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25-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017114458A3

10-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2186853C1

Способ изготовления меховой нити заключается в накручивании полоски меха на нить-основу из немехового материала, концы которых с одной стороны скреплены между собой. Нить-основу предварительно скручивают, поворачивая ее не скрепленный с полоской меха конец. Затем нить-основу за оба конца вращают вокруг ее продольной оси в противоположном предварительному скручиванию направлении, при этом осуществляют подачу полоски меха с наклонным расположением относительно нити-основы. Предложенный способ обеспечивает увеличение прочности, эластичности и улучшение внешнего вида меховой нити. 3 ил.

25-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2040541C1

Использование: в кожевенной промышленности. Сущность изобретения: способ непрерывного мягчения и растягивания пластинчатых изделий заключается в продвижении изделия в направлении, параллельном его рабочей плоскости, и приложении к обеим сторонам изделия противоположно направленных возвратно-поступательных деформирующих усилий. Эти усилия действуют в направлении, перпендикулярном плоскости изделия, за счет заданного хода рабочего инструмента. При этом к одной стороне изделия усилия прикладываются с помощью рабочего инструмента из жестких элементов, которые перемещаются перпендикулярно плоскости изделия и воздействуют на взаимно удаленные участки рабочей поверхности изделия. К другой стороне изделия деформирующие усилия прикладывают с помощью равномерного непрерывного слоя из эластично-упругого деформируемого материала. Жесткие элементы рабочего инструмента выполнены сферической куполообразной формы с большим радиусом кривизны, чем их рабочий ход, для обеспечения относительно большой контактной ...

22-02-2019 дата публикации

Микроволновая установка с цилиндрическими передвижными резонаторами для отделения волосяного покрова со шкур кроликов при смачивании в рассоле

Номер: RU2680543C1

Предлагаемое изобретение относится к способам обработки шкур. Микроволновая установка для отделения волосяного покрова со шкур кроликов при смачивании в рассоле содержит цилиндрический экранирующий корпус, внутри которого соосно установлен диэлектрический барабан с цилиндрическими отсеками. Внутри отсеков соосно установлены цилиндрические резонаторы без оснований, соприкасающиеся с неферромагнитным диском, который имеет отверстие и служит нижними основаниями резонаторов. Неферромагнитный диск расположен стационарно и соосно на основании экранирующего корпуса, имеющего выгрузное отверстие под цилиндрическим отсеком барабана и отверстием на диске. Экранирующий корпус содержит сливной патрубок для удаления рассола. На верхнем основании экранирующего корпуса, имеющем загрузочное отверстие над цилиндрическим резонатором, по периметру расположены сверхвысокочастотные генераторы с излучателями и пневмопровод для отсоса отделенного волосяного покрова. В цилиндрические резонаторы устанавливают правилки ...

29-07-2020 дата публикации

СВЧ установка с усеченным коническим резонатором для отделения пуха от шкурок кроликов в периодическом режиме

Номер: RU2728462C1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству и может быть использовано в кролиководческих хозяйствах для отделения пуха от шкурок кроликов. СВЧ установка с усеченным коническим резонатором для отделения пуха от шкурок кроликов в периодическом режиме содержит вертикально расположенный конический резонатор (5) с основанием малого радиуса вниз и крышкой (8), расположенной вместо основания большого радиуса. Внутри усеченного конического резонатора соосно установлена правилка (4) с основанием малого радиуса вниз. Она выполнена из фторопластовых ребер жесткости по форме усеченного конуса с закрытым основанием малого радиуса и диэлектрическим валом (3). На уровне открытого основания большого радиуса правилки по периметру боковой поверхности конического резонатора с внутренней стороны установлены направляющие диэлектрические ролики и запредельный неферромагнитный волновод (9). Ближе крышке усеченного конического резонатора расположен магнетрон (7) так, что около излучателя, направленного внутрь ...

23-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2651594C1

Изобретение относится к сушильному оборудованию и может быть использовано в сельском хозяйстве и в легкой промышленности, например для сушки и обеззараживания шкур животных. Микроволновая сушилка пушно-мехового сырья роторного типа содержит цилиндрический экранирующий корпус, внутри которого соосно расположен цилиндрический неферромагнитный барабан 9, на обечайку которого приварены под наклоном перфорированные неферромагнитные пластины, образуя отсеки. Барабан 9 с отсеками представляет ротор 2, а отсеки выполняют функцию передвижных резонаторов 3. Средний периметр кольцевого пространства между экранирующим корпусом 1 и барабаном 9 равен кратной половине длине волны. Ротор 2 вращается от электродвигателя 4, установленного под нижним основанием экранирующего корпуса 1, содержащим выгрузной патрубок 6. Глубина отсеков по вертикали больше ширины нижнего основания трапецеидальной радиопрозрачной правилки, а радиальная глубина отсеков больше, чем высота правилки. На верхнем основании экранирующего ...

29-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2655770C1

Изобретение относится к сушильному оборудованию и может быть использовано в фермерских хозяйствах для сушки и обеззараживания шкур кроликов, нутрии, норки, лисы, песца, соболя, выдры, ондатры и т.д. Сверхвысокочастотная установка с передвижными цилиндрическими резонаторами для сушки пушно-мехового сырья в непрерывном режиме представлена в виде наклонной цилиндрической экранирующей трубы 1 из неферромагнитного материала. Внутри трубы расположены неферромагнитные диски 4, радиусом меньше чем внутренний радиус трубы. Зазор не должен превышать четверть длины волны, это обеспечит радиогерметичность установки в случае отсутствия над первой и последней емкостями, образованными между неферромагнитными дисками 4 сверхвысокочастотных генераторов 7. Между неферромагнитными дисками 4 расположены радиопрозрачные перфорированные сферы 5, выполненные из двух полусфер, куда размещены радиопрозрачные правилки 3 сырья. Из-за наклона на определенный угол неферромагнитные диски 4 перемещаются с помощью роликов ...

25-12-1978 дата публикации

Двоильная машина

Номер: SU639459A3

15-05-1973 дата публикации

Автомат для клеймения листового материала

Номер: SU381200A3

14-02-1931 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000518338C
Принадлежит: F A SIEGLITZ & CO, F. A. SIEGLITZ & CO.

12-05-1943 дата публикации

Presse zum Stanzen von Formstuecken

Номер: DE0000735332C
Принадлежит: BATA AS, BATA A.S.

25-11-1999 дата публикации

Leather working hide blemish digitization bench incorporates

Номер: DE0019822224A1

In a leather working process treated leather hides are fed onto a bench where the skin image including outline and optical defects are captured by an optical system and stored as a digital image, prior to cutting. The bench surface (F) on which the hide is laid out for digital image capture (20) incorporates numerous air openings to passages leading to an air suction pump (27).

28-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003113835A1

07-04-1983 дата публикации

Leather treatment machine

Номер: DE0003138720A1

The invention relates to a machine for the treatment of skins, hides or leather, in which the workpiece to be treated is pressed against a revolving roller equipped with rubbing plates and scrapers. The rubbing plates are arranged at an acute angle and the scrapers are arranged parallel to the longitudinal axis of the working roller, resulting in an optimum rubbing and scouring effect.

28-03-1923 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000372481C

01-08-1927 дата публикации

Lederschneidmaschine fuer schraegen Schnitt unter Verwendung eines Kreismessers

Номер: DE0000447854C

20-07-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000114279A5

14-04-1988 дата публикации

Arrangement for mechanically receiving and setting down skins

Номер: DE0003633666A1

The invention relates to an arrangement for mechanically receiving and setting down skins or similar cloth-like highly flexible flat articles from a belt deflection roller arranged at the end of a continuous conveyor belt. An axially removably mounted web is provided here, which is led up, transversely with respect to the conveying direction of the conveyor belt, towards the centre of the flat article and picks up the latter in such a way that it hangs down by the same length at both sides and which, after the flat article, which is thus folded so as to be laid over itself, has been set down, is withdrawn axially from the fold.

07-10-2020 дата публикации

Zeichentisch für Kunstleder

Номер: DE212020000181U1

Zeichentisch für Kunstleder, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass er einen Arbeitstisch, einen zweiachsigen Synchronriemen-Schiebetisch, einen Hubmechanismus, einen Einzugsmechanismus, einen Festpressmechanismus, einen Flachziehmechanismus und einen Antriebsmechanismus umfasst, wobei an dem Arbeitstisch eine Öffnung, die das Hindurchgehen von Leder erlaubt, vorgesehen ist, wobei der Einzugsmechanismus an einem Ende des Arbeitstisches angeordnet ist und zum Aufsetzen einer Lederrolle dient, wobei der Festpressmechanismus an der unteren Oberfläche des Arbeitstisches angeordnet ist, um ein Ende des Leders fest zu pressen, wobei der Flachziehmechanismus gleitbar auf dem Arbeitstisch angeordnet ist und sich unter Antrieb von dem Antriebsmechanismus hin und herbewegt, wobei der zweiachsige Synchronriemen-Schiebetisch auf dem Arbeitstisch angeordnet ist und der Hubmechanismus auf dem zweiachsigen Synchronriemen-Schiebetisch angeordnet ist und sich unter Antrieb von dem zweiachsigen Synchronriemen-Schiebetisch ...

06-04-1989 дата публикации

Grinding device for a bell-shaped cutter of a scarfing machine

Номер: DE0003732058A1

A grinding device for a bell-shaped cutter (10) of a scarfing machine has a rotating grinding disc (20) which can be adjusted by means of a servo drive (24) in the direction of a rotating cutting edge (14) of the L-shaped cutter (10). In order to prevent the grinding disc (20) from coming to rest against the cutting edge (14) in an abrupt fashion, which would lead to the formation of dents or notches on the cutting edge (14), means are provided for detecting the torque (M) of the grinding disc (20), which means block further displacement of the grinding disc (20) when a predetermined adjustment value of the torque (M) is exceeded. ...

23-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060326552D1

31-08-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002107482A1

04-05-1972 дата публикации

Fur comber - for long-haired furs with vacuum withdrawal

Номер: DE0002052886A1

The material is carried on a permeable conveyor for presentation to the combing cylinder, and as the conveyor turns down and back on its end roller, a vacuum zone grips the material and withdraws it from the combing cylinder. At the end of the vacuum zone the material is released, and pulled by gravity to a further conveyor for return to the operator. The purpose is to prevent the operator withdrawing the fur from the combing cylinder by hand, and to prevent the materials being carried round by the combing cylinder.

04-03-1971 дата публикации

Dewatering and conveying tannery waste

Номер: DE0001944153A1

Apparatus for waste products contng. leather scraps consists of a worm press with progressively decreasing free space between worm threads, and a conveyor pipe. The worm has two cylindrical core sections, the first of which has a smaller dia. than the second. The sections are linked by a conical section with a steep gradient. More spec., the worm press has a counter-pressure worm at the outlet.

31-08-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002163580A1

17-01-1974 дата публикации

Automatic fur cutting machine - for prodn of shaped parts of garments from whole pelts

Номер: DE0002231052A1

The whole pelts of small fur-bearing animals, which are flayed from the carcase without cutting are passed over the top of a vertical jig in the form of a pair of closely spaced tapered paralle plates on which the pelt is stretched downwards esp. with it sbelly and backbone centrelines aligned with the gap between the plates. A sliding knife blade with double sharp edges is mounted between these plates using the spacers on the pins joining the two plates as followers in the vertical guide slots in the blade. The blade is driven upwards by direct mechanical linkage from a spring loaded foot pedal assembly, the blade having its lower end with hole for the drive pin below the work bench to which angle iron supports for the lower ends of the plates are screwed on the upper face and the pivot support mounting for the operating levers actuated by the pedal is screwed on the underside.

14-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002242314A1

21-03-1968 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Trocknen von flaechigem Gut, insbesondere Leder

Номер: DE0001263979B

29-03-1979 дата публикации

Scraping treatment for leather hides - eliminates unpleasant manual labour and improves utilisation of scraping machine

Номер: DE0002740550A1

The scraping treatment involves bringing a hide from a supply station, inserting about half the length of the hide between the open tools of a scraping machine, closing the tools and drawing out the hide which scrapes the first half. The hide is then reversed and the untreated half inserted into the scraping machine for treatment. The half-treated hide is now returned to a waiting station upstream of the scrapping machine and pref. alongside the supply station. The scraping machine is then fed alternately with a fresh hide from the supply station and a reversed, half-treated hide from the waiting station. Hides sent forward from both the supply and waiting stations to the scraping machine are pref. suspended by hook attachment of trolley of an overhead runway conveyor. The runway is pref. a closed circuit track so that a trolley can move around from the rear of the scraping machine back to the supply station.

05-05-1983 дата публикации

Heating appliance for sheet-like hand tools, especially wetting-off irons for leatherware production

Номер: DE0003133762A1

The invention relates to a heating appliance for sheet-like hand tools, especially wetting-off irons for leatherware production, with an electrically heated bearing plate. The disadvantage of the known heating appliances for this purpose is that they have a very high electrical power requirement, since they radiate heat to all sides in an unimpeded manner. The result of this is, also, that burns occur on the hand because of these highly heated and easily accessible bearing plates. A third disadvantage is that the poor heat transmission from the heated bearing plate to the wetting-off iron necessitates increased heating times. These disadvantages are eliminated, according to the invention, in that a further clamping plate of approximately the same shape and dimensions, having high thermal conductivity and moving back resiliently, is arranged above the bearing plate, and the two plates are accommodated in a container lined with heat-insulating material, for example glass wool, having a lateral ...

17-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029615481U1

11-07-1922 дата публикации

Schertisch fuer Fellschermaschinen

Номер: DE0000356059C
Принадлежит: AUGUST HERMES

02-06-1921 дата публикации

Sicherungsvorrichtung gegen das UEberspannen der Bandmesser in Lederspaltmaschinen

Номер: DE0000337526C

19-12-1924 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von Baellen aus Leder oder aehnlichem Material

Номер: DE0000407470C

19-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002747073A1

24-12-1930 дата публикации

Entlockmaschine fuer langhaarige Felle

Номер: DE0000515014C

21-02-1931 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000518958C
Принадлежит: VAVRIN SLAMPA

15-04-1993 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003404701C2
Принадлежит: DEGUSSA AG, 6000 FRANKFURT, DE

20-07-1933 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Trocknen von Fellen, Haeuten o. dgl.

Номер: DE0000580727C

26-11-1932 дата публикации

Maschine zum Bearbeiten von Pelzfellen und Haeuten

Номер: DE0000565183C

05-08-1942 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Aufrauhen von Platten aus nichtmetallischem Werkstoff

Номер: DE0000723441C

02-05-1941 дата публикации

Flaechenaufrauhwerkzeug fuer die Gummibearbeitung

Номер: DE0000705546C
Принадлежит: ANTON MEDVED

25-10-1951 дата публикации

Lederspalt- und Schaerfmaschine

Номер: DE0000818388C

21-06-2000 дата публикации

Einrichtung für den Vorschub von Leder und dergl.

Номер: DE0019857658A1

The invention relates to a device for advancing leather and the like in the area of a processing station, especially of the type equipped with an applicator roller (FW) which rotates in an opposite direction to the advance direction, which acts upon the leather, and which is provided for liquid or viscous media. A conveying device with at least one drive element that acts upon the leather is provided, preferably in the form of a feed roller (TW) which moves circumferentially opposite the working roller, and/or of a corresponding conveyor belt. The aim of the invention is to create a drive device or drive means or a feed roller for leather which makes it possible to transmit the force of advance to the leather in a manner which is not only frictionally engaged but is at least, in addition, positively engaged. To this end, two-dimensionally distributed drive means (AM) are provided on the drive element which, in a direction toward the leather, are pointed or sharp-edged and which comprise ...

11-03-1929 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Spitzen von Pelzfellen

Номер: DE0000472776C
Принадлежит: MICHEL SEGAL

26-03-1941 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000704251C

28-07-1934 дата публикации

Maschine zum Narben und Praegen sowie zum Buegeln von Leder u. dgl.

Номер: DE0000600511C

02-09-1940 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000695751C

10-12-1970 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002026645A1

11-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069628579T2

08-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001629403B2

26-11-1970 дата публикации

Schwenkarmstanze mit hydraulischem Schwenkantrieb

Номер: DE0001926497A1

06-08-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8624352U1

10-02-1972 дата публикации

Maschine zum durchgehenden Buegeln

Номер: DE0001785379A1

02-11-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001785580A1

23-07-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002101539C3

25-01-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002101543B2

06-05-2010 дата публикации

Method for scratching, cutting and drilling of leather with laser beam of lasers, comprises subjecting the leather to scratching, cutting or drilling with pulsed laser beam so that clean and ink-saving and/or odorless machining rims arise

Номер: DE102008053213A1

The method comprises subjecting a leather to scratching, cutting or drilling with pulsed laser beam with a wavelength of less than 600 nm so that clean and ink-saving and/or odorless machining rims arise. The leather is subjected with pulsed and/or frequency-doubled or frequency-tripled lease beam of solid-state laser, with a wave length of 532-355 nm, and/or with a pulsed laser beam of an excimer laser with a wavelength of 351 nm, 308 nm or 248 nm. The pulse time of the pulsed laser beam is less than 200 ns. An independent claim is included for an arrangement for scratching, cutting and drilling of leather with laser beam of laser.

18-09-2003 дата публикации

Inspection table, especially for leather, includes a projector for projecting a light pattern and a camera connected to a computer to recognize faults

Номер: DE0010207574A1

A projector (17) projects a light pattern (19), e.g. grid lines, on to an animal skin (12). The pattern is scanned by a camera (21) placed at some distance (22) from the projector (17) and the image analyzed by a computer (24) that recognizes faults by the distortion of the reflected pattern. The faults are classified by volume and can be marked at a work station (23). An Independent claim is also included for the process of identifying faults by these means. The classification can be based on the depth or volume of the fault. Preferred Features: The projector and camera can be traversed on a gantry (16) to cover the whole area. The skin (12) can be carried on a conveyor and held by suction. The outer contour of the skin can also be determined.

01-07-2010 дата публикации

Leder-Reparaturverfahren und Leder-Stanzvorrichtung

Номер: DE102007029574B4

Leder-Reparaturverfahren, gekennzeichnet durch folgende Verfahrensschritte: a) um eine Schadstelle eines zu reparierenden Lederartikels (1) wird im Leder (5) ein Reparaturausschnitt (4) mit bezüglich der Lederfläche schräg in einem 45°-Winkel verlaufenden Ausschnitträndern (6) ausgestanzt, b) aus einem separaten Lederstück mit gleicher Lederqualität wie der Bereich um die Schadstelle wird ein dem Reparaturausschnitt (4) in seiner Größe und den schrägen Ausschnitträndern (6) entsprechender Reparaturflicken (7) mit schräg in einem 45°-Winkel verlaufenden Flickenrändern (8) hergestellt dergestalt, dass die Flickenform als Positivform der Negativform des Reparaturausschnitts (4) entspricht und damit der Reparaturflicken (7) formschlüssig in den Reparaturausschnitt (4) mit bündig durchlaufender Lederfläche passt, c) auf die schrägen Ausschnittränder (6) und/oder die schrägen Flickenränder (8) wird ein Lederkleber aufgebracht, und d) der Reparaturflicken (7) wird formschlüssig in den Reparaturausschnitt ...

19-02-1964 дата публикации

A device for driving the feeding and retaining rollers of leather working or dressing machines

Номер: GB0000950083A

... 950,083. Feeding webs. STROJOSVIT, NARODNI PODNIK. June 9, 1960 [Sept. 1, 1959], No. 20278/60. Heading B6B. A piece K of leather is fed past a working roller 5 by a roller 20 driven through belts 16 and 22 by the output shaft 12 of an hydraulic - ally-operated reversing gear 10. The input shaft 11 of the gear 10 is driven through a belt 8 by the shaft 6 of the roller 5. A pedal 13 or lever (not shown) selects the direction of the shaft 12. Pressure roller 23 may also be driven by the reversing gear 10.

22-10-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to machines for staking, softening and similarly treating hides, skins, leather and the like

Номер: GB0000610914A

... 610,914. Leather - working machines. TURNER TANNING MACHINERY CO., Ltd., and SCHETTLER, G. A. April 9, 1946, No. 10888. [Class 76] In a machine for staking and softening hides, skins, leather &c., by means of reciprocating gripping jaws 1 and 2 which close on the work on one stroke and open on the reverse stroke, one of the jaws includes an endless flexible (e.g.. rubber) band 5 which is carried by and runs freely around rollers 6 and 7 mounted on a carrier 3, and which co-operates with tools 13 on the opposed jaw. The tension of the band 5 is varied by adjustment of nuts 28 and 29 to alter the distance between the rollers. In order to vary the pressure between the band and the staking tools 13, the carrier 3 is pivoted at 4 and adjustable by means of nuts 17 and 18. The staking tools are carried by holders 10 which may slide in a groove 34 in the bracket 8.

21-12-1916 дата публикации

Improvements in Machines for Paring Leather or the like.

Номер: GB0191518035A

... 18,035. Fortuna-Werke Spezialmaschinenfabrik Akt.-Ges. May 31, [Convention date]. Grooving. - In a leather or like paring machine, in order to produce grooves as indicated in Fig. 3, the presser-foot b is provided with one or more detachable pressure-pieces a. In the form shown in Fig. 1, provided with an annular cutter d and feed-roll e, the pressurepieces a are adjustable in a slot h in the presserfoot. In the modifications shown in Figs. 2 and 4, the pressure-piece fits over the presserfoot. Specification 19,266/08. is referred to.

16-04-1914 дата публикации

Process of Treating Furs.

Номер: GB0191312665A

... 12,665. Landau, A. S. May 30. Paints.-A composition for securing fur to an elastic material in a process for transferring it from a skin to another backing consists of a solution in naphtha of 1 lb. of asphalt, 8À5 lb. of rubber, 2À2 lb. of sulphur, and 2 lb. of tar and black pitch.

15-04-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to cutting blocks

Номер: GB0000690342A

... 690,342. Cutting-blocks fibre-board. CHAMBERLAIN, Ltd., E. A., BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO., Ltd., and CHAMBERLAIN, J. E. May 30, 1951. [June 1, 1950] No. 13683/50. Classes 31 (i) and 96. In a cutting-block for a cutting-out press comprising a considerable number of sheets of fibre board clamped together face to face and having edge faces which form the cutting surface of the block, the fibre board is made from an aqueous pulp on to the fibres of which bitumen has been deposited from an emulsion. The sheets are clamped together between two wooden end boards which are connected together by metallic tie bars. The weight of the bitumen is preferably 30 to 35 per cent that of the block, and the bitumen is preferably from 10 to 20 penetration. Specifications 27833/09, [Class 31 (i)], and 513,430 are referred to.

30-10-1913 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Leather Crippling or Graining Machines.

Номер: GB0191318587A

... 18,587. Rausch, C. Aug. 30, 1912, [Convention date]. Boarding machines; reciprocating - tool machines.-In a machine for crippling or graining leather, the work r is folded between two reciprocating members b, c which move vertically or approximately vertically and in opposite directions to each other. The members b, c are hung from crank-disks h and have cork or similar rough facings i. They run in guides d, e, formed respectively on the framing a of the machine and on a link which is suspended at f and drawn in, to give the working-pressure against the action of a spring n, by means of levers l and a treadle m. The work is thrown over two horizontal bars, one on each side of the graining - blocks, and hangs down into a trough o which extends along the machine. A blade s may be provided to prevent the inner surfaces of the folded skin from rubbing on each other during the graining operation.

01-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001275959A

... 1275959 Stretching and drying leather H SCHOLZ and E SCHOLZ [trading as BAYERISCHE MASCHINENFABRIK F J SCHLAGETER] 16 Dec 1969 [28 Dec 1968] 61240/69 Heading C6C In apparatus for drying leather of the kind having a pair of endless felt belts 12, 13 adapted to be urged towards each other by means of pressure rolls 10, 11 to grip a piece of leather 5, the belts 12, 13 are driven continuously and, after insertion of the leather between the belts, a rubber roll 6 and a stretcher roll 7 are moved towards each other to grip the leather, the stretcher roll being driven in the opposite direction to that of the adjacent pressure roll 10, so that the leather is stretched as it is being fed between the felt belts 12, 13. The leather is dried in a single pass, each piece 5 being moved in turn to place its forward end between the pressure rolls 10, 11 by an automatic feed device. In Fig. 1, the feed device is a horizontally reciprocating table 2 incorporating a feed roller 4. Alternatively, two feed ...

28-03-1912 дата публикации

Improved Apparatus for Impressing Patterns on Leather and like Soft Materials.

Номер: GB0191128262A

... 28,262. Thomson & Co., J. March 6, [Convention date]. Rolling.-A machine for impressing designs on leather &c., of the kind in which an engraved or like plate and a travelling roller are employed, is constructed with a series of movable blocks, which are acted on by the roller and serve to transmit pressure to the leather, so as to press it into contact with the plate, thereby preventing lateral shifting of the material and permitting of several traverses of the roller. As shown, the leather 3 is placed on a grain plate 2 supported by a fixed table 1, and an elastic sheet 4 is placed above the leather. Pressure is transmitted to the leather from a movable pressure roller 13 by means of a series of vertical blocks 5 with rounded upper ends 7 to avoid shock, the blocks being guided by grooves to move in a frame 6 provided with rollers 9, 10 abutting against frames 11, 12 to prevent lateral shifting of the frame. The frame 6 is adapted to engage the projections 7, Fig. 3, on the blocks so ...

19-12-1912 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Machines for Folding Over the Edges of Sheet Material.

Номер: GB0191205540A

... 5540. Gimson & Co., and Keily, W. J. March 5. Sheet material. finishing edges of. - In machines for folding-over the edges of sheet material such as leather, the presser-foot is movably mounted upon its support so that it has a combined pressing and rubbing action on the folded edge. Upon a reciprocating support a pivoted at b is mounted a presser-foot f pivoted at 3. An adjustable compression spring 4 resists the clockwise rotation of the part f. The first action of the foot f on the partly folded edge h of the material is a pressing action, after which the rocking movement of the foot f about the pivot 3 causes a rubbing or ironing action increasing in intensity towards the extreme edge of the fold. The operative surface of the presser-foot is preferably bevelled or curved.

28-04-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in skin treating apparatus

Номер: GB0000707891A

... 707,891. Making machine knives. TANNERS RESEARCH CORPORATION. Feb. 20, 1951 [Feb. 20, 1950]. No. 4101/51. Drawings to Specification. Class 83 (2). [Also in Group VIII] A blade adapted to be secured in helical formation in a cylinder of a skin-treating device is formed from a strip of material softer than the working edge and has a layer of chromium attached to and restricted to the outer end portion of the blade ; the outer end is of planar form substantially at right angles to the strip in the case of a cutting blade, or of rounded form in the case of a scraping blade. The cutting blade may be made of soft steel and may have an insert of hard steel in the outer end portion of the leading face. The scraping blade may be made of stainless steel, brass or bronze and the outer end portion of the leading face may be backwardly bevelled. The chromium may be applied to a thickness of 0003-0.006 inch by plating before or after mounting the blades in the cylinder. The bladed cylinders are used ...

11-11-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to means for treating pliant sheet materials with liquidor moist media

Номер: GB0000699688A

... A machine for treating skins (i.e. lengths or pieces of pliant sheet material) with liquid or moist media, comprises an endless conveyer member consisting of a chain furnished at intervals therealong with spikes, hooks, clips or equivalent securing means for the attachment thereto of the skins, and means provided in a treating chamber or chambers for the skins to be conveyed therethrough in a horizontal plane. An endless conveyer chain 1 of the roller type is passed back and forth around three horizontal non-toothed wheels 2 (Fig. 1) to provide four parallel runs of chain. In the straight sections the chain runs in a fixed channel section guide rail 5. At intervals along the chain are small horizontal plates 13 secured to extensions of the spindles of the chain rollers; the skins are attached to the plates 13 by hooks or pins. The skins are loaded at a table 18 and pass into the first spraying booth B1. The skins, which hang down either side of ...

10-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001427560A

... 1427560 Cutting apparatus STROJOSVIT NARODNI PODNIK 23 Nov 1973 54523/73 Heading B4B Apparatus for cutting-out sheet or web material, e.g. leather, comprises an elastic conveyer band 1 for supporting the material 9 and arranged to move past first and second cutting-out members 4, 5 and over a member 6 arranged for movement between a non-operational position between a first and second operational position thereof and the said first and second operational positions, the arrangement being such that in the first position the member offers up material supported on the band to the first cutting-out member 4 but clear of the second cutting-out member 5 and vice versa. The material is fed by feed rollers 2, 3 actuated in response to a signal initiated by the leading end of the material; this signal also causes the member 6, e.g. a roller, to be moved to its first position so that the material can be operated on by the cutter 4. Further movement of the material causes it to be engaged by feed rollers ...

14-12-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to machines for working or conditioning leather or skins

Номер: GB0000741916A

... 741,916. Leather working machines. SOC. MERCIER FRERES. Nov. 24, 1953 [Dec. 19, 1952], No. 32597/53. Class 76. In a leather working machine of the type having a worker roller and a drive roller which co-operates with and drives a feed roller when the latter is in operative position, the feed roller being movable towards or away from the worker roller, a supplementary work-supporting device in the form of an endless belt is provided to engage the workpiece about a sector of the worker roller, the said belt either being the sole work-engaging means, or operating in conjunction with the feed roll which also engages the work with the worker roller, the belt in each case being driven through the feed roll by the drive roll. As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the machine comprises a worker roll 6 having blades 7 thereon, a spring-loaded drive roller 13 and a feed roll 25. The latter moves from the inoperative position (Fig. 3) to the operative position (Fig. 4) on an arm 28 pivoted at 29 under the action ...

03-12-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to welding fillets and strips and method of making the same

Номер: GB0000362089A

... 362,089. Welts for boots &c. BARBOUR, P. E., 176, Adams Street, Quincy, Massachusetts, U.S.A.-(Assignee of Barbour, W. G. ; 176, Adams Street, Quincy, Massachusetts, U.S.A.) Oct. 15, 1930, No. 30889. Convention date, Aug. 2. Drawings to Specification. [Class 17 (ii).] Material for welting fillets and strips is economized by preparing a grain leather fillet of at least twice the desired thickness of the welting, splitting it widthwise through its thickness, reversing a grain splitting and securing it grain side down, preferably by latex, on a flesh splitting, and resplitting the composite fillet widthwise through substantially the middle of the grain substance.

15-04-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to machines of the type having a working tool or knife for treating hides, skins, leather and the like, and to means for grinding such tools or knives

Номер: GB0000427044A

... 427,044. Grinding machine cutters in situ ; controlling reversing - gearing. TURNER TANNING MACHINERY CO., Ltd., and SCHETTLER, G. A., Railway Foundry, Bramley, near Leeds. Nov. 1, 1933, No. 30361. [Class 60] [See also Group XXIV] The grinding wheel 1 for sharpening the rotary cylindrical cutter 8 of a leather-treating machine is carried on a traversing saddle having a base 3 mounted on an inclined slide 5 and guided by a single V - shaped guide 4 at the upper edge, the slide carrying a traverse and reverse mechanism, providing for a time interval between the end of each traverse and the beginning of the return movement and also for automatically stopping the traverse with the grinding wheel at the end of its stroke and clear of the cutter, and the grinding wheel is driven directly from a pulley or equivalent on the saddle by means of a belt or the like. The inclination of the slide 5 causes the V-guide 4 always to keep in contact with the V-way on the slide, thus avoiding backlash due ...

15-07-1970 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Hydraulic Presses.

Номер: GB0001198537A

... 1,198,537. Hydraulic presses, cutting out presses. A CHIESA. 28 March, 1968, No. 14863/68. Headings B4B and B5F. An hydraulic press having a pair of spring retracted relatively movable press parts, includes a pair of stroke limiting abutment members, one adjustably mounted on each press part, and a control element operative to initiate the return stroke of the press either simultaneously with or just before the abutment members meet at the end of the approach stroke of the press parts. In the embodiment shown in the figure, in which material L is cut by tool M, reciprocable platen C is carried by bracket D mounted upon the end of a column 10 slidable within pedestal A upon which table B is mounted. The column is adjustably connected by nuts 18 to a spring biased rod 16, the lower end of which is attached to piston 28 slidable within a cylinder 30 fixed to pedestal A. The lower end of the piston is provided with an abutment rod 40 adapted to contact a surface 50 of a stepped slider 44 reciprocably ...

16-08-1935 дата публикации

An improved method of and apparatus for expressing moisture from leather by means ofpressure rollers

Номер: GB0000433564A

... 433,564. Reciprocating pumps. TRIGGS, W. W., 57, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London.- (Krause Ges., J. ; Siemensstrasse, Altona, Hamburg, Germany) May 8, 1934, No. 13862. [Class 102 (i)] [See also Groups VIII and XXIX] Apparatus for expressing moisture from leather comprises a fixed roller 2 and a roller 7, which can be moved towards and away from the roller 2 by means of hydraulic cylinders 3 with pistons 4. The latter act on the roller 7 by means of a crosshead 5 for each cylinder connected to the roller by means of return rods 6. The crossheads are co-ordinated by means of links 22 to levers 23 on a spindle 24. The cylinders 3 are supplied with liquid by a pump having a stepped plunger 25, 26, which discharges through valves 29, 41 and 30 to a pipe 33 and control box 15. When the rollers 2, 7 come into contact the rise in pressure causes a relief valve 31 to open and the valve 41 to close, discharge to the cylinders 3 being then effected by the plunger portion 26 only. A safety-valve 32 is ...

02-01-1911 дата публикации

Improvements in Machines for Skiving Leather and the like.

Номер: GB0191000009A

... 9. Boult, A J., [United Shoe Machinery Co.]. Jan. 1. Skiving.-A machine for skiving leather and the like comprises a cylindrical knife 3, a presser foot 5 adjustable laterally to vary the bevel cut by the knife, an improved feed-roll mechanism, and a chipejector. The presser foot 5 has a concave surface concentric with the knife, and is adjustable along an inclined guideway in the supporting-block 7, so that the distance between the right side of the presser foot and the knife increases as the presser foot is moved to the right, while the distance at the left side is substantially unaltered. The presser foot is secured in adjusted position by a spring pin 12 entering notches in the foot. The block 7 is vertically adjustable by means of a screw 11. The feed-roll 4 is mounted to tip about a pivot-pin 17 at right-angles to its own axis, and also about a rod 21 parallel to its axis. The feedroll is held in its normal position by torsion springs 18, 26 surrounding the pivots 17, 21, the position ...

19-03-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to machines for extracting moisture from leather and like skins

Номер: GB0000668566A

... 668,566. Leather - working machines. TURNER TANNING MACHINERY CO., Ltd., and HALL, C. June 22, 1950 [June 24, 1949], No. 16813/49. Class 76. In a rotary sammying machine for squeezing out moisture from leather or skins, of the type comprising a pair of driven rollers 6, 7, which may be alternately separated and brought together, and around which pass bands 55, 68 of felt or other absorbent material, supporting and conveying means are provided which lead the skins between the rollers, and a spreading device is raised and lowered in timed relation with the opening and closing of the rollers. The conveying means may be formed by an extension of the band 68 horizontally towards the front of the machine. The spreading device may consist of a cylinder 79, spirally bladed in opposite directions from its centre, driven in the opposite direction to the felt band 68, and automatically raised and lowered by means of bellcranks 83, rollers 84, and cams 85 on rotating cam-shaft 37; the pressure of the ...

04-05-1911 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Machines for the Treatment of Hides and Skins.

Номер: GB0191025990A

... 25,990. Simeon, E. Nov. 23, 1909, [Convention date]. Rotating-tool machines.-A machine for stretching hides and skins comprises a table through which projects a radiallybladed, rotating, and reciprocating drum for treating the main part of the skin, and a rotating drum, also bladed, for treating the edges. The drum 1, Figs. 1 and 3, for stretching the main part of the skin is provided with blades 4, having square edges but a curved outline, while the blades 6, Fig. 7, of the drum 2 for treating the edges of the skin are of rectangular shape, and are arranged in the form of a fan. The drums are respectively mounted on spindles 3, 5, which are driven from a shaft 11 by belt or other suitable gearing through an intermediate spindle 15. The bearings of the spindle 3 are mounted in curved guides 16 to enable the drum 1 to be reciprocated by means of a rod 16 and crank 17. The skin to be treated is placed on the table 8, provided with guards 9, 10, and is pressed successively on the drums by ...

19-05-1954 дата публикации

Improvements relating to leather rollers

Номер: GB0000709175A

... 709,175. Leather rollers. SCHOLZ, E., [trading as BAYERISCHE MASCHINENFABRIK, F. J. SCHLAGETER]. Oct. 3, 1952 [Oct. 3, 1951], No. 24857/52. Class 76 In a machine for rolling and patterning leather of the kind having a reciprocating roller which is loaded by loading springs and provided with hydraulic means for regulating the pressure of the springs, the loading springs are arranged on either side of the roller carriage each above a pressure cylinder of the hydraulic means, the cylinder being guided by a bridge on the carriage above the roller axis and being vertically adjustable and securable in respect of the bridge so that the spring pressure is taken up by the bridge and relieved from the roller when the distance between the roller and the table reaches a desired minimum. In Fig. 1, the roller 1 travelling along bed 27 is secured by arm 25 to the frame 2 at pivot 26. The frame 2 contains on each side a spring 5 (Fig. 2) in casing 4 and is formed with a bridge 14 which carries a hydraulic ...

23-02-1955 дата публикации

Cutting tool

Номер: GB0000724508A

... 724,508. Cutting-appliances. DRAENERT, M. Sept. 22, 1953, No. 26105/53. Class 31 (2). [Also in Group XXII] In a cutting tool having stationary blades formed by the sides 18, 19 of a slot in which there is guided a double-edged movable cutting blade 9 carried by a double-armed lever 8 pivotally mounted at 16 on the tool body 4, the cutting blade being moved in its cutting stroke against the action of a compression spring 11 by means of an eccentric 6 acting upon the end of the lever 8 remote from the cutting blade, the eccentric, which is mounted on the driving shaft 3, has fixed thereon the inner race of an antifriction bearing 5, the stationary outer race 7 of which transmits the motion of the eccentric to the lever 8. A cam follower screw 10 is fixed to the lever 8. The spring 11 surrounds a sleeve 13 mounted on the lever 8, the sleeve serving for the reception of the screw 10. The tool body is provided with slots 35, 36 and with a chip guide member 22. The slot 36 registers with the ...

24-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001429480A

... 1429480 Leather production SHOE & ALLIED TRADES RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 15 March 1974 [22 Dec 1972] 59451/72 Heading C6C The area yield of a hide skin or other piece of leather which is subjected to drying under tension is increased by moistening the leather prior to relaxation of the tension. Preferably the moistening is carried out in a stage of leather production in which the skin, following chemical or vegetable tanning, is stretched upon a base or frame and dried while in a stretched condition, the moistening being carried out upon the dry stretched skin prior to its removal from the frame. The flesh surface of the leather may be sprayed or sponged with water, preferably at 30‹C to 80‹C., optionally containing a wetting agent. 10 to 20 ml of water may be applied per square foot of leather. Full grain leather may be moistened prior to removal from a toggle frame and a conditioned grain leather prior to removal from a sticking plate.

14-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201618259D0

16-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000007681U1

Устройство для резки эластичных листовых материалов, включающее станину, приспособление для подачи эластичного листового материала, режущий инструмент, прижим и привод, отличающееся тем, что прижим выполнен гребенчатой формы с иглами на выступах гребней, во впадинах гребней размещены дополнительные рычажные прижимы, режущий инструмент размещен на каретке, установленной с возможностью перемещения вдоль гребенчатого прижима, а привод движения каретки снабжен демпфером, при этом гребенчатый прижим установлен с возможностью вертикального перемещения перпендикулярно плоскости станины и горизонтального перемещения перпендикулярно движению каретки. (19) RU (11) (13) 7 681 U1 (51) МПК C14B 5/00 (1995.01) D06H 7/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 95121281/20, 26.12.1995 (46) Опубликовано: 16.09.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Техоснастка" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Техоснастка" U 1 7 6 8 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для резки эластичных листовых материалов, включающее станину, приспособление для подачи эластичного листового материала, режущий инструмент, прижим и привод, отличающееся тем, что прижим выполнен гребенчатой формы с иглами на выступах гребней, во впадинах гребней размещены дополнительные рычажные прижимы, режущий инструмент размещен на каретке, установленной с возможностью перемещения вдоль гребенчатого прижима, а привод движения каретки снабжен демпфером, при этом гребенчатый прижим установлен с возможностью вертикального перемещения перпендикулярно плоскости станины и горизонтального перемещения перпендикулярно движению каретки. 7 6 8 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РЕЗКИ ЭЛАСТИЧНЫХ ЛИСТОВЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ R U (72) Автор(ы): Сысоев В.В., Мачулин А.П. RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1

20-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000020099U1

Пресс вырубной с поворотным ударником, включающий корпус с вырубочной плитой, гидростанцию с гидроцилиндром, поворотную скалку, конечный выключатель, отличающийся тем, что гидроцилиндр установлен в рабочем столе корпуса, который позволяет передавать усилие вырубки на ударник через скалку с помощью дополнительного силового кронштейна с возвратом ударника в исходное положение с помощью упругого элемента, а демпфирование удара силовых частей на корпус осуществляется амортизаторами, установленными в нижней части скалки. (19) RU (11) 20 099 (13) U1 (51) МПК C14B 5/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001118370/20 , 02.07.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.07.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 20.10.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Васильев А.Н. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кузнецов Олег Николаевич R U Адрес для переписки: 150042, г.Ярославль, ул. Урицкого, 32, кв.110, О.Н.Кузнецову (71) Заявитель(и): Кузнецов Олег Николаевич 2 0 0 9 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Пресс вырубной с поворотным ударником, включающий корпус с вырубочной плитой, гидростанцию с гидроцилиндром, поворотную скалку, конечный выключатель, отличающийся тем, что гидроцилиндр установлен в рабочем столе корпуса, который позволяет передавать усилие вырубки на ударник через скалку с помощью дополнительного силового кронштейна с возвратом ударника в исходное положение с помощью упругого элемента, а демпфирование удара силовых частей на корпус осуществляется амортизаторами, установленными в нижней части скалки. 2 0 0 9 9 U 1 (54) ПРЕСС ВЫРУБНОЙ С ПОВОРОТНЫМ УДАРНИКОМ U 1 U 1 2 0 0 9 9 2 0 0 9 9 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 20 099 U1 RU 20 099 U1 RU 20 099 U1

20-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000024689U1

Поточная линия, содержащая измельчитель сырья, устройство для промывки сырья, варочный аппарат и сушилку, установленные последовательно и связанные транспортными средствами, отличающаяся тем, что устройство для измельчения выполнено в виде аппарата ударного действия, снабженного калибровочным ситом и пневмосистемой, устройство для промывки сырья выполнено в виде грабельной шерстомойки, аппарат для гидролиза выполнен в виде горизонтального вакуумного котла. (19) RU (11) 24 689 (13) U1 (51) МПК C14B 13/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002101094/20 , 15.01.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.01.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 20.08.2002 (57) Формула полезной модели Поточная линия, содержащая измельчитель сырья, устройство для промывки сырья, варочный аппарат и сушилку, установленные последовательно и связанные транспортными средствами, отличающаяся тем, что устройство для измельчения выполнено в виде аппарата ударного действия, снабженного калибровочным ситом и пневмосистемой, устройство для промывки сырья выполнено в виде грабельной шерстомойки, аппарат для гидролиза выполнен в виде горизонтального вакуумного котла. R U 2 4 6 8 9 (54) ПОТОЧНАЯ ЛИНИЯ ПО ПЕРЕРАБОТКЕ ОТХОДОВ КОЖЕВЕННОГО И МЕХОВОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВА Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Курская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия им. проф. И.И.Иванова 2 4 6 8 9 (72) Автор(ы): Фурман Ю.В., Сеин О.Б., Жеребилов Н.И., Бурцев А.Ф., Миненков Н.А., Батарев Г.А., Яковлева Е.Г. R U Адрес для переписки: 305021, г. Курск, ул. К. Маркса, 70, КГСХА, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Курская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия им. проф. И.И.Иванова RU 24 689 U1 RU 24 689 U1 RU 24 689 U1 RU 24 689 U1

10-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000027995U1

Устройство для спускания краев деталей из кожи, содержащее дисковой нож, транспортирующий ролик, установленный на подпружиненном рычаге под дисковым ножом, прижимную лапку, смонтированную над транспортирующим роликом с возможностью перемещения в вертикальном направлении, упор для регулирования ширины снимаемого слоя кожи, механизм заточки дискового ножа, отличающееся тем, что нижняя часть дискового ножа выполнена в виде плоскости, а верхняя - в виде конуса, причем под дисковым ножом установлена щетка для очистки транспортирующего ролика от отходов и удаления их из зоны резания, а прижимная лапка в нижней части имеет углубление с радиусом, равным радиусом дискового ножа. (19) RU (11) 27 995 (13) U1 (51) МПК A43D 8/00 (2000.01) C14B 5/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001113253/20 , 18.05.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.05.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Яковлев К.П., Носарев А.Н., Кузнецова М.Г. 2 7 9 9 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для спускания краев деталей из кожи, содержащее дисковой нож, транспортирующий ролик, установленный на подпружиненном рычаге под дисковым ножом, прижимную лапку, смонтированную над транспортирующим роликом с возможностью перемещения в вертикальном направлении, упор для регулирования ширины снимаемого слоя кожи, механизм заточки дискового ножа, отличающееся тем, что нижняя часть дискового ножа выполнена в виде плоскости, а верхняя - в виде конуса, причем под дисковым ножом установлена щетка для очистки транспортирующего ролика от отходов и удаления их из зоны резания, а прижимная лапка в нижней части имеет углубление с радиусом, равным радиусом дискового ножа. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СПУСКАНИЯ КРАЕВ ДЕТАЛЕЙ ИЗ КОЖИ 2 7 9 9 5 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное унитарное предприятие Центральный научно-исследовательский институт кожевенно-обувной промышленности R U ...

27-10-2003 дата публикации

Изделие из кожи или кожезаменителя

Номер: RU0000033572U1
Автор: Ивакин О.М.

1. Изделие из кожи или кожезаменителя, включающее детали из кожи или кожезаменителя, вырезанные и размещенные по разметке, с изнаночной стороны которых расположена подкладка, а вдоль контура каждой детали выполнена нитевая строчка для соединения детали с подкладкой, отличающееся тем, что разметка выполнена на подкладке и по ней детали, по периметру каждой из них состыкованы друг с другом, а стыковочные края каждой детали подвергнуты абразивной обработке и окрашены, при этом на подкладку перед размещением на ней деталей нанесен слой клея. 2. Изделие из кожи или кожезаменителя по п.1, отличающееся тем, что слой клея, нанесенный на подкладку, смешан с краской. 3. Изделие из кожи или кожезаменителя по пп.1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что стыковочные края каждой детали из кожи или кожезаменителя подвергнуты абразивной обработке, включающей шлифование с заходом обработки на лицевую поверхность детали. 4. Изделие из кожи или кожезаменителя по любому из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что стыковочные края каждой детали из кожи или кожезаменителя покрыты вторым слоем краски, при этом второй слой нанесен после сушки и обжига первого слоя. 5. Изделие из кожи или кожезаменителя по любому из пп.1-4, отличающееся тем, что на стыковочные края каждой детали из кожи или кожезаменителя нанесены слои краски, цвет которой совпадает с цветом детали. 6. Изделие из кожи или кожезаменителя по любому из пп.1-4, отличающееся тем, что на стыковочные края каждой детали из кожи или кожезаменителя нанесены слои краски, цвет которой контрастен цвету детали. (19) RU (11) 33 572 (13) U1 (51) МПК C14B 7/06 (2000.01) C14B 7/04 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003121837/20 , 02.07.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.07.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 27.10.2003 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "АРХАНГ", Ивакин Олег Михайлович R U Адрес для переписки: 198096, Санкт-Петербург, пр. ...

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000078485U1

1. Декоративное изделие из кожи, на лицевой поверхности которого образованы отверстия с нанесенной внутрь отверстий краской, отличающееся тем, что отверстия выполнены глухими и расположены в месте нанесения декора на глубину, соответствующую 0,01÷0,98 толщины изделия, и под углом относительно лицевой поверхности от 3 до 177°. 2. Декоративное изделие из кожи по п.1, отличающееся тем, что краска внутрь отверстий нанесена путем прокола лицевой поверхности изделия свежеокрашенной иголкой или иглами. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 78 485 (13) U1 (51) МПК C14B 1/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008130803/22 , 28.07.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.07.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Маринин Дмитрий Николаевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Маринин Дмитрий Николаевич (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 170023, г.Тверь, а/я 2365, Е.Н. Ратовой 7 8 4 8 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Декоративное изделие из кожи, на лицевой поверхности которого образованы отверстия с нанесенной внутрь отверстий краской, отличающееся тем, что отверстия выполнены глухими и расположены в месте нанесения декора на глубину, соответствующую 0,01÷0,98 толщины изделия, и под углом относительно лицевой поверхности от 3 до 177°. 2. Декоративное изделие из кожи по п.1, отличающееся тем, что краска внутрь отверстий нанесена путем прокола лицевой поверхности изделия свежеокрашенной иголкой или иглами. 7 8 4 8 5 U 1 (54) ДЕКОРАТИВНОЕ ИЗДЕЛИЕ ИЗ КОЖИ RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 78 485 U1 Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности и может быть использовано при изготовлении одежных, обувных, галантерейных и художественных изделий из кожи для придания им декоративного эффекта. Известен многослойный декоративный материал, включающий по крайней мере два слоя из натуральных или искусственных основ имеющих серию отверстий. На ...

10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000087327U1

1. Устройство для формования объемных элементов в меховых изделиях, включающее форму-колодку и крепежный элемент, отличающееся тем, что форма-колодка выполнена в виде формозадающей матрицы с выпуклыми участками, а крепежный элемент представляет собой снабженную зубьями-колками прижимную раму-пуансон с ячейками, которые имеют площадь на 10-30% больше площади выпуклых участков матрицы, повторяют контур основания объемных элементов и ограничивают область отделки. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что рама-пуансон выполнена в виде разъемных деталей. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 87 327 (13) U1 (51) МПК A42C 1/02 (2006.01) C14B 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008113610/22, 10.04.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.04.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2009 8 7 3 2 7 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для формования объемных элементов в меховых изделиях, включающее форму-колодку и крепежный элемент, отличающееся тем, что формаколодка выполнена в виде формозадающей матрицы с выпуклыми участками, а крепежный элемент представляет собой снабженную зубьями-колками прижимную раму-пуансон с ячейками, которые имеют площадь на 10-30% больше площади выпуклых участков матрицы, повторяют контур основания объемных элементов и ограничивают область отделки. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что рама-пуансон выполнена в виде разъемных деталей. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ФОРМОВАНИЯ ОБЪЕМНЫХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ 8 7 3 2 7 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Московский государственный университет дизайна и технологии (МГУДТ) (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 115998, Москва, ул. Садовническая, 33, МГУДТ (72) Автор(ы): Абдырасулова Рахима Равшанбековна (RU), Зарецкая Галина Петровна (RU), Лопасова Людмила Владимировна (RU), Гончарова Татьяна Леонидовна (RU) ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000138215U1

1. Изделие из искусственного меха, выполненное сборным из элементов искусственного меха, сшитых в край, отличающееся тем, что меховые элементы выполнены прямоугольной или трапециевидной формы, сшиты в горизонтальные полосы, которые соединены между собой ярусами со сдвигом относительно друг друга таким образом, что швы сшитых меховых элементов расположены в шахматном порядке. 2. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что горизонтальные полосы меховых элементов сшиты, по меньшей мере, в два яруса. 3. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что прямоугольные меховые элементы выполнены с длиной от 17 см до 33 см и шириной от 16 см до 38 см. 4. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что швы сшитых меховых элементов расположены в шахматном порядке со смещением от 1/3 до 1/2 ширины каждого мехового элемента. 5. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на меховых элементах выполнен рисунок, имитирующий шов в виде прямой линии. 6. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на меховых элементах выполнен рисунок, имитирующий зигзагообразный шов с высотой зигзага не более 5 см. 7. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на меховых элементах выполнен рисунок, имитирующий волнообразный шов с амплитудой волны не более 5 см. 8. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что каждый меховой элемент соединен с прокладочным материалом с плотностью не менее 70 г/м. 9. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выполнено из матированного искусственного меха. 10. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выполнено из искусственного меха, имитирующего каракульчу, каракуль или мех теленка. 11. Изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выполнено в виде предмета одежды. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 138 215 U1 (51) МПК C14B 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013129975/13, 01.07.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.07.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Мельникова Елена Ивановна (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Мельникова Елена Ивановна ( ...

31-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000174761U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для прессования и тиснения листовых заготовок из различных материалов, таких как береста, кожа, картон и тому подобных, и касается конструктивных элементов гидравлических прессов, имеющих в своей конструкции один цилиндр поршневого типа со штоком, а именно к нажимным плитам для гидравлических прессов. Задачей предлагаемой полезной модели является создание технического решения, направленного на устранение разницы в давлении между центром и краями поверхности плиты в прессах с одним цилиндром поршневого типа и штоком. Технический результат - равномерное распределение давления нажимной плиты по всей площади поверхности заготовки, что ведет к повышению качества тиснения рисунка по всей поверхности заготовки. Технический результат достигается тем, что предлагаемая нажимная плита для пресса с одним цилиндром поршневого типа и штоком имеет форму правильной усеченной пирамиды, нижнее основание которой представляет собой квадрат, верхнее основание также представляет собой квадрат, стороны которого равны диаметру штока, при этом верхнее основание в середине имеет вертикальное углубление с нанесенной внутренней резьбой для установки винта, служащего для прикрепления нажимной плиты к штоку. Нажимная плита присоединяется к штоку с помощью винта, при этом шток также имеет симметричное вертикальное углубление с нанесенной внутренней резьбой. 174761 Ц ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ‘7 ВУ’ 174 761” 1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 08.03.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 28.01.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 28.01.2020 Бюл. №4 Стр.: 1 КЭДУДЬ па ЕП

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Портативная машина для механической обработки кож

Номер: RU0000193509U1

Полезная модель относится к кожевенному оборудованию, а именно к машинам бытового назначения для механической обработки кожевенного полуфабриката. Портативная машина для механической обработки кож, представляющая собой кожемялку, включающую продольные стенки 5 с зубчатыми поверхностями, размещенные на основании 1 устройства для формирования канала для мягчения и растягивания кожи, и подвижный рычаг 4 с зубчатой рабочей поверхностью, установленный на валу 7 с задней стороны канала с возможностью проворота вокруг установочной оси и прохода между продольными стенками 5, отличающаяся тем, что для совершения рычагом 4 возвратно-поступательных движений установлен привод 2, передающий механическую энергию через ременную передачу 3, коленвал 9 с шатуном 10, установленные с передней стороны канала и соединенные с рычагом 4 посредством регулировочного стержня 11, фиксируемого через регулировочные отверстия на разъемном соединении 12, выбранные с передней стороны рычага 4. Использование настоящей полезной модели позволит быстро и безопасно обработать кожу, а за счет портативности и простоты конструкции устройство будет полезно для малых предприятий, частных охотничьих хозяйств, звероферм и др. 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 509 U1 (51) МПК C14B 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C14B 1/00 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019113998, 08.05.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федоров Василий Сергеевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 31.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 31.10.2019 Бюл. № 31 1 9 3 5 0 9 R U (54) Портативная машина для механической обработки кож (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к кожевенному 4 возвратно-поступательных движений оборудованию, а именно к машинам бытового установлен привод 2, передающий механическую назначения для механической обработки энергию через ременную передачу 3, коленвал 9 кожевенного полуфабриката. Портативная с ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Cutting machine and method for carrying out cutting work on flat, flexible or other materials

Номер: US20130104380A1
Автор: Matthias Felber
Принадлежит: Individual

A cutting machine and a method for cutting pieces of material using at least two cutting devices, which carry out cutting work simultaneously. The cutting devices are operated such that, when the cutting devices are operated simultaneously, each of the cutting devices carries out the respective cutting work on a different piece of material, and each of the cutting devices only carries out a respective portion of the cutting work to be carried out on a piece of material.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139559A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

The invention relates to an apparatus () for processing the skin side of a tubular fur (), which apparatus comprises: a tapering mandrel () with a first part () that is thinner than a second part () of the mandrel, on which mandrel () the tubular fur () can be drawn from the first part of the mandrel ( ) towards the second part of the mandrel () so that the skin side of the fur () faces outwards and the fur side of the fur faces inwards towards the mandrel (), at least a first scraper unit () and a second scraper unit (), each scraper unit comprising at least a first scraper roller ( ) which, during operation and in contact with the skin side, is arranged to rotate so that scraping elements () on the scraper roller () scrape the skin side of the fur () on opposite sides of the mandrel (). The mandrel () and the scraper units () are arranged to be moved in relation to each other in the longitudinal direction of the mandrel, where the scraper units () are arranged to be movable towards and away from the mandrel () and comprise a pressure arrangement arranged to apply to said at least one scraper roller () a contact pressure against the skin side, and where the apparatus comprises a damper arrangement for damping the movement of the scraper units () towards and/or away from the mandrel. 117.-. (canceled)18. An apparatus for processing the skin side of a tubular fur , which apparatus comprises:a tapering mandrel with a first part that is thinner than a second part of the mandrel, on which mandrel the tubular fur can be drawn from the first part of the mandrel towards the second part of the mandrel so that the skin side of the fur faces outwards and the fur side of the fur faces inwards towards the mandrel,at least a first scraper unit and a second scraper unit, each scraper unit comprising at least a first scraper roller which, during operation and in contact with the skin side, is arranged to rotate so that scraping elements on the scraper roller scrape the skin side ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139560A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

The invention relates to an apparatus () for processing the skin side of a tubular fur (), which apparatus comprises a tapering mandrel () with a first part () that is thinner than a second part () of the mandrel, on which mandrel () the tubular fur () can be drawn from the first part of the mandrel ( ) towards the second part of the mandrel () so that the skin side of the fur () faces outwards and the fur side of the fur faces inwards towards the mandrel (), and at least a first scraper unit (), comprising at least one scraper roller () which, during operation and in contact with the skin side, is arranged to rotate so that scraping elements () on the scraper roller () scrape the skin side of the fur (). The mandrel () is arranged to be driven at different predefined speeds, comprising at least a first predefined speed (V) and a second predefined speed (V), where the first predefined speed (V) is lower than the second predefined speed (V), and where the apparatus is arranged to switch between the first predefined speed (V) and the second predefined speed (V) when the fur () on the mandrel () is in different predefined positions. 116.-. (canceled)17. An apparatus for processing the skin side of a tubular fur , which apparatus comprises:a tapering mandrel with a first part that is thinner than a second part of the mandrel, on which mandrel the tubular fur can be drawn from the first part of the mandrel towards the second part of the mandrel so that the skin side of the fur faces outwards and the fur side of the fur faces inwards towards the mandrel,at least a first scraper unit, comprising at least one scraper roller which, during operation and in contact with the skin side, is arranged to rotate so that scraping elements on the scraper roller scrape the skin side of the fur,where the mandrel is arranged to be driven in its longitudinal direction at different predefined speeds, comprising at least a first predefined speed and a second predefined speed,where the first ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152642A1

Using modern pelt boards () with surface () with open structure () in connection with drying out pelts (), where the pelt is retained in stretched position during the drying procedure with a holding bag (), which in an area near the tail part of the pelt is pressing the pelt against a special holding area () n the surface of the pelt board, there may occur areas of the pelt where it can't be retained sufficient during the drying procedure, to maintain the stretched size, and further the occurs areas where the pelt is not dried out sufficient and thus becomes moldy or rot. To solve this problem there is indicated a tubular pelt board inner bag () of perforated, fat- and moisture absorbing material which is peculiar in, that the pelt board inner bag () at least nearest to the first end boundary () and/or the second end boundary () comprises a number of removals in the bag material in shape of holes (), and/or rows of holes (), where the holes () has a larger diameter than the perforations. The rows of holes ensures an improved retaining of the pelt in the stretched out position, and further a better drying out of the pelt in the areas where the rows of holes occurs. 18-. (canceled)962624236221442214364126. A tubular pelt board inner bag () of fat- and moisture-absorbing material with a first end boundary () and a second end boundary () , of the kind used for cladding a pelt board () used in drying the leather side of a pelt () , the pelt board comprising a nose end () , a foot end () , and a holding area () between the nose end () and the foot end () where the pelt () may be retained in a stretched position while drying , the holding area () including a plurality of perforations () , wherein the pelt board inner bag () comprises:{'b': 30', '34', '26', '24', '30', '34, 'a tube-shaped bag including a plurality of holes (, ) near at least one of the first end boundary () and the second end boundary (), wherein the holes (, ) have a larger diameter than the perforations ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Processing of Coverings Such as Leather Hides and Fabrics for Furniture and Other Products

Номер: US20130163826A1
Принадлежит: Vision Automation LLC

Methods and systems for processing coverings such as leather hides and fabrics are provided. A system can include a worktable having a surface on which a covering is placeable. An imaging device can be positionable relative to the worktable. The imaging device can be configured to obtain an image of the covering on the surface of the worktable. A projector can be positionable relative to worktable. The projector can be configured to project an image onto the surface of the worktable and the covering on the surface of the worktable. A controller can be in communication with the imaging device and projector. The controller can be configured to correct images taken by the imaging device. The controller can also be configured to correct the images projected onto the surface of the worktable and the covering thereon. The controller can be configured to permit the showing of virtual markings on the covering placed on the surface of the worktable through an image projected thereon by the projector. The covering can then be marked or cut along the virtual markings.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183538A1
Автор: Amirova Lidia

A method for shaping animal hide into a desired form that is unlike the shape of the base used to support the animal hide during the shaping process. The process includes the steps of wetting a natural hide side of an animal hide; chemically treating a substantially wetted natural hide side of the animal hide with a sizing and shaping a chemically treated animal hide. 1. A method for shaping animal hide , comprising the steps in order of:first, substantially wetting a natural hide side of a tanned animal hidesecond, chemically treating the substantially wetted natural hide side of the tanned animal hide with a sizing comprising any one of the following: synthetic polymers and macromolecular natural products;third, placing the chemically treated animal hide onto the base; andfourth, shaping the chemically treated tanned animal hide by manipulating the animal hide into a desired form without stitching, punching, or stretching, wherein the desired form of the chemically treated tanned animal hide is unlike the shape of the base by taking on additional features not part of the base itself.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic polymers comprise polyvinyl compounds claim 1 , vinyl acetate compounds claim 1 , and polyethylene compounds claim 1 , and the macromolecular natural products comprise starches and carboxymethyl cellulose.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of wetting and chemically treating a semi-dry or a substantially dry area of the natural hide side of the tanned animal hide.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein wetting comprises the steps of applying a solution substantially comprising water to the natural hide side.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein applying comprises a method selected from the group consisting of brushing claim 4 , sponging claim 4 , wiping claim 4 , rubbing claim 4 , pouring claim 4 , toweling claim 4 , swabbing claim 4 , scrubbing claim 4 , spraying claim 4 , squirting claim 4 , dripping claim 4 , dipping and ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333539A1
Автор: Gallucci Gianni
Принадлежит: TESEO S.p.A.

A machine for cutting leathers (), comprising: a structure () which circumscribes an operating area () where the leathers are to be laid, maintained stretched and still such as to allow cutting operations; at least an aspirating plane () arranged at the operating area () and connected to a depression source () such as to maintain the leather stretched and still following activation of the depression source (); a cutting unit (), borne by the structure (), arranged above the operating area () and movable with respect thereto, such as to realise the cut in the leathers in the operating area (); the machine () comprising at least two closed-loop belts () made of a permeable material and flanked to one another, each comprising an upper branch () and a lower branch (), each of the belts () being arranged such that the upper branch () thereof remains above and in proximity of the aspirating plane (), in order to restingly receive the leathers to be cut and in order to enable laying of the leathers thereon; the belts () being attracted by the aspirating plane () following activation of the depression source (), such that the leathers thereon remain stretched and still; the structure () comprising an outlet passage () of the leathers, arranged facing the upper branch () of each of the belts (); each belt () being activatable, following the completion of the cutting operations thereon, such that the relative upper branch () is movable towards the outlet passage () in order for the cut leathers to be transferred out of the operating area (), externally of the structure (), independently of the other belt (). 1. A machine for cutting leathers , comprising:a structure which circumscribes an operating area where the leathers are to be laid, maintained stretched and still such as to allow cutting operations:at least an aspirating plane arranged at the operating area and connected to a depression source such as to maintain the leather stretched and still following activation of ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Machine for cutting leathers

Номер: US20140000321A1
Автор: Gianni Gallucci
Принадлежит: Teseo SpA

The machine for cutting leathers comprises: a bearing structure ( 1 ), an operating element ( 2 ), shaped in such a way as to exhibit a rotation axis (Z) and at least three distinct work planes ( 21, 22, 23 ), each of which is arranged about the rotation axis (Z) and is provided with an aspirating plate that is activatable/deactivatable such as to retain or release the leathers, and cutting means ( 3 ) associated to the bearing structure ( 1 ), at a relative side thereof, and movable with respect thereto. The operating element ( 2 ) is mountable on the bearing structure ( 1 ) rotatably about its rotation axis (Z) and is activatable in rotation about the axis (Z) in order to successively position each work plane ( 21, 22, 23 ) at three successive and distinct positions (P 1, P 2, P 3 ) with respect to the bearing structure ( 1 ): a first position (P 1 ) of placing the leathers in which the leathers can be positioned and stretched above the work plane ( 21, 22, 23 ) and held stretched thereon following activation of the relative aspirating plate; a second position (P 2 ) of cutting the leathers, in which the work plane ( 21, 22, 23 ) with the leathers stretched and retained thereon by the relative aspirating plate is located below the cutting means ( 3 ); a third position (P 3 ) of unloading the leathers, wherein the leathers can be unloaded from the work plane ( 21, 22, 23 ) by force of gravity following the deactivation of the aspirating plate.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Machine and method for stretching a pelt before fastening to a pelt board

Номер: US20140007627A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt
Принадлежит: JASOPELS A/S

The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for stretching a pelt on a pelt board, by determining a length of the pelt and adjusting the stretch force in accordance with the determined length. In particular, the length may be determined prior to stretching of the pelt, or the length may be determined after the primary stretching of the pelt stretching the pelt, where after the stretching force is reduced before securing the pelt to the pelt board. 1. Method for stretching a pelt comprising the steps ofarranging the pelt on a pelt board,determining a measure of the length of the pelt prior to stretching thereof,applying a stretch force to the pelt, the stretch force being determined from said determined length of the pelt, andsecuring the pelt to the pelt board.2. (canceled)3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the stretch force is determined from a predefined monotonic relation between the determined length of the pelt prior to stretching thereof and the stretch force.4. Method according to claim 3 , wherein the stretch force is determined from a linear relation between the determined length of the pelt prior to stretching thereof and the stretch force.5. Method according to claim 1 , comprising the step of gripping at least a part of the lower periphery of the pelt by pelt holders prior to determining the length of the pelt prior to stretching thereof.6. Method according to claim 1 , further comprising the steps ofdetermining a measure of a stretched length of the pelt when said stretch force is applied to the pelt, andselectively reducing the stretch force based on said determined stretched length before securing the pelt to the pelt board.7. (canceled)8. Method according to claim 6 , wherein the stretch force is reduced until the length of the pelt is a predetermined distance longer than one of a plurality of predetermined classification size lengths.9. Method according to claim 8 , wherein said predetermined classification size lengths have ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053616A1
Автор: Jessop Israel

Devices and methods for removal of animal hair are provided. The devices and methods can include one or more rotating bodies that form pinch regions for mechanical removal of animal hair. 1. A device for removal of hair or bristles from an animal , comprising:a first cylindrical body having a longitudinal axis;a second cylindrical body having a longitudinal axis, wherein the first cylindrical body and second cylindrical body are positioned proximate to one another and can rotate about their respective longitudinal axes in opposite directions;at least one flexible sheet of material wrapped about a portion of the first cylindrical body in a first direction relative to the longitudinal axes of the cylindrical bodies and also wrapped about a portion of the second cylindrical body in a second direction opposite the first direction such that as the first cylindrical body rotates in the first direction and the second cylindrical body rotates in the second direction, an elongated pinch point is formed between the flexible sheet and the second cylindrical body; andat least one additional cylindrical body contacting the flexible sheet wherein the at least one additional cylindrical body is capable of rotating about its longitudinal axis in the first direction; and wherein the flexible sheet is in contact with a surface of the additional cylindrical body such that the flexible sheet forms a loop that is in contact with each of the first, second, and at least one additional cylindrical bodies.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second cylindrical body comprises a surface including teeth.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second cylindrical body comprises a textured surface.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flexible sheet comprises a surface including teeth.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the wherein the flexible sheet comprises a textured surface.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first cylindrical body comprises a surface including teeth.7. The device of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Perforating Leather Using Perforation Tiles

Номер: US20150000485A1
Принадлежит: Ontario Die International Incorporated

According to some aspects disclosed herein, there is an apparatus for perforating a sheet of material. The apparatus includes a tile holder and a plurality of perforation tiles removably mountable to the tile holder. Each perforation tile includes a fastener plate for removably mounting the perforation tile to the tile holder; a punch plate supported by the fastener plate opposite the tile holder, the punch plate having at least one aperture therein; and at least one punch received in the at least one aperture and extending outwardly beyond the punch plate away from the fastener plate for perforating the sheet of material. 1. An apparatus for perforating a sheet of material , the apparatus comprising:(a) a tile holder; and (i) a fastener plate for removably mounting the perforation tile to the tile holder;', '(ii) a punch plate supported by the fastener plate opposite the tile holder, the punch plate having at least one aperture therein;', '(iii) at least one punch received in the at least one aperture and extending outwardly beyond the punch plate away from the fastener plate for perforating the sheet of material; and', '(iv) a backing plate positioned between the fastener plate and the punch plate for supporting the at least one punch;, '(b) a plurality of perforation tiles removably mountable to the tile holder, each perforation tile including(c) the tile holder further including a plurality of mounting apertures for removably mounting the plurality of perforation tiles to the tile holder.(d) the fastener plate of each perforation tile having a threaded aperture for receiving a corresponding threaded fastener so as to threadably fasten the perforation tile to the tile holder through one of the mounting apertures, each threaded aperture extending entirely through the fastener plate.2. An apparatus for perforating a sheet of material , the apparatus comprising:(a) a tile holder; and (i) a fastener plate for removably mounting the perforation tile to the tile holder ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002825A1

Disclosed is an apparatus for dry-manufacturing recycled leather comprising air-laid material; and recycled leather manufactured using the apparatus for dry-manufacturing recycled leather. The apparatus for dry-manufacturing recycled leather molds leather fibers and general fibers, which are mixed using air-laid material, and thus a conventional carding process is not required, and recycled leather manufactured thereby has a high tensile strength. 1. A dry manufacturing apparatus for recycled leather , comprising:a leather fiber separation unit for separating leather fibers from leather waste;a blending unit for blending the separated leather fibers with general fibers; anda molding unit for molding the blended leather fibers and general fibers to the recycled leather,wherein the molding unit has an airlaid machine(s) for molding the blended leather fibers and general fibers.2. The dry manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the leather fiber separation unit comprises:a leather crushing machine for breaking bonding among the leather fibers of the leather waste; anda leather scutching machine for separating the leather fibers from the leather waste in which the bonding among the leather fibers is broken.3. The dry manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the blending unit comprises:a leather fiber injection machine for injecting the leather fibers;a general fiber injection machine for injecting the general fibers;a leather fiber weight measuring machine for measuring the weight of the leather fibers injected through the leather fiber injection machine;a general fiber weight measuring machine for measuring the weight of the general fibers injected through the general fiber injection machine; anda blending machine(s) for blending the leather fibers and the general fibers, andthe leather fiber weight measuring machine is connected to the general fiber weight measuring machine by means of a conveyor belt, so that the general fibers are ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017127A1
Автор: Larsen Johnny
Принадлежит: MINKPAPIR A/S

A pelt processing system that comprises a tanning unit for tanning a pelt, which has been fixated to an expanded pelt board having a pelt board top, a pelt board bottom and a connecting element at the pelt board bottom. The pelt board is further operable between an expanded state and a non-expanded state by moving the connecting element relative to the pelt board bottom. A holding unit is provided for accommodating a plurality of the elongated hollow pelt boards. The holding unit defines a top plate having a number of apertures and each of the apertures are adapted for accommodating the connecting element. A blowing unit is further provided and is compatible with the holding unit and comprises a bottom plate, which is parallel to and spaced apart from the top plate. A gas inlet is provided for receiving a stream of gas, preferably air, and a sidewall for interconnecting with the top plate in a fluid-tight manner for establishing an inner space between the top plate, the bottom plate, the gas inlet and the sidewall. The system further comprises a release mechanism for causing the pelt boards on the holding unit to assume the non-expanded state. The invention further relates to a method of drying a pelt by employing the pelt processing system. 115-: (canceled)16. A pelt processing system comprising:a plurality of expandable pelt boards, each of the pelt boards having a pelt board top, a pelt board bottom and a connecting element at the pelt board bottom, each of the pelt boards being operable between an expanded state and a non-expanded state by moving the connecting element relative to the pelt board bottom; a blowing unit compatible with the holding unit and comprising a bottom plate parallel to and spaced apart from the top plate, a gas inlet configured for receiving a stream of gas, and a sidewall configured for interconnecting with the top plate in a fluid-tight manner for establishing an inner space between the top plate, the bottom plate, said gas inlet and the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017128A1
Автор: vonBERGE Robert

A method and apparatus for grading leather based upon the size and spacing of the breaks in the leather. All or a portion of a hide is fed to a fixture that compresses a local area of the hide into a concave shape. The outer side of the hide is compressed and the inner side of the hide is expanded to cause breaks to be manifested in a local area. The local area of the hide is scanned with a digitizing profilometer that measures the depth of the breaks as the hide is fed through the fixture. The depth data measured by the digitizing profilometer is recorded by a controller. The depth data is then correlated with location data representing the local area scanned to develop a map of the break. 1. A method of grading leather comprising:fixturing all or a portion of a hide in a fixture that compresses a local area of the hide into a concave shape with a grain side of the hide being compressed and a flesh side of the hide being expanded to cause a break to be manifested;scanning the local area of the hide with a digitizing profilometer that measures depth and width of the break as the hide is fed through the fixture;recording depth and width data as measured by the digitizing profilometer; andcorrelating the depth data with hide position data representing the local area scanned to develop a map of the break.2. The method of analyzing the map by measuring a size of spaces between the break and converting the size of the spaces to digital data.3. The method of wherein the step of converting the size of spaces between the break is performed by applying a Fourier transform of the depth data and location data.4. The method of wherein the depth data is analyzed to identify peaks and valleys in the local area claim 1 , and wherein a distance between either the peaks or the valleys is used to grade breaks in the local area.5. The method of wherein the distance between the break is converted into wave form data and separated into distinct wave forms that are digitized to grade the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020094A1
Автор: Chang Yu-Pin

An artificial intelligence-based leather inspection method and leather product production method includes the step of using sensor means to obtain a leather data of a leather raw material, then the step of inputting the leather data to an artificial intelligence module to determine a defective area and a non-defective area of the leather raw material, the step of establishing an area data after judgment of the defective area and the non-defective area and then using the area data to define the non-defective area into one or multiple reserved areas so that the leather raw material can be cut into leather components corresponding to the respective reserved areas. 1. An artificial intelligence-based leather inspection method comprising the steps of:(a): using sensor means to obtain a leather data of a leather raw material; and(b): inputting said leather data to an artificial intelligence module to determine a defective area and a non-defective area of said leather raw material.2. The artificial intelligence-based leather inspection method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step (a) is to obtain local leather data of said leather raw material at different locations claim 1 , and then to integrate all the local leather data into said leather data of said leather raw material.3. The artificial intelligence-based leather inspection method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a sub step of establishing an area data after judgment of said defective area and said non-defective area claim 1 , and then using said area data to define said non-defective area into at least one reserved area.4. The artificial intelligence-based leather inspection method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said artificial intelligence module comprises a deep learning model.5. The artificial intelligence-based leather inspection method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein sensor means used in the step (a) is an image sensor for capturing an image of said leather raw material to obtain said leather data ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029120A1
Автор: Jones David Allan
Принадлежит: Soul Skins LLC

Needle-point pen apparatuses and methods for marking and/or creating articles and objects. Other uses for the needle-point pen are also disclosed herein. Further needle, ink, and carriage control improvements are further discussed as well as marking and manufacturing processes. Further control, characterization and design parameters, components, and processes are disclosed. Methods for designing and manufacturing articles as well as collaboration between artists and article designers, including distributed and remote collaboration, are disclosed. New marking techniques, computer control, software, hardware and interactive techniques are further disclosed. And, designs and use of the needle-point pens are further described and illustrated. 1. A marking machine , comprising:a barrel;a needle movably disposed within an inner channel of the barrel, the needle having a tip and an elongate shaft;a driving unit coupled to the needle and providing a driving actuation to the needle, the driving actuation causing the needle to reciprocate within the barrel between one or more extended and a retracted positions;the needle being designed to at least partially insert ink into a material;an ink reservoir supplying ink to the needle for at least partial insertion into the material; anda computing device controlling the needle actuation and ink supply to the needle for controlling marking of the material with the needle and ink.2. A marking machine according to claim 1 , the computing device including:a processor; andmemory,the processor executing instructions stored by the memory causing the processor to control the actuation of the needle.3. A marking machine according to claim 2 , the processor accessing needle control parameters stored on the memory claim 2 , the needle control parameters specifying an oscillation frequency of the actuation of the needle.4. A marking machine according to claim 3 , the needle control parameters specifying different oscillation frequencies for ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030556A1
Принадлежит: MINKPAPIR A/S

The present invention relates to an elongated pelt board for accommodating an animal pelt. The pelt board comprises a first wall element, a second wall element being spaced apart from the first wall element in the first radial direction, a third wall element and a fourth wall element being spaced apart from the third wall element in a second radial direction. The wall elements together define a cavity along a longitudinal direction. The wall elements defining a contracted state in which the first and second radial distances are reduced, and an expanded state in which the first and second radial distances are increased. The pelt board further comprising an elongated core element being movable in relation to each of the wall elements. The elongated core element allows the wall elements to selectively define the contracted state or the expanded state by moving the elongated core element in the longitudinal direction. 1. (canceled)2. The pelt board system according to claim 9 , said system further comprising a fixation bag configured to be tightly positioned around said rear end of said pelt and interlayered between said rigid fastening sections of said fastening assembly and said rear end of said pelt.3. The pelt board system according to claim 9 , further comprising a wrapping polymer strap configured to be wrapped around said rear end of said pelt at said profiled outer bottom end of said pelt board and to be sandwiched between said rear end of said pelt and said rigid fastening sections of said fastening assembly.4. The pelt board system according to claim 9 , said profiled outer bottom end having protruding circumferential ridges defining a first spacing there between in the longitudinal direction of said pelt board claim 9 , and said rigid fastening sections of said fastening assembly having contacting elements defining a second spacing there between corresponding to said first spacing of said ridges of said pelt board for firmly arresting said fastening assembly ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037487A1
Автор: TORTI Franco
Принадлежит: COMELZ S.P.A.

A cutting device for machines for cutting hides and the like, comprising an oscillating piston provided at its end with a cutting blade, the oscillating piston being actuated pneumatically by way of an inlet and an outlet, an oscillation chamber being defined by the lower and upper stroke limits of the oscillating piston, the device comprising a supply duct that leads to the oscillation chamber, the supply duct being regulated by a solenoid valve in order to raise the oscillating piston and consequently raise the cutting blade. 15-. (canceled)6. A cutting device for machines for cutting hides and the like , comprising an oscillating piston provided at an end thereof with a cutting blade , said oscillating piston being actuated pneumatically by way of an inlet and an outlet , an oscillation chamber being defined by the lower and upper stroke limits of said oscillating piston , further comprising a supply duct that leads to said oscillation chamber , said supply duct being regulated by a solenoid valve in order to raise said oscillating piston and consequently raise said cutting blade.7. The device according to claim 6 , wherein said supply duct that leads into said oscillation chamber in the raised condition of said cutting blade is disconnected from the outlet of said oscillating piston.8. The device according to claim 6 , wherein said supply duct that leads to said oscillation chamber is adapted to allow a pneumatic supply that is adapted to act on said oscillating piston in order to raise said oscillating piston.9. The device according to claim 8 , wherein said solenoid valve is adapted to be actuated following an interruption of the pneumatic supply if it is desired to raise said cutting blade.10. A machine for cutting hides and the like claim 6 , further comprising a cutting device according to . The present invention relates to a cutting device for machines for cutting hides and the like. More specifically, the invention relates to a cutting device that is ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061355A1
Автор: Vitale Nilson Riga

The present invention refers to the process of obtaining ‘leather bone’ type snacks, commonly used by dog tutors as snacks and as a treat for the animal in dressage processes, comprised of simple stages of execution, one of the stages being chemical and other ones being mechanical, and free of components potentially harmful to the animal's health, such as flavorings, dyes, glue and resins, thus solving a technical problem related to the need to minimize risks to animal health, due to the use of harmful components in the manufacturing process of the product. 11231124435674489105116765765116712121314) A PROCESS OF OBTAINING SNACK-TYPE CHEWABLE ARTICLE FOR DOGS wherein said process starts with the receipt (E) , weighing (E) and packaging (E) of raw hide () in a tank containing a solution of 90% sodium metabisulfite (C) and drinking water (A) , with concentration of 5% of the weight of the raw hide () of sodium metabisulfite (C) , for 1 hour; after this period , the green leather () is fleshed (E) , in a pressure fleshing machine , for 10 seconds; after the fleshing (E) , the fleshed leather () is arranged on an easel for separation (E) of head and grupon , then the division (E) and the removal of the hairs (E) is carried out in a dividing machine , with a rotation speed of 35 rpm , and the scrapes () with thickness between 22 and 27 lines are obtained; then the scraping () is dried (E) , in a dryer with 40 kg of pressure , and stretched (E) on cutting tables , equipped with jigs , where it is cut (E) into strips () , which will be mounted (E) in roll () or donut shape (); for mounting the rolls () , the strips () are arranged with the roughest surface upwards , rolled and have their sides cut with the knife , when necessary; for the assembly of the donut () , a roll () is prepared that is finished with another strip () that is wrapped over it , joining its two ends; after assembly (E) , the rolls () and the donuts () are packed on conveyors and taken to the greenhouse ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052955A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

An apparatus for processing the skin side of a tubular fur, including a mandrel on which the tubular fur can be drawn from a first part of the mandrel towards a second part of the mandrel so that the skin side of the fur faces outwards and the fur side of the fur faces inwards towards the mandrel, one or more scraper units, each scraping unit having at least one scraper means configured for scraping the skin side when the fur is arranged on the mandrel, and a cover including a compartment and an outlet, where the cover is configured for enclosing at least a part of the mandrel and at least one of the scraper means in the compartment during operation, where the outlet is arranged in a bottom part of the cover, the bottom part being arranged below the at least one scraper means, and where the cover has walls with inner surfaces configured for leading material removed from the skin side by means of one or more of the one or more scraper means towards the bottom part. 117.-. (canceled)18. An apparatus for processing the skin side of a tubular fur , which apparatus comprises:a mandrel on which the tubular fur can be drawn from a first part of the mandrel towards a second part of the mandrel so that the skin side of the fur faces outwards and the fur side of the fur faces inwards towards the mandrel,one or more scraper units, each scraping unit comprising at least one scraper roller configured for scraping said skin side when the fur is arranged on the mandrel, wherein the at least one scraper roller comprises a plurality of scraping edges for scraping the skin side of the fur during rotation and when in contact with the skin side, anda cover comprising a compartment and an outlet,wherein said cover is configured for enclosing at least a part of said mandrel and at least one of said at least one scraper roller in said compartment during operation,wherein said outlet is arranged in a bottom part of said cover, said bottom part being arranged below said at least one scraper ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220067470A1
Автор: Van Garsse Joris

A natural leather embossed with a skin texture for authenticating said natural leather with an identification code comprising the steps: —applying a protective top-coat on said natural leather; and —selecting an identification code and converting said identification code to a plurality of locations; and —forming a skin texture with higher up elements and lower located elements; arranged according said plurality of locations; and —embossing said skin texture in said protective top-coat.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050413A1

The present invention discloses a kind of production process for a fully covered leather sheath product, which comprises the following steps of: determining peripheral dimensions of leather such as the length and width according to the size of the product, and coating the leather with an adhesive; putting the shell of a product to be covered into the upper die of a mold, placing the trimmed leather into the lower die of the mold, and positioning it by a positioning post; heating the above-mentioned leather placed in the lower die of the mold; closing the upper die and the lower die immediately after the heating treatment is complete; opening the mold until the lamination is complete, taking out the product from the mold and fitting it with a fixture for the stretching folding treatment; heating the product along with the fixture to bond the leather with the interior of the product shell; and pressing it along with the fixture after heating; taking the pressed product out of the fixture and cutting excessive leather, attaching an inner lining material of the same dimensions after the excessive leather is cut, and pressing the inner lining material for bonding. The objective of the present invention is to provide a production process for the fully covered leather sheath product, which has high production efficiency and can improve the overall product design effect. 1. A production process for a fully covered leather sheath product , characterized in that , comprising the following steps of:(1) determining peripheral dimensions of leather such as the length and width according to the size of the product, and coating the leather with an adhesive;(2) putting the shell of a product to be covered into the upper die of a mold, placing the trimmed leather into the lower die of the mold, and positioning it by a positioning post;(3) heating the above-mentioned leather placed in the lower die of the mold;(4) closing the upper die and the lower die immediately after the heating ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051366A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

A pelt board for tubular furs such as mink, includes a foot end and a tip end, and also includes half parts extending between opposite longitudinal edges, and an internal cavity for distributing drying air between the half parts. A distension system is configured to reduce or increase the circumference of the pelt board dependent on the setting of said distension system. The half parts include ventilation openings, which provide a flow of drying air between the internal cavity and the outer surface of the half parts. The outer surface of at least one of the half parts includes an outer guiding recess for receiving an air exchange part. The guiding recess extends substantially from the tip end of the pelt board in a direction towards the foot end, and ends substantially at a drying air supply opening to the internal cavity. 2. A pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein said drying air supply opening extends between the recessed surface of said guiding recess and an upper claim 1 , elevated edge of said half part claim 1 , which upper elevated edge is elevated compared to said recessed surface.3. A pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein said guiding recess is configured to provide an opening between the recessed surface of said guiding recess and a tubular fur claim 1 , when said tubular fur is arranged on the pelt board so that the air exchange part can be inserted between said recessed surface and said tubular fur after the tubular pelt is arranged on the pelt board.4. A pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein the length of said guiding recess is no more than ¼ of the length of the pelt board such as no more than 1/10 of the length of the pelt board claim 1 , e.g. no more than 1/15 of the length of the pelt board.5. A pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of said half part provides a curved outer profile.6. A pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein said pelt board comprises a first plane extending through said longitudinal edges of said pelt ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Pelt board

Номер: US20170051367A1
Автор: Kurt Pedersen
Принадлежит: Eikon Technologies Holding SARL

A pelt board for drying of tubular pelts has a tip end from which the pelt is drawn onto the pelt board and a foot end. The pelt board includes two broad side surfaces, each extending in the longitudinal direction of the pelt board. One of the broad side surfaces is of a substantially linear cross-sectional outer contour at least in a holding area of the pelt board. The other of the broad side surfaces is of a substantially convex cross-sectional outer contour. The holding area is positioned in the half part of the pelt board nearest the foot end thereof and extends at least 25 cm, preferably at least 30 cm in the longitudinal direction of the pelt board.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051368A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

A pelt board for drying of tubular pelts has a tip end from which the pelt is drawn onto the pelt board and a foot end. The pelt board has at least one inlet and an air conducting arrangement that includes openings in broad side surfaces connected to the inlet. At least one of the broad side surfaces within at least a holding area is provided with protrusions, which are arranged in a staggered manner in the longitudinal direction of the pelt board so as to deflect the air flow between the broad side surfaces and a tubular pelt arranged on the pelt board from a flow path parallel to the longitudinal direction of the pelt board. The holding area is positioned in the half part of the pelt board nearest the foot end and extends at least 25 or 30 cm in the longitudinal direction of the pelt board. 1. Pelt board for drying of tubular pelts , the pelt board having a tip end from which the pelt is drawn onto the pelt board and a foot end , the pelt board comprising two broad side surfaces each extending in the longitudinal direction of the pelt board ,the pelt board having at least one inlet for receiving a flow of air and an air conducting arrangement including openings in said broad side surfaces of the pelt board connected to said inlet for providing an air flow between the broad side surfaces and a pelt arranged on the pelt board,wherein at least one of the broad side surfaces within at least a holding area are provided with a plurality of protrusions, the protrusions being arranged in a staggered manner in the longitudinal direction of the pelt board so as to deflect said air flow between the broad side surfaces and a tubular pelt arranged on the pelt board from a flow path parallel to the longitudinal direction of the pelt board,wherein said holding area is positioned in the half part of the pelt board nearest the foot end thereof and extends at least 25 cm, preferably at least 30 cm in the longitudinal direction of the pelt board.2. Pelt board according to claim 1 , ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059419A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

A method and an apparatus () is disclosed for processing the skin side of a tubular fur () arranged on a mandrel () so that the skin side of the fur () faces outwards, comprising the steps of processing the skin side of the tubular fur () by mutually displacing the mandrel () and a processing device () in a longitudinal direction of the mandrel () while said processing device engages the skin side of the tubular fur (), determining a transition between a lower end part () of the tubular fur () and a surface () of the mandrel () by means of mutually displacing the mandrel () and a colour sensor () directed towards the mandrel () in a longitudinal direction of the mandrel (), and terminating the processing step in dependence of said determined transition. 1. Method for processing the skin side of a tubular fur comprising the steps ofdrawing the tubular fur on a mandrel from a free end of the mandrel so that the skin side of the fur faces outwards and the fur side of the fur faces inwards towards the mandrel,processing the skin side of the tubular fur by mutually displacing the mandrel and a processing device in a longitudinal direction of the mandrel while said processing device engages the skin side of the tubular fur,determining a transition between a lower end part of the tubular fur and a surface of the mandrel by means of mutually displacing the mandrel and a colour sensor directed towards the mandrel in a longitudinal direction of the mandrel, andterminating the processing step in dependence of said determined transition.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the colour sensor is arranged substantially stationary with respect to the processing device.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the transition is determined by the detection of the colour of the mandrel surface by the colour sensor.4. Method according to claim 3 , wherein the colour of the mandrel surface towards which the colour sensor is directed is in the range of 400 to 540 nm.5. Method ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Wild Game Tote With Interchangeable Hunting Tools

Номер: US20210059239A1
Автор: Bednar James R.

A multi-functional wild game tote that functions not only as a lightweight, convenient and compact carrier for one or more game animals such as birds, small mammals and fish harvested in the wild, but also as a multi-purpose tool having numerous interchangeable hunting tools useful when hunting wild game, especially wild turkeys. The carrier function of the wild game tote is provided by an ergonomically designed, elongate, rigid handle member having opposite ends and one or more cords extending through the handle member for carrying the harvested game. The multi-purpose tool function of the wild game tote is provided by hunting tools that are detachably mounted on both ends of the handle member such as a scale for weighing the harvested game, or a blade-sharpening stone for sharpening a hunter's knife. The tote also has hash markings on the handle member that denote the measurement of length. 1. A multi-functional wild game tote , comprising:an elongate, rigid handle member having opposite ends and a central finger grip portion therebetween, said handle member having a longitudinal axis and a central hole extending perpendicularly through said longitudinal axis at a location intermediate between the opposite ends of said handle member;a center cord extending through the central hole in said handle member, said center cord having a loop at its upper end which is disposed above said handle member and a slip noose at its lower end which is disposed beneath said handle member; anda hunting tool detachably mounted on one or both of the opposite ends of said handle member.2. The wild game tote of claim 1 , wherein one of said hunting tools comprises a scale for weighing harvested wild game.3. The wild game tote of claim 2 , wherein said scale comprises a calibrated coil spring disposed within one end of said handle member.4. The wild game tote of claim 3 , wherein said handle member includes a window formed therein claim 3 , and hash markings spaced adjacent said window ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074005A1
Автор: MYTAROS Panagiotis

A leather laminate composite includes a leather layer and reinforcing fabric laminated together via an adhesive. The adhesive includes water vapor passages. 1. A leather laminate composite comprising a leather layer and reinforcing fabric laminated together via an adhesive ,wherein the adhesive comprises water vapor passages.2. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the leather laminate has a water vapor permeability of above 5 mg/cm2/hour.3. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the leather laminate has a water vapor permeability of above 5 mg/cm2/hour.4. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a variation of breathability of a leather laminate varies with less than 25% measured over a plurality of leather laminates.5. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the reinforcing fabric is below 0.1 mm.6. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein an ultimate tensile strength of the reinforcing fabric is at least above 5 kN/m.7. (canceled)8. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein an elongation at break of the reinforcing fabric is between 0.2% and 10%.9. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a tear strength of the reinforcing fabric is at least 25 N.10. (canceled)11. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a tensile strength of the reinforcing fabric is between 1 GPa and 5 GPa.12. (canceled)13. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a peel strength of the leather laminate is between 0.3 N/mm and 1.5 N/mm.14. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fabric claim 1 , the adhesive claim 1 , and the leather are compatible.1516.-. (canceled)17. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the leather layer is obtained from top grain leather.18. The leather laminate according to claim 1 , wherein a flesh-side of the leather layer is facing the reinforcing fabric of the leather laminate composite.19. The leather ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057899A1
Принадлежит: COMELZ S.P.A.

A method for cutting natural hides, on cutting machines comprising a conveyor belt on which a hide to be cut is arranged, and at least one longitudinal cantilever arm for supporting a cutting head, comprising the steps of: 19-. (canceled)10. A method for cutting natural hides and the like , on cutting machines comprising a conveyor belt on which a hide to be cut is arranged , and at least one longitudinal cantilever arm for supporting a cutting head adapted to cut said hide , the method comprising the steps of:on a conveyor belt of the machine that is divided into a placement area, a cutting area and a collection area, wherein the collection area is an area of the conveyor belt toward which said at least one supporting arm protrudes with the corresponding cutting head, placing, by means of a placement operator, a hide on said placement area;defining a cutting layout on said hide;advancing said hide at said cutting area in order to cut the hide by means of said at least one cutting head;by means of a collection operator, located at said collection area and directed toward said at least one supporting arm with corresponding cutting head, rearranging said hide when it is at said cutting area;advancing said hide toward the collection area and collecting the cut pieces.11. The method according to claim 10 , wherein the collection operator has the task of collecting the cut pieces at said collection area and of intervening at said cutting area in order to rearrange said hide.12. The method according to claim 10 , wherein the hide is subjected to aspiration at said cutting area.13. The method according to claim 10 , wherein at said cutting area said hide is spread manually by the collection operator claim 10 , who accesses said cutting area from said collection area.14. The method according to claim 10 , wherein the intervention of the collection operator at said cutting area stops said at least one cutting head.15. A machine for cutting natural hides and the like claim 10 ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057900A1
Принадлежит: MINKPAPIR A/S

A stretching apparatus for stretching a pelt on a pelt board, wherein the pelt has a substantially tubular shape defining an inwardly oriented leather side, an outwardly oriented fur side, a nose end, a rear end and a pair of front leg cavities. The pelt board defines a top end for accommodating and fixating the nose end of the pelt, a circumferential wall for facing the inwardly oriented leather side of the pelt and a base end located opposite the top end. The stretching apparatus comprises a holding device for holding the base end of the pelt board, and a stretching device having a pair of stretching members. Each of the stretching members are adapted in order to be inserted into a respective front leg cavity of the pelt and the stretching device is movable in a direction towards the holding device for stretching the pelt. 1. A stretching apparatus for stretching a pelt on a pelt board , said pelt having a substantially tubular shape defining an inwardly oriented leather side , an outwardly oriented fur side , a nose end , a rear end and a pair of front leg cavities , said pelt board defining a top end configured for accommodating and fixating said nose end of said pelt , a circumferential wall configured for facing said inwardly oriented leather side of said of said pelt and a base end located opposite said top end , said stretching apparatus comprising:a holding device for holding said base end of said pelt board; anda stretching device having a pair of stretching members, each of said stretching members being adapted for being inserted into a respective front leg cavity of said pelt, said stretching device being movable in a direction towards said holding device for stretching said pelt.2. The stretching apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said stretching members comprise cylindrical pins.3. The stretching apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said apparatus further comprises a first fastening device configured for fastening said rear end of said pelt ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056253A1
Принадлежит: MINKPAPIR A/S

A pelt board bag for use in combination with a pelt board for the tanning and drying of a pelt applied externally to the pelt board bag comprises a pair of oppositely positioned and substantially coextensively extending, elongated sheets. The pair of sheets are joined together along opposite longitudinal edges and define in a first state a flat two-layer structure and in a second state a basically tubular state. The pair of sheets define opposite first and second ends. The first end constitutes a narrow open end constituting a top end when used in combination with the pelt board, and the second end constitutes a broader bottom end when used in combination with the pelt board. The pair of sheets define in the second state an inner perimeter varying from the first narrow end to the broader second end. The pair of sheets have a region at a specific inner perimeter, which is provided with slits, oblong apertures, embossings, score lines or folds allowing the region to be expanded at least in one direction longitudinally or transversely when in the second state. Each of the longitudinal edges defines a respective fold line at which the material is folded and the fold lines are provided with slits, oblong apertures, embossings, score lines or folds and extend substantially between the first end and the second end. 134-: (canceled)35. An assembly for tanning and drying a pelt , comprising:a pelt board; anda pelt board bag disposed externally on the pelt board and configured to hold a pelt to be tanned and dried, the pelt board bag comprising a sheet of fat-absorbing material folded along a fold line extending between a first end of the sheet and an opposite second end of the sheet, the sheet having two opposed longitudinal boundaries extending between the first end and the second end that are joined together to define, in a first state, a flat two-layer structure, and in a second state, a substantially tubular structure;wherein the pelt board bag further defines an open ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137610A1

A method of processing a leather material. The method may include providing a tanned and dried leather material and pre-stretching the leather material after the leather material is dried. 1. A method of processing a leather material comprising:providing a tanned leather material;drying the leather material;pre-stretching the leather material;cutting the leather material into a set of panels; andassembling at least some members of the set of panels into a leather article;wherein the step of pre-stretching the leather material occurs after drying the leather material and before assembling the panels.2. The method of wherein the step of pre-stretching the leather material occurs after cutting the leather material into the set of panels.3. The method of further comprising the step of finishing the leather material after drying the leather material and before cutting the leather material into the set of panels.4. The method of wherein the step of pre-stretching the leather material occurs after finishing the leather material and before cutting the leather material into the set of panels.5. The method of further comprising pre-stretching the leather material a second time after cutting the leather material into the set of panels and before assembling at least some members of the set of panels.6. The method of wherein the step of pre-stretching the leather material occurs before finishing the leather material.7. The method of further comprising pre-stretching the leather material a second time after finishing the leather material and before cutting the leather material.8. The method of further comprising pre-stretching the leather material a third time after cutting the leather material into the set of panels and before assembling at least some members of the set of panels.9. The method of wherein the step of finishing the leather material further comprises coating an exterior surface with polyurethane.10. The method of wherein the step of finishing the leather material ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Apparatuses and methods for stretching a pelt on a pelt board

Номер: US20190062853A1
Принадлежит: Minkpapir AS

A stretching apparatus for stretching a pelt on a pelt board and a method of stretching a pelt on a pelt board, where the pelt has a substantially tubular shape defining an inwardly oriented leather side, an outwardly oriented fur side, a nose end and a rear end. The pelt board defines a top end for accommodating and fixating the nose end of the pelt, a circumferential wall for facing the inwardly oriented leather side of the pelt and a base end located opposite the top end. The method comprises the steps of providing a stretching apparatus comprising a holding device, a fastening device comprising a gripping mechanism, and a drive mechanism connected between the holding device and the fastening device. The method further comprises holding the base end of a pelt board by the holding device so that the pelt board extends outwardly along a longitudinal direction from the holding device. Furthermore, the method comprises the fastening of the rear end of the pelt by using the gripping mechanism of the fastening device. The method also comprises moving the holding device and the fastening device relative to each other in the longitudinal direction by using the drive mechanism for applying a stretching force onto the pelt by the drive mechanism corresponding to an estimated maximum stretching force value or more during a total time period.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing a Decorative Element Having a Raised Embossed Visible Surface, and Decorative Element Manufactured by Said Method

Номер: US20180065403A1

A method for manufacturing a decorative component includes providing an embossing device which has female embossing mold and male embossing mold, and providing at least one decorative material layer. The method also includes disposing the decorative material layer between the female embossing mold and the male embossing mold in such a manner that a visible surface of the decorative material layer faces the female embossing mold, and a reverse face of the decorative material layer that is opposite the visible surface faces the male embossing mold. The method also includes carrying out an embossing procedure by means of the embossing device such that the decorative material layer after the embossing procedure has a raised region on the visible surface, and opposite thereto a depressed region on the reverse face. The method also includes disposing an insert element for stabilizing the raised region in the depressed region. 1. A method for manufacturing a decorative component having a raised embossed visible surface , said method comprising the acts of:providing an embossing device which has female embossing mold and male embossing mold;providing at least one decorative material layer;disposing the decorative material layer between the female embossing mold and the male embossing mold in such a manner that a visible surface of the decorative material layer faces the female embossing mold, and a reverse face of the decorative material layer that is opposite the visible surface faces the male embossing mold;carrying out an embossing procedure by means of the embossing device such that the decorative material layer after the embossing procedure has a raised region on the visible surface, and opposite thereto a depressed region on the reverse face;disposing an insert element for stabilizing the raised region in the depressed region.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the insert element has a surface contour which is adapted to the surface contour of the decorative ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073780A1

A process for preserving and restoring leather upholstery through steps involving use of cleaning, dye, conditioning and sealing materials, and, prior to dying or conditioning, abrading the material, in part, for restoring access to hide pores for optimizing the hide's degree and uniformity of acceptance of dye(s) and conditioner(s). 1cleaning said leather upholstery for removing foreign materials and contaminants;abrading said leather upholstery to a degree for exposing raw leather through removal of said leather upholstery's prior patina;substantially saturating said leather upholstery with a leather conditioner; andapplying a sealing material to said leather upholstery for substantially water-proofing said leather upholstery.. A method for restoring previously used and degraded leather upholstery comprising the steps of: Applicants and inventors claim priority, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §119(d), with respect to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/219,195, filed 16 Sep. 2015.1. Field of The InventionThe present invention relates to leather treatment and refurbishing.2. Background InformationHaving leather upholstery is among the most expensive of options for home, automobile, aircraft and other seating. Leather is also among the least understood of materials with respect to proper care, preservation and restoration.For most upholstery materials, one can purchase a bottle or can of a substance that is applied to the upholstery for cleaning and/or providing stain resistance to the material. Instructions typically provide for some agitation of the substance after application, and later removal by wiping or vacuum of some kind. Unfortunately, leather cleaning and preservation, and much less restoration is achievable in this manner. Many Products that are suitable for fibrous or synthetic leather materials are at best ineffective, and often worse are destructive to authentic leather.Particularly in the high-end automobile and aircraft industries, visibly worn ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099652A1

A diagnostic support for a skin includes a radio-transparent structure that defines a folding surface of the skin and on which the skin may be stretched and consequently folded, thereby defining folded, mutually superimposed portions spaced apart from each other. The support may be used for radiographic inspection of a folded animal skin. 115-. (canceled)16. A diagnostic support for a skin , comprising:a radio-transparent structure configured to define at least one folding surface of said skin and on which said skin is at least partially stretched and consequently folded, thereby defining folded, mutually superimposed portions of said skin,wherein said radio-transparent structure is configured to position itself between said folded portions, thus spacing them apart from each other.17. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein said radio-transparent structure is configured to fold said skin claim 16 , thereby defining folded portions that are equally spaced from one another.18. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein said radio-transparent structure comprises a flexible plate defining said folding surface and configured to roll up on itself claim 16 , thus folding said skin.19. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein:said radio-transparent structure defines a longitudinal plane and comprises a plurality of sections, each section defining one of said at least one folding surfaces, andsaid sections are mutually alternated on opposite sides with respect to said longitudinal plane and axially spaced from each other.20. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein said radio-transparent structure comprises a plurality of panels configured to be stacked claim 16 , thereby placing said skin between said panels.21. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein said radio-transparent structure comprises a first fork comprising first tines and a second fork comprising second tines configured to position themselves ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080162A1

Methods and systems for customizing hides are provided. In particular, one or more embodiments comprise a tanning control system that improves profitability and customer satisfaction by facilitating the customization of hides according to customer orders. Furthermore, one or more embodiments enable the tanning control system to improve efficiency and responsiveness by producing packages of hides that exactly match customer orders. Additionally, one or more embodiments enhance the traceability of hides by capturing data related to the customization of hides. 1. A method of customizing hides comprising:accessing electronic information corresponding with a first customer order and electronic information corresponding with a second customer order;determining, by at least one processor, that the first customer order and the second customer order indicate compatible hide characteristics;determining that a group of hides corresponds to the compatible hide characteristics;processing a first subgroup of hides of the group of hides in accordance with a first specification identified within the first customer order; andprocessing a second subgroup of hides of the group of hides in accordance with a second specification identified within the second customer order.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:identifying a first hide count indicated by the first customer order;identifying a second hide count indicated by the second customer order; andselecting the group of hides based at least in part on a determination that a hide count of the group of hides is greater than or equal to a sum of the first hide count and the second hide count.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:identifying a first hide type indicated by the first customer order;identifying a second hide type indicated by the second customer order; andselecting the group of hides based at least in part on a determination that the first hide type and the second hide type are identical.4. The method of ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Interior trim panel for a vehicle and method of forming same

Номер: US20210086411A1

An interior trim panel for a vehicle includes a leather layer defining a feature having a radius of less than five millimeters, and a backing layer adhered to the leather layer and providing a support structure for the leather layer. A method of forming the interior trim panel includes clamping the leather layer in a frame to securely fix the edges of the leather layer, positioning the leather layer between compression mold dies defining a complementary surface having a feature with a radius of less than five millimeters, and compressing the leather layer between the dies.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Method for Producing Breatheable Leather Material and Use of Leather Material Produced According to Said Method

Номер: US20170088909A1

A method is provided for producing breathable leather material including the following steps: a leather-based material is provided; the leather-based material is perforated; a support body is provided; a finishing is applied to the support body such that a later visible side of the finishing is facing the support body and the finishing is transferred to the surface of the perforated leather-based material and removed from the support body. 1. A method for producing a breathable leather material , the method comprising the acts of:providing a leather-based material;perforating the leather-based material;providing a support body;applying a finishing to the support body so that a later visible side of the finishing faces the support body; andtransferring the finishing to a surface of the perforated leather-based material and removing the support body.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the finishing is applied punctiformly to the support body.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the finishing is applied punctiformly to the support body by a screen-printing process.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the support body is perforated before applying the finishing.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the support body is perforated before applying the finishing.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the support body and the finishing are perforated before the finishing is transferred.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the support body and/or the finishing is heated to transfer the finishing.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein an exposed side of the finishing is pressed to the surface of the leather-based material to transfer the finishing.9. The method according to claim 7 , wherein an exposed side of the finishing is pressed to the surface of the leather-based material to transfer the finishing.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the finishing comprises a primer claim 1 , a coloring preparation and/or a ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of recycling leather sheet using fiber of leather

Номер: US20180094329A1
Автор: Jieon KIM
Принадлежит: Atko Planning Inc

A method of preparing recycling leather sheets comprise: pre-processing where leather wastes are neutralized and fatliquoring agents are adhered; separating leather fibers from the leather wastes that has undergone the pre-processing; mixing the separated leather fibers with fibers for improving a tensile strength of the separated leather fibers; and forming sheets by combining the mixed leather fibers and raw fabrics for floor. The method of preparing recycling leather sheets in the present invention may reduce environmental pollution by preparing recycling leather sheets through physical combination without using adhesives.

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102373A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

A pelt board () is disclosed for stretching and drying of tubular pelts (), the pelt board () having a tip end () from which the pelt is drawn onto the pelt board () and a foot end (), wherein the pelt board () has a lower part () nearest the foot end () where the outer cross-sectional circumference of the pelt board () is substantially constant and an upper part () between the lower part () and the tip end (), where the outer cross-sectional circumference of the upper part () gradually decreases towards the tip end (), wherein the longitudinal extent (L) of the lower part () is in the range of 36 to 50 cm, more preferably in the range of 40 to 45 cm. Furthermore is disclosed an extension piece for connecting with a standard pelt board and fat-absorbing inner bags () for use with the pelt board (). 1. A pelt board for stretching and drying of tubular pelts of male mink , the pelt board comprising a tip end from which the pelt is drawn onto the pelt board and a foot end ,wherein the pelt board has a lower part nearest the foot end where the outer cross-sectional circumference of the pelt board is substantially constant and an upper part between the lower part and the tip end, where the outer cross-sectional circumference of the upper part gradually decreases towards the tip end, andwherein the longitudinal extent of the lower part is in the range of 36 to 50 cm, more preferably in the range of 40 to 45 cm.2. The pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal extent of the lower part constitutes more than 0.25 and no more than 0.35 of the overall extent of the pelt board.3. The pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal extent of the upper part of the pelt board is about 90 cm.4. The pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal extent of the pelt board from the foot end to the tip end thereof is within the range of 126 to 140 cm claim 1 , preferably within the range of 130 to 135 cm.5. The pelt board according to claim 1 , ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170121A1

A manufacturing process of three-dimensional leather objects, including the following steps: applying a hardener additive on the flesh side of a piece of leather, positioning the flesh side of the piece of leather on a shape, introducing the shape with the piece of leather in a vacuum sack, applying rough vacuum in the vacuum sack, heating the vacuum sack with the shape and the piece of leather, and progressively applying vacuum during the heating step, stopping the vacuum pressure and cooling the vacuum sack with the shape and the piece of leather, opening the sack and extracting the shape with the piece of leather from the vacuum sack and removing the piece of leather from the shape in such a way that the piece of leather has the shape of a three-dimensional object. 2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said hardener additive is applied on the flesh side of the piece of leather claim 1 , in such a way to be absorbed by the leather fibers without reaching the grain side of the piece of leather.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein said hardener additive has an average dosage of 300-500 g/m.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein said hardener additive comprises Thiophene claim 1 , Sodium Dioctyl Sulphosuccinate claim 1 , Alcohols claim 1 , Fatty Alcohols C12-18 (even numbered) and Ethoxylates.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein tensioning and holding elements are applied in the areas with the highest level of deformation and stretching of the piece of leather in order to copy concave and/or convex geometries of the shape claim 1 , avoiding the formation of wrinkles and creases.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein said heating step is performed by positioning the vacuum sack with the shape and the piece of leather in a hot chamber that is heated at a temperature of 40°-75° C. for 3-10 minutes.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein in said step of progressively applying high vacuum during the heating step claim 1 , high vacuum is obtained inside said vacuum sack.8. The process ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114049A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

An apparatus for processing the skin side of a tubular fur where one or more scraping means are configured for being arranged in a first position away from a mandrel of the apparatus with a first distance in relation to the center axis of the mandrel, and in a third position where the scraping means are configured for being in contact with the skin side so as to process the skin side of the fur, where the one or more scraping means are furthermore configured for being arranged in a second predefined position being arranged between the first position and the third second position with a second predefined distance in relation to the centre axis of the mandrel, and the apparatus is configured for automatically releasing the scraping means from the second position towards the third position when predetermined criteria is complied with. 117.-. (canceled)18. An apparatus for processing the skin side of a tubular fur , which apparatus comprises:a tapering mandrel comprising a first part that is thinner than a second part of the mandrel, on which mandrel the tubular fur can be drawn from the first part of the mandrel towards the second part of the mandrel so that the skin side of the fur faces outwards and the fur side of the fur faces inwards towards the mandrel, andone or more scraping units, each scraping unit comprising one or more scraping means for scraping said skin side, said one or more scraping units being configured for being moved towards and away from said mandrel during operation of said apparatus,said apparatus being configured for providing a movement between said mandrel and said one or more scraping means in the longitudinal direction of said mandrel during operation,wherein said one or more scraping means are configured for being arranged in a first position away from said mandrel with a first distance in relation to the centre axis of said mandrel, and in a third position where the scraping means are configured for being in contact with said skin side so ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107586A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

A system () is disclosed comprising a machine () for stretching pelts on pelt boards () and a device () for placing the pelt boards () in the machine () and/or for removing the pelt boards () from the machine () after stretching of the pelts and fastening them to the pelt board (). The invention further relates to the device () itself, and the methods for placing or removing a pelt board (). 1. System comprising a machine for stretching pelts on pelt boards and a device for removing the pelt board from said machine , the device comprisinga gripping arrangement for gripping a pelt board in an operational position at the machine,a displacement arrangement for displacing said gripping arrangement, anda controller for controlling the operation of said gripping arrangement and said displacement arrangement, the controller being adapted to perform a removal of a pelt board including the steps ofa) control the displacement arrangement to position the gripping arrangement ready for gripping a pelt board in an operational position at the machine,b) control the gripping arrangement to grip said pelt board,c) control the displacement arrangement to move the gripping arrangement carrying the pelt board upwards and in a horizontal direction, andd) control the gripping arrangement to release the pelt board.2. System according to claim 1 , wherein said horizontal movement of the gripping arrangement step c) includes a movement towards a back side of the machine opposite an operator's place in front of the machine.3. System according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is adapted to claim 1 , between steps c) and d) claim 1 , perform the step ofc1) control the displacement arrangement to rotate the pelt board to a substantially horizontal position.4. System according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is further being adapted to perform a placing of a pelt board in the machine including the steps of1) control the gripping arrangement to grip a pelt board ready for being processed ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107587A1

Methods and systems for sorting hides are provided. In particular, one or more embodiments comprise a tanning control system that enhances the traceability of hides by capturing and utilizing data related to the unloading, tanning, sorting, and packaging of hides. Furthermore, one or more embodiments enable the tanning control system to improve efficiency by sorting hides based, at least in part, on data generated during prior tanning processes. Additionally, one or more embodiments facilitate the tanning control system in customizing the sorting and packaging of hides based, at least in part, on one or more hide characteristics and/or customer specifications. 1. A method of hide sorting comprising:identifying a batch identifier associated with a plurality of hides;determining, by at least one processor and based on the batch identifier, a batch characteristic associated with the plurality of hides, the batch characteristic created during a prior tanning process applied to the plurality of hides;generating a hide identifier for a hide of the plurality of hides;associating the batch characteristic with the hide identifier; andsorting the hide based on the batch characteristic.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, as user input, an identifier that identifies the plurality of hides;comparing the identifier to batch identifiers stored in a tanning system database;determining, based on the comparison, the identifier does not match any of the batch identifiers stored in the tanning system database; andbased on the determination that the identifier does not match any of the batch identifiers stored in the tanning system database, providing a notification to a user.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the notification to the user comprises a prompt to re-enter the identifier.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising receiving the user input at a measuring system.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising accessing a tanning system database to ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106757A1

Methods and systems for sorting hides are provided. In particular, one or more embodiments comprise a tanning control system that enhances the traceability of hides by capturing and utilizing data related to the unloading, tanning, sorting, and packaging of hides. Furthermore, one or more embodiments enable the tanning control system to improve efficiency by sorting hides based, at least in part, on data generated during prior tanning processes. Additionally, one or more embodiments facilitate the tanning control system in customizing the sorting and packaging of hides based, at least in part, on one or more hide characteristics and/or customer specifications. 1identifying a batch identifier associated with a plurality of hides;determining, by at least one processor and based on the batch identifier, a batch characteristic associated with the plurality of hides, the batch characteristic created during a prior tanning process applied to the plurality of hides;generating a hide identifier for a hide of the plurality of hides;associating the batch characteristic with the hide identifier; andsorting the hide based on the batch characteristic.. A method of hide sorting comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/390,704, filed Dec. 26, 2016, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/724,547, filed May 28, 2015, which claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/003,998, filed May 28, 2014. This application is related to U.S. application Ser. No. 14/714,006, filed May 15, 2015. The entire contents of the foregoing applications are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.One or more embodiments relate generally to processing hides. More specifically, one or more embodiments relate to systems and methods of sorting hides.In general, tanning is the process of transforming raw animal hides into leather hides. Typically, tanning is performed at a tanning facility that receives raw animal ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114471A1

The invention relates to a method for introducing a defined weakening line by means of material removal on a cover material () which has a visible side () and a rear side () opposite the visible side (), in which a pulsed laser beam () from a laser () is aimed at the rear side () of the cover material () and is guided along a path () and at least one observation unit () for monitoring the weakening process is provided underneath the visible side () of the cover material (), wherein a second laser beam () from a second laser () is coupled into the beam path of the first laser beam (), wherein the first pulsed laser beam () is used to produce the weakening line, and the radiation from the second laser beam () that emerges on the visible side () is detected by the at least one observation unit (). 12020222122313021205011222061603131226111. Method for introducing a defined weakness line by material removal on a covering material () for producing a cover for airbags , wherein the covering material () has a visible side () and a rear side () opposite the visible side () , and a pulsed first laser beam () is guided from a first laser () towards the rear side () of the covering material () and along a track () , and at least one observation unit () is provided below the visible side () of the covering material () for monitoring the weakening process , characterised in that a second laser beam () from a second laser () is coupled into the beam path of the first laser beam () , wherein the first pulsed laser beam () serves to generate the weakness line , and the beam emerging on the visible side () of the second laser beam () is detected by the at least one observation unit ().26131. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the second laser beam () is longer-wave than the first laser beam ().361. Method according to or claim 1 , characterised in that the second laser beam () is pulsed or not pulsed.43130411220. Method according to one of the preceding claims claim ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140208902A1
Автор: Gordon Thomas A.
Принадлежит: Gerber Scientific International, Inc.

A processing system for processing a leather hide includes a laser system configured for illuminating the leather hide with location information for placement of a die. A method of processing and a computer program product are also disclosed. 1. A processing system for processing a leather hide , the processing system comprising:a laser system configured for illuminating the leather hide with location information for placement of a die.2. The processing system as in claim 1 , wherein the laser system includes at least one of a camera claim 1 , at least one laser projector claim 1 , and a computer for controlling the system.3. The processing system as in claim 1 , wherein the location information is displayed as at least one of a graphic claim 1 , a symbol and a design.4. The processing system as in claim 1 , wherein the laser system is further configured to illuminate the leather hide using projected iconic feedback.5. The processing system as in claim 1 , further comprising instructions for correlating placement of a plurality of dies with a job description.6. The processing system as in claim 1 , further comprising instructions for identifying at least one defect in the leather hide.7. The processing system as in claim 1 , further comprising instructions for mapping a plurality of defects in the leather hide.8. The processing system as in claim 1 , further comprising machine readable instructions for correlating a defect map with the leather hide.9. The processing system as in claim 8 , wherein the location information accounts for defects identified within the defect map.10. A method for processing a leather hide claim 8 , the method comprising:illuminating the leather hide with location information from a laser system; and,placing at least one die upon the leather hide according to the location information.11. The method as in claim 10 , further comprising pressing the at least one die into the leather hide to provide at least one workpiece.12. The method as in ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136832A1

A cutting table () with differentiated suction for the stabilisation of the material () to be cut, comprises a surface having a planar extension divided into a plurality of sectors () and surmounted by a permeable cover () on which said material is laid, The cover () rests on an underlying rigid structure () provided with quadrangular indentations () corresponding to said sectors () along which two apertures are made (-) for the alternate suction of air at high and low pressure by means of respective pumps (-). Each of said sectors () is divided into two zones respectively used for high and low pressure suction by means of the intervention of specific valve groups ().

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Tannery system for the constitution and supply of an optimal batch of homogeneous grade hides from multiple tanneries with random qualities, to undergo a further transformation step

Номер: US20220277407A1
Автор: GILET Johann Wilhelm

A Tannery System (DT), for providing a Batch (LOkr) of Hides () with a homogeneous Grade (Gkr) from multiple Tanneries (Fi), intended to undergo a Transformation Stage (Se); (i) whose size is greater than the number of Hides having a Grade (Gkr) of each Tannery; and (j) that minimizes or maximizes the statistical numeric Constraint Parameter (PN) of a global statistical technical characteristic of all Hides in the Batch. It includes (a) a Computer Network (RL) that connects an online Platform (CL) to at least two Tanneries and their two Digitizing Scanners (); (b) Means for Filtering () by the Grade (G) all the Hides () available, to select the Combined-Subset (SCkr) of the Complying Fractions (FCi) of Hides from the Tanneries having the Grade (Gkr); (c) Means of Batch Optimization () for (i) performing Selections of Collections of combined Complying Sub-Fractions (Sim) of Complying Fractions, (ii) for determining for each Selection, the reached value of the Numerical-constraint Parameter, and, (iii) for constituting the optimal Batch by the Selection which maximizes or minimizes the Numerical Constraint Parameter. 11ij [{'b': 1', '1', '2, 'i': 'ij', 'i) made from the combination of Tannery Hides (), of an Industrial Ecosystem (E) of Tanneries (F, F, Fi)'}, {'b': '41', 'ii) then having to undergo a later Transformation Stage (Se) of this Batch, in particular by cutting the Hides into Pieces (J), with a view to a subsequent assembly (Sf) of the Pieces for the manufacture of finished industrial products (), such as car seats, shoes, leather goods, etc., by an Industrial Integrator (AK);'}], 'a) for the constitution of a Tannery Batch (LOkr),'} i) the Batch Size (SR), i.e. the number of Hides in the Batch, being defined by a volume parameter (PVkr),', 'ii) the requested topological quality characteristic of all Hides, defined by their homogeneous grade parameter (Gkr), and,', defined by a statistical numerical Constraint Parameter (PN) of all the Hides in the Batch,', ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282343A1
Принадлежит: Omnia Advanced Materials LLC

A reconstituted-leather-manufacturing process includes a progressively increasing application of pressure to an aqueous leather solution to form a web of leather fibers. The solution/web may be dewatered to an extent before the first application of a pressure so that the solution/web consistency is on the order 29-55% (fiber to web/solution, by weight) when the first pressure of the progressive sequence of pressures is applied. Tannin (and various chemicals) may be added to the solution. The progressive pressing of the solution/web may be followed by a progressive drying of the web by application of a sequence of increasing temperatures via drying vessels. 1. A process for manufacturing a reconstituted leather product from a slurry of leather fibers in a liquid , the process including the following steps:(a) applying a first pressure to the slurry to conform the slurry to the form of a first web matrix;(b) then applying a second pressure to the first web matrix to conform the first web matrix to the form of a second web matrix, wherein the second pressure is greater than the first pressure.2. The process of further comprising applying at least one intermediate pressure after applying the first pressure and before applying the second pressure.3. The process of wherein:(a) the first pressure is in the range of 15 to 20 pounds/linear inch;(b) the second pressure is in the range of 650 to 900 pounds/linear inch.4. The process of wherein the at least one intermediate pressure is in the range of 16 to 800 pounds/linear inch.5. The process of wherein more than one intermediate pressure is applied in a sequential order claim 2 , wherein each pressure of the sequence is greater than the pressure before it.6. The process of wherein:(a) the first pressure is sufficient to provide the first web matrix with an apparent density of 9.2 to 9.5 pounds/mil; and(b) the second pressure is sufficient to provide the second web matrix with an apparent density of 11.8 and 12.5 pounds/mil.7 ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282344A1

The present invention discloses a method for cutting raw or tripe leather with an optimized geometry, which increases the yield of the original raw or tripe leather (A) piece for all the production chain, concomitantly reducing the quantity of solid residues, since the cutting is carried out prior to the tanning stage. Said method is made possible by the use of a cutting table (C) which comprises a top () in trapezoid shape, with a plurality of metallic strips () juxtaposed in parallel, longitudinally at the lateral ends of the referred top (). The claimed method has sustainable characteristics and reduces the environmental impact that is inherent to the leather industry, since it enables the use of the generated coproducts, of collagenic constitution, in the food or pharmaceutical industry, reducing the discard of residues in the environment. 13451225. A METHOD FOR CUTTING RAW LEATHER WITH OPTIMIZED GEOMETRY , comprising total or partial removal of parts of an original raw or tripe leather (A) piece comprising a head () , feet () and belly () , to obtain a resulting raw or tripe leather piece (B) comprising a loin () and a shoulder () , wherein the total or partial removal is applied to raw leather , in a pre-fleshing process (i.) , or tripe leather , in a tripe leather (i.) trimming process , still in the initial stage of a Wet Blue leather production process , such that the removed parts of the original raw or tripe leather piece (A) are leather coproducts free from chemical substances applied to the resulting raw or tripe leather piece (B) in a subsequent tanning phase of the Wet Blue leather production process.2. The METHOD claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the resulting raw or tripe leather piece (B) has a substantially trapezoid or quadrangular geometry claim 1 , without the usual irregularities presented on the edges of the original raw or tripe leather piece (A) claim 1 , in the initial stage of the production process thereof.3345. The METHOD claim 1 ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200131593A1
Принадлежит: MINKPARIR A/S

An apparatus and a method for fixating a stretched pelt on a pelt board by means of a tubular plastics sleeve, which two outwardly extending flanges. The pelt has a substantially tubular shape, which defines an inwardly orientated leather side, an outwardly orientated fur side, a nose end and a rear end. The pelt board defines a top end for accommodating and fixating the nose end of the pelt, a circumferential wall for facing the inwardly orientated leather side of the pelt and a base end located opposite the top end. The apparatus comprises a holding device for holding the base end of the pelt board, and further comprises a fixating device which has a pair of gripping members. Each of the gripping members is adapted for gripping a respective flange of the tubular plastic sleeve, as the sleeve is loosely positioned in a first position at the top end of the pelt board on the pelt at the nose end thereof, and for pulling the flanges apart for widening the tubular plastics sleeve, moving the sleeve from the first position at the top end to a second position at the base end of the pelt board and disengaging the gripping members from the flanges for allowing the sleeve to reform towards its original shape and in doing so, firmly engaging with the outwardly orientated first side of the pelt at the rear end thereof. 1. An apparatus for fixating a stretched pelt on a pelt board by means of a tubular sleeve having two outwardly extending flanges , said pelt having a substantially tubular shape defining an inwardly orientated leather side , an outwardly orientated fur side , a nose end , and a rear end , said pelt board defining a top end configured for accommodating and fixating said nose end of said pelt , a circumferential wall configured for facing said inwardly orientated leather side of said pelt and a base end located opposite said top end , said apparatus comprising:a holding device configured for holding said base end of said pelt board; anda fixating device having a ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144956A1

A method for molding or replicating leather samples for inspection, selecting and later using those samples in applications such as automobile interiors with leather surfaces that are laminated or have a loose grain appearance. In one process variant, the main steps include choosing original samples for replication, the original samples including a characteristic to be replicated; making a replication tool from the approved samples; and producing replicated molded samples with the replication tool that emulate the original samples, thereby enabling the replicated molded samples to be compared with the original sample. 1. A method for replicating leather comprising the steps of:(A) choosing original samples of leather for replication, the original samples including a characteristic to be replicated;(B) optionally reviewing the original samples with a customer for approval to confirm approved samples;(C) making a replication tool from the original samples;(D) optionally delivering the replication tool to a sample manufacturer;(E) producing replicated molded samples with the replication tool that emulate the original samples, thereby enabling the replicated molded samples to be compared with the original samples, the replicated molded samples not changing their appearance upon manipulation;(F) optionally presenting the replicated molded samples to the customer for inspection and approval to confirm finished replicated molded samples; and(G) optionally reproducing the finished replicated molded samples.2. The method of wherein step (A) includes the step of:(A1) preparing strips of the original samples, the strips containing side-by-side arrangements of specimens having characteristics desired for replication.3. The method of wherein step (C) includes the steps of:(C1) applying a material to a surface of the original samples so that a 3-D image of surface characteristics of the original samples is formed;(C2) depositing a fluid metallic layer on the 3-D image so that ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144957A1
Принадлежит: MODERN MEADOW, INC.

The invention herein provides biofabricated materials having zonal properties and methods of making biofabricated materials having zonal properties. 1. An article , comprising:biofabricated material having zonal properties.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the biofabricated material comprises recombinant collagen.3. The article of claim 2 , wherein the recombinant collagen is selected from the group consisting of bovine claim 2 , porcine claim 2 , kangaroo claim 2 , sheep claim 2 , alligator claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The article of claim 3 , wherein the collagen is Type III bovine collagen.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the zonal properties are selected from the group consisting of colors claim 1 , breathability claim 1 , stretchability claim 1 , tear strength claim 1 , softness claim 1 , rigidity claim 1 , abrasion resistance claim 1 , heat transfer to enable warming or cooling claim 1 , electromagnetic claim 1 , luminescence claim 1 , reflectance claim 1 , antimicrobial claim 1 , antifungal claim 1 , fragrance and combinations thereof.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the zonal properties are selected from layer to layer claim 1 , side by side and at least one material with one property surrounding another material with a different property and combinations thereof.7. A method of making a biofabricated material having zonal properties claim 1 , the method comprising:placing a material on a surface; placing a second material with different properties next to the first material; applying an aqueous solution of collagen over the two materials; anddrying to form the biofabricated material having zonal properties.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein said first material and said second material are fibrous materials.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein a single aqueous solution of collagen is poured over said first material and said second material.10. A method of making a biofabricated material having zonal properties claim 7 , the method comprising: ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145949A1

A diagnostic support for a skin includes a radio-transparent structure that defines a folding surface of the skin and on which the skin may be stretched and consequently folded, thereby defining folded, mutually superimposed portions spaced apart from each other. The support may be used for radiographic inspection of a folded animal skin. 115-. (canceled)16. A diagnostic support for a skin , comprising:a radio-transparent structure configured to define at least one folding surface of said skin and on which said skin is at least partially stretched and consequently folded, thereby defining folded, mutually superimposed portions of said skin,wherein said radio-transparent structure is configured to position itself between said folded portions, thus spacing them apart from each other.17. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein said radio-transparent structure is configured to fold said skin claim 16 , thereby defining folded portions that are equally spaced from one another.18. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein said radio-transparent structure comprises a flexible plate defining said folding surface and configured to roll up on itself claim 16 , thus folding said skin.19. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein:said radio-transparent structure defines a longitudinal plane and comprises a plurality of sections, each section defining one of said at least one folding surfaces, andsaid sections are mutually alternated on opposite sides with respect to said longitudinal plane and axially spaced from each other.20. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein said radio-transparent structure comprises a plurality of panels configured to be stacked claim 16 , thereby placing said skin between said panels.21. The diagnostic support according to claim 16 , wherein said radio-transparent structure comprises a first fork comprising first tines and a second fork comprising second tines configured to position themselves ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160300A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

An apparatus is disclosed for stretching a pelt () on a pelt board () comprising a pelt board holder () for holding one end part () of the pelt board, pelt holders () arranged to grip at least a part of the lower periphery of the pelt when arranged on the pelt board, driver () for mutually displacing the pelt board placed in the pelt board holder () and the pelt holders () in a longitudinal direction of the pelt board (), controller () for controlling the operation of the driver, and sensor () for sensing a characteristic property of the pelt board () and providing an output accordingly to the controller (). Furthermore are disclosed methods of stretching pelts () accordingly. 1. Apparatus for stretching a pelt on a pelt board comprisinga pelt board holder for holding one end part of the pelt board,pelt holders arranged to grip at least a part of the lower periphery of the pelt when arranged on the pelt board,driver for mutually displacing the pelt board placed in the pelt board holder and the pelt holders in a longitudinal direction of the pelt board,controller for controlling the operation of the driver, andsensor for sensing a characteristic property of the pelt board and providing an output accordingly to the controller, wherein said sensor is a contactless, magnetic sensor for detecting magnetic properties of a part of the pelt board.23-. (canceled)4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is arranged to sensing a characteristic property of a lower part of the pelt board.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is arranged to control the driver in response to said output.6. Apparatus The apparatus according to claim 1 , in which the controller is arranged for obtaining statistical data regarding a plurality of pelts that are stretched by the apparatus claim 1 , wherein the controller is arranged to encompass the output from the sensor in the statistical data obtained for the pelt arranged on the pelt board.7. The apparatus ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149123A1
Автор: KANG Kee Tak, KANG Tae Jun

The present invention provides a wet leather stretching device, including a second bracket () provided with a mechanism for adjusting tension of a first belt (), wherein the mechanism includes: a movable plate () coupled to each of left and right side surfaces of the second bracket (); a support plate () coupled to one surface of each movable plate (); a cylinder () having a lower part fixedly coupled to a lower part surface of each support plate (); a rod () protruding a certain length through an upper part of each cylinder (); a guide end () provided on one surface of the movable plate () at a distance above the support plate (); a guide plate () connected to the rod () and contacting with the guide end (), and a movable pipe () with a predetermined length contacting with the first belt (). 1. A wet leather stretching device , comprising:{'b': 5', '6, 'a stand part () provided with an up-and-down vibration block ();'}{'b': 11', '12', '5, 'first and second brackets (, ) respectively provided on left and right upper parts of the stand part ();'}{'b': 13', '14', '11', '12, 'first and second lower rollers (, ) respectively disposed on the first and second brackets (, );'}{'b': 2', '6, 'a head part () spaced apart from the up-and-down vibration block () by a predetermined distance;'}{'b': 21', '22', '2, 'first and second upper rollers (, ) respectively provided on left and right sides of the head part ();'}{'b': 17', '13', '14, 'a first belt () moving in orbit between the first and second lower rollers (, ) while maintaining constant tension;'}{'b': 27', '21', '22', '17, 'a second belt () moving in orbit between the first and second upper rollers (, ) while maintaining constant tension and facing the first belt ();'}{'b': 18', '17', '6, 'a first pressing plate () provided with a plurality of pressure pins to tightly press against a lower surface of the first belt () in a state of being exposed through an upper surface of the up-and-down vibration block (); and'}{'b': ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210198759A1
Автор: Santori Sara

Spiked plate () having an operating surface provided with a plurality of conical spikes (), configured to penetrate into an inner side of a full grain natural leather having a thickness t and make blind holes in said inner side of the full grain natural leather, wherein:—a base diameter d of the conical spikes () ranges from 33% to 100% of the thickness t, whereby 0.33−t≤d≤t,—a height h of the conical spikes () ranges from 70% to 110% of the thickness t, whereby 0.7−t≤h≤t, and—a minimum distance D between the conical spikes () on the operating surface of the spiked plate () ranges from 200% to 430% of the thickness t, whereby 2−t≤D≤4.3·t. 2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the operating surface of the spiked plate is caused to press the inner side of the full grain natural leather once.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the press duration ranges from 1 second to 3 seconds claim 1 , optionally is equal to 3 seconds claim 1 , wherein in the case where the operating surface of the spiked plate -is caused to press the sheet of full grain natural leather at least twice the press duration optionally changes from one pressing to the other.4. Process according to claim 1 , wherein at each pressing the pressure ranges from 17 to 40 atmospheres claim 1 , optionally ranging from 19 to 30 atmospheres claim 1 , more optionally is equal to 20 atmospheres.5. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the spiked plate is at a temperature ranging from 60° C. to 100° C. claim 1 , optionally ranging from 85° C. to 95° C. claim 1 , more optionally equal to 90° C.6. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the sheet of full grain natural leather ranges from 0.9 millimetres to 1.2 millimetres claim 1 , optionally ranging from 0.95 millimetres to 1.1 millimetres claim 1 , more optionally is equal to 1.0 millimetre.7. Spiked plate having an operating surface provided with a plurality of conical spikes claim 1 , configured to penetrate into an inner side of a ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140260438A1
Автор: Matsumura Kensaku

A leather punching device has a receiving mold formed with receiving holes , a pressing mold formed with storing holes which communicate with the receiving holes when joined with the receiving mold , and a moving member provided with punching pins which are stored in the storing holes of the pressing mold , pressing projections are provided around the storing hole of the pressing mold , a leather is disposed between the receiving mold and the pressing mold , the pressing projections of the pressing mold come into pressure-contact with the leather , and the punching pins project from the pressing projections by the movement of the moving member to one side to form punch holes in the leather 1. A leather punching device for forming punch holes in a leather , the leather punching device comprising:a receiving mold formed with a plurality of receiving holes;a pressing mold that can be joined with the receiving mold, wherein the pressing mold is formed with a plurality of storing holes each communicating with the plurality of receiving holes when joined with the receiving mold; anda moving member provided with a plurality of punching pins stored in the plurality of storing holes of the pressing mold,wherein pressing projections are provided around the storing holes on a joint surface of the pressing mold,wherein the leather punching device is configured so that the plurality of punching pins projects from the pressing projections of the pressing mold when the moving member moves to one side, and the plurality of punching pins is retracted into the storing holes of the pressing mold when the moving member moves to the other side, andwherein the leather is disposed between the receiving mold and the pressing mold, the pressing projections of the pressing mold are brought into pressure-contact with the leather, the plurality of punching pins projects from the pressing projections of the pressing mold by the movement of the moving member to one side, and the punch holes are ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160186274A1
Автор: ZHOU Shizhi

The invention discloses a method for preparing leather for cases, which comprises: a. selecting cow leather, which comprises dermis layer and subcutaneous tissue layer; b. uniformly cutting the subcutaneous tissue layer as an lamellar layer, and holding it in the inner side of the cow leather; c. sculpturing the cut lamellar subcutaneous tissue layer as a desired embossed pattern, and removing its peripheral portion; d. placing the cow leather sculptured with embossed pattern in a three-dimensional mold, and pressing the embossed pattern portion towards the inner side of the dermis layer so that the raised pattern structure same with the embossed pattern is formed on the outer surface of the dermis layer; e. performing antiseptic treatment; f. performing rubber injection treatment; g. inlaying metal trim parts. With the above processing, the present invention can produce leather for cases with aesthetic style, good visual effect and noticeable feeling of touch. 1. A method for preparing leather for cases , characterized in that , comprising the following processing steps:a. selecting cow leather, which comprises dermis layer and subcutaneous tissue layer located in the inner side of the dermis layer;b. uniformly cutting the subcutaneous tissue layer of the cow leather as an lamellar subcutaneous tissue layer, and holding the cut lamellar subcutaneous tissue layer in the inner side of the dermis layer after the subcutaneous tissue layer of the cow leather is completely cut;c. sculpturing the cut lamellar subcutaneous tissue layer as a desired embossed pattern, and removing the subcutaneous tissue layer at periphery of the embossed pattern;d. placing the cow leather sculptured with embossed pattern in a three-dimensional mold, and pressing the embossed pattern portion at the inner side of the dermis layer so that the raised pattern structure same with the embossed pattern is formed on the outer surface of the dermis layer of the cow leather;e. performing antiseptic ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Centering template for devices for applying inserts on laminar supports and a device incorporating the same

Номер: US20190176408A1
Автор: Paolo GALLIO
Принадлежит: AMF SpA

The present disclosure relates to a template and a related method for the application of inserts in the form of letters, numbers or symbols on leather, fabrics, cloth, or similar laminar products to customize them. The centering template comprises a main support body ( 101 ) having a centering system ( 106 ) to allow an engagement of the template ( 100 ) in pre-fixed position to a base ( 3 a ) of a press ( 3 ); and a centering element ( 102 ) configured to receive in pre-fixed position at least a laminar portion ( 103 ) of an accessory ( 104 ). The centering element ( 102 ) has a through seat ( 105 ) for the inserts ( 11 ) and it is movable with respect to the main support body ( 101 ) between an extracted resting position in which an upper surface ( 102 a ) of the centering element ( 102 ) is moved away from the main support body ( 101 ) and a working position in which the upper surface ( 102 a ) of the centering element ( 102 ) is approached to the main support body ( 101 ). The template allows the correct positioning of the characters on the accessory both in terms of alignment, and in terms of distance from the edges and from the other inserts of the accessory (handles, buckles, etc. . . . ) and regardless of the shape assumed by the laminar portion itself.

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Pelt Board with Expansion Means

Номер: US20150191802A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

A pelt board is disclosed for stretching and drying of tubular pelts, the pelt board having a tip end () from which the pelt is drawn onto the pelt board and a foot end (), the pelt board comprising two broad elongated side surfaces (), wherein the pelt board comprises expansion means () defining a narrow elongated side surface extending between side edges () of the two broad elongated side surfaces (), and activation means () for selectively moving the expansion means () to an expanded position and locking the expansion means () in the expanded position, or unlocking the expansion means () so that the expansion means () are movable to a non-expanded position in which the outer cross-sectional circumference of the pelt board is reduced as compared to the expanded position. 1. A pelt board for stretching and drying of tubular pelts , the pelt board having a tip end from which the pelt is drawn onto the pelt board and a foot end , the pelt board comprising:two half parts, each half part defining a broad elongated side surface,an expansion member defining a narrow elongated side surface extending between longitudinal edges of the two half parts, andan activation member for selectively moving the expansion member with respect to the two stationary half parts, to an expanded position and locking the expansion member in the expanded position, or unlocking the expansion member so that the expansion member is movable to a non-expanded position in which an outer cross-sectional circumference of the pelt board is reduced as compared to the expanded position.2. The pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein the expansion member defines narrow elongated side surfaces between longitudinal edges on both sides of the two half parts.3. The pelt board according to claim 1 , wherein the outer cross-sectional circumference of the pelt board is reduced by at least 3 millimetre when the expansion member is in its non-expanded position.4. The pelt board according to claim 3 , wherein the ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183812A1

A method for marking references on a flat article includes providing a model having at least a through-opening and exhibiting the same peripheral profile as a flat article to be marked; detecting the peripheral profile of the model and storing that profile in a memory; detecting a profile of the through-opening and the relative positioning with respect to a reference system; detecting a peripheral profile of the flat article; replicating the peripheral profile of the model so as to superpose it on the peripheral profile of the flat article; replicating also the profile of the through-opening of the detected model, taking account of the relative positioning with respect to the reference system and of the positioning of the peripheral profile of the model with respect to the peripheral profile of the flat article. Contactless marking of at least a reference on the flat article is made at the profile of the through-opening which has been replicated. 1. A method for marking references on a flat article , comprising steps of:a) predisposing, on a detecting plane, a model provided with at least a through-opening, the model exhibiting a same peripheral profile as a flat article to be marked;b) detecting the peripheral profile of the model with respect to a reference system and storing the peripheral profile in a memory of a processing device;c) detecting a profile of the through-opening and the relative positioning with respect to a reference system;d) predisposing the flat article on a marking plane;e) detecting a peripheral profile of the flat article to be marked;f) replicating the peripheral profile of the model detected on the marking plane, in such a way as to superpose it on the peripheral profile of the flat article to be marked;g) replicating also the profile of the through-opening of the detected model on the marking plane, taking account of the relative positioning with respect to a reference system and taking account of the positioning of the peripheral profile ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180270A1
Автор: MYTAROS Panagiotis
Принадлежит: ECCO SKO A/S

The present invention relates to a method for making a leather laminate having a textured surface, and leather laminates made by this method. The laminates comprise a leather layer bonded to a reinforcing fabric with an adhesive, the reinforcing fabric providing strength to the laminate. The method involves dry milling the laminate in humid air, during which the reinforcing fabric constrains the laminate causing the textured surface to form. 1. A method for making a leather laminate , the method comprising:providing a piece of leather having a first side and a second side;laminating a reinforcing fabric comprising high strength fibres to the first side of the piece of leather to provide a leather laminate comprising, in order, the reinforcing fabric, an adhesive and the piece of leather; andexposing the leather laminate to water and dry milling the leather laminate to form a milled leather laminate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fabric has an elongation at break of less than 5%.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fabric has an ultimate tensile strength of above 5 kN/m.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fabric comprises at least one layer having parallel high strength fibres claim 1 , optionally embedded in a resin matrix.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein laminating the reinforcing fabric comprises:applying an adhesive on the first side of the piece of leather; andcontacting a reinforcing fabric with the adhesive.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein laminating the reinforcing fabric further comprises:applying the adhesive to the first side of the piece of leather as a spray.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the piece of leather is a top grain leather.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the piece of leather is a nubuck leather.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the milled leather laminate comprises dry milling the leather laminate in humid air to form the milled leather laminate.10. The method of claim 9 , ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160201153A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt

An apparatus is disclosed for stretching a pelt () on a pelt board () comprising a pelt board holder () for holding one end part () of the pelt board (), pelt holders () arranged to grip at least a part of the lower periphery of the pelt () when arranged on the pelt board (), driver () for mutually displacing the pelt board () placed in the pelt board holder () and the pelt holders () in a longitudinal direction of the pelt board () so as to stretch the pelt (), and controller () arranged to control the operation of the driver (), where the controller is configured to reduce the speed with which the pelt () is stretched by means of the driver () during stretching of the pelt (). Furthermore is disclosed a method of stretching pelts () accordingly. 1. Apparatus for stretching a pelt on a pelt board comprisinga pelt board holder for holding one end part of the pelt board,pelt holders arranged to grip at least a part of the lower periphery of the pelt when arranged on the pelt board,a driver for mutually displacing the pelt board placed in the pelt board holder and the pelt holders in a longitudinal direction of the pelt board so as to stretch the pelt, anda controller arranged to control the operation of the driver so as to reduce the speed with which the pelt is stretched by means of the driver during stretching of the pelt.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising at least one detector for detection of at least one parameter associated with the stretching of the pelt and providing an output to the controller claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to reduce the speed with which the pelt is stretched in response to said detected parameter(s).3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one detector(s) is arranged to detect said parameter(s) repeatedly during the stretching of the pelt.4. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein one of said parameters is indicative of the current force with which the pelt is being stretched.5. The ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Device for detection, marking and cutting of leather

Номер: US20170204482A1
Автор: Matteo Mascetti
Принадлежит: Camoga Spa

The object of this invention is an apparatus ( 1 ) for detecting defects in at least one portion of leather, and for cutting the portion, that permits to perform faster and more efficiently than with currently known systems the operations of dilating, moving and cutting said at least one portion of leather, by supporting the leather on a curved surface that is extendible and rotatable around an axis in a monitored zone by suitable display means.

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160215355A1

The invention relates to a method and the production of natural leathers from pieces of natural leather torn into different-sized fibers which are sorted and placed, once they have been mixed with a binder, in successive layers ( and ) on a support sheet () provided with filaments crossing the different layers. The support sheet () and filaments () are extracted once the binder substance has cured. 1. A method for producing natural leathers from pieces of natural leather , by means of defibrating pieces of leather into different-sized fibers which are sorted and separated into classes based on their dimensions , the fibers of each class being mixed with a plastic-type binder substance in an inactive state , comprising:a) spreading at least one layer with the different classes of fibers together with the binder material on a support sheet provided with an unlimited number of filaments crossing the different layers and partially projecting from the free surface of the outermost layer;b) curing the binder substance; andc) separating the support sheet of the innermost layer, extracting the filaments from said sheet to obtain small-sectioned perforations crossing all the layers.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the different classes of fibers are spread in two or more successive layers claim 1 , together with the binder material claim 1 , on the support sheet.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the filaments of the support layer are made from a repellant-type material with respect to the type of fibers and binder substance and which cannot be changed by the curing conditions of said binder substance.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising placing at least one layer made from impermeable materials.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising placing at least one layer made from thermally insulating materials.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising placing at least one layer made from fire-resistant materials.7 ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218664A1
Автор: Pedersen Kurt
Принадлежит: JASOPELS A/S

An apparatus is disclosed for processing the skin side () of a tubular pelt (), the apparatus comprising an elongated tapering mandrel () for supporting the pelt with its skin side turned outwards, a scraping device comprising a first set of primary scraping roller () arranged on opposing sides of the mandrel and a second set of primary scraping rollers () arranged on other opposing sides of the mandrel, the scraping device further comprising primary rotation means () for rotating said primary scraping rollers during processing of a pelt so as to engage a skin side of the pelt, moving means for conducting a relative movement between the scraping device and the mandrel in the longitudinal direction of the mandrel, and displacement means for displacing at least one scraping roller in the direction of the axis of rotation of said scraping roller. 1. An apparatus for processing the skin side of a tubular pelt , the apparatus comprisingan elongated tapering mandrel for supporting the pelt with its skin side turned outwards, the mandrel having a thinner, free end from which the tubular pelt is drawn over the mandrel and a thicker end,a scraping device comprising a first set of primary scraping rollers arranged on opposing sides of the mandrel and a second set of primary scraping rollers arranged on other opposing sides of the mandrel and being substantially perpendicularly oriented with respect to the first set of primary scraping rollers, the scraping device further comprising a primary rotation member for rotating said primary scraping rollers during processing of a pelt so as to engage a skin side of the pelt,an actuator for conducting a relative movement between the scraping device and the mandrel in a longitudinal direction of the mandrel, anda displacement member for displacing at least one primary scraping roller together with its primary rotation member in a direction of an axis of rotation of said scraping roller.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218665A1

A method and system for softening a high-density leather finished roll good and other stiff high density roll goods may include adjusting a first horizontal distance between a first impact grid and a first tunnel opening and adjusting a second horizontal distance between a second impact grid and a second tunnel opening based on the stiffness of the roll good. The method also may include introducing the roll good in a first direction through the air tunnel until the roll good hits the second impact grid, and introducing the roll good in an opposite direction through the air tunnel until the roll good hits the first impact grid. The method may further include passing the roll good through a cooling chamber. 1. A method of softening a roll good using a system for softening the roll good , the system including a first tunnel opening , an air tunnel , a second tunnel opening , a first impact grid adjacent the first tunnel opening , and a second impact grid adjacent to the second tunnel opening , the method comprising:adjusting a first horizontal distance between the first impact grid and the first tunnel opening based on a stiffness of the roll good;adjusting a second horizontal distance between the second impact grid and the second tunnel opening based on the stiffness of the roll good;introducing the roll good in a first direction through the air tunnel from the first tunnel opening to the second tunnel opening until the roll good hits the second impact grid and folds over itself; andintroducing the roll good in a second, opposite direction through the air tunnel from the second tunnel opening to the second tunnel opening until the roll good hits the first impact grid.2. The method as in claim 1 , further comprising the step of passing the roll good through a cooling chamber claim 1 , sensing a moisture level of the roll good claim 1 , and adjusting at least one parameter of the system for softening the roll good if the sensed moisture level is unequal to a desired ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180209003A1
Принадлежит: MINKPAPIR A/S

An elongated pelt board for accommodating an animal pelt. The pelt board defines a blunt end and an opposite pointed end and a longitudinal direction. The pelt board further defines a first radial direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction and a second radial direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction and the first radial direction, said pelt board comprising a first part at said blunt end and an opposite second part at said pointed end. The first part comprises a first wall element and a second wall element. The first and second wall elements are of identical configuration. The first wall element and said second wall element define a contracted state and an expanded state. 111-: (canceled)12. A pelt board for accommodating an animal pelt , said pelt board defining a blunt end and an opposite pointed end and defining a longitudinal direction therebetween , said pelt board further defining a first radial direction perpendicular to said longitudinal direction and a second radial direction perpendicular to said longitudinal direction and said first radial direction , said pelt board comprising:(a) a first part at said blunt end, said first part comprising:(1) a first wall element extending along said longitudinal direction and defining a first outwardly oriented surface, a first inwardly oriented surface, a first set of oppositely located longitudinal edges, and a first actuator member;(2) a second wall element extending along said longitudinal direction and defining a second outwardly oriented surface, a second inwardly oriented surface facing said first inwardly oriented surface, a second set of oppositely located longitudinal edges, and a second actuator member;said first inwardly oriented surface and said second inwardly oriented surface together defining a first cavity along said longitudinal direction; (i) a contracted state in which said first set of oppositely located longitudinal edges of said first wall element are positioned juxtaposed ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208228A1

Leather and similar materials are formed using graduated molds. A solvent is applied to the leather to saturate the leather. The saturated leather is put through a series of molds, each being more pronounced than the previous. An elastomer is applied after molding to provide structural support for features created through molding. 1. A method , comprising:placing leather between a first negative mold and a first positive mold;applying pressure to cause the first negative mold and the first positive mold to form an area of the leather;placing the area of the leather between a second negative mold and a second positive mold; andapplying pressure to cause the second negative mold and second positive mold to further form the leather.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first negative mold has a higher hardness than the first positive mold.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying a stretch solvent to the leather prior to placing the leather between the first negative mold and the first positive mold.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second positive mold protrudes further from a surface than the first positive mold.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying an elastomer to the leather after applying pressure to cause the second negative mold and the second positive mold to further form the leather.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the elastomer is a thermoset or organic rubber.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the elastomer is applied as a sheet that is pressed into the leather.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the pressure comprises increasing the pressure over a period of multiple hours.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the pressure comprises maintaining the pressure for at least multiple hours.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying a textile to provide structural support for the further formed leather.11. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:placing the area of the leather between a third ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208229A1
Автор: MAMAT Omer Suat

The present invention relates to a method for enhancing leather edge imprinting. More particularly, the present invention relates to transferring the print from the transparent paper to the edges of a material. Further, the present invention enables in tailoring the designs or written logos on the edge surface for desired applications. The method [] for imprinting a pattern on edges of a leather substrate comprises of steps with pattern imprinted on the edge across the perimeter of the leather substrate. The pattern comprises one or more customized colors, text, names, company brands, slogans, patterns, images, graphics, photographs, logos, advertisements, or a combination thereof. Advantageously, the present invention effectively saves time and material wastage. 1100. A method [] for imprinting a pattern on edges of a leather substrate , comprising the steps of:{'b': '101', 'burnishing [] edges of the leather substrate;'}{'b': '102', 'application [] of an adhesion promoter on the edges of the leather substrate, followed by drying for a pre-defined period of time;'}{'b': '103', 'application [] of the adhesion promoter on a transfer film comprising a pattern;'}{'b': '104', 'transferring [] of the pattern from the transfer film to the edge of the leather substrate on application of pressure and temperature, followed by drying for a pre-defined period of time;'}{'b': '105', 'removal [] of the transfer film;'}{'b': '106', 'application [] of a first chemical coat on the edge of the leather substrate and drying for a predefined period of time; and'}{'b': '107', 'claim-text': 'characterized in that, a pattern is imprinted on the edge across the perimeter of the leather substrate.', 'application [] of a second chemical coat on the first chemical coat and drying for a pre-defined period of time,'}2. The method for imprinting a pattern on edges of a leather substrate as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pattern comprises one or more customized colors claim 1 , text claim 1 , ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246520A1
Автор: Hung I-Chun

The invention provides a method for manufacturing shoe material containing leather and cloth and a shoe material made therefrom. The method includes the steps of: a) material preparation; b) leather treatment; c) gluing; d) TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) placement; and e) hot pressing. This saves time compared to the sewing process. The shoe material includes a cloth, a leather, a first hot-melt adhesive layer selectively provided on said leather or said cloth, and a TPU film having a second hot-melt adhesive layer covered on the leather and the cloth with the second hot-melt adhesive layer in contact with the leather and the cloth. In this way, the problem of excessive adhesive is avoided. 1. A method for manufacturing a shoe material comprising leather and cloth , comprising the steps of:a) material preparation: to prepare a cloth and a leather that has a front surface and a back surface;b) leather treatment: to perform a skiving treatment by skiving a part of said front surface of said leather to form a junction area;c) gluing: to set a first hot-melt adhesive layer on said back surface of said leather or said cloth;d) TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) film placement: to prepare a TPU film having a second hot-melt adhesive layer and then to cover said TPU film on said junction area and said cloth so that said second hot-melt adhesive layer contacts said junction area and said cloth to form a shoe material; ande) hot pressing: to place said shoe material on a jig and to cover a pressure pad on said shoe material, and then to put said shoe material with said jig and said pressure pad in a hot press machine for hot pressing.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in said skiving treatment of the step b) leather treatment claim 1 , the thickness of said junction area of said leather is not less than 0.4 mm.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said pressure pad is a silicone pressure pad.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a sub ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Leather Lace Beveling Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20160230238A1
Автор: Nettles L. Ronnie

A leather lace beveler apparatus and method is provided for cutting bevels on opposed sides of a strip of leather lace that is pulled through the leather lace beveler apparatus. The apparatus has a main frame and a first knife housing secured to the main frame and has a knife blade extending through a slot in the main frame. A first fence to holds a leather strip in line and in engagement against the first knife blade to cut a bevel on one side of a strip of leather lace. A second knife housing is secured to the main frame and has a knife blade extending through a slot in the main frame. A second fence holds a leather strip in line and in engagement with the second knife blade to cut a bevel on the other side of a strip of leather lace. The leather lace is pulled through the leather lace beveler apparatus to cut the opposed bevels on the strip of leather lace with the strip of leather lace engaging the first and second knife blades and the first and second fences. 1. A leather lace beveler apparatus for cutting bevels on opposed sides of a strip of leather lace that is pulled through the leather lace beveler apparatus comprising:a main frame;a first knife housing secured to the main frame and having a knife blade extending through a slot in the main frame and having a first fence to hold a leather strip in line and in engagement against the first knife blade to cut a bevel on one side of a strip of leather lace; anda second knife housing secured to the main frame and having a knife blade extending through a slot in the main frame and having a second fence to hold a leather strip in line and in engagement with the second knife blade to cut a bevel on the other side of a strip of leather lace when a leather lace is pulled through the leather lace beveler apparatus.2. The leather lace beveler apparatus of claim 1 , comprising:The leather lace leveler apparatus includes angle slots for the knife blades.3. The leather lace beveler apparatus of claim 1 , comprising:The ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254187A1

Provided is a compact and lightweight leather skiving machine capable of skiving both hard leather and soft leather through oscillation of a flat blade. The leather skiving machine is characterized by comprising at least a table upon which a piece of leather is placed, a roller for moving the leather, a presser foot for pressing down the leather, a flat blade for skiving the leather, and a drive mechanism for moving each of the roller and the flat blade, wherein the leather is sandwiched from above and below by the roller and the presser foot at a pressing point on the table while being moved, and the flat blade is provided at a position 0-5 mm in the movement direction from the pressing point and skives while oscillating the leather. 1. A leather skiving machine comprising:a table upon which a piece of leather is placed;a roller for moving the leather;a presser foot for pressing down the leather;a flat blade for skiving the leather; anda drive mechanism for moving each of the roller and the flat blade, and being an independent drive mechanism for each of the roller and the flat blade oscillating;wherein:the leather is sandwiched from top and bottom by the roller and the presser foot at a pressing point on the table while being moved, the flat blade is provided at a position 0-5 mm in the movement direction from the pressing point and skives while oscillating the leather, the roller and the roller motor for driving the roller are a unit, the unit can move in a vertical direction by an action of a spring, and the leather skiving machine skives the leather while oscillating the flat blade with fixed horizontal and vertical directions parallel to a blade of the flat blade by a slider crank mechanism.2. (canceled)3. The leather skiving machine according to claim 1 , wherein: the flat blade is a double-edged blade.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The leather skiving machine according to claim 3 , wherein: a space for placing the leather is provided on the front side of the ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Method for treating an animal substrate

Номер: US20170240980A1
Принадлежит: Xeros LTD

A method for tanning an animal substrate comprising the steps: i) agitating the animal substrate with a chromium-free tanning agent; and ii) agitating the animal substrate with a tanning agent having an oxazolidine group; wherein at least some of the agitation is performed in the presence of a solid particulate material having an average particle size of from 1 to 500 mm.

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160251802A1

The invention relates to the technical field of animal fur processing, and particularly relates to a cutting and double-face leather integrated dyeing process for Tan sheep skin, which comprises the following steps: cutting→washing with water→retanning→primary dyeing→primary colour fixing→secondary dyeing→fatliquoring→secondary colour fixing→bleaching→drying→a finished product. In the process of the invention, the third-grade Tan sheep skin which does not reach a superior quality is selected and subjected to cutting treatment and then double-face leather integrated dyeing; after the dyeing has been completed, the leather board has softness, good fullness and elongation, substantially uniform thickness, and no phenomena such as stiff board and swelling board occur; the fleece is smooth, flexible and loose and clean with complete needle velvet, and no phenomena such as serious fur shedding, oily fur and fur twisting occur. Tan sheep skin leather boards and fleeces dyed by the process of the invention have no cross colour and colour fading with each other, a high colour fastness, and uniform dyeing; the prepared Tan sheep skin products such as clothing, etc., not only have the characteristics of a high added value and good practicability, but also can more largely increase product benefits and lower the production cost. 1. A cutting and double-face leather integrated dyeing process for Tan sheep skin , wherein the process comprises the following steps:S1: Cutting: Selecting the third-grade Tan sheep skin to do the cutting treatment, the cutting length being about 2-3 cm;S2: Washing with water: Washing the cut Tan sheep skin with water;S3: Retanning: Retanning the Tan sheep skin washed with water;S4: Primary dyeing: Putting the retanned Tan sheep skin into a paddle to do the primary dyeing treatment, and a temperature for the primary dyeing treatment being 60-70° C., lasting for 2-3 hours, a PH value of the primary dye liquor being 2.5-3.5, a liquid ratio being 1:20; ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245170A1
Принадлежит: MINKPAPIR A/S

The present invention relates to an elongated pelt board for accommodating an animal pelt. The pelt board comprises a first wall element, a second wall element being spaced apart from the first wall element in the first radial direction, a third wall element and a fourth wall element being spaced apart from the third wall element in a second radial direction. The wall elements together define a cavity along a longitudinal direction. The wall elements defining a contracted state in which the first and second radial distances are reduced, and an expanded state in which the first and second radial distances are increased. The pelt board further comprising an elongated core element being movable in relation to each of the wall elements. The elongated core element allows the wall elements to selectively define the contracted state or the expanded state by moving the elongated core element in the longitudinal direction. 111.-. (canceled)12. A pelt board bag configured to be applied externally to a pelt board for the tanning and drying of a pelt applied externally to the pelt board bag , the pelt board bag comprising:a pair of oppositely positioned and substantially coextensively extending sheets of fat-absorbing material;the pair of sheets being joined together along opposite longitudinal edges and defining in a first state a flat two-layer structure, and in a second state a substantially tubular structure;the pair of sheets defining opposite first and second ends, the first end configured as an open top end, the second end being broader than the top end and configured as a bottom end, the pair of sheets defining in the second state an inner perimeter increasing from the first end to the broader second end; andat least one of the pair of sheets having an expandable region at a specific inner perimeter thereof, the expandable region being expandable in at least one direction when the pair of sheets are in the second state.13. The pelt board bag of claim 12 , wherein the ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170247771A1
Автор: SCOTT Iain Alexander

Apparatus for recovery of a solid particulate material from an animal skin substrate subjected to a treatment using said particulate material, comprises a support arranged to support the animal skin substrate, at least one air knife arranged to direct its output flow of air to the animal skin substrate when supported on the support, and a transport arrangement configured to move at least one of the air knife and the animal substrate relative to the other. A method of recovering solid particulate material from such an animal skin substrate is also disclosed. 1. A method of recovering a solid particulate material from an animal skin substrate subjected to a treatment using said particulate material , the method comprising supporting the animal skin substrate on a support , directing an output flow of air from at least one air knife to the animal skin substrate and moving at least one of the air knife and the animal substrate relative to the other thereby to displace solid particulate material from the animal skin substrate.2. A method as claimed in comprising maintaining the animal skin substrate substantially stationary and moving the claim 1 , or each claim 1 , air knife relative to the animal skin substrate.3. A method as claimed in comprising maintaining the claim 1 , or each claim 1 , air knife substantially stationary and moving the animal skin substrate relative to the claim 1 , or each claim 1 , air knife.4. A method as claimed in any of to comprising moving relative to one another (i) the animal skin substrate and (ii) a first air knife arranged to direct its flow of air towards a first surface of the animal skin substrate and a second air knife arranged to direct its flow of air towards an opposed second surface of the animal skin substrate.5. A method as claimed in any of to comprising supporting the animal skin substrate in a substantially horizontal attitude.6. A method as claimed in any of to comprising supporting the animal skin substrate in a ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190241985A1
Автор: Deng Yaohua, LIU XIALI

The present invention discloses a flexible leather slice blanking apparatus and an implementation method. The apparatus comprises a working tab e, a projector, an industrial camera, an installing support, a manipulator, a matrix chuck fixture and a base. The installing support is arranged on the working table and disposed in a corresponding range of a cutting region behind a numerical-control leather cutting machine. The projector and the industrial camera are respectively arranged on the installing support. The manipulator is installed on the base. The matrix chuck fixture is located above the manipulator and connected with the manipulator through a matrix chuck fixture installing frame. The blanking apparatus provided by the present invention is low in labor cost and high in efficiency; and moreover, leather slices can be classified and collected, thereby saving labor force and increasing production efficiency. 1. A flexible leather slice blanking apparatus , comprising a working table , a projector , an industrial camera , an installing support , a manipulator , a matrix chuck fixture and a base , whereinthe installing support is arranged on the working table and disposed in a corresponding range of a cutting region behind a numerical-control leather cutting machine;the projector and the industrial camera are respectively arranged on the installing support;the manipulator is installed on the base; andthe matrix chuck fixture is disposed above the manipulator and connected with the manipulator through a matrix chuck fixture installing frame.2. The flexible leather slice blanking apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the working table is divided into two portions claim 1 , i.e. claim 1 , a cutting region and a blanking and sorting region;the cutting region is used for cutting a flexible leather material into slices of various shapes; andthe blanking and sorting region is used for sorting the slices.3. The flexible leather slice blanking apparatus according to ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190249266A1
Автор: TURETTI Gianbattista

A ribbing process, particularly for providing leather coverings, includes the steps of 110-. (canceled)11. A ribbing process , comprising the steps of:applying a covering material on a template that comprises a plurality of longitudinally extended seats;inserting a plurality of longitudinally extended forming rods in said plurality of seats of said template, making said covering material adhere to said template and providing a plurality of seats in said covering material;hot pressing a first assembly that comprises said template, said covering material, and said plurality of forming rods, thermoforming said covering material;removing from said first assembly said plurality of forming rods; andcooling said template and said covering material.12. The ribbing process claim 11 , according to claim 11 , further including the following steps:spreading a layer of hot glue both on the surface of said covering material that is directed outward and on a plurality of padding strips;positioning said plurality of padding strips within said plurality of seats of said covering material;covering a second assembly that comprises said template, said covering material, and said plurality of padding strips with a covering sheet which comprises a layer of hot glue that is applied to the contact surface;hot pressing a third assembly that comprises said template, said covering material, said plurality of padding strips, and said covering sheet, reactivating with heat said layers of hot glue; andcooling said template and a covering.13. The ribbing process claim 11 , according to claim 11 , wherein said template comprises a plate-like base and a plurality of longitudinally extended crests claim 11 , which are adapted to define and delimit said plurality of longitudinally extended seats.14. The ribbing process claim 11 , according to claim 11 , wherein said hot pressing of the first assembly occurs at a temperature between 65° C. and 75° C. claim 11 , at a pressure between 2.5 and 3 ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации

A system for drying a pelt, a drying unit, a pelt board and an adaptor

Номер: US20170260597A1
Принадлежит: Minkpapir AS

The present invention relates to an elongated pelt board for accommodating an animal pelt. The pelt board comprises a first wall element, a second wall element being spaced apart from the first wall element in the first radial direction, a third wall element and a fourth wall element being spaced apart from the third wall element in a second radial direction. The wall elements together define a cavity along a longitudinal direction. The wall elements defining a contracted state in which the first and second radial distances are reduced, and an expanded state in which the first and second radial distances are increased. The pelt board further comprising an elongated core element being movable in relation to each of the wall elements. The elongated core element allows the wall elements to selectively define the contracted state or the expanded state by moving the elongated core element in the longitudinal direction.

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Unitary multi-use alignment fixture for shoe production

Номер: US20180263342A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A system for manufacturing shoes is provided that includes two or more pieces of equipment used in the customization and manufacturing of shoes and an alignment fixture that may engage with each piece of equipment by way of an alignment mounting member. The alignment fixture may secure to it a portion of a shoe, such as an upper portion, wherein the shoe portion remains in a flat position, and in a fixed relationship to the alignment fixture, throughout the various processes performed by the pieces of equipment. These processes may include, for example, printing, laser, embroidery, forming, cutting, or the like.

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Trim Cover Perforating Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20170274549A1
Автор: Sculthorpe Douglas S.

A trim cover perforating apparatus and a method of perforating a trim cover. The trim cover perforating apparatus may have a plurality of punches that may be received in punch openings of a punch lifting plate. The punch lifting plate may receive a pattern plate that may have a set of pattern plate holes. Each punch that is aligned with a pattern plate hole may not perforate the trim cover. Each punch that is not aligned with a pattern plate hole perforates the trim cover. 1. A trim cover perforating apparatus comprising:a punch lifting plate that has a pattern plate retaining region and a plurality of punch openings that extend from the pattern plate retaining region;a cutting plate that supports a trim cover such that the trim cover is disposed between the cutting plate and the punch lifting plate;a plurality of punches that are received in the punch openings; anda pattern plate that is received in the pattern plate retaining region and that has a set of pattern plate holes, wherein each punch that is aligned with a member of the set of pattern plate holes moves into a corresponding pattern plate hole and does not perforate the trim cover when the punch lifting plate is actuated toward the trim cover and each punch that is not aligned with a member of the set of pattern plate holes perforates the trim cover when the punch lifting plate is actuated toward the trim cover.2. The apparatus of wherein the punch lifting plate is disposed on a top plate that is disposed on a ram of a press.3. The apparatus of wherein the pattern plate retaining region is disposed adjacent to the top plate such that the pattern plate engages the top plate.4. The apparatus of wherein the punch lifting plate and the top plate define an opening of the pattern plate retaining region through which the pattern plate is inserted and removed from the pattern plate retaining region.5. The apparatus of wherein the pattern plate is inserted and removed from the pattern plate retaining region along a ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Process to mold 3-dimensional leather trim cover

Номер: US20190263299A1
Автор: Eric Kozlowski
Принадлежит: Magna Seating Inc

A seat trim cover for an automotive seat formed from milled leather which lacks coatings and/or paint on the milled leather while retaining stored elongation introduced to the leather fiber structure during a milling process. At least one coating and/or paint is applied to an upper surface of the 3-dimensional leather shape after the milled leather is formed into a 3-dimensional leather shape by one or more of a vacuum form process, a compression mold process, and/or an embossing process.

25-12-2014 дата публикации

Hair Controller For A Pelt Stretching Machine

Номер: US20140373577A1
Автор: Frolund Soren

The present invention is a hair controller for mounting on a stretching machine used for stretching a pelt on a pelt board. The stretching machine has at least one holder for engaging the pelt. The hair controller includes a device for moving hair aside to expose a selected area of leather on the pelt, in particular the area of leather engaged by the holder. Also disclosed is a method for moving the hair of a pelt aside before the pelt is fixed by a holder in a stretching machine. 1. A hair controller for mounting on a stretching machine for stretching a pelt on a pelt board , the stretching machine having at least one holder to engage the pelt , the hair controller comprising a device for moving hair aside on the pelt adapted for exposing a selected area of leather on the pelt to allow the at least one holder to engage the selected area of leather.2. The hair controller according to claim 1 , wherein the hair controller is mounted on or in connection with the at least one holder.3. The hair controller according to claim 1 , wherein the hair controller is integrated in the at least one holder.4. The hair controller according to claim 1 , wherein the device for moving hair aside comprises one or more nozzles or orifices for delivering a stream of air to the pelt.5. The hair controller according to claim 4 , wherein the one or more nozzles or orifices are configured to deliver the stream of air with a substantially laminar flow towards the pelt.6. The hair controller according to claim 1 , wherein the device for moving hair aside comprises one or more suction devices.7. The hair controller according to claim 1 , wherein the device for moving hair aside comprises one or more plates8. The hair controller according to claim 1 , wherein the device for moving hair aside has an electrically charged body.9. The hair controller according to claim 1 , wherein the device for moving hair aside comprises a vibrating holder.10. The hair controller according to claim 1 , wherein ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160298202A1
Автор: Tovar Mark

A method is disclosed for setting the interscalar integument of a reptile shed for incorporation into a laminar composite. The method includes saturating the reptile shed in a saturating liquid, positioning the saturated reptile shed on a lower platen of a press, lowering an upper platen of the press to contact the saturated reptile shed, flash drying the saturated reptile shed by simultaneously applying heat and pressure using the upper and lower platens for a fixed period of time. 1. A method for setting the interscalar integument of a reptile shed for incorporation into a laminar composite , the method comprising:saturating the reptile shed in a saturating liquid;positioning the saturated reptile shed on a lower platen of a press;lowering an upper platen of the press to contact the saturated reptile shed;flash drying the saturated reptile shed by simultaneously applying heat and pressure using the upper and lower platens for a fixed period of time.2. The method of further comprising the step of washing the reptile shed in a washing liquid.3. The method of where the washing liquid comprises at least fifty percent water by volume.4. The method of where the washing liquid further comprises a surfactant.5. The method of where the washing liquid further comprises up to fifty percent alcohol by volume.6. The method of further comprising manually manipulating the scales of the reptile shed prior to flash drying.7. The method of further comprising removing bubbles from the reptile shed by applying pressure with a linear edge of a tool while simultaneously drawing the linear edge of the tool from an interior portion of the reptile shed to an edge of the reptile shed.8. The method of where the saturating liquid comprises water.9. The method of where the water comprising the saturating liquid is deionized water.10. The method of where the saturating liquid consists of water.11. The method of where the lower platen is covered with a polymer.12. The method of where the ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292611A1
Принадлежит: MINKPAPIR A/S

The present invention relates to an elongated pelt board for accommodating an animal pelt. The pelt board comprises a first wall element, a second wall element being spaced apart from the first wall element in the first radial direction, a third wall element and a fourth wall element being spaced apart from the third wall element in a second radial direction. The wall elements together define a cavity along a longitudinal direction. The wall elements defining a contracted state in which the first and second radial distances are reduced, and an expanded state in which the first and second radial distances are increased. The pelt board further comprising an elongated core element being movable in relation to each of the wall elements. The elongated core element allows the wall elements to selectively define the contracted state or the expanded state by moving the elongated core element in the longitudinal direction. 1. A system for drying a pelt having a substantially tubular shape defining an inwardly oriented leather side , an outwardly oriented fur side , a nose end , and a rear end , the system comprising: a top end configured for fixing the nose end of the pelt;', 'a circumferential apertured wall defining an inner cavity and an outer surface configured for facing the leather side of the pelt;', 'a bottom end opposite the top end and defining a bottom end area;, 'a pelt board comprising 'an air inlet communicating with the inner cavity at the bottom end of the pelt board and configured for introducing air into the inner cavity so as to be forced out through the apertured wall; and', 'and'}a drying unit comprising a housing defining a top surface having an air outlet configured for communicating with the air inlet via an interface therebetween, the interface connecting the pelt board and the drying unit so as to support the pelt board in an upright position relative to the top surface, and defining an interface area constituting between 15% and 95% of the bottom ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170305314A1

A cover material for a vehicle seat provides favorable touch while utilizing the texture of a leather material. A cover material for a vehicle seat includes: a leather portion made of natural leather or artificial leather; and a mesh fabric portion bonded to the back side of the leather portion. 1. A cover material for a vehicle seat , comprising:a leather portion made of natural leather or artificial leather; anda mesh fabric portion located on a back side of the leather portion.2. The cover material for the vehicle seat according to claim 1 , wherein a degree of unevenness of one of upper and back surfaces in the fabric portion is greater than the a degree of unevenness of the other of the upper and back surfaces.3. The cover material for the vehicle seat according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of layers are arranged in a laminated state in the fabric portion claim 1 , the layers being knitted or woven in a different manner to have different mesh sizes from each other.4. The cover material for the vehicle seat according to claim 3 , wherein the fabric portion is bonded to a back surface of the leather portion via one of the plurality of layers which has a smaller mesh size than other layers of the plurality of layers.5. The cover material for the vehicle seat according to claim 4 , wherein the fabric portion includes a back-side layer and an upper-side layer claim 4 , the back-side layer having the smaller mesh size claim 4 , the upper-side layer having a larger mesh size than the back-side layer claim 4 , and the fabric portion is bonded to the back surface of the leather portion with an adhesive applied to a surface of the back-side layer claim 4 , the surface of the back-side layer being located opposite of the upper-side layer.6. The cover material for the vehicle seat according to claim 3 , wherein the fabric portion is formed by a plain knitted lining claim 3 , andwherein one of the plurality of layers which has a larger mesh size than other layers of the ...
