced against one another, in the longitudinal direction of the spindle (), by a bracing element (). The bracing element () is in the form of a threaded ring having an internal thread () which engages with the spindle thread (). The threaded ring () is supported relative to the spindle nut () by at least one spring element (), and the at least one spring element () is made of an elastomer. 19-. (canceled)101. An actuator having a spindle drive () for a rear wheel steering system , comprising:{'b': 2', '2, 'i': 'a', 'a spindle () with a spindle thread (),'}{'b': 3', '3, 'i': 'a', 'a spindle nut () with a nut thread (),'}{'b': 2', '3, 'i': a', 'a, 'the spindle thread () and the nut thread () being designed as displacement threads,'}{'b': 3', '2, 'the spindle nut (), which is drivable in a rotation direction, engaging with the axially displaceable spindle () by way of the displacement threads,'}{'b': 2', '3', '2', '4, 'i': a', 'a, 'the spindle thread () and the nut thread () being braced against one another in a longitudinal direction of the spindle () by a bracing element (),'}{'b': 4', '4', '2, 'i': a', 'a, 'the bracing element () being in a form of a threaded ring having an internal thread () which engages with the spindle thread (),'}{'b': 4', '3', '5', '6, 'the threaded ring () being supported relative to the spindle nut () by at least one spring element (, ), and'}{'b': 5', '6, 'the at least one spring element (, ) being made of an elastomer.'}115634. The actuator according to claim 10 , wherein the at least one spring element is in a form of an elastomer disk ( ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170217486A1
Автор: EVELEY Nicholas

The present invention relates to a new hydraulic stabilizing unit that can be mounted onto any self-steering axle assembly that utilises a pneumatic stabilizing system. The hydraulic stabilizer works in conjunction with the pneumatic stabilizer to eliminate a “dead zone” of the pneumatic system to avoid wheel shimmy and hop conditions associated with out of specification caster angles on the axle. 1. A self-steering axle comprising:a main axle beam which interacts with a tie rod through a pair of lever arms rockingly coupled to the main axle beam for rocking about a lever axis generally orthogonal to said tie rod and said main axle beam;each said lever arm having a tie rod end opposite a spring end with said lever axis therebetween;said tie rod ends receiving translational input from said tie rod to cause said lever arms to rock about said lever axis;said spring ends acting against a resilient member mounted therebetween to resist said translational input; anda double acting hydraulic dampener connecting said lever arms between said lever axis and said tie rod ends to resist movement of said tie rod ends of said lever arms toward and away from each other.2. A method of stabilizing a self-steering axle having a main axle beam which interacts with a tie rod through a pair of lever arms rockingly coupled to the main axle beam for rocking about a lever axis generally orthogonal to said tie rod and said main axle beam , each said lever arms having a tie rod end opposite a spring end with said lever axis therebetween , said tie rod ends receiving translational input from said tie rod to cause said lever arms to rock about said lever axis , said spring ends acting against a resilient member mounted therebetween to resist said translational input , said method comprising:connecting said lever arms with a double acting hydraulic dampener between said lever axis and said tie rod ends to resist movement of said tie rod ends of said lever arms toward and away from each other. ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245795A1
Автор: Nakata Daisuke

A steering device configured to steer one wheel of a vehicle, including: a steering knuckle which constitutes a part of a suspension apparatus and which is allowed to move upward and downward relative to a body of the vehicle, the steering knuckle holding the wheel such that the wheel is rotatable; an actuator including an electric motor as a drive source and configured to rotate the steering knuckle in dependence on a force generated by the electric motor so as to steer the wheel; and a controller configured to control a supply current to the electric motor for achieving steering of the wheel corresponding to a steering operation by a driver, wherein, after turn-off of an ignition switch of the vehicle, the controller executes an end process for stopping the steering device from operating while gradually decreasing the supply current to the electric motor. 1. A steering device configured to steer one wheel of a vehicle , comprising:a steering knuckle which constitutes a part of a suspension apparatus and which is allowed to move upward and downward relative to a body of the vehicle, the steering knuckle holding the wheel such that the wheel is rotatable;an actuator including an electric motor as a drive source and configured to rotate the steering knuckle in dependence on a force generated by the electric motor so as to steer the wheel; anda controller configured to control a supply current to the electric motor for achieving steering of the wheel corresponding to a steering operation by a driver,wherein, after turn-off of an ignition switch of the vehicle, the controller executes an end process for stopping the steering device from operating while gradually decreasing the supply current to the electric motor.2. The steering device according to claim 1 , determine, based on the steering operation by the driver, a target steering position that is a target of a steering position of the wheel; and', 'control the supply current to the electric motor such that a ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Suspension system and steering capabilities

Номер: US20210245797A1
Автор: Ahishay Sardes
Принадлежит: Ree Automotive Ltd

Some embodiments may provide a suspension unit that may include a rail having a longitudinal axis, a sliding member slidably connected to the rail, and shock absorption and springing means adapted to damp motions and support forces along the longitudinal axis of the rail, wherein, the rail and the sliding member are shaped to have transverse cross-sectional profiles that prevent a rotational movement of the sliding member with respect to the rail about the longitudinal axis of the rail. In some embodiments, the suspension unit may be part of an in-wheel system further including at least a steering unit.

11-08-2016 дата публикации

An assembly comprising a chassis for a variable-track machinery equipment such as a sprayer-type agricultural machinery equipment or a straddle machinery equipment

Номер: US20160227698A1
Автор: Cyril Ballu

The present invention relates to an assembly which includes: a chassis for a mobile land vehicle, in particular an agricultural or public works vehicle; at least two half-crossmembers ( 21 ) mounted telescopically on the chassis; wheel mountings ( 27 ) pivotably mounted on each one of said half-crossmembers; steered wheels rotatably mounted on said mountings; and a device for controlling the direction of the wheels. The assembly is characterised in that it includes means ( 39, 41, 47 ) designed, for a certain position of two half-crossmembers, to increase, upon the pivoting of the wheels, the opening of the said wheels relative to the opening of the wheels resulting from the same pivoting and another position of the two half-crossmembers.

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150232119A1

Steering boxes currently available on the market in order to convert the rotation of the steering wheel into the angular rotation of the wheels are not suitable to be partially built into the rim of the wheels of an electric car. In addition, existing boxes do not allow the independent rotation of the wheels or wide turning radii. These limitations are overcome using a system comprising: a body into which at least one motor is built using corresponding supports, which motor(s) actuate(s) the steering rotation axle of each steered wheel in the upper part of the body, and, in the lower part, a transmission gearbox and a stationary circular crown gear with which driving pinions mesh, said pinions rotating about the crown gear, thereby rotating the entire body and the rotation axle of the wheel built into the body together with suitable means. 1. A power steering system for automobiles using motors to increase the torque supplied by the driver to the steering axle and steering wheel to vary the longitudinal inclination of the steered wheels (rim and tyre) , wherein this system comprises a body to which one or more motors are attached by their corresponding supports , which move the pivoting axle for steering each steered wheel , acting as such a shock absorber , one end of which pivots on the first suspension arm , while the opposite end fits to the body at its upper part and solidly to the lower part of the body on a transmission gearbox , a fixed circular crown gear to which the driving pinions mesh , fitted by appropriate means to the ends of the shafts of each motor , the crown gear being fixed to the lower cover of the transmission gearbox with the pinions rotating round the crown gear , making the entire body and turning axle of the wheel turn incorporating the necessary means in the body.2. The power steering system for automobiles according to the claim 1 , wherein the body of the steering system incorporates the transmission gearbox at its lower end claim 1 , ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200214203A1

The disclosure relates to a steering control system useful for providing stable control during high-speed operation of harvesters, such as self-propelled windrowers. The steering control system utilizes sensors for detecting a ground drive wheel speed or a swash plate position of hydraulic pumps for determining an angle of curvature used as input for controlling a steering cylinder associated with a first caster. 1. A steering control system for a harvester , comprising:a first cylinder coupled to a rear axle of the harvester at one end and a first caster of the harvester at an opposing end;first and second ground drive wheels pivotally coupled on opposing ends of a front axle of the harvester;a first sensor associated with the first ground drive wheel, the first sensor in communication with a controller and detecting a ground speed of the first ground drive wheel;a second sensor associated with the second ground drive wheel, the second sensor in communication with the controller and detecting a ground speed of the second ground drive wheel; anda third sensor associated with a steering input device of the harvester and in communication with the controller, the third sensor detecting a desired steering position of the steering input device; receives as input the ground speed of the first ground drive wheel, the ground speed of the second ground drive wheel, and the desired steering position;', 'determines an angle of curvature of the harvester based on the ground speeds of the first and second ground drive wheels;', 'determines a position set point for the first cylinder based on the angle of curvature; and', 'controls retraction or extension of the first cylinder based on the position set point to achieve the desired steering position., 'wherein the controller2. The steering control system of claim 1 , comprising a fourth sensor associated with the first cylinder and in communication with the controller claim 1 , the fourth sensor detecting a position of the first ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180229564A1
Автор: MORI Yotaro

A front two-wheel suspension system having a pair of left and right front wheels includes: left and right upper kingpin axles that support the left and right front wheels and are pivoted in a yaw direction by a steering shaft; left and right knuckle arms that are coupled to the left and right upper kingpin axles and pivoted in the yaw direction by the steering shaft; left and right upper arms that couple the left and right knuckle arms and left and right cushion units; and left and right first pivots that make the left and right knuckle arms and the left and right upper arms pivotable in the yaw direction. The upper kingpin axles and the first pivots are coaxial. 1. A front two-wheel suspension system , comprising:a pair of left and right front wheels;left and right cushion units configured to damp an external force applied to the pair of left and right front wheels;a steering shaft configured to turnably steer a vehicle body;left and right steering axles configured to support the pair of left and right front wheels and pivoted in a yaw direction by the steering shaft;left and right first link members coupled to the left and right steering axles and pivoted in the yaw direction by the steering shaft;left and right second link members configured to couple the left and right first link members and the left and right cushion units; andleft and right first pivots configured to make the left and right first link members and the left and right second link members pivotable in the yaw direction,wherein the steering axles and the first pivots are coaxial.2. The front two-wheel suspension system according to claim 1 ,wherein the centers of tread surfaces of the front wheels are arranged on the same virtual planes as at least one of axes of the steering axles and axes of the cushion units.3. The front two-wheel suspension system according to claim 1 , further comprisingleft and right second pivots configured to make the left and right second link members pivotable in a pitch ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190225263A1
Автор: CECCHIN Donato

A method for steering a gantry crane having wheel assemblies includes the steps of: initiating movement of the gantry crane; and rotating the wheel assemblies wherein the front wheel assemblies rotate in a first rotational direction and the rear wheel assemblies rotate in a second rotational direction. The first rotational direction is opposite to the second rotational direction. First side wheel assemblies rotate at a first rotational speed and second side wheel assemblies rotate at a second rotational speed, such that the gantry crane moves from a linear path to an arcuate path with a turning radius decreasing to substantially zero for rotation about a central axis. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for steering a gantry crane having wheel assemblies , the method including the following steps:initiating movement of the gantry crane; androtating the wheel assemblies wherein the front wheel assemblies rotate in a first rotational direction and the rear wheel assemblies rotate in a second rotational direction, the first rotational direction being opposite to the second rotational direction and wherein a first side wheel assemblies rotate at a first rotational speed and a second side wheel assemblies rotate at a second rotational speed, such that the gantry crane moves from a linear path to an arcuate path with a turning radius decreasing to substantially zero for rotation about a central axis.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the first rotational direction is clockwise and the second rotational direction is counter-clockwise.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the first rotational speed is less than the second rotational speed.14. The method of claim 12 , wherein the first side front wheel assembly rotates 45° claim 12 , the second side front wheel assembly rotates 135° claim 12 , the first side rear wheel assembly rotates 45° claim 12 , and the second side rear wheel assembly rotates 135° from respective initial positions of 0°.15. The method of claim 11 , wherein ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Turning mechanism and vehicle

Номер: US20190225269A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A turning mechanism is equipped with a wire (first movable member) which moves in a movable direction (direction of the arrow B) under the motive power of a turning actuator, a wire (second movable member) which moves in a movable direction under the motive power of a turning actuator, and a coupler connecting the two wires. The coupler is configured in a manner so that the wires are capable of being moved independently in the case that a difference (differential angle) between the toe angles of the rear wheels lies within an allowable range, whereas in the case that the differential angle has exceeded the allowable range, is configured in a manner so that the wires are capable of being operated in a mutually interlocked manner.

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200239068A1
Автор: Hallundbaek Jørgen

A steering unit for a vehicle, notably a bus. The steering unit is coupled with a suspension system and comprises: a support formed by a passenger platform and a wheel housing, a longitudinal axis, a steering knuckle with an in-wheel engine defining a transversal rotation axis which is arranged transversally with respect to the longitudinal axis, an actuator mechanism adapted for pivoting the steering knuckle. The steering knuckle further comprises a lever which is linked to the actuator mechanism and which includes a transversal portion extending transversally along the in-wheel engine. The steering unit is adapted for an articulated bus with at least two bodies, said bodies each exhibits four or eight identical and independent steering units. 1. A steering unit for a bus , the steering unit comprising:a longitudinal axis,a steering knuckle including an in-wheel engine a transversal rotation axis which is transversally arranged with respect to the longitudinal axis,a wheel rotation axis coaxial with the transversal rotation axis;an actuator mechanism adapted for pivoting the steering knuckle,the steering knuckle comprising a lever which is attached to the actuator mechanism and which includes a transversal portion extending along the in-wheel engine.2. The steering unit in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the steering knuckle comprises a main body claim 1 , transversally disposed between the in-wheel engine and a brake disk claim 1 , the lever further comprising a first longitudinal portion connecting the transversal portion to the main body claim 1 , said longitudinal portion extending longitudinally and radially along the in-wheel engine.3. The steering unit in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the lever further comprises a second longitudinal portion connecting the transversal portion to the main body claim 2 , the in-wheel engine being transversally disposed between the first longitudinal portion and the second longitudinal portion.4. The steering unit in ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Booster steering lock and load relief control system

Номер: US20210300489A1

A booster for a trailer system is provided comprising a control system in communication with a sensor(s) for determining the direction and speed of the booster when in motion. The control system comprises instructions corresponding to one or more booster operations such as: detection of a reverse state, retraction of a suspension system when the reverse state is detected; engagement of a steer axle lock when the reverse state is detected; detection of a forward state; extension of the suspension system when the forward state is detected; disengagement of the steer axle lock when the forward state is detected; detection of a high-speed forward state; engagement of the steer axle lock when the high-speed forward state is detected; detection of a low-speed forward state; and disengagement of the steer axle lock when the low-speed forward state is detected.

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150266505A1
Принадлежит: GOLDHOFER AG

The invention relates to a heavy goods vehicle in which the steering system () comprises, in addition to a normal steering mode steering device () that transfers steering power purely mechanically by means of connecting rods () from axle to axle, a crab steering mode steering device () that also transfers steering power purely mechanically by means of connecting rods () from axle to axle. The individual wheel assemblies () can be connected by means of coupling devices () either to the normal steering mode steering device () or to the crab steering mode steering device (). 110. Heavy goods vehicle () comprising{'b': 16', '20', '24', '14', '18', '22, 'a plurality of axles, each of which comprises at least one left wheel assembly (, , ) and at least one right wheel assembly (, , ),'}{'b': '12', 'a steering system (), which is configured so that it enables'}{'b': 16', '20', '24', '14', '18', '22', '10, 'both a normal steering mode in which the left wheel assemblies (, , ) and the right wheel assemblies (, , ) each have a steering angle which is dependent on the position of the respective axle in the longitudinal direction (L) of the vehicle (), the wheel assemblies of adjacent axles having a different steering angle from one another,'}{'b': 14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24, 'and a crab steering mode in which the wheel assemblies (, , , , , ) assigned to the plurality of axles all have the same steering angle,'}characterised in that{'b': '12', 'claim-text': [{'b': 52', '16', '20', '24', '14', '18', '22, 'at least one steering rotary element () which is rotatable about an axis of rotation (D) and is in steering connection with the at least one left wheel assembly (, , ) and/or the at least one right wheel assembly (, , ) of the axle,'}, {'b': 52', '38, 'for each steering rotary element () a normal steering mode steering power introduction unit () assigned thereto,'}, {'b': 52', '42, 'for each steering rotary element () a crab steering mode steering power introduction unit ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Steering system and method for controlling steering system

Номер: US20160264174A1
Принадлежит: Hanwha Techwin Co Ltd

A steering system includes a fixing part connected to a frame, a wheel part into which a part of the fixing part is inserted to perform a relative motion and on which a wheel is provided, and a sensor provided between the wheel part and the fixing part and measuring an error angle of the wheel part with respect to a preset initial position of the wheel part.

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248010A1

An apparatus for transporting a load is described, including: a body including a part or portion for engaging with or connecting to a load to be transported; a ground-engaging device supporting the body, the ground-engaging device for effecting movement of the body over a surface; a transmitter module; a receiver module; and a controller for communicating with the transmitter and receiver modules and the ground engaging device and for receiving status signals from components and/or devices of the apparatus, wherein the controller is capable of conducting a check as to the status of the components and/or devices of the apparatus, and after completing said check to provide an “apparatus operative” or “apparatus non-operative” signal to the transmitter module, wherein the transmitter module is configured to transmit the “apparatus operative” or “apparatus non-operative” signal, and wherein the receiver module is configured to receive from a first predetermined, or designated, other such apparatus its respective “apparatus operative” or “apparatus non-operative” signals. 1. An apparatus for transporting a load , including:a body including a part or portion for engaging with or connecting to a load to be transported;a ground-engaging device supporting the body, the ground-engaging device for effecting movement of the body over a surface;a transmitter module;a receiver module; anda controller for communicating with the transmitter and receiver modules and the ground engaging device and for receiving status signals from components and/or devices of the apparatus,wherein the controller is capable of conducting a check as to the status of the components and/or devices of the apparatus, and after completing said check to provide an “apparatus operative” or “apparatus non-operative” signal to the transmitter module,wherein the transmitter module is configured to transmit the “apparatus operative” or “apparatus non-operative” signal, andwherein the receiver module is configured ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248011A1

An apparatus for transporting a load is described, including: a body including a part or portion for engaging with or connecting to a load to be transported; a ground-engaging device supporting the body, the ground-engaging device for effecting movement of the body over a surface; a transmitter module; a receiver module; and a controller for communicating with the transmitter and receiver modules and the ground engaging device and for receiving status signals from components and/or devices of the apparatus, wherein the controller is capable of conducting a check as to the status of the components and/or devices of the apparatus, and after completing said check to provide an “apparatus operative” or “apparatus non-operative” signal to the transmitter module, wherein the transmitter module is configured to transmit the “apparatus operative” or “apparatus non-operative” signal to a receiver module of one or more other apparatus and to its own receiver module. 1. An apparatus for transporting a load , including:a body including a part or portion for engaging with or connecting to a load to be transported;a ground-engaging device supporting the body, the ground-engaging device for effecting movement of the body over a surface;a transmitter module;a receiver module; anda controller for communicating with the transmitter and receiver modules and the ground engaging device and for receiving status signals from components and/or devices of the apparatus,wherein the controller is capable of conducting a check as to the status of the components and/or devices of the apparatus, and after completing said check to provide an “apparatus operative” or “apparatus non-operative” signal to the transmitter module,wherein the transmitter module is configured to transmit the “apparatus operative” or “apparatus non-operative” signal to a receiver module of one or more other apparatus and to its own receiver module.2. An apparatus according to wherein the receiver module is configured to ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190256142A1
Автор: CHAE Han Sang

The present invention relates to a rotary sensor assembly and a rear wheel steering system including the same. According to one embodiment of the present invention, a rotary sensor assembly includes: a rotary sensor subassembly configured to sense a stroke of a driving shaft configured to receive rotating power to move linearly; a sensing guide configured to be moved by receiving a moving force when the driving shaft moves such that the rotary sensor subassembly senses movement of the driving shaft; and fasteners which couple the sensing guide to the driving shaft, wherein the rotary sensor subassembly senses movement of the sensing guide to sense the stroke of the driving shaft when the driving shaft moves. 1. A rotary sensor assembly comprising:a rotary sensor subassembly configured to sense a stroke of a driving shaft configured to move linearly in response to input of rotating power;a sensing guide configured to be moved by a force received from the driving shaft when the driving shaft moves such that the rotary sensor subassembly senses movement of the driving shaft; andfasteners which couple the sensing guide to the driving shaft,wherein the rotary sensor subassembly senses movement of the sensing guide to sense the stroke of the driving shaft when the driving shaft moves.2. The rotary sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensing guide includes:a rack and gear assembly having a toothed rack configured to move according to the movement of the driving shaft and a gear; anda rack holder coupled to the rack and gear assembly to support the rack and gear assembly.3. The rotary sensor assembly of claim 2 , wherein the rotary sensor subassembly includes:a rotary sensor configured to sense the driving shaft; anda sensor-gear interconnect having one end which is in contact with the gear and configured to transmit movement of the gear to the rotary sensor,wherein the rotary sensor senses the movement of the gear when the driving shaft moves whereby the rotary sensor ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210331741A1

A hydraulic system for controlling a pair of steerable caster wheels of an agricultural machine includes a fluidic tie rod fluid circuit interconnecting both a left side actuator and a right side actuator with a rear steering control valve in fluid communication, and forming a fluid tie rod between the left side actuator and the right side actuator. A tie rod control valve is disposed in the fluidic tie rod fluid circuit and is controllable between a first position allowing fluid communication through the fluidic tie rod fluid circuit to communicate fluid between the left side actuator, the right side actuator, and the rear steering control valve and a second position blocking fluid communication to the rear steering control valve while connecting the left side actuator and the right side actuator in fluid communication to increase stiffness of the fluid tie rod therebetween. 1. A hydraulic system for controlling a pair of steerable caster wheels of an agricultural machine , the hydraulic system comprising:a left side actuator configured to control a left caster wheel;a right side actuator configured to control a right caster wheel;a rear steering control valve;a left side steering fluid circuit in fluid communication with the left side actuator;a right side steering fluid circuit in fluid communication with the right side actuator;a fluidic tie rod fluid circuit interconnecting both the left side actuator and the right side actuator with the rear steering control valve in fluid communication; anda tie rod control valve disposed in the fluidic tie rod fluid circuit and controllable between a first position allowing fluid communication through the fluidic tie rod fluid circuit to communicate fluid between the left side actuator, the right side actuator, and the rear steering control valve, and a second position blocking fluid communication to the rear steering control valve while connecting the left side actuator and the right side actuator in fluid communication.2. ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Steering System for a Steerable Vehicle

Номер: US20170267275A1

A steering system for a steerable vehicle includes at least two steerable wheels, to each of which an electrically operable steering actuator to enable the steering actuator to adjust the steering angle of the particular steerable wheel by application of a steering torque. The at least two steering actuators can be mechanically coupled to each other so that, in the event of a failure or a malfunction of the one steering actuator, the steering torque provided by the other steering actuator can be transferred to the one steering actuator, to enable the steering angle of the steerable wheel assigned to the failed steering actuator to still be changed via the other steering actuator. The at least two steering actuators can be mechanically coupled to each other via a bendable shaft or via a universal joint shaft which includes at least two rigid shafts hingedly connected via a universal joint.

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160288828A1

A vehicle includes a steering force generating arrangement, and a steering device for steering right and left wheels of the vehicle. The steering device includes tie rods connected, respectively, to the right and left wheels, and configured to steer the respective right and left wheels, a pair of rack bars connected to the respective tie rods, and a rack bar moving arrangement capable of moving, by the same distance, the pair of rack bars in one of opposite directions or in one and the other of the opposite directions, respectively, whereby the pair of rack bars are moved simultaneously with each other under the steering force generated by the steering force generating arrangement. 1. A vehicle comprising:a steering force generating arrangement capable of generating a steering force; andat least one steering device for steering right and left wheels which are constituted by a pair of front wheels of the vehicle or a pair of rear wheels of the vehicle, wherein the steering device comprises:tie rods connected, respectively, to the right and left wheels, and configured to steer the respective right and left wheels; a pair of rack bars connected to the respective tie rods; anda rack bar moving arrangement capable of moving, by a same distance, the pair of rack bars in one of opposite directions or in one and the other of the opposite directions, respectively,wherein the steering force generating arrangement and the steering device are configured such that the pair of rack bars are moved simultaneously with each other under the steering force generated by the steering force generating arrangement.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the steering force generated by the steering force generating arrangement is one of a torque generated when a steering of the vehicle is turned by a driver of the vehicle claim 1 , and a torque generated by a steering actuator configured to be actuated when the steering is turned by the driver.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rack bar ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200269914A1
Автор: JR. Thomas Towles, Lawson

A steering axle drive assembly includes a steering axle having opposite ends, a wheel pivotally connected with each steering axle end, and a control mechanism. The wheels are operated by the control mechanism for rotation about a vertical axis and a horizontal axis. When the axle is connected with a vehicle, the control mechanism controls the steering axle wheels independent of other wheels of the vehicle, such as the main drive wheels, to steer and drive the vehicle from an origin in any direction without passing through the origin. Preferably, a motor or linear actuator controls the rotation of the steering axle wheels. The steering axle drive assembly can be further improved by including an angled axle. 1. A steering axle drive assembly for a vehicle , comprising:a. a steering axle having opposite ends;b. a wheel pivotally connected with each steering axle end for rotation about a vertical axis and rotation about a horizontal axis; andc. a control mechanism controlling the position of each of said steering axle wheels about each respective vertical axis and driving said steering axle wheels about each respective horizontal axis, said control mechanism controlling said steering axle wheels independent of other wheels of the vehicle to steer and drive the vehicle from a first angle and path directly to any other angle and path without passing through the origin of the first angle and path.2. A steering axle drive assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein each of said steering axle wheels is rotatable through an angle of at least 150-degrees about the respective vertical axis.3. A steering axle drive assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein each of said steering axle wheels is rotatable between 180-degrees and 360-degrees about the respective vertical axis.4. A steering axle drive assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein said control mechanism includes a joystick connected with a controller claim 1 , said controller receiving a coordinate input from said joystick and ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200269915A1
Автор: Putz Stefan

The present disclosure relates to a method for steering a vehicle. A corresponding vehicle includes two steerable axles VA and HA each with an angle sensor, wherein a rear axle HA in an all-wheel mode is synchronously steered with the front axle VA in the opposite direction, this being designated as a 4×4 steering system. The vehicle further includes a control device for setting the steering angle of the axles based on the data provided by angle sensors. 1. A method for steering a vehicle comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1, 'providing at least two steerable axles VA, HA each with an angle sensor, wherein a rear axle HA in an all-wheel steering mode is synchronously steered with the front axle VA in the opposite direction, this being designated as a 4×4 steering system; and'}providing a control device for adjusting the steering angle of the axles on the basis of the data provided by the angle sensors.22. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a provision is made for a second steerable rear axle HA of an add-on implement non-destructively detachable connectable to the vehicle (steering logic for a 6→6 vehicle with two rear axles) claim 1 ,{'b': '2', 'wherein the second steerable rear axle HA of the add-on implement has an angle sensor, and'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '1', '2, 'wherein when the second rear axle is coupled, the first front axle VA and the rear axle HA positioned in the direction of travel is synchronously steered in all-wheel steering mode and wherein a steering angle of the first rear axle HA is automatically set in accordance with the steering position of VA and HA, this being designated as a 6×6 steering system with two rear axles.'}321221. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second rear axle HA is coupled the 4×4 steering system automatically becomes a 6×6 steering system claim 2 , so that the two rear axles HA and HA automatically convert to the synchronization mode of the 6×6 steering system and/or that when the second rear axle HA is uncoupled the 6× ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Electro-hydraulic steering control system

Номер: US20180281852A1
Автор: Derek M. Eagles
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A steering system for a work vehicle having a steerable wheel. The steering system includes a steering input device configured to provide a first steering input and a second steering input to move the steerable wheel. A pilot system is operatively connected to the steering input device and includes a first pilot line operatively connected to the first steering input and a second pilot line operatively connected to the second steering input. A piloted system is operatively connected to the pilot system and includes a direction control valve operatively connected to each of the first and second pilot lines and to a steering cylinder. The steering cylinder is coupled to the steerable wheel. The direction control valve responds to each of the pressure signals of the first and second pilot lines to adjust the position of the steering cylinder which in turn moves the steerable wheel.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283582A1

A method for operating an industrial truck having three wheels. During longitudinal travel, two steerable wheels run in succession in a first lane, and a third wheel runs in a second lane. The third wheel initially runs on an inside during a turning in while cornering until the industrial truck, during a further turning in, transitions into a revolving motion. The method includes reducing a drive power as of a specific steering angle during the turning in prior to the revolving motion, and disengaging or reversing a direction of a drive rotation of the third wheel after a delay time which begins with the reducing of the drive power, or, continuously reducing the drive power from the specific steering angle during the further turning in, and disengaging or reversing the direction of rotation of the third wheel when transitioning into the revolving motion. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for operation of an industrial truck ,the industrial truck comprising three wheels,wherein,during a longitudinal travel of the industrial truck, two wheels of the three wheels run in succession and at least approximately in a first lane, and a third wheel of the three wheels runs in a second lane,the two wheels running in the first lane are steerable around respective steering angles,the third wheel running in the second lane initially runs on an inside during a turning in while cornering until the industrial truck, during a further turning in, transitions into a revolving motion, andat least one of the two wheels running in the first lane during the longitudinal travel and the third wheel running in the second lane is configured to be acted on by a drive power,the method comprising:reducing the drive power by a specific amount as of a specific steering angle during the turning in prior to the transitioning into the revolving motion; anddisengaging the third wheel initially running on the inside or reversing a direction of a drive rotation of the third wheel after a specified delay time ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283804A1

A toe angle control system for a vehicle, includes: an actuator having an output part configured to receive a driving force of an electric motor via a gear transmission mechanism and to be displaced by the driving force such that a displacement of the output part varies a toe angle of a wheel; and a controller controlling the electric motor, wherein the controller is configured to calculate an operation quantity of the electric motor, and, when the controller determines that a current displacement direction of the output part and a displacement direction of the output part corresponding to the operation quantity are opposite to each other, the controller corrects the operation quantity to reduce the operation quantity. 1. A toe angle control system for a vehicle , comprising:an actuator having an output part configured to receive a driving force of an electric motor via a gear transmission mechanism and to be displaced by the driving force such that a displacement of the output part varies a toe angle of a wheel; anda controller controlling the electric motor,wherein the controller is configured to calculate an operation quantity of the electric motor, and, when the controller determines that a current displacement direction of the output part and a displacement direction of the output part corresponding to the operation quantity are opposite to each other, the controller corrects the operation quantity to reduce the operation quantity.2. The toe angle control system according to claim 1 , further comprising a sensor configured to detect a state quantity related to a position of the output part claim 1 ,wherein the controller is configured to obtain the current displacement direction of the output part based on a signal from the sensor, and when the current displacement direction of the output part and the displacement direction of the output part corresponding to the operation quantity are opposite to each other, to correct the operation quantity of the electric ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150307128A1

A power steering system includes a first steering device which controls the steering of the first wheels of the vehicle according to a first steering angle α and includes a first actuator capable of providing a steering assistance effort, a second steering device including a second actuator controlled by a controller as a function of a parameter related to the steering wheel movement, and controlling the steering of the second wheels, according to a second steering angle α In normal operation of the power steering system, α is set according to a first rule depending on the first steering angle α In case the steering wheel torque is greater than a predetermined threshold, the second steering device is operated in a forced mode by setting the second steering angle according to a rule depending on the first steering angle and taking into account at least one different or additional data, in order to cause an offset-oversteering of the second wheel. 2. The control method according to claim 1 , wherein the control method comprises operating the second steering device in a forced mode in case a failure is detected in the operation of the steering assistance device.3221111. The control method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the second steering device is operated in the forced mode claim 1 , the second steering angle (α) is set according to a second rule (F(α)) depending on the first steering angle (α) and different from the first rule (F(α)).4211111. The control method according to claim 3 , wherein the second rule is defined by F(α)=f(α)+A with f(α) being identical or different from the first rule (F(α)) and A being a constant value or a function depending on the steering wheel torque (SWT)) and/or on the time (t).521. The control method according to claim 3 , wherein F(α=0)≠0.62111112121121221. The control method according to claim 4 , wherein F(α=0)≠0 claim 4 , and the first rule is defined by F(α)=r×α and the second rule is defined by F(α)=r×α+A with r ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190291780A1

Provided is an electric power steering device including: a front-wheel steering mechanism, which is provided to front wheels of a vehicle, and includes a front-wheel steering motor as a drive source; and a rear-wheel steering mechanism, which is provided to rear wheels of the vehicle, and includes a rear-wheel steering motor as a drive source, wherein the rear-wheel steering motor is configured to be a double-inverter three-phase duplex motor, the double-inverter three-phase duplex motor including two three-phase windings and two inverters each configured to individually drive one of the two three-phase windings. Therefore, the electric power steering device is capable of, even when a failure has occurred in the steering motor of the rear-wheel steering mechanism, maintaining a function of the rear-wheel steering mechanism to secure behavior stability of the vehicle. 16-. (canceled)7. An electric power steering device , comprising:a front-wheel steering mechanism, which is provided to front wheels of a vehicle, and includes a front-wheel steering motor as a drive source; anda rear-wheel steering mechanism, which is provided to rear wheels of the vehicle, and includes a rear-wheel steering motor as a drive source,wherein the rear-wheel steering motor is configured to be a double-inverter three-phase duplex motor, the double-inverter three-phase duplex motor including two three-phase windings and two inverters each configured to individually drive one of the two three-phase windings.8. An electric power steering device , comprising:a front-wheel steering mechanism, which is provided to front wheels of a vehicle, and includes a front-wheel steering motor as a drive source; anda rear-wheel steering mechanism, which is provided to rear wheels of the vehicle, and includes two rear-wheel steering motors each serving as a drive source,wherein the rear-wheel steering motor is configured to be a single-inverter three-phase motor, the single-inverter three-phase motor ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190291895A1

A mobile self-leveling landing platform vehicle is disclosed that includes a landing surface and one or more wheel assemblies. Each wheel assembly includes a wheel, a control arm coupled with the wheel and the body of the landing platform vehicle, and an actuator coupled with the control arm and the body of the platform vehicle. Methods for self-leveling the landing platform vehicle are also disclosed. 118-. (canceled)19. A mobile landing platform vehicle comprising:a landing platform body;a landing platform surface;an inclinometer;a first actuating wheel assembly including a first wheel, a first control arm coupled with the first wheel, and a first linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the first control arm;a second actuating wheel assembly including a second wheel, a second control arm coupled with the second wheel, and a second linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the second control arm;a third actuating wheel assembly including a third wheel, a third control arm coupled with the third wheel, and a third linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the third control arm;a fourth actuating wheel assembly including a fourth wheel, a fourth control arm coupled with the fourth wheel, and a fourth linear actuator coupled with the landing platform body and the fourth control arm; anda controller communicatively coupled with the inclinometer, the first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, and the fourth actuator, the controller configured to determine and send at least one adjustment value to the first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, and the fourth actuator to maintain a level landing platform surface;a first linear actuator controller communicatively coupled with the controller and the first linear actuator;a second linear actuator controller communicatively coupled with the controller and the second linear actuator;a third linear actuator controller communicatively coupled with ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150321695A1

A steering intermediate arm for linking dual steer axles on a vehicle is mountable for pivoting movement on a vehicle fram rail about a non-horizontal axis. The intermediate arm provides for a connection between a first linking rod extending rearwardly from a pitman arm and a second linking rod extending rearwardly to a steering arm of a rearward steerable axle of the dual steerable axles. 1. An apparatus comprising a steering intermediate arm capable of pivoting relative to a vehicle frame rail about a first pivot axis , the first pivot axis being non-horizontal; andwherein the intermediate arm is adapted to be pivotally disposed between a forward linking rod and rearward linking rod.2. An apparatus according to wherein the first pivot axis is angled less than about 45 degrees from a vertical axis.3. An apparatus according to wherein the first pivot axis is substantially vertical.4. An apparatus according to wherein the intermediate arm has a body portion extending in a first direction and a connection portion extending in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction on an inner side relative to the vehicle; the connection portion allowing the intermediate arm to be mounted to pivot on the first pivot axis relative to the frame rail.5. An apparatus according to wherein the intermediate arm has a body portion extending in a first direction and at least one projection extending in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction on an outer side relative to the vehicle; the at least one projection having one of a through-hole and a groove to define at least a second pivot axis.6. An apparatus according to wherein the at least one projection provides a connection point for one of the forward linking rod claim 5 , the rearward linking rod and a power assist piston; the connection point allowing pivotal movement about the second pivot axis.7. An apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the at least one projection comprises three projections providing ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150321696A1

Provided is a method for controlling rear wheel steering provided for a vehicle. The method includes: recognizing an abnormal condition of a sensor; calculating a speed of a vehicle; calculating a steering angular velocity of the vehicle; calculating torque of a steering column of the vehicle; determining a curvature of a lane along which the vehicle is traveling; and determining a rear wheel steering angle of the vehicle based on the speed of the vehicle, the steering angular velocity, the torque of the steering column, and the curvature of the lane. 1. A method for controlling rear wheel steering provided for a vehicle , the method comprising:recognizing an abnormal condition of a sensor that detects a stroke of a rear wheel actuator of the vehicle;determining whether the vehicle is traveling straight; andwhen it is determined that the vehicle is traveling straight, stopping an operation of the rear wheel steering and converting a current mode to a mode of steering the vehicle only with front wheel steering.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining of whether the vehicle is traveling straight includescalculating a speed of the vehicle,calculating a steering angular velocity of the vehicle,calculating torque of a steering column of the vehicle, anddetermining a curvature of a lane along which the vehicle is traveling; andthe determining of whether the vehicle is traveling straight is performed based on the speed of the vehicle, the steering angular velocity, the torque of the steering column, and the curvature of the lane.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the calculating of the speed of the vehicle includes determining whether the speed of the vehicle is equal to or more than a preset first reference value and is less than a preset second reference value.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the calculating of the steering angular velocity includes determining whether the steering angular velocity is less than a preset third ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190300077A1
Автор: SAP Bruno

An agricultural tractor including a chassis having a front end and a rear end, the chassis defining a longitudinal axis; a first axle; a second axle; a hood which substantially encloses an engine compartment; and a cab. The first axle and the hood are proximate the front end of the chassis and the second axle and the cab are proximate the rear end of the chassis. The hood and cab are positioned above the chassis, and the cab and chassis are fixed relative to each other and longitudinally spaced apart on the chassis. 1. An agricultural tractor comprising:a chassis having a front end and a rear end, the chassis defining a longitudinal axis;a first axle;a second axle;a hood which substantially encloses an engine compartment; anda cab;wherein the first axle and the hood are proximate the front end of the chassis and the second axle and the cab are proximate the rear end of the chassis; and wherein the hood and cab are positioned above the chassis, and wherein the cab and chassis are fixed relative to each other and longitudinally spaced apart on the chassis.2. The agricultural tractor according to wherein the first axle is a steered axle.3. The agricultural tractor according to wherein the second axle is a steered axle.4. The agricultural tractor according to wherein the hood comprises a rear face claim 1 , the rear face both facing toward the cab and spaced apart from the cab.5. The agricultural tractor according to wherein an aperture is positioned between the hood and the cab.6. The agricultural tractor according to wherein the rear face includes an aperture for the passage of air.7. The agricultural tractor according to wherein the aperture is an air exhaust aperture.8. The agricultural tractor according to wherein the aperture is an air intake aperture.9. The agricultural tractor according to wherein the cab is positioned above the second axle.10. The agricultural tractor according to wherein the hood is positioned above the first axle.11. The agricultural tractor ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180319439A1

The assistance device (I) operates in a road mode in which the rear wheels () are initially straight and, once the front wheels (II) have turned through a certain steering angle, the rear wheels () are controlled to steer proportionately to the steering angle control received by the front wheels (II). This device (I) also operates in a parking mode in which the rear axle () steers and in which the steering angle of the rear wheels () is controlled via a device () for controlling the steering of the rear axle (). The device then controls the steering of the rear wheels (), which is dependent on the distance between the vehicle and the platform and other obstacles in the environment. These distances are measured by distance sensors (). 121-. (canceled)2431733. The road vehicle () according to claim 22 , wherein the assistance system also includes a distance sensor () provided at the front of the vehicle () to measure a distance (DAVenv) from the front of the vehicle () to other environment obstacles.2539. The road vehicle () according to claim 22 , wherein the rear wheels () can be steered with an angle claim 22 , whose absolute value is greater than 10°.263109911911. The road vehicle () according to claim 22 , wherein in the road mode claim 22 , the direction driving device () monitors the deflection angle (AAR) of the rear wheels () so that the rear wheels () are initially straight ahead claim 22 , then claim 22 , beyond a given value of the steering angle of the front wheels () claim 22 , the deflection of the rear wheels () is controlled as a proportional and a linear function of the steering command from the front wheels ().273593. The road vehicle () according to claim 22 , wherein claim 22 , in the road mode claim 22 , the rear axle () is fixed with straight ahead rear wheels () when the speed of the vehicle () is greater than a maximum speed in the road mode (SVAR).283111. The road vehicle () according to claim 22 , wherein the assistance system () ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Steering System for a Trailing Axle of a Vehicle

Номер: US20170327147A1

A steering system for a trailing or leading axle of a vehicle includes a steering angle sensor for measuring a steering angle of wheels of a front axle of the vehicle, a driving speed sensor for measuring a driving speed of the vehicle, an electric motor that drives a hydraulic pump, and a working cylinder connected to the hydraulic pump for steering the wheels of the trailing axle. The system also includes a control device that determines a trailing angle of wheels on the trailing axle of the vehicle and actuates the electric motor in a corresponding manner. The working cylinder has a center position borehole via which hydraulic fluid is released from the working cylinder. A piston closes the center position borehole in the straight-ahead position of the wheels of the trailing axle. The center position borehole can only be closed by a piston seal of the piston. 1. A steering system for at least one trailing or leading axle of a vehicle , comprising:a steering angle sensor configured to measure a steering angle of wheels of a front axle of the vehicle,a driving speed sensor configured to measure a driving speed of the vehicle,an electric motor that drives a hydraulic pump,a working cylinder configured to steer the wheels of the trailing axle, the working cylinder connected to the hydraulic pump via feed lines,a control device which, with the aid of the data from the steering angle sensor and the driving speed sensor, determines a trailing angle of wheels on the trailing axle of the vehicle and activates the electric motor accordingly,wherein the working cylinder has a central position borehole via which hydraulic fluid is configured to be discharged from the working cylinder, the central position borehole of the working cylinder being connected to a central position valve via which hydraulic fluid can is configured to flow back into a tank,wherein, in the straight-ahead position of the wheels of the trailing axle, a piston closes the central position borehole, ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Four-Wheel Steering With Front/Rear Matching Geometries

Номер: US20190315395A1

A high clearance sprayer with a four-wheel steering system includes a steering input, a steering control system, a front steering system, and a rear steering system. The front and rear steering systems are mirrored images of one another, which simplifies and improves the accuracy of the four-wheel steering control methodology. In doing so, the control system may calculate a single value that is used for controlling the front steering system, and an inverse of the single value that is used for controlling the rear steering system. Both of the front steering system and the rear steering system include wheels, steering actuator systems, swingarms, and wheel supports, which all of position of the wheels relative to the sprayer to be rotated. The steering control system may allow for various steering maneuvers to occur, including a turn-steering maneuver and a crab-steering maneuver. 1. A high clearance sprayer with a four-wheel steering system , comprising:a steering input device configured to be manipulated by a user steering the high clearance sprayer to perform a steering maneuver; [ a first wheel configured to pivot about a first generally vertical steering axis;', 'a second wheel configured to pivot about a second generally vertical steering axis;, 'a pair of steerable front wheels that define, 'a front steering actuator system configured to pivot the pair of steerable front wheels in a common direction during the steering maneuver to define a front steering direction and a front steering angle during the steering maneuver;, 'a front steering system, comprising;'} [ a third wheel configured to pivot about a third generally vertical steering axis;', 'a fourth wheel configured to pivot about a fourth generally vertical steering axis;, 'a pair of steerable rear wheels that define, 'a rear steering actuator system configured to pivot the pair of steerable rear wheels in a common direction during the steering maneuver to define a rear steering direction and a rear ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160339753A1
Автор: WALLGREN Klaus

A wheel suspension for a motor vehicle, including a wheel carrier () for holding a wheel (), a wheel-guiding control arm () for articulating the wheel carrier () to a structure, and steering member () for steering the wheel (). For steering the wheel (), the wheel carrier () and the wheel-guiding control arm () are articulated to one another in such manner that the wheel carrier () can pivot relative to the wheel-guiding control arm () about a steering axis. The wheel carrier () is connected indirectly to the control arm () in a first connection zone () by an integral link (). 113-. (canceled)14. A wheel suspension for a motor vehicle , the wheel suspension comprising:{'b': 2', '3, 'a wheel carrier () for holding a wheel (),'}{'b': 4', '2, 'a wheel-guiding control arm () for articulating the wheel carrier () to a vehicle structure, and'}{'b': 23', '3, 'steering means () for steering the wheel (),'}{'b': 2', '4', '3', '2', '4, 'the wheel carrier () and the wheel-guiding control arm (), for steering the wheel (), being articulated to one another such that the wheel carrier () being pivotable relative to the wheel-guiding control arm () about a steering axis, and'}{'b': 2', '20', '4', '5, 'the wheel carrier (), in a first connection zone (), being indirectly connected to the control arm () by way of an integral link ().'}152214. The wheel suspension according to claim 14 , wherein the wheel carrier () claim 14 , in a second connection zone () claim 14 , is directly connected to the control arm () by a ball joint.162021. The wheel suspension according to claim 15 , wherein the first and the second connection zones (; ) are a spaced away from one another in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle.172021. The wheel suspension according to claim 15 , wherein one of the first and the second connection zones (; ) is located behind a center of the wheel and the other of the first and the second connection zones is located ahead of the center of the wheel.1820. The wheel ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Four Wheel Steering With Lock Assembly

Номер: US20180327021A1

A lock system can be provided at each rear wheel assembly of a four wheel steering system to physically lock the rear wheel assemblies in a fixed direction to safely prevent rear wheel steering when such feature is undesirable. The lock system can use an electronically controlled actuator to hydraulically drive or retract a lock cylinder to lock or unlock the rear wheel assemblies, respectively. Sensors can be used to detect whether the lock cylinders are driven or retracted by their respective actuators, so that a controller monitoring the sensors can determine whether four wheel steering is enabled or disabled. 1. A steering assembly for an agricultural machine comprising:a swing arm configured to move with respect to a chassis;a steerable leg coupled to the swing arm, the steerable leg being configured to move with respect to the swing arm and being configured to receive a wheel assembly;a steering cylinder coupled to the swing arm and the steerable leg, the steering cylinder being configured to control movement between the swing arm and the steerable leg for steering the wheel assembly; anda lock assembly in communication with the steerable leg, the lock assembly being operable to lock the steerable leg in a first state which prevents the steerable leg from moving with respect to the swing arm, and unlock the steerable leg in a second state which allows the steerable leg to move with respect to the swing arm.2. The steering assembly of claim 1 , wherein the lock assembly comprises an actuator configured to drive a lock cylinder.3. The steering assembly of claim 2 , wherein the actuator is coupled to the swing arm claim 2 , the steerable leg provides a pocket claim 2 , and the actuator is configured to drive the lock cylinder into the pocket.4. The steering assembly of claim 3 , wherein the actuator is electronically controlled to hydraulically drive the lock cylinder.5. The steering assembly of claim 4 , wherein the lock assembly includes a lock sensor ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Four Wheel Steering With Rear Mounted Control Valves

Номер: US20180327025A1

Electronically controlled hydraulic valves can be directly mounted to rear steering cylinders of a four wheel steering machine to improve steering, reduce space consumption, reduce leak points and allow ease of routing. The valves can receive hydraulic fluid from a pump and release hydraulic fluid to tank, while controlling an amount of hydraulic fluid to the steering cylinder via inlets and outlets in direct contact. The valves can be controlled by a controller that is also in communication with position sensors configured to sense positions of the front and rear steering cylinders, so that the directly mounted valves in the rear can be correspondingly controlled to follow steering in the front. 1. A steering assembly for an agricultural machine comprising:a swing arm configured to move with respect to a chassis;a steerable leg coupled to the swing arm, the steerable leg being configured to move with respect to the swing arm and being configured to receive a wheel assembly;a steering cylinder coupled to the swing arm and the steerable leg, the steering cylinder being configured to control movement between the swing arm and the steerable leg for steering the wheel assembly; andan electronically controlled valve operable to hydraulically adjust the steering cylinder to control the movement for steering the wheel assembly, wherein the electronically controlled valve is directly mounted to the steering cylinder without an interconnecting hydraulic hose in between the electronically controlled valve and the steering cylinder.2. The steering assembly of claim 1 , wherein the steering cylinder includes a position sensor configured to sense a position of the steering cylinder.3. The steering assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a lock assembly in communication with the steerable leg claim 1 , the lock assembly being operable to lock the steerable leg in a first state which prevents the steerable leg from moving with respect to the swing arm claim 1 , and unlock the ...
