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21-10-2022 дата публикации

Способ получения термоактивированного металлоорганического координационного полимера и способ получения композитного нанопористого адсорбента на его основе

Номер: RU2782026C2

Изобретение относится к технологии синтеза и активации металлорганических полимеров для создания функциональных блочных материалов - адсорбентов, а именно к способу получения термоактивированного металлорганического координационного полимера Cu-ВТС. Способ включает взаимодействие при перемешивании раствора нитрата меди Cu (II) с раствором 1,3,5 -бензолтрикарбоновой кислоты, с использованием в качестве растворителя - N,N'-диметилформамида, с образованием пористой структуры, и последующей активацией, при этом активацию проводят комбинированным способом, включающим промывку подогретым до температуры 40-60°С органическим растворителем, сушку при температуре 90-120°С, термовакуумную активацию при температурах 110-200°С. Также предложены термоактивированный металлорганический координационный полимер Cu-ВТС, способы получения композитного нанопористого адсорбента и композитный нанопористый адсорбент. Техническим результатом изобретения является улучшение адсорбционных свойств металлорганического ...

16-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653989C2

Изобретение относится к катализатору для получения 3-(3-фенилпроп-2-ин-1-ил)-1,3-оксазолидина, который может найти применение в синтезе биологически активных соединений. В качестве катализатора предлагается новый хелатный S,S-комплекс дихлорида димеди(I) 1,2-бис[(3,5-диметилизоксазол-4-ил)метилсульфанил]этана. Технический результат заключается в получении 3-(3-фенилпроп-2-ин-1-ил)-1,3-оксазолидин с выходами 75-98%. 1 табл., 1 пр.

16-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017136490A3

26-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2786842C1

Изобретение относится к фармакологии, в частности, к применению комплексных соединений меди(II) на основе арилметиленбиспиран-2-онов указанной ниже формулы, в которой при n = 4 R=H (1) или R=3-NO2(2), в качестве антибактериального средства в отношении культуры клеток Escherichia coli K-12. Изобретение направлено на расширение арсенала средств, обладающих антибактериальным действием в отношении культуры клеток Escherichia coli K-12. 2 ил., 1 табл., 2 пр.

14-03-2024 дата публикации

Ди[(фуран-3-карбоксилато-О)-(2,9-диметил-1,10-фенантролин-N,N')-медь(II)], обладающий антипролиферативной и антимикобактериальной активностью

Номер: RU2815425C1

Изобретение относится к координационным соединениям металлов. Предложено координационное соединение ди[(фуран-3-карбоксилато-O)-(2,9-диметил-1,10-фенантролин-N,N')-медь(II)] формулы обладающее антипролиферативным действием по отношению к раковым клеткам и антимикобактериальной активностью. Предложенное соединение может быть использовано в химиотерапии рака и туберкулеза. 3 ил., 2 табл., 5 пр.

28-12-2023 дата публикации

Способ получения водорастворимого металлокомплекса хлорина е6 с медью

Номер: RU2810784C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к химико-фармацевтической промышленности, а именно к разработке новых способов получения фотосенсибилизаторов. Предложен способ получения медного металлокомплекса хлорина е6 со структурной формулой (1), включающий: реакцию N-метил-D-глюкамина и водорастворимой соли меди в водном растворе с получением соединения со структурной формулой (2), реакцию металлирования соединения со структурной формулой (3) соединением со структурной формулой (2) в водном растворе с последующим инкубированием раствора при температуре 37-60°С в течение 10-30 минут. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 пр. (1) (2) (3) ...

20-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010113946A

... 1. Координационные соединения производных имидазол-4-она, ингибирующие теломеразу, общей формулы ! ! где заместитель А выбран из группы, включающей арильные заместители, конденсированные арильные заместители, циклопентил, циклогексил, алифатические заместители, алифатические заместители с двойной связью, алифатические заместители с тройной связью, метиламиновый заместитель CH3NH-, карбэтоксигруппу C2H5O(O)С-, пятичленные гетероциклические заместители с одним атомом азота, пятичленные гетероциклические заместители с двумя атомами азота, шестичленные гетероциклические заместители, заместитель В отсутствует или является алифатическим заместителем, заместитель С представляет собой гетероарильный заместитель, присоединяемый к производному имидазол-4-она через атом углерода и выбран из группы, включающей 5-членные ненасыщенные моноциклические гетероарильные заместители с 1, 2, 3 гетероатомами в цикле, выбранными из группы, включающей N, О и S, 6-членные ненасыщенные моноциклические гетероарильные ...

13-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718678C1

Изобретение относится к области химии и химической технологии, а именно к координационной и синтетической химии металл-органических координационных полимеров, обладающих сорбционной ёмкостью, в частности к способу получения микропористого тримезиата меди(II), включающему этапы, на которых в этиловом спирте растворяют тримезиновую кислоту и добавляют водный раствор соли меди(II) с получением смеси, в которой следующее соотношение компонентов, масс.%: 50–80% спирта, 5–10% тримезиновой кислоты, 10–20% соли меди, вода — остальное, причем смесь нагревают при 20–100°C в течение 0,5–5 часов с периодическим добавлением по каплям 0,5–2%-ого раствора щелочного агента или добавлением щелочного агента в количестве от 0,5 до 2 мольных частей на каждую мольную часть соли меди, выделяют осадок, который охлаждают до 20-30°C, очищают последовательной обработкой этанолом и дистиллированной водой или водным раствором этанола с концентрацией 10–30% и высушивают на воздухе при 70-80°C до появления у порошка ...

07-06-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002508084C2

09-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002735465A1

30-06-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001237055A

... 1,237,055. Ethylenically unsaturated compounds. ZOECON CORP. 17 Oct., 1969 [3 Feb., 1969; 11 April, 1969], No. 51168/69. Heading C2C. ,#-Ethylenically unsaturated compounds are prepared from ,#-acetylenically unsaturated acid esters, amides, aldehydes, ketones or nitriles, having on the #-carbon atom a hydrogen atom or a saturated or unsaturated, substituted hydrocarbon group, by reacting with an organometallic compound. The metal atom of the organo-metallic compound is copper (I), manganese (II), iron (II), cobalt (II), chromium (II) and chromium (III) and the organo group is a saturated or unsaturated, substituted or unsubstituted hydrocarbon group, which is added to the #-carbon atom of the acetylenically unsaturated compound. The organometallic compound may be prepared by reacting (a) a metal salt with organo-lithium; (b) a metal salt with organo-magnesium halide; or metal salt with diorgano-magnesium in an inert anhydrous organic solvent at from - 150‹ C. to room temperature. Examples ...

27-10-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001251183A

30-12-1937 дата публикации

A process for the manufacture of organic addition compounds containing heavy metals

Номер: GB0000477673A

Complex double compounds containing metals are prepared by combining non-noble heavy metal compounds derived from amines, acid amides including urea, nitriles, aminoalcohols or oximes which in aqueous or alcoholic solution do not have an acid reaction to phenol phthalein, with completely alkylated and/or arylated compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus or sulphur not substituted in the alkyl or aryl groups, or with alkyl and/or aryl phosphites. The metal compounds may be prepared in situ, e.g. by reacting the oxides or hydroxides of the metals with the nitrogen-containing organic compounds. The products are useful as additions to hydrocarbon mixtures; when added to gasolines they improve their anti-knock properties, whilst in the case of lubricants they render them suitable as extreme pressure lubricants or act as anti-oxidants. Examples of organic metallic compounds are cupro-urea, silver acetamide, cupro-aniline, nickel formamide and formanilide, cobalti - formanilide, cupro - acetamide and ...

21-04-2010 дата публикации

Modified polymer complex, complex monomer, polymer complex, and redox catalyst

Номер: GB0201003545D0

20-04-1938 дата публикации

A process for manufacturing organic addition compounds containing metals

Номер: GB0000483400A

Complex double compounds containing metals, which are useful as additions to hydrocarbons, e.g. gasoline, lubricating oils, tar oils, and brown coal products, as anti-detonants, anti-oxidants, or improvers, comprise the reaction products of an alkali metal derivative of an aromatic hydrocarbon with a complex compound formed of an inorganic or organic non-noble heavy metal compound and a completely alkylated and/or arylated compound of nitrogen, phosphorus or sulphur not substituted in the alkyl or aryl group. The radicle attached to the metal in the latter complex compounds is thereby replaced by an aromatic hydrocarbon radicle. Examples are given of the preparation of cuprophenyl-triethyl phosphine, nickel diphenyl-triethyl phosphine, cuprophenyl-trimethylamine, and silver a -naphthyl-triethyl phosphine. In addition, the following components are referred to: pyridine, triethylamine, tripropyl phosphine, triphenyl phosphine, thioether, ethylene diethyl sulphide and dibutyl sulphide. Specifications ...

27-03-2019 дата публикации

Metal complexes with charge-compensating ligands

Номер: GB0201901790D0

30-11-2022 дата публикации

Defective metal-organic framework desulfurization adsorbent and its preparation method and use

Номер: GB0002607159A

A method of preparing a defective metal-organic framework suitable for use as a desulfurization adsorbent. The preparation method comprises initially dissolving trimesic acid and 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid in a solvent and sonicating them to form solution 1. Copper nitrate trihydrate is added to the solution to form solution 2. Solution 2 is then subjected to a microwave-assisted synthesis to obtain the desired metal-organic framework. The solvent can be one or more of water, anhydrous ethanol, N,N-dimethylformamide or acetone. Preferably the microwave-assisted synthesis involves heating from 20-35 °C to 95-105 °C at a rate of 4-6 °Cmin-1, maintaining this target temperature for between 10 and 20 min followed by a second heating step to between 115 and 125 °C at a rate of 1-2 °C and maintaining this temperature for 30 mins. A microwave power of between 500-1000 W is used. Preferably the molar ratio of benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylic acid and 5-HIPA is between 1-9 and 3-7. Post-treatment can ...

28-02-2015 дата публикации

A method of synthesiting a complex [MN(NNS)2] active against the malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum

Номер: AP0000003114A

31-12-2012 дата публикации

A method of synthesizing a complex [MN(NNS)2] active against the malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum

Номер: AP2012006586A0

31-12-2012 дата публикации

A method of synthesizing a complex [MN(NNS)2] active against the malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum

Номер: AP0201206586D0

31-12-2012 дата публикации

A method of synthesizing a complex [MN(NNS)2] active against the malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum

Номер: AP0201206586A0

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477258T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000402181T

27-12-1965 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of Dibenzocycloheptaenverbindungen and their salts

Номер: AT0000244323B

18-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000468029B2

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Therapeutic metal complexes and ligands and methods of making and using same

Номер: AU2018325283A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Disclosed herein are compound embodiments that are useful for treating a variety of diseases, particularly neurological diseases, motor neuron diseases, copper deficiency-related diseases, and/or mitochondrial deficiencies. The compound embodiments described herein also can be used in PET methods. Also disclosed herein are embodiments of methods of making and using the compound embodiments, as well as pharmaceutical formulations comprising the disclosed compound embodiments.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Cage amine ligands for metallo-radiopharmaceuticals

Номер: AU2012350147B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to compounds that are useful as metal ligands and which can be bound to a biological entity such as a molecular recognition moiety and methods of making these compounds. Once the compounds that are bound to a biological entity are coordinated with a suitable metallic radionuclide, the coordinated compounds are useful as radiopharmaceuticals in the areas of radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging. The invention therefore also relates to methods of diagnosis and therapy utilising the radiolabelled compounds of the invention.

23-09-1996 дата публикации

A method of preparing a rodenticide/anticoagulant compound

Номер: AU0001825295A

15-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001036615A1

20-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1178290A

A composition of matter of the formula where M is Cu(I) or Ag(l); R1 is Cl-C6 fluoroalkyl, C1-C8 alkyl, C4-C6 heterocycle containing O, S or N or C6-C10 aryl; R2 is H or Cl-C6 alkyl, with the proviso that R1 and R2 together with the carbons to which they are attached may be joined together to form a C6 ring; L is an unsaturated hydrocarbon containing at least one non-aromatic unsaturation; x and y are 1 or 2; and n is from 1 to 8. The process for making the composition of matter and for removing unsaturated hydrocarbons from feedstreams comprises contacting at least one of Cu20 or Ag20 with a fluorinated acetylacetonate of the formula where R1, R2 and n are defined as above in an inert organic solvent.

12-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1044244A

Metal halide complexes of 4-cyano-2,2-dimethylbutyr-aldoxime-N-methylcarbamate, a method for the stabilization of said carbamate and a method for the treatment of insects and acarina with said complexes, are disclosed.

03-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001292747C

ARALKYL (ARYLETHYNYL)ARALKYL AMINES AND THEIR USE AS VASODILATORS AND ANTIHYPERTENSIVES Acetylenes of the formula (I): (I) wherein Y, m, R1, R2, q, Alk, R3, n and R4 are as defined herein and Ar1 and Ar2 are aromatic, including the salts and ammonium derivatives of formula (I), in treating angina, hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias. Pharmaceutical compositions, methods of use and synthesis and novel intermediates are also part of the invention. MN-416 ...

24-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001096134A1

11-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002525521A1

The invention relates to dicopper (I) oxalate complexes, stabilised by means of neutral Lewis bases, such as alkenes or alkynes and the use of dicopper (I) oxalate complexes as precursor for metallic copper deposition in which alkynes, alkenes, triarylphosphines, CO and isonitriles are used as neutral Lewis bases.

16-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002641591A1

Disclosed is a polynuclear complex containing, in a molecule, a plurality of metal atoms and one or more ligands L satisfying the following conditions (i), (ii) and (iii). (i) It has a group having a polymerization-reactive multiple bond and/or a ring-opening polymerizable ring. (ii) It has 5 or more coordinating atoms to be coordinated with a metal atom. (iii) It is soluble in a solvent.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002980268A1

Provided are an efficient method for producing a nitrogen-containing compound or salt thereof to be used in the production of a treatment agent for diseases involving an integrin. Also provided is a production intermediate of the same. A method for producing a novel nitrogen-containing compound or salt thereof, said method comprising: (1) a step for obtaining a compound represented by general formula [10] or salt thereof by an amidation reaction; and (2) a step for deprotecting the compound represented by general formula [10] or salt thereof.

07-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002828958A1

The compound according to Formula I is an intermediate in the synthesis of prostacylin analogs. The present invention provides an efficient method for synthesizing a Formula I compound.

03-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002877998A1

The present invention relates to a microelement organic O-chelate or N-chelate complex compound, for the inhibition of facultative pathogenic bacteria. The present invention further relates to a composition, feed additive or feed comprising the compounds, as well as methods for the preparation thereof, and for the use thereof in animal stock farming.

30-09-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000580046A5

13-08-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000578502A5

29-11-1974 дата публикации

Anti-arrhythmic basic diphenyltetrafluoroethanes - ethanes

Номер: CH0000556321A
Принадлежит: MERCK & CO INC, MERCK & CO., INC.

Anti-arrhythmic basic diphenyltetrafluoroethanes. Title cpds. are of formula: (where X is -CH2NRR1 in 2-position or -C(CH3)2NRR1 in 4-position, R and R1 are H or lower alkyl).

30-03-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000609967A5

15-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000615159A5

15-02-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000584687A5
Принадлежит: SEARLE & CO, SEARLE, G.D., & CO.

15-07-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000589620A5

31-08-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000590834A5

31-08-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000590836A5

31-08-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000590884A5

13-10-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000606034A5
Принадлежит: ANIC SPA

13-01-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000594623A5

15-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000644491A5

15-12-1995 дата публикации

Fiber-reactive Monoazo Kupferkomplexe.

Номер: CH0000686043A5
Принадлежит: SANDOZ AG

31-07-2017 дата публикации

Compounds 4h-and-pirido[ 1.2-and-a]pirimidin-and-4-and-it

Номер: EA0201790795A1

28-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002366222A1

01-06-2016 дата публикации

불소 함유 착체 화합물, 및 이것을 사용하는 불소 함유 유기 화합물의 제조 방법

Номер: KR1020160062117A

... 본 발명은 여러가지, 테트라플루오로에틸렌 구조(-CF2-CF2-)의 양쪽 말단에 유기기를 갖는 불소 함유 화합물의 합성을 가능하게 하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 본 발명은 식 (1a): [식 중, M1은, 구리, 아연, 니켈, 철, 코발트 및 주석으로 이루어지는 군에서 선택되는 금속을 나타내고; R1은, 유기기를 나타낸다.] 으로 표시되는 불소 함유 유기 금속 화합물, 및 피리딘환을 갖는 화합물, 및 포스핀으로 이루어지는 군에서 선택되는 배위자 를 포함하는 불소 함유 착체 화합물을 제공한다.

03-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160047824A

The present invention provides a novel compound and a photosensitive resin composition including the compound. The present invention also provides a color filter manufactured by using the photosensitive resin composition. The compound expressed by chemical Formula 1 is provided. In chemical formula 1, each of substituents is as defined in the specification. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

08-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010039169A1

A self-decontaminating metal organic framework including an acid linked to a metal producing a metal organic framework configured for the sorption of chemical warfare agents and/or toxic industrial chemicals, the metal organic framework including reactive sites for the degradation of the agents and chemicals.

16-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: WO1989010916A1

The conjugate addition of hydrocarbon equivalents to alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds using a series of novel catalysts is described. The catalysts comprise copper(I) complexes with ligand systems comprising either tropocoronand macrocycles or N,N'-dialkylsubstituted aminotroponeimines.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210793A1
Принадлежит: Duke University

The present invention provides compounds of Formula I: 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Z is absent.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Z is a transition metal.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Z is a transition metal selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , iron and zinc.5. The compound of claim 1 , wherein at least one adjacent pair of Rand Rtogether form a heteroaryl selected from the group consisting of pyrimidine claim 1 , thiazole claim 1 , thiophene claim 1 , isoquinoline claim 1 , imidazole claim 1 , and pyrroline.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Ris selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , halo claim 1 , and sulfonate.7. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Ris selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , halo claim 1 , and sulfonate.8. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Ris selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , halo claim 1 , and sulfonate.9. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Ris selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , halo claim 1 , and sulfonate.10. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Rand Rtogether form oxo.11. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each Ris independently selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , halo claim 1 , and sulfonate.12. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each Ris independently selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , halo claim 1 , and sulfonate.13. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each Ris independently selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , and halo.14. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each Ris independently selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , and halo.16. A composition comprising a compound of in a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.1718-. ( ...

28-12-2010 дата публикации

Use of a copper (I) complexes for organic luminescent diodes

Номер: US0007858208B2

The present invention relates to the use of copper(I) complexes of the formula I where X is nitrogen or a CR group, R is alkyl or aryl, Ar is phenyl or naphthyl, each of which is optionally substituted by from one to three radicals selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkylthio, alkylamino, dialkylamino, alkoxycarbonyl, alkoxysulfonyl, halogen, cyano, carboxyl, hydroxysulfonyl and nitro, and the two optionally substituted phenyl or naphthyl radicals may be joined to one another by a chemical single bond via the carbon atoms in the - and -position relative to the phosphorus atom, n is 1, 2 or 3, and Y is halogen, cyano, thiocyanato, alkoxy, aryloxy, alkylthio, arylthio, alkylamino, dialkylamino, arylamino or diarylamino, in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), The present invention further relates to light-emitting layers which comprise at least one copper(I) complex of the formula I, to OLEDs which comprise at least one copper(I) complex of the formula I or an inventive light-emitting ...

07-05-2019 дата публикации

Microporous metal-organic frameworks for the removal of acetylene from ethylene

Номер: US0010279334B2

A metal-organic framework (MOF) and uses thereof are provided herein, including MOF comprising a repeat unit of the formula [ML], wherein L is a ligand of the following formula: and M is a divalent metal such as copper. The MOFs provided herein may be used in the separation of two or more gaseous molecules from each other. In some embodiments, the gaseous molecules are ethylene and acetylene.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041626A1

The present disclosure provides amide M carbene emitters of Formula (I); organic light emitting device (OLED) comprising an anode, a cathode, and an organic layer, disposed between the anode and the cathode, comprising a compound of Formula (I); and consumer products comprising an OLED comprising a compound of Formula (I): 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein M is selected from the group consisting of Cu claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , and Au.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein ring A is represented by formula (Aii).5. The compound of claim 1 , wherein ring A is represented by formula (Ai).7. The compound of claim 6 , wherein each of Xto Xindependently represents C.17. A formulation comprising the compound of . The present application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 63/061,263, filed Aug. 5, 2020, which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present disclosure relates to compounds for use as emitters, and devices, such as organic light emitting diodes, including the same.The claimed invention was made by, on behalf of, and/or in connection with one or more of the following parties to a joint university corporation research agreement: Regents of the University of Michigan, Princeton University, University of Southern California, and the Universal Display Corporation. The agreement was in effect on and before the date the claimed invention was made, and the claimed invention was made as a result of activities undertaken within the scope of the agreement.Opto-electronic devices that make use of organic materials are becoming increasingly desirable for a number of reasons. Many of the materials used to make such devices are relatively inexpensive, so organic opto-electronic devices have the potential for cost advantages over inorganic devices. In addition, the inherent properties of organic materials, such as their flexibility, may make them well suited for particular applications such as fabrication on a flexible substrate. Examples of ...

27-02-1990 дата публикации

Process for substituting a hydrocarbon group

Номер: US0004904820A

This invention encompasses a process for preparing higher order cuprate complexes which contain a carbanion for the formation of carbon to carbon bonds in reactions such as 1,4-conjugate addition. The complex is formed by reacting a first cuprate cmoplex with a stannane such that the carbanion to be used to form carbon to carbon bonds is transferred from the stannane to the first cuprate complex to form a different higher order cuprate complex. This process permits the in situ preparation of a higher order cuprate complex having the carbanion desired to be used in a synthetic reaction. Higher order cuprate complexes prepared by this process are particularly useful for the efficient preparation of pharmacologically active prostaglandins.

23-11-2021 дата публикации

Hybrid metal-organic framework separators for electrochemical cells

Номер: US0011183714B2

A hybrid separator for an electrochemical cell is provided, along with methods of making the hybrid separator. The hybrid separator includes a first metal-organic framework comprising copper and having a plurality of first pores and a second distinct metal-organic framework comprising indium or zinc and having a plurality of second pores. The hybrid separator is capable of adsorbing one or more lithium salts in at least one of the plurality of first pores or the plurality of second pores so as to be ionically conductive. The hybrid separator may have a conductivity greater than or equal to about 0.1 mS/cm to less than or equal to about 1 mS/cm and is substantially free of any polymeric binder.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Nitrogen-Containing Ligands And Their Use In Atomic Layer Deposition Methods

Номер: US20140102365A1

Methods for deposition of elemental metal films on surfaces using metal coordination complexes comprising nitrogen-containing ligands are provided. Also provided are nitrogen-containing ligands useful in the methods of the invention and metal coordination complexes comprising these ligands. 1. A metal coordinating ligand having a formula{'sub': 1', '2', 'x', 'y', '7', '8', '1-6', '2-4', '1', '2', '7', '8', '3', '4', '5', '6, 'a) RRN—(CR)—N—(CR)—NRR, wherein each R is independently hydrogen, Calkyl, acyl, aldehyde, keto or Calkenyl and x and y are independently 2-6, provided that when each of R, R, Rand Ris ethyl, at least one of R, R, Rand Ris not H;'}{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '3', '4', '1-6', '2-4', '1', '2', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'b) RRN—Ar—NH—Ar—NRR, wherein each R is independently hydrogen, Calkyl, acyl, aldehyde, keto or Calkenyl, and Arand Arare aromatic hydrocarbon moieties which may be the same or different, provided that at least one of R, R, Rand Ris not methyl;'}{'sub': 1', '2', '3', '4', 'x', 'Ar', '5', '6', 'y', '7', '8', '1-6', '2-4', 'Ar', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'c) RRN—(CRR)—N—(CRR)—NRR, wherein each R is independently hydrogen, Calkyl, acyl, aldehyde, keto or Calkenyl, and Nis a heterocyclic aromatic moiety wherein the heteroatom is N, provided that at least one of R, R, Rand Ris not methyl, or;'}{'sub': Ar1', '1', '2', 'x', '5', '3', '4', 'y', 'Ar2', '1-6', '2-4', 'Ar1', 'Ar2, 'd) N—(CRR)—NR—(CRR)—N, wherein each R is independently hydrogen, Calkyl, acyl, aldehyde, keto or Calkenyl, and Nand Nmay be the same or different and are heterocyclic aromatic moieties wherein the heteroatom is N.'}3. The metal coordinating ligand of claim 2 , wherein R claim 2 , R claim 2 , Rand Rof formula I are each ethyl (Et) and each of R-Ris independently hydrogen claim 2 , Calkyl claim 2 , acyl claim 2 , aldehyde claim 2 , keto or Calkenyl.4. An apparatus comprising:a deposition chamber; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the metal coordinating ligand of ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140213806A1
Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmbH

The invention describes electronic devices comprising a metal complex compound having at least one ligand contain-ing an N donor and a P donor having the formula (I), in which the carbons C1 and C2 are part of an aromatic or non-aromatic ring system F1, P and N are phosphorus and nitrogen, where the nitrogen is in sp2-hybridised form, the radicals R3 and R4 are, indepen-dently of one another, hydrogen or an alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkenyl, alkynyl, cyclo-alkynyl, alkylcycloalkyl, heteroalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heteroalkylcycloalkyl, aryl, hetero-aryl, aralkyl or heteroaralkyl radical having up to 40 C atoms, and R1 and R2 are, independently of one another, an atom or radical from the group comprising hydrogen, halogen, R, RO, RS, RCO, RCOO, RNH, R2N, RCONR and Si(R)X(OR)3-X, where R=an alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkynyl, alkylcycloalkyl, heteroalkyl, hetero-cycloalkyl, hetero-alkyl-cycloalkyl, aryl, heteroaryl, aralkyl or heteroaralkyl radical having ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120116094A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The present invention generally relates to compositions comprising and methods for forming functionalized carbon-based nanostructures.

30-06-2015 дата публикации

Zeolite porous metal bis(imidazole) coordination polymers and preparation method thereof

Номер: US0009067956B2

The present invention discloses zeolite metal bis(imidazole) coordination polymers and preparation method thereof. The new class of zeolite coordination polymers of the present invention is a chemical compound with the following general chemical formula {[M(BIm)]×xDMF×yC2H6O×zH2O}, in which when M=Zn, x=0.9, y=0, z=0; when M=Cu, x=1.2, y=0, z=0; when M=Mn, x=2.0, y=0, z=0; when M=Ni, x=0.4, y=1.2, z=1.0, BIm is 1,2-bis((5H-imidazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazine, DMF is N,N-dimethyl formamide, H2O is water. A solvothermal method or slow diffusion is used on the compounds to obtain crystals of high purity. The coordination polymers of the present invention have good thermal stability, and have strong adsorption performance for CO2 under conditions of 0° C. and normal pressure as adsorbent materials.

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210261577A1

The present invention relates to a new family of titanium heterometallic structured metal-organic materials (MOFs) having, among other characteristics, high porosity, stability in an aqueous medium and photocatalytic activity under visible light and UV radiation. The new family of materials has a structural unit that combines tetravalent titanium with multiple combinations of divalent metals with a homogeneous distribution at atomic level in the MOF structure. The invention also relates to methods for obtaining them with high yields, in addition to their uses in the generation of solar fuels, photoactivated degradation, photoreduction of CO2, heterogeneous catalysis, as a component or part of an electronic component and/or as a porous or photoactive coating for controlling pollutants, inter alia.

17-09-2019 дата публикации

Metal delivery agents and therapeutic uses of the same

Номер: US0010413554B2

The present invention relates to metal complexes, processes for their preparation and their use as pharmaceutical or veterinary agents, in particular for the treatment of conditions in which metal delivery can prevent, alleviate or ameliorate the condition. There are a number of clinical conditions which are caused by or associated with abnormal levels of metals (typically low metal levels). Conditions in of this type include cancer and conditions characterized by or associated with oxidative damage, more specifically neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or Huntington's disease. The invention also relates to ligands useful in the preparation of metal complexes of this type.

11-05-2010 дата публикации

Usе оf а соppеr (I) соmplехеs fоr оrgаniс luminеsсеnt diоdеs

Номер: US0025997150B2

Тhе prеsеnt invеntiоn rеlаtеs tо thе usе оf соppеr(I) соmplехеs оf thе fоrmulа I whеrе Х is nitrоgеn оr а СR grоup, R is аlkуl оr аrуl, Аr is phеnуl оr nаphthуl, еасh оf whiсh is оptiоnаllу substitutеd bу frоm оnе tо thrее rаdiсаls sеlесtеd frоm thе grоup соnsisting оf аlkоху, аlkуlthiо, аlkуlаminо, diаlkуlаminо, аlkохусаrbоnуl, аlkохуsulfоnуl, hаlоgеn, суаnо, саrbохуl, hуdrохуsulfоnуl аnd nitrо, аnd thе twо оptiоnаllу substitutеd phеnуl оr nаphthуl rаdiсаls mау bе jоinеd tо оnе аnоthеr bу а сhеmiсаl singlе bоnd viа thе саrbоn аtоms in thе - аnd -pоsitiоn rеlаtivе tо thе phоsphоrus аtоm, n is 1, 2 оr 3, аnd Y is hаlоgеn, суаnо, thiосуаnаtо, аlkоху, аrуlоху, аlkуlthiо, аrуlthiо, аlkуlаminо, diаlkуlаminо, аrуlаminо оr diаrуlаminо, in оrgаniс light-еmitting diоdеs (ОLЕDs), Тhе prеsеnt invеntiоn furthеr rеlаtеs tо light-еmitting lауеrs whiсh соmprisе аt lеаst оnе соppеr(I) соmplех оf thе fоrmulа I, tо ОLЕDs whiсh соmprisе аt lеаst оnе соppеr(I) соmplех оf thе fоrmulа I оr аn invеntivе light-еmitting ...

20-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2322447C2

Изобретение относится к комплексам оксалата димеди (I), стабилизированным с помощью компонентов нейтрального основания Льюиса. Описаны соединения общей формулы (I), в которых медь находится в окисленном состоянии+1, и L представляет собой R-C≡C-R', который имеет, по крайней мере, одну группу силила, R'HC=CHR, содержащую, по крайней мере, одну группу силила или R'3Si-C≡C-R', где R представляет собой А, по крайней мере, одну группу SiR'3, и R' представляет собой R, Н, или А, где L, R и R' могут каждый независимо друг от друга принимать идентичные или различные значения в различных положениях молекулы, А представляет собой C1-С30алкил с неразветвленной или разветвленной цепью. Также описан способ получения соединений общей формулы (I), и описан способ получения высоко очищенных тонких слоев меди. Технический результат - получение не содержащих фтора предшественников меди (I) для нанесения металлической меди, которые являются термически стабильными, и могут быть превращены в пленки металлической ...

08-12-2022 дата публикации

Способ разделения ацетиленидов меди из их смеси

Номер: RU2785533C1

Изобретение относится к химии ацетиленидов меди, а именно к способу разделения ацетиленидов меди из их смеси. Способ включает приготовление растворов ацетиленидов меди из ацетиленидов меди, таких как третбутилацетиленид меди и фенилацетиленид меди, и безводной соли щелочноземельного металла, такой как CaCl2, в молярном соотношении 1:3 в биполярном апротонном растворителе, выбранном из N,N-диметилформамида или N,N-диметилацетамида, затем в хроматографическую колонку с адсорбентом Al2O3 или SiO2 вносят раствор смеси ацетиленидов меди и проводят градиентное элюирование адсорбированной в колонке смеси ацетиленидов меди с постепенным убыванием концентрации безводного CaCl2 в одном из указанных растворителей до образования в хроматографической колонке зон соответствующих ацетиленидов меди, различающихся по их окраске, затем хроматографическую колонку разрезают на зоны ацетиленидов меди и растворяют каждую зону в растворе безводного CaCl2 в одном из указанных растворителей. Техническим результатом ...

26-05-2021 дата публикации

Хелат металла и метионина и способ его получения

Номер: RU2748499C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения хелата металла и метионина. Способ включает смешивание метионина и Са(ОН)2и добавление нитрата металла к смеси с получением хелата металла и метионина. Металл в хелате металла и метионина является двухвалентным металлом. Нитрат металла добавляют в эквивалентном отношении от 0,3 или более до 3,0 или менее. Также предложен способ получения нитрата кальция (Ca(NO3)2). Изобретение позволяет получить хелат металла и метионина с высокой эффективностью без дополнительных способов удаления нерастворимых солей. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 13 пр., 2 ил.

29-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2784732C1

Изобретение относится к медному комплексу формулы [Cu(HAEE)]mXn, где Cu представляет собой двухзарядный катион меди (II), m=1 для однозарядных и двухзарядных анионов, m=3 для трехзарядных анионов, HAEE представляет собой синтетический пептид, ацетилированный по N-концу и амидированный по C-концу, с аминокислотной последовательностью His-Ala-Glu-Glu, Х – фармацевтически приемлемый анион, n=1 для двухзарядных анионов, n=2 для однозарядных и трехзарядных анионов. Также предложены способ получения медного комплекса пептида HAEE, фармацевтическая композиция на его основе и его применение. Предложенный медный комплекс применяется для лечения нейродегенеративных заболеваний. 4 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил., 5 табл., 4 пр.

06-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2716138C1

Изобретение относится к применению-комплекса дихлороди-[3,5-диметил-4-((бензилсульфанил)метил)-1-пиразол]дигидрата меди(II) формулы (1)в качестве ингибитора фермента α-амилазы. Данное соединение проявляет ингибирующую активность в отношении фермента α-амилаза и может использоваться в качестве биологически активного вещества, обладающего гипогликемической активностью. 2 ил., 1 табл., 1 пр.

27-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640303C1

Изобретение относится к металлокомплексам окта-4,5-(4-сульфофенилсульфанил)фталоцианина с медью, цинком и кобальтом общей формулыУказанные металлокомплексы обладают красящей способностью по отношению к шерстяным и шелковым волокнам. 13 ил., 8 пр.

17-08-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020115068A3

18-05-2018 дата публикации

Способ получения координационного соединения меди(II) с пиколиновой кислотой

Номер: RU2654464C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения комплексного пиколината меди(II). Способ включает взаимодействие металла с лигандом в присутствии органического растворителя с последующим отделением осадка. В качестве растворителя применяется система диметилформамид:вода с объемным соотношением компонентов 90:10. Взаимодействие осуществляют путем электролиза раствора пиколиновой кислоты с медными электродами и хлоридом калия в качестве фонового электролита. Массовое соотношение ДМФА:вода:пиколиновая кислота:электролит составляет 85,00:10,00:2,50:0,05, плотность постоянного электрического тока - 5-8 мА/см. Изобретение позволяет получить пиколинат меди(II) с меньшими временными затратами. 2 ил., 3 табл., 1 пр.

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2451010C1

Изобретение относится к бионеорганической химии, медицинской химии и медицине. Палладиево-медный катализатор гомогенного селективного окисления тиолов сочетает в себе функциональное биядерное тиолатмостиковое координационное соединение палладия(II) и модифицирующий тиолатный комплекс меди(I), имеющий общую формулу SR представляет собой остаток тиолатного лиганда глутатиона или ацетилцистеина, k=2÷14, m≥3k. Также предложены каталитическая комбинация, стимулирующая пролиферативную активность фармакологическая комбинация для усиления терапевтической активности пуринового и (или) пиримидинового основания или ионов лития, фармацевтические композиции, стимулирующие пролиферативную активность и для усиления терапевтической активности указанных оснований или ионов лития, и способы терапевтического воздействия на организм пациента на основе указанного катализатора. Катализатор обладает сниженной токсичностью и может быть использован в фармакологических решениях с лекарственными средствами для терапии ...

30-11-2020 дата публикации

Смешанные металлокомплексы на основе 5-(4-метилфенил)-2,2'-бипиридина и (тетрафтор)салициловых кислот, обладающие антибактериальной и фунгистатической активностью

Номер: RU2737435C1

Изобретение относится к смешанным металлокомплексам 5-(4-метилфенил)-2,2'-бипиридина и (тетрафтор)салициловых кислот общей формулы I:I,где X = H, F; M = Cu(II), Co(II), Mn(II); m = 1-2; n = 1-2. Также предложен способ регулирования антибактериальной и фунгистатической активности смешанных металлокомплексов путем варьирования металла и салициловой компоненты. Технический результат: полученные соединения обладают широким спектром фунгистатической активности и антибактериального действия в отношении инфекций, вызванных гонококками, S. aureus и S. aureus MRSA. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 4 пр.

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012129672A

... 1. Соединение с формулой (3)причем R означает водород, фтор, хлор, нитрогруппу, алкиловый остаток с 1-22 атомами углерода, или ариловый остаток с 6-22 атомами углерода,Hal означает хлорид, бромид или иодид, алкоголят или слабо координированный анион, иMозначает медь, марганец или кобальт.2. Способ получения соединений формулы 3 путем гидрирования нитрогрупп соединения формулы 4а с образованием соединений формулы 4b, последующей реакцией с фендионами формулы 5с образованием лигандов формулы 6и комплексированием с соединением формулы 7,,причем Hal имеет приведенное выше значение, a L означает при необходимости присутствующий лиганд.3. Соединения общей формулы 4а и 4b,причем R и Мимеют приведенное выше значение.4. Применение одного или нескольких биметаллических соединений формулы 3 по п.1 в качестве катализатора.5. Применение одного или нескольких биметаллических соединений формулы 3 по п.1 для окислительного карбонилирования ароматических гидроксисоединений до диарилкарбонатов.6. Диарилкарбонаты ...

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Ionic liquids, the method for preparing the same and method for removing acetylenes from olefin mixtures using the ionic liquids

Номер: US20120083642A1

There are provided an ionic liquid having ether group(s) in which a copper(I) compound is included, a method for preparing the same, and a method for removing traces amounts of acetylene-based hydrocarbon compounds included in olefin by absorption or extraction using the same. When the disclosed solution is used, oxidation of Cu(I) to Cu(II) is prevented since CuX is stabilized by the ionic liquid. Thus, selective removal efficiency of acetylenic compounds is improved greatly while the removal performance is retained for a long period of time. Further, since the solution according to the present disclosure is applicable as an extractant as well as an absorbent, the associated operation is simple and apparatus cost can be decreased.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Nitrogen-Containing Ligands And Their Use In Atomic Layer Deposition Methods

Номер: US20120108062A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Methods for deposition of elemental metal films on surfaces using metal coordination complexes comprising nitrogen-containing ligands are provided. Also provided are nitrogen-containing ligands useful in the methods of the invention and metal coordination complexes comprising these ligands.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Compositions comprising functionalized carbon-based nanostructures and related methods

Номер: US20120171093A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The present invention generally relates to compositions comprising and methods for forming functionalized carbon-based nanostructures.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Metal delivery agents and therapeutic uses of the same

Номер: US20120270850A1
Принадлежит: University of Melbourne

The present invention relates to metal complexes, processes for their preparation and their use as pharmaceutical or veterinary agents, in particular for the treatment of conditions in which metal delivery can prevent, alleviate or ameliorate the condition. There are a number of clinical conditions which are caused by or associated with abnormal levels of metals (typically low metal levels). Conditions in of this type include cancer and conditions characterised by or associated with oxidative damage, more specifically neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or Huntington's disease. The invention also relates to ligands useful in the preparation of metal complexes of this type.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085276A1

The use of a complex of the form Z—M—OR in the carboxylation of a substrate is described. The group Z is a two-electron donor ligand, M is a metal and OR is selected from the group consisting of OH, alkoxy and aryloxy. The substrate may be carboxylated at a C—H or N—H bond. The metal M may be copper, silver or gold. The two-electron donor ligand may be a phosphine, a carbene or a phosphite ligand. Also described are methods of manufacture of the complexes and methods for preparing isotopically labelled caboxylic acids and carboxylic acid derivatives. 134-. (canceled)25. A method of carboxylation of a substrate , the method comprising;{'sub': '2', 'contacting a complex of the form Z—M—OR ,wherein the group Z is a two-electron donor ligand, M is a metal, and OR is selected from the group consisting of OH, alkoxy and aryloxy; with a substrate and a source of CO.'}26. The method according to claim 25 , wherein the metal M is selected from the group consisting of copper claim 25 , silver and gold.27. The method according to claim 25 , wherein the carboxylation is carried out in the presence of a base.28. The method according to claim 27 , wherein the base is an alkali metal hydroxide or alkoxide.29. The method according to claim 25 , wherein the two-electron donor ligand Z is selected from the group consisting of phosphines claim 25 , carbenes claim 25 , or phosphites.30. The method according to claim 29 , wherein the two-electron donor ligand Z is a nitrogen containing heterocyclic carbene ligand.33. The method according to claim 26 , wherein the complex is selected from the group consisting of: [M(OH)(IMes)] claim 26 , [M(OH)(SIMes)] claim 26 , [M(OH)(IPr)] claim 26 , [M(OH)(ItBu)] claim 26 , and [M(OH)(SIPr)] claim 26 , where M is Au claim 26 , Ag or Cu.34. The method according to claim 25 , wherein the substrate is carboxylated at a C—H or N—H bond.35. The method according to claim 25 , wherein the substrate is a substituted or unsubstituted aromatic compound.36. The ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130095320A1

Provided is a composite including copper nanoparticles or copper(I) oxide nanoparticles and a thioether-containing organic compound represented by X(OCHCHR)OCHCH(OH)CHSZ [X represents an alkyl group; Rrepresents a hydrogen atom or a methyl group; n represents an integer of 2 to 100; Ris independent between repeating units and may be the same or different; and Z represents an alkyl group, an allyl group, an aryl group, an arylalkyl group, —R—OH, —R—NHR, or —R—(COR)(where Rrepresents a saturated hydrocarbon group; Rrepresents a hydrogen atom, an acyl group, an alkoxycarbonyl group, or a benzyloxycarbonyl group; Rrepresents a hydroxy group, an alkyl group, or an alkoxy group; and m represents 1 to 3)]. Provided is a method for producing a composite of an organic compound and copper nanoparticles or a composite of an organic compound and copper(I) oxide nanoparticles, the method including reducing a copper compound in the presence of a thioether-containing organic compound represented by the general formula (1) above. 110-. (canceled)11. A composite of an organic compound and copper nanoparticles , the composite comprising a thioether-containing organic compound (A) represented by a general formula (1) below and copper nanoparticles (B){'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'n', '2', '2, 'sup': '1', 'X—(OCHCHR)—O—CH—CH(OH)—CH—S—Z\u2003\u2003(1)'}{'sub': 1', '8', '2', '12', 'm', '1', '4', '2', '4', '2', '4', '1', '4', '1', '8', '1', '4', '1', '8, 'sup': 1', '1', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '2', '3', '4, '[in the formula (1), X represents a Cto Calkyl group; Rrepresents a hydrogen atom or a methyl group; n represents a repeating number, an integer of 2 to 100; Ris independent between repeating units and may be the same or different; and Z represents a Cto Calkyl group, an allyl group, an aryl group, an arylalkyl group, —R—OH, —R—NHR, or —R—(COR)(where Rrepresents a Cto Csaturated hydrocarbon group; Rrepresents a hydrogen atom, a Cto Cacyl group, a Cto Calkoxycarbonyl group, or a ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123563A1

A self-decontaminating metal organic framework including an acid linked to a metal producing a metal organic framework configured for the sorption of chemical warfare agents and/or toxic industrial chemicals, the metal organic framework including reactive sites for the degradation of the agents and chemicals. 1. A method for producing a self-decontaminating metal organic framework , the method comprising:combining an acid with a linking agent and a metal to produce a self-decontaminating metal organic framework for sorption of chemical warfare agents and/or toxic industrial chemicals, the self-decontaminating metal organic framework including reactive sites for the degradation of said agents and chemicals.2. The method of in which the acid is a triple bonded acid.3. The method of in which the acid is acetylenedicareoxylic acid (ADA).4. The method of in which the metal is copper nitrate.5. The method of in which the self-decontaminating metal organic framework is linked to the metal with a linking agent.6. The method of in which the linking agent includes Pyrazine claim 5 , 2 claim 5 ,6-dimethylpyrazine claim 5 , 2-6-dichloropyrazine claim 5 , dipyridylethlene claim 5 , 4 claim 5 ,4′-dipyridyl claim 5 , or 2 claim 5 ,3 claim 5 ,5 claim 5 ,6-tetramethylpyrazine.7. The method of further including the step of adding an enzyme to the metal organic framework to assist in the degradation of said agents and chemical.8. The method of in which the size of the pores of the self-decontaminating metal organic framework are tailored for specific said agents and chemicals.9. The method of in which the surface area of the self-decontaminating metal organic framework is tailored for specific said agents and chemicals.10. A method of absorbing and degrading chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals claim 1 , the method comprising:adding a self-decontaminating metal organic framework to fabric or filter material, the self-decontaminating metal organic framework comprising ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137872A1
Автор: Kiremire Enos

Metal complex of Copper (II) containing a dithio-based ligand have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, Proton NMR and FT-IR spectrometry. A single crystal X-ray structure of the copper complex has been analyzeThis paper describes the synthesis and characterization of the said metal complex containing deprotonated 3-[1-(2-pyridyl) ethylidene]hydrazinecarbodithioate ligand (FIG. ). 119-. (canceled)20. A method of producing a copper ligand chloride complex (CuLCl) having biological activity against a malaria parasite includes providing a source of 3-[1-(2-pyridyl) ethylidene]hydrazinecarbodithioate ligands (L) , deprotonating the ligands to form deprotonated ligands (L−) , contacting the deprotonated ligands with a copper chloride compound under conditions suitable to form the copper ligand chloride complex , and recovering the copper ligand chloride complex so formed.21. A method according to claim 20 , wherein the copper chloride compound is copper chloride dihydrate.22. A method according to claim 20 , wherein the source of ligands (L−) and copper chloride compound are provided respectively in solution claim 20 , the respective ligand and copper chloride solutions being mixed together to form a precipitate of the copper ligand chloride complex.23. A method according to claim 22 , wherein the copper chloride compound is dissolved in water to form the copper chloride solution and the source of ligands is dissolved in ethanol to form the ligand solution.24. A method according to claim 22 , wherein the copper ligand chloride complex precipitate is filtered off claim 22 , washed claim 22 , dried claim 22 , and then recrystallized.25. A method according to claim 24 , wherein the copper ligand chloride complex precipitate is recrystallized from acetone.26plasmodium falciparum.. A method according to claim 20 , wherein the copper ligand chloride complex is potent against the malaria parasite27plasmodium falciparum.. A method ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139686A1
Принадлежит: Northwestern University

A system and method for systematically generating potential metal-organic framework (MOFs) structures given an input library of building blocks is provided herein. One or more material properties of the potential MOFs are evaluated using computational simulations. A range of material properties (surface area, pore volume, pore size distribution, powder x-ray diffraction pattern, methane adsorption capability, and the like) can be estimated, and in doing so, illuminate unidentified structure-property relationships that may only have been recognized by taking a global view of MOF structures. In addition to identifying structure-property relationships, this systematic approach to identify the MOFs of interest is used to identify one or more MOFs that may be useful for high pressure methane storage. 1. A metal organic framework (MOF) comprising a polymeric crystalline structure comprising the coordination product of a metal component comprising a metal center selected from ZnO , Zn , Cu , VOand ZrO , an organic ligand component selected from the ligands of and combinations thereof , and optionally a solvent.2. The MOF of claim 1 , wherein said metal center is selected from Cuand ZnO.3. The MOF of in a composition comprising one or more of a binder claim 1 , an organic viscosity-enhancing agent claim 1 , and a liquid.4. The MOF of substantially absent a solvent.5. The MOF of comprising a sorbed gas claim 1 , said gas selected from hydrogen claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , nitrogen claim 1 , the noble gases claim 1 , acetylene claim 1 , methane claim 1 , ethane claim 1 , propane claim 1 , natural gases claim 1 , synthesis gases claim 1 , carbon monoxide claim 1 , carbon dioxide claim 1 , arsine claim 1 , hydrogen selenide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The MOF of comprising sorbed natural gas.8. The MOF of substantially absent a solvent.9. The MOF of in a composition comprising one or more of a binder claim 7 , an organic viscosity-enhancing agent claim 7 , and a liquid. ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Labeled Alginate Conjugates for Molecular Imaging Applications

Номер: US20130149242A1
Принадлежит: Ikaria Development Subsidiary One LLC

Described are bifunctional NOTA-based derivatives capable of conjugating with alginate and with metal ions, as well as NOTA-alginate conjugates which can be labeled with stable or radioactive metal ions. Also described are conjugation methods of the bifunctional NOTA-based linker with alginate, and methods of using radiometal-labeled NOTA-alginate conjugates or other radio-labeled alginate conjugates as imaging reagents. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the compound further comprises a stable or radioactive metal ion chelated by the 1 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,7-triazacyclononane-1 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,7-triacetic acid moiety.3. The compound of claim 2 , wherein the stable or radioactive metal ion comprises a gallium ion.4. The compound of claim 2 , wherein the radioactive metal ion comprises Cu claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , or In.6. The alginate conjugate of claim 5 , wherein the conjugate further comprises a stable or radioactive metal ion chelated by the 1 claim 5 ,4 claim 5 ,7-triazacyclononane-1 claim 5 ,4 claim 5 ,7-triacetic acid moiety of the conjugate.7. The alginate conjugate of claim 6 , wherein the stable or radioactive metal ion comprises a gallium ion.8. The alginate conjugate of claim 6 , wherein the radioactive metal ion comprises Cu claim 6 , Cu claim 6 , Cu claim 6 , Cu claim 6 , Cu claim 6 , or In.9. A method of imaging in a mammal comprising:administering a radio-labeled alginate conjugate to a mammal; andimaging the temporal and spatial distribution of the radio-labeled alginate conjugate.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the stable or radioactive metal ion comprises a gallium ion.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the radioactive metal ion comprises Cu claim 10 , Cu claim 10 , Cu claim 10 , Cu claim 10 , Cu claim 10 , or In.13. The method of claim 9 , wherein the alginate is conjugated to an iodinated tyramine or tyramine derivative.14. The method of claim 9 , wherein the radio-labeled alginate conjugate is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161571A1

Disclosed herein are a copper organic metal, a method for preparing a copper organic metal and a copper paste. The copper organic metal is constituted to combine a copper atom, [R—CO] and amine based ligand (L), thereby making it possible to be subjected to a low temperature sintering process and having an improved conductivity at the time of forming a conductive pattern as compared to the related art. 2. The copper organic metal according to claim 1 , wherein the amine based ligand includes alkylamine.3. The copper organic metal according to claim 2 , wherein the alkylamine is any one material selected from R—NH claim 2 , R—NH—R′ claim 2 , or R—N.4. The copper organic metal according to claim 1 , wherein the amine based ligand includes a hydroxyl (—OH) group.5. The copper organic metal according to claim 1 , wherein the amine based ligand includes HO—R—NH.6. A method for preparing a copper organic metal having an amine based ligand comprising:preparing a first solution by dissolving alkanoic acid or fatty acid in an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution or an aqueous potassium hydroxide solution;mixing the first solution and a second solution having a dissolved copper salt therein; andseparating and purifying a copper organic metal from the mixed solution including the first solution and the second solution.7. A method for preparing a copper organic metal having an amine based ligand comprising:preparing a first solution by dissolving alkanoic acid or fatty acid in an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution or an aqueous potassium hydroxide solution;mixing the first solution and a second solution having a dissolved copper salt therein;separating and purifying a copper organic metal from the mixed solution including the first solution and the second solution; andreacting the separated and purified copper organic metal with amine based solvent.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the amine based ligand includes alkylamine.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165646A1

A silafluorene metalloporphyrin-benzene organic semiconductor material and preparing method and uses thereof are provided. The structure of the silafluorene metalloporphyrin-benzene organic semiconductor material is defined by structure formula (I); wherein: n is an integer between 1 and 100, R, R, R, Rare H, alkyl with C-C, phenyl, alkyl benzene or alkoxyl benzene containing one or more C-C, M is a metal ion. The silafluorene metalloporphyrin-benzene organic semiconductor material has good solubility, high carrier mobility, strong absorbance, wide absorbent range to light and elevated utilization ratio of solar light. Besides, the process of the preparing method is simple and easy to operate and control. 2. The silafluorenyl metalloporphyrin-benzene organic semiconductor material according to claim 1 , wherein said metal ion is Zn claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Cd claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Pb or Sn.4. The preparing method according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in said step S1 claim 3 , molar ratio of said dipyrromethane claim 3 , the first silafluorene derivative and the second silafluorene derivative is a:(b+c)=1:1 claim 3 , where a≧b>0 claim 3 , and c≧0; said the first catalyst is propionic acid claim 3 , trifluoroacetic acid; said oxidant is 2 claim 3 ,3-dichloro-5 claim 3 ,6-dicyano-1 claim 3 ,4-benzoquinone; said the first organic solvent is one or two of trichloromethane and dichloromethane.5. The preparing method according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in said step S2 claim 3 , the molar ratio of used said silafluorenyl porphyrin derivative to used said brominating agent is in the range of 1:2 to 1:5; said brominating agent is N-bromobutanimide; said the second organic solvent is at least one of tetrahydrofuran claim 3 , chloroform claim 3 , dimethylformamide and orthodichlorobenzene.6. The preparing method according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in said step S3 claim 3 , molar ratio of said dibromo- ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Novel Imidazolium Salts and Carbene Metal Complexes Based Thereon for Use as Bioanalytical Markers for Biomolecules

Номер: US20130171071A1
Автор: Kuehl Olaf

The present invention relates to imidazolium salts, particularly imidazolium salts of the general formula I as well as the respective carbene metal complexes and their utilisation as bioanalytical tags for biomolecules. 2. Imidazolium salts according to claim 1 , wherein the groups R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and R claim 1 , where applicable claim 1 , are the same or different and chosen from the group of C-C-n-alkyl groups.3. Imidazolium salts according to claim 1 , wherein n claim 1 , m claim 1 , and q claim 1 , where applicable claim 1 , are zero or 1 and b and l are zero.4. Imidazolium salts according to claim 1 , wherein R″ is a C-C-n-alkyl group.7. Carbene metal complexes according to claim 6 , wherein the metal is chosen from the group consisting of copper claim 6 , iron claim 6 , ruthenium claim 6 , nickel claim 6 , and palladium or from the group consisting of technetium claim 6 , rhenium and cobalt.8. Carbene metal complexes according to claim 6 , wherein the ligand L is chosen from the group consisting ofCO;nitrile;isonitrile;nitrosyl;halogenide ion;hydrogen atom;{'sub': 1', '12', '6', '14', '1', '12', '6', '14', '1', '12', '6', '14', '1', '12', '6', '14', '6', '14', '1', '12', '1', '12, 'C-C-alkyl anion, allyl anion, methylallyl anion, benzyl anion, C-C-aryl anion, C-C-alkoxy anion, C-C-aryloxy anion, C-C-heteroalkyl anion, C-C-heteroaryl anion, C-C-heteroalkoxy anion, C-C-heteroaryloxy anion or C-C-heteroaryloxy anion, which is unsubstituted or the same or differently substituted by one or more C-C-alkyl groups or C-C-heteroalkyl groups, whereby the heteroatoms are chosen from the group B, Al, Ga, In, N, P, As, Sb, Bi, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb, O, S, Se, and Te and wherein the anions are unsubstituted or wholly or partially substituted with one or more than one, same, or different heteroatoms from the same group, in the form of functional groups, wherein the cyclic and aromatic systems are single rings or several annelated or isolated rings;'}primary, secondary, ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Anti-microbial metal organic framework

Номер: US20130171228A1
Автор: Russell Edward Morris
Принадлежит: University of St Andrews

The present invention relates to metal organic framework materials which possess anti-microbial properties. The present invention also provides methods of preparing such metal organic framework materials and uses of the metal organic framework materials to prevent or treat microbial infections, or provide surfaces which limit contamination by micro-organisms.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Fluoroalkylation Methods And Reagents

Номер: US20130225815A1
Принадлежит: University of Illinois

A method of forming a fluorinated molecular entity includes reacting in a reaction mixture an aromatic halide, copper, a fluoroalkyl group, and a ligand. The aromatic halide includes an aromatic group and a halogen substituent bonded to the aromatic group. The ligand includes at least one group-V donor selected from phosphorus and an amine. The overall molar ratio of copper to aromatic halide in the reaction mixture is from 0.2 to 3. The method further includes forming a fluoroalkylarene including the aromatic group and the fluoroalkyl group bonded to the aromatic group. A composition, which may be used in the method, consists essentially of copper, the fluoroalkyl group, and the ligand, where the molar ratio of copper to the fluoroalkyl group is approximately 1.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253213A1

Provided is a method for producing cyanoacetic acid in a hydrolysis reaction of a predetermined cyanoacetate in the presence of an acid catalyst. Further, are provided methods for producing a cyanoacetic acid derivative and a metal containing compound by using the produced cyanoacetic acid as a staring material. Herein, the method for producing cyanoacetic acid enables the content of a malonic acid byproduct generated in the hydrolysis reaction to be greatly lowered, allowing the produced cyanoacetic acid to be used as a starting material without any purification treatments. Those advantageous effects result in the great improvement in the purity and yields of the cyanoacetic acid derivative and the metal containing compound produced by said cyanoacetic acid. Accordingly, the above mentioned methods make it possible to produce cyanoacetic acid, the cyanoacetic acid derivative and the metal containing compound, as excellent in the productivity and economical efficiency. 2. The method for producing cyanoacetic acid according to claim 1 , the alcohol produced in the hydrolysis reaction is included in 0.5 to 20 mol % with respect to the produced cyanoacetic acid claim 1 , when hydrolysis reaction is completed.3. The method for producing cyanoacetic acid according to claim 1 , the cyanoacetate of the formula (1) is included in 0.5 to 2.0 mol % with respect to the produced cyanoacetic acid claim 1 , when the hydrolysis reaction is completed.4. The method for producing cyanoacetic acid according to claim 1 , wherein the acid catalyst is selected from a group of sulfuric acid claim 1 , hydrochloric acid claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , cyanoacetic acid claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , and p-toluenesulfonic acid.5. The method for producing cyanoacetic acid according to claim 1 , wherein the acid catalyst is used in 0.2 to 10 mol % with respect to the cyanoacetate of the formula (1) in the hydrolysis reaction.6. The method for producing cyanoacetic acid according to claim 5 ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Hydroxy Acid Complexes for Skin Antiaging, Acne, and Skin Whitening

Номер: US20130267483A1

This invention relates to complexes of certain divalent and polyvalent d-orbital metals of first transition series of the Periodic Table of Elements, from Group IV to Group VI, and including molybdenum, having a hydroxy acid [HA] and an amino acid [AA] moiety concurrently bound to a single said metal and having a spirocyclic, bidentate chelate structure of formula (I). Upon topical application said metal complexes undergo enhanced skin penetration without causing skin irritation. The said metal complexes are useful for topical conditions that includes dry skin, xerosis, ichthyosis, dandruff, brownish spots, keratoses, melasma, lentigines, age spots, dark circles around eyes, skin pigmentation, topical inflammation, liver spots, pigmented spots, wrinkles, blemishes, skin lines, oily skin, acne, warts, eczema, pruritic skin, psoriasis, inflammatory dermatoses, disturbed keratinization, dandruff, bacterial infection, fungal infection, wound healing, body odor, and skin changes associated with aging; 2. A composition comprising the complex of claim 1 , wherein said composition treats a dermatological disorder.5. A composition comprising the complex of claim 1 , wherein said composition is for topical application.6. A composition of claim 2 , wherein said dermatological disorder is selected from the group consisting of dry skin claim 2 , dandruff claim 2 , age spots claim 2 , dark circles under the eyes claim 2 , skin pigmentation claim 2 , darkened skin claim 2 , skin wrinkles claim 2 , skin blemishes claim 2 , skin lines claim 2 , crow's feet claim 2 , oily skin claim 2 , acne claim 2 , warts claim 2 , eczema claim 2 , pruritic skin claim 2 , psoriasis claim 2 , disturbed keratinization claim 2 , skin changes associated with aging claim 2 , and combinations thereof.7. A composition of further comprising a carrier or base.8. A composition of claim 6 , wherein said dermatological disorder is dandruff.9. A composition of claim 6 , wherein said dermatological disorder is ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274462A1
Принадлежит: M. TECHNIQUE CO., LTD.

The problem addressed by the present invention is to provide a high heat-resistant phthalocyanine. The phthalocyanine is separated by mixing a phthalocyanine separation solvent and a phthalocyanine solution wherein a phthalocyanine starting material is dissolved in a solvent. THe phthalocyanine is wherein having high heat resistance, the decomposition temperature of the separated phthalocyanine being at least 10° C. higher than the decomposition temperature of the phthalocyanine starting material. Also, the phthalocyanine solution may be the result of dissolving at least two types of phthalocyanine starting material in the solvent, the separated phthalocyanine being wherein containing a solid solvent of the at least two types of phthalocyanine starting material and by the decomposition temperature of the separated phthalocyanine being at least 10° C. higher than the decomposition temperature of a mixture of at least two types of phthalocyanine separated by mixing the phthalocyanine separation solvent and each of at least two types of phthalocyanine solution resulting from dissolving each of the at least two types of phthalocyanine starting material in a solvent.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288886A1

A method for preparing an ionic compound by mixing at least one compound of formula CA-zHO (1) with at least one hydrogen donor and heating the mixture obtained is provided. The said ionic compound remains in a physical state selected from the group consisting of liquid and semisolid at a temperature below 150° C., preferably below 125° C. 19.-. (canceled)10. A process for preparation of an ionic compound that remains in a physical state selected from the group consisting of liquid and semisolid , at a temperature below 150° C. , preferably below 125° C. , comprising mixing at least one compound of Formula CA.zHO (I) with at least one hydrogen donor and heating the resulting mixture to obtain an ionic compound;wherein, C is independently selected from the group consisting of Na, K, Li, Mg, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Mo, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn, Pb, St, Bi, La, Ce, Al, Hg, Cs, Rb, Sr, V, Pd, Zr, Au, Pt, quaternary ammonium, immidazolium, phosphonium, and pyridinium, pyrrolidinium;{'sub': 3', '4', '3', '2', '4, 'A is independently selected from the group consisting of Cl, Br, F, I, NO, SO, CHCOO, HCOO and CO; and'}z is 0 to 20.11. The process as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the hydrogen donor is at least one selected from the group consisting of toluene-4-sulphonic acid monohydrate claim 10 , oxalic acid claim 10 , maleic acid claim 10 , citric acid and methane sulfonic acid.12. The process as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the mixture is heated to up to 150° C.13. A process as claimed in claim 10 , further comprising the method step of dissolving the ionic compound in at least one solvent selected from the group consisting of carboxylic acids claim 10 , amides claim 10 , alcohols claim 10 , amines claim 10 , ketones (aldehydes) claim 10 , esters claim 10 , alkyl halides claim 10 , ethers claim 10 , aromatics for example; methanol claim 10 , ethanol claim 10 , propan-1-ol claim 10 , propan-2-ol claim 10 , 1-butanol claim 10 , isobutanol claim 10 , 2-butanol claim 10 , tert- ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324598A1

Provided herein are methods of treating a subject with a mycobacterial infection. The methods comprise administering to the subject a Cu boosting therapeutic. Also provided are compositions comprising a Cu boosting therapeutic. Further provided are methods of screening for a Cu boosting therapeutic. 1. A method of treating a subject with a mycobacterial infection , the method comprising administering to the subject a Cu boosting therapeutic.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Cu boosting therapeutic is selected from the group consisting of a therapeutic pre-complexed with Cu; a therapeutic capable of complexing Cu from tissue claim 1 , blood claim 1 , or intracellular compartments; and a therapeutic that interferes with Cu homeostatsis without complexing Cu.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the Cu boosting therapeutic is a therapeutic pre-complexed with Cu.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , and Rare each independently selected from hydrogen and substituted or unsubstituted C-Calkyl.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein Rand Rare hydrogen.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , and Rare each independently selected from hydrogen and methyl.11. The method of claim 3 , wherein the Cu boosting therapeutic is disulfiram pre-complexed with Cu.13. The method of claim 1 , further comprising administering to the subject a supplement capable of increasing Cu availability.14. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mycobacterial infection is the result of an infection by a bacteria from the Mycobacteriaceae family.15. A composition comprising a Cu boosting therapeutic.16. The composition of claim 15 , wherein the Cu+/++ boosting therapeutic is selected from the group consisting of a therapeutic pre-complexed with Cu; a therapeutic capable of complexing Cu from tissue claim 15 , blood claim 15 , or intracellular compartments; and a therapeutic that interferes with Cu homeostatsis without ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Transition metal complexes of a bis[thiohydrazide amide] compound

Номер: US20140011864A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is directed to a compound comprising a bis[thiohydrazide amide] or a deprotonated form thereof, complexed to a transition metal cation, wherein the bis[thiohydrazide amide] is represented by Structural Formula (I): or a prodrug, isomer, ester, salt, hydrate, solvate, polymorph or a deprotonated form thereof. The present invention also provides a pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound of the invention and method of use thereof.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Method for Producing Amino Acid Chelate Compounds, Amino Acid Chelate Compounds and Use of Amino Acid Chelate Compounds

Номер: US20140037960A1
Принадлежит: ISF GMBH

A method for producing amino acid chelate compounds, characterized in that metal oxides and/or metal carbonates and/or metal sulfates and/or metal chlorides and/or metal hydroxides in solid form are activated mechanically and then the activated metal oxides and/or metal carbonates and/or metal hydroxides and/or metal sulfates and/or metal chlorides are brought together with amino acids in solid form and converted to amino acid chelate compounds in a solid-state reaction. 1. A method for producing amino acid chelate compounds , whereinmetal oxides and/or metal carbonates and/or metal sulfates and/or metal chlorides and/or metal hydroxides in solid form are activated mechanically and then the activated metal oxides and/or metal carbonates and/or metal hydroxides and/or metal sulfates and/or metal chlorides are brought together with amino acids in solid form and converted to amino acid chelate compounds in a solid-state reaction.2. The method according to claim 1 , in which at least one reactant is thermally activated.3. The method according to claim 2 , in which the thermal activation takes place at the same time as the mechanical activation and/or in which the thermal activation takes place at the same time as the conversion.4. The method according to claim 1 , in which water created during the conversion is separated from the reactants.5. The method according to claim 4 , in which the water is separated by evaporation from the reactants.6. The method according to claim 1 , in which the raw materials are added dry.7. The method according to claim 1 , in which the metal compounds are added as a mixture of loose particles and/or amino acids as a mixture of loose particles.8. The method according to claim 1 , in which the activation and the conversion are executed in the same reactor.9. The method according to claim 1 , in which the activation and the conversion are executed in different reactors.10. The method according to claim 1 , in which the activation and/or the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039201A1

Color materials represented by the following general formula (I): 2. The color material according to claim 1 , wherein the anion (B) in the general formula (I) is an organic anion having a sulfonato group (—SO group).4. The color material according to claim 1 , wherein the anion (B) in the general formula (I) is an anion of an inorganic acid containing molybdenum and/or tungsten.5. The color material according to claim 1 , wherein “a” in the general formula (I) is 4 or less.6. The color material according to claim 1 , wherein the color material is a color material for being dispersed in a solvent having a solubility of the color material of 0.1 (mg/10 g solvent) or less at 23° C. The present invention relates to a novel color material with excellent heat resistance particularly, and a method for producing the same.Nowadays, a large number of dyes are known, and they are largely categorized into natural dyes and synthetic dyes. Examples of the synthetic dyes include aniline blue, fuchsine and methyl orange. Most of the synthetic dyes have an aromatic or heterocyclic ring, and they are classified as either ionic compounds (for example, all water-soluble dyes) or non-ionic compounds (for example, disperse dyes). In addition, in the case of the ionic dyes, they are categorized into anionic (negative ionic) dyes and cationic (positive ionic) dyes.The cationic dyes comprise an organic cation having a positive charge delocalized over a conjugated bond and normally an inorganic anion. Also, the cationic dyes are generally dyes in which an amino group which may have a substituent is involved in resonance. Therefore, selection of the cationic dyes depends on the number and kinds of the anion being a counter ion. Examples of the counter anion include a chloride ion, a bromide ion, an iodide ion, a perchlorate ion, a tetrafluoroborate ion, a hexafluorophosphate ion, an alkyl or aryl sulfate ion, a tosilate ion, an acetate ion and an oxalate ion.Generally, rhodamine, safranine ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081009A1

This invention includes agents and compositions having MRI, PET, CT, X-ray, SPECT or optical signals, and methods for their use in the determination of a target. In some cases, a MRI, PET, CT, X-ray, SPECT, optical or other signal produced by the agent or composition can be affected by the presence of the target. Examples of targets that can be determined by this invention include, but are not limited to zinc, copper, iron ions and other biological targets. Example of application for imaging in vivo includes the function of pancreas and other organs. 5. The agent or composition according to claim 1 , wherein the target is a metal ion or a macromolecular receptor.6. The agent or composition according to claim 1 , wherein the target is Zn or Cu.7. The agent or composition according to claim 2 , wherein the target is a metal ion or a macromolecular receptor.8. The agent or composition according to claim 2 , wherein the target is Zn or Cu.9. The agent or composition according to claim 3 , wherein the target is a metal ion or a macromolecular receptor.10. The agent or composition according to claim 3 , wherein the target is Zn or Cu.11. The agent or composition according to claim 4 , wherein the target is a metal ion or a macromolecular receptor.12. The agent or composition according to claim 4 , wherein the target is Zn or Cu. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/748,445, filed Mar. 28, 2010, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/225,187 filed Jul. 13, 2009, the disclosures of which are herein incorporated by reference.The present invention relates in general to the field of chelating agents, a method for preparing chelating agents and methods of using chelating agents in diagnostic and therapeutic applications.Without limiting the scope of the invention, its background is described in connection with contrast agents that detect a target in vivo for instance Zinc.In one aspect, this invention relates to ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088312A1
Автор: Li Dan, Liu Jie, ZHOU XIAOPING

The present invention discloses zeolite metal bis(imidazole) coordination polymers and preparation method thereof. The new class of zeolite coordination polymers of the present invention is a chemical compound with the following general chemical formula {[M(Blm)]×xDMF×yCHO×zHO}, in which when M=Zn, x=0.9, y=0, z=0; when M=Cu, x=1.2, y=0, z=0; when M=Mn, x=2.0, y=0, z=0; when M=Ni, x=0.4, y=1.2, z=1.0, Blm is 1,2-bis((5H-imidazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazine, DMF is N,N-dimethyl formamide, HO is water. A solvothermal method or slow diffusion is used on the compounds to obtain crystals of high purity. The coordination polymers of the present invention have good thermal stability, and have strong adsorption performance for COunder conditions of 0° C. and normal pressure as adsorbent materials. 1. Zeolite porous metal bis(imidazole) coordination polymer having the following general chemical formula:{'br': None, 'i': x', 'y', 'z, 'sub': 2', '6', '2', '∞, '{[M(Blm)]×DMF×CHO×HO}, whereinM=Zn, x=0.9, y=0, z=0;M=Cu, x=1.2, y=0, z=0;M=Mn, x=2.0, y=0, z=0;M=Ni, x=0.4, y=1.2, z=1.0Blm is 1,2-bis((5H-imidazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazine, DMF is N,N-dimethyl formamide.2. The porous coordination polymers according to claim 1 , wherein crystals of the zeolite porous metal bis(imidazole) coordination polymers belong to a cubic system claim 1 , space group is Ia d claim 1 , and cell parameter are:{'sup': '3', 'zinc 1,2-bis((5H-imidazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazine: a=b=c=34.6471(2) Å, α=β=γ90°, V=41591.1(4) Å;'}{'sup': '3', 'copper-1,2-bis((5H-imidazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazine: a=b=c=34.2896(3) Å, α=β=γ=90°, V=40316.8(6) Å;'}{'sup': '3', 'manganese-1,2-bis((5H-imidazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazine: a=b=c=35.7950(4) Å, α=β=γ=90°, V=45863.4(9) Å;'}{'sup': '3', "nickel-1,2-bis((5H-imidazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazine: a=b=c=33.8514(19), α=β=γ=90°, V=38791(4) Å; wherein metal atoms of the nickel-1,2-bis((5H-imidazol-4-yl)methylene)hydrazine adopt a six-coordinate octahedral configuration; and metal atoms ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009947A1
Автор: Chen Wei

Disclosed herein are composite materials that comprise one or more copper-cysteamines capable of converting higher frequency, lower wavelength radiation into visible light. As used, the produced visible light enhances the amount of visible light already present from natural or artificial sources. 1. A compound having the formula:{'br': None, 'sub': 3', '2, 'CuX(SR)'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'wherein R is —CHCHNH; and'}X is chosen from Br, or I.2. The compound according to claim 1 , wherein X is Br.3. The compound according to claim 1 , wherein X is I.4. A composite claim 1 , comprising: i) a first copper-cysteamine that emits visible light in the range of from about 520 nm to about 700 nm when exposed to UV radiation; and', 'ii) a second copper-cysteamine that emits visible light in the range of from about 400 to about 520 nm when exposed to UV radiation; and, 'a) a visible light enhancing composition, comprisingb) a substrate; {'br': None, 'sub': 3', '2, 'CuX(SR)'}, 'wherein the copper-cysteamine has the formula{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'wherein R is —CHCHNH; and'}X is chosen from Cl, Br, or I.5. The composite according to claim 4 , wherein the substrate is a polymer.6. The composite according to claim 4 , wherein the substrate is a polymer chosen from polystyrene claim 4 , polyethylene claim 4 , polyester claim 4 , polyvinyl chloride claim 4 , polystyrene claim 4 , or poly(methyl methacrylate).7. The composite according to claim 4 , wherein the substrate is transparent.8. The composite according to claim 4 , wherein the substrate is semi-transparent.9. The composite according to claim 4 , wherein the substrate has a first transparent surface and a second semi-transparent surface.10. The composite according to claim 4 , wherein the substrate is in the form of a film.11. The composite according to claim 4 , wherein the substrate is in the form of a geometric shape.12. A method for providing solid state lighting having enhanced visible light claim 4 , comprising; [ i) a first ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009617A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Compositions and methods comprising metal organic frameworks (MOFs) and related uses are generally provided. In some embodiments, a MOF comprises a plurality of metal ions, each coordinated with at least one ligand comprising at least two sets of ortho-diimine groups arranged about an organic core. 140-. (canceled)41. Use of a MOF as a conductive material , wherein the MOF comprises:a plurality of metal ions, each coordinated with at least one ligand comprising at least two sets of ortho-diimine groups arranged about an organic core.42. (canceled)43. Use of a MOF for chemical sensing , wherein the MOF comprises:a plurality of metal ions, each coordinated with at least one ligand comprising at least two sets of ortho-diimine groups arranged about an organic core.4445-. (canceled)46. The use of claim 41 , wherein a portion of the metal ions are associated with two claim 41 , three claim 41 , or four ligands claim 41 , and each of those ligands is individually associated with one claim 41 , two claim 41 , three claim 41 , or four metal ions.47. The use of claim 41 , wherein the at least two sets of ortho-diimine groups are least two sets of ortho-phenylenediimine groups.48. The use of claim 41 , wherein each metal ion is a monovalent claim 41 , divalent claim 41 , or trivalent metal ion.49. The use of claim 41 , wherein each metal ion is Ag claim 41 , Cu claim 41 , Au claim 41 , Mg claim 41 , Mn claim 41 , Fe claim 41 , Co claim 41 , Ni claim 41 , Cu claim 41 , Pd claim 41 , Pt claim 41 , Ru claim 41 , Cd claim 41 , Zn claim 41 , Pb claim 41 , Hg claim 41 , V claim 41 , Cr claim 41 , Ni claim 41 , Fe claim 41 , V claim 41 , Ti claim 41 , Sc claim 41 , Al claim 41 , In claim 41 , Ga claim 41 , Mn claim 41 , Co claim 41 , and/or Cr.50. The use of claim 41 , wherein the organic core comprises a plurality of fused aryl and/or heteroaryl rings.51. The use of claim 41 , wherein the organic core comprises one or more of benzyl claim 41 , thiophenyl claim 41 , carbazolyl claim ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method of preparing luminescent nano-sheet, luminescent nano-sheet material, luminescent nano-sheet film, back light, and liquid crystal display apparatus

Номер: US20190010393A1
Автор: Haizheng Zhong, Lige Liu

The present application discloses a method of preparing a luminescent nano-sheet. The method includes preparing a precursor emulsion solution containing a metal halide and RNH3X, and having a molar ratio of metal halide to RNH3X in a range of approximately 0.6 to approximately 0.8; demulsifying the precursor emulsion solution to obtain a perovskite quantum dots material and a demulsified solution; and forming the luminescent nano-sheet by allowing the perovskite quantum dots material self-assemble into the luminescent nano-sheet. X is a halide, R is selected from alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and heterocyclyl.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033425A1

A method of preparing a Metal Organic Framework (MOF) with an acoustically-driven microfluidic platform, the method comprising: depositing a liquid comprising MOF precursors on a piezoelectric substrate of an acoustic microfluidic platform, the MOF precursors comprising a metal ion and an organic ligand, applying acoustic irradiation to the liquid to induce azimuthal liquid recirculation, which causes formation of the MOF within the liquid, and isolating the MOF. 1. A method of preparing a Metal Organic Framework (MOF) with an acoustically-driven microfluidic platform , the method comprising:depositing a liquid comprising MOF precursors on a piezoelectric substrate of an acoustic microfluidic platform, the MOF precursors comprising a metal ion and an organic ligand,applying acoustic irradiation to the liquid to induce azimuthal liquid recirculation, which causes formation of the MOF within the liquid, andisolating the MOF.2. A method according to wherein the MOF is at least a partially activated MOF.3. A method according to wherein the MOF is an activated MOF.4. A method according to wherein the MOF has a high degree of orientation.5. A method according to wherein the acoustic irradiation comprises surface acoustic waves claim 1 , bulk acoustic waves or hybrid acoustic waves comprising both surface and bulk acoustic waves.6. A method according to wherein the surface acoustic waves are Rayleigh surface acoustic waves or shear-horizontal surface acoustic waves.7. A method according to wherein the acoustic irradiation comprises travelling or standing acoustic waves.8. A method according to wherein the azimuthal liquid recirculation is induced by off-centre acoustic waves.9. A method according to wherein the acoustic platform comprises at least one interdigitated transducer (IDT) positioned off-centred relative to the liquid comprising MOF precursors to generate off-centre acoustic waves.10. A method according to wherein the acoustic platform comprises two opposing off- ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015317A1

A method of implementing organic synthesis reactions uses a composition containing a metal catalyst originating from a calcined plant. The plants can be from the Brassicaceae, Sapotaceae and Convolvulaceae family, and the metal catalyst contains metal in the M(II) form such as zinc, nickel, manganese, lead, cadmium, calcium, magnesium or copper. Examples of the organic synthesis reactions include halogenations, electrophilic reactions, cycloadditions, transesterification reactions and coupling reactions, among others. 1. A method for the implementation of an organic synthesis reaction , comprising: [{'sup': 2+', '2+', '3+', '+', '+, 'wherein said at least one metal in the M(II) form is selected from the group consisting of zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), and manganese (Mn), said metal in the M(II) form having been accumulated by the plant during its growth in a soil containing said metal and at least one cationic species selected from the group consisting of MgCa, Fe, Na and K which have not been accumulated by said plant but are physiologically present in said plant and originate from the latter; and'}, 'bringing the composition into contact with at least one chemical compound capable of reacting with said composition., 'providing a composition comprising at least one metal catalyst containing a metal in the M(II) form, said metal originating from a calcined plant or calcined plant part, said composition having been acid treated,'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the organic synthesis reaction is selected from halogenations claim 1 , electrophilic aromatic reactions in series claim 1 , synthesis of 3 claim 1 ,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one or 3 claim 1 ,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-thione claim 1 , cycloaddition reactions claim 1 , transesterification reactions claim 1 , catalyst synthesis reactions for coupling or hydrogenation reactions after reduction of Ni(II) to Ni(0) claim 1 , synthesis of amino acid or oxime developers claim 1 , and hydrolysis of sulphur- ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016116A1

A forward osmosis system. The system contains a forward osmosis membrane, a draw solution, and a feed solution. The draw solution includes a coordination complex formed of a metal ion and an organic ligand coordinated to the metal ion. Also disclosed are a method of separating a liquid using such a forward osmosis system and a coordination complex used in this system.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015802A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A compound represented by Formula [3] or a salt thereof and a method of making the same, 2. The compound according to or a salt thereof claim 1 ,{'sup': '7', 'sub': '1-6', 'wherein Ris a Calkyl group which can be substituted or a benzyl group which can be substituted.'} This application is a Divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/712,815, filed Sep. 22, 2017, which is a Continuation of National Phase of PCT International Application PCT/JP2016/059729 filed on Mar. 25, 2016, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C 119(a) to Japanese Patent Application No. 2015-062306 filed on Mar. 25, 2015. Each of the above application(s) is hereby expressly incorporated by reference, in its entirety, into the present application.The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a novel nitrogen-containing compound or a salt thereof and a manufacturing intermediate of the compound or a salt thereof.Integrins are a kind of cell adhesion receptors which constitute a family of heterodimeric glycoprotein complexes formed of α and β subunits and are mainly involved in the cell adhesion to extracellular matrix and the transmission of information from extracellular matrix.Among the integrins, integrins ανβand ανβwhich are vitronectin receptors are known to be expressed at a low level on epithelial cells or matured endothelial cells while hyper-expressed in various tumor cells or new blood vessels. The hyper-expression of integrins ανβand ανβis considered to be involved in the exacerbation of cancer such as infiltration or metastasis accompanying tumor angiogenesis and be highly correlated to the malignancy (Nature Reviews cancer, Vol. 10, pp. 9˜23, 2010). It has been revealed that the hyper-expression of integrin is observed in cancer such as head and neck cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, small cell lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, glioblastoma, malignant melanoma, pancreatic cancer, and prostatic cancer (Clin. Cancer Res. Vol. 12, pp. 3942˜3949, 2006). ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024118A1

The present invention is directed to a pharmaceutical and/or dietary supplement composition comprising an effective amount of a copper (I) complex with glycine, pyruvate, or succinate and methods of treating mitochondrial, neuromuscular, and other diseases. Also provided are pharmaceutical treatment regimes and kits comprising a copper (I) complex with glycine, pyruvate, or succinate. 43. The composition of any of - claims 1 , wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable carrier is an inert diluent and/or an extended release formulation.54. The composition of any of - claims 1 , further comprising a delivery vehicle selected from a liposome claims 1 , a microsome claims 1 , a nanosome claims 1 , a picosome claims 1 , a pellet claims 1 , a granular matrix claims 1 , a bead claims 1 , a microsphere claims 1 , a nanoparticle formulation claims 1 , or an aqueous solution.65. The composition of any of - claims 1 , further comprising copper ascorbate and/or ascorbic acid.76. The composition of any of - claims 1 , wherein the effective amount is between 1 mg and 20 mg.86. The composition of any of - claims 1 , wherein the effective amount is between 5 mg and 10 mg.96. The composition of any of - claims 1 , wherein the effective amount is between 7.5 mg and 10 mg.106. The composition of any of - claims 1 , wherein the effective amount is about 10 mg.1514. The method of any of - claims 11 , wherein the subject is a human.1614. The method of any of - claims 11 , wherein the compound is administered in a dose between 1 mg and 20 mg per day.1714. The method of any of - claims 11 , wherein the compound is administered in a dose between 5 mg and 10 mg per day.1814. The method of any of - claims 11 , wherein the compound is administered in a dose between 7.5 mg and 10 mg per day.1914. The method of any of - claims 11 , wherein the compound is administered in a dose of about 10 mg per day.21. The pharmaceutical treatment regime of claim 20 , wherein the pharmacologically active ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024119A1

The present invention relates to organic electroluminescent devices comprising metal complexes of the formula (1), and to metal complexes for use in organic electroluminescent devices. 116-. (canceled)21. The compound of claim 17 , wherein M is zirconium claim 17 , hafnium claim 17 , molybdenum claim 17 , tungsten claim 17 , rhenium claim 17 , ruthenium claim 17 , osmium claim 17 , rhodium claim 17 , iridium claim 17 , palladium claim 17 , platinum claim 17 , copper claim 17 , silver claim 17 , gold claim 17 , scandium claim 17 , yttrium claim 17 , lanthanum claim 17 , aluminium claim 17 , gallium claim 17 , or indium.22. The process of claim 18 , wherein M is zirconium claim 18 , hafnium claim 18 , molybdenum claim 18 , tungsten claim 18 , rhenium claim 18 , ruthenium claim 18 , osmium claim 18 , rhodium claim 18 , iridium claim 18 , palladium claim 18 , platinum claim 18 , copper claim 18 , silver claim 18 , gold claim 18 , scandium claim 18 , yttrium claim 18 , lanthanum claim 18 , aluminium claim 18 , gallium claim 18 , or indium.23. The oligomer claim 20 , polymer claim 20 , or dendrimer of claim 20 , wherein M is zirconium claim 20 , hafnium claim 20 , molybdenum claim 20 , tungsten claim 20 , rhenium claim 20 , ruthenium claim 20 , osmium claim 20 , rhodium claim 20 , iridium claim 20 , palladium claim 20 , platinum claim 20 , copper claim 20 , silver claim 20 , gold claim 20 , scandium claim 20 , yttrium claim 20 , lanthanum claim 20 , aluminium claim 20 , gallium claim 20 , or indium.28. The compound of claim 17 , wherein L1 is selected from carbon monoxide claim 17 , isonitriles claim 17 , amines claim 17 , imines claim 17 , diimines claim 17 , phosphines claim 17 , phosphites claim 17 , arsines claim 17 , stibines claim 17 , nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds claim 17 , hydride claim 17 , deuteride claim 17 , the halides F claim 17 , Cl claim 17 , Br claim 17 , and I claim 17 , alkylacetylides claim 17 , arylacetylides claim 17 , cyanide claim 17 ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Azolium Metal-Organic Frameworks

Номер: US20160024120A1

Disclosed herein are metal-organic frameworks comprising at least two azolium rings. The azolium groups are used as a strategy for controlling catenation and morphology in metal-organic frameworks. 1. A method for reducing , eliminating or inhibiting catenation in a metal-organic frameworks (MOF) , the method comprisingproviding a biphenyl dicarboxylate derivative having at least two charged groups projecting into pores of the metal-organic framework, the at least two charged groups repulsing each other due to electrostatic van der Waals interactions; andreducing, eliminating or inhibiting cantentation of the metal-organic framework.2. The method according to wherein the metal-organic framework is an azolium-based metal organic framework.5. The method according to wherein the metal ion is Cu.6. The method according to wherein the structure has a formula selected from the group consisting of Cu(4).2 (DMF/EtOH) and ZnO(4) claim 4 , wherein DMF and EtOH are solvent molecules dimethylformamide and ethanol claim 4 , respectively claim 4 , and y is the number of DMF solvent molecules. This application is a continuation of and claims priority to and the benefit of application Ser. No. 13/889,988 filed May 8, 2013 and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 9,090,634 on Jul. 28, 2015, which claimed priority to and the benefit of Ser. No. 61/644,246 filed on May 8, 2012—each of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.This invention was made with government support under FA9550-07-1-0534 awarded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. The government has certain rights in the invention.The present invention relates generally to a metal-organic framework comprising at least two azolium rings. The azolium groups are used as a strategy for controlling catenation and morphology in metal-organic frameworks.Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as a promising class of functional materials due to their microporosity, high internal surface area, and the ability to ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041437A1

Described herein are compositions and methods for the storage and release of hydrogen gas using covalent organic frameworks (COFs). Advantageously, the compositions and methods described herein may be used for the facile and rapid release of hydrogen gas at near ambient temperatures. The described COFs allow for photoactivation, where the release of gas is initiated or the rate of release is increased with the COF is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, for example, UV light. 1. A composition comprising:a covalent organic framework (COF) comprising a plurality of Cu(I) moieties, wherein the COF desorbs hydrogen gas when exposed to light.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the COF defines a pore.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the light is in the UV spectrum selected from the range of 10 nm to 400 nm.5. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a fluid claim 1 , wherein:the COF and the fluid form a colloidal solution where the COF is stably suspended in the fluid.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the COF is present in the form of nanoparticles.7. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the fluid comprises at least one of an ionic liquid or a liquid polymer.8. The composition of claim 7 , wherein the liquid polymer comprises a siloxane.9. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the COF further comprises a capping group.10. The composition of claim 9 , wherein the capping group comprises an aldehyde functionalized tetrakis(3 claim 9 ,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)borate)-based ionic liquid compound.11. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the COF also desorbs ethylene when exposed to light.12. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the COF also desorbs carbon monoxide when exposed to light.13. A composition comprising:a covalent organic framework (COF) comprising a plurality of Pd moieties, wherein the COF desorbs hydrogen gas when exposed to light.15. A method comprising:{'sub': '2', 'providing a covalent organic framework (COF) comprising a plurality ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Radiopharmaceuticals, radioimaging agents, and uses thereof

Номер: US20220041608A1
Принадлежит: Clarity Pharmaceuticals Ltd

The present invention relates to compounds that are useful as radiopharmaceuticals and radioimaging agents which bear a radionuclide-chelating agent. These coordinated compounds are useful in radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging. The invention also relates to methods of diagnosis, prognosis and therapy utilising the non-coordinated and radiolabelled compounds of the invention.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041636A1

A compound comprising a first ligand Lof Formula I, 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and R′ is independently a hydrogen or a substituent selected from the group consisting of deuterium claim 1 , fluorine claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , cycloalkyl claim 1 , heteroalkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , aryloxy claim 1 , amino claim 1 , silyl claim 1 , alkenyl claim 1 , cycloalkenyl claim 1 , heteroalkenyl claim 1 , aryl claim 1 , heteroaryl claim 1 , nitrile claim 1 , isonitrile claim 1 , sulfanyl claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the fused ring structure is naphthalene claim 1 , phenalene claim 1 , anthracene claim 1 , phenanthrene claim 1 , fluorene claim 1 , pyrene claim 1 , chrysene claim 1 , perylene claim 1 , azulene claim 1 , dibenzothiophene claim 1 , dibenzofuran claim 1 , dibenzoselenophene claim 1 , benzofuran claim 1 , benzothiophene claim 1 , benzoselenophene claim 1 , carbazole claim 1 , indolocarbazole claim 1 , pyridylindole claim 1 , indole claim 1 , benzimidazole claim 1 , indazole claim 1 , indoxazine claim 1 , benzoxazole claim 1 , benzisoxazole claim 1 , benzothiazole claim 1 , quinoline claim 1 , isoquinoline claim 1 , cinnoline claim 1 , quinazoline claim 1 , quinoxaline claim 1 , phthalazine claim 1 , xanthene claim 1 , acridine claim 1 , phenazine claim 1 , phenothiazine claim 1 , phenoxazine claim 1 , benzothienopyridine claim 1 , benzoselenophenopyridine claim 1 , and selenophenodipyridine.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein M is selected from the group consisting of Os claim 1 , Ir claim 1 , Pd claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , and Au.7. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Yand Yare both S claim 1 , or Yand Yare both O.8. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Zto Zare C.9. The compound of claim 1 , wherein at least one of Zto Zare N.12. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the compound has a formula of M(L)(L)(L)wherein Land Lare each a bidentate ligand; and ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Near-infrared absorbing composition, near-infrared absorbing film, and image sensor for solid-state imaging element

Номер: US20210026053A1

Disclosed is a near-infrared absorbing composition, including: a near-infrared absorbing agent; and a solvent, wherein the near-infrared absorbing agent includes at least one of the following Component (A) and Component (B): Component (A): a component composed of a compound having a structure of the following general formula (I) and a metal ion; Component (B): a component composed of a metal complex that is obtainable by a reaction of the compound having the structure of the following general formula (I) and a metal compound.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028962A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The present invention generally relates to methods and systems for capturing a Lewis acid gas (e.g., CO). In some embodiments, the methods and systems utilize an ionic liquid incorporated into one or more electrochemical cells. 1. A method for capturing a Lewis acid gas , comprising:providing a system comprising a first zone and a second zone in fluid connection with the first zone, wherein:the first zone comprises a functional ionic liquid comprising a cation and an anion; andthe second zone comprises a complexation agent capable of associating and/or disassociating the cation to and/or from the functional ionic liquid upon exposure to an electrical potential;exposing the ionic liquid to the Lewis acid gas in the first zone, wherein the cation associates with the Lewis acid gas to form a cation-Lewis-acid-gas complex; andexposing the cation-Lewis-acid-gas complex to the complexation agent in the second zone, wherein the complexation agent associates with the cation to form a cation-complexation agent complex and the Lewis acid gas is released to form free Lewis acid gas.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein n is 2.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein R is H.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein m is 6 and R″ is H.6. The method according to claim 2 , wherein Ris 2-ethylhexyl.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the anion of the functional ionic liquid is selected from the group consisting of boron tetrafluoride claim 1 , phosphorus tetrafluoride claim 1 , phosphorus hexafluoride claim 1 , alkylsulfonate claim 1 , fluoroalkylsulfonate claim 1 , arylsulfonate claim 1 , bis(alkylsulfonyl)amide claim 1 , bis(fluoroalkylsulfonyl)amide claim 1 , bis(arylsulfonyl)amide claim 1 , (fluoroalkylsulfonyl)(fluoroalkylcarbonyl)amide claim 1 , halide claim 1 , nitrate claim 1 , nitrite claim 1 , sulfate claim 1 , hydrogensulfate claim 1 , alkyl sulfate claim 1 , aryl sulfate claim 1 , carbonate claim 1 , bicarbonate claim 1 , carboxylate claim 1 , ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031767A1

Energetic materials that are photoactive or believed to be photoactive may include a conventional explosive (e.g. PETN, nitroglycerine) derivatized with an energetic UV-absorbing and/or VIS-absorbing chromophore such as 1,2,4,5-tetrazine or 1,3,5-triazine. Absorption of laser light having a suitably chosen wavelength may result in photodissociation, decomposition, and explosive release of energy. These materials may be used as ligands to form complexes. Coordination compounds include such complexes with counterions. Some having the formula M(L) were synthesized, wherein M is a transition metal and L is a ligand and n is 2 or 3. These may be photoactive upon exposure to a laser light beam having an appropriate wavelength of UV light, near-IR and/or visible light. Photoactive materials also include coordination compounds bearing non-energetic ligands; in this case, the counterion may be an oxidant such as perchlorate. 3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein X═Y═—OCHC(CHONO).4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein X═Y═—OCHC((F)(NO)).5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein X═Y═—OCH(ONO).9. A coordination compound comprising:a cationic complex comprising a transition metal center;at least one ligand comprising a 1,2,4,5-tetrazine ring or a 1,3,5-triazine ring coordinated to the transition metal center;at least one explosive pendant group covalently bonded to the 1,2,4,5-tetrazine ring or 1,3,5-triazine ring; anda counterion.10. The coordination compound of claim 9 , wherein the transition metal center comprises Fe claim 9 , Cu claim 9 , Ni claim 9 , or Co.14. The coordination compound of claim 9 , wherein the counterion is selected from tetrafluoroborate (BF) claim 9 , nitrate (NO) claim 9 , perchlorate (ClO) claim 9 , sulfate (SO) claim 9 , phosphate (PO) claim 9 , and carbonate (CO). This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/993,707 entitled “Photoactive Energetic Materials,” filed May 15, 2014, which is hereby incorporated by ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031758A1

The present invention is directed to a compound comprising a bis[thiohydrazide amide] or a deprotonated form thereof, complexed to a transition metal cation, wherein the bis[thiohydrazide amide] is represented by Structural Formula (I): or a prodrug, isomer, ester, salt, hydrate, solvate, polymorph or a deprotonated form thereof. The present invention also provides a pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound of the invention and method of use thereof. 120-. (canceled)2224-. (canceled)25. The method of claim 21 , further comprising administering to the subject an effective amount of paclitaxel or a paclitaxel analog.26. The method of claim 21 , wherein the compound is greater than 90% pure by weight.27. The method of claim 21 , wherein the transition metal cation has a charge of +2.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein the transition metal cation is Ni claim 27 , Cu claim 27 , Co claim 27 , Fe claim 27 , Zn claim 27 , Pt or Pd.29. The method of claim 28 , wherein the transition metal cation is Cu.30. The method of claim 21 , wherein the molar ratio of bis[thiohydrazide amide] or deprotonated form thereof to transition metal cation is equal to or greater than 0.5 and equal to or less than 2.0.31. The method of claim 30 , wherein the molar ratio of bis[thiohydrazide amide] or deprotonated form thereof to transition metal cation is 1:1.33. The method of claim 32 , wherein the compound is greater than 90% pure by weight.34. The method of claim 33 , wherein X is Ni claim 33 , Cu claim 33 , Co claim 33 , Fe claim 33 , Zn claim 33 , Pt or Pd.35. The method of claim 34 , wherein X is Cu.36. The method of claim 32 , further comprising administering to the subject an effective amount of paclitaxel or a paclitaxel analog. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61196,943, filed Oct. 22, 2008 and is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.It has been reported in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,800,660; 6,762,204; 7,037,940; 7,001,923; and 6,924, ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030737A1

A method of capturing water from a gaseous composition comprising water vapour (e.g., air), the method comprising: 143.-. (canceled)44. A method of capturing water from a gaseous composition , the method comprising:providing a metal-organic material configured to capture water from the gaseous composition;contacting the metal-organic material with the gaseous composition;wherein the gaseous composition comprises one or more of water or water vapor; andwherein the metal-organic material adsorbs water from the gaseous composition.45. The method of claim 44 , further comprising storing the metal-organic material after the metal-organic material adsorbs water from the gaseous composition.46. The method of claim 45 , further comprising applying a stimulus to the metal-organic material at a time after storage to effect desorption of water retained therein.47. The method of claim 46 , further comprising collecting desorbed water.48. The method of claim 44 , wherein the metal-organic material comprises metal species and one or more ligands.49. The method of claim 48 , wherein the metal species is selected from copper claim 48 , cobalt claim 48 , nickel claim 48 , iron claim 48 , zinc claim 48 , cadmium claim 48 , zirconium claim 48 , magnesium claim 48 , calcium and aluminium.50. The method of claim 48 , wherein the one or more ligands are selected from bidentate nitrogen ligands claim 48 , nitrogen-carboxylate ligands and polycarboxylate ligands.51. The method of claim 50 , wherein the one or more ligands are selected from 4 claim 50 ,4′ -bipyridine (L1) claim 50 , 1 claim 50 ,4-bis(4-pyridyl)benzene (L2) claim 50 , 4 claim 50 ,4′ -(2 claim 50 ,5 -dimethyl-1 claim 50 ,4-phenylene)dipyridine (L3) claim 50 , 1 claim 50 ,4-bis(4-pyridyl)biphenyl (L4) claim 50 , 1 claim 50 ,2-di(pyridine-4-yl)-ethene (L5) claim 50 , benzotriazole-5-carboxylic acid (L128) claim 50 , 2 claim 50 ,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acid (L80) claim 50 , glutaric acid (L141) claim 50 , and benzene-1 claim 50 , ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032184A1

Described herein are labeling agents, specifically [C]fluoroform, [C]difluoromethane, [C]fluoromethyl iodide, [C]fluoromethyl bromide, [C]fluoromethyl chloride, [C]fluoromethyl trifluoromethansulfonate, [C]difluoromethyl iodide, [C]difluoromethyl bromide, [C]difluoromethyl chloride, [C]difluoromethyl trifluoromethansulfonate, [C]trifluoromethyl iodide, [C]trifluoromethyl bromide, [C]trifluoromethyl chloride, [C]trifluoromethyl trifluoromethansulfonate, []fluoroform, [F]difluoromethane, [F]difluoromethyl bromide or [F]trifluoromethyl bromide. Also included are methods of labeling precursors to provide labeled fluoroalkanes and imaging methods. 1. A gas phase solvent-free method for producing an C- or F-labeled fluoroalkane , the method comprising{'sup': 11', '18', '18', '11', '11, 'sub': 11', '11', '3, 'contacting [C]methane, [F]fluoromethane, [F]fluoromethyl bromide, [C]methyl iodide, [C]methyl bromide, [C]methyl chloride, or [C]methyl trffluoromethansuifonate, with CoFat a temperature of 50 to 450° C., and'}{'sup': 11', '18, 'isolating the C- or F-labeled fluoroalkane that is produced.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein{'sup': 11', '11, 'the precursor is [C]methane and the labeled fluoroalkane is [C]fluoroform,'}{'sup': 18', '18, 'the precursor is [F]fluoromethane and the labeled fluoroalkane is [F]fluoroform,'}{'sup': 18', '18, 'the precursor is [F]fluoromethane and the labeled fluoroalkane is [F]difluoromethane,'}{'sup': 18', '18, 'the precursor is [F]fluoromethyl bromide and the labeled fluoroalkane is [F]difluoromethyl bromide,'}{'sup': 18', '18, 'the precursor is [F]fluoromethyl bromide and the labeled fluoroalkane is [F]trifluoromethyl bromide,'}{'sup': 11', '11, 'the precursor is [C]methyl iodide and the labeled fluoroalkane is [C]fluoromethyl iodide,'}{'sup': 11', '11, 'the precursor is [C]methyl bromide and the labeled fluoroalkane is [C]fluoromethyl bromide,'}{'sup': 11', '11, 'the precursor is [C]methyl chloride and the labeled fluoroalkane is [C] ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033977A1

A compound having a structure according to formula (I) 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Y includes a carbene carbon that is coordinated to the Cu atom.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the ring formed from Xand Xis part of a polycyclic ring system.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Y is selected from the group consisting of aryl claim 1 , heteroalkyl claim 1 , and heteroaryl.8. The compound of claim 7 , wherein Yin formula (I) is selected from the group consisting of aryl claim 7 , heteroalkyl claim 7 , and heteroaryl.9. A consumer product including a display claim 1 , the display including an organic light emitting device comprising an anode claim 1 , a cathode claim 1 , and an organic layer disposed between the anode and the cathode claim 1 , the organic layer comprising a compound of and a host.10. The product of selected from the group consisting of flat panel displays claim 9 , computer monitors claim 9 , medical monitors claim 9 , televisions claim 9 , billboards claim 9 , lights for interior or exterior illumination and/or signaling claim 9 , heads up displays claim 9 , fully transparent displays claim 9 , flexible displays claim 9 , laser printers claim 9 , telephones claim 9 , cell phones claim 9 , personal digital assistants (PDAs) claim 9 , laptop computers claim 9 , digital cameras claim 9 , camcorders claim 9 , viewfinders claim 9 , micro-displays claim 9 , 3-D displays claim 9 , vehicles claim 9 , a wall claim 9 , theater or stadium screen claim 9 , and a sign.11. An organic light emitting device that includes an anode claim 1 , a cathode claim 1 , and an organic layer disposed between the anode and the cathode claim 1 , wherein the organic layer is an emissive layer that comprises a compound of and a host claim 1 , the compound being an emissive dopant.12. An organic light emitting device that includes an anode claim 1 , a cathode claim 1 , and an organic layer disposed between the anode and the cathode claim 1 , wherein the organic layer ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037253A1

The present invention relates to copper, gallium and technetium coordinated thiosemicarbazone-pyridylhydrazine (substituted at the pyridine ring with a substituted benzothiazole or stilbene moiety) complexes and methods thereof. Such compounds possess utility in PET imaging and diagnosis of amyloid diseases. 3. A metal complex according to wherein the complex is a metal complex of formula (Ia) claim 2 , or a salt thereof.4. A metal complex according to wherein the complex is a metal complex of formula (Ib) claim 2 , or a salt thereof.5. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris hydrogen.6. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris hydrogen and Ris an optionally substituted C-Calkyl.7. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris hydrogen and Ris C-Calkyl.8. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris hydrogen and Ris a substituted C-Calkyl.9. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris hydrogen and Ris a terminally substituted C-Calkyl.10. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris hydrogen and Ris a C-Calkyl terminally substituted with a group selected from halogen claim 2 , amino claim 2 , C-Cdialkyl amino claim 2 , C-Cmonoalkyl amino claim 2 , aryl claim 2 , carboxyl claim 2 , trihalomethyl claim 2 , acyl claim 2 , and N-containing heteroaryl or N-containing heterocyclyl.11. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris a C-Calkyl terminally substituted with C-Cdialkyl amino and C-Cmonoalkyl amino claim 2 , or a bioisostere thereof.12. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris hydrogen and Ris C-Calkyl or di C-Calkyl amino ethyl.13. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris hydrogen and Ris methyl or dimethylaminoethyl.14. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Rand Rare independently C-Calkyl.15. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Rand Rare both methyl.16. A metal complex according to any one of to wherein Ris hydrogen claim 2 , ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037034A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

Provided are a near-infrared-ray-absorbing composition having strong near-infrared shielding properties when a cured film is produced, a near-infrared-ray cut filter, a manufacturing method therefor, a camera module, and a manufacturing method therefor. The near-infrared-ray-absorbing composition includes a copper complex obtained by reacting a compound (A) having at least two coordination sites with a copper component. 1. A near-infrared-ray-absorbing composition comprising:a copper complex obtained by reacting a compound (A) having at least two coordination sites with a copper component.2. A near-infrared-ray-absorbing composition comprising:a copper complex obtained by reacting a compound (A1) having two monoanionic coordination sites or a compound having a salt of the compound (A1) with a copper component.3. The near-infrared-ray-absorbing composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the compound (A) is a compound (A2) respectively having at least one coordination site to be coordinated with an anion and at least one coordinating atom to be coordinated with an unshared electron pair.4. The near-infrared-ray-absorbing composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the compound (A) is a compound (A3) having two or more coordinating atoms to be coordinated with an unshared electron pair.5. The near-infrared-ray-absorbing composition according to claim 2 , {'br': None, 'sup': 1', '1', '2, 'X-L-X\u2003\u2003Formula (10)'}, 'wherein the compound (A1) is represented by Formula (10) described below{'sup': 1', '2', '1', 'N1', 'N1, 'sub': '2', 'wherein, in Formula (10), each of Xand Xindependently represents the monoanionic coordination site, and Lrepresents an alkylene group, an alkenylene group, an arylene group, a heterocyclic group, —O—, —S—, —NR—, —CO—, —CS—, —SO—, or a divalent linking group formed of a combination thereof; here, Rrepresents a hydrogen atom, an alkyl group, an aryl group, or an aralkyl group.'}11. The near-infrared-ray-absorbing composition according to ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

N-acetyl l-cysteine chelates and methods for making and using the same

Номер: US20150038577A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A nutritional supplement for a human, the supplement having a chelate comprised of an N-acetyl-L-cysteine ligand bonded to a metal to form a chelate ring. A method for preparing a chelate comprised of N-acetyl-L-cysteine ligand and a metal having the steps of: dissolving an amount of N-acetyl-L-cysteine in an aqueous solution, adding a metal to the aqueous solution, stifling and heating the aqueous solution, and removing the solvent under reduced pressure. A method of treating a human for one or more of oxidative stress, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease, ADHD, bipolar, schizophrenia, autism, dementia, and HIV in a human comprising administering an effective amount of a composition having N-acetyl-L-cysteine in a chelate formation with a metal. A compound having a chelate formulation with a metal being chelated by an N-acetyl-L-cysteine ligand.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037740A1

A phthalocyanine-based complex compound is represented by general formula (1) shown below, 2. The phthalocyanine-based complex compound of having an E1% 1 cm value of at least 300 at a wavelength of maximum absorption in a visible light region.3. The phthalocyanine-based complex compound of claim 1 , whereinthe phthalocyanine-based complex compound dissolves in water or ethylene glycol in an amount of at least 0.01 mass %.4. The phthalocyanine-based complex compound of claim 1 , whereinthe phthalocyanine-based complex compound dissolves as molecules or disperses as particles having a number average particle diameter of no greater than 3 μm in water or ethylene glycol.5. The phthalocyanine-based complex compound of claim 1 , whereinthe phthalocyanine-based complex compound forms a solution having a hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of 4 to 10 when dissolved in water in an amount of 0.1 mass %.6. A method of producing a phthalocyanine-based complex compound claim 1 , for use in producing the phthalocyanine-based complex compound of claim 1 , comprisingpreparing a raw material solution in which a raw material including a phthalocyanine derivative moiety is dissolved in a solvent and a compound solution in which a compound including a moiety that adsorbs onto a metal is dissolved in a solvent, and mixing the raw material solution and the compound solution to precipitate a phthalocyanine-based complex compound.7. The phthalocyanine-based complex compound of claim 2 , whereinthe phthalocyanine-based complex compound dissolves in water or ethylene glycol in an amount of at least 0.01 mass %.8. The phthalocyanine-based complex compound of claim 2 , whereinthe phthalocyanine-based complex compound dissolves as molecules or disperses as particles having a number average particle diameter of no greater than 3 μm in water or ethylene glycol.9. The phthalocyanine-based complex compound of claim 2 , whereinthe phthalocyanine-based complex compound forms a solution having a hydrogen ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046446A1
Принадлежит: NuMat Technologies Inc.

This invention relates to a Cu-BTC MOF which is water stable. The Cu-BTC MOF has been modified by substituting some of the BTC ligand (1,3,5, benzene tricarboxylic acid) with 5-aminoisophthalic acid (AIA). The resultant MOF retains at least 40% of its as synthesized surface area after exposure to liquid water at 60° C. for 6 hours. This is an unexpected result versus the MOF containing only the BTC ligand. This MOF can be used to abate contaminants such as ammonia in gas streams and especially air streams. 1. A metal organic framework (MOF) composition comprising:a coordination product of a copper metal ion and a mixture of organic ligands selected from 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (BTC) and 5-aminoisophthalic acid (AIA) the MOF characterized in that it retains at least 40% of its as synthesized surface area after exposure to liquid water at 60° C. for 6 hours.2. The composition of further characterized in that the MOF has an as synthesized Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area of at least 1500 m/g.3. The composition of further characterized in that the MOF has an as synthesized Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area of at least 1700 m/g.4. The composition of further characterized in that the MOF has a gravimetric uptake capacity for ammonia of at least 0.25 g of ammonia per gram of MOF measured at 650 torr and 25° C.5. The composition of where the molar ratio of BTC:AIA varies from about 99:1 to about 1:99.6. The composition of where the molar ratio of BTC:AIA is 1:1.7. The composition of where the molar ratio of BTC:AIA is 1:38. The composition of where the molar ratio of BTC:AIA is: 3:1.9. The composition of claim lwherein it retains at least 50% of its surface area after exposure to liquid water at 60° C. for 6 hours.10. The MOF of further characterized in that the MOF is formed into a shaped body selected from pellets claim 1 , spheres claim 1 , disks claim 1 , monolithic body claim 1 , irregularly shaped particles claim 1 , extrudates claim 1 , and ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046447A1
Автор: Siu Paul Wai-Man
Принадлежит: NuMat Technologies Inc.

This invention relates to a Cu-BTC MOF which is water stable. The Cu-BTC MOF has open coordination sites and has been post synthesis modified by partially occupying the open sites with a ligand such as acetonitrile (CHCN). The resultant MOF retains at least 40% of its as synthesized surface area after exposure to liquid water at 60° C. for 6 hours. This is an unexpected result versus the MOF which has not been post treated with ligands such as acetonitrile. This MOF can be used to abate contaminants such as ammonia in gas streams and especially air streams. 1. A metal organic framework (MOF) composition comprising:{'sub': '3', 'a coordination product of a copper metal ion and 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (BTC) ligand the MOF characterized in that the copper has open coordination sites which are at least partially occupied by acetonitrile (CHCN) and it retains at least 40% of its as synthesized surface area after exposure to liquid water at room temperature for 6 hours.'}2. The composition of further characterized in that the MOF has an as synthesized Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area of at least 1200 m/g.3. The composition of further characterized in that the MOF has a gravimetric uptake capacity for ammonia of at least 0.3 g of ammonia per gram of MOF measured at 675 torr and 25° C.4. The MOF of further characterized in that the MOF has a pore volume of at least 0.5 cc/g.5. The MOF of where the MOF retains at least 50% of its synthesized surface area after exposure to liquid water at room temperature for 6 hours.6. The MOF of further characterized in that the MOF is formed into a shaped body selected from pellets claim 1 , spheres claim 1 , disks claim 1 , monolithic body claim 1 , irregularly shaped particles claim 1 , extrudates claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. The MOF of further characterized in that the MOF is deposited as a layer on a support selected from a monolith claim 1 , spherical support claim 1 , ceramic foam claim 1 , woven fabrics claim 1 ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043330A1

A method for the preparation of a metal-organic compound is provided. This method comprises the steps of (a) providing at least one metal precursor, (b) providing at least one bridging organic ligand, and (c) exposing together the metal precursor and the ligand to liquid COor supercritical COas a reaction medium, thereby producing said metal-organic compound. 1. A method for the manufacture of a metal-organic compound , the method comprising the steps of:(a) providing at least one metal precursor,(b) providing at least one bridging organic ligand, and{'sub': 2', '2, '(c) exposing together the metal precursor and the ligand to liquid COor supercritical COas a reaction medium, thereby producing said metal-organic compound.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step (c) claim 1 , the metal precursor and the ligand are stirred with the liquid COor supercritical CO.3. The method of or claim 1 , wherein during step (c) claim 1 , the metal precursor and the ligand are together exposed to supercritical CO.4. The method of or claim 1 , wherein during step (c) claim 1 , the metal precursor and the ligand are together exposed to liquid CO.5. The method of any one of to claim 1 , wherein step c) is carried out at a temperature ranging between about 0° C. and about 100° C.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein step c) is carried out at a temperature ranging between about 20° C. and about 90° C.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein step c) is carried out at a temperature ranging between about 40° C. and about 80° C.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein step c) is carried out at a temperature ranging between about 50° C. and about 70° C.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein step c) is carried out at a temperature of about 60° C.10. The method of any one of to claim 8 , wherein step c) is carried out at a pressure ranging between about 80 bar and about 140 bar.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein step c) is carried out at a pressure ranging between about 90 bar and about 140 bar.12. The ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044188A1

This invention provides a copper compound represented by General Formula (I) below. In General Formula (I), Rto Rindependently represent a linear or branched alkyl group with a carbon number of 1 to 5; provided that Rand Rare a methyl group, Rrepresents a linear or branched alkyl group with a carbon number of 2 to 5; and provided that Ris a methyl group and Ris an ethyl group, Rrepresents a methyl group or a linear or branched alkyl group with a carbon number of 3 to 5. A starting material for forming a thin film of the present invention includes the copper compound represented by General Formula (I). The present invention can provide a copper compound which has a low melting point, can be conveyed in a liquid state, has a high vapor pressure, and is easily vaporizable, and also a starting material for forming a thin film which uses such a copper compound. 2. A starting material for forming a thin film claim 1 , comprising the copper compound according to .3. A method for manufacturing a thin film claim 1 , comprising the steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim 2'}, 'vaporizing the starting material for forming a thin film according to to obtain a vapor including a copper compound; and'}contacting the vapor with a substrate to decompose and/or chemically react the copper compound and then to form a thin film on the substrate. The present invention relates to a copper compound, a starting material for forming a thin film, and a method for manufacturing a thin film that can be used for wiring materials for LSI, electrode materials, and the like.Copper thin films and copper-containing thin films have been used for wiring materials for LSI (Large Scale Integration) and electrode materials because such films exhibit high electric conductivity, high resistance to electromigration, a high melting point, and the like. To manufacture such thin films, flame hydrolysis deposition methods, sputtering methods, ion plating methods, MOD (Metal Organic Decomposition) ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052894A1
Автор: Chong Hyun-Soon

Substituted 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-N,N′,N″-triacetic acid and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacycicododecane-N,N′,N″,N′″-tetraacetic acid compounds with a pendant amino or hydroxyl group, metal complexes thereof, compositions thereof, and methods of making and use in diagnostic imaging and treatment of cellular disorders. 2. A complex comprising the compound of and a metal ion claim 1 , a radioactive isotope of the metal ion claim 1 , or a radioactive isotope of carbon claim 1 , nitrogen claim 1 , iodine claim 1 , fluorine claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , or helium.3. A conjugate comprising the complex of and a targeting moiety claim 2 , a fluorescence moiety claim 2 , or a nanoparticle.4. The complex of claim 2 , wherein the metal ion is selected from the group consisting of Ac claim 2 , Al claim 2 , Bi claim 2 , Pb claim 2 , Y claim 2 , Mn claim 2 , Cr claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , Co claim 2 , Zn claim 2 , Ni claim 2 , Tc claim 2 , Gd claim 2 , In claim 2 , Ga claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , Re claim 2 , Sm claim 2 , Pm claim 2 , Ho claim 2 , Zr claim 2 , Ra claim 2 , Sr claim 2 , Cs claim 2 , Th claim 2 , Am claim 2 , U claim 2 , an alkali metal claim 2 , an alkaline earth metal claim 2 , a transition metal claim 2 , a lanthanide claim 2 , and an actinide.5. A conjugate comprising the complex of and a targeting moiety claim 4 , a fluorescence moiety claim 4 , or a nanoparticle.6. A conjugate comprising the compound of and a targeting moiety claim 1 , a fluorescence moiety claim 1 , a ligand claim 1 , or a nanoparticle.7. The conjugate according to claim 6 , comprising the targeting moiety claim 6 , wherein the targeting moiety comprises a biomolecule selected from a hormone claim 6 , a bile acid claim 6 , an amino acid claim 6 , a peptide claim 6 , a peptidomimetic claim 6 , a protein claim 6 , a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) claim 6 , a ribonucleic acid (RNA) claim 6 , a lipid claim 6 , an albumin claim 6 , a receptor molecule claim 6 , a receptor binding molecule claim 6 , a hapten claim 6 , a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Molecular Imaging Probes

Номер: US20170050989A1
Автор: Caravan Peter

This disclosure relates to compounds of formula (I) shown below: [formula (I)], or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. These compounds can be used as imaging probes, e.g., for diagnosis of fibrosis or fibrogenesis. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the first complexing group is a DOTA claim 1 , NOTA claim 1 , DO3AX claim 1 , DO3AP claim 1 , DOTP claim 1 , DO2A2P claim 1 , NOTP claim 1 , NO2AP claim 1 , NO2PA claim 1 , TETA claim 1 , TE2P claim 1 , TE2A claim 1 , TE1A1P claim 1 , CBTE2P claim 1 , CBTE1A1P claim 1 , SBTE2A claim 1 , SBTE1A1P claim 1 , DTTP claim 1 , CHX-A″-DTPA claim 1 , Desferal claim 1 , HBED claim 1 , PyDO3P claim 1 , PyDO2AP claim 1 , PyDO3A claim 1 , DIAMSAR claim 1 , EDTA claim 1 , DTP A claim 1 , CB-TE2A claim 1 , SarAr claim 1 , PCTA claim 1 , pycup claim 1 , DEDPA claim 1 , OCTAPA claim 1 , AAZTA claim 1 , DOTAIa claim 1 , CyPic3 A claim 1 , TRAP claim 1 , NOPO claim 1 , or CDTA moiety.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the metal ion is selected from Gd claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , Pr claim 1 , Nd claim 1 , Eu claim 1 , Eu claim 1 , Tb claim 1 , Dy claim 1 , Er claim 1 , Ho claim 1 , Tm claim 1 , Yb claim 1 , and Cr claim 1 , or is an ion of a radioisotope selected from the group consisting of Ga claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , Al-F claim 1 , 64Cu claim 1 , In claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Tl claim 1 , Tc claim 1 , and Tc.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein X is —C(RR)— claim 1 , —C(S)— claim 1 , or —C(O)— claim 1 , in which each of Rand R claim 1 , independently claim 1 , is H claim 1 , C-Calkyl claim 1 , C-Calkenyl claim 1 , C-Calkynyl claim 1 , or aryl.5. (canceled)6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Y is —N(R)— or —O— claim 1 , in which Ris H claim 1 , C-Calkyl claim 1 , C-Calkenyl claim 1 , C-Calkynyl claim 1 , or aryl.7. (canceled)8. The compound of claim 1 , wherein L is —(CH)— claim 1 , —NH(CH)— claim 1 , or —(CH)—aryl- claim 1 , in which n is 1 claim 1 , 2 claim 1 , or 3.9. ( ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Organic Electroluminescent Materials and Devices

Номер: US20170054090A1

This invention discloses iridium complexes with benzothienoquinoline, benzofuroquinoline, benzoselenophenoquinoline, and benzosiloloquinoline ligands. These complexes can be used as phosphorescent emitters in OLEDs. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein M is selected from the group consisting of Ir claim 1 , Rh claim 1 , Re claim 1 , Ru claim 1 , Os claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , Au claim 1 , and Cu.3. (canceled)4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the compound has the formula selected from the group consisting of M(L)(L) and M(L)(L).5. (canceled)6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Yto Yare carbon.7. The compound of claim 1 , wherein only one of Yto Yis nitrogen.910-. (canceled)11. The compound of claim 1 , wherein ring C is benzene claim 1 , and ring D is pyridine of which Yis N.1517-. (canceled)22. The OLED of claim 21 , wherein the OLED is incorporated into a device selected from the group consisting of a consumer product claim 21 , an electronic component module claim 21 , and a lighting panel.23. The OLED of claim 21 , wherein the organic layer is an emissive layer and the compound is an emissive dopant or a non-emissive dopant.24. (canceled)25. The OLED of claim 21 , wherein the organic layer further comprises a host claim 21 ,wherein the host comprises at least one chemical group selected from the group consisting of triphenylene, carbazole, dibenzothiophene, dibenzofuran, dibenzoselenophene, azatriphenylene, azacarbazole, aza-dibenzothiophene, aza-dibenzofuran, and aza-dibenzoselenophene.27. The OLED of claim 21 , wherein the organic layer further comprises a host claim 21 , wherein the host comprises a metal complex. This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/206,325 filed Aug. 18, 2015, the entire contents of which is incorporated herein by reference.The claimed invention was made by, on behalf of, and/or in connection with one or more of the following parties to a joint university corporation research agreement: The ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060497A1

A thin-film composite polyamide reverse osmosis membrane with anti-bacterial and anti-biofouling effects and a preparation method thereof are disclosed. The preparation method includes: dissolving a highly water-stable metal organic framework CuBTTri in an n-hexane solution containing trimesoyl chloride by ultrasonic wave, immersing a polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membrane in an aqueous solution of m-phenylene diamine and taking out, and then immersing the ultrafiltration membrane in the trimesoyl chloride-n-hexane solution containing the aforementioned metal organic framework for reaction and modification, so as to obtain the thin-film composite polyamide reverse osmosis membrane. The resulting composite reverse osmosis membrane integrated with the anti-bacterial metal organic framework CuBTTri has a high reverse osmosis membrane permeability and possesses greatly improved and persistent anti-bacterial and anti-biofouling properties. The preparation method is simple and conducive to promotion, and has mild conditions. 2. A thin-film composite polyamide reverse osmosis membrane with anti-bacterial and anti-biofouling effects claim 1 , comprising a substrate and a thin film; wherein the substrate is an ultrafiltration membrane claim 1 , and the thin film is formed by loading an aromatic polyamide film containing the CuBTTri of uniformly on a surface of the substrate.3. The thin-film composite polyamide reverse osmosis membrane with the anti-bacterial and anti-biofouling effects of claim 2 , wherein the ultrafiltration membrane comprises at least one of a polyacrylonitrile membrane claim 2 , a polysulfone membrane and a polyethersulfone membrane claim 2 , and the ultrafiltration membrane has a molecular weight cutoff of 10-20 kDa.4. A method for preparing the thin-film composite polyamide reverse osmosis membrane with the anti-bacterial and anti-biofouling effects of claim 2 , comprising the steps of:i) synthesizing the CuBTTri, comprising the steps in order of:{' ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of Efavirenz and devices suitable therefore

Номер: US20170057937A1

The invention relates to a process for the preparation of Efavirenz via an efficient transition metal catalyzed cyclization, to a device suitable to perform such process as well as to novel intermediates. 1. A process for the preparation of 6-chloro-4-(2-cyclopropylethynyl)-4-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-3 ,1-benzoxazin-2-one comprising reacting 4-cyclopropyl-2-(2 ,5-dichloro-phenyl)-1 ,1 ,1-trifluoro-but-3-yn-2-ol with at least one cyanate in the presence of at least one transition metal compound.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one cyanate is selected from the group consisting of alkali cyanates and alkaline earth cyanates.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one cyanate comprises sodium cyanate.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transition metal compound is selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , rhodium and platinum compounds.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transition metal compound is selected from those of formulae (Ia) and (Ib){'br': None, 'sup': '1', 'sub': '2', 'M(Y)\u2003\u2003(Ia),'}{'br': None, 'sup': '2', 'M(Y)\u2003\u2003(Ib),'}whereinM is nickel, palladium or copper(II){'sup': '1', 'Yis chloride, bromide, acetate, nitrate, methanesulphonate, trifluoromethanesulphonate, trifluoroacetate or acetylacetonate, and'}{'sup': '2', 'Yis sulphate;'} [{'br': None, 'sup': '3', 'MY\u2003\u2003(IIa)'}, {'br': None, 'sub': '4', 'sup': '3', '[M(B)](Y)\u2003\u2003(IIb)'}], 'or those of formulae (IIa) and (IIb)'}whereinM is copper (I){'sup': '3', 'Yis chloride, bromide, iodide, acetate, methanesulphonate, trifluoromethanesulphonate, tetrafluoroborate, trifluoroacetate hexafluorophosphate, perchlorate, hexafluoroantimonate, tetra(3,5-bistrifluoromethylphenyl)borate or tetraphenylborate, and'}B is a nitrile such as acetonitrile, benzonitrile, benzyl nitrile; {'br': None, 'sub': '2', '[M(D)]\u2003\u2003(III)'}, 'or those of ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150065712A1

There is provided a method and nanocomposite for the reversible assembly of nanotubes, such as oxidized single wall carbon nanotubes, based on metal coordination. The method produces a thermally stable, neutral nanocomposite possessing enhanced mechanical, electrical, physical and chemical properties for example. Disassembly can be provided by treatment with a competing ligand compound. 1. A method of preparing a nanocomposite , the method comprising the steps of: reacting first and second nanotubes with a metal complex in a solvent system to form an assembled complex , wherein the metal complex is comprised of a metal and a ligating portion selected from monotopic , ditopic and polytopic ligands coordinated to the metal , and wherein each of the first and second nanotubes includes at least one ligating component coordinating with the metal such that the metal complex serves to connect the first and second nanotubes.2. The method of claim 1 , where the assembled complex is disassembled upon treatment with a competing ligand component.3. The method of claim 1 , where the nanotubes are selected from the group consisting of organic nanotubes claim 1 , inorganic nanotubes claim 1 , single-wall nanotubes and multi-walled nanotubes.4. The method of claim 1 , where the metal of the metal complex is selected from zinc and copper (II).5. The method of claim 1 , where the ligating portion is selected from the group consisting of functionalized monopyridines claim 1 , bispyridines claim 1 , terpyridines and polypyridine ligands.6. The method of claim 1 , where the ligating component is a monotopic or polytopic ligand capable of coordinating a metal that can coordinate with organic or inorganic nanotubes.7. The method of claim 1 , where at least one of the nanotube and the ligating component is selectively modified with at least one substituent providing at least one physicochemical property claim 1 , the physiochemical property including solubility claim 1 , blendablility ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Cross-linking and stabilization of organic metal complexes in networks

Номер: US20140142258A1
Принадлежит: CYNORA GmbH

The invention relates to the preparation of an organic transition metal complex cross-linked into a multi-dimensional network, comprising the performance of a first reaction, which comprises a first reactant in the form of an organic metal complex and a second reactant for the formation of a multi-dimensional network, where the organic metal complex is cross-linked to form the multi-dimensional-network during the reaction.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Porous Materials Containing Built-In Single Molecule Traps for Small Molecule Capture

Номер: US20150071845A1

Provided herein are porous single-molecule trap materials with fixed pore sizes that are capable of trapping one molecule per cavity. 1. A porous material comprising (i) a single pore having a single pore size or (ii) a plurality of pores having an average pore size , wherein the single pore size or the average pore size is proportioned to accommodate a single gas molecule to the exclusion of additional gas molecules.2. The porous material of claim 1 , wherein the porous material is synthetic.3. The porous material of claim 1 , wherein the material can be activated to coordinate a solvent molecule in a pore.4. The porous material of claim 1 , wherein the gas molecule is selected from CO claim 1 , H claim 1 , N claim 1 , CO claim 1 , O claim 1 , CH claim 1 , CH claim 1 , SO claim 1 , HS claim 1 , CS claim 1 , NH claim 1 , NO claim 1 , and CH claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The porous material of claim 1 , wherein the single gas molecule is positioned between at least two metal ion dimers in a pore of the material claim 1 , wherein each dimer comprises an outer metal ion and an inner metal ion claim 1 , wherein each inner metal ion participates in binding the single gas molecule claim 1 , and wherein the outer metal ion and the inner metal ion are the same.6. The porous material of claim 5 , wherein each metal ion of each dimer is selected from the group consisting of Cu claim 5 , Ru claim 5 , Zn claim 5 , Co claim 5 , Rh and Mo.7. The porous material of claim 6 , wherein each metal ion of each dimer is Cu(II) or Ru(II).8. The porous material of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises a single pore claim 1 , and wherein the single pore comprises a single gas molecule.9. The porous material of claim 5 , wherein each metal ion dimer is bonded by four bis(monodentate) ligands.10. (canceled)1420-. (canceled)21. The porous material of claim 5 , wherein the material comprises a plurality of pores claim 5 , and wherein at least one pore comprises a single gas molecule ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150073164A1

The present invention provides a method for adsorbing carbon dioxide onto porous metal-organic framework materials, a method for cooling porous metal-organic framework materials, a method for obtaining aldehyde using porous metal-organic framework materials and a method for warming porous metal-organic framework materials. In each method, porous metal-organic framework materials are used while an electric field or an electromagnetic field is applied to the porous metal-organic framework materials, or while a magnetic field or an electromagnetic field is applied to the porous metal-organic framework materials. If an electric field is applied, at least one organic compound included in the porous metal-organic framework materials is a polar compound. Instead, if a magnetic field is applied, at least one metal included in the porous metal-organic framework materials has an unpaired electron. 1. A method for cooling porous metal-organic framework materials , the method comprising:(a) applying an electric field or an electromagnetic field to the porous metal-organic framework materials containing an adsorbate such that the adsorbate is released from the porous metal-organic framework materials, wherein at least one metal ion, and', 'at least one organic compound bound by coordination bond to the at least one metal ion; and, 'the porous metal-organic framework materials contain'}the at least one organic compound is a polar compound.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe adsorbate is selected from the group consisting of water, ammonia, hydrogen fluoride, alcohol, aldehyde, carboxylic acid, amine, amide, imide, fluorinated hydrocarbon and chlorofluorocarbon.3. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe electric field is an alternating-electric field.4. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe at least one metal ion is a copper ion.5. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe at least one organic compound is 1,3-benzene dicarboxylic acid.6. A method for ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Greenish blue pigment, colorant composition containing said pigment, and image recording material

Номер: US20140150692A1

An object is to overcome the drawbacks of conventional blue phthalocyanine pigments upon the formation of images, and to develop a blue pigment that can satisfactorily exhibit a greenish blue color high in chroma and excellent in colorfulness, brightness, dispersibility, hue, tinting power and the like and that is applicable to various image recording methods. The object can be achieved by a greenish blue pigment, which exhibits a greenish blue hue of high chroma and contains a pigment represented by the following formula (I): wherein the number, m, of substituent phthalimidomethyl group(s) is in a range of 1.0≦m≦5.0, and the number, n, of a substituent sulfonic group R1 is in a range of 0.05≦n≦1.0.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Copper (i) complexes with glycine, pyruvate, and succinate

Номер: US20180071336A1

The present invention is directed to a pharmaceutical and/or dietary supplement composition comprising an effective amount of a copper (I) complex with glycine, pyruvate, or succinic acid and methods of treating mitochondrial, neuromuscular, and other diseases. Also provided are pharmaceutical treatment regimes and kits comprising a copper (I) complex with glycine, pyruvate, or succinate.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Photosensitizer compounds, methods of manufacture and application to plants

Номер: US20220089615A1
Принадлежит: Suncor Energy Inc

Provided herein are compounds of general Formula I:or agriculturally acceptable salts thereof. The compounds of Formula I can be used to improve the health of plants. For example, the compounds of Formula I can be used to inhibit a microbial pathogen of a plant, or to increase resistance of a plant to one or more abiotic stress. Methods of manufacturing the compounds of general Formula I, as well as synthetic intermediates are also provided.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073361A1

The present application provides precursor compounds useful for deposition of a group 11 metal on a substrate, for example, a microelectronic device substrate, as well as methods of synthesizing such precursor compounds. The precursor compounds provided are mono-metallic compounds comprising a diaminocarbene (DAC) having the general formula: “DAC-M-X”, where the diaminocarbene is an optionally substituted, saturated N-heterocyclic diaminocarbene (sNHC) or an optionally substituted acyclic diaminocarbene, M is a group 11 metal, such as copper, silver or gold; and X is an anionic ligand. Also provided are methods of synthesizing the precursor compounds, metal deposition methods utilizing such precursor compounds, and to composite materials, such as, e.g., microelectronic device structures, and products formed by use of such precursors and deposition methods. 1. A compound of Formula I:{'br': None, 'DAC-M-X\u2003\u2003I'} DAC is a diaminocarbene that is an optionally substituted, saturated N-heterocyclic diaminocarbene (sNHC) or an optionally substituted acyclic diaminocarbene;', 'M is a transition metal bound to the DAC component at the carbenic atom; and', 'X is an anionic ligand,', 'wherein the compound does not comprise an aryl or heteroaryl group, and M is bound to a non-halogenic atom of X,', 'and wherein the compound will achieve a vapour pressure of at least about 1 torr at 160° C. or less and will remain stable for at least one day at a temperature of at least about 100° C., 'wherein'}2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein M is a group 11 metal.3. The compound of claim 1 , which is a compound of Formula Ia:{'br': None, 'i': 's', 'NHC-M-X\u2003\u2003Ia.'}6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein X is not bound to M via an oxygen-metal bond.8. The compound of claim 7 , wherein Rand Rare each independently H claim 7 , a Cto Calkyl or heteroalkyl claim 7 , or a Cto Ccycloalkyl or cyclic heteroalkyl.9. The compound of claim 8 , wherein X is —N(SiMe).10. The compound of ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Compositions and methods comprising conductive metal organic frameworks and uses thereof

Номер: US20170073364A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Compositions and methods comprising metal organic frameworks (MOFs) and related uses are generally provided. In some embodiments, a MOF comprises a plurality of metal ions, each coordinated with at least one ligand comprising at least two sets of ortho-diimine groups arranged about an organic core.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079796A1

Disclosed herein are methods of making nanostructured metal-organic frameworks. The methods include contacting a homogenized ligand solution with a homogenized aqueous metal salt solution at room temperature to form a mixture; and agitating the mixture for an amount of time to thereby form the nanostructured metal-organic framework at room temperature; wherein the homogenized ligand solution comprises a ligand dispersed substantially homogenously in a solvent selected from the group consisting of water, ethanol, isopropanol, n-propanol, lactic acid, and combinations thereof; and wherein the homogenized aqueous metal salt solution comprises a metal salt dispersed substantially homogenously in an aqueous solvent. Also disclosed herein are nanostructured metal-organic frameworks made by the methods described herein. Also disclosed herein are articles of manufacture comprising nanostructured metal-organic frameworks made by the methods described herein, such as filters, respirators, gas masks, human protection devices, catalysts, and catalyst supports. 1. A method of making a nanostructured metal-organic framework , the method comprising:contacting a homogenized ligand solution with a homogenized aqueous metal salt solution at room temperature to form a mixture; andagitating the mixture for an amount of time to thereby form the nanostructured metal-organic framework at room temperature;wherein the homogenized ligand solution comprises a ligand dispersed substantially homogenously in a solvent selected from the group consisting of water, ethanol, isopropanol, n-propanol, lactic acid, and combinations thereof; andwherein the homogenized aqueous metal salt solution comprises a metal salt dispersed substantially homogenously in an aqueous solvent.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the homogenized ligand solution comprises the ligand in an amount of from 0.05 to 0.1 gram per 100 mL of solvent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ligand comprises 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5- ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085733A1

A metal-organic framework (MOF) and uses thereof are provided herein, including MOF comprising a repeat unit of the formula [ML], wherein L is a ligand of the following formula: and M is a divalent metal such as copper. The MOFs provided herein may be used in the separation of two or more gaseous molecules from each other. In some embodiments, the gaseous molecules are ethylene and acetylene. 2. The MOF of claim 1 , wherein M is divalent copper ion.4. The MOF of claim 1 , wherein the MOF is activated for sorption of gas molecules.5. The MOF of claim 1 , further comprising one or more than one type of guest molecule.6. The MOF of claim 5 , wherein one type of guest molecule is a solvent molecule.7. The MOF of claim 6 , wherein the solvent molecule is water.8. The MOF of claim 6 , wherein the solvent molecule is N claim 6 ,N′-dimethylformamide.9. The MOF of claim 6 , wherein the solvent molecule is methanol.10. The MOF of claim 6 , wherein the solvent molecule is acetone.11. The MOF of claim 1 , wherein the solvent molecules occupy the pores of the MOF.12. The MOF of claim 5 , wherein one type of guest molecule is a gas molecule.13. The MOF of claim 12 , wherein the gas molecule is an alkyne.14. The MOF of claim 13 , wherein the gas molecule is acetylene.15. The MOF of ; wherein the gas molecule is an alkene.16. The MOF of ; wherein the gas molecule is ethylene.17. The MOF of claim 12 , wherein the gas molecule is a mixture of acetylene and ethylene.18. The MOF of claim 1 , wherein the MOF is substantially free from any solvent molecules.19. The MOF of claim 1 , wherein the MOF has a weight percentage at least 90% attributable to repeat units of the formula [ML].20. The MOF of claim 1 , wherein the MOF has a weight percentage at least 95% attributable to repeat units of the formula [ML].21. The MOF of claim 1 , wherein the MOF has a weight percentage at least 99% attributable to repeat units of the formula [ML].22. The MOF of claim 1 , wherein the MOF has been adhered ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190088889A1
Автор: Su Mingjuan, Tsai Jui-Yi

The present invention includes novel heteroleptic/homoleptic iridium complexes containing two tridentate ligands, where at least one of the tridentate ligands comprises of pyridinium-derived N-heterocyclic carbene. The compounds of the present invention may be useful for organic electroluminescent devices. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen claim 1 , deuterium claim 1 , fluorine claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , cycloalkyl claim 1 , heteroalkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , aryloxy claim 1 , amino claim 1 , silyl claim 1 , alkenyl claim 1 , cycloalkenyl claim 1 , heteroalkenyl claim 1 , aryl claim 1 , heteroaryl claim 1 , nitrile claim 1 , isonitrile claim 1 , sulfanyl claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare independently selected from the group consisting of deuterium claim 1 , fluorine claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , cycloalkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , aryloxy claim 1 , amino claim 1 , silyl claim 1 , aryl claim 1 , heteroaryl claim 1 , sulfanyl claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein M is selected from the group consisting of Ir claim 1 , Rh claim 1 , Re claim 1 , Ru claim 1 , Os claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , Au claim 1 , and Cu.5. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each of Xto Xare C.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein ring A is a 6-membered aromatic ring.7. The compound of claim 6 , wherein ring A is a N-heteroaromatic ring selected from the group consisting of pyridyl claim 6 , pyrimidyl claim 6 , pyrazinyl claim 6 , pyridiznyl and benzo-analogs of each thereof.8. The compound of claim 1 , wherein ring A is a 5-membered N-heteroaromatic ring selected from the group consisting of imidazole claim 1 , pyrazole claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 , triazole claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 , triazole claim 1 , oxazole claim 1 , isoxazole claim 1 , thiazole claim 1 , ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Molecular Catalysts Capable of Catalyzing Oxidation of Hydrocarbons and Method for Oxidizing Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20150099876A1

This invention relates to molecular catalysts and chemical reactions utilizing the same, and particularly to molecular catalysts for efficient catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons, such as hydrocarbons from natural gas. The molecular catalytic platform provided herein is capable of the facile oxidation of hydrocarbons, for example, under ambient conditions such as near room temperature and atmospheric pressure.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091674A1

A homogeneous catalyst is provided comprising one or more metals; and at least two metal coordinating ligands wherein the homogeneous catalyst is a multi-ligand metal complex_adapted for use with an oxidant in an oxidation reaction to catalytically pretreat lignocellulosic biomass. In one embodiment, the homogenous catalyst is copper (II) 2, 2′ bipyridine ethylenediamine (Cu(bpy)en). Related methods are also disclosed. 110-. (canceled)11. A method comprising:catalytically delignifying alkaline-pretreated lignocellulosic biomass with a homogeneous multi-ligand metal complex catalyst and an oxidant in an oxidation reaction, wherein said metal complex comprises a combination of a metal-ligand complex and at least one metal coordinating ligand selected from pyridine, 1,10-phenanthroline, ethylenediamene, histidine, glycine and combinations thereof, wherein radicals formed during the oxidation reaction react with lignin present in the alkaline-pretreated lignocellulosic biomass to solubilize the lignin to produce a catalytically delignified lignocellulosic biomass.12. The method of wherein the alkaline-pretreated lignocellulosic biomass claim 11 , the multi-ligand metal complex and the oxidant form a solution having a pH of at least 11.5.13. The method of wherein the oxidant is hydrogen peroxide claim 12 , the radicals formed during the oxidation reaction are hydroxyl radicals claim 12 , and the multi-ligand metal complex is a multi-ligand copper complex.14. The method of wherein the copper complex is a copper(II) 2 claim 13 ,2′-bipyridine complex (Cu(bpy)) modified to contain at least one additional metal-coordinating ligand.15. The method of wherein said additional metal-coordinating ligand is ethylenediamine.16. The method of wherein the oxidant is added at a gradual rate equal to or less than a rate of consumption of the oxidant by the alkaline-pretreated lignocellulosic biomass and the multi-ligand metal complex.17. (canceled)18. The method of wherein the method ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144859A1

Mixed metal metal-organic frameworks (MM-MOFs) of copper-1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate (BTC), M—Cu-BTC, wherein M is Zn(II), Ni(II), Co(II), and/or Fe(II) may be made using post-synthetic exchange (PSE) with metal ions. Such MM-MOFs may be used in Hstorage, especially Ni(II) and Co(II) MM-MOFs. Selected metal exchanged materials can provide gravimetric Huptake around 1.63 wt. % for Zn—Cu-BTC, around 1.61 wt. % for Ni—Cu-BTC, around 1.63 wt. % for Fe—Cu-BTC, and around 1.12 wt. % for Co—Cu-BTC. 1. A mixed-metal metal organic framework (MM-MOF) , comprising:a linker comprising, relative to a total linker weight, at least 75 wt. % of 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate bound into the MM-MOF; and{'sup': 2+', '2+', '2+', '2+', '2+, 'divalent metal cations comprising, relative to a total metal weight, at least 65 atom. % Cu and from 10 to 30 atom. % of Ni Zn, Co, and/or Fe, bound into the MM-MOF,'}{'sup': '2+', 'wherein the MM-MOF has a gradient in Cu concentration between a center of the MM-MOF and an outer perimeter of the MM-MOF, and'}{'sup': '2+', 'wherein concentration of the Cu is higher towards the center of the MM-MOF than the outer perimeter.'}2. The MM-MOF of claim 1 , which is crystalline by powder x-ray diffraction and has a TBO topology.3. The MM-MOF of claim 1 , comprising the Ni in a range of from 10 to 30 atom. % claim 1 , and a remainder of the Cu.4. The MM-MOF of claim 1 , comprising the Zn in a range of from 10 to 20 atom. % claim 1 , and a remainder of the Cu.5. The MM-MOF of claim 1 , comprising the Co in a range of from 12.5 to 25 atom. % claim 1 , and a remainder of the Cu.6. The MM-MOF of claim 1 , comprising the Fe in a range of from 12 to 22.5 atom. % claim 1 , and a remainder of the Cu.7. The MM-MOF of claim 1 , wherein the Cu gradient is produced by a process comprising solution-based diffusion of the Ni claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Co claim 1 , and/or Fe claim 1 , into a preexisting MOF comprising the Cu and the 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-benzenetricarboxylate.8 ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094069A1

The invention provides anionic water-soluble tetracyclic and pentacyclic bacteriochlorophyll derivatives (Bchls) containing at least one, preferably two or three, negatively charged groups and/or acidic groups that are converted to negatively charged groups at the physiological pH, preferably Bchls having a group COO<->, COS<->, SO3<->, PO3<2->, COOH, COSH, SO3H, and/or PO3H2 bound through an ester or amide bond to one or more of the positions 17<3>, 13<3>, and 3<2> of the tetracyclic or pentacyclic Bchl molecule, for photodynamic therapy and diagnosis. 150-. (canceled)51. A method of treating a tumor in a patient by vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP) , the method comprising:(a) administering to a patient having a tumor an effective amount of a compound selected from the group consisting of:{'sup': 1', '1', '3, 'Palladium 3-(3-sulfopropylimino)-15-methoxycarbonylmethyl-rhodobacteriochlorin 13,17-di(3-sulfopropyl)amide tripotassium salt;'}{'sup': 1', '1', '3, 'Palladium 3-(3-sulfopropylamino)-15-methoxycarbonylmethyl-rhodobacteriochlorin 13,17-di(3-sulfopropyl)amide tripotassium salt;'}{'sup': 1', '1, 'Palladium 3-oxo-15-methoxycarbonylmethyl-rhodobacteriochlorin 13-(3-phosphopropyl)amide tripotassium salt;'}{'sup': 1', '1', '3, 'Palladium 3-oxo-15-methoxycarbonylmethyl-rhodobacteriochlorin 13,17-di(3-sulfopropyl)amide dipotassium salt; and'}{'sup': 1', '1, 'Palladium 3-oxo-15-methoxycarbonylmethyl-rhodobacteriochlorin 132-carboxyethyl)amide dipotassium salt; and'}(b) irradiating local area of the tumor with an effective dose of light of appropriate wavelength,wherein the tumor is selected from melanoma, brain tumor, esophageal tumor, and bladder tumor.52. The method of claim 51 , wherein the tumor is melanoma.53. The method of claim 51 , wherein the tumor is brain tumor.54. The method of claim 51 , wherein the tumor is esophageal tumor.55. The method of claim 51 , wherein the tumor is bladder tumor.56. The method of claim 51 , wherein the compound is ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Metal Delivery Agents and Therapeutic Uses of the Same

Номер: US20150105461A1

The present invention relates to metal complexes, processes for their preparation and their use as pharmaceutical or veterinary agents, in particular for the treatment of conditions in which metal delivery can prevent, alleviate or ameliorate the condition. There are a number of clinical conditions which are caused by or associated with abnormal levels of metals (typically low metal levels). Conditions in of this type include cancer and conditions characterised by or associated with oxidative damage, more specifically neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or Huntington's disease. The invention also relates to ligands useful in the preparation of metal complexes of this type. 191.-. (canceled)93. The method of where the disease is Parkinson's disease.94. The method of where the disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.95. The method of where M is Cu.96. The method of where M is Zn.97. The method of where R2 and R6 are each methyl.98. The method of where R2 and R6 are each ethyl.99. The method of where R2 and R6 are each phenyl.100. The method of where M is Cu and R2 and R6 are each methyl.101. The method of where M is Cu and R2 and R6 are each ethyl.102. The method of where M is Cu and R2 and R6 are each phenyl.103. The method of where M is Zn and R2 and R6 are each methyl.104. The method of where M is Zn and R2 and R6 are each ethyl.105. The method of where M is Zn and R2 and R6 are each phenyl.106. The method of where M is Cu and R2 and R6 are each methyl.107. The method of where M is Cu and R2 and R6 are each ethyl.108. The method of where M is Cu and R2 and R6 are each phenyl.109. The method of where M is Zn and R2 and R6 are each methyl.110. The method of where M is Zn and R2 and R6 are each ethyl.111. The method of where M is Zn and R2 and R6 are each phenyl. The present invention relates to the use of metal complexes as pharmaceutical or veterinary agents, in particular for the treatment of conditions in which metal ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095257A1

The present invention relates to compounds that are useful as radiopharmaceuticals and radioimaging agents which bear a radionuclide-chelating agent. These coordinated compounds are useful in radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging. The invention also relates to methods of diagnosis, prognosis and therapy utilising the non-coordinated and radiolabelled compounds of the invention. 2. A compound according to claim 1 , or a salt claim 1 , complex claim 1 , isomer claim 1 , solvate or prodrug thereof claim 1 , wherein:{'sub': 1', '12, 'X is an optionally substituted C-Calkyl.'}3. A compound according to claim 1 , or a salt claim 1 , complex claim 1 , isomer claim 1 , solvate or prodrug thereof claim 1 , wherein:X is an optionally substituted amide.5. A compound according to any one of to claim 1 , or a salt claim 1 , complex claim 1 , isomer claim 1 , solvate or prodrug thereof claim 1 , wherein:Y is a substituted alkylene group.6. A compound according to any one of to claim 1 , or a salt claim 1 , complex claim 1 , isomer claim 1 , solvate or prodrug thereof claim 1 , wherein:Y is an alkylene group substituted with an amide group.7. A compound according to claim 6 , or a salt claim 6 , complex claim 6 , isomer claim 6 , solvate or prodrug thereof claim 6 , wherein:Y is an alkylene group further substituted with a carbonyl group.9. A compound according to any one of to claim 6 , or a salt claim 6 , complex claim 6 , isomer claim 6 , solvate or prodrug thereof claim 6 , wherein:Y is an unsubstituted alkylene group.10. A compound according to claim 9 , or a salt claim 9 , complex claim 9 , isomer claim 9 , solvate or prodrug thereof claim 9 , wherein:{'sub': '1', 'Y is a Calkylene group.'}11. A compound according to or claim 9 , or a salt claim 9 , complex claim 9 , isomer claim 9 , solvate or prodrug thereof claim 9 , wherein:Y is a methylene group.12. A compound according to any one of to claim 9 , or a salt claim 9 , complex claim 9 , isomer claim 9 , solvate or prodrug ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescent materials and devices

Номер: US20150108451A1
Принадлежит: University of Southern California USC

A compound having a structure according to formula (I) is disclosed. In formula (I), Cu is a monovalent copper atom; *C is a carbene carbon; X 1 and X 2 are selected from alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkoxy, amino, alkenyl, cycloalkenyl, heteroalkenyl, alkynyl, heteroalkynyl, arylalkyl, aryloxy, aryl, heteroalkyl, heteroaryl, and combinations thereof; X 1 and X 2 are independently bonded to *C by an atom selected from C, N, O, S, and P; X 1 and X 2 are optionally joined to form a ring; and Y is selected halide, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkoxy, amino, phosphine, alkenyl, cycloalkenyl, heteroalkenyl, alkynyl, heteroalkynyl, arylalkyl, aryloxy, aryl, heteroalkyl, heteroaryl, and combinations thereof. A formulation containing compound having a structure according to formula (I), and a device with an organic layer comprising disposed between an anode and a cathode, that includes a compound having a structure according to formula (I) are also described.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169662A1
Автор: Chen Lihan, LI Tao

The present invention relates to metal-organic framework characterized in that it comprises a polymer coating; further the invention relates to a process for the preparation of said polymer-coated metal-organic framework and a process for recycling after degradation. The polymer coated MOFs of this invention find application in a broad range of technologies and therapeutic areas. 1. A metal-organic framework characterized in that it comprises a polymer coating.2. The metal-organic framework of claim 1 , wherein the metal-organic framework comprises one or more metal ions or metal clusters and one or more organic linkers claim 1 , the metal ions or metal clusters being of any metal selected from the periodic table claim 1 , preferably a metal from group IIA claim 1 , IIIA claim 1 , first row transition metals claim 1 , second row transition metals claim 1 , actinides claim 1 , and lanthanides.3. The metal-organic framework of claim 2 , wherein the organic linkers are small organic molecules with two or more coordinating functional groups.4. The metal-organic framework of claim 1 , wherein the BET surface area ranges from 10 m/g to 7000 m/g.5. The metal-organic framework of claim 1 , wherein the pore size ranges from 0.3 nm to 10 nm.6. The metal-organic framework of claim 1 , wherein the polymer coating is selected from styrene claim 1 , acrylate claim 1 , and methacrylate polymer coatings claim 1 , and further from polyimide claim 1 , polysulfone claim 1 , polyethersulfone claim 1 , and polyamide polymer coatings.7. The metal-organic framework of claim 1 , wherein the polymer coating has a thickness of from 1 nm to 1 μm.8. (canceled)9. A process for the preparation of a metal-organic framework comprising a polymer coating claim 1 , a controlled radical polymerization step.10. A process for recycling of degraded polymer-coated metal-organic frameworks claim 1 , comprising vapor or liquid assisted annealing or a solvothermal reaction. The present invention relates to a ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150112066A1
Принадлежит: New York University

The present invention relates to asymmetric catalysts, including redox-reconfigurable asymmetric catalysts. Methods of producing compounds having one or more stereocenters using the asymmetric catalysts of the present invention are also disclosed. 4. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein Ris a lower alkyl.5. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein Ris hydrogen.6. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein each catalytic moiety is selected from the group consisting of (thio)ureas; guanidines claim 1 , amides claim 1 , phenols claim 1 , carboxylic acids claim 1 , and other hydrogen bond donating groups; and a moiety of formula -E-NH—C(=G)-NH-E claim 1 , wherein Eand Eare each independently absent claim 1 , an alkyl claim 1 , an aryl claim 1 , or a heteroaryl and G is O claim 1 , S claim 1 , NR claim 1 , or —NR claim 1 , wherein each R is independently hydrogen claim 1 , an alkyl claim 1 , an alkenyl claim 1 , an alkynyl claim 1 , an aminyl claim 1 , a carbonyl claim 1 , a cycloalkyl claim 1 , a heterocyclyl claim 1 , an aryl claim 1 , a heteroaryl claim 1 , an arylalkyl claim 1 , or an acyl.7. The catalyst according to claim 6 , wherein each catalytic moiety is a moiety of formula -E-NH—C(=G)-NH-E.8. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein B or D is sulfur or selenium.9. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein B or D is oxygen.10. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein one of B and D is sulfur or selenium and the other of B and D is oxygen.11. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein M is Cu(I) claim 1 , Cu(II) claim 1 , Ag(I) claim 1 , Hg(II) claim 1 , Ni(II) claim 1 , Cd(II) claim 1 , Zn(II) claim 1 , Fe(II) claim 1 , Fe(III) claim 1 , Co(II) claim 1 , or another first row transition metal of oxidation state II or higher.12. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the bond between M and B present and the bond between M and D is absent.13. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the bond between M and B is absent and the bond ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106385A1

In some embodiments, this application relates to inventive compounds (e.g., Formula (I), Formula (II), thiosemicarbazones and/or thiosemicarbazones and their metal (e.g., zinc, cobalt, nickel, or copper) complexes, and extended structures thereof), methods for preparation of the inventive compounds, compositions comprising the inventive compounds (e.g., anode, cathodes, catalysts (e.g., electrocatalysts), glassy carbon electrodes, carbon paste electrodes, covalently modified carbon (e.g., modified graphene)), electrochemical cells comprising compositions that comprise one or more inventive compounds, fuel cells comprising compositions that comprise one or more inventive compounds, uses of one or more inventive compounds to produce H(e.g., via an electrochemical cell), and uses of one or more inventive compounds to create energy from H(e.g., via a fuel cell). Additional embodiments of the invention are also discussed herein. 3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Formula (I) further comprises a solvent molecule coordinated with Formula (I).4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein one or both of Ror Ris (a) C-Calkyl substituted with —NRR claim 1 , (b) C-Calkyl substituted with —NRRR claim 1 , (c) substituted or unsubstituted benzo crown ether claim 1 , (d) phenyl substituted with a carboxy claim 1 , (e) substituted or unsubstituted pyrrolyl claim 1 , (f) substituted or unsubstituted pyridyl claim 1 , or (g) substituted or unsubstituted imidazolyl.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein (a) Xis not —(NH)— claim 1 , (b) Ris not methoxyphenyl or p-methoxyphenyl claim 1 , or (c) both (a) and (b).7. The compound of claim 1 , wherein (a) Xis not —(NH)— claim 1 , (b) Ris not methoxyphenyl or p-methoxyphenyl claim 1 , or (c) both (a) and (b).8. The compound of claim 1 , wherein (a) Ris not methyl claim 1 , (b) Ris not methyl claim 1 , or (c) both (a) and (b).10. A compound selected from a compound of Formula (II) claim 1 ,M.L (II) and M is Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au, Zn, Cd, Hg, Co, Rh, ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106440A1

The method relates to the field of asymmetric allylic amination and comprises preparing a chiral N-substituted allylic amine compound from the corresponding allylic substrates and substituted hydroxylamines, in the presence of a catalyst, said catalyst comprising copper compounds and a chiral ligand. Examples of chiral amine compounds which can be made using the method include Vigabatrin, Ezetimibe Terbinafine, Naftifine 3-methylmorphine, Sertraline, Cinacalcet, Mefloquine hydrochloride, and Rivastigmine. There are over 20,000 known bioactive molecules with chiral N-substituted allylic amine substructure. The method may also be used to produce non-natural chiral 13-aminoacid esters, a sub-class of chiral N-substituted allylic amine compounds. Examples of 13-aminoacid ester which can be produced by the disclosed method, include, but are not limited to, N-(2-methylpent--en-3-yl)benzenamine and Ethyl 2-methylene-3-(phenylamino)butanoate. Further, the products of the method described herein can be used to produce chiral heterocycles and bioactive molecules or materials. A novel chiral copper-BINAM nitrosoarene complex is also set forth. 1. A chemical compound comprising:a. a copper atom;b. two nitrosoarenes;c. two nitrogen donor ligands; andd. two counterions.2. The chemical compound of wherein the compound is a chiral coppernitrosoarene complex.3. The chemical compound of wherein at least one ligand is chiral.4. The chemical compound of wherein the copper atom is bonded to two chiral nitrogen-donor ligands claim 1 , such as BINAM claim 1 , NOBIN claim 1 , and related substituted ligands.5. The chemical compound of wherein the copper atom is bonded to two nitrosoarenes claim 1 , such as nitrosobenzene claim 1 , and related substituted nitrosobenzenes.6. The chemical compound of wherein the copper complex is associated with at least one counter ion such as triflates or halides.7. The chemical compound synthesized from the process of combining copper (II) salt [Cu(X)2] ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177493A1

The present invention relates to a novel method of synthesis of copper (I) 5-nitrotetrazolate. Particularly, for the synthesis of the copper (I) 5-nitrotetrazolate, the present invention uses a suitable salt of 5-aminotetrazole, preferably the sulfate or the nitrate salt as the starting compound. The selection of the said starting chemical not only eliminates any safety issue arising during Sandmeyer reaction conditions to affect the functional group conversion but also greatly improves the ease of executing the synthetic protocol, rendering the process safe to be adopted for commercial manufacture of the copper (I) 5-nitrotetrazolate compound. 1. A method of synthesis of copper (I) 5-nitrotetrazolate , the method comprises:a) using a salt of 5-aminotetrazole as a starting compound for the synthesis of the copper (I) 5-nitrotetrazolate;{'sub': '2', 'b) adding an acid to an aqueous mixture comprising of (i) the salt of 5-aminotetrazole, (ii) sodium nitrite (NaNO) and (iii) a copper salt or its hydrated form, at a suitable temperature to form a reaction mixture;'}c) stirring and heating the reaction mixture to form 5-nitrotetrazole in situ;d) adding an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to the reaction mixture at a particular temperature to convert 5-nitrotetrazole formed in step (c) to its sodium salt in situ, and a precipitated dark compound;e) filtering off the precipitated dark compound formed in step (d) to obtain a filtrate containing the said sodium salt of 5-nitrotetrazole;f) heating the filtrate containing the sodium salt of 5-nitrotetrazole to a particular temperature followed by addition of cuprous chloride (CuCl) to the filtrate until a colored solid is precipitated out of the reaction mixture;g) filtering the precipitated colored solid after removing all impurities, washing the precipitated solid successively with hot water and alcohol, and drying the precipitated colored solid to obtain the copper (I) 5-nitrotetrazolate.2. The method as claimed ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108369A1

An apparatus for producing metal organic frameworks, comprising: a tubular flow reactor comprising a tubular body into which, in use, precursor compounds which form the metal organic framework are fed and flow, said tubular body including at least one annular loop. 1. A process for producing metal organic frameworks , the process comprising:mixing at least two different precursor solutions for forming the metal organic framework (MOF) through inline mixing to form a solution mixture, the precursor solutions comprising a first precursor solution comprising at least one multidentate linking ligand in water; and a second precursor solution comprising a metal cluster or metallic salt thereof in water,introducing the solution mixture into an apparatus which comprises: a tubular flow reactor which comprises a tubular body having an inlet into which, in use, the solution mixture is fed and flows, said tubular body including at least one annular loop comprising a coil; andpromoting a reaction within the tubular flow reactor to form the metal organic framework,wherein the precursor solutions are mixed through inline mixing in a feed conduit fluidly connected to the inlet of the tubular body and the resulting solution mixture being fed into said inlet,and wherein the solution mixture flows through said tubular body mixing the precursor compounds therein to produce the metal organic frameworks.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the two or more precursor solutions are mixed at or proximate said inlet.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the apparatus further comprises an inline mixer located at or proximate the inlet to the tubular body claim 2 , the inline mixer mixing the precursor solutions through inline mixing in said feed conduit fluidly connected to the inlet of the tubular body.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus further comprises a flow restriction device comprising a back-pressure controller downstream of the tubular reactor ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Nitrogen-Containing Ligands And Their Use In Atomic Layer Deposition Methods

Номер: US20170121287A1

Methods for deposition of elemental metal films on surfaces using metal coordination complexes comprising nitrogen-containing ligands are provided. Also provided are nitrogen-containing ligands useful in the methods of the invention and metal coordination complexes comprising these ligands. 1. A metal coordinating ligand having a formula{'sub': 1', '2', 'x', 'y', '7', '8', '1-6', '2-4', '1', '2', '7', '8', '3', '4', '5', '6, 'a) RRN—(CR)—N—(CR)—NRR, wherein each R is independently hydrogen, Calkyl, acyl, aldehyde, keto or Calkenyl and x and y are independently 2-6, provided that when each of R, R, Rand Ris ethyl, at least one of R, R, Rand Ris not H;'}{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '3', '4', '1-6', '2-4', '1', '2', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'b) RRN—Ar—NH—Ar—NRR, wherein each R is independently hydrogen, Calkyl, acyl, aldehyde, keto or Calkenyl, and Arand Arare aromatic hydrocarbon moieties which may be the same or different, provided that at least one of R, R, Rand Ris not methyl;'}{'sub': Ar1', '1', '2', 'x', '5', '3', '4', 'y', 'Ar2', '1-6', '2-4', 'Ar1', 'Ar2, 'c) N—(CRR)—NR—(CRR)—N, wherein each R is independently hydrogen, Calkyl, acyl, aldehyde, keto or Calkenyl, and Nand Nmay be the same or different and are heterocyclic aromatic moieties wherein the heteroatom is N.'}3. The metal coordinating ligand of claim 2 , wherein R claim 2 , R claim 2 , Rand Rof formula I are each ethyl (Et) and each of R-Ris independently hydrogen claim 2 , Calkyl claim 2 , acyl claim 2 , aldehyde claim 2 , keto or Calkenyl.4. A metal coordination complex comprising a transition metal ion or a boron group ion M complexed with the metal coordinating ligand of .9. The metal coordination complex of claim 8 , wherein L is one or more of halogen claim 8 , alkyl claim 8 , amino and methylamino.10. The metal coordination complex of claim 8 , wherein L is an NNN ligand.11. The metal coordination complex of claim 4 , wherein the transition metal ion or the boron group ion is selected from the group ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Polybrominated diphenyl-based flame retardant compounds

Номер: US20200115308A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A process of forming a flame retardant material is disclosed. The process includes forming a functionalized polybrominated diphenyl-based flame retardant compound having the following structural formula: In the structural formula, X corresponds to a functional group. The process also includes forming a flame retardant material by covalently bonding the functionalized polybrominated diphenyl-based flame retardant compound into a material using the functional group.

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Copper Containing Hydrosilylation Catalysts and Compositions Containing the Catalysts

Номер: US20140206863A1

A composition contains (A) a hydrosilylation reaction catalyst and (B) an aliphatically unsaturated compound having an average, per molecule, of one or more aliphatically unsaturated organic groups capable of undergoing hydrosilylation reaction. The composition capable of reacting via hydrosilylation reaction to form a reaction product, such as a silane, a gum, a gel, a rubber, or a resin. Ingredient (A) contains a metal-ligand complex that can be prepared by a method including reacting a metal precursor and a ligand. 2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising (2) combining an ionic activator with the reaction product.43. The method of claim 1 , further comprising (2) combining an ionic activator with the reaction product.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising (2) combining a reducing agent with the reaction product.8. The method of claim 7 , further comprising (2) combining a reducing agent with the reaction product.9. The method of claim 1 , where one of conditions (i)-(v) is satisfied:(i) each A is a monovalent hydrocarbon group; or(ii) each A is an aryl group or an aralkyl group; or(iii) each A is mesityl; or(iv) each A is a silyl amide; or(v) each A is bis trimethylsilyl amide.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. A composition comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim 2'}, '(A) a catalytically active reaction product prepared by the method of ;'}(B) an aliphatically unsaturated compound having an average, per molecule, of one or more aliphatically unsaturated organic groups capable of undergoing hydrosilylation reaction; and(C) a polyorganohydrogensiloxane.14. A composition comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00004', 'claim 4'}, '(A) a catalytically active reaction product prepared by the method of ;'}(B) an aliphatically unsaturated compound having an average, per molecule, of one or more aliphatically unsaturated organic groups capable of undergoing hydrosilylation reaction; and{'sup': 4', '4, 'sub': e', 'f, '(C) a silane ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Iridium Containing Hydrosilylation Catalysts and Compositions Containing the Catalysts

Номер: US20140206869A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corp

A composition contains (A) a hydrosilylation reaction catalyst and (B) an aliphatically unsaturated compound having an average, per molecule, of one or more aliphatically unsaturated organic groups capable, of undergoing hydrosilylation reaction. The composition is capable of reacting via hydrosilylation reaction to form a reaction product, such as a silane, a gum, a gel, a rubber, or a resin. Ingredient (A) contains a metal-ligand complex that can be prepared by a method including reacting a metal precursor and a ligand.

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Labeled Alginate Conjugates For Molecular Imaging Applications

Номер: US20150133645A1

Described are bifunctional NOTA-based derivatives capable of conjugating with alginate and with metal ions, as well as NOTA-alginate conjugates which can be labeled with stable or radioactive metal ions. Also described are conjugation methods of the bifunctional NOTA-based linker with alginate, and methods of using radiometal-labeled NOTA-alginate conjugates or other radio-labeled alginate conjugates as imaging reagents. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the compound further comprises a stable or radioactive metal ion chelated by the 1 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,7-triazacyclononane-1 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,7-triacetic acid moiety.3. The compound of claim 2 , wherein the stable or radioactive metal ion comprises a gallium ion.4. The compound of claim 2 , wherein the radioactive metal ion comprises Cu claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , or In. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/708,306, filed Dec. 7, 2012, which claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/568,796, filed Dec. 9, 2011, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entireties.The present invention generally relates to the field of alginate conjugates and their use as imaging reagents.Cross-linked polymer hydrogel materials are widely utilized in the biomedical industry. They are used in contact lenses, blood contact materials, controlled release formulations, wound dressings, bioadhesives, membranes, superabsorbents, cell encapsulation and immunoisolation materials, and tissue engineering scaffolds. Among the different polymers, the naturally occurring polysaccharide alginic acid has found biomedical applications because of its biocompatibility, relative biological inertness, and the ability to engineer its mechanical properties by introducing various types of chemical and physical crosslinks. Alginic acid distinguishes itself from other biologically occurring polysaccharides in its ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170128489A1

Organo-transition metal complexes possess anti-viral inhibitory activity against influenza A, including the S3 IN mutant. The organo-transition metal complexes include a transition metal and at least one ligand based on the structure of an M2 proton channel blocker. Compounds and pharmaceutical compositions are useful for treating viruses such as influenza A. 1. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound of formula (I) , or a salt thereof , and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier{'br': None, 'sup': 1', 'p+', '2, 'sub': m', 'n, '(L)M(L)\u2003\u2003 (I)'}wherein:M is a transition metal, where p is an integer of from 0 to 5;m is 1, 2 or 3;{'sup': '1', 'claim-text': [{'sup': 1', '2', '1', '1', '1, 'a) G-Y—N(R)—Y—X,'}, {'sup': 1', '2', '1', '1, 'sub': '2', 'b) G-Y—N(—Y—X), or'}, {'sup': 2', '1', '1, 'sub': 'r', 'c) G(-Y—X);'}], 'each Lis independently'}{'sup': '1', 'sub': '1-6', 'each Ris independently H or Calkyl;'}{'sup': '1', 'sub': 1-4', '2', '1-4', '1-4', '1-4', '2', '1-4', '1-4', '1-4', '2', '2', '1-4', '1-4', '1-4', '1-4', '1-4', '1-4, 'each Xis independently OH, OCalkyl, NH, NH(Calkyl), N(Calkyl)(Calkyl), COOH, CONH, CONH(Calkyl), CON(Calkyl)(Calkyl), C(NH)NH, NHC(NH)NH, NHOH, SH, S(Calkyl), C(NCalkyl), a 5- or 6-membered nitrogen-containing heteroaryl, or a 4- to 8-membered nitrogen-containing heterocycle, or salts thereof, the 5- or 6-membered nitrogen-containing heteroaryl and the 4- to 8-membered nitrogen-containing heterocycle each being independently optionally substituted with 1-4 substituents independently selected from the group consisting of Calkyl, Chaloalkyl, halo, Calkoxy, and Chaloalkoxy;'}{'sup': '1', 'sub': '1-3', 'each Yis independently Calkylene or a bond;'}{'sup': '2', 'sub': 1-3', '1-3', '2', '1-4', '1-4', '1-4, 'each Yis independently a bond or Calkylene, the Calkylene being optionally substituted with hydroxy, NH, NH(Calkyl), or N(Calkyl)(Calkyl);'}{'sup': '1', 'claim-text': [{'sub': 2', '1-4', '1-4', '1-4', '1-10', '1-6', '3-12', ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Metal organic frameworks comprising copper ions and processes for preparing same

Номер: US20220272982A1

Provided is a metal organic framework (MOF) comprising copper ions. Also provided are resin powders, granules or pellets comprising the MOF. In some embodiments, the resin powders, granules or pellets are antimicrobial. Also provided are fibers or sheets comprising the MOF. In some embodiments, the fibers or sheets are antimicrobial. Processes for preparing the MOF are also provided.

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Light Emitting Hybrid Semiconductors Based on IB-VII Binary Compounds

Номер: US20160133839A1

Inorganic-organic hybrid IB-VII semiconductor compounds, in which a Group IB transition metal halide salt is coordinated with an organic heteroaromatic ligand, wherein at least one ring atom of said heteroaromatic ligand is a heteroatom independently selected from N, O and S and the Group IB metal of the halide salt is coordinated to a ring heteroatom. Also disclosed are semiconductor and light emitting devices comprising these materials, including light emitting diodes, and methods of preparing these materials and devices. 1. A light-emitting diode or a semiconductor device comprising a semiconductor die coated with an inorganic-organic hybrid IB-VII composition , said composition comprising a Group IB transition metal halide salt and an organic heteroaryl ligand , wherein said heteroaryl ligand is selected from{'sup': 1', '1', 'a', 'b', '1', 'a', 'b, 'sub': 1', '4', '2', '1', '4', '1', '4, '(a) the group consisting of pyridine (py), bipyridine (bpy), pyrimidine (pm) and pyrazine (pz), each optionally substituted by one, two or three substituents independently selected from the group consisting of halogens, —OR, —SR, —C-C, alkyl, —NO, —CN and —NRR, wherein Rat each occurrence is independently hydrogen (H) or C-Calkyl, and Rand Rare independently hydrogen or C-Calkyl; or'}(b) the group consisting of 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane (bpe), 4,4′-dipyridyl sulfide (dps), 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane (bpee), 4,4′-dipyridyl disulfide (dpds), 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane (bpp);wherein the Group IB metal of said halide salt is coordinated to a ring heteroatom of said heteroaryl ligand to form a complex.2. The light-emitting diode or a semiconductor device of claim 1 , wherein said complex has the formula:{'br': None, 'sub': 'n', 'MX(L)'}wherein:M is said Group IB transition metal,X is a halogen,L is said organic heteroaryl ligand having a ring heteroatom coordinated to M, and n=0.5, 1, 2 or 3.3. The light-emitting diode or a semiconductor device of claim 1 , wherein the atoms of said ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Alkoxide compound, thin film-forming starting material, thin film formation method, and alcohol compound

Номер: US20170129912A1
Принадлежит: Adeka Corp

The alkoxide compound of the present invention is characteristically represented by the following general formula (I):

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274929A1

Provided, inter alia, are thiosemicarbazone compounds, metal complexes of thiosemicarbazone compounds, pharmaceutical compositions, and methods for treating cancer. 3. The compound of claim 2 , wherein the electronegative moiety is halogen claim 2 , —NH claim 2 , or an alkylamine.11. A pharmaceutical composition comprising the compound of and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient.12. A composition comprising: (i) the compound of claim 1 , and (ii) copper claim 1 , a copper salt claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , a zinc salt claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , a cobalt salt claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , a nickel salt claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , a magnesium salt claim 1 , iron claim 1 , an iron salt claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , a manganese salt claim 1 , gallium claim 1 , a gallium salt claim 1 , germanium claim 1 , a germanium salt claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , a calcium salt claim 1 , or a combination of two or more thereof.13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. A method of treating cancer in a subject in need thereof claim 1 , the method comprising administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of the compound of .18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)27. (canceled)28. (canceled)29. (canceled)30. (canceled)31. (canceled)32. (canceled)33. (canceled)34. (canceled)35. (canceled)36. (canceled)38. (canceled)39. (canceled)40. (canceled)41. (canceled)42. (canceled)43. (canceled)44. (canceled)45. (canceled)46. (canceled)47. (canceled)48. (canceled)51. A pharmaceutical composition comprising the compound of and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient.52. A method of treating cancer in a subject in need thereof claim 25 , the method comprising administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of the compound of .53. (canceled)54. (canceled)55. (canceled)56. (canceled)57. (canceled)58. (canceled)59. (canceled) This application claims priority to U.S. Application No. 62/810,160 filed ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162320A1
Принадлежит: Trustees of Dartmouth College

In some embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to a method for capturing alkenes that includes: associating the alkenes with metal-organic frameworks, where the metal-organic frameworks includes one or more metals and one or more ligands coordinated with the one or more metals, and where the metal-organic frameworks are conductive; and oxidizing the metal-organic frameworks, where the oxidizing results in a capturing of the alkenes by the metal-organic frame-works. Additional embodiments of the present disclosure pertain to a system for capturing alkenes that includes: metal-organic frameworks, where the metal-organic frameworks include one or more metals and one or more ligands coordinated with the one or more metals, and where the metal-organic frameworks are conductive; and an alkene feed source associated with the metal-organic frameworks, where the alkene feed source is configured to deliver an alkene feed to the system. 1. A method for capturing alkenes , said method comprising: wherein the metal-organic frameworks comprise one or more metals and one or more ligands coordinated with the one or more metals, and', 'wherein the metal-organic frameworks are conductive; and, 'associating the alkenes with metal-organic frameworks,'} 'wherein the oxidizing results in a capturing of the alkenes by the metal-organic frameworks.', 'oxidizing the metal-organic frameworks,'}23-. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the one or more ligands are selected from the group consisting of hexatopic ligands, polydentate functional groups, aromatic ligands, triphenylene-based ligands, triphenylene derivatives, hexahydroxytriphenylene-based organic linkers, hexaiminotriphenlyene-based organic linkers, 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexathiotriphenylene (HTTP), 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexahydroxytriphenylene (HHTP), tridentate ligands, thiol-containing ligands, tridentate thiol-containing ligand, bis(dithiolene), and combinations thereof;wherein the one or more metals are selected from the group ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162369A1

Disclosed is a method for preparing a matrix containing metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), comprising the steps of: 1) mixing an organic ligand precursor solution and an anionic polymer-containing solution to produce a mixed solution; and 2) adding a metal salt to the mixture solution. In addition, the present disclosure provides a matrix containing MOFs prepared according to the preparation method, and an adsorbent comprising the same. Furthermore, a method for performing fluid separation by using a matrix containing MOFs prepared according to the preparation method is disclosed. 1. A method for preparing a matrix containing metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) , the method comprising steps of:1) mixing an organic ligand precursor solution and an anionic polymer-containing solution to produce a mixed solution; and2) adding a metal salt to the mixed solution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step 1) further comprises step 1-1) of adding a crosslinkable metal salt to the mixed solution.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , before step 1):step 1-0) of mixing the anionic polymer and a flexible polymer to produce an anionic polymer-containing solution.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MOFs contained in the matrix are uniformly distributed in the matrix.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MOFs have windows formed inside the MOFs wherein the windows have a uniform window size.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the matrix comprises 10 to 50% by weight (wt %) of MOFs based on the total weight of the matrix.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anionic polymer is at least one selected from the group consisting of alginate claim 1 , carboxymethyl cellulose claim 1 , hyaluronic acid claim 1 , poly(acrylic acid) (PA) and its derivatives claim 1 , poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA) and its derivatives claim 1 , poly(thiophene acetic acid) and its derivatives claim 1 , poly(sulfonate styrene) (PSS) and its derivatives claim 1 , and a combination thereof.8. The ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210163492A1
Автор: AI Lin

A method for preparing phthalocyanine nanospheres is provided, including: synthesizing an ionic phthalocyanine molecule of formula I according to a following chemical scheme: 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method for preparing the graphene flakes comprises following steps:providing a metal as a cathode and a graphene rod as an anode, and placing the metal and the graphene rod in a container containing an electrolyte solution and conductive ions; andapplying current to the metal and the graphene rod with a DC voltage to cause the electrolyte solution generating a gas; and the gas and the conductive ions penetrate into an interlayer gap of the graphene rod so that the graphene rod forms the graphene flakes having a two-dimensional layer structure.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the metal is platinum.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the DC voltage is 5V claim 2 , and the two-dimensional layer structure of the graphene flakes has an interlayer distance between 20 nm and 40 nm.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the interlayer distance of the two-dimensional layer structure is adjusted by changing a magnitude of the DC voltage.9. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the two-dimensional layer crystalline material is graphene flakes.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the method for preparing the graphene flakes comprises following steps:providing a metal as a cathode and a graphene rod as an anode, and placing the metal and the graphene rod in a container containing an electrolyte solution and conductive ions; andapplying current to the metal and the graphene rod with a DC voltage to cause the electrolyte solution generating a gas; the gas and the conductive ion penetrate into an interlayer gap of the graphene rod so that the graphene rod forms the graphene flakes having a two-dimensional layer structure.11. The method according to claim 10 , wherein the DC voltage is 5V claim 10 , and the two-dimensional ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190131549A1

The present invention provides complexes of the formula (L)M(X), in which M is a metal atom selected from copper, silver and gold; L is a carbene ligand; and X is a monoanionic ligand. The complexes are useful as light emitters in the emissive zone of light-emitting devices such as OLEDs. The present invention also provides organometallic complexes which exhibit RASI photoemission, and the use of the same in light-emitting devices such as OLEDs. 21. A complex according to claim 1 , which is a complex according to claim A.31. A complex according to claim 1 , which is a complex according to claim B.4. A light-emitting device which is:A. {'br': None, '(L)M(X),\u2003\u2003(Ia)'}, 'a light-emitting device comprising, in sequence, an anode, optionally a hole-transporting zone, an emissive zone capable of emitting light when an electric current flows between the cathode and the anode, and a cathode, wherein the emissive zone capable of emitting light comprises at least one complex of Formula Iain whichM is a metal atom selected from copper, silver and gold;L is a cyclic alkyl amino carbene (CAAC) ligand having a saturated cyclic structure in which the atoms of the ring which includes the carbene site consist of carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom;andX is a monoanionic ligand;orB.a light-emitting device comprising an emissive zone capable of emitting light in response to introduced energy, wherein the emissive zone capable of emitting light comprises at least one organometallic complex which exhibits RASI photoemission;orC.a light-emitting device comprising an emissive zone capable of emitting light in response to introduced energy, wherein the emissive zone capable of emitting light comprises at least one organometallic complex of Formula I or Formula Ia.5. A complex according to claim 1 , wherein the complex has a neutral overall charge.7. A complex according to claim 6 , wherein Ris selected from an optionally substituted phenyl claim 6 , carbazole claim 6 , indole claim ...
