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05-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2808974C2

Группа изобретений относится к методам и средствам изготовления комбинированных банок. Способ включает: формирование полой основной части (203) путем сгибания заготовки (16) основной части и сведения двух противоположных краев заготовки (16) основной части вместе встык; уплотнение стыка путем приваривания уплотнительной полоски (214) поверх стыка, тем самым формируя промежуточную банку (403; 503); уплотнение верхнего отверстия (211) путем присоединения верхнего уплотнительного элемента (227) поперек верхнего отверстия (211); наложение верхней кромки (223) на промежуточную банку (403; 503) путем приваривания вставленной части верхней кромки (223) к внутренней поверхности полой основной части (203); переворот промежуточной банки (403; 503) вверх дном и размещение промежуточной банки (403; 503) на транспортере (2a) с верхней кромкой (223), опирающейся на транспортер (2a); заполнение промежуточной банки (403; 503) через нижнее отверстие (213); уплотнение нижнего отверстия (213) полой основной ...

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2413663C2

Модуль предназначен для стерилизации полотна упаковочного материала. Модуль состоит из ванны со стерилизующим агентом, в которую непрерывно подают полотно, асептической среды, содержащей стерильный воздух и соединенной с выходным отверстием ванны, и средства для сушки. При этом асептическая среда разделена на две области каналом с узким сечением, вдоль которого перемещается полотно. Канал имеет такие размеры, что формируется заданная разность давлений между упомянутыми двумя областями, обеспечивая поступление воздуха в него из области повышенного давления в область пониженного давления для сушки полотна. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение производительности. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2568099C2

Изобретение относится к диспенсеру для кондитерских изделий, содержащему корпус, формирующий внутреннюю камеру для размещения секционированной ленточной упаковки кондитерских изделий и имеющий щель, сформированную с ним как одно целое, в которую вставляется концевая часть секционированной ленточной упаковки, для выдачи изделий. Диспенсер включает сформированный как одно целое фиксирующий элемент, расположенный внутри корпуса для фиксации в щели концевой части указанной упаковки для последующей выдачи. Изобретение обеспечивает надежное направление ленточной упаковки в щель. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 33 ил.

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2709755C2
Принадлежит: Н.В. НЮТРИСИА

Изобретение относится к способу производства и заполнения упаковки (1) порошкообразным пищевым продуктом (21), например детским питанием или сухой молочной смесью, причем способ содержит этапы, на которых берут термоформованный лоток (2), имеющий боковые стенки (16) и основание (14), образующие пространство (20) для приема продукта, заполняют пространство для приема продукта порошкообразным пищевым продуктом и устанавливают мембрану (6) на открытую горловину (15) лотка для герметизации содержащегося в нем продукта; и сгибают картонную заготовку (28) с множеством панелей вокруг заполненного лотка для получения картонного рукава (4), при этом картонный рукав содержит периферийную стенку, охватывающую по меньшей мере боковые стенки лотка. Изобретение также относится к упаковке для таких порошкообразных пищевых продуктов, изготовленной этим способом. 2 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

04-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018116561A3

10-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016150864A3

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019138697A3

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594864C1

Герметично запаянная упаковка содержит объем для хранения содержимого и по меньшей мере одну открываемую герметично запаянную область, граничащую по меньшей мере с одной стороны с краем упаковки, имеющая первый и второй конец. Открываемая герметично запаянная область содержит первую ослабленную линию, которая проходит из первой точки герметично запаянной области внутрь первого конца ко второй точке герметично запаянной области, находящейся с внутренней стороны второго конца. Открываемая герметично запаянная область содержит по меньшей мере одну дополнительную ослабленную линию. Группа изобретений обеспечивает надежное и без разрывов открывание емкости. 5 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

19-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706487C1

Устройство содержит опору с первой рабочей поверхностью и сонотрод со второй рабочей поверхностью, которые предназначены для пропускания упаковочного материала между ними и для приваривания первого участка материала ко второму его участку. По меньшей мере одна из первой или второй рабочих поверхностей содержит первую сварочную поверхность, образующую первую расширенную плоскость, и вторую сварочную поверхность, образующую вторую расширенную плоскость, которая обладает другой ориентацией, чем первая плоскость. Первая и вторая поверхности для сварки частично ограничены режущим краем с направлением расширения вдоль первой и второй сварочных поверхностей, чтобы режущий край отделял первую сварочную поверхность от второй. При этом первая и вторая рабочие поверхности выполнены с возможностью одновременно сваривать и разрезать материал. Первая расширенная плоскость и/или вторая расширенная плоскость образуют угол (α, β) в диапазоне от 72° до 90° относительно основного направления опоры и/или сонотрода ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2655286C1
Принадлежит: ПЯО Чанцзинь (CN)

Изобретение относится к упаковочной коробке сжатого типа для лапши быстрого приготовления и способ ее изготовления. Упаковочная коробка содержит кубический основной корпус (1) упаковочной коробки, имеющий объем, немного больший, чем объем брикета лапши быстрого приготовления, и крышку (2) коробки, закрывающую основной корпус упаковочной коробки, и дополнительно содержит складной контейнер, нижняя сторона (4) которого приклеена к нижней стороне внутри основного корпуса упаковочной коробки, причем, после раскладывания в основном корпуса упаковочной коробки, складной контейнер представляет собой кубическое бочкообразное тело (14), которое выше, чем основной корпус упаковочной коробки; отдельно упакованные пакет с лапшой быстрого приготовления, пакет с приправой и пакет со столовыми приборами помещаются на верхнюю сторону складного контейнера, и после закрывания основного тела упаковочной коробки крышкой коробки на всю упаковочную коробку для лапши быстрого приготовления наносится слой термоусадочной ...

27-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012144752A

... 1. Диспенсер для кондитерских изделий, содержащий:корпус, формирующий внутреннюю камеру для размещения секционированной ленточной упаковки кондитерских изделий и имеющий щель, в которую вставляется концевая часть секционированной ленточной упаковки, для выдачи кондитерских изделий; ификсирующий элемент, расположенный внутри корпуса для фиксации в щели концевой части указанной упаковки для последующей выдачи.2. Диспенсер по п.1, в котором корпус и щель формируются как одно целое.3. Диспенсер по п.1, в котором щель имеет также проем, формирующий область доступа для введения концевой части упаковки внутрь щели.4. Диспенсер по п.1, в котором не требуется заправка в щель концевой части упаковки.5. Диспенсер по п.1, в котором корпус также формируется несколькими элементами стенки.6. Диспенсер по п.5, в котором по меньшей мере одна стенка или ее часть является съемной для обеспечения доступа во внутреннюю камеру.7. Диспенсер по п.5, в котором по меньшей мере один элемент стенки шарнирно прикреплен ...

02-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019138697A
Автор: ВАЙН, Ли (GB)

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013132967A

... 1. Преформа для устройства дозирования жидкости, включающая:внутренний слой, ивнешний слой,в которой внутренний и внешний слои герметично присоединены к нижней части и к верхней части преформы.2. Преформа по п.1, в которой внешний слой снабжен цельно сформованным снижающим давление механизмом, таким образом, что при его сжатии снижается любое давление между внутренним и внешним контейнерами.3. Преформа по п.1, в которой внутренний слой и внешний слои составляют (a) одинаковый материал или (b) различные материалы.4. Преформа по п.3, в которой (a) внутренний и внешний слои изготовлены из PET; или (b) один слой изготовлен из PET, и другой слой изготовлен из полиолефина; или (c) внутренний слой изготовлен из полиолефина и внешний слой изготовлен из PET.5. Преформа по любому из пп.1-4, в которой внутренний слой и внешний слой изготовлены двухкомпонентным инжекционным формованием.6. Преформа по п.5, в которой, если два слоя изготовлены из одинакового материала или имеют практически одинаковую ...

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014138872A

... 1. Упаковочный пакет из гибкого материала, закрытый на одном конце с помощью запечатывающего соединения для формирования верхней части пакета, содержащей удаляемую внешнюю секцию и внутреннюю секцию, которые запечатываются, причем запечатывающее соединение внутренней секции является разъемным соединением, и во внешней секции формируется овальное отверстие, с помощью которого упаковочный пакет может быть подвешен для целей демонстрации товара, причем отверстие имеет такие размеры, что пользователь может ввести в него один или несколько пальцев, и отверстие смещено к первому боковому краю внешней секции верхней части пакета.2. Упаковочный пакет по п. 1, в котором запечатывающее соединение во внутренней секции верхней части является повторно закрываемым.3. Упаковочный пакет по п. 1, в котором в первом боковом краю верхней части пакета между внутренней и внешней секциями обеспечивается элемент инициализации разрыва, такой как выемка или надрез.4. Упаковочный пакет по п. 3, в котором овальное ...

30-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1838194C

10-06-1998 дата публикации

Procedure for manufacture, filling and sealing of bags

Номер: DE0019708596C1

The tubular film web (5) in the area of the side folds, within the space of the transverse weld seams corresponding to the bag lengths, is subjected to an abrasive treatment or may be provided with an additional layer to enable welding, and this layer may be a hot melt glue application. The equipment to carry out the process includes supports spreading the side fold areas and which carry rotating or revolving brushes or abrasive elements.

15-01-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002924814A1

The apparatus has a container-shaping device (12, 12a, 16, 16a) and a filling device (6). The container-shaping device has two bottom-mould halves (12, 12a), movable relative to one another and provided with holding members for holding a tubular plastic blank, for the shaping of the container belly and the container bottom and upper-mould halves (16, 16a), arranged above them and movable independently of the bottom-mould halves, for the shaping of the container head. The filling device is provided with a gas pipe, a filling pipe and a vent pipe. So that powdery or granular materials can be dispensed (for filling) in predetermined quantities by means of such an apparatus, the filling pipe (34) accommodates a dust-retaining and gas-permeable device (38) which limits the quantity receivable by the filling pipe. Moreover, the filling pipe can be connected selectively to an underpressure source or to an overpressure source and can selectively be connected to or separated from a supply container ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum automatisierten Befüllen von Sandsäcken

Номер: DE102015109798A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum automatisierten Befüllen von Sandsäcken, in dem wenigstens teilweise vorkonfektioniertes Sandsackmaterial (28) in einem Bereich eines Sandaustrittsabschnitts (16) wenigstens einer Fördereinrichtung (12) wenigstens abschnittsweise eingespannt wird und dann Sand (32) aus wenigstens einem Sandspeicher (14) über die Fördereinrichtung (12) zu dem Sandaustrittsabschnitt (48) gefördert wird und das Sandsackmaterial (28) hinsichtlich einer Füllmenge überwacht wird und nach dem Befüllen über wenigstens eine Fördereinrichtung (36) abtransportiert wird. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass das Sandsackmaterial (28) mit wenigstens einer Speicher- und Zuführeinrichtung (24) bevorratet und dem wenigstens einen Sandaustrittsabschnitt (16) zugeführt wird. Die Erfindung betrifft ferner eine entsprechende Vorrichtung zum automatisierten Befüllen von Sandsäcken (10).

29-01-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003031879C2

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Zementsack und Herstellverfahren

Номер: DE102007018579B4

Zementsack (1) zum Transport und Lagern von definierten Portionen von zumindest 15 kg bis 50 kg des schüttfähigen Zementmaterials, wobei der Zementsack (1) eine Sackwand (6) aufweist, die aus einem Laminat (2) mit zumindest einer ersten und eine zweiten Lage (3, 5) besteht, die erste Lage (3) ein Film und die zweite Lage (5) ein Spinnvlies sind, die miteinander verbunden sind, wobei das Laminat (2) luftdurchlässig ist und das luftdurchlässige Spinnvlies die Außenlage (8) und der luftdurchlässige Film die Innenlage (7) des flexiblen Zementsacks bildet.

26-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002418228B2

03-11-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Herstellung und Befüllung von Verpackungsmitteln

Номер: DE102010028394A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung und Befüllung von Verpackungsmitteln (60), bei dem folgende Verfahrensschritte durchgeführt werden beschrieben und beansprucht: flachgelegtes schlauchförmiges Folienmaterial (4), wird entlang der Hauptsymmetrieachse (65) des Schlauches (4) von einer Rolle (3) abgewickelt, das schlauchförmige Material (4) wird durch einen Schweiß- und Trennvorgang mit einer ersten zur Schlauchachse (65) senkrechten Querschweißnaht (42) versehen und entlang Trennlinie getrennt, die so entstandenen einseitig offenen Schlauchstücke (18) befüllt, das noch offene Ende (62) der einseitig offenen Schlauchstücke (18) wird mit einer zweiten Querschweißnaht (42) versehen. Als neu und erfinderisch wird angesehen, dass zwei aufeinander folgende Trennlinien (42) in den Schlauch (4) in einem Abstand (61) eingebracht werden, der geringer ist als der Abstand (64) zwischen den beiden Rändern (50, 51) des Schlauches (4). Auch eine Vorrichtung (1) mit Merkmalen, die die Durchführung des ...

29-06-1967 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001963356U

01-07-1971 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Etikettieren von Aufgussbeuteln

Номер: DE0001786472A1

17-05-1962 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001851967U

02-10-2008 дата публикации

Wiegeverfahren für eine Form-, Fill- und Seal-Maschine

Номер: DE102007014890A1

Die Erfindung beschreibt ein Verfahren zum Formen, Befüllen und Schließen von Säcken (8, 11), welches zumindest folgende Merkmale aufweist: - die Bildung eines Sackes (8, 11), wobei Säcke (8, 11) aus Schlauchstücken gebildet werden, - die Befüllung eines Sackes (8), bei der die Säcke (8) gehalten und mit einem Befüllorgan (2) befüllt werden, - das Verschließen der Sacköffnung (25), - das Wiegen der Säcke (8). Während einer Zeitspanne (Z1 Подробнее

04-06-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in packets or containers for powders or other commodities and in the means for and method of producing and filling same

Номер: GB0000429927A

... 429,927. Wrapping-machines. LOWE, R. G., 11, Charnwood Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire. Dec. 4, 1933, No. 34087. [Class 94 (i)] Packets of powders and the like are formed by perforating a strip of cardboard or like material which is closed at the top and bottom by sheet material, the strip being severed at intervals to form the individual packets. The sheet material is provided with an extension by means of which the packet may be opened. As shown in Fig. 2, a strip 10 of cardboard &c. is advanced to a position at which an aperture 51 is punched therein, and a web of paper 41 is adhered to the bottom. A block 100 is formed by severance between the apertures, and the cavity is filled with powder &c. Finally a strip 81 is applied to the top and is severed between the blocks, a margin 96 being allowed to project to form a tab to facilitate removal. The punch 14, Fig. 3, is operated by an arm 15 pivoted at 16 and returned to the inoperative position by a spring 17. The strip is fed forward ...

17-07-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to machines for making and filling bags or packets

Номер: GB0000218782A

... 218,782. Day, A. May 1, 1923. Paper bags, making ; paper bags, filling.- The invention relates to machines for making and filling paper bags with tea &c., of the kind in which the material is fed into a funnel on the stem of which the bag is formed, such as is described in Specification 198,405, and consists in providing means for notching the paper sheet, whereby an " interlocking " fold is formed on the ends of the bag. A web of paper is drawn from a roll 17 by means of a feed-roller 38 through a punching device which comprises a punch c<13> and a die in a crossbar C. The cross-bar C is provided with bearings for vertical rods c<4>, c' on which slide members c<7>. c<10>, and c<14>, carrying an anvil c‹, the punch c<13> and a paper-gripper respectively. The members are spaced apart on the rods c<4>, c<5> by means of springs, which allow the paper to be held firmly while being punched. The punch is depressed-by means of cams c<16>, c<17>. The web of paper is severed across the orifice punched ...

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003461A

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Multi-piece dispenser for use with a consumable product

Номер: AP2012006506A0

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Multi-piece dispenser for use with a consumable product

Номер: AP0201206506A0

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Multi-piece dispenser for use with a consumable product

Номер: AP0201206506D0

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522442T

15-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000132449T

15-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000038366T

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000313483T

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000265368T

10-11-1967 дата публикации

Machine to manufacturing, filling and locking quaderförmigen bags

Номер: AT0000258216B

14-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006710681A

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Unitary transporter base and shaper and slip frame former for forming a transportable container

Номер: AU2009256106B2

The present invention relates to a method of producing a transportable container (20) for bulk goods. A bag (48) is placed through a former opening (78) of a slip frame former (24) which surrounds a portion of the bag. The bag receives the bulk goods from a feed source (50). A stretch wrap (38) is disposed radially about a bottom support (56) and a portion of the slip frame former to initially form the transportable container. At least one of the slip frame former and the bottom support moves relative to other in response to the fill level of the bulk goods in the bag. During filling, the slip frame former is maintained at a position surrounding the fill level of the bulk goods in the bag. As the fill level increases in the bag, previously disposed portions of stretch wrap are disengaged from the slip frame former to squeeze the filled portions of the bag and lock together the bulk goods as additional portions of stretch wrap are disposed around the slip frame former.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Improved pre-forms for flair applications

Номер: AU2011343417A1

Improved pre-forms for Flair and Flair-type applications are presented. In exemplary embodiments of the present invention, if two different materials which do not bond together are used to make a pre-form, then such a pre-form can be made by a bi- injection process, using the same mold. In such exemplary embodiments, first the outer pre-form can be fashioned, and then the inner pre-form can be molded through a center hole provided at the bottom of the outer pre-form. The two pre-forms are then connected to each other. The two materials can be different, such as PET and a polyolefin or polyamide, or for example, they can even be the same, such as PET/PET, if steps are taken to prevent their bonding during the molding of the second pre-form layer. In such a process, a non-stick coating can be sprayed on the surface that will be between the pre-forms, where the second perform will touch the first one, and after such application, the second container can be molded, also in a 2C process. The ...

17-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002786084A

05-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001957383A

23-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA945964A

06-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000992449A

27-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002413383A1

The specification discloses a method and apparatus for producing a package containing high moisture content particulate plant material intended for human consumption or for use as animal feed stock which will preserve same without the particulate plant material undergoing a drying process, the method involving either providing a flexible walled container or alternatively forming such a container from a web of plastics material cling film (15), at least partially filling the flexible walled container with particulate plant material via a delivery chute (17) into an upper open mouth of the flexible walled container, pressing the particulate plant material to expel air therefrom, closing the flexible walled container and preferably applying two circumferentially extending bands (22, 23) of plastics material film overlapping one another at 90~ around the closed flexible walled container with sufficient web thicknesses and tension to compress the flexible walls of said container inwardly.

23-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000945964A1

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003081772A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

A capsule or beverage brewing system or fabric is provided having optimized filtration characteristics. The capsule is provided for use in a machine for preparing a consumable product from capsules. The capsule includes a body that defines an interior space with an opening. A cover is disposed over the opening. A filter is disposed in the interior space to define a chamber between the filter and the cover. The filter has a basis weight of 40 gsm or less. Ingredients are disposed in the interior space for preparing a desired product. A portion of the ingredients have a grind size of less than 100 microns.

07-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003077195A1

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003059742A1

Machine for filling bags (1) with loose products, extending along a longitudinal direction (X-X) of movement of the bags (1), there being defined a sense (V1) concordant with the advancing movement of the bags from upstream to downstream and a sense (V2) opposite to the first sense in the longitudinal direction (X-X), the machine comprising: a station (A,F) for feeding, to a single pick-up position, a bag (1); a plurality of stations (R1,R2,Rn) for filling a respective bag (1), arranged in succession along the longitudinal direction (X-X), downstream of the pick-up position; means (100,1100) for transporting the bags from one station to the other, movable in both senses (V1,V2) of the longitudinal direction (X-X) and provided with pairs of means (110) for gripping a bag; said pick-up position and at least two filling stations (R1,R2,Rn) being arranged at a predefined and equal distance from each other, corresponding to a step between adjacent stations in the longitudinal direction (X-X) ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003054769A1

Cartridge (1) for an aerosol generating device and method for making said cartridge (1), said cartridge (1) comprising: a container (2) which comprises a bottom (20), a lateral wall (21) which rises from the bottom (20) and an opening (22); a liquid (3) contained in the container (2); a cap (4) which closes the opening (22) of the container (2); a coating (5) which covers at least the lateral wall (21) of the container (2) and which is made of a heat-shrinkable material.

06-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002960474C

A system for producing beverages comprising a capsule fixed to a reinforcement element, for example a reinforcement ring or a container that encloses the capsule, and a method for producing such a system for obtaining beverages are described. The reinforcement element comprises an upper annular edge to which the lid of the capsule is fixed. According to the present invention, there is no filtering thermoformable material of the capsule between the upper annular edge and the lid of the capsule.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002994618A1

The invention relates to methods and devices for transforming flexible, sealed packaging having at least two faces and containing at least one fluid and, optionally or complementarily, at least one solid, granulated and/or powdered, into three-dimensional packaging by folding or bending, at least once in at least one direction, at least one part of at least one flap/triangular body (38) or strip (37) on at least part of another part of the same flap/triangular body (38) or strip (37). In addition, beforehand and/or subsequently, at least one part is sealed at least once along at least one face of the flap/triangular body (38) or strip (37) produced, and/or same being folded/bent on itself at least once. This system involves improvements related to the inalterability of the packaging and to the economic and environmental aspects, since it is not necessary to cut the flaps or triangular bodies, the wrapping of the initial packaging transformed into 3D thus remaining intact without tears or ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002990727A1

La présente invention concerne une capsule(1), comprenant un corps (2) creux réalisé en une première matière végétale et conçu pour recevoir un produit infusable (3) réalisé en une seconde matière végétale, le corps (2) comportant une ouverture (4) obturée par un opercule pour contenir le produit infusable (3), caractérisée en ce que la capsule (1) comporte au moins une proéminence sécable (6) formée en saillie sur le corps (2) à l'opposé de l'ouverture (4) et poinçonnable par une machine destinée à infuser le produit infusable (3).L'invention concerne également un procédé de fabrication et un procédé de mise en uvre d'une telle capsule (1).

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002926351A1

A method of expanding a structural support volume of a flexible container can include dispensing a cryogenic fluid into at least one structural support volume and sealing the at least one structural support volume such that it has a closed volume prior to complete conversion of the cryogenic fluid into a gas and expansion of the structural support volume to a pressurized state. The flexible container includes a product volume and at least a portion of the structural support volume extends into the product volume when the structural support volume is expanded.

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002925705A1

A method for sealing and cutting of a flexible material for forming a flexible container comprising a product volume and at least one structural support volume can include feeding at least two flexible material into a sealing apparatus comprising a sealing surface and an opposed anvil surface; contacting a seam region of the at least two flexible material with the sealing surface to form a seal in the seam region and cut the seal to form a seam in a single unit operation. The seal defines one or both of at least a portion of a boundary of the product volume and at least a portion of a boundary of the at least one structural support volume.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002922822A1

A capsule is provided for use in a machine for preparing a consumable product from capsules. The capsule includes a body that defines an interior space with an opening. Ingredients are disposed within the interior space for preparing a desired product, a portion of the ingredients being non-permanently bound into a cluster. The cluster acts as a control member for controlling a flow of fluid for a period of time within the capsule. A cover is disposed over the opening.

16-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002734271C

A transportable container (20) for flowable bulk goods is formed by vertically- spacing a slip frame former (24) from a bottom support (72). An outer wrap (40,58,70) is disposed around the bottom support (72) and a portion of at least one former wall (56) to initially form the transportable container (20) prior to the addition of the bulk goods into the transportable container (20). At least one of the slip frame former (24) and the bottom support (72) moves vertically relative to other in response to the fill level of the bulk goods. As the fill level increases in the transportable container (20), previously disposed portions of outer wrap (40,68,70) are disengaged from the slip frame former (24) to squeeze the filled portions of the transportable container (20) and lock together the bulk goods disposed in the transportable container (20).

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002720609A1

The invention relates to a device (1) for filling bags (2), especially flat bags and side-gusseted bags, comprising an opening unit (8) for opening a first bag end (21) of the bags (2) and a filling station (9). In order to reliably and quickly fill the bags, the device comprises a cross-cutter (3) for bag blanks (25), a closing unit (4) of a second bag end (22) of the bag blanks (25) opposite the first bag end (21), and a deviation station (5), the cross-cutter (3), the closing unit (4) and the deviation station (5) being actively interconnected by means of a transport system (6). The device further comprises a feed device (7) for feeding the bag (2) from the deviation station (5) to the opening unit (8).

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002833096C
Принадлежит: 2266170 ONTARIO INC., 2266170 ONTARIO INC

A beverage capsule is provided for use in a beverage preparing machine. A system and process for making the beverage capsule is also provided. The beverage capsule includes a body defining an interior space having an opening. A filter is disposed in the body to define an ingredients chamber and an extraction chamber. The filter has an air flow permeability of at least 400 L/s.m2. Ingredients are disposed in the ingredients chamber and a cover is dispensed over the opening to seal the interior space. The filter includes a vent region between the top surface of the ingredients and the bottom surface of cover for venting gas through said filter between said ingredients chamber and said extraction chamber. An alternate embodiment includes air flow channels defined in a side wall of body.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002875027A1

A system for storing and packaging pharmaceuticals includes a frame configured to store cassettes that contain pharmaceuticals and a cassette-moving assembly coupled to the frame. The cassette-moving assembly is operable to move relative to the frame to retrieve the cassettes from the frame. The system also includes a dispensing area positioned adjacent the frame to receive the cassettes from the cassette-moving assembly. The dispensing area is operable to selectively open the cassettes. The system further includes packaging equipment in communication with the dispensing area. The packaging equipment includes a feed stock roll for forming pouches. The packaging equipment is operable to fill the pouches with pharmaceuticals that are dispensed from the cassettes in the dispensing area. The system also includes a control system including a processor. The control system is coupled to the cassette-moving assembly and the packaging equipment to control operation of the cassette-moving assembly ...

31-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002034049A1

... . The invention relates to a method for the manufacture, filling and sealing of bags starting with a flat web of tubular roil preferably provided with side folds of thermoplastic synthetic resin in the case of which the respectively leading end of the tubular foil web is provided with a transverse weld seam and then a section in the form of an open bag is severed from the tubular foil web and wherein the bag is then filled and the open end of the bag is drawn taut and closed by means of a transverse weld. In order to achieve the aim of providing a method and an apparatus of the type initially mentioned with which bags may be produced filled and sealed with a simple mechanical system after the production of the terminal transverse weld the tubular foil web is fed by the length of a section through the opened welding jaws of the welding station and the bag formed in this manner is gripped laterally by a pair of grippers and at a higher level than the pairs of grippers is severed from the ...

30-11-1930 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Verpacken bestimmter Mengen eines pulverförmigen Materials.

Номер: CH0000143866A

30-04-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000574806A5

31-08-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000578972A5

15-07-1969 дата публикации

Maschine zum Verpacken von stückigen Gütern

Номер: CH0000475129A

14-03-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000559665A5

15-02-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000595245A5

31-03-1993 дата публикации

Device for spreading open flat bags

Номер: CH0000681445A5

The device has a first air-pervious endless belt having a working flight provided with a working face and an opposite, reverse face. The second air-pervious endless belt has a working flight provided with a working face and an opposite, reverse face. The working flights of the first and second belts are divergent at an acute angle in the bag conveying direction. There is further provided a suction device which generates a vacuum for urging a gas to flow across the working flights in a direction from the working face to the reverse face of each working flight. Each bag is introduced between the working flights adheres, with opposite bag panels, to the working faces of the working flights, and is forwarded thereby in the conveying direction, while being gradually spread open.

28-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000675403A5

30-09-1991 дата публикации

Supply of wrapping material for packaging machines - has pin wheel with folding pins switching stepped from one processing station to next

Номер: CH0000678512A5

The supply mechanism for the wrapping material of a packaging machine has a pin wheel (14) whose folding pins are switched stepwise from one processing station to the next. The axis of the pin wheel (14) is mounted in front of the base (17) of the receiving folding pin (28) geometrically in the conveyor direction of the material. A mechanism (24, 30, 12, 25) can be provided to move the foil web (10) from a supply roll (11). First, it moves near the axis of the pin wheel (14) and then from there to the base (27) of the receiving folding pin (28). ADVANTAGE - Improved overall efficiency even with sensitive foils.

15-06-1994 дата публикации

Device for the production of a salesfinished, again-lockable seed bag.

Номер: CH0000683901A5

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Slide Opening Box with Integral Liner

Номер: US20130001284A1
Автор: David Todjar Hengami
Принадлежит: Individual

A box with a sliding opening has an integral liner to keep pourable contents fresh and dry. The box has a slide that is moveable by a user's thumb across the opening to open and close the box and the liner during the same operation. The user in one motion can either open the box and the liner to pour out the contents or close the box and the liner so the contents do not spill out. Advantageously, the box is formed from a single blank piece of paper or cardboard stock, and a single planar sheet of moisture impervious material liner is placed onto the blank and folded in a particular sequence such that the slide ends up inside the box for easy assembly with a resulting sealed liner bag inside.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082049A1

A package for enclosing a food product is provided. The package comprises a hollow body of a packaging laminate extending from a closed bottom end towards an upper end, and a top portion of a polymeric material being connected along its periphery to the upper end of the hollow body for closing the package, wherein the periphery of the top portion is defining a planar shape having a waist. 1. A package for enclosing a food product , comprisinga hollow body of a packaging material extending from a closed bottom end towards an upper end, anda top portion of a polymeric material being connected along its periphery to said upper end of said hollow body for closing said package, whereinsaid periphery of said top portion is defining a planar shape having a waist.2. The package according to claim 1 , wherein said planar shape is symmetrical.3. The package according to claim 1 , wherein said top portion comprises a reclosable opening for allowing food product being enclosed inside said package to be discharged through said opening.4. The package according to claim 3 , wherein said opening is arranged off-center on said top portion.5. The package according to claim 4 , wherein the top portion has a front portion and a back portion being separated by means of said waist claim 4 , wherein said opening is arranged at the front portion.6. The package according to claim 1 , wherein the cross-section of the closed bottom end of said hollow body has a shape being different from the planar shape being defined by the periphery of said top portion.7. The package according to claim 1 , wherein the top portion is made of HDPE.8. The package according to claim 1 , wherein each one of two lateral sides of the hollow body comprises a crease line arrangement for assisting the lateral sides to conform to the shape of the upper end of the hollow body being formed by means of the top portion.9. The package according to claim 8 , wherein the crease line arrangement extends from a lower region of ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Inhibition of Paint-Product Skin Formation

Номер: US20130092688A1

Paint in a container is inhibited against skinning by providing a layer of a barrier material comprising an non-VOC inhibiting composition and optionally water on the upper surface the bulk paint in the container. 1. A method of inhibiting non-dispersible paint skin formation on non-submerged surfaces of a container containing paint , wherein the paint has an upper surface exposed to air within the container , comprising:(a) providing a non-VOC barrier material;(b) disposing a layer of the barrier material over the upper exposed surface of the paint in the container to provide a layer of barrier material which floats on a substantial portion of the upper surface of the paint;(c) closing the container while maintaining the layer of barrier material on the upper surface of the paint.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inhibiting composition comprises a polyol having a boiling point of at least about 250° C.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the barrier material further comprises water.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the barrier material comprises a solution of a low surface tension material and water.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the barrier material comprises about 0.5% to about 2.5% by weight low surface tension material.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the low surface tension material is a phosphate ester surfactant.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing a layer of the barrier material over the upper exposed surface of the paint comprises disposing about 0.4 to about 8 ounces of barrier material.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing a layer of the barrier material over the upper exposed surface of the paint comprises disposing about 2 to about 6 ounces of barrier material.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the barrier material comprises a preservative.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the preservative is selected from 2-bromo-2-nitro-1 claim 9 ,3-propanediol claim 9 , glutaraldehyde claim 9 , 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one/2- ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Filling method, manufacturing method of liquid sachet package, and liquid sachet package

Номер: US20130114917A1
Принадлежит: Du Pont Mitsui Polychemicals Co Ltd

The invention is a filling method in which liquid is filled and sealed into a liquid sachet package made of a multilayered laminate having at least three layers in which a base material which forms a surface layer, an intermediate layer, and a sealant layer which forms an internal layer are laminated in the above order, including a process of forming a liquid sachet package, a process of filling liquid, and a process of sealing in the opening of the liquid sachet package, in which the intermediate layer is formed using a composition including an ionomer of an ethylene and unsaturated carboxylic acid copolymer, and a filling temperature range obtained using a specific method becomes equal to or more than 30° C. at both a line speed of 20 m/minute and a line speed of 25 m/minute.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method of sterilizing a web of packaging material

Номер: US20130118125A1
Принадлежит: Tetra Laval Holdings and Finance SA

There is described a unit for sterilizing a web of packaging material, the unit having a bath containing a sterilizing agent in which the web is advanced continuously; and an aseptic environment containing sterile air, connected to an outlet of the bath, and housing drying means for removing residual sterilizing agent from the web; the aseptic environment is divided into two regions by a narrow-section channel, along which the web travels, and which is sized to produce a predetermined difference in pressure between the two regions, and so force air into the channel from the higher-pressure region to the lower-pressure region to dry the web.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126548A1

A multi-piece dispenser for confectionary products including a housing defining an inner chamber for storing a multi-piece package of confectionary product including a slot for receiving an end portion of the multi-piece package for dispensing the confectionary product and a retention member for retaining the end portion of the package within the slot for further dispensing. 1. A multi-piece dispenser for confectionary products , the dispenser comprising:a housing defining an inner chamber for storing a multi-piece package of a confectionary product, the housing including a slot for receiving an end portion of the multipiece package for dispensing the confectionary product; anda retention member disposed within the housing for retaining the end portion of the package within the slot for further dispensing.2. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the housing and the slot are integrally formed.3. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the slot further includes an opening defining an access portion for inserting an end portion of the package within the slot.4. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the slot is non-threading.5. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the housing is further defined by a plurality of wall members.6. The dispenser of claim 5 , wherein at least one wall or a portion thereof is removable for accessing the inner chamber.7. The dispenser of claim 5 , wherein at least one wall member is hingedly attached to the housing for providing access to the inner chamber.8. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the retention member integrally formed as part of the housing.9. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the retention member further includes at least one retention tab for retaining a portion of the multi-piece package.10. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein a first retention tab and a second retention tab are connected to the slot to define an access channel.11. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the housing further includes a first portion and second portion that are ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129260A1

Provided are pouches with rigid handles and/or internal supports and methods of making such pouches. In one aspect, a pouch with internal support includes a flexible pouch including a fitment coupled to a flexible pouch body and at least one inner support piece coupled to the fitment and extending into the inside of the pouch through the interior of the fitment. The fitment includes a fitment inner engagement feature and the at least one inner support piece includes an inner support engagement feature and at least one inner support extending from the inner support engagement feature. The fitment inner engagement feature and inner support engagement feature are interlocked to keep the at least one inner support piece from falling into or out of the flexible pouch body. 1. A pouch with internal support comprising: a flexible pouch including a fitment coupled to a flexible pouch body and at least one inner support piece coupled to the fitment and extending into the inside of the pouch through the interior of the fitment ,wherein said fitment includes a fitment inner engagement feature,wherein the at least one inner support piece includes an inner support engagement feature and at least one inner support extending from the inner support engagement feature, andwherein the fitment inner engagement feature and inner support engagement feature are interlocked.2. The pouch of claim 1 , wherein the at least one inner support functions as a handle.3. The pouch of claim 2 , wherein the at least one inner support functioning as a handle passes from the inside of the pouch to the outside of the pouch.4. The pouch of claim 3 , wherein the at least one inner support functioning as a handle passing from the inside of the pouch to the outside of the pouch passes back into the inside of the pouch.5. The pouch of claim 1 , wherein the at least one inner support functions as an edge support.6. The pouch of claim 1 , wherein the at least one inner support piece includes two supports.7. ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149416A1
Автор: Yoshida Yukiya

There are provided a tea bag that can be easily taken out of a plastic bottle and excels in mass productivity, and a method for manufacturing the same. As for tea bag a bag body storing tea leaves therein is put into the plastic bottle to brew tea essence from the tea leaves. The bag body includes a first lateral surface and a second lateral surface formed of sheet members having water permeability. As for the first and the second lateral surfaces, a trapezoidal upper portion tapered toward a distal direction thereof and a rectangular lower portion are integrally formed to form the bag body in a truncated home base shape. 14-. (canceled)5. A tea bag comprising:tea extracts; anda bag body storing said tea extracts therein,said tea bag being to be put into a plastic bottle to brew tea essence from said tea extracts,whereinsaid bag body includes a first lateral surface and a second lateral surface both of which are formed of a sheet having water permeability,both of said first and second lateral surfaces have at least a tapered portion having a width narrowing toward a distal end thereof, andsaid first and second lateral surfaces are adhered to each other to form said bag body along at least oblique side edges of said tapered portions.6. The tea bag as set forth in claim 5 , wherein said bag body includes a rectangular lower portion and a trapezoidal upper portion formed on said lower portion.7. The tea bag as set forth in claim 5 , wherein said bag body is trapezoidal.8. The tea bag as set forth in claim 5 , wherein said bag body has an upper edge having a length equal to a diameter of an opening of said plastic bottle.9. The tea bag as set forth in claim 5 , wherein said bag body has a height greater than a diameter of a trunk portion of said plastic bottle.10. A method for manufacturing a tea bag to be put into a plastic bottle to brew tea essence from tea extracts claim 5 ,said tea bag including tea extracts, and a bag body storing said tea extracts therein, said ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160404A1
Принадлежит: Valspar Sourcing, Inc.

A method to prevent gelation of an uncured gelcoat composition during storage is described. The method includes applying a gelation inhibitor to the surface of a gelcoat composition in the container to prevent premature gelation. The gelation inhibitor additionally prevents the formation of a crust on the inner surface of storage container lids. 1. A method to inhibit surface gelation of an uncured gelcoat composition , comprising:providing a storage container;filling the storage container with the gelcoat composition; andapplying a gelation inhibitor to the upper surface of the gelcoat composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gelation inhibitor is a solvent selected from the group consisting of hydrocarbons claim 1 , ketones claim 1 , alcohols and glycols.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gelation inhibitor is a ketone.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the gelation inhibitor is acetone.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gelation inhibitor is applied at a concentration of from about 0.25 wt % to about 0.75 wt % based on the total weight of the gelcoat composition.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein inhibiting surface gelation extends the shelf-life of the gelcoat composition by at least 30 days at ambient temperature.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein inhibiting surface gelation extends the shelf-life of the gelcoat composition by at least 30 days at elevated temperature.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein elevated temperature comprises temperature of about 80° F. up to about 140° F.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the gelation inhibitor comprises pouring a fixed volume of the gelation inhibitor on top of the gelcoat composition.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gelcoat composition comprisesabout 25 wt % to about 94 wt % unsaturated polyester resin;about 0.05 wt % to about 3 wt % promoter to initiate and facilitate cure of the gelcoat composition; andabout 5 wt % to about 50 wt % reactive diluent.11. The method of claim 10 , ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Pharmaceutical Aerosol Composition

Номер: US20130160761A1
Принадлежит: CIPLA LIMITED

A pharmaceutical aerosol composition comprising at least one hydrofluoroalkane propellant; at least one active agent complexed with an adjuvant; and, optionally, at least one pharmaceutically acceptable excipient. 1. A pharmaceutical aerosol composition comprising at least one hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) propellant; at least one active agent complexed with an adjuvant; and , optionally , one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients.2. The pharmaceutical aerosol composition according to claim 1 , wherein the adjuvant is selected from polymer; cyclodextrins claim 1 , polyethylene glycols claim 1 , lipids claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , and surfactants such as sorbitan trioleate claim 1 , sorbitan monooleate claim 1 , tweens claim 1 , lecithin claim 1 , oleic acid claim 1 , polyoxyethylene-lauryl ether claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.3. The pharmaceutical aerosol composition according to claim 2 , wherein the adjuvant is a polymer.4. The pharmaceutical aerosol composition according to claim 3 , wherein the polymer is a water soluble polymer claim 3 , a water insoluble polymer; or a mixture thereof.5. The pharmaceutical aerosol composition according to claim 4 , wherein the water soluble polymer comprises polyvinylpyrrolidone claim 4 , homopolymers and co-polymers of N-vinyl lactams such as homopolymers and co-polymers of N-vinyl pyrrolidone claim 4 , co-polymers of polyvinyl pyrrolidone and vinyl acetate claim 4 , co-polymers of N-vinyl pyrrolidone and vinyl acetate or vinyl propionate claim 4 , dextrins such as grades of maltodextrin claim 4 , cellulose esters and cellulose ethers claim 4 , high molecular polyalkylene oxides such as polyethylene oxide and polypropylene oxide and co-polymers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.6. The pharmaceutical aerosol composition according to claim 4 , wherein the water insoluble polymer comprises acrylic copolymers; polyvinylacetate; cellulose derivatives such as ethylcellulose claim 4 , cellulose acetate.7. The pharmaceutical ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174520A1

The invention relates to a machine () for filling a plurality of containers () that are arranged in a display (), said machine () including a rotatable dispensing member () that is designed for transferring a filling substance into the containers (). Said machine is also characterized in that it includes a means () for rotating a display () so that the combination of the rotational movements of the dispensing member () and the display () makes it possible to correlate the dispensing member () with each container (), with a view to filling the latter. The invention also relates to filling machines. 1123142461103434264. A machine () for filling a plurality of containers () arranged in a rack () , said machine () comprising a dispensing unit () rotatable about a first axis of rotation (X-X′) , designed for transferring a filling substance into the containers () , said dispensing unit () comprising a filling stylet () , said machine () comprising a means () for driving the rack () in rotation about a second axis of rotation (Y-Y′) so that the combination of the rotational movements of the dispensing unit () and the rack () makes possible the placement of the dispensing unit () in correspondence with each of the containers () in order to fill these latter , said machine being characterized in that the trajectory of the filling stylet () imparted by the rotation of the dispensing unit () substantially crosses said second axis of rotation (Y-Y′).2142. A machine () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the rotatable dispensing unit () is also designed so as to be movable in translation claim 1 , in order to be able to move closer to or away from each container () with which it is placed in correspondence.3162. A machine () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the filling stylet () is designed for filling one container () at a time.415447775767. A machine () according to claim 3 , characterized in that it comprises a frame () on which said dispensing unit () ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Producing Dosing Bags that Are Filled with Dry Additives for Use in Cementitious Mixtures

Номер: US20130192168A1
Автор: Bracegirdle Paul E.

A dosing bag filled with dry additive material is made using a dissolvable starch-based film. When the dosing bag with its contents are introduced into a mixture with water, it dissolves and releases its contents. The dosing bags are made in a chain. In this manner, any number of the dosing bags can be removed from the chain for use. The dosing bags are made from film material that is formed into a tube structure. While the tube structure is being partially filled, a section on the interior of the tube structure is shielded from contamination. After the partial filling, the tube is heat sealed closed in the area that was previously shielded. The shielded area is clean of contaminants and enables a high-quality seam to be formed. The shielding, filling, and sealing process is repeated multiple times to create the chain of dosing bags. 1. A method of manufacturing a dosing bag containing dry additive material for use in a cementitious mixture , said method comprising the steps of:providing a film of material that can dissolve in water;forming said film into a tube structure, wherein said tube structure has an interior surface;filling part of said tube structure with said dry additive material;shielding a clean section of said interior surface during said step of filling to prevent said clean section from becoming contaminated with said dry additive material; andheat sealing said tube structure closed in said clean section to create a lateral seam.2. The method according to claim 1 , further including the step of perforating said lateral seam.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said film has two long edges and wherein said step of forming said film into a tube structure claim 1 , further includes heat sealing said two long edges together into a long seam.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said film is supplied on two separate rolls and said step of forming said film into a tube structure further includes heat sealing said film from said two separate ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Self-Heatable Container

Номер: US20130193152A1
Принадлежит: FAST DRINKS 2005, S.L.

A self-heating container and a method of manufacturing the container. The container has a simple structure in which the metallic outer body holds the consumable product, and a metallic inner body and plastic housing contain the two components which react to produce the heat for the self-heating function. A lower lid is crimped over flanges on the lower ends of the inner body and the outer body, forming a double seal. When a flexible portion of the housing is pressed, a seal is punctured, causing the two components to mix and generate heat through an exothermic chemical reaction which heats the contents of the container. 1. A self-heatable container for a consumable product , comprising:a metallic hollow outer body for receiving the consumable product, having an upper edge forming an upper flange and a bottom edge forming a lower flange, the outer body comprising an upper part having a length and a diameter and a lower part having a length and a diameter, the diameter of the lower part being smaller than the diameter of the upper part, with a tapered area formed between the upper part and the lower part;an upper lid fastened around a rim to the upper flange;a metallic inner body, received within the outer body, having a length greater than the length of the lower part of the outer body, a diameter smaller than the diameter of the lower part of the outer body, a closed upper end and a lower end forming a projecting flange, the projecting flange being sized such that when the inner body is fully received within the lower part of the outer body, the projecting flange overlaps the lower flange of the outer body, supporting the inner body within the outer body; a cylindrical body having a diameter smaller than the diameter of the inner body, an upper end and a lower end and a length therebetween, the length of the cylindrical body of the housing being smaller than the length of the inner body,', 'a lip on the lower end of the cylindrical body having a diameter larger than ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for Changing the Upper and Lower Tool of a Packaging Machine

Номер: US20130212988A1

The invention relates to a method for changing the upper and lower tool of a packaging machine. The invention further relates to a packaging machine. 1. A method for changing the upper tool and/or lower tool of a packaging machine wherein ,a. both tools are raised with a lifting device over a disturbing edge of the packaging machine andb. then removed from the packaging machine, andc. new tools are delivered above the disturbing edge to the packaging machine.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tower tool and/or upper tool after the delivery claim 1 , is lowered in part or in full to below the disturbing edge.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tools of the sealing and/or forming station are respectively raised and/or lowered claim 1 , at least in sections claim 1 , jointly claim 1 , in particular with at least one claim 1 , preferably a plurality of claim 1 , quite particularly two or four common drives.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the lower tool is disposed on a lifting table and the upper tool is disposed on a supporting top part claim 1 , and in that at least one tool is automatically unlocked from and/or locked to the lifting table or from/to the supporting top part before and after the tool change.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in the packaging machine at least one film web is transported claim 1 , and in that at least one film is cut open claim 1 , for the tool change.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the supporting top part claim 1 , for the tool change claim 1 , is moved away from the upper tool claim 1 , in particular is moved laterally claim 1 , longitudinally and/or transversely to the film transport direction manually or by motor claim 1 , at least in sections claim 1 , translationally.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the supporting top part claim 1 , for the tool change claim 1 , is moved away claim 1 , from the tool.8. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in the event of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219831A1
Принадлежит: Graham Packaging Company, L.P.

A container can have a body with an integrally formed base attached to the body. The base includes a concave annular wall extending from the container sidewall to a standing surface, and an inner wall extending from the standing surface to a substantially flat inner annular wall. The inner annular wall is recessed in the base and is substantially perpendicular to the container sidewall. The inner annular wall includes a centrally located dimple. The dimple includes a plurality of spaced apart and radially extending indented ribs. One or more of the ribs extend radially into a brace that tapers to meet the inner annular wall. 121-. (canceled)22. A method comprising: a concave annular wall extending from a sidewall of the container to a standing surface;', 'an inner wall extending from the standing surface to a substantially flat inner annular wall that is substantially perpendicular to the sidewall; and', 'a dimple centrally located within said inner annular wall and comprising a plurality of spaced apart radially extending indented ribs, each of said ribs comprising a brace extending radially from said dimple and tapering toward said inner annular wall, the tapering braces each including a wide portion and a narrow portion narrower than the wide portion, the wide portion being arranged at a junction with the inner annular wall,', 'wherein said inner annular wall of said base has a position to which it flexes upwardly and has another position to which it flexes downwardly in response to variations in pressures within the container, when filled and sealed, without undergoing unwanted permanent deformation;, 'providing a container comprising a body having an integrally formed base attached thereto, said base includingfilling the container;sealing the container; andupwardly and downwardly flexing the inner annular wall of the filled container above a standing ring, the flexing being in response to variations in pressures within the container, when filled and sealed.23. ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227918A1

There is described a forming member for controlling the volume of packs of pourable food products formed from a tube of packaging material and sealed at a number of sections of tube crosswise to an axis of tube, comprising: a wall comprising, in turn, a first surface which is adapted to interact with a first portion of tube; and a pair of sidewalls protruding from wall on the same side of wall, and comprising respective second surfaces which are adapted to interact with relative second portions of tube; first surface is at least partially concave. 1. A forming member for controlling the volume of packs of pourable food products formed from a tube of packaging material and sealed at a number of sections of said tube crosswise to an axis of said tube , comprising:a wall comprising, in turn, a first surface which is adapted to interact with a first portion of said tube; anda pair of sidewalls protruding from said wall on the same side of said wall, and comprising respective second surfaces which are adapted to interact with relative second portions of said tube;wherein said first surface is at least partially concave.2. Forming member according to claim 1 , wherein said first surface comprises:a first concave region;a second concave region which extends at a certain distance from said first region on the side of said sidewalls.3. Forming member according to claim 1 , said first region surrounds said second region.4. Forming member according to claim 1 , wherein said first region is bounded by a first top and a second bottom edge opposite to each other claim 1 , and by a third and a fourth edges opposite to each other and which extend between said first top and second bottom edges;said first top and second bottom edge defining a first plane;said third and fourth edges being in common with respective said second surfaces and extending at first at increasing and then at decreasing distances from said first plane, proceeding from said first top towards said second bottom ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Machine and methods for the manufacture of air-filled cushions

Номер: US20130232913A1
Принадлежит: Pregis Innovative Packaging Inc

A device and method are disclosed for forming air filled cushions. The device includes a drive mechanism to move inflatable tubing through the apparatus, and an injector, optionally including an outlet, located continuously within, or within a portion of, the tubing. This arrangement can permit the formation of air filled cushions in a continuous stream. Also disclosed is a roll of plastic tubing that is sealed transversely at a succession of intervals, with each pair of seals stopping just short of a longitudinal center line of the tubing. Such tubing might be used in conjunction with the apparatus, the central gap between the seals allowing passage of the injector.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233912A1
Автор: Piotrowski Christian
Принадлежит: VITA PAK UG

The invention relates to a packaging container for pourable liquids, powders and granules, in particular pourable food products, wherein the packaging container comprises an inner flexible bag having an outlet opening, and further comprises an outlet part and an outer cover adhesively bonded to the inner bag in a punctiform manner that be disposed of separately therefrom. A carrying handle makes it possible for a variety of packaging containers to be transported easily. The outer cover of the packaging container may comprise two swing-open hard shells. A further packaging container according to the invention comprises a foldable outer cover and, when the latter is folded, the inner flexible bag can be fastened to the cover by means of the outlet part and, when the cover is unfolded, the inner flexible bag can be separated therefrom and the two can be introduced into different recycling systems. 11357955993. A packaging container () for pourable liquids , powders , and granulates , comprising an outer cover () , and inner flexible bag () having an outlet opening () , and an outlet part () connected to the inner flexible bag () , wherein the inner flexible bag () is fixedly connected to the outlet part () by means of a welding seam , by means of an adhesive connection , or by molding , and wherein the outlet part () is connected to the outer cover () by means of a welding seam , by means of an adhesive connection , a punching process , a plug connection , a clamping device , or by inserting a guide wire.2153113. The packaging container () according to claim 1 , wherein the shape of the inner flexible bag () in the filled state follows the shape of the outer cover () and makes close contact with the inner side () of the outer cover ().3159793. The packaging container () according to or claim 1 , wherein the inner flexible bag () is connected to the outlet part () in the area of the outlet opening () and the outlet part () is connected to the outer cover ().413. The ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Thermoformable Copolyester Laminate

Номер: US20130236612A1

A laminate includes the following substantially coextensive layers in the following order: (a) a non-sealable, self-supporting, thermoformable copolyester film layer having a first surface and a second surface, the second surface constituting an outermost, exposed surface of the laminate; (b) a laminating adhesive layer on the first surface of the thermoformable copolyester film layer; and (c) a self-supporting, thermoformable structural film layer having a first surface and a second surface, the first surface contacting the laminating adhesive layer. Polyethylene terephthalate constitutes at least 80% by weight of the self-supporting thermoformable copolyester film layer; the thermoformable structural film layer includes a polymer selected from the group consisting of polyamides, polypropylene, polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, ionomers, ethylene acrylic acid copolymers, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers, polystyrene, ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymers and polyvinylidene chloride; the thermoformable copolyester film layer, the structural film layer and the laminate each shrink less than 5% in length and width upon exposure to boiling water for five seconds; and the laminate is thermoformable and its chloroform-soluble extractives meet the requirements of paragraph h(1) of 21 CFR §177.1630 as defined herein. 1. A laminate comprising the following substantially coextensive layers in the following order(a) a non-sealable, self-supporting, thermoformable copolyester film layer having a first surface and a second surface, said second surface constituting an outermost, exposed surface of the laminate, wherein the copolyester in the thermoformable copolyester film layer comprises from 90 mol % to 97 mol % of at least one aromatic dicarboxylic acid and correspondingly from 10 mol % to 3 mol % of at least one aliphatic dicarboxylic acid;(b) a laminating adhesive layer on the first surface of the thermoformable copolyester film layer; and(c) a self-supporting, ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237396A1

There is described a folding unit for forming sealed packages of pourable food products, comprising: at least one conveying device for feeding along a forming path a relative pack which have at least one portion to be folded to form a finished package; at least one folding device interacting, in use, with pack along said forming path and adapted to fold said at least one portion; conveying device comprises a first and a second surface opposite to another and adapted, in use, to cooperate respectively with a front and a rear wall opposite to each other of relative pack to be folded; first surface is at least partially concave. 1. A folding unit for forming sealed packages of pourable food products , comprising:at least one conveying device for feeding along a forming path a relative pack which have at least one portion to be folded to form a finished package;at least one folding device interacting, in use, with said pack along said forming path and adapted to fold said at least one portion;said conveying device comprising a first and a second surface opposite to each other and adapted, in use, to cooperate respectively with a front and a rear wall opposite to each other of said relative pack to be folded;wherein said first surface is at least partially concave.2. The folding unit of claim 1 , wherein said conveying device is a movable along a closed path which extends about an axis;said conveying device comprising:a first and a second edge which are opposite to each other and bound said first surface respectively on a radially outer and on a radially inner side relative to said axis; anda third and a fourth edge which are opposite to each other and extend between said first and second edge;said third and fourth edge extending at least partially on the opposite side relative to said second surface of a theoretical plane defined by said first and second edge.3. The folding unit of claim 2 , wherein said third and fourth edges extend at first at increasing distances and ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248411A1

A tray package for food has a stiff tray having a rim and formed inward of the rim with at least one throughgoing hole and a cover film fixed to the rim. A lining made of a flexible film is fixed to the rim between the tray and the cover film and forms with the cover film a closed compartment adapted to hold the food and with the tray an outer compartment that is open to the exterior through the hole. 1. A tray package for food , the package comprising:a stiff tray having a rim and formed inward of the rim with at least one throughgoing hole;a cover film fixed to the rim;a lining made of a flexible film, fixed to the rim between the tray and the cover film, and forming with the cover film a closed compartment adapted to hold the food and with the tray an outer compartment that is open to the exterior through the hole.2. The tray package defined in claim 1 , wherein the tray includes a substrate composed of polyester claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , or polycarbonate claim 1 , and a cover layer of weldable polymer on an inside face of the tray.3. The tray package defined in claim 2 , wherein the tray is between 150 μm and 2000 μm thick.4. The tray package defined in claim 1 , wherein the film of the lining is composed of a multilayer barrier film that includes at least one barrier layer for oxygen.5. The tray package defined in claim 4 , wherein the barrier film includes polyolefin outer layers and at least one core layer composed of EVOH as an oxygen barrier layer.6. The tray package defined in claim 5 , wherein the EVOH layer is embedded between two polyamide layers.7. The tray package defined in claim 6 , wherein the barrier film is between 50 μm and 350 μm thick.8. The tray package defined in claim 1 , wherein the cover is a multilayer film that includes at least one oxygen barrier layer and a sealing layer composed of a weldable polymer on an inner surface of the package.9. A method of making a package comprising the steps of sequentially: ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264340A1
Автор: ZENS Karla M.

Collapsible containers are presented including: a bottom cup having a circular base and a cylindrical wall attached with the circular base, where the cylindrical wall includes a cup lip formed along an edge of the cylindrical wall, and where the cylindrical wall includes a number of bottom cup guide tabs formed along the cup lip; a middle sleeve having a middle sleeve upper edge and a middle sleeve lower edge, the middle sleeve forming a middle sleeve cylinder capable of nesting the bottom cup, where the middle sleeve includes a number of middle sleeve guide channels for slidingly engaging the bottom cup guide tabs, where the middle sleeve further includes a middle sleeve gasket channel formed along the middle sleeve lower edge and along a middle sleeve inner surface of the middle sleeve, where the middle sleeve gasket channel is configured for receiving a middle sleeve gasket. 1. A collapsible container comprising:a bottom cup having a circular base and a cylindrical wall attached with the circular base, wherein the cylindrical wall includes a cup lip formed along an edge of the cylindrical wall, and wherein the cylindrical wall includes a plurality of bottom cup guide tabs formed along the cup lip;a middle sleeve having a middle sleeve upper edge and a middle sleeve lower edge, the middle sleeve forming a middle sleeve cylinder capable of nesting the bottom cup, wherein the middle sleeve includes a plurality of middle sleeve guide channels for slidingly engaging the plurality of bottom cup guide tabs, wherein the middle sleeve further includes a middle sleeve gasket channel formed along the middle sleeve lower edge and along a middle sleeve inner surface of the middle sleeve, wherein the middle sleeve gasket channel is configured for receiving a middle sleeve gasket that forms a seal between the middle sleeve and the bottom cup, and wherein the middle sleeve includes a plurality of middle sleeve guide tabs formed along the middle sleeve upper edge; anda top sleeve ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269299A1
Принадлежит: St. Jude Medical Puerto Rico LLC

A closure device operable to seal a vessel puncture and including a delivery member and a sealant material applicator. The delivery member is insertable through a tissue tract to the vessel puncture. The sealant material applicator is configured to supply a volume of sealant material to the delivery member and includes a housing, a plunger assembly, and at least one container. The housing includes at least first and second chambers, wherein the first chamber carries a first sealant component and the second chamber carries a second sealant component. The container is insertable into the first or second chamber and carries a third sealant component of the sealant material. The sealant material applicator creates flow communication between the container and at least one of the first and second chambers to mix the third sealant component with the first and second sealant components. 1. A closure device operable to seal a vessel puncture , comprising:a delivery member insertable through a tissue tract to the vessel puncture; a housing having at least first and second chambers, the first chamber carrying a first sealant component of the sealant material and the second chamber carrying a second sealant component of the sealant material;', 'a plunger assembly having at least first and second plunger members insertable into the first and second chambers, respectively;', 'at least one container insertable into the first or second chamber, the at least one container carrying a third sealant component of the sealant material;', 'wherein the sealant material applicator is operable to create flow communication between the at least one container and at least one of the first and second chambers to mix the third sealant component with at least one of the first and second sealant components prior to creating the volume of sealant material., 'a sealant material applicator configured to supply a volume of sealant material to the delivery member, the sealant material applicator ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for operating a vertical packaging machine and vertical packaging machine

Номер: US20130298505A1

According to some implementations a packaging operation is provided that includes a stage for the continuous feeding of a laminar film, a stage for the forming of the laminar film with a laminar tube being obtained, and a drive stage in which by means of at least two drive belts the movement of the laminar tube is caused. The packaging operation also includes a control operation in which the position of the drive belt in relation to the forming tool is controlled when slippage or risk of slippage of at least one of the drive belts with respect to the laminar tube is detected. 1. A method for operating a vertical packaging machine comprising:forming a laminar film into a laminar tube by use of a forming tool,advancing the laminar tube through the vertical packaging machine by use of at least two drive belts arranged facing each other,detecting when a slippage or a risk of slippage of at least one of the drive belts in relation to the laminar tube occurs; andautomatically moving the drive belt towards or away from the forming tube while the laminar tube is being advanced through the vertical packaging machine when slippage or risk of slippage of at least one of the drive belts in relation to the laminar tube is determined.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein detecting the slippage between a drive belt and the laminar tube comprises:measuring an actual advancement of the laminar tube,measuring an advancement of the drive belt,comparing the actual advancement measurement of the laminar tube and the advancement measurement of the drive belt,determining that there is slippage if the actual advancement measurement of the laminar tube and the advancement measurement of the drive belt are different or if the difference between the actual advancement measurement of the laminar tube and the advancement measurement of the drive belt is greater than a predetermined value.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein detecting the risk of slippage between a drive belt and the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298506A1

The present invention relates to a device () for storing waste, which device () is adapted to receive a supply of tubular film () and comprises a chamber () for receiving waste deposited in the tubular film (). The present invention also relates to a method for packaging waste in a tubular film () and storing the packaged waste in a chamber () of a device () provided with a cover (). 1. A device for storing waste , which device is adapted to receive a supply of tubular film and comprises a chamber for receiving waste deposited in the tubular film , wherein the device comprises:a passage adapted to guide the tubular film from the supply to the chamber;a cover which in an open state gives access to the passage for the purpose of placing waste in the tubular film guided by the passage, and which in a closed state closes the passage;a first and a second closing element on a side of the passage remote from the cover, between which closing elements the tubular film can be positioned;a closing and transport mechanism adapted to carry the closing elements in a closed state from a first closing position away from the passage in the direction of the chamber to a second closing position, and to carry the closing elements in an open state from the second closing position back to the first closing position, wherein back in the first closing position the closing elements are back in the closed state, wherein in the closed state the closing elements press together the tubular film positioned therebetween to form a sealing closure, and wherein in the open state the closing elements are situated at a distance from each other so that the sealing closure is released and the closing elements can be displaced along the tubular film and waste deposited therein; 'the device is adapted to set the closing and transport mechanism into operation once the cover has been moved from the opened state to the closed state thereof.', 'wherein'}2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318931A1
Автор: Holmes William K.

A system for storing and packaging pharmaceuticals includes a frame configured to store cassettes that contain pharmaceuticals and a cassette-moving assembly coupled to the frame. The cassette-moving assembly is operable to move relative to the frame to retrieve the cassettes from the frame. The system also includes a dispensing area positioned adjacent the frame to receive the cassettes from the cassette-moving assembly. The dispensing area is operable to selectively open the cassettes. The system further includes packaging equipment in communication with the dispensing area. The packaging equipment includes a feed stock roll for forming pouches. The packaging equipment is operable to fill the pouches with pharmaceuticals that are dispensed from the cassettes in the dispensing area. The system also includes a control system including a processor. The control system is coupled to the cassette-moving assembly and the packaging equipment to control operation of the cassette-moving assembly and the packaging equipment. 1. A system for storing and packaging pharmaceuticals , the system comprising:a frame configured to store cassettes that contain pharmaceuticals;a cassette-moving assembly coupled to the frame, the cassette-moving assembly operable to move relative to the frame to retrieve the cassettes from the frame;a dispensing area positioned adjacent the frame to receive the cassettes from the cassette-moving assembly, the dispensing area operable to selectively open the cassettes;packaging equipment in communication with the dispensing area, the packaging equipment including a feed stock roll for forming pouches, the packaging equipment operable to fill the pouches with pharmaceuticals that are dispensed from the cassettes in the dispensing area; anda control system coupled to the cassette-moving assembly and the packaging equipment to control operation of the cassette-moving assembly and the packaging equipment.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the dispensing ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Methods of Making Flexible Containers

Номер: US20140033655A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Methods of making non-durable self-supporting flexible containers.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001315A1
Автор: Brandt Luc J.L.

Methods and systems for filling a muffler body with a fibrous material prior to completing assembly of the muffler body are disclosed. 1. A method of filling a muffler with a fibrous material , the muffler including a muffler shell having an inlet port and an outlet port , wherein the muffler shell comprises a first shell member and a second shell member , the method comprising:using a clamp to affix the first shell member and the second shell member to one another to define an open portion and a closed portion, the open portion defining a portion of the circumference of the muffler shell wherein the shell members are so spaced as to allow a filling nozzle to fit between the first shell member and the second shell member at the open portion;inserting the filling nozzle into the muffler shell through the open portion;introducing the fibrous material into the muffler shell through the filling nozzle;removing the filling nozzle from the muffler shell through the open portion: andremoving the clamp to close the open portion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein inserting the filling nozzle into the muffler shell through the open portion further comprises:inserting a first filling nozzle into the muffler shell at a first location through the open portion; andinserting a second filling nozzle into the muffler shell at a second location through the open portion.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the muffler includes a partition forming a first chamber and a second chamber within the muffler shell claim 2 ,wherein an outlet opening of the first filling nozzle is positioned within the first chamber, andwherein an outlet opening of the second filling nozzle is positioned within the second chamber.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fibrous material is introduced into the muffler shell through the first filling nozzle and the second filling nozzle simultaneously.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising evacuating air from within the muffler shell during the introduction ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing replaceable cartridge

Номер: US20160001900A1
Принадлежит: United Food Group Inc

A canister and replaceable and disposable cartridge for use in a dispenser for dispensing a dry, pourable material and method of producing the replaceable and disposable cartridge is disclosed. The dispenser comprises a canister body, a replaceable and disposable cartridge having flexible membrane seal received within the canister body, a pouring spout cap attached to an open end of the canister body, the pouring spout cap movable between an open position and a closed position wherein the pouring spout cap seals the open end of the canister body, a pouring spout, and a pierce pin depending from a lower surface of the pouring spout cap providing communication between the replaceable and disposable cartridge and the pouring spout via a discharge chamber. The replaceable and disposable cartridge is prefilled with a predetermined quantity of the dry, pourable material and is fabricated and sealed with biodegradable materials.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Capsules, Beverage Brewing Systems And Fabrics With Optimum Filtration Characteristics

Номер: US20210007540A1

A capsule or beverage brewing system or fabric is provided having optimized filtration characteristics. The capsule is provided for use in a machine for preparing a consumable product from capsules. The capsule includes a body that defines an interior space with an opening. A cover is disposed over the opening. A filter is disposed in the interior space to define a chamber between the filter and the cover. The filter has a basis weight of 40 gsm or less. Ingredients are disposed in the interior space for preparing a desired product. A portion of the ingredients have a grind size of less than 100 microns. 1. A beverage capsule for use in a beverage preparing machine to prepare a beverage product , said beverage capsule comprising:a body defining an interior space having an opening;a filter disposed in said interior space to define an ingredients chamber for containing and filtering at least some of the ingredients for preparing a desired beverage product, said filter being formed of a hydrophobic and non-absorbent material having a basis weight of less than 40 g/m2;ingredients disposed in said ingredients chamber, wherein a portion of said ingredients have a grind size of less than 100 microns; anda cover sealed to said body to close said opening.2. A beverage capsule as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said ingredients have an average grind size of between 400-600 microns.3. A beverage capsule as claimed in claim 2 , wherein 5% of said ingredients have a grind size of less than 100 microns.4. (canceled)5. The beverage capsule of wherein said filter has a basis weight of no more than 25 g/m2.6. The beverage capsule of wherein said filter has a tensile strength of 100 N/5 cm or less in the Machine Direction (MD) and 70 N/5 cm or less in the Cross Direction (CD).7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The beverage capsule of wherein said filter has a material tear strength of 15 N or less in the Machine Direction (MD) and 20 N or less in the Cross Direction (CD).10. (canceled)11. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008996A1
Автор: Brandt Luc J.L.
Принадлежит: OCV Intellectual Capital, LLC

Methods and systems for filling a muffler body with a fibrous material prior to completing assembly of the muffler body are disclosed. The muffler body is composed of two half shells and the fibrous material is injected between the shells by a filling nozzle. 130-. (canceled).31. A method of filling a muffler with a fibrous material , the muffler including a muffler shell having an inlet port and an outlet port , wherein the muffler shell comprises a first shell member and a second shell member , the method comprising:affixing the first shell member and the second shell member to one another to define an open portion and a closed portion, the open portion defining an opening sufficient to allow a filling nozzle to fit between the first shell member and the second shell member at the open portion;inserting the filling nozzle into the muffler shell through the open portion;introducing the fibrous material into the muffler shell through the filling nozzle;removing the filling nozzle from the muffler shell through the open portion; andclosing the open portion.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein a plurality of open portions are defined by affixing the first shell member and the second shell member to one another.33. The method of claim 32 , further comprising inserting a first filling nozzle into the muffler shell at a first location through a first open portion; andinserting a second filling nozzle into the muffler shell at a second location through a second open portion.34. The method of claim 33 , wherein the muffler includes a partition forming a first chamber and a second chamber within the muffler shell claim 33 ,wherein an outlet opening of the first filling nozzle is positioned within the first chamber, andwherein an outlet opening of the second filling nozzle is positioned within the second chamber.35. The method of claim 33 , wherein the fibrous material is introduced into the muffler shell through the first filling nozzle and the second filling nozzle ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Capsules And Other Containers With Optimized Recycling Attributes And Methods For Making Same

Номер: US20210009342A1

A capsule or container is provided having optimized recycling attributes. The capsule is provided for use in a machine for preparing a consumable product from capsules. The capsule includes a body that defines an interior space with an opening. A cover is disposed over the opening. A filter is disposed in the interior space to define a chamber between the filter and the cover. The body, filter and cover are preferably formed of the same substantially pure polymer material. Ingredients are disposed in the interior space for preparing a desired product. A hinge is provided to tether the cover to the body. The cover is attached with a peelable seal to the body so that cover may be peeled away from the body while remaining tethered at the hinge. 144.-. (canceled)45. A capsule for containing a food product , the capsule comprising:a body defining an interior space for containing a food product, said body having an opening for accessing the food product, said opening being surrounded by a flange; anda cover sealed to said flange to close said opening, wherein said cover includes a hinge, that is permanently sealed at a hinge zone to said flange, and a peelable portion that is peelably sealed at a peel zone to said flange to enable said cover to be opened following use of said capsule while remaining connected at said hinge,wherein said body and said cover are made of the same substantially pure material that is at least 95% of the same type of material by weight.46. The capsule of wherein said substantially pure material is selected from one of aluminum claim 45 , PP claim 45 , PET or PLA.47. The capsule of wherein said substantially pure material includes a barrier material that provides an oxygen barrier between an exterior of said capsule and said interior space.48. The capsule of wherein said barrier material comprises less than 5% of said substantially pure material by weight49. The capsule of wherein said substantially pure material is a multilayered material ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015445A1
Автор: Holmes William K.

A packaging unit for packaging pharmaceuticals into a pouch includes packaging equipment operable to form the pouch, a track configured to direct the pharmaceuticals toward the packaging equipment, and a receptacle coupled to the track upstream of the packaging equipment to receive the pharmaceuticals from the track. The receptacle includes a valve mechanism that is movable relative to the track to push the pharmaceuticals into the pouch. 1. A packaging unit for packaging pharmaceuticals into a pouch , the packaging unit comprising:packaging equipment operable to form the pouch;a track configured to direct the pharmaceuticals toward the packaging equipment; anda receptacle coupled to the track upstream of the packaging equipment to receive the pharmaceuticals from the track, the receptacle including a valve mechanism that is movable relative to the track to push the pharmaceuticals into the pouch.2. The packaging unit of claim 1 , wherein the valve mechanism includes a plunger configured to push the pharmaceuticals into the pouch.3. The packaging unit of claim 2 , wherein the plunger is movable between a first position to form the pouch around the plunger claim 2 , a second position to allow the pharmaceuticals to move past the valve mechanism toward the packaging equipment claim 2 , and a third position to push the pharmaceuticals into the pouch.4. The packaging unit of claim 3 , wherein in the third position claim 3 , a lower edge of the plunger is adjacent a top portion of the pouch where an opening of the pouch is formed.5. The packaging unit of claim 3 , wherein the pouch is formed from two strips of material claim 3 , and wherein the plunger is positioned between the two strips of material while in the first position.6. The packaging unit of claim 5 , wherein the plunger includes a curved outer surface.7. The packaging unit of claim 5 , wherein edges of the two strips of material are connected together while the plunger is positioned between the two strips of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016038A1
Принадлежит: Å&R Carton Lund Aktiebolag

A method of producing and filling a paperboard packaging container with pulverulent bulk solids includes forming a tubular container body from a paperboard sheet, the body having upper and lower body openings and a container wall extending between the upper and lower body openings and having inner and outer surfaces; closing the upper body opening with a sealing membrane attached to the inner surface; providing an upper reinforcing rim; inserting at least a lower part of the upper reinforcing rim into the tubular container body at the upper body opening; forming a weld seal between the inner surface and the inserted part of the upper reinforcing rim; presenting the body to a filling station with the bottom body opening of the container body directed upward in a vertical direction; filling pulverulent material into the body through the upwardly directed bottom body opening; and closing the bottom body opening. 2554. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said upper end edge () is directed upward in the vertical direction and said bottom end edge is directed downward in the vertical direction during steps d) and e) claim 1 , and wherein step f) comprises turning said container body upside-down with said upper end edge () directed downward in the vertical direction and said bottom end edge () directed upward in the vertical direction.3973. A method according to or claim 1 , wherein said closing step h) is carried out by attaching a bottom disc () to said inner surface () of said container body wall ().4. A method according to claim 1 , or claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 30', '30', '15, 'i) applying a frame structure () by mechanically attaching said frame structure () to said upper reinforcing rim ().'}5. A method according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 14', '70', '2, 'j) applying a lid () at said upper end () of said container body ().'}6141414313130143029aaa. A method according to and claim 1 , wherein said lid () comprises ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Blister packages containing active material and methods of making and using same

Номер: US20200016034A1
Автор: Craig Voellmicke
Принадлежит: CSP Technologies Inc

A blister pack having a backing having a first side and an opposing second side. Each of the first and second side is flat or planar. The blister pack can also include a cover having a first side and an opposing second side. At least a portion of the second side of the cover is adhered to the first side of the backing to form a sealed package for containing product. The cover can include at least one blister. Each blister can have a dome portion and a base portion. The base portion can surround the dome portion. The base portion can extend outwardly beyond the first side of the cover. The blister pack can also include an active member positioned within the base portion of each blister.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023784A1

A method for processing a fluid includes removably securing a retention member to a vessel that bounds a chamber; inserting a collapsible bag within the chamber of the vessel; securing the bag to the retention member so that the bag is supported within the chamber of the vessel; and dispensing a fluid into a compartment of the collapsible bag supported within the chamber of the vessel. The fluid can be mixed within bag while the bag is disposed within the vessel. 1. A method for processing a fluid , the method comprising:removably securing a retention member to a vessel that bounds a chamber;inserting a collapsible bag within the chamber of the vessel;securing the bag to the retention member so that the bag is supported within the chamber of the vessel; anddispensing a fluid into a compartment of the collapsible bag supported within the chamber of the vessel.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the retention member comprises a ring that at least partially encircles the vessel.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the retention member comprising a plurality of catches and the bag having a plurality of alignment tabs claim 1 , the step of securing the bag to the retention member comprises securing the alignment tabs to the catches.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising removing the retention member from the vessel and the bag while the bag remains within the chamber of the vessel.5. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising mixing the fluid within the compartment of the collapsible bag.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the vessel is removably positioned on a movable cart.7. The method as recited in claim 6 , further comprising:coupling the cart directly to a docking station, the docking station comprising a stand and a drive motor assembly mounted thereon; andextending a drive shaft from the drive motor assembly to the bag.8. A fluid processing system comprising:a vessel that bounds a chamber;a ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041361A1

Method for packaging a particulate material, paste or gel, said method involving the steps of: 1. Method for packaging a particulate material , paste or gel , said method involving the steps of:providing a rigid package, having a bottom, a top, and a vertical wall, said rigid package being open at the top and comprising an adhering layer on at least part of the inside bottom or inside vertical wall,filling a flexible package with the particulate material, paste or gel,contacting the filled flexible package with the adhering layer, thereby adhering the flexible package to the rigid package,closing the rigid package,wherein the particulate material, paste or gel is a chemical compound requiring GHS and/or CLP labelling.2. Method according to wherein the adhering layer is on at least part of the inside bottom of the rigid package.3. Method according to wherein the adhering layer is a one-component adhesive.4. Method according to wherein the flexible package is a bag and the adhering layer constitutes the first component of a two-component adhesive; the second component of said adhesive being present on the outside bottom of the bag.5. Method according to wherein the flexible package is a bag claim 2 , the rigid package is a box or drum claim 2 , and the adhering layer constitutes one part of at least one hook-and-loop strip adhered to the inside bottom of the box or drum; the opposite part of said at least one strip being adhered to the outside bottom of the bag.6. Method according to wherein the rigid package is a box or drum comprising cardboard or fibre board.7. Method according to wherein the flexible package is a bag comprising plastic.8. Method according to wherein the chemical compound is an organic peroxide or organic peroxide formulation.9. Method according to wherein the adhesive is a pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA).10. Method according to wherein the adhesive is a hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive (HMPSA).11. Method according to wherein the adhering ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024015A1
Автор: Furlotti Filippo

A station for sealing thermoformed containers for a packaging line and a method for sealing the containers includes a sealing carousel which rotates continuously about a central axis and includes sealing heads which are radially spaced apart from said central axis. Each sealing head is adapted to 111-. (canceled)12. A station for heating thermoplastic sheet-like blanks for a thermoforming line comprises: a heating carousel configured to rotate continuously about a central axis and which has a plurality of heating heads radially spaced apart from said central axis , each heating head being adapted to receive at least one respective thermoplastic sheet-like blank at a first peripheral region which is outside the carousel , to retain said at least one blank during the rotation of the carousel while supplying heat to it , and to release said at least one blank to a second peripheral region which is outside the carousel and is angularly spaced apart from the first region , wherein said heating head comprises clamping means adapted to retain said at least one blank on a clamping surface of said blank during heating , wherein said clamping means comprise at least two jaws , which are mobile with respect to each other along an axis which is substantially parallel to the central axis of rotation of the carousel in order to clamp between said jaws said at least one blank at said clamping surface , wherein said heat is supplied to an area of said blank that is not affected by said clamping.13. The heating station according to claim 12 , wherein said heating head comprises at least one heat source associated with said clamping means and which is configured to move with respect to said clamping surface so as to heat said area of said blank that is not affected by said clamping14. The heating station according to claim 12 , wherein said clamping surface is provided at a peripheral region of said blank.15. The heating station according to claim 13 , wherein said jaws are mounted ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116011A1
Автор: Eisen Ewald Ludwig

A production method for a closed glass container containing at least one solid body is disclosed. The method includes providing a tube tapering toward one end, the inner diameter of which is smaller at a tapered end than an inner diameter at an opposite first end. The tube is connnected at the tapered end to a first end of a straight bar tube. The tapered tube is charged with at least one solid body. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for producing a closed glass container containing at least one solid body and a fluid , comprising:providing of a tube tapered towards a first end, where an inside width at the tapered first end is smaller than an inside width at an opposite-lying second end;connecting of the tube at the tapered first end with a first end of a straight rod tube;introducing at least one solid body into the tapered tube from the second end of the tapered tube;closing of the tapered tube at the second end having the larger inside width to form a vial;filling the vial thus obtained with a fluid;closing the vial at the second end of the rod tube.13. The method according to claim 12 , further comprising;forming at least one toroidal ring on the rod tube.14. The method according to any one of claims 12 , further comprising:disposing a toroidal ring at the connection point of the rod tube with the tapered first end of the tapered tube.15. The method according to claim 12 , further comprising:forming of a widened portion at the second end of the rod tube; andclosing the vial in a fluidically sealed manner by closing the widened portion.16. The method according to any one of claims 12 , further comprising:selecting of an average diameter of the at least one solid body, such that the diameter lies above the internal diameter of the rod tube and the at least one solid body, in the multiplicity of its possible spatial orientations, cannot pass through the rod tube.17. The method according to claim 12 , further comprising:selecting the at least one solid body from a group ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032002A1

The presently disclosed subject matter is generally directed to a packaging film constructed from water-dispersible and/or biodegradable compositions. Particularly, the disclosed film comprises a first layer constructed from one or more water-dispersible materials, such as water-dispersible paper. The film further comprises a second layer constructed from one or more biodegradable materials, such as poly(hydroxyalkanoate). The first and second layers can be constructed to form a packaging material used to enclose a wide variety of products, including liquids and moisture-sensitive solids. Advantageously, the disclosed film (and associated packaging materials) are dissolvable in water and/or biodegrade when exposed to landfill conditions and/or water. 1. A water-dispersible and biodegradable film comprising:a first layer including from about 60 wt. % to about 100 wt. % of a water-dispersible material; anda second layer including from about 95 wt. % to about 100 wt. % of a biodegradable material.2. The film of claim 1 , wherein the first layer has a thickness from about 2 mils to about 5 mils and the second layer has a thickness from about 0.5 mils to about 2 mils.3. The film of claim 1 , wherein the first layer meets a requirement selected from a group consisting of: OECD 301B claim 1 , ASTM D6868 for biodegradation claim 1 , ISO 20200 for disintegration claim 1 , FG502 for flushability claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The film of claim 1 , wherein the second layer meets a requirement selected from a group consisting of: ASTM D5511 for anaerobic degradation claim 1 , ASTM D5988 for soil degradation claim 1 , ASTM D5271 for freshwater degradation claim 1 , ASTM D6691 for marine degradation claim 1 , ASTM D6400 for home/industrial composting claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The film of claim 1 , wherein the water-dispersible material comprises a water-dispersible paper claim 1 , the water-dispersible paper including a member selected from a group consisting ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140119677A1
Автор: Lerner Hershey
Принадлежит: Automated Packaging Systems, Inc.

A web of expandable bags, a method for forming a web of expandable bags, and a method of forming an expandable bag containing a product is provided. The web of expandable bags includes a plurality of connected bags. Each bag includes a front ply and a back ply, and each bag is connected to an adjacent bag by a perforated connection. The front and back plies are joined to define a compartment that includes a first side, a second side, a third side that extends between the first side and the second side, and a bag opening that is configured to be closed. The front and back plies include a plurality of slits, and the plurality of slits are arranged in a plurality of spaced apart rows. The plurality of slits allows the compartment to expand in a direction that is perpendicular to the arrangement of the plurality of slits. 1. A web of expandable bags comprising: a front ply and a back ply, the front ply joined to the back ply to define a compartment including a first side, a second side, a third side that extends between the first side and the second side, and a bag opening that is configured to be closed; and', 'a plurality of slits in the front ply and the back ply, wherein the plurality of slits are arranged in a plurality of spaced apart rows;, 'a plurality of bags, each bag comprisingwherein the plurality of slits allows the compartment to expand in a direction that is perpendicular to the arrangement of the plurality of slits;wherein each bag is connected to an adjacent bag by a perforated connection.2. The web of expandable bags of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spaced apart rows of slits are arranged transversely from the first side to the second side.3. The web of expandable bags of claim 2 , wherein the slits in adjacent rows are offset in the transverse direction.4. The web of expandable bags of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spaced apart rows of slits are arranged longitudinally from the first side to the second side.5. The web of expandable bags of ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Paperboard Carton

Номер: US20190039778A1
Принадлежит: GENERAL MILLS, INC.

A carton is formed from folding a unitary blank, made from paperboard, to establish a front panel, a rear panel, opposing side panels, a bottom wall and a top wall. To strengthen the carton, at least two side inserts, having a caliper which is equal to or greater than the caliper of the unitary blank, are provided within an interior cavity of the carton and against a respective one of the opposing side panels. The unitary blank has a predominate fiber orientation which is directionally different from each of the at least two side inserts. With this arrangement, the cartons have enhanced structural integrity, enabling similarly configured cartons to be effectively, vertically stacked without deformation. 1. A carton comprising:a main body piece formed from a unitary blank having a first caliper, said unitary blank establishing a front panel, a rear panel, opposing side panels, a bottom wall and a top wall, with the front and rear panels, as well as the opposing side panels, being spaced by the bottom and top walls to provide the carton with an internal cavity adapted to contain at least one edible product to be sold to a consumer; andat least two side inserts having a second caliper which is equal to or greater than the first caliper, each of said at least two side inserts being provided within the interior cavity and against a respective one of the opposing side walls, wherein the carton exhibits a compression strength which enables similarly configured cartons to be directly stacked upon each other for shipping purposes.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the unitary blank has a predominate fiber orientation which is directionally different from each of the at least two side inserts.3. The carton of claim 2 , wherein the predominate fiber orientation in the unitary blank is horizontal and a predominate fiber orientation in each of the at least two inserts is vertical.4. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the carton constitutes a cereal carton.5. The carton of claim 1 , ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Capsules And Other Containers With Optimized Recycling Attributes And Methods For Making Same

Номер: US20210047106A1

A capsule or container is provided having optimized recycling attributes. The capsule is provided for use in a machine for preparing a consumable product from capsules. The capsule includes a body that defines an interior space with an opening. A cover is disposed over the opening. A filter is disposed in the interior space to define a chamber between the filter and the cover. The body, filter and cover are preferably formed of the same substantially pure polymer material. Ingredients are disposed in the interior space for preparing a desired product. A hinge is provided to tether the cover to the body. The cover is attached with a peelable seal to the body so that cover may be peeled away from the body while remaining tethered at the hinge. 1. A beverage capsule for use in a beverage preparing machine to prepare a beverage product , said beverage capsule comprising:a body formed entirely of a substantially pure polymer material, said body defining an interior space having an opening;a filter formed entirely of the same substantially pure polymer material as said body, said filter being disposed in said interior space to define an ingredients chamber for containing and filtering ingredients for preparing a desired beverage product;ingredients disposed in said ingredients chamber for preparing a desired beverage product; anda cover disposed on said body to close said opening.2. The beverage capsule of wherein said filter has a basis weight of less than 40 g/m2.3. The beverage capsule of wherein said filter has a basis weight of no more than 25 g/m2.4. The beverage capsule of wherein said filter has a tensile strength of 100 N/5 cm or less in the Machine Direction (MD) and 70 N/5 cm or less in the Cross Direction (CD).5. The beverage capsule of wherein said filter has a tensile strength in the range of 20-70 N/5 cm in the Machine Direction (MD) and 10-40 N/5 cm in the Cross Direction (CD).6. The beverage capsule of wherein said filter has a tensile strength in the ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052857A1
Принадлежит: Volm Companies, Inc.

A VFFS bag is provided that is dimensionally stable, aesthetically pleasing, and renders items stored in it highly visible. The bag includes first and second gusseted side walls that span a depth of the bag and front and rear walls that span a width of the bag. The bag has a substantially rectangular closed bottom end. In order to maximize the viewabilty of stored items and reduce the amount of film material in the bag, the bag has a depth to width ratio of at least 1.5:1 at the bottom of the bag. Stability is enhanced by sizing the gussets such that they closely approach but do not overlap a line longitudinally bisecting the bag. A VFFS machine and its method of operation also are disclosed. 1. A vertical form , fill , and seal (VFFS) bag comprising:A) first and second side walls that face one another and that span a depth of the bag, wherein each of the first and second side walls is formed from an open mesh material and has a top edge, a bottom edge, and a pair of longitudinally opposed, vertically extending side edges, and wherein each of the first and second side walls is gusseted so as to be expandable between first and second side edges thereof when the bag is filled with items;B) front and rear walls that face one another and that span a width of the bag, wherein at least one of the front and rear walls is formed at least in part from a film material, wherein each of the front and rear walls has a top edge, a bottom edge, and first and second side edges each adjoining a respective edge of one of the first and second side walls; andC) a substantially rectangular closed bottom end, the closed bottom end being formed by bonding the bottom edges of the front and rear walls together with the bottom edges of the first and second side walls being captured therebetween, wherein the bag has a depth to width ratio of at least 1.5:1 at the bottom end of the bag.2. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the bag has a depth to width ratio of at least 1.75:1.3. The bag of claim 1 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057228A1
Автор: Singer Nicholas J.

The packet for providing nutrients to a person is disclosed. The packet may be inserted into a bottle of water at which time, a film of the packet begins to dissolve and allow the water to seep into the packet. When the water seeps into the packet, the water dissolves the film from the inside out so that the film dissolves from the outside in and inside out to reduce the time required to completely dissolve the film. Moreover, the bottle of water can be closed so that the user can shake the bottle of water and allow the powdered nutrient in the packet to rub against the film and further reduce the time required to completely dissolve the film and also dispersed the powdered nutrient in the water. The powdered nutrient may have a rate of dissolution that is slower than the film so that the powdered nutrient can run and cause friction against the film throughout the entire period of time water bottle was shaken. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of preparing a nutritious drink , the method comprising the steps of:providing a drop and drink nutritional packet, the packet consisting essentially of an exterior ingestible water dissolvable film formed as an air tight sealed pouch and a powdered protein nutrient filling an interior volume of the air tight sealed pouch from a top to a bottom of the air tight sealed pouch so that prior to insertion of the air tight sealed pouch into a water bottle, the powdered protein nutrient cannot spill out of the air tight sealed pouch even when the packet is initially deposited into the water of the water bottle;providing the bottle of water with a cap to close a mouth of the bottle of water, the water having a temperature between 70° F. and 85° F.;removing a cap of the bottle of water;removing a portion of the water from the bottle of water to make room for the packet in the water bottle;inserting the drop and drink nutritional packet in its entirety into the bottle of water without breaking the sealed pouch so that the powdered protein ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057716A1

A multi-compartment pouch is formed from two water soluble substrates, wherein the pouch is substantially symmetrical about a weld line between the two substrates. 115.-. (canceled)16. A multi-compartment pouch formed from two water soluble substrates , wherein the pouch is substantially symmetrical about a weld line between the two substrates.17. The pouch of claim 16 , wherein the pouch comprises at least two compartments wherein each compartment is formed between the same two substrates.18. The pouch of claim 17 , wherein the compartments contain different products.19. The pouch of claim 17 , wherein the pouch comprises three or more compartments.20. The pouch of claim 17 , wherein the compartments are disposed within the pouch such that they provide at least one of resistance to planar distortion or that any bending axis arbitrarily laid across the pouch cuts through the body of at least one compartment.21. The pouch of claim 17 , further comprising at least one of a perimetric compartment or a divided perimetric compartment.22. The pouch of claim 17 , wherein at least one compartment is filled with at least one of a flowable composition claim 17 , a solid composition claim 17 , or more than one composition; andwherein the compositions are mutually compatible and not antagonistic to each other.23. The pouch of claim 16 , wherein one of the water soluble substrates is a top lidding web and the other water soluble substrate is a base web; andwherein the top lidding web is thinner than the base web.24. The pouch of claim 23 , wherein the top lidding web has a thickness of between 30% and 90% of that of the base web.25. The pouch of claim 23 , wherein the top lidding web has a thickness of between 50% and 75% of that of the base web.26. The pouch of claim 16 , wherein each compartment is filled to at least 80% of the available volume.27. The pouch of claim 16 , wherein each compartment is filled to at least 90% of the available volume.28. The pouch of claim 16 , ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063728A1

A flexible packaging bag is closed at one end by means of a header having a removable outer header portion and an inner header portion (A) both of which are sealed. The seal in the inner header portion is peelable. An elliptical aperture is defined in the outer header portion. The aperture is dimensioned to enable the insertion of one or more fingers and is offset proximal to a first side edge of the outer header portion. The aperture is used to suspend the bag from a display hook at an angle and can be grasped as an aid to tearing when removing the outer header portion. 1. A packaging bag of flexible material closed at one end by means of a seal to form a header , in which the header comprises a removable outer header portion and an inner header portion both of which are sealed , the seal in the inner header portion being a peelable seal , the outer header portion defining an oval aperture by means of which the packaging can be suspended for display purposes , the aperture being dimensioned to enable the insertion of one or more fingers and offset proximal to a first side edge of the outer header portion.2. The packaging bag as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the seal in the inner header portion is re-closable.3. The packaging bag as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a tear initiation feature claim 1 , such as a notch or slit claim 1 , is provided in said first side edge of the header between the inner and outer header portions.4. The packaging bag as claimed in claim 3 , in which the oval aperture is located proximal to the tear initiation feature.5. The packaging bag as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a line of weakness extends across the header between the inner and outer header portions.6. The packaging bag as claimed in when dependent on claim 1 , wherein the line of weakness extends from an inner end of the tear initiation feature to a second side edge of the header opposite from the first.7. The packaging bag as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the bag is made from a ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137513A1
Принадлежит: GW Services, LLC

An ice bagging assembly and related method with a horizontal ice bag cassette, a pair of opposing ice bag ply graspers configured to move an empty ice bag from the horizontal ice bag cassette to a vertical position to receive cubed ice before it is sealed shut and dropped to an ice bag merchandiser. The opposing graspers may be configured as rotating wheels and may have a grasping sensor. The ice bag cassette may be slidably and tiltably supported for easy replacement of horizontal bags. A load sensor, optical or mechanical, may be associated with the ice hopper to sense how much ice has been put in each bag. A pair of angled guides may guide a hopper into a support frame for the system. 124-. (canceled)25. An ice bagging assembly comprising:a frame;a cassette supported by the frame and configured to store a plurality of empty ice bags in a stack of horizontal empty ice bags; anda pair of opposed grasping elements coupled to the frame and configured to pinch a first ice bag of the plurality of empty ice bags and to move the first ice bag from a horizontal position to an open position below an ice chute, the ice chute configured to drop a plurality of ice cubes into the first ice bag.26. The assembly of further comprising:an ice bag support below an end of the ice chute and positioned to support the first ice bag as the plurality of ice cubes drop into the first ice bag; anda sealing mechanism configured to seal an open end of the first ice bag.27. The assembly of claim 25 , wherein the pair of opposed grasping elements includes at least one wheel configured to rotate about an axis.28. The assembly of claim 25 , wherein the pair of opposed grasping elements includes at least one pair of wheels.29. The assembly of claim 25 , wherein the pair of opposed grasping elements is configured to draw a single layer of the first ice bag between the grasping elements.30. The assembly of claim 25 , wherein the pair of opposed grasping elements is configured to contact only a ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Beverage Capsule And Process And System For Making Same

Номер: US20140141128A1
Принадлежит: 2266170 Ontario Inc.

A beverage capsule is provided for use in a beverage preparing machine. A system and process for making the beverage capsule is also provided. The beverage capsule includes a body defining an interior space having an opening. A filter is disposed in the body to define an ingredients chamber and an extraction chamber. The filter has an air flow permeability of at least 400 L/s.m2. Ingredients are disposed in the ingredients chamber and a cover is dispensed over the opening to seal the interior space. The filter includes a vent region between the top surface of the ingredients and the bottom surface of cover for venting gas through said filter between said ingredients chamber and said extraction chamber. An alternate embodiment includes air flow channels defined in a side wall of body. 1. A beverage capsule for use in a beverage preparing machine , the beverage capsule comprising:a body defining an interior space;a filter disposed in said body to define an ingredients chamber and an extraction chamber, said filter having an air flow permeability of at least 400 L/s.m2;ingredients disposed in said ingredients chamber for preparing a consumable product; anda cover disposed over an opening to said body for sealing said interior space.2. A beverage capsule as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said filter has a basis weight in the range of 40 to 150 gsm.3. A beverage capsule as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a vent region is defined in said filter between a top surface of said ingredients and a bottom surface of said cover claim 1 , said vent region being adapted for venting gas through said filter between said ingredients chamber and said extraction chamber claim 1 , said vent region having a surface area no less than 3 cm2.4. A beverage capsule as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said vent region is disposed between 0-5 mm below said bottom surface of cover.5. A beverage capsule as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the spacing between a top surface of said ingredients disposed in said ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068285A1

A method and apparatus for producing multi-compartment water-soluble pouches from a base web and a lidding web is disclosed. The apparatus includes a rotatable former having compartment forming cavities into which the base web can be formed. The former is configured so that compartments of a pouch can be formed and filled sequentially and thereafter all compartments closed and sealed by affixing the lidding web to the base web 1. A continuous motion rotatable forming machine for producing multi-compartment water-soluble pouches , the machine comprising a rotatable former having compartment forming cavities into which a base web can be formed , wherein the forming machine is configured so that at least one compartment of a pouch is formed and filled before at least one other compartment of the pouch is formed and filled , and only once all compartments have been filled is the pouch closed and sealed by affixing a lidding web.2. A machine according to in which the lidding web comprises a web of formed filled and sealed pouches.3. A machine according to comprising two formers of which at least one is a horizontal former wherein each former is able to produce water-soluble pouches comprising one or more compartments claim 1 , the lidding films of which are then sealed or bonded together to form a combined pouch.4. A machine according to comprising two formers of which at least one is a horizontal former wherein each former is able to produce water-soluble pouches comprising one or more compartments claim 1 , the lidding film of pouches on one former closing pouches on the other former to form a combined pouch.511-. (canceled)12. A method of making a water soluble multi-compartment pouch on a continuous motion rotatable forming machine having compartment forming cavities into which a base web can be formed claim 1 , wherein the forming machine is configured so that at least one compartment of a pouch is formed and filled before at least one other compartment of the pouch ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062429A1

An apparatus and method for filling bulk materials into open-mouth bags is provided, which includes the following steps: 1. A method for filling bulk materials into open-mouth bags ,comprising the following steps:a) an open-mouth bag is placed beneath a filling spout of a filling station;b) the filling spout is lowered and the open-mouth bag is appended to the filling spout;c) the filling spout with the appended open-mouth bag travels upwardly so that the bottom end of the open-mouth bag is freely suspended;d) the filling process is started and bulk material is introduced into the open-mouth bag so that the freely suspended bottom end of the open-mouth bag unfolds.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in a method step e) claim 1 , the filling spout with the appended open-mouth bag is lowered onto a conveyor device.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom end of the open-mouth bag is supported at least during part of the filling process.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the bulk material in the open-mouth bag resting on the conveyor device is compacted during the filling process.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in the method step b) claim 1 , holding grippers grasp the open-mouth bag and in the method step c) claim 1 , elevate it together with the filling spout.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein after filling is completed and method step e) claim 5 , the holding grippers release the open-mouth bag and travel upwardly together with the filling spout claim 5 , while the open-mouth bag rests on the conveyor device.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , after filling is completed claim 1 , the open-mouth bag is conveyed further by means of the conveyor device.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein during the further transport the open-mouth bag is guided by its head end by discharge grippers.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the open-mouth bag is formed from tubular film prior to ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

A lifting apparatus for a packaging system, a packaging system with said lift and methods of operating said system to install a feed device to or to remove a feed device from a packaging machine

Номер: US20200062435A1
Автор: Lee Vine
Принадлежит: Ishida Europe Ltd

There is provided a lifting apparatus (16) comprising a lifting frame (16a) configured to be mechanically coupled to a packaging machine (12), and configured to couple with a feed device (14), wherein the lifting frame (16a) is configured to translate, M raise and lower the feed device (14) relative to the packaging machine (12), and a packaging system comprising a packaging machine (12) with said lifting apparatus (16) wherein said packaging machine (12) is configured to detachably couple to a feed device (14), wherein the mass of the packaging machine (12) acts to counterbalance at least a portion of the mass of the feed device (14) whilst the feed device (14) is being translated, raised or lowered relative to the packaging machine (12). There is further provided methods of operating said packaging system for installing to and removing from the packaging machine (12) the feed device (14).

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140151260A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

An easy opening bag comprising corner seals. A line of weakness extends from at least a portion of a first panel of the bag into at least a portion of a first corner seal of the bag, wherein the line of weakness is: a dashed line in the first panel; and a continuous line in the first corner seal, and wherein the dashed line in the first panel and the continuous line in the first corner seal abut. 11011121314. An easy opening bag () , comprising a first panel () , a second panel () , a third panel () , and a fourth panel () ,{'b': 11', '12', '14', '13, 'wherein said first panel () is: i) adjacent to said second panel () and said fourth panel (); and ii) opposing to said third panel ();'}{'b': 12', '11', '13', '14, 'wherein said second panel () is: i) adjacent to said first panel () and said third panel (); and ii) opposing to said fourth panel ();'}{'b': 11', '12', '13', '14, 'wherein each of said first, second, third, and fourth panels (, , , ) has a respective upper edge, lower edge, first side edge, and second side edge, wherein the first side edge and the second side edge are opposing;'}{'b': 11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '11', '12', '13', '14', '16, 'wherein the respective upper edges of said first, second, third, and fourth panels (, , , ) are sealed to form a top seal (), the respective lower edges of said first, second, third, and fourth panels (, , , ) are sealed to form a bottom seal ();'}{'b': 11', '12', '17, 'wherein the second side edge of said first panel () is sealed to the first side edge of said second panel () to form a first corner seal ();'}{'b': 12', '13', '18, 'wherein the second side edge of said second panel () is sealed to the first side edge of said third panel () to form a second corner seal ();'}{'b': 13', '14', '19, 'wherein the second side edge of said third panel () is sealed to the first side edge of said fourth panel () to form a third corner seal ();'}{'b': 14', '11', '20, 'wherein the second side edge of said fourth panel () is ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078737A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An apparatus and methods for producing at extremely high production speeds small pouches filled with tobacco or other granular, powdered or solid content. An endless web substrate, with or without flavor film thereon, is formed into a tubular shape with a longitudinal seam. The tube is cut to individual lengths, and a procession of tubes is crimp-closed at one end, filled and crimp-closed at the other end to complete pouch production. During production, the seams formed at the crimped ends of the pouch are parallel to one another and the longitudinal seam of the pouch is midway between the sides of the pouch and orthogonal to the seams formed at the crimped ends of the pouch. 1. (canceled)2. A poucher for producing filled pouches comprising:a garniture configured to form a web into a hollow, endless tube having overlapping edge portions;a cutter configured to cut the hollow, endless tube into tubular elements, each of the tubular elements having a first length; 'a severing drum configured to separate each of the tubular elements into tubes, each of the tubes having a second length less than the first length;', 'a series of transfer drums configured to receive each of the tubular elements from the cutter, the series of transfer drums including,'}a fluted wheel configured to receive each of the tubes from the series of transfer drums;a first closure mechanism configured to close a first end of each of the tubes while on the fluted wheel so as to form open-ended pouches;a filling section configured to deposit a desired amount of material in each of the open-ended pouches while on the fluted wheel so as to form filled, open-ended pouches; anda second closure mechanism configured to close a second end of each of the filled, open-ended pouches while on the fluted wheel to form filled pouches.3. The poucher of claim 2 , wherein the fluted wheel includes a plurality of funnels around a perimeter of the fluted wheel.4. The poucher of claim 2 , whereinthe first closure ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078743A1
Автор: SCHÜTTE Volker

A compaction station and method with a compacting device for compacting open-mouth bags filled with bulk materials includes a container with a tubular inner wall and a takeup space for taking up a filled open-mouth bag, and a support unit on a height-displaceable lifting device, wherein when the lifting device is in a lowered position the support unit is supported from beneath and when in an elevated position, it is suitable to take over a filled open-mouth bag from an adjacent conveyor device. A pressure plug that can be lowered from above is included which, when in a lowered position acts on the bulk material from above, and in an elevated position allows takeover of a filled open-mouth bag from an adjacent conveyor device. 1. A compaction station with at least one compacting device for compacting open-mouth bags filled with bulk materials ,comprising: a container with a tubular inner wall and a takeup space for taking up a filled open-mouth bag, and a support unit on a height-displaceable lifting device;the support unit is supported from beneath in a lowered position of the lifting device; an elevated position it is suitable for taking over a filled open-mouth bag from an adjacent conveyor device; and that-a pressure plug that can be lowered from above is comprised which, in a lowered position acts on the bulk material from above, and in an elevated position, allows takeover of a filled open-mouth bag from an adjacent conveyor device.2. The compaction station according to claim 1 , wherein the container can be periodically lifted and lowered by one container travel by way of a compaction transmission.3. The compaction station according to claim 2 , wherein the container travel is less than one fifth of the length of the container.4. The compaction station according to claim 1 , wherein the container travel is less than 50 mm.5. The compaction station according to claim 1 , wherein in a lowered position of the lifting device the support unit is supported/set down ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Capsules And Other Containers With Optimized Recycling Attributes And Methods For Making Same

Номер: US20210078793A1

A process is provided for making a beverage capsule for use in a beverage preparing machine. The process includes the steps of: sealing a filter to an interior surface of a body for the beverage capsule to define an ingredients chamber; depositing a desired volume of desired ingredients into the ingredients chamber; and sealing a cover to the body to cover the opening. The cover is sealed to the body to define a hinge zone and a peel zone, wherein the hinge zone has a stronger seal than the peel zone. 1. A process for making a beverage capsule for use in a beverage preparing machine , the process comprising the steps of:sealing a filter to an interior surface of a body for the beverage capsule to define an ingredients chamber;depositing a desired volume of desired ingredients into said ingredients chamber;sealing a cover to said body to cover said opening, said cover is sealed to said body to define a hinge zone and a peel zone, wherein said hinge zone has a stronger seal than said peel zone.2. The process of wherein said filter has a basis weight of less than 40 gsm.3. The process of wherein said filter is pre-cut to a desired diameter that is larger than the diameter of said interior space.4. The process of further comprising the steps of (i) sealing a portion of said cover to said body and (ii) replacing air in said capsule with an inert gas and (iii) sealing the remainder of said cover to said body.51221. The process of wherein said peel zone is formed by sealing a portion of said cover to said body at a first temperature T and said hinge zone is formed by sealing the remaining portion of said cover to said body at a second temperature T claim 1 , where T is a higher temperature than T.6. The process of wherein said peel zone is formed by sealing a portion of said cover to said body using a first sealing technique that forms a peelable seal and said hinge zone is formed by sealing the remaining portion of said cover to said body using a second sealing technique ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Packaging bag and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20160083146A1
Автор: Su Youn Han
Принадлежит: Pacsense Corp

Provided are a packaging bag in which the breakage of a handle or irritation to a user's hand due to a load of the packaging bag when the user moves while gripping the handle in a state in which heavy contents such as grain or the like fills the packaging bag can be minimized by forming a sealed handle at the packaging bag, and a method of manufacturing the same. The packaging bag includes a packaging sheet constituted by a first sheet, and second sheets extending from both sides of the first sheet to be folded in a rear-surface direction of the first sheet so that both ends overlap to be sealed; a reinforcement film inserted and fixed between the first sheet and the second sheets; an upper sealing section sealed so that inner surfaces of the reinforcement film and the packaging sheet adhere to seal an upper section; and a handle section positioned at the upper sealing section and punched to be gripped.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081074A1

A self-supporting flexible film container is disclosed that includes a container base and a flexible film attached to the container base that forms a container wall and defines a packing region within the container. The container wall has at least one support column, such as a tubular support column, integrally formed therein. A method of conforming the container includes providing a web of flexible film, forming tubular support columns in the web of flexible film and forming a container from the web of flexible film containing the support columns. The support columns can be formed by ploughing and forming the web of flexible film. 1. A container , comprising:a container base; anda flexible film attached to the container base forming a container wall and defining a packing region within the container, the container wall having at least one support column integrally formed therein.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the support column is a tubular support column.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the support column comprises one or more overlapping folds.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein the support column is oriented perpendicular to the container base.5. The container of claim 4 , wherein the support column extends from a bottom of the container to a top of the container.6. The container of claim 1 , wherein the support column is a flattened support column.7. The container of claim 1 , wherein the container wall is a polygon having at least three sides.8. The container of claim 7 , wherein the support column is formed in a corner of the container wall.9. The container of claim 8 , comprising support columns in each corner of the container wall.10. The container of claim 7 , wherein the container wall has four wall portions and four corners.11. The container of claim 1 , wherein the support column encloses a fluid material claim 1 , the support column being welded at opposing ends.12. The container of claim 11 , wherein the support column encloses a gas.13. ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097875A1
Автор: Merz Holger

The invention relates to a sachet () and a packaging machine and a method for producing a sachet, the sachet forming a closed chamber () in which a product is accommodated, the sachet being made of only one film web () which is formed into a tube (), a weld seam () being formed in a longitudinal direction along the sachet, a closure seam () being formed at each end () of the sachet, wherein a strip () having a desiccant is disposed within the chamber, the strip being welded to the film web. 110232718121113242816171520. A sachet ( , , ) , the sachet forming a closed chamber () in which a product is accommodated , the sachet being made of only one film web () which is formed into a tube () , a weld seam ( , , ) being formed in a longitudinal direction along the sachet , a closure seam ( , ) being formed at each end () of the sachet , characterized in that a strip () having a desiccant is disposed within the chamber , the strip being welded to the film web.22012. The sachet according to claim 1 , characterized in that one side of the strip () is completely welded to the film web ().3201617. The sachet according to claim 1 , characterized in that a length of the strip () is smaller than a relative distance of the closure seams ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , the strip being disposed between the closure seams.420132428. The sachet according to claim 1 , characterized in that the strip () is disposed adjacent to the weld seam ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) and parallel with respect to it.510232720. The sachet according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sachet ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) is realized having a length in a range from 30 to 190 mm and having a width in a range from 17 to 50 mm claim 1 , the strip () being realized having a width in a range from 3 to 10 mm.6282927. The sachet according to claim 1 , characterized in that the weld seam () forms a lateral edge () of the sachet ().724252623. The sachet according to claim 1 , characterized in that the weld seam () is formed along ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Capsules And Other Containers With Optimized Recycling Attributes And Methods For Making Same

Номер: US20210086985A1

A system is provided for making a beverage capsule for use in a beverage preparing machine. The system includes a filter station for sealing a filter to an interior space of a body for the beverage capsule to define an ingredients chamber; an ingredients station for depositing a desired volume of desired ingredients into the ingredients chamber; and a cover sealing station for sealing a cover to the body. The cover being sealed to the body to define a hinge zone and a peel zone, wherein the hinge zone has a stronger seal than the peel zone. 1. A system for making a beverage capsule for use in a beverage preparing machine , the system comprising:a filter station for sealing a filter to an interior space of a body for the beverage capsule to define an ingredients chamber;an ingredients station for depositing a desired volume of desired ingredients into said ingredients chamber; anda cover sealing station for sealing a cover to said body, said cover sealed to said body to define a hinge zone and a peel zone, wherein said hinge zone has a stronger seal than said peel zone.2. The system of wherein said filter has a basis weight of less than 40 gsm.3. The system of wherein said filter is pre-cut to a desired diameter that is larger than the diameter of said interior space.4. The system of further comprising a cover pre-sealing station for sealing a portion of said cover to said body and a MAP station for replacing air in said capsule with an inert gas and sealing the remainder of said cover to said body.51221. The system of wherein said peel zone is formed by sealing a portion of said cover to said body at a first temperature T and said hinge zone is formed by sealing the remaining portion of said cover to said body at a second temperature T claim 1 , where T is a higher temperature than T.6. The system of wherein said peel zone is formed by sealing a portion of said cover to said body using a first sealing technique that forms a peelable seal and said hinge zone is ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135260A1
Автор: Larsson Lennart
Принадлежит: AR Packaging Systems AB

A method for manufacturing and filling a composite can (), the method comprising: —forming a tubular body () by bending a body blank () and bringing two opposing edges of the body blank () together in an end-to-end join; —sealing the join by welding a sealing strip () over the join, thereby forming an intermediate can (); —sealing a top opening () by attaching a top sealing member () across the top opening (); —applying a top rim () to the intermediate can () by welding an inserted part of the top rim () to the inner surface of the tubular body (); —turning the intermediate can () upside-down and placing the intermediate can () on a conveyor () with the top rim () resting on the conveyor (); filling the intermediate can () through the bottom opening (); —sealing the bottom opening () of the tubular body () by attaching a bottom sealing member () across the bottom opening (); —turning the intermediate can () to bring the top rim () in an upward-facing position; —attaching a reclosable lid () at the top end of the tubular body (). The intermediate can is kept in a protective gas atmosphere from said filling of said intermediate can until said bottom opening () of said tubular body () has been sealed. An assembly line () for manufacturing and filling of composite cans () is also disclosed.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093178A1

Cartridge for an aerosol generating device and method for making said cartridge is disclosed. The cartridge has: 11. A cartridge () for an aerosol generating device , comprising:{'b': 2', '20', '21', '20', '22, 'a container () which comprises a bottom (), a lateral wall () which rises from the bottom () and an opening ();'}{'b': 3', '2, 'a liquid () contained in the container ();'}{'b': 4', '22', '2, 'a cap () which closes the opening () of the container (); and'}{'b': 5', '21', '2, 'a coating () which covers at least a part of the lateral wall () of the container ();'}{'b': 5', '21', '2, 'wherein the coating () is made of a heat-shrinkable material which has been heated until it adheres to at least a part of the lateral wall () of the of the container ().'}2155021251202. The cartridge () according to claim 1 , wherein the coating () comprises a first portion () which is sleeve-shaped and which covers the lateral wall () of the container () and a second portion () which is annular-shaped and which covers the bottom () of the container ().3150515. The cartridge () according to claim 2 , wherein the first portion () and the second portion () of the coating () are in a single body.4155a. The cartridge () according to claim 1 , wherein the coating () is obtained by the heat-shrinking of a tubular element ().514. The cartridge () according to claim 1 , wherein the cap () is made of an elastically deformable material.61. A method for making a cartridge () for an aerosol generating device claim 1 , comprising the steps of:{'b': 2', '20', '21', '20', '22, 'providing a container () which comprises a bottom (), a lateral wall () which rises from the bottom () and an opening ();'}{'b': '5', 'i': 'a', 'providing a tubular element () which has a longitudinal development along a development axis (X) and which is made of a heat-shrinkable material;'}{'b': 5', '2', '5', '21', '2, 'i': a', 'a, 'arranging the tubular element () and the container () so that the tubular element () and ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Tool for hf welding, system for welding films, system for producing a bag for medical purposes, method for operating a system and bag

Номер: US20180104908A1
Автор: Rudolf Berger
Принадлежит: KIEFEL GMBH

The invention relates to various aspects of HF-welding methods and HF welding equipment and to a bag produced with an HF-welding method. In tools used for HF welding, it is proposed that the tool is supplemented by an electrically conductive layer, which among other advantages enables the quality of a welded connection, in particular of especially thin films, to be significantly improved.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114857A1
Принадлежит: Le Papillon Bioplan

A container assembly comprising first and second compartments. The first compartment includes a base web having a formed portion and a flat portion, a lidding material joined to the flat portion and a frangible seal positioned between the base web and the lidding material. The second compartment includes first and second barriers that are sealed to one another at peripheral edges. The first barrier has an aperture through which the formed portion of the base web extends. An upper surface of the flat portion of the base web is joined to an interior surface of the first barrier, thereby encapsulating the frangible seal within the second compartment. When the frangible seal is broken, a passageway is provided for transferring material from the first compartment into the second compartment for mixing with a second material. The second compartment may then be opened to dispense the mixture. 1. A container assembly comprising: a base web having a formed portion defining a cavity and a flat portion defining a planar surface,', 'a lidding material sealably joined to a bottom surface of the flat portion of the base web, and', 'a frangible seal positioned between the base web and the lidding material; and, 'a first compartment includinga second compartment including at least a first barrier and a second barrier, the first and second barriers each having opposing interior surfaces and the first barrier having an aperture,wherein the formed portion of the base web is positioned outwardly through the aperture in the first barrier,wherein an upper surface of the flat portion of the base web is sealably joined to the interior surface of the first barrier, andwherein the frangible seal is configured when broken to provide a passageway for transferring material from the first compartment to the second compartment.2. The container assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first barrier and the second barrier are sealably joined to form the second compartment.3. The container assembly of ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for forming dual layer water soluble packets

Номер: US20160114914A1

A method of forming dual layer water soluble packets is described. The method includes drawing a base film into a cavity of a mold, drawing air through openings in the base film, metering an amount of a first product of a first color onto the base film in the cavity, metering an amount of a second product of a second color onto the amount of the first product, and, sealing a lid film to the base film.

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Flexible, Stackable Container and Method and System for Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20140196406A1
Принадлежит: Clear Lam Packaging Inc

A flexible, stackable container for storing a quantity of a product may include a sealed package formed from a single sheet of film and retaining the quantity of the product disposed therein, and a lid fitment attached to a first side of the package. The first side of the package may have an outer first surface of the film and outwardly extending first corner seals formed in the film at the edges of the first side and surrounding the first side of the package. The package may also have a second side disposed opposite the first side and outwardly extending second corner seals formed in the film at the edges of the second side and surrounding the second side of the package.

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Flexible Containers and Methods of Making the Same

Номер: US20150122373A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A method of filling a product volume of a flexible container that includes a product volume and a structural support volume that at least partially extends into the product volume can include filling the product volume with product and applying an external force to the product volume and sealing the product volume to reduce a product receiving volume of the product volume.

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202120A1
Автор: SCRIVANI Massimo

The machine for assembling, filling and sealing capsules for portioned beverages comprises a station for loading the capsules to be assembled, a station for unloading the assembled, filled and sealed capsules, a plurality of processing stations comprising at least one station for metering a product into the capsules and at least one station for sealing the capsules filled with the product, and an intermittent conveyor for conveying the capsules sequentially along a feed path to the unloading station through the processing stations, the feed path having at least a first stretch which extends along a first lateral longitudinal side of the machine and at least a second stretch which extends along a second lateral longitudinal side of the machine opposite the first lateral side. 1. A machine extending along a longitudinal axis , for assembling , filling and sealing capsules for portioned beverages , wherein it comprises a station for loading the capsules to be assembled , a station for unloading the assembled , filled and sealed capsules , a plurality of processing stations comprising at least one station for metering a product into the capsules and at least one station for sealing the capsules filled with the product , and an intermittent conveyor for conveying the capsules sequentially along a feed path from the loading station to the unloading station through the processing stations , the feed path having at least a first stretch which extends along a first lateral longitudinal side of the machine and at least a second stretch which extends along a second lateral longitudinal side of the machine opposite the first lateral side.2. The machine for assembling claim 1 , filling and sealing capsules for portioned beverages according to claim 1 , wherein the path has at least a third stretch joining the first and second stretches and extending along a front side of the machine claim 1 , the processing stations being distributed along the first claim 1 , second and third ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128978A1

A smokeless tobacco product is provided. The tobacco product is configured for insertion into the mouth of a user of that product, which includes a water-permeable pouch containing a tobacco formulation that includes a granular tobacco composition, wherein the pouch is constructed of a spunlaid fleece material, which may be thermally sealed for closure and which may be formed of biodegradable polymer fiber. 1. A tobacco product configured for insertion into the mouth of a user of that product , the tobacco product comprising:a liquid-permeable fleece material pouch containing a tobacco formulation, the tobacco formulation including a granular tobacco composition, wherein material forming the fleece pouch comprises nonwoven spunlaid fabric.2. The tobacco product of claim 1 , further comprising a hydrophilic surface coating.3. The tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein the hydrophilicity of the hydrophilic surface is conferred by a food-grade surfactant that comprises one or more of sorbitan aliphatic acid ester claim 2 , polyglycerin aliphatic acid ester claim 2 , and sucrose aliphatic acid ester.4. The tobacco product of claim 1 , wherein fiber used to form the spunlaid fabric is selected from polyhydroxyalkanoates claim 1 , polylactic acid claim 1 , polycaprolactone claim 1 , and any combination thereof including a bicomponent fiber with two thereof.5. The tobacco product of claim 1 , wherein the fleece material comprises nonwoven spunlaid fabric prepared by a process of being meltblown claim 1 , nonwoven spunlaid fabric prepared by a process of being spunbonded claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The tobacco product of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven spunlaid fabric comprises a food-grade low-melting biodegradable polymer coating an underlying polymer.7. The tobacco product of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven spunlaid fabric of the fleece pouch comprises a bi-component material comprising one or more of regenerated cellulose claim 1 , a polyhydroxyalkanoate claim 1 , ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Container for Foodstuffs, in Particular Coffee, Method for its Production and Method for Packing a Foodstuff

Номер: US20150136780A1

Container for foodstuffs, in particular coffee, comprising a central body () made of flexible material, a bottom () associated to a lower end () of the central body (), and a lid () attached to an upper end () of the central body () by means of an upper ring (), made of rigid plastic material. The container () also comprises a lower ring (), also made of rigid plastic material, which makes the bottom () solid with the central body (). 1. Container for foodstuffs , in particular coffee , comprising a central body made of flexible material , a bottom welded to a lower end of said central body , and a lid welded to an upper end of said central body by means of an upper ring , made of rigid plastic material , wherein it also comprises a lower ring , also made of rigid plastic material , which makes said bottom solid with said central body , wherein the bottom and/or the lid are welded peripherally , respectively , to the lower ring and to the upper ring and inside the central body , in an intermediate position between the central body and , respectively , lower ring or upper ring.2. Container as in claim 1 , wherein said bottom comprises a film made of multi-joined material claim 1 , pre-shaped and welded on said lower ring.3. Container as in claim 1 , wherein said bottom is attached to said lower ring and to said central body so as to completely cover it and thus act as a barrier against oxygen.4. Container as in claim 1 , wherein said lower ring is provided with a plurality of stiffening ribs disposed longitudinally or circumferentially.5. Container as in claim 1 , wherein said lower ring has internal edges claim 1 , onto which said bottom is attached claim 1 , at least partly bent downward.6. Container as in claim 1 , wherein said upper ring is shaped so as to have a first circular shoulder claim 1 , with a diameter bigger than that of said central body and protruding to the outside of the latter claim 1 , and a second internal circular shoulder claim 1 , on the flat ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Method of thermoforming a foil, forming tool, thermoforming tool, installation for thermoforming, container and brewing container

Номер: US20190126530A1
Принадлежит: Kiefel Packaging BV

Method of forming, in particular a thermoforming method, a foil into a container, in particular a brewing container, especially a coffee capsule, using a plug assist and/or pressure difference in axial main forming direction, directing the foil into a forming tool creating a blank with a cavity and pressing the foil towards the forming tool bottom in order to create a floor for the blank and characterising the method in that the floor of the blank experiences a material distribution, especially a material shifting and/or material compression, during which a constant pressure difference within the blank's cavity is guaranteed and a circumferential annular gap is created.

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Paperboard packaging container and lid

Номер: US20190127107A1
Принадлежит: Å&R Carton Lund AB

The present disclosure provides a paperboard packaging container comprising a tubular paperboard container body, a container bottom and a container lid. The container body comprises a container body abutment edge at the container opening. The container body has an inner surface facing towards an inner compartment in the packaging container and an outer surface facing away from the inner compartment. The container lid comprises a lid collar having an abutment edge adapted for abutting against the container body abutment edge, and a lid plug-in portion. The plug-in portion has a side surface extending in the longitudinal direction and faces the inner surface of the container body, when the container lid is in a closed position. The lid collar is made of the same material as the container body and the lid collar is delimited from the container body by a slit or by weakening means.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Plastic Bag, in Particular FFS Bag, and Method and Device for Producing and Filling a Bag

Номер: US20200122894A1
Автор: Hawighorst Thomas

The invention relates to a plastic bag, in particular an FFS bag, comprising a first wall and a second wall, which are joined to each other by means of side edges or side folds and by means of bottoms and which bound a bag interior, wherein at least one bottom comprises a weld seam, which extends between the side edges and touches the side edges, and venting openings in the first and/or in the second wall for venting the bag interior, characterized in that at least one channel is provided on the outside of at least one wall, which channel covers the venting openings and is formed by at least two parallel fastening strips and by a cover strip, wherein the cover strip likewise comprises venting openings and wherein the shortest path between the parallel fastening strips along the cover strip is longer than the shortest path along the at least one wall between the parallel fastening strips or the cover strip and/or the parallel fastening strips consist of stretchable material. 1. A plastic bag , in particular an FFS bag , comprising a first wall and a second wall which are connected to one another by side edges or side folds and by bottoms and bound a bag interior ,wherein at least one bottom comprises a weld seam which runs between the side edges and contacts them,and comprising vent openings in the first and/or in the second wall for venting the bag interior,characterized in thatat least one channel is provided on the outside of at least one wall which channel covers the vent openings and which is formed at least by two parallel fastening strips and a cover strip, wherein the cover strip also comprises openings and wherein the shortest path between the parallel fastening strips along the cover strip is longer than the shortest path along the at least one wall between the parallel fastening strips or the cover strips and/or the parallel fastening strips consist of stretchable material.2. The plastic bag according to claim 1 ,characterized in thatthe shortest path ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Multi-Chamber Bag

Номер: US20140219585A1

A multiple-compartment container comprising: two or more panels sealed together to form a container; a supplemental cavity adhered within the container to one of the panels; and a burst seal on the supplemental cavity configured to release contents of the supplemental cavity upon application of force from a user. The multiple-compartment container can be efficiently filled by first filling the supplemental containers, then affixing the supplemental containers to a panel of the main container, next joining the panel with others to form the main container, then filling and sealing the main container. 1. A multiple-compartment container comprising:two or more panels sealed together to form a container;a supplemental cavity affixed within the container to one of the panels; anda burst seal on the supplemental cavity configured to release contents of the supplemental cavity into the container upon application of force from a user.2. The multiple-compartment container of wherein the supplemental cavity is configured to release contents of the supplemental cavity upon application of force from a user claim 1 , with the application of force occurring outside of the container.3. The multiple-compartment container of wherein the supplemental cavity is affixed to one of the panels with food-grade adhesive.4. A method for filling a multiple-compartment container comprising:placing a first ingredient in a supplemental cavity;affixing the supplemental cavity to a first container wall panel;binding the container wall panel to a second container wall panel to form a container;placing a second ingredient in the container; andsealing the container. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application 61/747,556, filed Dec. 31, 2012, which is incorporated herein by reference.Many varieties of storage and packaging containers are known and used. Certain containers are more suitable for certain goods. Plastic bags, in particular, are a very convenient packaging format for ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

A Collapsible Pouch Provided With A Closure Assembly

Номер: US20160145025A1

A collapsible pouch () is provided with a closure assembly (), which comprises a monolithic spout base and cap part () and a tubular inner part (). The inner part comprises a fixation portion () and a neck portion () and has been inserted into the spout base and cap part via the lower opening of the bore thereof in a pre-assembly operation prior to sealing of the pre-assembled closure assembly between the two walls () of the pouch. The fixation portion is received and fixed in the bore of the spout base (). The neck portion protrudes from the spout base into the cap cavity and extends to a mouth opening () of the neck portion. The neck portion is provided with at least one circumferential sealing surface () and the cap has at the interior side thereof at least one circumferential sealing surface () that sealingly engages said at least one circumferential sealing surface of the neck portion. 33213234134321322220b;bb. Collapsible pouch according to claim 1 , wherein the exterior side of the neck portion (; ) at or near the mouth opening (; ) thereof forms a second circumferential sealing surface () that is in sealing contact with a corresponding second circumferential sealing surface () on the interior side of the cap () to provide a second seal between the cap and the neck portion.42222323222322232ccc,c. Collapsible pouch according to claim 1 , wherein the interior side of the skirt () of the cap—at or near the lower end of the skirt—is provided with a third circumferential sealing surface () that is in sealing contact with a corresponding third circumferential sealing surface () on the exterior side of the neck portion () to provide a third seal between the cap and the neck portion claim 1 , preferably said sealing surfaces () being oriented to provide a radial sealing between the skirt () of the cap and the neck portion ().5311313112133013012112aa. Collapsible pouch according to claim 1 , wherein the fixation portion (;) of the inner part claim 1 , preferably at or ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230370A1
Автор: Bianchi Mauro
Принадлежит: IMA INDUSTRIES S.R.L.

A method for producing a single-use capsule () for extraction beverages comprises the steps of: positioning a flat piece () of filter paper over a cup-shaped rigid body (); joining the flat piece () of filter paper along at least the rim () of the rigid body (); forming the piece () of filter paper towards the interior of the rigid body () and by means of plastic deformation of the piece () of filter paper so as to define a containment chamber (); filling of the containment chamber () with a dose (D) of product; closing of the chamber () and of the external rigid body () with a sheet lid (). This invention also relates to a machine () which implements said method. 112342564272. A method for producing a single-use capsule () for beverages comprising a cup-shaped external rigid body () comprising a closed bottom () and a top opening () coupled with a filter extending , with a concave cross-section , into the body () to form a chamber () for containing a dose (D) of product , and a sheet lid () for closing the top opening () of the rigid body () along the external rim () of the body () , characterised in that it comprises the following steps:{'b': 8', '2, 'positioning a flat piece () of filter over the rigid body ();'}{'b': 8', '7', '2, 'joining the flat piece () of filter paper along at least the rim () of the rigid body ();'}{'b': 8', '2', '8', '5, 'forming the piece () of filter paper towards the interior of the rigid body () and by means of a plastic deformation of the piece () to define the containment chamber ();'}{'b': '5', 'filling the containment chamber () with a dose (D) of product;'}{'b': 5', '2', '6, 'closing the chamber () and the external rigid body () with the sheet lid ().'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the forming step comprises:{'b': 8', '8', '2, 'a first sub-step of preforming the flat piece () of filter paper to form a partial concavity of the piece () towards the interior of the rigid body () and'}{'b': 8', '5, 'a second sub-step of ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Bagmaking and packaging device and tube member for bagmaking and packaging device

Номер: US20220289411A1
Принадлежит: Ishida Co Ltd

A bagmaking and packaging device includes a transverse sealing unit, a first tube member, and a gas flow path member. The first tube member is disposed above the transverse sealing unit and extends in an up and down direction. The first tube member allows a packaging material to become wrapped around it to thereby form the packaging material into a tubular shape. At least part of the gas flow path member is disposed inside the first tube member. The gas flow path member delivers nitrogen into the packaging material formed into the tubular shape. The first tube member includes a cutout portion that extends in the up and down direction. The cutout portion is formed so that the nitrogen can move between a space between the packaging material formed into the tubular shape and the first tube member and the inside space of the first tube member.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144145A1
Автор: Draier Roland
Принадлежит: TOPOCARE GMBH

A device is provided for producing a tubular container which is able to be filled with granular, pulverulent, pourable and flowable materials, wherein the container can include webs manufactured from geotextile material. The device includes a displaceable frame with at least one unwindable geotextile web, wherein the frame includes a filling trough with an outlet hopper for the material, and wherein the filling trough has a conveying device for the filled material, the conveying device acting counter to the direction of movement of the frame, which, at the rear end of the filling trough, surrounds the material in an enveloping manner, in the region of the outlet hopper, by the unwindable geotextile web, as the frame is advanced, so as to form a tube. 1. A device for producing a tubular container which is able to be filled with granular , pulverulent , pourable and flowable materials , wherein the container comprises webs manufactured from geotextile material , 'a displaceable frame with at least one unwindable geotextile web, wherein the frame comprises a filling trough with an outlet hopper for the material, and wherein the filling trough has a conveying device for the filled material, the conveying device acting counter to the direction of movement of the frame, the conveying device, at a rear end of the filling trough, surrounding the material in an enveloping manner, in a region of the outlet hopper, by the unwindable geotextile web, as the frame is advanced, so as to form a tube.', 'the device comprising'}2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the conveying device comprises an additional geotextile web unwindable at the front end of the filling trough claim 1 , which is guided within the filling trough as the frame is advanced and discharges the overlaying or filled material from the frame counter to the advancing movement.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the conveying device comprises an endless belt disposed at the trough bottom or a ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150158646A1

The invention relates to a water-soluble packaging containing an agent and a water-soluble wrapping. Said water-soluble wrapping contains a bittering agent in a dilution of at least 1:250. 1. Water-soluble packaging comprising an agent and a water-soluble wrapping , wherein the water-soluble wrapping further comprises a bittering agent in a dilution of at least 1:250.2. Water-soluble packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble wrapping comprises the bittering agent in a dilution of at least 1:500.3. Water-soluble packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the bittering agent has a bitterness value of at least 10 claim 1 ,000.4. Water-soluble packaging according to claim 3 , wherein the bittering agent is selected from the group consisting of naringin claim 3 , saccharose octaacetate claim 3 , denatonium benzoate claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.5. Water-soluble packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble wrapping comprises polyvinyl alcohol or a polyvinyl alcohol copolymer.6. Water-soluble packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble wrapping further comprises a compound selected from the group consisting of dipropylene glycol claim 1 , ethylene glycol claim 1 , diethylene glycol claim 1 , propylene glycol claim 1 , glycerin claim 1 , sorbitol claim 1 , mannitol claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. Water-soluble packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble packaging comprises two to five chambers. The present invention generally relates to water-soluble packaging containing an agent and a water-soluble wrapping. The invention further relates to a method for manufacturing water-soluble packaging.Detergents or cleaning agents are presently available to the consumer in various forms. In addition to powders and granules, these offered forms also include liquids, gels, or single-dose packages (tablets or filled pouches), for example.In particular single-dose packages in the form of water-soluble packaging containing ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Transportable Container For Bulk Goods

Номер: US20170152090A1
Автор: Juntunen Sharon, Ours Dave

A transportable container for flowable bulk goods includes a bottom support and a stretch wrap spirally wrapped around the bottom support and extending vertically in relationship to the bottom support. Bulk goods are disposed within the stretch wrap and at least of portion of the bulk goods are disposed in direct contact with the stretch wrap to squeeze the bulk goods together and generate hoop forces for stabilizing the bulk goods in the transportable container. The transportable container has a shape that varies radially in vertical relationship to the bottom support for adjusting the hoop forces vertically along the transportable container. The varied shape of the transportable container can be, for example, tapered, hour-glass shaped, or pumpkin shaped. 113-. (Canceled)14. A system for producing a transportable container for flowable bulk goods , the system comprising:a slip frame former having at least one former wall defining a frame opening;a bottom support vertically spaced from the slip frame former;wherein the at least one former wall and the bottom support are configured to receive a first portion of outer wrap to form a portion of the transportable container;wherein at least one of the slip frame former and the bottom support is vertically moveable relative to the other of the slip frame former and the bottom support to maintain the position of the slip frame former relative to a fill level of bulk goods in the transportable container;wherein the slip frame former is configured to disengage previously received portions of outer wrap therefrom to squeeze filled portions of the transportable container and lock together the bulk goods disposed in the transportable container as the at least one of the slip frame former and the bottom support moves relative to the other of the slip frame former and the bottom support; andwherein a portion of the at least one former wall is configured to receive additional portions of outer wrap to maintain the transportable ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150166204A1

A method for making a single use capsule () for extraction or infusion beverages includes the step of: arranging a first strip (S) of thermoformable filtering material above rigid bodies (); joining the first strip (S) of thermoformable filtering material to the rigid bodies () at respective rims (); forming the first strip (S) of thermoformable filtering material to achieve a filter () that defines a chamber (); filling the chamber () with a dose (D) of product; closing the chamber () and the rigid body () with a closing lid (). A machine for making single use capsules () for extraction beverages includes: a feeding system (); a transport system (); a joining station (); a forming station (); a filling station (); and a closing station (). 1123478425654. Method for making single-use capsules () for extraction or infusion beverages including a rigid body () , cup-shaped and featuring a bottom () and an upper aperture () with a rim () , a filtering element () engaging the upper aperture () and configured to present a concavity within the rigid body () so as to define a chamber () adapted to contain a dose (D) of product , and a closure lid () adapted to close the chamber () and the upper aperture () , characterised by including the following steps , in sequence:{'b': '2', 'feeding a plurality of rigid bodies ();'}{'b': 1', '2, 'positioning a first strip (S) of thermoformable filtering material above the rigid bodies ();'}{'b': 1', '2', '7, 'firmly joining the first strip (S) of thermoformable filtering material to the rigid bodies () at a joining zone along respective rims ();'}{'b': 8', '5, 'forming the filtering element () that defines the chamber () adapted to contain the dose (D) of product;'}{'b': '5', 'filling the chamber () with a dose (D) of product;'}{'b': 5', '4', '2', '6, 'closing the chamber () and the upper aperture () of the rigid body () with a respective closure lid ().'}22. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of feeding provides for ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Squeezable Dispensing Package and Method

Номер: US20140250838A1
Автор: Nathan Bill

A fluid dispensing container is provided. The container includes a container body formed from a first flexible material defining an interior cavity. The container includes a membrane formed from a second flexible material and a seal coupling the membrane to the inner surface of the container body. The membrane divides the interior cavity into a contents chamber and a dispensing chamber, and the membrane and the seal are configured to be fluid tight to maintain fluid within the contents chamber prior to rupture of the membrane. The rupture stress of the second flexible material is less than the rupture stress of the first flexible material such that, as fluid pressure within the contents chamber increases, the membrane is configured to rupture without the container body rupturing.

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140250841A1

A device for packaging a wiper blade for a windshield wiping system of a motor vehicle including a flexurally stiff container as well as at least one insert, which is able to be inserted into the container together with the wiper blade. The device includes at least two inserts, developed essentially having mirror symmetry, for accommodating each of an end section of the wiper blade, each insert having at least one accommodation region for accommodating a spring-elastic carrier element and/or a wiper lip of the wiper blade, an accommodation region provided for accommodating the wiper lip being oversized compared to the dimensions of the wiper lip, so that the wiper lip is able to be accommodated in such a way that a sensitive wiping edge of the wiper lip has no contact with the insert.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161219A1

There is described a packaging unit () for producing sealed packages containing a pourable food product from a tube () of packaging material advanced along a first axis (A); the packaging unit () comprises: at least two jaws () arranged on opposite sides of the first axis (A) and movable between a closed position, in which they grip and seal said tube () of packaging material at one of a plurality of equally spaced cross sections, and an open position, in which they are detached from the tube (); at least two forming members () supported by the respective jaws () in a movable manner between a first operating position, in which, in relation to the position of the jaws (), they have the maximum distance from one another, and a second operating position, in which, in relation to the closed position of the jaws (), they mate with one another and cooperate with the tube (); and actuator means () to produce movement of the forming members () between the first operating position and the second operating position; the actuator means () comprise at least one mover () connected to both forming members () in any position of the jaws () and selectively activated to perform opposite strokes, along which the mover () itself produces the movement of each forming members () in opposite directions. 115-. (canceled)16. A packaging unit for producing sealed packages containing a pourable food product from a tube of packaging material , the packaging unit comprising:at least two jaws configured to advance the tube along a first axis, arranged on opposite sides of the first axis itself and movable between (a) a closed position, in which the jaws grip and seal the tube of packaging material at one of a plurality of equally spaced cross sections, and (b) an open position, in which the jaws are detached from the tube;at least two forming members arranged on opposite sides of the first axis and supported by the respective jaws in a movable manner between (a) a first operating position, in ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Machine for Creating and Filling a Multi-Compartment Pouch Simultaneously with Powder and Liquid

Номер: US20160176556A1
Автор: Jaouen Jean-Jacques

A packaging machine forms, fills and seals a mixing pouch that includes a first compartment containing a liquid ingredient and a second compartment containing a light powdered ingredient with a breakable seal, preferably formed by an adhesive heat seal, between the two compartments to separate the two ingredients. The machine creates a breakable seal that can be ruptured to form a common interior cavity and allow the mixing of the two ingredients to create a mixed product. One end of the mixing pouch can be formed with a dispenser through which the mixed product is discharged for use. The mixing pouch is a flexible plastic member formed from two opposing plastic sheets, sealed through heat dies and supplied with powdered and liquid components before being completed. The operation of the machine is automated and powered through pneumatic cylinders. Alternatively, the compartments could be filled with different liquid components.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199594A1
Автор: Taguchi Yukihiro

An inspection device includes: an illumination device that irradiates an object with near-infrared light; a spectroscope that disperses reflected light from the object irradiated with the near-infrared light; an imaging device that takes a spectroscopic image of the reflected light dispersed by the spectroscope; and a processor. The processor obtains spectral data at a plurality of points on the object based on the spectroscopic image obtained by the imaging device, selects, from among the spectral data at the plurality of points, a group having a highest density of luminance values of a predetermined wavelength component as a dense spectral data group, and performs a predetermined analysis for the object based on the dense spectral data group and detects a different type of object. 1. An inspection device comprising:an illumination device that irradiates an object with near-infrared light;a spectroscope that disperses reflected light from the object irradiated with the near-infrared light;an imaging device that takes a spectroscopic image of the reflected light dispersed by the spectroscope; and obtains spectral data at a plurality of points on the object based on the spectroscopic image obtained by the imaging device,', 'selects, from among the spectral data at the plurality of points, a group having a highest density of luminance values of a predetermined wavelength component as a dense spectral data group, and', 'performs a predetermined analysis for the object based on the dense spectral data group and detects a different type of object., 'a processor that2. The inspection device according to claim 1 , whereinthe processor specifies, as the group having the highest density of luminance values from among the spectral data at the plurality of points, a group having a smaller standard deviation of the luminance values of the predetermined wavelength component.3. The inspection device according to claim 1 , wherein sorts, in a predetermined order of either an ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170622A1
Автор: Pellingra Salvatore

A bottle pouch with an integrated fitment and inner support handle piece includes a flexible pouch in the shape of a bottle including a flexible pouch body with a handle region, and a combined fitment and inner support handle piece including a rigid handle portion extending from the combined fitment and inner support handle piece. The combined fitment and inner support handle piece is coupled to the flexible pouch. The inner support handle piece extends from the inside of the fitment and is internal to the flexible pouch body and passes from the interior to the exterior of the flexible pouch body adjacent to the handle region of the flexible pouch body to form the rigid handle portion. In another form, the inner support handle piece extends from the outside periphery of the fitment and is external to the flexible pouch body, but is secured to the periphery of the flexible pouch body with one or more outer sleeves or loops. 1. A bottle pouch with an integrated fitment and inner support handle piece comprising:a flexible pouch in the shape of a bottle comprising a flexible pouch body with a handle region,a combined fitment and inner support handle piece including a rigid handle portion extending from the combined fitment and inner support handle piece,wherein the combined fitment and inner support handle piece is coupled to the flexible pouch,wherein the inner support handle piece extends from the inside of the fitment and is internal to the flexible pouch body, andwherein the inner support handle piece passes from the interior of the flexible pouch body to the exterior of the flexible pouch body adjacent to the handle region of the flexible pouch body to form the rigid handle portion that increases the rigidity of the handle region of the flexible pouch.2. The bottle pouch of claim 1 , wherein the inner support handle piece passes from the exterior of the flexible pouch body back into the interior of the flexible pouch body adjacent to the handle region of the ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Slide measuring system for filling pouches and associated method

Номер: US20150183532A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

Systems and methods for metering a granular material for packaging in pouches are disclosed. A system includes a hopper structured and arranged to hold a granular material in a hopper cavity. The system also includes a measuring system including a measuring cavity and a tube that is slidable in the hopper cavity between a first position unaligned with the measuring cavity and a second position over and aligned with the measuring cavity. The measuring system is structured and arranged to move a portion of the granular material from the hopper cavity to the measuring cavity when the tube is in the first position. The measuring system is structured and arranged to move the portion of the granular material from the measuring cavity to a pouch making machine using pressurized gas when the tube is in the second position.

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Filing Bags with a Metered Quantity of Bulk Material

Номер: US20150183537A1
Принадлежит: Concetti SpA

A method for filling bags with metered quantities of bulk products includes providing a first container and a second container having an assigned total volume. Each container is divided into two respective half-volumes, each half-volume being designed to feed product to a first station or a second station for filling bags, so that each container has a half-volume connected to the first station and a half-volume connected to the second station of the two stations. A first predefined metered quantity of product is provided inside the first container by dividing-up the metered quantity of product into two quantities equal to approximately half the metered quantity, each fed to a respective half-volume of the first container. A bag is conveyed to the first filling station. The bag is filled with the quantity of product of the first half volume of the first container.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180178972A1

The present invention relates to a capsule (), comprising a hollow body () made from a first plant material and designed to receive an infusible product () made from a second plant material, the body () having an opening () sealed with a lid to contain the infusible product (), characterized in that the capsule () has at least one breakable protuberance () protruding from the body () opposite to the opening () and punchable by a machine intended to infuse the infusible product (). The invention also relates to a manufacturing method and a method for using such a capsule (). 1. A capsule , comprising a hollow body made from a first plant material and designed to receive an infusible product made from a second plant material , the body having an opening sealed with a lid to contain the infusible product and a top opposite the opening , wherein the capsule has at least one breakable protuberance protruding from the body opposite to the opening and is punchable by a machine intended to infuse the infusible product.2. The capsule according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one breakable protuberance is edged by at least one internal section of localized weakening.3. The capsule according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one breakable protuberance is edged by three internal sections of localized weakening.4. The capsule according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one internal section of localized weakening is edged at a first-portion by the breakable protuberance and at a second portion the top of the body.5. The capsule according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one internal section of localized weakening has a radial width decreasing to an area of zero or almost zero thickness.6. The capsule according to claim 5 , wherein the area of zero or almost zero thickness is situated at the junction of the first portion and the second portion.7. The capsule according to claim 1 , wherein the capsule has several breakable protuberances regularly spaced around a central axis and ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183110A1

An apparatus and methods for producing at extremely high production speeds small pouches filled with tobacco or other granular, powdered or solid content. An endless web substrate, with or without flavor film thereon, is formed into a tubular shape with a longitudinal seam. The tube is cut to individual lengths, and a procession of tubes is crimp-closed at one end, filled and crimp-closed at the other end to complete pouch production. During production, the seams formed at the crimped ends of the pouch are parallel to one another and the longitudinal seam of the pouch is midway between the sides of the pouch and orthogonal to the seams formed at the crimped ends of the pouch. 1. A poucher for producing pouches filled with a granular flowable material , said pouches having a predetermined pouch length , comprising:a source of web;a garniture operative to form the web into a hollow endless tube, with overlapping edge portions of the web establishing a longitudinal seam;a cutter operative to ultimately produce multiple individual open-ended tubes of a length corresponding to said pouch length and having opposite ends;a series of transfer drums operative to establish and move a procession of said multiple individual open-ended tubes along a path, said tubes of said procession being in a mutually spaced, side-by-side relation along said path;a transfer section operative to transfer an output of said cutter onto a receiving portion of said series of transfer drums;a first closure mechanism at a first location along said path operative to crimp-close one end of each multiple individual open-ended tube to establish a procession of open-ended pouch structures;a filling section at a second location along said path for flowing a predetermined amount of the granular flowable material into each of said open-ended pouch structures to establish a procession of open-ended, filled pouch structures;a second closure mechanism at a third location along said path operative to crimp- ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150197352A1

A rotary knife assembly includes a rotatable core and a plurality of knife blades extending from the rotatable core. A heating element is coupled with the plurality of knife blades, and the heating element is configured to heat the knife blades. One or more package guides are interposed between each of the plurality of knife blades configured to engage along one or more deformable packages as the rotatable core is rotated. In another example, a discharge assembly includes a conveyor belt including inner and outer belt surfaces, and a plurality of belt rows extending along a belt length. A plurality of package spacing ridges each include outer engaging edges, and one package spacing ridge of the plurality is positioned between each of the plurality of belt rows. The outer belt surface is recessed from the outer engaging edges. 1. (canceled)2. A discharge assembly comprising: a plurality of belt rows extending along a belt length, and', 'a plurality of package spacing ridges including outer engaging edges, with one package spacing ridge of the plurality of package spacing ridges between each of the plurality of belt rows, and the outer belt surface is recessed from the outer engaging edges; and, 'a conveyor belt including inner and outer belt surfaces, the conveyor belt includinga forming drum having an exterior surface defining an outer perimeter and including a plurality of package cavities, the forming drum configured to roll in engagement with the conveyor belt along the plurality of package spacing ridges,wherein a relaxed package cavity is formed by the outer belt surface, a boundary provided by two of the plurality of package spacing ridges, and one of the plurality of package cavities in the forming drum, andwherein a portion of the relaxed package cavity is formed between a portion of the exterior surface of the forming drum and the outer belt surface.3. The discharge assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of package cavities are coincident with the ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Dual Compartment Container with Scoop

Номер: US20200180806A1

A container has a container body and a closure. The body has a first compartment having a first opening and a second compartment having a second opening. The closure has a base mounted to the container body and a lid hinged to the base. 1. A container comprising:a container body having a first compartment having a first opening and a second compartment having a second opening; and a base mounted to the container body; and', 'a lid hinged to the base., 'a closure having2. The container of wherein:the container body has a first rim at the first compartment and a second rim at the second compartment; andthe closure base has a wall engaging the container body around the first rim.3. The container of further comprising:a scoop stored in the second compartment; anda powder product stored in the first compartment.4. The container of further comprising:a seal over the first compartment.5. The container of wherein the container body has:a first section bounding the first compartment and extending to a first rim;a second section bounding the second compartment and extending to the second rim; anda web joining the first portion and second portion.6. The system of wherein:the closure base has an interlocking engagement with a neck of the first section and a neck of the second section.7. The container of wherein:the interlocking engagement with the neck of the first section and the neck of the second section is along portions of the neck of the first section and the neck of the second section facing outward but not along portions of the neck of the first section and neck of the second section facing each other.8. The container of wherein:the first compartment has a generally D-shaped footprint with a first leg facing the second compartment and an opposite second leg, the first leg being relatively straight compared with the second leg.9. The container of wherein:the container body comprises a laminate.10. The container of wherein:the first compartment and the second compartment ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140298756A1

Improved blister-making machine which, starting from a moldable strip (), from a covering strip () and from noxious material () delivered and positioned by a distributor device () inside the blisters () made in the moldable strip (), all being subsequently sealed by a sealing device (), produces blister packs of the desired shape and sizes, wherein upstream of the sealing device () there is an insulated chamber () containing a pre-sealing device () continuously achieving continuous sealed bands () in proximity with at least two lateral edges () of the blister strip (). 111301314331633301814131815331413151719119133314. Improved blister-making machine , able to produce blister packs of the desired shape and sizes starting from a moldable strip () , on which blisters () are made so as to define a blister strip () , from a covering strip () and from noxious material () , comprising a distributor device () to deliver and position the noxious material () inside the blisters () and a sealing device () to seal the covering strip () to the blister strip () , characterized in that upstream of the sealing device () there is an insulated chamber () into which the noxious material () is delivered and distributed and in which the covering strip () is applied onto the blister strip () , said insulated chamber () comprising at least a pre-sealing device () , configured to continuously achieve continuous sealed bands () , in proximity with at least two lateral edges () of the combination of the blister strip () containing the noxious material () and of the covering strip ().2241533. Improved blister-making machine as in claim 1 , characterized in that depression means () are provided in order to keep the insulated chamber () in depression claim 1 , the value of depression being correlated to the shape and characteristics of the powders produced by the noxious material () claim 1 , said depression being comprised between 30 Pa and 100 Pa.31615. Improved blister-making machine as in ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Method of Fabricating Coffee Pods at Point of Sale

Номер: US20170210498A1

A method of fabricating coffee pods at a point of sale location using a coffee pod dispensing device with shell less, expandable coffee pods. The fabrication is initiated by tactile input from a control panel that determines the parameters of the coffee pods to be fabricated and generates the operational signals for the dispensing device. Fabrication there after progresses sequentially through a series of operations that involves the loading of the coffee pods onto a pod advancing means which then takes the coffee pods through the steps of expansion, filling, sealing and delivery. To accomplish this the pods are compressible pods arranged in a linear array that allows for pleated or stacked storage in a pod loading means within the device's enclosure, as well as continuous feed capabilities. 1. A method of fabricating coffee pods from a coffee pod fabricating device comprising the following steps:moving an advancing means of said coffee pod fabrication device so as to draw a compressed coffee pod linear array into an operational location on a pod advancing means;advancing said pod linear array to a pod well expansion means;expanding a filter well of said pod in the coffee pod linear array in preparation to receive a volume of ground coffee;advancing said pod with expanded well until it resides operationally adjacent a coffee filling means;grinding a volume of coffee beans in said coffee filling means;delivering said ground coffee beans into said pod filter well;advancing said coffee pod through a cleaning station removing any debris from a top planar face of a lid of said pod;cleaning said top planar face free of debris in preparing for sealing said lid;advancing said pod to a sealing station;adhesively sealing said lid, covering said well;advancing said pod to an ejection station;detaching said pod from adjacent pods in said coffee pod linear array;ejecting said pod from the pod advancing means.2. The method of fabricating coffee pods of comprising the additional ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180208335A1

An apparatus for making a product, preferably a food product for making a drink by infusion in a respective liquid, preferably in water, especially in hot Water; the product being obtained from a raw material including or fonned by respective particles, in particular powder, granules, pieces or the like, for example of roasted and ground coffee; the apparatus includes supporting means for means for making respective products starting from a respective predetermined or measured portion of raw material, which making means include means for aggregating particles of the predetermined portion of raw material. 1. An apparatus for making products , in particular food products , preferably food products for obtaining a corresponding drink by infusion in a respective liquid , preferably in water , especially in hot water; the respective product being obtained from a raw material comprising or formed by respective particles , in particular powder , granules , pieces or the like , for example of roasted and ground coffee; the apparatus comprising supporting means for means for making respective products starting from a corresponding predetermined portion of raw material , and is wherein the means for making respective products comprise means for aggregating , in particular for reciprocally adhering , particles of raw material of the respective predetermined portion , preferably to form a corresponding compact tablet of the raw material.21618. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the means for making the product comprise means ( claim 1 , ) for preparing an outer or surface layer about the portion of raw material claim 1 , in particular in the form of a film of biodegradable and/or compostable material claim 1 , especially of PLA claim 1 , and preferably of filter material for the infusion liquid or infused liquid.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the outer or surface layer is designed to surround or completely enclose the raw material claim 2 , in ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199344A1

Pouches that include a water-soluble film and a composition at least partially enclosed by the water-soluble film in at least one compartment, where the water-soluble film includes a polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) resin blend. Methods of making and using such pouches and films. 1. A pouch comprising a water-soluble film and a household care composition at least partially enclosed by the water-soluble film in at least one compartment , [ wherein the carboxylated anionic monomer unit is present in the first PVOH polymer in an amount of from about 3 mol. % to about 6 mol. %, and', 'wherein the carboxylated anionic monomer unit is derived from a member selected from the group consisting of maleic acid, monoalkyl maleate, dialkyl maleate, maleic anyhydride, and combinations thereof;, 'a first PVOH polymer comprising carboxylated anionic monomer units, vinyl alcohol monomer units and optionally vinyl acetate monomer units,'}, 'a second PVOH polymer consisting essentially of vinyl alcohol monomer units and optionally vinyl acetate monomer units,, 'the water-soluble film comprising a polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) resin blend comprisingwherein the first PVOH polymer is present in an amount in a range from about 10 wt. % to about 50 wt. % of total PVOH polymers in the film.2. A pouch according to claim 1 , wherein the PVOH resin blend is present in the water-soluble film in an amount in a range of about 50 wt. % to about 95 wt. % claim 1 , or from about 50% to about 80% claim 1 , more preferably from about 60% to about 75% claim 1 , by weight of the film.3. A pouch according to claim 1 , wherein the carboxylated anionic monomer unit is derived from a monoalkyl maleate unit selected from the group consisting of monomethyl maleate claim 1 , salts claim 1 , preferably alkali metal salts claim 1 , thereof claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. A pouch according to claim 1 , wherein the carboxylated anionic monomer unit is present in the first PVOH polymer in an amount of from about 3 mol. % ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305073A1
Автор: MONTI Giuseppe

The system for synchronising work stations of a blister-packing machine with an advancing of a blister strip comprises video cameras (V V V) predisposed upstream of the work station (S,S,S). The system comprises a processor and a computer program predisposed to: process a reference element (R) corresponding to a correct register distance that a distinctive element (C) present in the blister strip (B) must have from the reference element (R) when the blister strip transits from the positions of the video cameras (R) when the blister strip transits from the positions of the video cameras (V V V) so that the operating means () of the work stations (S S) are in register with the advancement of the blister strip; acquiring with the video cameras (V V V) an image (I I I) of the portion of blister strip; insert the reference element (R) in the image (I I I) and identify the effective position of the distinctive element (C), calculate the effective distance (D) between the position of the distinctive element (C) and the reference element (R) and compare the effective distance (D) obtained with the register distance; if the value of the effective distance (D) obtained is different from the register distance, the system via the processor intervenes on the operating means of the station and/or on the advancement of the blister strip. 1. A system for synchronising work stations of a blister-packing machine with advancement of a blister strip , a blister-packing machine in which the blister strip is advanced , being provided with cells for receiving products , in an advancement path which crosses in sequence: a first work station for supplying products , in which use is made above the blister strip of operating means comprising a mobile means for release of products internally of the cells of the blister strip , a second work station for sealing the blister strip filled with the products with a covering strip , where use is made of operating means comprising a pair of sealing ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Fabricating a Beverage Capsule

Номер: US20150225099A1

A method for fabricating a beverage capsule comprises the steps of providing a first wall member () delimiting a cavity () and having a flange () disposed about an open end () communicating with said cavity (), providing a quantity of edible granules () within said cavity (), positioning a second wall member () upon said flange () and said open end () of said first wall member (), attaching said second wall member () to said flange () at at least two regions of said flange () thereby dividing the flange () circumferentially into at least two attached regions and at least two unattached regions, applying a vacuum () between said first and second wall members () creating a vacuum () within said cavity (), and sealing said first and second wall members () along said flange (), thereby maintaining said vacuum () within said cavity (). 1. A method for fabricating a beverage capsule , comprising the steps of:providing a first wall member, said first wall member at least partially delimiting a cavity and having a flange disposed circumferentially about an open end communicating with said cavity;providing a quantity of edible granules within said cavity of said first wall member;positioning a second wall member upon said flange and said open end of said first wall member;attaching said second wall member to said flange at at least two regions of said flange, thereby dividing the flange circumferentially into at least two attached regions and at least two unattached regions;applying a vacuum between said first and second wall members, thereby evacuating the gas from within said cavity and said edible granules through said at least two unattached regions of the flange and creating a vacuum within said cavity; andsealing said first and second wall members along said flange, thereby maintaining said vacuum within said cavity.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the second wall member is attached to said flange at a plurality of regions of said flange, thereby dividing the flange ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150225160A1
Автор: Andrews Richard John

A sealed package () comprises a storage volume () for contents and at least one sealed region to be opened (), the sealed region being bordered on at least one side by an outer edge () of the package and having first and second ends; wherein the sealed region to be opened comprises a first line of weakness () which extends from a first point on the sealed region inward of the first end to a second point on the sealed region inward from the second end; and wherein the sealed region to be opened comprises at least one additional line of weakness (). 1. A sealed package comprising a storage volume for contents and at least one sealed region to be opened , the sealed region being bordered on at least one side by an edge of the package and having first and second ends; wherein the sealed region to be opened comprises a first line of weakness which extends from a first point on the sealed region inward of the first end to a second point on the sealed region inward from the second end; and wherein the sealed region to be opened comprises at least one additional line of weakness.2. The sealed package according to wherein the first line of weakness and the at least one additional line of weakness are entirely within the sealed region to be opened.3. The sealed package according to wherein the sealed region to be opened comprises a through-hole for hanging the package and wherein the first line of weakness extends across a portion of the sealed region to be opened which is between the through-hole and the storage volume.4. The sealed package according to wherein the through-hole is a hanging slot.5. The sealed package according to claim 1 , wherein the first line of weakness and the at least one additional line of weakness are continuous lines.6. The sealed package according to claim 1 , wherein the first line of weakness and the at least one additional line of weakness are discontinuous lines.7. The sealed package according to claim 1 , wherein the first line of weakness and ...
