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12-02-2018 дата публикации

Двухуровневая картонная коробка

Номер: RU0000177175U1

Полезная модель относится к области тары для транспортировки и упаковки. Техническим результатом является устранение проблемы, связанной с помещением в одну картонную коробку основного устройства и аксессуаров к нему, не отделяя их друг от друга. Для этого двухуровневая картонная коробка выполнена из листовой заготовки, разделенной линиями сгиба и резами на участки, которые образуют два дна, крышку и боковые стенки, не имеющие язычков, а также боковые стенки с язычками, которые способствуют сбору двухуровневой картонной коробки путем приклеивания язычков к стенкам двухуровневой картонной коробки, не имеющим язычков. Двухуровневая картонная коробка может быть разделена на две части: верхнюю и нижнюю. Также дно верхней части двухуровневой картонной коробки может служить крышкой для нижней части двухуровневой картонной коробки. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 177 175 U1 (51) МПК B65D 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65D 5/0015 (2017.08); B65D 5/6629 (2017.08); B65D 5/6638 (2017.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017124468, 10.07.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ручкин Владимир Антонович (RU) Дата регистрации: 12.02.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2345940 C2, 10.02.2009. RU (45) Опубликовано: 12.02.2018 Бюл. № 5 R U (54) ДВУХУРОВНЕВАЯ КАРТОННАЯ КОРОБКА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области тары для транспортировки и упаковки. Техническим результатом является устранение проблемы, связанной с помещением в одну картонную коробку основного устройства и аксессуаров к нему, не отделяя их друг от друга. Для этого двухуровневая картонная коробка выполнена из листовой заготовки, разделенной линиями сгиба и резами на участки, которые образуют два дна, крышку и боковые стенки, не имеющие язычков, Стр.: 1 а также боковые стенки с язычками, которые способствуют сбору двухуровневой картонной ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000182424U1

Полезная модель относится к картонной таре. Упаковка представляет собой коробку, выполненную из гофрокартона методом перегиба частей листовой заготовки, включающей в себя последовательно соединенные через линии перегиба боковые стенки, изгибаемые каждая относительно смежно расположенной стенки для образования открытого короба и имеющие с одного края клапана, отгибаемые навстречу друг другу для образования закрытой верхней части этого короба, а с другого края клапана, отгибаемые навстречу друг другу для образования дна этого короба. Клапана, образующие перегибом верхнюю части короба и связанные с одними двумя противоположно расположеиными боковыми стенками, выполнены каждый с одним поперечно расположенным разрезом у каждого края, представляющим собой узкий продолговатый вырез толщиной не менее толщины листовой заготовки, заканчивающийся рассечением. Клапана, образующие перегибом верхнюю части короба и связанные с другими двумя противоположно расположенными боковыми стенками, выполнены каждый с лепестком в виде продолжения клапана по его высоте, который имеет возможность отгиба от своего клапана и который имеет боковые расширения в концевой части лепестка. В верхней части короба первые из упомянутых клапанов отогнуты навстречу друг другу с расположением у каждого края разрезов напротив друг друга, а другие из упомянутых клапанов отогнуты навстречу друг другу, уложены поверх клапанов с разрезами, а их лепестки отогнуты от своих клапанов и введены в разрезы через вырезы и рассечения с расположением боковых расширений под рассечениями. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 424 U1 (51) МПК B65D 5/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65D 5/0209 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018122116, 18.06.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): АО "Управляющая компания группы предприятий "ГОТЭК" (АО "УК ГП "ГОТЭК")" (RU) Дата регистрации: 16.08.2018 (56) Список ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000182618U1

Полезная модель относится к картонной таре. Упаковка представляет собой коробку, выполненную из гофрокартона методом перегиба частей листовой заготовки с образованием боковых стенок, образующих открытый короб и имеющих с одного края клапана, отгибаемые навстречу друг другу для образования дна. Клапана, связанные с одними двумя противоположно расположенными боковыми стенками, выполнены каждый с вырезом и выступом для размещения выступа одного из этих клапанов в вырезе другого клапана. На указанных клапанах вырезы и выступы выполнены в плане в форме прямоугольного треугольника, а клапана других противоположно расположенных боковых стенок выполнены в форме равнобедренного треугольника и на одной стороне имеют каждая один язычок, связанный с клапаном через линию перегиба, при этом на каждом клапане выступы и вырезы обращены навстречу друг другу сторонами у прямого угла, при перегибе клапанов с этими выступами и вырезами выступ одного клапана размещен в зоне впадины другого клапана и заведен под этот клапан. Треугольной формы клапана других боковых стенок отогнуты от своих боковых стенок и размещены поверх клапанов с вырезами и впадинами, при этом язычки треугольной формы клапанов перегнуты по линиям перегиба и заведены под один из клапанов с вырезом и выступом на участке от линии перегиба треугольной формы клапана до места расположения выступа во впадине. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 618 U1 (51) МПК B65D 5/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65D 5/02 (2018.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018117949, 16.05.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): АО "Управляющая компания группы предприятий "ГОТЭК" (АО "УК ГП "ГОТЭК") (RU) Дата регистрации: 23.08.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2323863 C2, 10.05.2008. US (45) Опубликовано: 23.08.2018 Бюл. № 24 1 8 2 6 1 8 R U (54) Упаковка (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Упаковочная коробка, устойчивая к протеканию и непроницаемая для жидкости

Номер: RU0000188853U1
Принадлежит: СТОРА ЭНСО ОЙЙ

Полезная модель относится к заготовке непроницаемой для жидкости и устойчивой к протечке упаковочной коробки, а также к упаковочной коробке, выполненной из нее. Заготовка является цельной и содержит поверхность (1) основания, поверхности (2) сгиба длинных сторон коробки, вертикальные поверхности (3) короткой стороны, первый угловой фальц (6) и второй угловой фальц (7) угловой структуры, и наклонный сгиб (18) между ними. Сущностью полезной модели является то, что заготовка упаковочной коробки содержит конусный сгиб (21) между поверхностями (2) сгиба длинных сторон коробки и вторым угловым фальцем (7), так что линия сгиба наклонена относительно складки (22) между поверхностью (1) основания и вертикальной поверхностью (3). 5 фиг. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 188 853 U1 (51) МПК B65D 5/24 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65D 5/241 (2019.02) (21) (22) Заявка: 2018115973, 23.09.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.09.2016 (72) Автор(ы): ТУХКУНЕН Мика (FI) Дата регистрации: 25.04.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2004175433 A, 24.06.2004. JP 2002114217 A, 16.04.2002. US 3810574 A, 14.05.1974. RU 2263055 C1, 27.10.2005. 02.10.2015 FI U20154177 (45) Опубликовано: 25.04.2019 Бюл. № 12 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 03.05.2018 (86) Заявка PCT: U 1 FI 2016/050662 (23.09.2016) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 1 8 8 8 5 3 U 1 WO 2017/055680 (06.04.2017) R U 1 8 8 8 5 3 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): СТОРА ЭНСО ОЙЙ (FI) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) УПАКОВОЧНАЯ КОРОБКА, УСТОЙЧИВАЯ К ПРОТЕКАНИЮ И НЕПРОНИЦАЕМАЯ ДЛЯ ЖИДКОСТИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к заготовке угловой структуры, и наклонный сгиб (18) между непроницаемой для жидкости и устойчивой к ними. Сущностью полезной ...

07-07-2021 дата публикации

Контейнер, состоящий из емкости с фланцем, скрепленным в угловых сопрягаемых частях, и пристыкованной крышкой

Номер: RU0000205283U1

Полезная модель относится к области изготовления упаковки для преимущественно пищевых продуктов и продуктов, содержащих или выделяемых жиры и влагу.Технический результат заключается в существенном усовершенствовании известного уровня техники применения упаковки из целлюлозно-бумажного материала с отдельно стыкуемой крышкой и достигается за счет изначального формирования верхнего фланца емкости и скрепления отворачиваемых наружу верхних клапанов боковых стенок между собой в угловых сопрягаемых частях фланца, фиксируя правильное положение фланца, так что фланец не имеет разрыва на протяжении всего периметра емкости, и формируется с предустановленным углом наклона от 20 до 90 градусов к горизонтальной плоскости по всему периметру сразу при производстве емкости, что кроме удобства эксплуатации, увеличения скорости как первоначального закрытия крышки, так и последующего повторного закрытия, существенно увеличивает жесткость всей конструкции, особенно в положении со снятой крышкой. Получаемые положительные технико-механические и эксплуатационные характеристики существенно влияют на экономические показатели применения при массовой эксплуатации в обороте пищевой продукции контейнера, за счет сокращения времени сборки и эксплуатации емкости и крышки, а также удобстве эксплуатации, как для производителей и распространителей пищевой продукции, так и для конечного потребителя.Также описанная емкость может дополняться внутренней перегородкой из того же материала, из которого изготавливается, для разделения объема емкости. Перегородка формируется на стадии формообразующей операции изготовления емкости. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 283 U1 (51) МПК B65D 5/02 (2006.01) B65D 43/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65D 5/0025 (2021.02); B65D 5/685 (2021.02); B65D 43/0204 (2021.02); B65D 43/0212 (2021.02); B65D 43/0214 (2021.02); B65D 43/163 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021107191, 18.03.2021 18. ...

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Wiper blade packing case

Номер: US20120043237A1
Принадлежит: CAP Corp

The present invention relates to a wiper blade packing case for packing a vehicle wiper blade. The wiper blade packing case comprises: a plate-type lower panel which has a pair of longer sides and a pair of shorter sides, and which is curved in a lateral direction with respect to the lengthwise direction of the surface thereof; a plate-type upper panel which is bendable along one longer side of the lower panel, which has a receiving portion for receiving the wiper blade in cooperation with the lower panel, which is curved in a lateral direction with respect to the lengthwise direction of the surface thereof such that the receiving portion has an elliptical cross-sectional surface, and which covers one side of the lower panel; and a pair of covers, each of which has an elliptical cross-sectional surface corresponding to the cross-sectional surface of the receiving portion, and each of which is bent and extends from each of the shorter sides of the upper panel to close openings formed at both sides of the receiving portion. The present invention simplifies a packing structure, reduces manufacturing costs as well as the volume when packed so as to reduce space in transporting, storage, and display.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Compressible Paperboard Container

Номер: US20120074016A1
Принадлежит: Meadwestvaco Corp

A container including a plurality of walls assembled into a three-dimensional body that defines an internal volume, wherein at least one of the walls includes a plurality of pre-formed fold lines that facilitate controlled deformation of the wall when the container is under compression.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Machine and method for forming reinforced polygonal containers from blanks

Номер: US20120100977A1
Принадлежит: Rock Tenn CP LLC

A method of forming a container from a blank of sheet material using a machine is provided. The blank includes a bottom panel, two side panels, two end panels, and a reinforcing panel assembly extending from a first side panel. The machine includes a hopper station, a corner post forming station, and a plunger station. The method includes rotating the reinforcing panel assembly upwardly toward the first side panel as the blank is transported from the hopper station to the corner post forming station, forming a corner wall and a reinforcing end tab by folding reinforcing panels about fold lines as the blank is transported through the corner post forming station, rotating the side panels and the end panels to be substantially perpendicular to the bottom panel by directing the blank through the plunger station, and coupling the reinforcing end tab to an end panel to form the container.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Carton having first and second patterns of weakness

Номер: US20120138669A1
Принадлежит: Cadbury Enterprises Pte Ltd

A carton has a closure flap ( 18 , FIG. 4 ) held in a closed condition prior to initial opening of the carton by a connection between a face of the closure flap and an opposing face of an adjacent wall ( 4 ) of the carton. The flap is connected is to a part ( 30 ) of the adjacent wall which is removable from the remainder of that wall along one or more first patterns of weakness ( 32 ). The connection being in a predetermined zone ( 34 ) of the removable part defined by one or more second patterns of weakness ( 36 ) so that when the part ( 30 ) is removed from the remainder of the wall ( 4 ), the predetermined zone ( 34 ) can be separated from the remainder of the part ( 30 ) along the second pattern(s) of weakness ( 36 ) to remain attached to the closure flap. The carton may be formed from a blank ( 10 , FIG. 4 ).

20-09-2012 дата публикации

one-piece microwaveable package

Номер: US20120234827A1
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

The present invention concerns a one-piece microwaveable package for a food product, said package having the shape of a sleeve comprising top, bottom and a first and second side walls, wherein the first side wall links the top and bottom wall, wherein the top wall comprises at least one notch or aperture located in its free edges and the second side wall extends the bottom wall and comprises on its free edge at least one corresponding extension that is suitable for locking with the notch or aperture of the top wall so as to lock the package in its erected position.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Stackable carton

Номер: US20130001285A1
Автор: Paul A. Weissbrod
Принадлежит: Lincoln Global Inc

A container and carton assembly comprising a container including a first portion and having a plurality of items that longitudinally extend between a first end and a second end of the container. The carton assembly includes at least two handles and means for securing said at least two handles about opposing sides of the container where the at least two handles extend above a horizontal plane of the container and where at least the at least two handles form an offset stacking index.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Tray, the rigidity of which is improved, for transporting and displaying items such as yogurt containers

Номер: US20130056526A1

The invention relates to a tray for transporting and displaying items such as yogurt containers. The tray is of the type comprising a bottom wall ( 1 ), side walls ( 2, 3, 4, 5 ) perpendicular to the bottom ( 1 ) and side flaps ( 27 ) enabling the attachment of a first wall ( 2, 4 ) to the adjacent wall ( 3, 5 ), each flap being hingedly connected to the side edge of the first wall ( 2, 4 ) and attached to the following wall ( 3, 5 ). According to the invention, the hinged connection of the side flap ( 27 ) to the first wall is provided by an interface area ( 16 ) in the shape of a triangle the apex ( 17 ) of which points toward the free upper edge ( 31, 32 ) of the two consecutive side walls ( 2, 3, 4, 5 ) and the base ( 18 ) of which rests on the bottom wall ( 1 ), this triangular interface area ( 16 ) being slanted from its base ( 18 ) to the apex ( 17 ) toward the outside of the outline defined by the bottom wall ( 1 ). The invention can be used for trays for transporting products such as yogurt containers

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Two-Piece Shipping Tray

Номер: US20130056528A1
Принадлежит: DeLine Box Co

A two piece shipping tray having a first unitary blank which provides a bottom panel with opposed end panels and opposed side panels connected by foldable corner gussets and a second unitary blank which provides a two walled cross divider adhered in fixed relation to the bottom panel to provide a knocked-down-flat condition in which the two walled cross divider foldably engages the bottom panel and in which the opposed side panels have a portion of the corresponding foldable corner gussets adhered in fixed relation to the opposed end panels to engage each of the opposed side panels with the bottom panel, which allows the basic configuration of the shipping tray to be manually foldably produced from the knocked-down-flat condition.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Reusable pizza container

Номер: US20130068830A1
Автор: Colon Epifanio

The present invention provides a reusable pizza box that may also be used as a storage container for holding leftover pizza. In the most preferable embodiment a simple tear is utilized as primary means of weakening the box structure, which facilitates separating the first box into two portions. The resulting open end of one portion may be readily folded shut, thereby forming a second closed box structure. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the second box is essentially half the volume of the first box. The remaining portion may also be folded shut thereby forming a third closed box structure. 1: (canceled)2: A pizza box comprising a base with a lateral containment element and an upper closure lid , comprising: at said base or at said closure lid , at least one weakened portion which defines at least a sheet-like element which can be detached to provide a two secondary boxes for pizza.3: A pizza box according to claim 1 , wherein said weakened portion has a closed shape.4: A pizza box according to claim 1 , wherein the pizza box comprises at on weakened portion at a defined hinged attached back wall of said base and/or of said closure lid and are adapted to define a sheet-like element which can be detached to provide 2 secondary boxes.5: A pizza box according to claim 1 , wherein a portion of said at least one weakened portion is arranged along the extension of the connecting edge between said lateral containment element and said upper closure lid.6: The pizza box according to claim 1 , wherein said weakened portion is provided by die cutting.7: The pizza box according to claim 1 , said weakened portion has at least one perforation which is adapted to facilitate the separation of Box A from Box B.8: The pizza box according to claim 6 , wherein said at least one perforation is designed claim 6 , following separation of Box A and Box B claim 6 , to remain connected to said base or to said closure lid.9: The pizza box according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Insulating Shipping System

Номер: US20130112695A1
Автор: Christopher E. Hall
Принадлежит: ALPINE THERMAL Tech Inc

An insulating shipping system may include a container and an insert assembly which may include an insert configured to be inserted into the container. The insert may have a first blank that may include a center panel, two bottom panels emanating from opposite side edges, wherein each bottom panel has at least one slot, at least one top panel emanating from a top edge of each of the bottom panels, wherein each top panel has at least one tab or flange, and at least one foldable line of weakness disposed between each top panel and bottom panel, wherein the at least one slot is sized to receive the at least one tab or flange. The insert further may include a second blank have a center panel, wherein the center panel is configured to couple to the center panel of the first blank to form at least one walled cavity.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Carton With Insert

Номер: US20130118942A1

A carton for holding a plurality of containers. The carton comprises a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton. At least two end flaps can be overlapped with respect to one another to thereby at least partially form a closed end of the carton. A reinforcing insert comprises a central panel and at least one reinforcing end flap. The central panel can be at least partially disposed in the interior of the carton, and the at least one reinforcing end flap can comprise a base portion and a distal portion foldably connected to the base portion. The base portion extends in an oblique direction from the central panel toward the closed end of the carton, and at least a portion of the distal portion is positioned outwardly of at least one of the end flaps. 1. A carton for holding a plurality of containers , the carton comprising:a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton, the plurality of panels comprising a top panel, a first side panel, a bottom panel, and a second side panel;at least two end flaps respectively foldably attached to respective panels of the plurality of panels, the at least two end flaps being overlapped with respect to one another to thereby at least partially form a closed end of the carton; anda reinforcing insert comprising a central panel and at least one reinforcing end flap, the central panel being at least partially disposed in the interior of the carton, and the at least one reinforcing end flap comprising a base portion and a distal portion foldably connected to the base portion, the base portion extending in an oblique direction from the central panel toward the closed end of the carton, at least a portion of the distal portion being positioned outwardly of at least one end flap of the at least two end flaps, and the distal portion comprising at least one tab extending toward at least one of the first side panel and the second side panel.2. The carton of claim ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126373A1

A stackable shipping unit includes a plurality of individual components that may be partially assembled, then packed with items to be shipped. The shipping unit can then be fully assembled, and placed on a pallet. The shipping system may include trays that can be used as either a base or a lid. The unit includes vertical components that are generally U-shaped in plan view, and sized to fit closely within the trays in pairs to form a “H” shape in plan view forming a pair of shipping spaces. Additional U-shaped vertical components can then be assembled to close off the shipping spaces, and a tray can be used as a lid and positioned on top of the vertical components to form an assembled shipping unit. 1. A shipping container system for plants , comprising:a base having a horizontal central sheet and upstanding edge walls forming a generally quadrilateral perimeter whereby the base defines a shallow space that opens upwardly;a vertical divider structure comprising at least first, second, third, and fourth upstanding dividers, each divider having an upstanding central wall with vertically extending opposite edge portions, each divider further including end walls extending transversly from the opposite edge portions of the central wall such that each divider is generally U-shaped in plan view, and defines upper and lower edge portions;and wherein the lower edge portions of the first and second dividers are positioned in the shallow space of the base inside the edge walls with the central walls of the first and second dividers being directly adjacent one another and extending across a central portion of the shallow space with the end walls of the first and second dividers extending in opposite directions just inside of the upstanding edge walls whereby the first and second dividers together define an H-shape in plan view forming first and second spaces that are separated by the adjacent central walls of the first and second dividers;and wherein the third divider is ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Reinforced packing container

Номер: US20130126594A1
Автор: Wayne P. Gasior
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Consumer Products LP

A container has a plurality of panels integrally arranged with respect to a set of orthogonal x, y and z axes, the z-axis defining a direction line in which the container is configured to support a stacking load. The panels are folded to define a form having a plurality of folded edges oriented perpendicular to the z-axis. At least one of the plurality of folded edges has a cutout region having a planar edge oriented perpendicular to the z-axis. The plurality of panels includes a plurality of cut edges oriented and disposed inline with respective ones of the plurality of folded edges. At least one of the plurality of cut edges has a projection disposed contiguous and planar with a respective panel. The projection includes a planar edge oriented perpendicular to the z-axis, the planar edge being disposed within an adjacently disposed cutout region.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140325A1
Автор: Myerscough Martin
Принадлежит: GreenBottle Limited

The present invention relates to a container having a hollow shell defining a body with a dispensing aperture, and a bag within the shell, the open end of the bag extending through the dispensing aperture and being secured with respect to the outside of the shell. The bag is made from a material suitable for containing the intended contents of the container. The shell may be formed from a material that would not be suitable for containing the intended contents of the container alone. The shell may be formed from a biodegradable material, such as wood or paper pulp. The bag may be separated from the main body of the container to allow for separate disposal. The container may be sealed by providing a spout through which the contents of the container are to be dispensed, and by folding the spout over to create a nip which seals the container. 1. A container comprising a hollow shell defining the container body and including a dispensing aperture , the hollow shell formed from a recycled and/or biodegradable pulp material , the shell being moulded as an open shell which is folded to form the hollow shell or in which the shell is formed from a plurality of separate parts which are joined together to form the hollow shell; a bag or liner provided within the shell; and at least one part of the shell including an extension tab for use in connecting the parts of the shell.2. A container according to in which the shell is formed in two parts and free ends of the two parts overlap and are joined to each other.3. A container according to in which the free ends of the two parts are joined by adhesive.4. A container according to in which the extension tab is co-linear with a wall of the shell part.5. A container according to in which the shell parts are formed with extensions that connect by means of an interference fit.6. A container according to in which the shell parts are formed with extensions that connect by providing a locking mechanism.7. A container according to in which ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181042A1
Автор: Conradi Silvino

A carton for packaging one or more articles includes a top panel, base panel and pair of opposing side panels forming a tubular structure, each end of the tubular structure being at least partially closed by a respective one of first and second opposed end walls each formed from end closure panels. The carton includes first and second detachable corner portions defined by first and second weakened lines of severance respectively. The first detachable portion includes a first portion of the first end wall whereas the second detachable corner portion includes a first portion of the second end wall. The second portion of the first end wall is operable upon removal of the first detachable corner portion to form a dispenser, and a second portion of the second end wall is operable to form a handle upon removal of the second detachable corner portion. 1. A carton for packaging one or more articles comprising a top panel , base panel and pair of opposing side panels forming a tubular structure , each end of the tubular structure being at least partially closed by a respective one of first and second opposed end walls each formed from end closure panels , wherein the carton comprises a first detachable corner portion defined by a weakened line of severance and comprising a first portion of said first end wall , a second detachable corner portion defined by a second weakened line of severance and comprising a first portion of the second end wall , wherein a second portion of the first end wall is operable upon removal of the first detachable corner portion to form a dispenser , and a second portion of the second end wall is operable to form a handle upon removal of the second detachable corner portion.2. A carton according to wherein the dispenser comprises a lower portion of each of first and second side end closure panels of the first end wall claim 1 , and at least a portion of a lower end closure panel of the first end wall claim 1 , the lower portions of the first and ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193196A1
Автор: Hallam Chris, Mistry Mayur

There is provided a carton comprising a side wall (4) comprising a first panel (6) connected to a second panel (8), a first lower flap (16) hingedly connected to the first panel, the first and second panels having free ends, a second lower flap (18) hingedly connected to the second panel, a hinged locking base panel (30) hingedly connected to the first lower panel and an inner base panel (36) hingedly connected to the second lower panel, a plurality of strengthening tabs (54,56,58,60) attached to the hinged base locking panel or the inner base panel, the first lower flap being folded over and affixed to the first panel, the second lower flap being folded over and affixed to the second panel, the hinged base locking panel being folded along a hinge line (34) thereof and affixed to the inner base panel, in which substantially diagonal weakening lines (80,82,84,86) are positioned on the lower flaps. 1. A carton comprising a side wall comprising a first panel connected to a second panel , a first lower flap hingedly connected to the first panel , the first and second panels having free ends , a second lower flap hingedly connected to the second panel , a hinged locking base panel hingedly connected to the first lower panel and an inner base panel hingedly connected to the second lower panel , a plurality of strengthening tabs attached to the hinged base locking panel or the inner base panel , the first lower flap being folded over and affixed to the first panel , the second lower flap being folded over and affixed to the second panel , the hinged base locking panel being folded along a hinge line thereof and affixed to the inner base panel , in which substantially diagonal weakening lines are positioned on the lower flaps.2. A The carton according to claim 1 , in which the weakening lines are positioned so as to lie outside of the pocket area occupied by the strengthening tab when the carton is in its final made up condition.3. A The carton according to claim 1 , in ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213847A1
Принадлежит: OTOR

The present invention relates to a tray made of corrugated cardboard sheet material, and to blanks for preparing such a tray having a polygonal cross-section. Said blank comprises sidewalls, raised edges or portions of raised edges on two opposite sides of an upper portion, and a lower wall forming the bottom () of the case. Each raised edge or portion of raised edge includes at least one rounded portion (), and the bottom includes perforated surface portions () which have a shape complementary to that of the rounded portions, which are arranged opposite the latter, and are arranged so as to fit into the rounded portions of the tray from below. 13030215622113222232142521627. A tray ( , ′ , ) made of corrugated sheet cardboard material with a polygonal cross-section , comprising lateral walls ( , ) , raised edges () or portions of raised edges ( , ) on two opposite sides in its upper part , and a lower wall () which forms the base of the case , characterized in that each raised edge () or portion of raised edge () comprises at least one rounded portion ( , ) , and in that the base () comprises portions ( , ) of perforated surface with a form complementary to said rounded portions , which are at right angles to the latter and are designed to be fitted in the rounded portions of the tray below.21326. The tray as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that each raised edge or portion of raised edge is rendered integral with the top of the adjacent lateral wall via a joining line ( claim 1 , ) which is not straight claim 1 , and/or is not aligned continuously claim 1 , in order to form said rounded portion which projects relative to the top surface of the tray claim 1 , when the tray is being formed.3. The tray as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the lower wall and the lateral walls are formed by a trough.430301132111914. The tray ( claim 1 , ′) as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises at least two portions of raised edges ( claim 1 , ) at the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

High-Strength Double Wall/Triple Wall Box, Box Form, and Method of Creating Same

Номер: US20130221079A1
Автор: Dowd Fred, Perron Keith B.
Принадлежит: Technology Container Corp.

A pre-folded automatic bottom box form made from a unitary blank of material. The form has a blank of corrugated material that is die cut and creased so as to form a series of panels and flaps arranged in three rows of four panels or flaps each and a fourth row with two panels, all arranged in four columns, a first row comprising four panels that end up in the box as an automatic bottom, a second row comprising four panels that end up in the box as sidewall and end wall panels, a third row contiguous with the second row and comprising four panels that end up in the box as reinforcing sidewall and end wall panels, and a fourth row coupled to the third row and comprising first and second panels making additional end wall reinforcing panels. 1. A pre-folded automatic bottom box form made from a unitary blank of material , comprising:a blank of corrugated material that is die cut and creased so as to form a series of panels and flaps arranged in three rows of four panels or flaps each and a fourth row with two panels, all arranged in four columns, a first row comprising four panels that end up in the box as an automatic bottom, a second row comprising four panels that end up in the box as sidewall and end wall panels, a third row contiguous with the second row and comprising four panels that end up in the box as reinforcing sidewall and end wall panels, and a fourth row coupled to the third row and comprising first and second panels making additional end wall reinforcing panels;wherein the two panels of the fourth row are configured to be folded onto, and secured to, the two contiguous panels of the third row; andwherein the blank is configured to be folded along two fold lines located between columns, and the edges of the end panels of the second row are configured to be fastened together to create a completed box.2. A box created from the pre-folded file bottom box form of .3. The box form of wherein the edges of the end panels of the second row are fastened together ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Carton with Reinforced Handle

Номер: US20130221080A1
Принадлежит: Graphic Packaging International LLC

A carton for carrying a plurality of articles. The carton comprises a plurality of panels extending at least partially around an interior of the carton. The plurality of panels comprise at least a first top panel, a second top panel, at least one side panel, and a bottom panel. The first top panel and the second top panel are at least partially overlapped. At least one of the first top panel and the second top panel comprise a main portion foldably connected to the at least one side panel and a distal portion foldably connected to the main portion. The main portion has a first handle portion and the distal portion has a second handle portion. The distal portion has an exterior surface at least partially in face-to-face contact with the interior surface of the main portion. The carton further comprises a handle comprising at least the first handle portion and the second handle portion.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Packaging material comprising magnetisable portions

Номер: US20130228614A1
Автор: Lars Bergholtz
Принадлежит: Tetra Laval Holdings and Finance SA

A packaging material comprising a plurality of magnetisable portions thereon comprising at least one detectable magnetisable portion per package to be formed from the packaging material is disclosed. At least one of the magnetisable portions provides a first magnetic mark carrying a magnetic field pattern.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248393A1

A package comprises first and second packs each capable of containing items. The packs are connected in a Jacob's ladder arrangement by straps which are initially joined together by a line of weakness, and which separate along the line of weakness upon first movement of the first and second packs relative to each other.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Multiple-purpose conterpiece

Номер: US20130264230A1
Автор: Gary Yusun Tsai
Принадлежит: Individual

A multiple-purpose centerpiece includes: a container formed as a truncated cone shape slightly flared upwardly; a plurality of collapsible decorative gift stakes removably inserted in a holding base held in a lower portion of the container; and a drainage collector having a shallow recess formed in the collector and rested on a bottom of the container, whereby upon removal of all gift stakes from the container, a flower vase may be replaceably stored in the container and any water drained from the flower vase will be collected in the drainage collector. So, the container may be used continuously to thereby be environmentally friendly.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Carton With Insert

Номер: US20130277260A1
Принадлежит: Graphic Packaging International LLC

A carton for holding a plurality of containers. The carton comprises a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton. At least two end flaps can cooperate to at least partially form a closed end of the carton. A reinforcing insert comprises a central panel and at least one reinforcing end flap. The central panel can be at least partially disposed in the interior of the carton, and the at least one reinforcing end flap can comprise a base portion and a distal portion foldably connected to the base portion. The base portion extends in an oblique direction from the central panel toward the closed end of the carton.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Airflow for banana cooling and ripening

Номер: US20130302489A1
Автор: JR. Marvin Douglas, Marlin
Принадлежит: Del Monte Fresh Produce Company

A stackable box configuration for shipping bananas is provided to improve airflow both vertically and horizontally through the boxes stacked in pallets without compromising the size of the boxes or pallets or the strength of the boxes. 1. A method to improve airflow for banana cooling and ripening , said method comprising the steps of: [ the end panels having two linearly positioned openings in their lower portions and a notch in center of their upper edges;', 'the end panels further having an aperture in center of the end fold line, said aperture extending to the bottom panel, whereby the aperture is both vertical and horizontal;, 'said box having a rectangular bottom panel with an open center, two side panels secured to opposite sides of the bottom panel along side fold lines, and two end panels secured to opposite ends of the bottom panel along end fold lines;'}, 'the side panels having two notches in their upper edges and two apertures in the side fold lines, said apertures extending to the bottom panel, whereby the apertures are both vertical and horizontal;', 'said lid having a rectangular top panel with an open center, two side panels secured to opposite sides of the top panel along side score lines, and two end panels secured to opposite ends of the top panel along end score lines;', 'the end panels having two linearly positioned openings in their lower portions and a notch in center of their lower edges;', 'the end panels further having an aperture in center of the end score line, said aperture extending to the top panel, whereby the apertures are both vertical and horizontal;', 'the side panels having two notches in their lower edges and two apertures in the side score lines, said apertures extending to the top panel, whereby the apertures are both vertical and horizontal;, 'a) providing stackable banana packs consisting of a box and a lid;'}b. packing bananas into the box in rows with banana curvature upwards;c. inserting the lid on the box, whereby the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Consumer box having ventilating windows

Номер: US20130313310A1
Автор: Denver Schutz, Marco Luna
Принадлежит: GERAWAN FARMING Inc

A consumer box having a lid with ventilating windows. The box can comprise a storage portion and a lid portion. The lid portion may include flaps that can be secured together to form the lid and windows. The subject invention allows the consumer to see the product being stored in the boxes through the windows and also to remove the box from a nested tray using the flaps. The flaps are also secured in such a way that the box, storing a product, may be carried using the flaps. In one embodiment, the boxes are designed to carry fresh produce, and the windows allow for the product to be ventilated so as to maintain the freshness of the produce.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Folded dispensing unit and blank

Номер: US20130313311A1
Автор: Carl Miller, Scott A. Fath
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A folded dispensing unit and a blank therefor, wherein the blank is adapted to be glued and shipped in a folded condition and erected and further folded at a point of sale, and a method of erecting the glued and folded blank. The dispensing unit includes an interior slot adapted to receive a carton including a plurality of individual products to be dispensed.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Cords And Packaging Therefor, And Associated Methods

Номер: US20130327681A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Some embodiments disclosed herein provide a cord and retainer system including a cord retainer that retains a cord within a desired configuration. The cord retainer may be a paper element extending around a coiled cord. The cord retainer may promote the structural integrity of the coiled arrangement of the cord, and may have an aesthetically pleasing appearance (e.g., due to having edges that do not expose the internal structure of the material forming the cord retainer. In some embodiments, a second cord (optionally having its own cord retainer) is disposed within coils of the first coiled cord. In some embodiments, one or both of the first and second cord are disposed within one or more cavities of a packaging substrate, to fix their positions in a manner easily understood by a user, to enhance the user's experience upon unpacking the cords. 1. A cord and retainer system comprising:a first coiled cord having a plurality of coil windings;a second coiled cord separate from the first coiled cord, having a plurality of coil windings, wherein the second coiled cord is encircled by the first coiled cord; andpackaging for retaining the first coiled cord and the encircled second coiled cord.2. The cord and retainer system of claim 1 , wherein the first coiled cord and the second coiled cord are configured to mate together.3. The cord and retainer system of claim 1 , wherein the coil axis of the first coiled cord is offset from the coil axis of the second coiled cord.4. The cord and retainer system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first coiled cord and the second coiled cord define vertically-aligned coil windings.5. The cord and retainer system of claim 1 , wherein both the first coiled cord and the second coiled cord define vertically-aligned coil windings.6. The cord and retainer system of claim 1 , wherein the second coiled cord is connected to an electronic element disposed outside the coil windings of the first coiled cord.7. The cord and retainer system of ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Display Carton And System for Displaying a Plurality of Containers

Номер: US20130334096A1
Автор: Scott A. Fath
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A display carton for displaying a plurality of containers. The display carton includes a base having a front edge, and a back edge, a front side member extending perpendicularly from the front edge of the base and terminating at an upper edge thereof, a rear side member extending perpendicularly from the rear edge of the base and terminating at an upper edge thereof, the rear side member having a cover panel detachably affixed to the rear side member; an upper tray member having a front edge, and a back edge, the front edge extending perpendicularly from the upper edge of the front side member, the upper tray member having a plurality of first apertures; and a lower tray member, the lower tray member positioned along a plane substantially parallel to the upper tray member and the base and located therebetween, the lower tray member having a plurality of second apertures.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Container for food and/or drink to be consumed on the move and method for making it

Номер: US20130334294A1
Автор: Roberto ZANINI
Принадлежит: Zanini Ristorazione Srl

A container for food and/or drink to be consumed on the move comprises a first portion ( 24 ) forming at least a first holder ( 3 ) for containing at least one food to be consumed on the move or for a first receptacle containing a food or a drink to be consumed on the move, and at least a second portion ( 25 ) connected to the first portion ( 24 ) and forming at least a second holder ( 4 ) for supporting a second receptacle containing at least one food or a drink to be consumed on the move. The first holder ( 3 ) and the second holder ( 4 ) are vertically aligned and they are distanced from each other in such a way as to allow the user independent access both to the first holder ( 3 ) and to the second holder ( 4 ). For that purpose, at least a third, connecting portion ( 28 ) is fixed to the first portion ( 24 ) and to the second portion ( 25 ) and forms at least one opening ( 29 ) for access from above to the lower holder. A method for making a container of this type is also claimed.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Single Piece Tubular Container

Номер: US20130334297A1
Автор: West Ellery, West Gail

A can-shaped package is constructed from a single fibrous material, such as cardboard or paper, that is rolled into a cylinder or tube and is sealed at its end by cutting an open end of the tube into flaps and folding the flaps over one another to form an air tight bottom. By utilizing such a configuration, the can-shaped package can be constructed completely from biodegradable materials in a simple and efficient manner. 1. A fibrous package , comprising:a tubular body forming an outer fibrous wall and a fibrous bottom, wherein the fibrous bottom comprises a first set of inwardly-folded flaps, wherein the tubular body consists of a single piece of fibrous material, and wherein the fibrous bottom comprises an outer rim surrounding an inner depression; anda first adhesive sealing the first set of inwardly-folded flaps to form a first substantially air-tight closure.2. The fibrous package of claim 1 , wherein the tubular body forms a fibrous top comprising a pull-tab that opens the fibrous top.3. The fibrous package of claim 1 , further comprising a cap disposed to receive an open fibrous top of the tubular body.4. The fibrous package of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous material is biodegradable.5. The fibrous package of claim 1 , wherein the first adhesive is biodegradable.6. The fibrous package of claim 1 , wherein the first adhesive is substantially impermeable to oil.7. The fibrous package of claim 1 , wherein the first adhesive is substantially impermeable to water.8. The fibrous package of claim 1 , wherein the first adhesive coats an inner wall of the tubular body.9. A method of constructing a fibrous package claim 1 , comprising:providing an open-ended tube of fibrous material to form a wall of the package;cutting the open-ended tube at a first end to form a first set of flaps; andfolding the first set of flaps towards a central axis of the tube to form a fibrous bottom.10. The method of claim 9 , further comprising sealing the first set of flaps against one ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Fin seal container and method

Номер: US20130341385A1
Автор: Rune K. Haraldsson
Принадлежит: Meadwestvaco Corp

A method for assembling a fin seal container including folding a container blank into a three-dimensional body that defines an internal volume and includes an end portion that defines an opening into the internal volume, the end portion including a first fin seal panel having inner and outer major surfaces and a second fin seal panel having inner and outer major surfaces, folding the end portion such that the inner major surface of the first fin seal panel is positioned adjacent to the inner major surface of the second fin seal panel, separating the first fin seal panel from the second fin seal panel, treating the inner major surface of the first fin seal panel and/or the inner major surface of the second fin seal panel, and pressing the first fin seal panel into engagement with the second fin seal panel.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Articulable structure in the form of a fractal

Номер: US20140001247A1

The present invention relates to an articulatable structure in fractal form, comprising at least one external compartment (CE) and at least a first internal compartment (Cu) that are linked together in an articulated manner via at least one of the edges thereof, the at least two compartments (CE and Cu) essentially having the same format in the erected and flat states and the first internal compartment has smaller dimensions than the external compartment, the first internal compartment, in the erected state, being accommodated inside the external compartment, and each compartment has a polygonal format, comprising at least four lateral faces (FL) and a bottom face (FF); each compartment of the articulatable structure comprises at least five quadrangular faces corresponding to the four lateral faces (FL) and to the bottom face (FF), each edge of the bottom face (FF) being linked in an articulated manner to a lower edge of the same size of one of the lateral faces (FL), and at least four identical triangular faces (T) in the form of a right-angled isosceles triangle, each triangular face (T) connecting adjacent lateral faces, with each edge corresponding to a vertical height of the triangle, being linked in an articulated manner to a lateral edge of one of the adjacent lateral faces (FL) and the edge corresponding to the hypotenuse linking the vertices of the two adjacent lateral faces, wherein the length of the hypotenuse edge of the triangular faces (T) of the first internal compartment (Cu) is equal to or less than the length of the upper edge of the lateral faces (FL) of the external compartment (CE). This structure allows the use of countless compartments arranged one inside another in succession and that may be articulated together in different ways, achieving one and the same final format.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Magnetically closable product accommodating package

Номер: US20140008258A1

A package for containing and dispensing contents includes a magnetic closure. The package defines a package interior for accommodating the contents. A pair of package portions defines an opening for accessing the package interior. The magnetic closure includes magnetic material which is placed on at least one of the packaging portions for permitting reopenable closure of the packaging portions.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014712A1
Автор: Blomberg Max

A polyhedron disposable container formed from flexible weldable plastic film and a method of forming the same are provided. The container has opposite ends and an opening that accommodates a port at the center of at least one of such ends. The container also has multiple sides and an opening on at least one such side located midway between the edges of such side. 1. A polyhedron container formed from flexible weldable plastic film comprising:a polygonal first end comprising a plurality of edges;a polygonal second end opposite the first end comprising a plurality of edges, wherein the polygonal second end has the same number of edges as the polygonal first end;a plurality of sides extending between the polygonal first and second ends, wherein said plurality of sides are equal in number to the number of edges of each of the first and second polygonal ends, wherein each of said plurality of sides extend between an edge of the polygonal first and an edge of the polygonal second end, whereby said plurality of sides define the sides of the polyhedron container and said first and second polygonal ends define opposite ends of the container, wherein each side is connected on opposite edges thereof to two adjacent sides along a first weld line and a second weld line, respectively, wherein each side comprises a third weld line extending between the first weld line and the second weld line;an opening formed through a center of the first polygonal end; andan opening formed on at least one of said sides at a location midway between the first and second weld lines of said side.2. A container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the third weld line of each side is not aligned with the third weld line of an adjacent side.3. A container as recited in claim 2 , further comprising another opening formed through the center of the second polygonal end.4. A container as recited in claim 3 , further comprising a port connected to each opening.5. A container as recited in claim 5 , further ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014713A1

A preassembled display with automatic stackable supports (PDASS) is described. A PDASS may include two or more blanks (for example pieces of corrugated paperboard) that are joined together, for example to initially form a knocked down flat (KDF). The PDASS may include an insert formed from a single blank, where the single insert blank, when the whole display is erected, automatically erects and provides asymmetric supports that form at opposing corners of the outer blank. 1. A preassembled display , comprising:an outer blank including outside and inside surfaces; and wherein the insert blank is adapted to automatically erect when the outer blank is erected,', 'wherein the insert blank is adapted to form a plurality of supports located at corners of the outer blank automatically when the outer blank is erected,', 'wherein at least two of the supports are located at diagonally opposing corners of the outer blank, and', 'wherein at least two diagonally opposing supports are asymmetrically shaped., 'an insert blank including outside and inside surfaces,'}2. The preassembled display of wherein the plurality of supports includes:a first pair of supports located at a first pair of diagonally opposing corners of the outer blank; anda second pair of supports located at a second pair of diagonally opposing corners of the outer blank,wherein the supports of the first pair are asymmetrically shaped and the supports of the second pair are asymmetrically shaped.3. The preassembled display of wherein all of the supports are all asymmetrically shaped when compared to each other.4. The preassembled display of wherein each support includes one or more support panels claim 3 ,wherein at least two supports include a different number of support panels and/or wherein at least two supports include differently sized support panels and/or wherein at least two supports include support panels with different angles at the joints near the support panels.5. The preassembled display of wherein ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

One piece bulk bin having an automatically-erecting bottom and methods for constructing the same

Номер: US20140021246A1
Принадлежит: Rock Tenn Shared Services LLC

A container formed from a single blank of sheet material is provided. The container includes an automatically-erecting bottom wall configured to be selectively moveable between a substantially flat position and a fully erect position. The container includes a plurality of side panels, including at least a first side panel, a second side panel, a third side panel, and a side joining tab. The container also includes a plurality of bottom flaps for forming a bottom wall, including both minor and major bottom flaps. A first bottom flap extends from the first side panel, a second bottom flap extends from the second side panel, and a third bottom flap extends from the third side panel. The second bottom flap includes a first minor joining tab for coupling to the first bottom flap. The third bottom flap includes a third joining tab for coupling to a second major bottom flap.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027331A1
Автор: Ladayni Donald J.

A closure apparatus that has a base having an interior surface, a lid having an interior surface, and a plurality of compartments within the apparatus. The lid is rotatably connected to the base, and a first compartment of the plurality of compartments has a wall secured to the interior surface of the lid and a wall of a second component is secured to the face such that, upon rotation of the lid, at least some of the compartments rise open from a relatively compressed state. The compartments removably straw an eating utensil which are easily displayed in and removed from their respective compartments. 1. A closure apparatus comprising:a base;a lid having an interior surface and wherein the plurality of compartment an a second wall secured to the interior surface of the base the lid is rotatably connected to the base; anda plurality of compartments within the apparatus, wherein a first of said compartments comprises a wall secured to the interior surface of the lid comprises such that, upon rotation of the lid, at least some of said compartments open from a relatively compressed state to an at least partially open state.2. The closure apparatus of further comprising an eating utensil housed in one of said compartments.3. The closure apparatus of wherein the one of said compartments housing the utensil is configured to rotate the eating utensil when the lid is opened.4. The closure apparatus of wherein the eating utensil comprises a flat handle and a food manipulating part claim 2 , and wherein said compartments are dimensioned to expose the food manipulating part of the eating utensil when the eating utensil is inserted into one of the compartments.5. The closure apparatus of wherein the eating utensil comprises a plastic eating utensil.6. The closure apparatus of wherein the closure apparatus comprises a cellulosic material.7. A method for providing eating utensils to a person claim 1 , said method comprising:placing an eating utensil in a compartment in a closure ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076915A1

A dispenser box having a modified rectangular shape with leaf-shaped end walls and partly curved main walls that may form symmetrically or non-symmetrically configured halves of the dispenser box. The first main wall has a substantially flat surface extending from a first side edge of the dispenser box and changing into a curved surface when moving in a direction from the first side edge towards a second side edge of the dispenser box. The second main wall has a corresponding substantially flat surface at the second side edge, which changes into a curved surface when moving in a direction towards the first side edge. 1. A dispenser box for stackable sheet articles , said dispenser box comprising:first and second rectangular main walls each main wall having a first and a second end edge, said first end edges of said main walls defining a first end edge of said dispenser box and said second end edges of said main walls defining a second end edge of said dispenser box, and a first side edge of each said main wall extending along a first side edge of said dispenser box and a second side edge of each said main wall extending along a second side edge of said dispenser box,first and second end walls; anda dispensing opening,wherein each said end walls has a first and a second diametrically opposite right-angled corner and a first and a second diametrically opposite convexly curved corner wherein said first side edge of said dispenser box extends between said first right-angled corners of said end walls and said second side edge of said dispenser box extends between said second right-angled corners of said end walls, said end edges of said main walls comprising a curved portion conforming to said curvature of said curved corners of said end walls and each said main wall having a curved surface corresponding to said curved portions of said end edges of said main walls.2. The dispenser box according to claim 1 , wherein the radius of curvature of said convexly curved corners ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084046A1
Автор: Colon Epifanic

The present invention relates to a container that has a top portion and a bottom portion. The top portion and the bottom portion are adapted to be separated from so that each portion can form its own smaller rectangular shaped container by being reconfigured along its respective plurality of a plurality of perforation lines, fold lines, tear lines and cut lines to hold food products such pizza therein. 1. A rectangular shaped container for food products such as pizza , comprisinga top portion and a bottom portion, said top portion and said bottom portion being detachably connected to each other, each of said top portion and said bottom portion having a plurality of a plurality of perforation lines, fold lines, tear lines and cut lines so that said top portion and said bottom portion are reconfigured along their respective plurality of perforation lines, fold lines, tear lines and cut lines to form separate smaller reusable rectangular containers that are smaller in size than that of said rectangular shaped container to hold food products such pizza therein.2. A pizza box according to further comprising a base with a lateral containment element and an upper closure lid claim 1 , comprising: at said base or at said closure lid claim 1 , at least one weakened portion which defines at least a sheet-like element which can he detached to provide two secondary boxes for pizza.3. A pizza box according to claim 2 , wherein said weakened portion has a closed shape.42. A pizza box according to claim 2 , wherein the pizza box comprises at on weakened portion at a defined hinged attached back wall of said base and/or of said closure lid and are adapted to define a sheet-like element which can be detached to provide secondary boxes.5. A pizza box according to claim 2 , wherein a portion of said at least one weakened portion is arranged along the extension of the connecting edge between said lateral containment element and said upper closure lid.6. The pizza box according to claim ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Urine bag for collecting body fluids

Номер: US20140094665A1
Автор: Izac Ron
Принадлежит: GOLOO ApS

A bag for collecting body fluids, such as urine or vomit, wherein the bag in compact condition includes a front side, a back side, a bottom and at least two side edges, where a bag opening is formed opposite the bottom. The bag includes an expandable bead arranged in or close to the bag opening to keep the bag open. The bead can have several chambers that can be inflated or expanded by a resiliently deformable material arranged in the chambers. A removable absorbing material is arranged at the bottom of the bag so that a sample of the fluid can be taken before it is absorbed. At least a part of the sides of the bag can be transparent. Identification means can be provided to enable identification of the user whose liquid has been collected. The bag and the bead can be compressed and stored in compact condition.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Carton with a reclosable opening

Номер: US20170000666A1
Автор: Jerry Ray Stephens
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A reclosable carton being capable and being adapted for accommodating a multiplicity of disposable absorbent articles is provided. The reclosable carton has a substantially parallelepiped-shape. A blank having a substantially folded flat-shape able to be converted in the reclosable carton is also provided.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002023A1

Visibility packaging for energy storage elements includes a front wall spaced apart from a rear wall and provided with at least one viewing cutout and at least one web having a central apex region fixed to a contact region of the rear wall, wherein the web and the rear wall together form a K-shaped cross section in a closure position and the web closes a removal opening of a receiving space, and the rear wall has at least one perforation that delimits a contact region from a remainder of the rear wall and makes it possible to separate the contact region from the rear wall such that the web can be transferred by a folding operation into a removal position in which the apex region of the web is spaced apart from the rear wall and the web frees the removal opening of the receiving space. 1. Visibility packaging for energy storage elements comprising:a. at least one blank composed of a sheet material, with formation of a rear wall and a front wall of the visibility packaging,b. the front wall is spaced apart from the rear wall to form a receiving space for the energy storage elements,c. the front wall is provided with at least one viewing cutout,d. the front wall comprises at least one web,e. the web has a central apex region fixed to a contact region of the rear wall, wherein the web and the rear wall together form a K-shaped cross section in a closure position and the web closes a removal opening of the receiving space, andf. the rear wall has at least one perforation that delimits the contact region from a remainder of the rear wall and makes it possible to separate the contact region from the rear wall such that the web can be transferred by a folding operation into a removal position in which the apex region of the web is spaced apart from the rear wall and the web frees the removal opening of the receiving space.2. The visibility packaging according to claim 1 , wherein:a. the sheet material is cardboard.3. The visibility packaging according to claim 1 , whereina. ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Carton and Blank Therefor

Номер: US20220002052A1
Автор: Nathaniel B. Ball
Принадлежит: WestRock Packaging Systems LLC

Aspects of the disclosure relate to a package, a carton, and a 35a blank for forming the carton. An aspect of the invention provides a carton comprising a plurality of primary panels defining an interior of the carton. The plurality of panels comprises a top panel, a first side panel hinged to one of opposed side edges of the top panel, a second side panel hinged to the other of the side edges of the top panel, an upper end closure flap hinged to the top panel, a first side end closure flap hinged to the first side panel, a second side end closure flap hinged to the second side panel, and a foldable gusset folded into the interior of the carton. The gusset is hinged to the upper end closure flap.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Packing box for a weight lifting bar

Номер: US20150001110A1
Автор: Jih-Ming Chen
Принадлежит: Individual

A packing box for a weight lifting bar includes an elongate board having four parallel first folding lines to define the elongate board into a first portion, a second portion, a third portion, a fourth portion and a fifth portion. A second folding line is formed in each of two ends of the elongate board. Each of the two ends of the elongate board is defined into five end covers by the second folding line and the four first folding lines. The first portion is cut to have two side covers. The fifth portion is cut to have two openings. The elongate board is folded along the four first folding lines to form a quadratic body, and the end covers are folded inward to close the two open ends of the quadratic body. The bar in the packing box can be seen via the openings by opening the side covers.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001251A1
Автор: Smith Kenneth Charles

A container for dispensing beverages is provided. The container includes at least six side walls coupled together along a plurality of parallel fold lines. The at least six side walls include two end panels and at least two side panels, and the at least six side walls define a substantially cylindrical shape of the container. A bottom wall is coupled to at least one of the two end panels, wherein a shape of the bottom wall corresponding to a cross-sectional shape of the at least six side walls. The container further includes a spout cutout removably defined in a first end panel of the two end panels proximate to a fold line connecting the first end panel to the bottom wall.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002019A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

The package includes a box configured to hold and display a consumer good, the box including a top wall, bottom wall, front wall, back wall, first side wall, second side wall and ramp element, the ramp element being connected to an edge of the first side wall, the ramp element extending into the box and towards the bottom wall, the ramp element being configured to support the consumer good between the ramp element and the top wall, the top wall defining an access opening extending over at least part of the ramp element, and a lid flap connected to the box along a hinge line, the lid flap including a closed and opened position, the lid flap at least partially covering the access opening in the closed position, and the lid flap exposing the access opening and allowing the consumer good to be removed from the box. 1. A package , comprising:a box configured to hold and display at least one first consumer good, the box including a top wall, a bottom wall, a front wall, a back wall, a first side wall, a second side wall and a ramp element, the ramp element being connected to a first edge of the first side wall, the ramp element extending into the box and towards the bottom wall, the ramp element being configured to support the at least one first consumer good between the ramp element and the top wall, the top wall defining an access opening extending over at least a part of the ramp element; anda lid flap connected to the box along a hinge line, the lid flap including a closed position and an opened position, the lid flap at least partially covering the access opening in the closed position, and the lid flap exposing the access opening and allowing the at least one first consumer good to be removed from the box in the opened position.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the ramp element extends diagonally from the first edge of the first side wall toward the bottom wall.3. The package of claim 1 , wherein the ramp element includesa first ramp panel, ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001738A1
Автор: Madsen Bent

A heating-nozzle arrangement for heating a partly formed packaging container, comprises one or more nozzle assemblies, arranged to direct a heated air flow to portions of a packaging container to be sealed; a gas-supply portion, arranged to supply a mass flow of heated gas to the nozzle assembly, further the nozzle assembly comprises at least a first and a second hole pattern and that the heating-nozzle arrangement further comprises a selector for directing the mass flow of heated air towards the first hole pattern or the second hole pattern respectively. 1. A heating-nozzle arrangement for heating a partly formed packaging container , the heating-nozzle arrangement comprising:one or more nozzle assemblies, arranged to direct a heated gas flow to portions of a packaging container to be sealed;an air-supply portion, arranged to supply a mass flow of heated air to the nozzle assembly;the nozzle assembly comprising a plurality of holes arranged in at least a first hole pattern and a second hole pattern; anda selector for directing the mass flow of heated air towards the first hole pattern or the second hole pattern respectively, the heating nozzle arrangement being operable according to a first operation condition in which the mass flow of heated air is directed to the first hole pattern and a second hole pattern so that the heated air flows out the holes in both the first and second hole patterns and a second operation condition in which the mass flow of heated air is directed to the first hole pattern only so that the heated air flows out the holes in only the first hole pattern, the selector being configured to to change between the first and second operating conditions.2. The heating-nozzle arrangement of claim 1 , further comprising a first opening arrangement for admitting an airflow to the first hole pattern claim 1 , and a second opening arrangement for admitting an airflow to the second hole pattern.3. The heating-nozzle arrangement of claim 2 , wherein the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001953A1
Автор: Chesworth Ian Neil

A wrap around container () for holding an electronic device () has a substantially rectangular panel () comprising a device receiving portion () at one end of the panel (), a fixing portion () at the opposite end of the panel (), and a wrap around portion () in between. A pair of flaps () extend from opposite sides of the device receiving portion () of the panel (), each side being on a respective longitudinal edge of the rectangular panel (). Each flap () is arranged to be folded into a closed position where the flap () is over at least a part of the device receiving portion () and an upper surface of a device () when placed on the device receiving portion (). The wrap around portion () is arranged to wrap at least over the flaps () in the closed position and the fixing portion () is arranged to be fixed to an outside of the container () after wrapping of the wrap around portion () to close the container (). Foam means () extend over at least part of the device receiving portion () and onto the surface of each flap () facing the device receiving portion () when in the closed position so as to form a foam barrier between a device () placed on the device receiving portion () and the device receiving portion () and the closed flaps (). The foam means () are attached to the device receiving portion () and the two flaps () and the foam means () is configured to be peelable away from the container () when the container () is open. 1. A wrap around container for holding an electronic device , the container comprising:a substantially rectangular panel including a device receiving portion at one end of the panel, a fixing portion at the opposite end of the panel, and a wrap around portion in between;a pair of flaps extending from opposite sides of the device receiving portion of the panel, each side being on a respective longitudinal edge of the rectangular panel, and each flap being arranged to be folded into a closed position where the flap is over at least a part of the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Triangular shipping container

Номер: US20170001749A1
Принадлежит: Art com Inc

Disclosure is directed to a preconfigured planar container template (“container template”) that can be assembled into a triangular shipping container (“container”). The container template is a substantially planar panel/flat sheet having a specified number of fold lines at specified positions in the planar panel, and which can be assembled into the container by folding at the fold lines. While not only assembling the container template into the container is very easy, making or manufacturing the container template is also very easy. The making or the manufacturing of the container template can include cutting a planar panel, e.g., made of some preferable material, into a container template of a specified shape and size and making a specified number of fold lines on the container template. The container template can be manufactured without using any securing products, such as glue and staple.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001750A1

A blank of sheet material for forming a container is provided. The blank of sheet material includes at least one major bottom panel, two opposing side panels, and two opposing end panels. Each end panel includes a plurality of fold lines that define two opposing side edges, a first minor end panel, a second minor end panel, and at least two reinforcement panels positioned between the two side edges. The at least two reinforcement panels are configured to move inwardly towards an interior cavity of the container forming a reinforcement structure when the container is formed. 1. A blank of sheet material for forming a container , said blank of sheet material comprising:at least one major bottom panel;two opposing side panels; andtwo opposing end panels, wherein each end panel comprises a plurality of fold lines that define two opposing side edges, a first minor end panel, a second minor end panel, and at least two reinforcement panels positioned between the two side edges, wherein the at least two reinforcement panels are configured to move inwardly towards an interior cavity of the container forming a reinforcement structure when the container is formed.2. The blank of sheet material in accordance with further comprising a first minor bottom flap and a second minor bottom flap extending from a bottom edge of a first of the two opposing end panels.3. The blank of sheet material in accordance with further comprising a third minor bottom flap and a fourth minor bottom flap extending from a bottom edge of a second of the two opposing end panels.4. The blank of sheet material in accordance with claim 2 , wherein an angled edge portion is defined in each of the first and second minor bottom flaps claim 2 , the angled edge portions extending from the bottom edge of the first opposing end panel and configured to form a notch sized to receive at least a portion of the reinforcement structure when the container is formed.5. The blank of sheet material in accordance with claim ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001751A1
Принадлежит: Generation Tux, Inc.

A shoe box may include: a base panel; a roof panel opposite and spaced from the base panel; at least one rear panel coupled to the base panel and the roof panel; at least one front panel coupled to the base panel and the roof panel, wherein the at least one front panel is opposite and spaced from the at least one rear panel, the base panel, and the roof panel, and wherein the at least one rear panel and the at least one front panel form a tubular cavity for receiving at least one shoe therein; and left and right side support structures configured to assist in spacing the base panel from a base of a garment receptacle by a first distance, and configured to assist in spacing the roof panel from a roof of the garment receptacle by a second distance, when the shoe box is inserted into the garment receptacle. 1. A shoe box comprising:a base panel;a roof panel opposite and spaced from the base panel;at least one rear panel coupled to the base panel and the roof panel;at least one front panel coupled to the base panel and the roof panel, wherein the at least one front panel is opposite and spaced from the at least one rear panel, the base panel, and the roof panel, and wherein the at least one rear panel and the at least one front panel form a tubular cavity for receiving at least one shoe therein; andleft and right side support structures configured to assist in spacing the base panel from a base of a garment receptacle by a first distance, and configured to assist in spacing the roof panel from a roof of the garment receptacle by a second distance, when the shoe box is inserted into the garment receptacle.2. The shoe box of claim 1 , wherein the first distance allows a first portion of a garment to reside between the base panel of the shoe box and the base of the garment receptacle claim 1 , and the second distance allows a second portion of the garment to reside between the roof panel of the shoe box and the roof of the garment receptacle claim 1 , thereby preventing a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001752A1
Принадлежит: Rengo Co., Ltd.

A packing box has a bottom panel, end panels raised from first edges of the bottom panel, side panels arranged adjacently to the end panels, edge panels connected to side edges of the end panels via outer panel fold lines, fold-back panels arranged on inner side surfaces of the edge panels, inner panels arranged on inner side surfaces of the end panels, and reinforcing panels continuously formed with the fold-back panels via first fold lines and the inner panels via second fold lines. The reinforcing panel is formed in an inwardly projecting manner between the fold-back panel and the inner panel. Any of the first and second fold lines positioned on a side closer to the outer panel fold line than a projecting top portion is arranged away from the outer panel fold line by a distance. 1. A packing box comprising:a bottom panel;end panels raised from first edges of the bottom panel;side panels raised from second edges of the bottom panel extending in a direction which intersects with the first edges, the side panels arranged adjacently to the end panels;edge panels connected to side edges of the end panels via outer panel fold lines, and fixed to inner side surfaces of the side panels arranged adjacently to the edge panels;fold-back panels arranged on inner side surfaces of the edge panels;inner panels arranged on inner side surfaces of the end panels; andreinforcing panels continuously formed with the fold-back panels via first fold lines, and continuously formed with the inner panels via second fold lines, each reinforcing panel being formed in an inwardly projecting manner between the fold-back panel and the inner panel, wherein any of the first fold line and the second fold line positioned on a side closer to the outer panel fold line than a projecting top portion is arranged away from the outer panel fold line by a distance.2. The packing box according to claim 1 , wherein the inner panel is fixed to the end panel claim 1 ,wherein the first fold line positioned on ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Container, A Device For Delivering A Material Capable Of Flowing, As Well As A Computer-readable Medium

Номер: US20170001754A1

A container has a pour opening. In order to be able to portion-wise deliver a dry bulk material or a liquid from the container the container has a divider wall between a first chamber and a second chamber which are connected via a transition chamber. Thus material can pass the pour opening of the container via the first chamber, the transition chamber and the second chamber. Furthermore, a device for such a container is claimed, as well as a computer-readable medium with instructions for a 3D-printer. 1. A container , which container comprises a pour opening , characterized in that the container comprises a body , which body provides a divider wall between a first chamber and a second chamber which are linked by a transition chamber , 'at the first side) of the divider wall has an inlet for allowing a flowable material into the transition chamber from the first chamber, and', 'wherein the divider wall comprises a first side and a second side, and the transition chamber'}at the second side has a passage opening for delivering the flowable material from the transition chamber to the second chamber, via which second chamber the flowable material can pass the pour opening of the container.2. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the container comprises a pour opening that can be closed off with a cap as the pour opening.3. The container according to claim 2 , wherein the body is part of a device for the batch-wise delivery of a flowable material claim 2 , which device comprises a first end and a second end claim 2 , and whereinthe device at the first end comprises a front wall and at a distance of the second end has a dispensing opening for delivering the flowable material,the body defines at least the transition chamber and the second chamber by means of walls wherein the second chamber opens up at the dispensing opening, andthe divider wall extends from the first end towards the second end.4. The container according to claim 2 , wherein the container is a pack ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001793A1
Автор: CHEN Shau-Liang, Jiang Tao

A packing box for packing tube lamps is provided. The packing box includes a middle case. The middle case is for packing two or more tube lamps. The middle case includes a support section and two bent sections at two opposite sides of the support section. The two bent sections are bent towards the support section. The support section and the two bent sections are substantially aligned in a width direction of the tube lamps before the bent sections are bent. The support section and each of the two bent sections respectively form one or more receiving cavities each of which is for receiving one of the tube lamps and are for wrapping the two or more tube lamps after the bent sections are bent. The tube lamps are easily packed by the packing box, and the tube lamps in the packing box are not easily damaged. 1. A packing box for packing tube lamps , comprising: a support section; and', 'two bent sections at two opposite sides of the support section, the two bent sections being bent towards the support section, wherein the support section and the two bent sections are substantially aligned in a width direction of the tube lamps before the bent sections are bent, and the support section and each of the two bent sections respectively form at least one receiving cavity for receiving one of the at least two tube lamps and are for wrapping the at least two tube lamps after the bent sections are bent., 'a middle case for packing at least two tube lamps, the middle case comprising2. The packing box for packing tube lamps of claim 1 , wherein each of the two bent sections comprises a free end claim 1 , and at least one of the two bent sections are connected to the support section by the free end to form the receiving cavity for receiving the tube lamp and to be utilized for wrapping the tube lamp in a circumferential direction.3. The packing box for packing tube lamps of claim 1 , wherein the two bent sections at two opposite sides of the support section are bent towards the same ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002059A1

The present invention relates to a collapsible virtual reality viewer. Aspects of the viewer include a body portion and a viewing portion, each having a plurality of panels abutting fold lines. The viewer may be folded along the fold lines to move from an expanded configuration to a collapsed configuration when it is not being used. In one aspect, the viewer includes a detachable panel that is removeably coupled to the viewer along a plurality of perforations. Promotional material may be printed on or attached to the detachable panel. In another embodiment, the body portion and the viewing portion are each formed of a unitary construction in which the panels of each portion are die cut from a single piece of material and folded along fold lines to form the body and viewing portions, which are then secured together at one or more locations. 1. A collapsible virtual reality viewer comprising: a first body wall;', 'a second body wall opposite the first body wall;', 'a first side wall joining the first body wall and the second body wall; and', 'a second side wall opposite the first side wall and joining the first body wall and the second body wall; and, 'a body portion, the body portion comprising an outer viewing panel having one or more viewing apertures for permitting viewing a virtual reality display device when received in the viewer,', 'an inner viewing panel having a display aperture for permitting viewing a virtual reality display device when received in the viewer,', 'a back panel, the back panel and the inner viewing panel forming a slot, and', 'an intermediate viewing panel that spaces apart the outer viewing panel and the slot,, 'a viewing portion coupled to the body portion, the viewing portion comprisingwherein the collapsible virtual reality viewer includes a plurality of fold lines and is configured to fold between a collapsed configuration and an expanded configuration,wherein, when in the expanded configuration, the slot is configured to hold a virtual ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002060A1
Принадлежит: Packaging Corporation of America

Wall panels for a corrugated paper board container have bulge control lines formed therein to control the bending of the wall panels as the container is loaded with contents, such as liquid containing contents. The bulge control lines are configured to control the bending of the wall panels to mitigate the possibility of undesirable spouting that makes the containers more difficult to store. 1. A container comprising corrugated paper board , the container comprising:first and second side wall panels opposed to one another, the container comprising a plurality of other wall panels other than the first and second side wall panels which other wall panels together with the first and second side wall panels are coupled together and form the walls of the container;a bottom or base portion coupled to the first and second side wall panels and to the other wall panels;the first and second side wall panels each comprise a panel body including a bottom edge, a top edge, a center between the bottom edge and the top edge, and first and second side edges; andwherein each panel body comprises a plurality of bulge control lines that extend from a first location at or adjacent to the bottom edge of the panel body to a second location at or adjacent to the top edge of the panel body, the bulge control lines subdividing the panel body into at least three subpanels, the bulge control lines extending from the first location to a second location adjacent to the to the top edge of the panel body, and wherein the bulge control lines are further apart at the first location than at a third location that is above the first location.2. A container according to wherein the bulge control lines of each panel body comprise first and second bulge control lines claim 1 , the first bulge control line comprising a first bulge control line section below the center of the panel body and the second bulge control line comprising a second bulge control line section below the center of the panel body claim ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002061A1

The pack includes a box structure defining an inner cavity. A side of the box structure is sealed by a first adhesive. A lower end of the pack is sealed by a second adhesive connecting a rear surface of a lower panel of a front panel to a front surface of a lower glue panel of a back panel. The upper portion of the pack is circumscribed by perforated lines that cause the upper portion to remain connected to the tuck panel if the upper end of the pack is opened. The blank for forming the pack includes an upper portion of a back panel that is circumscribed by perforated lines. The method of making the pack includes applying an adhesive to the upper portion of the back panel and connecting a rear surface of a tuck panel to the upper portion. 1. A pack , comprising: a front panel and a back panel,', 'a first side formed by an intermediate panel that is connected to the front panel and the back panel,', 'a second side that is sealed by a first adhesive, the first adhesive connecting a rear surface of a side panel of the front panel to a front surface of a side glue panel of the back panel,', 'a lower end that is sealed by a second adhesive, the second adhesive connecting a rear surface of a lower panel of the front panel to a front surface of a lower glue panel of the back panel, and', 'an upper end that is sealed by a third adhesive, the third adhesive connecting a rear surface of a tuck panel of the front panel to a front surface of an upper portion of the back panel, the upper portion being circumscribed by a perforated line that is configured to cause the upper portion to stay connected to the tuck panel and tear away from the back panel if the upper end of the box structure is opened., 'a box structure defining an inner cavity, the box structure including,'}2. The pack of claim 1 , wherein the back panel defines a slit between the upper end and the lower end of the box structure claim 1 , the slit being positioned to retain a distal end of the tuck panel in order to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Pour spout and packaging container

Номер: US20180002062A1
Принадлежит: Toppan Printing Co Ltd

A pour spout that is sufficiently rigid to be prevented from breaking due to ultrasonic vibrations during welding and that is readily separated from a packaging container being broken down, and a packaging container with the pour spout. The pour spout includes a cylindrical sidewall and a disk-like flange extending outwardly from one end of the sidewall. The flange has a to-be-cut portion that is a recess arranged annularly, and a rib disposed at an annular projection or at the to-be-cut portion.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Container closing and opening article, system, and method

Номер: US20190002144A1
Принадлежит: HB Fuller Co

Methods, articles, and apparatus that provide a dual function closure/opening system that utilizes a tape serving as both a sealing closure and as an opening mechanism. For example, in one embodiment, a single adhesive tape is introduced between a container flap and a container panel and then the container flap and the container panel are pressed together forming a bond between the flap and the panel via the adhesive tape thereby closing the container. In another embodiment, one end of a container includes two overlapping flaps and a single adhesive tape is introduced between the overlap of the two container flaps and then the container flaps are pressed together forming a bond between the flaps via the adhesive tape thereby closing the container. The methods and apparatus disclosed herein are directed to any container with at least one flap that overlaps a side panel of the container or that overlaps another flap.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002154A1
Автор: Hugley Chadrick Deon

An oriental food takeout box and plate assembly and method of folding provides a unitary body, which is interchangeable between a planar eating surface configuration and a takeout box configuration along a folding and unfolding path. The takeout box configuration is defined by two opposing side faces with each side face forming at least one side container aperture, two opposing lateral faces, an enclosed bottom face, an inner upper face opposing the enclosed bottom face and defining two parallel spaced-apart slits forming a loop, and an outer upper face defining a loop aperture with the loop protruding therethrough. At least one utensil passes through the loop to fasten the outer upper face to inner upper face, so as to retain the unitary body in the takeout box configuration. Side container apertures form in the side faces to retain side containers that contains a condiment for consuming with the oriental food. 1. An oriental food takeout box and plate assembly , comprising:a unitary body being interchangeable between a substantially planar eating surface configuration and a takeout box configuration,the takeout box configuration being defined by an inner surface and an outer surface,the takeout box configuration further being defined by two opposing side faces with each side face forming at least one side container aperture, two opposing lateral faces, an enclosed bottom face, an inner upper face opposing the enclosed bottom face and defining two parallel spaced-apart slits forming a loop, and an outer upper face defining and enclosing a loop aperture with the loop protruding therethrough; andat least one utensil being disposed through the loop and directly coupled to the outer surface of the unitary body, the utensil fastening the outer upper face to the inner upper face, whereby the utensil retains the unitary body in the takeout box configuration.2. The oriental food containment assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least one side container ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Multi-Compartment Cigarette Package

Номер: US20190002187A1

An improved cigarette package is provided. The cigarette package first includes a container which serves as a housing for two or more compartments, each compartment holding a plurality of cigarettes. The package also includes a lid which is hingedly connected to the container at an upper end. Opening and closing the lid provides selective access and closure to the container. The inner compartments each include a compartment tab that allows for opening and re-sealing of the respective inner compartments. Thus, a dual-compartment cigarette package is provided wherein the compartments may be independently opened and re-sealed. The configuration allows for selective opening of a single compartment while preserving the factory seal on the unopened compartment so that freshness and aromatic oils of the cigarettes within the package are preserved, even after opening of the package and compartments. 1. A cigarette package , comprising: an exterior surface having a top face, a bottom face, a front face, a back face, an upper portion and a lower portion; and', 'a compartment tab configured to be peeled away from at least the upper surface of the compartment into an unsealed position, enabling access of cigarettes within the associated compartment, and configured to be re-sealed after the associated compartment is opened;, 'a moisture-resistant lining forming a compartment configured to closely hold a plurality of cigarettes in parallel alignment, wherein each compartment comprises, 'an outer container configured to closely hold two or more cigarette inserts, wherein each insert comprisesa lid pivotally connected to the container proximate an upper end to provide selective access to the compartments and the cigarettes therein, the lid being movable between open and closed positions; anda sleeve configured to wrap around the two or more cigarette inserts and to hold the cigarette inserts in adjacent relation within the outer container.2. The cigarette package of claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008662A1

A handle structure includes a handle panel; a strap handle disposed below the handle panel and extending along a notional longitudinal line extending between the end edges of the handle panel; a handle opening defined in the handle panel, the handle opening being disposed in registry with at least part of the strap handle such that the at least part of the strap handle may be raised and extend through the handle opening when the strap handle is moved to a used position wherein the at least part of the strap handle is disposed above the handle panel; and at least one tear resisting cut line in the handle panel, the at least one tear resisting cut line extending from the handle opening toward an adjacent one of the side edges of the handle panel. 1. A handle structure for a carton comprising:a handle panel having opposed end edges and opposed side edges;a strap handle disposed below the handle panel and extending along a notional longitudinal line extending between the end edges;a handle opening defined in the handle panel, the handle opening being disposed in registry with at least part of the strap handle such that the at least part of the strap handle may be raised and extend through the handle opening when the strap handle is moved to a used position wherein the at least part of the strap handle is disposed above the handle panel;at least one tear resisting cut line in the handle panel, the at least one tear resisting cut line extending from the handle opening toward an adjacent one of the side edges of the handle panel; anda grip member struck from the handle panel and secured to the strap handle, wherein the grip member is detachably connected to the handle panel such that the grip member defines at least part of the handle opening when detached from the handle panel,wherein an aperture is struck from the handle panel, the aperture having inner and outer opposed end edges, the inner edge being coincidental with one of opposed end edges of the grip member, the at ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009439A1

A blank of sheet material for forming a container includes a bottom panel and two opposing side panels. Each side panel extends from a side edge of the bottom panel. The blank also includes two opposing end panel assemblies. Each end panel assembly extends from an end edge of the bottom panel and includes an outer end panel extending from the end edge, and an inner end panel extending from a top edge of the outer end panel. The blank further includes a plurality of reinforcing side panel assemblies. Each reinforcing side panel assembly extends from a side edge of one of the end panel assemblies. Each reinforcing side panel assembly includes a first reinforcing side panel extending from the inner end panel, and a second reinforcing side panel extending from the first reinforcing side panel and the outer end panel. 1. A blank of sheet material for forming a container , the blank comprising:a bottom panel;two opposing side panels, each side panel extending from a side edge of the bottom panel; an outer end panel extending from the end edge; and', 'an inner end panel extending from a top edge of the outer end panel; and, 'two opposing end panel assemblies, each end panel assembly extending from an end edge of the bottom panel, wherein each end panel assembly comprises a first reinforcing side panel extending from the inner end panel of the respective end panel assembly; and', 'a second reinforcing side panel extending from the first reinforcing side panel and the outer end panel of the respective end panel assembly., 'a plurality of reinforcing side panel assemblies, each reinforcing side panel assembly extending from a side edge of one of the end panel assemblies, wherein each reinforcing side panel assembly comprises2. The blank in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the end panel assemblies and the reinforcing side panel assemblies are configured to define at least a double wall thickness around a perimeter of the container when formed.3. The blank in accordance with ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Carton and stress relieving pattern for handle

Номер: US20160009442A1
Принадлежит: CW Zumbiel Co

A carton blank is assembled into a carton for beverage containers, the blank having a number of panels including a top panel, a bottom panel and a pair of side panels each joined by a fold line to an adjacent one of the panels. A number of end flaps are each joined by an end flap fold line to one of the panels and the end flaps are adapted to be folded upon selected other end flaps to form composite end panels of the carton. A carrying handle is formed in a selected one of the panels and adapted to be grasped by a user to carry the erected carton filled with the beverage containers. A pattern of stress-relieving lines are formed in the carton blank to produce a desired buckling of the carton when erected, filled and lifted to avoid tearing of the carton material.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008722A1

A tablet container includes a rigid jacket with a closed end, an open end, and an interior. A cover is on the open end of the jacket and a desiccant body disposed within the jacket to impound residual moisture retained within the jacket interior subsequent to fixation of the cover to the open end of the jacket. Unit dose tablet packages and methods of making tablet containers and unit dose tablet packages are also described. 1. A tablet container , comprising:a rigid jacket with a closed end, an open end, and an interior;a cover seated on the open end of the jacket; anda desiccant body disposed within the jacket to impound residual moisture retained within the jacket interior subsequent to fixation of the cover to the open end of the jacket.2. The tablet container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the jacket has a frusto-conical shape tapering from the open end to the closed end of the jacket claim 1 , the frusto-conical shape having a length greater a standard size tablet length and less than twice the standard size tablet length.3. The tablet container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the open end of the jacket has a rim extending about an aperture claim 1 , the aperture in communication with the interior of the jacket for dispensing therefrom a tablet claim 1 , wherein the closed end of the jacket has a planar surface for marking tablet container with an indicia associated with a tablet hermetically sealed within the interior of the jacket.4. The tablet container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the jacket is formed from an inedible material claim 1 , wherein the jacket is crush-resistant or crush-proof.5. The tablet container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the jacket includes a polymeric material selected from a group including monomers claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , polyvinylchloride claim 1 , and nylon.6. The tablet container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cover comprises a pull-tab body having a sealing portion ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009188A1

A machine for forming a container from a blank of sheet material is provided. The blank includes a reinforcing panel assembly for forming a reinforcing corner assembly. The machine includes a hopper station for storing the blank in a substantially flat configuration and a forming station for forming the blank into the container. The forming station includes an initial forming station that rotates a first portion of the reinforcing panel assembly with respect to a second portion of the reinforcing panel assembly, and a secondary forming station having male and female forming members with shapes corresponding to an interior shape and an exterior shape of the reinforcing corner assembly, respectively. The male and the female forming members are configured to form the reinforcing corner assembly by compressing together the first and second portions of the reinforcing panel assembly. 1. A method of forming a container from a blank of sheet material using a machine , the blank including a bottom panel having opposing side edges and opposing end edges , two opposing side panels each extending from one of the side edges of the bottom panel , two opposing end panels each extending from one of the end edges of the bottom panel , and a reinforcing panel assembly including a plurality of reinforcing panels separated by a plurality of fold lines , the reinforcing panel assembly extending from a first side edge of a first end panel of the two end panels , the machine including a forming station , said method comprising:forming a reinforcing corner assembly from the reinforcing panel assembly by folding the plurality of reinforcing panels about the plurality of fold lines by compressing the plurality of reinforcing panels into face-to-face relationship using a male forming member and a female forming member within the forming station;rotating a first portion of the reinforcing panel assembly with respect to a second portion of the reinforcing panel assembly by forcing the first ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009564A1
Автор: Carman Gregory A.

Embodiments of foldable containers, such as foldable produce containers, and related sheets and methods. In some embodiments, a sheet may comprise at least two adjacent, parallel, side panels, one of which may comprise a bendable tab, and the other of which may comprise a cutout configured to receive the bendable tab. This may allow for temporarily maintaining the two panels in position during a folding process to facilitate additional folding steps during the process. In some embodiments, a container may comprise one or more strapping flaps configured to facilitate tensioning of strapping material for strapping together multiple containers. These strapping flaps may be configured to engage a strapping material and may allow a single person to more easily tension the strapping material to strap multiple containers together. 1. A sheet for folding into a container , comprising:a first side panel comprising a first locking tab and a rollover flap, wherein the rollover flap is configured to be folded with respect to the first side panel to expose the first locking tab;a second side panel configured to be folded with respect to the first side panel during a folding process for folding the sheet into a three-dimensional container such that the second side panel is positioned adjacent and at least substantially parallel to the first side panel;a third side panel configured to be folded with respect to the first side panel and the second side panel during the folding process such that the third side panel is positioned adjacent and at least substantially parallel to and overlaps with the second side panel, wherein at least one of the second side panel and the third side panel comprises a bendable tab, and wherein at least one of the second side panel and the third side panel comprises a cutout configured to receive the bendable tab to hold the second side panel in place with respect to the third side panel while the rollover flap is folded with respect to the first side ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009566A1
Автор: Muhammad Amanee
Принадлежит: Fully Focused, Inc.

A beverage container to enable the manufacture and packaging of two flavors of juice or other liquid drinks. At present, the preference and favorite flavor of an individual consumer is not accommodated unless two or more products are purchased. This invention provides a cardboard or plastic divider panel that is incorporated into any existing cartons that overcomes these limitations by enabling a carton to be divided into two flavors. Each side of the beverage container has a spout for separate pouring the contents of that particular side. 1. A carton for separately containing and independently dispensing two liquids , comprising:a substantially rectangular tubular carton having at least one sidewall and a bottom wall defining a cavity therein;an opening at a top end of the carton;a plurality of folds formed in the at least one sidewall configured, when folded, to produce a gabled closure at the opening; the gabled closure having a pair of inwardly inclined surface walls joined along a sealed ridge;a divider panel having a plurality of flanges, wherein the flanges are sealingly attached to an interior surface of the at least one sidewall, the bottom wall, and the gabled closure, the divider panel separating the cavity into a first cavity and a second cavity; anda first spout formed in a first inwardly inclined surface wall and a second spout formed in an opposite inwardly inclined surface wall, wherein the first spout is in fluid communication with the first cavity and the second spout is in fluid communication with the second cavity.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the divider panel extends between a first interior corner of the cavity and an opposite interior corner of the cavity.3. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the divider panel extends between a first interior sidewall surface and a second interior sidewall surface.4. The carton of claim 2 , wherein the first interior sidewall surface is opposite the second interior sidewall surface.5. The carton of claim 3 ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009307A1
Автор: HYUN Yong Wook

Disclosed is an eco friendly tapeless packaging box. The eco friendly tapeless packaging box includes: a box body in which one side portion is opened; a cover part covering an opened area of the box body; and a block portion provided in the box body and supporting the cover part, in which the cover part is divided into two areas and fitted and coupled to each other and includes a cover coupling portion which is fitted and coupled to a coupling hole provided at a wall portion of the box body. 1. An eco friendly tapeless packaging box comprising:a box body in which one side portion is opened;a cover part configured to cover an opened area of the box body; anda block portion provided in the box body and supporting the cover part,wherein the cover part is divided into two areas and fitted and coupled to each other and includes a cover coupling portion which is fitted and coupled to a coupling hole provided at a wall portion of the box body.2. The eco friendly packaging box of claim 1 , wherein the cover part includesa first cover part provided in the box body and having a first cover coupling hole;a second cover part provided in the box body of an area facing the first cover part and having an insertion coupling plate fitted and coupled the first cover coupling hole; andthe cover coupling portion provided in the second cover part and fitted and coupled to the coupling hole.3. The eco friendly packaging box of claim 1 , wherein the cover coupling portion includesa base cover coupling plate extending on an edge of the second cover portion and bent and contacting a side wall of the box body;a fixation plate extending on the base cover coupling plate and inserted into the coupling hole; anda separation preventing plate provided at one side portion of the fixation plate and inserted into the coupling hole like the fixation plate to prevent the fixation plate from being separated.4. The eco friendly packaging box of claim 3 , wherein the base cover coupling plate has a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Package with tear-off section and tab retaining foot panel

Номер: US20210009308A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

The package includes sidewall panels, the sidewall panels at least partially forming an outer surface of the package, a first foot panel connected via a first fold line to a front panel of the sidewall panels, a platform panel connected via a second fold line to the first foot panel, the platform panel being configured to support at least one first consumer product within the package, a second foot panel connected via a third fold line to the platform panel, a tab on a back panel of the sidewall panels, the tab configured to retain the second foot panel, and a tear-off section defined by one or more of the sidewall panels.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009944A1

A container including a storage configured for housing a product and defining a passage opening, a closing system configurable between a closed condition and opening condition of the storage, and a safety device associated with the closing system and with the storage configured for defining a safety condition wherein the same device prevents the closing system from passing from the closed condition to the open one. The container includes a passage configured for enabling the insertion of at least one opening device adapted to enable the passage of the closing system from the closed condition to the open one. The opening device includes an unpleasant taste material, at least partly defining an external surface of the same opening device, and configured for preventing the ingestion of said opening device. 1. A container comprising:a storage made of sheet material and defining an internal volume for housing a product, the storage having a predetermined number of lateral walls defining a passage opening configured for putting in communication the internal volume of the storage with an external environment;a closing system configured for defining a closed condition in which the system itself interdicts the communication between the internal volume of the storage and the external environment, the closing system also being configured for defining an open condition in which the system itself enables the communication between the internal volume and the external environment;a safety device made of sheet material associated with the closing system and with the storage, said safety device being configured for defining a safety condition wherein the same device prevents the closing system from passing from the closed condition to the open condition;an opening device insertable, in the safety condition, through a passage defined in correspondence with at least one of the storage and the closing system, said opening device being configured for acting on the safety device and ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009945A1
Автор: UEMATSU Masanori

A receiving container includes a container body and a grip member. The container body includes: a body portion in a hollow tubular shape; a bottom portion configured to close one end side opening portion of the body portion; and a ceiling portion configured to close another end side opening portion of the body portion. One of a first extending portion and a second extending portion of the ceiling portion has a separation portion configured to separate a tip portion. The grip member includes: attachment portions, and a grip portion grippable by hand. The attachment portions are configured to prevent the first extending portion and the second extending portion from opening from the other end side opening portion. The attachment portions are attached to a tip side of the separation portion in either of the first or second extending portion provided with the separation portion. 1. A receiving container comprising: a body portion in a hollow tubular shape;', 'a bottom portion configured to close one end side opening portion of the body portion; and', 'a ceiling portion configured to close another end side opening portion of the body portion,', 'the ceiling portion having a first extending portion and a second extending portion each of which extends from an edge of the other end side opening portion and one of which is provided with a separation portion configured to separate a tip portion; and, '(a) a container body including attachment portions attached to the first extending portion and the second extending portion, configured to prevent the first extending portion and the second extending portion from opening from the other end side opening portion, and attached to a tip side of the separation portion in the first or second extending portion provided with the separation portion; and', 'a grip portion grippable by hand., '(b) a grip member including2. The receiving container according to claim 1 ,wherein first through holes are formed in the first extending portion, ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Convertible Package Assembly and Display System

Номер: US20200010234A1
Принадлежит: Delkor Systems, Inc.

A package assembly suitable for use in storing and shipping a plurality of product containers includes a shipping configuration and a display configuration. In the shipping configuration the package assembly is constructed from a single blank of packaging material and formed into a case into which a plurality of product containers are inserted. In the display configuration a top portion of the case is removed from a bottom portion of the case along one or more tear lines on the blank. 120.-. (canceled)21. A package assembly , comprising:a case formed of a single sheet of packaging material, the single sheet including three rows of panels, the three rows comprising first and second edge rows and a middle row disposed between the first and second edge rows, the panels being foldable at fold lines to form the case, wherein a front of the case includes a first end panel of the middle row extending fully between a top and a bottom and a first side and a second side of the case, wherein the second side of the case opposite the first side and a rear of the case include a tear line configured to separate the case into a top portion and a bottom portion, wherein the first end panel is included with the top portion.22. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein the first end panel of the middle row defines an opening claim 21 , the opening being circular or rectangular in shape.23. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein the first end panel of the middle row extends within the bottom portion of the case.24. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein at least one of panels is pentagonal in shape.25. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein the tear line extends fully across each of the three rows to divide the case into the cover portion and the display portion.26. A package assembly claim 21 , comprising:a case formed of a single sheet of packaging material, the single sheet including three rows of panels, the three rows comprising first and second edge rows and a middle ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Microwave Heating Construct

Номер: US20200010258A1
Автор: Fitzwater Kelly R.

Various blanks are provided for forming sleeves, containers, and other constructs for heating, browning, and/or crisping of a food item in a microwave oven, and for holding and/or transporting the food item after heating. The various blanks, sleeves, containers, and other constructs may include a removable portion defined by one or more lines of disruption that enable the removable portion to be separated from the remainder of the blank, sleeve, container, or other construct. 1. A construct for heating a food product , the construct comprising:a plurality of panels forming an interior space of the construct, the plurality of panels comprise a first main panel, a first minor panel foldably connected to the first main panel at a first longitudinal fold line, a second minor panel foldably connected to the main panel at a second longitudinal fold line, a first major panel foldably connected to the first minor panel at a third longitudinal fold line, and a second major panel foldably connected to the second minor panel at a fourth longitudinal fold line, the first major panel and second major panel being overlapped to form a second main panel, at least one panel of the plurality of panels comprising a microwave energy interactive material;a plurality of end panels foldably connected to a respective panel of the plurality of panels for closing a first end of the construct, the plurality of end panels comprise a first end panel foldably connected to the first main panel, a first partial end panel foldably connected to the first major panel, and a second partial end panel foldably connected to the second major panel, the first partial end panel and the second partial end panel being overlapped to form a second end panel foldably connected to the second main panel,the first end panel comprises a female locking feature and the second end panel comprising a locking edge for being received in the female locking feature to close the first end of the construct.2. The construct of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Carton With Recloseable Features

Номер: US20150014402A1
Автор: Pinkstone Felicia A.

A carton for holding a product. The carton having a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton, the plurality of panels comprises a front panel, a back panel, a first side panel and a second side panel. A tear away panel in at least one of the plurality of panels, the tear away panel providing access to the interior. A hinge in at least one of the plurality of panels and at least one tear line extending at least partially across at least one of the plurality of panels. The at least one tear line dividing the carton into a first portion and a second portion. The first portion configured to be pivotable at the hinge between an open position allowing access to the interior and a closed position with the first portion at least partially overlapping the second portion. 1. A carton for containing a product , the carton comprising:a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton, the plurality of panels comprises a front panel, a back panel, a first side panel and a second side panel;a tear away panel in at least one of the plurality of panels, the tear away panel providing access to the interior;a hinge in at least one of the plurality of panels;at least one tear line extending at least partially across at least one of the plurality of panels, the at least one tear line dividing the carton into a first portion and a second portion, the first portion configured to be pivotable at the hinge between an open position allowing access to the interior and a closed position with the first portion at least partially overlapping the second portion.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the hinge is collinear with the at least one tear line.3. The carton of claim 2 , wherein the hinge extends across the second side panel dividing the second side panel into a first portion and a second portion claim 2 , the first portion of the carton includes the first portion of the second side panel and the second portion ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014404A1

A packaging container with an opening and closing lid, an opening is cut in an edge of the lid-raising member of a rear-side plate on a side of a lid-raising member of the inner case. A stopper is formed on part of the incision opening. An upper end edge of the stopper is an incision edge of the opening arranged at the lowest position of descent of an outer-case locking member and lower than a height position of inner-case locking member. The stopper approaches the outer-case locking member as the inner case moves upward. The outer-case locking member has at least a part of a stopper-corresponding portion in contact against the incision edge being the stopper, so that the outer-case locking member, which moves downward relative to the upward movement of the inner case, is in contact against the part that is the lowest position of descent thereof. 1. A packaging container with an opening and closing lid , the packaging container comprising an outer case of a rectangular parallelepiped shape having an insertion and removal opening in an upper portion thereof and an inner case which is slidably housed in the outer case , can be inserted and removed from the insertion and removal opening , and has an opening and closing lid , a lower portion of which is rotatably connected to the inner case via a first hinge ,including lid-raising means which has an upper portion connected to a rear end of the opening and closing lid via a second hinge, can move relative to the inner case as the opening and closing lid rotates, and has inner-case locking means arranged therein on a side facing an inner surface of the outer case, and outer-case locking means which is positioned on an inner side of the outer case and can be engaged with the inner-case locking means, wherein:the packaging container with the opening and closing lid is configured such that the inner-case locking means and the outer-case locking means engage with each other as the inner case moves upward, and the lid-raising ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Reclosable Frozen Food Packaging Case

Номер: US20220033130A1
Принадлежит: GENERAL MILLS, INC.

A reclosable packaging case for transporting or storing a product, such as a frozen food product, has minimal gaps upon reclosure of the packaging case. The reclosable packaging case has portions of one or more outer top flaps bent and inserted into openings in one or more inner top flaps. The portions, e.g., corner portions, of the one or more outer flaps are bent at pre-established angles and locations to align with the openings in the one or more inner flaps to ensure minimal gaps in the packaging case once the portions have been inserted into the openings in the inner top flaps, thereby assuring the minimal gaps to help preserve the quality of the product. 1. A unitary blank for forming a reclosable packaging case , the blank comprising:a plurality of interconnected panels including a first panel connected to a second panel along a wall fold line, the first panel including an inner top flap having an opening or a perforation pattern configured to establish the opening, and the second panel including an outer top flap having a corner fold line that partially defines a corner portion, wherein the corner portion of the outer top flap is configured to bend along the corner fold line and position in the opening or through the perforation pattern to retain the outer top flap atop the inner top flap, wherein the inner top flap further includes an inner graphic adjacent to the opening or perforation pattern and the outer top flap includes an outer graphic adjacent to the corner fold line, said inner and outer graphics being configured to align and form an image only when the corner portion is inserted into the opening, the outer top flap covers a majority of the opening, and the reclosable packaging case is properly closed.2. The blank of claim 1 , wherein the first panel further includes a wall connected to the inner top flap along an inner top fold line claim 1 , and the opening or the perforation pattern has a longitudinal axis that is angled relative to the inner ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033167A1

A repulpable insulated container assembly having a container formed of paper such as corrugated cardboard or varying paper materials and defining an interior; and a repulpable insert placed within the interior of the container and formed of a first paper layer; and a paper fiber pad coupled to the first paper layer. 1. A modular box assembly comprising:a box formed of a paper blank, the box comprising multiple side box panels and a bottom box panel and defining an interior and a bottom;an insulation liner positioned within the box interior, the insulation liner constructed of a length of a batt assembly, the batt assembly comprising an insulation batt in facing contact with a first paper layer and with a second paper layer, the insulation liner defining multiple sections,wherein at least one section of the insulation liner contacts a side box panel of the multiple side box panels, and wherein another section of the multiple sections of the insulation liner contacts the bottom box panel; andwherein the insulation batt is formed from a mixture of cellulose reinforcement fibers interlocked with thermoplastic binder fibers distributed substantially randomly within the cellulose reinforcement fibers, the thermoplastic binder fibers making up about 0.5% to 25% by weight of the insulation batt, the insulation batt having a thickness that is at least about 1/16 of an inch, andwherein subjecting the insulation batt to a repulpability test produces greater than 85% fiber yield.2. The modular box assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic binder fibers are comprised of at least one of polyethylene claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , and polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH).3. The modular box assembly of claim 2 , wherein the thermoplastic binder fibers are comprised of a bi-component fiber comprised of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP).4. The modular box assembly of claim 3 , wherein a ratio of PE to PP ranges from 50/50 to about 65/35.5. The modular box ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015220A1
Принадлежит: C Deans List LLC

A combination food and beverage carrier, and method of manufacturing and assembling the carrier, is disclosed. The combination food and beverage carrier includes a sleeve and a food carrier connected to the sleeve. The sleeve has a tapered configuration. The food carrier has a plurality of sides and a base connected to one of the sides and having at least one tab that engages with a corresponding aperture in another one of the sides. 1. A food and beverage carrier that can be expanded from a substantially planar , unassembled configuration to a three-dimensional , assembled configuration , comprising:a sleeve, the sleeve having opposed sides and a top opening into which a beverage container is insertable for supporting the beverage container; anda food carrier connected to the sleeve, the food carrier being configured to support an article of food;wherein the sleeve is downwardly tapered from the top opening to a bottom of the sleeve; andwherein the food carrier has at least two sides and a base, the base being connected to one of the sides and having at least one tab, the at least one tab engaging with a corresponding aperture located in another one of the sides.2. The food and beverage carrier of claim 1 , wherein a cross sectional size of the sleeve along a lateral axis is larger at a top of the sleeve than at the bottom of the sleeve.3. The food and beverage carrier of claim 1 , wherein the food carrier comprises ten sides.4. The food and beverage carrier of claim 3 , wherein the base has four tabs and the food carrier has four corresponding apertures.5. The food and beverage carrier of claim 4 , wherein a first aperture is located in a first side claim 4 , a second aperture is located in a second side claim 4 , a third aperture is located in a third side claim 4 , and a fourth aperture is located in a fourth side.6. The food and beverage carrier of claim 1 , where the sleeve is connected to the food carrier via a hinge.7. The food and beverage carrier of claim ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Paperboard package

Номер: US20170015460A1
Принадлежит: Michigan Industrial Tools Inc

A point-of-sale paperboard package having spaced-apart support rails that support packaged article(s), and a top closure affixed to the support rails by packaged article(s). The top closure may include retaining flaps secured to the support rails by packaged article(s) extending through the support rails and the retaining flaps. The top closure may include a hanging tab allowing the package to be suspended from a hanging hook at a point of sale. The support rails and top closure may be defined by consecutive panels folded into a rectangular shape. The top closure may be folded into the space between the support rails to prevent the support rails from unfolding. The retaining flaps may extend from the top closure into the hollow interior of the support rails. The support rails and retaining flaps may define article receiving openings to facilitate insertion of packaged articles. The package may include a bottom closure.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015461A1

A corrugated sleeve comprising an upper panel forming the top of the sleeve, a lower panel forming the bottom of the sleeve, at least two height panels forming the front and back of the sleeve, respectively, and at least two side panels forming the left and right of the sleeve, respectively. The upper, lower, height, and side panels thereby form the external structure of the sleeve. The sleeve may also include at least one pack assembly which extends from one of the panels, and for example from the end height panel. Each pack assembly may include at least one pack divider, which can be positioned between adjacent thermal packs when such thermal packs are contained within the sleeve. 1. A corrugated sleeve comprising:an upper panel forming a top of the sleeve;a lower panel forming a bottom of the sleeve;at least two height panels forming a front and back of the sleeve, respectively;at least two side panels forming a left and right of the sleeve, respectively, wherein said upper, lower, height, and side panels forming external structure of the sleeve;at least one pack assembly extending from one of said panels, said at least one pack assembly including at least one pack divider, said at least one pack divider positioned between adjacent thermal packs when such thermal packs are contained within the sleeve.2. The corrugated sleeve of wherein said at least one pack assembly is a middle pack assembly.3. The corrugated sleeve of wherein said middle pack assembly includes:a center pack cover having opposing sides;two pack dividers, wherein one pack divider extends from each of the opposing sides of the center pack cover; andat least two center pack tabs, wherein one center pack tab extends from each pack divider in opposing directions.4. The corrugated sleeve of wherein said at least one pack assembly includes two end pack assemblies.5. The corrugated sleeve of wherein each said end pack assembly includes:an end pack cover having opposing sides, wherein the end pack cover ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Flexible Container with Fitment and Process for Producing Same

Номер: US20160016695A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A flexible container is provided. The flexible container includes four panels. The four panels form (i) a body portion; (ii) a neck portion, and a flare portion that extends from the neck portion; (iii) a tapered transition portion between the body portion and the neck portion; and (iv) the neck portion has a reduced width. The flare portion has an expanded end. The width of the flare portion gradually increases from the neck portion to the expanded end.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016053A1

Packaging container having a chamber wherein the chamber comprises a plurality of corresponding products () sized such that a number of such products essentially completely fills the chamber, the packaging comprising at least one removable portion () dimensioned such that the at least one removable portion () can be removed from the packaging, rearranged to adopt an expanded form and placed within the chamber, having the effect of reducing the volume of the chamber available for the products () by n times the volume of a contained product (), where n is an integer, whilst retaining the feature that a number of such products () essentially completely fills the chamber. 1. Packaging container having a chamber wherein the chamber comprises a plurality of corresponding products sized such that a number of such products essentially completely fills the chamber , the packaging comprising at least one removable portion dimensioned such that the at least one removable portion can be removed from the packaging , rearranged to adopt an expanded form and placed within the chamber , having the effect of reducing the volume of the chamber available for the products by n times the volume of a contained product , where n is an integer , whilst retaining the feature that a number of such products essentially completely fills the chamber.2. Packaging according to claim 1 , wherein each removable portion reduces the available volume by from 1 to 30 products claim 1 , more preferably from 1 to 14 products claim 1 , most preferably from 2 to 6 products3. Packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the chamber is cuboid.4. Packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the products are cuboid.5. Packaging according to wherein the removal of the removable portion does not alter the available volume of the chamber.6. Packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the removable portions form at least part of one side of the packaging claim 1 , preferably a top face of the packaging.7. Packaging according ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Reclosable Carton

Номер: US20180016054A1
Автор: Waddington Paul

A carton for holding at least one article includes a plurality of panels and a plurality of end flaps. The plurality of panels at least partially defines an interior space of the carton, and includes a first side panel and a second side panel foldably connected to the first side panel. At least a portion of the first side panel and at least a portion of the second side panel are reconfigurable between an open position allowing access to the interior space and a closed position wherein the access to the interior space is restricted. The plurality of end flaps is respectively foldably connected to respective panels of the plurality of panels and form a closed end portion of the carton. The closed end portion is removable from the carton to allow access to the interior space. 1. A carton for holding at least one article , comprising:a plurality of panels at least partially defining an interior space of the carton, the plurality of panels comprising a first side panel and a second side panel foldably connected to the first side panel, at least a portion of the first side panel and at least a portion of the second side panel are reconfigurable between an open position allowing access to the interior space and a closed position wherein the access to the interior space is restricted; anda plurality of end flaps respectively foldably connected to respective panels of the plurality of panels and forming a closed end portion of the carton, the closed end portion is removable from the carton to allow access to the interior space.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein in the open position the at least a portion of the first side panel and the at least a portion of the second side panel protrude outwardly from a centerline of the interior space and are generally concave relative to the centerline of the interior space.3. The carton of claim 2 , wherein in the closed position the at least a portion of the first side panel and the at least a portion of the second side panel are curved ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Paperboard carton and carton blank

Номер: US20180016073A1
Принадлежит: WestRock Packaging Systems LLC

A carton for packaging articles includes top ( 14 A, 14 B) and bottom ( 18, 20 ) connected together by spaced side walls ( 12 A, 12 B, 12 C; 16 A, 16 B, 16 C) to form a tubular structure, and an end closure structure ( 22 ) at one end of the tubular structure. Each end closure structure includes first and second top flaps ( 32 a, 32 b ) connected to the top ( 14 A, 14 B) and interconnected to anchoring panels ( 24 a , 24 b ). The top flaps are not directly connected together but through the top of the carton.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016074A1
Автор: Ikeda Tamio

A carrier includes first and second opposed side walls (), a bottom wall () and a top wall (). The carrier has an article retention device (L, L, L, L, L, L) for retaining a portion of an article (C) within the carrier. The article retention device is formed in part from the bottom wall and in part from the first side wall. The article retention device includes an anchor tab () for engaging with an article and at least one protection flap () for protecting the article. The anchor tab and the protection flap define an opening in the carrier through which a portion of the article protrudes. 1. A carrier comprising first and second opposed side walls , a bottom wall and a top wall , the carrier comprising at least one article retention device for retaining a portion of an article within the carrier , the at least one article retention device being formed in part from the bottom wall and in part from the first side wall and wherein the at least one article retention device comprises an anchor tab for engaging with an article and at least one protection flap for protecting the article , the anchor tab and the at least one protection flap defining an opening in the carrier through which a portion of the article protrudes.2. A carrier according to wherein the at least one article retention device claim 1 , when in an unfolded state claim 1 , completely closes an opening which is defined in the carrier by the at least one article retention device.3. A carrier according to wherein the anchor tab is hingedly connected to the bottom wall.4. A carrier according to any of to wherein an anchor flap is hingedly connected to the anchor tab.5. A carrier according to further comprising a first bevel panel disposed between the first side wall and the bottom wall claim 2 , and wherein the article retention device is struck at least in part from the first bevel panel.6. A carrier according to wherein a protection tab is struck in part from the first bevel panel and in part from the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Packaging system comprising a plurality of sub units, and a sub unit

Номер: US20190016497A1
Принадлежит: Smart Packaging Industries Holding AS

The invention relates to a sub unit ( 200 ) and a packaging system ( 100 ) comprising a plurality of sub units ( 200 ). The sub unit ( 200 ) is formed with a tapered body ( 300 ) having sidewalls (304) towards a narrow end ( 307, 308 ) from a first opposing or outer surface ( 204 ) at an end opposite the narrow end. The packaging system (100) comprises a plurality of sub units ( 200 ), where the sub units ( 200 ) are configured to be positioned so that the first opposing surfaces form an outside of the packaging system.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016498A1
Автор: COUTURE David G.

A carton defines a bottom wall, a first side wall coupled to the bottom wall, a second side wall disposed opposite the first side wall and coupled to the bottom wall, a first end wall coupled to both the bottom wall and first and second side walls, and a second end wall disposed opposite the first end wall and coupled to both the bottom wall and the first and second side walls. The carton is formed from a blank having a first side and a second side disposed opposite said first side. The first side defines the interior surface of the bottom wall and the interior and exterior surfaces of the first and second side walls and the first and second end walls. 1. A method of forming a carton comprising:providing a blank having a first surface and a second surface disposed opposite said first surface, said blank comprising a plurality of main panels hinged together in a linear series, said plurality of main panels comprising a bottom panel, first and second inner side panels, and first and second outer side panels, wherein said first outer side panel is hingedly connected to said first inner side panel, said first inner side panel is hingedly connected to said bottom panel, said bottom panel is hingedly connected to said second inner side panel, and said second inner side panel is hingedly connected to said second outer side panel, said blank further comprising first and second end panels, first, second, third, and fourth inner end flaps, and first, second, third, and fourth outer end flaps, wherein said first and second end panels are hingedly connected to said bottom panel at respective opposite ends of said bottom panel, said first and second outer end flaps are hingedly connected to said first outer side panel at respective opposite ends of said first outer side panel, said third and fourth outer end flaps are hingedly connected to said second outer side panel at respective opposite ends of said second outer side panel, said first and second inner end flaps are hingedly ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016499A1

A cardboard container includes a removable top tear panel that when removed enables picking of items from the container and a removable front tear panel that when removed enables picking of items from the container. Either or both the top tear panel and the front tear panel may be removed. The front panel includes an un-removable, U-shaped lip for inhibiting items from accidental removal from the container. 1. A container for shipping and then stowing and picking items , the container having a cuboid structure and comprising:a removable top tear panel that when removed enables picking of items from the container;a removable front tear panel that when removed enables picking of items from the container, the front panel including an un-removable, U-shaped lip for inhibiting items from accidental removal from the container;wherein in a shipping configuration the container is an enclosed carton and in a picking configuration (i) containers may be stacked such that a top container in the stack has the top tear panel and front tear panel removed and such that lower containers in the stack have only the front tear panel removed, or (ii) containers may be placed on a shelf where either or both of the front tear panel and rear tear panel is removed.2. A container for shipping and then stowing and picking items , the container having a cuboid structure and comprising:a base wall, a top wall opposite the base wall, a front wall, and a rear wall opposite the front wall, an upstanding left sidewall, and an opposing upstanding right sidewall, the sidewalls (i) spanning vertically between edges of the base wall and the top wall and (ii) spanning horizontally between edges of the front wall and the rear wall;the front wall including a front tear panel and a lip below the tear panel; the front tear panel bounded by side perforations, lower perforations that join the front tear panel to the lip, and upper perforations;the top wall including a top tear panel bounded by side ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Carton With Locking Features

Номер: US20190016500A1
Автор: Oliveira Steven M.

A carton for holding one or more articles includes a plurality of panels extending at least partially around an interior of the carton, the plurality of panels including a front panel, a back panel, and at least one side panel. The carton also includes a plurality of end flaps foldably connected to respective panels of the plurality of panels and forming a closed top portion of the carton, the closed top portion of the carton is reconfigurable between a first configuration having a substantially flat profile and a second configuration forming a handle of the carton. The carton also includes locking features for engaging at least one other carton. 1. A carton for holding one or more articles , the carton comprising:a plurality of panels extending at least partially around an interior of the carton, the plurality of panels comprising a front panel, a back panel, and at least one side panel;a plurality of end flaps foldably connected to respective panels of the plurality of panels and forming a closed top portion of the carton, the closed top portion of the carton is reconfigurable between a first configuration having a substantially flat profile and a second configuration forming a handle of the carton; andlocking features for engaging at least one other carton.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the locking features comprise at least one locking tab foldably connected to at least one end flap of the plurality of end flaps.3. The carton of claim 2 , wherein the locking features further comprise at least one locking flap foldably connected to at least one panel of the plurality of panels.4. The carton of claim 3 , wherein the at least one side panel is a first side panel and the plurality of panels further comprises a second side panel claim 3 , wherein the at least one locking flap is a first locking flap foldably connected to the first side panel and the locking features further comprise a second locking flap foldably connected to the second side panel.5. The carton ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016501A1

A blank for forming a container is provided. The blank includes a top panel, a first and second side panels, and a bottom panel coupled together in series by a plurality of generally parallel fold lines, wherein the bottom panel includes a free side edge, the first side panel includes a first separation line, and the second side panel includes a second separation line. The blank also includes a first end flap and a second end flap extending from opposing side edges of the first side panel, and a third end flap and a fourth end flap extending from opposing side edges of the second side panel, wherein the second and fourth end flaps are configured for removal with the top panel after the container is formed and the first and second separation lines are separated. 1. A blank for forming a container , the blank comprising:a top panel, a first side panel, a bottom panel, and a second side panel coupled together in series by a plurality of generally parallel fold lines, wherein the bottom panel includes a free side edge, the first side panel includes a first separation line extending from proximate the free side edge to a diagonally opposite corner of the first side panel, and the second side panel includes a second separation line extending from proximate the free side edge to a diagonally opposite corner of the second side panel;a first end flap and a second end flap extending from opposing side edges of the first side panel; anda third end flap and a fourth end flap extending from opposing side edges of the second side panel, wherein the second and fourth end flaps are configured for removal with the top panel after the container is formed and the first and second separation lines are separated.2. The blank in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising a leading edge and an opposite trailing edge in series with the top panel claim 1 , the first side panel claim 1 , the bottom panel claim 1 , and the second side panel claim 1 , wherein a corrugation direction of the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016513A1
Автор: Zacherle Matthew E.

Carton () containing a plurality of containers (C) includes a dispenser defined by a dispenser () pattern () extending through the carton's first side panel (), top panel (), second side panel (), and exiting end panel (). The dispenser () is at least partially separable along the dispenser pattern () to form an opening into an interior of the carton (). The dispenser pattern () includes first and second tear lines () on first and second side exiting end flaps () that extend downwardly toward one another from opposite sides of the exiting end panel. The first and second end dispenser patterns do not extend completely across respective first and second side exiting end flaps but stop short of an outer edge of respective first and second side exiting end flaps. 1. A blank for forming a carton for containing a plurality of articles , the blank comprising:a plurality of main panels hinged together in a linear series, the plurality of main panels configured to form a tubular structure in a set-up carton, the plurality of main panels comprising a bottom panel, a first side panel, a top panel, and a second side panel;a plurality of exiting end flaps configured to form a front panel in the set-up carton, the front panel being configured to close a front end of the tubular structure, the plurality of exiting end flaps comprising a first side exiting end flap hingedly connected to said first side panel along a first marginal area of the blank and a second side exiting end flap hingedly connected to said second side panel along said first marginal area of the blank;a dispenser pattern extending through the top panel, the first side panel, the second side panel, and the front panel, wherein the dispenser pattern comprises a first end dispenser pattern formed in the first side exiting end flap and a second end dispenser pattern formed in the second side exiting end flap, wherein the first end dispenser pattern comprises a first end first tear line and the second end dispenser ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017253A1
Автор: Sharon Arie

The invention is directed to a stackable container having a gable type top wall and a gable type bottom wall. The top wall of the container can include an upwardly extending tab that cooperates with a slot in the bottom wall of a like container to facilitate stacking of two or more containers. The container includes a front opening. 1. A stackable container comprising;a rectangular back wall having a horizontal top edge having a first end and a second end, and a horizontal bottom edge having a first end and a second end;a front wall having a horizontal top edge having a first end and a second end, and a horizontal bottom edge having a first end and a second end; and,a first side wall extending between the back wall and the front wall, the first side wall including a first top edge segment extending upward from the first end of the top edge of the back wall to a central top side wall location and a second top edge segment extending upward from the first end of the top edge of the front wall to the central top side wall location, and a first bottom edge segment extending upward from the first end of the bottom edge of the back wall to a central bottom side wall location and a second bottom edge segment extending upward from the first end of the bottom edge of the front wall to the central bottom side wall location.2. The stackable container of further comprising:a second side wall extending between the back wall and the front wall, the second side wall including a first top edge segment extending upward from the second end of the top edge of the back wall to a central top side wall location and a second top edge segment extending upward from the second end of the top edge of the front wall to the central top side wall location, and a first bottom edge segment extending upward from the second end of the bottom edge of the back wall to a central bottom side wall location and a second bottom edge segment extending upward from the second end of the bottom edge of the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017254A1
Автор: Zeiler George

A tamper evident feature for a container is provided. The tamper evident feature may include a locking tab connected to a wall panel of the container and a receiving slot provided on a cover panel of the container. The locking tab may include a locking end portion with an outer terminal edge and a slit extending laterally across the locking tab. The slit may provide a cut edge extending partially across an intermediate portion of the locking tab and allow for a tab end portion to bend relative to the remainder of the locking tab. The receiving slot may include a receiving slit defined into the cover panel of the container and configured to receive the locking end portion of the locking tab. The receiving slit may provide a receiving edge that engages with the cut edge of the locking tab to secure the cover panel in a closed position. 1. A tamper evident feature for a container having a wall panel and a cover panel , the tamper evident feature comprising: a base end portion secured to the wall panel;', 'a locking end section extending from the base end portion;', 'a terminal edge defining an outer edge of the locking end section; and', 'an intermediate locking slit defined through the locking tab and extending at least partially across a width of the locking tab, the intermediate locking slit forming an intermediate locking edge within the locking tab;, 'a locking tab connected to the wall panel of the container, the locking tab comprising 'a receiving slit defined into an intermediate portion of the cover panel, the receiving slit having a length equal to or greater than the width of the locking tab, and the receiving slit defining a receiving cut edge having on the cover panel;', 'a receiving slot defined in the cover panel of the container, the receiving slot comprisingwherein the receiving slot is configured to receive the locking tab and the intermediate locking edge of the locking tab is configured to align with the receiving cut edge to engage the tamper ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017255A1
Автор: BUSCEMA Craig W.

A container formed from a blank and a method for constructing the container are described. The container includes a bottom wall, two end walls, each end wall including at least an end panel extending from an end edge of the bottom wall, and two side walls. The container further includes an upper reinforcing assembly at least partially extending from each end panel, and a side reinforcing assembly extending from opposing side edges of each end panel. 1. A method for forming a container from a blank , the blank including a bottom panel , two opposing end panels each extending from an end edge of the bottom panel , two opposing side panels each extending from a side edge of the bottom panel , an upper reinforcing assembly at least partially extending from each end panel , and a side reinforcing assembly extending from opposing side edge of each end panel , the method comprising:rotating each end panel inwardly into a substantially perpendicular relationship with the bottom panel;rotating each side panel into a substantially perpendicular relationship with the bottom panel;rotating the side reinforcing assembly into a substantially perpendicular relationship with one of the two end panels;rotating the upper reinforcing assembly into a substantially perpendicular relationship with one of the two end panels;securing the side reinforcing assembly and the upper reinforcing assembly to at least one of the two side panels to form the container.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the side reinforcing assembly further includes an outer reinforcing panel and an inner reinforcing panel claim 1 , said method further comprising rotating the inner reinforcing panel toward an interior surface of the outer reinforcing panel claim 1 , said rotating aligning the inner reinforcing panel and the outer reinforcing panel in a substantially face-to-face relationship.3. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the side reinforcing assembly further includes a reinforcing ...
