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09-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018108492A3

10-01-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для переработки растительного сырья перегонкой

Номер: RU167654U1

Устройство для переработки растительного сырья перегонкой относится к эфиромасличной промышленности. Устройство включает испаритель, конденсатор сфероконической формы, нагревательный элемент, сборник дистиллята в виде кольцевого желоба со сливным патрубком. Сверху на испаритель установлена решетка. Устройство позволяет перерабатывать эфирномасличное сырье перегонкой с водяным паром.

14-07-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для отгонки эфирного масла из семян кориандра

Номер: RU172611U1

Полезная модель относится к эфирномасличному производству, а именно к перегонным аппаратам для отгонки острым водяным паром эфирных масел из эфирномасличного зернового сырья и может быть использована при отгонке эфирного масла из семян кориандра.Технический результат достигается тем, что в устройстве для отгонки эфирного масла из семян кориандра, включающем цилиндрический вертикальный корпус с верхней сферической крышкой с патрубком для отвода паровой фазы, нижнее плоское днище с рубашкой, обогреваемое теплоносителем, загрузочное устройство, выполненное в виде шнекового пресс-гранулятора с бункером для подвода исходного зернового сырья и фильеры, полый вертикальный вал, с закрепленными на нем распределительным колесом, мешалками с перфорированными лопастями и нижним перемешивающим устройством, соединенных с системой подачи острого водяного пара, шнековый транспортер с переменным шагом витков, патрубок и шлюзовый затвор для выгрузки материала, при этом нижнее перемешивающее устройство выполнено ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU179171U1

Полезная модель относится к эфиромасличному производству и может быть использована для извлечения дистилляционных эфирных масел из эфиромасличного сырья путем его обработки водяным паром.Передвижной аппарат для паровой дистилляции эфиромасличного сырья включает прямоугольную емкость с открытым верхом, установленную на раме саморазгружающегося транспортного средства, емкость снабжена устройством для ввода водяного пара в зону обработки сырья, расположенным в нижней части аппарата. Рабочий объем емкости разделен на секции, каждая из которых функционирует в автономном режиме переработки, причем, значение отношения высоты секции к ее эквивалентному диаметру должно быть не менее единицы. Верхний контур каждой секции выполнен с гидрозатвором для герметичной установки в него съемной верхней крышки с устройством для отвода паров воды и эфирного масла на конденсацию. Аппарат оборудован гидроцилиндрами для разгрузки отработанного сырья.Секционное формирование оптимального слоя эфиромасличного сырья ...

23-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU209875U1

Полезная модель относится к эфиромасличному производству и может быть использована для получения эфирных масел на месте сбора эфиромасличного сырья. Передвижной аппарат для паровой дистилляции эфиромасличного сырья, устанавливающийся на транспортном средстве, содержит емкость с открытым верхом, снабженную устройством для ввода водяного пара в зону обработки сырья, расположенным в нижней части аппарата. В нижней части аппарата также размещены парогенератор, емкость для воды, водяной насос и система трубопроводов для подвода холодной воды и отвода горячей воды, а на емкости, установленной в верхней части аппарата и имеющей теплоизолирующий слой, смонтирована съемная крышка с гидрозатвором, соединенная гибким паропроводом с теплообменником, имеющим водяную рубашку и патрубок, под которым в разъеме установлено съемное устройство для разделения конденсата на эфирное масло и гидролат, при этом в задней части аппарата установлены два радиатора, каждый из которых снабжен отдельным вентилятором.

29-10-2018 дата публикации

Приемник-маслоотделитель для производства эфирного масла розы

Номер: RU184515U1

Изобретение относится к эфиромасличной промышленности и может быть использовано для производства эфирного масла розы.Приемник-маслоотделитель для производства эфирного масла розы, состоящий из полого корпуса и установленных в нем воронки для подачи эмульсии, патрубка для слива эмульсии, патрубка для отвода дистилляционных вод, патрубка для отвода эфирного масла отличающийся тем, что полый корпус расположен горизонтально, внутри которого установлены электроды, выполненные в виде металлических пластин высотой 2/3 от высоты горизонтального полого корпуса, расположенные под углом 70 градусов к основанию горизонтального полого корпуса на расстоянии, равном 1/2 от высоты электродов, при этом центры электродов соединены металлической осью, закрепленной на противоположных боковых сторонах горизонтального полого корпуса таким образом, что сверху и снизу предусмотрен зазор, составляющий 1/6 от высоты электродов для свободного перетекания жидкости.Техническим результатом является увеличение выхода ...

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2346980C1

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности. Способ предусматривает введение твердых побочных продуктов горчично-маслобойного производства в емкость с водой с образованием при перемешивании дисперсной системы, которую после нагрева и 15-минутной выдержки при температуре нагрева подвергают дополнительной обработке для образования паровой фазы с подачей последней на конденсацию и разделение. Твердые продукты смешивают с водой, содержание которой в системе не превышает 30%, а дополнительную обработку проводят под вакуумом. Изобретение позволяет снизить энергозатраты и сократить длительность процесса.

25-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2680679C1

Изобретение относится к эфиромасличному производству. Способ переработки плодов кориандра включает обрушивание плодов, разделение целых плодов на ядро и оболочку с последующей обработкой ядра кориандра способами паровой дистилляции и экстракции. При этом перед обрушиванием плоды кориандра обрабатывают жидким азотом до температуры сырья (-40)С, обрушивание осуществляют в парах жидкого азота при температуре сырья (-30)-(-20)С, а разделение смеси ядра и оболочки кориандра проводят в аэросепараторе с помощью циркулирующего в нем холодного воздуха при температуре (-20)-(-10)С. Изобретение позволяет увеличить выход эфирного и жирного масел на 15%, сократить расход водяного пара и воды в 1.5 раза, увеличить в 1.4 раза удельную производительность основного оборудования. 1 ил., 1 табл.

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013124366A

... 1. Способ изготовления изделий, импрегнированных по меньшей мере одним растительным веществом из по меньшей мере одного растения, отличающийся тем, что он включает следующие стадии:a) экстракция и/или прессование по меньшей мере одного растения (Р1) или по меньшей мере одной части указанного растения, получая жидкий растительный экстракт (Э1) и твердый волокнистый остаток (О1), затемb) отделение указанного растительного экстракта (Э1) от указанного твердого волокнистого остатка (01), иc) деструктурирование указанного волокнистого остатка (О1),d) изготовление волокнистого полотна или формованного изделия из волокнистого остатка (01), полученного на стадии с), иe) импрегнирование указанного волокнистого остатка (О1) (i) по меньшей мере указанным растительным экстрактом (Э1), необязательно концентрированным, очищенным, ароматизированным и/или содержащим отдушки, (ii) по меньшей мере одним водорастворимым или жирорастворимым растительным веществом, выделенным из указанного растительного экстракта ...

10-03-2005 дата публикации

Fraktionierung von Allylisothiocyanat und P-Hydroxybenzylisothiocyanat aus Senf

Номер: DE102004030791A1

Zur Herstellung von Allylisothiocyanat und p-Hydroxybenzylisothiocyanat kann weißer oder schwarzer Senfsamen fraktioniert werden. Es sind Verfahren zur Herstellung dieser Fraktionen aus Senfsamen-Ausgangsstoff offenbart. Der Saat-Ausgangsstoff wird mit Wasser vermischt, um eine aktivierte Suspension zu ergeben, in welcher im Saat-Ausgangsstoff vorhandene Glykosinolate durch das Enzym Myrosinase zu Isothiocyanaten hydrolysiert und abgebaut werden. Danach kann die übrig gebliebene Suspension sterilisiert und weiter auf herkömmliche Weise verarbeitet werden, um verbesserte fertige Senfprodukte zu ergeben.

15-06-2011 дата публикации

Distillation apparatus for extraction of essential oils from plant matter

Номер: GB0002457632B

07-08-2019 дата публикации

Eutectic extraction of solids

Номер: GB0201908878D0

25-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397021B

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000443747T

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for increased recovery of oil from lemons and other citrus fruit using desorption

Номер: AU2017299361B2

A two stage system for extraction of oil from whole citrus fruit is provided. The first stage is known in the art and includes a first plurality of toothed rollers which convey citrus as the teeth penetrate and rupture oil glands. The oil passes into a first water pan. A novel second stage uses a second plurality of toothed rollers to continue the penetration and rupturing of oil glands. The second plurality of rollers are positioned in an isolated second pan to partially submerge the citrus. A middle phase liquor with extremely low oil concentration is transferred into said second pan to initiate desorption of oil from the citrus. The desorption technique in one embodiment increases yield by 4% or more. This technique is expected to increase yield even more as the recovery by the first stage is reduced.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

System and method for extracting essential oils

Номер: AU2016301314A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A system and method of extracting essential oils from plant material through the use of a low pressure alcohol-based closed system that includes a solvent chamber connected to a material column that in turn is connected to a recovery chamber. Plant material in the material column and the solvent in the solvent chamber are cooled using a cooling liquid, such as nitrogen. A vacuum pump connected to the recovery chamber creates a vacuum in the recovery chamber to draw the cooled solvent through the cooled plant material and extract essential oils, which are collected in the recovery chamber.

22-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1109396A

A process is described for providing clear extended compositions of essential oils which comprises a composition of an essential oil and an extender material miscible with said essential oil which does not appreciably alter the aroma of the essential oil insofar as its quality or strength is concerned, the proportion of essential oil in extender material being from about 70% up to about 99%, said extender material being either (i) in the alternative or (ii) a mixture of (A) a dimerization product of an alpha methyl styrene or a methyl or other C2-C4 lower alkyl homologue thereof or mixture of same and/or (B) one or more "dimerization" (or "coupling") products of one or more terpenes which are monocyclic and have two carbon-carbon double bonds or which are bicyclic and have one carbon-carbon double bond or one or more hydrogenated derivatives thereof or mixtures of same.

13-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003054911A1
Принадлежит: SHERBURNE, CRAIG K.

The present invention is directed to novel compositions of rosemary extracts for use as a cat-deterrent formulation. The compositions of the present invention may be applied directly to an area, or object, to which it is desired to deter cats or animals from loitering or interaction. It is further contemplated that the compositions of the present invention may be applied directly to an area, or alternatively, be encapsulated in a container which substantially retains the solid components of the compositions of the present invention, but allows transport of the aromatic compounds.

09-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002372420C

This invention provides encapsulated type fluorescent retroreflective sheeting which is excellent in appearance and weatherability, and which comprises a surface-protective layer disposed on the side on which light is to strike, a binder layer connected to the surface-protective layer through network bonding parts, an air layer which is sealed-up by the network bonding parts between the surface-protective layer and the binder layer, and a retroreflective element layer disposed between the surface-protective layer and the air layer, or between the binder layer and the air layer, wherein at least one layer located on the light-incident side of sealed-up air layer contains at least one fluorescent dye selected from the group consisting of benzimidazole coumarin type-fluorescent dyes of formula (1) as follows: (see formula 1) and benzopyran type-fluorescent dyes of formula (2) as follows: (see formula 2) ...

30-07-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000577947A5

13-06-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000562568A5

31-12-1980 дата публикации

Process for transferring aroma substances and/or flavourings

Номер: CH0000620814A5

An electrolytically anodically produced finely porous metal oxide layer as support is brought into contact with the aroma substances and/or flavourings to be transferred or impregnated with these. For transfer or uniform delivery of the aroma substances and/or flavourings, the support is brought into contact with the receiving medium or stored together with this. In the metal oxide layer serving as support, the pore diameter is 0.05-0.5 mu m and the pore depth is 1-60 mu m. The process is used for transferring aroma substances and/or flavourings to foodstuffs and luxury foods. The process enables uniform release of the entire aroma composition and/or flavouring composition without separation of their components in a simple and easily usable manner. The carrier used is expediently and preferably an electrolytically anodically oxidised aluminium foil, preferably deep-etched before the anodic oxidation.

15-09-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000591214A5

30-11-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000593330A5

30-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000667180A5

09-10-2018 дата публикации

Oil-soluble rosemary extract and preparation method and application thereof

Номер: CN0108624404A

17-09-1918 дата публикации

Process of enfleurage

Номер: FR0000488359A

23-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002686268B1

31-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002483455B1

12-10-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001602132A

13-02-1951 дата публикации

New aromatic product

Номер: FR0000973614A

16-08-1926 дата публикации

Process of unfolding of glucosides allowing the release and the almost total realization of the gasolines

Номер: FR0000609548A

18-09-1970 дата публикации

Method for producing a [...] - [...]

Номер: FR0002026378A1

09-02-1996 дата публикации

Extn. of ingredient from solid plant, animal or mineral

Номер: FR0002723323A1

L'invention concerne un appareil pour extraire un ingrédient d'une matière brute sélectionné parmi le groupe formé par des plantes, des animaux et des minéraux. Cet appareil est caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend : un réservoir d'eau (1) comprenant des moyens de production par pulvérisation de petites particules, des moyens pour chauffer l'eau dans ce réservoir à une température prédéterminée, et des moyens pour pulvériser cette eau ; des moyens d'extraction (2) en communication de fluide avec les moyens de production (1) de petites particules ; des moyens de condensation (3) en communication de fluide avec lesdits moyens d'extraction et comprenant un conduit refroidi à liquide ; un réservoir de réserve (4) en communication de fluide avec ledit conduit refroidi à liquide pour contenir du produit qui a été liquéfié par lesdits moyens de condensation ; et des moyens de soufflante (5) en communication de fluide avec ledit moyen de condensation et avec lesdits moyens de production par pulvérisation ...

06-06-1986 дата публикации

Preparation of extracts of camomile and of essential oil from tetraploid camomiles

Номер: FR0002574087A2

17-05-1974 дата публикации

Essential oil compsn - for beverage cake and food product flavouring

Номер: FR0002204190A5

23-08-2017 дата публикации

뽕나무 추출물을 함유하는 호흡기 질환 치료용 약학 조성물 및 항균 조성물

Номер: KR1020170096030A
Автор: 손다니엘

... 본 발명은 뽕나무로부터 유래되는 디-알로스(D-Allose), 디-마니톨(D-mannitol), 탈로스(Talose) 및 바닐린(Vanillin) 등의 성분을 유효성분으로 함유하는 천식, 만성기관지염, 폐기종 및 기관지 확장증으로 구성된 그룹으로부터 선택되는 질환의 치료용 약학 조성물 및 항균 조성물에 관한 것이다.

24-08-1999 дата публикации

Processo para a produ-Æo de ironas

Номер: BR9804873A

24-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000049115A3

L'invention concerne un procédé consistant à extraire le matériau de plante désintégré au moyen d'un solvant organique ou d'un mélange de solvants, à une température de 0 à 100 °C, puis à effectuer un refroidissement rapide, et à séparer les huiles essentielles; à traiter le résidu de plante extrait à l'eau ou à la vapeur d'eau; à faire évaporer le solvant ou le mélange de solvants; à isoler les constituants antioxydants, par saturation de la solution concentrée avec un gaz, et à étendre la solution extraite saturée et concentrée; à distiller le résidu à l'aide de vapeur d'eau; à refroidir la suspension de constituants antioxydants extraits, et à séparer la liqueur mère; à sécher l'extrait contenant les constituants antioxydants. Les produits obtenus sont de grande qualité, du fait de leur teneur élevée en constituants antioxydants. Le procédé technique appliqué est moins astreignant que tous les procédés décrits jusqu'ici.

17-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005023019A1

The present invention concerns a food supplement comprising Salvia sclarea seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds as well as finished food products comprising the food supplement. The present invention further concerns a nutraceutical or cosmetic preparation comprising as an active ingredient Salvia sclarea seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds.

11-07-2017 дата публикации

Установка для отгонки эфирного масла

Номер: RU2624957C1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию эфиромасличной промышленности. Установка для отгонки эфирного масла, содержащая герметичный паровой котел и варочный котел, сообщенный паропроводом с охладителем и флорентиной, причем варочный котел снабжен набором решетчатых кассет в виде замкнутого кольца, размещенного внутри его, а в верхней части варочного котла установлен сборник паров эфирного масла. Кассеты выполнены решетчатыми из химически стойкой ткани, представляющие собой плоскую тонкую конструкцию, проницаемую для пара, и соединены в замкнутое кольцо на ленте Мебиуса. Изобретение позволяет повысить производительность процесса и упростить конструкцию. 2 ил.

01-03-2019 дата публикации

Установка для экстракции растительного сырья

Номер: RU2680998C1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию экстракции растительного сырья и может быть использовано в пищевой, фармацевтической и косметической промышленности. Установка для экстракции растительного сырья включает экстракционную камеру, выполненную в виде цилиндрического корпуса с крышкой, с установленными в нижней ее части сменными ситами, имеющую отверстия в верхней и нижней частях. Экстракционная камера последовательно соединена с холодильником, имеющим патрубки ввода пара и хладагента и патрубки вывода конденсата и хладагента, и с флорентинным устройством, имеющим патрубки ввода конденсата, вывода легкой фракции и вывода флорентинной жидкости, соединенным с экстракционной камерой, образуя замкнутый цикл. Установка дополнительно содержит эжекторный насос с патрубками нагнетания и всасывания, жидкостный насос, вакуумный насос, дросселирующее устройство, кристаллизатор с патрубком ввода экстрагента и патрубком вывода пара. Экстракционная камера дополнительно имеет патрубок вывода пара, расположенный ...

27-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640198C1

Изобретение относится к ротационно-ударному испарителю (РУИ), который предназначен для испарения жидкостей, например нефти и нефтепродуктов, и может быть применен в установках для вакуумной перегонки, очистки, опреснения, получения элитных эфирных масел и спиртных напитков, а также в ряде других областей. Ротационно-ударный испаритель для испарения жидкостей, например нефти и нефтепродуктов, состоит из герметичной испарительной камеры, распылительного дозатора, обеспечивающего распыл подающейся к нему подготовленной жидкости, подаваемой в испарительную камеру с малым расходом, заборника пара, соединенного с устройством для откачки пара, создающим заданный вакуум в испарительной камере, и накопителем неиспарившейся жидкости. Испаритель отличается тем, что в испарительной камере установлен венец ударных лопаток на лопаточном колесе, вращающемся с высокой скоростью на валу, введенном в испарительную камеру через уплотнение и приводящемся во вращение приводом так, что капельный поток жидкости ...

30-08-2023 дата публикации

Установка для получения эфирного масла

Номер: RU220180U1

Полезная модель относится к технологии получения эфирных масел методом паровой перегонки из растительного материала и может быть использована в эфирно-масличной промышленности. Устройство для получения эфирного масла, характеризующееся тем, что содержит загрузочный бак, внутри которого установлен пароподающий канал с отверстиями, выполненный с возможностью установки на него кассет из перфорированного материала, заполненных растительным сырьем, и соединенный с внутренней полостью корпуса нагрева воды, в котором размещен твердотопливный котел, соединенный с дымовой трубой, проходящей через нагреваемую воду в корпусе полости нагрева воды, при этом твердотопливный котел соединен с нагнетателем воздуха, который выполнен с возможностью соединения с блоком управления заслонки дымовой трубы. Использование предлагаемой установки для получения эфирного масла позволяет полностью обрабатывать эфиросодержащее растительное сырье острым паром, за счет его размещения в отдельных перфорированных кассетах ...

17-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003560451D1

03-11-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001252476A

18-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001473760A

... 1473760 Flavouring NESTLE SA 17 Sept 1975 [3 Oct 1974] 38189/75 Heading A2B An aqueous medium containing a flavouring or aromatising agent is contacted with a polystyrene macromolecular reticular resin, a first fraction comprising an aqueous medium containing substances not retained on the resin is recovered, substances retained on the resin are recovered using an organic solvent to form a second fraction and one of the fractions is added to a foodstuff to flavour it. Resins specified include cross-linked polystyrenes, polydivinyl benzenes and copolymers of of styrene and divinyl benzene. The material added to the foodstuff may be the crude fraction, or a modified fraction prepared by concentration, selective extraction, fractionation or purification. Examples describe the preparation of agents from tomato concentrate and cocoa butter.

26-06-1972 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of flavour materials

Номер: AT0000299672B

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000420559T

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414131T

15-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: ATA208784A

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000460968T

15-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000080418T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000321114T

15-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000208784A

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019100951A4

The present invention provides a chewing gum base obtained from various species of the genus Pistacia. The gum base by itself cannot serve as a chewing gum, therefore, other ingredients are added. These additional ingredients might or might not be essential and are comparable to those used in conventional chewing gum. The final gum base might or might not be blended in a sigma mixer with Xylitol, Maltitol, flavouring and artificial sweeteners. This chewing gum can deliver vast majority of the orally taken medication, probiotics and supplements ...

13-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA981696A

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3130168A1

A device for automatic extraction, storage and encapsulation of fatty compounds, the device may include: an extraction unit configured to provide a liquid mixture comprising fatty compounds extracted from biological material and a liquid solvent; an evaporation and reaction unit; a storage unit comprising one or more storage outlet ports; and a controller configured to: control delivery of the liquid mixture from the extraction unit to the evaporation and reaction unit; control evaporation of the solvent from the liquid mixture in the evaporation and reaction unit; control delivery of the liquid mixture from the evaporation and reaction unit to the storage unit; detect safe connection of each of at least one of one or more capsules to one of the one or more storage outlet ports of the storage unit; and control filling of at least one of the one or more connected capsules with the liquid mixture.

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000112637C2

14-12-2018 дата публикации

Preparation method of wine-flavored essence

Номер: CN0108998245A

11-06-1945 дата публикации

Process of extraction of the vegetable matters containing of essential oils and other active ingredients

Номер: FR0000899784A

29-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002552328A


17-08-1903 дата публикации

Device for determining aroma of the aromatic materials

Номер: FR0000330297A

07-09-1921 дата публикации

Improvement in the manufacture of the pomades to the flowers

Номер: FR0000524595A

18-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001004245A1

L'invention concerne un processus de séparation des huiles essentielles à partir d'une substance contenant des huiles essentielles. Ce processus consiste à soumettre ladite substance à une hydrodistillation, à l'aide d'une cuve d'hydrodistillation, ou à une extraction, au moyen d'une cuve d'extraction. On obtient ainsi un mélange contenant l'huile essentielle et au moins une phase hydrophile. Le mélange est ensuite mis au contact d'un adsorbant hydrophobe dans une cuve d'adsorption. La phase hydrophile quittant la cuve d'adsorption est ensuite recyclée dans la cuve d'hydrodistillation ou dans celle d'extraction. Enfin, on effectue la désorption des huiles essentielles à partir de l'adsorbant.

17-11-1981 дата публикации

Process for producing rose oil

Номер: US0004301251A1

A process for producing rose oil comprising a preliminary enzymatic treatment of the vegetable feedstock--fresh rose flowers or wastes from rose extraction in an aqueous medium at a ratio between the feedstock and water of 1:1.5-3.0 respectively at a temperature ranging from 40° to 45° C. and a natural pH of the feedstock with water for 2 to 4 hours using enzymatic preparations comprising products of biosynthesis of microorganisms of genus Trichoderma or Geotrichum and containing active beta-glucoside-hydrolases specific in respect of rose glycosides and enzymes hydrolyzing structural polysaccharides of plants, taken separately or in combination in an amount of from 0.1 to 0.5% by weight of the starting feedstock; then the treated vegetable feedstock is subjected to hydrodistillation and the desired product is recovered from the resulting hydrodistillate.

11-09-2018 дата публикации

Compositions containing as the active ingredient components from Salvia sclarea seed

Номер: US0010071073B2

The present invention concerns a food supplement comprising Salvia sclarea seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds as well as finished food products comprising the food supplement. The present invention further concerns a nutraceutical or cosmetic preparation comprising as an active ingredient Salvia sclarea seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds.

26-01-2021 дата публикации

Methods for extracting essential oils, terpenes, terpenoids and other organic matter from plants; and related systems and devices

Номер: US0010899997B2

A method for extracting resins and oils from a plant includes: 1) tumbling, inside a container at a temperature of at most 50 degrees Fahrenheit with a tumbler, plant fibers having one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils; 2) colliding the tumbler with the plant fibers to release the one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers; and 3) segregating the one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers.

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2591723C2

Изобретение относится масложировой промышленности. Способ изготовления изделий, импрегнированных по меньшей мере одним растительным веществом из по меньшей мере одного растения, он включает следующие стадии: экстракция и/или прессование по меньшей мере одного растения или по меньшей мере одной части указанного растения, получая жидкий растительный продукт экстракции и/или прессования и твердый волокнистый остаток, затем отделение указанного растительного продукта экстракции и/или прессования от указанного твердого волокнистого остатка, деструктурирование указанного волокнистого остатка, изготовление волокнистого полотна или формованного изделия из волокнистого остатка и импрегнирование указанного волокнистого остатка по меньшей мере указанным растительным продуктом экстракции и/или прессования, необязательно концентрированным, очищенным, ароматизированным и/или содержащим отдушки, по меньшей мере одним водорастворимым или жирорастворимым растительным веществом, выделенным из указанного ...

04-03-2020 дата публикации

Способ извлечения эфирного масла и сверхкритического CO-экстракта из шрота семян лимонника китайского и трансдермальная мазь на их основе

Номер: RU2715894C2

Изобретение относится к cпособу извлечения эфирного масла из семян лимонника китайского, а также к трансдермальной мази на его основе. Способ извлечения эфирного масла из семян лимонника китайского заключается в измельчении сырья, сушке и экстрагировании путем пропускания через него жидкого растворителя, при этом состоит из двух стадий: во время первой стадии получают эфирное масло методом дистилляции с водяным паром с последующей жидкость-жидкостной экстракцией дистиллята диэтиловым эфиром и отгоном растворителя нагреванием под вакуумом, во время второй стадии полученный при первой стадии шрот семян лимонника китайского процеживают и высушивают при температуре 40°С до влажности не более 4%, а далее проводят экстракцию шрота семян лимонника диоксидом углерода в сверхкритичном состоянии, при постоянных скорости потока СO(1,5±0,05 кг/ч), температуре (50°С) и давлении (30 МПа) в течение 2 часов, получая сверхкритический углекислотный экстракт (СO-экстракт), который сепарируют при температуре ...

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003116902A

... 1. Способ обработки композиции, содержащей одно или несколько нежелательных соединений и одно или несколько желательных соединений, с целью снижения концентрации одного или нескольких нежелательных соединений, включающий стадии 1) контактирование композиции с твердым адсорбентом, 2) элюирование твердого адсорбента, на котором удерживается эта композиция, экстракционным растворителем, содержащим фторугле(водо)роды, и 3) сбор выделяющегося из твердого адсорбента растворителя-элюата, содержащего композицию, имеющую пониженное содержание нежелательных соединений. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором адсорбент является полярным. 3. Способ по п.2, в котором одно или несколько желательных соединений являются полярными, а одно или несколько нежелательных соединений являются неполярными. 4. Способ по любому из пп.1-3, в котором композиция, подлежащая обработке, представляет собой вкусовую и/или ароматическую композицию, которая включает в себя одно или несколько нежелательных соединений и одно или несколько ...

01-08-2022 дата публикации

Способ получения гидролат-концентрата

Номер: RU2777192C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения гидролат-концентрата, включающему в себя обработку первичного дистиллята, разделение его на эфирное масло и гидролат методом декантации, причем первичный дистиллят перед декантацией подвергают проточной гомогенизации, после чего гомогенизированный дистиллят концентрируют посредством его прокачивания под давлением не менее 0,6 МПа через обратноосмотическую мембрану с размером ячеек от 3 до 10 нанометров, после чего осуществляют раздельный сбор гидролат-концентрата и пермеата. Технический результат - получение гидролата с повышенной массовой долей содержания в нем эфирного масла - гидролат-концентрата и повышение массовой доли иных сопутствующих полезных веществ, в частности линолилацетата, а также повышение потребительской ценности готовой продукции. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл.

30-07-1992 дата публикации

Perfume compsn. for aroma therapy, alleviating itching - contains geranium oil, lavender oil, sandalwood oil and sage oil

Номер: DE0004125559C1

Perfume compsn. contains (A) geranium oil, (B) lavender oil, (C) sandalwood oil, nad (D) clary oil in vol. ratio (pref.) (A):(B):(C):(D) of 0.2-8.7 (0.6-1.4); 1.5-15.2 (2.4-5.6); 4.8-11.2 (4.8011.2); 0.2-9.8 (1.2-2.8). The compsn. opt. contains a diluent. The compsn. pref. also contains pts. vol. 0.2-7.2 (1.2-2.8) bergamot oil, 0.2-7.2 (2.4-5.6) orange oil, 0.2-7.2 (0.6-1.4) lemon oil as well as wheat germ oil and grape seed oil as diluent, esp. 9.6-22.4 cold pressed wheat germ oil and up to 100 cold pressed grape seed oil. USE/ADVANTAGE - For aroma therapy, esp. to alleviate itching and relieve skin irritations; the compsn. has a pleasing aroma in addition to the therapeutic effect.

15-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003121479A1

13-11-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003423207C2
Принадлежит: DEGUSSA AG, 6000 FRANKFURT, DE

15-04-2020 дата публикации

An extraction equipment for producing mugwort essential oil

Номер: GB0202003009D0

15-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000031866T

15-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000079897T

04-08-2011 дата публикации

Method for obtaining natural oils from plant constituents

Номер: AU2006278798C1

The invention relates to a method for obtaining natural oils from plant constituents, said method being essentially carried out using compressed C-C hydrocarbons. Residues from the crop and fruit treatment, especially from the treatment of pips and berries, are used as starting materials. Unlike previous extraction methods using organic solvents, the inventive method can be economically carried out on the basis of low pressures and reduced extraction agent throughputs. Preferred extraction agents are ethane, propane, butane and the mixtures thereof, the extraction itself being carried out in batches at pressures of < 50 mPa and temperatures of 70 °C, with an extraction agent throughput of between 4 and 20 kg/kg of starting materials. The extracted oils are outstandingly suitable for flavouring preparations and cosmetic formulations, especially for the care and treatment of the skin.

21-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1060700A

La présente invention concerne un procédé d'aromatisation d'une matière alimentaire, caractérisé par le fait que l'on fractionne un mélange de substances odoriférantes ou sapides de la tomate ou du beurre de cacao contenues dans un milieu aqueux par mise en contact de celui-ci avec une résine macroréticulée de la famille des polystyrènes et dérivés, que l'on recueille (a) une fraction constituée des substances non retenues par la résine et qui restent dans le milieu aqueux, (b) une fraction constituée des substances retenues par la résine et qui sont libérées par action d'un solvant organique, puis que l'on ajoute à la matière alimentaire les substances de la fraction (a) s'il s'agit de lui conférer un arôme de tomate ou d'en renforcer l'arôme de tomate, ou de la fraction (b) s'il s'agit de lui conférer un arome de cacao ou d'en renforcer l'arôme de cacao.

18-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002372420A1

A fluorescent retroreflective sheet of the confined-air type which comprises a surface-protective layer disposed on the side on which light is to strike, a binder layer connected to the surface-protective layer through a network bonding part, an air layer consisting of air confined by the network bonding part between the surface-protective layer and the binder layer, and a retroreflective element layer disposed between the surface-protective layer and the air layer (or between the binder layer and the air layer), wherein at least one layer located on the light incidence side of the confined-air layer contains at least one fluorescent dye selected from the group consisting of benzimidazole coumarin type fluorescent dyes represented by formula (1) and benzopyran type fluorescent dyes represented by formula (2). The sheet is excellent in appearance and long-lasting weatherability.

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3117693A1

A process and system to extract essential oil from a material is described. The process includes expressing the essential oil into water to form a fluid mixture that contains essential oil, an essential oil-water emulsion, and water; heating the fluid mixture to destabilize the essential oil-water emulsion and separating the heated fluid mixture into a waste mixture and a product fluid mixture, where the concentration of essential oil in the product fluid mixture is greater than the concentration of essential oil in the fluid mixture.

21-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001060700A1

29-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002766255A1

Methods for enhancing the stability and shelf lives of unripe essential oils without substantially changing the organoleptic properties other than color of the unripe essential oils are described. The methods involve obtaining an unripe essential oil with a first amount of chlorophyll, contacting the unripe essential oil with an activated carbon to produce a treated essential oil with a second amount of chlorophyll that is less than the first amount of chlorophyll, and separating the treated essential oil from the activated carbon.

19-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002270533A1

A process for the preparation of an aqueous hinokitiol solution, characterized by mixing hinokitiol or a hinokitiol-containing oil with water, boiling the obtained liquid mixture by heating, rapidly cooling the resulting liquid mixture, blowing oxygen into the liquid mixture under stirring, and storing the resulting mixture at 0.5 to 5 ~C. The process can give an aqueous solution of the water-insoluble essential oil having a concentration of up to about 40 %. This aqueous solution of the oil is easily handleable by virtue of its liquidness, and does not contain any organic solvent harmful to the human body, thus being highly safe. Further, the solution has antibacterial and/or microbicidal effect, thus being extremely useful as antibacterial agent, microbicide, and so on.

04-12-2018 дата публикации

Condensation device for producing rose hydrolate

Номер: CN0108926867A

18-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing articles of plant origin impregnated with a liquid plant substance

Номер: CN103314093A
Автор: Mompon Bernard

The present invention relates to a method for producing articles impregnated with at least one plant extract from at least one plant, characterized in that it comprises the following steps: a) extraction and/or pressing of at least one plant (V1), or of at least one part of said plant, producing a liquid plant extract (E1) and a solid fibrous residue (R1), then b) separation of said plant extract (E1) comprising at least one water-soluble or liposoluble substance from said fibrous residue (R1), and c) destructuring of said fibrous residue (R1), d) production of a fibrous web or of an article made from the fibrous residue (R1) obtained in step c), and e) impregnation of said fibrous residue (R1) with (i) at least said plant extract (E1), which is optionally concentrated, purified, flavoured and/or fragranced, with (ii); at least one water-soluble or liposoluble plant substance isolated from said plant extract (E1), with (iii) at least one composition comprising at least one optionally concentrated ...

21-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002547982B1

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Process of Extracting Isothiocyanates

Номер: US20120052175A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A process for producing an essential oil. The essential oil can be white mustard essential oil. The white mustard essential oil can include a moisture sensitive isothiocyanate compound. The moisture sensitive isothiocyanate compound can be 4-HBITC. The essential oil can be produced from mustard seed, which can comprise a precursor sinalbin and myrosinase enzyme. The mustard seed can be reduced into a powder. Activation of the myrosinase enzyme by using a water solvent and a promoter to form a slurry can be performed, wherein the myrosinase enzyme catalyzes the production of an essential oil comprising an isothiocyanate from the sinalbin precursor.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing flavoring agent, and flavoring agent

Номер: US20120258231A1
Принадлежит: Kaneka Corp

The problem to be solved of the present invention is to provide a method which can efficiently and economically produce a flavoring agent and can give the original flavor of a raw material to a food and drink. The objective of the present invention is also to provide a flavoring agent. The method for producing a flavoring agent according to the present invention is characterized in comprising the steps of mixing a flavor material with a solvent and extracting a flavor component contained in the fragrant material under pressure; wherein a solubility parameter of the solvent is not less than 8.0 and not more than 25.0.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273184A1

Provided are poly(trimethylene ether) glycol homopolymers and copolymers suitable for use as solubilizers for essential oils. The polymers can be used to provide compositions having a variety of uses in applications such as cosmetics, personal care products, and industrial cleaning products. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for extracting essential oil from a plant comprising:a) contacting plant material with a composition comprising one or more esters of a poly(trimethylene ether) glycol homopolymer or copolymer, wherein the one or more esters of the homopolymer or copolymer have has a number average molecular weight within the range of about 134 to about 2000, to form an extract; andb) isolating the extract from the plant material by filtration.11. The method of wherein the molecular weight of the one or more esters of the poly(trimethylene ether) glycol homopolymer or copolymer is less than about 1000.12. The method of wherein the one or more esters of the poly(trimethylene ether) glycol homopolymer or copolymer is a monoester claim 10 , diester or mixture thereof.13. A method for solubilizing an essential oil claim 10 , comprising contacting the essential oil with a composition comprising one or more esters of either a poly(trimethylene ether) glycol homopolymer or copolymer claim 10 , wherein the one or more esters of the homopolymer or copolymer have a number average molecular weight within the range of about 134 to about 2000 to form a solution or microemulsion.14. The method of further comprising adding water and about 10 weight percent or less of surfactant claim 13 , based on the total weight of the solution.15. The method of claim 13 , wherein the solution or microemulsion contains up to about 80 percent by weight of the essential oil.16. The method of wherein the essential oil is one or more selected from the group consisting of: basil claim 13 , benzoin claim 13 , bergamot claim 13 , black pepper claim 13 , cajuput claim 13 , chamomile claim 13 , camphor ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Compositions containing as the active ingredient components from salvia sclarea seed

Номер: US20130303617A1

The present invention concerns a food supplement comprising Salvia sclarea seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds as well as finished food products comprising the food supplement. The present invention further concerns a nutraceutical or cosmetic preparation comprising as an active ingredient Salvia sclarea seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338241A1
Принадлежит: CHARABOT

The invention relates to methods for obtaining a scented extract from fresh flowers, flowering heads and/or leaves of a moist plant. The method includes picking the flowers, flowering tops and/or leaves of the plant and infusing them in at least one bath comprising an alcoholic solvent, at a temperature below 50° C., to obtain an alcoholic mixture. The alcoholic mixture is then filtered to recover an alcoholic floral infusion. The method also includes performing a supercritical COextraction of the alcoholic floral infusion to obtain a scented extract. This scented extract has an alcohol titrate of at least 75%. The invention also relates to scented water or perfume, food flavoring, and cosmetic compositions that contain the scented extract as an ingredient. 1. A method for obtaining a scented extract from fresh flowers , flowering tops , and/or leaves of a moist plant , the method comprising:picking flowers, flowering tops and/or leaves of a moist plant;infusing said flowers, flowering tops, and/or leaves in at least one bath including an alcoholic solvent, at a temperature below 50° C., so as to obtain an alcoholic mixture;filtering said alcoholic mixture to recover an alcoholic floral infusion; and{'sub': '2', 'performing a supercritical COextraction of the alcoholic floral infusion to obtain a scented extract, this scented extract being titrated with at least 75% alcohol.'}2mimosa,verbena,gardenia,narcissus,magnolia,osmanthus,geranium.. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said flowers claim 1 , flowering tops and/or leaves are chosen from jasmine claim 1 , rose claim 1 , tuberose claim 1 , genet claim 1 , bitter orange claim 1 , carnation claim 1 , violet claim 1 , linden claim 1 , chamomile claim 1 , basil leaf claim 1 , coriander leaf claim 1 , frangipani claim 1 , tiaré claim 1 , marigold claim 1 , French marigold claim 1 , hyacinth claim 1 , daffodil claim 1 , lily claim 1 , lily of the valley claim 1 , ylang-ylang claim 1 , lilac claim 1 , honeysuckle ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058121A1
Автор: Seidel Robert

A light-oil separator device includes a collector funnel having a downwardly directed stem portion having an outside diameter. The stem portion adapts to insert in an upward extending neck portion of a collection vessel. The neck portion includes an inner diameter that is greater than the outer diameter of the funnel stem. The neck also includes an oil port at a first height. The vessel includes a body having a hydrosol port at a lower portion of a body sidewall. This port connects to an evacuation tube having a proximal end and an S-shape. This conduit includes an air vent at a top portion at a second height lower than the first height, the air vent extends upward to a height higher than the first height. The S-shape conduit terminates with a downward facing end portion at its distal end. 1. A device comprising:a funnel; anda collection vessel;the funnel comprises a top funnel having an open top and a smaller open bottom coupled to a downward extend stem portion, the funnel is configured to selectively insert into the collection vessel; a bulbous body portion configured and adapted to receive a liquid, the bulbous body portion includes a bottom wall and at least one continuous sidewall configured to define a volume having an open top,', {'b': '64', 'the neck portion further comprises an oil port configured to direct separated essential oil out of the collection vessel, the oil port arranges on the neck portion at a first height , an oil conduit extends from the oil port at a slight downward angle and its distal end terminates below the first height.'}, 'an elongated neck portion coupled to the open top, the elongated neck portion extends upward and is configured to selectively receive the stem portion of the funnel,'}], 'the collection vessel comprises'}2. The device of wherein the funnel further comprises:a tapered cylindrical shape with a larger open top narrowing to a smaller open bottom with one continuous sidewall connecting and defining both the open top and ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094527A1
Принадлежит: CHARABOT

Methods for extracting an extract of volatile odorous compounds from an organic raw material containing odorous compounds is disclosed. The method includes contacting an organic raw material with dimethyl carbonate, as a solvent, in at least one bath at a temperature of 10° C. to 70° C. A liquid organic phase is obtained that includes the dimethyl carbonate charged with volatile odorous compounds and is collected. If the liquid organic phase comprises an immiscible aqueous phase, decanting occurs to separate the dimethyl carbonate charged with odorous compounds therefrom thereby eliminating the aqueous phase. Next, partially eliminating by evaporation forms a pre-concentrated extract of volatile odorous compounds, which is recovered and if water is present, decanting occurs to eliminate the water. Additionally, concentrating the pre-concentrated extract of volatile odorous compounds by evaporation is performed to obtain the extract of volatile odorous compounds. 1. A method for extracting an extract of volatile odorous compounds from an organic raw material containing odorous compounds , the method comprisingcontacting said organic raw material with dimethyl carbonate used as solvent in at least one bath at a temperature between 10° C. and 70° C. so as to charge said dimethyl carbonate solvent with volatile odorous compounds of said organic material to obtain a liquid organic phase;collecting the liquid organic phase from said bath;if the collected liquid organic phase comprises an aqueous phase that is immiscible with the dimethyl carbonate resulting from organic material, decanting the liquid organic phase to separate the dimethyl carbonate charged with the volatile odorous compounds from said immiscible aqueous phase; wherein the aqueous phase is eliminated;partially eliminating by evaporation the dimethyl carbonate evaporation and recovering a preconcentrated extract of volatile odorous compounds;if the preconcentrated extract of volatile odorous compounds, ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010066A1

An apparatus and a method for plant extraction are disclosed. The apparatus of the present invention comprises an extraction module, a separating module and a reservoir. The method essentially includes plant material preparing, decarboxylating, active components extracting and separating. By using liquid tetrafluoroethane as the solvent in the apparatus of the present invention, the active components of the plant material are efficiently extracted under low pressure extraction and high pressure extraction conditions. 1. An apparatus for plant extraction comprising:a reservoir storing a liquid tetrafluoroethane;an extraction module including an extractor and a filter, wherein the extractor is configured to contain a plant material and is connected to the reservoir with a first inlet pipe and the filter is disposed at a bottom of the extractor for filtering the plant material, wherein the plant material is soaked in the liquid tetrafluoroethane from the reservoir to extract active components of the plant material and form a solution with the active components;a separating module including a separator, a second heater and a first container, wherein the separator is connected to the bottom of the extractor with a second inlet pipe and connected to the reservoir with a second outlet pipe, the second heater is disposed around the separator to vaporize the liquid tetrafluoroethane of the solution to a gaseous tetrafluoroethane and the first container is connected at a bottom of the separator to receive the active components left in the separator; anda second outlet pump disposed on the second outlet pipe, wherein the gaseous tetrafluoroethane in the separator is conducted by the second outlet pipe to the second outlet pump, compressed into the liquid tetrafluoroethane and then conducted to the reservoir.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the extraction module further comprises a first heater disposed around the extractor.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 2 ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009921A1

The present disclosure relates to a process for converting atranol and/or its derivatives into hydrosoluble compound(s). In particular, the present disclosure relates to a process for converting atranol and/or its derivative(s), said process comprising a step of mixing a composition comprising atranol and/or its derivative(s) with an enzyme belonging to the peroxidase family and a peroxide. The present disclosure also relates to a process for producing an oakmoss extract having less than 100 ppm of atranol and/or its derivative(s). 1. Process for converting atranol and/or its derivative(s) into hydrosoluble compound(s) , said process comprising a step of mixing a composition comprising atranol and/or its derivative(s) with an enzyme belonging to the peroxidase family and a peroxide.2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprising atranol and/or its derivative(s) is a moss extract.3. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprising atranol and/or its derivative(s) is an oakmoss concrete.4. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprising atranol and/or its derivative(s) is an oakmoss absolute.5. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the enzyme is horseradish peroxidase (HRP).6. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the peroxide is HO.7. Process according to claim 6 , wherein the amount of peroxide is at least 0.5 molar equivalent compared to atranol and/or its derivatives.8. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of enzyme belonging to the peroxidase family is at least 0.1% by weight compared to the weight of atranol and/or its derivatives.9. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the mixing step lasts at least 0.5 hour.10. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the process is carried out in an aqueous buffer solution.11. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the process is carried out at a pH comprised between 8 and 10.13. Process for producing an oakmoss extract having less than 100 ppm of atranol ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010421A1
Автор: Emo Jayson

An organic based extraction system is described. Embodiments of the extraction system include a first vessel, a second vessel, a third vessel, a pump, and a plurality of sight lenses. Generally, each of the vessels and the pump can be set up to form a closed loop system adapted to recover and reuse a solvent. A fluid flow from the first vessel to the second vessel, from the second vessel to the third vessel, from the third vessel to the pump, and from the pump back to the first vessel can be implemented. Typically, an extract from organic matter can be recovered in the third vessel. In one embodiment, the plurality of sight lenses can be implemented to determine if more solvent is needed and to check the extract while an extraction process is running. 1. A method of using an extraction system having a first vessel , a second vessel , and a third vessel , the method comprising:providing the extraction system, wherein the extraction system includes a plurality of sight lenses;filling the first vessel with a solvent;filling the second vessel with organic matter;transferring the solvent from the first vessel to the second vessel causing the solvent to interact with the organic matter and create a mixture;checking the mixture between the second vessel and the third vessel through one of the plurality of sight lenses, wherein the mixture comprises the solvent and an extract;checking the extract in the third vessel through one of the plurality of sight lenses; andrecovering the extract from the third vessel.2. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of:determining whether to transfer more solvent from the first vessel to the second vessel based on checking the mixture.3. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of:shining a light through one of the plurality of sight lenses when checking the extract.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is butane.5cannabis.. The method of claim 4 , wherein the organic matter is6. The method of claim 1 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016201A1
Автор: McGhee David
Принадлежит: Gene Pool Technologies, Inc.

The disclosed embodiments include systems and methods for the solvent extraction of a substance from a material. The disclosed systems include multiple tanks and an extraction column in communication with the tanks. Solvent transport is accomplished via pressure differentials that are established between or among tanks to cause the solvent to be transported between or among said tanks. 1. A method of operating an extraction system for extracting compounds from a compound-bearing material , the method comprising:transporting solvent from a first tank of the extraction system to an extraction column of the extraction system via a solvent line arranged between the first tank, which holds the solvent, and the extraction column, which holds the compound-bearing material and is arranged downstream of the first tank, the transporting step comprising establishing or increasing a first pressure differential between the first tank and a second tank, the first pressure differential sufficient to bring the solvent in contact with the compound-bearing material, and the second tank in fluid communication with at least the first tank and extraction column and arranged downstream of at least the first tank and extraction column.2. The method of claim 1 , with the establishing or increasing pressure differential step comprising cooling the second tank to decrease pressure within the second tank.3. The method of with the cooling the second tank step comprising providing a cooling liquid to a jacket that is thermally coupled to the second tank.4. The method of with the transporting the solvent step comprising establishing or maintaining a first vacuum in the second tank claim 3 , the first vacuum sufficient to bring the solvent in contact with the compound-bearing material claim 3 , the establishing or maintaining the first vacuum step comprising cooling the second tank by providing the cooling liquid to the jacket that is thermally coupled to the second tank.5. The method of claim 1 ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017740A1

This invention relates to compositions, methods and systems having utility in numerous applications, and in particular, uses for compositions containing the compound cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene (Z-HFO-1336mzzm), which has the following structure: 130-. (canceled)31. A method for providing refrigeration comprising:(a) providing a centrifugal chiller system comprising a centrifugal compressor, a condenser, an evaporator and a refrigerant in said system, said refrigerant consisting essentially of from about 70% to about 99% by weight of cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and from about 1% by weight to about 30% by weight of trans-1,2 dichloroethylene; and(b) operating said system to provide cooling.32. The method of wherein said refrigerant consists essentially of from about 75% to about 99% by weight of cis-1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and from about 1% by weight to about 25% by weight of trans-1 claim 31 ,2 dichloroethylene.33. The method of wherein said refrigerant consists of from about 70% to about 99% by weight of cis-1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and from about 1% by weight to about 30% by weight of trans-1 claim 31 ,2 dichloroethylene.34. The method of wherein said refrigerant consists of from about 75% to about 99% by weight of cis-1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,1 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4 claim 31 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and from about 1% by weight to about 25% by weight of trans-1 claim 31 ,2 dichloroethylene.35. The method of wherein said refrigerant consists of about 75% of cis-1 claim 34 ,1 claim 34 ,1 claim 34 ,4 claim 34 ,4 claim 34 ,4-hexafluoro-2-butene and about 25% by weight of trans-1 claim 34 ,2 dichloroethylene.36. The method of wherein said centrifugal chiller system is part of a commercial air conditioning system.37. The method of wherein said operating step (b) comprises operating said condenser at a temperature of about 40° C.38. The method ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017469A1
Автор: Hsieh Chen

A microwave extraction system comprises a sealed microwave box, a stirrer, a vacuum extraction tank, a vacuum machine, and an ice-water circulation unit; wherein the sealed microwave box is a tank-body set with microwave generators for accommodating the vacuum extraction tank and the stirrer, and the microwave generated by the microwave generators can penetrate into the tank-body; wherein the tank-body is set with a sealing cap to form a sealed space, and the stirrer can stir the object to be extracted; wherein the vacuum extraction tank is for placing the object to be extracted and providing the microwave penetration; wherein the ice-water circulation unit provides ice water to the tank-body; after completing the extraction operation, the ice-water circulation unit is turned-off and microwave-control to an appropriate temperature by the microwave generators; then turning-on the vacuum to perform concentration under reduced pressure; thereby improving microwave efficiency and reducing maintenance cost. 1wherein the sealed microwave box is a tank-body for accommodating the vacuum extraction tank and the stirrer;wherein at least two sets of notches are recessedly set on the side walls of the tank-body, and the side walls of the notches are set with waterproof wave-transmittable plates;wherein at least two sets of notches are recessedly set on the side walls of the tank-body, and the side walls of the notches are set with waterproof wave-transmittable plates;wherein the two sets of notches are set with microwave generators, which the microwave generated by the microwave generators can penetrate into the tank-body through the waterproof wave-transmittable plates;wherein the notches are set with protective plates facing the outer sides of the microwave generators, and the protective plates can prevent and block the microwave generated by the microwave generators from leaking out;wherein the tank-body is set with a sealing cap which is pivotally set with sealing drivers, ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021379A1
Автор: Hühn Tilo, Laux Roland

The invention relates to a method for obtaining value-determining contents, such as flavouring substances, vitamins, and polyphenols, from foods (), having the following steps: a) providing a food (), b) adding a plant oil () as an extractant, c) grinding the food () and the plant oil () into a mash (), and d) separating the mash into an extraction phase, which is an oil phase (), and a solid phase () as a raffinate phase. The food () and the plant oil () are ground very finely, said grinding process being defined in that the food () together with the plant oil () is ground until the oil phase () has an average particle size of less than 300 μm, preferably less than 100 μm, particularly preferably less than 20 μm. 113. A method for obtaining ingredients such as flavouring substances , vitamins and polyphenols from foods () comprising the following steps:{'b': '13', '(a) providing a food (),'}(b) adding an extractant,{'b': 13', '15', '21, '(c) grinding the foodstuff () and the extractant () into a mash (); and'}{'b': 25', '29, '(d) separation into an extraction phase, which is an oil phase (), and a solid phase () as a raffinate phase,'}characterized in that,{'b': 13', '15', '13', '15', '25', '21', '23', '29', '25', '41', '27, 'the food () with the extractant () is finely ground, the ultra-fine grinding being defined in that the food () with the extractant () is ground until the oil phase () has an average particle size of less than 300 μm, preferably of less than 100 μm and particularly preferably of less than 20 μm, and in that the mash () is separated in a three-phase separator () into a solid phase (), an oil phase () for obtaining an essential oil () and an aqueous phase ().'}2. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the extractant is a vegetable oil.3. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the extractant is a salt solution or a sugar solution.4. Method according to and claim 1 , characterized in that the extractant is a mixture of two ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for dehydration and decarboxylation of cannabis

Номер: US20210023471A1
Автор: Jose Rivas
Принадлежит: Premium Extracts Inc

In a system for performing a multi-step process for selectively purifying various pharmacologically-relevant components of a source plant such as cannabis, an initial step of the process provides a low-temperature, robust process for dehydrating and decarboxylating the starting product—fresh raw cannabis—by means of a vacuum-assisted microwave distillation process. An important by-product of the dehydration/decarboxylation is a terpene-rich distillate. By doing the terpene capture under vacuum, distillation temperature may be kept low. The low distillation temperature maximizes yields of thermally-sensitive components such as terpenes and cannabinoids.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030375A1
Автор: HAM Dae Young, KO Seung-Ho

The fragrance composition of flowers according to the present invention is produced by respectively adding jasmone and β-caryophyllene to linalool, myrcene, nerolidol, methyl anthranilate or the like which have been analyzed to be aromatic components of the flowers of and the flowers of by means of the SPME method, and by adding γ-terpinene to linalool, myrcene, geraniol, β-ocimene or the like which have been analyzed to be aromatic components of the flowers of , and also adding α-farnesene to β-ocimene, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, anthranilaldehyde, limonene, methyl anthranilate or the like which have been analyzed to be aromatic components of the flowers of . The present invention makes it possible to provide a fragrance composition which is outstandingly palatable while reproducing the inherent aromas of and 1. A fragrance composition comprising as active ingredients:{'i': 'Citrus', 'aromatic components of flowers; and'}one selected from the group consisting of jasmone, β-caryophyllene, γ-terpinene, α-farnesene, and a combination thereof.2. The fragrance composition of claim 1 , wherein the fragrance composition comprises:{'i': 'Citrus', 'the aromatic components of the flowers comprising linalool, myrcene, nerolidol, and methyl anthranilate; and jasmone.'}3. The fragrance composition of claim 1 , wherein the fragrance composition comprises:{'i': 'Citrus', 'the aromatic components of the flowers comprising linalool, myrcene, nerolidol, and methyl anthranilate; and β-caryophyllene.'}4. The fragrance composition of claim 1 , wherein the fragrance composition comprises:{'i': 'Citrus', 'the aromatic components of the flowers comprising linalool, myrcene, geraniol, and β-ocimene; and γ-terpinene.'}5. The fragrance composition of claim 1 , wherein the fragrance composition comprises:{'i': 'Citrus', 'the aromatic components of the flowers comprising β-ocimene, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, anthranilaldehyde, limonene, and methyl anthranilate; and α-farnesene.'}6. The fragrance ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036650A1
Автор: STEELE Casey

A system and method of extracting essential oils from plant material through the use of a low pressure alcohol-based closed system that includes a solvent chamber connected to a material column that in turn is connected to a recovery chamber. Plant material in the material column and the solvent in the solvent chamber are cooled using a cooling liquid, such as nitrogen. A vacuum pump connected to the recovery chamber creates a vacuum in the recovery chamber to draw the cooled solvent through the cooled plant material and extract essential oils, which are collected in the recovery chamber. 1. A method , comprising:introducing plant material into a material container;introducing a cooling liquid into the material container;introducing an alcohol-based solvent into the material container;creating a vacuum in a recovery chamber that is in fluid communication with the material container; andpulling the alcohol-based solvent through the plant material by using only the vacuum in the recovery chamber to extract oil from the plant material, and pulling the alcohol-based solvent and extracted oil into the recovery chamber with the vacuum from the recovery chamber.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising cooling the plant material in the material container prior to introducing the alcohol-based solvent through the plant material.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising cooling the alcohol-based solvent in a solvent chamber with a cooling liquid before the introducing the alcohol-based solvent into the material container.4. The method claim 3 , wherein the cooling liquid is liquid nitrogen.5. A method claim 3 , comprising:introducing plant material into a material container;introducing an alcohol-based solvent into the material container;creating a vacuum in a recovery chamber that is in fluid communication with the material container; andpulling the alcohol-based solvent through the plant material by using only the vacuum in the recovery chamber to generate ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037845A1

A method for extracting resins and oils from a plant includes: 1) tumbling, inside a container at a temperature of at most 50 degrees Fahrenheit with a tumbler, plant fibers having one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils; 2) colliding the tumbler with the plant fibers to release the one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers; and 3) segregating the one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers. 1. A method for extracting resins and oils from a plant; the method comprising:tumbling, inside a container at a temperature of at most 50 degrees Fahrenheit with a tumbler, plant fibers having one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils;colliding the tumbler with the plant fibers to separate the one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers; andsegregating the one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers.2. The method of wherein the temperature inside the container is 34 degrees Fahrenheit.3. The method of wherein the tumbler includes COin the solid phase.4. The method of wherein the tumbler includes fifty individual tumblers each separate from all the others.5. The method of wherein the plant fibers include lavender.6. The method of wherein the plant fibers include hops.7. The method of wherein the portions of the hops that contain resins and oils include lupulin glands of the hops.8. The method of wherein colliding the tumbler with a plant fiber includes the tumbler falling onto the plant fiber.9. The method of wherein colliding the tumbler with the plant fibers includes the tumbler forcing a plant fiber against the container's side.10. The method of wherein segregating the one or more portions that contain resins and oils from the remainder of the plant fibers claim 1 , includes filtering the portions from the remainder of the plant fibers with a screen that forms ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Methods to Reduce Chlorophyll Co-Extraction Through Extraction of Select Essential Oils and Aromatic Isolates

Номер: US20200038777A1
Автор: Yevgeniy Galyuk
Принадлежит: Capna Ip Capital, Llc

A system, machine, and methods for selectively extracting chemicals from plant material without co-extracting chlorophyll, lipids and other undesirable constituents from plants, is described here. Extraction uses super-cooled solvents, such as 100% ethanol. The system and method provides plant extracts that are enriched in active compounds, and depleted in chlorophyll.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064566A1
Автор: Zumpano Michael V.

Described are liquid compositions that contain a desired (e.g., extracted) plant material such as cannabinoid, terpene, terpenoid, or the like, contained, e.g., dissolved, suspended, or emulsified, in the liquid, which contains surfactant; methods of preparing these types of liquid compositions; and methods of processing this type of liquid composition to collect, isolate, concentrate, or purify a desired target material contained in the liquid composition.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049832A1
Автор: Lee Seung Hun

Disclosed is a composition containing a extract. The extract is used as an active ingredient for relieving stress, blocking UV light, and/or diffusing fragrance. The composition includes essential oil extracted from leaf, stem or sap, in which the extract is separated under optimal extraction conditions, which are determined by comparing and evaluating the components and yields of the essential oil, thus ensuring maximum efficacy and various applications of 1Dendropanax morbifera. A composition comprising a extract as an active ingredient.2Dendropanax morbifera. A composition comprising a extract as an active ingredient for relieving stress , blocking UV light or diffusing a fragrance.3Dendropanax morbifera. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the extract comprises at least one selected from among a leaf extract claim 1 , a stem extract claim 1 , and a sap extract.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the leaf extract is a supercritical extract claim 3 , and the stem extract is a solvent extract.5. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the leaf extract is a solvent extract claim 3 , and includes 30 to 40 wt % of propanoic acid ethyl ester based on a total weight of the solvent extract claim 3 , and the stem extract is a supercritical extract claim 3 , and includes 50 to 60 wt % of propanoic acid ethyl ester based on a total weight of the supercritical extract.6. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the leaf extract is a supercritical extract claim 3 , and includes 5 to 40 wt % of terpene based on a total weight of the supercritical extract.7. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the stem extract is a solvent extract claim 3 , and includes 10 to 50 wt % of terpene based on a total weight of the solvent extract.8. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the sap extract is a solvent fraction extract claim 3 , and includes 10 to 20 wt % of terpene based on a total weight of the solvent fraction extract.9Dendropanax morbifera. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Ionic Liquids For Agricultural Residue Removal

Номер: US20140128626A1
Автор: MCKEE Mary Amanda
Принадлежит: Givaudan S.A.

A method of reducing the proportion of agricultural residues (ARs), such as pesticides and herbicides, present in an essential oil, comprising the treatment of the oil with an ionic liquid that has at most limited solubility in the oil, the ionic liquid having an anion and a cation chosen from the following table: 2. The method according to claim 1 , in which the ionic liquid is at least one of the following:1-Butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium (trialkylimidazolium) tetrafluoroborate,1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) dicyanamide,1-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) chloride,3-Methyl-1-octylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) chloride,1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium methylsulfate,N-Butyl-3-methylpyridinium dicyanamide,1-Butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium dicyanamide,4-Methyl-N-butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate,1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) dicyanamide,1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium(dialkylimidazolium)p-toluenesulfonate,1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) diethylphosphate,1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) thiocyanate,1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) ethylsulfate,1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) trifluoroacetate,1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) trifluoromethane sulfonate,1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) tetrafluoroborate,1-Butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium (trialkylimidazolium) trifluoromethylsulfonate, or1-Propyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) iodide.3. The method according to claim 1 , in which the essential oil is a citrus oil and the ionic liquid is 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (dialkylimidazolium) ethylsulfate.4. The method according to claim 3 , in which the citrus oil is orange oil.5. The method according to claim 1 , in which the treatment of the oil with the ionic liquid comprises mixing of the oil and the ionic liquid claim 1 , allowing a layer of the oil to separate from a layer of the ionic liquid claim 1 , and removing at least one of ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170065546A1

The present invention concerns a food supplement comprising seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds as well as finished food products comprising the food supplement. The present invention further concerns a nutraceutical or cosmetic preparation comprising as an active ingredient seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds. 121-. (canceled)22. A method of preventing wrinkling of skin or ensuring skin health in a subject , comprising:{'i': 'Salvia sclarea', 'topically applying to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of a cosmetic composition comprising seed oil.'}23. A therapeutic method of increasing the level of omega-3 fatty acid in a subject , comprising:{'i': Salvia sclarea', 'Salvia sclarea', 'Salvia sclarea, 'administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of a product selected from the group consisting of seed, seed oil, and seed crushed or milled to form a flour or powder.'}24. A therapeutic method of treating a subject suffering from a disease or condition which is known scientifically , or is discovered empirically , to benefit from an increase in the level of omega-3 fatty acid , comprising:{'i': Salvia sclarea', 'Salvia sclarea', 'Salvia sclarea, 'orally administering to the subject an effective amount of a product selected from the group consisting of seed, seed oil, and seed crushed or milled to form a flour or powder.'}25Salvia sclarea. In a method for relieving the symptoms of psoriasis in a subject , comprising topically administering to the affected area of the subject an effective amount of a composition comprising omega-3 fatty acids , the improvement wherein said composition comprises seed oil.26. A method in accordance with claim 24 , wherein said disease or condition is coronary artery disease. The present invention relates to food supplements and nutraceutical compositions for raising omega-3 levels in a subject.Current research in nutritional medicine indicates that the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Methods to Reduce Chlorophyll Co-Extraction Through Extraction of Select Moieties Essential Oils and Aromatic Isolates

Номер: US20210069608A1
Автор: Galyuk Yevgeniy

A system machines and methods for extracting select moieties, flavonoids, and essential oils from plant material without co-extracting chlorophyll, lipids and other undesirable constituents from plants. Super-cooled extraction techniques are taught. Likewise, according to embodiments methods provides 100% grain ethyl alcohol extract with a concentration of chlorophyll that is below 1%. 1. A composition that comprises the plant substrate extract product by a safer and more reliable extraction process , wherein the composition comprises an essential oil or a mineral oil , and wherein the process is for extracting cannabinoids and to reduce chlorophyll and wax co-extraction from a cannabis or hemp plant substrate comprising , wherein the process excludes use of liquid carbon dioxide in combination , and wherein the process comprises:(i) pre-processing comprising lowering the temperature of a solvent to a range of −30 degrees C. to −50 degrees C.(ii) contacting at −30 degrees C. to −50 degrees C., wherein there is a contacting time between the cannabis plant substrate and the solvent to create an emulsion,(iii) evaporating for reduction of the emulsion by means of atmospheric evaporation of the solvent,(iv) recovering for recovery of the solvent from the emulsion, wherein optionally,', '(a) the solvent is 95% ethanol and 5% of a solvent that is another solvent that does not comprise ethanol, or', '(b) the solvent is at least one solvent-like material selected from the group consisting essentially of heptane, hexane, isopropyl alcohol, and methanol., '(v) purging under vacuum to remove remaining solvent from the extract whereby a resultory extract is substantially free of any lipids and chlorophyll,'}2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is one of:(i) a liquid at room temperature (23 degrees C.),(ii) a composition that comprises an oil, and wherein the oil is optionally an essential oil, a vegetable oil, or a mineral oil,(iii) a composition that ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150073161A1

A method of ice-crystal wall-breaking extraction of the pomelo peel essencial oil, including: first selecting a fresh pomelo, peeling off the outmost oil cell layer with a peeler, and collecting the cortex that is 1.5-2.5 mm thick; slowly freezing the pomelo peel oil cell layer at −15° C. to −30° C. to form ice crystal; breaking the pomelo peel ice crystal with a breaker; thawing the broken ice crystal, and then squeezing with a screw squeezer to obtain a squeezed mixed liquid; adding 3-4% by mass of the table salt to the squeezed mixed liquid, and standing to stratify at reduced pressure, thereby obtaining an oil-water mixture; distilling the mixed liquid at reduced pressure, and collecting the distillate to obtain an oil-water mixture that undergoes natural stratification; discarding the water layer, thereby obtaining the pomelo peel essential oil. 1. A method of pemole peel essential oil extraction by peel ice crystal and wall-breaking , wherein it comprises the following steps:(1) selecting a fresh pomelo, and peeling off the outermost pomelo peel oil cell layer that is 1.5-2.5 mm thick;(2) freezing the pomelo peel oil cell layer in Step (1) at −15° C. to −30° C. for 15-36 h to form pomelo peel ice crystal;(3) breaking the pomelo peel ice crystal with a breaker;(4) thawing the broken pomelo peel ice crystal, and then squeezing with a screw squeezer to obtain a squeezed liquid;(5) adding 3-4% by mass of table salt to the squeezed liquid, and standing to stratify to obtain a mixed liquid; and(6) distilling the mixed liquid in Step (5) under reduced pressure, and collecting distillate to obtain an oil-water mixture that undergoes natural stratification; discarding the water layer, thereby obtaining the pomelo peel essential oil.2. The method of ice-crystal wall-breaking extraction of pomelo peel essencial oil according to claim 1 , wherein the pomelo peel oil cell layer is frozen at −15° C. to −30° C. claim 1 , with the diameter of the ice crystal of the pomelo ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089970A1
Автор: Gulati Mohit
Принадлежит: BMV Fragrances Ltd.

The present invention relates to the field of perfumery, that is, the art or process of making a fragrant substance be it natural or synthetic. 1. A method of obtaining a better reconstituted absolute NNA+ (Near Natural Absolute) comprising the steps of:a) mixing a synthetic absolute or raw reconstituted absolute with an alcohol;b) freezing the solution of step (a);c) filtering the solution of step (b) through a propylene cloth to separate out non-alcohol soluble substance and to obtain a crystal clear percolate;d) transferring the percolate obtained from step (c) to an alcohol extraction unit, where said solution is boiled in a glass vessel at high temperature and vacuum to separate the alcohol;e) allowing the solution of step (d) to stand for maturation of the reconstituted absolute NNA+.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the synthetic absolute or raw reconstituted absolute with an alcohol is about 1:3.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the synthetic absolute or raw reconstituted absolute with an alcohol is at most 1:10.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the alcohol used for mixing the synthetic absolute or raw reconstituted absolute is isopropyl alcohol.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the freezing of solution in step (b) is carried at −20° C.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the freezing of solution in step (b) is carried for at least 30 minutes.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the propylene cloth is 500 mesh cloth.8. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a boiler is used to provide the heat for boiling the solution in the alcohol extraction unit.9. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the solution in step (e) is allowed to stand for 48 to 72 hours.10. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reconstituted absolute NNA+ has better organoleptic properties.11. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reconstituted absolute NNA+ is stable.1213.-. ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076753A1
Автор: Thomas C. Russell

An apparatus for extracting an oil from plant material includes an extraction chamber for plant material. The plant material is exposed to a heated gas stream with a temperature sufficient to volatilize on oil from the plant material. The gas stream is rapidly cooled to liquefy the oil into entrained droplets. The oil is collected with a collection solvent. 1. A method for extracting an oil from plant material , the method comprising:providing plant material in the extraction chamber;exposing the plant material to a gas stream, the gas stream being heated to a temperature sufficient to cause volatilization of an oil to be extracted from the plant material, the oil being extracted into the gas stream;contacting the gas stream with a collection solvent such that at least some of the oil is captured by the collection solvent; andcollecting a portion of the oil and collection solvent from the gas stream.2. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the contacting and collecting steps comprise flowing at least a portion of the gas stream through a collection chamber and spraying the at least a portion of the gas stream with collection solvent such that at least some of the oil in the gas stream is captured by the collection solvent and at least some of the collection solvent flows to the collection chamber. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/090,143, filed Apr. 4, 2016, which is a continuation of International Application No. PCT/IB2014/002383, filed Oct. 6, 2014, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/886,908, filed Oct. 4, 2013, the entire content of each of which is hereby incorporated by reference.The present invention relates generally to methods and apparatuses for extracting oil from plant materials.Traditional methods of extracting oils from plants often utilize industrial solvents that are not safe for human consumption or cosmetic use. While organic or otherwise safe processes are ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098511A1
Автор: Emo Jayson

An organic based extraction system is described. Embodiments of the extraction system include a first vessel, a second vessel, a third vessel, a pump, and a plurality of sight lenses. Generally, each of the vessels and the pump can be set up to form a closed loop system adapted to recover and reuse a solvent. A fluid flow from the first vessel to the second vessel, from the second vessel to the third vessel, from the third vessel to the pump, and from the pump back to the first vessel can be implemented. Typically, an extract from organic matter can be recovered in the third vessel. In one embodiment, the plurality of sight lenses can be implemented to determine if more solvent is needed and to check the extract while an extraction process is running. 1. A method of using an extraction system having a first vessel , a second vessel , and a third vessel , the method comprising:providing the extraction system, wherein the extraction system includes a plurality of sight lenses;filling the first vessel with a solvent;filling the second vessel with organic matter;transferring the solvent from the first vessel to the second vessel causing the solvent to interact with the organic matter and create a mixture;checking the mixture between the second vessel and the third vessel through one of the plurality of sight lenses, wherein the mixture comprises the solvent and an extract;checking the extract in the third vessel through one of the plurality of sight lenses; andrecovering the extract from the third vessel.2. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of:determining whether to transfer more solvent from the first vessel to the second vessel based on checking the mixture.3. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of:shining a light through one of the plurality of sight lenses when checking the extract.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is butane.5cannabis.. The method of claim 4 , wherein the organic matter is6. The method of claim 1 , ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080024A1

A method for producing an aroma composition from an animal or plant material, including fragmenting an animal or plant material to give a crude fragmented pieces of the material that contains minor fragments, removing minor fragments from a gas that contains aroma compounds emitted from the material in fragmenting the material and minor fragments, applying the gas from which minor fragments have been removed to an adsorbent to thereby make the aroma compounds adsorbed by the adsorbent, and collecting the aroma compounds from the adsorbent to prepare an aroma composition containing the aroma compounds. The adsorbent is held in an adsorbent holder in an aroma compound adsorbing device, and the adsorbent holder has a mesh lid at both ends thereof in the gas flowing direction therethrough. 1. A method for producing an aroma composition from an animal or plant material , which comprises:fragmenting an animal or plant material to give crude fragmented pieces of the animal or plant material that contains minor fragments, and comprises:removing minor fragments from a gas that contains aroma compounds emitted from the animal and plant material in fragmenting the animal and plant material and contains the minor fragments,an adsorption step of applying the gas from which the minor fragments have been removed to an adsorbent to thereby make the aroma compounds adsorbed by the adsorbent, anda collection step of collecting the aroma compounds from the adsorbent to prepare an aroma composition containing the aroma compounds, and in which:the adsorbent is held in an adsorbent holder in an aroma compound adsorbing device, and the adsorbent holder has a mesh lid at both ends thereof in the gas flowing direction therethrough.2. The method for producing an aroma composition from an animal or plant material according to claim 1 , wherein removing the minor fragments from the crude fragmented pieces of the animal and plant material is carried out prior to the step of removing minor ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085034A1
Автор: Phillips Shelley

The present invention is directed to novel compositions of rosemary extracts for use as a cat-deterrent formulation. The compositions of the present invention may be applied directly to an area, or object, to which it is desired to deter cats or animals from loitering or interaction. It is further contemplated that the compositions of the present invention may be applied directly to an area, or alternatively, be encapsulated in a container which substantially retains the solid components of the compositions of the present invention, but allows transport of the aromatic compounds. 1. An animal deterrent composition comprising a mixture of extracted rosemary oil and extracted rosemary solids wherein said extracted rosemary solids and extracted rosemary oil are the result of substantial removal of molecules with antioxidant properties by use of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction.2. The animal deterrent composition of wherein the mixture comprises about 0.1 to about 1.0 part extracted rosemary oil and about eight parts extracted rosemary solids.3. A sachet comprising an animal deterrent comprising a mixture of extracted rosemary oil and extracted rosemary solids wherein said extracted rosemary solids and extracted rosemary oil are the result of substantial removal of molecules with antioxidant properties by use of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction.4. The sachet of wherein the mixture comprises about 0.1 to about 1.0 part extracted rosemary oil and about eight parts extracted rosemary solids.5. An animal deterrent composition comprising 1.5-2.5% beta-Pinenes claim 3 , 11-15% Camphor claim 3 , 1-1.5% Camphene claim 3 , 4-6% Borneol claim 3 , 6-9% Caryophyllene claim 3 , 4-6% alpha-Tepineol claim 3 , 1-1.5% Linalool claim 3 , 0.5-1% Myrcene claim 3 , 0.5-1% beta-Cymene claim 3 , 4-5% gamma-Cadinene claim 3 , 5-7% Heneicosane claim 3 , 3-5% Octacosane; and less than 0.2% alpha-Pinene and less than 0.2% Bornyl acetate. The present invention pertains to the field ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Solid/liquid extraction with a solvent comprising between 5 and 8 carbon atoms and 1 or 2 oxygen atoms

Номер: US20140171669A1
Принадлежит: Laboratoires Expanscience SA

The present invention relates to a process for the solid/liquid extraction of a natural extract contained in at least one vegetable solid or micro-organism comprising at least the following steps: solid/liquid extraction of at least one vegetable solid or micro-organism by a first solvent system comprising a solvent content chosen from the solvents comprising between 5 and 8 carbon atoms and one or two oxygen atoms in ether function, or ketone function, or ester function form, of at least 50% by volume in relation to the total volume of the first solvent system, retrieval of a natural extract, notably comprising or consisting of an oil or a butter, particularly enriched with unsaponifiable.

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Method for Obtaining Etheric Oils and/or Constituents of Etheric Oils from Moist Extraction Material

Номер: US20190090522A1

The invention relates to a method for obtaining etheric oils and/or constituents of etheric oils from the peel of citrus fruit and/or herbs that have a high residual moisture content comprising the steps 1. A method for obtaining etheric oils and/or constituents of etheric oils from moist extraction material containing etheric oils and/or constituents of etheric oils comprising the following steps: wherein the extraction material is selected from citrus fruit peel and/or residues from the juice production from citrus fruits and/or herbs,', 'wherein the extraction material has a residual moisture content of 5 to 95% by mass, measured on the total mass of the extraction material,', 'wherein the extraction agent mixture contains at least one non-polar solvent in a proportion of 45 to 95% by volume, measured on the total volume of the extraction agent mixture,', 'wherein the extraction agent mixture has a temperature above ambient temperature but below the boiling point of the lowest boiling-point solvent or of the lowest boiling-point azeotrope of the extraction agent mixture,, 'a) extraction of the moist extraction material with an extraction agent mixture comprising at least one polar and at least one non-polar solvent for obtaining a miscella,'}b) separating the miscella from the extraction material,c) Distillative separation of the miscella.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the extraction material contains terpenes claim 1 , terpenoids claim 1 , sesquiterpenes and aromatic compounds.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the extraction material has a content of etheric oils and/or the constituents of etheric oils from 0.005 to 10% by mass claim 1 , measured on the total dry mass of the extraction agent mixture.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that hexane claim 1 , benzene claim 1 , kerosene claim 1 , toluene and/or at least one alkane with 5 to 25 carbon atoms and/or a mixture of these is used as the ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Methods For Extracting Essential Oils, Terpenes, Terpenoids And Other Organic Matter From Plants; And Related Systems And Devices

Номер: US20210095226A1

A method for extracting resins and oils from a plant includes: 1) tumbling, inside a container at a temperature of at most 50 degrees Fahrenheit with a tumbler, plant fibers having one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils; 2) colliding the tumbler with the plant fibers to release the one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers; and 3) segregating the one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers. 1Humulus. A method for extracting resins and oils from a plant in the genus; the method comprising:tumbling together, inside a container, one or more tumblers and plant parts containing plant fibers, wherein the container has a temperature of at most 50 degrees Fahrenheit and wherein the one or more tumblers ae loose inside the container such that the tumbling motion of the one or more tumbler inside the container is random;colliding the one or more tumblers with plant parts to separate one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers; andsegregating the one or more portions that contain resins and/or oils from the remainder of the plant fibers.2. The method of wherein the temperature inside the container is 34 degrees Fahrenheit.3. The method of wherein the tumbler includes COin the solid phase.4. The method of wherein the tumbler includes fifty individual tumblers each separate from all the others.5. The method of wherein the plant fibers include lavender.6. The method of wherein the plant fibers include hops.7. The method of wherein the portions of the hops that contain resins and oils include lupulin glands of the hops.8. The method of wherein colliding the tumbler with a plant fiber includes the tumbler falling onto the plant fiber.9. The method of wherein colliding the tumbler with the plant fibers includes the tumbler forcing a plant fiber against the container's side.10. The method of wherein segregating the one or more ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Extraction of Essential Oils

Номер: US20180094209A1

Essential oils are extracted from a biomass through milling in a solvent to form a solution of the essential oil in the solvent. The solvent is or is part of a cover than reduces oxidative and other degradation of the essential oil during milling and isolation. The solubilized essential oil may be allowed to adhere to the originating milled biomass to form a feed or nutritional supplement. The solvent may be evaporated from the solubilized essential oil to form an essential oil concentrate. This essential oil concentrate may be used directly, adhered to a different biomass than the originating biomass, or used in combination with pharmaceutical, nutritional, or feed preparations. The essential oil concentrate is preferably adhered to the different biomass through milling under a cover to reduce oxidative and other degradation. The essential oil may be astaxanthin, capsaicin compounds, or cannabinoids. 1. A method of extracting and isolating an essential oil from a biomass , the method comprising: the essential oil is soluble in the cover, and', 'the attrition mill includes milling media;, 'combining a biomass including an essential oil with a cover within an attrition mill, where'}milling the biomass and the cover in the attrition mill for a duration;reducing the particulate size of the biomass during the milling by repeatedly contacting the biomass with the milling media;releasing the essential oil from the biomass to the cover during the milling; 'the cover reduces the oxidation of the released essential oil in relation to the milling without the cover;', 'dissolving at least a portion of the essential oil released from the biomass in the cover during the milling, where'} a solution of the essential oil in a solvent, where the essential oil is a solute and the cover includes the solvent, and', 'a milled byproduct biomass; and, 'forming a mixture during the milling including'}separating the solution from the milled byproduct biomass, where the solution includes the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Methods to Reduce Chlorophyll Co-Extraction Through Extraction of Select Moieties Essential Oils and Aromatic Isolates

Номер: US20200094163A1
Автор: Galyuk Yevgeniy

A system, machines and methods for extracting select moieties, flavonoids, and essential oils from plant material without co-extracting chlorophyll, lipids and other undesirable constituents from plants. Super-cooled extraction techniques are taught. Likewise, according to embodiments methods provides 100% grain ethyl alcohol extract with a concentration of chlorophyll that is below 1%. 1. A safer and more reliable extraction process for extracting a plant substrate comprising , in combination ,(i) pre-processing comprising lowering the temperature of a solvent to a range of −30 degrees C. to −50 degrees C.,(ii) contacting at −30 degrees C. to −50 degrees C., wherein there is a contacting time between the plant substrate and the solvent to create an emulsion,(iii) evaporating for reduction of the emulsion by means of atmospheric evaporation of the solvent,(iv) recovering for recovery of the solvent from the emulsion, wherein optionally,', '(a) the solvent is not 100% grain alcohol, or', '(b) wherein the solvent is 95% ethanol and 5% of a solvent that is another solvent that does not comprise ethanol, or', '(c) the solvent is at least one solvent-like material selected from the group consisting essentially of heptane, hexane, isopropyl alcohol, or methanol, or', '(d) wherein the solvent is not 100% ethanol., '(v) purging whereby a resultory extract is substantially free of any lipids and chlorophyll,'}2. The extraction process of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is not 100% grain alcohol.3. The extraction process of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is 95% ethanol and 5% of a solvent that is another solvent that does not comprise ethanol.4. The extraction process of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is at least one solvent-like material selected from the group consisting essentially of heptane claim 1 , hexane claim 1 , isopropyl alcohol claim 1 , or methanol.5. A plant substrate extract produced by the safer and more reliable extraction process of .6. A composition that ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122995A1

The present invention relates to a new high-throughput process for reducing impurities in essential oils and extracts (in particular for fragrances, fragrance ingredients, flavours and cosmetic ingredients) under mild conditions. Undesirable natural components such as waxes, but also synthetic materials such as agrochemicals and other environmental pollutants are reduced by using at least one selective nanofiltration membrane. In addition, the present invention relates to a method for reducing coloured components in essential oils to obtain a less coloured or even colourless essential oil, while achieving high re-colouration stability over time. Further, the odour quality is maintained or increased through reduction of undesirable olfactory substances to achieve a purified and higher quality oil. 1. A nanofiltration process to provide a less coloured essential oil for a fragrance , flavour or cosmetic ingredient , comprising the following steps:(i) providing a selectively permeable thin film composite (TFC) nanofiltration membrane, wherein the membrane consists of a support layer and a top layer,(ii) providing a flowable input of essential oil, optionally with a solvent component;(iii) separating the flowable input by transferring it across the surface of the membrane to form a retentate and a permeate, such that the concentration of one or more components of the permeate is reduced compared to the flowable input;and wherein the permeate is decoloured in comparison to the flowable input, such that the lightness value L* of the permeate is increased in comparison to the flowable input to ΔL* greater than or equal to 1 and the chromaticity C* of the permeate is decreased in comparison to the flowable input to ΔC* less than or equal to −2, according to the CIELAB colour measurement system, as specified by the International Commission on Illumination.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the lightness value L* of the permeate is increased in comparison to the ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106654A1

The present disclosure in general relates to a process for (1) reducing impurities, i.e. undesirable natural components such as waxes and undesirable synthetic materials such as agrochemicals and other environmental pollutants, or (2) fractionation of natural components present in an essential oil using at least one selective membrane. 1. A process for separating components in an essential oil , comprising: the essential oil is obtained from a natural raw material of plant origin by a process chosen from:', 'a) steam distillation followed by separation of the aqueous phase, if any, by physical processes,', 'b) mechanical processes from the epicarp of Citrus fruits followed by separation of the aqueous phase, if any, by physical processes,', 'c) dry distillation followed by separation of the aqueous phase, if any, by physical processes,', 'd) mechanical expression from a natural raw material of plant origin other than Citrus fruits,', 'e) extraction of the natural raw material of plant origin with a supercritical solvent, and', 'f) extraction of the natural raw material of plant origin with a non polar solvent with a dielectric constant, measured as the ratio of the electrical capacity of a capacitor filled with the solvent to the electrical capacity of the evacuated capacitor at room temperature, of less than or equal to 15;, '(i) providing an essential oil or a solution comprising an essential oil and at least one organic solvent as a nanofiltration feed, wherein'}(ii) providing a selectively permeable nanofiltration membrane having a first surface and a second surface opposite to said first surface and having a molecular weight cut-off ranging from about 150 g/mol to about 1,500 g/mol; wherein the essential oil or solution comprising an essential oil and at least one organic solvent in contact with the first surface after transfer of the one or more components of the nanofiltration feed forms a retentate and the one or more components of the essential oil or the ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175003A1

The aspects presented herein provide essential oils, extracts, apparatus and methods for the extraction of the essential oils and extracts from plant biomass using microwaves. 1. An extract of a plant biomass , wherein the extract comprises at least one anthocyanin.2. The extract of claim 1 , wherein the extract further comprises at least one anthocyanidin.3. The extract of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the at least one anthocyanin in the extract is 1 ppm.4. The extract of claim 2 , wherein the concentration of the at least one anthocyanidin in the extract is 1 ppm.5. The extract of claim 2 , wherein the at least one anthocyanidin is selected from the group consisting of: cyanidin claim 2 , delphinidin claim 2 , malvinidin claim 2 , peonidin claim 2 , petunidin claim 2 , and combinations thereof.6. The extract of claim 1 , wherein the at least one anthocyanin is selected from the group consisting of: cyanidin-3-arabinoside claim 1 , cyanidin-3-galactoside claim 1 , cyanidin-3-glucoside claim 1 , delphinidin-3-arabinoside claim 1 , delphinidin-3-galactoside claim 1 , delphinidin-3-glucoside claim 1 , malvinidin-3-arabinoside claim 1 , malvinidin-3-galactoside claim 1 , malvinidin-3-glucoside claim 1 , peonidin-3-arabinoside claim 1 , peonidin-3-galactoside claim 1 , peonidin-3-glucoside claim 1 , petunidin-3-arabinoside claim 1 , petunidin-3-galactoside claim 1 , petunidin-3-glucoside claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The extract of claim 1 , wherein the at least one anthocyanin comprises cyanidin-3-glucoside claim 1 , and the concentration of cyanidin-3-glucoside in the extract is 0.5 ppm.8. The extract of claim 2 , wherein the at least one anthocyanidin comprises peonidin claim 2 , and the concentration of peonidin in the extract is 0.07 ppm.9. The extract of claim 1 , wherein the at least one anthocyanin comprises peonidin-3-galactoside claim 1 , and the concentration of peonidin-3-galactoside in the extract is 0.2 ppm.10. The extract of claim 1 , ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150118331A1

The present disclosure in general relates to a process for (1) reducing impurities, i.e. undesirable natural components such as waxes and undesirable synthetic materials such as agrochemicals and other environmental pollutants, or (2) fractionation of natural components present in an essential oil using at least one selective membrane. 1. A process for separating components in an essential oil , i.e. a non-lipid natural oil derived from plant matter , comprising:(i) providing an essential oil or a solution comprising an essential oil and at least one organic solvent, whereinthe essential oil is obtained from a natural raw material of plant origin:i. either by steam distillation;ii. or by mechanical processes from the epicarp of Citrus fruits; after separation of the aqueous phase, if any, by physical processes', 'or', 'the essential oil is obtained by mechanical expression from plant material other than Citrus fruits,', 'or', 'the essential oil is obtained by extraction of the plant material with supercritical solvents, preferably supercritical CO2,', 'or', 'the essential oil is obtained by extraction of the plant material with a non polar solvent, i.e. a solvent with a dielectric constant, measured as the ratio of the electrical capacity of a capacitor filled with the solvent to the electrical capacity of the evacuated capacitor at room temperature, of less than or equal to 15;, 'iii. or by dry distillation'}(ii) providing a selectively permeable nanofiltration membrane having a first surface and a second surface; wherein the oil or solution in contact with the first surface forms a retentate and the oil or solution contacting the second surface forms a permeate,', 'wherein the pressure at the first surface is greater than the pressure at the second surface, and wherein the concentration of the one or more components of the essential oil or of the essential oil solution is reduced in the oil or solution contacting the first surface compared to the initial essential ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Fragrance Compositions

Номер: US20140194338A1
Принадлежит: Givaudan Nederland Services B.V.

A fragrance composition and use thereof by inhalation to promote activated, pleasant moods. The fragrance composition comprises at least 75% by weight of perfume materials including at least 10% by weight of at least three specific materials from a group identified as Group IMP and optionally up to 90% of specific materials selected from groups identified as HMR, HMI, HMP, RMP and GEN, the amounts of materials from said Groups falling within specified relationships. 1. A fragrance composition comprising at least 75% by weight of perfume materials drawn from the following groups:A) at least 10% by weight in total of at least three materials drawn from Group ‘IMP’, wherein Group ‘IMP’ comprises: allyl amyl glycolate; benzyl salicylate; bergamot oil; coriander oil; cyclamen aldehyde; 1-(2,6,10-trimethylcyclododeca-2,5,9-trien-1-yl)ethanone; prop-2-enyl (cyclohexyloxy)acetate; Damascenia 185 SAE; 2,4-dimethylheptan-1-ol; fir balsam; fir needle oil; 3-(4-ethylphenyl)-2,2-dimethylpropanal; ginger oil; guaiacwood; linalyl acetate; litsea cubeba oil; methyl 2,4-dihydroxy-3,6-dimethylbenzoate; nutmeg oil; olibanum oil; orange flower oil; Ozonal AB 7203C; patchouli oil; rose oxide; rosemary oil; sage clary oil; spearmint oil; Tamarine AB 8212E; and tarragon oil; Group ‘HMR’ comprising:', 'allyl ionone; benzyl acetate; cis-jasmone; citronellol; ethyl linalol; ethylene brassylate; 4-methyl-2-(2-methylpropyl)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-4-ol; geraniol; geranium oil; iso-eugenol; lemon oil; 3-(4-hydroxy-4-methylpentyl)cyclohex-3-ene-1-carbaldehyde; 4-(4-hydroxy-4-methylpentyl)cyclohex-3-ene-1-carbaldehyde; alpha-iso-methyl ionone; 3-methylcyclopentadec-2-en-1-one; cyclopentadecanone; cyclohexadecanolide; and gamma-undecalactone;', 'Group ‘HMI’ comprising:', '1-{[2-(1,1-dimethylethyl)cyclohexyl]oxy}butan-2-ol; 3a,6,6,9a-tetramethyldodecahydronaphtho[2,1-{b}]furan; alpha-damascone; dihydromyrcenol; eugenol; 3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methylpropanal; 2,4-dimethylcyclohex-3-ene-1-carbaldehyde ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Extracted olive oil and production method thereof

Номер: US20140194606A1
Автор: Yoshihiko Yagyu

Extracted olive oil having extremely less olive smell and excellent skin permeability, and having an extremely higher antioxidative property than that of common olive oil. Also provided is a method for producing extracted olive oil including: crushing olive fruits and olive leaves; and producing the extracted olive oil from an obtained paste-like matter, where the olive fruits and the olive leaves are lactic fermented before or after the crushing step or during the crushing step.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113161A1

The present invention relates to an extraction apparatus for extracting at least one constituent in a substance. The extraction apparatus comprises an extractor, an extraction separator and an extraction condenser. The extractor is used to mix the substance and an extraction fluid, wherein the extraction fluid is a subcritical fluid. The extraction separator is connected to the extractor for receiving and heating the extraction fluid to gasify the extraction fluid and to separate the constituent and the gasified extraction fluid. The extraction condenser is connected to the extraction separator and the extractor for receiving and liquefying the gasified extraction fluid from the extraction separator and sending the liquefied extraction fluid to the extractor. 1. An extraction apparatus for extracting at least one constituent in a substance , comprising:an extractor for placing and mixing said substance and an extraction fluid, wherein said extraction fluid is a subcritical fluid, and said extractor comprises a temperature control unit, said temperature control unit is used to control temperature of said extractor for keeping said extraction fluid as said subcritical fluid and making said at least one constituent in said substance be dissolved in said extraction fluid;an extraction evaporator unit linked up with said extractor for receiving and heating said extraction fluid and said at least one constituent dissolved in said extraction fluid from said extractor to gasify said extraction fluid;an extraction separator linked up with said extraction evaporator unit for receiving and separating said at least one constituent and said gasify extraction fluid from said extraction evaporator unit; andan extraction condenser linked up with said extraction separator and said extractor for receiving and liquefying said gasified extraction fluid from said extraction separator and sending said liquefied extraction fluid to said extractor, wherein said extractor, said extraction ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112547A1
Автор: Roberts Donald D.

A hybrid mint plant characterized by an essential oil composition profile, methods of cultivating the hybrid mint plant, and methods of producing an essential oil composition with the essential oil composition profile using the hybrid mint plant are disclosed. 1. A method of producing an essential oil , the method comprising extracting the essential oil from a hybrid mint plant known as 14-27-89 , wherein the essential oil comprises 1-menthone and 1-menthol and wherein the weight ratio 1-menthone to 1-menthol ranges from about 16.17:1 to about 9.26:1.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the essential oil comprises from about 1.5% mass to about 2.3% mass of 1-limonene claim 1 , from about 49.3% mass to about 74% mass of 1-menthone claim 1 , from about 3.2% mass to about 4.8% mass of iso-menthone claim 1 , from about 1.1% mass to about 1.7% mass of menthofuran claim 1 , from about 0.95% mass to about 1.5% mass of 1-menthyl acetate claim 1 , from about 18.6% mass to about 28% mass of 1-menthol claim 1 , and from about 0.8% mass to about 1.35% mass of 1 claim 1 ,8-cineole.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the essential oil is extracted from at least one part of the hybrid mint plant or any portion thereof claim 1 , the at least one part of the hybrid mint plant selected from the group consisting of a leaf claim 1 , a stem claim 1 , a seed claim 1 , a rhizome claim 1 , a stolon claim 1 , a flower claim 1 , and any combination thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the essential oil is extracted from the hybrid mint plant that is harvested at initial flowering.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising cultivating the hybrid mint plant known as 14-27-89.6. A method of cultivating a hybrid mint plant known as 14-27-89 claim 1 , the method comprising asexually propagating tip cuttings or stolon cuttings claim 1 , wherein the hybrid plant comprises an essential oil claim 1 , the essential oil comprising 1-menthone and 1-menthol and wherein the weight ratio 1-menthone ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154595A1
Автор: Thomas C. Russell

Various aspects of this patent document relate to a method to extract an oil from a plant material using an apparatus by first exposing the plant material to a heated gas stream at a temperature sufficient to volatilize the oil from the plant material, and then rapidly cooling the gas stream to liquefy the oil. 1. A method to extract oil from plant material , comprising: the system comprises a gas moving device operable to propel a gas stream through the system;', 'the system comprises a heater in fluid communication with the gas moving device such that the heater is operable to heat the gas stream and produce a heated gas stream;', 'the system comprises an extraction chamber configured to receive plant material;', 'the extraction chamber is in fluid communication with both the gas moving device and the heater such that the heated gas stream is directed through any plant material disposed in the extraction chamber to vaporize oil from the plant material and produce oil vapor;', 'the system comprises a collection chamber in fluid communication with the extraction chamber such that the heated gas stream flows from the extraction chamber to the collection chamber;', 'the collection chamber is configured to cool the heated gas stream to condense oil vapor and produce condensed oil;', 'the system comprises a liquid collector in fluid communication with the collection chamber such that at least some of the condensed oil is directed from the collection chamber to the liquid collector;', 'the system is configured such that the gas moving device propels the gas stream through each of the heater, the extraction chamber, and the collection chamber; and', 'the system is configured to simultaneously vaporize oil from the plant material and condense oil vapor;, '(a) providing a system to extract oil from plant material, wherein(b) operating the system such that the gas moving device propels a gas stream through the system;(c) operating the system such that the heater heats the ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Continuous biomass extraction system and process

Номер: US20210162315A1
Принадлежит: Boulder Creek Technologies LLC

A method for producing valuable organic liquid from a biomass wherein a gas is heated to a predetermined temperature to produce a heated gas. The heated gas is mixed with a biomass to produce an enriched organic vapor and a biomass waste product. The biomass waste product is separated from the enriched organic vapor. The enriched organic vapor is cooled to produce a liquid organic oil and the liquid organic oil is collected. A system for producing the liquid organic oil wherein the system includes a heat source for heating a gas to produce a heated gas and a first separation unit to separate an enriched organic vapor and a biomass waste product. The enriched organic vapor and the biomass waste product are generated from mixing the heated gas and a biomass. The system also includes a wet scrubber for cooling the enriched organic vapor to remove certain compounds from the enriched organic vapor to generate an enriched organic smoke. The organic smoke can be transformed to the liquid organic oil in an electrostatic precipitator.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134990A9
Автор: Roberts Donald D.

A hybrid mint plant characterized by an essential oil composition profile, methods of cultivating the hybrid mint plant, and methods of producing an essential oil composition with the essential oil composition profile using the hybrid mint plant are disclosed. 1. A method of producing an essential oil , the method comprising extracting the essential oil from a hybrid mint plant known as 13-39-9 , wherein the essential oil comprises an essential oil profile selected from the group consisting of:a. menthofuran and 1-menthol and wherein the weight ratio of menthofuran to 1-menthol ranges from about 0.87:1 to about 1.31:1;b. from about 22% mass to about 35% mass of menthofuran, from about 2.5% mass to about 3.8% mass of 1-limonene, from about 3.9% mass to about 5.9% mass of 1-menthyl acetate, from about 1.2% mass to about 1.8% mass of iso-menthone, from about 12% mass to about 19% mass of 1-menthone, from about 1.6% mass to about 2.5% mass of neo-menthol, from about 0.4% mass to about 0.8% mass of β-carophyllene, from about 20% mass to about 32% mass of 1-menthol, from about 0.9% mass to about 1.4% mass of germacrene-D, and from about 4.4% mass to about 6.7% mass of 1,8-cineole;c. from about 25% mass to about 32% mass of menthofuran, from about 2. 8% mass to about 3.5% mass of 1-limonene, from about 4.4% mass to about 5.4% mass of 1-menthyl acetate, from about 2.7% mass to about 3.3% mass of iso-menthone, from about 14% mass to about 17% mass of 1-menthone, from about 1.8% mass to about 2.3% mass of neo-menthol, from about 0.5% mass to about 0.7% mass of β-carophyllene, from about 23% mass to about 29% mass of 1-menthol, from about 1.0% mass to about 1.3% mass of germacrene-D, and from about 5.0% mass to about 6.2% mass of 1,8-cineole;d. from about 27% mass to about 30% mass of menthofuran, from about 3.0% mass to about 3.4% mass of 1-limonene, from about 4.6% mass to about 5.2% mass of 1-menthyl acetate, from about 2.8% mass to about 3.1% mass of iso-menthone, from ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140221269A1
Принадлежит: Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd.

An odorant mixture is disclosed. The odorant mixture comprises N odorant components wherein N equals at least 20. Each odorant component is characterized by a multidimensional vector of attributes. A z score of an average of characteristic distances between vectors corresponding to odorant components in the mixture and vectors corresponding to odorant components in a group of M odorant components but not in the mixture is less than 2. 1. An odorant mixture , comprising N odorant components wherein N equals at least 20 , each odorant component being characterized by a multidimensional vector of attributes , such that the mixture is characterized by N respective multidimensional vectors ,wherein a z score of an average of characteristic distances between vectors corresponding to odorant components in the mixture and vectors corresponding to odorant components in a group of M odorant components but not in the mixture is less than 2.2. The odorant mixture according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of said N odorant components is selected from said group of M odorant components.3. The odorant mixture according to claim 1 , wherein M is at least equal to N.4. The odorant mixture according to claim 1 , wherein said N odorant components have similar odor intensity.5. The odorant mixture according to claim 1 , wherein each characteristic distance is defined as a minimum distance between a vector corresponding to odorant components in the mixture and a vector corresponding to an odorant component in said group of M odorant components but not in the mixture.6. The odorant mixture according to claim 1 , wherein each of said multidimensional vectors has at least 50 dimensions.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The odorant mixture according to claim 1 , wherein N equals at least 30.1013-. (canceled)14. The odorant mixture according to claim 1 , wherein said group of M odorant components is selected from the odorant components listed in Table A.1 or Table A.2 of Annex 1.15. The ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200129882A1
Автор: Thomas C. Russell

An apparatus for extracting an oil from plant material includes an extraction chamber for plant material. The plant material is exposed to a heated gas stream with a temperature sufficient to volatilize on oil from the plant material. The gas stream is rapidly cooled to liquefy the oil into entrained droplets. The oil is collected with a collection solvent. 1. A system for extracting an oil from plant material , the system comprising:a gas moving device operable to propel a gas stream through the system, the gas stream being a continuous stream of air or gas with or without entrained vapor, solids or droplets of liquid therein;a heater disposed such that the gas stream flows through the heater, the heater operable to heat the gas stream to a temperature sufficient to cause volatilization of an oil to be extracted;an extraction chamber having a receiving area for receiving plant material for extraction, the extraction chamber in communication with the heater such that the heated gas stream is directed through the receiving area, the heated gas stream volatizing the oil from the plant material such that the volatilized oil is disposed in the heated gas stream;a collection chamber in communication with the extraction chamber such that the gas stream flows through the collection chamber, the collection chamber having collection solvent operable to collect at least a portion of the extracted oil from the gas stream; anda liquid collector in fluid communication with the collection chamber for collecting at least a portion of the collection solvent and extracted oil,wherein the extracted oil is safe for human consumption; andthe system is configured such that the gas moving device is operable to propel the gas stream through each of the heater, extraction chamber, and collection chamber.2. A system for extracting an oil front plant material , the system comprising:a gas moving device operable to propel a gas stream through the system, the gas stream being a continuous ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200131452A1
Автор: Jönsson Stig
Принадлежит: Biotage AB

The present invention relates to a method for separating metal ions from a liquid, which method comprises contacting liquid comprising metal ions with non-functionalized cellulose, adsorbing the metal ions to the cellulose, and separating the liquid from the cellulose, wherein the liquid is an essential oil. 1. A method for separating metal ions from a liquid , which method comprises contacting liquid comprising metal ions with non-functionalized cellulose , adsorbing metal ions to the cellulose , and separating the liquid from the cellulose , wherein the liquid comprises an essential oil.2. A method according to claim 1 , which is a chromatography method claim 1 , wherein the non-functionalized cellulose is used as claim 1 , or included in claim 1 , the solid phase.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the non-functionalized cellulose comprises all or part of a filter.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the essential oil is selected from the group consisting of citric oils claim 1 , such as lemon claim 1 , orange or grape fruit oil; and scented oils claim 1 , such as spearmint.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the essential oil originates from a preceding IMAC or argentation chromatography step.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the preceding chromatography step utilizes synthetic polymers charged with metal ions.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the metal ion is Ag.8. A system for liquid chromatography claim 1 , which system comprises equipment for at least a first and a second chromatography step claim 1 , wherein for the first step claim 1 , equipment for either IMAC or argentation chromatography is provided; and for the second step claim 1 , a column is provided which comprises non-functionalized cellulose.9. Use of a scavenger chromatography column for removal of metal ions claim 1 , such as Ag claim 1 , from essential oils claim 1 , wherein the column comprises a packing which is claim 1 , or includes claim 1 , non- ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170298A1

Embodiments may include methods and systems for purifying a product and recovering a solvent. In a first stage, a raw feed comprising an initial solvent fraction and an initial product fraction may be heated using a first heat exchanger, and an intermediate vapor fraction of the initial solvent fraction may be vaporized using a first vapor liquid separator to yield an intermediate product comprising intermediate solvent and intermediate product fractions. The intermediate vapor fraction may be condensed to a first solvent condensate using a first condenser. In a second stage, the intermediate product may be heated using a second heat exchanger, and a final vapor fraction of the intermediate solvent fraction may be vaporized using a second vapor liquid separator to yield a purified product comprising final solvent and final product fractions. The final vapor fraction may be condensed to a second solvent condensate using a second condenser. 1. A method to purify a product and recover a solvent comprising: receiving a raw feed comprising an initial solvent fraction and an initial product fraction, and', 'heating the raw feed to produce a heated raw feed;, 'at a first heat exchanger receiving the heated raw feed, and', 'vaporizing at least an intermediate vapor fraction of the initial solvent fraction such that the intermediate vapor fraction separates from the heated raw feed, thereby yielding an intermediate product comprising an intermediate solvent fraction and an intermediate product fraction;, 'at a first vapor liquid separator 'condensing the intermediate vapor fraction, thereby yielding a first solvent condensate;', 'at a first condenser receiving the intermediate product, and', 'heating the intermediate product to produce a heated intermediate product;, 'at a second heat exchanger receiving the heated intermediate product, and', 'vaporizing at least a final vapor fraction of the intermediate solvent fraction such that the final vapor fraction separates from the ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for Producing Articles of Plant Origin Impregnated With a Liquid Plant Substance

Номер: US20190142762A1
Автор: Mompon Bernard

The present invention relates to a method for producing articles impregnated with at least one plant substance from at least one plant, characterized in that it comprises the following steps: 1. A method for producing articles impregnated with at least one plant substance from at least one plant comprising:{'b': 1', '1, 'a) Extraction and/or pressing of at least one plant (V), or at least one part of said plant, thereby producing a liquid plant extract (E) and a solid fibrous residue (RI), then'}{'b': 1', '1, 'b) Separation of said plant extract (E) from said fibrous residue (R), and'}{'b': '1', 'c) Destructuring of said fibrous residue (R),'}{'b': '1', 'd) Production of a fibrous web or of an article made from the fibrous residue (R) obtained in step c), and'}{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2, 'e) Impregnation of said fibrous residue (R) with (i) at least said plant extract (E), which is optionally concentrated, purified, flavored and/or fragranced, with (ii) at least one water-soluble or liposoluble plant substance isolated from said plant extract (E), with (iii) at least one composition comprising at least one optionally concentrated, purified, flavored and/or fragranced water-soluble or liposoluble substance of said plant extract (E), or with (iv) at least one plant extract (E) or at least one composition comprising at least one optionally concentrated, purified, flavored and/or fragranced water-soluble or liposoluble substance of said plant extract (E), resulting from an extraction or pressing of a plant (V) different from said plant (VI).'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein steps c) claim 1 , d) and e) may occur in the following order:step c) precedes step d), which in turn precedes step e), orstep c) precedes step e), which precedes step d).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:the plant is chosen from among food plants, medicinal plants, aromatic plants and fragranced plants; or whereinthe plant is chosen from among plants containing at ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140780A1

An apparatus and a method for plant extraction are disclosed. The apparatus of the present invention comprises an extraction module, a separating module and a reservoir. The method essentially includes plant material preparing, decarboxylating, active components extracting and separating. By using liquid tetrafluoroethane as the solvent in the apparatus of the present invention, the active components of the plant material are efficiently extracted under low pressure extraction and high pressure extraction conditions. 1. A method for plant extraction comprising:preparing a plant material by grinding or cutting to a predetermined size; decarboxylating the plant material;extracting active components from the plant material by soaking the plant material in a liquid tetrafluoroethane to dissolve the active components and form a solution with the active components;separating the active components from the solution by vaporize the liquid tetrafluoroethane to a gaseous tetrafluoroethane; andliquefying the gaseous tetrafluoroethane to the liquid tetrafluoroethane for recycling.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of decarboxylating the plant material is selectively performed in one of a heating decarboxylation process claim 1 , an ionic flow decarboxylation process or an enzymatic decarboxylation process.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the step of decarboxylating the plant material is enhanced by applying an electromagnetic field to the plant material.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of decarboxylating the plant material is performed before the plant material is introduced in an extractor.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of decarboxylating the plant material is performed after the plant material is introduced in an extractor and before the step of soaking the plant material in the liquid tetrafluoroethane.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of decarboxylating the plant material is ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170151509A1
Автор: GREAVES Paul George
Принадлежит: UNWUW Limited

Described herein is a distillation system configured for continuous distillation under vacuum to produce an oil product such as an essential oil. Also described is a method of distillation and distillation product thereof. The distillation system comprises at least one distillation chamber for vaporizing a carrier liquid and passing it through a feedstock; a condenser fluidly connected to the at least one chamber; a separator fluidly connected to the condenser for separating a volatile oil product from a reformed carrier liquid; and a reflux tank fluidly connected to the separator and configured to store the reformed carrier liquid; a valve configured to dose carrier liquid from the reflux tank to the distillation chamber when the level of the carrier liquid in the distillation chamber falls below a predetermined level and a pump configured to maintain a positive carrier liquid pressure between the valve and the reflux tank. 2. The distillation system as claimed in wherein the distillation system has 4 distillation chambers claim 1 , each distillation chamber fluidly connected to the condenser at an outlet and a valve to dose the reformed carrier liquid from the reflux tank at an inlet.3. The distillation system as claimed in wherein the carrier liquid is water.4. The distillation system as claimed in wherein the feedstock is pine tree parts selected from the group comprising pine needles or pine wood.5. The distillation system as claimed in wherein the valve is a solenoid valve.6. The distillation system as claimed in wherein the distillation system also comprises a vacuum pump configured to produce a negative air pressure in the distillation system between the at least one chamber and the reflux tank.7. The distillation system as claimed in wherein the vacuum is applied at the reflux tank to draw fluid through the at least one distillation system claim 6 , condenser and separator to the reflux tank.8. A method of distillation comprising the following steps:a) ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147517A1
Автор: Swan Lew

A method, device, system, or apparatus for extracting an essential oil from a material. The device may include a material chamber, a heater, and a coil. The material chamber may include a cavity to store a material and a gas. The heater may be approximate to the material chamber and may apply heat to the material chamber to heat the material to a first threshold temperature. The material may release an essential oil in a gas state at the first threshold temperature that combines with the gas to form a gaseous mixture. The coil may be connected to the material chamber and may receive the gaseous mixture from the material chamber. The coil may cool the gaseous mixture to a second threshold temperature and the essential oil may change from the gas state to a liquid state at the second threshold temperature. 1. A system , comprising:a gas cylinder comprising a first cavity to store a gas; a second cavity;', 'a first opening configured to receive the gas from the first cavity at the second cavity; and', 'a second opening to receive a material in the second cavity;, 'a material chamber connected to the gas cylinder, the material chamber comprising the heater is operable to apply heat to the material chamber to heat the material to a first threshold temperature;', 'the material is to release an essential oil in a gas state at the first threshold temperature; and', 'the essential oil and the gas combine to form a gaseous mixture;, 'a heater approximate to the material chamber, wherein the gaseous mixture is directed into the coil;', 'the coil is operable to cool the gaseous mixture to a second threshold temperature; and', 'the essential oil is to change from the gas state to a liquid state at the second threshold temperature while the gas maintains a gas state; and, 'a coil connected to the material chamber, whereina collection chamber connected to the coil, wherein the collection chamber comprises a third cavity with a first portion to store the essential oil and a second ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158833A1

Various uses of fluorinated alkenes, particularly HFO-1234 and HFCO-1233zd in a variety of applications, including refrigeration, foams, blowing agents, aerosols, propellants, solvent compositions, fire extinguishing and suppressing agents, extraction agents and catalyst deposition are disclosed. 2. A blowing agent comprising the composition of .3. The blowing agent of wherein said first fluoroalkene is 1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,trifluoro claim 2 ,3-chloro-propene (HFCO-1233zd).4. The blowing agent of wherein said first fluoroalkene comprises trans-1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,trifluoro claim 2 ,3-chloro-propene (transHFCO-1233zd).5. The blowing agent of wherein said first fluoroalkene comprises cis-1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,1 claim 2 ,trifluoro claim 2 ,3-chloro-propene (cisHFCO-1233zd).6. The blowing agent of wherein said at least one additional component comprises from about 50% to about 85% by weight of at least one hydrocarbon selected from the group consisting of iso-pentane claim 3 , normal-pentane claim 3 , cyclo-pentane claim 3 , butane and iso-butane and combinations of these.7. The blowing agent of wherein said HFCO-1233zd is present in the composition in an amount of from about 20% by weight to about 90% by weight of the composition claim 3 , and wherein said at least one additional component comprises from about 50% to about 85% by weight of at least one hydrocarbon selected from the group consisting of iso-pentane claim 3 , normal-pentane claim 3 , cyclo-pentane claim 3 , butane and iso-butane and combinations of these.8. The blowing agent of wherein said at least one additional component comprises 2-ethyl-1-hexanol.9. The blowing agent of wherein said at least one additional component comprises trans-1 claim 3 ,2 dicchloroethylene.10. The blowing agent of wherein said at least one additional component comprises dimethoxymethane.11. The blowing agent of wherein said HFCO-1233zd is present in the composition in an amount of from about 5% by ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158985A1

The present invention discloses a method for extracting cinnamon oil; firstly, a cinnamon powder is mixed and conditioned with an aqueous solution of sodium salts, and the conditioned cinnamon powder is obtained thereafter; subsequently, the conditioned cinnamon powder obtained was frozen and then rapidly thawed, and the thawed cinnamon powder is obtained thereafter; finally, after the thawed cinnamon powder is mixed with a gaseous solvent, pressurized liquid extraction is performed, and then after separation the cinnamon oil is obtained. The method for extracting cinnamon oil from cinnamon at a low temperature adds an aqueous solution of sodium salts to condition the cinnamon powder, uses a slow freezing process and a rapid thawing process, and finally uses a gaseous solvent, which may gasify without heating to be separated from the extract; the extraction process is kept away from air, and the heat-sensitive components are not damaged. 1. A method for extracting cinnamon oil , comprising the steps of:A) mixing and conditioning a cinnamon powder with an aqueous solution of sodium salts, and obtaining the conditioned cinnamon powder thereafter;B) freezing and then rapidly thawing the conditioned cinnamon powder obtained in the above step, and obtaining the thawed cinnamon powder thereafter; andC) after mixing the thawed cinnamon powder with a gaseous solvent, carrying out pressurized liquid extraction, and then after separation obtaining the cinnamon oil.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cinnamon powder has a particles diameters of 40˜80 mesh.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution of sodium salts includes aqueous solutions of sodium chloride and/or sodium bicarbonate;the aqueous solution of sodium salts has a concentration of 1%˜12%, and the mass ratio of the aqueous solution of sodium salts to the cinnamon powder is 5%˜15%.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the conditioning is sealing and resting; the conditioning ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158986A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

The present invention relates to a process for continuous extraction of an aqueous and/or fat-containing liquid phase F comprising aroma chemicals with a gas G in the liquid or supercritical state. 1. Process for continuous extraction of an aqueous and/or fat-containing liquid phase Fcomprising aroma chemicals with a gas Gin the liquid or supercritical state , wherein{'sub': F1', '1', 'G1', '1', '1', 'F1', 'G1, '(a) a continuous stream Sof Fis mixed with a continuous stream Sof Gin cocurrent to obtain a continuous stream Sof a mixture of Sand S;'}{'sub': 1', 'I', 'A, '(b) the stream Sobtained in step (a) is continuously passed through a tube R having an internal surface Oand an external surface O;'}{'sub': 1', 'I', '1', 'F1', 'G1, 'wherein Scontacts the internal surface Oof the tube R and whereby in Sduring traversal of the tube R the aroma chemicals comprised by Sare at least partly extracted into S,'}{'sub': 1', '1', '2', 'F2', '2', 'F1', 'G2', '2', 'G1, 'whereby after Shas traversed the tube R and once Shas exited the tube R a continuous stream Sof a mixture of a continuous stream Scomposed of liquid phase Fdepleted in aroma chemicals compared to Sand of a continuous stream Scomposed of liquid and/or supercritical gas Genriched in aroma chemicals compared to Sis obtained,'}characterized in that{'sub': 2', 'A', '2', '1, '(c) at least a portion of the stream Sat least partly contacts the external surface Oof the tube R so that a heat exchange takes place between Sand S.'}2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein in a step (d) the Spresent in Sis continuously separated from the Spresent in S.3. Process according to claim 1 , wherein Fis a fat or oil of vegetable or animal origin comprising aroma chemicals.4. Process according to claim 3 , wherein Fis selected from peanut oil claim 3 , hazelnut oil claim 3 , coconut oil.5. Process according to claim 1 , wherein Fis a fruit aroma comprising an aqueous solution.6. Process according to claim 5 , wherein the fruit aroma ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220305401A1

The present in relates to methods and uses for preparing biological extracts using Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) as hydrotropic agents, methods for purifying biological extracts formed using Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) as hydrotropic agents, the biological extractions obtained using the methods and uses and the use of the biological extracts, such as in food-stuffs, flavours and fragrances, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutraceuticals and supplements, such as food supplements and sports supplements. 1. A method for providing a solid biological extract comprising:i) mixing biological material with an extraction solution comprising water and a Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES);ii) removing any undissolved biological material from the solution obtained in (i);iii) obtaining a flocculate and/or precipitate by adding water to and/or cooling the solution obtained in step (ii);iv) collecting the resulting solid material obtained in step (iii) from the solution; andv) optionally drying the solid material obtained in step (iv).2. The method for providing the solid biological extract of :wherein the extraction solution of step i) is free of water.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solid biological extract comprises at least 2% by weight of lipophilic claim 1 , hydrophobic claim 1 , oil soluble and/or non-water-soluble compounds.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the lipophilic claim 3 , hydrophobic claim 3 , oil soluble and/or non-water-soluble compounds comprise one or more of phenolic compounds including phenolic acids claim 3 , phenolic esters claim 3 , phenolic diterpenes claim 3 , flavonoids claim 3 , secoiridoids claim 3 , curcuminoids claim 3 , bixin claim 3 , capsaicinoids claim 3 , cannabinoids claim 3 , pyranoanthocyanins claim 3 , stilbenes claim 3 , phenolic alcohols claim 3 , phenolic lipids claim 3 , sylimarins claim 3 , alkaloids claim 3 , lipids claim 3 , phenylpropanoids claim 3 , coumarin claim 3 , organic acids claim 3 , terpenoids including ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200157464A1

Suggested is a method for the extraction of fragrances from natural starting material consisting of the following steps: (a) providing a sample of the natural starting material in a pressure proof sample container; (b) bringing in the sample in contact with liquefied petroleum gas of propane and/or butane gas, preferably; (c) extracting the fragrances from the natural starting material provided in step (b); (d) venting of the pressure proof sample container, while the liquefied petroleum gas is evaporated and the fragrances is maintained as residue in the container; and optionally (e) dissolving the fragrances in a suitable solvent. 1. A method for the extraction of fragrances from natural starting material comprising the following steps:(a) providing a sample of the natural starting material in a pressure proof sample container;(b) bringing in the sample in contact with liquefied petroleum gas of propane and/or butane gas, preferably;(c) extracting the fragrances from the natural starting material provided in step (b);(d) venting of the pressure proof sample container, while the liquefied petroleum gas is evaporated and the fragrances is maintained as residue in the container; and optionally(e) dissolving the fragrances in a suitable solvent.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (b) is conducted at a temperature of from about 5° C. to about 70° C. and/or a pressure of from about 0.5 bar to about 10 bar.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the natural starting material is selected from the group consisting of a whole plant claim 1 , leaves claim 1 , blossoms claim 1 , stems claim 1 , seeds claim 1 , bark claim 1 , wood claim 1 , resins claim 1 , petals claim 1 , stamen claim 1 , pollen claim 1 , fruits claim 1 , root or a shoot of the plant claim 1 , parts of fruits or blossoms and mixtures thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said natural starting material is put into a sachet before the extraction (step c).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said solvent is ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160177223A1

A method for extracting an essence or perfume oil from pistachio hulls, the method comprises separating the pistachio green hulls or velvet hulls from pistachio nuts using an industrial separator and subjecting the hulls to an extraction method, which causes release of the essence from essence containing glands, wherein the essence mixes with steam forming vapors. The method further comprises distilling the vapors to form a liquid comprising the essence mixed with an aqueous component and separating the essence from the aqueous component. Compositions and methods for extracting perfume oil from pistachio hulls are described. 1. A method for extracting an essence from pistachio hulls , said method comprising:transferring pistachio hulls to a container filled with water and a lid of the container filled with cold water;disrupting the essence containing glands of the pistachio hulls by heat treatment, wherein steam is produced by boiling water and used to extract the essence released from the glands;distilling the essence mixed with the steam followed by cooling to produce a liquid; andrecovering the essence by separating an aqueous component from the liquid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pistachio hulls comprise pistachio green hull or pistachio velvet hull.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous component comprises aromatic water.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the essence comprises perfume oil or essential oil.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the essence comprises at least three or more of DL-limonene claim 1 , alpha phellandrene claim 1 , alpha thujene claim 1 , alpha pinene claim 1 , alpha terpinolene claim 1 , delta 3-carene claim 1 , beta myrcene claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol claim 1 , camphene claim 1 , beta pinene claim 1 , gamma terpinene claim 1 , 3-cyclohexen-1-ol claim 1 , alpha terpinene claim 1 , sabinene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,6-octatriene claim 1 , (+)-4-carene claim 1 , (+)-2-carene and 2- ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171111A1
Автор: JUNG Jong Moon

An antibacterial essential oil includes 100 parts by weight of a extract, 30 to 70 parts by weight of an extract, 30 to 70 parts by weight of oil, and 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract. Additionally, the antibacterial essential oil includes 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract, and 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract, 10 to 40 parts by weight of a Salicornict herhacea extract, and 10 to 40 parts by weight of a licorice extract. Further, the antibacterial essential oil includes 10 to 40 parts by weight of an lcwixt tea extract, 10 to 40 parts by weight of a jujube extract, 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract, and 10 to 40 parts by weight of a obtuse extract. 1. A method for preparing an antibacterial essential oil , the method comprising:{'i': Juniperus chinensis', 'Aquilaria agallocha, Dendropanax nwrbifera, Chamaecyparis obtusa, Portulaca oleracea', 'Houttuynia cordata, Salicornia herbacea, Arctium lappa', 'Paeonia japonica, Camellia japonica, 'a washing step of washing leaf and stem, leaf, , jujube, seed, leaf or bud, and licorice;'}{'i': Aquilaria agallocha, Dendropanax morbifera', 'Chamaecyparis obtusa', 'Juniperus chinensis', 'Portulaca oleracea', 'Houttuynia cordata, Salicornia herbacea, Arctium lappa', 'Paeonia japonica, Camellia japonica, 'after the washing step, a crushing step of crushing the washed and into chips, and crushing the washed leaf and stem, leaf, , jujube, seed, leaf or bud, and licorice into powder;'}{'i': Aquilaria agallocha, Dendropanax morbifera', 'Chamaecyparis obtusa, 'after the crushing step, a first extraction step of placing the crushed and in extraction tanks, respectively, supplying steam to the extraction tanks, and liquefying steam, discharged from the extraction tanks, in condensers, thereby preparing extracts;'}{'i': Juniperus chinensis', 'Portulaca oleracea', 'Houttuynia cordata, Salicornia herbacea, Arctium lappa', 'Paeonia japonica', 'Camellia japonica, 'a second extraction step of placing the crushed leaf and stem, ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190184310A1

Methods for recovering solvent from biomass are disclosed herein. In one example, the method can include exerting pressure on wetted plant material to force liquid solvent from the plant matter so the solvent can be collected for reuse. The method can also include flowing pressurized gas through the wetted plant matter, thereby forcing liquid solvent from the plant material so the solvent can be collected for reuse. 1. A method for recovering solvent from biomass , the method comprising:providing a flexible receptacle containing biomass and liquid solvent;placing the flexible receptacle containing biomass and liquid solvent into a biomass receptacle, the biomass receptacle comprising a plurality of openings;pressing the flexible receptacle against the biomass receptacle, thereby causing at least a portion of the liquid solvent to exit the flexible receptacle and flow through the plurality of openings in the biomass receptacle; andflowing gas through the flexible receptacle containing biomass and liquid solvent to force at least a portion of the liquid solvent to exit the flexible receptacle and flow through the plurality of openings in the biomass receptacle where it can be recovered.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein flowing gas through the flexible receptacle comprises delivering gas at a pressure of 5-100 claim 1 , 10-50 claim 1 , 15-25 claim 1 , or 20 psi proximate a top surface of the flexible receptacle.3. The method of claim 1 , flowing gas through the flexible receptacle comprises delivering gas at a first pressure for a first predetermined duration and delivering gas at a second pressure for a second predetermined duration.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first pressure is 10-30 psi claim 3 , and the second pressure is 50-100 psi.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first predetermined duration is 0.5-3 minutes claim 3 , and the second predetermined duration is 0.5-3 minutes.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas is selected from a group ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160201009A1
Автор: Lopez Aurelio

The invention provides a method for extracting oil from a starting plant material. The method includes passing a solvent through the plant material to obtain a first extract; allowing the first extract to reside in a pre-set temperature bath for a predetermined time to precipitate the impurities; filtering the precipitated impurities to obtain a second extract; and separating the solvent from the second extract to obtain a pure oil. An integrated oil extraction apparatus is provided. The apparatus includes an extraction chamber having an upper end and a lower end, a collection chamber and a de-wax chamber sandwiched between the extraction chamber and the collection chamber. 1. A method for extracting oil from a starting plant material , the method comprising;passing a solvent through the plant material to obtain a first extract;allowing the first extract to reside in a pre-set temperature bath for a predetermined time to precipitate impurities from said first extract;filtering the precipitated impurities to obtain a second extract; and converting the solvent from a liquid phase to a vapor phase;', 'collecting the solvent in the vapor phase along a temperature gradient; and', 'reconverting the recovered solvent from the vapor phase to the liquid phase., 'separating the solvent from the second extract to obtain a pure oil, the separating step further comprising2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oil is selected from the group consisting of an herbal oil claim 1 , an essential oil and a medicinal oil.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plant material is selected from the group consisting of cannabis claim 1 , hops claim 1 , orange peel claim 1 , lavender claim 1 , and jasmine.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is passed through the plant material in liquid phase.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is butane.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature bath is prepared by packing ice or dry ice.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150209688A1

Apparatuses, systems, methods, and computer program products are disclosed for extracting essential oil from plant material. A distillation chamber is coupleable in fluid receiving communication with a steam source via a first valve and the distillation chamber has a first temperature sensor and a vapor outlet. Steam from a steam source and essential oil vapor operably exit a distillation chamber through a vapor outlet. A condenser is in fluid receiving communication with a vapor outlet of a distillation chamber and steam and essential oil vapor are condensed in the condenser to form liquid water and essential oil product, respectively, that operably exit through a liquid outlet. A controller is configured to control a first valve based on readings from a first temperature sensor. 1. A system for distilling essential oils , the system comprising:a distillation chamber for extracting essential oil from plant material, wherein the distillation chamber is coupleable in fluid receiving communication with a steam source via a first valve, the distillation chamber comprising a first temperature sensor and a vapor outlet, wherein the steam and essential oil vapor operably exit the distillation chamber through the vapor outlet;a condenser for condensing vapors, wherein the condenser is in fluid receiving communication with the vapor outlet of the distillation chamber, wherein the steam and the essential oil vapor are condensed to form liquid water and essential oil product, respectively, that operably exit through a liquid outlet; anda controller comprising an extraction module, wherein the extraction module is configured to control the first valve based on readings from the first temperature sensor.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the condenser comprises a coolant inlet claim 1 , a coolant outlet claim 1 , and a liquid outlet claim 1 , wherein the coolant inlet comprises a second valve claim 1 , the liquid outlet comprises a second temperature sensor claim 1 , and the ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Selective Extraction of Cannabinoids, Pigments, and Lipids from Plant Matter

Номер: US20200188812A1
Автор: Galyuk Yevgeniy

A system, machine, and methods for selectively extracting chemicals from plant material without co-extracting chlorophyll, lipids and other undesirable constituents from plants, is described here. Extraction uses super-cooled solvents, such as 100% ethanol. The system and method provides plant extracts that are enriched in active compounds, and depleted in chlorophyll. 1cannabiscannabis. A method for processing plant matter , wherein the method produces a extract , andwherein the method comprises exposing the plant matter to an ethanolic solvent that is initially at a predetermined temperature of zero degrees C. or less,wherein the exposing takes place in a vessel, and where a result of the exposing is a mixture of the plant matter and the ethanolic solvent, where the temperature of this mixture is at essentially the same temperature of said predetermined temperature zero degrees C. or less, andwherein mixture comprises a suspension of plant matter and the ethanolic solution, wherein the method includes the steps of:{'i': cannabis', 'cannabis, '(a) Exposing the plant matter to the ethanolic solvent, wherein the exposing produces a suspension of the plant matter in the ethanolic solvent,'}(b) Maintaining the exposing of the plant matter to the ethanolic solvent, wherein the maintaining is for a predetermined time that is optionally ten minutes, and wherein the exposing results in an extracted plant matter residue and also results in an extract that takes the form of the ethanolic solvent with extracted substances.(c) Separating the extract from the extracted plant matter residue, wherein the extract is optionally maintained at essentially the same temperature of said predetermined zero degrees C. or less, and,(d) Drying the extract to produce a dried extract, and wherein the step of drying removes the ethanol, and also removes the water, if there was any water.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method comprises:(a) Exposing the plant matter to an ethanolic ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Essential oil of sweet marjoram, composition comprising it, cosmetic treatment method and use

Номер: US20150216791A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

The present invention relates to a novel essential oil of sweet marjoram, to the cosmetic or pharmaceutical compositions comprising it, and also to a cosmetic treatment method employing it and to its cosmetic use as anti-dandruff agent.

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180214792A1
Автор: Balass Moshe

The present invention is directed to a modular distillation system incorporating a removable capsule for containing source material for extraction. Through the action of the invention, the steam distillation process described herein produces a substantially larger amount of volatile oil than a distillation system that does not use an enclosed, modular system. The present invention provides for an apparatus that allows for greater contact between the steam and plant matter during the distillation process through the use of a closed removable capsule containing relatively small amount of plant matter. Additionally, the present invention is directed to a system that allows the generation of higher quality distillate and considerably higher quantity of volatile oil extracts by forcing the steam to evenly disperse through a removable capsule, and by preventing the condensed liquid to return back to the boiling water within the vessel. 130-. (canceled)31. A method for extracting volatile oils and hydrodistillate from organic matter , the method including the steps of:generating a vapor from a liquid that is stored in a vessel; 'a peripheral liquid collecting channel portion which surrounds the inlet port and is formed along a peripheral edge of a bottom floor of the detachable material container; and', 'directing the vapor through a detachable capsule configured to hold organic matter to form an infused vapor, wherein the detachable material container includesa plurality of step-sector elements integral to the bottom floor of the detachable material container and elevated therefrom, wherein each step-sector element includes a plurality of holes passing through a top surface of the step-sector elements and at least one side surface thereof;condensing the infused vapor after it has passed through the capsule;separating volatile oil from other constituents of the condensed hydrodistillate in a separating chamber; andcollecting the oil at a first collection area that is ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208076A1
Автор: Emo Jayson

An organic based extraction system is described. Embodiments of the extraction system include a first vessel, a second vessel, a third vessel, a pump, and a plurality of sight lenses. Generally, each of the vessels and the pump can be set up to form a closed loop system adapted to recover and reuse a solvent. A fluid flow from the first vessel to the second vessel, from the second vessel to the third vessel, from the third vessel to the pump, and from the pump back to the first vessel can be implemented. Typically, an extract from organic matter can be recovered in the third vessel. In one embodiment, the plurality of sight lenses can be implemented to determine if more solvent is needed and to check the extract while an extraction process is running. 1. A method of using an extraction system having a first vessel , a second vessel , and a third vessel , the method comprising:providing the extraction system, wherein the extraction system includes a plurality of sight lenses;filling the first vessel with a solvent;filling the second vessel with organic matter;transferring the solvent from the first vessel to the second vessel causing the solvent to interact with the organic matter and create a mixture;checking the mixture between the second vessel and the third vessel through one of the plurality of sight lenses, wherein the mixture comprises the solvent and an extract;checking the extract in the third vessel through one of the plurality of sight lenses; andrecovering the extract from the third vessel.2. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of:determining whether to transfer more solvent from the first vessel to the second vessel based on checking the mixture.3. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of:shining a light through one of the plurality of sight lenses when checking the extract.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is butane.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the organic matter is cannabis.6. The method of claim 1 , ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208077A1
Автор: Roberts Donald D.

A hybrid mint plant characterized by an essential oil composition profile, methods of cultivating the hybrid mint plant, and methods of producing an essential oil composition with the essential oil composition profile using the hybrid mint plant are disclosed. 1. A method of producing an essential oil , the method comprising extracting the essential oil from a hybrid mint plant known as 13-S12-2 , wherein the essential oil comprises an essential oil profile selected from the group consisting of:a. 1-carvone and d-limonene and wherein the weight ratio of 1-carvone to d-limonene ranges from about 0.83:1 to about 1.25:1;b. from about 25% mass to about 38% mass of 1-carvone, from about 24% mass to about 37% mass of d-limonene, from about 1.9% mass to about 2.9% mass of 3-octonol, from about 2.4% mass to about 3.6% mass of dihydrocarvone, from about 1.0% mass to about 1.6% mass of menthone, and less than about 1% of 1,8-cineole;c. from about 28% mass to about 35% mass of 1-carvone, from about 27% mass to about 33% mass of d-limonene, from about 2.1% mass to about 2.7% mass of 3-octonol, from about 2.7% mass to about 3.3% mass of dihydrocarvone, from about 1.1% mass to about 1.5% mass of menthone, and less than about 1% of 1,8-cineole;d. from about 30% mass to about 33% mass of 1-carvone, from about 29% mass to about 32% mass of d-limonene, from about 2.3% mass to about 2.5% mass of 3-octonol, from about 2.8% mass to about 3.1% mass of dihydrocarvone, from about 1.2% mass to about 1.4% mass of menthone, and less than about 1% of 1,8-cineole; ande. about 31.5% mass of 1-carvone, about 30.3% mass of d-limonene, about 2.4% mass of 3-octonol, about 3% mass of dihydrocarvone, about 1.3% mass of menthone, and less than about 1% of 1,8-cineole.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the essential oil is extracted from at least one part of the hybrid mint plant or any portion thereof claim 1 , the at least one part of the hybrid mint plant selected from the group consisting of a leaf ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190218476A1

A perfume composition providing differentiated odour depending on the assessment conditions is provided. The perfume composition includes a) less than 20% by weight of perfumery ingredients having an equilibrium headspace concentration (HS) between 151 and 900 microgram/l at 25° C., b) at least 35% by weight of perfumery ingredients having a HS higher than 900 microgram/l at 25° C. and b) 25% by weight of perfumery ingredients having a HS lower than or equal to 150 microgram/l at 25° C. The perfume composition reduces consumer perfume habituation to said perfume product. 1. A fragrance composition , characterized in that:a) less than 20% by weight of the fragrance composition comprises perfumery ingredients having an equilibrium headspace concentration between 151 and 900 microgram/l at 25° C., defined as Group A ingredients; andb) at least 40% by weight of the fragrance composition comprises perfumery ingredients having equilibrium headspace concentration higher than 900 microgram/l at 25° C., defined as Group B ingredients; andc) more than 25% by weight, of the fragrance composition comprises perfumery ingredients having a equilibrium headspace concentration lower than or equal to about 150 microgram/l at 25° C., defined as Group C ingredients;wherein the percent (%) by weight refers to the total amount of perfume ingredients contained in said composition.2. The fragrance composition according to claim 1 , wherein more than 15% by weight of perfumery ingredients are Group B ingredients are perceivable during the wet stage of application; and wherein more than 15% by weight of the perfumery ingredients are Group C ingredients are perceivable during the dry stage of application.3. The fragrance composition according to claim 2 , wherein the more than 15% by weight of Group B ingredients that are perceivable during the wet stage of application; and the more than 15% by weight of the Group C ingredients that are perceivable during the dry stage of application have ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Multi-function distiller

Номер: US20200215453A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-functional distiller for separating target compounds from a base material. The distiller has a basket, boiling tank, and sealable cap. The basket has at least one selectively sealable port for holding the base material. The boiling tank is adapted for containing a solvent, and the basket is attachable above the solvent. The sealable cap may be removeably attachable to the boiling tank to provide a sealed chamber. The sealable cap can be fitted with multiple condensers. One possible condenser is positionable exterior to the boiling tank and functions to condense vapors produced by the boiling tank. A second such condenser is an inverted condenser which is positionable interior to the tank so as to condense vapors produced by the boiling tank and cause the condensate to drip through the base material.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Process and System for Enhancing Recovery of Essential Oil

Номер: US20200216776A1
Принадлежит: Tropicana Products Inc

A process and system to extract essential oil from a material is described. The process includes expressing the essential oil into water to form a fluid mixture that contains essential oil, an essential oil-water emulsion, and water; heating the fluid mixture to destabilize the essential oil-water emulsion and separating the heated fluid mixture into a waste mixture and a product fluid mixture, where the concentration of essential oil in the product fluid mixture is greater than the concentration of essential oil in the fluid mixture.

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Concentration system and method

Номер: US20140323787A1
Автор: Steve Carl
Принадлежит: Individual

A concentration system and method is disclosed. An example concentration system includes at least two material tubes configured to receive organic material. The example concentration system also includes a collection tank connected to at least one material tube at a time. The example concentration system also includes a recovery unit connected to the collection tank. The example concentration system also includes a solvent charging tank connected to the recovery unit. Under heat and pressure, an extraction from the organic material in the at least one material tube is removed and the solvent is converted into a gaseous state for collection as a liquid solvent in the solvent charging tank.

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180230400A1
Автор: Marriott Raymond

A method for extracting successively essential oil, incensole derivatives and boswellic acids from frankincense resin. 1. A method for sequentially extracting essential oil , incensole derivatives and boswellic acid from frankincense resin , said method comprising:a) grinding the frankincense resin;b) separating a first fraction of essential oil with liquid carbon dioxide at a first temperature ranging between 0° C. and 30° C. and a first pressure ranging between 40 bars and 73.8 bars or with mild supercritical carbon dioxide, and with a first flow rate ranging between 10 g and 400 g/kg ground material/min until no further essential oil can be recovered or the extract yield falls below 0.1% of starting mass per hour;c) retrieving essential oil from the separator;d) separating a second fraction of incensole derivatives with supercritical carbon dioxide at a second temperature ranging between 31° C. and 100° C. and a second pressure of at least 72.8 bars and a second flow rate ranging between 10 g and 400 g/kg ground material/min until no further incensole or its derivatives can be recovered or the extract yield falls below 0.1% of starting mass per hour;e) retrieving incensole derivatives from the separator;f) optionally, continuing the separation process with supercritical carbon dioxide at other sets of increasing temperature and/or pressure until further desired fractions are separated;{'sub': '2', 'g) separating a further fraction of boswellic acid with supercritical carbon dioxide at a temperature of at least 31° C. and a pressure of at least 72.8 bars and a flow rate ranging between 10 g and 400 g/kg ground material/min using a co-solvent at a level ranging between 0.05 vol % and 50.0 vol % of the COflowrate until complete separation of boswellic acids is achieved or it is determined that no further materials can be extracted or the extract yield falls below 0.1% of starting mass per hour;'}h) retrieving boswellic acid from the separator and removing the co- ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200237840A1

A plant extract can be produced from a plant material, such as a cannabis plant material, via an ambient temperature distillation followed by a cold trap condensation. The cold trap apparatus has at least one sealable chamber under vacuum connected to a condenser for extracting chemical compositions at an unelevated temperature from a plant material. Desirable chemicals can be volatilized under negative pressure at low temperatures utilizing the cold trap system described herein. 1. A method of producing an extract from cannabis , the method comprising:(a) placing the cannabis in a compartment at a temperature of less than about 35° C.;(b) applying positive or negative pressure to the compartment to volatilize one or more chemical compounds contained in the cannabis at a temperature of less than about 35° C.;(c) transporting the one or more volatilized chemical compounds via a conduit to a condenser comprising at least one sealable chamber;(d) condensing the one or more volatilized chemical compounds in the condenser to form the extract; and(e) collecting the extract from the condenser.2. The method of claim 1 , where a vacuum apparatus is used to apply negative pressure to the compartment.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , where prior to step (a) claim 1 , the cannabis was subjected to one or more solvent extractions claim 1 , supercritical fluid extractions claim 1 , fractional supercritical fluid extractions claim 1 , sub-critical fluid extractions claim 1 , fractional sub-critical fluid extractions claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The method of claim 5 , where the solvent or fluid comprises (i) a polar protic solvent system claim 5 , (ii) a polar aprotic solvent system claim 5 , (iii) a nonpolar protic solvent system claim 5 , (iv) a nonpolar aprotic solvent system claim 5 , or (v) a combination thereof.7. The method of claim 5 , where the solvent or fluid comprises carbon dioxide claim 5 , hydrogen claim 5 , neon claim 5 , nitrogen claim ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180253534A1
Принадлежит: Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd.

An odorant mixture is disclosed. The odorant mixture comprises N odorant components wherein N equals at least 20. Each odorant component is characterized by a multidimensional vector of attributes. A z score of an average of characteristic distances between vectors corresponding to odorant components in the mixture and vectors corresponding to odorant components in a group of M odorant components but not in the mixture is less than 2. 1. A method of determining an ability of an odorant mixture having N odorant components to mask other odors , the method being executable by a data processor and comprising:accessing a database having a group of M odorant components;for each odorant component, obtaining a multidimensional vector of attributes, thereby providing a plurality of multidimensional vectors;calculating a z score of an average of characteristic distances between vectors corresponding to odorant components in the mixture and vectors corresponding to odorant components in said group of M odorant components but not in the mixture;determining the ability of the odorant mixture to mask other odors based on said calculated z score; andgenerating an output pertaining to said determined ability.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each characteristic distance is defined as a minimum distance between a vector corresponding to odorant components in the mixture and a vector corresponding to an odorant component in said group of M odorant components but not in the mixture.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein M is at least equal to N.4. The method according claim 1 , wherein each of said multidimensional vectors has at least 50 dimensions.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each of said multidimensional vectors has at least 100 dimensions.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each of said multidimensional vectors has at least 1000 dimensions.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein N equals at least 30.8. The method according to claim 1 ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200246719A1
Автор: McGhee David
Принадлежит: Gene Pool Technologies, Inc.

The disclosed embodiments include systems and methods for the solvent extraction of a substance from a material. The disclosed systems include multiple tanks and an extraction chamber in communication with the tanks. Solvent transport is accomplished by heating and/or cooling selected tanks to cause the solvent to be transported between tanks. 1. An extraction system for extracting compounds from an oil-bearing plant material , the extraction system comprising:a first tank adapted to store a solvent and defining a solvent outlet for providing a liquid solvent;a second tank defining a solvent-oil mixture inlet that is arranged for receiving a solvent-oil mixture from an extraction column and a first mechanical coupling feature;the extraction column defining a hollow expanse that is adapted to hold the oil-bearing plant material and a second mechanical coupling feature, wherein the extraction column further defines a fluid inlet operably coupled with the solvent outlet and a fluid outlet operably coupled with the solvent-oil mixture inlet, the extraction column arranged above the second tank such that the fluid outlet is arranged above the solvent-oil mixture inlet and the second tank mechanically supports the extraction column via a direct or indirect mechanical coupling of the first and second mechanical coupling features; anda first thermal element in thermal communication with the second tank, said first thermal element arranged to at least heat the second tank for at least evaporating the solvent from the solvent-solute mixture and transporting vapor-phase solvent outside the second tank.2. The system of claim 1 , with the extraction column arranged completely within a footprint of the second tank.3. The system of claim 1 , with the extraction column arranged above the second tank such that the fluid outlet is arranged directly above the solvent-oil mixture inlet.4. The system of claim 1 , with the system further comprising at least a first valve arranged ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Device For Extracting Volatile Oils Contained In Organic Raw Material Via Steam Stripping And Internal Distillation Method

Номер: US20190255458A1

The present patent application relates to a compact device with a modular design, and to a method for extracting volatile oils and herbal distillates contained in organic matter, using the extraction technique of steam distillation. The device is formed by a lower cylindrical module on top of which an upper hemispherical module or lid may be disposed, and both modules may be secured to form a single hermetic body. The lower module may contain a hot-water boiler, a heat conducting disc, a steam-heating chamber, an oven of raw material, and a valve for regulating the steam flow. The upper module may contain a conical steam condenser, a ring for collecting distilled liquid, and a tube for removing the distilled liquid. The distillation method of internal distillation may integrate, in a single physical body, a semi-closed steam flow circuit that may include all the functions of distillation. 116-. (canceled)171112313453454142231. Modular steam distillation device for the extraction of volatile substances contained in raw materials of organic or inorganic nature , the upper module of said device disposes a double-walled condenser cover (B) that allows the circulation of cold water inside of it , the lower module of said device is installed over a stove and is CHARACTERIZED in that it includes three concentric cylindrical vessels arranged successively one inside the other , in such a way that the space between the external vessel and the intermediate vessel forms the boiler (A) , in the center of the bottom of said boiler (A) there is a solid heat conducting disk (A) that conducts heat from said kitchen to the base of said chamber (A) across the boiler (A) , the space comprised between the intermediate vessel and the internal vessel forms a chamber (A) of steam over-heating , and the space of the internal vessel forms an oven (A) for installation of solid raw material to distill , the device has an open valve (A) with internal profile in the form of venturi type tube for ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170266584A1
Автор: STEELE Casey

A system and method of extracting essential oils from plant material through the use of a low pressure alcohol-based closed system that includes a solvent chamber connected to a material column that in turn is connected to a recovery chamber. Plant material in the material column and the solvent in the solvent chamber are cooled using a cooling liquid, such as nitrogen. A vacuum pump connected to the recovery chamber creates a vacuum in the recovery chamber to draw the cooled solvent through the cooled plant material and extract essential oils, which are collected in the recovery chamber.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190256798A1
Автор: Roberts Donald D.

A hybrid mint plant characterized by an essential oil composition profile, methods of cultivating the hybrid mint plant, and methods of producing an essential oil composition with the essential oil composition profile using the hybrid mint plant are disclosed. 115-. (canceled)16. An essential oil of the hybrid mint plant known as 13-S12-2 , the essential oil comprising an essential oil profile selected from the group consisting of:a. l-carvone and d-limonene and wherein the weight ratio of l-carvone to d-limonene ranges from about 0.83:1 to about 1.25:1;b. from about 25% mass to about 38% mass of l-carvone, from about 24% mass to about 37% mass of d-limonene, from about 1.9% mass to about 2.9% mass of 3-octonol, from about 2.4% mass to about 3.6% mass of dihydrocarvone, from about 1.0% mass to about 1.6% mass of menthone, and less than about 1% of 1,8-cineole;c. from about 28% mass to about 35% mass of l-carvone, from about 27% mass to about 33% mass of d-limonene, from about 2.1% mass to about 2.7% mass of 3-octonol, from about 2.7% mass to about 3.3% mass of dihydrocarvone, from about 1.1% mass to about 1.5% mass of menthone, and less than about 1% of 1,8-cineole;d. from about 30% mass to about 33% mass of l-carvone, from about 29% mass to about 32% mass of d-limonene, from about 2.3% mass to about 2.5% mass of 3-octonol, from about 2.8% mass to about 3.1% mass of dihydrocarvone, from about 1.2% mass to about 1.4% mass of menthone, and less than about 1% of 1,8-cineole; ande. about 31.5% mass of l-carvone, about 30.3% mass of d-limonene, about 2.4% mass of 3-octonol, about 3% mass of dihydrocarvone, about 1.3% mass of menthone, and less than about 1% of 1,8-cineole.1719-. (canceled)20. Use of the essential oil of in a preparation selected from the group consisting of cosmetic preparations claim 16 , flavor preparations claim 16 , pharmaceutical preparations claim 16 , food preparations claim 16 , air care products claim 16 , and fragrance preparations. This ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации

Mint Flavor Compositions

Номер: US20210337848A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Mint flavor compositions comprising certain mint flavor components provide a more cost-effective alternative to naturally derived mint oils.

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200255765A1
Принадлежит: Chenguang Biotech Group Co., Ltd.

A continuous distillation process comprises the following steps: putting a material into a multilayer distillation tower to enable the material to sequentially undergo preheating, extrusion pricking, steam distillation, meal roasting, drying and cooling treatment, condensing essential oil-containing steam, and carrying out water separation, so as to obtain an essential oil. 1. A continuous distillation process , characterized by comprising the following steps:putting a material into a multilayer distillation tower, and allowing the material to sequentially undergo preheating, pressing and pricking, steam distillation, meal roasting, drying, and cooling treatment to give essential oil-containing steam; and condensing the essential oil-containing steam, and carrying out water separation, so as to obtain an essential oil.2. A continuous distillation process according to claim 1 , wherein the material is subjected to pressing and pricking treatment during the transfer from a preheating section to a steam distillation section.3. A continuous distillation process according to claim 1 , wherein the water for generating the steam used in the steam distillation is subjected to deoxygenation treatment claim 1 , and the oxygen content is reduced to 0.2 mg/L or less.4. A continuous distillation process according to claim 1 , wherein the preheating and meal roasting are both carried out under a condition of introducing nitrogen gas claim 1 , the drying is performed using hot nitrogen gas claim 1 , and the essential oil-containing steam passes through an air heat exchanger to serve as a heat source for hot nitrogen gas.5. A continuous distillation process according to claim 1 , wherein the essential oil-containing steam is subjected to two-stage condensation and water separation to obtain an essential oil claim 1 , the temperature of the first stage condensation is 20° C. to 30° C. claim 1 , and the temperature of the second stage condensation is −10° C. to 5° C.6. A continuous ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200263109A1

A system for processing essential oils includes a mixing tank, three winterization vessels, three respective filtering vessels, a fine filtering vessel, a holding tank, an evaporator, an essential oil reservoir, a solvent reservoir, and a solvent filtering vessel. The evaporator can include a heat exchanger configured to heat a plate down which a mixture including the oils flows, to evaporate other components of the mixture. Fluids can be advanced through the system using a pressurized inert gas. 1. A system for separating oils from a solvent , comprising:an outer housing including an inner chamber, wherein a pressure within the inner chamber is less than 120 Torr;a plate located within the inner chamber, wherein a temperature of the plate is between 70 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit;a source of a mixture of the oils and the solvent, the source positioned to supply the mixture onto the plate;a surface exposed to the inner chamber, wherein a temperature of the surface is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit;a first collecting conduit positioned to receive the oils from the plate and carry the oils out of the outer housing; anda second collecting conduit positioned to receive the solvent from the surface and carry the solvent out of the outer housing.2. The system of wherein the surface is an inner surface of the outer housing.3. The system of wherein the mixture of the oils and the solvent is located on the plate and the oils are essential oils of cannabis plant material.4. A method of separating oils from a solvent claim 1 , comprising:drawing a vacuum within an inner chamber of an outer housing so that a pressure within the inner chamber of the outer housing is below 120 Torr;heating a plate located within the inner chamber of the outer housing to above a boiling temperature of the solvent at the pressure within the inner chamber;cooling an inner surface of the outer housing surface exposed to the inner chamber of the outer housing to below the boiling temperature of the ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180280458A1
Автор: JUNG Jong Moon

An antibacterial essential oil includes 100 parts by weight of a extract, 30 to 70 parts by weight of an extract, 30 to 70 parts by weight of oil, and 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract. Additionally, the antibacterial essential oil includes 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract, and 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract, 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract, and 10 to 40 parts by weight of a licorice extract. Further, the antibacterial essential oil includes 10 to 40 parts by weight of an tea extract, 10 to 40 parts by weight of a jujube extract, 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract, and 10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract. 1. An essential oil , comprising:{'i': 'Juniperus chinensis', '100 parts by weight of a extract;'}{'i': 'Aquilaria agallocha', '30 to 70 parts by weight of an extract;'}{'i': 'camellia', '30 to 70 parts by weight of a oil;'}{'i': 'Dendropanax morbifera', '10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract;'}{'i': 'Portulaca oleracea', '10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract;'}{'i': 'Houttuynia cordata', '10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract;'}{'i': 'Salicornia herbacea', '10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract;'}10 to 40 parts by weight of a licorice extract;{'i': 'Arctium lappa', '10 to 40 parts by weight of an tea extract;'}10 to 40 parts by weight of a jujube extract;{'i': 'Paeonia japonica', '10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract; and'}{'i': 'Chamaecyparis obtuse', '10 to 40 parts by weight of a extract.'}2Juniperus chinensisJuniperus chinensis.. The essential oil of claim 1 , wherein the extract is an extract from a leaf or stem of3camelliaCamellia japonica.. The essential oil of claim 1 , wherein the oil is an oil extracted from a seed claim 1 , leaf claim 1 , bud or fruit of4Portulaca oleraceaPortulaca oleracea.. The essential oil of claim 1 , wherein the extract is an extract from a leaf of5. The essential oil of claim 1 , wherein each of the extracts is prepared by extracting from a plant claim 1 , from which each extract is obtained claim 1 , ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Multi-Functional Distiller

Номер: US20180280828A1
Автор: Chess Fritz

Provided is a multi-functional apparatus that is able to isolate and collect organic compounds from plant material by way of steam distillation, organic solvent extraction, and oven purging and drying. The multi-functional apparatus is capable of being fitted with a variety of interchangeable condensers so as to accommodate the desired process. Among the organic compounds capable of being isolated and collected by way of the multi-functional apparatus are essential oils. Also provided is a botanical distillation and extraction apparatus which includes a main boiling chamber which is affixed with a selectively sealable cap. The selectively sealable cap is capable of being fitted with a variety of interchangeable condensers. The apparatus also includes a basket for holding plant matter that is attached to the boiling tank, a heating system, an optional vacuum system, and two distinctly unique condensers which may be interchangeably attached to the sealable cap according to the desired process. 2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the basket for holding plant material contains any number of perforations.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the condenser is affixed with a Coldfinger style condenser.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a vacuum pump is affixed to the condenser.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the catch basin is affixed with a series of drain valves for selectively draining the catch basin.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the boiling tank is further used for oven purging the extract.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the boiling tank is further used for drying the extract.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the perforations run approximately four inches up the side of the apparatus.10. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein there are two selectively sealable ports positioned on opposite sides of the apparatus.11. A method for extracting botanicals from plant material claim 8 , comprising the steps of: [ a basket for the holding of plant ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200277545A1
Автор: Herwig Mark

A system and method for extracting essential oils is provided. One embodiment comprises an extractor assembly with an extractor cover, an extractor container, and an extractor assembly base, wherein the extractor container is secured between the extractor cover and the extractor assembly base during an extraction process; a bowl cover assembly with a collection bowl, and a bowl cover assembly base, wherein the collection bowl is secured between the extractor assembly base and the bowl cover assembly base during the extraction process; and a canister compression holder assembly, wherein a cannister containing a solvent is secured within the canister compression holder assembly during the extraction process. A solvent that is released from the cannister passes into the extractor container that contains matter that is to have essential oils extracted therefrom. The extracted oils exits the extractor assembly base into the collection bowl that collects the solvent with the essential oils.

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Process for the fractionation of essential oils

Номер: US20170306262A1
Автор: Raymond MARRIOTT
Принадлежит: Sensient Flavors Ltd

A method for modifying the composition of essential oils to be used as such or as ingredients for flavour and fragrance formulations, the process using carbon dioxide and suitable solvents in combination with specific supports; Flavours and fragrances containing ingredients produced by the method and applications using the flavours and fragrances.

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160316802A1

Provided are a method that makes it possible to recover a fresh and favorable aroma component from a biological ingredient while reducing the yield of recovering an unfavorable aroma component, as well as an apparatus that can be used in said method. A favorable aroma component is easily, selectively and efficiently recovered from a biological ingredient, not only by recovering a distillate by a conventional steam distillation method, but also by causing that part of aroma component, which passes through as a gas without being condensed at a cooling step, to be recovered in a liquid by gas-liquid contact. 1. A method for recovering an aroma component from a biological ingredient , the method comprising the steps of:feeding steam to a container containing the biological ingredient to contact the steam with the biological ingredient;cooling the steam coming from the container containing the biological ingredient; anddirecting the cooled steam and a liquid generated by cooling to a liquid-containing container to recover the aroma component.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , before the step of feeding the steam to the container containing the biological ingredient claim 1 , the step of immersing part or all of the biological ingredient in an alcohol claim 1 , a hydrous alcohol claim 1 , or water inside and/or outside the container.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , before the step of feeding the steam to the container claim 2 , the step of immersing part or all of the surface of the biological ingredient in an alcohol claim 2 , a hydrous alcohol claim 2 , or water.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at the step of contacting the steam with the biological ingredient inside the container claim 1 , part or all of the surface of the biological ingredient is immersed by condensed water from the fed steam.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure inside the container is in the range of from ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Solvent-free methods and systems for extraction of phytochemicals from plants including plants of the cannabaceae

Номер: US20190299115A1
Автор: Frank A. LOPA
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and system of and for extraction or removal of phytochemicals from plants, including those of the plant family Cannabaceae. More specifically, a method and system for extracting essential oils from plants, such as cannabis, without the use of a solvent.

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Hydro distillation of aromatic plant based compounds

Номер: US20200298139A1
Автор: Stefan FITZER
Принадлежит: Individual

A water based distillation equipment includes a lower boiling vessel for containing plant material and water/steam, and having an open top portion; a heat source for heating the plant material within the lower boiling vessel; and a condenser mechanically connected to the lower boiling vessel so as to cover the open top portion of the lower boiling vessel; and a collection vessel connected to the distillation equipment. The inside walls of the condenser include gutters for collecting hydrolate and condensate within the distillation equipment, and the collection vessel is coupled to the gutters for receiving the collected condensate. The surface area of the condenser is at least about 1.5 times a surface area of the lower boiling vessel.

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200298141A1
Автор: McGhee David
Принадлежит: Gene Pool Technologies, Inc.

The disclosed embodiments include systems and methods for the solvent extraction of a substance from a material. The disclosed systems include multiple tanks and an extraction chamber in communication with the tanks. Solvent transport is accomplished by heating and/or cooling selected tanks to cause the solvent to be transported between tanks. 1. A method of operating an extraction system for extracting compounds from a compound-bearing material , the method comprising:transporting solvent from a first tank of the extraction system to an extraction column of the extraction system via a first fluid pathway arranged between the first tank, which holds the solvent, and the extraction column, which holds the compound-bearing material and is arranged downstream of the first tank, the transporting step comprising establishing or increasing a first temperature differential between an extraction system device and the first tank, the first temperature differential sufficient to bring the solvent in contact with the compound-bearing material, and the extraction system device in fluid communication with at least the first tank and extraction column and arranged downstream of at least the first tank and extraction column.2. The method of claim 1 , with the establishing or increasing the first temperature differential step comprising cooling the extraction system device to create a vacuum within the extraction system device.3. The method of claim 1 , with the extraction system device including a second tank of the extraction system and the establishing or increasing the first temperature differential step comprising cooling the second tank.4. The method of claim 1 , with the extraction system device including a collection tank and the establishing or increasing the first temperature differential step comprising cooling the collection tank of the extraction system.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transporting a solvent-extracted compound mixture from the extraction ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180305638A1
Автор: Bruening Reimar C

Fragrance ingredients are described, based on extraction or dilution of natural or synthetic raw materials, or blends thereof, with cosmetic-grade medium-chain hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon-ether solvents (“MCHEs”), comprising C8-C14 chains, straight or branched, of intermediate volatility, for the composition of fragrance concentrates, their manufacture, and embodiments of such concentrates in perfume blends, which can be directly used in household or cosmetic fragrances or for the scenting of personal care preparations, and which can be designated as “non-alcoholic” and—in case of the absence of synthetics—as “all-natural” or “nature-derived”. 1. A method of producing non-alcoholic , non-aqueous fragrance materials , fragrance compositions , or perfumes , with enhanced olfactory and esthetic characteristics , and which may be used either in the scenting of products comprising household products or room sprays , or applied directly to the human skin for uses comprising perfumes or scented emollients , either by themselves or as part of personal care products ,a) wherein said fragrance materials or fragrance compositions comprise extracts of fragrance raw materials of botanical, animal, mineral, or synthetic origin, orb) wherein said fragrance materials or fragrance compositions comprise extracts of prefabricated fragrance materials known to the art as “concretes”, “absolutes”, “resinoids”, “tinctures”, “macerates”, or “essential oils”, and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claims 1'}, 'b': '1', 'sub': 8', '14, 'c) wherein the materials described in a and b are produced by extraction with solvents comprising medium-chain (C-C) hydrocarbons, straight or branched, preferably of cosmetic grade, and of natural origin, such as “Coconut Hydrocarbons” (INGO, “Hemisqualane” (INCI), or'}{'b': '1', 'sub': 2', 'n', '2n+1', '2, 'd) wherein the materials described in claim a are produced by extraction with solvents comprising medium-chain hydrocarbon ethers of the general ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Methods to Reduce Chlorophyll Co-Extraction Through Extraction of Select Moieties Essential Oils and Aromatic Isolates

Номер: US20170312651A1
Автор: Galyuk Yevgeniy

A system, machines and methods for extracting select moieties, flavonoids, and essential oils from plant material without co-extracting chlorophyll, lipids and other undesirable constituents from plants. Super-cooled extraction techniques are taught. Likewise, according to embodiments methods provides 100% grain ethyl alcohol extract with a concentration of chlorophyll that is below 1%. 1. An improved system comprising a modular ultra low , cascade type refrigeration compressor system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ultra-low refrigeration compressor unit circulates Freon through a coil which lines an insulated compartment claim 1 , further comprising at least a refrigerated compartment capable of achieving temperatures between −1 C and −81 C.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the refrigerated compartment houses a vessel in which plant material is stored for extraction claim 2 , and wherein the refrigerated compartment houses a vessel which serves as an intermittent storage ballast for extract rich emulsion claim 2 , and the refrigerated compartment houses an inline filter strainer assembly.4. The system of wherein the filter housing assembly is in line with the evacuation plumbing of the system claim 3 , and wherein a 10 micron Nylon claim 3 , PE claim 3 , PP or stainless steel material filter bag is housed within the filter strainer assembly.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the refrigerated compartment houses at least four solvent storage containers.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the refrigerated compartment houses six solvent storage containers.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the solvent storage containers hold 1 gal claim 6 , 2 gal claim 6 , 3 gal claim 6 , 4 gal claim 6 , 5 gal claim 6 , or 6 gal.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the refrigerated compartment houses stainless steel plumbing and the plumbing connects all of the vessels within the refrigerated compartment.9. The system of claim 7 , wherein valves are positioned onto the plumbing. ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Adsorption system and method for operating an adsorption system

Номер: US20180317527A1
Принадлежит: Flavologic GmbH

The invention relates to an adsorption system ( 10 ) for accumulating flavoring substances, comprising at least one working chamber ( 12 ) in which at least one sorption agent is provided as a stationary phase and can be subjected to a flavoring substance-containing fluid which can be conducted through the working chamber as a mobile phase for attaching flavoring substances, wherein a ratio of an average cross-sectional thickness to the total length of the at least one working chamber ( 12 ) is at most 0.3. The invention also relates to a method for operating such an adsorption system ( 10 ).

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Solvent Extraction Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20170326472A1
Автор: McGhee David

The disclosed embodiments include systems and methods for the solvent extraction of a substance from a material. The disclosed systems include multiple tanks and an extraction chamber in communication with the tanks. Solvent transport is accomplished by heating and/or cooling selected tanks to cause the solvent to be transported between tanks. 1. An apparatus for extracting compounds from a compound-bearing material , comprising:a first tank adapted to deliver a solvent;a second tank adapted to receive the solvent;an extraction chamber defining a hollow expanse adapted to hold the compound-bearing material, wherein the extraction chamber comprises a fluid inlet in fluid communication with an outlet from the first tank; and wherein the extraction chamber comprises a fluid outlet in fluid communication with an inlet to the second tank;a recapture line providing a fluid pathway between the second tank and the first tank that does not extend through the extraction chamber; anda first thermal element in thermal communication with one of the first tank and the second tank, said first thermal element providing for the heating or cooling of one of the first tank or the second tank to evaporate the solvent and cause the solvent to be transported in a vapor phase from the second tank to the first tank.2. The apparatus of further comprising a second thermal element in thermal communication with the one of the first tank or the second tank not in thermal communication with the first thermal element.3. The apparatus of wherein the first thermal element comprises a fluid jacket.4. The apparatus of wherein the first and the second thermal elements comprise a fluid jacket.5. The apparatus of wherein the first thermal element is in thermal communication with the first tank and the first thermal element comprises a first combination heating and cooling element claim 1 , wherein the first combination heating and cooling element may selectively cause heating of the first tank to force ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170334820A1

The present invention relates to the use of 3,3′-dimethoxy-4,4′-dihydroxystilbene as an odorous substance, in particular for developing a vanilla odor under the action of light. Furthermore, the invention relates to a composition which contain 3,3′-dimethoxy-4,4′-dihydroxystilbene and additionally a carrier, fragrance compositions and/or an odorant material which contain said compound and a process for imparting or modifying an odor of compositions by adding said compound to these compositions. The invention additionally relates to a process for obtaining 3,3′-dimethoxy-4,4′-dihydroxystilbene from lignin-containing compositions. 115.-. (canceled)18. Use of the compound (I) claim 16 , as defined in for developing a vanilla odor under the action of light.19. Use as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the compound (I) is a component of a composition which additionally contains a carrier.20. Use as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the composition is selected from washing powders claim 19 , laundry conditioners claim 19 , cleansing agents claim 19 , fragrance-containing hygiene products claim 19 , fragrance dispensers and perfumes.21. Use as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the compound (I) is a component of a washing powder and/or a laundry conditioner.24. A method for obtaining 3 claim 19 ,3′-dimethoxy-4 claim 19 ,4′-dihydroxystilbene (I) from an aqueous claim 19 , alkaline lignin-containing composition claim 19 , characterized in that the aqueous claim 19 , basic lignin-containing composition claim 19 , which has optionally been treated with alkalis or oxidatively claim 19 , is treated with a solid adsorbent claim 19 , the adsorbent is separated from the aqueous claim 19 , alkaline lignin-containing composition and then for the obtention of the 3 claim 19 ,3′-dimethoxy-4 claim 19 ,4′-dihydroxystilbene (I) the adsorbent is treated with an eluent claim 19 , whereby a 3 claim 19 ,3′-dimethoxy-4 claim 19 ,4′-dihydroxystilbene-containing eluate is obtained.25. The method as claimed in ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170335236A1
Автор: Roberts Donald D.

A hybrid mint plant characterized by an essential oil composition profile, methods of cultivating the hybrid mint plant, and methods of producing an essential oil composition with the essential oil composition profile using the hybrid mint plant are disclosed. 1. A method of producing an essential oil , the method comprising extracting the essential oil from a hybrid mint plant known as 13-39-9 , wherein the essential oil comprises an essential oil profile selected from the group consisting of:a. menthofuran and 1-menthol and wherein the weight ratio of menthofuran to 1-menthol ranges from about 0.87:1 to about 1.31:1;b. from about 22% mass to about 35% mass of menthofuran, from about 2.5% mass to about 3.8% mass of 1-limonene, from about 3.9% mass to about 5.9% mass of 1-menthyl acetate, from about 1.2% mass to about 1.8% mass of iso-menthone, from about 12% mass to about 19% mass of 1-menthone, from about 1.6% mass to about 2.5% mass of neo-menthol, from about 0.4% mass to about 0.8% mass of β-carophyllene, from about 20% mass to about 32% mass of 1-menthol, from about 0.9% mass to about 1.4% mass of germacrene-D, and from about 4.4% mass to about 6.7% mass of 1,8-cineole;c. from about 25% mass to about 32% mass of menthofuran, from about 2. 8% mass to about 3.5% mass of 1-limonene, from about 4.4% mass to about 5.4% mass of 1-menthyl acetate, from about 2.7% mass to about 3.3% mass of iso-menthone, from about 14% mass to about 17% mass of 1-menthone, from about 1.8% mass to about 2.3% mass of neo-menthol, from about 0.5% mass to about 0.7% mass of β-carophyllene, from about 23% mass to about 29% mass of 1-menthol, from about 1.0% mass to about 1.3% mass of germacrene-D, and from about 5.0% mass to about 6.2% mass of 1,8-cineole;d. from about 27% mass to about 30% mass of menthofuran, from about 3.0% mass to about 3.4% mass of 1-limonene, from about 4.6% mass to about 5.2% mass of 1-menthyl acetate, from about 2.8% mass to about 3.1% mass of iso-menthone, from ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170355893A1

Disclosed is a thermoset, thermal insulating foams having desirable and unexpectedly low thermal conductivity, and to compositions, method and systems which use and/or are used to make such foams comprising: (a) providing thermosetting foam forming component and a blowing agent for forming predominantly closed cells in the foam, wherein the blowing agent comprises: (i) cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene (HFO-1336mzzm(Z)) and cyclopentane, with the HFO-1336mzzm(Z) and cyclopentane in the blowing agent together comprising at least about 50% by weight of the total of all components in the blowing agent and (ii) the weight ratio of HFO-1336mzzm(Z) to cyclopentane in the blowing agent is from about 45:55 to less than 68:32 and (b) forming foam from said provided foamable composition. 1. A method of making thermoset , thermal insulating foam , said foam being selected from panel and pour-in-place foams , said method comprising:(a) providing a foamable composition comprising a thermosetting foam forming component and blowing agent for forming closed cells in the foam, wherein the blowing agent comprises: cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene (HFO-1336mzzm(Z)) and cyclopentane, wherein (i) said HFO-1336mzzm(Z) and said cyclopentane in the blowing agent together comprise at least about 50% by weight of the total of all components in the blowing agent; and (ii) the weight ratio of HFO-1336mzzm(Z) to cyclopentane in the blowing agent is from about 45:55 to less than 68:32, and(b) forming panel foam or pour-in-place foam from said provided foamable composition.2. The method of wherein said thermosetting foam components comprise a polyurethane foam forming component.3. The method of wherein said HFO-1336mzzm(Z) and said cyclopentane in the blowing agent together comprise at least about 70% by weight of the foam blowing agent.4. The method of wherein said HFO-1336mzzm(Z) and said cyclopentane in the blowing agent together comprise about 100% by weight of the foam blowing agent.5. ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190345412A1

The present invention relates to a method for extracting, separating and purifying compounds of interest obtained from essential oils and plant extracts which is continuously held. 112-. (canceled)14. The process according to claim 13 , wherein the first distillation of step c) is made by a steam distilling process.15. The process according to claim 13 , wherein the first distillation of step c) is made by a hydrodistillation process.16. The process according to claim 13 , wherein a light fraction mixed with water is separated during the first 10-30 minutes of step c).17. The process according to claim 16 , wherein the light fraction mixed with water comprises a volatile fraction enriched with phenylpropanes p-cymene and gamma-terpinene precursors.18. The process according to claim 13 , wherein the light fraction obtained in step d) is combined with the light fraction mixed with water.19. The process according to claim 13 , wherein said heavy fraction is loaded into a fractioning column.20. The process according to claim 13 , wherein said heavy fraction is subjected to a crystallization process.21. The process according to claim 13 , wherein step f) is made with a hydro alcoholic mixture.22. The process according to claim 13 , wherein step f) is made with supercritical carbon dioxide and ethanol.23. The process according to claim 13 , wherein a hydrolate obtained in step c) is recirculated during the process and at the end of process is collected as a by-product used to manufacture air fresheners claim 13 , biopesticides claim 13 , or repellents.24. The process according to claim 13 , wherein the plant material extracted in step f) is used as a by-product for composting or as biofuel used as a source of energy for the process. The present invention relates to a method for extracting, separating and purifying compounds of interest obtained from essential oils and plant extracts.Plants are a source of a great quantity of compounds with multiple uses at industrial ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170360738A1

The present invention concerns a food supplement comprising seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds as well as finished food products comprising the food supplement. The present invention further concerns a nutraceutical or cosmetic preparation comprising as an active ingredient seeds, or flour, oil or pulp or extracts obtained from the seeds. 117-. (canceled)18Salvia sclareaSalvia sclareaSalvia sclareaSalvia sclareaSalvia sclareaSalvia sclareaSalvia sclareaSalvia sclarea. A supplemented food product , comprising a food product other than seed , seed oil , extracts from seeds , and seed crushed or milled to form a flour or powder , to which has been added seed , seed oil , extracts from seeds , or seed crushed or milled to form a flour or powder.19. The supplemented food product according to claim 18 , wherein the food product is selected from the group consisting of granola cereal claim 18 , granola snack bar claim 18 , foodstuff for hens claim 18 , foodstuff for cattle claim 18 , foodstuff for fish claim 18 , bread claim 18 , a roll claim 18 , a cracker claim 18 , a biscuit claim 18 , pasta claim 18 , other baked goods claim 18 , a thickener claim 18 , gravy claim 18 , soup claim 18 , a dip claim 18 , dressing claim 18 , prepared food claim 18 , tahini claim 18 , humus claim 18 , sesame seed claim 18 , sesame oil claim 18 , sesame paste claim 18 , margarine claim 18 , margarine spread claim 18 , salad dressing claim 18 , caviar claim 18 , dairy products claim 18 , yeast claim 18 , fish oil claim 18 , caviar product claim 18 , low calorie drink and a low calorie shake. The present invention relates to food supplements and nutraceutical compositions for raising omega-3 levels in a subject.Current research in nutritional medicine indicates that the omega-3 fatty acids are essential components of the human diet. According to studies published in the British scientific journal Lancet, the observed low incidence of arteriosclerosis (fatty ...
