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10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2515321C2

Изобретение относится к технологии производства приводных ремней с эластичным шнуром, внедренным в эластомерную основу, содержащую полимочевиноуретановую клеевую композицию, пропитывающую шнур и покрывающую волокна. Композиция представляет собой продукт реакции полиуретанового форполимера и диаминного отвердителя или воды. Форполимер представляет собой продукт реакции имеющего компактные симметричные молекулы диизоцианата и сложного полиэфирполиола, простого полиэфирполиола или поликарбонатного полиола. Основа ремня может быть изготовлена из литьевого полиуретана, резины или термопластического эластомера. Шнур может содержать клеевое покрытие.4 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл., 4 ил., 20 пр.

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018142763A3

20-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009141369A

... 1. Полиуретановые композиции, содержащие ! A) один или более полиизоцианатов, содержащих иминооксадиазиндионовые группы, ! B) одно или более полифункциональных реагирующих с изоцианатами соединений, ! C) одно или более соединений, имеющих группы, которые при актиничном облучении реагируют с соединениями, ненасыщенными по этиленовому типу (радиационно-отверждаемые группы), с полимеризацией, ! D) необязательно один или более свободно-радикальных стабилизаторов и ! E) один или более фотоинициаторов. ! 2. Полиуретановые композиции по п.1, в которых, по меньшей мере, 60 мас.% полиизоцианатов компонента A) основано на алифатических и/или циклоалифатических ди- и/или триизоцианатах. ! 3. Полиуретановые композиции по п.1, в которых одно или более соединений из группы, состоящей из 9-винилкарбазола, винилнафталина, диакрилата бисфенола A, диакрилата тетрабромбисфенола A, 1,4-бис(2-тионафтил)-2-бутилакрилата, пентабромфенилакрилата, нафтилакрилата и пропан-2,2-диилбис[(2,6-дибром-4,1-фенилен)окси ...

10-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009136172A

... 1. Полиуретановый состав, включающий ! A) полиизоцианатный компонент, ! B) изоцианат-реакционноспособный компонент, включающий, меньшей мере, до 50 вес.%, в расчете на общую смесь B), полиэфирполиолов В1) со среднечисленными молекулярными весами больше 1000 г/моль, которые содержат одно или несколько оксиалкильных звеньев формул (I)-(III) ! -СН2-СН2-О- формула (I) -CH2-CH(R)-O- формула (II) -СН2-СН2-СН2О- формула (III) ! при этом R является алкильным или арильным остатком, который может быть замещен или прерван гетероатомами, ! C) соединения, которые содержат группы, реагирующие при действии актиничного излучения с этилен-ненасыщенными соединения с полимеризацией (отверждаемые излучением группы), и сами не содержат NCO-групп, ! D) стабилизаторы радикалов, ! E) фотоинициаторы, ! F) при необходимости, катализаторы, ! G) при необходимости, вспомогательные вещества и добавки. ! 2. Полиуретановый состав по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в A) используют полиизоцианаты и/или преполимеры, основанные ...

20-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008139871A

... 1. Стабильная при хранении текучая полиуретановая композиция, включающая: ! (а) один или несколько полиуретановых форполимеров с концевыми изоцианатными группами, полученных из одного или нескольких диизоцианатов и/или триизоцианатов, содержащих углеводородное кольцо, и одного или нескольких полиолов; ! (b) один или несколько метилендианилиновых комплексов солей металлов; и ! (с) одно или несколько соединений галогенангидрида органической кислоты, имеющих одну или несколько групп галогенангидрида кислоты, где упомянутые одно или несколько соединений галогенангидрида органической кислоты присутствуют в количестве, при котором упомянутые группы галогенангидрида кислоты присутствуют с минимальной концентрацией, равной приблизительно 100 частям на миллион частей при расчете на массу полиуретанового форполимера. ! 2. Полиуретановая композиция по п.1, включающая один из следующих компонентов (i)-(v): ! (i) где группы галогенангидрида кислоты присутствуют с максимальной концентрацией, равной приблизительно ...

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010141214A

... 1. Приводной ремень, включающий в себя основную часть ремня из эластомерного материала, растянутое усиление, расположенное в указанной основной части, и контактирующую со шкивом часть, неотделимую от указанной основной части, причем указанный эластомерный материал включает продукт взаимодействия: ! (А) композиции на основе полиизоцианатного форполимера, полученной взаимодействием ! (i) диизоцианата, выбираемого из группы, состоящей из ! (a) пара-фенилендиизоцианата, ! (b) 2,6-толуолдиизоцианата и ! (c) циклоалифатических диизоцианатов с транс или транс, трансгеометрической структурой; ! (ii) полиола, по существу, не содержащего фрагменты, окисляемые при менее чем приблизительно 150°С, и выбираемого из группы, состоящей из ! (a) поликарбонатных полиолов, ! (b) полиолов сложных полиэфиров и ! (c) смесей указанных поликарбонатных полиолов и указанных полиолов сложных полиэфиров; и ! (iii) триольного сшивающего агента, выбираемого из указанных полиолов; и добавление туда ! (iv) пластификатора ...

20-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2440376C9

Настоящее изобретение относится к полиуретанмочевинам, которые могут применяться в качестве заменителей стекла, например в качестве прозрачных крыш, ветровых, задних или боковых стекол в автомобилях или самолете, в оптических областях, таких как линзы для офтальмологического применения и т.п., а также к способам их получения. В одном варианте полиуретанмочевина содержит продукт реакции: (А) по меньшей мере, одного (цикло)алифатического полиизоцианатного форполимера, имеющего содержание NCO групп от около 4 до около 50% и среднюю функциональность от около 2 до около 3, представляющего собой продукт реакции (1) по меньшей мере, одного (цикло)алифатического полиизоцианата и (2) по меньшей мере, одного органического соединения, которое содержит, по меньшей мере, около двух гидроксильных групп и имеет молекулярную массу от около 100 до около 4000; с (В) изоцианат-реактивным компонентом, содержащим: (1) одно или более соединений ароматического диамина, содержащих две первичные ароматические аминные ...

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012122590A

... 1. Фотополимерная композиция, включающая в себя полимеры матрикса, пишущие мономеры и фотоинициаторы, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве пластификаторов она содержит фторуретаны.2. Фотополимерная композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что фторуретаны включают в себя по меньшей мере один структурный элемент общей формулы (I)и замещены по меньшей мере одним атомом фтора.3. Фотополимерная композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что фторуретаны имеют общую формулу (II),в которой n≥1 и n≤8 и R, R, Rпредставляют собой водород и/или независимо друг от друга линейные, разветвленные, циклические или гетероциклические, незамещенные или при необходимости замещенные гетероатомами органические остатки, причем по меньшей мере один из остатков R, R, Rзамещен по меньшей мере одним атомом фтора.4. Фотополимерная композиция по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что Rпредставляет собой органический остаток по меньшей мере с одним атомом фтора.5. Фотополимерная композиция по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что Rвключает в себя 1-20 групп ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011143360A

... 1. Способ получения реакционноспособной полиуретановой эмульсии для пропитывающего состава и/или покрытия для текстильных поверхностей, при котором в ходе реакции полиолов с диизоцианатами в недостатке или в ходе реакции полиолов в комбинации с ди- и/или триолами с диизоцианатами в недостатке, получают средневязкие, оканчивающиеся группами OH форполимеры, которые смешивают с внешним эмульгатором и для последующего сшивания оканчивающихся группами OH форполимеров добавляют ди-, три- и/или полиизоцианат.2. Способ по п.1, при котором для получения не поддерживающего горение пропитывающего состава и/или покрытия текстильных поверхностей полиолы в присутствии (ди- или более) функционализированных группами OH- или NH-огнезащитных средств подвергают реакции с диизоцианатами в недостатке или полиолы в комбинации с ди- и/или триолами а также с ди- или более OH- или NH-функционализированными огнезащитными средствами подвергают реакции с диизоцианатами в недостатке.3. Способ по п.2, при котором в ...

10-01-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003940159C1

10-12-1998 дата публикации

Bioabbaubare Polyesterurethane, Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung sowie ihre Verwendung

Номер: DE0019723895A1

The invention relates to biodegradable linear polyester urethanes and to biodegradable cross-linked polyester urethanes obtained from linear polyester urethanes by virtue of the fact that they are cross-linked by diisocyanate bridges. By varying the degree of crosslinking, the physical, chemical and biological properties of the inventive cross-linked polyester urethane can be adjusted and the biodegradability thereof can also be varied considering that biological degradability occurs more slowly as the degree of crosslinking increases. The invention also relates to a method for producing the inventive polyester urethanes and to the use thereof as films, rubber bodies, containers, packaging materials and in galenical preparations, as adhesives, adhesive strips and the like. The invention also relates to polymer blends containing the inventive polyurethanes.

07-08-2003 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Verwertung von Kunststoffen

Номер: DE0059109254D1

12-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060319277T2

09-06-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001545125B2

08-08-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001420778C3

18-09-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001770245B2
Принадлежит: BAYER AG, 5090 LEVERKUSEN

15-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001966923A1

28-11-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001338790A

... 1338790 Polyesterurethane solutions SCHERING AG 23 June 1971 [23 June 1970 (2) 1 March 1971] 29531/71 Heading C3R [Also in Division B5] A polyesterurethane adhesive solution comprises a polyesterurethane, a solvent therefor and from 0À01 to 2% by weight, based on the total weight of the solution of a C 1-10 monohydric alcohol, the polyesterurethane being the reaction product of (A) a hydroxy component which comprises (a) a bifunctional polyester of OH No. 30 to 100 and derived from a diol and caprolactone or (b) a bifunctional polyester of OH No. 30 to 100 derived from a diol and a poly(hydroxycaproic acid) of M.W. 700 to 1400 or (c) a mixture of (a) and (b) with (B) an at least stoichiometric amount of an organic diisocyanate. The polyesterurethane is prepared either in the melt or in solution. When the process is carried out in solution up to 10% by weight of caprolactam is preferably added to the solution during the reaction. Ethanol is the preferred monohydric alcohol. An alkane diol ...

23-08-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to polyurethane elastomers

Номер: GB0001080564A

Elastic films and fibres of a polymer containing the repeating unit wherein R and R1 are divalent organic groups, n is an integer of at least 1; m is 0 or 1; each X is -O-or-NR7-where R7 is a hydrogen atom or alkyl group, or where both X variables are -NR7, the two R7 radicals taken together form an alkylene radical which together with the two N atoms and R1 complete a heterocyclic ring; p is 0 or 1, provided that when p is 0, X is -NR7-; q is an integer of value at least 1; and L is a divalent organic group derived from a hydroxyl terminated organic polymer HO-L-OH of M.W. at least 700, hydroxyl number less than 170, melting point less than 75 DEG C. and containing at least 50 mole per cent of carbonylpentamethyleneoxy units, are prepared by (i) preparing a prepolymer by reacting an excess of an organic diisocyanate with the polymer HO-L-OH, (ii) reacting the prepolymer preferably in solution, e.g. in dimethyl sulphoxide, N,N-dimethylformamide or N,N-dimethylacetamide ...

07-12-2006 дата публикации

Methods for manufacturing polyurethanes

Номер: GB0002423993A8

28-11-1984 дата публикации

Polyurethane and method of producing same

Номер: GB0002140436A

The invention provides a polyurethane comprising (a) organic diisocyanate units and (b) polycaprolactone polyol units having a narrow molecular weight distribution in which the ratio of the weight average molecular weight to the number average molecular weight is in the range of from 1.1 to 2.0 and the average molecular weight is 500 to 5,000, the units (a) and (b) being connected linearly through urethane linkages. The invention also provides a process for producing such polyurethanes.

05-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002055390B
Принадлежит: LORD CORP

19-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008324958D0

31-12-2008 дата публикации

Method for producing resin dispersion and resin particle

Номер: GB0000821390D0

29-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001537228A

... 1537228 Polyurethane coating compositions GROW CHEMICAL CORP 13 July 1976 [28 July 1975] 5996/78 Divided out of 1515964 Heading C3R A coating composition comprises (A) a polyol composition comprising (i) a copolymer of a compound CH 2 = C(R)-R1 and allyl alcohol, R being hydrogen, methyl or ethyl and R1 being an aromatic group having 6 to 12 carbon atoms, and (ii) either a saturated aliphatic polyol having 4 to 12 carbon atoms or a saturated cycloaliphatic polyol having 5 to 8 carbon atoms per ring; (B) a polyisocyanate and (C) a polyurethane catalyst, the ratio of NCO/OH of components (A) and (B) ranging from 0À9 to 1À2 and the solids content being from 40% to 100% by weight based on the combined weights of (A) and (B). The composition may be applied to a substrate and a cured coating obtained by heat ing at 130‹ to 180‹ F. The polyol composition (A) also may include a polyhydric hydantoincontaining material and/or cellulose acetate butyrate. In examples component (A) ...

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414742T

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000428737T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449118T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502968T

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000376015T

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391141T

06-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039717213T

13-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038298908T

27-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037637229T

06-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036974946T

03-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032257561T

02-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038427258T

13-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035709219T

06-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038071347T

03-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030421704T

08-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038448051T

29-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003303554A1

19-10-2006 дата публикации

Solvent borne 2K coating compositions

Номер: AU2004209011B2

23-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003284676A1

30-12-1998 дата публикации

Thermoplastic polyether urethane

Номер: AU0007810898A

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Bioabsorbable surgical composition

Номер: AU2006321915B2

Bioabsorbable macromer compositions are provided including a diisocyanate-functional bioabsorbable polymer. In some embodiments, the diisocyanate-functional bioabsorbable polymer can be combined with a functionalized polyol. The resulting bioabsorbable macromer composition can be employed as an adhesive or sealant for medical/surgical uses.

30-11-1995 дата публикации

Coatings containing caprolactone oligomer polyols

Номер: AU0000664691B2

24-09-2001 дата публикации

A rigid polyisocyanurate foam

Номер: AU0004835101A

10-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002549702A1

Coating compositions comprising polyisocyanates, aliphatic oligocarbonate polyols and polyacrylate polyols are provided. The compositions comprise A) a polyol component composed of a) 1% to 50% by weight of aliphatic oligocarbonate polyols having a number-average molecular weight M n of 200 to 5000 g/mol and b) 50% to 99% by weight of hydroxy-functional polyacrylate polyols; and B) one or more OH-reactive (poly)isocyanate crosslinkers having an average NCO functionality of .gtoreq. 2.0. A process for preparing the coatings are also provided.

16-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002524488A1

Coating composition comprising (a1) radiation curable component that polymerizes upon exposure to actinic radiation comprising at least two functional groups comprising at least one bond that is activatable upon exposure to actinic radiation, optionally, at least one isocyanate-reactive functional group, and optionally, at least one hydroxyl-reactive functional group; (a2) thermally curable binder component that polymerizes upon exposure to heat comprising at least two functional groups that are reactive with functional groups of component (a3), wherein at least 5% by weight based on a nonvolatile weight of component (a2) is component (X) that is a polymer with at least two functional groups (a21), a Tg of less than 0~C, and an equivalent weight of greater than 225; (a3) thermally curable crosslinking component comprising at least two functional groups that are reactive with functional groups of (a2); and (a4) optionally, at least one reactive diluent.

13-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760323C
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a composition containing an amphiphile and an active substance, which is soluble in water at 20°C at no more than 10g/I. The invention further relates to an amphiphile containing a hyperbranched polycarbonate, which is linked to at least one linear or comb-shaped polymer, to a method for producing the amphiphile, and to the use of the amphiphile in compositions containing an active substance which is soluble in water at 20°C at no more than 10g/l.

21-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001305570C

An additive for synthetic resins contains a block copolymer having as its constituent segments both polyester part obtainable by ring-opening polymerization of .epsilon.-aliphatic lactone and polydiene compound part. One or more of these polyester parts are connected to the polydiene compound part through ester bond and at least one of these polyester parts has at its end a reactive group such as vinyl group, epoxy group, isocyanate group or carboxyl group.

15-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002509837A1

A coating composition comprising a reaction product of the following components: (a) at least one cyclic ether or anhydride; and (b) an alkoxysilane-functional polyacrylate, alkyd, polyester, epoxy, or a multifunctional polyol; and (c) at least one metal ester having the general formula Rm-M(OR~)n, in which M is Si, Al, Zr, or Ti, Mg, B, W. or Mo R is a hydrocarbon group of less than 10 carbon atoms or a group comprising hydrogen, carbon and oxygen of less than 20 carbon atoms, R~ is an alkyl or aryl group with less than 10 carbon atoms, m has values of 0, 1, 2 an 3 and correspondingly n is 4, 3, 2, or 1; and (d) at least one organofunctional alkoxysilane.

22-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002461427A1

A moisture-curing hot-melt polyurethane adhesive composition, the composition being the reaction product of reactants comprising a hydroxyl-containing component, an aromatic chain extender, a crystalline polyester, an amorphous polyester and an isocyanate, the adhesive composition exhibiting a green peel strength of at least 5 pli @ 1 minute and 12 pli @ 5 minutes when tested in accordance with Test QC-0220 and a creep resistance of less than 7 millimeters when tested in accordance with the Creep test.

26-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003000819A1

Compositions comprising isocyanate capped polyurethane prepolymers and select mono-benzyl phthalate plasticizers, e.g., 7-(2,6,6,8-tetramethyl-4-oxa-3-oxo-nonyl) benzylphthalate, exhibit better isocyanate stability than prepolymer compositions comprising other plasticizers common in polyurethane systems. Curing compositions comprising these prepolymers, the select mono-benzyl phthalate plasticizers, and methylenedianiline coordination complex curing agents exhibit improved processing characteristics and yield elastomeric polyurethanes with lower compression set, higher break strength and lower color than similar composition comprising plasticizers such as benzoate plasticizers.

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003060677A1

Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) compositions, methods for producing TPU compositions, methods of using TPU compositions, and apparatuses produced therefrom are disclosed. Disclosed TPU compositions include a thermoplastic polyurethane polymer, a heat stabilizer, a flow agent, and a filler material. The filler may be a glass fiber. Disclosed TPU compositions have improved thermal stability and improved flow properties suitable for injection molding of articles of manufacture having a large plurality of fine openings or pores. Articles produced from the composition have superior thermal stability, abrasion resistance, and chemical resistance. Example articles include screening members for vibratory screening machines.

21-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002521721A1

The invention relates to a polymer blend with shape memory characteristics, comprising two different block copolymers, each of which contains a rigid segment and a flexible segment. The two different block copolymers contain an identical flexible segment and only differ in relation to the rigid segment.

26-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002672604A1

The instant invention is an ultra-high solid content polyurethane dispers ion, and a continuous process for producing ultra-high solid content polyure thane dispersions. The ultra-high solid content polyurethane dispersion incl udes the reaction product of: (1) a first component, wherein the first compo nent is a first polyurethane prepolymer or a first polyurethane prepolymer e mulsion; (2) a second component, wherein the second component is a second po lyurethane prepolymer, a second polyurethane prepolymer emulsion, a low soli d content polyurethane dispersion, a seed latex, or combinations thereof; (3 ) and a chain extender. The ultra-high solid content polyurethane dispersion has a solid content of at least 60 percent by weight of the solid, based on the total weight of the ultra-high solid content polyurethane dispersion, a nd a viscosity in the range of less than 5000 cps at 20 rpm at 21° C using s pindle #4 with Brookfield viscometer. The method for producing a high-solid content ...

09-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002661997A1

A water-based polyurethane resin composition which is obtained by reactin g a polyisocyanate (A) with polyfunctional compounds (B) comprising a polyes ter polyol (B1) having an acid group and other polyol (B2) and/or a chain ex tender (B3) so as to satisfy the requirement represented by the following nu merical formula (1) to obtain a neutralized isocyanate-terminated prepolymer , subjecting the neutralized prepolymer to a chain extension reaction using a polyamine (C) having two or more amino and/or imino groups and water (D) s o as to satisfy the requirements represented by the following numerical form ulae (2) and (3), and then dispersing the reaction mixture in water. 100/80 <= a/b <= 100/40 (1) 100/98 <= a/(b+c) <= 100/80 (2) 100/105 < ;= a/(b+c+2d) <= 100/95 (3) (In the formulae (1) to (3), a indicates the number of isocyanate groups (NCO) contained in the polyisocyanate (A); b ind icates the number of hydroxy groups (OH) contained in the polyfunctional com pounds (B); c indicates ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002992203A1

Thermally stable microstructured layers comprising polyurethane, polyurea and/or polyurethane/urea semi-IPN materials are provided which have microstructured surfaces which are highly durable, erosion resistant, and thermally stable. The microstructured layer comprises a semi-IPN of a polymer network selected from the group consisting of urethane acrylate polymer networks, urethane/urea acrylate polymer networks and urea acrylate polymer networks and a linear or branched polymer that is a thermoplastic polymer selected from the group consisting of thermoplastic polyurethanes, thermoplastic polyurethane/polyureas, thermoplastic polyureas, and combinations thereof. The microstructures are thermally stable at temperatures above the crossover point of the thermoplastic polymer, despite comprising a majority of such thermoplastic material. In another aspect, the present disclosure provides methods of making microstructured layers according to the present disclosure.

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002949337A1

This specification relates to a biodegradable polymer comprising a plurality of releasable bioactive moieties, the releasable bioactive moieties being pendant from and covalently bonded to the biodegradable polymer backbone, wherein the biodegradable polymer backbone is formed from monomeric units that are each coupled via a biodegradable moiety, and wherein the bioactive moieties are capable of being released at a rate equal to or faster than the rate of biodegradation of the polymer backbone.

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950808A1

The invention relates to a method for the continuous production of stable prepolymers based on high-melting diisocyanates, in particular 1,5-naphthalindiisocyanate, and to the use thereof for producing polyurethane elastomers, in particular casting elastomers.

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002975513A1

This disclosure provides a solvent-borne system for forming an n-acyl urea coating on a substrate. In one embodiment, the solvent-borne system comprises a polycarbodiimide-polyurethane hybrid. The solvent-borne system also comprises an acid functional polymer and an organic solvent, and comprises less than or equal to 10 weight percent of water based on a total weight of said solvent-borne system. The solvent-borne system also comprises less than about 100 parts by weight of toluene diisocyanate per one million parts by weight of the solvent-borne system.

17-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002675110A1

Process for the preparation of aqueous dispersions of carboxylated anioni c polyurethanes free from volatile amines, useful for the preparation of coa tings for leather, paper, metals, textiles and plastics.

19-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002187524A1

A moisture curable hot melt composition comprises: (a) a first isocyanate-terminated polyurethane prepolymer that is the reaction product of a crystalline polyester polyol and a polyisocyanate; (b) a crystalline, reactive wax; and (c) optionally, a second isocyanateterminated polyurethane prepolymer that is the reaction product of a hydroxy-functional polymer that is different than the crystalline polyester polyol.

07-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002257715A1

The invention relates to light-stable sinterable thermoplastic polyurethane moulding compositions of reduced mechanical strength which can be processed by the powder-slush process. The moulding compositions according to the invention are particularly suitable for the production of grained sintered films for interior lining of means of transport, in particular as a covering for airbags in motor vehicles.

14-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002270362A1

Polymeric compositions comprising thermoplastic starch and a thermoplastic polymer incompatible with starch, in which the starch constitutes the dispersed phase and the thermoplastic polymer constitutes the continuous phase, selected: A) from compositions comprising an agent with an interfacial effect selected from esters of polyols with mono- or polycarboxylic acids with dissociation constants within certain limits, the esters having specific values of the hydrophilic/lipophilic balance index HLB or being amongst the non-ionic surfactants which are soluble in water but cannot significantly be extracted by water from the compositions which contain them; B) from compositions wherein the thermoplastic polymer is an aliphatic or aliphaticaromatic copolyester wherein the ratio (R) between the average viscometric molecular weight and the melt index is greater than 25,000 and C) from compositions wherein the thermoplastic polymer is selected from aliphaticaromatic copolyesters, polyester-amides ...

16-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002285821A1

Aqueous polyurethane dispersions containing a polyurethane, composed of a) at least one polyol having an average molecular weight, determined as the number average, of 500 to 6000 g/mol, preferably 1000 to 4000, in particular 1500 to 3000, g/mol, b) at least one polyol, preferably diol, having a molecular weight of less than 500 g/mol, preferably of 61 to 499 g/mol, c) at least one aliphatic polyisocyanate, preferably diisocyanate, d) at least one diol having a molecular weight of less than 450 g/mol, which carries one or more ionic groups and/or one or more potentially ionic groups, preferably at least one carboxyl or carboxylate group, e) at least one amine which is reactive towards NCO groups, carries hydroxyl groups and has an OH functionality of 1 to 6, f) water and optionally g) a monoalcohol, characterized in that the molar ratio of polyol of the component a) to the sum of the polyols b) and d) is 1:1.5 to 1:4, preferably 1:2 to 1:3, the molar ratio of the sum of the polyols a), ...

24-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002296977C

The present invention relates to polyaddition compounds, which are solid bel ow 40.degree.C and liquid above 125.degree.C, are prepared by the reaction of a n isocyanate component containing uretdione groups with a polyol containing ester and/or carbonate groups, other than hydroxypivalic acid neopentylglycol ester, and have a) an average isocyanate functionality of 2.0 to 8.0 and a content of free isocyanate groups (calculated as NCO; molecular weight = 42) of 2.1 to 6.0 wt.%, b) a content of uretdione groups (calculated as C2N2O2; molecular weight = 8 4) of 10 to 19 wt.%, c) a content of urethane groups (calculated as -NH-CO-O; molecular weight = 59) of 10 to 17 wt.% and d) a content of ester groups -CO-O (calculated as -CO-O; molecular weight = 44) and/or carbonate groups -O-CO-O (calculated as -CO-O; molecular weight = 44) of 1 to 17 wt.%. The present invention also relates to a process for the preparation of thes e polyaddition compounds to two-component polyurethane powder coating ...

31-03-1967 дата публикации

Procédé de polymérisation

Номер: CH0000432834A

30-06-1971 дата публикации

Polyurethane elastomer prodn

Номер: CH0000509365A

Polyurethane elastomers are prepared by treating an -caprolactone with either water or a lower primary or secondary alkanol. The resulting intermediate product consists of (a) an oligomer of hydroxycaproic acid or a mixture of it with hydroxycaproic acid or (b) a corresponding lower alkyl hydroxycaproate and/or one of its lower oligomers. The intermediate is treated with a compound containing at least two reactive hydrogens, whereupon a polyesterpolyol is formed. This is then reacted with a polyisocyanate.

14-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000669786A5

29-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201891847A1

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for formulating a reactive polyurethane emulsion

Номер: US20120015574A1

A method for production of a reactive polyurethane emulsion for use in impregnating and coating a textile fabric includes reacting polyols alone or in combination with at least one of diols and triols with a substoichiometric amount of diisocyanates so as to form medium-viscosity, OH-terminated prepolymers. The prepolymers are mixed with an external emulsifier. At least one of a diisocyanate, a triisocyanate and a polyisocyanate are added so as to bring about a crosslinking of the prepolymers.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Curable composition with rubber-like properties

Номер: US20120065336A1
Принадлежит: Designer Molecules Inc

Low viscosity, radiation curable compositions have been developed that produce plastics with silicone rubber-like properties. These compositions have also been shown to give great adhesion to plastics. The combination of an ethylenically unsaturated oligomer with di- or polythiol compound, reactive diluents and a radical initiator will produce these properties. These materials can find use in many areas such as: Electronics packaging, displays, conformal coatings, seals, gaskets, fiber optics coatings, and golf ball coatings.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Two component polyurethane coating compositions comprising isocyanurate compositions from bis(isocyanatomethyl) cyclohexane and from aliphatic diisocyanates

Номер: US20120130016A1

The present invention provides two-component polyurethane compositions comprising, as one component, polyisocyanate compositions of the isocyanurate of one or more bis(isocyanatomethyl)cyclohexane or, preferably, a mixture of two or more of these, and of the isocyanurate of hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI trimer), and, as the other component, a mix of a soft polyol having a hydroxyl functionality of from 2.5 to 5.0 and a molecular weight of from 500 to 3,000, and a hard polyol. Such compositions provide coatings, especially clear topcoats, which exhibit excellent scratch and mar and solvent resistance in addition to a good balance of hardness and flexibility without the need for increasing the volatile organic content (VOC) of the compositions. Also provided are compositions of a polyisocyanate compositions of the isocyanurate of one or more bis(isocyanatomethyl)cyclohexane with soft polyol which have lower VOCs.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing polyesters and co-polyesters from lactones

Номер: US20120202966A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

The invention relates to a method for producing polyesters and co-polyesters from lactones

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Photopolymer formulation having different writing comonomers

Номер: US20120231377A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a photopolymer formulation comprising matrix polymers, writing monomers, and photo initiators, comprising a combination of at least two different writing monomers. The invention further relates to the use of the photopolymer formulation for producing optical elements, in particular for producing holographic elements and images, to a method for producing the photopolymer formulation and to a method for illuminating holographic media made of the photopolymer formulation.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Photochromic Polyurethane Laminate

Номер: US20130004775A1
Принадлежит: Vision Ease LP

A photochromic polyurethane laminate wherein the photochromic polyurethane layer of the laminate has been crosslinked with a isocyanate-active prepolymer using a crosslinking agent. The crosslinking agent is formulated to have at least three functional groups that are reactive with functional groups of the polyurethane or of the isocyanate-active prepolymer. A method of making the photochromic polyurethane laminate includes steps of causing the crosslinking.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Polishing pad, manufacturing method therefor, and method for manufacturing a semiconductor device

Номер: US20130035021A1
Принадлежит: Toyo Tire and Rubber Co Ltd

A polishing pad having a polishing layer comprising a thermoset polyurethane foam, wherein the thermoset polyurethane foam contains, as raw material components, an isocyanate component, and active-hydrogen-containing compounds, and the active-hydrogen-containing compounds comprise one or more polyol compounds (each) having two or more functional groups, and a monool compound having one functional group.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Microorganisms and methods for the production of caprolactone

Номер: US20130144029A1
Принадлежит: Genomatica Inc

The invention provides non-naturally occurring microbial organisms containing caprolactone pathways having at least one exogenous nucleic acid encoding a butadiene pathway enzyme expressed in a sufficient amount to produce caprolactone. The invention additionally provides methods of using such microbial organisms to produce caprolactone by culturing a non-naturally occurring microbial organism containing caprolactone pathways as described herein under conditions and for a sufficient period of time to produce caprolactone.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Polyurethanes, Articles and Coatings Prepared Therefrom and Methods of Making The Same

Номер: US20130160920A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio Inc

The present invention provides polyurethanes including a reaction product of components including: (a) an isocyanate functional urethane prepolymer comprising a reaction product of components including: (i) about 1 equivalent of at least one polyisocyanate; and (ii) about 0.1 to about 0.5 equivalents of at least one diol having 2 to 18 carbon atoms; and (b) about 0.05 to about 0.9 equivalents of at least one branched polyol having 4 to 18 carbon atoms and at least 3 hydroxyl groups; and (c) up to about 0.9 equivalents of at least one polyol different from branched polyol (b) and having 2 to 18 carbon atoms, wherein the reaction product components are essentially free of polyester polyol and polyether polyol; compositions, coatings and articles made therefrom and methods of making the same.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Polyisocyanate-Based Binder

Номер: US20130245164A1

Aqueous binder composition comprising an organic emulsifiable polyisocyanate, an aromatic polyester polyol and a alkali metal salt of a carboxylic acid as trimerisation catalyst and its use for bonding mineral fibre or lignocellulosic material. 1. A binder composition comprising an organic polyisocyanate , an isocyanate-reactive compound and an isocyanate-trimerisation promoting catalyst.2. The binder composition according to wherein the solids content is 2 to 100 wt %.3. The binder composition according to also containing water.4. The binder composition according to in the form of an aqueous emulsion or dispersion.5. The binder composition according to wherein the polyisocyanate is modified to make it emulsifiable or dispersible.6. The binder composition according to wherein the modification involves reaction with cationic claim 5 , anionic and/or nonionic compounds containing isocyanate-reactive groups.7. The binder composition according to wherein the polyisocyanate is derived from diphenylmethane diisocyanates (MDI) and/or oligomers thereof.8. The binder composition according to wherein the isocyanate-reactive compound comprises an aromatic polyester polyol.9. The binder composition according to wherein the amount of isocyanate-reactive compound is sufficient to provide an equivalent ratio of isocyanate groups to hydroxyl groups (excluding water) of 2:1 to 30:1 claim 1 , preferably 5:1 to 20:1.10. The binder composition according to wherein the isocyanate-trimerisation promoting catalyst is an alkali metal salt of a carboxylic acid.11. The binder composition according to wherein the isocyanate-trimerisation promoting catalyst is used in an amount ranging from 0.1 to 5 wt % based on the binder solids.12. The binder composition according to further comprising a reaction retarder and/or a wetting agent and/or an adhesion promoter.13. The binder composition according to wherein the reaction retarder is lactic acid.14. A process for preparing the binder composition ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018501A1
Принадлежит: Nitta Corp

In the belt according to the present invention, the whole or a part of a belt body is formed from a thermoplastic resin composition (C) comprising a thermoplastic resin (A) and a modified ethylene copolymer (B) dispersed and contained therein. The modified ethylene copolymer (B) is preferably a copolymer, modified with an unsaturated carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, of ethylene with at least one monomer component selected from (i) olefin components except for ethylene, (ii) diene components and (iii) ester components having an ethylenically unsaturated group. The belt according to the present invention hardly causes abrasion, damage, cracks, breakage and the like on the belt body and is remarkably excellent in durability, even if the belt is used at a high load for a long time.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Biocompatible, Biodegradable Polyurethane Materials With Controlled Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic Ratio

Номер: US20140023725A1
Автор: Sylwester Gogolewski
Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products Inc

The biocompatible, biodegradable materials in the solid and/or liquid form are based on segmented linear polyurethanes and/or segmented crosslinked polyurethanes based on A) one or more biocompatible polyols susceptible to hydrolytic and/or enzymatic degradation having a molecular weight of 100 to 20,000 dalton and a number of active hydroxyl groups per molecule (functionality) of at least two or higher; B) one or more diisocyanates and/or triisocyanates; and C) one or more low molecular weight chain extenders having a molecular weight of 18 to 1000 dalton and the functionality of at least two or higher.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Implantable medical devices

Номер: US20140067039A9

A medical device includes a balloon catheter having an expandable member, e.g., an inflatable balloon, at its distal end and a stent or other endoprosthesis. The stent is, for example, an apertured tubular member formed of a polymer and is assembled about the balloon. The stent has an initial diameter for delivery into the body and can be expanded to a larger diameter by inflating the balloon.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002479A1

The invention relates to a crystallization stable polyester prepolymers for producing HDI- and PDI-based, solvent free two component (2K)-polyurethane- and/or polyurea coating agents. 2: The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polyol components A) and B) are reacted with the diisocyanate(s) as a mixture or successively in any sequence.5: A process for preparing prepolymers having isocyanate groups and having an NCO content of 2.8% to 18.0% by weight claim 1 , a mean isocyanate functionality of 1.9 to 3.0 and a viscosity claim 1 , measured to DIN EN ISO 3219 claim 1 , of max. 3000 mPas at 23° C. claim 1 , comprising reacting 1 claim 1 ,5-diisocyanatopentane and/or 1 claim 1 ,6-diisocyanatohexane in separate reactions with A) at least one polyester polyol of mean functionality from 1.9 to 2.3 and of number-average molecular weight from 300 to 3000 g/mol, prepared from aliphatic dicarboxylic acids and/or anhydrides thereof with excess amounts of polyfunctional alcohols, where the polyfunctional alcohols are branched aliphatic diols to an extent of at least 30% by weight, based on the total amount of polyfunctional alcohols, with', 'B) at least one polycaprolactone polyester of mean functionality from 2.0 to 3.0 and number-average molecular weight from 176 to 2000 g/mol,', 'and, 'i) a mixture/mixtures of'} 'and/or', 'ii) at least one polyester polyol according to A,'}iii) at least one polyester polymer according to B,at temperatures of 20 to 200° C., observing an equivalents ratio of isocyanate groups to hydroxyl groups of 4:1 to 200:1, and the prepolymers thus obtained are blended with one another such that the proportion of the polyester component A) in the total amount of the polyester components A) and B) converted is from 15% to 70% by weight.6: The process for preparing prepolymers having isocyanate groups according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of the polyester component A) claim 1 , based on the total amount of the polyester components A) and B) ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002510A1
Автор: LI Jinqi, LIU Qinglan, Xu Wen

The present invention relates to a coating composition and a method for preparing the same, a coating method and use thereof as well as a product coated with the coating composition. The coating composition comprises: A) a hydroxyl-containing component consisting of: a) a polyester-modified polycarbonate polyol having a number-average molecular weight of 500-6000 g/mol, the amount of which is greater than 50 wt. % based on that the weight of the hydroxyl-containing component is 100 wt. %, b) an optional polyester polyol having a hydroxyl content of not less than 10 wt. % as measured in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4629-2, and c) an optional polyacrylate polyol; and B) a polyisocyanate; wherein the equivalent ratio of isocyanate groups to hydroxyl groups of the composition is 0.5-1.2. A coating formed from the coating composition provided by the present invention has good appearance and adhesion as well as good reflowing, and especially can rapidly reflow at normal temperature. 120.-. (canceled)21. A coating composition comprising: a) a polyester-modified polycarbonate polyol having a number-average molecular weight (determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) in accordance with DIN 55672-1:2016-03 using polystyrene as standard and tetrahydrofuran as eluent) of 500-6000 g/mol, the amount of which is greater than 50 wt. % based on that the weight of the hydroxyl-containing component is 100 wt. %,', 'b) optionally a polyester polyol having a hydroxyl content of not less than 10 wt. % as measured in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4629-2, and', 'c) optionally a polyacrylate polyol; and, 'A) a hydroxyl-containing component consisting ofB) a polyisocyanate;the equivalent ratio of isocyanate groups to hydroxyl groups of the composition being 0.5-1.2.22. The composition according to claim 21 , wherein the polyester-modified polycarbonate polyol is a polyester-modified aliphatic polycarbonate polyol.23. The composition according to claim 21 , wherein the polyester-modified ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005450A1

An adhesive for solar battery back sheets obtainable by mixing (A) a urethane prepolymer having an isocyanate group at the end with (B) a polyol, wherein the urethane prepolymer (A) is obtainable by a reaction of a hydroxyl group-containing compound with an isocyanate compound, and the hydroxyl group-containing compound comprises a polycaprolactone polyol. Also, cured reaction products of the adhesive. Also, a solar battery back sheet and a solar cell module comprising the adhesive. 1. An adhesive for solar battery back sheets prepared by mixing (A) a urethane prepolymer having an isocyanate group at the end with (B) a polyol , wherein the urethane prepolymer (A) is obtained by a reaction of a hydroxyl group-containing compound with an isocyanate compound , and the hydroxyl group-containing compound comprises a polycaprolactone polyol.2. The adhesive for solar battery back sheets according to claim 1 , wherein the urethane prepolymer (A) further comprises a trimer of an isocyanate compound.3. The adhesive for solar battery back sheets according to claim 1 , wherein the urethane prepolymer (A) has an isocyanate index of 2.0 to 4.0.4. The adhesive for solar battery back sheets according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxyl group-containing compound further comprises trimethylolpropane.5. The adhesive for solar battery back sheets according to claim 1 , wherein the polyol (B) comprises a polyol having an ester bond.6. The adhesive for solar battery back sheets according to claim 1 , the adhesive further comprises an epoxy resin.7. The adhesive for solar battery back sheets according to claim 1 , wherein the polyol (B) has a glass transition temperature of 10° C. or lower.8. A solar battery back sheet comprising the adhesive for solar battery back sheets according to .9. A solar battery module comprising the solar battery back sheets according to .10. A solar battery back sheet comprising cured reaction products of the adhesive of .11. An adhesive for solar battery back ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008233A1

The present invention relates to systems and methods for solid freeform fabrication, especially selective laser sintering, as well as various articles made using the same, where the systems and methods utilize certain thermoplastic polyurethanes which are particularly suited for such processing. The useful thermoplastic polyurethanes are derived from (a) a polyisocyanate component, (b) a polyol component, and (c) an optional chain extender component; wherein the resulting thermoplastic polyurethane has a melting enthalpy of at least 5.5 J/g, a Tc (crystallization temperature) of more than 70° C., a Δ(Tm:Tc) of from 20 to 75 degrees, where Δ(Tm:Tc) is the difference between the Tm (melting temperature) and Tc. 1. A system for fabricating a three-dimensional object , comprising a solid freeform fabrication apparatus that selectively fuses layers of powder;wherein said powder comprises a thermoplastic polyurethane derived from (a) a polyisocyanate component, (b) a polyol component, and (c) an optional chain extender component;wherein said powder has an average particle diameter of less than 200 microns;wherein the resulting thermoplastic polyurethane has a melting enthalpy of at least 5.5 J/g;wherein the resulting thermoplastic polyurethane has a Tc of at least 70; andwherein the resulting thermoplastic polyurethane has a Δ(Tm:Tc) of between 20 and 75 degrees.2. A method of fabricating a three-dimensional object , comprising the step of: (I) operating a system for producing a three-dimensional object from a powder;wherein said system comprises a solid freeform fabrication apparatus that selectively fuses layers of powder; so as to form the three-dimensional object;wherein said powder comprises a thermoplastic polyurethane derived from (a) a polyisocyanate component, (b) a polyol component, and (c) an optional chain extender component;wherein said powder has an average particle diameter of less than 200 microns;wherein the resulting thermoplastic polyurethane has a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009851A1
Автор: LI Jinqi, LIU Qinglan, Xu Wen

The present invention relates to a coating composition and a method for preparing the same, a coating method and use thereof as well as a product coated with the coating composition. The coating composition comprises: A) a hydroxyl-containing component consisting of: a) a polycaprolactone polyol, b) a polyester polyol having a hydroxyl content of not less than 10 wt. % as measured in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4629-2, c) an optional polyacrylate polyol, and d) an optional polycarbonate polyol; and B) a polyisocyanate; wherein the equivalent ratio of isocyanate groups to hydroxyl groups of the composition is 0.5-1.2. A coating formed from the coating composition provided by the present invention has good reflowing, and especially can rapidly reflow at normal temperature. 120.-. (canceled)21. A coating composition comprising: a) a polycaprolactone polyol,', 'b) a polyester polyol having a hydroxyl content of not less than 10 wt. % as measured in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4629-2,', 'c) optionally a polyacrylate polyol, and', 'd) optionally a polycarbonate polyol; and, 'A) a hydroxyl-containing component consisting ofB) a polyisocyanate;the equivalent ratio of isocyanate groups to hydroxyl groups of the composition being 0.5-1.2.22. The composition according to claim 21 , wherein the polycaprolactone polyol has a hydroxyl functionality of 2-3 claim 21 , and a number-average molecular weight (determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) in accordance with DIN 55672-1:2016-03 using polystyrene as standard and tetrahydrofuran as eluent) of 500-5000 g/mol.23. The composition according to claim 21 , wherein the polycaprolactone polyol is in an amount of 10-90 wt. % claim 21 , based on that the weight of the hydroxyl-containing component is 100 wt. %.24. The composition according to claim 21 , wherein the polyester polyol has a hydroxyl content of 10-20 wt. % claim 21 , as measured in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4629-2.25. The composition according to claim 21 , wherein ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010604A1

The disclosed technology relates to an article, such as a hose, tube, sheet, film, or filament made from a crystalline thermoplastic polyurethane composition, wherein the crystalline thermoplastic polyurethane composition comprises the reaction product of a polyisocyanate component, a polyester polyol component, optionally a chain extender component, and optionally a catalyst. The article is produced by melt or extrusion processes. 1. A filament comprising:a crystalline thermoplastic polyurethane composition comprising:the reaction product of (a) a polyisocyanate component, (b) a polyol component, comprising a polyester polyol (c) optionally, a catalyst; and (d) optionally, a chain extender component, wherein the crystalline thermoplastic polyurethane composition has a melt enthalpy measured by DSC of at least about 17 J/g and/or a cooling enthalpy measured by DSC of at least about 15 J/g, wherein the filament shrinks less than 15% after exposure to 80° C. for 90 seconds.2. The article of where the article is prepared by melt-extrusion.3. The article of wherein the polyester polyol comprises a polycaprolactone polyester polyol.4. The article of wherein the polyester polyol consists essentially of a polycaprolactone polyester polyol.5. The article of wherein the polyester polyol component comprises polybutanediol succinate.6. The article of wherein the polyester polyol component consists essentially of polybutanediol succinate.7. The article of wherein the polybutanediol succinate has a molecular weight of about 3000 to about 6000.8. The article of claim 7 , wherein the polybutanediol succinate has a molecular weight of about 4000 to about 6000.9. The article of wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane composition has a melt enthalpy measured by DSC of at least 40 J/g.10. The article of wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane composition has a cooling enthalpy measured by DSC of at least 40 J/g.11. The article of claim 1 , wherein the polyol component further comprises ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010723A1
Автор: TAKENO Satoshi

The present invention provides a polyaspartic coating composition containing (A) an aspartic acid ester compound represented by the following formula (I) 2. The polyaspartic coating composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyol further contains a polyoxyalkylene polyol.3. The polyaspartic coating composition according to claim 2 , wherein a ratio of the polyoxyalkylene polyol to a total amount of the polyoxyalkylene polyol and the polycaprolactone polyol is 80% by mass or less.4. The polyaspartic coating composition according to claim 1 , wherein an equivalent ratio between the amino group of (A) the aspartic acid ester compound and the isocyanate group of (B) the polyisocyanate component is amino group:isocyanate group=10:1 to 1:10.6. The polyaspartic coating composition according to claim 5 , wherein a number-average molecular weight of (B′) the polyisocyanate component is 700 to 3500.7. The polyaspartic coating composition according to claim 5 , wherein an equivalent ratio between the amino group of (A) the aspartic acid ester compound and the isocyanate group of (B′) the polyisocyanate component is amino group:isocyanate group=10:1 to 1:10.8. The polyaspartic coating composition according to claim 1 , wherein the diisocyanate monomer contains a hexamethylene diisocyanate.9. A coating film formed from the polyaspartic coating composition defined in .10. A coated article comprising the coating film defined in .11. Use of the polyaspartic coating composition defined in for heavy-duty anticorrosion coating.12. A method for preventing corrosion of a structure claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'coating a structure with the polyaspartic coating composition defined in .'} The present invention relates to a polyaspartic coating composition, a coating film and a coated article.Priority is claimed on Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-043141, filed Mar. 7, 2017 and Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-169741, filed Sep. 4, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011872A1

A cleaning blade includes an elastic body that is a molded body of a rubber base material, and which has at least a surface treatment layer in a portion of the elastic body , the portion coming into contact with an object to be contacted. The surface treatment layer is formed by impregnating a surface portion of the elastic body with a surface treatment liquid, which contains an isocyanate compound and an organic solvent, and curing the surface treatment liquid; the surface treatment layer has an elastic modulus of 95 MPa or less; the elastic body has an elastic modulus of from 20 MPa to 60 MPa (inclusive); and the difference between the elastic modulus of the surface treatment layer and the elastic modulus of the elastic body is 1 MPa or more. 1. A cleaning blade , comprising:an elastic body formed of a rubber base material molded product, and a surface treatment layer on at least an area of the elastic body to be brought into contact with a cleaning object, wherein,the surface treatment layer is a hardened product containing an isocyanate compound with which a surface portion of the elastic body has been impregnated and which has been reacted with the elastic body;the surface treatment layer has an elastic modulus of 95 MPa or lower;the elastic body has an elastic modulus of 20 MPa to 60 MPa; andthe difference in elastic modulus between the surface treatment layer and the elastic body is 1 MPa or greater.2. The cleaning blade according to claim 1 , wherein the surface treatment layer has a thickness of 10 μm to 50 μm. The present invention relates to a cleaning blade employed in image-forming apparatuses including an electrophotographic copying machine or printer, and a toner-jet-type copying machine or printer.In a general electrophotographic process, an electrophotographic photoreceptor undergoes processes including at least cleaning, charging, light exposure, development, and image transfer. Each process employs a cleaning blade for removing a toner remaining ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015774A1

Provided is an active energy ray-curable resin composition with which it is possible to form a cured film, having outstanding scratch resistance, hardness, and weather resistance, on the surface of a molded resin article for an automobile headlamp lens. The active energy ray-curable resin composition is used to form a cured film on the surface of a molded resin article for an automobile headlamp lens and comprises (A) 10-70% by mass of a mono- or poly-pentaerythritol poly(meth)acrylate compound having a specific structure, (B) 10-50% by mass of a urethane(meth)acrylate compound having at least two (meth)acryloyloxy groups, at least one amido group, and at least two urethane bonds, and (C) 20-80% by mass of a poly[(meth)acryloyloxyalkyl]isocyanurate compound having a specific structure. 2. The active energy ray-curable resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the urethane (meth)acrylate mixture (B) is obtained by reacting materials (b1)-(b4) below:(b1): diisocyanate;(b2): a compound containing at least one amide group, which does not include the —NH—CO— structure in the urethane bond, and at least two hydroxyl groups;(b3): at least one type of diol selected from the group consisting of polyether diols, polycarbonate diols, and polyester diols other than material (b2); and(b4): a (meth)acrylic acid ester having at least one (meth)acryloyloxy group, and one hydroxyl group.3. The active energy ray-curable resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein material (b3) is a polyether diol other than material (b2).4. The active energy ray-curable resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the molar equivalent ratio of materials (b1)-(b4) is [material (b1)]/[material (b2)+material (b3)]/[material (b4)]=10/4-6/4-6.5. The active energy ray-curable resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the molar equivalent ratio of materials (b2) and (b3) is material (b2)/material (b3)=1-5/5-1.6. The active energy ray-curable resin composition according to claim 2 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016377A1

This disclosure provides a solvent-borne system for forming an n-acyl urea coating on a substrate. In one embodiment, the solvent-borne system comprises a polycarbodiimide-polyurethane hybrid. The solvent-borne system also comprises an acid functional polymer and an organic solvent, and comprises less than or equal to 10 weight percent of water based on a total weight of said solvent-borne system. The solvent-borne system also comprises less than about 100 parts by weight of toluene diisocyanate per one million parts by weight of the solvent-borne system. 2. The solvent-borne system of wherein each Y is independently derived from a tri-hydroxy functional polyol having a hydroxyl number from 1500 to 2000 mg KOH/g or each Y is independently derived from a tri-hydroxy functional polyol having a hydroxyl number from 800 to 1200 mg KOH/g claim 1 , or each Y is independently derived from a tri-hydroxy functional polyol having a hydroxyl number from 20 to 400 mg KOH/g.3. The solvent-borne system of wherein each Y is derived from glycerine.4. The solvent-borne system of wherein each Y is independently derived from a diol chosen from propylene glycol claim 1 , ethylene glycol claim 1 , copolymers thereof claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The solvent-borne system of wherein each Y is independently derived from a monol.6. The solvent-borne system of wherein said monol is chosen from 1-decanol claim 5 , 2-propyl-1-heptanol claim 5 , 2-ethyl-hexanol claim 5 , n-butanol claim 5 , pentanol claim 5 , and combinations thereof.7. The solvent-borne system of wherein each n is independently from 1 to 20 claim 1 , and wherein each w is 3 and each z is 2 or wherein w is 2 and each z is 1.8. The solvent-borne system of wherein x claim 1 , Y claim 1 , and a total of said CHgroups are present in a ratio of from (4.5 to 5):(0.95 to 1.05):(3.3 to 3.7) claim 1 , respectively.9. The solvent-borne system of wherein said acid functional polymer is further defined as a organic mono claim 1 , ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016563A1

The present invention discloses a polyurethane microsphere with diameter around 150 μm-270 μm, as well as the preparation method and use of it. The polyurethane which is prepared by this method has good biocompatibility, and it can be used as microcarrier to enhance cell proliferation. Meanwhile, the polyurethane microsphere is also injectable and enables to be used in tissue repair, evidently showing a well clinical application prospect. 1. A polyurethane microsphere , characterized in that its particle diameter is 150 μm-270 μm.2. The polyurethane microsphere according to claim 1 , characterized in that it is prepared as the following method:(1) Two kinds of different oligodiols are premixed;(2) Pre-polymerization:Isocyanate and oligodiols in step (1) are starting materials, and they are added to the reaction vessel and stirred;(3) Chain-extension:After above step (2), hydrophilic chain extender is added, and at the same time, the temperature is reduced, and the reactant is stirred;(4) Neutralization:Neutralizer is added, and the reactant is continually stirred;(5) Emulsification:Under stirring, the polyurethane synthesized in step (4) is added dropwise to the distilled water and dispersed;(6) The polyurethane microsphere with particle diameter of 150 μm-270 μm is purified, sieved, and collected.3. The method of polyurethane microsphere according to claim 1 , characterized in that the steps are as follows:(1) Two kinds of different oligodiols are premixed;(2) Pre-polymerization:Isocyanate and oligodiols in step (1) are starting materials, and they are added to the reaction vessel and stirred;(3) Chain-extension:After above step (2), hydrophilic chain extender is added, and at the same time, the temperature is reduced, and the reactant is stirred;(4) Neutralization:After addition of neutralizer, the reactant is continually stirred;(5) Emulsification:Under stirring, the polyurethane synthesized in step (4) is added dropwise to the distilled water and dispersed;(6) ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Aqueous Inkjet Inks for Inkjet Printing

Номер: US20190016908A1
Принадлежит: LAMBERTI SPA

Aqueous inkjet ink for textile inkjet printing comprising dispersed pigments and a binder which is a carboxylated polyurethane having blocked isocyanate groups and method for using the same. 1. Aqueous inkjet ink comprising dispersed pigments and a binder which is a carboxylated polyurethane having blocked isocyanate groups obtained by a process comprising the following steps:a. reactingi) at least one aliphatic or cycloaliphatic diisocyanate,ii) at least one diol having molecular weight from 500 to 5,000 daltons selected in the group consisting of polyether diols, polyester diols, polycarbonate diols, polyesteramide diols, polythioether diols, polyacetal diols, polyvinyl diols and polysiloxane diols,iii) at least one diol having a carboxylic acid group,the ratio between the —NCO groups of the diisocyanate and the OH groups of the diols being between 1.2 and 2, to form a —NCO terminated intermediate;b. reacting the —NCO terminated intermediate with one or more —NCO blocking agent selected in the group consisting of triazoles, pyrazoles, oximes and lactames, and, optionally, with a monofunctional alcohol or with a primary or secondary monoamine or with a mixture thereof, to obtain a carboxylated polyurethane having blocked isocyanate groups;c. optionally dispersing the carboxylated polyurethane having blocked isocyanate groups in water at concentration between 15 and 60% by weight.2. Aqueous inkjet ink according to in which in step b. at least 40% of the —NCO groups of the —NCO terminated intermediate are reacted with the blocking agent and up to 60% of the —NCO groups of the —NCO terminated intermediate are reacted with a monofunctional alcohol or with a primary or secondary monoamine or with a mixture thereof.3. Aqueous inkjet ink according to in which in step b. at least 70% of the —NCO groups of the —NCO terminated intermediate are reacted with the blocking agent or with both the blocking agent and the monofunctional alcohol claim 2 , the primary or secondary ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017322A1

The present invention relates to a specific uretdione prepolymer, and an aqueous curable composition based on the specific uretdione prepolymer. Furthermore, it pertains to a process for curing said aqueous curable composition, the cured article obtained by this process and additionally to the use of said aqueous composition for coatings, adhesives and/or sealants. 1. A uretdione prepolymer , which comprises at least one uretdione group , and which is obtained by reactingA1) at least one uretdione polyisocyanate having an isocyanate functionality of at least 2.0, wherein said uretdione polyisocyanate is obtained from at least one aliphatic polyisocyanate,withA2) at least one polyalkoxy ether derivative comprising at least two —OH groups, which are present on two different non neighboring atoms of the molecule and wherein at least one of the —OH groups is not a terminal —OH group, and{'sub': '2', 'A3) at least one reactant, which comprises at least one Zerewitinoff-active group and being different from A2 or which is HO,'}in the presence of at least one catalyst, to obtain the uretdione prepolymer, wherein the prepolymer has an acid number of at most 4 mg KOH/g.2. The uretdione prepolymer according to claim 1 , wherein in a first step claim 1 , the at least one uretdione polyisocyanate A1 is reacted claim 1 , with the at least one polyalkoxy ether derivative A2 and in a second step the polymer obtained in the first step is reacted with the at least one reactant A3.3. The uretdione prepolymer according to claim 1 , wherein components A1 to A3 are reacted in a one-step process.4. The uretdione prepolymer according to claim 1 , wherein in a first step claim 1 , the at least one uretdione polyisocyanate A1 is reacted with the at least one reactant A3 and in a second step the polymer obtained in the first step is reacted in a second step with the at least one polyalkoxy ether derivative A2.5. The uretdione prepolymer according to claim 1 , where-in said uretdione ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017323A1

The invention relates to aqueous uretdione group-containing compositions comprising or consisting of (A) at least one uretdione group-containing curing agent based on aliphatic, cycloaliphatic, aliphatic and/or aromatic polyisocyanates which do not contain chemically bonded hydrophilating groups; (B) at least one polyacrylate copolymer; (C) optionally solvents; and (D) optionally auxiliary agents and additives; wherein the quantity ratio of the components (A) and (B) is measured such that the molar ratio of the NCO groups of the curing agent (A), said groups being provided in the form of uretdione, to the NCO reactive groups of the polyacrylate copolymer (B) equals 3.0:0.5 to 0.5:3.0, and A and B are provided as a physical mixture. The invention additionally relates to a method for producing a polyurethane layer using the aqueous uretdione group-containing composition according to the invention, to the polyurethane layer obtained therefrom, and to a substrate which is coated with or adhered to the polyurethane layer. 1. An aqueous uretdione group-containing compositions comprising:(A) at least one uretdione group-containing curing agent based on one or more of aliphatic, cycloaliphatic, araliphatic, and aromatic polyisocyanates that contains no chemically-bonded hydrophilizing groups;(B) at least one polyacrylate copolymer;(C) optionally, solvents; and(D) optionally, auxiliaries and additives;wherein the quantitative ratio of the at least one uretdione group-containing curing agent (A) and the at least one polyacrylate copolymer (B) is such that the molar ratio of the NCO groups of the curing agent (A) present as uretdione to NCO-reactive groups of the polyacrylate copolymer (B) is 3.0:0.5 to 0.5:3.0, and wherein (A) and (B) are present as a mixture.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one uretdione group-containing curing agent (A) was obtained by reacting a monomeric isocyanate comprising at least one monomeric isocyanate selected from ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Polymerizable composition for optical materials and application of same

Номер: US20210017327A1
Принадлежит: Mitsui Chemicals Inc

The polymerizable composition for optical materials of the present invention includes a polyester polyol (a), a compound (b) of which light absorption characteristics vary by sensing changes in environment; and a polymerization reactive compound (c).

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200019088A1

Described herein is a liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly comprising a developer roller having a surface coating, the surface coating comprising a polyurethane resin formed from a polyol; a hydroxyl-terminated polysiloxane; and a polyisocyanate. Also, described herein is a liquid electrostatic printing apparatus comprising the liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly. 1. A liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly comprising:a developer roller having a surface coating, the surface coating comprising a polyurethane resin formed from a polyol; a hydroxyl-terminated polysiloxane; and a polyisocyanate.2. The liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the polyol comprises a hydroxyl-terminated polyester polyol.3. The liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the hydroxyl-terminated polyester polyol comprises a hydroxyl-terminated polycaprolactone.4. The liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the polyisocyanate comprises a polymeric polyisocyanate.5. The liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric polyisocyanate is a polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate.6. The liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxyl-terminated polysiloxane comprises hydroxyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane.7. The liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the developer roller comprises an inner layer on which the surface coating is disposed claim 1 , the inner layer comprising claim 1 , prior to deposition of the surface coating claim 1 , unreacted hydroxyl groups on the surface of the inner layer to which the surface coating can bond.8. The liquid electrostatic ink developer assembly according to claim 7 , wherein the inner layer comprises a resilient material.9. The liquid electrostatic developer assembly according to claim 8 , wherein the resilient material is ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Class of Anti-Adhesion Hydrogels With Healing Aspects

Номер: US20170021053A1
Принадлежит: BVW HOLDING AG

Disclosed are hydrogels polymerized with a biofunctional moiety, biodegradable and permanent, designed to be implantable in a mammalian body and intended to block or mitigate the formation of tissue adhesions. The hydrogels of the present invention are characterized by comprising four structural elements: a) a polymeric backbone which defines the overall polymeric morphology, b) linkage groups, c) side chains, and d) biofunctional end groups. The hydrophobicity of the various structural elements are chosen to reduce tissue adhesion and enhance the biofunctional aspect of the end groups. The morphology of these polymers are typically of high molecular weight and have shape to encourage entanglement. Useful structures include branching chains, comb or brush, and dendritic morphologies.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040536A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a golf ball having excellent spin performance on approach shots under a wet condition and excellent spin performance on approach shots under a condition that there is grass between the golf ball and the club face. The present invention provides a golf ball comprising a golf ball body and a paint film composed of at least one layer and formed on a surface of the golf ball body, wherein an outermost layer of the paint film located at the outermost layer of the golf ball contains a base resin and a porous filler, the base resin contains a polyurethane obtained by a reaction between a polyisocyanate composition and a polyol composition, and the porous filler contains SiOin an amount of 50 mass % or more as a constituent component. 1. A golf ball comprising a golf ball body and a paint film composed of at least one layer and formed on a surface of the golf ball body ,wherein an outermost layer of the paint film located at the outermost layer of the golf ball contains a base resin and a porous filler,the base resin contains a polyurethane obtained by a reaction between a polyisocyanate composition and a polyol composition, and{'sub': '2', 'the porous filler contains SiOin an amount of 50 mass % or more and 95 mass % or less as a constituent component.'}2. The golf ball according to claim 1 , wherein the polyol composition contains a polyrotaxane as a polyol component claim 1 , the polyrotaxane has a cyclodextrin claim 1 , a linear molecule piercing through the cyclic structure of the cyclodextrin claim 1 , and blocking groups located at both terminals of the linear molecule to prevent disassociation of the cyclodextrin claim 1 , and at least a part of hydroxyl groups of the cyclodextrin is modified with a caprolactone chain via a —O—CH—O— group claim 1 , and an amount of the polyrotaxane in the polyol component is 30 mass % or more.3. The golf ball according to claim 1 , wherein the polyisocyanate composition contains an ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041793A1
Автор: MOORE Timothy Graeme

Provided are oriented biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane films. The films may be prepared by extruding and drawing biodegradable polyurethane films. The polyurethanes may be prepared from biodegradable polyols and/or biodegradable chain extenders. The films possess high tensile strength yet are degradable under biological conditions. The films may be utilized in the fabrication of devices, particularly implantable medical devices. 141-. (canceled)42. An oriented biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane film , said film being the extruded and drawn product of a biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane.43. An oriented biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane film according to claim 42 , wherein the film is biaxially oriented.44. An oriented biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane film according to claim 42 , wherein the polyurethane is derived from one or more polyols claim 42 , one or more isocyanates and one or more chain extenders.45. An oriented biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane film according to claim 42 , wherein the polyurethane is derived from one or more aliphatic polyester polyols.46. An oriented biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane film according to claim 45 , wherein the polyester polyol is derived from one or more diol initiators and one or more hydroxy acids claim 45 , diacids or cyclic esters and combinations thereof.47. An oriented biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane film according to claim 45 , wherein one or more of the following applies:the polyols have a molecular weight between about 200 and about 2,000 Daltons, or between about 200 and about 1,500 Daltons, or between about 200 and about 1,300 Daltons;the polyols have a molecular weight of less than or equal to about 10,000 Daltons, or less than or equal to about 8,000 Daltons, or less than or equal to about 6,000 Daltons, or less than or equal to about 4,000 Daltons, or less than or equal to about 2,000 Daltons, or less than or equal to about 1,500 Daltons, or less than or ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024679A1

The present invention relates to a catalyst system comprising: A) at least one compound selected from azoles, oxazoles, thiazoles, benzotriazole, benzimidazole, benzoxazole and salts thereof; B) at least one acid catcher, which contains at least one epoxy group; and C) at least one catalyst containing an N,N,N′-trisubstituted amidine structure with an amidine group content of from 12.0 to 47.0 wt %, calculated as CN2 with molecular weight=40. The invention also relates to a kit which comprises the catalyst system of the present invention and an aqueous uretdione dispersion having an acid number of from 1 to 100 KOH/g and additionally at least one carboxyl group. The invention further relates to a method for producing a polyurethane layer using the catalyst system of the present invention and said uretdione dispersion, and to the obtained polyurethane layer, and to the use of the catalyst system for curing aqueous acidic uretdione dispersions and/or for the production of paints or coatings. 1: A catalyst system comprisingA) at least one compound selected from the group consisting of azoles, oxazoles, thiazoles, benzotriazole, benzimidazole, benzoxazole, and salts thereof;B) at least one acid scavenger containing at least one epoxy group; andC) at least one catalyst containing an N,N,N′-trisubstituted amidine structure and having an amidine group content of 12.0 to 47.0% by weight calculated as CN2 with molecular weight=40.2: The catalyst system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one compound A) is selected from pyrazole claim 1 , imidazole claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3-triazole claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4-triazole claim 1 , benzotriazole claim 1 , and salts thereof.3: The catalyst system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one acid scavenger B) is selected from aliphatic or aromatic alcohols claim 1 , diols claim 1 , polyols claim 1 , ethers and acids containing at least one epoxy group.4: The catalyst system as claimed in claim 1 , ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024680A1

The invention relates to aqueous uretdione group-containing compositions comprising or consisting of (A) at least one uretdione group-containing curing agent based on aliphatic, cycloaliphatic, araliphatic, and/or aromatic polyisocyanates which do not contain chemically bonded hydrophilating groups; (B) at least one hydroxy group-containing polyol which contains at least one chemically bonded carboxylic acid group; (C) optionally solvents; and (D) optionally auxiliary agents and additives; wherein the quantity ratio of the components (A) and (B) is measured such that the molar ratio of the NCO groups of the curing agent (A), said groups being provided in the form of uretdione, to the NCO reactive groups of the polyol (B) equals 3.0:0.5 to 0.5:3.0, and A and B are provided as a physical mixture. The invention additionally relates to a method for producing a polyurethane layer using the aqueous uretdione group-containing composition according to the invention, to the polyurethane layer obtained therefrom, and to a substrate which is coated with or adhered to the polyurethane layer. 1. An aqueous uretdione group-containing compositions comprising;(A) at least one uretdione group-containing curing agent based on aliphatic, cycloaliphatic, araliphatic or aromatic polyisocyanates that contains no chemically-bonded hydrophilizing groups;(B) at least one hydroxyl-containing polyol that contains at least one chemically-bonded carboxylic acid group;(C) optionally, solvents; and(D) optionally, auxiliaries and additives;wherein the quantitative ratio of components (A) and (B) is such that the molar ratio of the NCO groups of the curing agent (A) present as uretdione to NCO-reactive groups of the polyol (B) is 3.0:0.5 to 0.5:3.0 and wherein A and B are present as a mixture.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one uretdione group-containing curing agent (A) is obtained by reacting monomeric isocyanates comprising at least one monomeric isocyanate ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028872A1

Multi-layered golf ball core sub-assemblies and the resulting golf balls are provided. The core structure includes an inner core (center) comprising a foam composition, preferably foamed polyurethane. The intermediate and outer core layers are preferably formed from foamed and non-foamed thermoset compositions. For example, the intermediate core can be formed from a thermoset rubber so there are adjoining foam core layers (inner and intermediate) and the outer core layer can be formed from a non-foamed thermoset rubber. The core layers have different hardness and specific gravity levels. The core assembly preferably has a positive hardness gradient extending across the entire assembly. The core structure and resulting ball have relatively good resiliency. 1. A golf ball , comprising:{'sub': skin of inner core', 'center of inner core', 'skin of inner core', 'center of inner core', 'inner core surface', 'inner core center', 'inner core surface', 'inner core center, 'i) a core assembly, the core assembly comprising an inner core layer comprising a first foamed composition, the inner core layer having a diameter in the range of about 0.100 to about 1.100 inches, an outer surface specific gravity (SG) and a center specific gravity (SG), the (SG) being greater than the (SG) to provide a positive density gradient, and an outer surface hardness (H) and a center hardness (H), the Hbeing greater than the Hto provide a positive hardness gradient;'}{'sub': intermediate', 'outer surface of IC', 'inner surface of IC', 'outer surface of IC', 'inner surface of IC, 'ii) an intermediate core layer comprising a second foamed composition, the foamed composition including a first thermoset material and the intermediate layer being disposed about the inner core and having a thickness in the range of about 0.050 to about 0.400 inches, a specific gravity (SG), and an outer surface hardness (H) and an inner surface hardness (H), the Hbeing the same or less than the Hto provide a zero or ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029578A1

A belt with a tensile cord embedded in an elastomeric body, having an adhesive composition impregnating the cord and coating the fibers. The adhesive composition is the reaction product of a polyisocyanate and a polyol, or a polyurethane prepolymer derived therefrom, and a polyamine curative and optionally additional polyol, and with optionally added plasticizer. At least one of the polyisocyanate, the prepolymer, and the polyamine are blocked with a blocking agent. The belt body may be of cast polyurethane, vulcanized rubber, or thermoplastic elastomer. The cord may have an adhesive overcoat. 2. The belt of wherein said adhesive composition is further a reaction product of a second polyol claim 1 , or an oligomeric polyamine.3. The belt of wherein said adhesive composition further comprises a plasticizer.4. The belt of wherein said plasticizer is at least one selected from the group consisting of phthalates claim 3 , organo-phosphates claim 3 , dialkyl-ether di-alkylesters and polyalkylene-ether di-alkylesters.5. The belt of wherein said at least one of said polyurethane prepolymer claim 1 , said polyisocyanate claim 1 , and said curative is blocked curative complex 4 claim 1 ,4′-methylenebisdianiline-NaCl.6. The belt of wherein said polyurethane prepolymer is blocked with at least one said blocking agent selected from the group consisting of 3 claim 1 ,5-dimethylpyrazole (“DMP”) claim 1 , diethylmalonate (“DEM”) claim 1 , ε-caprolactam (“CAP”) claim 1 , and methyl ethyl ketoxime (“MEKO”).7. The belt of wherein said blocking agent is DMP.8. The belt of wherein said blocking agent is MEKO.9. The belt of wherein said tensile cord comprises carbon fiber.10. A method of preparing a belt comprising a reinforced elastomeric body claim 1 , said method comprising:providing a tensile cord impregnated with an adhesive composition comprising the reaction product of;a polyisocyanate and a first polyol or a polyurethane prepolymer comprising said polyisocyanate and said first ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Resin Composition and Battery Module Comprising the Same

Номер: US20210028414A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present application relates to a resin composition, a battery module comprising a cured product of the resin composition, a manufacturing method thereof and a battery pack. According to one example of the present application, injection processability of the resin composition can be improved, overloading of injection equipment can be prevented, and the battery module having excellent insulation properties can be provided. 1. A resin composition comprising a main resin and a curing agent , and satisfying the following equations 1 and 2:{'br': None, 'i': 'Li', '10≤initial load value()≤40\u2003\u2003[Equation 1]'}{'br': None, 'i': 'Lf/Li', '1≤load change rate()≤3\u2003\u2003[Equation 2]'}wherein, Li is the initial load value (kgf) measured immediately after the main resin and the curing agent are mixed and Lf is an aging load value (kgf) measured at 3 minutes after the main resin and the curing agent are mixed.2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein Lf is 50 kgf or less.3. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein when a viscosity is measured in a shear rate range of 0.01 to 10.0/s at room temperature within 60 seconds after mixing the main resin and the curing agent claim 1 , the viscosity measured at a point of 2.5/s is 150 claim 1 ,000 to 500 claim 1 ,000 cP.4. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein a thixotropic index measured at room temperature within 60 seconds after mixing the main resin and the curing agent is 1.5 or more.5. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the main resin comprises a silicone resin claim 1 , a polyol resin claim 1 , an epoxy resin or an acrylic resin.6. The resin composition according to claim 5 , wherein the silicone resin claim 5 , the polyol resin claim 5 , the epoxy resin or the acrylic resin has a viscosity measured at a point of 2.5/s claim 5 , of less than 10 claim 5 ,000 cP claim 5 , as measured at room temperature in a shear rate range of 0.01 to 10.0/s.7. The resin ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029557A1

A granular controlled release agrichemical composition having a matrix including an agrichemical active and a coating for providing controlled release of the agrichemical active from the granular composition, wherein the coating has at least one biodegradable polymer selected from the group consisting of aliphatic polyesters, polyanhydrides, polycarbonates, polyurethanes including aliphatic polyester segments, polyureas including aliphatic polyester segments, copolymers of two or more thereof and mixtures thereof wherein the coating composition includes a Lewis acid in an amount sufficient to enhance degradation of the coating. 1. A granular controlled release agrichemical composition comprising a matrix comprising an agrichemical active and a coating for providing , controlled release of the agrichemical active from the granular composition , wherein the coating comprises at least one biodegradable polymer selected from the group consisting of aliphatic polyesters , polyanhydrides , polycarbonates , polyurethanes comprising aliphatic polyester segments , polyureas comprising aliphatic polyester segments , copolymers of two or more thereof and mixtures thereof wherein the coating composition comprises a Lewis acid in an amount sufficient to enhance degradation of the coating.2. A granular controlled release agrichemical composition according to claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable polymer is selected from the group consisting of:aliphatic polyesters selected from the group consisting of polylactic acid (PLA), poly(glycolic acid) polycaprolactone (PCL), polyvalerolactone poly(hydroxyl valerate), poly(ethylene succinate), poly(butylene succinate), poly(butylene-succinateadipate), poly(para-dioxanone), polydecalactone, poly(4-hydroxybutyrate), poly(beta-malic acid) and poly (hydroxyl valerate); andpolymers selected from polyurethane and polyurea comprising segments of said aliphatic polyesters.3. A granular controlled release agrichemical composition according to ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Enteric elastomers

Номер: US20200030234A1

Enteric elastomers and related methods are generally provided. In some embodiments, the enteric elastomer is a polymer composite. Certain embodiments comprise a polymer composite in which hydrogen bonds within two carboxyl group-containing polymers cross-link the polymer networks into an elastic and pH-responsive polymer composite. Advantageously, this polymer composite has the capacity of being stable and elastic in an acidic environment such as that of the stomach but can be dissolved in a neutral pH environment such as that of the small and large intestines. In some embodiments, the polymer composites described herein comprise a mixture of two or more polymers with carboxyl functionality such that the two or more polymers form hydrogen bonds. In certain embodiments, the polymer composite has both enteric and elastic properties.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031813A1
Автор: Hong Yi

The present invention provides dopant-free conductive elastomeric polyurethanes that have broad biomedical application, including smart drug delivery, electronics and biomedicine. In various embodiments, a dopant-free conductive, elastomeric polyurethane is designed by covalently conjugating biodegradable segment, conductive segment and dopant molecule into one polymer chain. The dopant-free conductive polyurethanes according to various embodiments of the invention exhibit attractive mechanical properties, including bending, knotting, stretching and recoiling. The biodegradable, conductive elastomer also exhibit good electroactivity and electrical stability without extra dopant involvement. 1. A dopant free conductive polyurethane elastomer (DCPU) comprising polymeric diol (PD) , diisocyanate (DI) , bishydroxy acid (BHA) , and aniline oligomer (AO) having a formula of{'br': None, 'sub': x', 'n', 'z', 'm', 'y, '—(O-PD-O)—(CO—NH-DI—NH—CO)—(NH-AO-NH)—(CO—NH-DI—NH—CO)—(O—BHA-O)—'}wherein the ratio between x:y:(n+m):z is in the range of 0.95:0.5:2:1 and 0.5:0.5:2:1.2. The elastomer of claim 1 , wherein said polymeric diol is selected from polycaprolactone (PCL) claim 1 , poly (trimethylene carbonate) (PTMC) claim 1 , poly (hexamethylene carbonate) claim 1 , poly (lactide-co-caprolactone) (PLC) claim 1 , poly (6-valerolactone-co-caprolactone) (PVCL) claim 1 , and poly ethylene glycol (PEG) containing triblock copolymer diols of PCL-PEG-PCL claim 1 , PTMC-PEG-PTMC claim 1 , PVCL-PEG-PVCL claim 1 , or PLC-PEG-PCL.3. The elastomer of claim 1 , wherein said aniline oligomers is selected from the group consisting of aniline trimer claim 1 , aniline tetramer claim 1 , aniline pentamer claim 1 , aniline hexamer claim 1 , aniline heptamer claim 1 , and aniline octamer.4. The elastomer of claim 1 , wherein said diisocyanate is selected from the group consisting of butane diisocyanate (BDI) claim 1 , hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) claim 1 , and L-lysine diisocyanate.5. The ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Photochromic Polyurethane Laminate

Номер: US20220050226A1
Принадлежит: Vision Ease, LP

A photochromic polyurethane laminate wherein the photochromic polyurethane layer of the laminate has been crosslinked with an isocyanate-active prepolymer using a crosslinking agent. The crosslinking agent is formulated to have at least three functional groups that are reactive with functional groups of the polyurethane or of the isocyanate-active prepolymer. A method of making the photochromic polyurethane laminate includes steps of causing the crosslinking. 1. A photochromic polyurethane laminate comprising:{'claim-text': ['a polyurethane;', 'an isocyanate prepolymer;', 'a crosslinking agent comprising a blocked isocyanate with three or more functional isocyanate groups; and', 'a photochromic agent;'], '#text': 'a crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer prepared from a composition comprising:'}a first resin layer attached to a first side of the crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer; anda second resin layer attached to a second side of the crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer.2. The photochromic polyurethane laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the polyurethane is formed from a polycaprolactone diol.3. A photochromic polyurethane laminate comprising:a first resin layer;a second resin layer; anda crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer disposed between the first and the second resin layers, the crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer formed of a composition comprising:a polyurethane;an isocyanate prepolymer;a crosslinking agent having at least three blocked functional groups with a blocking agent, wherein said at least three blocked functional groups react with hydroxyl groups of the polyurethane when said blocking agent is removed at an elevated temperature from said at least three blocked functional groups of said crosslinking agent; andat least one photochromic compound.4. The photochromic polyurethane laminate according to claim 3 , wherein said at least three blocked functional groups of the crosslinking agent are blocked isocyanate ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031982A1
Автор: Harvey Iain, Wen Mei

Clearcoat compositions and methods for forming a clearcoat compositions are provided. In one example, a clearcoat composition includes a binder portion A that includes a polyaspartic ester resin. An activator portion B includes a polyol-modified isocyanate that is a reaction product of a polyisocyanate component and a polyol component. The polyol component includes polycaprolactone polyol. 1. A clearcoat composition comprising:a binder portion A comprising a polyaspartic ester resin; andan activator portion B comprising a polyol-modified isocyanate that is a reaction product of a polyisocyanate component and a polyol component that comprises polycaprolactone polyol.2. The clearcoat composition of claim 1 , wherein the polycaprolactone polyol has a number average molecular weight (MN) of from about 200 to about 2000.3. The clearcoat composition of claim 1 , wherein the polycaprolactone polyol has a functionality of from 2 to 4.4. The clearcoat composition of claim 1 , wherein the polycaprolactone polyol has an equivalent weight of from about 80 to about 1000 g/mol.5. The clearcoat composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyol component further comprises at least one additional polyol and/or alcohol selected from polyester polyols claim 1 , polyether polyols claim 1 , polyacrylate polyols claim 1 , polycarbonate polyols claim 1 , polyurethane polyols claim 1 , polyacetal polyols claim 1 , polyester amide polyols claim 1 , polythioether polyols claim 1 , aliphatic dialcohols claim 1 , trialcohols claim 1 , tetra-functional alcohols claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The clearcoat composition of claim 5 , wherein the polyol component is a mixture of polyols comprising the polycaprolactone polyol and the at least one additional polyol and/or alcohol claim 5 , and wherein the mixture of polyols has a number average functionality of from about 1.5 to about 6.7. The clearcoat composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyisocyanate component comprises one or more ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031984A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

Resin particles for addition to a surface protective resin member include an acrylic-urethane resin as a main component. The resin particles have a Martens hardness at 23° C. in a range of 0.5 N/mmto 220 N/mm, a recovery ratio at 23° C. in a range of 70% to 100%, and a volume average particle size D50v in a range of 3 μm to 50 λm. 1. Resin particles for addition to a surface protective resin member , the resin particles comprising an acrylic-urethane resin as a main component ,{'sup': 2', '2, 'the resin particles having a martens hardness at 23° C. in a range of 0.5 N/mmto 220 N/mm, a recovery ratio at 23° C. in a range of 70% to 100%, and a volume average particle size D50v in a range of 3 μm to 50 μm.'}2. The resin particles according to claim 1 , wherein the resin particles have a volume-based particle size distribution index GSDv in a range of 1.0 to 1.5 calculated using (D84v/D16v).3. The resin particles according to claim 1 , wherein the resin particles have an average circularity in a range of 0.8 to 1.0.4. The resin particles according to claim 1 , wherein the acrylic-urethane resin is a reaction product of a hydroxyl-group-containing acrylic resin (a) claim 1 , a polyol (b) having a plurality of hydroxyl groups linked together via a carbon chain having 6 or more carbon atoms claim 1 , and multifunctional isocyanate (c).5. The resin particles according to claim 4 , wherein a ratio [OH/OH] of a hydroxyl value [OH] of the hydroxyl-group-containing acrylic resin (a) to a hydroxyl value [OH] of the polyol (b) is in a range of 0.1 to 3.6. The resin particles according to claim 4 , wherein the hydroxyl-group-containing acrylic resin (a) is an acrylic resin in which a molar content ratio of hydroxyl groups of hydroxyl-group-containing side chains each having 10 or more carbon atoms to hydroxyl groups of hydroxyl-group-containing side chains each having less than 10 carbon atoms is less than 1/3 claim 4 , oran acrylic resin in which all hydroxyl-group-containing ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032101A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An aqueous emulsion includes a prepolymer that is a reaction product of a multifunctional isocyanate and an acrylic resin having fluorine atoms and hydroxyl groups and having an acid value in a range of 5 mgKOH/g to 100 mgKOH/g; and an aqueous solvent. 1. An aqueous emulsion comprising:a prepolymer that is a reaction product of a multifunctional isocyanate and an acrylic resin having fluorine atoms and hydroxyl groups and having an acid value in a range of 5 mgKOH/g to 100 mgKOH/g; andan aqueous solvent.2. The aqueous emulsion according to claim 1 , wherein the prepolymer has a hydroxyl value in a range of 120 mgKOH/g to 170 mgKOH/g.3. The aqueous emulsion according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio [OH/NCO] of a number of moles [OH] of the hydroxyl groups of the acrylic resin to a number of moles [NCO] of isocyanate groups of the multifunctional isocyanate is in a range of 2 to 40.4. The aqueous emulsion according to claim 1 , wherein the acrylic resin includes the fluorine atoms in a range of 0.1 mass % to 50 mass %.5. The aqueous emulsion according to claim 1 , wherein the acrylic resin is a polymer ofan ethylenic monomer having a fluorine atom,an ethylenic monomer having a carboxyl group,an ethylenic monomer having a hydroxyl group and a moiety that provides a side chain of the polymer and has 4 or more carbon atoms, andan ethylenic monomer not having a fluorine atom, a carboxyl group, or a hydroxyl group.6. The aqueous emulsion according to claim 1 , wherein the acrylic resin is a polymer ofan ethylenic monomer having a fluorine atom,an ethylenic monomer having a carboxyl group,an ethylenic monomer having a hydroxyl group, andan ethylenic monomer not having a fluorine atom, a carboxyl group, or a hydroxyl group,wherein the prepolymer is a reaction product of the acrylic resin, the multifunctional isocyanate, and a polyol having a plurality of hydroxyl groups linked together via a carbon chain having 6 or more carbon atoms.7. The aqueous emulsion according to claim 6 ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Re-workable moisture curable hot melt adhesive composition, methods of using the same, and articles including the same

Номер: US20160046845A1
Принадлежит: HB Fuller Co

Disclosed is an article that includes a first substrate, a second substrate, and a re-workable adhesive composition, the first substrate being bonded to the second substrate through the adhesive composition. The adhesive composition is derived from a moisture curable polyurethane hot melt adhesive composition that includes a polyurethane prepolymer that includes the reaction product of a first crystalline polyester polyol having a number average molecular weight of from at least 5500 grams per mole (g/mol) to about 20,000 g/mol and a melting point of at least 40° C., and a polyisocyanate. The re-workable adhesive composition is cleanly removable from at least one of the first substrate and the second substrate after conditioning the article at a temperature of from at least 60° C. to no greater than 100° C. for a period of about 30 minutes.

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Re-workable moisture curable hot melt adhesive composition, methods of using the same, and articles including the same

Номер: US20160046846A1
Принадлежит: HB Fuller Co

Disclosed is an article that includes a first substrate, a second substrate, and a re-workable adhesive composition, the first substrate being bonded to the second substrate through the adhesive composition. The adhesive composition is derived from a moisture curable polyurethane hot melt adhesive composition that includes a polyurethane prepolymer that includes the reaction product of a first crystalline polyester polyol having a number average molecular weight of from at least 5500 grams per mole (g/mol) to about 20,000 g/mol and a melting point of at least 40° C., and a polyisocyanate. The re-workable adhesive composition is cleanly removable from at least one of the first substrate and the second substrate after conditioning the article at a temperature of from at least 60° C. to no greater than 100° C. for a period of about 30 minutes.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Limonene-based (meth)acrylates for use in 3d printing

Номер: US20220064350A1
Принадлежит: Basf Schweiz Ag, BASF SE

The present invention relates to photocurable compositions, comprising a limonene-based (meth)acrylate (A) obtainable by reacting a) 1 equivalent of a compound of formula, especially (I) with 1 to 3 equivalents of a compound of formula (II) in the presence of a catalyst and an inhibitor at elevated temperature and its use in a photopolymerization 3D printing process. The limonene-based (meth)acrylate (A) significantly increases stiffness and glass transition temperatures of photo-cured acrylate compositions. While such effects are usually achieved with the use of aromatic or bisphenol A based compounds, the limonene-based (meth)acrylate (A) offers a sustainable alternative at much lower viscosity.

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Polymer Network with Triple Shape Effect and Associated Programming Method

Номер: US20150053344A1

The invention relates to a polymer network with triple-shape-memory effect and an associated programming method. The invention also relates to a method for producing layer systems made of shape-memory materials comprising the polymer network. The polymer network includes A) a first crystalline switching segment made of a star polymer; and B) a second crystalline switching segment made of a linear polymer or a star polymer.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Polyurethanes, Articles and Coatings Prepared Therefrom and Methods of Making the Same

Номер: US20180051123A1

The present invention provides polyurethanes including a reaction product of components including: (a) an isocyanate functional urethane prepolymer comprising a reaction product of components including: (i) about 1 equivalent of at least one polyisocyanate; and (ii) about 0.1 to about 0.5 equivalents of at least one diol having 2 to 18 carbon atoms; and (b) about 0.05 to about 0.9 equivalents of at least one branched polyol having 4 to 18 carbon atoms and at least 3 hydroxyl groups; and (c) up to about 0.9 equivalents of at least one polyol different from branched polyol (b) and having 2 to 18 carbon atoms, wherein the reaction product components are essentially free of polyester polyol and polyether polyol; compositions, coatings and articles made therefrom and methods of making the same. 1. A polyurethane comprising a reaction product of components comprising: (i) about 1 equivalent of at least one polyisocyanate; and', '(ii) about 0.1 to about 0.5 equivalents of at least one polyol selected from the group consisting of propanediol, butanediol, hexanediol, heptanediol, octanediol, nonanediol, decanediol, sorbitol, mannitol, propylene glycol, neopentyl glycol, 2-methyl-1,3-propanediol, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, and dibutyl 1,3-propanediol, and mixtures thereof; and, '(a) an isocyanate functional urethane prepolymer comprising a reaction product of components comprising(b) about 0.05 to about 1.0 equivalents of at least one polyol (b), based upon the about 1 equivalent of at least one polyisocyanate (i), the polyol (b) being selected from the group consisting of tetramethylolmethane, trimethylolethane, trimethylolpropane, pentaerythritol, dipentaerythritol, tripentaerythritol, and mixtures thereof; and(c) up to about 0.9 equivalents of at least one polyol (c) different from polyol (b) and having 2 to 18 carbon atoms, based upon the about 1 equivalent of at least one polyisocyanate (i),wherein the reaction product components comprise less than about 5 weight ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Curable Composition

Номер: US20220073671A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present application may provide a curable composition capable of securing a waiting time after curing starts, efficiently controlling the relevant waiting time according to the application, and also controlling a curing rate after the waiting time to suit the application. A cured product of the curable composition may be included in a battery module, a battery pack or an automobile. 1. A curable composition comprising a polyol , a reaction inhibitor , a catalyst and a filler ,{'sub': 90', '40', '90', '40, 'wherein a difference (Ht−Ht) between a Shore A hardness 90 confirmation time (Ht) and a Shore A hardness 40 confirmation time (Ht) according to ASTM D 2240 is 200 minutes or less.'}2. The curable composition according to claim 1 , wherein the Shore A hardness 90 confirmation time according to ASTM D 2240 is in a range from 70 minutes to 400 minutes.3. The curable composition according to claim 1 , wherein the Shore A hardness 40 confirmation time (Ht) according to ASTM D 2240 is in a range from 40 minutes to 300 minutes.4. The curable composition according to claim 1 , wherein a difference (Ht−Ht) between a Shore A hardness confirmation time (HO and the Shore A hardness 40 confirmation time (Ht) according to ASTM D 2240 is in a range from 1 minute to 30 minutes.5. The curable composition according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction inhibitor comprises one or more reaction-inhibitory functional groups selected from the group consisting of a mercapto group claim 1 , an amino group and a phenolic hydroxyl group.6. The curable composition according to claim 5 , wherein the reaction inhibitor has a reaction-inhibitory functional value by following equation 2 in a range of from 0.001 to 0.02:{'br': None, 'i': 'FV=F/M', '[Equation 2]'}Equation 2, FV is the reaction-inhibitory functional value, F is a number of reaction-inhibitory functional groups, and M is a molar mass of the reaction inhibitor.7. The curable composition according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Implantable medical devices

Номер: US20140135889A9
Принадлежит: Scimed Life Systems Inc

A medical device includes a balloon catheter having an expandable member, e.g., an inflatable balloon, at its distal end and a stent or other endoprosthesis. The stent is, for example, an apertured tubular member formed of a polymer and is assembled about the balloon. The stent has an initial diameter for delivery into the body and can be expanded to a larger diameter by inflating the balloon.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150065676A1
Автор: Wang Zhijun

The present invention is related to a polyurethane dispersant and a preparation method thereof. The polyurethane dispersant is terminated by a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compound during synthesis. The nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compound is prepared by subjecting anhydride and a compound containing a primary amine and a secondary amine or a hydroxyl or mercapto group to dehydration condensation. The condensed product is the nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compound, containing a reactive hydrogen. The structural formula of the compound containing the primary amine and the secondary amine or hydroxyl or mercapto group is shown as follows: 2. A method to produce the new polyurethane dispersant according to claim 1 , characterized in that the method contains the following steps:first, group A reacts with group B in a mixture solution of dimethyl benzene and butyl acetate with the catalyst DBTDL under the temperature of 70 to 80° C., wherein group B is used to close 1˜90% of the —NCO group in group A,then group C is added and the reaction is continued at 70˜80° C., wherein group C closes 5˜80% of the —NCO group of the A group, and the total amount of the —NCO group closed by group B and group C is 30˜90%,last, the reaction mixture is kept warm under 50˜60° C., and group D is used to close the rest of the —NCO group in group A, whereingroup A is one or a plurality of isocyanate polymers with an average functionality of 2.0 to 6.0,group B are monohydroxyl compounds of polyether or polyester or polyacrylic ester,group C is a chain extender of two functionality,group D is a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compound.3. A method to produce the new polyurethane dispersant according to claim 2 , characterized in that the monohydroxyl compounds can be obtained by ring opening of the small molecules of mono alcohols and inner ester claim 2 , and can also be obtained by polycondensation of the small molecules of mono alcohols claim 2 , diols claim 2 , dicarboxylic acids ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Integrated Polyurethane Article

Номер: US20200060384A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

This technology relates to an integrated article that includes (a) a flexible foam region and (b) a non-foam region. The flexible foam region and the non-foam region are each made of a polyurethane composition. In some embodiments, the flexible foam region is a midsole, and wherein the non-foam region is an outsole. The flexible foam region is made from a flexible polyurethane injection molded foam. The non-foam region is made from a non-foamed polyurethane, which may be extruded or thermoformed. The invention relates to this integrated article, as well as the methods of making and using the same.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Urethane acrylate hybrid structure adhesives

Номер: US20190062612A1
Автор: Jianxia Chen
Принадлежит: HERCULES LLC

A polymerizable adhesive composition comprising a two-part hybrid polymerizable adhesive composition is disclosed. In particular, the polymerizable adhesive composition comprises an organoborane monoamine complex, a free polyol comprising a dimer fatty polyol and a polyether polyol, at least one free radically polymerizable component, an isocyanate-terminated urethane pre-polymer, a free isocyanate and a low molecular weight chain extending compound. Also disclosed is methods of making and using a hybrid adhesive obtained from polymerization of the polymerizable adhesive composition

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062979A1

A polyurethane-based binder dispersion is described. The polyurethane based binder dispersion comprises: a polyurethane, which comprises: (A) a polyisocyanate; (B) a first polyol having a chain with two hydroxyl functional groups at one end of the chain and no hydroxyl groups at an opposed end of the chain; (C) a second polyol having a chain with two hydroxyl functional groups at both ends of the chain; (D) a carboxylic acid functional group with two hydroxyl functional groups; and (E) a compound shown in formula (1): m(M+) n(X)—R—Y— (1), wherein m is 0 or 1, M is a metal, n is 2 to 10, X is an amino group, R is a C1 to C18 alkyl group, a C6 to C30 aromatic compound or a C4 to C20 aliphatic cyclic compound, and Y is SO3- or SO3H, with the proviso that when m is 0, Y is SO3H and when m is 1, Y is SO3-. 1. A polyurethane-based binder dispersion comprising: (A) a polyisocyanate;', '(B) a first polyol having a chain with two hydroxyl functional groups at one end of the chain and no hydroxyl groups at an opposed end of the chain;', '(C) a second polyol having a chain with two hydroxyl functional groups at both ends of the chain;', '(D) a carboxylic acid functional group with two hydroxyl functional groups;', [{'br': None, 'i': m', 'n, 'sup': '+', '(M)(X)—R—Y\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'wherein', 'm is 0 or 1;', 'M is a metal;', 'n is 2 to 10;', 'X is an amino group,', {'sub': 1', '18', '6', '30', '4', '20, 'R is a Cto Calkyl group, a Cto Caromatic compound or a Cto Caliphatic cyclic compound, and'}, {'sub': 3', '3, 'sup': '−', 'Y is SO or SOH'}, {'sub': 3', '3, 'sup': '−', 'with the proviso that when m is 0, Y is SOH and when m is 1, Y is SO, and'}], '(E) a compound shown in formula (1) below'}, '(F) an optional homopolymer or copolymer of poly(ethylene glycol) having one or two hydroxyl functional groups or one or two amino functional groups at one end of its chain, and, 'a polyurethane, which compriseswater,wherein the polyurethane is dispersed in the water.2. The polyurethane- ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070107A1

Residence structures, systems, and related methods are generally provided. Certain embodiments comprise administering (e.g., orally) a residence structure to a subject (e.g., a patient) such that the residence structure is retained at a location internal to the subject for a particular amount of time (e.g., at least about 24 hours) before being released. The residence structure may be, in some cases, a gastric residence structure. In some embodiments, the structures and systems described herein comprise one or more materials configured for high levels of active substances (e.g., a therapeutic agent) loading, high active substance and/or structure stability in acidic environments, mechanical flexibility and strength in an internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), easy passage through the GI tract until delivery to at a desired internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), and/or rapid dissolution/degradation in a physiological environment (e.g., intestinal environment) and/or in response to a chemical stimulant (e.g., ingestion of a solution that induces rapid dissolution/degradation). In certain embodiments, the structure has a modular design, combining a material configured for controlled release of therapeutic, diagnostic, and/or enhancement agents with a structural material necessary for gastric residence but configured for controlled and/or tunable degradation/dissolution to determine the time at which retention shape integrity is lost and the structure passes out of the gastric cavity. For example, in certain embodiments, the residence structure comprises a first elastic component, a second component configured to release an active substance (e.g., a therapeutic agent), and, optionally, a linker. In some such embodiments, the linker may be configured to degrade such that the residence structure breaks apart and is released from the location internally of the subject after a predetermined amount of time. 179.-. (canceled)80. An article , comprising:a containing ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070108A1

Residence structures, systems, and related methods are generally provided. Certain embodiments comprise administering (e.g., orally) a residence structure to a subject (e.g., a patient) such that the residence structure is retained at a location internal to the subject for a particular amount of time (e.g., at least about 24 hours) before being released. The residence structure may be, in some cases, a gastric residence structure. In some embodiments, the structures and systems described herein comprise one or more materials configured for high levels of active substances (e.g., a therapeutic agent) loading, high active substance and/or structure stability in acidic environments, mechanical flexibility and strength in an internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), easy passage through the GI tract until delivery to at a desired internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), and/or rapid dissolution/degradation in a physiological environment (e.g., intestinal environment) and/or in response to a chemical stimulant (e.g., ingestion of a solution that induces rapid dissolution/degradation). In certain embodiments, the structure has a modular design, combining a material configured for controlled release of therapeutic, diagnostic, and/or enhancement agents with a structural material necessary for gastric residence but configured for controlled and/or tunable degradation/dissolution to determine the time at which retention shape integrity is lost and the structure passes out of the gastric cavity. For example, in certain embodiments, the residence structure comprises a first elastic component, a second component configured to release an active substance (e.g., a therapeutic agent), and, optionally, a linker. In some such embodiments, the linker may be configured to degrade such that the residence structure breaks apart and is released from the location internally of the subject after a predetermined amount of time. 179.-. (canceled)80. A method for delivering a residence ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088966A1

A polyurethane microcellular elastomer, a non-pneumatic tire and a preparation process and use thereof are provided. The polyurethane microcellular elastomer is obtained from a polyurethane reaction system comprising components such as isocyanate, trimethylolpropane-started polycaprolactone triol, a catalyst and a foaming agent. The non-pneumatic tire produced from the polyurethane microcellular elastomer has very strong fatigue resistance and can be used for non-motor vehicles running at high speed. 1. A polyurethane microcellular elastomer obtained from a reaction system comprising the following components:a component A, including one or more polyisocyanates; B1) at least one trimethylolpropane-started polycaprolactone triol having a weight average molecular weight of 300 to 1200 g/mol as determined according to GB/T 7383-2007;', 'B2) at least one polytetramethylene ether glycol having a weight average molecular weight of 650 to 2000 g/mol as determined according to GB/T 7383-2007 in a content of 80 to 90 wt %, based on the total weight of the component B;', 'B3) one or more catalysts; and', 'B4) one or more foaming agents., 'a component B, including2. The polyurethane microcellular elastomer according to claim 1 , wherein the polyisocyanate is a NCO-terminated isocyanate prepolymer having a NCO content of 15 to 25 wt % as determined according to GBT 18446-2009.3. The polyurethane microcellular elastomer according to claim 1 , wherein the B1) is present in a content of 0.5 to 5 wt % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the component B.4. The polyurethane microcellular elastomer according to claim 1 , wherein the foaming agent is water claim 1 , which is present in a content of 0.2 to 1 wt % based on the total weight of the component B.5. The polyurethane microcellular elastomer according to claim 1 , wherein the component B further comprises B5) at least one alcohol claim 1 , alcohol amine or diamine-based chain extender having a low molecular weight claim 1 , ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089807A1
Принадлежит: Daicel Corporation

Provided is a polyester polyol that can be used for forming a polyurethane excelling in durability and solvent resistance. 2. The polyester polyol according to claim 1 , having a number average molecular weight from 500 to 2500.3. The polyester polyol according to claim 1 , wherein Rand Rin Formula (1) represent claim 1 , identically or differently a divalent aliphatic hydrocarbon group.4. The polyester polyol according to claim 1 , wherein m in Formula (2) is 5 or 6.6. A polyurethane comprising a segment formed from a product of addition polymerization of the polyester polyol described in and a polyisocyanate.7. The polyurethane according to claim 6 , further comprising a segment formed from a product of addition polymerization of a polyisocyanate and a compound other than the polyester polyol but containing at least two groups having reactivity with an isocyanate group.8. The polyester polyol according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxyl value is from 45 to 224.9. The polyester polyol according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in Formula (1) claim 1 , Rand Rrepresent claim 1 , identically or differently claim 1 , a divalent hydrocarbon group claim 1 , and having a number average molecular weight from 500 to 2500.10. The polyester polyol according to claim 1 , wherein Rand Rin Formula (1) represent claim 1 , identically or differently claim 1 , a divalent aliphatic hydrocarbon group claim 1 , and wherein m in Formula (2) is 5 or 6. The present invention relates to a novel polyester polyol and a polyurethane obtained using the polyester polyol. The present patent application claims priority from the Japanese Patent Application No. 2018-225692 filed in Japan on Nov. 30, 2018, the contents of which are incorporated herein.Polyester polyols obtained by using a polyol as an initiator and subjecting a cyclic ester such as caprolactone to ring-opening polymerization with the initiator have been commonly used as raw materials for polyurethane. Such polyester polyols have been ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Biomedical Foams

Номер: US20200069835A1
Принадлежит: Stryker European Holdings I, LLC

The invention relates, generally, to porous absorbent materials which are suitable for packing antrums or other cavities of the human or animal body. More particularly, it relates to hydrophilic biodegradable foams, which may be used e.g. in the form of a plug or tampon, for instance for controlling bleeding, wound closure, prevent tissue adhesion and/or support tissue regeneration. The invention provides an absorbent foam, suitable for packing antrums or other cavities of the human or animal body, comprising a biodegradable synthetic polymer, which polymer preferably comprises —C(O)—O— groups in the backbone of the polymer, for instance polyurethane and/or polyester units combined with polyethers. 1. A method of preparing a foam suitable for packing antrums or other cavities of the human or animal body , said method comprising the steps of: [{'br': None, 'A-R-A′\u2003\u2003(III),'}, {'br': None, 'O═C═N—R′—N═C═O \u2003\u2003(IV),'}, 'with one or more diisocyanates of a formula (IV), [{'br': None, 'B—R″—B′\u2003\u2003(V),'}, 'wherein A, A′, B and B′ are independently selected from hydroxyl, carboxyl or amine,', 'wherein R is selected from one or more aliphatic polyesters, polyetheresters, polyethers, polyanhydrides and/or polycarbonates, and at least one R comprises an amorphous segment and a crystalline segment, wherein the amorphous segment comprises a hydrophilic segment comprising polyethyleneglycol, polypropyleneglycol or polybutyleneglycol, and', {'sub': 2', '8', '1', '10', '1', '10', '2', '8, 'wherein R′ and R″ are independently C-Calkylene, optionally substituted with C-Calkyl or C-Calkyl groups substituted with protected S, N, P or O moieties and/or comprising S, N, P or O in the C-Calkylene;'}], 'and one or more chain extenders of a formula (V)], 'producing a phase-separated polymer in a solvent by reacting one or more pre-polymers according to a formula (III)cooling the phase-separated polymer in the solvent to crystallize the polymer and crystallize the ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089870A1
Автор: GU Jiren
Принадлежит: Avient Corporation

Thermoplastic articles are molded from thermoplastic polyurethane compounds including aromatic polycaprolactone thermoplastic polyurethane. The thermoplastic articles exhibit enhanced stain resistance, as represented by achieving a rating of 1 according to Blue Jean Abrasion Test, relative to thermoplastic articles molded from thermoplastic polyurethane compounds including other types of thermoplastic polyurethanes, while also having good clarity (i.e., low haze) and other desirable properties. The thermoplastic articles can be especially useful as protective cases for handheld electronic devices. 1. A thermoplastic article molded from a thermoplastic polyurethane compound , the thermoplastic polyurethane compound comprising:100 parts by weight of thermoplastic polyurethane selected from aromatic polycaprolactone thermoplastic polyurethane;wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane compound is free of aliphatic polycaprolactone thermoplastic polyurethane; andwherein the thermoplastic article achieves a rating of 1 according to Blue Jean Abrasion Test.2. The thermoplastic article of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane compound further comprises additives selected from antioxidants and stabilisers; colorants; mold release agents; processing aids; ultraviolet light absorbers; and combinations thereof.3. The thermoplastic article of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane compound further comprises secondary polymer selected from styrenic block copolymers claim 1 , thermoplastic vulcanizates claim 1 , polyolefin elastomers claim 1 , copolyesters claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The thermoplastic article of claim 3 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane compound further comprises plasticizer.5. The thermoplastic article of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane compound is free of aromatic polyester thermoplastic polyurethane and aromatic polyether thermoplastic polyurethane.6. The thermoplastic article of claim 1 , wherein the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073456A1
Автор: SHIMIZU Shinji

The purpose of the present invention is to provide: a polishing pad having a high polishing rate and excellent planarizing properties; and a method for producing the polishing pad. A polishing pad which has a polishing layer comprising a polyurethane resin foam, said polishing pad being characterized in that a polyurethane resin, which is a material used for forming the polyurethane resin foam, has an alkoxysilyl group represented by general formula (1) in a side chain thereof. (In the formula, X represents ORor OH; and R's independently represent an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms.) 3. The polishing pad according to claim 2 , wherein said alkoxysilyl group-containing isocyanate is 3-isocyanatopropyltriethoxysilane.4. The polishing pad according to or claim 2 , wherein the content of said alkoxysilyl group-containing isocyanate is 1 to 10% by weight based on said polyurethane raw material composition.6. The method for producing a polishing pad according to claim 5 , wherein said alkoxysilyl group-containing isocyanate is 3-isocyanatopropyltriethoxysilane.7. The method for producing a polishing pad according to or claim 5 , wherein the content of said alkoxysilyl group-containing isocyanate is 1 to 10% by weight based on the total weight of said first and second components.8. A method for producing a semiconductor device comprising polishing the surface of a semiconductor wafer using the polishing pad of any one of to . The present invention relates to a polishing pad which enables planarization processing, stably with high polishing efficiency, of a material which requires high surface planarity, such as optical materials (such as a lens and reflecting mirror), a silicon wafer, a glass substrate for a hard disc, an aluminum substrate and common metal polishings. The polishing pad of the present invention is preferably used especially for a step of planarizing a device with a silicon wafer having formed thereon an oxide layer, a metal layer and the like prior ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079151A1

A composition comprising the reaction product of (a) an isocyanate group-containing component having an average functionality of at least 2; and (b) an active hydrogen group-containing component having an average functionality of at least 2. The composition is biodegradable, a solid at 22° C. and below, and has pressure sensitive adhesive properties at a temperature of 37° C. and relative humidity of 100%. The composition may be used to adhere polymer meshes or films to biological tissue. 1. (canceled)2. A method of making a composition comprising reacting:(a) an isocyanate group-containing component having an average functionality of at least 2; and (b) an active hydrogen group-containing component having an average functionality of at least 2 to form a composition that is biodegradable, a solid at 22° C. and below, and that has pressure sensitive adhesive properties at a temperature of 37° C. and relative humidity of 100%.3. A method according to comprising:(i) reacting the isocyanate group-containing component with a first active hydrogen group-containing reactant having a functionality of at least 2 to form a urethane reaction product having unreacted isocyanate groups; and(ii) reacting the urethane reaction product with a second active hydrogen group-containing reactant.4. A method according to wherein the second active hydrogen group-containing reactant comprises a mono-functional active hydrogen group-containing reactant.5. A method of adhering a polymer mesh or film to biological tissue comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim 2'}, '(a) applying the composition of to the polymer mesh or film to form a pressure sensitive adhesive-bearing mesh or film; and'}(b) adhering the pressure sensitive adhesive-bearing mesh or film to biological tissue through the composition. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/296,670 filed on Nov. 156, 2011, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/413,546, ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Aircraft Windows

Номер: US20200071451A1
Автор: Thomas G. Rukavina
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio Inc

The present invention provides an aircraft window including a polyurethane including a reaction product of components including (a) about 1 equivalent of at least one polyisocyanate; and (b) about 1 equivalent of 1,4-cyclohexane dimethanol based upon the about 1 equivalent of the at least one polyisocyanate, and other aircraft window compositions.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210080826A1

A holographic recording medium composition contains an isocyanate group-containing compound (component (a-1)), an isocyanate-reactive functional group-containing compound (component (b-1)), a polymerizable monomer (component (c-1)), a photopolymerization initiator (component (d-1)), and a stable nitroxyl radical group-containing compound (component (e-1)). A ratio of the total weight of a propylene glycol unit and a tetramethylene glycol unit that are contained in the component (b-1) to the total weight of the component (a-1) and the component (b-1) is 30% or less. 1. A holographic recording medium composition , comprising:component (a-1): an isocyanate group-containing compound;component (b-1): an isocyanate-reactive functional group-containing compound;component (c-1): a polymerizable monomer;component (d-1): a photopolymerization initiator; andcomponent (e-1): a stable nitroxyl radical group-containing compoundwherein a ratio of a total weight of a propylene glycol unit and a tetramethylene glycol unit that are contained in the component (b-1) to a total weight of the component (a-1) and the component (b-1) is 30% or less.2. A holographic recording medium composition , comprising:component (a-1): an isocyanate group-containing compound;component (b-1): an isocyanate-reactive functional group-containing compound;component (c-1): a polymerizable monomer;component (d-1): a photopolymerization initiator; andcomponent (e-1): a stable nitroxyl radical group-containing compound,wherein a ratio of a weight of a caprolactone unit contained in the component (b-1) to a total weight of the component (a-1) and the component (b-1) is 20% or more.3. The holographic recording medium composition according to claim 1 , wherein the photopolymerization initiator is a photopolymerization initiator containing an oxime ester-based photopolymerization initiator.5. The holographic recording medium composition according to claim 4 , wherein Rrepresents an alkyl group claim 4 , an ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Lightfast polyurethane composition

Номер: US20150087774A1

The present invention relates to a composition comprising 10 to less than 50 wt.-% of at least one oligomeric polyisocyanate a-1) based on hexamethylene diisocyanate and more than 50 to 90 wt.-% of at least one polyisocyanate a-2) based on isophorone diisocyanate, comprising monomeric isophorone diisocyanate and at least one oligomeric isophorone diisocyanate, and an isocyanate-reactive component selected from the group consisting of polyester polyol, polyether polyol and mixtures thereof. It has been shown that the above mentioned mixture of the specific isocyanate group containing components improves the thermal and mechanical properties of a cured composition. Thus prepared molded articles are particularly suitable for the preparation of spectacle lenses, inter alia due to these properties.

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Plasticizer Free Curing Composition

Номер: US20150087797A1

Plasticizer free curing compositions comprising small particle size complexes of methylenedianiline and an alkali salt, e.g. a 3:1 coordination complex of MDA/alkali salt, with average diameter 60 micron or less, often 20 micron or less, e.g., 10 microns or less, dispersed in a volatile, non-polar, organic solvent are prepared. Stable one pack urethane compositions comprising the plasticizer free curing compositions and polyurethane prepolymers are prepared, which exhibit excellent storage stability and overcome many of the drawbacks encountered when using MDA complexes dispersed in plasticizers such as high boiling aromatic and alkyl di-esters. 1. A curing composition comprising:an inert liquid carrier having a polarity index of from 0 to about 3.7 and a boiling point at atmospheric pressure of 160° C. or less; andfrom 10 to 90 wt %, based on the total weight of the curing composition of a 3:1 coordination complex of 4,4′-methylenedianiline and an alkali metal salt formed as solid particles having an average diameter of from 1 to 50 μm,wherein the curing composition comprises less than 1 wt % of a plasticizer selected from the group consisting of esters of polycarboxylic acids and monohydric alcohols or phenols, esters of polyols and monocarboxylic acids, triesters of phosphoric acid, aromatic hydrocarbons with a boiling point of over 200° C. and aliphatic hydrocarbons with a boiling point of over 200° C.2. The curing composition of claim 1 , wherein the alkali metal salt is selected from the group consisting of sodium chloride claim 1 , sodium bromide claim 1 , sodium iodide claim 1 , potassium chloride claim 1 , potassium bromide claim 1 , potassium iodide claim 1 , lithium chloride claim 1 , lithium bromide and lithium iodide.3. The curing composition of wherein the coordination complex of 4 claim 2 ,4′-methylene dianiline and an alkali metal salt particles have an average diameter of 20 microns or less.4. The curing composition of claim 1 , wherein the inert ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098436A1

A polyurethane composition suitable for coating a surface of a substrate. The polyurethane composition can include an aliphatic polyester urethane matrix and a fluorinated ionic antistatic additive. The aliphatic polyester urethane matrix can comprise an aliphatic diisocyanate, a polyester polyol having a polyester diol and a polyester triol, and sulfonated polyester urethane polyol. 1. A polyurethane composition suitable for coating a surface of a substrate , the composition comprising:an aliphatic polyester urethane matrix; anda fluorinated ionic antistatic additive;{'sup': '11', '#text': 'wherein the composition has an electrical volume resistivity of less than or equal to about 10ohm/cm at about −40° C. when it is coated on the surface of the substrate.'}2. The polyurethane composition of claim 1 , further comprising one or more surfactants to provide the polyurethane composition with flow and leveling properties.3. The polyurethane composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyurethane composition has flow and leveling properties to adapt the composition to be flow coated over the surface of the substrate.4. The polyurethane composition of claim 1 , wherein the aliphatic polyester urethane matrix comprises a sulfonated polyester urethane polyol.5. The polyurethane composition of claim 4 , wherein the aliphatic polyester urethane matrix further comprising an aliphatic diisocyanate and a polyester polyol including a polyester diol and a polyester triol.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated ionic antistatic additive comprises a quaternary ammonium salt of a fluorinated sulfonimide.7. A method of coating a surface of a substrate with a polyurethane composition claim 1 , the method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', '#text': 'claim 1'}, '#text': 'flow coating the surface with the polyurethane composition of to form a coated surface.'}8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the surface is an outer surface of an aircraft transparency.9. A ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Supramolecular structure and method of manufacturing the same and self-healing elastomer

Номер: US20200079914A1

Disclosed are a supramolecular structure including a plurality of first oligomers having a zwitterion at the terminal end and a plurality of second oligomers having a hydrogen-bondable functional group at the terminal end, wherein a supramolecule including the plurality of first oligomers and a supramolecule including the plurality of second oligomers form a three-dimensional network structure, and a method of manufacturing the same, a self-healing elastomer, a self-healing film, and an electronic device.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Thermoplastic polyurethane yarn

Номер: US20210087712A1
Автор: Heedae Park
Принадлежит: Individual

The thermoplastic polyurethane yarn of the present invention is excellent in abrasion resistance and durability because it contains thermoplastic polyurethane and nanosilica particles having hydrophobic functional groups on the surface thereof and is excellent in durability of a fine denier yarn, and can have a yarn in a form of continuous yarn without breaking yarn development during spinning or stretching. In particular, it is excellent in color dispersibility, antifouling property, scratch resistance, moldability, and the like.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085736A1

Residence structures, systems, and related methods are generally provided. Certain embodiments comprise administering (e.g., orally) a residence structure to a subject (e.g., a patient) such that the residence structure is retained at a location internal to the subject for a particular amount of time (e.g., at least about 24 hours) before being released. The residence structure may be, in some cases, a gastric residence structure. In some embodiments, the structures and systems described herein comprise one or more materials configured for high levels of active substances (e.g., a therapeutic agent) loading, high active substance and/or structure stability in acidic environments, mechanical flexibility and strength in an internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), easy passage through the GI tract until delivery to at a desired internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), and/or rapid dissolution/degradation in a physiological environment (e.g., intestinal environment) and/or in response to a chemical stimulant (e.g., ingestion of a solution that induces rapid dissolution/degradation). In certain embodiments, the structure has a modular design, combining a material configured for controlled release of therapeutic, diagnostic, and/or enhancement agents with a structural material necessary for gastric residence but configured for controlled and/or tunable degradation/dissolution to determine the time at which retention shape integrity is lost and the structure passes out of the gastric cavity. For example, in certain embodiments, the residence structure comprises a first elastic component, a second component configured to release an active substance (e.g., a therapeutic agent), and, optionally, a linker. In some such embodiments, the linker may be configured to degrade such that the residence structure breaks apart and is released from the location internally of the subject after a predetermined amount of time. 179-. (canceled)80. A method for delivering a residence ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085737A1

Residence structures, systems, and related methods are generally provided. Certain embodiments comprise administering (e.g., orally) a residence structure to a subject (e.g., a patient) such that the residence structure is retained at a location internal to the subject for a particular amount of time (e.g., at least about 24 hours) before being released. The residence structure may be, in some cases, a gastric residence structure. In some embodiments, the structures and systems described herein comprise one or more materials configured for high levels of active substances (e.g., a therapeutic agent) loading, high active substance and/or structure stability in acidic environments, mechanical flexibility and strength in an internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), easy passage through the GI tract until delivery to at a desired internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), and/or rapid dissolution/degradation in a physiological environment (e.g., intestinal environment) and/or in response to a chemical stimulant (e.g., ingestion of a solution that induces rapid dissolution/degradation). In certain embodiments, the structure has a modular design, combining a material configured for controlled release of therapeutic, diagnostic, and/or enhancement agents with a structural material necessary for gastric residence but configured for controlled and/or tunable degradation/dissolution to determine the time at which retention shape integrity is lost and the structure passes out of the gastric cavity. For example, in certain embodiments, the residence structure comprises a first elastic component, a second component configured to release an active substance (e.g., a therapeutic agent), and, optionally, a linker. In some such embodiments, the linker may be configured to degrade such that the residence structure breaks apart and is released from the location internally of the subject after a predetermined amount of time. 179-. (canceled)80. An article , comprising:a gastric residence ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093564A1

Residence structures, systems, and related methods are generally provided. Certain embodiments comprise administering (e.g., orally) a residence structure to a subject (e.g., a patient) such that the residence structure is retained at a location internal to the subject for a particular amount of time (e.g., at least about 24 hours) before being released. The residence structure may be, in some cases, a gastric residence structure. In some embodiments, the structures and systems described herein comprise one or more materials configured for high levels of active substances (e.g., a therapeutic agent) loading, high active substance and/or structure stability in acidic environments, mechanical flexibility and strength in an internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), easy passage through the GI tract until delivery to at a desired internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), and/or rapid dissolution/degradation in a physiological environment (e.g., intestinal environment) and/or in response to a chemical stimulant (e.g., ingestion of a solution that induces rapid dissolution/degradation). In certain embodiments, the structure has a modular design, combining a material configured for controlled release of therapeutic, diagnostic, and/or enhancement agents with a structural material necessary for gastric residence but configured for controlled and/or tunable degradation/dissolution to determine the time at which retention shape integrity is lost and the structure passes out of the gastric cavity. For example, in certain embodiments, the residence structure comprises a first elastic component, a second component configured to release an active substance (e.g., a therapeutic agent), and, optionally, a linker. In some such embodiments, the linker may be configured to degrade such that the residence structure breaks apart and is released from the location internally of the subject after a predetermined amount of time. 179-. (canceled)80. A gastric residence structure , comprising: ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Golf ball cover coating composition and golf ball using the same

Номер: US20180093137A1
Принадлежит: Volvik Inc

Provided is a golf ball manufactured using a golf ball cover coating composition that reduces the influence of external light on a golfer during outdoor use due to low surface gloss and reduces damage to the surface of the golf ball caused by external impact due to excellent impact resistance and cutting resistance.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091517A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a golf ball showing increased controllability on approach shots for less than 40 yards and showing excellent shot feeling. In the inventive golf ball, the paint film is formed from a curing type paint composition including: a base material containing a polyrotaxane, and a curing agent containing a polyisocyanate, and wherein the polyrotaxane has a cyclodextrin, a linear molecule included in a cyclic structure of the cyclodextrin in a manner of piercing through the cyclic structure of the cyclodextrin, and a blocking group located at both ends of the linear molecule to prevent disassociation of the cyclodextrin, and at least a part of hydroxyl groups of the cyclodextrin is modified with a caprolactone chain via —O—CH—O— group. 1. A golf ball comprising a golf ball body and a paint film formed on a surface of the golf ball body ,wherein the paint film is formed from a curing type paint composition including: a base material containing a polyrotaxane, and a curing agent containing a polyisocyanate; and{'sub': 2', '5', '3', '6, 'wherein the polyrotaxane comprises a cyclodextrin, and a linear molecule included in the cyclodextrin cyclic structure in a manner of piercing through the cyclic structure of the cyclodextrin, the linear molecule having blocking groups located at both ends of the linear molecule to prevent disassociation of the cyclodextrin, and at least a portion of the cyclodextrin hydroxyl groups being modified with a caprolactone chain expressed by —(CO(CH)O)nH via a —O—CH—O— group, wherein n represents the degree of polymerization and is a natural number of 2 to 70.'}2. The golf ball according to claim 1 , wherein n is a natural number of 3 to 40.3. The golf ball according to claim 1 , wherein a resin component of the base material contains the polyrotaxane in an amount of 10 mass % or more and 100 mass % or less.4. The golf ball according to claim 1 , wherein the base material further contains at least one ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092966A1

A photosensitive coverlay composition for flexible printed circuit (FPC) boards containing specifically designed polyurethane resins with good balance of flexibility, chemical resistance and heat resistance. The photoimageable coverlay composition comprises a photosensitive polyurethane resin, a photosensitive monomer, a photoinitiator, and a thermal setting resins. 1. A photosensitive coverlay composition comprising: a photosensitive polyurethane resin , a photosensitive monomer , a photoinitiator , and a thermosetting resin.2. The photosensitive coverlay composition of claim 1 , wherein the photosensitive polyurethane resin comprises: a diisocyanate claim 1 , polyol claim 1 , carboxylic polyol claim 1 , and hydroxyl (meth) acrylate solvent.3. The photosensitive coverlay composition of claim 2 , wherein the diisocyanate is selected from the group consisting of cycloalkyl diisocyanate and aromatic diisocyanate.4. The photosensitive coverlay composition of claim 2 , wherein the polyol is a diol or a triol.5. The photosensitive coverlay composition of claim 2 , wherein the carboxylic polyol is selected from dimethylolbutanoic acid and dimethylolpropionic acid.6. The photosensitive coverlay composition of claim 1 , wherein the amount of photosensitive polyurethane resin is in the range of about 40% to about 70% by weight of total solid mass of composition.7. The photosensitive coverlay composition of claim 1 , wherein the amount of photosensitive monomer is in the range of about 5% to about 20% by weight of total solid mass of composition.8. The photosensitive coverlay composition of claim 1 , wherein the photoinitiator is in the range of about 1% to about 10% by weight of total solid mass of composition.9. The photosensitive coverlay composition of claim 1 , wherein the thermosetting resin is an epoxy resin.10. The photosensitive coverlay composition of claim 9 , wherein the composition has a molar ratio of epoxy group to carboxylic acid group in the range of about 1: ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150105530A1

The present invention relates to chain extenders, processes for their preparation and their use in the preparation of biocompatible biodegradable polyurethanes and polyurethane ureas for biomedical applications such as stents, scaffolds for tissue engineering. 2. A biocompatible biodegradable polyurethane or polyurethane urea according to wherein the aryl group is selected from the group consisting of phenyl claim 1 , naphthyl claim 1 , tetrahydronaphthyl claim 1 , indane and biphenyl.3. A biocompatible biodegradable polyurethane or polyurethane urea according to wherein the heterocyclyl group is selected from the group consisting of unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 4 nitrogen atoms claim 1 , saturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 4 nitrogen atoms claim 1 , unsaturated condensed heterocyclic groups containing 1 to 5 nitrogen atoms claim 1 , unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing an oxygen atom claim 1 , unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic group containing 1 to 2 sulphur atoms claim 1 , unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic group containing 1 to 2 oxygen atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms claim 1 , saturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic group containing 1 to 2 oxygen atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms claim 1 , unsaturated condensed heterocyclic group containing 1 to 2 oxygen atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms claim 1 , unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic group containing 1 to 2 sulphur atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms claim 1 , saturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic group containing 1 to 2 sulphur atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms claim 1 , and unsaturated condensed heterocyclic group containing 1 to 2 sulphur atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms.4. A biocompatible biodegradable polyurethane or polyurethane urea according to wherein the heterocyclyl group is selected from the group consisting of pyrrolyl claim 1 , pyrrolinyl claim 1 , imidazolyl claim 1 , pyrazolyl ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Reactive hot-melt adhesive composition containing a polyester-polyurethane

Номер: US20200095486A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

A reactive hot-melt adhesive composition is provided which is the product of a reaction mixture comprising a polyester-polyurethane intermediate, optionally crystalline and/or amorphous polyesters or polyethers, and an excess of isocyanate groups. The inclusion of the polyester-polyurethane intermediate in the reactive hot-melt adhesive composition allows the properties of the adhesive composition to be customized for various applications.

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Photochromic Polyurethane Laminate

Номер: US20180100951A1
Принадлежит: Vision Ease, LP

A photochromic polyurethane laminate wherein the photochromic polyurethane layer of the laminate has been crosslinked with an isocyanate-active prepolymer using a crosslinking agent. The crosslinking agent is formulated to have at least three functional groups that are reactive with functional groups of the polyurethane or of the isocyanate-active prepolymer. A method of making the photochromic polyurethane laminate includes steps of causing the crosslinking. 1. A photochromic polyurethane laminate comprising: a polyurethane;', 'an isocyanate prepolymer;', 'a crosslinking agent comprising a molecule having at least one functional amine group and at least one functional hydroxyl group; and', 'a photochromic agent;, 'a crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer prepared from a composition comprisinga first resin layer attached to a first side of the crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer; anda second resin layer attached to a second side of the crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer.2. The photochromic polyurethane laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the polyurethane is formed from a polycaprolactone diol.3. A photochromic polyurethane laminate comprising: a polyurethane;', 'an isocyanate prepolymer;', 'a crosslinking agent comprising a blocked isocyanate with three or more functional isocyanate groups; and', 'a photochromic agent;, 'a crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer prepared from a composition comprisinga first resin layer attached to a first side of the crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer; anda second resin layer attached to a second side of the crosslinked photochromic polyurethane layer.4. The photochromic polyurethane laminate according to claim 3 , wherein the polyurethane is formed from a polycaprolactone diol.5. A photochromic polyurethane laminate comprising: a polyurethane;', 'an isocyanate prepolymer;', 'a crosslinking agent comprising a heat-activated urea compound having two or more functional urea groups; and', 'a ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Class of Anti-Adhesion Hydrogels With Healing Aspects

Номер: US20190105426A1

Disclosed are hydrogels polymerized with a biofunctional moiety, biodegradable and permanent, designed to be implantable in a mammalian body and intended to block or mitigate the formation of tissue adhesions. The hydrogels of the present invention are characterized by comprising four structural elements: a) a polymeric backbone which defines the overall polymeric morphology, b) linkage groups, c) side chains, and d) biofunctional end groups. The hydrophobicity of the various structural elements are chosen to reduce tissue adhesion and enhance the biofunctional aspect of the end groups. The morphology of these polymers are typically of high molecular weight and have shape to encourage entanglement. Useful structures include branching chains, comb or brush, and dendritic morphologies. 1. A copolymeric hydrogel comprising the polymerization product of a polymer comprising:a) aliphatic ester units,b) a polyethylene oxide, a polypropylene oxide, or both,c) a diisocyanate, andd) a chain extender or cross linker,wherein the polymerization product comprises at least 30% water by weight bound to the hydrogel by hydrogen bonding.2. The copolymeric hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein the polymerization product comprises at least one segment represented by {{Dr[A(Bp)An]Dr}E}m claim 1 , wherein independently for each occurrence claim 1 , A represents an aliphatic ester unit claim 1 , B represents an ethylene oxide group claim 1 , D is the diisocyanate claim 1 , m is an integer greater than or equal to 2 claim 1 , n is an integer ranging from 20 to 50 claim 1 , p is an integer greater than or equal to 1 claim 1 , and r is an integer greater than or equal to 1.3. The copolymeric hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a dendritic or comb backbone.4. The copolymeric hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein the aliphatic ester is an a polylactic lactic acid claim 1 , a polycarbonate claim 1 , a polycaprolactone claim 1 , a polypropylene carbonate5. The copolymeric hydrogel of claim 1 , ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112080A1

A self-healing composition including, urethane (meth)acrylate having two (meth)acrylate groups, six or more urethane groups, and a substituted or unsubstituted polyhedral silsesquioxane. 1. A self-healing composition comprising ,a urethane (meth)acrylate having two (meth)acrylate groups, and six or more urethane groups, anda substituted or unsubstituted polyhedral silsesquioxane.2. The self-healing composition of claim 1 , wherein the urethane (meth)acrylate is a reaction product of a C1 to C20 aliphatic diisocyanate claim 1 , a C1 to C100 aliphatic diol claim 1 , and a C1 to C20 hydroxyalkyl(meth)acrylate.3. The self-healing composition of claim 2 , wherein the C1 to C100 aliphatic diol comprisesabout 50 weight percent to about 99 weight percent of a C10 to C100 polyalkylene glycol or a polylactone glycol andabout 1 weight percent to about 50 weight percent of C1 to C9 alkylene glycol, based on a total weight of the C1-C100 aliphatic diol in the urethane (meth)acrylate.8. The self-healing composition of claim 4 , wherein Rof Chemical Formula 1 is a substituted or unsubstituted C2 to C6 alkylene group.9. The self-healing composition of claim 1 , wherein a weight average molecular weight of the urethane (meth)acrylate ranges from about 3 claim 1 ,000 grams per mole to about 100 claim 1 ,000 grams per mole.10. The self-healing composition of claim 1 , wherein a glass transition temperature of the urethane (meth)acrylate ranges from about −40° C. to about 40° C.11. The self-healing composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyhedral silsesquioxane is substituted with an alkyl group claim 1 , an aryl group claim 1 , a (meth)acryl group claim 1 , a vinyl group claim 1 , an amino group claim 1 , an alcohol group claim 1 , a carboxyl group claim 1 , a halogen group claim 1 , or a combination thereof.12. The self-healing composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyhedral silsesquioxane is substituted with a phenyl group.13. The self-healing composition of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Urethane Hybrid Agricultural Vehicle Track

Номер: US20180118288A1

Endless vehicle tracks including a body having an outer surface formed of an elastomeric material displaying a series of ground engaging profiles longitudinally spaced along the outer surface, and an inner surface formed a urethane reinforcement material. The inner surface generally displays a series of longitudinally spaced guide-drive lugs for retaining the track on the vehicle and/or driving the vehicle. In some aspects, the urethane reinforcement defines the inner surface of the body, and the urethane reinforcement may even be a continuous structure forming a base of the inner surface. In some cases, the urethane reinforcement defines wheel path regions of the body, and the urethane reinforcement may even form the guide-drive lugs. In some embodiments, the endless vehicle track further includes a fabric reinforcement layer disposed beneath or upon the outer surface of the upper face of the guide-drive lugs. 1. An endless vehicle track comprising a body comprising an elastomeric material forming an outer surface displaying a series of ground engaging profiles longitudinally spaced along the outer surface , and an inner surface comprising a urethane reinforcement , the inner surface displaying a series of longitudinally spaced guide-drive lugs for retaining the track on the vehicle and/or driving the vehicle;wherein the urethane reinforcement is formed from an admixture comprising a castable urethane material; and,wherein the castable urethane material consists of a liquid which completely fills a mold and hardens to form the urethane reinforcement.2. The endless vehicle track of wherein the urethane reinforcement defines the inner surface of the body.3. The endless vehicle track of wherein the urethane reinforcement is a continuous structure comprising a base.4. The endless vehicle track of wherein the urethane reinforcement defines wheel path regions of the body.5. The endless vehicle track of wherein the urethane reinforcement forms the guide-drive lugs.6. The ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Integrated Polyurethane Article

Номер: US20170119094A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

This technology relates to an integrated article that includes (a) a flexible foam region and (b) a non-foam region. The flexible foam region and the non-foam region are each made of a polyurethane composition. In some embodiments, the flexible foam region is a midsole, and wherein the non-foam region is an outsole. The flexible foam region is made from a flexible polyurethane injection molded foam. The non-foam region is made from a non-foamed polyurethane, which may be extruded or thermoformed. The invention relates to this integrated article, as well as the methods of making and using the same.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113933A1
Принадлежит: BVW HOLDING AG

The present disclosure relates to compositions A composition comprising a polymerization product of an anionic polysaccharide, a diisocyanate, and a linker, wherein the linker comprises i) an ether group, an ester group, or a combination thereof and, ii) a chain extender comprising a hydroxyl group, a thiol group, an amine group, or a combination thereof. The disclosure further relates to medical devices comprising the aforementioned compositions, and to methods of using the compositions and devices. More particularly, the compositions, devices and methods described herein are useful for preventing protein adhesions in vivo, particularly the Vroman effect. 130-. (canceled)31. A composition comprising a polymerization product of a prepolymer and a linker ,{'sub': 'n', 'wherein the prepolymer is represented by I[BABBAB]I, wherein, independently for each occurrence, A represents a glycosaminoglycan block, or a salt thereof, each occurrence of B represents a single urethane or urea linkage derived from the reaction of a free hydroxyl group of a glycosaminoglycan molecule, or a salt thereof, of the glycosaminoglycan block, with an isocyanate group of an aliphatic diisocyanate molecule, I represents an unreacted isocyanate from an aliphatic diisocyanate, and n represents an integer ranging from 1 to 10,000,'}wherein the linker comprises the structure ECE, wherein, independently for each occurrence, C represents an ether-ester copolymer block, the ether-ester copolymer block including a urethane linkage, wherein the ether-ester copolymer block is derived from the product of a polyether connected to a polyester via a diisocyanate and E represents the chain extender comprising a terminal hydroxyl, thiol, or amino group, wherein the terminal hydroxyl, thiol, or amino groups react with the unreacted isocyanates of the prepolymer to produce the polymerization product.321. The composition of claim , wherein the polymerization product comprises at least one segment represented by ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Flame retardant prepolymer composition, flame retardant polymer composition, and their manufacturing methods and uses

Номер: US20220267501A1
Принадлежит: POLYU GmbH

A flame retardant prepolymer composition for use in a flame retardant polymer includes at least one isocyanate-terminated polyurethane prepolymer containing at least one phosphonate oligomer, phosphonate monomer or a mixture thereof in an amount of from 5 to 75 parts by weight, referring to the total amount of the at least one isocyanate-terminated polyurethane prepolymer. The at least one phosphonate oligomer, phosphonate monomer or a mixture thereof contains units according to the following structural formula (I) of the description in which n is an integer from 1 to 20, R is a C1-20 alkyl, C2-20 alkene, C2-20 alkyne, C3-20 cycloalkyl, or C6-20 aryl, and R2 is an aliphatic and/or aromatic group, wherein a NCO value is in a range between approximately 2% to approximately 10% obtained by titration against a dibutylamine/tolulene solution as per ISO 14896: 2009-07 Method A.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200115587A1
Автор: Meline Ronald L.
Принадлежит: Texstars, LLC

The present invention provides a composition as well as a method for repairing deep scratches, gouges, etc. and which is particularly useful for aircraft and aerospace transparency repair. The composition is a blend of a polishable two-part, solvent-free, polyurethane coating composition for repairing the transparencies and which, after application, cures to a thermoset polyurethane. An optical grid is emplaced over the area to be repaired prior to applying the blend. 1. A transparency repair composition comprising: a two-part system of:(a) a hydroxy-terminated polyol, a light stabilizer and a catalyst defining Part A;(b) an aliphatic polyisocyanate defining Part B; andwherein, when cured, provides a thermoset polyurethane atop the transparency.2. A method for repairing an aerospace or aircraft transparency comprising:a) removing any coating surrounding the scratched or gauged transparency area to be repaired;b) emplacing an optical grid atop the transparency; (1) a hydroxy-terminated polyol, a light stabilizer and a catalyst defining Part A;', '(2) an aliphatic polyisocyanate defining Part B; and', '(3) placing an FEP release film thereover and smoothing the FEP film, and, thereafter, curing the blend which when cured, provides a thermoset polyurethane., 'c) applying to the transparency atop the grid, a two-part component system which comprises a blend of3. The method of claim 2 , wherein Part A further includes a chain extender consisting essentially of a short chain diol.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the hydroxy-terminated polyol is either a polyether or polyester polyol having at least two primary hydroxy groups and mixtures thereof.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the hydroxy-terminated polyol is a polyester triol terminated by primary hydroxyl groups.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the hydroxy-terminated polyol is an aliphatic polyester primary hydroxy-terminated triol.7. The composition of claim 6 , wherein the light stabilizer is a liquid ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Photochromic adhesive composition, photochromic layered body, and optical article using said photochromic layered body

Номер: US20210155830A1
Принадлежит: Tokuyama Corp

The present invention includes: a photochromic adhesive composition containing (A) a photochromic compound having, as a substituent, a molecular chain having a molecular weight of 300 or more, and (B) an adhesive urethane (urea) resin, and having a softening point of 140 to 220° C., and a photochromic laminate using the adhesive composition. The invention provides the photochromic adhesive composition that functions as an adhesive layer for bonding optical sheets, and the photochromic laminate using the composition exhibits excellent photochromic characteristics, adhesiveness and workability

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Thermally stable microstructured semi-ipn layer

Номер: US20180127534A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Thermally stable microstructured layers comprising polyurethane, polyurea and/or polyurethane/urea semi-IPN materials are provided which have microstructured surfaces which are highly durable, erosion resistant, and thermally stable. The microstructured layer comprises a semi-IPN of a polymer network selected from the group consisting of urethane acrylate polymer networks, urethane/urea acrylate polymer networks and urea acrylate polymer networks and a linear or branched polymer that is a thermoplastic polymer selected from the group consisting of thermoplastic polyurethanes, thermoplastic polyurethane/polyureas, thermoplastic polyureas, and combinations thereof. The microstructures are thermally stable at temperatures above the crossover point of the thermoplastic polymer, despite comprising a majority of such thermoplastic material. In another aspect, the present disclosure provides methods of making microstructured layers according to the present disclosure.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Fast recovery hard thermoplastic polyurethanes

Номер: US20180127535A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

The thermoplastic polyurethane compositions described herein have very good recovery properties, rebound resilience, or both, while also having good hardness. It has been difficult to provide thermoplastic polyurethane compositions with this combination of properties. Some compositions described herein also provide low haze and/or good clarity properties. These combination of properties make the thermoplastic polyurethane compositions described herein useful materials for application that require fast recovery, good rebound resilience, or both while also requiring hard materials, and in some embodiments low haze and/or good clarity.

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Melt Processable Thermoplastic Polyurethane-Urea Elastomers

Номер: US20190127511A1

The present invention relates to a melt processable thermoplastic polyurethane-urea composition formed by a continuous bulk process without the presence of solvent using a polyol component, an isocyanate component, and chain extender component comprising a hindered aromatic diamine. 2. (canceled)3. The thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer is melt processable.4. The thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the chain extender comprises diethyltoluenediamine.5. The thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer of wherein the polyol component comprises a polycaprolactone polyol.6. The thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer of wherein the chain extender component further comprises 1 claim 1 ,4-butanediol.7. The thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer of wherein the composition has a Shore A Hardness of about 60 A to about 95 A.8. (canceled)9. A process for making a melt-processable thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer composition comprising:(1) adding a reaction mixture to a heated extruder, said reaction mixture comprising (a) a polyol component, (b) an isocyanate component; and (c) a chain extender component, said chain extender component comprising a hindered aromatic diamine;(2) reacting said polyol component, said isocyanate component, and said chain extender component in a one-shot polymerization process in said heated extruder to form a thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer composition, wherein the composition comprises less than 20 mol % urea;(3) cooling said polyurethane-urea elastomer composition; and(4) processing said polyurethane-urea elastomer composition.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein said processing step includes forming pellets of polyurethane-urea elastomer composition.11. (canceled)12. The process of wherein the reaction mixture is substantially free of solvent.13. The process of wherein the chain extender component comprises ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210163658A1

The present invention relates to a bulk material comprising solid diisocyanate, especially naphthalene 1,5-diisocyanate or p-phenylene diisocyanate, to a process for production thereof, and to a process for preparing isocyanate prepolymers using the bulk material of the invention, to the isocyanate prepolymers themselves and to the use thereof for preparation of polyurethane elastomers, especially cast polyurethane elastomers. 1. A bulk material comprising a solid diisocyanate , wherein the solid diisocyanate is a solid at room temperature (25° C.) , and wherein , in a sieve analysis of the bulk material with a twin-sieve arrangement having mesh sizes 0.1 mm and 4 mm , at least 90% by weight of the bulk material is obtained in a fraction between 0.1 mm and 4 mm.2. The bulk material according to claim 1 , comprising not more than 5% by weight of particles obtained in a <0.1 mm fraction.3. The bulk material according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a sieve analysis with a twin-sieve arrangement having mesh sizes 0.2 mm and 3 mm claim 1 , at least 90% by weight of the bulk material is obtained in the a fraction between 0.2 mm and 3 mm.4. The bulk material according to claim 1 , comprising at most 5% by weight of oversize bulk material and at most 5% by weight of undersize bulk material.5. The bulk material according to claim 1 , comprising ≥98% by weight of solid diisocyanate in the bulk material.6. The bulk material according to claim 1 , wherein the solid diisocyanate is a diisocyanate having a melting point ≥80° C.7. A process for producing the bulk material according to claim 1 , comprising a crystallization operation (i) and at least one step (ii) comprising classification claim 1 , agglomeration claim 1 , or comminution.8. The process according to claim 7 , wherein claim 7 , the crystallization operation (i) comprises crystallizing claim 7 , a melt of the solid diisocyanate on a cold surface and scraping off the solid diisocyanate after solidification.9. The ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Melt Processable Thermoplastic Polyurethane-Urea Elastomers

Номер: US20210163672A1

The present invention relates to a melt processable thermoplastic polyurethane-urea composition formed by a continuous bulk process without the presence of solvent using a polyol component, an isocyanate component, and chain extender component comprising a hindered aromatic diamine. 18-. (canceled)9. A process for making a melt-processable thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer composition comprising:(1) adding a reaction mixture to a heated extruder, said reaction mixture comprising (a) a polyol component, (b) an isocyanate component; and (c) a chain extender component, said chain extender component comprising a hindered aromatic diamine;(2) reacting said polyol component, said isocyanate component, and said chain extender component in a one-shot polymerization process in said heated extruder to form a thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer composition, wherein the composition comprises less than 20 mol % urea;(3) cooling said polyurethane-urea elastomer composition; and(4) processing said polyurethane-urea elastomer composition.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein said processing step includes forming pellets of polyurethane-urea elastomer composition.11. (canceled)12. The process of wherein the reaction mixture is substantially free of solvent.13. The process of wherein the chain extender component comprise diethyltoluenediamine.14. The process of wherein the polyol component comprises a polycarbonate polyol.15. A process for making a molded article from a thermoplastic polyurethane-urea composition comprising:(1) adding a reaction mixture to a heated extruder, said reaction mixture comprising (a) a polyol component, (b) an isocyanate component; and (c) a chain extender component, said chain extender component comprising diethyltoluenediamine;(2) reacting said polyol component, said isocyanate component, and said chain extender component in a one-shot polymerization process in said heated extruder to form a thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomer ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Self-assembled residence devices and related methods

Номер: US20170135954A1

Residence devices as well as their related methods of manufacture and use are generally provided. In some embodiments, a residence device includes a plurality of self-assembling structures that assemble in vivo to form an aggregate structure. Each structure of the plurality of structures includes a first side and a first attachment point that attaches to a second attachment point on another structure of the plurality of structures. The aggregate structure may be sized and shaped to maintain an in vivo position relative to an internal orifice of a subject. The attachment between the first and second attachment points may degrade after a period of time.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135087A1

The invention provides non-naturally occurring microbial organisms containing caprolactone pathways having at least one exogenous nucleic acid encoding a butadiene pathway enzyme expressed in a sufficient amount to produce caprolactone. The invention additionally provides methods of using such microbial organisms to produce caprolactone by culturing a non-naturally occurring microbial organism containing caprolactone pathways as described herein under conditions and for a sufficient period of time to produce caprolactone. 1. A non-naturally occurring microbial organism , said microbial organism having a caprolactone pathway and comprising at least one exogenous nucleic acid encoding a caprolactone pathway enzyme expressed in a sufficient amount to produce caprolactone , wherein said caprolactone pathway comprises a pathway selected from:(1) 1D, 1A, 1B, and 1C;(2) 1E, 1B, 1C and 1D;(3) 1F, 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D;(4) 1F, 1E, 1B, 1C and 1D;(5) 1A, 1B and 1G;(6) 1E, 1B and 1G;(7) 1F, 1A, 1B and 1G;(8) 1F, 1E, 1B and 1G;(9) 1A, 1B, 1C, 1J and 1I;(10) 1E, 1B, 1C, 1J and 1I;(11) 1F, 1A, 1B, 1C, 1J and 1I;(12) 1F, 1E, 1B, 1C, 1J and 1I;(13) 1A, 1B, 1H and 1I;(14) 1E, 1B, 1H and 1I;(15) 1F, 1A, 1B, 1H and 1I;(16) 1F, 1E, 1B, 1H and 1I;(17) 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E and 2F;(18) 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D and 2G;(19) 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2J and 21;(20) 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2H and 21;(21) 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D and 3A; and(22) 5A, 5B, 5C an 3A,wherein 1A is an adipyl-CoA reductase, wherein 1B is an adipate semialdehyde reductase, wherein 1C is a 6-hydroxyhexanoyl-CoA transferase or a 6-hydroxyhexanoyl-CoA synthetase, wherein 1D is a 6-hydroxyhexanoyl-CoA cyclase or spontaneous cyclization, wherein 1E is an adipate reductase, wherein 1F is an adipyl-CoA transferase, an adipyl-CoA synthetase or an adipyl-CoA hydrolase, wherein 1G is a 6-hydroxyhexanoate cyclase, wherein 1H is a 6-hydroxyhexanoate kinase, wherein 1I is a 6-hydroxyhexanoyl phosphate cyclase or spontaneous cyclization, wherein 1J is a phosphotrans-6- ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Residence structures and related methods

Номер: US20190133936A1

Residence structures, systems, and related methods are generally provided. Certain embodiments comprise administering (e.g., orally) a residence structure to a subject (e.g., a patient) such that the residence structure is retained at a location internal to the subject for a particular amount of time (e.g., at least about 24 hours) before being released. The residence structure may be, in some cases, a gastric residence structure. In some embodiments, the structures and systems described herein comprise one or more materials configured for high levels of active substances (e.g., a therapeutic agent) loading, high active substance and/or structure stability in acidic environments, mechanical flexibility and strength in an internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), easy passage through the GI tract until delivery to at a desired internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), and/or rapid dissolution/degradation in a physiological environment (e.g., intestinal environment) and/or in response to a chemical stimulant (e.g., ingestion of a solution that induces rapid dissolution/degradation). In certain embodiments, the structure has a modular design, combining a material configured for controlled release of therapeutic, diagnostic, and/or enhancement agents with a structural material necessary for gastric residence but configured for controlled and/or tunable degradation/dissolution to determine the time at which retention shape integrity is lost and the structure passes out of the gastric cavity. For example, in certain embodiments, the residence structure comprises a first elastic component, a second component configured to release an active substance (e.g., a therapeutic agent), and, optionally, a linker. In some such embodiments, the linker may be configured to degrade such that the residence structure breaks apart and is released from the location internally of the subject after a predetermined amount of time.

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Reaction products containing urethane groups and urea groups

Номер: US20220282021A1
Принадлежит: BYK Chemie GmbH

The present invention relates to reaction products containing urethane groups and urea groups, containing at least one species of general formula (I), to a method for producing said reaction products, to the use of said reaction products as wetting agents, dispersants, dispersion stabilizers, and/or adhesion promoters, and to compositions that contain the reaction products containing urethane groups and urea groups.

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Fast recovery hard thermoplastic polyurethanes

Номер: US20160145375A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

The thermoplastic polyurethane compositions described herein have very good recovery properties, rebound resilience, or both, while also having good hardness. It has been difficult to provide thermoplastic polyurethane compositions with this combination of properties. Some compositions described herein also provide low haze and/or good clarity properties. These combination of properties make the thermoplastic polyurethane compositions described herein useful materials for application that require fast recovery, good rebound resilience, or both while also requiring hard materials, and in some embodiments low haze and/or good clarity.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200139197A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a golf ball having excellent approach spin performance under a dry condition and excellent approach spin performance under a condition that there is grass between the golf ball and the club face. The present invention provides a golf ball comprising a golf ball body and a paint film formed on a surface of the golf ball body, wherein the paint film is composed of at least one layer, and an outermost paint film layer located at the outermost layer of the golf ball contains, as a base resin, a polyurethane obtained by a reaction between (A) a polyisocyanate composition and (B) a polyol composition, and the outermost paint film layer has a dynamic friction coefficient of from 0.75 to 1.5 measured with a dynamic friction tester under specific conditions. 1. A golf ball comprising a golf ball body and a paint film formed on a surface of the golf ball body ,wherein the paint film is composed of at least one layer, and an outermost paint film layer located at the outermost layer of the golf ball contains, as a base resin, a polyurethane obtained by a reaction between (A) a polyisocyanate composition and (B) a polyol composition, andthe outermost paint film layer has a dynamic friction coefficient of from 0.75 to 1.5 measured with a dynamic friction tester under following conditions:moving speed: 2 mm/sload: 1.96 Nmeasuring item: dynamic friction average value in a moving distance of from 2 mm to 10 mm.2. The golf ball according to claim 1 , wherein (B) the polyol composition contains claim 1 , as a polyol component claim 1 , a polyrotaxane having a cyclodextrin claim 1 , a linear molecule piercing through the cyclic structure of the cyclodextrin claim 1 , and blocking groups located at both terminals of the linear molecule to prevent disassociation of the cyclodextrin wherein at least a part of hydroxyl groups of the cyclodextrin is modified with a caprolactone chain via a —O—CH—O— group claim 1 , and ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210177750A1

Residence structures, systems, and related methods are generally provided. Certain embodiments comprise administering (e.g., orally) a residence structure to a subject (e.g., a patient) such that the residence structure is retained at a location internal to the subject for a particular amount of time (e.g., at least about 24 hours) before being released. The residence structure may be, in some cases, a gastric residence structure. In some embodiments, the structures and systems described herein comprise one or more materials configured for high levels of active substances (e.g., a therapeutic agent) loading, high active substance and/or structure stability in acidic environments, mechanical flexibility and strength in an internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), easy passage through the GI tract until delivery to at a desired internal orifice (e.g., gastric cavity), and/or rapid dissolution/degradation in a physiological environment (e.g., intestinal environment) and/or in response to a chemical stimulant (e.g., ingestion of a solution that induces rapid dissolution/degradation). In certain embodiments, the structure has a modular design, combining a material configured for controlled release of therapeutic, diagnostic, and/or enhancement agents with a structural material necessary for gastric residence but configured for controlled and/or tunable degradation/dissolution to determine the time at which retention shape integrity is lost and the structure passes out of the gastric cavity. For example, in certain embodiments, the residence structure comprises a first elastic component, a second component configured to release an active substance (e.g., a therapeutic agent), and, optionally, a linker. In some such embodiments, the linker may be configured to degrade such that the residence structure breaks apart and is released from the location internally of the subject after a predetermined amount of time. 179-. (canceled)80. A gastric residence structure , comprising: ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289893A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A preparation contains a thermoplastic polyisocyanate polyaddition product (TPPP), where the thermoplastic polyisocyanate polyaddition product (TPPP) is obtained by reacting a polyisocyanate, a compound reactive with isocyanate, and water, in the presence of a defoamer containing a polyalphaolefin. Respective production processes as well as the use and devices derived from that preparation are useful. 114-. (canceled)15. A preparation comprising a thermoplastic polyisocyanate polyaddition product (TPPP) , wherein the thermoplastic polyisocyanate polyaddition product is obtained by reacting:(a) a diisocyanate,(b) a compound reactive with isocyanate, and(c) water,in the presence of(d) a defoamer, comprising a polyalphaolefin.16. The preparation according to claim 15 , wherein the thermoplastic polyisocyanate polyaddition product is a thermoplastic polyurethane-urea.17. The preparation according to claim 15 , wherein the thermoplastic polyisocyanate polyaddition product is obtained without chain extender.18. The preparation according to claim 15 , wherein the polyalphaolefin is a reaction product of a 1-alkene comprising 2 to 14 carbon atoms.19. The preparation according to claim 15 , wherein the polyalphaolefin is a reaction product of a 1-alkene selected from the group consisting of 1-hexene claim 15 , 1-octene claim 15 , 1-decene claim 15 , 1-dodecene claim 15 , 1-tetradecene claim 15 , and a mixture thereof.20. The preparation according to claim 15 , wherein the preparation comprises the polyalphaolefin in an amount of 0.5 wt % to 3 wt % claim 15 , based on a whole amount of the preparation.21. The preparation according to claim 15 , wherein the polyalphaolefin has a number average molecular weight from 4.0×10g/Mol to 1.5×10g/Mol.22. The preparation according to claim 15 , wherein the diisocyanate is an aromatic isocyanate.23. A process claim 15 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00015', 'claim 15'}, 'preparing the preparation according to .'}24. The ...
