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13-05-2020 дата публикации

Чернила с квантовыми точками для цифровой пьезоструйной печати и способ их нанесения

Номер: RU2720778C2

Изобретение относится к чернилам с квантовыми точками для цифровых пьезоструйных принтеров, которые можно использовать для печати на широком спектре подложек как впитывающих, так и невпитывающих. Чернила содержат квантовые точки, выбранные из полупроводниковых соединений II-IV группы, III-V или IV-VI группы, монофункциональные и дифункциональные акриловые мономеры, компонент для фотохимического инициирования радикальной полимеризации из ряда фосфиноксидов и ингибитор полимеризации. В качестве квантовых точек чернила содержат CdZnS/ZnS, CdZnSe/ZnS, CdZnSeS/ZnS, CdSe/CdS/ZnS, InP/ZnS, PbSe/ZnS; в качестве монофункциональных акриловых мономеров - акролоилморфолин, тетрагидрофурфурилакрилат или 2-[[бутиламино)карбонил]окси]этил акрилат; в качестве дифункциональных акриловых мономеров - трициклодекандиметанол диакрилат, 1,6-гександиол диакрилат или дипропиленгликоль диакрилат. Описывается также способ нанесения указанных чернил на подложку с использованием УФ-излучения в диапазоне 385-405 нм ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2712660C2
Принадлежит: Зирокс Корпорейшн (US)

Изобретение относится к водным чернилам для струйной печати на любых поверхностях с антибактериальной защитой. Водные чернила включают воду и наночастицу композиционного материала, содержащую ядро и оболочку. Причем оболочка содержит полимерную смолу, содержащую ион металла, например ион серебра, кобальта, меди, никеля, золота, палладия и их комбинации. Ядро содержит полимерную смолу ядра, необязательно содержащую металл. Смола ядра указанной наночастицы может быть выбрана из стирола, акрилата, стиролбутадиена, стиролметакрилата. Чернила могут содержать необязательные сорастворитель и красящее вещество. Способ печати указанными чернилами включает распределение капель чернил в виде изображения на промежуточный элемент для переноса изображения или непосредственно на конечную подложку для приема изображения. При этом композиционный материал выступает в качестве резервуара для доставки ионов металла, например серебра, с обеспечением противобактериального, противогрибкового и противовирусного ...

27-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2443740C2

Изобретение относится к чернильной композиции для струйной печати. Предложенная чернильная композиция для струйной печати включает полиуретановый материал, имеющий среднемассовую молекулярную массу от приблизительно 50000 до приблизительно 500000, в эффективном количестве от приблизительно 0,2 мас.% до приблизительно 5 мас.%. Композиция также включает растворитель в эффективном количестве от приблизительно 5 мас.% до приблизительно 20 мас.%; и анионное поверхностно-активное вещество в эффективном количестве от приблизительно 0,01 мас.% до приблизительно 3 мас.%. Предлагается также способ формирования указанной чернильной композиции и чернильная система для струйной печати, включающая субстрат и указанную чернильную композицию. Предложенная чернильная композиция для струйной печати обеспечивает улучшенную готовность к печати в открытом состоянии (decap). 3 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 13 пр.

07-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621811C2

Изобретение относится к материалу для окрашивания для получения печатного или покрытого материала. Материал для окрашивания содержит материал-основу и расположенный на его поверхности краскоприемный слой. Краскоприемный слой включает в качестве матрицы смолу и имеет шероховатости на поверхности. Среднеарифметическая шероховатость (Ra1) его поверхности, измеренная в соответствии со стандартом JIS B0601, составляет 400-3000 нм. Среднеарифметическая шероховатость (Ra2) его поверхности, измеренная с помощью атомно-силового микроскопа с диапазоном измерений 30×30 мкм и пиксельными данными 512×512, составляет 70-500 нм. Изобретение обеспечивает эффективность одновременного растекания и адгезии отверждаемой актиничным излучением краски при улучшении дизайна и повышении долговечности печатного или покрытого материала. 3 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 40 пр., 3 табл.

20-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2373242C2

Изобретение относится к чернилам для струйных принтеров. Описывается композиция чернил для струйных печатающих устройств, включающих способный к образованию струи разбавитель, содержащий органический сорастворитель, поверхностно-активное вещество и буферный раствор; множество твердых пигментов, самодиспергированных в указанном разбавителе, и сложный полуэфир малеинового ангидрида и стирола (SMA), диспергированный в указанном разбавителе. Описывается также система для печати изображений на подложке, включающая печатающую головку, заполненную способными к образованию струи указанными чернилами. Предложенные чернила обеспечивают снижение времени высыхания при достижении четкого изображения и снижения количества поверхностно-активных веществ или смачивателей или их отсутствия в чернилах на основе черного пигмента. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 3 табл.

20-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2386635C2
Принадлежит: ИНКТЕК КО., ЛТД. (KR)

Настоящее изобретение относится к новому органическому комплексу серебра, включающему серебро, карбамат аммония или карбонат аммония формулы 2 AgnX, где Х - кислород, галоген, циано, карбонат, нитрат, нитрит или сульфат и др., и способу его получения взаимодействием соединения серебра с соответствующим карбаматным соединением аммония или карбонатным соединением аммония. Комплекс обладает высокой стабильностью и применим при получении тонких пленок для получения рисунков соединительной металлизации или электродов. 4 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил., 1 табл.

24-06-2019 дата публикации

Чернила для цифровой пьезоструйной печати, отверждаемые УФ-излучением, и способ их изготовления

Номер: RU2692384C2

Изобретение относится к чернилам, отверждаемым ультрафиолетовым излучением, для цифровых пьезоструйных принтеров и к способу их изготовления. Чернила включают 20-25 мас.% пигментного концентрата, состоящего из цветного пигмента, дисперсанта, дифункционального акрилового мономера и ингибитора полимеризации, а также монофункциональные акриловые мономеры Genomer 1122, АСМО, дифункциональные акриловые мономеры Miramer М222, Sartomer 833S, компонент для фотохимического инициирования радикальной полимеризации, состоящий из фотоинициатора, фотосензитера, аминного соинициатора и мультифункционального тиола, ингибитор полимеризации и смачивающую поверхностно-активную добавку. Чернила имеют вязкость по Брукфильду 15-30 сП при 25°С и поверхностное натяжение 30-40 дин/см при 25°С. Способ изготовления чернил включает получение сначала пигментного концентрата в диссольвере и измельчение его в вертикальной бисерной мельнице в циркуляционном режиме до достижения заданного значения вязкости. Измельченный ...

20-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312882C2

Изобретение относится, в частности, к способу печати, позволяющему защитить печатные материалы от поддельных перепечаток, например при изготовлении денежных знаков, акций, чеков и других представляющих ценность бумаг. Предложена печатная жидкость для печати через узкие сопла на предметы, в частности при изготовлении денежных знаков, акций, чеков, содержащая несущую среду и наночастицы солей металлов в виде кристаллических твердых частиц со средним диаметром менее 300 нанометров, флуоресценцирующих или фосфоресцирующих при возбуждении УФ-излучением диапазона А, В или С или видимым светом, при этом испускаемое излучение флуоресценции или фосфоресценции не лежит в диапазоне частот видимого света, диапазон частот возбуждения и диапазон частот испускания сдвинуты по частоте. Наночастицы содержат дотирующие добавки, по крайней мере, одного вида с диапазоном частот возбуждения и диапазоном частот испускания для флуоресценции или фосфоресценции. Также предложен способ печатания, включающий операцию ...

17-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017141560A3

25-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017130248A3

31-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2773189C1

Изобретение может быть использовано для тонирования печатных красок, чернил, полимерных материалов, стекол, керамических изделий и композиций декоративной косметики. Пигмент с эффектом металла состоит из алюминиевых пластинок субстрата с покрытием. Алюминиевые пластинки субстрата окружены покрытием из SiO2, на которое нанесено следующее покрытие из Fe2O3. Пигмент имеет значение кроющей способности ΔЕ45°≤3 при содержании пигмента не более 7%, значение насыщенности цветового тона (Suv) в диапазоне от 0,2 до 0,3, значение угла цветового тона (huv) в диапазоне от 50 до 65, значение индекса флоп-эффекта Альмана более 26 и значение Gdiff (зернистость/гранулярность) не более 6. Предложены также способ получения пигмента с эффектом металла и его применение. Технический результат заключается в улучшении колористических характеристик и кроющей способности пигмента. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл, 15 пр.

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003124075A

... 1. Краска для струйной печати, включающая по меньшей мере одно водорастворимое затрудненное аминовое соединение общей формулы (I) или (II): где G1 и G2 каждый независимо обозначает алкил, содержащий от 1 до 4 углеродных атомов, или они совместно обозначают пентаметилен; Z1 и Z2 каждый обозначает метил или Z1 и Z2 совместно образуют незамещенный связующий остаток или связующий остаток, замещенный одной или несколькими группами, выбранными из сложноэфирных, простых эфирных, гидрокси, оксо-, циангидриновых, амидных, амино-, карбоксильных и уретановых групп; Е обозначает оксил; Х обозначает неорганический или органический анион; h и j обозначают число от 1 до 5; и где общий заряд катионов h равен общему заряду анионов j. 2. Регистрирующий материал для струйной печати, содержащий по меньшей мере один водорастворимый затрудненный амин общей формулы (I) или (II) по п.1. 3. Система для струйной печати, включающая регистрирующий материал и по меньшей мере одну цветную краску, предназначенную для ...

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005122905A

... 1. Краска для струйной печати или регистрирующий материал для струйной печати, включающий по меньшей мере одну пространственно затрудненную N-гидроксиламиновую соль сильной кислоты формулы в которой G1 и G2 независимо обозначают алкил, содержащий от 1 до 4 углеродных атомов, или совместно обозначают пентаметилен; Z1 и Z2 каждый обозначает метил или Z1 и Z2 совместно образуют незамещенный соединительный остаток или соединительный остаток, замещенный одной или несколькими группами, выбранными из сложноэфирной, простой эфирной, гидроксильной, оксо-, циангидриновой, амидной, амино-, карбокси и уретановой групп, Х обозначает анион сильной кислоты, где общий заряд катионов h равен общему заряду анионов j и где сильная кислота обладает рКа< примерно 4, или включающий по меньшей мере одну диалкил-N-гидроксиламиновую сольформулы где R51 обозначает алкил, содержащий от 1 до 36 углеродных атомов, циклоалкил, содержащий от 5 до 12 углеродных атомов, или аралкил, содержащий от 7 до 9 углеродных атомов ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007115910A

... 1. Жидкость для печати на водной основе, содержащая по меньшей мере один противоскручивающий сорастворитель, в которой указанный по меньшей мере один противоскручивающий сорастворитель содержит по меньшей мере одно соединение в виде внутренней соли, имеющее катион sp3-гибридизованного азота и ассоциированный заряд аниона, изолированный на анионе кислорода, связанном непосредственно с катионом sp3-гибридизованного азота, или изолированный между атомами кислорода карбоксилатной группы. 2. Жидкость для печати на водной основе по п.1, в которой по меньшей мере один противоскручивающий сорастворитель образует смешанный раствор с по меньшей мере одним неионогенным водорастворимым смешиваемым сорастворителем. 3. Жидкость для печати на водной основе по п.2, в которой по меньшей мере один смешиваемый сорастворитель имеет давление паров чистого растворителя не более 4Ч10-2 мм рт.ст. и способен к сильному взаимодействию с образованием водородных связей для разрыва водородных связей между волокнами ...

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009139027A

... 1. Способ получения полимера с применением коммерчески доступного конденсационного полиэфира в качестве исходного материала, включающий: ! выбор смеси, содержащей модифицирующий мономер, при этом указанная смесь, содержащая модифицирующий мономер, содержит по меньшей мере один мономер, причем указанный по меньшей мере один мономер представляет собой молекулу, содержащую гидроксильную или сложноэфирную группу, способен принимать участие в реакциях переэтерификации и имеет молекулярную массу менее чем 1500, и при этом смесь, содержащая модифицирующий мономер, не содержит компоненты, полученные из коммерчески доступного конденсационного полиэфира; и ! переэтерификацию смеси, содержащей модифицирующий мономер, с применением предварительно установленного количества коммерчески доступного конденсационного полиэфира с получением конечного полимера. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что коммерчески доступный конденсационный полиэфир представляет собой полиэтилентерефталат. ! 3. Способ по п.1 ...

08-07-2024 дата публикации

УФ-отверждаемые чернила повышенной светостойкости для цифровой пьезоструйной печати

Номер: RU2822478C1

Изобретение относится к чернилам для цифровой пьезоструйной печати и может быть использовано при изготовлении уличных рекламных конструкций. Светостойкие УФ-отверждаемые чернила для пьезоструйной печати включают монофункциональные акрилаты, триметилолпропан триакрилат, лактамы, дисперсанты, компоненты, регулирующие реологические свойства, неорганические пигменты, компоненты для фотохимического инициирования радикальной полимеризации, соинициатор полимеризации Photomer 5006 и ингибиторы самополимеризации. Монофункциональные акрилаты выбраны из феноксиполиэтиленгликольакрилата, Genomer 1122 и Miramer M140, лактамы – из N-винилкапролактама и N-винилпирролидона. Дисперсанты представляют собой соли сложного полиэфира фосфорной кислоты, компоненты, регулирующие реологические свойства – BYK UV-3500 или Disperbyk-111, компоненты для фотохимического инициирования радикальной полимеризации – этил(2,4,6-триметилбензоил) фенилфосфината, ингибиторы самополимеризации – 2,6-дитребутил-4-метилфенола или ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008141910A

... 1. Чернильная композиция для струйной печати, включающая: ! полиуретановый материал, имеющий среднемассовую молекулярную массу, варьирующую от приблизительно 50000 до приблизительно 500000, полиуретановый материал в эффективном количестве в диапазоне от приблизительно 0,2 мас.% до приблизительно 5 мас.%; ! растворитель, присутствующий в эффективном количестве, варьирующем от приблизительно 5 мас.% до приблизительно 20 мас.%; и ! анионное поверхностно-активное вещество, присутствующее в эффективном количестве в диапазоне от приблизительно 0,01 мас.% до приблизительно 3 мас.%; ! где композиция адаптирована для проявления улучшенной готовности к печати в открытом состоянии (decap). ! 2. Чернильная композиция по п.1, в которой растворитель выбран из 1,3-бис(2-гидроксиэтил)-5,5-диметилгидантоина; пропоксилата глицерина с низкой молекулярной массой; 2-гидроксиэтил-2-имидизолдинона; 2-гидроксиэтил-2-пирролидона; 1,2,6-гексантриола; D-сорбита; 1,4-бис(2-гидроксиэтил)-пиперазина; 3-(N-морфолино) ...

20-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007133499A

... 1. Комплекс серебра, получаемый взаимодействием по меньшей мере одного соединения серебра, представленного ниже формулой 2, по меньшей мере с одним карбаматным соединением аммония или карбонатным соединением аммония, представленными ниже формулами 3, 4 или 5: AgnX (2), где n равно целому числу от 1 до 4, и X представляет собой заместитель, выбранный из группы, состоящей из кислорода, серы, галогена, циано, цианата, карбоната, нитрата, нитрита, сульфата, фосфата, тиоцианата, хлората, перхлората, тетрафторбората, ацетилацетоната и карбоксилата; где каждый из R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 и R6 независимо представляет собой заместитель, выбранный из группы, состоящей из водорода, алифатического или циклоалифатического C1-C30-алкила, арила или аралкила, замещенного алкила или арила, где R1 и R2 и, независимо, R4 и R5 могут образовывать алкиленовое кольцо, содержащее или не содержащее гетероатом, полимерное соединение или его производное. 2. Комплекс серебра по п.1, который представлен ниже формулой 1: ...

27-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005137574A

... 1. Печатная краска, содержащая первый флуоресцентный красящий материал, который излучает флуоресценцию на заданной длине волны излучения, используемой для измерения или определения при возбуждении на заданной длине волны возбуждения; и второй флуоресцентный красящий материал, который излучает флуоресценцию при возбуждении на заданной длине волны возбуждения; в которой спектр возбуждения первого красящего материала в краске для получения флуоресценции на заданной длине волны излучения имеет пиковый диапазон длин волн, примыкающий к заданной длине волны флуоресценции; и спектр флуоресценции излучения второго флуоресцентного красящего материала имеет область длин волн излучения, по существу включающую по меньшей мере пиковый диапазон длин волн. 2. Печатная краска по п.1, в которой заданная длина волны возбуждения составляет 254 нм; пиковый диапазон длин волн находится в диапазоне от 430 нм или более, и 600 нм или менее; и область длин волн излучения второго флуоресцентного красящего материала ...

10-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005112259A

... 1. Краска для печати, которая включает в себя а) по меньшей мере, один краситель или пигмент, имеющий, по меньшей мере, один максимум поглощения в видимой области электромагнитного спектра, который существенно отличается от максимумов поглощения основных цветов системы CIE-XYZ, и б) по меньшей мере, один другой краситель или пигмент, имеющий полосу поглощения в видимой области электромагнитного спектра, причем ширина указанной полосы на половине интенсивности уже, чем 2400 см-1, предпочтительно уже, чем 2000 см-1 и наиболее предпочтительно уже, чем 1500 см-1, и в) по меньшей мере, один другой краситель или пигмент, имеющий, по меньшей мере, один максимум поглощения в ультрафиолетовой или в инфракрасной области, предпочтительно в ближней инфракрасной области электромагнитного спектра. 2. Краска для печати по п.1, содержащая, по меньшей мере, три, предпочтительно, по меньшей мере, четыре различных красителя или пигмента, имеющих спектры поглощения, которые существенно отличаются между собой ...

03-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003106208A1

18-12-2008 дата публикации

Tinte auf Wasserbasis

Номер: DE0060324504D1
Принадлежит: KAO CORP, KAO CORP.

21-08-2003 дата публикации

Wässrige Tinte für Tintenstrahldruck

Номер: DE0069717327T2

28-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE602007009274D1

29-01-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002136055C3
Принадлежит: A. B. DICK CO., NILES, ILL. (V.ST.A.)

21-03-2018 дата публикации

Organic semiconductor compositions

Номер: GB0002491810B
Принадлежит: SMARTKEM LTD, SmartKem Limited

13-05-2020 дата публикации

A printing ink

Номер: GB0002520465B
Принадлежит: SERICOL LTD, Sericol Limited

26-01-2011 дата публикации

Semiconductor blend

Номер: GB0201021277D0

12-10-2011 дата публикации

Continuous process for preparing nanodispersions using an ultrasonic flow-through heat exchanger

Номер: GB0201114931D0

30-04-2014 дата публикации

Printing ink

Номер: GB0201404757D0

14-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009113807D0

17-08-2005 дата публикации

Assessing the quality of an azo colorant prepared in a micro-reactor

Номер: GB0002410954A

A method for assessing the quality of an azo colorant or of an image formed by an azo colorant on a substrate which comprises the following steps:

  • (i) preparing an azo colorant using a micro-reactor;
  • (ii) forming a liquid composition from the azo colorant and/or applying the azo colorant from step (i) to a substrate to form a printed image; and
  • (iii) applying a predetermined test to either the liquid composition or the printed image from step (ii) to determine whether the composition or the printed image meets pre-selected criteria. The method can be used for assessing the quality of an ink suitable for ink jet printing e.g. by applying the ink to the substrate directly from the micro-reactor using electrospray. Also a micro-reactor process for the preparation of azo compounds wherein the azo compounds are purified by means of their electrophoretic migration is described.

  • 15-03-2000 дата публикации

    An ink jet ink

    Номер: GB0002314851B

    25-01-2006 дата публикации

    Explosive devices

    Номер: GB0002416350A

    An explosive device is provided, containing an explosive formulation or explosive ink, which is capable of being disposed 'onto a substrate for the device by well known printing and depositing techniques, such as screen printing, ink jet printing or gravure methods. The formulation contains an ink resin binder, a metal and a non-metal in particulate form where the diameter of the particles is less than 10žm, such that when the formulation is heated, a reactive output results.' The substrate can be chosen from any inert material or alternatively an energetic material for which the formulation provides a means of initiation. Preferred metals are aluminium iron or titanium and non-metals are carbon, silicon, boron, or metal oxides such as copper oxide, nickel oxide or molybdenum oxide. Devices according to the invention may take the form of a; pyrotechnic train, initiators, fuseheads, initiators for gas generators, microthrusters, and may form part of a larger system containing energetic materials ...

    25-08-1999 дата публикации


    Номер: GB0009914544D0

    09-11-2005 дата публикации

    A method of filling an ink cartridge

    Номер: GB0002413780A

    A method of filling one or more ink chambers of an ink cartridge, the method comprising the steps of: inserting a rubber grommet into an inlet opening of the or a chamber to define an airtight seal; evacuating a volume of air from the chamber to create a vacuum; and removing the grommets and applying an adhesive strip to the inlet opening. There is also disclosed an apparatus for printing an edible ink on an edible substrate and a method for producing edible ink.

    29-06-2005 дата публикации

    Ink jet printing compositions in opto-electrical devices

    Номер: GB0000510382D0

    18-07-2001 дата публикации

    Inks compositions and their use in ink jet printing

    Номер: GB0000112969D0

    17-08-2005 дата публикации

    Improvements in and relating to printed edible products

    Номер: GB0000513989D0

    27-12-2000 дата публикации

    Compositions containing a water-dissipatable polymer, e.g. for an ink-jet ink

    Номер: GB0002351292A

    A composition comprising a colorant, liquid medium and a water-dissipatable polymer obtainable from the reaction of a polymer carrying carboxyl groups with a polyalkylene oxide carrying carbodiimide group(s).

    16-10-2013 дата публикации

    A printing ink

    Номер: GB0002476771B

    12-02-2003 дата публикации

    Improvements in and relating to ink jet deposition

    Номер: GB0000300529D0

    25-08-2004 дата публикации

    An ink-jet printing process and ink

    Номер: GB0000416571D0

    19-12-2012 дата публикации

    Organic semiconductor compositions

    Номер: GB0002491810A

    An organic semiconductor composition comprising a polyacene and an organic binder, which is a semiconducting binder having a permittivity at 1000Hz of 3.4 to 8.0. The polyacene may be an optionally substituted anthracene, tetracene (naphthacene), pentacene, hexacene or heptacene, wherein said substituents may form carbocyclic/heterocyclic rings fused with the polyacene. Preferred polyacenes include compounds doubly substituted by branched alkylsiliylethynyl groups and methoxy groups and polyacenes further condensed with thiophene rings at each end of the polyacene molecule, said compounds also being doubly substituted by branched alkylsiliylethynyl groups and also substituted at each thiophene ring by ethyl groups. Preferred binders include poly(triarylamines) wherein at least one of the aryl groups is substituted by a polarising group, preferably selected from cyanoalkyl, alkoxy and nitrile groups. The composition can be used in organic semiconductor layers and devices, particularly in ...

    20-11-2002 дата публикации


    Номер: GB0000223819D0

    24-10-2012 дата публикации

    Printing ink

    Номер: GB0201216159D0

    06-10-2021 дата публикации

    Printing Ink

    Номер: GB0002593798A

    An inkjet ink comprises (i) 5-40 wt.% one or more first multifunctional monomers having an alkoxylated backbone, (ii) 20-70 wt.% one or more second multifunctional monomers having a logPoctanol/water value of at least 4.0, and (iii) less than 5 wt.% monofunctional monomers, wherein the total amount of multifunctional monomers is at least 50 wt.%. Typically, the first multifunctional monomer is difunctional and has an ethoxylated backbone, e.g. triethylene glycol divinyl ether (DVE-3). The second multifunctional monomer may also be difunctional and may be 1,10-decanediol diacrylate (1,10-DDDA). The ink is normally free of monofunctional monomers and photoinitiators. A preferred ink comprises 10-30 wt.% first multifunctional monomers, 30-70 wt.% second multifunctional monomers, and 1-10 wt.% additional multifunctional monomers. Preferably, the ink components, monomers, and multifunctional monomers in the ink each have weighted mean logPoctanol/water values of at least 3.2. The inkjet ink ...

    12-04-2000 дата публикации

    Aqueous inkjet inks

    Номер: GB0000004203D0

    01-07-2009 дата публикации

    Water based inks for ink-jet printing

    Номер: GB0000908820D0

    19-12-2018 дата публикации

    Printing ink

    Номер: GB0201817892D0

    11-03-2020 дата публикации

    A method of printing

    Номер: GB0202001155D0

    30-09-2015 дата публикации


    Номер: AP0000003416A

    31-01-2015 дата публикации

    Chiral liquid crystal polymer marking

    Номер: AP0000003100A

    30-06-2012 дата публикации

    Marking based on chiral liquid crystal polymers.

    Номер: AP2012006299A0

    30-06-2012 дата публикации

    Chiral liquid crystal polymer marking.

    Номер: AP2012006295A0

    30-06-2012 дата публикации

    Marking based on modified chiral liquid crystal polymers.

    Номер: AP2012006300A0

    30-06-2012 дата публикации

    Marking based on modified chiral liquid crystal polymers.

    Номер: AP0201206300A0

    30-06-2012 дата публикации

    Chiral liquid crystal polymer marking.

    Номер: AP0201206295A0

    30-06-2012 дата публикации

    Marking based on modified chiral liquid crystal polymers.

    Номер: AP0201206300D0

    30-06-2012 дата публикации

    Marking based on chiral liquid crystal polymers.

    Номер: AP0201206299D0

    30-06-2012 дата публикации

    Chiral liquid crystal polymer marking.

    Номер: AP0201206295D0

    30-06-2012 дата публикации

    Marking based on chiral liquid crystal polymers.

    Номер: AP0201206299A0

    15-08-2007 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000368084T

    15-05-2010 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000467665T

    15-10-2010 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000483773T

    15-07-2008 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000398659T

    15-01-2018 дата публикации

    Device for supporting and/or hearing the voice after a cochlear implant training-

    Номер: AT0000518441A3

    Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zum Unterstützen des Sprach- und/oder Hörtrainings nach einer Cochlea Implantation, umfassend mindestens einen ersten Prozessor (22) zum Umwandeln eines eine Sprachinformation enthaltenden ersten Signals in ein die Sprachinformation enthaltendes visuelles Signal und ein Anzeigeelement (32), mit welchem der Text der Sprachinformation nach Zugang des visuellen Signals abbildbar ist. Die erfindungsgemäße Vorrichtung weist ferner auf a) ein Cochlea-Modul (10), umfassend ein Mikrofon (11) zum Erfassen eines eine Sprachinformation enthaltenden akustischen Signals; einen zweiten Prozessor (12) zum Umwandeln des die Sprachinformation enthaltenden akustischen Signals in ein die Sprachinformation enthaltendes digitales Signal und einen ersten Sender (13) zum Senden des die Sprachinformation enthaltenden digitalen Signals; b) einen ersten Empfänger (21) zum Empfangen des die Sprachinformation enthaltenden digitalen Signals, welches dem ersten Prozessor (22) ...

    15-10-2011 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000526377T

    02-02-2012 дата публикации

    Inkjet recording method, and printed material

    Номер: US20120026236A1
    Автор: Yuusuke Fujii
    Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

    An inkjet recording method is provided that includes an image formation step of forming an image on a recording medium by discharging an ink composition containing a polymerizable compound and a polymerization initiator and having a surface tension at 25° C. in a range of 34.0 to 40.0 mN/m using an inkjet head having a nozzle plate with a face on the ink discharge side treated so as to have affinity for an ink, and a curing step of curing the ink composition by irradiating the discharged ink composition with actinic radiation. There is also provided a printed material recorded by the inkjet recording method.

    23-02-2012 дата публикации

    Water-Based Digital Ink

    Номер: US20120046378A1
    Автор: Donald D. Sloan
    Принадлежит: Individual

    Water-based digital inks that exhibit broad adhesion and high-elongation characteristics are provided. The inks are capable of curing by various mechanisms such as through exposure to UV light and/or catalytic reactions resulting from the evaporation of water from the ink.

    01-03-2012 дата публикации

    Continuous Process For Preparing Nanodispersions Using An Ultrasonic Flow-Through Heat Exchanger

    Номер: US20120049163A1
    Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

    Described is a continuous process for preparing nanodispersions including providing a composition comprising a liquid and a solute; heating the composition to dissolution of the solute to form a solution comprising the solute dissolved in the liquid; directing the heated solution through a continuous tube wherein the continuous tube has a first end for receiving the solution, a continuous flow-through passageway disposed in an ultrasonic heat exchanger, and a second end for discharging a product stream; treating the heated solution as the solution passes through the continuous flow-through passageway disposed in the ultrasonic heat exchanger to form the product stream comprising nanometer size particles in the liquid; optionally, collecting the product stream in a product receiving vessel; and optionally, filtering the product stream.

    17-05-2012 дата публикации

    Phthalocyanines and Their Use in Ink-Jet Printing

    Номер: US20120121868A1
    Автор: Prakash Patel
    Принадлежит: Fujifilm Imaging Colorants Ltd

    A process for preparing phthalocyanine, azaphthalocyanine, metallo-phthalocyanine or metallo-azaphthalocyanine dyes and salts thereof. Also novel compounds, inks, printing processes, printed materials and ink jet cartridges.

    07-06-2012 дата публикации

    Carbon Nanotube Ink

    Номер: US20120141678A1
    Автор: Jan Sumerel
    Принадлежит: Fujifilm Dimatix Inc

    Carbon nanotube inkjet solutions and methods for jetting are described.

    14-06-2012 дата публикации

    Ink composition for ultraviolet curable ink jets, ink jet recording apparatus using the same, ink jet recording method using the same, and ink set

    Номер: US20120147095A1
    Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

    An ink composition for ultraviolet curable ink jets including monomer A represented by a general formula (I): CH 2 ═CR 1 —COOR 2 —O—CH═CH—R 3   (I) (in the formula, ‘R 1 ’ represents a hydrogen atom or methyl group, ‘R 2 ’ represents a divalent organic residue having a carbon number of 2 to 20, and ‘R 3 ’ represents a hydrogen atom or a monovalent organic residue having a carbon number of 1 to 11), and a photopolymerization initiator containing an acylphosphine oxide-based photopolymerization initiator and a thioxanthone-based photopolymerization initiator, in which the total content of the acylphosphine oxide-based photopolymerization initiator and the thioxanthone-based photopolymerization initiator is 8% by mass to 16% by mass with respect to the total mass of the ink composition.

    21-06-2012 дата публикации

    Ink Jetting Inks for Food Application

    Номер: US20120156354A1

    Edible ink formulations for printing onto edible substrates and snack pieces. Methods are provided showing how to print on edible substrates and on snack pieces at high line speeds.

    22-11-2012 дата публикации

    Metal powder, ultraviolet ray curable ink jet composition and recorded object

    Номер: US20120295082A1
    Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

    The invention provides metal powder constituted from metal particles. Each of the metal particles comprises a base particle having a surface and a metal material constituting at least the surface of the base particle. The base particle is subjected to a surface treatment with a fluorine type phosphoric acid ester. Further, the invention also provides an ultraviolet ray curable ink jet composition to be ejected by using an ink jet method. The ultraviolet ray curable ink jet composition comprises a polymerizable compound and metal powder constituted from metal particles. The metal particles of the metal powder are subjected to a surface treatment with a fluorine type phosphoric acid ester.

    28-02-2013 дата публикации

    Image forming method

    Номер: US20130050369A1
    Автор: Kaoru Tojo
    Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

    The image forming method of the present invention includes imparting ink to form an image on a recording medium, drying the image, and curing the image after the drying process, wherein the recording medium has one or a plurality of pigment layers on at least one surface of a support with cellulose pulp as a main component, and a transference amount of pure water into the recording medium is specific value, and the ink composition includes a pigment, water, and a water soluble polymerizable compound where the content ratio is equal to or more than 15 mass % and less than 40 mass %, and the content of a water soluble organic solvent is less than 3 mass %.

    07-03-2013 дата публикации

    Image forming apparatus and recording liquid

    Номер: US20130057628A1
    Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

    An image forming apparatus with a voltage applying unit between a recording head and an intermediate transfer drum is capable of activating polyvalent metal ions inactivated in advance in jetted recording liquid without liquid activators independent of the recording liquid for sufficient flocculation on the drum. When the jetted recording liquid temporarily bridges the head and the drum, electrolysis of the recording liquid by the voltage applied instantly leads to generation of hydrogen ions on the drum, which triggers a sequence of reactions in the recording liquid of activation of polyvalent metal ions, cross-link between the activated polyvalent metal ions and anionic polymer, and increase in viscosity on the drum.

    28-03-2013 дата публикации

    Aqueous inkjet ink composition

    Номер: US20130079447A1
    Принадлежит: Toyo Ink Co Ltd, Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co Ltd

    An aqueous inkjet ink composition comprising a pigment, a pigment-dispersing resin, resin fine particles (A), water, and hydrophilic solvents (B), the resin fine particles (A) being formed by emulsion polymerizing ethylenically unsaturated monomers including: 20% to 80% by weight of an aromatic ethylenically unsaturated monomer (C) that does not have an ionic functional group; 0.6% to 6% by weight of water-soluble ethylenically unsaturated monomers (F) consisting of 0.5% to 3% by weight of a sulfonic acid group-containing ethylenically unsaturated monomer (D) and 0.1% to 3% by weight of a nonionic water-soluble ethylenically unsaturated monomer (E); and 0.1% to 10% by weight of a crosslinkable ethylenically unsaturated monomer (G), and the hydrophilic solvents (B) including a glycol-based solvent (H) and an ethylene glycol ether-based solvent (I) is provided.

    18-04-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130095236A1

    Provided is an ultraviolet curable inkjet ink and an inkjet image formation method that uses said inkjet ink. The inkjet ink can be ejected from an inkjet head without being diluted by a solvent, has high photo curing sensitivity and produces high quality images with excellent weather resistance (smear resistance). The inkjet ink is characterized by a polymerizable compound which contains a maleimide compound having a chiral group and a compound selected from a vinyl ether compound and a N-vinyl compound. 1. An ultraviolet curable inkjet ink comprising at least a polymerizable compound , wherein the polymerizable compound contains a maleimide compound having a chiral group and a compound selected from a vinyl ether compound and a N-vinyl compound.2. The inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein the maleimide compound has an asymmertic (chiral) carbon atom located at the first or the second position from a nitrogen atom of the maleimide.3. The inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein an equivalent ratio of a maleimide group in the maleimide compound to a vinyl group in the vinyl ether compound or the N-vinyl compound is in the range from 70/30 to 20/80.5. The inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein the maleimide compound and the vinyl ether compound have two polymerizable functional groups in a molecule.6. The inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein a molecular weight of the maleimide compound is in the range of 200 to 1 claim 1 ,000.7. The inkjet ink of comprising a photo initiator.8. A method for forming inkjet image by utilizing the inkjet ink of . The present invention relates to a photo curable inkjet ink for an inkjet printer having a photo irradiation apparatus and an inkjet image formation method that uses said inkjet inkThe inkjet recording method is currently achieving rapid development in various fields, because the high-definition image can be recordable by relatively simple apparatus. The inkjet recording method is applied to various fields and the recording medium or the inkjet inks ( ...

    02-05-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130106945A1

    Disclosed is an aqueous inkjet ink which may contain water, a pigment, an organic or an inorganic acid, an amine, a resin that has a higher pKa than the organic or the inorganic acid, and a cross-linking agent. The aqueous inkjet ink exhibits excellent abrasion resistance even in cases where the drying time is short, while having high bleeding resistance and high storage stability. Also disclosed is a method for forming an inkjet image. 1. An aqueous inkjet ink comprising water , a pigment , an organic or an inorganic acid , an amine , a resin which has a higher pKa than the organic or the inorganic acid , and a cross-linking agent.2. The aqueous inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein the organic or the inorganic acid and the amine are formed via a disassociation of an amine salt.3. The aqueous inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein the organic or the inorganic acid and the amine are formed via a disassociation of an ammonium salt.4. The aqueous inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linking agent has at least one selected from oxazoline group and carbodiimide group.5. The aqueous inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein a content of the organic or the inorganic acid is in the range from 0.1% by mass to 10% by mass based on the aqueous inkjet ink.6. The aqueous inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the amine in the aqueous inkjet ink is in the range from 0.01 mol/L to 3.00 mol/L.7. The aqueous inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein a pKa of the organic or the inorganic acid is not more than 5.8. The aqueous inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein a content of the water is in the range from 20% by mass to 90% by mass based on the aqueous inkjet ink.9. The aqueous inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein the pigment is dispersed by a resin which has a higher pKa than the organic or the inorganic acid.10. An inkjet image forming method using the aqueous inkjet ink of claim 1 , wherein an image forming surface of a recording medium on which the aqueous inkjet ink is ejected is heated in the range ...

    09-05-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130116358A1
    Автор: Rrahimi Migjen

    The invention relates to an acrylate-based UV-curable ink, in particular ink jet ink, having a content of pigments, radical photoinitiators, dispersing agent(s)and optionally additional additives, characterized in that said ink contains at least two radical photoinitiators of the Norrish type I and at least one radically curable monomer in the form of a polyfunctional alkoxylated and/or polyalkoxylated acrylate monomer, which comprises one or more diacrylates and/or triacrylates, wherein the mol ratio of all acrylates to all initiators is approximately 5:1 to 19:1. The invention further relates to a method for producing a UV-curable ink, in particular an ink jet ink of the aforementioned type, wherein 1) a ground product or an ink base is produced by grinding one or more radically curable monomers in the form of a polyfunctional alkoxylated and/or polyalkoxylated acryl monomer, which comprise one or more diacrylate(s) and/or triacrylate(s), with one or more pigments and dispersing agents, in particular optionally additionally with synergists, stabilizers and further additives, in a high-performance mill, in particular in a pearl mill, until a constant viscosity and/or constant particle size develops, and 2) the resulting ground product is mixed with further acrylate monomers and the radical photoinitiators in the form of the Norrish type I, and optionally other additives. Said ground product exhibits advantageous physical properties at elevated temperatures and in long-term storage. 1. An acrylate-based UV-curable ink , especially UV-curable inkjet ink , having a content of pigment(s) , radical photoinitiators , dispersing agent(s) and optionally further additives , characterised in that it contains at least two radical photoinitiators of the Norrish Type I and at least one radically curable monomer in the form of a polyfunctional alkoxylated and/or polyalkoxylated acrylate monomer , which comprises one or more diacrylates and/or triacrylates , wherein the mol ratio ...

    23-05-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130126804A1
    Автор: KOSHIMA Yuji
    Принадлежит: AJINOMOTO CO., INC.

    A pigment dispersant which includes a modified polyamine obtained by the reaction of a polyamine having two or more primary and/or secondary amino groups per molecule and containing 2 to 1800 nitrogen atoms per molecule, a polyester, and a phosphorus-containing compound. The modified polyamine exhibits excellent pigment dispersion performance, shows little change in color tone upon heating, and has excellent heat resistance. 2. The modified polyamine according to claim 1 , wherein the polyamine is selected from a poly(lower alkylene)imine claim 1 , with the proviso that the lower alkylene has 2 to 4 carbon atoms claim 1 , and a polyallylamine.6. The modified polyamine according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the polyester is from 2 to 50 parts by weight with respect to 1 part by weight of the polyamine.7. The modified polyamine according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the phosphorus-containing compound is from 0.004 to 0.7 (mol/the number of moles of amino groups) with respect to the number of moles of the primary and/or secondary amino groups of the polyamine.8. A pigment dispersant claim 1 , comprising the modified polyamine according to .9. A pigment-containing composition claim 1 , comprising the modified polyamine according to claim 1 , an organic solvent claim 1 , and a pigment.10. The pigment-containing composition according to claim 9 , further comprising a resin selected from the group consisting of an alkyd resin claim 9 , a polyester resin claim 9 , an acrylic resin claim 9 , an epoxy resin claim 9 , a polyurethane resin claim 9 , a silicone resin claim 9 , a fluorine resin claim 9 , a melamine resin claim 9 , a benzoguanamine resin claim 9 , a urea resin claim 9 , a polyamide resin claim 9 , a phenolic resin claim 9 , a polyvinyl chloride resin claim 9 , a polyethylene resin claim 9 , and a polyolefin resin.11. The pigment-containing composition according to claim 9 , wherein the organic solvent comprises at least one member selected from the ...

    23-05-2013 дата публикации

    Water-Based Digital Ink

    Номер: US20130131211A1
    Автор: Sloan Donald D.

    Water-based digital inks that exhibit broad adhesion and high-elongation characteristics are provided. The inks are capable of curing by various mechanisms such as through exposure to UV light and/or catalytic reactions resulting from the evaporation of water from the ink. 1. A water-based ink for use with inkjet printers comprising:water;about 1 to about 15% by weight of one or more organic solvents;one or more acrylic polymers,one or more polymer resins selected from the group consisting of aliphatic polyurethanes and aliphatic polyester polyurethanes;one or more photoinitiators; anda pigment,wherein said ink when cured is capable of elongating by between about 100% to about 500% during handling of the substrate upon which it is applied that results in stretching of the substrate, wherein said ink is capable of being applied to the substrate using an inkjet printer.2. The water-based ink according to claim 1 , wherein said ink comprises at least about 45% by weight water.3. The water-based ink according to claim 1 , wherein said ink further comprises one or more crosslinking compounds operable to cause crosslinking of said acrylic polymers and one or more polymer resins claim 1 , said crosslinking compounds selected from the group consisting of amine claim 1 , aziridine claim 1 , and polycarbodiimide compounds.4. The water-based ink according to claim 3 , wherein said ink comprises between about 0.5 to about 5% by weight of said one or more crosslinking compounds.5. The water-based ink according to claim 1 , wherein said organic solvent is selected from the group consisting of dibasic esters claim 1 , glycols claim 1 , and lactams.6. The water-based ink according to claim 1 , wherein said ink comprises between about 1 to about 15% by weight of said pigment.7. The water-based ink according to claim 1 , wherein said ink is capable of adhering to both plastic and metal substrates without any ink being removed claim 1 , as perceptible by the naked eye claim 1 , when ...

    23-05-2013 дата публикации

    Ink used for ink-jet computer-to-plate and preparation method thereof

    Номер: US20130131219A1
    Принадлежит: Individual

    Disclosed are a kind of ink used for ink-jet computer-to-plate (CTP) technology and the preparation method thereof. The ink comprises, in mass percent, 5% to 20% of cosslinkable resin, 5% to 25% of light solvent, and 55% to 90% of deionized water. The preparation method includes: mixing the components with stirring at room temperature; multistage filtering for removing insoluble substance and impurity in mixed solution after the crosslinkable resin being completely dissolved in the solvent; and thus to obtain the ink. An image with high resolution can be formed upon printing the ink on a treated aluminum plate and thermocuring. The aluminum plate can be printed directly by a printer, which reduces post treatment.

    30-05-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130135384A1
    Автор: OYANAGI Takashi

    A photocurable ink composition for ink jet recording includes a metallic pigment, a polymerizable compound, and a polymerization initiator. The metallic pigment is a plate-like particle composed of a laminate including a metal or alloy layer and at least one selected from a resin layer and a silicon oxide layer. 1. A method for ink jet recording comprising(a) providing a photocurable ink composition for ink jet recording comprising:a metallic pigment;a polymerizable compound; anda polymerization initiator, whereinthe metallic pigment is a plate-like particle composed of a laminate including:a metal or alloy layer; andat least one selected from a resin layer and a silicon oxide layer whereinthe plate-like particle has a shape having a flat surface with a major axis X and a minor axis Y and a thickness Z that satisfy the requirements that the 50% average particle diameter R50 based on a circle-equivalent diameter determined from the X-Y plane area of the plate-like particle is 0.5 to 3 μm and R50/Z>5(b) ejecting the photocurable ink composition onto a recording medium;{'sup': 2', '2, '(c) irradiating the ejected ink composition with light from an ultraviolet light-emitting diode to cure the ink composition, wherein the irradiated light has a wavelength of 350 nm to 450 nm and is irradiated in an amount of 50 mJ/cmto 15000 mJ/cm.'}2. The method for ink jet recording according to claim 1 , wherein the metallic pigment further includes a color material layer between the metal or alloy layer and the resin layer or the silicon oxide layer.3. (canceled)4. The method for ink jet recording according to claim 1 , wherein the metal or alloy layer is made of aluminum or an aluminum alloy.5. The method for ink jet recording according to claim 1 , wherein the polymerizable compound is a cationic polymerization compound.6. The method for ink jet recording according to claim 1 , wherein the polymerizable compound is a radical polymerization compound.7. The method for ink jet ...

    30-05-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130137816A1

    The present disclosure provides an ink-jet ink containing an aqueous ink vehicle, an aqueous dispersion and a polymeric binder. The aqueous dispersion contains a colorant and a polyurethane dispersant, wherein the polyurethane dispersant is made with a polymer having cross-linkable moieties that are cross-linked with a cross-linking agent. 2. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric binder is one or more members selected from the group consisting of polyurethane claim 1 , acrylics claim 1 , styrene acrylics claim 1 , styrene butadienes claim 1 , styrene butadiene acrylonitriles claim 1 , neoprenes claim 1 , ethylene acrylic acid copolymer claim 1 , ethylene vinyl acetate claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The ink of claim 2 , wherein the cross-linking agent is one or more members selected from the group consisting of epoxide claim 2 , isocyanate claim 2 , carbodiimide claim 2 , N-methylol claim 2 , oxazoline claim 2 , silane claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The ink of claim 3 , wherein Zis a polyol substituted with the aqueous dispersing moiety.5. The ink of claim 4 , wherein Zis a polyol substituted with one or more cross-linkable moieties.6. The ink of claim 5 , wherein the aqueous dispersing moiety consists of one or more carboxyl groups.7. The ink of claim 6 , wherein the cross-linkable moiety consists of one or more carboxyl groups.8. The ink of claim 7 , wherein Y is NR.9. The ink of claim 8 , wherein the polymeric binder is polyurethane.10. The ink of claim 3 , wherein X is OH.11. The ink of claim 10 , wherein Zis a polyol substituted with the aqueous dispersing moiety.12. The ink of claim 11 , wherein Zis a polyol substituted with one or more cross-linkable moieties.13. The ink of claim 12 , wherein the polymeric binder is polyurethane.14. The ink of claim 3 , wherein X is NHR.15. The ink of claim 14 , wherein Zis a polyol substituted with the aqueous dispersing moiety.16. The ink of claim 15 , wherein Zis a polyol substituted with one or more cross- ...

    06-06-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130139722A1

    Specifically provided is a single pass-curable ink having high color reproducibility and high curing properties at the same time and having high dischargeability when used in printing at high frequency and high jetting speed, as compared with conventional ones. An active energy ray-curable inkjet ink composition contains a metal lake pigment of a rhodamine dye as a pigment, and the active energy ray-curable inkjet ink composition may contain 0.5 to 10% by weight of Pigment Violet 1, Pigment Violet 1:1, Pigment Violet 2, Pigment Violet 2:2, Pigment Red 81, Pigment Red 81:1, Pigment Red 81:2, Pigment Red 81:3, Pigment Red 81:4, Pigment Red 81:5, Pigment Red 169, or Pigment Red 173 as the metal lake pigment of the rhodamine dye based on the total weight of the ink. 1. An active energy ray-curable inkjet ink composition , which comprises a pigment comprising a metal lake pigment of a rhodamine dye.2. The active energy ray-curable inkjet ink composition according to claim 1 ,wherein content of the metal lake pigment in the ink composition is 0.5% by weight to 10% by weight, andthe metal lake pigment is selected from the group consisting of Pigment Violet 1, Pigment Violet 1:1, Pigment Violet 2, Pigment Violet 2:2, Pigment Red 81, Pigment Red 81:1, Pigment Red 81:2, Pigment Red 81:3, Pigment Red 81:4, Pigment Red 81:5, Pigment Red 169, and Pigment Red 173.3. The active energy ray-curable inkjet ink composition according to claim 1 , which further comprises a resin-type pigment dispersing agent having a urethane skeleton.4. The active energy ray-curable inkjet ink composition according to claim 1 , which further comprises a monofunctional monomer and/or a bifunctional monomer.5. The active energy ray-curable inkjet ink composition according to claim 1 , which further comprises a component selected from an initiator and a sensitizer claim 1 ,wherein the initiator and the sensitizer are selected from the group consisting of 2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyldiphenylphosphine oxide, 2,4- ...

    06-06-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130141503A1

    An image recording method including applying an ink containing a coloring material and a polymer particle to a recording medium from a recording head of an ink jet system and applying a liquid composition which destabilizes a dispersed state of the polymer particle in the ink to at least a part of a region of the recording medium where the ink is applied, wherein the polymer particle in the ink has core and shell portions, the shell portion contains a copolymer A having a unit (50-90% mass) derived from a compound (a1) represented by a general formula (1) or (2) and a unit (10-50% mass) derived from an α,β-unsaturated hydrophobic compound (a2), and the core portion contains a polymer of an α,β-unsaturated hydrophobic compound (b). 1. An image recording method comprising applying an ink containing a coloring material and a polymer particle to a recording medium from a recording head of an ink jet system and applying a liquid composition which destabilizes a dispersion state of the polymer particle in the ink to at least a part of a region of the recording medium where the ink is applied , whereinthe polymer particle in the ink has a core portion and a shell portion,{'sub': 1', '2', '4', 'n', '2', '4', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '4', 'n', '2', '4', '2', '1', '2, 'the shell portion contains a copolymer A having a unit derived from a compound (a1) represented by a general formula (1) of R—(CHO)—CHOCO—R—COOH where Ris at least one selected from a vinyl group, an allyl group, an acryloyl group and a methacryloyl group, Ris at least one selected from an alkylene group, a cycloalkylene group and a phenylene group, and n is 10 or more and 100 or less or a general formula (2) of R—(CHO)—CHO—R—COOH where Ris at least one selected from a vinyl group, an allyl group, an acryloyl group and a methacryloyl group, Ris at least one selected from an alkylene group, a cycloalkylene group and a phenylene group, and n is 10 or more and 100 or less and having a unit derived from an α,β- ...

    06-06-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130144008A1

    The present invention relates to polyurethane dispersants based on alkoxy aromatic diols. These polyurethane dispersants are used to disperse pigments and/or disperse dyes and inks containing pigments and/or disperse dyes dispersed with these polyurethane ionic dispersants. The polyurethane dispersants can have nonionic hydrophilic substituents. 2. (canceled)3. The aqueous pigment dispersion of claim 1 , wherein the first polyurethane dispersant has an ionic content of about 10 to 210 milliequivalents per 100 g of polyurethane.4. The aqueous pigment dispersion of where the first polyurethane dispersant has a number average molecular weight of about 2000 to about 30 claim 1 ,000.5. The aqueous pigment dispersion of where the first polyurethane dispersant further comprises a nonionic diol.6. The aqueous pigment dispersion of wherein the alkoxy aromatic diol Zp is selected from the group 1 claim 1 , 2 claim 1 , 3 or 4 and q is selected from the group 1 claim 1 , 2 claim 1 , 3 or 4.7. The aqueous pigment dispersion of wherein the aromatic group is a hydroquinone.8. The aqueous pigment dispersion of wherein the aromatic group is a bisphenol.9. The aqueous pigment dispersion of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous vehicle is a mixture of water and at least one water-miscible solvent.11. The aqueous pigment dispersion of where Groups Rand Rof the second polyurethane dispersant are substituted with nonionic hydrophilic groups.12. The aqueous pigment dispersion of where Groups Rand Rof the second polyurethane dispersant are methoxyethyl.13. The aqueous pigment dispersion of where Groups Rand Rof the second polyurethane dispersant are alkyl.14. An aqueous colored ink jet ink comprising the aqueous pigment dispersion of claim 10 , having from about 0.1 to about 10 wt % pigment based on the total weight of the ink claim 10 , a weight ratio of the pigment to the second polyurethane dispersant of from about 0.5 to about 6 claim 10 , a surface tension in the range of about 20 dyne/cm to ...

    11-07-2013 дата публикации

    Led curable compositions

    Номер: US20130176370A1
    Автор: Johan Loccufier
    Принадлежит: Agfa Gevaert NV

    A radiation curable composition includes a) at least one monomer comprising at least one vinyl ether group and at least one (meth)acrylate group; and b) at least one diffusion hindered photoinitiator selected from the group consisting of a polymeric photoinitiator, a multifunctional photoinitiator and a polymerizable photoinitiator characterized in that the diffusion hindered photoinitiator includes at least one structural moiety according to Formula (I): wherein: R1 and R2 are independently selected from the group consisting of a hydrogen, a substituted or unsubstituted alkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted alkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted alkynyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted aralkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted alkaryl group, a substituted or unsubstituted aryl or heteroaryl group, a halogen, an ether, a thioether, an aldehyde, a ketone, an ester, an amide, an amine and a nitro group; R1 and R2 may represent the necessary atoms to form a five to eight membered ring; and the dotted line represents the covalent bond of the structural moiety according to Formula (I) to the diffusion hindered photoinitiator.

    11-07-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130177719A1

    An adhesive composition or a coating composition of the present invention contains (a) 10 to 30% by mass of an epoxy resin; (b) 25 to 55% by mass of an oxetane compound; (c) 25 to 55% by mass of a vinyl ether compound; (d) 1 to 15% by mass of a modifier (wherein the total amount of the components (a) to (d) is 100% by mass); and (e) 3 to 15 parts by mass of a photocationic polymerization initiator with respect to 100 parts by mass of the total amount of the components (a) to (d). 1. An adhesive composition , comprising:(a) 10 to 30% by mass of an epoxy resin;(b) 25 to 55% by mass of an oxetane compound;(c) 25 to 55% by mass of a vinyl ether compound;(d) 1 to 15% by mass of a modifier, wherein the total amount of the components (a) to (d) is 100% by mass; and(e) 3 to 15 parts by mass of a photocationic polymerization initiator with respect to 100 parts by mass of the total amount of the components (a) to (d).2. The adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (d) is at least one selected from the group consisting of (d-1) a polyol having a hydroxyl value of 40 to 330 mg KOH/g; (d-2) a polyol having a hydroxyl value of 40 to 330 mg KOH/g and an acid value of 2 to 20 mg KOH/g; (d-3) a modified rubber; and (d-4) a compound having an epoxy equivalent of 150 to 700 g/mol.3. The adhesive composition according to claim 2 , wherein the component (d-1) is at least one selected from the group consisting of (d-1-1) a castor oil-based polyol having a hydroxyl value of 40 to 330 mg KOH/g; (d-1-2) a polybutadiene-based polyol having a hydroxyl value of 40 to 330 mg KOH/g; and (d-1-3) a polyisoprene-based polyol having a hydroxyl value of 40 to 330 mg KOH/g or a hydrogenated product thereof.4. The adhesive composition according to claim 3 , wherein the component (d-1) is (d-1-1-1) an aromatic castor oil-based polyol having a hydroxyl value of 40 to 330 mg KOH/g.5. The adhesive composition according to claim 3 , wherein the component (d-2) is (d-2-1) a castor ...

    18-07-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130182056A1

    An inkjet recording ink including water; a dispersant containing a block type copolymer having structural unit of a diene monomer and an aromatic vinyl monomer, wherein the block type copolymer has a sulfonic acid group or salt thereof; a first carbon black; and a second carbon black having 2.0 μmol/mto 5.0 μmol/mof a carboxyl group on a surface thereof. 1. An inkjet recording ink comprising:water;a dispersant containing a block type copolymer having structural unit of a diene monomer and an aromatic vinyl monomer, wherein the block type copolymer has a sulfonic acid group or salt thereof;a first carbon black; and{'sup': 2', '2, 'a second carbon black having 2.0 μmol/mto 5.0 μmol/mof a carboxyl group on a surface thereof.'}2. The inkjet recording ink according to claim 1 , comprising claim 1 ,a first pigment dispersion liquid containing water, the dispersant and the first carbon black, anda second pigment dispersion liquid containing water and the second carbon black,wherein the second pigment dispersion liquid has an electron conductivity of 0.6 mS/cm to 1.8 mS/cm.3. The inkjet recording ink of claim 1 , wherein the average primary particle diameter of the first carbon black ranges from 10.0 nm to 30.0 nm and the BET specific surface area of the first carbon black ranges from 100 m/g to 400 m/g.4. The inkjet recording ink of claim 1 , wherein the dispersant is a sulfonated block polymer or salt thereof having a mol ratio of isoprene monomer to styrene monomer ranging from 45/55 to 20/80.5. The inkjet recording ink of claim 1 , wherein the second carbon black has 3.5 μmol/mto 4.8 μmol/mof the carboxyl group on the surface thereof.6. The inkjet recording ink of claim 1 , the ratio of the first carbon black to the second carbon black is 85:15 to 60:40 by mass.7. The inkjet recording ink made by a process comprising:dispersing a first carbon black and a dispersant into water to obtain a first pigment dispersion liquid by wet dispersion treatment of the first carbon ...

    25-07-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130187999A1

    The invention provides an aqueous liquid composition containing a water-soluble monomer, a photopolymerization initiator and an aqueous medium and further containing a polymer emulsion, wherein the water-soluble monomer is a monomer that has two or more ethylenically unsaturated bonds and is curable with an active energy ray. 19-. (canceled)10. An ink jet recording method comprising:ejecting a liquid composition on a recording medium, the liquid composition comprising (a) a water-soluble monomer, (b) a photopolymerization initiator, (c) an aqueous medium, (d) a polymer emulsion, and (e) a coloring material that is different from the polymer emulsion,wherein the water-soluble monomer has two or more ethylenically unsaturated bonds, andwherein the water-soluble monomer is curable with an active energy ray.11. The ink jet recording method according to claim 10 , wherein the water-soluble monomer has a molecular structure satisfying the relationship of the following expression (1):{'br': None, '3.5≦(Molecular weight of water-soluble monomer)/(28.05×(Number of unsaturated double bonds in molecular structure))≦8.0.\u2003\u2003Expression (1)'}12. The ink jet recording method according to claim 10 , wherein the water-soluble monomer has at least one hydroxyl group.13. The ink jet recording method according to claim 10 , wherein the photopolymerization initiator is a water-soluble acylphosphine oxide compound.14. The ink jet recording method according to claim 10 , wherein the polymer emulsion is a water-insoluble polymer present in a state of an emulsion in the liquid composition.16. The ink jet recording method according to claim 10 , further comprising irradiating the recording medium on which the liquid composition has been ejected with an active energy ray to cure the water-soluble monomer.17. The ink jet recording method according to claim 16 , wherein the active energy ray is an ultraviolet ray.19. An ink jet recording method comprising:ejecting a liquid composition ...

    01-08-2013 дата публикации

    Ink Jet Ink with High Structure Pigment Particles

    Номер: US20130194363A1

    An ink jet ink with high structure pigment particles can include a liquid vehicle, high structure pigment particles dispersed in the liquid vehicle at from about 0.2 wt % to about 5.0 wt %, and a polyurethane binder present in the liquid vehicle at from about 0.2 wt % to about 5.0 wt %. The high structure pigment particles can have polymer dispersant adsorbed onto a surface thereof, a DBP absorption value at a minimum of about 75 ml/100 g, and a surface area of about 200 m/g to about 2000 m/g. 1. An ink jet ink with high structure pigment particles , comprising:a liquid vehicle; a polymer dispersant adsorbed onto a surface thereof,', 'a DBP absorption value at a minimum of about 75 ml/100 g, and', {'sup': 2', '2, 'a surface area of about 200 m/g to about 2000 m/g; and'}], 'high structure pigment particles dispersed in the liquid vehicle at from about 0.2 wt % to about 5.0 wt %, the high structure pigment particles havinga polyurethane binder present in the liquid vehicle at from about 0.2 wt % to about 5.0 wt %.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the high structure pigment particles exhibit a DBP absorption value of from about 75 ml/100 g to about 400 ml/100 g.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the high structure pigment particles have a secondary particle size of from about 50 nm to about 500 nm.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyurethane binder comprises a copolymer including diisocyanate claim 1 , dimethylolpropionic acid claim 1 , or polytetramethylene glycol.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polymer dispersant is a copolymer including polymerized monomers of styrene claim 1 , methacrylic acid claim 1 , acrylic acid claim 1 , substituted acrylic or methacrylic acid claim 1 , or maleic anhydride.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the high structure pigment particles are carbon black.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ink jet ink is formulated such that when a minimum of 600 million drops of the ink jet ink composition ...

    01-08-2013 дата публикации

    Aqueous Ink Jet Ink Composition

    Номер: US20130196124A1

    An aqueous ink jet ink is made by forming a mixture of a pigment, an optional dispersant if the pigment is not self-dispersing, dispersing, and a urethane polymer or prepolymer dispersion in water. This ink is useful in a variety of ink jet printing applications such as printing on wide format substrates and textiles. 2. An aqueous ink jet ink composition of claim 1 , wherein said diisocyanate of formula O═C═N—R—N═C═O is chosen from the group consisting of H12 MDI and IPDI.3. An aqueous ink jet ink composition of claim 1 , wherein at least 85% of the diisocyanate is chosen from the group consisting of H12 MDI (substantially aliphatic and cyclic) claim 1 , IPDI (substantially aliphatic and cyclic) claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. An aqueous ink jet ink composition of claim 1 , wherein at least 85% of the diisocyanate is chosen from the group consisting of H12 MDI.5. An aqueous ink jet ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein said poly(glycol adipate) comprises the reaction of adipic acid with glycols selected from the group consisting of ethylene glycol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2- and 1 claim 1 ,3-propylene glycols claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2- claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3- claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,4- claim 1 , and 2 claim 1 ,3-butylene glycols claim 1 , hexane diols claim 1 , neopentyl glycol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,6-hexanediol claim 1 , and 1 claim 1 ,8-octanediol.6. An aqueous ink jet ink composition of claim 5 , wherein the polyurethane resin is derived from an active hydrogen-containing compound comprising a polyester characterized as an adipate ester of 1 claim 5 ,6-hexane diol and neopentyl glycol.7. An aqueous ink jet ink composition of claim 6 , wherein said polyester characterized as the adipate ester of 1 claim 6 ,6-hexane diol and neopentyl glycol is characterized by a number average molecular weight of 500 to 10 claim 6 ,000 Daltons.8. (canceled)9. An aqueous ink jet ink composition of claim 1 , wherein at least 75 mole % of the active hydrogen containing compound used ...

    01-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130196127A1

    A composition for inkjet adapted to be discharged by an inkjet method includes a metal powder, an organic solvent, and a binder resin. The metal powder is treated by a surface preparation with a fluorinated silane compound and/or a fluorinated phosphate ester as a surface preparation agent. 1. A composition for inkjet adapted to be discharged by an inkjet method comprising:a metal powder;an organic solvent; anda binder resin,wherein the metal powder is treated by a surface preparation with a fluorinated silane composition and/or a fluorinated phosphate ester as a surface preparation agent.2. The composition for inkjet according to claim 1 , whereinthe metal powder constituting mainly A1 on at least a surface is treated by the surface preparation with the fluorinated silane compound and/or the fluorinated phosphate ester.3. The composition for inkjet according to claim 1 , whereinthe metal powder has a scale-like shape.4. The composition for inkjet according to claim 1 , wherein {'br': None, 'sup': 1', '1', '2, 'sub': a', '(3-a), 'RSiXR\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'the metal powder is treated by the surface preparation in the fluorinated silane compound having a chemical structure shown in formula (1) below'}{'sup': 1', '1', '2, 'wherein, in formula (1), Rrepresents a hydrocarbon group in which a part or all of hydrogen atoms are substituted by fluorine atoms, Xrepresents hydrolysis group, ether group, chloro group or hydroxyl group, Rrepresents alkyl group having a carbon number 1 to 4, and a represents an integer between 1 to 3.'}5. The composition for inkjet according to claim 1 , wherein {'br': None, 'sub': n', '3-n, 'POR(OH)\u2003\u2003(2)'}, 'the metal powder is treated by the surface preparation in the fluorinated phosphate ester having a chemical structure shown in formula (2) below'}{'sub': 3', '2', 'm', '3', '2', 'm', '2', 'l', '3', '2', 'm', '2', 'l', '3', '2', 'm', '2', '2', 'l', '3', '2', 'm', '3', '2', 'm', '2', 'l, 'wherein, in formula (2), R represents CF(CF)—, ...

    01-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130197144A1

    An inkjet ink is provided, containing: water; a water-soluble organic solvent; a colorant comprising a resin coating type colorant; and a resin emulsion comprising an anionic polyurethane resin emulsion, wherein the inkjet ink in an initial state has an average particle diameter D50(INI), and the inkjet ink in a dried state having 60% by mass of the initial state has an average particle diameter D50(60%), such that the inkjet ink satisfies the following formula: 1. An inkjet ink comprising:water;a water-soluble organic solvent;a colorant comprising a resin coating type colorant; anda resin emulsion comprising an anionic polyurethane resin emulsion, {'br': None, 'i': ≦D', 'D', 'INI, '1.0050(60%)/50()<1.30.'}, 'wherein the inkjet ink in an initial state has an average particle diameter D50 (INI), and the inkjet ink in a dried state having 60% by mass of the initial state has an average particle diameter D50(60%), such that the inkjet ink satisfies the following formula2. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein inkjet ink satisfies the following formula:{'br': None, 'i': ≦D', 'D', 'INI, '1.0050(60%)/50()<1.10.'}3. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein the inkjet ink has a viscosity of 5 mPa·s to 12 mPa·s.4. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein the resin emulsion is present in an amount of 0.10% by mass to 1.00% by mass.5. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein the inkjet ink further comprises 0.1% by mass to 3.0% by mass of a fluorine surfactant.6. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein the colorant comprises not more than 45% by mass of a pigment claim 1 , wherein the pigment is selected from a self-dispersion type pigment claim 1 , and the pigment is dispersed in an aqueous solvent using a high molecular weight dispersant or a surfactant.7. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein the inkjet ink further comprises at least one member selected from the group consisting of defoaming agents claim 1 , pH adjusters claim 1 , ...

    08-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130201250A1
    Автор: Berge Charles T

    Polyurethane dispersants are provided based on asymmetric branched trisubstituted isocyanate reactive compounds. These polyurethane dispersants are used to disperse pigments and/or disperse dyes and inks containing pigments and/or disperse dyes dispersed with these polyurethane ionic dispersants. The polyurethane dispersants can have nonionic hydrophilic substituents. The pigments dispersed with these polyurethane dispersants can be used in the formulation of inks, especially ink jet inks. 1. An aqueous pigment dispersion comprising an aqueous vehicle , a pigment and a asymmetric branched polyurethane dispersant , whereina. the asymmetric branched polyurethane dispersant physically adsorbs to the pigment;b. the asymmetric branched polyurethane dispersant stably disperses the pigment in the aqueous vehicle; wherein the trisubstituted branching compound has three isocyanate reactive substituents,', 'wherein the first isocyanate reactive substituent is a primary or secondary amine, and the second and third isocyanate reactive substituents are the same or different and are selected from the group consisting of a primary or secondary amine, —OH, and —SH and where at least one of the second and third isocyanate reactive substituents are —OH or —SH,', 'wherein the isocyanate reactive substituents of the trisubstituted branching compound is from 0.4 to 30 mole percent of the total isocyanate reactive substituents including the trisubstituted branching compound and,', 'wherein the average pigment size of the aqueous pigment dispersion is less than about 300 nm., 'c. the asymmetric branched polyurethane dispersant comprises a trisubstituted branching compound, a first diol, a second diol substituted with an ionic group, and isocyanates;'}2. An aqueous colored ink jet ink comprising the aqueous pigment dispersion of claim 2 , having from about 0.1 to about 10 wt % pigment based on the total weight of the ink claim 2 , a weight ratio of the pigment to the asymmetric branched ...

    08-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130201264A1
    Автор: Arai Sayako, TERAKADO Ami

    The present invention provides high printing density and inhibits ink stain on rollers inside printing devices or on continuously printed printing paper when printing is performed with an oil-based ink, particularly when printing is performed at a relatively low resolution such as 300×300 dpi with a high-speed line head inkjet printer, by treating a surface of a printing medium with a coating solution comprising at least inorganic particles, a vinyl chloride-based resin emulsion and water to form an ink receiving layer, and performing printing with an oil-based ink on the ink receiving layer. The coating solution is applied in an amount of 2.0-6.0 g/mas an amount of inorganic particles. 1. A printing method using an oil-based ink , which comprises applying a coating solution onto a printing medium and then performing printing on the printing medium with an oil-based ink that comprises at least a coloring material and a solvent , in which said coating solution comprises at least inorganic particles , a vinyl chloride-based resin emulsion and water.2. The printing method according to claim 1 , wherein said inorganic particles are silica.3. The printing method according to claim 1 , wherein said coating solution is applied in an amount of 2.0-6.0 g/mas an amount of inorganic particles.4. An ink set for applying a coating solution onto a printing medium and then performing printing on the printing medium with an oil-based ink claim 1 , which comprises an oil-based ink comprising at least a coloring material and a solvent claim 1 , and a coating solution comprising at least inorganic particles claim 1 , a vinyl chloride-based resin emulsion and water.5. A coating solution for printing with an oil-based ink claim 1 , which comprises at least inorganic particles claim 1 , a vinyl chloride-based resin emulsion and water. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to an oil-based inkjet printing method which can improve printing density by inhibiting ink ...

    08-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130202858A1
    Автор: SHIMOHARA Norihide
    Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

    An ink-jet ink composition is disclosed which includes (a) from 3% by mass to 10% by mass of polymer compound particles that include a first copolymer including at least one repeating unit derived from a hydrophilic monomer in an amount of from 1% by mass to 15% by mass, that have a volume average diameter of from 100 nm to 300 nm, and that have no cross-linked structure, (b) from 5% by mass to 20% by mass of at least one water soluble polymer, (c) from 0.1% by mass to 10% by mass of at least one colorant, (d) from 5% by mass to 40% by mass of at least one water soluble organic solvent, and (e) water. An image forming method and printed matter using the same are also disclosed. 1. An ink-jet ink composition , comprising:(a) from 3% by mass to 10% by mass of polymer compound particles that include a first copolymer including at least one repeating unit derived from a hydrophilic monomer in an amount of from 1% by mass to 15% by mass, that have a volume average diameter of from 100 nm to 300 nm, and that have no cross-linked structure;(b) from 5% by mass to 20% by mass of at least one water soluble polymer;(c) from 0.1% by mass to 10% by mass of at least one colorant;(d) from 5% by mass to 40% by mass of at least one water soluble organic solvent; and(e) water.2. The ink-jet ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one water soluble polymer comprises a second copolymer including at least one repeating unit derived from a hydrophilic monomer.3. The ink-jet ink composition according to claim 2 , wherein the second copolymer included in the at least one water soluble polymer comprises a repeating unit derived from a hydrophobic monomer and a repeating unit derived from a monomer having an anionic hydrophilic group.4. The ink-jet ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein the first copolymer included in the polymer compound particles includes a repeating unit derived from (meth)acrylic acid or a salt thereof as a repeating unit derived from a ...

    08-08-2013 дата публикации

    Inkjet ink set, inkjet recording device, and inkjet recording method

    Номер: US20130202862A1
    Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

    An inkjet ink set containing a first pigment ink and a second pigment ink. The first pigment ink includes an anionic self-emulsification ether polyurethane, and the second pigment ink includes a styrene acrylic resin emulsion.

    08-08-2013 дата публикации

    Method of producing metal nanoparticles

    Номер: US20130202909A1
    Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

    Provided is a method of producing metal nanoparticles. Preferably, the method of producing metal nanoparticles includes preparing a reaction solution by adding a reducing agent solution to a dispersing agent solution, and simultaneously putting a metal precursor solution and the reducing agent solution into the reaction solution and mixing the resulting mixture. Large amounts of metal nanoparticle powder having a uniform particle diameter may be easily prepared.

    15-08-2013 дата публикации

    Aqueous inkjet inks containing polymeric binders with components to interact with cellulose

    Номер: US20130208039A1
    Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

    Disclosed are aqueous inkjet inks containing a polymeric ink additive as a binder. The binder contains a component capable of interacting with cellulose. Certain heterocycles having similar Hansen solubility parameters as cellulose were incorporated into the polymeric binders. Prints from these inks have better durability and optical properties than similar additives that do not have the components capable of interacting with cellulose.

    15-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130208045A1
    Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

    Provided is an ink composition that can form an image in which bleeding caused when the image is recorded by an ink jet method is inhibited and which has excellent toughness and glossiness and shows excellent adhesiveness with respect to various substrates, even when being dried at a low temperature. 1. An ink composition for an ink jet comprising:(a) an alkyl(meth)acrylate copolymer which contains a repeating unit derived from an alkyl(meth)acrylate having 7 to 22 carbon atoms in total and a repeating unit derived from (meth)acrylic acid and has an acid value of 1.3 mmol/g to 2.0 mmol/g in an unneutralized state; and(b) an aqueous medium containing water.2. The ink composition for an ink jet according to claim 1 ,wherein the (a) alkyl(meth)acrylate copolymer is a neutralized material in which at least a portion thereof has been neutralized and which has a neutralization degree of 40% to 100%.3. The ink composition for an ink jet according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1/2', '1/2, 'wherein an SP value of the (a) alkyl(meth)acrylate copolymer in an unneutralized state is 18.5 MPato 20.5 MPa.'}4. The ink composition for an ink jet according to claim 2 ,{'sup': 1/2', '1/2, 'wherein an SP value of the (a) alkyl(meth)acrylate copolymer in an unneutralized state is 18.5 MPato 20.5 MPa.'}5. The ink composition for an ink jet according to claim 1 ,wherein a proportion of the (a) alkyl(meth)acrylate copolymer added to the ink composition is 5% by mass to 15% by mass.6. The ink composition for an ink jet according to claim 4 ,wherein a proportion of the (a) alkyl(meth)acrylate copolymer added to the ink composition is 5% by mass to 15% by mass.7. The ink composition for an ink jet according to claim 1 ,wherein the (a) alkyl(meth)acrylate copolymer is a copolymer that contains only a repeating unit derived from an alkyl(meth)acrylate having 7 to 20 carbon atoms in total and the repeating unit derived from (meth)acrylic acid as repeating units.8. The ink composition for an ink jet ...

    15-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130208062A1

    A liquid ejection apparatus includes an ejection head having nozzles that eject liquid, a strap member that holds the liquid ejected from the ejection head, a feeding roller and a winding roller around which the strap member is wound, and a driving source that rotates the winding roller, wherein a flash point of the liquid that is held in the strap member is 95 degrees Celsius or more, and the driving source is disposed at a position closer to the winding roller than to the feeding roller. 1. A liquid ejection apparatus comprising:an ejection head having nozzles that eject liquid;a strap member that holds the liquid ejected from the ejection head;a feeding roller and a winding roller around which the strap member is wound; anda driving source that rotates the winding roller, wherein a flash point of the liquid that is held in the strap member is 95 degrees Celsius or more, and the driving source is disposed at a position closer to the winding roller than to the feeding roller.2. The liquid ejection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a portion of the strap member which lies on the side of the feeding roller with respect to a portion that corresponds to the nozzle forming surface is defined as a feeding-out portion claim 1 , and a distance between the feeding-out portion and the driving source is 30 mm or more.3. The liquid ejection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a portion of the strap member which lies on the side of the feeding roller with respect to a portion that corresponds to the nozzle forming surface is defined as a feeding-out portion claim 1 , and the liquid ejection apparatus includes a wall which is disposed between the feeding-out portion and the driving source.4. The liquid ejection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a portion of the strap member which lies on the side of the winding roller with respect to a portion that corresponds to the nozzle forming surface is defined as a winding portion claim 1 , and a distance between the ...

    15-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130210999A1
    Автор: Palumbo Paul S., Xu Jinqi
    Принадлежит: CABOT CORPORATION

    Polyurethanes containing at least one bisphosphonate group, as well as related compositions, articles, and methods, are disclosed. 149-. (canceled)50. A polyurethane , comprising:a first comonomer repeat unit that comprises a hydrophilic group, and{'sub': 2', 'n', '3', '2', '2, 'a functional group different from the hydrophilic group, the functional group comprising (CH)C(R)(POH)or an ester or salt thereof,'}{'sub': a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', '1', '10, 'wherein n is 0-9 and R is H, R, OR, SR, or NRR, in which each of Rand R, independently, being H, C-Calkyl, or aryl.'}5152-. (canceled)53. The polyurethane of claim 50 , wherein the functional group comprises a partial salt of (CH)C(R)(POH) claim 50 , and the partial salt comprises an anion formed from (CH)C(R)(POH)and a cation selected from the group consisting of Li claim 50 , Na claim 50 , K claim 50 , Cs claim 50 , or N(R) claim 50 , in which R is H claim 50 , C-Calkyl claim 50 , or aryl.54. The polyurethane of claim 50 , wherein the functional group comprises a partial salt containing K and an anion formed from (CH)C(R)(POH).55. The polyurethane of claim 50 , wherein n is 1-3 and R is OR.56. The polyurethane of claim 50 , wherein n is 3 and R is OH.57. The polyurethane of claim 50 , wherein the functional group is an end group of the molecules.58. The polyurethane of claim 50 , wherein the at least some of the molecules of the polyurethane comprise two functional groups that comprise (CH)C(R)(POH)or an ester or salt thereof claim 50 , each of which is located at one end of the molecules.59. The polyurethane of claim 50 , wherein the polyurethane comprises at least about 0.1 wt % phosphorus.60. The polyurethane of claim 50 , wherein the hydrophilic group comprises a carboxylic acid group claim 50 , a sulfonic acid group claim 50 , a phosphonic acid group claim 50 , a hydroxyl group claim 50 , a polyether group claim 50 , or a salt thereof.62. The polyurethane of claim 61 , wherein Ris C-Calkylene ...

    22-08-2013 дата публикации

    Ink jetting ink set and cleaning method

    Номер: US20130213440A1
    Автор: Hitoshi Ohta
    Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

    An ink jetting ink set includes an ink composition for recording supplied to and used in an ink flow path and containing at least one of a glitter pigment and a metal oxide as a coloring material, and an auxiliary ink composition used in cleaning of the ink flow path, in which, in cases where a dynamic viscosity at 20° C. in the ink composition for recording is η 1 (mm 2 /s) and a surface tension at 20° C. is γ 1 (mN/m), and the dynamic viscosity at 20° C. in the auxiliary ink composition is η 2 (mm 2 /s) and the surface tension at 20° C. is γ 2 (mN/m), the following formula (1) and the following formula (2) are satisfied at the same time. η 1 ≦η 2   (1) γ 1 ≧γ 2   (2)

    22-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130215175A1
    Автор: Ozawa Noriaki
    Принадлежит: KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

    An ink for ink-jet recording apparatuses includes water, a pigment dispersion, a humectant, and a penetrating agent. The ink includes glycerin of from 5% to 9% by mass and 1,3-propanediol and/or 1,4-butanediol of from 30% to 45% by mass as the humectant. The ink also includes a C1-C4 monoalkyl ether of polyhydric alcohol of from 2.0% to 4.5% by mass as the penetrating agent. 1. An ink for an ink-jet recording apparatus , comprising water , a pigment dispersion , a humectant , and a penetrating agent , whereinthe humectant comprises glycerin, and 1,3-propanediol and/or 1,4-butanediol,a content of the glycerin is from 5% to 9% by mass in the ink,a total content of the 1,3-propanediol and/or 1,4-butanediol is from 30% to 45% by mass in the ink,the penetrating agent is a C1-C4 monoalkyl ether of polyhydric alcohol, anda content of the C1-C4 monoalkyl ether of polyhydric alcohol is from 2.0% to 4.5% by mass in the ink.2. The ink for an ink-jet recording apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the C1-C4 monoalkyl ether of polyhydric alcohol comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of triethylene glycol monobutyl ether claim 1 , triethylene glycol monomethyl ether claim 1 , diethylene glycol monomethyl ether claim 1 , diethylene glycol monoisopropyl ether claim 1 , and diethylene glycol monoisobutyl ether.3. A method of forming an image comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'providing the ink according to to an ink-jet recording apparatus; and'}forming the image with the ink-jet recording apparatus using the ink.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the ink-jet recording apparatus comprises a recording head for ejecting droplets of the ink as a result of a pressure occurring in a liquid chamber by controlling a voltage applied to a piezoelectric element and employs a line head-type recording system claim 3 , andthe recording head ejects the ink using a pull-shot system where the pressure in the liquid chamber is reduced by ...

    22-08-2013 дата публикации

    Inkjet ink composition, image forming method, and printed article

    Номер: US20130216794A1
    Автор: Akira Takeda
    Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

    Provided is an inkjet ink composition, which forms an image having an excellent blocking resistance, and particularly which forms an image having an excellent blocking resistance in a case where images come into contact with one another overlapped, an image forming method using the ink composition and a printed article with the image having the excellent blocking resistance. The inkjet ink composition contains an aqueous medium, latex particles, and a polymer compound which contains a fluorine-substituted hydrocarbon group and has a weight average molecular weight of 2,000 to 200,000, wherein the content of the polymer compound may be 0.1% by mass to 10% by mass, based on the total mass of the ink composition.

    29-08-2013 дата публикации

    Liquid composition, ink jet recording method, ink jet recording apparatus and recorded article

    Номер: US20130222468A1
    Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

    A liquid composition including: a radical polymerization inhibitor; a solvent; and a surfactant, wherein the content of the radical polymerization inhibitor is 0.1 to 50% by weight.

    29-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130222496A1
    Автор: Iu Kai-Kong

    An optically clear fluid composition includes a vehicle including an organic solvent, a polymeric binder dispersed in the vehicle, and metal oxide particles dispersed in the vehicle. The metal oxide particles have an effective diameter ranging from about 20 nm to about 140 nm, and are chosen from metal oxide particles that are optically clear and have a refractive index that is larger than 1.65. 1. An optically clear fluid composition , comprising:a vehicle including an organic solvent;a polymeric binder dispersed in the vehicle; andmetal oxide particles dispersed in the vehicle, the metal oxide particles having an effective diameter ranging from about 20 nm to about 140 nm, the metal oxide particles being chosen from metal oxide particles that are optically clear and have a refractive index that is larger than 1.65.2. The fluid composition as defined in wherein the polymeric binder is chosen from any of polyurethanes or acrylic binders.3. The fluid composition as defined in wherein the optically clear metal oxide particles are chosen from zinc oxide claim 1 , aluminum oxide claim 1 , or a combination of zinc oxide and aluminum oxide claim 1 , and wherein the zinc oxide claim 1 , the aluminum oxide claim 1 , or the combination thereof has a pH that is greater than about 7.4. The fluid composition as defined in wherein: the organic solvent is present in an amount ranging from about 2 wt % to about 30 wt % of the fluid composition; the polymeric binder is present in an amount ranging from about 0.5 wt % to about 20 wt % of the fluid composition; and the metal oxide particles are present in an amount ranging from about 0.05 wt % to about 10 wt % of the fluid composition.5. The fluid composition as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a surfactant present in an amount ranging from about 0.01 wt % to about 3 wt % of the fluid composition.6. The fluid composition as defined in claim 1 , further comprising an additive chosen from biocides claim 1 , humectants claim 1 , ...

    29-08-2013 дата публикации

    Photo-curable ink jet ink set and ink jet recording method using the same

    Номер: US20130222497A1
    Автор: Jun Ito, Keitaro Nakano
    Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

    A photo-curable ink jet ink set includes an undercoating photo-curable ink jet ink containing a (meth)acrylic acid ester having a vinyl ether group expressed by general formula (I), and an overcoating photo-curable ink jet ink. The undercoating photo-curable ink jet ink has a higher surface tension than the overcoating photo-curable ink jet ink.

    29-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130222498A1
    Автор: ERON Gera
    Принадлежит: DIP Tech Ltd.

    A system for printing on glass boards is provided. The system includes a horizontal support for a glass board, a ink-jet printing head supported by a bridge and moveable above the horizontal support, an ink supply system to provide glass-based ink having solid glass particles to the ink-jet printing head and a primary ink fixation system . The primary ink fixation system is configured to fixate an image printed onto the glass board prior to shifting the printed glass board to a furnace for a firing process. 1. A printing system for printing ink on glass boards , comprising:a horizontal support for a glass board;a ink-jet printing head supported by a bridge and moveable above the horizontal support;an ink supply system to provide glass-based ink having solid glass particles to the ink-jet printing head; anda primary ink fixation system configured to fixate an image printed onto the glass board prior to shifting the printed glass board to a furnace for a firing process.2. The printing system of claim 1 , wherein the primary ink fixation system comprises at least two fixation units located parallel to the bridge and movable during printing such that at least one of the fixation units advances before the ink-jet printing head and at least another one of the fixation units advances after the ink-jet printing head.3. The printing system of claim 1 , wherein the primary ink fixation system comprises at least two longitudinal heaters located parallel to the bridge and movable during printing such that at least one of the heaters advances before the ink-jet printing head and at least another one of the heaters advances after the ink-jet printing head.4. The printing system of claim 1 , wherein the primary ink fixation system comprises at least one ultraviolet lamp movable in correlation with the ink-jet printing head.5. The printing system of claim 1 , wherein the primary ink fixation system comprises at least one longitudinal heater located parallel to the bridge and at ...

    29-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130222501A1
    Автор: KAMADA Toshihiro
    Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

    An image forming method has applying an ink composition which includes: at least a pigment, water, and polyvalent (meth)acrylamide of 3.0 mass % or more and 15.0 mass % or less with respect to the entire ink composition as a polymerizable compound, to a coated paper having a pigment layer on at least one surface of a support in which cellulose pulp is a main component, using an ink jet method; at least drying the applied ink composition; and curing the ink composition on the coated paper by irradiating the active energy rays at an illuminance of 1 W/cmor more and 2 W/cmor less to the ink composition which has undergone drying processing. 1. An image forming method comprising:applying an ink composition, which includes at least a pigment, water, and polyvalent (meth)acrylamide of 3 mass % or more and 15 mass % or less with respect to the entire ink composition as a polymerizable compound, to a coated paper having a pigment layer on at least one surface of a support in which cellulose pulp is a main component, using an ink jet method;at least drying the applied ink composition; and{'sup': 2', '2, 'curing the ink composition on the coated paper by irradiating active energy rays at an illuminance of 1 W/cmor more and 2 W/cmor less to the ink composition which has undergone drying processing.'}3. The image forming method according to claim 1 , wherein a total amount of the polymerizable compound including the polyvalent (meth)acrylamide with respect to a total amount of the composition is 10% or more and 50% or less by mass ratio.4. The image forming method according to claim 1 , wherein a total amount of the polymerizable compound including the polyvalent (meth)acrylamide with respect to a total amount of the composition is 10% or more and 50% or less by mass ratio.5. The image forming method according to claim 1 , wherein the pigment is a water-dispersible pigment in which at least a part of a surface thereof is coated with a polymeric dispersing agent.6. The image ...

    29-08-2013 дата публикации

    Method and System for Ink Jet Printing Images to Complex Contoured Surfaces of Ceramic and Glass Items Such as Dishware

    Номер: US20130224445A1
    Принадлежит: Individual

    A glass or ceramic dishware item with an image disposed thereon is provided. The image is transferred, at ambient temperature, to the surface of the dishware from an ink composite by using a silicone transfer substrate. The ink composite is dispensed by an inkjet head. Methods and systems for producing ink composites and dishware using ink composites are also provided.

    29-08-2013 дата публикации

    Ink-jet ink comprising encapsulated cross-linked pigment dispersions

    Номер: US20130225739A1
    Автор: Harry Joseph Spinelli
    Принадлежит: Individual

    The present disclosure provides an ink-jet ink made with a pigment dispersion containing a dispersant, and a pigment coated by a polymer that is cross-linked with a crosslinker. The polymer swells in an application medium resulting in improved stability for the pigment dispersion.

    05-09-2013 дата публикации

    Process, Dispersion, Ink and Use

    Номер: US20130229471A1
    Принадлежит: Fujifilm Imaging Colorants Limited

    A process for preparing a dispersion of encapsulated solid particles in a predominantly organic liquid vehicle, comprising the following steps: i) providing a dispersion comprising a particulate solid, a liquid medium and a polymeric dispersant having at least 3.0 mmoles of reactive groups per g of dispersant; ii) cross-linking the polymeric dispersant via at least some, but not all, of the reactive groups, said cross-linking being performed in the presence of the particulate solid and the liquid medium and resulting in the encapsulation of each solid particle with a cross-linked polymeric dispersant shell; iii) covalently bonding an end-capping agent to the polymeric dispersant via the reactive groups; said process being such that the final organic liquid vehicle comprises one or more organic liquids and optionally water, provided that water is present at no more than 30% by weight based on the dispersion. 2. The dispersion according to wherein the liquid medium in step i) comprises water and optionally one or more organic liquids.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The dispersion according to wherein the dispersant in step i) has at least 3.5 mmoles of reactive groups per g of dispersant.7. (canceled)8. The dispersion according to wherein the end-capping agent in step iii) has a molecular weight of at least 400 daltons.9. The dispersion according to wherein the end-capping agent in step iii) comprise one or more Calkyleneoxy groups.10. The dispersion according to wherein the end-capping agent in step iii) comprises ethyleneoxy groups claim 9 , propyleneoxy groups or combinations thereof.11. The dispersion according to wherein the end-capping agent in step iii) comprises poly Calkyleneoxide chains containing at least 10 Calkyleneoxy repeat units.12. The dispersion according to wherein the end-capping agent has a single group selected from isocyanate claim 1 , aziridine claim 1 , oxetane claim 1 , oxazoline claim 1 , N-methylol claim 1 , carbodiimide and ...

    05-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130230701A1
    Автор: MOCHIZUKI Kyohei
    Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

    Disclosed is an actinic radiation-curing type ink set comprising a colored ink composition and a clear ink composition (C1), the colored ink composition comprising (Component A1) a radically polymerizable compound, (Component B1) a polymerization initiator, and (Component D) a colorant, and the clear ink composition (C1) comprising (Component A2) a radically polymerizable compound, (Component B2) a polymerization initiator, and (Component S) an organic solvent.

    12-09-2013 дата публикации

    Ink Composition, Recording Method Using the Same, and Recorded Matter

    Номер: US20130235117A1
    Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

    An ink composition comprises at least a coloring agent coated with a water-insoluble polymer and resin particles. The water-insoluble polymer is a polymer obtained by a solution polymerization process using at least a polymerizable unsaturated monomer and a polymerization initiator. The coloring agent coated with the water-insoluble polymer is a coloring material obtained by a phase inversion emulsification process in which, after the water-insoluble polymer is dissolved in an organic solvent, at least the coloring agent and water are added thereto, followed by mixing. The organic solvent is removed to perform dispersion in an aqueous system. The resin particles are a polymer obtained by an emulsion polymerization process using at least a crosslinking agent. The average particle size of the resin particles is from 20 to 80 nm.

    12-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130235132A1

    A concentrated inkjet ink for packaging includes a liquid composition present in an amount that is less than 60 wt % of the concentrated inkjet ink, and nonvolatile solids present in an amount ranging from about 40 wt % to about 90 wt % of the concentrated inkjet ink. The nonvolatile solids include encapsulated pigment particles having a particle size ranging from about 50 nm to about 500 nm, and a dispersant. The concentrated inkjet ink is dispersible in an ink vehicle to form a print ready inkjet ink. 1. A concentrated inkjet ink for packaging , comprising:a liquid composition present in an amount that is less than 60 wt % of the concentrated inkjet ink; andnonvolatile solids present in an amount ranging from about 40 wt % to about 90 wt % of the concentrated inkjet ink, the nonvolatile solids including encapsulated pigment particles having a particle size ranging from about 50 nm to about 500 nm, and a dispersant;wherein the concentrated inkjet ink is dispersible in an ink vehicle to form a print ready inkjet ink.2. The concentrated inkjet ink as defined in wherein the nonvolatile solids further include a viscosity modifier claim 1 , a polymer claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The concentrated inkjet ink as defined in wherein: the encapsulated pigments are present in the concentrated ink in an amount ranging from about 25 wt % to about 70 wt % of the concentrated ink; the dispersant is present in an amount ranging from about 2 wt % to about 30 wt %; the viscosity modifier is present in the concentrated ink in an amount that is less than about 10 wt % of the concentrated ink; the polymer is present in the concentrated ink in an amount that is less than about 10 wt % of the concentrated ink; and combinations thereof.4. The concentrated inkjet ink as defined in wherein the particle size ranges from about 100 nm to about 200 nm.5. The concentrated inkjet ink as defined in wherein the dispersant is a cationic polyamine claim 1 , the liquid composition includes an ...

    12-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130236654A1
    Принадлежит: AGFA GRAPHICS NV

    A free radical curable liquid for inkjet printing of food packaging materials includes no initiator or otherwise one or more initiators selected from the group consisting of non-polymeric di- or multifunctional initiators, oligomeric initiators, polymeric initiators, and polymerizable initiators; wherein the polymerizable composition of the liquid consists of: a) 25-100 wt % of one or more polymerizable compounds A having at least one acrylate group G1 and at least one second ethylenically unsaturated polymerizable functional group G2 different from the group G1; b) 0-55 wt % of one or more polymerizable compounds B selected from the group consisting of monofunctional acrylates and difunctional acrylates; and c) 0-55 wt % of one or more polymerizable compounds C selected from the group consisting of trifunctional acrylates, tetrafunctional acrylates, pentafunctional acrylates and hexafunctional acrylates. 3. The free radical curable liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the integers n and m both have a value equal to 0.4. The free radical curable liquid according to claim 1 , wherein a molecular weight of compound A is smaller than 800 Dalton.5. The free radical curable liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the ethylenically unsaturated polymerizable functional group G2 is a vinyl ether group.6. The free radical curable liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the polymerizable composition includes 60 wt % to 90 wt % of one or more polymerizable compounds A and 10 wt % to 40 wt % of one or more polymerizable compounds C.7. The free radical curable liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid includes a polymerizable photoinitiator.8. The free radical curable liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid includes a polymerizable co-initiator and/or a polymerizable inhibitor.10. A free radical curable ink for printing comprising:a colorant; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the free radical curable liquid according to .'}11. The free radical ...

    19-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130240794A1

    A method for fabricating a boron-comprising ink is provided. The method includes providing an inorganic boron-comprising material, combining the inorganic boron-comprising material with a polar solvent having a boiling point in a range of from about 50° C. to about 250° C., and combining the inorganic boron-comprising material with a spread-minimizing additive that results in a spreading factor of the boron-comprising ink in a range of from about 1.5 to about 6. 1. A method for fabricating a boron-comprising ink , the method comprising the steps of:providing an inorganic boron-comprising material;combining the inorganic boron-comprising material with a polar solvent having a boiling point in a range of from about 50° C. to about 250° C.; andcombining the inorganic boron-comprising material with a spread-minimizing additive that results in a spreading factor of the boron-comprising ink in a range of from about 1.5 to about 6.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of providing the inorganic boron-comprising material comprises providing a material selected from the group consisting of boron oxide claim 1 , boric acid claim 1 , borates having a formula B(OR) claim 1 , where R is an alkyl group claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of combining the inorganic boron-comprising material with the polar solvent comprises combining the inorganic boron-comprising material with a material selected from the group consisting of iso-stearic acid claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , propylene glycol butyl ether claim 1 , ethylene glycol claim 1 , triethylene glycol claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of combining the inorganic boron-comprising material with the spread-minimizing additive comprises combining the inorganic boron-comprising material with a material selected from the group consisting of iso-stearic acid claim 1 , polypropylene oxide (PPO) claim 1 , vinylmethylsiloxane-dimethylsiloxane copolymer ...

    19-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130242013A1

    An inkjet recording ink, including: water; a wetting agent; a colorant; and polymer microparticles, wherein the polymer microparticles are each a copolymer of a monomer represented by the following structural formula (1) or the following general formula (2), a monomer represented by the following general formula (3), and a macromonomer represented by the following general formula (4): 2. The inkjet recording ink according to claim 1 ,wherein in the general formula (3), the “Rs” are independently a methyl group or an ethyl group.3. The inkjet recording ink according to claim 1 ,wherein in the general formula (4), “l” is an integer of 1 to 50.4. The inkjet recording ink according to claim 1 ,wherein a ratio of the monomer represented by the structural formula (1) or the general formula (2): the monomer represented by the general formula (3): the repeating units in the macromonomer represented by the general formula (4) is 1: (0.1 to 5): (0.1 to 5).5. The inkjet recording ink according to claim 1 ,wherein an amount of the polymer microp articles relative to a total amount of the inkjet recording ink is 0.05% by mass to 2.0% by mass as a solid content of the polymer microp articles.7. The ink cartridge according to claim 6 ,wherein in the general formula (3), the “Rs” are independently a methyl group or an ethyl group.8. The ink cartridge according to claim 6 ,wherein in the general formula (4), “l” is an integer of 1 to 50.9. The ink cartridge according to claim 6 ,wherein a ratio of the monomer represented by the structural formula (1) or the general formula (2) the monomer represented by the general formula (3)=the repeating units in the macromonomer represented by the general formula (4) is 1 (0.1 to 5) (0.1 to 5).10. The ink cartridge according to claim 6 ,wherein an amount of the polymer microparticles relative to a total amount of the inkjet recording ink is 0.05% by mass to 2.0% by mass as a solid content of the polymer microparticles.12. The inkjet recording ...

    19-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130245157A1
    Принадлежит: DIC CORPORATION

    It is an object of the present invention to provide a binder for ink-jet printing ink that achieves excellent rubfastness, high durability such as alkali resistance, and good ink dischargeability and that can form a printed image with high gloss and an ink-jet printing ink containing the binder. The present invention relates to a binder for ink-jet printing ink in which a vinyl polymer (B) is dispersed in an aqueous medium (D) by a urethane resin (A) having a hydrophilic group. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for producing a binder for ink-jet printing ink , the binder containing an aqueous medium (D) and composite resin particles (C) in which part or the entirety of a vinyl polymer (B) is contained in particles of a urethane resin (A) having a hydrophilic group , the method comprising mixing a urethane resin (A) having a hydrophilic group and a vinyl monomer (b1) without using a solvent or in the presence of an organic solvent to prepare a mixture; then mixing the mixture and an aqueous medium (D) to prepare a composition containing the aqueous medium (D) and resin particles (C′) in which part or the entirety of the vinyl monomer (b1) is contained in particles of the urethane resin (A) having a hydrophilic group; and then mixing the composition and a polymerization initiator to cause radical polymerization.17. The method for producing a binder for ink-jet printing ink according to claim 16 , wherein the composite resin particles (C) are core-shell type composite resin particles including a shell layer composed of the urethane resin (A) having a hydrophilic group and a core layer composed of the vinyl polymer (B).18. The method for producing a binder for ink-jet printing ink according to claim 16 , wherein the urethane resin (A) having a hydrophilic group and the vinyl polymer (B) are not covalently bonded to each other.19. The method for producing a binder for ink-jet printing ink according to claim 16 , wherein the hydrophilic group in the urethane resin (A) is an ...

    19-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130245189A1

    A vinyloxy group-containing vinyl polymer, useful as a heat or light curing reactive prepolymer, containing at least a constituent unit expressed by the following formula (I): 5. A vinyloxy group-containing vinyl copolymer as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the vinyl ether expressed by said formula (III) is selected from the group consisting of methyl vinyl ether claim 3 , ethyl vinyl ether claim 3 , n-propyl vinyl ether claim 3 , isopropyl vinyl ether claim 3 , n-butyl vinyl ether claim 3 , sec-butyl vinyl ether claim 3 , tert-butyl vinyl ether claim 3 , isobutyl vinyl ether claim 3 , (1-ethylpropyl)vinyl ether claim 3 , neopentyl vinyl ether claim 3 , n-hexyl vinyl ether claim 3 , cyclohexyl vinyl ether claim 3 , (cyclohexylmethyl)vinyl ether claim 3 , 2-ethylhexyl vinyl ether claim 3 , dodecyl vinyl ether claim 3 , octadecyl vinyl ether claim 3 , allyl vinyl ether claim 3 , norbornyl vinyl ether claim 3 , norbornenyl vinyl ether claim 3 , norbornylmethyl vinyl ether claim 3 , norbornenylmethyl vinyl ether claim 3 , 2-acetoxyethyl vinyl ether claim 3 , 4-acetoxycyclohexyl vinyl ether claim 3 , 1-acetoxymethyl-4-cyclohexylmethyl vinyl ether claim 3 , acetoxy diethylene glycol monovinyl ether claim 3 , and acetoxy triethylene glycol monovinyl ether.6. An ink composition comprising a vinyloxy group-containing vinyl polymer according to .7. A medical use adhesive comprising a vinyloxy group-containing vinyl polymer according to .8. A coating composition comprising a vinyloxy group-containing vinyl polymer according to .9. A vinyloxy group-containing vinyl copolymer as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the vinyl ether expressed by said formula (III) is selected from the group consisting of methyl vinyl ether claim 4 , ethyl vinyl ether claim 4 , n-propyl vinyl ether claim 4 , isopropyl vinyl ether claim 4 , n-butyl vinyl ether claim 4 , sec-butyl vinyl ether claim 4 , tert-butyl vinyl ether claim 4 , isobutyl vinyl ether claim 4 , (1-ethylpropyl)vinyl ether claim 4 , neopentyl ...

    26-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130250002A1
    Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

    The present invention provides an ink composition having excellent jetting stability, which contains water, a cross-liked polymer-coated pigment in which at least a portion of a surface of the pigment is covered with a cross-liked polymer, a free polymer that is not bound to the cross-liked polymer-coated pigment, and at least one divalent metal ion in an amount of from 30 ppm to 200 ppm with respect to the total mass of the ink composition, and an ink set and an image forming method using the same, which are excellent in jetting stability. 1. An ink composition comprising:water;a cross-linked polymer-coated pigment in which at least a portion of a surface of the pigment is covered with a cross-linked polymer;a free polymer that is not bound to the cross-linked polymer-coated pigment; andat least one divalent metal ion in an amount of from 30 ppm to 200 ppm with respect to a total mass of the ink composition.2. The ink composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a divalent anion in an amount of 40 ppm or less with respect to the total mass of the ink composition.3. The ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein the free polymer comprises an anionic group and has an acid value of 95 mgKOH/g or more.4. The ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein the divalent metal ion is Mg claim 1 , Ca claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , or any mixture thereof.5. The ink composition according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one water soluble polymerizable compound having at least two polymerizable groups.6. The ink composition according to claim 5 , wherein at least one of the at least two polymerizable groups is a group selected from the group consisting of a (meth)acrylamido group claim 5 , a maleimido group claim 5 , a vinylsulfono group and an N-vinylamido group.7. The ink composition according to claim 5 , wherein a ratio of the molecular weight of the water soluble polymerizable compound to a number of polymerizable groups contained in the water soluble ...

    26-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130250016A1
    Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

    The invention provides an image forming method including at least applying an ink composition to a recording medium to form an image, the recording medium having an absorption amount of the ink composition, within 20 msecfrom a start of contact of the ink composition with the recording medium, of 20 ml/mor larger according to the Bristow method and being conveyed in a feed direction at a conveying speed of 80 m/min or higher, and the ink composition containing at least a pigment, a compound represented by the following Formula (1), wax and water. In Formula (1), each of l, m, and n independently represents an integer of 1 or more; the sum of l, m, and n is from 3 to 15; and each AO of (AO), (AO), and (AO)independently represents an ethyleneoxy group or a propyleneoxy group. 2. The image forming method of claim 1 , wherein each AO in Formula (1) is a propyleneoxy group.3. The image forming method of claim 1 , wherein a content of the compound represented by Formula (1) is from 5.0 mass % to 40.0 mass % based on a total mass of the ink composition.4. The image forming method of claim 1 , wherein:each AO in Formula (1) is a propyleneoxy group; anda content of the compound represented by Formula (1) is from 5.0 mass % to 40.0 mass % based on a total mass of the ink composition.5. The image forming method of claim 1 , wherein the wax is in a form of a wax particle.6. The image forming method of claim 1 , wherein:a content of the compound represented by Formula (1) is from 5.0 mass % to 40.0 mass % based on a total mass of the ink composition; andthe wax is in a form of a wax particle.7. The image forming method of claim 1 , wherein the wax is carnauba wax.8. The image forming method of claim 1 , wherein:a content of the compound represented by Formula (1) is from 5.0 mass % to 40.0 mass % based on a total mass of the ink composition;the wax is in a form of a wax particle; andthe wax is carnauba wax.9. The image forming method of claim 1 , wherein a content of the wax is ...

    26-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130250019A1

    Provided are a radiation-curable ink composition including phenoxyethyl acrylate (A) in an amount of from 20 to 55 mass % of the total reaction components, a multifunctional acrylate (B) in an amount of from 20 to 50 mass % of the total reaction components, and a black pigment (F1); and a radiation-curable ink composition including phenoxyethyl acrylate (A) in an amount of from 20 to 55 mass % of the total reaction components, a multifunctional acrylate (B) in an amount of from 10 to 50 mass % of the total reaction components, and a yellow pigment (F2). 1. An ink jet recording method comprising the steps of:(a) discharging a radiation-curable ink composition onto a recording medium, the composition being phenoxyethyl acrylate (A) in an amount of from 20 to 55 mass % of the total reaction components; a multifunctional acrylate (B) in an amount of from 20 to 50 mass % of the total reaction components; and a black pigment (F1); and(b) irradiating the discharged radiation-curable ink composition with active radiation having a peak emission wavelength ranging from 350 to 400 nm using an active radiation source2. The method of wherein the radiation is provided at a dose of from 300 to 1000 mJ/cm.3. The method of wherein the radiation-curable composition has a viscosity of from 15 to 25 mPa·s.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the multifunctional acrylate (B) is at least one selected from dipropylene glycol diacrylate claim 1 , tripropylene glycol diacrylate claim 1 , tetraethylene glycol diacrylate claim 1 , tricyclodecane dimethanol diacrylate claim 1 , and propoxylated neopentyl glycol diacrylate.5. The method according to claim 1 , the ink composition further comprising N-vinyl caprolactam (C) as a reaction component.6. The method according to claim 1 , the ink composition further comprising an aminoacrylate (D) as a reaction component.7. The method according to claim 1 , the ink composition further comprising a monofunctional acrylate (E) having an alicyclic ...

    26-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130253106A1

    There is provided an ink composition for ink jet textile printing, the ink composition containing a pigment, a urethane resin emulsion, an emulsion-type silicone compound, and water, wherein the urethane resin emulsion content is 3.5 to 14 mass % relative to the total mass of the ink composition, the emulsion-type silicone compound content is in the range of 0.4 to 3.0 mass % relative to the total mass of the ink composition, and the water content is in the range of 20 to 80 mass % relative to the total mass of the ink composition. 1. An ink composition for ink jet textile printing , the ink composition comprising:a pigment;a urethane resin emulsion;an emulsion-type silicone compound; andwater, whereinthe urethane resin emulsion content is 3.5 to 14 mass % relative to the total mass of the ink composition,the emulsion-type silicone compound content is in the range of 0.4 to 3.0 mass % relative to the total mass of the ink composition, andthe water content is in the range of 20 to 80 mass % relative to the total mass of the ink composition.2. The ink composition for ink jet textile printing according to claim 1 , wherein the emulsion-type silicone compound is at least one material selected from an amino-modified silicone emulsion claim 1 , an epoxy-modified silicone emulsion claim 1 , a dimethyl silicone emulsion claim 1 , and a reactive silicone emulsion.3. The ink composition for ink jet textile printing according to claim 1 , wherein the pigment is a white pigment.4. The ink composition for ink jet textile printing according to claim 3 , wherein the urethane resin emulsion content is in the range of 7 to 14 mass % relative to the total mass of the ink composition.5. The ink composition for ink jet textile printing according to claim 1 , further comprising:2-pyrrolidone in an amount of not less than 1 mass % relative to the total mass of the ink composition. The entire disclosure of Japanese Application No.: 2012-066003 filed on Mar. 22, 2012 is expressly ...

    03-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130257034A1
    Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

    An ink composition of the present invention includes: (a) a polymer compound which includes a repeating unit (a-1) having a partial structure expressed by the following General Formula (1), a repeating unit (a-2) which has a hydrophilic group and accounts for 8% to 25% by mass with respect to the total mass of the polymer compound, and a repeating unit (a-3) having a hydrophobic group, the polymer compound having a solubility parameter in an unneutralized state of 20.7 MPato 23.0 MPa, (b) water; and (c) a water-soluble organic solvent. 3. The ink composition according to claim 2 ,wherein Y in the General Formula (2-1) represents an (n+1)-valent substituent obtained by removing n hydrogen atoms from a linear or cyclic alkyl group.4. The ink composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the repeating unit (a-2) having the hydrophilic group is a repeating unit having at least one type of hydrophilic group selected from an alcoholic hydroxyl group, an alkyl-substituted carbamoyl group, a carboxyl group, a sulfo group, and salts thereof.5. The ink composition according to claim 3 ,wherein the repeating unit (a-2) having the hydrophilic group is a repeating unit having at least one type of hydrophilic group selected from an alcoholic hydroxyl group, an alkyl-substituted carbamoyl group, a carboxyl group, a sulfo group, and salts thereof.6. The ink composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the repeating unit (a-2) having the hydrophilic group is a repeating unit having at least one type of hydrophilic group selected from a carboxyl group and salts thereof.7. The ink composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1/2', '1/2, 'wherein the solubility parameter of (a) the polymer compound in the unneutralized state is 21.2 MPato 22.8 MPa.'}8. The ink composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1/2', '1/2, 'wherein the solubility parameter of (a) the polymer compound in the unneutralized state is 21.5 MPato 22.5 MPa.'}9. The ink composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the repeating unit ...

    03-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130258015A1

    An ultraviolet ray-curable clear ink composition includes a polymerizable compound; and a photopolymerization initiator, in which the polymerizable compound contains a vinyl ether group-containing (meth)acrylic acid ester represented by the following formula (I) and 5% by mass to 25% by mass of urethane oligomer with respect to the total mass of the ink composition. 1. An ultraviolet ray-curable clear ink composition comprising:a polymerizable compound; anda photopolymerization initiator, {'br': None, 'sub': '2', 'sup': 1', '2', '2, 'CH═CR—COOR—O—CH═CH—R\u2003\u2003(I)'}, 'wherein the polymerizable compound contains a vinyl ether group-containing (meth)acrylic acid ester represented by the following formula (I) and 5% by mass to 25% by mass of urethane oligomer with respect to the total mass of the ink composition.'}{'sup': 1', '2', '3, '(in the formula (I), Rrepresents a hydrogen atom or a methyl group; Rrepresents a divalent organic residue having 2 to 20 carbon atoms; and Rrepresents a hydrogen atom or a monovalent organic residue having 1 to 11 carbon atoms)'}2. The ultraviolet ray-curable clear ink composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the urethane oligomer contains a bifunctional to tetrafunctional (meth)acryloyl group.3. The ultraviolet ray-curable clear ink composition acquiring to claim 1 ,wherein the urethane oligomer is an aliphatic urethane oligomer.4. The ultraviolet ray-curable clear ink composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polymerization initiator contains 5% by mass to 13% by mass of acylphosphine oxide compound with respect to the total mass of the ink composition.5. The ultraviolet ray-curable clear ink composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polymerizable compound further contains at least one of a monofunctional (meth)acrylate having an aromatic ring structure and a monofunctional (meth)acrylate which has an aliphatic structure having a hydroxyl group.6. The ultraviolet ray-curable clear ink composition according to claim 1 , ...

    03-10-2013 дата публикации

    Ink jet recording method, ultraviolet curable ink and ink jet recording apparatus

    Номер: US20130258016A1
    Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

    An ink jet recording method includes discharging a ultraviolet curable ink of which viscosity is 7 mPa·s or more at 20° C. from a head toward a recording medium, and curing the ultraviolet curable ink adhered to the recording medium, wherein, in the discharging, the temperature of the ultraviolet curable ink discharged is 20 to 30° C., and the viscosity of the ultraviolet curable ink at the temperature is 13 mPa·s or less.

    03-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130258017A1

    The ink jet recording method includes discharging liquid droplets of a photocurable ink composition including a solvent, a polymerizable compound, and a photopolymerization initiator from a head to a recording medium to land the liquid droplets, thereby forming an image; evaporating the solvent included in the photocurable ink composition constituting the image; and irradiating the image after the second step with light, wherein when the irradiation is initiated in the third step, the content of the polymerizable compound included in the photocurable ink composition constituting the image after the second step is from 20 to 90% by mass, based on the total mass of the ink composition. 1. An ink jet recording method comprising:discharging liquid droplets of a photocurable ink composition including a solvent, a polymerizable compound, and a photopolymerization initiator from a head to a recording medium to land the liquid droplets, thereby forming an image;evaporating the solvent included in the photocurable ink composition constituting the image; andirradiating the image after the evaporation of the solvent with light,wherein when the irradiation is initiated in the irradiation of the image with light, the content of the polymerizable compound included in the photocurable ink composition constituting the image after the evaporation of the solvent is from 20 to 90% by mass, based on the total mass of the ink composition.2. The ink jet recording method according to claim 1 , wherein the recording medium is non-ink-absorptive or low-ink-absorptive.3. The ink jet recording method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymerizable compound is included in the photocurable ink composition in the dispersion state.4. The ink jet recording method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymerizable compound is a urethane (meth)acrylate.5. The ink jet recording method according to claim 4 , wherein the polymerizable compound is a urethane (meth)acrylate having a hydrophobic structure ...

    03-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130258018A1

    Provided is an ink jet recording method including: discharging first ultraviolet curable ink of a radical polymerization reaction type which contains a radical photopolymerization initiator and a radical polymerization compound and in which transmittance at a wavelength of 395 nm is equal to or less than 1%, onto a recording medium; and curing the first ultraviolet curable ink which is landed on the recording medium by irradiating the ink with ultraviolet light, in which a light source which initially emits the ultraviolet light in the curing of the ink is an ultraviolet light emitting diode in which peak intensity of the irradiated ultraviolet light is equal to or more than 800 mW/cm. 1. An ink jet recording method comprising:discharging first ultraviolet curable ink of a radical polymerization reaction type which contains a radical photopolymerization initiator and a radical polymerization compound and in which transmittance at a wavelength of 395 nm is equal to or less than 1%, onto a recording medium; andcuring the first ultraviolet curable ink which is landed on the recording medium by irradiating the ink with ultraviolet light,{'sup': '2', 'wherein a light source which initially emits the ultraviolet light in the curing of the ink is an ultraviolet light emitting diode in which peak intensity of the irradiated ultraviolet light is equal to or more than 800 mW/cm.'}2. The ink jet recording method according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein an irradiation energy of the ultraviolet light emitted from the ultraviolet light emitting diode which initially emits ultraviolet light is 100 mJ/cmto 600 mJ/cm.'}3. The ink jet recording method according to claim 1 , further comprisingfurther emitting ultraviolet light, after emitting ultraviolet light from the ultraviolet light emitting diode which is a light source which initially emits the ultraviolet light.4. The ink jet recording method according to claim 1 ,wherein the irradiation from the ultraviolet light ...

    03-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130260092A1
    Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

    Disclosed is an actinic radiation-curing type ink composition comprising (Component A) a monofunctional radically polymerizable monomer and (Component B) a polyfunctional acrylate oligomer having a glass transition temperature of no greater than 20° C. and having an acrylate equivalent of at least 300 g/eq, Component A comprising (Component A-1) an N-vinyl compound and (Component A-2) an acrylamide derivative, Component A having a content of at least 70 mass % of the entire ink composition, and Component A-1 having a content of at least 18 mass % of the entire ink composition. 1. An actinic radiation-curing type ink composition comprising:(Component A) a monofunctional radically polymerizable monomer; and(Component B) a polyfunctional acrylate oligomer having a glass transition temperature of no greater than 20° C. and having an acrylate equivalent of at least 300 g/eq,Component A comprising (Component A-1) an N-vinyl compound and (Component A-2) an acrylamide derivative,Component A having a content of at least 70 mass % of the entire ink composition, andComponent A-1 having a content of at least 18 mass % of the entire ink composition.3. The actinic radiation-curing type ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein Component A-2 has a content of 5 to 50 mass % of the entire ink composition.4. The actinic radiation-curing type ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein Component B has a content of 0.1 to 10 mass % of the entire ink composition.5. The actinic radiation-curing type ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein when the content of Component A-2 in 100 parts by mass of the ink composition is (a-2) (parts by mass) and the content of Component B is (b) (parts by mass) claim 1 , (a-2):(b) (mass ratio) is 30:1 to 1:1.6. The actinic radiation-curing type ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises (Component C) a polymerization initiator claim 1 , Component C comprising (Component C-1) a thioxanthone compound.7. The actinic radiation- ...

    10-10-2013 дата публикации

    Inkjet Compositions For Forming Functional Glaze Coatings

    Номер: US20130265376A1

    Inkjet compositions that can be applied to glass and/or ceramic substrates to impart various effect to the substrate after firing, including: gloss, matt, contrast gloss (luster), specular reflection (metallic appearance), relief and slipperiness. The inkjet compositions include solvents, additives for dispersion, and inorganic substances, but preferably do not include any color-producing ceramic pigments. The inorganic substances contained in the inkjet compositions are the responsible for the above mentioned effects on the surface of the ceramic article. Depending on the type of effect desired, the inorganic substance may be a specific frit, a crystalline oxide, or a combination of frits and crystalline oxides. 1. An inkjet composition for forming an appearance effect on a surface of a ceramic or glass substrate on which said inkjet composition is applied and fired , said inkjet composition comprising one or more solvents , one or more additives for dispersion , and one or more inorganic substances , wherein said one or more inorganic substances are non-color producing solids having a particle size not greater than about 2.4 μm.2. The inkjet composition according to wherein said inkjet composition has a viscosity within the range of from about 5 to about 50 mPa·s claim 1 , a surface tension of from about 20 to about 40 mN/m claim 1 , and a density of from about 0.8 to about 1.5 g/mL.3. The inkjet composition according to wherein the appearance effect is a matt effect.4. The inkjet composition according to wherein the non-color producing solids comprise a glass frit comprising claim 3 , by weight claim 3 , from about 30% to about 40% AlO claim 3 , from about 40% to about 60% SiOand from about 10% to about 20% by weight MgO.5. The inkjet composition according to wherein the appearance effect is a gloss effect.6. The inkjet composition according to wherein the non-color producing solids comprise a glass frit comprising claim 5 , by weight claim 5 , from about 50% to ...

    10-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130266776A1
    Принадлежит: DIC CORPORATION

    An object to be achieved by the present invention is to provide a binder for an ink-jet printing ink, the binder being capable of forming a printed image having excellent durability such as rubfastness and alkali resistance without impairing good ejection stability, storage stability, etc. of an ink, and an ink-jet printing ink containing the binder. The present invention relates to a binder for an ink-jet printing ink, the binder containing an aqueous medium (D); and a polyurethane (C) obtained by reacting a polyol (A) containing a vinyl polymer (a1) having two hydroxyl groups at one end and at least one polyol (a2) selected from the group consisting of polyether polyols, polyester polyols, polyester ether polyols, and polycarbonate polyols with a polyisocyanate (B), the polyurethane (C) having a structure derived from the vinyl polymer (a1) in a side chain thereof and being dispersed in the aqueous medium (D), and printed matter. 114.-. (canceled)15. A binder for an ink-jet printing ink , the binder comprising an aqueous medium (D); and a polyurethane (C) obtained by reacting a polyol (A) containing a vinyl polymer (a1) having two hydroxyl groups at one end and at least one polyol (a2) selected from the group consisting of polyether polyols , polyester polyols , polyester ether polyols , and polycarbonate polyols with a polyisocyanate (B) , the polyurethane (C) having a structure derived from the vinyl polymer (a1) in a side chain thereof and being dispersed in the aqueous medium (D)) , wherein the polyurethane (C) is obtained by using the vinyl polymer (a1) in an amount in the range of 1% to 60% by mass relative to the total mass of materials used in the production of the polyurethane (C).16. The binder for an ink-jet printing ink according to claim 15 , wherein the vinyl polymer (a1) having two hydroxyl groups at one end has a number-average molecular weight of 500 to 10 claim 15 ,000.17. The binder for an ink-jet printing ink according to claim 15 , wherein the ...

    10-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130267627A1
    Принадлежит: HITACHI MAXELL, LTD.

    The present invention relates to a primer ink comprising a polymerizable compound and a polymerization initiator, wherein the polymerizable compound comprises a monofunctional monomer having an aromatic hydrocarbon-based ring structure in a molecule and an aliphatic hydrocarbon-based monofunctional monomer, wherein a total mass of the monofunctional monomer having an aromatic hydrocarbon-based ring structure in a molecule and an aliphatic hydrocarbon-based monofunctional monomer is 80% by mass or more based on the total mass of all polymerizable compounds which the primer ink comprises, and wherein a surface tension of is 25 mN/m to 31 mN/m and a viscosity is 50 mPa·s or less. 1. A primer ink comprising a polymerizable compound and a polymerization initiator , wherein the polymerizable compound comprises a monofunctional monomer having an aromatic hydrocarbon-based ring structure in a molecule and an aliphatic hydrocarbon-based monofunctional monomer , wherein a total mass of the monofunctional monomer having an aromatic hydrocarbon-based ring structure in a molecule and the aliphatic hydrocarbon-based monofunctional monomer is 80% by mass or more based on the total mass of all polymerizable compounds which said primer ink comprises , and wherein a surface tension is 25 mN/m to 31 mN/m and a viscosity is 50 mPa·s or less.2. The primer ink according to claim 1 , wherein the monofunctional monomer having an aromatic hydrocarbon-based ring structure comprises 2-hydroxy-3-phenoxypropyl acrylate.3. The primer ink according to claim 1 , wherein the aliphatic hydrocarbon-based monofunctional monomer comprises a monofunctional monomer not having an alicyclic hydrocarbon structure in a molecule.4. The primer ink according to claim 1 , wherein the aliphatic hydrocarbon-based monofunctional monomer comprises a monofunctional monomer having an alicyclic hydrocarbon structure in a molecule.5. The primer ink according to claim 1 , further comprising an anti-gelling agent and a ...

    10-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130267656A1
    Автор: Berge Charles T.

    The present disclosure provides novel aqueous ink-jet inks containing an aqueous vehicle, a pigment and an alternating polyurethane as a binder. 2. The ink of claim 1 , wherein Ris C-Csubstituted alkyl.3. The ink of claim 2 , wherein Ris C-Calkyl claim 2 , C-Csubstituted alkyl claim 2 , polyether claim 2 , polyester or polycarbonate.4. The ink of claim 3 , wherein Ris C-Csubstituted alkyl.5. The ink of claim 4 , wherein n is an integer from 1 to 40.6. The ink of claim 5 , wherein said capping agent is RRNH.7. The ink of claim 6 , wherein OCN—R—NCO is isophorone diisocyanate or m-tetramethylene xylylene diisocyanate claim 6 , and said capping agent is bis(methoxyethyl)amine.8. The ink of claim 1 , wherein Ris C-Csubstituted aryl.9. The ink of claim 8 , wherein Ris C-Calkyl claim 8 , C-Csubstituted alkyl claim 8 , polyether claim 8 , polyester or polycarbonate.10. The ink of claim 9 , wherein Ris C-Csubstituted alkyl.11. The ink of claim 10 , wherein n is an integer from 1 to 40.12. The ink of claim 11 , wherein said capping agent is RRNH.13. The ink of claim 12 , wherein OCN—R—NCO is 2 claim 12 ,4-toluene diisocyanate claim 12 , and said capping agent is bis(methoxyethyl)amine.15. The ink of claim 14 , wherein HO—R—OH is the reaction product of a di-anhydride with a diol HO—R—OH.16. The ink of claim 15 , wherein said di-anhydride is biphenyl-tetracarboxylic acid dianhydride claim 15 , pyromellitic dianhydride or oxyphenyl dianhydride.17. The ink of claim 16 , wherein Ris polyether or polycarbonate claim 16 , and m is an integer from 1 to 6.18. The ink of claim 2 , wherein HO—R—OH is the reaction product of a di-anhydride with a diol HO—R—OH.19. The ink of claim 18 , wherein said di-anhydride is biphenyl-tetracarboxylic acid dianhydride claim 18 , pyromellitic dianhydride or oxyphenyl dianhydride.20. The ink of claim 19 , wherein Ris polyether or polycarbonate claim 19 , and m is an integer from 1 to 6.21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled) This application claims ...

    17-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130271526A1
    Принадлежит: OLIVETTI S.p.A.

    The present invention relates to (i) a reactive ink for ink jet printing comprising a two-component system, the first component comprising a polymerizable monomer, and the second component comprising a polymerization catalyst, wherein the monomer is able to form a polymeric film at low temperature within thirty minutes, preferably within ten minutes, from contacting the catalyst, (ii) a process of making an image on a non-porous substrate using such a reactive ink, and an ink jet print head including a two component ink-system. 1. A reactive ink for ink jet printing comprising a two-component system , the first component comprising a polymerizable monomer , and the second component comprising a polymerization catalyst , wherein the polymerizable monomer is able to form a polymeric film at a temperature equal to or lower than 60° C. within thirty minutes from contacting the catalyst , and wherein said first component and said second component are mixed in an amount so as to provide a weight ratio between said polymerizable monomer and said polymerization catalyst ranging from 1:1 to 1:10.2. The reactive ink for ink jet printing according to claim 1 , wherein said polymerizable monomer is able to form a polymeric film at low temperature within ten minutes from contacting the catalyst.3. The reactive ink for ink jet printing according to claim 1 , wherein said polymerizable monomer is able to form a polymeric film at low temperature within one minute from contacting the catalyst.4. (canceled)5. The reactive ink for ink jet printing according to claim 1 , wherein said polymerizable monomer is able to form a polymeric film at a temperature equal to or lower than 40° C.6. The reactive ink for ink jet printing according to claim 1 , wherein said polymerizable monomer is able to form a polymeric film at a temperature ranging from 10° to 30° C.7. The reactive ink for ink jet printing according to claim 1 , wherein said polymerizable monomer is selected from the group ...

    17-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130273257A1
    Автор: Endoh Hiroyuki
    Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

    A carbon nanotube composition that exhibits an excellent printability when use is made for a printing device, especially, exhibits an excellent prevention of drying on the printing apparatus. A carbon nanotube ink composition comprises carbon nanotubes, a solvent, an imidazolidinone compound represented by chemical formula (1) and a propylene urea compound represented by chemical formula (2). 2. The carbon nanotube ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein all R claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rand Rare a methyl group.3. The carbon nanotube ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein said solvent is water or an organic solvent.4. The carbon nanotube ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content rate of said carbon nanotubes is from 100 ppm to 1% by weight.5. The carbon nanotube ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein a total content rate of said imidazolidinone compound and said propylene urea compound is from 100 ppm to 5% by weight.6. The carbon nanotube ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein a total content rate by weight of said imidazolidinone compound and said propylene urea compound is grater than a content rate by weight of said carbon nanotubes.7. The carbon nanotube ink composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a polyethylene glycol compound containing an alkoxy group of ten or more carbon atoms as a substituent.8. The carbon nanotube ink composition according to claim 7 , wherein a content rate by weight of said polyethylene glycol compound is a 0.5 to 1.5 fold content rate by weight of said carbon nanotubes.11. The method according to claim 9 , wherein all R claim 9 , R claim 9 , Rand Rare a methyl group.12. The method according to claim 9 , wherein said solvent is water or an organic solvent.13. The method according to claim 9 , wherein a content rate of said carbon nanotubes is from 100 ppm to 1% by weight.14. The method according to claim 10 , wherein all R claim 10 , R claim 10 , Rand Rare a methyl group.15. The ...

    24-10-2013 дата публикации

    Process for thermally stable oleophobic low adhesion coating for inkjet printhead front face

    Номер: US20130280431A1
    Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

    A coating for an ink jet printhead front face, wherein the coating comprises an oleophobic low adhesion coating having high thermal stability as indicated by less than about 15 percent weight loss when heated to up to 300° C., and wherein a drop of ultra-violet (UV) gel ink or a drop of solid ink exhibits a contact angle of greater than about 50° and sliding angle of less than about 30° with a surface of the coating, wherein the coating maintains the contact angle and sliding angle after the coating has been exposed to a temperature of at least 260° C. for at least 30 minutes.

    24-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130281572A1

    A non-aqueous pigment ink is provided, wherein the non-aqueous pigment ink comprises a pigment complex including a pigment, a dispersant comprising a functional group having reactivity with a polyvalent isocyanate compound, and a polyvalent isocyanate compound, and a non-aqueous solvent. 1. A non-aqueous pigment ink comprising:a pigment complex including a pigment, a dispersant comprising a functional group having reactivity with a polyvalent isocyanate compound, and a polyvalent isocyanate compound, anda non-aqueous solvent.2. The non-aqueous pigment ink according to claim 1 , wherein the dispersant is a copolymer comprising:a unit having an alkyl group of 12 or more carbon atoms, anda unit having a functional group having reactivity with a polyvalent isocyanate compound, whereinrelative to a total of all units that constitute the copolymer, an amount of the unit having an alkyl group of 12 or more carbon atoms is from 30 to 80 mol %, and an amount of the unit having a functional group having reactivity with a polyvalent isocyanate compound is from 20 to 70 mol %.3. The non-aqueous pigment ink according to claim 1 , wherein the dispersant is a block copolymer having:a first block comprising a unit having an alkyl group of 12 or more carbon atoms, anda second block comprising a unit having a functional group having reactivity with a polyvalent isocyanate compound, whereinrelative to a total of all units that constitute the first block, an amount of the unit having an alkyl group of 12 or more carbon atoms is at least 50 mol %, and an amount of the unit having a functional group having reactivity with a polyvalent isocyanate compound is less than 10 mol %, andrelative to a total of all units that constitute the second block, an amount of the unit having a functional group having reactivity with a polyvalent isocyanate compound is at least 10 mol %.4. The non-aqueous pigment ink according to claim 3 , wherein a molar ratio between the first block and the second block ...

    31-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130286087A1
    Автор: Berge Charles T.

    Ink for inkjet printing is provided, comprising colorant and certain polyurethane ink additives which are derived from asymmetrically branched polyurethane additives which enhance fastness of the print towards highlighter and finger smudge without compromising jetting performance and storage stability of the ink. 1. An aqueous inkjet ink composition comprising:(a) a colorant;(b) an aqueous vehicle; and(c) an asymmetric branched polyurethane additive comprising a trisubstituted branching compound, a first diol, a second diol substituted with an ionic group, and isocyanates where the trisubstituted branching compound has three isocyanate reactive substituents wherein the first isocyanate reactive substituent is a primary or secondary amine, and the second and third isocyanate reactive substituents are the same or different and are selected from the group consisting of a primary or secondary amine, OH, and SH and where at least one of the second and third isocyanate reactive substituents are OH or SH, and wherein the isocyanate reactive substituents of the trisubstituted branching compound is from 0.4 to 30 mole percent of the total isocyanate reactive substituents including the trisubstituted branching compound.2. The aqueous inkjet ink composition of claim 1 , wherein the asymmetric branched polyurethane ink additive is from 0.05 to 10% claim 1 , by weight based on the weight of the total ink composition.3. The aqueous inkjet ink composition of claim 1 , wherein the asymmetric branched polyurethane ink additive is from 0.2 to 7% by weight based on the weight of the total ink composition.4. The aqueous inkjet ink composition of claim 1 , having from 0.1 to 10 wt % colorant based on the total weight of the ink claim 1 , a surface tension in the range of 20 dyne/cm to 70 dyne/cm at 25° C. claim 1 , and a viscosity of lower than 30 cP at 25° C.5. The aqueous inkjet ink composition of claim 1 , wherein the asymmetric branched polyurethane ink additive has an acid number ( ...

    31-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130286117A1

    An ink set for ink jet recording is provided, the ink set containing a first ink which contains a first pigment and a second ink which contains a second pigment, wherein each of the first and second inks contains polyester-modified polydialkylsiloxane. 1. An ink set for ink jet recording , the ink set comprising:a first ink containing a first pigment; anda second ink containing a second pigment, whereineach of the first and second inks contains polyester-modified polydialkylsiloxane.2. The ink set according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second inks is a non-aqueous ink.3. The ink set according to claim 1 , whereinthe first pigment is a white pigment or a glitter pigment, andthe second pigment is carbon black or an organic pigment.4. The ink set according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the polyester-modified polydialkylsiloxane contained in the first ink and the polyester-modified polydialkylsiloxane contained in the second ink contains a hydroxyl group.8. A recording method involving use of the ink set for ink jet recording according to claim 1 , the method comprising:ejecting the first ink; andejecting the second ink.9. A recording method involving use of the ink set for ink jet recording according to claim 2 , the method comprising:ejecting the first ink; andejecting the second ink.10. A recording method involving use of the ink set for ink jet recording according to claim 3 , the method comprising:ejecting the first ink; andejecting the second ink.11. A recording method involving use of the ink set for ink jet recording according to claim 4 , the method comprising:ejecting the first ink; andejecting the second ink.12. A recording method involving use of the ink set for ink jet recording according to claim 5 , the method comprising:ejecting the first ink; andejecting the second ink.13. A recording method involving use of the ink set for ink jet recording according to claim 6 , the method comprising:ejecting the first ink; andejecting the second ...

    31-10-2013 дата публикации

    Inks and Printing Process

    Номер: US20130286119A1

    A process for printing a substrate comprising applying thereto an ink by means of an ink jet printer, wherein the ink comprises a latex binder, a liquid medium comprising water and organic solvent, and polymer-encapsulated pigment particles comprising a carboxy-functional dispersant crosslinked around a pigment core by a crosslinking agent, wherein the ink has a minimum film-forming temperature below 70° C. Inks are also claimed. The process and inks are useful for printing temperature-sensitive substrates, e.g. foil balloons and wrapping materials for special occasions. 1. A process for printing a substrate comprising applying thereto an ink comprising a latex binder , a liquid medium comprising water and organic solvent , and polymer-encapsulated pigment particles comprising a carboxy-functional dispersant crosslinked around a pigment core by a crosslinking agent , wherein the ink has an MFFT below 70° C.2. The process according to comprising applying the ink to the substrate by means of an ink jet printer.3. The process according to wherein the substrate is a temperature-sensitive substrate.4. The process according to wherein the substrate is a temperature-sensitive substrate.5. The process according to wherein the substrate is a substrate which would deform claim 1 , distort or melt at a temperature below 70° C.6. The process according to wherein the ink and the substrate are selected such that the ink has an MFFT below the temperature at which the substrate would deform claim 1 , distort or melt.7. An ink comprising a latex binder claim 1 , a liquid medium comprising water and organic solvent claim 1 , and polymer-encapsulated pigment particles comprising a carboxy-functional dispersant crosslinked around a pigment core by a crosslinking agent claim 1 , wherein the ink has an MFFT below 70° C.8. The ink according to wherein the dispersant claim 7 , prior to crosslinking claim 7 , has an acid value of from 135 to 250 mg KOH/g and the crosslinking agent has at ...

    31-10-2013 дата публикации

    Ink jet recording method and ink jet recording apparatus

    Номер: US20130286121A1
    Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

    Provided is an ink jet recording method including: discharging an ultraviolet ray-curable ink, which has a viscosity at 20° C. of 25 mPa·s or less and an average equivalent of polymerizable unsaturated double bond of 100 to 150, from a head onto a recording medium at a discharge temperature of 30° C. to 40° C.; and irradiating the ultraviolet ray-curable ink, attached onto the recording medium, with ultraviolet rays emitted from a light source to cure the ultraviolet ray-curable ink.

    31-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130289137A1
    Автор: Ortalano Mark

    The present invention describes methods for preparing a pigment particle dispersion. Specifically, a premix composition including pigments, dispersants and a liquid carrier is milled by a solid milling agent to predetermined particle size. The solid milling agent is solubilized in the liquid carrier which eliminates the need for separating the solid milling agent from the dispersion. 1. A method for preparing an in-situ , pigment particle dispersion comprising:providing a premix composition including one or more pigments, one or more dispersants, and a liquid carrier;milling said premix composition in the presence of a solid milling agent to a predetermined particle size whereby said solid milling agent is substantially insoluble in said liquid carrier; andsolubilizing said solid milling agent in said liquid carrier.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said solubilizing said solid milling agent is carried out after obtaining said predetermined particle size.3. The method according to or claim 1 , wherein said solubilizing said solid milling agent is carried out by neutralizing via pH adjustment.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said pH adjustment is addition of an acid.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein pH adjustment is addition of a base.6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein said acid is selected from acetic acid claim 4 , lactic acid claim 4 , phosphoric acid claim 4 , hydrochloric acid claim 4 , or combinations thereof.7. The method according to claim 5 , wherein said base is selected from ammonia claim 5 , monoethylamine claim 5 , triethylamine claim 5 , sodium hydroxide claim 5 , potassium hydroxide claim 5 , or combinations thereof.8. The method according to or claim 5 , wherein said solubilizing said solid milling agent is carried out by adding one or more additional solvents to said premix composition.9. The method according to or claim 5 , wherein said solubilizing said solid milling agent is carried out by neutralizing ...

    31-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130289201A1
    Автор: Berge Charles T.

    The present disclosure provides novel aqueous pigment dispersions containing an aqueous vehicle, a pigment and a random polyurethane copolymer as a dispersant. The random polyurethane copolymer contains short hard segments without any ionic group. Also disclosed is the use of these dispersions in an ink-jet ink. 2. The pigment dispersion of claim 1 , wherein Ris C-Csubstituted cycloalkyl.3. The pigment dispersion of claim 2 , wherein Ris C-Csubstituted alkyl.4. The pigment dispersion of claim 3 , wherein Ris —-(R—O—R—O—R)—.5. The pigment dispersion of claim 4 , wherein Ris C-Calkyl.6. The pigment dispersion of claim 5 , wherein said capping agent is RRNH.7. The pigment dispersion of claim 6 , wherein Rand Rare —ROR.8. The pigment dispersion of claim 7 , wherein each Rand Ris C-Calkyl.9. The pigment dispersion of claim 5 , wherein Rand Rare taken together with the nitrogen atom to form a cyclic amine.10. The pigment dispersion of claim 5 , wherein Rand Rare taken together with the nitrogen atom to form a substituted cyclic amine with an O or S atom replacing a C atom on said cyclic amine.11. The pigment dispersion of claim 1 , wherein Ris C-Csubstituted aryl.12. The pigment dispersion of claim 11 , wherein Ris C-Csubstituted alkyl.13. The pigment dispersion of claim 12 , wherein Ris —(R—O—R—O—R)—.14. The pigment dispersion of claim 13 , wherein Ris C-Calkyl.15. The pigment dispersion of claim 14 , wherein said capping agent is RRNH.16. The pigment dispersion of claim 15 , wherein Rand Rare —ROR.17. The pigment dispersion of claim 16 , wherein each Rand Ris C-Calkyl.18. The pigment dispersion of claim 14 , wherein Rand Rare taken together with the nitrogen atom to form a cyclic amine.19. The pigment dispersion of claim 14 , wherein Rand Rare taken together with the nitrogen atom to form a substituted cyclic amine with an O or S atom replacing a C atom on said cyclic amine. This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 from U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. ...

    07-11-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130293651A1

    An inkjet recording method for printing by ejecting droplets of a water-based ink composition onto a recording medium having a recording surface which is a plastic film and by causing the droplets to adhere to the recording surface, including: using, as the water-based ink composition, a water-based ink composition including at least colorant, between 0.1 wt % and 1.5 wt % of a silicon-based surfactant, alkanediol, pyrrolidone derivative, thermoplastic resin, and water; and heating the water-based ink composition that has adhered to the recording surface to a temperature of 40° C. or higher. 2. The inkjet recording method according to claim 1 , wherein the water-based ink composition further includes a wetting agent claim 1 , the wetting agent being a dihydric to trihydric alcohol of 3 to 10 carbon atoms claim 1 , and being more than 0 mass % to less than 10 wt % in the ink composition.3. The inkjet recording method according to claim 1 , wherein the wetting agent is at least one selected from the group consisting of glycerin claim 1 , ethylene glycol claim 1 , diethylene glycol claim 1 , triethylene glycol claim 1 , dipropylene glycol claim 1 , hexylene glycol claim 1 , and 1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,6-hexanetriol.4. The inkjet recording method according to claim 2 , wherein the wetting agent is at least one selected from the group consisting of glycerin claim 2 , ethylene glycol claim 2 , diethylene glycol claim 2 , triethylene glycol claim 2 , dipropylene glycol claim 2 , hexylene glycol claim 2 , and 1 claim 2 ,2 claim 2 ,6-hexanetriol.5. The inkjet recording method according to claim 1 , wherein the duty for printing an image on the recording surface with the water-based ink composition is 50% or more.6. The inkjet recording method according to claim 2 , wherein the duty for printing an image on the recording surface with the water-based ink composition is 50% or more.7. The inkjet recording method according to claim 3 , wherein the duty for printing an image on the ...

    07-11-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130295342A1

    An active energy ray-curable ink composition includes (component A) monofunctional radically polymerizable monomers, (component B) a polyfunctional oligomer having a glass transition temperature of 20° C. or lower and an acrylate value of 300 g/value or more, and (component C) a bifunctional radically polymerizable monomer having a viscosity at 25° C. of 15 mPa·s or less, wherein the component A includes an N-vinyl compound and a compound represented by the following formula (I), the content of the N-vinyl compound with respect to the total amount of the ink composition is from 10 to 50% by mass, and the content of the component A with respect to the total amount of the ink composition is 70% by mass or more.

    14-11-2013 дата публикации

    Ink jet recording method, ink jet recording apparatus, and recorded matter

    Номер: US20130300797A1
    Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

    An ink jet recording method using ink selected from a group including (A) black ink containing black pigment, (B) mixed color black ink containing black and color pigments, and (C) color ink containing color pigment, in which an ink glossiness at 60° is increased in the order of black ink (A), mixed color black ink (B), and color ink (C), the target recording surface glossiness at 60° in a target recording medium is 40 or more, and at least one of the following is satisfied: (1) A black image is formed using at least a plurality of types of the color ink of (C) and a color image is formed using the color ink of (C), and (2) A black image is formed using the mixed color black ink of (B) and a color image is formed using the color ink of (C).

    14-11-2013 дата публикации

    Ink, ink cartridge, and inkjet recording method

    Номер: US20130300810A1
    Принадлежит: Canon Inc

    An ink used for an inkjet recording method for discharging the ink from a recording head by an action of thermal energy contains self-dispersing carbon black, a polyurethane polymer having an acid value of 40 mg KOH/g or more, and polyethylene glycol.

    21-11-2013 дата публикации

    Emulsion-based thermal inkjet inks

    Номер: US20130305958A1
    Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

    Emulsion-based thermal inkjet inks include a high boiling point carrier fluid; a colorant; and vesicles comprising a low boiling point expellant fluid, and an ionic surfactant comprising molecules, each having a head with affinity to expellant fluid material and a tail with affinity to carrier fluid, the vesicles having a core defined by the heads of the surfactant molecules, the expellant fluid contained in the core, with the vesicles dispersed in the carrier fluid. A method for preparing the thermal inkjet inks is also disclosed.

    21-11-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130307913A1
    Принадлежит: KONICA MINOLTA, INC.

    An active-energy-ray-curable inkjet ink composition which contains at least two polymerizable monomers each having an unsaturated bond, wherein the maximum value of the difference in electric charge of carbon atoms that constitute the unsaturated bond in each of the at least two polymerizable monomers is 0.24 to 0.46 inclusive and the total content of ions of the elements Fe, Co, Ca, Na, Mg, Al, Ti, Sn and Zn is 5.0 to 100 ppm inclusive, or the difference in e value of the unsaturated double bond moiety in each of the at least two polymerizable monomers is 2.8 to 6 inclusive, and wherein a compound which is unpolymerizable and has a substituent capable of reacting with a nucleophilic agent or an acidic compound is contained. 1. An actinic energy radiation curable ink jet ink composition including at least two kinds of polymerizable monomers having unsaturated bonds , wherein:the maximum value of the difference in the charges of carbon atoms constituting each of the unsaturated bonds contained in the at least two kinds of polymerizable monomers is from 0.24 to 0.46; andthe total content of the elemental ions of Fe, Co, Ca, Na, Mg, Al, Ti, Sn, and Zn is from 5.0 ppm to 100 ppm.5. The actinic energy radiation curable ink jet ink composition according to claim 3 , wherein:the compound represented by the general formula (1) or (2) is a compound represented by the general formula (A-1), (A-2), (A-3), or (A-6); andthe compound represented by the general formula (3) is a compound represented by the general formula (D-1), (D)-2), or (D-3).6. An actinic energy radiation curable ink jet ink composition comprising at least two kinds of polymerizable monomers having unsaturated double bonds claim 3 , wherein:the difference in the e values of the unsaturated double bond portions contained in the at least two kinds of polymerizable compounds is from 2.8 to 6; anda compound having a substituent capable of reacting with a nucleophilic agent which is non-polymerizable.7. The actinic ...

    28-11-2013 дата публикации

    Organic Semiconductor Composition

    Номер: US20130316279A1
    Принадлежит: Central Glass Co Ltd

    A composition according to the present invention contains at least a triarylamine compound and at least one bicyclic compound selected from the group consisting of those of the general formulas [1] to [4], wherein the triaryl amine compound is dissolved in the at least one bicyclic compound where R 1 each independently represents a hydrogen atom, a methyl group, an ethyl group, a methoxy group, an ethoxy group, a fluorine atom or a chlorine atom; A, B, C and F each independently represents either —CR 2 2 —, —O— or —NR 2 —; D and E each independently represents either —CR 2 ═ or —N═; G represents —CR 2 2 —; H represents —CR 2 ═; and R 2 represents a hydrogen atom, a methyl group or a halogen atom.

    05-12-2013 дата публикации

    Curable jettable fluid for making a flexographic printing master

    Номер: US20130319273A1
    Автор: Eddie Daems, Luc Vanmaele
    Принадлежит: AGFA GRAPHICS NV

    The present invention relates to a curable jettable fluid for making a flexographic printing master comprising a cyclic monofunctional (meth)acrylate monomer and a difunctional (meth)acrylate monomer characterized in that the fluid further comprises a copolymerizable plasticizing monomer preferably selected from the group consisting of diallyl phthalate and a low Tg monomer, of which the corresponding homopolymer has a glass transition temperature (Tg) below −15° C.

    05-12-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130321524A1
    Автор: Katsuragi Koji

    To provide an ink set, which contains: a treatment liquid containing at least an organic acid, a surfactant and water; and an ink containing at least a colorant, a water-soluble organic solvent, a carboxyl group-containing resin, a surfactant, and water, wherein the treatment liquid, or the ink, or both the treatment liquid and the ink further contain an epoxy resin. 1. An ink set , comprising:a treatment liquid comprising an organic acid, a surfactant and water; andan ink comprising a colorant, a water-soluble organic solvent, a carboxyl group-comprising resin, a surfactant, and water,wherein the treatment liquid, or the ink, or both the treatment liquid and the ink further comprise an epoxy resin.3. The ink set of claim 1 , wherein the treatment liquid comprises the epoxy resin in an amount of 5% by mass or less relative to a total amount of the treatment liquid.4. The ink set of claim 1 , wherein the ink comprises the epoxy resin in an amount of 1% by mass or less relative to a total amount of the ink.5. The ink set of claim 1 , wherein the organic acid is lactic acid or a salt thereof.6. The ink set of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant is a fluorosurfactant.7. The ink set of claim 6 , wherein the fluorosurfactant is a compound having a formula:{'br': None, 'sub': 4', '9', '2', '2', '2', '2', '23', '2', '2', '4', '9, 'CF—CHCH(OH)CHO—(CHCHO)—CHCH(OH)CH—CF.'}8. The ink set of claim 1 , wherein the treatment liquid and the ink both further comprise a defoaming agent.9. The ink set of claim 8 , wherein the defoaming agent is N-octyl-2-pyrrolidone claim 8 , 2 claim 8 ,4 claim 8 ,7 claim 8 ,9-tetramethyldecane-4 claim 8 ,7-diol claim 8 , or 2 claim 8 ,5 claim 8 ,8 claim 8 ,11-tetramethyldodecane-5 claim 8 ,8-diol.10. The ink set of claim 1 , wherein the treatment liquid further comprises a water-soluble oxazoline group-comprising polymer claim 1 , a side chain of which comprises an oxazoline group.11. (canceled)12. An inkjet recording method claim 1 , comprising: ...

    05-12-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130321539A1
    Автор: Hiraoka Takao

    To provide a photopolymerizable inkjet ink, which contains monomer components, and a polymer or a copolymer of styrene, styrene derivative, acrylic acid ester, or acrylic acid, or any combination thereof, wherein the monomer components contain: t-butyl methacrylate, n-pentyl methacrylate, or n-hexyl methacrylate, or any combination thereof; and glycerol dimethacrylate, and wherein the photopolymerizable inkjet ink is free from a diluting solvent. 1. A photopolymerizable inkjet ink , comprising:monomer components; anda polymer or a copolymer of styrene, styrene derivative, acrylic acid ester, or acrylic acid, or any combination thereof,wherein the monomer components comprise:t-butyl methacrylate, n-pentyl methacrylate, or n-hexyl methacrylate, or any combination thereof; andglycerol dimethacrylate, andwherein the photopolymerizable inkjet ink is free from a diluting solvent.2. The photopolymerizable inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of the polymer or the copolymer is 5 parts by mass to 20 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the monomer components.3. The photopolymerizable inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of the t-butyl methacrylate claim 1 , the n-pentyl methacrylate claim 1 , or the n-hexyl methacrylate claim 1 , or any combination thereof in 100 parts by mass of the monomer components is 20 parts by mass to 85 parts by mass.4. The photopolymerizable inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the glycerol dimethacrylate in 100 parts by mass of the monomer components is 10 parts by mass to 60 parts by mass.5. The photopolymerizable inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein the monomer components further comprise tricyclodecane dimethanol dimethacrylate.6. The photopolymerizable inkjet ink according to claim 1 , wherein the monomer components further comprise isostearyl acrylate claim 1 , stearyl methacrylate claim 1 , or ethylene oxide-modified phenol acrylate claim 1 , or any combination thereof.7. An ink ...

    12-12-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130331486A1

    Disclosed is an ink composition for ink jet recording that can realize excellent printing quality on various recording media, has a high level of color developing properties particularly on plain papers, and can realize excellent gloss for glossy paper and, at the same time, is excellent in ink reliability such as ejection stability, storage stability, and recovery from clogging. The ink composition is characterized by comprising at least a magenta solid solution pigment, a polymer, which can render the pigment dispersible in the ink composition, and water, the polymer having been produced by copolymerizing a monomer composition comprising at least a styrene macromer (A) and a salt forming group-containing monomer (B). 1. An ink composition comprising at least a magenta solid solution pigment , dispersant polymer , which can render the pigment dispersible in the ink composition , acetylene compound , vinyl polymer particles , glycol-type butyl ether and water , the ink composition exhibiting a UV visible absorption spectrum ,wherein at least one absorption peak is present at a wavelength of 510 nm to 535 nm and at least one absorption peak is present at a wavelength of 550 nm to 570 nm, andthe maximum value A of the absorbance in the wavelength range of 510 to 535 nm and the maximum value B of the absorbance in the wavelength range of 550 nm to 570 nm satisfies a relationship of 0.95≦A/B<1.0wherein the dispersant polymer particles are produced by copolymerizing a monomer composition comprising at least a styrene macromer or monomer (A) and a salt forming group-containing monomer (B), andwherein the magenta solid solution pigment is a solid solution pigment comprising unsubstituted quinacridone and other quinacridone selected from the group consisting of 3,10-dichloroquinacridone, 2,9-dimethylquinacridone, and 2,9-dichloroquinacridone.3. The ink composition according to claim 1 , wherein the vinyl polymer has a weight average molecular weight of 150 claim 1 ,000 to ...

    12-12-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130331504A1
    Автор: Gama Yuji, Mitta Yasuhiro
    Принадлежит: Nissin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

    A vinyl chloride-based resin emulsion obtained by using a vinyl chloride-based polymer emulsion, which is obtained by subjecting a vinyl chloride monomer (B) or a monomer mixture comprising a vinyl chloride monomer (B) and an ethylenically unsaturated group-containing monomer (C) to emulsion polymerization in the presence of (A) a styrene-acrylic acid ester oligomer and/or an acrylic acid ester oligomer, as a seed (D), and subjecting a vinyl chloride monomer (E) or a monomer mixture comprising a vinyl chloride monomer (E) and an ethylenically unsaturated group-containing monomer (F) to emulsion polymerization using the seed (D). This vinyl chloride-based resin emulsion exhibits excellent water resistance, moisture resistance, high gloss and alcohol resistance if used in a water-based ink and exhibits excellent color development properties, water resistance, moisture resistance, color visibility, high gloss and release properties if used in a recording paper. 1. A vinyl chloride resin emulsion which is obtained byemulsion polymerizing 100 parts by weight of a vinyl chloride monomer (B) or a monomer mixture of a vinyl chloride monomer (B) and an ethylenically unsaturated group-containing monomer (C) copolymerizable therewith in the presence of 40 to 500 parts by weight of (A) a styrene-acrylic acid ester oligomer and/or an acrylic acid ester oligomer, to form a vinyl chloride polymer emulsion as a seed (D), andemulsion polymerizing 100 parts by weight of a vinyl chloride monomer (E) or a monomer mixture of a vinyl chloride monomer (E) and an ethylenically unsaturated group-containing monomer (F) copolymerizable therewith, using 3 to 50 parts by weight as solids of the seed (D).2. The vinyl chloride resin emulsion of wherein the oligomer (A) has a number average molecular weight of 5 claim 1 ,000 to 50 claim 1 ,000.3. The vinyl chloride resin emulsion of wherein the seed (D) has an average particle size of 20 to 800 nm.4. A method for preparing a vinyl chloride resin ...

    19-12-2013 дата публикации

    Formulations of printable aluminium oxide inks

    Номер: US20130334454A1
    Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmBH

    The present invention relates to the use of printable inks for the formation of Al 2 O 3 coatings or mixed Al 2 O 3 hybrid layers, and to a corresponding process for the formation thereof.

    19-12-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130338302A1
    Принадлежит: SANYO COLOR WORKS, LTD.

    To provide an inkjet ink polymer capable of providing an inkjet ink capable of forming a printed product having excellent weather resistance, print density (coloring properties), and fixability (abrasion properties) with good productivity and providing a pigment dispersion having excellent dispersibility with good productivity. An inkjet ink copolymer contains 10 to 99% by weight of a cyclohexyl methacrylate unit and 1 to 90% by weight of an acrylic acid unit. The purpose is achieved by an inkjet ink pigment dispersion containing the inkjet ink copolymer and a pigment. 1. An inkjet ink copolymer , comprising:10 to 99% by weight of a cyclohexyl methacrylate unit; and1 to 90% by weight of an acrylic acid unit.2. The inkjet ink copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer contains 1 to 25% by weight of an alkyl(meth)acrylate unit.3. The inkjet ink copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer contains 1 to 25% by weight of a styrene unit.4. The inkjet ink copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein a weight average molecular weight of the copolymer is 4500 to 150000.5. The inkjet ink copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein an acid value of the copolymer is 10 to 300 mgKOH/g.6. An inkjet ink pigment dispersion claim 1 , comprising: the inkjet ink copolymer according to ; and a pigment.7. The inkjet ink pigment dispersion according to claim 6 , wherein an average particle diameter of the pigment is 300 nm or lower.8. An ink jet ink claim 1 , comprising the inkjet ink copolymer according to . The present invention relates to a copolymer and more specifically relates to a copolymer suitable for an inkjet ink. The present invention also relates to a pigment dispersion and an inkjet ink using the copolymer.An inkjet recording system has been widely used at present from the reasons that high-speed recording is achieved, colorization is easy, a regular paper can be used as a recording member, and the like.As an inkjet ink (hereinafter sometimes simply referred ...

    26-12-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130342593A1

    Ceramic inkjet inks comprising ceramic inorganic pigments having average particle size between 0.1 and 0.8 μm, an organic medium and a dispersant, the dispersant being the reaction product of a polyethyleneimine with a homo- or co-polyester based on lactic acid, and method for decorating green or fired ceramic bodies by the use of the above ceramic inkjet inks. 19-. (canceled)10. A ceramic inkjet ink comprising:a ceramic inorganic pigment having an average particle size of from about 0.1 to about 0.8 μm,an organic medium and {'br': None, 'R—[(—O-A-CO)n—(—O—(CH)CH3—CO)m—]—OH (1)'}, 'a dispersant which is the reaction product of a polyethyleneimine and a homo- or co-polyester of formula (1)'}wherein:R is hydrogen or a polymerization terminating group;A is a linear or branched alkylene radical deriving from a hydroxycarboxylic acid having from about 2 to about 20 carbon atoms or a lactone thereof; andn and m are integers.11. The ceramic inkjet ink of wherein the ceramic inorganic pigment has an average particle size from about 0.1 to about 0.5 μm.12. The ceramic inkjet ink of wherein the dispersant is obtained from the amidation and/or salification of a linear or branched polyethyleneamine with the homo- or co-polyester of formula (1).13. The ceramic inkjet ink of wherein the homo- or co-polyester of formula (1) is a co-polyester.14. The ceramic inkjet ink of wherein m:n is from about 10:1 to about 1:10.15. The ceramic inkjet ink of wherein m:n is from about 2:1 to about 1:2.16. The ceramic inkjet ink of wherein the homo- or co-polyester of formula (1) has a number average molecular weight of from about 800 to about 2 claim 12 ,000.17. The ceramic inkjet ink of wherein the polyethyleneimine has a number average molecular weight of from about 1 claim 16 ,000 to about 70 claim 16 ,000.18. The ceramic inkjet ink of wherein the weight ratio of the homo- or co-polyester of formula (1) to polyethyleneimine is from about 1 to about 100.19. The ceramic inkjet ink of wherein ...

    02-01-2014 дата публикации


    Номер: US20140002539A1

    An inkjet ink, which contains water, an organic solvent, a surfactant, and a colorant, wherein the organic solvent contains at least one polyhydric alcohol having an equilibrium moisture content of 30% by mass or higher at a temperature of 23° C. and humidity of 80% RH, at least an amide compound represented by the general formula (I), and at least one selected from the group consisting of compounds represented by the following general formulae (II) to (IV): 2. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 ,{'sub': 3', '3', '3', '2', '2', '3', '2', '6', '4', '6', '4', '3', '6', '4', '3', '6', '4', '3', '2', '6', '4', '2', '6', '4', '3', '2, 'wherein the colorant is a colorant comprising at least one functional group selected from the group consisting of —COOM, —SOM, —POHM, —POM, —CONM, —SONM, NH—CH—COOM, —NH—CH—SOM, —NH—CH—POHM, —NH—CH—POM, —NH—CH—CONM, and —NH—CH—SONM, where M is a quaternary ammonium ion.'}3. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 ,wherein the colorant is a pigment modified with a geminal bisphosphonic acid or a geminal bisphosphonate.6. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 ,wherein the colorant is a black pigment, a cyan pigment, a magenta pigment, a yellow pigment, or a mixture thereof.7. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 ,wherein the surfactant comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a silicone surfactant, a fluorosurfactant, an acetylene glycol surfactant, and an acetylene alcohol surfactant.8. The inkjet ink according to claim 1 ,wherein the inkjet ink has a dynamic surface tension of 35 mN/m or lower at 25° C. when a surface bubble lifetime is 15 ms and with a surface bubble lifetime of 15 ms in the measured by a maximum bubble pressure method. The present invention relates to an inkjet ink, an inkjet recording method and an inkjet recording device.An inkjet ink containing an aqueous pigment as a colorant has various advantages when it is used for printing on plain paper, such as fewer occurrences of bleeding, high image density, ...

    02-01-2014 дата публикации


    Номер: US20140002556A1

    An ink composition for ink jet recording includes a coating film forming material, a polyether-modified silicone oil, and water, wherein the polyether-modified silicone oil is soluble in a solvent in which a lower limit of an SP value is 8.5 or less and an upper limit of the SP value is 18.0 or more. 1. An ink composition for ink jet recording comprising:a coating film forming material;a polyether-modified silicone oil; andwater,wherein the polyether-modified silicone oil is soluble in a solvent in which a lower limit of an SP value is 8.5 or less and an upper limit of the SP value is 18.0 or more.2. The ink composition for ink jet recording according to claim 1 , wherein the coating film forming material is in a dispersed state.3. The ink composition for ink jet recording according to claim 1 , wherein the coating film forming material includes a photocurable compound and is a photocurable ink.4. The ink composition for ink jet recording according to claim 1 , wherein the coating film forming material includes a non-photocurable resin.5. The ink composition for ink jet recording according claim 1 , wherein the polyether-modified silicone oil has a polyethylene oxide modified group.7. An ink jet recording method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'discharging and attaching the ink composition for ink jet recording according to to a recording medium from a print head; and'}heating the recording medium to which the ink composition for ink jet recording is attached.8. An ink jet recording method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim 2'}, 'discharging and attaching the ink composition for ink jet recording according to to a recording medium from a print head; and'}heating the recording medium to which the ink composition for ink jet recording is attached.9. An ink jet recording method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00003', 'claim 3'}, 'discharging and attaching the ink composition for ink jet recording according to ...

    09-01-2014 дата публикации

    Conductive ink formulas for improved inkjet delivery

    Номер: US20140009545A1
    Автор: Michael J. Carmody
    Принадлежит: Intrinsiq Materials Inc

    An ink composition for printing conductive layers on a variety of substrates is disclosed. The ink composition comprises polymer encapsulated copper nanoparticles, a primary glycol solvent, an alcohol and a diol monoether. The inventive ink is characterized by excellent jettability and freedom from nozzle-plate flooding. Ink surface tensions are in the range of 34 to 37 mN/m and viscosities are less than 41 cP.
