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06-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621600C2
Принадлежит: ХАНПЭК ЛИМИТЕД (IE)

Изобретение относится к емкости, содержащей стенку, имеющую закрытое основание на одном конце и по существу круглый или овальный ободок на противоположном конце, при этом указанный ободок образует верхнее отверстие емкости. Емкость дополнительно содержит конструкцию клапанов, с помощью которой взаимодействующих усилий между ободком первого клапана и внутренней поверхностью второго клапана достаточно для проталкивания соответствующего ободка и внутренней поверхности вместе в плотный контакт. Укупорочная конструкция обеспечена для ограничения отверстий клапана, образованных у или ниже ободка емкости между клапанами для предотвращения расплескивания и сокращения количества пролитого, если емкость опрокинута. Таким образом, изобретение улучшает защиту емкости от пролива, в то же время, если требуется для питья и выливания, позволяя прохождение жидкости в емкости при наклоне для питья и выливания. 2 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 19 ил.

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2598589C2
Принадлежит: РУНДПАК АГ (CH)

FIELD: packaging industry. SUBSTANCE: combined packaging reservoir comprises cup-shaped inner vessel with side surface and bottom, having collar-shaped external part surrounding internal reservoir along its side surface, which is formed by open end, having projecting flange on side surface and conically converging closed end in bottom. External part in lengthwise axis has end zones located at some distance from each other, between which outer part forms shell. End zones determine structural height of shell. Facing each other shell ends are connected to each other in overlap zone. In outer part shell specified separation zone is made in form of tear-off strip, which is restricted along its width by means of weakening of material. Tear-off lug is formed by part of tear-off strip. Inner vessel is made from deep drawn film, and flange is made in form of sealing flange. Facing to bottom end zone is supported by extending therefrom radially outward projection, preset separation zone passes throughout height of external part in lengthwise axis direction. Weakening of material are formed at least in area of longitudinal sides of overlap zone in collar-shaped outer part. Tear-off strip and tear-off lug are component parts of overlap zone. Tear-off lug is directed to bottom of inner vessel and gripping chamber is made on side surface of inner vessel in zone of tear-off lug. EFFECT: group of inventions provides improved separation of outer part. 13 cl, 16 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B65D 3/22 (13) 2 598 589 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011123593/12, 24.04.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.04.2009 (72) Автор(ы): РИТМЮЛЛЕР Штеффен (CH) (73) Патентообладатель(и): РУНДПАК АГ (CH) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (45) Опубликовано: 27.09.2016 Бюл. № 27 2 5 9 8 5 8 9 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО ...

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2493064C2
Принадлежит: ГАРАСИ Джованни (IT)

Объектом настоящего изобретения является защитное устройство сосудов для напитков в целом, и в частности для пластмассовых, бумажных, картонных и прочих одноразовых стаканов, которое включает кольцо 1, имеющее внешнюю боковую стенку 4 и внутреннюю боковую стенку 3, соединенные друг с другом верхней перемычкой 5 соответствующей формы с образованием кольцеобразной области 6, благодаря которой кольцо 1 может быть надето на верхний край 8 указанного стакана и снято с него для защиты стакана от внешнего загрязнения. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

10-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU117894U1
Принадлежит: РУНДПАК АГ (CH)

... 1. Имеющая форму манжеты наружная деталь (3) для создания оболочки имеющей форму стакана внутренней емкости (2) для комбинированной упаковочной емкости (1), причем имеющая форму стакана внутренняя емкость (2) имеет боковую поверхность (8), которая выполнена конически сужающейся от открытого конца (5) к закрытому дном (9) концу (6), причем продольная ось (4) проходит между открытым концом (5) и закрытым концом (6), причем наружная деталь (3) образована путем сворачивания плоской заготовки в оболочку и соединения обращенных друг к другу концов (33, 34) оболочки друг с другом в зоне (35) нахлеста, причем наружная деталь (3) имеет расположенные на расстоянии друг от друга в направлении продольной оси (4) концевые зоны (18, 28), причем первая концевая зона (18) обращена к дну (9), а другая концевая зона (28) обращена к открытому концу (5) внутренней емкости (2), причем концевые области (18, 28) определяют конструктивную высоту (20) оболочки относительно продольной оси (4), и предусмотрена по ...

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010107025A

... 1. Защитное устройство сосудов для напитков, таких как одноразовые стаканы, отличающееся тем, что оно включает по меньшей мере кольцо, имеющее боковые стенки и верхнюю перемычку, соединенную с указанными стенками с образованием кольцеобразной области, причем указанное кольцо благодаря наличию кольцеобразной области выполнено с возможностью надевания на верхний край указанного стакана и снятия с него для его защиты от внешнего загрязнения. ! 2. Защитное устройство по п.1, в котором указанная кольцеобразная область указанного кольца включает: ! - боковую внешнюю стенку, по меньшей мере примерно соответствующую форме внешнего профиля указанного одноразового стакана на определенном участке его высоты, проходящую книзу от верхнего края указанного стакана, и ! - боковую внутреннюю стенку, по меньшей мере примерно соответствующую форме внутреннего профиля указанного стакана на определенном участке его высоты, проходящую книзу от верхнего края указанного стакана, причем ! - указанная внешняя боковая ...

30-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2649271C1

Изобретение относится к емкости в виде стакана. Предложена емкость в виде стакана (1), имеющая по существу форму усеченного конуса и содержащая боковую стенку (2) и нижнюю стенку (12), которая характеризуется тем, что боковая стенка (2) имеет кольцевую область (4), которая содержит множество элементов жесткости в виде углубления (3), образуя таким образом кольцевую ступенчатую поверхность, и наружный кольцевой элемент (6), выполненный с возможностью расположения снаружи на боковой стенке (2) и на указанном по меньшей мере одном углублении (3), причем наружный кольцевой элемент (6) выполнен с возможностью установки с посадкой с натягом на наружную поверхность (8) боковой стенки (2) и кольцевую область (4), содержащую указанное по меньшей мере одно углубление (3), и кольцевой элемент (6) образует непрерывную поверхность относительно наружной поверхности (8) боковой стенки (2), причем по меньшей мере один из множества элементов жесткости в виде углублений (3) обеспечивает опору для укладки ...

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011123593A

... 1. Имеющая форму манжеты наружная деталь (3) для соединения с имеющей форму стакана внутренней емкостью (2) с образованием комбинированной упаковочной емкости (1), причем наружная деталь (3) образована из заготовки посредством соединения концов (33, 34) в зоне (35) нахлеста, причем наружная деталь (3) имеет расположенные на расстоянии друг от друга в направлении продольной оси (4) концевые зоны (18, 28), и предусмотрена, по меньшей мере, одна образованная в боковой поверхности наружной детали (3) зона заданного разделения, отличающаяся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одна зона заданного разделения выполнена в виде отрывной полосы (45), и при этом отрывная полоса (45) ограничена по своей ширине посредством ослаблений материала, таких как перфорации (38), причем отрывная полоса (45) расположена в окружном направлении на расстоянии от зоны (35) нахлеста, причем отрывная полоса (45) проходит, начиная от первой, обращенной к дну (9) внутренней емкости концевой зоны (18), по частичной высоте (46) ...

20-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014118472A

... 1. Формованный бумажный корпус, образованный путем глубокой вытяжки заготовки, состоящей в основном из бумаги, в процессе которой обеспечивается подъем внешнего периферического участка заготовки и формирование участка стенки, в котором размер полостей в горизонтальном поперечном сечении участка стенки составляет не более 30 от 100 по отношению к толщине бумаги основания вертикальной части заготовки на расстоянии от донного элемента в пределах порогового значения а, где пороговое значение а представляет собой заданную высоту, ниже которой не возникает складок.2. Корпус по п. 1, который представляет собой донный элемент контейнера, состоящего из двух элементов - корпусного и донного.3. Способ изготовления формованного бумажного корпуса посредством глубокой вытяжкой листа заготовки, состоящего в основном из бумаги, с использованием пуансона и матрицы, в котором используется механизм удержания внешнего периферического участка заготовки за счет его сжатия между обжимающим складки элементом и ...

27-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006128604A

... 1. Блок емкостей, содержащий а. крышечную группу, содержащую множество по существу планарных крышек, причем каждая крышка имеет уплотнительный канал и юбку, выступающую от него наружу, причем крышки отформованы за одно целое и соединены друг с другом с возможностью отрывания, и при этом каждая крышка содержит i) множество закругленных угловых частей крышки; и ii) множество боковых стенок крышки, продолжающихся между закругленными угловыми частями крышки, причем боковые стенки крышки продолжаются по существу линейно между соседними угловыми частями крышки, соединяя их; b. стаканчиковую группу, содержащую множество стаканчиков, причем каждый стаканчик имеет край и юбку, выступающую от него наружу, причем стаканчики отформованы за одно целое и соединены друг с другом с возможностью отрывания, и при этом каждый стаканчик содержит i) множество закругленных угловых частей края; и ii) множество боковых стенок края, продолжающихся между закругленными угловыми частями края, причем боковые стенки ...

20-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005110681A

... 1. Упаковка (1), в частности для свободно текучих или вязких продуктов, с корпусом (2), окружная периферия которого является, по меньшей мере, приблизительно постоянной или немного уменьшается вдоль, по меньшей мере, почти всей его длины, с выпускным отверстием (6) и отверстием (3) для заполнения, причем указанный корпус (2) сужен в одной части посредством по меньшей мере одной складки или аналогичной конфигурации. 2. Упаковка (1) по п.1, в которой корпус (2) выполнен с конусообразным сужением по всей его длине. 3. Упаковка (1) по п.1 или 2, в которой корпус (2) сложен в форму меандра. 4. Упаковка (1) по п.3, в которой складки с формой меандра предусмотрены только в конусообразно сужающейся части корпуса (2). 5. Упаковка (1) по любому из пп.1, 2 и 4, в которой корпус (2) выполнен очень коническим в области (9) одного из его концов. 6. Упаковка (1) по любому из пп.1, 2 и 4, в которой воротник (10) или аналогичный элемент, который выступает наружу, предусмотрен на одном конце упаковки (1) ...

13-08-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002554907C2
Принадлежит: MARS INC., MCLEAN, VA., US

05-05-1966 дата публикации

Im Spritzgussverfahren aus Kunststoff hergestellter duennwandiger Becher

Номер: DE0001216139B

09-10-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001912705A1

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Kunststoffgefäß mit beherbergtem Metallelement und Verfahren seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE102017002306A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kunststoffgefäß, das in seinem Fuß (10) ein Metallelement (3) beherbergt, wobei das Kunststoffgefäß ein Gefäßelement (1) und eine Abdeckung (2) umfasst, so dass das Kunststoffgefäß zweistückig ausgebildet ist, und wobei in dem Fuß (10) des Gefäßelements (1) eine Ausnehmung (12) ausgebildet ist, die von einer Abdeckung (2) derart bedeckt ist, dass ein zentraler abgeschlossener Bereich (14) der Ausnehmung (12) bereitgestellt ist, der das Metallelement (3) beherbergt, und wobei das Gefäß (1) und die Abdeckung (2) thermoplastisch und unter Druckeinsatz miteinander verbunden sind. Das Gefäßelement (1) und die Abdeckung (2) sind dabei insbesondere aus Polycarbonat, und das Kunststoffgefäß ist dabei insbesondere ein Trinkglas, und das Metallelement (3) ist dabei insbesondere ein Neodym Magnet mit einer Kupfer-Nickel Beschichtung. Die Erfindung betrifft ausserdem ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Kunststoffgefäßes unter Berücksichtigung der thermoplastischen Eigenschaften ...

31-03-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002819438C2
Принадлежит: MARS INC., MCLEAN, VA., US

04-02-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002312116C2

14-01-1971 дата публикации

Form zum Herstellen von stapelbaren Behaeltern

Номер: DE0001958637B1

10-08-2011 дата публикации

Method for producing a combination packaging container

Номер: GB0201111099D0

27-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001321745A

... 1321745 Nestable container CARTHAGE CUP CO 19 April 1971 [2 March 1970] 22716/71 Heading A4A A nestable container formed from a thin sheet of plastics material, comprises a bottom, a side wall 14 extending upwardly and outwardly from the bottom, an annular shoulder and a rolled lip 20, the side wall 14 being flared outwardly to form the lower surface 16 of the shoulder and tapered inwardly to form the upper surface 18 of the shoulder and the outside cross-sectional radius of the lip 20 being the same as the outside cross-sectional radius of curvature of the lower surface 16 of the shoulder. The maximum outside diameter of the shoulder is greater than the minimum inside diameter of the rolled lip so that when containers are nested the lower surface 16 of the shoulder of one container rests on the rolled lip of the container below it.

24-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001351256A

... 1351256 Portable containers; caps for containers SWEETHEART PLASTICS Ltd 19 April 1971 [10 Feb 1970] 21424/71 Headings B8D and B8T An upper section 14 of the side wall 10 of a one piece bi-stable container pressure or vacuum-formed from polystyrene sheet, is externally-threaded for the reception of a metal or other screw cap L and provided with a radial rim 22 and a nesting shoulder 18, to ensure that the threads of one container lie above the rim of the other container when two like containers are nested. The upper section on which the continuous or discontinuous threads 24 are provided, is cylindrical or upwardly and inwardly convergent, and the radial extent of the rim is such as not to interfere with the application of the cap which is provided with a gasket 36 (Fig. 3, not shown) adapted to seal against the rim. In an alternative embodiment, Figs. 4 and 5 (not shown), the shoulder is replaced by a nesting ring 44 formed in the base of a lower section 16 of the side wall.

29-08-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus for manufacturing a container

Номер: GB0201811426D0

27-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008504779D0

01-05-1968 дата публикации

Insert cups and holders

Номер: GB0001111822A

19-05-2010 дата публикации

Номер: GB0201005468D0

09-03-1983 дата публикации

Packaging container

Номер: GB0002104473A

A container primarily for liquids and having an outwardly directed rim (15) to which a metal foil lid (18) is bonded after the container is filled, includes a rounded portion (17) and a dependent rim lip (16) on the rim (15). The lip (16) extends downwardly and towards the container wall (13) and is elastically deformable to engage the underside of the rim (15). The rounded portion (17) forms a rounded edge so that it is more convenient to drink directly from the container than with prior art containers having a sharp outer edge. ...

26-04-1984 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to containers

Номер: GB0002128074A

A container (1) comprises a base (2), a wall (3) integral with and upstanding from the base to define therewith a reservoir for liquid, and turned-over, outwardly and downwardly extending collar (5) circumjacent the wall (3) and spaced therefrom, the said collar (5) being provided on one surface with at least two spaced apart grooved or notched indents (6,7) which are complemented by corresponding projections (8,9) formed on the other surface of the collar, so that when formed into a stack the upper grooved or notched indent (6) on one container cooperates with the lower projection (9) on the container above it to interlock the two said containers together. ...

25-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001474621A

... 1474621 Infra-red heater OWENS ILLINOIS Inc 24 April 1974 [25 April 1973] 17859/74 Addition to 1389593 Heading H5H [Also in Divisions B4-B5 B8 and F4] In an arrangement for making plastic cups in which a sleeve and a base disc are heat shrunk on to a mandrel, mandrels 141 are passed on a conveyer through a shrink tunnel. The shrink tunnel includes a first pair of infra-red heaters 701a, 701b vertically mounted to heat the upper regions of the sleeve and a second downstream pair of infra-red heaters 702a, 702b which are slightly tilted to account for increase in slope of the lower region of each mandrel. Infra-red heaters 703 are located between the other heaters and below the mandrels. The positions of the heaters are individually adjustable and the heaters are mounted upon a support 771, 772 which can be raised and lowered by a pair of cylinders 974 (only one shown) acting through toggle linkages 791, 792 located between the support and a fixed base 788. The mandrels are rotated by co-operation ...

14-07-1965 дата публикации

Thermoplastic polymer sheets and articles obtainable therefrom

Номер: GB0000998180A

A process of forming a sheet of thermoplastic polymer foam comprises extruding a hot sheet of a foamable thermoplastic polymer composition, rapidly chilling the principal surfaces only of the sheet to prevent expansion thereof and to form outer skins while permitting the still warm core of the sheet to expand, the chilling being controlled to form a sheet consisting of a foam polymer core having a density of at least 18 lbs. per cu. ft., and a non-porous, smooth, tough polymer skin on either side of the core, the core comprising between 50% and 94% of the total thickness of the sheet and being integrally united to the skins, which have a substantially higher density than the core. The preferred thermoplastic polymer is a styrene polymer containing more than 50% styrene. Other suitable polymers listed are cellulose ethers and esters, homopolymers and interpolymers of monomeric compounds containing the CH2=CH< group, e.g. olefins, vinyl halides, vinyl esters of carboxylic acids, vinyl ethers ...

06-06-1984 дата публикации

Drinking cups

Номер: GB0002130471A

A double-walled drinking cup assembled from two vacuum formed sheet plastics components (11 and 13) has a recess (23) formed by the base (15) of the outer component for the accommodation of coffee powder on the bottom (14) of a similar cup in which the said cup is nested. Seals between the recess space and atmosphere may be provided at one or two places where a downwardly facing annular surface on the outer component of the upper cup is seated on an upwardly facing surface on the inner component of the lower cup. A heat insulating gripping ring may be provided at 25 in Fig. 1, or 27 in Fig. 2, not shown. ...

08-05-1968 дата публикации

Thin-wall thermoplastic containers and complementary holders

Номер: GB0001112488A

... 1,112,488. Audible radiation indicators. UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. July 14, 1966 [Oct. 1, 1965], No.31586/66. Heading G1A. [Also in Divisions G4 and H3] An alarm annunciator comprises a loudspeaker 13 through which a capacitor 12 is discharged by means of an SCR 23. Input pulses from a radiation detector switch on transistor 18 to fine SCR 23 and discharge the capacitor, thus extinguishing the SCR and producing a "click" in the loudspeaker.

05-12-2018 дата публикации

Dual beverage cup

Номер: GB0002552484B
Принадлежит: CHANG HUNG CHEN, Chang-Hung Chen

23-02-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001264474A

09-01-1980 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the stacking of containers

Номер: GB0002024001A
Автор: Turner, Thomas Dyke

A stack of open-mouthed stackable containers which comprises a plurality of open-mouthed stackable containers disposed in a nested stack, at least a first container 11, in which a second container is nested, having a partition 13 disposed therein adjacent the bottom thereof to define with the bottom a material containing space 16 and having a charge of soluble material 21 disposed in the space, the second container and/or the partition being provided with means for attachment of the partition 13 to the base of the second container. A method for forming a stack of open- mouthed stackable containers is also provided. The base of the second container and the partition may be attached by adhesive or by an interlocking recess and projection. The method and the stack are particularly suitable for use with containers which contain dry particulate soluble materials such as "instant" beverage materials. ...

17-10-2018 дата публикации

Method of forming an article

Номер: GB0201814355D0

30-07-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to plastic cups and like receptacles

Номер: GB0000798908A

... 798,908. Cups and portable containers, nesting and packaging. CROWN MACHINE & TOOL CO. June 26, 1956, No. 19753/56. Classes 66 and 94(1). A thin-walled cup or container moulded in one piece from plastics has an inwardly formed shoulder 20 near its base 16, said shoulder 20 forming means on which the next cup or container stands when nested. A supporting bead or rim 18 of any configuration may be formed on the outer face of the bottom wall, the bead 18 being such that it does not rest on the shoulder 20 when the containers are nested. The rim 14 may be strengthened by a lip 28 and ribs can be formed on the sides of the cups to ensure the necessary spacing. For shipment or storage, the containers can be stocked and disposed in a cardboard or wooden box of any conventional type.

15-02-1967 дата публикации

Containers and their manufacture

Номер: GB0001059131A

... 1,059,131. Plastics containers. ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS Inc. July 19, 1963 [July 20, 1962], No. 28730/63. Heading A4A. [Also in Divisions B5 and F4] Insulated plastics containers are made as shown by laminating a layer of foamed plastics material 36 of e.g. polystyrene, to a thinner high density layer 28 of the same or similar material, heating as shown at 16 to swell the cells of the foam layer, heating at 18 on the high density side only to cause the cells immediately adjacent to that layer to rupture, thus providing a gaseous interlayer, and moulding at 20 to the desired form. The process may be continuous in which case means 56 are provided for advancing the laminate; alternatively the laminate may be rolled up at 39 and stored until required. At the forming stage 20, the laminate is gripped by clamps 58, 60 to prevent escape of gas from the ruptured cells, and the heated plug 66 forces the material into the chilled cavity 72, whereupon a pressure differential is created across the material ...

26-04-2023 дата публикации

Stackable cups

Номер: GB0002579205B

25-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352561B

25-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368855B

25-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000370604B

15-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA496775A

15-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA294677A

15-01-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA571376A

15-12-2019 дата публикации

Behälter zur Aufnahme von Gegenständen

Номер: AT0000521271A4

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Behälter zur Aufnahme von Gegenständen, insbesondere von Lebensmitteln, wobei der Behälter einen Grundkörper (1) umfasst, wobei der Grundkörper (1) aus einem Basismaterial (2) gebildet ist, wobei das Basismaterial (2) eine formstabile Stärkepolymerstruktur aus temperaturbehandelten, vernetzten Stärkemolekülen umfasst, und wobei die Stärkepolymerstruktur durch ein Vernetzungsmittel quervernetzt ist. Ferner betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Behälters.

15-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000226473A

26-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000353673B

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506749B1

The method involves forming a wall section (12) in the container casing (8) in a straight transition area (11) based from a base (9) and shifted inwards with respect to the container casing for forming a circumferential receiving space (13). A folding edge (19) is mounted in the receiving space during insertion. A collar-shaped outer part (3) is produced with an installation height (20) corresponding to a distance (21) between a flange (10) and a lower side (22) of the base. An independent claim is included for a collar-shaped outer part with two end areas.

15-11-2009 дата публикации

Method for producing combination packaging container, involves forming wall section in container casing in straight transition area based from base and shifted inwards with respect to container casing

Номер: AT0000506749A1

The method involves forming a wall section (12) in the container casing (8) in a straight transition area (11) based from a base (9) and shifted inwards with respect to the container casing for forming a circumferential receiving space (13). A folding edge (19) is mounted in the receiving space during insertion. A collar-shaped outer part (3) is produced with an installation height (20) corresponding to a distance (21) between a flange (10) and a lower side (22) of the base. An independent claim is included for a collar-shaped outer part with two end areas.

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508081B1

The invention relates to a combination packaging container (2, 2′) comprising a beaker-shaped inner container (3) with a container jacket (17), a base (18) and a flange (20) projecting out from the container jacket (17) in the region of its open end (19), as well as a sleeve-shaped outer part (4) surrounding the inner container (3) at its container jacket (17) with end regions (11, 12) spaced apart from one another in the direction of a longitudinal axis (9). The inner container (3) is laid against and moulded onto an internal face (10) of the sleeve-shaped outer part (4). The sleeve-shaped outer part (4) is of a single-layered design between its end regions (11, 12) spaced apart from one another in the direction of the longitudinal axis (9). An end face (29) of the outer part (4) lying opposite the flange (20) constitutes a standing surface for the combination packaging container (2, 2′).

15-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA87972A

15-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000473177A

15-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000116615T

15-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000037335T

25-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000344982B

15-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000241510T

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000282575T

15-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000270227T

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018200805A1
Принадлежит: Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

A combined wine glass and wine bottle package includes a wine glass constructed from molded plastic with an upper body defining an upwardly narrowed flume for concentrating the wine bouquet, in combination with a contoured lower base defining an annular moat surrounding a central punt. A wine bottle is sized to fit substantially, in an inverted orientation relative to the glass, into the wine glass, with a removable bottle cap nested within the central punt, and with an upper rim of the wine bottle snap-fitted into a shallow groove formed in the wine bottle near a lower end thereof. This entire package is sterile-wrapped in a sealed shrink-wrap plastic or the like. The package can be opened when desired to permit removal of the wine bottle from the wine glass, following by bottle opening and pouring of the contents into the wine glass.

26-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000475533B2

06-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000458730B2

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Flexible container with spouts and closure

Номер: AU2019356774A1

A container comprising: a base (61) and freestanding sides extending from the base to define a mouth (62) opposite the base, wherein the mouth has first and second spouts (63) opposite each other and first and second interior sides opposite each other between the first and second spouts; a first zipper member (67) extending from the first interior side of the mouth from the first spout to the second spout; a second zipper member (68) extending from the second interior side of the mouth from the first spout to the second spout, wherein the mouth is deformable between open and closed configurations and the first and second zipper members are disenged when the mouth is open and engaged when the mouth is closed, wherein the base, sides, and zipper members are a unitary whole container without assembled parts, wherein the container comprises silicone.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Vessel and method for making the same

Номер: AU2010259964B2

A vessel (100) composed of a sheet of flexible material, cut, rolled, and affixed to form a frusto-conically shaped base region (101). The sheet when rolled including an upper region having two opposing flaps (103,113), each flap delineated from a remaining portion of the sheet by a path (118) along which the sheet is scored, so that the flaps, when folded along their respective paths, define a single elevated drinking portion having a spout (104) formed between an extension of the base region and at least one of the two flaps.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

An essentially biobased, thermoformable composition and containers formed thereof

Номер: AU2013230237A1

The present invention relates to an essentially biobased and optionally biodegradable, thermoformable composition containing a) as thermoformable resin at least one poly-L-lactide with less than 1 mol% of D-lactoyl units (PLLA) or at least one poly-L-lactide with from 1 mol% to 5 mol% of D-lactoyl units (PLA) and b) a nucleating combination consisting of ) 1 to 10 % by weight, based on the total amount of the thermoformable resin a), of at least one poly-D-lactide with less than 1 mol% of L-lactoyl-units (PDLA) as component a 1 ) or of 0.5 to 5% by weight, based on the total amount of the thermoformable resin a), of PLLA/PDLA or PLA/PDLA stereocomplex crystallites, preferably with a molar ratio of 1:1, as component a 2), ) 0.1 to 25% by weight, based on the total amount of the thermoformable resin a), of an inorganic nucleating agent, preferably talc, and ) 0.1 to 30 % by weight, based on the total amount of the thermoformable resin a), of at least an inorganic filler with lamellar structure ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Degradable sheet material

Номер: AU2018209045A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The present invention provides a sheet material formed of a degradeable composition, the composition comprising: 30 to 80 wt% calcium carbonate by weight of the composition; an additive; and the balance a polymer selected from polyethylene, polypropylene and copolymers and blends thereof, wherein the additive comprises, by combined weight of the additive and the polymer: (a) two or more transition metal compounds in a total amount of from 0.15 to 0.6 wt%; (b) a mono-or poly-unsaturated C ...

21-03-1996 дата публикации

Container with handles and method of manufacturing same

Номер: AU0000667407B2

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Paper cup, a blank for a paper cup, and use of a paper cup

Номер: AU2017204056A1
Автор: LI ALAN, LI, Alan
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided a paper cup comprising: a base; a sidewall; said base and said sidewall together defining a space for receiving liquid or food; an upper end portion of the cup comprising a first and second pair of opposing closure panels, whereby each panel is attached to an upper edge of the sidewall via a respective first folding line and to adjacent panels via respective second folding lines. Said panels are foldable into a closed position to form a lid of the cup. Each panel of said first pair contains two additional folding lines to enable folding inwards. Upon folding to the closed position, a first panel of said second pair is partly inserted below a second panel of said second pair, and the panels of said second pair close the upper end portion. (fig. 2) '-4 (9L I~u '-o '-4L -o L( -1 f-u r-1 LO) r-I r-1 LO) r-1 ...

02-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001641776A

17-06-1996 дата публикации

Stack of nesting beaker-like containers

Номер: AU0003651295A

04-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002430913A1

A method of fabricating plastic products with an integrated Lenticular lens material that thermally protects the ink layer and outer lens surfaces of the Lenticular insert. A Lenticular lens material is provided with a Lenticular lens layer with an outer surface of optical ridges (22) and an ink layer (28) bonded to a transparent lens layer (24). A thermal protective substrate (30) comprising opaque flexographic ink is applied to the ink layer. The application of the thermal protective substrate is completed using a coating unit of a lithographic press. A Lenticular insert is formed from the coated Lenticular lens material and the insert is positioned within a mold cavity. The thermal protective substrate insulates the ink layer. Concurrently, the portion of the mold adjacent the insert is cooled to a temperature below the deformation temperature of the optical ridges.

28-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002384365C
Принадлежит: GLUD & MARSTRAND A/S

The present invention relates to a container for storing food. The container has a sidewall comprising an upper and a lower part, which two parts are separated by means of a horizontal abutment shoulder. The sidewall further has stiffening corrugations extending vertically and unbroken from the lower part of the sidewall, intersecting the abutment shoulder and ending in the upper part of the sidewall, so that a 3-dimensional structure with good stiffening characteristics is defined in the upper part of the sidewall.

03-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1051621A

A method and apparatus for fabricating a nestable container of thermoplastic material in which cylindrical sleeves of the material are formed by positioing a rectangular blank of the material cut from a supply around a sleeve forming mandrel moving along a processing path with the ends of the blanks overlapping and sealing the overlapping ends together, transferring the sleeves onto container forming mandrels having a contour conforming to the interior of the containers and spaced vertically from the sleeve forming mandrels to move along a path vertically spaced from and partially overlapping the processing path of the sleeve forming mandrels such that the ends of the sleeves extend beyond the ends of the mandrels, exposing the sleeves on the container forming mandrels to heat to shrink them into conformance with the container forming mandrels with the ends of the sleeves forming an annular surface extending across the bottom of the container forming mandrels, enclosing the end portions ...

25-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA964824A

22-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001007182A1

22-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000926573A1

19-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002495063A1

A portable beverage preparation device and system for making brews, mixes, and potions on demand by selectively introducing and mixing predetermined quantities of at least one stored, edible, beverage preparation (40) confined in at least one sealed chamber (38 A/B) into a portable beverage container (32) containing a predetermined volume of a potable base liquid and having a dispenser (72) for introducing the at least one beverage preparation into the potable base liquid; wherein the drink container and the at least one sealed chamber are in close physical proximity to each other and separated by at least one thin membrane (48) which when inwardly perforated by the dispenser, introduces the at least one beverage preparation into the base liquid. The system of the invention further provides a brewing element (204) and a portable heating unit (148), the heater element of which fits into the beverage container for heating the liquid.

10-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001079226A1

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003095290A1

A single serve beverage cup, including for a cocktail, is disclosed having a base, a bowl, a seal, a top cover and a bottom cover. The single-serve beverage cup includes a cavity for receiving a miniature liquor bottle for making a cocktail. There are disclosed various embodiments of the bottom cover.

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003012552A1

The present invention provides methods of forming an article from a molten plastic composition comprising a polymer and a blowing agent. The methods include injecting the molten plastic composition into a mould, allowing the plastic composition to form a first solid skin adjacent to an in contact with a first cavity-forming surface of the mould and a second solid skin adjacent to and in contact with a second cavity-forming surface of the mould, and then opening the mould before the molten plastic composition between the first and second solid skins in at least one portion of the circumference of a region of the mould cavity defining an annular cross-section of the cavity has solidified.

02-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002571068A1

14-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002633834A1

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002908713A1

The present invention relates generally to packaging containers. The packaging containers include a vessel and a cover, and may be used in the food and beverage industry. In one aspect, the invention relates to packaging containers in which beverage ingredients may be stored, and from which a beverage may be prepared by adding a liquid to the ingredients may be consumed. The invention provides, in one aspect, a packaging container including a vessel defining a vessel base wall and an upstanding vessel side wall structure extending upwardly from the vessel base wall, defining an inner zone capable of retaining liquid, a cover defining a cover base wall and a cover side wall structure extending upwardly from the cover base wall configured to rest within the vessel side wall structure, whereby a void is defined between the vessel and the cover, and a circumferential seal adapted to seal the cover to an outer surface of the vessel below the vessel rim formation.

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002750996A1

A commercially viable paper wrapped foam cup comprising a taper portion that prevents the shrinkage-induced curling from interfering with the un-nesting of nested paper wrapped foam cups. The paper wrapped cup further comprises a fillet for strengthening the cup foot to retard shrinkage-induced curling of the foot. The paper wrapper has abutting to overlapping opposing ends to completely hide the foam cup to enhance the visual appearance of the cup. The overlapping portions of the paper wrapper are not bonded to each other to prevent wrinkling of the paper wrapper as the cup shrinks. A machine and corresponding method provide for automatically supplying foam cups and paper wrappers, wrapping the paper wrapped cup, and stacking the wrapped cups.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002857851A1

A plastic container is provided having a sidewall, a downwardly extending upper lip, and a perforated line defined at a top edge of the container where the lip and sidewall are joined. The sidewall and lip may be formed from a container body constructed of a single sheet of material that is wrapped such that marginal edge portions of the blank are brought together in overlapping fashion to form a side seam. When the sidewall and lip are formed from such a blank of material, the perforated line is formed a specified distance below a top edge of such blank. The perforated line reduces the amount of force, heat and lubricant required in order to form (e.g., curl, roll, fold or bend) the upper lip of the container. The slits of the perforated line may extend across a width of the blank in either a uniform or variable fashion.

03-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002121491A1

The object of the present invention is to provide a container made of a synthetic resin, which can be piled efficiently since the ears do not prevent piling. According to the present invention, the container comprising: a bottom part (4); a drum part (5) provided upwardly on the periphery of the bottom part; an ear (7) divided and formed by a kerf (6) on the drum part, which is formed unified with the drum part and can stand up from the same; and a synthetic resin film (3) covering the kerf liquid-tightly on at least the ear forming part of the drum part. The invention is designed so that the ear can stand in use while the container can pile without projection of the ear before using.

15-09-1952 дата публикации

Récipient en matière plastique synthétique.

Номер: CH0000285652A

15-06-1948 дата публикации

Trinkgefäss aus Pressmasse, das als Deckel für Isolierflaschen verwendbar ist.

Номер: CH0000255274A
Принадлежит: KOHRTZ SA, S.A. KOHRTZ

15-11-1966 дата публикации

Zum Wegwerfen bestimmter Becher

Номер: CH0000424511A

15-03-1967 дата публикации

Gobelet en matière plastique

Номер: CH0000432271A

15-08-1963 дата публикации

Récipient et procédé pour sa fabrication

Номер: CH0000371256A

15-06-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000415321A

15-11-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000402634A

31-05-1976 дата публикации

Plastic beaker with smooth outer surface - and inside two groups of inclined internal ribs forming diamond pattern

Номер: CH0000575743A5

The beaker is of the type having a cylindrical or upward and outward tapering jacket (1). The two groups of internal ribs (7, 71) are at an angle relative to one another so as to form a diamond pattern. The width of the ribs is preferably between 3.0 and 6.0 mm and their height between 0.05 and 0.20 mm. The thickness of the jacket between the ribs is preferably no more than 0.4 mm. The angle alpha included by the ribs of the two groups is preferably at least about 38 deg.

31-05-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000575856A5
Принадлежит: ITW LTD, ITW LTD.

28-02-1971 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000503486A

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Articles formed from a multi-layer sheet structure

Номер: US20120241352A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A container includes a body that includes a sidewall and a heel extending from a bottom of the sidewall. The sidewall defines a cavity therein. The sidewall has a sidewall radius, and the heel has a heel radius that is less than the sidewall radius. A base is coupled to the heel. The container is molded from a multi-layer sheet structure including a polypropylene composition that enables the body to be substantially rigid while the base is being punctured by a puncturing device.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for use in forming an article from a multi-layer sheet structure

Номер: US20120242012A1
Автор: Loren F. Temple, JR.
Принадлежит: Individual

A mold includes a forming insert that includes an upper portion and a lower portion. The upper portion includes a sidewall segment and a heel segment extending from a bottom of the sidewall segment. The sidewall segment has a sidewall radius, and the heel segment has a heel radius that is less than the sidewall radius. The lower portion extends axially downward from the upper portion to define a base cavity. A forming base is positionable within the base cavity. The rim has a rim radius that is less than the heel radius and the step has a step radius that is less than the rim radius.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Process for the production of a container

Номер: US20130288870A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Process for the production of a container ( 1 ) with first a sidewall ( 2 ) which comprises at least one compressed shaping ( 5.1, 5.2 ).

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Paperboard blanks having a shrinkable film adhered thereto and paperboard container made therefrom

Номер: US20130341387A1
Автор: Gregory M. Fike
Принадлежит: Dixie Consumer Products LLC

Blanks and paper products made therefrom are provided. In one aspect, the blank for forming a paper product can include a paperboard substrate and a film. At least a portion of the film can be secured to the paperboard substrate with an adhesive disposed between the paperboard substrate and the film. A peel strength of less than 330 g/2.54 cm at a temperature of 23° C. can be required to separate the film secured to the paperboard substrate with the adhesive.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076906A1
Автор: Chi-Jui Hung
Принадлежит: Individual

A cup including a main body is provided. The main body has a bottom, an outer side surface and an inner side surface. The outer side surface is smooth and arcuate. The inner side surface has plural protruding portions extending longitudinally and arranged on the inner side surface annularly. The inner side surface has plural concave portions extending longitudinally. Each of the concave portions is formed between two protruding portions. The inner side surface is arranged with at least one reinforcing rib integrally protruding thereon and extending radially. The reinforcing rib divides at least parts of the protruding and concave portions into two material-reduced areas. Whereby, the usage of material of the main body can be reduced, and the reinforcing rib provides excellent structural strength of the main body.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084015A1
Автор: IKEDA Shigeki, Nagase Yuji
Принадлежит: Tokan Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Provided is a heat insulation container which can be easily produced and assembled at a reduced cost, in which a heat insulation grip portion can be formed by a simple operation, in which a strip-shaped projection is maintained and a heat insulation effect can be reliably maintained even when the container is externally gripped, and which can be reliably gripped without being deformed. The heat insulation container () can be formed with the heat insulation grip portion by sliding a sleeve () on which a plurality of strips () are formed by a plurality of slits (), wherein at least one of the slits () comprises a bent portion () which defines a protrusion () and a depression () in each of the adjacent strips (). 1. A heat insulating container that has a container main body having a body wall and a bottom wall , and also has a sleeve fitted on an outer circumferential surface of the body wall of the container main body ,the sleeve being provided with a plurality of slits defining a plurality of strips in a vertical direction within a predetermined range in a height direction, andthe plurality of strips bending or curving to project at an outer circumferential portion thereby forming a heat insulating grip portion, as a result of sliding a portion of the sleeve that is above or below the strips, whereinthe plurality of strips includes first strips each having an upper valley broken line at an upper end and an upper peak broken line close to an upper portion, and second strips each having a lower valley broken line at a lower end and a lower peak broken line close to a lower portion, the first strips and the second strips being arranged alternately and adjacently to each other, andat least one of the plurality of slits has a bent portion forming a protrusion and a depression in a portion between the upper peak broken line and the lower peak broken line of strips at both sides, and also has linear portions extending upward and downward from the bent portion.2. The heat ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Drinking Device to Minimize The Unpleasant Taste of Liquids

Номер: US20160007785A1

A drinking device comprising a first compartment to hold a first fluid, a second compartment to hold a second fluid independent of the first fluid, a vertical separation between the first and second compartments, a horizontal separation closing a part of the first compartment, an opening in the horizontal separation to allow flow of the first fluid, and a lip on an upper rim of the device and opposite to the horizontal separation and adjacent to the opening to allow ingestion of the first and second fluids. A method of oral delivery of a first fluid and a second fluid, said fluids having different taste flavors, comprising delivering the first fluid in a bolus head followed by delivering the second fluid in the bolus center, and then delivering the first fluid again in the bolus tail to mask the more unpleasant flavor. 1. A drinking device comprising:a first compartment to hold a first fluid;a second compartment to hold a second fluid independent of the first fluid;a vertical separation between the first and second compartments;a horizontal separation closing a part of the first compartment;an opening in the horizontal separation to allow flow of the first fluid; anda lip on an upper rim of the device and opposite to the horizontal separation and adjacent to the opening to allow ingestion of the first and second fluids.2. The drinking device of claim 1 , wherein the second compartment is adjacent to the first compartment.3. The drinking device of claim 1 , wherein the second compartment is inside the first compartment.4. The drinking device of claim 3 , wherein the second compartment is removable.5. The drinking device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second fluids flow at different times in a pre-determined sequence.6. The drinking device of claim 1 , wherein the flow of first and second fluids minimizes their mixing.7. The drinking device of further comprising:an extension of the upper rim of the device; anda foil to close the second compartment, said foil ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

A method for manufacturing a packaging material

Номер: US20170008264A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention relates to a polymer-coated packaging material, a method of manufacturing the same, and products, such as a disposable drinking cup, made from the material. The packaging material comprises a fibrous base ( 1 ) of paper or board and an extruded polymer layer ( 2 ) containing a blend of (i) 0 to 25 wt-% of a branched low-density polyethylene (LDPE)with a lower melt viscosity and (ii) 75 to 90 wt-% of a linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) with a higher melt viscosity. The packaging material of the invention comprises multilayer coatings, e.g. an adhesive innermost and a heat-sealable outermost layer ( 2, 4 ) of said blend and a vapour barrier middle layer ( 3 ) of at most 90 wt-% of high density polyethylene (HDPE). The layers ( 2, 3, 4 ) are brought and adhered to the fibrous base ( 1 ) by coextrusion. To maximize renewability of the materials HDPE and LLDPE as used for the structure are of biologic origin.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031101A1

A drink cup includes a body formed to include an interior region providing a fluid-holding reservoir and a brim. The brim is coupled to the body to frame an opening into the interior region. 1. (canceled)2. A drink cup comprisesa body including a floor and a side wall coupled to the floor to extend upwardly away from the floor and spaced from a central axis to define an interior region configured to provide a fluid-holding reservoir,a brim coupled to the body to locate the side wall between the brim and the floor and formed to include an opening into the interior region, anda body-strengthening system coupled to the body between the floor and the brim,wherein the body-strengthening system includes a first strengthening unit located between a lower portion of the side wall and an upper portion of the side wall and a second strengthening unit located between the first strengthening unit and the brim,wherein the first strengthening unit includes a first annular strip that extends radially away from the central axis, a second annular strip spaced apart from the first annular strip and that extends radially outward away from the central axis, and an annular band that extends between and interconnects radially outer ends of the first annular strip and the second annular strip,wherein the second strengthening unit includes a first annular strip that extends radially away from the central axis, a second annular strip spaced apart from the first annular strip and that extends radially outward away from the central axis, and an annular band that extends between and interconnects radially outer ends of the first annular strip and the second annular strip, andwherein the first strengthening unit is located below a point located halfway between the floor and the brim along the central axis and the second strengthening unit is located closer to the brim than the point located halfway between the floor and the brim along the central axis.3. The drink cup of claim 2 , wherein the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013985A1
Автор: Fan Chow Kai

The embodiments shown provide a leak-proof spoutless toddler drinking apparatus comprised of a containing element and releasably attached led which enables the user to drink from a plurality of drinking cavities about the perimeter of the lid while preventing any leaks. The embodiments further provide an elastic collar affixed to the sidewalls of the lid and flexible pinch valve which is designed to “flex” when a sudden interior forces is placed onto it and captures any excess fluid from leaking through at least one of the plurality of drinking cavities. The ergonomic design further allows infants and toddler to grip the apparatus in one hand and drinking from any point about the perimeter of the lid while minimizing air and pressure accumulations with the apparatus. 1. A leak proof toddler drinking apparatus comprising:a containing element including a first end and a base end; the first end having a larger diameter than a base end diameter and configured to contain a liquid contents; and a plurality of drinking cavities configured about a top side perimeter;', 'an interior region configured to releasably contain a flexible pinch valve; and', 'an elastic collar affixed about a portion of the perimeter., 'a circular spout-less lid to enable a one-way fluid flow between the containing element and a user when a suction force is applied further including2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the containing element further includes a substantially planar rim surface to provide a hermetic seal when the spoutless rim is releasably attached.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the containing element is further configured in a flute like design to at least minimize an air accumulation within the containing element when at least filled with the liquid contents.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the spoutless lid further includes a plurality of evenly spaced drinking cavities molded about a top side of the lid to allow the user to access the liquid contents ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041318A1

A container having enhanced wall integrity is provided that includes a sidewall having a polygonal cross-sectional shape and an alignment structure formed therein. The alignment structure is adapted for orienting the container with respect to a second container such that the panel sections of the containers become parallel with one another and the containers may be fully nested one within the other. The alignment structure can be recessed into the sidewall to form peaks and valleys along an inner surface of the container. Alternatively, the alignment structure can protrude from the sidewall to form peaks and valleys along an inner surface of the container. The peaks include first and second faces sloping in opposite directions designed to direct corners of the first container's sidewall toward the valleys of the second container in order to orient the containers as they are stacked. 1. A container comprising:a bottom wall;an upwardly-extending generally frustoconical sidewall, said sidewall including a plurality of generally axially-extending alignment structures circumferentially spaced around said sidewall and extending at least a portion of a height of said sidewall;an exterior surface of said sidewall; andan interior surface of said sidewall, said interior surface radially and axially conforming to said exterior surface of said sidewall;wherein each of said generally axially-extending alignment structures comprises first and second oppositely-sloping faces, said faces intersecting along a longitudinally-extending apex;wherein said container is capable of being fully nested within a second identical container;wherein said plurality of generally axially-extending alignment structures form a plurality of intermittent valleys in said exterior surface of said sidewall corresponding to a plurality of intermittent peaks on said interior surface of said sidewall;wherein said sidewall comprises a plurality of sidewall panel sections, wherein each of said sidewall panel ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

single double level swivel platform plates nozzle and pressurized convolution form method to process convergent stress energy flow in cylindrical container unit

Номер: US20200022514A1
Автор: Takumah Maluki

A multi-purpose accessory single, double level swivel platform plates is provided for consumable beverage containers and other usage such as keep liquid circulating for balance of taste, color, consistency of texture in beverages. The new invention's bottom portion mechanism unit is great for stress force cleaning applications such as on tiny foods and small parts. The main major focus is platform plates solutions to liquid beverages. The platforms single level, double level with swivel axle and nozzle are the main important factor for the container. This invention's container performs with physical hand pressure force exerted on its nozzle that's attached to the single or double swivel platforms counteract within its compression convolution internal cavity walls. The bottom accelerator portion device is designed for force stress Convergent flow through the nozzle. The nozzle produce conical and velocity conditions that work in conjunction within its upper part called the liquid volume hollow cylinder container. The new invention's nozzle, single, double swivel platform plates designed to vacuum lock suction liquid to produce jet plume convergent and divergent pressure within its nozzle. The (P, 0′) and (T, 0)=[pressure and temperature upstream flow]. The nozzle uniquely qualifies as non-calibrated orifice flow, because the stress mechanism designed for its new invention's isn't supported by any engine power entity on the part. But only performs with physical hand pressure stress force on its convergent and divergent pressure of the nozzle. The platform plate's has a desired control feature called swivel axle. The swivel method is design to control divergent flow through its release holes into the container. The top liquid volume hollow cylinder container portion device will determine on the person's judgement for the amount of liquid fluid. The liquid volume has lines or markings for notifying by way of tolerable desired liquid level and by way of preventing no ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024024A1
Автор: CHEN Po-Jen

The disposable cup includes a cup body and a straw. The cup body has a tube and a bottom connected to an end of the tube. The straw is directly connected to the tube at an outside position adjacent to the bottom, and communicating with the tube. 1. A disposable cup comprising:a cup body having a tube and a bottom connected to an end of the tube; anda straw, directly connected to the tube at an outside position adjacent to the bottom, and communicating with the tube.2. The disposable cup of claim 1 , further comprising a cap for covering a top of the straw.3. The disposable cup of claim 2 , wherein the cap is made of plastic or paper.4. The disposable cup of claim 2 , wherein the cap covers a whole of the straw.5. The disposable cup of claim 1 , wherein the straw is formed with a concertina-type hinge to be bendable. The invention relates to cups, particularly to disposable cups.A disposable cup is a type of tableware and disposable food packaging. Disposable cup types include paper cups, plastic cups and foam cups. As they are produced for single use, disposable cups and other similar disposable products constitute a major source of consumer and household waste, such as paper waste and plastic waste. It has been estimated that the average household discards around 70 disposable cups every year. As a result, some disposable cups with a built-in straw are developed to appear in the market.show one of them. It includes a cup body , a thermo-isolated pad , a drinking opening , a bottom , a built-in straw formed in the cup body and a filter at a bottom end of the built-in straw . Such a cup is convenient to drink liquid without raising a user's head. However, this cup is hard to be mass-produced, especially for plastic cups with low cost.show another one of cups with a built-in straw. It includes an outer cup body , an inner cup body and a cap . A diameter of each of the outer cup body and the inner cup body tapers off downward to form a conic shape. Openings of the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Drink cup

Номер: US20200029712A1
Принадлежит: Berry Plastics Corp

A drink cup includes a body formed to include an interior region providing a fluid-holding reservoir and a brim. The brim is coupled to the body to frame an opening into the interior region.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Cups That Add Color to Liquid Content and Methods Of Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20150034505A1

Cups that color liquid contents and methods of manufacturing the same are disclosed herein. The cups include an inner wall with a colorant disposed and affixed therein. The colorant is predisposed (i.e., affixed) before the introduction of a liquid, and remains affixed until a liquid is introduced into the cup. The colorant can be disposed within a recess. The colorant can also be affixed to a first cup such that stacking an identical cup within the first cup does not result in the colorant touching the identical cup. 120.-. (canceled)21. A cup for coloring a liquid that is poured into it , the cup comprising:an inner surface for holding the liquid, the inner surface including an inner side wall and an inner bottom surface;an outer bottom surface opposite the inner bottom surface, the outer bottom surface including a bulge that extends lower than a recessed area of the outer bottom surface that is substantially enclosed by the bulge; anda colorant fixed on the inner bottom surface of the cup such that it will be covered by the recessed area of a second identical-dimensioned cup stacked within the cup, wherein the colorant is preconditioned to dissolve when contacting the liquid.22. The cup of claim 21 , wherein the outer surface is at least partially transparent claim 21 , allowing a person to view the colorant through the outer surface without looking down into the cup relative to the bottom.23. The cup of claim 22 , wherein the colorant forms the shape of a logo.24. The cup of claim 22 , wherein a word is beneath the colorant such that the word is exposed from at least one viewing angle once the colorant dissolves.25. A cup comprising:a side wall;an inner bottom surface inside the cup;an outer bottom surface outside the cup that allows the cup to stand upright, wherein the outer surface includes a recessed portion that is raised relative to a second portion; anda first colorant disposed on the inner bottom surface of the cup at a location that is covered by the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Playing Card Cups

Номер: US20180037368A1
Автор: Hart Mike
Принадлежит: Sierra Industrial Group, LLC

An apparatus includes a set of playing card cups, wherein at least one of the playing card cups comprises an image of a specific playing card configured to elegantly and easily identify the cup's user. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a set of playing card cups, wherein each playing card cup comprises exactly one image of a specific playing card selected from one of a standard deck of 52 playing cards, a first joker playing card cup, and a second joker playing card cup, wherein the second joker is different from the first joker, so as to elegantly and easily identify the cup's user, wherein at least one playing card image is usable in a playing card game.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , the apparatus configured to elegantly and easily identify the cup's user without need for a writing implement.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus does not comprise a writing implement.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is configured to elegantly and easily identify a user of a cup for a group of up to 54 persons.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first joker card comprises a big joker.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the second joker card comprises a small joker claim 8 , and wherein the big joker has larger dimensions than the small joker.10. (canceled)11. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a first claim 1 , image side of the cup comprises the image of the specific playing card claim 1 , and a second claim 1 , opposite side of the cup does not comprise the image of the specific playing card.12. The apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the image side of the cup is on an opposite side of the cup from the opposite side of the cup.13. The apparatus of claim 12 , wherein the image side of the cup and the opposite side of the cup are approximately 180 degrees apart.14. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the cup is configured so that an opposing player's card may be concealed from other players by facing the opposite ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039774A1

A container having enhanced wall integrity and a rotational element is provided that includes a sidewall having polygonal cross-sectional shape and an alignment structure formed therein. The alignment structure is adapted for orienting the container with respect to a second container such that the panel sections of the containers become parallel with one another and the containers may be fully nested one within the other. The alignment structure can be recessed into the sidewall to form peaks and valleys along an inner surface of the container. The peaks include first and second faces sloping in opposite directions designed to direct corners of the first container's sidewall toward the interior valleys of the second container in order to orient the containers as they are stacked. 1. A container comprising:a bottom wall;a generally frustoconical sidewall extending upward from said bottom wall, said sidewall including a plurality of generally axially-extending alignment structures circumferentially spaced around said sidewall and extending at least a portion of a height of said sidewall;an exterior surface of said sidewall;an interior surface of said sidewall, said interior surface radially and axially conforming to said exterior surface of said sidewall; andat least one of a rib, peak and indention formed on said exterior surface of said sidewall between one said alignment structure and an adjacent said alignment structure;wherein each of said generally axially-extending alignment structures comprises first and second oppositely-sloping faces, said faces intersecting along a generally longitudinally-extending apex;wherein said container is capable of being fully nested within a second generally identical container;wherein said plurality of generally axially-extending alignment structures form a plurality of intermittent valleys in said exterior surface of said sidewall corresponding to a plurality of intermittent peaks on said interior surface of said sidewall.2. The ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044106A1

A capsule for enclosing a substance on a bottom of a first disposable cup comprises a bottom and a rim deformed from the bottom of the first cup. The capsule comprises a bottom having a circumference, a wall extending from the circumference, and an opening, wherein the capsule is configured to be accommodated in a space defined by the bottom and the rim of a second disposable cup inserted inside the first disposable cup. The capsule may further comprise at least one handle and at least one inner wall. A method of packaging a plurality of disposable cups, capsules, and substance can be packaged in a manner that keeps the substance fresh for an extended period of time. 1. A method for inserting a capsule with a substance into a disposable cup , comprising: filling the capsule with the substance to a brim , while a rim of a circular opening of the capsule is left uncovered with the substance , and while the capsule is held with the circular opening up; and bringing the disposable cup down onto the capsule until a bottom of the disposable cup is pressed onto the rim of the capsule thus forming a closed volume for storing the substance therein , while the orientation of the cup is such that its circular opening is down , while an inner diameter of the cup at the bottom equals an outer diameter of the rim of capsule , and while a diameter of the cup at its rim is larger than the inner diameter of the cup at the bottom.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cup further includes a cylindrical space formed by the bottom of the cup and side walls of the cup extending beyond the bottom of the cup in a direction opposite the circular opening of the cup claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical space ends in a second circular opening claim 1 , and wherein an inner height and diameter of the cylindrical space equal a height of the capsule and the outer diameter of the capsule claim 1 , respectively.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the capsule is made of a material ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Floating Insulating Beverage Container

Номер: US20140124513A1
Автор: Shearer Neal A.

A floating insulating beverage container is comprised of a double walled beverage container which is adequately buoyant and balanced to remain upright in a body of water. The adequate buoyancy and balanced is achieved by the buoyant forces available from the annular cavity created by the double wall container configuration and the balance by the non-buoyant or ballasted bottom of the container. The double wall annular space and ballasted weight are determined to maintain the drink container upright in a body of water, without sinking when filled with beverage, and not capsizing when empty. The double wall configuration also provides insulation for the beverage due to the void between the inner and outer walls. 1. A beverage container which is adapted to float upright in water comprising of:a double-walled drink container made of approved drinking liquid plastic material, acrylic for example;the double walled drink container with void circumferential annular space of sufficient profile and volume to provide adequate buoyant forces, with a closed bottom;a container ballasted at its bottom by a dense ballasting weight, such as a metal disc, to provide adequate balance to maintain the container upright when empty:alternately, the ballasted container bottom may also be comprised of additional container material in lieu of a dense weight to provide adequate balance to maintain the container upright when empty:an optional closure cap adapted for dispensing of a beverage shall be included as part of this claim.2. A floating beverage container assembly as defined in claim 1 , with internal containment of approved plastic drinking material and external buoyant material comprised of a polymer or other synthetic foamed material.a container ballasted at its bottom comprised of a dense ballasting weight, such as a metal disc, to provide adequate balance to maintain the container upright when empty:alternately, the ballasted container bottom may also be comprised of additional ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Insulated multi-layer sheet and method of making the same

Номер: US20190047265A1
Принадлежит: Berry Global Inc

A multi-layer sheet includes an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material, a film, and a polymeric-lamination layer. The insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material may be formed from a polymeric formulation comprising a base resin blend and a physical nucleating agent.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073262A1

A multi-layer sheet includes an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material, a film, and a polymeric-lamination layer. The insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material may be formed from a polymeric formulation comprising a base resin blend and a physical nucleating agent. 1. A multi-layer sheet comprising:a film layer,an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material, anda polymeric-lamination layer extending between and interconnecting the film layer and the insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material,wherein the film layer is a biaxially oriented polypropylene film,wherein the multi-layer sheet comprises an ink layer printed on the film layer.2. The multi-layer sheet of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric-lamination layer comprises a polypropylene claim 1 , regrind claim 1 , a colorant claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.3. The multi-layer sheet of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric-lamination layer comprises at least 40% polypropylene.4. The multi-layer sheet of claim 3 , wherein the regrind is about 0.05% to about 99.5% by weight of the polymeric-lamination layer.5. The multi-layer sheet of claim 4 , wherein the regrind comprises ink and regrind of the multi-layer sheet.6. The multi-layer sheet of claim 1 , wherein the insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material comprises about 40% to about 99.5% by weight of a base resin blend claim 1 , and up to about 50% by weight regrind.7. The multi-layer sheet of claim 6 , wherein the regrind is about 0.05% to about 50% by weight of the insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material.8. The multi-layer sheet of claim 6 , wherein the regrind is substantially free of an adhesive.9. The multi-layer sheet of claim 6 , wherein the base resin blend comprises a first polypropylene and a second polypropylene.10. The multi-layer sheet of claim 9 , wherein the first polypropylene is a first high melt-strength polypropylene and the second polypropylene is a second high melt-strength polypropylene.11. The ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054174A1
Автор: John P. Calderaio
Принадлежит: Calderco Holdings Group LLC

A single serve beverage cup, including for a cocktail, is disclosed having a base, a bowl, a seal, a top cover and a bottom cover. The single-serve beverage cup includes a cavity for receiving a miniature liquor bottle for making a cocktail. There are disclosed various embodiments of the bottom cover.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Container Having Sidewall with Ring Shaped Shaping

Номер: US20180057247A1
Автор: Marshall Neil

The present invention relates to a process for the production of a cup having a bottom and a sidewall attached to the bottom, wherein the sidewall preferably comprises a rolled rim at its upper edge opposite to the bottom, wherein the sidewall comprises a single layer or a plurality of layers, wherein at least one of the layers is produced from a paper material, carton, plastic, PLA, a renewable and/or a biodegradable resource and or any other comparable material, where-in at least one shaping is shaped into at least one of the layers of the sidewall, wherein the shaping is at least partially ring-shaped, wherein the shaping extends at least partially over the perimeter of the sidewall, wherein the shaping is inwardly or outwardly directed, wherein the shapings are compressed in height such that an edge of each shaping touches an opposite segment of the shaping and/or that both edges of each shaping touch each other and are joined together, and a cup produced by this process. 1. Process for the production of a container having a bottom and a sidewall attached to the bottom , the process comprising:forming a sidewall from flat paper or carton material, said sidewall having a first end and a second end wherein the first end is attached to the bottom and the sidewall has a rolled rim at the second end;forming at least one shaping into the sidewall, the at least one shaping extending at least partially over the perimeter of the sidewall and wherein the at least one shaping is inwardly or outwardly directed; andcompressing the shaping in its height.2. Process according to claim 1 , characterized in claim 1 , that the compressing step generates a void volume defined by the shaping.3. Process according to claim 1 , characterized in claim 1 , that the compressing step generates a flat profile of the shaping.4. Process according to claim 1 , characterized in claim 1 , that the shaping is shaped such that a rib is formed during the compressing step.5. Process for the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Method of forming an article

Номер: US20190061208A1
Принадлежит: Bockatech Ltd

Methods of forming an article from a molten plastic composition comprising a polymer and a blowing agent. The methods include injecting the molten plastic composition into a mould, allowing the plastic composition to form a first solid skin adjacent to an in contact with a first cavity-forming surface of the mould and a second solid skin adjacent to and in contact with a second cavity-forming surface of the mould, and then opening the mould before the molten plastic composition between the first and second solid skins in at least one portion of the circumference of a region of the mould cavity defining an annular cross-section of the cavity has solidified.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069943A1

Methods of forming an article from a molten plastic composition comprising a polymer and a blowing agent. The methods include injecting the molten plastic composition into a mould, allowing the plastic composition to form a first solid skin adjacent to an in contact with a first cavity-forming surface of the mould and a second solid skin adjacent to and in contact with a second cavity-forming surface of the mould, and then opening the mould before the molten plastic composition between the first and second solid skins in at least one portion of the circumference of a region of the mould cavity defining an annular cross-section of the cavity has solidified. 145.-. (canceled)46. A hollow article for use as a beverage cup , or as a container , the hollow article having an annular sidewall and a base wall defining a central hollow cavity , a top rim of the sidewall and a bottom end of the sidewall , wherein the annular sidewall comprises a plastics material composed of a sandwich structure of inner and outer skins and an expanded cellular foam layer therebetween , wherein the expanded cellular foam layer comprises an annular array of reinforcing areas extending longitudinally along the sidewall in a direction between the top rim and the bottom end , the reinforcing areas being mutually separated by an annular array of spacer regions extending longitudinally along the sidewall in a direction between the top rim and the bottom end to provide alternating reinforcing areas and spacer regions around the annular sidewall , wherein the reinforcing areas comprise expanded cellular foam of a first density and the spacer regions comprise expanded cellular foam of a second density , wherein the first density is higher than the second density , wherein the expanded cellular foam in the reinforcing areas of the first density has a more uniform size distribution , and a smaller average size , of cellular voids than the expanded cellular foam of the second density in the spacer ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Cups and Containers with a Living Hinge and Sleeves

Номер: US20210086958A1
Автор: Tobias Glenn

The present invention is directed to containers for holding non-food items having a living hinge and a quad or multi seal structure on the lid such that the seal created by the contact of the lid with the inside of the cup or container ensures a secure, friction fit orientation to prevent spillage or leakage of the contents therein. The quad or multi directional seal is created by multiple ribs on the lid that securably fit within the base of the container and indentations oriented in the bases, or by multiple ribs on the lid that securably fit within a channel structure in the top of the base of the container, the channel structure having the indentations in order to create a secure fit. 1. An injection molded , sealable container made from molten polypropylene for holding non-food items comprising(a) a lower, receptacle portion having a base, an open top, and side walls in between the base and the open top, the base having the same diameter than the top, the side walls forming a cylinder from the base to the open top and creating an inner and outer portion of the container, the open top having an upper edge defining the outermost circumference of the open top and a living hinge with a flexible radius and two indentations that run the full circumference of the inner portion of the container below the upper edge;(b) the living hinge molded in the upper edge of the open top attached to the lower receptacle portion and a recessed lid, the living hinge allowing the lid to flex over the open top, the living hinge having a straight flex point, the living hinge having flat walls that extend from the straight flex point, and the flat walls extending from the straight flex point having a shape opposite the straight flex point that is contoured to the shape of the inner portion of the container and the edge of the recessed lid so that when the living hinge is closed, the lid securably fits into the indentations that run the full circumference of the inner portion of the ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Lid for a Beverage Cup Including a Snack Storage Reservoir

Номер: US20210086975A1
Принадлежит: Crazy Minds, LLC

A lid for a beverage cup includes: (a) a radial collar configured to engage with a rim of a drinking cup mouth, having an inner radial surface and an outer radial surface; (b) an outer reservoir wall extending axially upward from the outer surface of the radial collar and enclosing a reservoir chamber above the radial collar, and including an upper rim; (c) a reservoir floor extending radially inward from an upper end of the inner surface of the radial collar and substantially closing the reservoir chamber from below the reservoir floor, the floor including a fluid path opening providing at least part of a fluid path extending upward through the reservoir chamber, the fluid path opening being positioned along a first diametrical line extending through the reservoir chamber; (d) an inner wall separating the fluid path from the reservoir chamber substantially in the shape of an upside-down funnel extending upward from the floor, having a minor diameter extending above a vertical level of the upper rim of the outer reservoir wall to form a spout; and (e) a cap connected to the upper rim of the outer wall with a first living hinge and including a first segment with a hole adapted to receive the spout. 1 a radial collar configured and sized to engage with a rim of the industry standard drinking cup mouth, having an inner radial surface and an outer radial surface,', 'an outer reservoir wall extending axially upward from the outer surface of the radial collar and enclosing a reservoir chamber above the radial collar, and including an upper rim,', 'a reservoir floor extending radially inward from an upper end of the inner surface of the radial collar and substantially closing the reservoir chamber from below the reservoir floor, the floor including a fluid path opening providing at least part of a fluid path extending upward through the reservoir chamber,', 'an inner wall separating the fluid path from the reservoir chamber,', 'a cap connected to the upper rim of the outer ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Removable Cup Rim Protector

Номер: US20180086505A1
Автор: DePena, II Bolivar J.

Disclosed herein is a Removable Cup Rim Protector for plastic (celluloid) paper (cellulose), Styrofoam or plastic cups with a protective, removable film around the drinking rim and portions of the cup. This film may be included in the manufacturing process or added later and is easily removable by peeling away the perforated section of the rim protector. Benefits include protecting the users hands and mouth from transferable dirt, bacteria and other cross contamination from servers and third party's handling or otherwise transferring the cups. The film may be extended to include part or all of the side of the cup. 1. A protective cover for a cup , comprising a piece of material fitting around at least the top portion of a cup , not extending across the cups upper opening , and extending downward along the inner and outer sides of the cup , and draping over the entirety of the rim of the cup.2. The protective cover of claim 1 , wherein the cover is made of plastic claim 1 , paper claim 1 , polymers claim 1 , rubber claim 1 , foil claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The protective cover of claim 2 , wherein the cover includes at least one perforated area to enable removal of the cover.4. The protective cover of claim 3 , wherein the cover is secured to the cup during the manufacturing of said cup.5. A sanitary system for a disposable cup claim 3 , said system comprising a cup and a protective cover for a cup claim 3 , comprising a piece of material fitting around at least the top portion of a cup claim 3 , not extending across the cups upper opening claim 3 , and extending downward along the inner and outer sides of the cup claim 3 , and draping over the entirety of the rim of the cup.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the protective cover is made of plastic claim 5 , paper claim 5 , polymers claim 5 , rubber claim 5 , foil claim 5 , or a combination thereof.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the cover includes at least one perforated area to enable removal of the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Tapered cup and method of forming the same

Номер: US20220134405A1
Принадлежит: Ball Corp

A metal cup and method of forming the same is provided. Metal cups of the present disclosure comprise a plurality of thin, straight-walled sections and a tapered profile. A domed portion is provided in the bottom of the cup. The cup may comprise a disposable cup, a reusable cup, or a recyclable cup.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Reusable Cup with Integrated Ribbed Heat Sink Sheath

Номер: US20200087016A1

Aspects of the disclosure relate to a cup including a base, a sidewall extending upward from the base to a top of the cup to define an internal cavity and an open top, wherein the sidewall includes an upper sidewall and a lower sidewall located between the upper sidewall and the base. The lower sidewall can include a lower wall and a plurality of raised ribs extending radially outward from the lower wall and being separated by recesses and the ribs and recesses being elongated in a direction between the top and the base. The cup can include an annular ledge connects the upper sidewall to the lower sidewall, wherein the annular ledge extends inwardly from the upper sidewall to the lower sidewall and forms a reduction in width of the sidewall between the upper sidewall and the lower sidewall. 1. A cup comprising:a base;a sidewall extending upward from the base to a top of the cup to define an internal cavity and an open top, wherein the sidewall comprises:an upper sidewall, wherein at least a portion of the upper sidewall decreases in width in a downward direction from the top toward the base;a lower sidewall located between the upper sidewall and the base and at least a portion of the lower sidewall decreasing in width in the downward direction, the lower sidewall having a lower wall and a plurality of raised ribs extending radially outward from the lower wall and being elongated in a direction between the top and the base, wherein the plurality of raised ribs are distributed around a periphery of the lower wall and are separated by recesses that are elongated in the direction between the top and the base;an annular ledge connecting the upper sidewall to the lower sidewall, wherein the annular ledge extends inwardly from the upper sidewall to the lower sidewall;wherein the upper sidewall includes an underside edge;wherein a maximum ratio of radial thickness of each rib of the plurality of raised ribs to radial thickness of the lower wall is about 3:1;wherein the ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096662A1
Автор: Lin Sheng-Hung

A paper cup cover structure device is disclosed, which comprises a cup body, being made of a paper, and comprising a cup opening disposed at a top thereof, and a cup bottom disposed at a bottom thereof, the cup opening having a flat cup rim disposed at an outer circumference thereof and having a flat face, the flat cup rim being contained within an extension cirucumferentially disposed downwards; and a cup cover, covering the cup body at the cover top, disposed at an inner wall face corresponding to the cup rim, and having a screw magzine circumferentially disposed with respect thereto, the screw magzine having a push-stop portion extending from a bottom thereof so that the cup rim and the screw magzine are rotationally combined with each other, where the cup body may be further reinforced by using the cup rim having the flat shape. 1. A paper cup cover structure device , comprising:a cup body, being made of a paper, and comprising a cup opening disposed at a top thereof, and a cup bottom disposed at a bottom thereof, the cup opening having a flat cup rim disposed at an outer circumference thereof and having a flat face, the flat cup rim being contained within an extension cirucumferentially disposed downwards; anda cup cover, covering the cup body at the cover top, disposed at an inner wall face corresponding to the cup rim, and having a screw magzine circumferentially disposed with respect thereto, the screw magzine having a push-stop portion extending from a bottom thereof so that the cup rim and the screw magzine are rotationally combined with each other.2. The paper cup cover structure device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cup rim and the extension portion are formed by folding up a pressed fit curling formed circumferentially at the cup opening.3. The paper cup cover structure device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cup rim is made of plastic or paper and formed by frame molding or paper molding.4. The paper cup cover structure device as claimed in ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094720A1

A disposable cup includes a sidewall and a plurality of first, second, and third flaps arranged along a top end of the sidewall. The flaps are bendable along respective creases in the sidewall to a stacking configuration, an open configuration, and a closed configuration. In the stacking configuration, the first, second, and third flaps extend upward from and are aligned with the sidewall, which allows for multiple cups to be nested and stacked. In the open configuration, the first, second, and third flaps are downwardly bendable to respective positions along an exterior surface of the sidewall, which allows for full access to a liquid in the cup and drawing on the surface of the liquid contained within the cup in the form of latte art. In the closed configuration, the first, second and third flaps together define a concave cover to the cup and an elevated spout for drinking the liquid. 1. A cup , comprising:a sidewall having a top end, a bottom end, and a first plurality of creases disposed along the top end, the sidewall defining an interior space and a central axis extending in a longitudinal direction; andfirst, second, and third flaps bendable about respective creases of the first plurality of creases, radially outward of the sidewall, to an open configuration, wherein in the open configuration, the first, second, and third flaps are downwardly bendable to respective positions along an exterior surface of the sidewall,wherein the second and third flaps are movable radially inward of the sidewall, to a closed configuration in which the first, second and third flaps at least partially define a concave cover to the cup and an elevated spout in communication with the interior space.2. A cup according to claim 1 , wherein the sidewall includes a second plurality of creases formed in the sidewall below corresponding creases of the first plurality of creases claim 1 , and the second and third flaps and respective portions of the sidewall are configured to bend about ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Lid for a Beverage Cup Including a Snack Storage Reservoir

Номер: US20160114959A1
Принадлежит: Bonnie Sussman Strominger

A lid for a beverage cup includes: (a) a radial collar configured to engage with a rim of a drinking cup mouth, having an inner radial surface and an outer radial surface; (b) an outer reservoir wall extending axially upward from the outer surface of the radial collar and enclosing a reservoir chamber above the radial collar, and including an upper rim; (c) a reservoir floor extending radially inward from an upper end of the inner surface of the radial collar and substantially closing the reservoir chamber from below the reservoir floor, the floor including a fluid path opening providing at least part of a fluid path extending upward through the reservoir chamber, the fluid path opening being positioned along a first diametrical line extending through the reservoir chamber; (d) an inner wall separating the fluid path from the reservoir chamber substantially in the shape of an upside-down funnel extending upward from the floor, having a minor diameter extending above a vertical level of the upper rim of the outer reservoir wall to form a spout; and (e) a cap connected to the upper rim of the outer wall with a first living hinge and including a first segment with a hole adapted to receive the spout.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Blending appliance

Номер: US20200108363A1

A blending appliance in accordance with the principals of the present invention includes a linear motor drive comprising a magnet structure secured to a reaction mass and a coil structure secured to a shaker platen, the shaker platen adapted to secure a blending cup. A third mass is secured to the reaction mass via at least one biasing member. A ground is secured to the third mass via at least one biasing member. The shaker platen is secured to the reaction mass via at least one biasing member. The magnet structure and coil structure impart a force to the reaction mass and the shaker platen, which force is driven by the biasing members and the masses of the shaker platen, the reaction mass, and the third mass into resonance, thereby maximizing payload amplitude, minimizing forces transmitted to ground, and minimizing driver amplitude. The smoothie blending cup comprising structure to generate at least two forces applied upon the smoothie ingredients, the forces selected from the group consisting of pulverizing force, shear force, rotational-kinetic energy force, radial-kinetic energy force, and combinations thereof. The smoothie blending cup and cap can be sealed with the beverage ingredients contained therein at the point of manufacture. 1. A blending appliance comprising:a linear motor drive comprising a magnet and a coil;the magnet secured to a reaction mass;the coil secured to a shaker platen, the shaker platen adapted to secure a blending cup;a third mass secured to the reaction mass via at least one biasing member;a ground secured to the third mass via at least one biasing member; andthe shaker platen secured to the reaction mass via at least one biasing member;such that the magnet and coil impart a force to the reaction mass and the shaker platen, which force is driven by the biasing members and the masses of the shaker platen, the reaction mass, and the third mass into resonance, thereby maximizing payload amplitude, minimizing forces transmitted to ground, ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108433A1
Автор: Scott Anthony J.

A metal cup and method of forming the same is provided. Metal cups of the present disclosure comprise a plurality of thin, straight-walled sections and a tapered profile. A domed portion is provided in the bottom of the cup. The cup may comprise a disposable cup, a reusable cup, or a recyclable cup. 1. A tapered metallic cup comprising:an upper end and a lower end, and a height extending between the upper end and the lower end;the upper end comprising a curled, partially curled, or throttled lip and an opening;a plurality of tapered sections provided between the upper end and the lower end, with a step provided between each of the tapered sections; andwherein each of the tapered sections comprises a substantially constant wall thickness and a tapered profile; andwherein adjacent tapered sections of the plurality of tapered sections comprise successively smaller diameters, and wherein the step provided between each of the tapered sections comprises a transition in diameter.2. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein the lower end comprises a domed portion.3. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein the height is between approximately 4.0 inches and approximately 7.0 inches.4. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein the cup comprises at least three tapered sections.5. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein a maximum inner diameter of the cup comprises a diameter of at least approximately 3.0 inches.6. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein a minimum inner diameter of the cup comprises a diameter of not more than approximately 2.50 inches.7. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein a minimum wall thickness of the plurality of tapered sections comprises a thickness of less than approximately 0.0070 inches.8. The tapered metallic cup of claim 7 , wherein the lower end of the cup comprises an annular standing surface claim 7 , and wherein the domed portion is provided within the annular standing surface.9. A tapered metallic cup ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Magnetic Drinking Cup

Номер: US20190117000A1

The present invention is directed to a magnetic drinking cup, which is a drinking cup containing magnetic and metal components. The magnetic and metal components allow for a tight seal and decrease the opportunity for bacteria and mold to flourish. Many cups known in the prior art have screw top lids, which have tight and narrow crevices making the cleaning process cumbersome. If not cleaned immediately after use, it becomes challenging to remove the debris remaining in the cup, and around the inside of the lid. These small areas create a trap for bacteria and mold, if not cleaned properly. The same issues can arise with reusable straws. There are not many tools on the market that can clean a straw thoroughly from top to bottom. If not all contents are removed from the straw, it becomes a petri dish of bacteria, and if moisture remains, then mold will have the ability to grow. This invention allows for cleaning ease, and provides fewer areas where bacteria and mold can flourish due to a magnetic seal instead of a screw top seal. Further, the drinking cup can be replaced with any storage container, including children's “sippy cups”, Tupperware, or any food storage container that requires a tight seal. 1. A magnetic drinking cup assembly comprising:A container having an inner surface containing an indentation, and an outer surface;A removable magnetic ring that sits on the indentation of the container's inner surface;A lid having a metal strip embedded within its base;Wherein the lid is mated to the outer surface of the container by a magnetic attraction between the magnetic ring sitting in the container's inner surface and the metal strip of the lid.2. The magnetic drinking cup assembly of wherein the magnetic ring comprises a flexible magnetic strip coated in silicone material.3. The magnetic drinking cup assembly of claim 2 , wherein the magnetic ring has a circular cross section.4. The magnetic drinking cup assembly of wherein the lid is made of silicone material. ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118990A1
Автор: Schultz Jordon J.

A dual chamber drinking vessel includes a cup chamber positioned adjacent to an angled chamber. The cup chamber includes a cup upper portion and a cup lower portion. The angled chamber includes an angled chamber upper portion and an angled chamber lower portion. The cup upper portion is joined to the angled chamber upper portion by a bridge. The dual chamber drinking vessel is configured to allow different liquids to be received within the cup chamber and angled chamber without mixing the liquids until the vessel is tilted to elevate the angled chamber relative to the cup chamber. The angled chamber includes an outer wall portion and an inner wall portion. The inner wall portion extends at an angle from the bridge and meets the outer wall portion at an angle configured to enhance the mixing of the second liquid with the first liquid. 1. A dual chamber drinking vessel , comprising:a cup chamber including a cup upper portion and a cup lower portion; andan angled chamber including an angled chamber upper portion and an angled chamber lower portion having an inclined bottom surface, wherein the cup upper portion is joined to the angled chamber upper portion.2. The dual chamber drinking vessel of claim 1 , wherein the cup upper portion is joined to the angled chamber upper portion by a common rim and a bridge.3. The dual chamber drinking vessel of claim 2 , wherein the bridge is at a position lower than the common top lip.4. The dual chamber drinking vessel of claim 1 , wherein the cup chamber is configured to receive a first liquid claim 1 , and the angled chamber is configured to receive a second liquid claim 1 , wherein tilting of the vessel such that the angled chamber is elevated relative to the cup chamber causes the second liquid to enter the cup chamber and to mix with the first liquid.5. The dual chamber drinking vessel of claim 1 , wherein the cup chamber has a liquid-volume-capacity and the coupled chamber has a liquid volume capacity claim 1 , and a ratio of ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Disposable shot glass with peel-off lid

Номер: US20190127114A1
Принадлежит: Ripshot Enterprises Corp

System and process for creation of a single-serve shot-glass peel-off lid.

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Reusable Cup with Integrated Ribbed Heat Sink Sheath

Номер: US20160137332A1

Aspects of the disclosure relate to a cup including a base, a sidewall extending upward from the base to a top of the cup to define an internal cavity and an open top, wherein the sidewall includes an upper sidewall and a lower sidewall located between the upper sidewall and the base. The lower sidewall can include a lower wall and a plurality of raised ribs extending radially outward from the lower wall and being separated by recesses and the ribs and recesses being elongated in a direction between the top and the base. The cup can include an annular ledge connects the upper sidewall to the lower sidewall, wherein the annular ledge extends inwardly from the upper sidewall to the lower sidewall and forms a reduction in width of the sidewall between the upper sidewall and the lower sidewall. 1. A cup comprising:a base;a sidewall extending upward from the base to a top of the cup to define an internal cavity and an open top, wherein the sidewall comprises:an upper sidewall, wherein at least a portion of the upper sidewall decreases in width in a downward direction from the top toward the base;a lower sidewall located between the upper sidewall and the base and at least a portion of the lower sidewall decreasing in width in the downward direction, the lower sidewall having a lower wall and a plurality of raised ribs extending radially outward from the lower wall and being elongated in a direction between the top and the base, wherein the ribs are distributed around a periphery of the lower wall and are separated by recesses that are elongated in the direction between the top and the base; andan annular ledge connecting the upper sidewall to the lower sidewall, wherein the annular ledge extends inwardly from the upper sidewall to the lower sidewall and forms a reduction in width of the sidewall between the upper sidewall and the lower sidewall, such that a maximum width of the lower sidewall is less than a minimum width of the upper sidewall.2. The cup of claim 1 , ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Container having a rolled rim, and method of making the same

Номер: US20220281631A1
Принадлежит: PACTIV LLC

Method of forming a container having a rolled rim, including providing a thermoformable sheet, and thermoforming the sheet to form a hollow body. The hollow body has an open first end and an opposite closed second end with a sidewall extending between the first end and the second end, and a rim structure formed at the first end of the hollow body. The rim structure includes an inner wall portion, a flange, and a skirt. The method further includes coining an upper section of the inner wall portion of the rim to form a controlled inner diameter, and rolling the rim structure to form a rigid rolled rim along an outer diameter of the open first end of the hollow body, the skirt extending toward the sidewall after being rolled.

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Irregular aluminum cup and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20180140118A1
Автор: Jianting MA
Принадлежит: Ppi Worldwide Group(hk) Ltd

An irregular aluminum cup sequentially comprises from bottom to mouth: a cylinder cup bottom ( 1 ), a cup body with printing patterns on an exterior surface thereof and having one or more concave body parts ( 2 ) and one or more convex body parts ( 3 ), with the concave body parts and convex body parts alternately arranged; and a cup mouth ( 4 ) having an edge ( 5 ) curled outwardly and towards the cup body arranged at the top of the mouth; the cup bottom, the cup body and the cup mouth are of an integral structure. A method is provided for manufacturing the above irregular aluminum cup. The irregular aluminum cup can have various shapes and maintain the design printing.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Cellulose Ester Composition Containing Other Bio-Based Polymers

Номер: US20210171739A1

A polymer composition containing cellulose acetate in combination with one or more bio-based polymers is described. The polymer composition can optionally also contain a plasticizer. The polymer composition is formulated so as to have properties similar to petroleum-based polymers for producing, for example, single-use biodegradable articles. 1. A polymer composition comprising:a cellulose acetate;at least one bio-based polymer, the at least one bio-based polymer comprising a polylactic acid, a polycaprolactone, or a polyhydroxyalkanoate;a plasticizer; andwherein the polymer composition exhibits an elongation at break of about 10% or greater.2. A polymer composition comprising:a cellulose acetate;at least one bio-based polymer, the at least one bio-based polymer being present in the polymer composition in an amount of about 6% by weight or greater;a plasticizer; andwherein the polymer composition exhibits an elongation at break of about 10% or greater.3. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the elongation at break of the polymer composition is about 12% or greater and about 150% or less.4. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein one or more bio-based polymers are present in the polymer composition in an amount of about 6% or greater.5. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer comprises triacetin.6. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the cellulose acetate is present in the composition in an amount of from about 15% to about 85% by weight and the plasticizer is present in the composition in an amount of from about 8% to about 40% by weight.7. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the cellulose acetate consists essentially of cellulose diacetate.8. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer comprises tris(clorisopropyl) phosphate claim 1 , tris(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) phosphate claim 1 , acetyl triethyl citrate claim 1 , glycerin claim 1 , ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289431A1
Автор: Scott Anthony J.

A metal cup and method of forming the same is provided. Metal cups of the present disclosure comprise a plurality of thin, straight-walled sections and a tapered profile. A domed portion is provided in the bottom of the cup. The cup may comprise a disposable cup, a reusable cup, or a recyclable cup. 1. A method of forming a stackable tapered metallic cup , the method comprising:providing a stock material;cutting a blank from the stock material;forming at least one cup from the blank using a blank and draw operation;performing a redrawing operation on the cup to provide the cup with a predetermined height and a wall thickness;subsequent to the redrawing operation, trimming the cup to a second height;curling the top edge of the trimmed cup to form a lip;forming one or more straight wall sections in the cup by drawing the cup;expanding each of the one or more straight wall sections using one or more dies with a tapered profile;forming a dome in a bottom of the cup; andforming a stacking feature in the bottom of the cup by providing a compression force on the bottom of cup such that a lower section of the cup comprises an inward taper or slope.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the stock material comprises an aluminum coil claim 1 , and the step of forming at least one cup comprises subjecting at least a portion of the aluminum coil to the blank and draw operation.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step of providing a coating on at least an interior of the cup.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising decorating or coating at least one of an interior and an exterior surface of the metallic cup.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of curling the top edge occurs prior to the step of forming one or more straight wall sections.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the stock material comprises a pre-coated aluminum sheet claim 1 , thereby reducing a need for additional washing and coating steps in the formation of the cup.7. A method of forming a ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200146479A1
Автор: VERBEECK Marc

Disclosed is a stackable cup including a cup with a conical handle which is open at the top and includes space to receive the handle of an overlying cup, whereby the handle is provided with at least one set of stacking elements or which are each other's complement when stacking. 112331318131922. Stackable cup () comprising a cup () with a handle () which is open at the top and comprises space to receive the handle () of an overlying cup () , wherein the handle () is provided with at least one set of complementary stacking elements ( , ) or ( , ) to stack two cups in a certain discrete position.2131819. Stackable cup () according to claim 1 , wherein the handle () is provided with a supporting edge with notches ( claim 1 , ).3118113. Stackable cup () according to claim 2 , wherein one or more notches () are provided at the bottom underside () of the handle ().4136611920. Stackable cup () according to claim 2 , wherein the handle () is provided with a widened collar () which when stacking rests on the collar () of the underlying cup () claim 2 , whereby one or more notches () are provided at the bottom rim () of the collar (z).5131322. Stackable cup () according to claim 2 , wherein the handle () comprises one or more complementary notches ( claim 2 , ).61133. Stackable cup () according to claim 5 , wherein a stacking lug () is provided on the inner contour of the handle ().7162122. Stackable cup () according to claim 5 , wherein the widened collar () is provided on the inner contour () with at least one complementary lug ().8118192. Stackable cup () according to claim 2 , wherein several notches ( claim 2 , ) are provided for every discrete position of the cup () in a stacking.911819. Stackable cup () according to claim 8 , wherein notches ( claim 8 ,) are provided at an angle of 60 claim 8 , 72 claim 8 , 90 claim 8 , 120 and/or 180 degrees in relation to each other.10118131922. Stackable cup () according to claim 1 , wherein stacking elements ( claim 1 ,) or ( claim ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167827A1

A drinking vessel with an ergonomic rim for maximizing the contact area between the rim of the drinking vessel and the lips of a user is provided for. The drinking vessel includes a concave surface proximal the rim of the drinking vessel that mimics the curvature of a user's lower lip, thereby increasing contact area and reducing spillage. The drinking vessel may also include a rim configured to engage with a lid. An angled rim may also reduce the amount of wrist rotation required by a user to drink from the vessel. 1. A drinking vessel comprising:a base, one or more side walls having an exterior and an interior wall surface that together define an interior chamber;a rim at a top end of said one or more side walls;one or more concave surfaces on said exterior wall surface proximate said rim; andwherein said one or more concave surfaces are configured to ergonomically engage with the labium inferius oris of an intended user.2. The drinking vessel of claim 1 , wherein said rim is configured to releasably engage with a lid.3. The drinking vessel of claim 2 , wherein said concave surface substantially mimics the contours of the vermillion zone of a labium inferius oris.4. The drinking vessel of claim 2 , wherein said concave surface has an effective radius of less than 30 mm.5. The drinking vessel of claim 2 , wherein said concave surface has an effective radius of about 10-20 mm.6. The drinking vessel of claim 4 , wherein said concave surface extends around the entire circumference of said drinking vessel.7. The drinking vessel of claim 4 , wherein said concave surface extends over a portion claim 4 , but not the entire circumference of said drinking vessel.8. The drinking vessel of claim 4 , wherein said effective radius covers more than a 20-degree rotation claim 4 , but less than 110-degree rotation.9. The drinking vessel of claim 8 , wherein said drinking vessel further comprises a rim with a lip contact region on the exterior wall surface of said drinking vessel ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Beverage Receptacle and Valve for Injection-Via-Bottom Beverage Receptacle

Номер: US20200154915A1
Автор: Song In Hwan

The present invention relates to a beverage receptacle and a valve for an injection-via-bottom beverage receptacle, and more particularly, to a beverage receptacle and a valve for an injection-via-bottom beverage receptacle, the valve including a cover part configured to open and close an injection port, a blade part disposed at a lower portion of the cover part, and an elastic part disposed between the cover part and the blade part to apply an elastic force to the cover part in a direction of closing the injection port, wherein the elastic part includes a through-hole into which a nozzle is fitted and an injection hole configured to communicate with the through-hole, and the elastic part is formed of a soft elastic material. Because a structure of the valve is extremely simplified and thus washing and drying thereof are facilitated, bacterial propagation can be prevented, maintenance and repair of the structure are facilitated, and assembly of the structure is facilitated because of the reduced number of components. Because the nozzle is fitted to the elastic part, a beverage is prevented from leaking between the nozzle and the valve when the beverage is injected, and because elastic deformation of the cover part is not necessary when a beverage is injected, the cover part may be formed such that watertightness is maximized. 1. A beverage receptacle comprising:a receptacle main body including a bottom surface, in which an injection port is formed and a sidewall surrounding the bottom surface; anda valve at which the injection port is installed, wherein:the valve includes a cover part configured to open and close the injection port, a blade part disposed at a lower portion of the cover part, and an elastic part disposed between the cover part and the blade part to apply an elastic force to the cover part in a direction of closing the injection port;the elastic part includes a through-hole into which a nozzle is fitted and an injection hole configured to communicate ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210196063A1
Автор: CALDERAIO John P.
Принадлежит: Calderco Holdings Group, LLC

A single serve beverage cup, including for wine, is disclosed having a base, a bowl, a seal and a cover. The container may also include an outer package and an inner package. There is also disclosed a single serve beverage cup having a cavity for receiving a miniature liquor bottle for making a cocktail. 1. A single-serve beverage cup comprising a base , a bowl , a seal and a cover ,wherein said base extends with curvature downwardly from said bowl and comprises a bottom wall, a side wall and a top wall constructed and arranged to form an open bottom area in said base and the diameter of said base decreases from said bottom wall of said base to said top wall of said base,wherein said bowl comprises a bottom wall, a side wall and a top wall constructed and arranged to form an opening at said top wall for receiving a beverage and said bottom wall of said bowl substantially corresponds to said top wall of said base and the diameter of said bowl increases from said bottom wall of said bowl to said top wall of said bowl,wherein at least a portion of said top wall of said base and at least a portion of said bottom wall of said bowl form a punt base in said bowl, andwherein said seal and cover are constructed and arranged to close said opening of said bowl and retain said beverage in said cup and are adapted to be opened to expose said beverage for drinking.2. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said cup is made of plastic.3. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said plastic is polyethylene terephthalate.4. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said polyethylene terephthalate includes an oxygen inhibitor.5. The single-serve beverage cup according to claim wherein said seal and cover are attached to said cup by induction sealing.6. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said seal and cover are attached to said cup by induction sealing.7. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said cup includes a first outer ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140255630A1

The objective of the present invention is to provide a molded paper body in which the outer peripheral portion of a blank primarily of paper is formed in a raised shape using draw processing, wherein the molded paper body eliminates the occurrence of wrinkles causing leaking or instability of adhesion when used as the bottom member of a paper cup or similar paper container and a forming method thereof. The method for manufacturing this molded paper body is to draw-process, with a punch and die, a single blank primarily of paper, and is characterized by use of a holding mechanism to press the outer peripheral portion of the blank between a wrinkle pressing member and the die upper surface, and setting the force applied by the wrinkle pressing member within an appropriate range.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200165043A1

Disclosed are various embodiments for ownership indicators for beverage containers such as soda cans. In a first embodiment, a beverage container has a circumferentially arranged legend of a plurality of symbols, and a rotating marker configured to indicate one or more of the plurality of symbols. 1. A beverage container , comprising:a legend of a plurality of symbols disposed on a circular planar surface of the beverage container, the legend comprising an outer row of symbols arranged in a first arc of the circular planar surface and an inner row of symbols being arranged in a second arc of the circular planar surface, each of the plurality of symbols being distinct and corresponding to a single letter, a single number, or a single non-alphanumeric character glyph; anda rotating marker affixed to the circular planar surface, the rotating marker comprising an indicator configured to point simultaneously at a first singular symbol in the inner row and a second singular symbol in the outer row.2. The beverage container of claim 1 , wherein the indicator is disposed on a portion of the rotating marker that is configured to be positioned over a portion of the circular planar surface between the inner row and the outer row.3. The beverage container of claim 1 , wherein the rotating marker comprises an opening that is configured to be positioned over a portion of the inner row of symbols.4. The beverage container of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of symbols do not indicate contents of the beverage container.5. The beverage container of claim 1 , wherein the beverage container is a beverage can claim 1 , and the rotating marker is a pull tab.6. The beverage container of claim 5 , wherein the outer row of symbols is visible outside of the pull tab claim 5 , and the inner row of symbols is visible through a hole in the pull tab.7. The beverage container of claim 5 , wherein the indicator is disposed on the pull tab at an outer edge of the pull tab.8. The beverage container ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Packaging board, its use and products made thereof

Номер: US20140272213A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention relates to a packaging board comprising a fibrous base and one or more polymer coating layers on one or both sides of the fibrous base. According to the invention the fibrous base contains the combination of an alkyl ketene dimer size, stearic acid anhydride, a wet-strength size and an aluminium compound, which give the board resistance to aggressive liquids as well as thermal treatment, particularly an improved resistance to raw edge penetration in such circumstances. The invention further relates to containers and packages made of the board, for instance disposable drinking cups, dairy product cartons and auto-clave packages, as well as use of the board for such purposes.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214135A1
Автор: COATES Ken, ORSBORN Brian

A sealed container () for beverages, especially pressurised beverages, comprises a cup () with an open top () and a lip () circumscribing the open top, and a sealing lid () heat welded to the lip (). The paperboard lid comprises a micron-sized pressure release aperture () providing pressure regulation within the cup when the beverage is disturbed. The container includes a removable transport cap () for sealing engagement with the top of the cup () having a top panel () and a skirt () circumscribing the top panel, in which the top panel includes a first annular sealing head () configured to abut the sealing lid () when the plastic lid is engaged on the top of the cup. A welding machine () for sealing the sealing lid () to the lip () of the cup () is also described. 1. A kit for assembling a sealed container containing a beverage , the kit comprising:{'b': 2', '3', '4, 'a paperboard cup () with an open top () and a lip () circumscribing the open top;'}{'b': 5', '13', '2', '25', '5', '13', '2', '33, 'a paperboard sealing lid () dimensioned to be welded to the lip of the cup continuously around the lip to seal the paperboard cup; a removable transport cap () for sealing engagement with the top of the cup () configured to define a headspace chamber () between the sealing lid () and the transport cap () for receipt and retainment of fluid exiting the cup () and a welding machine () comprising a welding head configured for sealing the paperboard sealing lid to the lip of the cup,'}wherein in use a beverage is dispensed into the cup, and the welding machine is actuated whereby the welding head welds the paperboard sealing lid to the lip of the cup continuously around the lip to provide the sealed container containing the beverage.2. A kit as claimed in claim 1 , in which the beverage is a pressurised beverage.356. A kit as claimed in or claim 1 , in which the sealing lid () includes a pressure release aperture ().4. A kit as claimed in claim 3 , in which the pressure ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180184824A1
Автор: John P. Calderaio
Принадлежит: Calderco Holdings Group LLC

A single serve beverage cup, including for wine, is disclosed having a base, a bowl, a seal and a cover. The container may also include an outer package and an inner package. There is also disclosed a single serve beverage cup having a cavity for receiving a miniature liquor bottle for making a cocktail.

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190185257A1

A cup, including a container, including an elongated cell disposed vertically within a rim of the container; and a spoon, disposed within the elongated cell. 17-. (canceled)8. A cup , comprising:a container including an elongated cell disposed vertically within a rim of the container; anda spoon disposed within the elongated cell.9. The cup of claim 8 , wherein the rim includes:an external peripheral wall;an internal peripheral wall; anda gap between the external and internal peripheral walls;thereby improving heat isolation of the rim.10. The cup of claim 9 , wherein the rim includes a top peripheral cover claim 9 , open by an opening claim 9 , including a top opening of the elongated cell.11. The cup of claim 8 , wherein the spoon is surrounded by sugar stuck thereto.12. The cup of claim 11 , wherein the spoon includes a breaking line claim 11 , such that breaking of the spoon selects a fraction of the stuck sugar.13. The cup of claim 8 , wherein the spoon includes a breaking line.14. The cup of claim 8 , further comprising: an bottom floor;', 'an top floor; and', 'a gap disposed between the bottom floor and top floor., 'a bottom, including The invention relates to the field of disposable cups. More particularly, the invention relates to a disposable cup including ingredients.There is a long felt need to provide a disposable cup including most of the ingredients, for making, a cup of coffee, for example, an easy task.A cup, including:is a front sectional view of a cup according to one embodiment of the invention.A cup according to one embodiment of the invention, includes a container , including an external peripheral wall A and an internal peripheral wall B; and a spoon , for being stored in an elongated cell , disposed between external peripheral wall A and internal peripheral wall B.At the first step, the user removes spoon , for between external peripheral wall A and internal peripheral wall B.is a perspective view front sectional view of the cup of .Spoon is ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Dual Drinking Cup

Номер: US20150208839A1
Автор: Adam Shalmoni
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention provides a reversibly-attached and easily-separated set of nested cups. The outer cup can quickly and easily be detached from the inner cup, and the two cups used to share a single drink. When not in use, the outer cup remains securely attached, and provides a degree of insulation for the contents of the inner cup.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210228017A1

A beverage brewing package includes a cup and a sealant film. The cup may be formed by a thermoforming process. 1. A cup for a beverage brewing package , the cup comprisinga floor,a brim located spaced-apart from the floor and extending circumferentially around a central axis, anda side wall extending from the floor to the brim,{'sup': '3', 'wherein the cup comprises a multi-layer sheet configured to form a cannula aperture in response to a force being applied by a cannula to the cup so that any fractures extending from the cannula aperture are minimized and the multi-layer sheet has a density less than about 1 g/cmto cause the multi-layer sheet to float in a sink/float separation tank, and'}wherein the multi-layer sheet comprises a polypropylene impact copolymer and a mineral filler.2. A multi-layer sheet comprisingan inner-skin layer,a barrier layer, andan outer-skin layer spaced-apart from the inner-skin layer to locate the barrier layer therebetween,{'sup': 3', '3, 'wherein the outer-skin layer comprises a polypropylene impact copolymer and a mineral filler and wherein the multi-layer sheet has a density of about 0.9 g/cmto about 0.98 g/cm.'} This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/631,236, filed Jun. 23, 2017, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/355,366, filed Jun. 28, 2016, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/379,995, filed Aug. 26, 2016, each of which is expressly incorporated by reference herein.The present disclosure relates to a package, and particularly to one-cup beverage brewing systems. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to a cup included in a one-cup beverage package.A beverage-brewing package in accordance with the present disclosure includes a cup formed to include an interior region. In illustrative embodiments, the beverage-brewing package also includes coffee, tea, or cocoa grinds stored in the interior region of the cup.In illustrative ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190193891A1

System and process for creation of a single-serve shot-glass with a flared shaft, curved brim and peel-off lid. A lip attachment can be applied to the sealed shot-glass to define the flare shaft. The shot glass has a flat top edge to facilitate sealing of the lid. Embodiments can use a vibration plate, gears and/or conveyer belts to create the sealed shot-glasses with flared shafts. The lip or ring can create the flared shaft when integrated with the glass. 1. Any and all features of novelty described , suggested , referred to , exemplified , or shown herein , including but not limited to processes , systems , and devices.1. A process for manufacturing the single-serve shot-glass system comprising:creating shot-glasses from molds;slicing lids from the lid materials;dispensing alcohol into the shot-glasses;sealing the shot-glasses with a peel-off lid and an adhesive;creating a ring-shaped lip attachment; andapplying the lip attachment to the sealed shot glass.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the lip attachment creates a flared shaft that curves outward from bottom to top such that the opening at a brim of the shot glass may have a greater circumference than the circumference of a base of the lip attachment claim 1 , the brim having a flat top edge to facilitate adhesion of the peel-off lid.3. The process of wherein the lip attachment has a smooth curvature that curves outward from bottom to top to facilitate drinking.4. The process of wherein the lip attachment has a smooth curvature that integrates with the brim to generate a rounded brim claim 1 , the rounded brim having a flat top portion.5. The process of wherein the alcohol is dispensed to a fill line in the glass claim 1 , the fill line being below the applied lip attachment.6. The process of wherein lip attachment has a flared shaft claim 1 , wherein the flat top edge extends away from an outer edge of the flared shaft.7. A single-serve claim 1 , shot-glass system comprising:a shot-glass containing ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Marine biodegradable paper products

Номер: US20210237952A1
Автор: Hing Hwang
Принадлежит: Individual

Marine biodegradable paper products comprising siding attached to a base, the siding and the base comprising a marine biodegradable material, the marine biodegradable material comprising a combination of pulps configured to dissolve safely in water for marine life after a time period. Methods for disposing a paper product comprising utilizing the paper product to contain a liquid, disposing the paper product in water after consuming the liquid, and dissolving the paper product in the water.

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170215612A1

A liquid container includes a brim forming a mouth opening into a product receiving chamber formed in a cup. A lid is coupled to the rim to close the mouth of the cup. 1. (canceled)2. A lid for a cup , the lid comprisinga ring-shaped brim mount having a round shape with a center point located on a central axis of the lid, the ring-shaped brim mount being adapted to couple to a brim included in a cup,a central closure including an elevated basin arranged to lie in spaced-apart relation to the ring-shaped brim mount and formed to include a sip aperture and a well aperture, a product-retaining shell coupled to a perimeter of the elevated basin and arranged to extend toward and couple to the ring-shaped brim mount, a well coupled to the elevated basin and arranged to extend dowardly toward the ring-shaped brim mount, and a nub coupled to the elevated basin,a sip flap including a sip-flap tab and a sip-flap hinge arranged to extend between and interconnect the sip-flap tab to the elevated basin to allow the sip-flap tab to move between a closed position in which the sip-flap tab lies in and closes the sip aperture and an opened position in which the nub extends into the well aperture,wherein the sip flap lies between the ring-shaped brim mount and a top wall of the product-retaining shell.3. The lid of claim 2 , wherein the product-retaining shell includes a product-retaining wall arranged to lie in spaced-apart radial relation to the elevated basin and a top wall arranged to extend between and interconnect the product-retaining wall and the elevated basin.4. The lid of claim 3 , wherein a portion of the nub extends above the top wall when the sip-flap tab is in the closed position.5. The lid of claim 4 , wherein the elevated basin is arranged to extend downwardly away from the top wall.6. The lid of claim 5 , wherein the elevated basin includes a first planar portion formed to include the sip aperture.7. The lid of claim 5 , wherein the elevated basin includes a first ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации

Passing a Blob from a Container into a Mouth

Номер: US20170224141A1

Among other things, a container has two open ends and a blob that is edible or medicinal. The blob is in contact with an inner wall of the container. The inner wall is tapered to be narrower at one of the open ends than at the other open end. 143.-. (canceled)44. An apparatus comprisinga plastic shot glass having two spaced apart parallel open ends of different sizes and a connecting wall tapers from one of the open ends to the other of the open ends,a gelled mass that includes alcohol and is in contact with an inner surface of the tapered wall of the shot glass to provide a seal to prevent air from passing from one of the open ends to the other open end,a removable cover sealed to a rim at the larger open end,a space between the gelled mass and an inner surface of the cover sealed to the rim at the larger open end,a graphical element configured to be scanned by a camera of a mobile device and to represent coded information to be used or forwarded by the mobile device, the coded information enabling identification of characteristics of the gelled mass.45. The apparatus of in which the apparatus is associated with a particular event and the coded information is associated with the event.46. The apparatus of in which the coded information comprises an online link associated with the event.47. The apparatus of in which the graphical element comprises a QR code.48. The apparatus of in which the graphical element is on a removable cover of the apparatus.49. The apparatus of in which the graphical element is unique to the apparatus.50. The apparatus of in which the graphical element is the same as a graphical element on at least one other such apparatus.51. The apparatus of in which the apparatus is part of a group of such apparatuses associated with a batch of gelled masses or an event or both.52. The apparatus of in which the coded information comprises a serial number.53. The apparatus of comprising an app for a mobile device claim 44 , the app configured to associate ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200221890A1
Автор: CALDERAIO John P.
Принадлежит: Calderco Holdings Group, LLC

A single serve beverage cup, including for wine, is disclosed having a base, a bowl, a seal and a cover. The container may also include an outer package and an inner package. There is also disclosed a single serve beverage cup having a cavity for receiving a miniature liquor bottle for making a cocktail. 1. A single-serve beverage cup comprising a base , a bowl , a seal and a cover ,wherein said base extends with curvature downwardly from said bowl and comprises a bottom wall, a side wall and a top wall constructed and arranged to form an open bottom area in said base and the diameter of said base decreases from said bottom wall of said base to said top wall of said base,wherein said bowl comprises a bottom wall, a side wall and a top wall constructed and arranged to form an opening at said top wall for receiving a beverage and said bottom wall of said bowl substantially corresponds to said top wall of said base and the diameter of said bowl increases from said bottom wall of said bowl to said top wall of said bowl,wherein the diameter of the bottom wall of said base is less than the diameter of said top wall of said bowl, andwherein said seal and cover are constructed and arranged to close said opening of said bowl and retain said beverage in said cup and are adapted to be opened to expose said beverage for drinking.2. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said cup is made of plastic.3. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said plastic is polyethylene terephthalate.4. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said polyethylene terephthalate includes an oxygen inhibitor.5. The single-serve beverage cup according to claim wherein said seal and cover are attached to said cup by induction sealing.6. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said seal and cover are attached to said cup by induction sealing.7. The single-serve beverage cup according to wherein said cup includes a first outer packaging and a second inner ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Lid for a Beverage Cup Including a Snack Storage Reservoir

Номер: US20180237205A1
Принадлежит: Crazy Minds, LLC

A lid for a beverage cup includes: (a) a radial collar configured to engage with a rim of a drinking cup mouth, having an inner radial surface and an outer radial surface; (b) an outer reservoir wall extending axially upward from the outer surface of the radial collar and enclosing a reservoir chamber above the radial collar, and including an upper rim; (c) a reservoir floor extending radially inward from an upper end of the inner surface of the radial collar and substantially closing the reservoir chamber from below the reservoir floor, the floor including a fluid path opening providing at least part of a fluid path extending upward through the reservoir chamber, the fluid path opening being positioned along a first diametrical line extending through the reservoir chamber; (d) an inner wall separating the fluid path from the reservoir chamber substantially in the shape of an upside-down funnel extending upward from the floor, having a minor diameter extending above a vertical level of the upper rim of the outer reservoir wall to form a spout; and (e) a cap connected to the upper rim of the outer wall with a first living hinge and including a first segment with a hole adapted to receive the spout. 1. A lid for a beverage cup comprising:a radial collar configured to engage with a rim of a drinking cup mouth, having an inner radial surface and an outer radial surface;an outer reservoir wall extending axially upward from the outer surface of the radial collar and enclosing a reservoir chamber above the radial collar, and including an upper rim;a reservoir floor extending radially inward from an upper end of the inner surface of the radial collar and substantially closing the reservoir chamber from below the reservoir floor, the floor including a fluid path opening providing at least part of a fluid path extending upward through the reservoir chamber, the fluid path opening being positioned along a first diametrical line extending through the reservoir chamber; andan ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180244454A1

A combined wine glass and wine bottle package includes a wine glass constructed from molded plastic with an upper shell-shaped body defining an upwardly narrowing tapered flume of generally uniform thickness and a contoured lower base defining an annular moat surrounding a central punt. A wine bottle is sized to fit substantially into the wine glass in an inverted orientation with a removable bottle cap nested within the central punt, and with an upper rim of the wine bottle snap-fitted into a shallow groove formed in the wine bottle near a lower end thereof. This entire package is sterile-wrapped in a sealed shrink-wrap plastic or the like. The package can be opened when desired to permit removal of the wine bottle from the wine glass, following by bottle opening and pouring of the contents into the wine glass. 1. In combination:a glass having an upwardly narrowing tapered flume of entirely generally uniform thickness terminating in a smooth upper rim and a lower base defining a central component surrounded by an upstanding wall defining a smooth inner surface; anda bottle having an upper end defining a pour spout and a lower end having an external groove, the pour spout seated within the beverage glass in spaced apart relation relative to the smooth inner surface of the upstanding wall, wherein the upper rim of the beverage glass is received for snap-fit reception into the external groove.2. The combination of claim 1 , further comprising a seal member for sealing the bottle within the glass claim 1 , the seal member being removable to permit access to and removal of the bottle from the glass and to permit opening of the bottle by way of the pour spout.3. The combination of claim 2 , wherein the seal member comprises a shrink-wrap film extending about the bottle and the glass.4. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the glass comprises an at least partially transparent material.5. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the glass comprises a molded plastic material.6. ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Applying Aroma Releasing Material to Peel-Away Packaging

Номер: US20150259113A1
Автор: Steven Marc Landau
Принадлежит: Individual

A product package system having a container for holding a consumer product. A peel-away element is provided that selectively covers a section of container. The peel-away element can cover the access opening of the container, or some other element on the surface of the container. A coating of microencapsulants is disposed between the container and the peel-way element. The microencapsulants include encapsulated particles of scented compounds. The microencapsulants are set in a binding agent that attaches to both the container and the peel-away element. Consequently, any movement of the peel-away element relative the container disrupts the coating of microencapsulants and ruptures at least some of the encapsulated particles. This releases the scented compounds and produces a detectable scent.

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160257464A1

A portable silica gel noctilucent cup, which can be used as lighting equipment, is energy-saving and environment-friendly, and convenient to carry, overcoming defects in the prior art. The cup comprises: a cup body made of transparent or semitransparent silica gel, an opening portion of which is fixedly provided with a first fixed ring for supporting itself; a cup cover covered on the cup body, at least one face of the cup body towards the opening portion being transparent; and a light-emitting assembly comprising a light source, a solar battery panel mounted to a top portion of the cup cover, and a storage battery, which are electrically connected to the light source; wherein, a holding cavity for holding the battery and the light source is arranged on the cup cover, and at least a wall face of the holding cavity towards the opening portion transmits light. 1. A portable silica gel noctilucent cup , comprising:a cup body, which is made of silica gel and has certain transparency, wherein, an opening portion of the cup body is fixedly provided with a first fixed ring for supporting the opening portion;a cup cover, which is configured to be covered and fixed on the cup body detachably; anda light-emitting assembly, which comprises a solar battery panel, a storage battery, and a light source, wherein, the solar battery panel, the storage battery, and the light source are electrically connected thereamong;wherein, a holding cavity for holding the storage battery and the light source of the light-emitting assembly is arranged on the cup cover, and at least a wall face of the holding cavity towards the opening portion of the cup body is able to transmit light; andwherein, the solar battery panel is mounted to a top portion of the cup cover.2. The portable silica gel noctilucent cup according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the opening portion of the cup body is further provided with a second fixed ring corresponding to the first fixed ring claim 1 , and the first fixed ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Flexible Foodstuff Container With Closure

Номер: US20180251267A1
Автор: Rebecca Finell
Принадлежит: Individual

A sealable container comprising: a base having a geometric shape; sides extending from the base and defining a mouth opposite the base, wherein cross-sections of the sides parallel to the base have a geometric shape; and a seal of the mouth comprising: a first zipper member and a second zipper member, wherein when the seal is closed to seal the mouth the first and second zipper members engage each other to make the seal and when the seal is open the first and second zipper members disengage to break the seal, wherein the base, sides and seal comprise silicone, wherein the base and at least a portion of the sides adjacent the base are of sufficient thickness and rigidity for the container to freely stand vertically on its base with the mouth at the top, and wherein the seal and at least a portion of the sides defining the mouth are sufficiently flexible to allow the seal and side portion to be deformed between open and closed mouth configurations.

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248545A1

The unique popcorn/snack receptacle includes at least a body of circular cross-section having a height, an open top of a first diameter, and a closed bottom of a second diameter, smaller than the first diameter. One or more indentions, depressions or extensions may be formed into the body, added to the body or to the closed bottom, adapted to enhance gripping the receptacle by a user's hand, or adapted to engage the receptacle with a cup holder or an arm of a seat. The receptacle may also provide one or more indentions, depressions or extensions comprising two or more holes or circular depressions into the body of the receptacle proximally positioned to engage a thumb and at least one finger of one hand of the user, enhancing the user's grip in the receptacle. 1. A receptacle , comprising:a body of circular cross-section having a height, an open top of a first diameter, and a closed bottom of a second diameter, smaller then the first diameter; andone or more indentions, depressions or extensions formed into the body, added to the body or to the closed bottom, adapted to enhance gripping the receptacle by a user's hand, or adapted to engage the receptacle with a cup holder or an arm of a seat.2. The receptacle of wherein the one or more indentions claim 1 , depressions or extensions comprise two or more holes or circular depressions into the body of the receptacle proximally positioned to engage a thumb and at least one finger of one hand of the user claim 1 , enhancing the user's grip in the receptacle.3. The receptacle of wherein the one or more indentions claim 2 , depressions or extensions comprise five holes claim 2 , one for the user's thumb claim 2 , and one for each of the user's fingers.4. The receptacle of wherein the one or more indentions claim 1 , depressions or extensions comprise a series of vertically-oriented flexible bands spaced around the outside of the body of the receptacles claim 1 , such that a user is enabled to place portions of one or both ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257855A1
Автор: HAUG Hans
Принадлежит: Pester Pac Automation GmbH

A packaging, particularly for granular, powdery, paste-like or liquid goods, the packaging comprising a peripheral wall and, optionally, a base; the packaging having an essentially cylindrical, truncated cone-shaped, spherical, hemispherical, cartridge-shaped, pyramid-shaped or other shaped design; and said packaging, optionally, forming a cup along with the base. 1. Packaging unit , in particular for granular , powder-form , paste-like or liquid substances , wherein the packaging unit has a circumferential wall and , if applicable , a bottom , wherein the packaging unit is configured essentially in the form of a cylinder , truncated cone , sphere , hemisphere , cartridge , pyramid or some other shape , and forms a cup , together with the bottom , if applicable.2. The packaging unit according to claim 1 , wherein an edge flange or a lip is provided at the free end of the packaging unit claim 1 , wherein the edge flange or the lip can have an at least approximately constant thickness over its entire progression.3. The packaging unit according to claim 1 , wherein the packaging unit is closed off with a lid at its free end claim 1 , wherein the lid can also be configured to be flat.4. The packaging unit according to claim 1 , wherein in the case of a tubular packaging unit claim 1 , both free ends are closed off with a lid claim 1 , in each instance claim 1 , wherein one or both lids can also be configured to be flat.5. The packaging unit according to claim 3 , wherein the lid is welded on claim 3 , sealed on claim 3 , pressed on claim 3 , glued on and/or otherwise mechanically attached.6. The packaging unit according to claim 1 , wherein planned breaking points are provided in the bottom region for opening the packaging unit.7. The packaging unit according to claim 1 , wherein planned breaking points are provided in the lid for opening the packaging unit.8. The packaging unit according to claim 1 , wherein a screen or filter claim 1 , which can be exposed when the ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Essentially biobased, thermoformable composition and containers formed thereof

Номер: US20140363598A1
Принадлежит: HUHTAMAKI OYJ, Purac Biochem BV

An essentially biobased and optionally biodegradable, thermoformable composition containing a) as thermoformable resin at least one poly-L-lactide with less than 1 mol % of D-lactoyl units (PLLA) or at least one poly-L-lactide with 1-5 mol % of D-lactoyl units (PLA) and b) a nucleating combination of α) 1 to 10% Wt. of at least one poly-D-lactide with less than 1 mol % of L-lactoyl-units (PDLA) or of 0.5 to 5% Wt. of PLLA/PDLA or PLA/PDLA stereocomplex crystallites, β) 0.1 to 25% Wt. of an inorganic nucleating agent, and γ) 0.1 to 30% Wt. of at least an inorganic filler with lamellar structure, and thermoformed, essentially biobased and optionally biodegradable containers formed of the inventive compositions.

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Cup Container Having An Integrated Sleeve

Номер: US20160280412A1
Автор: DAmato Gianfranco

The present invention provides a container cup having a substantially frustoconical shape and comprising a side wall and a bottom wall, the container cup is characterized in that said side wall has an annular region which comprises at least one or more stiffening grooves, and an outer annular member arranged externally onto said cup wall and at said at least one or more grooves. 1. A container cup having a substantially frustoconical shape comprising a side wall and a bottom wall ,wherein the side wall has an annular region which comprises at least one stiffening grooves, and an outer annular member arranged externally onto said cup wall and at said at least one or more grooves, wherein there is an interference fitting of the outer annular member onto an outer surface of the side wall and the annular region comprising said at least one groove, said annular member generating a surface which shows continuity with respect to the outer surface of the side wall.2. The container cup according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling between said outer annular member and said wall at said at least one groove creates a region having a greater thermal insulation compared to the surrounding regions of the cup or side wall.3. Container cup according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling between said outer annular member and said cup wall at said at least one groove is achieved by attachment of the former onto the latter.4. container cup according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling between said outer annular member and said cup wall at said at least one or more grooves generates one or more confined spaces defined between said annular member and said wall.5. Container cup according to claim 1 , wherein at least one groove provides a support for the stacking of a respective second similar cup.6. Container cup according to claim 1 , wherein said cup is made of a plastic material.7. Container cup according to claim 1 , wherein said cup is made of a paper material.8. Container cup according to ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283920A1

A solution for a logistical problem within the beverage industry, specifically related to hot beverages such as coffee and tea; namely, storing the means to sell the beverages, which generally includes a cup, a lid for the cup, and an insulation sleeve that allows holding the cup in a comfortable way for the consumer, avoiding burns due to the high temperatures of the liquid. Thus, the container presented here unifies the 3 elements, comprising a body formed by a base and a wall, where the upper edge of said container has a group of flaps that in their closed position enables liquid containment and prevents spillage in case the container is moved, and through a modification in the cross profile of the wall. Additionally, the container has an insulation sleeve that keeps the contact surface at a low temperature. 1. A liquid container , comprising:a base;a wall joined to the base; andseveral flaps joined to the upper edge of the container in such a way that when they close, the mouth of the container formed by the base and the wall is covered;characterized in that the wall joined to the base has a circular profile in its lower edge which modifies its geometry up to a polygonal profile in its upper edge, where the sides of the polygonal profile are the junction point between the wall and the flaps; andthe overlap of the flaps in closed position forms several sealing points, where one of the vertices of the polygonal profiles includes a first cut in one internal flap and a second cut in one external flap, in a manner that when the flaps are closed an opening for pouring is formed enabling the extraction of the liquid from the container.21. A liquid container according to claim number , wherein the wall is joined to the base in a perpendicular manner , where the joint angle is equal or greater than 90°.31. A liquid container according to claim number , wherein the polygonal profile is a rectangular profile.41. A liquid container according to claim number , wherein one of ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160303811A1
Автор: Pantelleria Joseph A.

A plastic container is provided having a sidewall, a downwardly extending upper lip, and a perforated line defined at a top edge of the container where the lip and sidewall are joined. The sidewall and lip may be formed from a container body constructed of a single sheet of material that is wrapped such that marginal edge portions of the blank are brought together in overlapping fashion to form a side seam. When the sidewall and lip are formed from such a blank of material, the perforated line is formed a specified distance below a top edge of such blank. The perforated line reduces the amount of force, heat and lubricant required in order to form (e.g., curl, roll, fold or bend) the upper lip of the container. The slits of the perforated line may extend across a width of the blank in either a uniform or variable fashion. 114.-. (canceled)15. A method of manufacturing a container , said method comprising the steps of:providing a plastic container body, said container body having top and bottom edges;forming a perforated line having slits at a specified distance below said container body top edge; andcurling, rolling, folding or bending a top portion of said container body outwardly and downwardly to form a lip that circumscribes a top portion of said container body.16. The method of further comprising the steps of:providing a blank of material having opposing marginal side edge portions; andwrapping said blank such that said marginal edge portions are brought together in overlapping fashion to form a side seam.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein said perforated line is formed into said blank prior to said blank being wrapped.18. The method of claim 15 , wherein when said lip is formed claim 15 , said container body top edge becomes a lower edge of said lip.19. The method of claim 15 , wherein when said lip is formed claim 15 , said container body defines an upwardly opening mouth having a mouth top edge and wherein said slits of said perforated line are defined ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Drink-Through Lid With Straw Compartment

Номер: US20150313390A1
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

The present invention discloses a lid for closing a drinking cup, wherein the lid includes a drinking straw and an opening for direct mouth drinking. The repartitioning between a first part of the lid used for the straw and a second part used for the opening for mouth drinking is preferably 2:1 when expressed in surface area of a base portion of the lid A first and a second cavity , , in which the straw and the opening for mouth drinking are respectively contained, are formed and sealed in the first and second part , of the lid respectively, by a first cover to one side of the lid and by a second cover and third cover respectively, to the other side of the lid 1. A lid for closing a drinking cup comprising:a base portion for attaching the lid to the drinking cup, wherein the base portion comprises or is provided with a circumferential side wall, and with a transversal wall for separating the base portion into a first part and a second part; anda first cover attached at least to the circumferential side wall for forming a first cavity between the first part of the base portion and the first cover, and a second cavity between the second part of the base portion and the first cover; andwherein the first cavity contains a drinking straw and the second cavity contains an opening for mouth drinking.2. The lid according to claim 1 , wherein an area ratio of the first part to the second part of the base portion is larger than 1:1.3. The lid according to claim 1 , wherein the first cover is an adhesive membrane.4. The lid according to claim 1 , wherein the first cover is removable and re-attachable.5. The lid according to claim 1 , wherein the first cover is printable.6. The lid according to claim 1 , wherein the first cover is precut into two sections so that a first section forms the first cavity and a second section forms the second cavity claim 1 , and both sections are attached to the transversal wall.7. The lid according to claim 6 , wherein each section of the first ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200290786A1

An environment protected starch container device includes a starch container mainly made of starch material for holding solid or liquid foods or other objects; a silicon layer adhered to a surface of the starch container; and wherein the function of the silicon layer is to cause the starch container to be waterproof; originally, the starch container is not waterproof; furthermore in natural environment, the silicon layer and the starch container are capably of decomposition naturally without polluting the environment; therefore the container is capable of holding water therein and is reusable for many times. The starch material comprises 50 wt %˜90 wt % (weight percentage) starch; 5 wt %˜25 wt % fiber enhancer for enhancing a structure of the starch material; and 3 wt %˜30 wt % CaCO3 for hardening the structure of the starch material. The starch material may further comprise 0.02 wt %˜5 wt % foaming material.

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180304516A1
Автор: Strachan Mark

A single use container having integrated intertwining patterns on one or more of an outer surface and an inner surface. A method of forming a single use container having integrated intertwining patterns that includes extruding a polymer material, injecting a plurality of colors at respective predetermined locations of the extruded flow of polymer material, agitating the extruded flow with the injected colors, extruding the agitated flow into a flat sheet, and molding the flat sheet to a shape of the single use container. 1. A single use container , comprising:one or more first layers of a first polymer material having a first pigmentation, the first pigmentation comprising a pigmentation type selected from the group consisting of Phthalocynanine Green, Phthalocynanine Blue, Benzimidazolone Yellow or Orange, Alizarine Maroons, Titanium Dioxide White, Permanent Red 2B, and Carbon Black; andone or more second layers of a second polymer material having a second pigmentation, the second pigmentation being different from the first pigmentation and comprising a pigmentation type selected from the group;wherein at least one of the first layers and at least one of the second layers are intertwined with each other on one or more of an outer surface and an inner surface of the single use container.2. The single use container of claim 1 , wherein the first polymer material and the second polymer material comprise a same material selected from the group consisting of polypropylene claim 1 , HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene) claim 1 , APET (Amorphous Polethylene Terephthalate) claim 1 , HDPE (High Density Polyethylene).3. The single use container of claim 1 , wherein the intertwined at least one first layer and at least one second layer form one or more isotropic pattern features on the one or more of the outer surface and the inner surface of the single use container.4. The single user container of claim 3 , wherein the intertwined at least one first layer and at least one second ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Applying Aroma Releasing Material to Product Packaging

Номер: US20170341818A1
Автор: Landau Steven Marc

A system for creating a microencapsulate coating composition and the method of adding the scented microencapsulate coating to product packaging. The microencapsulate coating contains scented compounds that are encapsulated to create encapsulated particles. The encapsulant can be either water soluble or hydrophobic depending upon the intended application. The encapsulated particles are mixed with a binding agent, to create a scented microencapsulate coating. The scented microencapsulate coating is applied to packaging in areas that will be touched as the packaging is manipulated. The physical contact ruptures the microencapsulate coating and releases the scented compounds contained therein. 1. A method of adding a scented microencapsulate coating to the exterior of a sealed packaging container , said method comprising the steps of:providing a sealed packaging container that holds a consumable product therein, said sealed packaging container having external areas that are isolated from said product that are handled by a person opening said sealed packaging container for removal of said consumable product from within said sealed packaging container;providing scented compounds;providing an encapsulant;providing a binding agent;encapsulating said scented compounds in said encapsulant to create encapsulated particles;mixing said encapsulated particles with a binding agent, to create an emulsion, wherein said encapsulated particles are suspended within said binding agent;uniformly applying said emulsion to at least one of said external areas on said sealed packaging container in a thickness that fully encases said encapsulated particles within said binding agent; andcuring said emulsion to create a scented microencapsulate coating where said encapsulated particles are encased within said binding agent.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said encapsulant is water soluble.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said binding agent is hydrophobic.4. The method ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Tray-Shaped Article Having Smooth Edges and Amenable to Multiple Film Sealing Methods

Номер: US20170341840A1
Автор: Millard F. Wallace
Принадлежит: Converter Manufacturing LLC

The disclosure relates to forming shaped thermoplastic articles having smooth peripheries. Many thermoplastic articles have sharp edges formed upon molding or cutting the article from a feedstock sheet. Such sharp edges can damage thin plastic films or flesh which they contact, and smoothing the edges is desirable. Described herein are methods of forming a smooth periphery for such sharp-edged articles by rolling over the sharp edge. The smoothing operation is performed by forming a deflectable flange including a bend region separated from the potentially sharp peripheral edge by a spacer, deflecting a portion of the deflectable flange, and softening at least one bent portion of the deflectable flange to yield a smooth periphery upon cooling.

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200331692A1

The container has a blow molded piece forming a hollow plastic body. The body has a bottom and an annular side wall longitudinally extending from an annular base to a top. A thin flexible lid of foil material covers and seals a wide top opening of the container. The top is connected to the outer rim of an annular top flange. The top flange protrudes radially inward and delimit the opening at an inner rim. The lid is axially adhered to the flange upper face and can be peeled away, optionally using a pull tab that extends beyond the outer rim. Except at region of the pull tab, the annular outer edge of the lid extends parallel to the outer rim, not beyond 1.0 or 2.0 mm from the outer rim. 2. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow body is a one-piece body made of thermoplastic material.3. The container according to claim 2 , wherein the hollow body is made of PET.4. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible top lid is deprived from any metal foil.5. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the side wall has a flat longitudinal profile claim 1 , at least in an upper portion of the side wall claim 1 , the upper portion extending at least 10.0 mm downwardly from the outer rim of the top flange.6. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the side wall comprises an upper portion adjacent to the top and a lower portion adjacent to the base claim 1 , and wherein the side wall comprises a peripheral bulge at a junction between the upper portion and the lower portion.7. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the side wall is provided with a decorative sleeve covering at least an upper portion of the side wall.8. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible top lid forms an uppermost face of the container.9. The container according to claim 1 , further comprising a pull tab that extends beyond the outer rim of the top flange claim 1 , wherein the flexible top lid is in an unfolded state when sealing the top opening ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Degradable sheet material

Номер: US20190352476A1
Принадлежит: Polymateria Ltd

A sheet material formed of a degradeable composition comprising 30 to 80 wt % calcium carbonate, an additive, and the balance a polymer selected from polyethylene, polypropylene and copolymers and blends thereof. The additive comprises (a) two or more transition metal compounds, (b) a mono- or poly-unsaturated C 14 -C 24 carboxylic acid, or an ester, anhydride or amide thereof, (c) a synthetic rubber. The addition optionally comprises (d) dry starch, and/or (e) calcium oxide, and/or (f) a phenolic antioxidant stabilizer. The two or more transition metal compounds are selected from iron, manganese, copper, zinc, titanium, cobalt and cerium compounds and the transition metals in the two or more transition metal compounds are different.

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200376738A1

A drink cup includes a body formed to include an interior fluid-storage region and a brim. The brim is coupled to the body to surround an opening into the interior fluid-storage region. The brim is formed by a brim-forming machine. 1. A brim-forming machine comprisinga set of four brim formers each configured to rotate about a former axis that is spaced from every other former axis,a hot-air manifold coupled to the set of brim formers and configured to provide hot air to the set of brim formers,a cold-water supply coupled to the set of brim formers in longitudinal spaced-apart relation to the hot-air manifold and configured to supply cooling water to the set of brim formers, andan alignment system coupled to the set of brim formers and configured to change radial and circumferential positioning of each brim former in the set of brim formers.2. The brim-forming machine of claim 1 , wherein each brim former includes a rotating spindle configured to rotate about the former axis and a servo motor coupled to the rotating spindle to drive rotation of the rotating spindle.3. The brim-forming machine of claim 2 , wherein the rotating spindle includes a hot-screw section which is heated to a hot temperature by the hot air claim 2 , a cold-screw section which is cooled by the cooling water claim 2 , and an insulation block located between the hot-screw section and the cold-screw section and configured to minimize the flow of heat from the hot-screw section to the cold-screw section and the hot temperature is greater than the cold temperature.4. The brim-forming machine of claim 3 , wherein the hot-screw section includes an inner cylinder that defines a first hot air passageway and an outer cylinder spaced radially from the inner cylinder such that a second hot air passageway is located between the inner cylinder and the outer cylinder.5. The brim-forming machine of claim 4 , wherein the inner cylinder is formed to include a plurality of longitudinal slots that extend radially ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации

Cups and Containers with a Living Hinge and Sleeves

Номер: US20190375560A1
Автор: Tobias Glenn

The present invention is directed to cups, containers, and sleeves therefore having a living hinge and a dual seal structure on the lid such that the seal created by the contact of the lid with the inside of the cup or container ensures a secure, friction fit orientation to prevent spillage or leakage of the contents therein. The dual seal is created by a first component on the lip of the lid that extends down from the top of the lid and is substantial in shape with a rib on the bottom edge of the lip and the circumference of the lip that is of the same size and shape as the inner circumference of the cup or container such that a secure seal is created when closed. The cups and containers also have an inner concentric structure that follows the shape of the cup or container just above the base to offer stabilization, and ease of stacking, removal, and manufacture. 1. A molded , sealable cup for holding liquid or food comprising(a) a lower, receptacle portion having a base, an open top, and side walls in between the base and the open top, the base having a smaller diameter than the top, the side walls forming a cylinder from the base to the open top and creating an inner and outer portion of the cup, the open top having an upper edge defining the outermost circumference of the open top and a living hinge with a flexible radius and an indentation that runs the full circumference of the inner portion of the cup below the upper edge;(b) the living hinge molded in the upper edge of the open top attached to the lower receptacle portion and a lid, the living hinge allowing the lid to flex over the open top wherein the lid securably fits into the indentation that runs the full circumference of the inner portion of the cup;(c) the lid having a top surface and a bottom surface of a size and shape to securably fit into the inner circumference of the open top of the cup, the top surface of the lid being sloped downward from the outermost circumference of the open top to the ...

08-02-2019 дата публикации

Insulated multi-layer sheet and method of making the same

Номер: CA3013576A1
Принадлежит: Berry Global Inc

A multi-layer sheet includes an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material, a film, and a polymeric-lamination layer. The insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material may be formed from a polymeric formulation comprising a base resin blend and a physical nucleating agent.

17-08-2021 дата публикации

Insulated container and method of making the same

Номер: US11091311B2
Принадлежит: Berry Global Inc

An insulative cup is formed of a multi-layer sheet. The multi-layer sheet comprises an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material, a film layer, and a polymeric lamination layer. The insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material is formed from a formulation comprising a base resin blend and a physical nucleating agent.

04-01-2022 дата публикации

Insulated multi-layer sheet and method of making the same

Номер: US11214429B2
Принадлежит: Berry Global Inc

A multi-layer sheet includes an insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material, a film, and a polymeric-lamination layer. The insulative cellular non-aromatic polymeric material may be formed from a polymeric formulation comprising a base resin blend and a physical nucleating agent.

27-08-2015 дата публикации

A method for manufacturing a packaging material

Номер: WO2015125101A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention relates to a polymer-coated packaging material, a method of manufacturing the same, and products, such as a disposable drinking cup, made from the material. The packaging material comprises a fibrous base (1) of paper or board and an extruded polymer layer (2) containing a blend of (i) 0 to 25 wt-% of a branched low-density polyethylene (LDPE)with a lower melt viscosity and (ii) 75 to 90 wt-% of a linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) with a higher melt viscosity. The packaging material of the invention comprises multilayer coatings, e.g.an adhesive innermost and a heat-sealable outermost layer (2, 4) of said blend and a vapour barrier middle layer (3) of at most 90 wt- % of high density polyethylene (HDPE). The layers (2, 3, 4) are brought and adhered to the fibrous base (1) by coextrusion. To maximize renewability of the materials HDPE and LLDPE as used for the structure are of biologic origin.

07-08-2018 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a packaging material

Номер: US10040273B2
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention relates to a polymer-coated packaging material, a method of manufacturing the same, and products, such as a disposable drinking cup, made from the material. The packaging material comprises a fibrous base (1) of paper or board and an extruded polymer layer (2) containing a blend of (i) 0 to 25 wt-% of a branched low-density polyethylene (LDPE) with a lower melt viscosity and (ii) 75 to 90 wt-% of a linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) with a higher melt viscosity. The packaging material of the invention comprises multilayer coatings, e.g. an adhesive innermost and a heat-sealable outermost layer (2, 4) of said blend and a vapor barrier middle layer (3) of at most 90 wt-% of high density polyethylene (HDPE). The layers (2, 3, 4) are brought and adhered to the fibrous base (1) by coextrusion. To maximize renewability of the materials HDPE and LLDPE as used for the structure are of biologic origin.

19-02-2016 дата публикации

포장 컨테이너

Номер: KR20160019413A
Автор: 존 하다드

본 발명은 일반적으로 포장 컨테이너들에 관한 것이다. 상기 포장 컨테이너들은 용기 및 덮개를 포함하며, 식품 및 음료 산업에 이용될 수 있다. 일 양상에서 본 발명은 음료 성분들이 저장될 수 있는 포장 컨테이너들에 관한 것인바, 그 성분들에 액체를 추가함으로써 그 포장 컨테이너들로부터 소비될 수 있는 음료가 준비될 수 있다. 일 양상에서 본 발명이 제공하는 포장 컨테이너는, 용기 기저벽 및 상기 용기 기저벽으로부터 상방으로 연장된 기립된 용기 측벽 구조물을 한정하는 용기로서, 액체를 보유할 수 있는 내측 구역을 한정하는 용기, 덮개 기저벽 및 상기 덮개 기저벽으로부터 상방으로 연장된 덮개 측벽 구조물을 한정하는 덮개로서, 상기 덮개 측벽 구조물이 상기 용기 측벽 구조물 내에 놓이도록 구성됨으로써 빈 공간이 상기 용기와 상기 덮개 사이에서 한정되는 덮개, 및 용기 테두리 형성부 아래에서 상기 덮개를 상기 용기의 외측 표면에 밀봉하도록 적합화되는 원주방향 밀봉을 포함한다.

29-04-2003 дата публикации

Thermoformed container having improved strength to weight ratio in sidewall

Номер: US6554154B1
Принадлежит: Solo Cup Co

A container sidewall, such as for a cup or the like, made of a thermoplastic material is disclosed. The container utilizing the present invention is preferably designed having a closed bottom wall at one end, an open top at the opposite end, and the present sidewall extending between the bottom wall and the open top to define a height. The sidewall has a top portion adjacent the open top of the container, a first set of annular ribs disposed adjacent the top portion, a second set of annular ribs, a middle portion disposed between the first set and second set of annular ribs, and a bottom portion disposed adjacent the closed bottom wall of the container. The double band of ribs provide an increase in the strength-to-weight ratio of the container over single band prior art designs.

27-09-1972 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for moulding cups of the like containers

Номер: ZA72468B
Автор: P Padovani
Принадлежит: Omv Spa

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN105775298A
Автор: 周强楚, 王伟基
Принадлежит: Haining Chu Cheng New Materials Co Ltd


03-09-2019 дата публикации

Paperboard blanks having a shrinkable film adhered thereto and paperboard containers made therefrom

Номер: CA2820228C
Автор: Gregory M. Fike
Принадлежит: GPCP IP Holdings LLC

Blanks and paper products made therefrom are provided. In one aspect, the blank for forming a paper product can include a paperboard substrate and a film. At least a portion of the film can be secured to the paperboard substrate with an adhesive disposed between the paperboard substrate and the film. A peel strength of less than 330 g/2.54 cm at a temperature of 23°C can be required to separate the film secured to the paperboard substrate with the adhesive.

20-09-1977 дата публикации

Nestable non-corrosive container for pressurized beverages and processes for manufacture and handling thereof

Номер: US4049122A
Автор: Earl G. Maxwell
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention comprises a returnable, non-corrosive metal container that can be cleaned and sterilized for re-filling with a pressurized beverage, the container having a tapering side wall with an integral bottom wall end and an open top end having a beaded rim to receive and sealably hold a removable closure, and ledge means extending from the side wall in predetermined spaced relation with one of the top and bottom ends for nestably receiving another similar container with the tapering side wall thereof being spaced away from the first container side wall in a non-locking relationship. The invention also comprises the process of manufacturing returnable, tapered and nestable non-corrosive metal containers including forming a basic container configuration from sheet metal by blanking in scroll pattern and making a first draw, making a second draw, making a third draw and tapering the side wall of the container while starting a rim curl, optionally making a further draw and taper or reshape while maintaining the rim curl, trimming the top rim and shaping the start curl, applying seal compound to the rim curl and forming a beaded rim, reshaping and cleaning excess compound, forming ledge means in the tapered container side wall, and final cleaning and stacking and packaging for shipment. The invention further comprises the process of handling tapered, non-corrosive metal containers for reuse including receiving stacked, used, empty containers in nested, non-locking relationship; inspecting pre-cleaned and de-labeled containers and reshaping and buffing damaged containers to a restored and reusable condition, palletizing columns of stacked, nested containers in multiple rows, sequentially transferring separate columns of containers and sequentially separating individual containers for refilling with a pressurized beverage product.

15-04-1980 дата публикации

Nestable foam cup

Номер: US4197948A
Принадлежит: Owens Illinois Inc

A fabricated cup or nestable container having a unitary sidewall formed from a double-ended sheet of a heat-shrinkable thermoplastic material, the inner suface of which is adapted to contact a liquid product to be contained in said container. The ends of the sheet are joined to one another forming a liquid-tight seam extending from the top to the bottom of said container. An open mouth at the top is defined by the upper portion of the sidewall. The container sidewall tapers inwardly and downwardly from the open mouth for a major portion of the height of said container. The thickness of the sidewall increases continuously and progressively over this major portion from a lesser thickness at the top thereof to a greater thickness at the bottom thereof. The density of the sidewall continuously and progressively decreases over this major portion from a greater density at the top thereof to a lesser density at the bottom thereof. A separate bottom closure may be joined in a liquid-tight manner to the lower end of the container sidewall to form a two-piece container. Alternately, a bottom closure may be formed from an integral extension of the sidewall by shrinking and sealing the extension to produce a one-piece cup.

13-05-1997 дата публикации

Cup with thermally insulated side wall

Номер: US5628453A
Автор: Donald N. MacLaughlin
Принадлежит: Packaging Resources Inc

An insulated cup includes a tapered side wall that defines an array of spaced, parallel ridges separated by grooves. A label is supported by the ridges around the exterior of the cup to define an array of air gaps in the grooves between the ridges. These air gaps provide thermal insulation tending to reduce heat flow through the label into or out of the cup, and the side wall includes solid resin outer layers and a foamed resin central layer to improve thermal insulation further.

02-06-1998 дата публикации

Method of making syntactic insulated containers

Номер: US5759624A
Принадлежит: Insulation Dimension Corp

A method of insulating a substrate or a portion thereof by depositing a syntactic foam by a spraying, dipping or a variety of printing processes. The foam comprises void containing particles in expanded form, unexpanded form, or a mixture of these. The deposited foam is dried to remove solvents and cured to strengthen the binder which restrains the microspheres. Heating may also expand the unexpanded microspheres. A tie coat may be applied to promote adhesion between the substrate and the insulating syntactic foam. Multiple layers of the syntactic foam may be applied to increase the thickness of the resultant layer for providing a controlled amount of increased insulation.

12-06-2003 дата публикации

Polyethylene terephthalate disposable tumblers

Номер: US20030108695A1
Принадлежит: Fort James Corp

A method of making a disposable tumbler includes: injection molding a polyethylene terephthalate resin in an annular mold cavity defined by an injection mold wall and a core to form a resinous parison on the core; separating the parison from the injection mold wall by moving the parison on the core away from the mold wall; moving the parison on the core into alignment with a blow-mold; and expanding the parison by directing a pressurized fluid to its interior such that the parison separates from the core and expands to the surface of the blow mold to form the tumbler, wherein the parison is radially expanded by a factor of at least about 2.6 at its base to form the tumbler. Typically, the parison is radially expanded at its base by a factor of from about 2.6 to about 3.25 to form the tumbler; whereas preferably the parison is expanded by a factor of from about 2.7 to about 2.9. In preferred embodiments of the method, the mold core is provided with a microtextured surface which may be provided by way of vapor-honing to provide a tumbler which resists nest-lock. Moisture, judiciously applied, may likewise alleviate nest-lock. The annular mold cavity is generally thicker than similar cavities which may be employed with polystyrene, for example.

19-02-2004 дата публикации

Drinking cup and lid

Номер: US20040031714A1
Автор: Jack Hanson
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a lid for a drinking cup, and a nestable drinking cup. The lid has a top wall, an annular side wall depending from the top wall and an annular mounting portion at the bottom of the side wall for sealingly engaging a brim portion of the drinking cup. A first recessed portion is provided in the top wall. A drinking opening is located in the first recesses portion to enable drinking of a beverage from the drinking cup without removal of the lid. The side recess wall in the first recesses portion includes a convexly curved portion near the drinking opening defining a chute-like structure that directs the beverage from the drinking opening to a user's mouth. The nestable drinking cup is made of rigid, injection-molded plastic and includes an upper ribbed portion having a band of vertically-oriented, outwardly extending ribs about the periphery of the drinking cup, wherein the upper ribbed portion reduces heat transfer from hot contents in the cup to a user's hand.

05-04-2011 дата публикации

Reinforced plastic foam cup, method of and apparatus for manufacturing same

Номер: US7918016B2
Принадлежит: Prairie Packaging Inc

A reinforced plastic foam cup including a body which defines an open top end and a closed bottom end, wherein the top end has a greater diameter than the bottom end. The body includes a reinforced tapered side wall that extends from the bottom end to the top end. A substantial portion of the reinforced tapered side wall includes a plastic foam layer, a pressure sensitive adhesive layer and a rigid material layer. Such reinforced plastic foam cup provides an improved tactile feel and enhanced insulation and rigidity properties.

13-05-1969 дата публикации

Double wall container

Номер: US3443715A
Автор: Bryant Edwards

15-08-1978 дата публикации

Pick-up head assembly for use in apparatus for fabricating thermoplastic containers

Номер: US4106397A
Принадлежит: Owens Illinois Inc

A fabricated cup or other nestable container in which the sidewall is formed from a rectangular sheet-like blank of a thermoplastic material, particularly an expanded thermoplastic material, the blank having its ends joined to one another in a liquid-tight seam extending the full height thereof to form a sleeve, the blank having a relatively high degree of orientation or heat-shrinkability extending circumferentially of the sleeve, the fabrication of the sidewall from the sleeve being accomplished by telescoping the sleeve over a generally frusto-conically shaped mandrel, by exposing the sleeve to heat to cause it to shrink to conform to the configuration of the mandrel and by stripping the shrunken sleeve from the mandrel. A two-piece container may be formed from such a sidewall by affixing an end closure element to the bottom or smaller end of the sidewall. A one-piece container may also be formed in this manner by using a blank of sufficient height so that a substantial portion of the sleeve formed therefrom extends beyond the smaller end of the forming mandrel, such substantial portion, when the sleeve is exposed to heat, being shrinkable to form an annular planar portion disposed transversely of the longitudinal axis of the mandrel and a relatively small tubulation which extends longitudinally from the interior of the annular planar portion and which, by the application of pressure thereto while at elevated temperature, may be caused to collapse and fuse together to close the bottom of the container in a liquid-tight manner. A container of this type may be used to advantage to contain any liquid or other fluent product therein in face-to-face contact with the interior surface of the sidewall thereof, and when the container is fabricated from an expanded material, because of the insulating characteristics of such material, a container fabricated therefrom may be used to particular advantage as a hand-holdable cup for coffee or other hot beverage. The container ...
