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10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2602131C2

Изобретение относится к способам контроля и регулирования химии процесса с нулевым жидким сбросом (ZLD) и может быть использовано в электростанциях. Первую фракцию жидкого стока из устройства для обработки отходов, приходящих из установки обработки дымового газа, направляют в испарительную установку. Вторую фракцию направляют в резервуар для хранения. Периодически отбирают образцы жидких потоков, циркулирующих в выходных секциях из устройства обработки отходов, из устройства смягчения и входной секции в устройство кристаллизации/испарения и секции пополнения из резервуара для хранения в установку обработки дымового газа. Вычисляют коэффициенты насыщения для сульфата кальция и карбоната кальция для каждой из секций. Идентифицируют критические секции, которые подвержены осаждению сульфата кальция или карбоната кальция, имеющие вычисленные коэффициенты насыщения выше, чем фиксированный порог. Изменяют дозировку реагентов/добавок в упомянутую установку кристаллизации/испарения и/или в устройство ...

20-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2238246C2
Принадлежит: ИНКО ЛИМИТЕД (CA)

Изобретение относится к обработке водных растворов и может быть использовано для уменьшения концентрации растворенных металлов и металлоидов в промывных водах пирометаллургического завода. Водный раствор, например поток, вытекающий из газопромывной колонны отходящего газа, обрабатывают для удаления ионов металлов и металлоидов путем осаждения на месте железистых ионов в результате добавления в него раствора, содержащего железистые ионы, соли или другого источника, содержащего железистые ионы, и раствора с источником ионов гидроксилов. Условия реакции включают температуру, равную по меньшей мере 60°С, и рН от около 6 до около 10. Способ обеспечивает эффективное удаление растворенных металлоидов, таких как селен, теллур, мышьяк с концентрацией металлоидов в растворе более 1 мг/л. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 5 табл.

17-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018124347A3

20-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2636082C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в химической промышленности при обезвреживании гипохлоритных пульп, образующихся в процессе очистки отходящих хлорсодержащих газов от хлора известковым молоком. Способ обезвреживания пульпы гипохлорита кальция включает термическое разложение гипохлорита кальция при перемешивании острым паром в присутствии нихромового катализатора, обработанного в баке травления раствором соляной кислоты. В отработанном растворе соляной кислоты, образующемся при обработке нихромового катализатора после его использования в процессе термического разложения гипохлорита кальция, определяют содержание активного хлора. При перемешивании отработанного раствора соляной кислоты постепенно добавляют раствор тиосульфата натрия. Количество раствора тиосульфата натрия в отработанном растворе соляной кислоты поддерживают в 5-15-кратном избытке от стехиометрически необходимого. Обезвреженный раствор сливают в сточные воды канализации. Изобретение позволяет снизить содержание токсичных ...

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005101086A

... 1. Способ регенерации фторсодержащего эмульгатора, включающий воздействие на водный раствор (A), содержащий фторсодержащий эмульгатор в концентрации, по меньшей мере, 1 млн-1 по массе и максимально 1% по массе, путем концентрирования в вакууме под давлением максимально 100 кПа и при температуре водного раствора (A) максимально 100°C с получением концентрированного водного раствора (B), содержащего фторсодержащий эмульгатор в более высокой концентрации, и извлечение фторсодержащего эмульгатора из водного раствора (В). 2. Способ по п.1, в котором концентрация фторсодержащего эмульгатора в водном растворе (B) составляет, по меньшей мере, 5% по массе. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором водный раствор (A) представляет собой, по меньшей мере, один член, выбранный из группы, состоящей из отработанной воды (A1), получаемой после отделения фторполимера в процессе производства фторполимера путем эмульсионной полимеризации или воднодисперсионной полимеризации, по меньшей мере, одного типа фтормономера в ...

10-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007103126A

... 1. Способ очистки загрязненной воды, содержащей по меньшей мере одно трудно разлагаемое микроорганизмами или не разлагаемое микроорганизмами органическое соединение, при котором органическое соединение окисляют за счет ввода загрязненной воды в контакт по меньшей мере с одним содержащим озон газом, отличающийся тем, что в первой операции обработки часть органического соединения, присутствующую в загрязненной воде, окисляют за счет ввода указанной загрязненной воды в контакт с упомянутым выше содержащим озон газом таким образом, что первоначальная концентрация указанного органического соединения снижается до второй концентрации, а после первой операции обработки вторая концентрация указанного органического соединения снижается за счет разбавления водным раствором до третьей концентрации, которая составляет самое большее две трети, а преимущественно самое большее половину второй концентрации, причем во второй операции обработки дополнительную часть органического соединения, присутствующего ...

30-06-1990 дата публикации

Способ очистки циансодержащих сточных вод

Номер: SU1575934A3
Принадлежит: ОУТОКУМПУ, ОЙ (ФИРМА)

Изобретение позволяет снизить теплозатраты при очистке сточных вод, образующихся при промывке газовых скрубберов в металлургическом производстве. Согласно изобретению сточную воду нагревают в газовых скрубберах печи плавления и печи предварительного нагрева, подают в отстойник и после выделения твердой фазы используют для грануляции шлака и охлаждения печи плавления, при этом выделенную фазу в виде пульпы подают на дробление шихты, а очищенную воду возвращают в производство. 1 ил.

09-08-1990 дата публикации

Apparatus for neutralizing liquids

Номер: DE0003838701A1

Apparatus for neutralizing liquids, in particular flue gas condensate water, having a flow-through vessel which has a feed and an outlet and in which is accommodated at least one batch, through which flow can pass, of a granulated, pulverulent or granular neutralization substance. In order to simplify handling of the apparatus after exhaustion of the neutralization substance, a receiver (A, A') containing the batch (24) is provided which, together with the batch (24) is removably secured in the flow-through vessel (22). ...

02-07-1987 дата публикации

Recovery of valuable material from the simultaneous SO2 and NOx scrubbing of preferably flue gases downstream of power stations

Номер: DE0003538136A1

It is known to scrub out SO2 and NOx from flue gases using EDTA solutions. Sulphur-nitrogen compounds are formed in the scrubbing liquid, as are sulphite compounds and sulphate compounds which are precipitated out as calcium sulphite and sulphate as solids from the scrubbing liquid using lime. In order, in a process of this type, to create a recovery of valuable materials, according to the invention it is proposed that the sulphur dioxide, after the simultaneous scrubbing in the scrubber (2), and the solid precipitated as calcium sulphite/calcium sulphate by lime as a suspension are fed to the gravity separator (6) and, after settling the solids, a portion of the clear liquid is fed to an evaporation (9). From the evaporation (9), the evaporation residue, composed of Na2SO4, Na2SO3 and NS compounds is thermally decomposed at 750 DEG C together with the dewatered solids CaSO3/CaSO4 from the gravity separator, so that SO2 liberated at (11) is returned to the dirty gas process and a solid ...

19-05-1988 дата публикации

Process for treating waste water from flue gas purification plants

Номер: DE0003638319A1

Waste water from flue gas purification plants must be treated or evaporated because of its contents, in particular heavy metals. Heavy metal-containing residues arise in this process, which must generally be landfilled as special waste. The amount to be landfilled is to be considerably decreased by the novel process. The heavy metals are precipitated from the waste water in a first stage. The sedimented sludge is mechanically dewatered and thermally dried. In the supernatant water, dissolved CaCl2 or Na2SO4 are converted by double decomposition to NaCl which is isolated as a high-grade product free from heavy metals in a two-stage evaporation. Treatment of waste water from plants for purifying SO2- and HCl-containing flue gases from power station furnaces and refuse incineration plants with lime- or limestone-containing aqueous absorption solutions. ...

09-02-1989 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Aufarbeitung von Abfall-Loesungen aus Rauchgasreinigungsanlagen

Номер: DE0003738573C1

Waste solutions from gas cleansing plants which contain alkali metal salts and alkaline earth salts as chlorides, sulphates and nitrates are first neutralised to precipitate magnesium ions as hydroxides, calcium ions are precipitated from the mother lye in at least two stages with partial evaporation between the precipitation stages, the amount of precipitation agent e.g. sodium sulphate used is restricted to a level not exceeding stoichiometric relative to the calcium ion content, calcium sulphate is precipitated in at least one stage, and separated, and further evaporation of the mother lye results in crystallisation of sodium chloride.

09-08-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003716610C2

13-08-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002901577C2

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Device useful for treating impurities comprising liquids through granular treatment substances, comprises cuboidal housing exhibiting inlet and outlet, and cross walls, which are integrated in housing for forming housing chamber

Номер: DE102010038144A1

Device for treating impurities comprising liquid flowing through the device using granular treatment substances, comprises: a cuboidal housing (1) exhibiting an inlet (12) and an outlet (13); and cross walls, which are integrated in the housing for forming a housing chamber, where adjacent containers are provided in connection with each other in a way allowing the flow of the liquid from one container into an adjacent container, so that the liquid after passing through one container enters and passes through into the next container. Device for treating impurities comprising liquid flowing through the device using granular treatment substances, comprises: a cuboidal housing (1) exhibiting an inlet (12) and an outlet (13); and cross walls, which are integrated in the housing for forming a housing chamber, in which a container (15) containing treatment substances are insertable, where adjacent containers are provided in connection with each other in a way allowing the flow of the liquid from ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Verhinderung von Ablagerungen aus karbonatreichen Wässern bei der Flugstromvergasung

Номер: DE102010026172B4
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG, Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Verfahren zur Vermeidung von Ausfällungen von Erdalkalikarbonaten in Rohrleitungen und Apparaten der Flugstromvergasung bei der Kreislaufführung von Prozesswässern, demzufolge- die Prozesswässer, insbesondere Restquenchwasser aus dem Quencher (4), einer Entspannung und Staubabscheidung in einer Prozesswasseraufbereitung (15) unterzogen werden,- das wasserdampfgesättigte Rohgas aus dem Flugstromvergasungsreaktor (3) in einer Rohgaswäsche (7) entstaubt wird,- danach für das Rohgas in einer exothermen Rohgaskonvertierung (8) das erforderliche CO/H-Verhältnis eingestellt wird,- danach aus der Abkühlung des Rohgases in einer Abhitzegewinnung und Kühlung (9) ein CO-reiches Kondensat (16), das frei von Erdalkalien ist, gewonnen wird und- das CO-reiche Kondensat (16) in einem Sammeltank (19) dem aufbereiteten Prozesswasser (18) nach der Entspannung und Staubabscheidung und vor einer Temperaturerhöhung des Kreislaufwassers (12) in einer Kreislaufwasseraufheizung (14) zugesetzt wird.

14-10-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren, Vorrichtung, Behälter sowie Mittel zur Behandlung von saurem Kondenswasser aus Feuerungsanlagen

Номер: DE102006014601B4

Verfahren zur Behandlung von saurem Kondenswasser, das beim Betrieb von gas- und/oder ölbefeuerten Wärmeerzeugern, Wärmekraftmaschinen und/oder deren Abgassysteme erzeugt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Kondenswasser mit basischem Neutralisationsmittel und mit Reduktionsmittel in Kontakt gebracht wird, wobei das Reduktionsmittel auf eisenhaltiges Kondenswasser einwirkt und wobei die Bildung von Hydroxiden und/oder Oxiden von Eisen(III) während der Neutralisation vermieden wird und/oder sich eine fließfähige und pumpfähige Kondenswasserform bildet.

16-09-2010 дата публикации

Quenching of gasification device, involves gasifying in device provided with quenching device, feeding quenching device via circuit with quench water, and back-feeding circuit with water supplied in portion by process condensate

Номер: DE102008059488B3

Solid or liquid fuels (2) are gasified in a gasification device (12) having a quenching device, to produce a crude gas rich in hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The quenching device is fed via a process-water circuit with quench water from a container (19). The process-water circuit is back-fed with water. The amount of water needed for back-feeding is supplied in portion by process condensate (5).

10-03-2011 дата публикации

Kontinuierliche Rußwasserbehandlung

Номер: DE102009034494A1

Verfahren zur kontinuierlichen Behandlung von Rußwasser, das bei einer Vergasung von schwermetallhaltigen flüssigen Kohlenwasserstoffen anfällt. Das Rußwasser wird ohne Zugabe von Hilfsstoffen in einer Vorentwässerungsstufe auf bis zu 10% Feststoffgehalt zentrifugiert, wobei ein pastöser, schwermetallreicher Rußschlamm erhalten wird und ein schwermetallarmes Zentrat anfällt, welches als Nutzwasser wieder in den Vergasungsprozess zurückgeführt wird.

19-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002174983A

Effluent liquors, eg. those produced on cooling synthesis gas streams obtained by the ash slagging of coal in the presence of steam and oxygen, and containing volatile and oxidizable species are purified by sparging the liquor with an oxygen-containing gas. The liquor may be sparged with steam prior to oxygen-sparging or, alternatively, a mixture of steam and oxygen may be used for the sparging. The gaseous products obtained after sparging may be used directly as reactants for the coal gasification reaction together with any supplementary steam and/or oxygen.

13-09-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001289064A

... 1289064 Demineralization of water EL PASO NATURAL GAS CO 22 March 1971 7432/71 Heading B1B Water which contains minerals, such as well water or saline water, is subjected to distillation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis or electrodialysis to obtain demineralized water and a water-fraction which is concentrated in mineral content, this concentrated fraction is mixed with a relatively non-volatile liquid, e.g. a fuel oil or a silicone oil, and the mixture is heated to evaporate all the water leaving a slurry of solids (mineral particles) in the non-volatile liquid; the water-vapour is condensed to obtain demineralized water, and the solids are separated, e.g. by centrifuge, from the non- volatile liquid which is then re-used in the process. The solids may be used as a fertilizer or for chemical recovery; or they may be disposed of in a lined pit. Sewage and other waste water may be disposed of in the dehydration stage of the process. The Fig. shows an evaporator 340 for dehydrating the mixture ...

25-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000388510B

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489405T

15-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: ATA269989A

15-04-2018 дата публикации

Method for performing gas scrubbing using an electrolyte solution

Номер: AT0000519109B1

Verfahren zur Durchführung von Gaswäsche mittels einer Elektrolytlösung als Waschflüssigkeit, welche in zumindest einem Gaswäscher (2) mit einem zu reinigenden Gas (1) in Kontakt gebracht und nach der Gaswäsche aus dem Gaswäscher (2) abgeleitet wird, wobei die beladene Elektrolytlösung gemäß folgender nacheinander ablaufender Regenerationsschritte kontinuierlich regeneriert wird: a) Hydrolysieren der beladenen Elektrolytlösung, b) Elektrochemisches Konvertieren der Elektrolytlösung in einer Konvertierungsvorrichtung (5), sodass im Zuge der Gaswäsche von der Elektrolytlösung aufgenommene organische Verbindungen zumindest unter der Bildung von Kohlenstoffdioxid, Wasserdampf und Wasserstoff abgebaut und die entstehenden Gase abgeleitet werden, c) Rückgewinnung einer regenerierten Elektrolytlösung in einer Vorrichtung (8) zur Deionisation-und Desorption von Ionen, wobei die zugeführte Elektrolytlösung durch eine Zelle mit mehreren Paaren von mit einer Gleichspannungs-oder Gleichstromquelle ...

27-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405520B

The object of the invention is to provide a method of treating wash water resulting from the scrubbing of process gases in smelting plants, according to which method the wash water is brought into intimate contact with the process gas and is circulated when the solids have been deposited. The method according to the invention draws off a partial flow from the wash water, mixes it with fresh water and uses it for rewashing the process gas. According to the invention, the wash water necessary for the scrubbers is drawn from a wash water container. In the sedimentation tank the insoluble portions are removed from the substance-charged wash water which is then introduced into the wash water container. The wash water required for the rewashing stage is removed from the wash water container and mixed with fresh water via the fresh water pipe. Solids are likewise removed in the sedimentation tank from the wash water from the rewashing stage, this wash water then being, circulated after introduction ...

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509865A4

The invention relates to a method for producing raw iron (RE) or liquid steel precursors. Raw materials comprising iron ore and optionally additive materials are reduced in at least one reduction unit (2) by means of a reduction gas, and at least parts thereof are smelted in a smelting unit (1) while adding carbon and forming the reduction gas (RG). Reduction gas from the smelting unit (1) and/or top gas (TG) from the reduction unit (2) are subjected to cleaning. The process water accruing from the wet cleaning is degassed and volatile organic compounds (VOC) are thereby separated from the process water.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510893B1

Gezeigt werden ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Aufbereitung eines mit gasförmigen Verbindungen oder und gegebenenfalls mit Feststoffen belasteten Prozesswassers, aus einer Nassreinigungsanlage zur Reinigung von Prozessgas, z.B. aus einem Schmelzreduktions- oder aus einem Direktreduktionsaggregat. Prozesswasser in einem Behälter einer ersten Prozessstufe eingebracht und auf Basis einer verringerten Löslichkeit der gelösten Verbindungen entgast. Der Behälter weist an seiner Oberseite einen Gassammelraum in dem die abgetrennten Gase gesammelt und aus diesem abgeführt werden. Ebenso wird das aufbereitete Prozesswasser über einen Ablauf aus dem Behälter abgeführt.

15-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510893A1

The invention discloses a method and an apparatus for treating process water which is loaded with gaseous compounds and/or possibly with solids and comes from a wet-cleaning installation for cleaning process gas, e.g. from a melt-reduction subassembly or from a direct-reduction subassembly. Process water is introduced in a tank (1) in a first process stage and degassed on the basis of reduced solubility of the dissolved compounds. The tank (1) has, on its upper side, a gas-collecting chamber (1), in which the separated-off gases are collected and from which these are discharged. Likewise, the treated process water is discharged from the tank via a drainage means.

15-08-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Quecksilberabtrennung aus Wäschersuspensionen

Номер: AT516734A4

Den Gegenstand dieser Erfindung bildet ein Verfahren zur Entfernung von Quecksilber aus Wäschersuspensionen (1), die bei einer nassen Rauchgaswäsche anfallen. Die gipshaltige Suspension (1) wird mittels zumindest eines Hydrozyklons (11) eingedickt, wobei der Oberlauf (2, 4) des Hydrozyklons (11) zumindest einem Abwasserzyklon (12) zur Feststoffrückgewinnung zugeführt wird und wobei der Oberlauf (5) des Abwasserzyklons (12) anschließend in einer Abwasserreinigungsanlage (13) behandelt wird. Erfindungsgemäß wird die Quecksilberkonzentration im Oberlauf (5) des Abwasserzyklons (12) erhöht und nur der aufkonzentrierte Abwasserstrom 7 der Abwasserreinigungsanlage 13 zugeführt.

15-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000036388A

15-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000012011T

15-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000171696T

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Hydrogen sulfide removal process by use of a sulfur dye catalyst

Номер: AU2019308471A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A process is presented where a feed stream containing a hydrogen sulfide and another feed component is introduced into an absorber that the feed stream flows upward from the bottom of the absorber and contacts a liquid treatment solution, where the liquid treatment solution contains a sulfur dye catalyst. The hydrogen sulfide is absorbed into the liquid treatment solution and converted into sulfide ions. The other feed component is removed from the absorber vessel substantially free of the hydrogen sulfide and a spent treatment solution is also removed from the absorber vessel and fed to an oxidation vessel where it is contacted with an oxygen containing gas causing the sulfide ions to oxidize to thiosulfate and converting the spent sulfur dye catalyst to regenerated sulfur dye catalyst. The thiosulfate is recovered, and the regenerated sulfur dye catalyst can be recycled as part of the liquid treatment solution.

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Exhaust gas cleaning system and method for cleaning exhaust gas

Номер: AU2019360328B2

An exhaust gas cleaning system (1) and a method for cleaning exhaust gas (EG) onboard a ship are provided. The exhaust gas cleaning system (1) comprises a first sub system (3) including a scrubber unit (15) comprising a scrubber (17) arranged to wash the exhaust gas (EG) with a scrubber fluid, and a centrifugal separator (9) arranged in communication with the scrubber unit (15) for receiving the scrubber fluid after washing and separate it into a first and a second fraction, which second fraction is more polluted than the first fraction. The exhaust gas cleaning system (1) is characterized in that it further comprises a second sub system (5) including a membrane filter (21) arranged in communication with the centrifugal separator (9) for receiving the first fraction output from the centrifugal separator (9) and separating it into a third and a fourth fraction, which fourth fraction is more polluted than the third fraction.

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Associated-water concentration system and associated-water concentration method

Номер: AU2010357341B2

Disclosed is an associated-water concentration system provided with an evaporative concentration device (18) that concentrates associated water discharged from a coal bed along with coal-bed gas. A cooling system that cools said evaporative concentration device (18) comprises: an indirect heat exchanger (28) that cools the evaporative concentration device (18); and a closed loop. Said closed loop comprises either: a cooling-water supply means (38) that draws cooling water (36), used in cooling, from a well (68) or storage pond (34) and supplies said cooling water to the indirect heat exchanger (28); or a waste-hot-water return means (40) that returns post-cooling waste hot water (44) to the well (68) or storage pond (34). This configuration obviates the need for special equipment for treating cooling water (36) after use in the evaporative concentration device (18).

23-04-1999 дата публикации

Agent for eliminating heavy metals comprising a phosphate compound

Номер: AU0009169898A

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Concentrator and crystallizer evaporation system

Номер: AU2015277574A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice

An aqueous stream crystallization system including a circulation pump to receive a waste fluid and/or a concentrated liquid bottoms stream and expel a circulation stream. The aqueous stream cleaning system can also include a primary heat exchanger. The primary heat exchanger can have a plurality of heat exchange plates that define an internal surface area for heat transfer from a distillate stream to the circulation stream. The plurality of heat exchange plates can be spaced to facilitate free flow of solids in the circulation stream between the plurality of heat exchange plates. A mass flow rate and pressure of the circulation stream can be configured to minimize build-up of solids in the primary heat exchanger and maximize crystallization of waste materials. The aqueous stream cleaning system can further include an evaporation unit to receive the heated circulation stream from the primary heat exchanger.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Chilled ammonia based CO2 capture system with wash system and processes of use

Номер: AU2012326392A1

Systems and processes for reducing the energy requirements of an ammonia recovery stripper in a chilled ammonia-based CO ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации

Ready-mix concrete production utilizing carbon capture and related systems

Номер: AU2019247386A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

An illustrative method for C02 sequestration may include the step of sequestering at least a portion of a C02 gas emitted during operation of the ready-mix concrete production system in (i) a ready-mix concrete produced by the read-mix concrete production system, and / or (ii) calcium carbonate formed by processing water used during operation of the ready-mix concrete production and delivery system.

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Compact waste water concentrator and contaminant scrubber

Номер: AU2017202735A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

The invention provides a wastewater concentrating and contaminant removal system comprising: a gas inlet; a gas outlet; a concentrating section disposed between the gas inlet and the gas outlet, the concentrating section having a narrowed portion in which gas flow within the concentrating section accelerates; a liquid inlet through which wastewater is injected into the concentrating section, the liquid inlet being disposed in the concentrating section upstream of the narrowed portion; a demister disposed downstream of the narrowed portion, the demister removing entrained liquid droplets from the gas flow; and wherein the concentrating section is adapted to be connected to a sequential mixing and settling tank, a reagent tank that holds a supply of reagent being connected to the sequential mixing and settling tank. Fig. 3 134 CONTROLLER 308- 1313 3V12 315 19 196 14193 177 175 172 317 122 ...

12-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002693632C

The present invention relates generally to the field of emission control equipment for boilers, heaters, kilns, or other flue gas, or combustion gas, generating devices (e.g., those located at power plants, processing plants) and, in particular to a new and useful method and apparatus designed to improve the water supplied to non-calcium-based, aqueous wet SOx scrubbers. In another embodiment, the present invention relates to a system and method for softening water for use in non-calcium-based, aqueous wet SOx scrubbers.

12-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002778932A1

A method for the high removal of ammonia, COS and HCN from syngas (along with some polishing of particulates) in a cost effective and environmentally benign and sustainable fashion, with the need for little to no chemical addition by using a combination of water based gas scrubbing, HCN scrubbing and biological processing steps.

26-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1184372A

This invention provides a process for detoxifying or decontaminating liquid effluents and/or waste gas containing poisonous chromium (VI) NOx by reacting these with each other with formation of chromium (III) and higher oxide(s) of N. Optionally in addition another suitable reducing agent may be used. The process is particularly useful, for example, in a plant such as a stainless steel pickling plant where both these chemical components are available. Preferably liquid-liquid extraction may be used to extract and recover nitric acid formed as an oxidation product and preferably if additional chromium (VI) is required, this may be provided by electrolytic oxidation of chromium (III) to chromium (VI) in a suitable chemical circuit.

09-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1015134A

28-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001322519C

The dew point of the exhaust gas is firstly reduced to a value in the range of 60 - 65.degree. C. Thereafter the exhaust gas flows through a washing and condensing apparatus. A part of the prepurified condensate is recirculated in a loop for carrying out said washing. Thereafter the gas flows through a wet-deep bed filter apparatus. The sprinkler apparatus belonging thereto is fed again by a partly purified liquid. A drying chamber follows the wet-deep bed filter apparatus. The gas is then finally purified in an electro-filter plant. The condensate in the washing and condensing apparatus, to which also the washing liquid stemming from the sprinkler apparatus of the wet-deep-filter apparatus is added, is fed to a flotation plant. This condensate-liquid mixture has an increased temperature such that a better working in the flotation plant is obtained. The liquid flows thereafter through a biological treatment plant, a repurification apparatus, a sand filter apparatus and finally through an ...

20-11-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000937344A1
Автор: URBAN P

14-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002547546C

The invention relates to a process for removing sulfur particles from an aqueous catalyst solution used to remove hydrogen sulfide from a gas stream (1, 5), comprising the steps of: directing a flow of a suspension (12) comprising reduced catalyst solution and sulfur particles to an oxidizer zone (20), where the catalyst solution is regenerated by contacting said suspension with a gas (22) containing oxygen; and removing sulfur from said suspension at least by gravity sedimentation at a bottom (21) of said oxidizer zone (20). According to the invention a flow deflecting means (34) is disposed at least at an outlet (35) for the oxidized catalyst solution leaving said oxidizer zone (20) such as to prevent any tur- bulent state caused at least by a stream of oxidized catalyst solution leaving said oxidizer zone (20) such as to reduce foaming and plugging of the whole system. A gas (27) is additionally injected at the conical bottom (21) of the oxidizer zone (20) in parallel to said slanted ...

02-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001150933A1

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3109928A1

A method and apparatus for the treatment of wastewater streams to form purified water and a mineral-containing by-product. The wastewater stream may be a brine or produced water from an oil/gas extraction operation. The method includes passing the wastewater stream through a membrane assembly having a pervaporation membrane, whereby purified water vapor is collected from the permeate side of the membrane. A mineral-rich product may be recovered from the retentate, and/or a mineral-rich crystalline phase may deposit on the membrane and may be recovered as a solid from the membrane or may be washed off the membrane and collected.

08-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003029172A1
Принадлежит: MLT AIKINS LLP

A float is configured to rise to indicate the level of liquid condensate in the input side of the reservoir of a condensate neutralizer. When the condensate level rises to a level approaching a bypass level where un-processed condensate will flow out of the condensate neutralizer, a float lock secures the float in a raised position to serve as a constant visible alert that the condensate neutralizer requires service.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002918115A1

A device for the purification of exhaust air produced during the processing of wood materials comprises a first circuit (A) having a scrubber (2), a mist eliminator (4) and a regeneration container (7). In order to strip the washing liquid from organic substances, a second circuit (B) is provided and serves to remove a sub-stream of the washing liquid from the first circuit (A) and supply it to a desorber (12). The washing liquid purified in this way is recirculated to the first circuit (A).

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002852237A1

Systems and processes for reducing the energy requirements of an ammonia recovery stripper in a chilled ammonia-based CO2 removal system. The systems and processes include a nanofiltration or reverse osmosis unit for physically separating the washed liquid from a wash vessel configured to receive an ammonia slip feed stream from the main absorber of the chilled ammonia-based CO2 removal system and provide first and second feed streams. Relative to the washed liquid from the wash vessel, the first feed stream has a decreased ammonia molarity whereas the second feed stream has an increased ammonia molarity. The second feed stream is then fed to the ammonia recovery stripper, which reduces steam consumption. The reduced steam consumption translates to significant energy savings, among numerous other advantages. Additionally, the systems and process provide a reduction of equipment sizes related to the stripper unit as may be desired in some applications.

24-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002861630C
Принадлежит: OY LANGH TECH AB

The invention relates to a method for treating impurities contained in exhaust gases of ships in order to reduce sulphur oxide emissions and other emissions, the method comprising scrubbing the exhaust gases in an exhaust gas scrubber (1) and supplying wash water to be purified, i.e. effluent, exiting from the exhaust gas scrubber and containing impurities to a purification unit (2) onboard a ship. In order for the method to purify wash water exiting from the exhaust gas scrubber efficiently enough for water that has undergone purification to be discharged directly into a sea and in order for the purification unit used in the method to be small enough to be readily placed onboard a ship, the purification unit (2) comprises a moving filter band, whereby an aqueous fluid containing impurities originating from the effluent is together with a precipitating agent fed to a surface of the inclined filter band of a band filter and filtered through the filter band in order to concentrate impurities ...

01-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002008396A1

IMPROVED PROCESSES FOR THE PURIFICATION OF FLUE GASES The invention relates to improved processes for the purification of flue gases by wet methods, in which the recycling circuit of the liquid for washing the flue gases comprises means for separating the inert part of the flue gases, leached by the acidic agents of the washing liquid, originating, in particular, from the acidic pollutants recovered from the flue gases. The leached toxic pollutants are then extracted from the washing liquid by appropriate treatment of the discharge of the recycling circuit, thereby making it possible to concentrate the toxic pollutants to a small volume without mixing them with the inert fraction forming the greater part of the residue from the purification of flue gases. one single drawing ...

05-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002187066A1

The invention relates to a process for removing salts or water-soluble substances from a nonaqueous, water-miscible scrubbing liquid in gas scrubbers, which comprises feeding water to the scrubbing liquid until an aqueous phase separates out from the scrubbing liquid, and taking off this aqueous phase. The advantages of the process according to the invention are essentially that it circumvents the salting of the scrubbing media by a continuous removal of salts from such scrubbing processes. Alkyl ethers particularly suitable for the process are, for example, the polyethylene glycol dimethyl ethers having a mean molar weight between 200 and 700, preferably 250 to 550. Corresponding compounds are sold, for example, by Hoechst AG (D-65926 Frankfurt am Main) under the trade name Genosorb.

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002255028A1

The object of the invention is to provide a method of treating wash water resulting from the scrubbing of process gases in smelting plants, according to which method the wash water is brought into intimate contact with the process gas and is circulated when the solids have been deposited. The method according to the invention draws off a partial flow from the wash water, mixes it with fresh water and uses it for rewashing the process gas. According to the invention, the wash water necessary for the scrubbers (3a, 3b, 3c) is drawn from a wash water container (1). In the sedimentation tank (4) the insoluble portions are removed from the substance-charged wash water which is then introduced into the wash water container (1). The wash water required for the rewashing stage (6) is removed from the wash water container (1) and mixed with fresh water via the fresh water pipe (7). Solids are likewise removed in the sedimentation tank (4) from the wash water from the rewashing stage (6), this wash ...

06-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002304766C

A system for treating contaminated media including air, soil or adsorbents i s provided. In the process, contaminants are removed from the media using a photocatalytic process operating in an aqueous phase. The system comprises a converter such as gas scrubber (204) or adsorbent system to transfer contaminants from the contaminated media int o a solvent such as water stream and a photocatalytic system (218) comprising photocatalyst slurry coupled to the converter.

15-01-1973 дата публикации

Removing aluminium hydroxide from effluent water from - aluminium prodn - using finely ground bauxite or alumina as filtrate

Номер: CH0000532411A

The coagulation and filtration of Al(OH)3 is greatly facilitated because the filtration aid can be used in a large amt. without affecting the economy of the process as the filter cake is subsequently utilized as a raw material in the fused-salt electrolysis to produce aluminium.

31-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000549533A

15-12-1977 дата публикации

Incinerator flue gas scrubbing and scrubber discharge treatment - with pH control in scrubbing and neutralisation stages

Номер: CH0000593707A5
Принадлежит: VON ROLL AG

The process involves scrubbing the flue gas and treatment of the discharge from the scrubber in refuse and/or industrial waste incinerators, with wet discharge of the residues of combustion from the incinerator via a wet slag remover added to this. The acid discharge from the scrubber is washed with the alkaline overflow liquour from the wet slag remover and thus neutralised, then the resultant slurry is filtered and part of the filtrate is recycled to the scrubber. Part of the remaining excess filtrate is used to produce the milk of lime used for neutralising the scrubbing liquor and the rest is used to make up the slag liquor in the wet slag remover. The amt. of filtrate recycled to the scrubber is regulated so that the acid discharge is adjusted to a predetermined pH value before neutralisation. Also, the amt. of milk of lime supplied to the neutralisation stage is regulated to that the neutralisation slurry is also adjusted to a predetermined pH value. Atmospheric and water pollution ...

14-07-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000601730A5

31-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000676435A5

29-06-2018 дата публикации

Method and plant for treating wet combustion fumes.

Номер: CH0000706405B1
Принадлежит: LAB SA

L’invention concerne un procédé de traitement de fumées de combustion par voie humide, pour les épurer du dioxyde de soufre, de l’acide chlorhydrique ainsi que des métaux lourds qu’elles contiennent, dans lequel: les fumées à traiter (1) sont envoyées à un laveur acide (101), qui est alimenté avec de la chaux ou du calcaire, puis à un laveur alcalin (102), qui est alimenté avec de la soude, la purge (4) du laveur acide (101) est envoyée à une unité de précipitation-cristallisation (301) après avoir été épurée par un premier traitement d’eau, la purge (7) du laveur alcalin (102) est envoyée, de manière séparée de la purge du laveur acide, à l’unité de précipitation-cristallisation (301), dans l’unité de précipitation-cristallisation (301), du gypse précipité se forme par la réaction Ca ++ + SO 4 -- → Ca SO 4 ↓, avec Ca ++ qui est apporté par la purge (4) du laveur acide (101) et SO 4 -- qui est apporté par la purge (7) du laveur alcalin (102), la sortie (9) de l’unité de précipitation-cristallisation ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and cleaning plant wet combustion fumes.

Номер: CH0000706405A2

Linvention concerne un procédé dépuration de fumées de combustion par voie humide dans lequel: les fumées à épurer (1) sont envoyées à un laveur acide (101), qui est alimenté avec de la chaux ou du calcaire, puis à un laveur alcalin (102), qui est alimenté avec de la soude, la purge (4) du laveur acide (101) est envoyée à une unité de précipitation-cristallisation (301) après avoir été épurée par un premier traitement deau, la purge (7) du laveur alcalin (102) est envoyée, de manière séparée de la purge du laveur acide, à lunité de précipitation-cristallisation (301), dans lunité de précipitation-cristallisation (301), du gypse précipité se forme par la réaction Ca ++ + SO 4 - Ca SO 4 , avec Ca ++ qui est apporté par la purge (4) du laveur acide (101) et SO 4 - qui est apporté par la purge (7) du laveur alcalin (102), la sortie (9) de lunité de précipitation-cristallisation (301), contenant le gypse précipité, est admise dans un séparateur liquide-solide (302) pour produire un flux de gypse ...

30-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201390733A1

30-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000016952B1
Принадлежит: ПАКВЕС И.П. Б.В. (NL)

Щелочные растворы, образующиеся при экстрагировании сульфида из углеводородных текучих сред, могут быть обработаны при помощи сочетания одной или более электродиализных ячеек и биореактора. Электродиализная ячейка (2) содержит анод (4), катод (5), источник электропитания (7) и первую (12) и вторую (11) камеры, отделенные одна от другой анионообменной мембраной (9). Щелочной раствор подают в первую камеру с катодной стороны, а дилюат (обедненный сульфидом поток), выходящий из первой камеры, имеет пониженное содержание сульфида и может быть повторно использован в виде щелочного экстрагирующего раствора. Концентрат (обогащенный сульфидом поток), выходящий из второй камеры, обрабатывают в биореакторе (3) для удаления сульфида и затем возвращают.

28-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200701240A1

Способ извлечения аммиака из содержащего аммиак газообразного потока путем обработки аммиака кислотой в потоке газа, содержащем аммиак, причем в ходе указанной обработки образуется водный поток, содержащий соль аммония, в котором водный поток, содержащий соль аммония, обрабатывают с помощью электродиализа, в результате чего извлекают кислоту и получают водный поток, содержащий соль гидроксида аммония.

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA201290898A1

В изобретении раскрыта новая композиция, способ изготовления этой композиции, система и способ обработки текучей среды, содержащей загрязняющую примесь. Текучая среда может быть водной. Загрязненная текучая среда может иметь форму суспензии. В результате обработки снижается концентрация загрязняющей примеси. Снижение концентрации загрязняющей примеси может быть достаточным для восстановления данной текучей среды в отношении загрязняющей примеси. Обработка может снижать концентрацию множества загрязняющих примесей. Настоящая композиция, система и способ являются надежными и гибкими. Композиция включает нуль-валентное железо, железооксидный минерал и двухвалентное железо. Двухвалентное железо способствует сохранению железооксидного минерала. Железооксидный минерал промотирует активность нуль-валентного железа. Данный способ и система могут включать множество стадий. Одна стадия может быть оптимизирована для обработки в отношении некоторой конкретной загрязняющей примеси. Настоящие композиция ...

29-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201000640A1

Задача изобретения заключается в обеспечении очистки воды, в частности получения дистиллированной воды, в промышленном объеме на технологичном оборудовании, которое может быть использовано в составе газоперекачивающего агрегата для транспортировки природного газа, использующего газотурбинную установку с отводом выхлопных газов через шахту выхлопа, которые как правило, оборудованы утилизаторами тепла для разогрева воды. Либо в составе иных систем, предусматривающих эксплуатацию стационарных газовых турбин с организацией отвода выхлопных газов через шахты выхлопа. Технология очистки воды, в том числе решение задачи только обессоливания, не предусматривает использование каких-либо дополнительных химических компонентов, отходы удаляются без каких-либо особых трудозатрат и на оборудование не распространяются требования, предъявляемые к безопасности эксплуатации сосудов высокого давления. Установка содержит герметичный полый парообразователь 1, выполненный для подачи в верхнюю часть пара с возможностью ...

30-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201001035A1

Щелочные растворы, образующиеся при экстрагировании сульфида из углеводородных текучих сред, могут быть обработаны при помощи сочетания одной или более электродиализных ячеек и биореактора. Электродиализная ячейка содержит анод, катод, источник электропитания и первую и вторую камеры, отделенные одна от другой анионообменной мембраной. Щелочной раствор подают в первую камеру с катодной стороны, а дилюат (обедненный сульфидом поток), выходящий из первой камеры, имеет пониженное содержание сульфида и может быть повторно использован в виде щелочного экстрагирующего раствора. Концентрат (обогащенный сульфидом поток), выходящий из второй камеры, обрабатывают в биореакторе для удаления сульфида и затем возвращают.

29-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000015066B1

Задача изобретения заключается в обеспечении очистки воды, в частности получения дистиллированной воды, в промышленном объеме на технологичном оборудовании, которое может быть использовано в составе газоперекачивающего агрегата для транспортировки природного газа, использующего газотурбинную установку с отводом выхлопных газов через шахту выхлопа, которые, как правило, оборудованы утилизаторами тепла для разогрева воды, либо в составе иных систем, предусматривающих эксплуатацию стационарных газовых турбин с организацией отвода выхлопных газов через шахты выхлопа. Технология очистки воды, в том числе решение задачи только обессоливания, не предусматривает использование каких-либо дополнительных химических компонентов, отходы удаляются без каких-либо особых трудозатрат и на оборудование не распространяются требования, предъявляемые к безопасности эксплуатации сосудов высокого давления. Установка содержит герметичный полый парообразователь 1, выполненный для подачи в верхнюю часть пара с возможностью ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000107956C2

26-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000107585C2

29-10-2008 дата публикации

Method for removing metals from waste water and apparatus for removing metals from waste water

Номер: CN0101296868A

This invention provides a method for removing metals from waste water in which metals such as thallium contained in waste water produced upon water washing of chlorine-containing wastes, raw garbage burned ash, fly ash and the like are removed to a concentration not more than the value specified in waste water standards to improve the water quality of the waste water, and an apparatus for removing metals from waste water. The method for removing metals from waste water is characterized by comprising applying a direct current by an electrolyzer (5) to a reaction tank (1), a precipitation tank (2), and a metal aggregate-containing waste water (S5) discharged through the reaction tank (4) to perform electrolysis, precipitating metals, dissolved in the waste water (S5), as metal oxides upon the electrolysis of the waste water (S5), separating the waste water (S6), in which metal oxides have been precipitated, into a suspended solid (MP) and waste water (S7) by a microfiltration apparatus (6 ...

15-09-2010 дата публикации

Methods for removing suspended solids from a gasification process stream

Номер: CN0101835708A

A method of removing suspended solids from a gasification process water stream includes, in an exemplar) ' embodiment, providing a gasification process water stream containing process derived suspended solids, settling at least a portion of the suspended solids from the process water stream in a settling apparatus (136), providing a filter apparatus having a plurality of filter elements (330), and removing a portion of the settled solids from the settling apparatus. The method also includes precoating the filter elements with the settled solids (138) removed from the settling apparatus (136), directing a portion (190) of the process water stream from the settling apparatus to the filter apparatus (326), and filtering the portion of the process water stream directed from the settling apparatus through the precoated filter elements to remove suspended solids particles to form a filtrate.

12-04-2019 дата публикации

Desulfurized wastewater treatment system and method

Номер: CN0109607891A

30-01-2013 дата публикации

Photocatalytic reactor and method for treating gaseous pollutants using the same

Номер: CN102895931A

The present invention provides a photocatalytic reactor and a method for treating gaseous pollutants using the same, which can decompose and remove gaseous pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odors, etc. as well as liquid pollutants using an environmentally friendly photocatalytic reaction. To this end, the present invention provides a photocatalytic reactor including: a solution tank to which a fluid containing gaseous pollutants to be treated is supplied through an inlet; a solution injector installed at the top of the inlet and injecting a gaseous pollutant solution into the fluid to be treated such that the gaseous pollutants of the fluid are dissolved; and a liquid photocatalytic treatment device receiving the gaseous pollutant solution, in which the gaseous pollutants of the fluid are dissolved and liquefied, from the solution tank and decomposing the liquefied gaseous pollutants of the fluid.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Process for the oxidation of waste alkali under superatmospheric pressure

Номер: US20120085711A1
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

The invention relates to a process for the treatment of a used waste alkali, in which the used waste alkali is oxidized at a superatmospheric pressure in the range from 60 bar to 200 bar. The pressure of the used waste alkali L is increased and then heated by indirect heat exchange. The heated used waste alkali is conveyed into a separator, wherein vaporized aqueous phase is separated from the used waste alkali. The resultant liquid phase is brought to the desired reaction pressure and introduced into an oxidation reactor. In the oxidation reactor, the used waste alkali is oxidized. In a first reaction, thiosulphates are formed from the sulphides. In a second reaction, the thiosulphates are converted into more stable sulphates.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Filtration of Lime-Treated Water

Номер: US20120325754A1
Принадлежит: RDP Technologies Inc

A method and apparatus is provided for water filtration of a milk of lime solution that contains water, impurities, and grit particles, in which the milk of lime solution enters a vessel, and wherein turbulence is created in the vessel, by which larger grit particles settle out of the milk of lime solution, to form a bed of grit particles in the lower end of the vessel, such that grit particles and impurities are filtered from the lime-treated water that comprises a milk of lime solution, with water then being drawn off, that may be discharged out one or more dosing locations and/or recycled back for further filtration, as may be desired.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Selenium recovery from bioreactor sludge

Номер: US20130248443A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Wastewater, for example flue gas desulphurization blowdown water, containing soluble selenium is treated in a bioreactor. Microorganisms in the reactor reduce the selenium to elemental selenium, which is insoluble. The elemental selenium is discharged from the reactor in waste sludge also comprising biomass and other suspended solids. Non-microbial suspended solids are removed by way of acid dissolution followed by de-watering. The remaining sludge is burned at a temperature below the selenium oxidation temperature to remove biomass while leaving selenium particles behind.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

System for treating selenium-containing liquid, wet flue gas desulfurization device, and method for treating selenium-containing liquid

Номер: US20130259740A1

A system for treating a selenium-containing liquid, a wet flue gas desulfurization device, and a method for treating a selenium-containing liquid treat a selenium-containing liquid by adding bivalent manganese to the selenium-containing liquid, thereby suppressing oxidation of tetravalent selenium to hexavalent selenium. The system includes: a potential measurement unit for measuring an oxidation-reduction potential of the selenium-containing liquid, and a pH measurement unit for measuring a pH value of the selenium-containing liquid; a detection unit for detecting whether or not the selenium-containing liquid is in a state where selenium stabilizes at a valence of 4 or higher, based on the measured oxidation-reduction potential and the measured pH value; and an addition unit for adding bivalent manganese into the selenium-containing liquid when the selenium-containing liquid is in a state where selenium stabilizes at a valence of 4 or higher.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Electrolytic Apparatus and Method for Treating Water to Remove Nitrates, Phosphates, Arsenic, Molecules of High Molecular Weight, and Organic Materials

Номер: US20130277231A1
Автор: Bernard Greenberg
Принадлежит: Aqua Vectors Inc

An apparatus for treating contaminated water includes an electrolytic cell and a flow directing device. The electrolytic cell includes an anode chamber, a cathode chamber, an anode, a cathode, and a membrane. The anode is in the anode chamber and the cathode is in the cathode chamber. The membrane is positioned in the electrolytic cell to maintain a pH difference between the anode chamber and cathode chamber when a voltage is applied between the anode and cathode. The contaminated water for treatment is provided with hydrogen ions at the anode and with hydroxyl ions at the cathode when the voltage is applied. The flow directing device is connected to direct the water from the anode chamber to the cathode chamber.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Wet type exhaust gas desulfurization apparatus

Номер: US20140030157A1
Автор: Motofumi Ito
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A wet type exhaust gas desulfurization apparatus includes an absorption tower desulfurizing exhaust gas by causing the exhaust gas to come into gas-liquid contact with an absorbent, a spray mechanism spraying the absorbent into the tower, an oxidization mechanism provided in a bottom portion of the tower and supplying oxygen to the absorbent that accumulates inside the tower, a circulation mechanism feeding the absorbent from a discharge port formed in the bottom portion of the tower, to the spray mechanism, and a liquid ejection mechanism including a hydraulic nozzle ejecting liquid into the tower. In this apparatus, the oxidization mechanisms are provided with an interval in a horizontal direction relative to the discharge port. Furthermore, in the apparatus, the hydraulic nozzle is installed in the bottom portion of the tower and is provided at a location between the oxidization mechanism and the discharge port.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Treatment of Industrial Water Systems

Номер: US20180001262A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC.

A method for controlling treatment of an industrial water system is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of providing an apparatus for controlling delivery of at least one treatment chemical, the apparatus comprising at least one sensor and an electronic input/output device carrying out a protocol; measuring a parameter of the industrial water system using the at least one sensor; relaying the measured parameter to the electronic device; adjusting the protocol based on the measured parameter; delivering a concentrated treatment chemical into a stream of the industrial water system according to the adjusted protocol, the concentrated treatment chemical comprising an active ingredient, the active ingredient traced as necessary, the active ingredient having a concentration; repeating the measuring, the adjusting, and the delivering; and optionally repeating the steps for n-number of parameters, n-number of active ingredients, and/or n-number of concentrated treatment chemicals. 114-. (canceled)15. A method of preparing an additive package having multiple active components , the method comprising:dosing a volume of a first concentrated active ingredient comprising a first concentrated fluorophore into a solvent to form a first blend;monitoring a fluorescence response of the first concentrated fluorophore in the first blend to a first fluorometric set point sensitive to concentration changes;upon reaching the first fluorometric set point, dosing a volume of a second concentrated active ingredient into the first blend to form a second blend; andmonitoring the fluorescence response of the first concentrated fluorophore in the second blend to a second fluorometric set point sensitive to concentration changes.16. The method of claim 15 , further comprising claim 15 , upon reaching the second fluorometric set point claim 15 , dosing a second volume of the first concentrated active ingredient comprising the first concentrated fluorophore into the second blend to form a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Reclaiming method

Номер: US20200016529A1

A reclaiming method is disclosed including conducting evaporation by introducing a part of the absorbent to recover CO2 or H2S in a gas in a closed system recovery unit and separating a degraded substance contained in the absorbent from the absorbent to be introduced into an evaporator and obtain recovery steam containing an absorbent and CO2 or H2S by a heating section that is provided on a circulation line that circulates in the evaporator; and removing ionic degraded substance by cooling the concentrate obtained in the evaporation and removing an ionic degraded substance in the concentrate after the cooling, wherein a purified concentrate from which the ionic degraded substance has been removed is reused as a purified absorbent.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016223A1

A treated water drying device for vaporizing treated water by heat of a combustion gas, the device including a housing , a combustion gas supply port for supplying the combustion gas to the housing , a water supply portion for vaporizing the treated water by bringing the treated water into contact with the combustion gas supplied to the housing , and an exhaust port for discharging a water-containing gas including the vaporized treated water to an outside of the housing . The exhaust port is disposed at a lowermost part of the housing and opens in a direction crossing a vertical direction. The housing has a bottom including an inclined portion formed toward the exhaust port 2. The boiler system according to claim 1 ,wherein the inclined portion is formed at an angle which is not less than a repose angle of solids included in the combustion gas.3. The boiler system according to claim 1 ,wherein the inclined portion is formed at an angle of not less than 30° and less than 90° with respect to a horizontal direction.4. The boiler system according to claim 1 ,wherein the inclined portion includes a planar portion.5. The boiler system according to claim 1 , comprising an exhaust duct connected to the exhaust port claim 1 , an exhaust duct body portion giving passage to the water-containing gas discharged from the exhaust port; and', 'a solid collection portion defining a collection space communicating with an opening formed in a lower part of the exhaust duct body portion, the collection space being provided to collect solids included in the water-containing gas passing through the exhaust duct body portion., 'wherein the exhaust duct includes6. The boiler system according to claim 5 ,wherein the housing includes a first protruding member protruding from an upper end of the exhaust port into the housing.7. The boiler system according to claim 5 ,wherein the solid collection portion includes an opening/closing member for opening/closing the opening.8. The boiler system ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Methods and systems for treating an aqueous solution

Номер: US20210017052A1
Принадлежит: Battelle Energy Alliance Llc

A method of treating an aqueous solution comprises forming a treatment stream comprising a condensable material. The treatment stream is introduced to an aqueous solution comprising water and a solute to fractionally precipitate the solute out of the aqueous solution and form a solids stream comprising the solute and an aqueous liquid stream comprising at least one solute-depleted solution of the water and the condensable material. The condensable material of at least a portion of the aqueous liquid stream is separated from the water of the at least a portion of the aqueous liquid stream to at least partially reform the treatment stream and form an aqueous liquid product stream depleted in the solute. Aqueous solution treatment systems and additional methods of treating an aqueous solution are also described.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Treatment agent for wet-coating-booth circulating water

Номер: US20200039850A1
Автор: Tsuneyuki Yoshida
Принадлежит: Kurita Water Industries ltd

A method for treating a wet-painting booth circulation water, includes, into somewhere along a path for a wet-painting booth circulation water supplied from a water tank to a painting booth for collecting an unapplied paint and then returned to the water tank, adding a treatment agent to a wet-painting booth circulation water so as to detackify the unapplied paint collected in the circulation water, wherein the treatment agent includes a cellulose acetate solution.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046405A1

A clarifier with an improved rake comprising a plurality of arms, wherein each arm of the rake including a series of arcuate blades, which each blade increasing in height and angle relative to the rake arm as radial distance of the blade relative to the center of the rake decreases. 1. A clarifier rake for processing sludge , comprising:a. a plurality of arms rotating about a center axis, each of the plurality of arms having a free distal end and a proximal end attached to the center axis;b. an array of blades on at least one of the plurality of arms for processing the sludge in a spiral path towards the center axis, wherein each array of blades comprises at least a first blade and a second blade, the first blade being closer than the second blade to the free distal end of the at least one of the plurality of arms, wherein the first blade has a more acute angle than the second blade, and the second blade has a larger height than the first blade.2. The clarifier rake of claim 1 , wherein each of the array of blades is arcuate.3. A clarifier rake for processing sludge claim 1 , comprising:a) a plurality of arms rotating about a center axis, each of the plurality of arms having a free distal end and a proximal end attached to the center axis;b) an array of arcuate blades on at least one of the plurality of arms for urging the sludge in a spiral path towards the center axis, wherein each array of blades comprises at least a first blade, a second blade and a third blade, the first blade being closer than the second blade or the third blade to the free distal end of the at least one of the plurality of arms, and the third blade being closer than the second blade or the first blade to the proximate end of the at least one of the plurality of arms, wherein the first blade has a more acute angle than the second blade, the second blade has a more acute angle than the third blade, the third blade has a larger height than the first blade, and the second blade has a larger ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046511A1

The present invention relates generally to the field of emission control equipment for boilers, heaters, kilns, or other flue gas-, or combustion gas-, generating devices (e.g., those located at power plants, processing plants) and, in particular to a new and useful method and apparatus designed to improve the water supplied to non-calcium-based, aqueous wet SOscrubbers. In another embodiment, the present invention relates to a system and method for softening water for use in non-calcium-based, aqueous wet SOscrubbers. 1. A system designed to treat and/or soften raw water supplied to a non-calcium-based , aqueous wet SOscrubber , the system comprising:(a) at least one floc supply means;(b) at least one raw water supply means;(c) at least one sodium carbonate supply means;(d) at least one lime slurry supply means;(e) at least one first precipitator/crystallizer tank, wherein the at least one floc supply means, the at least one raw water supply means, the at least one sodium carbonate supply means and the at least one lime slurry supply means all supply their respective compounds to the at least one first precipitator/crystallizer tank, and wherein the at least one first precipitator/crystallizer tank has at least one outlet;(f) at least one first settler/thickener tank that is in fluid communication with the at least one outlet of the at least one first precipitator/crystallizer tank, the at least one first settler/thickener tank having at least one outlet;(g) at least one second precipitator/crystallizer tank that is in fluid communication with the at least one outlet of the at least one first settler/thickener tank, wherein the at least one second precipitator/crystallizer tank has at least one outlet;{'sub': 'x', '(h) at least one waste liquor supply means, wherein the at least one waste liquor supply means is in fluid communication with the at least one second precipitator/crystallizer tank, wherein the waste liquor is supplied from a portion of the waste liquor ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047886A1

A method for treating sulfide in an aqueous fluid comprises contacting the fluid with an oxidizer in the presence of a sulfur dye or sulfurized vat dye. In one embodiment, the method comprises treating sulfide contaminated water by contacting the contaminated water with air in the presence of a sulfur dye or a sulfurized vat dye. The method is useful for remediating industrial, agricultural, and municipal waste water. 116.-. (canceled)17. A method of producing at least one thiosulfate salt , said method comprising:contacting an aqueous fluid comprising bisulfide ions with oxygen or an oxygen-containing gas in the presence of at least one sulfur dye or sulfurized vat dye to produce an aqueous fluid comprising soluble thiosulfate salt(s); andseparating the soluble thiosulfate salt(s) from the at least one sulfur dye or sulfurized vat dye in the aqueous fluid.18. The method of claim 17 , further comprising absorbing hydrogen sulfide into an aqueous fluid comprising an alkali to convert the absorbed hydrogen sulfide to bisulfide ions.19. The method of claim 17 , wherein said aqueous fluid is selected from one of oil processing or gas processing.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein said aqueous fluid comprises waste water.21. The method of claim 18 , wherein said alkali is chosen to produce the desired thiosulfate salt(s).22. The method of claim 18 , wherein the alkali is chosen from sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.23. The method of claim 17 , wherein said sulfur dye or sulfurized vat dye is selected from the group consisting of Sulfur Black 1 claim 17 , Leuco Sulfur Black 1 claim 17 , Solubilized Sulfur Black 1 claim 17 , and mixtures thereof.24. The method of claim 17 , wherein said sulfur dye or sulfurized vat dye is in the Leuco (reduced) form claim 17 , the Solubilized form or mixtures thereof.25. The method of claim 18 , wherein said hydrogen sulfide is generated during at least one of natural gas processing and petroleum refining.26. The method of claim 17 ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052808A1
Автор: Huang Yongheng
Принадлежит: The Texas A&M University System

Hybrid zero-valent iron systems and methods for treating a fluid containing a contaminant that removes or reduces the concentration of contaminants, such as toxic metals, metalloids, oxyanions, and dissolved silica. 1. A treatment system for removing or reducing the concentration of a contaminant in a fluid , the treatment system comprising a reactive zone comprising:(a) a reactive solid comprising zero-valent iron and one or more iron oxide minerals in contact therewith, wherein the zero-valent iron from which the reactive solid is prepared has particle size from about 5 μm to about 200 μm;(b) a secondary reagent in contact with the reactive solid, wherein the secondary reagent is ferrous iron.2. The treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the zero-valent iron from which the reactive solid is prepared has particle size from about 5 μm to less than about 20 μm.3. The treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the zero-valent iron from which the reactive solid is prepared has particle size from about 20 μm to about 50 μm.4. The treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the zero-valent iron from which the reactive solid is prepared has particle size greater than about 50 μm to about 200 μm.5. The treatment system of further comprising a secondary solid claim 1 , wherein the secondary solid comprises an iron oxide mineral.6. The treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the reactive zone comprises a fluidized bed.7. The treatment system of further comprising a settling zone in fluid communication with the reactive zone.8. The treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the reactive solid comprises a plurality of particles.9. The treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more iron oxide minerals in contact with the reactive solid is magnetite.10. The treatment system of claim 5 , wherein the secondary solid comprises a plurality of particles.11. The treatment system of claim 5 , wherein the iron oxide mineral of the secondary solid comprises magnetite.12. A method of removing or ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Process and device for treating a waste lye

Номер: US20210053853A1

The invention relates to a process for treating a waste lye of a lye scrub using an oxidation reactor (), the waste lye and oxygen or an oxygen-containing gas mixture being introduced into the oxidation reactor () and steam being introduced into the oxidation reactor (). It is provided that the steam is at least partially introduced by means of a steam feeding device (), which has a cylindrical section () with a centre axis () and a wall (), the centre axis () being aligned perpendicularly, a number of groups of openings () being formed in the wall, each of the groups comprising a number of the openings (), and the number of openings () of each of the groups being arranged in one or more planes () that is or are in each case aligned perpendicularly to the centre axis (). A corresponding installation and also a corresponding oxidation reactor () are likewise the subject of the present invention. 110010010010111213121414141512. A process for treating a waste lye of a lye scrub by using an oxidation reactor () , the waste lye with oxygen or an oxygen-containing gas mixture being introduced into the oxidation reactor () and steam being introduced into the oxidation reactor () , characterized in that the steam is at least partially introduced by means of a steam feeding device () , which has one or more cylindrical sections () with in each case a centre axis () and in each case a wall () , the centre axis () being aligned perpendicularly , a number of groups of openings () being formed in the wall , each of the groups respectively comprising a number of the openings () , and the number of openings () of each of the groups being arranged in one or more planes () that is or are in each case aligned perpendicularly to the centre axis ().214151513. The process according to claim 1 , in which the openings () in each of the planes () are arranged such that they are distributed equidistantly around a circumference defined by a sectional line of the respective plane () with the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Method for producing an organic substance

Номер: US20210054418A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

Provided is a method for producing an organic substance, in which an organic material (metabolite) derived from a microorganism is reduced while retaining a nutritive substance in an organic substance-containing solution discharged from a fermentation tank containing the microorganism, whereby various nutritional elements contained in the organic substance-containing solution can be reused with high efficiency. A method for producing an organic substance by the microbial fermentation of a synthetic gas containing at least carbon monoxide, the method comprising a synthetic gas supply step of supplying the synthetic gas into a fermentation tank containing a microorganism, a fermentation step of subjecting the synthetic gas to microbial fermentation in the fermentation tank, an aerobic fermentation treatment step of subjecting at least a portion of a liquid produced in the fermentation step to an aerobic fermentation treatment in a liquid waste treatment unit, and a recycling step of supplying a liquid produced in the aerobic fermentation treatment step to the fermentation tank, wherein the aerobic fermentation treatment step is carried out in the presence of a nitrifying bacterium inhibitor.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Recycling and treatment process for produced and used flowback fracturing water

Номер: US20180057384A1
Автор: Chad Allen Randal
Принадлежит: Amperage Energy Inc

A portable water recycling and treatment system and process for used and produced flowback frac water pumps the water from a collection tank through a series of dedicated hydration, retention and filtering tanks and vessels that provide treatment for the removal of chemicals, sediments and other containments. The system, which is enclosed, can be readily assembled on-site by interconnecting the dedicated tanks, vessels and pumps. The tanks and vessels may be situated in a plurality of trailers that are transported separately to the site.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for the removal of at least one contaminant from an aqueous liquor or a gas

Номер: US20220081334A1
Принадлежит: SOLVAY SA

A method for the removal of at least one contaminant from an aqueous liquor or a gas, comprising: preparing a solution or slurry of a solid alkali reagent by supplying a solid alkali reagent into a pre-wetting chamber via a feed pipe; supplying a liquid via two or more liquid sidestreams, each through a liquid inlet positioned on a side wall of the chamber to allow the liquid sidestreams to wash an internal wall of a frusto-conical section of the chamber and flow, preferably tangentially onto the internal wall in a downward spiraling manner thereby forming a vortex, towards a fluid outlet of the chamber and to further wet the solid alkali reagent with the supplied liquid thereby forming a pre-wetted reagent; and flowing a stream though a conduit, thereby creating a suction by the eductor to draw the pre-wetted reagent out of the chamber fluid outlet and mixing it with the stream to form a slurry or solution; and directing the slurry or solution exiting the eductor to an aqueous liquor or gas treatment unit, removing at least a portion of the contaminant from the aqueous liquor or gas in the treatment unit.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071207A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

An apparatus is disclosed including a desulfurization device which removes sulfur oxides contained in boiler flue gas, a spray drying device which sprays desulfurization waste water discharged from the desulfurization device and which dries the waste water by introducing a drying gas, a flue gas supplying line Lwhich returns, to a main flue L, flue gas obtained after the desulfurization waste water is evaporated and dried, an alkaline agent supplying unit which adds an alkaline agent to a desulfurization waste water line L, and a pH meter which measures the pH in the desulfurization waste water at locations before and after the alkaline agent supplying unit in the desulfurization waste water line L, wherein the alkaline agent is added in accordance with a measurement result of a measured pH to cause the desulfurization waste water added with the alkaline agent to have a pH fall within a predetermined pH. 111-. (canceled)12. A non-waste water flue gas treatment system , comprising:a boiler configured to combust fuel;a heat recovering device provided in a main flue that discharges a boiler flue gas from the boiler and configured to recover heat of the boiler flue gas;a desulfurization device configured to remove a sulfur oxide contained in the boiler flue gas with a desulfurization absorbing liquid;a spray drying device configured to spray waste water including desulfurization waste water discharged from the desulfurization device;a flue gas introduction line configured to introduce a drying gas for evaporating and drying the desulfurization waste water into the spray drying device;a flue gas supplying line configured to return a flue gas obtained after the desulfurization waste water being evaporated and dried in the spray drying device back to the main flue;an alkali supplying unit configured to add an alkaline agent to a desulfurization waste water line that connects the desulfurization device and the spray drying device; anda pH meter configured to measure a pH in ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Control of aqueous arsenic, selenium, mercury or other metals from flue gas

Номер: US20200071219A1
Автор: Steven Feeney
Принадлежит: Steve Feeney Consulting LLC

The invention pertains to methods of reducing dissolved elements such as arsenic, selenium and mercury in aqueous solutions using, for example, various barium compounds to partition said elements to a solid phase. Such methods are particularly useful for reducing such elements at various points in coal and oil-fired power plants prior to final waste water treatment.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077686A1

A zero discharge process for separating sludge and salt from desulfurization wastewater includes a pretreatment process, a membrane treatment process and an evaporative crystallization process; in the pretreatment process, the desulfurization wastewater enters a raw water tank, an aeration fan introduces compressed air into the raw water tank, and the wastewater is lifted to first-stage reaction and clarification by a raw water pump; in the membrane treatment process, the incoming wastewater is first filtered by ultrafiltration, then enters a pH adjustment tank, and is pumped into a nanofiltration membrane separation system and a reverse osmosis membrane separation system; in the evaporative crystallization process, the incoming wastewater is first subjected to two-stage preheating, then enters a degasser, and finally enters an evaporative concentration system and a crystallization system. 1. A zero discharge process for separating sludge and salt from desulfurization wastewater , characterized by sequentially including a pretreatment process , a membrane treatment process and an evaporative crystallization process:the pretreatment process:(1) the desulfurization wastewater enters a raw water tank, an aeration fan introduces compressed air into the raw water tank, and the wastewater is lifted to first-stage reaction and clarification by a raw water pump;{'sub': 2', '3, '(2) in the first-stage reaction and clarification, lime milk is added to a first-stage reaction tank, the pH value is adjusted to 8-9 under stirring conditions, iron, zinc, lead, nickel and chromium are produced into hydroxide precipitate, fluoride ions are produced into CaFprecipitate, and silicon is produced into CaSiOprecipitate; an appropriate amount of organic sulfur is added to make mercury and copper produce sulfide precipitate, and an appropriate amount of coagulant and coagulant aid are added to form easily separated large particle precipitate; the wastewater overflows into a first-stage ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Apparatuses for extracting rare earth metals and other materials from wastewater

Номер: US20220135448A1
Автор: David Keith FISHER
Принадлежит: Fisherh2o LLC

An efficient, cost-effective, and efficacious technique for removing coal ash and other pollutants from waterways, ponds, marshes, holding tanks and other water sources and supplies. An apparatus comprising an open cage including electromagnets and/or permanent magnets and/or electrodes is supplied with electrical power to extract materials such as rare earth elements and/or heavy metals. The materials levitate to the surface, forming a slurry while leaving water substantially free of such materials.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097173A1
Автор: Divers, III Norman E.

The present invention is directed to an ash management trench, the system comprising: a first section comprising at least one flow control structure; and a second section comprising a stilling basin, the second section coupled to the first section. 1. An ash management trench system for harvesting byproducts , the system comprising:a first section comprising at least one flow control structure; anda second section comprising a stilling basin, the second section coupled to the first section.2. The system of further comprises a casting area.3. The system of further comprises a separator dam.4. The system of further comprises a geotextile layer.5. The system of further comprises at least one textured surface.6. The system of further comprises at least one of a drain claim 1 , a pipe claim 1 , or a pump.7. The system of further comprises a flexible high density polyethylene membrane liner.8. The system of defines at least one of a length claim 1 , a width claim 1 , a surface area claim 1 , a depth claim 1 , or a volume.9. The system of is constructed with concrete.10. The system of is at least one of sloped claim 1 , elevated claim 1 , tiered claim 1 , or inclined.11. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first section comprises a receiving channel.12. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first section comprises a headwall.13. The system of claim 12 , wherein the headwall comprises an opening for receiving sluice water.14. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first section comprises the addition of at least one flocculant.15. The system of claim 14 , wherein the flocculant comprises anionic polyacrylamide.16. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one flow control structure comprises at least one of a stop log system claim 1 , a mesh wire fence claim 1 , or a solid wall.17. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stilling basin defines at least one zone claim 1 , the at least one zone comprising at least one designated area for ash settlement.18. The system of comprises ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092649A1

A wastewater treatment system includes a circulating fluidized bed evaporator defining a longitudinal axis vertical with respect to gravity. The evaporator has a wastewater inlet to provide wastewater to the circulating fluidized bed evaporator. A heat inlet is axially below the wastewater inlet to provide heat to the circulating fluidized bed evaporator for evaporating the wastewater. An outlet is axially above the wastewater inlet and the heat inlet. 1. A method for treating wastewater comprising:providing heat to a circulating fluidized bed evaporator;injecting a fluid stream of wastewater into the evaporator, wherein the heat evaporates liquid from wastewater producing a gas and/or particulate effluent; andpassing the gas and/or particulate effluent through a particulate collection device to separate the gas effluent from the particulate effluent.2. A method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising returning the effluent to a gas path of a steam generating electrical power plant upstream from a plant particulate collection device.3. A method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising recycling at least a portion of the particulate effluent back to the evaporator to improve mass and heat transfer characteristics within the circulating fluidized bed evaporator.4. A method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising removing at least a portion of the particulate effluent from the wastewater treatment system downstream of the particulate collection device for disposal.5. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein providing the heat to the evaporator includes drawing a flue gas slip stream from a gas path of a steam generating electrical power plant and injecting it into the evaporator.6. A method as recited in claim 5 , wherein a flue gas temperature at a heat inlet of the evaporator ranges from 450° F. to 800° F.7. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein a temperature of the gas effluent at an outlet of the evaporator ranges from an acid gas dew point to 400° F.8. ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092667A1
Принадлежит: Aquatech International, LLC

A process for removal of selenium and nitrate from waste water includes both electrochemical and bioprocessing treatment. Embodiments include use of activated walnut shell a growth media for selenium-reducing bacteria. 1. A method for simultaneous removal of selenium , nitrate , and heavy metals from wastewater , comprising:treating wastewater containing selenite and selenate and nitrate, and, optionally, heavy metals, in at least one column, said column packed with a porous media providing a surface for growth and maintenance of a biofilm upon and in the porous media, wherein said biofilm reduces selenite and selenate to form elemental selenium, and wherein said biofilm also reduces nitrate to form nitrogen gas; andbackwashing said at least one column to remove the elemental selenium and precipitated heavy metals, and an excess biomass from the column, wherein said backwashing does not diminish bioactivity of the biofilm growing upon and in the porous media.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding a carbon source to the wastewater upstream of the at least one column.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said porous media is walnut shell.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein said walnut shell has a greater porosity than natural walnut shell resulting from modification of a structure of natural walnut shell.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said greater porosity is a result of at least one of a chemical method claim 4 , a physical method claim 4 , and a biological method.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the chemical method is treatment with an alkali.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising filtering the wastewater subsequent to treatment in the column.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the filtering is accomplished by at least one of media filtering claim 7 , membrane filtering claim 7 , and aerobic biological process and membrane filtration.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising physical and/or chemical treatment of the wastewater prior to ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Systems for recovery and re-use of waste energy in crude oil refining and aromatics complex

Номер: US20180094864A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Configurations and related processing schemes of specific inter-plants and hybrid, intra- and inter-plants waste heat recovery schemes for thermal energy consumption reduction in integrated refining-petrochemical facilities synthesized for grassroots medium grade crude oil semi-conversion refineries to increase energy efficiency from specific portions of low grade waste heat sources are described. Configurations and related processing schemes of specific inter-plants and hybrid, intra- and inter-plants waste heat recovery schemes for thermal energy consumption reduction in integrated refining-petrochemical facilities synthesized for integrated medium grade crude oil semi-conversion refineries and aromatics complex for increasing energy efficiency from specific portions of low grade waste sources are also described.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169538A1

A water generation system for a vehicle comprises: a first container to collect liquid water generated from the condensation of water vapor; a filter to filter the liquid water, the filter in fluid flow communication with the first container; a second container to store the liquid water that the filter filtered, the second container (i) in fluid flow communication with the filter and (ii) configured to hold a larger volume of the liquid water than the first container; and a source of ultraviolet light that, when activated, emits the ultraviolet light into at least one of the first container and the second container. The water generation system can further comprise an agitator that is configured to agitate the liquid water disposed within either the first container or the second container, and a cooling element configured to withdraw heat from the liquid water within the water generation system. 1. A water generation system for a vehicle comprising:a first container to collect liquid water generated from condensation of water vapor;a filter to filter the liquid water, the filter in fluid flow communication with the first container;a second container to store the liquid water that the filter filtered, the second container (i) in fluid flow communication with the filter and (ii) configured to hold a larger volume of the liquid water than the first container; anda source of ultraviolet light that, when activated, emits the ultraviolet light into at least one of the first container and the second container.2. The water generation system of further comprising:an agitator that is configured to agitate the liquid water disposed within either the first container or the second container.3. The water generation system of claim 2 , whereinthe agitator comprises a magnetizable element within either of the first container or the second container that rotates in response to a rotating magnetic field generated outside of the first container or the second container.4. The water ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Method for removing selenium and apparatus for removing selenium

Номер: US20160115053A1

A method for removing selenium according to the present invention comprises: a valence change step of adding an oxidant to a wastewater from a facility that gasifies a fuel containing selenium in a reducing atmosphere, and oxidizing the selenium to change the valence of the selenium, and a solid-liquid separation step of adding a flocculant to the wastewater, forming a floc containing the selenium for which the valence has been changed in the valence change step, and subjecting the floc to solid-liquid separation.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111080A1
Автор: LEE Seong Hun

The present invention provides an air purifying apparatus that can continuously discharge sludge separated from suctioned contaminated air from a dust collecting apparatus to the outside, thereby improving convenience of use and air purifying performance, and can mix contaminated air with water, eliminate the sludge and contaminants in the air, and allow the eliminated sludge and contaminants to pass through a photocatalytic purifying unit and purify air using a photocatalytic reaction, thereby improving air purifying performance. 1. An air purifying apparatus comprising:a case that forms an external appearance of the air purifying apparatus and has a discharge hole through which purified air is discharged;a main blower that is communicated with the interior of the case such that contaminated air flows into the case;a water supply pipe that is provided at an outlet of the main blower to supply water mixed with the contaminated air introduced into the case;a sludge separation unit that is provided in an interior space of the case to form a passage in which the contaminated air mixed with the water introduced into the case makes continuous collisions and to separate the water in the contaminated air and the sludge;a barrier plate that partitions the interior space of the case into an upper air introduction unit and a lower sludge processing unit below the sludge separation unit and has a passage through which the water and the sludge separated from the contaminated air passes; anda sludge discharge unit that is provided in the sludge processing unit to continuously separate the water and the sludge passing through the base plate by rotation thereof and to discharge the separated sludge to the outside of the case,wherein the sludge discharge unit comprises:a drum that is rotated in the sludge processing unit and has a plurality of holes on an outer surface thereof;an air nozzle that is provided inside the drum to eject air supplied by a sludge blower provided in the ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Activated hybrid zero-valent iron treatment system and methods for generation and use thereof

Номер: US20180111855A1
Автор: Yongheng Huang

Activated iron media and methods for generating and using the activated iron media. The method involves aqueous suspension comprising a zero-valent iron, ferrous iron, and an iron oxide to provide a settled solid and re-suspending the settled solid to provide an aqueous suspension containing an activated iron media.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138390A1

The combined acid gas removal and water filtration system () removes sour gases, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbon dioxide (CO2), from an input gaseous hydrocarbon stream (FG), as well as producing purified water (TW). The acid gas removal system () has a contactor () for contacting the input gaseous stream (FG) with an absorption liquid solvent (ALS), and a stripper () for recycling the absorption liquid solvent (ALS) and removing acidic gases (AG) therefrom. A first heat exchanger () heats used absorption liquid solvent (UALS) output from the contactor () prior to injection into the stripper (). A second heat exchanger () cools recycled absorption liquid solvent (RALS) using a refrigerant (R) before injection back into the contactor (). The refrigerant (R) is coupled with an absorber (), which receives a dilute ethanolic draw solution (DDS) from a forward osmosis filtration system (), producing purified water (TW). 1. A combined acid gas removal and water filtration system , comprising:an absorption liquid solvent capable of removing acidic gases from gaseous hydrocarbons;a refrigerant; a gas inlet adapted for receiving a stream of gaseous hydrocarbons;', 'a gas outlet adapted for providing an outlet for the gaseous hydrocarbons after removal of acidic gases therefrom, the gaseous hydrocarbons being contacted by the absorption liquid solvent and the acidic gases being removed therefrom by absorption into the absorption liquid solvent inside the contactor;', 'an absorption liquid inlet for introducing the absorption liquid solvent into the contactor; and', 'an absorption liquid outlet for removing used absorption liquid solvent having the acidic gases absorbed therein from the contactor;, 'a contactor havinga first heat exchanger in fluid communication with the contactor, the first heat exchanger being configured for receiving the used absorption liquid solvent and heating the used absorption liquid solvent to output heated solvent;a stripper in fluid ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117520A1
Автор: Gonzalez David M.

The present invention discloses a pollution carrying waste treatment apparatus. The disclosed apparatus consists of a pollution carrying tube connected to the treatment cylinder through an elbow for forcing the pollution into the treatment cylinder for treating it with mist sprayer and allowing the treated water to run through water filters to separate contaminated water and re-use the pure water for further processing. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. A device to reduce an amount of pollution that comes from a pollution source , the device consisting essentially of:a) a pollution carrying tube, coupled to the pollution source, to rout the pollution therealong;b) a pollution cleaning tube, having a first and second end, positioned proximate to the pollution carrying tube, having a port on a side thereof positioned between the first and second end but positioned closer to the first end thereof;c) a coupling, having a first coupling end connected to the pollution carrying tube and a second coupling end coupled to the port on the pollution cleaning tube;d) a water supply, coupled to the pollution cleaning tube at a first end thereof;e) a plurality of water misters, coupled to the water supply and located within the pollution cleaning tube at the first end thereof, for creating a mist of water therein; andf) a plurality of pollution extractor filters, coupled within the pollution cleaning tube at a second end thereof;g) wherein upon device is arranged so that a stream of air is received through the pollution cleaning tube from the first end to the second end, the stream of air will first be mixed with the mist of water from the plurality of water misters, thereby the pollution from the pollution carrying tube that is routed through the coupling and through the port is mixed with the air and the mist of water, which is thereby forced through the plurality of pollution extractor filters located at the second end of the pollution cleaning tube to extract pollution ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120186A1

A device for separating carbon dioxide from a gas stream, in particular from a flue gas stream, includes an absorber for separating the carbon dioxide from the gas stream by means of a washing medium, a desorber which is fludically connected to the absorber to release the absorbed carbon dioxide from the washing medium, a gas cooler which is fludically connected upstream of the absorber to cool the gas stream, and a processing unit which is connected downstream of the gas cooler and which is equipped and designed to clean water from the gas cooler. A method separates carbon dioxide from a gas stream. 11. A removal apparatus () for carbon dioxide from a gas stream or from a flue gas stream , comprising:an absorber for separating carbon dioxide from the gas stream by means of a scrubbing medium,a desorber which is connected hydrodynamically to the absorber for liberating the absorbed carbon dioxide from the scrubbing medium,a gas cooler which is located hydrodynamically upstream of the absorber for cooling the gas stream, anda treatment unit which is located downstream of the gas cooler and is equipped and configured for purifying water from the gas cooler.2. The removal apparatus as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the treatment unit is connected hydrodynamically via a feed line to the gas cooler.3. The removal apparatus as claimed in claim 2 ,wherein the gas cooler is installed in a coolant circuit which is connected hydrodynamically via the feed line to the treatment unit.4. The removal apparatus as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the treatment unit comprises a reverse osmosis plant.5. The removal apparatus as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the treatment unit comprises a stock tank.6. The removal apparatus as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the treatment unit is configured for feeding purified water to the gas cooler.7. The removal apparatus as claimed in claim 3 ,wherein the treatment unit is configured for feeding purified water to the coolant circuit of the gas cooler.8. The ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Metal-Organic Frameworks for Adsorption of Liquid Phase Compounds

Номер: US20180134581A1
Принадлежит: Northwestern University

The present invention provides for the use of a metal-organic framework (MOF) in removing particular chemical species or compounds, in particular oxy-anions, from a liquid or liquid stream. In some embodiments, the MOF is a Zr-based MOF, such as NU-1000, and the oxy-anions that are removed include, include, for example, oxy-anions of selenium, including selenite (SeO) and selenate (SeO); oxy-anions of antimony, including oxy-anions in either the Sb[III] (antimonite) or the Sb[V] (antimonate) redox state; and oxy-anions of lead, including oxy-anions in either the Pb[II] or the Pb[IV] redox state, such as Pb(OH), Pb(OH), PbO, and PbO. The Zr-based MOF, including NU-1000 can be used to remove these oxy-anions from various liquid streams in industrial processes such as a nuclear and fossil fuel power plants, including the latter's flue gas desulfurization system. 1. A method for reducing the concentration of a oxy-anions from a liquid stream , comprising:contacting a liquid stream comprising an oxy-anion with a zirconium-based metal-organic framework; andcomplexing the oxy-anion with the metal-organic framework, thereby reducing the concentration of the oxy-anion in the liquid stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxy-anion comprises a selenium oxy-anion.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the selenium oxy-anion comprises selenate.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the metal-organic framework comprises NU-1000 and the adsorption capacity of the NU-1000 is approximately 85 mg selenate/g metal-organic framework or less.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the selenium oxy-anion comprises selenite.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the metal-organic framework comprises NU-1000 and the adsorption capacity of the NU-1000 is approximately 95 mg selenite/g metal-organic framework or less.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid stream further comprises a competing chemical species.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the oxy-anion comprises a selenium oxy-anion and the ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Chemical compositions and methods for remediating hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants in hydrocarbon based liquids and aqueous solutions without the formation of precipitates or scale

Номер: US20200131444A1
Принадлежит: Gaps Technology LLC

A treatment process for preparing a remediated liquid from a contaminated liquid originally containing more than 5 ppm hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) and substantially without formation of precipitate, includes steps of steps of adding an aqueous solution containing at least one hydroxide compound at a collective concentration of 35-55 wt % to the contaminated liquid to achieve a concentration of 125-5000 ppm of the hydroxide compounds in the contaminated liquid, adding a fulvic acid and/or a humic acid to the contaminated liquid to achieve a concentration of 0.01-10 ppm of the acid(s) in the contaminated liquid, and dispersing the aqueous solution and the at least one organic acid in the contaminated liquid and allowing the aqueous solution and the at least one organic acid to react with the contaminated liquid for a period of time until a concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the contaminated liquid is reduced to ≤5 ppm.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143266A1

Systems and methods are described for treating flue gas, for example from a coal fired power plant. The systems and methods include control of a wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) system to manage sulfite concentration in a slurry produced by the WFGD system. Oxygen is added to the slurry in an amount sufficient to produce a sulfite concentration in the slurry in the range of about 5 to 75 mg/L, an oxidation reduction potential in the range of about 100-250 mV, or both. The systems and methods also include the biological treatment to remove selenium from a liquid fraction of the slurry. The liquid fraction is treated in a biological reactor maintained under anoxic or anaerobic conditions to reduce its selenium concentration. 1. A slurry treatment system for treating a slurry used in a wet flue gas desulfurization system having a tank to receive slurry that has previously contacted the flue gas and a separator to produce a liquid fraction of the slurry , the slurry treatment system comprising:a sulfite control system configured to adjust a rate of oxygen addition to the slurry in an amount sufficient to produce one or more of a) a sulfite concentration in the slurry in the range of about 5 to 75 mg/L and b) an oxidation reduction potential in the range of about 100-250 mV; and,an anoxic or anaerobic fixed bed biological reactor.2. The slurry treatment system of wherein the sulfite control system is configured to adjust a rate of oxygen addition to the slurry in an amount sufficient to produce a sulfite concentration in the slurry in the range of about 20 to 50 mg/L.3. The slurry treatment system of wherein the sulfite control system is configured to adjust a rate of oxygen addition to the slurry in an amount sufficient to produce a sulfite concentration in the slurry in the range of about 10 to 40 mg/L.4. The slurry treatment system of wherein the sulfite control system is configured to maintain a predetermined range of concentration of sulfite in the slurry or ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Ready-mix concrete production utilizing carbon capture and related systems

Номер: US20210179491A1
Принадлежит: MEEDL68 LP

An illustrative method for CO2 sequestration may include the step of sequestering at least a portion of a CO2 gas emitted during operation of the ready-mix concrete production system in (i) a ready-mix concrete produced by the read-mix concrete production system, and/or (ii) calcium carbonate formed by processing water used during operation of the ready-mix concrete production and delivery system.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Process and installation for treating a waste lye of a lye scrub

Номер: US20210188673A1

The invention relates to a process for treating a waste lye of a lye scrub in which the waste lye is fed with oxygen or an oxygen-containing gas mixture and steam to an oxidation unit () and in the latter is subjected to a wet oxidation for a reaction time period at a first temperature level and a first pressure level, a three-phase component mixture, which comprises a gas phase, a liquid phase and solid particles, being removed from the oxidation unit () and subjected to a cooling and phase separation. It is provided that the three-phase component mixture in an unchanged composition is first subjected to an expansion from the first pressure level to a second pressure level and thereby cooled down to a second temperature level, and that the three-phase component mixture expanded to the second pressure level and cooled down to the second temperature level is subsequently subjected at least partly to a further cooling to a third temperature level and after that to a phase separation. A corresponding installation is likewise the subject of the present invention. 111. A process for treating a waste lye of a lye scrub in which the waste lye is fed with oxygen or an oxygen-containing gas mixture and steam to an oxidation unit () and in the latter is subjected to a wet oxidation for a reaction time period at a first temperature level and a first pressure level , a three-phase component mixture , which comprises a gas phase , a liquid phase and solid particles , being removed from the oxidation unit () and subjected to a cooling and phase separation , characterized in that at least part of the three-phase component mixture in an unchanged composition is first subjected to an expansion from the first pressure level to a second pressure level and thereby cooled down to a second temperature level , and in that the three-phase component mixture expanded to the second pressure level and cooled down to the second temperature level is subsequently subjected at least partly to a ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

System and method for reducing liquid discharge from one or more devices

Номер: US20180161725A1

The present invention relates generally to the field of emission control equipment for boilers, heaters, kilns, or other flue gas-, or combustion gas-, generating devices (e.g., those located at power plants, processing plants, etc.) and, in particular to a new and useful method and apparatus for reducing and/or eliminating various liquid discharges from one or more emission control equipment devices (e.g., one or more wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) units). In another embodiment, the method and apparatus of the present invention is designed to reduce and/or eliminate the amount of liquid waste that is discharged from a WFGD unit by subjecting the WFGD liquid waste to one or more drying processes, one or more spray dryer (or spray dry) absorber processes, and/or one or more spray dryer (or spray dry) evaporation processes.

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Amine-containing water concentration system and apparatus, and carbon dioxide recovery system

Номер: US20220305432A1

According to one embodiment, an amine-containing water concentration system includes an osmotic pressure generator and a carbon dioxide introducing unit. The osmotic pressure generator includes a treatment vessel, a first chamber to which the water to be treated is supplied, a second chamber capable of storing a working medium, and a semipermeable membrane that partitions the first chamber and the second chamber, which are located in the treatment vessel. The carbon dioxide introducing unit is capable of introducing carbon dioxide into the water to be treated.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210206660A1

A method of processing off gas from a chemical plant, where the off gas includes carbon dioxide and water. The processing of the off gas involves separating the off gas into a gas phase and a liquid phase and using one or more ion-exchange resin bed(s) and one or more granular activated carbon bed(s) to separate unwanted organic materials from the liquid phase. Based on this separation, water can be recovered that has less than 10 wt. % of the unwanted organic compounds originally in the liquid phase of the off gas. 1. A method for recovering water from an off gas from a chemical plant , the off gas comprising carbon dioxide , water , and organic compounds , the method comprising:separating the off gas into a gas phase and a liquid phase;removing at least a portion of the organic compounds of the liquid phase of the off gas by one or more ion-exchange resin bed(s) and one or more granular activated carbon bed(s); andrecovering a liquid that comprises primarily water and less than 10 wt. % of the unwanted organic compounds in the liquid phase of the off gas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the off gas comprises saturated hydrocarbons claim 1 , unsaturated hydrocarbons claim 1 , chlorinated hydrocarbons claim 1 , organic acids claim 1 , glycol claim 1 , aldehydes claim 1 , and iron.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the off gas comprises 45.0 wt. % to 55.0 wt. % water claim 1 , 45 wt. % to 65 wt. % carbon dioxide claim 1 , 0.1 wt. % to 0.5 wt. % saturated hydrocarbons claim 1 , 0.01 wt. % to 0.1 wt. % unsaturated hydrocarbons claim 1 , 1.0 ppm wt. to 5.0 ppm wt. chlorinated hydrocarbons claim 1 , 5.0 ppm wt. to 15.0 ppm wt. organic acids claim 1 , 0.5 wt. % to 1.0 wt. % glycol claim 1 , 10.0 ppm wt. to 30 ppm wt. claim 1 , and aldehydes claim 1 , 1.0 ppm wt. to 2.0 ppm wt. iron.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic compounds removed from the liquid phase comprise aldehydes claim 1 , acids claim 1 , and chlorides.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein iron is ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160185619A1

A water treatment system of the present invention for effluent generated in a plant facility includes: a flue gas treatment system that performs treatment of boiler flue gas from a boiler; and a spray drying device that includes a spraying unit, which sprays effluent generated, for example, in a cooler of the plant facility, and that performs spray drying using part of the boiler flue gas. The water treatment system draws the effluent is discharged into the spray drying device so as to dry the sprayed liquid by the part of the flue gas. 1. A water treatment system comprising:a flue gas treatment system that performs treatment of boiler flue gas; anda spray drying device that includes a spraying unit, which sprays effluent generated in a plant facility, and that performs spray drying using some of the boiler flue gas.2. The water treatment system according to claim 1 , further comprising a desalination device that removes salt content present in the effluent claim 1 , whereinthe spray drying device performs spray drying of concentrated water from which salt content has been concentrated by the desalination device.3. The water treatment system according to claim 2 , wherein the desalination device includes a membrane separating unit.4. The water treatment system according to claim 2 , wherein the desalination device removes bivalent salt content present in the effluent.5. The water treatment system according to claim 1 , whereinthe flue gas treatment system includes a wet desulfurization device, andthe spraying unit of the spray drying device has separator liquid, which is obtained by separating gypsum from the wet desulfurization device, introduced thereto and performs spray drying of the separator liquid along with the effluent.6. A water treatment method comprising:flue gas-treating that includes performing treatment of boiler flue gas; andspray-drying that includes spray drying using a spray drying device that has a spraying unit, which sprays effluent generated ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Efficient and energy-saving wastewater evaporation crystallizer

Номер: US20190184307A1

The present disclosure relates to a wastewater flue evaporating device. An wastewater evaporation crystallizer is provided, including an evaporating tube inlet, an inlet flange, an inlet chamber, a pneumatic inlet baffle, an evaporating tube body, a pneumatic outlet baffle, an outlet chamber, an outlet flange, and an evaporating tube outlet which are successively coupled, where the evaporating tube inlet is connected to provide a gas pipeline; the gas pipeline is connected on a flue between an external denitration device and an air preheater; the evaporating tube outlet is communicated with an inlet flue of a dust collector; the evaporating tube body is provided with a wastewater nozzle; and the wastewater nozzle is communicated with a pretreated waste pipe. The present disclosure provides an efficient and energy-saving wastewater evaporation crystallizer which increases evaporation efficiency by bringing in a high-temperature gas at a front end of the air preheater.

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Process for the removal of ammonia from an ammonia-containing gas stream

Номер: US20140284214A1
Принадлежит: Stamicarbon BV

The invention is directed to a process for the removal of ammonia from an ammonia-containing gas stream by treating the ammonia in the ammonia-containing gas stream with an acid, during which treatment an aqueous stream comprising an ammonium salt, wherein the aqueous stream comprising the ammonium salt is treated with electrodialysis, whereby the acid is recovered and an aqueos stream comprising an ammonium hydroxide salt is formed.

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180200665A1
Автор: CHEN Zhuoquan

Disclosed is an air purifier, which comprises a shell with an air inlet and an air outlet, an ecological purification system with a flowerpot assembly, a microorganism box and a water tank arranged in sequence, a filtering system, and a control system for carrying out control. The water of the ecological purification system flows through the filtering system to bring dust and VOCs adsorbed by the filtering system into the ecological purification system for purification. The flowerpot assembly comprises a flowerpot. The water of the water tank enters the flowerpot via a water inlet, and when the water level is higher than a water outlet, the water flows through the microorganism box and then enters the water tank, so as to form the water circulation. The air purifier is simple in structure, easy to operate and low in cost, and has a high purification efficiency for air pollutants, especially VOCs. 1. An air purifier , comprising:a shell provided with an air inlet and an air outlet; and further including:a control system, and an ecological purification system and a filtering system which are connected to the control system; water in the ecological purification system flowing through the filtering system, to bring dusts and VOCs adsorbed by the filtering system into the ecological purification system for purification, wherein the ecological purification system includes a flowerpot assembly configured for planting plants, a microorganism box configured for accommodating microorganisms and a water tank configured for holding water, arranged in sequence; wherein the flowerpot assembly includes a flowerpot provided with a water inlet and a water outlet; and the ecological purification system is provided with a following water circulation: water in the water tank enters the flowerpot via the water inlet of the flowerpot, and when a water level in the flowerpot is higher than the water outlet of the flowerpot, the water flows through the microorganism box via the water ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170203976A1

A waste water processing system includes an upflow contacting column having a flue gas input for receiving flue gas having a temperature of at least 500 degrees F., a waste water input, and a flue gas output. The waste water input is coupled to a fluid injector, e.g., atomizing nozzles, positioned in the throat of a Venturi portion of the upflow contacting column or in a sidewall of the throat of the Venturi portion of the upflow contacting column. The flue gas in the upflow contacting column has a high velocity, e.g., a gas velocity exceeding 65 fps in the throat of the Venturi portion of the upflow contacting column at a position where the fluid injector is located. Drying additives such as recycled ash, lime, and/or cement may be, and sometimes are, input into the upflow contacting column downstream of the waste water input. 1. A waste water processing system , comprising:an upflow contacting column having a flue gas input for receiving flue gas having a temperature of at least 500 degrees F., a waste water input and a flue gas output, said waste water input being coupled to a fluid injector positioned in a throat of a Venturi portion of said upflow contacting column or in a sidewall of the throat of the venturi portion of said upflow contacting column, said flue gas having a flue gas velocity exceeding 65 fps in said throat of the Venturi portion of said upflow contacting column at a position where the fluid injector is located.2. The waste water processing system of claim 1 , wherein the flue gas output is coupled to a flue gas duct which directs a flue gas output of an air heater into a particulate collection device.3. The waste water processing system of claim 2 , further comprising:a first damper located between a source of flue gas and the flue gas input of said upflow contacting column; anda second damper located between the flue gas output of said contacting column and said flue gas duct which directs flue gas output of the air heater into the particulate ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202721A1

Configurations and related processing schemes of specific inter-plants and hybrid, intra- and inter-plants waste heat recovery schemes for thermal energy consumption reduction in integrated refining-petrochemical facilities synthesized for grassroots medium grade crude oil semi-conversion refineries to increase energy efficiency from specific portions of low grade waste heat sources are described. Configurations and related processing schemes of specific inter-plants and hybrid, intra- and inter-plants waste heat recovery schemes for thermal energy consumption reduction in integrated refining-petrochemical facilities synthesized for integrated medium grade crude oil semi-conversion refineries and aromatics complex for increasing energy efficiency from specific portions of low grade waste sources are also described. 1. A system comprising:a first plurality of oil refining plants in a crude oil refining facility, each of the first plurality of plants configured to perform at least one oil refining process;a second plurality of oil refining plants in the crude oil refining facility, each of the second plurality of plants configured to perform at least one oil refining process, the first plurality of plants being different from the second plurality of plants; flow a first plurality of streams in the first plurality of plants to a plurality of heat exchangers, wherein the first plurality of plants comprises an amine regeneration plant comprising an acid gas regenerator bottoms stream comprising a weak amine salt, an aromatics complex benzene extraction unit benzene column bottoms stream, a raffinate column bottom stream, a naphtha splitter column bottom stream, the aromatics complex comprising at least one of benzene, toluene or xylene, a sour water stripper plant comprising a stripper bottom stream, a sulfur recovery plant comprising an amine regenerator bottoms stream, a gas separation plant comprising a C3/C4 splitter column bottom stream and a de-ethanizer column ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160214027A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

A spray drying apparatus includes: a gas inlet provided in a side wall in the vicinity of a top (lid) portion of the spray drying apparatus, for introducing a flue gas for drying a spray of dehydrated filtrate; flow-adjusting plates provided in a body of the spray drying apparatus, for decelerating the introduced flue gas so as to change the flow of the flue gas to a laminar flow; a spray nozzle for spraying the dehydrated filtrate from the desulfurization waste water into the flue gas having been changed to the laminar flow; and a joining unit for joining a bottom portion of the body of the spray drying apparatus to a gas supply line that is a main flue gas duct for the flue gas so as to discharge spray-dried solids to the main flue gas duct. 1. A spray drying apparatus , comprising:a body portion, a top portion and a bottom portion;a gas inlet, for introducing a flue gas, being provided in the body portion;a spray nozzle for spraying waste water of desulfurization into the flue gas in order to evaporate and dry the waste water of desulfurization; andan outlet duct connected to the bottom portion of the spray drying apparatus.2. The spray drying apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , whereinthe gas inlet being provided in the body portion in the vicinity of the top portion of the spray drying apparatus.3. The spray drying apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the flue gas and spray-dried solids are discharged from the body portion to the outlet duct of the spray drying apparatus.4. The spray drying apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the outlet duct and the body portion of the spray drying apparatus are configured so that the flow direction of the flue gas and spray-dried solids flow is perpendicular to the extending direction of the outlet duct.5. The spray drying apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the outlet duct including a portion extending substantially orthogonal to the body portion.6. The spray drying apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180222782A1

A system may include a reactor, in which an anaerobic environment exists, that includes a slurry of at least contaminated water and a mixed bacterial culture of facultative bacteria and anaerobic bacteria. The mixed bacterial culture may be suspended within the slurry. The contaminated water may include contaminants associated with a non-metal, a metal, or a metalloid. The mixed bacterial culture may react with the contaminated water to reduce or remove the contaminants from the contaminated water to create a treated slurry. The reactor may output the treated slurry. The system may also include a filtration device to receive the treated slurry; remove, from the treated slurry, the mixed bacterial culture and the contaminants, reduced or removed from the contaminated water, to create treated water; and output the treated water. The system may also include an aeration device to add dissolved oxygen to the treated water, and output the treated water. The system may also include a reaction device where iron or aluminum salts are added to remove phosphorous, selenite, arsenate, or other contaminants which adsorb onto iron or aluminum oxyhydroxide solids. The system may also include a filtration device to remove the solids from the water, and output the treated water. 1. An anaerobic treatment system to treat contaminated water , the treatment system comprising: a slurry of contaminated water comprising one or more contaminants selected from the group consisting of a perchlorate, a metal, or a metalloid; and', metal-reducing bacteria; and', 'a mixing system that mixes the slurry to maintain the mixed bacterial culture and/or other solids within the one or more reactors in suspension; and, 'a mixed bacterial culture suspended within the slurry and not attached to a physical substrate associated with attached growth technology, wherein the mixed bacterial culture comprises], 'a reactor consisting of one or more chambers providing an anaerobic environment, the one or more ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140319032A1

A compact and portable liquid concentrator and contaminant scrubber includes a gas inlet, a gas exit and a flow corridor connecting the gas inlet and the gas exit, wherein the flow corridor includes a narrowed portion that accelerates the gas through the flow corridor. A liquid inlet injects liquid into the gas stream at a point prior to the narrowed portion so that the gas-liquid mixture is thoroughly mixed within the flow corridor, causing a portion of the liquid to be evaporated. A demister or fluid scrubber downstream of the narrowed portion removes entrained liquid droplets from the gas stream and re-circulates the removed liquid to the liquid inlet through a re-circulating circuit. A reagent may be mixed with the liquid to react with contaminants in the liquid. 120-. (canceled)21. A control system for a wastewater concentrator , the control system comprising:a controller operatively connected to a new liquid pump and to a re-circulated liquid pump, the controller metering the amounts and ratios of new liquid and re-circulated liquid delivered to a concentrator assembly of the wastewater concentrator by operating the new liquid pump and the re-circulated liquid pump; anda reagent pump operatively connected to the controller, the controller operating the reagent pump to supply reagent to the wastewater concentrator.22. The control system of claim 21 , wherein the controller operates the new liquid pump and the re-circulated liquid pump to maintain a ratio of new liquid to re-circulated liquid at a ratio of about 1:10.23. The control system of claim 21 , wherein the controller operates the reagent pump to supply between 150% and 600% of the reagent needed to sequester a desired amount of a chemical in the wastewater.24. The control system of claim 21 , wherein the reagent pump supplies reagent to a sequential mixing and settling tank located upstream of a new liquid inlet to the wastewater concentrator.25. The control system of claim 21 , wherein the controller ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200216338A1
Автор: Nagus Kirk, Slinger Ian

A condensate neutralizer for connection to an appliance that discharges an acidic condensate liquid includes a reservoir containing a neutralizing media. An input conduit receives the acidic condensate liquid, and is connected to a reservoir inlet and a reservoir outlet is connected to a drain such that acidic condensate liquid flowing through an operating path flows through the neutralizing media to the drain. A bypass path connects the appliance directly to the drain such that acidic condensate liquid does not flow through the neutralizing media when flow through the operating path is restricted. A float is configured to move to a raised position where the float provides an alert visible to an operator when the acidic condensate liquid flows through the bypass path, and a float lock is operative to lock the float in the raised position. 1. A condensate neutralizer apparatus for connection to an appliance that discharges an acidic condensate liquid , the apparatus comprising:a reservoir containing a neutralizing media;an input conduit adapted for connection to the appliance to receive the acidic condensate liquid;wherein the input conduit is connected to a reservoir inlet of the reservoir and a reservoir outlet of the reservoir is connected to a drain such that acidic condensate liquid flowing through an operating path flows through the neutralizing media to the drain;a bypass path connecting the appliance to the drain such that acidic condensate liquid from the appliance flows through the bypass path directly to the drain without flowing through the neutralizing media when flow through the operating path is restricted;a float configured to move to a raised position where the float provides an alert visible to an operator when the acidic condensate liquid flows through the bypass path; anda float lock operative to lock the float in the raised position.2. The apparatus of wherein the reservoir comprises:a divider wall dividing the reservoir into an input side and an ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200230549A1

A method for controlling mercury emissions within a FGD system, the method includes preparing a treatment composition for application on FGD system components, the treatment composition comprising a biocide, applying the treatment composition to an FGD system, wherein the FGD system includes an FGD scrubber, monitoring the bacterial load present within the FGD system, and optimizing the operating conditions of an aqueous system to determine when additional treatment is required. 1. A method for controlling mercury emissions within a FGD system , the method comprising:preparing a treatment composition for application on FGD system components, said treatment composition comprising a biocide;applying said treatment composition to an FGD system, wherein said FGD system is an FGD scrubber;monitoring the bacterial load present within said FGD system; andoptimizing the operating conditions of an aqueous system to determine when additional treatment is required.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said FGD system components include FGD absorbers claim 1 , FGD reagent feed tanks claim 1 , FGD purge tanks or FGD makeup water tanks.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said biocide is a non-oxidizing biocide.4. The method as recited in claim 3 , wherein said non-oxidizing biocide comprises a blend of about 1-10% of 2-Bromo-2 nitropropane-1 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 , diol and about 1-10% of isothiazolone.5. The method as recited in claim 3 , wherein said non-oxidizing biocide is selected from the group consisting of ammonium salts claim 3 , glutaraldehyde claim 3 , DBNPH and isothiazolinones.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said treatment composition further includes an oxidizing biocide.7. The method as recited in claim 6 , wherein said oxidizing biocide is selected from sodium hypochlorite claim 6 , chlorine hypobromous acid claim 6 , bromine claim 6 , bromide salts claim 6 , hydroxyorganic acids claim 6 , ozone or hydrogen peroxide.8. The method as ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации

Air pollution control system, air pollution control method, spray drying device of dewatering filtration fluid from desulfurization discharged water, and method thereof

Номер: US20160250588A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Ltd

To include a boiler 11 that burns fuel F, an air heater 13 that recovers heat of flue gas 18 from the boiler 11 , a first precipitator 14 that reduces dust in the flue gas 18 after heat recovery, a desulfurizer 15 that reduces sulfur oxides in the flue gas 18 after dust reduction by an absorbent, a dewaterer 32 that reduces gypsum 31 from desulfurization discharged water 30 discharged from the desulfurizer 15 , a spray drying device 34 including an atomizer that atomizes a dewatering filtration fluid 33 discharged from the dewaterer 32 , and a flue-gas introducing line L 11 that introduces a part of the flue gas 18 into the spray drying device 34.

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210291112A1

The present disclosure provides a sterilization exhaust gas treatment system, which may include a gas liquefaction recovery system, a pressure swing adsorption recovery system, a reaction system, a temperature swing adsorption recovery system, a hydration system, a recovery and storage system, and a wastewater treatment system. The gas liquefaction recovery system, the pressure swing adsorption recovery system, the reaction system, the temperature swing adsorption recovery system, and the hydration system may be fluidly connected in sequence through first connecting pipes. The gas liquefaction recovery system, the pressure swing adsorption recovery system, and the temperature swing adsorption recovery system may each be fluidly connected to the recovery and storage system through second connecting pipes. The hydration system may be fluidly connected to the wastewater treatment system through wastewater pipes. The present disclosure also provides a method for treating ethylene oxide-containing sterilization exhaust gas using the sterilization exhaust gas treatment system. 1. A sterilization exhaust gas treatment system , comprising:a gas liquefaction recovery system;a pressure swing adsorption recovery system;a reaction system;a temperature swing adsorption recovery system;a hydration system;a recovery and storage system; anda wastewater treatment system;wherein the gas liquefaction recovery system, the pressure swing adsorption recovery system, the reaction system, the temperature swing adsorption recovery system, and the hydration system are fluidly connected in sequence through one or more first connecting pipes;wherein the gas liquefaction recovery system, the pressure swing adsorption recovery system, and the temperature swing adsorption recovery system are each fluidly connected to the recovery and storage system through one or more second connecting pipes; andwherein the hydration system is fluidly connected to the wastewater treatment system through one or ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Microbiological treatment system for ethylene oxide exhaust gas

Номер: US20210292202A1

The present disclosure provides a microbiological treatment system including a hydration system and microbiological degradation systems. The hydration system may include a gas-liquid mixing chamber, a gas inlet, a gas outlet, a liquid inlet, and a liquid outlet, the latter four being fluidly coupled to the chamber. The gas inlet is configured to introduce an ethylene oxide exhaust gas into the chamber to mix with an aqueous solution to form an ethylene oxide exhaust liquor. The liquid outlet is configured to discharge the ethylene oxide exhaust liquor. Each microbiological degradation system may include a degradation chamber containing degradation bacteria including one of anaerobic bacteria, facultative bacteria, or aerobic bacteria. The degradation chambers of the microbiological degradation systems may be in fluid communication sequentially in a predetermined degradation sequence, with the most upstream in the degradation sequence having a liquid inlet in fluid communication with the liquid outlet.

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Filtration of Lime-Treated Water

Номер: US20170253495A1
Принадлежит: RDP Technologies Inc

A method and apparatus is provided for water filtration of a milk of lime solution that contains water, impurities, and grit particles, in which the milk of lime solution enters a vessel, and wherein turbulence is created in the vessel, by which larger grit particles settle out of the milk of lime solution, to form a bed of grit particles in the lower end of the vessel, such that grit particles and impurities are filtered from the lime-treated water that comprises a milk of lime solution, with water then being drawn off, that may be discharged out one or more dosing locations and/or recycled back for further filtration, as may be desired.

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210299593A1

A clarifier with an improved rake comprising a plurality of arms, wherein each arm of the rake including a series of arcuate blades, which each blade increasing in height and angle relative to the rake arm as radial distance of the blade relative to the center of the rake decreases. 1. A clarifier rake for processing sludge , comprising:a. a plurality of arms rotating about a center axis, each of the plurality of arms having a free distal end and a proximal end attached to the center axis;b. an array of blades on at least one of the plurality of arms for processing the sludge in a spiral path towards the center axis, wherein each array of blades comprises at least a first blade and a second blade, the first blade being closer than the second blade to the free distal end of the at least one of the plurality of arms, wherein the first blade has a more acute angle than the second blade, and the second blade has a larger height than the first blade.2. The clarifier rake of claim 1 , wherein each of the array of blades is arcuate.3. A clarifier rake for processing sludge claim 1 , comprising:a) a plurality of arms rotating about a center axis, each of the plurality of arms having a free distal end and a proximal end attached to the center axis;b) an array of arcuate blades on at least one of the plurality of arms for urging the sludge in a spiral path towards the center axis, wherein each array of blades comprises at least a first blade, a second blade and a third blade, the first blade being closer than the second blade or the third blade to the free distal end of the at least one of the plurality of arms, and the third blade being closer than the second blade or the first blade to the proximate end of the at least one of the plurality of arms, wherein the first blade has a more acute angle than the second blade, the second blade has a more acute angle than the third blade, the third blade has a larger height than the first blade, and the second blade has a larger ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации

Integration of Carbon Dioxide Absorption and Water Electrolysis into Methanation

Номер: US20210340078A1

A method and system are provided to recover water and carbon dioxide from combustion emissions. The recovery includes, among other things, electrolysis and carbon dioxide capture in a suitable solvent. The recovered water and carbon dioxide are subject to reaction, such as a catalytic methanation reaction, to generate at least methane. 1. A system comprising:a condenser configured to receive a hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream comprising water and carbon dioxide and condense steam in the hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream;a desiccant dehumidifier configured to receive the hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream and to remove at least a portion of the water from the hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream to provide an at least partially dried hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream;at least one separation apparatus configured to receive the at least partially dried hydrocarbon exhaust stream and to separate the carbon dioxide from the at least partially dried hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream, the at least one separation apparatus being configured to capture the carbon dioxide in a solvent, heat the solvent, and separate the carbon dioxide from the heated solvent;an electrolysis apparatus configured to receive the water removed from the at least partially dried hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream and to carry out electrolysis on the water to generate hydrogen; anda reactor configured for conducting a reaction between the generated hydrogen and the separated carbon dioxide to generate one or more hydrocarbons, including at least methane.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the condenser is configured to inject the hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream into liquid water.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the condenser comprises a heat exchanger.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one separation apparatus comprises:a first chamber configured to spray the solvent on the at least partially dried hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream to capture the carbon ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160288040A1

An air purification system for purifying polluted air includes a scrubber in which a pollutant in the polluted air is transferred to a scrubber liquid. A biological treatment unit includes at least one substantially flat substrate to support a microorganism population to remove the transferred pollutant from the scrubber liquid when the scrubber liquid with the transferred pollutant is distributed on the substrate. A plane of the substrate is substantially parallel to a direction of flow of the air from the scrubber. 1. An air purification system for purifying polluted air , the system comprising:a scrubber in which a pollutant in the polluted air is transferred to a scrubber liquid; anda biological treatment unit comprising at least one substantially flat substrate to support a microorganism population to remove the transferred pollutant from the scrubber liquid when the scrubber liquid with the transferred pollutant is distributed on said at least one substrate, a plane of said at least one substrate being substantially parallel to a direction of flow of the air from the scrubber.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a photo-catalytic processor in which the polluted air is exposed to a catalyst to facilitate conversion of a pollutant component of the polluted air that is insoluble in the scrubber liquid to a substance that is soluble in the scrubber liquid.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the catalyst is formed by irradiating a material with ultraviolet radiation.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the material includes a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water.5. The system of claim 1 , comprising a blower to cause the air to flow.6. The system of claim 1 , comprising a pump to cause the scrubber fluid to flow.7. The system of claim 1 , comprising a demister to remove droplets from the air.8. The system of claim 1 , comprising one or a plurality of nozzles to distribute the scrubber liquid onto the substrate.9. The system of claim 1 , comprising a ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Co-extrusion method for making carbon-supported transition metal-based nanoparticles

Номер: US20150291446A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

The disclosure relates to methods for making carbon-supported transition metal-based nanoparticles, comprising (a) mixing at least one carbon feedstock, at least one transition metal-containing feedstock, at least one organic binder, and at least one resin binder to form a feedstock mixture, (b) extruding the feedstock mixture, and (c) heating the extruded feedstock mixture at a temperature and for a time sufficient to carbothermally reduce the transition metal-containing feedstock. Also disclosed herein are carbon-supported transition metal-based nanoparticles produced by such methods. Further disclosed herein are methods for treating water and waste streams comprising contacting the water or waste streams with the carbon-supported transition metal-based nanoparticles.

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Efficient and Energy-Saving Wastewater Evaporation Crystallizer

Номер: US20170282094A1

The present disclosure relates to a wastewater flue evaporating device. An wastewater evaporation crystallizer is provided, including an evaporating tube inlet, an inlet flange, an inlet chamber, a pneumatic inlet baffle, an evaporating tube body, a pneumatic outlet baffle, an outlet chamber, an outlet flange, and an evaporating tube outlet which are successively coupled, where the evaporating tube inlet is connected to provide a gas pipeline; the gas pipeline is connected on a flue between an external denitration device and an air preheater; the evaporating tube outlet is communicated with an inlet flue of a dust collector; the evaporating tube body is provided with a wastewater nozzle; and the wastewater nozzle is communicated with a pretreated waste pipe. The present disclosure provides an efficient and energy-saving wastewater evaporation crystallizer which increases evaporation efficiency by bringing in a high-temperature gas at a front end of the air preheater.

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Condensate demineralization apparatus and condensate demineralization method

Номер: US20160289094A1
Принадлежит: Ebara Corp

A condensate demineralization method for a condensate treatment of a nuclear power generation plant, including: passing condensate at a linear flow rate ranging from 20 m/h to 200 m/h through a condensate demineralization apparatus comprising an ion exchange resin layer filled therein wherein the ion exchange resin layer includes a mixed bed of a strongly acidic cation resin and a strongly basic anion resin and a metal doped resin in a volume ratio ranging from 2% to 50% relative to the mixed bed.

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Modular co2 sequestration units and systems, and methods for using the same

Номер: US20180280869A1
Автор: Brent R. Constantz
Принадлежит: Blue Planet Ltd

Shippable modular units configured for use in sequestering CO2 are provided. Aspects of the units include a support having one or more of: a CO2 gas/liquid contactor subunit, a carbonate production subunit and an alkali enrichment subunit; associated therewith. Also provided are systems made up of one or more such modular units, and methods for using the units/systems in CO2 sequestration protocols.

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatuses for Energy Efficient Water Extraction from Air

Номер: US20150298053A1
Автор: Mai Anthony

The present invention provides methods and apparatuses for energy efficient removal of one liquid substance from a mixture of substances, resulting in less of the said substance in the said mixture, and providing that liquid substance for purification and usage. Among other possible embodiments, the present invention provides methods and apparatuses for extracting water from mixed matters like humid air; condensing and purifying such water for usage; and providing the end mixture with less water content; at minimal cost of energy, material and environment impact. The mixture is first extracted, purified and conditioned for more efficient next steps, then the gas mixture is compressed to allow heat to dissipate at above ambient temperature, and finally the mixture is returned to ambient pressure, allowing the liquid to condense out without cooling. When water vapor condenses into liquid, a lot of latent heat is released. Prior arts of air water extraction by refrigeration condensation cost a lot of energy to fight against latent heat release. The novel methods provided by current invention avoid such energy cost by allowing the latent heat to dissipate naturally from above ambient temperature, thus result in energy savings. The present invention is also useful in other fields of substance extraction and purifications, like in removing humidity from natural gas and oil products, or in extracting alcohol or ethanol from wine production fermentation residues, or in air conditioning. 1. A method of extracting liquid substance W from solid , liquid or gaseous mixture A , one particular example of which is extracting liquid water from ambient air , by evaporation , compression and condensation and using steps comprising:1A. preparing mixture A by filtering, absorption, evaporation or purification procedures;1B. compressing gaseous mixture A containing substance W and raise its temperature;1C. allowing compressed mixture A to dissipate heat into the ambient environment;1D. ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190291047A1
Автор: Vezzani Massimo
Принадлежит: Ambiente E Nutrizione S.R.L.

A process and a plant for the thermal abatement of foul air containing malodorous substances emitted by a purification system with energy recovery from said abatement are described, the process comprising the steps of: —feeding a flow of foul air containing malodorous substances emitted from a purification plant, as combustive air into the combustion chamber of a unit for production and recovery of energy, thus producing a flow of high-temperature exhaust gas; —feeding said flow of exhaust gas into a scrubber for the abatement of polluting substances, said scrubber using water for the washing of the flow of exhaust gas, thus producing a flow of low-temperature purified gas and a heated washing liquid; —conveying the heated washing liquid to at least one heating jacket of a storage tank for the biological treatment of sewage of the aforementioned purification plant; a method for revamping a pre-existing purification plant, so as to make the plant suitable for implementation of the process described above, is also described. 1. A process for the thermal abatement of malodorous emissions from a purification plant with energy recovery from said abatement , said process comprising the steps of:feeding a flow of foul air containing malodorous substances emitted from a purification plant, as combustive air into a combustion chamber of a unit for production and recovery of energy, thus producing a flow of high-temperature exhaust gas; transferring said flow of purified gas to a system for release into the atmosphere, for emission of said flow of purified gas into the atmosphere;', 'conveying said heated washing liquid to a heating jacket of a storage tank for the biological treatment of sewage, said storage tank being comprised in said purification plant., 'feeding said flow of exhaust gas into a scrubber for the abatement of polluting substances, said scrubber using water for the washing of said flow of exhaust gas, thus producing a flow of purified gas and a heated ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

System for treating coal gasification wastewater, and method for treating coal gasification wastewater

Номер: US20150315054A1
Принадлежит: Organo Corp

Treating coal gasification wastewater to remove a cyan compound, a fluorine compound, a selenium compound, ammonia nitrogen and a COD component contained in the coal gasification wastewater to achieve satisfactory quality of treated water, to reduce the content of a toxic substance in produced sludge, and disposes waste materials easily. The system is equipped with a high-temperature alkaline chlorination treatment unit for decomposing at least a cyan compound, ammonia nitrogen and a COD component by such a high-temperature alkaline chlorination treatment that an oxidizing agent is added and the reaction is carried out under warmed conditions; a fluorination treatment unit for removing at least a fluorine compound by a coagulation-sedimentation treatment and/or an adsorption treatment; and a selenium treatment unit for removing a selenium compound that the selenium compound is reduced and then the reduced selenium compound is removed and/or an adsorption treatment.

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Metal-Organic Frameworks for Adsorption of Liquid Phase Compounds

Номер: US20160318773A1
Принадлежит: Northwestern University

The present invention provides a metal-organic framework (MOF) for use in removing particular chemical species or compounds from a liquid. In particular, the present invention provides an MOF having a molecular formula of Zr(μ-O)(μOH)(OH)(HO)(TBAPy), wherein TBAPy is 1,3,6,8-tetrakis (p-benzoic-acid)pyrene, (known as NU-1000) for use in complexing selenate or selenite from a liquid or liquid stream. Further, the selenium based oxy-anions are removed to concentrations below that specified for wastewater discharge by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for flue gas desulfurization operations in the fossil fueled electric power generation industry. Such water treatment results are achieved even in the presence of competing sulfate anion challenges and at elevated temperatures comparable to condensate cooling water. 1. A method for reducing the concentration of a selenium oxy-anion from a liquid stream , comprising:contacting a liquid stream comprising a selenium oxy-anion with a metal-organic framework; andcomplexing the selenium oxy-anion with the metal-organic framework, thereby reducing the concentration of the selenium oxy-anion in the liquid stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said complexing comprises complexing the selenium oxy-anion with a node of the metal-organic framework.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal-organic framework comprises Zr(μ-O)(μOH)(OH)(HO)(TBAPy) claim 1 , wherein TBAPy is 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,6 claim 1 ,8-tetrakis (p-benzoic-acid)pyrene.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein said complexing comprises complexing the selenium oxy-anion with a Zr node of the metal-organic framework.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selenium oxy-anion is selected from the group consisting of selenate claim 1 , selenite claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selenium oxy-anion comprises selenate and selenite and wherein said complexing comprises reducing the concentration of selenate and selenite.7. The ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180305227A1

System and method for treating scrubber and ballast wastewater at the same time. The method includes mixing ballast and scrubber wastewater to make a suspended solid concentration or turbidity of the obtained wastewater mixture constant, the scrubber wastewater produced by bringing exhaust gas and scrubber washing water into contact with each other in a scrubber; adding magnetic powder to the wastewater mixture; and magnetically separating magnetic flocs obtained in the adding. The system includes a mixer that mixes ballast and scrubber wastewater to make a suspended solid concentration or turbidity of the obtained wastewater mixture constant, the scrubber wastewater produced by bringing exhaust gas and scrubber washing water into contact with each other in a scrubber; a magnetic powder adding device that adds magnetic powder to the wastewater mixture obtained by the mixer; and a magnetic separator that magnetically separates magnetic flocs obtained by the magnetic powder adding device. 1. A wastewater treatment method comprising:a mixing step of mixing ballast wastewater with scrubber wastewater to make a suspended solid concentration or turbidity of the obtained wastewater mixture constant, the scrubber water produced by bringing exhaust gas and scrubber washing water into contact with each other in a scrubber;a treatment step of adding a magnetic powder to the wastewater mixture; anda separation step of magnetically separating magnetic flocs obtained in the treatment step.2. The wastewater treatment method according to claim 1 , whereinthe mixing step includes:a measurement step of measuring the suspended solid concentration of the scrubber wastewater or the suspended solid concentration of the wastewater mixture; anda control step of controlling a mixing ratio of the ballast wastewater aid the scrubber wastewater depending on a measurement result in the measurement step.3. The wastewater treatment method according to claim 1 , whereinthe mixing step includes:a ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180306509A1

A method of spray drying and washing using a spray drying apparatus, includes: spraying dehydrated filtrate from a spray nozzle hung down from a top side of the spray drying apparatus; introducing a part of flue gas into the spray drying apparatus to dry the dehydrated filtrate; wherein a compressed air is introduced into the spray nozzle to facilitate the spraying and into the wash nozzle to perform air purging during the spray drying, and jetting washing liquid from a wash nozzle provided on a side wall of the spray drying apparatus to wash the spray nozzle and an inside of the spray drying apparatus body, wherein the feeding of the dehydrated filtrate to the spray nozzle is stopped during the washing. 1. A method of spray drying and washing using a spray drying apparatus , comprising:spraying dehydrated filtrate from a spray nozzle hung down from a top side of the spray drying apparatus;introducing a part of flue gas into the spray drying apparatus to dry the dehydrated filtrate;wherein a compressed air is introduced into the spray nozzle to facilitate the spraying and into the wash nozzle to perform air purging during the spray drying, andjetting washing liquid from a wash nozzle provided on a side wall of the spray drying apparatus to wash the spray nozzle and an inside of the spray drying apparatus body,wherein the feeding of the dehydrated filtrate to the spray nozzle is stopped during the washing.2. The method of spray drying and washing according to claim 1 , further comprising:detecting spray failure in the spray nozzle or dry failure; anddetermining whether spraying and drying states of the dehydrated filtrate are good or bad on the basis of a detection result;wherein the washing is performed when it is determined to be the spray and dry failure as a result of the determination.3. The method of spray drying and washing according to claim 1 , comprising:cooling the inside of the spray drying apparatus body heated by air blow of the flue gas.4. The method ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Method for Treating Condensed Vapor Streams Containing Odorous Compounds

Номер: US20180312416A1
Автор: Temple Stephen R.

The invention relates to methods and apparatuses for treating a condensate stream from a condenser that contains odorous compounds, such as various condensate streams produced in a rendering process. In one embodiment, the condensate stream is treated by adding an oxidizer to the liquid condensate stream to oxidize odor-causing compounds in the stream prior to being treated in a waste water pre-treatment system. In this manner, the odor resulting from these compounds can be reduced or eliminated. 1. A method for reducing odor-causing compounds in a rendering process , comprising:condensing a first vapor stream produced in a rendering process comprising at least one vaporous odor-causing compound to condense at least a portion of said first vapor stream and said at least one vaporous odor-causing compound to produce a first condensate stream comprising at least one soluble odor-causing compound condensed from said first vapor stream;adding an oxidizer to said first condensate stream to oxidize said at least one soluble odor-causing compound;condensing at least a portion of a second vapor stream produced in the rendering process to produce a second condensate stream;mixing said first condensate stream and said second condensate stream to produce a combined condensate stream; anddischarging said combined condensate stream from the rendering process.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said second vapor stream comprises at least one vaporous odor-causing compound and wherein said condensing said second vapor stream condenses said at least one vaporous odor-causing compound in said second vapor stream to produce said second condensate stream claim 1 , wherein said second condensate stream comprises at least one soluble odor-causing compound condensed from said second vapor stream.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:adding a second oxidizer to said second condensate stream to oxidize said at least one soluble odor-causing compound condensed from said second vapor ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190308885A1
Автор: Weng Lin-Song

A water purification system, a water dispenser and a washing basin applying the same for purifying a raw water to be treated without filtering to a usable fresh water. The water purification system includes a water filtering device coupled to a water intake to filter a raw water to be treated; a first water storage tank coupled to the water filtering device for storing the raw water after being filtered; a nebulization device coupled to the first water storage tank for nebulizing the raw water after being filtered into a water fog; a condensation device coupled to the nebulization device for condensing the water fog; and a second water storage tank coupled to the condensation device for storing a recycled water generated by condensing the water fog. 1. A water purification system for purifying a raw water to be treated without filtering to a usable fresh water , and the water purification system comprises:a water filtering device coupled to a water intake to filter a raw water to be treated;a first water storage tank coupled to the water filtering device for storing the raw water after being filtered;a nebulization device coupled to the first water storage tank for nebulizing the raw water after being filtered into a water fog;a condensation device coupled to the nebulization device for condensing the water fog; anda second water storage tank coupled to the condensation device for storing a recycled water generated by condensing the water fog.2. The water purification system according to claim 1 , wherein further comprising a sterilizing device coupled to the second water storage tank for sterilizing the recycled water.3. The water purification system according to claim 2 , wherein the sterilizing device comprises an ultraviolet tube.4. The water purification system according to claim 1 , wherein further comprising a magnetizing device coupled to the first water storage tank for magnetizing the raw water after being filtered.5. The water purification system ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160332115A1

The present invention relates to a method for purifying a gas comprising: a) feeding the gas () to an absorber () and bringing into contact said gas () with a stream () (or alternatively (′)) to obtain a liquid () and a purified gas stream (); b) feeding the liquid () to a conditioning tank () and adding a mineral nutrient medium () and a suitable amount of base () to the liquid () to obtain a liquid effluent (); c) feeding the liquid effluent () to an anaerobic bioreactor () to obtain a biomethane stream () and a liquid stream (); d) feeding the liquid stream () to a degasser () to obtain a gas stream () and a stream (′); and e) recirculating the stream (′) by feeding it to the absorber (). 1: A method for purifying a gas containing volatile organic compounds which comprises:{'b': 1', '5', '1', '3', '4', '2, 'a) feeding the gas () to an absorber () and bringing into contact said gas () with an aqueous stream () the pH of which is comprised between 8.0 and 9.5 to obtain a liquid () comprising volatile organic compounds, and a purified gas stream ();'}{'b': 4', '9', '6', '7', '4', '8, 'sub': '3', 'b) feeding the liquid () comprising volatile organic compounds obtained in step a) to a conditioning tank () and adding a mineral nutrient medium () and a suitable amount of base () to the liquid () to obtain a liquid effluent () the pH of which is comprised between 7.5 and 10 and the total alkalinity of which is comprised between 750 and 5,000 mg CaCO/L;'}{'b': 8', '14', '11', '11', '12, 'c) feeding the liquid effluent () obtained in step b) to an anaerobic bioreactor () to obtain a biomethane stream () wherein the percentage of carbon dioxide is equal to or less than 15% by volume with respect to the volume of the stream () expressed as a dry base, and an output liquid stream () exiting the bioreactor the pH of which is comprised between 7.0 and 8.5;'}{'b': 12', '20', '18', '3, 'd) feeding the output liquid stream () exiting the bioreactor obtained in step c) to a ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Removal of contaminates by copper (i) catalysts

Номер: US20180319684A1
Принадлежит: Phillips 66 Co

A process for producing a treated wastewater stream from an initial gaseous wastewater stream. The process begins by condensing a gaseous wastewater stream into a liquid wastewater stream wherein the liquid wastewater stream contains at least one compound susceptible to treatment by chemical oxidation. Both a chemical oxidizer and a copper (I) catalyst are then fed into the liquid wastewater stream. The copper (I) catalyst with the at least one compound are then precipitated to produce a treated wastewater stream.

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Sulfite Preconditioning Systems And Methods To Reduce Mercury Concentrations In Waste Water

Номер: US20170326498A1

The present application provides a waste water preconditioning system for limiting mercury concentrations in a waste water stream resulting from treatment of a flue gas. The waste water preconditioning system may include a wet flue gas desulfurization system for treating the flue gas with an aqueous alkaline slurry, a sulfite detector to determine the concentration of sulfite in the aqueous alkaline slurry, and to produce the waste water stream with a mercury concentration of less than about five micrograms per liter. The waste water preconditioning system also may include a waste water treatment system downstream of the wet flue gas desulfurization system. 1. A waste water preconditioning system for limiting mercury concentrations in a waste water stream resulting from treatment of a flue gas , comprising:a wet flue gas desulfurization system for treating the flue gas with an aqueous alkaline slurry;the wet flue gas desulfurization system comprising a sulfite detector to determine the concentration of sulfite in the aqueous alkaline slurry;the wet flue gas desulfurization system producing the waste water stream with a mercury concentration of less than about five micrograms per liter; anda waste water treatment system downstream of the wet flue gas desulfurization system.2. The waste water preconditioning system of claim 1 , wherein the wet flue gas desulfurization system comprises a collecting tank with the aqueous alkaline slurry therein.3. The waste water preconditioning system of claim 2 , wherein the sulfite detector comprises a sulfite sensor to determine the concentration of sulfite in the collecting tank.4. The waste water preconditioning system of claim 2 , further comprising an oxidation air source in communication with the aqueous alkaline slurry in the collecting tank.5. The waste water preconditioning system of claim 4 , wherein the oxidation air source is in communication with the aqueous alkaline slurry in the collecting tank via a valve and/or a ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Remediation of Heavy Metals in Combustion Waste

Номер: US20170341963A1
Автор: Woodward Brian C.

Methods and systems for bioremediation of heavy metal contaminants in waste materials (e.g., sludge and combustion wastes from a coal-fixed power plant). The systems described in the present application include at least one waste treatment unit (e.g., a flue gas cleaner or a waste lagoon) that includes one or more selected bacterial strains disposed therein consume and/or reclaim at least a portion of the heavy metal in the combustion wastes. Methods include inoculating a waste treatment unit with one or more selected bacteria that consume and/or reclaim at least a portion of the heavy metal in the combustion wastes. Methods may include periodic reinoculation of the waste treatment unit with fresh bacteria and period recovery of the bacteria from the waste treatment unit. 1. A system , comprising:at least one waste treatment unit selected from the group consisting of a liquid-gas contact flue gas treatment unit or a waste lagoon; anda bacterial strain disposed in the at least one waste treatment unit, wherein the bacterial strain is adapted to grow in the waste treatment unit and to remediate heavy metals contamination therein.2. The system of claim f , wherein the liquid-gas contact flue gas treatment unit , comprises:a vessel with a flue gas inlet and a flue gas outlet and a liquid reservoir containing a liquid flue gas treating agent;a recirculation/spray system configured to circulate the liquid flue gas treating agent through the vessel;one or more contact surfaces in the vessel configured for contacting the flue gas and the liquid flue gas treating agent recirculated from the reservoir; andthe bacterial strain disposed in the liquid reservoir containing the liquid flue gas treating agent, wherein the bacterial strain is adapted to grow in the liquid flue gas treating agent and to remediate heavy metals trapped from the flue gas therein.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the liquid-gas contact flue gas treatment unit comprises flue gas desulfurization unit.4. ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации

Concentrator and Crystallizer Evaporation System

Номер: US20150360971A1
Автор: James W. Schleiffarth
Принадлежит: Individual

An aqueous stream cleaning system including a circulation pump to receive a waste fluid and/or a concentrated liquid bottoms stream, and expel a circulation stream. The aqueous stream cleaning system can also include a primary heat exchanger to receive the circulation stream from the circulation pump. The primary heat exchanger can have a plurality of heat exchange plates that define an internal surface area for heat transfer from a distillate stream to the circulation stream to produce a cooled distillate stream and a heated circulation stream. The plurality of heat exchange plates can be spaced to facilitate free flow of solids in the circulation stream between the plurality of heat exchange plates. A mass flow rate and pressure of the circulation stream can be configured to minimize build-up of solids in the primary heat exchanger. The aqueous stream cleaning system can further include an evaporation unit to receive the heated circulation stream from the primary heat exchanger. The distillate stream is formed when steam in the heated circulation stream evaporates in the evaporation unit, and the concentrated liquid bottoms stream is formed from a portion of the heated circulation stream that does not evaporate.

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170349462A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC.

A method for efficiently removal of oxidised selenium from liquid, such as FGD wastewater. The method involves adding a non-iron-based reducing agent (e.g. sodium dithionite) and preferably Fe(II) ions to the liquid at a pH of above 7.5 or 8 and precipitating elemental selenium from the liquid. 1. A method of reducing the selenium content of wastewater , the method comprising contacting the wastewater with Fe(II) ions and a non-iron-based reducing agent (M) , preferably a dithionite ion , preferably at a pH of from 7.5 to 10.5 and/or preferably in the presence of lime.2. A method of removing selenium from water , the method comprising contacting the water with a non-iron based reducing agent (M) at a pH of greater than 7.5 , for example falling in the range of from 7.5 to 10.5 , preferably greater than 8 , for example falling in the range of 8 to 10.3. A method according to claim 2 , comprising contacting the water with Fe(II) ions.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein sufficient Fe(II) ions are used so that the initial ratio Fe(II) ions to selenium in the water (Fe(II):Se) is in excess of 100 claim 1 , preferably more than 110 and most preferably more than 120 claim 1 , 125 claim 1 , 130 claim 1 , 135 claim 1 , 140 claim 1 , 145 claim 1 , 150 claim 1 , 155 claim 1 , 160 claim 1 , 165.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of Fe(II):M is from 0.5 to 1.5 claim 1 , preferably 0.9 to 1.1.6. A method according to claim 1 , comprising using claim 1 , as the reducing agent (M) claim 1 , dithionite ions.7. A method according to claim 6 , wherein the dithionite ions are derived from an alkali metal dithionite.8. A method according to claim 7 , wherein the alkali metal dithionite is selected from lithium claim 7 , sodium claim 7 , potassium or rubidium dithionite claim 7 , preferably sodium dithionite.9. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the pH is controlled to be from 7.5 to 10.5.10. A method according to claim 1 , comprising heating the water to a ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации

Trap Apparatus of Condensate Water

Номер: US20200346955A1
Принадлежит: Kyungdong Navien Co., Ltd.

A trap apparatus of condensate water according to the present invention comprises: a neutralizing part including an inlet through which condensate water is introduced, an internal space for containing a neutralizing agent for neutralizing the introduced condensate water, and a condensate water passage through which the condensate water that was neutralized by the neutralizing agent in the internal space is discharged; a discharge part including a storage space for storing the condensate water which is directly or indirectly introduced through the condensate water passage, an outlet which is open in a circular shape so as to discharge the stored condensate water, and a spherical ball capable of closing the outlet by being seated on the outlet, wherein the ball is spaced from the outlet by buoyancy of the condensate water when the condensate water is contained in the storage space above a critical water level, such that the condensate water can be discharged through the outlet, and the condensate water can be neutralized simultaneously with discharging of only the condensate water without exhaust gas. 1: A condensation water trap device comprising:a neutralizing unit including an inlet to introduce condensation water, an inner space to receive a neutralization agent for neutralizing the introduced condensation water, and a condensation water passage to allow condensation water, which is neutralized in the inner space by the neutralization agent, to flow out; anda discharging unit including a storage space to store the condensation water directly or indirectly introduced through the condensation water passage, an outlet open in a circular shape such that the stored condensation water is discharged, and a ball having a spherical shape and seated on the outlet to close the outlet,wherein the ball is spaced apart from the outlet through buoyancy applied by the condensation water when the condensation water is received at a threshold water level or more in the storage ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170362098A1

In one aspect, systems and methods for the efficient and cost-effective removal of bromide from wastewater streams are described herein. Briefly, a system for bromide removal comprises pretreatment apparatus operable for at least partial removal of background ionic species from the wastewater stream and/or dilution of the background ionic species in the wastewater stream. The system also comprises bromide capture apparatus operable for removal of bromide from the pretreated wastewater stream, wherein the system removes bromide from the wastewater stream at an efficiency of at least 80 percent. In some embodiments, bromide is recovered from the capture apparatus and reused in flue gas treatment applications. 1. A system for removing bromide from a wastewater stream comprising:pretreatment apparatus operable for at least partial removal of background ionic species from the wastewater stream or dilution of the background ionic species in the wastewater stream; andbromide capture apparatus operable for removal of bromide from the pretreated wastewater stream, wherein the system removes bromide from the wastewater stream at an efficiency of at least 80 percent.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the background ionic species comprise alkaline earth cations claim 1 , alkali cations claim 1 , sulfate claim 1 , chloride or mixtures thereof.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the pretreatment apparatus comprises ion exchange media.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the ion exchange media comprises anion exchange media.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the ion exchange media further comprises cation exchange media.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein the pretreatment apparatus comprises one or more membranes for removal of the background ionic species.7. The system of claim 2 , wherein the pretreatment apparatus comprises one or more chambers or conduits for dilution of the wastewater stream.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the chambers or conduits support a dilution factor of ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170362108A1
Автор: Huang Yongheng
Принадлежит: The Texas A&M University System

A hybrid activated iron-biological treatment system and method for treating wastewater. The treatment system includes a combination of zero valent iron, ferrous iron, an iron oxide, and a denitrification microorganism. 1. A method for reducing the concentration of a contaminant in water , comprising contacting water comprising one or more contaminants with a zero-valent iron treatment system for a time sufficient to reduce the concentration of the contaminant in the water , wherein the treatment system comprises a combination of one or more denitrification microorganisms and a zero valent iron composite comprising(a) a reactive solid comprising zero-valent iron and one or more iron oxide minerals in contact therewith, and(b) ferrous iron.2. The method of further comprising activating the combination prior to contacting the combination with water.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein activating the combination comprises:(a) adding a denitrification microorganism to the zero valent iron and ferrous iron;(b) adding a nutrient for the microorganism to the combination; and(c) incubating the combination in the presence of the nutrient for a predetermined time.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein adding the microorganism comprises adding an aqueous soil extract.5. The method of any one of - claim 3 , wherein the microorganism is a bacterium.6. The method of any one of - claim 3 , wherein the microorganism is an anoxic bacterium.7Pseudomonas denitrificans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas perfectomarinus, Pseudomonas stutzeri, Pseudomonas aureofaciens, Pseudomonas mendocina, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Alcaligenes faecalis, Thiobacillus denitrificans, Paracoccos denitrificansMicrococcus denitrificansMicrovirgula aerodenitrificansThaurea mechernichensis.. The method of any one of - claim 3 , wherein the microorganism is selected from the group consisting of () claim 3 , claim 3 , and8. The method of any one of - claim 3 , wherein the reactive solid is prepared by treating zero- ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160375398A1

An evaporator is provided that separates, from a degraded substance, an absorbent branched off and introduced, a heating section which is interposed on a circulation line Lthat circulates the absorbent introduced into this evaporator, heats the circulating absorbent to obtain gaseous recovery steam containing a vaporized absorbent and CO, a concentrate branch line Lthat branches off a part of the absorbent circulating through the circulation line Lat a bottom of the evaporator from the circulation line Las a concentrate, a cooler that is interposed on this concentrate branch line Land cools the concentrate, an ionic degraded substance removal section that removes an ionic degraded substance in the cooled concentrate, and a purified absorbent discharge line Lthat reuses the concentrate as a purified absorbent from which the ionic degraded substance is removed. 111-. (canceled)12. A reclaiming device comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'an evaporator that introduces a part of an absorbent to recover COor HS in a gas in a closed system recovery unit through an introduction line and separates a degraded substance contained in the absorbent from the absorbent;'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'a heating section that is provided on a circulation line that draws off and circulates the absorbent, and is configured to heat the circulating absorbent to obtain recovery steam containing an absorbent and COor HS;'}a recovery steam discharge line that discharges the recovery steam from a top side of the evaporator;a concentrate drawing off line that is drawn off from the circulation line and draws off a concentrate from a bottom side of the evaporator;a cooler that is interposed on a branch line branched off from a part of the concentrate drawing off line and cools the concentrate; andan ionic degraded substance removal section that removes an ionic degraded substance in the cooled concentrate, whereina purified concentrate from which the ionic degraded substance has been removed is reused as a purified ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200353412A1

A scrubber, an exhaust gas purification system comprising the scrubber, and an air purification method. The treatment water of the scrubber is plasma electrolytic water. The plasma electrolytic water is obtained after water is electrolyzed. The process of electrolysis is carried out in an electromagnetic water treatment device. The electromagnetic water treatment device comprises a cation exchange film, a water flow passage, at least one positive pole panel, at least one negative pole panel, and a magnetic device. 1. An exhaust gas purification system comprising a scrubber , characterized in that , treatment water of the scrubber is plasma electrolytic water , and the plasma electrolytic water is prepared by the following method: water is electrolysed , and the plasma electrolytic water is obtained.2. The exhaust gas purification system according to claim 1 , wherein the exhaust gas purification system further comprises an electrolysed water production device claim 1 , a water tank claim 1 , and a filter; the electrolysed water production device claim 1 , the scrubber claim 1 , the filter claim 1 , and the water tank are circularly connected in turn.3. The exhaust gas purification system according to claim 2 , wherein the electrolysed water production device is a reactor continuously generating high redox water; wherein claim 2 , the reactor continuously generating high redox water consists of a positive pole claim 2 , a negative pole claim 2 , a cation exchange film and an insulating housing claim 2 , the positive pole claim 2 , and the negative pole are disposed on the inner side in longitudinal direction of the insulating housing with acid and alkali resistances claim 2 , and high voltage resistance claim 2 , the two poles are parallel and equidistant claim 2 , the distance between the positive pole and the negative pole is 2-80 mm; a water inlet and a water outlet are disposed on the both sides of the insulating housing claim 2 , water is injected into a pipe ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200368757A1

Disclosed herein is an electrostatic precipitation method using an electrostatic precipitator including a collection module having a collection electrode and a discharge electrode, a housing having an internal partition wall formed therein, an inlet-side passage switching member, and an outlet-side passage switching member. The electrostatic precipitation method includes collecting dust by applying a voltage to the discharge electrode while gas flows, closing some of the flow spaces, divided by the internal partition wall using the passage switching members, and performing dust collection for one of the opened flow spaces by applying a voltage to the discharge electrode therein, and performing washing for at least one of the closed flow spaces by supplying washing water to the collection electrode therein. 1. A horizontal electrostatic precipitator comprising:a housing having an inlet duct, into which a gas is introduced, and an outlet duct from which the gas is discharged;an internal partition wall extending in a flow direction of the gas in the housing and configured to respectively divide spaces within the housing;a plurality of passage switching members in the respectively divided spaces to control the flow of the gas;a collection module in the housing and comprising a plurality of discharge electrodes, to which a voltage is applied, and a plurality of collection electrodes disposed between the respective discharge electrodes, the collection electrodes being grounded, and the collection module being configured to collect dust; anda washing water feeder configured to spray washing water to the collection module and to selectively spray the washing water to some of the divided spaces.2. The horizontal electrostatic precipitator according to claim 1 , wherein the inlet and outlet ducts are on respective sides of the housing claim 1 , and the passage switching members are in the respective inlet and outlet ducts while being rotatable relative to the housing.3. The ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Apparatuses and methods for treating, purifying and/or extracting from wastewater

Номер: US20190382290A1
Автор: David Keith FISHER
Принадлежит: Fisherh20 LLC

An efficient, cost-effective, and efficacious technique for removing coal ash and other pollutants from waterways, ponds, marshes, holding tanks and other water sources and supplies. An apparatus comprising an open cage including electromagnets and/or permanent magnets and/or electrodes is supplied with electrical power to extract materials such as rare earth elements and/or heavy metals. The materials levitate to the surface, forming a slurry while leaving water substantially free of such materials.

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Integration of Carbon Dioxide Absorption and Water Electrolysis into Methanation

Номер: US20200392053A1
Принадлежит: Livolt Ltd.

A method and system are provided to recover water and carbon dioxide from combustion emissions. The recovery includes, among other things, electrolysis and carbon dioxide capture in a suitable solvent. The recovered water and carbon dioxide are subject to reaction, such as a catalytic methanation reaction, to generate at least methane. 1. A method comprising:receiving a hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream comprising, water and carbon dioxide;removing at least a portion of water to at least partially dry the hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream;separating the carbon dioxide from the at least partially dried hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream, the separating comprising capturing the carbon dioxide in a solvent, heating the solvent and the captured carbon dioxide, and removing the carbon dioxide from the heated solvent;subjecting the removed water to electrolysis to generate hydrogen; andreacting the generated hydrogen and the separated carbon dioxide to generate one or more hydrocarbons, including at least methane.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the removing comprises condensing the steam in the hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the condensing comprises injecting the hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream into liquid water.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the condensing comprises passing the hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream through a heat exchanger.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the removing at least a portion of water further comprises introducing the hydrocarbon combustion exhaust stream to a desiccant dehumidifier.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:boiling and distilling the removed water prior to the electrolysis; andtransferring heat from the boiling to the desiccant dehumidifier to dry a desiccant thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent comprises a sulfinol solvent.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the capturing of the carbon dioxide in the solvent comprises spraying the solvent ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Water treatment tank and desulfurization device

Номер: US20200398215A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Power Ltd

A water treatment tank includes: a tank body including a bottom surface extending in a horizontal direction; an overflow wall partitioning the inside of the tank body into an upstream tank into which treatment water having absorbed sulfur from an exhaust gas is introduced and a downstream tank into which the treatment water overflowing from the upstream tank is introduced to flow therein; and an inclined part that is provided between the bottom surface of the tank body and the overflow wall in the downstream tank and is inclined downward as it goes from the overflow wall toward a downstream side inside the downstream tank to be connected to the bottom surface of the tank body.

16-02-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE3726408A1
Автор: Fred Geis
Принадлежит: Nalco Chemical Co

14-02-2008 дата публикации

System and method for gas treatment comprising biological and chemic oxidation scrubbing stages

Номер: WO2007130408A3

Systems and methods for biological and chemical gas treatment are disclosed. The systems may generally include a biological treatment zone (120) and a chemical oxidation zone (130). An oxidizing agent subsystem (200) may deliver an oxidizing agent, such as chlorine dioxide, to the chemical oxidation zone (190). The oxidizing agent subsystem (200) may generate the oxidizing agent in situ from a product of the biological treatment zone (120). The oxidizing agent subsystem (200) may include a reaction chamber (210) and a source of a reactant, such as an alkaline metal chlorite reservoir. A controller (300) may be in communication with various sensors and other components to generally manage operation of the disclosed systems.

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Proceso para la conversion biologica de bisulfuro en azufre elemental.

Номер: MX2016010027A
Принадлежит: Paqell B V

La invención está dirigida a un proceso para la conversión biológica de bisulfuro a azufre elemental, que comprende los siguientes pasos: a) convertir bisulfuro, tal como está disuelto en una solución acuosa, a azufre elemental en presencia de bacterias oxidantes de sulfuro y bajo condiciones anaeróbicas para obtener un primer efluente líquido que comprende azufre elemental y bacterias oxidantes de sulfuro usadas; b) regenerar las bacterias oxidantes de sulfuro usadas como se obtiene en el paso (a) y como están comprendidas en una solución acuosa en presencia de un oxidante para obtener un segundo efluente líquido que comprende bacterias oxidantes de sulfuro regeneradas; c) separar el azufre elemental, ya sea del primer y/o el segundo efluente líquido; d) usar las bacterias oxidantes de sulfuro regeneradas en el paso (a) como las bacterias oxidantes de sulfuro.

28-09-2021 дата публикации

Sterilization exhaust gas treating system and method for treating ethylene oxide-containing sterilization exhaust gas by using the same

Номер: US11130095B1

The present disclosure provides a sterilization exhaust gas treatment system, which may include a gas liquefaction recovery system, a pressure swing adsorption recovery system, a reaction system, a temperature swing adsorption recovery system, a hydration system, a recovery and storage system, and a wastewater treatment system. The gas liquefaction recovery system, the pressure swing adsorption recovery system, the reaction system, the temperature swing adsorption recovery system, and the hydration system may be fluidly connected in sequence through first connecting pipes. The gas liquefaction recovery system, the pressure swing adsorption recovery system, and the temperature swing adsorption recovery system may each be fluidly connected to the recovery and storage system through second connecting pipes. The hydration system may be fluidly connected to the wastewater treatment system through wastewater pipes. The present disclosure also provides a method for treating ethylene oxide-containing sterilization exhaust gas using the sterilization exhaust gas treatment system.

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Microbiological treatment system for ethylene oxide exhaust gas

Номер: WO2021184605A1

A microbiological treatment system (1000) includes a hydration system (1) and microbiological degradation systems (2). The hydration system (1) may include a gas-liquid mixing chamber (106), a gas inlet (102),a gas outlet (103), a liquid inlet (104), and a liquid outlet (105), the latter four being fluidly coupled to the chamber (106). The gas inlet (102) is configured to introduce an EO exhaust gas into the chamber (106) to mix with an aqueous solution to form an EO exhaust liquor. The liquid outlet (105) is configured to discharge the EO exhaust liquor. Each microbiological degradation system (2) may include a degradation chamber (21, 22, 23) containing degradation bacteria including one of anaerobic bacteria, facultative bacteria, or aerobic bacteria. The degradation chambers (21, 22, 23) of the microbiological degradation systems (2) may be in fluid communication sequentially in a predetermined degradation sequence, with the most upstream in the degradation sequence having a liquid inlet in fluid communication with the liquid outlet (105).

07-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN110963507A
Автор: 安璐, 张雪辉, 李永光


22-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN111921306B
Автор: 成文


19-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN111170520A


05-07-2016 дата публикации

System for deaeration in a flash vessel

Номер: US9381446B2
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The disclosed embodiments relate to systems for deaerating a stream of slag sump water produced by a gasifier. For example, in one embodiment, a system includes a flash vessel having a first inlet configured to introduce a first fluid into the flash vessel, wherein the flash vessel is configured to flash the first fluid to produce a first flash gas, a second inlet configured to introduce a stream from slag sump into the flash vessel, wherein the stream from slag sump comprises a mixture of a gasification fine slag, dissolved oxygen (O 2 ), and water. A gas-liquid contactor in the flash vessel is configured to contact the stream from slag sump with the first flash gas to enable the first flash gas to deaerate the stream from slag sump. A first outlet of the vessel is configured to output an overhead discharge comprising the first flash gas and oxygen from the stream from slag sump.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and device for purifying exhaust air produced during wood processing

Номер: RU2645143C2

FIELD: wood-working industry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method and apparatus for purifying exhaust air. Device for purifying exhaust air, in particular exhaust air from processing wood materials, with a first circulation, comprising at least the following elements: a scrubber for scrubbing the exhaust air with a scrubbing liquid, a droplet separator to separate exhaust air and scrubbing liquid, a reprocessing container to collect the separated scrubbing liquid and to remove solids from scrubbing liquid; and a feed device to return scrubbing liquid from reprocessing container to scrubber, wherein the device has a second circulation, comprising at least the following elements: a withdrawal line to withdraw at least a sub-stream of scrubbing liquid from the first circulation, a desorber, in particular a column desorber, for removing organic substances from the scrubbing liquid withdrawn, through a stripping gas carried in co-current or counter-current with the scrubbing liquid; and a re-circulation line for returning scrubbing liquid at least partially to the first circulation after removal of organic substances. EFFECT: method and device for purifying exhaust air is provided. 17 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 645 143 C2 (51) МПК B01D 47/00 (2006.01) B01D 53/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 47/00 (2017.08); B01D 53/14 (2017.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016103933, 16.04.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): КРОНОПЛЮС ТЕХНИКАЛЬ АГ (CH) 15.02.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 9200792 A1, 23.01.1992. US 18.07.2013 EP 13176955.6 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 23.08.2017 Бюл. № 24 5378267 A, 03.01.1995. RU 2123375, 20.12.1998. US 5897697 A, 27.04.1997. (45) Опубликовано: 15.02.2018 Бюл. № 5 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 18.02.2016 2 6 4 5 1 4 3 ...

19-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN107176726A


11-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN107032428A
Автор: 张华东, 栾涛
Принадлежит: Individual


09-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN106082535A

一种氨法脱硫废液中无机盐资源化的处理方法,所述方法是向氨法脱硫废液中加入活性炭进行脱色,脱色滤渣配煤炼焦,脱色废液与硫酸加入反应器,再加入氧化剂搅拌,后经蒸发干燥,获得预处理混合盐,并用液态二氧化硫对预处理混合盐进行多次提取,获得硫氰酸铵固体和SO 2 气体,SO 2 气体重复利用。本方法利用液态二氧化硫提取混合无机盐中的硫氰酸铵,提取过程简单,效率高能耗低。
