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10-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2361021C2

Изобретение относится к технологии получения комплексных нитей из высококачественного полиэтилена. Способ включает получение раствора полиэтилена с сверхвысокой мольной массой в растворителе; формование нитей из раствора через формующую пластину с, по меньшей мере, 5 прядильными отверстиями и через воздушный зазор вытяжку полученных жидких элементарных нитей со степенью вытяжки в жидкой среде DRжидк; охлаждение жидких элементарных нитей с получением содержащих растворитель гелеобразных элементарных нитей; удаление растворителя и проведение вытяжки элементарных нитей, по меньшей мере, в одну стадию до, во время и/или после удаления растворителя со степенью вытяжки равной, по меньшей мере, 4. Каждое прядильное отверстие включает зону сужения, характеризующуюся специфическим размером, и последующую зону, характеризующуюся диаметром Dn и длиной Ln при величине Ln/Dn в диапазоне от 0 до 25, с получением в результате степени вытяжки DRжидк=DRп.о×DRв.з, равной, по меньшей мере, 150, где DRп.o ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535040C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Описан способ доставки медицинского активного агента, включающий стадию, на которой вводят млекопитающему, которое нуждается в полезных эффектах для здоровья или лечении состояния здоровья, индивидуальное медицинское изделие. Изделие содержит один или более филаментов, которые содержат материал основы, медицинский активный агент и необязательно эстетические агенты, средства для придания объема, пластификаторы и поперечно-сшивающие агенты. Изделие является прочным во время транспортировки и может содержать широкий диапазон медицинских активных агентов и эстетических агентов. 2 н. и 35 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 7 пр.

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2554733C2
Принадлежит: ГЕРКИНГ Людер (DE)

Предложена фильера для формования нитей из прядильной массы в виде расплава или раствора натурального или синтетического происхождения, содержащая осесимметричную внутреннюю деталь, имеющую в продольном направлении канал для подвода прядильной массы к вершине фильеры, в которой выполнено по меньшей мере одно выходное отверстие. Осесимметричная внутренняя деталь по меньшей мере частично окружена осесимметричной наружной деталью, а между внутренней и наружной деталями в продольном направлении образована изолирующая камера, в которой с целью создания изолирующего газового слоя размещен газ, предпочтительно воздух. Кроме того, предложено формующее устройство для формования нитей из прядильной массы, содержащее фильерный блок и расположенный на расстоянии от него сопловый блок. В фильерном блоке установлено несколько фильер согласно изобретению, которые выступают из него и обращены к сопловому блоку. Сопловый блок содержит несколько соответствующих фильерам газовых сопел, которые могут ускорять ...

20-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2382126C2

Изобретение относится к технологии получения ароматических полиамидных волокон, в частности, к получению нитей из полипарафенилентерефталамида, обладающих высокой прочностью и высоким модулем. Для получения нити используют многоканальный питающий трубопровод для подачи полимеризуемого мономера и полимеризационного растворителя, со специальной конструкцией внутренних каналов (11a) и наружных каналов (11b), которые расположены в чередующемся порядке один относительно другого и предназначены для подачи либо ароматического двухкислотного хлорида А, либо ароматического диамина, растворенного в полимеризационном растворителе В, в реактор полимеризации (20) через соответствующий один из (внутренний или наружный) каналов (11а) и (11b). Настоящее изобретение эффективно для проведения равномерной и гомогенной полимеризации во всем пространстве реактора полимеризации (20), приводящей к уменьшению отклонений в степени полимеризации, так как полимерные мономеры смешивают вместе и обеспечивают их очень ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107240A3

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017137356A3

27-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2129622C1

Целлюлозные филаментные нити получают путем формования раствора целлюлозы в органическом растворителе через воздушный зазор в осадительную ванну, оборудованную средствами для создания поперечной тяги в воздушном зазоре. Способ позволяет получать большее число филаментных нитей, осуществлять стабилизацию их путем создания поперечной тяги воздуха в воздушном зазоре. 7 с. и 37 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

22-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015100006A3

26-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2786924C1

Изобретение относится к фильерному комплекту и к способу получения лиоцелла, в котором используется такой фильерный комплект. Фильерный комплект выполнен прямоугольной формы с отношением сторон более 2, и содержит по меньшей мере крышку, корпус фильерного комплекта, распределительную решетку и необязательно отдельные фильерные пластины в корпусе фильерного комплекта. Причем по меньшей мере крышка и/или корпус фильерного комплекта нагреваются с помощью пара с температурой в диапазоне от 105 до 138°С и при давлении от 1,0 до 4 бар, а распределительная решетка выполнена из материала с удельной теплопроводностью выше 50 Вт/(м*K), предпочтительно 80 Вт/(м*K). Указанный фильерный комплект, особенно при высокой пропускной способности и высокой скорости, обеспечивает надлежащую однородность элементарных нитей. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 1 пр., 1 табл., 2 ил.

20-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2072006C1
Принадлежит: Ленцинг АГ (AT)

C целью изготовления целлюлозного формованного изделия целлюлозный раствор окиси амина продавливают через фильеру, после чего пропускают через воздушный зазор, в котором в случае необходимости вытягивают и затем коагулируют в осадительной ванне. Согласно настоящему изобретению минимальный диаметр отверстий используемой фильеры составляет максимум 150 мкм. Благодаря этому длина воздушного зазора может быть уменьшена до менее чем 35 мм или даже менее 10 мм, потому что благодаря ориентации в длинноканальной фильере можно обойтись небольшой фильерной вытяжкой, не оказывая отрицательного влияния на получение нужных текстильных свойств изготавливаемого волокна. В соответствии с предпочтительной формой выполнения фильерного канала последний на его входной стороне имеет конусособразное расширение, а его выходная сторона выполнена в цилиндрической форме. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2493298C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к инжекционному соплу для электропрядения, включающему в себя тело сопла и воздушный кожух, соединенные с возможностью отсоединения друг с другом, и игольчатые элементы, соединенные с нижней поверхностью тела сопла посредством инжекционных отверстий в воздушном кожухе. Устройством электропрядения выполняется в основном воздушное электропрядение для впрыскивания раствора для образования волокна вместе с воздухом, во время выпускания через игольчатые элементы раствора для образования волокна, и эти игольчатые элементы выступают своими концами на достаточную длину, чтобы осуществлять безошибочное чистое электропрядение без вдувания воздуха, если воздушный кожух отделен. Вследствие этого можно по выбору осуществлять чистое электропрядение либо воздушное электропрядение. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

20-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015102722A

... 1. Прядильная фильера для производства нановолоконных и микроволоконных материалов, содержащая:- первую пластинку (1), снабженную по меньшей мере одной сквозной канавкой (2) для направления первого материала к выпускной части (3) сквозной канавки (2) на передней стороне (4) первой пластинки (1);- вторую пластинку (5), снабженную по меньшей мере одной сквозной канавкой (6) для направления второго материала к выпускной части (7) сквозной канавки (6) второй пластинки (5), причем выпускная часть (7) расположена возле выпускной части (3) первой пластинки (1); и- разделительную пластинку (8), расположенную между первой пластинкой (1) и второй пластинкой (5) для отделения сквозных канавок (2) первой пластинки (1) от сквозных канавок (6) второй пластинки (5), причем передняя сторона разделительной пластинки (8) формирует с передней стороной (4) первой пластинки (1) и/или с передней стороной (10) второй пластинки (5) сплошную поверхность в зоне выпускных частей (3, 7) сквозных канавок (2, 6).2.

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012150815A

... 1. Способ прядения графеновых лент с образованием волокон, включающий в себя этапы, на которых подают прядильный раствор, содержащий графеновые ленты, на фильеру, осуществляют выпрядание из прядильного раствора срощенных волокон, образованных из графеновых лент, осуществляют коагуляцию срощенных волокон, образованных из графеновых лент, в коагуляционной среде с получением коагулированных волокон, образованных из графеновых лент, отдирают, нейтрализуют (необязательно) и промывают коагулированные волокна, образованные из графеновых лент, и наматывают коагулированные волокна, образованные из графеновых лент.2. Способ прядения графеновых лент с образованием волокон по п.1, отличающийся тем, что прядильный раствор создают путем растворения графеновых лент в растворителе.3. Способ прядения графеновых лент с образованием волокон по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что коагуляционная среда течет в том же направлении, в каком ориентированы срощенные волокна из графеновых лент.4. Способ прядения графеновых ...

10-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94021648A

Способ и устройство для формования полимерных нитей позволяет получать нити со структурой типа оболочка - сердечник путем подачи полимерной композиции на фильеру со скоростью, достаточной для обеспечения скорости формования через фильеру от примерно 10 до 200 м/мин, нагревания полимерной композиции на фильере или в области, прилегающей к фильере, так, чтобы нагреть полимерную композицию до температуры, достаточной для изготовления нити со структурой типа оболочка - сердечник после ее охлаждения в окислительной среде, экструзии нагретой полимерной композиции через фильеру со скоростью формования от примерно 10 до 200 м/мин с получением расплавленных нитей и охлаждения расплавленных нитей в окислительной среде с целью достижения деградации путем окислительного расщепления цепочки по крайней мере на поверхности расплавленных нитей для получения нитей, обладающих структурой типа оболочка - сердечник.

30-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1838461C

30-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1838462C

15-10-1988 дата публикации

Формовочная головка

Номер: SU1430412A1

Изобретение относится к производству синтетических нитей, а именно к оборудованию для их формования. Целью изобретения яр ляется улучшение эксплуаташ- онных свойств за счет уменьшения количест;за транспортируемых при ремонте и замене деталей головки , Формовочная головка содержит корпус и установленные в его гн.езде фильерный комплект с расплавопроводяП лм стакаьюм, фильерой, распределительной решеткой, фильтровальньпчи сетками и прокладка м, а также средство крепле}шя фи.льерного комплекта в корпусе, имеющее байонетньо диск с фикС1- руюгщ ми винтами. Корпус имеет байонетньш паЗ; пазы для выступов стакана и кольцевой уступ для установки фильеры, Ф1;льера соединена со стаканом по крайне мере тремя скобами с фиксир Ю1 ц-{ми винтаьги, входя- в специальные прорези на стакане и фильере, а распределительная решетка имеет резьбовые гнезда для фиксир топшх винтов скоб. Между филь- ерным ко тлектом и корпусом свободно установлен вкладыш, имеюпБ- й вертикальные пазы для размещения; скоб и Я15лянэиэтеся ...

16-12-1965 дата публикации

Spinnkopf mit einer Sandfilterpackung fuer das Schmelzspinnen

Номер: DE0001207038B

10-05-2001 дата публикации

Spinndüsenvorrichtung einer Nassspinneinrichtung

Номер: DE0019949399A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Spinndüsenvorrichtung 4 einer Naßspinneinrichtung zum Einbringen einer Spinnlösung in ein Spinnbad bei der Herstellung eines Fadens. Die Spinndüsenvorrichtung 4 weist eine Temperiereinrichtung 20 auf, die zweckmäßigerweise in einem Düsentragteil 5 der Spinndüsenvorrichtung 4 angeordnet ist.

20-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002627453A1

24-11-1952 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von kuenstlichen Faeden

Номер: DE0000856689C

06-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007040536A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Formgebungswerkzeug zum Ausformen eines hohlen Formgegenstands, bei welchem vorgesehen sind: eine Stiftplatte, die eine Zuflussöffnung für Formmaterial aufweist, eine rohrförmige Buchse, die einen Formgebungsweg ausbildet, der von der Zuflussöffnung ausgeht, wobei ein Auslass des Werkzeugs in Verlaufsrichtung des Formgebungswegs angeordnet ist, ein kegelförmiger Stift senkrecht zur Stiftplatte vorgesehen ist, und innerhalb des Formgebungswegs angeordnet ist, ein Zwischenraum, der durchgehend in Längsrichtung verläuft, zwischen einer inneren Wandoberfläche des Formgebungsweges und einer äußeren Oberfläche des kegelförmigen Stiftes vorgesehen ist, eine Einstellvorrichtung zur Einstellung der Breite eines Standard-Ringzwischenraums, wenn in Zwischenraum zwischen einer festgelegten Position in Längsrichtung des Formgebungsweges und der äußeren Oberfläche des kegelförmigen Stifts entgegengesetzt zu dieser Position ausgebildet wird.

05-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002245174B2

29-10-1992 дата публикации

Spinneret jet head - has structured displacement plate to compensate for pressure loss in molten material flow

Номер: DE0004211398A1

The rectangular displacement body, within the spineret jet head in the spinning jet chamber to deflect the molten material from the molten feed plate into the chamber, is a displacement plate. It is held in place by a connecting web, on its longitudinal centre, to form a horizontal gap on both sides of it between the displacement and feed plates. The feed channel for the molten material opens into the horizontal gaps through a distributor and a horizontal channel. The horizontal channels in the form of grooves, extend along the connecting web over the whole general length of the spinning jet chamber. They are at the under side of the feed plate and/or at the upper side of the displacement plate to open laterally to the horizontal gaps. The displacement plate tapers away to the ends away from the feed channel. The vertical gap between the circumference of the displacement plate and the inner wall of the housing is expanded by the tapering shape to compensate for loss of pressure in the horizontal ...

04-09-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003324833C2

05-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002713601A1

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060141805D1

25-09-1952 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Pruefung der Sauberkeit von Spinnduesen mit vielen OEffnungen

Номер: DE0000850645C

29-06-1967 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001963006U

06-04-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001435461C3

14-01-1971 дата публикации

Spinnduese und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung

Номер: DE0001660557A1

18-08-1960 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001816819U

17-09-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001902916A1

24-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011075924A1

Eine Schmelzspinnvorrichtung (10) umfasst einen Vorrichtungskörper (12) und eine Düse (14) zum Extrudieren geschmolzenen Harzes (13), einen um die Düse (14) ausgebildeten Primärheißluftdurchgang (16) und einen in einer Zone außerhalb des Primärheißluftdurchgangs (16) ausgebildeten Sekundärheißluftdurchgang (18), die in dem Vorrichtungskörper (12) ausgebildet sind. Der Primärheißluftdurchgang (16) lässt Primärheißluft (15) auf Fasern des aus der Düse (14) extrudierten geschmolzenen Harzes (13) aus. Der Sekundärheißluftdurchgang (18) lässt Sekundärheißluft (17) aus, um die Temperatur der Primärheißluft (15) aufrecht zu erhalten. Der Auslasswinkel () der Sekundärheißluft (17) aus dem Sekundärheißluftdurchgang (18) ist bezüglich der Richtung des aus der Düse (14) extrudierten geschmolzenen Harzes (13) in einem Bereich von 0° bis 50° eingestellt. Die Sekundärheißluft (17) bildet einen Luftvorhang, der die Atmosphärenluft blockiert.

19-10-2006 дата публикации

Multi-part filter packet especially for use in polymer melt extrusion has a binder which can be removed by an additional treatment

Номер: DE102006012324A1

A filter packet consisting of parts (2.1, 2.2) of the same or different type is bonded by a binder (3) which can be removed by an additional treatment. An independent claim is also included for production of the filter packet by introduction of binder (3) between the parts, followed by heat pressing and cooling.

11-07-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001949170B2

12-07-1973 дата публикации

Ultrasonic cleaning of polymer-contaminated objects - esp spinnerets, using application of hot solvent

Номер: DE0002164785A1

The objects to be cleaned are contacted with a high boiling solvent (e.g. triethylene glycol) at a temp. near the b.pt., and the hot solvent is subjected, during the dissolving process, to the action of ultrasonic vibrations. Damage to objects (e.g. spinnerets) is avoided and contaminants are completely removed.

08-07-1964 дата публикации

Spinning of polypropylene

Номер: GB0000963195A

... 963,195. Spinnerets. HERCULES POWDER CO. May 16, 1963, No. 19507/63. Heading B5B. A spinneret has a plurality of orifices, each orifice being composed of a cylindrical egress section B having a length to diameter ratio of at least 3 and a conical entry section A having a taper of from 5 to 35 degrees from the axis of the orifice. Fig. 3 illustrates an alternative orifice shape. Preferably, the egress section of each orifice has a diameter of from 0.008 to 0.025 inch and a length of 3-20 times the diameter. Stereoregular polypropylene containing preferably less than 5% of amorphous polymer may be dissolved in a suitable solvent to give a solution of about 25-45% concentration and dry spun through such a spinneret at e.g. 120-170‹ C. into a drying column through which a hot gas e.g. nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or steam is passed in order to evaporate the solvent. Specified solvents include paraffinic hydrocarbons, especially those boiling above about 170‹ C., e.g. toluene and xylene, chlorobenzene ...

21-07-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to melt-spinning synthetic polymer filaments

Номер: GB0000999072A

... 999,072. Melt-spinning synthetic filaments. BRITISH NYLON SPINNERS Ltd. Jan. 9, 1964 [Jan. 25, 1963], No. 3197/63. Addition to 901,398. Heading B5B. The melt spinning process of the parent Specification (wherein there is continuously and uniformly provided immediately below the spinneret plate a homogeneous and laterally unconfined shallow layer of an inert gas, such as superheated steam, in contact with the entire surface area of at least that portion of the face of said spinneret plate which contains the extrusion orifices) is modified in that the layer of gas is provided by two streams of gas emanating from opposing sides of the face of the spinneret plate, the width and direction of each such stream being such that that part of the spinneret plate containing the orifices is blanketed with the gas. As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, a pack and spinneret assembly comprise two inwardly-facing elongated slots 1, 2 to each of which superheated steam is provided under pressure, the slots being located ...

29-08-1956 дата публикации

Melt-spinning method and apparatus

Номер: GB0000755954A

... In a spinning pack for melt-spinning, joints between the components of the pack are so arranged that the hydraulic pressure of the melt acts to seal all of such joints. As shown, the spinning pack comprises a cylindrical container 1 having a flange 2 on which rests a gasket 3, spinneret 4, bridge plate 5, distribution plate 7, gauzes 10 and sand pack 11. A distributer plate 12 is attached by legs (not shown) to lid 13 which rests on flange 14 and which is sealed by gasket 15 and threaded lock ring 16. The melt is pumped in at 17 and the pressure exerted thereby lifts the lid 13 against gasket 15 and presses down the rest of the assembly against gasket 3.

26-02-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the production of artificial filaments or threads

Номер: GB0000344351A

... Artificial threads are produced by extruding a spinning solution through a jet having a plurality of groups of spinning orifices, the filaments from each group of orifices being collected as a separate thread. The threads may be collected on separate winding or twisting and winding devices. The filaments may be produced by dry or wet spinning, and may consist of cellulose acetate or other organic derivative of cellulose, or of regenerated cellulose. As shown, two groups of filaments 9, 10 are extruded from a jet 8 having two groups of orifices arranged side by side. The filaments pass round a feed roller 12 outside the cell, and are collected on cap-spinning devices 16, 17, arranged in two rows as described in Specification 343,965. To separate the groups of filaments when the apparatus is started, a dividing plate of the shape shown in Fig. 5 is inserted through a door 13 in the cell; the point of the plate is inserted between ...

28-05-1970 дата публикации

Funnel Spinning of Viscose Rayon Filaments

Номер: GB0001193314A

10-01-1973 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001302666A

02-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002055071B

06-08-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the cleaning of melt spinning nozzles

Номер: GB0000965870A

... 965,870. Cleaning melt spinning nozzles. ONDERZOEKINGSINSTITUUT RESEARCH N.V. Feb. 12, 1963 [Feb. 16, 1962], No. 5633/63. Heading B5B. Spinning nozzles employed in the melt spinning of synthetic organic thermoplastic materials, which nozzles have been treated during the spinning process with a liquid polyorganosiloxane are treated after the spinning process with a hydrocarbon having a boiling point of at least 150‹ C., or with a mixture of hydrocarbons having an initial boiling point of at least 150‹ C., and thereafter with a molten mixture of a nitrate and a nitrite of sodium and/or potassium, e.g. 45 to 55% by weight of potassium nitrate and the remainder sodium nitrite. The temperature of the molten mixture may be within the range 200‹ C. to 600‹ C. The mixture of liquid hydrocarbons may be liquid paraffin (medicinal white oil). The polyorgano siloxane may be a polymethylsiloxane having a viscosity of 50 to 1000 centistokes at 25 ‹ C. If a solid hydrocarbon is to be used in the cleaning ...

24-11-1999 дата публикации

Crimped solid thermoplastic filaments

Номер: GB0002337480A

A spinneret plate is described with a plurality of apertures through which a molten thermoplastic material may be extruded for the production of self-crimping thermoplastic filaments. On the face of the spinneret plate against which the molten thermoplastic material is urged in the extrusion process, the apertures (1) have a shape with an incomplete periphery, such as a "C" shape or swastika shape, and the shape of the apertures (2) on the face of the spinneret plate at which the extruded material reports is of complete periphery, for example circular or square apertures. The entrainment of air as the thermoplastic material is extruded creates a void (4) internally of the filament which collapses as said material reports from the apertures of the spinneret plate and is immediately cooled. This causes the fibres to self-crimp which is of great advantage - current machinery to induce crimp is expensive and cumbersome.

19-05-1965 дата публикации

Improved extrusion die

Номер: GB0000992352A

... 992,352. Extrusion dies. RICHARD SIZER Ltd. Aug. 26, 1963 [Feb. 15, 1963; May 15, 1963], Nos. 6167/63 and 19199/63. Heading B5A. In an extrusion die for use in extruding mouldable or plasticized material, e.g. chemicals, fertilizers, animal foodstuffs or synthetic resinous materials, more particularly for use in the production of pellets or cubes, the material is forced through a plurality of extrusion bores in the die by one or more rollers and removed from the surface of the die by one or more knives. The die is made up of a plurality of elements 10 secured together with closure members, the elements 10 being provided with open-topped grooves or channels which upon assembly constitute the extrusion bores. As shown, the open-topped grooves may be produced in a variety of shapes on one or both adjacent sides of an element 10 and grooves on the adjacent sides of a pair of elements may co-operate to form a larger bore or a spacer element 12 may be disposed between them. Figures, not shown ...

05-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008323831D0

05-09-1929 дата публикации

Improvements in spinning nozzles for use in the manufacture of artificial silk

Номер: GB0000301081A

... 301,081. Colomb, H. Nov. 25, 1927, [Convention date]. Apparatus for making filaments.-A multiple spinning nozzle for the manufacture of artificial silk consists of a number of perforated studs or metal discs c, each mounted in a metal plug g by means of which they can be screwed or pressed into the base plate a of the nozzle. The spinning elements c may be formed of perforated stones of metal plugs, and they may be held in the part g either by the resiliency of the metal, or by means of a washer d, Fig. 1, the upper part of the bore of the plug g being conical in order that the spinning element or the washer may be inserted, alternatively the spinning element c may be held in position by chasing the rim of metal at the lower end of the plug as shown in Fig. 6, or the lower end of the plug may be split so as to grip the spinning element c when the plug is screwed into position, for which purpose the lower end of the plug and the lower part of the opening in the plate a are of conical form ...

06-03-1968 дата публикации

Apparatus for spinning artificial filaments

Номер: GB0001105064A

... 1,105,064. Melt-spinning apparatus. FIBER INDUSTRIES Inc. 29 Sept., 1965 [5 Oct., 1964]; No. 41321/65. Heading B5B. A melt spinning assembly has outer and inner rings 11 and 9 respectively with a top cover 8, which together form the body of the melt spinning pack which contains an annulus pierced by spinning orifices 10. A granular filtering medium 12 is retained in place by wire gauze annuli. Channels 20 are provided between an annular bridge plate 13 and projecting into the inner wire gauze 14, while the cylindrical walls of the outer gauze 15 are corrugated to provide inlet channels for the molten polymer. The melt enters the spinning assembly at inlet 17 and enters channel 21 through pipe. 16. After channel 21 is filled with the melt, the corrugations in gauze 15 fill and the molten polymer then percolates through the filter, in the direction of the horizontal arrows, and then flows down the channels formed by bridge plate 13 and inner gauze 14 to orifices 10. The assembly is mainly ...

01-05-1930 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the manufacture of artificial threads

Номер: GB0000311763A

... 311,763. Aceta Ges. May 16, 1928, [Convention date]. Grant of Patent opposed. Apparatus for making filaments. - The lack of thermal homogeneity and consequent variation of viscosity in solutions emerging from the spinning nozzle in the dry spinning process, is obviated by guiding the solution in symmetrically disposed streams and in as thin layers as possible along surfaces of a body of high heat capacity placed directly above the nozzle. By making the mass of such a body sufficiently large compared with the volume of solution in contact therewith a homogeneous solution giving a thread of uniform titre is obtained. In the construction shown in Figs. 1 and 2, a comparatively thin hollow cylinder a, attached to the spinning nozzle at f is almost filled by a massive coaxial cylinder b leaving a narrow passage for the flow of solution. Perforations h as shown, or peripheral grooves in the direction of flow in the cylinder b may facilitate the flow. The heat capacity of the cylinder a is increased ...

08-04-1970 дата публикации

Cleaning of Apparatus Used in the Manufacture of Polyethylene Terephthalate

Номер: GB0001187480A

... 1,187,480. Cleaning metals. EASTMAN KODAK CO. July 27, 1967 [July 18, 1966], No.34653/67. Heading C7E. Apparatus, e.g. pipes or filters, used in the manufacture of polyethylene terephthalate is cleaned by either (A) contacting with a gas at 275 to 350‹C., then with a gas at 325 to 525‹C. and at the same time heating the apparatus to temperatures not greater than 325 and 525‹C. respectively or (B) contacting with glycol at at least 80‹C., and then following either (A) or (B) by (i) heating to 205 to 370‹C. in an oxygen containing atmosphere, and (ii) contacting with an aqueous alkali, pH at least 10, at at least 90‹C.

21-08-1968 дата публикации

Method of making spinneret plates

Номер: GB0001124309A

... 1,124,309. Making nozzles in spinneret plates. E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO. 27 April, 1967 [28 April, 1966], No. 19462/67. Heading B3A. [Also in Division B5] In a method of making a spinneret plate having at least one nozzle beginning in an entrance hole and terminating in a capillary, the capillary is prepared by stamping the thickness of the plate remaining after fabrication of the entrance hole with at least two different punches, successive punches having lesser cross-sectional dimensions and increased effective lengths, the first punch being sized in cross-section for substantial correspondance with and having an effective length less than that of the eventual capillary, the last punch having an effective length greater than that of the capillary. The entry and transition lengths 18, 20 may be made in one or more drilling steps and finished with a countersink punch. The plate is placed on an anvil plate 26 and a first punch forms a first capillary portion. A second punch forms the ...

08-10-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Spinnerets

Номер: GB0001166830A

... 1,166,830. Making spinnerets. ALGEMENE KUNSTZIJDE UNIE N.V. 9 Dec., 1966 [10 Dec., 1965], No. 55206/66. Heading B3A. [Also in Divisions B5 and F2] Thin-walled tubes having a profiled crosssection are made by pressing radially inwardly on such a tube having a circular cross-section, at locations spaced apart around the circumference of the tube. The tube is pressed by a special tool having a number of jaws which can deform the tube wall to the desired shape. The tube material may be heated while deformation takes place.

21-01-1970 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing of Non-Woven Fabrics or the like by Wet Sieving of Viscose Fibres

Номер: GB0001178811A

... 1,178,811. Paper. TACHIKAWA RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 12 March, 1968 [26 April, 1967], No. 12093/68. Heading D2B. Paper or non-woven fabric is made from an aqueous dispersion of staple fibres of incompletely regenerated xanthate cellulose having a primary swelling valve (defined as in Specification 1,042,005) of 1,900 to 10,000 and obtained by spinning through a spinneret in which the holes have a ratio of length to diameter of more than five. This avoids obtaining a filament of diameter substantially larger than the spinning orifice (the Barus effect). Preferably the spinneret is of glass.

19-11-1969 дата публикации

Spinning Head for the Manufacture of Synthetic Filaments from Two Differently Composed Spinning Liquids

Номер: GB0001171600A

... 1,171,600. Spinneret. J. P. BEMBERG A.G. 23 Aug., 1968 [25 Aug., 1967], No. 40443/68. Heading B5B. In a spinning head having a distributer system for the manufacture of synthetic filaments from two differently composed spinning liquids, the first spinning liquid enters chamber 21. As the cone 93 (Figs. 3 and 4) is formed in the peripheral direction with alternating external slots 91 and internal slots 92, the external slots 91 being connected with chamber 21, only the first spinning liquid is able to flow through them. It then passes, successively, the rows of apertures or slots 81 of packing 8 (which is of identical shape to the pressure compensation plate 3 shown in Fig. 5 and lies immediately above it) located externally of the outer slot 91, the rows of apertures 31, the rows of apertures or slots 81 of the packing 8 lying below plate 3, and the slots 41 of the slotted plate 4 (Fig. 6). The second spinning liquid enters chamber 19, and flows into tube 94, the inner space of which is ...

25-09-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in apparatus for spinning artificial textile filaments

Номер: GB0000219962A

... 219,962. Fabrique de Soie Artificielle de Tubize Soc. Anon. Aug. 2, 1923, [Convention date]. Apparatus for making filaments. - A spinning head for use in the manufacture of artificial textile filaments, in which the spinning orifices a<2> are arranged along the base of a gutter a<1>, is provided with a filter i of large area, that is, several times that of the gutter. For this purpose, the head is formed of parts j, e, a; the gutter a<1> is mounted in the part a, and is held tight between this part and the part e immediately above; the latter is recessed at the upper part, in which recess or enlargement g a frame h carrying the filter i is fitted; the upper part j is provided with a. socket k for connection to the supply conduit m; when assembled, the parts .are secured together by yokes c provided with tightening-screws l. A secondary filter d may be fitted immediately above the gutter.

25-04-1979 дата публикации

Improvements to extrusion tool

Номер: GB0002005570A

An extrusion tool consisting of a stack of thin metal wafers in which apertures have been machined by chemical etching. Each wafer has one or several apertures. For simple profiles the wafers are identical. The apertures in adjacent wafers are angularly offset one with respect of the other for helical extrusion.

20-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002005570B

28-10-1959 дата публикации

Improvements relating to spinning nozzles for making tows of artificial filaments for conversion to staple fibres

Номер: GB0000822512A

... An annular spinning nozzle has, as shown, a central opening 2 through which part of the spinning bath can pass, the surface of the nozzle 1 is tapered conically towards the centre, and the spinning holes 3 are drilled at an angle to the nozzle surface, other than 90 degrees. The spinning holes may, as shown, extend from the surface parallel to the axis of the nozzle.

30-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001551489A

02-01-2019 дата публикации

Unitary spinneret block for use in the manufacturing of meltdown fibers comprising spinneret body and nozzles

Номер: GB0201818689D0

05-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001487774A

... 1487774 Melt spinning apparatus TORAY INDUSTRIES Inc 19 Dec 1974 [25 Dec 1973] 55313/74 Heading B5B The spinning pack, metering pump and the conduit connecting the two are located in a heating frame provided with heating means, the heating frame being encased with a portion of the extruder wherein the polymer is melted within a casing of thermo insulating material, the metering pump and the extruder also being horizontally disposed in line above the spinning pack and the conduit in a horizontal plane between the extruder and the pack. In Fig. 1 spinning packs 2 are placed in line within the heating frame 1. A metering device 4 is placed adjacent to a screw type extruder 5 and conduits 3 connect pump 4 with packs 2. In an embodiment in Fig. 5, the conduits 3 are integrally fitted with the block 10 and the screw extruder 5 is provided with a band heater 17. The side wall portions of the heating frame 1 do not reach the level of the extruder 5 and the intermediate thermal insulation plate ...

03-05-1961 дата публикации

Jets and spinning apparatus for melt spinning

Номер: GB0000867020A

... A melt-spinning jet consists of an electric resistance element adapted to be heated and fitted to the end of a chamber for supplying solid spinning material, the jet being provided with a surface for contacting the material applied, which surface has extrusion orifices and is made non-planar to provide a heating surface substantially greater in area than a planar surface of the same periphery. As shown, a hopper 18 may have a tapering portion 39 to which spinning jet J is attached. The jet is a resistance element and has terminals 28, 29 for attachment to a current source. The non-planar surface of jet J may take the form of an annular trough (see Figs. 2 and 3) with a ring of orifices at its base. Alternatively the orifices may be disposed at the base of a jet of V-shaped cross-section. An upstanding cone whose crown is preferably thickened may form the centre of the jet of annular trough-like form. Means may be provided ...

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Co-mingling of particulate material and spun-blown fibers

Номер: GB0002588779A

Web forming apparatus 1000 for forming commingled web 1900 of particulate material selected from short fibres, pulp fibres and particles, and synthetic spun-blown fibres. The apparatus comprises particulate material supply system 1410 to deliver downwardly moving stream of particulate material; a polymer supply system 1210, 1310 providing polymer material to first and second multi-row spin-blowing systems comprising an array of polymer releasing orifices with cross-directionally extending rows of orifices 1225, 1325; a forming box 1100 with a particulate material inlet connected to the particulate material supply system, two spun-blown fibre inlets each connected to one of the spin-blowing systems, and a commingled web outlet; a collecting device 1600 for collecting commingled short and spun-blown fibres, adapted to move along a machine direction of the apparatus. The spin-blowing inlets are upstream and downstream of the particulate material inlet. The array of polymer releasing orifices ...

24-07-1957 дата публикации

Apparatus for melt-spinning synthetic linear polymers

Номер: GB0000779787A

... In melt-spinning apparatus of the type described in Specification 533,307, [Group IV] comprising a melt grid on to which solid polymer in particulate form is caused to fall and through the interior of which a heating fluid is circulated at a controlled predetermined temperature, a heated chamber below the grid containing a filter pack and spinneret through which the melt is forced, the chamber has a socket into which is detachably received an assembly comprising a filter pack and spinneret, the construction and arrangement being such that the socket and the assembly are in heat-conducting relationship at a number of points. As shown, molten polymer is supplied to a jacketed socket 11 through a duct 1 by a pump (not shown) from a reservoir of polymer in a melt chamber, and the melt is forced through a sand pack 3, a screen assembly 5 and a metal spinneret plate 7. The sand in the pack 3 is laterally retained by a metal holder 9, which is forced into tight engagement ...

25-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397392B

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000394530T

15-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA838972A

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000441742T

15-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA207978A

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000530690T

15-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000541373A

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412075T

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413545B

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000513071T

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000252280A

26-05-1933 дата публикации

Regularly examined small bands and procedures for their production.

Номер: AT0000133499B

25-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000000903U1

15-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000003291A

15-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000612471A

15-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000186758T

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000107971T

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000036563T

25-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000001085U1

25-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000001086U1

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000310114T

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Spin pack assembly

Номер: US20120001362A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

A spin pack assembly for use in melt spinning elastic fibers. The spin pack assembly includes a circular breaker plate having a center aperture and several circular patterns of apertures with each circular pattern having a plurality of apertures. Each circular pattern is located concentrically about an axis of the center aperture. The apertures in the outer circular patterns have a greater diameter than the apertures in the inner circular patterns. The spin pack assembly also has a spinneret plate where the exit aperture of the spinneret plate is recessed in the body of the spin pack assembly.

10-04-2003 дата публикации

Приспособление для удаления пыли и пуха на мотальной и подобной ей текстильной машине

Номер: RU0000028691U1

1. Приспособление для удаления пыли и пуха на мотальной и подобной ей текстильной машине, содержащее кожух с расположенным внутри опорным элементом в виде площадки с закрепленным на ней держателем паковки с пряжей, примыкающую к кожуху воронку, сообщающуюся узкой частью с вытяжным воздуховодом, проложенным вдоль машины, отличающееся тем, что в площадке выполнено отверстие, а держатель имеет сквозной продольный канал, сообщающийся с полостью воронки. 2. Приспособление для удаления пыли и пуха на мотальной и подобной ей текстильной машине по п.1, отличающееся тем, что концевая часть держателя со стороны воронки выполнена расширяющейся. 3. Приспособление для удаления пыли и пуха на мотальной и подобно ей текстильной машине по п.1, отличающееся тем, что держатель подвижно закреплен в отверстии площадки с возможностью перемещения вдоль его оси. 4. Приспособление для удаления пыли и пуха на мотальной и подобной ей текстильной машине по п.2, отличающееся тем, что на держателе по обе стороны от площадки закреплены стопорные кольца, причем между кольцом и площадкой со стороны паковки с пряжей установлена пружина. (19) RU (11) 28 691 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01D 4/04 (2000.01) B08B 5/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002120413/20 , 29.07.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.07.2002 (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия (72) Автор(ы): Щепочкин А.М. Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, патентный отдел, ком. 359 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 2 8 6 9 1 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Приспособление для удаления пыли и пуха на мотальной и подобной ей текстильной машине, содержащее кожух с расположенным внутри опорным элементом в виде площадки с закрепленным на ней держателем паковки с пряжей, примыкающую к кожуху воронку, сообщающуюся узкой частью ...

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Multilayer apparatuses and methods for the production of microfibers and nanofibers

Номер: US20120294966A1
Принадлежит: Fiberio Technology Corp

Described herein are apparatuses and methods of creating fibers, such as microfibers and nanofibers. The methods discussed herein employ centrifugal forces to transform material into fibers. Apparatuses that may be used to create fibers are also described. Embodiments described herein relate to multilayer fiber producing devices.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189892A1
Автор: Boscolo Galliano

The apparatus () is used for producing melt-blown fibres (MF). It comprises a die head () with several spinning orifices, means () for extruding at least one melted polymeric material through the spinning orifices of the die head () in the form of meltblown filaments (f), and means () for blowing a hot primary gas flow (F) towards the outlet of the die head () in order to draw and attenuate the polymeric filaments (f) at the outlet of the die head, and a drawing unit () that is positioned below the die head (), and that is adapted to create an additional gas flow (F) that is oriented downstream to further draw and attenuate the meltblown filaments (f). 186-. (canceled)87. An apparatus comprising a die head with several spinning orifices , means for extruding at least one melted polymeric material through the spinning orifices of the die head in the form of filaments , and a drawing unit positioned below the die head , and adapted to create a gas flow that is oriented downstream for drawing and attenuating the filaments.88. The apparatus of claim 87 , wherein the drawing unit is adapted to break the filaments into discontinuous fibres.89. The apparatus of claim 88 , wherein the drawing unit is adapted to break the filaments into discontinuous fibres having an average length higher than 20 mm claim 88 , preferably higher than 40 mm.90. The apparatus of claim 88 , wherein the drawing unit is adapted to break the filaments into discontinuous fibres having an average length of not more than 250 mm claim 88 , and preferably of not more than 150 mm.91. The apparatus of claim 87 , wherein the drawing unit comprises a channel that is positioned below the die head claim 87 , in such a way that the filaments delivered by the die head can pass through the channel claim 87 , and air blowing means adapted to blow the gas flow inside the channel.92. The apparatus of claim 91 , wherein the drawing unit is adapted to create above the drawing unit a sucked air flow that enters into ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Multiple fiber spinning apparatus and method for controlling same

Номер: US20130200544A1

A multiple fiber spinning apparatus and a method of controlling the same. The apparatus includes an extruding unit, a spin block unit and a spinning nozzle unit. The extruding unit includes extruders that melt, extrude and transfer polymer materials. The spin block unit includes a gear pump unit which has gear pumps connected to each of the extruders. The gear pumps receive the polymer materials from the corresponding extruders and discharge the polymer materials. The spin block unit further includes a flow passage unit which has flow passages connected to the respective gear pumps. The spinning nozzle unit includes spinning nozzles, each of which is connected to one of the gear pumps of each extruder by the corresponding flow passage, so that each spinning nozzle receives the molten polymer materials and spins the polymer materials into a fiber.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217290A1
Автор: Gerking Luder

The invention relates to a spinneret for spinning threads from a spinning mass—in the form of a melt or solution of natural or synthetic origin—comprising a rotationally symmetrical spinneret. The rotationally symmetrical spinneret inner part is surrounded at least partially by a rotationally symmetrical outer part, wherein in the longitudinal direction between the spinneret inner part and outer part an insulating chamber is formed, in which a gas, preferably air, is received in order to form an insulating gas layer. The invention further relates to a spinning device for spinning threads from a spinning mass, comprising a spinneret part and a gas nozzle part arranged at a distance from the spinneret part. A plurality of spinnerets according to the invention are inserted in the spinneret part and project from the spinneret part, facing the gas nozzle part, and the gas nozzle part comprises a plurality of gas nozzles associated with the spinnerets. The gas nozzles are designed as acceleration nozzles for a gas flow that is conducted through the respective gas nozzle and encompasses the monofilaments. Said spinnerets are used in a method for producing spunbonded materials or yarns from polymers of natural or synthetic origin, in order to build up said materials or yarns from extremely fine threads having an average thread diameter of less than 1 μm. The threads from the individual spinnerets can also be collected using conventional winding mechanisms to form yarns on bobbins. 116.-. (canceled)17. Arrangement of a spinneret and an acceleration nozzle for a spinning device for spinning threads from a spinning mass by splitting a monofil which is spun from the spinneret , the spinneret having a spinneret inner part and an outer part which surrounds at least partially the spinneret inner part , the spinneret inner part , in the longitudinal direction thereof , having a channel for supplying spinning mass to a spinneret tip part having at least one exit boring ,whereinthe ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Field emission device and nanofiber manufacturing device

Номер: US20130251838A1
Автор: Jae Hwan Lee
Принадлежит: Shinshu University NUC, Toptec Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is a field emission device which makes mass-production of nanofibers having satisfactory performance possible. The field emission device ( 20 ) includes a casing ( 100 ), a collector ( 150 ), a nozzle block ( 110 ) and a power supply ( 160 ). A positive electrode of the power supply ( 160 ) is connected to the collector ( 150 ), and a negative electrode of the power supply ( 160 ) is connected to the nozzle block ( 110 ) and the casing ( 100 ). When the collector ( 150 ) is viewed from the nozzle block ( 110 ), a periphery of an insulator ( 152 ) is closer to the outside of the device than a periphery of the collector ( 150 ). When the thickness of the insulator is ┌a┘ and the distance between the periphery of the insulator and the periphery of the collector is ┌b┘, both ┌a≧6 mm┘ and ┌a+b≧50 mm┘ are satisfied.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Melt-blown nonwoven fabric, and production process and apparatus for the same

Номер: US20130266874A1
Принадлежит: Mitsui Chemicals Inc

It is an object of the present invention to provide a stable production process for a melt-blown nonwoven fabric comprising thin fibers and having extremely few thick fibers [number of fusion-bonded fibers] formed by fusion bonding of thermoplastic resin fibers to one another, and an apparatus for the same. The present invention relates to a melt-blown nonwoven fabric comprising polyolefin fibers and having (i) a mean fiber diameter of not more than 2.0 μm, (ii) a fiber diameter distribution CV value of not more than 60%, and (iii) 15 or less fusion-bonded fibers based on 100 fibers; a production process for a melt-blown nonwoven fabric characterized by feeding cooling air of not higher than 30° C. from both side surfaces of outlets of slits 31 from which high-temperature high-velocity air is gushed out and thereby cooling the spun molten resin; and a production apparatus for the same.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Spinneret Bundle

Номер: US20130295208A1

A spinneret bundle for producing fibers from a polymer melt includes an elongated nozzle plate that has a feed channel on an upper face and at least one row of nozzle bores that are arranged next to one another on a lower face. A distributing plate lies on the upper face of the nozzle plate and has a distributing chamber that faces the feed channel and a melt inlet that is connected to the distributing chamber. A perforated plate with a plurality of through-bores is provided between the distributing chamber of the distributing plate and the feed channel of the nozzle plate in order to achieve a redistribution and uniformity of the melt when the melt is introduced into the feed channel. 1. A spinneret bundle for producing fibers from a polymer melt comprising:a. an elongated nozzle plate that has a feed channel on an upper face and at least one row of nozzle bores that are arranged next to one another on a lower face, wherein the nozzle bores are fluidly connected with the feed channel and with a distributing plate provided on the upper face of the nozzle plate,b. at least one distributing chamber facing the feed channel and having a melt inlet connected with the distributing chamber; and,c. a perforated plate with a plurality of through-bores arranged between the distributing chamber of the distributing plate and the feed channel of the nozzle plate, wherein the through-bores in the perforated plate are divided into multiple bore groups such that the through-bores of at least two of the bore groups within the perforated plate have inclination angles (α, β) that are different with respect to perpendicular bisectors in such a way that the through-bores of the bore groups at least partly cross one another at a distance from one another within the perforated plate.2. The spinneret bundle according to claim 1 , wherein the through-bores within the perforated plate are formed by two adjacent rows of holes that run parallel to the at least one row of nozzle bores.3. The ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037957A1

A method including the steps of extruding a melt including an amorphous polymer composition through a spinneret under a pressure of from 400 to 1500 psi to produce a spun fiber; collecting the spun fiber on a feeding roll without drawing the spun fiber; producing a solidified fiber from the spun fiber. The solidified fiber can have a dpf within a range of from greater than 0 to 2.5 dpf, and a shrinkage less than or equal to 2%. The method can also include collecting the solidified fiber onto a spool without subjecting the solidified fiber to a drawing step. A spinneret for producing fibers of at most 2.5 dpf from a composition comprising an amorphous polyetherimide polymer, the spinneret comprising a die having a plurality of round melt channels but no distribution plates. Fibers produced by the method and from the spinneret are also disclosed. 1. A method comprising: 'wherein the melt comprises an amorphous polymer composition;', 'extruding a melt through a spinneret under a pressure of from 400 to 1500 psi to produce a spun fiber,'} wherein the solidified fiber has a dpf within a range of from greater than 0 to 2.5 dpf,', 'wherein the solidified fiber has a shrinkage less than or equal to 2%; and, 'collecting the spun fiber on a feeding roll without drawing the spun fiber, producing a solidified fiber from the spun fiber,'}winding the solidified fiber onto a spool without subjecting the solidified fiber to a drawing step.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amorphous polymer composition has a melt flow rate of from 4 to 18 g/10-min.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure is from 400 to 1000 psi.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising collecting the fiber onto the spool without an annealing step.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solidified fiber is produced without a forced-air cooling step.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the process further comprises heating the spun fiber after it exits the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044820A1
Автор: Glawion Erwin

In a wet spinning spinneret comprising a housing which, together with a spinneret plate mounted to the underside thereof, forms a chamber adapted to be supplied with a spinning solution, the spinneret plate having nozzle openings in at least an annular region, and a displacing member arranged inside the chamber above the spinneret plate, which member directs the spinning solution towards the annular zone, it is provided that the displacing member (VK) is attached at a support (TP) arranged upstream of the spinneret plate (SP), seen in the flow direction of the spinning liquid. 1. A wet spinning spinneret comprisinga housing which, together with a spinneret plate mounted to the underside thereof, forms a chamber adapted to be supplied with a spinning solution, the spinneret plate having nozzle openings in at least an annular region, anda displacing member arranged inside the chamber above the spinneret plate, which member directs the spinning solution towards the annular zone,characterized in thatthe displacing member is attached at a support arranged upstream of the spinneret plate, seen in the flow direction of the spinning liquid.2. The wet spinning spinneret of claim 1 , characterized in that the support is designed as a support plate with a plurality of flow channels.3. The wet spinning spinneret of claim 1 , characterized in that a filter plate to be flown through by the spinning liquid is arranged upstream of the support.4. The wet spinning spinneret of claim 1 , characterized in that the displacing member is designed as a screw connection passing through the support plate.5. The wet spinning spinneret of claim 4 , characterized in that the part of the displacing member above the support plate is formed as a pointed head of a nut.6. The wet spinning spinneret of claim 1 , characterized in that a flow deflection device is arranged opposite the spinneret plate in the spinning bath claim 1 , by which device coagulation liquid can be introduced into the central ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Thermochromic Articles of Apparel and Methods of Production

Номер: US20180000177A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments provide thermochromic articles of apparel and methods of production. The article of apparel may comprise a textile layer and a thermochromic portion that includes at least one set of thermochromic molecules that affixed to the textile layer. A heat protective layer may be positioned on a first surface of the thermochromic portion.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002909A1

Spunbond fiber nonwoven webs (and methods for making the same) comprising small diameter filaments at high rates of production and with high process stability. 1. A method of making spunbond fiber nonwoven fabrics comprising:providing a spinneret having a length, a width and a thickness and further having a plurality of conduits extending through the thickness of the spinneret, said conduits having an inlet opening in an upper surface of the spinneret and an exit orifice in a lower surface of the spinneret and further having a capillary in fluid communication with said inlet opening and exit orifice, and wherein said exit orifices have an average diameter of between about 0.2 and about 0.45 mm;melting an extrudate composition having a polymeric portion and wherein the polymeric portion comprises at least 65% of an olefin polymer;directing a pressurized molten stream of the extrudate composition into the inlet openings of the spinneret and through the capillaries,extruding said molten stream of the extrudate composition out of said exit orifices at a rate of at least 0.3 g/orifice/minute and forming a bundle of molten filaments;directing a stream of quench air onto said bundle of molten filaments thereby at least partially solidifying said molten filaments to form a bundle of quenched filaments;pneumatically drawing said quenched filaments downwardly through a drawing channel and forming a bundle of drawn filaments, said drawing channel having an upper opening and lower opening, and wherein the filaments are drawn to achieve a draw ratio of less than about 1100;providing a foraminous forming surface below the lower opening of the drawing channel and suctioning air exiting from the lower opening of the drawing channel through said forming surface;suctioning said bundle of drawn filaments onto the foraminous forming surface to form a nonwoven batt, wherein the drawn filaments deposited on the forming surface forming the nonwoven batt have an average fiber diameter of ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Shaving Aid For Razor Cartridges Comprising A Nano-Filament Comprising A Core And Sheath

Номер: US20180001494A1

A shaving aid for razor cartridges comprising water soluble filaments having nano-sized diameters and exhibiting lubricating properties and with improved visual and tactile aesthetics, wherein said nano-filament has a core and a sheath. 1. A razor cartridge comprisinga housing a shaving surface;at least one blade having a blade tip positioned at said shaving surface; anda shaving aid positioned on said housing to expose skin contacting portion of said shaving aid on said shaving surface, said shaving aid comprising a co-axial filament having a diameter of from about 10 nm to about 1000 nm, wherein said co-axial filament comprises a core and a sheath.2. The razor cartridge of claim 1 , wherein said core comprises a water insoluble polymer.3. The razor cartridge of claim 1 , wherein said sheath comprises a water soluble-polymer.4. The razor cartridge of claim 2 , wherein said sheath comprises a water-soluble polymer.5. The razor cartridge of claim 1 , wherein said core has a diameter of from about 90 nm to about 900 nm.6. The razor cartridge of claim 1 , wherein said sheath has a diameter of from about 100 nm to 1000 nm.7. The razor cartridge of claim 1 , wherein said co-axial filament has an average diameter of from about 300 nm to about 600 nm.8. The razor cartridge of claim 1 , further comprising a second filament.9. The razor cartridge of claim 1 , wherein said shaving aid comprises at least 0.01% by weight of a plurality of said co-axial filaments.10. The razor cartridge of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of said skin contacting portion has a surface coating claim 1 , said surface coating comprising said co-axial filament.11. The razor cartridge of claim 10 , wherein at least 50% of the skin contacting portion claim 10 , by surface area is covered by said surface coating.12. The razor cartridge of claim 3 , wherein said water soluble polymer is selected from polyvinylalcohol claim 3 , quaternary ammonium polymer claim 3 , polyethylene glycol claim 3 , ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018040A1

Processes for making high-performance polyethylene multi-filament yarn are disclosed which include the steps of a) making a solution of ultra-high molar mass polyethylene in a solvent; b) spinning of the solution through a spinplate containing at least 5 spinholes into an air-gap to form fluid filaments, while applying a draw ratio DR; c) cooling the fluid filaments to form solvent-containing gel filaments; d) removing at least partly the solvent from the filaments; and e) drawing the filaments in at least one step before, during and/or after said solvent removing, while applying a draw ratio DRof at least 4, wherein in step b) each spinhole comprises a contraction zone of specific dimension and a downstream zone of diameter Dn and length Dn with Ln/Dn of from 0 to at most 25, to result in a draw ratio DR=DR*DRof at least 150, wherein DRis the draw ratio in the spinholes and DRis the draw ratio in the air-gap, with DRbeing greater than 1 and DRat least 1. High-performance polyethylene multifilament yarn, and semi-finished or end-use products containing said yarn, especially to ropes and ballistic-resistant composites, are also disclosed. 1. A preformed sheet comprising four mono-layers , each mono-layer comprising filaments from multifilament polyethylene yarn , the polyethylene having an IV of between 8 and 40 dl/g as measured on decalin solutions at 135° C. , wherein said filaments in said mono-layers are spread uni-directionally; and wherein the direction of the filaments in each mono-layer is rotated with respect to the direction of the filaments in an adjacent layer , and wherein the preformed sheet exhibits a specific energy absorption of more than 265 and at most 479 J·kg/magainst a 9*19 mm FMJ Parabellum FMJ bullet , as measured on panels assembled from a plurality of the preformed sheets having an areal density of 2.0 kg/m.2. The preformed sheet of claim 1 , wherein the preformed sheet exhibits a specific energy absorption of between 280 and 479 J·kg/ ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013141A1
Принадлежит: Fiberio Technology Corporation

Described herein are apparatuses and methods of creating fibers, such as microfibers and nanofibers. The methods discussed herein employ centrifugal forces to transform material into fibers. Apparatuses that may be used to create fibers are also described. Described herein are fiber producing devices that have various types of outlet elements coupled to the fiber producing device. 11235-. (canceled)1236. A method of making a device for use in a microfiber and/or nanofiber producing system , the method comprising:obtaining a first member, the first member comprising a first member coupling surface, the first member coupling surface comprising one or more grooves extending along the width of the first member coupling surface;obtaining a second member, the second member comprising a second member coupling surface and a coupling member, the second member coupling surface comprising one or more grooves extending along the width of the second member coupling surface;coupling the first member coupling surface to the second member coupling surface to form a body, wherein the first member and the second member together define an internal cavity of the body; andwherein one or more grooves of the first member coupling member are substantially aligned with one or more grooves of the second member coupling member to form one or more openings extending from the interior cavity to an outer surface of the body;wherein, during use, rotation of the body causes material in the body to be passed through one or more openings to produce microfibers and/or nanofibers.1237. The method of claim 1236 , wherein the body is cylindrical.1238. The method of claim 1236 , wherein the first member comprises a first member opening claim 1236 , wherein material is added to the internal cavity through the first member opening.1239. The method of claim 1236 , wherein the first member is ring shaped claim 1236 , wherein material is added to the internal cavity through a central opening of the ring ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods of Delivering a Health Care Active by Administering Personal Health Care Articles Comprising a Filmament

Номер: US20180015048A1

A method of delivering a health care active having the steps of administering to a mammal in need of a health benefit or a treatment for a health condition a personal health care article and consuming the article. The article contains one or more filaments that contain a backbone material, a health care active and optionally aesthetic agents, extensional aids, plasticizers, and crosslinking agents. 1. A personal health care article comprising: i. from about 10% to about 80%, by weight on a dry filament basis, of a backbone material;', 'ii. greater than about 50%, by weight on a dry filament basis, of a first health care active wherein said health care active is releasable from said filament wherein said filament is exposed to conditions of intended use; and', 'iii. less than about 10%, by weight of the filament, moisture;, 'a. one or more interwoven filaments, wherein the filaments comprisewherein the personal health care article is administrable via the oral cavity.2. The personal health care article of wherein the one or more interwoven filaments are selected from the group consisting of meltblown filaments claim 1 , spunbond filaments claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.5. The personal health care article of claim 1 , wherein the backbone material is selected from the group consisting of polymers claim 1 , sugars claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The personal health care article of claim 5 , wherein the backbone material is a polymer.7. The personal health care article of claim 6 , wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl alcohol claim 6 , pullulan claim 6 , pectin claim 6 , corn starch claim 6 , modified corn starch claim 6 , or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose claim 6 , and combinations thereof.8. The personal health care article of further comprising a coating composition comprising a second health care active.9. The personal health care article of wherein the second health care active is different from the first health care active.10 ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Elastic fibre dry spinning mechanism and maintenance control method for spinning assembly

Номер: US20180016708A1
Автор: Yunqi Zhang, Zutao YUAN

The present invention provides an elastic fiber dry spinning mechanism and a maintenance control method for a spinning assembly. The elastic fiber dry spinning mechanism includes: a spinning assembly ( 1 ) including a temperature control portion ( 13 ) and a spinneret portion ( 14 ), which are detachably overlapped with each other; and a rotary movement control portion used for driving the spinning assembly to ascend and descend, translate and rotate around a translation direction so as to change the orientation of the spinning assembly into an orientation facilitating the maintenance of the spinneret portion. By adoption of the spinning mechanism and the maintenance control method therefore, online replacement and other maintenance of the spinneret portion are convenient and quick, and the efficiency is high.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140103556A1
Принадлежит: POLYMER GROUP, INC.

A spinneret, apparatus, and method are provided for making filaments for fibrous nonwoven fabrics with more uniform filament and fabric formation while minimizing filament breaks and hard spot defects in webs and fabrics made therefrom. The spinneret has a spinneret body that has an overall length to hydraulic diameter ratio and defines orifices that extend through the spinneret body, wherein the orifices comprise capillaries that open at a face of the spinneret body for polymer filament extrusion therefrom, wherein the capillaries are arranged in a plurality of different rows at the face of the spinneret body, and wherein the plurality of different rows are arranged into a plurality of different zones at the face of the spinneret body. A spinneret body of the spinneret can have an overall length to hydraulic ratio of at least 3 percent and/or a zone-to-zone length to hydraulic ratio of at least 2% and/or the hydraulic diameters, lengths, and length to hydraulic diameter ratios can progressively increase or decrease zone-to-zone for at least three different zones of capillaries, which can be applied to cross-flow quench or quench from a single-side. The spinneret body is designed to better accommodate differing operational proximity of the various different zones to quench air sources or source at commercially useful throughputs and fiber uniformity. 1. A spinneret for melt-spinning polymeric filaments , comprising: a first zone located centrally at the face of the spinneret body, comprising a plurality of first rows, each of said first rows comprising a plurality of first capillaries, wherein the first capillaries are arranged in a first capillary density, and the first capillaries individually having a first cross-sectional shape, a first hydraulic diameter, a first length, and a first length to hydraulic diameter ratio,', 'a second zone located adjacent to the first zone at the face of the spinneret body, comprising a plurality of second rows, each of said second ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042208A1
Автор: CASCIO Anthony

A method for providing a multifilament bundle of melt spun polymer filaments, the that includes providing a spinning device including at least M extruders for melting M polymers, M groups of spinning stations, each group comprising N spinning stations, each spinning station comprising and a spin pack coupled to a spin pump which receives molten polymer from one of the M extruders and spins a strand of filaments by pushing said polymer through the coupled spin pack, and N transformation stations for bundling M strands of filaments. The method further includes spinning N*M strands of filaments from the spinning stations at a given spin pump output and bundling the strands into N multifilament bundles via the N transformation stations whereby the spin pump outputs are varied over time. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein for each of the N transformation stations claim 1 , the sum of the spin pump outputs of the spin pumps is kept substantially constant over time.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein M is 2 claim 1 , 3 or 4.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the M polymers are of a different color.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein for each of the N transformation stations claim 1 , the sum of the spin pump outputs of the spin pumps providing multifilament strands to the transformation station varies over time in a range of 2.5% v around the average sum of the spin pump outputs of the spin pumps providing multifilament strands to this transformation station.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein N is in the range of from 2 to 50 or from 2 to 25.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each of the spinning stations further quenches the strand of filaments.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each of the transformation stations further elongates the bundle of filaments.9. The method according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein each of the transformation stations further texturizes the bundle of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024262A1
Автор: Johnson David Mathew

An electrospinning system for weaving nanofibers may include a digital array of addressable nozzles electrowetted with a liquid nanofiber source material. Each nozzle in the array may include an individually controllable actuator and electrode for modulating the flowrate and charge of the liquid nanofiber source material. Through selectively applying pressure and voltage to individual nozzles, the location of the nanofiber relative to the array may be controlled through digital signals alone, without having to physically move any component of the electrospinning system. By simultaneously controlling the path of multiple nanofibers within the array, new and complex weaving patterns for braids may be achieved with enhanced strength and other properties at a scale previously unattainable. 1. A system for weaving electrospun nanofibers , the system comprising: an orifice for forming a meniscus of the liquid nanofiber material;', 'an electrode for selectively applying voltage;', 'an actuator for selectively controlling pressure; and', 'a channel in communication with the orifice for feeding liquid nanofiber material to the electrospun nanofibers., 'an array of addressable electrospinning nozzles, the array wettable by liquid nanofiber material, each nozzle including2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a counter-electrode facing the array of addressable electrospinning nozzles.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a controller in communication with the electrodes and actuators within the array.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a memory for storing addresses and weaving patterns.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a sensor to detect electrospun nanofibers within the array.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electrospinning nozzles are laid out as a rectangular grid within the array.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electrospinning nozzles have a diameter of about 0.1 to 100 microns.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025078A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A spinneret includes: a plate including a plurality of nozzle holes formed therein. In the plates, the plurality of nozzle holes are formed in a substantially rectangular area on a principal surface, the rectangular area includes a non-forming zone that intersects with nozzle hole rows, the non-forming zone continuously extending from one long side of the rectangle to the other long side, and the non-forming zone including no nozzle holes, in nozzle hole rows with which the non-forming zone intersects out of the nozzle hole rows, in each of the nozzle hole rows, the nozzle hole is not formed on a part where the non-forming zone intersects with a position of the regular interval at which the nozzle holes are aligned, and the nozzle hole corresponding to number of the unformed nozzle holes is additionally formed in a short side direction of the nozzle hole row. 1. A spinneret comprising:a plate including a plurality of nozzle holes formed therein; ora plurality of the plates stacked one another in a spinning direction, the plurality of nozzle holes are formed in a substantially rectangular area on a principal surface,', 'nozzle hole rows are aligned at regular intervals in a long side direction of the rectangle, each of the nozzle hole rows including the plurality of nozzle holes aligned at regular intervals in a short side direction of the rectangle,', 'the rectangular area includes a non-forming zone that intersects with the nozzle hole rows, the non-forming zone continuously extending from one long side of the rectangle to the other long side, and the non-forming zone including no nozzle holes,', 'in nozzle hole rows with which the non-forming zone intersects out of the nozzle hole rows, in each of the nozzle hole rows, the nozzle hole is not formed on a part where the non-forming zone intersects with a position of the regular interval at which the nozzle holes are aligned, and the nozzle hole corresponding to number of the unformed nozzle holes is additionally ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025079A1

An object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus and method for producing a nanofiber by using a melt blown method improving productivity. 110-. (canceled)11. An apparatus for producing a nanofiber comprising a liquid raw material discharge unit for discharging a liquid raw material to a high-pressure gas flow ejected from a high-pressure gas ejection unit , wherein a plurality of said liquid raw material discharge units are provided around a center of the high-pressure gas flow ejected from said high-pressure gas ejection unit.12. An apparatus for producing the nanofiber according to claim 11 , wherein said liquid raw material discharge unit comprises an extruding unit for melting and extruding a raw material.13. An apparatus for producing the nanofiber according to claim 11 , wherein said liquid raw material discharge unit comprises a unit for supplying dissolved raw material.14. An apparatus for producing the nanofiber according to claim 11 , wherein said high-pressure gas ejection unit is provided with a gas supply unit for supplying a high-pressure and a high-temperature gas claim 11 , and said high-pressure gas ejection unit ejects said high-temperature gas in a high pressure.15. An apparatus for producing the nanofiber according claim 11 , comprising an angle adjustment unit capable of adjusting an installation angle of said liquid raw material discharge unit to the high-pressure gas flow ejected from said high-pressure gas ejection unit.16. An apparatus for producing the nanofiber according claim 11 , wherein at least two or more said liquid raw material discharge unit are symmetrically provided to said high-pressure gas ejection unit.17. An apparatus for producing the nanofiber according claim 11 , wherein said liquid raw material discharge units are is equally provided around the high-pressure gas flow ejected from said high-pressure gas ejection unit.18. An apparatus for producing the nanofiber according claim 11 , wherein the high-pressure ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049375A1

The invention relates to a molding tool () for the extrusion of cellulosic molded bodies () from a spinning dope (), having an entry side () and an exit side () for the spinning dope (), with at least one nozzle body () including a planar carrier () with extrusion openings () that penetrate the carrier from the entry side () to the exit side () and have a mouth diameter () at the exit side () and through which the spinning dope () is extruded into the cellulosic molded bodies (). In order to provide a molding tool of the afore-mentioned type, which is easier and more inexpensive to manufacture while providing excellent strength and pressure stability at the same time, it is proposed that the ratio of the thickness () of the carrier () to the mouth diameter () of the extrusion openings () at the exit side () be at least 6:1, preferably at least 10:1, and that the extrusion openings () be formed in the carrier () by applying laser energy. 1. A molding tool for the extrusion of cellulosic molded bodies from a cellulose-containing spinning dope comprising an entry side and an exit side for the cellulose-containing spinning dope , with at least one nozzle body including a planar carrier with extrusion openings that penetrate the carrier from the entry side to the exit side and have a mouth diameter at the exit side and through which the cellulose-containing spinning dope is extruded into the cellulosic molded bodies , wherein a ratio of the thickness of the carrier to the mouth diameter of the extrusion openings at the exit side is at least 6:1 , and that the extrusion openings were formed in the carrier by applying laser energy.2. The molding tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carrier has a thickness of at least 600 μm.3. The molding tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the extrusion openings are burr-free at the exit side.4. The molding tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one nozzle body is annular or rectangular.5. The molding tool as claimed in ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040319A1

Rotary spinner apparatuses, systems and methods for producing fibers from molten materials are disclosed. Certain exemplary embodiments include substantially net shape single pattern rotary spinner castings that include gussets extending radially inward from a side wall and axially upward form a lower wall to an upper wall. A dispenser may be structured to supply molten material in a downward direction through a hollow interior of the casting to the lower wall. A plenum may be structured to direct elevated temperature gas toward an exterior surface of the casting. 1. A centrifugal spinner apparatus for producing fibers from molten material comprising:a substantially net-shaped single-pattern casting including a base extending radially outward to a substantially circular periphery extending about a central axis line, a sidewall extending about the circular periphery in an axially upward direction from the base, an upper flange extending radially inward from the sidewall, and a plurality of gussets extending radially inward from the sidewall and extending axially from the base to the upper flange;wherein the casting defines a plurality of pockets bounded by surfaces of the base, the sidewall, the flange, and respective pairs of the plurality of gussets and opening inwardly to a central structural void, and a plurality of holes are formed through portions of the sidewall bounding the plurality of pockets.2. The centrifugal spinner apparatus of further comprising a shaft extending along and rotatable about the central axis line claim 1 , the shaft being coupled with the base and extending from a side of the base opposite the central structural void.3. The centrifugal spinner apparatus of wherein the shaft is coupled with the base by first and second clamping members and wherein the first clamping member contacts the upper surface of the base.4. The centrifugal spinner apparatus of further comprising a dispenser structured to direct a stream of molten material in a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040547A1

A multi-row melt-blown fiber spinneret () enables stacking rows () of polymer outlet orifices (36) more closely together than is achievable with conventional melt-blown fiber spinnerets. The fiber spinneret configuration also enables dense side-by-side packing of the polymer outlet orifices. The fiber spinneret is configured so that air knife channels () and individual intricate small air knife passage feeds, together with their associated melt flow channels (), are formed in the same body member. The rows of polymer outlet orifices are supplied with a polymer melt by a single polymer inlet (), which delivers the polymer melt to the individual polymer melt flow channels. The air knife channels are directed through the body member, in which the polymer melt flow channels are formed by islands and air flow passage feeds. The body member is constructed by operation of a 3D printer for direct metal printing. 1. A melt-blown fiber spinneret including polymer outlet orifices from which polymer fiber melt filaments emerge , comprising:a body member including a polymer melt inlet surface and a polymer melt outlet surface;multiple polymer melt flow channels formed in the body member, each of the multiple polymer melt flow channels having a polymer melt entrance end in fluid communication with the polymer inlet surface and a polymer melt exit end in fluid communication with the polymer outlet surface;multiple gas knife channels formed in the body member and in fluid communication with the polymer outlet surface;multiple gas passage feeds formed in the body member and connected to different ones of the multiple gas knife channels, each of the multiple gas passage feeds having a gas passage feed entrance end in fluid communication with a gas supply to deliver gas flow to the gas knife channel to which the gas passage feed is connected; anddifferent pairs of the multiple gas knife channels configured to deliver, at the polymer melt outlet surface, the gas flow along opposite ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Producing Fibers Using Spinnerets

Номер: US20210047754A1

Systems and methods can be used to produce fibers with external corrugations, internal corrugations, or both. These fibers can be used, for example, in hollow fiber membrane modules. 1. A machine for producing fibers for use in a hollow fiber module , the machine comprising:a spinneret having a base and a needle, the base and the needle at least partially defining a channel having an axis;at least one projection extending into the channel; anda motor connected to the at least one projection, the motor operable to rotate the at least one projection relative to the axis of the channel.2. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the at least one projection extends from the base into the channel.3. The machine of claim 2 , wherein the base is rotatable about the axis of the channel.4. The machine of claim 3 , wherein the motor is operably coupled to the base such that operation of the motor rotates the base about the axis of the channel.5. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the projection is detachable from the spinneret.6. The machine of claim 5 , comprising an insert detachably mounted to the base claim 5 , wherein the at least one projection extends from the insert into the channel.7. The machine of claim 6 , wherein the insert is rotatable relative to the base.8. The machine of claim 6 , further comprising a cap sized to receive the insert claim 6 , the cap rotatable relative to the base.9. The machine of claim 8 , wherein the motor is operably coupled to the cap such that operation of the motor rotates the cap about the axis of the channel.10. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the channel is a first channel and the needle defines a second channel inside the needle claim 1 , the second channel separated from the first channel by the needle.11. The machine of claim 1 , comprising a control unit operable to send a control signal to the motor.12. A machine for producing fibers claim 1 , the machine comprising:a spinneret defining a first channel, the spinneret having at least one ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044187A1

A method for producing an inorganic silica gel fiber or aerogel fiber, comprising the following steps: a) extrusion of a gel, in particular a hydrogel or alcogel, by means of a spinneret directly into a coagulation bath to form at least one filament, b) stretching of the filament in the coagulation bath, c) regeneration of the filament by extraction from the coagulation bath, and d) supercritical drying or freeze drying in order to convert the filament into a silica fiber, in particular an aerogel fiber. 1. A method of producing an inorganic type of silica or aerogel fiber , comprising the steps of:extruding a gel through a spinnerette die as at least one filament directly into a coagulation bath,stretching the filament in the coagulation bath,regenerating the filament by extraction from the coagulation bath,supercritical drying or freeze drying to transform the filament into a silica fiber or an aerogel fiber.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising moving the filament through the coagulation bath throughout the entire stretching step.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gel comprises a hydrogel or an alcogel claim 1 , which is later transformable into an aerogel.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the silica fiber or the aerogel fiber is wound up as a package or processed into a fiber web or a shaped article.5. An apparatus for producing an inorganic type of silica or aerogel fiber claim 1 , comprising:a stock supply vessel configured to contain a gel,a spinnerette die configured to extrude at least one filament from the gel,a tub for configured as a coagulation bath,at least one stretching device configured to stretch the filament in the tub,an extraction device, anda drying device outside the tub.6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 5 , wherein a plurality of stretching stages and direction changes are disposed in the tub.7. The apparatus as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the drying device is designed for a supercritical ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044818A1

Starch-based fibers, compositions comprising same, method of preparing said starch-based fibers, kits and methods for use of said starch-based fibers including but not limited to oral delivery of cells (e.g., probiotic microorganisms) and/or molecules of interest (e.g., nutrients) are provided. 1. A method of making a starch-formate fiber , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first spinning dope comprising a solution or dispersion of starch in a solvent comprising at least 50% vol. formic acid, where the starch is present at a concentration above the critical entanglement concentration where starch fibers are to be produced;electrospinning the spinning dope to produce a starch-formate fiber.2. A method of making a starch-formate concentric multi-layered fiber , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first spinning dope for forming at least one layer of the fiber, the first spinning dope comprises a solution or dispersion of starch in a solvent comprising at least 50% vol. formic acid;providing one or more additional spinning dopes for forming at least one additional layer within said fiber;co-electrospinning the spinning dopes through multi-axial capillaries to produce a starch-formate concentric multi-layered fiber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said solvent of the first spinning dope comprises at least 70% vol. formic acid.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said solvent of the first spinning dope comprises at least 70% vol. formic acid.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said first spinning dope comprises 5-40 wt. % starch.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. The method of claim 1 , wherein said first spinning dope comprises 10-30 wt. % starch in 70-90 vol. % formic acid.12. (canceled)13. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first spinning dope is for forming a shell and the additional spinning dope is for forming a coat over an internal surface of said shell.14. The method of claim 1 , wherein said one or more ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046472A1

Provided is a method of manufacturing a dental cord. The method including: producing a spinning solution by dissolving a fiber-moldable hydrophobic polymer material in a solvent; spinning the spinning solution to obtain a polymer nanofiber web composed of nanofibers and including three-dimensional micropores; laminating the polymer nanofiber web to obtain a polymer membrane; slitting the polymer membrane to obtain a nanofiber tape yarn; hydrophilic-treating the nanofiber tape yarn to obtain a hydrophilic-treated nanofiber tape yarn; plying and twisting the hydrophilic-treated nanofiber tape yarn with a covered yarn to obtain a nanofiber multiple yarn; and impregnating the nanofiber multiple yarn with a hemostatic agent. 1. A method of manufacturing a dental cord , the method comprising:producing a spinning solution by dissolving a fiber-moldable hydrophobic polymer material in a solvent;spinning the spinning solution to obtain a polymer nanofiber web composed of nanofibers and including three-dimensional micropores;laminating the polymer nanofiber web to obtain a polymer membrane;slitting the polymer membrane to obtain a nanofiber tape yarn;hydrophilic-treating the nanofiber tape yarn to obtain a hydrophilic-treated nanofiber tape yarn;plying and twisting the hydrophilic-treated nanofiber tape yarn with a covered yarn to obtain a nanofiber multiple yarn; andimpregnating the nanofiber multiple yarn with a hemostatic agent.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: thermally stretching the nanofiber multiple yarn between a glass transition temperature (Tg) and a melting temperature (Tm) of the fiber-moldable hydrophobic polymer material.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the slitting comprises: slitting the polymer membrane to obtain the nanofiber tape yarn having a width of 0.1 mm to 10 mm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanofiber tape yarn comprises: at least two nanofiber tape yarns.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the nanofiber multiple ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051391A1

A spinning nozzle which has a perforated part in which ejection holes have been arranged in a density as high as 600-1,200 holes/mm. This process for producing a fibrous bundle comprises ejecting a spinning dope having a viscosity as measured at 50° C. of 30-200 P from the ejection holes of the spinning nozzle to produce a fibrous bundle. This fibrous bundle has a single-fiber fineness of 0.005-0.01 dtex. By the wet-process direct spinning, a mass of nanofibers which are stably uniform and continuous can be produced at a high efficiency. 110-. (canceled).11. A fibrous bundle , having:a single-fiber fineness of at least 0.005 dtex to no more than 0.01 dtex, and{'sup': 3', '5, 'a total fineness of at least 4×10dtex to no more than 8×10.'}12. The fibrous bundle according to claim 11 , comprising acrylic fiber and having a length of at least 1 mm to no more than 200 mm.13. The fibrous bundle according to claim 11 , having a single fiber converted strength of at least 3.0 cN/dtex to no more than 7.0 cN/dtex.14. A paper claim 11 , comprising:at least 80% by mass to no more than 85% by mass of a fiber having a single-fiber fineness of at least 0.005 dtex to no more than 0.01 dtex,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein paper density is at least 3 g/mto no more than 30 g/m.'}15. The paper according to claim 14 , having a fibrous bundle length of at least 1 mm to no more than 10 mm.16. The paper according to claim 14 , having:{'sup': 2', '2, 'a tensile strength, in a length direction having a paper width of 15 mm, of at least 3.0 N/mmto no more than 13.5 N/mm, and'}an air penneance at least 0.1 seconds to no more than 1.0 second. The present invention relates to a spinning nozzle made by suitably arranging ejection holes so that a coagulation liquid uniformly infiltrates all of the ejection holes in a super-porous nozzle arranging small diameter ejection holes in high density for the production of ultrafine fibers; a process for producing uniform micro fibers having a single-fiber fineness ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074074A1

The present invention relates to a spinneret, and a method of heating a spinneret used for spinning cellulosic filaments from a cellulose solution in a solvent. The invention also relates to a lyocell process employing such a spinneret 1. A steam heatable spinneret , having a rectangular shape with an aspect ratio of more than 2 , comprising at least a top housing , and a nozzle frame and optionally individual nozzle plates within the nozzle frame , wherein at least the top housing and/or the nozzle frame is heated by means of steam.2. The spinneret according to claim 1 , wherein the top housing and the nozzle frame are heated by means of steam.3. The spinneret according to claim 1 , wherein the spinneret further comprises additional means for heating claim 1 , being different from steam heating.4. A method of controlling the temperature within a spinneret having a rectangular shape and an aspect ratio of more than 2 claim 1 , wherein at least the top housing and/or the nozzle frame of the spinneret claim 1 , and optionally individual nozzle plates within the nozzle frame claim 1 , is heated by means of steam.5. A method of producing lyocell filaments claim 1 , employing the spinneret according to .6. The spinneret or method according to claim 1 , wherein the spinneret has an aspect ratio of from 5 to 25.7. The spinneret or method according to claim 1 , wherein steam having a temperature of from 105 to 138° C. and a pressure of from 0.2 to 3.4 bar is employed.8. The spinneret or method according to claim 1 , wherein the top housing and the nozzle frame are made of stainless steel.9. The spinneret or method according to claim 1 , wherein the nozzle block comprises a breaker claim 1 , preferably wherein the breaker is steam heatable.10. The spinneret or method according claim 1 , wherein the spinneret is a multi nozzle plate spinneret claim 1 , wherein the nozzle frame comprises lands which are steam heatable.11. A method of producing lyocell filaments claim 4 , using ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074080A1
Принадлежит: SUZANO S.A.

Applied in the field of manufacturing textile products, the present invention provides compositions of synthetic polymeric fibers containing from 0.25% to 4.00% of lignin originated from the Kraft process, which are incorporated into the polymer through a subsequent extrusion process with the spinning process, by the use of a double-screw extruder coupled to a spinnerette. The obtained fibers are used in the production of textile products with anti-UV properties due to the presence of lignin, and with greater tenacity, resistance to bursting and antioxidant activity of the knit. 1. Synthetic polymeric fibers additivated with lignin comprising from 0.25% to 4.00% of lignin as an additive incorporated into thermoplastic polymeric materials.2. Synthetic polymeric fibers additivated with lignin according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polymeric materials are selected from the group consisting of polypropylene (PP) claim 1 , Poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) claim 1 , Polyethylene (PE) claim 1 , Poly (butylene terephthalate) (PBT) claim 1 , and Poly (lactic acid) (PLA).3. Synthetic polymeric fibers additivated with lignin according to claim 1 , wherein the lignin is obtained from eucalyptus claim 1 , by the Kraft process.4. Synthetic polymeric fibers additivated with lignin according to claim 1 , containing 1.00% of lignin when produced from the polymers Polypropylene (PP) claim 1 , Polyethylene (PE) claim 1 , and/or Poly (butylene terephthalate) (PBT).5. Synthetic polymeric fibers additivated with lignin according to claim 1 , containing 0.50% of lignin when produced from the polymer Poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET).6. Synthetic polymeric fibers additivated with lignin according to claim 1 , containing 2.00% of lignin when produced from the polymer Poly (lactic acid) (PLA).7. Synthetic polymeric fibers additivated with lignin according to claim 1 , presenting anti-UV protection.8. Synthetic polymeric fibers additivated with lignin according to claim 1 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Carbon-containing modacrylic & aramid bicomponent filament yarns

Номер: US20180057969A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A yarn comprising a plurality of bicomponent filaments having a first region comprising a first polymer composition and a second region comprising a second polymer composition, each of the first and second regions being distinct in the bicomponent filaments; each bicomponent filament comprising 5 to 60 weight percent of the first polymer composition and 95 to 40 weight percent of the second polymer composition; wherein the first polymer composition comprises aramid polymer containing 0.5 to 20 weight percent discrete homogeneously dispersed carbon particles and the second polymer composition comprises modacrylic polymer being free of discrete carbon particles; the yarn having a total content of 0.1 to 5 weight percent discrete carbon particles.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Methods of Delivering An Oral Care Active by Administering Oral Care Articles Comprising A Filament

Номер: US20200060984A1

A method of delivering a health care active having the steps of administering to a mammal in need of a health benefit or a treatment for a health condition a personal health care article and consuming the article. The article contains one or more filaments that contain a backbone material, a health care active and optionally aesthetic agents, extensional aids, plasticizers, and crosslinking agents. 2. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the first and second nonwoven web comprise from about 10% to about 70% claim 1 , by weight of the nonwoven webs claim 1 , of surfactant.3. The oral care article of claim 2 , wherein the surfactant comprises anionic surfactant claim 2 , zwitterionic surfactant claim 2 , or a combination thereof.4. The oral care article of claim 3 , wherein the surfactant comprises alkyl sulfate and betaine compound.5. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the backbone material comprises a synthetic polymer claim 1 , a sugar alcohol claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The oral care article of claim 5 , wherein the synthetic polymer comprises polyvinyl alcohol.7. The oral care article of claim 6 , wherein the sugar alcohol is xylitol.8. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the oral care article comprises an aesthetic agent.9. The oral care article of claim 8 , wherein the aesthetic agent comprises flavors claim 8 , sensates claim 8 , sweeteners claim 8 , salivation agents claim 8 , or combinations thereof.10. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the first and second nonwoven webs comprise a meltblown filament.11. The oral care article of claim 10 , wherein the meltblown filament has a basis weight of from about 20 g/mto about 1000 g/m.12. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the oral care article comprises a teeth whitening agent claim 1 , a tooth care agent claim 1 , a mouthwash agent claim 1 , a periodontal gum care agent claim 1 , or combinations thereof.14. The oral care article of claim 13 , wherein the first and ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067184A1
Автор: ALLEN Martin Anthony

A melt blowing die includes a stack of plates including corresponding melt blowing die tip, die body and air functionalities. One or more rows of polymer filament extrusion orifices extend through in a stack direction across multiple plates of a stack. A gas distribution system within the stack has gas outlets are positioned to provide distributed gas flow to contact and attenuate extruded polymer filaments. One of more polymer distribution channels extend longitudinally through multiple plates in the stack direction to supply polymer to each of the rows of extrusion orifices. A polymer distribution channel is open to receive polymer feed only at a longitudinal end. A melt blowing apparatus has a collection substrate movable in a machine direction that is transverse to a stack direction in a melt blowing die. A method for producing fiber-containing material includes melt blowing using a melt blowing die with a stack of plates. 1. A melt blowing die , comprising: polymer filament extrusion orifices including at least one row of extrusion orifices extending in the stack direction across multiple said plates of the stack;', 'a gas distribution system within the stack including gas outlets positioned to provide distributed gas flow to contact and attenuate polymer filaments extruded from the said extrusion orifices of each said row of extrusion orifices; and', 'at least one polymer distribution channel extending longitudinally through multiple said plates in the stack direction, the polymer distribution channel being in fluid communication within the plate stack for supply of polymer to the extrusion orifices of at least one said row of extrusion orifices; and, 'at least one stack of plates stacked in a stack direction, the stack of plates comprisingthe polymer distribution channel is open to receive polymer feed only at a longitudinal end of the polymer distribution channel.2. A melt blowing die according to claim 1 , wherein:each said extrusion orifice of a said row ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090298A1

A capillary type multi-jet nozzle is provided for fabricating high throughput nanofibers by an electrospinning technique. The capillary type multi-jet nozzle includes a cap system with one or more pores and a crew system with a screw groove system. The cap system and the crew system are connected through a cap and crew system. The pores in the cap system are customized in count based on an requirement. The angle between the pores is reduced to make multiple non-interfering and non-hindering jets in less time. A Teflon gasket is used for proper tightening and sealing of the cap system and screw system. The cap system includes knurling at an outer surface for grip. The capillary type multi-jet nozzle is made of a conducting material to withstand a high voltage and is fabricated using micro-machining process. 1. A capillary type multi-jet nozzle for fabricating high throughput nanofibers by an electrospinning technique , the capillary type multi-jet nozzle having a cap system with one or more pores and a crew system with a screw groove system , wherein the cap system and the crew system are connected through a cap and crew system.2. The capillary type multi-jet nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the one or more pores are customizable in count.3. The capillary type multi-jet nozzle of claim 1 , wherein an angle between the one or more pores is reduced/decreased to reduce time in forming multiple non-interfering and non-hindering jets.4. The capillary type multi-jet nozzle of claim 1 , further comprises a Teflon gasket for proper tightening and sealing of the cap system and the screw/crew system.5. The capillary type multi-jet nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the cap system includes knurling at an outer surface of the cap system for grip.6. The capillary type multi-jet nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the capillary type multi-jet nozzle is made of a conducting material to withstand a high voltage.7. The capillary type multi-jet nozzle of claim 1 , wherein an inner wall of the capillary ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Polyester composition with improved dyeing properties

Номер: US20170073887A1
Принадлежит: Parkdale Inc

A copolymer composition is disclosed with advantages for textile fibers, yarns, blended yarns, fabrics, and garments. The composition includes polyester copolymer, between about 4.5 and 5.5 percent adipic acid based on the amount of copolymer, between about 630 and 770 parts per million (ppm) of pentaerythritol based on the amount of copolymer, and between about 3.4 and 4.2 percent polyethylene glycol based on the amount of copolymer.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220095728A1

Disclosed is a fiber for artificial hairs that is given a predetermined shape, the fiber being formed from a synthetic fibroin fiber containing a modified fibroin, and the fiber expanding when placed in a wet state and contracting when dried from a wet state. Also disclosed is a method for producing a fiber for artificial hairs that is given a predetermined shape, the method including retaining a fibroin fiber containing a modified fibroin in a state conforming to a predetermined shape. A wetted fibroin fiber may also be heated while being retained in a state conforming to a predetermined shape. 1. A fiber for artificial hairs that is given a predetermined shape ,the fiber comprising a synthetic fibroin fiber containing a modified fibroin, andthe fiber expanding when placed in a wet state and contracting when dried from a wet state.2. An artificial hair comprising the fiber for artificial hairs according to .3. A method for producing a fiber for artificial hairs that is given a predetermined shape claim 1 , the method comprising retaining a fibroin fiber containing a modified fibroin in a state conforming to a predetermined shape claim 1 , wherein the predetermined shape is a shape including a curved part claim 1 , a linear part claim 1 , or both of these.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the fibroin fiber is retained in a state conforming to a shape including a curved part claim 3 , by being wound around a core material.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the diameter of the fibroin fiber is more than 30 μm.6. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the fibroin fiber that is retained in the state conforming to a predetermined shape is heated.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the fibroin fiber that is retained in the state conforming to a predetermined shape is heated 5 to a temperature below 100° C.8. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising drying the fibroin fiber claim 3 , wherein the dried fibroin fiber is retained ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Apparatuses having outlet elements and methods for the production of microfibers and nanofibers

Номер: US20160083867A1
Автор: Ed Peno, Roger Lipton
Принадлежит: Fiberio Technology Corp

Described herein are apparatuses and methods of creating fibers, such as microfibers and nanofibers. The methods discussed herein employ centrifugal forces to transform material into fibers. Apparatuses that may be used to create fibers are also described. Described herein are fiber producing devices that have various types of outlet elements coupled to the fiber producing device.

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140170256A1
Автор: TAI Chin-Chih

A spinning device is disclosed. The spinning device includes a tube body, a sleeve component, a jacket tube and a lid. The tube body has a first through orifice in a vertical direction, the sleeve component has a second through orifice for the tube body to be mounted therein to form a fluid passage in between; the jacket tube has a third through orifice for the sleeve component and the tube body to be mounted therein. A first opening and second opening are formed on the wall of the jacket tube, allowing the second opening to be coupled with the fluid passage. The lid is coupled to one end of the jacket tube, and has a forth through orifice, allowing the tube body to rotate with respect to the sleeve tube, jacket tube and the lid, thereby making a the hollow fiber having a spiral passage. 1. A spinning device , comprising:a tube body having a first through orifice in a vertical direction;a sleeve component having a second through orifice in the vertical direction, wherein the tube body is pivotally disposed in the second through orifice to form a fluid passage between the tube body and the sleeve tube;a jacket tube having a third through orifice in the vertical direction, and having a first sub jacket tube vertically and sequentially connected with a second sub jacket tube, and a third sub jacket tube in the third through hole, such that the sleeve component and the tube body are respectively mounted in the first sub jacket tube, the second sub jacket tube and the third sub jacket tube, wherein a first liquid-tight coupling is formed between the sleeve component and the third sub jacket tube, and the second sub jacket tube and the third sub jacket tube have a first opening and a second opening respectively, and wherein the second opening is connected to the fluid passage; anda lid mounted to an end of the third sub jacket tube of the jacket tube, and having a forth through orifice in the vertical direction, such that the tube body is pivotally disposed in the jacket ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136137A1

A manufacturing process includes combining a liquid resin with a liquid reactive cross-linking composition to form a reactive core composition. The manufacturing also includes contacting the reactive core composition with a sheath composition including a carrier polymer in a solvent. The manufacturing process further includes wet spinning the reactive core composition with the sheath composition to form a sheath-core fiber including a core including at least one continuous fiber of a reaction product of the liquid resin and liquid cross-linking composition and a sheath surrounding the core. The cross-linking composition reacts with the resin during the wet spinning. The sheath includes the carrier polymer. A continuous poly(glycerol sebacate) urethane (PGSU) fiber comprising PGSU and a continuous PGSU fiber forming system are also disclosed.

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100421A1

An inorganic fiber-formed article, composed of a mat-shaped inorganic fiber assembly, the inorganic fiber-formed article including needle marks that extend in a direction including a thickness direction of the mat-shaped inorganic fiber assembly, where the needle marks include needle marks A and needle marks B having a diameter smaller than that of the needle marks A, dense portions in which a plurality of the needle marks A lie densely are arranged apart, non-dense portions in which a needle mark density of the needle marks A is lower than that in the dense portions are present between the dense portions in both a first direction which is any mat-surface direction extending through the dense portions and a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, and the needle marks B are present at least in the non-dense portions. 1. An inorganic fiber-formed article , comprising a mat-shaped inorganic fiber assembly , the inorganic fiber-formed article comprising:needle marks that extend in a direction including a thickness direction of the mat-shaped inorganic fiber assembly,whereinthe needle marks include needle marks A and needle marks B having a diameter smaller than that of the needle marks A,dense portions in which a plurality of the needle marks A lie densely are arranged apart,non-dense portions in which a needle mark density of the needle marks A is lower than that in the dense portions are present between the dense portions in both a first direction which is any mat-surface direction extending through the dense portions and a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, andthe needle marks B are present at least in the non-dense portions.2. The inorganic fiber-formed article according to claim 1 , wherein the needle marks A have an average diameter of 450 to 700 μm claim 1 , and an average diameter of the needle marks B is 35% to 65% of the average diameter of the needle marks A.3. The inorganic fiber-formed article according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Passive intermittent rotating assembly and electrospinning equipment

Номер: US20220170180A1
Автор: How Tseng
Принадлежит: Taipei Medical University TMU

A passive intermittent rotating assembly can automatically adjust a part of a cleaning material when the cleaning material cleans a spinning jet each time and that can stably operate in a high-voltage environment. The passive intermittent rotating assembly includes a plurality of first abutment members and second abutment members being arranged respectively at an inner side and outer side of the main wheel along the circumferential direction, and being separated from each other to form gaps for a push portion of a push member to pass through. Each of the first abutment members includes a first inner-side abutment portion and a first outer-side abutment portion provided for abutting against the push portion. Each of the second abutment members includes a second inner-side abutment portion and a second outer-side abutment portion provided for abutting against the push portion.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150111455A1

The present invention is directed toward an apparatus comprising a high speed rotating disk or bowl for nanofiber spinning from the rotational sheared thin film fibrillation at the enclosed serrations with the optimized stretching zone to produce the defects-free nanofibrous web and nanofibrous membrane comprising a nanofiber network with a number average nanofiber diameter less than 500 nm that yield the crystallinity higher than the polymer resin used in making the web. 1. A spinning apparatus for making polymeric nanofibers , comprising:(a) a high speed rotating member comprising a spinning disk or a spinning bowl wherein the rotating member has an edge and, optionally, the rotating member can be heated by induction heating;(b) a protecting shield affixed to the edge of the rotating member to form enclosed serrations wherein the protecting shield is positioned on the top of the spinning disk or the bottom of the spinning bowl;(c) a stationary shield on the bottom of the rotating member; and(d) an optional stretching zone.2. Polymeric nanofibers produced from the spinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric nanofibers comprise at least about 99% by number of nanofibers with a number average diameter less than about 500 nm.3. A nanofibrous web produced from the polymeric nanofibers of claim 2 , wherein the nanofibrous web has:(a) less than about 5% Mw reduction of the nanofibrous web as compared to the polymer used for making the nanofibrous web;(b) essentially the same thermal weight loss as compared to the polymer used for making the nanofibrous web as measured by TGA;(c) higher crystallinity of the nanofibrous web as compared to the polymer used for making the nanofibrous web; and(d) average web strength of at least about 2.5 N/cm. This invention relates to an improved centrifugal nanofiber spinning apparatus for producing the defects-free nanofibrous web and nanofibrous membrane comprising a nanofiber network with a number average nanofiber diameter ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105956A1

A system for making a nonwoven nonwoven spun-bond or melt-blown fabric has a spinneret for spinning fibers or filaments, a cooler downstream of the spinneret for cooling the spun fibers or filaments, a stretcher downstream of the cooler for stretching the cooled fibers or filaments, and a conveyor downstream of the stretcher. The stretched and cooled fibers or filaments are deposited as a nonwoven web on the conveyor. Sensors measure input parameters at the spinneret, at the cooler, at the stretcher, and/or at at least one diffuser or at the conveyor. An evaluating unit for determining an output parameter from the measured input parameter with respect to a predetermined reference parameter. 1. A method of making a nonwoven fabric from fibers in a nonwoven spun-bond or melt-blown fabric-making system , the method comprising the steps of:spinning fibers or filaments being spun with a spinneret;cooling the spun fibers or filaments downstream from the spinneret with a cooler;stretching the cooled fibers or filaments downstream of the cooler with a stretcher;depositing the stretched and cooled fibers or filaments as a nonwoven web on a conveyor;determining reference parameters for the spinneret, cooler, stretcher, and/or conveyor representing normal trouble-free operation of the system; andgenerating input parameters with sensors at the spinneret, cooler, stretcher, and/or conveyor during operation of the system; andevaluating the input parameters and generating an output parameter representing the evaluation.2. The method defined in claim 1 , wherein the evaluation is a comparison of each output parameter with the respective reference parameter.3. The method defined in claim 1 , further comprising the step of:in the event of a deviation of at least one output parameter from the respective reference parameter, generating an alarm signal and recording the alarm signal in an independent memory.4. The method defined in claim 1 , wherein the reference parameters are ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117819A1

Invention is directed to a method of extruding an omni-phobic filament comprising: extruding a co-polymer filament having a first polymer at a core having generally a circular cross-section, and a second polymer disposed at a perimeter of the core wherein the second polymer is dissolvable; creating channels disposed at the perimeter of the core by dissolving the second polymer; creating trapezoidal cross-section features having a distal angle less than 70°, a top edge greater than a side length and a bottom length less than the side length; and adding nano-sized particles to at least one of the top edge and one or more sides or any combination thereof. 1. A method of extruding an omni-phobic filament comprising:providing feedstock taken from the group consisting of a first polymer and a second polymer wherein the second polymer is dissolvable;forcing the feedstock through a spinneret, spin pack, quench, heater, drawing apparatus, and stabilizing process;dissolving the second polymer to create reentrant features disposed at the perimeter of the filament and along the lengths of the filament having a trapezoidal cross-section; and,adding nano-sized particles to at least one of the top edge and the side length.2. The method of wherein the reentrant features include a distal angle less than 70° claim 1 , a top edge greater than a side length and a bottom length less than the side length.3. The method of wherein the number of reentrant features is in the range of 6 to 64.4. The method of wherein the first polymer is taken from the group consisting of polypropylene and nylon and the second polymer is a G polymer.5. The method of wherein the nano-sized particles have a diameter of about 200 nm.6. The method of including the step of providing a fiber having a plurality of filaments and providing a fabric having an plurality of fibers.7. The method of wherein the reentrant features have a geometric angle less than the equilibrium contact angle of a liquid contacting the ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Methods Of Delivering An Oral Care Active by Administering Oral Care Articles Comprising A Filament

Номер: US20210154150A1

A method of delivering a health care active having the steps of administering to a mammal in need of a health benefit or a treatment for a health condition a personal health care article and consuming the article. The article contains one or more filaments that contain a backbone material, a health care active and optionally aesthetic agents, extensional aids, plasticizers, and crosslinking agents. 2. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the first and second nonwoven web comprise from about 10% to about 70% claim 1 , by weight of the nonwoven webs claim 1 , of surfactant.3. The oral care article of claim 2 , wherein the surfactant comprises anionic surfactant claim 2 , zwitterionic surfactant claim 2 , or a combination thereof.4. The oral care article of claim 3 , wherein the surfactant comprises alkyl sulfate and betaine compound.5. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the backbone material comprises a synthetic polymer claim 1 , a sugar alcohol claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The oral care article of claim 5 , wherein the synthetic polymer comprises polyvinyl alcohol.7. The oral care article of claim 6 , wherein the sugar alcohol is xylitol.8. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the oral care article comprises an aesthetic agent.9. The oral care article of claim 8 , wherein the aesthetic agent comprises flavors claim 8 , sensates claim 8 , sweeteners claim 8 , salivation agents claim 8 , or combinations thereof.10. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the first and second nonwoven webs comprise a meltblown filament.11. The oral care article of claim 10 , wherein the meltblown filament has a basis weight of from about 20 g/mto about 1000 g/m.12. The oral care article of claim 1 , wherein the bleaching agent comprises hydrogen peroxide claim 1 , perborate claim 1 , percarbonate claim 1 , or combinations thereof.14. The oral care article of claim 13 , wherein the first and second nonwoven web comprise from about 10% to about 70% claim ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135214A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

The present invention aims to provide a fabric that can improve the gripping performance of gripping of a contacted object via a glove when the fabric is made into the glove, and that can facilitate wearing and taking off the glove. 1. A fabric comprising a filament yarn A having a single fiber diameter of 100 to 300 nm and a filament yarn B having a single fiber diameter of 10 μm or more , wherein a value obtained by dividing an exposed area of the filament yarn A on a first surface of the fabric by an exposed area , on the first surface , of all fibers exposed on the first surface is 0.50 or more and 0.90 or less.2. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein a value obtained by dividing an exposed area of the filament yarn A on a second surface of the fabric by an exposed area claim 1 , on the second surface claim 1 , of all fibers exposed on the second surface is 0.10 or more and 0.40 or less.3. The fabric according to claim 2 , wherein a value obtained by dividing a static friction coefficient of the first surface in a wet state by a static friction coefficient of the second surface in a wet state is 1.2 or more and 2.5 or less claim 2 , and the static friction coefficient of the first surface in the wet state is 0.7 or more.4. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein a tensile stress at 30% elongation in a wet state is 100 N/50 mm or less.5. (canceled)6. A glove comprising the fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric has a thickness of 0.2 to 0.9 mm.7. The glove according to used for surgery. This is the U.S. National Phase application of PCT/JP2016/065564, filed May 26, 2016, which claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2015-107214, filed May 27, 2015, the disclosures of these applications being incorporated herein by reference in their entireties for all purposes.The present invention relates to a fabric, and particularly to a fabric suitable for gloves.In recent years, fabrics using nanofibers having a single fiber diameter of less than 1 ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137970A1

A melt blowing system for the manufacturing of pleatable/moldable nonwoven fabrics includes a collector positioned to receive a plurality of fibers, a first die in fluid communication with a first liquid polymer supply having a melt flow index of about 500 or lower, and a second die in fluid communication with a second liquid polymer supply having a melt flow index of about 500 or higher. The first die has a concentric air design, includes a plurality of spinneret nozzles facing the collector surface, and is configured to draw a first plurality of fibers. The second die includes a plurality of spinneret nozzles having smaller capillary diameter than those of the first die and is positioned to draw a second plurality of fibers such that the first and second pluralities of fibers form a co-mingled nonwoven web with varying fiber diameters on the collector surface. 1. A melt blowing system for the manufacturing of nonwoven fabrics , comprising:a collector having a surface positioned to receive a plurality of fibers;a first die in fluid communication with a first liquid polymer supply having a melt flow index of about 500 or lower, the first die comprising a plurality of spinneret nozzles facing the collector surface, wherein the first die has a concentric air design comprising nozzles with individual concentric air jets surrounding each nozzle, and wherein the first die is configured to draw a first plurality of fibers having fiber diameters of less than about 10 microns;a second die in fluid communication with a second liquid polymer supply having a melt flow index of about 500 or higher, the second die comprising a plurality of spinneret nozzles facing the collector surface, the second die comprising spinneret nozzles having smaller capillary diameter than the spinneret nozzles of the first die, and wherein the second die is positioned to draw a second plurality of fibers having fiber diameters of less than about 10 microns such that the first plurality of fibers and ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152571A1

Provided is a nonwoven fabric manufacturing apparatus and a nonwoven fabric manufacturing method capable of equally coping with minute dimensional differences while reducing cost in response to various dimensional requirements. The nonwoven fabric manufacturing apparatus includes a die having a nozzle row , a resin supply means supplying the thermoplastic resin to the die , a hot air supply means supplying hot air to a thermoplastic resin extruded from the nozzle row of the die to draw the thermoplastic resin into fibers, and a collector having a conveyor belt , the collector collecting the thermoplastic resin that has been drawn into fibers to form a nonwoven fabric web by the self-fusion property. 1: A nonwoven fabric manufacturing apparatus comprising:a die having a nozzle row, the nozzle row extruding a thermoplastic resin;a resin supply means supplying the thermoplastic resin to the die;a hot air supply means supplying hot air to the thermoplastic resin extruded from the nozzle row of the die to draw the thermoplastic resin into fibers; anda collector having a conveyor belt, the collector collecting the thermoplastic resin that has been drawn into fibers to form a web by the self-fusion property;wherein the die is disposed in such a manner that the angle of the die can be changed in a direction inclined relative to a width direction of the web that is perpendicular to a moving direction of the conveyor belt so that a width dimension of the web to be formed can be adjusted to a dimension corresponding to the angle of the die.2: The nonwoven fabric manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a resin inflow port of the die is turnably attached to a resin supply port of the resin supply means so that the angle of the die can be changed by adjusting a turning angle of the attachment.3: The nonwoven fabric manufacturing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein an attachment structure between the resin inflow port of the die and the resin supply port of the ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145593A1

According to one embodiment, a nanofiber manufacturing-apparatus nozzle head includes a plurality of holes. A solution is ejected from the holes. The holes are arranged from a center of the nozzle head toward an end portion of the nozzle head. An interval of adjacent holes decreases away from the center. 1. A nanofiber manufacturing-apparatus nozzle head , comprising a plurality of holes , a solution being ejected from the holes , the holes being arranged from a center of the nozzle head toward an end portion of the nozzle head ,wherein an interval of adjacent holes decreases away from the center.2. The nozzle head according to claim 1 , whereinthe holes are arranged toward a plurality of directions with respect to the center, andthe holes are provided so as to have the same number of the holes in outward directions with respect to the center.3. The nozzle head according to claim 1 , wherein the holes are arranged symmetrically with respect to the center.4. The nozzle head according to claim 1 , wherein the reciprocal of the interval of the holes is expressed by a quadratic function of the order in which the intervals of the holes are arranged from the center.5. The nozzle head according to claim 1 , wherein the holes are arranged on at least one straight line passing through the center.6. The nozzle head according to claim 1 , whereinthe number of the holes is an odd number, andone of the holes is disposed on the center.7. The nozzle head according to claim 1 , whereinthe number of the holes is an even number, andthe center is positioned between adjacent holes.8. The nozzle head according to claim 1 , wherein the holes are arranged from the center toward the end portion on a rectangular plane of the nozzle head and arranged on a straight line passing through the center.9. A nanofiber manufacturing apparatus claim 1 , comprising:an ejector including a nozzle head and ejecting a solution from a plurality of holes toward a collecting member, the holes being provided ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152611A1
Автор: Clark Thomas R.

A method of manufacturing bulked continuous carpet filament which, in various embodiments, comprises: (A) grinding recycled PET bottles into a group of flakes; (B) washing the flakes; (C) identifying and removing impurities, including impure flakes, from the group of flakes; (D) adding one or more color concentrates to the flakes; (E) passing the group of flakes through an MRS extruder while maintaining the pressure within the MRS portion of the MRS extruder below about 25 millibars; (F) passing the resulting polymer melt through at least one filter having a micron rating of less than about 50 microns; and (G) forming the recycled polymer into bulked continuous carpet filament that consists essentially of recycled PET. 1. A method of manufacturing bulked continuous carpet filament , the method comprising: (i) a first satellite screw extruder, the first satellite screw extruder comprising a first satellite screw that is mounted to rotate about a central axis of the first satellite screw;', '(ii) a second satellite screw extruder, the second satellite screw extruder comprising a second satellite screw that is mounted to rotate about a central axis of the second satellite screw; and', '(iii) a pressure regulation system that is adapted to maintain a pressure within the first and second satellite screw extruders between about 0 millibars and about 5 millibars;, '(A) providing a multi-screw extruder that comprises(B) using the pressure regulation system to reduce a pressure within the first and second satellite screw extruders to between about 0 millibars and about 5 millibars;(C) providing a plurality of polymer flakes, the plurality of polymer flakes comprising between about six percent and about ten percent colored recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) flakes and balance substantially clear recycled PET flakes;(D) providing one or more color concentrates;(E) adding the one or more color concentrates to the plurality of polymer flakes such that the resulting ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Material deposition device and method of use

Номер: US20160157978A1
Автор: Wojtek Tutak

A material deposition device includes a solution supply component, a gas supply component, and a co-axial discharge mechanism. The co-axial discharge mechanism includes a solution discharge mechanism, and a gas discharge mechanism co-axial with the solution discharge mechanism. The material deposition device further includes an alignment component that aligns the solution discharge mechanism in a center of the gas discharge mechanism; and an orifice plate with a number of turbulence inducing structures that induce turbulence in gas exiting the gas discharge mechanism.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Modified cross-section lyocell material for tobacco filter, and preparation method therefor

Номер: US20170156394A1

This invention relates to a lyocell material for a tobacco filter and a method of manufacturing the same, and more particularly to a lyocell fiber having a modified cross-section for a tobacco filter, wherein the cross-sectional shape of a monofilament contained in a lyocell fiber is controlled to increase the external surface area of the fiber, after which then crimps are formed, thereby exhibiting properties equal or superior to those of conventional lyocell materials, even when used in a small amount.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190153621A1

A different shrinkage composite yarn and preparation method. The modified polyester is spun with a porous spinneret to produce a different shrinkage composite yarn, and the spinneret holes on the porous spinneret are arranged in an elliptical arrangement. The different shrinkage composite yarn is obtained by winding modified polyester POY yarn and FDY yarn, network recombining, and coiling them. The preparation method of modified polyester is as follows: terephthalic acid reacts with ethylene glycol to produce ethylene terephthalate. The modified polyester is obtained by the reaction of terephthalic acid with branched diol. The fiber of the invention has good properties and the deviation rate of fiber density. The CV value of breaking strength is ≤4.0%, the CV value of elongation at break is ≤8.0%, the CV value of coefficient of variation of coiling shrinkage is ≤8.0%. 1. A different shrinkage composite yarn , comprising a modified polyester , and the modified polyester is composed of a terephthalic acid chain , an ethylene glycol chain and a diol chain containing a branched chain;a size of the different shrinkage composite yarn is 100-150 dtex; a breaking strength is ≥1.9 CN/dtex, an elongation at break is 30.0±5.0;at a temperature of 80° C.-130° C., a space gap between molecular chains in the modified polyester increases by 10-30 v/v %;a deviation rate of fiber density of the different shrinkage composite yarn is ≤2.0%;a CV value of breaking strength is ≤4.0%, and a CV value of elongation at break is ≤8.0%, and a CV value of coiling shrinkage coefficient of variation is ≤8.0%, and crimp shrinkage is 3.50±2.0%, and an oil content is 1.0±0.2%, network degree is 20±5 units/m;wherein, the increase of the space gap between the molecular chains refers to a comparison of the spatial gaps between molecular chains at a same temperature between the modified polyester and a common polyester;the branched diol is one or more items selected from the group consisting of a 2- ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190153622A1
Принадлежит: Extrusion Group, LLC

This disclosure describes meltblown methods, assemblies, and systems for polymer production. In one such implementation, a meltblown system provides improved uniform output and reduction of fiber size given certain polymer material and production rate. In certain meltblown implementations, the equipment may be ready and quickly swapped while provided in hot standby mode such that the maintenance down time is minimized. The disclosed meltblown equipment may include a polymer beam and air chamber and a die tip assembly. The die tip assembly, in certain embodiments, may quickly be attached onto or removed from the polymer beam and air chamber. In preferred embodiments, the meltblown system includes a single input (e.g., a specific type of polymer material). The meltblown system includes some tapered structures that facilitate polymer flow. The assembly mechanisms used in the meltblown system enables cleaning of the polymer distribution components with each use. 1. A meltblown die tip assembly comprising:a mounting structure having at least one polymer flow passageway formed therein and configured to receive a polymer flow, a first air passageway formed therein and configured to receive a first airflow, and a second air passageway formed therein and configured to receive a second airflow;an elongated die tip having a polymer flow chamber with a first opening and a second opening, a polymer flow tip, a first airflow regulation channel having a first impingement surface, a second airflow regulation channel having a second impingement surface, a first angled side, and a second angled side,wherein the polymer flow chamber of the elongated die tip is in fluid communication with the at least one polymer flow passageway of the mounting structure at the first opening of the polymer flow chamber of the elongated die tip, and the polymer flow chamber configured to receive at least a portion of the polymer flow from the at least one polymer flow passageway of the mounting ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Novel Extrusion Process for Manufacturing of Absorbable Suture Fibers

Номер: US20200149194A1

A novel process is disclosed for extruding an absorbable glycolide/lactide block copolymer into multifilament suture fibers. The block copolymer preferably consists of about 50/50 mole % of Glycolide/Lactide in the center segment and the overall composition of the copolymer is about 90/10 mole % Glycolide/Lactide. The novel extrusion process comprises the steps of maintaining the temperatures of at least two, preferably three or more, of the extrusion zones in the range of about 5-50° C. below the polymer melting point. The multifilament suture made with the invention process from the segmented, glycolide-rich, poly(glycolide-co-lactide) copolymers of A-B-A type, where the B-segment is an amorphous prepolymer of glycolide and lactide in the molar ratio of about 50/50 glycolide/lactide, exhibit exceptionally high breaking strength retention (BSR) at 42 days post-implantation. 1. A process for manufacturing a multifilament yarn with an extruder having at least a feeding zone , a transition zone and a metering zone , a pump and block section and a spinneret from an absorbable copolymer having a melting point into multifilament fibers comprising the steps of:a. Setting and maintaining at least two of the three extrusion zones selected from the group consisting of the feeding zone, the transition zone and the metering zone, at an operational temperature from about 50° C. below to about 2° C. below the melting point of the copolymer,b. Setting and maintaining the pump and block section at a pump temperature from about 15° C. below to no more than 25° C. above the melting point of the copolymer;c. Setting and maintaining the spinneret at a spin temperature from about 10° C. below to no more than 30° C. above the melting point of the copolymer.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least two (2) of three extrusion zones are maintained at temperatures at least 5° C. below the copolymer melting point.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is an absorbable ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168754A1

Electrospinning apparatus and method for producing multi-dimensional structures such as one-dimensional continuous yarns, two-dimensional mats and three-dimensional cotton-like fluffy scaffolds is disclosed. Further, electrospinning apparatus and method with single collector geometry for producing multi-dimensional structures and core-sheath yarns are disclosed. 1. An electrospinning apparatus , comprising:a source at a first potential; anda rotatable collector at a second potential;wherein the source is configured to draw a fiber, and alter its orientation with respect to the axis of rotation of the collector, the collector comprising a plurality of electrodes connected at one end and mounted with tines at the other end to form an open structure; andwherein a potential difference between the first and the second potentials causes the fiber to be deposited to the collector.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the source comprises an injector loaded with solution formulation or melt claim 1 , and the fiber is drawn through a spinneret.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the collector comprises electrodes arranged to form an umbrella-like claim 1 , hemispherical claim 1 , semi-cuboidal claim 1 , semi-cubical claim 1 , ellipsoidal claim 1 , cone-like claim 1 , polygonal or irregular shaped structure.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electrodes are flexible and the arrangement of electrodes is adjustable to configure the collector to various shapes and sizes.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the source is configured to align parallel to the axis of the collector with collector diameter in the range 1-10 cm for fabricating two-dimensional scaffolds.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the source is configured to align parallel to the axis of the collector with collector diameter in the range 10-20 cm for fabricating three-dimensional scaffolds.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a rotatable spindle with a guide wire adjacent to the collector ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Spinneret, Device Having A Spinneret, Method For Producing A Hollow Fiber Or Hollow Fiber Membrane By Means Of A Spinneret And Filter

Номер: US20200156014A1

The invention relates to a spinning nozzle () for the extrusion of a hollow fiber from one or more spinning masses and an apparatus comprising a spinning nozzle () as well as method for extruding a hollow fiber by means of a spinning nozzle (), wherein the spinning nozzle () has an inlet port () for each spinning mass to be extruded for introducing the spinning mass into the spinning nozzle (), an outlet port for the exit of spinning mass along an outlet axis (A), and at least one spinning mass flow channel for guiding at least one spinning mass to be extruded from the inlet port () to the outlet port, wherein at least one spinning mass flow channel comprises a flow manipulation section having an inlet and an outlet, which comprises a flow-guiding structure () for influencing a spinning mass flowing through the spinning mass flow channel, wherein the flow-guiding structure () is thereby designed to influence spinning mass flow such that the spinning mass flowing through the spinning mass flow channel at least partially flows through said spinning mass flow channel along at least two different flow paths, wherein the flow paths running through the spinning mass flow channel exhibit a substantially identical path length between the inlet of the flow manipulation section and the outlet port of the spinning mass flow channel. 1. A spinning nozzle for the extrusion of a hollow fiber membrane from one or more spinning masses , wherein the spinning nozzle has an inlet port for each spinning mass to be extruded for introducing the spinning mass into the spinning nozzle , at least one outlet port for the exit of one or more spinning masses out of the spinning nozzle along an outlet axis , and at least one spinning mass flow channel for guiding at least one spinning mass to be extruded from the respective inlet port to the respective outlet port , wherein at least one spinning mass flow channel comprises a flow manipulation section having an inlet and an outlet , wherein the ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167052A1

The present invention provides a nozzle plate and the use of the nozzle plate for producing filaments, preferably silica gel fibers. 1. A method of producing a filament comprising a silica gel fiber , comprisingpressing a spinning composition containing the silica gel fiber through a nozzle plate comprising a number of nozzles in a range from 1 to 1000, each of the number of nozzles having a nozzle opening,{'b': '1', 'wherein the nozzle opening has a cross-sectional area of size A,'}wherein a tear-off edge with an angle β in a range from 5° to 90° extends around the nozzle opening,{'b': '2', 'wherein an area, which immediately adjoins the nozzle opening outside the nozzle and extends around the nozzle opening, has an area of the size A,'}{'b': 2', '1, 'wherein a ratio A/A is not more than 1,'}wherein each nozzle takes a form of a nozzle insert, which is inserted into a corresponding opening in the nozzle plate,wherein the each of the number of nozzles comprises a channel, which is initially cylindrical in the direction of flow, then tapers conically with an angle γ to the vertical in the range from 10° to 80° to form a conical region, andwherein the conical region is disposed outside the plate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the angle β of the tear-off edge is in a range from 10° to 90°.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the angle β of the tear-off edge is in a range from 20° to 90°.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the angle β of the tear-off edge is in a range from 30° to 90°.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the angle γ to the vertical in the range from 20° to 70°.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the angle γ to the vertical in the range from 30° to 60°.71. The method of claim 1 , wherein each nozzle comprises a channel claim 1 , which is initially cylindrical claim 1 , then tapers conically in a flow direction down to a cross-sectional area of size A and again extends cylindrically to the nozzle opening claim 1 ,wherein a cylinder adjoining the nozzle ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161889A1

The present invention is directed toward an apparatus comprising a high speed rotating disk or bowl for nanofiber spinning from the rotational sheared thin film fibrillation at the enclosed serrations with the optimized stretching zone to produce the defects-free nanofibrous web and nanofibrous membrane comprising a nanofiber network with a number average nanofiber diameter less than 500 nm that yield the crystallinity higher than the polymer resin used in making the web. 1. (canceled)3. A nanofibrous web produced from the polymeric nanofibers of claim 2 , wherein the nanofibrous web has:(a) less than about 5% Mw reduction of the nanofibrous web as compared to the polymer used for making the nanofibrous web;(b) essentially the same thermal weight loss as compared to the polymer used for making the nanofibrous web as measured by TGA;(c) higher crystallinity of the nanofibrous web as compared to the polymer used for making the nanofibrous web; and(d) average web strength of at least about 2.5 N/cm. This invention relates to an improved centrifugal nanofiber spinning apparatus for producing the defects-free nanofibrous web and nanofibrous membrane comprising a nanofiber network with a number average nanofiber diameter less than 1000 nm.Polymer nanofibers can be produced from solution-based electrospinning or electroblowing, however, they have very high processing cost, limited throughputs and low productivity. Melt blowing nanofiber processes that randomly lay down fibers do not provide adequate uniformity at sufficiently high throughputs for most end use applications. The resulting nanofibers are often laid on substrate layer of coarse fiber nonwoven or microfiber nonwoven to construct multiple layers. A problem with melt-blown nanofibers or small microfibers, exposed on the top of the web, they are very fragile and easily crushed by normal handling or contact with some object. Also, the multilayer nature of such webs increases their thickness and weight, and also ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Method of making uniform spunbond filament nonwoven webs

Номер: US20220307175A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A method of making nonwoven webs comprising providing a spinneret wherein the spinneret includes a pattern of conduits, the pattern of conduits forming an extrusion region; directing only a first stream of molten propylene polymer having a first temperature into a region adjacent of the first side of the spinneret, directing only a second stream of molten propylene polymer having a second temperature into a region distal to the first side of the spinneret, extruding only the first stream of molten propylene polymer through the exit openings in a first zone; extruding only the second stream of molten propylene polymer through the exit openings of a second zone; the second zone is distal to the first side with the first zone being between the second zone and the first side.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200165751A1

A yarn comprising a plurality of bicomponent filaments having a first region comprising a first polymer composition and a second region comprising a second polymer composition, each of the first and second regions being distinct in the bicomponent filaments; each bicomponent filament comprising 5 to 60 weight percent of the first polymer composition and 95 to 40 weight percent of the second polymer composition; wherein the first polymer composition comprises aramid polymer containing 0.5 to 20 weight percent discrete homogeneously dispersed carbon particles and the second polymer composition comprises modacrylic polymer being free of discrete carbon particles; the yarn having a total content of 0.1 to 5 weight percent discrete carbon particles. 1. A process for forming a yarn comprising bicomponent filaments , each of the filaments comprising a distinct sheath of a modacrylic polymer free of discrete carbon particles and a distinct core of an aramid polymer comprising discrete carbon particles homogeneously dispersed therein , with the sheath surrounding the core; the process comprising the steps of:a) forming a first polymer solution containing aramid polymer in a solvent, the aramid polymer solution further comprising discrete carbon particles, and forming a second polymer solution of modacrylic polymer being free of carbon particles in the same or different solvent;b) providing a spinneret assembly having separate inlets for the first polymer solution and the second polymer solution and a plurality of exit capillaries for spinning dope filaments;c) forming a plurality of dope filaments having a sheath of the second polymer solution and a core of the first polymer solution by extruding through the exit capillaries a plurality of conjoined streams of the first and the second solutions into a spin cell, andd) extracting solvent from the plurality of dope filaments to make a yarn of polymer filaments.2. The process of wherein the step d) of extracting solvent from ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Spinneret for manufacture of melt blown nonwoven fabric

Номер: US20160183929A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A bimodal spinneret system including the bimodal spinneret and method for making a surgical buttress having improved characteristics are disclosed. The bimodal spinneret includes at least a distribution of hole diameters to create fibers with a more heterogeneous shear history and die swell. The system and method of using the bimodal spinneret creates a melt blown non-woven fiber mat that is cut into a surgical buttress having unique fabric properties such as differentiated load deflection behavior, flexural stiffness, polymer fiber alignment, fiber crystallinity and subsequent strength retention during in vitro degradation not attainable with unimodal spinneret hole diameters.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180179674A1
Автор: LAU Anthony Toi Wai

A method of forming a colored heather yarn, comprising the sequential steps: (a) processing a natural fiber; (b) obtaining a regenerated cellulose man-made fiber that comprises an uncolored regenerated cellulose man-made fiber, a waterless dope-dyed regenerated cellulose man-made fiber, or both; (c) producing a man-made fiber that comprises an uncolored man-made fiber, a waterless dope-dyed man-made fiber, or both; (d) blending the natural fiber from step (a) with the individual fibers from step (b), step (c), or both to produce a blended composite of fibers; and (e) roving, spinning and winding the blended composite of fibers of step (d) into a final colored heather yarn; wherein the colored heather yarn comprises a predetermined fiber content ratio. There is also provided a colored heather yarn made according to the foregoing method. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined fiber content ratio of the regenerated cellulose man-made fiber is between 80% to 3% claim 1 , and the predetermined fiber content ratio of the man-made fiber is between 80% to 3%.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step (a) of processing said natural fiber comprises a process selected from a combed process or a carded process.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said waterless dope-dyed man-made fiber of step (c) comprises a waterless dope-dyed polyester fiber.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the step of producing the waterless dope-dyed polyester fiber comprises producing the waterless dope-dyed polyester fiber using waterless colored polyester chips.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the step of producing the waterless dope-dyed polyester fiber comprises:heating said waterless colored polyester chips to a molten state; andspinning the molten polyester chips to form said waterless dope-dyed polyester fiber.7. The method according to claim 5 , wherein said waterless colored polyester chips are from one or more liquid-containing ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173057A1

An object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for producing nanofibers and a nozzle head use for the same which can be manufactured by drilling and is capable of efficiently carrying molten resin on a gas flow. 1. An apparatus for producing nanofibers comprisinga raw material discharge surface on which a raw material flow passage for discharging a liquid raw material is arranged, anda gas discharge surface which is arranged with an angle α (0<α≤90°) toward said raw material discharge surface and on which a gas flow passage for ejecting gas is arranged, wherein said raw material flow passage is orthogonal to said raw material discharge surface, said gas flow passage is orthogonal to said gas discharge surface, and said raw material flow passage and said gas flow passage are arranged so that said liquid raw material discharged from said raw material flow passage meets gas ejected from said gas flow passage.2. An apparatus for producing nanofibers claimed in comprising one or more flow passage sat of said one raw material flow passage and said one gas flow passage.3. An apparatus for producing nanofibers claimed in wherein a plurality of flow passage sets are provided and these flow passage sets are arranged in one direction so that said raw material flow passage and said gas flow passage are arranged on two linear lines parallel each other.4. An apparatus for producing nanofibers claimed in wherein a plurality of flow passage sets are provided and the plurality of flow passage sets are arranged annularly so that said raw material flow passage and said gas flow passage are arranged on the circumference of two circles which become concentric.5. An apparatus for producing nanofibers claimed in wherein an axis line of said raw material flow passage and an axis line of said gas flow passage are provided on a plane.6. An apparatus for producing nanofibers claimed in comprising one or more flow passage sets of a plurality of said raw material flow passage and ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190185616A1

A porous ultra-soft ultra-fine denier polyester fiber and preparation method. The modified polyester is spun with a porous spinneret to produce the porous ultra-soft ultra-fine denier polyester fiber, and the spinneret holes on the porous spinneret are arranged in an elliptical arrangement. The porous ultra-soft ultra-fine denier polyester fiber is obtained by metering, extruding, cooling, oiling and high-speed winding the modified polyester chips. The preparation method of modified polyester is as follows: terephthalic acid reacts with ethylene glycol to produce ethylene terephthalate. The modified polyester is obtained by the reaction of terephthalic acid with branched diol. The fiber of the invention has good properties and the deviation rate of fiber density. The deviation rate of fiber density is ≤0.5%, the CV value of breaking strength is ≤4.0%, the CV value of elongation at break is ≤8.0%, the CV value of yarn unevenness is ≤2.0%. 1. A porous ultra-soft ultra-fine denier polyester fiber , comprising a modified polyester , and the modified polyester is composed of a terephthalic acid chain , an ethylene glycol chain and a. diol chain containing a branched chain;a size of the porous ultra-soft ultra-fine denier polyester fiber is 0.20-0.50 dtex; an initial modulus is ≤65 cN/dtex; a breaking strength is ≥3.8 cN/dtex; an elongation at break is 35.0±3.0%;at a temperature of 80° C.-130° C., a space gap between molecular chains in the modified polyester increases by 10-30v/v %;at a temperature of 260-290° C., a melt viscosity decreases by 10-20%;a deviation rate of fiber density of the porous ultra-soft ultra-fine denier polyester fiber is ≤0.5%;a CV value of breaking strength is ≤4.0%. and a CV value of elongation at break is ≤8.0%, and a CV value of coiling shrinkage coefficient of variation is ≤8.0%, and a CV value of yarn unevenness is ≤2.0%;wherein, the increase of the space gap between the molecular chains refers to a comparison of the spatial gaps between ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186048A1

The present application provides a manufacturing method and a spinneret assembly that includes a nozzle body, an outer spinning solution channel formed inside the nozzle body, and at least one inner spinning solution channel formed inside the nozzle body. A nozzle outlet formed at an end of the nozzle body is immersed in a solidification liquid. The outer spinning solution channel includes an outer liquid outlet, and the at least one inner spinning solution channel includes an inner liquid outlet. The outer liquid outlet and the inner liquid outlet communicate with the nozzle outlet and are confluent at the nozzle outlet. A diameter of the inner liquid outlet is smaller than a diameter of the outer liquid outlet. An outer-layer dope spinned from the outer liquid outlet covers an inner-layer dope spinned from the inner liquid outlet so as to generate a solid filamentary fiber with multi-layer materials. 1. A spinneret assembly for composite spinning , the spinneret assembly comprising:a nozzle body, a nozzle outlet being formed at an end of the nozzle body, the nozzle outlet being immersed in a solidification liquid completely;an outer spinning solution channel formed inside the nozzle body, the outer spinning solution channel comprising an outer liquid outlet communicated with the nozzle outlet; andat least one inner spinning solution channel formed inside the nozzle body, the at least one inner spinning solution channel comprising an inner liquid outlet communicated with the nozzle outlet;wherein the outer liquid outlet and the inner liquid outlet are confluent at the nozzle outlet, a diameter of the inner liquid outlet being smaller than a diameter of the outer liquid outlet, and an outer-layer fiber formed from an outer-layer dope spinned from the outer liquid outlet covers an inner-layer fiber formed from an inner-layer dope spinned from the inner liquid outlet so as to generate a solid filamentary fiber with multi-layer materials.2. The spinneret assembly of ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200181805A1
Принадлежит: CAT S.r.L.

A device is provided for making polymer fibre for a system of the spunbond and/or melt-blown type, including a distributor including at least one distribution pipe adapted to distribute the polymer fluid, filter arranged upstream of the distribution pipe so as to filter the polymer fluid, wherein the filter include a porous element defining a plurality of non-rectilinear through channels. 2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said distributor includes at least one seat arranged upstream of said distribution pipe claim 1 , said filtering means are at least partially housed in said seat claim 1 , and said seat is configured to space apart said filtering means and said distribution pipe.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said distributor is a breaker-plate of said system of the spunbond and/or melt-blown type.4. The device according to claim 1 , comprising an extrusion head including at least one main channel adapted to enable the passage of polymer fluid through said extrusion head claim 1 , said distribution pipe being in fluidic connection with said main channel and said filtering means being arranged between said main channel and said distribution pipe so as to filter said polymer fluid.54. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said seat is adjacent to said extrusion head and arranged between said main channel and said distribution pipe.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said porous element comprises a plurality of pores defining said through channels when adjacent and with a minimum porosity of 18 μm.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said porous element comprises a plurality of sintered particles.8. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said porous element comprises a metal material.9. The device according to claim 4 , wherein said particles are components chosen between balls or fragments.10. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said porous element comprises mutually interwoven and sintered fibres.11. The device ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Process for spinning multifilament yarn

Номер: US20140290205A1
Принадлежит: Teijin Aramid Bv

A spinneret is used to reduce filament breakage during spinning of multifilament yarn being stretched at a high stretch ratio. The spinneret has a first group of spinning holes with capillaries and a second group of spinning holes with capillaries. The capillaries of the second group of spinning holes have a lower length to diameter (L/D) ratio than the capillaries of the first group of spinning holes. All of the capillaries have the same diameter, which is 100 μm or less.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210230773A1

Disclosed herein are customizable kits of parts for the fabrication of polymer fibers. In some embodiments, the kits provided herein comprise a scaffold comprising first and second opposite surfaces and one or more pores extending through the first and second surfaces, wherein each pore comprises a first channel and a first conjunction interface. The kits additionally comprise a plurality of nozzles, wherein each nozzle comprises a second channel and a second conjunction interface, and wherein the second interface can be removably and stably coupled to the first conjunction interface of each pore while allowing a fluid through the first channel and the second channel. The kits further comprise a plurality of closure structures, wherein each closure structure comprises a third conjunction interface, and wherein the third interface can be removably and stably coupled to the first conjunction interface of each pore to seal the pore. In some embodiments, at least the second channel of each nozzle has an internal diameter configured to allow formation of a fiber. 1. A system comprising:a scaffold comprising first and second opposite surfaces and one or more pores extending through the first and second surfaces, wherein each pore comprises a first channel and a first conjunction interface;a plurality of nozzles, wherein each nozzle comprises a second channel and a second conjunction interface, wherein the second interface can be removably and stably coupled to the first conjunction interface of each pore, while allowing a fluid through the first channel and the second channel; anda plurality of closure structures, wherein each closure structure comprises a third conjunction interface, wherein the third interface can be removably and stably coupled to the first conjunction interface of the remaining pore, thereby sealing the remaining pore;wherein at least the second channel has an internal diameter configured to allow formation of a fiber.2. The system of claim 1 , ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202073A1

In one embodiment, a fiber manufacturing apparatus has a discharge head which discharges a raw material liquid in which a polymer is dissolved in a solvent toward a collector, and a power source which generates a potential difference between the discharge head and the collector. The fiber manufacturing apparatus further has a recovery device, a cleaning device, and a moving device. The recovery device recovers the raw material liquid to be discharged by the discharge head. The cleaning device cleans the discharge head. The moving device moves the discharge head to any position out of a spinning position where the discharge head and the collector are opposite to each other, a recovery position where the discharge head and the recovery device are opposite to each other, and a cleaning position where the discharge head and the cleaning device are opposite to each other. 1. A fiber manufacturing apparatus , comprising:a discharge head capable of discharging a raw material liquid in which a polymer is dissolved in a solvent toward a collector;a power source capable of generating a potential difference between the discharge head and the collector;a recovery device capable of recovering the raw material liquid to be discharged by the discharge head;a cleaning device capable of cleaning the discharge head; anda moving device capable of moving the discharge head to any position out of a spinning position where the discharge head and the collector are opposite to each other, a recovery position where the discharge head and the recovery device are opposite to each other, and a cleaning position where the discharge head and the cleaning device are opposite to each other.2. The fiber manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the moving device is capable of moving the discharge head to the recovery position before or after the discharge head is located at the spinning position.3. The fiber manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the moving device is ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202074A1

An electrospinning apparatus according to an embodiment is configured to deposit a fiber on a collector or a member. The electrospinning apparatus includes a first nozzle head provided on one side of the collector or the member, and a second nozzle head provided on the side opposite to the first nozzle head with the collector or the member interposed. The first nozzle head and the second nozzle head are at a section where the collector or the member moves in a direction tilted with respect to a horizontal direction. 1. An electrospinning apparatus configured to deposit a fiber on a collector or a member , the electrospinning apparatus comprising:a first nozzle head provided on one side of the collector or the member; anda second nozzle head provided on a side opposite to the first nozzle head with the collector or the member interposed,the first nozzle head and the second nozzle head being at a section where the collector or the member moves in a direction tilted with respect to a horizontal direction.2. The electrospinning apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising: a controller is configured to control depositing of the fiber by the first nozzle head and depositing of the fiber by the second nozzle head claim 1 ,the controller causes the fiber to be deposited by the second nozzle head when causing the fiber to be deposited by the first nozzle head.3. The electrospinning apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the second nozzle head opposes the first nozzle head with the collector or the member interposed.4. The electrospinning apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the second nozzle head is provided at a position separated from the first nozzle head in a movement direction of the collector or the member.5. The electrospinning apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the first nozzle heads is provided to be arranged in a movement direction of the collector or the member.6. The electrospinning apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein one ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180209081A1
Принадлежит: Kasen Nozzle Mfg. Co. Ltd.

A spinning die for producing ultrafine fiber nonwoven fabric is made miniaturized and its productivity thereof is enhanced. The spinning die has a substantial cuboid shape and a plurality of nozzle holes is disposed in a longitudinal direction. A slit for jetting hot air is disposed only in one side of the nozzle holes. Thermoplastic polymer is melt blown from the nozzle of the spinning die to obtain ultrafine fibers. Hot air is jetted from the slit disposed at only one side of the nozzle holes. The result is that the ultrafine fibers melt blown in a direction inclined with respect to an axis direction of the nozzle. The blown ultrafine fibers are accumulated by sucking to downward to obtain ultrafine fiber nonwoven fabric. 1. A method for producing ultrafine fiber nonwoven fabric , comprising:a step of melt blowing thermoplastic polymer from a plurality of nozzle holes which are disposed in a longitudinal direction at a longitudinal lower end of a spinning die having a substantial cuboid shape to obtain ultrafine fibers,a step of jetting out hot air from a slit disposed in only one side of the nozzle holes to blow the ultrafine fibers at an angle inclining with respect to the direction of an axial line of the nozzles, anda step of accumulating the blown ultrafine fibers which are sucked downward from the spinning die to form the ultrafine fiber nonwoven fabric.2. The method for producing ultrafine fiber nonwoven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the slit is provided in either a right side or a left side of a line of the nozzle holes.33060. The method for producing ultrafine fiber nonwoven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrafine fibers are blown with hot air at an angle inclining ° to ° with respect to the axis line of the nozzles.4. An apparatus for producing ultrafine fiber nonwoven fabric claim 1 , comprising a plurality of nozzle holes disposed in a longitudinal direction at a longitudinal lower end of a spinning die having a substantial cuboid ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199788A1

A high uniformity coloured polyester industrial yarn and preparation method. The raw material of the high-uniformity coloured polyester industrial yarn is the modified polyester composed of terephthalic acid segment, an ethylene glycol segment and a branched diol. The high-uniformity coloured polyester industrial yarn is prepared by esterification reaction of terephthalic acid with a branched diol using concentrated sulfuric acid as catalyst to obtain terephthalic acid glycol ester. Terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol are formulated to carry out esterification reaction to obtain ethylene terephthalate. Finally, stir and mix the two materials and carry out the polycondensation reaction in the low vacuum stage and the high vacuum stage under the action of the catalyst and the stabilizer to obtain modified polyester. Measure the modified polyester and add black masterbatch. After porous spinneret extrusion, cooling, oiling, drawing, heat setting and winding the modified polyester, high uniformity coloured polyester industry yarn is obtained. 1. A high-uniformity coloured polyester industrial yarn , whereinthe high-uniformity coloured polyester industrial yarn is a polyester industrial yarn added with a black masterbatch,the high-uniformity coloured polyester industrial yarn is obtained by spinning after carrying out a solid phase polycondensation,the high uniformity coloured polyester industrial yarn comprises a modified polyester, wherein the modified polyester is composed of a terephthalic acid segment, an ethylene glycol segment and a branched diol segment, the branched diol segment is a diol having a branched chain, the branched chain is a non-terminal carbon in the ethylene glycol segment and the branched chain has a linear carbon chain containing 5 to 10 carbon atoms,the high-uniformity coloured polyester industrial yarn has a breaking strength ≥7.0 cN/dtex, a linear density deviation rate ≤1.0%, and a breaking strength CV value ≤2.0%;a CV value of elongation ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210238768A1

The present invention relates to a spinning nozzle apparatus for manufacturing a high-strength fiber. 1. A spinning nozzle apparatus for manufacturing a high-strength fiber , comprising:{'b': '21', 'a pack body ;'}{'b': '22', 'a pack body heater installed on the outside of the pack body to provide a heat source for the pack body;'}{'b': 23', '21, 'a spinning nozzle installed in the pack body to spin a melted thermoplastic resin; and'}{'b': 24', '25', '21', '23, 'a retainer and a lower plate installed in the pack body to feed the melted thermoplastic resin into the spinning nozzle ,'}{'b': 23', '23', '21', '23', '21, 'i': b', 'c, 'the spinning nozzle comprising a fixation member disposed on the inside of the pack body and a spinning member disposed on the outside of the pack body ,'}{'b': 23', '23, 'i': c', 'a, 'wherein the spinning member disposed on the outside of the pack body has a plurality of spinning nozzle holes for melt-spinning the thermoplastic resin to form a fiber,'}the spinning nozzle apparatus further comprising:{'b': 26', '23', '23', '21, 'i': a', 'c, 'a heating body for heating the portion of the spinning nozzle holes of the spinning member to a temperature above the temperature of the pack body .'}223232323dcb.. The spinning nozzle apparatus for manufacturing a high-strength fiber as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the spinning nozzle has an extension member for maintaining the spinning member apart from the fixation member323212323dac.. The spinning nozzle apparatus for manufacturing a high-strength fiber as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the extension member extends to a length of 10 to 500 mm from the bottom of the pack body to position the spinning nozzle holes of the spinning member42623c.. The spinning nozzle apparatus for manufacturing a high-strength fiber as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the heating body is installed in a ring form to surround the side wall of the spinning member5252323232323dca.. The spinning nozzle apparatus for manufacturing a ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170218538A1

A spinneret () for electrostatic spinning is configured from a structure of an electrically conductive metal material. The structure is provided with a long-axis direction (X), a short-axis direction (Z), and a thickness direction (Y). An inflow port () for a spinning starting material fluid is provided to one surface of the structure. A plurality of protrusions () are formed on another surface of the structure so as to be aligned along the long-axis direction (X). Each of the plurality of protrusion () extends so as to protrude from the structure. The protrusions () have, provided to apexes () thereof, discharge holes () for discharging the starting material fluid. The pitch of the discharge holes () exceeds 1 mm. 1. A spinneret for electrostatic spinning , comprising a structure of an electrically conductive metal material ,wherein the structure is provided with a long-axis direction, a short-axis direction, and a thickness direction,one surface of the structure is provided with an inflow port for a spinning starting material fluid, a plurality of protrusions are formed on another surface of the structure so as to be aligned along the long-axis direction, each of the plurality of protrusions extends so as to protrude from the structure, the protrusions have, provided to apexes thereof, discharge holes for discharging the starting material fluid, and the pitch of the discharge holes exceeds 1 mm.2. The spinneret for electrostatic spinning according to claim 1 , wherein the height of each protrusion is 0.1 mm or more.3. The spinneret for electrostatic spinning according to claim 1 , wherein the structure comprises two or more parts claim 1 , and adjoining planes of the parts are provided with flow passages for uniformly distributing the starting material fluid to each discharge hole.4. The spinneret for electrostatic spinning according to claim 1 , comprising distributing plates for uniformly distributing the starting material fluid to each discharge hole claim 1 , ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208300A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A pack for spinning is provided with a kneading part disposed on a spinneret. The kneading part includes: an introduction plate including a plurality of first introduction holes for introducing a melted polymer; and a plurality of kneading units including a supply plate including a plurality of independent supply grooves into which the polymer introduced from the introduction holes flows and one or more supply holes disposed in each of the supply grooves, and a converging plate including a plurality of converging grooves in which a plurality of grooves into which the polymer supplied from the supply holes flows are intersected and a plurality of second introduction holes disposed in each of the converging grooves. 1. A pack for spinning being a pack that is used for a production process of a fiber and that is provided with a kneading part disposed on a spinneret , an introduction plate including a plurality of first introduction holes for introducing a melted polymer; and', a supply plate including a plurality of independent supply grooves into which the polymer introduced from the introduction holes flows and one or more supply holes disposed in each of the supply grooves, and', 'a converging plate including a plurality of converging grooves in which a plurality of grooves into which the polymer supplied from the supply holes flows are intersected and a plurality of second introduction holes disposed in each of the converging grooves, wherein, 'a plurality of kneading units including'}], 'the kneading part comprisingwhen the kneading part is divided into virtual regions including an equal area on a face perpendicular to a polymer spinning path direction and separated in parallel with the polymer spinning path direction from an upstream side end to a downstream side end,the first introduction holes penetrating the introduction plate are formed in each of the divided virtual regions;each first end of the supply grooves is disposed just below the corresponding first ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208302A1

An apparatus for production of a low-shrinkage aliphatic polyamide fibre, in which polyamide is extruded through a spinneret to form filaments, then cooled and combined to form at least one yarn. The at least one yarn is subjected to drawing between the spinneret and a pair of inlet rolls, then in a further multi-stage drawing step is subjected to 4-fold to 6-fold drawing by pairs of draw rolls. The pairs of draw rolls successively heat the yarn and at least the last pair of draw rolls has a temperature of 5° C. to 20° C. below the melting point of the yarn. The yarn is relaxed by from 6% to 10% in a subsequent at least three-stage relaxation zone and is kept in a temperature range of 5° C. to 15° C. below the melting point of the yarn, and is subsequently wound up on a reel device. 125-. (canceled)26. An apparatus for production of a low-shrinkage aliphatic polyamide yarn , comprising:a spinneret in which polyamide is extruded through to form filaments;a quenching unit following the spinneret to cool and combine the filaments to form at least one yarn;a first pair of inlet rolls following the quenching unit for a first drawing of the yarn;a second multi-stage drawing apparatus following the first pair of inlet rolls, wherein the second multi-stage drawing apparatus comprises at least three pairs of heatable draw rolls;means for increasing the temperature of the pairs of draw rolls from a temperature of a first pair of the heatable draw rolls that is operated at a temperature of 5° C. below to 30° C. above the glass transition temperature of the yarn, to a temperature of a second pair of the heatable draw rolls that operate at a temperature from 130° C., to 40° C. below a melting temperature of the yarn, to a temperature of a last pair of the heatable draw rolls that is operated at a temperature of 5° C. to 20° C. below the melting point of the yarn; andan at least three-stage relaxation zone, following the second multi-stage drawing apparatus, in which the yarn is ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190212098A1

Processes for making high-performance polyethylene multi-filament yarn are disclosed which include the steps of a) making a solution of ultra-high molar mass polyethylene in a solvent; b) spinning of the solution through a spinplate containing at least 5 spinholes into an air-gap to form fluid filaments, while applying a draw ratio DR; c) cooling the fluid filaments to form solvent-containing gel filaments; d) removing at least partly the solvent from the filaments; and e) drawing the filaments in at least one step before, during and/or after said solvent removing, while applying a draw ratio DRof at least 4, wherein in step b) each spinhole comprises a contraction zone of specific dimension and a downstream zone of diameter Dn and length Dn with Ln/Dn of from 0 to at most 25, to result in a draw ratio DR=DR*DRof at least 150, wherein DRis the draw ratio in the spinholes and DRis the draw ratio in the air-gap, with DRbeing greater than 1 and DRat least 1. High-performance polyethylene multifilament yarn, and semi-finished or end-use products containing said yarn, especially to ropes and ballistic-resistant composites, are also disclosed. 1. A ballistic-resistant sheet comprising:a first layer and a second layer each comprising high-performance polyethylene multifilament yarn; wherein{'sup': −0.065', '−0.065, 'the multifilament yarn comprises ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene having an intrinsic viscosity of from about 8 dl/g to about 40 dl/g as measured in decalin at 135° C. and at least 5 filaments, and has a tensile strength of between 5.8·(n) GPa and 8·n) GPa, wherein n is the number of filaments in the yarn; and wherein'}the filaments of the multifilament yarn in the first layer and the second layer are spread unidirectionally within each of the layers; and whereina direction of the filaments in the first layer is rotated with respect to a direction of the filaments in the second layer.2. The ballistic-resistant sheet of claim 1 , wherein the yarn has a ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Process for making high-performance polyethylene multifilament yarn

Номер: US20190212099A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS BV

Processes for making high-performance polyethylene multi-filament yarn are disclosed which include the steps of a) making a solution of ultra-high molar mass polyethylene in a solvent; b) spinning of the solution through a spinplate containing at least 5 spinholes into an air-gap to form fluid filaments, while applying a draw ratio DRfluid; c) cooling the fluid filaments to form solvent-containing gel filaments; d) removing at least partly the solvent from the filaments; and e) drawing the filaments in at least one step before, during and/or after said solvent removing, while applying a draw ratio DRsolid of at least 4, wherein in step b) each spinhole comprises a contraction zone of specific dimension and a downstream zone of diameter Dn and length Dn with Ln/Dn of from 0 to at most 25, to result in a draw ratio DRfluid=DRsp*DRag of at least 150, wherein DRsp is the draw ratio in the spinholes and DRag is the draw ratio in the air-gap, with DRsp being greater than 1 and DRag at least 1. High-performance polyethylene multifilament yarn, and semi-finished or end-use products containing said yarn, especially to ropes and ballistic-resistant composites, are also disclosed.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190212100A1

Processes for making high-performance polyethylene multi-filament yarn are disclosed which include the steps of a) making a solution of ultra-high molar mass polyethylene in a solvent; b) spinning of the solution through a spinplate containing at least 5 spinholes into an air-gap to form fluid filaments, while applying a draw ratio DR; c) cooling the fluid filaments to form solvent-containing gel filaments; d) removing at least partly the solvent from the filaments; and e) drawing the filaments in at least one step before, during and/or after said solvent removing, while applying a draw ratio DRof at least 4, wherein in step b) each spinhole comprises a contraction zone of specific dimension and a downstream zone of diameter Dn and length Dn with Ln/Dn of from 0 to at most 25, to result in a draw ratio DR=DR*DRof at least 150, wherein DRis the draw ratio in the spinholes and DRis the draw ratio in the air-gap, with DRbeing greater than 1 and DRat least 1. High-performance polyethylene multifilament yarn, and semi-finished or end-use products containing said yarn, especially to ropes and ballistic-resistant composites, are also disclosed. 1. A ballistic resistant assembly comprising a plurality of preformed sheets , each preformed sheet comprising 4 layers of filaments from multifilament polyethylene yarn , the polyethylene having an IV of between 8 and 40 dL/g as measured on decalin solutions at 135° C. , the plurality of preformed sheets having an areal density of at least 1.5 kg/mand at most 4.3 kg/m , wherein the plurality of preformed sheets has a specific energy absorption of between 280 and 479 J·kg/mas measured against a 9*19 mm FMJ Parabellum FMJ bullet based on Stanag 2920.2. The ballistic resistant assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of preformed sheets has a specific energy absorption of between 280 and 391 J·kg/m.3. The ballistic resistant assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of preformed sheets has a specific energy ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации

Spunbond Polycarbonate Resin Filter Media

Номер: US20170225104A1

The invention concerns spunbond nonwoven fabrics comprising a plurality of bicomponent filaments, the bicomponent filaments having a segmented pie cross-sectional configuration including a polycarbonate component and a polypropylene component, wherein a ratio of the polypropylene component to the polycarbonate component is between about 5:95 and about 95:5. 1. A spunbond nonwoven fabric comprising a plurality of bicomponent filaments , the bicomponent filaments having a segmented pie cross-sectional configuration including a first dielectric component and a second dielectric component , wherein the first delectric component and the second dielectric component are immiscible , and wherein a ratio of the second dielectric component to the first dielectric component is between about 5:95 and about 95:5.2. The spunbond nonwoven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the first dielectric component comprises a polycarbonate component and the second dielectric component comprises a polypropylene component.3. The spunbond nonwoven fabric of claim 2 , wherein a ratio of the polypropylene component to the polycarbonate component is between about 30:70 and about 70:30.4. The spunbond nonwoven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the bicomponent filaments have a hollow segmented pie cross-sectional configuration and wherein the bicomponent filaments have an average diameter from about 0.5 μm to about 50 μm.5. The spunbond nonwoven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the bicomponent filaments exclude polyethylene terephthalate.6. The spunbond nonwoven fabric of claim 2 , wherein the polycarbonate component is a homopolymer or a copolymer and has a weight average molecular weight from about 15 claim 2 ,000 to about 50 claim 2 ,000 grams/mole claim 2 , as measured by gel permeation chromatography using BPA polycarbonate standards7. The spunbond nonwoven fabric of claim 2 , wherein the polypropylene is a homopolymer or a copolymer.8. The spunbond nonwoven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the spunbond nonwoven ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации

Large scale manufacturing of hybrid nanostructured textile sensors

Номер: US20170226643A1
Принадлежит: Nanowear Inc

A process for the large-scale manufacturing vertically standing hybrid nanometer scale structures of different geometries including fractal architecture of nanostructure within a nano/micro structures made of flexible materials, on a flexible substrate including textiles is disclosed. The structures increase the surface area of the substrate. The structures maybe coated with materials that are sensitive to various physical parameters or chemicals such as but not limited to humidity, pressure, atmospheric pressure, and electromagnetic signals originating from biological or non-biological sources, volatile gases and pH. The increased surface area achieved through the disclosed process is intended to improve the sensitivity of the sensors formed by coating of the structure and substrate with a material which can be used to sense physical parameters and chemicals as listed previously. An embodiment with the structures on a textile substrate coated with a conductive, malleable and bio-compatible sensing material for use as a biopotential measurement electrode is provided.

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170226664A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A polyamide monofilament is characterized in that the abrasion tension thereof when passed through a ceramic guide is 0.3 cN/dtex or less and in that the amount of static electricity generated at the exit of a chromium round bar guide, which is a frictional body, when the polyamide monofilament is passed through the chromium round bar guide, is 300 V or less. This polyamide monofilament and fiber package provide a gauze woven fabric for which tension is low when passing through a thread path guide when warping warp yarn, for which generation of static electricity is suppressed, and which has excellent weaving productivity. 13.-. (canceled)4. A polyamide monofilament wherein abrasion tension upon passage through a ceramic guide is up to 0.3 cN/dtex and an amount of static electricity generated at an exit of a chromium round rod guide upon passage of the chromium round rod guide which is a frictional body is up to 300 V.5. A fiber package prepared by winding the polyamide monofilament according to .6. A fiber package according to wherein the fiber package is in the shape of a pirn. This disclosure relates to a polyamide monofilament and its fiber package, more specifically, a polyamide monofilament and its fiber package capable of realizing excellent quality of a mesh woven product as well as high weaving productivity.A mesh woven product called “screen mesh” produced by weaving a monofilament has been widely used in the fast-growing field of electronics as a mesh cloth for screen printing in printed circuit boards, and also as a shaped filter used in automobiles and home appliances. Exemplary applications of the mesh woven product produced by weaving a monofilament in the application of screen printing include T shirts and flags, signboards, plates of vending machines, car panels, signs in the interior or exterior, ballpoint pens, various cards, name plates, scratch cards, braille, CDs and DVDs, printed boards, plasma displays, and liquid crystal displays. Exemplary ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170226675A1
Автор: Choi KYUNG-JU

A system and process for making a polymeric fibrous material having increased beta content is provided herein. The system is configured for meltblowing polymer into a fibrous material having high beta crystalline content and has an extruder for melting and moving a polymer to a meltblowing die. The meltblowing die has a longitudinally extending die tip with a plurality of spinnerets substantially equidistantly spaced from each other and a longitudinal fluid material flow through passage disposed along each longitudinal side of the die tip configured to axially attenuate the melted polymer from the die tip in fibrous form. A plurality of liquid spray nozzles are configured and disposed to spray a liquid into the fibrous melted polymer attenuated from the die tip. 1. A system configured for meltblowing polymer into a fibrous material having high beta crystalline content , the system comprising:an extruder configured for extruding and moving melted polymer to a meltblowing die;a receiver configured for receiving the melted polymer from the extruder with a plurality of longitudinally extending die tips, each die tip having a spinneret;an attenuator configured for attenuating melted polymer axially from the plurality of spinnerets;a longitudinal fluid material flow through passages disposed along each longitudinal side of each die tip and configured for flowing hot air therethrough and contacting the melted polymer at the spinneret;a polymer outlet configured for axially attenuating the melted polymer from each spinneret in fibrous form:a sprayer proximate each die tip, each sprayer being configured for spraying a substantial amount of liquid at an angle between about 20° and about 85° toward the attenuation axis of the die tip it is proximate therewith and into the fibrous melted polymer, immediately upon being attenuated from the proximate die tip; anda collector configured for collecting the fibers attenuated from each spinneret.2. The system for meltblowing polymer ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200216979A1

A melt blowing system for the manufacturing of pleatable/moldable nonwoven fabrics includes a collector positioned to receive a plurality of fibers, a first die in fluid communication with a first liquid polymer supply having a melt flow index of about 500 or lower, and a second die in fluid communication with a second liquid polymer supply having a melt flow index of about 500 or higher. The first die has a concentric air design, includes a plurality of spinneret nozzles facing the collector surface, and is configured to draw a first plurality of fibers. The second die includes a plurality of spinneret nozzles having smaller capillary diameter than those of the first die and is positioned to draw a second plurality of fibers such that the first and second pluralities of fibers form a co-mingled nonwoven web with varying fiber diameters on the collector surface. 1. A method of forming a nonwoven fabric of co-mingled meltblown fibers , the method comprising:drawing a first plurality of fibers from a first polymer having a melt flow index of 500 or lower, using a first die comprising a plurality of spinneret nozzles facing a collector surface having a surface positioned to receive a plurality of fibers, wherein the first die has a concentric air design comprising nozzles with a capillary diameter in the range of 500 microns to 850 microns and with individual concentric air jets surrounding each nozzle; anddrawing a second plurality of fibers from a second polymer having a melt flow index of 500 or higher, using a second die comprising a plurality of spinneret nozzles having a capillary diameter in the range of 100 microns to 500 microns and facing the collector surface, and wherein the first and the second plurality of fibers are drawn in such a way and the second die is positioned in such a way, that the second plurality of fibers have fiber diameters of less than 10 microns and the first plurality of fibers and the second plurality of fibers form a co-mingled ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180237954A1
Автор: Shambaugh Robert L.

A melt blowing apparatus and method includes a melt blowing die and at least one louver. The melt blowing die has a nosepiece comprising at least one aperture and at least one air slot adjacent the aperture. The at least one louver is movably positioned adjacent a face of the melt blowing die forming a zone through which can pass air and molten filaments from the air slots and nosepiece of the melt blowing die. 1. A melt blowing apparatus , comprising:a melt blowing die having a nosepiece comprising at least one aperture and at least one air slot adjacent the aperture; andat least one louver movably positioned adjacent a face of the melt blowing die forming a zone through which can pass air and molten filaments from the air slots and nosepiece of the melt blowing die.2. The melt blowing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the louver has an airfoil shape.3. The melt blowing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the louver is positioned at an angle to an exposed face of the melt blowing die.4. The melt blowing apparatus of claim 1 , comprising at least two louvers adjacent the nosepiece.5. The melt blowing apparatus of claim 1 , comprising at least three louvers adjacent the nosepiece.6. The melt blowing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one air slot has a linear configuration.7. The melt blowing apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the at least one air slot is formed between a linear air plate and the nosepiece.8. The melt blowing apparatus of claim 1 , comprising:at least two air slots and at least two air plates adjacent the nosepiece, wherein each air slot is between one of said air plates and the nosepiece, andwherein the louver is movably positioned to form a fiber spinning line, wherein air entrainment is blocked from only one side of the fiber spinning line.9. The melt blowing apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the louver is angled at a non-90 degree angle to provide an enhanced shielding effect of the zone.10. The melt blowing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Producing Fibers Using Spinnerets

Номер: US20190233971A1

Systems and methods can be used to produce fibers with external corrugations, internal corrugations, or both. These fibers can be used, for example, in hollow fiber membrane modules 1. A machine for producing fibers for use in a hollow fiber module , the machine comprising:a spinneret having a base and a needle, the base and the needle at least partially defining a channel having an axis;at least one projection extending into the channel; anda motor connected to the at least one projection, the motor operable to rotate the at least one projection relative to the axis of the channel.2. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the at least one projection extends from the base into the channel.3. The machine of claim 2 , wherein the base is rotatable about the axis of the channel.4. The machine of claim 3 , wherein the motor is operably coupled to the base such that operation of the motor rotates the base about the axis of the channel.5. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the projection is detachable from the spinneret.6. The machine of claim 5 , comprising an insert detachably mounted to the base claim 5 , wherein the at least one projection extends from the insert into the channel.7. The machine of claim 6 , wherein the insert is rotatable relative to the base.8. The machine of claim 6 , further comprising a cap sized to receive the insert claim 6 , the cap rotatable relative to the base.9. The machine of claim 8 , wherein the motor is operably coupled to the cap such that operation of the motor rotates the cap about the axis of the channel.10. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the channel is a first channel and the needle defines a second channel inside the needle claim 1 , the second channel separated from the first channel by the needle.11. The machine of claim 1 , comprising a control unit operable to send a control signal to the motor.12. A machine for producing fibers claim 1 , the machine comprising:a spinneret defining a first channel, the spinneret having at least one ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210277538A1
Автор: ANGELICO Giuseppe
Принадлежит: CAT S.r.L.

A cusp die for producing melt-blown non-woven fabric is provided, defining a sagittal plane, a main extension direction on the sagittal plane, a first flank and a second flank mutually bounded by the sagittal plane and including an ejection portion extending along the main extension direction and designed to convey, in use, polymeric fluid towards an external air blade, at least one extrusion pipe configured to convey the polymeric fluid towards the ejection portion, a plurality of holes arranged in the ejection portion, placed in fluidic through connection with the extrusion pipe and communicating with the outside, wherein the holes are arranged along at least one first row and a second row that are distinct and arranged respectively at the first flank and the second flank. 1. A cusp die for producing melt-blown non-woven fabric defining a sagittal plane , a main extension direction on said sagittal plane , a first flank and a second flank mutually bounded by said sagittal plane and comprisingan ejection portion extending along said main extension direction and designed to convey, in use, polymeric fluid towards an external air blade,at least one extrusion pipe configured to convey said polymeric fluid towards said ejection portion,a plurality of holes arranged in said ejection portion, placed in fluidic through connection with said extrusion pipe and communicating with the outside,wherein said holes are arranged along at least a first row and a second row that are distinct and arranged respectively at said first flank and said second flank.2. The die according to claim 1 , wherein said first row and said second row are parallel to said main extension direction.3. The die according to claim 1 , wherein said first row and said second row are arranged specularly in relation to said sagittal plane.4. The die according to claim 1 , wherein said holes are arranged on said first row and said second row alternately so that none of said holes is placed side-by-side with ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Appartuses and methods for the delivery of material to a fiber producing device

Номер: US20140339717A1
Принадлежит: Fiberio Technology Corp

Described herein are apparatuses and methods of creating fibers, such as microfibers and nanofibers. The methods discussed herein employ centrifugal forces to transform material into fibers. Apparatuses that may be used to create fibers are also described. Described herein are fiber producing devices that have various types of outlet elements coupled to the fiber producing device.

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180250718A1
Автор: SAKAI Satomi

According to one embodiment, a cleaning device cleans a nozzle provided on a nozzle head of an electrospinning apparatus. The device includes a storage part and a cleaning part. The storage part is box-shaped, and one surface of the storage part is open. The cleaning part is provided inside the storage part, is flexible, and is capable of holding a solution. 1. A cleaning device cleaning a nozzle provided on a nozzle head of an electrospinning apparatus , the device comprising:a storage part being box-shaped, one surface of the storage part being open; anda cleaning part provided inside the storage part, being flexible, and being capable of holding a solution.2. The device according to claim 1 , where the cleaning part includes a polymer amorphous body.3. The device according to claim 1 , where the cleaning part includes a base claim 1 , and a plurality of fibers having one end portion held on the base.4. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising: a rotation part rotating the cleaning part.5. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising: a movable part changing a relative position between the nozzle and the cleaning part.6. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising: a supply part provided on the storage part claim 1 , the supply part supplying the solution to the cleaning part.7. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising: a recovery part provided on the storage part claim 1 , the recovery part recovering the solution which is used.8. An electrospinning apparatus comprising:a storage part being box-shaped, one surface of the storage part being open;a cleaning part provided inside the storage part, being flexible, and being capable of holding a solution;a nozzle head including a nozzle;a source material supply part supplying a source material liquid to the nozzle head; anda power supply applying a voltage having a prescribed polarity to the nozzle head. This is a continuation application of International Application PCT/JP2017/ ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160265141A1

The invention relates to a spinneret for extruding self-crimping hollow fibers including at least one capillary. The at least one capillary has at least one segmented opening, which has at least two opening segments spaced apart from each other in the cross-section. A first opening segment of the at least two opening segments has a first opening-segment width and a second opening segment of the at least two opening segments has a second opening-segment width. The second opening-segment width is wider than the first opening-segment width. 1. A spinneret for extruding self-crimping hollow fibers ,comprising at least one capillary, whereinsaid at least one capillary has at least one segmented opening, which has at least two opening segments spaced apart from each other in cross-section, whereina first opening segment of said at least two opening segments has a first opening-segment width and a second opening segment of said at least two opening segments has a second opening-segment width, the second opening-segment width being wider than the first opening-segment width.2. The spinneret according to claim 1 , wherein the opening-segment width of the second opening segment is by at least 10% claim 1 , preferably at least 20% wider than the opening-segment width of the first opening segment.3. The spinneret according to claim 1 , wherein the opening-segment width of the second opening segment is by 10% to 50% claim 1 , preferably 20% to 40% wider than the opening-segment width of the first opening segment.4. The spinneret according to claim 1 , wherein that the opening segments have a curved shape.5. The spinneret according to claim 1 , wherein the opening segments are concentrically curved.6. The spinneret according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two opening segments each have a substantially semicircular shape.7. The spinneret according to claim 1 , wherein the respective opening segments comprise two longitudinal sides and two transverse sides claim 1 , wherein the ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190249335A1
Автор: CORBELLINI Ermete

A spinneret () for producing several filaments, comprising a plurality of perforations (), each of which ends on the bottom side of the spinneret () into a respective outlet opening () for pressing a thermoplastic there through for forming the filaments, wherein the outlet openings () are arranged in rows () which extend along a cooling direction (A), from one side of the spinneret () to the opposite side, wherein these rows () are arranged increasingly close together, away from a line (C), along this cooling direction (A) and through the centre of the spinneret (). 1. Spinneret for producing several filaments , comprising a plurality of perforations , each of which ends on the bottom side of the spinneret into a respective outlet opening for pressing a thermoplastic there-through for forming the filaments , wherein the outlet openings are arranged in rows which extend along a cooling direction , from one side of the spinneret to the opposite side , wherein these rows are arranged increasingly close together , away from a line , along this cooling direction and through the centre of the spinneret.2. Spinneret according to claim 1 , characterized in that the distance between successive rows is at most 5 times the diameter of each perforation.3. Spinneret according to claim 2 , characterized in that the distance between successive rows is at most 3 times the diameter of each perforation.4. Spinneret according to claim 3 , characterized in that the distance between successive rows is at most 2.5 times the diameter of each perforation.5. Spinneret according to claim 1 , characterized in that the distance between successive rows is at least 1.25 times the diameter of each perforation.6. Spinneret according to claim 5 , characterized in that the distance between successive rows is at least 1.5 times the diameter of each perforation.7. Spinneret according to claim 1 , characterized in that the outlet openings in each row are arranged increasingly far apart claim 1 , viewed ...

14-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210317600A1

A problem to be solved by the present invention is to provide a discharge nozzle for nanofiber production apparatuses that when producing nanofibers, allows for an easy change to a specification of fibers to be produced, such as the diameter, and thus an improvement in apparatus variety or workability and a nanofiber production apparatus including the discharge nozzle. A discharge nozzle mounted on a nanofiber production apparatus includes a division-type nozzle unit that is provided with a molten/dissolved resin outlet from which a molten or dissolved resin is discharged, a molten/dissolved resin flow path through which the molten or dissolved resin is sent to the molten/dissolved resin outlet , a hot blast outlet from which a hot blast is discharged, and a hot blast flow path through which the hot blast is sent to the hot blast outlet . The division-type nozzle unit can be divided into first to fourth nozzle units to 1. A discharge nozzle mounted on a nanofiber production apparatus that draws a molten or dissolved resin discharged from a molten/dissolved resin outlet into fine fibers by discharging the molten/dissolved resin such that the molten or dissolved resin is guided by a hot blast discharged from a hot blast outlet , the discharge nozzle comprisinga division-type nozzle unit that is provided with a molten/dissolved resin outlet and a hot blast outlet and can be divided into a plurality of units.2. The discharge nozzle mounted on the nanofiber production apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the division-type nozzle unit can be divided such that at least one of the molten/dissolved resin flow path and the hot blast flow path is divided into a plurality of flow paths.3. The discharge nozzle mounted on the nanofiber production apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a division joint of the division-type nozzle unit is an airtight sealing plate.4. The discharge nozzle mounted on the nanofiber production apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the division ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160271021A1

The personal care compositions of the present invention are in the form of an Article comprising a dissolvable fibrous web structure. The fibers of the dissolvable fibrous web structure comprise a surfactant; a water soluble polymeric structurant; and a plasticizer. Additionally the ratio of the water soluble water soluble polymeric structurant to the active agent in the fiber is 3.5 or less. 1. A method of making an article from a dissolvable fibrous web structure comprising the steps of: i. from about 20% to about 60% solids; and', 'ii. a viscosity of from about 5,000 centipoise to about 150,000 centipoise;, 'a. preparing a processing mixture comprising one or more active agents, wherein one or more of the active agents are surfactants comprising a sodium laureth sulfate, and one or more water soluble polymeric structurants, wherein the processing mixture hasb. fibrillating the processing mixture into fibers by a fluid film fibrillation process comprising a first pressurized gas stream directed against a liquid film of the processing mixture to form the fibers;c. at least partially drying the fibers of the processing mixture by a second pressurized gas stream;d. depositing the partially dry fibers on a surface to form a web of partially dry fibrous web structures;e. drying the partially dry fibrous web structure to a desired final moisture content;f. applying a surface resident coating; andg. cutting the fibrous web into one or more shapes to form the article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and the second pressurized gas streams are heated.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second pressurized gas stream is a continuation of the first pressurized gas stream.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the desired final moisture content is from about 1% to about 15% moisture.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a significant number of fibers have an average diameter less than about 100 micrometer.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein a significant number of fibers ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Bulked Continuous Filaments with Trilobal Cross-Section and Round Central Void and Spinneret Plates Producing Filament

Номер: US20150275400A1
Автор: Tung Wae-Hai
Принадлежит: INVISTA North America S.a.r.l.

Briefly described, embodiments of the present disclosure include trilobal bulked continuous filaments (BCFs) with a generally round central void, spinneret plates with a capillary design for producing the BCFs of the present disclosure, articles and carpets produced from the BCFs of the present disclosure, methods of producing the trilobal BCFs of the present disclosure, and the like. 16-. (canceled)7. A spinneret plate for producing a bulked continuous filament comprising a cluster of three generally U-shaped orifices grouped around a central point , each orifice having an open end and a generally rounded closed end , wherein the closed end points away from the central point.8. The spinneret plate of claim 7 , wherein the filament produced by extruding a synthetic polymer through the orifices of the spinneret comprises a three-sided exterior configuration and a trilobal cross-sectional geometry comprising three lobes defined by three rounded tips and a generally round void extending centrally and axially therethrough claim 7 , and wherein the filament has an exterior modification ratio of about 1.35 to 1.85 and a tip ratio of about 2 to 5.9. A spinneret plate for producing a bulked continuous filament comprising:a cluster of three generally U-shaped orifices grouped around a central point, wherein each orifice having an open end and a generally rounded closed end, wherein the closed end points away from the central point,each orifice having an outer edge and an inner edge,the outer edge defined by first and second outer parallel lines extending from the open end of the “U” towards the closed end and joined at the closed end by a curved portion which defines the generally rounded closed end of the “U”, andthe inner edge forming the open end of the “U” and defined by first and second inner parallel lines extending from the open end of the “U” substantially parallel to the first and second outer parallel lines and joined by a third inner line being substantially ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170268129A1

According to one embodiment, a nozzle head includes a main body having a space in an interior of the main body, the space being capable of storing a source material liquid, a first nozzle provided at the main body, the first nozzle ejecting the source material liquid stored in the main body, and a second nozzle provided at the main body, the second nozzle supplying a cleaning liquid to a vicinity of an outlet of the first nozzle.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160279579A1

A hollow fiber membrane-spinning nozzle that spins a hollow fiber membrane having a porous membrane layer and a support is provided in which the nozzle includes a resin flow channel through which a membrane-forming resin solution forming the porous membrane layer flows, the resin flow channel includes a liquid storage section that stores the membrane-forming resin solution and a shaping section that shapes the membrane-forming resin solution in a cylindrical shape and satisfies at least one of conditions (a) to (c): (a) the resin flow channel is disposed to cause the membrane-forming resin solution to branch and merge; (b) a delay means for delaying the flow of the membrane-forming resin solution is disposed in the resin flow channel; and (c) the liquid storage section or the shaping section includes branching and merging means for the membrane-forming resin solution therein. 125-. (canceled)26. A hollow fiber membrane-spinning nozzle that spins a hollow fiber membrane comprising a porous membrane layer and a support ,wherein the nozzle comprises a resin flow channel through which a membrane-forming resin solution forming the porous membrane layer flows,wherein the resin flow channel comprises a liquid storage section that stores the membrane-forming resin solution and a shaping section that shapes the membrane-forming resin solution in a cylindrical shape,wherein the resin flow channel is disposed to cause the membrane-forming resin solution to branch and merge,wherein the liquid storage section comprises branching and merging means for the membrane-forming resin solution therein, andwherein the branching and merging means is a filler layer filled with particles and disposed in the liquid storage section.27. The hollow fiber membrane-spinning nozzle according to claim 26 , wherein the liquid storage section has an annular cross-sectional shape.28. The hollow fiber membrane-spinning nozzle according to claim 27 , wherein the center of the liquid storage section and ...
