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20-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2189544C2

Изобретение относится к системам охлаждения теплоизолированных камер. Способ охлаждения теплоизолированной камеры производится посредством парокомпрессионной холодильной машины с многокомпонентным холодильным агентом. При этом получение искусственного холода осуществляется в широком диапазоне от температуры окружающей среды до низких температур. Использование изобретения позволит обеспечить охлаждение камеры до низких температур. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2571761C2

Изобретение относится к теплообменной композиции, которая может быть использована для замены существующих хладагентов, которые должны иметь пониженный потенциал глобального потепления (ПГП). Теплообменная композиция состоит по существу из от приблизительно 40 до приблизительно 60 вес.% R-152a, от приблизительно 5 до приблизительно 50 вес.% R-134a и от приблизительно 5 до приблизительно 50 вес.% R-1234ze(E). Указанная композиция является зеотропной. Изобретение обеспечивает хладагенты с пониженными показателями ПГП, токсичности и воспламеняемости при повышенном энергетическом выходе, составляющем по меньшей мере 95%, по отношению к отдельному хладагенту. 16 н. и 29 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 9 табл.

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2537599C2

Изобретение относится к теплопередающей композиции, содержащейE-1,3,3,3-тетрафторпроп-1-ен (R1234ze(E)), 3,3,3 трифторпропен (R-1243zf) и дифторметан (R32). Описывается использование указанной композиции в теплообменнике, в составе вспениваемой композиции, распыляемой композиции, для охлаждения или нагрева изделия, в способах очистки или экстракции материалов, снижения воздействия на окружающую среду продукта эксплуатации существующего хладагента. Предложенная композиция обладает улучшенными характеристиками охлаждения при пониженной огнеопасности и пониженном значении потенциала глобального потепления и может быть подходящей для замены существующих холодильных агентов, у которых эти показатели ниже. 15 н. и 33 з.п. ф-лы, 9 табл.

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557604C2

Изобретение относится к области теплопередающих композиций. Теплопередающая композиция содержит по существу из от около 60 до около 85 мас.% транс-1,3,3,3-тетрафторпропена (R-1234ze(E)) и от около 15 до около 40 мас.% фторэтана (R-161). Также изобретение касается теплопередающей композиции, включающей R-1234ze(E), R-161 и 1,1,1,2-тетрафторэтан (R-134a). Изобретение обеспечивает понижение токсичности, горючести и GWP теплопередающей композиции при КПД в пределах 10% от величин, достигаемых при использовании существующих холодильных агентов. 21 н. и 32 з.п. ф-лы, 11 табл., 1 ил.

20-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2177026C2

Усовершенствованные смазочные агенты для охлаждения, пригодные для компрессионных охлаждающих установок, представляют собой эфиры пространственно затрудненного спирта, содержащего, по меньшей мере, одну первичную спиртовую группу и, по меньшей мере, одну вторичную спиртовую группу и атом углерода, к которому присоединена гидроксильная группа, не являющийся соседним по отношению к метиленовой или метильной группам, и по меньшей мере, одной С4-С18 жирной кислоты, имеющей, по меньшей мере 70% ацильных групп с линейными цепями, причем такие смазочные агенты имеют объемный износ, определенный методом четырех шариков, < 1 мкм3. Описанные смазочные агенты и хладагенты, являющиеся фторуглеводородами, представляют собой композицию для использования в испарительной компрессионной охлаждающей установке. Также описаны способ смазки и испарительная компрессионная охлаждающая установка. Технический результат - смазки обладают оптимальным балансом свойств, особенно сочетанием хорошей совместимости, гидролитической ...

20-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664518C2

Изобретение обеспечивает рабочую текучую среду теплового цикла, имеющую низкий потенциал глобального потепления, которая может заменить R410A, композицию для системы теплового цикла, включающую рабочую текучую среду, и систему теплового цикла, использующую данную композицию. Описана рабочая текучая среда для теплового цикла, которая содержит трифторэтилен и 2,3,3,3-тетрафторпропилен, где общая доля трифторэтилена и 2,3,3,3- тетрафторпропилена в расчете на общее количество рабочей текучей среды составляет от 70 масс.% до 100 масс. %, а доля трифторэтилена в расчете на общее количество трифторэтилена и 2,3,3,3-тетрафторпропилен составляет от 35 масс.% до 95 масс. %. Также описаны композиция для системы теплового цикла и система теплового цикла. Технический результат: предложена рабочая текучая среда для теплового цикла с хорошими эксплуатационными характеристиками при одновременном подавлении влияния на глобальное потепление. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 12 табл.

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2401291C2

Изобретение относится к близкой к азеотропной композиции, применимой, в частности, в качестве хладагента, пропеллента, пенообразователя и теплоносителя, содержащей транс-1,3,3,3-пентафторпропан (TpaнcHFO-1234ze) и соединение, которое выбирают из группы, состоящей из 1,1-дифторэтана («HFC-152a»), 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-гептафторпропана («CHFC-227ea»), 1,1,1,2-тетрафторэтана («HFC-134a»), 1,1,1,2,2-пентафторэтана («HFC-125»). Изобретение также относится к способам применения близкой к азеотропной композиции. Технический результат - композиции с низким потенциалом в истощении озонового слоя. 16 н. и 37 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2395555C2

Изобретение относится к теплопередающим композициям для использования в системах кондиционирования воздуха, включающим, по меньшей мере, один фторалкен формулы II: ! ! где каждый из R независимо означает Cl, F, Br, I или Н; R' означает (СR2)nY; Y означает СF3; и n равно 0 или 1, и где, по меньшей мере, один R у ненасыщенного концевого углерода не является F; и, по меньшей мере, один адьювант. Причем названный фторалкен имеет потенциал глобального потепления (ПГП) не более чем приблизительно 150, количество фторалкена формулы II составляет не менее 50% от веса композиции. Адьювант выбран из группы, состоящей из смазочных материалов, агентов совместимости, поверхностно-активных веществ, солюбилизирующих агентов или комбинации двух или более этих адьювантов. Также изобретение относится к способу передачи тепла к или от воздуха, включающему принудительный фазовый переход у фторалкена формулы II в теплопередающей композиции. Технический результат - снижение термодинамического кпд хладагента ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2516524C2

Изобретение относится к охлаждающей композиции для применения в холодильной установке, обеспеченной мерой противодействия для предотвращения тепловых потерь вследствие температурного скольжения в теплообменнике. Охлаждающая композиция включает от 30 до 50 масс.% дифторметана (HFC32) и от 70 до 50 масс.% 2,3,3,3-тетрафторпропилена (HFO1234yf). Композиция дополнительно может включать ингибитор полимеризации, стабилизатор, фреон. Охлаждающая композиция имеет низкое значение GWP (прямое воздействие на глобальное потепление является низким) и хорошую энергоэффективность (косвенное воздействие на глобальное потепление является низким). 7 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 1 пр.

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2474601C2

Изобретение относится к холодильному маслу и к композиции рабочего вещества для холодильной установки. Холодильное масло включает полиалкиленгликоль формулы, где Rи Rводород, С1-С5 алкил или С2-С5 ацил, R- С2-С4 алкилен, и доля С2 алкиленовых групп в Rне превышает 30% мольных, вместе с фторпропеновым холодильным агентом. Фторпропеновый холодильный агент выбирают из фторпропена и смеси фторпропена с, по меньшей мере, одним холодильным агентом ряда гидрофторуглеродов, фторированных простых эфиров и природных холодильных агентов. Композиция рабочего вещества для холодильной установки содержит указанный полиалкиленгликоль формулы (1) и указанный фторпропеновый холодильный агент. Предложенное холодильное масло обладает повышенной совместимостью с холодильными агентами в присутствии фторпропеновых холодильных агентов. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 3 пр.

20-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2126518C1

Изобретение относится к холодильной установке, содержащей в одном как минимум цикле охлаждения одно как минимум холодильное машинное масло, включающее базовое масло, и один как минимум хладагент, при этом холодильная установка в качестве одного из базовых масел содержит масло сложного эфира полиола, а в качестве хладагента содержит системный хладагент гидрофторуглерод, имеющий чистоту, превышающую 99,95 вес. %, а количество хлоросодержащего системного хладагента в смешивании с хладагентом составляет менее 80 ч. на 1 млн. Техническим результатном изобретения является создание эффективно работающей холодильной установки. 1 с. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 4 табл.

23-11-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017117009A3

27-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2701535C1

Изобретение относится к композициям, содержащим, по меньшей мере, один фторсодержащий кетон и которые могут найти применение для тушения или сдерживания огня, к способу стабилизации таких композиций, способам уменьшения разрушения этих композиций, способу замедления реакции между кислородом и композицией, способам подавления огня и тушения огня, а также к применению этих композиций. Композиции содержат (A) по меньшей мере один фторсодержащий кетон; и (B) эффективное количество стабилизатора, выбранного из группы, состоящей из эпокси-соединения, нитро-соединения, пространственно затрудненного фенольного соединения, β-дикетонового соединения, фосфитного соединения, салицилатного соединения, циннаматного соединения, гидроксибензофенонового соединения, соединения гидроксибензойной кислоты, алкоксиметанового соединения и органического тиосоединения при массовом отношении стабилизатора от 0,0001 до 0,05. Описанные способы уменьшения разрушения композиций касаются уменьшения разрушения их в присутствии ...

10-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005115867A

... 1. Теплопередающая композиция, включающая, по меньшей мере, один фторалкен формулы I где Х означает ненасыщенный, замещенный или незамещенный С2- или С3-алкильный радикал, R независимо означает Cl, F, Br, I или Н и z равен 1-3, причем эта теплопередающая композиция имеет потенциал глобального потепления (ПГП) не выше приблизительно 150. 2. Теплопередающая композиция по п.1, в которой названный, по меньшей мере, один фторалкен является соединением формулы II где каждый из R независимо означает Cl, F, Br, I или Н; R' означает (CR2)nY; Y означает CRF2; и n равно 0 или 1. 3. Теплопередающая композиция по п.2, где Y означает CF3. 4. Теплопередающая композиция по п.3, где, по меньшей мере, один R у ненасыщенного концевого углерода не является F. 5. Теплопередающая композиция по п.4, где, по меньшей мере, один R у ненасыщенного концевого углерода является водородом. 6. Теплопередающая композиция по п.2, где n равно 0. 7. Теплопередающая композиция по п.2, где Y означает CF3 и n равно 0. 8. Теплопередающая ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012139637A

... 1. Теплопередающая композиция, включающая транс-1,3,3,3-тетрафторпропен (R-1234ze(E)), фторэтан (R-161) и третий компонент, выбранный из дифторметана (R-32) и/или 1,1-дифторэтана (R-152а).2. Композиция по п.1, включающая до около 30 мас.% третьего компонента и до около 30 мас.% R-161, остальное - R-1234ze.3. Композиция по п.1, в которой третий компонент является R-32.4. Композиция по п.3, включающая от около 58 до около 93 мас.% R-1234ze(E), от около 5 до около 30 мас.% R-161 и от около 2 до около 12 мас.% R-32.5. Композиция по п.4, включающая от около 68 до около 91 мас.% R-1234ze(E), от около 5 до около 20 мас.% R-161 и от около 4 до около 12 мас.% R-32.6. Композиция по п.1, в которой третий компонент является R-152a.7. Композиция по п.6, включающая от около 50 до около 93 мас.% R-1234ze(E), от около 2 до около 20 мас.% R-161 и от около 5 до около 30 мас.% R-152a.8. Композиция по п.7, включающая от около 60 до около 83 мас.% R-1234ze(E), от около 12 до около 20 мас.% R-161 и от около ...

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006120449A

... 1. Обнаруживаемая охлаждающая композиция, содержащая (a) по меньшей мере один хладагент, выбранный из группы, состоящей из гидрофторуглерода, гидрохлорфторуглерода, перфторуглерода, простого гидрофторуглеродного эфира, простого перфторуглеродного эфира, углеводорода, диоксида углерода, аммиака и диметилового эфира, и (b) эффективное количество индикатора, где указанный индикатор отличается от указанного хладагента. 2. Композиция по п.1, в которой указанным хладагентом является гидрофторуглеродный хладагент, выбранный из фторметана (HFC-41), дифторметана (HFC-32), трифторметана (HFC-23), фторэтана (HFC-161), 1,1-дифторэтана (HFC-152a), 1,1,1-трифторэтана (HFC-143a), 1,1,1, 2-тетрафторэтана (HFC-134a), 1,1,2,2-тетрафторэтана (HFC-134) или 1,1,1,2,2-пентафторэтана (HFC-125), гидрохлорфторуглеродный хладагент, выбранный из хлордифторметана (HCFC-22), 2-хлор-1,1,1-трифторэтана (HCFC-123), 2-хлор-1,1,1,2-тетрафторэтана (HCFC-124) или 1-хлор-1,1-дифторэтана (HCFC-142b), перфторуглеродный хладагент ...

27-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009113568A

... 1. Вспениваемая композиция, включающая, по меньшей мере, один формирующий пену компонент и вспенивающий агент, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один фторалкен формулы II: ! ! где каждый R независимо означает Cl, F, Br, I или Н; ! R′ означает (CR2)nY; ! Y означает CF3; ! и n равно 0 или 1, и где, по меньшей мере, один R у ненасыщенного концевого углерода является Н и, по меньшей мере, один из остающихся R представляет собой F, причем названный фторалкен имеет потенциал глобального потепления (ПГП) не более чем приблизительно 150. ! 2. Композиция по п.1, в которой вспенивающий агент имеет ПГП не более чем приблизительно 100. ! 3. Композиция по п.1, в которой вспенивающий агент имеет потенциал истощения озонового слоя (ПИОС) не более чем приблизительно 0,05. ! 4. Композиция по п.1, в которой, по меньшей мере, один заместитель у ненасыщенного концевого углерода фторалкена представляет собой F. ! 5. Композиция по п.1, в которой образующий пену компонент содержит, по меньшей мере, полиол. ! 6. Композиция ...

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008121894A

... 1. Способ получения фторгидроолефина, включающий дегидрофторирование фторсодержащего углеводорода, который имеет у соседних атомов углерода, по крайней мере, один атом водорода и, по крайней мере, один атом фтора, с образованием смеси продуктов, содержащей указанный фторгидроолефин, не прореагировавший фторсодержащий углеводород и фторид водорода, где, по крайней мере, один из указанного фторгидроолефина и указанного фторсодержащего углеводорода присутствует в указанной смеси продуктов в виде азеотропной композиции с фторидом водорода. ! 2. Способ по п.1, который включает также стадию дистилляции указанной смеси продуктов с образованием композиции дистиллята, представляющей собой азеотропную композицию, которая содержит указанный фторгидроолефин и фторид водорода. ! 3. Способ по п.2, который включает также стадию получения композиции кубовых остатков, представляющих собой указанный фторсодержащий углеводород, который практически не содержит фторид водорода. ! 4. Способ отделения фторгидроолефина ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016118610A

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012116513A

... 1. Композиция рабочей жидкости для холодильной машины, отличающаяся тем, что содержитмасло для холодильных машин, содержащее смесь по меньшей мере двух сложных эфиров, выбранных из группы сложных эфиров по меньшей мере одного многоатомного спирта, выбранного из неопентилгликоля, триметилолпропана, пентаэритритола, и ди-(пентаэритритол)а, и жирной кислоты с содержанием C-Cжирной кислоты 50-100 мол.%,фторпропеновый хладагент и/или трифторйодметановый хладагент.2. Композиция рабочей жидкости для холодильной машины, отличающаяся тем, что содержитмасло для холодильных машин, содержащее сложный эфир многоатомного спирта, и жирной кислоты с содержанием C-Cжирной кислоты 50-100 мол.%, где жирная кислота выбрана из группы смешанной жирной кислоты, включающей гептановую кислоту и 3,5,5-триметилгексановую кислоту, и смешанной жирной кислоты, включающей н-пентановую кислоту, гептановую кислоту и 3,5,5-триметилгексановую кислоту,фторпропеновый хладагент и/или трифторйодметановый хладагент.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012139636A

... 1. Теплопередающая композиция, состоящая, по существу, из от около 60 до около 85 мас.% транс-1,3,3,3-тетрафторпропена (R-1234ze(E)) и от около 15 до около 40 мас.% фторэтана (R-161)2. Композиция по п.1, состоящая, по существу, из от около 65 до около 82 мас.% R-1234ze(E) и от около 18 до около 35 мас.% R-161.3. Теплопередающая композиция, включающая R-1234ze(E), R-161 и 1,1,1,2-тетрафторэтан (R-134a).4. Композиция по п.3, включающая до около 50 мас.% R-134a.5. Композиция по п.4, включающая от около 4 до около 20 мас.% R-161, от около 25 до около 50 мас.% R-134a и от около 30 до около 71 мас.% R-1234ze(E).6. Композиция по любому из пп.3-5, состоящая, по существу, из R-1234ze(E), R-161 и R-134a.7. Композиция по любому из пп.1-5, где GWP композиции составляет менее 1000, предпочтительно менее 150.8. Композиция по любому из пп.1-5, температурный гистерезис которой составляет менее приблизительно 10 К, предпочтительно менее приблизительно 5 К.9. Композиция по любому из пп.1-5, где объемная ...

20-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010133493A

... 1. Композиция, используемая в качестве пенообразователя, и/или композиция для теплопереноса и/или растворителя и/или чистящей жидкости и/или аэрозоля, причем композиция включает: ! по меньшей мере один первый фторалкен формулы IA или формулы II: ! ! ! где каждый R представляет собой независимо Cl, F, Вr, I или Н при условии, что в формуле (II) по меньшей мере один R является хлором, ! w равен 1 или 2, ! z представляет собой 1 или 2, ! R' является (CR2)nY, ! Y представляет собой CRF2, ! и n равен 0, 1, 2 или 3 при условии, что если в соединении присутствует Вr, то в соединении нет водорода. ! 2. Композиция по п.1, содержащая также по меньшей мере один дополнительный компонент, который выбирают из группы, состоящей из частично фторированных углеводородов (HFC), простых эфиров, спиртов, альдегидов, кетонов, метилформиата, муравьиной кислоты, воды, транс-1,2-дихлорэтилена, диоксида углерода, диметоксиметана (DME), а также второй фторалкен, отличный от указанного первого фторалкена, и комбинацию ...

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013157760A

... 1. Рабочая жидкость для холодильной системы, содержащей компрессор, причем рабочая жидкость содержит:(i) охлаждающее смазочное вещество на основе сложных эфиров, содержащее(a) от 1 до 99% по массе одного или нескольких первых сложноэфирных соединений, имеющих структурупричем каждый из R, R, R, R, Rи Rнезависимо представляет собой Н или метил; каждое из а, b, c, x, у и z независимо представляет собой целое число, и каждая a+x, b+y и c+z независимо представляет собой целое число от 1 до 20; и каждый R, Rи Rнезависимо выбран из группы, состоящей из с неразветвленной цепью и разветвленных алкильных, алкенильных, циклоалкильных, арильных, алкиларильных, арилалкильных, алкилциклоалкильных, циклоалкилалкильных, арилциклоалкильных, циклоалкиларильных, алкилциклоалкиларильных, алкиларилциклоалкильных, арилциклоалкилалкильных, арилалкилциклоалкильных, циклоалкилалкиларильных и циклоалкиларилалкильных групп, имеющих от 1 до 17 атомов углерода, которые могут быть замещенными или незамещенными;(b) от ...

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013156380A

... 1. Рабочая среда теплового цикла, которая содержит 1,1,2-трифторэтилен.2. Рабочая среда теплового цикла по п. 1, которая дополнительно содержит углеводород.3. Рабочая среда теплового цикла по п. 1, которая дополнительно содержит гидрофторуглерод.4. Рабочая среда теплового цикла по п. 1, которая дополнительно содержит гидрохлорфторолефин или хлорфторолефин.5. Рабочая среда теплового цикла по п. 1, где 1,1,2-трифторэтилен содержится в рабочей среде теплового цикла (100% масс.) в концентрации по меньшей мере 60% масс.6. Рабочая среда теплового цикла по п. 2, где углеводород содержится в рабочей среде теплового цикла (100% масс.) в концентрации от 1 до 40% масс.7. Рабочая среда теплового цикла по п. 3, где гидрофторуглерод содержится в рабочей среде для теплового цикла (100% масс.) в концентрации от 1 до 99% масс.8. Рабочая среда теплового цикла по п. 4, где общее содержание гидрохлорфторолефина и хлорфторолефина в рабочей среде теплового цикла (100% масс.) составляет от 1 до 60% масс.9. Рабочая ...

10-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003130379A

... 1. Азеотропная или подобная азеотропной композиция, которая содержит главным образом 1,1,1,3,3-пентафторпропан и 1-хлоро-1,1,3,3,3-пентафторпропан. 2. Азеотропная или подобная азеотропной композиция по п.1, которая содержит главным образом больше нуля и ориентировочно до 50 вес.% 1-хлоро-1,1,3,3,3-лентафторпропана и ориентировочно от 50 до менее чем 100 вес.% 1,1,1,3,3-лентафторпропана, причем указанная композиция имеет температуру кипения около 14,95±0,15°С при давлении в диапазоне ориентировочно от 0 до 60 фунтов на квадратный дюйм. 3. Азеотропная или подобная азеотропной композиция по п.2, которая содержит главным образом больше нуля и ориентировочно до 5 вес.% 1-хлоро-1,1,3,3,3-пентафторпропана и ориентировочно от 95 до менее чем 100 вес.% 1,1,1,3,3-пентафторпропана. 4. Азеотропная или подобная азеотропной композиция по п.2, которая содержит главным образом около 1 вес.% 1-хлоро-1,1,3,3,3-пентафторпропана и 99 вес.% 1,1,1,3,3-пентафторпропана. 5. Азеотропная или подобная азеотропной ...

10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006142192A

... 1. Близкая к азеотропной композиция, содержащая эффективные количества транс-1,3,3,3-пентафторпропана (TpaHcHFO-1234ze) и соединение, которое выбирают из группы, состоящей из 1,1-дифторэтана («HFC-152a»), 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-гептафторпропана («CHFC-227ea»), 1,1,1,2, -тетрафторэтана («HFC-134a»), 1,1,1,2,2-пентафторэтана («HFC-125») и комбинации двух или более этих соединений. 2. Близкая к азеотропной композиция по п.1, содержащая эффективные количества трансHFO-1234ze и соединение, которое выбирают из группы, состоящей из 1,1-дифторэтана («HFC-152a»), 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-гептафторпропана («HFC-227ea»), 1,1,1,2,-тетрафторэтана («HFC-134a») и 1,1, 1,2,2-пентафторэтана («HFC-125»). 3. Близкая к азеотропной композиция по п.1, содержащая до примерно 75 мас.% трансHFO-1234ze и остальное HFC-134a. 4. Близкая к азеотропной композиция по п.1, содержащая до примерно 60 мас.% трансHFO-1234ze и остальное HFC-134a. 5. Близкая к азеотропной композиция по п.1, содержащая до примерно 40 мас.% трансHFO-1234ze и остальное ...

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006129311A

... 1. Композиция хладагента или жидкого теплоносителя, выбранная из группы, состоящей из: C4F9OCH3 и 1-дифторметокси-1,1,2,2-тетрафторэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 2-дифторметокси-1,1,1,2-тетрафторэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 1-(дифторметокси)-1,1,2-трифторэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 1,1,1,2,2-пентафтор-2-метоксиэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 1-(дифторметокси)-1,2,2-трифторэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 2-фторметокси-1,1,1,2-тетрафторэтан; C4F9 OCH3 и 1,1-дифтор-2-трифторметоксиэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 2-дифторметокси-1,1,1-трифторэтан; C4 F9OCH3 и 1-метокси-1,1,2,2-тетрафторэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 1-дифторметокси-2,2-дифторэтан; C4F9 OCH3 и 2-метокси-1,1, 2-трифторэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 2-метокси-1,1,1-трифторэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 1, 1-дифтор-2-метоксиэтан; C4F9OCH3 и 1,1,1,2,2-пентафтор-2-(2,2,2-С4F9OCH3 и трифторэтокси)этан; C4F9OCH3 и 1,1′-оксибис(1,2,2,2-тетрафтор)этан; C4F9OCH3 и 2-(дифторметокси)-1,1,1,3,3,3-гексафторпропан; C4F9 OCH3 и 3-(дифторметокси)-1,1,1,2,2,3-гексафторпропан; C4F9OCH3 и 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-гептафтор-3-метоксипропан; C4F9OCH3 и 1,1,3,3-тетрафтор-1-(трифторметокси ...

10-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007103173A

... 1. Состав хладагента или жидкого теплоносителя, содержащего С4F9OC2H5 и по меньшей мере одно соединение, выбранное из группы, включающей: ацетон; 1, 1-дихлорэтан; диизопропиловый эфир; 1,2-диметоксиэтан; диметоксиметан; этанол; этилацетат; этилформиат; изопропанол; метанол; метилацетат; метилформиат; трет-бутилметиловый эфир; транс-1,2-дихлорэтилен; и N-(дифторметил)-N,N-диметиламин. 2. Состав хладагента или жидкого теплоносителя, пригодного для использования в холодильных агрегатах или кондиционерах воздуха с (i) центробежным компрессором или (ii) многоступенчатым центробежным компрессором, или (iii) однопластинчатым/одноходовым теплообменником, содержащий С4F9OC2H5 и по меньшей мере одно соединение, выбранное из группы, включающей: ацетон; 1,1-дихлорэтан; диизопропиловый эфир; 1,2-диметоксиэтан; диметоксиметан; этанол; этилацетат; этилформиат; изопропанол; метанол; метилацетат; метилформиат; трет-бутилметиловый эфир; транс-1,2-дихлорэтилен; и N-(дифторметил)-N,N-диметиламин. 3. Азеотропный ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von 1-Chlor-3,3,3-Trifluor-1-Propen und 1,3,3,3-Tetrafluorpropen

Номер: DE112013003077T5

Bereitgestellt wird ein Verfahren, wobei auch ohne Verwendung eines Feststoffkatalysators ein gewünschtes Isomer von 1-Chlor-3,3,3-trifluor-1-propen und 1,3,3,3-Tetrafluorpropen bei hoher Umsetzungsrate erlangt werden kann. Da kein Feststoffkatalysator verwendet wird, kann auf stabile Weise das gewünschte Isomer von 1-Chlor-3,3,3-trifluor-1-propen und 1,3,3,3-Tetrafluorpropen erlangt werden, ohne dass die Sorge einer Degradation des Feststoffkatalysators wie etwa eines Verkokens des Feststoffkatalysators im Laufe der Zeit besteht.

20-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002257283A1

29-07-1999 дата публикации

Fluoro-hydrocarbon-based operating fluid composition for refrigerators

Номер: DE0019814238A1

A fluorohydrocarbon-based operating fluid for refrigerators with alkyl-benzene, mineral oil and/or poly- alpha -olefin as lubricant contains polyorganosiloxane, organic phosphate and/or organic phosphite as additive(s). An operating material for refrigerators contains: (A) refrigerant(s) consisting of one or more fluorohydrocarbons; (B) lubricant(s) comprising (B1) alkylbenzene(s) with 1-20C linear or branched alkyl groups, (B2) mineral oil(s) and/or (B3) poly- alpha -olefin(s); and (C) additive(s) comprising (C1) polyorganosiloxane(s) with 1-30C organic groups, in amounts of 0.1-250 mg per 1 kg component (B) and/or (C2) organic phosphate(s) of formula (I) and/or (C3) organic phosphite(s) of formula (II), in amounts of 0.01-10 wt.% (C2) and/or (C3) based on the total weight of (B). R<1>-R<3> = 1-20C alkyl, aryl and/or aralkyl.

12-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069808637T2

06-02-2013 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0002493395A

A heat transfer composition comprises up to about 30 % by weight carbon dioxide (R-744), from about 30 % to about 80 % by weight difluoromethane (R-32), and 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze), preferably R-1234ze(E). The composition preferably has a low GWP and may further comprise a lubricant, a stabiliser or a flame retardant. The composition may be a refrigerant, a blowing agent, a foam or a sprayable composition. The composition may be used in a heat transfer device e.g. automotive air conditioning systems, chiller refrigeration systems. Also shown are methods of cooling, heating, extraction and cleaning using the composition.

18-01-2017 дата публикации

Heat transfer fluid

Номер: GB0201620421D0

31-03-2010 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0201002617D0

23-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201410411D0

19-08-2009 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB2457345A

A composition comprises R-1243zf (3,3,3-trifluoropropene), R-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) and R-32 (difluoromethane). The composition preferably has a low GWP and may further comprise a lubricant, a stabiliser or a flame retardant. The composition may be a refrigerant, a blowing agent, a foam or a sprayable composition. The composition may be used in a heat transfer device e.g. automotive air conditioning systems, chiller refrigeration systems. Also shown are methods of cooling, heating, extraction and cleaning using the composition.

15-01-1997 дата публикации

Refrigerant composition

Номер: GB0009624818D0

31-03-2004 дата публикации

Refrigerant composition

Номер: GB0000404343D0

01-05-2002 дата публикации

Refrigerant for centrifugal compressors

Номер: GB0000206413D0

03-01-2007 дата публикации

Refringement extenders for HCFL 22

Номер: GB0000623551D0

22-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002068996B

27-09-2006 дата публикации

Fluid composition

Номер: GB0000616336D0

20-05-2009 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0000906547D0

28-12-2011 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0002481443A

Heat transfer compositions comprising: (i) trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)); (ii) a second component selected from difluoromethane (R-32), propene (R-1270) propane (R290) and mixtures thereof; (iii) a third component selected from pentafluoroethane (R-125), 1,1,1,2- tetrafluoroethane (R-134a), and mixtures thereof; and optionally (iv) a fourth component selected from fluoroethane (R-161), 1,1-difluoroethane (R-152a) and mixtures thereof. The composition preferably has a low GWP and may further comprise a lubricant, a stabiliser or a flame retardant. The composition may be a refrigerant, a blowing agent, a foam or a sprayable composition. The composition may be used in a heat transfer device e.g. automotive air conditioning systems, chiller refrigeration systems. Also shown are methods of cooling, heating, extraction and cleaning using the composition.

02-08-2006 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0000612485D0

03-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009109967D0

01-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008704679D0

24-09-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to refrigeration

Номер: GB0000357263A

... 357,263. Refrigerants. FRIGIDAIRE CORPORATION, 3rd National Building, .Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A.-(Assignees of Midgley, T. ; Worthington, Henne, A. L.; 108, West Weber Road, Columbus, and McNary, R. R. ; 1049, Redfern Avenue, Dayton, all in Ohio, U.S.A.) June 24, 1930, No. 19234. Convention date, Feb. 8. Drawings to Specification. [Class 29.] A refrigerating process comprises condensing an aliphatic hydrocarbon derivative which contains more than one fluorine atom with or without other halogen atoms, or one fluorine atom with one or more other halogen atoms, and then evaporating the derivative in the vicinity of a body to be cooled. A saturated aliphatic derivative of methane such as difluoro-dichloro-methane or of ethane such as tetra-fluoro-monochlor-ethane or tetra-fluorodichloro-ethane, may be used. As an example of an unsaturated derivative, 1-2- chloro-fluoro-ethylene is specified.

31-03-2010 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0201002616D0

17-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002535383A

A composition comprising 1,1-difluoroethene (R-1132a); ethane (R-170) and, optionally carbon dioxide (CO2, R-744). The composition preferably has a low GWP and may further comprise a lubricant, a stabiliser or a flame retardant. The composition may be a refrigerant, a foam or a sprayable composition. The composition may be used in a heat transfer device e.g. automotive air conditioning systems, chiller refrigeration systems. Also shown are methods of cooling, heating, extraction and cleaning using the composition.

24-02-2021 дата публикации

Refrigerant composition and use thereof

Номер: GB2576389B
Автор: ROBERT E LOW, Robert E Low

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609204D0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009204A0

30-06-2002 дата публикации

CFC 12 Replacement Refrigerant

Номер: AP2002002473A0

A refrigerant composition comprising a hydrofluorocarbon component including 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC134a), the composition further comprising an additive selected from a saturated hydrocarbon or mixture thereof boiling in the range -5 to +70c.

30-06-2002 дата публикации

R 22 Replacement Refrigerant.

Номер: AP2002002470A0

A refrigerant composition comprising a hydrofluorocarbon component including 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HCFC134a), the composition further comprising an additive selected from a saturated hydrocarbon or mixture thereof boiling in the range -5 to +70c.

28-04-2006 дата публикации

R22 replacement refrigerant.

Номер: OA0000012031A

28-04-2006 дата публикации

CFC 12 replacement refrigerant.

Номер: OA0000012032A

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609204A0

30-06-2002 дата публикации

Cfc 12 replacement refrigerant

Номер: AP0200202473A0

30-06-2002 дата публикации

R 22 replacement refrigerant

Номер: AP0200202470A0

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000301156T

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000374809T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000483778T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000451437T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000551700T

15-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000152473T

15-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000219481A

15-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000111943T

15-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000123797T

15-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000122377T

15-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000174374T

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000111147T

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000315073T

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Use of unsaturated hydrofluorocarbons

Номер: US20120085959A1

Use of certain hydrofluoroalkenes for foam blowing, solvent cleaning, refrigeration, as etching gas for semiconductor etching or chamber cleaning, heat transfer, fire extinguishing and for the production of aerosols.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Azeotrope-like compositions of tetrafluoropropene and alcohols

Номер: US20120141385A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A composition including an effective amount of trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene component combined with an effective amount of an alcohol selected from the group of methanol, ethanol, propanol, isopropanol, tert-butanol, isobutanol, 2-ethyl hexanol and any combination thereof, where the composition has azeotropic properties.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Binary refrigerating fluid

Номер: US20120151959A1
Автор: Wissam Rached
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

The invention relates to binary compositions of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and difluoromethane, and especially to the uses thereof as a heat transfer fluid in compression systems with exchangers operating in counterflow mode or in split flow mode with counterflow tendency. The invention also relates to a heat transfer method.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Compositions comprising 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane or 2,3,3,3- tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20120165578A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

Disclosed are compositions comprising HFC-245 eb and at least one additional compound selected from the group consisting of HFO-1234 ze , HFC-245 fa , HFC-236 cb , HFC-236 ea , HFC-236 fa , HFC-227 ea , HFC-227 ca , HFO-1225 yc , HFO-1225 zc , HFO-1225 ye , methane, ethane, propane, HFC-23, HFC-143 a , HFC-134, HFC-134 a , FC-1216, HFO-1234 yf , HFC-254 eb , HFO-1243 zf , and HFC-254 fb . Compositions comprising HFC-245 eb are useful in processes to make HFO-1234 yf . Also disclosed are compositions comprising HFO-1234 yf and at least one additional compound selected from the group consisting of HFO-1234 ze , HFC-254 eb , HFC-254 fb , HFO-1243 zf , HFCHFC-245 eb , HFC-245 fa , HFC-245 cb , HFC-236 cb , HFC-236 ea , HFC-236 fa , HFC-227 ea , HFC-227 ca , HFO-1225 yc , HFO-1225 zc , HFO-1225 ye , methane, ethane, propane, HFC-23, HFC-134, HFC-134 a , HFO-1132 a and FC-1216. Compositions comprising HFO-1234 yf are useful as heat transfer compositions for use in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump systems.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Cascade refrigeration system with fluoroolefin refrigerant

Номер: US20120216551A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

The present invention relates to a cascade refrigeration system which circulates a refrigerant comprising a fluoroolefin therethrough. The cascade refrigeration system includes a low temperature refrigeration loop and a medium temperature refrigeration loop. The fluoroolefin circulates through either loop, or both. In a particular embodiment, the fluoroolefin circulates through the medium temperature loop. In a particular embodiment, where the cascade refrigeration system includes a first and a second cascade heat exchanger, and a secondary heat transfer loop which extends between the first and second cascade heat exchangers, either the first and/or second refrigerant may be, but need not necessarily be, a fluoroolefin.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Heat-transfer fluids and use thereof in countercurrent heat exchangers

Номер: US20130055739A1
Автор: Wissam Rached
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

The invention relates to a ternary composition comprising difluoromethane, 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and a hydrocarbon-derived compound containing at least two fluorine atoms and having a boiling point of between −30 and −20° C., which is selected from 1,1-difluoroethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene. This composition is particularly suitable for use as a heat-transfer fluid in the presence of countercurrent heat exchangers.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130067938A1

Provided is a method for selecting a lubricant and a refrigerant for use in a vapor-compression refrigeration device such that the combination of the lubricant and refrigerant produces a fluid system having a lubricant-rich phase and a refrigerant-rich phase, yet exhibits miscible-type properties. 1. A method for selecting a refrigerant and lubricant for a vapor-compression refrigeration device system comprising:a. determining a lower operating temperature range of a vapor-compression refrigeration device;b. determining an upper operating temperature range of the vapor-compression refrigeration device; and{'sub': 2', '5, 'c. selecting a refrigerant comprising at least one Cto Cfluoroalkene at a first concentration and selecting a lubricant comprising at least one polyol ester, polyalkylene glycol, or polyalkylene glycol ester at a second concentration to produce a fluid system having a refrigerant-rich phase and a lubricant-rich phase at a first temperature within said lower operating temperature range and at a second temperature within said upper operating temperature range provided that said second temperature is higher than said first temperature, wherein the refrigerant-rich phase is denser relative to the lubricant-rich phase at said first temperature and wherein the lubricant-rich phase is denser relative to the refrigerant-rich phase at said second temperature, provided that the relative difference in densities between the two phases is less than 20% at said first temperature and less than 20% at said second temperature.'}2. The method of wherein said refrigerant-rich phase and said lubricant-rich phase are liquid and are substantially immiscible with each other at said first and second temperatures.3. The method of wherein said refrigerant has a density within a range of about 0.8 g/cmto about 1.2 g/cmwhen measured at a temperature within a range of about 25° C. to about 50° C. and wherein said lubricant has a density within a range of about 0.7 g/cmto about ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091843A1

Aspects of the present invention are directed to working fluids and their use in processes wherein the working fluids comprise compounds having the structure of formula (I): 2. The process of wherein the working fluid is selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene(E) claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene(Z) and combinations thereof.3. The process of wherein the working fluid comprises a blend of 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein 1 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene comprises 1 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene(E).5. The process of claim 3 , wherein 2 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is provided in an amount from greater than about 0 wt % to about 40 wt. % and 1 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is provided in an amount from less than 100 wt. % to about 60 wt. %.6. The process of claim 3 , wherein 2 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is provided in an amount from greater than about 0 wt % to about 30 wt. % and 1 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is provided in an amount from less than 100 wt. % to about 70 wt. %;7. The process of claim 3 , wherein 2 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is provided in an amount from about 5 wt % to about 30 wt. % and 1 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is provided in an amount from about 95 wt % to about 70 wt. %.8. The process of claim 3 , wherein 2 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is provided in an amount from about 10 wt % to about 30 wt. %; and 1 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is provided in an amount from about 90 wt % to about 70 wt. %.9. A process for converting thermal energy to mechanical energy comprising:heating a the working fluid to a temperature sufficient to ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092869A1
Автор: Boussand Beatrice
Принадлежит: Arkema France

The invention relates to a composition comprising a lubricant based on polyol esters (POE) and a refrigerant F including at least 99.8 wt % 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, between 0.5 and 500 ppm 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropene, between 0.5 and 500 ppm trifluoropropyne and between 1 and 500 ppm compounds based on or carbon atoms optionally including an olefinic bond. 1) Composition comprising at least one lubricant based on polyol esters (POEs) and a refrigerant F comprising at least 99.8% by weight of 2 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene , from 0.5 to 500 ppm of 1 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,3-pentafluoropmpene , from 0.5 to 500 ppm of 3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropyne and from 1 to 1500 ppm of compounds containing 2 or 3 carbon atoms.2) Composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the refrigerant F comprises at least 99.9% by weight of 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene claim 1 , from 0.5 to 250 ppm of 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3-pentafluoropropene claim 1 , from 0.5 to 250 ppm of 3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropyne and from 1 to 500 ppm of compounds containing 2 or 3 carbon atoms.3) Composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the refrigerant F comprises at least 99.95% by weight of 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene claim 1 , from 0.5 to 250 ppm of 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3-pentafluoropropene claim 1 , from 0.5 to 100 ppm of 3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluompropyne and from 1 to 150 ppm of compounds containing 2 or 3 carbon atoms.4) Composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that said polyol esters (POEs) are formed from polyols having a neopentyl backbone.5) Composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the POEs are obtained from a linear or branched carboxylic acid containing from 2 to 15 carbon atoms.6) Composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that said polyol esters (POEs) represent(s) between 10% and 50% by weight of the composition.7) Composition according to ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098101A1
Автор: ISHIDA Yoshinori
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

According to a compressor and a refrigeration cycle device using same of the present invention, a refrigerant and refrigeration oil are sealed in an container , the refrigerant is a hydrofluoroolefin having double bond of carbon in its composition or a mixture of hydrofluoroolefin as a base component and hydrofluorocarbon having no double bond, and at least one of benzotriazole, dialkyl dithiophosphoric acid zinc, dialkyl selenium, metal phenate, and organic nitrogen compound is included in the refrigeration oil , and it is an object to suppress the decomposition and polymerization of refrigeration oil and a refrigerant, and to secure reliability of the compressor and the refrigeration cycle device. 1. A compressor wherein a refrigerant and refrigeration oil are sealed , the refrigerant is a hydrofluoroolefin having double bond of carbon in its composition or a mixture of hydrofluoroolefin as a base component and hydrofluorocarbon having no double bond , and at least one of benzotriazole , dialkyl dithiophosphoric acid zinc , dialkyl selenium , metal phenate , and organic nitrogen compound is included in the refrigeration oil.2. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein an amine-based antioxidant is included in the refrigeration oil.3. The compressor according to claim 2 , wherein the amine-based antioxidant is at least one of phenyl-alpha-naphthylamine and dialkyl diphenyl amine.4. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein a phenol-based antioxidant is included in the refrigeration oil.5. The compressor according to claim 4 , wherein the phenol-based antioxidant is at least one of 2 claim 4 , 6-ditertiary-butyl-p-cresol (DBPC) claim 4 , 3-arylbenzofuran-2-one (intramolecule cyclic ester of hydroxycarboxylic acid).6. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein a sulfur claim 1 , phosphorus-based antioxidant is included in the refrigeration oil.7. The compressor according to claim 6 , wherein the sulfur claim 6 , phosphorus-based antioxidant is at least one ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Use of compositions comprising 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane and optionally z-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene in power cycles

Номер: US20130104548A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A method is provided for converting heat from a heat source to mechanical energy. The method comprises heating a working fluid using heat supplied from the heat source; and expanding the heated working fluid to lower the pressure of the working fluid and generate mechanical energy as the pressure of the working fluid is lowered. The method is characterized by using a working fluid comprising HFC-245eb and optionally Z-HFO-1336mzz. A power cycle apparatus containing a working fluid to convert heat to mechanical energy is also provided. The apparatus is characterized by containing a working fluid comprising HFC-245eb and optionally Z-HFO-1336mzz. A working fluid comprising HFC-245eb and optionally Z-HFO-1336mzz is also provided. The working fluid (i) further comprises E-HFO-1336mzz, (ii) has a temperature above its critical temperature, or both (i) and (ii).

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Use of compositions comprising 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane and optionally z-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene in chillers

Номер: US20130104573A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A method is provided for producing cooling in a chiller having an evaporator wherein a refrigerant composition is evaporated to cool a heat transfer medium. The method comprises evaporating a refrigerant composition comprising HFC-245eb and optionally Z—HFO-1336mzz in the evaporator. Additionally, a composition is provided comprising: (1) a refrigerant composition consisting essentially of HFC-245eb and Z—HFO-1336mzz; (2) a lubricant suitable for use in a chiller; wherein the Z—HFO-1336mzz in the refrigerant composition is at least about 41 weight percent. Also, a chiller apparatus is provided comprising an evaporator, a compressor, a condenser and a pressure reduction device, all of which are in fluid communication in the order listed and through which a refrigerant flows from one component to the next in a repeating cycle.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119299A1
Автор: Low Robert E.

The invention provides a heat transfer composition comprising (i) a first component selected from trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)), cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(Z)) and mixtures thereof; (ii) carbon dioxide (R-744); and (iii) a third component selected from difluoromethane (R-32) 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a) and mixtures thereof. 1. A heat transfer composition comprising:(i) a first component selected from R-1234ze(E), R-1234ze(Z), or mixtures thereof;(ii) a second component that is R 744; and(iii) a third component selected from R-32, R-134a, or mixtures thereof.2. A composition according to wherein the first component is R-1234ze(E) or a mixture of R-1234ze(E) and R-1234ze(Z).3. A composition according to comprising at least about 15% by weight R-1234ze(E).4. A composition according to comprising up to about 35% by weight R 744.5. A composition according to comprising from about 4 to about 30% R-744 by weight.6. A composition according to comprising up to about 60% by weight of the third component.7. A composition according to comprising from about 10 to about 95% R-1234ze(E) by weight claim 1 , from about 2 to about 30% by weight R-744 claim 1 , and from about 3 to about 60% by weight of the third component.8. A composition according to wherein the composition has a critical temperature of greater than about 65° C.9. A composition according to wherein the third component is R-134a or a mixture of R-134a and R-32.10. A composition according to comprising from about 20 to about 94% by weight R-1234ze(E) claim 1 , from about 2 to about 30% by weight R-744 and from about 4 to about 50% by weight R-134a.11. A composition according to comprising from about 60 to about 92% R-1234ze(E) claim 10 , from about 4 to about 30% by weight R-744 and from about 4 to about 10% by weight R-134a.12. A composition according to comprising from about 20 to about 86% R-1234ze(E) claim 10 , from about 4 to about 30% by weight R-744 and from about 10 to ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126777A1
Автор: Low Robert E.
Принадлежит: Mexichem Mnco Holding S.A. de C.V.

The invention provides a heat transfer composition comprising (i) a first component selected from trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)), cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(Z)) and mixtures thereof; (ii) carbon dioxide (R-744); and (iii) a third component selected from 1,1-difluoroethane (R-152a), fluoroethane (R-161), and mixtures thereof. 1. A heat transfer composition comprising:(i) a first component selected from R-1234ze(E), R-1234ze(Z), and mixtures thereof;(ii) a second component that is R-744; and(iii) a third component selected from R-152a, R-161, and mixtures thereof.2. A composition according to wherein the first component is R-1234ze(E) or a mixture of R-1234ze(E) and R-1234ze(Z).3. A composition according to comprising at least about 15% by weight R-1234ze(E).4. A composition according to comprising up to about 35% by weight R-744.5. A composition according to comprising from about 4 to about 30% R-744 by weight.6. A composition according to comprising up to about 60% by weight of the third component.7. A composition according to comprising from about 10 to about 95% R-1234ze(E) by weight claim 1 , from about 2 to about 30% by weight R-744 claim 1 , and from about 3 to about 60% by weight of the third component.8. A composition according to wherein the composition has a critical temperature of greater than about 65° C.9. A composition according to wherein the third component is R-152a or a mixture of R-152a and R-161.10. A composition according to comprising from about 30 to about 94% R-1234ze(E) claim 9 , from about 4 to about 30% by weight R-744 and from about 2 to about 40% by weight R-152a.11. A composition according to comprising from about 42 to about 85% R-1234ze(E) claim 10 , from about 10 to about 28% by weight R-744 and from about 5 to about 30% by weight R-152a.12. A composition according to wherein the third component is R-161 or a mixture of R-161 and R-152a.13. A composition according to comprising from about 45 to about 94% ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: US20130126778A1
Автор: Robert E. Low

The invention provides a heat transfer composition comprising (i) a first component selected from trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)), cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(Z)) and mixtures thereof; (ii) carbon dioxide (R-744); and (iii) a third component selected from 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234yf), 3,3,3-trifluoropropene (R-1243zf), and mixtures thereof.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145778A1

Compositions, methods and systems which comprise or utilize a multi-component mixture comprising: (a) HFC-32; (b) HFC-125; (c) HFO-1234yf and/or HFO-1234ze; (d) HFC-134a. In certain non-limiting aspects, such refrigerants may be used as a replacement for R-404A. 1. A heat transfer composition comprising: (a) from about 10% to about 35% by weight of HFC-32; (b) from about 10% to about 35% by weight of HFC-125; (c) from about 0% to about 30% by weight of HFO-1234yf and from greater than 0% to about 30% by weight of HFO-1234ze; (d) from about 10% to about 35% by weight of HFC-134a , with the weight percent being based on the total of the components (a)-(d) in the composition.2. The heat transfer composition of wherein said HFO-1234ze comprises trans-HFO-1234ze.3. The heat transfer composition of comprising from greater than 15% to about 30% by weight of HFC-32.4. The heat transfer composition of comprising from greater than 20% to about 30% by weight of HFC-32.5. The heat transfer composition of comprising from greater than 10% to about 30% by weight of HFC-125.6. The heat transfer composition of comprising from greater than 20% to about 30% by weight of HFC-125.7. The heat transfer composition of having a weight ratio of HFC-32:HFC-125 of from about 0.9:1.2 to about 1.2:0.9.8. The heat transfer composition of comprising from greater than 0% to about 25% by weight of HFO-1234yf.9. The heat transfer composition of comprising from greater than 0% to about 22% by weight of HFO-1234yf.10. The heat transfer composition of comprising from about 1% to about 30% by weight of HFO-1234ze.11. The heat transfer composition of comprising from about 5% to about 30% by weight of HFO-1234ze.12. The heat transfer composition of comprising from greater than 0% to about 25% by weight of HFO-1234yf and from about 1% to about 30% by weight of HFO-1234ze.13. The heat transfer composition of comprising from greater than 0% to about 22% by weight of HFO-1234yf and from about 5% to about 30% ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152626A1

A composition is described including a first fluorinated hydrocarbon compound according to the formula: 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein n is 0 claim 1 , Rand Rare each H claim 1 , and R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare each F.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein n is 0 claim 1 , Rand Rare each H claim 1 , and R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare each F.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein n is 0 claim 1 , Rand Rare each H claim 1 , and R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare each F.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein n is 0 claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare each H claim 1 , and Rand Rare each F.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein Rand Rare each F claim 1 , and Ris H.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein Rand Rare each F claim 1 , and Ris H.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein m is 0.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein m is 1.10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rand Rare each H.11. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the first fluorinated hydrocarbon is present in an amount of from 1 to 98 percent by weight claim 1 , the second fluorinated hydrocarbon is present in an amount of from 1 to 98 percent by weight claim 1 , and the third fluorinated hydrocarbon is present in an amount of from 1 to 56 percent by weight.12. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a compressor lubricant.13. A heat transfer system that includes a heat transfer fluid circulation loop with evaporation and condensation stages claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer fluid comprises a fluorinated hydrocarbon composition according to . The subject matter disclosed herein generally relates to fluorinated hydrocarbon compositions and their use.Fluorinated hydrocarbons have been widely used in a number of applications, including refrigerants and other heat transfer fluids, polymer foam blowing agents, fire suppressants, lubricants, fire suppressants, foaming agents, dielectric fluids, solvents, cleaning fluids, drying agents, ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Use of compositions comprising e-1,1,1,4,4,5,5,5-octafluoro-2-pentene and optionally, 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane in power cycles

Номер: US20130160447A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A method for converting heat from a heat source to mechanical energy is provided. The method comprises heating a working fluid E-1,1,1,4,4,5,5,5-octafluoro-2-pentene (E-HFO-1438mzz) and optionally 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245eb) using heat supplied from the heat source; and expanding the heated working fluid to lower the pressure of the working fluid and generate mechanical energy as the pressure of the working fluid is lowered. Additionally, a power cycle apparatus containing a working fluid to convert heat to mechanical energy is provided. The apparatus contains a working fluid comprising E-HFO-1438mzz and optionally HFC-245eb. A working fluid is provided comprising E-HFO-1438mzz and HFC-245eb. The working fluid (i) has a temperature of at least about 150° C.; (ii) further comprises Z-HFO-1438mzz; or both (i) and (ii).

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161554A1
Принадлежит: Arkema Inc.

Disclosed is a combination of hydrofluoroolefins and/or hydrochlorofluoroolefins with stabilizers wherein the stabilizers minimize the degradation of the hydrofluoroolefins and hydrochlorofluoroolefins during storage, handling and use yet allow for atmospheric degradation. The combinations exhibit low or zero ozone depletion potential and lower global warming potential making them of interest as replacements for chlorofluorocarbons and hydrfluorocarbons. The combinations of the present invention comprise hydrofluoroolefins and/or hydrochlorofluoroolefins in combination with a stabilizer or stabilizers selected from free radical scavengers, acid scavengers, oxygen scavengers, polymerization inhibitors and combinations thereof. 1. A combination comprising a hydrofluoroolefin and/or a hydrochlorofluoroolefin and a stabilizer selected from free radical scavengers , acid scavengers , oxygen scavengers , corrosion inhibitors , polymerization inhibitors or combinations thereof wherein said combination is stable during use , handling and storage and is tropodegradable.2. The combination of wherein said hydrofluoroolefin and/or a hydrochlorofluoroolefin is of the general formula CHFClwhere n=3-8 claim 1 , b=0-3 claim 1 , a=0-14 and 2n is greater than or equal to a+b.3. The combination of wherein said hydrofluoroolefin and/or a hydrochlorofluoroolefin are cyclic and of the general formula CHFClwhere n=3 claim 1 , 4 or 5 claim 1 , x=0-7 claim 1 , y=0-3 and a=2n−2a and is greater than or equal to x+y.4. The combination of wherein said acid scavengers is selected from 1 claim 1 ,2-epoxy butane; glycidyl methyl ether; d claim 1 ,l-limonene oxide; 1 claim 1 ,2-epoxy-2 claim 1 ,2-methlpropane; nitromethane or mixtures thereof.5. The combination of wherein said oxygen scavengers are selected from alpha methylsytrene claim 1 , isoprene claim 1 , phenol claim 1 , hydroquinones or mixtures thereof.6. The combination of wherein said polymerization inhibitors are selected from d claim 1 ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186114A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

The invention relates to a composition comprising: 1. Composition comprising:a heat-transfer fluid comprising from 15% to 30% ammonia and from 70% to 85% 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene; anda lubricant oil comprising a polyalkylene glycol.2. Composition according to claim 1 , in which the heat-transfer fluid consists of a mixture of ammonia and 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.3. Composition according to claim 1 , in which the heat-transfer fluid comprises from 18% to 26% ammonia and from 74% to 82% 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.4. Composition according to claim 1 , in which the lubricant oil consists of a polyalkylene glycol.5. Composition according to claim 1 , in which the lubricant oil represents from 1% to 99% of the composition.6. Composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more additives selected from the group consisting of heat-transfer compounds claim 1 , stabilizers claim 1 , surfactants claim 1 , tracers claim 1 , fluorescers claim 1 , odourant agents and solubilizers claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. A vapour compression circuit comprising claim 1 , a polyalkylene glycol lubricant oil in combination with a heat-transfer fluid comprising from 15% to 30% ammonia and from 70% to 85% 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.8. Vapour compression circuit according to claim 7 , in which the polyalkylene glycol is used in a proportion of from 1% to 99% relative to the sum of the polyalkylene glycol and of the heat-transfer fluid.9. Vapour compression circuit according to claim 7 , in which the heat-transfer fluid comprises from 18% to 26% ammonia and from 74% to 82% 2 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.10. Vapour compression circuit according to claim 7 , in which the heat-transfer fluid consists of a mixture of ammonia and 2 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.11. Heat-transfer installation comprising a vapour compression circuit containing a heat-transfer ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187078A1
Автор: Low Robert E.

The invention provides a heat transfer composition consisting essentially of from about 60 to about 85% by weight of trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)) and from about 15 to about 40% by weight of fluoroethane (R-161). The invention also provides a heat transfer composition comprising R-1234ze(E), R-161 and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a). 1. A heat transfer composition consisting essentially of from about 60 to about 85% by weight of trans-1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)) and from about 15 to about 40% by weight of fluoroethane (R-161).2. A composition according to claim 1 , consisting essentially of from about 65 to about 82% by weight of R-1234ze(E) and from about 18 to about 35% by weight of R-161.3. A heat transfer composition comprising R-1234ze(E) claim 1 , R-161 and 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a).4. A composition according to comprising up to about 50% by weight of R-134a.5. A composition according to comprising from about 4 to about 20% by weight R-161 claim 4 , from about 25 to about 50% R-134a claim 4 , and from about 30 to about 71% by weight R-1234ze(E).6. A composition according to claim 3 , consisting essentially of R-1234ze(E) claim 3 , R-161 and R-134a.7. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a GWP of less than 1000 claim 1 , preferably less than 150.8. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature glide is less than about 10K claim 1 , preferably less than about 5K.9. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a volumetric refrigeration capacity within about 15 of the existing refrigerant that it is intended to replace.10. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is less flammable than R-161 alone or R-1234yf alone.12. A composition according to which has a fluorine ratio (F/(F+H)) of from about 0.42 to about 0.7 claim 1 , preferably from about 0.46 to about 0.67.13. A composition according to which is non- ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193368A1
Автор: Low Robert E.

The invention provides a heat transfer composition comprising trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)), fluoroethane (R-161) and a third component selected from difluoromethane (R-32) and/or 1,1-difluoroethane (R-152a). 1. A heat transfer composition comprising trans-1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)) , fluoroethane (R-161) and a third component selected from difluoromethane (R-32) and/or 1 ,1-difluoroethane (R-152a).2. A composition according to comprising up to about 30% by weight of the third component and up to about 30% by weight R-161 claim 1 , with the balance R-1234ze.3. A composition according to wherein the third component is R-32.4. A composition according to comprising from about 58 to about 93% by weight of R-1234ze(E) claim 3 , from about from about 5 to about 30% by weight of R-161 claim 3 , and from about 2 to about 12% by weight of R-32.5. A composition according to comprising from about 68 to about 91% by weight of R-1234ze(E) claim 4 , from about from about 5 to about 20% by weight of R-161 claim 4 , and from about 4 to about 12% by weight of R-32.6. A composition according to wherein the third component is R-152a.7. A composition according to comprising from about 50 to about 93% by weight of R-1234ze(E) claim 6 , from about from about 2 to about 20% by weight of R-161 claim 6 , and from about 5 to about 30% by weight of R-152a.8. A composition according to comprising from about 60 to about 83% by weight of R-1234ze(E) claim 7 , from about from about 12 to about 20% by weight of R-161 claim 7 , and from about 5 to about 20% by weight of R-152a.9. A composition according to additionally comprising 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a).10. A composition according to comprising up to about 50% by weight of R-134a.11. A composition according to comprising from about 2 to about 20% by weight R-161 claim 10 , from about 2 to about 20% by weight of the third component claim 10 , from about 25 to about 50% R-134a ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193369A1
Автор: Low Robert Elliott
Принадлежит: Mexichem Amanco Holding C.V. de S.A.

The invention provides a heat transfer composition comprising: (i) trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)); (ii) a second component selected from difluoromethane (R-32), propene (R-1270)propane (R290) and mixtures thereof; (iii) a third component selected from pentafluoroethane (R-125), 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a), and mixtures thereof; and optionally (iv) a fourth component selected from fluoroethane (R-161), 1,1-difluoroethane (R-152a) and mixtures thereof. 1. A heat transfer composition comprising:(i) trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E));(ii) a second component selected from difluoromethane (R-32), propene (R-1270), propane (R290) and mixtures thereof;(iii) a third component selected from pentafluoroethane (R-125), 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a), and mixtures thereof; and optionally(iv) a fourth component selected from fluoroethane (R-161), 1,1-difluoroethane (R-152a) and mixtures thereof.2. A composition according to claim 1 , comprising from about 5 to about 50% by weight of R-1234ze(E).3. A composition according to or claim 1 , comprising from about 10 to about 40% by weight of the second component.4. A composition according to claim 1 , comprising from about 10 to about 80% by weight of the third component.5. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the second component comprises R-32.6. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the third component is R-125 and R-134a.7. A composition according to claim 1 , comprising R-1234ze(E) claim 1 , R-32 claim 1 , R-125 and R-134a.8. A composition according to claim 7 , comprising from about 5 to about 40% by weight of R-1234ze(E) claim 7 , from about 20 to about 35% by weight R-32 claim 7 , from about 15 to about % by weight R-125 claim 7 , and from about 12 to about 50% by weight R-134a.9. A composition according to claim 7 , comprising from about 10 to about 50% by weight of R-1234ze(E) claim 7 , from about 22 to about 40% by weight R-32 claim 7 , from about 10 to about 30% by ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199219A1

The present invention relates to compositions and processes of using perfluoropolyether to maintain or improve the oil return, lubrication, cooling capacity, or energy efficiency of a refrigeration, air conditioning or heat transfer system. 126-. (canceled)27. A method of producing refrigeration , said method comprising evaporating a composition in the vicinity of a body to be cooled and thereafter condensing said composition; wherein said composition consists of:{'sub': 2', '3', '3, 'a. a refrigerant or heat transfer fluid comprising 2,3,3,3- tetrafluoro-1-propene (CH═CFCF) or 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene (CHF═CHCF); and'}b. at least one perfluoropolyether; and optionallyc. a lubricant oil which is mineral oil or synthetic oil selected from the group consisting of alkylbenzene, polyol ester, polyalkylene glycols, polyvinyl ethers, carbonates, polyalphaolefin and combinations thereof;wherein said perfluoropolyether has two end groups; wherein each of the two end groups of the perfluoropolyether, independently, is either an unfunctionalized, branched or straight chain perfluoroalkyl radical, or a functionalized group selected from the group consisting of esters, hydroxyls, amines, amides, cyanos, carboxylic acids and sulfonic acids;and wherein said evaporating and said condensing is in a mobile air-conditioning system.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein said refrigerant or heat transfer fluid further comprises at least one other compound selected from saturated fluorocarbons claim 27 , chlorofluorocarbons claim 27 , hydrochlorofluorocarbons claim 27 , fluoroethers claim 27 , hydrocarbons claim 27 , carbon dioxide claim 27 , dimethyl ether claim 27 , ammonia claim 27 , iodotrifluoromethane claim 27 , and combinations thereof.29. The method of claim 27 , wherein said refrigerant or heat transfer fluid consists of 2 claim 27 ,3 claim 27 ,3 claim 27 ,3- tetrafluoro-1-propene (CH═CFCF) or 1 claim 27 ,3 claim 27 ,3 claim 27 ,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene (CHF═CHCF).30. The ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200295A1

Disclosed are working fluid compositions for heat transfer apparatuses, such as refrigeration systems, that include a refrigerant and an ester based lubricant. The working fluid may comprise ≦50% by weight of the ester based lubricant composition and ≧50% by weight of one or more refrigerant compounds. The ester based lubricant comprises an additive selected from the group consisting of: diaryl sulfides, arylalkyl sulfides, dialkyl sulfides, diaryl disulfides, arylalkyl disulfides, dialkyl disulfides, diaryl polysulfides, arylalkyl polysulfides, dialkyl polysulfides, dithiocarbamates, derivatives of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, derivatives of 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole, and combinations thereof. The refrigerants may be C-Chydrocarbons, trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11), dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12), saturated hydrofluorocarbons, difluoromethane (HFC-32), 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134), difluoroethane (HFC-152a), fluoroethane (HFC-161), R410A (a near-azeotropic mixture of difluoromethane (HFC-32) and pentafluoroethane (HFC-125)), 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea), 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236ea), 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236fa), 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa), 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane (HFC-365mfc), hydrofluoroolefins, dimethyl ether, carbon dioxide, bis(trifluoromethyl)sulfide, and trifluoroiodomethane and combinations thereof. 1. A working fluid for a refrigeration system comprising a compressor , the working fluid comprising:an ester based lubricant comprising an additive selected from the group consisting of: diaryl sulfides, arylalkyl sulfides, dialkyl sulfides, diaryl disulfides, arylalkyl disulfides, dialkyl disulfides, diaryl polysulfides, arylalkyl polysulfides, dialkyl polysulfides, dithiocarbamates, derivatives of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, derivatives of 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole, and combinations thereof; and{'sub': 3', '8, 'a refrigerant selected from the group consisting of: C-Chydrocarbons, ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Working Fluids Comprising Difluoromethane and Di-Pentaerythritol Ester

Номер: US20130207022A1

Mixtures of select neopentyl polyol esters are found to be highly miscible with the refrigerant R-32 over a wide temperature range. Working fluids are provided comprising R-32 and a polyol ester lubricant composition having a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of from 32 to 120 cSt, said lubricant composition comprising Calkylcarboxy esters di-pentaerythritol wherein at least 40 mol %, typically more, of the alkylcarboxylate groups of the alkylcarboxy esters are pentanoyl groups. 1. A working fluid for a heat transfer device comprising:i) a refrigerant comprising difluoromethane (R-32) and{'sub': 5-10', '5-10', '5-10', '5, 'ii) a polyol ester lubricant composition having a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of from about 32 to about 120 cSt comprising linear and branched Calkylcarboxy esters of di-pentaerythritol in a ratio of from 9:1 to 1:9 of linear to branched Calkylcarboxy esters, wherein 60 mol % or more of the Calkylcarboxy esters of di-pentaerythritol are linear or branched Calkylcarboxy esters.'}2. The working fluid according to wherein 70 mol % or more of the Calkylcarboxy esters of di-pentaerythritol are linear or branched Calkylcarboxy esters.3. The working fluid according to wherein 75 mol % or more of the Calkylcarboxy esters of di-pentaerythritol are linear or branched Calkylcarboxy esters.4. The working fluid according to wherein the ratio of linear to branched Calkylcarboxy esters is from 6:1 to 1:6.5. The working fluid according to wherein the ratio of linear to branched Calkylcarboxy esters is from 5:1 to 1:5.6. The working fluid according to wherein the ratio of linear to branched Calkylcarboxy esters is from 6:1 to 1:6.7. The working fluid according to wherein the ratio of linear to branched Calkylcarboxy esters is from 5:1 to 1:5.8. The working fluid according to wherein the a polyol ester lubricant composition has a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of from about 32 to about 100 cSt.9. The working fluid according to wherein the a polyol ester lubricant ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Polyester Lubbricant for Working Fluids Comprising Difluoromethane

Номер: US20130207023A1

Mixtures of select neopentyl polyol esters are found to be highly miscible with the refrigerant R-32 over a wide temperature range. Working fluids are provided comprising R-32 and a lubricant containing these select neopentyl polyol esters and having a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of 32 cSt or higher. Specifically, the lubricant composition of the invention comprises a mixture of alkylcarboxy esters of neopentyl polyols, wherein at least 10 wt % of all neopentyl polyol esters are esters of pentaerythritol oligomers of 4 or more pentaerythritol monomer groups, and wherein a majority of the alkylcarboxylate groups of the alkylcarboxy esters of neopentyl polyols are pentanoyl groups wherein at least 15% of the pentanoyl groups are branched. 1. A working fluid for a heat transfer device comprising:i) a hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant comprising difluoromethane (R-32) and{'sub': 5-10', '5-10', '5-10', '5', '5, 'ii) a polyol ester lubricant composition having a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of from 32 to 100 cSt and comprising a mixture of Calkylcarboxy neopentyl polyol esters, said neopentyl polyol esters comprising a mixture of Calkylcarboxy esters of pentaerythritol, di-pentaerythritol, tri-pentaerythritol and oligomers comprising 4 or more pentaerythritol monomers, wherein at least 10 wt % of all neopentyl polyol esters are esters of oligomers containing 4 or more neopentyl polyol monomer units, and wherein 50 mole % or more of all the Calkylcarboxy neopentyl polyol esters are linear or branched Calkylcarboxy esters, and 15-40% of all the Calkylcarboxy esters are branched.'}2. The working fluid according to wherein the polyol ester lubricant composition further comprises Calkylcarboxy esters of neopentyl glycol and/or Calkylcarboxy esters of trimethylol propane wherein at least 10 wt % of all neopentyl polyol esters are esters of oligomers containing 4 or more neopentyl polyol monomer units claim 1 , and 50 mole % or more of all the Calkylcarboxy neopentyl polyol ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Compositions containing fluorine substituted olefins and methods and systems using same

Номер: US20130217784A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Disclosed are the use of fluorine substituted olefins, including tetra- and penta-fluoropropenes, in a variety of applications, including in methods of depositing catalyst on a solid support, methods of sterilizing articles, cleaning methods and compositions, methods of applying medicaments, fire extinguishing/suppression compositions and methods, flavor formulations, fragrance formulations and inflating agents.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Tetrafluoropropene compositions and uses thereof

Номер: US20130221262A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

The present invention relates to compositions for use in refrigeration, air-conditioning, and heat pump systems wherein the composition comprises a tetrafluoropropene and at least one other component. The compositions of the present invention are useful in processes for producing cooling or heat, as heat transfer fluids, foam blowing agents, aerosol propellants, and fire suppression and fire extinguishing agents.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Refrigerant Compositions

Номер: US20130234060A1
Автор: Davis Bob Lee

Compositions including a polar heat transfer fluid that was passed through a vessel containing a catalyst are disclosed. Preferred catalysts can comprise copper, polyamide, stainless steel, or a combination thereof. Compositions can also comprise one or more types of long chain fatty acids, preferably from food oils, and preferably fatty acids that have been activated by virtue of having been passed through a vessel comprising a catalyst. 1. A refrigerant composition comprising a polar heat transfer fluid , wherein at least some of the polar heat transfer fluid is passed through a vessel comprising a catalyst.2. The refrigerant composition of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst comprises copper.3. The refrigerant composition of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst comprises polyamide.4. The refrigerant composition of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst comprises stainless steel.5. The refrigerant composition of claim 1 , further comprising a first food oil selected from the list consisting of walnut oil claim 1 , almond oil claim 1 , sunflower oil claim 1 , and canola oil.6. The refrigerant composition of claim 5 , wherein the polar heat transfer fluid and the first food oil are present in a wt/wt ratio between 90:1 and 99:1 claim 5 , inclusive.7. The refrigerant composition of claim 5 , further comprising at least 10 wt % of a second food oil different from the first food oil.8. The refrigerant composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least some of the polar heat transfer fluid is passed through a vessel comprising a catalyst under heat of at least 30 degrees Celsius claim 1 , and pressure of at least 1.25 atm.9. The refrigerant composition of claim 1 , wherein the vessel is a closed vessel.10. The refrigerant composition of claim 1 , wherein the polar heat transfer fluid comprises r-134a claim 1 , known chemically as claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-Tetrafluoroethane (CHFCF).11. The refrigerant composition of claim 1 , wherein the polar heat transfer fluid is present ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234062A1

The present invention provides a highly stable HFO refrigerant composition for use in a vapor compression-type refrigeration system, having improved slidability for the sliding portions of the vapor compression-type refrigeration system. More specifically, the present invention provides an HFO refrigerant composition comprising at least one type of HFO refrigerant and a polymer of halogenated propene represented by CHFCl(provided that a+b+c=6, a=an integer of 1 to 3, b=an integer of 3 to 5, and c=an integer of 0 to 1) that is an oligomer having a molecular weight of 200 to 900. 1. An HFO refrigerant composition comprising at least one type of HFO refrigerant and a polymer of halogenated propene represented by CHFCl(provided that a+b+c=6 , a=an integer of 1 to 3 , b=an integer of 3 to 5 , and c=an integer of 0 to 1) that is an oligomer having a molecular weight of 200 to 900.2. The HFO refrigerant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the HFO refrigerant is at least one member selected from the group consisting of 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf) claim 1 , (Z or E-)1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234ze) claim 1 , (Z or E-) 1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-pentafluoropropene (HFO-1225ye) claim 1 , (Z or E-)1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-pentafluoropropene (HFO-1225zc) claim 1 , and (Z or E-)3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene (HFO-1243zf).3. The HFO refrigerant composition according to comprising the oligomer in an amount of 0.1 to 10 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of the HFO refrigerant.4. The HFO refrigerant composition according to further comprising a lubricant.5. The HFO refrigerant composition according to claim 4 , wherein the lubricant is at least one member selected from the group consisting of polyalkylene glycols claim 4 , polyol esters claim 4 , polyvinyl ethers claim 4 , and alkylbenzenes claim 4 , having a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of 5 to 400 ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247597A1

Disclosed herein is a method for producing heating comprising condensing a vapor working fluid comprising (a) E-CFCH═CHF and (b) at least one tetrafluoroethane of the formula CHF, in a condenser, thereby producing a liquid working fluid; provided that the weight ratio of E-CFCH═CHF to the total amount of E-CFCH═CHF and CHFin the working fluid is from about 0.01 to 0.99. Also disclosed herein is a heat pump apparatus containing a working fluid comprising (a) E-CFCH═CHF and (b) at least one tetrafluoroethane of the formula CHF; provided that the weight ratio of E-CFCH═CHF to the total amount of E-CFCH═CHF and CHFin the working fluid is from about 0.01 to 0.99. Also disclosed herein is a method for raising the maximum feasible condenser operating temperature in a heat pump apparatus suitable for use with HFC-134a working fluid relative to the maximum condenser operating temperature when HFC-134a is used as the heat pump working fluid, comprising charging the heat pump with a working fluid comprising (a) E-CFCH═CHF and (b) at least one tetrafluoroethane of the formula CHF; provided that the weight ratio of E-CFCH═CHF to the total amount of E-CFCH═CHF and CHFis from about 0.01 to 0.99. Also disclosed herein is a method for replacing HFC-134a refrigerant in a heat pump designed for HFC-134a comprising providing a replacement working fluid comprising (a) E-CFCH═CHF and (b) at least one tetrafluoroethane of the formula CHF; provided that the weight ratio of E-CFCH═CHF to the total amount of E-CFCH═CHF and CHFis from about 0.01 to 0.99. Also disclosed herein is a composition comprising from about 10 weight percent to about 40 weight percent E-CFCH═CHF and from about 90 weight percent to about 60 weight percent CHFCHF. 1. A method for producing heating comprising condensing a vapor working fluid comprising (a) E-CFCH═CHF and (b) at least one tetrafluoroethane of the formula CHF , in a condenser , thereby producing a liquid working fluid; provided that the weight ratio of E- ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247602A1

The invention relates to a composition including 1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene and 3,3,4,4,4-pentafluorobut-1-ene, as well as to use thereof, in particular as a heat transfer fluid. 1. A composition comprising 1 ,1 ,1 ,4 ,4 ,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene and 3 ,3 ,4 ,4 ,4-pentafluorobut-1-ene.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:from 0.1% to 99.9% of 1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene and from 0.1% to 99.9% of 3,3,4,4,4-pentafluorobut-1-ene.3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene is in the form of the trans isomer claim 1 , or of the cis isomer claim 1 , or of a mixture of the trans isomer and the cis isomer.4. A heat-transfer fluid comprising the composition as claimed in .5. A heat-transfer composition comprising the composition as claimed in further comprising one or more additives selected from the group consisting of lubricants claim 1 , stabilizers claim 1 , surfactants claim 1 , tracers claim 1 , fluorescent agents claim 1 , odorous agents solubilizing agents claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.6. Heat-transfer equipment comprising a vapor compression circuit containing a composition as claimed in as a heat-transfer fluid.7. The heat-transfer equipment as claimed in claim 6 , selected from the group consisting of mobile heat-pump heating claim 6 , stationary heat-pump heating claim 6 , air conditioning claim 6 , refrigeration equipment claim 6 , freezing equipment and Rankine cycles.8. A process for heating or for cooling a fluid or a body by means of a vapor compression circuit containing a heat-transfer fluid claim 1 , said process successively comprising evaporation of the heat-transfer fluid claim 1 , compression of the heat-transfer fluid claim 1 , condensation of the heat-transfer fluid and expansion of the heat-transfer fluid claim 1 , wherein the heat-transfer fluid is a composition as claimed in .9. The process as claimed in claim 8 , which is a process for ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255284A1
Автор: Rached Wissam
Принадлежит: Arkema France

The invention relates to a composition comprising (E)-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobat-2-ene as a mixture with at least one hydrocarbon, hydrofinorocarbon or fluoroolefin compound having a boiling point less than or equal to 42° C., and also to the use of this composition as a heat transfer fluid. 1. A composition comprising (E)-1 ,1 ,1 ,4 ,4 ,4-hexafluorobut ,ene with at least one compound having a boiling point less than or equal to −12° C. selected from the group consisting of hydrocarbons , hydrofluorocarbons , ethers , hydrofluoroethers , fluoroolefins and mixtures thereof.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the compound is selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene claim 1 , 3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane claim 1 , difluoromethane claim 1 , pentafluoroethane claim 1 , propane and dimethyl ether claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , consisting of a mixture of:(E)-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexalluorobut-2-ene and a compound selected from the group consisting of 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, 3,3,3-trifluoropropene, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, 1,1-difluoroethane, difluoromethane, pentafluoroethane and propane and mixtures thereof.4. (canceled)5. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the difference between the liquid saturation pressure and the vapor saturation pressure at a temperature of −5′'C is less than or equal to 10% of the liquid saturation pressure.6. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:from 10% to 50% of (E)-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene and from 50% to 90% of 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene.7. (canceled)8. A heat-transfer composition comprising the composition as claimed in further comprising one or more additives selected from the group consisting of ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256586A1

The present invention is directed to a refrigerator oil composition comprising 2. The refrigerator oil composition of wherein the halohydrocarbon comprises a chlorine-free type halogenocarbon claim 1 , a chlorine-containing type halogenocarbon claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.3. The refrigerator oil composition of wherein halohydrocarbon is selected from the group consisting of: difluoromethane (HFC-32) claim 2 , trifluoromethane (HFC-23) claim 2 , pentafluoroethane (HFC-125) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,2 claim 2 ,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,1-trifluoroethane (HFC-143a) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,1-difluoroethane (HFC-152a) claim 2 , monochlorodifluoromethane (HCFC-22) claim 2 , 1-chloro-1 claim 2 ,1-difluoroethane (HCFC-142b) claim 2 , dichlorotrifluoroethane (HCFC-123) and monochlorotetrafluoroethane (HCFC-124); and mixtures thereof.4. The refrigerator oil composition of wherein the triester species is derived from a process comprising:(a) esterifying a mono-unsaturated fatty acid having from 10 to 22 carbon atoms with an alcohol thereby forming an unsaturated ester;(b) epoxidizing the unsaturated ester in step (a) thereby forming an epoxy-ester species comprising an epoxide ring;(c) opening the ring of the epoxy-ester species in step (b) thereby forming a dihydroxy ester; and(d) esterifying the dihydroxy ester in step (c) with an esterifying species to form a triester species, wherein the esterifying species is selected from the group consisting of carboxylic acids, acyl halides, acyl anhydrides, and combinations thereof, and wherein the esterifying species has a carbon number of from 2 to 18.5. The refrigerator oil composition of wherein the pour point is less than −25° C.6. The refrigerator oil composition of wherein the cloud point is less than 0° C.7. The refrigerator oil composition of wherein the esterifying species is a carboxylic acid.8. The refrigerator ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283834A1

The present invention relates to compositions comprising at least one fluoroolefin and an effective amount of stabilizer that may be at least one phenol or a mixture of at least one phenol with other stabilizers. The stabilized compositions may be useful in cooling apparatus, such as refrigeration, air-conditioning, chillers, and heat pumps, as well as in applications as foam blowing agents, solvents, aerosol propellants, fire extinguishants, and sterilants. 1. A composition comprising:a. at least one fluoroolefin;b. and an effective amount of stabilizer comprising at least one phenol and at least one compound selected from the group consisting of thiophosphates, butylated triphenylphosphorothionates, organo phosphates, fullerenes, functionalized perfluoropolyethers, polyoxyalkylated aromatics, alkylated aromatics, oxetanes, ascorbic acid, thiols, lactones, thioethers, nitromethane, alkylsilanes, aryl sulfides, divinyl terephthalate, diphenyl terephthalate, graphite, polycyclic aromatics, and mixtures thereof.3. The composition of further comprising at least one additional compound selected from the group consisting of fluoroolefins claim 1 , hydrofluorocarbons claim 1 , hydrocarbons claim 1 , dimethyl ether claim 1 , CFI claim 1 , carbon dioxide claim 1 , ammonia claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. The composition of further comprising a lubricant selected from the groups consisting of mineral oils claim 1 , alkylbenzenes claim 1 , poly-alpha-olefins claim 1 , silicone oils claim 1 , polyoxyalkylene glycol ethers claim 1 , polyol esters claim 1 , and polyvinylethers and mixtures thereof.5. The composition of further comprising at least one additional stabilizer compound selected from the group consisting of phosphites claim 1 , terpenes claim 1 , terpenoids claim 1 , epoxides claim 1 , fluorinated epoxides claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. The composition of wherein the phenol comprises at least one phenol selected from the group consisting of 2 claim 1 ,6-di-tert- ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299733A1
Автор: Boussand Beatrice

The invention relates to a composition including a polyol ester (POE) or PVE lubricant and a refrigerant F including 3,3,3-trifluoropropene. The invention also relates to the use of said composition for refrigeration, air-conditioning, and for heat pump. 1. A composition comprising at least one lubricant based on polyol esters or polyvinyl ethers and a refrigerant comprising 3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the refrigerant further comprises 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and trans-4 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the polyol esters are obtained from polyols which have a neopentyl backbone.4. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the polyol esters are obtained from linear or branched carboxylic acid having from 2 to 15 carbon atoms.5. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the polyol esters represent between 10% and 50% by weight of the composition.6. (canceled)7. The composition as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that the neopentyl is selected from the group neopentyl glycol claim 3 , trimethylol propane claim 3 , pentaerythritol and dipentaerythritol. The present invention relates to a composition containing 3,3,3-trifluoropropene and at least one lubricant, which can be used in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps.The problems posed by substances which deplete the atmospheric ozone layer were addressed in Montreal, where the protocol imposing a reduction in the production and use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) was signed. This protocol has been the subject of amendments which have required the abandoning of CFCs and have extended regulation to other products, including hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs).The refrigeration and air conditioning industries have invested a great deal in the replacement of these refrigerants and it is because of ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312446A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a refrigerant composition having a reduced amount of comprehensive environmental load, in which the refrigerant composition has low GWP (direct impact on global warming is low), and has good energy efficiency (indirect impact on global warming is low) when used in a device. 19-. (canceled)10. A refrigeration unit comprising:(a) a countermeasure to prevent heat exchange efficiency from decreasing due to a temperature glide in a heat exchanger; and(b) a refrigerant composition comprising 30 to 50 mass % of difluoromethane (HFC32) and 70 to 50 mass % of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO1234yf), based on a total of HFC32 and HFO1234yf in the refrigerant composition.11. The refrigeration unit according to claim 10 , wherein the refrigeration unit is further provided with a countermeasure to reduce an effect of pressure loss.12. The refrigeration unit according to claim 10 , wherein the countermeasure to prevent heat exchange efficiency from decreasing due to the temperature glide in a heat exchanger is at least one of the following: eliminating a temperature difference between air and refrigerant by countercurrent flow claim 10 , preventing frost formation near an inlet of an evaporator claim 10 , and increasing a heat-transfer coefficient of a heat exchanger.13. The refrigeration unit according to claim 11 , wherein the countermeasure to reduce the effect of pressure loss is at least one of the following: increasing a tube diameter of a heat exchanger or optimizing a number of paths in a heat exchanger claim 11 , increasing a pipe diameter or shortening a length of a pipe in an air conditioner and a connecting pipe for an air conditioner claim 11 , using an ejector as an expansion mechanism; and using an economizer cycle.14. A refrigeration unit comprising:(a) a countermeasure to prevent heat exchange efficiency from decreasing due to a temperature glide in a heat exchanger; and(b) a refrigerant composition comprising 35 to ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313469A1
Автор: KANEKO Masato

Provided is a lubricating oil composition for a refrigerator which uses a base oil including as the main component at least one kind of oxygen-containing compounds selected from polyoxyalkylene glycols, polyvinyl ethers, copolymers of poly(oxy)alkylene glycols or monoethers thereof and polyvinyl ethers, polyol esters, and polycarbonates. The lubricating oil composition for a refrigerator is used for a refrigerator that uses, as a refrigerant, a fluorine-containing organic compound, which is a refrigerant applicable to current car air conditioner systems or the like and has a specific polar structure, and has favorable sealing property, a low coefficient of friction factor in a sliding part, and excellent stability as well as excellent compatibility with the refrigerant. 115-. (canceled)17. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the refrigerant is a blend of the at least one unsaturated fluorinated hydrocarbon compound represented by formula (A) and at least one saturated fluorinated hydrocarbon compound claim 16 , andwherein the refrigerant contains 30% by mass or less of the saturated fluorinated hydrocarbon compound based on the total amount of the refrigerant.18. The composition according to claim 17 , wherein the refrigerant contains 10% by mass or less of the saturated fluorinated hydrocarbon compound based on the total amount of the refrigerant.19. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the refrigerant consists of the unsaturated fluorinated hydrocarbon compound represented by formula (A).20. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the unsaturated refrigerant fluorinated hydrocarbon compound is a fluorinated derivative of propene.21. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the fluorinated derivative of propene comprises at least one isomer of pentafluoropropene claim 20 , 3 claim 20 ,3 claim 20 ,3-trifluoropropene or 1 claim 20 ,3 claim 20 ,3 claim 20 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.22. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Heat Transfer Compositions

Номер: US20130325732A1
Автор: Low Robert E.

A heat transfer composition comprising trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)), difiuoromethane (R-32) and 1,1-difluoroethane (R-152a). 1. A heat transfer composition comprising trans-1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)) , difluoromethane (R-32) and 1 ,1-difluoroethane (R-152a).2. A composition according to comprising up to about 25% by weight R-32.3. A composition according to comprising up to about 45% by weight R-152a.4. A composition according to comprising from about 5 to about 12% by weight R-32 claim 1 , from about 10 to about 45% by weight of R-152a and from about 43 to about 85% by weight R-1234ze(E).5. A composition according to comprising from about 8 to about 12% by weight R-32 claim 1 , from about 5 to about 10% by weight R-152a claim 1 , and from about 78 to about 87% by weight R-1234ze(E).6. A composition according to consisting essentially of R-32 claim 1 , R-152a and R-1234ze(E).7. A composition according to further comprising 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a).8. A composition according to comprising up to about 50% by weight of R-134a.9. A composition according to comprising from about 2 to about 15% by weight R-32 claim 8 , from about 5 to about 45% by weight R-152a claim 8 , from about 25 to about 50% R-134a claim 8 , and from about 5 to about 70% by weight R-1234ze(E).10. A composition according to claim 7 , consisting essentially of R-32 claim 7 , R-152a claim 7 , R-1234ze(E) and R-134a.11. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a GWP of less than 1000 claim 1 , preferably less than 150.12. A composition according claim 1 , wherein the temperature glide is less than about 10K claim 1 , preferably less than about 5K.13. A composition according claim 1 , wherein the composition has a volumetric refrigeration capacity within about 15% claim 1 , preferably within about 10% of the existing refrigerant that it is intended to replace.14. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327996A1

The present invention relates to compositions comprising flammable refrigerant, fire hazard-reducing agent, and optionally a lubricant suitable for use in a refrigeration or air conditioning apparatus. Further, the present invention relates to compositions comprising lubricant and fire hazard-reducing agent and methods for reducing flammability of flammable refrigerant, for delivering a fire hazard-reducing agent to a refrigeration or air conditioning apparatus, and for replacing a non-flammable refrigerant with a flammable refrigerant. 1. A composition comprising:(i) at least one flammable refrigerant; and(ii) at least one fire hazard-reducing agent selected from the group of perfluorinated lubricants.2. The composition of wherein said flammable refrigerant is selected from the group consisting of hydrofluorocarbons claim 1 , fluoroethers claim 1 , hydrocarbon ethers claim 1 , hydrocarbons claim 1 , ammonia and mixtures thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said flammable refrigerant is a mixture claim 1 , said mixture comprising at least one non-flammable refrigerant.4. The composition of further comprising at least one lubricant selected from the group consisting of mineral oils claim 1 , paraffins claim 1 , naphthenes claim 1 , synthetic paraffins claim 1 , alkylbenzenes claim 1 , poly-alpha-olefins claim 1 , polyalkylene glycols claim 1 , polyvinyl ethers claim 1 , polyol esters and mixtures thereof.5. The composition of further comprising at least one additive selected from the group consisting of anticorrosion claim 1 , anti-wear claim 1 , stabilizer and lubricity additives.6. A composition comprising:(i) a fire hazard-reducing agent suitable for use with a flammable refrigerant selected from the group of perfluorinated lubricants; and(ii) a lubricant selected from the group consisting of mineral oils, paraffins, naphthenes, synthetic paraffins, alkylbenzenes, poly-alpha-olefins, polyalkylene glycols, polyvinyl ethers, polyol esters and mixtures ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008565A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A binary composition of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and of ammonia, and also to the use thereof, in particular as a heat transfer fluid. 2. The refrigerant of claim 1 , wherein the azeotrope-like composition consists of from 20 to 40 wt % ammonia and from 60 to 80 wt % HFO-1234yf.3. The refrigerant of claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant composition comprises the additive selected from the group consisting of surface active agents claim 1 , stabilizers claim 1 , tracers claim 1 , fluorescent agents claim 1 , odorants claim 1 , and solubilizing agents.4. The refrigerant of claim 3 , wherein the refrigerant composition comprises the lubricant.5. The refrigerant of claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant composition comprises the lubricant.7. The heat transfer fluid composition of claim 6 , wherein the azeotrope-like composition of consists of from 20 to 40 wt % ammonia and from 60 to 80 wt % HFO-1234yf.8. The refrigerant of claim 6 , wherein the refrigerant composition comprises the additive selected from the group consisting of surface active agents claim 6 , stabilizers claim 6 , tracers claim 6 , fluorescent agents claim 6 , odorants claim 6 , and solubilizing agents.9. The refrigerant of claim 8 , wherein the refrigerant composition comprises the lubricant.10. The refrigerant of claim 6 , wherein the refrigerant composition comprises the lubricant.12. The refrigerant of claim 11 , wherein the azeotrope-like composition consists essentially of from 20 to 40 wt % ammonia and from 60 to 80 wt % HFO-1234yf.13. The refrigerant of claim 11 , wherein the refrigerant composition comprises the additive selected from the group consisting of surface active agents claim 11 , stabilizers claim 11 , tracers claim 11 , fluorescent agents claim 11 , odorants claim 11 , and solubilizing agents.14. The refrigerant of claim 13 , wherein the refrigerant composition comprises the lubricant.15. The refrigerant of claim 11 , wherein the refrigerant composition comprises the lubricant.17. The heat ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020416A1

The present invention relates to compositions comprising at least one fluoroolefin and an effective amount of stabilizer that may be an epoxide, fluorinated epoxide or oxetane, or a mixture thereof with other stabilizers. The stabilized compositions may be useful in cooling apparatus, such as refrigeration, air-conditioning, chillers, and heat pumps, as well as in applications as foam blowing agents, solvents, aerosol propellants, fire extinguishants, and sterilants. 115-. (canceled)18. The composition of further comprising at least one refrigerant selected from the group consisting of fluoroolefins claim 16 , hydrofluorocarbons claim 16 , hydrocarbons claim 16 , dimethyl ether claim 16 , carbon dioxide claim 16 , ammonia and mixtures thereof.19. The composition of further comprising a lubricant selected from the groups consisting of mineral oils claim 16 , alkylbenzenes claim 16 , polyalphaolefins claim 16 , silicone oils claim 16 , polyoxyalkylene glycol ethers claim 16 , polyol esters claim 16 , polyvinylethers and mixtures thereof.20. The composition of further comprising at least one additional stabilizer compound selected from the group consisting of phenols claim 16 , phosphites claim 16 , terpenes claim 16 , terpenoids claim 16 , and mixtures thereof.21. The composition of wherein:a. the phenols are selected from the group consisting of 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol; 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-ethylphenol; 2,4-dimethyl-6-tertbutylphenol; tocopherol; hydroquinone; t-butyl hydroquinone; 4,4′-thio-bis(2-methyl-6-tert-butylphenol); 4,4′-thiobis(3-methyl-6-tertbutylphenol); 2,2′-thiobis(4-methyl-6-tert-butylphenol); 4,4′-methylenebis(2,6-di-tert-butylphenol); 4,4′-bis(2,6-di-tert-butylphenol); 2,2′-methylenebis(4-ethyl-6-tertbutylphenol); 2,2′-methylenebis(4-methyl-6-tert-butylphenol); 4,4-butylidenebis(3-methyl-6-tert-butylphenol); 4,4-isopropylidenebis(2,6-di-tert-butylphenol); 2,2′-methyleenbis(4-methyl-6-nonylphenol); 2,2′-isobutylidenebis(4,6-dimethylphenol; 2,2 ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021399A1
Автор: CORR Stuart, Low Robert E.
Принадлежит: Mexichem Amanco Holdings S.A. DE C.V.

A method for preparing a ternary or higher zeotropic refrigerant mixture comprising components of different volatilities is described. The method comprises: mixing together the less volatile components of the mixture in a pre-blending process; and separately adding the most volatile component to the pre-blended mixture by pressure or mass flow control so that the desired initial liquid composition is attained. The liquid zeotropic refrigerant mixture that is prepared may be transferred from a container in which it is held to another container or to a piece of equipment that is to use the refrigerant mixture. This method comprises the steps of: removing at least a portion of the prepared liquid zeotropic refrigerant mixture from a container in which it is held; charging the liquid zeotropic refrigerant mixture that is removed to another container or to a piece of equipment in which it is to be used; and adding at least the most volatile component of the refrigerant mixture to the holding container to compensate for the removal of liquid refrigerant mixture therefrom. 1. A method for preparing a ternary or higher zeotropic refrigerant mixture comprising carbon dioxide , at least one hydrofluoroalkene , and optionally at least one further hydrofluorocarbon compound selected from the group consisting of pentafluoroethane (R-125) , difluoromethane (R-32) , 1 ,1 ,1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a) and 1 ,1-difluoroethane (R-152a) , said method comprising:mixing together the at least one hydrofluoroalkene and optionally the at least one hydrofluorocarbon compound in a pre-blending process; andseparately adding the carbon dioxide to the pre-blended mixture by pressure or mass flow control so as to obtain a desired initial liquid composition of the zeotropic refrigerant mixture.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrofluoroalkene is a hydrofluoropropene.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the mixture comprises one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of 2 ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140024575A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A composition based on 3,3,3-trifluoropropene and ammonia, and to the use thereof, especially as a heat transfer fluid. A heat-transfer composition including the composition based on 3,3,3-trifluoropropene and ammonia and also one or more additives chosen from lubricants, stabilizers, surfactants, tracers, fluorescers, odorant agents and solubilizers, and mixtures thereof. A process for heating or cooling a fluid or a body by means of a vapor compression circuit containing a heat-transfer fluid, said process successively including evaporation of the heat-transfer fluid, compression of the heat-transfer fluid, condensation of the heat fluid and depressurization of the heat-transfer fluid, in which the heat-transfer fluid is a composition based on 3,3,3-trifluoropropene and ammonia. 1. A composition comprising 3 ,3 ,3-trifluoropropene and ammonia.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , in which 3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene and ammonia represent at least 95% of the composition.3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:from 10% to 70% of ammonia and from 30% to 90% of 3,3,3-trifluoropropene.4. A heat-transfer fluid comprising the composition as claimed in .5. The composition as claimed in claim 4 , in which the composition is quasi-azeotropic.6. A heat-transfer composition claim 1 , comprising the composition as claimed in and also one or more additives chosen from lubricants claim 1 , stabilizers claim 1 , surfactants claim 1 , tracers claim 1 , fluorescers claim 1 , odorant agents and solubilizers claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. A heat-transfer installation comprising a vapor compression circuit containing a composition as claimed in as heat-transfer fluid.8. The installation as claimed in claim 7 , chosen from mobile or stationary heat-pump heating claim 7 , air-conditioning claim 7 , refrigeration claim 7 , freezing and Rankine-cycle installations.9. A process for heating or cooling a fluid or a body by means of a vapor compression ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

1,2,3,3,3-Pentafluoropropene Production Processes

Номер: US20140034870A1

A process is disclosed for making CFCF═CHF. The process involves reacting CFCClFCClF with Hin a reaction zone in the presence of a catalyst to produce a product mixture comprising CFCF═CHF. The catalyst has a catalytically effective amount of palladium supported on a support selected from the group consisting of alumina, fluorided alumina, aluminum fluoride and mixtures thereof and the mole ratio of Hto CFCClFCClF fed to the reaction zone is between about 1:1 and about 5:1. 1. A composition comprising:(a) 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane and(b) HF; wherein the HF is present in an effective amount to form an azeotropic combination with the 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane.2. An azeotropic composition as in claim 1 , comprising from about 81.0 mole percent to about 55.0 mole percent HF and from about 19.0 mole percent to about 45.0 mole percent 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3-pentafluoropropane.3. An azeotropic composition as in comprising comprising from about 81.0 mole percent to about 55.0 mole percent HF and from about 19.0 mole percent to about 45.0 mole percent 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3-pentafluoropropane. which form azeotropes boiling at a temperature of from about −20° C. to about 135° C. and at a pressure of from about 4 psi (27.5 kPa) to about 550 psi (3792 kPa). This application is a Divisional application of pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/539,963 filed Jul. 2, 2012, which is a Divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/301,065 filed Nov. 17, 2008, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,263,816, which was a national filing under 35 U.S.C. 371 of International Application No. PCT/US07/14646 filed Jun. 22, 2007, and claims priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/816,649 filed Jun. 27, 2006.The present invention relates to processes that involve the production of halogenated hydrocarbon products comprising 1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropene.As a result of the Montreal Protocol phasing out ozone depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140047860A1

The present invention relates, in part, to heat transfer compositions and methods that include (a) from about 65% to about 75% by weight of HFC-32; (b) from about 15% to about 35% by weight of a compound selected from unsaturated —CF3 terminated propenes, unsaturated —CF3 terminated butenes, and combinations of these; and (c) from greater than about 0% to less than about 10% by weight of CO2, provided that the amount of component (c) is effective to improve heating capacity of the composition and reduce the defrost cycle in refrigerant applications, as compared to compositions lacking this component. 1. A heat transfer composition comprising:(a) from about 65% to about 75% by weight of HFC-32;(b) from about 15% to about 35% by weight of a compound selected from unsaturated —CF3 terminated propenes, unsaturated —CF3 terminated butenes, and combinations of these; and(c) from greater than about 0% to less than about 10% by weight of CO2, provided that the amount of component (c) is effective to improve heating capacity of the composition and reduce the defrost cycle in refrigerant applications, as compared to compositions lacking this component.2. The heat transfer composition of claim 1 , wherein said component (b) comprises HFO-1234ze.3. The heat transfer composition of claim 2 , wherein said component (b) consists essentially of HFO-1234ze.4. The heat transfer composition of claim 2 , wherein said component (b) consists of HFO-1234ze.5. The heat transfer composition of claim 1 , wherein said component (b) comprises from about 17% to about 35% by weight of a compound selected from unsaturated —CF3 terminated propenes claim 1 , unsaturated —CF3 terminated butenes claim 1 , and combinations of these; and component (c) comprises from greater than about 0% to about 8% by weight of CO2.6. The heat transfer composition of claim 1 , wherein said component (b) comprises from about 19% to about 35% by weight of a compound selected from unsaturated —CF3 terminated propenes ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Azeotrope-Like Compositions of Pentafluoroethane and Trifluoroiodomethane

Номер: US20140048737A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Provided are azeotrope-like compositions comprising heptafluoropropane and trifluoroiodomethane and uses thereof, including use in refrigerant compositions, refrigeration systems, blowing agents, fire suppressant compositions, and aerosol propellants.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070132A1
Автор: FUKUSHIMA Masato
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a working medium for heat cycle, of which combustibility is suppressed, which has less influence over the ozone layer, which has less influence over global warming and which provides a heat cycle system excellent in the cycle performance (capacity), and a heat cycle system, of which the safety is secured, and which is excellent in the cycle performance (capacity). 1. A working medium for heat cycle , which comprises 1 ,1 ,2-trifluoroethylene.2. The working medium for heat cycle according to claim 1 , which further contains a hydrocarbon.3. The working medium for heat cycle according to claim 1 , which further contains a hydrofluorocarbon.4. The working medium for heat cycle according to claim 1 , which further contains a hydrochlorofluoroolefin or a chlorofluoroolefin.5. The working medium for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-trifluoroethylene is contained in a content of at least 60 mass % in the working medium for heat cycle (100 mass %).6. The working medium for heat cycle according to claim 2 , wherein the hydrocarbon is contained in a content of from 1 to 40 mass % in the working medium for heat cycle (100 mass %).7. The working medium for heat cycle according to claim 3 , wherein the hydrofluorocarbon is contained in a content of from 1 to 99 mass % in the working medium for heat cycle (100 mass %).8. The working medium for heat cycle according to claim 4 , wherein the total content of the hydrochlorofluoroolefin and the chlorofluoroolefin is from 1 to 60 mass % in the working medium for heat cycle (100 mass %).9. The working medium for heat cycle according to claim 2 , wherein the hydrocarbon is propane claim 2 , propylene claim 2 , cyclopropane claim 2 , butane claim 2 , isobutane claim 2 , pentane or isopentane.10. The working medium for heat cycle according to claim 3 , wherein the hydrofluorocarbon is difluoromethane claim 3 , 1 claim 3 ,1-difluoroethane claim 3 , 1 claim 3 ,1 claim 3 ,2 claim 3 ,2- ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Heat-transfer compositions exhibiting improved miscibility with the lubricating oil

Номер: US20140075969A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

The invention relates to the use of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane for increasing the miscibility of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene with a lubricating oil, and in particular with a polyalkylene glycol oil. In this regard, the invention provides heat-transfer compositions and also equipment and processes using these compositions.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Azeotrope-like compositions of tetrafluoropropene and hydrofluorocarbons

Номер: US20140077124A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Provided are azeotrope-like compositions comprising tetrafluoropropene and hydrofluorocarbons and uses thereof, including use in refrigerant compositions, refrigeration systems, blowing agent compositions, and aerosol propellants.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083119A1
Автор: Rached Wissam
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A composition including 2,4,4,4-10-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene, and also the use thereof in particular as a heat transfer fluid. The composition may include: from 1% to 99% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 1% to 99% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene; preferably from 5% to 70% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 30% to 95% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene; preferably from 20% to 65% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 35% to 80% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene; preferably from 25% to 60% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 40% to 75% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene; preferably from 28% to 51% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 49% to 72% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene. 1. A composition comprising 2 ,4 ,4 ,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and cis-1 ,1 ,1 ,4 ,4 ,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , consisting of a mixture of 2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and cis-1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene.3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:from 1% to 99% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 1% to 99% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene;preferably from 5% to 70% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 30% to 95% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene;preferably from 20% to 65% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 35% to 80% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene;preferably from 25% to 60% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 40% to 75% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene;preferably from 28% to 51% of 2,4,4,4-tetrafluorobut-1-ene and from 49% to 72% of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene.4. A heat-transfer fluid comprising the composition as claimed in .5. The heat-transfer fluid as claimed in claim 4 , in which the composition is quasi-azeotropic claim 4 , preferably azeotropic.6. The heat-transfer fluid as claimed in claim 4 , in which the composition is ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Production of Polyol Ester Lubricants for Refrigeration Systems

Номер: US20140097379A1

A poly(neopentylpolyol) ester composition is produced by reacting a neopentylpolyol having the formula: wherein each R is independently selected from the group consisting of CH 3 , C 2 H 5 and CH 2 OH and n is a number from 1 to 4, with at least one monocarboxylic acid having 2 to 15 carbon atoms in the presence of an acid catalyst and at an initial mole ratio of carboxyl groups to hydroxyl groups of greater than 0.5:1 to 0.95:1 to form a partially esterified poly(neopentylpolyol) composition. Then the partially esterified poly(neopentylpolyol) composition is reacted with additional monocarboxylic acid having 2 to 15 carbon atoms to form a final poly(neopentylpolyol) ester composition.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for producing and purifying 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene

Номер: US20190002376A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

The present invention concerns a method for purifying 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene (1234yf) from a first composition comprising 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene and at least one of the compounds chosen from the group consisting of 1,1-difluoroethane (152a), chloropentafluoroethane (115), and trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene (1234ze-E) said method comprising the steps consisting of: a) bringing said first composition into contact with at least one organic extractant in order to form a second composition; b) extractive distillation of said second composition in order to form (i) a third composition comprising said organic extractant and said at least one of the compounds chosen from the group consisting of 1,1-difluoroethane (152a) chloropentafluoroethane (115), and trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene (1234ze-E); and ii) a stream comprising 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene. The invention also concerns a method for producing and purifying 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Heat Transfer Compositions

Номер: US20160002519A1
Автор: Low Robert E.

The invention provides a heat transfer composition comprising: 1. A heat transfer composition comprising:from about 5% to about 40% by weight of R-1234ze(E);from about 20% to about 35% by weight R-32;from about 15% to about 30% by weight R-125; andfrom about 12% to about 50% by weight R-134a.2. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a GWP of less than 1800.3. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature glide is less than about 15 k.4. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a volumetric refrigeration capacity within about 15% of the existing refrigerant that it is intended to replace.5. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is less flammable than R-32 alone.6. A composition according to wherein the composition has:(a) a higher flammable limit;(b) a higher ignition energy; and/or(c) a lower flame velocity compared to R-32 alone.7. A composition according to which is non-flammable.8. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a cycle efficiency within about 10% of the existing refrigerant that it is intended to replace.9. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a compressor discharge temperature within about 15 k of the existing refrigerant that it is intended to replace.10. A composition comprising a lubricant and a composition according to .11. A composition according to claim 10 , wherein the lubricant is selected from mineral oil claim 10 , silicone oil claim 10 , polyalkyl benzenes (PABs) claim 10 , polyol esters (POEs) claim 10 , polyalkylene glycols (PAGs) claim 10 , polyalkylene glycol esters (PAG esters) claim 10 , polyvinyl ethers (PVEs) claim 10 , poly (alpha-olefins) and combinations thereof.12. A composition according to further comprising a stabiliser.13. A composition according to claim 12 , wherein the stabiliser is selected from diene-based compounds claim 12 , phosphates claim 12 , phenol compounds and epoxides ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Lubricant for Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerant Systems

Номер: US20170002243A1

The disclosed technology relates to a working fluid for a low global warming potential (GWP) refrigeration system that includes a compressor, where the working fluid includes an ester based lubricant and a low GWP refrigerant, and where the ester based lubricant includes an ester of one or more branched carboxylic acids where said branched carboxylic acid contains 8 or less carbon atoms. The disclosed technology provides commercially useful low GWP working fluids (commercially useful working fluids based on low GWP refrigerants) that do not have the solubility and/or miscibility problems commonly seen in low GWP fluids, including high viscosity fluids and applications. 1. A working fluid for a low global warming potential refrigeration system comprising a compressor , the working fluid comprising an ester based lubricant and a low global warming potential refrigerant;wherein the ester based lubricant comprises an ester of one or more branched carboxylic acids where said branched carboxylic acid contains 8 or less carbon atoms.2. The working fluid of wherein said branched carboxylic acid contains 5 carbon atoms.3. The working fluid of wherein said branched carboxylic acid comprises 2-methylbutanoic acid claim 1 , 3-methylbutanoic acid claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The working fluid of wherein said ester is formed by the reaction of said acid and one or more polyols claim 1 , wherein said polyol comprises neopentyl glycol claim 1 , glycerol claim 1 , trimethylol propane claim 1 , pentaerythritol claim 1 , dipentaerythritol claim 1 , tripentaerythritol.5. The working fluid of wherein said working fluid further comprises: (i) one or more esters of one or more linear carboxylic acids claim 1 , (ii) one or more polyalphaolefin (PAO) base oils claim 1 , (iii) one more alkyl benzene base oils claim 1 , (iii) one or more polyalkylene glycol (PAG) base oils claim 1 , (iv) one or more alkylated naphthalene base oils claim 1 , or (v) any combination thereof claim 1 , in ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002244A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a working fluid for heat cycle which has high durability, which is excellent in the compatibility with a greater variety of refrigerant oils, and which is excellent in the cycle performance (capacity), a composition for a heat cycle system, and a heat cycle system. A working fluid for heat cycle, which contains trifluoroethylene and difluoromethane, wherein the proportion of the total amount of trifluoroethylene and difluoromethane based on the entire amount of the working fluid for heat cycle is higher than 90 mass %, and the mass ratio represented by trifluoroethylene/difluoromethane in the working fluid for heat cycle is from 21/79 to 39/61, a composition for a heat cycle system, and a heat cycle system employing the composition. 1. A working fluid for heat cycle , which contains trifluoroethylene and difluoromethane , whereinthe proportion of the total amount of trifluoroethylene and difluoromethane based on the entire amount of the working fluid for heat cycle is higher than 90 mass % and at most 100 mass %, andthe mass ratio represented by trifluoroethylene/difluoromethane in the working fluid for heat cycle is from 21/79 to 39/61.2. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio represented by trifluoroethylene/difluoromethane in the working fluid for heat cycle is from 23/77 to 39/61.3. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio represented by trifluoroethylene/difluoromethane in the working fluid for heat cycle is from 23/77 to 37/63.4. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio represented by trifluoroethylene/difluoromethane in the working fluid for heat cycle is from 25/75 to 37/63.5. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio represented by trifluoroethylene/difluoromethane in the working fluid for heat cycle is from 25/75 to 35/65.6. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002245A1
Автор: FUKUSHIMA Masato
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a working fluid for heat cycle, which has less influence over global warming, which has a small temperature glide, which has a sufficiently low discharge temperature and which is excellent in the cycle performance (refrigerating capacity and coefficient of performance), a composition for a heat cycle system, and a heat cycle system. A working fluid for heat cycle, which contains trifluoroethylene and 1,2-difluoroethylene, a composition for a heat cycle system, and a heat cycle system employing the composition. In the working fluid for heat cycle, the proportion of the total amount of trifluoroethylene and 1,2-difluoroethylene is preferably at least 20 mass % and at most 100 mass %. 1. A working fluid for heat cycle , which contains trifluoroethylene and 1 ,2-difluoroethylene.2. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of the total amount of trifluoroethylene and 1 claim 1 ,2-difluoroethylene based on the entire amount of the working fluid for heat cycle is at least 20 mass % and at most 100 mass %.3. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of trifluoroethylene based on the entire amount of the working fluid for heat cycle is at least 57 mass % and at most 90 mass %.4. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of 1 claim 1 ,2-difluoroethylene based on the entire amount of the working fluid for heat cycle is at most 43 mass %.5. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of 1 claim 1 ,2-difluoroethylene based on the entire amount of the working fluid for heat cycle is at least 10 mass %.6. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 1 , which further contains difluoromethane.7. The working fluid for heat cycle according to claim 6 , wherein the proportion of difluoromethane based on the entire amount of the working fluid for heat cycle is at least 10 mass % and at most 60 mass %.8. The working fluid ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Working Fluid Composition for Refrigerating Machine and Refrigerating Machine Oil

Номер: US20170002291A1

The present invention provides a working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine containing: a refrigerating machine oil containing, as a base oil, a mixed ester of (A) a complex ester synthesized from a polyhydric alcohol such as neopentyl glycol, a polybasic acid having 6 to 12 carbon atoms, a monohydric alcohol having 4 to 18 carbon atoms and the like, and (B) a polyol ester synthesized from a polyhydric alcohol such as neopentyl glycol and a monocarboxylic fatty acid having 4 to 18 carbon atoms, in a mass ratio of (A) the complex ester/(B) the polyol ester of 5/95 to 95/5; and a refrigerant such as carbon dioxide. 1. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine , comprising:a refrigerating machine oil comprising, as a base oil, a mixed ester of (A) a complex ester synthesized from a polyhydric alcohol comprising at least one selected from neopentyl glycol, trimethylolpropane and pentaerythritol, at least one selected from polybasic acids having 6 to 12 carbon atoms, and at least one selected from monohydric alcohols having 4 to 18 carbon atoms and monocarboxylic fatty acids having 4 to 18 carbon atoms, and (B) a polyol ester synthesized from at least one polyhydric alcohol selected from neopentyl trimethylolpropane, pentaerythritol and dipentaerythritol, and at least one selected from monocarboxylic fatty acids having 4 to 18 carbon atoms, in a mass ratio of (A) the complex ester/(B) the polyol ester of 5/95 to 95/5; anda refrigerant selected from carbon dioxide, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, a mixture of difluoromethane and pentafluoroethane, a mixture of difluoromethane, pentafluoroethane and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, and a mixture of pentafluoroethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane and 1,1,1-trifluoroethane.2. The working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 1 , wherein the polyhydric alcohol constituting (A) the complex ester further comprises a dihydric alcohol having 2 to 10 carbon atoms except neopentyl glycol.3. The ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Compositions and methods comprising vinylidene fluoride

Номер: US20200002500A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

This invention relates to compositions and methods which make advantageous use of vinylidene fluoride (CH2═CF2), and in particular embodiments, to heat transfer fluids and heat transfer methods, blowing agents, and thermoplastic foams which utilize vinylidene fluoride (CH2═CF2). Compositions of the present invention include from about 0.1 to about 60 percent, on a weight basis, of a co-agent and from about 99.0 to about 40 percent, on a weight basis, of vinylidene fluoride (CH2═CF2).

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002506A1

The present disclosure relates to compositions comprising Z-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and additional compounds that may be useful as refrigerants, heat transfer compositions, aerosol propellants, foaming agents, blowing agents, solvents, cleaning agents, carrier fluids, displacement drying agents, buffing abrasion agents, polymerization media, expansion agents for polyolefins and polyurethane, gaseous dielectrics, power cycle working fluids, extinguishing agents, and fire suppression agents in liquid or vapor form. 1. A composition comprising Z—HFO-1336mzz and at least one additional compound selected from the group consisting of HFO-1243zf , HCC-40 , HCFO-1223 , CFC-113a , CFC-113 , CFC-11 , HFO-1429 , HFC-449 , HFC-365 , HFO-1327 , HFO-1132 , HCFC-123a , chlorobutane , ethyl benzene , o-xylene , m-xylene , p-xylene , HCFO-1334 , and HCFO-1333.2. The composition of further comprising at least one tracer compound selected from the group consisting of HFC-356 claim 1 , HCFC-123 claim 1 , HCFC-133a claim 1 , HFC-143a claim 1 , HCFO-1122 claim 1 , HCFO-1122a claim 1 , CFO-1316 claim 1 , HCFO-1335 claim 1 , HFO-1345 claim 1 , and HCFO-1326.3. The composition of comprising at least one composition selected from the group consisting of:Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, and HCFO-1335;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, and HFO-1345;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, and HCFC-123;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, and CFC-11;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HCFO-1335, and HFO-1345;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HCFO-1335, and HCFC-123;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HCFO-1335, and CFC-11;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HFO-1345, and HCFC-123;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HFO-1345, and CFC-11;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HCFO-1335, HFO-1345, and HCFC-123;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HCFO-1335, and CFC-11;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HCFO-1335, and HCFO-1334;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1345, and CFC-11;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFC-365, and HCFO-1326;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFC-365, and CFC-11;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1243zf, and HCFO-1122;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1243zf, and HCC-40;Z—HFO-1336mzz, HCFO-1122, and ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002507A1

The present disclosure relates to compositions comprising E-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and additional compounds that may be useful as refrigerants, heat transfer compositions, aerosol propellants, foaming agents, blowing agents, solvents, cleaning agents, carrier fluids, displacement drying agents, buffing abrasion agents, polymerization media, expansion agents for polyolefins and polyurethane, gaseous dielectrics, power cycle working fluids, extinguishing agents, and fire suppression agents in liquid or vapor form, and in methods for detecting leaks. 1. A composition comprising E-HFO-1336mzz and at least one additional compound selected from the group consisting of HFO-1243zf , HCC-40 , HCFO-1223 , CFC-113a , CFC-113 , CFC-11 , HFO-1429 , HFC-449 , HFC-365 , HFO-1327 , HFO-1132 , HCFC-123a , chlorobutane , ethyl benzene , o-xylene , m-xylene , p-xylene , HCFO-1334 , and HCFO-1333.2. The composition of further comprising at least one tracer compound selected from the group consisting of HFC-356 claim 1 , HCFC-123 claim 1 , HCFC-133a claim 1 , HFC-143a claim 1 , HCFO-1122 claim 1 , HCFO-1122a claim 1 , CFO-1316 claim 1 , HCFO-1335 claim 1 , HFO-1345 claim 1 , and HCFO-1326.3. The composition of +--comprising at least one composition selected from the group consisting of:E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, and HCFO-1335;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, and HFO-1345;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, and HCFC-123;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, and CFC-11;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HCFO-1335, and HFO-1345;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HCFO-1335, and HCFC-123;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HCFO-1335, and CFC-11;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HFO-1345, and HCFC-123;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HFO-1345, and CFC-11;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1429, HCFO-1335, HFO-1345, and HCFC-123;E-HFO-1336mzz, HCFO-1335, and CFC-11;E-HFO-1336mzz, HCFO-1335, and HCFO-1334;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1345, and CFC-11;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFC-365, and HCFO-1326;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFC-365, and CFC-11;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1243zf, and HCFO-1122;E-HFO-1336mzz, HFO-1243zf, ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Working medium and heat cycle system

Номер: US20180002585A1
Автор: Masato Fukushima
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

To provide a working medium for heat cycle which has less influence over the ozone layer, which has less influence over global warming and which provides a heat cycle system excellent in the cycle performance (the efficiency and the capacity), and a heat cycle system excellent in the cycle performance (the efficiency and the capacity). A working medium for heat cycle comprising 1,2-difluoroethylene is employed for a heat cycle system (such as a Rankine cycle system, a heat pump cycle system, a refrigerating cycle system 10 or a heat transport system).

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002586A1

The present invention provides a composition, such as a refrigerant composition comprising 1, 1-difluoroethene (vinylidene fluoride, R-1132a); trifluoromethane (R-23); and one or more compound selected from hexafluoroethane (R-116), ethane (R-170) and carbon dioxide (R-744, CO). 1. A composition comprising:i) 1,1-difluoroethene (vinylidene fluoride, R-1132a);ii) trifluoromethane (R-23); and{'sub': '2', 'iii) one or more compound selected from hexafluoroethane (R-116), ethane (R-170) and carbon dioxide (R-744, CO).'}2. A composition according to comprising:v) 1,1-difluoroethene (vinylidene fluoride, R-1132a);vi) trifluoromethane (R-23); andvii) one or more compound selected from hexafluoroethane (R-116) and/or ethane (R-170); and{'sub': '2', 'viii) carbon dioxide (R-744, CO).'}3. A composition according to or comprising:v) 1,1-difluoroethene (vinylidene fluoride, R-1132a);vi) trifluoromethane (R-23); andvii) one or more compound selected from hexafluoroethane (R-116) and/or ethane (R-170); and{'sub': '2', 'viii) less than about 50% by weight carbon dioxide (R-744, CO).'}4. A composition according to any the preceding claims comprising from about 1 to about 98% by weight R-1132a.5. A composition according to any the preceding claims comprising from about 35 to about 95% by weight R-1132a.6. A composition according to any the preceding claims comprising from about 1 to about 98% by weight R-23.7. A composition according to any the preceding claims comprising up to about 80% by weight R-116.8. A composition according to comprising from about 1 to about 60% by weight R-116.9. A composition according to any of the preceding claims comprising from about 1 to about 40% by weight R-116 claim 7 , from about 5 to about 98% by weight R-1132a and from about 5 to about 98% by weight R-23.10. A composition according to comprising from about 1 to about 30% by weight R-116 claim 9 , from about 20 to about 90% by weight R-1132a and from about 5 to about 95% by weight R-23.11. A ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003060A1

Provided is an air-conditioning apparatus that can suppress occurrence of disproportionation (an autolytic reaction) when HFO1123 refrigerant or a refrigerant mixture containing HFO1123 is applied. The air-conditioning apparatus of the present invention includes a controller controlling at least one of an operation frequency of a compressor an opening degree of an expansion valve and an air amount of a fan sending air to a heat-source-side heat exchanger so that a temperature and a pressure of the refrigerant discharged from the compressor do not exceed threshold values. 1. An air-conditioning apparatus comprising:a refrigerant circuit in which a compressor, a heat-source-side heat exchanger, an expansion valve, and a user-side heat exchanger are sequentially connected, and refrigerant circulates therethrough, the refrigerant being HFO1123 refrigerant or a refrigerant mixture containing HFO1123;a bypass branching from a pipe connecting the expansion valve and the user-side heat exchanger and connecting at a suction side of the compressor;a vessel provided to the bypass; anda controller configured to, at a time of a pump down operation in which the refrigerant discharged from the compressor is stored in the vessel via the bypass, control at least one of an operation frequency of the compressor, an opening degree of the expansion valve, and an air amount of a fan sending air to the heat-source-side heat exchanger so that a temperature and a pressure of the refrigerant discharged from the compressor do not exceed threshold values.2. The air-conditioning apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a discharge pressure sensor configured to detect the pressure of the refrigerant discharged from the compressor; anda suction pressure sensor configured to detect a pressure of the refrigerant sucked into the compressor,wherein the controller calculates the temperature of the refrigerant discharged from the compressor from detection values of the discharge pressure sensor and ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003469A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

To provide a heat cycle system with high durability, which employs a working fluid for heat cycle containing trifluoroethylene having a low global warming potential. 1. A heat cycle system , comprising a circulation path in which a working fluid for heat cycle containing trifluoroethylene is circulated from a compressor via a condenser , an expansion valve and an evaporator to the compressor ,wherein the compressor has in its electrical circuit a current-limiting apparatus capable of limiting the current within 6 milliseconds after the heat cycle system enters into an abnormal operation state.2. The heat cycle system according to claim 1 , wherein the current-limiting apparatus is capable of limiting the current within 1 millisecond after the heat cycle system enters into an abnormal operation state.3. The heat cycle system according to claim 1 , wherein the current limiting by the current-limiting apparatus is conducted by terminating a current.4. The heat cycle system according to claim 1 , wherein the current limiting is conducted by suppressing an energy which the working fluid for heat cycle receives from a spark energy generated in the heat cycle system to be 200 J or lower.5. The heat cycle system according to claim 1 , wherein the current-limiting apparatus is at least one member selected from a semiconductor protecting fuse claim 1 , a fast-acting fuse claim 1 , a fast-blow fuse and a current-limiting fuse.6. The heat cycle system according to claim 1 , wherein the working fluid for heat cycle contains trifluoroethylene in an amount of larger than 50 mass %.7. The heat cycle system according to claim 6 , wherein the working fluid for heat cycle contains trifluoroethylene in an amount of larger than 60 mass %.8. The heat cycle system according to claim 6 , wherein the working fluid for heat cycle contains from 60 to 80 mass % of trifluoroethylene and from 20 to 40 mass % of at least one of difluoromethane and 2 claim 6 ,3 claim 6 ,3 claim 6 ,3-tetrafluoro-1- ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003323A1

An air conditioning unit capable of performing a refrigeration cycle using a small-GWP refrigerant is provided. A refrigeration cycle apparatus (to ) includes a refrigerant circuit () including a compressor (), a condenser (), a decompressing section (), and an evaporator (), and a refrigerant containing at least 1,2-difluoroethylene enclosed in the refrigerant circuit (). 1. A refrigeration cycle apparatus comprising:a refrigerant circuit including a compressor, a condenser, a decompressing section, and an evaporator; anda refrigerant containing at least 1,2-difluoroethylene enclosed in the refrigerant circuit.2. The refrigeration cycle apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe refrigerant circuit further includes a low-pressure receiver provided midway in a refrigerant flow path extending from the evaporator toward a suction side of the compressor.3. The refrigeration cycle apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe refrigerant circuit further includes a high-pressure receiver provided midway in a refrigerant flow path extending from the condenser toward the evaporator.4. The refrigeration cycle apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe refrigerant circuit further includes a first decompressing section, a second decompressing section, and an intermediate-pressure receiver provided midway in a refrigerant flow path extending from the condenser toward the evaporator, andthe intermediate-pressure receiver is provided between the first decompressing section and the second decompressing section in the refrigerant flow path extending from the condenser toward the evaporator.5. The refrigeration cycle apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe refrigerant circuit further includes a first decompressing section and a second decompressing section provided midway in a refrigerant flow path extending from the condenser toward the evaporator, andthe refrigeration cycle apparatus further comprises a control unit that adjusts both a degree of decompression of a refrigerant ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007592A1

The present invention relates to compositions for use in refrigeration, air-conditioning, and heat pump systems wherein the composition comprises 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFC-1234yf) and at least one hydrocarbon. The compositions of the present invention are useful in processes for producing cooling or heat, as heat transfer fluids, foam blowing agents, and aerosol propellants. 1. A composition selected from the group consisting of compositions comprising:HFO-1234yf and cyclopropane;HFO-1234yf and propylene;HFO-1234yf, HFC-152a, and cyclopropane;HFO-1234yf, HFC-152a, and propane; andHFO-1234yf, HFC-134a, and cyclopropane.2. The composition of comprising a near-azeotropic composition comprising:about 1 weight percent to about 99 weight percent HFO-1234yf and about 99 weight percent to about 1 weight percent cyclopropane;about 1 weight percent to about 86 weight percent HFO-1234yf, about 99 weight percent to about 14 weight percent propylene;about 95 weight percent to about 99 weight percent HFO-1234yf, about 5 weight percent to about 1 weight percent propylene;about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFO-1234yf, about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFC-152a, and about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent cyclopropane;about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFO-1234yf, about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFC-152a, and about 20 weight percent to about 98 weight percent propane; andabout 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFO-1234yf; about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFC-134a, and about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent cyclopropane.3. The composition of comprising an azeotropic composition comprising:about 65.4 weight percent HFC-1234yf and about 34.6 weight percent cyclopropane at 25° C. and about 123.8 psia (kPa);about 23.9 weight percent HFO-1234yf and about 76.1 weight percent propylene at 25° C. and about 167.7 psia (kPa);about 52.6 weight percent HFO-1234yf, about 11.1 ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008358A1

A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine of the invention comprises a refrigerant comprising difluoromethane and an unsaturated fluorinated hydrocarbon wherein a mass of the difluoromethane/the unsaturated fluorinated hydrocarbon is 95/5 to 10/90, and a refrigerating machine oil comprising at least one base oil selected from among polyol esters with a carbon/oxygen molar ratio of 3.2 to 5.8 and polyvinyl ethers with a carbon/oxygen molar ratio of 3.2 to 5.8. 1. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine comprising:a refrigerant comprising difluoromethane and an unsaturated fluorinated hydrocarbon wherein a mass ratio of the difluoromethane/the unsaturated fluorinated is 95/5 to 10/90, anda refrigerating machine oil comprising at least one base oil selected from among polyol esters with a carbon/oxygen molar ratio of 3.2 to 5.8 and polyvinyl ethers with a carbon/oxygen molar ratio of 3.2 to 5.8.2. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 1 , wherein the total of the difluoromethane and the unsaturated fluorinated hydrocarbon in the refrigerant is 80 mass % or greater.3. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of the refrigerant/the refrigerating machine oil is 90/10 to 30/70.4. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of the difluoromethane/the unsaturated fluorinated hydrocarbon is 90/10 to 50/50.5. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 1 , wherein the unsaturated fluorinated hydrocarbon is fluoropropene.6. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 1 , wherein the base oil is a polyol ester with a carbon/oxygen molar ratio of 3.2 to 5.8 claim 1 , and the polyol ester is an ester synthesized from a C4 to C9 fatty acid and a C4 to C12 polyhydric alcohol.8. A refrigerating machine oil claim 1 , comprising at least one ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008359A1
Автор: Matsumoto Tomoya

A refrigerant composition contains: hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) with a GWP of 1000 or less; and pentafluoroethane. When the refrigerant composition is used in a refrigerating equipment such as an open-type automobile air-conditioner, an electric automobile air-conditioning equipment, a gas heat pump, an air conditioner, a refrigerator, a vending machine, a showcase, a water-heating system and a refrigerating/heating system, the amount of a fluorine compound generated as a result of decomposition of the refrigerant can be suppressed and thus the refrigerators can stably work for a long time. 1. A refrigerant composition , comprising:hydrofluorocarbon with a global warming potential of 1000 or lower; andpentafluoroethane.2. The refrigerant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrofluorocarbon comprises a saturated hydrofluorocarbon having 1 to 3 carbon atoms or an unsaturated hydrofluorocarbon having 3 carbon atoms.3. The refrigerant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the pentafluoroethane is blended in an amount of from 0.1 mass % to 35 mass % of a total amount of the refrigerant composition.4. The refrigerant composition according to claim 1 , further comprising at least any one of carbon dioxide claim 1 , hydrocarbon having 5 or less carbon atoms claim 1 , ammonia and fluorine-containing organic compound represented by a molecular formula (A) below claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'sub': p', 'q', 'r', 's, 'COFR\u2003\u2003(A)'}where: R represents Cl, Br, I or hydrogen;p is an integer of 1 to 6;q is an integer of 0 to 2;r is an integer of 1 to 14; ands is an integer of 0 to 13with a proviso that when q is 0, p is an integer of 2 to 6 and one or more unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds are contained in a molecule.6. The refrigerant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant composition is used with a refrigerator oil comprising a base oil with a kinematic viscosity at 100 degrees C. in a range from 1 to 50 mm/s.7. The refrigerant composition according ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Compositions comprising 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropane, 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropene, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane or 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene

Номер: US20170009117A1
Принадлежит: Chemours Co FC LLC

Disclosed are compositions comprising HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233xf, HCFC-244db and/or HFO-1234yf and at least one additional compound. For the composition comprising 1234yf, the additional compound is selected from the group consisting of HFO-1234ze, HFO-1243zf, HCFC-243db, HCFC-244db, HFC-245cb, HFC-245fa, HCFO-1233xf, HCFO-1233zd, HCFC-253fb, HCFC-234ab, HCFC-243fa, ethylene, HFC-23, CFC-13, HFC-143a, HFC-152a, HFC-236fa, HCO-1130, HCO-1130a, HFO-1336, HCFC-133a, HCFC-254fb, HCFC-1131, HFO-1141, HCFO-1242zf, HCFO-1223xd, HCFC-233ab, HCFC-226ba, and HFC-227ca. Compositions comprising HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233xf, and/or HCFC-244db are useful in processes to make HFO-1234yf. Compositions comprising HFO-1234yf are useful, among other uses, as heat transfer compositions for use in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump systems.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Working Fluid Composition for Refrigerator and Refrigeration Oil

Номер: US20170009170A1
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Oil and Energy Corp

Disclosed is a working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine, comprising a refrigerating machine oil comprising an ester of a polyhydric alcohol and a fatty acid, a carbodiimide compound, and a phosphorous compound, and at least one refrigerant selected from 1, 1, 1,2-tetrafluoroethane and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, the fatty acid comprises at least one selected from fatty acids having 4 to 9 carbon atoms, and the carbodiimide compound and the phosphorus compound satisfy the conditions represented by the formula (1): 0.11 ≦ ( N C M C · W C ) ( N P M P · W P ) ≦ 4.70 ( 1 ) wherein, N c represents the number of carbodiimide groups per molecule of the carbodiimide compound, M c represents the molecular weight of the carbodiimide compound, W c represents the content of the carbodiimide compound, N p represents the number of phosphorus atoms per molecule of the phosphorus compound, M p represents the molecular weight of the phosphorus compound, and W p represents the content of the phosphorus compound.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Working Fluids Comprising Fluorinated Olefins / Fluorinated Saturated Hydrocarbon Blends and Polyol Esters

Номер: US20160009974A1

Working fluids comprising a refrigerant blend comprising a fluorinated alkane and a fluorinated olefin refrigerant, and a polyol ester lubricant composition comprising a mixture of alkylcarboxy esters of mono-pentaerythritol, di-pentaerythritol, tri-pentaerythritol and pentaerythritol oligomers, wherein at least 10 wt % of all polyol esters are esters of pentaerythritol oligomers of 4 or more pentaerythritol monomer groups. 1. A working fluid comprising:i) a refrigerant blend comprising from 80 to 60% by weight, based on the weight of the refrigerant blend, of fluorinated alkane and from 20 to 40% by weight of a fluorinated olefin, and [{'sub': '5-10', 'a) from about 30 to about 85 wt % Calkylcarboxy esters of pentaerythritol,'}, {'sub': '5-10', 'b) from about 1 to about 20 wt % Calkylcarboxy esters of di-pentaerythritol,'}, {'sub': '5-10', 'c) from about 1 to about 10 wt % Calkylcarboxy esters of tri-pentaerythritol, and'}, {'sub': 5-10', '5-10', '5', '5-10, 'd) from about 10 to about 45 wt % Calkylcarboxy esters of pentaerythritol oligomers of 4 or more pentaerythritol monomer groups, based on the weight of all polyol esters in the lubricant, and wherein 60 mole % or more of all the Calkylcarboxy esters are linear or branched Calkylcarboxy esters, and 20-60% of the Calkylcarboxy esters are branched.'}], 'ii) a polyol ester lubricant composition having a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of from 32 to 120 cSt and a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of from 5 to 20 cSt, comprising2. The working fluid according to wherein the polyol ester lubricant composition has a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of from 40 to 140 cSt.3. The working fluid according to wherein the polyol ester lubricant composition comprises:{'sub': '5-10', 'a) from about 30 to about 55 wt % Calkylcarboxy esters of pentaerythritol,'}{'sub': '5-10', 'b) from about 1 to about 20 wt % Calkylcarboxy esters of di-pentaerythritol,'}{'sub': '5-10', 'c) from about 1 to about 10 wt % Calkylcarboxy esters of tri ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011155A1
Автор: Heyl Peter

A method for operating an air-conditioning system of a motor vehicle, wherein the air-conditioning system comprises a refrigerant circulation and a water circulation which are thermally coupled with one another across a condenser/gas cooler. Water circulation flows through the condenser/gas cooler at a low volumetric rate of flow and a high temperature difference so the water circulation transfers heat in the heating heat exchanger to the air in a similar temperature range. Refrigerant circulation cools from 65° C. to 70° C. to −10° C. to +30° C. and water circulation raises to a temperature of 55° C. to 65° C. and that an adaptation of the temperature profile of the water circulation to the temperature profile of the refrigerant circulation takes place in the condenser/gas cooler utilizing a temperature glide of the refrigerant. The refrigerant is significantly cooled. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for operating an air-conditioning system of a motor vehicle , wherein the air-conditioning system comprises a refrigerant circulation and a water circulation which are thermally coupled with one another across a condenser/gas cooler and the water circulation comprises , in addition to a pump , a heating heat exchanger for heating the air for the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle and the refrigerant circulation comprises a compressor , an expansion element and an evaporator , comprising the steps offlowing the water circulation through the condenser/gas cooler at a low volumetric rate of flow and a high temperature difference such that the water circulation transfers heat in the heating heat exchanger to the air in a similar temperature range,cooling the refrigerant circulation is cooled from 65° C. to 70° C. to −10° C. to +30° C., andraising the water circulation to a temperature of 55° C. to 65° C., andadapting the temperature profile of the water circulation to the temperature profile of the refrigerant circulation, wherein the adapting takes place in the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013942A1

The present invention relates to compositions for use in refrigeration, air-conditioning, and heat pump systems wherein the composition comprises a tetrafluoropropene and at least one other component. The compositions of the present invention are useful in processes for producing cooling or heat, as heat transfer fluids, foam blowing agents, aerosol propellants, and fire suppression and fire extinguishing agents. 1. A composition selected from the group consisting of compositions comprising:HFO-1234yf, HFC-125, and HFC-152a;HFO-1234yf, HFC-125, and HFC-134a;HFO-1234yf, HFC-32, and HFC-134a;HFO-1234yf, HFC-32, HFC-125, and HFC-134a;HFO-1234ze and HFC-125;HFO-1234ze, HFC-125, and HFC-152a;HFO-1234ze, HFC-125, and HFC-134a;HFO-1234ze, HFC-32, and HFC-134a; andHFO-1234ze, HFC-32, HFC-125, and HFC-134a.2. The composition of comprising a composition selected from:about 80 weight percent to about 99 weight percent trans-HFO-1234ze and from about 20 weight percent to about 1 weight percent HFC-125.3. The composition of comprising a near-azeotropic composition comprising:about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFO-1234yf, about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFC-152a, and about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFC-125;about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFO-1234yf, about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFC-125, and about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFC-134a;about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFO-1234yf, about 1 weight percent to about 4 weight percent HFC-32, and about 1 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFC-134a;about 1 weight percent to about 55 weight percent HFO-1234yf; about 45 weight percent to about 98 weight percent HFC-32, and about 1 weight percent to about 55 weight percent HFC-134a;about 1 weight percent to about 97 weight percent HFO-1234yf, about 1 weight percent to about 97 weight percent HFC-134a, about 1 weight percent to about 97 weight percent HFC-125, and ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014606A1

Azeotrope-like compositions are disclosed. The azeotrope-like compositions are mixtures of Z-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and E-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene. Also disclosed is a process of preparing a thermoplastic or thermoset foam by using such azeotrope-like compositions as blowing agents. Also disclosed is a process of producing refrigeration by using such azeotrope-like compositions. Also disclosed is a process of using such azeotrope-like compositions as solvents. Also disclosed is a process of producing an aerosol product by using such azeotrope-like compositions. Also disclosed is a process of using such azeotrope-like compositions as heat transfer media. Also disclosed is a process of extinguishing or suppressing a fire by using such azeotrope-like compositions. Also disclosed is a process of using such azeotrope-like compositions as dielectrics. Also disclosed is a foam-forming composition containing such azeotrope-like composition and an active hydrogen-containing compound having two or more active hydrogens. 1. An azeotrope-like composition consisting essentially of:(a) Z-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene; and(b) E-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene; wherein the E-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene is present in an effective amount to form an azeotrope-like combination with the Z-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene.2. A process for preparing a thermoplastic or thermoset foam comprising using the azeotrope-like composition of as a blowing agent.3. A process for producing refrigeration comprising condensing the azeotrope-like composition of and thereafter evaporating said azeotrope-like composition in the vicinity of the body to be cooled.4. A process comprising using the azeotrope-like composition of as a solvent.5. A process for producing an aerosol product comprising using the azeotrope-like composition of as a propellant.6. A process comprising using the azeotrope-like composition of as a heat transfer media.7. A process for extinguishing or suppressing a ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015935A1

The present invention provides a refrigerating machine oil comprising at least one oxygen-containing oil having a carbon/oxygen molar ratio of 2.5 or more and 5.8 or less as a base oil, and the refrigerating machine oil being used with a trifluoroethylene refrigerant. 1. A refrigerating machine oil comprising at least one oxygen-containing oil having a carbon/oxygen molar ratio of 2.5 or more and 5.8 or less as a base oil , and the refrigerating machine oil being used with a trifluoroethylene refrigerant.2. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 1 , comprising an ester of a fatty acid and a polyhydric alcohol as the oxygen-containing oil claim 1 , the fatty acid comprising a branched fatty acid having 4 to 9 carbon atoms in a proportion of 20 to 100 mol %.3. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine comprising:a refrigerating machine oil comprising at least one oxygen-containing oil having a carbon/oxygen molar ratio of 2.5 or more and 5.8 or less as a base oil; anda trifluoroethylene refrigerant.4. The working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 3 , wherein the refrigerating machine oil comprises an ester of a fatty acid and a polyhydric alcohol as the oxygen-containing oil claim 3 , the fatty acid comprising a branched fatty acid having 4 to 9 carbon atoms in a proportion of 20 to 100 mol %.5. (canceled)6. (canceled) The present invention relates to a refrigerating machine oil and a working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine.Against the background of the recent problem of ozone layer depletion, CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) and HCFC (hydrochloro-fluorocarbon) conventionally used as refrigerants for refrigerating machines are subject to regulation and, instead of them, HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) is becoming widely used as a refrigerant. However, one of the HFC refrigerants, HFC-134a, which is commonly used as a refrigerant for car air conditioners, is subject to regulation in Europe due to its high global ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016212A1

Various compositions, including particularly aerosol compositions, containing fluorinated olefins, including particularly tetra- and penta-fluoropropenes, in a variety of applications are disclosed. 1. An aerosol comprising at least one fluoroalkene of Formula I:{'br': None, 'sub': z', '3-z, 'XCFR\u2003\u2003(I)'}{'sub': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5, 'where X is a C, C, C, C, or Cunsaturated, substituted or unsubstituted radical, each R is independently Cl, F, Br, I or H, and z is 1 to 3.'}2. The aerosol of wherein X is a substituted Cradical.3. The aerosol of having a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of not greater than about 1000.5. The aerosol of wherein Y is CF.6. The aerosol of wherein at least one R on the unsaturated terminal carbon is H.7. The aerosol of wherein n is 0.8. The aerosol of wherein n is 0.9. The aerosol of wherein Y is CFand n is 0.10. The aerosol of wherein said at least one fluoroalkene comprises at least one tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234).11. The aerosol of wherein said at least one tetrafluoropropene is HFO-1234ze.12. The aerosol of consisting essentially of one or more compounds in accordance with Formula (I).13. A sprayable composition comprising the aerosol of .14. The sprayable composition of further comprising material to be sprayed.15. The sprayable composition of wherein said material to be sprayed comprises at least one cosmetic material.16. The sprayable composition of wherein said at least one cosmetic material is selected from the group consisting of deodorants claim 15 , perfumes claim 15 , hair sprays claim 15 , cleaning solvents claim 15 , lubricants and combinations of these.17. The sprayable composition of wherein said material to be sprayed comprises at least one medicinal material.18. The sprayable composition of wherein said at least one medicinal material comprises a biologically active substance.19. The sprayable composition of wherein said at least one medicinal material comprises a drug.20. The sprayable composition of wherein ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems for efficient heating and/or cooling and having low climate change impact

Номер: US20160017199A1

The present invention relates, in part, to heat transfer systems, methods and compositions which utilize a heat transfer fluid comprising: (a) from about or greater than about 0% to about 15% by weight of HCFO-1233zd; (b) from about 65% to less than about 100% by weight of HFO-1234ze, or HFO-1234yf, or combinations thereof; and (c) from greater than about 0% to about 20% by weight of HFC-125, with the weight percent being based on the total of the components (a)-(c) in the composition.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017231A1

Disclosed are the use of fluorine substituted olefins, including tetra- and penta-fluoropropenes, in a variety of applications, including in methods of depositing catalyst on a solid support, methods of sterilizing articles, cleaning methods and compositions, methods of applying medicaments, fire extinguishing/suppression compositions and methods, flavor formulations, fragrance formulations and inflating agents.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018429A1

This invention relates to azeotrope-like compositions, methods and systems having utility in numerous applications, and in particular, uses for azeotrope-like compositions comprising effective amounts of the compound cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene (Z-HFO-1336mzzm), which has the following structure: 1. An azeotrope-like composition comprising effective amounts of from greater than zero to about 99 wt % of water and from about 1 wt % to less than 100 wt % of the compound cis-1 ,1 ,1 ,4 ,4 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene (Z-HFO-1336mzzm) water.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The azeotrope-like composition of comprising effective amounts of from greater than zero to about 50 wt % of water and from about 50 wt % to less than 100 wt % of Z-HFO-1336mzzm.7. The azeotrope-like composition of comprising effective amounts of from greater than zero to about 10 wt % of water and from about 90 wt % to less than 100 wt % of Z-HFO-1336mzzm.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. A blowing agent comprising an azeotrope-like composition of .14. A method of forming a foam comprising adding to a foamable composition a blowing agent comprising an azeotrope-like composition of .15. A premix of a polyol and a blowing agent wherein the blowing agent comprises an azeotrope-like composition of .16. A closed cell foam prepared by foaming a foamable composition in the presence of a blowing agent comprising the azeotrope-like composition of .17. The closed cell foam of wherein said foamable composition comprises polyurethane claim 15 , polyisocyanurate claim 15 , polystyrene claim 15 , polyethylene claim 15 , and mixtures thereof.18. A refrigerant composition comprising an azeotrope-like composition of .19. A refrigeration system comprising a refrigerant composition of .20. A method for cooling an article which comprises evaporating a refrigerant composition of in the vicinity of the article to be cooled.21. A method for heating an article ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Refrigeration cycle apparatus

Номер: US20170016660A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd, Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A refrigeration cycle apparatus avoids refrigerant conditions causing a disproportionation reaction and exhibit high performance with safety even when a refrigerant causing the disproportionation reaction is used in a zeotropic refrigerant mixture. The refrigeration cycle apparatus uses, as a working refrigerant, the zeotropic refrigerant mixture of a first refrigerant and a second refrigerant having a higher boiling point than that of the first refrigerant under the same pressure, and includes at least a main passage sequentially connecting a compressor, a first heat exchanger, an expansion valve, a gas-liquid separator, and a second heat exchanger. The first refrigerant causes the disproportionation reaction. In an initial state after startup of the compressor, the refrigeration cycle apparatus performs an initial operation decreasing a temperature or a pressure of refrigerant discharged from the compressor to be lower than that in a normal operation based on an amount of liquid refrigerant in the gas-liquid separator.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018135A1

A binary refrigerating apparatus employs a refrigerant composition that has a small global-warming potential (GWP) to be earth friendly, can be used as a refrigerant capable of achieving a low temperature of −80° C., and is excellent in refrigerating capacity and other performance. A refrigerant composition used as a low-temperature-side refrigerant is a refrigerant mixture including a non-azeotropic mixture in which 20% by mass or less of carbon dioxide (R744) is mixed to difluoroethylene (R1132a). A refrigerant composition used as a high-temperature-side refrigerant is a combination of: a non-azeotropic mixture comprising the refrigerant group of difluoromethane (R32), pentafluoroethane (R125), 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R134a) and 1,1,3-trifluoro ethane (R143a); and 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropentene (HFO-1234ze), having a global-warming potential (GWP) of 1500 or less.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016937A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

The invention relates to a method for cooling or heating a fluid or a body by means of a vapour compression circuit containing a heat transfer fluid, said circuit being at least partially contained in an enclosure, and the relative humidity of the air in the enclosure being less than or equal to a threshold value Hwhich is less than 50%, the flammability of the heat transfer fluid at relative humidity Hbeing less than the flammability of the heat transfer fluid at 50% relative humidity. 126.-. (canceled)27. A method for reducing the GWP of an initial heat transfer fluid comprising at least one first heat transfer compound and a second heat transfer compound , the first heat transfer compound having a GWP greater than the GWP of the second heat transfer compound , said method comprising:modification of the composition of the initial heat transfer fluid in order to provide a modified heat transfer fluid, said modification comprising increasing the proportion by mass of the second heat transfer compound and reducing the proportion by mass of the first heat transfer compound in the heat transfer fluid;{'sub': 1', '1', '1, 'wherein the modified heat transfer fluid exhibits a flammability at a relative humidity H, Hbeing less than 45%, which is less than or equal to the flammability of the initial heat transfer fluid at 50% relative humidity, wherein the modified heat transfer fluid is used at a relative humidity less than or equal to a threshold value H, which is less than 45%.'}28. The method according to claim 27 , wherein:{'sub': z', '3-z', '2', '3', '4, 'the first heat transfer compound is a fluoroolefin of formula XCFR, wherein X is a substituted or unsubstituted, unsaturated C, Cor Calkyl radical, each R is independently Cl, F, Br, I or H and z is an integer from 1 to 3; and'}the second heat transfer compound is a hydrocarbon, a hydrochlorofluorocarbon, a hydrofluorocarbon, a fluoroether, a hydrocarbon ether or ammonia.29. The method according to claim 28 , wherein ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017021A1
Автор: Buelow Roland

The present invention describes transgenic animals with human(ized) immunoglobulin loci and transgenes encoding human(ized) Igα and/or Igβ sequences. Of particular interest are animals with transgenic heavy and light chain immunoglobulin loci capable of producing a diversified human(ized) antibody repertoire that have their endogenous production of Ig and/or endogenous Igα and/or Igβ sequences suppressed. Simultaneous expression of human(ized) immunoglobulin and human(ized) Igα and/or Igβ results in normal B-cell development, affinity maturation and efficient expression of human(ized) antibodies. 16-. (canceled)7. A method for producing human or humanized antibodies in a non-human animal , comprising the steps of:(a) introducing and expressing a transgene construct encoding either a native human Igα subunit or a chimeric Igα subunit, and/or a transgene construct encoding either a native human Igβ subunit or a chimeric Igβ subunit into the non-human animal;(b) introducing and expressing a transgene construct encoding a human or humanized immunoglobulin locus into the non-human animal;(c) subjecting the animal to an antigenic stimulus; and(d) isolating human or humanized antibodies from the animal.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the antibody is a monoclonal antibody.9. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the antibody is a fragment of a monoclonal antibody.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the antibody fragment is fused to a heterologous amino acid sequence.111. An isolated human or humanized antibody produced with the method according to claim . This is a non-provisional application filed under 37 CFR 1.53(b), claiming priority under U.S.C. Section 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/841,980 filed Sep. 1, 2006.This invention relates to a method to improve the expression of human(ized) immunoglobulin in non-human transgenic animals by promoting normal B-cell development and by sustaining the expression of human(ized) ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017740A1

This invention relates to compositions, methods and systems having utility in numerous applications, and in particular, uses for compositions containing the compound cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene (Z-HFO-1336mzzm), which has the following structure: 130-. (canceled)31. A method for providing refrigeration comprising:(a) providing a centrifugal chiller system comprising a centrifugal compressor, a condenser, an evaporator and a refrigerant in said system, said refrigerant consisting essentially of from about 70% to about 99% by weight of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and from about 1% by weight to about 30% by weight of trans-1,2 dichloroethylene; and(b) operating said system to provide cooling.32. The method of wherein said refrigerant consists essentially of from about 75% to about 99% by weight of cis-1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and from about 1% by weight to about 25% by weight of trans-1 claim 31 ,2 dichloroethylene.33. The method of wherein said refrigerant consists of from about 70% to about 99% by weight of cis-1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and from about 1% by weight to about 30% by weight of trans-1 claim 31 ,2 dichloroethylene.34. The method of wherein said refrigerant consists of from about 75% to about 99% by weight of cis-1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and from about 1% by weight to about 25% by weight of trans-1 claim 31 ,2 dichloroethylene.35. The method of wherein said refrigerant consists of about 75% of cis-1 claim 34 ,1 claim 34 ,1 claim 34 ,4 claim 34 ,4 claim 34 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and about 25% by weight of trans-1 claim 34 ,2 dichloroethylene.36. The method of wherein said centrifugal chiller system is part of a commercial air conditioning system.37. The method of wherein said operating step (b) comprises operating said condenser at a temperature of about 40° C.38. The method ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017743A1
Принадлежит: Arkema Inc.

The present disclosure is directed to refrigerant compositions having reduced flammability profiles. The reduced flammability refrigerants comprise a refrigerant and an additive. Also disclosed are methods of increasing the minimum ignition energy of a refrigerant and methods of increasing the lower flammability limit of a refrigerant. The present disclosure is also directed to a method of scavenging radicals in a refrigerant. 1. A refrigerant composition , comprising a refrigerant and a flammability-reducing additive.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the additive is a radical scavenging additive.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the additive is a dilution additive.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the additive is a halogenated hydrocarbon compound.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the additive is an organometallic compound claim 1 , an organophosphorus compound claim 1 , a halogenated sulfur compound claim 1 , or a mono or multi sulfides compound.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the additive is limonene oxide claim 1 , Alpha-methylstyrene claim 1 , p-methoxyphenol claim 1 , 4-Cert-butylcatechol or 2 claim 1 ,6-di-tertbutylphenol.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises at least two additives.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises at least three additives.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises at least two refrigerants.10. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises at least three refrigerants.11. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant is a Class 2L claim 1 , Class 2 claim 1 , or Class 3 refrigerant.12. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant is a Class 2L refrigerant.13. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant comprises one or more of R-32 claim 1 , HFO-1234yf claim 1 , HFO-1234ze claim 1 , and HFC- ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017434A1

Compositions comprising multi-fluorinated olefins and HFC-32 are disclosed. Such compositions are useful particularly for in stationary refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. 1. A refrigerant consisting essentially of:(a) from 70% to 80% by weight of 1234yf; and(b) from 20% to 30% by weight of R-32.2. The refrigerant of consisting of:(a) from 70% to 80% by weight of 1234yf; and(b) from 20% to 30% by weight of R-32.3. An air conditioning system comprising the refrigerant of .4. An air conditioning system according to wherein said system was a system for use with R-404A.5. A stationary air conditioning system comprising the refrigerant of .6. A stationary air conditioning system according to wherein said system was a system for use with R-404A.7. A low temperature refrigeration system comprising the refrigerant of .8. An low temperature refrigeration system according to wherein said system was a system for use with R-404A.9. A medium temperature refrigeration system comprising the refrigerant of .10. A medium temperature refrigeration system according to wherein said system was a system for use with R-404A.11. A refrigerant consisting essentially of:(a) about 80% by weight of 1234yf; and(b) about 20% by weight of R-32.12. An air conditioning system comprising the refrigerant of .13. An air conditioning system according to wherein said system was a system for use with R-404A.14. A stationary air conditioning system comprising the refrigerant of .15. A stationary air conditioning system according to wherein said system was a system for use with R-404A.16. A low temperature refrigeration system comprising the refrigerant of .17. An low temperature refrigeration system according to wherein said system was a system for use with R-404A.18. A medium temperature refrigeration system comprising the refrigerant of .19. A medium temperature refrigeration system according to wherein said system was a system for use with R-404A.20. The refrigerant of consisting of:(a) about ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017795A1

A refrigeration oil composition includes: a mixture of a naphthenic mineral oil and at least one of a polyol ester oil and a polyvinyl ether oil; and at least one of a sorbitan compound and a glycerin fatty acid ester and a working fluid for a refrigeration system includes: the refrigeration oil composition; and one or more refrigerants selected from a hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant, a hydrofluoroolefin refrigerant and a carbon dioxide refrigerant. 1. A refrigeration oil composition comprising:a mixture of a naphthenic mineral oil and at least one of a polyol ester oil and a polyvinyl ether oil; andat least one of a sorbitan compound and a glycerin fatty acid ester.2. The refrigeration oil composition according to claim 1 , comprising the mixture of the naphthenic mineral oil and the polyol ester oil claim 1 , and the sorbitan compound.3. The refrigeration oil composition according to claim 1 , comprising the mixture of the naphthenic mineral oil and the polyvinyl ether oil claim 1 , and the at least one of the sorbitan compound and the glycerin fatty acid ester.4. The refrigeration oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein in the mixture claim 1 , a mass ratio of the naphthenic mineral oil to the at least one of the polyol ester oil and the polyvinyl ether oil is that the naphthenic mineral oil:the at least one of the polyol ester oil and the polyvinyl ether oil=from 60:40 to 90:10.5. The refrigeration oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the at least one of the sorbitan compound and the glycerin fatty acid ester is from 0.5 mass % to 5 mass % of a total amount of the refrigeration oil composition.6. The refrigeration oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein a kinematic viscosity of the naphthenic mineral oil at 40° C. is from 5 mm/s to 460 mm/s claim 1 , and a kinematic viscosity of the at least one of the polyol ester oil and the polyvinyl ether oil at 40° C. is from 5 mm/s to 350 mm/s.7. The refrigeration oil composition ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018191A1

A heat exchange unit is provided with which, even if a flammable refrigerant is used, the likelihood of the refrigerant reaching an electric component unit is reduced. An outdoor unit () constitutes a portion of an air-conditioning apparatus (), and is connected to an indoor unit () via a liquid-side refrigerant connection pipe () and a gas-side refrigerant connection pipe (). The outdoor unit () includes an outdoor housing (), an outdoor heat exchanger () disposed inside the outdoor housing () and in which a refrigerant flows, a liquid-side shutoff valve () connected to the liquid-side refrigerant connection pipe (), a gas-side shutoff valve () connected to the gas-side refrigerant connection pipe (), and an outdoor electric component unit () disposed inside the outdoor housing (). The refrigerant is a flammable refrigerant containing at least 1,2-difluoroethylene. When the outdoor unit () is in its installed state, the lower end of the outdoor electric component unit () is positioned above the liquid-side shutoff valve () and the gas-side shutoff valve (). 1. A heat exchange unit that constitutes a portion of a refrigeration cycle apparatus , the heat exchange unit being one of a service-side unit and a heat source-side unit that are connected to each other via a connection pipe , the heat exchange unit comprising:a housing;a heat exchanger disposed inside the housing and in which a refrigerant flows;a pipe connection part connected to the connection pipe; andan electric component unit disposed inside the housing,wherein the refrigerant is a flammable refrigerant containing at least 1,2-difluoroethylene, andwherein when the heat exchange unit is in its installed state, a lower end of the electric component unit is positioned above the pipe connection part.2. The heat exchange unit according to claim 1 ,whereinthe refrigerant comprises trans-1,2-difluoroethylene (HFO-1132(E)), trifluoroethylene (HFO-1123), and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propene (R1234yf).10. The heat ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023034A1
Принадлежит: Arkema Inc.

Hydrofluoroolefins and hydrochlorofluoroolefins contaminated with acid and/or iron compounds are purified and stabilized by contacting the haloolefin with a solid adsorbent such as alumina and then combining the purified haloolefin with one or more stabilizers such as an epoxide. The purified, stabilized haloolefins thus obtained are useful in a wide variety of end-use applications, including, for example, as refrigerants, propellants, foaming agents, fire suppression or extinguishing agents, and solvents. 1. A method comprising:a) contacting an impure haloolefin composition comprised of a haloolefin selected from the group consisting of hydrofluoroolefins and hydrochloroiluoroolefins with a solid adsorbent to obtain a purified haloolefin composition; andb) combining the purified haloolefin composition obtained from step a) with at least one stabilizer selected from the group consisting of free radical scavengers, oxygen scavengers, acid scavengers, polymerization inhibitors and corrosion inhibitors to obtain a purified, stabilized haloolefin composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the impure haloolefin composition comprises one or more impurities selected from the group consisting of FeCl claim 1 , trifluoroacetic acid claim 1 , trifluoroacetaldehyde claim 1 , HF and HCl.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solid adsorbent is selected from the group consisting of high surface area alumina claim 1 , activated carbon and mixtures thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the haloolefin is an open chain haloolefin of general formula CHFCl claim 1 , wherein n is 2 claim 1 , 3 or 4 claim 1 , b is 0 or 1 claim 1 , and a is 0 to 6 and a and b are not both 0.535. The method of claim 1 , wherein the haloolefin is a Cto Ccyclic hydrochlorofluoroolefin of general formula CHFCl claim 1 , wherein n is to claim 1 , b is 0 or 1 claim 1 , and a is 0 to 7 and a and b are not both 0.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the haloolefin is selected from the group consisting of ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Process for Preparing C3-6 (Hydro)Fluoroalkenes by Dehydrohalogenating C3-6 Halo(Hydro)Fluoroalkanes in the Presence of a Zinc/Chromia Catalyst

Номер: US20160023971A1

The invention relates to a process for preparing a C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene comprising dehydrohalogenating a C3-6 hydro(halo)fluoroalkane in the presence of a zinc/chromia catalyst, wherein the C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene produced is isomerised in the presence of the zinc/chromia catalyst. 1. A fluid comprising an isomer or an isomer blend of a C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene , wherein the C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene is produced by a process comprising dehydrohalogenating a C3-6 hydro(halo)fluoroalkene in the presence of a zinc/chromia catalyst , wherein the C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene produced is isomerised in the presence of the zinc/chromia catalyst.2. A fluid according to claim 1 , wherein the C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene exists in E and Z isomers claim 1 , and the ratio of E and Z isomers is changed in the presence of the zinc/chromia catalyst.3. A fluid according to claim 4 , wherein the presence of the zinc/chromia catalyst changes the ratio of E and Z isomers from that which is the kinematic determined mixture of isomers from the preparation of the C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene.4. A fluid according to claim 2 , wherein the desired isomer of the C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene is recovered in a subsequent step.5. A fluid according to claim 1 , wherein the process is carried out at a temperature of from −70° C. to 400° C. and a pressure of from 0 to 30 bara.6. A fluid according to claim 7 , wherein the process is carried out in the vapour phase at a temperature of from 200 to 360° C.7. A fluid according to claim 5 , wherein the process is carried out at super-atmospheric pressure.8. A fluid according to claim 1 , wherein the C3-6 (hydro)fluoroalkene is a (hydro)fluoropropene and the process comprises dehydrohalogenating a hydro(halo)fluoropropene.9. A fluid according to claim 10 , wherein the (hydro)fluoropropene produced is selected from tetrafluoropropenes and pentafluoropropenes.10. A fluid according to claim 11 , wherein the (hydro)fluoropropene comprises 1 claim 11 ,2 claim 11 ,3 claim ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024362A1

The present invention relates, in part, to heat transfer systems, methods and compositions which utilize a heat transfer fluid comprising: (a) HFO-1234ze; (b) HFC-227ea; and (c) optionally HFC-134a, wherein HFO-1234ze and HFC-227ea are provided in effective amounts to form an azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition. 1. A heat transfer composition comprising: (a) HFO-1234ze; (b) HFC-227ea; and (c) optionally HFC-134a , wherein HFO-1234ze and HFC-227ea are provided in effective amounts to form an azeotrope or azeotrope-like composition.2. The heat transfer composition of claim 1 , where HFO-1234ze consists essentially of trans-HFO-1234ze.3. The heat transfer composition of comprising (a) from about 80 wt. % to about 95 wt. % of HFO-1234ze; and (b) from about 5 wt. % to about 20 wt. % of HFC-227ea claim 1 , with the weight percent being based on the total of the components (a)-(c) in the composition.4. The heat transfer composition of comprising (a) from about 83 wt. % to about 92 wt. % of HFO-1234ze; and (b) from about 8 wt. % to about 17 wt. % of HFC-227ea claim 1 , with the weight percent being based on the total of the components (a)-(c) in the composition.5. The heat transfer composition of comprising (a) from about 85 wt. % to about 90 wt. % of HFO-1234ze; and (b) from about 10 wt. % to about 15 wt. % of HFC-227ea claim 1 , with the weight percent being based on the total of the components (a)-(c) in the composition.6. The heat transfer composition of comprising (a) from about 88 wt. % to about 95 wt. % of HFO-1234ze; and (b) from about 8 wt. % to about 12 wt. % of HFC-227ea claim 1 , with the weight percent being based on the total of the components (a)-(c) in the composition.7. The heat transfer composition of comprising (a) from about 60 wt. % to about 95 wt. % of HFO-1234ze; (b) from about 5 wt. % to about 20 wt. % of HFC-227ea claim 1 , (c) from greater than about 0 wt. % to about 20 wt. % of HFC-134a claim 1 , with the weight percent being based on the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024363A1
Автор: Rached Wissam
Принадлежит: Arkema France

Compositions containing 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and to the uses thereof as heat transfer fluid, expansion agents, solvents and aerosol. Compositions essentially containing between 10 and 90 wt. % of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, between 5 and 80 wt. % of HFC-134a and between 5 and 10 wt. % of HFC-32. Compositions essentially containing from 10 to 45% by weight of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, from 50 to 80% by weight of HFC-134a and from 5 to 10% by weight of HFC-32. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of heat transfer comprising a compression refrigeration system including exchangers operating in countercurrent mode or in crossed-current mode with countercurrent tendency , wherein the compression refrigeration system includes a heat-transfer fluid comprising a refrigerant consisting essentially of from 10 to 90% by weight of 2 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene , from 5 to 80% by weight of HFC-134a and from 5 to 10% by weight of HFC-32.12. The method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the refrigerant consists essentially of from 10 to 45% by weight of 2 claim 11 ,3 claim 11 ,3 claim 11 ,3-tetrafluoropropene claim 11 , from 50 to 80% by weight of HFC-134a and from 5 to 10% by weight of HFC-32.13. The method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the heat-transfer fluid further comprises a stabilizer.14. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the stabilizer is selected from the group consisting of nitromethane claim 13 , ascorbic acid claim 13 , terephthalic acid claim 13 , azoles claim 13 , phenolic compounds claim 13 , epoxides claim 13 , phosphites claim 13 , phosphates claim 13 , phosphonates claim 13 , thiols and lactones.15. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein stabilizer represents at most 5% by weight relative to the refrigerant.16. The method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the heat-transfer fluid further comprises a lubricant.17. The method as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the lubricant is selected from the group consisting of mineral oil claim 16 , alkylbenzene ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022672A1

Various compositons, including particularly aerosol compositions, containing fluorinated olefins, including particularly tetra- and penta-fluorpropenes, in a variety of applications are disclosed. 1. A method for producing an automobile air conditioning system for use with 2 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf) comprising:(a) providing an automobile vapor compression air conditioning system usable with refrigerant 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) and having at least one compressor and at least one condenser; and(b) providing a heat transfer composition in said system, said heat transfer composition consisting essentially of:(i) at least about 50% by weight of HFO-1234yf ; and(ii) lubricant consisting essentially of polyalkylene glycol(s), and(c) operating said vapor compression air conditioning system, wherein (1) during at least a portion of said operating step said condenser operates with said refrigerant in a temperature range that includes 150° F.; (2) said HFO-1234yf and said lubricant are stable when in contact in said vapor compression air conditioning system; and (3) said refrigerant has no substantial acute toxicity as measured by inhalation exposure to mice and rats.2. The method of wherein said lubricant is present in the heat transfer composition in an amount of from about 30% to about 50% by weight.3. The method of wherein said HFO-1234yf is present in the heat transfer composition in an amount of at least about 70% by weight.4. The method of wherein said refrigerant has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of not greater than about 150.5. A method of conditioning the air in an automobile using an automobile air conditioning system including at least one compressor claim 3 , at least one condenser and at least one evaporator claim 3 , said method comprising:(a) utilizing in said system a heat transfer composition consisting essentially of:(i) at least about 50% by weight of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf); and(ii) lubricant consisting ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023025A1

The present invention provides a refrigerating machine oil comprising: a base oil containing an ester of dipentaerythritol with 2-methylbutanoic acid and n-pentanoic acid; and at least one epoxy compound selected from the group consisting of a glycidyl ester compound and a glycidyl ether compound, the refrigerating machine oil being used with a difluoromethane refrigerant. 1. A refrigerating machine oil comprising:a base oil comprising an ester of dipentaerythritol with 2-methylbutanoic acid and n-pentanoic acid; andat least one epoxy compound selected from the group consisting of a glycidyl ester compound and a glycidyl ether compound.2. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the ester in the base oil is 30% by mass or more and 100% by mass or less.3. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the epoxy compound is 0.01% by mass or more and 5.0% by mass or less based on a total amount of the refrigerating machine oil.4. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine claim 1 , comprising: a base oil comprising an ester of dipentaerythritol with 2-methylbutanoic acid and n-pentanoic acid; and', 'at least one epoxy compound selected from the group consisting of a glycidyl ester compound and a glycidyl ether compound; and, 'a refrigerating machine oil comprisinga refrigerant comprising a difluoromethane refrigerant.5. The working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 4 , wherein a ratio of the ester in the base oil is 30% by mass or more and 100% by mass or less.6. The working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 4 , wherein a content of the epoxy compound is 0.01% by mass or more and 5.0% by mass or less based on a total amount of the refrigerating machine oil. The present invention relates to a refrigerating machine oil and a working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine.Refrigerating machines such as refrigerators, car air- ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025394A1
Автор: Rached Wissam
Принадлежит: Arkema France

Compositions which are based on tetrafluoropropene and more particularly relates to compositions including 60% to 90% by weight of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 10% to 40% by weight of at least one compound selected from difluoroethane and difluoromethane, which can be used as a heat transfer fluid. The compositions may include 60% to 79% by weight of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 21% to 40% by weight of a compound selected from difluoroethane and difluoromethane. 1. A method of replacing R22 in a heat pump or air conditioner , the method comprising replacing a first heat transfer fluid of R22 with a second heat-transfer fluid comprising a composition consisting of 60% to 85% by weight of 2 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and 15% to 40% by weight of a mixture of difluoromethane and 1 ,1-difluoroethane , and optionally a stabilizer.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the composition consists of 60% to 85% by weight of 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and 5% to 35% by weight of difluoromethane and 5% to 20% by weight of 1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane claim 1 , the total amount of difluoromethane and 1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane being 15% to 40% by weight of the composition claim 1 , and optionally a stabilizer.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the composition consists of 60% to 85% by weight of 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene and 10% to 25% by weight of difluoromethane and 5% to 20% by weight of 1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane claim 1 , the total amount of difluoromethane and 1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane being 15% to 40% by weight of the composition claim 1 , and optionally a stabilizer.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the composition consists of 60% to 80% by weight of 2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetrafluoropropene claim 1 , 10% to 30% by weight of difluoromethane claim 1 , and 10% to 30% by weight of 1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane claim 1 , the total amount of difluoromethane and 1 claim 1 ,1- ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for retrofitting a refrigeration system from hcfc to hfc refrigerant

Номер: US20160025395A1
Автор: Charles Harkins
Принадлежит: Hudson Technologies Inc

A system and method for retrofitting a refrigeration system containing an HCFC refrigerant and a compatible lubricant, with an HFC refrigerant, comprising providing a transport container containing a mixture of a miscible lubricant and the HFC refrigerant, removing the HCFC refrigerant from the refrigeration system while maintaining at least a portion of a lubricant immiscible with the HFC refrigerant, and charging the refrigeration system with the mixture. The polyol ester lubricant may be present in a range exceeding about 5-15% by weight, e.g., 8%.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041911A1

The present application relates to compositions comprising (E)-1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoro-1-propene (i.e., R-1225ye(E) or HFO-1225ye(E)), R-32, and, optionally, one or more additional components, that are useful in refrigeration, air conditioning, or heat pump systems. Methods of replacing R-134a or R-513A in refrigeration, air conditioning, or heat pump systems are also provided. 1. A composition comprising (E)-1 ,2 ,3 ,3 ,3-pentafluoro-1-propene and R-32.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 85 to about 95 weight percent (E)-1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-pentafluoro-1-propene and about 15 to about 5 weight percent R-32.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 90 weight percent (E)-1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-pentafluoro-1-propene and about 10 weight percent R-32.4. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a compound selected from HFO-1234yf claim 1 , R-125 claim 1 , and CO claim 1 , or any mixture thereof.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the composition comprises about 40 to about 95 weight percent (E)-1 claim 4 ,2 claim 4 ,3 claim 4 ,3 claim 4 ,3-pentafluoro-1-propene.6. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the composition comprises about 2 to about 12 weight percent R-32.7. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the composition comprises about 41 to about 48 weight percent HFO-1234yf.8. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the composition comprises about 1 to about 6 weight percent R-125.9. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the composition comprises about 1 to about 3 weight percent CO.10. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the composition comprises (E)-1 claim 4 ,2 claim 4 ,3 claim 4 ,3 claim 4 ,3-pentafluoro-1-propene claim 4 , R-32 claim 4 , HFO-1234yf claim 4 , and R-125.11. The composition of claim 10 , wherein the composition comprises about 41 to about 49 weight percent (E)-1 claim 10 ,2 claim 10 ,3 claim 10 ,3 claim 10 ,3-pentafluoro-1-propene ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023956A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A composition including a lubricant based on polyol esters (POEs) or PVE and a refrigerant F including from 1 to 99% by weight of trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (trans-HFO-1234ze) and from 1 to 99% by weight of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane. Also, the use of the composition including a lubricant and refrigerant in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps. 17-. (canceled)8. A composition comprising at least one lubricant comprising at least one polyol ester or at least one polyvinyl ether and a refrigerant comprising from 5 to 10% by weight of trans-1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (trans-HFO-1234ze) and from 10 to 30% by weight of 1 ,1 ,1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane.9. The composition according to claim 8 , wherein the refrigerant comprises from 5 to 10% by weight of trans-1 claim 8 ,3 claim 8 ,3 claim 8 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (trans-HFO-1234ze) and from 20 to 30% by weight of 1 claim 8 ,1 claim 8 ,1 claim 8 ,2-tetrafluoroethane.10. The composition according to claim 8 , wherein the at least one lubricant comprises at least one polyol ester claim 8 , wherein the at least one polyol ester is obtained from a polyol having a neopentyl backbone.11. The composition according to claim 10 , wherein the polyol having a neopentyl backbone is selected from the group consisting of neopentyl glycol claim 10 , trimethylolpropane claim 10 , and dipentaerythritol.12. The composition according to claim 8 , wherein the at least one lubricant comprises at least one polyol ester claim 8 , wherein the at least one polyol ester is obtained from a linear or branched carboxylic acid containing from 2 to 15 carbon atoms.13. The composition according to claim 8 , wherein the at least one lubricant comprises at least one polyol ester claim 8 , wherein the at least one polyol ester is between 10 and 50% by weight of the composition.14. The composition according to claim 8 , wherein the polyvinyl ether represents between 10 and 50% by weight of the composition.16. The composition according to claim ...
