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10-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2328331C2

Изобретение относится к установкам для разделения материалов, смешанных в текучей фильтруемой среде, в том числе и для очистки жидких сред, и может быть использовано на очистных станциях малой производительности, а также в мобильных очистных установках. Способ эксплуатации фильтрующей установки заключается в том, что текучую фильтруемую среду пропускают через однородный сорбент, размещенный в одинаковых сменных кассетах, расположенных по ходу среды, после насыщения сорбента до заданной степени приостанавливают фильтрование и регенерируют сорбент, одновременно во всех кассетах при движении регенерирующей среды в направлении против хода фильтруемой среды, до восстановления минимально допустимой начальной чистоты, а затем возобновляют фильтрование. Фильтруемую среду пропускают двухступенчато через кассеты с сорбентом, расположенные с возможностью замены и перестановки в трех общих для кассет корпусах, при этом на первой ступени установки среду пропускают двумя параллельными потоками, а на ...

27-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2434663C2

Изобретение предназначено для фильтрации воды. Система содержит впускное отверстие для подачи воды и стенки, образующие зону для хранения фильтрата, причем стенки образуют проход с конечным участком впереди по ходу течения, присоединенным к впускному отверстию для подачи воды, и конечным участком сзади по ходу течения, присоединенным к зоне для хранения фильтрата, фильтрующее приспособление, расположенное в проходе и позволяющее только фильтрату протекать через проход в зону для хранения фильтрата, подвижный элемент, который расположен в контейнере, при этом подвижный элемент имеет поверхность на передней стороне по ходу течения, образующую стенку зоны для хранения фильтрата, и имеет поверхность на задней стороне по ходу течения, образующую стенку контейнера. Система включает в себя источник подаваемой воды, который снабжает водой, подающейся под давлением с примерной величиной 3 бара, клапанное устройство, соединяющее источник водопроводной воды с впускным отверстием для подачи воды, сливную ...

20-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2436739C2
Принадлежит: СИМЕНС АГ (DE)

Изобретение может быть использовано в горной промышленности при транспортировке, обогащении и добыче металлической руды. Способ включает следующие этапы: а) на первом этапе очистки (I) через сточные воды пропускают сероводород и удаляют содержащиеся в сточных водах тяжелые металлы в виде сульфидов, b) на втором этапе очистки (II) из сточных вод осаждают сульфат кальция, с) сульфат кальция со второго этапа очистки (II) удаляют и часть сульфата кальция подают на третий этап очистки (III), на котором сульфат преобразуют в сероводород с помощью сульфатовосстанавливающих бактерий, d) образованный на третьем этапе очистки (III) сероводород возвращают на первый этап очистки (I). Для осаждения сульфатов в предпочтительном варианте используют алюминат кальция. Способ обеспечивает упрощение процесса очистки сточных вод и утилизацию образующихся осадков. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

30-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725260C2
Принадлежит: УОТЕР ПЛЭНЕТ, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение предназначено для фильтрации. Предложена система фильтрации, которая содержит нагнетающий насос, выполненный с возможностью приложения давления к текучей среде, протекающей между первой камерой и второй камерой, датчик потока, выполненный с возможностью определения по меньшей мере одного параметра, связанного с протеканием текучей среды через мембрану, установленную между первой камерой и второй камерой, датчик давления, выполненный с возможностью определения показаний давления текучей среды, протекающей из первой камеры во вторую камеру, систему управления фильтрацией, выполненную с возможностью инициирования приложения нагнетающим насосом постоянного давления к текучей среде, протекающей через мембрану в течение первого заданного периода времени на основании показаний давления. Система управления фильтрацией может быть выполнена с возможностью инициирования изменения с помощью нагнетающего насоса направления протекания текучей среды через мембрану на основании по меньшей мере ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2556662C2
Принадлежит: ТРЕВИ СИСТЕМЗ ИНК. (US)

Изобретения могут быть использованы для обессоливания морской, жесткой и/или загрязненной воды прямым осмотическим обессоливанием. Для осуществления способа очистки загрязненной воды поток загрязненного питающего раствора, содержащего воду и имеющего первое осмотическое давление, пропускают через полупроницаемую мембрану на сторону выведения, имеющую поток выводящего раствора со вторым осмотическим давлением на стороне выведения полупроницаемой мембраны. Поток разбавленного выводящего раствора нагревают, агломерируют выводимое растворенное вещество в двухфазный выходящий поток, содержащий жидкую фазу агломерированного выводимого растворенного вещества и жидкую водную фазу. Затем отделяют агломерированное растворенное вещество и получают водообогащенный поток, который охлаждают с получением охлажденного однофазного водообогащенного потока, который очищают от остаточного растворенного вещества с получением очищенной воды. Изобретения обеспечивают повышение качества прямоосмотической водоочистки ...

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2375312C2

Изобретения относятся к области очистки сырой воды, содержащей одно или несколько трудноразлагаемых веществ, выбранных из группы, включающей галогенированные дибензодиоксины, галогенированные дибензофураны, полихлорированные бифенилы (ПХБ), разрушающие эндокринную систему вещества, иные, чем диоксины, канцерогенные вещества и органические галогенированные соединения, которые могут быть непосредственно удалены методом фоторазрушения или химического разложения. Для осуществления способа трудноразлагаемые вещества концентрируют и обезвреживают следующих на стадиях: (В) стадия адсорбционной очистки, (С) стадия очистки мембранной фильтрацией и (D) стадия химического разложения трудноразлагаемого вещества, адсорбированного на адсорбенте с применением пероксида без операции десорбции из адсорбента. Способ имеет в предпочтительном варианте выполнения дополнительные стадии: (А) стадия мембранного концентрирования, (Е) стадия нейтрализации хлора, (F) стадия фоторазрушения, (G) стадия обратной промывки ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2516531C2

Изобретение относится к получению умягченной воды для нагнетания в пласт. Способ включает (а) выработку умягченной воды путем (i) подачи исходной воды, имеющей общее содержание растворенных твердых веществ вплоть до 15000 мг/л и содержание многовалентных катионов более 40 мг/л, в фильтр, содержащий слой катионообменной смолы в моновалентной катионной форме, (ii) пропуска исходной воды через слой катионообменной смолы, (iii) вывода из фильтра умягченной нагнетаемой воды, имеющей содержание многовалентных катионов вплоть до 40 мг/л; (б) регенерацию катионообменной смолы путем (i) подачи регенерационного рассола в фильтр, причем регенерационный рассол представляет собой природную воду с высоким солесодержанием, имеющую концентрацию моновалентных катионов и многовалентных катионов, такую, что предел умягчения для исходной воды составляет вплоть до 40 мг/л многовалентных катионов, где предел умягчения для исходной воды определяется как коэффициент умягчения, умноженный на концентрацию многовалентных ...

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2371236C2

Изобретение относится к аппаратам автоматической промывки мембранного фильтра в очистителе воды. Очиститель воды включает седиментационный фильтр, предварительный угольный фильтр и мембранный фильтр для последовательной фильтрации сырой воды. Аппарат автоматической промывки мембранного фильтра включает датчик низкого давления (ДНД) для детектирования давления воды в водяной трубе, соединяющей седиментационный фильтр с предварительным угольным фильтром, насос для нагнетания воды, подаваемой из седиментационного фильтра в предварительный угольный фильтр, регулятор, обеспечивающий регулирование слива воды из внутренней части мембранного фильтра от момента времени, когда обнаружено напряжение нагнетания, и сливной регулируемый вентиль для открывания сливной трубы мембранного фильтра. Технический результат: удаление накипи из внутренней части мембранного фильтра под действием давления слива воды из него через сливной регулируемый вентиль. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2734858C2

Изобретение относится к химической промышленности и охране окружающей среды и может быть использовано для очистки воды из природных источников. Сначала готовят водный раствор (X), содержащий не менее 5 мг/л одной или более растворенных гуминовых кислот и не менее 95 мас. % воды. Затем его приводят в контакт с совокупностью частиц смолы (Y), содержащей боковые химические группы, выбранные из сульфонатных, карбоксилатных групп и их комбинаций. Полученный водный раствор (А) отделяют от совокупности частиц акриловой смолы (Y). Водный раствор (А) с рН 5,5 или ниже, содержащий не менее 1 мг/л растворенных органических соединений, измеренных в виде растворенного органического углерода, выбранных из одной или более гуминовой кислоты, одной или более фульвовой кислоты или их смеси, и не менее 95 мас. % воды, приводят в контакт с совокупностью частиц акриловой смолы (В), имеющей расчетный параметр Ханша от -1,0 до 2,5, с боковыми группами, выбранными из первичных, вторичных и третичных аминогрупп ...

27-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2536993C2
Принадлежит: ФЁЛЬКЕР Манфред (DE)

Изобретение относится к устройству для очистки воды по принципу обратного осмоса. Устройство для выработки сверхчистой воды по принципу обратного осмоса содержит фильтр обратного осмоса, который мембраной обратного осмоса разделен на первичную камеру и вторичную камеру, первичный контур, через который к первичной камере подводится сырая вода и из нее отводится концентрат, а также вторичный контур для подвода пермеата по меньшей мере к одному потребителю, предпочтительно аппарату для диализа. В трубопровод первичного контура встроен насос, а в трубопровод концентрата первичного контура встроен клапан со сливом. В или на первичном контуре и/или вторичном контуре расположено устройство для регистрации органических и/или неорганических отложений, соединенное с устройством обработки данных, а во вторичный контур встроен эластичный, способный расширяться буферный сосуд, приспособленный для выполнения обратной промывки мембраны пермеатом. Устройство для регистрации органических и/или неорганических ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494971C2
Принадлежит: ФЁЛЬКЕР Манфред (DE)

Изобретение относится к устройствам для очистки воды по принципу обратного осмоса и может быть использовано для приготовления диализирующей жидкости. Устройство для выработки высокочистой воды по принципу обратного осмоса содержит фильтр обратного осмоса, который посредством мембраны обратного осмоса разделен на первичную камеру и вторичную камеру, и насос, который прокачивает жидкость через первичную камеру, а также расположенное выше по потоку от мембраны обратного осмоса, необходимое для создания давления в первичной камере гидравлическое сопротивление. В первичном контуре находятся по меньшей мере одна камера очистки с устройствами для умягчения воды и сливной клапан, причем поток жидкости в первичном контуре регулируется с помощью клапана и первичный контур выполнен с возможностью промывки его объема по типу подтопления путем открывания клапанов. Технический результат - увеличение эффективности очистки и снижение энергозатрат. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Устройство стабилизации pH воды в блоке удаления аммонийного азота из промывочной воды цеолитовых фильтров

Номер: RU2680469C1

Изобретение относится к области аквакультуры и может быть использовано для применения в установках замкнутого водоснабжения (УЗВ), предназначенных для выращивания гидробионтов. Устройство стабилизации рН воды в блоке удаления аммонийного азота из промывочной воды цеолитовых фильтров состоит из блока автоматики и управления (1) с установленной программой для ЭВМ «Программа управления параметрами воды в УЗВ», емкостью для сухого NaOH (2), транспортера (3), циркуляционного насоса (4), емкости для растворения сухого NaOH (5), танка с промывочной водой (6), второй емкости для отстоя (7), насоса отвода воды с высокой концентрацией рН (8), первой емкости для отстоя (9), насоса подачи воды с низкой концентрацией рН (10), блока отвода осадочных фракций (11), насоса перемещения осадочных фракций (12), фильтра (13), первого затвора (14), второго затвора (15), третьего затвора (16), четвертого затвора (17), пятого затвора (18), шестого затвора (19) и седьмого затвора (20). При этом входы и выходы упомянутых ...

27-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015121619A

... 1. Способ для обработки воды вращающимся дисковым фильтром, имеющим фильтрующие материалы, и обратной промывки фильтрующих материалов и ингибирования биозагрязнения фильтрующих материалов путем использования интегрированной системы для нанесения промывочной воды и биоцида на фильтрующие материалы, включающийнаправление воды во вращающийся барабан, формирующий часть вращающегося дискового фильтра, который содержит множество дискообразных фильтрующих элементов, смонтированных на вращающемся барабане; причем дискообразные фильтрующие элементы включают фильтрующие материалы для фильтрования воды;обеспечение напора воды с тем, чтобы заставить воду течь из барабана в дискообразные фильтрующие элементы и из фильтрующих материалов, чтобы получить фильтрат;перекачку промывочной воды из линии подачи промывочной воды и приложение давления к промывочной воде, чтобы получить промывочную воду под давлением, причем для перекачки промывочной воды используют промывочный насос;направление биоцида из резервуара ...

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005101086A

... 1. Способ регенерации фторсодержащего эмульгатора, включающий воздействие на водный раствор (A), содержащий фторсодержащий эмульгатор в концентрации, по меньшей мере, 1 млн-1 по массе и максимально 1% по массе, путем концентрирования в вакууме под давлением максимально 100 кПа и при температуре водного раствора (A) максимально 100°C с получением концентрированного водного раствора (B), содержащего фторсодержащий эмульгатор в более высокой концентрации, и извлечение фторсодержащего эмульгатора из водного раствора (В). 2. Способ по п.1, в котором концентрация фторсодержащего эмульгатора в водном растворе (B) составляет, по меньшей мере, 5% по массе. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором водный раствор (A) представляет собой, по меньшей мере, один член, выбранный из группы, состоящей из отработанной воды (A1), получаемой после отделения фторполимера в процессе производства фторполимера путем эмульсионной полимеризации или воднодисперсионной полимеризации, по меньшей мере, одного типа фтормономера в ...

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007114624A

... 1. Состав для очисти моющей системой, содержащей: от примерно 15% до примерно 75% по меньшей мере одного поверхностно-активного вещества; от примерно 0,01% до примерно 10% по меньшей мере одного фермента; менее чем примерно 1% моющего компонента, и менее чем примерно 1% хелата. 2. Состав по п.1, при этом моющая система содержит: зону мытья, способную вмещать субстрат; зону смягчения воды, жидкостно соединенную с зоной мытья, при этом вышеупомянутая зона мытья способна получать подаваемую воду и образовывать по меньшей мере частично смягченную воду. 3. Состав по п.1, при этом состав комбинируется с по меньшей мере частично смягченной водой, имеющей удельную электропроводность менее чем примерно 200 μСм/см. 4. Состав по п.2, при этом зона смягчения воды содержит нанофильтрацию, электродеионизацию, электродиализ, обратный осмос, дистилляцию, емкостную деионизацию и их комбинации. 5. Состав по п.4, при этом зона емкостной деионизации содержит по меньшей мере один электрод, содержащий активированный ...

10-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010103816A

... 1. Система (60, 150) для фильтрации воды, содержащая впускное отверстие (62) для подачи воды и стенки, образующие зону (82) для хранения фильтрата, причем стенки образуют проход (66) с конечным участком (65) впереди по ходу течения, присоединенным к вышеуказанному впускному отверстию для подачи воды, и конечным участком (83) сзади по ходу течения, присоединенным к вышеуказанной зоне для хранения фильтрата, фильтрующее приспособление (72), расположенное в вышеуказанном проходе, и позволяющее только фильтрату протекать через вышеуказанный проход в вышеуказанную зону для хранения фильтрата, подвижный элемент (92), который расположен в контейнере (94), при этом вышеуказанный подвижный элемент имеет поверхность (132) на передней стороне по ходу течения, образующую стенку вышеуказанной зоны для хранения фильтрата, и имеет поверхность (134) на задней стороне по ходу течения, образующую стенку контейнера, включающая в себя: ! источник (110, 174) подаваемой воды, который снабжает водой, подающейся ...

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727492C1

Группа изобретений относится к водоумягчительному устройству и способу эксплуатации водоумягчительного устройства. Водоумягчительное устройство (100; 200) содержит фильтр (101; 201), выполненный с возможностью устранения жесткости из первого потока необработанной воды с получением второго потока умягченной воды. Фильтр (101; 201) содержит ионообменный (IEX; от англ.: ion exchange) материал, который насыщен катионом первого типа, происходящим из индикаторной соли, и катионом второго типа, происходящим из регенерирующей соли. IEX материал демонстрирует меньшее сродство к первому катиону, чем к ионам жесткости. В то же время IEX материал демонстрирует большее сродство к первому катиону, чем ко второму катиону. Катион первого типа и катион второго типа отличаются по значениям ионной молярной электропроводности. Электрический параметр второго потока мониторится датчиком (112; 212). Изменение электрического параметра используется в качестве индикатора состояния истощения фильтра (101; 201). Технический ...

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011119275A

... 1. Устройство для обработки и повторного использования хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод, включая использование в доме и в саду, включающее в себя искусственно созданный заболоченный участок с вертикальным движением воды и повторным циклом, отличающееся тем, что устройство дополнительно содержит: ! а) источник хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод; ! б) по меньшей мере два заболоченных участка с вертикальным движением воды, каждый из которых представляет собой контейнер, заполненный по меньшей мере одним гранулированным субстратом и по меньшей мере одним видом водолюбивого растения, и приспособлением для водоотвода; ! в) первый трубопровод, соединяющий упомянутый источник хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод с верхней поверхностью самого верхнего слоя в каждом из упомянутых по меньшей мере двух заболоченных участков, предназначенный для подачи хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод к упомянутым по меньшей мере двум заболоченным участкам без риска закупорки первичного трубопровода выросшими корнями; ! г ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010144782A

... 1. Способ получения умягченной нагнетаемой воды, в котором: ! (а) вырабатывают умягченную воду путем (i) подачи исходной воды, имеющей общее содержание растворенных твердых веществ вплоть до 15000 мг/л и содержание многовалентных катионов более 40 мг/л, в фильтр, содержащий слой катионообменной смолы в моновалентной катионной форме, (ii) пропуска исходной воды через слой катионообменной смолы, так что по меньшей мере часть многовалентных катионов в исходной воде замещается моновалентными катионами из катионообменной смолы, и (iii) вывода из фильтра умягченной нагнетаемой воды, имеющей содержание многовалентных катионов вплоть до 40 мг/л; ! (б) осуществляют регенерацию катионообменной смолы путем (i) подачи регенерационного рассола в фильтр, (ii) пропуска регенерационного рассола через слой смолы и (iii) вывода из фильтра рассола, содержащего, замещенные многовалентные катионы, причем регенерационный рассол представляет собой природную воду с высоким солесодержанием, имеющую концентрацию ...

20-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010150368A

... 1. Способ эксплуатации фильтровального прибора, предназначенного для фильтрования жидкостей, в частности воды или питьевой воды, причем фильтровальный прибор содержит корпус (1), имеющий впускной канал (4) для нефильтрованной жидкости и выпускной канал (7) для фильтрата для отфильтрованной жидкости, причем выпускной канал могут открывать и закрывать посредством выпускного клапана (12), фильтрующее средство (31), расположенное в корпусе в пути потока жидкости между впускным каналом и выпускным каналом для фильтрата, и спускное отверстие (9) для грязи, причем фильтрующим средством (31) частицы отфильтровывают из жидкости, после чего их могут выпускать из корпуса через спускное отверстие для грязи, которое могут открывать и закрывать посредством спускного клапана (13), отличающийся тем, что спускной клапан (13) и выпускной клапан (12) приводят в действие одновременно, в определенном порядке, путем открытия спускного клапана (13) и одновременного полного или, по меньшей мере, частичного закрытия ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018102108A

30-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018111434A

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011149484A

... 1. Способ удаления загрязнителей из некоторого количества загрязненной жидкости, содержащий этапы, на которых:подают жидкость в очистной резервуар, содержащий материал адсорбента на основе углерода, обладающий способностью к электрохимической регенерации и расположенный в форме слоя частиц на дне резервуара;перемешивают слой для распределения материала адсорбента в жидкости и адсорбции из жидкости загрязнителей;прекращают перемешивание и дают слою материала осесть;регенерируют адсорбент, пропуская электрический ток через слой для высвобождения из адсорбента газообразных продуктов, полученных из загрязнителя, в форме пузырьков, поднимающихся сквозь жидкость в резервуаре, иудаляют очищенную жидкость из бака.2. Способ по п.1, в котором этапы перемешивания слоя и осаждения слоя и регенерирования адсорбента повторяют для удаления дополнительного количества загрязнителя из жидкости перед ее извлечением.3. Способ по п.1 или 2, в котором слой материала адсорбента перемешивают путем подачи текучей ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012140697A

... 1. Устройство для выработки сверхчистой воды по принципу обратного осмоса с фильтром обратного осмоса, который мембраной обратного осмоса разделен на первичную камеру и вторичную камеру, с первичный контуром, через который к первичной камере подводится сырая вода и из нее отводится концентрат, а также вторичным контуром для подвода пермеата по меньшей мере к одному потребителю, предпочтительно аппарату для диализа,отличающееся тем, чтов или на первичном контуре (1, 4, 5, 9, 17, 18) и/или вторичном контуре (8, 15, 16) расположено устройство для регистрации органических и/или неорганических отложений, которое соединено с устройством обработки данных.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что устройство обработки данных соединено с устройством индикации измеряемых значений.3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что устройство обработки данных при достижении или превышении предварительно заданного граничного измеряемого значения выдает предупредительный сигнал.4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся ...

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011135436A

... 1. Устройство для выработки высокочистой воды по принципу обратного осмоса с фильтром обратного осмоса, который посредством мембраны обратного осмоса разделен на первичную камеру и вторичную камеру, и насосом, который прокачивает жидкость через первичную камеру, а также расположенным выше по потоку от мембраны обратного осмоса, необходимым для создания давления в первичной камере гидравлическим сопротивлением, отличающееся тем, что в первичном контуре (1, 4, 5, 9, 17, 18) находятся по меньшей мере одна камера (21) очистки с устройствами для умягчения воды и сливной клапан (26), и что поток жидкости в первичном контуре является регулируемым с помощью клапана (20).2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что камера (21) очистки имеет емкостные и/или электромагнитные устройства.3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что объем в первичном контуре выполнен с возможностью промывки по типу подтопления путем открывания клапанов (20, 26).4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что часть потока первичного ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Zirkulationseinrichtung für Trink- oder Betriebswasser und Verfahren zur Behandlung von Trink- oder Betriebswasser

Номер: DE102013114889A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Zirkulationseinrichtung für Trink- oder Betriebswasser mit einem Speicherbehälter (1), einer mit dem Speicherbehälter (1) in Verbindung stehenden Zirkulationsleitung (2), einer mit dem Speicherbehälter (1) in Verbindung stehenden Wasserbehandlungseinrichtung (8) zur Behandlung des Trink- oder Betriebswasser, und einer Zirkulationspumpe (3) zur Umwälzung des Wassers in der Zirkulationsleitung (2). Um eine unkontrollierte und gesundheitsschädliche Vermehrung von pathogenen Mikroorganismen, insbesondere von Legionellen, in der Zirkulationseinrichtung auf energiesparende Weise und möglichst zuverlässig zu verhindern und um das Erzeugen von Warmwasser in der Zirkulationseinrichtung mittels regenerativer Energiequellen effizienter auszugestalten ist nach der Erfindung vorgesehen, dass die Zirkulationsleitung (2) mit einer in Bezug auf die Zirkulationsleitung (2) örtlich begrenzten Senke (4) gekoppelt ist, durch die wenigstens ein Teil des in der Zirkulationsleitung ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Spülmaschine und Verfahren zur Wasseraufbereitung in einer Spülmaschine

Номер: DE102012008886A1

Eine Spülmaschine (100) umfasst einen Anschluss (102) für einen Wasserzulauf, einen Abwasseranschluss (104), einen Ionentauscher (110) mit einem Einlass (112), der mit dem Anschluss (102) für den Wasserzulauf verbunden ist, und einem Auslass (114). Der Ionentauscher (110) ist ausgebildet, um Wasser aus dem Einlass (112) durch Ionenaustausch aufzubereiten und das aufbereitete Wasser über den Auslass (114) auszugeben. Die Spülmaschine umfasst weiter eine Regenerierwasservorlage (120), die mit dem Auslass (114) verbunden ist, um einen Teil des aufbereiteten Wassers von dem Ionentauscher (110) zu erhalten, und ein Regeneriermittelbehälter (130) für ein Regeneriermittel. Der Regeneriermittelbehälter (130) ist mit der Regenerierwasservorlage (120) und dem Ionentauscher (110) verbunden und ausgebildet, um unter Nutzung des Teils des aufbereiteten Wassers aus der Regenerierwasservorlage (120) das Regeneriermittel als Regenerierlösung dem Ionentauscher (110) zur Regenerierung zuzuführen. Der Ionentauscher ...

17-04-2003 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Wasserenthärtung

Номер: DE0059807440D1

27-12-2007 дата публикации

Backwashing water filter used for preparing drinking water in the home comprises one surface having a germ-killing coating and moving relative to a sieving filter insert and suction units arranged in an inlet chamber

Номер: DE102006029544A1

Backwashing water filter (1) comprises one surface having a germ-killing coating and moving relative to a sieving filter insert (3) and suction units (9) arranged in an inlet chamber (4). The surface with the germ-killing coating is part of the suction openings. An independent claim is also included for a method for germ protection for the backwashing filter.

03-05-2007 дата публикации

Procedure for softening drinking water in an industrial reactor using a weakly acidic cation exchanger, comprises regenerating the cation exchanger by the water after taking up alkaline earth metal ions

Номер: DE102006050608A1

The procedure for softening drinking water in an industrial reactor using a weakly acidic cation exchanger, comprises regenerating the cation exchanger by the water after taking up alkaline earth metal ions. The water contains carbon dioxide dissolved under 4-5 bar. The regeneration is carried out in a flow through system with a flow velocity of 5 m3>/m2>h. The water is softened up to 70%. Pre-filtrate is supplied to a buffer storage and is used for the next regeneration. Rinse water after passing through a filter containing the ion exchangers, is directly supplied to the buffer (14). The procedure for softening drinking water in an industrial reactor using a weakly acidic cation exchanger, comprises regenerating the cation exchanger by the water after taking up alkaline earth metal ions. The water contains carbon dioxide dissolved under 4-5 bar. The regeneration is carried out in a flow through system with a flow velocity of 5 m3>/m2>h. The water is softened up to 70%. Pre-filtrate is ...

20-09-2007 дата публикации

Water purification device for softening, decarbonization or demineralization of water, comprises housing, water inlet and outlet lines connectable with external water pipeline, a sensor element, and replaceable/rechargeable energy storage

Номер: DE102007013203A1

The water purification device for softening, decarbonization or demineralization of water, comprises a water leak-proof housing, water- inlet and outlet lines connectable with an external water pipeline, a blending device for blending the water not prepared or water processed in other manner in a blend ratio, an adjustment device having adjustment elements (7, 22, 23), which adjust the blend ratio of the quantity of processed water to quantity of not processed water or quantity of water processed in other manner, and turn- and/or thrust valve. The water purification device for softening, decarbonization or demineralization of water, comprises a water leak-proof housing, water inlet and outlet lines connectable with an external water pipeline, a blending device for blending the water not processed or water processed in other manner in a blend ratio, an adjustment device having adjustment elements (7, 22, 23), which adjusts the blend ratio of the quantity of processed water to quantity of ...

01-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE102005015099B4

Fahrzeugscheinwerfer, welcher aufweist: ein erstes Lichtquellenmodul (10b), welches mehrere Halbleiter-Lichtemitterelemente (12) aufweist, und ein zweites Lichtquellenmodul (10a), das in Reihe mit dem ersten Lichtquellenmodul (10b) geschaltet ist, und zumindest ein Halbleiter-Lichtemitterelement (12) aufweist, in einer Anzahl, die kleiner ist als jene des ersten Lichtquellenmoduls (10b), und welches Licht mit höherer Helligkeit, definiert als Lichtstärke pro Flächeneinheit, als jener des ersten Lichtquellenmoduls (10b) erzeugt, wenn ein elektrischer Strom zugeführt wird, der gleich jenem des ersten Lichtquellenmoduls (10b) ist.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Wasserenthärtungsanlage, mit Wiegen des Vorratsgefäßes

Номер: DE102017219063A1

Zusammenfassend betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Wasserenthärtungsanlage (1), wobei eine Bestimmung der während eines einzelnen Regenerationszyklus (105) eingesetzten Menge an Regeneriersalz erfolgt. Ein Vorratsgefäß (7), welches festes Regeneriersalz (8) enthält, ist auf einer Wiegeeinrichtung (14) angeordnet. Im Rahmen eines Regenerationszyklus (105) wird in beliebiger Reihenfolge wenigstens einmal Regeneriermittellösung (9) aus dem Vorratsgefäß (7) entnommen, die der Enthärtungsvorrichtung (21) zugeführt wird, und wenigstens einmal Wasser in das Vorratsgefäß (7) nachgefüllt, so dass sich das Flüssigkeitsniveau (11) insgesamt nicht verändert. Die über den Regenerationszyklus (105) insgesamt erfolgte Massenabnahme, die auf dem Dichteunterschied von entnommener Regeneriermittellösung (9) und nachgefülltem Wasser beruht, wird mit der Wiegeeinrichtung (14) bestimmt und entspricht der im Regenerationszyklus (105) eingesetzten Salzmenge M. Die in einem Regenerationszyklus ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Filtereinrichtung und Filtereinrichtung

Номер: DE102008024583B4

Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Filtereinrichtung zur Filterung von Flüssigkeiten, insbesondere von Wasser oder Trinkwasser, die ein Gehäuse (1), das mit einem Einlass (4) für unfiltrierte Flüssigkeit und mit einem Filtratauslass (7) für filtrierte Flüssigkeit, der mittels eines Auslassventils (12) öffen- und schließbar ist, versehen ist, die ein Filtermittel (31), das im Gehäuse im Strömungsweg der Flüssigkeit zwischen Einlass und Filtratauslass (7) angeordnet ist, und die einen Schmutzablass (9) aufweist, wobei mit dem Filtermittel (31) Partikel aus der Flüssigkeit ausgefiltert werden, die über den mit einem Ablassventil (13) öffen- und schließbaren Schmutzablass aus dem Gehäuse abgeführt werden können, wobei das Ablassventil (13) und das Auslassventil (12) gemeinsam betätigt werden, um durch Öffnen des Ablassventils (13) und simultanes, zumindest partielles Schließen des Auslassventils (12) einen Druckimpuls in der filtrierten Flüssigkeit zur Reinigung des Filtermittels zu erzeugen, und ...

18-07-2012 дата публикации

Integrated unit for intake and pretreatment with local backwashing

Номер: GB0201209996D0

07-12-2011 дата публикации

Water treatment methods and systems

Номер: GB0201118307D0

14-03-2012 дата публикации

Jug water filter cartridge regenerator

Номер: GB0201201789D0

05-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for waste treatment

Номер: GB0201400833D0

02-05-2012 дата публикации

Treatment of liquid with oily contaminants

Номер: GB0201204885D0

14-02-1996 дата публикации

Fluid Treatment Apparatus

Номер: GB0002292097A

A fluid treatment apparatus comprises a plurality of filter elements (12, 22) connected across a flow passage. Each filter (12, 22) is irradiated by UV light from respective lamps (13a, 13b, 23a, 23b), so as to kill any micro-organisms trapped on the filters. Backwashing means (18, 19, 28, 19) are provided for backwashing each filter in succession whilst fluid flowing along the passage is filtered by the other filter. In this manner micro-organisms are unable to pass through the apparatus untreated. ...

18-02-2009 дата публикации

A water filtration system

Номер: GB2451875A

A water filtration system comprises a filter 11, a pump 12 powered by a solar panel 14 and configured to force water through the filter in either of a forward or reverse direction, a pressure sensor 22 configured to measure water pressure on the filtered water side of the filter and a controller 20 configured to control operation of the pump. In a filtering operation, water is passed in a forward direction until a pressure sensor measures that the water pressure on the filtered water side of the filter has dropped to a predetermined level, at which point water is forced through the filter in the reverse direction. Preferably an air blower 30 provides a supply of air bubbles that pass through the filter when water is forced through the filter in a reverse direction. Preferably the solar panel is a photovoltaic cell and the controller includes a maximum power point tracking unit configured to optimize the loading of the photovoltaic cell. Advantageously the water filtration system may be ...

29-05-2002 дата публикации

Method for preventing contamination of a heat exchanger using an active oxygen generating polyaniline film.

Номер: GB0002369373A

A low cost method for preventing contamination of a heat exchanger whereby a film of polyaniline is formed on the metal surface of the heat exchanging portion. Upon operation condensed water makes contact with the film and oxygen dissolved within the water becomes active. The active oxygen reacts with organic substances within the water causing them to decompose. Thus the amount of organic substances adhered to the surface of the heat exchanger can be reduced. The oxygen generating capacity of the film can be regenerated by drying the surface of the metal base material.

17-09-2003 дата публикации

Water softening apparatus

Номер: GB0002386370A

A fluid treatment device 10 comprising a control valve 8, a back-flushable filter, and a device 3 for promoting precipitation of the solids dissolved within the fluid. The fluid is directed to flow though the fluid conditioning device 3, causing precipitation of the solids dissolved in the fluid. The fluid is then directed to flow through the filter medium 13, where the precipitates and other solids are removed. The fluid then exits the apparatus through a control valve outlet 9. During back-washing, the outlet of the control valve is closed and a drain outlet 7 is opened. Fluid entering the control valve is directed to flow though a riser tube 1, and forced to pass through holes 15 in a spreader 14. This ensures that the filter medium is fluidised, and precipitates and other solids are flushed out of the filter through the control valve. In the treatment of hard water, carbonates are precipitated and removed form the water flow. Since the fluid conditioning device does not make use of ...

12-12-2007 дата публикации

Apparatus for treating liquid using regeneratable adsorbent material

Номер: GB0002438850A

Apparatus for treating liquid by contact with a particulate adsorbent material comprises a regeneration chamber (10) within a reservoir (2) for liquid to be treated. Adsorbent material is recycled along a path including passage through the regeneration chamber (10) and in a body of liquid in the reservoir to contact and treat the liquid. The adsorbent material is capable of regeneration, and the regeneration chamber (10) is defined between two electrodes (36,38), which can be coupled to a source of electrical power. The treatment process can be continuous with liquid flowing through the reservoir while the adsorbent material is recycled and regenerated.

26-10-2011 дата публикации

A portable flocculation, filtration and chlorination system

Номер: GB0002479729A

A portable flocculation, filtration and chlorinisation system intended for the purification of non-saline water drawn from a variety of sources e.g. surface water, river, borehole etc. to drinking water conditions. This is achieved by the already flocculated water passing through two primary filters. Chlorinisation takes place by the use of a water-driven dosing pump capable of dosing at the rate of 2ppm and upwards as required. The water then passes through its final stage of purification where use is made of an advanced filter media. This media is selfsterilising because of its permanent high surface catalytic properties and negative zeta potential. The negative zeta potential allows the filter media to adsorb positive charged metal ions from the water such as iron and manganese. The water having passed through this filter is of micron or sub micron standard. The treated water is then stored in an incorporated holding tank ready for later use as and when required. This stored water is ...

02-10-2013 дата публикации

Steam plant with reverse osmosis unit

Номер: GB0002500685A

A steam plant 10 comprises a processing unit 12 arranged to treat raw water, a boiler 18 arranged to generate steam, a blowdown vessel 20 in fluid communication with the boiler so as to receive hot blowdown water from the boiler and a reverse osmosis unit 14. The reverse osmosis unit is in fluid communication with the processing unit through an inflow water line 24, with the boiler through a permeate line 60 and with the processing unit 12 and/or the blowdown vessel 20 through a concentrate line 74, 76, 78, 80, 82. In use, the reverse osmosis unit receives treated inflow water from the processing unit and generates permeate which is provided to the boiler through the permeate line and concentrate which is provided to the processing unit and/or the blowdown vessel through a concentrate line. Preferably, the processing unit comprises a softener vessel 30, 32 and a brine tank 34. There is also disclosed a method of operating a steam plant and a method of upgrading an existing steam plant.

01-05-2002 дата публикации

Fluid treatment apparatus

Номер: GB0000206178D0

05-03-2003 дата публикации

Process for direct filtration of wastewater

Номер: GB0000302367D0

16-06-2004 дата публикации

Water-softening method

Номер: GB0000410744D0

07-03-2018 дата публикации

Method and system for treatment of produced water

Номер: GB0002553357A

A method of treating oily water comprises the introduction of oily water into a system comprising a subsea bioreactor in which microorganisms biodegrade oil from the oily water. Preferably, the bioreactor is a membrane bioreactor (MBR), which may be operated with a hydraulic retention time of 15-40 hours. The method may comprise a step of filtering the oily water through an adsorption medium. The bioreactor can be a biofilter, preferably a trickle filter or a fluidized bed filter. The system may comprise a second bioreactor, wherein the first bioreactor can be operated under aerobic conditions and the second bioreactor can be operated under anaerobic conditions. In another aspect, a system for treating oily water is claimed, wherein the system comprises a bioreactor configured to operate in a subsea location. The bioreactor may receive the output of an oil-water separator, such as a three-phase separator, a gas flotation vessel, an in-line separator or the output of a concentration vessel ...

03-02-2010 дата публикации

A filter apparatus

Номер: GB0000921993D0

24-02-1942 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the removal of fluorides from water

Номер: GB0000543406A

... 543,406. Purifying water. PERMUTIT CO., Ltd., and HOLMES, E. L. Oct. 4,1940, No. 14890. [Class 46] Materials, such as calcium phosphate, animal charcoal, and activated alumina, which have been used for absorbing fluorides from water, are r-a generated by treatment with a solution of caustic soda or other alkali followed by washing, with water, which is soft or has been softened as by a base-exchange process. Specification 490,972 is referred to.

30-04-2003 дата публикации

Fluid treatment apparatus

Номер: GB0000306573D0

10-05-1928 дата публикации

Improvements relating to water-softening filters, and the process of regenerating and purifying the same

Номер: GB0000290064A

... 290,064. Hufschmidt, C. July 5, 1927. Purifying liquids.-In base-exchanging watersoftening apparatus the regenerating solution is introduced into the medium in the tank c through tiers of perforated pipes d which serve also for the distribution of crude water from the pipe h during the treating period. The regenerating solution is supplied through a valve i by a pump b from a solution tank a. It passes away through a froth trap p and is returned to the tank a through a three-way valve e, which has a connection s through which the first portion of the solution, carrying impurities from the treating-material, may be discharged to waste. When regeneration is finished, the solution may be drained from the tank c to the tank a through a valve f. The treating-tank is occasionallv filled with a soda solution. which is heated within the tank by a supply of steam through a valve m and a lower tier l of pipes, which is separately connected to the pipe h. There is also a tier n of perforated pipes ...

14-06-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the filtration of alkaline waters

Номер: GB0000291970A

... 291,970. Gordon, J., (Hall, R. E.). June 28, 1927. Purifying liquids; filters with loose filtering- materials.-A silicate or other insoluble mineral material containing an acid radical substantially neutralized by a basic radical is used for filtering boiler water or other hot alkaline waters which are free from oil or oily matter. The silicate has preferably as basic radical an element, such as iron, magnesium or calcium, with which the boiler water is fully saturated. The preferred filtering material is granulated slag from copper smelting. Forsterite (magnesium silicate), and other members of the olivine group of minerals, also some members of the pyroxene and amphibole group, ilmenite and chromite are also mentioned as suitable. A filter suitable for use in the process comprises a container 2 with inlet and outlet pipes 3, 4 for the water under treatment, inlet and outlet pipes 13, 14 for wash water and a manually-operated device 15 for agitating the filter-material during the washing ...

27-07-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in the removal of fluorides from water

Номер: GB0000734356A

Fluorides are extracted from water by first regulating the pH value to between 5.5 and 11, e.g. by bubbling carbon dioxide gas through it and secondly by passing it through a bed of alkaline phosphatic granules. The latter are prepared from superphosphate fertilizer by screening it between -20 and +48 Tyler sieves, soaking in 5 per cent caustic soda solution, washing with water and packing the granules in a container to provide a bed 20 cm. deep and 2 cm. diameter. Regeneration of fluoride saturated bed is effected by back washing with weak caustic soda solution so as to raise its pH value to about 12, followed by washing with water.

18-10-2017 дата публикации

A mechanically operable switch member

Номер: GB0201713927D0

26-11-2008 дата публикации

Filtration system

Номер: GB0000819290D0

21-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000822816D0

14-04-2021 дата публикации

Water treatment apparatus and method

Номер: GB2575372B
Принадлежит: SEAN LEE ASHWELL, Sean Lee Ashwell

31-08-2012 дата публикации

Drinking straw with hollow fibre liquid filter

Номер: AP0201206363A0

31-03-2015 дата публикации

Underwater water treatment unit and method for cleaning said unit

Номер: AP2015008309A0

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Water treatment process comprising floatation combined with gravity filtration, and corresponding equipment

Номер: AP0000003956A

30-11-2014 дата публикации

Capillary membrane filter with manually activated backwash pump

Номер: AP0000003034A

08-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000004058A

30-04-2008 дата публикации

Electrochemical recovery of arsenic

Номер: AP2008004405A0

13-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003665A

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003701A

31-03-2015 дата публикации

Water treatment process comprising floatation combined with gravity filtration, and corresponding equipment

Номер: AP2015008312A0

30-04-2010 дата публикации

Capillary membrane filter with manually activated backwash pump

Номер: AP2010005188A0

31-08-2012 дата публикации

Drinking straw with hollow fibre liquid filter

Номер: AP2012006363A0

31-08-2013 дата публикации

Composite absorbent material

Номер: AP2013007094A0

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Gravity feed water treatment system.

Номер: AP2011005805A0

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment

Номер: AP2013006827A0

30-11-2013 дата публикации

Oil absorbent composition

Номер: AP2013007221A0

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment

Номер: AP0201306827A0

31-08-2013 дата публикации

Composite absorbent material

Номер: AP0201307094A0

31-03-2015 дата публикации

Underwater water treatment unit and method for cleaning said unit

Номер: AP0201508309A0

31-03-2015 дата публикации

Water treatment process comprising floatation combined with gravity filtration, and corresponding equipment

Номер: AP0201508312A0

30-11-2013 дата публикации

Oil absorbent composition

Номер: AP0201307221D0

30-04-2010 дата публикации

Capillary membrane filter with manually activated backwash pump

Номер: AP0201005188D0

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Gravity feed water treatment system.

Номер: AP0201105805D0

31-08-2013 дата публикации

Composite absorbent material

Номер: AP0201307094D0

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment

Номер: AP0201306827D0

31-03-2015 дата публикации

Water treatment process comprising floatation combined with gravity filtration, and corresponding equipment

Номер: AP0201508312D0

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Filtration apparatus and method for treating granular filtration medium

Номер: US20120031857A1
Автор: Haim Ben-Dosa

Apparatuses and related methods for filtration of raw water including a filtration column having a filtrate zone and a filtration zone.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method of Recovering Potassium from Waste Waters for Use in Purification of Waste Water, including the Waste Water from which the potassium is Recycled, while retaining the Potassium in forms suitable for use as a Nutrient in Growing Microbes, Plants and Algae

Номер: US20120061315A1
Автор: Gerald J Grott
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for recovering and/or utilizing potassium from waste waters for a plurality of applications. As algae and plants are able to survive and flourish in environments with high salt concentrations, waste waters containing potassium can be applied as fertilizers to the growth of microbes, algae and plants. The microbes, plants, and algae are able to absorb the necessary nutrients, such as nitrogen and potassium, from the waste waters. After depletion of the potassium content from the waste water, that waste water can then be treated to separate other contaminants. In another aspect of the present invention, the potassium content may be first separated from the waste water to be applied for growth of microbes, plants, and algae and again used for regeneration of cation resins in specific potassium forms. The remaining contaminants that are separated through treatment of the waste water can be utilized for different productions.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Membrane cleaning with pulsed airlift pump

Номер: US20120061333A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Industry Inc

A method of cleaning a membrane surface immersed in a liquid medium with a fluid flow, including the steps of providing a randomly generated intermittent or pulsed fluid flow along the membrane surface to dislodge fouling materials therefrom. A membrane module is also disclosed comprising a plurality of porous membranes ( 6 ) or a set of membrane modules ( 5 ) and a device ( 11 ) for providing a generally randomly generated, pulsed fluid flow such that, in use, said fluid flow moves past the surfaces of said membranes ( 6 ) to dislodge fouling materials therefrom.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for recovering a boron adsorbent

Номер: US20120225957A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

The present embodiment relates to a method for recovering a boron adsorbent, including: preparing water having an electric resistivity of 0.01 MΩ·cm or more and kept at a temperature within a temperature range; and contacting the water with the boron adsorbent to release boron adsorbed at the boron adsorbent.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Adsorption of contaminants from liquid and electrochemical regeneration of adsorbent

Номер: US20120228230A1
Принадлежит: Arvia Technology Ltd

A method for the treatment of a liquid. The method comprises contacting the liquid within a treatment zone with an adsorbent material, which is then electrochemically regenerated within a regeneration zone following contact with said liquid. A disinfectant precursor species is provided within the regeneration zone and then electrochemically converted to a disinfectant species which can then contact adsorbent material and/or liquid within the regeneration zone effecting in-situ disinfection and resulting in the presence of residual disinfectant species in the treated liquid. There is further provided apparatus for carrying out such a method.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Flush system with controlled volume

Номер: US20120261317A1
Автор: Jerry L. McKinney
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for use in a septic system such as an aerobic wastewater treatment plant connected to a drip irrigation system for dispensing wastewater from the septic system. The apparatus includes a pump having a pump outlet for a pumping treated wastewater from the septic system, a filter connected to the pump outlet, the filter having a first output for directing filtered water to the drip irrigation system and a second outlet for disposal of backwash water used to clean the filter. There is an accumulator or canister having a predetermined volume for receiving water from at least one of the drip irrigation systems and the second output of the filter. The accumulator has an outlet connected to a pressure actuated normally open flush valve, which closes in response to pressure from water in the accumulator and which moves to the normally open position when the pump is deactivated.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Recovery of retrograde soluble solute for forward osmosis water treatment

Номер: US20120267308A1
Принадлежит: Trevi Systems Inc

Improved systems and processes for forward osmosis water purification or desalination are herein disclosed. According to one embodiment a process for purifying contaminated water is provided wherein a contaminated feed solution stream comprising water and with a first osmotic pressure is passed through a semipermeable membrane to a draw side having a draw solution stream with a second osmotic pressure on a draw side of the semipermeable membrane. The diluted draw solution stream is heated, agglomerated and cooled to produce a cooled single phase water rich stream that is purified to produce a water product stream.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing potable water and/or purifying water including the elimination of a target compound and filtration within a filter drum

Номер: US20120285888A1

The invention relates to a method for treating water laden with pollutants for the purpose of making the water drinkable, said method including: an elimination step consisting of contacting said water laden with pollutants, within a stirred contact tank ( 2 ), with an active particulate material ( 19 ) using a predetermined concentration of the active particulate material ( 19 ) in said water; an extraction step consisting of continuously extracting from said contact tank ( 2 ) a mixture consisting of water and of active particulate material ( 19 ); a separation step consisting of continuously separating said active particulate material ( 19 ) from said mixture. According to the invention, the separation step consists in particular of feeding the mixture of water and active particulate material into a filter drum ( 4 ).

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Washing appliance with dedicated water-softener

Номер: US20120298153A1

The softener is based on a capacitive-deionization (CDI) cell, in which the hardness ions are extracted, and disposed of still intact, in concentrated form. The softener is combined with a chelate to inhibit precipitation, in the appliance, from the concentrated effluent. The chelate being citric acid, the acidity is effective to keep the hardness ions in solution. The purify and regenerate modes of operation of the softener can be timed to coincide with the washing and rinsing cycles of the appliance, whereby the presence of the softener does not affect the speed and performance of the appliance.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Control valve assembly

Номер: US20120313018A1
Автор: Raymond Lillback
Принадлежит: Individual

A control valve assembly ( 10 ) controls the flow of water to and from a treatment tank ( 16 ) and the regeneration of the treatment material therein. A housing of the valve assembly includes connections for a tank inlet and tank outlet, an inlet chamber ( 60 ), outlet chamber ( 34 ), a pressure-operated inlet valve ( 24 ) and an outlet valve ( 32 ). A pair of venturi chambers ( 81 a, 81 b ) are configured to provide co-current and counter-current regeneration. A subsystem includes a turbine ( 104 ) and a nozzle. An external port ( 130 ) receives fluid to to drive the turbine in order to initiate regeneration. The inlet valve ( 24 ) has dual seating surfaces for controlling the communication between the inlet chamber, transfer chamber ( 70 ), a bypass chamber and tank inlet ( 26 ). The bypass chamber may receive a blocking wall for blocking communication between the chamber and the outlet.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Process for water softening

Номер: US20130001167A1
Автор: Allen Wallace Apblett
Принадлежит: Oklahoma State University

A method is described for removing hard water components from water wherein the removed ions are not replaced by sodium ions. The method includes the steps of passing water having dissolved hard water components through a water-softening column containing a tungsten-based sorbent. The hard water components are reacted with tungsten based sorbent to remove the hard water components. The tungsten based sorbent is regenerated for later use in the step of reacting. The resulting by-products include calcium and magnesium or ammonium nitrate, all of which may be sold and used for various purposes.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment system

Номер: US20130026083A1
Принадлежит: Miura Co Ltd

According to one embodiment, a water treatment system includes: a membrane separation device and a water softening device including a valve unit switching between a softening process in which soft water is obtained by passing raw water through a cation exchange resin bed downward and a regeneration process in which a whole of the cation exchange resin bed is regenerated by generating an opposite flow of a regenerant by supplying the regenerant from both sides of a top portion and a bottom portion of the cation exchange resin bed and collecting a liquid at an intermediate portion of the cation exchange resin bed, and a regenerant supply supplying the regenerant in a volume which gives a regeneration level of 1 to 6 eq/L-R, to a hardness leakage prevention region set in a predetermined depth on the bottom portion of the cation exchange resin bed, in the regeneration process.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Integrated membrane system for distributed water treatment

Номер: US20130032533A1
Принадлежит: ENVEERA Inc

Integrated membrane treatment systems for treatment of an aqueous solution. In embodiments, components, such as an MBR, are integrated with means to recover energy from the system, for example from an RO concentrate, to operate the other components. In embodiments including biological treatment, RO is integrated with other components, such as an MBR with the ROs ability to remove inorganic nitrogen enabling biological treatment to be performed with only partial nitrification and the MBR operated without active pH control. In embodiments, RO is integrated with a chlorine generator to convert chlorides present in the RO concentrate for an in-situ source of oxidizing biocides for disinfection purposes. Chloramines may be generated in-situ from residual ammonia and chlorides in the RO reject. In embodiments, carrier media is employed in a membrane tank to enhance removal of residual organics by the MBR and to also improve effectiveness of membrane scouring.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Decontamination System with Insoluble Additives

Номер: US20130032543A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Exemplary decontamination systems of the present disclosure may allow for removing contaminants from a fluid. In an embodiment, a decontamination system may include a filtration unit operable to receive an adsorbent and contaminated fluid. The filtration unit may include a filter operable to separate the fluid from the adsorbent and contaminants adsorbed onto the adsorbent. In an embodiment, the decontamination system may further include a recovery unit operable to separate the adsorbent and the contaminants adsorbed onto the adsorbent.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Underground brine generating system

Номер: US20130092287A1
Автор: Steven Ireland
Принадлежит: BRINEMAKER Inc

A brine generating system is disclosed for use with an underground storage tank, the system including a main salt delivery channel that branches into two horizontal feed lines through a reducer to deliver salt under pressure to the bottom of the storage tank in a generally equal distribution along the tank floor. The salt distribution system can be combined with a water distribution system to ensure delivery of water at the location of the salt deposits along the tank floor.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Wedge-Shaped Filter Cartridge

Номер: US20130092614A1
Принадлежит: Central Garden and Pet Co

Disclosed herein are wedge-shaped filter cartridges having a maximized upstream surface area. The filter cartridges are modular and may be stacked in a filter cartridge system.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Regeneration of a Capacitive Deionization System

Номер: US20130105324A1
Принадлежит: Pentair Residential Filtration LLC

Embodiments of the invention provide a method of regenerating a capacity of a flow-through capacitor. A target value for a water property concentration in a discharge water stream exiting the flow-through capacitor is established. A feed value for the water property concentration in a feed water stream entering the flow-through capacitor is measured. An amount of the water property concentration to be added to the feed water stream is calculated based on the feed value to achieve the target value for the water property concentration in the discharge water stream. An amperage of the flow-through capacitor and a flow rate through the flow-through capacitor is controlled to add ions to the feed water stream to achieve the target value for the water property concentration in the discharge water stream. In some embodiments, the amperage can be set and the flow rate controlled to achieve the target concentration.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Water Treatment Apparatus, System and Process

Номер: US20130126433A1
Автор: Kyle Anthony Wolff

Water treatment apparatus, including: a ceramic filter; and a flow apparatus operable to pass water through the ceramic filter in a forward direction so as to filter the water, the flow apparatus also operable to pass water through the ceramic filter in a reverse direction so as to remove material from the ceramic filter, whereby material having been deposited by filtration of the water is removed.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment processes for norm removal

Номер: US20130134098A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Methods for treating water to remove radium include contacting the water with a magnetic adsorbent comprising manganese oxide(s), and applying a magnetic field to separate the magnetic adsorbent from the water, whereby radium is removed from the water. The methods may additionally include regenerating the magnetic adsorbent, and contacting the water with regenerated magnetic adsorbent. Alternately, calcium and/or strontium may be precipitated as carbonate salts from lime-treated water containing radium and barium without precipitating a significant fraction of the barium or radium; and removing radium from calcium- and strontium-free water by precipitating the barium and radium as carbonate salts. The barium- and radium carbonate precipitate may be redissolved in hydrochloric acid and disposed of by deep-well injection.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Steam purification

Номер: US20130134099A1

This invention relates to an improved process for producing weakly acidic cation exchange resins, in particular the purification of weakly acidic cation exchange resins derived from crosslinked poly(acrylonitrile) and also the use of steam for reducing the leaching of weakly acidic cation exchangers and finally a process for increasing the performance of water treatment systems, preferably of tap water treatment systems, using the weakly acidic cation exchangers produced according to the invention.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Immersed screen and method of operation

Номер: US20130146548A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A static screen has a plurality of screening bodies and a plurality of aeration devices downstream of the screening bodies. Each aeration device is associated with a set of one or more of the screening bodies. Each aeration device may be a pulsing aerator. The pulsing aerators do not all release air at the same time. Each screening body works through periods of dead end filtration separated by backwashing events. The backwashing events comprise introducing a slug or pulse of air into the bottom of the screening body. Flow through the static screen continues at all times because the screening bodies are not all backwashed at the same time. The static screen may be used to remove trash from water flowing to an immersed membrane unit. Alternatively, the static screen may be used to provide primary wastewater treatment.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for the Open-Loop Control and/or Closed-Loop Control of Filter Systems for Ultrafiltration

Номер: US20130211602A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

method for the open-loop control and/or closed-loop control of a filter system for the ultrafiltration of fluids, particularly for the ultrafiltration of water, with a filter, wherein the open-loop control and/or closed-loop control takes place on the basis of a fuzzy logic and/or artificial neural networks.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Selenium recovery from bioreactor sludge

Номер: US20130248443A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Wastewater, for example flue gas desulphurization blowdown water, containing soluble selenium is treated in a bioreactor. Microorganisms in the reactor reduce the selenium to elemental selenium, which is insoluble. The elemental selenium is discharged from the reactor in waste sludge also comprising biomass and other suspended solids. Non-microbial suspended solids are removed by way of acid dissolution followed by de-watering. The remaining sludge is burned at a temperature below the selenium oxidation temperature to remove biomass while leaving selenium particles behind.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270191A1
Автор: David Bromley
Принадлежит: 643096 ALBERTA Ltd

A nanoflotation system used to separate suspended solids or large settling or floating solids from water, waste water or liquids. This is accomplished through the use of submerged membranes, in combination with a number of design components comprising froth flotation, gravity settling, pre coating of the submerged membranes, spacing, of the membranes to facilitate flotation of solids to the surface or to the bottom of the containment chamber holding the submerged membranes, and membrane structures which use large diameter hollow fibre or tubular membranes and/or large pore opening membrane materials.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Magnetic-cored dendrimer, the method for preparing the same, and the contaminant treatment method using the same

Номер: US20130289292A1

Provided is a magnetic-cored dendrimer represented by the following Chemical Formula wherein R represents a functional group represented by the following Chemical Formula (2) or (3):

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Composite adsorbent material

Номер: US20130316898A1
Принадлежит: Forestry Commission, UNIVERSITY OF SURREY

The invention relates to composite adsorbent materials, and in particular, to highly porous carbon-based composite materials for the adsorption and stabilisation of inorganic substances. The composite adsorbent material comprises a porous carbon carrier matrix and an adsorbent species, wherein the adsorbent species is precipitated within the pores of the carrier matrix. The invention extends to various uses of such adsorbent materials, for example in water purification, recovery of metals from waste streams and remediation applications, and where the adsorbant material is amended into soil, waste etc. for the purpose of breaking pollutant-receptor linkages.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Oscillatory crossflow membrane separation

Номер: US20140014578A1
Принадлежит: Rockwater Resource LLC

Oscillatory crossflow membrane separation apparatus and methods are disclosed for effluent treatment. The apparatus include a membrane module with a housing containing a membrane element, said module having an input for receiving effluent for treatment and a treated effluent output. A crossflow pump is connected for moving oscillating fluid through the membrane module and a feed pressure pump is connected with the membrane module for applying membrane operating pressure. A fluid oscillator is active with either pump for pulsating fluid received thereat.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

System and method for the treatment of wastewater

Номер: US20140021137A1
Принадлежит: ProAct Services Corp

A system and method for the treatment of wastewater. In one aspect, the invention can be a method for treating wastewater comprising: a) introducing untreated wastewater into a holding tank: b) flowing the untreated wastewater into a first wastewater treatment trailer to provide a first treatment regimen to the untreated wastewater to form a first treated wastewater c) flowing the first treated wastewater into a second wastewater treatment trailer to provide a second treatment regimen to the first treated wastewater to form a second treated wastewater; and wherein the holding tank, the first wastewater treatment trailer and the second wastewater treatment trailer are fluidly coupled together to facilitate flow of the untreated wastewater from the holding tank into the first wastewater treatment trailer and flow of the first treated wastewater from the first Wastewater treatment trailer into the second wastewater treatment trailer.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Complex and uses thereof

Номер: US20140087439A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

The present invention provides a complex of a metal reducing substance and a culture medium component, which is produced in the culturing process of reducing bacteria and the use thereof. The complex of the present invention is a complex produced in the culturing process of reducing bacteria and a compound of a metal reducing substance and a culture medium component. The complex is an adsorbent for quickly and efficiently adsorbing ionic substances present in a solution, and also functions as a reducing agent for reducing specific precious metal ions or platinum-group metal ions.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001226A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A solid-liquid separation device performs dehydration or deoiling from a treated object using a substance A that is a gas at normal temperature and pressure and is capable of dissolving water and oil when liquefied. The separation device includes a substance B that circulates while generating phase change in a closed system, a compressor that compresses the substance B, a first heat exchanger that condenses substance B and evaporates of the substance A, an expansion valve that decompresses the condensed substance B, a second heat exchanger that evaporates substance B and condenses substance A, and a treatment tank wherein substance A is mixed with the treated object, substance A is evaporated while separated from the liquid in the first heat exchanger, and condensed in the second heat exchanger. The center of gravity of the first heat exchanger is lower than the second heat exchanger in a vertical direction. 1. A solid-liquid separation device that performs dehydration or deoiling from an object to be treated that is a mixture of water and a solid , a mixture of oil and a solid , or a mixture of water , oil , and a solid , as the object to be treated , using a substance A capable of dissolving water and oil , the solid-liquid separation device comprising:a substance B that is circulated while generating phase change in a closed system;a compressor that compresses the substance B;a first heat exchanger that exchanges heat of condensation of the substance B and heat of evaporation of the substance A;expansion means that decompresses the condensed substance B;a second heat exchanger that exchanges heat of evaporation of the substance B and heat of condensation of the substance A; anda treatment tank in which the substance A is mixed with the object to be treated, the substance A having been evaporated while separated from the water or the oil in the first heat exchanger, and condensed in the second heat exchanger, whereina center of gravity of the first heat exchanger ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001240A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

This membrane separation device includes: an organic substance concentration measurement means which measures the organic substance concentration in the treatment target water; a pressure measurement unit which measures a transmembrane pressure of the separation membrane; transmembrane pressure increase speed comparing means which compares a transmembrane pressure increase speed selected on the basis of the value of the organic substance concentration measured by the organic substance concentration measurement means, with a transmembrane pressure increase speed calculated from the transmembrane pressure measured by the pressure measurement unit; and a control unit which controls the membrane surface aeration flow amount of the membrane surface aeration device, wherein the control unit changes the membrane surface aeration flow amount on the basis of the difference between the transmembrane pressure increase speeds, obtained by the transmembrane pressure increase speed comparing means. 1: A membrane separation device comprising:a separation membrane which filters treatment target water in a membrane separation tank;a membrane surface aeration device which supplies air for performing membrane surface aeration for the separation membrane;organic substance concentration measurement means which measures an organic substance concentration in the treatment target water;a pressure measurement unit which measures a transmembrane pressure of the separation membrane;{'sub': T', 'M, 'transmembrane pressure increase speed comparing means which compares a transmembrane pressure increase speed Rselected on the basis of a value of the organic substance concentration measured by the organic substance concentration measurement means, with a transmembrane pressure increase speed Rcalculated from the transmembrane pressure measured by the pressure measurement unit; and'}a control unit which controls a membrane surface aeration flow amount of the membrane surface aeration device, ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Reverse osmosis membrane apparatus and method of operating same

Номер: US20160002072A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A reverse osmosis membrane apparatus has a plurality of high pressure vessels 12 a and 12 b in parallel with each other with respect to introducing passage 18 of clarified seawater obtained by subjecting raw seawater to sterilization and removal of relatively large foreign substances. The high pressure vessels 12 a and 12 b have first-stage reverse osmosis membrane elements 14 a and 14 b , respectively. Concentrated seawater subjected to membrane separation in the high pressure vessels 12 a and 12 b flows into a high pressure vessel 16 . In the high pressure vessel 16 , a plurality of reverse osmosis membrane elements 42 are arranged in series. When a detected value obtained by a differential pressure meter 56 a or 56 b provided for the high pressure vessel 12 a or 12 b exceeds a threshold value, introduction of the clarified seawater is stopped, and the reverse osmosis membrane element is washed or replaced.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Fluid purification methods, devices, and systems

Номер: US20170001887A1

A fluid purification system has cells whose purifying capability can be regenerated. Some of the cells are arranged in series to reach a high level of purification. An automatic valve network is controlled to cycle the cells in a way that levels the loads on each, thereby maximizing the service interval for replacing expired cells, enabling all of the cells to be replaced at the same time after having each contributing approximately equally to the purification load, and operated such that at any one time, at least one cell is regenerated so as to enable continuous up-time. 155-. (canceled)56. A water purification system , comprising:cells interconnected by a valving network, wherein each of the cells includes a water purification element;a controller and a valving network having valves, the controller being connected to the controller to permit the controller to operate said valves;the valving network further having a water inlet, a drain outlet, and a product water outlet, the valving network being configurable by the controller, by operation of the valves, to form selected interconnections between and among selected ones of the cells to define a flow channel from a selected one of the water inlet, the drain outlet, and the product water outlet, through said selected ones of said cells, to a selected other of said selected one of the water inlet, the drain outlet, and the product water outlet;at a first time, the controller configuring the valving network to define a continuous flow channel from the source water inlet through a first two or more of the cells in series to the product water outlet and a continuous flow channel from the product water outlet through a first one or more of the cells to the drain outlet, whereby the first two or more of the cells in series filter water to produce product water while the first one or more of the cells is regenerated;at a second time, the controller configuring the valving network to define a continuous flow channel from ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002308A1

A method of removing at least one cationic dye from an aqueous solution. The method includes contacting the aqueous solution with an adsorbent comprising a water-insoluble membrane disposed on a substrate. The water-insoluble membrane comprises cross-linked humic acid, at least one alginate, and hydroxyethyl cellulose. The contacting forms a treated aqueous solution having a lower concentration of the at least one cationic dye relative to the aqueous solution. 1: A method of removing at least one cationic dye from an aqueous solution , comprising:pouring an aqueous mixture comprising humic acid, at least one alginate, and hydroxyethyl cellulose onto a substrate to form a film, drying the film and crosslinking the film with glutaraldehyde to form a water-insoluble membrane disposed on the substrate, thencontacting the aqueous solution with an adsorbent comprising the water-insoluble membrane disposed on the substrate,wherein the water-insoluble membrane comprises consists essentially of glutaraldehyde-cross-linked humic acid, at least one alginate, and hydroxyethyl cellulose,wherein the weight ratio of humic acid:at least one alginate:hydroxyethyl cellulose lies in the range (10-20):(60-80):(10-20) respectively; andwherein the contacting forms a treated aqueous solution having a lower concentration of the at least one cationic dye relative to the aqueous solution and an dye-adsorbed membrane, thentreating the dye-adsorbed membrane with an HCl solution to remove the dye from the dye-adsorbed membrane and regenerate the water-insoluble membrane.25-. (canceled)6: The method of claim 1 , wherein the pH of the aqueous solution ranges from about 3 to about 10.7. (canceled)8: The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cationic dye is selected from the group consisting of methylene blue claim 1 , rhodamine B claim 1 , crystal violet claim 1 , basic fuchsin claim 1 , safranin claim 1 , pararosaniline claim 1 , and a combination thereof.914-. (canceled)15: The method of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002322A1

There is provided a system and a method for regenerating a material that reduce the incidence of scaling due to scale forming contaminants. The method may include reducing a temperature of a treated material exiting a wet air oxidation unit in a scale reducing heat exchanger prior to delivery of the treated material to a second heat exchanger which heats a source waste material comprising a scale forming contaminant therein with heat from the first treated material to form a heated waste material comprising the scale forming contaminant. 124-. (canceled)25. A treatment process comprising:reducing a temperature of a regenerated carbon material exiting a wet air oxidation unit in a first heat exchanger;delivering the reduced temperature regenerated carbon material from the first heat exchanger to a second heat exchanger, wherein the second heat exchanger heats a spent carbon material comprising spent carbon and a scale forming contaminant with heat from the regenerated carbon material to generate a heated spent carbon material; anddelivering the heated spent material to the wet air oxidation unit for regeneration of the heated spent carbon material;wherein the temperature is reduced to a temperature less than a solubility temperature limit of the scale forming contaminant at a given concentration of the scale forming contaminant.2636. The process of claim , wherein the temperature is reduced to a temperature of about 100° C. to about 185° C.2735. The process of claim , wherein the regenerated carbon material further comprises an oxygen depleted gas mixture , wherein the oxygen depleted gas mixture is also utilized to heat the spent carbon material.2835. The process of claim , wherein the scale forming contaminant comprises a member selected from the group consisting of aluminum , calcium , carbonate , iron , magnesium , phosphorus , sulfate , and combinations thereof2939. The process of claim , wherein the scale forming contaminant comprises calcium sulfate.3135. The ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008175A1

A transverse-mounted membrane filtration apparatus includes an air diffuser device including a shelf-shaped member and a gas-feeding unit, the shelf-shaped member including a plurality of shelf boards being arranged in a flow path segment at an immediate upstream of an end surface of a membrane element with a predetermined distance from the end surface of the membrane element and covering an entire flow path of the membrane element along a vertical direction, the gas-feeding unit feeding a gas to the raw water for washing the membrane element through a gas-feeding port provided at a bottom portion of a flow path of the shelf-shaped member. Herein a shelf board at a lowermost position of the shelf-shaped member is inclined toward a side of the end surface of the membrane element in a vertically upper direction. 1. A transverse-mounted membrane filtration apparatus comprising:a membrane module;an inlet pipe through which a raw water flows to the membrane module, the raw water flowing in a flow path of a membrane element of the membrane module in an approximately horizontal direction; andan air diffuser device including a shelf-shaped member and a gas-feeding unit, the shelf-shaped member including a plurality of shelf boards being arranged in a flow path segment at an immediate upstream of an end surface of the membrane element with a predetermined distance from the end surface of the membrane element and covering the entire flow path of the membrane element along a vertical direction, the gas-feeding unit feeding a gas to the raw water for washing the membrane element through a gas-feeding port provided at a bottom portion of a flow path of the shelf-shaped member, whereina shelf board at a lowermost position of the shelf-shaped member is inclined toward a side of the end surface of the membrane element in a vertically upper direction so that the shelf board at the lowermost position of the shelf-shaped board member along a vertical direction disperses the air blown ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008933A1
Автор: Cai Yufeng, HU XIAO, WANG Rong

A draw solute for a forward osmosis process, the draw solute comprising: a thermally responsive ionic compound having at least one of: a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) and an upper critical solution temperature (UCST), the draw solute being regeneratable from a diluted aqueous draw solution after forward osmosis via one of: liquid-liquid phase separation and solid-liquid phase separation, the draw solute being regeneratable when the diluted aqueous draw solution is at a temperature selected from one of: above the LCST and below the UCST 1. A draw solute for a forward osmosis process , the draw solute comprising:a thermally responsive ionic compound having at least one of: a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) and an upper critical solution temperature (UCST),the draw solute being regeneratable from a diluted aqueous draw solution after forward osmosis via one of: liquid-liquid phase separation and solid-liquid phase separation, the draw solute being regeneratable when the diluted aqueous draw solution is at a temperature selected from one of: above the LCST and below the UCST.2. The draw solute of claim 1 , wherein the ionic compound comprises an organic cation and an organic anion.3. The draw solute of claim 1 , wherein the ionic compound comprises an organic ion and an inorganic ion claim 1 , wherein the organic ion is one of: a cation and an anion claim 1 , and wherein the inorganic ion is the other of: the cation and the anion.4. The draw solute of claim 2 , wherein the cation is one selected from the group consisting of: phosphonium claim 2 , ammonium claim 2 , imidazolium claim 2 , pyridinium claim 2 , pyrrolidinium claim 2 , sulfonium claim 2 , morpholinium and a metallic cation.5. The draw solute of claim 2 , wherein the anion is one selected from the group consisting of: halide claim 2 , sulfonate claim 2 , alkylsulfate claim 2 , tosylate claim 2 , methane sulfonate claim 2 , nitride claim 2 , carboxylate claim 2 , alkoxide claim 2 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008974A1

Methods and systems for an integrated acid regeneration of ion exchange resins are disclosed for use in cleaning applications. Acid resins designed for use in a variety of cleaning application using a treated, softened, acidic water source are disclosed. Various methods of using the softened acidic water generated by acid regenerate-able ion exchange resins within a cleaning application, e.g. ware wash machine, are disclosed to beneficially reduce spotting, filming and scale buildup on treated surfaces, reduce and/or eliminate the need for polymers, threshold reagents and/or rinse aids, and using protons generated in the acidic water effluent for triggering events useful in various cleaning applications. 1. A method for treating hard water for use in a cleaning application using an acid regenerated ion exchange resin comprising:contacting a hard water source for use in a dilution system or a ware wash machine with a water treatment composition, wherein the water treatment composition comprises at least one ion exchange resin, wherein the ion exchange resin generates a treated water source by exchanging protons on said resin for dissolved cations including water hardness ions and total dissolved solids in said water source, wherein said ion exchange resin is an acid form or in an inert metal form, and wherein said ion exchange resin is regenerated using an acid salt regenerant;generating the treated water source within a ware wash machine; andproviding the treated water source to a chamber into which articles are placed for cleaning;wherein the treated water source meets a defined water specification, and wherein the water specification is a softened, acidic water with a total dissolved solids (TDS) of less than about 300 ppm, a hardness level of less than about 2 grains and a pH less than about 6,wherein the use of said treated water source improves cleaning efficacy as measured by a reduction in spotting and filming and/or preventing scale build up on articles and ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023779A1

An apparatus for removing debris from water in a channel includes a bar screen assembly having a plurality of spaced apart, elongated filter bars arranged in a parallel relationship. A continuous conveyor carries a plurality of rakes. Each rake includes a plurality of spaced-apart tines interdigitated with the filter bars as the rake is moved along the filter bars by the conveyor to remove debris from the bar screen assembly. A conveyor belt retaining system includes at least one guide engaging an upstream side of an inner run of the conveyor and a counterweight connected to the at least one guide for biasing the inner run in a downstream direction. 1. An apparatus for removing debris from water in a channel , comprising:a bar screen assembly comprising a plurality of spaced apart, elongated filter bars arranged in a parallel relationship;a continuous conveyor carrying a plurality of rakes, each rake including a plurality of spaced-apart tines interdigitated with the filter bars as the rake is moved along the filter bars by the conveyor to remove debris from the bar screen assembly; anda conveyor belt retaining system including at least one guide engaging an upstream side of an inner run of the conveyor and a counterweight connected to the at least one guide for biasing the inner run in a downstream direction.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the conveyor belt retaining system is aligned with the filter bars to bias a lower end of the inner run towards the filter bars.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the at least one guide comprises a plurality of guides and the counterweight is positioned downstream of the bar screen assembly.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the conveyor belt retaining system includes:a first arm pivotally connected to a frame on a first side of the inner run, the first arm having a first end connected to one of the guides and a second end connected to the counterweight; anda second arm pivotally connected to the frame on a second ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Pivotal Dewatering Panels and Associated Supporting Framework

Номер: US20210008470A1
Автор: Michael Hodges
Принадлежит: Rds Ip Holdings LLC

An array of spaced dewatering panels mounted in a spaced relationship in a framework (collectively referred to herein as a “panel support system” or “panel system”) is described wherein the panels are coupled to the framework in a manner that permits them to be pivoted or swiveled between at least a first orientation (or position) and a second orientation (position).

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Multi-Column Continuous Resin Regeneration System

Номер: US20210008539A1

A continuous resin regeneration system includes a process by which resin in need of being recharged is continuously recharged and cleaned with a plurality of two-set filtration columns so that resin regeneration and the flow of influent is continuous and interrupted. Downstream filtration columns also undergo this cycling but at slower and related rates as the first column with the dirtiest water will naturally degrade resin faster than the downstream columns. Contaminated influent is cleaned by the continuously recharged resin in multiple column sets. The degree of cleaning of earlier filtration columns affects the resin flow rate of later filtration columns. 1. A continuous resin regeneration system for use in cleaning a water stream from a contaminated water reservoir , comprising:a first anion resin set having a first anion column and a second anion column in fluid communication with the first anion column, said first anion column and said second anion column of said first anion resin set including an anion resin;a first cation resin set having a first cation column and a second cation column in fluid communication with the first cation column, said first cation column and said second cation column of said first cation resin set including a cation resin;a first set control valve in fluid communication with the water reservoir, with said first anion column of said first anion resin set, and with said second anion column of said first anion resin set;a second set control valve in fluid communication with the water reservoir, said first cation column of said first cation resin set, and with said second cation column of said first cation resin set; anda controller in data communication with said first set control valve, said controller configured to determine if said anion resin associated with said first anion column of said first anion resin set is greater than a predetermined parameter and, if so, to actuate said first set control valve to direct the water stream ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and System for Cleaning Membrane Filters

Номер: US20190009221A1
Принадлежит: Meurer Research, Inc.

The disclosure relates to a system and method for cleaning filters, such as membrane filters. More particularly, a method and system are disclosed for retaining a plurality of small particulates, preferably in the shape of beads, which contact sludge or other despots on the membrane filters to remove unwanted debris that would otherwise form on the cleaning filters. In various embodiments, the plurality of small particulates are retained in a permeable enclosure formed of wedgewire. 1. A method for cleaning filtration membrane modules , comprising:providing at least two removable housing structures, with each of said at least two removable housing structures having a wedgewire screen that entirely surrounds one or more filtration membranes on all four sides and on top and on bottom, said at least two removable housing structures comprising at least four vertically extending panels on each side of said one or more filtration membranes and a horizontally extending top and a horizontally extending bottom, said removable housing structure, adapted to be positioned within a basin for containing wastewater;positioning said at least two removable housing structures in said basin;flushing the one or more filtration membranes with a liquid containing biologically inert particles;cleaning the filtration membrane modules by circulating the biologically inert particles through the liquid and in a manner to achieve contact between the biologically inert particles and the one or more filtration membranes, said biologically inert particles impacting both sides of said one or more filtration membranes simultaneously during said circulating step;wherein deposits situated on one or more surfaces of the one or more filtration membranes are mechanically abraded by the biologically inert particles, and wherein the biologically inert particles are of a size able to be retained within the at least two removable housing structures;wherein during said circulating step, said biologically ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Resin for desalination and process of regeneration

Номер: US20220025091A1

Disclosed is an ion exchange resin comprising a polymer having strong acid and strong base groups on the same polymer. In some forms the resin comprises a high density of polymers having strong acid and strong base groups on the same polymer. In some forms the strong acid and strong base groups are in close proximity to one another on the polymer. The disclosure further relates to a mixed bead resin for high salt level desalination.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009691A1

A wastewater recycling system includes a biological reactor having anaerobic, anoxic, and aerobic chambers. A lift station including a pump is operatively connected to the biological reactor. The lift station receives biologically treated liquid from the biological reactor and pumps the liquid from the lift station. A filtration subsystem is operatively connected to the lift station. The filtration subsystem receives and filters the liquid pumped by the lift station. The filtration subsystem includes a salt-rejecting membrane filter comprising a concentrate recirculation conduit operatively connected to recirculate salt-rejecting membrane filter concentrate to a point along the wastewater recycling system upstream of the salt-rejecting membrane filter, thereby forming a salt concentration loop between said point along the wastewater recycling system and the salt-rejecting membrane filter. A post-filtration subsystem is operatively connected to receive salt-rejecting membrane filter permeate, and comprises a water disinfection system that disinfects the permeate thereby generating potable water. 1. A wastewater recycling system comprising:a) a biological reactor, the biological reactor comprising an anaerobic chamber, an anoxic chamber, and an aerobic chamber;b) a tertiary filter in a tertiary filter chamber, the tertiary filter operatively connected to receive aerobically treated liquid from the aerobic chamber;c) a lift station comprising a pump, wherein the lift station is operatively connected to the tertiary filter to receive filtrate from the tertiary filter and pump the tertiary filter filtrate from the lift station;d) a preliminary membrane filter operatively connected to the lift station to receive the tertiary filter filtrate;e) at least one salt-rejecting membrane filter operatively connected to the preliminary membrane filter to receive preliminary membrane filter permeate;f) an adsorbent unit for receiving salt-rejecting membrane filter permeate, andg) ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009738A1

Disclosed is a method for treating water, including the extraction of at least two ionic species, the ionic species including an anionic species and a cationic species and being present in the water to be treated, the method especially including a step of mixing a liquid hydrophobic organic phase and the water to be treated, the water to be treated being in the liquid state, in order to subsequently obtain liquid treated water and a hydrophobic liquid organic phase loaded with the ionic species, and a step of thermal regeneration of the organic phase loaded with chemical species. Also disclosed are compounds and compositions that can be used in the method. 115-. (canceled)17. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the R′″ radical is n-CH claim 16 , n-CH claim 16 , n-CHor n-CH.18. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the fluidifying agent is selected from the group consisting of polar aromatic organic compounds.19. A method for treating water comprising the extraction of at least two ionic species claim 16 , the ionic species comprising an anionic species and a cationic species and being present in the water to be treated claim 16 , the method comprising the following steps:a) mixing in a first reactor, at a first temperature, between an hydrophobic organic liquid phase and the water to be treated, the water to be treated being in the liquid state, in order to subsequently obtain a treated liquid water and an hydrophobic organic liquid phase charged with the ionic species,the hydrophobic phase comprising:at least a first protic and hydrophobic organic compound allowing anionic species solvation and whose pKa in water at 25° C. is at least 9, preferably 10.5 and is preferably lower than the pKa of water at 25° C., or at least lower than 15 at 25° C. and,at least a second hydrophobic organic compound allowing cation extraction and having a complexing constant of the cationic species whose log K value, in methanol at 25° C., is greater than 2 and ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010063A1
Автор: SCHMIDT Harald

A deionization device for liquids includes a first chamber for a first ion exchange agent that has a first intake opening and a first discharge opening. A second chamber for a second ion exchange agent has a second intake opening and a second discharge opening. A line connects the first chamber and the second chamber that has a third intake opening and a third discharge opening. The third intake opening is dedicated to the first discharge opening of the first chamber and the third discharge opening is dedicated to the second intake opening of the second chamber. The line also has a first regeneration opening for a first regeneration liquid, wherein the first regeneration opening can be closed for deionization, and wherein the line can be closed for regenerating the deionization device such that the third intake opening can be isolated from the third discharge opening. 1. A deionization device for liquids , comprising:a first chamber for a first ion exchange agent that has a first intake opening and a first discharge opening, a second chamber for a second ion exchange agent that has a second intake opening and a second discharge opening, a line for connecting the first chamber and the second chamber, that has a third intake opening and a third discharge opening, wherein the third intake opening is dedicated to the first discharge opening of the first chamber and the third discharge opening is dedicated to the second intake opening of the second chamber, wherein the line also has a first regeneration opening for a first regeneration liquid, wherein the first regeneration opening is closed for deionization, and wherein the line is closed for regenerating the deionization device such that the third intake opening can be is isolated from the third discharge opening.2. The deionization device according to claim 1 , wherein the line has a second regeneration opening for a second regeneration liquid claim 1 , wherein the second regeneration opening is closed for ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Lithium adsorption-desorption apparatus and lithium adsorption-desorption method using the same

Номер: US20200010927A1

Therefore, the lithium adsorption desorption apparatus can fix a large amount of lithium adsorbent and immerse it in a lithium-containing solution to effectively adsorb lithium and then quickly desorb lithium in a desorption solution, and can efficiently wash the lithium adsorbent in a cleaning solution.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014736A1
Автор: OSMAN OGUZ Tameroglu

The present invention relates to an industrial scale filtration assembly for filtrating a liquid and screening of foreign particles and dirtiness. More particularly the invention pertains to a self-cleaning filtration assembly for gradually screening of fine and coarse particles in a single system by using different filtration screens () concentrically formed in a single filter body (). 1. A filtration assembly for gradually screening coarse and fine particles from a flowing liquid , the assembly comprising:a filter body comprising (i) an inlet and outlet, (ii) a cylindrical coarse filtration screen having first screen openings, a first diameter and a first filtration volume, and (iii) a cylindrical fine filtration screen having second screen openings smaller than those of the coarse filtration screen and a second diameter larger than that of the coarse filtration screen, said coarse and fine filtration screens being concentrically placed into the filter body to define a second filtration volume therebetween, such that only the liquid filtered through the coarse filtration screen can be passing to said second filtration volume;an upper discharge unit comprising a coarse filtration drainage housing in fluid communication with the first filtration volume and a fine filtration drainage housing in fluid communication with the second filtration volume, said coarse and fine filtration drainage housings being equipped with corresponding discharge valves; anda cleaning means comprising a main collection arm extending through the first filtration volume and at least one lateral arm at least one end of which is connected to said main collection arm and extending through the second filtration volume in between the filtration screens, whereby the fluid communication between said second volume and the fine filtration drainage housing is provided by said at least one lateral arm.2. A filtration assembly according to wherein the upper discharge unit comprises a motor providing ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015414A1
Автор: Cai Yufeng, HU XIAO

Disclosed herein is a use of an inorganic salt to form and regenerate a draw solute for forward osmosis, wherein the inorganic salt is selected from one or more of the group selected from sodium sulfate, calcium lactate, disodium phosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, and hydrates thereof. Also disclosed herein is a method of forward osmosis using said inorganic salt. 1. A method of using an inorganic salt to form and regenerate a draw solute for forward osmosis , wherein the inorganic salt is selected from one or more of the group selected from sodium sulfate , calcium lactate , disodium phosphate , tetrasodium pyrophosphate , and hydrates thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic salt is disodium phosphate or hydrates thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the wherein the inorganic salt is disodium phosphate dodecahydrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic salt is provided as a solution in water having a concentration of from 10 wt % to 50 wt %.5. The use-method of claim 4 , wherein the inorganic salt is provided as a solution in water having a concentration of 40 wt %.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the inorganic salt is disodium phosphate or hydrates thereof.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the wherein the inorganic salt is disodium phosphate dodecahydrate.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the inorganic salt is provided in the draw solution at a concentration of from 10 wt % to 50 wt %.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the inorganic salt is provided in the draw solution at a concentration of 40 wt %.11. The method of claim 6 , wherein:the first and second temperatures are independently from 32° C. to 55° C.; andthe third temperature is from 0° C. to 30° C.12. The method claim 6 , wherein the fourth temperature is from 40° C. to 55° C.13. The method of claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , when the solution stream comprises the inorganic salt claim 6 , the solution stream is subjected to a further separation operation to provide a ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015786A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

The present invention provides a hollow fiber membrane module that can effectively resolve the accumulation of suspended solids within the membrane module, lower running costs, and also operate stably. The present invention relates to a hollow fiber membrane molecule provided with: a cylindrical case having a first end and a second end in the direction of height; a plurality of hollow fiber membranes accommodated within the cylindrical case; and a first potting part accommodated within the cylindrical case and attaching the plurality of hollow fiber membranes together such that the end parts of the plurality of hollow membrane fibers at a first end side of the cylindrical case are open. The hollow fiber membranes are porous hollow fiber membranes having a breaking strength of 23 MPa, and the hollow membrane module has a membrane area per unit volume of 800-3700 m/m. The filling fraction for the hollow fiber membranes in a cross-section orthogonal to the direction of height of the cylindrical case is 25-38%. 1. A hollow-fiber membrane module comprising:a cylindrical case having a first end and a second end in a height direction,a plurality of hollow-fiber membranes housed in the cylindrical case, anda first potting part which bonds end parts of the plurality of hollow-fiber membranes located on the first end side of the cylindrical case while the end parts being open, whereinthe hollow-fiber membrane is a porous hollow-fiber membrane and has a breaking strength of 23 MPa or more,{'sup': 2', '3, 'a membrane area per unit volume of the hollow-fiber membrane module is from 800 to 3,700 m/m, and'}in a cross-section which perpendicularly intersects the height direction of the cylindrical case, a filling ratio of the hollow-fiber membranes is from 25% to 38%.2. The hollow-fiber membrane module according to claim 1 , whereinthe hollow-fiber membrane contains a fluororesin-based polymer,the hollow-fiber membrane has a columnar texture oriented in a longitudinal direction ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015788A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

The present invention relates to a flat-sheet separation membrane element having formed therein a separation membrane pair in which separation membranes are disposed such that permeation-side faces thereof face each other and in which a channel material is provided, wherein the area of a high-elasticity region satisfying a bending modulus of 100-1000 MPa and a maximum bending stress of 1-15 MPa at least in one direction is not less than 10% of the area of a filtration region of the pair of separation membranes. 1. A flat-membrane type separation membrane element comprising a separation membrane pair , whereinseparation membranes are disposed so that permeate-side faces of the separation membranes face each other anda channel material is disposed inside between the separation membranes to form the separation membrane pair, andthe separation membrane pair has a high-modulus region which satisfies, in at least one direction, a bending modulus of 100-1,000 MPa and a maximum bending stress of 1-15 MPa and an area of the high-modulus region accounts for 10% or more of an area of a filtration region of the separation membrane pair.2. The flat-membrane type separation membrane element according to claim 1 , wherein at least a part of the channel material is a plurality of resin parts claim 1 , the resin parts having been fixed to both the permeate-side faces of the separation membrane pair.3. The flat-membrane type separation membrane element according to claim 2 , wherein the resin parts in the high-modulus region have a tensile modulus of 50-1 claim 2 ,000 MPa.4. The flat-membrane type separation membrane element according to claim 2 , wherein the resin parts in the high-modulus region have been disposed at intervals.5. The flat-membrane type separation membrane element according to claim 2 , wherein the resin parts have a major-axis length of 10 mm or larger.6. The flat-membrane type separation membrane element according to claim 2 , wherein the resin parts have a minor- ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Chemical free and energy efficient desalination system

Номер: US20180016173A1
Принадлежит: IDE Technologies Ltd

A desalination system ( 100 ) having an intake unit ( 110 ) providing seawater to a pre-treatment unit ( 120 ) connected to a reverse osmosis (RO) desalination unit ( 130 ) and a post treatment unit ( 150 ). The desalination system ( 100 ) is configured to operate without any external addition of chemicals to simplify logistics and regulation concerns. The units of the system are configured to prevent biofouling, scaling and corrosion by mechanical and biological means including high flow speeds, biological flocculation of colloids, and making the water entering the RO units inhospitable to bacteria and other organisms that cause biofouling, hence preventing their settlement and removing them with the brine. Recovery rate is lowered and energy is recovered to increase the energetic efficiency and minerals that are added to the product water are taken from the brine.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for removing impurities from water or wastewater and a method of installing a fluid distribution system therein

Номер: US20200016517A1
Автор: R. Lee Roberts
Принадлежит: Roberts Marketing DE Inc

An apparatus for removing impurities from water and/or wastewater and a method of installing a fluid distribution system in the apparatus. In the most preferred form of the invention, the fluid distribution system is an air scour system for directing air through the filter bed to assist in cleaning of the filter bed to remove impurities trapped in the filter bed during a service run. In the most preferred form, the method of installing the fluid distribution system in the filter bed is performed by imparting a force to the filter bed to permit the fluid distribution system to be installed in the filter bed without removing media. The fluid distribution system is preferably configured to permit the fluid distribution system to be readily installed in the filter bed and at an optimum orientation.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Reclaiming method

Номер: US20200016529A1

A reclaiming method is disclosed including conducting evaporation by introducing a part of the absorbent to recover CO2 or H2S in a gas in a closed system recovery unit and separating a degraded substance contained in the absorbent from the absorbent to be introduced into an evaporator and obtain recovery steam containing an absorbent and CO2 or H2S by a heating section that is provided on a circulation line that circulates in the evaporator; and removing ionic degraded substance by cooling the concentrate obtained in the evaporation and removing an ionic degraded substance in the concentrate after the cooling, wherein a purified concentrate from which the ionic degraded substance has been removed is reused as a purified absorbent.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017374A1
Принадлежит: UITI Limited Partnership

In alternative aspects, the invention provides processes for cyclic electrochemical adsorption of aqueous contaminants using nanocomposites of graphene with tin oxide or antimony doped tin oxide. 1. A process for treating a liquid , comprising:contacting the liquid with a solid adsorbent nanocomposite of graphene with tin oxide (TO) or antimony doped tin oxide (ATO), so that a contaminant in the liquid is adsorbed onto the nanocomposite to provide a treated liquid; and,passing a current through the nanocomposite to regenerate the nanocomposite by electrochemical conversion of the adsorbed contaminant so as to remove the contaminant from the nanocomposite and thereby provide a regenerated nanocomposite.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the liquid is aqueous and the contaminant is an organic compound.3. The process of or claim 1 , wherein the electrochemical conversion comprises electrochemical oxidation of the contaminant.4. The process of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the current is 3-50 mA per cmof a current feeder for the nanocomposite.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the current is 5-15 mA per cmof the current feeder.6. The process of or claim 4 , wherein the current feeder is graphite claim 4 , and a bed of the nanocomposite sits on the current feeder.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the bed of the nanocomposite is from about 0.2 mm to 2 mm thick.8. The process of or claim 6 , wherein a salt is added to the bed of nanocomposite.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the salt is NaCl or NaSO.10. The process of any one of to claim 8 , wherein the process is a batch treatment process.11. The process of any one of to claim 8 , wherein the process is a continuous treatment process.12. The process of any one of to claim 8 , wherein the process further comprises contacting the liquid with the regenerated nanocomposite.13. The process of claim 12 , wherein the process further comprises a plurality of cycles of contacting the liquid and regenerating the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021734A1
Принадлежит: VEDER Waterbox GmbH

The invention relates to a water treatment system () and a method for treating water () located in a water reservoir (). The water treatment system () comprises a recirculation means () and a membrane filtration means () with a plurality of filter modules () disposed in the recirculation means (). The water treatment system () particularly comprises a gas supply means () by which gas can be introduced into the filter modules () to clean the membranes of the filter modules () of the membrane filtration means () or by which gas supply means () gas can be introduced into the water reservoir () at one or more locations, periodically or when required, to circulate and mix up the water (). 133-. (canceled)34232. Method for treating water () located in a water reservoir () , for example in a swimming pool , pond or aquarium , in particular for cleaning and disinfecting the water () , comprising:{'b': 2', '3', '6', '4, 'removing a pre-settable quantity of water () per unit of time from the water reservoir () via one or more extraction line(s) () of a recirculation means ();'}{'b': 2', '9', '4', '9', '10, 'filtering the removed partial quantity of water () by means of a membrane filtration means () disposed in the recirculation means (), the membrane filtration means () comprising a number of filter modules () fluidically connected in a parallel arrangement;'}{'b': 3', '7', '4, "returning the water to the'water reservoir () via one or more return line(s) () of the recirculation means ();"}{'b': 10', '10', '17, 'cleaning the membranes of the filter modules (), periodically or when required, by backwashing with a backwashing liquid by reversing the direction of flow through the filter modules () compared with that of the filtration operation and discharging the dirty liquid occurring during backwashing via a discharge (),'}{'b': 10', '9', '24', '10', '3', '24', '2', '3', '24', '10', '2', '3, 'wherein in order to clean the membranes of the filter modules () of the membrane ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021752A1

Method and apparatus for controlling metals in a liquid are described. The liquid is contacted with a hexahydrotriazine and/or a hemiaminal material, and metal is adsorbed from the liquid onto the material. The hexahydrotriazine and/or hemiaminal material may be made from a diamine and an aldehyde. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal control material is a reaction product of a formaldehyde and a primary diamine.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the metal control material is a PHT material.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the contacting the metal control material with the liquid comprises forming a powder of the metal control material and adding the powder to the liquid.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the powder is at least partially soluble in the liquid.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contacting the metal control material with the liquid comprises continuously flowing the liquid across the metal control material.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal control material is formed by a process comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'forming a mixture comprising one or more monomers comprising two aromatic primary amine groups having the general structure HN—Ar-L′-Ar—N—H, wherein Ar denotes a benzene ring group, and a solvent; and'}heating the mixture at a temperature of about 165° C. to about 280° C. for about 1 minute to about 24 hours.8. A method claim 1 , comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'flowing a liquid containing metals through metal control material comprising a PHA material or a PHT material, wherein the PHA material or the PHT material is a reaction product of a diamine, having the general structure HN—Ar-L′-Ar—N—H, wherein Ar denotes a benzene ring group and L′ is a divalent linking group, and an aldehyde; and'}removing the metal control material from the liquid containing metals; andremoving adsorbed metals from the metal control material by exposing the metal control material to a regeneration material.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Water Treatment System

Номер: US20210024382A1

The disclosure relates to water treatment systems that may be used to remove impurities from water, particularly systems that inserted at the point of entry of a water supply into a building. 1. A water treatment system , comprising 'wherein said at least one filtration cassette comprises at least two linked filtration units;', 'at least one filtration cassette;'} wherein said at least one reverse osmosis cassette comprises at least two linked reverse osmosis cartridges;', said first and said second manifold each having two channels;', 'said first mainfold flowing input water into said at least two reverse osmosis cartridges in a first channel;', 'said first manifold flowing permeate water away from said at least one reverse osmosis cartridge in a second channel;', 'said second manifold flowing concentrate water away from said at least two reverse osmosis cartridges;, 'said at least two reverse osmosis cartridges fluidly connected by at least one first manifold and by at least one second manifold'}], 'at least one reverse osmosis cassette;'}at least one pump;a frame; andat least one bypass unit.2. The water treatment system of further comprising a storage tank.3. The water treatment system of wherein said storage tank is a hydropneumatic tank.4. The water treatment system of wherein said tank holds from about 30 gallons to about 100 gallons of water.5. The water treatment system of wherein said tank is maintained from about 75 psi to about 80 psi when said tank is full.6. The water treatment system of wherein said tan7. The water treatment system of claim 1 , comprising a unit that transmits realtime information about the status of said system.8. The water treatment system of wherein said at least one reverse osmosis cartridge of each said at least one cassette are in parallel9. The water treatment system of wherein said bypass unit comprises an outlet claim 1 , an inlet claim 1 , at least one flow meter and at least one sensor.10. The water treatment system of ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028935A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A solid-liquid separation device performs dehydration/deoiling from a mixture of water and/or oil and a solid. Substance A is capable of dissolving water and oil. The device includes substance B circulated while generating phase change in a closed system; a compressor; a first heat exchanger exchanging condensation heat of substance B and evaporation heat of substance A; a second heat exchanger exchanging evaporation heat of substance B and condensation heat of substance A; and a treatment tank for mixing substance A with an object to be treated; substance A having been evaporated while separated from the water or the oil in the first heat exchanger, and condensed in the second heat exchanger. The first heat exchanger is lower than the treatment tank in a vertical direction, and a connection port of the first heat exchanger and a lower portion of the treatment tank are connected with a flow path. 1. A solid-liquid separation device that performs dehydration or deoiling from an object to be treated that is a mixture of water and a solid , a mixture of oil and a solid , or a mixture of water , oil , and a solid , as the object to be treated , using a substance A capable of dissolving water and oil , the solid-liquid separation device comprising:a substance B that is circulated while generating phase change in a closed system;compression means that compresses the substance B;a first heat exchanger that exchanges heat of condensation of the substance B and heat of evaporation of the substance A;a second heat exchanger that exchanges heat of evaporation of the substance B and heat of condensation of the substance A; anda treatment tank in which the substance A is mixed with the object to be treated, the substance A having been evaporated while separated from the water or the oil in the first heat exchanger, and condensed in the second heat exchanger, whereinthe first heat exchanger is installed in a lower portion than the treatment tank in a vertical direction, anda ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028981A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A filtration unit includes a plurality of filtration modules and a piping unit. Each filtration module includes a plurality of hollow fiber membranes extending in a vertical direction and arranged side by side in a form of a plate, and a first water collector having a linear shape that is connected to upper openings of the hollow fiber membranes and through which filtered liquid that has permeated into each hollow fiber membrane flows. The piping unit is connected to the first water collectors of the filtration modules. The filtration modules are arranged in two rows and in a striped pattern in each row. The piping unit includes two combining pipes that are arranged parallel to each other and that are connected to outer end portions of the first water collectors of the filtration modules in each row by first connection pipes. 1. A filtration unit comprising:a plurality of filtration modules, each including a plurality of hollow fiber membranes extending in a vertical direction and arranged side by side in a form of a plate and a first water collector having a linear shape that is connected to upper openings of the hollow fiber membranes and through which filtered liquid that has permeated into each hollow fiber membrane flows; anda piping unit connected to the first water collectors of the filtration modules,wherein the filtration modules are arranged in two rows and in a striped pattern in each row, andwherein the piping unit includes two combining pipes that are arranged parallel to each other and that are connected to outer end portions of the first water collectors of the filtration modules in each row by first connection pipes.2. The filtration unit according to claim 1 , wherein each filtration module includes a second water collector having a linear shape that is connected to lower openings of the hollow fiber membranes and through which the filtered liquid that has permeated into each hollow fiber membrane flows claim 1 , andwherein the piping unit includes ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029288A1
Принадлежит: HydroNovation, Inc.

A valve assembly for controlling fluid flow is provided. The valve assembly includes a housing having a first chamber and a second chamber, an actuator assembly configured to move between a first position and a second position within the first and second chambers, a plurality of fluid ports in fluid communication with the first chamber, and a plurality of fluid ports in fluid communication with the second chamber. The first position of the actuator assembly defines a first series of fluid flowpaths through the plurality of fluid ports of the first and second chambers. The second position of the actuator assembly defines a second series of fluid flowpaths through the plurality of fluid ports of the first and second chambers. 1. A valve assembly for controlling fluid flow comprising:a housing comprising a first chamber and a second chamber;an actuator assembly configured to move between a first position and a second position within the first and second chambers;a plurality of fluid ports in fluid communication with the first chamber;a plurality of fluid ports in fluid communication with the second chamber;wherein the first position of the actuator assembly defines a first series of fluid flowpaths through the plurality of fluid ports of the first chamber and through the plurality of fluid ports of the second chamber, and the second position of the actuator assembly defines a second series of fluid flowpaths through the plurality of fluid ports of the first chamber and through the plurality of fluid ports of the second chamber.2. The valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fluid ports in communication with the first chamber further comprise a plurality of fluid inlet ports and a plurality of fluid outlet ports claim 1 ,the plurality of fluid ports in communication with the second chamber further comprise a plurality of fluid inlet ports and a plurality of fluid outlet ports, andthe first position of the actuator assembly defines a first set of pairings ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Electrochemical decontamination cells

Номер: US20170029298A1
Принадлежит: BioLargo Life Technologies Inc

Contaminants are filtered from a fluid flow stream and the filter is regenerated by a process including steps of: providing a filter material comprising both carbon and potassium iodide; passing a contaminated fluid stream in contact with the filter material; adsorbing contaminants from the fluid stream onto surfaces in the filter material; passing an electric current through the filter material with adsorbed contaminant thereon; disassociating contaminant from the surfaces of the filter material; and removing disassociated contaminant from the filter material by carrying away the disassociated contaminant in a fluid flow mass.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Organic wastewater treatment method and organic wastewater treatment device

Номер: US20200031697A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Corp

An organic wastewater treatment device includes a biological treatment tank in which biological treatment units are connected in series along a flow of organic wastewater. Each biological treatment unit has a pair of an anoxic tank disposed on an upstream side, and an aerobic tank disposed on a downstream side in which a membrane separation device is immersed in activated sludge. The activated sludge returns from a most downstream-side aerobic tank to a most upstream-side anoxic tank through a sludge return path. Whether to stop an operating membrane separation device and whether to start a stopped membrane separation device are determined for each biological treatment unit based on at least one of an inflow amount of the organic wastewater, a tank water level, a transmembrane pressure difference of each membrane separation device, a T-N concentration of the treated water, and an NH3-N concentration of the treated water as an index.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Drum Filter for Water Filtration and Method Therefor

Номер: US20170036143A1
Автор: Van den Berg Bart

The invention relates to a drum filter for water filtration and method therefor. The drum filter comprises: a housing; a filter drum arranged in the housing and comprising a filter surface, wherein the filter drum is rotatable around a shaft; an inlet for supplying water for filtering to an outward facing side of the filter surface for the purpose of collecting fouling on the filter surface; an outlet for discharging filtered water; and a sprayer for spraying clean the filter surface, wherein the sprayer is configured to spray substantially transversely over the outward facing side of the filter surface. 1. Drum filter for water filtration , comprising:a housing;a filter drum arranged in the housing and comprising a filter surface, wherein the filter drum is rotatable around a shaft;an inlet for supplying water for filtering to an outward facing side of the filter surface for the purpose of collecting fouling on the filter surface;an outlet for discharging filtered water; anda sprayer for spraying clean the filter surface, wherein the sprayer is configured to spray substantially transversely over the outward facing side of the filter surface.2. Drum filter as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sprayer is configured to spray substantially in a direction parallel to the shaft.3. Drum filter as claimed in or claim 1 , comprising a fouling discharge with a receiving opening arranged substantially opposite the sprayer for the purpose of receiving fouling sprayed off the filter surface in the direction of the receiving opening by the sprayer.4. Drum filter as claimed in claim 1 , comprising an additional sprayer which is arranged in the housing and which is configured to spray a fluid substantially through the filter surface.5. Drum filter as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the additional sprayer is configured to spray the fluid substantially in a direction perpendicularly of the shaft.6. Drum filter as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a drive connected to the shaft for ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036686A1

A water quality monitoring device () determines the speed of a wave passing through water present upstream of a reverse osmosis membrane (). A process for reducing the concentration of organic matter in water present upstream of the reverse osmosis membrane is performed when the determined speed is greater than a predetermined threshold speed. 117-. (canceled)18. A water quality monitoring device which monitors water quality in a water treatment device generating fresh water using a reverse osmosis membrane , the water quality monitoring device comprising:a speed determination unit configured to determine a speed of a wave passing through water present upstream of the reverse osmosis membrane to measure a parameter correlated with a concentration of organic matter in the water;a density determination unit configured to determine a density of water present upstream of the reverse osmosis membrane; anda concentration reduction processing unit configured to reduce the concentration of organic matter in water present upstream of the reverse osmosis membrane when the speed determined by the speed determination unit is greater than a predetermined threshold speed and the density determined by the density determination unit is less than a predetermined threshold density.19. The water quality monitoring device according to claim 18 , wherein the concentration reduction processing unit reduces the concentration of organic matter in water present upstream of the reverse osmosis membrane by using a method corresponding to a speed range that includes the speed determined by the speed determination unit claim 18 , the speed range being one of a plurality of speed ranges claim 18 , the method being different for each speed range.20. The water quality monitoring device according to claim 18 , wherein the concentration reduction processing unit reduces the concentration of organic matter in water present upstream of the reverse osmosis membrane by outputting a command to add a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Integral 3D Humic Acid-Carbon Hybrid Foam and Devices Containing Same

Номер: US20180036712A1
Автор: Jang Bor Z., Zhamu Aruna
Принадлежит: Nanotek Instruments, Inc.

Provided is an integral 3D humic acid-carbon hybrid foam composed of multiple pores and pore walls, wherein pore walls contain single-layer or few-layer humic acid sheets chemically bonded by a carbon material at their edges and have a carbon material-to-humic acid weight ratio from 1/200 to 1/2, wherein the few-layer humic acid sheets have 2-10 layers of stacked substantially hexagonal carbon planes having an inter-plane spacing dfrom 0.3354 nm to 0.40 nm as measured by X-ray diffraction and the single-layer or few-layer humic acid sheets contain 0.01% to 25% by weight of non-carbon elements wherein said humic acid is selected from oxidized humic acid, reduced humic acid, fluorinated humic acid, chlorinated humic acid, brominated humic acid, iodized humic acid, hydrogenated humic acid, nitrogenated humic acid, doped humic acid, chemically functionalized humic acid, or a combination thereof. 1. An integral 3D humic acid-carbon hybrid foam composed of multiple pores and pore walls , wherein said pore walls contain single-layer or few-layer humic acid sheets chemically bonded by a carbon material at their edges and have a carbon material-to-humic acid weight ratio from 1/200 to 1/2 , wherein few-layer is defined as having two to ten atomic layers and wherein said few-layer humic acid sheets have stacked substantially hexagonal carbon planes having an inter-plane spacing dfrom 0.3354 nm to 0.40 nm as measured by X-ray diffraction and said single-layer or few-layer humic acid sheets contain 0.01% to 25% by weight of non-carbon elements wherein said humic acid is selected from oxidized humic acid , reduced humic acid , fluorinated humic acid , chlorinated humic acid , brominated humic acid , iodized humic acid , hydrogenated humic acid , nitrogenated humic acid , doped humic acid , chemically functionalized humic acid , or a combination thereof.2. The integral 3D humic acid-carbon hybrid foam of claim 1 , wherein said hybrid foam has a density from 0.005 to 1.7 g/cm ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036924A1
Автор: Burrows Bruce D.

The water purification system for flow-coupled installation with a tap water inflow for producing a relatively purified water outflow includes a purification unit having a tap water inlet port for receiving tap water inflow and a purified water outlet port for dispensing purified water outflow from said purification unit. A particulate catalyst retained within the purification unit is in flow through relation relative to said the water inflow and purified water outflow and catalyzes contaminants as the tap water inflow travels through the purification unit. A particulate agitator associated translates vibration to the particulate catalyst for substantially preventing channeling therein during relatively slow tap water inflow through the purification unit. 1. A water purification system comprising:an inlet line configured to provide a tap water input to the water purification system;at least one filtered water output from the water purification system;a particulate-based water filtration cartridge, coupled between the inlet line and the at least one filtered water output, in which the particulate-based water filtration cartridge comprises an inlet port and an outlet port, the particulate-based water filtration cartridge configured to couple the inlet port of the particulate-based water filtration cartridge to the inlet line;a particulate-based medium being at least partially contained between the inlet port and the outlet port of the particulate-based water filtration cartridge at least when the particulate-based water filtration cartridge is coupled to the inlet line, in which the particulate-based water filtration cartridge is configured to allow a flow of water from the inlet port to the outlet port through at least a portion of the particulate-based medium, such that the particulate-based medium filters the flow of water as the flow of water passes through the particulate-based water filtration cartridge; anda compressor, coupled to the particulate-based water ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037473A1

A conventional media filter such as a gravity sand filter is converted into a membrane filter. The media is removed and replaced by immersed membrane modules. Transmembrane pressure is created by a static head pressure differential, without a suction pump, thereby creating a membrane gravity filter (MGF). Preferred operating parameters include transmembrane pressure of 5-20 kPa, 1-3 backwashes per day, and a flux of 10-20 L/m/h. The membranes are dosed with chlorine or another oxidant, preferably at 700 minutes*mg/L as Clequivalent per week or less. The small oxidant does is believed to provide a porous biofilm or fouling layer without substantially removing the layer. The media filter may be modified so that backwash wastewater is removed from near the bottom of the tank rather than through backwash troughs above the membrane modules. Membrane integrity testing may be done while the tank is emptied after a backwash. 1. A process for operating immersed membranes comprising steps of ,{'b': 14', '112, 'sub': '2', 'filtering water through the membranes (, ) at a flux of 20 L/m/h or less; and,'}{'sub': '2', 'backwashing the membranes with water containing an oxidant so as to expose the membranes to a weekly dosage of 700 minutes*mg/L of oxidant as Cl, or less.'}2. The process of wherein the membranes are backwashed not more than 5 times per day.3. The process of wherein the membranes are not treated to regenerative recovery cleaning over a period of at least 6 months.4. The process of comprising creating transmembrane pressure of not more than 20 kPa through the membranes by gravity.5. The process of comprising filtering water through the membranes at a flux of 15 L/m/h or less.6. The process of comprising backwashing the membranes with water containing an oxidant so as to expose the membranes to a weekly dosage of 500 minutes*mg/L of oxidant as Cl claim 1 , or less.7. The process of wherein the oxidant is dosed in an amount effective to provide a more porous biofilm or ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037783A1
Автор: Banister Mark

A woven fabric formed of fabric fibers or threads coated with a hydrogel, wherein said hydrogel is not crosslinked or is partially crosslinked to the fabric fibers or thread, wherein the hydrogel has a number of excess reactive molecules that are available for a reaction with one or more molecules solvated in an aqueous solution, and wherein the reactive molecules of the hydrogel can reversibly bond with the molecules solvated in an aqueous solution, such that the reactive molecules of the hydrogel attract the molecules solvated in aqueous solution when the hydrogel coated fabric substrate is exposed to an aqueous solution. 1. A woven fabric formed of fabric fibers or threads coated with a hydrogel , wherein said hydrogel is not crosslinked or is partially crosslinked to the fabric fibers or thread , wherein the hydrogel has a number of excess reactive molecules that are available for a reaction with one or more molecules solvated in an aqueous solution , and wherein the reactive molecules of the hydrogel can reversibly bond with the molecules solvated in an aqueous solution , such that the reactive molecules of the hydrogel attract the molecules solvated in aqueous solution when the hydrogel coated fabric substrate is exposed to an aqueous solution.2. The woven fabric of wherein the hydrogel is an epoxy and hydrophilic.3. The woven fabric of wherein the fabric fibers or thread are made of a synthetic material selected from the group consisting of polypropylene claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , and a copolymer mixtures thereof claim 1 , or a natural fiber material selected from the group consisting of Jute claim 1 , Sisal claim 1 , Hemp claim 1 , Hessian claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , bamboo and a mixture thereof.4. The woven fabric of wherein the fabric fibers or threads are all of similar size in all of the weave directions claim 1 , or are of two or more different sizes claim 1 , wherein at least one size of fabric fibers or thread are woven in one ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055930A1

Disclosed is a split type continuous operation micro-grid dynamic membrane bioreactor. The split type continuous operation micro-grid dynamic membrane bioreactor comprises a biological treatment unit and a drum type dynamic membrane filtration unit, wherein the biological treatment unit comprises a microbiological treatment tank, and a water inlet pipe is arranged on the microbiological treatment tank; the drum type dynamic membrane filtration unit comprises a filter tank, and a drum micro-grid dynamic membrane mechanism is arranged in the filter tank; the drum micro-grid dynamic membrane mechanism comprises a filter drum, a backwashing device is arranged above the filter drum, and a sludge collecting bank is arranged in the filter drum; a water outlet is formed in the bottom of the filter tank; a mixed liquid pipe is arranged between the microbiological treatment tank and the filter drum; and a sludge discharge header pipe is arranged on the sludge collecting tank. 11020. A split type continuous operation micro-grid dynamic membrane bioreactor , comprising a biological treatment unit () and a drum type dynamic membrane filtration unit () , wherein{'b': 10', '11', '11, 'the biological treatment unit () comprises a microbiological treatment tank (), and the microbiological treatment tank () comprises an aerobic treatment tank, an anoxic treatment tank and an anaerobic treatment tank;'}{'b': 20', '21', '21, 'the drum type dynamic membrane filtration unit () comprises a filter tank (), and a drum micro-grid dynamic membrane mechanism is arranged in the filter tank ();'}{'b': 22', '24', '22', '23', '22', '22', '25', '22, 'the drum dynamic membrane mechanism comprises a filter drum (), a backwashing device () used for washing the filter drum () and keeping the thickness of a dynamic biological membrane () formed on the filter drum () within a set thickness range is arranged above the filter drum (), and a sludge collecting tank () used for collecting the washed dynamic ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of an aqueous solution comprising at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate

Номер: US20190039922A1
Принадлежит: Omya International AG

The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of an aqueous solution comprising at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate, a process for the mineralization and/or stabilization of water as well as the use of the aqueous solution comprising at least one earth alkali hydrogen carbonate obtained by the process for the mineralization and/or stabilization of water.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038812A1
Принадлежит: Nufiltration Ltd.

A connector for connecting a dialyzer to a hole in a side wall of a water pipe, the connector including a connector body including a cavity crossing the connector body from a first end of the connector body to a second end, for enabling water flow from the first end to the second end, wherein the cavity at the first end is shaped and sized for pressing onto a port of a dialyzer, and the cavity at the second end is shaped and sized for pressing into a hole in a side wall of a water pipe. In a water filtration system including dialyzers for water filtration, a method of cleaning a dialyzer including providing clean water from a clean water output of one first dialyzer to a clean water output of one second dialyzer, to backwash the second dialyzer. Related apparatus and methods are also described. 129-. (canceled)30. In a water filtration system comprising dialyzers for water filtration , a method of cleaning a dialyzer comprising providing clean water from a clean water output of one first dialyzer to a clean water output of one second dialyzer , to backwash the second dialyzer.31. The method of claim 30 , wherein the providing clean water from a clean water output comprises providing clean water from a clean water output of a first plurality of dialyzers to a clean water output of a second plurality of dialyzers claim 30 , to backwash the second plurality of dialyzers claim 30 ,wherein a number of dialyzers included in the first plurality of dialyzers is not greater than a number of dialyzers in the second plurality of dialyzers.32. The method of claim 30 , wherein the providing clean water from a clean water output comprises providing clean water from a clean water output of a first plurality of dialyzers to a clean water output of a second plurality of dialyzers claim 30 , to backwash the second plurality of dialyzers claim 30 ,wherein a total membrane area of the first plurality of dialyzers is not greater than a total membrane area of the second plurality of ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Filtration apparatus and method for cleaning filtration module

Номер: US20160045872A1
Автор: Hideki Kashihara
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

Provided are a filtration apparatus and a method for cleaning a filtration module in which it is possible to maintain sufficiently high levels of filtration efficiency even when filtration is continued for a long time. A filtration apparatus includes a filtration module having a hollow-fiber membrane bundle in which a plurality of hollow-fiber membranes are bundled together; a filtration vessel that houses the filtration module; and a cleaning device that cleans the filtration module. The cleaning device includes an internal cleaning device which cleans the hollow-fiber membrane bundle from the inside by jetting wash water from the tip of an internal cleaning nozzle inserted into the hollow-fiber membrane bundle so as to generate an internal cleaning flow in the hollow-fiber membrane bundle. A method for cleaning a filtration module uses the filtration apparatus.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Device and method for purifying drinking water

Номер: US20210047207A1
Принадлежит: BWT AG

In order to improve the lifespan of the semi-permeable membrane or the yield of the reverse osmosis system in the treatment of drinking water by means of reverse osmosis, the invention provides a device for treating drinking water with at least one reverse osmosis vessel which is divided into at least two chambers by at least one semi-permeable membrane, wherein a first chamber has an inlet for the water to be treated and an outlet for the concentrate, and the second chamber has an outlet for the treated water, wherein the device comprises at least one pressure vessel which is connected to the outlet for the treated water via a line, wherein the device is designed in such a way that, in an idle state, treated water flows out of the pressure vessel, through the semi-permeable membrane and into the first chamber. 121.-. (canceled)22. A method for purifying drinking water , comprising:{'b': '11', 'conveying, during an extraction operation mode, drinking water to be purified through a semipermeable membrane () in reverse osmosis operation and separating the drinking water into permeate and concentrate;'}{'b': 4', '4, 'allowing, during an extraction stop, the permeate to flow into a pressure tank (), whereby a supply of permeate accumulates and is pressurized in the pressure tank (); and'}{'b': '11', 'backflushing, during an idle operation state, permeate accumulated in the pressure tank through the membrane () due to an overpressure and thereby displacing the concentrate on a concentrate side of the membrane and removing deposits that may be present on the concentrate side of the membrane.'}23. The method for purifying drinking water as claimed in claim 22 ,{'b': 11', '11, 'wherein a pressure difference across the semipermeable membrane () for conveying the permeate through the semipermeable membrane () is in a range between 0.05 bar and 1 bar.'}24. The method for purifying drinking water as claimed in claim 22 ,{'b': '11', 'wherein, on the concentrate side of the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043284A1
Принадлежит: Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

A filter device is configured to filter a liquid. The filter device includes a drum sized to receive the liquid and a plurality of filter panels coupled to the drum to define a plurality of discs. The liquid passes through at least a portion of one of the discs. Each filter panel includes a perimeter frame that defines a panel normal flow area and a filter media coupled to the perimeter frame. The filter media may be adapted to include a plurality of pleats. 1. A filter device configured to filter a liquid , the filter device comprising:a drum sized to receive the liquid;a plurality of filter panels coupled to the drum to define a plurality of discs, each filter panel comprising a perimeter frame defining a panel flow area and a filter media coupled to the perimeter frame; anda plurality of spray bars positioned between adjacent discs and each end of the filter device, each spray bar comprising a plurality of spray nozzles configured to spray water in a reverse flow direction through the plurality of filter panels.2. The filter device of claim 1 , wherein the perimeter frame includes two substantially parallel sides and two sides that extend along lines that are substantially radial with respect to the drum.3. The filter panel of claim 1 , wherein the filter media includes a cloth material.4. The filter device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of filter panels includes a filter media including a plurality of pleats and at least one reinforcing member configured to maintain the pleated shape of the filter media.5. The filter device of claim 4 , wherein the reinforcing member includes at least one stringer extending across the panel flow area claim 4 , and a plurality of ridge bars extending from the stringer in a direction substantially normal to the stringer.6. The filter device of claim 5 , wherein the stringer includes a plurality of saw tooths that engage the pleats.7. The filter device of claim 5 , wherein the stringer includes a first side that ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043298A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

In a method for operating a clarification membrane module the invention, either following steps is conducted after the position of the closed ends in the clarification membrane module is made above the position of the open ends therein: (a) closed-end high-position cleaning step A in which the outer side of the clarification membranes within the clarification membrane module is filled with liquid and air scrubbing is then performed by supplying a gas; (b) closed-end high-position cleaning step B in which air scrubbing is conducted by supplying a gas, while supplying liquid to the outer side of the clarification membranes within the clarification membrane module. 1. A method for operating a clarification membrane module which comprises external-pressure type hollow-fiber clarification membranes and in which water to be treated is passed through the clarification membranes from an outer side thereof toward an inner side thereof to obtain filtrate ,the clarification membranes each having a filtrate flow channel and having, at one end thereof, an open end where the filtrate flow channel is open and, at the other end, a closed end where the filtrate flow channel is closed,the method comprising: performing a filtration step in which while keeping the clarification membranes so that a position of the open ends is above a position of the closed ends, water to be treated is filtrated from the other side to the inner side of each clarification membrane and the filtrate obtained is taken out through the open ends; and performing closed-end high-position cleaning step after making the position of the closed ends the position of the open ends, the closed-end high-position cleaning step being either the following step (a) or step (b):(a) closed-end high-position cleaning step A in which the outer side of the clarification membranes within the clarification membrane module is filled with liquid and air scrubbing is then performed by supplying a gas;(b) closed-end high-position ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Modified Walnut Shell and Use

Номер: US20180044203A1
Принадлежит: Polymer Ventures Inc

Herein are described compositions useful in the purification of hydrocarbon-contaminated liquids (e.g., oil-contaminated water), methods of their manufacture, and methods of their use. In one instance, the composition can include a porous agricultural substrate selected from the group consisting of walnut shell, pecan shell, apricot pit, peach pit, corn cob, and a mixture thereof; the porous agricultural substrate having an external surface and pores, wherein the external surface is hydrophilic; and an organo-amine carried within the pores of the porous agricultural substrate. These compositions are utilized as regenerable filter media in place of, for example, ground walnut media.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064021A1
Автор: SMITH Stanton Russell

The present disclosure is directed to filtering technologies that combine elements of continuous and batch NF/RO based on the constraints of the end-user facility to achieve a target balance between, for instance, recovery and power consumption, and to reduce long term operating cost of a plant. A method for extending batch operation into a second induction period with antiscalant injection is also disclosed herein, with the second induction period allowing for yet higher water recovery. 1. A method of operating a filtration system , the filtration system having at least one inlet fluidly coupled to at least one feed stream , at least one filter membrane fluidly coupled to the at least one inlet to receive feed water from the at least one feed stream , and at least one pump to generate a pressure to displace the feed water from the at least one feed stream into the at least one filter membrane and produce an output permeate stream , the method comprising:causing a first driving signal to be provided to the at least one pump to cause the generated pressure to produce the output permeate stream at a recovery rate that is substantially equal to a first target recovery rate during a first period of time, the first target recovery rate being greater than a maximum non-scaling recovery rate for the at least one filter membrane and less than 100%.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:causing a second driving signal to be provided to the at least one pump to cause the generated pressure to produce the output permeate stream at a recovery rate substantially equal to a second target recovery rate during a second period of time.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second target recovery rate is equal to or less than a maximum non-scaling recovery rate for the at least one filter membrane or wherein the second target recovery rate is greater than the maximum non-scaling recovery rate for the at least one filter membrane.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Improved Methods for Cleaning Filtration System Media

Номер: US20190046901A1
Принадлежит: Schreiber ,LLC

The present disclosure provides improved methods for conducting a wash cycle in a filtration unit. The methods may be used alone or in combination with one another to achieve the improvements described herein. Filtration units adapted for carrying out the novel methods are also provided. Through the use of the methods and filtration units described, significant economic benefits are obtained without a significant increase in the costs of the filtration unit or in the costs of operation of the filtration unit. 1. A method for carrying out a wash cycle in a filtration device comprising a filter bed of porous filtration media units , an upper plate , a first influent pipe , a first effluent pipe and a scouring fluid inlet pipe comprising a plurality of openings on a top portion of the scouring fluid inlet pipe and a scouring fluid nozzle in communication with at least one of the openings on the scouring fluid inlet pipe , the method comprising the steps of:a. directing a scouring fluid from the scouring fluid nozzle into the filter bed, wherein the scouring fluid nozzles comprise a restriction point to provide a jet force to the scouring fluid;b. directing a particle removal fluid from the first influent pipe; andc. removing the particle removal fluid from the filtration unit through the first effluent pipe, wherein the first effluent pipe is located below the upper plate or located above the upper plate such that the distance from a bottom portion of the upper plate to a bottom invert on the first effluent pipe is 15 inches or less.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the porous filtration media is a synthetic porous filtration media or a compressible filtration media.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the porous filtration media contains trapped particulate contaminants and the wash cycle removes at least 60% of the trapped contaminant particles.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the duration of the wash cycle is less than or equal to 20 minutes.6. ( ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046930A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A membrane filtration device including a filtration mode for filtrating water to be treated by passing the water to be treated from a primary side to a secondary side of a filtration membrane and a filtration membrane cleaning mode for cleaning the filtration membrane by passing ozone water from the secondary side to the primary side of the filtration membrane, wherein the membrane filtration device includes an inter-membrane differential pressure controller for controlling an inter-membrane differential pressure ΔP, and is configured such that in the filtration membrane cleaning mode, the inter-membrane differential pressure controller performs control to gradually lower the inter-membrane differential pressure ΔP twin a predetermined initial differential pressure ΔP1 to a final differential ΔP2, which is a value lower than the ΔP1. 1: A membrane filtration device having a filtration mode in which by passing water to be treated from a primary side to a secondary side of a filtration membrane , the water to be treated is filtrated , and a filtration membrane cleaning mode in which by passing ozone water from the secondary side to the primary side of the filtration membrane , the filtration membrane is cleaned , andcomprising an inter-membrane differential pressure controller which controls an inter-membrane differential pressure ΔP which is a differential between liquid pressure at the primary side of the filtration membrane and liquid pressure at the secondary side of the filtration membrane,{'sub': 1', '2', '1, 'wherein in the filtration membrane cleaning mode the inter-membrane differential pressure controller controls to gradually decrease the inter-membrane differential pressure ΔP from an initial differential pressure ΔPwhich is set in advance to a final differential pressure ΔPwhich is a value smaller than a value of the P.'}2: The membrane filtration device according to claim 1 , wherein the inter-membrane differential pressure controller controls the inter- ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Membrane cleaning device and membrane cleaning method

Номер: US20210053014A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

The membrane cleaning device uses treated water filtered through an MBR separation membrane as dissolution water, and performs a first process of dissolving ozone gas in the dissolution water under a neutral or alkaline condition, and a second process of dissolving ozone gas in the dissolution water under an acidic condition, to generate ozone water. At this time, whether to shift from the first process to the second process is determined on the basis of the organic substance concentration in the dissolution water, and whether to start feeding the ozone water to the separation membrane is determined on the basis of the dissolved ozone concentration in the dissolution water. Therefore, even when the organic substance concentration in the dissolution water varies depending on the MBR operation conditions, the treatment times in the first process and the second process can be optimized.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047876A1

The present invention is a self-regenerating biofilter. The biofilter tank receives untreated water through an intake inlet, filters it through a filtration mass and expels purified water through an output outlet. The filtration mass includes gravel and activated carbon layers separated by a mesh screen. A compressed air line is located below the mesh screen. Periodically, the biofilter self-cleans by opening a flush valve that expels a flush water stream carrying debris. The biofilter self-regenerates by periodically stopping filtration for a time, allowing biological matter left on the activated carbon to degrade into biomass. Periodically, the biofilter removes and flushes out biomass by application of water or a combination of air and water. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for using a self-regenerating biofilter apparatus to purify water containing contaminants , said method comprising the steps of:receiving an untreated water stream into a biofilter tank through an intake inlet,filtering said untreated water stream through a filtration mass to transform said untreated water stream into a purified water stream, wherein said filtration mass removes water contaminants by straining/screening, adsorption and/or biological remediation,expelling the purified water stream through an output outlet connected to a second channel;periodically stopping filtration for a time by stopping receiving the untreated water stream; opening a flush valve; draining a flush water stream through the flush valve; closing the flush valve wherein biodegradable contaminants in said untreated water stream provide food for microorganisms in said filtration mass and become biomass during a controlled time period, andperiodically performing a biomass removal wherein said self-regenerating biofilter receives an influx of untreated water stream through said intake inlet, opening said flush valve, and draining a biomass debris containing flush water stream through said flush valve.22. The method ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Residential grey water recycling system

Номер: US20190047878A1
Принадлежит: Greyter Water Systems Inc

This specification describes systems for the treatment and reuse of grey water and related processes. An exemplary system collects grey water from baths and showers and treats it for use in toilet flushing. Influent bathing water passes through a prefilter to remove larger particles and flows into a grey water collection tank. Collected grey water is filtered through a membrane designed to remove suspended solids. Membrane permeate passes through a sorbent media to remove soluble organics and then flows into a permeate tank. A chemical agent is used to disinfect water in one or more parts of the system and optionally to clean the membranes. A control system manages the operation of system. The system operates in a generally daily cycle with permeation dispersed over a material time, for example 4 or 8 hours or more.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047092A1

The present disclosure relates to a bottle treatment machine including a pump/nozzle protector in the form of a screen. The screen includes an at least partially perforated surface and the screen is provided for passing a liquid of the bottle treatment machine therethrough. The bottle treatment machine further includes at least one scraper which rests at least partially on the at least partially perforated surface of the screen. The screen and the at least one scraper are arranged to be rotatable relative to one another. The present disclosure further relates to a method for cleaning the screen of the bottle treatment machine. 1. A bottle treatment machine comprising:a pump/nozzle protection in form of a screen, wherein the screen comprises an at least partially perforated surface, and wherein the screen is provided for passing a liquid of the bottle treatment machine therethrough; andat least one scraper which rests at least partially on the at least partially perforated surface of the screen, wherein the screen and the at least one scraper are arranged to be rotatable relative to one another.2. The bottle treatment machine of claim 1 , wherein the screen is configured as a circular cylinder and the screen comprises a longitudinal axle claim 1 , wherein the at least partially perforated surface of the screen corresponds to a shell of the circular cylinder.3. The bottle treatment machine of claim 2 , wherein:the at least one scraper is configured as at least one scraper pair comprising an internal scraper and an external scraper arranged in opposed relationship with one another;the at least one scraper is arranged on an attachment device;the at least one scraper comprises at least one of a metal material or a plastic material;the at least one scraper comprises a scraper body and a scraper blade;the scraper blade is arranged parallel to the longitudinal axle of the screen and applies a predefined force to the at least partially perforated surface of the screen; andan ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047126A1
Автор: PEICHEL John Thomas

This specification describes membrane based filtration and softening systems and methods. A system has a microfiltration or ultrafiltration (MF/UF) membrane unit upstream of a nanofiltration or reverse osmosis (NF/RO) membrane unit, optionally with no intermediate tank. In some cases, the system and method may be used with feed water provided at municipal line pressure to the membranes. NF/RO permeate is collected in a tank and then pumped to a header. Treated water may be drawn from the header for use or recycled to the system, for example to backwash or flush one or both of the membrane units. In a combined process, NF/RO permeate flushes the feed side of the NF/RO unit and then backwashes the MF/UF unit. In another process, the MF/UF unit and NF/RO unit are filled with NF/RO permeate before being placed in a standby mode. 1. A water softening system adapted for use in a building with a municipal water supply at a line pressure comprising ,a microfiltration or ultrafiltration (MF/UF) membrane unit connected to the municipal water supply;a nanofiltration or reverse osmosis (NF/RO) membrane unit connected to a permeate outlet of the MF/UF unit;a tank connected to a permeate outlet of the NF/RO unit;a pump having an inlet connected to the tank; and,a header connected to the outlet of the pump and adapted to supply water pressurized by the pump to the building.2. The system of wherein the permeate outlet of the MF/UF unit is connected to the NF/RO unit without an intervening tank.3. The system of wherein the header is connected to the inlet of the MF/UF unit.4. The system of wherein the header is connected to the inlet of the NF/RO unit.5. The system of wherein a retentate outlet of the NF/RO unit is connected to the permeate outlet of the MF/UF unit.6. The system of wherein the system can be configured to temporarily provide a flow path from the header through the feed side of the NF/RO unit and to the permeate side of the MF/UF unit.7. The system of wherein the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Extracted Lignocellulosic Material as an Adsorbent and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20200047156A1

According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of removing dissolved contaminants from an aqueous liquid. The aqueous liquid is contacted with an adsorbent which comprises a finely divided lignocellulosic material, which has been subjected to extraction to remove hemicellulose and/or other components therefrom, to bind at least a portion of the organic compounds to the adsorbent. Furthermore, the invention relates to a method for removing or separating dissolved contaminants from a liquid and to a method for producing a liquid containing hemicellulose and/or an adsorbent containing lignin and/or other components. In particular the invention concerns the use of an adsorbent lignocellulosic material for removing dissolved contaminants from a liquid.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Method of Initiating A Liquid Treatment Process In A Liquid Treatment System

Номер: US20200049684A1
Автор: Bowden Harvey

A method of initiating a liquid treatment process, comprising steps of: providing a sensing material inside a liquid treatment tank, the sensing material being subject to a change in size in response to a composition of a liquid flowing therethrough; arranging an actuating means in association with the sensing material, the actuating means being movable in response to the change in size of the sensing material; and allowing flow of an actuating stream of the liquid in response to a mechanical movement of the actuating means to thereby hydraulically actuate operation of the liquid treatment system. 1. A method of initiating a liquid treatment process , comprising steps of:providing a sensing material inside a liquid treatment tank, the sensing material being subject to a change in size in response to a composition of a liquid flowing therethrough;arranging an actuating means in association with the sensing material, the actuating means being movable in response to the change in size of the sensing material; andallowing flow of an actuating stream of the liquid in response to a mechanical movement of the actuating means to thereby hydraulically actuate operation of the liquid treatment system.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sensing material and the actuating means are provided as a sensing device claim 1 , the sensing device having a body with the sensing material and the actuating means disposed therein claim 1 , wherein the actuating means moved between a first position and a second position in response to the change in size of the sensing material to thereby mechanically actuate a switch member claim 1 , such that when the actuating means is in the first position claim 1 , flow of the actuating stream of the liquid is allowed by the switch member to thereby hydraulically actuate operation of the liquid treatment system; and when the actuating means is in the second position claim 1 , flow of the actuating stream of the liquid is prevented by the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Continuously flowing, inner circulatory, quasi-fluidized-bed reactor for resin ion exchange and adsorption

Номер: US20140131261A1

A continuously flowing, inner circulatory, quasi-fluidized-bed reactor for resin ion exchange and adsorption. The reactor comprises a main body casing, an inclined pipe separator, an outlet weir, an inlet pipe, an outlet pipe, a reducing fluidization tank, a guide plate, a resin regeneration tank, a resin discharge pipe, and a return pipe for regenerated resin and a distributing ejector. The reactor is particularly suitable for advanced treatment of supply water, wastewater, biochemical effluent and reclaimed water by using (magnetic) powder resin.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073375A1
Принадлежит: Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

A system and method for backwashing a sand filter in a wastewater treatment system. In one aspect, the invention can be a system for backwashing a sand filter comprising: a sand filter configured to remove solids from an untreated wastewater; a container storing chlorine fluidly coupled to the sand filter by a chlorine supply manifold; a flow control mechanism positioned on the chlorine supply manifold between the container and the sand filter, the flow control mechanism alterable between a first position whereby chlorine cannot flow from the container to the sand filter and a second position whereby chlorine flows from the container to the sand filter, the flow control mechanism being biased into the first position; and a processor operably coupled to the flow control mechanism and configured to automatically actuate the flow control mechanism into the second position upon detecting that the sand filter is being backwashed. 1. A method for treating wastewater comprising:a) introducing untreated wastewater into a holding tank;b) flowing the untreated wastewater into a first wastewater treatment trailer to provide a first treatment regimen to the untreated wastewater to form a first treated wastewater;c) flowing the first treated wastewater into a second wastewater treatment trailer to provide a second treatment regimen to the first treated wastewater to form a second treated wastewater; andwherein the holding tank, the first wastewater treatment trailer and the second wastewater treatment trailer are fluidly coupled together to facilitate flow of the untreated wastewater from the holding tank into the first wastewater treatment trailer and flow of the first treated wastewater from the first wastewater treatment trailer into the second wastewater treatment trailer.2. The method of wherein step b) further comprises:{'b': '1', '#text': 'b-) flowing the untreated wastewater through one or more sand filters to remove solids suspended in the untreated wastewater and to ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060464A1
Автор: Wang Zhijun, ZHANG JINMEI

The present disclosure provides a water floating object treatment device for sewage treatment, including water pump, motor, round box, butt joint hole, liquid inlet pipe, electric adjusting valve, pneumatic controller, round frame, slurry pump, round tube, three-blade long plate, fan-shaped scraping plate, fine screw rod, guide sliding rod, wire brush bristle, assembling hole, fine-hole filter plate, strip hole, round plate, air cylinder, rubber round block, fan-shaped hole, threaded hole, and sliding hole. The present disclosure is reasonable in design, and function of filtering water in a treatment tank is realized. By replacing and installing the fine-hole filter plates with different sizes of holes, different degrees of filter effects are achieved. Meanwhile, the filtered water can be injected into corresponding treatment tank. 1. A water floating object treatment device for sewage treatment , comprising:a round box; a suction filter mechanism; a scraping mechanism; and a discharging mechanism;wherein three ends of three liquid inlet pipes are annularly disposed on a middle of a annular surface of the round box at equal intervals; the three liquid inlet pipes are communicated with the round box, and three fan-shaped holes are annularly disposed on an end surface of one end of the round box at equal intervals;wherein the suction filter mechanism comprises a water pump and a three-blade long plate; the water pump is disposed on a middle of an end surface of another end of the round box; and one end of a round tube is disposed on a water inlet of the water pump; the three-blade long plate is a cavity structure, and an assembling hole is disposed on a middle of one end inside the cavity structure; strip holes are disposed on two sides surfaces of three supporting plates of the three-blade long plate, and fine-hole filter plates are disposed inside the strip holes; and the three-blade long plate is disposed inside the round box;wherein the scraping mechanism ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Graphene-based materials for the efficient removal of pollutants from water

Номер: US20210060522A1
Принадлежит: Virginia Commonwealth University

Materials and methods for removing contaminants from liquids such as water are provided. The materials are graphene oxide-based materials that are chemically modified to comprise functional groups that adsorb a wide variety of pollutants such as heavy metals, nitrates, and phosphates.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Integrated unit for intake and pretreatment with local backwashing

Номер: US20200054970A1

Locally backwashing portions of filter media allows a simple and effective design of intake and pretreatment units, as well as their integration. An enclosure is used to limit portions of filter media and backwash them locally by suction, utilizing filtered water from adjacent filter media as the back wash water. Wastewater is produced at small amounts that allows efficient sludge treatment. This design enables water pretreatment at the intake unit, simplifying overall plant design and preventing damage to organisms living outside the intake unit. 1. A local backwashing apparatus for a filtering system comprising:an enclosure having an open lower end and positionable above a surface of filter media of the filtering system, the filter media supported by a drainage layer,a pneumatic system in fluid communication with an upper part of the enclosure and configured to determine an air pressure in an upper part,a pipe system connecting the upper part of the enclosure with the pneumatic system and with a discharge structure, anda control unit connected to the pneumatic system and configured to conduct local backwashing of consecutive partial volumes of the filter media by sinking the enclosure into the filter media until the enclosure is supported on the drainage layer by reducing the air pressure in the upper part of the enclosure through the pneumatic system once the open lower end of the enclosure is immersed in filter media, to enclose the partial volume of filter media within the enclosure and generating local backwashing of the partial volume of the filter media enclosed in the enclosure, during continued operation of global filtering through filter media outside the enclosure in the filtering system, by generating suction through the pneumatic system that initiates a water flow from the upper part of the enclosure through the pipe system to the discharge structure, wherein the water flow introduces into the lower end of the enclosed partial volume of filter media ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Process For Extracting A Surfactant Using A Boronic Acid Modified Material

Номер: US20170057840A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A process for extracting a surfactant from a mixture using a boronic acid modified material.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Membrane cleaning and desalination with a membrane using acoustic pressure shock waves

Номер: US20170057844A1
Принадлежит: Sanuwave Inc

Acoustic pressure shock waves are applied to a membrane in a fluid to prevent attachment of or dislodge biological or solid matter for membrane cleaning or desalination with a membrane.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Submerged membrane filtration system using reciprocating membrane

Номер: US20170057853A1
Автор: Hyung Keun Roh, Jaeho Ho

Provided is a reciprocating submerged membrane filtration apparatus including: a membrane tank comprising a submerged membrane and configured to intake influent wastewater to be treated, the influent wastewater being filtered through the submerged membrane to produce treated water; and a reciprocation apparatus configured to move the membrane to create an inertia force which shakes foulants off from the submerged membrane under oxygen-deficient conditions, wherein the submerged membrane comprises a microfiltration (MF) membrane or an ultrafiltration (UF) membrane.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Method of operating an upflow backwash filter

Номер: US20210061689A1
Автор: John H. Reid, Wade Tanner
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is a process comprising receiving overflow of wastewater influent from a clarifier basin in a clarifier effluent collection trough; receiving inflow of wastewater influent from the clarifier effluent collection trough in a filter influent flow inlet distribution channel; maintaining substantially constant liquid level in the filter influent inlet distribution channel; applying hydrostatic pressure to push wastewater influent from the filter influent flow inlet distribution channel into an upflow backwash filter contusing denitrifying biomass or deammonification biomass; backwashing the backwash filter with a gas lift backwash flow; returning filter reject backwash wastewater from rejection compartment of the filter through denitrifying bacteria or deammonification biomass recycle return line to a location upstream of the filter; and recycling denitrifying bacteria or deammonification biomass from denitrifying bacteria or deammonification biomass recycle return line to at least one of the clarifier effluent collection trough, filter influent flocculation tank, or filter influent flow distribution channel.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Fail Safe Flushing BioReactor for Selenium Water Treatment

Номер: US20210061690A1
Принадлежит: Frontier Water Systems LLC

A biological reactor system treats concentrated contaminated water with a combination of upflow and downflow bioreactors that are downstream from a reverse osmosis or other concentrator. The system may have a fail safe configuration where flush water may be introduced to the reactors in the event of a power failure or when taking the reactors offline. Many reverse osmosis systems introduce antiscalant treatments upstream so that the reverse osmosis filters do not scale. However, such treatments result in superconcentrated conditions of the antiscalants in the contaminated water processed by the bioreactors. A flushing system may deconcentrate the bioreactors to prevent the antiscalants from precipitating and fouling the bioreactors.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055751A1
Автор: CHOO Kwang Ho

The present invention relates to an electrochemical advanced oxidation process combined with a membrane in which electrode reactions and membrane filtration occur simultaneously, a water treatment device based on the electrochemical advanced oxidation process, and a water treatment system using the water treatment device. The electrochemical advanced oxidation process includes: providing a membrane electro-oxidation tank where electrodes are combined with a membrane; accommodating wastewater containing pollutants in the membrane electro-oxidation tank; and supplying power to the electrodes to decompose the pollutants and simultaneously separating particles through the membrane (water treatment). The electrodes are arranged downstream of the membrane. Gases released from the electrodes induce a vertical flow of the fluid to improve the contact efficiency between a reactive solution and the electrodes and remove the pollutants attached to the surface of the membrane. According to the present invention, a mechanism of decomposing pollutants using the electrodes and a mechanism of separating particles through the membrane take place simultaneously, enabling effective removal of the pollutants. The electrodes are arranged downstream of the membrane. With this arrangement, gases are produced from the electrodes to improve the electrolysis reactivity and the filtration efficiency of the membrane. 1. An electrochemical advanced oxidation process combined with a membrane , comprising: providing a membrane electro-oxidation tank where electrodes are combined with a membrane; accommodating wastewater containing pollutants in the membrane electro-oxidation tank; and supplying power to the electrodes to decompose the pollutants and simultaneously separating particles through the membrane (water treatment) , wherein the electrodes are arranged downstream of the membrane and gases released from the electrodes induce a vertical flow of the fluid to improve the contact efficiency ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060838A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a porous molded body which is capable of adsorbing and removing low-molecular-weight organic matters or ions with high removal rate. The present invention relates to a porous molded body which is provided with: a plurality of columnar structures containing a crystalline polymer and having a (long side)/(short side) aspect ratio of 2 or more; and inorganic particles. 1. A porous molded body comprising:a plurality of columnar textures each containing a crystalline polymer and having an aspect ratio (long side/short side) of 2 or more, andan inorganic particle.2. The porous molded body according to claim 1 , wherein long sides of the columnar textures are aligned in a direction from an arbitrary one end to another end.4. The porous molded body according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness uniformity of the columnar texture is 0.45 or more.5. The porous molded body according to claim 1 , wherein a short-side length of the columnar texture is from 0.5 to 3 μm.6. The porous molded body according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic particle is included inside of the columnar texture.7. The porous molded body according to claim 1 , wherein the crystalline polymer is a fluorine-based resin.8. The porous molded body according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic particle is any of an oxide claim 1 , a hydroxide and a hydrous oxide of cerium or zirconium.9. The porous molded body according to claim 1 , which is in a hollow-fiber membrane shape.10. A method for producing a porous molded body claim 1 , comprising:1) a step of dissolving a crystalline polymer and an inorganic particle in a poor solvent for the crystalline polymer to obtain a membrane forming solution,2) a step of solidifying the membrane forming solution by solid-liquid thermally induced phase separation in a cooling bath, and3) a step of stretching the solidified product at a ratio of 2.0 to 5.0 times by raising a temperature thereof to 60 to 140° C.11. A method for ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062178A1

The present invention provides an improved filtering system and method for filtering effluent water for use in irrigation and other applications. The improved filtering system offers significant advancements to the flow rate, efficiency, and reliability of effluent water filtration. The present invention provides systems and methods for filtering of effluent water with a multi-staged filter system, which are self-cleaning, requiring less down time and nearly continuous filtration function. 14-. (canceled)513-. (canceled)1419-. (canceled)20. A method for filtering effluent water , comprising the steps of:a. providing an intake pump at an effluent source, and drawing effluent from the effluent source and pumping the effluent into an intake;b. providing a plurality of filter devices arranged in sequence with progressively finer filter elements, and passing said effluent from said intake through said plurality of filter devices to filter out particulates to produce a filtrate;c. providing an emission device for delivering a filtrate produced by said plurality of filter devices to a pre-determined filtrate allocation.21. (canceled)22. The method of claim 20 , wherein said intake pump is in fluid communication with an intake pipeline for connecting said intake pump to said plurality of filter devices claim 20 , and said intake pipeline comprises a first pressure regulating valve.23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. (canceled)26. The method of claim 20 , further comprising providing pressure sensors at an effluent inlet and an effluent outlet of at least one of said plurality of filter devices claim 20 , and providing a controller in electronic communication with said pressure sensors.27. The method of claim 26 , further comprising performing a cleaning operation in said at least one of said plurality of filter devices claim 26 , wherein a cleaning operation is initiated by said controller when said controller detects that a pressure differential between said effluent inlet and ...
