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15-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2795927C2
Принадлежит: ТЕКНИП ФРАНС (FR)

Изобретение касается способа обработки питающего газа, в котором обеспечивают питающий газовый поток и направляют питающий газовый поток в экстракционную установку для извлечения жидкостей природного газа; в экстракционной установке охлаждают и предпочтительно по меньшей мере частично сжижают питающий газовый поток, расширяют в средстве расширения и разделяют в сепарационной колонне по меньшей мере один поток, полученный из охлажденного питающего газового потока, и после разделения извлекают обработанный газовый поток и поток жидкостей природного газа; сжимают обработанный газовый поток в по меньшей мере одном компрессоре установки сжатия для получения сжатого обработанного газового потока; в фракционной установке производят разделение потока жидкостей природного газа на множество углеводородных фракций. И из сжатого обработанного газового потока отбирают поток рецикла; и повторно вводят поток рецикла без его охлаждения в питающий газовый поток выше по ходу потока от экстракционной установки ...

21-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2730289C2

Предложена установка низкотемпературной дефлегмации с ректификацией НТДР для комплексной подготовки газа и выработки СПГ, включающая входной сепаратор, блок низкотемпературной конденсации с редуцирующими устройствами, содержащий первый и второй рекуперационные теплообменники, дефлегматор с теплообменной секцией, соединенный линией подачи газа дефлегмации, оснащенной редуцирующим устройством, с низкотемпературным сепаратором, оснащенным линией вывода подготовленного природного газа, а также блок стабилизации конденсата, где в качестве низкотемпературного сепаратора установлен деметанизатор с линией подачи деметанизированного конденсата и линией вывода подготовленного природного газа, оснащенной первым рекуперационным теплообменником, по меньшей мере одно из редуцирующих устройств выполнено в виде детандера, на линии подачи газа дефлегмации после редуцирующего устройства расположен сепаратор, соединенный с деметанизатором линией подачи остатка сепарации, на которой расположена теплообменная ...

13-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2751340C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к установке для подготовки попутного нефтяного газа, включающей конвертор и дефлегматор. При этом на линии подачи попутного нефтяного газа установлен сатуратор, оснащенный линиями ввода нагретой и вывода охлажденной воды и линией вывода газа сатурации, на которой после примыкания линии подачи водного конденсата расположены дефлегматор, рекуперационный теплообменник и конвертор, оснащенный линией вывода конвертированного газа, на которой после примыкания линии ввода воздуха расположен реактор селективного каталитического окисления водорода с линией вывода газопаровой смеси, на которой расположены рекуперационный теплообменник и дефлегматор, оснащенный линиями подачи охлаждающей/вывода нагретой воды, а также линиями вывода водного конденсата и подготовленного газа. Технический результат - исключение подачи тепла со стороны и снижение содержания водорода в подготовленном газе. 1 ил.

04-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690508C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения сжиженного углеводородного газа с низким содержанием азота. Способ получения сжиженной обогащенной углеводородом фракции (фракции продукта) с содержанием азота ≤ 1 мол.% осуществляют следующим образом. Обогащенную углеводородом фракцию сжижают и переохлаждают с помощью холодильного контура, а затем подвергают ректификационному удалению азота. Способ отличается тем, что: а) сжиженную и переохлажденную обогащенную углеводородом фракцию (2) расширяют (V1) и подают в колонну (Т1) отгонки азота, б) фракцию (4) продукта отводят из ее нижней части, в) обогащенную азотом фракцию (5) отводят из ее верхней части, сжимают (С1), сжижают и переохлаждают (Е1-Е3) с помощью холодильного контура (К), расширяют (V2) и подают в колонну (Т2) азота высокого давления, г) часть потока обогащенной азотом фракции из колонны (Т2) азота высокого давления, который был охлажден с помощью холодильного контура (K), подают в качестве ребойлерного потока (9), д) обедненную азотом ...

27-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2402592C2

Изобретение относится к производству потока сжиженного природного газа (СПГ). Изобретение касается способа производства потока сжиженного природного газа, в котором перед сжижением природного газа из его потока удаляют тяжелые углеводородные компоненты с молекулярным весом, большим молекулярного веса бутана, включающего следующие этапы, на которых создают в основном парообразный поток (1) природного газа с давлением и температурой потока подаваемого газа; подают поток подаваемого газа (1) в дистилляционную колонну (10), имеющую две или больше ступени (11) сепарации; отбирают нижний поток (17) из нижней части дистилляционной колонны (10) и верхний поток (16) из верхней части дистилляционной колонны (10), причем верхний поток (16) содержит относительно меньшее количество компонентов тяжелых углеводородов, чем нижний поток (17); и сжижают по меньшей мере часть верхнего потока (16), в результате чего получают поток сжиженного природного газа; отличающегося тем, что перед подачей потока (1) ...

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446370C2

Способ обработки потока природного газа включает стадии подачи частично сконденсированного сырьевого потока (10), имеющего давление свыше 50 бар, в первый аппарат (2) для разделения газа/жидкости, разделения сырьевого потока (10) в первом аппарате (2) для разделения газа/жидкости на первый поток (20) пара и первый поток (70) жидкости, расширения первого потока (20) пара с получением частично сконденсированного первого потока (30) пара, подачи потока (30) пара во второй аппарат (4) для разделения газа/жидкости, разделения потока (30) во втором аппарате (4) для разделения газа/жидкости на второй поток (60) пара и второй поток (40) жидкости, повышения давления второго потока (40) жидкости до давления, равного по меньшей мере 50 бар, с получением в результате сжатого второго потока (50) жидкости и возврата сжатого второго потока (50) жидкости в первый аппарат (2) для разделения газа/жидкости. Первый поток (70) жидкости направляют в третий аппарат (7) для разделения газа/жидкости, который представляет ...

05-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2624652C1

Изобретение относится к установкам низкотемпературной сепарации и может быть использовано в газовой промышленности для промысловой подготовки скважинной продукции газоконденсатных месторождений. Трехпродуктовая установка комплексной подготовки газа включает входной сепаратор, дефлегматор, редуцирующее устройство и низкотемпературный сепаратор. Перед входным сепаратором установлен эжектор, оснащенный линией подачи газа дебутанизации. Перед дефлегматором установлены рекуперационный теплообменник и редуцирующее устройство. Низкотемпературный сепаратор соединен линиями подачи газа деэтанизации и конденсата с деэтанизатором, оснащенным линией вывода пропан-бутановой фракции, связанным с дефлегматором линией подачи конденсата, на которой установлено редуцирующее устройство. В установку включены редуцирующее устройство и дебутанизатор, оснащенный линиями подачи газа дебутанизации и вывода стабильного конденсата. На линии подачи конденсата из дефлегматора между редуцирующим устройством и деэтанизатором ...

05-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2624656C1

Группа изобретений относится к способам подготовки газа путем низкотемпературной конденсации и может быть использована в газовой промышленности для промысловой подготовки скважинной продукции газоконденсатных месторождений. Согласно первому варианту предложенного способа сырой газ сепарируют на первой ступени с получением газа, водного и углеводородного конденсатов, последний редуцируют и стабилизируют совместно с конденсатом второй ступени с получением первого газа стабилизации и остатка. Газ первой ступени редуцируют и в смеси с первым газом стабилизации сепарируют на второй ступени путем охлаждения в условиях дефлегмации с получением конденсата и газа, который редуцируют, смешивают со вторым газом стабилизации и сепарируют на третьей ступени с получением конденсата и газа, который нагревают и выводят в качестве товарного. Остаток стабилизации редуцируют и стабилизируют совместно с конденсатом третьей ступени с получением товарного конденсата и второго газа стабилизации. Согласно второму ...

30-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2609172C1

Изобретение относится к способам подготовки углеводородных газов путем низкотемпературной сепарации и может быть использовано для подготовки попутного нефтяного газа в нефтяной промышленности. Углеводородный газ 1 компримируют на первой ступени 2 с охлаждением компрессата внешним хладагентом в условиях дефлегмации,с получением конденсата 4 и сжатого газа 5, который компримируют на второй ступени 6 с охлаждением компрессата внешним хладагентом (не показан) и газом низкотемпературной сепарации, который затем выводят в качестве подготовленного газа 7, с получением конденсата 8 и сжатого газа 9, который редуцируют с помощью устройства 10 и разделяют на подготовленный газ 7 и конденсат 12, который редуцируют с помощью устройства 13 и деэтанизируют в сепараторе 16 совместно с редуцированными в устройствах 14 и 15 конденсатами 4 и 8 первой и второй ступеней 2 и 6 с получением товарного конденсата 17 и газа деэтанизации 3, который рециркулируют на первую ступень 2 компримирования. При необходимости ...

18-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2608392C1

Изобретение относится к способам подготовки газа путем низкотемпературной конденсации и может быть использовано в газовой промышленности для извлечения в промысловых условиях этан-бутановой фракции из скважинной продукции газоконденсатных месторождений. Согласно предложенному способу сырой газ сепарируют на первой ступени с получением водного конденсата, который выводят, углеводородного конденсата и газа, которые осушают, осушенный газ охлаждают частично нагретым газом третьей ступени, редуцируют и сепарируют на второй ступени в условиях дефлегмации за счет охлаждения газом третьей ступени с получением конденсата и газа, который редуцируют и сепарируют на третьей ступени совместно с газом деметанизации с получением газа, который после нагрева выводят в качестве товарного газа, и конденсата, который деметанизируют совместно с редуцированными осушенным конденсатом первой ступени и конденсатом второй ступени с получением газа и фракции С. Технический результат: исключение потребления ингибитора ...

05-05-2017 дата публикации

Способ и установка вариативной переработки газа деэтанизации

Номер: RU2618632C1

Изобретение относится к переработке газа деэтанизации и применяется для очистки газа деэтанизации от примесей: пропанобутановой фракции, фракций С, Си выше. Установка включает в себя турбодетандер, ректификационные колонны, промывочную колонну, отпарную колонну, низкотемпературные сепараторы, фильтры, многопоточный пластинчатый теплообменник, рекуперативный теплообменник, воздушные холодильники, ребойлеры для колонн, насосы, емкость-отстойник, рефлюксную емкость, емкость сбора водометанольного раствора, клапан-регулятор и клапаны-отсекатели со штуцерами ввода и вывода соответствующих газообразных и жидких технологических потоков. Получение холода для низкотемпературной сепарации осуществляют только редуцированием и расширением избыточно сжатого в турбодетандерном агрегате газа с передачей холода в многопоточном пластинчатом теплообменнике. В застойные зоны концентрирования кристаллогидратов вводится метанол, при этом дополнительная вариативность переработки газа деэтанизации обеспечивают ...

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2493510C2

Способ отделения одного или более С+углеводородов из жидкого углеводородного потока включает подачу потока углеводородного сырья со смешанными фазами в виде потока частично испарившегося углеводородного сырья в первый газожидкостной сепаратор. Поток углеводородного сырья со смешанными фазами получают из одного или более резервуаров-хранилищ посредством пропускания через теплообменник жидкого углеводородного потока из одного или более резервуаров-хранилищ. Далее разделяют поток углеводородного сырья со смешанными фазами в первом газожидкостном сепараторе на первый газообразный поток, выходящий из первого выхода, и, по меньшей мере, один жидкий поток C+. Первый газообразный поток пропускают через компрессор, в результате чего получают компримированный поток, который охлаждают в одном или более теплообменниках, в результате чего получают поток, по крайней мере, частично сконденсированного углеводородного продукта. Второй газообразный поток добавляют к потоку после первого выхода. Второй газообразный ...

13-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697330C1

Изобретение относится к установкам низкотемпературной сепарации и может быть использовано в газовой промышленности для выделения углеводородов Сиз природного газа. Предложена установка, включающая в варианте 1 блок осушки, внешний контур охлаждения в составе испарителя, компрессора, конденсатора и редуцирующего устройства, два рекуперационных теплообменника, три редуцирующих устройства, сепаратор, дефлегматор и деметанизатор. Вариант 2 взамен оборудования внешнего контура охлаждения включает компрессор, холодильник и четвертое редуцирующее устройство. При работе варианта 1 газ высокого давления осушают и разделяют на два потока, первый охлаждают в первом рекуперационном теплообменнике, а второй - в испарителе и во втором рекуперационном теплообменнике, затем потоки объединяют, редуцируют и направляют в дефлегматор, охлаждаемый газом низкого давления, который затем нагревают в первом рекуперационном теплообменнике и выводят. При циркуляции хладагент внешнего контура после нагрева в испарителе ...

23-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753755C1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для промысловой подготовки природного газа и может быть использовано в газовой промышленности. Изобретение касается установки комплексной подготовки газа с увеличенным извлечением газового конденсата, включающей расположенные на линии сырого природного газа узел охлаждения и сепаратор, соединенный с деметанизатором линией подачи газа сепарации с редуцирующим устройством, при этом низ деметанизатора соединен линией подачи деметанизированного конденсата с блоком фракционирования, оснащенным линиями вывода углеводородных фракций, и оснащен нагревателем, а верх деметанизатора соединен линией подготовленного природного газа с узлом охлаждения. В качестве сепаратора расположен входной сепаратор, соединенный с блоком фракционирования линией подачи остатка сепарации, в качестве узла охлаждения установлены первый и второй рекуперативные теплообменники, а в качестве редуцирующего устройства установлен детандер. Линия подачи газа сепарации после входного сепаратора ...

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009101148A

... 1. Способ обработки потока углеводородов, например потока природного газа, включающий, по меньшей мере, стадии: ! (a) подачи частично сконденсированного сырьевого потока (10), имеющего давление свыше 50 бар, в первый аппарат (2) для разделения газа/жидкости; ! (b) разделения сырьевого потока (10) в первом аппарате (2) для разделения газа/жидкости на первый поток (20) пара и первый поток (70) жидкости; ! (c) расширения первого потока (20) пара, полученного на стадии (b), с получением в результате, по меньшей мере, частично сконденсированного первого потока (30) пара; ! (d) подачи, по меньшей мере, частичного сконденсированного первого потока (30) пара, полученного на стадии (с), во второй аппарат (4) для разделения газа/жидкости; ! (e) разделения потока (30), полученного на стадии (d), во втором аппарате (4) для разделения газа/жидкости на второй поток (60) пара и второй поток (40) жидкости; ! (f) повышения давления второго потока (40) жидкости, полученного на стадии (е), до давления, равного ...

15-05-2018 дата публикации

Способ извлечения нефти, конденсата и высокомолекулярных соединений

Номер: RU2613644C9

Способ может быть использован на предприятиях газодобывающей, газоперерабатывающей и нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности, входящих в единый технико-экономический региональный кластер. Способ извлечения нефти, конденсата и высокомолекулярных соединений осуществляется на комплексе, включающем, по крайней мере, два газоконденсатных месторождения с нефтяными оторочками. Первое месторождение является истощаемым, а второе – высокопродуктивным. Месторождения различаются содержанием примесей сероводорода и диоксида углерода в добываемом углеводородном газе. Способ осуществляется закачкой в пласты газоконденсатных месторождений с нефтяными оторочками диоксида углерода и извлечения газожидкостной смеси. При этом диоксид углерода для закачки в пласты первого месторождения на начальной стадии работы вырабатывают из добываемого углеводородного газа второго, имеющего большее количество диоксида углерода. Соотношение примесей сероводорода и диоксида углерода в извлекаемом углеводородном газе для первого ...

13-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2726332C1

Изобретение относится к установке низкотемпературной дефлегмации с ректификацией и может быть использовано в газовой промышленности для подготовки природного газа. Изобретение касается установки для безотходной комплексной подготовки газа по технологии низкотемпературной дефлегмации с ректификацией (НТДР), включающей рекуперационный теплообменник, детандер, соединенный с компрессором кинематической или электрической связью, дефлегматор с линией подачи флегмы, соединенный линией подачи газа дефлегмации, оборудованной редуцирующим устройством, с сепаратором, оснащенным линиями вывода подготовленного газа и конденсата, а также линией подачи метансодержащего газа из блока фракционирования. На линии подачи газа установлен входной сепаратор, оснащенный линиями подачи конденсата и газа, которая разделена на две линии, на первой линии расположены рекуперационный теплообменник, примыкание второй линии, редуцирующее устройство и дефлегматор, на второй линии установлен узел охлаждения, оснащенный ...

13-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2726369C1

Изобретение относится к низкотемпературной дефлегмации с ректификацией и может быть использовано в газовой промышленности для деэтанизации магистрального природного газа. Изобретение касается установки для получения углеводородов Cиз магистрального газа по технологии низкотемпературной дефлегмации с ректификацией (НТДР) с линией магистрального природного газа, оборудованной блоком осушки, после которого последняя разделена на две линии, на первой линии расположен рекуперационный теплообменник, примыкание второй линии, редуцирующее устройство и дефлегматор с линией вывода конденсата и линией вывода газа дефлегмации с редуцирующим устройством, а на второй линии расположен узел охлаждения с компрессором, включающей блок фракционирования с линией подачи метансодержащего газа. Редуцирующие устройства, выполненные в виде детандера, соединены с компрессором посредством кинематической или электрической связи. На линии магистрального природного газа после блока осушки последовательно расположены ...

13-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2726329C1

Изобретение относится к установкам выделения углеводородов Сиз магистрального газа и может быть использовано в газовой промышленности. Изобретение касается установки низкотемпературной дефлегмации с ректификацией для деэтанизации природного газа с линиями газа высокого и низкого давления, включающей расположенный на линии газа высокого давления блок осушки, после которого последняя разделена на две линии, на первой линии расположен рекуперационный теплообменник и примыкание второй линии, после которого расположен первый детандер и дефлегматор с линией вывода флегмы, соединенный линией подачи газа дефлегмации, оснащенной вторым детандером, и линией подачи газа низкого давления с сепаратором, который соединен с блоком фракционирования линиями подачи метансодержащего газа и широкой фракции легких углеводородов. Детандеры соединены с компрессором посредством кинематической или электрической связи. В качестве сепаратора установлен деметанизатор, соединенный с дефлегматором линией подачи флегмы ...

13-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2726371C1

Изобретение относится к установкам низкотемпературной дефлегмации с ректификацией и может быть использовано в газовой промышленности для деэтанизации магистрального природного газа. Изобретение касается установки для выделения углеводородов Сиз магистрального природного газа по технологии низкотемпературной дефлегмации с ректификацией (НТДР) с линией магистрального природного газа, оборудованной блоком осушки, после которого последняя разделена на две линии, на первой линии расположен рекуперационный теплообменник, примыкание второй линии, редуцирующее устройство и дефлегматор с линией вывода конденсата и линией вывода газа дефлегмации с редуцирующим устройством, на второй линии расположен узел охлаждения с компрессором, включающей блок фракционирования с линией подачи метансодержащего газа, при этом редуцирующие устройства, выполненные в виде детандера, соединены с компрессором посредством кинематической или электрической связи. На линии магистрального газа после примыкания второй линии ...

14-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2714310C1

Предложен растворитель на основе тяжелых углеводородов, являющихся отходами производства сжиженного природного газа, полученный в процессе переработки природного газа в сжиженный природный газ, состоящий из компонентов исходного природного газа, при этом растворитель имеет следующем состав, мас. %: пропан - от 0 до 0,5; бутаны - от 2 до 5; пентаны - от 8 до 12; гексаны - от 14 до 18; гептаны - от 12 до 14; октаны - от 4 до 7; нонаны - от 0 до 4; деканы - от 0 до 2; алкил-циклопентаны - от 10 до 15; алкил-циклогексаны - от 23 до 28; ароматические углеводороды - от 2 до 4; бициклические углеводороды - от 2 до 4; эфиры - от 0,5 до 2; адамантаны - от 0,5 до 2. Технический результат – органический растворитель, удаляющий до 100% масляной пленки с металлической, стеклянной, керамической или пластмассовой поверхности, подходящий для применения в любых климатических районах и в любое время года. 1 пр.

21-05-1959 дата публикации

Waschoel fuer Schwelgase

Номер: DE0001057723B

27-02-2003 дата публикации

Separation of lower hydrocarbons comprises operating de-ethanizer at no less than de-methanizer pressure and combines head fractions for at least an interval

Номер: DE0010140585A1

A de-ethanizer (E) is operated at the same, or a higher pressure than the de-methanizer (M). At least some of the 2C-rich fraction (9) withdrawn at the head of the de-ethanizer is supplied for at least an interval to the 1C-rich fraction (11, 11') withdrawn at the head of the de-methanizer. Preferred Features: The fluid fraction (5) withdrawn from the sump of the de-methanizer, which is supplied to the de-ethanizer, is made available at least at a pressure permitting admixture of the head product (8, 9) of the de-ethanizer to the head product (11, 11') of the de-methanizer, without an additional compression of the former. For an interval , especially when recovered 2C-rich fraction is not extracted, one or more of the following measures is adopted. The temperature of the recycle stream (2, 3''') supplied to the demethanizer (M) is increased by up to 20 K, preferably by 10-15 K. The quantity of this recycle is reduced, or supply is interrupted. The temperature of the hydrocarbon-rich fraction ...

03-02-1965 дата публикации

Process for treating ethylene streams

Номер: GB0000982228A

Ethylene containing entrained condensible polymer is purified for recycle to the polymerisation by passing through (a) a cooling zone previously used for condensation at a temperature sufficient to melt and remove solidified condensed materials, (b) a zone where condensible materials are deposited and (c) a cooling zone wherein further condensible materials are condensed and deposited as solids and periodically reversing the flow. The feed may be a recycle stream 13 in an ethylene high-pressure polymerization process from which most of the polymer products has been removed in zone 11. Gas at above 1000 p.s.i.g. and at 450-550 DEG F. is introduced by line 19 into zone A comprising a fan-cooled condenser 20 and a heat-exchanger 22 which have previously been used for condensation and contain solid polyethylene. No cooling is applied and the polymer is melted and passes with the gas through lines 27 and 29 into separator 30 where by changing the direction and velocity of the gas the polymer ...

30-12-1998 дата публикации

Ethane recovery systems and processes

Номер: GB0009824166D0

05-09-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in the washing out of hydrocarbons from gases

Номер: GB0000491657A

... 491,657. Washing gases. JOHNSON, G. W. (I. G. Farbenindustrie Akt.-Ges.) Feb. 5, 1937, No. 3497. [Class 55 (ii)] One or more hydrocarbons are washed out of a gas mixture by washing oil first at d in the same direction of flow, and then washing with fresh oil at e in counter-current, preferably cooling during washing. The gas, e.g. a mixture of methane, propylene, isobutane and isobutylene is compressed at b, passed through a cooler d where it is washed in co-current with oil from a pipe c, and passes up a tower e to the top of which washing oil is fed from a pipe f. The gas solution at the bottom of the tower is fed by a pipe h to a regeneration plant i, where dissolved gases are removed from the oil by release of pressure or by distillation, the oil being returned by pipes c, f. Waste gas containing methane passes off at the top of the tower.

15-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001267008A

22-01-1925 дата публикации

Process for draining and pressing peat

Номер: GB0000227673A

... 227,673. Maus, K. March 27, 1924. Addition to 182,503. Peat, preparing.-Relates to a process of draining and pressing peat, as described in the parent Specification, in which the peat is subjected, without previous crushing, to a slowly acting pressure in press chambers having perforated walls, and consists in disintegrating the blocks, and, after admixture, if desired, with coarsegrained dry peat, subjecting the peat to a second pressing in similar press chambers.

11-08-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in the production and purification of light oils by the distillation offuel

Номер: GB0000378217A

Relates to the treatment of light oils obtained from the products of the destructive distillation of coal as described in Specifications 356,079 and 357,057, [both in Group XII], according to which the gases and vapours are drawn by suction from ducts in the charge. The light oils are, before subjecting them to washing with concentrated sulphuric acid, treated with a polymerizing agent of restricted activity. This treatment may be with sulphuric acid of 80 per cent strength at atmospheric temperature, or of lesser concentration at a higher temperature; or with halide salts such as zinc chloride, aluminium chloride or ferric chloride, with ferric sulphate, sodium methylate, sodium ethylate, boric or phosphoric acid, or with adsorption materials such as silica gel, activated carbon, infusorial earth, or fuller's earth.

18-02-1970 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing Hydrocarbon Gas Streams

Номер: GB0001181989A

... 1,181,989. Separating gaseous hydrocarbons. CONTINENTAL OIL. CO. 20 Sept., 1967 [9 Dec., 1966], No. 32870/67. Heading B1L. [Also in Division C5] Ethane and ethylene are removed from hydrocarbon feed streams 1, e.g. natural gas, by passing the feed to and through hot desorbed adsorption bed 4, whereby the bed is cooled and the effluent gas, from which ethane and ethylene has been removed until the bed is saturated, is heated. Displaced gas passes by lines 10, 14, 16 and 31, blower 22, line 23, heat exchanger 27, line 23, heater 24 (which may be bypassed), and lines 25, 7 and 9 to bed 5, displacing the gas therein through lines 11, 13 and 26 to residue. While bed 4 is in the adsorption phase, hot gas is passed from heater 24, through lines 25, 7 and 9 to bed 5 to desorb sorbate, while effluent from bed 4 passes to residue through lines 12 and 26. Desorbate from bed 5 circulates in a closed path through lines 11, 15, 31, blower 22, line 23, heater 24 and thence back as described above to bed ...

22-07-1970 дата публикации

Process for Separating Black Oil Conversion Product

Номер: GB0001199740A

... 1,199,740. Purifying hydrocarbons. UNIVERSAL OIL PRODUCTS CO. 28 Dec., 1967 [30 Dec., 1966], No. 58818/67. Heading C5E. A process for separating a mixed-phase hydrocarbonaceous conversion product effluent containing hydrocarbons boiling above 566‹ C. comprises the steps of (a) separating said effluent in a first separation zone at a temperature above 371‹ C. and a pressure above 68 atmospheres gauge to provide a first vapour phase and a first liquid phase; (b) cooling said first vapour phase, introducing the same into a second separation zone at a temperature below 60‹ C. and a pressure substantially the same as in said first separation zone, and separating therein a hydrogen-rich second vapour phase and a second liquid phase principally comprising propane and heavier normally liquid hydrocarbons; (c) introducing at least a portion of said first liquid phase, at a pressure less than 13À6 atmospheres gauge, into a third separation zone at a point below a mesh blanket which extends across ...

16-12-1987 дата публикации

Processing inert-rich natural gas streams

Номер: GB0002191502A

A process for processing of an inert-rich natural gas stream with a preferential physical solvent to obtain a specification-grade inert gas product, a specification-grade hydrocarbon gas product, and a specification-grade hydrocarbon liquids product. The process is an adaptation of the extractive flashing and extractive stripping versions of the Mehra Process.

24-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002224036B

05-07-2000 дата публикации

Enhanced NGL recovery

Номер: GB0000011862D0

09-07-1969 дата публикации

Impregnation of Activated Carbon with Monoethanolamine and Reactivation of Monoethanolamine Impregnated Activated Carbon

Номер: GB0001157377A

... 1,157,377. Monoethanolamine impregnated carbon. PITTSBURGH ACTIVATED CARBON CO. 17 Nov., 1967 [18 Nov., 1966], No. 52338/67. Heading C1A. Activated carbon is impregnated with monoethanolamine (M.E.A.) by passing M.E.A. vapour through the carbon. The impregnated carbon so produced is especially suitable for the removal of acid gases from inert gases as described in Specification 1,157,376, since it has a longer effective life in removing the acid gas than samples produced by impregnation with liquids. The carbon, which may vary in size from 4 to 325 mesh (U.S. Sieve) is impregnated with 1 to 50% of M.E.A. based on the weight of the M.E.A. and carbon. After use the spent carbon may be regenerated by exposure to further M.E.A. vapour, followed by blowing with inert gas to remove excess M.E.A. The apparatus shown has means for exposing- the carbon bed 4 to M.E.A. vapour from a boiler through line 10 or to the gas mixture to be treated through line 6. A condenser 26 and outlet lines 14, 28 for ...

17-07-1957 дата публикации

Processes for the separation of mixtures of fluids by distillation and/or absorption

Номер: GB0000779073A

... Recovery of C3 hydrocarbons from cracked and distillation gases is effected in an absorption column 15 to which the gases are fed at 20 atmospheres pressure through a line 16 and to which a liquid gasoline fraction at 16 DEG C. is fed through a line 17 connected to the base of a distillation column 18 fed with loaded absorption liquid issuing from the base of column 15. The C3 hydrocarbon product is discharged from the column 18 at the top thereof and the purified gasoline leaving the base at 240 DEG C. has its temperature reduced to 16 DEG C. in a water cooler 25 and in exchangers 23, 21 cooled by gas from the top of column 15 after expansion in vortex tubes 20, 22. Specification 405,781 [Group XIII] is referred to.

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for seperating and recovering NGLS from hydrocarbon streams

Номер: AP0201306857A0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609218D0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009218A0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003707A

31-08-2008 дата публикации

Continuous process for converting natural gas t liquid hydrocarbons

Номер: AP2008004581A0

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Continuous process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons

Номер: AP2012006510A0

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Processing materials.

Номер: AP2011005686A0

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for seperating and recovering NGLS from hydrocarbon streams

Номер: AP2013006857A0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of removing heavy hydrocarbons

Номер: AP2013007175A0

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Process of separation of hydrocarbon products of conversion.

Номер: OA0000002564A

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Process of separation of a product of conversion to mixed phases.

Номер: OA0000002549A

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Process of gas purification containing of the acid impurities.

Номер: OA0000002207A

30-06-1988 дата публикации

Process for the liquid waste processing of the oil fields.

Номер: OA0000008399A

31-03-1987 дата публикации

Process for the liquid waste processing of the oil fields.

Номер: OA0000008169A

15-12-1970 дата публикации

Cooler of gas and its applications.

Номер: OA0000003330A

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609218A0

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Processing materials.

Номер: AP0201105686D0

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for seperating and recovering NGLS from hydrocarbon streams

Номер: AP0201306857D0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of removing heavy hydrocarbons

Номер: AP0201307175D0

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Processing materials.

Номер: AP0201105686A0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of removing heavy hydrocarbons

Номер: AP0201307175A0

15-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000033673T

26-04-1926 дата публикации

Procedure for the separation of components from gas mixtures.

Номер: AT0000103233B

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for storing and transporting gases

Номер: AU2011280115A1

A method and system of storing and transporting valuable gases comprising mixing the gases with liquid natural gas to form a mixture. The mixture is transported in vessel configured for cooling the mixture by boiling a portion of liquid natural gas. The transportation vessel is further configured to be cooled in the absence of valuable gases by a remaining portion of liquid natural gas. The method further comprises recycling liquid natural gas through the vessel for pre-cooling the vessel prior to loading the mixture of valuable gases and liquid natural gas.

22-05-2008 дата публикации

Configurations and methods for gas condensate separation from high-pressure hydrocarbon mixtures

Номер: AU2007319977A1

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon gas processing

Номер: AU2011233577A1

A process and an apparatus are disclosed for a compact processing assembly to recover C (or C) components and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream. The gas stream is cooled and divided into first and second streams. The first stream is further cooled, expanded to lower pressure, and supplied as a feed between first and second absorbing means. The second stream is expanded to lower pressure and supplied as bottom feed to the second absorbing means. A distillation vapor stream from the first absorbing means is heated, compressed to higher pressure, and divided into a volatile residue gas fraction and a compressed recycle stream. The compressed recycle stream is cooled, expanded to lower pressure, and supplied as top feed to the first absorbing means. A distillation liquid stream from the second absorbing means is heated in a heat and mass transfer means to strip out its volatile components.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon gas processing

Номер: AU2010259176A2

A process and an apparatus are disclosed for the recovery of ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream in a compact processing assembly. The gas stream is cooled and divided into first and second streams. The first stream is further cooled to condense substantially all of it and is thereafter expanded to lower pressure and heated to form a vapor fraction and a liquid fraction. The liquid fraction is supplied as a first top feed to an absorbing means inside the processing assembly. The second stream is also expanded to lower pressure and supplied as the bottom feed to the absorbing means. A first distillation vapor stream is collected from the upper region of the absorbing means and combined with the vapor fraction to form a combined vapor stream.

04-11-2004 дата публикации

Device and method for collecting vapor gasoline

Номер: AU2003227512A8

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Process, method, and system for removing heavy metals from fluids

Номер: AU2013312430B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

Trace levels of mercury in a natural gas are removed in a gas processing plant in an amine unit and / or a dehydrator. The mercury removal occurs concurrently with the removal of acid gases in an amine unit, e.g., an absorber or scrubber, with an amine solution containing a complexing agent. The mercury removal can also be carried out concurrently with the removal of water in a glycol dehydrator with the addition of a complexing agent to the glycol solution. Volatile mercury in the natural gas is removed by the complexing agent, forming non-volatile mercury species in the rich amine / glycol solution.

12-04-2001 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon gas processing

Номер: AU0000732141B2

23-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003508984A

25-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000965031A1

14-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002510022C

A two-tower scheme process for the recovery of propane and heavier components from a hydrocarbon gas stream is provided. Feed gas (12) is cooled (14), partially condensed, and then separated (24) to give a first liquid stream (22) and a first vapor stream (26). First liquid stream is sent to a distillation tower (28) that recovers at the bottoms a major portion of propane and heavier components (54) and produces an overhead gas stream (42). First vapor stream (26) is expanded (30) and sent as bottom feed (34) to the absorber. Absorber produces an absorber overhead stream (16) containing essentially all the ethane and lighter components and an absorber bottoms stream (18). Absorber bottoms stream is heated (14) and sent to the distillation tower (28) as middle feed (52). Absorber overhead stream is warmed (40) and optionally compressed (48, 49). A part of the compressed stream (20) is substantially condensed and sent to absorber as top feed. The process and apparatus can be used to recover ...

25-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002423699C

A process for the recovery of ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream (31) is disclosed. In recent years, the preferred method of separating a hydrocarbon gas stream (31) generally includes supplying at least portions of the gas stream (31) to a fractionation tower (17) having at least one reboiler, and often one or more side reboilers, to supply heat to the column by withdrawing and heating some of the tower liquids (40, 42) to produce stripping vapors that separate the more volatile components from the desired components. The reboiler and side reboilers (if any) are typically integrated into the feed stream cooling scheme (10) to provide at least a portion of the refrigeration needes to condense the desired components for subsequent fractionation in the distillation column (17). In the process disclosed, the tower reboiling scheme is modified to use one or more tower liquid distillation streams (40) from a point higher in the ...

11-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002764737C

A process and an apparatus are disclosed for a compact processing assembly to recover C2 components (or C3 com-ponents) and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream. The gas stream is cooled and divided into first and second streams. The first stream is further cooled to condense substantially all of it, expanded to lower pressure, and supplied as top feed to an absorbing means. The second stream is also expanded to lower pressure and fed to the bottom of the absorbing means. A distillation vapor stream from the absorbing means is heated by cooling the gas stream and the first stream. A distillation liquid stream from the absorbing means is fed to a heat and mass transfer means to heat it and strip out its volatile components while cooling the gas stream. The absorbing means and the heat and mass transfer means are housed in the processing assembly.

03-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002790961C

A method to recover olefins and C2+ fractions from refineries gas streams. The traditional recovery methods employed at refineries are absorption with solvents and cryogenic technology using compression and expansion aided by external refrigeration systems. In contrast to known methods, there is provided first a pre-cooling heat exchanger on a feed line feeding the gas stream to a in-line mixer, secondly by injecting and mixing a stream of LNG to condense the C2+ fractions upstream of the fractionator. The temperature of the gas stream entering the fractionator is monitored downstream of the in- line mixer. A LNG stream is temperature controlled to flow through the injection inlet and mix with the feed gas at a temperature which results in the condensation of the C2+ fractions before entering the fractionator. A LNG reflux stream is temperature controlled to maintain fractionator overhead temperature. The fractionator bottoms temperature is controlled by a circulating reboiler stream.

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3137970A1

A remote hydrocarbon processing system comprising a gas compressor skid, gas processing skid, electric power generation skid, liquid storage tank, blending skid, and crude oil source, are fluid flow interconnected and located proximate to a producing well. Produced gases are delivered from the well to the gas compressor skid. Compressed natural gas is delivered to the gas processing skid where it is thermally separated to generate a processed gas stream and a processed liquid stream. The processed gas stream is delivered to the electric power generation skid and burned to generate electricity that may be delivered to an electric power transmission line. The processed liquid stream is delivered to the liquid storage tank. Crude oil from the crude oil source and processed liquid stream from the liquid storage tank are delivered to the Blending skid and blended into a lower viscosity, higher API gravity transportable crude oil.

24-02-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA1218234A

METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SEPARATING GASES AND LIQUIDS FROM WELL-HEAD GASES An apparatus and method for improving the volumetric yield of well head gas and the hydrocarbon composition of the liquid condensate from a natural gas well by the use of multiple stages of gas-liquid separation and gas compression including the use of heating means for heating the well head gas stream to a predetermined temperature; valve means associated with the heating means for reducing the pressure of the well head gas stream in the heating means to a predetermined reduced pressure to produce a reduced pressure and reduced temperature well head gas stream; mixing means for mixing the reduced pressure well head gas stream with compressed gases and vapors which have been subjected to multiple stages of compression; high pressure gas liquid separation means for separating gases from liquids in the heated, reduced pressure well head gas stream that have been mixed with compressed gases and vapors; second gas-liquid ...

13-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA981598A

08-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA965639A

18-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000964572A1

02-01-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000917937A1

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003078003A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

Disclosed herein are various examples of systems, methods and devices for an oxygen reduction system with a universally compatible, adaptive front end that can be coupled with various different gas sources, wherein the oxygen reduction system determines its operations separate and independent from any signal lines from any upstream components or systems. In one example, the oxygen reduction system determines its functions, operations, and operational states from parameters that it measures from the input gas stream and other internal measurements. In this manner, installation of an oxygen reduction system is simplified, time-efficient and universal, and embodiments of the present disclosure provide for oxygen reduction systems that can be installed in a variety of different environments, applications, and with new or existing natural gas productions sites.

16-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004747U1

Установка по переработке легкого углеводородного сырья, содержащая блок реакторов для конверсии широкой фиксации легких углеводородов в высокооктановые органические компоненты, сепаратор для разделения продуктов реакции на жидкие и газообраные, блоки ректификации, содержащий первую и вторую ректификационные колонны с входами и выходами соединенными с емкостями сбора, емкость приема сырья и смеситель, отличающаяся тем, что блок реакторов выполнен в виде двух реакторов, в которых в корпусах прямоугольного сечения расположены вертикальные реакционные трубы диаметром 50 - 100 мм, заполненные катализатором, содержащим высококремнеземный цеолит типа ZSM-5, упомянутые реакторы имеют общую конвекционную камеру, трубы в которой установлены горизонтально по четыре трубы в ряд в каналах, образованных дополнительными продольными перегородками, первая ректификационная колонна имеет дополнительный вход, соединенный с выходом сепаратора, при этом первый вход бензол-толуолксилольной фракции расположен в верхней части колонны, второй вход газовой фракции - в нижней части колонны, а выход расположен в донной части колонны и соединен с входом второй ректификационной колонны, которая имеет первый, второй и третий выходы, причем первый выход соединен с емкостью сбора толуол-ксилольной фракции, которая соединена с емкостью приема сырья и смесителем, второй выход соединен с емкостью сбора бензола, а третий выход расположен в верхней части колонны и соединен с емкостью сбора легкого бензола. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 747 U1 (51) МПК C10G 59/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94040332/20, 02.11.1994 (46) Опубликовано: 16.08.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Московское управление инкассации Центрального банка России (73) Патентообладатель(и): Московское управление инкассации Центрального банка России Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 7 4 7 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Установка по переработке легкого углеводородного сырья, ...

27-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000013558U1

Комбинированная установка переработки нефти с висбрекингом гудрона, содержащая соединенные последовательно между собой посредством соответственно трубопровода вывода-подачи мазута и трубопровода вывода-подачи гудрона атмосферную трубчатую секцию, вакуумную трубчатую секцию и секцию висбрекинга, при этом каждая секция включает последовательно соединенные линией подачи сырья печь и блок фракционирования, а дымовые выходы печей атмосферной и вакуумной трубчатых секций соединены с входом котла-утилизатора, выход которого связан с дымовой трубой, отличающаяся тем, что блок фракционирования секции висбрекинга дополнительно содержит линию вывода тяжелого газойля в трубопровод вывода-подачи гудрона, а дымовой выход печи секции висбрекинга соединен с входом котла-утилизатора. (19) RU (11) 13 558 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 51/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000100260/20, 14.01.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.01.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 27.04.2000 1 3 5 5 8 R U (54) КОМБИНИРОВАННАЯ УСТАНОВКА ПЕРЕРАБОТКИ НЕФТИ С ВИСБРЕКИНГОМ ГУДРОНА (57) Формула полезной модели Комбинированная установка переработки нефти с висбрекингом гудрона, содержащая соединенные последовательно между собой посредством соответственно трубопровода вывода-подачи мазута и трубопровода вывода-подачи гудрона атмосферную трубчатую секцию, вакуумную трубчатую секцию и секцию висбрекинга, при этом каждая секция включает последовательно соединенные линией подачи сырья печь и блок фракционирования, а дымовые выходы печей атмосферной и вакуумной трубчатых секций соединены с входом котла-утилизатора, выход которого связан с дымовой трубой, отличающаяся тем, что блок фракционирования секции висбрекинга дополнительно содержит линию вывода тяжелого газойля в трубопровод вывода-подачи гудрона, а дымовой выход печи секции висбрекинга соединен с входом котла-утилизатора. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (73) ...

27-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000038168U1

Система многократного использования промывной воды при обессоливании конденсата, состоящая из трубопровода нестабильного конденсата, трубопровода с установки фильтрации пластовой воды, трубопровода деминерализованной воды, буферной емкости, электрообессоливателя, трубопровода обессоленного нестабильного конденсата, трубопровода дренируемой пластовой воды, трубопровода на установку фильтрации пластовой воды, трубопровода соляной кислоты HCl, трубопровода щелочи NaOH, емкость-сепаратора пластовой воды и углеводородов, емкость-реактора, емкость-нейтрализатора, трубопровода утилизированной пластовой воды, трубопровода деэмульгатора, трубопровода стабильного конденсата, дегидратора первой ступени, дегидратора второй ступени, трубопровода подготовленного конденсата, трубопровода пресной промывной воды, трубопровода пластовой промывной воды, причем буферная емкость соединена трубопроводом с электрообессоливателем, а емкость-сепаратор пластовой воды и углеводородов трубопроводом соединена с емкостью-реактором, при этом емкость-реактор трубопроводом соединена с емкость-нейтрализатором, а дегидратор первой и второй ступени соединяются трубопроводом, дегидратор второй ступени соединен трубопроводом с трубопроводом стабильного конденсата, отличающаяся тем, что в нее введены, трубопровод промывной воды с деэмульгатором, заглушка в трубопровод деминерализованной воды, заглушка в трубопровод пластовой промывной воды, причем трубопровод промывной воды с деэмульгатором монтируется между трубопроводом промывной воды и трубопроводом деминерализованной воды, при этом трубопровод промывной водой с деэмульгатором монтируется после заглушки на трубопроводе деминерализованной воды перед буферной емкостью, но перед заглушкой трубопровода пластовой промывной воды. (19) RU (11) 38 168 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 63/00 (2000.01) C10G 59/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004104643/20 , 16.02.2004 (24) Дата ...

10-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000065494U1

Устройство для улавливания паров нефтепродуктов в предохранительном гидравлическом клапане, содержащее корпус, патрубок, внутренний цилиндр, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено змеевиком предварительного охлаждения, размещенном во входном патрубке, змеевиком из дисковых колец, размещенного между корпусом и внутренним цилиндром, термоэлектрическими элементами, сливным патрубком с клапаном и двухпозиционным регулятором уровня. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 65 494 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 5/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006128755/22 , 07.08.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.08.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Марцев Юрий Петрович (RU), Данилов Валерий Федорович (RU), Кузнецов Альберт Серафимович (RU), Шепталов Всеволод Константинович (RU) U 1 6 5 4 9 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для улавливания паров нефтепродуктов в предохранительном гидравлическом клапане, содержащее корпус, патрубок, внутренний цилиндр, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено змеевиком предварительного охлаждения, размещенном во входном патрубке, змеевиком из дисковых колец, размещенного между корпусом и внутренним цилиндром, термоэлектрическими элементами, сливным патрубком с клапаном и двухпозиционным регулятором уровня. 6 5 4 9 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ УЛАВЛИВАНИЯ ПАРОВ НЕФТЕПРОДУКТОВ R U Адрес для переписки: 432050, г.Ульяновск, ул. К. Маркса, 39а, УВВТУ, НИО, Д.У. Думболову (72) Автор(ы): Марцев Юрий Петрович (RU), Данилов Валерий Федорович (RU), Кузнецов Альберт Серафимович (RU), Шепталов Всеволод Константинович (RU) U 1 U 1 6 5 4 9 4 6 5 4 9 4 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 65 494 U1 Полезная модель относится к устройствам для улавливания паров нефтепродуктов при испарении из резервуаров, а именно к устройствам для осаждения паров горючего в гидравлическом клапане. Оно может быть использовано в ...

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000070887U1

1. Установка подготовки газа, состоящая из последовательно соединенных по газу первичного сепаратора, трубного пространства рекуперативного теплообменника, расширительного устройства, вторичного сепаратора с секцией окончательной сепарации на выходе, межтрубного пространства рекуперативного теплообменника, отличающаяся тем, что вторичный сепаратор снабжен дополнительной секцией сепарации на входе, над которой последовательно размещены полуглухая тарелка со штуцером отбора жидкости и скрубберная секция со штуцером подачи и распределения жидкости. 2. Установка подготовки газа по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что скрубберная секция снабжена сменной насадкой и выполнена высотой, соответствующей высоте насадки для извлечения примесей на конечной стадии эксплуатации. 3. Установка подготовки газа по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в начальный период эксплуатации штуцера подачи жидкости скрубберной секции и отбора жидкости с полуглухой тарелки заглушены. 4. Установка подготовки газа по пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что секция сепарации первичного сепаратора, секция окончательной сепарации, дополнительная секция сепарации и сменная насадка скрубберной секции вторичного сепаратора выполнены из регулярно структурированной насадки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 70 887 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 5/04 (2006.01) C10G 5/06 (2006.01) F25J 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007130886/22 , 14.08.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.08.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 20.02.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Валиуллин Илшат Минуллович (RU), Михайлов Сергей Алексеевич (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 7 0 8 8 7 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Установка подготовки газа, состоящая из последовательно соединенных по газу первичного сепаратора, трубного пространства рекуперативного теплообменника, расширительного устройства, вторичного сепаратора с секцией окончательной сепарации на выходе ...

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000098187U1

Установка каталитического синтеза углеводородного продукта из синтез-газа, включающая линию подачи синтез-газа от источника синтез-газа на установку, компрессор, по крайней мере, два последовательно размещенных блока синтеза, каждый из которых состоит из последовательно установленных реактора синтеза, теплообменника-холодильника и сепаратора, линию остаточных газов, а также трубопроводы, соединяющие отдельные комплектующие элементы установки, отличающаяся тем, что установка снабжена двумя ресиверами, теплообменником-подогревателем, установленными после каждого сепаратора сборниками высококипящих фракций, линией подачи части остаточных газов в линию подачи синтез-газа от источника синтез-газа на установку, печью дожига, реактор синтеза выполнен в виде реактора радиального типа, теплообменники-холодильники блоков синтеза объединены линией циркуляции теплоносителя, ресиверы размещены до и после компрессора, теплообменник-подогреватель установлен после второго ресивера и перед первым реактором синтеза, после последнего блока синтеза последовательно размещены холодильник-конденсатор, сепаратор выделения низкокипящих фракций, сборник низкокипящих фракций и линия вывода низкокипящих фракций с установки, установленные после сепараторов блоков синтеза сборники высококипящих фракций объединены между собой линией вывода высококипящих фракций с установки, из сепаратора выделения низкокипящих фракций выходит линия остаточных газов, которая разделена на линию подачи части остаточных газов в линию подачи синтез-газа от источника синтез-газа на установку и на линию подачи части остаточных газов в печь дожига. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 98 187 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010117837/04, 04.05.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.05.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое ...

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000116146U1

1. Установка переработки газов с получением моторных топлив, содержащая блок охлаждения и абсорбции газа с выходами насыщенного абсорбента и подготовленного газа, блок регенерации абсорбента и выделения ШФЛУ, включающий ректификационную колонну с подогревателем в нижней части с выходом регенерированного абсорбента и узлом орошения верха с выходом ШФЛУ, соединенным с объектом потребителя и/или объектами технологического процесса, дожимную компрессорную станцию, запорную и/или запорно-регулирующую арматуру, отличающаяся тем, что установка снабжена дополнительной ректификационной колонной, обеспечивающей качество товарных продуктов - пропана автомобильного (ПА) или пропана-бутана автомобильного (ПБА) и авиационного сконденсированного топлива (АСКТ), вход сырья которой соединен с помощью регулирующего клапана и через установленный рекуперативный теплообменник с выходом ШФЛУ узла орошения ректификационной колонны, при этом дополнительная ректификационная колонна оснащена подогревателем низа и узлом орошения ее верха, соединенным с выходом газовой фазы этой колонны, и узел орошения имеет выход товарной продукции - ПА или ПБА, а низ дополнительной ректификационной колонны и/или подогреватель имеют выход товарной продукции - АСКТ. 2. Установка переработки газов с получением моторных топлив по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что выход товарной продукции - ПА или ПБА из узла орошения дополнительной ректификационной колонны соединен с потребителем или выходом ШФЛУ из узла орошения ректификационной колонны. 3. Установка переработки газов с получением моторных топлив по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что выход товарной продукции - АСКТ из дополнительной ректификационной колонны и/или подогревателя через рекуперативный теплообменник и холодильник соединен с потребителем. 4. Установка переработки газов с получением моторных топлив по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что узел орошения дополнительной ректификационной колонны имеет теплообменник, соединенный по охлаждаемому потоку с выходом газовой фазы ...

27-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000134927U1

1. Линия "холодного" смешивания смазочных материалов, включающая в себя: - по меньшей мере, две емкости хранения исходных смазочных компонентов и, по меньшей мере, одну емкость хранения присадок, которые посредством трубопроводов через задвижки связаны с коллектором, а также последовательно связанные между собой трубопроводами: - коллектор, - по меньшей мере, один первый насос, управляемый первым частотным преобразователем, и соответствующую ему первую кавитационную колонну, - по меньшей мере, один второй насос, управляемый вторым частотным преобразователем, и соответствующую ему вторую кавитационную колонну, - емкость хранения конечного продукта, также в линии установлены датчики давления и температуры, первая пара установлена между первым насосом и первой кавитационной колонной, вторая пара - на выходе из первой кавитационной колонны, третья пара установлена между вторым насосом и второй кавитационной колонной, четвертая пара - на выходе из второй кавитационной колонны, при этом каждая кавитационная колонна состоит из трех внутренних горизонтальных перегородок с конусовидными отверстиями в каждой из них. 2. Линия "холодного" смешивания смазочных материалов по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что насос выполнен шестеренчатым. 3. Линия "холодного" смешивания смазочных материалов по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что количество конусовидных отверстий в каждой внутренней горизонтальной перегородке кавитационной колонны разное и на каждом уровне сокращается. 4. Линия "холодного" смешивания смазочных материалов по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что в нижней внутренней горизонтальной перегородке кавитационной колонны выполнено семь конусовидных отверстий, в средней - шесть и в верхней пять. 5. Линия "холодного" смешивания смазочных материалов по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что температура смазочных компонентов и присадок не более 30°C. И 1 134927 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 134 927” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление ...

26-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000172821U1

Полезная модель относится к области производства углеводородных смесей, например масел для смазки и является основным конструкционным элементом в установках смешивания любых жидкостей вязкостью не более 1000cSt при 40°C. Кавитационная колонна содержит, по меньшей мере, три камеры, выполненных в виде отдельных цилиндрических тел с осевыми каналами, в сборе образующими колонну со сквозным осевым каналом для подачи смеси на первом этапе операции смешивания. Торец верхней камеры накрыт крышкой, выполненной с сообщающейся с каналом для подачи смеси внутренней полостью, для образования в ней повышенного давления при движении потока смеси. Торец нижней камеры закреплен на основании. Колонна снабжена кожухом, установленным на основании с образованием свободного пространства между внешними цилиндрическими поверхностями камер и кожухом, а также между крышкой и кожухом, которое связано с патрубком вывода готового продукта. Верхняя и средняя камеры выполнены с радиусными кольцевыми канавками на нижних торцах для образования в сборе при движении потока смеси полостей повышенного давления. Полости повышенного давления в крышке, верхней камере и средней камере, а также полость разрежения, образованная нижней радиусной кольцевой канавкой, выполненной на внешней цилиндрической поверхности нижней камеры, последовательно соединены отверстиями. Отверстия выполнены калиброванными с уменьшающимися диаметрами от верхней камеры к нижней для усиления эффекта кавитации на втором этапе операции смешивания. В верхней части внешних цилиндрических поверхностей нижней и средней камер выполнены радиусные кольцевые канавки, для турбулизации потока смеси на последнем этапе операции смешивания. Улучшает качество смазочного масла, повышая гомогенизацию смеси и уменьшая механическую деструкцию полимерных добавок. 9 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 172 821 U1 (51) МПК C10G 50/02 (2006.01) B01F 3/08 (2006.01) B01F 5/06 (2006.01) B01F 5/12 (2006.01) B01F 5/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Refinery desalter improvement

Номер: US20120024758A1
Автор: Scott D. Love
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Co

The invention relates to improved methods of desalting hydrocarbon feeds using a separator with a stacked disk centrifuge to separate an emulsified oil and water rag layer. This method is effective for desalting heavy, high ionic, and non-traditional crude oils.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Process for separating and recovering NGLs from hydrocarbon streams

Номер: US20120096895A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This process comprises using unconventional processing of hydrocarbons, e.g. natural gas, for recovering C2+ and NGL hydrocarbons that meet pipeline specifications, without the core high capital cost requirement of a demethanizer column, which is central to and required by almost 100% of the world's current NGL recovery technologies. It can operate in Ethane Extraction or Ethane Rejection modes. The process uses only heat exchangers, compression and simple separation vessels to achieve specification ready NGL. The process utilizes cooling the natural gas, expansion cooling, separating the gas and liquid streams, recycling the cooled streams to exchange heat and recycling selective composition bearing streams to achieve selective extraction of hydrocarbons, in this instance being NGLs. The compactness and utility of this process makes it feasible in offshore applications as well as to implementation to retrofit/revamp or unload existing NGL facilities. Many disparate processes and derivatives are anticipated for its use.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Centralized Sump Oil and Acid Oil treatment process and System

Номер: US20120103914A1
Автор: Gang Yuan
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention reveals to the public the centralized sump oil and acid oil treatment process and system. The process consist of (1) the filter; (2) entry to reaction kettle, the sodium carbonate solution added at the time of air floatation till PH value keeps about 6.0-8.0; and emulsion splitter and flocculating agent added for further reaction; (3) suspension of air floatation and static settlement; (4) the international crude oil is collected after the detergent oil at the upper level of the reaction kettle is dehydrated under normal and reduced pressure; the wastewater is drained after filtering by the natural oil removal tank and the oil-water filter; the sludge is solidified by the cement and the quick lime and aluminium oxide are used as the coagulant aid for solidifying the sludge. The centralized treatment process of sump oil and acid oil not only greatly lowers the pollution of surroundings of the oilfield and corrosion of equipment, but also changes waste into valuable, reuses a great amount of crude oil and improves the economic benefits of the oilfield. The sludge solidified can be directly used for buildings.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Fuel and base oil blendstocks from a single feedstock

Номер: US20120108871A1
Автор: Stephen J. Miller
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A method comprising providing a fatty acyl mixture comprising: (i) a C 10 -C 16 acyl carbon atom chain content of at least 30 wt. % wherein at least 80% of the C 10 -C 16 acyl carbon atom chains are saturated; and (ii) a C 18 -C 22 acyl carbon atom chain content of at least 20 wt. % wherein at least 50% of the acyl C 18 -C 22 carbon atom chains contain at least one double bond; hydrolyzing the mixture to yield a quantity of C 10 -C 16 saturated fatty acids and C 18 -C 22 unsaturated fatty acids; oligomerizing at least some of the C 18 -C 22 unsaturated fatty acids to yield a quantity of C 36+ fatty acid oligomers; hydrotreating at least some of the C 10 -C 16 saturated fatty acids and at least some of the C 36+ fatty acid oligomers to yield a quantity of diesel fuel blendstock and C 36+ alkanes; and separating at least some of the diesel fuel blendstock from the C 36+ alkanes.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Process, method, and system for removing heavy metals from fluids

Номер: US20120125818A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

Trace element levels of heavy metals in crude oil are reduced by contacting the crude oil with an oxidizing agent, converting heavy metals into heavy metal cations for subsequent separation from the crude oil. At least a complexing agent is added to convert the heavy metal cations into soluble heavy metal complexes in a water phase, which can be separated from the crude oil, for a treated crude oil having reduced levels of heavy metals. In one embodiment, the complexing agent is selected from the group of metal halides, and the oxidizing agent is selected from the group of organic peracids, inorganic peracids and salts thereof.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Process to produce low sulfur catalytically cracked gasoline without saturation of olefinic compounds

Номер: US20120138510A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

The invention relates to a process for the desulfurization of a gasoline fraction with high recovery of olefins and reduced loss of Research Octane Number (RON). A petroleum fraction is contacted with hydrogen and a commercially available hydrodesulfurization catalyst under mild conditions with to remove a first portion of the sulfur present, and is then contacted with an adsorbent for the removal of additional sulfur.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Obtaining Aromatics from Diverse Feedstock

Номер: US20120149958A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The process relates to the use of any naphtha-range stream containing a portion of C8+ aromatics combined with benzene, toluene, and other non-aromatics in the same boiling range to produce toluene. By feeding the A8+ containing stream to a dealkylation/transalkylation/cracking reactor to increase the concentration of toluene in the stream, a more suitable feedstock for the methylation reaction can be produced. This stream can be obtained from a variety of sources, including the pygas stream from a steam cracker, “cat naphtha” from a fluid catalytic cracker, or the heavier portion of reformate.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Elimination of Residual Transfer Line Raffinate from Feed to Increase Normal Paraffin Separation Unit Capacity

Номер: US20120152802A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process to increase the capacity of the adsorbent in a normal paraffin adsorption separation system is presented. A tertiary flush stream is used to improve the capacity of the simulated moving bed system by flushing residual raffinate from the feed transfer line. The flushing removes residual raffinate containing desorbent that competes with the adsorption of normal paraffins from the feedstream. The flush stream is a material that will displace fluid in the column, but will not enter the pores of the adsorbent.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve Of MFS Framework Type With Controllable Average Size, Its Method of Making And Use

Номер: US20120190896A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A method of making a crystalline molecular sieve of MFS framework type, preferably ZSM-57, from a synthesis mixture comprising at least one source of tetravalent element (Y), at least one source of trivalent element (X), at least one source of alkali metal hydroxide (MOH), at least one structure-directing-agent (R) and water, said alkali metal (M) comprising potassium, and having the following mole composition (expressed in terms of oxide): YO 2 :( p )X 2 O 3 :( q )OH − :( r )R:( s )H 2 O, wherein (p) is in the range from 0.005 to 0.05, (q) is in the range from 0.01 to 3, (r) is in the range from 0.03 to 2 and (s) is in the range from 10 to 75 (based on total weight of said synthesis mixture); wherein the crystals of molecular sieve formed having an average diameter (D) of less than or equal to 1.5 micron and an average thickness (T) of less than or equal to 300 nanometers.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Systems and processes for catalytic pyrolysis of biomass and hydrocarbonaceous materials for production of aromatics with optional olefin recycle, and catalysts having selected particle size for catalytic pyrolysis

Номер: US20120203042A1

This invention relates to compositions and methods for fluid hydrocarbon product, and more specifically, to compositions and methods for fluid hydrocarbon product via catalytic pyrolysis. Some embodiments relate to methods for the production of specific aromatic products (e.g., benzene, toluene, naphthalene, xylene, etc.) via catalytic pyrolysis. Some such methods may involve the use of a composition comprising a mixture of a solid hydrocarbonaceous material and a heterogeneous pyrolytic catalyst component. In some embodiments, an olefin compound may be co-fed to the reactor and/or separated from a product stream and recycled to the reactor to improve yield and/or selectivity of certain products. The methods described herein may also involve the use of specialized catalysts. For example, in some cases, zeolite catalysts may be used. In some instances, the catalysts are characterized by particle sizes in certain identified ranges that can lead to improve yield and/or selectivity of certain products.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Selective isomerization and oligomerization of olefin feedstocks for the production of turbine and diesel fuels

Номер: US20120209046A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Navy

A process from converting alcohol feedstock to diesel/turbine fuels.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve Composition (EMM-10), Its Method of Making, and Use for Hydrocarbon Conversions

Номер: US20120226084A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

This invention relates to a process for hydrocarbon conversion comprising contacting a hydrocarbon feedstock with a crystalline molecular sieve, in its ammonium exchanged form or in its calcined form, under conversion conditions to form a conversion product, said crystalline molecular sieve comprising unit cells with MWW topology and is characterized by diffraction streaking from the unit cell arrangement in the c direction as evidenced by the arced hk0 patterns of electron diffraction pattern.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing a gasoline blending component and a middle distillate by adjusting a level of a halide containing additive during alkylation

Номер: US20120226086A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A process for producing a gasoline blending component and a middle distillate, comprising adjusting a level of a halide containing additive provided to an ionic liquid alkylation reactor to shift selectivity towards heavier products, and recovering a low volatility gasoline blending component and the middle distillate.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Refining Corrosive Crudes

Номер: US20120261308A1
Автор: Benjamin Klein, Odette Eng

Systems and methods for refining conventional crude and heavy, corrosive, contaminant-laden carbonaceous crude (Opportunity Crude) in partially or totally separated streams or trains.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Process for increasing aromatics production

Номер: US20120277503A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process for reforming a hydrocarbon stream is presented. The process involves splitting a naphtha feedstream to at least two feedstreams and passing each feedstream to separation reformers. The reformers are operated under different conditions to utilize the differences in the reaction properties of the different hydrocarbon components. The process utilizes a common catalyst, and common downstream processes for recovering the desired aromatic compounds generated.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Upgrading Platform Using Alkali Metals

Номер: US20130043160A1
Автор: John Howard Gordon
Принадлежит: Ceramatec Inc

A process for removing sulfur, nitrogen or metals from an oil feedstock (such as heavy oil, bitumen, shale oil, etc.) The method involves reacting the oil feedstock with an alkali metal and a radical capping substance. The alkali metal reacts with the metal, sulfur or nitrogen content to form one or more inorganic products and the radical capping substance reacts with the carbon and hydrogen content to form a hydrocarbon phase. The inorganic products may then be separated out from the hydrocarbon phase.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for recovering hydroprocessed hydrocarbons with two strippers

Номер: US20130045140A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

An apparatus is disclosed for recovering hydroprocessing effluent from a hydroprocessing unit utilizing a hot stripper and a cold stripper. Only the hot hydroprocessing effluent is heated in a fired heater prior to product fractionation, resulting in substantial operating and capital savings.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130075305A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

The present invention provides selective extraction of sulfoxides, or sulfoxides in combination with sulfones, from hydrocarbon mixtures containing these compounds. A significant advantage of the invention is that oxidation products resulting from oxidative desulfurization of hydrocarbon feedstocks are selectively extracted with minimum co-extraction of non-oxidized products such as valuable hydrocarbon fuel components. 1. A process for extracting sulfoxidation reaction products from hydrocarbon fractions containing sulfoxidation reaction products while minimizing co-extraction of hydrocarbons including aromatic hydrocarbons , comprising:contacting a hydrocarbon fraction containing sulfoxidation reaction products with a selective solvent formulation comprising an aqueous solution having a concentration of about 2.5 weight % to about 70 weight % of a polar organic solvent, the polar organic solvent selected from the group consisting of acetone, methanol, acetonitrile, acetic acid, formic acid and combinations comprising at least two of the foregoing polar organic solvents,wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is selected to maximize extraction of a target sulfoxidation reaction product and minimize co-extraction of unoxidized organosulfur compounds and hydrocarbons including aromatic hydrocarbons.2. The process as in claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is about 30 weight % to about 70 weight % of polar organic solvent claim 1 , and the target sulfoxidation reaction product includesa. one or more sulfoxidation products derived from aromatic organosulfur compounds including thiophene, benzothiophene, napthothiophene, dibenzothiophene, naptho-benzo-thiophene, or alkyl and dialkyl derivatives of one or more of thiophene, benzothiophene, napthothiophene, dibenzothiophene, or naptho-benzo-thiophene; orb. a combination of sulfoxides and sulfones.3. The process as in claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the aqueous solution is about 2.5 ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Reforming process with integrated fluid catalytic cracker gasoline and hydroprocessed cycle oil

Номер: US20130087482A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A reforming process includes integrating catalytic cracking product naphtha dehydrogenation and naphtha from a hydrocracking zone and feeding them to a dehydrogenation zone. The dehydrogenation zone includes a first portion of reforming catalyst from a catalyst regenerator that moves downward through the dehydrogenation zone. A product stream from the dehydrogenation zone flows to an aromatics unit and is separated into an aromatic-rich extract and a raffinate. Straight run naphtha and the raffinate are introduced to a first reforming zone that includes a second portion of reforming catalyst. The reforming catalyst moves through the first reforming zone then is removed from the bottom of each of the first reforming zone and the dehydrogenation zone and is fed to a second reforming zone. An effluent from the first reforming zone is fed to a plurality of reforming zones. The reforming catalyst moves downward through the multiple refoiniing zones then to a regenerator.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Methane Enrichment of a Gaseous Alkane Stream for Conversion to Liquid Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20130090504A1
Принадлежит: Marathon GTF Technology Ltd

A method is provided for converting gaseous lower molecular weight alkanes contained in a feed gas to liquid higher molecular weight hydrocarbons. One or more lower molecular weight alkanes contained in the feed gas, which are heavier than methane, are converted to methane in a pre-former reactor. The resulting methane-enriched gas has a methane fraction greater than the methane fraction of the feed gas. The methane-enriched gas and bromine are reacted to form alkyl bromide and the alkyl bromide is reacted in the presence of a catalyst to form the liquid higher molecular weight hydrocarbons and a residual gas. The liquid higher molecular weight hydrocarbons are recovered as product and the residual gas is fed to the pre-former reactor with the feed gas.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for integrating bitumen extraction with bitumen upg...

Номер: US20130105362A1
Принадлежит: Marathon Oil Canada Corp

Methods and systems for integrating bitumen extraction processes with bitumen upgrading processes are disclosed. The methods and systems can include recovering an emulsion of hydrocarbon and water from a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage extraction process, breaking the emulsion, using the water from the emulsion to make steam, upgrading the hydrocarbon from the emulsion using the steam, separating diluent from the upgraded hydrocarbon, and using the diluent to break SAGD-produced emulsion.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Pretreatment of fcc naphthas and selective hydrotreating

Номер: US20130118952A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

This invention provides methods for multi-stage hydroprocessing treatment of FCC naphthas for improving the overall production quantity of naphtha boiling-range materials during naphtha production for low sulfur gasolines. Of particular benefit of the present processes is the selective treating of cat naphthas to remove gums instead of undercutting the overall naphtha pool by lowering the end cutpoints of the cat naphtha fraction. This maximizes the amount of refinery cat naphtha that can be directed to the gasoline blending pool while eliminating existing processing problems in hydrodesulfurization units. The processes disclosed herein have the additional benefit of minimizing octane losses in the increased naphtha pool volume.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for recovering products from two reactors

Номер: US20130131406A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process is disclosed for catalytically converting two feed streams. The feed to a first catalytic reactor may be contacted with product from a second catalytic reactor to effect heat exchange between the two streams and to transfer catalyst from the product stream to the feed stream. The feed to the second catalytic reactor may be a portion of the product from the first catalytic reactor.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140214A1
Автор: Choi Ki-Hyouk
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Provided is a process for the supercritical upgrading of petroleum feedstock, wherein the process includes the use of a start-up agent, wherein the use of the start-up agent facilitates mixing of the petroleum feedstock and water, thereby reducing or eliminating the production of coke, coke precursor, and sludge. 1. A method for upgrading a petroleum feedstock with supercritical water while preventing plugging in equipment process lines , the method comprising the steps of: supplying a heated and pressured water stream to a first mixing device, wherein the water stream is heated and pressurized to a temperature and pressure greater than the critical point of water;', 'supplying a heated and pressurized start-up hydrocarbon stream to the first mixing device, wherein the start-up hydrocarbon stream is heated and pressurized to a temperature of between about 10 and 250° C.;', 'mixing the heated and pressurized water stream and the heated and pressurized start-up hydrocarbon stream in the first mixing device to produce a water and start-up hydrocarbon containing primer stream;', 'supplying the water and start-up hydrocarbon containing primer stream to the upgrading reactor, said reactor being maintained at a temperature that is between about 380 and 550° C. to produce a treated primer stream, wherein the primer stream has a residence time in the upgrading reactor of between about 10 seconds and 60 minutes;', 'cooling the treated primer stream to a temperature of less than about 150° C.,', 'depressurizing the cooled treated primer stream;', 'separating the cooled treated primer stream into treated primer gas and treated primer liquid phase streams;', 'separating the treated primer liquid phase into a recycle start-up hydrocarbon stream and a recycle water stream;, 'priming an upgrading reactor to receive the petroleum feedstock, the priming of the apparatus comprising the steps ofcontinuing the priming step until the temperature of the streams within the heater, ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Process for the conversion of natural gas to acetylene and liquid fuels with externally derived hydrogen

Номер: US20130144096A1
Автор: Edward R. Peterson
Принадлежит: Synfuels International Inc

A process for converting natural gas from which contaminants have been sufficiently removed to acetylene includes heating the purified gas through a selected range of temperature for adequate time or combustion of the purified gas at adequate temperature within a suitable environment during an adequate reaction time to convert a fraction of the gas stream to acetylene, wherein the acetylene is directed for other processes, reactions, and uses. A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons by combusting externally derived hydrogen for heating natural gas to a selected range of temperature. A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons by reacting conversion products with externally derived hydrogen to form olefins comprising ethylene, and catalytically forming liquid hydrocarbons from the olefins comprising ethylene.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158136A1
Автор: Hansen Roger
Принадлежит: GTL.F1 AG

In order to avoid fouling (precipitation of solid matter on cold surfaces) in heat-exchangers down-stream of the gas outlet of a Fischer-Tropsch reactor, the reactor gas stream containing hydrocarbon products that are solid at lower temperatures is fed into a liquid wash tank. Condensation of heavy oil in the liquid wash tank is effected by feeding an evaporable light oil into the liquid wash tank. Heavy oil is recovered as a bottom product from the liquid wash tank while a gaseous product is taken out of the liquid wash tank as the top product. The light oil is obtained from the wash tank top product. 1. A process for recovering condensable products contained within an outlet gas stream from a Fischer-Tropsch reactor , comprising the steps:conveying a Fischer-Tropsh reactor gas stream to a condensation and separation unit;subjecting the F-T gases to direct heat exchange in the condensation and separation unit against a stream of evaporable hydrocarbon liquid, thereby cooling the F-T gases;condensing higher boiling components in the F-T gases;separating the condensed higher boiling components from gaseous components; andremoving a gaseous fraction and a condensed higher boiling fraction;wherein at least a portion of the evaporable hydrocarbon liquid stream is obtained from subsequent processing of the gaseous fraction obtained in the removing step.2. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reactor gas stream is pre-cooled in order to produce a mixture of gaseous and liquid components before it is conveyed to the condensation and separation unit.3. A process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the pre-cooling comprises indirect heat exchange between the reactor gas stream and a syngas feed stream to the reactor.4. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein one or more operating parameters are controlled in order to avoid condensation of water in the condensation and separation unit.5. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gaseous fraction obtained from the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Initial hydrotreating of naphthenes with subsequent high temperature reforming

Номер: US20130158317A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process for the production of aromatics through the reforming of a hydrocarbon stream is presented. The process utilizes the differences in properties of components within the hydrocarbon stream to increase the energy efficiency. The differences in the reactions of different hydrocarbon components in the conversion to aromatics allows for different treatments of the different components to reduce the energy used in reforming process.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Alkali Metal Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils with Enhanced Removal of Coke Products

Номер: US20130161234A1

Hydrocarbon feedstreams are desulfurized using an alkali metal reagent, optionally in the presence of hydrogen. Improved control over reaction conditions can be achieved in part by controlling the particle size of the alkali metal salt and by using multiple desulfurization reactors. The processes herein allow a simple and effective method for removing the majority of coke formed in the alkali metal reagent reactions with the hydrocarbon feedstreams. This makes it cost effective to run such processes at higher severities (which result in higher coke production) thereby resulting in increased amounts of valuable converted hydrocarbon product yields. The process improvements herein may also be used to increase total throughput through a unit due to the ability to effectively manage higher coke content in the reaction products. 1. A process for desulfurizing a hydrocarbon feedstream , comprising:a) mixing at least a portion of a hydrocarbon feedstream having an API gravity of less than 19 with an aqueous alkali metal salt reagent solution to form a first mixed reactor feedstream;b) exposing at least a portion of the first mixed reactor feedstream to a first desulfurization reactor operated under first effective desulfurization conditions to form a first desulfurized reactor product stream comprising desulfurized oil, spent alkali metals, and coke;c) separating the first desulfurized reactor product stream to form at least a first low-boiling point vapor fraction and a first reactor product liquid fraction;d) mixing at least a portion of the first reactor product liquid fraction with water to form a first wash water separator feedstream;e) sending the first wash water separator feedstream to a first wash water separator vessel wherein in the first wash water separator vessel, the first wash water separator feedstream forms three distinct layers as flows: a first desulfurized oil product layer, a first emulsion phase layer, and a first aqueous spent alkali metal layer;f) ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Enhanced aromatics production by low pressure end point reduction and selective hydrogenation and hydrodealkylation

Номер: US20130165719A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A reforming process includes an endpoint reduction zone for converting C 11+ components via selective hydrogenation and hydrodealkylation to lower boiling point aromatics, such as benzene, toluene, and xylene, or their single ring aromatic C 9 -C 10 precursors.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168289A1

This invention provides a fluidized catalytic cracking apparatus and process for converting a hydrocarbon feedstock containing higher concentrations of Conradson Carbon Residue (CCR), metal impurities, etc into lighter products by employing two riser reactors in which the feed impurities are removed using an adsorbent in a first riser reactor and cracking a portion of first riser reactor liquid product in a second riser reactor to lighter products using the active catalyst thus eliminating the catalyst deactivation due to metal, impurities and FCC catalyst activity dilution effect to achieve a better conversion and higher catalyst longevity. 1. An apparatus for continuous fluidized catalytic cracking for converting a hydro-carbon feedstock containing higher concentrations of Conradson Carbon Residue (CCR) , metal and other impurities such as herein described into lighter hydrocarbons comprising the following main units:(i) an elongated first riser reactor having at its base a first inlet for introducing regenerated adsorbent from an adsorbent regenerator, a second inlet for introducing heavy hydrocarbon feedstock with high CCR and other impurities as aforesaid and a third inlet for introducing high velocity steam therein and an outlet at the top via a riser termination device with cyclone separators placed at the top inside a stripper cum separator for separating out spent adsorbent and taking out purified and some cracked hydrocarbon vapors and steam mixture therefrom to a fractionator,(ii) an elongated second riser reactor having at its base a first inlet for introducing regenerated FCC catalyst from a catalyst regenerator, a second inlet for introducing substantially impurity free cracked heavy feedstock receivable from the fractionator as aforesaid and a third inlet for introducing high velocity steam therein and an outlet at the top via riser termination device with cyclone separators placed at the top inside the said stripper cum separator for separating out ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172643A1

A two stage Fluid Catalytic Cracking process and an apparatus for simultaneous production of light olefins such as ethylene and propylene and middle distillate range hydrocarbons, wherein a first flow reactor, preferably a downer and a second flow reactor, preferably a riser are operating at varying reaction severities using different catalyst systems with the regenerated catalyst entering the reactors inlet through independent regenerators. Mild cracking of the fresh feedstock is carried out in the first flow reactor of short residence time and the effluent of first flow reactor is separated in an intermediate separator/fractionator followed by re-cracking of the C4 hydrocarbons and naphtha range hydrocarbons, preferably C5-150° C. from the second product separation section and unconverted hydrocarbons (370° C.+) of first flow reactor, in the second flow reactor at higher severity employing different catalyst system. 1. A process for two stage fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) of hydrocarbon feedstocks boiling above 200° C. for simultaneous maximization of light olefins such as ethylene and propylene and middle distillate range hydrocarbons with flexibility of alternate mode of operation for the maximization of gasoline by carrying out the cracking operation in two separate flow reactors operating under varying severities using different and independent catalyst systems with simultaneous regeneration of respective catalysts comprising the following steps:(a) contacting fresh feedstock with regenerated catalyst under fluidized condition in presence of steam in a first flow reactor preferably a downer for cracking of the hydrocarbon at a lower temperature and for a short contact period to produce a mixture of spent catalyst and reactor effluent vapors,(b) separating the spent catalyst from the reactor effluent vapors of step (a) quickly using a fast gas solid separator, the separated spent catalyst being subjected to multistage steam stripping to remove the entrapped ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Olefin Oligomerization Methods

Номер: US20130172651A1
Автор: Brooke L. Small
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Processes for oligomerizing olefins utilizing a catalyst system including a) a transition metal complex that is transition metal compound complexed to a pyridine bisimine ligand and b) a metal alkyl and controlling the olefin oligomer product distribution K value by adjusting i) a transition metal of the transition metal complex concentration in the reactor, ii) a metal of the metal alkyl concentration in the reactor, iii) a metal of the metal alkyl to transition metal of the transition metal complex molar ratio in the reactor, and iv) any combination thereof.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon feedstock average molecular weight increase

Номер: US20130180884A1
Принадлежит: Total Raffinage Marketing SA

The invention deals with hydrocarbon feedstock molecular weight increase via olefin oligomerization and/or olefin alkylation onto aromatic rings. Addition of a purification section allows improved unit working time and lower maintenance.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197289A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A process is provided that is directed to a steam pyrolysis zone integrated with a solvent deasphalting zone to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. The integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals comprises charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase; thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream; separating the mixed product stream; recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; and recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream. 1. An integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the process comprising:a. charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase;b. thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream;c. separating the thermally cracked mixed product stream;d. recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; ande. recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream.2. The integrated process of claim 1 , wherein step (c) comprises compressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with plural compression stages;subjecting the compressed thermally cracked mixed product stream to caustic treatment to produce a thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced content of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide;compressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced content of hydrogen sulfide and ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206642A1

The invention provides an integrated process for processing heavy oil, wherein the integrated process at least comprises: solvent deasphalting is carried out for heavy oil material, and de-oiled asphalt phase is mixed with dispersing agent and then entered a thermal cracking reactor to undergo thermal cracking reactions. Upgraded oil can be obtained through the mixture of the de-asphalted oil and thermal cracking oil separated from thermal cracking reaction products. The solvent and heavy gas oil, which are separated from the thermal cracking reaction products, are respectively recycled back to the solvent deasphalting process as solvent and as mixed feed to remove asphaltene. The integrated process of the present invention solves the problems that solvent is difficult to be separated from asphalt with high softening point in solvent deasphalting process and hard asphalt is difficult to be transported. 1. A integrated process for processing heavy oil , comprising at least the following processes , wherein:a heavy oil feedstock, which substantially does not comprise <350° C. atmospheric distillates, is used as feed and subjected to solvent deasphalting process in an extraction tower with an extraction solvent, a de-asphalted oil and a de-oiled asphalt phase including the extraction solvent are collected;the de-oiled asphalt phase including the extraction solvent is mixed with a dispersing solvent and then enters into a thermal cracking reactor to be subjected to a thermal cracking process, so as to obtain thermal cracking reaction product and coke, the thermal cracking reaction product is led out, gas, solvent, thermal cracking oil and 450° C.+ heavy gas oil are separated therefrom;the solvent separated from the thermal cracking product is recycled back to the solvent deasphalting process to be recycled, the 450° C.+ heavy gas oil is recycled back to the solvent deasphalting process to be used as mixed feed;upgraded oil is obtained through mixing the de-asphalted oil ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206643A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

Processes for upgrading Fischer-Tropsch condensate olefins by alkylation of hydrocrackate involves providing an olefin enriched condensate stream and further providing a Fischer-Tropsch derived hydrocarbon stream comprising wax, hydrocracking the latter Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbon stream to provide a distillate enriched hydrocracked product comprising isoparaffins, and alkylating the olefins with the isoparaffins in an alkylation zone to provide an alkylate product. The alkylate product is fed to a distillation unit together with the hydrocracked product, while a naphtha containing fraction from the distillation unit is fed to the alkylation zone together with the olefin enriched hydrocarbon stream. 1. An alkylation process , comprising:a) treating a first Fischer-Tropsch derived hydrocarbon stream in an olefin enrichment zone under olefin enrichment conditions to provide an olefin enriched hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more olefins;b) contacting a second Fischer-Tropsch derived hydrocarbon stream with a hydrocracking catalyst in a hydrocracking zone under hydrocracking conditions to provide a distillate enriched hydrocracked product;c) feeding the distillate enriched hydrocracked product to a distillation unit;d) separating a naphtha containing fraction via the distillation unit, wherein the naphtha containing fraction comprises one or more isoparaffins;e) feeding the naphtha containing fraction to an alkylation zone;f) concurrently with step e), feeding the olefin enriched hydrocarbon stream to the alkylation zone;g) contacting the one or more isoparaffins with the one or more olefins under alkylation conditions in the alkylation zone to provide an alkylate product; andh) concurrently with step c), feeding the alkylate product to the distillation unit.2. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising:i) concurrently with step f), feeding a third Fischer-Tropsch derived hydrocarbon stream to the alkylation zone, wherein the first Fischer-Tropsch ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Using supercritical fluids to refine hydrocarbons

Номер: US20130206645A1
Автор: Stephen Lee Yarbro
Принадлежит: Stephen Lee Yarbro

A system and method for reactively refining hydrocarbons, such as heavy oils with API gravities of less than 20 degrees and bitumen-like hydrocarbons with viscosities greater than 1000 cp at standard temperature and pressure, using a selected fluid at supercritical conditions. A reaction portion of the system and method delivers lightweight, volatile hydrocarbons to an associated contacting unit which operates in mixed subcritical/supercritical or supercritical modes. Using thermal diffusion, multiphase contact, or a momentum generating pressure gradient, the contacting unit separates the reaction products into portions that are viable for use or sale without further conventional refining and hydro-processing techniques.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

System and Method of Introducing an Additive with a Unique Catalyst to a Coking Process

Номер: US20130213859A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Gas oil components, coking process recycle, and heavier hydrocarbons are cracked or coked in the coking vessel by injecting an additive into the vapors of traditional coking processes in the coking vessel. The additive contains catalyst(s), seeding agent(s), excess reactant(s), quenching agent(s), carrier(s), or any combination thereof to modify reaction kinetics to preferentially crack or coke these components. Modifications of the catalysts in the additive improve performance for certain desired outcomes. One exemplary embodiment of the present invention uses the olefin production capabilities from newly developed catalysts to increase the production of light olefins (e.g. ethylene, propylenes, butylenes, pentenes) for alkylation process unit feed, the production of oxygenates, and petrochemical feedstocks, such as plastics manufacture. Another exemplary embodiment of the present invention is the use of the olefin production from newly developed catalysts to improve the coker naphtha quality. A third exemplary embodiment of the present invention uses the cracking characteristics of newly developed catalysts to optimize the production of light gas oils, naphtha, and gases from the coking process.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Low viscosity oligomer oil product, process and composition

Номер: US20130225459A1
Принадлежит: INEOS USA LLC

The present invention relates to a low viscosity lubricant process, product, and composition characterized by low Noack volatility, low pour point, useful low temperature viscometrics, and high viscosity index and more particularly concerns a PAO composition having a kinetic viscosity at 100° C. in the range of about 4 cSt.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Integrated hydrotreating and steam pyrolysis process including hydrogen redistribution for direct processing of a crude oil

Номер: US20130228495A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Steam pyrolysis and hydroprocessing are integrated including hydrogen redistribution to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. A feed is initially split into a light portion and a heavy portion, and the heavy portion is hydroprocessed. A hydroprocessed effluent is charged, along with steam, to a convection section of a steam pyrolysis zone. The mixture is heated and passed to a vapor-liquid separation section. A residual portion is removed and light components are charged to a pyrolysis section of the steam pyrolysis zone. A mixed product stream is recovered from the steam pyrolysis zone and it is separated into product including olefins and aromatics.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228496A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A process is provided that is directed to a steam pyrolysis zone integrated with a solvent deasphalting zone to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. The integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals comprises charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase; thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream; separating the mixed product stream; recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; and recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream. 1. An integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the process comprising:a. charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase;b. thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream;c. separating the thermally cracked mixed product stream;d. recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; ande. recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream.2. The integrated process of claim 1 , wherein step (c) comprisescompressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with plural compression stages;subjecting the compressed thermally cracked mixed product stream to caustic treatment to produce a thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced content of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide;compressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced content of hydrogen sulfide and ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Selective separation of heavy coker gas oil

Номер: US20130240410A1
Автор: Daniel B. Gillis
Принадлежит: Foster Wheeler USA Corp

Embodiments of the invention are directed to the improvement of the design of coker systems and processes in order to improve the yields and separation of heavy coker gas oils derived therefrom.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Process unit for flexible production of alkylate gasoline and distillate

Номер: US20130243672A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A process unit, comprising: a) an alkylation reactor; and b) a control system that enables the alkylation reactor to be operated in an alkylate mode and in a distillate mode; wherein the alkylation reactor can switch back and forth from operating in the alkylate mode to the distillate mode.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248416A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

An integrated hydrotreating, steam pyrolysis and coker process for the direct processing of a crude oil is provided to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals, and petroleum coke. Crude oil and recycled coker liquid product are charged to a hydroprocessing zone operating under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent which is thermally cracked in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream. The residual liquid fraction recovered upstream of the thermal cracking unit or within the thermal cracking unit is thermally cracked under conditions effective to produce coke and coker liquid product. The coker liquid product is recycled to the step of hydroprocessing while the petroleum coke is recovered. Hydrogen from the mixed product stream is purified and recycled to the hydroprocessing zone, and olefins, aromatics and pyrolysis fuel oil are recovered from the separated mixed product stream. 1. An integrated hydroprocessing , steam pyrolysis and coker process for production of petroleum coke and olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals from a crude oil feed , the process comprising:a. hydroprocessing the crude oil and a coker liquid product in the presence of hydrogen under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent having a reduced content of contaminants, an increased paraffinicity, reduced Bureau of Mines Correlation Index, and an increased American Petroleum Institute gravity;b. thermally cracking the hydroprocessed effluent in the presence of steam in a steam pyrolysis zone by heating the hydroprocessed effluent in a convection section of a steam pyrolysis zone, separating the heated hydroprocessed effluent into a vapor fraction and a residual liquid fraction, and passing the vapor fraction to a pyrolysis section operating under conditions effective to produce a mixed product stream;c. thermally cracking the residual liquid fraction under conditions effective to produce coke and the coker liquid product, wherein the coker ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248419A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

An integrated hydrotreating, steam pyrolysis and catalytic cracking process for the production of olefins and aromatic petrochemicals from a crude oil feedstock is provided. Crude oil and hydrogen are charged to a hydroprocessing zone under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent, which is thermally cracked in the presence of steam in a steam pyrolysis zone to produce a mixed product stream. Heavy components are catalytically cracked, which are derived from one or more of the hydroprocessed effluent, a heated stream within the steam pyrolysis zone, or the mixed product stream catalytically cracking. Catalytically cracked products are produced, which are combined with the mixed product stream and the combined stream is separated, and olefins and aromatics are recovered as product streams. 1. An integrated hydroprocessing , steam pyrolysis and catalytic cracking process for production of olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals from a crude oil feed , the process comprising:a. charging the crude oil and hydrogen to a hydroprocessing zone operating under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent having a reduced content of contaminants, an increased paraffinicity, reduced Bureau of Mines Correlation Index, and an increased American Petroleum Institute gravity;b. thermally cracking hydroprocessed effluent in the presence of steam in a steam pyrolysis zone to produce a mixed product stream;c. catalytically cracking heavy components derived from one or more of the hydroprocessed effluent, a heated stream within the steam pyrolysis zone, or the mixed product stream, to produce catalytically cracked products;d. separating a combined product stream including thermally cracked products and catalytically cracked products;e. purifying hydrogen recovered in step (d) and recycling it to step (a); andf. recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated combined product stream.2. The integrated process of claim 1 , further comprising recovering ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248421A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

An integrated hydroprocessing and fluid catalytic cracking process is provided for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals. Crude oil and hydrogen are charged to a hydroprocessing zone operating under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent having a reduced content of contaminants, an increased paraffinicity, reduced Bureau of Mines Correlation Index, and an increased American Petroleum Institute gravity. The hydroprocessed effluent is separated into a low boiling fraction and a high boiling fraction. The low boiling fraction is cracked in a first downflow reactor of a fluid catalytic cracking unit in the presence of a predetermined amount of catalyst to produce cracked products and spent catalyst, and the high boiling fraction is cracked in a second downflow reactor of the fluid catalytic cracking unit in the presence of a predetermined amount of catalyst to produce cracked products and spent catalyst. Spent catalyst from both the first and second downflow reactors are regenerated in a common regeneration zone, and first and second cracked product streams are recovered. 1. An integrated hydroprocessing and fluid catalytic cracking process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the process comprising:a. charging the crude oil and hydrogen to a hydroprocessing zone operating under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent having a reduced content of contaminants, an increased paraffinicity and an increased American Petroleum Institute gravity;b. separating the hydroprocessed effluent into a low boiling fraction and a high boiling fraction;c. cracking the low boiling fraction in a first downflow reactor of a fluid catalytic cracking unit in the presence of a predetermined amount of catalyst to produce cracked products and spent catalyst;d. cracking the high boiling fraction in a second downflow reactor of the fluid catalytic cracking unit ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Process for removing nitrogen from fuel streams with caprolactamium ionic liquids

Номер: US20130248423A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process for removing a nitrogen compound from a fuel feed, such as vacuum gas oil or diesel fuel, wherein the process includes contacting the fuel feed comprising the nitrogen compound with a fuel-immiscible caprolactamium ionic liquid to produce a fuel and fuel-immiscible caprolactamium ionic liquid mixture, and separating the mixture to produce a vacuum gas oil or a diesel effluent having a reduced nitrogen content relative to the vacuum gas oil or diesel feed. The invention provides an alternate use for caprolactamium ionic liquid that is produced in large quantities for the manufacture of caprolactam.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274530A1
Автор: Boe Philip Allen
Принадлежит: OTG RESEARCH, LLC

Methods and system for obtaining long chain carbons that generally include forming a conversion mixture of an alcohol and a base, adding the conversion mixture to oil (such as petroleum based oil, crude oil, used oil, used motor oil, and new motor oil) to form a reaction mixture, adding a high nitrate compound the reaction mixture, and separating out the long chain carbons for use as an input by other processing such as pharmaceutical and/or additional petro-chemical processing. Additional cooling and/or filtering processes may be utilized to complete and/or optimize oil conversion. 1. A method for obtaining long chain carbons from petroleum based oil , the method comprising:mixing an alcohol and a base to form a conversion mixture;adding said conversion mixture to oil to form a reaction mixture;heating said reaction mixture to a temperature of between 200° F. and 400° F. for a period of at least 1 hour;cooling said reaction mixture to a temperature less than 70° F.;adding a high nitrate compound to said reaction mixture;cooling said reaction mixture to a temperature where long chain carbons in said reaction mixture are at substantially equilibrium or greater relative to regular and/or short chain carbons in said reaction mixture;separating long chain carbons in said reaction mixture from said regular and/or short chain carbons.2. The method of further comprising extracting said separated long chain carbons from said reaction mixture.3. The method of wherein said oil is at least one of a group consisting of petroleum based oil claim 1 , crude oil claim 1 , used oil claim 1 , used motor oil claim 1 , and new motor oil.4. The method of wherein said mixing of said alcohol and said base to form said conversion mixture is performed until said base is fully dissolved in said alcohol.5. The method of wherein said mixing of said alcohol and said base to form said conversion mixture further comprises:heating said conversion mixture during said mixing of said conversion ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Methods for converting petroleum based oil into fuel

Номер: US20130281746A1
Автор: Philip Allen Boe
Принадлежит: OTG Research LLC

Methods for converting petroleum based oil into fuel generally include forming a conversion mixture of an alcohol and a base, and adding the conversion mixture to petroleum based oil, such as used motor oil, to form a reaction mixture. The methods can also include adding a high nitrate compound and an amino acid to the reaction mixture and ozonizing the reaction mixture. The result of the methods can include a three phase system in which the bottom phase is asphalt oil, the middle phase is diesel fuel or jet fuel, and the top phase is sulfuric acid. The three phases can be separated to obtain the final diesel fuel or jet fuel product.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Maximizing Aromatics Production From Hydrocracked Naphtha

Номер: US20130291432A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A gasoline blending components production system useful for producing both aromatics and gasoline blending components from naphtha. The production system includes a light hydrocracked naphtha splitter, a medium hydrocracked naphtha splitter, a naphtha hydrotreater, an isomerization unit, a continuous catalytic reformer and aromatics complex. The production system is operable to produce both refined benzene and para-xylene products in addition to medium hydrocracked naphtha, isomerate, a C7s cut and a C9+ cut, which are useful for gasoline blending without additional treatment. A method for producing gasoline blending components while maximizing aromatic production includes introducing both stabilized hydrocracked naphtha to the light hydrocracked naphtha splitter and straight run naphtha to the naphtha hydrotreater. Operating the production system produces three types of hydrocracked naphtha: a light hydrocracked naphtha, a medium hydrocracked naphtha and a heavy hydrocracked naphtha. Light and heavy hydrocracked naphtha are directed to the naphtha hydrotreater.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Catalytic Cracking Method and Apparatus

Номер: US20130292298A1
Автор: Baozhen Shi
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed are a catalytic cracking method and an apparatus for implementing the method. The catalytic cracking is carried out in a primary reactor and a secondary light material reactor, wherein in a first reaction region of the primary reactor, a regenerated catalyst contacts and reacts with a raw oil, the reaction mixture flows upward, and the catalyst is separated out by a separator; the separated catalyst flows to a stripping section, and the reacted oil gas flows upward along a delivery pipe and enters a second reaction region of the primary reactor; the catalyst to be regenerated from the secondary light material reactor enters the second reaction region of the primary reactor, and is mixed with the reacted oil gas from the first reaction region for further reaction; after the completion of the reaction, the oil gas is separated from the catalyst, and fed to a subsequent fractionation system, and the catalyst flows to the stripping section, is stripped together with the catalyst separated by the separator in the first reaction region, and enters a regenerator for regeneration. By using the apparatus and method disclosed herein, the production distribution and production quality are improved, the project investment is reduced, the energy consumption is lowered, and the implementation of the project is convenient.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Process for the Production of Xylenes and Light Olefins

Номер: US20130296622A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

In a hydrocarbon upgrading process, a hydrocarbon feed is treated in at least one of a steam cracker, catalytic cracker, coker, hydrocracker, and reformer under suitable conditions to produce a first stream comprising olefinic and aromatic hydrocarbons. A second stream composed mainly of C 4 + olefinic and aromatic hydrocarbons is recovered from the first stream and is fed together with a methylating agent to a reaction zone containing a catalyst under reaction conditions including a temperature of about 450° C. to about 700° C., such that aromatics components in the second stream undergo dealkylation, transalkylation and/or methylation and aliphatic components undergo cracking and aromatization to produce a third stream having an increased xylene content compared with said second stream and a C 3 − olefin by-product. The C 3 − olefin by-product is recovered and para-xylene is removed from at least part of said third stream.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Process for the Production of Xylenes and Light Olefins

Номер: US20130296623A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

In a hydrocarbon upgrading process, a hydrocarbon feed is treated in at least one of a steam cracker, catalytic cracker, coker, hydrocracker, and reformer under suitable conditions to produce a first stream comprising olefinic and aromatic hydrocarbons. A second stream composed mainly of C 4 to C 12 + olefinic and aromatic hydrocarbons is recovered from the first stream and blended said second stream with a residual fraction from a steam cracker or an atmospheric or vacuum distillation unit to produce a third stream. The third stream is then catalytically pyrolyzed in a reactor under conditions effective to produce a fourth stream having an increased benzene and/or toluene content compared with said second stream and a C 3 -olefin by-product. The C 3 -olefin by-product is recovered and benzene and/or toluene are recovered from the fourth stream.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for upgrading hydrocarbon

Номер: US20130299387A1
Принадлежит: Marathon Oil Canada Corp

Methods and systems for upgrading hydrocarbon material, including bituminous material such as tar sands. A hydrocarbon material and a cracking material can be injected into separate injection ports of a nozzle reactor to produce a hydrocarbon product. The hydrocarbon product can be injected directly into a coker so that heavy hydrocarbon compounds can be upgraded into lighter hydrocarbon compounds, or the hydrocarbon product can first be injected into a separation vessel to separate hydrocarbons having higher boiling point temperature from hydrocarbons having lower boiling point temperature. The hydrocarbons having higher boiling point temperature can then be injected into a coker.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306520A1
Автор: NIKIFORUK Colin

A method for processing raw natural gas for storage and transport in a storage vessel at a storage pressure greater than the raw natural gas dense phase pressure, which includes the steps of receiving the raw natural gas in a flow path at an inlet pressure greater than the storage pressure; if necessary, dehydrating the raw natural gas; and continuously releasing the dehydrated raw natural gas from the flow path at a release pressure and a release temperature into a storage vessel until the pressure of the dehydrated raw natural gas in the storage vessel reaches the storage pressure, avoiding the solidification of any impurities in the raw natural gas. Also, a method of processing crude oil having dissolved raw natural gas for storage and transport in a storage vessel at a storage pressure greater than the bubble point pressure, includes the steps of receiving the crude oil at an inlet pressure greater than the storage pressure, and loading the crude oil into the storage vessel until the crude oil reaches the storage pressure, without separating any dissolved raw natural gas from the crude oil. Alternatively, raw natural gas is separated from the crude oil, and compressed to at least the storage pressure, dehydrating the raw natural gas, and recombining the dehydrated raw natural gas with the crude oil prior to loading into the storage vessel, avoiding the solidification of any impurities in the raw natural gas. 1. A method for processing raw natural gas for storage and transport in a storage vessel at a storage pressure greater than the raw natural gas dense phase pressure , said method comprising the steps of:(a) receiving the raw natural gas in a flow path at an inlet pressure, wherein the inlet pressure is greater than the storage pressure, or if the inlet pressure is not greater than the storage pressure, compressing the natural gas to a pressure greater than the storage pressure;(b) if necessary, dehydrating the raw natural gas within the flow path to produce ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon Conversion Process

Номер: US20130310601A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The invention relates to processes for converting hydrocarbons to phthalic acids such as terephthalic acid. The invention also relates to polymerizing phthalic acid derivatives to produce, e.g., synthetic fibers.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Process for separation of water from pyrolysis gasoline

Номер: US20130310616A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A process for separating water from pyrolysis gasoline obtained from a steam cracking step uses a coalescer for the water separation. And a device comprises a coalescer for water separation from pyrolysis gasoline.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313162A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A petroleum feedstock upgrading method is provided. The method includes supplying a mixed stream that includes hydrocarbon feedstock and water to a hydrothermal reactor where the mixed stream is maintained at a temperature and pressure greater than the critical temperatures and pressure of water in the absence of catalyst for a residence time sufficient to convert the mixed stream into a modified stream having an increased concentration of lighter hydrocarbons and/or concentration of sulfur containing compounds. The modified stream is then supplied to an adsorptive reaction stage charged with a solid adsorbent operable to remove at least a portion of the sulfur present to produce a trimmed stream. The trimmed stream is then separated into a gas and a liquid streams, and the liquid stream is separated into a water stream and an upgraded hydrocarbon product stream. 1. A method for upgrading a petroleum feedstock without supplying an external hydrogen gas supply , the method comprising the steps of:supplying a petroleum feedstock to a mixer, where the step includes pumping the petroleum feedstock to a pressure greater than 22.06 MPa and heating the petroleum feedstock to a temperature of up to about 250° C. to produce a pressurized and heated petroleum feedstock,supplying a water feed to a mixer, where the step includes pumping the water feed to a pressure greater than 22.06 MPa and heating the water feed to a temperature of between about 250° C. and 650° C. to produce a pressurized and heated water feed;combining the heated and pressurized petroleum feedstock and the heated and pressurized water feed in the mixer to produce a pressurized and heated combined stream;supplying the pressurized and heated combined stream to a hydrothermal reactor, where the hydrothermal reactor is maintained at a temperature between about 380° C. and 550° C. and where the pressurized and heated combined stream is maintained in a reaction zone of the hydrothermal reactor for a hydrothermal ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Low Water Biomass-Derived Pyrolysis Oils and Processes for Producing the Same

Номер: US20130333278A1

Low water-containing biomass-derived pyrolysis oils and processes for producing them are provided. The process () includes condensing () pyrolysis gases including condensable pyrolysis gases and non-condensable gases to separate the condensable pyrolysis gases from the non-condensable gases, the non-condensable gases having a water content, drying () the non-condensable pyrolysis gases to reduce the water content of the-non-condensable gases to form reduced-water non-condensable pyrolysis gases, and providing () the reduced-water non-condensable pyrolysis gases to a pyrolysis reactor for forming the biomass-derived pyrolysis oil. 1200. A process () for reducing water in a biomass-derived pyrolysis oil comprising the steps of:{'b': '204', 'condensing () pyrolysis gases comprising condensable pyrolysis gases and non-condensable gases to separate the condensable pyrolysis gases from the non-condensable gases, the non-condensable gases having a water content;'}{'b': '206', 'drying () the non-condensable pyrolysis gases to reduce the water content of the-non-condensable gases to form reduced-water non-condensable pyrolysis gases; and'}{'b': '208', 'providing () the reduced-water non-condensable pyrolysis gases to a pyrolysis reactor for forming the biomass-derived pyrolysis oil.'}2200. The process () of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': '202', 'pyrolyzing () a biomass material in the pyrolysis reactor with the reduced-water non-condensable pyrolysis gases to form reduced-water pyrolysis gases; and'}{'b': '204', 'condensing () the reduced-water pyrolysis gases to form a low water biomass-derived pyrolysis oil.'}3200206. The process () of claim 1 , wherein the step of drying () comprises passing the non-condensable pyrolysis gases over a chiller.4200206. The process () of claim 1 , wherein the step of drying () comprises passing the non-condensable pyrolysis gases through an adsorptive dryer.5200. The process () of claim 1 , wherein the step of passing the non-condensable ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for extracting bitumen from an oil sand stream

Номер: US20130334105A1

The present invention provides a method for extracting bitumen from an oil sand stream, the method including the steps of: (a) providing an oil sand stream; (b) contacting the oil sand stream with a liquid comprising a solvent thereby obtaining a solvent-diluted oil sand slurry; (c) separating the solvent-diluted oil sand slurry, thereby obtaining a first solids-depleted stream and a first solids-enriched stream; (d) filtering the first solids-enriched stream obtained in step (c), thereby obtaining bitumen-depleted sand and at least a first filtrate; (e) increasing the S/B weight ratio of at least a part of the first filtrate by combining it with a stream having a higher S/B weight ratio thereby obtaining a combined stream; and (f) separating the combined stream, thereby obtaining a second solids-depleted stream and a second solids-enriched stream.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Efficient Method for Improved Coker Gas Oil Quality

Номер: US20130341248A1

An efficient delayed coking process improvement for producing heavy coker gas oil of sufficient quality to be used as hydrocracker feedstock.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001091A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The invention involves a process for hydrocarbon conversion. The process can include providing a feed to a primary upgrading zone and then treating the product from the primary upgrading zone with a feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove nitrogen compounds. 1. A process for hydrocarbon conversion , comprising: (1) at least one upgrading reactor; and', '(2) at least one separator;, '(a) providing a heavy oil hydrocarbon feed to a primary upgrading zone, wherein the primary upgrading zone comprises{'sub': 16', '45, 'sup': '-', '(b) obtaining a hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more CChydrocarbons from at least one separator; and'}(c) sending the hydrocarbon stream to an ionic liquid extractor containing a hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove nitrogen compounds.2. The process of wherein said upgrading reactor is selected from the group consisting of a slurry hydrocracking reactor claim 1 , a vis-breaking reactor and a delayed coking reactor.3. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one ionic liquid from at least one of tetraalkylphosphonium dialkylphosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium dialkyl phosphinates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium phosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium tosylates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium carbonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium metalates claim 1 , oxometalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium mixed metalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium polyoxometalates claim 1 , and tetraalkylphosphonium halides.4. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one of trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl( ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001092A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The invention involves a process for hydrocarbon conversion. The process can include providing a feed to a primary upgrading zone and then treating the product from the primary upgrading zone with a feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove metal compounds. 1. A process for hydrocarbon conversion , comprising: (1) at least one upgrading reactor; and', '(2) at least one separator;, '(a) providing a heavy oil hydrocarbon feed to a primary upgrading zone, wherein the primary upgrading zone comprises{'sub': 16', '45, '(b) obtaining a hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more C-Chydrocarbons from at least one separator; and'}(c) sending the hydrocarbon stream to an ionic liquid extractor containing a hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove metal compounds.2. The process of wherein said upgrading reactor is selected from the group consisting of a slurry hydrocracking reactor claim 1 , a vis-breaking reactor and a delayed coking reactor.3. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one ionic liquid from at least one of tetraalkylphosphonium dialkylphosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium dialkyl phosphinates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium phosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium tosylates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium carbonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium metalates claim 1 , oxometalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium mixed metalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium polyoxometalates claim 1 , and tetraalkylphosphonium halides.4. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one of trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(octyl)phosphonium ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001093A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The invention involves a process for hydrocarbon conversion. The process can include providing a feed to a primary upgrading zone and then treating the product from the primary upgrading zone with a feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove sulfur compounds. 1. A process for hydrocarbon conversion , comprising: (1) at least one upgrading reactor; and', '(2) at least one separator;, '(a) providing a heavy oil hydrocarbon feed to a primary upgrading zone, wherein the primary upgrading zone comprises{'sub': 16', '45, '(b) obtaining a hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more C-Chydrocarbons from at least one separator; and'}(c) sending the hydrocarbon stream to an ionic liquid extractor containing a hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove sulfur compounds.2. The process of wherein said upgrading reactor is selected from the group consisting of a slurry hydrocracking reactor claim 1 , a vis-breaking reactor and a delayed coking reactor.3. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one ionic liquid from at least one of tetraalkylphosphonium dialkylphosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium dialkyl phosphinates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium phosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium tosylates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium carbonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium metalates claim 1 , oxometalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium mixed metalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium polyoxometalates claim 1 , and tetraalkylphosphonium halides.4. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one of trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(octyl) ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001094A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The invention involves a process for hydrocarbon conversion. The process can include providing a feed to a primary upgrading zone and then treating the product from the primary upgrading zone with a feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove carbon residue compounds. 1. A process for hydrocarbon conversion , comprising: (1) at least one upgrading reactor; and', '(2) at least one separator;, '(a) providing a heavy oil hydrocarbon feed to a primary upgrading zone, wherein the primary upgrading zone comprises{'sub': 16', '45, '(b) obtaining a hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more C-Chydrocarbons from at least one separator; and'}(c) sending the hydrocarbon stream to an ionic liquid extractor containing a hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove carbon residue compounds.2. The process of wherein said upgrading reactor is selected from the group consisting of a slurry hydrocracking reactor claim 1 , a vis-breaking reactor and a delayed coking reactor.3. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one ionic liquid from at least one of tetraalkylphosphonium dialkylphosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium dialkyl phosphinates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium phosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium tosylates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium carbonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium metalates claim 1 , oxometalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium mixed metalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium polyoxometalates claim 1 , and tetraalkylphosphonium halides.4. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one of trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl( ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of removing heavy hydrocarbons

Номер: US20140021094A1

Heavy hydrocarbons contained in FT off gas of a GTL process are removed by bringing the FT off gas into contact with absorption oil, by introducing the FT off gas into a distillation tower, by cooling the FT off gas or by driving the FT off gas into an adsorbent. A burner tip for heating a reformer tube, using FT off gas as fuel, is prevented from being plugged by the deposition of heavy hydrocarbons contained in the FT off gas.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027345A1

An integrated thermal and catalytic process for improving the yield of middle distillate from heavy petroleum oil feeds comprises cracking the heavy portion (345° C.+) of the feed in a thermal conversion zone, followed by hydrotreating the thermally cracked product and the lighter portion of the feed and then separating the hydrotreated product into a bottoms fraction which is passed to a catalytic cracking step. 1. A thermal and catalytic process for converting a heavy petroleum oil feed into lower boiling products , comprising:separating a heavy hydrocarbon feed to form a light fraction boiling below about 345° C. (650° F.) and a heavy fraction boiling above about 345° C. (650° F.);thermally cracking the heavy fraction in a thermal conversion zone to produce a thermally cracked product;combining the light fraction with the thermally cracked heavy fraction;hydrotreating the combined light and heavy fractions;separating the hydrotreated product in a fractionator into a hydrotreated bottoms fraction and a hydrotreated light fraction;catalytically cracking at least a portion of the hydrotreated bottoms fraction; andfractionating the catalytically cracked product to separate a naphtha fraction, a distillate fraction and a bottoms fraction.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the heavy hydrocarbon feed comprises a gas oil feed having a boiling point above 290° C.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the gas oil feed comprises a vacuum gas oil in which at least 75 wt % of the gas oil feed boils in the range of 345° to 565° C. (ASTM D 2887).4. The process according to claim 3 , wherein the gas oil feed comprises a vacuum gas oil in which at least 90 wt % of the gas oil feed boils in the range of 345° to 565° C. (ASTM D 2887).5. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the gas oil feed comprises up to 10 wt % of a resid boiling above 565° C.6. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the gas oil feed comprises up to 10 wt % of a resid boiling above 565 ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042058A1

The present invention is directed to a process for producing and separating oil. An aqueous fluid having an ionic content of at most 0.15 M and a total dissolved solids content of from 200 ppm to 10,000 ppm is introduced into an oil-bearing formation. Oil and water are produced from the formation subsequent to the introduction of the aqueous fluid into the formation. A demulsifier and a brine solution having a total dissolved solids content of greater than 10,000 ppm are mixed with the oil and water produced from the formation. Oil is then separated from the mixture of oil, water, demulsifier, and brine solution. 1. A process for producing oil , comprisingintroducing an aqueous fluid having an ionic strength of at most 0.15 M and a total dissolved solids content of from 200 ppm to 10,000 ppm into an oil-bearing formation;producing oil and water from the formation subsequent to the introduction of the aqueous fluid into the formation;mixing a demulsifier and a brine solution having a total dissolved solids content of greater than 10,000 ppm with at least a portion of the oil and water produced from the formation; andseparating oil from the mixture of oil, water, demulsifier, and brine solution.2. The process of wherein the brine solution has a total dissolved solids content of at least 15 claim 1 ,000 ppm claim 1 , or at least 20 claim 1 ,000 ppm claim 1 , or at least 25 claim 1 ,000 ppm claim 1 , or at least 30 claim 1 ,000 ppm claim 1 , or at least 40 claim 1 ,000 ppm claim 1 , or at least 50 claim 1 ,000 ppm.3. The process of wherein the brine solution is selected from seawater claim 1 , brackish water claim 1 , or production water produced from the formation.4. The process of wherein from 0.2 up to 1 pore volume of the low salinity aqueous fluid is introduced into the formation.5. The process of claim 1 , further comprising the step of introducing a drive fluid into the formation subsequent to introducing the low salinity aqueous fluid into the formation.6. The ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Introducing an Additive into a Coking Process to Improve Quality and Yields of Coker Products

Номер: US20140048445A1
Автор: ETTER Roger G.

Heavy gas oil components, coking process recycle, and heavier hydrocarbons in the delayed coking process are cracked in the coking vessel by injecting a catalytic additive into the vapors above the gas/liquid-solid interface in the coke drum during the coking cycle. The additive comprises cracking catalyst(s) and quenching agent(s), alone or in combination with seeding agent(s), excess reactant(s), carrier fluid(s), or any combination thereof to modify reaction kinetics to preferentially crack these components. The quenching effect of the additive can be effectively used to condense the highest boiling point compounds of the traditional recycle onto the catalyst(s), thereby focusing the catalyst exposure to these target reactants. Exemplary embodiments of the present invention can also provide methods to (1) reduce coke production, (2) reduce fuel gas production, and (3) increase liquids production. 1. A process comprising injecting an additive comprising cracking catalyst(s) and quenching agent(s) , into vapors above a vapor/liquid interface in a coking vessel of a delayed coking process during a coking cycle wherein said quenching agent(s) condenses a vapor of a highest boiling point compound of said vapors to facilitate contact with components of said additive.2. The process of wherein said additive further comprises at least one of seeding agent(s) claim 1 , excess reactant(s) claim 1 , and carrier fluid(s).3. A process of wherein said contact of said a highest boiling point compound of said vapors in said coking vessel with said components of said additive causes selective conversion of said a highest boiling point compound of said vapors in said coking vessel.4. A process of wherein said selective conversion comprises cracking of said highest boiling point compound of said vapors in said coking vessel.5. A process of wherein said selective conversion comprises catalytic cracking claim 3 , catalytic coking claim 3 , thermal cracking claim 3 , thermal coking ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for the Devolatilization of Thermally Produced Liquids

Номер: US20140053456A1
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

Methods and systems for the devolatilization of thermally produced liquids to raise the flash point are disclosed. Various methods and apparatus can be used to effectively reduce the volatile components, such as wiped film evaporator, falling film evaporator, flash column, packed column, devolatilization vessel or tank.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for extracting sulfur compounds in a hydrocarbon stream

Номер: US20140066682A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

One exemplary embodiment can be a process for extracting sulfur compounds in a hydrocarbon stream. The process can include feeding a hydrocarbon stream containing sulfur compounds to a prewash zone containing an alkali, withdrawing a prewashed hydrocarbon stream from the prewash zone, and feeding the prewashed hydrocarbon stream to a mass transfer zone for extracting one or more thiol compounds from the prewashed hydrocarbon stream. Often, the mass transfer zone includes a hollow fiber membrane contactor.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076778A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

The present invention relates to a multistage reforming process to produce a high octane product. A naphtha boiling range feedstock is processed in a multi-stage reforming process, in which the process involves at least 1) a penultimate stage for reforming the naphtha feedstock to produce a penultimate effluent 2) a final stage for further reforming at least a portion of the penultimate effluent 3) a regeneration step for the final stage catalyst. The severity of the penultimate stage can be increased during final stage catalyst regeneration in order to maintain the target RON of the reformate product and avoid reactor downtime. 1. A reforming process comprising:a. contacting a naphtha boiling range feedstock in a penultimate stage of a multi-stage reforming process at a first reforming pressure with a first reforming catalyst to produce a penultimate effluent;b. contacting at least a portion of the penultimate effluent in a final stage of the multi-stage reforming process at a second reforming pressure with a second reforming catalyst to produce a final effluent comprising a final reformate, wherein the final reformate has a target RON that is higher than the intermediate reformate;c. regenerating the final stage catalyst while reforming is taking place in the penultimate stage; andd. temporarily increasing the severity of the penultimate stage to meet the RON target for the product reformate while the final stage catalyst is being regenerated.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first reforming catalyst comprises a Group VIII metal and a promoter supported on a porous refractory inorganic oxide support.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the Group VIII metal is platinum.4. The process of claim 2 , wherein the catalyst comprises platinum and rhenium on an alumina support.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the second reforming catalyst comprises a Group VIII metal and a promoter supported on a porous refractory inorganic oxide support.6. The process of wherein ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Synthetic lubricant basestocks and methods of preparation thereof

Номер: US20140087984A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

This disclosure relates to vinyl terminated macromer (VTM) based synthetic basestocks and their methods of preparation, lubricant compositions, methods of lubrication and products so lubricated. The VTM based synthetic basestocks useful for fuels and lubricants include oligomerization or polymerization products of one or more allylic vinyl terminated macromers (VTMs) having a molecular weight from 84 to 10080. The one or more allylic VTMs are oligomerized or polymerized in the presence of a catalyst under oligomerization or polymerization conditions sufficient to give the VTM based synthetic basestock. The catalyst can be a metallocene catalyst or an acid catalyst, e.g., Lewis acid. The one or more allylic vinyl terminated macromers (VTMs) can be one or more allylic vinyl terminated atactic polypropylene macromers (VTM aPP) having a molecular weight from 84 to 2250 and having a terminal allylic vinyl olefin content of at least 90%.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002542A1
Автор: Lacheen Howard Steven
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

Processes for decomposing organic chloride in a hydrocarbon stream may comprise contacting a hydrocarbon stream with a dechlorination element in a dechlorination zone under dechlorination conditions to provide a dechlorinated hydrocarbon product, wherein the dechlorination element may comprise a metal or metal alloy having a high surface area configuration. Such a dechlorination element may be disposed within one or more distillation columns and/or within a separate dechlorination vessel. 1. A dechlorination process , comprising:a) providing a hydrocarbon stream comprising an alkylate product in combination with an organic chloride contaminant; and{'sup': 2', '−3, 'b) contacting the hydrocarbon stream under dechlorination conditions in a dechlorination zone with a dechlorination element having a surface area per unit volume in the range from 250 to 1000 m·mto decompose the organic chloride and to provide a dechlorinated alkylate product, wherein the dechlorination element has a metal surface comprising a metal alloy.'}2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the dechlorination element comprises from 90 to 100 wt % of the metal alloy.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein:the metal surface of the dechlorination element is of uniform composition, andthe metal alloy is selected from the group consisting of an Fe based alloy, a Ni based alloy, and a Cu based alloy.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal alloy comprises at least 90 wt % Fe claim 1 , and an alloying element selected from the group consisting of Al claim 1 , B claim 1 , C claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , N claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Pb claim 1 , S claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , V claim 1 , W claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal surface of the dechlorination element consists essentially of the metal alloy.6. The process according to ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Process for cracking hydrocarbons to make diesel

Номер: US20170002274A1
Автор: Lev Davydov
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process and apparatus is for recycling HCO and/or naphtha from a first FCC unit to a second FCC unit to recover additional distillate and/or light olefins. A first catalyst stream for the first FCC unit may be isolated from a second catalyst stream for the second FCC unit. Fractionation of second cracked products from the second FCC unit may be separate from fractionation of first cracked products from the first FCC unit.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002275A1
Автор: Gupta Subodh

Methods for preparing, converting, and/or transporting bitumen are provided. Asphaltene prills, prilling processes, and converted bitumen suitable for transport are disclosed. One method for preparing bitumen for transport comprises: separating asphaltene from the bitumen to generate a deasphalted oil and asphaltene; separating the asphaltene into a first asphaltene fraction and a second asphaltene fraction, the first asphaltene fraction being less soluble in deasphalted oil and the second asphaltene fraction being more soluble in deasphalted oil; and forming an asphaltene prill comprising an inner core comprising the second asphaltene fraction and an outer layer comprising the first asphaltene fraction. Asphaltene prills disclosed herein may comprise an inner core comprising an asphaltene fraction having more solubility in deasphalted oil, and an outer layer comprising an asphaltene fraction having less solubility in deasphalted oil. Methods for the transport of bitumen via a pipeline are disclosed. 1. A method for preparing or converting bitumen for transport , the method comprising:separating asphaltene from the bitumen to generate a deasphalted oil and asphaltene;separating the asphaltene into a first asphaltene fraction and a second asphaltene fraction, the first asphaltene fraction being less soluble in deasphalted oil and the second asphaltene fraction being more soluble in deasphalted oil; andforming an asphaltene prill comprising an inner core comprising the second asphaltene fraction and an outer layer comprising the first asphaltene fraction.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:adding one or more hollow portions to the asphaltene prill to control the density of the asphaltene prill.3. The of claim 2 , wherein the one or more hollow portions are added to the inner core of the asphaltene prill.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:combining the asphaltene prill with the deasphalted oil to form a slurry suitable for ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002276A1

The present subject matter relates generally to methods for hydrocarbon conversion. More specifically, the present subject matter relates to methods for integrating reforming and dehydrocyclodimerization, which are both catalytic processes. While dehydrocyclodimerization takes two or more molecules of a light aliphatic hydrocarbon, such as propane or propylene, to form a product aromatic hydrocarbon and hydrogen, platforming takes C6 and higher carbon number reactants, primarily paraffins and naphthenes, to convert to aromatics and hydrogen. This integration enables an opportunity to recombine the light aliphatic hydrocarbon from the platforming process into a more desirable aromatics species. 1. A hydrocarbon conversion process , comprising:(a) passing a first hydrocarbon stream to a reforming zone having a first catalyst wherein the reforming zone operates at reforming zone conditions to produce a reforming zone effluent stream; and(b) passing the reforming zone effluent stream to a dehydrocyclodimerization zone having a second catalyst wherein the dehydrocyclodimerization zone operates at dehydrocyclodimerization conditions to produce a dehydrocyclodimerization zone effluent.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising passing the dehydrocyclodimerization zone effluent to an aromatics recovery zone.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising passing the reforming zone effluent to an aromatics recovery zone.4. The process of claim 1 , further comprising passing the reforming zone effluent zone and the dehydrocyclodimerization zone effluent to the same aromatics recovery zone.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first catalyst is a non-platinum containing catalyst.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first catalyst is a non-noble metal catalyst.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the dehydrocyclodimerization zone effluent is passed to a dehydrocyclodimerization light product separation zone and the reforming zone effluent is passed to a reforming light ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002277A1

The present subject matter relates generally to methods for hydrocarbon conversion. More specifically, the present subject matter relates to methods for integrating reforming and dehydrocyclodimerization, which are both catalytic processes. While dehydrocyclodimerization takes two or more molecules of a light aliphatic hydrocarbon, such as propane or propylene, to form a product aromatic hydrocarbon and hydrogen, platforming takes Cand higher carbon number reactants, primarily paraffins and naphthenes, to convert to aromatics and hydrogen. This integration enables an opportunity to recombine the light aliphatic hydrocarbon from the platforming process into a more desirable aromatics species. 1. A hydrocarbon conversion process , comprising:(a) passing a first hydrocarbon stream to a reforming zone having a first catalyst wherein the reforming zone operates at reforming zone conditions to produce a reforming zone effluent stream;(b) passing the reforming zone effluent stream to a dehydrocyclodimerization zone having a second catalyst wherein the dehydrocyclodimerization zone operates at dehydrocyclodimerization conditions to produce a dehydrocyclodimerization zone effluent; and(c) wherein the reforming zone effluent stream is passed to the different reactors within the dehydrocyclodimerization zone.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising passing a third hydrocarbon stream comprising C6+ hydrocarbons claim 1 , a reforming zone effluent stream claim 1 , and a second hydrocarbon stream to a dehydrocyclodimerization zone operating at dehydrocyclodimerization conditions to produce a dehydrocyclodimerization zone effluent stream.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein streams may be taken from any point in the platforming zone and passed to the dehydrocyclodimerization zone.4. The process of claim 1 , further comprising a hydrogen compression section and a hydrogen recovery section that are common to both the platforming zone and the dehydrocyclodimerization zone.5. The ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Process for conversion of hydrocarbons integrating reforming using a non-noble metal catalyst and dehydrocyclodimerization

Номер: US20170002278A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The present subject matter relates generally to methods for hydrocarbon conversion. More specifically, the present subject matter relates to methods for integrating reforming and dehydrocyclodimerization, which are both catalytic processes. While dehydrocyclodimerization takes two or more molecules of a light aliphatic hydrocarbon, such as propane or propylene, to form a product aromatic hydrocarbon and hydrogen, platforming takes C6 and higher carbon number reactants, primarily paraffins and naphthenes, to convert to aromatics and hydrogen. This integration enables an opportunity to recombine the light aliphatic hydrocarbon from the platforming process into a more desirable aromatics species.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002664A1
Принадлежит: SOLVAY SA

The present invention relates to a process for producing waxes and liquid fuels from waste plastic. 1. A process for producing waxes and liquid fuels from waste plastic , the process comprising the steps ofsubjecting the waste plastic to a dry pretreatment, andsubsequently subjecting the pretreated waste plastic to cracking.2. The process according to wherein the dry pretreatment step comprises size reduction and/or foreign material removal.3. The process according to wherein the size reduction is accomplished by grinding or shredding and the foreign material removal is accomplished by separation by cycloning claim 2 , air elutration claim 2 , sieving and/or magnetic separation.4. The process according to wherein the pretreated waste plastic has a water content of less than 20% by weight based on the total weight of the waste plastic.5. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of reducing the content of air and/or oxygen in the waste plastic prior to subjecting it to cracking.6. The process according to wherein the content of air and/or oxygen in the waste plastic is reduced by mechanical compression claim 5 , applying vacuum claim 5 , diluting the air by an inert gas claim 5 , purging the waste plastic with an inert gas and/or contacting the waste plastic with an oxygen scavenger.7. The process according to wherein the content of air in the waste plastic prior to subjecting it to cracking is lower than 10 g/kg of dry waste plastic.8. The process according to further comprising the step of liquefying the waste plastic prior to subjecting it to cracking.9. The process according to wherein the cracking is thermal or catalytic cracking.10. The process according to wherein the cracking is catalytic cracking and the catalyst is circulated between a cracking reactor and a regenerator where coke deposit and optionally other combustible material is burnt.11. The process according to wherein temperature and/or flow of the circulating catalyst are ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002622A1

The present invention provides strategies to integrate adsorption and liquefaction techniques to separate hydrocarbon feed mixtures into purified light and heavy components, respectively. Initially, the hydrocarbon stream is separated into a light and heavy stream. The light stream can be integrated into a natural gas product. The heavy stream is partially liquefied. A first gas liquid separation of the partially liquefied heavy stream at an elevated pressure separates the liquid heavy stream from a methane-containing gas. The rejected methane component, which generally will include some rejected C2 and C3+ material, can be recycled to be combined with the feed mixture for re-processing. A further aspect of the strategy is then to practice at least one additional gas-liquid separation of the separated liquid heavy stream at a lower pressure effective to help further resolve the liquid heavy stream from C2-containing gas. The rejected C2 component, which generally will include some rejected C1 and C3+ material, can then be recycled back into the feed mixture for reprocessing or used as all or a portion of a light hydrocarbon product. 1. A method of separating C1 and C2 hydrocarbons from C3+ hydrocarbons , comprising the steps of:a. providing a feed mixture comprising (i) at least one of C1 and/or C2 hydrocarbons, and (ii) one or more C3+ hydrocarbons;b. using at least one adsorbent to separate the feed mixture into a light component that is enriched in C1 and/or C2 hydrocarbons relative to the feed mixture and a heavy component that is enriched in C3+ content relative to the feed mixture;c. using pressure and temperature to cause the heavy component to be partially liquefied to include a first liquid portion and a first gas portion;d. separating the, first liquid portion and the first gas portion, wherein the separated first liquid portion is enriched in at least one C3+ hydrocarbon relative to the heavy component, and wherein the separated first gas portion is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002626A1

The invention provides a process for preparing a fluid having a boiling point in the range of from 150 to 260° C. and comprising more than 80% by weight of isoparaffins and less than 50 ppm of aromatics, comprising the step of catalytically hydrogenating a feed comprising more than 85% by weight of oligomerized olefins, at a temperature from 115 to 195° C. and at a pressure from 30 to 70 bars. The invention also provides the fluid obtainable by the process of the invention and the use of said fluid. 116.-. (canceled)17. A method for the preparation of a fluid having a boiling point in the range of from 150 to 260° C. and comprising more than 80% by weight of isoparaffins and less than 50 ppm of aromatics , comprising the step of catalytically hydrogenating a feed comprising more than 85% by weight of oligomerized olefins , at a temperature from 115 to 195° C. and at a pressure from 30 to 70 bars.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the method comprises three hydrogenation stages.19. The method of claim 17 , wherein the hydrogenation conditions are the following:Pressure: 40 to 60 bars;Temperature: 125 to 185° C.;{'sup': '−1', 'Liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV): 0.1 to 3 hr;'}{'sup': '3', 'Hydrogen treat rate: 50 to 300 Nm/ton of feed.'}20. The method of claim 17 , wherein the feed comprises more than 90% by weight of oligomerized olefins.21. The method of claim 17 , wherein the oligomerized olefinic feed is selected from the group consisting of: trimeric butene claim 17 , and tetrameric propylene cuts.22. The method of claim 17 , wherein the oligomerized olefinic feed comprises a majority of C12 olefins.23. The method of claim 17 , wherein the method comprises (i) a fractionating step carried out before the hydrogenating step claim 17 , or after the hydrogenating step or both claim 17 , or (ii) the method comprises three hydrogenation stages claim 17 , or (iii) both (i) and (ii).24. The method of claim 17 , wherein the fluid has a boiling point in the range of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods and systems to separate hydrocarbon mixtures such as natural gas into light and heavy components

Номер: US20200002628A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present invention integrates adsorption and liquefaction techniques to separate hydrocarbon feed mixtures into light and heavy components. A feed is partially liquefied in two or more stages. A first stage occurs at higher pressure. A second stage occurs at lower pressure. At each stage, gas and liquid components are separated. The separated heavy components resulting from liquefaction provide a purified natural gas liquid product. The separated gas components may be further processed and/or handled to provide purified natural gas. Heavy streams resulting from the further processing of the separated gas streams may be recycled and incorporated into the feed mixture. By using separate liquefaction stages at different pressures to favor C1 and then C2 separation from the heavy stream, a natural gas liquid product with high C3+ purity results.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Supercritical Water Separation Process

Номер: US20200002629A1

A supercritical water separation process and system is disclosed for the removal of metals, minerals, particulate, asphaltenes, and resins from a contaminated organic material. The present invention takes advantage of the physical and chemical properties of supercritical water to effect the desired separation of contaminants from organic materials and permit scale-up. At a temperature and pressure above the critical point of water (374° C., 22.1 MPa), nonpolar organic compounds become miscible in supercritical water (SCW) and polar compounds and asphaltenes become immiscible. The process and system disclosed continuously separates immiscible contaminants and solids from the supercritical water and clean oil product solution. The present invention creates a density gradient that enables over 95% recovery of clean oil and over 99% reduction of contaminants such as asphaltenes and particulate matter depending on the properties of the contaminated organic material. 1. A process for treating a feedstock comprising:delivering a feedstock and supercritical water into a hydrothermal separation vessel, said hydrothermal separation vessel including an upper separation zone, a mid-level mixing zone, and a bottom concentration zone, wherein the feedstock and supercritical water are fed separately into the mixing zone to form a mixture, said mixing zone providing sufficient shear and mixing to cause dissolution of any soluble components of the feedstock into the supercritical water;maintaining a temperature and pressure within the hydrothermal separation vessel to achieve a vertical density gradient therein such that the separation zone exhibits a lower density than the concentration zone to form a product stream and a stream containing insoluble components; andremoving the product stream from the separation zone and the stream containing insoluble components from the concentration zone.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein any components present in the feedstock that are ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Integrated Gas Oil Separation Plant for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Processing

Номер: US20210002558A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Systems and methods of integrated gas oil separation are disclosed. Systems include a high pressure production trap (HPPT), a low pressure production trap (LPPT), a low pressure degassing tank (LPDT), a first knockout drum (KOD) fluidly coupled to the LPDT and operable to accept an atmospheric pressure off-gas from the LPDT, an atmospheric pressure compressor fluidly coupled to the first KOD and operable to compress the atmospheric pressure off-gas to introduce the atmospheric pressure off-gas from the LPDT into the LPPT inlet feed stream, a second KOD fluidly coupled to the LPPT and operable to accept a low pressure off-gas from the LPPT, and a low pressure compressor fluidly coupled to the second KOD and operable to compress the low pressure off-gas to introduce the low pressure off-gas from the LPPT into the crude oil inlet feed stream.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002564A1

Apparatus and processes herein provide for converting hydrocarbon feeds to light olefins and other hydrocarbons. The processes and apparatus include a conventional riser reactor in combination with a mixed flow (e.g., including both counter-current and co-current catalyst flows) fluidized bed reactor designed for maximizing light olefins production. The effluents from the riser reactor and mixed flow reactor are processed in a catalyst disengagement vessel, and the catalysts used in each reactor may be regenerated in a common catalyst regeneration vessel. Further, integration of the two-reactor scheme with a catalyst cooler provides a refinery the flexibility of switching the operation between the two-reactor flow scheme, a catalyst cooler only flow scheme, or using both simultaneously. 1. A system for processing hydrocarbons , comprising:a riser reactor configured to contact a mixture of first particles and second particles with a hydrocarbon feedstock to convert at least a portion of the hydrocarbon feedstock and to recover a riser reactor effluent comprising mixed hydrocarbons and the mixture of the first and second particles, wherein the first particle has a smaller average particle size and/or is less dense than the second particle, and wherein the first particle and second particle may independently be catalytic or non-catalytic particles; an overhead product line for recovering from the reactor a reactor effluent comprising first particles, a first portion of the second particles, and hydrocarbons;', 'a bottoms product line for recovering from the reactor a second stream comprising a second portion of the second particles;, 'a reactor configured to contact a mixture comprising the first particles and the second particles with a second hydrocarbon feedstock to convert at least a portion of the second hydrocarbon feedstock, wherein the reactor is fluidly connected toa particle separator configured to separate second particles from the reactor effluent, and to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Sustainable Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling and Methods for Their Manufacture

Номер: US20190003704A1
Принадлежит: Institutt for Energiteknikk IFE

An oxygen carrier (OC) for use in Chemical Looping technology with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) for the combustion of carbonaceous fuels, in which commercial grade metal oxides selected from the group consisting of Cu, Mn, and Co oxides and mixtures thereof constitute a primary oxygen carrier component. The oxygen carrier contains, at least, a secondary oxygen carrier component which is comprised by low-value industrial materials which already contain metal oxides selected from the group consisting of Cu, Mn, Co, Fe, Ni oxides or mixtures thereof. The secondary oxygen carrier component has a minimum oxygen carrying capacity of 1 g of O2 per 100 g material in chemical looping reactions. Methods for the manufacture of the OC are also disclosed.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Sulfur-contaminated ionic liquid catalyzed alklyation

Номер: US20170007993A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A sulfur-contaminated ionic liquid catalyst is provided comprising 300 to 20,000 wppm of sulfur from a contaminant, wherein the catalyst is a chloroaluminate and it alkylates olefin and isoparaffin to make an alkylate gasoline blending component having a FBP below 221° C. A process is provided for making the alkylate gasoline blending component, comprising: a. feeding olefin feed comprising greater than 80 wppm of sulfur contaminant to a chloroaluminate ionic liquid catalyst, to make a sulfur-contaminated catalyst; and b. alkylating olefin feed with isoparaffin to make the alkylate gasoline blending component. A method to construct a refinery alkylation unit is provided comprising installing an ionic liquid alkylation reactor having an inlet that feeds a pure coker LPG olefin. An alkylation process exclusively utilizing coker LPG olefins is also provided.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008762A1

A method of recovering one or more insoluble oils from a liquid source using one or more membrane or membrane contactors, comprising the steps of: pumping the liquid source comprising the one or more oils to the membranes or membrane contactors, contacting the liquid source with a first surface of the membrane or membrane contactors, coalescing the one or more oils within the liquid source onto the first surface of the membrane contactors, pumping one or more recovery fluids through the membrane or membrane contactors in contact with the second surface of the membrane or membrane contactors, and removing a first stream of oil coalesced from the second surface of the membranes or membrane contactors. 1. A method of recovering one or more insoluble oils from a liquid source using one or more membrane or membrane contactors , comprising the steps of:pumping the liquid source comprising the one or more oils to one or more membranes or membrane contactors, wherein the liquid source does not contain an amount of solvent sufficient to disperse the oils;contacting the liquid source with a first surface of the one or more membrane or membrane contactors;coalescing the one or more oils within the liquid source onto the first surface of the one or more membrane contactors;pumping one or more recovery fluids through the one or more membrane or membrane contactors in contact with the second surface of the one or more membrane or membrane contactors; andremoving a first stream of oil coalesced from the second surface of the one or more membranes or membrane contactors.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:collecting the one or more coalesced oils in a collection vessel; andcontacting the liquid source one or more times to the one or more membranes or membrane contactors by pumping through the one or more membranes or membrane contactors to process the liquid source to recover additional coalesced oil.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid source is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009148A1

A method is provided involving altering the viscosity of bio-derived paraffins to produce a paraffinic fluid, where the altering step includes chlorinating the bio-derived paraffins; the bio-derived paraffins include a hydrodeoxygenated product produced by hydrodeoxygenating a bio-based feed where the bio-based feed includes bio-derived fatty acids, fatty acid esters, or a combination thereof; the bio-derived paraffins include n-paraffins; and the n-paraffins have a biodegradability of at least 40% after about 23 days of exposure to microorganisms. Also provided are methods of protecting and/or cleaning a substance by applying the paraffinic fluid. 1. A method comprising altering the viscosity of bio-derived paraffins to produce a paraffinic fluid , whereinthe altering step comprises oligomerizing the bio-derived paraffins to produce an oligomerized product, wherein the oligomerized product has a kinematic viscosity of at least about 10 cSt at 40° C.;the paraffinic fluid comprises the oligomerized product;the bio-derived paraffins comprise a hydrodeoxygenated product produced by hydrodeoxygenating a bio-based feed where the bio-based feed comprises bio-derived fatty acids, fatty acid esters, or a combination thereof; and have a kinematic viscosity of less than about 10 cSt at 40° C.; and', 'have a biodegradability of at least about 40% after about 23 days of exposure to microorganisms., 'the bio-derived paraffins comprise n-paraffins where the n-paraffins'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oligomerized product comprises less than about 1 wt % aromatics.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oligomerized product comprises less than about 0.1 wt % aromatics.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oligomerized product is free of benzene.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the altering step comprises oligomerizing bio-derived paraffins within the C-Crange.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein oligomerizing bio-derived paraffins comprises contacting the bio-derived ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009149A1

A sequential cracking process for the thermal cracking of a hydrocarbon feedstock in a cascade of cracking units wherein said hydrocarbon feedstock is heated in a furnace to a predetermined maximum temperature and thermally cracked in the cascade of cracking, such that the formation of coke is reduced. 1. A sequential cracking process for the thermal cracking of a hydrocarbon feedstock in a cascade of cracking units wherein said hydrocarbon feedstock is heated in a furnace to a predetermined maximum temperature and thermally cracked in said cascade of cracking units , the process comprising the following steps:a. heating said hydrocarbon feedstock in said furnace to a cracking temperature T1;b. introducing the heated hydrocarbon feedstock into a first cracking unit operating at a temperature T1;c. passing the product stream from said first cracking unit to a first fractionation;d. recovering as separate streams from said first fractionation a light fraction boiling below 370 degrees C. and a heavy fraction boiling above 370 degrees C.;e. introducing said heavy fraction from said first fractionation into a second cracking unit operating at a temperature T2;f. passing the product stream from said second cracking unit to a second fractionation;g. recovering as separate streams from said second fractionation a light fraction boiling below 370 degrees C. and a heavy fraction boiling above 370 degrees C. andh. introducing said heavy fraction from said second fractionation into a third conversion unit operating at a temperature T3, wherein temperature T1 is not equal to temperature T2, and temperature T2 is not equal to temperature T3, wherein the temperature in the first cracking unit T1, the second cracking unit T2 and the third conversion unit T3 is in the sequence of T1 Подробнее