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27-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000040049U1

Датчик контроля движения нити на прядильных и ткацких станках, содержащий корпус, в котором установлен демпфирующий элемент, охватывающий нитевод с фланцем и жестко связанный с ним пьезоэлектрический преобразователь, отличающийся тем, что нитевод с фланцем и жестко связанный с ним пьезоэлектрический преобразователь установлены с зазором между внутренней поверхностью демпфирующего элемента и наружными поверхностями фланца нитевода и жестко связанного с ним пьезоэлектрического преобразователя, а упомянутый зазор заполнен вязким звукопоглощающим диэлектрическим материалом, например пчелиным воском. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 40 049 (13) U1 (51) МПК B65H 63/032 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004110825/22 , 08.04.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.04.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 27.08.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Назаренко Валентин Васильевич (RU), Рождественский Владимир Флавианович (RU), Эдвабник Валерий Григорьевич (RU) U 1 4 0 0 4 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Датчик контроля движения нити на прядильных и ткацких станках, содержащий корпус, в котором установлен демпфирующий элемент, охватывающий нитевод с фланцем и жестко связанный с ним пьезоэлектрический преобразователь, отличающийся тем, что нитевод с фланцем и жестко связанный с ним пьезоэлектрический преобразователь установлены с зазором между внутренней поверхностью демпфирующего элемента и наружными поверхностями фланца нитевода и жестко связанного с ним пьезоэлектрического преобразователя, а упомянутый зазор заполнен вязким звукопоглощающим диэлектрическим материалом, например пчелиным воском. 4 0 0 4 9 (54) ДАТЧИК КОНТРОЛЯ ДВИЖЕНИЯ НИТИ R U Адрес для переписки: 630055, г.Новосибирск, ул. Российская, 17, кв.165, В.В. Назаренко (72) Автор(ы): Назаренко В.В. (RU) , Рождественский В.Ф. (RU) , Эдвабник В.Г. (RU) U 1 U 1 4 0 0 4 9 4 0 0 4 9 R U R U ...

27-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000040050U1

Датчик контроля движения нити на прядильных и ткацких станках, содержащий корпус, в котором установлен демпфирующий элемент, охватывающий нитевод с жестко связанным с ним пьезоэлектрическим преобразователем, отличающийся тем, что корпус датчика выполнен из звукопоглощающего материала, например термопластичной пластмассы, при этом внутренняя и/или наружная поверхность его покрыта слоем электропроводящего материала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 40 050 (13) U1 (51) МПК B65H 63/032 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004112020/22 , 20.04.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.04.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 27.08.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Назаренко Валентин Васильевич (RU), Рождественский Владимир Флавианович (RU), Эдвабник Валерий Григорьевич (RU) U 1 4 0 0 5 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Датчик контроля движения нити на прядильных и ткацких станках, содержащий корпус, в котором установлен демпфирующий элемент, охватывающий нитевод с жестко связанным с ним пьезоэлектрическим преобразователем, отличающийся тем, что корпус датчика выполнен из звукопоглощающего материала, например термопластичной пластмассы, при этом внутренняя и/или наружная поверхность его покрыта слоем электропроводящего материала. 4 0 0 5 0 (54) ДАТЧИК КОНТРОЛЯ ДВИЖЕНИЯ НИТИ R U Адрес для переписки: 630055, г.Новосибирск, ул. Российская, 17, кв.165, В.В. Назаренко (72) Автор(ы): Назаренко В.В. (RU) , Рождественский В.Ф. (RU) , Эдвабник В.Г. (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 40 050 U1 Полезная модель относится к области текстильного производства и может быть использована преимущественно на прядильных, ткацких и т.п. станках для контроля целостности нити, пряжи. Известны датчики контроля движения нити, содержащие корпус, демпфирующий элемент, нитевод с жестко связанным с ним пьезоэлектрическим преобразователем (см. авт. св. СССР №342970 от 22.06.72 ...

27-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000040051U1

Датчик контроля движения нити на прядильных и ткацких станках, содержащий корпус с крышкой, в котором установлен демпфирующий элемент, охватывающий нитевод с жестко связанным с ним пьезоэлектрическим преобразователем, при этом крышка установлена со стороны входа нити в нитевод и/или выхода нити из нитевода, а в крышке выполнено отверстие для прохождения нити, отличающийся тем, что в крышке выполнена замкнутая полость, которая заполнена вязким звукопоглощающим материалом, например пчелиным воском. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 40 051 (13) U1 (51) МПК B65H 63/032 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004112021/22 , 20.04.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.04.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 27.08.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Назаренко Валентин Васильевич (RU), Рождественский Владимир Флавианович (RU), Эдвабник Валерий Григорьевич (RU) U 1 4 0 0 5 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Датчик контроля движения нити на прядильных и ткацких станках, содержащий корпус с крышкой, в котором установлен демпфирующий элемент, охватывающий нитевод с жестко связанным с ним пьезоэлектрическим преобразователем, при этом крышка установлена со стороны входа нити в нитевод и/или выхода нити из нитевода, а в крышке выполнено отверстие для прохождения нити, отличающийся тем, что в крышке выполнена замкнутая полость, которая заполнена вязким звукопоглощающим материалом, например пчелиным воском. 4 0 0 5 1 (54) ДАТЧИК КОНТРОЛЯ ДВИЖЕНИЯ НИТИ R U Адрес для переписки: 630055, г.Новосибирск, ул. Российская, 17, кв.165, В.В. Назаренко (72) Автор(ы): Назаренко В.В. (RU) , Рождественский В.Ф. (RU) , Эдвабник В.Г. (RU) U 1 U 1 4 0 0 5 1 4 0 0 5 1 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 40 051 U1 Полезная модель относится к области текстильного производства и может быть использована преимущественно на прядильных, ткацких и т. п.станках для ...

19-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000191717U1

Полезная модель относится к производству и использованию нитевидных материалов в различных технологических процессах, например, в трикотажном производстве. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности контроля обрыва нити за счет исключения из схемы измерения электрических устройств. Датчик обрыва нити содержит рычаг с нитепроводником. Датчик обрыва нити отличается от известных тем, что преобразующий элемент датчика выполнен в виде винтовой цилиндрической пружины растяжения с верхней крышкой, на которой закреплен рычаг с нитепроводником и нижней крышкой, закрепленной неподвижно, внутрипружинное пространство через штуцер в нижней крышке связано с каналом управления струйного дискретного моностабильного элемента, канал питания которого подключен к источнику давления сжатого воздуха, инверсный выход которого является выходом датчика, а прямой выход которого сообщается с атмосферой, причем в струйном дискретном моностабильном элементе каналы питания и управления сообщаются через постоянный дроссель. Ц 191717 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ” 1914 71477 1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 14.07.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 22.09.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 22.09.2020 Бюл. №27 Стр.: 1 па Дб ЕП

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Automatic ring (yarn machine) spindle stopper

Номер: US20120018563A1

A spindle stopping mechanism for a yarn machine including a magnetic field assembly which when energized by a signal from a yarn breakage sensor causes a spindle gripping mechanism to grip and stop a spindle. A locking mechanism is also provided.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Process for operating a stringer and stringer apparatus

Номер: US20120228362A1
Принадлежит: SOMONT GMBH

A process for operating a stringer ( 10 ) for connecting solar cells in series by solder ribbon cut-offs cut from continuous solder ribbon strip, includes monitoring depletion of the momentarily-employed continuous solder ribbon strip ( 13 a ) by a monitoring unit ( 16 ) detecting when the end ( 17 ) of this strip ( 13 a ) approaches, entering a new roll ( 2 ) with a new continuous solder ribbon strip ( 13 b ), connecting the end ( 17 ) of the momentarily-employed strip ( 13 a ) to this new strip ( 13 b ) thereby forming a composite continuous solder ribbon strip that includes a connection, moving this composite strip to a cutting station ( 14 ), cutting this composite strip into solder ribbon cut-offs in cutting station ( 14 ), and removing the ribbon cut-off that includes this connection. Also, stringer apparatus for performing such process.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228643A1
Автор: Barea Tiziano

A device for feeding a yarn to a textile machine includes a housing with which a rotary member is associated to cooperate with the yarn unwinding from a package and directed, on leaving the device, to the machine where it is processed. Correct feed of the yarn is monitored by a feed controller associated with the housing in accordance with at least one measured parameter related to the rotary member or to an intrinsic characteristic of the yarn such as its tension or its feed velocity. A yarn cutting member is provided. This is connected to and controlled by the controller on the basis of the measured parameter of the yarn. The cutting member is activated by the controller to cut the yarn whenever the parameter monitored by the controller has a value exceeding a predetermined required value. 1. A device for feeding a yarn to a textile machine operating on the basis of measuring any characteristic of the yarn , which is directly measured or indirectly measured.said device comprising a housing with which a rotary member is associated to cooperate with the yarn unwinding from a package and directed, on leaving the device, to said machine where the yarn is processed,feed control means associated with said housing, said feed control means for monitoring correct feed of the yarn in accordance with at least one measured parameter related to an intrinsic characteristic of the yarn,a yarn cutting connected to and controlled by said control means on the basis of the measured parameter of the yarn, said control means for activating said yarn cutting member to cut the yarn whenever the measured parameter monitored by said control means presents a value exceeding a predetermined required value,wherein the control means comprises a control unit connected to a storage memory unit for memorizing said predetermined required value with which to compare said measured parameter monitored by said control means.2. A device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control means is connected to ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Elastic break brake apparatus and method for minimizing broken elastic rethreading

Номер: US20130277154A1
Принадлежит: Joa Curt G Inc

A series of elastic break brakes are provided throughout a travel path of elastics in a machine operation. Elastic strands thread through each individual brake mechanism, and if an elastic strand breaks downstream, a natural snap back of the elastic, which ordinarily travels through the system under tension, drives an immediately upstream cam mechanism back, and holds the elastic thread in place at the elastic break brake immediately upstream of the break as to minimize rethreading required downstream of the elastic break brake.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle-mounted cable and vehicle

Номер: US20130307325A1
Автор: Michiaki Arasu
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle-mounted cable mounted in a vehicle provided with a cable port includes: a first cable that can be pulled out through the cable port; a second cable connected to the vehicle; and a connection device that connects the first cable and the second cable together, and disconnects the first cable and the second cable when the connection device experiences tension equal to or larger than prescribed tension, the connection device being provided at a position allowing the connection device to be pulled out through the cable port.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Characterizing an Elongated Textile Test Material

Номер: US20130346007A1
Принадлежит: Uster Technologies AG

The measured values of a property of a yarn along its longitudinal direction are detected for the characterization of a yarn moved along its longitudinal direction. The values of a parameter of the yarn are determined from the measured values. An event field is provided, whose abscissa indicates an extension of parameter values in the longitudinal direction and whose ordinate indicates a deviation of the parameter from a set point value. Densities of events in the event field are determined from the values of the parameter and its extension in the longitudinal direction. A test material body is calculated in the event field as an area, which is delimited by the abscissa on the one hand, by the ordinate on the other hand, and further by a line which substantially follows a constant event density. The area is specified numerically. At least one value of the numerical specification is output as a characteristic of the yarn.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Smart Cord Reel

Номер: US20180004263A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A smart cord reel cable including at least one sensor for measuring cord or cord reel usage, a memory for receiving sensor input to create usage records, and a processor for analyzing the usage records to provide information for maintenance status indication and/or usage analytics.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010013A1
Автор: Suzuki Takashi

Provided is a screening apparatus or the like of an optical fiber that can suppress or prevent occurrence of a fiber-strike on the side of a feeding bobbin regardless of the weight of the feeding bobbin. An embodiment has a feeding bobbin that feeds out an optical fiber ; a screening unit that applies a tension to the optical fiber fed out from the feeding bobbin ; a first capstan that feeds the optical fiber into the screening unit ; a winding bobbin that winds the optical fiber to which the tension is applied by the screening unit ; and a control unit that, when disconnection of the optical fiber occurs due to the tension applied by the screening unit , controls the feeding bobbin and the first capstan so as to stop rotation of the feeding bobbin and rotation of the first capstan and sets a deceleration rate of the first capstan in accordance with a deceleration rate of the feeding bobbin 1. A screening apparatus for an optical fiber , the screening apparatus comprising:a feeding bobbin that feeds out an optical fiber;a tension application unit that applies a tension to the optical fiber fed out from the feeding bobbin;a capstan that feeds the optical fiber fed out from the feeding bobbin into the tension application unit;a winding bobbin that winds the optical fiber to which the tension is applied by the tension application unit; anda control unit that, when disconnection of the optical fiber occurs due to the tension applied by the tension application unit, controls the feeding bobbin and the capstan so as to stop rotation of the feeding bobbin and rotation of the capstan and sets a deceleration rate of the capstan in accordance with a deceleration rate of the feeding bobbin.3. The screening apparatus for the optical fiber according to claim 2 , wherein the control unit sets the deceleration rate of the capstan so that x and y satisfy following Equation (2):{'br': None, 'sup': −5', '−5, 'i': x+', 'y≤', 'x+, '0.9×(6.2×101.072)≤1.1×(6.2×101.072)\u2003\u2003(2).'}4 ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015519A1

Method for implementing a correct winding of a wire on a spool (). The method also comprises a step for calculating the angular speed of a motor () displacing the wire dispensing device () according to the wire winding step and according to the dancer error, detected by a position sensor () that provides an analogical signal with respect to a zero position and to a tolerance value, in order to determine the presence of a possible “valley error”, or of a possible “peak error”. In this method, if during the spool winding, a “valley error” or a “peak error” is detected, the control device decides whether to slow down or to increase the speed of the wire dispensing device () with the aim of filling the depression or skipping the peak. 1. Method for implementing a correct winding of a wire on a spool , said method comprising the following steps:(f1) setting the main geometrical data of the spool on an operation panel of the electronic control unit (by means of dedicated formulas or by means of manually entered data);(f2) loading a spool on the machine;(f3) acquiring the position of the spool flanges by means of a sensor;(f4) calculating the actual spool position and comparing it with the “spool data” set in advance in the electronic control unit in order to check whether the spool loading was successful and whether the spool is consistent with what expected;(f5) keeping on if the check is positive; or stopping and reporting the problem by means of an alarm signal;(f6) manually binding the wire to the spool; an operator starts the production by activating a specific command;(f7) detecting the dancer position and transforming the measured value into a measure of wire tension based on the geometry and structure of the dancer;(f8) calculating the servodiameter according to the spool data, the production data and the dancer position; and(f9) calculating the speed of the spool motor according to the servodiameter with the aim of maintaining a constant winding tension;said ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Material Tracking System

Номер: US20160023863A1

A system and method for tracking the remaining length of a material wound on a reel is disclosed. In the system, two sensors deployed relative to the reel (and each other) produce a detection signals when a detection element mounted on the reel is near the respective sensor in an order indicative of forward or reverse reel rotation. The system further includes a processor operably receiving the detection signals to count a total number of forward rotations of the reel, which count is saved in memory. A battery powers the processor, memory, and sensors. The system further includes a transceiver that removably and operably couples between the memory and a calculator that calculates the remaining length of the material wound on the reel based on the total number of forward rotations of the reel. The system may also record the time and location associated with the rotations. 1. A system for tracking the remaining length of a material wound on a reel , the material having a known starting length and a known thickness , the reel having a core of known width and known volume , the reel further having two flanges physically connected to the reel at opposite ends of the reel core such that the reel flanges rotate with the reel core , the material being wound about the reel core between the two reel flanges , each reel flange having an outer edge , the system comprising:a detection element coupled proximate the outer edge of one of the reel flanges;two or more sensors physically deployed relative to the reel flange and each other such that each sensor independently produces a detection element present signal when the detection element is near the respective sensor in an order that is indicative of one of forward and reverse rotation of the reel;a first processor operably receiving the detection element present signals from each of the sensors and counting a total number of forward rotations of the reel;a memory operably associated with the first processor for storing the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022569A1

The invention relates to a method for controlling rotation of a winding spool () onto which an optical fiber () is wound in a proof-testing machine, the optical fiber being guided in the proof-testing machine at a given line speed from an input pulling device () to an output pulling device (), then to the spool (), the input and output pulling device being arranged to subject the optical fiber to a predetermined tensile stress, the method comprising: upon detection of a break between an output point (A) of the input pulling device and between an input point (B) of the output pulling device, a step of controlling the rotational speed of the spool to bring it to a complete stop; —a step of passing the optical fiber between an output point (C) of the output pulling device and an input point (D) of the winding spool in a fiber accumulation zone () adapted to accumulate a predetermined fiber length preventing an fiber broken end resulting from the break going beyond the input point (D) of the winding spool. 1. A method for controlling rotation of a winding spool onto which an optical fiber is wound in a proof-testing machine , said optical fiber being guided in the proof-testing machine at a given line speed from an input pulling device to an output pulling device , then to the winding spool , said input and output pulling device being arranged to subject said optical fiber to a predetermined tensile stress , the winding spool having a rotational speed servo-controlled on the given line speed , the method comprising a step of:upon detection of a break between an output point of the input pulling device and between an input point of the output pulling device, controlling the rotational speed of the winding spool to bring the winding spool to a complete stop, andbetween an output point of the output pulling device and an input point of the winding spool, passing said optical fiber in a fiber accumulation zone adapted to accumulate a predetermined fiber length preventing an ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Device and Method for Detecting Distance from Balloon to Ingot Tank

Номер: US20200024100A1

A device and a method for detecting a distance from a balloon to an ingot tank is provided. The device comprises a set of photoelectric transmitting tube and photoelectric receiving tube which are arranged in a height range of a balloon, Wherein a light beam between the photoelectric transmitting tube and the photoelectric receiving tube is arranged to be tangent to an appropriate balloon, and is used for detecting whether the balloon is located at an appropriate position according to a number of pulses received by the photoelectric receiving tube in one period of rotation of the balloon. 1231. A device for detecting a distance from a balloon to an ingot tank , comprising a set of photoelectric transmitting tube () and photoelectric receiving tube () which are arranged in a height range of a balloon () , wherein{'b': 8', '2', '3', '12', '1', '23', '3', '1, 'a light beam () between the photoelectric transmitting tube () and the photoelectric receiving tube () is arranged to be tangent to an appropriate balloon (), and is used for detecting whether the balloon () is located at an appropriate position according to a number of pulses () received by the photoelectric receiving tube () in one period of rotation of the balloon ().'}2. The device for detecting a distance from a balloon to an ingot tank according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,{'b': '2', 'a light source of the photoelectric transmitting tube () is visible light, infrared light or laser.'}3. The device for detecting a distance from a balloon to an ingot tank according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,{'b': 8', '9', '7, 'the light beam () is located in a region between a bottom of a twister () and a bottom of an ingot tank ().'}4. The device for detecting a distance from a balloon to an ingot tank according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,{'b': 3', '10', '10', '3', '1, 'the photoelectric transmitting tube ( )and the photoelectric receiving tube () are electrically connected with an acquisition device (), and the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027239A1
Автор: Konkle Timothy
Принадлежит: Lamplight Games

The quantity of material remaining in a 3D printing system may be effectively measured through the use of a strain gauge. The strain gauge may be mounted on a support member such as a cantilevered support that holds the weight of a material dispenser. As the material is consumed, the strain gauge may measure the reduction in deformation of the cantilevered support, thereby indicating to a control system and/or a user the quantity of material used. Full and/or empty material dispenser measurements may be taken to provide reference points that indicate how close the material dispenser is to being full and/or empty. The material dispenser may be mounted in a variety of locations relative to the 3D printer, including on a side and on top. A top-mounted material dispenser may be received within a bearing that permits the material dispenser to rotate, allowing the material to unwind during consumption. 1. An apparatus comprising:a material dispenser that retains and dispenses material for use in a fabrication process conducted by a fabricator;a support member that supports the material dispenser relative to the fabricator, wherein the support member comprises a load-bearing portion that undergoes a change in deformation in response to a change in weight of the material dispenser; anda deformation measurement device positioned to measure deformation of the load-bearing portion, thereby indicating a change in weight of the material retained by the material dispenser.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the material dispenser comprises a spool comprising a core claim 1 , wherein the material comprises a filament wound around the core.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the support member extends from a side of the fabricator claim 2 , the support member comprising a proximal end secured to the fabricator and a distal end that supports the spool.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the support member comprises a post and a support arm comprising the load-bearing portion ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140110523A1
Автор: Barea Tiziano

A device for sensing the change of feed bobbin for a yarn fed to a textile machine and originating from a first bobbin or a second bobbin connected together in head-tail manner includes at least one first sensor and one second sensor at a passage section of a support body, a control unit associated with the first sensor and second sensor. The first sensor and the second sensor generates first and second presence signals when the yarn unwound from the first bobbin or from the second bobbin passes in front of the first sensor or second sensor. The control unit receiving as input the first and/or second presence signal to generate at least one output signal representative of the first bobbin or of the second bobbin on the basis of the first or second presence signal. 1. A device for sensing the change of feed bobbin for a yarn fed to a textile machine and originating from a first bobbin or a second bobbin connected together in head-tail manner , comprisinga support body defining a passage section for a yarn,yarn sensing means comprising at least one first sensor and one second sensor which respectively define a first sensing zone and a second sensing zone positioned at said passage section,a control unit operatively associated with said sensing means to control the feed of said yarn to the textile machine,said sensing means arranged to generate corresponding first and second presence signals when the yarn unwound from the first bobbin or from the second bobbin passes through said first sensing zone or second sensing zone,said control unit arranged to receive said first and/or second presence signal as input and also arranged to generate at least one output signal indicating whether said yarn originates from said first bobbin or from said second bobbin on the basis of said first or second presence signal;said first sensor and second sensor comprising respective light emitter elements to illuminate said yarn in presence to said first sensor or said second sensor, and at ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus for tightening string

Номер: US20210030119A1
Автор: Sug Whan Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention discloses a string tightening device that can easily adjust the characteristics of the string, such as the length or tension of the string used in various wearing products or household items, including shoes, bags, clothing, and the like. A string tightening device of the present invention includes: a base having a space therein and including a first projection portion; a lower rotation member that is disposed in the base and moves a predetermined distance in a direction of separation from the base or the opposite direction thereof, an upper rotation member coupled to the lower rotation member, including a second locking portion corresponding to the first locking portion, and rotating only in one direction when the first locking portion and the second locking portion are closely attached; and an inner housing portion provided in the lower rotation member or the upper rotation member and wound therearound.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034755A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

Provided is a manufacturing method for a bundle product that includes an inspecting step of inspecting two or more threads continuously running in parallel in the longitudinal direction, a collecting step of collecting the threads, and a cutting step of cutting, after completion of the collecting, all the collected threads at a predetermined position, to obtain a bundle product having plural threads converged into a bundle. In the manufacturing method, an amount of collection in the collecting step is adjusted on the basis of inspection results obtained in the inspecting step so that at least one managed quantity for plural threads selected from a group including a total number, a total weight, a representative weight, a total outside diameter value, a representative outside diameter value, a total surface area, and a representative surface area of the plural threads constituting the bundle product exceeds a predetermined value. 1. A manufacturing method for a bundle product , comprising the steps of:inspecting two or more threads continuously running in parallel in a longitudinal direction;collecting the threads; andcutting, after completion of the collecting, all the collected threads at a predetermined position, to obtain a bundle product having a plurality of threads converged into a bundle, whereinan amount of collection in the collecting step is adjusted on the basis of inspection results obtained in the inspecting step so that at least one managed quantity for a plurality of threads selected from a group including a total number, a total weight, a representative weight, a total outside diameter value, a representative outside diameter value, a total surface area, and a representative surface area of the plurality of threads constituting the bundle product exceeds a predetermined value.2. The manufacturing method for a bundle product according to claim 1 , whereinthe collecting step is a winding and collecting step of collecting the threads during rotation.3. ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039627A1
Автор: Maeda Yuuki

A printing system capable of properly changing a content of a notification based on occurrence of a full state of a sheet in an output destination. A printing system which is able to output a sheet to any of a plurality of sheet stacking units includes a determining unit configured to determine whether a first setting for selecting a specific sheet stacking unit as an output destination of the sheet is performed or a second setting for automatically selecting any sheet stacking unit from among the plurality of sheet stacking units as the output destination is performed, a notification unit configured to perform a notification according to occurrence of a fully-stacked state in the output destination, and a control unit configured to change a content of the notification based on the determining by the determining unit. 1. A printing system which is able to output a sheet to any of a plurality of sheet stacking units , comprising:a determining unit configured to determine whether a first setting for selecting a specific sheet stacking unit as an output destination of the sheet is performed or a second setting for automatically selecting any sheet stacking unit from among the plurality of sheet stacking units as the output destination is performed;a notification unit configured to perform a notification according to occurrence of a fully-stacked state in the output destination; anda control unit configured to change a content of the notification based on the determining by the determining unit.2. The printing system according to claim 1 , wherein said control unit controls claim 1 , in a case where the determining unit determines that the first setting is performed claim 1 , the notification unit to perform a first notification for notify occurrence of the fully-stacked state in the specific sheet stacking unit.3. The printing system according to claim 1 , wherein said control unit controls claim 1 , in a case where the determining unit determines that the second ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Filament Winding Apparatus

Номер: US20150053808A1
Принадлежит: Murata Machinery Ltd

A filament winding apparatus includes a tension detecting section, a cutting section and a gripping section. The tension detecting section is arranged on a path of a fiber bundle from a bobbin to a liner, and is configured to detect tension of the fiber bundle between the bobbin and the liner. The cutting section is configured to cut the fiber bundle connected to the bobbin. The gripping section is arranged upstream with respect to the cutting section in a travelling direction of the fiber bundle, and is configured to grip the fiber bundle cut by the cutting section. At this time, in a case where the tension of the fiber bundle detected by the tension detecting section is excessive, the cutting section cuts the fiber bundle and the gripping section grips a yarn end of the fiber bundle connected to the bobbin.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050346A1
Автор: TURKASLAN Ozlem

The present invention relates to a fiber production system () and production method which enables heat treatment applied during fiber production to be performed as applying laser on the fiber. The objective of the present invention is to provide a fiber production system () and production method which enables to perform momentary heat treatment on the filament (F) via laser beam (L) and which eliminates defected points in the filament structure by heating fast and drawing in fiber production. 1. A fiber production system , for preventing the skin-core structure formed in the fiber and/or eliminating this structure , comprising:at least one molten forming member which enables the polymeric crude material to be used in fiber production to be heated and melted,at least one extrusion member which enables the molten crude material to be passed through at least one spinneret at its end part,at least one cooling unit which provides filament structure to the crude material going out of the extrusion member and passing through the spinnerets by cooling it,a plurality of rollers which enables the crude material to be heated above glass transition temperature or crystallization temperature and the fiber material in filament form to reach a certain crystallinity by being drawn at a certain tension,at least one mobile laser device which enables to form a balanced heat distribution and thus the defect in the filament structure to be eliminated by drawing via heat and the rollers by applying laser beam on the filament during drawing the filaments with the rollers,at least one heated chamber which is located between any two rollers, preferably before the fourth roller, applying heat on the material in order to increase crystallinity in the fiber material drawn with the rollers, and enabling the continuity of the filament structure provided to the material,at least one control member which enables to guide the mobile laser device to the related area according to the data it receives ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Method for determining an electrical power or an electrical energy consumption of a spinning machine or winder and a spinning machine or winder operating in accordance with the method

Номер: US20210054542A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

A method determines an electrical characteristic at a spinning machine or winder, wherein the electrical characteristic is one or both of electrical power and electrical energy consumption. The spinning machine or winder includes a plurality of adjacently arranged workstations that each include an electrical working element. A total electrical characteristic for the spinning machine or winder is measured with a central measuring unit. The workstations are subdivided into at least two production groups that operated independently of one another. A distribution key is defined and used to calculate the electrical characteristic specific to each of the production groups by allocating the total electrical characteristic to the production groups with the distribution key. The specific production group electrical characteristics are displayed at the spinning machine or winder and transmitted to a computer that is at a higher control level than the spinning machine or winder.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060074A1
Автор: BING-WO Ronald B.
Принадлежит: INVISTA North America S.ar.I.

A method for unwinding yarn is provided that allows for maximizing the draft of the yarn, while monitoring tension. The method includes providing a yarn package including elastic yarn; choosing a selected draft for said elastic yarn; unwinding the elastic yarn from the yarn package from a driven roll to yarn processing equipment at the selected draft which is determined by a ratio of a speed of the yarn at the yarn processing equipment to a speed of the driven roll; measuring tension in the elastic yarn; and providing an alarm when said tension reaches a critical level. 1. A method for unwinding an elastic yarn from a yarn package for use in a yarn process comprising:(a) providing an yarn package including elastic yarn;(b) choosing a selected draft for said elastic yarn;(c) unwinding said elastic yarn from said yarn package from a driven roll to yarn processing equipment at said selected draft which is determined by a ratio of a speed of said yarn at the yarn processing equipment to a speed of the driven roll;(d) measuring tension in said elastic yarn;(e) providing an alarm when said tension reaches a critical level.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said critical level is a critical high tension level or a critical low tension level.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said draft is about 1.5 to about 5.5.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein said critical high tension level is about 0.1 gmf/decitex or higher.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein said critical low tension level is about 0.02 gmf/decitex.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said alarm is an audible alarm.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said alarm provides a signal to reduce the tension of the elastic yarn draft by increasing the speed of the driven roll.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein said signal to reduce the draft comprises an automatic adjusting of said draft when said tension reaches said critical level.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein said draft is reduced by reducing the speed of said yarn ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055104A1
Автор: Hayes Stephen
Принадлежит: RoboGardens LLC

A system, method and computer program product for detecting filament jams and filament runout conditions on Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printers, including a filament feed sensor configured to detect feeding of a filament by a filament drive motor and provide a feeding status thereof; a filament drive motor sensor configured to detect movement of the filament drive motor and provide a movement status thereof; and a processor configured to compare the feeding status and the movement status to detect at least one of a filament jam and filament runout condition on a Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printer. 1. A system for detecting filament jams and filament runout conditions on Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printers , the system comprising:a filament feed sensor configured to detect feeding of a filament by a filament drive motor and provide a feeding status thereof;a filament drive motor sensor configured to detect movement of the filament drive motor and provide a movement status thereof; anda processor configured to compare the feeding status and the movement status to detect at least one of a filament jam and filament runout condition on a Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printer.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to process the feeding status and the movement status by applying an averaging and hysteresis threshold to detect when the filament is being unsuccessfully driven by the filament drive motor to detect the filament jam or the filament runout condition.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a communications link coupled to the processor and configured to at least one of:alert a user of the filament jam or the filament runout condition, andsend a signal to the 3D printer to pause printing until the filament jam or the filament runout condition is cleared.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:an interface coupled to the processor and configured as a dedicated pause control line for the 3D printer ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057304A1
Принадлежит: Curt G. Joa, In.

A series of elastic break brakes are provided throughout a travel path of elastics in a machine operation. Elastic strands thread through each individual brake mechanism, and if an elastic strand breaks downstream, a natural snap back of the elastic, which ordinarily travels through the system under tension, drives an immediately upstream cam mechanism back, and holds the elastic thread in place at the elastic break brake immediately upstream of the break as to minimize rethreading required downstream of the elastic break brake. 1providing an elastic break brake, said elastic break brake comprising a base, a base back depending from said base, a pin coupled to said base back said pin having an axis of rotation, and a rotating cam weight carried by said pin and rotatable coaxially with said axis of rotation; a base elastic retaining surface spaced apart from said rotating cam weight; a nip point between said base elastic retaining surface and said rotating cam weight, said pin vertically aligned with said nip point;moving said elastic thread in a downstream direction;rotating said rotating cam weight in a downstream machine direction by elastic traveling under tension between said rotating cam weight and said base elastic retaining surface;allowing passage of said elastic during machine operation;rotating said rotating cam weight in an upstream direction upon breakage of said elastic thread; andcinching said elastic thread between said rotating cam weight and said base elastic retaining surface thereby stopping said elastic.. A method of controlling an elastic thread comprising the steps of: This application is a division of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/868,712, filed 23 Apr. 2013, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. Nos. 61/637,365, filed 24 Apr. 2012, and 61/645,867, filed 11 May 2012.The invention relates to disposable garments, and more particularly, a pants-type diaper, which is equipped with elastic strips ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Device for monitoring operating data and/or determining the replacement state of wear of a cable during use on lifting apparatuses

Номер: US20190062127A1
Автор: Thorsten HESSELBEIN
Принадлежит: Liebherr Werk Biberach GmbH

The present invention relates generally to lifting gear such as cranes which use ropes such as high-strength fiber ropes. The invention here in particular relates to an apparatus for monitoring operating data and/or for determining the replacement state of such a rope in use on such lifting equipment having a detection device for detecting at least one rope use parameter that influences the replacement state of wear and having a data store for storing the detected rope use parameter and/or an operating parameter derived therefrom that characterizes the residual service life and/or the replacement state of wear of the rope. Provision is made in accordance with the invention that the data store for storing the at least one detected rope use parameter and/or an operating parameter derived therefrom is integrated in the rope, with a reading and/or writing unit connected to the detection device for detecting said rope use parameter being provided to write to the data store in the rope installed at the lifting equipment.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075589A1

Methods of conveying a glass ribbon are provided that each includes the step of conveying the glass ribbon over a support device with a cushion of fluid supporting the glass ribbon over the support device. Each method further includes the step of monitoring a physical contact event between the glass ribbon and the support device by detecting an acoustic signal associated with the physical contact event. In further examples, glass ribbon conveying apparatus are provided that each includes a support device configured to support a glass ribbon over the support device with a cushion of fluid. Each apparatus further includes an acoustic sensor configured to monitor a physical contact event between the glass ribbon and the support device by detecting an acoustic signal associated with the physical contact event. 1. A method of conveying a glass ribbon comprising the steps of:(I) conveying the glass ribbon over a support device with a cushion of fluid supporting the glass ribbon over the support device; and(II) monitoring a physical contact event between the glass ribbon and the support device by detecting an acoustic signal associated with the physical contact event.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein after step (II) claim 1 , further comprising the step (III) of modifying the method of conveying the glass ribbon with feedback from the detected acoustic signal.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of severing the glass ribbon claim 1 , wherein the physical contact event of step (II) comprises a touch down event of the glass ribbon physically contacting the support device during the step of severing the glass ribbon.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein step (III) modifies the method of conveying the glass ribbon to provide a more consistent touch down event during a subsequent step of severing the glass ribbon.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein step (III) modifies the method of conveying the glass ribbon to provide a more stable touch down event during a ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Fish tape assembly

Номер: US20210078821A1
Принадлежит: Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp

A fish tape tool includes a housing and a chamber defined in the housing. A drum is configured to be inserted into the chamber of the housing. The drum contains a fish tape. The drum is rotatable relative to the housing to dispense or retract the fish tape from the housing. The drum is one of a plurality of drums that are insertable into and removable from the chamber of the housing. Each drum contains a different type of fish tape.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Smart Cord Reel

Номер: US20190086976A1

A smart cord reel cable including at least one sensor for measuring cord or cord reel usage, a memory for receiving sensor input to create usage records, and a processor for analyzing the usage records to provide information for maintenance status indication and/or usage analytics. 1. A smart cord reel system including a maintenance prediction mechanism for anticipating and predicting the need for replacement , the system comprising:a) a cord reel assembly, including a housing having a spool and a retractable cord segment that can be retracted and extended from the housing, a first sensor for measuring each complete rotation of the spool within the housing and a second sensor for measuring the voltage of the cord;b) at least one memory located within the cord reel assembly for receiving an input from the first sensor correlating to each complete rotation of the spool within the housing and keeping count of the sum of such rotations and receiving an input from the second sensor representative of at least one of the electrical resistance of the cord, the voltage level of the cord or the current received through the cord; andc) a processor electrically connected to the at least one memory for comparing the sum of rotations for the electric cord reel assembly against predetermined limits and providing a status signal therefrom to indicate whether the replacement of the electric cord reel assembly is required, and the processor further connected to the at least one memory for comparing the input from the second sensor representative of the electrical resistance of the cord against predetermined limits stored in memory and generating a status signal therefrom to indicate whether replacement of at least a portion of the cord reel assembly is required.2. A smart cord reel system including a maintenance prediction mechanism for anticipating and predicting the need for replacement , the system comprising:a) a cord reel assembly, including a housing having a spool and a cord ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135364A1

The component supply device includes a body, a first carrier tape transporter, a second carrier tape transporter, and a controller. The body includes a tape transport path. The first carrier tape transporter transports a carrier tape to a component pickup position. The second carrier tape transporter transports the carrier tape to the first carrier tape transporter. The controller is configured to communicate with the component installation device and control the first carrier tape transporter and the second carrier tape transporter in one operation mode selected from a plurality of operation modes.

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Textile Machine Management System and Method

Номер: US20220137610A1
Автор: Blaser Niklaus

A textile machine management system and associated method for textile machines include automated guided transportation vehicles that transport material carriers between the textile machines. A logistic control system controls movement of the transportation vehicles. A material management apparatus manages the material flow between the textile machines and includes: a material flow database; a prediction module; and a disposition module.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Yarn Tension and Breakage Sensor System

Номер: US20200087103A1
Автор: McComas Gary M

A yarn monitoring system for textile machine uses sensors to indicate yarn over tensioning and breakage. The sensors are contained within, or adjacent to, eyelets and monitor, sending signals to the controller, the speed of the yarn. The eyelets, each with a sensor, are within a body that also contains a circuit board which is in constant communication with the eyelets and software contained within a controller. The controller, in turn, is in constant communication with the textile machine. The software is preprogrammed by a user with an acceptable signal range for passage of the yarn past the sensors and a predetermined time period for the signal to remain outside the acceptable signal range. To prevent unnecessary shut down of the textile machine, the software averages the signal and, when the averaged signal remains out of the acceptable signal range for the preprogrammed time initiates communication to the textile machine. 1) A yarn monitoring system for tension and breakage within a textile machine comprising: i. a body having a length, a width, and a height,', 'ii. a circuit board within said body,', '1. multiple sensors, at least one of said multiple sensors being positioned to detect signals created by passage of said yarn through each of said multiple eyelets, said sensors being in communication with said circuit board,', 'iii. multiple eyelets extending through the height of said body, said eyelets having an inlet and an outlet,'}, 'iv. a controller, said controller having a processor in communication with said circuit board and with said textile machine and being user programmable,, 'a. a sensor bar, said sensor bar comprisingwherein said controller is programmed by said user with an acceptable signal range for passage of said yarn past said multiple sensors and a predetermined time period for said signal to remain outside said acceptable parameter range, said controller averaging said signal and,wherein said signal remaining out of said acceptable signal ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095087A1

A warning on an amount of welding wire remaining in a package can be implemented with an indicator system integrated within the package. The indicator system a visual indication on the amount of wire remaining. The visual indication is updated as the wire is dispensed during a welding operation. The indicator system includes one or more sensing elements that engage the welding wire at various locations. When the wire is dispensed, the sensing elements eventually lose engagement and output a corresponding signal. The visual indication is updated based on the signals from the sensing elements. 1. A system , comprising:at least two sensing elements mountable within a container for a coil of welding wire so as to engage the coil of welding wire at different locations;an indicator configured to provide a visual indication of an amount of welding wire remaining; anda circuit operatively coupled to the at least two sensing elements and the indicator, wherein the circuit is configured to update the visual indication provided by the indicator in response to inputs indicative of respective statuses of the at least two sensing elements.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least two sensing elements are non-contact inductive sensors.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least two sensing elements are configured to be vertically spaced within the container to engage the coil of welding wire at different heights.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least two sensing elements respectively output a status signal indicative of whether a portion of the welding wire is in proximity to the respective sensing element.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the circuit is further configured to update the visual indication provided by the indicator based on respective status signals from the at least two sensing elements.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the visual indication corresponds to one of a set of states claim 5 , each state corresponds to a set of statuses of the at ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Textile Machine, and Textile Machine for Producing Rovings

Номер: US20170101287A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

The invention relates to a method for operating a textile machine that serves for producing roving (), wherein during normal operation, a fiber bundle () is supplied to at least one consolidating means of the textile machine, wherein a roving () having a protective twist is produced from the fiber bundle () by means of the consolidating means, wherein, after leaving the consolidating means and by means of a winding device () arranged downstream of the consolidating means in a transport direction (T) of the roving (), the roving () is wound onto a tube (), and wherein a sensor system () monitors whether a roving () is being produced by the consolidating means and/or whether the roving () produced by the consolidating means is being wound onto the tube (). In accordance with the invention it is suggested that in the event that it is detected by means of the sensor system () that no roving () is being produced by the consolidating means or that the roving () produced by the consolidating means is not being wound onto the tube (), an interruption of the of the normal operation takes place, that the tube () already partly loaded with roving () by the winding device () prior to the interruption in normal operation is replaced by an empty tube () during a tube changing process, that a start process is carried out in which roving () produced by the consolidating means after start-up of the consolidating means is brought into contact with the empty tube (), and that the roving () produced by the consolidating means after the start process is wound onto the tube () and normal operation is resumed. In addition, a textile machine for producing roving () is suggested. 211-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a method for operating a textile machine that produces roving, wherein during normal operation a fiber bundle is supplied to at least one consolidating means of the textile machine, wherein a roving having a protective twist is produced from the fiber bundle by ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for reducing whip damage on wound optical fiber

Номер: US20190100402A1
Автор: Bret Cooper Faler
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

An apparatus for reducing fiber whip damage to optical fiber wound on a fiber winding spool is provided. The apparatus includes a fiber entry feed mechanism operatively coupled to the fiber winding spool to feed the optical fiber onto the fiber winding spool. The apparatus also includes a whip shield arranged to substantially surround the fiber winding spool. The whip shield includes a first surface aligned with and facing the fiber winding spool within an entry slot that is laterally offset from a second surface. The first surface transitions to the second surface such that a loose end of the optical fiber is initially directed into the entry slot away from the fiber winding spool and transitions to the second surface.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Method and System for Detecting Faults and Abnormal Wear Conditions in Oil & Gas Wireline Logging Winch Units

Номер: US20170107074A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

Systems and methods are provided for detecting potential failures in logging winch systems to enable efficient maintenance are provided. An example of such a system may include a logging winch system that conveys a downhole tool into a wellbore on a cable and a data processing system. The logging winch system may include sensors that measure observed quantities relating to operation of the logging winch system. The data processing system may determine correlation signatures that relate the observed quantities to the operation of the logging winch system and may identify when one or more of the correlation signatures indicates abnormal operation.

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Method and device for monitoring a yarn tension of a running yarn

Номер: US20210122604A1
Автор: Jörg Huthmacher
Принадлежит: Oerlikon Textile GmbH and Co KG

Techniques are directed to a method and a device for monitoring a yarn tension of a running yarn in a yarn treatment process. To this end, the yarn tension of the yarn is continuously measured and the measurement signals for the yarn tension are compared with a threshold value of an admissible yarn tension. In the event of an inadmissible tolerance deviation of the measurement signals, a short-term signal path of the yarn tension is detected as a fault graph. In order to enable a fault diagnosis, the fault graph of the yarn tension is analyzed using a machine learning program. The fault graph is then allocated to one of the existing fault categories or to a new fault category. A device for this purpose may include a diagnosis unit, which cooperates accordingly with the yarn tension evaluation unit.

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210163255A1

A fish tape assembly includes a fish tape tool including a housing, a chamber defined in the housing and a motor supported by the housing. The fish tape assembly also includes a fish tape drum configured to be inserted into the chamber of the housing. The fish tape drum contains a type of fish tape and includes a rotatable drum portion configured to rotate in response to receiving torque from the motor. The fish tape tool includes a sensor configured to detect the type of fish tape in the fish tape drum inserted into the chamber of the housing. 1. A fish tape assembly comprising:a fish tape tool including a housing, a chamber defined in the housing and a motor supported by the housing; anda fish tape drum configured to be inserted into the chamber of the housing, the fish tape drum containing a type of fish tape and including a rotatable drum portion configured to rotate in response to receiving torque from the motor,wherein the fish tape tool includes a sensor configured to detect the type of fish tape in the fish tape drum inserted into the chamber of the housing.2. The fish tape assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fish tape tool is configured to set a torque level of the motor claim 1 , to rotate the fish tape drum claim 1 , based on the type of fish tape detected by the sensor.3. The fish tape assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is an RFID reader and the fish tape drum includes an RFID tag indicative of the type of fish tape with the respective drum.4. The fish tape assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a weight sensor configured to detect a weight of the fish tape drum inserted into the chamber of the housing.5. The fish tape assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is configured to detect a dialectic constant of the fish tape in the fish tape drum inserted into the chamber of the housing.6. The fish tape assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fish tape drum is one of a plurality of fish tape drums that are insertable into and removable from the chamber of ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164132A1
Принадлежит: Uster Technologies AG

The method is used for the automatic operation of a ring spinning system () which contains a ring spinning machine () having a plurality of spinning positions () and a winding machine () having a plurality of winding positions (). Yarn () is spun at one of the spinning positions () and wound up to a cop (). For the spinning position (), values of a parameter characteristic for the operation of the spinning position () are determined during the winding of the cop () and stored as spinning data. The spinning data are assigned to the cop (). The cop () is set down from the spinning position (). The spinning data assigned to the cop () is taken into account when deciding whether to feed the cop () after it has been set down to one of the winding positions (). The automatic assignment is based on an identification of a point in time of winding of the cop () and an identification of the spinning position () at which the cop () was wound. 1. A method for automatically operating a ring spinning system which comprises a ring spinning machine having a plurality of spinning positions for spinning yarn and a winding machine having a plurality of winding positions for rewinding the yarn , wherein:yarn is spun at one of the spinning positions and wound into a cop,for the spinning position, values of a parameter characteristic for the operation of the spinning position are determined during the winding of the cop and stored as spinning data,the spinning data are assigned to the cop,the cop is doffed from the spinning position andthe spinning data assigned to the cop are taken into account in an automatic decision on feeding the cop after it has been doffed to one of the winding positions,characterized in thatan identification of a point in time of the winding of the cop and an identification of the spinning position are automatically assigned to the cop, andthe spinning data are automatically assigned to the cop based on the identification of the point in time of winding of the ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281708A1
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

An elongated-object drum includes: a drum on which an elongated object is wound; and a management module that is attached to the drum and comprises: an acceleration sensor that detects acceleration of the drum, a computation device that performs computation based on a detection result from the acceleration sensor, and a storage device that stores a computation result obtained by the computation device based on the detection result from the acceleration sensor. 1. An elongated-object drum , comprising:a drum on which an elongated object is wound; and an acceleration sensor that detects acceleration of the drum;', 'a computation device that performs computation based on a detection result from the acceleration sensor; and', 'a storage device that stores a computation result obtained by the computation device based on the detection result from the acceleration sensor., 'a management module that is attached to the drum and comprises2. The elongated-object drum according to claim 1 , whereinbased on the detection result from the acceleration sensor, the computation device determines whether a rotation direction of the drum is a direction of unreeling the elongated object.3. The elongated-object drum according to claim 1 , whereinthe computation device detects a rotation angle of the drum based on the detection result from the acceleration sensor.4. The elongated-object drum according to claim 3 , whereinthe computation device calculates a usage amount of the elongated object based on the rotation angle.5. The elongated-object drum according to claim 4 , whereinthe computation device acquires an unreeling diameter of the elongated object wound on the drum and detects the rotation direction of the drum based on the detection result from the acceleration sensor,the computation device calculates an amount of the unreeled elongated object based on the rotation angle and the unreeling diameter, in a case where the rotation direction of the drum is same as a direction of ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135574A1
Автор: Barea Tiziano

A method monitors/controls unwinding and supplying thread from a supply device to a textile machine. The supply device includes a control unit and a thread collection and supply unit moved by a motor. A first sensor detects first data indicative of a current driving torque applied to the collection and supply unit. A second sensor detects second data indicative of a current tension value of thread supplied to the textile machine. A first indicator representing driving torque values is calculated, each variation of the first indicator representing a variation of the driving torque value to compensate for a deviation of the first data. A second indicator is calculating representing tension values applied to the thread supplied to the textile machine. Each variation of the second indicator representing a deviation of the second data. Based on the indicators, malfunctions in the unwinding and supply of thread are detected and signaled. 125.-. (canceled)26. A method for monitoring and controlling unwinding of a thread from a reel and for supplying said thread to a textile machine by a supply device , said supply device comprising:an electronic control unit;a thread collection and supply unit configured to assist the winding of the thread from the reel, said thread collection and supply unit being moved by an electric motor driven by the electronic control unit;a first sensor associated with the thread collection and supply unit and electrically connected to the electronic control unit, said first sensor being configured to detect a first piece of data indicative of a current torque applied to the thread collection and supply unit;s second sensor electrically connected to the electronic control unit, said second sensor being configured to detect a second piece of data indicative of a current tension value of the thread supplied to the textile machine,the method comprising the following steps continuously carried out during an operation time interval of the supply device: ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Method and Winding Station for Improving a Winding Process of a Textile Machine

Номер: US20160145067A1

In a method for improving a winding process of a textile machine and a winding station of a textile machine, comprising a machine controller (), a yarn sensor (), a yarn quality monitor, in particular a yarn clearer (), and a yarn connecting device, in particular a splicing device (), a yarn () is wound onto a bobbin (). The yarn () is analyzed with regard to its length, quality, and/or speed, and is cut if necessary in order to clear a quality defect, in particular by means of a yarn clearer (), and two yarn ends are connected to one another by means of the yarn connecting device after the quality defect has been removed. The yarn () is analyzed with regard to foreign material, yarn speed, and/or yarn length by means of a capacitive yarn sensor (), and is analyzed with regard to the yarn body and the yarn characteristic by means of an optical yarn quality monitor, in particular an optical yarn clearer (). The yarn () is subsequently optionally cleared. Data of the capacitive yarn sensor () with regard to the foreign material and/or the yarn speed are provided to the yarn quality monitor, in particular the yarn clearer (), and with regard to the yarn length and/or the yarn speed are provided to the machine controller (), in particular a central controller, section controller, and/or work station controller. 1. A method for improving a winding process of a textile machine , comprising{'b': '11', 'a machine controller (),'}{'b': '4', 'a yarn sensor (),'}{'b': '5', 'a yarn quality monitor, in particular a yarn clearer (), and'}{'b': '3', 'a yarn connecting device, in particular a splicing device (),'}{'b': 1', '2, 'wherein a yarn () is wound onto a bobbin () and'}{'b': '1', 'the yarn () is analyzed with regard to its length, quality, and/or speed and'}{'b': 1', '5, 'the yarn () is cut if necessary in order to clear a quality defect, in particular by means of a yarn clearer (), and'}two yarn ends are connected to one another by means of the yarn connecting device after ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160148898A1
Автор: CHENG Chi Wah, NG Hon Kam

Disclosed is a wire spool system for a wire bonding apparatus, comprising: a wire reel arranged to receive a wire; a wire guide for feeding a free end of the wire to a bond head of the wire bonding apparatus; and a tensioning mechanism for tensioning the wire to define a wire path between the wire reel and the wire guide. The wire spool system comprises an imaging module comprising a camera having an image sensor. The imaging module also comprises an image processing unit. The camera is positioned to image, by said image sensor, at least a portion of the wire path to generate image data. The image processing unit is configured to process the image data to determine a geometry and/or a change in geometry of the at least a portion of the wire path. 1. A wire spool system for a wire bonding apparatus , comprising:a wire reel arranged to receive a wire;a wire guide for feeding a free end of the wire to a bond head of the wire bonding apparatus;a tensioning mechanism for tensioning the wire to define a wire path between the wire reel and the wire guide; andan imaging module comprising a camera having an image sensor, and an image processing unit;wherein the camera is positioned to image, by said image sensor, at least a portion of the wire path to generate image data, and wherein the image processing unit is configured to process the image data to determine a geometry and/or a change in geometry of the at least a portion of the wire path.2. A wire spool system according to claim 1 , comprising a buffer region intermediate the tensioning mechanism and the wire guide claim 1 , wherein the camera is positioned in the buffer region.3. A wire spool system according to claim 1 , wherein the image data are indicative of a first image captured prior to a movement of the bond head claim 1 , and a second image captured after the movement of the bond head; and wherein the image processing unit is configured to determine claim 1 , from said first and second images claim 1 , whether ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297287A1

A clutch mechanism for a mechanical effector device includes a reel configured for winding and unwinding a tendon around the reel, and a base configured to connect to and rotate with a motor for rotation of the base around an axis. The reel and base are further configured for alignment with and rotation around a common axis of rotation. Inner ends of the reel and base mutually castellated and interlocking and the castellations are configured to ride up and over one another to allow independent rotation of the reel and base if an unresolvable rotation force is encountered. 1. A clutch mechanism for a mechanical effector device , comprising:a tendon;a reel configured for winding and unwinding the tendon around the reel, the tendon in use connecting between the reel and an actuator; and{'b': 102', '103, 'a base configured to connect to a motor for rotation of the base around an axis of rotation, wherein the reel and base are further configured for alignment with and rotation around a common axis of rotation, the inner ends of the reel and base having interlocking castellations so that the reel and base rotate together, wherein the castellations are configured to ride up and over one another to allow independent rotation of the reel and base if an un-resolvable rotation force is encountered.'}2. The clutch mechanism as claimed in further comprising a spring configured to provide a reaction force against the reel in response to movement of the reel along the axis of rotation away from the base.3. The clutch mechanism as claimed in wherein the castellations comprise sloped and/or shaped sides claim 2 , wherein dimensions of the reel and base claim 2 , the angles of the sloped and/or shaped sides claim 2 , and/or the strength of the spring can be adjusted to provide a desired maximum disengagement force between the reel and base.4. The clutch mechanism as claimed in wherein each of the reel and base comprise three castellations.5. The clutch mechanism as claimed in wherein ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210188590A1
Автор: Huthmacher Jörg

Techniques involve texturing a synthetic thread. The thread is pulled off a feed bobbin, which is connected via the thread end thereof to a beginning of a thread of a reserve bobbin by way of a thread knot. In order to monitor the texturing, a thread tension of the thread is measured and analyzed in a measuring point. Additionally, measuring signals of the thread tension are analyzed at the measuring point using a machine learning program, in order to identify the thread knot. To this end, a device has a diagnostic unit, which interacts with the thread tension measuring device in such a way that the measuring signals of the thread tension can be analyzed by means of a machine learning program for identifying a thread knot. 1. A method for texturing a synthetic thread , in which said thread is drawn off a supply bobbin and stretched ,wherein a thread end of the supply bobbin is connected to a thread start of a reserve bobbin by a thread knot,wherein a thread tension of the thread is measured and analyzed continuously in a measuring station in order to monitor the texturing, andwherein, in order to identify the thread knot at the measuring station, the measured signals of the thread tension are analyzed by a machine learning program.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a chronological sequence of measured signals of the thread tension is detected as an analysis graph and analyzed.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a chronological sequence of measured signals of the thread tension when a threshold value of the thread tension is overshot is detected as a fault graph and analyzed.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein analysis of the measured signals of the thread tension is carried out by at least one machine learning algorithm of the machine learning program.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the thread knot is identified by the machine learning algorithm from analyzed analysis graphs or analyzed fault graphs.6. The device as ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168764A1

A textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations , as well as display means and a central control device , wherein the display means is connected to the central control device and/or a workstation control device . The textile machine comprises a display means, which is designed as an LED light bar , a section of the LED light bar is assigned respectively to a workstation , and the LED light bar displays the respectively produced yarn batch and/or operating states of the respective workstation 1136532638672638672439. Textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations ( , , ) , as well as display means and a central control device ( , , ) , wherein the display means are connected to the central control device ( , , ) and/or a workstation control device ( , ) ,characterized in that,{'b': 15', '32', '52', '69', '84, 'the textile machine comprises a display means which is designed as an LED light bar (, , , , ),'}{'b': 15', '32', '52', '69', '84', '1', '36', '53, 'a section of the LED light bar (, , , , ) is assigned respectively to a workstation (, , ),'}{'b': 15', '32', '52', '69', '84', '1', '36', '53, 'and the LED light bar (, , , , ) displays the respectively produced yarn batch and/or operating states of the respective workstation (, , ).'}2136531532526984. Textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to claim 1 , characterized in that the LED light bar ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) is positioned such that it is visible over the whole length of the textile machine.31365381532526984. Textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to claim 1 , characterized in that magazine pockets () comprise a display means claim 1 , which corresponds with the LED light bar ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of the textile machine.41365313653243915325269841532526984. Textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140252154A1
Автор: YAMADA Naritoshi
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA, LTD.

An optical fiber screening test method in which while continuously travelling, an optical fiber passes a tension applying section which applies tension and the optical fiber which has passed the tension applying section is continuously wound by a winding bobbin is provided. The method includes running the optical fiber to which the tension has been applied along a first pulley and a second pulley sequentially, winding the optical fiber by the winding bobbin, and stopping rotation of the winding bobbin when the optical fiber is broken by applying the tension, and performing an adjustment so that an already-wound outer circumferential surface of the winding bobbin on which the optical fiber is already wound is not positioned on an extension line of a linear optical fiber travelling path from the first pulley to the second pulley at a time when the rotation of the winding bobbin is stopped.

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Winding device for winding up at least one material to be wound onto at least one exchangeable tube

Номер: US20150175383A1
Автор: Peter Seifert

A winding device for winding up at least one material to be wound onto at least one exchangeable tube, having at least one winding mandrel which, in at least one operating state, is provided to receive the at least one tube and/or drive it in rotation about a winding axis, comprising at least one mass-determining unit which is provided to determine, in at least one instant of time during at least one winding-up operation, at least one mass characteristic of the at least one tube and/or of the at least one material to be wound that has been wound up in this instant on the at least one tube.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177108A1
Принадлежит: Saurer Fibrevision Ltd.

The invention provides a method and a system for monitoring of yarn drawn axially from a bobbin (). It is desired to monitor one or both of remaining capacity of an active bobbin and transfer from one active bobbin to the next. 1. A method of monitoring drawing of yarn from a bobbin , in whichthe yarn is drawn axially from the bobbin and a free portion of the yarn moves circumferentially about the bobbin;an sensor responsive to electromagnetic radiation is arranged to sense the free portion of the yarn and to provide an output which varies with a period P corresponding to the period of the circumferential movement of the free portion of the yarn about the bobbin.2. A method as claimed in in which a change in the period P resulting from transfer from a depleted bobbin to a new bobbin is detected.3. A method as claimed in comprising responding to said change in period P by providing an output for a user indicating that transfer has taken place.4. A method as claimed in any preceding claim further comprising estimating either or both of(a) time to exhaustion of the bobbin and(b) quantity of yarn remaining on the bobbin based on the period P.5. A method as claimed in in which the sensor is an optical sensor.6. A method as claimed in in which a light source illuminates the free portion of the yarn and the sensor is configured to detect light reflected from the free portion of the yarn.7. A method as claimed in implemented in a creel in which an active bobbin is mounted in the vicinity of a corresponding reserve bobbin claim 1 , the sensor being configured to monitor yarn drawn from both of the bobbins.8. A system for monitoring a process in which yarn is drawn axially from a bobbin and a free portion of the yarn moves circumferentially about the bobbin claim 1 , the system comprising:an sensor responsive to electromagnetic radiation mountable in the vicinity of the bobbin to sense the free portion of the yarn and to provide an output which varies with a period P ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Smart Cord Reel

Номер: US20200174537A1

A smart cord reel cable including at least one sensor for measuring cord or cord reel usage, a memory for receiving sensor input to create usage records, and a processor for analyzing the usage records to provide information for maintenance status indication and/or usage analytics. 1. A smart cord reel system comprising:a) a housing;b) a spool located with the housing having a central axis;c) a slip ring comprising an inner slip ring and an outer slip ring proximate the central axis,d) a retractable cable wound around the spool for retracting within and extending out of the housing and connected to one of the inner slip ring and the outer slip ring;e) a stationary cable extending from the housing connected to one of the inner slip ring and the outer slip ring; wherein the inner slip ring rotatably and substantially continuously contacts the outer slip ring for transmitting between the stationary cable and the retractable cable;f) a sensor connected to one of the spool or the retractable cable;g) at least one memory located within the cord reel system for receiving an input from the sensor correlating to the voltage within the retractable cord; andh) a processor electrically connected to the at least one memory for receiving data representative of the input from the sensor, and generating usage analytic records therefrom.2. A smart cord reel system comprising:a) a housing;b) a spool located with the housing having a central axis;c) a slip ring comprising an inner slip ring and an outer slip ring proximate the central axis,d) a retractable cable wound around the spool for retracting within and extending out of the housing and connected to one of the inner slip ring and the outer slip ring;e) a stationary cable extending from the housing connected to one of the inner slip ring and the outer slip ring; wherein the inner slip ring rotatably and substantially continuously contacts the outer slip ring for transmitting between the stationary cable and the retractable cable; ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150197408A1
Принадлежит: Slingmax, Inc.

A pre-failure indicator system for determining a degradation or failure condition includes a rope having an elongated structural strand and a pre-failure indicator strand. The pre-failure indicator strand has a tensile strength less than a tensile strength of the structural strand. The pre-failure indicator strand constructed of a conductive wire. The pre-failure indicator strand is configured to fail when the rope is subject to tension that exceeds the tensile strength of the structural strand. An indicator generates a detectable signal when the pre-failure indicator strand fails. A transceiver detects the detectable signal. The transceiver is configured to transmit a warning upon receipt of the detectable signal. 1. A pre-failure indicator system for determining a degradation or failure condition , the pre-failure indicator system comprising:a rope having an elongated structural strand and a pre-failure indicator strand, the pre-failure indicator strand comprised of a conductive wire and configured to fail when the rope is subject to tension that is less than the tensile strength of the structural strand;an indicator that generates a detectable signal when the pre-failure indicator strand fails; anda transceiver that detects the detectable signal, the transceiver configured to transmit a warning upon receipt of the detectable signal.2. The pre-failure indicator system of claim 1 , wherein the structural strand is comprised of a plurality of structural strands.3. The pre-failure indicator system of claim 1 , wherein the conductive wire is comprised of a multiple conductive wires.4. The pre-failure indicator system of claim 1 , wherein the conductive wire is constructed of a metal.5. The pre-failure indicator system of claim 4 , wherein the metal is comprised of one of copper and silver.6. The pre-failure indicator system of claim 1 , wherein the indicator includes an electrical signal generator and the detectable signal comprises an electrical signal.7. The pre- ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Coil making apparatus and method

Номер: US20170190538A1
Автор: Enrico Boccato
Принадлежит: Curti Costruzioni Meccaniche SpA

An apparatus ( 1 ) and a method for coiling a cable ( 2 ) or a wire into a coil ( 3 ) having a plurality of turns ( 3 a ) and two free ends ( 4, 5 ) formed by a leading end ( 4 ) and a trailing end ( 5 ) of said cable are disclosed. The apparatus comprises a rotatable coil former ( 6 ) around which a cable is coiled; means ( 9 ) to measure the length of the coiled cable ( 2 ) or wire; first holding means ( 10 ) positioned on said coil former ( 6 ) for holding the leading end ( 4 ) of the cable, second holding means ( 12 ), separate from said coil former ( 6 ) for receiving and holding the leading end ( 4 ) of the cable ( 2 ), which are movable. Cutting means ( 14 ) for cutting the coiled cable to provide a trailing end ( 5 ) of the cable are also provided. The apparatus further comprises means ( 7 ) to adjust the diameter (D 1 , D 2 ) of the coil former ( 6 ) and control means ( 18 ) to set said adjusting means ( 7 ) of the diameter of the coil former ( 6 ), to provide the required length of the cable and the required length of the said free ends ( 4, 5 ) of the coiled cable.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190194835A1

A textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations as well as display means and a central control device, wherein the display means is connected to the central control device and/or a workstation control device. The textile machine comprises a display means, which is designed as an LED light bar, a section of the LED light bar is assigned respectively to a workstation, and the LED light bar displays the respectively produced yarn batch and/or operating states of the respective workstation. 1. A textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations , as well as display means and a central control device , wherein the display means are connected to the central control device and/or a workstation control device ,characterized in that,the textile machine comprises a display means which is designed as an LED light bar,a section of the LED light bar is assigned respectively to a workstation, andthe LED light bar displays the respectively produced yarn batch and/or operating states of the respective workstation.2. The textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations according to claim 1 , characterized in that the LED light bar is positioned such that it is visible over the whole length of the textile machine.3. The textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations according to claim 1 , characterized in that magazine pockets comprise a display means claim 1 , which corresponds with the LED light bar of the textile machine.4. The textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations according to claim 1 , characterized in that each workstation comprises a workstation control device which is connected to the LED light bar and is set up so that it triggers different displays on the LED light bar which are related to the yarn batch and are dependent on the operating state.5. The textile machine with a plurality of similar workstations according to claim 1 , characterized in that the workstation control devices are connected via a bus to a ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Non-Contact Measurement of Material Remaining in Expendable Spools

Номер: US20210229947A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Navy

A system and method for non-contact measurement of remaining spooled material. The system comprises at least one optical signal source configured to illuminate spooled material with an optical beam having an optical beam width that illuminates the material remaining in the spool. The optical beam width and spacing are such that spooled material is illuminated by each optical signal source. The system includes drive circuitry configured to drive the at least one optical signal source using pulses. The system further includes at least one optical signal receiver configured to receive light reflected from each of said light pulses. The system still further includes a processor configured to: establish a number and drive strength of the pulses; and cause measurements to be performed of the remaining spooled material.

20-07-2017 дата публикации

One-Way Snare Apparatus and Method for Isolating A Broken Elastic Strand

Номер: US20170203936A1
Автор: Smith Kevin Michael

During the process of making elastomeric laminates, elastic material is advanced and stretched in a machine direction and may be joined with one or more substrates advancing in the machine direction. During the assembly process, one-way snare apparatuses and methods may be configured to automatically isolate elastic materials that may break. The one-way snares may include a housing and a snare member movably connected with the housing, wherein the snare member is movable relative to the housing between a first position and a second position. The one-way snares are adapted to permit advancement of continuous elastic strands in a first direction through the housing when the snare members are in the first position, and to prevent an end portion a broken elastic strand from retracting in a second direction through the housing when the snare member is in the second position, wherein the second direction is opposite the first direction. 1. A one way snare apparatus for isolating a broken elastic strand , the apparatus comprising:a housing;a snare member connected with the housing, wherein the snare member is movable relative to the housing between a first position and a second position, wherein the snare member is movable in a first direction from the second position to the first position, and wherein the snare member is movable in a second direction from the first position to the second position;wherein when the snare member is in the first position, the snare member permits advancement of a continuous elastic strand in the first direction; andwherein when the snare member is in the second position, the snare member prevents an end portion of a broken elastic strand from retracting in the second direction through the housing, wherein the second direction is opposite the first direction.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a first tube member claim 1 , and the snare member comprises a second tube member telescopically received within the first tube ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Method and System for Introducing a Reserve Nose Wire in a Facemask Production Line

Номер: US20180206562A1

A method and associated method are provided or introducing a supply of reserve nose wires in a facemask production line prior to depletion of running nose wires in the production line. A first nose wire source and first cutter system are provided for supplying the running nose wires to the production line. A reserve nose wire source and second cutter system are staged in a stand-by state proximate to the first nose wire source. Prior to depletion of the first nose wire source, the reserve nose wire source and second cutter system are brought up to an operational speed while diverting nose wires from the second cutter system away from the production line. At operational speed of the reserve nose wire source and second cutter system, nose wires from the second cutter system are diverted to the production line while diverting nose wires from the first cutter system away from the production line. 1. A method for introducing a supply of reserve nose wires in a facemask production line prior to depletion of running nose wires in the facemask production line , comprising:providing a first nose wire source and first cutter system for the facemask production line, the running nose wires supplied by the first nose wire source and first cutter system;staging a reserve nose wire source and second cutter system in stand-by proximate to the first nose wire source;prior to depletion of the first nose wire source, bringing the reserve nose wire source and second cutter system up to an operational speed while diverting nose wires from the second cutter system away from the production line; andat operational speed of the reserve nose wire source and second cutter system, diverting nose wires from the second cutter system to the production line while diverting nose wires from the first cutter system away from the production line.2. The method as in claim 1 , further comprising stopping and replacing the first nose wire source with a new nose wire source and placing the new nose wire ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Yarn Clearer and Spinning Station, Equipped Therewith, of a Spinning Machine, and Method for Operating a Spinning Station

Номер: US20160221790A1
Автор: Burchert Mathias

The invention relates to a spinning station () of a spinning machine, wherein the spinning station () has a spinning means () for producing a yarn () from a sliver () fed to the spinning means (), wherein the spinning station () has a winding apparatus () for winding the yarn () onto a package (), said winding apparatus () being arranged downstream of the spinning means () in a transport direction of the yarn (), wherein the spinning station () has a yarn clearer () arranged between the spinning means () and the winding apparatus (), the yarn being monitorable for yarn defects with the aid of said yarn clearer (), and wherein the spinning station () is assigned a controller () which is configured to interrupt the production of the yarn () if a defined yarn defect is detected. The invention proposes that the spinning station () has an information unit () with the aid of which it is possible to display to an operator of the spinning station () how much yarn () has to be at least unwound from the package () located in the winding apparatus () following the interruption to the yarn production in order to ensure that the yarn section having the yarn defect has been completely removed from the package (). Furthermore, a yarn clearer and a method for operating a spinning station are proposed. 11. Spinning station () of a spinning machine{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '2, 'wherein the spinning station () has a spinning means () for producing a yarn () from a sliver () fed to the spinning means (),'}{'b': 1', '20', '3', '16', '20', '2', '3, 'wherein the spinning station () has a winding apparatus () for winding the yarn () onto a package (), said winding apparatus () being arranged downstream of the spinning means () in a transport direction of the yarn (),'}{'b': 1', '5', '2', '20', '5, 'wherein the spinning station () has a yarn clearer () arranged between the spinning means () and the winding apparatus (), the yarn being monitorable for yarn defects with the aid of said yarn ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Device and method for determining the diameter of a yarn balloon formed by a continuous yarn at a workstation of a yarn balloon forming textile machine

Номер: US20170217717A1
Принадлежит: Saurer Germany GmbH and Co KG

A device as well as a method for determining the diameter of a yarn balloon (B) formed by a continuous yarn at a workstation ( 1 ) of a yarn balloon forming textile machine. The workstation ( 1 ) comprises an electromagnetically functioning sensor means ( 33 ), designed and arranged in such a way that at least two interruptions of a measuring beam ( 42 ) of the sensor means ( 33 ) are caused by the yarn ( 5, 25 ) forming the yarn balloon (B) during every rotation of the yarn balloon (B) during the operation of the workstation ( 1 ), and in that the time interval between the interruptions of the measuring beam ( 42 ) can be recorded by the sensor means ( 33 ) and used for calculating the diameter of the yarn balloon (B).

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for operating a workstation of a yarn balloon forming textile machine

Номер: US20170217718A1
Принадлежит: Saurer Germany GmbH and Co KG

A method for operating a workstation ( 1 ) of a yarn balloon forming textile machine, wherein a yarn balloon (B) formed by a continuous yarn ( 5 ) circling a spindle ( 2 ) of the workstation ( 1 ) is scanned with a sensor means ( 33 ) at said workstation. Data (D) recorded by the sensor means ( 33 ), providing information about the current diameter of the yarn balloon (B) to be monitored, is transmitted to a control circuit ( 18 ), in that the control circuit ( 18 ) calculates the current actual diameter of the yarn balloon (B) by means of this data (D) and further known data, compares this with a stipulated target diameter of the yarn balloon (B), and in that the control circuit ( 18 ) ensures that the yarn balloon (B) has the stipulated target diameter with the aid of a means ( 6 ) switched into the yarn path of the yarn ( 5 ), for influencing the yarn tension.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200210941A1

The present disclosure refers to a method and a system for tracking cable drums and length of cable on the drum. A method includes attaching a tracker device with a tracker identifier to a cable drum with a drum identifier, said drum identifier being associated in a database with drum dimensions and with cable dimensions of a cable stored on the drum. The method includes associating in the database the drum identifier also with the tracker identifier. The method includes when an event comprising at least a shock and/or a number of rotations of the cable drum around a longitudinal axis occurs, activating a first electronic circuit of the tracker device including a sensing device that detects at least the event, storing the detected event in a local memory of the tracker device and switching the first electronic circuit to standby mode after the detected event is stored. 1. A method for tracking cable drums comprising:attaching a tracker device with a tracker identifier to a cable drum with a drum identifier, the drum identifier being associated in a database with drum dimensions and with cable dimensions of a cable stored on the drum;associating in the database the drum identifier with the tracker identifier;when an event comprising at least a shock and/or a number of rotations of the cable drum around a longitudinal axis occurs, activating a first electronic circuit of the tracker device including a sensing device that detects the event, storing the detected event in a local memory of the tracker device and switching the first electronic circuit to a standby mode after the detected event is stored;activating a second electronic circuit including a communication circuit that connects to a wireless communication system and a positioning circuit that detects the position coordinates of the tracker device and the cable drum, transmitting, to the database via the communication system, the tracker identifier, the detected position coordinates and the detected events ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Smart Cord Reel

Номер: US20210255679A1
Принадлежит: Konnectronix Inc

A smart cord reel cable including at least one sensor for measuring cord or cord reel usage, a memory for receiving sensor input to create usage records, and a processor for analyzing the usage records to provide information for maintenance status indication and/or usage analytics.

01-09-2016 дата публикации

Paper conveying apparatus, jam detection method, and computer-readable, non-transitory medium

Номер: US20160251183A1
Автор: Masanobu Hongo
Принадлежит: PFU Ltd

There is provided the paper conveying apparatus, jam determining method, and computer program, which can suppress the mistaken determining of the occurrence of a jam by sound due to a sound generated by a moving member driven in relation to conveyance of a paper. The paper conveying apparatus according to an embodiment includes a moving member driven in relation to conveyance of a paper, a drive module for driving the moving member, a sound signal generator for generating a sound signal corresponding to a sound generated by a paper during conveyance of the paper, a sound jam detector for determining whether a jam has occurred based on the sound signal, and a control module for stopping conveyance of a paper when the sound jam detector determines that a jam has occurred. The control module controls so that the sound jam detector determines whether a jam has occurred by a determining method different from a determining method used while the drive module is not driving the moving member, or the sound jam detector does not determine whether a jam has occurred, while the drive module is driving the moving member.

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Filament Winding Device

Номер: US20150266232A1
Принадлежит: Murata Machinery Ltd, Toyota Motor Corp

With regard to a filament winding device in which a plurality of fiber bundles are simultaneously wound around a liner, a tension detecting portion and a tension adjusting portion are miniaturized, the cost of the tension detecting portion and the tension adjusting portion is reduced, and the tension detecting portion and the tension adjusting portion are easily arranged. Provided is a filament winding device 100 that includes a tension adjusting portion 110 that collectively adjusts tension of a plurality of fiber bundles F unreeled from a plurality of bobbins B and an unreeling failure detecting portion 130 that individually detects the unreeling failure of the fiber bundles F on the bobbins B for each bobbin B.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190256318A1

A series of elastic break brakes are provided throughout a travel path of elastics in a machine operation. Elastic strands thread through each individual brake mechanism, and if an elastic strand breaks downstream, a natural snap back of the elastic, which ordinarily travels through the system under tension, drives an immediately upstream cam mechanism back, and holds the elastic thread in place at the elastic break brake immediately upstream of the break as to minimize rethreading required downstream of the elastic break brake. 1. A method of controlling an elastic thread , the method comprising: a base structure;', 'a pin coupled to the base structure, the pin having an axis of rotation;', 'a rotating cam weight carried by the pin and rotatable about the axis of rotation; and', 'a base elastic retaining surface positioned adjacent the rotating cam weight;, 'providing an elastic break brake, the elastic break brake comprisingmoving an elastic thread in a downstream direction under tension and that passes between the rotating cam weight and the base elastic retaining surface, the elastic thread causing the rotating cam weight to rotate in the downstream direction when moving under tension;rotating the rotating cam weight in an upstream direction upon breakage of the elastic thread and a removal of tension from the elastic thread, with the rotating cam weight cinching the elastic thread between the rotating cam weight and the base elastic retaining surface upon rotating in the upstream direction, thereby stopping the elastic.2. The method of wherein moving the elastic thread in the downstream direction under tension causes the rotating cam weight to be spaced apart from the base elastic retaining surface so as to provide for movement of the elastic thread therebetween in the downstream direction.3. The method of further comprising holding the elastic break brake in place via a securing mechanism.4. The method of wherein rotating the rotating cam weight in the ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Tinsel Sheath For A Continuous Cable In A Cord Reel System

Номер: US20190256320A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A cord reel cable including a cable with tinsel sheath surrounding power and data conductors, wherein the tinsel sheath is comprised of no more than 40 tinsel or tinsel strands, and the cable is wound and unwound around a spool while maintaining continuous electrical contact to a power source through a slip ring mechanism or the like, wherein the tinsel sheath provides a durable EMI shielding to the cable.

04-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210340694A1
Автор: ARTER Thomas

The invention relates to a method for reducing errors in textile machines via training management of the operating personnel. In order to provide a method and a system which reduce the number of errors occurring and thereby guarantee the desired product quality, as well as reducing costly repairs and long downtimes of the textile machine and thereby lowering operating costs and

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Textile Machine and a Textile Machine

Номер: US20170283993A1
Автор: Adalbert Stephan

The invention relates to a method for operating a textile machine ( 1 ) with a multiple number of similar work stations ( 2 ), whereas, with the assistance of work stations ( 2 ) during the normal operation of the same, yarn is produced or is rewound by a delivery coil onto a receiver coil, and whereas normal operation is initiated at the individual work stations ( 2 ) after a stop of the textile machine ( 1 ), or is interrupted at certain time intervals by a service operation in the form of a spinning-in process, a sleeve changing process or a yarn joining process. In accordance with the invention, it is proposed that at least one of the specified service operations is divided into several partial sequences, and that a pending partial sequence is carried out independently of the other partial sequences of the corresponding service operation, if the required energy resources for carrying out the pending partial sequence are available. In addition, the invention relates to a textile machine.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283330A1
Автор: Sharma Deepak

A filament feed monitor and method of remediating a printing error in a 3D printer is provided. The method may include detecting motion of a trailing gear by an optical sensor. The printing error may be detected by a controller connected to the optical sensor in response to a determination that rotational motion of a filament feed roller has exceeded a predetermined threshold, which may be determined based on the detected motion of the trailing gear. A command may be generated and executed by the controller to remediate the printing error. 1. A method of remediating a printing error in a 3D printer , the method comprising:detecting, by an optical sensor, motion of a trailing gear;detecting, by a controller connected to the optical sensor, the printing error in response to a determination that rotational motion of a filament feed roller has exceeded a predetermined threshold, wherein the rotational motion is determined based on the detected motion of the trailing gear; andexecuting a command to remediate the printing error.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining, by the controller, that a printing mode of the 3D printer comprises extrusion; anddetermining, by the controller, a filament feed condition based on the detected motion.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the filament feed condition comprises filament feed motion and filament feed rate.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:detecting, by the controller, an instance of filament absence in a filament extruder based on the determined filament feed condition.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the motion of the trailing gear corresponds to the motion of the filament feed roller and the motion of the filament feed roller is transmitted to the trailing gear by way of a gear train interconnected to the filament feed roller and the trailing gear.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the gear train is interconnected to the filament feed roller by a leading gear and the gear train comprises an ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200283258A1

The apparatus and methods disclosed herein are directed to detecting the presence of a whipping tail when using a fiber winding system to wind a fiber onto a rotating spool. The fiber is guided onto the rotating spool through a containment region between the spool and a whip shield to create the wound fiber. The whipping tail outwardly extends from the wound fiber and periodically or quasi-periodically passes through a light beam to create a series intensity dips in the light beam, thereby forming a modulated light beam. The modulated light beam is converted into a digital electrical signal made up of electrical pulses having a timing defined by the intensity dips. The measured timing of the electrical pulses is compared to an estimated timing based on the rotating spool to ascertain the presence of a whipping tail. 1. A method of detecting a whipping tail when winding a fiber onto a rotating spool having a winding surface and a rotational speed , comprising:a) winding the fiber onto the winding surface of the rotating spool to form a wound fiber thereon, wherein the whipping tail outwardly extends from the wound fiber;b) directing a light beam so that the whipping tail at least partially intersects the light beam either periodically or quasi-periodically due to the rotating spool to create intensity dips in the light beam to form a modulated light beam;c) converting the modulated light beam into a digital electrical signal made up of electrical pulses having a timing defined by the intensity dips; andd) comparing the timing of the electrical pulses to an estimated timing based on the rotational speed of the rotating spool to detect the whipping tail.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the whipping tail is formed by either:a section of fiber different from the wound fiber that outwardly extends from the wound fiber;a section of optical fiber from the wound fiber that outwardly extends from the wound fiber;intentionally or unintentionally cutting the wound ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Bobbin carrier for a braiding, winding or spiraling machine

Номер: US20170298546A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a bobbin carrier 7 for receiving a bobbin 2 which is set up for unwinding a strand material I, wherein the bobbin carrier 7 is provided for use in a braiding, winding or spiralling machine and is set up to rotate relative to the machine during operation of the latter. The bobbin carrier 7 has a tensile-force measuring device 3 for measuring the tensile force of the strand material I unwound from the bobbin 2 and has a first data transfer device 4 for transferring data. According to the invention, the first data transfer device 4 is set up to transfer measured tensile force values to a second data transfer device 5 arranged outside the bobbin carrier. As a result, too low or too high tensile forces in the strand material I can be detected early at the individual bobbin carriers 7 . The tensile force can be kept largely constant by the transfer of setpoint tensile force values from the second data transfer device 5 to the first data transfer device 4 and by a suitable control or regulation device 8 at the bobbin carrier 7.

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Fish tape assembly

Номер: US20190292005A1
Принадлежит: Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp

A fish tape tool includes a housing, a chamber defined in the housing, and a motor supported by the housing. The motor is configured to rotate in a first direction and a second direction that is opposite the first direction. An output reel is disposed in the chamber and is rotatable in response to receiving torque from the motor. A drum contains a fish tape and including a rotatable drum portion having an inner wall that is engaged by the output reel when the drum is inserted into the chamber of the housing. When the drum portion is rotated by the output reel in the first direction, fish tape is dispensed from the drum. When the drum portion is rotated by the output reel in the second direction, fish tape is retracted into the drum.

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180305171A1

In one example, a festoon system comprises a festoon module having a support assembly, and further comprises at least one upper sheave and at least one lower sheave, which are movable relative to one another by movement of at least one of the upper sheave or the lower sheave. At least one wire is configured to enter the festoon module at an entrance region, extend around a groove of the least one lower sheave and at least one groove of the at least one upper sheave, and then exit the festoon module at an exit region. A first coupling location of the support assembly is adjacent to the entrance region of the festoon module, and a second coupling location of the support assembly is adjacent to the exit region of the festoon module. Different modules are configured to be coupled to the second coupling location. 1. A festoon system , comprising:a festoon module comprising a support assembly, and further comprising at least one upper sheave and at least one lower sheave, which are movable relative to one another by movement of at least one of the upper sheave or the lower sheave, wherein at least one wire is configured to enter the festoon module at an entrance region, extend around a groove of the least one lower sheave and at least one groove of the at least one upper sheave, and then exit the festoon module at an exit region;a first coupling location of the support assembly adjacent to the entrance region of the festoon module; anda second coupling location of the support assembly adjacent to the exit region of the festoon module, wherein different modules are configured to be coupled to the second coupling location.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein a precast assembly is configured to be coupled to the second coupling location.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the precast assembly comprises a first module and an extension module claim 2 , wherein the first module is coupled to the second coupling location of the support assembly claim 2 , and wherein the extension ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150321875A1

A yarn feed assembly for directing yarn from a wound yarn source to a yarn feed tube having a frame member positioned adjacent to the wound yarn source and defining at least one elongate interior chamber. The yarn feed assembly has a weighted member slideably received in the elongate interior chamber such that, upon pulling one yarn off of the wound yarn source, through a bore of the weighted member and into the yarn feed tube, the weighted member is axially movable along a longitudinal axis of the frame member such that the bore of the weighted member is axially movable about and between a bottom end and a top end of the elongate slot in response to tension applied to the yarn as a result of yarn hang ups on the wound yarn source. 2. The yarn feed assembly of claim 1 , wherein the weighted member is elongated along a major axis.3. The yarn feed assembly of claim 2 , wherein the interior chamber of he frame member has a geometric shape in transverse cross-section to the longitudinal axis of the frame member claim 2 , and wherein the weighted member is sized and shaped for complementary slideably receipt therein the shaped interior chamber.4. The yarn feed assembly of claim 3 , wherein the cross-sectional geometric shape of the interior chamber is rectangular claim 3 , and wherein the weighted member has a rectangular geometric shape in transverse cross-section to the major axis of the weighted member.5. The yarn feed assembly of claim 1 , wherein the weighted member weighs between about 6 grams to about 50 grams.6. The yarn feed assembly of claim 1 , wherein the weighted member further comprises a male tube projection extending outwardly from a portion of an exterior surface of the weighted member claim 1 , wherein a portion of the bore of the weighted member is defined therein the male tube projection.7. The yarn feed assembly of claim 6 , wherein the male tube projection has a tube outer surface that is sized and shaped for operative slideable receipt therein the ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200307948A1
Принадлежит: SMS group GmbH Sitz Duesseldorf

In order to increase the operational safety of an unreeling apparatus and an unreeling method at high working speed, an unreeling apparatus for unreeling a ring of wire along a pull-off direction, having at least two reel crowns, which can each be brought into a pull-off position and into a preparation position and/or loading position by way of a displacement device, includes a safety apparatus having an overload safety device and having a safety guide track, which has a directional component that faces in the pull-off direction and acts independently of the other reel crown, at least for the reel crown situated in the pull-off position, wherein the overload safety device holds the reel crown situated in the pull-off position in the pull-off position and, in the event of an overload, releases the reel crown situated in the pull-off position into the safety guide track. 1102022233031323340105052545523303031523031313054. An unreeling apparatus () for unreeling a ring () of wire () along a pull-off direction () , having at least two reel crowns () , which can each be brought into a pull-off position () and into a preparation position and/or loading position ( , ) by way c a displacement device () , wherein the unreeling apparatus () comprises a safety apparatus () having an overload safety device () and a safety guide track () , which track has a directional component () that faces in the pull-off direction () and acts independently of the other reel crown () , at least for the reel crown () situated in the pull-off position () , wherein the overload safety device () holds the reel crown () situated in the pull-off position () in the pull-off position () and , in the event of an overload , releases the reel crown () situated in the pull-off position into the safety guide track ().2105456. The unreeling apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein the safety guide track () has a safety guide axis ().3105257385831. The unreeling apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180319617A1
Автор: KIM Sug Whan

The present invention relates to a string adjusting device. According to the present invention, there is provided a string adjusting device, including: a base unit including a base plate, a cylindrical lower housing provided on the base plate, and stop protrusions formed to protrude from an outer surface of the lower housing; and a rotation unit including a bobbin rotatably installed inside the housing and configured such that a string is wound therearound, a rotation head connected to one end portion of the bobbin, and an engagement member formed and provided inside the rotation head to be elastically deformable and configured to be caught on the stop protrusions. 1. A string adjusting device , comprising:a base unit including a base plate, a cylindrical lower housing provided on the base plate, and stop protrusions formed to protrude from an outer surface of the lower housing; anda rotation unit including a bobbin rotatably installed inside the housing and configured such that a string is wound therearound, a rotation head connected to one end portion of the bobbin, and an engagement member formed and provided inside the rotation head to be elastically deformable and configured to be caught on the stop protrusions.2. A string adjusting device , comprising:a base unit including a base plate, a cylindrical lower housing provided on the base plate, and an engagement member configured such that one end thereof is fastened to an outer surface of the lower housing and provided to be elastically deformable; anda rotation unit including a bobbin rotatably installed inside the housing and configured such that a string is wound therearound, a rotation head connected to one end portion of the bobbin, and stop protrusions formed to protrude from an inner surface of the rotation head to be caught on the engagement member.3. A string adjusting device , comprising:a base unit including a base plate, a cylindrical lower housing provided on the base plate, and stop protrusions ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190330774A1

A device for processing threads or yarns of textile fibers includes a supporting structure for at least one spool for feeding a thread or a yarn of textile fibers and at least one textile machine, associated with a control panel, which uses the thread or yarn unwound from the at least one feeder spool. The device also includes a supporting structure for weighing the feeder spool, which is functionally connected to a control and actuation device. The weighing device is associated with protection elements adapted to avoid excessive stresses of the weighing device during the operations for loading and/or unloading the feeder spool onto and/or from the supporting structure.

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Smart Cord Reel

Номер: US20170350931A1
Автор: Alford John, Schwartz Mark

A smart cord reel cable including at least one sensor for measuring cord or cord reel usage, a memory for receiving sensor input to create usage records, and a processor for analyzing the usage records to provide information for maintenance status indication and/or usage analytics. 1. A smart cord reel system including a maintenance prediction mechanism for anticipating and predicting the need for replacement , the system comprising:a) a cord reel assembly, including a housing having a spool and a cord that can be retracted and extended from the cord, a first sensor for measuring each complete rotation of the spool within the housing and a second sensor for measuring the voltage of the cord;b) at least one memory located within the cord reel assembly for receiving an input from the first sensor correlating to each complete rotation of the spool within the housing and keeping count of the sum of such rotations and receiving an input from the second sensor representative of at least one of the electrical resistance of the cord, the voltage level of the cord or the current received through the cord; andc) a processor electrically connected to the at least one memory for comparing the sum of rotations for the electric cord reel assembly against predetermined limits and providing a status signal therefrom to indicate whether the replacement of the electric cord reel assembly is required, and the processor further connected to the at least one memory for comparing the input from the second sensor representative of the electrical resistance of the cord against predetermined limits stored in memory and generating a status signal therefrom to indicate whether replacement of at least a portion of the cord reel assembly is required.2. A smart cord reel system including a maintenance prediction mechanism for anticipating and predicting the need for replacement , the system comprising:a) a cord reel assembly, including a housing having a spool and a cord that can be retracted ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200340972A1
Автор: Huthmacher Jörg

Techniques involve monitoring a texturing process for producing crimped threads. A thread tension is measured continuously on the textured thread and the measured signals of the thread tension are detected and analyzed continuously, at least in one time interval. For the early diagnosis of one of multiple sources of faults, a sequence of the measured signals occurring in the time interval is analyzed by means of a machine learning program. To this end, a device for monitoring has a diagnostic unit, which interacts with the thread tension measuring device in such a way that the measured signals of the thread tension can be analyzed by means of a machine learning program in order to identify one of multiple sources of faults. 1. A method for monitoring a texturing process for producing crimped threads , in which a thread tension is measured continuously on the textured thread and in which the thread tension measuring signals are captured and analyzed continuously , at least in one time interval , wherein a sequence of the thread tension measuring signals occurring in the time interval is analyzed with a machine learning program for the early diagnosis of one of a plurality of fault sources.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sequence of the thread tension measuring signals is captured and analyzed as an analysis graph.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , by a diagnostic device claim 1 , the sequence of thread tension measuring signals is captured and analyzed as an error graph if a thread tension threshold value is exceeded.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the analysis of the thread tension measuring signals is performed by at least one machine learning algorithm of the machine learning program.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein one of the fault sources is identified by the machine learning algorithm from analyzed sequences of measuring signals or from analyzed analysis graphs or from analyzed error graphs.6. ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190344991A1

A method and a device for optimal use of windable material during winding up onto and/or unwinding from storage drums operates in conjunction with feeding to winding machines. The windable material can be a textile web, a fabric web, a wire or the like. A counterforce necessary for keeping the tension force acting on the windable material constant is maintained until all of the windable material has been fed into subsequent processing. The counterforce may be maintained by a connecting element that is connected to the windable material and to the storage drum, is able to be wound up, and is of lower quality than the windable material. In the device, controllable means generate the counterforce counteracting the tension force until all of the windable material has been drawn into the subsequent processing device. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for optimal technological integration of a windable material during winding and unwinding ,wherein a counterforce required for stabilization of a tension force acting on the windable material is maintained until the windable material has been completely fed to subsequent further processing.12. The method according to claim 11 ,wherein the counterforce is maintained by a connecting element which is connected to the windable material and to a storage drum, is windable, and is comparatively inferior to the windable material, andwherein one end of the connecting element is connected to the storage drum and an opposite end of the connecting element is connected to one end of the windable material.13. The method according to claim 11 ,wherein the counterforce is generated by a braking device arranged at an entry of a winding machine after the windable material has been completely unwound and an end of the windable material has subsequently detached from a storage drum.14. The method according to claim 13 ,wherein a braking operation effected by the braking device is triggered by sensory detection of a marking applied to the windable ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200354860A1

A service unit is provided as well as a method for controlling a service unit performing various service activities at one workstation on a textile machine having several workstations, in which case the service activities and movement orders to be carried out by the service unit are prioritized by a controller unit. In order to provide a method for controlling a service unit performing various service activities and movement orders as well as a service unit with a controller device for carrying out movement orders and service orders, which enable adjustment and maintenance work to be carried out quickly on the service unit, there is provision for avoidance maneuvers and parking orders to be carried out with the highest priority and manually set service activities and movement orders to be carried out with high priority. 1. A method for controlling a service unit performing various service activities at one workstation on a textile machine having several workstations , in which case the service activities and movement orders to be carried out by the service unit are prioritized by a controller unit ,characterised in thatavoidance maneuvers and parking orders are carried out with the highest priority and manually set service activities and movement orders are carried out with high priority.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the service order for inserting an empty sleeve is carried out with high priority.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the service order for laying a thread on the empty tube is carried out with high priority.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the service order for carrying out a dust removal run is carried out with medium priority.5. The method according to claim 1 , characterised in that service orders generated automatically by the workstations are carried out with normal priority.6. A service unit with a controller device for carrying out movement orders and service orders at ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Method of Controlling an Optical Element at a Workstation of a Textile Machine, especially a Yarn Manufacturing Machine, and a Textile Machine

Номер: US20200385894A1

The invention relates to a method of controlling a sensor () of physical quantities and/or an optical signalling means () on a textile machine, especially a yarn manufacturing machine, in which the sensor () of physical quantities is primarily intended to detect the state at a workstation and the optical signalling means () is primarily intended to provide visual information about the state of a workstation, group of workstations or machine. The sensor () of physical quantities and/or the optical signalling means () is deliberately switched to the secondary operating mode other than the primary purpose of the sensor () and/or the signalling means (), working operations are performed in this secondary operating mode and subsequently the sensor () of physical quantities and/or the optical signalling means () targetedly switches back to the primary operating mode. 13737373737. A method of controlling a sensor () of physical quantities and/or an optical signalling means () on a textile machine , especially a yarn manufacturing machine , on which the sensor () of physical quantities is primarily intended to detect the state at a workstation and the optical signalling means () is primarily intended to provide visual information about the state of a workstation , group of workstations or machine , characterized in that the sensor () of physical quantities and/or the optical signalling means () targetedly switches to the secondary operating mode other than the primary purpose of the sensor () and/or of the signalling means () , the working operations are performed in this secondary operating mode and subsequently the sensor () of physical quantities and/or the optical signalling means () targetedly switches back to primary operating mode.216-. (canceled) The invention relates to a method of controlling a sensor of physical quantities and/or an optical signalling means on a textile machine, especially a yarn manufacturing machine, on which the sensor of physical quantities ...

06-02-2002 дата публикации

Winding device for a textile machine producing crosswound bobbins

Номер: EP1178000A2
Принадлежит: W Schlafhorst AG and Co

The bobbin winder, to form cross wound bobbins, has a brake unit (20) at the support and clamping roller (9) which is in friction contact with the cross wound bobbin (8). The cross wound bobbin winder has a support and clamping roller, in friction contact with the bobbin, which is automatically brought to rest by a brake when it is moved clear of the bobbin. If the support and clamping roller is laid against the bobbin with an insufficient pressure, the bobbin moves the roller against the brake component (16) of the brake unit. The support and clamping roller rotates freely on a mounting arm (12), which swings on a pivot axis (13) at static mounting brackets (14), with a spring (15) acting on it. The static brake component is fitted to one of the mounting brackets, as an exchangeable unit, on the opposite side of the support and clamping roller to the reciprocating yarn guide (10).

24-03-2011 дата публикации

Method for operating a stringer and stringer

Номер: WO2011033452A1
Принадлежит: 3S Industries Ag

The invention relates to a method for operating a stringer (10), wherein solar cells are connected in series with each other by means of solder ribbon cutoffs, the solder ribbon cut-offs being cut off a continuous solder ribbon strip, the method comprising the steps of monitoring depletion of the momentarily employed continuous solder ribbon strip (13.1) by means of a monitoring unit (16), detecting by means of the monitoring unit (16) when the end (17) of the momentarily employed continuous solder ribbon strip (13.1) approaches, entering a new roll (2) with a new continuous solder ribbon strip (13.2), connecting the end (17) of the momentarily employed continuous solder ribbon strip (13.1) to the new continuous solder ribbon strip (13.2) thereby forming a composed continuous solder ribbon strip with a connection point, moving the composed continuous solder ribbon strip to a cutting station (14), cutting the composed continuous solder ribbon strip into solder ribbon cut-offs in the cutting station (14), and removing the solder ribbon cut-off that comprises the connection point. The invention relates further to a stringer for performing such a method.

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Multi-position textile machine

Номер: DE102014018628A1
Принадлежит: Saurer Germany GmbH and Co KG

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Textilmaschine mit einer Vielzahl gleichartiger Arbeitsstellen 1, 36, 53, sowie Anzeigemitteln und einer Zentralsteuereinrichtung 26, 38, 67, wobei die Anzeigemittel mit der Zentralsteuereinrichtung 26, 38, 67 und/oder einer Arbeitsstellensteuereinrichtung 24, 39 in Verbindung stehen. Erfindungsgemäß weist die Textilmaschine ein Anzeigemittel auf, das als LED-Lichtschiene 15, 32, 52, 69, 84 ausgebildet ist, dass ein Abschnitt der LED-Lichtschiene 15, 32, 52, 69, 84 jeweils einer Arbeitsstelle 1, 36, 53 zugeordnet ist, und dass die LED-Lichtschiene 15, 32, 52, 69, 84 die jeweils hergestellte Garnpartie und/oder Betriebszustände der jeweiligen Arbeitsstelle 1, 36, 53 anzeigt. The invention relates to a textile machine with a plurality of similar jobs 1, 36, 53, and display means and a central control device 26, 38, 67, wherein the display means with the central control device 26, 38, 67 and / or a workstation control device 24, 39 are in communication. According to the invention, the textile machine has a display means which is designed as an LED light rail 15, 32, 52, 69, 84 such that a section of the LED light rail 15, 32, 52, 69, 84 is assigned to a respective workstation 1, 36, 53 is that, and that the LED light rail 15, 32, 52, 69, 84 indicates the respectively produced yarn and / or operating conditions of the respective workstation 1, 36, 53.

22-12-2022 дата публикации

Spinning unit and air jet spinning machine having such a spinning unit

Номер: US20220403562A1
Принадлежит: Saurer Intelligent Technology AG

An air jet spinning machine, air jet spinning machine for producing a thread from a fed sliver, and method for detecting a thread strength, which falls below a target value, of a thread produced at a spinning unit of an airjet spinning machine are provided. A thread manipulation unit is arranged in the region between the airjet spinning machine and the spooling device, which thread manipulation unit acts mechanically on the thread and exerts an adjustable thread tension influencing force, in particular an adjustable braking force, compression force and/or clamping force, onto the thread in order to variably increase thread tension. In the method, an adjustable thread tension influencing force is exerted onto the thread, and a thread breakage and/or thread breakage rate are/is detected and compared with a specified target rate, and thread breakage and/or deviations of thread breakage rate beyond a predetermined limit value are displayed and/or evaluated.

19-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: JPS61211278A
Автор: Yutaka Ueda, 豊 上田
Принадлежит: Murata Machinery Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and system for entering reserve wire for the nose in the production line of masks for the face

Номер: RU2643427C1
Принадлежит: Авент, Инк.

FIELD: machine industry. SUBSTANCE: system and proposed method of introducing duplicate strand of wire for nose into the face mask production line, used this line (first) source wires, which together with the first cutting system provides the supply of moving wires for the nose to the mentioned production line. Reserve source of the wire for the nose and the second cutting system are in the ready status near the first source. Before the first source of wires for the nose is exhausted, the reserve source and the second cutting system attach to the operating speed of retraction of the wires for the nose, coming from the second cutting system, from the production line. EFFECT: when the reserve source is reached and the second cutting system is the operating speed of the wire for the nose, coming out of the second cutting system, begin to lead to the production line with simultaneous withdrawal from the production line of wires for the nose, coming out of the first cutting system. 11 cl, 10 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 643 427 C1 (51) МПК A41D 13/11 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A41D 13/11 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016143137, 16.10.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 01.02.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): АВЕНТ, ИНК. (US) (45) Опубликовано: 01.02.2018 Бюл. № 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2008251210 A1, 16.10.2008. CN (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 09.11.2016 104939377 A, 30.09.2015. US 4300549 A, 17.11.1981. US 5842470 A, 01.12.1998. (86) Заявка PCT: US 2015/055863 (16.10.2015) 2 6 4 3 4 2 7 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.10.2015 R U 16.10.2015 (72) Автор(ы): ХОУД Эджей Й. (US), ХАРРИНГТОН Дэвид Ламар (US), ПАМПЕРИН Марк Томас (US), ХАРРИС Натан Крейг (US), ВЕБЕР Джозеф П. (US) 2 6 4 3 4 2 7 R U WO 2017/065785 (20.04.2017) C 1 C 1 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: Адрес для ...

26-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and system for introducing a reserve nose wire in a facemask production line

Номер: KR101832646B1
Принадлежит: 아벤트, 인크.

생산 라인에서 운용 노우즈 와이어의 소진 이전에 안면마스크 생산 라인에 예비 노우즈 와이어의 공급물을 도입하기 위한 방법 및 관련 방법이 제공된다. 제1 노우즈 와이어 소스 및 제1 커터 시스템은 생산 라인에 운용 노우즈 와이어를 공급하기 위해 제공된다. 예비 노우즈 와이어 소스 및 제2 커터 시스템은 제1 노우즈 와이어 소스에 인접하게 대기 상태로 배치된다. 제1 노우즈 와이어 소스의 소진 이전에, 제2 커터 시스템으로부터의 노우즈 와이어를 생산 라인으로부터 이격 방향으로 전향시키면서, 예비 노우즈 와이어 소스 및 제2 커터 시스템을 작동 속도까지 되게 한다. 예비 노우즈 와이어 소스 및 제2 커터 시스템의 작동 속도에서, 제1 커터 시스템으로부터의 노우즈 와이어를 생산 라인으로부터 멀어지는 방향으로 전향시키면서 제2 커터 시스템으로부터 생산 라인으로 노우즈 와이어를 전향시킨다. There is provided a method and associated method for introducing a supply of spare nose wire to a facemask production line prior to consumption of an operating nose wire in a production line. A first nose wire source and a first cutter system are provided for supplying an operating nose wire to the production line. The preliminary nose wire source and the second cutter system are placed in a standby state adjacent to the first nose wire source. Prior to depletion of the first nose wire source, the nose wire from the second cutter system is diverted away from the production line, bringing the reserve nose wire source and the second cutter system up to operating speed. Turning the nose wire from the second cutter system to the production line while diverting the nose wire from the first cutter system away from the production line at the operating speed of the spare nose wire source and the second cutter system.

20-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN113135469A


30-07-1991 дата публикации

Method and device for mesuring yarn speed

Номер: SU1667641A3
Автор: Эппли Курт

The yarn (1) is wound onto a cross-wound package (4) by means of a grooved drum (3), and a first sensor (6) is provided for determining the circumferential speed of a member rotating synchronously at the speed of the traversing yarn. A second sensor (7) determines the position of the yarn (1) on the package (4) in relation to the longitudinal axis thereof, and a correction factor is derived from this determination in order to determine the instantaneous yarn speed from the mean yarn speed obtained from the circumferential speed of the rotating member. …<??>This improves the determination of the yarn speed in textile machines to such an extent that on-line spectrograms can be measured on the latter. Moreover, the accuracy with which the length of the yarn defects is measured is also increased by an order of magnitude. …<IMAGE>…

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN105908289A


14-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: JPS5880508A
Автор: Sadao Oki, 大木 定雄
Принадлежит: Individual

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

28-08-2002 дата публикации

Yarn processing device, method and winding device with quality expressing function

Номер: CN1365944A
Принадлежит: Murata Machinery Ltd


24-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN111517161B
Принадлежит: Foshan City Madasheng Textile Co ltd


22-04-2010 дата публикации

Filament guide mechanism for filament spool container

Номер: US20100096485A1
Принадлежит: Stratasys Inc

A container comprising a housing that is configured to rotatably mount a filament supply spool, and a filament guide mechanism mountable within a channel of the housing, where the filament guide mechanism comprises a filament pathway configured to guide the filament from the filament supply spool rotatably mounted in the interior chamber, and a sensor configured to detect the presence of the filament through at least a portion of the filament pathway.

10-05-2011 дата публикации

Filament guide mechanism for filament spool container

Номер: US7938351B2
Принадлежит: Stratasys Inc

A container comprising a housing that is configured to rotatably mount a filament supply spool, and a filament guide mechanism mountable within a channel of the housing, where the filament guide mechanism comprises a filament pathway configured to guide the filament from the filament supply spool rotatably mounted in the interior chamber, and a sensor configured to detect the presence of the filament through at least a portion of the filament pathway.
