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20-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2331724C2

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления композиционного нетканого материала, а также к установке для его изготовления. Способ изготовления композиционного нетканого материала, состоящего из двух слоев соответственно: нижнего слоя, содержащего длинные искусственные и/или синтетические волокна, длина которых составляет 15-80 мм и верхнего слоя, содержащего короткие натуральные волокна, длина которых составляет 0,5-8,0 мм. В оперативном режиме способ включает следующие этапы: диспергирование, прежде всего, натуральных волокон в воде; нанесение водной дисперсии, полученной таким образом, на прочес нижнего слоя, который здесь же формируют или который уже был сформирован ранее; удаление избытка воды сквозь нижний слой; перепутывание волокон верхнего слоя с волокнами нижнего слоя посредством воздействия струями воды; и, наконец, сушку и накатку в рулон полученного композиционного нетканого материала. Технический результат заявленного изобретения заключается в снижении стоимости изготовления ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2602117C2

Изобретение относится к электроизоляционным материалам. Электроизоляционное изделие содержит слой нецеллюлозной нетканой ткани, имеющий первую и вторую расположенные друг напротив друга основные поверхности, при этом к каждой из основных поверхностей слоя нетканой ткани прикреплен слой нецеллюлозной нетканой бумаги, при этом нетканая бумага и нетканая ткань выполнены электроизолирующими. Нетканая бумага представляет собой листовой материал, выполненный из коротких волокон. Нетканая ткань представляет собой листовой материал, выполненный из длинных волокон. По меньшей мере один из слоев нетканой бумаги соединен непосредственно со слоем нетканой ткани. Изобретение обеспечивает создание материала, имеющего высокий показатель огнестойкости, при этом обладающий высокой механической прочностью и остаточной гибкостью после термического старения. 2 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл., 2 пр.

16-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2654183C2
Принадлежит: ОКИ КО., ЛТД. (JP)

Изобретение относится к листу нетканого материала, используемому в экстрагирующем фильтре и др. и позволяющему обеспечить высокую прочность закупоривания, а также к экстрагирующему фильтру и др., изготовленному с использованием листа нетканого материала. Этот лист нетканого материала включает первый слой, содержащий нетканый материал, полученный по технологии спанбонд из волокон полимера на полиэфирной основе с характеристической вязкостью 0,60-1,00, кристалличностью 30-80%, ориентацией кристаллов 60-95% и коэффициентом двулучепреломления (Δn) 0,040-0,100, причем нетканый материал спанбонд имеет секцию частичного термокомпрессионного скрепления, в которой доля площади термокомпрессионного скрепления составляет 5-30%; и второй слой, содержащий нетканый материал, полученный по технологии мелтблаун из волокон полимера на полиэфирной основе, раздутых на поверхность первого слоя и отвержденных с кристалличностью от 0 до 14%. Экстрагирующий фильтр и т.д. сформированы помещением второго слоя нетканого ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2543602C2

Предметом изобретения является войлочный материал, содержащий по меньшей мере один войлочный слой и один содержащий абсорбент слой, способ изготовления войлочного материала и применение войлочного материала в текстильных изделиях, обуви, в технических и медицинских целях. Войлочный материал согласно изобретению обладает преимуществами традиционных войлочных материалов в отношении тепло- и звукоизоляционных свойств и является воздухопроницаемым в сухом состоянии. Однако благодаря специальному выполнению этот материал в мокром состоянии не пропускает воду и, следовательно, пригоден для уплотнения многих видов материала. Войлочный материал согласно изобретению связывает в большей степени влагу воздуха или связывает воду иначе, чем традиционные войлочные материалы. Задачей настоящего изобретения является создание содержащего абсорбент материала с высокой механической прочностью и хорошей воздухопроницаемостью в сухом состоянии, кроме того, материал должен быть пригодным для кондиционирования ...

10-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2215835C2

Способ изготовления нетканого материала путем перепутывания струями воды смеси волокон, содержащей непрерывные нити, как например формованные из расплава в потоке воздуха, и/или спряденные связывающие нити и натуральные волокна, и/или синтетические штапельные нити. Способ отличается вспениванием волокнистой ткани из натуральных волокон и/или синтетических штапельных волокон и перепутыванием струями воды вспененной волокнистой ткани совместно с непрерывными нитями для образования композиционного материала, в котором непрерывные нити полностью объединены с остальными волокнами. 8 з.п.ф-лы, 10 ил., 3 табл.

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017104454A3

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019136876A3

27-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2143505C1

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления волокнистых накладок. Способ заключается в том, что принимают для заданной толщины накладки шаг перемещения, который изменяется согласно закономерности уменьшения этого шага, принятого для обеспечения постоянной толщины при различных толщинах волокнистых слоев, наложенных друг на друга последовательно и соединенных последовательно слоев указанной толщины накладки, что обеспечивает устранение неоднородности по толщине слоев и позволит изготовить фрикционные и износостойкие детали, в частности, для использования в тормозных дисках. 2 с. и 11 з. п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014148545A

... 1. Способ получения нетканого материала путем водоструйного скрепления смеси волокон, содержащей филаменты типа спанлейд, натуральные волокна и синтетические штапельные волокна, отличающийся тем, что осуществляют гидравлическое холстоформирование первого волокнистого холста (13), содержащего натуральные волокна и по меньшей мере 10% синтетических штапельных волокон по массе, путем формования на наклонной сетке; водоструйное скрепление упомянутого первого волокнистого холста на первой станции (14) водоструйного скрепления; укладку филаментов (18) типа спанлейд поверх упомянутого гидроспутанного волокнистого холста (13), полученного гидравлическим холстоформированием, с образованием объединенного холста (19); и водоструйное скрепление упомянутого объединенного холста (19) на второй станции (24) водоструйного скрепления.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что объединенный холст (19) подвергают гидроспутыванию со стороны волокнистого холста (13), полученного гидравлическим холстоформированием ...

11-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019121027A

27-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002135909A

... 1. Изготовленное из нетканого материала защитное закрывающее изделие, включающее а) верхнюю поверхность; б) нижнюю поверхность; в) по меньшей мере один край и г) по меньшей мере один присоединенный к нему груз, и в котором нетканый материал является гигроскопичным и обладает поверхностной плотностью, равной от примерно 0,15 до примерно 8,0 osy, воздухопроницаемостью, равной от примерно 60 до примерно 110 фут3/мин/фут2, и устойчивостью к образованию пятен от черники, быстрорастворимого кофе, соуса и вина, равной от примерно 4 до примерно 5. 2. Изготовленное из нетканого материала защитное закрывающее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что по меньшей мере один груз присоединен рядом с краем защитного закрывающего изделия. 3. Изготовленное из нетканого материала защитное закрывающее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что по меньшей мере один груз присоединен по меньшей мере к одному участку, находящемуся не рядом с краем защитного закрывающего изделия. 4. Изготовленное из нетканого материала ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733957C1

Способ получения вспененной многослойной подложки, включающий получение пены на водной основе, содержащей по меньшей мере 3% по весу непрямых синтетических связующих волокон, при этом непрямые синтетические связующие волокна имеют среднюю длину более 2 мм; совместное образование слоя мокрого листа, полученного из пены на водной основе, и слоя из целлюлозных волокон, при этом слой из целлюлозных волокон содержит по меньшей мере 60% по весу целлюлозных волокон; и сушку объединенных слоев с получением вспененной многослойной подложки. Многослойная подложка содержит первый слой, содержащий по меньшей мере 60% по весу непрямых синтетических связующих волокон, имеющих среднюю длину более 2 мм; и второй слой, содержащий по меньшей мере 60% по весу целлюлозного волокна, при этом первый слой обращен ко второму слою, и при этом многослойная подложка характеризуется соотношением прочности на разрыв во влажном/сухом состоянии, составляющим по меньшей мере 60%. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 3 табл.

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733362C1
Принадлежит: КАО КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Предложен скрепленный горячим воздухом нетканый материал для впитывающего изделия, в котором два или более волокнистых слоев наложены друг на друга, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один волокнистый слой, содержащий термопластичные волокна и часть со скоплением волокон. 6 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 2 табл.

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016116799A

27-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010135034A

... 1. Волокнистый листовой материал, включающий сетку и нетканую ткань, нанесенную ламинированием на сетку, в котором: ! номер волокна основы сетки составляет от 5 до 40 денье, и плотность основы составляет от 40 до 100 нитей основы на дюйм (15,7-39,4 нитей/см), номер волокна утка сетки составляет от 5 до 40 денье, и плотность утка составляет от 20 до 100 нитей утка на дюйм (7,9-39,4 нитей/см); ! нетканая ткань изготовлена из нетканой ткани, полученной аэродинамическим способом из расплава, фильерной нетканой ткани или кардной нетканой ткани, имеющей номер волокна 4,0 денье или менее; и ! основная масса волокнистого листового материала составляет от 7,5 до 20 г/м2. ! 2. Волокнистый листовой материал по п.1, в котором: ! основная масса нетканой ткани составляет 5 г/м2 или менее, и основная масса волокнистого листового материала составляет от 7,5 до 20 г/м2. ! 3. Волокнистый листовой материал по п.1 или 2, в котором как нетканая ткань, так и сетка включают составляющее волокно, и ! температура ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012154329A

... 1. Синтетический материал, содержащий нетканую матрицу, имеющую по меньшей мере два слоя из первого рассасывающегося штапеля из сополимера полигликолида и полилактида и из второго рассасывающегося штапеля из сополимера полигликолида и полилактида, причем первый рассасывающийся материал спрессован до плотности приблизительно 60 мг/куб. см, а второй рассасывающийся материал спрессован до плотности приблизительно 120 мг/куб. см.2. Синтетический материал по п.1, в котором первый и второй рассасывающиеся материалы состоят из сополимера гликолида и лактида с молярным соотношением 90/10.3. Синтетический материал по п.1, в котором первый и второй рассасывающиеся материалы содержат штапели длиной от приблизительно 1,91 до 6,35 см (от 0,75 до 2,5 дюйма).4. Синтетический материал по п.3, в котором штапели являются извитыми.5. Синтетический материал по п.4, в котором первый рассасывающийся материал спрессован до толщины от приблизительно 0,5 мм до приблизительно 1,5 мм, более предпочтительно приблизительно ...

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013156625A

... 1. Фильтрующая среда, содержащая:a) по меньшей мере один слой текстильного нетканого материала (слой 1), предпочтительно, слой фильерного нетканого материла, содержащий синтетические полимерные волокна, гдеa1) слой текстильного нетканого материала (слой 1), предпочтительно, слой фильерного нетканого материла, имеет массу, приходящуюся на единицу площади, которая составляет от 50 до 500 г/м, предпочтительно, от 80 до 300 г/м,a2) волокна слоя текстильного нетканого материала (слоя 1), предпочтительно, слоя фильерного нетканого материла, имеют диаметр в диапазоне от 0,7 до ≤6 дтекс предпочтительно, от 1 до ≤4 дтекс для полимерных волокон,a3) слой текстильного нетканого материала (слой 1) не имеет никаких химических связующих и, предпочтительно, представляет собой фильерный нетканый материал,a4) слой текстильного нетканого материала (слой 1), предпочтительно, слой фильерного нетканого материла, предпочтительно, был подвергнут уплотнению посредством каландрирования до достижения воздухопроницаемости ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014101466A

... 1. Способ изготовления двухслойного бандажа, содержащего нетканый подкладочный и эластичный слои, включающий:(i) обеспечение взаимного наложения нетканого подкладочного слоя, обработанного предварительной пробивкой, и эластичного слоя, причем эластичный слой находится под натяжением, а нетканый подкладочный слой не испытывает натяжения, и(ii) фиксацию нетканого слоя к эластичному слою посредством иглопробивания.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором фиксацию нетканого материала к эластичному слою осуществляют без иглопробивания на множестве участков, пространственно отделенных друг от друга.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором фиксация нетканого материала к эластичному слою включает непрерывное иглопробивание по всей поверхности бандажа.4. Способ по п. 1, в котором фиксацию волокон в нетканом слое и фиксацию нетканого слоя к эластичному слою осуществляют только посредством иглопробивания.5. Способ по п. 1 или 3, в котором фиксация дополнительно включает использование проклеивания.6. Способ по п. 1 или 3, ...

27-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015118240A

... 1. Нетканое полотно (10):a) содержащее первый слой,i) причем первый слой содержит первые волокна,1) которые получены из первой композиции,a. причем первая композиция содержит:i. первый полиолефин,ii. второй полиолефин, иiii. добавку, улучшающую мягкость,причем второй полиолефин является пропиленовым сополимером, ивторой полиолефин отличается от первого полиолефина; имодуль упругости при изгибе второго полиолефина меньше модуля упругости при изгибе первого полиолефина,b) по меньшей мере второй слой,i) причем второй слой содержит вторые волокна,1) которые получены из второй композиции,а. причем вторая композиция содержит:i. третий полиолефин,причем модуль упругости при изгибе второй композиции больше модуля упругости при изгибе первой композиции.2. Нетканое полотно (10) по п. 1, в котором первый слой является неэластичным и/или определяется как слой, который находится со стороны пользователя.3. Нетканое полотно (10) по п. 1, которое содержит по меньшей мере один другой слой, содержащий другие ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016102481A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Vliesstoff mit wenigstens zwei Lagen, wobei die einzelnen Lagen aus Lyocell-Flocken gepresst sind, wobei zwischen den Lagen eine isolierende Schicht angeordnet ist.

17-07-2015 дата публикации

Endlosfaserverstärkte Vliesstoffe aus aktivierten Kohlenstofffasern

Номер: DE202015004713U1

Aktivierte textile Flächenstruktur, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie eine komplexe Bauweise mit mindestens einer Schicht aus aktivierten Kohlenstofffasern in Form eines Vliesstoffes (aktivierte Schicht), mindestens einer Armierungsschicht in Form eines textilen Gitters und mindestens einem strukturstabilisierenden Wirkfadensystem aufweist.

20-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001560671B2

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Material zur inneren Polsterung von Fahrzeugen

Номер: DE112014003219B4

Faserförmige Polsterung für Innenmaterialien von Fahrzeugen, wobei wenigstens zwei oder mehr Lagen einer faserförmigen Basis, die durch Mischen von Poly(1,4-cyclohexandimethanolterephthalat) (PCT) mit beliebigen Bindefasern aus der Gruppe Polybutylenterephthalat (PBT), Co-Poly(1,4-cyclohexandimethanolterephthalat) (Co-PCT) und Polypropylen (PP) hergestellt ist, laminiert sind, und wobei zwischen den benachbarten Lagen der faserförmigen Basis Abstandsstoffe zwischengeordnet sind, deren Hauptkomponente aus PCT-Fasern mit einer Hilfskomponente co-polymerisiert ist, welche aus der Gruppe Polybutylenterephthalat (PBT), Co-Poly(1,4-cyclohexandimethanolterephthalat) (Co-PCT) und Polypropylen (PP) gewählt ist, so dass die Abstandsstoffe aus PCT/PBT, PCT/Co-PCT oder PCT/PP gefertigt sind.

05-07-2021 дата публикации

Atmungsaktives Vliesmaterial mit Dochtwirkung

Номер: DE202018006611U1

Artikel, umfassend:a. eine oder mehrere feuchtigkeitsableitende Schichten; undb. eine oder mehrere Faserschichten mit im Allgemeinen vertikal ausgerichteten Fasern,wobei die Fasern der Faserschicht so angepasst sind, dass sie im Allgemeinen senkrecht zu einer Oberfläche ausgerichtet sind, die Feuchtigkeit aufweist oder erzeugt; undwobei der Artikel angepasst ist, um die Feuchtigkeit von der Oberfläche zu entfernen, die Feuchtigkeit aufweist oder erzeugt.

04-01-2007 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Nadelvlieses sowie ein Nadelvlies

Номер: DE0019929382B4
Принадлежит: HORUS GMBH

Die Erfindung bezieht sich unter anderem auf ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Nadelvlieses (1). Grundfasern (4) und Elemente (2, 3), die durch in eine Vorzugsrichtung ausgerichtete Fasern gebildet sind, wobei die Elemente (2, 3) hinsichtlich ihrer geometrischen Abmessung wesentlich größer sind als die Grundfasern (4), werden miteinander vermengt. Die Vernetzung der Grundfasern (4) und der Elemente (2, 3) erfolgt derart, daß eine im wesentlichen gleichmäßige Verteilung der Elemente (2, 3) und der Grundfasern (4) innerhalb einer Mischung entsteht. Aus dieser Mischung wird wenigstens ein Primärvlies gebildet. Das wenigstens eine Primärvlies wird zu einem Sekundärvlies verarbeitet, welches wenigstens teilweise durch Vernadeln verfestigt wird.

12-01-2006 дата публикации

Textiler Bodenbelag

Номер: DE0050108290D1

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer nass gelegten Vliesstoffbahn und mehrschichtige Faserbahn

Номер: DE102018114634A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer nass gelegten Vliesstoffbahn, bei dem mehrere Fasersuspensionen (8.1, 8.2, 8.3) über einen Stoffauflauf (8) geschichtet einem Schrägsiebformer (1) zugeführt und sukzessiv über mindestens eine Saugzone (3) entwässert werden, wobei die äußeren Schichten des entstehenden Faserstoffes (9), die aus den Fasersuspensionen (8.1) und (8.3) gebildet werden, zumindest teilweise kurze synthetische Fasern wie beispielsweise aus Polyester, Polyamid, Polyolefin oder aus regenerierten Fasern aus natürlichen Rohstoffen wie Lyocell oder Viskose mit einer Faserlänge von 2 bis 20 mm aufweisen, und dass die mittlere Fasersuspension (8.2) Fasern zu mindestens 50 Gew.-% aus einem natürlichen Material oder Naturfasern aufweisen, wobei der Faserstoff (9) in einem der nachfolgenden Verarbeitungsschritte hydrodynamisch verfestigt wird.Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin eine mehrschichtige Faserbahn.

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Baustoff zur akustischen Abschottung

Номер: DE0019929137A1

Baustoff zur akustischen Abschottung, der wenigstens zwei einstückig miteinander verbundene Naturfaserschichten aufweist, wobei mindestens zwei unterschiedliche Schichten aus einer Schicht mit relativ groben Fasern und/oder einer Schicht mit einem Gemisch aus relativ groben und relativ feinen Fasern und/oder einer Schicht mit relativ feinen Fasern miteinander kombiniert sind.

15-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069913387D1

21-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE602008005441D1

18-09-2008 дата публикации

Anordnung einer Kondensat-Absorptions-Matte

Номер: DE0010012997B4

Anordnung einer Kondensat-Absorptions-Matte zur Aufnahme und Ableitung der kondensierten Luftfeuchte an einer kalten Oberfläche in einem Raum, wobei die Matte aus einer oder mehreren Laminatschichten aus Polyester-Vlies zur Befestigung an der kalten Oberfläche besteht und das Laminat auf der der Raumluft zugewandten Seite mit einer Adhäsionsschicht mit einer Oberflächenspannung, die größer ist als 70 mN/m, beschichtet ist.

07-02-2008 дата публикации

Anti-moisture mat for building site of buildings incorporates swelling fibers and man-made fibers

Номер: DE102006035767A1

A textile web acts as a soil moisture seal at a building site or for a building. The web incorporates a waterproof layer of fibers that expand on exposure to moisture, together with some man-made fibers e.g. polyester or polypropylene.

10-08-2011 дата публикации

Compression bandages

Номер: GB0201111059D0

13-09-1967 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the production of flexible sheet materials

Номер: GB0001083037A

A method of producing flexible sheet material in which the binder is distributed non-uniformly over the thickness of the material comprises preparing a layer of fibrous material, applying to the layer a liquid consisting of a binder and a vaporisable vehicle, and heating one surface of the layer differentially with respect to the other. The heating step may be followed by a further heating step which serves to evaporate the vehicle and cure the binder. The fibrous material is preferably confined and compressed during the heating step between metal or other plates or belts, one of which is heated while the other is either left unheated, cooled or heated to a lesser extent. The fibrous layer preferably consists of fine fibres overlaid on coarser fibres and examples are given in which a layer or layers of fine staple fibres of nylon (which may be crimped) and/or polypropylene staple fibres are overlaid on a layer consisting of crimped continuous nylon monofilaments laid substantially parallel ...

10-07-1968 дата публикации

Highly elastic non-woven products

Номер: GB0001119664A

... 1,119,664. Laminates. FARBENFABRIKEN BAYER A.G. 20 July, 1965 [28 July, 1964], No. 30846/65. Heading B5N. An elastic non-woven fibrous sheet material is made by preparing a mat from elastic fibres prepared by reacting an NCO-terminated prepolymer of a polyhydric compound and a di-isocyanate with a chain-extending agent, embedding the mat between two layers of cellulosic, polyamide, polyester or polyacrylonitrile staple fibres, the fibres all being carded in layers, and consolidating the formed multilayer material. The polyhydric compound may be a polyester or polyether, and the chainextending agent may be a diamine, a hydrazide, a glycol or water. Cellulosic fibres, if used may be of cuprammonium cellulose. The polyurethane fibres may be treated with lubricants, e.g. talcum or amides, esters or sodium salts of fatty acids. The fleece may be consolidated by binders or plasticizers or by needling. Adhesive binders referred to are polymers of esters of acrylic acid and its derivatives, vinyl ...

26-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009109367D0

24-04-2002 дата публикации

Personal care articles with reduced polymer fibres

Номер: GB0002368073A

A personal care absorbent article made of a nonwoven material having a plurality of polymeric fibers having a fiber interior comprising at least one of a liquid fluid and a gaseous fluid. The nonwoven materials are produced by heating at least one polymer to a melting point, forming a molten polymer; extruding the molten polymer through a plurality of capillaries, injecting a liquid fluid and/or a gaseous fluid into the molten polymer prior to, during and/or after the extruding step, forming a plurality of fluid-filled polymeric fibers, wherein the liquid fluid and/or gaseous fluid is dispersed within the interior of the polymeric fibers, and depositing the fluid-filled polymeric fibers onto a web forming surface, forming a nonwoven material.

05-11-2003 дата публикации

Manufacturing a preform moulding material

Номер: GB0002388069A

An apparatus for manufacturing a multi-layered preform moulding material comprising a reinforcement material and a resin material, the apparatus comprising means for joining the reinforcement layers together by impregnation of the resin material into the reinforcement material to form the moulding material thereby obviating the need for any additional bonding means to join the individual reinforcement layers before impregnation.

07-04-2010 дата публикации

A composite filter medium

Номер: GB0002463964A

A composite filter media structure 10 comprises a base substrate 12 including a nonwoven synthetic fabric 36 formed from a plurality of fibers with a spunbond process, the base substrate having a minimum filtration efficiency of about 50%, measured in accordance with (ASHRAE 52.2-1999) test procedures, and a nanofiber layer 20 deposited on one side 14 of the base substrate, the composite filter media structure having a minimum filtration efficiency of about 75%, measured in accordance with (ASHRAE 52.2-1999) test procedures. The nanofiber layer may be formed by electro-blown spinning, electro spinning, centrifugal spinning or melt blowing and the layer may be deposited on both sides of the base substrate. Preferably a filter element (50, Fig 5) comprises end caps (54, 56, Fig 5) and the composite filter media structure. Advantageously filter elements formed from the composite filter media structure 10 may be used for filtering air in such applications as filtering gas turbine inlet air.

09-11-1994 дата публикации

Nonwoven fabric formed from alloy fibres

Номер: GB0009419124D0

24-12-1937 дата публикации

An improved felted material and process of manufacturing the same

Номер: GB0000477219A

... 477,219. Felt; compound fabrics. MONKS, F., and SCHOFIELD, W. July 1, 1936, No. 18212. [Class 42 (ii) and 140] Felt is made with a surface layer 2 of artificial silk and a body 1 of jute &c. needled together. The body may be previously needled by itself. A fabric waterproof backing 4 may be applied.

18-07-1984 дата публикации

Sterilizable medical wrap

Номер: GB0002132939A

A sterilizable medical wrap comprises a melt blown microfibre matt which at localised regions disposed thereacross is welded face-to-face to a non-woven reinforcing web of discontinuous fibres at least some of which are thermoplastic.

28-11-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001339237A

... 1339237 Non-woven fabric laminates BAYER AG 11 Feb 1972 [12 Feb 1971] 6487/72 Heading B5N A composite non-woven mat of synthetic fibres comprises a mat of crimped polyamide fibres having a titre of at least 40 dtex bonded on one face to a second mat of textured synthetic fibres which are finer in titre than the fibres of the first mat. The polyamide fibres may be nylon 6 or 66 and the fibres of the second mat may be polyacrylonitrile, polyester or polyamide. The mats may be bonded by needling, stitching or flame bonding. The composite mat may be used to reinforce the outer surfaces of a moulded foam plastics article, the second mat being adjacent the outer surface which may be faced with a shell of metal, GRPor a thermoplastic material. The composite mat may be placed in contact with an adhesive, e.g. a gel coat of polyurethane on the inner surface of the mould, or of the shell which has itself been placed within the mould, before the foamable material is introduced for foaming therein.

29-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201918330D0

17-01-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to filling material for textile articles

Номер: GB0000887614A

... 887,614. Wadding. VEREINIGTE GLANZSTOFF-FABRIKEN A.G. April 13, 1960 [April 15, 1959], No. 13227/60. Drawings to Specification. Class 42 (2). A filling material comprises two fibre fleeces of different formation superimposed one upon the other, one being wholly or partially waterproofed and having a thickness from 10% to 50% of the total thickness of both fleeces in the untensioned condition and being composed of fibres of smaller count than that of the fibres of the other fleece. The water-proofed fleece may be composed of fibres which have been treated with a water-proofing agent or a waterproofing agent may be sprayed on to the fleece. Examples of fibres given are polyester fibres, polyacrylonitrile fibres, polyvinyl chloride fibres and wool.

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000388796T

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391203T

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000448346T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000435037T

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503625A1

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403943T

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000422299T

15-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA562474A

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000406247T

27-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405533B

15-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000062003T

15-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000086511T

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000027510T

15-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000091595T

15-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000164642T

15-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000057083T

15-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000043870T

10-01-1966 дата публикации

Insulating material

Номер: AT0000244551B

15-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000255946T

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000191758T

02-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034793565T

04-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031853904T

11-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036317846T

12-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039611008T

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033165166T

07-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037952844T

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Liquid-retaining sheet and face mask

Номер: AU2018200406B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A liquid-retaining sheet contains a liquid-retaining layer that is able to absorb a liquid 5 component, and the liquid-retaining layer is formed from anonwovenstructuralmembercontainingatransparentfiber. Intheliquid-retainingsheet, the transparencyshownbelow is adjusted to not more than 0.27. Transparency = 10 Whiteness (%) of a sheet impregnated with 700% by mass of water relative to the sheet mass / Basis weight (g/m ) The transparent fiber may contain a cellulose-series fiber substantially free froma carboxyl group (in particular, a regenerated cellulose fiber such 15 as a solvent-spinning cellulose-series fiber). The proportionofthe solvent-spinningcellulose-series fiber may be not less than 30% by mass in the transparent fiber. The liquid-retaining sheet may be a skin care sheet (in particular, afacialmask) thatisimpregnatedwithaliquid 20 component containing a cosmetic preparation. The liquid-retaining sheet has an improved transparency in a wet state in spite of a nonwoven structural ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Foldable multi-purpose nonwoven hand pad and method of use

Номер: AU2017249989C1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A nonwoven hand pad includes a substrate having first and second opposed major surfaces wherein the first major surface includes a first functional region configured for a first cleaning operation, and the second major surface includes at least two functional regions configured for second and third cleaning operations. A method of cleaning using such a pad is also disclosed.

30-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000601103B2

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Hydroentangled elastic filament-based, stretch-bonded composites and methods of making same

Номер: AU2019201166A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

HYDROENTANGLED ELASTIC FILAMENT-BASED, STRETCH BONDED COMPOSITES AND METHODS OF MAKING SAME A stretch-bonded elastic nonwoven composite that is absorbent to both water and oil includes a machine-direction, elastic filament-based, stretch-bonded laminate layer and a hydrophilic fibrous layer that is hydroentangled with all layers of the elastic filament-based, stretch-bonded laminate layer. The laminate layer includes a middle elastic filament-based layer sandwiched between two inelastic nonwoven layers.

29-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003303620A1

21-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003304279A1

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Fibre composite that can be dissolved or decomposed in water, and products thereof

Номер: AU2006259064B2

The invention relates to a fibre composite comprising or consisting of natural and/or synthetic fibres. Said fibre composite is characterised in that at least some of the fibres of the composite have a flat cross-section and it can be dissolved or decomposed in water or other liquids.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Individual package of absorbent article, wrapping sheet, and method of manufacturing wrapping sheet

Номер: AU2008272104B2

A packaging sheet for an absorbent article comprising an absorbent body having at least an ability to hold liquid, having a laminated structure comprising both the first fiber layer which comprises 30 to 70% by mass of pulp fiber and 70 to 30% by mass of a chemical synthetic fiber having a mean fiber length of 20mm or below and is in a state treated with high-pressure water jet and the second fiber layer which lies on the first fiber layer and comprises 70 to 100% by mass of pulp fiber.

04-08-2011 дата публикации

Process for preparing a non-woven fabric having a surface covered with microfiber and fabric obtainable with said process

Номер: AU2011200244A1

PROCESS FOR PREPARING A NON-WOVEN FABRIC HAVING A SURFACE COVERED WITH MICROFIBER AND FABRIC OBTAINABLE WITH SAID PROCESS Abstract s There is described a process for preparing a "double layer" (1, 2) non-woven fabric (100) having a non-woven fabric surface covered with microfiber comprising needle-punching (a) of a mat formed by at least one carded web of macrofibers and at least one carded web of microfibers and subsequent treatment of the mat with high pressure water jets to split the microfibers into filaments.

17-05-1999 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing a nonwoven material

Номер: AU0009770598A

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Shaped layered particle-containing nonwoven web

Номер: AU2009327443C1

A filter element includes a porous non-woven web. The porous non-woven web includes a first layer with first thermoplastic elastomeric polymer fibers and first active particles disposed therein and a second layer including second thermoplastic elastomeric polymer fibers and second active particles disposed therein. The web possesses a three-dimensional deformation and the first layer is contiguous with the second layer across the deformation.

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Sound-absorbing/insulating material having excellent exterior and moldability, and method for producing same

Номер: AU2014367640A1

The present invention relates to a sound-absorbing/insulating material having an excellent exterior and moldability and a method for producing same and, more specifically, to a sound-absorbing/insulating material and a method for producing same, the sound-absorbing/insulating material comprising: an inner sound-absorbing/insulating layer (1), which comprises a first non-woven fabric comprising heat-resistant fibers as main constituents and a binder evenly distributed inside the first non-woven fabric in the form of maintaining the three-dimensional shape of the inside of the first non-woven fabric; and an outer sound-absorbing/insulating layer (2', 2"), which comprises a second non-woven fabric comprising heat-resistant fibers as main constituents, the sound-absorbing/insulating material having a structure in which the outer sound-absorbing/insulating layer is stacked on one side or both sides of the inner sound-absorbing/insulating layer. The sound-absorbing/insulating material according ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Hydroentangled elastic film-based, stretch-bonded composites and methods of making same

Номер: AU2014368995A1

A stretch-bonded elastic nonwoven composite includes a machine-direction elastic apertured film-based, stretch-bonded laminate layer that has been hydroentangled throughout all of its laminate layers with a hydrophilic fibrous layer. The elastic apertured film-based, stretch-bonded laminate layer includes a middle elastic film layer positioned between one or two inelastic layers, each of which layers includes hydrophilic fibers from the hydrophilic fibrous layer.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Super absorber polymer felt and method for the production thereof

Номер: US20120036733A1
Принадлежит: IQTEX Patentverwaltung UGhb

The invention relates to a felt material comprising at least one felt layer and an absorbing layer, to a method for producing the felt material, and to the use of the felt material in textiles, shoes, technical application or medical applications. The felt material according to the invention has the advantages of conventional felt materials regarding the warming and damping properties and is permeable to air in the dry state. Due to the special design, however, it is waterproof in the wet state and thus it is suitable for sealing many materials. The felt material according to the invention binds more humidity or binds water in a different way than common felt materials.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Individual package of absorbent article, wrapping sheet, and method of manufacturing wrapping sheet

Номер: US20120048916A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

Disclosed is a wrapping sheet for an absorbent article including an absorbent exhibiting at least a fluid-retaining property, the wrapping sheet includes: a first fiber layer formed by application of a high-pressure water jetting treatment, the first fiber layer including pulp fiber and chemical fiber, the pulp fiber content of the first fiber layer being 30% by mass to 70% by mass, the chemical fiber content of the first fiber layer being 70% by mass to 30% by mass, and the average fiber length of the chemical fiber being 20 mm or less; and a second fiber layer arranged by laminating the second fiber layer to the first fiber layer, the pulp fiber content of the second fiber layer being 70% by mass to 100% by mass.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Laminated sheet and process for producing the same

Номер: US20120107387A1
Принадлежит: Kuraray Kuraflex Co Ltd

A laminated sheet is produced by forming an adhesion layer permeable to a liquid component and contactable with a skin on at least one side of a liquid-retention layer comprising a nonwoven structural member and having an ability to absorb the liquid component. The adhesion layer comprises a nonwoven structural member comprising a fiber having a number-average fiber diameter of not more than 10 μm, and the thickness ratio of the adhesion layer relative to the liquid-retention layer is 1/4 to 1/100 as a ratio of the adhesion layer/the liquid-retention layer. The fiber of the nonwoven structural member of the adhesion layer may have a standard deviation of fiber diameter of not more than 5. The nonwoven structural member of the liquid-retention layer may comprise a fiber having a fiber diameter larger than that of the fiber of the adhesion layer. The laminated sheet has a liquid retentivity and a liquid releasability in a well-balanced manner, and has an excellent adhesion and an excellent fit to the skin in the state where the sheet is impregnated with a liquid component.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Textured wipes

Номер: US20120227203A1
Принадлежит: Clorax Co

A wipe formed of a base layer and a secondary layer. The wipe has an initial caliper of at least about 0.5 mm, a basis weight of less than about 55 gsm and a % DIB of about 20-95%. The base layer is formed of a non-biodegradable material such as thermoplastic polymer and the secondary layer is formed of a biodegradable material such as wood pulp, cellulose and/or regenerated cellulose. The top surface of the secondary layer generally includes a non-uniform distribution of fibers.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Rugged elastic nonwoven fabric and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120276347A1
Автор: Hirokazu Terada
Принадлежит: JNC Corp, JNC Fibers Corp

To provide a rugged elastic nonwoven fabric, in which a first fibrous layer containing heat-shrinkable fibers ( 1 A) being latent crimp conjugate fibers, and a second fibrous layer containing heat-fusible heat-shrinkable fibers ( 2 A) or non-heat-shrinkable fibers ( 2 B) both having smaller shrinkage as compared with the fibers ( 1 A) are laminated, and both of the fibrous layers are partially bonded and united with a number of bonded parts arranged at intervals, wherein a maximum shrinkage development temperature of the first fibrous layer is 135° C. or higher, a melting or softening point of a heat-fusible component of the fibers ( 2 A) or ( 2 B) is 70° C. or higher to 130° C. or lower, the second fibrous layer between the bonded parts is projected in a convex by shrinking of the first fibrous layer, and fibers constituting the first fibrous layer are not bonded with each other.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Vapor-Permeable, Substantially Water-Impermeable Multilayer Article

Номер: US20120328842A1
Автор: Mehdi Afshari
Принадлежит: Fiberweb LLC

This disclosure relates to an article that includes a nonwoven substrate and a film supported by the nonwoven substrate. The film can include a first polymer and a polymer that is immiscible with the first polymer. The first polymer can include a polyolefin and the second polymer can include a polycycloolefin, a polymethylpentene, or a copolymer thereof.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Hygiene Articles Containing Nanofibers

Номер: US20130023836A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A method of making a nonwoven web comprising nanofibers that are made by a melt film fibrillation process is disclosed. The nanofibers have a diameter of less than 1 micron, and comprise a significant number of the fibers in one layer of the web. The process generally includes the steps of providing a polymeric melt, utilizing a central fluid stream to form an elongated hollow polymeric film tube, and using this and/or other fluid streams to form multiple nanofibers from the hollow tube.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Preform produced by electrospinning, method for producing the same and use of such a preform

Номер: US20140025156A1
Принадлежит: Eindhoven Technical University

The invention relates to a method for producing a preform by means of an electrospinning process. The present invention also relates to the use of the present preform as a substrate for growing human or animal tissue thereon. The present invention furthermore relates to a method for growing human or animal tissue on a substrate, wherein the present preform is used as the substrate.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002488A1

Provided is a noise-absorbing sheet that is highly effective at absorbing noise from magnetic and/or electric fields, the noise-absorbing effect being effective in wider bandwidths. A noise-absorbing sheet upon which at least two layers are stacked, wherein the noise absorbing sheet is characterized in that a magnetic layer containing a magnetic material and a layer of a noise-absorbing fabric in which a metal is deposited on constituent fibers are layered on said sheet, and the common logarithmic value of the surface resistivity of at least one side of the noise-absorbing fabric is 0 to 6. 1. A noise-absorbing sheets comprising the lamination of at least two layers , wherein a magnetic layer containing a magnetic material and a noise-absorbing fabric layer having a metal adhered to constituent fibers are laminated , and the common logarithmic value of the surface resistivity on at least one side of the noise-absorbing fabric is within the range of 0 to 6.2. The noise-absorbing sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric is a nonwoven fabric composed of synthetic long fibers.3. The noise-absorbing sheet according to or claim 1 , wherein the fabric contains fibers having a fiber diameter of greater than 7.0 μm to 50 μm.4. The noise-absorbing sheet according to any of to claim 1 , wherein the fabric contains fibers having a fiber diameter of 7.0 μm or less.5. The noise-absorbing sheet according to claim 4 , wherein the fabric is a fabric consisting of a mixture of fibers having a diameter of greater than 7.0 μm to 50 μm and fibers having a fiber diameter of 0.01 μm to 7.0 μm.6. The noise-absorbing sheet according to claim 5 , wherein the fabric is a laminated fabric having at least two layers consisting of a first layer and a second layer claim 5 , the first layer is a layer of a nonwoven fabric composed of fibers having a fiber diameter of greater than 7 μm to 50 μm claim 5 , and the second layer is a layer of a nonwoven fabric composed of fibers having a fiber ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Glass Chopped Strand Mat, Glass Chopped Strand Mat Roll, Method for Manufacturing Glass Chopped Strand Mat and Automotive Molded Ceiling Material

Номер: US20170015257A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Boseki Co Ltd

In a glass chopped strand mat, a short chopped strand layer having first glass chopped strands with an average length of 25.4 to 76.2 mm and a long chopped strand layer having second glass chopped strands with an average length of 76.2 to 203.2 mm are laminated, a difference between the average length of the first glass chopped strands and that of the second glass chopped strands is 25.4 mm or greater, the short chopped strand layer occupies 50 to 70 parts by mass, and the long chopped strand layer occupies 30 to 50 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the glass chopped strand mat, a mass per unit area of the glass chopped strand mat is 180 g/m 2 or lower, and a loss on ignition of the glass chopped strand mat measured on the basis of JIS R 3420 is lower than 10%.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Preparation Process of Spunlace Intertwining Type Recycled Cow Leather

Номер: US20220034026A1
Автор: Xiaohua Zhu

A preparation process of spunlace intertwining type recycled cow leather comprises a material preparation process, a cow leather fiber web forming process, as well as a mixed fiber web forming process, an overlapped web forming process, a base fabric manufacturing process and a cow leather finished product manufacturing process which are sequentially arranged according to a preparation process flow; the base fabric manufacturing process comprises a buffing process, a single-side immersion treatment process and an ironing process which are sequentially arranged for manufacturing the overlapped web into the base fabric; and the single-side immersion treatment process comprises the steps of subjecting a single side of the base fabric to single-side coating treatment of the water-based PU material or the oil-based PU material by adopting an inverted feeding device and using a water-based PU material or an oil-based PU material as a coating so as to form a single-side permeable immersion layer of the base fabric.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015690A1

A hot press cushioning material includes: a first nonwoven fabric forming an inner layer; and second nonwoven fabrics placed on both surfaces of the first nonwoven fabric and forming outer layers. Copolymerized para-aramid fibers having a basis weight of 80 to 400 g/mare used as a material of the second nonwoven fabrics. Fibers that are more rigid than the copolymerized para-aramid fibers are used as a material of the first nonwoven fabric. Each of the first nonwoven fabric and the second nonwoven fabrics has a heat resistant temperature of 270° C. or more. 1a first nonwoven fabric forming an inner layer; and second nonwoven fabrics placed on both surfaces of said first nonwoven fabric and forming surface layers, whereinsaid first nonwoven fabric including poly-(p-phenylene terephthalamide) fiber as a material of said first nonwoven fabric,{'sup': '2', 'said second nonwoven fabric including co-poly-(paraphenylene/3,4′-oxydiphenylene terephthalamide) fiber as a material of said second nonwoven fabric, having a basis weight of 80 to 400 g/m, and'}said first nonwoven fabric and said second nonwoven fabrics have been joined together by needle punch.. A hot press cushioning material for use in hot press, comprising: The present application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 14/406,526, filed on Dec. 8, 2014, which is a national stage entry of PCT/JP2013/068204, filed on Jul. 3, 2013, which claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. JP 2012-180927, filed on Aug. 17, 2012, each of which is incorporated herein by their entirety.The present invention relates to hot press cushioning materials for use in hot press, and more particularly to hot press cushioning materials that are used to press-form or thermocompression bond an intended product in a process of manufacturing a precision equipment part such as a printed circuit board like a copper-clad laminate, a flexible printed circuit board, or a multilayer board, an IC card, a liquid crystal display panel, or a ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016157A1
Принадлежит: OHKI CO., LTD.

The present invention provides a nonwoven fabric sheet for use in extraction filters having high sealing strength and extraction filters manufactured using the nonwoven fabric sheet. The nonwoven fabric sheet includes a first layer including a spunbonded nonwoven fabric formed from a polyester-based resin having an IV value of 0.60 to 1.00, a crystallinity of 30% to 80%, a crystalline orientation of 60% to 95%, and a birefringence (Δn) of 0.040 to 0.100 and provided with a partial thermocompression bonding section whose thermocompression bonding area rate is in the range of 5% to 30%, and a second layer including a meltblown nonwoven fabric formed from a polyester-based resin blown onto a surface of the first layer and solidified to have a crystallinity of 0% to 14%. The extraction filters are formed by sealing by welding the nonwoven fabric sheet with the second layer of the sheet placed inside. 1. A nonwoven fabric sheet comprising:a first layer including a spunbonded nonwoven fabric formed from fibers of a polyester-based resin having an IV value of 0.60 to 1.00, a crystallinity of 30% to 80%, a crystalline orientation of 60% to 95%, and a birefringence (Δn) of 0.040 to 0.100 and provided with a partial thermocompression bonding section having a thermocompression bonding area rate of 5% to 30%; anda second layer including a meltblown nonwoven fabric formed from fibers of a polyester-based resin blown onto a surface of the first layer and solidified, the polyester-based resin of the fibers forming the meltblown nonwoven fabric having a crystallinity of 0% to 14%.2. The nonwoven fabric sheet according to claim 1 , wherein:{'sup': '2', 'the spunbonded nonwoven fabric has a basis weight of 8.0 to 25.0 g/mand a fiber diameter of 10 to 40 μm;'}{'sup': '2', 'the meltblown nonwoven fabric has a basis weight of 2.0 to 10.0 g/m; and'}{'sup': '3', 'the nonwoven fabric sheet has a bulk density of 0.15 to 0.40 g/cm.'}3. An extraction filter formed by employing the nonwoven ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Annular Fibrous Preform and Method of Preparing The Same

Номер: US20160017526A1
Автор: MIAO Yunliang

Disclosed are an annular fibrous preform and a method of preparing the same. The preform is formed by superposing and needle-punching annular units () containing an annular composite fabric (), and the annular composite fabric () is shaped by needle-punching sector-shaped fibrous fabric () of the same type with an annular fibrous web () in advance. The method of preparing a preform involves needle-punching an annular fibrous fabric () formed of abutted sector-shaped fibrous fabrics with an annular fibrous web () in advance and fixedly joining the same into an annular composite fabric (), and then needle-punching and forming annular units () to realize the preparation of the annular fibrous preform. The present method effectively eliminates the occurrence of deformation and misplacement of sector-shaped abutted fibrous fabric during needle-punching at a later stage such that the in-plane and interlayer uniformity and consistency are good, and has advantages such as high fiber content, excellent mechanical performance, and a high utilization rate of raw material, so that the friction performance of friction material is improved after a C/C composite is formed, and the combination property is excellent. The method can be applied to the production of composite material preforms for aircraft brake discs, and can also be applied to the production of friction material preforms in baking systems of high-speed trains and high-end automobiles. 1. An annular fibrous preform , which is a quasi-three-dimensional fabric formed by superposing and needle-punching an annular units , wherein said annular unit is an annular composite fabric shaped by subjecting an annular fibrous fabric and an annular fibrous web to needle-punching in advance , or is a ring formed by superposing and needle-punching an annular composite fabric with an annular fibrous web; said annular fibrous web is formed of chopped fiber felts or chopped pre-oxidized fiber felts.2. An annular fibrous preform ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018001A1
Автор: Kojima Mitsuru

The invention provides a laminated nonwoven fabric sheet formed by uniting an ultrafine fiber layer and a hydrophilic short fiber layer, in which the hydrophilic short fiber layer is laminated on one surface or both surfaces of the ultrafine fiber layer, the ultrafine fiber layer is formed by combining 20 to 80% by mass of thermoplastic resin fibers (A) and 80 to 20% by mass of elastomer resin fibers (B) that melt or soften at a temperature lower than a temperature of thermoplastic resin fibers (A), and the ultrafine fiber layer includes a hindered amine compound, the laminated nonwoven fabric sheet is subjected to electret processing, and 10% stretch strength in one direction is different from 10% stretch strength in a direction perpendicular to the one direction. 1. A laminated nonwoven fabric sheet formed by uniting an ultrafine fiber layer and a hydrophilic short fiber layer , whereinthe hydrophilic short fiber layer is laminated on one surface or both surfaces of the ultrafine fiber layer;the ultrafine fiber layer is formed by combining 20 to 80% by mass of thermoplastic resin fibers (A) and 80 to 20% by mass of elastomer resin fibers (B) that melt or soften at a temperature lower than a temperature of thermoplastic resin fibers (A); and the ultrafine fiber layer comprises a hindered amine compound;the laminated nonwoven fabric sheet is subjected to electret processing; and10% stretch strength in one direction is different from 10% stretch strength in a direction perpendicular to the one direction.2. The laminated nonwoven fabric sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrafine fiber layer and the hydrophilic short fiber layer are united by partial thermocompression bonding claim 1 , 10% stretch strength in one direction is 3 N/25 mm or less and 50% stretch strength is 10 N/25 mm or less claim 1 , and 10% stretch strength in a direction perpendicular to the one direction is 15 N/25 mm or more.3. The laminated nonwoven fabric sheet according to claim 1 , ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021181A1

A method for producing a multi-layered absorbent articles is disclosed. At least two of the layers include a colored region. 1. A method of producing a multi-layered absorbent articles having two or more colored regions , the absorbent articles each comprising a lateral centerline and a longitudinal centerline , the method comprising the steps of:supplying materials for a first plurality of absorbent articles to the absorbent article converting line, the materials comprising: a printed first precursor web having a first colored region; a printed second precursor web having a second colored region; an absorbent core web and a backsheet web, wherein the first colored region is laterally more extensive than the second colored region, wherein the first colored region and the second colored region are longitudinally spaced apart;cutting the second precursor web and/or the absorbent core web creating individual sheets of the second precursor web and individual sheets of the absorbent core web;placing the individual sheets of the second precursor web and/or the absorbent core web onto the first precursor web;combining the backsheet web with the first precursor web such that the individual sheets of second precursor web and absorbent core web are disposed between the first precursor web and the backsheet web, thereby forming an absorbent article web;cutting the absorbent article web into a first plurality of individual absorbent articles;packaging in a plurality of first packages the first plurality of individual absorbent articles; andsupplying materials for a second plurality of absorbent articles to the absorbent article converting line, the materials comprising: a printed third precursor web having a third colored region; a printed fourth precursor web having a fourth colored region; an absorbent core web and a backsheet web, wherein the third colored region is laterally more extensive than the fourth colored region, wherein the third colored region and the fourth ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Nonwoven cleaning substrate

Номер: US20190021570A1
Принадлежит: GPCP IP Holdings LLC

The presently disclosed subject matter relates to nonwoven materials and their use in cleaning articles. More particularly, the nonwovens are layered structures, which can include a tacky additive. The nonwoven materials can be used to attract and collect particles, and can have improved cleaning efficiency.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023813A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A composite manufacturing method includes the step of drawing a nonwoven fabric formed of continuous fibers through a slurry of discontinuous fibers suspended in a dispersive liquid to yield a fiber-modified interlayer comprising a network of said discontinuous fibers attached to said nonwoven fabric. 1. A composite manufacturing method comprising:drawing a nonwoven fabric formed of continuous fibers through a slurry of discontinuous fibers suspended in a dispersive liquid to yield a fiber-modified interlayer comprising a network of said discontinuous fibers attached to said nonwoven fabric.2. The method of wherein said drawing comprising containing said slurry in a storage tank and moving said nonwoven fabric though said slurry while said slurry is contained in said storage tank.3. The method of wherein said drawing comprises drawing said nonwoven fabric from a supply roll using a plurality of guide rollers.4. The method of wherein said continuous fibers comprise a thermoplastic material.5. The method of wherein said discontinuous fibers comprise a carbonaceous material.6. The method of further comprising dispersing said discontinuous fibers in said dispersive liquid to yield said slurry.7. The method of wherein said discontinuous fibers comprise a member selected from the group consisting of carbon nanotubes claim 1 , graphene platelets claim 1 , carbon whiskers claim 1 , chopped carbon fibers claim 1 , milled carbon fibers and carbon nanofibers.8. The method of wherein said dispersive liquid comprises water.9. The method of further comprising:mechanically bonding a first portion of said discontinuous fibers to at least a portion of said continuous fibers forming a first surface of said nonwoven fabric; andmechanically bonding a second portion of said discontinuous fibers to at least a portion of said continuous fibers forming a second surface of said nonwoven fabric, said second surface being opposed from said first surface.10. The method of further comprising ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024556A1
Принадлежит: Georgia-Pacific Nonwovens LLC

Nonwoven materials having at least one layer are provided, as well as their use in cleaning articles. More particularly, the nonwoven materials can include a rough outer surface useful for scrubbing purposes. Alternatively or additionally, the nonwoven materials can include a carrier composition including a binder and a blocking agent. The carrier composition can repel a sanitizing agent, such as a quaternary ammonium compound, from the surface of the nonwoven material. 1. A nonwoven material , comprising:a first outer layer comprising synthetic fibers;a second outer layer comprising cellulose fibers and/or synthetic fibers; and a carrier composition comprising a binder and a blocking agent, wherein the binder is present in the nonwoven material in an amount of from about 2 wt-% to about 30 wt-% and the blocking agent is present in the nonwoven material in an amount of from about 0.1 wt-% to about 10 wt-%,wherein the first outer layer has a static coefficient of friction ranging from about 0.01 to about 3.0 and a kinetic coefficient of friction ranging from about 0.0001 to about 2.0.2. The multi-layer nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven material comprises:from about 10 wt-% to about 90 wt-% of cellulose fibers; andfrom about 10 wt-% to about 90 wt-% of synthetic fibers.3. The multi-layer nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic fibers are bicomponent fibers.4. The multi-layer nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the first layer further comprises cellulose fibers and the second layer comprises both cellulose fibers and synthetic fibers.5. The multi-layer nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the blocking agent is an alkali metal salt.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The multi-layer nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the blocking agent is a non-ionic surfactant.9. The multi-layer nonwoven material of claim 8 , wherein the nonionic surfactant is an alcohol ethoxylate compound or a polysorbate compound.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. The ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028672A1

The present invention relates to a multi-layered composite material manufactured by thermocompressing a multi-layered sheet, comprising: a first sheet layer formed from a solution containing nanofibrillated cellulose and a first thermoplastic matrix polymer; and a second sheet layer formed from a solution containing a second thermoplastic matrix polymer. The multi-layered composite material of the present invention has the high strength and high elastic modulus. 1. A multi-layered composite material manufactured by thermocompressing a multi-layered sheet comprising:a first sheet layer formed from a solution containing nanofibrillated cellulose and a first thermoplastic matrix polymer; anda second sheet layer formed from a solution containing a second thermoplastic matrix polymer,wherein the first thermoplastic matrix polymer and the second thermoplastic matrix polymer are hot-melt bonded, and the nanofibrillated cellulose is inserted between the hot-melt bonded polymers.2. The multi-layered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the first thermoplastic matrix polymer and the second thermoplastic matrix polymer are one of polyamide based resins.3. The multi-layered composite material of claim 2 , wherein the polyamide resin is polyamide 6 or polyamide 66.4. The multi-layered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the first sheet layer is prepared by mixing a suspension of nanofibrillated cellulose and the first thermoplastic matrix in a solid weight ratio of 3:7 to 5:5.5. The multi-layered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the second sheet layer is a hot-melt web claim 1 , a meltblown nonwoven fabric claim 1 , or a film.6. The multi-layered composite material of claim 5 , wherein the thermocompressing is performed at 100° C. to 200° C. when the second layer sheet is a hot-melt web claim 5 , and at 170° C. to 270° C. when the second layer sheet is a meltblown nonwoven fabric or a film.7. The multi-layered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029991A1

A multi-component fiber including at least first and second components. In some cases, at least a portion of the first component is opaque and microporous, and the second component is different from the first component. In some cases, at least a portion of the second component can be seen through at least a portion of the first component. A fiber having an opaque, microporous region and a see-through region of lower porosity is also disclosed. Fibrous webs including such fibers are also disclosed. In some cases, the fibrous web has at least one first region where first portions of the multiple fibers are opaque and microporous and at least one second region where second portions of the multiple fibers form a see-through region of lower porosity. Articles and laminates including the fibrous webs are disclosed. Methods of making the fibers, fibrous webs, and articles are also disclosed. 1. A multi-component fiber comprising at least first and second components , wherein at least a portion of the first component is opaque and microporous , and wherein the second component is different from the first component.2. The multi-component fiber of claim 1 , wherein the first component further comprises a see-through region of lower porosity than the portion that is opaque and microporous.3. The multi-component fiber of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion of the second component can be seen through the see-through region of lower porosity.4. The multi-component fiber of claim 1 , wherein the multi-component fiber is a core-sheath fiber claim 1 , wherein the sheath comprises the first component claim 1 , and wherein the core comprises the second component.5. The multi-component fiber of claim 1 , wherein the first component and second component are different colors or different shades of the same color.6. A fiber comprising an opaque claim 1 , microporous region and a see-through region of lower porosity.7. The fiber of claim 6 , wherein the fiber comprises a beta-nucleating ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140120322A1

A non-woven electret fibrous web for electrostatic adsorption and odor elimination and the preparation process thereof. In certain exemplary embodiments, the non-woven electret fibrous web includes a multiplicity of electret fibers, at least one of a plurality of photo-catalytic fibers or a plurality of multi-component fibers; and optionally, at least one of a plurality of chemically-active particulates, a plurality of carbon-based fibers, or a plurality of mono-component thermoplastic fibers. In other exemplary embodiments, carding and cross-lapping or air-laying processes are disclosed for making nonwoven fibrous webs including electret fibers and one or more of photocatalytic fibers, chemically-active particulates, multi-component fibers, mono-component thermoplastic fibers, or carbon-based fibers. In some exemplary embodiments, exemplary non-woven electret fibrous webs of the disclosure exhibit superior gas permeation characteristics, high adsorption characteristics for airborne contaminants, as well as an odor elimination function. 1. A non-woven electret fibrous web comprising:a single layer including a plurality of randomly oriented discrete fibers, the fibers including:a plurality of electret fibers; andat least one of a plurality of photo-catalytic fibers, or a plurality of multi-component fibers; and optionally,at least one of a plurality of chemically-active particulates, a plurality of carbon-based fibers or a plurality of mono-component thermoplastic fibers.2. The non-woven electret fibrous web of comprising a plurality of photo-catalytic fibers claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the electret fibers to the photo-catalytic fibers is 1:19 to 19:1.3. The non-woven electret fibrous web of comprising a plurality of multi-component fibers claim 1 , wherein the weight percentage of the multi-component fibers in the non-woven electret fibrous web is greater than 0% and less than 10% by weight claim 1 , based on the total weight of the non-woven electret ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036417A1

A stretchable laminated sheet with hydrophilic properties, which particularly has an excellent feeling and stability in wearing and is capable of efficiently enhancing the effect and efficacy brought about by a liquid component on a skin or other object, when the stretchable laminated sheet is impregnated with the liquid component and wet and then used on the skin or other object. A stretchable laminated sheet, which is obtained by partially thermocompression-bonding and laminating a hydrophilic short fiber layer extensible in at least one direction and an microfiber layer having a elastomer long fiber of a fiber diameter of 15 μm or less at 50% or more by weight, wherein discontinuous and regular concave and convex parts caused by the partial thermocompression bonding are formed on a surface of the hydrophilic short fiber layer that is exposed on one surface of the stretchable laminated sheet, the total area of the concave parts is in a range of 3 to 40% of the area of the surface of the hydrophilic short fiber layer, and at least the elastomer long fiber of the microfiber layer is softened and consequently joined to a fiber constituting the hydrophilic short fiber layer in a sheet thickness direction of a section where the concave parts exist, whereby the hydrophilic short fiber layer and the microfiber layer are integrated with each other. 18-. (canceled)9. A method of manufacturing a stretchable laminated sheet , comprising:laminating and partially thermocompression-bonding a hydrophilic short fiber layer and a microfiber layer,wherein the hydrophilic short fiber layer is extensible in at least one direction,the microfiber layer comprises an elastomer long fiber having a fiber diameter of 15 μm or less in an amount of 50% or more by weight relative to the microfiber layer,the partially thermocompression-bonding comprises forming concave-and-convex parts on a surface of the hydrophilic short fiber layer, wherein concave parts in the concave-and-convex parts are ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037370A1

The present invention is directed to tamper-evident mesh material, methods of manufacture therefor, and tamper-evident bags manufactured therefrom. The tamper-evident mesh material of the present invention may be used, for example, in the manufacture of a variety of tamper-evident security bags for use in applications where it is desirable to detect any traces or evidence of tampering with or of unauthorized access to the contents of the bag. 1. A tamper-evident mesh material comprising:a nonwoven mesh fabric, said mesh fabric comprising a plurality of strands, said plurality of strands comprising overlying strands and underlying strands, wherein said underlying strands comprise a visual property, and wherein said overlying strands are bonded to said underlying strands at a plurality of crossover points; and,a contrast layer, wherein said contrast layer is visually distinct from said visual property of said underlying strands, and wherein said contrast layer is disposed over at least a portion of each said overlying strand and each said underlying strand, and over said plurality of crossover points,wherein breakage of a bond between at least one of said overlying strands and at least one of said underlying strands at a crossover point of said plurality of crossover points exposes said visual property of said at least one underlying strand at said crossover point to indicate breakage of said bond.2. The tamper-evident mesh material of claim 1 , wherein said overlying strands are oriented in a first direction and disposed over said underling strands claim 1 , and wherein said underlying strands are oriented in a second direction.3. The tamper-evident mesh material of claim 1 , wherein said overlying strands comprise a visual property.4. The tamper-evident mesh material of claim 3 , wherein said contrast layer is disposed over at least a front surface of each said overlying strand and each said underlying strand to conceal on each said front surface said visual ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053991A1

Nonwoven materials having at least one layer comprising cellulose fibers are provided. The nonwoven materials comprise bonded natural cellulosic fibers having high capillary action. The nonwoven materials are suitable for use in a variety of applications, including absorbent products and pre-moistened cleaning materials with metered release of liquid. 1. A unitary airlaid nonwoven material comprising at least one layer of fibers , wherein the at least one layer comprises cellulose fibers and synthetic fibers , and wherein the cellulose fibers comprise bonded natural cellulosic fibers having a coarseness less than about 15 mg/100 m.2. The unitary airlaid nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the bonded natural cellulosic fibers have a coarseness in a range of from about 4.2 mg/100 m to about 8.8 mg/100 m.3. The unitary airlaid nonwoven material of claim 2 , wherein the bonded natural cellulosic fibers have a coarseness of about 6.5 mg/100 m.4. The unitary airlaid nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the bonded natural cellulosic fibers have a Kajaani weighted average length of about 1.5 mm or less.5. The unitary airlaid nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the bonded natural cellulosic fibers include hardwood fibers.6eucalyptus. The unitary airlaid nonwoven material of claim 5 , wherein the bonded natural cellulosic fibers comprise pulp.7. The unitary airlaid nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic fibers comprise bicomponent binder fibers.8. The unitary airlaid nonwoven material of claim 7 , wherein the bicomponent binder fibers comprise eccentric bicomponent fibers claim 7 , and wherein the bicomponent binder fibers comprise a polyethylene-based sheath and a core comprising a polymer having a melting point above about 200° C.9. The unitary airlaid nonwoven material of claim 1 , wherein the unitary airlaid nonwoven material comprises at least two layers of fibers.10. The unitary airlaid nonwoven material of claim 9 , further comprising a layer of ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Laminated filler and preparation method thereof

Номер: US20180044824A1
Автор: Baofu DAI

The laminated filler provided by the present invention comprises: a first fiber batt ( 1 ) and a second fiber batt ( 2 ) compounded to the first fiber batt. In the present invention, by providing the fiber batts in layers, the resulted filler is allowed to have good bulkiness and warmness, and an independent and flexible delamination and diversified combination of different component fibers can be achieved. The results show that the laminated filler provided by the invention has a thickness of 1 to 10 cm and a do value ≧5.0.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063260A1

A fibrous structure comprising first and second plies. The first ply comprises a first textured substrate comprising a first side comprising first discrete regions and a first continuous region extending between the first discrete regions, each first discrete region comprising an outer section and sidewall sections extending outwardly from the adjacent first continuous region to the outer section; a second side comprising first discrete portions corresponding to the first discrete regions and a first continuous portion corresponding to the first continuous region; and first polymer particles deposited on at least one of the first side or the second side. When the first polymer particles are deposited on the first side, the first polymer particles are substantially deposited on the outer sections of the first discrete regions and do not extend to the adjacent first continuous region. When the first polymer particles are deposited on the second side, the first polymer particles are substantially deposited on the first continuous portion and do not extend to the adjacent first discrete portions. At least a section of each of the first polymer particles defines a raised edge. The second ply comprises a second substrate joined to the first textured substrate. 1. A fibrous structure comprising first and second plies , wherein: a first side comprising first discrete regions and a first continuous region extending between the first discrete regions, each first discrete region comprising an outer section and sidewall sections extending outwardly from the adjacent first continuous region to the outer section;', 'a second side comprising first discrete portions corresponding to the first discrete regions and a first continuous portion corresponding to the first continuous region; and', when the first polymer particles are deposited on the first side, the first polymer particles are substantially deposited on the outer sections of the first discrete regions and do not extend to ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046019A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A smokeless tobacco product includes smokeless tobacco and structural fibers. The structural fibers forming a network in which the smokeless tobacco is entangled. The structural fibers have a composition different from the smokeless tobacco. The tobacco-entangled fabric can have an overall oven volatiles content of at least 10 weight percent. In some embodiments, the structural fibers form a nonwoven network. In some embodiments, fibrous structures of the smokeless tobacco are entangled with the structural fibers. 1. (canceled)2. A smokeless tobacco product comprising:smokeless tobacco; anda pouch surrounding the smokeless tobacco, the pouch being porous and including, elastomeric fibers.3. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein the elastomeric fibers include polyurethane.4. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein the pouch includes a fabric including the elastomeric fibers.5. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 4 , wherein the elastomeric fibers include non-woven elastomeric fibers.6. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 4 , wherein the fabric has a basis weight ranging from 1 gram per square meter (gsm) to 350 gsm.7. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 6 , wherein the basis weight is 30 gsm.8. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 6 , wherein the basis weight is 21 gsm.9. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 6 , wherein the basis weight is 15 gsm.10. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein the elastomeric fibers have diameters of less than 30 microns.11. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 10 , wherein the diameters range from 0.5 microns to 30 microns.12. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 11 , wherein the diameters range from 0.5 microns to 5 microns.13. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein the elastomeric fibers have diameters ranging from 1 micron to 50 microns.14. The smokeless tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein the elastomeric fibers include melt-blown fibers.15. The smokeless tobacco ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046195A1
Автор: SHINTANI Naoki

A dry sheet for cleaning includes fiber layers, each arranged in front and back surface layers, and a nonwoven fabric layer between the fiber layers. The fiber layers are interlaced with the nonwoven fabric layer in an interlaced part which includes slightly interlaced parts and highly interlaced parts. The highly interlaced parts in the front surface layer are formed at almost same spots as those in the back surface layer. The front and back surface layers each include polyethylene terephthalate fiber having a diameter of 3.3 dtex or more at a rate of 80% or more. An area ratio of the highly interlaced parts to the front and back surface layers is 20 to 90%. The highly and slightly interlaced parts each extend in a direction almost perpendicular to a wiping direction of the sheet and are formed alternately and successively in the wiping direction. 1. A dry sheet for cleaning comprising multiple layers , the dry sheet comprising:fiber layers, each arranged in a front surface layer and a back surface layer;a nonwoven fabric layer provided in an intermediate layer between the fiber layers; andan interlaced part in which the fiber layers are interlaced with the nonwoven fabric layer,wherein the interlaced part is provided in the front surface layer and the back surface layer and includes slightly interlaced parts and highly interlaced parts, each of the highly interlaced parts being formed in a dent shape and being interlaced so as to have a higher fiber density than each of the slightly interlaced parts,wherein the highly interlaced parts in the front surface layer are formed corresponding to and at almost same spots as the highly interlaced parts in the back surface layer,wherein the front surface layer and the back surface layer each include polyethylene terephthalate fiber at a rate of 80% or more,wherein a fiber diameter of the polyethylene terephthalate fiber is 3.3 dtex or more,wherein the highly interlaced parts are formed in an area ratio of 20 to 90% with ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048500A1
Принадлежит: University of Delaware

A system and method for aligning discontinuous fibers, manufacturing tailored preforms, and composite materials comprised of highly aligned discontinuous fibers. 1. A system for aligning discontinuous fibers , comprising:a porous belt having a direction and velocity of travel;a free surface positioned above the porous belt and oriented at an oblique angle relative to the belt, the free surface having a proximal end adjacent the belt oriented along an impingement axis; anda conduit having a discharge configured to distribute onto the free surface a fluid mixture including the discontinuous fibers dispersed in a carrier fluid, the discharge positioned to cause the fluid mixture to traverse the free surface in a thin film with gravity assistance toward the proximal end of the free surface,the system configured to dispose the fibers aligned within a predetermined range of alignment with one another on the porous belt and the carrier fluid to pass through the belt.2. The system of further comprising a curved surface disposed at the proximal end of the free surface adjacent the porous belt.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the curved surface is formed on a plate mounted to the free surface proximal end and is configured to dispose the fluid mixture onto the belt at a lateral or lesser oblique angle relative to the belt than the oblique angle of the free surface.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a roll of carrier substrate material positioned upstream of the free surface relative to the direction of travel of the belt claim 1 , wherein the belt is configured to receive as a feed from the roll an unrolled first web of the carrier substrate material and to carry the unrolled web beneath the free surface and further downstream of the free surface claim 1 , the carrier substrate material selected to receive the discontinuous fibers deposited thereon and to pass the carrier fluid there through.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the carrier substrate material ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190053555A1
Автор: Cheng Kenneth, SHYUU Eric

A method for manufacturing an elastic composite fabric, includes a combining step, where an elastic outer layer is disposed onto a top side of an elastic nonwoven fabric which has characteristics to prevent penetration of a filling material, a fiber density of 0.8 to 5.0 denier and a weight of 8 to 100 g/sqm (±40%), and a first cloth body is disposed onto a bottom side of the nonwoven fabric, wherein the first cloth body is an elastic outer layer or elastic nonwoven fabric with a fiber density of 0.8 to 5.0 denier and a weight of 8 to 100 g/sqm (±40%); and a filling step: filling the filling material within several filling spaces between the elastic outer layer and the elastic nonwoven fabric or within several filling spaces between the elastic nonwoven fabric and the first cloth body in order to obtain the elastic composite fabric. 1. A method for manufacturing an elastic composite fabric , comprising following steps:combining step: combining an elastic outer layer onto a top side of an elastic nonwoven fabric, which has characteristics to prevent a filling material passing out therefrom, a fiber density of 0.8 to 5.0 denier and a weight of 8 to 100 g/sqm (±40%), and a first cloth body onto a bottom side of said elastic nonwoven fabric, wherein, said first cloth body being elastic and serves as another elastic outer layer or said first cloth body has characteristics to prevent the filling material passing out therefrom and serves as another elastic nonwoven fabric with a fiber density of 0.8 to 5.0 denier and a weight of 8 to 100 g/sqm (±40%); andfilling step: filling the filling material within a plurality of filling spaces between said elastic outer layer and said elastic nonwoven fabric or within a plurality of filling spaces between said elastic nonwoven fabric and said first cloth body in order to obtain the elastic composite fabric that prevents the filling material coming out through the elastic composite fabric.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Wettable SMS Material for Personal Protective Equipment Applications

Номер: US20200054085A1

A wettable SMS material for personal protective equipment, such as a SMS fabric that has been treated to improve the wettability and absorbency properties of the SMS fabric is provided. A treated SMS fabric for personal protective equipment can retain its durability, breathability, and comfort, and may also provide the fabric with wettability and absorption properties. An article for personal protective equipment formed from a wettable SMS fabric is also provided. 1. A wettable spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) material for use in personal protective equipment , comprising:a spunbond-meltblown-spunbond laminate;a surfactant, wherein the surfactant comprises an anionic surfactant, a cationic surfactant, or combinations thereof;where the spunbond-meltblown-spunbond material is configured to dry after exposure to a liquid; andwherein the spunbond-meltblown-spunbond material is configured to absorb a liquid.2. The wettable spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) material of claim 1 , wherein the spunbond-meltblown-spunbond material is configured to absorb liquid from a surface.3. The wettable spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) material of claim 2 , wherein the surface is skin.4. The wettable spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) material of claim 1 , wherein the spunbond-meltblown-spunbond material comprises a polyolefin based polymer.5. The wettable spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) material of claim 4 , wherein the surfactant is applied to the polyolefin based polymer.6. The wettable spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) material of claim 5 , wherein the polyolefin based polymer is hydrophobic prior to application of the surfactant to the polyolefin based polymer.7. The wettable spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) material of claim 4 , wherein the polyolefin based polymer includes a polypropylene and random co-polymer resin.8. The wettable spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) material of claim 1 , wherein the wettable spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) material has a weight claim 1 , and ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061193A1

A sound-absorbing air duct for a vehicle includes a lower non-woven fabric and an upper non-woven fabric sandwiching wires therebetween; and a film made of a polyester resin having a low melting point and disposed on the upper non-woven fabric, wherein each of the lower and upper non-woven fabrics includes a mixture between a first polyester fiber containing a polyester resin having a melting point higher than 250° C. and a second polyester fiber containing a polyester resin having a low melting point and having a softening point of 100° C. to 150° C., wherein the second polyester fiber includes a polyester resin having a low melting point composed of: an acid component including terephthalic acid or an ester-forming derivative thereof; and a diol component including 2-methyl-1,3-propanediol, 2-methyl-1,3-pentanediol, and ethylene glycol. 1. A sound-absorbing air duct for a vehicle containing a polyester fiber having a low melting point , the duct comprising:a lower non-woven fabric and an upper non-woven fabric sandwiching wires therebetween; anda film made of a polyester resin having a low melting point and disposed on the upper non-woven fabric,wherein each of the lower and upper non-woven fabrics includes a mixture between a first polyester fiber containing a polyester resin having a melting point higher than 250° C. and a second polyester fiber containing a polyester resin having a low melting point and having a softening point of 100° C. to 150° C., an acid component including terephthalic acid or an ester-forming derivative thereof; and', 'a diol component including 2-methyl-1,3-propanediol, 2-methyl-1,3-pentanediol, and ethylene glycol., 'wherein the second polyester fiber includes a polyester resin having a low melting point composed of2. The sound-absorbing air duct of claim 1 , wherein the first polyester fiber and/or the second polyester fiber includes a fiber having a modified cross-section having a roundness of 50 to 80%.3. The sound-absorbing air duct ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Porous laminate

Номер: US20160069005A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Provided is a porous laminate having satisfactory resistance to a mechanical load such as a bending stress while maintaining the characteristics of a porous structure. A porous laminate includes: a layer A formed on a support, the layer A including a porous film containing polymer nanofibers; and a layer B formed on the layer A, the layer B including a porous film containing polymer nanofibers, in which: an existence ratio of the polymer nanofibers contained in the layer A) is larger than an existence ratio of the polymer nanofibers contained in the layer B; and a difference between the existence ratio of the polymer nanofibers contained in the layer A and the existence ratio of the polymer nanofibers contained in the layer B is more than 40%.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140147643A1
Автор: Chomarat Gilbert

A thermoformable lap () includes a first web () and a second web () made of linking fibres () made of a first thermoreactivatable material having a first reactivation temperature. An intermediate layer () is arranged between the first web () and the second web (), and includes reinforcement fibres (a) and granules () of a second thermoreactivatable material having a second reactivation temperature that is higher than the first reactivation temperature. Certain sections () of linking fibres of the first and second webs () penetrate into the intermediate layer () and partially adhere to one another and to the reinforcement fibres () of the intermediate layer (), ensuring the cohesion of the assembly. Such a lap can be manufactured at a lower cost and at high speed, and can be used for the production of parts by heat moulding. 11. Thermoformable lap () based on reinforcement fibers linked to a thermoreactivatable material , comprising:a first outer layer and a second outer layer, having a first thermoreactivatable material with a first reactivation temperature,{'b': '2', 'an intermediate layer () arranged between the first and second outer layers,'}{'b': 2', '2, 'i': 'a', 'the intermediate layer () having reinforcement fibers () and a second thermoreactivatable material with a reactivation temperature higher than the first reactivation temperature,'}wherein:{'b': '2', 'i': 'b', 'the second thermoreactivatable material is in the form of granules (),'}{'b': 3', '4', '3', '4, 'i': a', 'a, 'the outer layers consist of a first web () and a second web () made of linking fibers (, ), at least the surface of which is made of the first thermoreactivatable material having a first reactivation temperature,'}{'b': 3', '4', '3', '4', '2', '2', '2, 'i': b', 'b', 'a, 'at least certain sections (, ) of linking fibers of the first and second webs (, ) penetrate into the intermediate layer () and partially adhere to one another and to the reinforcement fibers () of the intermediate ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087877A1

A stretch laminate is disclosed. The stretch laminate may include a first layer; a second layer; and one or more elastic members disposed between the first layer and the second layer. The first layer may include a nonwoven web material bearing a pattern of thermal bonds, including a plurality of bonds each having a length and a width, the length being oriented perpendicularly to the stretch direction and being greater than the width, for a majority of the bonds. The elastic member(s) may be joined with the first layer and the second layer while pre-strained in the stretch direction; when the stretch laminate is in a relaxed condition, at least the first layer may include a plurality of gathers comprising elongate ridges and valleys oriented transversely to the stretch direction. A disposable absorbent pant having an elasticized belt structure including the stretch laminate, is also disclosed. 2. The stretch laminate of wherein claim 1 , for a majority of the bonds in the pattern claim 1 , the length is greater than the width.3. The stretch laminate of wherein a majority of the bonds in the pattern have an aspect ratio of length to width of at least 2.4. The stretch laminate of wherein the pattern of bonds has a stretch direction repeat interval RDSD measured along an identifiable first line SDL parallel with the stretch direction claim 1 , a trans-stretch direction repeat interval RDX measured along a second line XL perpendicular to the stretch direction claim 1 , individual ones of the bonds arranged along the second line XL and within the trans-stretch direction repeat interval RDX have lengths claim 1 , individual ones of the bonds arranged along the first line SDL and within the stretch direction repeat interval RDSD have widths claim 1 , and the ratio of the sum of the lengths to the trans-stretch direction repeat interval RDX is greater than the ratio of the sum of the widths to the stretch direction repeat interval RDSD claim 1 , for any identifiable second ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073173A1
Принадлежит: KOREA COTTON CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a multipurpose functional nonwoven fabric, and to a multipurpose functional nonwoven fabric which is manufactured by performing a pretreatment process on carbonized fiber cotton, and stacking the pretreated carbonized fiber on natural cotton, mixing the pretreated carbonized fiber cotton with the natural cotton and scutching the mixed cotton, or introducing the natural cotton and stacking the natural cotton on an intermediate layer of the pretreated carbonized fiber, and a method for manufacturing same. Web formation and stacking at a cutting machine can be easily performed by performing the pretreatment process on the carbonized fiber. Excellent heat resistance and conductivity is obtained by stacking the carbonized fiber cotton on natural cotton, mixing the carbonized fiber cotton with the natural cotton, scutching the mixed carbonized fiber cotton and the natural cotton and stacking the scutched cotton, or introducing natural cotton into an intermediate layer of the carbonized fiber cotton, stacking the natural cotton on the intermediate layer of the carbonized fiber cotton, and subjecting the stacked cotton to needle punching. Since a surface temperature of the nonwoven fabric can be lowered and the loss of heat can be reduced through dissipation and dispersion of heat, thermal retention and insulation properties of the entangled natural cotton can be enhanced, and carbonization prevention and incombustiblization of the natural cotton can be achieved. Also, the multipurpose functional nonwoven fabric can be manufactured at a low production cost and exhibit environmentally friendly characteristics, and a waste material can be recycled. 1. A multipurpose functional nonwoven fabric manufactured using the method comprising:(1) preparing carbonized fiber cotton by unraveling a carbonized fiber and mixing the carbonized fiber and raw cotton at a mixing ratio of 7:3 to 8:2;(2) injecting the carbonized fiber cotton into a cutting machine ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Medical protective clothng materials

Номер: US20200070472A1
Принадлежит: Hollingsworth and Vose Co

Protective clothing materials and related methods and garments are provided. In some embodiments, a protective clothing material may comprise a fibrous layer that serves as a barrier to certain fluids (e.g., bodily fluids, water) and microbes. The impermeability of the fibrous layer may be due, at least in part, to the structural uniformity and/or relatively small pore size of the fibrous layer. In some embodiments, the fibrous layer may have a relatively high air permeability that imparts beneficial properties (e.g., relatively high air flow, breathability) to the protective clothing material without adversely affecting its protection rating. In certain embodiments, the protective clothing material may also comprise one or more coarse nonwoven webs that impart beneficial properties (e.g., splash resistance) to the protective clothing material. The protective clothing materials, described herein, may be particularly useful for a wide variety of applications, including the formation of AAMI level 4 protective garments.

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Method of producing a hydroentangled nonwoven material

Номер: US20150083354A1
Автор: Mikael Strandqvist

A method of producing a nonwoven material by hydroentangling a fiber mixture containing spunlaid filaments, natural fibers and synthetic staple fibers, wherein a fibrous web of natural fibers and at least 10% by fiber weight of manmade staple fibers is wetlaid by means of an inclined wire formation, the wetlaid fibrous web is hydroentangled in a first hydroentangling station and spunlaid filaments are laid on top of said hydroentangled wetlaid fibrous web to form a combined web. The combined web is hydroentangled in a second hydroentangling station.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Dental membrane

Номер: US20180078346A1
Принадлежит: Amo Lifescience Co Ltd

Provided is a dental membrane which includes: a first support made by accumulating first nanofibers of a biodegradable polymer obtained by electrospinning and having a plurality of pores formed therein; a second support made by accumulating second nanofibers of a biodegradable polymer obtained by electrospinning on the first support, and having a plurality of pores formed therein, in which the second nanofibers have diameters larger than the diameters of the first nanofibers; and a third support made by accumulating third nanofibers of a biodegradable polymer obtained by electrospinning on the second support, and having a plurality of pores formed therein, in which the third nanofibers have diameters smaller than the diameters of the second nanofibers.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170079856A1

An absorbent article contains a non-woven fabric sheet for an absorbent. The non-woven fabric sheet is produced without employing a strength-imparting means such as post-coating of an adhesive agent that can deteriorate a liquid diffusion property of the non-woven fabric sheet. The absorbent article includes a liquid-permeable surface sheet, a liquid-impermeable back sheet, an absorbent arranged therebetween, and the non-woven fabric sheet for the absorbent. The non-woven fabric sheet contains pulp, a pulp fiber layer, a first-surface-side fiber layer arranged on a first surface of the pulp fiber layer and mainly composed of hydrophilic fibers having an average fiber length of 25 to 64 mm, and a second-surface-side fiber layer arranged on a second surface of the pulp fiber layer and mainly composed of hydrophilic fibers having an average fiber length of 25 to 64 mm. 1. An absorbent article including a liquid-permeable front sheet , a liquid-impermeable back sheet , an absorbent body situated between the front sheet and the back sheet , and a nonwoven fabric sheet for the absorbent body ,wherein the nonwoven fabric sheet includes:a pulp fiber layer that includes pulp and has a first surface and a second surface,a first surface side fiber layer situated on a first surface side of the pulp fiber layer and including mainly hydrophilic fibers with a mean fiber length of 25 mm to 64 mm, anda second surface side fiber layer situated on a second surface side of the pulp fiber layer and including mainly hydrophilic fibers with a mean fiber length of 25 mm to 64 mm.2. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber layer of either or both the first surface side fiber layer and second surface side fiber layer further includes hydrophobic fibers in a smaller amount than the hydrophilic fibers claim 1 , as the mass ratio.3. The absorbent article according to claim 2 , wherein the hydrophobic fibers include thermoplastic fibers.4. The absorbent article according to ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085692A1

Shown is a filter in which powder aggregation (bridge) is hard to occur, and a time until a rise of differential pressure is caused is long, more specifically, a filtration life is long. The filter has a base material layer, a filtration layer and a skin layer, in which the base material layer is a layer formed by a nonwoven fabric being wound in a multiple manner, and subjected to the thermocompression bonding, the filtration layer is a layer formed by a laminate prepared by laminating at least a through-air nonwoven fabric and a net, being wound in a multiple manner, and subjected to no thermocompression bonding, the skin layer is a layer including a nonwoven fabric, and a mean pore diameter of the nonwoven fabric composing the base material layer and the skin layer is larger than a mean pore diameter of the through-air nonwoven fabric composing the filtration layer. 1. A filter , comprising a base material layer , a filtration layer and a skin layer ,wherein the base material layer is a layer formed by a nonwoven fabric being wound in a multiple manner, and subjected to thermocompression bonding;the filtration layer is a layer formed by a laminate prepared by laminating at least a through-air nonwoven fabric and a net, being wound in a multiple manner, and subjected to no thermocompression bonding;the skin layer is a layer including a nonwoven fabric; anda mean pore diameter of the nonwoven fabric composing the base material layer and the skin layer is larger than a mean pore diameter of the through-air nonwoven fabric composing the filtration layer.2. The filter according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the laminate composing the filtration layer claim 1 , a melt-blown nonwoven fabric claim 1 , in addition to the through-air nonwoven fabric and the net claim 1 , is laminated.3. The filter according to claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric composing the base material layer is a melt-blown nonwoven fabric or a through-air nonwoven fabric each having air ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Non-woven micro-trellis fabrics and composite or hybrid-composite materials reinforced therewith

Номер: US20210087726A1
Принадлежит: Free Form Fibers LLC

A non-woven fabric is provided which includes a three-dimensional array of fibers. The three-dimensional array of fibers includes an array of standing fibers extending perpendicular to a plane of the non-woven fabric and attached to a base substrate, where the base substrate is one or more of an expendable film substrate, a metal base substrate, or a mandrel substrate. Further, the three-dimensional array of fibers includes multiple layers of non-woven parallel fibers running parallel to the plane of the non-woven fiber in between the array of standing fibers in a defined pattern of fiber layer orientations. In implementation, the array of standing fibers are grown to extend from the base substrate using laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition (LCVD).

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Fiber structure and production method therefor

Номер: US20220136149A1
Принадлежит: Kuraray Kuraflex Co Ltd

Provided is a fiber structure which can have both a high filtering efficiency and a small pressure loss. The fiber structure comprises ultrafine fibers having a number average single fiber diameter of 4.5 μm or smaller and non-ultrafine fibers having a number average single fiber diameter of 5.5 μm or larger, wherein the ultrafine fibers and the non-ultrafine fibers are unitedly intermingled, and the fiber structure includes projections on at least one surface thereof. For example, in the fiber structure, the ultrafine fibers may be heat-resistant ultrafine fibers, and the non-ultrafine fibers may be heat-resistant non-ultrafine fibers.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143951A1
Принадлежит: Naue GmbH & Co. KG

A geomaterial web includes a first organic structural material and a second structural material that is different from the first structural material, which is bonded together with the first structural material to form a sheet-like composite material web extending in two mutually perpendicular directions. The first structural material and the second structural material are organic materials, where the first structural material has a first biodegradability and the second structural material has a second biodegradability that is different from the first biodegradability. The second biodegradability may be less than the first biodegradability. 116-. (canceled)17. A geomaterial web , comprising:a first organic structural material and a second structural material that is different from the first structural material and that is bonded to the first structural material to form a sheet-like composite material web extending in two mutually perpendicular directions;wherein the first structural material and the second structural material are organic materials; and wherein: [ samples with a length of 10 cm, a width of 10 cm and an original material thickness,', '50° C.+/−5° C.,', 'thermophilic conditions according to ISO 16929,', 'sieving of solids after six months in a sieve with 2 mm mesh (mesh 8.75), and', 'when sieving, less than 80 wt. % dry matter of the an initial dry matter of the starting material remains in the sieve; or, 'in a composting test with the following parameters, samples with a length of 2 cm, a width of 2 cm and an original material thickness,', '30° C.+/−2° C.,', 'aerobic conditions in seawater with a salinity of 3.5 wt. %+/−1 wt. %,', 'sieving of solids after twelve weeks in a sieve with 2 mm mesh (mesh 8.75), and', 'when sieving after twelve weeks, less than 80 wt. % dry matter of a dry matter of the starting material remains in the sieve; and, 'in a marine incubation test with the following parameters], 'the first structural material has a first ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Glass Chopped Strand Mat, Glass Chopped Strand Mat Roll, Method for Manufacturing Glass Chopped Strand Mat and Automotive Molded Ceiling Material

Номер: US20180099625A1
Принадлежит: NITTO BOSEKI CO., LTD.

In a glass chopped strand mat, a short chopped strand layer having first glass chopped strands with an average length of 25.4 to 76.2 mm and a long chopped strand layer having second glass chopped strands with an average length of 76.2 to 203.2 mm are laminated, a difference between the average length of the first glass chopped strands and that of the second glass chopped strands is 25.4 mm or greater, the short chopped strand layer occupies 50 to 70 parts by mass, and the long chopped strand layer occupies 30 to 50 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the glass chopped strand mat, a mass per unit area of the glass chopped strand mat is 180 g/mor lower, and a loss on ignition of the glass chopped strand mat measured on the basis of JIS R 3420 is lower than 10%. 15-. (canceled)6. An automotive molded ceiling material comprising:a glass chopped strand mat in which glass chopped strands are deposited in a sheet shape and are bound together by a binder made of a thermoplastic resin; anda resin foam sheet laminated and adhered onto the glass chopped strand mat,wherein a short chopped strand layer having first glass chopped strands with an average length of 25.4 mm to 76.2 mm and a long chopped strand layer having second glass chopped strands with an average length of 76.2 to 203.2 mm are laminated,a difference between the average length of the first glass chopped strands and the average length of the second glass chopped strands is 25.4 mm or greater,with respect to 100 parts by mass of the glass chopped strand mat, the short chopped strand layer occupies 50 to 70 parts by mass, and the long chopped strand layer occupies 30 to 50 parts by mass,{'sup': '2', 'a mass per unit area of the glass chopped strand mat is 180 g/mor lower, and'}a loss on ignition of the glass chopped strand mat measured on the basis of JIS R 3420 is lower than 10%.7. The automotive molded ceiling material according to claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , with respect to 100 parts by mass of ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101773A1

A flexible insulating structure includes a batting and a mixture of aerogel-containing particles and a binder, the aerogel-containing particles impregnating at least one layer of the batting. A method for preparing a flexible insulating structure comprises applying a mixture including aerogel-containing particles and a binder to a batting having one or more batting layers; and drying or allowing the binder to dry, thereby forming the flexible insulating structure. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for preparing a flexible insulating structure , the method comprising:applying a mixture including aerogel-containing particles and a binder to a batting having one or more batting layers; anddrying or allowing the binder to dry, thereby forming the flexible insulating structure.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the mixture further contains a surfactant.15. The method of claim 13 , wherein the mixture is a slurry.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein the batting is immersed or soaked in the slurry.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the immersion or soaking is conducted in the presence of agitation.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the agitation is by stirring or shaking.19. The method of claim 17 , wherein the agitation is conducted for a time interval that is equal to or less than a time used to conduct the immersion or soaking.20. The method of claim 13 , wherein the mixture is applied to the batting by pouring claim 13 , spraying claim 13 , painting claim 13 , soaking or any combination thereof.21. The method of claim 13 , wherein the entire flexible insulating structure is impregnated with aerogel-containing particles.22. The method of claim 13 , wherein the flexible insulating structure is partially impregnated or painted with aerogel-containing particles.23. The method of claim 13 , further comprising applying a cover layer to an outer face of the batting.24. The method of claim 13 , further comprising applying a cover layer to an outer face of the flexible ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Strong Fibrous Structures

Номер: US20180105996A1

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided. 1. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Wet/Dry CD TEA of at least 1.300 as measured according to the Wet and Dry Tensile Strength Test Methods.2. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Wet/Dry CD TEA of greater than 1.500 as measured according to the Wet and Dry Tensile Strength Test Methods.3. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Wet/Dry CD TEA of greater than 1.600 as measured according to the Wet and Dry Tensile Strength Test Methods.4. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Wet/Dry CD TEA of greater than 1.700 as measured according to the Wet and Dry Tensile Strength Test Methods.5. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further comprises a plurality of filaments.6. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the filaments comprises a polymer.7. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polymer comprises a thermoplastic polymer.8. The fibrous structure according to wherein the thermoplastic polymer comprises a polyolefin.9. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polyolefin is selected from the group consisting of: polypropylene claim 8 , polyethylene claim 8 , and mixtures thereof.10. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure comprises a coform fibrous structure.11. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the fibers is a pulp fiber.12. The fibrous structure according to wherein the pulp fiber is a wood pulp fiber.13. The fibrous structure according to wherein the wood pulp fiber is selected ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Fibrous Structure-Containing Articles That Exhibit Consumer Relevant Properties

Номер: US20180105997A1

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided. 1. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a CRT Rate of greater than 0.35 g/sec as measured according to the Absorptive Rate and Capacity (CRT) Test Method and a Liquid Breakthrough of greater than 1.00 as measured according to the Liquid Breakthrough Test Method.2. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further comprises a plurality of filaments.3. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the filaments comprises a polymer.4. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polymer comprises a thermoplastic polymer.5. The fibrous structure according to wherein the thermoplastic polymer comprises a polyolefin.6. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polyolefin is selected from the group consisting of: polypropylene claim 5 , polyethylene claim 5 , and mixtures thereof.7. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure comprises a coform fibrous structure.8. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the fibers is a pulp fiber.9. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further exhibits a Bending Modulus of less than 10.00 as measured according to the Flexural Rigidity and Bending Modulus Test Method.10. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further exhibits a TS7 of less than 17.0 as measured according to the Emtec Test Method.11. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits an HFS of greater than 17.0 g/g as measured according to the Horizontal Full Sheet (HFS) Test Method and a Liquid Breakthrough of greater than 1.00 as ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190104918A1

A nonwoven hand pad includes a substrate having first and second opposed major surfaces wherein the first major surface includes a first functional region configured for a first cleaning operation, and the second major surface includes at least two functional regions configured for second and third cleaning operations. A method of cleaning using such a pad is also disclosed. 1. A nonwoven hand pad comprising a substrate having first and second opposed major surfaces , wherein the first major surface includes a first functional region configured for a first cleaning operation , and the second major surface includes at least two functional regions configured for second and third cleaning operations.2. A nonwoven hand pad as defined in claim 1 , wherein the second functional region defines a first scouring surface having a first scouring function claim 1 , and the third functional region defines a second scouring surface having a second scouring function.3. A nonwoven hand pad as defined in claim 2 , wherein the second functional region comprises a continuous abrasive surface and the third functional region comprises a discontinuous abrasive surface.4. A nonwoven hand pad as defined in claim 3 , wherein the discontinuous abrasive surface comprises an array of spaced-apart scouring bodies arranged in a pattern.5. A nonwoven hand pad as defined in claim 2 , wherein the second functional region comprises a first array of spaced-apart scouring bodies arranged in a first pattern claim 2 , and the third functional region comprises a second array of spaced-apart scouring bodies arranged in a second pattern.6. A nonwoven hand pad as defined in claim 5 , wherein the first major surface is substantially free of abrasive particles.7. A nonwoven hand pad as defined in claim 2 , wherein the substrate comprises a first nonwoven material defining the first functional region.8. A nonwoven hand pad as defined in claim 7 , further comprising a nonwoven backing layer affixed to the first ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Nonwoven web material including fibers formed of rcecycled polyester, and methods for producing

Номер: US20150123304A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A nonwoven web material including fibers formed of a polyolefin and a polyester is disclosed. The fibers may include fine fibers produced by, for example, a meltblowing process. The polyolefin may be polypropylene and the polyester may be polylactic acid. The polylactic acid may be obtained and included by recycling scrap nonwoven material containing a polylactic acid component, hydrolyzing the polylactic acid component to reduce its viscosity, blending the hydrolyzed polylactic acid with a polyolefin resin, and melt-spinning the blended material to form fibers. A related process is disclosed.

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Fibrous structure-containing articles that exhibit consumer relevant properties

Номер: US20220266569A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, comprising fibrous structures, and more particularly articles comprising fibrous structures comprising a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the articles exhibit improved consumer relevant properties, for example improved bulk and absorbent properties, compared to known articles and methods for making same are provided.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121872A1
Автор: Ashraf Arman

A nonwoven substrate comprising a polyolefin and an engineering thermoplastic polymer. The engineering thermoplastic polymer may be present in the nonwoven substrate at a level of between about 1% and about 20% by weight of the nonwoven substrate. The layer of fibers is free of a compatibilizer. 1. A nonwoven substrate comprising:a layer of fibers, wherein the fibers comprise a polyolefin and an engineering thermoplastic polymer, wherein the engineering thermoplastic polymer is present in amount of about 20% or less by weight of the nonwoven substrate, and wherein the engineering thermoplastic polymer comprises polyethylene.2. The nonwoven substrate of claim 1 , wherein the engineering thermoplastic polymer is present in the range of from about 1% to about 10% by weight of the nonwoven substrate.3. The nonwoven substrate of claim 1 , wherein the engineering thermoplastic polymer is present in the range of from about 2% to about 7% by weight of the nonwoven substrate.4. The nonwoven substrate wherein the layer of fibers is free of compatibilizer.5. The nonwoven substrate of claim 1 , further comprising a plasticizer.6. The nonwoven substrate of claim 5 , wherein the plasticizer is present in the range of from about 1% to about 20% by weight of the nonwoven substrate.5. woven substrate of claim 5 , wherein the plasticizer is selected from the group consisted of Citrates claim 5 , Adipates claim 5 , Esters claim 5 , Glycerols claim 5 , oils claim 5 , phthalate free plasticizers claim 5 , bio-based plasticizers claim 5 , and mixtures thereof.8. The nonwoven substrate of wherein the fibers are selected from the group consisting of spunbond claim 1 , carded claim 1 , meltblown fibers claim 1 , and microfibers.9. The nonwoven substrate of wherein the fibers are selected from the group consisting of monocomponent fibers claim 1 , bicomponent fibers claim 1 , and multicomponent fibers.10. The nonwoven substrate of wherein the nonwoven substrate is present in an absorbent ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274373A1

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided. 1. A multi-ply fibrous structure comprising:a. a first ply comprising: a plurality of wood pulp fibers and a plurality of thermoplastic meltblown filaments selected from the group consisting of polyester thermoplastic meltblown filaments, nylon thermoplastic meltblown filaments, polyolefin thermoplastic meltblown filaments, biodegradable thermoplastic meltblown filaments, compostable thermoplastic meltblown filaments, and mixtures thereof, wherein the plurality of thermoplastic meltblown filaments exhibit a length of greater than or equal to 5.08 cm, wherein a first portion of the plurality of wood pulp fibers are in the form of a first wet laid fibrous structure and a second portion of the plurality of wood pulp fibers are commingled together with a portion of the thermoplastic meltblown filaments in the form of a coform fibrous structure, wherein the portion of the thermoplastic meltblown filaments in the form of the coform fibrous structure are spun from a die and directly laid on top of the first wet laid fibrous structure; andb. a second ply comprising a second wet laid fibrous structure comprising a plurality of wood pulp fibers associated with the first wet laid fibrous structure such that the multi-ply fibrous structure exhibits a Wet/Dry CD TEA of at least 1.300 as measured according to the Wet and Dry Tensile Strength Test Methods.2. The multi-ply fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the plurality of thermoplastic meltblown filaments is selected from the group consisting of polyolefin thermoplastic meltblown filaments claim 1 , polylactic acid thermoplastic meltblown filaments claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoate thermoplastic ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164139A1

Provided are a water-absorbing wipe and a manufacturing method therefor. The water-absorbing wipe has upper and lower layers of melt-blown fiber webs, and an intermediate layer of a wood pulp fiber web containing a super absorbent resin, wherein melt-blown fibers of the melt-blown fiber webs are woven into the wood pulp fiber web. The super absorbent resin in the water-absorbing wipe can rapidly absorb water or detergent. During wiping, by virtue of the liquid retention ability of the super absorbent resin, the water or the detergent is slowly released to the surface of an object to be cleaned, such that stains can be rapidly removed due to the wetness of the wipe. Moreover, after absorbing a large amount of water or detergent, the wipe can keep the surface dry without leaving behind drops of liquid, and is more suitable for use when the wipe is wet. 1. A water-absorbing wipe , comprising upper and lower layers of melt-blown fiber webs and an intermediate layer of a wood pulp fiber web that contains a super absorbent resin , wherein melt-blown fibers of the melt-blown fiber webs are woven into the wood pulp fiber web.2. The water-absorbing wipe of claim 1 , wherein the melt-blown fibers are polyolefin fibers claim 1 , polyester fibers claim 1 , polyamide fibers claim 1 , polyurethane fibers claim 1 , polylactic acid fibers claim 1 , or a blend thereof.3. The water-absorbing wipe of claim 1 , wherein the melt-blown fiber webs contain one-component melt-blown fibers each having a high-melting-point resin at its surface claim 1 , melt-blown fibers each having a low-melting-point resin at its surface claim 1 , or blend fibers of the two.4. The water-absorbing wipe of claim 3 , wherein the high-melting-point resin and the low-melting-point resin have a melting-point difference therebetween of ≥20° C.5. The water-absorbing wipe of claim 3 , wherein the melt-blown fibers each having the low-melting-point resin at its surface are one-component melt-blown fibers claim 3 , ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Nonwoven Webs With Hydrophobic And Hydrophilic Layers

Номер: US20200129345A1

A nonwoven web for use in an absorbent article is described. The nonwoven web has first and second nonwoven layers. The first nonwoven layer has a first plurality of fibers, an additive disposed, at least in part, on a portion of the first plurality of fibers, a first side and an opposing second side, wherein second side has a plurality of discontinuities. The second nonwoven layer has a second plurality of fibers, a first surface and an opposing second surface, and a plurality of tufts extending through at least a portion of the discontinuities in the first nonwoven layer, wherein the second nonwoven layer is attached to the first nonwoven layer such that at least a portion of the second plurality of fibers are in liquid communication with the first nonwoven layer, wherein the first nonwoven layer is hydrophobic and the second nonwoven layer is hydrophilic. 1. A nonwoven web for use in an absorbent article , the nonwoven web comprising:a first nonwoven layer comprising a first plurality of fibers, a first side and a second side opposed to the first side, wherein second side comprises a plurality of discontinuities, wherein the first nonwoven layer comprises an additive which is disposed, at least in part, on at least a portion of the first plurality of fibers; anda second nonwoven layer comprising a second plurality of fibers, a first surface and a second surface opposed to the first surface and a plurality of tufts extending through at least a portion of the discontinuities in the first nonwoven layer, wherein the second nonwoven layer is attached to the first nonwoven layer such that at least a portion of the second plurality of fibers are in liquid communication with the first nonwoven layer, wherein the first nonwoven layer is hydrophobic and the second nonwoven layer is hydrophilic.2. The nonwoven web of claim 1 , wherein the first nonwoven layer comprises a first plurality of apertures claim 1 , and wherein the second nonwoven layer comprises a second ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Nonwoven laminate fabric comprising meltblown and spundbond layers

Номер: US20190136426A1

The invention relates to a nonwoven laminate fabric comprising a meltblown nonwoven layer sandwiched between first and second spundbond nonwoven layers, wherein at least one of the spundbond layers is a high loft spunbond nonwoven layer comprising or consisting of crimped multicomponent fibers.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172103A1

An abrasion resistant wipe and a manufacturing method therefor. The abrasion resistant wipe has an upper layer and a lower layer each being a meltblown fiber web and a middle layer being wood pulp fiber web; wherein the meltblown fiber web comprises meltblown fibers with fiber surface being high melting point resin and meltblown fibers with fiber surface comprising low melting point resin; there is a difference of ≥20° C. between melting point of the low melting point resin and melting point of the high melting point resin; percentage of the meltblown fibers with fiber surface comprising low melting point resin in total fibers of the meltblown fiber web is greater than 5%; the meltblown fibers of the meltblown fiber web penetrate in the wood pulp fiber web. 1. An abrasion resistant wipe , characterized in that the abrasion resistant wipe has an upper layer and a lower layer each being a meltblown fiber web and a middle layer being a wood pulp fiber web; wherein the meltblown fiber web comprises meltblown fibers with fiber surface being high melting point resin and meltblown fibers with fiber surface comprising low melting point resin; there is a difference of ≥20° C. between melting point of the low melting point resin and melting point of the high melting point resin: percentage of the meltblown fibers with fiber surface comprising low melting point resin in total fibers of the meltblown fiber web is greater than 5%; the meltblown fibers of the meltblown fiber web penetrates in the wood pulp fiber web.2. The abrasion resistant wipe as in claim 1 , characterized in that: the meltblown fibers with fiber surface comprising low melting point resin are single-component low melting point meltblown fibers claim 1 , bicomponent meltblown fibers or a combination thereof.3. The abrasion resistant wipe as in claim 2 , characterized in that: the bicomponent meltblown fibers are bicomponent sheath-core type meltblown fibers claim 2 , bicomponent orange peel type meltblown ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Nonwoven And Absorbent Articles Having The Same

Номер: US20170144405A1

A nonwoven web having a first web layer and a second web layer are disclosed herein. Methods of making such webs and absorbent articles including those webs are also disclosed. The first web layer has a core/sheath first composite fiber having a fiber fineness no greater than about 2.5 denier. The second web layer has a core/sheath second composite fiber having a fiber fineness no greater than about 2.5 denier and a homopolymer fiber having a fiber fineness of greater than about 3 denier. The homopolymer fiber is less than about 30% by weight of the second web layer. 1. A nonwoven sheet comprisinga first layer comprising a core/sheath first composite fiber having a fiber fineness no greater than about 2.5 denier, wherein the first composite fiber comprises a core component comprising at least one thermoplastic resin selected from the group consisting of polyethylene terephthalate, polypropylene, nylon, polyamide, and combinations thereof, and a sheath component comprising a thermoplastic resin having a melting point of at least 20° C. lower than a melting point of the core component;a second layer comprising a core/sheath second composite fiber having a fiber fineness no greater than about 2.5 denier, and a homopolymer fiber having a fiber fineness of greater than about 3 denier, wherein the second composite fiber comprises a core component comprising at least one thermoplastic resin selected from the group consisting of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), nylon, polyamide, and combinations thereof, and a sheath component comprising a thermoplastic resin having a melting point of at least 20° C. lower than a melting point of the core component,wherein an average denier of fibers in the first layer is no greater than about 2.5,wherein the homopolymer fiber is less than about 30% by weight of the second layer.2. The nonwoven sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the second composite fiber and the homopolymer fiber have a fiber fineness difference no ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153128A1
Автор: XIE Jihua, XIE JIQUAN
Принадлежит: Xiamen Yanjan New Material Co., Ltd.

Disclosed is a hot air through nonwoven and a manufacturing method thereof, the hot air through nonwoven comprises a first fiber layer and a second fiber layer that are fixedly connected up and down; the contact angle of the first fiber layer and water is larger than 70°, the thickness of the first fiber layer is 0.2-2.0 mm, the first fiber layer has throughout holes, the area of the throughout holes has 10-80% of the total area of the first fiber layer; the contact angle of the second fiber layer and water is less than 70°; the first fiber layer is used to distribute the liquid thereon to the second fiber layer, the second fiber layer is used to absorb the liquid from the first fiber layer. The hot air through nonwoven can make the user feel dry and comfortable when using the absorbent products contacted with the skin made from the hot air through nonwoven of the present invention 1. A hot air through nonwoven , wherein comprisinga first fiber layer and a second fiber layer that are fixedly connected up and down;the contact angle of the first fiber layer and water is larger than 70°, the thickness of the first fiber layer is 0.2-2.0 mm, the first fiber layer has throughout holes, the area of the throughout holes has 10-80% of the total area of the first fiber layer;the contact angle of the second fiber layer and water is less than 70°;the first fiber layer is used to distribute the liquid thereon to the second fiber layer, the second fiber layer is used to absorb the liquid from the first fiber layer.2. The hot air through nonwoven according to claim 1 , wherein the throughout holes are throughout holes of strip claim 1 , circle claim 1 , ellipse claim 1 , polygon or other irregular shape and arranged with space claim 1 , or protrusions of strip claim 1 , circle claim 1 , ellipse claim 1 , polygon or other irregular shape.3. The hot air through nonwoven according to claim 1 , wherein the first fiber layer has two layers or more.4. The hot air through nonwoven ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145032A1

Nonwoven fabrics are provided that include at least a first nonwoven layer. The first nonwoven layer includes multi-component fibers densely arranged and compacted against one another. The multi-component fibers comprise at least a first component comprising a first polymeric material including a first polyolefin and a second component comprising a second polymeric material including a second polyolefin, in which the first polymeric material is different than the second polymeric material. The first polymeric material, the second polymeric material, or both include a compatibilizer comprising a copolymer having a comonomer content including (i) at least 10% by weight of the compatibilizer of a first monomer corresponding to the first polyolefin and (ii) at least 10% by weight of the compatibilizer of a second monomer corresponding to the second polyolefin. 1. A nonwoven fabric , comprising:at least a first nonwoven layer comprising multi-component fibers densely arranged and compacted against one another to form a substantially smooth outer surface on at least a first side of the nonwoven fabric;the multi-component fibers comprising at least a first component comprising a first polymeric material including a first polyolefin and a second component comprising a second polymeric material including a second polyolefin; wherein the first polymeric material is different than the second polymeric material;wherein the first polymeric material, the second polymeric material, or both comprise a compatibilizer comprising a copolymer having a comonomer content including (i) at least 10% by weight of the compatibilizer of a first monomer corresponding to the first polyolefin and (ii) at least 10% by weight of the compatibilizer of a second monomer corresponding to the second polyolefin.2. The nonwoven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the multi-component fibers comprise a sheath/core configuration claim 1 , a side-by-side configuration claim 1 , a pie configuration claim 1 , an ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180245A1

The present disclosure is relates to an artificial leather. The artificial leather includes multi-layer thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) mesh layers. Fiber fineness of the TPU mesh layers ranges from 5 μm to 30 μm, and peeling strength of the TPU mesh layers is greater than 2.5 Kg/cm. 1. An artificial leather , comprising:multi-layer thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) mesh layers, wherein fiber fineness of the TPU mesh layers ranges from 5 μm to 30 μm, and peeling strength of the TPU mesh layers is greater than 2.5 Kg/cm.2. The artificial leather of claim 1 , wherein the TPU mesh layers comprise a first TPU mesh layer claim 1 , and fiber fineness of the first TPU mesh layer ranges from 10 μm to 30 μm.3. The artificial leather of claim 2 , wherein the TPU mesh layers further comprise a second TPU mesh layer disposed on the first TPU mesh layer claim 2 , and fiber fineness of the second TPU mesh layer ranges from 5 μm to 10 μm claim 2 , the second TPU mesh layer is a surface TPU mesh layer.4. The artificial leather of claim 2 , Wherein the TPU mesh layers further comprise a second TPU mesh layer disposed on the first TPU mesh is layer claim 2 , and fiber fineness of the second TPU mesh layer ranges from 10 ∥m to 30 μm.5. The artificial leather of claim 4 , wherein the TPU mesh layers further comprise a third TPU mesh layer disposed on the second TPU mesh layer claim 4 , and fiber fineness of the third TPU mesh layer ranges from 5 μm to 10 μm; the third TPU mesh layer is a surface TPU mesh layer.6. The artificial leather of claim 1 , further comprising at least one combination joint formed between the two adjacent TPU mesh layers. The disclosure relates to an artificial leather.In the prior art, a multilayer artificial leather is universally manufactured by using a plurality of different manufacturing processes, and solvents need to be used in some manufacturing processes, for example, manufacturing processes that include resin dipping or fiber dissolving and removing. ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140235131A1
Принадлежит: ENEXIS CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a multipurpose functional nonwoven fabric, and more particularly, to a multipurpose functional nonwoven fabric which is manufactured by performing a pretreatment process on carbonized fiber cotton, and stacking the pretreated carbonized fiber on natural cotton, mixing the pretreated carbonized fiber cotton with the natural cotton and scutching the mixed cotton, or introducing the natural cotton and stacking the natural cotton on an intermediate layer of the pretreated carbonized fiber, and a method for manufacturing same. Web formation and stacking at a cutting machine can be easily performed by performing the pretreatment process on the carbonized fiber. Also, excellent heat resistance and conductivity can be obtained by stacking the carbonized fiber cotton on natural cotton, mixing the carbonized fiber cotton with the natural cotton, scutching the mixed carbonized fiber cotton and the natural cotton and stacking the scutched cotton, or introducing natural cotton into an intermediate layer of the carbonized fiber cotton, stacking the natural cotton on the intermediate layer of the carbonized fiber cotton, and subjecting the stacked cotton to needle punching. Since a surface temperature of the nonwoven fabric can be lowered and the loss of heat can be reduced through dissipation and dispersion of heat, thermal retention and insulation properties of the entangled natural cotton can be enhanced, and carbonization prevention and incombustiblization of the natural cotton can be achieved. Also, the multipurpose functional nonwoven fabric can be manufactured at a low production cost and exhibit environmentally friendly characteristics, and a waste material can be recycled. 1. A method for manufacturing a multipurpose functional nonwoven fabric , comprising:(1) preparing carbonized fiber cotton by unraveling a carbonized fiber and mixing the carbonized fiber and raw cotton at a mixing ratio of 7:3 to 8:2;(2) injecting the carbonized fiber ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190150588A1
Принадлежит: TAIKI CORP., LTD.

An elastic body for holding a cosmetic, which can suppress that the cosmetic included in the elastic body for holding a cosmetic is taken out from the elastic body in a large amount at a time at the initial stage of use, wherein the elastic body for holding a cosmetic has a three-dimensional structure, and at least a dense fibrous surface layer and a sparse fibrous substrate; a cosmetic-containing elastic body in which a cosmetic is included in the elastic body for holding cosmetic; and a cosmetic article having the cosmetic-containing elastic body. 14-. (canceled)5. An elastic body for holding a cosmetic , having a three-dimensional structure , wherein said elastic body has a dense fibrous surface layer and a sparse fibrous substrate.6. The elastic body for holding a cosmetic according to claim 5 , wherein the dense fibrous surface layer and the sparse fibrous substrate are united into one body claim 5 , or the dense fibrous surface layer is placed on the sparse fibrous substrate.7. The elastic body for holding a cosmetic according to claim 5 , wherein each of the dense fibrous surface layer and the sparse fibrous substrate comprises a web sheet comprising (a) a web comprising a conjugated fiber containing a resin A and a resin B claim 5 , in which a melting temperature of the resin A is lower than a melting temperature of the resin B claim 5 , and (b) a synthetic fiber; and constituent fibers of the web are fused to be united into one body at their contacting portions by the resin A.8. The elastic body for holding a cosmetic according to claim 7 , wherein a mass ratio of the conjugated fiber to the synthetic fiber (conjugated fiber/synthetic fiber) is 30/70 to 80/20.9. The elastic body for holding a cosmetic according to claim wherein the synthetic fiber is a polyester fiber.10. The elastic body for holding a cosmetic according to claim 6 , wherein the dense fibrous surface layer and the sparse fibrous substrate are united into one body claim 6 , and the dense ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154607A1
Автор: Mitsuno Satoshi, Okuda Jun

A composite sheet having an elastic layer and an inelastic layer and high breathability and a method for manufacturing such improved composite sheet. The composite sheet includes an elastic layer and an inelastic layer joined and laminated through a plurality of joints. The elastic layer is formed with first depressions overlapping the joints and extending in a transverse direction and first protrusions. Interior space if the first protrusions is filled with constituent fibers of the elastic layer. The inelastic layer is formed with second depressions overlapping the joints and extending in a longitudinal direction and second protrusions. Along the second depressions, the elastic layer and the inelastic layer come in contact with each other at the joints and, along the second protrusions, the inelastic layer is spaced from the elastic layer to define clearance gaps in these layers. 17-. (canceled)8. A method for manufacturing a composite sheet having a plurality of joints at which an elastic layer and an inelastic layer are joined to each other , first depressions formed in the elastic layer so as to overlap the joints , first protrusions formed so as to be respectively adjacent the first depressions , second protrusions formed in the inelastic layer so as to overlap the joints and second protrusions extending in a direction intersecting with the first protrusions , including the steps of:conveying an elastic web as material for the elastic layer from a first unwind roller;conveying the elastic web to an ultrasonic system having a sonic horn and an anvil facing the sonic horn via nip rollers;conveying inelastic web as material for the inelastic layer to the ultrasonic system from second unwind roller; andjoining the elastic web and the inelastic web to each other by the ultrasonic systemwherein the anvil is provided on a peripheral surface thereof with a plurality of protrusions spaced from each other in a rotating direction as well as in an axial direction so that ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220298686A1
Принадлежит: Essity Hygiene and Health Aktiebolag

A composite nonwoven sheet material comprising a reinforcement layer comprising mainly reinforcement filaments, a pulp layer comprising mainly pulp fibers, and a surface layer comprising mainly microfibers, wherein the pulp layer is interposed between the reinforcement layer and the surface layer, and wherein the pulp fibers are entangled with the reinforcement filaments and the microfibers. A process of producing a composite nonwoven sheet material, comprising: forming a fibrous web comprising a reinforcement layer comprising mainly reinforcement filaments, a pulp layer comprising mainly pulp fibers, and a surface layer comprising mainly microfibers, wherein the pulp layer is interposed between the reinforcement layer and the surface layer; and hydroentangling the fibrous web to form the composite nonwoven sheet material. 1. A composite nonwoven sheet material comprising a reinforcement layer comprising mainly reinforcement filaments , a pulp layer comprising mainly pulp fibers , and a surface layer comprising mainly microfibers , wherein the pulp layer is interposed between the reinforcement layer and the surface layer , and wherein the pulp fibers are entangled with the reinforcement filaments and the microfibers.2. The sheet material according to claim 1 , wherein the pulp fibers have fiber lengths between 1 and 6 mm.3. The sheet material according to claim 1 , wherein the microfibers have a mass density of 1 dtex or less.4. The sheet material according to claim 1 , wherein the microfibers have a length of 18 mm or less.5. The sheet material according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement filaments comprise synthetic filaments of thermoplastic polymers.6. The sheet material according to claim 1 , wherein the sheet material comprises 25-80 wt. % of pulp fibers claim 1 , 10-40 wt. % of reinforcement filaments and 10-40 wt. % of microfibers.7. The sheet material according to claim 6 , wherein the sheet material comprises 40-65 wt. % of pulp fibers claim 6 , 15-30 ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210187421A1
Принадлежит: Hollingsworth & Vose Company

Filter media comprising a non-wetlaid backer are generally provided. In some embodiments, a filter media comprises a non-wetlaid fiber web and further comprises one or more further fiber webs. The further fiber web(s) may include an efficiency layer and/or a prefilter. 1. A filter media , comprising:a first fiber web, wherein the first fiber web is a non-wetlaid fiber web, and wherein the first fiber web comprises a resin;a second fiber web, wherein the second fiber web comprises fibers having an average diameter of greater than or equal to 0.01 micron and less than or equal to 1 micron; anda third fiber web, wherein the third fiber web comprises fibers having an average diameter of greater than or equal to 0.8 microns and less than or equal to 8 microns,wherein a ratio of a machine direction tensile strength of the filter media to a cross direction tensile strength of the filter media is greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 10.2. A filter media , comprising:a first fiber web, wherein the first fiber web is a non-wetlaid fiber web, and wherein the first fiber web comprises a resin;a second fiber web, wherein the second fiber web comprises fibers having an average diameter of greater than or equal to 0.01 micron and less than or equal to 1 micron; anda third fiber web, wherein the third fiber web comprises fibers having an average diameter of greater than or equal to 0.8 microns and less than or equal to 8 microns,wherein the filter media has an “F” classification of F1 and/or has a “K” classification of K1.3. A filter media , comprising:a first fiber web, wherein the first fiber web is a non-wetlaid fiber web, wherein the first fiber web comprises fibers, wherein the first fiber web comprises a resin, wherein both the fibers and the resin each comprise a poly(ester), and wherein the poly(ester) in the fibers and the poly(ester) in the resin together make up greater than or equal to 50 wt % and less than or equal to 100 wt % of the first fiber web;a ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160778A1

A semi-finished product includes a partly reinforced assembly () of a nap layer () made of a non-woven fiber nap () and an additional fiber layer (), stacked face-to-face. The nap layer includes carbon fibers, aramid fibers, or mineral fibers, such as glass or basalt fibers, having a preferred orientation (VR). The assembly is produced by a layering process. The nap layer and the fiber layer are free of additional macro proppants. The additional fiber layer includes a web thread group () of individual adjacent threads. The fiber layer includes carbon fibers, aramid fibers, or mineral fibers, such as glass or basalt fibers and has an exclusive fiber orientation (FA). The nap product is partly reinforced by local connection points between the fibers of the different layers. The semi-finished product has a high directional strength and a high maximum drapability at the same time. 1. A panel-shaped semi-finished product for producing fiber-reinforced composites , the semi-finished product comprising a partly strengthened assembly of at least one nap layer made of a non-woven fiber nap and at least one additional panel-shaped fiber layer , which at least one nap layer and at least one additional panel-shaped fiber layer , of said assembly are stacked face to face , wherein:the at least one nap layer and/or the at least one additional fiber layer are formed predominantly or completely from carbon fibers, aramid fibers or mineral fibers;the fibers contained in the nap layer have a preferred orientation;the face to face stacking of the assembly is formed exclusively by layering;the at least one nap layer and the at least one fiber layer are free from additional macro support elements;the additional fiber layer is stacked onto the at least one nap layer and is formed by a panel-shaped thread group from individual threads arranged next to each other;the thread group has an exclusive fiber orientation; andthe nap product is partly strengthened by local connection points ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161930A1
Принадлежит: Watershed Geosynthetics LLC

A non-woven mat of randomly oriented thermoplastic or polymeric fibers defining interstitial gaps that form interference pathways for non-direct water flow therethrough, whereby the mat being disposed on a ground surface moderates a rate of flow of environmental water for increased seepage of the environmental water into a subground and resists rapid lateral flow of environmental water across the ground cover, and with a stabilization layer in a bottom surface portion of the mat or optionally secured with staples to the ground. A method of forming a stabilized water flow control ground cover is disclosed. 1. A stabilized water flow control ground cover , comprising:a non-woven mat of randomly oriented polymeric fibers defining interstitial gaps, the mat having respective extended longitudinal and transverse axis and a thickness that is less than an significant minority of the transverse axis,the interstitial gaps defining a plurality of interference pathways for non-direct water flow therethrough,whereby the mat being disposed on a ground surface moderates a rate of flow of environmental water for increased seepage of the environmental water into a subground and resists rapid lateral flow thereof across the ground surface.2. The stabilized water flow control ground cover as recited in claim 1 , wherein the mat exhibits high permittivity.3. The stabilized water flow control ground cover as recited in claim 1 , wherein the denier of the fibers is in a range of about 100 denier to about 15 claim 1 ,000 denier.4. The stabilized water flow control ground cover as recited in claim 1 , wherein the mat provides an apparent opening size in a range from U.S. sieve size 3 to U.S. sieve size 30.5. The stabilized water flow control ground cover as recited in claim 1 , wherein the mat has a thickness in a range of about 0.1 inch to about 4.0 inches.6. The stabilized water flow control ground cover as recited in claim 1 , where in the mat has a mass per unit area of about 3 ounces ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161931A1
Принадлежит: Watershed Geosynthetics LLC

A ground cover is disclosed having a non-woven layer or mat of randomly oriented polymeric fibers coupled to an underlying porous or water permeable geomembrane or base layer of a polymeric material. The ground cover may include tufts or strands of the synthetic turf or grass bonded to the base layer. 1. A water flow control ground cover comprising:a base layer of a polymeric material, anda mat of randomly oriented polymeric fibers coupled to said base layer.2. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said base layer is a water impervious base layer.3. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said base layer is a water permeable base layer.4. The water flow control ground cover of further comprising a plurality of synthetic turf strands.5. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said plurality of synthetic turf strands are coupled to said base layer.6. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said plurality of synthetic turf strands have a density of between 5 ounces per square yard and 60 ounces per square yard.7. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said mat has a density of between 2 ounces per square yard and 60 ounces per square yard.8. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said base layer has a thickness of approximately 5 mils to about 60 mils.9. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said mat of randomly oriented polymeric fibers is a non-woven textile.10. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said mat of randomly oriented polymeric fibers is a plurality of non-woven polymeric fibers.11. A water flow control ground cover comprising:a geomembrane of polymeric material, anda mass of randomly oriented polymeric fibers coupled to said geomembrane.12. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said geomembrane is a water impervious geomembrane.13. The water flow control ground cover of wherein said geomembrane is a water permeable geomembrane.14. The water flow control ground cover of further ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Polyester sound absorption material, method of manufacturing molded product using same, and molded product manufactured thereby

Номер: US20210201881A1

The present invention relates to a polyester sound absorption material having improved moldability and decreased weight and a method of manufacturing a molded product using the same, and more particularly to a polyester sound absorption material, which is capable of integrally molding a skin member and a sound absorption material using a felt including a polyester base fiber, a low-melting-point polyester adhesive fiber and a polyester hollow fiber, without the need to attach an additional sound absorption pad onto a skin member.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190193383A1

A method of forming a fibrous structure including: providing a first textured substrate that has a first side with first discrete regions and a first continuous region extending between the first discrete regions, and a second side comprising a plurality of first discrete portions corresponding to the first discrete regions and a first continuous portion corresponding to the first continuous region; passing the first textured substrate across a nozzle of a slot coat header, wherein a heated polymer is dispensed from the nozzle; depositing the heated polymer onto one of the first or the second side of the first textured substrate to form a plurality of first polymer particles, wherein the heated polymer is substantially deposited on an area of the first textured substrate that contacts the nozzle such that at least a section of each of the first polymer particles defines a raised edge; and joining the first textured substrate to a second substrate to form the fibrous structure. 1. A method of forming a fibrous structure comprising: a first side with first discrete regions and a first continuous region extending between the first discrete regions; and', 'a second side comprising a plurality of first discrete portions corresponding to the first discrete regions and a first continuous portion corresponding to the first continuous region;, 'providing a first textured substrate comprisingpassing the first textured substrate across a nozzle of a slot coat header, wherein a heated polymer is dispensed from the nozzle;depositing the heated polymer onto one of the first or the second side of the first textured substrate to form a plurality of first polymer particles, wherein the heated polymer is substantially deposited on an area of the first textured substrate that contacts the nozzle such that at least a section of each of the first polymer particles defines a raised edge; andjoining the first textured substrate to a second substrate to form the fibrous structure.2. The ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170202689A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a preform by means of an electrospinning process. The present invention also relates to the use of the present preform as a substrate for growing human or animal tissue thereon. The present invention furthermore relates to a method for growing human or animal tissue on a substrate, wherein the present preform is used as the substrate. 1. A method for implanting a heart valve or blood vessel preform , comprising:providing an electrospun, porous, biodegradable preform having membranes produced by electrospinning at least two fibre layers over submoulds, wherein at least one of the submoulds is incorporated into the preform, the preform having an open fiber-like structure; andimplanting the preform in a human or animal body, wherein the preform decomposes substantially completely and is replaced by natural tissue, and wherein the preform forms at least part of a blood vessel or a heart valve.2. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the preform is incubated with human or animal cells prior to incubation to allow cells to grow in the open fiber-like structure to provide tissue over the preform.3. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the preform at least partially degrades prior to implantation.4. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the preform entirely degrades prior to implantation.5. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the two fibre layers have different decomposition rates.6. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the at least one of the submoulds is incorporated into the preform as a support structure.7. A heart valve or blood vessel preform claim 1 , comprising:an electrospun, porous, biodegradable preform having membranes produced by electrospinning at least two fibre layers over submoulds, the preform having an open fibre-like structure, wherein at least one of the submoulds is incorporated into the preform, and the preform being configured to decompose substantially completely and be replaced by natural tissue after ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Nonwoven composite including natural fiber web layer and method of forming the same

Номер: US20170203542A1
Принадлежит: First Quality Nonwovens Inc

A composite structure including at least one natural fiber web layer and at least one nonwoven web layer. In an exemplary embodiment, the natural fiber web layer is made of cotton fibers and the nonwoven web layer is a spunbond or spunmelt layer. The composite structure may be used to form components of an absorbent article, such as top sheets or back sheets of a diaper.

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210236972A1
Принадлежит: SGL CARBON SE

The invention relates to a filter medium comprising a reinforced non-woven fabric, to a method for the production thereof, and to the use thereof. 116-. (canceled)17. A filter medium comprising:a reinforced non-woven fabric, wherein the non-woven fabric has at least one non-woven layer based on preoxidised polyacrylonitryl (PAN) and at least one reinforcement layer, wherein the at least one reinforcement layer has a first side and a second side, wherein the at least one reinforcement layer is covered from the first side and/or the second side by the at least one non-woven layer.18. The filter medium according to claim 17 , wherein the filter medium has a flat or round shape.19. The filter medium according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one reinforcement layer is a woven fabric claim 17 , a scrim claim 17 , a knitted fabric claim 17 , a crocheted fabric claim 17 , a meshwork or a grid.20. The filter medium according to claim 19 , wherein a material of the at least one reinforcement layer is selected from the group consisting of metal fibres claim 19 , metal wires claim 19 , preoxidised PAN fibres claim 19 , partially carbonised PAN fibres or carbon fibres.21. The filter medium according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one non-woven layer based on preoxidised PAN and/or the at least one reinforcement layer based on preoxidised PAN is carbonised or partially carbonised.22. The filter medium according to claim 17 , wherein the reinforced non-woven fabric has at least two non-woven layers claim 17 , wherein a first non-woven layer is arranged on the first side of the reinforcement layer and a second non-woven layer is arranged on the second side of the reinforcement layer.23. The filter medium according to claim 17 , wherein at least two non-woven layers are arranged on the first side of the reinforcement layer claim 17 , wherein each of the non-woven layers arranged on the first side of the reinforcement layer has different material properties.24. The filter ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Non-woven web having hydro and thermal embossments

Номер: US20160222566A1
Автор: Roberto Pedoja
Принадлежит: Suominen Corp

A non-woven web including: a first surface area of the web including hydro-embossments and devoid of thermo-embossments, wherein the first surface area covers five to ninety-five percent of a total surface area of the non-woven web, and a second surface area of the web including thermo-embossments and devoid of hydro-embossments, wherein the second surface area covers at least two percent of the total surface area of the non-wove web and wherein the first surface area does not overlap the second surface area.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Methods and compositions for blood vessel tissue repair and engineering

Номер: US20180214611A1

The present disclosure provides methods, substrates and compositions for modifying, repairing, and/or engineering blood vessel tissue, and in particular the use of such compositions for treating a diseased blood vessel. 1. A substrate coating for rebuilding a diseased intima layer of an artery , comprising: a porous synthetic elastic intima layer deployable on an inner surface of a diseased artery ,wherein the synthetic elastic intima layer is an electro-spun bio-absorbable fiber layer with a thickness less than a 100 micrometers,wherein the fibers in the electro-spun bio-absorbable fiber layer are bio-absorbable polyols, excluding polyethylene glycol (PEG) with acrylic groups,wherein the synthetic elastic intima layer has near its outer surface adhesion characteristics to allow the outer surface to adhere to the inner surface wall of the diseased artery to the outer surface upon delivery in the artery,wherein the synthetic elastic intima layer has pores between about 1 to about 10,000 microns to allow cell ingrowth upon the delivery in the artery;wherein the synthetic elastic intima layer is bio-absorbable over time upon the delivery in the artery, andwherein the bio-absorbable synthetic elastic intima layer is capable of being replaced by a newly rebuild intima layer as a result of the cell ingrowth and the adherence of the outer surface to the inner surface wall.2. The substrate coating as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the bio-absorbable fiber layer are bio-absorbable polyols selected from the group consisting of polyglycolic acid (PGA) claim 1 , polylactic acid (PLA) claim 1 , polycaprolactone claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoate claim 1 , polyfumarate claim 1 , polyesters claim 1 , polycarbonates claim 1 , poly(orthoesters) claim 1 , polyphosphoesters claim 1 , polyanhydrides claim 1 , polyphosphazenes claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoates claim 1 , polyvinylalcohol claim 1 , polypropylenefumarate claim 1 , polycaprolactone claim 1 , poly(L-lactide) claim 1 , poly(DL- ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180216267A1
Принадлежит: PRIMALOFT, INC.

The invention provides batting that includes a nonwoven web having a first surface parallel to a second surface. The nonwoven web is made up of a fiber mixture that includes: 25 to 75 wt % spiral-crimped siliconized synthetic polymeric fibers having a denier of greater than 4 denier and less than 10 denier; and 20 to 75 wt % down treated with a durable water repellant, said down having a fill power of at least 550 in/oz, and having a down cluster content of at least 85 wt %. Articles comprising the batting and methods of making the batting are also provided. 1. Batting comprising a nonwoven web having a first surface parallel to a second surface , said nonwoven web comprising a fiber mixture comprising:25 to 75 wt % spiral-crimped siliconized synthetic polymeric fibers having a denier of greater than 4 denier and less than 10 denier; and{'sup': '3', '20 to 75 wt % down treated with a durable water repellant, said down having a fill power of at least 550 in/oz, and having a down cluster content of at least 85 wt %.'}2. The batting according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber mixture additionally comprises:5 to 25 wt % synthetic binder fibers having a denier of 1.5 to 4.0, said binder fibers having a bonding temperature lower than the softening temperature of the siliconized synthetic polymeric fibers.3. The batting according to claim 2 , wherein the binder fibers have a staple cut length of 38 mm to 105 mm.4. The batting according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first surface and second surface comprises a cross-linked resin.5. The batting according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first surface and second surface comprises a scrim layer.6. The batting according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber mixture additionally comprises:natural fibers.7. The batting according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber mixture additionally comprises:20 to 60 wt % untreated down.8. The batting according to claim 7 , wherein said untreated down has a fill power of at least 550 in/oz ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180221215A1

A method for producing a multi-layered absorbent articles is disclosed. At least two of the layers include a colored region. 1. A method of producing a multi-layered absorbent articles having two or more colored regions , the absorbent articles each comprising a lateral centerline and a longitudinal centerline , the method comprising the steps of:supplying materials for a first plurality of absorbent articles to an absorbent article converting line, the materials comprising: a printed first precursor web having a first colored region; a second precursor web; and an absorbent core web;printing a second colored region onto the second precursor web, wherein the first colored region is laterally more extensive than the second colored region, wherein the first colored region and the second colored region are longitudinally spaced apart;cutting the second precursor web and/or the absorbent core web creating individual sheets of the second precursor web and/or individual sheets of the absorbent core web;placing the individual sheets of the second precursor web and/or the absorbent core web onto the first precursor web forming an absorbent article web;cutting the absorbent article web into a first plurality of individual absorbent articles;packaging in a plurality of first packages the first plurality of individual absorbent articles;supplying materials for a second plurality of absorbent articles to an absorbent article converting line, the materials comprising: a printed third precursor web having a third colored region; a fourth precursor web; and an absorbent core web;printing a fourth colored region onto the fourth precursor web, wherein the third colored region is laterally more extensive than the fourth colored region, wherein the third colored region and the fourth colored region are longitudinally spaced apart, and wherein the second colored region is different than the fourth colored region;cutting the fourth precursor web and/or the absorbent core web creating ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Multi-ply dispersible nonwoven material

Номер: US20180223461A1

The invention relates to a nonwoven material having sufficient strength to be used in a pre-moistened state but also having dispersibility properties which allow the product to be flushed. The material comprises at least two nonwoven webs, at least one of which is hydroentangled. Each of the individual webs has a basis weight of 20-100 gsm. The nonwoven webs are joined together by thermal or mechanical embossing, or a combination of these. 1. A nonwoven fabric material comprising at least two nonwoven web layers , of which layers at least one is hydroentangled , where each individual nonwoven web layer has a basis weight of 20-100 gsm and each individual nonwoven web layer has a composition of 50%-95% wood pulp and 5%-50% short cut man-made fibers and/or natural fiber; and where the at least two nonwoven web layers have been joined together by thermal embossing , mechanical embossing or a combination of these.2. The nonwoven fabric material of claim 1 , wherein the shortcut man-made fibers are selected from the group consisting of regenerated cellulose claim 1 , lyocell claim 1 , viscose rayon claim 1 , polylactic acid and polyvinyl alcohol.3. The nonwoven fabric material of claim 1 , wherein the natural fibers are selected from the group consisting of cotton claim 1 , hemp claim 1 , flax claim 1 , linen claim 1 , bamboo claim 1 , sisal claim 1 , jute and kapok.4. The nonwoven fabric material of claim 1 , wherein the shortcut man-made fibers and/or natural fiber have a length in the range 5 mm to 15 mm.5. The nonwoven fabric material of claim 1 , wherein the bonding area in the embossing is in the range 5% to 33%6. The nonwoven fabric material of claim 1 , wherein the bonding area in the embossing is greater than 5%.7. The nonwoven fabric material of claim 1 , further comprising a wetting liquid.8. The nonwoven fabric material of claim 6 , comprising a wetting liquid in an amount not exceeding 2.5 times the weight of the dry nonwoven material per unit area.9. The ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Nonwoven fabric

Номер: US20200216989A1
Принадлежит: Kao Corp

A nonwoven fabric, comprising thermoplastic fibers, a first surface side and a second surface side which is a surface side opposite to the first surface side, wherein the nonwoven fabric has outer surface fiber layers on the first surface side and the second surface side in which fibers are oriented in plane direction; and a plurality of connecting portions arranged between the outer surface fiber layer on the first surface side and the outer surface fiber layer on the second surface side, in which fibers are oriented in thickness direction of the nonwoven fabric; and part of the fibers is fused to each other between the outer surface fiber layer on the first surface side, the outer surface fiber layer on the second surface side, and the connecting portions.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Separator for electrochemical element

Номер: US20200220137A1
Принадлежит: Japan Vilene Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is a separator for an electrochemical element, comprising a fibrous structure, wherein the fibrous structure has a first fibrous layer part in which short fibers and/or pulp-like fibers are intertwined with each other, and a second fibrous layer part; some of the short fibers and/or the pulp-like fibers constituting the first fibrous layer part penetrates the second fibrous layer part; and a pore diameter distribution of the fibrous structure satisfies the following formula: 0 μm<D max<18 μm, and 0 μm≤(D max−Dave)<13 μm, wherein D max is a maximum pore diameter (μm) of the fibrous structure, and Dave is an average pore diameter (μm) of the fibrous structure.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Structured, dispersible nonwoven web comprised of hydroentangled individualized bast fibers

Номер: US20170233909A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Consumer Products LP

A water-dispersible nonwoven substrate includes a structured web of fibers. The structured web has a first surface and a second surface. The first surface has substantially filled protrusions extending outwardly from the first surface and connecting regions disposed between the protrusions. The average fiber densities of the protrusions and connecting regions are substantially the same, and the fibers are individualized plant-based fibers, reconstituted cellulosic fibers, or a combination thereof.

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226132A1
Автор: Afshari Mehdi

This disclosure relates to an article that includes a nonwoven substrate and a film supported by the nonwoven substrate. The film can include a first polymer and a polymer that is immiscible with the first polymer. The first polymer can include a polyolefin and the second polymer can include a polycycloolefin, a polymethylpentene, or a copolymer thereof. 132-. (canceled)33. An article , comprising:a nonwoven substrate; anda microporous breathable film supported by the nonwoven substrate, the microporous breathable film comprising a first polymer and an amount of a second polymer, wherein the second polymer has a polymer backbone similar to that of the first polymer such that at least about 5% by weight of the amount of the second polymer is blended with the first polymer;{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the microporous breathable film comprises a pore-forming filler and the laminate has a MVTR from 35 g/m/day to 140 g/m/day according to ASTM E96-A and measured at 23° C. and 50 RH %.'}34. The article of claim 33 , wherein the first polymer comprises a polyolefin and the second polymer comprises a polycycloolefin claim 33 , a polymethylpentene claim 33 , or a copolymer thereof.35. The article of claim 34 , wherein the second polymer comprises a poly(cycloolefin-co-olefin).36. The article of claim 34 , wherein the second polymer comprises a poly(norbornene-co-ethylene) or a copolymer formed from ethylene and norbornene substituted with a substituent.37. The article of claim 34 , wherein the first polymer comprises a polyethylene or a polypropylene.38. The article of claim 37 , wherein the film further comprises an elastomer.39. The article of claim 33 , wherein the nonwoven substrate comprises randomly disposed polymeric fibers claim 33 , at least a portion of the fibers being bonded to one another.40. The article of claim 33 , wherein the article is embossed.41. The article of claim 33 , wherein the pore-forming filler comprises a plurality of particles.42. The article of ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180236403A1
Автор: JEONG Ui Young

A nanofiber for a filter medium is provided that includes fiber-forming ingredients including polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and an emulsifying agent for improving the miscibility of the fiber-forming ingredients. The nanofiber has excellent mechanical strength and chemical resistance and, at the same time, significantly increased hydrophilicity without a separate surface modification/treatment to/on the nanofiber. A filter medium comprising said nanofiber can exhibit improved flux and filtration efficiency and excellent physical properties in a water treatment process in which a pressure equal to or more than a predetermined level is applied and which requires the filter medium to have high mechanical strength and in a water treatment process which requires chemical resistance as the liquid being filtered is strongly acidic or alkaline. Further, since the nanofiber has significantly superior spinnability, the mass productivity of the filter medium is significantly improved, and the unit costs of production can be reduced. 1. A nanofiber for a filter medium , comprising:fiber-forming ingredients including polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF); andan emulsifying agent for improving miscibility of the fiber-forming ingredients.2. The nanofiber according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber-forming ingredients include polyacrylonitrile at 8 to 20 parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight of polyvinylidene fluoride.3. The nanofiber according to claim 1 , wherein the nanofiber includes an emulsifying agent at 0.5 to 8 parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight of the fiber-forming ingredients.4. The nanofiber according to claim 1 , wherein the emulsifying agent is a nonionic emulsifying agent which improves spinnability.5. The nanofiber according to claim 4 , wherein the nonionic emulsifying agent satisfies a hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) in a range of 10 to 18.6. A filter medium claim 4 , comprising a fiber web layer ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации

Soft and Durable Nonwoven Composite

Номер: US20160251788A1

A nonwoven composite that contains a first nonwoven web positioned adjacent to a second nonwoven web is provided. The first nonwoven web contains a plurality of fibers that are formed from a first polyolefin composition, and the second nonwoven web contains a plurality of fibers that are formed from a second polyolefin composition. The first polyolefin composition contains an ethylene polymer, which and car; provide a soft feel to a surface of the first nonwoven web. The second polyolefin composition likewise contains a rigid propylene polymer, which can provide good strength and durability to the second nonwoven web. The second polyolefin composition also contains a ductile propylene polymer and a fatty acid derivative. 1. A nonwoven composite comprising:a first nonwoven web containing a plurality of fibers formed from a first polyolefin composition, wherein the first polyolefin composition contains at least one ethylene polymer; anda second nonwoven web positioned adjacent to the first nonwoven web, the second nonwoven web containing a plurality of fibers formed from a second polyolefin composition, wherein the second polyolefin composition contains at least one rigid propylene polymer, at least one ductile propylene polymer, and at least one fatty acid derivative.2. The nonwoven composite of claim 1 , wherein the first polyolefin composition has a melting temperature of from about 50° C. to about 145° C.3. The nonwoven composite of claim 1 , wherein the ethylene polymer is linear low density polyethylene.4. The nonwoven composite of claim 1 , wherein the rigid propylene polymer has a modulus of elasticity of from about 800 to about 4 claim 1 ,000 MPa claim 1 , as determined in accordance with ASTM D638-10.5. The nonwoven composite of claim 1 , wherein the rigid propylene polymer is an isotactic homopolymer.6. The nonwoven composite of claim 1 , wherein rigid propylene polymer constitutes from about 80 wt. % to about 99.5 wt. % of the second polyolefin composition ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190241460A1

A thermal insulation product based on mineral wool, characterized in that the fibers have a micronaire of less than 10 l/min, preferably less than 7 l/min and especially between 3 and 6 l/min, and in that the material has a thermal conductivity of less than 31 mW/m·K, especially less than 30 mW/m·K. The parameters for obtaining this product are in particular the pressure of the burner, the rotation speed of the fiberizing spinner and the daily fiber output per spinner orifice. 1: (canceled)2: In an internal centrifugation fiberizing process for producing a thermal insulation product using an internal centrifugation device comprising (1) a spinner capable of rotating about an axis X which has its peripheral band drilled with a plurality of orifices for delivering filaments of a molten material , (2) a high-temperature gas attenuating unit in the form of an annular burner which attenuates the filaments into fibers , (3) a receiving belt for receiving the fibers , and (4) a conveyor for the fibers that extends the receiving belt;the improvement wherein the conveyor conveys the fibers at speed greater than the speed of the receiving belt by more than 10% and the process produces a thermal insulation product having at least 75% of its fibers aligned approximately parallel to the longer dimensions of the planes of the thermal insulation product, meaning a parallelism to within plus or minus 30° with respect to the planes formed by the longer dimensions of the product.3: In the internal centrifugation fiberizing process for producing a thermal insulation product according to claim 2 , the improvement wherein the conveyor conveys the fibers at speed greater than the speed of the fiber-receiving belt by more than 15% and the process produces a thermal insulation product having at least 80% of its fibers parallel to the longer dimensions of the planes of the thermal insulation product.4: The improved internal centrifugation fiberizing process for producing a thermal ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210292945A1

Disclosed is a wipe. Upper and lower layers of the wipe are melt-blown fiber webs, and an intermediate thereof is a wood pulp fiber web, wherein an adhesive is attached to the surfaces of the melt-blown fiber webs and to the interiors thereof that are adjacent to the surfaces, and the melt-blown fiber of the melt-blown fiber webs penetrates into the wood pulp fiber web. Also disclosed is a manufacturing method for the wipe. When the wipe is used, fluffiness and piling phenomena are prevented, such phenomena being caused by mutual disengagement of cementation between the melt-blown fibers under the action of external force since the surface melt-blown fibers are subject to multiple instances of friction. 1. A wipe , comprising upper and lower layers of melt-blown fiber webs and an intermediate layer of a wood pulp fiber web , wherein an adhesive is attached to surfaces of the melt-blows fiber webs and to interiors of the melt-blows fiber webs that are adjacent to the surfaces , and melt-blown fibers of the melt-blown fiber webs are woven into the wood pulp fiber web.2. The wipe of claim 1 , wherein the melt-blown fiber webs contain one-component melt-blown fibers each having a high-melting-point resin at its surface claim 1 , fibers each having a low-melting-point resin at its surface claim 1 , or blend fibers of the two.3. The wipe of claim 2 , wherein the high-melting-point resin and the low-melting-point resin have a melting-point difference therebetween of ≥20° C.4. The wipe of claim 2 , wherein the fibers each having the low-melting-point resin at its surface are one-component melt-blown fibers claim 2 , two-component melt-blown fibers claim 2 , or a blend of the two.5. The wipe of claim 4 , wherein the two-component melt-blown fibers are two-component skin-core melt-blown fibers claim 4 , two-component segmented-pie melt-blown fibers claim 4 , or two-component side-by-side melt-blown fibers.6. The wipe of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is hot-melt adhesive or ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Fabric Having Tobacco Entangled with Structural Fibers

Номер: US20180249759A1

A smokeless tobacco product includes smokeless tobacco and structural fibers. The structural fibers forming a network in which the smokeless tobacco is entangled. The structural fibers have a composition different from the smokeless tobacco. The tobacco-entangled fabric can have an overall oven volatiles content of at least 10 weight percent. In some embodiments, the structural fibers form a nonwoven network. In some embodiments, fibrous structures of the smokeless tobacco are entangled with the structural fibers. 1. (canceled)2. A non-tobacco product comprising ,a non-tobacco material having fibrous structures and a total oven volatiles content of about 20% by weight or greater; andtwo layers of melt-blown polyurethane structural fibers positioned on opposite sides of the non-tobacco material such that one layer of the melt-blown polyurethane structural fibers is positioned on each of the opposite sides, the melt-blown polyurethane structural fibers having a diameter of 100 microns or less.3. The non-tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein each layer of melt-blown polyurethane structural fibers comprises a basis weight of about 30 grams per square meter (gsm).4. The non-tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein the non-tobacco material comprises a herbal composition.5Echinacea. The non-tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein the herbal composition comprises a culinary herb claim 2 , thyme claim 2 , lavender claim 2 , rosemary claim 2 , coriander claim 2 , dill claim 2 , mint claim 2 , peppermint claim 2 , a medicinal herbs claim 2 , dahlia claim 2 , cinchona claim 2 , foxglove claim 2 , meadowsweet claim 2 , claim 2 , elderberry claim 2 , willow bark claim 2 , or combinations thereof.6. The non-tobacco product of claim 2 , wherein the non-tobacco material is selected from the group consisting of tea leaves claim 2 , red clover claim 2 , coconut flakes claim 2 , mint leaves claim 2 , ginseng claim 2 , apple claim 2 , corn silk claim 2 , grape leaf claim 2 , basil leaf claim 2 ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200240060A1
Принадлежит: University of Delaware

A process for aligning discontinuous fibers, and composite products and mats comprised of highly aligned discontinuous fibers, including products of the process. Aligned discontinuous fiber composite products include a matrix of fibers, each fiber having a longitudinal fiber axis, the composite comprising a free, uncut edge extending along an edge axis. The longitudinal fiber axis of a majority of the fibers in the composite product are aligned within a predetermined alignment tolerance of an alignment axis non-parallel to the edge axis. Aligned discontinuous fiber mats may have a first areal density of fibers in a first region of the composite located inward relative to the free, uncut edge, and a second area density at or adjacent to the free, uncut edge. 1. A process for aligning discontinuous fibers , comprising:distributing a first fluid mixture including a first plurality of discontinuous fibers dispersed in a first carrier fluid onto a first free surface to cause the fluid mixture to traverse the free surface in a thin film with the assistance of gravity toward a porous belt positioned beneath the free surface, wherein an entirety of the free surface is positioned at an elevation above the porous belt;moving the porous belt in a travel direction; anddepositing the fluid mixture onto the porous belt from the free surface and causing the fibers to align together along a first impingement axis to form a first layer of aligned fibers and causing the carrier fluid to separate from the fibers and pass through the porous belt.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising positioning a first substrate material on top of the porous belt and forming the first layer of aligned fibers on top of the first substrate material.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid mixture further comprises a plurality of first particles dispersed in the first carrier fluid along with the first plurality of discontinuous fibers.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254005A1

Among other things, the inventive subject matter generally relates to nonwoven textiles consisting of webs of superfine fibers, i.e., fibers with diameters in nanoscale or micronscale ranges, for use in articles that have, for example a predetermined degree of waterproofness with breathability, or windproofness with breathability. 126.-. (canceled)27. A fabric for use in footwear , outdoor apparel , and/or outdoor equipment , the fabric comprising a web of entangled super fine fibers , the web having two or more of the following attributes: (1) an average pore size of between about 250 to about 1500 nm; (2) an average web thickness of between about 7 to about 50 micrometers; and (3) and an average fiber diameter of less than 1000 nm.28. The fabric of wherein the fiber material of the web comprises a PTFE or a polyurethane-based polymer.29. The fabric of wherein the web further comprises a first adjacent layer of material together forming a composite structure for use in an end product or component thereof.30. The fabric of wherein the composite structure further comprises a second adjacent layer of material on a side of the web opposite the first adjacent layer.31. The fabric of wherein the one of the first and second layers of the composite structure comprises an outer shell material for an item of apparel and the other of the first and second layers comprises an inner liner material for a garment.32. The fabric of wherein the layers of the composite structure are bound together via thermal or ultrasonic bonding.33. (canceled)34. The fabric of wherein the web is formed as a 3D structure that represents an article of apparel or part thereof claim 27 , the collected fiber providing a seamless covering for an area of the intended user's body.35. The fabric of wherein the web is formed as a 3D structure that represents at least a portion of an upper for an item of footwear.36. The fabric of wherein the web is formed as a 3D structure that represents at least a portion ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210301436A1

A nonwoven composite for high temperature applications requiring Sow flammability, smoke, and/or toxicity, including a fibrous structure having one or more nonwoven material layers including a scrim layer. The scrim is formed from inorganic fibers, at least some of which are adapted to withstand temperatures of up to about 1150° C. The scrim is formed from a wet-laying process. The composite further comprises one or more fiber matrix layers.

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Multilayer preform obtained by electro-spinning, method for producing a preform as well as use thereof

Номер: US20150265744A1
Принадлежит: Eindhoven Technical University

The invention relates a multilayer preform obtained by electro-spinning, which preform is suitable as a scaffold for a prosthesis, which preform comprises layers of different diameter microfibers. The present invention also relates to a method of producing said preform. The present invention also relates to the use of the present preform as a substrate for growing human or animal tissue thereon. The present invention furthermore relates to a method for growing human or animal tissue on a substrate, wherein the present preform is used as the substrate.

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190247239A1

A method for producing a multi-layered absorbent articles is disclosed. At least two of the layers include a colored region. 1. A method of producing a multi-layered absorbent articles having two or more colored regions , the absorbent articles each comprising a lateral centerline and a longitudinal centerline , the method comprising the steps of:providing an absorbent article converting line;supplying a first material web to the converting line;supplying a second material web to the converting line;printing a first colored region on at least one of the first material web or the second material web using contact printing at a contact printing station;printing a second colored region on at least one of the first material web or the second material web using non-contact printing at a non-contact printing station;wherein the first colored region and the second colored region have a ΔE* of at least about 1.0.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of: combining the first material web and the second material web and cutting the first material web and the second material web into individual sheets.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first colored region and the second colored region do not overlap one another.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first colored region is printed on the first material web and the second colored region is printed on the second material web.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of combining an individual sheet of the first material web and the second material web thereby forming a laminate sheet.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising the step of providing an absorbent core; combining the absorbent core with the laminate sheet; and combining a backsheet with the absorbent core.722. The method of claim claim 5 , wherein the laminate sheet has a first surface and an opposing second surface claim 5 , wherein the first color signal is disposed on the first surface or more proximal to the first surface ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170258642A1

The present application describes a surgical swab composed of two or more outer layers made of non-woven fabric and an inner layer of a textile polymer net, with or without x-ray detectable thread, which can be obtained, for example, by a process of knitting or weaving. The textile net can present in its composition materials with high elasticity such as elastane or alternatively combinations of materials that allow shrinking after heat treatment such as the polyamide or polyamide and polyester or even polyamide and cotton. In the present application, it is also described the production process of this surgical swab which, after the junction and overlapping of the non-woven fabric layers and the inner layer of textile polymer net, comprises ultrasound welding of the layers. The surgical swabs of this application present improved performance features and the production process involved is simple, economical and automated. 1. A surgical swab that comprises:a) Two or more outer layers of non-woven fabric; and i. elastane;', 'ii. polyamide;', 'iii. polyamide and polyester; and', 'iv. polyamide and cotton., 'b) an inner layer of textile polymer net comprising a polymer selected from2. The surgical swab claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the textile polymer net comprises elastane.3. The surgical swab claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the textile polymer net comprises polyamide or polyamide and polyester or polyamide and cotton.4. A production process of the surgical swab described in claim 1 , comprising: i. elastane;', 'ii. polyamide;', 'iii. polyamide and polyester; and', 'iv. polyamide and cotton;, 'junctioning and overlapping two layers of non-woven fabric and an inner layer of textile polymer net comprising a polymer selected fromultrasound welding the layers forming a laminate; andcutting the laminate.5. The production process claim 4 , according to claim 4 , wherein the textile polymer net comprises elastane.6. The production process claim 4 , ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Compositioned, Textured Nonwoven Webs

Номер: US20170258650A1

Disclosed herein are textured nonwoven webs suitable for use in disposable absorbent articles. The textured nonwoven webs have a generally planar first region and a plurality of integrally formed discrete second regions. The textured nonwoven webs also have at least one composition disposed on at least one of the first region or the plurality of discrete second regions. 1. A textured nonwoven web having a plurality of fibers , a generally planar first region and a plurality of discrete integral second regions , the generally planar first region comprising a first and a second surface , the plurality of discrete integral second regions comprising protrusions extending outward from the first surface of said nonwoven material and openings in the second surface of the nonwoven material , said protrusions being formed from said fibers , wherein the protrusions comprise a base proximate the first surface of said nonwoven material , an opposed distal end extending outward from the base , sidewalls between said base and said distal end of said protrusion , and a cap comprising at least a portion of the sidewalls and the distal end of the protrusions , wherein each of said sidewalls and distal ends have inner surfaces and opposed outer surfaces , wherein multiple fibers extend from the base of the protrusions to the distal end of the protrusions , and contribute to form a portion of the sides and cap of a protrusion , and said fibers at least substantially surround the sides of the protrusions , wherein the inner surfaces of the sidewalls define a base opening at the base of the protrusion , and wherein a first composition is disposed on the textured nonwoven web in the first region and/or a portion of the plurality of discrete integral second regions.2. The textured nonwoven web of claim 1 , wherein the first composition is more hydrophobic than the plurality of fibers and is disposed on at least a portion of the plurality of discrete integral second regions claim 1 , and ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190249345A1
Автор: MINEHARDT Jon-Alan
Принадлежит: PRIMALOFT, INC.

Air-cured batting includes a nonwoven web. The batting contains 75 to 97.5 wt % of fiber mixture, and 2.5 to 25 wt % of resin comprising a cross-linked copolymer of butyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate, wherein the resin is present on a first surface of the batting, and on a second surface of the batting, the second surface being parallel to the first surface, and wherein the resin is adhered to fibers of the fiber mixture, thereby forming a bonded structure, such that, by virtue of the resin, the air-cured batting has structural integrity that imparts handleability of the batting in sheet form. Articles comprising the air-cured batting and methods of making the air-cured batting are also provided. 1. Air-cured batting comprising a nonwoven web , said batting comprising:75 to 97.5 wt % of fiber mixture; and2.5 to 25 wt % of resin comprising a cross-linked copolymer of butyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate,wherein the resin is present on a first surface of the batting, and on a second surface of the batting, the second surface being parallel to the first surface, and wherein the resin is adhered to fibers of the fiber mixture, thereby forming a bonded structure, such that, by virtue of the resin, the air-cured batting has structural integrity that imparts handleability of the batting in sheet form.2. The air-cured batting according to claim 1 , wherein the batting is in the form of a sheet.3. The air-cured batting according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber mixture comprises natural fibers.4. The air-cured batting according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber mixture comprises synthetic fibers.5. The air-cured batting according to claim 4 , wherein the synthetic fibers comprise polyester fibers.6. The air-cured batting according to claim 4 , wherein the synthetic fibers comprise siliconized fibers.7. The air-cured batting according to claim 6 , wherein the fiber mixture comprises:25 to 90 wt % siliconized synthetic fibers.8. The air-cured batting according to claim 1 , ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Sound-absorbing textile composite

Номер: US20180268801A1

In an embodiment, the present invention provides a sound-absorbing textile composite having a flow resistance of from 250 Ns/m3 to 5000 Ns/m3, including: a) at least one open-pore support layer including coarse staple fibers having a titer of from 3 dtex to 17 dtex and fine staple fibers having a titer of from 0.3 dtex to 2.9 dtex as scaffold fibers; and b) a flow layer arranged on the support layer, which flow layer includes a microporous foam layer.

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Protective composite fabric

Номер: US20150282761A1
Автор: Linda Lazarowich
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a slash and gash resistant protective composite fabric comprising at least one layer of base fabric, wherein the base fabric is a densely woven, ballistic fabric. At least one layer of rigid fabric, each having a base layer and a hard polymer layer having a special matrix, is bonded onto the base layer, and the rigid fabric is cut into strips of material having a scale-like pattern or shape. Each of the strips of material are connected to the layer of base fabric in overlapping layers whereby the base fabric is covered. The protective composite fabric further includes a resilient elastically deformable material having at least one sensor therein for monitoring of vital signs of a wearer, the resilient elastically deformable material being connected with the at least one layer of a base fabric and the rigid fabric.

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160288451A1
Автор: CAMP Eric L.

The present disclosure is directed at a moldable layered structure that is particularly suited for vehicular underbody applications. The structure is generally comprised of at least one layer of needled staple polyester fibers and at least one layer of spunbond polyester fibers. 1. A method for forming a multilayer material comprising:{'sup': 2', '2, 'a. providing a first non-woven layer of spunbond polyester wherein said polyester comprises at least 50% by weight of an ester of an aromatic carboxylic acid and said first layer is present at a thickness of 0.1 mm to 2.0 mm and a basis weight in the range of 25 g/mto 150 g/m;'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'b. providing a second needled staple polyester fiber layer wherein said polyester comprises at least 50% by weight of an ester of an aromatic carboxylic acid at a thickness of 5.0 mm to 15.0 mm and a basis weight in the range of 400 g/mto 1600 g/mwherein said second needled staple polyester fiber layer includes binder polymeric material wherein said binder polymeric material has a melting point in the range of 90° C. to 200° C.;'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'c. providing a third non-woven layer of spunbond polyester wherein said polyester comprises at least 50% by weight of an ester of an aromatic carboxylic acid and said third layer is present at a thickness of 0.1 mm to 2.0 mm and a basis weight in the range of 25 g/mto 150 g/m; and'}d. needling said first and third non-woven spunbond polyester layers into said second needled staple fiber layer and mechanically bonding said layers.2. The method of wherein said second needled stapled polyester fiber layer comprises fibers having a length in the range of 25.0 mm to 125.0 mm.3. The method of wherein said second needled staple polyester fibers have a melting point and said binder polymeric material comprises monofilament fibers comprising one identifiable polymeric material having a melting point that is less than said melting point of said staple polyester fibers.4. The method of wherein ...
