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20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535666C2
Принадлежит: Шеметалл ГМБХ (DE)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу подготовки металлических обрабатываемых изделий для холодной штамповки путем нанесения слоя смазочных материалов (соответственно покрытия) на металлическую поверхность или на металлическую поверхность с предварительно нанесенным покрытием, при этом слой смазочных материалов образуют при контактировании поверхности с водной композицией смазочных материалов, которая имеет содержание по меньшей мере одного водорастворимого, водосодержащего и/или связывающего воду оксида или/и силиката, представляющего собой по меньшей мере одно жидкое стекло, силикагель, кизельзоль, гидрозоль кремниевой кислоты, этилсиликат или/и соответственно по меньшей мере один продукт их осаждения, продукт гидролиза или/и продукт конденсации, а также содержание полимерного органического материала, содержащего, по меньшей мере, один иономер и, по меньшей мере, одно неиономерное соединение, причем иономеры в основном состоят из иономерных сополимеров и представляют собой соединения ...

29-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018129866A3

27-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2103333C1

Изобретение относится к новым полифункциональным модификациям вязкости, включающим смесь дериватизированных сополимеров этилена с альфа-олефинами, А и Б. Указанный сополимер А содержит от примерно 30 до примерно 60 мас.% мономерных звеньев из этилена и указанный сополимер Б содержит от примерно 60 до примерно 80 мас.% мономерных звеньев из этилена. 2 с. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 1 табл.

15-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012592C1

Смазочное масло для двигателей внутреннего сгорания содержит, (в % ): 0,01 - 2,00 неполного сложного эфира жирной кислоты и многоатомного спирта, 0,01 - 15 продукта взаимодействия полиизобутиленянтарной кислоты с алкиленполиамином, 0,01 - 2,0 соли металла диалкилдитиофосфорной кислоты и до 100 нефтяного масла. Продукт взаимодействия получен на основе полиизобутиленянтарной кислоты, содержащей 1,3 - 4 групп янтарной кислоты на эквивалентную массу полиизобутилена, имеющего средне-числовую мол. м. 1300 - 5000 и отношение среднемассовой мол. м. к средне-числовой составляет 1,5 - 4,5. Содержание алкиленполиамина составляет 1 - 2 молярных эквивалента на эквивалент кислоты. В соли диалкилдитиофосфорной кислоты один алкил представляет изопропил или вторичный бутил, другой алкил содержит 5 - 13 атомов углерода при содержании 10 - 90% молярных изопропильных или вторичных бутильных групп. Металлом является металл II группы, алюминий, олово, железо, кобальт, свинец, молибден, марганец, никель или медь ...

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009137900A

... 1. Изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе, которая включает водную основу текучей среды, органическую жидкость, смешивающуюся с водой, и синтетический полимер. ! 2. Изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе по п. 1, в которой синтетический полимер сшивают. ! 3. Изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе по п. 1, в которой изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе далее включает добавку, выбранную из группы, содержащей: ингибиторы коррозии, модификаторы pH, биоциды, стеклянную дробь, полые сферы, полые микросферы, модификаторы реологии, буферы, ингибиторы гидратообразования, деэмульгаторы, индикаторы, дополнительные утяжелители, загустители, поверхностно-активные вещества и их комбинации. ! 4. Изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе по п. 1, в которой изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе включает солевой раствор, выбранный из группы содержащий: NaCl, NaBr, КCl, CaCl2, CaBr2, ZrBr2, карбонат натрия, формиат натрия, формиат калия, формиат цезия, и комбинации и производные этих ...

10-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010135775A

... 1. Способ подготовки металлических обрабатываемых изделий для холодной штамповки путем нанесения слоя смазочных материалов (= покрытия) или на металлическую поверхность или на металлическую поверхность с предварительно нанесенным покрытием, отличающийся тем, что слой смазочных материалов образуется при контактировании поверхности с водной композицией смазочных материалов, которая имеет содержание по меньшей мере одного водорастворимого, водосодержащего и/или связывающего воду оксида или/и силиката, а также полимерного органического материала, а также тем, что в качестве органического полимерного материала преимущественно используются мономеры, олигомеры, соолигомеры, полимеры или/и сополимеры на основе иономера, акриловой кислоты/метакриловой кислоты, эпоксида, этилена, полиамида, пропилена, стирола, уретана, их одного или нескольких сложных эфиров или/и их одной или нескольких солей. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что композиция смазочных материалов или/и образованное из нее покрытие ...

30-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1838387C

30-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1819287C

15-09-1977 дата публикации

Топливная композиция

Номер: SU573128A3

06-06-1991 дата публикации

Use of polyethylene imine for inhibition of nitrosamine formation - in body care prepns., cutting fluid and hydraulic oils by neutralising acidic components

Номер: DE0003939474A1

Use of polyethylene imine in the prevention or inhibition of nitrosamine formation in amine constituents of body care preparations, cutting fluids and hydraulic oils, is claimed. ADVANTAGE - The polyethylene imine neutralises acidic components in the above materials, such as fatty acids, long chain sulphonic acids, phosphonic acid derivs.

19-05-1993 дата публикации

Motorenöle mit hohem Dispergiervermögen

Номер: DE0004137269A1

11-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003778866D1

... (A) Esters and (poly)alkoxylates of polybutyl or polyisobutyl alcohol of formula R-CH2-O-R' (I) are new, where R = polybutyl or polyisobutyl gp. derived from isobutene and up to 20 wt.% n-butene, R' = acyl, or R'0 = (poly)alkoxylate. (B) Fuel or lubricant compsns. contain polybutyl or polyisobutyl alcohol(s) of formula R-CH2OH (II) where R = as above, or a (poly)alkoxylate or ester thereof. In (A), the acyl gp. R' is derived from an (un)satd., aliphatic or aromatic, (a)cyclic, mono- or polycarboxylic acid; and the (poly)alkoxylate gp., R'0 = -(-0-(CH2)n)-)m-OH (III), n = 2-8, m = 1-200. In (B) the polyalkoxylate is defined as in (A).

26-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002534922A1

26-01-1967 дата публикации

Waessrige Schmieroeldispersionen fuer die Metallbearbeitung

Номер: DE0001233081B

25-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003064335D1

23-08-1956 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung verdickter Schmieroele und Schmierfette

Номер: DE0000947729C

01-06-2011 дата публикации

Schwefelfreie Schmiermittelzusammensetzung

Номер: DE0069943365D1

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Alkylacrylat-Copolymerdispergermittel und Anwendungen davon

Номер: DE102008017362B4
Принадлежит: AFTON CHEMICAL CORP, Afton Chemical Corp.

Vernetztes, funktionalisiertes copolymeres Reaktionsprodukt, das erhältlich ist durch die Zugabe von: i) einem acylierten Alkylacrylatcopolymer mit einem Zahlenmittel des Molekulargewichts im Bereich von 5000 bis 500000, wobei das acylierte Alkylacrylatcopolymer 0,1 bis 20 Gew.-% Monomereinheiten, abgeleitet von ungesättigten Anhydridmonomeren umfasst, wobei die Alkylacrylate die allgemeine Struktur:aufweisen, wobei R3 Wasserstoff oder eine C1-C5-Alkylgruppe ist und R4 eine nicht-substituierte C1- bis C30-Alkylgruppe ist; ii) einem Hydrocarbyl-Acylierungsmittel mit einem Zahlenmittel des Molekulargewichts im Bereich von 500 bis 5000; und iii) einer Verbindung, ausgewählt aus der Gruppe, bestehend aus (a) einem Polyamin; (b) einem Polyol und (c) einem Aminoalkohol; Vernetzen von Komponente (i) und Komponente (ii) mit Komponente (iii), um das funktionalisierte Polyalkylacrylatcopolymer bereitzustellen, wobei ein Molverhältnis von (i) zu (ii) von 1:10 bis 5:1 reicht, und wobei (ii) + (iii) ...

27-11-1969 дата публикации

Brennstoff- und Schmiermittelgemische

Номер: DE0001545342A1

30-04-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002431160C2

28-12-1967 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001257333B

23-07-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001594525A1

23-04-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002756488C2

20-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003173467D1

13-03-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001290646B

09-12-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001594486A1

10-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001768933B2

30-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002429826A1

29-11-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001446342B2

20-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002164947B2

09-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002204599A1

12-10-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002215492A1

06-08-1964 дата публикации

Products for inhibiting corrosion and for protection against corrosion

Номер: GB0000965934A

Anti-corrosion agents are prepared by reacting an alkali metal nitrile with a natural resin containing free abietic acid, e.g. tall oil. An aqueous solution of the nitrile is preferably employed at a temperature below 60 DEG C. The abietic acid or material containing it may be an alcoholic solution to give a solution of the product in alcohol. Reaction may be performed in a composition whose anti-corrosive properties are to be inhibited or in a composition to be used for protecting against corrosion. Thus when neutralizing compositions containing abietic acid the aqueous alkali used, e.g. caustic potash may contain the alkaline nitrile in solution, to produce an agent for emulsifying mineral oil to give an emulsion which is non-corrosive or may even be used for preventing corrosion. Water-soluble products yielding anti-corrosive coatings removable with water or aqueous alkali may be obtained by mixing with soaps, aminoalcohol soaps or alkaline sulphonates. Products insoluble in water giving ...

25-12-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001341901A

... 1341901 Hydraulic fluids BURMAH OIL TRADING Ltd 18 Jan 1972 [21 Jan 1971 21 July 1971] 2873/71 and 34240/71 Heading C5F A hydraulic fluid comprises in major amount (A) 10-90 wt. per cent of one or more esters of formula where R is straight or branched C 2+ alkylene R1 is phenyl or C 1-4 alkyl, R2 is ethylene, propylene or butylene; n is 0-3, R3 is -CH 3 or -C 2 H 5 , R4 is ethylene or propylene, and m is an integer (each n or R1-R4 being the same or different); and (B) 1-90 wt per cent of one or more borate esters of formula where R5 is straight or branched alkylene, R6 is alkyl, p is an integer, q is 2-6, R7 is the residue of a di- or polyhydroxy organic compound having a member of reactive OH groups equal to q, R8 is the residue of a dihydroxy organic compound attached to each boron atom via an oxygen atom, (each R5, R6 and R8 being the same or different. R7 may ...

25-10-1950 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to lubricating compositions

Номер: GB0000645202A

Amine fluoborates of formula RxABF4, where R is an amine and x is 1 or more, are prepared by interaction of an amine with a fluoborate such as ammonium fluoborate. Amines mentioned are aniline, diethylene triamine, 3-di-n-amylaminepropylamine, monoethanolamine, phenylethanolamine, aminoethylethanolamine and nitron (1,4-diphenyl-3,5-endoanilino-4,5-dihydro-1,2,4-triazole).ALSO:A lubricating composition comprises a major proportion of hydrocarbon oil and a minor proportion of a fluoborate RxHBF4, where R is an amine and x may be 1 or more. The hydrocarbon oil may be of natural or synthetic origin. Fluoborates mentioned are those of diethylene triamine, nitron, aniline, aminoethylethanolamine, 3 - di - n - amylaminopropylamine, monoethanolamine and phenylethanolamine. From 0.5 to 5 per cent of the fluoborate is preferably used. Additives, such as extreme pressure additives composed of chlorine-, sulphur- or lead-containing compounds, may also be added.

27-04-1955 дата публикации

Processes for the preparation of partially dehydrated inorganic gel compositions and thickened lubricating oil compositions

Номер: GB0000728779A

Polyamino hydroxy compounds are prepared by condensing halohydrins with ammonia or a primary or secondary amine, and the product is converted to a partial amide having between 1/4 and 3/4 of its amino groups in the amide form, by reaction with higher fatty acids or rosin acids, such as stearic acid or acids derived from tall oil or animal or vegetable oils and fats. In an example, epichlorhydrin is condensed with ammonia to form 1,3-diamino-2-hydroxy propane and dimers and higher polymers thereof, and the mixture amidated by reaction with tallow fatty acids.ALSO:Thickened lubricating oil compositions, especially greases, are prepared by heating a mixture of an hydrous inorganic colloid and a surface-active agent at a temperature above 60 DEG C. for at least 30 minutes, removing a substantial proportion of water as a liquid from the mixture, mixing with a water-immiscible lubricating oil and further dehydrating the composition. Inorganic colloids referred to natural or synthetic clays such ...

26-03-1969 дата публикации

Lubricating oil compositions and additives therefor

Номер: GB0001146439A

... 1,146,439. Oil-soluble copolymers. SINCLAIR RESEARCH Inc. 7 April, 1966 [7 April, 1965], No. 15615/66. Heading C3P. [Also in Division C5] Oil soluble copolymers of (1) 3 to 55 mole per cent of RCOOR1 where R is a C 3-25 ethylenically unsaturated hydrocarbon radical, R1 is hydrogen or a C 1-15 alkyl radical and the COOR1 group is attached to an aliphatic carbon-carbon chain of at least two carbon atoms, (2) 5 to 30 mole per cent of a C 4-12 conjugated diene and (3) 92 to 15 mole per cent of a C 3-25 alpharnonoalkene, the total number of carbon atoms in (1) and (3) being at least 12, may be prepared by copolymerizing the monomers in the presence of a Friedel Crafts catalyst, e.g. aluminium chloride or boron trifluoride, and optionally a cocatalyst such as methyl or ethyl chloride. Specified monomers are (1) oleic, linoleic, undecylenic, linolenic, ricinoleic and methacrylic acids and esters thereof, (2) butadiene, isoprene and chloroprene and (3) olefins and olefin ...

26-03-1969 дата публикации

Unsymmetrical dialkylbenzene mixtures

Номер: GB0001146935A

... 1,146,935. Dialkyl benzene sulphonic acid salts. CHEVRON RESEARCH CO. 25 Aug., 1967 [16 Sept., 1966], No. 39318/67. Heading C2C. [Also in Division C5] Alkaline earth metal salts of a mixture of benzene sulphonic acids are obtained by sulphonation of a dialkyl benzene mixture of average MW 300-500 wherein the alkyl substituents of said mixture each contain 4 to 21 carbon atoms, each dialkyl benzene has one straight chain and one branch chain alkyl substituent, the latter having on average at least one branch for every two carbon atoms along the chain, and the average carbon content of the straight and branched alkyl groups differ by at least 4. Dialkyl benzene mixtures may be sulphonated with 25% oleum at about 100‹ F., neutralized with a NaOH-butanol mixture and converted to the basic calcium sulphonate by reaction with conc. CaCl 2 -brine solution. In Examples 4 and 5, basic calcium sulphonates were prepared from a C 4 -C 9 branched chain, C 17 -C 21 straight chain dialkyl benzene and ...

12-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008912121D0

14-08-1996 дата публикации

A lubricant for use in diesel engines

Номер: GB0009612278D0

06-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001269744A

... 1,269,744. Fuels. LUBRIZOL CORP. 25 Feb., 1970 [3 March, 1969], No. 9108/70. Heading C5G. A liquid fuel additive comprises (1) at least one oil-soluble ashless dispersant (e.g. alkenyl succinic acid/polyamine reaction products) (2) at least one oil-soluble ammonium or amine salt of a sulphonic acid and (3) at least one oil-soluble polyether (e.g. polyethylene- and polypropyleneoxides), the weight ratio of 1:2:3 3 being 100 : 0À25-25 : 0À25-25. The fuel may be gasoline, kerosene or fuel oil. The composition may also contain hydrocarbons e.g. benzene, xylene, hexane, heptane, cyclohexane or cyclopentane and chlorinated hydrocarbons e.g. chlorobenzene.

26-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001282887A

... 1282887 Polyolefin derivatives LUBRIZOL CORP 16 June 1969 [3 July 1968] 30409/69 Heading C3P [Also in Divisions C4-C5] Polyolefin derivatives suitable as dispersants for lubricating and fuel oils may be prepared by reacting (I) polyolefin substituted mono- or polycarboxylic acylating agents with (II) not more than one mole per equivalent of I of where R is an organic radical of valence n + 1 or, where n is 1, may be a direct linkage, and n is 1 to 3; X1 and X11 are independently O= or R 1 N=; when X1 is O = then Y is or where m is 0 or 1 to 8; when X1 is R 1 N= then R 1 is -(R11-NR1)m-R11-NR1R1 and Y is -NR1-(R11-NR1) m -R11-NR1R1 or R 1 and Y together form where q is 0 or 1 to 8; when X11 is O = then Z is O-M+, halo, alkoxy or Y as defined when X1 is O = and M+ is the cation of an amine; when X11 R 1 N = then ...

08-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001352289A

... 1352289 Oxidized ethylene/propylene copolymers LUBRIZOL CORP 7 Sept 1972 [16 Sept 1971] 41574/72 Heading C3P [Also in Division C5] Oil-soluble, oxidized, degraded ethylene/ propylene copolymers which cause substantially no increase in the fluidity of fuel oil at -20‹ C. when dissolved therein at a concentration of 0À02 weight per cent are prepared by oxidizing and degrading an ethylene/propylene copolymer having a molecular weight of at least 1000 by contacting with an oxygen-containing gas at a temperature of at least 100‹ C. in the presence of a minor amount of an aliphatic amine and for a time sufficient to effect a reduction in molecular weight of at least 5%. The copolymer may also contain up to 10 weight per cent of higher mono olefins and/or conjugated or non-conjugated dienes. The copolymer may be treated with oxygen, air or a mixture of oxygen with an inert gas while dissolved in an inert solvent. In examples mineral oil solutions of ethylene/propylene, ethylene / propylene / dicyclopentadiene ...

11-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001377215A

... 1377215 N-aminohydrocarbyl phthalimides BRITISH PETROLEUM CO Ltd 5 Sept 1972 [23 Sept 1971] 44393/71 Heading C2C [Also in Division C5] The invention comprises N-aminohydrocarbyl-phthalimide derivatives of Formula I: where Y is -(CH 2 CH 2 NH) n CH 2 CH 2 NH 2 , -(CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH) n H 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH 2 or -(CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH) n R1, n is 1 to 10, and R1 is a C 5 to C 25 alkyl group. They may be prepared by reacting phthalic anhydride or phthalic acid with a polyamine of formula YNH 2 . The compounds of Formula I are used in lubricating oil compositions.

12-01-1955 дата публикации

Substituted aralkyl polyalkylene polyamino poly-acetic acids and salts thereof

Номер: GB0000721640A

The invention comprises compounds of formula wherein n is 1, 2, 3 or 4; z is 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5; "Alkylene" is -CH2.CH2-, -CH2.CH2.CH2-or -CH(CH3).CH2-; X is hydrogen, alkyl, alkoxyl, hydroxyl or halogen, with one to three of the X groups per phenyl nucleus being other than hydrogen; and M is hydrogen, alkali metal, ammonium or a substituted ammonium group. The compounds are prepared by condensing one mol. of a suitable polyalkylene polyamine dissolved in aqueous ethanol with two moles of an appropriately substituted benzyl chloride dissolved in ethanol and carboxymethylating the resulting polyalkylene polyamine derivative (which is previously freed from acid and inorganic salts) in anhydrous ethanol using (n+2) moles of sodium cyanide and (n+2) moles of formaldehyde and maintaining alkaline conditions. Further halogen atoms may be subsequently introduced into phenyl nuclei. The examples describe the preparation of compounds in which (1) n=z=1, "Alkylene" is -CH2.CH2 ...

11-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001424977A

... 1424977 Tetrapolymers TEXACO DEVELOPMENT CORP 8 May 1974 20270/74 Heading C3P [Also in Division C5] A tetrapolymer consisting essentially of (i) 4-10 wt. per cent of a dialkylaminoalkyl methacrylate of the formula wherein R and R1 are C 1-2 alkyl and A is alkanediyl(alkylene) of 1-5 carbon atoms (ii) 15-25 wt. per cent of a styrene compound of formula wherein R2 is H or C 1-10 alkyl (iii) 40-60 wt. per cent of an alkylmethacrylate of formula wherein R3 is C 10-14 alkyl (iv) 20-30 wt. per cent of an alkylmethacrylate of formula wherein R4 is C 16-20 alkyl preferred tetrapolymers having an intrinsic viscosity in benzene at 77‹ F. of 0À22-2À87. Component (i) may be selected from N,N-dimethylaminoethyl, N,N- diethylaminoethyl, N,N - dimethylaminopropyl, N,N - diethylaminopropyl methacrylates; (ii) from styrene, vinyl toluene, p-tbutylstyrene, p - t - octylstyrene; (iii) from decyl, undecyl, dodecyl, tridecyl, tetradecyl methacrylates or mixtures thereof; ...

06-12-1989 дата публикации

Lubricating oil compositions containing carboxylic and derivatives

Номер: GB0002219306A

A lubricating oil formulation is described which is useful in internal combustion engines. More particularly, lubricating oil compositions for internal combustion engines are described with comprises (A) at least about 60% by weight of oil of lubricating viscosity, (B) at least about 2.0% by weight of at least one carboxylic derivative composition produced by reacting (B-1) at least one substituted succinic acylating agent with (B-2) from about 0.70 equivalent up to less than one equivalent, per equivalent of acylating agent, of at least one amine compound characterized by the presence within its structure of at least one HN< group, and wherein said substituted succinic acylating agent consists of substituent groups and succinic groups wherein the substituent groups are derived from a polyalkene, said polyalkene being characterized by an &upbar& Mn value of abotu 1300 to about 5000 and an &upbar& Mw/ &upbar& Mn value of about 1.5 to about 4.5, said acylating agents being characterized by ...

13-05-1970 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for carrying out chemical reactions

Номер: GB0001191220A

... 1,191,220. Gas/liquid fluidised bed catalytic reactor. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSGHAPPIJ N.V. 5 July, 1968, No. 32239/68. Heading B1F. [Also in Division C5] In a gas/liquid fluidised bed catalytic reactor, Fig. 1, oil to be desulphurised from heat exchanger 4 and furnace 7 is introduced at 8 and passes up through reactor 9 together with hydrogen gas from 11 through perforated gas distributors 10, 17 and 24 and fluidised catalyst beds 14, 19 and 27 supported on grids 12 covered with a wire mesh screen and ceramic balls 13, 20 and 26. Hydrogen is introduced via 21 and 20. Cooling quench oil is introduced at 16 and 21. Desulphurised product leaves at 36 and hydrogen is recycled via 11. The gas distributors 10, 17 and 24 comprise an upper horizontal perforated plate, a lower horizontal plate and chimneys passing through the distributors.

11-10-1995 дата публикации

Lubricant composition containing antioxidant additive combination

Номер: GB0009516326D0

02-12-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001214171A

... 1,214,171. Borate esters. OLIN CORP. 5 July, 1968 [14 July, 1967; 1 April, 1968], No. 32261/68. Heading C2C. [Also in Division C5] A borate ester of the formula was prepared in Example IX by reacting one mole of orthoboric acid with one mole each of triethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether and diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, in succession, in toluene solution, water being removed after each reaction. In Example X a tris-borate ester is prepared by reacting a 50 : 50 random addition product of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide with orthoboric acid, in toluene solution, in molar ratio 3 : 1, the product having a b.p. 625-630‹ F.

24-02-1999 дата публикации

Overbased metal detergents

Номер: GB0009900035D0

04-08-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001241327A

... 1,241,327. Fuel; lubricant. ESSO RESEARCH & ENG. CO. 12 Sept., 1969 [19 Sept., 1968], No. 44637/68. Headings C5F and C5G. A fuel or lubricating oil contains minor proportions of (a) a C 10 -C 60 mono- or polycarboxylic acid, anhydride or ester thereof or the reaction product of such an acid anhydride or ester with a hydroxy compound or amino compound; and (b) an ester of an alkoxylated phenol-aldehyde resin. The fuel may be kerosene, gas oil, diesel fuel, aviation fuel or preferably gasoline. The lubricating oil may be an animal or vegetable fatty oil, a mineral oil or a synthetic diester or complex ester oil. Additives used in gasoline compositions in the examples are: (a) reaction product of tetra-propanyl succinic anhydride and N,N1-diethyl ethanolamine; product of oleic acid and hydroxy ethyl ethylene diamine; product of tetrapropenyl succinic anhydride and n-octanol, (b) palmitic acid ester of ethoxylated phenol-formaldehyde resin. Optional gasoline additives are Et 4 Pb, ...

11-06-1969 дата публикации

Lubricants containing Organolead Nitrogen Compounds

Номер: GB0001154759A

... 1,154,759. Organofead nitrogen compounds. INTERNATIONAL LEAD ZINC RESEARCH ORGANIZATION. 14 June, 1967 [13 Dec., 1966], No. 27379/67. Heading C2J. [Also in Division C5] A trialkylplumbyl cyanamide or a trialkylplumbyl cyanoguanidine in which the alkyl group has 1 to 12 carbon atoms or a compound of general formula wherein X = N, CH or CR1 Y = CH or C-phenyl, or N when X is not N R = alkyl of 1 to 12 C atoms R1 = alkyl of 1 to 20 C atoms R11 = alkyl of 1 to 4 C atoms or phenyl or a compound of general formula wherein X and R are as above, but the total of C atoms in R + R1 is at least 8 is used in a composition consisting essentially of a lubricating oil or grease as an anti-wear additive. The compounds may be prepared by reacting a trialkyl lead hydroxide, itself prepared by stirring an ethereal solution of trialkyl lead bromide with excess silver oxide and filtering, with the appropriate cyanamide, cyanoguanidine, or heterocyclic compound, in an organic ...

21-04-1999 дата публикации

Post-treated dispersants

Номер: GB0002299088B

27-03-1996 дата публикации

Mixed zinc salt lubricant additives

Номер: GB0002293389A

Novel zinc additives are provided which function as antioxidants and extreme pressure agents for lubricants and possess high thermal stability. In addition, they exhibit good filterability performance and good corrosion resistance. The zinc-containing additives are formed by admixing (i) at least one zinc dialkyldithiophosphate wherein each alkyl group contains 6 to 12 carbon atoms and is branched on its beta-carbon atom, and (ii) at least one zinc alkanoate wherein each alkanoate group is branched on its beta-carbon atom, in a ratio of 6.0 to 8.0 equivalents of (i) per equivalent of (ii).

28-04-1982 дата публикации

Organo molybdenum friction-reducing antiwear additives

Номер: GB0002085431A

A hydrocarbon-soluble molybdenum complex of a hydrocarbon substituted thio-bis-phenol, e.g. the reaction product of 1-2 moles of nonyl phenol sulfides and one mole of molybdenum oxide (reacted if desired in the presence of an amine promoter), in combination with a sulfur donor provides lubricity activity to lubricating oils and other hydrocarbons including fuels.

03-03-1965 дата публикации

Lubricating oil compositions

Номер: GB0000985019A

A lubricating oil composition comprises a major proportion of a lubricating oil and minor proportions of each of the following oil-soluble additives: (a) a nitrogen-containing non-ash polymeric detergent; (b) a p,p1-methylene bisphenol; and (c) a polyaryl polyamine. The lubricating oil may be derived from a variety of petroleum base stocks, examples being given. Many polymeric detergents (a) are specified, the following being typical detergents from the classes specified: stearyl, lauryl-butyl methacrylate mixture/5 - ethyl - 2 - vinyl pyridine copolymer, lauryl methacrylate/diethylaminoethyl methacrylate copolymer, cetyl and stearyl methacrylate mixture/N-vinyl pyrrolidone copolymer, lauryl methacrylate/N - vinyl - 3,3-dimethyl pyrrolidone copolymer, and N-dimethylamino propyl polybutenyl succinimide. Additive (b) preferably is of formula where the R radicals are the same or different C4-8 tertiary alkyl groups, examples being given. Additive (c) preferably is of ...

15-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002135989B

22-08-2007 дата публикации

Alkylacrylate copolymer dispersants and uses thereof

Номер: GB0000713634D0

07-06-1967 дата публикации

A grease

Номер: GB0001071324A

A grease composition comprises a nitrogencontaining component which is an oleophilic imidazoline and/or an oleophilic aminoamide formed between a fatty acid and a plyethylene polyamine, an oleophilic clay product, a polyethylene glycol and a lubricating oil. The clay product, preferably passing a 250 mesh (U.S.) screen, is formed (see Division C1) by treating an acid-exchanged clay such as hectorite with one or more of the above class of nitrogen-containing components and spray drying in the absence of oil. The product preferably bears 40 to 125% by weight, based on the clay, of the nitrogen compound on its surface. The clay product may contain 0.5-5% moisture and the grease itself preferably contains up to 1% water. The polyethylene glycol is preferably water-soluble and has a molecular weight between 500 and 1600, e.g. "Carbowax." The lubricating oil, present in an amount 10 to less than 100% by weight based on the clay, may be a mineral oil or a synthetic oil, e.g. esters of dibasic ...

07-02-1973 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001306233A

14-11-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001337360A

... 1337360 Extreme pressure lubricants CHEVRON RESEARCH CO 1 June 1972 [1 June 1971] 25699/72 Heading C5F Lubricants comprise an oil, 1-60 wt. per cent of amorphous sodium borate having a particle size of less than 1 Á and 0À5-4 waters of hydration and a dispersant mixture consisting of 40-99À9 wt. per cent of a Group II metal and sulphur containing anionic lipophilic surface-active agent (many examples given, mostly of sulphonates) and 60-0À1 wt. per cent of a lipophilic nonionic surface-active agent (e.g. alkenyl succinimides and pentaerythritol derivatives). Conventional additives may also be present.

06-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001402094A

... 1402094 Hydrogenated SBR SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ NV 21 Aug 1972 [23 Aug 1971] 39348/71 Heading C3P [Also in Division C5] A lubricant additive is provided by hydrogenating a butadiene/styrene random copolymer until 5-95% of its olefinic double bonds have been removed. Many suitable catalysts are listed the copolymer may be nydrogenated in solution in an inert solvent such as a saturated hydrocarbon. In an example, a solution of copolymer in a mixture of hexane and cyclohexane (the preparation reaction mixture) is hydrogenated at 20‹ C. and 40 kg./cm.2 using, as catalyst, a mixture of nickel 2-ethylhexanoate and aluminium triethyl in cyclohexane. Hydrogenation is stopped at 89À6% by releasing the pressure and deactivating the catalyst by adding aqueous HCl and methanol. In a comparative example, hydrogenation is continued to 98À0% removal of olefinic bonds.

13-12-1967 дата публикации

N-vinyl-2-piperazinones and polymers thereof

Номер: GB0001094724A

Gasoline and lubricating oil compositions contain polymers or copolymers of N-vinyl-2-piperazinones of formula in which R1 is hydrogen; C1-C18 alkyl; aralkyl or alkaralkyl each containing up to 18 carbon atoms, and in each of which each alkyl group contains up to 8 carbon atoms; dialkylaminoalkyl of up to 12 carbon atoms, and in which each alkyl group contains up to 8 carbon atoms; or furfuryl; R2 individually, is hydrogen or methyl; R3, individually, is hydrogen; C1-C18 alkyl; phenyl; naphthyl; alkyl-, chloro- or alkoxy-substituted phenyl or naphthyl each containing up to 18 alkyl carbon atoms; aralkyl or alkaralkyl of up to 18 carbon atoms; or 2-furyl; R2 and R3 collectively, represent an alkylene group containing up to 18 carbon atoms which together with the carbon atom to which it is attached forms a ring having 5 to 7 cyclic atoms; R4, individually, is hydrogen or C1-C4 alkyl; R, individually, is hydrogen or C1-C4 alkyl and R4 and R5, collectively, represent ...

21-08-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to lubricating greases

Номер: GB0001124904A

Greases comprise a lubricating oil, a thickener and 0.001-2 wt. per cent of a 1,2,4-triazole, e.g. 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole. The thickener may be a lithium soap, e.g. lithium hydroxy stearate, or a clay which may be coated with aminoamides formed from C10-C22 acids and alkylene polyamines. The grease may also contain castor oil, aromatic amines, alkali metal nitrites, glycerol, lead naphthenates or metal sulphides. The oil may be mineral or synthetic (no examples).

04-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008414077D0

17-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008907474D0

08-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009210844D0

12-01-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001259700A

... 1,259,700. N - (trialkylplumbyl) compounds. INTERNATIONAL LEAD ZINC RESEARCH ORGANIZATION Inc. 24 Dec., 1969 [3 Feb., 1969], No. 62862/69. Addition to 1,154,759. Heading C2J. [Also in Divisions C4-C5] N - (triethylplumbyl) - cyanoguanidine and compounds of the general Formula III in which X is N, CH, or OR1; Y is CH, C#, or CR, or (when X is CH or CR1) N; R is an alkyl group having up to 12 carbon atoms; R11 is H, NH 2 , NHR111, an alkyl group having up to 4 carbon atoms, or a phenyl group; R1 and R111 are each a phenyl group or an alkyl group having up to 20 carbon atoms; # is a phenyl radical; provided that at least one of the following is true: R11 is NH 2 and X is C#; Y is CR; and R11 is NHR111, are made by mixing the corresponding triorganolead hydroxide with the corresponding heterocyclic compound, or with cyanoguandine, in an organic solvent, e.g. ether. The product can be isolated by recrystallization ...

27-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001347914A

... 1347914 Lubricants CHEVRON RESEARCH CO 28 May 1971 [11 June 1970 10 May 1971] 18112/71 Heading C5F A lubricant composition comprises (1) a major amount of hydrocarbon lubricating oil; (2) sufficient alkaline earth metal carbonate dispersed therein to provide an alkalinity value of 0À5-100 mg. KOH/g.; (3) 0À01-5wt. percent of at least one compound of formula Y-(R1O) a H where R1 is C 2 -C 5 alkylene, a = 1 to 12, and Y is where R2 is aliphatic hydrocarbyl of mol. wt. 57-2000, R3 is C 2 -C 3 alkylene, R4 is -CH 2 - CH 2 -, b and b1 = 0-12, c=0 or 1, d=1-70 and e = 1-12. The carbonate may be CaCO 3 dispersed in the oil with a sulphonate or phenate dispersant. The sulphonate may be derived from a C 25 -C 50 sulphonic acid, and the phenate may be derived from alkylated phenol or polymerized alkyl phenols having 2-5 phenol groups and a C 12 -C 30 alkyl group. Other additives, e.g. succinimides, hydrocarbyl alkylene polyamines, dithiophosphates ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Lubricant system and method of forming the same

Номер: US20130256064A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A lubricant system is disclosed that is formed by contacting a fibrous network with oil and/or lubricating fluid having an affinity for the fibrous network. The fibrous network comprises oleophilic fibers having a diameter between 50 nm and 10 microns and a length that is at least times the diameter. In addition, the oleophilic fibers have an affinity for the oil and/or lubricating fluid.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for use in a system containing a lubricating fluid and method of forming the same

Номер: US20130256065A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

An apparatus is disclosed for use in a system containing at least one of an oil and a lubricating fluid. The apparatus comprises a surface in need of lubrication during operation of the apparatus, and oleophilic fibers disposed on the surface. The oleophilic fibers have a diameter between 50 nm and 10 microns and a length that is at least 5 times the diameter. In addition, the oleophilic fibers have an affinity for at least one of the oil and the lubricating fluid.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Hydrophilic composition for use with a lubricating system as well as an apparatus and method for using the same

Номер: US20130302609A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A hydrophilic composition for use with a lubricating system comprises hydrophilic fibers having a diameter between 50 nm and 10 microns and a length that is at least 5 times the diameter. The hydrophilic fibers having a strong affinity for at least one of water and other hydrophilic fluids and may remove or eliminate free or dissolved water in a lubricating system comprising at least one of an oil and a lubricating fluid.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010232A1
Автор: DOYEN Valérie

A product resulting from the reaction of at least: an alkali or alkaline earth metal hydroxybenzoate compound, optionally substituted by a hydrocarbyl group and optionally overbased, a boron compound, an amine component selected from a di-fatty-alkyl(ene) polyalkylamine composition including one or more polyalkylamines of formulae (I) or (II). A lubricant composition including this product. Use of this product as a lubricant for two-stroke marine engines and four-stroke marine engines, more preferably two-stroke marine engines. 114-. (canceled)16. The product according to claim 15 , wherein the alkali or alkaline earth metal hydroxybenzoate compound claim 15 , optionally substituted by a hydrocarbyl group claim 15 , is selected from the group consisting of mono-alk(en)yl substituted salicylate salts claim 15 , di-alk(en)yl substituted salicylate salts claim 15 , carboxylate functionalized calixarenes salts claim 15 , and mixtures thereof.19. The product according to claim 18 , wherein the alkali and/or alkaline earth metal hydroxybenzoate compound is chosen from alkali and/or alkaline earth metal salicylates.20. The product according to claim 15 , wherein the boron compound is selected from the group consisting of boric acid claim 15 , boric acid complexes claim 15 , boric oxide claim 15 , a trialkyl borate in which the alkyl groups comprise independently from 1 to 4 carbon atoms claim 15 , a C-Calkyl boronic acid claim 15 , a C-Cdialkyl boric acid claim 15 , a C-Caryl boric acid claim 15 , a C-Cdiaryl boric acid claim 15 , a C-Caralkyl boric acid claim 15 , a C-Cdiaralkyl boric acid claim 15 , and products deriving from these by substitution of an alkyl group by one or more alkoxy unit.21. The product according to claim 20 , wherein the boron compound is boric acid.22. The product according to claim 15 , wherein the polyalkylamine composition comprises at least 4% w/w of branched compounds of formula (I) or (II) claim 15 , with regards to the total weight of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Stimuli-Responsive Micro-Reservoirs for Release of Encapsulants

Номер: US20200016564A1
Принадлежит: Sas Nanotechnologies LLC

This invention relates to polymer-based partially-open, hollow reservoirs in the nano-size to micro-size range that encapsulate an additive, which can be released from the reservoirs using specific event stimuli such as reduction-oxidation and voltage change, or at will, using the same stimuli. This invention also relates to method preparing such reservoirs, and for releasing the additive. This invention further relates to matrix that comprises such reservoirs and the method of preparing such matrix. This invention also relates to applications, for example in corrosion inhibition, lubrication, and adhesion, that benefit from using such a controlled release of an additive.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Lubricant composition promoting sustained fuel economy

Номер: US20190024015A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

A lubricant composition includes a controlled release friction modifier (CRFM), a highly paraffinic base stock, a dispersant and a detergent. The CRFM includes an ionic tetrahedral borate compound including a cation and a tetrahedral borate anion, wherein the tetrahedral borate anion comprises a boron atom having two bidentate di-oxo ligands of C18 tartrimide. The lubricant composition can also include at least one of a Group V co-base stock, an inorganic friction modifier, a viscosity modifier, and a cleanliness booster.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032210A1

A photosensitive resin composition and auxiliary plates for drilling are introduced. The auxiliary plates are made by coating the photosensitive resin composition on aluminum foil and photocuring the coated resin to make the resin bonded on the aluminum foil. The resin composition comprises a first polymer formed by the reaction of 1,2,4,5-pyromellitic dianhydride and polyetheramine; and a second polymer formed by the reaction of polyetheramine and vinyl chloride, wherein the second polymer is a photosensitive polymer. The novel resin composition provided by the present invention can be coated on drilling auxiliary plates. When the drilling auxiliary plates coated with the resin composition are used in a drilling process, it can avoid the coated resin being cracked due to the heat caused by friction of high speed drilling, so it can further enhance the stability, accuracy, and precision of drilling. 1. A resin composition , comprising:a first polymer formed by the reaction of 1,2,4,5-pyromellitic dianhydride and polyetheramine; anda second polymer formed by the reaction of polyetheramine and vinyl chloride, wherein the second polymer is a photosensitive polymer.4. The resin composition of claim 1 , wherein further comprises an additive selected from the group consisting of photoinitiator claim 1 , defoamants claim 1 , leveling agents claim 1 , and solvents.5. The resin composition of claim 2 , wherein further comprises an additive selected from the group consisting of photoinitiator claim 2 , defoamants claim 2 , leveling agents claim 2 , and solvents.6. The resin composition of claim 3 , wherein further comprises an additive selected from the group consisting of photoinitiator claim 3 , defoamants claim 3 , leveling agents claim 3 , and solvents.7. The resin composition of claim 4 , wherein the resin composition further comprises water-soluble resin.8. The resin composition of claim 5 , wherein the resin composition further comprises water-soluble resin.9. The ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040333A1
Автор: DOYEN Valérie

Relating to the field of lubricant, more particularly relates to lubricant for marine engine, notably for a two-stroke marine engine. More particularly, relates to a lubricant for a marine engine including at least one lubricant base oil and at least one fatty amine. 115.-. (canceled)17. Lubricant composition according to claim 16 , wherein the polyalkylamine composition comprises at least 4% w/w of branched compounds of formula (I) or (II) claim 16 , with regards to the total weight of polyalkylamine compounds (I) and (II) in the composition claim 16 , branched compound signifying that:in formula (I) at least one of n or z are superior or equal to 1,in formula (II) n is superior or equal to 1.18. Lubricant composition according to claim 16 , wherein the polyalkylamine composition comprises at least 5% by weight claim 16 , with regards to the total weight of compounds (I) and (II) claim 16 , of products of formulae (I) and (II) with a linear structure claim 16 , linear meaning n is 0 in formulae (I) and (II) and z is 0 in formula (I).19. Lubricant composition according to claim 16 , wherein the polyalkylamine composition further comprises derivatives of polyalkylamines of formula (I) or (II) claim 16 , wherein said derivatives are alkoxylates which are optionally methylated.20. Lubricant composition according to claim 16 , wherein the polyalkylamine composition further comprises derivatives of polyalkylamines of formula (I) or (II) claim 16 , wherein said derivatives are methylated.21. Lubricant composition according to claim 16 , wherein the polyalkylamine composition has a BN measured according to standard ASTM D-2896 from 150 to 350 milligrams of potash per gram of amine compound.22. Lubricant composition according to claim 16 , having a BN claim 16 , measured according to standard ASTM D-2896 claim 16 , greater than or equal to 70 milligrams of potash per gram of the lubricant composition.23. Lubricant composition according to claim 22 , wherein the percentage ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064560A1
Автор: Nakazawa Hiroki

A lubricating oil composition for an internal combustion engine has a HTHS viscosity at 150° C. of 2.55-2.84 mPa·s and includes: (A) a lubricating base oil including (a) mineral base oil(s) and/or (a) synthetic base oil(s), and having a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of 3.8-4.6 mm/s; (B) 1000-2000 mass ppm, in terms of metal content, of a metallic detergent including (a) metal salicylate detergent(s), and delivering 10 mmol/kg of total salicylate soap base per kilogram of the composition; (C) 1.0 to 4.0 mass % of a comb-shaped poly(meth)acrylate having a Mw of 350,000-1,000,000 and a PDI of ≤4.0; and (D) 100-1000 mass ppm, in terms of nitrogen, of a succinimide dispersant including (i) (a) non-modified succinimide dispersant(s) and/or (ii) (a) boric acid-modified succinimide dispersant(s), wherein the (i) and the (ii), in total, deliver 70 mass % of total nitrogen content of the component (D). 1. A lubricating oil composition for an internal combustion engine , the composition comprising:{'sup': '2', '(A) a lubricating base oil comprising at least one mineral base oil or at least one synthetic base oil or any combination thereof, and having a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of 3.8 to 4.6 mm/s;'}(B) a metallic detergent comprising at least one metal salicylate detergent, wherein the component (B) is present in an amount of 1000 to 2000 mass ppm in terms of metal content on the basis of the total mass of the composition, and wherein the component (B) is present in an amount of no less than 10 mmol/kg in terms of total molar amount of any salicylate soap base per kilogram of the composition;(C) at least one comb-shaped poly(meth)acrylate in an amount of 1.0 to 4.0 mass % in terms of resin content on the basis of the total mass of the composition, the comb-shaped poly(meth)acrylate having a weight average molecular weight of 350,000 to 1,000,000 and a polydispersity index of no more than 4.0; and(D) a succinimide dispersant in an amount of 100 to 1000 mass ppm in terms ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062500A1

The application relates to compositions comprising di-fatty-alkyl or -alkenyl polyalkylamines of the general formula (I) or (II), to a process for their preparation which involves a cyanoethylation step and a hydrogenation step, and their use as demulsifiers for oil-in-water emulsions, corrosion inhibitor, fuel additive, anti-scaling agent, asphalt additive, enhanced oil recovery agent for oil-wells, cutting-oil additive, and anti-static agent. The product show good performance combined with a favourable viscosity profile. 2. Polyalkylamines composition according to comprising a total of at least 4% w/w claim 1 , at least 5% w/w claim 1 , at least 6% w/w claim 1 , at least 7% w/w claim 1 , at least 7.5% w/w claim 1 , at least 10% w/w claim 1 , or at least 20% w/w claim 1 , of branched compounds of formula (I) with at least one of n and z< >0 and compounds of formula (II) with n< >0.3. Polyalkylamines composition according to comprising at least 5% by weight of products of formulae (I) and (II) with a linear structure with n is 0 in formulae (I) and (II) and z is 0 in formula (I).4. Polyalkylamines composition of comprising derivatives of di-fatty-alkyl(ene) polyalkylamines claim 1 , wherein the derivatives are alkoxylates which are optionally methylated.5. Polyalkylamines composition of comprising derivatives of di-fatty-alkyl(ene) polyalkylamines claim 1 , wherein the derivatives are methylated.6. A process for making the polyalkylamines compositions of wherein a di-fatty-alkyl(ene) alkyldiamine is reacted in two or more cycles whereby each cycle comprises a cyanoethylation step and a subsequent hydrogenation step.7. A process of wherein an acidic catalyst is used during the cyanoethylation steps claim 6 , preferably HCl or acetic acid.8. A process of wherein the reaction temperature during a later cyanoethylation step is higher than the temperature in an earlier cyanoethylation step.9. A process of wherein more than 1 mole of acrylonitrile is used per mole of the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073610A1
Автор: HSU Stephen M., ZHAO Fei

The present disclosure relates to new and optimized processes for the preparation of micro- and nano-scale capsules containing lubricant chemical additives. The present disclosure also relates to micro- and nano-scale capsules prepared by such processes, which are useful in a variety of applications, including automotive lubricants, diesel lubricants, industrial lubricants, metal-working lubricants, coolants, and process fluids. Micro- and nano-scale capsules prepared as described herein have the required properties that such capsules need to exhibit in order to function effectively and meet the requirements imposed by engine lubrication conditions. The microcapsules may be dispersed in a lubricating oil such that the lubricant exhibits improved stability and anti-wear performance, thereby improving engine fuel efficiency and performance. 1. A process for preparing microcapsules of a chemical additive , the process comprising(i) forming an aqueous solution comprising one or more emulsifiers;(ii) adding a curing catalyst and a cross-linking agent to the product of step (i) at a pH of between about 3.0 and about 4.0 to form an emulsion;(iii) adding one or more chemical additives to the emulsion of step (ii);(iv) adding a solution comprising (i) formaldehyde, paraformaldchyde or a combination thereof, and (ii) urea, melamine, or a combination thereof, to the product of step (iii); and(v) heating the product of step (iv) to form microcapsules of the chemical additive.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the curing catalyst is selected from ammonium chloride and the cross-linking agent is selected from resorcinol.34-. (canceled)5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the molar ratio of (i) formaldehyde claim 1 , paraformnaldehyde or a combination thereof claim 1 , to (ii) urea claim 1 , melamine claim 1 , or a combination thereof claim 1 , is about 1 to about 3 claim 1 , about 1.5 to about 2.5 or about 1 to about 1.9.6. (canceled)7. The process according to . further ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Lubricating Composition for Inhibiting Plugging and Method of Inhibiting Plugging Using the Same

Номер: US20220177803A1

Provided is a lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging including a base oil and any one selected from a fatty acid and an emulsifier, with the lubricating composition forming a single phase even when a carboxylic acid-based monomer is introduced with respect to the base oil. The lubricating composition suppresses plugging occurring in a process of preparing a copolymer derived from the carboxylic acid-based monomer. In addition, also provided is a method of inhibiting plugging using the lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging. 1. A lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging comprising:a base oil; andany one selected from a fatty acid and an emulsifier,wherein the lubricating composition forms a single phase when a carboxylic acid-based monomer is introduced with respect to the base oil.2. The lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging of claim 1 , wherein the fatty acid is a C15 to C30 unsaturated fatty acid.3. The lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging of claim 1 , wherein the fatty acid is comprised at 2 to 20 wt % claim 1 , with respect to the total lubricating composition.4. The lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging of claim 1 , wherein the emulsifier is comprised at 0.1 to 15 wt % claim 1 , with respect to the total lubricating composition.5. The lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging of claim 1 , wherein the lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging comprises both the fatty acid and the emulsifier.6. The lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging of claim 1 , wherein the lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging forms a single phase at a temperature in a range of 40 to 85° C.7. The lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging of claim 1 , wherein the carboxylic acid-based monomer introduced to the lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging is comprised at 0.1 to 50 wt %.8. The lubricating composition for inhibiting plugging of claim 1 , wherein the lubricating composition for ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Antioxidant Polymeric Diphenylamine Compositions

Номер: US20190127526A1

An antioxidant polymer (e.g., oligomer) composition comprising repeat units of diphenylamine monomers of formula I 2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the Mn is from any one of about 350 g/mol claim 1 , about 380 g/mol claim 1 , about 400 g/mol claim 1 , about 430 g/mol claim 1 , about 460 g/mol claim 1 , about 490 g/mol claim 1 , about 520 g/mol claim 1 , about 550 g/mol claim 1 , about 580 g/mol claim 1 , about 610 g/mol claim 1 , about 640 g/mol claim 1 , about 670 g/mol claim 1 , about 700 g/mol or about 730 g/mol to any one of about 760 g/mol claim 1 , about 790 g/mol claim 1 , about 820 g/mol claim 1 , about 850 g/mol claim 1 , about 880 g/mol claim 1 , about 910 g/mol claim 1 , about 940 g/mol claim 1 , about 970 g/mol claim 1 , about 1000 g/mol claim 1 , about 1030 g/mol claim 1 , about 1060 g/mol claim 1 , about 1090 g/mol claim 1 , about 1120 g/mol claim 1 , about 1150 g/mol claim 1 , about 1180 g/mol claim 1 , about 1210 g/mol claim 1 , about 1240 g/mol claim 1 , about 1270 g/mol claim 1 , about 1300 g/mol claim 1 , about 1400 g/mol claim 1 , about 1500 g/mol claim 1 , about 1600 g/mol claim 1 , about 1700 g/mol claim 1 , about 2000 g/mol claim 1 , about 2100 g/mol claim 1 , about 2200 g/mol claim 1 , about 2300 g/mol claim 1 , about 2400 g/mol claim 1 , about 2500 g/mol claim 1 , about 3000 g/mol claim 1 , about 3500 g/mol claim 1 , about 4000 g/mol claim 1 , about 4500 g/mol or about 5000 g/mol.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 1', '2', '3', '4', '4', '10, 'R, R, Rand Rare each independently H or a linear or branched C-Calkyl.'}4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 1', '2', '3', '4, 'R, R, Rand Rare each independently H, tert-butyl or tert-octyl.'}5. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more monomers selected from the group consisting of other diphenylamines claim 1 , phenothiazines claim 1 , phenoxazines claim 1 , aminodiphenylamines claim 1 , methylenedianiline claim 1 ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127656A1

Disclosed in certain embodiments is a lubricating oil composition comprising an antioxidant polymer (e.g., oligomer) composition comprising repeat units of diphenylamine monomers of formula I 2. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , comprising one or more components selected from the group consisting of other antioxidants claim 1 , antiwear additives claim 1 , viscosity index improvers claim 1 , detergents claim 1 , dispersants claim 1 , pour point depressants claim 1 , corrosion inhibitors claim 1 , metal deactivators claim 1 , seal compatibility additives claim 1 , antifoam agents claim 1 , inhibitors claim 1 , antirust additives claim 1 , and friction modifiers.3. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the Mn of the polymer composition is from about 400 g/mol to about 5000 g/mol.4. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rand Rare each independently H or a linear or branched C-Calkyl.5. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein R is H.6. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition further comprises one or more monomers selected from the group consisting of other diphenylamines claim 1 , phenothiazines claim 1 , phenoxazines claim 1 , aminodiphenylamines claim 1 , methylenedianiline claim 1 , toluenediamine claim 1 , aminophenols claim 1 , alkylphenols claim 1 , thiophenols claim 1 , phenylenediamines claim 1 , quinolines claim 1 , phenyl pyridinediamines claim 1 , pyridinepyrimidinediamines and phenylpyrimidinediamines.7. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises from about 10 mol % to about 99 mol % diphenylamine monomers.8. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises <70 wt % residual monomers of formula I.9. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144776A1

Disclosed in certain embodiments is a lubricating grease composition comprising an antioxidant polymer (e.g., oligomer) composition comprising repeat units of diphenylamine monomers of formula I 2. The lubricating grease composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thickener is selected from the group consisting of simple lithium soap claim 1 , lithium complex soap claim 1 , polyurea claim 1 , calcium sulfonate claim 1 , aluminum soap claim 1 , calcium soap claim 1 , mixed aluminum/calcium claim 1 , clay claim 1 , polymer and a combination thereof.3. The lubricating grease composition according to claim 2 , wherein the thickener comprises a lithium complex soap.4. The lubricating grease composition according to claim 1 , comprising one or more components selected from the group consisting of other antioxidants claim 1 , antiwear additives claim 1 , polymers claim 1 , detergents claim 1 , dispersants claim 1 , pour point depressants claim 1 , corrosion inhibitors claim 1 , metal deactivators claim 1 , complexing agents claim 1 , antifoam agents claim 1 , inhibitors claim 1 , antirust additives claim 1 , and friction modifiers.5. The grease composition of claim 1 , wherein the base oil comprises at least one of a Group I oil claim 1 , a Group II oil claim 1 , a Group III oil claim 1 , a Group IV oil claim 1 , a Group V oil claim 1 , a gas-to-liquid oil claim 1 , or combinations thereof.6. The lubricating grease composition according to claim 1 , having an ISO Viscosity grades of about 100 to about 680.7. The lubricating grease composition according to claim 1 , having an NLGI consistency grade of 000 to 6.8. The lubricating grease composition according to claim 1 , wherein the Mn of the antioxidant antioxidant polymer composition is from about 400 g/mol to about 5000 g/mol.9. The lubricating grease composition according to claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rand Rare each independently H or a linear or branched C-Calkyl.10. The lubricating grease composition ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Polyolefin Dispersants and Methods of Making and Using Thereof

Номер: US20210189030A1

Provided herein are polyolefin dispersants, as well as methods for producing polyolefin dispersants. The polyolefin dispersants can be defined by the formula below 220-. (canceled)22. The method of claim 21 , wherein step (a) comprises combining a Lewis acid and a monomer with an initiator in the presence of an electron donor claim 21 , common ion salt claim 21 , common ion salt precursor claim 21 , or combination thereof.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein the initiator is chosen from 2-chloro-2 claim 22 ,4 claim 22 ,4-trimethylpentane claim 22 , 1 claim 22 ,3-bis(2-chloro-2-propyl)-5-tert-butylbenzene claim 22 , 1 claim 22 ,3 claim 22 ,5-tri(2-chloro-2-propyl)benzene claim 22 , 1 claim 22 ,3 claim 22 ,5-tri(2-methoxy-2-propyl)benzene claim 22 , and 2 claim 22 ,6-dichloro-2 claim 22 ,4 claim 22 ,4 claim 22 ,6-tetramethylheptane.24. The method of claim 22 , wherein the monomer is isobutylene.25. The method of claim 22 , wherein step (b) is performed after high conversion of the monomer has occurred.26. The method of claim 21 , wherein X is chosen from a chloro group claim 21 , an iodo group claim 21 , a bromo group claim 21 , a triflate group claim 21 , or a mesylate group.27. The method of claim 21 , wherein the polyamine comprises a protected polyamine claim 21 , and wherein step (c) comprises reacting the phenoxy-quenched precursor with the protected polyamine to form a protected polyamine-capped precursor claim 21 , and deprotecting the protected polyamine-capped precursor to form the polyamine-capped precursor.28. The method of claim 21 , wherein the polyamine comprises 1-(2-aminoethyl)piperazine claim 21 , diethylenetriamine claim 21 , N-methyl-1 claim 21 ,3-diaminopropane claim 21 , triethylenetetramine (TETA) claim 21 , triethylenepentamine (TEPA) claim 21 , pentaethylenehexamine (PEHA) claim 21 , hexaethyleneheptamine (HEHA) claim 21 , N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine claim 21 , or N-benzylethylenediamine.29. The method of claim 21 , wherein the anhydride ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Lubricating oil compositions

Номер: US20190161696A1
Принадлежит: Infineum International Ltd

wherein the number of repeat units (n) in the polymer is an integer between 4 and 1000, such as between 4 and 500. The polymer carries an inorganic or organic nucleophilic polymerisation terminating group (t), and an initiator group (i) connected to the N atom of a repeat unit, the initiator group (i) being effective to initiate the polymerisation of linear, branched or cyclic hydrocarbyl moieties. At least 5% of the total number of the groups R1 in the polymer comprise alkenyl groups having between 15 and 20 carbon atoms.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161697A1
Принадлежит: Infineum International Limited

A lubricating composition comprises at least 50 percent by mass, based on the mass of the composition of an oil of lubricating viscosity and 0.01 to 25 percent by mass, based on the mass of the composition of an oil-soluble poly(2-oxazine) polymer. The polymer has the repeat unit: 2. A lubricating composition according to wherein Rcontains 1 to 36 carbon atoms claim 1 , provided that some or all of the groups Rhave 12 to 36 carbon atoms.3. A lubricating composition according to wherein n is between 4 and 400.4. A lubricating composition according to wherein n is between 10 and 300.5. A lubricating composition according to wherein at least 5% of the total number of the groups Rin the polymer comprise unsaturated hydrocarbyl groups having between 8 and 20 carbon atoms.6. A lubricating composition according to wherein at least 5% of the total number of the groups Rin the polymer comprises unsaturated hydrocarbyl groups having 17 carbon atoms.7. A lubricating composition according to wherein groups Rcomprise a mixture of singly claim 1 , doubly or triply-unsaturated Calkenyl groups which mixture predominates in singly claim 1 , and doubly-unsaturated Calkenyl groups.8. A lubricating composition according to wherein groups Rare obtained from natural fatty acids.9. A lubricating composition according to wherein the polymer is a copolymer.10. A lubricating composition according to wherein the polymer has a star architecture with three or more arms claim 1 , and a number average molecular weight of 5 claim 1 ,000-500 claim 1 ,000 g/mol claim 1 , as measured by Gel Permeation Chromatography with reference to linear narrow poly(methylmethacrylate) standards in the range of 550 to 600 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.11. A lubricating composition according to comprising one or more co-additives claim 1 , different from the oil-soluble poly(2-oxazine) polymer claim 1 , selected from one or more phosphorus-containing compounds; oxidation inhibitors or anti-oxidants; dispersants; metal- ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161698A1
Принадлежит: Infineum International Limited

A lubricating composition comprises a major amount of an oil of lubricating viscosity and 0.01 to 25 percent by mass, based on the mass of the composition of an oil-soluble copolymer, The copolymer comprises units (a) and units (b): 1. A lubricating composition comprising a major amount of an oil of lubricating viscosity and 0.01 to 25 percent by mass , based on the mass of the composition of an oil-soluble copolymer comprising units (a) and units (b):{'br': None, 'sup': '1', 'sub': 2', '2, '—N(COR)CHCH—\u2003\u2003(a)'}{'br': None, 'sup': '2', 'sub': 2', '2', '2, '—N(COR)CHCHCH—\u2003\u2003(b)'}wherein the polymer carries an inorganic or organic nucleophilic polymerisation terminating group (t), and an initiator group (i) connected to the N atom of a repeat unit (a) or (b), the initiator group (i) being effective to initiate the polymerisation of linear, branched or cyclic hydrocarbyl moieties; and{'sup': 1', '2, 'wherein Rand Rare the same or different and comprise a single or a mixture of linear, branched or cyclic hydrocarbyl groups having 1-50 carbon atoms, some or all having 12-50 carbon atoms, or of at least one macro-monomeric hydrocarbyl group with more than 50 carbon atoms.'}2. A lubricating composition according to wherein units (a) comprise from 1 to 99 mol% of the copolymer and units (b) comprise from 1 to 99 mol% of the copolymer.3. A lubricating composition according to wherein the copolymer comprises 50 mol % of units (a) and 50 mol % of units (b).4. A lubricating composition according to claim I wherein the copolymer is a statistical copolymer or a random copolymer.5. A lubricating composition according to wherein the copolymer is an alternating copolymer claim 1 , a periodic copolymer or a block copolymer.6. A lubricating composition according to wherein the copolymer has a linear architecture.7. A lubricating composition according to wherein the copolymer has a branched or star architecture.8. A lubricating composition according to wherein Rand ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177650A1
Принадлежит: Infineum International Limited

An oleaginous nanoparticle dispersion of nanoparticles having a core of an organic base material immobilized within a surfactant layer, the use thereof as a low ash, or ash-free source of TBN in lubricating oil compositions, and lubricating oil compositions formulated with such oleaginous nanoparticle dispersions. 1. An oleaginous dispersion of nanoparticles with a core comprised primarily of an organic base , immobilized within a surfactant layer.2. The dispersion claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said organic base comprises polyamine.3. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein said organic base is at least partially crosslinked.4. The dispersion of claim 3 , wherein from about 0.5 mol % to about 80 mol % of said organic base is crosslinked.5. The dispersion of claim 2 , wherein said polyamine is at least partially crosslinked.6. The dispersion of claim 2 , wherein from about 0.5 mol % to about 80 mol % of said polyamine is crosslinked.7. The dispersion of claim 2 , wherein said polyamine has an average molecular weight of from about 100 Daltons to about 1 claim 2 ,000 claim 2 ,000 Daltons8. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein surfactant layer comprises one or more surfactants having a phase inversion temperature (PIT) outside the range of from about −35° C. to about 300° C.9. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein said surfactant layer comprises one or more ionic surfactants selected from sulfonate claim 1 , phenate claim 1 , sulfurized phenate claim 1 , thiophosphonate claim 1 , salicylate and naphthenate metal salts.10. The dispersion of claim 8 , wherein said surfactant layer comprises one or more non-ionic surfactants.11. The dispersion of claim 10 , wherein said surfactant layer comprises one or more olefin and ethylene-α-olefin polymers functionalized with at least one polar functional group.12. The dispersion of claim 11 , wherein said surfactant layer comprises one or more olefin and ethylene-α-olefin polymers functionalized with at least one polar ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200190397A1

Compositions comprising an acrylamide polymer emulsion and a nonionic surfactant suitable for use as friction reducers for hydraulic fracturing are disclosed. The nonionic surfactants include aralkylated phenol ethoxylates, amine ethoxylates, amidoamine ethoxylates, linear or branched alcohol EO/PO alkoxylates, ethoxylated alcohols, alkylphenol ethoxylates, and EO-capped poly(oxypropylene) block copolymers. Improved hydraulic fracturing processes in which an acrylamide polymer emulsion is used as a friction reducer are also described. In these processes, the surfactant is included in the composition with the acrylamide polymer friction reducer, or it is introduced separately into the process. The performance of low-cost polyacrylamide friction reducers can be boosted with a small proportion of certain readily available nonionic surfactants. The inventive compositions are effective in high-salinity environments, and their performance can sometimes exceed that of more-expensive salt-tolerant friction reducers, thereby reducing fresh water demand and enabling greater utilization of produced water. 1. A composition suitable for use as a friction reducer for hydraulic fracturing , comprising:(a) an acrylamide polymer emulsion; and (i) aralkylated phenol ethoxylates;', {'sub': 12', '22', '12', '22, '(ii) C-Camine ethoxylates or C-Camidoamine ethoxylates;'}, {'sub': 8', '18, '(iii) alkoxylates of linear or branched C-Calcohols, the alkoxylates having 10 to 90 mole % of oxyethylene units and 10 to 90 mole % of oxypropylene units, wherein the mole % values are based on the combined amounts of oxyethylene and oxypropylene units;'}, {'sub': 12', '15, '(iv) ethoxylated C-Calcohols having a calculated HLB value within the range of 13 to 16;'}, {'sub': 8', '16, '(v) alkylphenol ethoxylates having a C-Calkyl group and an average of 8 to 25 oxyethylene units; and'}, '(vi) ethylene oxide-capped poly(oxypropylene) block copolymers having a calculated HLB value within the range of 13 ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199480A1

A method for controlling formation and dissipation of at least one oligomeric or polymeric aminic antioxidant in a lubricating oil, during operation of an engine or other mechanical component lubricated with the lubricating oil by using as the lubricating oil a formulated oil. The formulated oil has a composition including a lubricating oil base stock as a major component, and at least one oligomeric or polymeric aminic antioxidant, as a minor component. The at least one oligomeric or polymeric aminic antioxidant is formed over time in situ from at least one monomeric aminic antioxidant during operation of the engine or other mechanical component. The at least one oligomeric or polymeric aminic antioxidant is dissipated over time in the lubricating oil during operation of the engine or other mechanical component. The at least one monomeric aminic antioxidant is present in an amount from greater than 2 to 10 wt. % of the lubricating oil. 1. A method for controlling formation and dissipation of at least one oligomeric or polymeric aminic antioxidant in a lubricating oil , during operation of an engine or other mechanical component lubricated with the lubricating oil by using as the lubricating oil a formulated oil , said formulated oil having a composition comprising a lubricating oil base stock as a major component; and at least one oligomeric or polymeric aminic antioxidant , as a minor component; wherein the at least one oligomeric or polymeric aminic antioxidant is formed over time in situ from at least one monomeric aminic antioxidant during operation of the engine or other mechanical component; wherein the at least one oligomeric or polymeric aminic antioxidant is dissipated over time in the lubricating oil during operation of the engine or other mechanical component; wherein the lubricating oil base stock is present in an amount from about 1 to about 95 weight percent , based on the total weight of the lubricating oil; and wherein the at least one monomeric ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208072A1
Принадлежит: lnfineum International Limited

A lubricating oil composition comprises a major amount of an oil of lubricating viscosity and a minor amount of an unsymmetrical bis-succinimide, or a mixture of unsymmetrical bis-succinimides, of the structure (I): 2. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the α-olefin feedstock comprises 1-butene claim 1 , 1-pentene claim 1 , 1-hexene claim 1 , 1-heptene claim 1 , 1-octene claim 1 , 1-nonene claim 1 , 1-decene claim 1 , 1-undecene claim 1 , 1-dodecene claim 1 , 1-tetradecene and 1-octadecene and any mixtures of two or more of these α-olefins.3. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 2 , wherein the α-olefin feedstock consists essentially of 1-octene claim 2 , 1-decene claim 2 , 1-dodecene or any mixture thereof.4. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon group made by the metallocene-catalysed polymerisation of an α-olefin feedstock has a number average molecular weight of 300 to 20 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , as determined by GPC with reference to linear polystyrene standards.5. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein x is from 1 to 8.6. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the unsymmetrical bis-succinimide dispersant of the structure (I) is present in the lubricating oil composition in an amount of from 0.01 to 20% by mass claim 1 , based on the mass of the composition.7. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , which is an automatic transmission fluid.9. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more co-additives in addition to the unsymmetrical bis-succinimide dispersant of the structure (I).10. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 8 , further comprising one or more co-additives in addition to the unsymmetrical bis-succinimide dispersant of the structure (I) and the friction modifier product of an isomerized alkenyl-substituted succinic anhydride and a polyamine having structure (II).12. A ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223218A1

One or more fatty amines are soluble in a lubricating composition for preventing and/or reducing the metal losses of the parts of an engine, such as a marine engine. The parts are brought into contact with the lubricating composition in order to prevent or reduce the metal losses. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:{'sub': '1', 'Rrepresents a linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated alkyl group comprising from 12 to 22 carbon atoms and zero or at least one heteroatom selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen, and/or'}{'sub': 2', '4', '5', '6', 'q', '6, 'R, Ror Rindependently represent a hydrogen atom; a saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched alkyl group comprising between 1 and 22 carbon atoms; or an (R—O)—H group in which Ris a saturated, linear or branched alkyl group comprising at least 2 carbon atoms, and q represents an integer greater than or equal to 1, and/or'}{'sub': '3', 'Rrepresents a linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated alkyl group comprising between 2 and 6 carbon atoms.'}3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:m is equal to 1, 2 or 3,{'sub': '1', 'Rrepresents a saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched alkyl group comprising from 12 to 20 carbon atoms and zero or at least one heteroatom selected from the group consisting of among nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen,'}{'sub': '2', 'Rindependently represents a hydrogen atom or a saturated, linear or branched alkyl group comprising from 1 to 20 carbon atoms,'}{'sub': '3', 'Rrepresents a saturated and linear alkyl group comprising between 2 and 6 carbon atoms,'}{'sub': 4', '5, 'Rand Rrepresent a hydrogen atom or a methyl group.'}4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein:m is equal to 3,{'sub': '1', 'Rrepresents a saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched alkyl group comprising from 12 to 20 carbon atoms, and zero or at least one heteroatom selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen,'}{'sub': '2', 'Rindependently represents a ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Functional fluids lubricating oil compositions

Номер: US20190264128A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Oronite Co LLC

Provided is a lubricating oil composition comprising a major amount of an oil of lubricating viscosity and a detergent system, and a method of improving brake and clutch capacity while maintaining low torque variation at low speed of a tractor hydraulic system.

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Polyolefin Dispersants and Methods of Making and Using Thereof

Номер: US20190284314A1

Provided herein are polyolefin dispersants, as well as methods for producing polyolefin dispersants. The polyolefin dispersants can be defined by the formula below 2. The dispersant of claim 1 , wherein A is present.3. The dispersant of claim 2 , wherein A comprises an imide moiety.4. The dispersant of claim 3 , wherein the imide moiety comprises a cyclic imide.9. The dispersant of claim 1 , wherein Rcomprises a polyisobutylene group.10. The dispersant of claim 1 , wherein Y comprises from one to three tertiary amines.11. The dispersant of claim 1 , wherein Y comprises from 6 to 30 carbon atoms.12. The dispersant of claim 1 , wherein Rand Rare each claim 1 , independently H or alkyl.15. The dispersant of claim 1 , wherein Rand Rare both H.17. The dispersant of claim 1 , wherein Y comprises a bivalent amine linker and n is 1.19. The dispersant of claim 1 , wherein Y comprises a trivalent amine linker and n is 2.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein step (a) comprises combining a Lewis acid and a monomer with an initiator in the presence of an electron donor claim 21 , common ion salt claim 21 , common ion salt precursor claim 21 , or combination thereof.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein the initiator is chosen from 2-chloro-2 claim 22 ,4 claim 22 ,4-trimethylpentane claim 22 , 1 claim 22 ,3-bis(2-chloro-2-propyl)-5-tert-butylbenzene claim 22 , 1 claim 22 ,3 claim 22 ,5-tri(2-chloro-2-propyl)benzene claim 22 , 1 claim 22 ,3 claim 22 ,5-tri(2-methoxy-2-propyl)benzene claim 22 , and 2 claim 22 ,6-dichloro-2 claim 22 ,4 claim 22 ,4 claim 22 ,6-tetramethylheptane.24. The method of claim 22 , wherein the monomer is isobutylene.25. The method of claim 22 , wherein step (b) is performed after high conversion of the monomer has occurred.26. The method of claim 21 , wherein X is chosen from a chloro group claim 21 , an iodo group claim 21 , a bromo group claim 21 , a triflate group claim 21 , or a mesylate group.27. The method of claim 21 , wherein the polyamine comprises a ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190338213A1

A method for preventing or reducing engine knock or pre-ignition in a high compression spark ignition engine lubricated with a lubricating oil by introducing to a combustion chamber of the engine from 0.1 to 5% by volume of the gasoline used a lubricating oil as a formulated oil, said formulated oil having a composition comprising (i) a major amount of a lubricating oil base stock comprising at least 80% by weight of one branched ester having at least 15% of the total carbons in the form of methyl groups, and (ii) a minor amount of at least one ashless amine phosphate antiwear additive. Also provided is a lubricating engine oil for high compression spark ignition engines including (i) a major amount of a lubricating oil base stock comprising at least 80% by weight formula I below: 2. The method of wherein the lubricanting oil base stock comprises at least 80% by weight of a trimethylol propane esterified with 25 to 100% of isobutyric acid (iC4) and 0 to 75% of 3 claim 1 ,5 claim 1 ,5-trimethylhexanoic acid (iC9).3. The method of wherein the formulated oil claim 1 , when 1% by volume of the formulated oil is added to isooctane claim 1 , the resulting isooctane/formulated oil mixture maintains at least 100% of the isooctane combustion delay per the equipment and test conditions of ASTM D7668.4. The method of wherein the formulated oil is an ashless formulated oil.5. The method of wherein the at least one ashless amine phosphate antiwear additive is an overbased amine salt of an acid phosphate ester based on a Calcohol.6. The method of wherein the formulated oil further comprises a polymeric aminic antioxidant.7. The method of wherein the polymeric aminic antioxidant is the polymerization or oligomerization reaction product of one or more unsubstituted or hydrocarbyl-substituted diphenyl amines claim 6 , one or more unsubstituted or hydrocarbyl-substituted phenyl naphthyl amines claim 6 , or a combination thereof.8. The method of wherein the esterified base stock is ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180371356A1
Автор: Roussel Thomas

Disclosed is a method for preventing and/or reducing abnormal combustion of fuel in a motor vehicle engine that includes the use of a lubricating composition including at least one base oil and at least one fatty amine. 117-. (canceled)19. The method according to claim 18 , wherein:{'sub': '1', 'Rrepresents a saturated or unsaturated alkyl group, which is linear straight-chained or branched, comprising from 12 to 22 carbon atoms, and/or'}{'sub': 2', '4', '5', '6', 'p', '6, 'R, Ror Rindependently represents, a hydrogen atom; a saturated or unsaturated alkyl group, which is linear straight-chained or branched, comprising from 1 to 22 carbon atoms; or a (R— O)—H group, wherein Ris a saturated alkyl group, which is linear straight-chained or branched, comprising at least 2 carbon atoms, and p represents an integer that is greater than or equal to 1; and/or'}{'sub': '3', 'Rrepresents a saturated or unsaturated alkyl group, which is linear straight-chained or branched, comprising between 2 and 6 carbon atoms.'}20. The method according to claim 18 , wherein:n is equal to 1, 2 or 3;{'sub': '1', 'Rrepresents a saturated or unsaturated alkyl group, which is linear straight-chained or branched, comprising from 12 to 20 carbon atoms;'}{'sub': '2', 'Rindependently represents a hydrogen atom or a saturated alkyl group, which is linear straight-chained or branched, comprising from 1 to 20 carbon atoms;'}{'sub': '3', 'Rrepresents a saturated and linear alkyl group, comprising between 2 and 6 carbon atoms;'}{'sub': 4', '5, 'Rand Rrepresent a hydrogen atom or a methyl group.'}21. The method according to claim 18 , wherein:n is equal to 3;{'sub': '1', 'Rrepresents a saturated or unsaturated alkyl group, which is linear straight-chained or branched, comprising from 12 to 20 carbon atoms;'}{'sub': '2', 'Rindependently represents a hydrogen atom or a saturated alkyl group, which is linear straight-chained or branched, comprising from 16 to 18 carbon atoms;'}{'sub': '3', 'Rrepresents an ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180371357A1

A lubricant composition of an oil of lubricating viscosity, an ashless condensation reaction product of an olefin polymer, having a number average molecular weight of 2,000 to 70,000, comprising carboxylic acid or equivalent functionality grafted onto the polymer backbone, with a monoamine or a polyamine often having a single primary amino group; a succinimide dispersant; and an overbased metal detergent, in an amount such that the total base number of the lubricant composition is less than 6.5, exhibits good sludge prevention performance in a gasoline engine. 1. A lubricant composition comprising:{'sup': 2', '−1, '(a) an oil of lubricating viscosity having a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of about 2 to about 5.3 mms;'}(b) about 0.14 to about 1.5 percent by weight of an ashless condensation reaction product of an olefin polymer, having a number average molecular weight (GPC) of about 2,000 to about 70,000, comprising carboxylic acid functionality or a reactive equivalent thereof grafted onto the polymer backbone, with a monoamine or a polyamine, provided that if the olefin polymer is an ethylene/propylene copolymer, then said polyamine is not a poly(ethyleneamine);(c) about 0.35 to about 1.8 percent by weight of a succinimide dispersant comprising the condensation product of a polyolefin-substituted succinic anhydride, with an alkylene polyamine, where the polyolefin substituent has a number average molecular weight of about 1,000 to about 3500; and(d) about 0.05 to about 1.5 percent by weight of an overbased metal detergent, in an amount such that the total base number (TBN per ASTM D2896) of the lubricant composition is less than about 6.5;said lubricant composition having a high-temperature high-shear viscosity per ASTM D4683 of about 1.4 to about 3.5 mPa-s.2. The lubricant composition of wherein the amount of the condensation reaction product is about 0.4 to about 1 percent by weight.3. The lubricant composition of claim 1 , wherein the olefin polymer comprises ...

31-08-1994 дата публикации

Multigrade lubricating compositions

Номер: GB9413976D0
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

02-02-2000 дата публикации

Antifriction coating for metals and process for its manufacture

Номер: EP0976795A2
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corp

An antifriction coating comprises a lubricant, a corrosion inhibitor, and a solvent, wherein the lubricant comprises a mixture of phenolic resin, epoxy resin, polyvinylbutyral resin and polyolefin wax, and the corrosion inhibitor comprises aluminium particles, zinc particles and a metal phosphate. Substrates are preferably pretreated by a phosphating process prior to coating with the antifriction coating. The antifriction coating is useful for coating substrates such as nuts, bolts and other fasteners, door, bonnet and boot lock parts, hinges, door stoppers, window guides, seat belt components, brake rotors and drums, and other transportation industry related parts.

28-03-2001 дата публикации

Multigrade crankcase lubricating oil compositions

Номер: EP1087008A1
Принадлежит: Infineum International Ltd

An SAE 0W-30 or 5W-30 or 5W-20 lubricant has a Noack volatility of less than 15, optionally an M-111 fuel economy of 1.5% or less, and a chlorine content of less than 100 ppm. The lubricant comprises a basestock containing from 0 to less than 10% Group I and/or Group II basestocks, a molybdenum additive providing not greater than 1000 ppm of molybdenum to the lubricant, a calcium detergent providing 10 or greater mmoles of surfactant per kilogram of lubricant, one or more other additives, and a viscosity modifier.

04-04-2001 дата публикации

Lubricating compositions comprising a molybdenum-containing amine compound

Номер: EP1088882A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Denka Kogyo KK

A lubricating composition containing an organic molybdenum compound having excellent oxidation stability that provides lubricity for long periods of time is provided. The lubricant comprises a molybdenum amine compound obtained by reacting a compound containing a hexavalent molybdenum atom with an amine represented by the following formula (1): where each of R 1 to R 3 represents a hydrogen atom and/or a hydrocarbon group having one or more carbon atoms, and at least one of R 1 to R 3 is a chain hydrocarbon group having 14 or more carbon atoms, or the following formula (2) wherein R 4 represents a chain hydrocarbon group having 10 or more carbon atoms, s represents 0 or 1, X and/or Y represents a hydrogen atom, a hydrocarbon group having at least one carbon atom, an alkanol group having 2 to 4 carbon atoms or an alkyl amino group having at least one carbon atom, and X and Y are not hydrogen atoms or hydrocarbon groups at the same time when s is 0. A lubricating composition containing the lubricant is also provided.

07-10-1997 дата публикации

Polymers having terminal hydroxyl aldehyde, or alkylamino substitutents and derivatives thereof

Номер: US5674950A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A polymer having a terminal hydroxyl, aldehyde or alkylamino substituent which may be used directly or in a derivative form as a dispersant for both fuel and lubricating oil compositions, wherein the polymer has a M n of about 300 to 10,000, and is derived from a polyolefin which is derived from a polyene (diene, e.g.), monomer of the formula H 2 C═CHR 4 , wherein R 4 is hydrogen or a straight or branched chain alkyl radical. Preferably, the polyolefin has at least about 30% terminal vinylidene unsaturation. Particularly desirable amine derivatives can be formed by either a single step aminomethylation process or a two step hydroformylation and reductive amination process.

25-11-1997 дата публикации

Saturated polyolefins having terminal aldehyde or hydroxy substituents and derivatives thereof

Номер: US5691422A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A saturated polymer having a terminal aldehyde or hydroxy substituent which may be used directly or in a derivative form as a dispersant for both fuel and lubricating oil compositions, wherein the saturated polymer has a M n of about 300 to 10,000, and is derived from a polyolefin which is derived from a monomer of the formula H 2 C═CHR 4 , wherein R 4 is hydrogen or a straight or branched chain alkyl radical, and wherein the polyolefin has at least about 30% terminal vinylidene unsaturation. Particularly desirable amine derivatives can be formed by either a single step aminomethylation process or a two step hydroformylation and reductive amination process.

11-08-1998 дата публикации

Lubricating oil succinimide dispersants derived from heavy polyamine

Номер: US5792730A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A succinimide dispersant, which is the reaction product of hydrocarbons or polymers functionalized by halogenation (e.g. chlorination), thermal "ene" reaction or free radical grafting and derivatized with a heavy polyamine. A heavy polyamine is a mixture of polyalkylenepolyamines comprising small amounts of lower polyamine oligomers such as tetraethylene pentamine and pentahexamine but primarily oligomers with 7 or more nitrogens, 2 or more primary amines per molecule, and more extensive branching than conventional polyamine mixtures.

23-05-2000 дата публикации

Polar monomer containing copolymers derived from olefins useful as lubricant and useful as lubricant and fuel oil additivies process for preparation of such copolymers and additives and use thereof

Номер: US6066603A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Polar monomer-containing copolymers derived from at least one α, β unsaturated carbonyl compound, such as alkyl acrylates and one or more olefins, such olefins including ethylene and C 3 -C 20 α-olefins such as propylene and 1-butene, which copolymers have (a) an average ethylene sequence length, ESL, of from about 1.0 to less than about 3.0; (b) an average of at least 5 branches per 100 carbon atoms of the copolymer chains comprising the copolymer; (c) at least about 50% of said branches being methyl and/or ethyl branches; (d) substantially all of said incorporated polar monomer is present at the terminal position of said branches; (e) at least about 30% of said copolymer chains terminated with a vinyl or vinylene group; (f) a number average molecular weight, Mn, of from about 300 to about 15,000 when the copolymer is intended for dispersant or wax crystal modifier uses and up to about 500,000 where intended for viscosity modifier uses; and (g) substantial solubility in hydrocarbon and/or synthetic base oil. The copolymers are produced using late-transition-metal catalyst systems and, as an olefin monomer source other than ethylene preferably inexpensive, highly dilute refinery or steam cracker feed streams that have undergone only limited clean-up steps. Fuel and lubricating oil additives, particularly dispersants, wax crystal modifiers and flow improvers, are produced. Where functionalization and derivatization of these copolymers is required for such additives it is facilitated by the olefinic structures available in the copolymer chains.

09-01-2001 дата публикации

Polar monomer containing copolymers derived from olefins useful as lubricant and fuel oil additives, processes for preparation of such copolymers and additives and use thereof

Номер: US6172015B1
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Polar monomer-containing copolymers derived from at least one α, β unsaturated carbonyl compound, such as alkyl acrylates and one or more olefins, such olefins including ethylene and C 3 -C 20 α-olefins such as propylene and 1-butene, which copolymers have (a) an average ethylene sequence length, ESL, of from about 1.0 to less than about 3.0; (b) an average of at least 5 branches per 100 carbon atoms of the copolymer chains comprising the copolymer; (c) at least about 50% of said branches being methyl and/or ethyl branches; (d) substantially all of said incorporated polar monomer is present at the terminal position of said branches; (e) at least about 30% of said copolymer chains terminated with a vinyl or vinylene group; (f) a number average molecular weight, Mn, of from about 300 to about 15,000 when the copolymer is intended for dipersant or wax crystal modifier uses and up to about 500,000 where intended for viscosity modifier uses; and (g) substantial solubility in hydrocarbon and/or synthetic base oil. The copolymers are produced using late-transition-metal catalyst systems and, as an olefin monomer source other than ethylene preferably inexpensive, highly dilute refinery or steam cracker feed streams that have undergone only limited clean-up steps. Fuel and lubricating oil additives, are produced. Where functionalization and derivatization of these copolymers is required for such additives it is facilitated by the olefinic structures available in the copolymer chains.

07-07-1998 дата публикации

Saturated polyolefins having terminal aldehyde or hydroxy substituents and derivatives thereof

Номер: US5777041A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A saturated polymer having a terminal aldehyde or hydroxy substituent which may be used directly or in a derivative form as a dispersant for both fuel and lubricating oil compositions, wherein the saturated polymer has a M n of about 300 to 10,000, and is derived from a polyolefin which is derived from a monomer of the formula H 2 C=CHR 4 , wherein R 4 is hydrogen or a straight or branched chain alkyl radical, and wherein the polyolefin has at least about 30% terminal vinylidene unsaturation. Particularly desirable amine derivatives can be formed by either a single step aminomethylation process or a two step hydroformylation and reductive amination process.

14-07-1998 дата публикации

Saturated polyolefins having terminal aldehyde or hydroxy substituents and derivatives thereof

Номер: US5780554A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A saturated polymer having a terminal aldehyde or hydroxy substituent which may be used directly or in a derivative form as a dispersant for both fuel and lubricating oil compositions, wherein the saturated polymer has a M n of about 300 to 10,000, and is derived from a polyolefin which is derived from a monomer of the formula H 2 C═CHR 4 , wherein R 4 is hydrogen or a straight or branched chain alkyl radical, and wherein the polyolefin has at least about 30% terminal vinylidene unsaturation. Particularly desirable amine derivatives can be formed by either a single step aminomethylation process or a two step hydroformylation and reductive amination process.

06-07-1999 дата публикации

Polymers having terminal hydroxyl, aldehyde, or alkylamino substituents and derivatives thereof

Номер: US5919869A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A polymer having a terminal hydroxyl, aldehyde or alkylamino substituent which may be used directly or in a derivative form as a dispersant for both fuel and lubricating oil compositions, wherein the polymer has a M n of about 300 to 10,000, and is derived from a polyolefin which is derived from a polyene (diene, e.g.), monomer of the formula H 2 C═CHR 4 , wherein R 4 is hydrogen or a straight or branched chain alkyl radical. Preferably, the polyolefin has at least about 30% terminal vinylidene unsaturation. Particularly desirable amine derivatives can be formed by either a single step aminomethylation process or a two step hydroformylation and reductive amination process.

09-03-1999 дата публикации

Polymers having terminal hydroxyl, aldehyde, or alkylamino substituents and derivatives thereof

Номер: US5880219A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A polymer having a terminal hydroxyl, aldehyde or alkylamino substituent which may be used directly or in a derivative form as a dispersant for both fuel and lubricating oil compositions, wherein the polymer has a Mn of about 300 to 10,000, and is derived from a polyolefin which is derived from a polyene (diene, e.g.), monomer of the formula H2C=CHR4, wherein R4 is hydrogen or a straight or branched chain alkyl radical. Preferably, the polyolefin has at least about 30% terminal vinylidene unsaturation. Particularly desirable amine derivatives can be formed by either a single step aminomethylation process or a two step hydroformylation and reductive amination process.

10-09-1996 дата публикации

Trisubstituted unsaturated polymers

Номер: US5554310A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The invention pertains to olefinically unsaturated polymers wherein at least a portion of the olefinic unsaturation has three hydrocarbyl substituents attached to the two carbons of an olefinic unsaturation (i.e., trisubstituted vinyl). The invention is an H2C=CHR alpha -olefin polymer composition, wherein R is H or alkyl, with a substantial portion of the polymer unsaturation as trisubstituted.

17-12-1991 дата публикации

Dispersant viscosity index improvers

Номер: US5073600A
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A process is provided according to the present invention comprising the steps of: functionalizing a base polymer by grafting alpha-beta unsaturated carboxylic acid, anhydride or ester to a base polymer, the base polymer being selected from the group of hydrogenated polymer of a conjugated diolefin and a copolymer of conjugated diolefins and monoalkenyl arenes, the grafting being performed in a blending device capable of imparting high mechanical energy and in the presence of 3 to 15 percent by weight, based on base polymer, of a suitable diluent oil; reacting the functionalized polymer with an amine; and recovering an animated polymer. This process results in a lower level of scission, crosslinking and coupling than processes which are essentially oil free. The product of this process is an excellent lubricating oil viscosity index improver and additionally has dispersant characteristics.

24-06-1997 дата публикации

Conductive lubricant for magnetic disk drives

Номер: US5641841A
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

An improved disk drive system using a non-ferrofluid conductive lubricant is disclosed. In the disk drive system, there is a plurality of critically spaced magnetic disks rotated by a disk motor. A spindle shaft, which is retained by the spindle sleeve, couples to the disk motor and to the plurality of magnetic disks for rotation. The spindle shaft and spindle sleeve uses a bearing, which is lubricated by a non-ferrofluid conductive lubricant. The lubricant is used to prevent electrostatic charge build up during operation of the disk drive system. The lubricant may be either a non-polar oil or a ball bearing grease and further comprising either a metal caged fullerenes compound, STADIS-450, ASA-3, or Polyfloe 130. One particular type of lubricant is an emeraldine salt of polyanilin produced according to the steps of first reacting a solution of HCL and ammonium persulfate into a solution of HCL and analine to form a polymer. Next, the polymer is mixed with ammonium hydroxide and then is prepared to have a molecular weight of 1,000-20,000. Finally, the polymer is mixed with dodecyl benzylsulfonc acid or camphor sulfonic acid until the emeraldine salt is formed.

03-03-2010 дата публикации

Dispersants based on succinimide additives derived from heavy polyamine used for lubricating oil

Номер: EP0770098B2
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A succinimide dispersant, which is the reaction product of hydrocarbons or polymers functionalized by halogenation (e.g. chlorination), thermal 'ene' reaction or free radical grafting and derivatized with a heavy polyamine. A heavy polyamine is a mixture of polyalkylenepolyamines comprising small amounts of lower polyamine oligomers such as tetraethylene pentamine and pentahexamine but primarily oligomers with 7 or more nitrogens, 2 or more primary amines per molecule, and more extensive branching than conventional polyamine mixtures.

05-04-1989 дата публикации

Medium speed diesel engine lubricating oils

Номер: EP0310367A1
Принадлежит: BP Corp North America Inc

There is provided a lubricating oil composition for use in medium speed diesel engines, such as railroad loco­motive diesel engines. This lubricating oil composition comprises an oil of lubricating viscosity and a minor amount of a reaction product that is obtained by reacting an alkyl-substituted dicarboxylic acid compound selected from the group consisting of alkyl-substituted dicarbox­ylic acids, alkyl-substituted dicarboxylic acid anhy­drides, and mixtures thereof with a basic salt of aminoguanidine under selected conditions that will provide a product rich in alkyl bis-3-amino-1,2,4-triazole.

22-02-1977 дата публикации

Processes of preparing oligomers

Номер: US4009195A
Принадлежит: Rohm and Haas Co

This invention relates to novel oligomers of 1-alkenes and derivatives of acrylic acids, to methods of making the oligomers, and to compositions which comprise the oligomers.

28-08-1995 дата публикации

Resin free succinimides

Номер: HUT69055A
Принадлежит: Bp Chem Int Ltd

27-06-1972 дата публикации

Sulfurization of triisobutylene and products resulting therefrom

Номер: US3673090A
Принадлежит: Texaco Inc

A process for the sulfurization of triisobutylene and resulting products comprising contacting triisobutylene with sulfur under essentially atmospheric conditions at a temperature between about 360* and 500*F., utilizing a mole ratio of triisobutylene to sulfur of between about 1:4 and 1:2.5 while blowing the reaction mixture during at least a part of said contacting with an inert gas and recovering a sulfurized triisobutylene product containing as a major component a compound of the empirical formula C12H20S3 having substantially reduced corrosive activity to copper coupled with superior EP (extreme pressure) improving properties when incorporated in hydrocarbon lubricating oils such as gear oils and cutting oils.

30-11-1993 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted mono-and dicarboxylic acid dispersant additives

Номер: US5266223A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble fuel and lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted polymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful fuel and lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

21-05-1991 дата публикации

Novel ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer substituted Mannich base lubricant dispersant additives

Номер: US5017299A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to oil-soluble lubricating oil additives comprising Mannich Base condensates of an alkyl substituted hydroxy aromatic compound with formaldehyde and an amine, wherein the alkyl-moiety of the aromatic compounds is derived from at least one ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer of 300 to 10,000 number average molecular weight, wherein at least about 30% of the polymer's chains contain terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The Mannich Base condensates of this invention are useful as dispersants.

16-02-1993 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer substituted mannich base lubricant dispersant additives

Номер: US5186851A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to oil-soluble lubricating oil additives comprising Mannich Base condensates of an alkyl substituted hydroxy aromatic compound with formaldehyde and an amine, wherein the alkyl-moiety of the aromatic compounds is derived from at least one ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer of 300 to 10,000 number average molecular weight, wherein at least about 30% of the polymer's chains contain terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The Mannich Base condensates of this invention are useful as dispersants.

06-04-1993 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer substituted Mannich base lubricant dispsersant additives

Номер: US5200103A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to oil-soluble lubricating oil additives comprising Mannich Base condensates of an alkyl substituted hydroxy aromatic compound with formaldehyde and an amine, wherein the alkyl-moiety of the aromatic compounds is derived from at least one ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight, wherein at least about 30% of the polymer's chains contain terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The Mannich Base condensates of this invention are useful as dispersants.

03-06-2003 дата публикации

Novel ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted mono- and dicarboxylic acid dispersant additives

Номер: CA2034759C
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble fuel and lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted polymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful fuel and lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

20-07-1993 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted mono- and dicarboxylic acid dispersant additives (PT-920)

Номер: US5229022A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble fuel and lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted polymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful fuel and lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

27-09-1994 дата публикации

Borated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted mono- and dicarboxylic acid dispersant additives

Номер: US5350532A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble fuel and lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted polymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful fuel and lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

06-07-1993 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted thiocarboxylic acid lubricant dispersant additives

Номер: US5225091A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of 300 to 10,000 number average molecular weight substituted with thiocarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises ethenylidene unsaturation. The thiocarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted polymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and metal compounds, to form products which are also useful lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

07-07-1992 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer substituted amino phenol mannich base lubricant dispersant additives

Номер: US5128056A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to oil-soluble lubricating oil additives comprising Mannich Base condensates of (A) an ethylene-alpha-olefin polymer substituted mono- or dicarboxylic acid material, (B) an optionally alkyl-substituted N-hydroxyaryl compound, (C) an aldehyde, and (D) an amine, wherein the polyer moiety of the mono- or dicarboxylic acid material is derived from at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer of 300 to 10,000 number average molecular weight, wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises ethenylidene unsaturation. The Mannich Base condensates of this invention are useful as dispersants.

02-06-1998 дата публикации

Ethylene α-olefin/diene interpolymer-substituted carboxylic acid dispersant additives

Номер: US5759967A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene/alpha-olefin/diene interpolymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted interpolymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such s amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

04-01-1994 дата публикации

Derivatized ethylene alpha-olefin polymer useful as multifunctional viscosity index improver additive for oleaginous composition

Номер: US5275747A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble oleaginous composition additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of from above 20,000 to about 500,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted polymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to oleaginous compositions such as lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful oleaginous composition additives, e.g., as multifunctional viscosity index improvers.

06-07-1993 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted amine dispersant additives

Номер: US5225092A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight terminally substituted with amine compounds, which are also useful additives to oleaginous compositions, e.g., as fuel and lubricating oil dispersants.

08-04-2003 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted mannich base useful as multifunctional viscosity index improver for oleaginous composition

Номер: CA2034694C
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to oil-soluble lubricating oil additives comprising Mannich Base condensates of an alkyl substituted hydroxy aromatic compound with formaldehyde and an amine, wherein the alkyl-moiety of the aromatic compounds is derived from at least one ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer of greater or above 20,000 to about 500,000 number average molecular weight, wherein at least about 30% of the polymer's chains contain terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The Mannich Base condensates of this invention are useful as multifunctional viscosity index improvers for oleaginous compositions, particularly lubricating oil compositions.

26-10-2004 дата публикации

Gel-free alpha-olefin dispersant additives useful in oleaginous compositions

Номер: CA2110649C
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Gel-free dispersant additives for lubricating and fuel oil compositions comprise at least one adduct of (A) .alpha.-olefin homopolymer or interpolymer of 700 to 10,000 number average molecular weight, free radically grafted with an average of from about 0.5 to about 5 carboxylic acid producing moieties per polymer chain, and (B) at least one non-aromatic nucleophilic post-treating reactant selected from (i) amine compounds containing only a single reactive amino group per molecule, (ii) alcohol compounds containing only a single hydroxy group per molecule, (iii) polyamine compounds containing at least two reactive amino groups per molecule, (iv) polyol compounds containing at least two reactive hydroxy groups per molecule, (v) aminoalcohol compounds containing at least one reactive amino group and at least one reactive hydroxy group per molecule, and (vi) mixtures of (i) to (v): provided that when said post-treating reactant includes one or more of (iii), (iv) or (v), the reaction between (A) and (B) is conducted in the presence of sufficient chain-stopping or end-capping co-reactant (C) to ensure that the grafted and post-reacted product mixture is gel-free.

08-02-2005 дата публикации

Gel-free ethylene interpolymer dispersant additives useful in oleaginous compositions

Номер: CA2110463C
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Gel-free dispersant additives for lubricating and fuel oil compositions comprise at least one adduct of (A) .alpha.-olefin homopolymer or interpolymer of 700 to 10,000 number average molecular weight, free radically grafted with an average of from about 0.5 to about 5 carboxylic acid producing moieties per polymer chain, and (B) at least one non-aromatic nucleophilic post-treating reactant selected from (i) amine compounds containing only a single reactive amino group per molecule, (ii) alcohol compounds containing only a single hydroxy group per molecule, (iii) polyamine compounds containing at least two reactive amino groups per molecule, (iv) polyol compounds containing at least two reactive hydroxy groups per molecule, (v) aminoalcohol compounds containing at least one reactive amino group and at least one reactive hydroxy group per molecule, and (vi) mixtures of (i) to (v); provided that when said post-treating reactant includes one or more of (iii), (iv) or (v), the reaction between (A) and (B) is conducted in the presence of sufficient chain-stopping or end-capping co-reactant (C) to ensure that the grafted and post-reacted product mixture is gel-free.

16-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: ES2124002T3
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc


21-02-2000 дата публикации

Alpha olefin-diene copolymers

Номер: AU4919599A
Принадлежит: BP Chemicals Ltd

Atactic copolymers derived from an alpha-olefin, optionally ethylene and a non-conjugated diene are provided. The units derived from the diene provide pendant groups having internal or terminal double bonds. Suitable dienes for preparing such copolymers include: CH2=C(R<1>)-R<2>-C(R<3>)=CH2, CH2=C(R<1>)-R<4>-C(R<3>)=CH-CH3, wherein R<1> and R<3> are indenpendently selected from hydrogen or an alkyl group, R<2> and R<4> are alkylene moieties having a chain length of at least 3 carbon atoms and at least 1 carbon atom respectively, or a diene having a cyclic ring with one strained ring double bond and a substituent on the ring of the Formulae: =CR<5>R<6>, -CR<7>=CH2, wherein R<5> and R<6> and R<7> are independently selected from hydrogen or a C1-C3 alkyl. Also provided are processes for the functionalisation of the atactic copolymers and their use as lubricating oil additives.

11-09-1990 дата публикации

Lubricating composition

Номер: US4956122A
Принадлежит: Uniroyal Chemical Co Inc

A lubricating composition is provided containing: a high viscosity synthetic hydrocarbon such as high viscosity polyalphaolefins, liquid hydrogenated polyisoprenes or ethylene-alphaolefin copolymers having a viscosity of 40-1000 centistokes at 100° C.; a low viscosity synthetic hydrocarbon and/or optionally a low viscosity ester; and optionally an additive package to impart desirable performance properties to the composition.

08-08-1995 дата публикации

Multifunctional viscosity index improver-dispersant antioxidant

Номер: US5439607A
Автор: Abhimanyu O. Patil
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Oleaginous compositions, particularly lubricating oil compositions, exhibiting improved antioxidant properties containing a viscosity index improving amount of a viscosity index improver-dispersant comprised of the reaction products of: (a) an oil soluble ethylene copolymer comprising from about 15 to 90 wt. % ethylene and from about 10 to 85 wt. % of at least one C 3 to C 28 alpha-olefin, having a number average molecular weight of from about 20,000 to 500,000, grafted with an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid material having 1 or 2 acid or anhydride moieties; (b) an organic polyamine having at least two primary amino groups; (c) an aldehyde; (d) a hydroxy aromatic reactant having at least one --OH-- group attached to the aromatic ring; and, optionally, (e) an amount effective to provide a V.I. improver-dispersant exhibiting improved low temperature viscometric properties of high functionality long chain hydrocarbyl substituted dicarboxylic acid material having a functionality of at least 1.3.

26-05-1998 дата публикации

High functionality low molecular weight oil soluble dispersant additives useful in oleaginous composition

Номер: US5756428A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Hydrocarbyl substituted C 4 to C 10 monounsaturated dicarboxylic acid, anhydrides or esters, e.g. polyisobutenyl succinic anhydride, preferably made by reacting polymer of C 2 to C 10 monoolefin, preferably polyisobutylene, having a number arrange molecular weight of about 700 to 1200, preferably with a C 4 to C 10 monounsaturated acid, anhydride or ester, preferably maleic anhydride, such that there are 1.2 to 2.0 dicarboxylic acid producing moieties per molecule of said olefin polymer used in the reaction mixture. The resulting materials may be further reacted with amines, alcohols, amino alcohols, boric acid, etc. to form dispersants.

30-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: US4172855A
Принадлежит: Ethyl Corp

A process for making a low viscosity, low volatility α-olefin oligomer suitable for use as a functional fluid or lubricating oil comprising dimerizing a C 6-12 α-olefin, reacting the resultant dimer with a C 6-18 α-olefin in the presence of a Friedel-Crafts catalyst, distilling out volatile components and hydrogenating the residual product.

07-05-1998 дата публикации

Polyolefins and their functionalized derivatives

Номер: DE19645430A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to at least simply unsaturated polyolefins with a number mean molecular weight in the range of 400 to 1,500 dalton and a dispersibility of <o>M</o>W/<o>M</o>N < 1,2, obtained through catalytic dimerization from at least simply unsaturated olefin-oligomers, as well as to the method for their production. The present invention further relates to derivatives of these polyolefins which can be obtained by functionalizing at least a double link of the polyolefin. The invention also relates to the use of polyolefins and/or functionalization products as additives for fuels or lubricants.

14-12-1999 дата публикации

Ashless lubricating oil formulation for natural gas engines

Номер: US6001780A
Принадлежит: Chevron Chemical Co LLC

The present invention provides an ashless lubricating oil composition that improves the corrosion properties in natural gas engines. The ashless lubricating oil composition comprises: a) a major amount of base oil of lubricating viscosity; b) from about 1 to 6 wt % of an untreated polyalkylene or polyalkenyl succinimide dispersant; and c) from about 1 to 6 wt % of a borated polyalkylene or polyalkenyl succinimide dispersant.

12-03-1996 дата публикации

Polymers derived from ethylene and 1-butene for use in the preparation of lubricant dispersant additives

Номер: US5498809A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The invention pertains to oil soluble copolymers derived from ethylene and 1-butene which have a number average molecular weight between about 1,500 and 7,500, at least about 30 percent of all polymer chains terminated with ethylvinylidene groups, and ethylene-derived content of not greater than about 50 weight percent, and which form solutions in mineral oil free of polymer aggregates, as determined by light scattering measurements. Lubricating oil additives, particularly dispersants, produced by the functionalization and derivatization of these copolymers have enhanced performance (e.g., improved dispersancy and pour point) in lubricating oil compositions, attributable in part to the combination of properties characterizing the copolymers.

17-10-2000 дата публикации

Polyolefins and their functionalized derivatives

Номер: US6133209A
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to at least simply unsaturated polyolefins with a number mean molecular weight in the range of 400 to 1,500 dalton and a dispersibility of M W /M N <1.2, obtained through catalytic dimerization from at least simply unsaturated olefin-oligomers, as well as to the method for their production. The present invention further relates to derivatives of these polyolefins which can be obtained by functionalizing at least a double link of the polyolefin. The invention also relates to the use of polyolefins and/or functionalization products as additives for fuels or lubricants.

30-01-1991 дата публикации

Alkenyl succinimides as luboil additives

Номер: GB9027000D0

15-09-1987 дата публикации

Multifunctional viscosity index improver

Номер: US4693838A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Hydrocarbon polymers such as ethylene copolymers may be reacted with unsaturated nitrogen-containing monomers or unsaturated carboxylic acids in a synthetic hydrocarbon lubricating oil in the presence of a free radical initiator such as a peroxide. The copolymer grafted directly with the nitrogen-containing monomers may be utilized as an additive for oil compositions, particularly lubricating oil compositions as a V.I.-dispersant additive. The polymer reacted with carboxylic acid may be further reacted with amines or amino-alcohols to also form a multifunctional V.I.-dispersant additive.

20-02-2001 дата публикации

Part-synthetic, aviation piston engine lubricant

Номер: US6191078B1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

An aviation piston engine lubricant having no metal containing additive is provided. The lubricant contains (a) a base oil consisting essentially of a mixture of (i) at least about 50 wt % based on the total weight of the lubricant of one or more mineral oils having a viscosity in the range of about 5 cSt to about 25 cSt at 100° C. and (ii) about 15 to about 40 wt % based on the total weight of the lubricant of a polyalpha olefin fluid having a viscosity in the range of about 4 cSt to about 40 cSt at 100° C.; (b) at least about 3 wt % based on the total weight of the lubricant of an ashless polyisobutylene succinic anhydride/polyamine (PIBSA/PAM) dispersant; and (c) an effective amount of one or more ashless additives selected from the group consisting of antiwear agents, extreme pressure agents, metal passivators, and antioxidants.

12-07-2007 дата публикации

Lubricant oil compositions

Номер: US20070161522A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Compositions comprise first antioxidants and first additives, such as, a surface additives, performance enhancing additives and lubricant protective additives and optionally second additives and/or second antioxidants. The compositions are useful to improve lubricants, lubricant oils and other lubricant materials. The compositions and methods generally provide longer shelf lives, increased oxidative resistance, improved quality and/or enhanced performance to lubricants or lubricant oils.

10-02-2000 дата публикации

Alpha olefin-diene copolymers

Номер: WO2000006621A1

Atactic copolymers derived from an alpha-olefin, optionally ethylene and a non-conjugated diene are provided. The units derived from the diene provide pendant groups having internal or terminal double bonds. Suitable dienes for preparing such copolymers include: CH2=C(R?1)-R2-C(R3)=CH¿2, CH2=C(R?1)-R4-C(R3¿)=CH-CH¿3?, wherein R?1 and R3¿ are indenpendently selected from hydrogen or an alkyl group, R?2 and R4¿ are alkylene moieties having a chain length of at least 3 carbon atoms and at least 1 carbon atom respectively, or a diene having a cyclic ring with one strained ring double bond and a substituent on the ring of the Formulae: =CR?5R6, -CR7=CH¿2, wherein R?5 and R6 and R7¿ are independently selected from hydrogen or a C¿1?-C3 alkyl. Also provided are processes for the functionalisation of the atactic copolymers and their use as lubricating oil additives.

10-03-1998 дата публикации

Multigrade lubricating compositions

Номер: US5726134A
Автор: David Robert Adams
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Multigrade lubricating oils which have acceptable performance in the VWInTD and Sequence VE engine tests and which are based on an ashless dispersant comprising an oil-soluble polymeric backbone having functional groups in which the hydrocarbon backbone is derived from an ethylene alpha-olefin (EAO) copolymers or alpha-olefin homo- or copolymer having greater than 30% of terminal vinylidene unsaturation achieve this performance by use of a detergent combination which includes a phenate in the formulation of the oils.

14-09-1993 дата публикации

Viscosity index improver

Номер: US5244590A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Degraded molecular weight copolymers of ethylene alpha-olefin are provided. The ethylene alpha-olefin copolymers, before degradation, are characterized by having a narrow molecular weight distribution and are comprised of intramolecularly heterogeneous and intermolecularly homogeneous copolymer chains. The degraded copolymers are useful as viscosity index improvers for oils.

22-07-1997 дата публикации

Continuous process for production of functionalized olefins

Номер: US5650536A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A continuous process for functionalizing olefins, especially polymer olefins in a CSTR or pipe reactor. Esters are preferably produced by continuous reaction of the olefin with carbon monoxide and a nucleophilic trapping agent. The liquid-filled pipe reactor operates in plug flow with static mixers and the CSTR is operated in the substantial absence of air at constant liquid level.

10-02-1998 дата публикации

Functionalization of polymers based on Koch chemistry and derivatives thereof

Номер: US5717039A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A Koch functionalized product which is the reaction product of at least one polymer having a number average molecular weight of at least 500 and at least ethylenic double bond per polymer chain, with carbon monoxide and a nucleophilic trapping agent. The invention includes functionalized polymer, derivatives thereof and methods of making the same.

28-03-1995 дата публикации

Viscosity index improver

Номер: US5401427A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Degraded molecular weight copolymers of ethylene alpha-olefin are provided. The ethylene alpha-olefin copolymers, before degradation, are characterized by having a narrow molecular weight distribution and are comprised of intramolecularly heterogeneous and intermolecularly homogeneous copolymer chains. The degraded copolymers are useful as viscosity index improvers for oils.

11-01-1994 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted mono-and dicarboxylic acid lubricant dispersant additives

Номер: US5277833A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of 300 to 10,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted polymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

28-10-1997 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin/diene interpolymer-substituted carboxylic acid dispersant additives

Номер: US5681799A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene/alpha-olefin/diene interpolymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted interpolymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

18-04-2001 дата публикации

Reactive, low molecular weight, viscous poly(1-olefins) and copoly(1-olefins) and their method of manufacture

Номер: EP0642539B1
Принадлежит: BP Corp North America Inc

Catalysts and processes are described to make low molecular weight, essentially terminally-unsaturated, viscous poly(1-olefin) or copoly(1-olefin) having a high terminal vinylidine content from a feed stock containing one or more 1-olefin and other volatile hydrocarbon liquids using a Ziegler catalyst made from a Group IVb metallocene and an aluminoxane cocatalyst, particularly bis(cyclopentadienyl) and bis(indenyl) titanium(IV), zirconium(IV) or hafnium(IV) compounds and methylaluminoxane. A particularly useful feed stock is a refinery stream containing 1-olefins and isobutylene which is used to make polyisobutylene. The reactive, essentially terminally-unsaturated, viscous poly(1-olefin) or copoly(1-olefin) can be functionalized to make a number of products useful as sealants, petroleum additives, adhesives, and the like by reacting the terminal vinylidine linkage with an aromatic, an epoxidation agent, a silylation agent, maleic anhydride, carbon monoxide and hydrogen, hydrogen, a halogen, a hydrohalogen, and the like.

25-07-1995 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted mono- and dicarboxylic acid dispersant additives

Номер: US5435926A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble fuel and lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted polymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful fuel and lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

18-07-1995 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin polymer substituted mono- and dicarboxylic acid dispersant additives

Номер: US5433757A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to an oil-soluble fuel and lubricating oil additive comprising at least one terminally unsaturated ethylene alpha-olefin polymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight substituted with mono- or dicarboxylic acid producing moieties (preferably dicarboxylic acid or anhydride moieties), wherein the terminal unsaturation comprises terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The mono- and dicarboxylic acid or anhydride substituted polymers of this invention are useful per se as additives to lubricating oils, and can also be reacted with a nucleophilic reagent, such as amines, alcohols, amino alcohols and reactive metal compounds, to form products which are also useful fuel and lubricating oil additives, e.g., as dispersants.

02-09-1997 дата публикации

Polymers derived from ethylene and 1-butene for use in the preparation of lubricant dispersant additives

Номер: US5663130A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The invention pertains to oil soluble copolymers derived from ethylene and 1-butene which have a number average molecular weight between about 1,500 and 7,500, at least about 30 percent of all polymer chains terminated with ethylvinylidene groups, and ethylene-derived content of not greater than about 50 weight percent, and which form solutions in mineral oil free of polymer aggregates, as determined by light scattering measurements. Lubricating oil additives, particularly dispersants, produced by the functionalization and derivatization of these copolymers have enhanced performance (e.g., improved dispersancy and pour point) in lubricating oil compositions, attributable in part to the combination of properties characterizing the copolymers.

29-02-2000 дата публикации

Polymers derived from ethylene and 1-butene for use in the preparation of lubricant disperant additives

Номер: US6030930A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The invention pertains to oil soluble copolymers derived from ethylene and 1-butene which have a number average molecular weight between about 1,500 and 7,500, at least about 30 percent of all polymer chains terminated with ethylvinylidene groups, and ethylene-derived content of not greater than about 50 weight percent, and which form solutions in mineral oil free of polymer aggregates, as determined by light scattering measurements. Lubricating oil additives, particularly dispersants, produced by the functionalization and derivatization of these copolymers have enhanced performance (e.g., improved dispersancy and pour point) in lubricating oil compositions, attributable in part to the combination of properties characterizing the copolymers.

21-12-1993 дата публикации

Heterocyclic nitrogen compound Mannich base derivatives of amino-substituted polymers for oleaginous compositions

Номер: US5271856A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The novel polymers of the present invention are prepared by reacting a heterocyclic nitrogen compound containing at least one --N(H)-- group in the ring, an aldehyde and amino-substituted polymer (e.g., an ethylene alpha-olefin interpolymer substituted by primary amino or secondary amino groups) to form an oil soluble Mannich base derivative useful as antioxidant additive in oleaginous compositions such as lubricating oils and fuels. Preferred heterocyclic nitrogen compound are azoles such as benzotriazoles and alkyl-substituted benzotriazoles. Preferred amino-substituted interpolymers comprise amino-substituted ethylene propylene norbornene terpolymers. The polymers of this invention are oil soluble and are useful as dispersants, viscosity index improver dispersants, and as antiwear and antioxidant additives in oleaginous compositions.

12-09-1997 дата публикации

Substantially linear ethylene/alpha-olefin polymers as viscosity index improvers or gelling agents

Номер: WO1997032946A1

Substantially linear ethylene polymers, such as ethylene/octene copolymers and ethylene/propylene/diene modified polymers, when added in a viscosity modifying amount to an oleaginous material, such as a lubricating oil, provides the material with a viscosity index that exceeds that of the material alone. The substantially linear ethylene polymers, prepared by constrained geometry catalysis, may be grafted with one or more unsaturated organic compounds, such as maleic anhydride, that contain ethylenic unsaturation. The grafted polymer may be further functionalized by reactions with, for example, an alcohol or an amine compound. The substantially linear ethylene polymers, when subjected to shearing action either before or after addition to an oleaginous material, improve shear stability of the oleaginous material. The substantially li near ethylene polymers, whether grafted, grafted and further reacted or not, also work as a thickening agent for compositions such as those used in greases, cable filling coumpounds and cosmetics. In addition, the substantially linear ethylene polymers provide effective results when blended with other components of conventional oleaginous material compositions.

13-02-1968 дата публикации

High molecular weight mannich bases as engine oil additives

Номер: US3368972A
Автор: Ferdinand P Otto
Принадлежит: Mobil Oil Corp

15-04-1975 дата публикации

Werkwijze ter bereiding van een smeermiddelcompositie.

Номер: NL145565B
Принадлежит: Shell Int Research
