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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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21-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2714936C2

Полимерный соединительный элемент кега для соединения по текучей среде внутренней части контейнера, содержащего отверстие, с трубкой для текучей среды, причем соединительный элемент кега содержит: (a) основную часть (1а) соединительного элемента; (b) средство (5) сопряжения для надежного и разъемного присоединения основной части соединительного элемента к отверстию контейнера; (c) опорный элемент (13), выполненный с возможностью перемещения в продольном направлении Z относительно основной части, путем скольжения одной поверхности (13s1) скольжения опорного элемента относительно одной поверхности (1s1) скольжения главной основной части (1а), причем указанный опорный элемент (13) жестко поддерживает: (d) трубку (4b, 6b, 400b), содержащую часть с проникающим концом, параллельную продольной оси Z и подходящую для проникания в указанное отверстие; (e) исполнительное средство (15) для осуществления проникания для обратимого перемещения на заданное расстояние вдоль продольной оси Z опорного элемента ...

20-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2464223C2
Принадлежит: Эурокег Б.В. (NL)

Раздаточная головка предназначена для присоединения к клапану (5) контейнера (1) для текучих сред, в частности контейнера для жидкостей, таких как пиво или вода, и содержит корпус и зонд (18). Дистальный конец (24) зонда (18) отделен или может быть отделен от его остальной части и/или от корпуса и соединен или может быть соединен с гибким шлангом (26). Технический результат - исключение непосредственного контакта жидкости с зондом, что обеспечивает улучшение гигиенических и технических условий обслуживания. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

27-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2362727C2
Принадлежит: ИНБЕВ С.А. (BE)

Изобретение относится к клапанному устройству для заполнения пивом находящегося в имеющем отверстие пивном бочонке мешка. Клапанное устройство включает в себя устанавливаемый в отверстие бочонка корпус клапана. Клапанное устройство имеет противовзломное кольцо, имеющее множество лепестковых выступов для совмещения с установочной канавкой или углублениями в горловине клапанного устройства для емкости для алкогольного напитка. Противовзломное кольцо также закрывает проходящее сквозь узел корпуса клапана вентиляционное отверстие пропускного канала для выпуска воздуха. Конструкция кольца позволяет правильно его ориентировать при установке и эффективно соединять переходник крана с горловиной клапанного устройства. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2371375C2

Изобретение представляет собой разливной автомат для питьевой воды. Автомат обеспечивает подачу напитка из контейнера для напитка через систему труб, при этом предусмотрено устройство, предназначенное для тепловой стерилизации системы труб и соединительной части контейнера для напитка, соединенного с системой труб и крана. Разливной автомат обеспечивает подачу напитка из контейнера для напитка через систему труб и кран, при этом предусмотрено устройство, предназначенное для тепловой стерилизации системы труб и крана. Между контейнером для напитка и резервуаром для горячего напитка расположено поглощающее средство для восприятия повышения уровня воды, вызванное объемным расширением горячего напитка в резервуаре для горячего напитка. Таким образом, обеспечивается стерилизация системы в разливном автомате, при которой не требуется дополнительного ввода горячей воды. 9 н. и 33 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил., 2 табл.

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2448024C2

Дозатор покрытия предназначен для дозирования порций охлажденного покрытия в напитки и десерты. Дозатор используется с пакетом, вмещающим продукт, который подлежит распределению, и включающим в себя дозирующий наконечник. Дозатор содержит корпус, образующий продуктовый отсек для размещения пакета и включающий в себя дозирующее отверстие, сообщающееся с продуктовым отсеком. Дозирующий клапанный узел, включающий в себя дозирующий клапан, приводимый в действие давлением, выравненный с дозирующим отверстием корпуса, причем дозирующий клапанный узел выполнен с возможностью присоединения к нему дозирующего наконечника пакета. Дозатор содержит прессующий элемент в продуктовом отсеке, прессующая поверхность вблизи прессующего элемента, и узел каретки, соединенный с прессующим элементом для поддержки и передвижения прессующего элемента относительно прессующей поверхности. Узел каретки включает каретку и электрический двигатель, выполненный с возможностью смещения каретки относительно прессующей ...

28-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018128570A3

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2751585C1
Принадлежит: ФРИЗИО АГ (CH)

Изобретение относится к системе, содержащей разливочный аппарат, приемное устройство (10) картриджа и картридж, причем разливочный аппарат содержит держатель (24) картриджа, имеющий по меньшей мере одну направляющую и/или защиту (25, 27) от проворачивания для картриджа (1) и/или приемного устройства (10) картриджа, причем держатель (24) картриджа имеет выемку (26), которая по меньшей мере частично захватывает картридж (1) и/или приемное устройство (10) картриджа, причем приемное устройство (10) картриджа имеет впуск (15) для разбавляющего средства, смесительную камеру (13), в которой разбавляющее средство смешивается с субстратом напитка и/или пищевого продукта, и выпуск (11), причем картридж (1) закрыт посредством мембраны (14), а приемное устройство (10) картриджа имеет прокалыватель (16) для прокалывания мембраны (14), причем прокалыватель (16) предусмотрен на одной прямой с впуском (15) и выпуском (11). 14 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

15-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2755364C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу разлива напитков в гостиничной отрасли или другой коммерческой сфере, а также в случаях бытового или потребительского применения и, в частности, для автоматизированного управления дозированным разливом напитков под давлением. Способ раздачи и разлива напитков включает создание избыточного давления в полном объеме напитка; передачу указанного напитка, находящегося под избыточным давлением, в дозатор для обеспечения дозированного выпуска, сообщающегося по текучей среде с краном или патрубком, способом, который обеспечивает конкретный управляемый дозированный разлив напитка в сосуд для напитка; и согласование указанного сосуда для напитка с дозированием раздаваемого регламентированного напитка; причем указанный дозатор дополнительно содержит камеру дозирования, выполненную с возможностью действовать в качестве питаемого линейным давлением двунаправленного разливочного устройства, при этом указанная камера образует заданный внутренний объем, который приблизительно ...

10-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2106291C1

Использование: изобретение относится к гидродинамическим муфтам для вакуумных частей и применяется для хранения и выпуска жидкости, в частности для хранения вредных химических веществ. Сущность изобретения: гидродинамическая муфта включает выпускной узел, прикрепляемый к цилиндрическому контейнеру для жидкости, и головку для сопряжения с выпускным узлом, при этом выпускной узел снабжен пневматическим клапаном для регулирования входящего в контейнер воздуха и гидравлическим клапаном для регулирования выхода жидкости из контейнера, причем головка муфты загерметизирована с гидравлическим клапаном и открывает его, а выпускной узел и головка муфты оснащены соединительными элементами, которые входят во взаимное зацепление при относительном сопряженном движении между выпускным узлом и головкой муфты, при этом головка муфты имеет часть для контакта с гидравлическим клапаном выпускного узла его открывания, а выпускной узел и соединительные элементы расположены с возможностью относительного движения ...

27-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006107564A

... 1. Охлаждающая пластина для использования с дозатором напитка, источником напитка, содержащим напиток, и контуром, через который проходит хладагент, причем охлаждающая пластина, содержит первую трубу и вторую трубу, при этом указанная первая труба выполнена с возможностью соединения с указанным дозатором напитка и указанным источником напитка для получения соединения по текучей среде указанного напитка, причем указанная вторая труба выполнена с возможностью соединения с указанным контуром для обеспечения сообщения по текучей среде указанного хладагента, при этом указанные первая и вторая трубы находятся в тепловом контакте друг с другом, тем самым, охлаждая указанный напиток указанным хладагентом. 2. Пластина по п.1, дополнительно содержащая корпус, в котором первая и вторая трубы являются каналами, образованными в указанном корпусе. 3. Пластина по п.1, в которой указанные первая и вторая трубы так расположены относительно друг друга, чтобы максимально увеличить область теплового контакта ...

20-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010101710A

... 1. Раздаточная головка для присоединения к клапану (5) контейнера (1) для текучих сред, в частности для жидкостей, таких как пиво или вода, содержащая корпус (16) и зонд (18), отличающаяся тем, что дистальный конец (24) зонда (18) отделен или может быть отделен от остальной части зонда и/или корпуса (16) и соединен или может быть соединен с гибким шлангом (26). ! 2. Раздаточная головка (15) по п.1, в которой дистальный конец (24) прикреплен или может быть прикреплен к остальной части зонда (18) с помощью зажима, резьбы или защелки. ! 3. Раздаточная головка (15) по п.2, в которой, когда она соединена с контейнером (1), соединение, образованное между зонда (18) и контейнером (1), прочнее, чем соединение между дистальным концом (24) зонда (18) и остальной частью зонда. ! 4. Раздаточная головка (15) по любому из предшествующих пунктов, в которой дистальный конец (24) имеет уплотнение (28), которое после соединения раздаточной головки (15) с контейнером (1) уплотняет раздаточную головку (15) ...

23-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2739334C1
Принадлежит: ФРИЗИО АГ (CH)

Предлагается приемное устройство (10) картриджа для приготовления напитка (70) посредством картриджа (2), содержащего наполненную субстанцией (7) напитка емкость (6), вставляемое в машину (3) приготовления напитков, соединяемое с картриджем (2) и имеющее выполненную с возможностью приведения в гидродинамическое соединение с емкостью (6) смесительную камеру (8) и оканчивающееся в смесительной камере (8) устройство (12) подачи текучей среды. Картридж (2) имеет находящееся в гидродинамическом соединении с емкостью (6) отверстие (63) картриджа, закрытое уплотнительным элементом (18), содержащим уплотнительную пленку, которая нанесена на край отверстия (63) картриджа, а приемное устройство (10) картриджа содержит выступающий в направлении картриджа (2) прокалывающий шип (73) таким образом, что в результате относительного перемещения между приемным устройством (10) картриджа и картриджем (2) прокалывающий шип (73) прокалывает уплотнительный элемент (18) и создается гидродинамическое соединение ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008141722A

... 1. Емкость для напитка, с внутренним пространством, по меньшей мере, частично заполненным газированным напитком, и клапанный узел, закрепленный в емкости для напитка, в частности на ее верхней поверхности, причем клапанный узел содержит корпус клапана, смещенный в направлении закрытия к седлу клапана, и предпочтительно имеет средство зацепления, продолжающееся за пределы внутреннего пространства, при этом обеспечено устройство регулирования давления, которое содержит емкость, заполненную сжатым газом и сообщенную с внутренним пространством по крайней мере во время использования, предпочтительно через устройство регулирования давления, причем выдачное устройство содержит приводное устройство для отжимания корпуса клапана от седла клапана, при этом приводное устройство включает часть канала для выдачи напитка и снабжено средством для поддержания клапанного узла в открытом положении. ! 2. Емкость по п.1, в которой приводное устройство снабжено первым и вторым соединительными средствами, причем ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008141286A

... 1. Контейнер, снабженный внутренним пространством (4) и выдачным клапаном (3), при этом внутреннее пространство (4) включает газосодержащий напиток, такой как пиво (В), причем контейнер содержит узел контроля давления (6) для автоматической регулировки давления во внутреннем пространстве (4), а вокруг выдачного клапана (3) расположено первое соединительное средство (10), при этом контейнер дополнительно содержит выдачную линию (13), выполненную с возможностью выдачи напитка на первом конце (33) или возле него, а ее противоположный, второй, конец снабжен соединительным элементом (12), который снабжен вторым соединительным средством (14) для взаимодействия с первым соединительным средством (10), при этом выдачной клапан (3) выполнен как охватывающий клапан, в частности как охватывающий аэрозольный клапан, при этом соединительный элемент (12) имеет, по существу, полый ствол (15) с концом (28) и по меньшей мере одним отверстием (23), при этом выдачная линия (13) соединена со стволом (15) противоположно ...

27-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006144815A

... 1. Клапанное устройство (5) для напитка, содержащее участок (12) донной стенки; трубчатую деталь (14), простирающуюся вниз от участка (12) донной стенки; внешний фартук (9), возвышающийся от участка (12) донной стенки; в котором трубчатая деталь (14) имеет верхнее отверстие (21) для приема распределительного элемента (3), причем верхнее отверстие (21) предпочтительно расположено в серединном участке верхней внешней поверхности донной стенки (12), а трубчатая деталь (14) имеет верхний внутренний трубчатый стенной участок с по меньшей мере одной уплотнительной поверхностью (15, 16), внешний возвышающийся фартук (9) расположен на расстоянии от верхнего отверстия (21) трубчатой детали (14), причем участок донной стенки (12) содержит по меньшей мере один клапан, расположенный между верхним отверстием (21) трубчатой детали (14) и участком внутренней боковой стенки внешнего возвышающегося фартука (9). 2. Клапанное устройство (5) для напитка по п.1, в котором вдоль участка внутренней боковой стенки ...

03-02-2011 дата публикации

Номер: DE0060335455D1

09-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059302130D1
Принадлежит: RTC LTD, R.T.C. LTD., DUBLIN, IE

22-05-2013 дата публикации

Dip tube assembly

Номер: GB0201306430D0

30-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002215446B

26-06-1996 дата публикации

Dispensing beer from a keg

Номер: GB0002296237A

A beer keg 3 has a one-way valve 1 positioned in its internal dip tube 2. This one-way valve allows beer in the keg to flow out of the keg through the tube 2 and through a gas inlet and beer outlet valve 4, without allowing any beer to travel back down the tube and into the keg. The tube is preferably of metal. ...

16-12-1998 дата публикации

Manifolds for dispensing beverage constituents

Номер: GB0002326157A

A soda/still water manifold (10) for a dispense tower for carbonated or still beverages which is made from prefabricated sheet metal components bonded together. The manifold (10) comprises separate compartments with recirculation means, and has removable/replaceable connections to the dispense valves.

11-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008506227D0

23-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009026531D0

30-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008804760D0

19-07-2000 дата публикации

Malt beverages

Номер: GB0000013052D0

13-06-2001 дата публикации

Beverage dispensing font etc

Номер: GB0000109637D0

22-09-2004 дата публикации

Valve fitting for a keg

Номер: GB0000418800D0

13-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002173772B

23-03-1966 дата публикации

Improvements in apparatus for dispensing highly conditioned beer and other gas charged liquids

Номер: GB0001023525A

... 1,023,525. Dispensing liquids. ARTHUR GUINNESS SON & CO. (PARK ROYAL) Ltd. July 25, 1963 [Jan. 15, 1963], No. 1827/63. Heading A4T. Apparatus dispensing gas-charged liquid, e.g. beer, comprises vessel 10 having a faucet 19 controlled by valve 17 leading from the base of the interior of the vessel, a connection 26 to a container or cask for replenishing the vessel leading to a pipe 29 discharging the replenishing liquid near the base of the interior but remote from the outlet to the faucet to reduce fobbing, and a vent 25 connecting the interior at 25A to atmosphere at 25B. Valve block 16 permits (i) dispensing by gravity, (ii) dispensing simultaneously with replenishing, (iii) closing all ports, (iv) direct dispensing from the cask and (v) priming of the vessel from the cask. The valve block, vent, conduit and connection may be duplicated and the vessel counterbalanced by a weight when it rests at 12 on a shelf. A sight glass may be provided and the valve have a spring-loaded plunger locking ...

11-12-2019 дата публикации

Dip tube assembly

Номер: GB0002527716B
Принадлежит: CYPHERCO LTD, CypherCo Limited

28-10-1927 дата публикации

Improvements in the means for and in the method of drawing off fermented liquors

Номер: GB0000279552A

... 279,552. Gante, S. A. July 28, 1926. Dispensing liquids. - In drawing off fermented liquor from a container, two containers are employed, one holding the liquor in the fining stage and the second containing liquor which has passed that stage, means being provided for automatically drawing off the liquor from the second container whilst the liquor being fined is added to the contents of that container. A spile 3 is inserted in the second container and is connected to the first container by a pipe leading to the delivery connection 10. The pressure behind the liquor being fined opens the valve 6 and this liquor passes to the first container through a port 5. As the pressure falls, the continued drawing off of liquor from the second container allows the valve 8 to open and admit air through the ports 9, 5. The spile is provided with a screw threaded cap 11. The pipe connecting the two containers is provided with a transparent tube portion for observation purposes.

25-05-2005 дата публикации

Valve fitting for a keg

Номер: GB0000507748D0

22-05-1930 дата публикации

Improvements in apparatus for dispensing liquid

Номер: GB0000329423A

... 329,423. Gaskell & Chambers, Ltd., and Weightman, J. S. March 8, 1929. Dispensing liquids. -In an apparatus for dispensing liquids, a distribution vessel 1 is provided with a detachable cover 3 which carries a tubular fitting 11 connected to a storage vessel and also two or more outlet pipes 14 provided with detachable non-return valves 15. The fitting 11 carries on its inner end a detachable strainer 12. The cover 3 is provided in its centre with an inspection window in the form of a cylinder 7 formed of glass or other transparent material, the top of which is provided with a metal cap 8 from which projects a pipe 9 provided with a stop-cock 10 for taking samples.

23-06-2004 дата публикации

Alcohol beverage apparatus having a bursting disk

Номер: GB0000411288D0

27-07-2004 дата публикации

Valve assembly for a beverage container, container for beverage and method for filling and emptying a beverage container.

Номер: AP0000001289A

Valve assembly for a container for beverage, in particular carbonated beverage such as beer, comprising a housing and a beverage channel with a valve body, wherein operating means are provided for moving the valve body, said operating means comprising: first coupling means for coupling the beverge channel to beverage dispensing means for emptying a container through or along the valve body; and second coupling means for coupling the beverage channel to a filling device for filling a container throug or along the valve body.

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Valve assembly for a beverage container container for beverage and method for filling and emptying a beverage container

Номер: AP2001002042A0

30-06-2003 дата публикации

Tapping rod

Номер: AP2003002813A0

A tapping rod (2) with a beverage valve (16). a gas valve (14) cooperating [herewith, and a collar (24), while in or on the collar a connecting device (26) is fitted, which connecting device comprises a pressure body (30) for opening the beverage valve (16) and the gas valve (14), wherein: the pressure body (30) comprise or defines at Ieast one first beverage channel (50) for bringing, with the beverage valve in open position, the inner space of a keg, in particular a riser of the taping rod. into fluid communication wiih a beverage dispensing line; the pressure body comprises or defines at least one gas channel (48) for bringing, with the gas valve in open position, the inner space of the keg into fluid communication with a gas supply line.

31-10-2008 дата публикации

System and method for dispensing a cooled beverage

Номер: AP2008004635A0

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Valve assembly for use in dispensing beverage

Номер: AP2004003060A0

A valve assembly for a container with an inner bag for receiving beverage, in particular carbonated beverage such as beer, wherein a beverage valve is provided with a communication with the inner space of the bag and means for operation of the beverage valve by a tapping device in which the container is receivable, the beverage valve being partly surrounded by an upstanding first apron which is gas-tight, while, spaced therefrom, a second gas-tight apron is situated, and between the first and the second apron a bottom wall with at least one gas passage opening is provided which during use is in communication with the space enclosed between the inner bag and the container, such that during use between the two aprons a chamber is formed through which gas under pressure can be forced through the gas passage opening, separately from the beverage.

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000370913T

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000430711T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000445885T

15-06-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for operating a switching device switching drum drum

Номер: AT0000518158B1

Eine Fassumschaltvorrichtung zum Zapfen von kohlensäurehaltigen Getränken hat eine Zuflussleitung zur Verbindung mit einem Fass und eine Abflussleitung zur Verbindung mit einem Zapfhahn. Zwischen Zuflussleitung und Abflussleitung ist ein Schaumauslass vorgesehen, mit dem verhindert wird, dass Schaum von der Zuflussleitung in die Abflussleitung gelangt. Ein Bypass zwischen Zuflussleitung und Abflussleitung sorgt dafür, dass auch die Abflussleitung schaumfrei gedrückt werden kann und kein Restschaum in der Abflussleitung verbleibt. Die Vorrichtung kann ausschließlich aus Leitungen und Ventilen aufgebaut werden, um eine sichere Reinigung mit einer Schwammkugel zu gewährleisten.

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000539031T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404445T

15-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000074192T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000263734T

21-11-1994 дата публикации

Carbonated beverage dispenser with constant temperature mixing valve

Номер: AU0006781594A

30-08-2018 дата публикации

System, cartridge, beverage preparation unit and method for producing a beverage

Номер: AU2017207771A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Disclosed is a system for producing a beverage, in particular a cold beverage, comprising a cartridge that has a reservoir filled with a beverage substance, a beverage preparation unit with a cartridge receptacle into which the cartridge can be reversibly inserted, and a cartridge discharge device which causes at least partial transfer of the beverage substance from the reservoir into a mixing chamber; furthermore, the beverage preparation unit comprises a fluid supply which opens into the mixing chamber, or the system includes a movable plunger which is placed inside the reservoir and can be transferred from a starting position into a final position by means of the cartridge discharge device.

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Drinking-water supply device and method for controlling same

Номер: AU2017371317B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The present invention provides a method for controlling a drinking-water supply device, the method comprising: a first step of connecting a guide pipe of a case separable from a cabinet to the cabinet to form a channel through which water moves from the case to the cabinet; a second step of supplying the cabinet with sterile water electrolyzed by an electrolytic module included in the case; and a third step of supplying the cabinet with water which has not passed through the electrolytic module included in the case, wherein the sterilization water and the water are supplied to the cabinet from the case via the guide pipe in the second step and the third step.

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Water dispenser

Номер: AU2019216690A1
Автор: YOON SHIC, Yoon, Shic
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

A water dispenser, comprising: a main body; a rotator provided to be rotatable in a horizontal direction in the main body and including a water discharger; a rotation guide rail having a predetermined curvature within the main body; and a rotation guide protrusion provided in the rotator and slidably coupled to the rotation guide rail to guide rotation of the rotator.

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Dispenser having a cartridge holder

Номер: AU2019201601A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The invention relates to a dispenser having a cartridge holder. Fig. 9b WO 2017/121796 PCT/EP2017/050561 F~~ ~ ~~-- J------------------- CY) LL IC)~ ...

24-05-1994 дата публикации

Fluid couplings

Номер: AU0005343594A

05-01-1967 дата публикации

Номер: AU0006093165A

22-02-2007 дата публикации

Beverage dispensing line cooling system and method

Номер: AU2006281787A1

17-02-2011 дата публикации

Beverage container and assembly of such a container and a tapping device

Номер: AU2007227831B2

01-12-2005 дата публикации

Cask and chime assembly

Номер: AU2005245207A1

06-08-2009 дата публикации

A dispensing line for a dispensing system

Номер: AU2005284503B2

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Mixed beverage preparation and dispensing

Номер: AU2010357244A1

A water dispensing device comprises water dispensing means for dispensing water into a serving container. The device furthermore comprises a control unit which is connected with the water dispensing means to control a water dispensing cycle in which a predetermined amount of water is dispensed in the serving container. The control unit is programmed such that the water dispensing cycle includes at least two stages which are separated by an intermediate time period in which no water is dispensed in the serving container.

23-03-2000 дата публикации

A variable-length dip tube for a fluid transfer container

Номер: AUPQ590900A0

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Micro-ingredient based beverage dispenser

Номер: AU2016355391B2

Technologies are described herein for a dispensing nozzle for a beverage dispensing system. An example embodiment of the dispensing nozzle may include a housing; a nozzle manifold containing orifices and corresponding conduits for a number of diluents, macro-ingredient sweeteners, and micro-ingredients; a sweetener channel and a diluent baffle, the combination of which facilitates the mixing of the diluent and macro-ingredient sweetener; a funnel; and a nozzle exit. The diluent, macro-ingredient sweetener, and micro-ingredients may mix in the dispensing nozzle to form a predetermined beverage. The dispensing nozzle may communicate with various aspects of the beverage dispensing system to coordinate the dispensing of the predetermined beverage.

06-03-1969 дата публикации

Номер: AU0001062166A

26-02-1998 дата публикации

Stocktaking accessory and a method of monitoring the dispensing of beverages

Номер: AU0003517697A

27-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004002878A

10-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002507065A1

This invention relates to a drinks dispenser, and in particular to a drinks dispenser suitable for use at commercial premises such as a bar or public house for serving beer and the like. According to the invention there is provided a drinks dispenser comprising a frame (14) carrying at least one tap (20), the frame being connected to a column (12) within which can be located a conduit (52) for delivering liquid to the tap, the frame having connectors (30) by which separate and additional frame(s) (16) may be connected thereto, a separate cover (76) being provided which can be mounted upon the frame means. The drinks dispenser is therefore modular in construction, with the frame(s) providing the structural strength of the dispenser and the cover(s) fulfilling the aesthetic requirements.

08-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002001701C
Автор: Herpe, Michel
Принадлежит: BONGRAIN S.A.

Procédé et installation pour la conservation et/ou la distribution d'un produit liquide ou à consistance pâteuse enfermé dans un sac souple déformable hors duquel il peut être extrait par actionnement d'un moyen de soutirage approprié et qui est mis en mouvement par une pompe, -aussi longtemps que le sac n'est pas entièrement vide-, dans un circuit en boucle fermée partiellement extérieur audit sac, ledit circuit étant établi lors de la mise en place dudit sac dans un appareil de conservation et/ou distribution. Le soutirage est effectué à partir d'un conduit fermé aussi longtemps que ledit sac n'est pas mis en place dans ledit appareil de conservation et/ou de distribution.

28-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002001701A1

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003092991A1

Disclosed herein is beverage dispensing system including, in some embodiments, a housing including a dispensing platform, one or more valves at least partially below the dispensing platform, one or more valve-controlling modules respectively disposed in one or more cutouts of the housing, and an embedded system including the one or more valve- controlling modules and a central module communicatively coupled to the one or more valve- controlling modules. Each valve may include a beverage-container coupler extending from the valve through a corresponding opening in the dispensing platform configured to couple with bottom-fillable beverage containers for use with the beverage dispensing system. Each valve- controlling module may include a user-facing touchpad with one or more buttons configured to control a corresponding valve of the one or more valves. The embedded system may be configured for beverage dispensation as well as analytics, communications, payment processing, or a combination ...

01-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3069297C

A dispense tap with integral gas/liquid infusion for dispensing a beverage at a given dispensing point features a mixing chamber having at least one gas input port configured to receive at least one incoming gas stream; at least one liquid input port configured to receive at least one incoming liquid or concentrate stream; and an infuser configured to mix the at least one incoming gas stream and the at least one incoming liquid or concentrate stream at the given dispensing point within the dispensing tap, and provide a mixing chamber stream containing a gas infused liquid mixture of the at least one incoming gas stream and the at least one incoming liquid or concentrate stream for dispensing as a beverage.

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003038295A1

06-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002253344C

30-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002683561A1

An appliance controller is provided featuring one or more modules configu red for providing power to an appliance that receives fluid from a fluid sup ply system, for receiving a fluid supply system signal indicating that the f luid is not being provided to the appliance and for disconnecting the power to the appliance. The one or more modules may take the form of an appliance controller circuit having a first circuit part configured for providing powe r to an appliance that receives fluid from a fluid supply system; and a seco nd circuit part configured for receiving a fluid supply system signal indica ting that the fluid is not being provided to the appliance and disconnecting the power to the appliance. The appliance controller may form part of an ap pliance controller system having appliances, appliance controllers and the f luid supply system.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002919364A1

The closure serves to tightly close the charging hole of a liquid container. Said closure permits tapping of the container at the charging hole. The closure is provided with a pressure-equalizing valve. A bung bush made of elastic material has, at a distance next to each other, an axial tapping channel (18) and an axial pressure-equalizing channel (28), which lead next to each other to an end surface (26) of the bung bush. A flap (30) is integrally coupled to the bung bush, which flap covers the end surface (26) in the closed position, closes the mouths of the channels (18, 28) in a manner tight to spray and blocks off the pressure-equalizing channel (28) in a pressuretight manner. The flap (30) can be pivoted up and down manually in order to open up the pressure-equalizing channel (28) to a greater or lesser extent and thus to actuate the pressure-equalizing valve.

13-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002837980A1

A container (1) for storing a liquid foodstuff (4) and dispensing it under pressure in consumption portions via a closable dispensing channel, characterised in that it comprises a rigid outer container (2), a flexible inner container (3) for the foodstuff (4), and at least one intermediate container (5) surrounding the inner container (3), whereby an intermediate container (5) on the one hand, and another intermediate container (5) or the inner container (3) located within it on the other hand, define a space (16), whereby the space (16) is provided with a pressure medium and/or the container (1) is equipped with a connection (23) connected to the space for a pressure medium source (24).

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002882400A1

Beverage container (1) and valve (6) for a beverage container. Beverage container (1), comprising a body (2) and a neck (3), wherein at the neck (3) a valve (6) is provided for dispensing a beverage comprising gas from the container (1), wherein an inner surface part (21) of the container (1) adjacent the valve (6), especially an inner surface part of the container within the neck between the body and an inlet side (8) of the valve (6) is smooth and sloping towards the inlet side of the valve, such that foam is prevented from being trapped at the inner surface of the neck (3).

01-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002099786A1

... 18746 The invention relates to a device for cleaning and emptying beverage liquid lines in dispensing installations in a dispenser head which can be placed on the beverage barrel, comprising a dispenser head housing, an actuating mechanism and a lateral connection for the supply of carbon dioxide gas, whereby in the tapping tube (4) of the dispenser head (1) a longitudinally displaceable tube (7) is inserted, in whose upper end a tubular connection piece (9) is slidably inserted in a widened chamber and whereby in the area of said upper end a laterally protruding attachment piece (10) which has a bore (11) reaching into the widened chamber (8) for a plunger (14) feeding the foam rubber sphere (12) into said chamber (8) is provided, as are respective bores (16, 17) running perpendicularly thereto for the access of a further foam rubber sphere (12) and for the passage of carbon dioxide, on which attachment piece (10) a housing (15) is slidably mounted, the plunger (14) reaching into the bore ...

08-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002004324A1

01-03-1921 дата публикации

Sieb für Bierschankvorrichtungen.

Номер: CH0000088529A

16-11-1925 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000112782A

15-06-1963 дата публикации

Flüssigkeitsabgeber an Behältern ohne Unteranstich, insbesondere an Flaschen mit Getränken

Номер: CH0000369977A

15-01-1990 дата публикации

Wine bottle sealing stopper - has drilling for introduction of protective gas passing right through via drilling

Номер: CH0000672917A5

The sealing stopper (7) has a grip portion (7a) and a sealing portion (7b) fitting in a vessel mouth. A drilling (8) passes through both the grip and sealing portions of the stopper. The sealing portion is designed to discharge air displaced from the vessel. This is achieved using protective gas introduced through the drilling. ADVANTAGE - Preserves quality of remaining contents after uncorking.

10-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000113590C2

10-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000121884C2

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Емкость с предохранительным клапаном

Номер: RU0000181905U1

Полезная модель относится к укупорочным средствам с изобарическими клапанами и может быть использована для одноразовых емкостей из полиэтилентерефталата (ПЭТ-кег), предназначенных для розлива, транспортирования и хранения пищевых напитков, таких как: пиво, квас, соки, воды и др. Емкость снабжена клапаном, который содержит полый корпус 1 с трубчатой резьбовой частью для установки на резьбовую горловину емкости 2, запорное кольцо 3, размещенное с возможностью взаимодействия с выходным отверстием полости корпуса 1, крышку 4 корпуса 1, уплотнительное кольцо 5, суппорт 6 и пружину 7, расположенную между запорным кольцом 3 и суппортом 6. Храповой механизм клапана выполнен в виде стопорного кольца 8, расположенного на горловине емкости 2 для взаимодействия односторонней зубчатой насечкой 9 с ответной односторонней зубчатой насечкой 10, размещенной на торце трубчатой резьбовой части корпуса 1. Трубчатая резьбовая часть корпуса 1 выполнена с расположенными у торца удлиненными прорезями 11. Удлиненные прорези 11 имеют пружинящие стенки со стороны зубчатой насечки 10. Крышка 4 корпуса 1 выполнена с пазами 12 для вращения ключом в одну сторону. Суппорт 6 и корпус 1 соединены посредством защелок 13, предотвращающих раскручивание и разборку клапана. Трубчатая резьбовая часть корпуса 1 и горловина емкости 2 снабжены стопорным узлом 14. Технический результат заключается в надежном соединении емкости и клапана, которое исключает как естественное, так и принудительное раскручивание клапана. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 181 905 U1 (51) МПК B67D 1/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B67D 1/0801 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017133611, 27.09.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "АЗИМУТ" (ООО "АЗИМУТ") (RU) 26.07.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 163427 U1, 20.07.2016. RU ...

09-09-2019 дата публикации

Насадка на кран для розлива газированной и/или пенящейся жидкости

Номер: RU0000192239U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к пищевой промышленности, в частности к устройствам для розлива пенящихся и/или газированных жидкостей в тару с широким горлышком, и может быть использована для уменьшения пенообразования при контакте жидкости с внутренней поверхностью тары. Насадка на кран включает трубчатые наконечник 1, центральную 2 и выходную части 3, при этом центральная часть насадки 1 выполнена с внутренним диаметром D от 8 мм до 18 мм и, по меньшей мере, с одним изгибом в вертикальной плоскости, а на выходной части насадки 3 выполнен срез в плоскости, перпендикулярной вертикальной под углом Y от 20° до 45° относительно ее продольной центральной оси, при этом расстояние W между оконечностью среза 4 выходной части насадки 3 и продольной осью центральной частью насадки 2 составляет от 60 мм до 160 мм. Насадку используют для наполнения емкости с широким горлышком путем установки ее на кран, подающий с установленным давлением газированную или пенящуюся жидкость из резервуара, и расположением оконечности среза края насадки в верхней части емкости на расстоянии 0,1-10 мм от ее стенки. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 239 U1 (51) МПК B67D 1/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B67D 1/08 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019106559, 07.03.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Хмельник" (RU) Дата регистрации: 09.09.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 09.09.2019 Бюл. № 25 1 9 2 2 3 9 R U (54) НАСАДКА НА КРАН ДЛЯ РОЗЛИВА ГАЗИРОВАННОЙ И/ИЛИ ПЕНЯЩЕЙСЯ ЖИДКОСТИ (57) Реферат: Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к вертикальной под углом Y от 20° до 45° пищевой промышленности, в частности к относительно ее продольной центральной оси, устройствам для розлива пенящихся и/или при этом расстояние W между оконечностью газированных жидкостей в тару с широким среза 4 выходной части насадки 3 и продольной горлышком, и ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Soup preparing and dispensing machine (spdm) and method of producing individual servings of hot or cold soup using the same

Номер: US20120093996A1
Автор: Angel Sanz, Jose Martin
Принадлежит: Martin Batturs and Assoc LLC

Hot or Cold soup made fresh from scratch, can or concentrate is prepared in a suitable container and after its preparation is kept cool, blended and re-circulated for long term shelf life until a serving is requested. This serving volume of soup is automatically pumped and heated to serving temperature (hot soup) and served in a suitable container like a cup or a bowl. The entire system where the soup resides is always kept refrigerated. The only portion of the soup that is heated after its preparation is the one dispensed. If it is a soup that is served cold the heating prior to dispensing is by-passed.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Multiple inlet dispensing apparatus and system for preparing beverages

Номер: US20120102998A1
Автор: Kevin M. Chase
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A liquid dispensing apparatus and system for controlling the delivery of liquid additives is disclosed. In one aspect, liquid additives are delivered to a beverage preparation system through a multiple inlet pump for preparing a finished beverage. In another aspect, additives from liquid additive containers are delivered to a beverage preparation system through a multiple inlet and pumping section pump for preparing a finished beverage. Other additives are communicated through the beverage dispensing system for maintaining and cleaning the system and the multiple inlet pump for ensuring the hygienical integrity of the system throughout its use.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Liquid dispenser with collapsible container

Номер: US20120104020A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A liquid dispenser utilizes a collapsible container that contains a supply of liquid. The collapsible container is received within a chamber that has a stationary wall. A moveable member is adjustable into contact with the collapsible container within the chamber. An indicator displays an estimated amount of liquid remaining in the collapsible container based on a position of the moveable member. The moveable member may squeeze the collapsible container against the stationary wall to thereby increase pressure within the liquid in the collapsible container to urge an outlet valve towards an open position in order to resolve any clogs in the valve.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Adaptor for use with a valve fitment

Номер: US20120118416A1
Автор: James W. Johnson
Принадлежит: Liqui Box Corp

This invention relates to an adaptor used in a fitment valve assembly, said adaptor comprising an outer ring collar having a top and a bottom, and an outer and an inner surface; a flange moulded to the bottom of said outer ring collar; an interior ring collar having a top and a bottom, and an outer and an inner surface moulded in adjacent relationship to said outer ring collar near the top of said interior ring collar; an inverted dome structure moulded toward the bottom of said inner surface of said interior ring collar defining at least one opening for the flow of fluid there-through; a groove for an O-ring moulded in said inner surface of said interior ring collar above said dome structure; a lip moulded onto said bottom of said interior ring collar for forming a seal with said fitment valve assembly; and a groove for an O-ring moulded in said outer surface at the bottom of said interior ring collar.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Beer chilling device

Номер: US20120186782A1
Автор: Andrew J. Nauta
Принадлежит: Individual

An elongated heat exchanger of generally tubular shape in which at least one heat exchanger is mounted in the interior thereof. The heat exchanger is composed of an outer tube which may be of a plastic material which forms a sealed chamber and has a pair of ends from which spigots extend. A heat exchanger is mounted within the outer tube and is connected to the spigots at each end so that it extends the length of the outer tube and is sealedly connected to each spigot. The heat exchanger consists of a number of stainless steel tubes (greater than two) each having the same diameter and gently twisted together to form a single heat exchanger. The spigots located at each end of the outer tube thus form manifolds for the tubes of the heat exchanger. A heat exchanger fluid is introduced in the space between the outer tube and the heat exchanger to provide the necessary exchange of heat in the device. Because the heat exchanger is connected by manifolds of the same end spigot, each tube of the heat exchanger carries the same product.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Beverage dispensing apparatus

Номер: US20120187153A1
Принадлежит: Coopers Brewery Ltd

The present invention relates to a refillable keg assembly for use in dispensing beverages, in particular beer. The keg assembly comprises an outer shell, and a collapsible container for holding the beverage, positionable within the outer shell. A sealed cavity is defined between the outer shell and the collapsible container. A beverage outlet from the collapsible container enables beer to be dispensed from the keg assembly, and a gas valve allows gas to enter the cavity. The pressure in the container is maintained above atmospheric pressure, and when dispensing the beverage, pressure in the cavity collapses the collapsible container and forces the beverage out through the beverage outlet. A gas compressor is connected to the gas valve, and is activated by a pressure switch to maintain the pressure within the cavity. To refill the keg assembly, the collapsible container can be replaced, and a new collapsible container filled whilst within the outer shell.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Creamy foam beer dispensing system

Номер: US20120248139A1
Принадлежит: Lancer Corp

A creamy foam beer dispensing system includes a coupler removably securable with a keg, a transportation tube, and a faucet having a handle coupled with a plunger communicating with the transportation tube. The handle is movable among a closed position, an open position, and a creamy foam position. In the closed position, the handle maintains the plunger squeezed against the transportation tube such that no beer flows from the faucet. In the open position, the handle lifts the plunger substantially, completely off the transportation tube such that beer flows smoothly from the faucet. In the creamy foam position, the handle lifts the plunger off the transportation tube a distance such that an aperture created in the transportation tube produces creamy foam flow from the faucet.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods of Selecting and Dispensing Products

Номер: US20120285989A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

Embodiments of a dispensing system for dispensing a number of products to a user are disclosed. The dispensing system may include an input/output device and a dispenser. The input/output device may be adapted to receive a selection of one of the products from the user. The dispenser may be adapted to dispense a plurality of diluent components, the diluent components and a ratio of the diluent components corresponding at least in part to the selection of the user.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Cup dispensing system

Номер: US20130075419A1

A cup dispensing system includes a storage device having cups stored therein. At least one suction cup is attached to a housing. At least one actuator is attached to the housing. An air source and vacuum generator are attached to the at least one suction cup. The at least one actuator moves the at least one suction cup in a desired motion and the vacuum generator actuates on and off removing the cup from the storage device and positioning it at a specified location.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Keg Closure With Safety Mechanism

Номер: US20130092689A1
Автор: Rundin Jessica

A closure for a keg comprises a housing and a valve element movable within the housing between closed and open positions. A lock mechanism is capable of holding the valve element in the open position, to vent gas from the keg and to thwart unauthorised re-filling after dispensing. The lock mechanism comprises: a first part movable with the valve element that comprises a lock element engageable with the housing; and a second part that is movable with the first part when the valve element moves from the closed position to the open position during filling, and thereafter is separable from the first part as the valve element returns from the open position to the closed position after filling. Separation of those parts enables the lock formation to engage with the housing to hold the valve element when the valve element returns to the open position upon dispensing. 1. A closure for a pressure vessel , the closure comprising:a housing;at least one valve element movable with respect to the housing between closed and open positions; anda lock mechanism capable of holding the valve element in the open position;wherein the lock mechanism comprises first and second parts, the first part being movable with the valve element and comprising a lock element engageable with a lock formation of the housing to hold the valve element in the open position; and the second part being movable with the first part when the valve element moves from the closed position to the open position, the first part thereafter being movable relative to the second part as the valve element returns from the open position to the closed position, said relative movement between the first and second parts enabling engagement of the lock element with the lock formation of the housing to hold the valve element when the valve element returns to the open position.2. The closure of claim 1 , wherein said relative movement between the first and second parts is effected by separation of those parts.3. The closure of ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Modular Beverage Dispenser Support, Coupler and Method of Use Thereof

Номер: US20130099084A1
Автор: Cal Davis
Принадлежит: Individual

A modular beverage dispenser support is described which includes a polygon body having a dispenser support surface surrounded by a plurality of vertical side walls. A coupling receiver is recessed into at least one of the side walls to allow coupling with another polygon body having a like coupling receiver. There is described a number of configurations that can be created by using the coupling receivers to connect select sides of two or more beverage dispenser supports.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Fluid transfer assembly and methods of fluid transfer

Номер: US20130118639A1
Автор: Joshua Springer
Принадлежит: Grinon Industries LLC

A fluid dispensing system and assembly, including a connection or coupling device, a valve, a housing, a user interface, a filling device, and a fitting to couple to a fluid source. The connection or coupling device may include a magnetic ring crimped to the bottom of a container, and methods of manufacture are described. The valve may include a first sensor detecting proper placement of the fluid container based on a magnetic material positioned at the bottom of the fluid container, a plunger having a plunger shaft coupled thereto, the plunger selectively placing the valve in fluid communication with the fluid container, and a solenoid coupled to the plunger shaft and moving the plunger shaft to transition the plunger between an open position and a closed position. The user interface may be coupled to the valve to enable selection of at least a fluid container size and a dispensing mode.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133340A1
Автор: Cull David, Sillince Mark

A self-cooling and self dispensing beverage container in the form of a keg which includes a heat exchange unit having a plurality of segments of compressed carbon disposed therein. A valve is secured to a tube attached to the REU housing for carbon dioxide to adsorbed and then desorbed by the carbon for cooling the beverage. A dispense gas canister is disposed within the container to automatically release carbon dioxide to maintain a pressure head within the container sufficient to assure dispensing of the beverage. 1. A self cooling and self dispensing beverage keg comprising:(A) a beverage chamber including a sidewall and upper and lower walls enclosing said chamber;(B) a heat exchange unit coupled to said upper wall and suspended within said beverage chamber but not in contact with said walls;(C) said heat exchange unit comprising:(1) a metal housing having a top and a bottom;(2) a plurality of discrete carbon sections each defining an opening therethrough disposed within said housing;(3) a metal tube received within each of said openings in said carbon sections and sealed to said top and bottom of said housing;(D) means for injecting carbon dioxide gas under pressure into said housing to be adsorbed by said carbon;(E) means for releasing said carbon dioxide gas under pressure from said housing for cooling beverage contained within said chamber; and(F) means for dispensing beverage from said chamber.2. The self cooling and self dispensing beverage keg as defined in wherein said metal housing of said heat exchange unit and said metal tubes are affixed to the top and bottom of said housing.3. The self cooling and self dispensing beverage keg as defined in wherein said metal housing and said metal tubes are constructed of stainless steel.4. The self cooling and self dispensing beverage keg as defined in wherein said means for injecting a gas under pressure includes a plurality of metal gassing tubes having first and second ends with said first end being affixed to ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Mixed beverage preparation and dispensing

Номер: US20130171320A1
Принадлежит: MDS Global Holding Ltd

A water dispensing device comprises water dispensing means for dispensing water into a serving container. The device furthermore comprises a control unit which is connected with the water dispensing means to control a water dispensing cycle in which a predetermined amount of water is dispensed in the serving container. The control unit is programmed such that the water dispensing cycle includes at least two stages which are separated by an intermediate time period in which no water is dispensed in the serving container.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175295A1
Принадлежит: BIERO PTY LTD

A beer sampling system for sampling one or more beverages such as beer from a range of bottled beverages, the system including at least one beer sampling assembly having: a support base frame; a canister removably mounted on the support base frame, the canister having an inner transparent member and a first and second transparent outer sleeve members, wherein the first outer sleeve member is adapted to receive a volume of bottled beer under pressure, and wherein the second outer sleeve member is adapted to receive and circulate a heat exchanging liquid to maintain the beer in the first outer sleeve at a drinking temperature; a tap mounted on the support base frame in liquid communication with the first outer sleeve of the canister for dispensing a sample of a beverage; a beverage clamp head interconnectable to both: a source of inert gas such as carbon dioxide and the first outer sleeve member of the canister; a refrigeration means for controlling the temperature of the heat exchanging liquid; a pump means for pumping the heat exchanging liquid to the second outer sleeve member, wherein the second outer sleeve member, refrigeration means and pumping means form a circuit for flow of heat exchange fluid; an actuator means for operating the system; and wherein in an operating condition a bottle of beer is placed with open end in the bottle receiving portion of the beverage clamp head, and the actuator means controls flow of inert gas such as carbon dioxide from a source of inert gas into the bottle via the siphon, and wherein beer from the bottle is transferred from the bottle to the first outer sleeve member where the beer is maintained under pressure in a sealed condition, and wherein a sample of the bottled beer can be obtained by operation of the tap. 2. A beer sampling system according to wherein the first outer sleeve member of the canister preferably has a capacity of up to about five litres of beer.3. A beer sampling system according to wherein the beverage ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Resilient closure for pressure driven dispensing container

Номер: US20130175304A1
Принадлежит: Anheuser Busch InBev SA

The invention is a closure for the aperture of a pressure driven dispensing container. The closure includes (a) an outer shell having a planar base including an outer first main surface and an inner second main surface. The base includes a dispensing aperture fluidly connecting the outer surface to the inner surface and receives a dispensing tube. An outer peripheral skirt juts out of the inner surface and seals the closure to the aperture of the container. The closure also includes (b) a flexible valve in contact with the inner surface located within the outer peripheral skirt and defining an interior passageway having a first opening at one end adjacent to and in fluid communication with the first dispensing aperture and having a second opening at the other end of the passageway, wherein the flexible valve is resiliently biased so that it naturally shuts and seals the second opening.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Illuminated Tap Handle

Номер: US20130176709A1
Принадлежит: IllumiTap LLC

An illuminated tap handle comprises a handle casing, a LED light strip, a battery, a charging station, and a remote control. The LED light strip comprises a plurality of LED lights. The plurality of LED lights and the battery are hermetically sealed within the handle casing to prevent damage from corrosive materials and electronically connected to each other. The handle casing design can be easily altered to meet the needs of the consumer. The LED light strip and the battery can be installed in any casing design to better promote the branding. The remote control controls the effects of the plurality of LED lights. An induction charging method is used to charge the illuminated tap handle to prevent any kind of damages that may happen during the charging process. The illuminated tap handle is easily connected to the existing beer towers with a simple screwing mechanism.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180617A1
Автор: Apps William P.

A beer keg includes a container having a base and a wall extending upward from a periphery of the base. A liner within the container includes a base, sidewalls and a mouth. The base of the liner interlocks with the base of the container to prevent relative rotation therebetween. A valve is disposed over the mouth of the liner. 1. A plastic beer keg including:a container having a base and a wall extending upward from a periphery of the base;a liner within the container, the liner including a base, sidewalls and a mouth, the base of the liner interlocking with the base of the container to prevent relative rotation therebetween; anda valve disposed over the mouth of the liner.2. The plastic beer keg of wherein the base of the container includes at least one corrugation for interlocking with the base of the liner.3. The plastic beer keg of wherein the base of the liner includes a plurality of feet interlocking with the base of the container.4. The plastic beer keg of wherein the base of the container includes at least one corrugation for interlocking with feet on the base of the liner.5. The plastic beer keg of further including a removable lid secured to an upper edge of the wall of the container claim 1 , enclosing the liner.6. The plastic beer keg of wherein the lid includes an annular outer portion over the upper edge of the wall of the container and an annular inner portion within the annular outer portion claim 5 , the annular inner portion offset downwardly from the annular outer portion claim 5 , an opening formed through the annular inner portion.7. The plastic beer keg of wherein the lid includes an annular angled portion extending between the annular outer portion and the annular inner portion.8. The plastic beer keg of wherein the lid includes a plurality of radial ribs on a lower surface thereof adjacent the annular outer portion and the annular angled portion.9. The plastic beer keg of wherein the plurality of radial ribs are adjacent the wall of the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192691A1

A fully recyclable valve housing adapted for engagement with a neck of a container such as a beer keg, has an inner port for liquid and a concentric outer port for pressurised gas, with openings for admitting pressurised gas into the container. A dip tube is connected to a bottom end fitting communicating with a valve stem within the valve housing. A valve member is arranged to control flow through the concentric ports, and a spring element located about the valve stem urges the valve member upwards to close the ports. The spring element is moulded from a resilient polymeric material and comprises a plurality of C-shaped sections angularly arranged in two interconnected stacks on opposite sides of the valve stem such that movement of the valve member by means of a valve-operating member causes concurrent resilient deformation of all the sections. 1. A valve closure for containers which includes:{'b': 1', '25', '14', '21, 'a valve housing () adapted for engagement with a neck of a container, an upper end of the valve housing having an inner port () for liquid and a concentric outer port () for pressurised gas, and the valve housing having one or more openings () for admitting pressurised gas from the outer port into the container;'}{'b': 20', '8', '24', '8', '20', '25, 'a dip tube assembly (, , ) having an end portion () within the valve housing and which projects downwardly () from a lower end of the valve housing for conducting liquid from the container through the inner port ();'}{'b': '6', 'at least one valve member () arranged to control flow through one or both of the said ports; and'}{'b': 7', '6', '7', '6, 'i': 'a', 'a spring element () urging the valve member upwards to close the respective port, or ports, the valve member () being movable in use against the closing action of the spring element by means of a valve-opening member, in which the spring element is moulded from a resilient polymeric material and comprises a plurality of interconnected sections () ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Water Vending Apparatus

Номер: US20130206574A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

A water vending apparatus is disclosed. The water vending system includes a water vapor distillation apparatus and a dispensing device. The dispensing device is in fluid communication with the fluid vapor distillation apparatus and the product water from the fluid vapor distillation apparatus is dispensed by the dispensing device.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Modular Beverage Dispenser Having A Built-In Cold Plate and Carbonator

Номер: US20130206792A1

A modular beverage dispenser for engagement with bag-in-box or other source of pressurized concentrate and a pressurized ambient water source, such as city water, is provided. The dispenser has a housing having housing walls, the walls defining an interior space, the interior having interior walls defining a multiple of interior spaces. The housing engages either a flange (configured to engage a perimeter of a countertop drop-in cutout) or legs configured to depend downward from the housing to support the same above a support surface. An ice container is provided for receiving ice therein configured to engage the housing so as to be substantially within the interior space. A cold plate is provided with a multiplicity of cold plate contained fluid lines therein adapted to engage the ice container so as to be cooled by the contents thereof. A carbonator is located in a first interior space. 1. A modular beverage dispenser for engagement with a multiplicity of remote bag-in-box or other source of pressurized concentrates , a remote pressurized ambient water source , such as city water , and a remote source of electric power , the modular beverage dispenser having:a housing having housing walls, including a top wall having a length and a width, the walls defining an interior space, the interior space having interior walls defining a multiple of interior spaces; the housing walls engaging either a flange configured to engage a perimeter of a countertop cutout or legs configured to depend downward from the housing to support the same above a support surface;an ice container for receiving ice therein, the ice container configured to engage the housing so as to be substantially within the interior space, the ice container having a bottom wall with a drain line;a cold plate with a multiplicity of cold plate contained fluid lines therein adapted to engage the ice container so as to be cooled by the contents thereof;a carbonator located in the interior space;a carbonator pump ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209078A1

A hot beverage dispensing system includes a heat transfer housing having an inner volume. A potable water line is disposed in the heat transfer housing, the potable water line including an inlet and outlet separated from the inner volume of the heat transfer housing. A heat transfer fluid is disposed in the inner volume. A heat source is connected to the inner volume heating the heat transfer fluid. A beverage dispensing mechanism is connected to the outlet of potable water line. The potable water line is separated from the inner volume of the heat transfer housing wherein water within the potable water line is indirectly heated to a predetermined temperature providing a hot water source to the beverage dispensing mechanism. 1. A hot beverage dispensing system comprising:a heat transfer housing having an inner volume;a potable water line disposed in the heat transfer housing, the potable water line including an inlet and outlet separated from the inner volume of the heat transfer housing;a heat transfer fluid disposed in the inner volume;a heat source connected to the inner volume heating the heat transfer fluid;a beverage dispensing mechanism connected to the outlet of potable water line;wherein the potable water line is separated from the inner volume of the heat transfer housing wherein water within the potable water line is indirectly heated to a predetermined temperature providing a hot water source to the beverage dispensing mechanism.2. The hot beverage dispensing system of wherein the heat source includes a heater.3. The hot beverage dispensing system of wherein the heat source includes an external hot fluid source.4. The hot beverage dispensing system of wherein the heat source includes heat scavenged from a refrigeration system.5. The hot beverage dispensing system of wherein the dispensing mechanism is connected to the heat transfer housing.6. The hot beverage dispensing system of wherein the beverage dispensing mechanism includes a fountain dispense ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Beverage Dispenser Using Slurry Ice Heat Transfer

Номер: US20130214003A1

A beverage dispenser that uses a slurry ice heat transfer approach to achieve a lower cost solution for controlling the temperature of a beverage to be dispensed. A cost effective heat transfer approach can be achieved by replacing the cold plate or refrigeration system of prior art beverage dispensers with a slurry ice bath. The invention provides a hopper into which a slurry ice bath is created. The hopper has an access door for receiving ice and an interior valve for dispensing either carbonated water or still water to form a slurry ice bath. Coils containing a beverage to be dispensed are submersed in the slurry ice bath. The slurry ice causes heat to transfer from the coils, thereby maintaining the coils at a certain temperature.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Dispensing Appliance Provided with a Hinged Hood

Номер: US20130221034A1

A dispensing appliance for receiving a container and dispensing a liquid is disclosed. The container has a body, a mouth, and a closure with an initially sealed first dispensing opening. The dispensing appliance has a container holding portion and a dispensing portion having a first dispensing tube with an engagement tip for engaging into dispensing opening to enter in fluid communication with the interior of the container. The dispensing portion is pivotally connected to the holding portion by a hinge to rotationally move from a first loading position. A second dispensing position allows dispensing the liquid. Moving the dispensing portion from a loading position to a dispensing position drives the engagement tip through the initially sealed dispensing opening of the closure. The engagement tip of the first dispensing tube is translated along a rectilinear path by rotation of the dispensing portion, to engage into the first dispensing opening. 1. A dispensing appliance suitable for receiving a container and for dispensing a liquid contained in said container , wherein said container comprises a body , a mouth , and a closure provided with at least an initially sealed first dispensing opening , said dispensing appliance comprising:(a) a holding portion comprising means for holding the container, and(b) a dispensing portion comprising a first dispensing tube with an engagement tip suitable for engaging into said initially sealed dispensing opening of the closure, to enter in fluid communication with the interior of the container,said dispensing portion being pivotally connected to the holding portion by at least one hinge to rotationally move from a first loading position, allowing the loading of the container onto the appliance, and a second dispensing position, allowing the dispensing of the liquid contained in the container, and wherein the moving of the dispensing portion from its first loading position to its second dispensing position drives the engagement tip ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Sensor in a dispensing system for acoustic detection of a container and content thereof

Номер: US20130228250A1
Принадлежит: Sensotech Inc

Sensor system for acoustic detection in a dispensing system of a container having a rim and content includes at least one controller coupled to the dispensing system for selectively triggering on and off the dispensing system, an ultrasound position sensor coupled to the controller for emitting a first ultrasound beam towards a container-receiving location, for receiving ultrasound echoes indicative of a position of the container relative to a dispenser outlet, and for sending a first signal to the at least one controller indicative of the container position relative to the dispenser outlet, and an ultrasound fill sensor coupled to the at least one controller for emitting a second ultrasound beam towards the container-receiving location, for receiving ultrasound echoes indicative of the rim and content surface, and for sending to the at least one controller a second signal indicative of the position of the content surface relative to the rim.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Container-less custom beverage vending invention

Номер: US20130231774A1
Принадлежит: Ecowell LLC

Methods and apparatus describing a convenience beverage vending machine and its operation are described. An embedded computer interface allows consumers to create their own drinks or choose from a menu of drinks. Drinks are dispensed in a re-usable container. The beverages may be made from hot water, cold water or carbonated water that is mixed with various flavors of syrup, sweeteners and nutritional supplements. Identification may be presented and the computer recognizes the consumer and pulls up that consumer's account to determine funds available and previous drink selections and mixtures. The machine may incorporate an automatic cleaning cycle for both the valves and the dispense area.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Liquid beverage concentrate dispensing system

Номер: US20130233887A1
Автор: David F. Ford
Принадлежит: Bunn O Matic Corp

A system, method, and apparatus are disclosed for controllably dispensing a liquid beverage concentrate for use in dispensing a beverage. The beverage may contain liquid beverage concentrate in combination with a liquid dilution ingredient such as water and may also include one or more additional ingredients. This system, method, and apparatus provides more precise control of the quantity of beverage concentrate dispensed by operating a pump used to dispense the concentrate based on the number of pulses of concentrate dispensed. A calibration is made to determine the measure of concentrate in each pulse. This volume per pulse is recorded and stored in a controller to controllably dispense a precise volume for a specific type of concentrate based on a predetermined recipe retained in the controller for each drink, type, and volume of the finished beverage.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240559A1
Автор: Rudick Arthur G.
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

Methods and apparatuses for providing a selectable beverage from a post-mix beverage dispenser are provided. In one embodiment, the method for providing a beverage having a separately selected color front a post-mix beverage dispensing system comprises: (a) providing at least two beverage bases for dispense from the post-mix beverage dispensing system; (b) separately storing at least two colorants in the post-mix beverage dispensing system; (c) receiving a request for a selected beverage base and the separately selected color with a computer processor; and (d) in response to the selection of the selected beverage base and the separately selected color, automatically dispensing through a single faucet of the post-mix beverage dispensing system, continuously in a predetermined ratio for any volume of the beverage dispensed, the selected beverage base and at least one of the colorants to provide the beverage having the separately selected color. 144.-. (canceled)45. A method for providing a beverage from a post-mix beverage dispensing system comprising:a. providing at least two beverages for dispense from the post-mix beverage dispensing system;b. providing a user interface comprising a wireless signal receiver;c. receiving a selection a blended beverage comprising at least two of the beverages via the user interface; andd. in response to the selection of the blended beverage, automatically dispensing through a single faucet of the post-mix beverage dispensing system at least two of the beverages to form the blended beverage.46. The method of claim 45 , wherein receiving a selection via the user interface comprises wirelessly receiving a selection from a user of the blended beverage.47. The method of claim 45 , wherein the blended beverage comprises at least two of the beverages selected by an automated program.48. The method of claim 47 , wherein the automated program is a pre-programmed recipe claim 47 , a randomizing program claim 47 , or a combination thereof.49. ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Monitoring and Controlling the Dispense of a Plurality of Product Forming Ingredients

Номер: US20130240561A1
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

Systems and methods for dispensing a product are provided. A plurality of product ingredients are associated with a product dispenser that is operable to form a plurality of selectable products from the plurality of products ingredients. Input for a selected product is received and a recipe that defines the ratio of product ingredients for fainting the selected product is identified. The dispense of each of the respective product ingredients is commenced based at least in part on the identified recipe, and the dispense of each of the respective product ingredients is independently monitored during the dispense of the selected product. 1. A method for dispensing a product , comprising:associating a plurality of product ingredients with a product dispenser, wherein a plurality of selectable products may be formed from the plurality of product ingredients;receiving input comprising a selected product for dispense;identifying a recipe for the selected product, wherein the recipe defines the ratio of product ingredients for forming the selected product;commencing a dispense of each of the respective product ingredients based at least in part on the identified recipe; andindependently monitoring the dispense of each of the respective product ingredients.225-. (canceled) This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Ser. No. 60/970,486, entitled “Systems and Methods for Monitoring and Controlling the Dispense of a Plurality of Beverage Ingredients,” filed on Sep. 6, 2007 (Attorney Docket No. 25040-2981), the contents of which are incorporated by reference.COCA-COLA® is a registered trademark of The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Ga., U.S.A. Other names, symbols, designs, or logos used herein may be registered trademarks, trademarks or product names of The Coca-Cola Company or other companies.This invention relates to product dispensers, and in particular, relates to systems and methods for providing individually monitoring and controlling the dispense of a plurality of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Liquid dispensing head forcibly detachable from bottle or container

Номер: US20130240572A1

A fluid dispense head is removably joined to a bottle, such as a wine bottle, or similar container, by having a hollow cylinder extend into the bottle and on one end sealed to a neck of the bottle with an annular gasket and on an opposite end joined to the dispense head. A nut on opposite end of the hollow cylinder limits entry of the cylinder into the bottle. When the nut is turned relative to the cylinder, the gasket seal is broken and the dispense head can be removed from the bottle. A set of annular gaskets of different diameters may be provided for bottles of different neck sizes.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245819A1

Systems and methods are provided for generating a dynamic graphical display for use in a product dispensing system, wherein the content of the display is dynamically generated based, at least in part, by the dispensing of a product. The product dispensing system can be a beverage dispensing system. When an operator activates a product dispenser to dispense a product, product imagery and/or related information may be dynamically generated and presented on a graphical display. A product dispensing and display system can include multiple product dispensers (for example, beverage taps) and an associated display for displaying dynamic digital content (such as visual and/or audible content) based on information received from the product dispensers and/or other input sources. 1. A system for presenting dynamic visual content corresponding to the dispensing of beverages on a display , the system comprising:a display;a plurality of beverage dispensers associated with the display, each beverage dispenser configured to dispense a particular beverage ingredient; anda processing device configured to output visual content on the display,wherein the visual content is dynamically generated based, at least in part, on information corresponding to the dispensing of a beverage ingredient from one or more of the beverage dispensers.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of beverage dispensers comprises a tap including:a pull handle; anda sensor, the sensor being actuatable in response to movement of the pull handle to a beverage dispensing position.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a controller configured to determine a state of each of the sensors of the plurality of beverage dispensers and to generate and transmit an electrical signal to the processing device indicative of the beverage dispensers that are dispensing beverage product.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the display comprises an array of wall-mounted display monitors.5. The system of claim 1 ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255825A1
Автор: Fedewa David J.

A foam reducing container for reducing the level of foam created when pouring a carbonated liquid into the container. The foam reduction container generally includes the container body having sidewalls extending from a base and the sidewalls defining at least one impact sloped wall for receiving a beverage poured from a delivery system. 1. A beverage container comprising:(a). a vessel defining an interior space having a front and rear side, the vessel having a base and sidewalls surrounding the interior space, the sidewalls extending upward from the base and sized and shaped to retain a liquid beverage;(b). an opening defined at a top portion of the vessel to allow for the liquid beverage to enter and exit the interior space;wherein the sidewalls define at least one angled section relative to a vertical axis, the angled section extending from the top portion to the base of the vessel inward towards the interior space and forming a curved intersection with an interior floor formed on top of the base;wherein the angled section intersection with the interior floor is formed to be suitable to reduce foam production from a carbonated beverage when entering the interior space of the vessel.2. The beverage container of wherein the sidewalls are formed to reduce foam production when a carbonated beverage enters the vessel when the container rests flat on a surface below a carbonated beverage delivery system.3. The beverage container of wherein the carbonated beverage delivery system is a keg and tap system.4. The beverage container of wherein foam produced when filling the beverage container resting flat under the carbonated beverage delivery system is one inch or less.5. The beverage container of further comprising a handle formed on an exterior surface of the vessel on the rear side of the vessel claim 1 , and wherein the handle is formed along the vertical axis of the vessel and sized and shaped to allow manual maneuvering of the vessel for lifting and pouring.6. The ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for producing beverages

Номер: US20130269377A1
Автор: Claudio Bertone
Принадлежит: Bertone Holdings Inc

An apparatus for producing beverages. The apparatus comprises a dispensing system, a mixing unit, and a control unit comprising a user interface, which interact to prepare a particular beverage when requested by a user. When the control unit receives user input requesting the particular beverage via the user interface, it causes the dispensing system to dispense various ingredients (e.g., fragmented ice, water, flavoring ingredients, milk product) that are mixed by the mixing unit in order to prepare the particular beverage, which is served in a cup. In various embodiments, the apparatus may produce frozen beverages that include fragmented ice (e.g., shaved or crushed ice) as one of their ingredients, such as slush beverages and smoothie beverages, and/or hot beverages that include heated water as one of their ingredients, such as coffee and flavored coffee beverages (e.g., French Vanilla, Mocha, etc.).

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277394A1
Автор: Edwards William

A substantially self-contained moveable (roll around) ice cooled beverage dispensing apparatus, in one embodiment, disclosing onboard pressurized bag-in-box syrup concentrate, onboard carbonation and pump elements, as well as onboard cooling in a portable roll around unit, connecting up to a self-contained unit source of water, source of high pressurize CO(onboard in one embodiment) and/or AC electricity. These three elements are common elements, in the sense that electricity and water are typically available at most retail store locations where dispensing is desired and COeasily available in high pressure bottles, for example. 1. A beverage dispensing device comprising:a housing having a top wall, a front wall, two side walls, a floor, a backsplash, and a back wall, the housing top including a closeable top opening; the housing including a housing interior having shelves therein, configured to hold a multiplicity of bag-in-box beverage concentrate sources;a multiplicity of wheels configured to engage the housing on a support surface;an ice bin having an opening facing the top opening of the housing, insulated side walls and a cold plate engaging a floor thereof;a multiplicity of concentrate sources, wherein the housing is configured for receipt of the concentrate sources in the interior therein;a beverage flow control dispensing assembly comprising a valve/manifold unit engaging the housing, a python, and a bar gun at the removed end of the python, the python capable of being at least partly spaced apart from the housing; 'wherein the housing is configured to locate the pumps in the interior thereof;', 'a multiplicity of pumps, and fluid lines configured to engage the concentrate sources, pumps, cold plate, and beverage flow control dispensing assembly,'} 'wherein the housing is configured to locate the carbonator therein;', 'a pump/carbonator and lines configured to engage the cold plate and valve/manifold unit;'}a water circuit, configured to engage the pump/ ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312426A1

A drinking dispenser has a warm water container; a hot water container coupled to the warm water container; a water supplying apparatus separately coupled to the warm water container and the hot water container; and a thermoelectric heat pump apparatus, configured with a pump that is arranged coupling to the water container and a thermoelectric module in respective coupled to the water container and the pump. 1. A thermoelectric heat pump apparatus , adapted for a container , comprising:a thermoelectric module, separately coupled to the water container; anda pump, coupled to the thermoelectric module.2. The thermoelectric heat pump apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the container is further composed of a cold water container and a warm water container.3. The thermoelectric heat pump apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the container is configured with a flow-disturbing baffle claim 2 , and the flow-disturbing baffle is formed with a plurality of interrupting holes.4. The thermoelectric heat pump apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the thermoelectric module further comprises: a first heat exchanger claim 2 , a fan claim 2 , at least one thermoelectric chip claim 2 , and a second heat exchanger; and the first heat exchanger is connected respectively to the fan and the at least one thermoelectric chip claim 2 , while the second heat exchanger is connected respectively to the thermoelectric chip and the container.5. The thermoelectric heat pump apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the first heat exchanger is configured with a plurality of heat pipes and a plurality of heat-exchanging fins in a manner that the plural heat pipes are embedded in the plural heat-exchanging fins.6. The thermoelectric heat pump apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the first heat exchanger is further configured with a contact plate claim 5 , a first insulator and a second insulator in a manner that the contact plate is arranged at a position between the heat exchanger and the thermoelectric chip claim 5 , the first ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313290A1
Автор: LASSEN Thomas
Принадлежит: MICRO MATICS A/S

The present invention relates to a dispensing line for a dispensing system to be used in connection with dispensing of a beverage. Said system comprising a beverage container, said container comprising an outlet wherein an extractor tube is arranged, and a dispensing device adapted to connect a pressure medium, such as CO, to the container so that the beverage present in the container is forced out of the container via the extractor tube. The dispensing line further comprises a connection means for attachment to the extractor tube, said connection means comprises a non-reattachment means, which is adapted to disengage the connection when the dispensing line is detached from the extractor tube, so that the dispensing line cannot be reused. 1. A dispensing line for a dispensing system to be used in connection with dispensing of a beverage , said system comprising a beverage container , said container comprising an outlet wherein an extractor tube is arranged , and a dispensing device adapted to connect a pressure medium , such as CO , to the container so that the beverage present in the container is forced out of the container via the extractor tube , wherein said dispensing line comprises a connection means for attachment to the extractor tube , said connection means comprises a non-reattachment means , which is adapted to disengage the connection when the dispensing line is detached from the extractor tube , so that the dispensing line cannot be reused.2. Dispensing line as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the non-reattachment means comprises sealing means which is adapted to loose it's sealing property when the connection means is detached from the extractor tube.3. Dispensing line as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the connection means is attached to the extractor tube by a snap or click action.4. Dispensing line as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the non-reattachment means comprises means for destroying or damaging the snap or click action when the connection means is ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130325171A1
Автор: Crisp, III Harry Lee

An appliance having a housing including a body defining a compartment and a door attached to the body, a water supplier including a first valve actuator configured to cause water to be dispensed by the water supplier, a supply container holder configured to hold a supply container for a liquid supply, at least one user input device including a touch screen configured to enable a user to make an input to request dispensing of the liquid supply from the supply container, a supply dispenser including a second valve actuator and configured to cause the liquid supply in the supply container to be selectively dispensed from the supply container based on the input made by the user using the touch screen, and a dispensing computer configured to receive a dispense signal from the touch screen, in response to receipt of the dispense signal, cause the second valve actuator to cause the liquid supply in the supply container to be dispensed from the supply container for a first period of time to dispense an appropriate amount of liquid supply, and store data representative of the amounts of the liquid supply dispensed by the supply dispenser. 1. An appliance comprising:a housing;a user interface panel supported by the housing and including a touch screen; (a) control operation of: (i) a dispensing mechanism at least partially coupled to the user interface panel, (ii) a water supply mechanism in fluid communication with the dispensing mechanism, and (iii) a drink supply mechanism in fluid communication with the dispensing mechanism, said drink supply mechanism configured to obtain drink supply from each of a plurality of drink supply containers;', '(b) cause the user interface panel to display a plurality of different beverage related images, each different beverage related image associated with at least one of the drink supply containers;', '(c) receive, via the touch screen, at least one input corresponding to at least one of the different displayed beverage related images; and ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130325172A1
Автор: Crisp, III Harry Lee

An appliance including a housing, a dispenser, and a water supply mechanism. The appliance includes a drink supply mechanism configured to removably hold a plurality of drink supply containers, a user interface panel, and a computer. The computer is configured to: cause the user interface panel to display a plurality of different images, each image associated with a different one of a plurality of different beverages which correspond to a drink supply in at least one of the plurality of drink supply containers held by the drink supply mechanism, enable the user interface panel to receive an input from a user of a selected one of the plurality of different displayed images, and after receiving the input from the user of the selected one of the plurality of different displayed images, cause the dispenser to dispense the beverage corresponding to the selected image. 1. An appliance comprising:a housing;a user interface panel supported by the housing and including a touch screen; and (a) control operation of: (i) a dispensing mechanism at least partially coupled to the user interface panel, (ii) a water supply mechanism in fluid communication with the dispensing mechanism, and (iii) a drink supply mechanism in fluid communication with the dispensing mechanism, said drink supply mechanism configured to obtain drink supply from each of a plurality of drink supply containers;', '(b) cause the user interface panel to display a plurality of different images, each image associated with a different one of a plurality of different drink supplies in the plurality of drink supply containers, wherein the drink supply in each of the drink supply containers is a concentrate,', '(c) receive, via the touch screen, at least one input of a selection of one of said plurality of different displayed images,', '(d) cause the dispenser to dispense a beverage corresponding to the selected one of said plurality of different displayed images,', '(e) for each drink supply container, transmit, to ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Appliance having a user interface panel and a beverage dispenser

Номер: US20130325174A1
Автор: Harry Lee Crisp, III
Принадлежит: Beverage Works Inc

An appliance including a housing, a dispenser, and a water supply mechanism. The appliance includes a drink supply mechanism configured to removably hold a plurality of drink supply containers, a user interface panel, and a computer. The computer is configured to: cause the user interface panel to display a plurality of different images, each image associated with a different one of a plurality of different beverages which correspond to a drink supply in at least one of the plurality of drink supply containers held by the drink supply mechanism, enable the user interface panel to receive an input from a user of a selected one of the plurality of different displayed images, and after receiving the input from the user of the selected one of the plurality of different displayed images, cause the dispenser to dispense the beverage corresponding to the selected image.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327793A1
Автор: MONZEL Alois
Принадлежит: KHS GmbH

A method of manufacturing and filling kegs with beer in a keg filling plant, which keg filling plant is disposed within a single building. The abstract of the disclosure is submitted herewith as required by 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b). As stated in 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b): A brief abstract of the technical disclosure in the specification must commence on a separate sheet, preferably following the claims, under the heading “Abstract of the Disclosure.” The purpose of the abstract is to enable the Patent and Trademark Office and the public generally to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and gist of the technical disclosure. The abstract shall not be used for interpreting the scope of the claims. Therefore, any statements made relating to the abstract are not intended to limit the claims in any manner and should not be interpreted as limiting the claims in any manner. 1. A method of manufacturing and fillings kegs in a keg filling plant , said method comprising the steps of:selecting or forming a riser tube of a predetermined length;connecting said riser tube to a keg fitting, and then inserting said riser tube through an opening in a keg body, and then attaching said keg fitting at said opening to said keg body; andfilling said keg body with a liquid, either before or after attachment of said keg fitting and riser tube to said keg body.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said step of selecting or forming a riser tube comprises separating off a predetermined length of tube from a supply of tubular or hose-like material.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said step of connecting said riser tube to said keg fitting comprises at least one of: gluing claim 2 , welding claim 2 , non-positive locking claim 2 , and positive locking.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said method further comprises filling said keg body with a liquid prior to inserting said riser tube and attaching said keg fitting.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Bag in Box Cleanable Connector System Having Conical Plunger

Номер: US20130327794A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

The system and method discloses a cleanable connector system for a Bag-In-Box (“BIB”) type package having a valve arrangement that prevents the mixing of product within the bag and in the line. Various embodiments provide a connector system including a valve arrangement having a line-side valve and a bag-side valve, wherein the valve arrangement allows connection to a bag and to a line-side connector while preventing the product within the bag and in the line from mixing. The system improves the user experience by only requiring a relatively weak connection force between the line-side valve and the bag-side valve. The system and method improves the shelf life of products within the bag and reduces the risk of contamination of the bag, the line, and the product within the bag by minimizing the risk of introducing biological and other foreign material into the system when connecting the bag and the line.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334160A1

A disposable keg with a disposable fitting and method of making same. The abstract of the disclosure is submitted herewith as required by 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b). As stated in 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b): A brief abstract of the technical disclosure in the specification must commence on a separate sheet, preferably following the claims, under the heading “Abstract of the Disclosure.” The purpose of the abstract is to enable the Patent and Trademark Office and the public generally to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and gist of the technical disclosure. The abstract shall not be used for interpreting the scope of the claims. Therefore, any statements made relating to the abstract are not intended to limit the claims in any manner and should not be interpreted as limiting the claims in any manner. 1. A non-returnable plastic keg comprising:a keg body;a keg neck extending from said keg body;an axial opening in said keg neck; and a top wall disposed on said keg neck and covering said opening in said keg neck;', 'a connecting segment extending from said top wall and disposed about an outer surface of said keg neck; and', 'said connecting segment comprising a heat shrinkable material shrunken about said outer surface of said keg neck and solely outside of said axial opening., 'a non-returnable closure comprising2. The non-returnable plastic keg of wherein said connecting segment has a thickness substantially less than its length.3. The non-returnable plastic keg of wherein said connecting segment is a shrink film.4. The non-returnable plastic keg of wherein said non-returnable closure further comprises an inner wall extending from said top wall into said opening in said keg neck.5. The non-returnable plastic keg of wherein said inner wall is tightly received by an inner surface of said keg neck.6. The non-returnable plastic keg of further comprising a flange extending about said outer surface of said keg neck.7. The non-returnable plastic keg of wherein said ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334253A1
Автор: Ahlström Karl-Johan
Принадлежит: Petainer Lidkoping AB

A closure () for a keg () comprises a housing () and at least one valve element () that is movable with respect to the housing. The closure also comprises a lock mechanism having a locking element () that is movable with respect to the housing and is capable of holding the valve element () in the open state. The lock mechanism includes first and second couplings () at which the locking element () and the valve element are mutually engageable. When the locking element and the valve element are engaged at the first coupling, the locking element moves with the valve element as the valve element moves from the open state into the closed state. This movement of the locking element enables engagement between the locking element and the valve element at the second coupling (), which engagement at the second coupling occurring on subsequent movement of the valve element into the open state to prevent the valve element returning to the closed state. 2. The closure of claim 1 , wherein the first coupling is disposed outwardly with respect to the second coupling.3. The closure of claim 1 , wherein the first and second couplings are defined by ratchet formations acting between the locking element and the valve element for substantially unidirectional outward movement of the locking element with respect to the housing.4. The closure of claim 1 , wherein the valve element is movable with respect to the housing along an axis claim 1 , the locking element is movable axially with respect to the housing in response to said axial movement of the valve element claim 1 , and the first and second couplings comprise axially-spaced engaging formations acting between the locking element and the valve element.5. The closure of claim 1 , wherein following engagement between the locking element and the valve element at the first coupling claim 1 , outward movement of the valve element moves the locking element to a position within the housing in which further outward movement of the locking ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001203A1

An advertising holder and display for use with a beverage dispenser, such a beverage tap, includes an attachment mechanism configured to mate with the beverage dispenser. The advertising holder and display also includes an elongate connector with a first end and a second end, with the first end of the connector being connected to the attachment mechanism. An advertisement frame that is adapted to hold an advertisement is connected to the second end of the connector. 1. An advertising holder and display comprising:an attachment mechanism;an elongate connector with a first end and a second end, the first end of the connector being connected to the attachment mechanism; andan advertisement frame adapted to hold an advertisement, the advertisement frame being connected to the second end of the connector.2. The advertising holder and display of claim 1 , wherein the attachment mechanism comprises a clamp adapted to fit over a faucet nut.3. The advertising holder and display of claim 2 , wherein the elongate connector is essentially rigid.4. The advertising holder and display of claim 2 , wherein the elongate connector is flexible and user-positionable.5. The advertising holder and display of claim 2 , wherein the elongate connector is resilient.6. The advertising holder and display of claim 2 , further comprising an illumination system positioned and adapted to illuminate an advertisement carried by the advertisement frame.7. The advertising holder and display of claim 1 , wherein the advertisement frame is round and has an interior channel to hold an advertisement.8. An advertising holder and display claim 1 , comprising:a clamp sized, shaped, and adapted to attach to an external surface of a pipe or nut;an advertisement frame adapted to hold an advertisement; anda flexible, positionable shaft connected between the clamp and the advertisement frame, the shaft having sufficient rigidity to hold the advertisement frame in a defined position.9. The advertising holder and ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021220A1
Автор: Windham James W.

A method and system for generating and providing drinking water is provided. The method for providing drinking water includes collecting condensed water from an air conditioner unit, storing in a tank the water that was collected, filtering the water so as to eliminate contaminants, sensing a pressure drop in a pressurized water generation system and activating an on-demand water pump so as to send the water to a faucet for dispensation. A water generator for providing drinking water includes a tank adapted to collect condensed water from a previously installed air conditioner unit, a pressurized water generator assembly, a sensor adapted to sense a pressure drop in the pressurized water generator assembly, a filter adapted to eliminate contaminants from the water collected in the tank and an on-demand water pump adapted to send the water to a faucet for dispensation. 1. A method for providing drinking water , the method comprising:collecting condensed water from an air conditioner unit;storing the water that was collected in a tank;filtering the water so as to eliminate contaminants;sensing a pressure drop in a pressurized water generator assembly; andactivating an on-demand water pump to send the water to a faucet for dispensation.2. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of collecting further comprises collecting condensed water from the air conditioner unit and transferring the water via a pipe to the tank.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of filtering further comprises activating the on-demand water pump so as to send the water in the tank through the filter.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the step of activating further comprises sensing that a valve of the faucet has been opened and activating the on-demand water pump so as to send the water to the faucet for dispensation.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the step of activating further comprises sensing that a valve of the faucet has been opened and activating the on-demand water pump so as to ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

System for Reducing Foam at a Tap

Номер: US20140027014A1
Автор: Keeling Todd

This invention relates to a new nozzle for a beer valve tap and a new foamless beer tap dispensing system. The new nozzle is longer, has a small bent and end openings for a more precise release of beer from the outlet of the spout. 1. A system for dispensing a pressurized beverage from a source into a container , the system comprising:a container for receiving a liquid from a pressurized source;a tap with a handle with a pivot for activating a valve spool for allowing the liquid from the pressurized source to flow to a tip of the tap; andan extended spout with an opening for the passage of the liquid from the pressurized source to the container that comprises a connection section connected to the tip, a curved section adjacent to the connection section, a straight section, and a dispensing section, and wherein the dispensing section includes a plurality of openings.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the dispensing section is inserted inside of the container at least 50%.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the extended spout is of a thickness of 1.5 mm or more.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the openings includes a small edge.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the openings further include at least an upper rounded edge.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the openings create a plurality of horizontal flaps between each opening.7. A tap for reducing the foam of a pressurized beverage from a source into a container claim 5 , the system comprising:a tap with a handle with a pivot for activating a valve spool for allowing the liquid from the pressurized source to flow to a tip of the tap, and an extended spout with an opening for the passage of the liquid from the pressurized source to the container that comprises a connection section connected to the tip, a curved section adjacent to the connection section, a straight section, and a dispensing section, and wherein the dispensing section includes a plurality of openings.8. The tap of claim 7 , wherein the dispensing ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Gesture based polling using an intelligent beverage container

Номер: US20140059581A1
Автор: Winston Wang
Принадлежит: Anheuser Busch InBev SA

Systems, devices, and methods are provided for conducting a polling event. A central server computer system determines a polling event is to be conducted and associates one or more inputs from a beverage container with a corresponding selection. The central server computer system transmits a polling prompt message to the beverage containers to display a prompt for a user to select between a first selection and a second selection. An input is received at the beverage container indicative of the selection by the user. The input may be based on a gesture movement of the beverage container. The selection is communicated to the central server computer system which, based on receiving selections from the participating beverage containers, determines the poll results. The poll results are displayed on one or more public displays or communicated, via a network, to a wireless communication device associated with a user of the beverage container.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140061256A1

A dispensing nozzle cover comprising an elongated chamber having a proximal end and a distal end, where the proximal end is adapted to receive a dispensing nozzle, and the distal end is closed, a seal arranged in the vicinity of the proximal receiving end of the elongated chamber, the seal being arranged to seal against the dispensing nozzle, wherein the dispensing nozzle cover further comprises an adhesive surface area facing the ambient atmosphere. 2. A dispensing nozzle cover according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive surface is a layer of fly capture adhesive.3. A dispensing nozzle cover according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive surface area is arranged on an outer surface of the elongated chamber.4. A dispensing nozzle cover according to claim 1 , wherein the seal is a diaphragm seal having an opening with an inner periphery for receiving the nozzle claim 1 , and where the inner periphery of the opening is arranged to seal against an outer surface of the dispensing nozzle.5. A dispensing nozzle cover according to claim 1 , wherein the seal is made of a flexible material adapted to seal resiliently against an outer surface of the dispensing nozzle.6. A dispensing nozzle cover according to claim 1 , wherein the seal is made of a material having a predetermined shape and size to seal against an outer surface of a dispensing nozzle.7. A dispensing nozzle cover according to claim 1 , wherein the dispensing nozzle cover further comprises a tubular member radially surrounding an outer surface of the elongated chamber having a proximal end claim 1 , which abuts the elongated chamber claim 1 , and an open distal end.8. A dispensing nozzle cover according to claim 7 , wherein the tubular member is removably attached to the elongated chamber.9. A dispensing nozzle cover according to claim 7 , wherein the tubular member radially surrounds the whole outer surface of the elongated chamber.10. A dispensing nozzle cover according to claim 7 , wherein the open distal end of ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Automatic beverage dispenser

Номер: US20140069953A1
Принадлежит: Smart Bar USA LLC

A beverage dispenser for providing mixed beverages. The beverage dispenser has a housing containing a plurality of first liquids, a plurality of second liquids, and a water supply, wherein the first liquids comprise liquors, and wherein the second liquids comprise mixer syrup. The beverage dispenser also has an interface, a dispensing spout and a server. The interface is provided on the housing to input variable data and receive variable instructions. The server electrically operates valves to control the flow of first liquids, second liquids and water to the beverage dispenser spout based on instructions entered at the interface and a pouring schema stored in memory.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Beer Bong

Номер: US20140076925A1

A beer bong comprising a mannequin torso, a hose, a funnel, and a valve. 1a mannequin torso that includes at least two holes;a hose that passes through at least a portion of the torso, where a first end of the hose exits the torso at a first hole in the torso and a second end of the hose exits the torso at a second hole in the torso;a funnel attached to the first end of the hose; anda valve attached to the second end of the hose.. An apparatus, comprising: illustrate a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrates a first hole for a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrates a second hole for a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrates a last hole for a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrates a valve for a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrate rubber tubing for a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrates a funnel for a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrates a back perspective view of a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrates a funnel for a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrates a front perspective view of a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.illustrates a back perspective view of a beer bong, according to embodiments of the disclosure.1st we purchased the Female ¾ torso Mannequin from LA Roxy Inc. in East Brunswick, N.J. 08816nd purchased the ½′ PVC ball valves from a local supply house along with the 48 oz White plastic funnel's.rd was the tubing, we purchased a 100′ box of P.E. 510 Clear Tubing ¾′ id×1″ od4th we purchased a 10′; stick of ½″ PVC pipe+a pair of PVC cutters & Plastic hose scissorsTool's needed for installation are:Next is pretty much the instillation & building. Here are the step by steps taken to build.Using a cordless drill with the 1″ hole saw attachment you drill a hole in the very top where the funnel will ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000109A1
Автор: Bischel Kevin H.
Принадлежит: Taylor Commercial Foodservice Inc.

A dispensing apparatus () comprises: a freezing cylinder (); a water flowpath (); a first controllable valve () along the water flowpath; a syrup flowpath (), merging with the water flowpath and proceeding as a water/syrup flowpath () to the freezing cylinder; and a second controllable valve () along the syrup flowpath. The first controllable valve and the second controllable valve each comprise: a valve body () having a cartridge compartment (), an inlet () to the cartridge compartment, and an outlet () from the cartridge compartment; and a valve cartridge (). The valve cartridge comprises: a cartridge body () mounted in the cartridge compartment; a valve element () carried by the cartridge body and shiftable between a first condition permitting communication between the inlet and the outlet and a second condition blocking communication between the inlet and the outlet; and a solenoid () carried by the cartridge body and coupled to the valve element to drive movement of the valve element. 120300400. A dispensing apparatus (; ; ) comprising:{'b': '40', 'a freezing cylinder ();'}{'b': '526', 'a water flowpath ();'}{'b': '130', 'a first controllable valve () along the water flowpath;'}{'b': 528', '552, 'a syrup flowpath (), merging with the water flowpath and proceeding as a water/syrup flowpath () to the freezing cylinder; and'}{'b': '132', 'claim-text': [{'b': 144', '432', '164', '166', '176', '178, 'a valve body (; ) having a cartridge compartment (,), an inlet () to the cartridge compartment, and an outlet () from the cartridge compartment; and'}, {'b': '162', 'claim-text': [{'b': '200', 'a cartridge body () mounted in the cartridge compartment and having a valve seat;'}, {'b': '222', 'a valve element () carried by the cartridge body and having a head shiftable between a first condition disengaged from the valve seat and permitting communication between the inlet and the outlet and a second condition engaged to the valve seat and blocking communication between the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000274A1

Various beverage preparation systems and methods are disclosed. The beverage preparation system can include a dispensing unit configured to receive beverage, such as a shot of espresso, from a beverage preparation machine. The dispensing unit can include a dispensing unit with a first end and a second end. The dispensing unit can be rotatable between an upright position and an inverted position. The dispensing unit can be configured to receive the beverage through the second end when the dispensing unit is in the upright position, and can be configured to receive cleansing fluid through the second end when the dispensing unit is in the inverted position. In some embodiments, when the dispensing unit is in an intermediate position between the upright and inverted positions, the dispensing unit is configured to dispense the beverage out of the first end and into a cup or other vessel. 1. (canceled)2. A beverage preparation system configured to produce heated aerated liquid , the beverage preparation system comprising:a base comprising a base port;a container configured to engage with and disengage from the base, the container comprising an upper end and a lower end, the lower end comprising a container port with a check valve, the check valve being configured to automatically close when the container is disengaged from the base; and tubing that is configured to convey a liquid;', 'a heating unit; and', 'an aeration unit;, 'a tubing assembly connected with the base, the tubing assembly, comprising heat and aerate, with the heating unit and the aeration unit, the liquid in the tubing assembly; and', 'introduce the liquid from the tubing assembly into the container., 'the beverage preparation system being configured to3. The beverage preparation system of claim 2 , wherein the base further comprises a second base port and the container further comprises a second container port with a second check valve.4. The beverage preparation system of claim 2 , wherein the heating ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Dynamic Mixer Apparatuses for Beverage Dispensers

Номер: US20170000291A1
Принадлежит: Cornelius, Inc.

A beverage dispenser for dispensing either a hot or cold beverage, for example tea, from a common mixing chamber and a method for making and/or operating the same is disclosed. The dispense has a source of hot water, usually a heater, and a source of water, a refrigeration system to cool the water and one or more sources of flavor. The hot or cold water, or both can be provided to the common or same, mixing chamber and mixed assisted with a static and/or dynamic mixer and then dispensed. The last portion of the water is used to rinse for the next beverage. Flavor or syrup pump current is sensed to provide the appropriate amount of flavor concentrate to a known quantity of water to form a beverage of appropriate strength or syrup. 197.-. (canceled)98. A beverage dispenser comprising:a body that defines a common chamber, the body having a base liquid input that receives a base liquid, a concentrate input that receives a concentrate liquid, and an outlet tube that discharges a mixed beverage that is formed from the base liquid and the concentrate liquid; anda dynamic mixer disposed in the common chamber, wherein the dynamic mixer comprises an impeller that rotates such that the base liquid and the concentrate liquid mix to form the mixed beverage;wherein flow of the base liquid into the common chamber rotates the impeller.99. The beverage dispenser according to claim 98 , wherein the impeller is configured to shear the concentrate into the base liquid.100. The beverage dispenser according to claim 98 , wherein the body is elongated along an axis of elongation and wherein the base liquid enters the common chamber tangentially to the axis of elongation.101. The beverage dispenser according to claim 100 , wherein the impeller defines a vertical axis about which the impeller rotates claim 100 , the vertical axis being radially offset from the axis of elongation defined by the body.102. The beverage dispenser according to claim 101 , wherein the body further comprises a ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002132A1

Exemplary embodiments include a filling apparatus that can be connected to a valve on a keg, such as a Sankey-D valve, and can be used to pour alcohol and other liquids into the keg, which may be pre-filled with a non-alcoholic drink mix. The filling apparatus has an upper structure coupled to a valve assembly which is coupled to a lower structure configured to mate with a keg valve. The filling apparatus may be designed to depress portions of the keg valve to allow for both filling and venting of the keg simultaneously. The filling apparatus may include a Sankey-D coupler or a coupler with a probe portion as the lower body portion. 1. An apparatus for filling a container with liquid , the container comprising a valve that seals the container and a locking recess to receive the apparatus , the apparatus comprising:an upper hollow body having a top opening and a bottom opening, the top opening enabling a liquid to be poured into the apparatus; a locking ring that locks configured to mate with the container and lock the apparatus into place;', 'a probe that engages with the valve of the container to open a valve sealing the container; and', 'the valve assembly comprising a cylindrical structure having a valve located therein, the valve comprising an open and a closed position that regulates liquid flow from the upper hollow body to the lower body assembly., 'a lower body assembly joined to the upper hollow body by a valve assembly, the lower body comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the container is a keg and the valve sealing the container comprises a ball valve and a ring valve.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the keg comprises one of a recyclable material claim 2 , plastic claim 2 , an opaque material claim 2 , or a clear material.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein upper hollow body is funnel shaped claim 1 , tapering down from the top opening to the bottom opening.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the valve is a ball valve.6. A method of ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002136A1

A valve closure for a keg, e.g. incorporating an A-type valve arrangement, has a gas inlet port a liquid dispensing port and a valve member to sealably close the gas inlet and liquid dispensing ports. A venting mechanism includes a detent which can be activated by rotating the valve member after the keg has been filled. This mechanism, when activated, primes a resiliently deflectable circumferential arm to move the detent between the sealing face of the valve member and its valve seat when the valve is next connected for dispensing. When the mechanism is not activated it does not interfere with the normal opening and closing of the valve, e.g. during filling 1. A valve closure:{'b': '1', 'a closure body () for attachment to a container,'}{'b': '11', 'a gas inlet port (),'}{'b': '12', 'a liquid dispensing port (),'}{'b': 6', '28', '9', '2, 'valve means to sealably close the gas inlet and liquid dispensing ports, said valve means including an axially movable valve member () having a sealing face () which is co-operable with a valve seat () formed by an annular wall () to sealably close the gas inlet port;'}{'b': 23', '6, 'claim-text': {'b': 23', '28', '9, 'characterised in that, in said venting position, the detent () is interposed between the sealing face () and the valve seat ().'}, 'a detent () movable into a venting position in which the detent prevents the valve means () from sealably closing the gas inlet port;'}223226. A valve closure according to wherein the detent () is carried by an arm () which extends circumferentially about said valve member ().32223. A valve closure according to wherein the arm () is resiliently deflectable to move the detent () towards the venting position.4632342311. A valve closure according to wherein the valve member () comprises a side face () provided with a retainer () which is operable to hold the detent () in an inoperative position during opening and closing of the gas inlet port ().5634. A valve closure according to wherein ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002137A1

A new and improved touchless flowable product dispenser which is to be utilized to reduce the amount of bacteria and germs transmitted when a customer wishes to dispense a flowable product, such as, for example, various condiments into a container. This invention allows large quantities of the flowable product to be stored and dispensed without customer contact, thereby reducing the risk of germ and bacteria transmission inside of a restaurant, particularly during infectious disease events or calendar seasons. 1. A touchless flowable product dispenser so as to dispense flowable products in a hands-free , minimal contact manner , comprising:a housing;at least one first container disposed within said housing and within which a supply of at least one flowable product is stored;at least one dispensing nozzle mounted upon said housing for dispensing the at least one flowable product stored within said at least one first container;a flowable product dispensing mechanism for causing a predetermined amount of the flowable product to be dispensed from said at least one first container to said at least one dispensing nozzle when said flowable product dispensing mechanism is activated;a horizontally oriented platform disposed upon said housing for supporting at least one second container into which at least one flowable product can be dispensed; anda sensing system operatively connected to said flowable product dispensing mechanism such that when the at least one second container is disposed upon said horizontally oriented platform, a signal is transmitted to said flowable product dispensing mechanism so as to dispense a precise predetermined amount of the flowable product into the at least one second container in a hands-free, minimal contact manner.2. The system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:said at least one first container comprises at least one canister.3. The system as set forth in claim 2 , wherein:said at least one canister comprises a plurality of canisters; ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002643A1

The present invention relates to a method, apparatus and universal container for natural carbonation of beverages, which will be used in the food industry, in particular in the production of beer, sparkling wines and carbonated fruit drinks. The method of naturally occurring carbonation of beverages involves the operations of feeding with fermenting substrate, adding water, adding yeast, fermenting the resulting liquid mixture. The fermentation is carried out in a specialized container at an optimum temperature of 8° C. to 23° C., depending on the yeast species. The fermentation process lasts for 3 to 4 days and is accompanied by an increase in container pressure to 2 bar. 1. A method for natural carbonation of beverages comprising the operations:feeding with substrate for fermentation,addition of water,addition of yeast,fermentation of the resulting liquid mixture, characterized in that the fermentation is carried out in a specialized container at an optimum temperature of 8° C. to 23° C. depending on the type of yeast, wherein the fermentation process lasts 3-4 days, accompanied by an increase in container pressure to 2 bar; wherein the method also includescooling the fermented liquid mixture from 23° C. to 12° C.-0° C.;saturation of the fermented liquid mixture with fermentation carbon dioxide.2. The method for natural carbonation of beverages according to claim 1 , wherein the specialized container is a universal container equipped with a membrane expansion container.3. An apparatus for naturally carbonated beverages for natural carbonation of beverages claim 1 , comprising:a container having a cylindrical body with a conical portion at one end, the container being provided with temperature and pressure sensors, wherein the container is placed in a refrigeration chamber provided with a double bottom in which a refrigeration unit is provided, wherein the conical part of the container is formed as a truncated cone in whose small base the opening of the container ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001367A1

A water ejecting apparatus includes a case and a water ejection unit connected to one side of the case. The water ejection unit includes a fixed cover, a lifting cover, a lifting motor, a water ejection nozzle, a touch bar, a detection sensor, and a controller. The fixed cover is connected to the case. The lifting cover is movably received in the fixed cover and coupled to the lifting motor. The water ejection nozzle is installed at a lower end of the lifting cover and configured to eject water. The touch bar is at least partially received in the lifting cover and moves when in contact with a container placed below the water ejection nozzle. The detection sensor detects movement of the touch bar. The controller changes operation of the lifting motor when the detection sensor detects movement of the touch bar. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a case; and a lifting gear;', 'a lifting cover that is movable in a direction along the lifting gear;', 'a lifting motor included in the lifting cover;', 'a gear assembly engaged with the lifting motor and the lifting gear;', 'a liquid ejection nozzle disposed at an end of the lifting cover and configured to eject liquid into a liquid receiving container;', 'a touch bar at least partially housed in the lifting cover and configured to move as the touch bar contacts the liquid receiving container;', 'a detection sensor that is housed in the lifting cover, that includes a transmitter and a receiver, and that is configured to detect the touch bar as the touch bar moves between the transmitter and the receiver; and', 'a controller configured to control the lifting motor, wherein the controller is configured to change operation of the lifting motor based on the detection sensor detecting the touch bar., 'a liquid ejector comprising2. The liquid ejecting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the liquid ejector further comprises:a fixed cover connected to the case and fixing the lifting gear, wherein the lifting cover is received in ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Improved beverage dispensing tubing

Номер: US20160001520A1
Автор: Mervyn WATERWORTH

The present invention relates to improved beverage dispensing tubing, particularly suitable for transporting beer or ale, which requires less cleaning than current tubing. The tubing has a multi-layered structure where at least one of the layers is a gas barrier layer. It is further envisaged that incorporation of the tubing into a python beverage delivery system for the remote dispensing of beverages would be advantageous.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002117A1

A water ejecting apparatus includes a case and a water ejection unit connected to the case. The water ejection unit includes a fixed cover connected to the case, having atop dead point and a bottom dead point, and including a lifting gear provided between the top dead point and the bottom dead point, a lifting cover movably coupled to the fixed cover, a lifting motor coupled to the lifting cover and a gear module interworking with the lifting motor and the lifting gear, a water ejection nozzle for ejecting water, a signal detecting unit that detects a frequency generation (FG) signal generated by the lifting motor during an operation of the lifting motor, and a controller configured to control the operation of the lifting motor upon determining that the lifting cover reaches the top dead point or the bottom dead point based on the FG signal. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a case; and a lifting gear connected to the case;', 'a lifting cover connected to the case and movable with respect to the case;', 'a lifting motor coupled to the lifting cover and configured to generate a frequency generation (FG) signal based on operation of the lifting motor;', 'a gear assembly configured to engage with the lifting motor and the lifting gear;', 'a liquid ejection nozzle disposed at an end of the lifting cover and configured to eject liquid;', 'a signal detecting unit configured to detect the FG signal generated by the lifting motor; and', 'a controller connected to the signal detecting unit and configured to control the lifting motor,', 'wherein the controller is configured to determine that the lifting cover reaches a preset top dead point or a bottom dead point based on the FG signal, and change operation of the lifting motor based on the determination., 'a liquid ejector at least partially protruding from the case and comprising2. The liquid ejecting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the liquid ejector further comprises:a fixed cover connected to the case and ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Water ejecting apparatus

Номер: US20210002119A1

A water ejecting apparatus includes a case and a water ejection unit connected to one side of the case. The water ejection unit includes a first lifting cover having a lifting gear extending in an up-down direction, a second lifting cover movably accommodated inside the first lifting cover, a lifting motor coupled to the second lifting cover and configured to interwork with the lifting motor, a water ejection nozzle installed at a lower end of the second lifting cover and configured to eject water, and a light source disposed inside the second lifting cover and configured to output light to a lower side or a side surface of the second lifting cover.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002120A1

Implementations of the present disclosure are directed to dispensing beverages from a beverage dispensing machine and include determining, from computer-readable media, pour parameters for a beverage of a plurality of beverages, the pour parameters being specific to the beverage, at least one pour parameter including a tilt value, and automatically, by the beverage dispensing machine: rotating a drum that holds a vessel to achieve the tilt value, initiating dispensing of the beverage into the vessel from a tap, automatically rotating the drum to reduce the tilt value of the vessel during dispensing of the beverage, and ceasing dispensing of the beverage into the vessel from the tap, the tilt value being substantially zero upon ceasing. 120.-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method for dispensing beverages from a beverage dispensing machine , the method comprising:determining, from computer-readable media, pour parameters for a beverage of a plurality of beverages, the pour parameters being specific to the beverage, at least one pour parameter comprising a tilt value; and rotating a drum that holds a vessel to achieve the tilt value, and', 'automatically rotating the drum to reduce the tilt value of the vessel during dispensing of the beverage, such that the tilt value is substantially zero., 'automatically, by the beverage dispensing machine22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the pour parameters further comprise a flow rate and the beverage is dispensed substantially at the flow rate.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the pour parameters further comprise a variable flow rate and the beverage is dispensed at a flow rate that varies based on the variable flow rate during dispensing.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the drum rotates in a first direction for any beverage dispensed.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the drum rotates in a first direction for a first beverage that is dispensed and rotates in a second direction for a second beverage that is ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Beverage Dispensing System

Номер: US20170001849A1

The present application describes a product dispenser. The product dispenser may include at least one macro-ingredient source, at least one micro-ingredient source positioned about the dispenser, a diluent source, a dispensing valve, a number of pumps or metering devices, and a user interface. The user interface receives a request for a product type and instructs the pumps or metering devices to dispense a predetermined type and ratio of macro-ingredients, micro-ingredients, and diluent to the dispensing valve for a predetermined flow rate. 1. A beverage dispenser , comprising:a nozzle;a first pump in fluid communication with a beverage base source and the nozzle;a second pump in fluid communication with a flavoring source and the nozzle; anda user interface for receiving a request for a beverage, wherein the user interface comprises a product button that represents a beverage base, and an additive button that represents a flavor, wherein in response to a first selection of the product button and a second selection of the additive button, the user interface is adapted to instruct a dispense of the beverage base and the flavor to the nozzle at a given flow rate.2. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the beverage base is dispensed via the first pump and the flavor is dispensed via the second pump.3. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the flavor is dispensed via pulsing of the second pump claim 1 , and wherein a first pulsing level for the second pump is determined based at least in part on the given flow rate.4. The beverage dispenser of claim 3 , wherein the beverage base is dispensed via pulsing of the first pump claim 3 , and wherein a second pulsing level for the first pump is determined based at least in part on the given flow rate.5. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the beverage is dispensed from the nozzle during a continuous pour at the given flow rate.6. The beverage dispenser of claim 5 , wherein the beverage base and the flavor ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for extracting beverage from a bottle

Номер: US20170001850A1
Принадлежит: Coravin Inc

Devices and methods for extraction of a beverage from a beverage bottle, such as a wine bottle, using an extraction device. The bottle may be supported by a bottle support sleeve that surrounds all but the neck and closure at the bottle opening. The extraction device may be secured to the neck and a needle, such a a pair of needles or a two-lumen needle, may be inserted through the closure to inject pressurized gas into the bottle and to remove beverage from the bottle by the needle. The support sleeve may support the bottle during beverage extraction, e.g., by compressing the bottle exterior.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001851A1
Автор: ISTIN Jean-Francois
Принадлежит: NDMAC SYSTEMS

A liquid-dispensing device includes: a table, including a body and a plate, the body including three casks containing a liquid, each cask including a shell in which a pouch, made of a flexible material and containing the liquid, is positioned; three draft circuits, extending from each cask to three dispensing taps; a system for cooling the draft circuit; three pressurized draft systems for drawing the liquid from each cask, the draft system including a solenoid valve in each draft circuit, between the cask and the tap; a system for managing the device, the managing system being provided to control dispensing by opening or closing the solenoid valve; and wheels enabling movement of the device. The plate includes: three liquid-dispensing taps; and a unit for interacting with the management system, which is suitable for interfacing with the liquid-dispensing control. The managing system is connected to a database via a connector. 11017. A liquid-dispensing device forming a table comprising a body () and a plate () , wherein:{'b': 10', '11', '24', '11', '15', '12', '13', '11', '13', '25', '24', '14', '25, 'the body () includes three casks () containing a liquid to be dispensed, each cask comprising a shell inside which a pouch made of a flexible material and containing the liquid is positioned, three draft circuits () extending from each cask () to three dispensing taps (), a system () for cooling the draft circuit, three pressurized draft systems () for drawing the liquid from each cask (), said draft system () comprising a solenoid valve () in each draft circuit () between the cask and the tap, a system () for managing the device adapted to control the dispensing of liquids by opening or closing the solenoid valve (), and castors adapted to enable movement of the device,'}{'b': 17', '15', '16', '14', '14', '37, 'the plate () includes: three liquid-dispensing taps () and means () for interacting with the management system () adapted to interface with the function ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001852A1

A portable beverage dispenser with a variable pressure regulator cap assembly that includes a high pressure cavity defined by a cap body. The high pressure cavity receives pressurized gas from a compressed gas reservoir. A low pressure cavity is connected to the high pressure cavity via a high pressure gas passageway. The low pressure cavity defines a low pressure gas passageway that penetrates the cap body. A gauge, such as a pressure and/or temperature gauge provides feedback about characteristics of the beverage contained within the dispenser. 1. A portable container for storing and dispensing a carbonated beverage , comprising:a container body structured to contain a liquid within an internal space of the container body;a lid structured to be at least partially removed from the container body in an open position to allow the liquid to enter the container body, and structured to be coupled to the container body in a closed position, the container body and the lid in the closed position acting in concert to contain the liquid and a gas above atmospheric pressure within the internal space of the container body;a dispensing tube in fluid communication with the container body and structured to allow the liquid from within the container body to pass outside of the container body;a pressurized gas source;a regulator structured to allow a controlled amount of pressurized gas from the pressurized gas source to flow into the internal space of the container body; anda gauge structured to measure a characteristic of the liquid within the internal space of the container body, and structured to provide an indication of the measured characteristic.2. The portable container for storing and dispensing a carbonated beverage according to claim 1 , in which the measured characteristic of the liquid is pressure.3. The portable container for storing and dispensing a carbonated beverage according to claim 1 , in which the measured characteristic of the liquid is temperature.4. The ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001853A1
Принадлежит: JRP Corporation

A beverage container has a body having an inlet which is formed so as to penetrate the bottom of a receiving unit. A holder is coupled to the inlet to open and close the inlet upon ascending or descending with a nozzle of a beverage supply device being inserted into the holder. A locking member is coupled to the ascending/descending wall of the holder to allow the holder to close the inlet. The locking member has a plurality of elastic arms for elastically supporting the holder. 1. A beverage container comprising:a main body having an inlet penetratingly formed in the bottom of a receiving unit thereof;a holder, which is coupled to said inlet and opens and closes said inlet through ascending and descending thereof, wherein a nozzle of a beverage supplying apparatus is inserted; anda locking member which is coupled to the elevating wall body of said holder and has a plurality of elastic arms elastically and downwardly supporting said holder which are in contact with the lower surface of said bottom of said main body so that said holder can close said inlet.2. The beverage container according to claim 1 , wherein said holder is provided with a packing member which is coupled to the lower portion of the upper wall body of said holder and in contact with said bottom of said main body around the circumference of said inlet.3. The beverage container according to claim 2 , wherein said main body includes a seating portion which is formed of a partially recessed portion of said bottom around said circumference of said inlet for said packing member to be inserted into said seating portion and be tightly contacted on said seating portion.4. The beverage container according to claim 1 , wherein said elastic arms is formed by cutting a portion of the body along an outer circumference of the center hole portion of said locking member and being upwardly bended for the elastic force of said elastic arms to be exerted claim 1 ,and the space remaining after cutting off said portion ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Liquid Toppings Dispensing System

Номер: US20190001859A1
Автор: Lamb Tony

A mobile confectionary apparatus includes a vehicle with at least one upstanding side wall. An interior space may be surrounded by the upstanding side wall. An opening may extend through the side wall. A liquid toppings dispensing system is adjustably positionable adjacent to the side wall and includes a first plurality of liquid dispensers configured to dispense at least one liquid topping. The liquid toppings dispensing system is pivotable relative to the side wall between a first position and a second position. The liquid toppings dispensing system is located externally of the side wall in each of the first and second positions. 1. A mobile confectionary apparatus , comprising:a vehicle including at least one upstanding side wall;an interior space surrounded by the at least one upstanding side wall and configured to receive at least one person; anda liquid toppings dispensing system including a housing being positioned adjacent to the at least one upstanding side wall and including a plurality of liquid dispensers configured to dispense at least one liquid topping onto the item, each of the plurality of liquid dispensers being in fluid communication with at least one reservoir holding the at least one liquid topping, with the liquid toppings dispensing system being located externally of the at least one upstanding side wall and spaced laterally therefrom so as to be juxtaposed with the at least one upstanding side wall.2. The mobile confectionary apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle includes an opening extending through the at least one upstanding side wall and through which an item may be passed from the interior space to outside of the vehicle.3. The mobile confectionary apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of liquid dispensers is arranged along an axis that is generally parallel to a longitudinal axis of the liquid toppings dispensing system.4. The mobile confectionary apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising at least one tube extending from the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002153A1
Автор: AN Siyeon, KIM Yonghyun

A water dispenser and a method of controlling a water dispenser are provided. The water dispenser may control power output of an induction heater having a hot water module based on changes in flow rate of water supplied or a temperature of water discharged. 1. A water dispenser , comprising:a tube configured to receive water;a flow sensor provided along the tube, the flow sensor configured to sense an amount of water flowing through the tube;a water tank configured to receive the water;a heater to heat the water in the water tank by induction heating; anda controller that reduces power output of the heater when a flow rate of water sensed by the flow sensor is a prescribed flow rate or less.2. The water dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the heater includes:a coil that is wound at a position facing the water tank and generates an electromagnetic force to heat water in the water tank via induction heating;a plurality of ferrite cores that is circumferentially arranged around a center of the coil to prevent a loss of the electromagnetic force generated by the coil; anda mounting bracket on which the water tank, the coil, and the plurality of ferrite cores are mounted.3. The water dispenser of claim 2 , wherein the controller is provided on a rear of the heater and coupled to a rear of the mounting bracket.4. The water dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the controller reduces the power output of the heater in proportion to a decrease of the water flow rate sensed by the flow sensor.5. The water dispenser of claim 1 , wherein a control valve that controls the flow rate of water supplied is provided on the supply pipe claim 1 , and the control valve is integrated with the flow sensor.6. A water dispenser comprising:a water storage tank to receive water;an induction heater that heats water in the water storage tank;a discharge pipe that discharges water heated by the induction heater from the water storage tank;a temperature sensor provided on the discharge pipe, the temperature ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002156A1

Devices, systems, and methods for thermally regulating and dispensing beverages are described herein. More particularly, in one aspect, jackets for thermally regulating a beverage container are described. Such a jacket can comprise an interior temperature control layer defining an interior space for receiving the beverage container, and an exterior fabric layer disposed over the interior temperature control layer. The interior temperature control layer comprises a first phase change material (PCM) having a first phase transition temperature corresponding to a desired service temperature of a beverage contained in the beverage container. 1. A jacket for thermally regulating a beverage container , the jacket comprising:an interior temperature control layer defining an interior space for receiving the beverage container, wherein the interior temperature control layer comprises a first phase change material (PCM) having a first phase transition temperature corresponding to a desired service temperature of a beverage contained in the beverage container; andan exterior fabric layer disposed over the interior temperature control layer.2. The jacket of claim 1 , wherein the first PCM comprises a paraffin claim 1 , polymeric material claim 1 , salt hydrate claim 1 , fatty acid claim 1 , alkyl ester of a fatty acid claim 1 , fatty carbonate ester claim 1 , sulfonate claim 1 , or phosphonate claim 1 , fatty alcohol claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.3. The jacket of claim 1 , wherein the first PCM is not ice.4. The jacket of claim 1 , wherein the first phase transition temperature is between 33 and 44° F. or between 160 and 185° F.5. The jacket of further comprising a second temperature control layer disposed between the first temperature control layer and the exterior fabric layer claim 1 , the second temperature control layer comprising a second PCM having a second phase transition temperature.6. The jacket of claim 5 , wherein the second phase transition temperature is lower ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002155A1
Автор: Kelly Jim

A container includes a plastics pressure vessel defining a hollow interior volume suitable for containing a quantity of a liquid, and comprising an inlet/outlet aperture extending through a wall thereof, and being in fluid communication with the hollow interior thereof. An insert, manufactured from a different, harder plastics material to that of the pressure vessel is provided within the inlet/outlet aperture, which is sealingly united (fused) with a periphery of the container to be securely retained therein. The plastics pressure vessel can be blow moulded around the insert so as to sealingly unite or fuse with the insert in the region of the interface between the different materials of which vessel and insert are formed. The insert may have a series of flats machined or otherwise formed around and into its outer circumferential surface so the insert is inhibited from axially or rotationally displacing relative to the pressure vessel. 110203822202420242120. A container () comprising: a plastics pressure vessel () defining a hollow interior volume () suitable , in use , for containing a quantity of a liquid , the pressure vessel comprising an inlet/outlet aperture () extending through a wall of , and being in fluid communication with the hollow interior of , the pressure vessel (); and an insert () manufactured from a different material to that of the pressure vessel () , wherein the insert () is fused with a periphery of the inlet/outlet aperture () of the pressure vessel () , in use.21020. The container () of claim 1 , wherein the pressure vessel () is manufactured via a blow-moulding process.31020. The container () of or claim 1 , the pressure vessel () is manufactured from a material in the group consisting of: polypropylene claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , and any other recyclable or re-processable polymer.4102420. The container () of any preceding claim wherein the insert () is manufactured from a plastics material of relatively higher density than the material from ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Beverage Dispensing System

Номер: US20190002263A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A beverage dispensing system for selectively dispensing a beverage in a vehicle includes a vehicle that has a cabin and an outer surface. A refrigerator is positioned within the vehicle and the refrigerator contains and cools a beverage. A dispensing unit is fluidly coupled to the refrigerator and the dispensing unit selectively dispenses the beverage. The dispensing unit is positioned within the cabin to be accessible to a driver of the vehicle. A charging unit is coupled to the vehicle thereby facilitating the charging to be exposed to sunlight. The charging unit converts sunlight into electrical energy and the charging unit is electrically coupled to the refrigerator and the dispensing unit.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002264A1

A beverage dispensing system is provided. The beverage dispensing system can include a nozzle module connected to a beverage dispenser housing. The nozzle module can be vertically and/or horizontally spaced from a beverage dispenser valve and nozzle. 1. A beverage dispenser comprising:a dispenser housing including a valve retaining housing surface;a beverage dispensing valve extending from the dispenser housing, the beverage dispensing valve including a dispenser nozzle and a valve housing to attach to the valve retaining housing surface, the beverage dispensing valve being supported on the valve retaining housing surface such that the dispenser nozzle is generally aligned along a first axis; and a nozzle module housing having a first end abutting an upper end of the dispenser housing and a second end extending from the first end; and', 'a nozzle module nozzle adjacent the second end such that the nozzle module nozzle is aligned along a second axis that is parallel to and spaced apart from the first axis in a horizontal direction., 'a nozzle module including2. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the first axis is spaced a first horizontal distance from the valve retaining housing surface and the second axis is spaced a second horizontal distance from the valve retaining housing surface such that the second horizontal distance is greater than the first horizontal distance.3. The beverage dispenser of claim 2 , wherein the second axis is spaced apart from the first horizontal axis a vertical distance in a range from approximately one inch to approximately 15 inches.4. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising:a second beverage dispensing valve extending from the dispenser housing, the second beverage dispensing valve including a second dispenser nozzle and a second valve housing to attach to the valve retaining housing surface, the second beverage dispensing valve being supported on the valve retaining housing surface such that the second ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002265A1
Автор: II William Gaylord, Lunney

The system may be used to retain and delivery liquid from an interior of a cavity to an exterior thereof. The device may include a housing and a dispenser that is integrated into the housing. The housing may hold one or more storage containers containing a liquid. The dispenser includes a system to translate the fluid from within the storage container to a position exterior of the housing. The system may include nozzles located on an exterior surface of the housing for dispensing liquid from the interior of the storage containers. 1. A device for dispensing a liquid , wherein the device comprises:a housing; anda liquid dispenser that is integrated into the housing,wherein the housing is configured to hold a plurality of storage containers that contain a liquid, and the liquid dispenser is configured to mate with the storage container such that a fluid flow path is defined from an interior of the container to an exterior of the housing.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein an outer profile of the housing includes a reduced diameter lower portion and a stepwise transition to an upper portion such that the housing is configured to be mate with a bed of a truck.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein an exterior floor of the housing is configured to rest on an interior bottom surface of the bed of the truck claim 2 , and a flanged surface defined by the stepwise transition is configured to rest on a perimeter rim of the bed of the truck.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the liquid dispenser further comprises one or more tubes and one or more nozzles claim 3 , and the one or more nozzles are located on an exterior surface of the housing claim 3 , and the tubes are configured to carry liquid from the storage container to the nozzle.5. The device of claim 4 , further comprising a liquid collection system configured to receive fluid dispensed from the one or more nozzles and return the fluid to an interior of the housing.6. The device of claim 4 , wherein the housing comprises an ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002266A1
Автор: Lambrecht Gregory
Принадлежит: Coravin, Inc.

Devices and methods for extraction of a beverage from a beverage bottle, such as a wine bottle, using an extraction device. An aeration nozzle may be used to generate one or more jets of beverage arranged to expose the beverage to ambient air or other surrounding gas. 1. A beverage dispensing device , comprising:a conduit arranged to provide a flow of beverage under pressure to a distal end of the conduit;a housing having an inlet fluidly coupled to the distal end of the conduit and a flowpath extending from the inlet; anda plurality of flow channels each having an inlet end fluidly coupled to the flowpath and extending to an outlet end, each of the plurality of flow channels being closed from the inlet end to the outlet end and arranged to receive pressurized beverage from the flowpath at the inlet end and to produce a jet of beverage at the outlet end.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a source of pressurized gas arranged to deliver pressurized gas into a beverage container claim 1 , wherein the conduit is fluidly coupled to the beverage container to receive the flow of beverage under pressure caused by the pressurized gas in the beverage container.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising a valve arranged to control a flow of pressurized gas into the beverage container or to control the flow of beverage under pressure from the beverage container.4. The device of claim 3 , further comprising a needle arranged to be inserted through a closure of a beverage container to deliver the pressurized gas into the beverage container and to deliver beverage under pressure from the beverage container to the conduit.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flowpath includes a portion with an increasing cross-sectional area in a direction from the inlet to the plurality of flow channels.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:an outer ring having a first outer surface arranged to engage with the housing and a first inner surface defining an opening; andan ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Stopcock for Beverage Dispenser

Номер: US20180003303A1
Принадлежит: Anheuser Busch InBev SA

A stopcock controls the flow of a liquid under pressure through a dispensing tube with an upstream portion separated by the stopcock from a downstream portion. The stopcock includes a housing portion with a chamber defined by a housing peripheral wall surrounding a longitudinal z-axis. The housing peripheral wall has an inner surface of revolution with a housing inlet opening connectable to the upstream portion of the dispensing tube. The stopcock includes an outlet connector connectable to the downstream portion of the dispensing tube and comprising an outlet opening. A plug defined by a plug outer peripheral wall snugly fitting the inner surface of revolution of the housing peripheral wall. The plug can rotate within the chamber about the longitudinal z-axis. The plug has a through-channel extending from an upstream opening located on the plug outer peripheral wall, to a downstream opening, such that the plug can be rotated about the longitudinal z-axis from a flow position to a sealed position, wherein, the plug outer peripheral wall comprises a seal protrusion topped by a ridge and forming a closed loop defining a blank area of the plug outer peripheral wall, such that, in the sealed position, the housing inlet opening of the housing peripheral wall faces the blank area and is circumscribed within the seal protrusion. The plug outer peripheral wall has a flow protrusion topped by a ridge circumscribing the upstream opening such that, in the flow position, the inlet opening of the cylindrical chamber peripheral wall is circumscribed by the flow protrusion, wherein said flow protrusion preferably shares a common portion of protrusion with the seal protrusion.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008768A1

Fixed systems and method for extinguishing large scale industrial tank fires, with and without fixed roofs, and featuring aerated foam projecting nozzles and including fixed center directed nozzles. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for extinguishing fire in an industrial tank , comprising:forcefully projecting a first aerated foam, having an expansion ratio of at least 2-to-1 to 8-to-1 through an opening in a top portion of a industrial tank wall radially toward the center of the industrial tank in a substantially focused stream through a first fluid conduit having a forcefully projecting nozzle at its distal end, wherein a tapered portion is located in the first fluid conduit downstream of, and in fluid communication with, a first ambient air aeration chamber, a first end of the tapered portion is larger than a second end of the tapered portion, the second end of the tapered portion is connected to a tip portion of the forcefully projecting nozzle; andprojecting a second aerated foam, having an expansion ratio of at least 2-to-1 to 8-to-1 through two discharge nozzles located in a second fluid conduit at its distal end, in roughly opposing directions, along interior side wall portions of the industrial tank, wherein the second fluid conduit is adjacent to, and proximate to, the first fluid conduit.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the forcefully projecting nozzle claim 10 , if set at 0 degree inclination to a horizon and at a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch (psi) claim 10 , and if a landing footprint is measured on a horizontal plane five feet below its discharge orifice claim 10 , and when projecting the first aerated foam with an expansion ratio of between 3-to-1 and 5-to-1 claim 10 , is capable of landing at least 50% of the first aerated foam greater than 50 feet from the discharge orifice.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the forcefully projecting nozzle is capable of landing at least 50% of the first aerated foam greater than 50 feet from the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Beverage cooling device and beverage supplying system using cooling device

Номер: US20150007962A1
Автор: Hee-Jong Yoon
Принадлежит: Winix Inc

A beverage cooling device capable of improving cooling efficiency is disclosed. The beverage cooling device includes: a beverage storing tank having an inlet through which a new beverage is injected and an outlet through which a cooled beverage is discharged; a cooling unit for cooling a beverage supplied to the beverage storing tank by forming a frozen layer on an inner side wall surface of the beverage storing tank; a beverage flow guide unit provided in the beverage storing tank and increasing cooling efficiency by increasing an area which is in contact with the frozen layer while the beverage injected from the inlet is moved to the outlet; and a passage securing unit preventing a passage through which the beverage is movable from being blocked by the frozen layer formed to be expanded to the beverage flow guide unit.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Contactless liquid dispensing valve

Номер: US20220017354A1
Принадлежит: Deltrol Corp

A contactless valve configured to dispense a liquid can include an actuator configured to move a plug between a closed position in which the plug prevents the flow of liquid through valve body, and an open position in which liquid can be dispensed through an outlet. The valve can include an activation sensor, a presence sensor, and a controller configured to control the actuator and in electrical communication with the activation sensor and the presence sensor. The controller can be configured to switch the presence sensor into the activated state in response to the detection of the prerequisite condition by the activation sensor, and to control the actuator to move the plug from the closed position to the open position in response to the detection of the object in the upper detection zone by the presence sensor.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Dispensing a Beverage

Номер: US20170008746A1
Принадлежит: E.& J. Gallo Winery

A system and method for dispensing a beverage. The system includes a beverage cartridge that stores any liquid and has a spout for dispensing the stored liquid. The beverage cartridge may be inserted into a beverage press that includes a housing for receiving the beverage cartridge. The beverage press also includes a tap that engages the spout of the beverage cartridge, and a lifting assembly that exerts force on the beverage cartridge. Pressing the tap activates the spout of the beverage cartridge to dispense the stored liquid through the spout and out of the tap of the beverage press, a system for dispensing a beverage. 1. A system for dispensing a beverage , comprising:a beverage cartridge storing a liquid and having a spout that dispenses the stored liquid; anda beverage press including a housing that receives the beverage cartridge, a tap that engages the spout of the beverage cartridge, and a lifting assembly that exerts force on the beverage cartridge, wherein the tap activates the spout of the beverage cartridge to dispense the stored liquid through the spout and out of the tap of the beverage press.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the beverage cartridge includes a removable label that covers the spout.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the beverage cartridge includes a cavity and the spout of the beverage cartridge is stored within the cavity when the removable label is on the beverage cartridge.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the spout of the beverage cartridge may extend out from the beverage cartridge after removing the removable label.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the beverage cartridge includes a beverage bag that stores the liquid.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the spout of the beverage cartridge is engaged with an opening of the beverage bag.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the beverage cartridge includes a tap locator that receives the spout that is engaged with an opening of the beverage bag.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008747A1
Автор: Niazi Sarfaraz K.

A non-chemical leaching fluoropolymer container for dispensing, storing and aerating degradable wines. 1. (canceled)2. The container of claim 4 , wherein the fluoropolymer is polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) claim 4 , perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) claim 4 , or fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP).3. (canceled)4. A wine holding and pouring container comprising:a) a flexible, collapsible fluoropolymer bag completely filled with a wine;b) at least one flexible fluoropolymer tube having a wall, a proximal end connected to the bag and a distal end in communication with the outside;c) a clamp to hermetically close and open the tube;d) a hanging mean to dispose the bag in a vertical position.5. The container of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , the tube wall comprises a plurality of holes in the wall of the tube between the clamp and the distal end of the tube.6. The container of claim 4 , wherein the clamp is a compression valve.7. The container of claim 4 , wherein the wine is poured out of the container by disposing the bag in a vertical position by connecting the hanging means of the container to an external support claim 4 , opening the clamp and allowing the wine to pour under gravity effect through the distal end of the tube and closing the clamp upon completion of the pouring of wine. Wine is produced from the fermentation of plant sugars into alcohol by yeasts. Typically the alcohol content of a wine is in the region of 9-15% alcohol by volume. In addition to the alcohol content wines typically contains a myriad of complex organic compounds that contribute to the taste and flavor of the product. Most but not all of these organic compounds, including the alcohol, may be subject to chemical reaction on exposure to atmospheric oxygen producing a chemically altered product. The chemistry of wine is complex and there is merit, in some cases, of exposing a wine to atmospheric oxygen—generally known as allowing a wine to ‘breathe’.However, extended exposure to oxygen can result in the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Dispenser Head for a Beverage Cask

Номер: US20170008748A1
Автор: Carl Meinhard Becker
Принадлежит: CMB Schankanlagen GmbH

Provided herein is a dispenser head for a beverage cask which has a valve head with a spring-loaded valve disc. The dispenser head includes a housing, a connection element for fastening the housing to the valve head of the beverage cask, a propellant gas inlet, configured on the housing, for connecting a propellant gas line, a ram which is mounted movably in the housing and contains a riser duct and which, by pressing into the valve head, opens the spring-loaded valve disc, a liquid outlet for connecting a beverage line and an actuating mechanism for actuating the ram. The actuating mechanism is configured as a rotational mechanism which has a spiral gearing and a hand wheel connected to the ram and to the spiral gearing.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008749A1

Provided is a water supply apparatus () including: a cooling tank (), a refrigerating systems and a heat exchange device (). The cooling tank is provided with a cold water outlet () and suitable to connected to water source; the refrigeration system comprises a compressor (), a condenser (), a throttling device () and the evaporator (). The heat exchange device () is arranged outside the cooling tank () and provided with a water inlet () and a water outlet () communicating with the inside of the cooling tank (), wherein the heat exchange device () is constructed such that water in the cooling tank () flows into the heat exchange device () from the water inlet () and performs a heat exchange with the evaporator (), the water after the heat exchange flows out from the water outlet () and flows back to the cooling tank (). 1. A water supply apparatus , comprising:a cooling tank with a cold water outlet, wherein the cooling tank is suitable for being connected with a water source and the water source is configured for supplying water to the cooling tank;a refrigeration system comprising a compressor, a condenser, a throttling device and an evaporator sequentially connected head to tail; anda heat exchange device disposed outside the cooling tank and provided with a water inlet and a water outlet communicating with an inside of the cooling tank;wherein the heat exchange device is configured such that water in the cooling tank flows into the heat exchange device from the water inlet and performs a heat exchange with the evaporator, the water after the heat exchange flows out from the water outlet and flows back to the cooling tank.2. The water supply apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchange device comprises a body in which the water inlet and the water outlet are formed claim 1 , wherein the evaporator is provided inside the body.3. The water supply apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchange device comprises a heat exchange tube claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008750A1

A beverage dispensing system includes a control system electrically connected with a beverage dispenser, a proximity sensor, and a touch-sensitive display. The control system causes the touch-sensitive display to display an advertising state when the proximity sensor indicates a user is not present at the beverage dispensing system and a beverage selection state when the proximity sensor indicates a user is present. The control system further causes the touch-sensitive display to display a pour state after a beverage choice selection is made through the touch sensitive display during the display of the beverage selection state. The control system still further causes the beverage dispenser to deliver the beverage choice after a pour request is made through the touch sensitive display during the display of the pour state. 151-. (canceled)52: A method of configuring a beverage dispensing system , comprising:a. determining a total number of beverage choices the beverage dispensing system is configured to dispense;b. displaying on a touch-sensitive display of the beverage dispensing system three-dimensional graphical representations of cups movable in a progression through non-beverage selection positions and a beverage selection position and equal in number to the total number of beverage choices;c. accessing from a control system of the beverage dispensing system beverage information files for all beverage choices available for dispensing from the beverage dispensing system; retrieves from a beverage information file associated with the beverage choice a drink brand label associated with the beverage choice and beverage delivery information, and', 'displays one of the cups having thereon the drink brand label associated with the beverage choice;, 'd. selecting a beverage choice for dispensing from the beverage dispensing system from the beverage information files, wherein the control systeme. coupling a source of the beverage choice to a dispensing valve of the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008448A1
Автор: SEKITA Miyako

A beverage nucleator system for a supercooled beverage container may include a frame for receiving a beverage container and an ultrasonic device positioned therein. The frame may include a beverage container aperture therein sized to allow direct contact between an ultrasonic transmitter coupled to the ultrasonic device and a closure on the container. The ultrasonic transmitter may operate at a 28 kHz frequency with a power of 5 W for 1-5 seconds. The beverage nucleator system provides for consistent nucleation of supercooled beverages without requiring a fluid or gel transmission medium. 1. A beverage nucleator system for a supercooled beverage container , comprising:an ultrasonic device with an ultrasonic transmitter; anda frame with the ultrasonic device positioned therein;the frame comprising a beverage container aperture therein,wherein the beverage container aperture is sized to allow for direct contact between the ultrasonic transmitter and the container.2. The beverage nucleator system of claim 1 , wherein the container comprises a bottle with a closure and wherein the beverage container aperture is sized for receiving the closure.3. The beverage nucleator system of claim 2 , wherein the direct contact on the container is on the closure.4. The beverage nucleator system of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic device comprises a contact switch.5. The beverage nucleator system of claim 4 , wherein the contact switch is positioned adjacent to the beverage container aperture.6. The beverage nucleator system of claim 1 , wherein the frame comprises an upper ledge and wherein the upper ledge comprises the beverage container aperture.7. The beverage nucleator system of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic device comprises a portable ultrasonic device.8. The beverage nucleator system of claim 1 , wherein the frame comprises a thermoplastic or a stainless steel.9. The beverage nucleator system of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic device provides point transmission of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009536A1
Автор: ORITA Yoshinori

A water dispenser includes a replaceable water bottle formed flexible so as to be collapsible as the amount of water remaining in the water bottle decreases. The water dispenser further includes a raw water pumping pipe provided with: a water inlet hole configured such that drinking water in the water bottle can be introduced into the raw water pumping pipe through the water inlet hole, when the raw water pumping pipe is connected to the water bottle; and an air inlet hole configured such that air in the water bottle can be introduced into the drinking water in the raw water pumping pipe through the air inlet hole, as air bubbles, when the water level in the water bottle is higher than the position of the water inlet hole. 1. A water dispenser comprising: a raw water pumping pipe configured to be connected to a replaceable water bottle formed flexible so as to be collapsible as an amount of water remaining in the water bottle decreases; and a pump for pumping out drinking water from the water bottle through the raw water pumping pipe;wherein the raw water pumping pipe includes:a water inlet hole arranged such that with the raw water pumping pipe connected to the water bottle, drinking water in the water bottle can be introduced into the raw water pumping pipe through the water inlet hole; andan air inlet hole arranged such that air in the water bottle can be introduced into the drinking water in the raw water pumping pipe through the air inlet hole, as air bubbles, when a water level in the water bottle is higher than a position of the water inlet hole.2. The water dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the air inlet has a sectional area that is smaller than a sectional area of the water inlet hole. The present invention relates to a water dispenser which supplies drinking water from a replaceable water bottle filled with drinking water such as mineral water.Conventionally, water dispensers have been used primarily in offices and in hospitals. With a growing ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009537A1
Автор: ORITA Yoshinori
Принадлежит: Kabushiki Kaisha Cosmo Life

A water dispenser is provided which includes a cold water tank, a raw water pumping pipe through which a raw water container communicates with the cold water tank, a pump provided at an intermediate portion of the raw water pumping pipe, a buffer tank provided beside the cold water tank, a buffer tank supply pipe through which the air layer in the buffer tank communicates with the cold water tank, a hot water tank provided below the buffer tank, a hot water tank supply pipe through which the buffer tank communicates with the hot water tank, first and second three way valves provided in the raw water pumping pipe, a first sterilization pipe through which the first three-way valve communicates with the buffer tank, and a second sterilization pipe through which the second three-way valve communicates with the hot water tank. 1. A water dispenser comprising:a cold water tank capable of storing low-temperature drinking water to be discharged to outside;a replaceable raw water container filled with drinking water to be supplied into the cold water tank;a raw water pumping pipe through which the raw water container communicates with the cold water tank;a pump provided at an intermediate portion of the raw water pumping pipe;a buffer tank provided beside the cold water tank and containing air forming an upper air layer, and drinking water forming a lower drinking water layer;a buffer tank supply pipe through which the air layer in the buffer tank communicates with the interior of the cold water tank and which is configured such that drinking water in the cold water tank can be introduced into the buffer tank through the buffer tank supply pipe;a float valve configured to open and close an end of the buffer tank supply pipe on a side of the buffer tank according to a water level in the buffer tank;a hot water tank disposed below the buffer tank and capable of storing high-temperature drinking water to be discharged to outside;a hot water tank supply pipe through which the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009541A1
Автор: ORITA Yoshinori

A water dispenser is provided which includes a cold water discharging mechanism and a hot water discharging mechanism, each including a valve body, a locking member configured to block the movement of the valve body to an open position, and a key member configured to maintain a state where each of the cold water discharging mechanism and the hot water discharging mechanism is unlocked. When each of the cold water discharging mechanism and the hot water discharging mechanism is in the unlocked state, the key member is configured to come into contact with an unlocking button which is pressed in to unlock the locking member, so that the unlocked state of each of the cold water discharging mechanism and the hot water discharging mechanism can be maintained. 1. A water dispenser comprising a cold water discharging mechanism configured to discharge cold water; and a hot water discharging mechanism configured to discharge hot water; each of the cold water discharging mechanism and the hot water discharging mechanism comprising:a valve body provided in a flow passage formed in each of the water discharging mechanisms;a locking member operable from outside so as to be movable between a locking position at which the locking member prevents the valve body from moving to an open position and an unlocking position at which the locking member does not prevent the valve body from moving to the open position; anda key member operable from outside so as to be movable between a first position at which the locking member is maintained in the unlocking position by the key member and a second position at which the locking member is not maintained in the unlocking position by the key member.2. The water dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the locking members of the cold water discharging mechanism and the hot water discharging mechanism are configured to be capable of being operated independently of each other claim 1 , and wherein the key members of the cold water discharging ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009553A1

A method for treating kegs in a container-treatment machine includes passing a first keg through a first set of treatment stations on the container-treatment machine and passing a second keg through a second set of treatment stations on the container-treatment machine. The first and second sets depend on a condition of the first and second kegs. 1. An apparatus comprising a container-treatment machine for treating containers selected from the group consisting of kegs having valve closures , and casks , said apparatus comprising a first treatment station , a second treatment station , a first transporter , a second transporter , and first and second intermediate conveyors , wherein said first and second transporters are parallel , wherein said first and second transporters transport containers , wherein said first and second treatment stations are arranged between said first and said second transport devices , wherein said first and second treatment stations are associated with said first and second intermediate conveyors respectively , wherein said intermediate conveyors convey containers to said associated treatment stations , wherein said intermediate conveyors extend between said first and second transport devices , and wherein said intermediate conveyors convey containers in contrary directions.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said container-treatment device is configured to operate said first and second transport paths and at least one of said intermediate conveyors to define a serpentine path along which a container meanders through said container-treatment machine.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first treatment station comprises a filling station and said second treatment station comprises a cleaning station.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first treatment station comprises a main cleaning station and said second treatment station comprises a pre-cleaning station.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said treatment ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Pressurized Beverage Concentrates and Appliances and Methods for Producing Beverages Therefrom

Номер: US20180009647A1

The present invention describes methods and devices in which concentrated beverage products, each packaged in a pressurized container, can be combined with liquids and/or other ingredients to produce one or more servings of a beverage. These products provide users with a convenient way to prepare both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (including carbonated beverages) in various serving sizes and quantities by combining the pressurized beverage concentrate with (possibly carbonated) liquids and other ingredients. 1. A device for delivering a concentrated beverage , comprising:a concentrated beverage;a container for containing the concentrated beverage; anda pressurized gas.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the container is selected from the group consisting of a pod claim 1 , a pack claim 1 , a capsule claim 1 , a bottle claim 1 , a cylinder claim 1 , and a cartridge.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the container is composed of a material selected from the group consisting of steel claim 2 , aluminum claim 2 , polyethylene terephthalate (PET) claim 2 , high-density polyethylene (HDPE) claim 2 , glass claim 2 , and ceramics.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the container can withstand a gas pressure of at least 30 bar above atmospheric pressure.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the container can withstand a gas pressure of at least 40 bar above atmospheric pressure.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the container is reusable.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein multiple servings of a beverage can be produced from the concentrated beverage.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the concentrated beverage is a beer claim 1 , a cider claim 1 , a wine claim 1 , a spirit claim 1 , a soft drink claim 1 , a juice claim 1 , a coffee claim 1 , or a tea.9. The device of claim 8 , wherein the concentrated beverage is a high-gravity beer having a specific gravity of at least 1.070.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the concentrated beverage has a sugar content of about 40 ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Reusable Vessel for Dispensing Beverages and Method of Storing and Dispensing Beverages

Номер: US20180009648A1
Автор: Astolfi John Theodore

The invention includes a vessel comprised of a rectilinear primary casing made from a polymer material and a removable dispenser and methods of dispensing and filling and cleaning the vessel. The vessel further includes a one-way valve that may be used to introduce gases to the vessel once the dispenser is attached and sealed to the primary casing, an optional integrated handle and optional integrated feet. 1. A reusable vessel for storing beverages with dissolved gases comprising:(a) a rectilinear primary casing made from food-grade polymer comprising front face, a bottom face, a back face, two side faces, and a top face, wherein the top face includes an integrated top handle, the front face includes a dispenser hole located on its bottom half, and the front face includes a valve for pressurization located on its top half, and(b) a removable dispensing head and dispensing mechanism,wherein the removable dispensing head is attached to the primary casing at the dispenser hole.2. The vessel as claimed in further comprising a pressurization source.3. The vessel as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the pressurization source comprises a carbon dioxide or nitrogen cartridge assembly.4. The vessel as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the pressurization source comprises (a) a threaded injector and (b) a carbon dioxide or nitrogen cartridge with an initial capacity of 8 grams to 16 grams.5. The vessel as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said front face and top face are connected by an upper seating panel claim 3 , and wherein said cartridge assembly rests on said upper seating panel.6. The vessel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said removable dispensing head comprises: a horizontal main body which is tubular claim 1 , a flatly flared liquid inflow end claim 1 , a dispenser mechanism attachment end opposite the liquid inflow end of the main body claim 1 , and a liquid outflow conduit protruding from the horizontal main body claim 1 , wherein the mechanism attachment end has exterior screw ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Hydrogen-enriched Water Generator and Dispenser

Номер: US20180009682A1
Автор: ZHANG Hongkai

A hydrogen-enriched water generator and dispenser includes a main casing, a hydrogen water generator supported in the main casing, and a water tank. The hydrogen water generator includes a magnetic field generator and an electrode arrangement supported in the main casing. The water tank is adapted for storing a predetermined amount of regular water. The magnetic field generator is arranged to deliver electromagnetic wave having ultra-long wavelength to the regular water stored in the water tank upon electrolyzing and ionizing by the electrode arrangement, so that the regular water is electrolyzed and ionized to contain a predetermined amount of hydrogen ions for direct consumption. 1. A hydrogen-enriched water generator and dispenser , comprising:a main casing;a hydrogen water generator supported in said main casing, said hydrogen water generator comprising a magnetic field generator and an electrode arrangement supported in said main casing; anda water tank supported by said main casing, said water tank being adapted for storing a predetermined amount of regular water, said magnetic field generator being arranged to deliver electromagnetic wave having ultra-long wavelength to said regular water stored in said water tank upon ionizing and electrolyzing by said electrode arrangement, so that said regular water is electrolyzed and ionized to contain a predetermined amount of hydrogen ions for direct consumption.2. The hydrogen-enriched water generator and dispenser claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein said main casing has a supporting platform claim 1 , said water tank claim 1 , said magnetic field generator and said electrode arrangement being supported above said supporting platform.3. The hydrogen-enriched water generator and dispenser claim 2 , as recited in claim 2 , wherein said water tank comprises a tank body having a water compartment claim 2 , said tank body having a top opening and a bottom opening claim 2 , said bottom opening communicating said water ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009398A1

Apparatus for preparing and dispensing a diluted beverage has a mains water inlet, a valve for opening or shutting water flow, a food concentrate container, an outlet for the beverage, a user interface for commanding dispensing of the beverage, and a volumetric pump communicating with the valve outlet and the beverage outlet for drawing and mixing the food concentrate and water. A first conduit is connected to an outlet of the food concentrate container and the volumetric pump inlet. A second conduit communicating with the valve outlet and an intermediate portion of the first conduit. A control unit activates the valve and the volumetric pump. The second conduit has a section narrowing for regulating the outflow velocity of the water entering the first conduit. The control unit activates the volumetric pump to regulate the flow of food concentrate mixture and water in response to data from a water flow detector. 1. A preparing and dispensing machine of a diluted beverage , comprising:a water inlet to be connected to the municipal water supply;a valve which has an inlet of the valve in fluid communication with the water inlet, which has an outlet of the valve and which is activatable for enabling or shutting down the flow of water coming from the water inlet;a food concentrate mixture container which has an outlet of food concentrate mixture;an outlet of diluted beverage;a user interface for commanding dispensing of a diluted beverage;a volumetric pump for aspirating internally thereof the food concentrate mixture and water, and for mixing them with one another, which has an inlet of the volumetric pump and an outlet of the volumetric pump;a first conduit which comprises: a first end which is connected to the outlet of the food concentrate mixture; and a second end which is connected to the inlet of the volumetric pump;a second conduit which comprises: a third end which is in fluid communication with the outlet of the valve; and a fourth end which is connected to an ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009400A1
Автор: Seymour Kerry

A representative system includes: an exterior housing defining an interior compartment; a water tank disposed within the interior compartment; a filtration system configured to receive a flow of water from outside the exterior housing, filter the flow of water and provide filtered water to the water tank; an ice maker, disposed along a first flow path from the water tank, configured to produce ice from the filtered water provided from the first flow path; an ice bin configured to receive the ice from the ice maker; a user interface configured to receive a user input corresponding to a request for chilled water; a water control valve, disposed along a second flow path from the water tank, configured to receive the filtered water provided from the second flow path and provide a controlled flow of the filtered water to the ice bin in response to the user input such that the controlled flow of the filtered water is cooled by the ice in the ice bin to form chilled water; and a water dispenser fluidly communicating with the ice bin and configured to provide the chilled water outside of the exterior housing according to the user input. 1. A system for producing and dispensing chilled water comprising:an exterior housing defining an interior compartment;a water tank disposed within the interior compartment;a filtration system, disposed within the interior compartment, configured to receive a flow of water from outside the exterior housing, filter the flow of water and provide filtered water to the water tank;an ice maker, disposed within the interior compartment and along a first flow path from the water tank, configured to produce ice from the filtered water provided from the first flow path;an ice bin, disposed within the interior compartment, configured to receive the ice from the ice maker;a user interface configured to receive a user input corresponding to a request for chilled water;a water control valve, disposed within the interior compartment and along a second ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009401A1

A liquid quality management device capable of being added to a liquid supply system supplying a liquid in a storage container to a dispensing device in order to cool the liquid and dispensing the liquid into a drinking container includes: a dispensing sensor; and a control device electrically connected to the dispensing sensor and configured to perform control operation of at least one of a refrigeration machine and a stirring device provided in the dispensing device at the same time when dispensing of the liquid is started. 1. A liquid quality management device capable of being added to a liquid supply system , the liquid supply system supplying a liquid within a storage container to a dispensing device through a supply pipe with the liquid pressurized in order to cool the liquid with a cooling device in the dispensing device , and dispensing the cooled liquid to a drinking container from the dispensing device ,the cooling device including a cooling tank containing cooling water, a liquid cooling pipe immersed in the cooling water and through which the liquid flows inside, a refrigerant pipe immersed in the cooling water and through which a refrigerant flows inside, a refrigeration machine circulating the refrigerant and freezing a part of the cooling water, and a stirring device stirring the cooling water,the liquid quality management device comprising:a dispensing sensor configured to detect dispensing of the liquid into the drinking container; anda control device electrically connected to the dispensing sensor and configured to control operation of at least one of the refrigeration machine and the stirring device from a starting time of dispensing of the liquid.2. The liquid quality management device according to claim 1 , further comprising a liquid temperature sensor disposed between the storage container and an inlet of the liquid cooling pipe claim 1 , and configured to detect a temperature of the liquid flowing out from the storage container claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009402A1

A beverage dispenser having a beverage-level indicating system. The beverage dispenser includes a housing and a dispensing head arranged on the housing for dispensing a beverage into a beverage container. The beverage dispenser further includes a beverage-level sensor arranged on the housing and which determines a beverage level within the beverage container without contacting the beverage within the beverage container, a beverage-level indicator that provides a visual indication of the beverage level within the beverage container, and a control unit that causes the beverage-level indicator to indicate the beverage level within the beverage container based on the beverage level as determined by the beverage-level sensor. 1. A beverage dispenser , comprising:a housing;a dispensing head arranged on an upper end of the housing for dispensing a beverage into a beverage container;a beverage-level sensor arranged on the housing and configured to determine a beverage level within the beverage container without contacting the beverage within the beverage container;a beverage-level indicator configured to provide a visual indication of the beverage level within the beverage container; anda control unit configured to cause the beverage-level indicator to indicate the beverage level within the beverage container based on the beverage level as determined by the beverage-level sensor.2. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the beverage-level sensor is arranged on the dispensing head.3. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises an overhang that defines a beverage container receiving area under the overhang claim 1 , and wherein the dispensing head is arranged on the overhang.4. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising a user interface configured to receive a beverage selection and to cause dispensing of a beverage corresponding to the beverage selection.5. The beverage dispenser of claim 4 , wherein the user interface comprises a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

System, cartridge, beverage preparation unit and method for producing a beverage

Номер: US20190010042A1
Принадлежит: Freezio AG

Disclosed is a system for producing a beverage, in particular a cold beverage, comprising a cartridge that has a reservoir filled with a beverage substance, a beverage preparation unit with a cartridge receptacle into which the cartridge can be reversibly inserted, and a cartridge discharge device which causes at least partial transfer of the beverage substance from the reservoir into a mixing chamber; furthermore, the beverage preparation unit comprises a fluid supply which opens into the mixing chamber, or the system includes a movable plunger which is placed inside the reservoir and can be transferred from a starting position into a final position by means of the cartridge discharge device.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010043A1

Holder for beverages, whereby the holder includes a rigid outer holder that is provided with a mouth for inserting a flexible inner holder, whereby the holder also includes an adapter, that is designed to be provided on the mouth and which is designed to be coupled to a coupling element of such an inner holder, so that in this way an inner holder, with a coupling element that is too small to be provided on the mouth directly, can nonetheless be provided on the mouth. The outer holder and the adapter are fitted with a complementary first unit to lock their mutual position when they are coupled, whereby the locking is repeatedly reversible. 19-. (canceled)10127315743347725926. Holder () for beverages , whereby the holder comprises a rigid outer holder () that is provided with a mouth () for inserting a flexible inner holder () , whereby the holder () also comprises an adapter () that is designed to be provided on the mouth () and which is designed to be coupled to a coupling element () of such an inner holder () , so that in this way an inner holder () , with a coupling element () that is too small to be provided on the mouth () directly , can nonetheless be provided on the mouth () , wherein the outer holder () and the adapter () are fitted with complementary first means ( , ) to lock their mutual position when they are coupled , whereby the locking is repeatedly reversible.113445. Holder according to claim 10 , further comprising a flexible inner holder () that is provided with a coupling element () claim 10 , whereby the coupling element () and the adapter () are equipped to be coupled together.1220. Holder according to claim 11 , wherein the adapter is provided with a collar () to which a coupling for a tap installation of the ‘German Slider’ type can be coupled.135441954195. Holder according to claim 11 , wherein the adapter () and the coupling element () are designed to be coupled together by inserting the coupling element () into a passage () in the adapter () ...
