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04-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729077C2
Принадлежит: ХАЛЬДОР ТОПСЕЭ А/С (DK)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу производства метанола из синтетического газа, а также к компоновке реактора для его осуществления. Способ включает следующие стадии: - предоставление свежего сжатого газа для синтеза метанола, содержащего водород, монооксид углерода и диоксид углерода, который предварительно нагревают и пропускают через адиабатический метанольный предварительный конвертер/предохранительный реактор, в котором синтетический газ частично конвертируют в метанол в присутствии гетерогенного метанольного катализатора, а ядовитые примеси из подаваемого газа удаляют, - предоставление рециркуляционного газового потока из схемы синтеза, содержащего частично конвертированный газ для синтеза метанола, и смешивание части рециркуляционного газового потока со свежим синтетическим газом, если это необходимо, как в случае частичной загрузки, с получением потока технологического газа, - охлаждение потока технологического газа из предварительного конвертера/предохранительного реактора ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2570458C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения метанола. Способ включает получение кислорода на установке разделения воздуха с воздушными компрессорами, приводимыми в действие газовой турбиной, нагревание потока углеводородного сырья с использованием отработанного в газовой турбине газа, экзотермическое взаимодействие первой части потока нагретого углеводородного сырья с паром или газообразным окислителем, включающим молекулярный кислород, с получением сингаза с экзотермическим выделением тепла, эндотермический риформинг второй части потока углеводородного сырья паром над катализатором в риформинг-установке с теплообменником с получением сингаза эндотермического риформинга, причем часть тепла, использованного при получении сингаза эндотермического риформинга, образуется при извлечении экзотермического тепла от образовавшегося сингаза и образовавшегося сингаза эндотермического риформинга, объединение образовавшегося с экзотермическим выделением тепла сингаза и образовавшегося сингаза эндотермического ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2461411C2
Принадлежит: СЕФКО, ЭлЭлСи (US)

Изобретение относится к способам селективного улавливания и удаления очищенного газообразного диоксида углерода, селективного удаления и регенерации диоксида серы и оксидов азота, а также тяжелых металлов. Многостадийные устройство и способ, использующие аэродинамические реакторы и аэрокоагуляторы, соединенные последовательно, для селективного улавливания и удаления очищенного газообразного диоксида углерода, последовательного улавливания и удаления ртути, металлов и аэрозолей твердых дисперсных частиц рециркулирующей системой химической генерации-регенерации, использующей раствор хлорида щелочного металла после многочисленных окислений паров ртути, и оксида ртути в последовательности, селективного улавливания и удаления диоксида серы и диоксида азота двухстадийной абсорбцией рециркулирующей системой химической генерации-регенерации, использующей раствор гидроксида-карбоната-бикарбоната щелочного металла вместе с последующим окислением до соединений сульфата щелочного металла и нитрата ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753269C2
Принадлежит: КАСАЛЕ СА (CH)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу синтеза метанола из углеводородного сырья, включающему следующие стадии: превращение указанного углеводородного сырья, получение синтез-газа; сжатие указанного синтез-газа до обеспечения использующегося для синтеза давления; введение в реакцию указанного синтез-газа при указанном использующемся для синтеза давлении, получение неочищенного метанола; разделение указанного неочищенного метанола, получение содержащего метанол жидкого потока и непрореагировавшего синтез-газа; обработка по меньшей мере части указанного непрореагировавшего синтез-газа на стадии извлечения водорода. При этом синтез-газ, полученный на стадии превращения указанного углеводородного сырья, содержит оксиды углерода и водород при стехиометрическом молярном соотношении (Н2-СO2)/(СО+СO2), составляющем менее 1,7; до проведения указанной стадии ведения в реакцию указанное значение стехиометрического молярного соотношения (Н2-СO2)/(СО+СO2) увеличивают до равного не менее 1,9 путем ...

15-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2795925C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу получения метанола. Предлагаемый способ включает следующие стадии: (а) в установке для получения синтез-газа (A) из углеродсодержащего сырья (I) получают синтез-газ (II), содержащий монооксид углерода, диоксид углерода и водород ,(b) синтез-газ (II) со стадии (a) направляют в установку синтеза метанола (B) и при температуре от 150 до 300°C и давлении от 5 до 10 МПа абс. в присутствии катализатора синтеза метанола превращают в реакционную смесь, содержащую метанол, воду, монооксид углерода, диоксид углерода, водород, простой диметиловый эфир и метан, из которой конденсируют поток неочищенного метанола (III), обогащенный метанолом и водой, и выводят из установки синтеза метанола (B) поток неочищенного метанола (III) и газообразный поток (IV), содержащий монооксид углерода, диоксид углерода, водород и метан, (с) поток неочищенного метанола (III) со стадии (b) подвергают воздействию пониженного давления в диапазоне от 0,1 до 2 МПа абс. в установке пониженного ...

20-12-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018108151A3

20-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2126376C1
Принадлежит: Снампрогетти С.п.А. (IT)

Способ каталитического частичного окисления природного газа с целью получения синтез-газа и формальдегида, объединенный с процессами гидрирования образующегося CO, такими как синтезы Фишера-Тропша и метанола. Такое окисление осуществляют с помощью катализатора, образованного одним или более соединением металлов платиновой группы, который имеет форму проволочных сеток или нанесен на носитель, изготовленный из неорганических соединений, таким образом, что содержание металла или металлов платиновой группы в весовых процентах лежит в диапазоне 0.1 - 20% от общего веса катализатора и носителя, путем проведения процесса при температурах в диапазоне 300 - 950oC, при давлениях в диапазоне 0,05 -5 МПа, при объемных скоростях в диапазоне 20000 -150000 ч-1. 3 с. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 8 табл.

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006132197A

... 1. Способ синтеза метанола, при осуществлении которого природный газ и водяной пар подают в секцию первичной конверсии, в секции первичной конверсии в результате взаимодействия природного газа и водяного пара получают газообразную смесь, содержащую СО, СО2, Н2 в стехиометрическом избытке и СН4, эту содержащую СО, СО2, Н2 в стехиометрическом избытке и СН4 газообразную смесь подают в секцию синтеза метанола, в которой в результате протекающей в ней реакции получают метанол, и из секции синтеза метанола путем продувки отбирают содержащий СО, СО2, H2 и СН4 газовый поток, отличающийся тем, что из отбираемого продувкой из секции синтеза метанола газового потока выделяют Н2 с получением первой газообразной фазы, по существу состоящей из Н2, и второй газообразной фазы, содержащей СО, СО2 и СН4 и по существу не содержащей Н2, и рекуперируют вторую газообразную фазу, содержащую СО, СО2 и СН4 и по существу не содержащую Н2, для ее использования в процессе конверсии в секции первичной конверсии. 2.

27-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007112790A

... 1. Способ производства газа, обогащенного водородом и/или окисью углерода, из газообразного или жидкого углеводородного сырья, предусматривающий следующие стадии:(a) десульфирования углеводородного исходного материала, смешения исходного материала с водяным паром, произведенным от отходящего тепла в этом процессе, подачи смеси в секцию реформинга с водяным паром для превращения углеводородного исходного материала посредством реакции с паром с образованием технологического газа, содержащего смесь из водорода, окиси углерода, двуокиси углерода, остаточного метана и избыточного водяного пара,(b) охлаждения технологического газа путем производства водяного пара,(c) отделения водорода и/или окиси углерода путем пропускания технологического газа через секцию очистки водорода и/или окиси углерода,(d) добавления по существу всего газа, выходящего из секции очистки, в качестве топлива в секцию реформинга, чтобы обеспечить тепло для реакции реформинга,(e) преобразования горячего дымового газа от ...

10-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004136579A

... 1. Установка для одновременного получения из природного газа метанольного синтез-газа, аммиачного синтез-газа, монооксида углерода и диоксида углерода, отличающаяся тем, что отдельная производственная линия, состоящая из последовательно соединенных друг с другом узлов, включает: первый реактор А, в котором при подаче кислорода осуществляют превращение природного газа в синтез-газовую смесь, состоящую из монооксида углерода, диоксида углерода, водорода и воды; второй реактор В, в котором осуществляют регулируемое превращение монооксида углерода в диоксид углерода; абсорбер D, который служит для поглощения диоксида углерода и получения смеси монооксида с водородом, используемой для синтеза метанола; холодильный сепаратор Е, в котором при подаче жидкого азота получают аммиачный синтез-газ и одновременно выделяют монооксид углерода, аргон и метан. 2. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что предусмотрен компрессор С, посредством которого могут быть сжаты образующиеся в реакторах А и В газы.

10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013108906A

... 1. Искробезопасный переносной инструмент полевого технического обслуживания, содержащий:модуль технологической связи, сконфигурированный для связного соединения с полевым устройством;камера, сконфигурированная для получения по меньшей мере одного изображения, относящегося к полевому устройству; иконтроллер, соединенный с модулем технологической связи и операционно соединенный с камерой, причем контроллер сконфигурирован для хранения упомянутого по меньшей мере одного изображения, относящегося к полевому устройству.2. Искробезопасный переносной инструмент полевого технического обслуживания по п. 1, причем камера является внутренним компонентом искробезопасного переносного инструмента полевого технического обслуживания.3. Искробезопасный переносной инструмент полевого технического обслуживания по п. 1, в котором упомянутое по меньшей мере одно изображение включает в себя фотографию полевого устройства.4. Искробезопасный переносной инструмент полевого технического обслуживания по п. 3, в котором ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002114828A

... 1. Способ модернизации установки по получению метанола, включающий следующие стадии: устанавливают сепаратор диоксида углерода, монооксида углерода и водорода в соединение с исходной установкой по выпуску метанола, включающей (1) по крайней мере одну установку реформинга для превращения углеводорода в поток синтез-газа, содержащий диоксид углерода, монооксид углерода и водород, и (2) контур синтеза метанола для превращения водорода и монооксида углерода из потока синтез-газа в метанол; устанавливают линию для отвода по крайней мере части потока синтез-газа в сепаратор для разделения всего или части потока синтез-газа на соответствующие потоки с повышенным содержанием диоксида углерода, монооксида углерода и водорода; переналаживают исходную установку по выпуску метанола для подачи по крайней мере части потока с повышенным содержанием диоксида углерода в установку реформинга, в контур синтеза метанола или их сочетание; переналаживают контур синтеза мтанола для работы с уменьшенной производительностью ...

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008120710A

... 1. Способ пассивации поверхности низколегированной стали в установках, работающих в температурном диапазоне 350-580°C и подвергающихся воздействию содержащей монооксид углерода газовой смеси, включающий добавление пассивирующего соединения, содержащего по меньшей мере не менее одного атома фосфора (Р), к упомянутой газовой смеси. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором низколегированная сталь содержит железо и один или более легирующих элементов, выбранных из группы, содержащей хром, молибден, ванадий, никель, ниобий и углерод. ! 3. Способ по любому из пп.1 и 2, в котором низколегированная сталь содержит железо и хром или комбинацию, выбранную из группы железо, хром и молибден, железо, хром, молибден и ванадий, железо, углерод и молибден или железо, углерод и никель. ! 4. Способ по п.2, в котором хром присутствует в диапазоне от 0,1 до 10 вес.%, молибден присутствует в диапазоне от 0,2 до 1,4 вес.%, ванадий присутствует в диапазоне от 0,04 до 4 вес.%, никель присутствует в диапазоне от 0,3 до 9,6 ...

30-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015129638A

10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013108821A

... 1. Переносной полевой инструмент для технического обслуживания, содержащий:модуль протокола беспроводной связи технологического процесса, сконфигурированный с возможностью поддержания связи в соответствии с протоколом беспроводной связи технологического процесса;дисплей;устройство ввода; иконтроллер, соединенный с модулем протокола беспроводной связи технологического процесса, дисплеем и устройством ввода, причем контроллер сконфигурирован с возможностью выработки карты на дисплее, показывающей местоположение переносного полевого устройства для технического обслуживания относительно, по меньшей мере, одного объекта, в котором контроллер дополнительно сконфигурирован с возможностью определения местоположения переносного полевого устройства для технического обслуживания путем триангуляции с использованием беспроводной связи технологического процесса с рядом известных беспроводных полевых устройств с фиксированным местоположением.2. Переносной полевой инструмент для технического обслуживания ...

10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013108826A

... 1. Портативное устройство эксплуатационного обслуживания, содержащее:модуль связи производственного процесса, выполненный с возможностью осуществления связи с полевым устройством;устройство отображения;устройство пользовательского ввода;контроллер, соединенный с модулем связи производственного процесса, устройством пользовательского ввода и устройством отображения, причем контроллер выполнен с возможностью формирования списка операций эксплуатационного обслуживания на основе задачи на устройстве отображения и приема пользовательского ввода для выбора операции эксплуатационного обслуживания на основе задачи; ипричем контроллер выполнен с возможностью автоматической навигации в меню полевого устройства посредством использования последовательности нажатия клавиш быстрого перехода относительно выбранной задачи.2. Портативное устройство эксплуатационного обслуживания по п. 1, в котором контроллер сохраняет список операций эксплуатационного обслуживания на основе задачи и связанные последовательности ...

10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013108819A

... 1. Портативное устройство эксплуатационного обслуживания, содержащее:модуль связи производственного процесса, выполненный с возможностью установления связи в соответствии со стандартом связи предприятия обрабатывающей промышленности;контроллер, соединенный с модулем связи производственного процесса, причем контроллер выполнен с возможностью доступа к описанию устройства, относящемуся к выбранному моделируемому полевому устройству;пользовательский интерфейс, выполненный с возможностью приема пользовательского ввода, относящегося к параметру моделируемого полевого устройства; ипричем контроллер выполнен с возможностью формирования связи с помощью модуля связи производственного процесса для моделирования выбранного полевого устройства на основе пользовательского ввода.2. Портативное устройство эксплуатационного обслуживания по п. 1, в котором модуль связи производственного процесса является модулем проводной связи производственного процесса.3. Портативное устройство эксплуатационного обслуживания ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren und Anordnung für die Hochtemperaturelektrolyse

Номер: DE102012206541A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Hochtemperaturelektrolyseurs und eines Reaktor mit chemischer Synthese, wobei eine thermische und stoffliche Kopplung beider Komponenten erfolgt. Mittels der Wärme der chemischen Synthese wird Wasser zu Wasserdampf erhitzt. Dieser dient dem Hochtemperaturelektrolyseur als Edukt. Zudem wird Kohlenstoffdioxid in den Hochtemperaturelektrolyseur und/oder in den Reaktor geführt. Im Hochtemperaturelektrolyseur wird dann Synthesegas mittels einer Co-Elektrolyse erzeugt. Dieses Synthesegas dient wiederum dem Reaktor als Eduktstrom für die chemische Synthese. Die chemische Synthese ist insbesondere eine Methanisierung. Als Reaktor wird ein Rohrbündelreaktor mit integrierter Wasserdampferzeugung verwendet.

07-08-1980 дата публикации

Crude hydrogen and methanol prodn. from synthesis gas - comprises methanol synthesis in plant main stream before carbon mon:oxide conversion

Номер: DE0002904008A1

MeOH synthesis is effected before CO conversion, in crude H2 and MeOH prodn. from a synthesis gas contg. mainly C oxides and MeOH, by a process comprising CO conversion, CO2 scrubbing and MeOH synthesis. MeOH synthesis gas mixt. opt. contains recycled gas in addn. to fresh synthesis gas, provided recycle:fresh synthesis gas quantity ratio is 2. Exclusive use of fresh synthesis gas for MeOH synthesis is prefd. In pref. synthesis gas, mol. ratio H2:CO is 0.8:1 to 1.5:1. Plant and process costs are reduced. MeOH prodn. is increased. The unreacted gas mixt. is processed to crude H2 which can be worked up to pure H2, e.g. for NH3 synthesis. Crude MeOH obtd. has a lower water content.

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren und Anlage zur Herstellung von Ethanol

Номер: DE102016006709A1

Ein Verfahren (100) zur Herstellung von Ethanol aus Synthesegas, bei dem mittels eines oder mehrerer Synthesegaserzeugungsreaktoren (1) Synthesegas erzeugt und zumindest zum Teil einem oder mehreren Ethanoldirektsynthesereaktoren (2) zugeführt wird, der oder die mit einem Katalysator ausgestattet sind, der zur Direktumsetzung von Kohlenmonoxid mit Wasserstoff zu Ethanol als Hauptprodukt ausgebildet ist, wobei mittels des oder der Ethanoldirektsynthesereaktoren (2) ein Komponentengemisch gebildet wird, das zumindest Wasserstoff, Kohlenmonoxid, Kohlendioxid, Methan, Methanol und Ethanol enthält, wird vorgeschlagen. Es ist vorgesehen, dass das Wasser, das Methanol und das Ethanol unter Verbleib eines Restgemischs, das überwiegend oder ausschließlich Wasserstoff, Kohlenmonoxid, Kohlendioxid und Methan enthält, zumindest zum überwiegenden Teil aus dem Komponentengemisch oder einem Teil hiervon abgetrennt werden und das Restgemisch zu einem ersten Teil ungetrennt in den oder die Ethanoldirektsynthesereaktoren ...

12-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003627678A1

18-04-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001930702B2

16-05-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Kohlenwasserstoffen, insbesondere Benzin, aus Synthesegas

Номер: DE102009046790B4

Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Kohlenwasserstoffen durch den Umsatz eines CO- und H2-haltigen Gasgemisches (Synthesegas) durch a.) Kontakt mit einem Katalysator in einem ersten Konverter zur Erzeugung eines ersten Produktstromes, der mindestens eine chemische Verbindung des Typs R1-O-R2 (wobei R1-Alkylgruppen mit einer Kohlenstoffzahl von 1 bis 5 sind und R2-Wasserstoff, Alkyl- und Alkoxygruppen mit einer Kohlenstoffzahl von 1 bis 5 sind) sowie auch nicht umgesetzte Komponenten von Synthesegas, enthält, wobei der Kontakt mit dem Katalysator im ersten Konverter unter annähernd isothermen Bedingungen stattfindet, bei welchen die Temperaturdifferenz innerhalb der Katalysatorschüttung 40 K nicht übersteigt und welche durch die Abführung der Reaktionswärme durch die Wärmeübertragungsfläche bei einem Verhältnis der Wärmeübertragungsfläche zum Volumen des Katalysators von nicht weniger als 50 m2/m3 erreicht werden, wobei durch die aus dem ersten Konverter abgeführte Reaktionswärme Dampf mit einem ...

04-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002827498A1

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Generating a fuel useful for operating an internal combustion engine, e.g. an automobile, comprises supplying carbon dioxide, supplying hydrogen from water, and synthesizing methanol from supplied carbon dioxide and hydrogen

Номер: DE102011011686A1

Generating a fuel comprises (a) supplying carbon dioxide (6), (b) supplying hydrogen (11) from water (9), and (c) synthesizing methanol (12) from the supplied carbon dioxide and hydrogen, where the carbon dioxide provided in the step (a) is provided by a flue gas (4), which is obtained by the combustion of a fuel.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Ethern

Номер: DE102019213499A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Ethern durch Umsetzung wenigstens eines aus Synthesegas gewonnenen Alkohols mit wenigstens einem Alken, bei dem in einer katalytischen Umsetzung (12) von Synthesegas ein erstes Gemisch erhalten wird, umfassend Alkohole und wenigstens ein Alken, wobei wenigstens ein in diesem ersten Gemisch enthaltenes Alken danach mit wenigstens einem ebenfalls in dem bei der katalytischen Umsetzung von Synthesegas erhaltenen ersten Gemisch enthaltenen Alkohol zu wenigstens einem Ether (21) umgesetzt wird. Die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Erfindung vorgeschlagene zweistufige Synthese ermöglicht die Darstellung von Ethern aus Synthesegas, deren Herstellung aus Synthesegas bislang noch nicht bekannt ist. Aus dem komplexen Produktgemisch nach der Umsetzung des Synthesegases kann ein einheitliches Produkt erzeugt werden, was zu Vorteilen im Aufreinigungsprozess und in der Vermarktungslogistik führt.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Industrielle Produktionsanlage mit minimalem Treibhausgasausstoß, insbesondere Kohlendioxidausstoß, und Verfahren zum Betrieb desselben

Номер: DE102014112580A1

Bei einer industriellen Produktionsanlage (1), die eine aus einem kohlenstoffhaltigen Einsatzstoff ein CO2-armes und H2-reiches Abgas erzeugende erste Produktionsanlage (2) mit einer zugeordneten ersten Abgasreinigungsvorrichtung (3) und einer zugeordneten zweiten Abgasreinigungsvorrichtung (14) umfasst, soll eine Lösung geschaffen werden, mit der ein Carbon Capture and Utilisation-Verfahren effektiv und effizient durchführbar ist. Dies wird dadurch erreicht, dass die industrielle Produktionsanlage (1) weiterhin eine das Abgas in einen kohlenstoffhaltigen, zumindest im Wesentlichen H2-freien (6) und einen kohlenstofffreien, H2-reichen (7) Teilgasstrom aufteilende Gasaufbereitungsanlage (4) umfasst; eine Einrichtung (19) zur Erzeugung eines CO2-reichen Gasstroms umfasst, der zumindest ein Teil eines in einer Feuerungseinrichtung (11) entstehenden CO2-haltigen Abgasstroms (17) nach Durchströmen der zweiten Abgasreinigungsvorrichtung (14) zuführbar ist; und eine Wasserstoff (H2) und Sauerstoff ...

08-07-1999 дата публикации

Mixed organic waste disposal by conversion to solid and gaseous fuels

Номер: DE0019809400C1

Organic materials in the waste are separated from inorganics and metals (13, 14), before de-watering (3) and pelletization (6). Water released is fermented in reactors (4). Biogas produced is consumed in a power station (10), or is sent to a pressure reactor (5), for reforming with the pellets. An Independent claim is included for the corresponding plant.

26-10-1972 дата публикации

Methanol synthesis with improved reboiler heating

Номер: DE0002117060A1

In a catalytic MeOH synthesis where a fluid hydrocarbon is steam reformed to give a high temp. synthesis gas stream (g.s.), this g.s. is cooled in a steam boiler to an intermediate temp. by a first heat exchange (h.e.) with water, and then cooled further to condense the water. The resulting g.s. is compressed and combined with a recycle g.s. to form a synthesis feed g.s. This is heated by a third h.e., passed to a catalytic MeOH-synthesis at elevated temp., and press. cooled by the third h.e. and further cooled by a fourth h.e. to condense the MeOH. The crude MeOH is separated at elevated press. The residual gas is divided into a purge g.s. and the recycle g.s. The MeOH is distilled under reduced press. in distillation columns fitted with lower reboilers. These reboilers are heated by cooling the intermediate temp. g.s. by passing through at least one, passing a liquid through the fourth h.e. which is heated and passed through a second reboiler, and recycling the cooled liquid.

01-07-1971 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Methanol-Synthesegas

Номер: DE0001667631A1

22-12-2005 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Kohlenmonoxid und Methanol

Номер: DE0010214003B4
Принадлежит: LURGI AG

02-02-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001262479A

... 1,262,479. Methanol. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. 3 Dec., 1969 [30 Dec., 1968], No. 61663/68. Heading C2C. In a methanol synthesis process fed with a synthesis gas derived from steam reforming a gaseous hydrocarbon feedstock and containing more than the stoichiometric ratio of H to carbon oxides, the gas is incompletely reacted to methanol which is removed from the gas and unreacted gas is treated to remove CO and/or CO 2 which is/are recycled to the methanol synthesis. All the unreacted gas may be treated to remove carbon oxides or only a part thereof, in which case the remainder is recycled to the synthesis. Cuprammonium solutions may be used to remove both CO and CO 2 or alkali carbonate or amine solutions to remove CO only. A steam shift reaction may be applied to convert CO to CO 2 either in the unreacted or the fresh synthesis gas. Where the feed contains only a small excess of hydrogen, part of the residue gas after removal of carbon oxides may be recycled to the synthesis step ...

31-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008410384D0

29-07-1998 дата публикации

Raw synthesis gas

Номер: GB0002299341B

26-04-2000 дата публикации

Disposal of Associated Gases from Offshore Oilfields

Номер: GB0002342919A

A system for the disposal of small amounts of associated gas from an offshore oil field, comprises the elements of a floating vessel (10), means (12) on that vessel to separate small amounts of gas from oil, means (20) on the vessel to convert the separated gas to methanol, segregated storage space (22) on the vessel to contain the methanol, and provision (19,25) to transfer the methanol intermittently to a products tanker (23) or to segregated tanks in an offtake tanker (not shown), for removal from the oil field and subsequent disposal; in which the means to convert the separated gas to methanol includes a compact reformer capable of operation at high temperature and pressure to convert gas and steam to carbon monoxide and hydrogen (synthesis gas), and means to synthesise methanol from the carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

06-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008410823D0

02-01-2008 дата публикации

Methanol synthesis

Номер: GB0002439707A

A process for synthesising methanol is described comprising the steps of; (i) reforming a hydrocarbon feedstock and separating water from the resulting reformed gas mixture to generate a make-up gas comprising hydrogen and carbon oxides, said make-up gas mixture having a stoichiometric number, R, defined by the formula; R = ([H2] - [CO2]) / ([CO2] + [CO]) of less than 2.0, (ii) combining said make up gas with an unreacted synthesis gas to form a synthesis gas mixture, (iii) passing the synthesis gas mixture at elevated temperature and pressure through a bed of methanol synthesis catalyst to generate a product stream comprising methanol and unreacted synthesis gas, (iv) cooling said product stream to recover a crude methanol stream from said unreacted synthesis gas, (v) removing a portion of said unreacted synthesis gas as a purge gas, and (vi) feeding the remaining unreacted synthesis gas to step (ii), characterized in that hydrogen is recovered from at least a portion of said purge gas ...

14-10-1981 дата публикации

Purification of Gas for the Production of Methanol by Synthesis

Номер: GB0002073234A
Автор: Schafer, Hugo

A crude gas mainly consisting of hydrogen and carbon monoxide derived from the gasification of coal or crude oil fractions is cooled under 0 DEG C, methanol is injected to remove water and other condensable components, further cooled and scrubbed by m-Xylene at a pressure between 25 ata and 100 ata at a temperature between {5 DEG C and {35 DEG C so that all sulphur compounds are removed. A minor part of the sulphur-free gas is treated in a CO- conversion plant to produce H2 and CO2, and then scrubbed with methanol to reduce the CO2 content to ca. 2%. The resulting converted and methanol-scrubbed gas is then mixed with the main gas stream, to form the synthesis gas having a ratio H2:CO=2:1 and a CO2 content of about 5%. ...

11-11-1981 дата публикации

Integrated gasification-methanol synthesis-combined cycle plant

Номер: GB0002075124A

The plant has a steam turbine 16 thermally linked via waste heat boiler 38 to a gas turbine 14 supplied with fuel gas from a coal gasification unit 24 and includes methanol synthesis means 52 to produce methanol and to enable the coal gasification unit 24 to operate at a constant load and/or at full load capacity. The methanol enables a fast start up for the turbines as well as providing a dual fuel or burning simultaneously in a gas turbine so as to follow load changes. ...

22-10-2014 дата публикации

Method for treatment of an exhaust gas from an engine and exhaust gas system

Номер: GB0002513223A

A method for treatment of an exhaust gas from an engine (12) in which carbon dioxide from the exhaust gas is utilised to produce a fuel (80), preferably methanol, suitable as a fuel for the engine (12). Carbon dioxide is separated from the exhaust gas into a first gas stream (22) which has a higher carbon dioxide content than a second gas stream (28). The first gas stream (22) is fed into a reactor (24) in which the fuel (80) is produced. Carbon dioxide may be separated from the exhaust gas using an amine-containing solution. In the embodiment shown exhaust gas flows from the engine 12 through the manifold 14 to oxidation catalyst 16. The oxidised exhaust gas then passes to carbon dioxide separator 18. Carbon dioxide removed from the other exhaust gases is supplied as gas stream 22 to reactor 24 where it is reacted with hydrogen from tank 32. The methanol thus produced is collected in tank 58 from where it may be added to the engine 12 via supply line 78 and common rail 76 to supplement ...

21-06-2017 дата публикации

Integrated system and method for producing methanol product

Номер: GB0002545474A

Integrated system (100, Fig. 1) for producing methanol comprising: a gas feed for supplying a methane rich feed gas; and apparatus for converting the methane rich feed gas to methanol. The apparatus comprises an autothermal reformer 206 configured to partially oxidise the methane rich feed gas to maintain the autothermal reformer at a working temperature. The autothermal reformer further comprises electrical heating to maintain the working temperature. Preferably, the electrical energy for the electrical heating is derived from a renewable energy source. The system may comprise an organic waste material digestor (110, Fig. 1) for providing biogas as the methane rich feed gas. The methane rich feed gas may also be natural gas. The system may comprise gas purifying and separating apparatus 204 for removing sulphur components and for separating carbon dioxide. The system may comprise electrolysis apparatus 208 for electrolysing water to provide oxygen and hydrogen feed gases. The system may ...

08-05-2019 дата публикации

Methanol synthesis process

Номер: GB0002568128A

A method is described for revamping a methanol synthesis process operating in a synthesis loop, comprising the steps of (i) installing a methanol synthesis reactor containing a methanol synthesis catalyst outside of the synthesis loop, (ii) recovering a purge gas stream from the synthesis loop, (iii) passing the at least a portion of the purge gas stream through the installed methanol synthesis reactor to form a product gas stream containing methanol, and (iv) recovering methanol from the product gas stream to form a methanol-depleted gas mixture, wherein a hydrogen stream is recovered from the methanol-depleted gas mixture and fed, along with a carbon dioxide stream, to the synthesis loop. Preferably the hydrogen recovery is carried out using a pressure-swing absorption unit or a membrane unit. In an embodiment, the two methanol product streams are combined and purified, preferably by distillation. A process for synthesizing methanol using the modified set-up is also disclosed.

15-12-1982 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of synthesis gas

Номер: GB2099846A

A two-stage process for the preparation of synthesis gas is provided wherein methane or a methane-rich gas mixture is first cracked at a pressure of 35 to 55 bar and a temperature of 650 to 800 DEG C to a CH4 content of 13 to 20% and then cracked at a temperature of 900 to 1200 DEG C with oxygen. Synthesis gas is produced which is especially suitable for use in methanol synthesis and which requires no modification of a methanol synthesis plant.

18-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008519928D0

22-07-1970 дата публикации

Process for the synthesis of methanol

Номер: GB0001199263A

... 1,199,263. Methanol. CHEMICAL CONSTRUCTION CORP. 22 Jan., 1969 [31 Jan., 1968], No. 3693/69. Heading C2C. [Also in Division C5] Methanol is produced by a process in which a gas stream from catalytic methanol synthesis is cooled at elevated pressure to condense crude methanol which is separated from residual gas, which residual gas is divided into high-pressure purge gas and a recycle gas to the synthesis, the purge gas is expanded to intermediate pressure through an aspirator, the crude methanol is distilled under reduced pressure to form a methanol stream and a low-pressure overhead stream of volatile, combustible compounds and this lowpressure stream is inducted by the aspirator to form with the purge gas a fuel gas of intermediate pressure. A gas phase may be evolved by reducing the pressure of the crude methanol to intermediate pressure and said gas phase may be added to the fuel gas at intermediate pressure. The crude methanol may be initially distilled at reduced pressure by water ...

03-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201522403D0

12-12-1979 дата публикации

Synthesis gas

Номер: GB2022074A
Автор: Pinto, Alwyn

Methanol is produced from a carbon monoxide stream by reacting carbon monoxide with steam in a catalytic shift reaction, removing any excess steam and at least part of the carbon dioxide from the shifted gas, reacting the resulting gas over a copper-containing methanol synthesis catalyst at under 300 DEG C, heat exchanging reacted synthesis gas with water under pressure and bringing the resulting hot water into direct heat exchange with the carbon monoxide stream to provide steam for the shift reaction. In a preferred process the carbon monoxide stream is freed of non-refractory sulphur compounds before the shift stage and the refractory sulphur compounds are converted in the shift stage to H2S, which is removed with the carbon dioxide.

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508922A0

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008922A0

29-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003610A

30-06-2014 дата публикации

Co-production of methanol and urea

Номер: AP2014007727A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Conversion of carbon containing feedstock.

Номер: AP2012006283A0

10-07-2006 дата публикации

Autothermal reforming process for integrated production of acetic acid and methanol.

Номер: OA0000012816A

15-09-2006 дата публикации

Integrated process for making acetic acid and methanol.

Номер: OA0000012861A

31-05-1981 дата публикации

Process of production of gas of synthesis.

Номер: OA0000005906A

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Conversion of carbon containing feedstock.

Номер: AP0201206283A0

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508922D0

30-06-2014 дата публикации

Co-production of methanol and urea

Номер: AP0201407727D0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Conversion of carbon containing feedstock.

Номер: AP0201206283D0

30-06-2014 дата публикации

Co-production of methanol and urea

Номер: AP0201407727A0

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000396160T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000327213T

15-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA966773A

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000492511T

15-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: ATA179881A

15-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007042T

15-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000025841T

15-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000966773A

26-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349071B

15-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000156778T

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000259340T

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of methanol

Номер: AU2019337955A1

Process for the preparation of a methanol product comprising the steps of a) providing a first process stream consisting essentially of carbon dioxide; b) providing a second process stream consisting of hydrogen by electrolyzing water in an electrolysis unit; c) mixing the first and second process in amount to obtain a methanol synthesis gas with a mole ratio of H2 and CO2 of between 2.5 and 3.5; d) catalytic converting the methanol synthesis gas into raw methanol in at least one methanol reactor; e) purifying the raw methanol in a distillation unit; and recovering waste heat generated in the electrolysis unit in step (b) by transferring the waste heat to a circulating heat transfer medium by indirect heat exchange with the waste heat and by indirect heat exchange of the heated heat transfer medium with steam used for the distillation of the raw methanol, wherein the heated transfer medium is compressed upstream the indirect heat exchange with steam.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Process for the production of urea formaldehyde concentrate

Номер: AU2020244047A1

Parallel co-production process for the production of methanol and urea product from a hydrocarbon containing feed-stock by means of primary and secondary reforming, intermediary methanol and ammonia formation and conversion of the ammonia to urea product and catalytic oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde.

11-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000562541B2

21-12-2007 дата публикации

Improvements in the utilisation of methane

Номер: AU2007260574A1

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for Producing Ethanol

Номер: US20120071697A1
Автор: Masaru Ichikawa

A method for producing ethanol by which ethanol can be synthesized from less fermentable biomass materials such as plant-derived materials and rice straws and industrial waste biomass materials such as wooden building materials and pulp and which can therefore broaden the range of raw materials for the production of ethanol. Specifically, a method for producing ethanol including reacting a raw material gas obtained by a thermochemical gasification reaction of biomass in the presence of a catalyst containing rhodium, at least one transition metal, and at least one element selected from lithium, magnesium and zinc.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245136A1
Автор: Carey Jeffrey M.

A solution is provided for COand other green houses gas reduction at the Coal Fired Power Plants (CFPP). The methods and devices disclosed herein provide an inexpensive source of hydrogen and a hydrogen generating system powered by on-site excess heat generated at the CFPP without producing additional COemission. 1. A system for producing hydrocarbon compounds comprising:a. a hydrogen producing unit;b. a furnace producing heat and carbon dioxide; andc. a hydrocarbon converter, wherein the hydrocarbon converter receives the carbon dioxide from the furnace and receives hydrogen from the hydrogen producing unit.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the furnace comprises a coal fired power plant.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the furnace comprises a coal-combustor.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a CO-to-methanol converter.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon converter comprises a methanol-to-gasoline converter.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the hydrocarbon converter receives hydrogen from the hydrogen producing unit.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon converter comprises a Fischer-Tropsch processing unit.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon converter comprises a paraffin producing unit.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon converter comprises a naphtha claim 1 , kerosene claim 1 , or diesel producing unit.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the furnace receives oxygen from the hydrogen producing unit.11. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen producing unit generates hydrogen.12. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heat generates heated water to be supplied to the hydrogen producing unit.13. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen producing unit comprises an aluminum compound based catalytic system.14. The system of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum compound based catalytic system comprises aluminium compound claim 1 , copper compound claim 1 , and silver compound.15. The system of claim ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Reducing CO2 in a Stream by Conversion to a Syngas for Production of Energy

Номер: US20130331469A1
Автор: Young Gary C.
Принадлежит: GYCO, INC.

A system and method for producing Syngas from the COin a gaseous stream, such as an exhaust stream, from a power plant or industrial plant, like a cement kiln, is disclosed. A preferred embodiment includes providing the gaseous stream to pyrolysis reactor along with a carbon source such as coke. The COand carbon are heated to about 1330° C. and at about one atmosphere with reactants such as steam such that a reaction takes place that produces Syngas, carbon dioxide (CO) and hydrogen (H). The Syngas is then cleaned and provided to a Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reactor to produce Ethanol or Bio-catalytic synthesis reactor. 1. A process for producing syngas that reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in a gaseous stream , the process comprising:providing a reaction chamber, said reaction chamber selected to be one of a pyrolysis reactor, a conventional gasifier or a plasma arc gasifier;providing a carbonaceous material in said reaction chamber;{'sub': '2', 'providing HO to said reaction chamber;'}{'sub': '2', 'introducing a gaseous stream containing carbon dioxide (CO) into said reaction chamber;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'maintaining said reaction chamber at a temperature of between 400° C. and 5000° C. and at a pressure of about one bar or greater to react materials in said reaction chamber, the reacting materials consisting essentially of said carbonaceous material, said HO and said carbon dioxide (CO) in said gaseous stream to form syngas comprising carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H), wherein an amount of COin said syngas is at least 53% less than an amount of COthat was provided in said gaseous stream; and'}discharging said formed syngas.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said HO provided as a reactant into said reaction chamber is steam.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the reaction chamber is maintained at a temperature of between 400° C. and 2000° C.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein said reaction chamber is maintained at a temperature of about 1330° C ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Pretreatment of biomass using steam explosion methods

Номер: US20130341569A1
Принадлежит: Sundrop Fuels Inc

An integrated plant that includes a steam explosion process unit and biomass gasifier to generate syngas from biomass. A steam explosion process unit applies a combination of heat, pressure, and moisture to the biomass to make the biomass into a moist fine particle form. The steam explosion process unit applies steam with a high pressure to heat and pressurize any gases and fluids present inside the biomass to internally blow apart the bulk structure of the biomass via a rapid depressurization of the biomass with the increased moisture content. Those produced moist fine particles of biomass are subsequently fed to a feed section of the biomass gasifier, which reacts the biomass particles in a rapid biomass gasification reaction to produce syngas components.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345325A1
Принадлежит: AREVA

A method for producing methanol or hydrocarbons is provided. The production method comprises producing a synthesis gas from carbonaceous material, according to a method comprising at least one reforming step, the synthesis gas having a first hydrogen/carbon monoxide molar ratio under the first operating conditions for the reforming operation; producing a stream of hydrogen from a hydrogenated raw material and from a first consumed electric power, the hydrogen stream having a first molar flow rate for said first consumed electric power; and lowering the consumed electric power for producing the hydrogen stream, down to a second electric power below the first electric power and transitioning to second operating conditions different from the first for the reforming operation in order to compensate for the lowering of the molar flow rate of the hydrogen flow, the synthesis gas having a second hydrogen/carbon monoxide molar ratio greater than the first under the second operating conditions. 110-. (canceled)11: A method for producing at least one of methanol and hydrocarbons from at least one carbonaceous material , the method comprising:producing a stream of synthesis gas from the carbonaceous material, according to a process comprising at least one operation for reforming an intermediate gas stream from the carbonaceous material, the stream of synthesis gas comprising at least hydrogen and carbon monoxide, the synthesis gas having a first hydrogen/carbon monoxide molar ratio under first operating conditions for performing the reforming;producing a hydrogen stream from a hydrogenated raw material and from a first consumed electric power, the hydrogen stream having a first molar flow rate for the first consumed electric power;producing at least one of methanol and hydrocarbons from the synthesis gas and from the hydrogen stream; anddecreasing the consumed electric power for producing the hydrogen stream, down to a second consumed electric power below the first electric ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Catalytic process for converting carbon dioxide to a liquid fuel or platform chemical

Номер: US20140000157A1
Принадлежит: Antecy BV

A process for converting carbon dioxide to liquid fuels for a liquid fuel composition and/or a platform chemical composition. In this conversion process carbon dioxide is adsorbed to a catalyst composition, and reacted with hydrogen to form oxygenated hydrocarbons. Hydrogen for use in the process can be generated in situ or ex situ. The process can be carried out in a fully carbon neutral manner.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140024726A1
Автор: Meyer-Pittroff Roland
Принадлежит: SILCON FIRE AG

A plant for the generation of methanol and for providing output power, preferably in the form of heat and/or electric energy. The plant comprises: (1) a water electrolysis facility which can be supplied by electric energy and water and which is designed in order to produce hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. The water electrolysis facility comprises a hydrogen gas outlet and an oxygen gas outlet; (2) a thermal engine with at least one combustion chamber designed for maintaining an oxygen-based combustion process in order to provide output power. The plant further comprises: (1) a gas connection for feeding the oxygen gas from the oxygen gas outlet to the input side of the combustion chamber; (2) a gas connection for feeding a combustion gas composition (CGC) comprising a hydrocarbon gas and carbon dioxide to the input side of the combustion chamber; (3) a gas mixer for providing a gas mixture: and (4) a catalytic reactor for carrying out a catalytic process which processes said gas mixture in order to provide said methanol. 1. Method for the generation of methanol and for providing output power comprising the process steps:carrying out a water electrolysis process producing oxygen gas and hydrogen gas,providing a combustion gas composition (CGC) comprising at least 40 vol.-% hydrocarbon gas and at least 25 vol.-% carbon dioxide,at an input side of a combustion chamber, feeding said combustion gas composition (CGC) and said oxygen gas into the combustion chamber,maintaining an oxygen-based combustion process for the combustion of the combustion gas composition (CGC) in said combustion chamber in order to provide output power, said combustion process releasing a flue gas at an output side which contains more than 65 vol.-% carbon dioxide,combining said carbon dioxide and said hydrogen gas to form a gas mixture,feeding said gas mixture into a catalytic reactor,in said catalytic reactor carrying out a catalytic process—which processes said gas mixture in order to provide ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140080928A1
Принадлежит: SUNDROP FUELS, INC.

An integrated plant is provided to improve carbon utilization of carbon molecules from gasified woody biomass to be converted into methanol. Detectors ensure a minimized sulfur content of less than 0.05% by dry weight of the woody biomass. A biomass gasifier reacts woody biomass in a rapid gasification reaction to produce a syngas composition having a ratio of hydrogen to carbon dioxide that is higher than needed for methanol synthesis. Parallel to the gasifier, a hydrocarbon reforming reactor provides a syngas composition having a ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide that is higher than needed for methanol synthesis. The combined syngas mixture from the biomass gasifier and the hydrocarbon reforming reactor comprises feed to a methanol synthesis plant, such that a majority of the carbon dioxide produced by the biomass gasification reaction and the hydrogen produced by the hydrocarbon reforming reactor are synthesized into methanol. 1. An integrated plant to improve carbon utilization of carbon molecules from gasified woody biomass to be converted into methanol , comprising:a biomass gasifier comprising a radiant high heat-flux reactor configured to react woody biomass received from a biomass feed system in moist fine particle form at a temperature of at least 950 degrees C., where the biomass gasifier has a steam supply input and one or more heat sources, and in the presence of the steam the woody biomass in moist fine particle form is reacted in the radiant high heat-flux reactor in a rapid biomass gasification reaction to produce at least syngas components, including hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and carbon monoxide (CO);a hydrocarbon reforming reactor configured to receive a methane-based gas, where the hydrocarbon reforming reactor is in parallel to and cooperates with the radiant high heat-flux reactor to produce a high quality combined syngas mixture for methanol synthesis between the resultant reactant products coming from the two reactors, wherein ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140100391A1

A method for producing methanol from a methane source such as methane from natural (shale) gas by first reacting one equivalent of methane with oxygen from the air to result in complete combustion to produce carbon dioxide and water in a molar ratio of 1:2; then conducting a bi-reforming process with a mixture of methane: carbon dioxide:water having a ratio of 3:1:2 to produce metgas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide having a molar ratio of 2:1 to 2.1:1; and finally converting metgas exclusively to methanol. The thus produced methanol can be dehydrated to form dimethyl ether, with water produced being recycled back to the bi-reforming process, if necessary. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methane source needed for providing the methane for combining with the carbon dioxide and water is obtained from a natural (shale) gas thus utilizing only the natural (shale) gas and the oxygen from the atmosphere as the sole reactants for combustion and carrying out the method.3. The method of claim 2 , which further comprises separating the methane from other accompanying components of the natural (shale) gas such as excess CO claim 2 , HS and other impurities to provide the methane for combustion and separating the oxygen from the atmosphere (air) for use in the method.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the source of methane includes coal bed methane claim 1 , methane hydrates claim 1 , biogas derived methane or any other source of methane.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat of combustion of one equivalent of methane with the oxygen of the atmosphere (air) provides all of the energy needed for conducting the bi-reforming reactions.6. The method of claim 1 , which further comprises providing additional process energy if needed for the bi-reforming reaction from one or more alternative or green energy sources.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein combustion performed in power plants burning coal or oil wherein heat and the mixture of carbon dioxide and water ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002568A1
Автор: DELMAS Michel

A low energy production method for producing pure and highly concentrated carbon dioxide from a renewable lignocellulosic biomass feedstock comprising the steps of i) extracting lignins and hemicelluloses by putting a solid lignocellulosic raw material in the presence of a mixture of at least water and formic acid, at atmospheric pressure under conditions of temperature between 80° C. and 110° C., ii) fractionating, the primary solid fraction and the primary liquid fraction obtained at the end of the extraction step i), iii) separating the lignins from the intermediate liquid fraction, iv) producing a synthetic gas by feeding a gasification equipment with at least part of said primary solid fraction and/or at least part of said residual liquid fraction, and v) producing carbon dioxide and water by introducing dioxygen, or dioxygen enriched air, or air in said gasification equipment. 1. A low energy production method for producing carbon dioxide from a renewable lignocellulosic biomass feedstock comprising the following steps:i) extracting lignins and hemicelluloses by putting at least one solid lignocellulosic raw material in a presence of a mixture, composed of at least water and formic acid, at atmospheric pressure under controlled conditions of temperature between 80° C. and 110° C., with a dilution ratio of said at least one solid lignocellulosic raw material/liquid mixture comprised between 1 and 15, and for a determined period of time, depending on a nature of the at least one lignocellulosic raw material;ii) fractionating, at atmospheric pressure, a primary solid fraction and a primary liquid fraction obtained at an end of the preceding extracting step i);iii) separating the lignins from an intermediate liquid fraction, and obtaining a residual liquid fraction;iv) producing a synthetic gas by feeding a gasification equipment with at least one of at least part of said primary solid fraction or at least part of said residual liquid fraction;v) producing carbon ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005399A1

A method for producing synthetic gas with which a virtually soot-free synthetic gas having a good composition can be efficiently obtained by a simple device using a liquid biofuel as the starting material, and it is thereby possible to produce a high-quality liquid fuel such as methanol, gasoline or kerosene. Steam and a liquid biofuel produced by pyrolysis of a biomass are fed to the gasification space inside a reactor tube that is not loaded with a catalyst inside the reactor tube and heated to 800 to 1,200° C. from the outside via the reactor tube walls to induce an endothermic reaction and thereby a steam reforming chemical reaction between the steam and the liquid biofuel. By setting the molar ratio of the fed steam and carbon in the liquid biofuel ([HO]/[C]) at 0.3 or higher, a synthetic gas having a good composition that is virtually free of tar and soot and is primarily Hand CO is obtained. 1. A production method for a synthesis gas , comprising:supplying a steam and a liquid biofuel generated through pyrolysis of biomass to a gasification space in a reaction tube; andheating the gasification space from outside through a tube wall of the reaction tube to cause a steam reforming reaction to occur.2. A production method for a synthesis gas according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid biofuel is obtained by separating a liquid part from a product generated through pyrolysis of a solid biomass.3. A production method according to claim 1 , wherein the gasification space is free from a catalyst.4. A production method according to claim 1 , wherein a molar ratio of the steam supplied to the gasification space to a carbon in the liquid biofuel is 0.3 or more.5. A production method according to claim 1 , wherein the gasification space is heated to from 800° C. to 1 claim 1 ,200° C.6. A production method according to claim 1 , wherein a pressure in the gasification space is from 0.1 to 10 MPa.7. A production method according to claim 1 , wherein:the liquid biofuel has a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005557A1
Автор: Iijima Masaki

A system or method for producing gasoline from natural gas via methanol can effectively use the heat of reaction generated during the synthesis of gasoline and is capable of readily cooling the gasoline synthesis column in the production of gasoline from natural gas via methanol. A steam reformer steam-reforms natural gas to generate reformed gas, methanol is synthesized by a methanol synthesis column from the reformed gas, and in synthesizing gasoline from methanol by using a gasoline synthesis column combustion air to be supplied to the steam reformer is preheated with the heat of reaction generated in the gasoline synthesis column and then the preheated combustion air is supplied to the steam reformer 1. A system for producing gasoline from natural gas via methanol , comprising:a steam-reforming device for generating reformed gas by steam-reforming natural gas;a methanol synthesis device for synthesizing methanol from the reformed gas generated by the steam reforming device;a gasoline synthesis device for synthesizing gasoline from methanol synthesized by the methanol synthesis device; andan air preheating device for preheating combustion air to be supplied to the steam-reforming device by using the gasoline synthesis device.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the gasoline synthesis device comprises at least two gasoline synthesis columns; and a heat exchanger for carrying out heat exchange between gasoline synthesized by a first gasoline synthesis column of the at least two gasoline synthesis columns and methanol to be supplied to the first gasoline synthesis column claim 1 , wherein a second gasoline synthesis column of the at least two gasoline synthesis columns is cooled with gasoline cooled by the heat exchanger.3. A method for producing gasoline from natural gas via methanol claim 1 , comprising the steps of:steam-reforming natural gas to generate reformed gas;synthesizing methanol from the reformed gas generated in the steam-reforming step; ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010333A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Process for the co-production of methanol and ammonia from a hydrocarbon feed without venting to the atmosphere carbon dioxide captured from the methanol or ammonia synthesis gas and without using expensive air separation units and water gas shift. 1. Process for co-producing methanol and ammonia from a hydrocarbon feedstock , said process comprising the steps of: 'from a second methanol processes, comprising a second reforming step and a second methanol conversion step obtaining a second effluent comprising methanol and a second gas effluent comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and unconverted carbon oxides', 'a) from a first methanol process, comprising a first reforming step and first methanol conversion step obtaining a first effluent comprising methanol and a first gas effluent comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and unconverted carbon oxides, and'}{'sub': '2', 'b) producing an ammonia synthesis gas from the first and/or second gas effluent in a common catalytic methanation stage and withdrawing said ammonia synthesis gas preferably having a H:N2 molar ratio of 3:1;'}c) catalytically converting the nitrogen and hydrogen of the ammonia synthesis gas in a common ammonia synthesis stage and withdrawing an effluent comprising ammonia and a purge-gas stream comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and/or methane.2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein in each of the first and second methanol processes claim 1 , the following steps are carried out:1) producing a methanol synthesis gas containing hydrogen, carbon oxides and nitrogen by steam reforming the hydrocarbon feedstock in a reforming section comprising a primary and a secondary reforming stage;2) catalytically converting the carbon oxides and hydrogen of the methanol synthesis gas in a once-through methanol synthesis stage and withdrawing an effluent comprising methanol and a gas effluent comprising nitrogen, hydrogen and unconverted carbon oxides.3. Process according to claim 2 , wherein the secondary reforming stage is an air- ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Production Of Acrylic Acid and Ethanol From Carbonaceous Materials

Номер: US20160023981A1

A process for producing acrylic acid from carbonaceous materials such as biomass. The carbonaceous material, such as biomass, is gasified to produce synthesis gas. The synthesis gas then is subjected to a plurality of reactions to produce acrylic acid. 13-. (canceled)4. A process for producing acrylic acid and ethanol from biomass comprising:(a) contacting said biomass with an oxidizing gas comprising oxygen and steam at a temperature of at least 550° C. and no greater than 800° C., thereby oxidizing said biomass;(b) treating at least a portion of said oxidized biomass produced in step (a) with an oxidizing gas comprising oxygen and steam to heat said oxidized biomass to a temperature which is at least 800° C. and does not exceed a maximum of 850° C.;(c) treating at least a portion of said oxidized biomass produced in step (b) with an oxidizing gas comprising oxygen and steam to heat said oxidized biomass to a temperature from about 800° C. to about 1500° C., thereby producing a crude synthesis gas;(d) purifying the crude synthesis gas to provide a purified synthesis gas;(e) reacting at least a portion of the carbon monoxide from said purified synthesis gas with hydrogen from said purified synthesis gas to provide methanol;(f) reacting said methanol in the presence of a dehydration catalyst to produce dimethyl ether;(g) reacting said dimethyl ether to provide a product comprising propylene and ethylene;(h) reacting said ethylene to produce ethanol; and(i) subjecting said propylene to one or more reaction steps to produce acrylic acid.5. The process of wherein claim 4 , in step (c) claim 4 , said biomass is heated to a temperature of from about 800° C. to about 1 claim 4 ,200° C.6. The process of wherein claim 5 , in step (c) claim 5 , said biomass is heated to a temperature of from about 900° C. to about 1 claim 5 ,100° C.7. The process of wherein claim 6 , in step (c) claim 6 , said biomass is heated to a temperature of from about 925° C. to about 1 claim 6 ,000° C ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024403A1

A method, apparatus, and system for a solar-driven chemical plant are disclosed. Some embodiments may include a solar thermal receiver to absorb concentrated solar energy from an array of heliostats and a solar-driven chemical reactor. This chemical reactor may have multiple reactor tubes, in which particles of biomass may be gasified in the presence of a carrier gas in a gasification reaction to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide products. High heat transfer rates of the walls and tubes may allow the particles of biomass to achieve a high enough temperature necessary for substantial tar destruction and complete gasification of greater than 90 percent of the biomass particles into reaction products including hydrogen and carbon monoxide gas in a very short residence time between a range of 0.01 and 5 seconds. 117-. (canceled)18. An apparatus , comprising:a thermal receiver having inner walls that form a cavity space inside the thermal receiver;a chemical reactor that has one or more reactor tubes located inside the cavity space of the thermal receiver, where in the one or more reactor tubes a chemical reaction driven by radiant heat is configured to occur, wherein the chemical reaction includes one or more of biomass gasification, steam methane reforming, methane cracking, steam methane cracking to produce ethylene, metals refining, and CO2 or H2O splitting to be conducted in this chemical reactor using the radiant heat;a source of inert particles that are inert to the chemical reaction that includes one or more of biomass gasification, steam methane reforming, methane cracking, steam methane cracking to produce ethylene, metals refining, and CO2 or H2O splitting to be conducted in this chemical reactor using the radiant heat, where the source of inert particles couples to the one or more feed lines to add the inert particles to the chemical reactor;one or more feed lines coupled to the chemical reactor to add the inert particles for radiation absorption and re- ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Gas recycle loops in process for converting municipal solid waste into ethanol

Номер: US20140107234A1
Принадлежит: Fulcrum Bioenergy Inc

Facilities and processes for generating ethanol from municipal solid waste (MSW) in an economical way via generating a syngas, passing the syngas through a catalytic synthesis reactor, separating fuel grade ethanol, extracting energy at particular strategic points, and recycling undesired byproducts.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041440A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Method for the preparation of synthesis gas combining electrolysis of carbon dioxide, autothermal reforming and 5 optionally tubular steam reforming of a hydrocarbon feed stock. 1. Method for the preparation of synthesis gas comprising the steps of(a) providing a hydrocarbon feed stock;(b) preparing a separate carbon monoxide containing stream and a separate oxygen containing stream by electrolysis of carbon dioxide;(c) optionally tubular steam reforming at least a part of the hydrocarbon feed stock from step (a) to a tubular steam reformed gas upstream step (c);(d) autothermal reforming in an autothermal reformer the hydrocarbon feed stock or the optionally tubular steam reformed gas with at least a part of the oxygen containing stream obtained by the electrolysis of carbon dioxide in step (b) to an autothermal reformed gas stream comprising hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide;(e) introducing at least part of the separate oxygen containing stream from step (b) into the autothermal reformer (f) introducing at least part of the separate carbon monoxide containing stream from step (b) into the autothermal reformed gas stream from step (d); and(g) withdrawing the synthesis gas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the H2/CO ratio is less than 2.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising the further step of heat exchange reforming at least a part of the hydrocarbon feed stock from step (a) to a heat exchange reformed gas using at least part of the autothermal reformed gas stream from step (d) in combination with the heat exchange reformed gas as heating source for the heat exchange reformer to provide a reformed gas.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising the further step of separating air into a separate stream containing oxygen and into a separate stream containing nitrogen and introducing at least a part of the separate stream containing oxygen into the autothermal reformer in step (d).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a part of the hydrocarbon feed stock from step ( ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024439A1

The present disclosure provides natural gas and petrochemical processing systems including oxidative coupling of methane reactor systems that integrate process inputs and outputs to cooperatively utilize different inputs and outputs of the various systems in the production of higher hydrocarbons from natural gas and other hydrocarbon feedstocks. 1. A system for producing propylene , comprising:{'sub': 4', '2', '4', '2', '2+, 'an oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) reactor that receives methane (CH) and oxygen (O) and reacts the CHand the Oto yield an OCM product stream comprising hydrocarbon compounds containing at least two carbon atoms (C compounds) including ethylene;'}a separations unit that receives the OCM product stream and yields an ethylene stream comprising ethylene from the OCM product stream;a dimerization reactor that receives a first portion of ethylene from the ethylene stream and reacts the ethylene in a dimerization reaction to yield a butene stream comprising butene compounds;{'sub': '4', 'a Cseparations unit that receives the butene stream and yields a butene-2 stream comprising butene-2 from the butene stream; and'}{'sub': '2+', 'a metathesis reactor that receives the butene-2 stream and a second portion of ethylene from the ethylene stream and reacts the butene-2 and the ethylene to yield a metathesis product stream comprising C compounds including propylene.'}2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a Cseparations unit that receives the metathesis product stream and separates the metathesis product stream to yield a Cstream comprising Ccompounds and a C stream comprising C compounds including propylene.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the separations unit receives the Cstream.4. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a Csplitter that receives the Cstream and separates the Cstream to yield an ethylene stream and an ethane stream.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising a hydrogenation unit that receives the Cstream prior to the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048854A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Parallel co-production process for the production of methanol and urea product from a hydrocarbon containing feed-stock by means of autothermal reforming, intermediary methanol and ammonia formation and conversion of the ammonia to urea product and catalytic oxidation of the methanol to formaldehyde. 1. Process for the production of urea formaldehyde concentrate from a hydrocarbon feedstock comprising steps of:(a) producing a synthesis gas containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide by partial combustion and steam reforming the hydrocarbon feedstock in an autothermal reforming stage;(b) splitting the synthesis gas from step into a first synthesis gas and a second synthesis gas;(c) subjecting the second synthesis gas from step (b) in series to a high temperature water gas shift and a medium temperature water gas shift conversion;(d) removing at least part of the carbon dioxide from the second synthesis gas from step (c) to obtain a carbon dioxide depleted second synthesis gas;(e) adding nitrogen into the carbon dioxide depleted second synthesis in an amount to obtain a molar ratio hydrogen to nitrogen of 2.8 to 3.2.(f) catalytically converting the nitrogen and hydrogen in the purified second synthesis gas from step (e) in an inert free ammonia synthesis stage and withdrawing an effluent containing ammonia; and(g) passing at least part of the ammonia containing effluent to a urea synthesis stage and converting the ammonia in the effluent to urea product by reaction with at least part of the carbon dioxide being removed from the synthesis gas in step (d),(h) catalytically converting the carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen of the first synthesis gas from step (c) in a once through methanol synthesis stage and withdrawing an effluent containing raw methanol and an effluent containing unconverted first synthesis gas;(i) recycling the effluent containing the unconverted first synthesis gas to the medium temperature shift conversion in step (c) and/or ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031664A1
Автор: Moreo Pietro, SASSI Fabio

A synthesis process comprising steam reforming a gaseous hydrocarbon feedstock (); exothermically reacting the resulting synthesis gas; removing heat from said exothermal reaction by producing steam (); using said steam as heat input to the steam reforming, wherein the steam reforming comprises: a) forming a mixture () containing steam and hydrocarbons by at least the step of adding a first stream of water () to the hydrocarbon feedstock (); b) heating said mixture () by indirect heat exchange with synthesis gas; c) reforming said mixture after said heating step b). 115-. (canceled)16. A synthesis process , comprising:steam reforming a gaseous hydrocarbon feedstock, thereby obtaining a synthesis gas;exothermically reacting said synthesis gas in the presence of a catalyst, thereby obtaining a synthesis product;removing heat from said exothermal reaction by producing steam, wherein at least part of said steam provides a heat input to the reforming of said hydrocarbon feedstock; a) forming a mixture containing steam and hydrocarbons by at least a step of adding a first stream of water to the hydrocarbon feedstock in a saturating tower, said stream of water being pre-heated by indirect heat exchange, prior to admission into said tower, with at least a portion of the steam produced by removing heat from the exothermal synthesis reaction;', 'b) heating said mixture by indirect heat exchange with at least part of said synthesis gas; and', 'c) reforming said mixture after said heating step b)., 'wherein the steam reforming of the hydrocarbon feedstock includes17. The synthesis process of claim 16 , wherein the formation of said mixture further includes mixing an effluent of said tower with a second stream of water claim 16 , and said second stream is pre-heated by indirect heat exchange with said synthesis gas.18. The synthesis process of claim 17 , wherein a stream of synthesis gas transfers heat to said mixture during the heating step b) claim 17 , and the synthesis gas ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038599A1
Автор: KRESNYAK Steve

The present invention is directed to modifications of bitumen and heavy oil upgrading and refining processes to synthesize synthetic crude oil and other valuable synthesized hydrocarbon products in an efficient manner along with the production of commercially valuable co-products from by-products formed by the upgrading process. 1. A process for co-producing commercially valuable products from by-products of a process for upgrading or refining heavy oil or bitumen to formulate synthesized hydrocarbons , comprising:(a) forming a non-distilled bottom fraction from a source of heavy oil or bitumen feedstock(b) feeding said bottom fraction to a syngas generating circuit for formulating a hydrogen lean syngas stream via a non-catalytic partial oxidation reaction;(c) providing a first hydrogen rich syngas stream from a syngas generator;(d) subjecting a portion of said first hydrogen rich syngas stream to a hydrogen separator unit to provide a purified hydrogen by-product stream and a second hydrogen rich syngas stream;(e) subjecting at least a portion of said hydrogen lean syngas stream, said first hydrogen rich syngas stream, said second hydrogen rich syngas stream or a combination thereof, to a carbon dioxide removal operation to obtain a purified hydrogen rich syngas stream and a carbon dioxide by-product stream;(e) reacting said purified hydrogen rich syngas stream in a Fischer-Tropsch reactor to formulate synthesized hydrocarbons; and(f) converting said purified hydrogen by-product stream and/or said carbon dioxide by-product stream into said commercially valuable co-products.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said valuable co-products are selected from the group consisting of methanol claim 1 , ammonia claim 1 , urea or any combination thereof.3. The process as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said hydrogen rich syngas generator is selected from the group consisting of a steam methane reformer (SMR) claim 1 , autothermal reformer (ATR) claim 1 , any series ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039724A1
Автор: Naterer Greg, Wang Zhaolin

Systems, methods, and devices for producing hydrogen and capturing CO2 from emissions combine both H2 production and CO2 capture processes in forms of thermochemical cycles to produce useful products from captured CO2. The thermochemical cycles are copper-chlorine (Cu—Cl) and magnesium-chlorine-sodium/potassium cycles (Mg—CI—Na/K—CO2). One system comprises a Cu—Cl cycle, a CO2 capture loop, and a hydrogenation cycle. Another system comprises an Mg—CI—Na/K—CO2 cycle and a hydrogenation cycle. Devices for hydrogen production, CO2 capture, hydrogenation, and process and equipment integration include a two-stage fluidized/packed bed, hybrid two-stage spray-fluidized/packed bed reactor, a two-stage wet-mode absorber, a hybrid two-stage absorber, and a catalyst packed/fluidized bed reactor. 1. A system for hydrogen production , CO2 capture and production of carbon based compounds , the system comprising:a copper-chlorine (Cu—Cl) cycle;a CO2 capture loop; anda hydrogenation cycle,wherein the Cu—Cl cycle, the CO2 capture loop and the hydrogenation cycle are integratedan electolyzer for receiving CuCl (s);a spray dryer for receiving CuCl2 (aq) from the electrolyzer;a hydrolysis reactor for receiving CuCl2 (s) from the spray dryer;a copper oxychloride decomposition reactor for receiving CuO and CuCl (s) from the hydrolysis reactor; anda CO2 capture apparatus wherein CO2 is captured from the mixture of CO2, N2, and H2O,wherein the spray dryer provides hydrated slurry of CuCl2 to the CO2 capture device and returns clear CuCl2 solution to the electrolyzer, the CO2 capture device providing anhydrous CuCl2 to the hydrolysis reactor.2. (canceled)3. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the CO2 capture device provides water vapour and N2 to a unit for separating the water vapour and the N2 and for providing water input to the Cu—Cl cycle.4. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the CO2 capture apparatus is selected from the group consisting of a dry-mode absorber claim 1 , a wet ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038644A1

A method for the liquefaction of an industrial gas by integration of a methanol plant and an air separation unit (ASU) is provided. The method can include the steps of: (a) providing a pressurized natural gas stream, a pressurized purge gas stream composed predominately of hydrogen and originating from a methanol plant, and a pressurized air gas stream comprising an air gas from the ASU; (b) expanding three different pressurized gases to produce three cooled streams, wherein the three different pressurized gases consist of the pressurized natural gas stream, the pressurized purge gas stream, and the pressurized air gas stream; and (c) liquefying the industrial gas in a liquefaction unit against the three cooled streams to produce a liquefied industrial gas stream, wherein the industrial gas to be liquefied is selected from the group consisting of a first portion of the pressurized natural gas stream, a nitrogen gas stream, hydrogen and combinations thereof 1. A method for the liquefaction of an industrial gas selected from the group consisting of natural gas , nitrogen , hydrogen , and combinations thereof , the method comprising the steps of:a) withdrawing a pressurized natural gas stream from a natural gas pipeline;b) removing carbon dioxide and water from the pressurized natural gas stream;c) expanding the pressurized natural gas stream to form an expanded natural gas stream and warming the expanded natural gas stream in a first portion of a heat exchanger against the industrial gas to form a warmed natural gas stream;d) sending the warmed natural gas stream to a methanol production facility under conditions effective for producing a methanol stream, a purified hydrogen stream, and a purge gas rich in hydrogen;e) expanding the purge gas rich in hydrogen to form an expanded purge gas and warming the expanded purge gas in a second portion of the heat exchanger against the industrial gas to form a warmed purge gas stream;f) sending the warmed purge gas stream to the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056357A1

Provided is a process capable of converting the cokes on spent catalysts in a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process into synthesis gas. The produced synthesis gas contains high concentrations of CO and Hand may be utilized in many downstream applications such as syngas fermentation for alcohol production, hydrogen production and synthesis of chemical intermediates. A reducer/regenerator reactor for a fluid catalytic process comprising a chemical looping system to produce synthesis gas is also described. 1. A method for producing synthesis gas from catalyst coke generated from a fluid catalytic cracking process bya) providing a chemical looping system comprising a reducer/regenerator reactor, an oxidizer reactor and a combustor reactor;b) feeding catalyst coke particles and metal oxide particles into the reducer/regenerator reactor of the chemical looping system to produce a plurality of streams comprising a regenerated catalyst stream, a synthesis gas stream and a reduced metal oxide particle stream;c) feeding the stream of reduced metal oxide particles and a stream of water vapor into the oxidizer reactor of the chemical looping system to produce a plurality of streams comprising a hydrogen stream and a stream of oxidized metal oxide particles; andd) feeding the stream of oxidized metal oxide particles and a stream of air into the combustor reactor of the chemical looping system to produce heat and a stream of metal oxide particles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reducer/regenerator reactor is a moving bed reactor.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the reduced metal oxide particle stream and the regenerated catalyst stream of the moving bed reactor flow in the same direction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reducer/regenerator reactor is a fluidized bed reactor.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the reduced metal oxide particle stream and the regenerated catalyst stream of the fluidized bed reactor flow in the same direction.6. The method of claim 2 , ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044083A1
Автор: Allam Rodney

In various implementations, methanol is produced using a (CO+H) containing synthesis gas produced from a combined PDX plus EHTR or a combined ATR plus EHTR at a pressure of 70 bar to 100 bar at the correct stoichiometric composition for methanol synthesis so that no feed gas compressor is required for the feed to the methanol synthesis reactor loop. 1. A method for producing methanol , comprising;producing oxygen in an air separation plant with air compressors driven by a gas turbine;heating a hydrocarbon feed stream using exhaust from the gas turbine;exothermically reacting a first portion of the heated hydrocarbon feed stream with at least one of steam or an oxidant gas comprising molecular oxygen to produce an exothermically generated syngas product;endothermically reforming a second portion of the hydrocarbon feed stream with steam over a catalyst in a heat exchange reformer to produce an endothermically-reformed syngas product, wherein at least a portion of heat used in generation of the endothermically-reformed syngas product is obtained by recovering heat from the exothermically-generated syngas product and the endothermically reformed syngas product;combining the exothermically generated syngas product and the endothermically-reformed syngas product to produce a combined syngas stream;producing steam in a waste heat boiler by cooling the combined syngas stream;separating water from the cooled combined syngas to produce a methanol plant feed at substantially reaction loop pressure;after separating water, passing the cooled combined syngas to a methanol plant; andcombining methanol plant combustible effluent with methane fuel to the gas turbine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the exothermically-generated syngas product is generated using a partial oxidation burner followed by a catalytic reforming section in a convectively heated steam plus hydrocarbon reformer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed stream includes methane.4. The method of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047931A1

A method for the synthesis of methanol includes the steps of feeding a hydrogen-containing stream from a hydrogen recovery stage into a synthesis gas stream containing hydrogen and carbon oxides, and feeding the synthesis gas stream to a primary reactor stage for the catalytic and partial conversion of the synthesis gas stream into a gas mixture containing water, methanol, and residual gas, and further including the step of feeding a first portion of the residual gas to the hydrogen recovery stage for separation into the hydrogen-containing stream and a waste gas stream. The method is characterized in that a second portion of the residual gas is fed to a secondary reactor stage for further catalytic and at least partial conversion into a methanol-containing product stream. 1. A method for the synthesis of methanol , including the following steps: feeding a hydrogen-containing stream from a hydrogen recovery stage into a synthesis gas stream containing hydrogen and carbon oxides , and feeding the synthesis gas stream to a primary reactor stage for the catalytic and partial conversion of the synthesis gas stream into a gas mixture containing water , methanol , and residual gas , and feeding a first portion of the residual gas to the hydrogen recovery stage for separation into the hydrogen-containing stream and a waste gas stream ,whereina second portion of the residual gas is fed to a secondary reactor stage for further catalytic and at least partial conversion into a methanol-containing product stream.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the residual gas and the second portion of the residual gas are separated by means of a stream division of the gas mixture into at least one primary recycling stream claim 1 , comprising the second portion claim 1 , for being fed to the secondary reactor stage claim 1 , and a purge stream claim 1 , comprising the first portion claim 1 , for being fed to the hydrogen recovery stage claim 1 , preferably ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053898A1

The invention relates to a process for producing methanol and to a plant for producing methanol. A first fresh gas suitable for production of methanol and having a high carbon dioxide content is pre-compressed by a first compressor stage to obtain a second fresh gas. The second fresh gas is merged with a recycle gas stream and further compressed to synthesis pressure in a second compressor stage. Catalytic conversion of the thus obtained synthesis gas stream in a plurality of serially arranged reactor stages with intermediate condensation and separation of the crude methanol reduces the recycle gas amount in the synthesis circuit to such an extent that recycle gas may be directly recycled to the second fresh gas stream, thus ensuring that no recycle gas compressor stage is required and that the total compressor power may be reduced. 1. A process for producing methanol , comprising:a) providing an input gas comprising carbon oxides and hydrogen, wherein the proportion of carbon dioxide in the input gas, based on the total amount of the carbon oxides, is at least 80% by volume;b) introducing the input gas as a first fresh gas stream into a first compressor stage for precompression of the first fresh gas stream to obtain a second fresh gas stream;c) introducing a recycle gas stream and the second fresh gas stream into a second compressor stage for compression of the recycle gas stream and the second fresh gas stream to synthesis pressure to obtain a synthesis gas stream;d) catalytically converting the synthesis gas of the synthesis gas stream in a plurality of serially arranged reactor stages at synthesis pressure to obtain a product stream comprising methanol and unreacted synthesis gas per reactor stage;e) cooling the product stream obtained per reactor stage for condensation and separation of methanol from unreacted synthesis gas and introducing unreacted synthesis gas into a respective subsequent stage of the serially arranged reactor stages;f) withdrawing ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053388A1

The invention relates to a novel reactor design, wherein the pressurised chamber contains both a high-temperature electrolysis (HTE) reactor with elementary electrolysis cell stacking for producing either hydrogen or a synthesis gas (“syngas” for a H+CO mixture) from water vapour HO and carbon dioxide C0, and at least one catalyst arranged at a distance and downstream of the outlet of the electrolyser for converting the previously produced synthesis gas into the desired combustible gas, by means of heterogeneous catalysis, the synthesis gas having being produced either directly from the electrolysis reactor or indirectly by mixing the hydrogen produced with carbon dioxide C0injected into the chamber. 130-. (canceled)31. A process for obtaining a combustible gas chosen from methane , methanol , dimethyl ether (DME) and diesel by heterogeneous catalysis , comprising the following steps:{'sub': '2', 'a/ a step of high-temperature electrolysis of steam HO performed in an electrolysis reactor housed in a leaktight chamber maintained at a given pressure, in which step a/ each cathode of the reactor is fed with steam at the given pressure;'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'b/ a step of catalytic conversion performed in at least one reaction zone placed at a distance from and radially to the electrolysis reactor in the same chamber under pressure and containing at least one solid conversion catalyst, step b/ being performed using hydrogen Hproduced during the electrolysis step a/ and carbon dioxide COinjected into the space between the electrolysis reactor and the radial reaction zone;'}c/ a step of recovery of the combustible gas produced and of the steam not converted in step a/ and produced in step b/, in the space between said radial reaction zone and the wall(s) delimiting the chamber.32. The process as claimed in claim 31 , wherein step b/ is performed with the radial reaction zone closed on itself claim 31 , being arranged concentrically around the electrolysis or co-electrolysis ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048159A1
Автор: Mikalsen Terje Ernst

It is disclosed a system for producing methanol/methane, said system comprising an electrolysis section () producing hydrogen and oxygen from the cleaving of water molecules, and said system further comprising a closed cultivation/breeding container/pond () for aquatic organisms creating COthrough their metabolism to be liberated into the water surrounding said organisms forming CO2-rich water, said CO-rich water being transported to a CO-liberating section forming gaseous COand CO-poor water, said liberated gaseous CObeing transported to a reactor (′) and being combined with said hydrogen from said electrolysis plant () for creating methanol and/or methane as an end product, said methanol/methane being isolated and exited from said system. 1. A system for producing methanol/methane , said system comprising:{'b': '1', 'an electrolysis stage () configured to produce hydrogen and oxygen from the cleaving of water molecules; and'}{'b': '5', 'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'a closed cultivation/breeding plant () for aquatic organisms creating COthrough the metabolism of the aquatic organisms and through biodegradation of faeces and unused feed at the bottom of the breeding/cultivation plant to be liberated into the water surrounding said organisms forming CO-rich water, wherein said system is configured to transport CO-rich water to a COliberating section forming gaseous COand CO-poor water,'}{'sub': '2', 'b': 6', '6', '1, 'wherein said system is configured to transport said liberated gaseous COto a reactor (,′) for reaction with said hydrogen from said electrolysis stage () for producing methanol and/or methane as an end product, said methanol/methane being isolated and exited from said system,'}{'b': '5', 'wherein said system is configured to introduce the oxygen liberated from said cleaving of water molecules into the water in the cultivation/breeding plant ().'}2. (canceled)375. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said oxygen is added to the CO-poor water ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074358A1

Separation of carbon dioxide from the exhaust of an internal combustion engine, the production of hydrogen from water, and reformation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen into relatively high-octane fuel components. 1. An internal combustion engine comprising:an engine control system in communication with said engine that detects and evaluates the presence of engine knock;a carbon dioxide separator to separate carbon dioxide from internal combustion engine exhaust;a condenser and electrolyzer to separate water from said engine exhaust and provide hydrogen;a reformer that converts said separated carbon dioxide and hydrogen into one or more high octane fuel components;wherein said engine control system is configured to introduce said one or more high octane fuel components into said engine upon determination that said engine requires said one or more components to mitigate and/or prevent engine knock.2. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein said carbon dioxide separator comprises a substrate layer of inorganic oxides claim 1 , a barrier layer of in-situ LiZrO claim 1 , a LiZrOsorbent layer and an inorganic oxide cap layer.3. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein reformer converts said separated carbon dioxide and hydrogen into a mixture of methane claim 1 , methanol and ethanol.4. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein said reformer comprises a catalyst selected from Cu claim 1 , ZnO claim 1 , AlOor NiGa.5. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein said engine includes an intake system and said high octane components are configured to be introduced into said intake system.6. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein said engine includes a fuel rail that supplies fuel injectors wherein said one or more high octane components are configured to be introduced to said fuel rail.7. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , having fuel injectors dedicated to delivery of said one or more high octane fuel components.8. ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060537A1
Автор: Hsu Michael S.

The invention provides an energy system comprising a fuel processor for receiving a hydrocarbon fuel and for catalytically converting the hydrocarbon fuel into a reformate, an electric heating apparatus coupled to the fuel processor for providing thermal energy to the fuel processor, an energy source coupled to the electric heating apparatus for providing power thereto, and a catalytic reactor for processing the reformate and for converting the reformate into a liquid fuel. 1. An energy system , comprisinga fuel processor for receiving a hydrocarbon fuel and for catalytically converting the hydrocarbon fuel into a reformate,an electric heating apparatus coupled to the fuel processor for providing thermal energy to the fuel processor,a renewable energy source coupled to the electric heating apparatus for providing power thereto, anda catalytic reactor for processing the reformate and for converting the reformate into a liquid fuel or a liquid chemical.2. The energy system of claim 1 , wherein the fuel processor comprises a reformer.3. The energy system of claim 2 , wherein the reformer is a partial oxidation reformer claim 2 , an autothermal reformer claim 2 , a steam methane reformer claim 2 , or a steam reformer.4. The energy system of claim 1 , wherein the electric heating apparatus is disposed within the fuel processor.5. The energy system of claim 1 , wherein the electric heating apparatus is disposed external to the fuel processor.6. The energy system of claim 1 , wherein the energy source is a renewable solar or wind energy source.7. The energy system of claim 1 , further comprising a separation unit coupled to the fuel processor for separating hydrogen from the reformate.8. The energy system of claim 7 , further comprisinga compressor coupled to the separation unit for compressing the hydrogen separated from the reformate by the separation unit, anda storage element for storing the hydrogen compressed by the compressor.9. The energy system of claim 1 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Processes For Producing High Biogenic Concentration Fischer-Tropsch Liquids Derived From Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) Feedstocks

Номер: US20180057762A1

Processes for producing high biogenic concentration Fischer-Tropsch liquids derived from the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (MSW) feedstock that contains a relatively high concentration of biogenic carbon (derived from plants) and a relatively low concentration of non-biogenic carbon (derived from fossil sources) wherein the biogenic content of the Fischer-Tropsch liquids is the same as the biogenic content of the feedstock. 1. A transportation fuel or fuel additive derived from biogenic carbon materials , the fuel derived from a process comprising the steps of:a) in a feedstock processing step, removing non-biogenic derived carbon materials and non-carbonaceous materials from municipal solid waste that contain materials that are produced from plant derived carbon (biogenic) as well as non-biogenic derived carbon (fossil based) materials, to produce a feedstock that contains a relatively high concentration of biogenic carbon and a relatively low concentration of non-biogenic carbons along with other non-carbonaceous materials from the municipal solid waste; andb) converting the processed feedstock into Fischer-Tropsch liquids in a bio-refinery while maintaining the relatively high concentration of biogenic carbon and the relatively low concentration of non-biogenic carbon along with other non-carbonaceous materials from the municipal solid waste; andc) upgrading the Fischer-Tropsch liquids into a transportation fuel or fuel additive.2. The transportation fuel or additive derived by the process according to wherein the feedstock processing step includes at least two processing steps.3. The transportation fuel or additive derived by the process according to wherein claim 1 , in the feedstock processing step claim 1 , more than about 10% of the non-biogenic derived carbon materials are purposefully removed from the municipal solid waste.4. The transportation fuel or additive derived by the process according to wherein claim 1 , in the feedstock processing ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Parallel reforming in chemical plant

Номер: US20220081291A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe AS

A chemical plant including: a reforming section arranged to receive a feed gas comprising hydrocarbons and provide a combined synthesis gas stream, wherein the reforming section includes: an electrically heated reforming reactor housing a first catalyst, an autothermal reforming reactor in parallel with the electrically heated reforming reactor, wherein the reforming section is arranged to output a combined synthesis gas stream including at least part of the first and/or second synthesis gas streams, an optional post processing unit downstream the reforming section, a gas separation unit arranged to separate a synthesis gas stream into a water condensate and an intermediate synthesis gas, and a downstream section arranged to receive the intermediate synthesis gas and to process the intermediate synthesis gas to a chemical product and an off-gas. Also, a process for producing a chemical product from a feed gas comprising hydrocarbons.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Methanol production process from syngas produced by catalytic partial oxidation integrated with cracking

Номер: US20220081380A1
Принадлежит: Eni Spa

A process for producing syngas and olefins including the steps of feeding a catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) reactant mixture (oxygen, first hydrocarbons, steam) to a CPO reactor (CPO catalyst); wherein the CPO reactant mixture reacts, via CPO reaction, in CPO reactor to produce a CPO reactor effluent (H2, CO, CO2, water, unreacted first hydrocarbons). The process further includes feeding a cracking unit feed (second hydrocarbons) to a cracking unit to produce a cracking unit product (olefins), a hydrogen-rich stream (hydrogen, CH4), and a hydrocarbon recovery stream (C4+ hydrocarbons); wherein the first and the second hydrocarbons are the same or different; recovering a hydrogen-enriched stream (hydrogen) and a hydrocarbon-enriched stream (CH4) from the hydrogen-rich stream; and contacting the CPO reactor effluent with the hydrogen-enriched stream to yield hydrogen-enriched syngas, and wherein the M ratio ((H2—CO2)/(CO+CO2)) of the hydrogen-enriched syngas is greater than the M ratio of the CPO reactor effluent.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Feedstock Processing Systems And Methods For Producing Fischer-Tropsch Liquids And Transportation Fuels

Номер: US20220081630A1

A method for processing feedstock is described, characterized in that incoming feedstock is processed to selectively recover biogenic carbon material from the incoming feedstock. In some embodiments the incoming feedstock is comprised of mixed solid waste, such as municipal solid waste (MSW). In other embodiments the incoming feedstock is comprised of woody biomass. In some instances, the incoming feedstock is processed to selectively recover biogenic carbon material from the incoming feedstock to produce a processed feedstock having biogenic carbon content of 50% and greater suitable for conversion into biogenic carbon Fischer Tropsch liquids. The high biogenic carbon Fischer Tropsch liquids may be upgraded to biogenic carbon liquid fuels. Alternatively, the incoming feedstock is processed to selectively recover plastic material from the incoming feedstock to produce a processed feedstock having biogenic carbon content of 50% or less. 1. A method for processing feedstock , characterized in that incoming feedstock is processed to selectively recover biogenic carbon material from the incoming feedstock.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the incoming feedstock is comprised of mixed solid waste.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the incoming feedstock is comprised of woody biomass.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixed solid waste is municipal solid waste (MSW).5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the mixed solid waste is comprised of wet organic waste claim 2 , dry organic waste and inorganic waste that is comingled.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the incoming feedstock is processed to selectively recover biogenic carbon material from the incoming feedstock to produce a processed feedstock having biogenic carbon content of 50% and greater suitable for conversion into biogenic carbon Fischer Tropsch liquids.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the high biogenic carbon Fischer Tropsch liquids are upgraded to biogenic carbon liquid fuels.8. The method of claim 5 ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Hybrid plant for liquid fuel production

Номер: US20140148519A1
Принадлежит: Praxair Technology Inc

A hybrid plant and method for producing liquid fuel product from hydrogen and carbon monoxide containing streams produced by gasifying solid carbonaceous feedstock and steam reforming of light fossil fuels. When a gasification unit in the hybrid plant is operating at reduced capacity or is not operational, oxygen that would have been used in the gasification unit is diverted to a light fossil fuel conversion unit containing an autothermal reformer to increase H 2 -rich syngas flow to a liquid fuel production unit and maintain liquid fuel production at near nameplate capacity.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072658A1

A process for the production of formaldehyde-stabilised urea is described comprising the steps of: (a) generating a synthesis gas comprising hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and steam in a synthesis gas generation unit; (b) recovering carbon dioxide from the synthesis gas to form a carbon dioxide-depleted synthesis gas; (c) synthesising methanol from the carbon dioxide-depleted synthesis gas in a methanol synthesis unit and recovering the methanol and a methanol synthesis off-gas comprising nitrogen, hydrogen and residual carbon monoxide; (d) subjecting at least a portion of the recovered methanol to oxidation with air in a formaldehyde production unit; (e) subjecting the methanol synthesis off-gas to methanation in a methanation reactor containing a methanation catalyst to form an ammonia synthesis gas; (f) synthesising ammonia from the ammonia synthesis gas in an ammonia production unit and recovering the ammonia; (g) reacting a portion of the ammonia and at least a portion of the recovered carbon dioxide stream in a urea production unit to form a urea stream; and (h) stabilising the urea by mixing the urea stream and a stabiliser prepared using formaldehyde recovered from the formaldehyde production unit, wherein a source of air is compressed and divided into first and second portions, the first portion is provided to the formaldehyde production unit for the oxidation of methanol and the second portion is further compressed and provided to the synthesis gas generation unit. 1. A process for producing formaldehyde-stabilized urea comprising the steps of:(a) generating a synthesis gas comprising hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and steam in a synthesis gas generation unit;(b) recovering carbon dioxide from the synthesis gas to form a carbon dioxide-depleted synthesis gas;(c) synthesizing methanol from the carbon dioxide-depleted synthesis gas in a methanol synthesis unit and recovering the methanol and a methanol synthesis off- ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072659A1

A process is described for the production of formaldehyde, comprising (a) subjecting methanol to oxidation with air in a formaldehyde production unit thereby producing a formaldehyde-containing stream; (b) separating said formaldehyde-containing stream into a formaldehyde product stream and a formaldehyde vent gas stream; wherein the vent gas stream, optionally after treatment in a vent gas treatment unit, is passed to one or more stages of: (i) synthesis gas generation, (ii) carbon dioxide removal, (iii) methanol synthesis or (iv) urea synthesis. 110-. (canceled)11. A process for producing a formaldehyde-stabilised urea product comprising the steps of(a) generating a synthesis gas comprising hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and steam in a synthesis gas generation unit;(b) recovering carbon dioxide from the synthesis gas to form a carbon dioxide-depleted synthesis gas;(c) synthesizing methanol from the carbon dioxide-depleted synthesis gas in a methanol synthesis unit and recovering the methanol and a methanol synthesis off-gas comprising nitrogen, hydrogen and residual carbon monoxide;{'b': '9', '(d) subjecting at least a portion of the recovered methanol to oxidation with air in a process comprising subjecting the methanol to oxidation with air in a formaldehyde production unit thereby producing a formaldehyde-containing stream, separating the formaldehyde-containing stream into a formaldehyde product stream and a formaldehyde vent gas stream , wherein said recovered methanol forms at least a portion of the feed to said formaldehyde production unit;'}(e) subjecting the methanol synthesis off-gas to methanation in a methanation reactor containing a methanation catalyst to form an ammonia synthesis gas;(f) synthesizing ammonia from the ammonia synthesis gas in an ammonia production unit and recovering the ammonia;(g) reacting a portion of the ammonia and at least a portion of the recovered carbon dioxide stream in a urea production unit to form a ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075951A1
Автор: SANNER Gunnar

A liquid hydrocarbon production method comprising a) reacting methane with water to form syngas containing hydrogen, b) reacting a part of the hydrogen with carbon dioxide to form methane and water, c) supplying said methane and water obtained from carbon dioxide to the syngas forming reaction and d) reacting the remaining syngas to form liquid hydrocarbons is dis closed. 1. Liquid hydrocarbon production method comprising{'sub': '2', '1a) reacting methane with HO to form syngas containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide,'}{'sub': '2', '1b) reacting a part of the hydrogen with carbon dioxide to form methane and HO,'}{'sub': '2', '1c) supplying said methane and HO obtained from carbon dioxide to the syngas forming reaction and'}1d) reacting the remaining syngas to form liquid hydrocarbons.2. Liquid hydrocarbon production method comprising{'sub': '2', '2a) reacting methane with HO and carbon dioxide to form syngas containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide,'}{'sub': n', '2n+2, '2b) reacting the syngas to form liquid hydrocarbons, wherein the liquid hydrocarbon is alkane CH, where n=5-17, preferably n=5-10.'}3. Liquid hydrocarbon production method comprising{'sub': '2', '3a) reacting methane with HO to form syngas containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide,'}{'sub': n', '2n+2, '3b) reacting the syngas and carbon dioxide to form liquid hydrocarbons, wherein the liquid hydrocarbon is alkane CH, where n=5-17, preferably n=5-10.'}4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction 1a) and 3a) comprises steam reforming and the reaction 2a) comprises combined steam reforming and COreforming.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein reaction 1b) comprises a Sabatier process.6. Method according to claim 1 , comprising supplying energy to one or more of the reactions.7. Method according to claim 6 , wherein the energy supplied is heat energy.8. Method according to wherein the energy supplied is sustainable energy.9. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid hydrocarbon is alcohol ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083260A1
Автор: Dahl Per Juul
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

A process for co-production of ammonia, urea and methanol from natural gas, comprising the steps of (a) producing a synthesis gas by simultaneous feeding natural gas to an autothermal reformer (ATR) and to a steam methane reformer (SMR), the two reformers running in parallel, (b) feeding air to an air separation unit (ASU), where the air is split into oxygen, which is fed to the ATR, and nitrogen, (c) subjecting the synthesis gas from the SMR to a water gas shift, (d) removing the carbon dioxide from the synthesis gas from step (c) and leading it to urea synthesis in a urea synthesis unit, (e) combining the hydrogen-rich gas from step (d) with the nitrogen from step (b), removing catalyst poisons from the gases and leading the gas mixture to ammonia synthesis in an ammonia synthesis unit, (f) optionally removing part of the carbon dioxide from the syngas from the ATR in step (a) and leading it to urea synthesis in a urea synthesis unit and (g) leading the syngas from step (f) to the methanol synthesis unit, wherein synthesis gas from step (a) may be led either from the ATR outlet to the SMR outlet upstream from the shift stage or the other way. 1. A process for co-production of ammonia , urea and methanol from natural gas , comprising the steps of:(a) producing a synthesis gas by simultaneous feeding natural gas to an autothermal reformer (ATR) and to a steam methane reformer (SMR), the two reformers running in parallel;(b) feeding air to an air separation unit (ASU), where the air is split into oxygen, which is fed to the ATR, and nitrogen;(c) subjecting the synthesis gas from the SMR to a water gas shift;(d) removing the carbon dioxide from the synthesis gas from step (c) and leading it to urea synthesis in a urea synthesis unit;(e) combining the hydrogen-rich gas from step (d) with the nitrogen from step (b), removing catalyst poisons and part of inters from the gases and leading the gas mixture to ammonia synthesis in an ammonia synthesis unit;(f) removing part ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083658A1
Автор: SANNER Gunnar

Energy uploading method transferring energy into liquid hydrocarbon comprising the steps a) preparing a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide from carbon dioxide, HO and energy, b) reacting said mixture to form liquid hydrocarbon, c) transferring heat energy from the formed liquid hydrocarbon to the carbon dioxide and or the HO. 1. Energy uploading method transferring energy into liquid hydrocarbon comprising steps{'sub': '2', 'a) preparing a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide from carbon dioxide, HO and energy,'}b) reacting said mixture to form liquid hydrocarbon,{'sub': '2', 'c) transferring heat energy from the formed liquid hydrocarbon to the carbon dioxide and or the HO.'}2. Energy uploading method according to claim 1 , wherein step a) comprises decomposition of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen.3. Energy uploading method according to claim 2 , wherein step a) further comprises reacting a part of the carbon monoxide with HO to form carbon dioxide and hydrogen and transferring the formed carbon dioxide to the decomposition of carbon dioxide.4. Energy uploading method according to claim 1 , wherein step a) comprises combined steam reforming and carbon dioxide reforming.5. Energy uploading method transferring energy into liquid hydrocarbon comprising steps{'sub': '2', 'd) preparing hydrogen from HO and energy,'}e) preparing a mixture of hydrogen and carbon dioxide,f) reacting said mixture to form liquid hydrocarbon,{'sub': '2', 'g) transferring heat energy from the formed liquid hydrocarbon to the carbon dioxide and or the HO.'}6. Energy uploading method according to claim 1 , wherein oxygen is produced as a by-product.7. Energy uploading method according to claim 6 , wherein the method comprises transferring heat from the oxygen to the carbon dioxide and or the HO.8. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the energy supplied is heat energy.9. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the energy supplied is sustainable energy.10. Method according ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing synthesis gas for methanol production

Номер: US20150087865A1
Принадлежит: Stamicarbon BV

Method for producing synthesis gas for methanol production The present invention relates to a method for producing synthesis gas from a hydrocarbon containing feed, which synthesis gas is particularly suitable for subsequent use in methanol production. In this method, a feed ( 100 ) is divided into two streams, wherein one stream is subjected to catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) ( 2 ) and the other stream is subjected to steam reforming ( 5 ) followed by a water gas shift reaction ( 51 ). The two streams are then recombined and can be used further in methanol synthesis ( 6 ). The recombined stream preferably has an R ratio, being a molar ratio (H 2 −C0 2 )/(CO+C0 2 ), in the range of 1.9-2.2 and preferably about 2. The invention further relates to a method for producing methanol from a hydrocarbon containing feed, wherein first synthesis gas is obtained according to the method of the invention, which synthesis gas is further used to produce methanol. Also, the invention relates to a method of adapting an existing methanol plant to the methanol production process of the invention.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Small scale production of methoxy compounds

Номер: US20180086683A1
Автор: Richard Sapienza
Принадлежит: Individual

A method includes receiving a base raw material at a system. The base raw material is converted to synthesis gas. The synthesis gas is conditioned to remove moisture and carbon dioxide. One or more methoxy compounds are produced from methanol when the methanol is produced from the conditioned synthesis gas at operational temperatures below 205° C.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170088495A1

A process for the production of dimethyl ether from gaseous mixtures of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methyl acetate contaminant comprising contacting a gaseous mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methyl acetate contaminant in a first scrubbing zone with a first portion of methanol to recover a scrubbed gaseous mixture depleted in methyl acetate and a first used methanol stream containing methyl acetate; contacting the scrubbed gaseous mixture in a second scrubbing zone with a second portion of methanol to recover a scrubbed gaseous mixture further depleted in methyl acetate and a second used methanol stream containing no methyl acetate or a reduced amount of methyl acetate compared to the first used methanol stream; dehydrating at least a portion of the second used methanol stream in the presence of at least one catalyst to produce a crude dehydration reaction product comprising dimethyl ether, unconverted methanol and water; recovering from the crude dehydration product a water stream comprising mainly water and 3 mol % or less acetic acid and a dimethyl ether stream. 126-. (canceled)27. A process for the production of dimethyl ether from gaseous mixtures of carbon monoxide , hydrogen and methyl acetate contaminant which process comprises:contacting a gaseous mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methyl acetate contaminant in a first scrubbing zone with a first portion of methanol to recover a scrubbed gaseous mixture depleted in methyl acetate and a first used methanol stream containing methyl acetate;contacting the scrubbed gaseous mixture in a second scrubbing zone with a second portion of methanol to recover a scrubbed gaseous mixture further depleted in methyl acetate and a second used methanol stream containing no methyl acetate or a reduced amount of methyl acetate compared to the first used methanol stream;dehydrating at least a portion of the second used methanol stream in the presence of at least one catalyst to produce a crude dehydration ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135506A1

A process for producing methanol including the following steps: (a) reacting, via a catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) reaction, a CPO reactant mixture (hydrocarbons, oxygen, and optionally steam) in a CPO reactor to produce syngas; wherein the CPO reactor has a CPO catalyst; and wherein the syngas includes hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water, and unreacted hydrocarbons; (b) introducing the syngas to a methanol reactor to produce a methanol reactor effluent stream; wherein the methanol reactor effluent stream includes methanol, water, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons; and (c) separating the methanol reactor effluent stream into a crude methanol stream and a vapor stream. The crude methanol stream comprises includes methanol and water. The vapor stream includes hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons; and wherein the crude methanol stream has water in an amount of less than about 10 wt. %, based on the total weight of the crude methanol stream.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087153A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Process for the co-production of methanol and ammonia together with urea production from a hydrocarbon feed without venting to the atmosphere carbon dioxide captured from the methanol or ammonia synthesis gas and without using expensive air separation units and water gas shift. Carbon dioxide removal from flue gas from reforming section to convert partially or fully all ammonia into urea. Synergi of having methanol, ammonia and urea production to produce coating material for the urea production. 1. Process for co-producing methanol , ammonia and urea from a hydrocarbon feedstock , said process comprising the steps of 'from a second methanol processes, comprising a second reforming step and a second methanol conversion step obtaining a second effluent comprising methanol and a second gas effluent comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and unconverted carbon oxides;', 'a) from a first methanol process, comprising a first reforming step and first methanol conversion step obtaining a first effluent comprising methanol and a first gas effluent comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and unconverted carbon oxides, and'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'b) producing an ammonia synthesis gas from the first and/or second gas effluent in a common catalytic methanation stage and withdrawing said ammonia synthesis gas preferably having a H:Nmolar ratio of approximately 3:1;'}c) catalytically converting the nitrogen and hydrogen of the ammonia synthesis gas in a common ammonia synthesis stage and withdrawing an effluent comprising ammonia and a purge-gas stream comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and/or methane; andd) reacting at least part of the effluent comprising ammonia with at least part of a flue gas comprising CO2 from at least one of the first and second reforming steps to produce urea.2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein in each of the first and second methanol processes claim 1 , the following steps are carried out:1) producing a methanol synthesis gas containing hydrogen, carbon oxides and nitrogen by ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087575A1
Принадлежит: Lakes Environmental Research Inc.

A method of processing a first material including an oil source, and a second material including a medium. The method includes mixing the first material and the second material to provide a blended feedstock mixture including predetermined respective proportions of the first material and the second material, and also including water. The blended feedstock mixture is heated in a pre-distillation process and is further heated in a distiller to at least partially crack and vaporize the oil source, to provide atmospheric gas oil and vacuum gas oil from the oil source, coked medium material including carbon-heavy hydrocarbons and sand, and a first barren hot medium material. The coked medium material is heated in a gasifier to provide a second barren hot medium material and syngas. Heat energy from certain products resulting from such heating is transferred to the blended feedstock mixture. 1. A method of processing a first material comprising an oil source and a second material comprising a medium , the method comprising:(a) mixing the first material and the second material to provide a blended feedstock mixture comprising predetermined respective proportions of the first material and the second material, the blended feedstock mixture comprising water;(b) in a pre-distillation process, heating the blended feedstock mixture to between approximately 100° C. and approximately 150° C., to produce steam from the water and to vaporize light hydrocarbons from the oil source;(c) in a distillation process, further heating the blended feedstock mixture to between approximately 535° C. and approximately 600° C. to at least partially crack and vaporize the oil source, to provide (i) atmospheric gas oil and (ii) vacuum gas oil from the oil source, (iii) a coked medium material comprising carbon-heavy hydrocarbons and the medium, and (iv) a first barren hot medium material;(d) heating the coked medium material to between approximately 700° C. and approximately 800° C.;(e) in a ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095210A1
Автор: Iwasa Koichiro

There is provided a method for producing a recycled material, whereby a recycled material can be efficiently obtained from a tire. The method for producing a recycled material according to the present invention includes a step of subjecting a tire to a gasification treatment to generate a gas containing a C1 gas from the tire, and a step of obtaining a recycled material containing at least one species selected from the group consisting of isoprene, butadiene, a butanediol compound, a butanol compound, a butenal compound, succinic acid, and polymers of these compounds by using the gas containing the C1 gas. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for producing a tire , the method comprising: a step of subjecting a tire to a gasification treatment to generate a gas comprising a C1 gas from the tire , a step of obtaining a recycled tire material comprising at least one species selected from the group consisting of isoprene , butadiene , and polymers of these compounds by using the gas comprising the C1 gas , and a step of obtaining a tire by using the recycled tire material.13. The method for producing a tire according to claim 12 , wherein the tire to be used for the gasification treatment is a waste tire.14. The method for producing a tire according to claim 12 , wherein the gas comprising the C1 gas comprises COgas and hydrogen gas and x in the COgas is 1≤x≤2.151. The method for producing a tire according to claim 13 , wherein the gas comprising the C gas comprises COgas and hydrogen gas and x in the COgas is 1≤x≤2.16. The method for producing a tire according to claim 12 , wherein the step of obtaining a recycled tire material is a step of synthesizing isoprene by growing a microbial catalyst prepared by introducing a nucleic acid capable of coding isoprene synthase into a Clostridium microorganism in the presence of the resulting gas containing the C1 gas and hydrogen gas to obtain a recycled tire material comprising at least one species selected from the group consisting of ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144632A1

A process for producing syngas and olefins includes the steps of feeding a catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) reactant mixture having oxygen, first hydrocarbons, and optionally steam to a CPO reaction zone having a CPO catalyst such that at least a portion of the CPO reactant mixture reacts, via an exothermic CPO reaction, to produce syngas having hydrogen (H), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO), water, and unreacted first hydrocarbons. The syngas is characterized by a molar ratio M defined as (H−CO)/(CO+CO). The method further includes feeding a cracking zone feed having second hydrocarbons to a cracking zone such that at least a portion of the second hydrocarbons undergoes an endothermic cracking reaction to produce a cracking zone product stream having olefins, hydrogen, and unreacted second hydrocarbons; and cooling the CPO reaction zone by heating the cracking zone while cooling the CPO reaction zone via heat transfer between the CPO reaction zone and the cracking zone. 1. A process for producing syngas and olefins comprising the following steps:(a) feeding a catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) reactant mixture to a CPO reaction zone; wherein the CPO reactant mixture comprises oxygen, first hydrocarbons, and optionally steam; wherein at least a portion of the CPO reactant mixture reacts, via an exothermic CPO reaction, in the CPO reaction zone to produce syngas; wherein the CPO reaction zone comprises a CPO catalyst; wherein the syngas comprises hydrogen (¾), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (C02), water, and unreacted first hydrocarbons, and wherein the syngas is characterized by an M ratio of the syngas, wherein the M ratio is a molar ratio defined as (H2−C02)/(C0+C02);(b) feeding a cracking zone feed to a cracking zone, wherein the cracking zone feed comprises second hydrocarbons; wherein at least a portion of the second hydrocarbons undergoes an endothermic cracking reaction in the cracking zone to produce a cracking zone product stream; wherein the ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096333A1

A reforming device () according to the present invention has a compressor (), a first heat exchanger (), a desulfurization device (), a reformer (), a raw material gas branching line (L) that extracts a compressed natural gas () from a downstream side of the desulfurization device () with respect to the flow direction of the natural gas () and supplies the natural gas () to the reformer (), and a flue gas discharging line (L) that discharges a flue gas () generated in the reformer (), wherein the first heat exchanger () is provided in the flue gas discharging line (L), and the flue gas () is used as a heating medium of the compressed natural gas (). 1. A reforming method comprising:a first heat-exchange step of heating a raw material gas containing compressed hydrocarbon and sulfur;a desulfurization step of removing sulfur content contained in the heated raw material gas;{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'a reforming step of reforming the hydrocarbon in the raw material gas to either one or both of Hand CO or Hand COto generate a reformed gas containing either one or both of Hand CO or Hand CO;'}a second heat-exchange step of heat-exchanging a combustion air used for heating in the reforming step with the flue gas that is heat-exchanged in the first heat-exchange step;a third heat-exchange step of heat-exchanging feed water supplied to a steam generation unit with the flue gas, the third heat-exchange step being performed between the first heat-exchange step and the second heat-exchange step; anda fourth heat-exchange step that is performed in a raw material gas branching line to heat-exchange the compressed raw material gas introduced into the first heat-exchange step with a part of the branched raw material gas,wherein the compressed raw material gas is extracted from either one or both of an upstream side and a downstream side of the desulfurization step with respect to a flow direction of the raw material gas, and is supplied as a combustion fuel used for ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Plasma arc furnace and applications

Номер: US20140179959A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A Plasma Arc Reformer for creating a useful fuel, such as Methanol, using any of Methane, Municipal Solid Waste, farm or forest waste, coal orchar rock from oil shale production, petrochemical hydrocarbons, (any carbon containing charge), water, and/or Municipal Sewage, as the source material. A High temperature Plasma Arc de-polymerizes the source material into atoms which, upon partial cooling, creates a gas stream rich in CO and H 2 (syngas). Subsequent molecular filter and catalyst stages in the system remove contaminants and produce the output fuel. The system is closed loop with regard to the syngas production in that it recycles the residual unconverted gas and even the exhaust gases if desired. The large amount of heat produced is captured and converted to electric power using a supercritical CO 2 Rankin cycle resulting in potentially high efficiencies.

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Methanol production system and methanol production method

Номер: US20220169585A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A methanol production system of the present disclosure includes: a reformer including a reaction furnace configured to reform methane in a raw material gas to produce a reformed gas containing CO and H2; a reduced-gas generator configured to reduce CO2 to produce a reduced gas containing CO; and a methanol-containing gas generator configured to produce a methanol-containing gas which contains methanol from a reformed gas produced in the reaction furnace and a reduced gas produced in the reduced-gas generator.

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107963A1

In one aspect, the present invention provides a method for recycling natural gas during a reformer startup in a methanol plant. The method comprises recycling natural gas from a point before entry into the natural gas saturator where the natural gas is recycled until the natural gas reaches a desired temperature. 1. A method comprising:recycling natural gas during a reformer startup in a methanol plant,wherein the natural gas is recycled from a point before entry into a natural gas saturator,wherein the natural gas is recycled until the natural gas is heated to a desired temperature.2. (canceled)3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises the step of cooling the recycled natural gas by passing the recycled natural gas through a heat exchanger.4. (canceled)5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the recycled natural gas is cooled to 20° C. to 60° C.6. (canceled)7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method does not comprise at least one of the following: a natural gas flare step and a partial oxidation step.8. (canceled)9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the recycled natural gas consists essentially of natural gas.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the recycled natural gas comprises methane claim 1 , ethane claim 1 , ethylene claim 1 , or hydrogen or a combination thereof.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the recycled natural gas consists of natural gas.12. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the recycled natural gas does not comprise carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide claim 1 , or a combination thereof.13. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the recycled natural gas passes through a hydrodesulphurization section; and wherein the natural gas is recycled from a point after exiting from the hydrodesulphurization section.14. (canceled)15. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the natural gas is recycled from a point after exiting from a sulfur absorber.16. The method according ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169927A1
Автор: Galloway Terry R.
Принадлежит: Raven SR, Inc.

This invention relates to a power recovery process in waste steam/COreformers in which a waste stream can be made to release energy without having to burn the waste or the syngas. This invention in some embodiments does not make use of fuel cells as a component but makes use of exothermic chemical reactors using syngas to produce heat, such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. It also relates to control or elimination of the emissions of greenhouse gases in the power recovery process of this invention with the goal of producing energy in the future carbonless world economy. 1. A waste reformation system comprising:a hydrocarbon synthesis reactor for producing a first stream of synthesized hydrocarbon gas;a waste reforming conversion system for receiving at least organic waste and for producing a second stream of synthesized hydrocarbon gas;wherein the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor is in fluid communication with the waste reforming conversion system such that a first portion of the first stream is mixed with the organic waste prior to the organic waste being received by the waste reforming conversion system; andwherein the waste reforming conversion system is in fluid communication with the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor such that the second stream is used for producing the first stream.2. The waste reformation system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor is at least one of a Fischer-Tropsch reactor claim 1 , a methanol synthesis reactor claim 1 , a methanation reactor claim 1 , and a shift converter.3. The waste reformation system of claim 2 , wherein the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor is a Fischer-Tropsch unit and a shift converter.4. The waste reformation system of claim 3 , further comprising a pressure shift adsorption (PSA) unit in fluid communication with the shift converter claim 3 , the PSA unit for producing hydrogen fuel.5. The waste reformation system of claim 2 , wherein the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor is a shift converter.6. The waste ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111886A1

A method of making light olefins is described. The method involves producing an alkyne in a pyrolysis process. The alkyne is catalytically hydrogenated in a hydrogenation zone to produce a product stream containing a light olefin. A byproduct stream from the pyrolysis process comprises carbon oxide and hydrogen. The byproduct stream is treated to convert the carbon oxide and the hydrogen to an oxygenated product in a carbon oxide conversion zone, which can then be converted to an olefin in an oxygenate to olefin process. 1. A method of making light olefins comprising:combusting a fuel and an oxidizer in a combustion zone of a pyrolytic reactor to create a combustion gas stream;transitioning a velocity of the combustion gas stream from subsonic to supersonic in an expansion zone of the pyrolytic reactor;injecting a light hydrocarbon into the supersonic combustion gas stream to create a mixed stream including the light hydrocarbon;transitioning the velocity of the mixed stream from supersonic to subsonic in a reaction zone of the pyrolytic reactor to produce a reaction mixture comprising an alkyne, carbon oxide, and hydrogen;separating the reaction mixture in an absorber into an alkyne stream comprising the alkyne and a byproduct stream comprising the carbon oxide and the hydrogen;catalytically hydrogenating the alkyne in a hydrogenation zone to produce a product stream containing a first light olefin; andtreating the byproduct stream to convert at least a portion of the carbon oxide and the hydrogen to an oxygenated product in a carbon oxide conversion zone.2. The method of further comprising: treating the oxygenated product in an oxygenate conversion zone to convert at least a portion of the oxygenated product to produce an effluent comprising a second light olefin.3. The method of further comprising: separating the first light olefin from the product stream and separating the second light olefin from the effluent in a product separation zone.4. The method of ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177790A1

Densified textile aggregates are co-fed with a fuel into a partial oxidation gasifier. High solids concentrations in the feedstock composition can be obtained without significant impact on the feedstock composition stability and pumpability. A consistent quality of syngas can be continuously produced, including generation of carbon dioxide and a carbon monoxide/hydrogen ratio while stably operating the gasifier and avoiding the high tar generation of fluidized bed or fixed bed waste gasifiers and without impacting the operations of the gasifier. The syngas quality, composition, and throughput are suitable for produce a wide range of chemicals. 4. A feedstock composition according to comprising densified textiles claim 1 , a solid fossil fuel claim 1 , and water claim 1 , wherein the densified textiles have a particle size of not more than 2 mm claim 1 , and the solid fossil fuel in the feedstock composition has a particle size of less than 2 mm claim 1 , the solids content in the slurry is at least 62 wt. % claim 1 , the amount of densified textiles present in the feedstock stream slurry composition is 0.1 wt. % to less than 5 wt. % based on the weight of all solids claim 1 , and the water is at least 20 wt. % based on the weight of the feedstock slurry composition claim 1 , and wherein either:a. the slurry is stable as determined by having an initial viscosity of 100,000 cP or less at 5 minutes, or 10 minutes, or 15 minutes, or 20 minutes, or 25 minutes, or even for 30 minutes using a Brookfield R/S Rheometer equipped with V80-40 vane operating at a shear rate of 1.83/s or a Brookfield viscometer with an LV-2 spindle rotating at a rate of 0.5 rpm, measured at ambient conditions; orb. the slurry is pumpable as determined by having a viscosity of less than 30,000 cP, or not more than 18,000 cP after mixing to obtain a homogeneous distribution of solids throughout the slurry and using a Brookfield R/S Rheometer equipped with V80-40 vane operating at a shear rate of 1. ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112246A1
Автор: MacGregor Norman J.

Methods and systems for producing bio-methanol can include anaerobic digestion of a biomass feedstock to produce biogas including methane and carbon dioxide, partial oxidation of the biogas with oxygen from water electrolysis to produce syngas, synthesizing bio-methanol from the syngas and hydrogen from the water electrolysis, storing the bio-methanol during off-peak electricity demand, intermittently generating electricity from the bio-methanol during peak electricity demand and using such electricity for the water electrolysis. The techniques provide a route for the production of bio-methanol without the engagement of fossil fuels as feedstocks and mitigating fossil fuel derived greenhouse gas emissions from processing and utilization of transportation fuels and commercial or industrial alcohols. 1. A method for producing bio-methanol , comprising:supplying biomass to an anaerobic digester for producing biogas comprising methane and carbon dioxide;supplying the biogas and oxygen sourced from water using renewable or nuclear-sourced electricity to a partial oxidation unit to produce non fossil fuel-sourced syngas;supplying the syngas with hydrogen sourced from water using renewable or nuclear-sourced electricity to a synthesis unit for producing bio-methanol; 'supplying at least a portion of the bio-methanol to storage; and', 'during electricity demand below a base threshold 'supplying at least a portion of the bio-methanol to a generator for intermittently producing bio-sourced electricity;', 'during electricity demand over a base thresholdsupplying distilled water to a water electrolysis unit to produce electrolysis oxygen and electrolysis hydrogen;supplying at least a portion of the electrolysis hydrogen as at least part of the hydrogen used in the synthesis unit; andsupplying at least a portion of the electrolysis oxygen as at least part of the oxygen used in the partial oxidation unit.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biomass comprises manure claim 1 , ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129833A1

Herein disclosed is a system for producing an organic, the system including at least one high shear mixing device having at least one rotor and at least one stator separated by a shear gap, wherein the shear gap is the minimum distance between the at least one rotor and the at least one stator; a pump configured for delivering a fluid stream comprising liquid medium and light gas to the at least one high shear mixing device, wherein the at least one high shear mixing device is configured to form a dispersion of the light gas in the liquid medium; and a reactor comprising at least one inlet and at least one outlet, wherein the at least one inlet of the reactor is fluidly connected to the at least one high shear mixing device, and wherein the at least one outlet is configured for extracting the organic therefrom. 1. A method of producing synthesis gas from carbonaceous material , the method comprising:(a) providing a mixture comprising carbonaceous material and a liquid medium;(b) subjecting the mixture to high shear under gasification conditions whereby a high shear-treated stream comprising synthesis gas is produced; and(c) separating a product comprising synthesis gas from the high shear-treated stream.2. The method of wherein (b) subjecting the mixture to high shear to produce a high shear-treated stream comprising synthesis gas further comprises contacting the mixture with at least one gas or vapor selected from the group consisting of steam claim 1 , hydrogen claim 1 , air claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , and associated gas.3. The method of further comprising contacting the mixture with a catalyst that promotes the formation of synthesis gas.4. The method of further comprising recycling separated unreacted carbonaceous material claim 1 , separated liquid medium or both from (c) to (a).5. The method of wherein the carbonaceous material comprises coke claim 1 , coal claim 1 , peat claim 1 , natural gas claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The method of wherein the coal ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274094A1
Автор: HAIDER Muhammad H.

Disclosed are processes for producing ethylene. The processes can include contacting a first stream containing methane with an oxidant and oxidizing at least a portion of the methane under conditions suitable to produce a second stream containing carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H), contacting the second stream with a CO hydrogenation catalyst under conditions suitable to produce a third stream containing methanol and ethanol, obtaining a fourth stream containing the ethanol and a fifth stream containing the methanol from the third stream, and contacting the fourth stream with an ethanol dehydration catalyst under conditions suitable to dehydrate at least a portion of the ethanol and produce a products stream containing ethylene. 1. A process for producing ethylene , the process comprising:{'sub': '2', '(a) contacting a first stream comprising methane with an oxidant and oxidizing at least a portion of the methane under conditions suitable to produce a second stream comprising carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H);'}(b) contacting the second stream with a CO hydrogenation catalyst under conditions suitable to produce a third stream comprising methanol and ethanol;(c) obtaining a fourth stream comprising the ethanol, and a fifth stream comprising methanol from the third stream; and(d) contacting the fourth stream with an ethanol dehydration catalyst under conditions suitable to dehydrate at least a portion of the ethanol and produce a products stream comprising ethylene.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the third stream further comprises C2-C7 paraffins and carbon dioxide (CO) and the process further comprises:{'sub': '2', '(i) separating the third stream to obtain a first intermediate stream containing the methanol and ethanol and a second intermediate stream containing the C2-C7 paraffins and CO; and'}(ii) separating the first intermediate stream to obtain the fourth stream and the fifth stream.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the CO hydrogenation catalyst ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135004A1

A combined anaerobic digester system and gas-to-liquid system is disclosed. The anaerobic digester requires heat, and produces methane. The gas-to-liquid system produces heat, and converts methane to higher-value products, including methanol and formaldehyde. As such, the combination of the two systems results in significant savings in terms of capital and operating expenses. A process for producing bio-formaldehyde and bio-formalin from biogas is also disclosed. 1. A system for producing bioproducts , comprising an anaerobic digester that converts biomass to a mixture of gases comprising methane and carbon dioxide , coupled with a syngas generator capable of converting the methane to a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen , and a gas-to-liquid reactor capable of converting the carbon monoxide and hydrogen to hydrocarbon products selected from the group consisting of alcohols , formaldehyde , formalin , low molecular weight (C) olefins and paraffins , and Cparaffins.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising heat exchangers to transport heat produced in the gas-to-liquid reactor to the anaerobic digester.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a steam autoclave unit adapted to receive biomass claim 1 , autoclave the biomass claim 1 , and transport the biomass to the anaerobic digester.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a cavitation stirrer adapted to receive biomass claim 1 , and stir the biomass at extremely high speeds claim 1 , under cavitation.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a pressure swing absorption unit to remove carbon dioxide from the mixture of gases produced by the anaerobic digester.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the syngas generator is an autothermal reformer or a steam reformer.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a reactor for growing algae or cyanobacteria claim 1 , wherein the reactor is adapted to receive carbon dioxide from the anaerobic digester and/or the gas-to-liquid reactor.8. The system of ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200131034A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Method for the preparation of synthesis gas based on a combination of the ATR process or partial oxidation of hydrocarbon fee stock using oxygen from the electrolysis of water and an air separation unit to produce the synthesis gas. 1. Method for the preparation of synthesis gas comprising the steps of(a) separating atmospheric air into a separate oxygen containing stream and into a separate nitrogen containing stream;(b) preparing a separate hydrogen containing stream and a separate oxygen containing stream by electrolysis of water and/or steam;(c1) partial oxidizing or autothermal reforming in an autothermal reformer at least a part of a hydrocarbon feed stock with at least a part of the oxygen containing stream obtained by the separation of atmospheric air in step (a) and at least a part of the oxygen containing stream obtained by the electrolysis of water and/or steam in step (b) to a process gas comprising hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide; or(c2) gasifying coal or biomass with water and at least a part of the oxygen containing stream obtained by the separation of atmospheric air in step (a) and at least a part of the oxygen containing stream obtained by the electrolysis of water in step (b) to a process gas comprising hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide; and(d) introducing at least part of the separate hydrogen containing stream from step (b) into the process gas from step (c1) or (c2).2. The method of claim 1 , comprising the further step of steam reforming part or the entire hydrocarbon feed stock in indirect heat transfer relationship with part or all the process stream leaving the autothermal reforming step (c1).3. The method of claim 1 , comprising the further step of steam reforming a part of the hydrocarbon feed stock and/or a second hydrocarbon feed stock in indirect heat transfer relationship with part or all the process gas leaving the autothermal reforming step (c1) and mixing the heat exchange steam reformed process gas with ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200131035A1
Автор: WALTER Stefan

An integrated process for producing a purified and converted synthesis gas and a corresponding plant including initially converting in a synthesis gas generation stage a carbon-containing input material into a raw synthesis gas which in a subsequent CO conversion zone is altered in respect of its H/CO ratio and finally sent to a gas scrubbing zone operating according to a physical gas scrubbing process with methanol as the absorption medium in which the content of unwanted gas constituents, in particular of acidic gas constituents, in the synthesis gas is reduced. 2. The process of claim 1 , wherein before introduction into the CO conversion zone the raw synthesis gas product stream passes through a protective bed filled with an adsorbent or absorbent selective for metal carbonyls claim 1 , wherein the methanol purge stream is added to the raw synthesis gas product stream upstream of the protective bed.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the methanol purge stream is added to the raw synthesis gas product stream in liquid form.4. The process of claim 2 , wherein the methanol purge stream is evaporated before or during its addition to the raw synthesis gas product stream claim 2 , wherein the evaporation heat is supplied by direct or indirect heat exchange with the raw synthesis gas product stream.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the CO conversion zone operates according to the principle of raw gas conversion (raw gas shift).6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the CO conversion zone comprises a plurality of regions filled with one or more catalysts active for the raw gas conversion.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the gas scrubbing zone comprises a hot regeneration apparatus for regeneration of methanol laden with acidic gas constituents claim 1 , wherein the liquid methanol purge stream laden with trace impurities is obtained from the bottoms product and/or the reflux from the hot regeneration apparatus and is discharged from the hot regeneration apparatus.9. ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200131105A1
Автор: Modarresi Hassan

A reactor layout for a process of methanol production from low quality synthesis gas, in which relatively smaller adiabatic reactors can be operated more efficiently, some of the inherent disadvantages of adiabatic reactors for methanol production are avoided. This is done by controlling the outlet temperature in the pre-converter by rapid adjustment of the recycle gas, i.e. by manipulating the gas hourly space velocity in the pre-converter. 1. A reactor layout for carrying out the process for methanol production from synthesis gas , said reactor layout comprising:one or more methanol pre-converters/guard reactors, in which the synthesis gas is partially converted to methanol over a heterogeneous catalyst to generate an effluent gas without impurities,a feed-effluent heat exchanger for cooling the effluent gas from the one or more methanol pre-converters/guard reactors, and a main methanol converter for converting a mixture of recycle gas and the cooled effluent gas from the one or more methanol pre-converters/guard reactors,', 'a main feed-effluent heat exchanger,', 'a cooler or a series of coolers,', 'a high pressure gas-liquid separator, which splits the inlet flow into raw methanol and recycle gas,', 'a recycle compressor, and', 'a loop purge., 'a methanol synthesis loop comprising2. The reactor layout according to claim 1 , said reactor layout further comprising means for defining and controlling a maximum allowable outlet temperature using a cold recycle gas stream which is injected into the one or more pre-converters/guard reactors via a control valve.3. The reactor layout according to claim 1 , which has fresh feed gas splitting located on the cold side claim 1 , before the feed-effluent heat exchanger.4. The reactor layout according to claim 1 , which enables on-stream catalyst replacement in the one or more pre-converters/guard reactors. This is a divisional of application Ser. No. 15/749,607, filed on Feb. 1, 2018, which is a 371 of PCT/EP2016/066877, ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

System And Method For Producing A Consistent Quality Syngas From Diverse Waste Materials With Heat Recovery Based Power Generation, And Renewable Hydrogen Co-Production

Номер: US20160145098A1

A system and method for converting waste and secondary materials into synthesis gas (syngas) through the use of a molten metal bath gasifier for the initial breakdown of waste feeds and an A/C plasma reactor for complete dissociation of waste feeds into syngas, and an anaerobic digester. The system includes a heat recovery and steam power generation process for the production of electricity. The system produces a net output of electricity above plant load sufficient for the co-production of renewable Hydrogen and Oxygen. The process does not require the use of fossil fuels or fossil feedstocks during normal operations, and it eliminates combustion produced stack emissions or landfill residuals. 1. A method for efficiently converting heterogeneous waste materials consisting of biodegradable and/or non-biodegradable wastes into a high quality syngas , comprising:(a) receiving, by a molten metal bath gasifier (MMBG) having a molten metal bath, a non-biodegradable waste into the molten metal bath;(b) outputting by the MMBG a process gas from the non-biodegradable waste;(c) receiving, by an anaerobic digester disposed upstream from the MMBG, a biodegradable waste;(d) outputting by the anaerobic digester a biogas and effluent from the biodegradable waste; and(e) receiving and converting, by an alternating current (A/C) plasma reactor disposed downstream from the MMBG and the anaerobic digester, the process gas from the MMBG and the biogas from the anaerobic digester into a plasma phase and outputting raw syngas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anaerobic digester is thermophilic operating at a temperature between about 49° C. and 57° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anaerobic digester is mesophilic operating at a temperature between about 20° C. and 40° C.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of positioning a plasma generator in the A/C plasma reactor to allow a plasma plume formed by the plasma generator to be oriented upward.5. The method ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160152899A1

The present invention concerns the production and use of feedstock streams. Specifically, the present invention provides a process for the production of a commodity using two or more feedstock streams. Each feedstock stream is processed into a common intermediate and subsequently processed into a final product, such as electrical energy, a liquid fuel or a liquefied fuel, such as methanol, dimethyl ether, synthetic gasoline, diesel, kerosene, or jet fuel. The common intermediate may be synthetic gas (syngas), producer gas or pyrolysis gas. 1. A process for the production of a commodity using two or more feedstock streams , wherein each feedstock stream is processed into a common intermediate and subsequently processed into a final product , thereby producing the commodity.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the final product is electrical energy.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the final product is a liquid fuel or a liquefied fuel.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the final product is methanol.5. The process of claim 3 , wherein the final product is dimethyl ether.6. The process of claim 3 , wherein the final product is synthetic gasoline claim 3 , diesel claim 3 , kerosene claim 3 , or jet fuel.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the common intermediate is synthetic gas (syngas).8. The process of claim 1 , where the common intermediate is producer gas or pyrolysis gas.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the two or more feedstock streams has a reduced temporal average composition variance as compared to a second of the two or more feedstock streams claim 1 , and wherein the reduced variance is at most 25% of the variance of the second feedstock stream.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein throughput ratio of the reduced variance feedstock stream to the second feedstock stream is adjusted to reduce the variance of the common intermediate.11. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the two or more feedstock streams is natural gas.12. The ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289868A1

A process for preparing a recycle cellulose ester and a recycle cellulose ester composition and articles made with such recycle cellulose esters comprising at least one cellulose ester having at least one substituent on an anhydroglucose unit (AU) derived from recycled cellulose ester content syngas are provided. The recycled cellulose ester content syngas can be obtained by gasifying feedstocks containing a solid fossil fuel such as coal, a cellulose ester, and water. The cellulose ester can be post-consumer or post-industrial cellulose ester. 1. A process for preparing a recycle cellulose ester (Recycle CE) comprising: (1) preparing a recycled CE content syngas in a synthesis gas operation by gasifying a feedstock containing a solid fossil fuel source , at least some content of recycled CE , and optional recycled plastics; (2) using the recycled CE content syngas as a feedstock in a reaction scheme to produce at least one cellulose reactant for preparing a Recycle CE; and (3) reacting said at least one cellulose reactant to prepare at least one Recycle CE , wherein the process comprises a closed loop process.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one cellulose reactant is chosen from acetic acid claim 1 , acetic anhydride claim 1 , propionic acid claim 1 , butyric acid claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one Recycle CE is a type of cellulose ester chosen from cellulose acetate (CA) claim 1 , cellulose diacetate (CDA) claim 1 , cellulose triacetate (CTA) claim 1 , cellulose butyrate (CB) claim 1 , cellulose propionate (CP) claim 1 , cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) claim 1 , cellulose acetate propionate (CAP) claim 1 , or combinations thereof; and wherein said recycled CE comprises a type of cellulose ester that is the same as the Recycle CE.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction scheme to produce at least one cellulose reactant comprises one or more of the following ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144273A1
Автор: Harandi Mohsen N.

A process for providing heat to an industrial facility comprises contacting a hydrocarbon fuel with oxygen in a reaction zone under partial oxidation conditions including a below stoichiometric oxygen to fuel molar ratio for full combustion to generate heat in the reaction zone and produce a gaseous effluent stream containing carbon monoxide. At least part of the carbon monoxide from the gaseous effluent stream is converted to one or more of chemical products different from carbon monoxide transferring at least part of the heat generated in reaction zone and/or contained in the gaseous effluent stream is transferred to a separate operation in the industrial facility. 1. A process for providing heat to an industrial facility , the process comprising:(a1) contacting a hydrocarbon fuel with oxygen in a reaction zone under partial oxidation conditions including a below stoichiometric oxygen to fuel molar ratio for full combustion to generate heat in the reaction zone and produce a gaseous effluent stream containing carbon monoxide;(b1) converting at least part of the carbon monoxide from the gaseous effluent stream to one or more of chemical products different from carbon monoxide; and(c1) transferring at least part of the heat generated in reaction zone and/or contained in the gaseous effluent stream to an operation in the industrial facility other than the contacting (a1) and the converting (b1).2. The process of claim 1 , wherein steam is also supplied to the reaction zone in (a1).3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the reaction zone includes an auto-thermal reforming reactor.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the industrial facility is a refinery or a petrochemical plant.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the gaseous effluent stream exiting the reaction zone is at a temperature of at least 1500° F. (815° C.).6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the operation in the industrial facility is conducted at an inlet temperature of 980° F. (527° C.) or below.7. The process ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144756A1

Systems and methods are provided for integrating a fluidized coking process, optionally a coke gasification process, and processes for production of additional liquid products from the coking and/or gasification process. In some aspects, the integrated processes can allow for conversion of olefins generated during a fluidized coking process to form additional liquid products. Additionally or alternately, in some aspects the integrated processes can allow for separation of syngas from the flue gas/fuel gas generated by a gasifier integrated with a fluidized coking process. This syngas can then be used to form methanol, which can then be converted in a methanol conversion process to form heavier products. In such aspects, olefins generated during the fluidized coking process can be added to the methanol conversion process to improve the yield. Additionally, in various aspects, the off-gas from the integrated conversion process can be used as an additional paraffin feed that can be recycled to one of the heat integration conduits in the fluidized coker for additional generation of olefins. This can provide a further increase in liquid yields using a carbon source (C paraffins) that is conventionally viewed as a low value product from coking. 1. A method for performing fluidized coking on a feed , comprising:exposing a feedstock comprising a T10 distillation point of 343° C. or more to a fluidized bed comprising solid particles in a reactor under coking conditions to form a coker effluent, the thermal cracking conditions comprising 10 wt % or more conversion of the feedstock relative to 343° C., the thermal cracking conditions being effective for depositing coke on the solid particles;introducing an oxygen-containing stream and steam into a coke combustion stage;passing at least a portion of the solid particles comprising deposited coke from the reactor to the coke combustion stage;{'sub': 2', '2, 'exposing the at least a portion of the solid particles comprising ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144768A1

Systems and methods are provided for producing high quality synthesis gas from a fluidized coking system that includes an integrated gasifier. Additionally or alternately, systems and methods are provided for integrating a fluidized coking process, a coke gasification process, and processes for production of compounds from the synthesis gas generated during the coke gasification. The integrated process can also allow for reduced or minimized production of inorganic nitrogen compounds by using oxygen from an air separation unit as the oxygen source for gasification. Although the amount of nitrogen introduced as a diluent into the gasification will be reduced, minimized, or eliminated, the integrated process can also allow for gasification of coke while reducing, minimizing, or eliminating production of slag or other glass-like substances in the gasifier. Examples of compounds that can be produced from the synthesis gas include, but are not limited to, methanol, ammonia, and urea. 1. A method for producing synthesis gas or products derived from synthesis gas , comprising:exposing a feedstock comprising a T10 distillation point of 343° C. or more to a fluidized bed comprising solid particles in a reactor under thermal cracking conditions to form a 343° C.− liquid product, the thermal cracking conditions comprising 10 wt % or more conversion of the feedstock relative to 343° C., the thermal cracking conditions being effective for depositing coke on the solid particles;{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'introducing an oxygen stream comprising O, a diluent stream comprising CO, HS, other inorganic gases, or a combination thereof, and steam into a gasifier, the oxygen stream comprising 55 vol % or more of Oprior to combining the oxygen stream with at least one of the diluent stream and the steam;'}passing at least a portion of the solid particles comprising deposited coke from the reactor to the gasifier;{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'exposing the at least a portion of the solid ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144896A1
Автор: Foody Patrick J.

A process is provided for forming a fuel or a fuel intermediate from two fermentations that includes feeding an aqueous solution comprising a fermentation product from a first bioreactor to a second bioreactor and/or a stage upstream of the second bioreactor, which also produces the fermentation product. The aqueous solution may be added at any stage of the second fermentation and/or processing steps upstream from the second bioreactor that would otherwise require the addition of water. Accordingly, the product yield is increased while fresh/treated water usage is decreased. 134-. (canceled)35. A process for producing ethanol comprising:(i) obtaining methane sourced from biogas, said biogas produced from anaerobic digestion;(ii) reforming a gas to produce syngas, said gas comprising the methane sourced from biogas;(iii) converting one or more components of the syngas to ethanol, said converting comprising subjecting a gas substrate comprising the one or more components to a gas fermentation, said one or more components comprising carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, or a combination thereof;(iv) using an aqueous stream comprising ethanol produced in (iii) in an ethanol production process that comprises fermenting carbohydrate to ethanol.36. The process according to claim 35 , wherein step (iv) comprises feeding said aqueous stream to a stage in the ethanol production process such that ethanol produced in (iii) is copresent with carbohydrate during at least part of a step of fermenting said carbohydrate to ethanol.37. The process according to claim 36 , comprising recovering ethanol produced in (iii) together with ethanol produced by fermenting said carbohydrate to ethanol.38. The process according to claim 37 , wherein said gas substrate comprises carbon dioxide produced from fermenting said carbohydrate to ethanol.39. The process according to claim 37 , wherein said ethanol production process is a cellulosic ethanol production process claim 37 , and wherein ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140762A1
Автор: Galloway Terry R.
Принадлежит: Raven SR LLC

This invention relates to a power recovery process in waste steam/COreformers in which a waste stream can be made to release energy without having to burn the waste or the syngas. This invention in some embodiments does not make use of fuel cells as a component but makes use of exothermic chemical reactors using syngas to produce heat, such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. It also relates to control or elimination of the emissions of greenhouse gases in the power recovery process of this invention with the goal of producing energy in the future carbonless world economy. 1. A method of reforming of organic waste material , comprising:producing a first stream of synthesized hydrocarbon gas;providing to a waste reforming conversion system a supply of organic waste;mixing the organic waste with a first portion of the first stream;reforming the mixture of the first stream and the waste with steam and carbon dioxide and producing a second stream of synthesized hydrocarbon gas and heat; andusing a second portion from the second stream for said producing a first stream.2. The method of wherein said reforming does not include burning the waste or the portion of the first stream.3. The method of wherein said reforming is without the use of a catalyst.4. The method of which further comprises using the heat from said reforming to drive a heat engine and generator to produce electricity.5. The method of wherein said producing a first stream is with a hydrocarbon synthesis reactor.6. The method of wherein the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor further produces a carbon-containing liquid or solid product.7. The method of wherein the carbon-containing liquid or solid product is paraffin.8. The method of wherein the organic waste includes carbon and wherein substantially all of the carbon in the organic waste is sequestered in the carbon-containing liquid or solid product.9. The method of wherein said reforming is at a temperature not greater than one thousand eight hundred degrees F.10. ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Process for using biogenic carbon dioxide derived from non-fossil organic material

Номер: US20200140901A1
Принадлежит: Iogen Corp

The present disclosure provides a process for forming a biogenic carbon-based fuel or a fuel intermediate from biogenic carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The hydrogen is sourced from a process that produces hydrogen and fossil carbon dioxide from a fossil-fuel hydrocarbon and separates the fossil carbon dioxide from the hydrogen. The process may further comprise carrying out or arranging for one or more parties to carry out at least one step that contributes to a reduction in the GHG emissions of the biogenic carbon-based fuel, or a fuel made from the fuel intermediate, of at least 20% relative to a gasoline baseline. In various embodiments this includes (a) introducing the fossil carbon dioxide underground, and/or (b) using a biogenic carbon-based product selected from a chemical and energy product produced from the non-fossil organic material to displace the use or production of a corresponding fossil-based product.

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160159714A1

A mobile system and method that reform flare gas, methane, or natural gas, using air without steam, to directly produce methanol, a clean burning gasoline blend, component, and/or substitute are disclosed. The system first reforms the air-methane mixture at ambient atmospheric pressure, then compresses the resulting CO-hydrogen-nitrogen gas mixture to 600 psi, and feeds it through a methanol reactor which reacts the gas mixture directly into methanol. The nitrogen is returned by the system back to the atmosphere. Methanol is a clean burning gasoline substitute, and can be used to displace significantly costlier and dirtier petroleum-based fuel, while solving a critical problem with flaring. For example, the over 120 billion cubic feet per year that was flared in North Dakota in 2014 could be converted into over 6 million tons of methanol. 1. A mobile system for converting raw natural gas into methanol , comprising:a syngas generator for generating syngas from the raw natural gas and air;a syngas compressor for compressing the syngas;a reactor for converting carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the syngas to methanol; anda power generator for using unreacted carbon monoxide and hydrogen to generate power, wherein some of the power is used to power the syngas compressor.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a sulfur removal unit for removing sulfur from the raw natural gas stream.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the syngas generator comprises an air reforming unit for reforming the raw natural gas and air in presence of a steam reforming catalyst.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein air enriched in oxygen is added to the air reforming unit to increase concentrations of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the syngas.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein distilled water is added to the air reforming unit for preventing catalyst coking.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the distilled water is recycled to the air reforming unit from a condenser downstream from an air ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Production of Acetic Acid through Cryogenic Separation of Syngas

Номер: US20220298095A1

A system and method for producing acetic acid, including dry reforming methane with carbon dioxide to give syngas, cryogenically separating carbon monoxide from the syngas giving a first stream including primarily carbon monoxide and a second stream including carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The method includes synthesizing methanol from the second stream via hydrogenation of carbon monoxide in the second stream, synthesizing dimethyl ether from the methanol, and generating acetic acid from the dimethyl ether and first-stream carbon monoxide.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Method for producing carbon monoxide

Номер: US20210188650A1

The present invention concerns a method of production for carbon monoxide using a derivative of formic acid, in particular an alkyl formate. It also concerns a method chosen from among, the method of production of methanol, the method of production of acetic acid (Monsanto and Cativa methods), the method of hydroformylation of olefins (oxo and aldox method, the method of production of hydrocarbons (Fischer-Tropsch method), or the method of carbonylation of nickel (Mond method), comprising a step of production of carbon monoxide using an alkyl formate of formula (I) by the method according to the invention. It further concerns a “CO pump” or “CO liquid storage” method comprising a step of production of carbon monoxide using an alkyl formate of formula (I) according to the method of the invention.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162790A1
Автор: Fouad Muhamad

Disclosed is a modified propene dehydrogenation (PDH) system and method for producing one or more chemical products from propane as the sole feed stock. The modified PDH system includes a reactor for converting propane into a stream of propene, hydrogen, and waste gas. It further includes a de-ethanizer stripper downstream of the PDH reactor for separating the reactor output gas into a stream of propene as one of an end product or an intermediate product, and a stream of hydrogen and waste gas. The modified PDH system also includes a hydrogen recovery unit disposed downstream of the de-ethanizer stripper system for separating the stream of waste gas and hydrogen into separate streams of waste gas, and hydrogen, with the hydrogen stream being one of an end product or an intermediate product. The modified PDH system can produce propene, hydrogen, ammonia, acrylonitrile, urea, or methanol. 1. A modified propane dehydrogenation (PDH) system for producing one or more chemical products from propane , comprising:a PDH reactor configured to convert propane into a reactor output stream of process gas containing at least propene, hydrogen, and waste gas;a de-ethanizer stripper system operatively coupled to and disposed downstream of said PDH reactor and configured to separate the reactor output stream of process gas into a first de-ethanizer output stream containing propene and any chemical component heavier than propene to be further purified downstream for use as an end product or intermediate product, and a second de-ethanizer output stream containing hydrogen and waste gas; anda hydrogen recovery unit operatively coupled to and disposed downstream of said de-ethanizer stripper system that is configured to separate the second de-ethanizer output stream into a stream of waste gas, and into a stream of hydrogen as one of an end product or an intermediate product to be used as a feed stock by an additional downstream system,wherein said modified PDH system generates a stream ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Pretreatment of biomass using steam explosion methods before gasification

Номер: US20140249237A1
Принадлежит: Sundrop Fuels Inc

An integrated plant that includes a steam explosion process unit and biomass gasifier to generate syngas from biomass is discussed. A steam explosion process unit applies a combination of heat, pressure, and moisture to the biomass to make the biomass into a moist fine particle form. The steam explosion process unit applies steam with a high pressure to heat and pressurize any gases and fluids present inside the biomass to internally blow apart the bulk structure of the biomass via a rapid depressurization of the biomass with the increased moisture content. Those produced moist fine particles of biomass are subsequently fed to a feed section of the biomass gasifier, which reacts the biomass particles in a rapid biomass gasification reaction to produce syngas components.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166503A1
Автор: Grauer Peter

Method and device for providing and using a methanol-containing liquid. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said electrolyzer and/or said catalytic reactor is/are operated autonomously without being connected to a power grid.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein both said electrolyzer and/or said catalytic reactor are operated in an off-line mode.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said electrolyzer and/or said catalytic reactor are being constantly supplied with electric power generated by said water power plant.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said starting material (Sy) is compressed before being introduced into said catalytic reactor.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said methanol containing liquid is distilled to remove water.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a purifying process for a purification of the carbon-containing gas is carried out off-site before said carbon-containing gas is mixed with said hydrogen gas.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein purified carbon-containing gas is delivered as cryogenic gas to an on-site gas buffer tank before being mixed with said hydrogen gas.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the methanol-containing liquid is delivered to at least one distribution point claim 1 , plant or sales location so as to make it available for the use in vehicles.10. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the liquid methanol is:used for the injection into a diesel engine of a vehicle, orused for blending with petrol, said blending being carried out in a stationary plant or inside a vehicle, orused in a combustion engine being designed in order to combust methanol.11. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the liquid methanol is filled into portable containers.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the portable containers are designed for being inserted or plugged into a vehicle and wherein the vehicle is enabled to take liquid from a container after it was ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Methane rich gas upgrading to methanol

Номер: US20220306467A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

A method for upgrading a hydrocarbon feed gas to methanol, including the steps of: providing a hydrocarbon feed gas; optionally, purifying the hydrocarbon feed gas in a gas purification unit; optionally, prereforming the hydrocarbon feed gas together with a steam feedstock in a prereforming unit; carrying out steam methane reforming in a reforming reactor heated by means of an electrical power source; providing the synthesis gas to a methanol synthesis unit to provide a product including methanol and an off-gas. Also, a system for upgrading a hydrocarbon feed gas to methanol. 1. A method for upgrading a hydrocarbon feed gas to methanol , comprising the steps of:a1) providing a hydrocarbon feed gas,{'sub': '2', 'b1) optionally, providing COto the process,'}b2) optionally, purifying the hydrocarbon feed gas in a gas purification unit,b3) optionally, prereforming the hydrocarbon feed gas together with a steam feedstock in a prereforming unit, c1) supplying said hydrocarbon feed gas to the reforming reactor,', 'c2) allowing the hydrocarbon feed gas to undergo steam methane reforming reaction over the structured catalyst and outletting a synthesis gas from the reforming reactor, and', 'c3) supplying electrical power via electrical conductors connecting an electrical power supply placed outside said pressure shell to said structured catalyst, allowing an electrical current to run through said macroscopic structure material, thereby heating at least part of the structured catalyst to a temperature of at least 500° C.,, 'c) carrying out steam methane reforming in a reforming reactor with a comprising a pressure shell housing a structured catalyst arranged to catalyze steam reforming of said hydrocarbon feed gas, said structured catalyst comprising a macroscopic structure of an electrically conductive material, said macroscopic structure supporting a ceramic coating, where said ceramic coating supports a catalytically active material; said steam methane reforming comprising ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156953A1
Автор: Han Pat A.
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

A process for the combined preparation of methanol and ammonia based on primary steam reforming a hydrocarbon feed stock and adiabatic secondary reforming with oxygen enriched air from electrolysis of water. 1. Process for the co-production of methanol and ammonia comprising the steps of(a) providing a hydrocarbon feed stock;(b) preparing a separate hydrogen stream and a separate oxygen stream by electrolysis of water;(c) primary steam reforming the hydrocarbon feed stock provided in step (a) to a primary steam reformed gas;(d) providing process air for use in a secondary reforming step by enriching atmospheric air with the separate oxygen stream from step (b);(e) secondary reforming the primary steam reformed gas from step (c) with the oxygen enriched air to a process gas stream comprising hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon oxides;(f) introducing at least part of the separate hydrogen stream from step (b) into the process gas stream obtained in step (e) or optionally into the process gas stream after a shift and/or carbon dioxide removal step;(g) catalytically converting the carbon oxides and a part of the hydrogen contained in the process gas stream in a once-through methanol synthesis stage and withdrawing an effluent containing methanol and a gas effluent containing un-converted carbon oxides, hydrogen and nitrogen;(h) purifying the gas effluent from step (g) and obtaining an ammonia synthesis gas containing hydrogen and nitrogen; and(i) catalytically converting the nitrogen and the hydrogen of the ammonia synthesis gas in an ammonia synthesis stage and withdrawing an effluent containing ammonia.2. Process of claim 1 , wherein at least a part of the process gas stream from step (e) is subjected one or more water gas shift reactions.3. Process of claim 1 , wherein at least a part of the process gas stream from step (e) is subjected to carbon dioxide removal.4. Process of claim 1 , wherein the purifying of the gas effluent in step (h) comprises methanation.5. Process of ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210198105A1

A process for the combined production of methanol and ammonia, wherein a reactant stream includes carbon monoxide is supplied to a recovery assembly to obtain first and second hydrogen-containing streams, each having an increased molar proportion of hydrogen compared to the reactant stream. The recovery assembly includes a shift conversion in which the carbon monoxide of at least one carbon monoxide-containing stream is at least partially converted into hydrogen and carbon dioxide by reaction with steam to obtain a converted stream having hydrogen and carbon dioxide at least partially recycled to a hydrogen recovery from which the first and second hydrogen-containing streams are obtained. A nitrogen stream and, at least partially, the first hydrogen-containing stream are supplied to an ammonia reactor assembly for at least partial conversion into ammonia and, at least partially, the second hydrogen-containing stream is supplied to a methanol reactor assembly for at least partial conversion into the methanol. 1. A process for combined production of methanol and ammonia , wherein a reactant stream comprising carbon monoxide is supplied to a recovery assembly to obtain a first hydrogen-containing stream and a second hydrogen-containing stream , each having an increased molar proportion of hydrogen compared to the reactant stream , wherein the recovery assembly comprises a shift conversion in which carbon monoxide of at least one carbon monoxide-containing stream is at least partially converted into hydrogen and carbon dioxide by reaction with steam to obtain a converted stream comprising hydrogen and carbon dioxide , which is at least partially supplied to a hydrogen recovery from which the first hydrogen-containing stream and the second hydrogen-containing stream are obtained , wherein a nitrogen stream and , at least partially , the first hydrogen-containing stream are supplied to an ammonia reactor assembly for at least partial conversion into ammonia and wherein , ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for producing methanol using partial oxidation

Номер: US20160176793A1
Принадлежит: Praxair Technology Inc

A method and system for producing methanol that employs steam methane reforming (SMR) and/or autothermal (ATR) synthesis gas production system, together with a partial oxidation system, is disclosed. The dual mode system and method for producing the synthesis gas in a methanol production process optimizes the efficiency and productivity of the methanol plant by using the partial oxidation based reforming system as an independent source of synthesis gas. The disclosed methods and systems are configurable either as a retrofit to existing methanol production facilities or as an integrated package into newly constructed methanol production facilities.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210198702A1

A process is provided for forming a fuel or a fuel intermediate from two fermentations that includes feeding an aqueous solution comprising a fermentation product from a first bioreactor to a second bioreactor and/or a stage upstream of the second bioreactor, which also produces the fermentation product. The aqueous solution may be added at any stage of the second fermentation and/or processing steps upstream from the second bioreactor that would otherwise require the addition of water. Accordingly, the product yield is increased while fresh/treated water usage is decreased. 134-. (canceled)35. A method for producing a fermentation product comprising:a) providing biomass; releasing fermentable sugars from the biomass to produce a first mixture comprising the released fermentable sugars;', 'subjecting at least the released fermentable sugars to a fermentation to produce a second mixture comprising the fermentation product;, 'b) converting part of the biomass to the fermentation product in a first process, the first process comprisingc) recovering the fermentation product from the second mixture to produce recovered fermentation product and still bottoms;d) subjecting the first mixture, the second mixture, the still bottoms, or a combination thereof to a solids-liquid separation to produce solids and liquid; subjecting at least the solids from the solids-liquid separation to a thermal process to produce syngas;', 'subjecting one or more components of the syngas to a gas fermentation, the gas fermentation producing an aqueous solution comprising the fermentation product; and, 'e) converting another part of the biomass to the fermentation product in a second process, the second process comprisingf) using at least part of the aqueous solution comprising the fermentation product produced from the second process in the first process such that the fermentation product from the first and second processes are recovered together.36. The method according to claim 35 , wherein ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Integration of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells in Cement Processing

Номер: US20140261090A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

In various aspects, systems and methods are provided for operating molten carbonate fuel cells with processes for cement production. The systems and methods can provide process improvements including increased efficiency, reduction of carbon emissions per ton of product produced, and simplified capture of the carbon emissions as an integrated part of the system. The number of separate processes and the complexity of the overall production system can be reduced while providing flexibility in fuel feed stock and the various chemical, heat, and electrical outputs needed to power the processes.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174592A1

A mobile system and method that reform flare gas, methane, or natural gas, using air without steam, to directly produce methanol, a clean burning gasoline blend, component, and/or substitute are disclosed. The system first reforms the air-methane mixture at ambient atmospheric pressure, then compresses the resulting CO-hydrogen-nitrogen gas mixture to about 600 psi, and feeds it through a methanol reactor which reacts the gas mixture directly into methanol. The nitrogen is returned by the system back to the atmosphere. Methanol is a clean burning gasoline substitute, and can be used to displace significantly costlier and dirtier petroleum-based fuel, while solving a critical problem with flaring. For example, the over 120 billion cubic feet per year that was flared in North Dakota in 2014 could be converted into over 6 million tons of methanol. 1. A method for converting raw natural gas into methanol using air as a source of oxygen , comprising:a syngas generation step for generating syngas from the raw natural gas and the air in an air reforming unit, wherein the syngas comprises carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and nitrogen;a syngas compression step for compressing the syngas that comprises the carbon monoxide, the hydrogen, and the nitrogen;a methanol synthesis step for synthesizing methanol from the syngas over a catalyst bed; anda power generation step for using unreacted carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the syngas to generate power, wherein some of the power is used to power the syngas compression step, and wherein unreacted nitrogen is returned to atmosphere.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:removing sulfur from the raw natural gas.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the syngas generation step comprises reforming the raw natural gas and the air in a presence of a steam reforming catalyst.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein air enriched in oxygen is used to increase concentrations of the carbon monoxide and the hydrogen in the syngas.5. The method of claim ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184082A1

A system or method for producing gasoline from natural gas can be particularly useful in a location which is a natural gas-producing region, but in which it is difficult to obtain water suitable for use in steam reforming, for example, in a desert or at sea. A system for producing gasoline from natural gas via methanol according to the present invention includes: a steam reformer for steam-reforming natural gas to produce reformed gas; a methanol synthesis apparatus for synthesizing methanol from the reformed gas; and a gasoline synthesis apparatus for synthesizing gasoline from the methanol, water being produced in the gasoline synthesis apparatus is reused for the steam reforming in the steam reformer 14-. (canceled)5. A system for producing gasoline from natural gas via methanol , comprising:a steam reforming apparatus for steam reforming the natural gas by using water to produce reformed gas;a methanol synthesis apparatus for synthesizing methanol from the reformed gas produced by the steam reforming apparatus;a gasoline synthesis apparatus for producing gasoline and water from the methanol synthesized by the methanol synthesis apparatus;a line for feeding the water produced by the gasoline synthesis apparatus to the steam reforming apparatus to use the water for steam reforming of the natural gas;a carbon dioxide recovery apparatus for recovering carbon dioxide from a flue gas generated in the steam reforming apparatus; anda line for feeding the carbon dioxide recovered by the carbon dioxide recovery apparatus to the steam reforming apparatus.6. A method for producing gasoline from natural gas via methanol , comprising the steps of:steam reforming the natural gas by using water to produce reformed gas;synthesizing methanol from the reformed gas;producing gasoline and water from the methanol;reusing the water produced in the gasoline synthesis for the steam reforming of the natural gas;recovering carbon dioxide from a flue gas generated in the steam reforming of ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for separating carbon dioxide and for utilizing carbon dioxide

Номер: US20210205755A1
Автор: Ari Piispanen
Принадлежит: Soletair Power Oy

The invention relates to a method and to an apparatus for separating and utilizing carbon dioxide. According to the invention, carbon dioxide (3a, 3b) is separated from air (1a) being conducted to a building and/or from air (1c,1d) being circulated in the building to reduce the level of carbon dioxide in indoor air (1b) of the building (4), the carbon dioxide (3a, 3b) is recovered, and the carbon dioxide is conducted to a carbon dioxide treatment stage (5), where a chemical compound (6) is formed from the carbon dioxide. In addition, the invention relates to the use of the method.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207036A1
Автор: Galloway Terry R.
Принадлежит: Raven SR LLC

This invention relates to a power recovery process in waste steam/COreformers in which a waste stream can be made to release energy without having to burn the waste or the syngas. This invention in some embodiments does not make use of fuel cells as a component but makes use of exothermic chemical reactors using syngas to produce heat, such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. It also relates to control or elimination of the emissions of greenhouse gases in the power recovery process of this invention with the goal of producing energy in the future carbonless world economy. 1. A waste reformation system comprising:a hydrocarbon synthesis reactor for producing a first stream of synthesized hydrocarbon gas;a waste reforming conversion system for receiving organic waste, steam, and carbon dioxide and for producing a second stream of synthesized hydrocarbon gas;wherein the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor is in fluid communication with the waste reforming conversion system such that a first portion of the first stream is mixed with the organic waste prior to the organic waste being received by the waste reforming conversion system; andwherein the waste reforming conversion system is in fluid communication with the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor such that a second portion of the second stream is used for producing the first stream.2. The waste reformation system of claim 1 , further comprising means for cooling the second portion prior to said producing the first stream.3. The waste reformation system of claim 2 , wherein the means for cooling is a Brayton cycle turbine.4. The waste reformation system of claim 1 , further comprising means for pressurizing the second portion prior to said producing the first stream.5. The waste reformation system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor is at least one of a Fischer-Tropsch unit and a shift converter.6. The waste reformation system of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon synthesis reactor is a Fischer-Tropsch unit and a ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Integrated power generation and carbon capture using fuel cells

Номер: US20140272617A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

Systems and methods are provided for capturing CO 2 from a combustion source using molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs). At least a portion of the anode exhaust can be recycled for use as a fuel for the combustion source. Optionally, a second portion of the anode exhaust can be recycled for use as part of an anode input stream. This can allow for a reduction in the amount of fuel cell area required for separating CO 2 from the combustion source exhaust and/or modifications in how the fuel cells can be operated.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Integration of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis

Номер: US20140272632A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

In various aspects, systems and methods are provided for integration of molten carbonate fuel cells with a Fischer-Tropsch synthesis process. The molten carbonate fuel cells can be integrated with a Fischer-Tropsch synthesis process in various manners, including providing synthesis gas for use in producing hydrocarbonaceous carbons. Additionally, integration of molten carbonate fuel cells with a Fischer-Tropsch synthesis process can facilitate further processing of vent streams or secondary product streams generated during the synthesis process.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172396A1

Among other things, the present invention encompasses the applicant's recognition that epoxide carbonylation can be performed industrially utilizing syngas streams containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide and varying amounts carbon dioxide. Contrary to expectation, the epoxide carbonylation reaction proceeds selectively in the presence of these mixed gas streams and incorporates excess CO in the syngas stream into valuable chemical precursors, resulting in hydrogen streams substantially free of CO. This is economically and environmentally preferable to performing WSGR which releases the excess carbon as CO2. The integrated processes herein therefore provide improved carbon efficiency for processes based on coal or biomass gasification or steam methane reforming. 1. A method for the integrated production of chemicals comprising the steps of:a) in a first reaction zone, contacting an epoxide in the presence of a carbonylation catalyst with a syngas stream containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide thereby causing carbon monoxide in the industrial gas stream to react with the epoxide to provide an epoxide carbonylation product,b) removing an upgraded gas stream from the first reaction zone wherein the upgraded gas stream has a higher hydrogen to carbon monoxide than the starting syngas stream, andc) in a second reaction zone, utilizing the upgraded gas stream to conduct a second chemical process requiring a hydrogen to CO ratio higher than the ratio in the industrial gas stream utilized in step (a).2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the syngas stream has a molar hydrogen to CO ratio between 0.5:1 and 1.2:1 claim 1 , and the upgraded gas stream has a hydrogen to CO ratio of at least 1.9:1.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second chemical process comprises Fischer Tropsch synthesis.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second chemical process comprises reaction on a fuel cell.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second chemical process comprises hydrogenation.6. The ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Method and System for Performing Gasification of Carbonaceous Feedstock

Номер: US20140275678A1
Принадлежит: SEARETE LLC

The gasification of a carbonaceous material includes receiving a volume of feedstock, supplying thermal energy to the volume of feedstock to convert at least a portion of the volume of feedstock to at least one pyrolysis reaction product via at least one pyrolysis reaction, super-heating the at least one pyrolysis reaction product, providing a volume of super-heated steam, mixing the volume of super-heated steam with the super-heated at least one pyrolysis reaction product and converting at least a portion of at least one reformed product to at least one synthesis gas product via at least one water-gas-shift reaction.

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Methods and system for decreasing gas emissions from landfills

Номер: US20160194262A1
Принадлежит: Fluor Technologies Corp

A method of diverting municipal solid waste (MSW) from a landfill that includes receiving, at a MSW processing system, a quantity of MSW, gasifying the quantity of MSW in a gasification unit to yield a syngas stream and biochar stream, converting at least a portion of the syngas to mixed alcohols in an alcohol synthesis unit, separating the mixed alcohols into one or more alcohol products, and determining a carbon offset for diverting the MSW from the landfill to the MSW processing system.

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190185396A1

A process for preparing methanol by a methanol synthesis reaction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen may involve a distillation step and a condensation step following the synthesis of a crude methanol. A volatile component and water may be separated off from a methanol-containing product stream, and a gas stream containing a volatile component that has been separated off may be discharged at least partially as offgas. At least part of the gas stream that has been separated off may be recirculated into the methanol synthesis reaction. A plant for preparing methanol can store or utilize electric power generated from renewable energy sources and provide facilities for discharging the offgas stream, which can be purified by catalytic after-combustion. Alternatively, the plant can be configured without discharge of an offgas substream, or the offgas streams are so small that they can be released without treatment into the environment at a suitable position. 135.-. (canceled)36. A process for preparing methanol by reaction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen , the process comprising:feeding a product stream obtained in a methanol synthesis reaction to at least one of a high-pressure separator or a low-pressure separator where a gas stream is separated off from a methanol-containing product stream;feeding the methanol-containing product stream, after the gas stream is separated off, to a distillation step where water is separated off from the methanol-containing product stream; andrecirculating volatile components that have been separated off in the distillation step at least partly into a mixing and compression section located upstream of the methanol synthesis reaction.37. The process of comprising at least one ofat least partially discharging a gas stream that contains at least one of the volatile components as offgas, orrecirculating at least part of the gas stream that contains the at least one of the volatile components to the methanol synthesis reaction.38. The process of ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190185887A1

The present disclosure provides a process for forming a biogenic carbon-based fuel or a fuel intermediate from biogenic carbon dioxide and hydrogen. At least a portion of the biogenic carbon dioxide and hydrogen is subjected to a reverse water gas shift reaction that produces at least carbon monoxide. The carbon monoxide so produced, the biogenic carbon dioxide and the hydrogen are introduced, together or separately, to a biologic or chemical conversion process to produce the fuel or fuel intermediate. 1. A process for producing a fuel or fuel intermediate containing carbon derived from non-fossil organic material comprising:(i) providing biogenic carbon dioxide that is sourced from a production process comprising at least one of a step of fermentation and a thermal process, said production process producing a first product derived from the non-fossil organic material, said first product selected from: (a) an energy product; (b) a biogenic carbon-based product selected from a chemical product, a fuel and a fuel intermediate; and (c) a combination thereof, wherein the biogenic carbon dioxide is generated during the production process;(ii) providing a stream enriched in hydrogen that is sourced from a hydrogen production process, the hydrogen production process including a step of removing fossil carbon dioxide from a stream including hydrogen to provide the steam enriched in hydrogen;(iii) converting the biogenic carbon dioxide and hydrogen from the stream enriched in hydrogen to a second product, said second product comprising at least one of a biogenic carbon-based fuel and a biogenic carbon-based fuel intermediate; wherein the converting comprises subjecting at least a portion of the biogenic carbon dioxide and hydrogen to a reverse water gas shift reaction to produce carbon monoxide and water, and wherein the carbon monoxide so produced, biogenic carbon dioxide, and hydrogen are fed to a biologic or chemical conversion process to produce the second product; and( ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Reforming device and reforming method, and device for manufacturing chemical products equipped with reforming device and method for manufacturing chemical products

Номер: US20150202589A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A reforming device according to the present invention has a compressor, a first heat exchanger, a desulfurization device, a reformer, a raw material gas branching line that extracts a compressed natural gas from a downstream side of the desulfurization device with respect to the flow direction of the natural gas and supplies the natural gas to the reformer, and a flue gas discharging line that discharges a flue gas generated in the reformer, wherein the first heat exchanger is provided in the flue gas discharging line, and the flue gas is used as a heating medium of the compressed natural gas.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197894A1
Автор: Dybkjær Ib
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoes A/S

The present application relates to a process comprising the steps of—providing a purge stream from a synthesis section,—preheating at least part of said purge stream,—adding steam to the preheated purge stream to obtain a first mixed stream,—passing the first mixed stream through a shift conversion step thereby obtaining a conversion product stream,—passing at least part of the conversion product stream through a Hseparation step producing a Henriched stream and a Hdepleted waste stream, and —returning at least part of said Henriched stream to and/or upstream the synthesis section. 1. A process comprising the steps ofproviding a purge stream from a synthesis section,preheating at least part of said purge stream,adding steam to the preheated purge stream to obtain a first mixed stream,{'b': '1', 'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'passing the first mixed stream through a shift conversion step thereby obtaining a conversion product stream, p passing at least part of the conversion product stream through a Hseparation step producing a Henriched stream and a Hdepleted waste stream, and'}{'sub': '2', 'returning at least part of said Henriched stream to or upstream the synthesis section.'}2. Process according to comprising the step of cooling at least part of the conversion product stream before passing the cooled conversion product stream through a process gas separator thereby obtaining a condensate stream and a vapor stream claim 1 , and passing at least part of the vapor stream to the Hseparation step.3. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the Hdepleted stream is used as fuel in fired heaters in the process unit and/or for power production.4. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the Hseparation step is carried out in a membrane unit or in a PSA.5. Plant comprising a synthesis section and a purge gas treatment line claim 1 , said purge gas treatment line comprising:preheater,steam addition means,shift conversion unit, and{'sub': '2', 'Hseparation means.'}6. Plant according to ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170203281A1

The present invention provides a process for in-situ preparation of metal oxide(s) comprising the step of precipitating a metal salt solution with Fehling's reagent B and glucose at a suitable temperature. The metal oxide(s) prepared according to the present invention can be used for diverse applications including their utility as catalyst(s) in one or more reactions. The present invention further provides a highly selective bi-functional hybrid catalyst for direct conversion of syn-gas to dimethyl ether (DME) and methods of preparation thereof. The one or more metal oxide(s) can be directly obtained from the metal precursors following the method(s) of the present invention instead of metal hydroxides as in conventional known methods, thereby eliminating the necessity of high temperature calcination step(s) and rigorous reduction procedure(s). 1. A process for in-situ preparation of a mixed metal oxide comprising the step of: precipitating a mixed metal salt solution with Fehling's reagent B and glucose at a suitable temperature;wherein said mixed metal salt solution comprises at least two metal ions; andwherein half cell reduction potential of at least one metal ion of said at least two metal ions is lower than glucose.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the process is substantially free of isolation of one or more metal hydroxide(s).3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the process is substantially free of calcination step(s).4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the process is substantially free of rigorous hydrogen reduction step(s).5. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one metal ion is selected from the group consisting of Zn claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Ca or Ti.6. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the temperature for carrying out the process ranges from 40° C. to 200° C.7. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the process is carried out under ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Processes For Producing High Biogenic Concentration Fischer-Tropsch Liquids Derived From Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) Feedstocks

Номер: US20210230491A1

Processes for producing high biogenic concentration Fischer-Tropsch liquids derived from the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (MSW) feedstock that contains a relatively high concentration of biogenic carbon (derived from plants) and a relatively low concentration of non-biogenic carbon (derived from fossil sources) wherein the biogenic content of the Fischer-Tropsch liquids is the same as the biogenic content of the feedstock. 1. A transportation fuel or fuel additive derived from municipal solid wastes (MSW) that contain materials that are produced from biogenic derived carbon materials and non-biogenic derived carbon materials , the transportation fuel or fuel additive derived from a process comprising the steps of:a) in a feedstock processing step, removing some of the non-biogenic derived carbon materials and non-carbonaceous materials from municipal solid wastes to produce a processed MSW feedstock that contains a higher concentration of biogenic carbon materials than non-biogenic carbon materials; andb) converting the processed MSW feedstock into Fischer-Tropsch liquids in a bio-refinery while maintaining a greater concentration of biogenic carbon than non-biogenic carbon; andc) upgrading the Fischer-Tropsch liquids into a transportation fuel or fuel additive while maintaining a greater concentration of biogenic carbon than non-biogenic carbon.2. The transportation fuel or fuel additive derived by the process according to wherein the step of converting the processed MSW feedstock into Fischer-Tropsch liquids in the bio-refinery claim 1 , further comprises: converting the processed MSW feedstock in a gasification island.3. The transportation fuel or fuel additive derived by the process according to wherein claim 1 , in the feedstock processing step claim 1 , more than about 10% of the non-biogenic derived carbon materials are removed.4. The transportation fuel or fuel additive derived by the process according to wherein claim 1 , in the feedstock ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170209826A1

A system and a method for the recovery of carbon dioxide from a gas containing it. The system of the invention includes: 1. A system for the recovery of carbon dioxide from a gas which contains it , said system comprising:pressurizing means for pressurizing the gasan absorption tank for absorbing into water the carbon dioxide contained in a gas pressurized with the pressurizing meansa desorption tank for desorbing from water the carbon dioxide absorbed in watermeans for circulating water from the absorption tank into the desorption tank and from the desorption tank back into the absorption tankrecovering means for the recovery of carbon dioxide to be desorbed from the water,wherein the absorption tank houses an agitator which comprises a motor, a drive shaft, and at least one propeller located close to the water surface at a depth where the hydrostatic pressure of water is nonexistent or almost nonexistent, the agitator having a function of enabling water to circulate in the absorption tank by ejecting it into an air space of the absorption tank and by spreading it in the absorption tank's air space over an area as extensive as possible.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , moreover claim 1 , the desorption tank houses an agitator with a function of enabling water to circulate in the desorption tank by ejecting it into an air space of the desorption tank and by spreading it in the desorption tank's air space over an area as extensive as possible.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the agitator comprises a motor claim 2 , a drive shaft claim 2 , and at least one propeller located close to the water surface at a depth where the hydrostatic pressure of water is nonexistent or almost nonexistent.4. The system according to claim 3 , wherein the drive shaft of said at least one propeller is provided above the water surface with a guard for spreading the water ejected upward by said at least one propeller over an extensive area in the air space as ...
