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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000001860U1

ДВУХСКОРОСТНОЙ ОДНОФАЗНЫЙ АСИНХРОННЫЙ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ПРИВОДА СТИРАЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ, содержащий статор из стали и обмотки его из меди, ротор с нагнетательным вентилятором на одном из концов его вала, отличающийся тем, что на другом конце вала ротора установлен вытяжной вентилятор, а отношение количества пазов статора и ротора равно 0,87. (19) RU (11) (13) 1 860 U1 (51) МПК D06F 37/30 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 95108958/12, 09.06.1995 (46) Опубликовано: 16.03.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Завод "Электродвигатель" (72) Автор(ы): Безсалов Г.В. R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Завод "Электродвигатель" (54) ДВУХСКОРОСТНОЙ ОДНОФАЗНЫЙ АСИНХРОННЫЙ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ПРИВОДА СТИРАЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ U 1 1 8 6 0 R U U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 1 8 6 0 (57) Формула полезной модели ДВУХСКОРОСТНОЙ ОДНОФАЗНЫЙ АСИНХРОННЫЙ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ПРИВОДА СТИРАЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ, содержащий статор из стали и обмотки его из меди, ротор с нагнетательным вентилятором на одном из концов его вала, отличающийся тем, что на другом конце вала ротора установлен вытяжной вентилятор, а отношение количества пазов статора и ротора равно 0,87. RU 1 860 U1 RU 1 860 U1 RU 1 860 U1 RU 1 860 U1

16-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000008366U1
Принадлежит: Р. энд Д. С., С р.л.

1. Амортизатор для стиральных машин, преимущественно бытовых машин для стирки одежды, приспособленный для установки между моющим узлом бак-барабан и нижним основанием корпуса этих машин для демпфирования механических напряжений, возникающих во время вращения барабана при различных скоростях стирки и центрифугирования, составленный по меньшей мере из трубчатого корпуса и стержня, входящего в корпус и совершающего возвратно-поступательные скольжения в трубчатом корпусе, снабженного фрикционными средствами, работающими совместно с трубчатым корпусом фрикционным образом для получения тормозящего действия, обеспечивающего демпфирование механических напряжений, отличающийся тем, что трубчатый корпус (9) и фрикционные средства (37) стержня (14) изготовлены съемными и имеют в зонах их взаимного фрикционного контакта очертания многоугольной формы, размеры и форма которых у них одинаковы, так что соответствующие стороны трубчатого корпуса (9) и фрикционных средств (37) являются совпадающими друг с другом в любом рабочем состоянии как в состоянии покоя, так и в состоянии работы амортизатора, причем фрикционные средства (37) связаны с пружинящими средствами (44, 45), обеспечивающими всегда удержание их в состоянии фрикционного контакта с трубчатым корпусом (9). 2. Амортизатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что трубчатый корпус (9) состоит по меньшей мере из первой и второй отдельных металлических оболочек (18, 19) идентичных и симметричных одна другой, снабженных прямолинейными уплощенными кромками (21, 21), способными взаимно подходить друг к другу и быть соединенными известными способами, образуя, таким образом, внутреннюю полость (15) для вставления в нее и скольжения в ней стержня (14), причем первая и вторая полуоболочки (20, 21), каждая из которых состоит из продолговатого прямолинейного кожуха (22), очертания которого имеют форму многоугольника, имеющего стороны (25 - 27) с одинаковыми или разными размерами, и этот корпус простирается от его открытого концевого участка (10), ...

20-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000021398U1

Стирально-отжимная машина, содержащая барабан, закрепленный на горизонтальном валу, установленный в подшипниках бака, соединенного посредством упругих элементов с корпусом машины, отличающаяся тем, что машина снабжена корректорами жесткости, содержащими консольные пружины, одними концами жестко закрепленными на корпусе машины, другими - шарнирно через шатуны со штоками бака. (19) RU (11) 21 398 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F D06F D06F D06F 23/02 37/02 37/22 49/06 (2000.01) (2000.01) (2000.01) (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001116363/20 , 13.06.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.06.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 20.01.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Слесарев М.В., Нестеренко В.П., Зиякаев Г.Р., Пашков Е.Н. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Томский политехнический университет U 1 2 1 3 9 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Стирально-отжимная машина, содержащая барабан, закрепленный на горизонтальном валу, установленный в подшипниках бака, соединенного посредством упругих элементов с корпусом машины, отличающаяся тем, что машина снабжена корректорами жесткости, содержащими консольные пружины, одними концами жестко закрепленными на корпусе машины, другими - шарнирно через шатуны со штоками бака. 2 1 3 9 8 (54) СТИРАЛЬНО-ОТЖИМНАЯ МАШИНА R U Адрес для переписки: 634034, г.Томск, пр. Ленина, 30, Томский политехнический университет, отдел интеллектуальной и промышленной собственности (71) Заявитель(и): Томский политехнический университет U 1 U 1 2 1 3 9 8 2 1 3 9 8 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 21 398 U1 RU 21 398 U1 RU 21 398 U1 RU 21 398 U1 RU 21 398 U1 RU 21 398 U1

20-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000022668U1

1. Устройство для запирания крышки центрифуги, содержащее крышку машины, держатель, в отверстиях которого, посредством установочного элемента, установлена пластина с возможностью поворота под действием воздушного потока, крышку центрифуги и стопорный элемент, отличающееся тем, что держатель установлен на крышке машины, пластина выполнена с пазом, а стопорный элемент, жестко установленный на крышке центрифуги, выполнен в виде замковой пластины. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что паз, расположенный в верхней части пластины, имеет прямоугольную форму. 3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что на нижнем конце пластины крепится пленка. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что установочный элемент выполнен в виде прямоугольных выступов, расположенных на боковых поверхностях пластины. (19) RU (11) 22 668 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F 37/42 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001127817/20 , 18.10.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.10.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 20.04.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Харитонов Н.Н., Андриенко В.М., Мымрин В.Ф. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие Завод "Пластмасс" U 1 2 2 6 6 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для запирания крышки центрифуги, содержащее крышку машины, держатель, в отверстиях которого, посредством установочного элемента, установлена пластина с возможностью поворота под действием воздушного потока, крышку центрифуги и стопорный элемент, отличающееся тем, что держатель установлен на крышке машины, пластина выполнена с пазом, а стопорный элемент, жестко установленный на крышке центрифуги, выполнен в виде замковой пластины. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что паз, расположенный в верхней части пластины, имеет прямоугольную форму. 3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что на нижнем конце пластины крепится пленка. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся ...

10-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000036951U1

1. Опорный кронштейн, содержащий верхний и нижний опорные элементы, у которого верхний элемент имеет горизонтальную и вертикальную части, причем указанная вертикальная часть имеет отверстие для крепежного элемента, отличающийся тем, что горизонтальная часть верхнего элемента выполнена в виде рамы, а нижний опорный элемент выполнен в виде не менее двух вертикальных стоек, каждая из которых своим верхним концом жестко соединена с упомянутой рамой, а на нижнем своем конце снабжена фиксирующим элементом, установленным с возможностью взаимодействия с углублением в опорной поверхности. 2. Опорный кронштейн по п.1, отличающийся тем, что горизонтальная часть верхнего элемента выполнена в виде прямоугольной рамы с элементами жесткости по углам и связана с нижними опорными элементами жесткими связями. (19) RU (11) 36 951 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47G 29/02 (2000.01) D06F 37/20 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003137440/20 , 29.12.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.12.2003 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Минкин Андрей Юрьевич (RU) (46) Опубликовано: 10.04.2004 R U Адрес для переписки: 143905, Московская обл., г. Балашиха-5, ул. Свердлова, 63/54, Г.И. Федорен 3 6 9 5 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Опорный кронштейн, содержащий верхний и нижний опорные элементы, у которого верхний элемент имеет горизонтальную и вертикальную части, причем указанная вертикальная часть имеет отверстие для крепежного элемента, отличающийся тем, что горизонтальная часть верхнего элемента выполнена в виде рамы, а нижний опорный элемент выполнен в виде не менее двух вертикальных стоек, каждая из которых своим верхним концом жестко соединена с упомянутой рамой, а на нижнем своем конце снабжена фиксирующим элементом, установленным с возможностью взаимодействия с углублением в опорной поверхности. 2. Опорный кронштейн по п.1, отличающийся тем, что горизонтальная часть верхнего элемента ...

20-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000037366U1

Стиральная машина барабанного типа, содержащая стиральный бак и коаксиально расположенный стиральный барабан с возможностью вращения относительно горизонтальной оси, имеющий закрепленные равномерно на его внутренней поверхности вдоль оси вращения V-образные гребни, отличающаяся тем, что длина гребней равна половине длины боковой поверхности барабана, половина из числа имеющихся гребней (передние) расположена от передней стенки, остальные (задние) расположены от задней стенки, причем задние гребни сдвинуты относительно передних на угол α/2, где α - угол между передними гребнями. (19) RU (11) 37 366 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F 37/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003105426/20 , 25.02.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.02.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 20.04.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Южно-Российский государственный университет экономики и сервиса (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 346500, Ростовская обл., г. Шахты, ул. Шевченко, 147, ЮРГУЭС, Патентная служба (72) Автор(ы): Алехин С.Н. (RU) , Рыбалко Е.П. (RU) 3 7 3 6 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Стиральная машина барабанного типа, содержащая стиральный бак и коаксиально расположенный стиральный барабан с возможностью вращения относительно горизонтальной оси, имеющий закрепленные равномерно на его внутренней поверхности вдоль оси вращения V-образные гребни, отличающаяся тем, что длина гребней равна половине длины боковой поверхности барабана, половина из числа имеющихся гребней (передние) расположена от передней стенки, остальные (задние) расположены от задней стенки, причем задние гребни сдвинуты относительно передних на угол α/2, где α - угол между передними гребнями. 3 7 3 6 6 U 1 (54) СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА БАРАБАННОГО ТИПА U 1 U 1 3 7 3 6 6 3 7 3 6 6 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 37 366 U1 RU 37 366 U1 RU 37 366 U1 RU 37 366 U1 RU 37 366 U1 RU 37 366 U1 RU 37 366 U1

20-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000040634U1

Электропривод малогабаритной стиральной машины, содержащий асинхронный однофазный конденсаторный двигатель, электромеханическое реле времени и помехоподавляющий фильтр, отличающийся тем, что конденсатор двигателя выполнен самовосстанавливающимся с пленочным диэлектриком и пластмассовым корпусом, с плоскими контактными выводам, а помехоподавляющий фильтр выполнен из трех малогабаритных конденсаторов и разрядного резистора, объединенных в один блок корпусом из механически прочного и электропожаробезопасного материала, причем выводы фильтра предназначенные для соединения со шнуром питания выполнены в виде плоских контактов, а выводы для подключения блока реле времени выполнены из гибких монтажных проводов с изоляцией разного цвета для каждого вывода. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 40 634 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F 37/30 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ Адрес для переписки: 427430, Удмуртия, г. Воткинск, ул. Кирова, 2, ФГУП "Воткинский завод", отдел 126 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Воткинский завод" (RU) (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.03.2004 U 1 4 0 6 3 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Электропривод малогабаритной стиральной машины, содержащий асинхронный однофазный конденсаторный двигатель, электромеханическое реле времени и помехоподавляющий фильтр, отличающийся тем, что конденсатор двигателя выполнен самовосстанавливающимся с пленочным диэлектриком и пластмассовым корпусом, с плоскими контактными выводам, а помехоподавляющий фильтр выполнен из трех малогабаритных конденсаторов и разрядного резистора, объединенных в один блок корпусом из механически прочного и электропожаробезопасного материала, причем выводы фильтра предназначенные для соединения со шнуром питания выполнены в виде плоских контактов, а выводы для подключения блока реле времени выполнены из гибких монтажных проводов с ...

10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000045399U1

Устройство для запирания крышки центрифуги, содержащее рамку, крышку с подпружиненным фиксатором и ручку управления электроприводом, отличающееся тем, что рамка с внутренней стороны снабжена дугообразным ребром, а ручка - плоской пружиной с возможностью вращения совместно с ней и взаимодействующей с дугообразным ребром, причем ребро в зоне фиксатора крышки выполнено с плоским пазом, контактирующим с плоской пружиной при открытой крышке с возможностью выталкивания фиксатором из паза при закрытой крышке. 2. Устройство для запирания крышки центрифуги по п.1, отличающееся тем, что края плоской пружины отогнуты в направлении от дугообразного ребра. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 45 399 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F 37/42 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004133734/22 , 18.11.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.11.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Воткинский завод" (RU) U 1 4 5 3 9 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для запирания крышки центрифуги, содержащее рамку, крышку с подпружиненным фиксатором и ручку управления электроприводом, отличающееся тем, что рамка с внутренней стороны снабжена дугообразным ребром, а ручка плоской пружиной с возможностью вращения совместно с ней и взаимодействующей с дугообразным ребром, причем ребро в зоне фиксатора крышки выполнено с плоским пазом, контактирующим с плоской пружиной при открытой крышке с возможностью выталкивания фиксатором из паза при закрытой крышке. 2. Устройство для запирания крышки центрифуги по п.1, отличающееся тем, что края плоской пружины отогнуты в направлении от дугообразного ребра. 4 5 3 9 9 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАПИРАНИЯ КРЫШКИ ЦЕНТРИФУГИ R U Адрес для переписки: 427430, Удмурдская Республика, г. Воткинск, ул. Кирова, 2, ФГУП "Воткинский завод", отд.126 (72) Автор(ы): Машковцев Н.А ...

27-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000048210U1

1. Противовес, содержащий массивное тело с установочной поверхностью и отверстиями для крепления, выполненный из материала, включающего связующее и песок, отличающийся тем, что материал в качестве связующего содержит термопластичный полимер в количестве 10-30%. 2. Противовес по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве термопластичного полимера берут полиэтилен высокого или низкого давления или их смесь в произвольном соотношении. 3. Противовес по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что материал дополнительно включает краситель в количестве 0,5-2%. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 48 210 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16F 15/28 (2000.01) D06F 37/20 (2000.01) D06F 49/06 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004134901/22 , 29.11.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.11.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.09.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Коваленко Андрей Иванович (RU), Новоселов Андрей Владимирович (RU) U 1 4 8 2 1 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Противовес, содержащий массивное тело с установочной поверхностью и отверстиями для крепления, выполненный из материала, включающего связующее и песок, отличающийся тем, что материал в качестве связующего содержит термопластичный полимер в количестве 10-30%. 2. Противовес по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве термопластичного полимера берут полиэтилен высокого или низкого давления или их смесь в произвольном соотношении. 3. Противовес по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что материал дополнительно включает краситель в количестве 0,5-2%. 4 8 2 1 0 (54) ПРОТИВОВЕС R U Адрес для переписки: 610047, г.Киров, ул. Дзержинского, 18-128, Г.П. Чернядьеву (72) Автор(ы): Коваленко А.И. (RU) , Новоселов А.В. (RU) U 1 U 1 4 8 2 1 0 4 8 2 1 0 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 48 210 U1 Полезная модель относится к средствам для гашения колебаний, а именно к противовесам, преимущественно для ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000077872U1

1. Барабан стиральной машины, выполненный в виде цилиндрического резервуара с перфорированной боковой поверхностью, установленного с возможностью вращения в стиральном баке, и содержащий автобалансирующее устройство, выполненное в виде расположенной концентрично оси вращения барабана замкнутой полой герметичной кольцевой камеры с размещенными внутри нее подвижными корректирующими массами - жидкостью и твердыми балансировочными телами, отличающийся тем, что кольцевая камера имеет жесткий корпус, образующий внутреннюю полость прямоугольного поперечного сечения, а масса каждого из твердых балансировочных тел меньше массы вытесняемой им жидкости. 2. Барабан стиральной машины по п.1, отличающийся тем, что твердые балансировочные тела выполнены в форме шаров. 3. Барабан стиральной машины по п.1, отличающийся тем, что твердые балансировочные тела выполнены в форме круговых цилиндров. 4. Барабан стиральной машины по п.1, отличающийся тем, что автобалансирующее устройство размещено внутри резервуара барабана на его торце. 5. Барабан стиральной машины по п.1, отличающийся тем, что автобалансирующее устройство размещено снаружи резервуара барабана на его торце. 6. Барабан стиральной машины по п.1, отличающийся тем, что барабан содержит дополнительное автобалансирующее устройство, при этом оба автобалансирующих устройства являются идентичными и расположены у противоположных торцов резервуара барабана. 7. Барабан стиральной машины по любому из пп.1-6, отличающийся тем, что объем герметичной полости кольцевой камеры превышает объем помещенных в нее корректирующих масс на величину температурных изменений объема жидкости при ее нагревании в рабочем диапазоне температур. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 77 872 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F 37/24 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008124794/22 , 06.06.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.06.2008 (72) Автор( ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000078219U1

1. Стиральная машина барабанного типа с фронтальной загрузкой, содержащая в основном корпусе переднюю панель, бункер для моющих средств, панель управления, электроклапаны, реле уровня, бак, регулируемую ножку, сливной насос, сливной шланг, пружины подвески бака, электродвигатель, амортизатор, отличающаяся тем, что стиральный барабан охвачен кольцевым уравновешивающим поясом, состоящим из металлических стержней, соединенных упругими элементами, вращающимся с незначительным отставанием от барабана, воздействуя на положение дисбаланса и обеспечивая уравновешивание стирального бака при центробежном отжиме. 2. Стиральная машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что рациональное значение длины стержня b составляет 80-90% ширины барабана l, ширина стержня соответственно 8-12% ширины барабана, высота стержня 4-6% ширины барабана. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 78 219 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F 37/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007112723/22 , 05.04.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.04.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ГОУ ВПО "Южно-Российский государственный университет экономики и сервиса" (ЮРГУЭС) (RU) U 1 7 8 2 1 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Стиральная машина барабанного типа с фронтальной загрузкой, содержащая в основном корпусе переднюю панель, бункер для моющих средств, панель управления, электроклапаны, реле уровня, бак, регулируемую ножку, сливной насос, сливной шланг, пружины подвески бака, электродвигатель, амортизатор, отличающаяся тем, что стиральный барабан охвачен кольцевым уравновешивающим поясом, состоящим из металлических стержней, соединенных упругими элементами, вращающимся с незначительным отставанием от барабана, воздействуя на положение дисбаланса и обеспечивая уравновешивание стирального бака при центробежном отжиме. 2. Стиральная машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что ...

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000130998U1
Принадлежит: Рыкачев Юрий Юрьевич

1. Система устранения дисбаланса стиральной машины, содержащая бак, с находящимся в нем барабаном для загрузки в него и стирки белья, вал от приводного двигателя с ведущим диском и полостью внутри вала и распределительные трубопроводы, подводящие воду из внутренней полости вала к коробочкам с отверстиями на ведущем диске, коллектор для подвода воды во внутреннюю полость вала, ведомый диск, жестко связанный с барабаном, имеющий отверстия для подвода воды в резервуары на наружной поверхности диска, резервуары для приема воды, расположенные на наружной поверхности барабана, гибкие элементы, соединяющие ведущий и ведомый диски, передающие крутящий момент от вала двигателя на барабан. 2. Система устранения дисбаланса стиральной машины по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что барабан стиральной машины соединен с валом приводного двигателя не жесткой, а гибкой связью, что позволяет ему перемещаться под действием центробежных сил в радиальном направлении относительно всей остальной конструкции стиральной машины. 3. Система устранения дисбаланса стиральной машины по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что между диском подвода и приемным диском находятся гибкие элементы, соединяющие их, передающие крутящий момент и позволяющие барабану иметь радиальные перемещения относительно всей остальной конструкции стиральной машины. 4. Система устранения дисбаланса стиральной машины по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что на наружной поверхности барабана имеются резервуары для приема необходимой массы воды, уравновешивающей дисбаланс. 5. Система устранения дисбаланса стиральной машины по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что ведущий и ведомый диски под действием дисбаланса перемещаются друг относительно друга, открывая тем самым отверстия для подачи или эвакуации в резервуары на наружной поверхности барабана необходимой массы воды для уравновешивания дисбаланса. 6. Система устранения дисбаланса стиральной машины по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что на баке имеются емкости, заполняемые водой на режиме «отжим» для придания дополнительной ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000165988U1

Барабан для стиральной и стирально-сушильной машины, выполненный в виде цилиндра с выступами на его цилиндрической поверхности, направленными внутрь барабана, и имеющий перфорацию на рабочей поверхности, и с задней стенкой, выполненной с опорным элементом, отличающийся тем, что перед задней стенкой установлена дополнительная стенка с нагнетательным отверстием по центру, между задней и дополнительной стенками радиально размещены лопасти, между которыми на цилиндрической поверхности выполнены всасывающие отверстия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D06F 37/02 (13) 165 988 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016113672/12, 08.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.04.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Чухнин Дмитрий Валерьевич (RU), Фомин Юрий Григорьевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2016 U 1 1 6 5 9 8 8 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (54) БАРАБАН ДЛЯ СТИРАЛЬНОЙ И СТИРАЛЬНО-СУШИЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к производству этом перед задней стенкой установлена стиральных машин барабанного типа. дополнительная стенка с нагнетательным Барабан для стиральной и стиральноотверстием по центру, между задней и сушильной машины выполнен в виде цилиндра с дополнительной стенками радиально размещены выступами на его цилиндрической поверхности, лопасти, между которыми на цилиндрической направленными внутрь барабана, и имеет поверхности выполнены всасывающие отверстия. перфорацию на рабочей поверхности, и с задней Полезная модель позволяет повысить надежность стенкой, выполненной с опорным элементом, при стиральных машин. 2 илл. 1 6 5 9 8 8 Адрес для переписки: 153000, г. Иваново, пр. Шереметевский, 21, ком. Г-359, ИВГПУ, патентная служба R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Ивановский государственный политехнический университет" (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.04.2016 RU 5 10 15 ...

05-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000188315U1

Полезная модель относится к средствам для удовлетворения жизненных потребностей человека, а именно к стиральной машине. Техническим результатом повышение скорости проведения санитарной обработки, снижение габаритов и материалоемкости, повышение эффективности использования объема помещения. Технический результат достигается тем, что органайзер для стиральной машины, включающий коробчатый, прямоугольный в плане корпус с взаимно параллельными лицевой и задней боковыми (вертикальными) стенками, перпендикулярными основной плоскости (расстояние между внутренними стенками больше внешнего размера верхней части стиральной машины), характеризуется тем, что дополнительно содержит минимум одно ребро между (противоположно расположенными) параллельными стенками коробчатого корпуса. Высота лицевой стенки и ребра может быть меньше высоты боковых стенок. Между ребром и передней стенкой, а также между ребром и задней стенкой могут устанавливаться перемычки. Ребро и перемычки могут быть съемными. Заявляемое конструкторско-техническое решение может с успехом применяться для изготовления органайзеров, размещаемых на верхней поверхности стиральных машин. 188315 И 1 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 188 315” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 02.12.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.01.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 11.01.2021 Бюл. №2 Стр.: 1 53881 па ЕП

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120006070A1

The present invention relates to a laundry machine for treating laundry. One embodied laundry machine may have an opening in the rear of the tub. A flexible material is connected between the drive assembly and the rear opening of the tub for sealing therebetween. The flexible material allows the drive assembly to move or vibrate relatively to the tub. The flexible material may be referred to as a flexible sealer.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Drum type washing machine

Номер: US20120006076A1
Автор: Jae Won Chang

A drum type washing machine has a cabinet forming an outer appearance of the washing machine, a tub fixed inside the cabinet for storing the washing water, a drum disposed in the tub and having both side surfaces supported by the cabinet to be rotatable and an inlet through which laundries come in/go out on a circumferential surface thereof, and a driving motor fixed on one side surface of the drum to rotate the drum. Washing capacity can be increased while maintaining the entire size of the washing machine by increasing a diameter of the drum without increasing the size of the cabinet, and the entire size of the washing machine can be compacted by minimizing the installation space of the driving motor.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Washing Machine with Tub Having Thermally Insulating Insert

Номер: US20120007481A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Home Products Corp NV

A washing machine comprises a tub ( 10 ) including a shell ( 20 ) being delimited by a wall ( 25 ). The shell is molded as a single piece of polymeric material. The shell ( 20 ) includes at least one insert ( 30 ) connected to the wall ( 25 ). The insert ( 30 ) is realized in a material having a thermal conductivity lower than the thermal conductivity of the material forming the shell ( 20 ) in order to locally insulate the shell where the insert is located.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120011893A1

A laundry machine is disclosed. The laundry machine includes a tub comprising a front surface part ( 112 ) having an opening formed in a center thereof to introduce laundry therein, a drum rotatably provided in the tub, the drum having an opening formed therein to load the laundry therein, and a gasket ( 200 ) provided between an inner surface of the front surface of the tub and a front end of the opening of the drum. The gasket ( 200 ) comprises a plurality of ribs ( 205 a, 205 b, 205 c ) arranged along a radial direction.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Drum type washing machine

Номер: US20120011896A1
Автор: Jae-Won Chang

A drum type washing machine is provided. The drum type washing machine may include a cabinet, a tub fixed to an inner side of the cabinet, a drum rotatably arranged in the tub, and a driving motor positioned at a rear side of the drum for generating a driving force that rotates the drum. The washing machine may also include a supporting plate to rotatably support a rotational shaft extending between the motor and the drum, and a plurality of supporters connected between the supporting plate and the cabinet. Such an arrangement may increase washing capacity by increasing a diameter of the drum without increasing an external size of the cabinet.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120011899A1

A laundry machine is disclosed. A laundry machine includes a tub to receive wash water, a drum rotatable placed in the tub, a shaft connected with the drum, a bearing housing to support the shaft, a tub back ( 130 ) comprising a rim part ( 136 ) extended in a front/rear direction and coupled to the bearing housing at a front part thereof, a rear gasket ( 250 ) coupled to the rim part ( 136 ) of the tub back ( 130 ) and a suspension unit configured to reduce vibration of the drum. The rear gasket ( 250 ) is connected between the tub back ( 130 ) and the tub rear.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Washing machine and controlling method thereof

Номер: US20120017646A1

A washing machine and a controlling method of the same are disclosed. A washing machine includes a cabinet ( 10 ) defining an exterior appearance thereof, a tub ( 20 ) provided in the cabinet ( 10 ), the tub ( 20 ) receiving wash water therein, a drum ( 30 ) rotatable inside the tub ( 20 ), the drum ( 30 ) receiving laundry therein, a plurality of sensor members ( 100,102,104,112,116,120,130 ) installed in at least one of the drum ( 30 ) and tub ( 20 ), each of the sensor members ( 100,102,104,112,116,120,130 ) sensing the distance between the drum ( 30 ) and the tub ( 20 ), and a control part controlling the drum ( 30 ) based on a sensing value sensed by the sensor members ( 100,102,104,112,116,120,130 ). An object of the present invention is to provide a washing machine having a secured tub ( 20 ) that is able to prevent collision between a drum ( 30 ) and the tub ( 20 ), and a controlling method thereof.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120017649A1

The present invention relates to a laundry machine for treating laundry. One embodiment of the laundry machine may include a water supply valve, a drum ( 30 ) in which laundry is placed, a tub ( 20 ) in which the drum ( 30 ) is rotatably placed, the tub ( 20 ) having an extended portion ( 23 a ) which extends forward and have an opening at a front portion thereof for laundry entrance, and a tub water supply portion ( 140 ), and a water supply line to guide water from the water supply valve to the tub water supply portion ( 140 ).

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Laundry Dryer with Gasket-Supporting Collar

Номер: US20120047760A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Home Products Corp NV

A circular sealing gasket can be interposed between a rear rim of a laundry dryer drum tubular body and a rear wall of the dryer casing. The laundry dryer may also comprise a substantially circular, basin-shaped lid or cover fixed to the rear wall, substantially coaxial to the tubular body, so as to form a cavity on the rear wall that communicates with a hot-air generator. A circular gasket-supporting collar may have a nominal diameter greater than that of the tubular body rear rim. The collar may be fixed to the periphery of the basin-shaped lid or cover and/or to the rear wall, coaxial to the tubular body. The circular sealing gasket can be force fitted into the gasket-supporting collar so as to come in abutment against a periphery of the basin-shaped lid or cover around the perimeter thereof.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Drum type washing machine

Номер: US20120047962A1
Автор: Jae-Won Chang

A drum type washing machine is provided. The drum type washing machine may include a cabinet, a tub fixed to an inner side of the cabinet, a drum rotatably arranged in the tub, and a driving motor positioned at a rear side of the drum for generating a driving force that rotates the drum. The washing machine may also include a supporting plate to rotatably support a rotational shaft extending between the motor and the drum, and a plurality of supporters connected between the supporting plate and the cabinet. Such an arrangement may increase washing capacity by increasing a diameter of the drum without increasing an external size of the cabinet.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Drum-type washing machine and bearing housing structure thereof

Номер: US20120047967A1

A drum type washing machine is provided. The washing machine may include a tub, a drum, a motor rotating the drum, bearing housings housing bearings to support a rotation shaft, a suspension connected to the bearing housings and a cabinet to mitigate vibration, a bracket coupled to the bearing housings, and a gasket installed between the bracket and the tub. Such an arrangement may allow volumes of the tub and the drum may be increased without increasing the volume of the cabinet.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120060567A1

The patent application relates to a laundry machine comprising a drum in which laundry is to be placed, a drive assembly including a shaft ( 351 ) connected to the drum, a bearing housing ( 400 ) to rotatably support the shaft ( 351 ), a motor to rotate the shaft ( 351 ), and a suspension assembly to reduce vibration of the drum. The suspension assembly further includes at least two suspension units which are arranged one in front of the other and the front unit of which is located before a weight center of an assembly of the drum and the drive assembly.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Clothes treating apparatus and operating method thereof

Номер: US20120079737A1

A clothes treating apparatus including a drum, an air suction duct forming a flow path of air introduced into the drum, an auxiliary fan introducing air into the air suction duct, an air exhaustion duct forming a flow path of air exhausted from the drum, a main fan exhausting air to the air exhaustion duct from the drum, a condenser heating air sucked into the drum through the air suction duct, an evaporator cooling air exhausted from the drum through the air exhaustion duct, and a compressor and an expander forming a heat pump together with the condenser and the evaporator. The method includes measuring a discharge side pressure of the compressor, and comparing the measured discharge side pressure with a maximum allowable pressure, and determining that the auxiliary fan does not operate when the discharge side pressure is more than the maximum allowable pressure.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Sensorless Safety System for Determining Rotation of an Electric Household Appliance Laundry Drum Powered by a Three-Phase Asynchronous Motor

Номер: US20120112675A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Home Products Corp NV

An electric household appliance ( 1 ) having a casing ( 2 ); a laundry drum ( 3 ) mounted inside the casing ( 2 ) to rotate about an axis of rotation; a three-phase asynchronous motor ( 6 ) for rotating the laundry drum ( 3 ); and a sensorless safety system ( 7 ) for determining rotation of the rotor ( 32 ), to determine rotation or no rotation of the laundry drum ( 3 ). The sensorless safety system ( 7 ) is designed to supply three direct currents (las, lbs, Ics) to the three stator power phases ( 31 ) during a predetermined time interval (ΔT), so as to magnetize the rotor ( 32 ); to cut off supply of the direct currents (las, lbs, Ics); to determine the time pattern of at least one of the three induced currents (Iar, Ibr, Icr) induced in the stator ( 30 ) in response to magnetizing the rotor ( 32 ); and to determine rotation or no rotation of the rotor ( 32 ) on the basis of the time pattern of at least one of the three induced currents (Iar, Ibr, Icr).

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Detergent supply device and washing machine having the same

Номер: US20120125055A1
Автор: Seok Jin Lee

A washing machine including a machine body, an upper case coupled to the upper part of the machine body, a rotary tub rotatably disposed in the machine body, a detergent supply device coupled to the upper case to supply detergent into the rotary tub, and a water supply valve connected between an external water supply source and the detergent supply device, wherein the detergent supply device includes a detergent box having a first guide member in which the detergent is put and a second guide member to change a flow direction of wash water flowing along the first guide member and a water supply frame having a connection part connected to the water supply valve and a water supply part communicating with the connection part to supply water to the detergent box.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Laundry treating appliance with balancing system

Номер: US20120144598A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A laundry treating appliance having a drum, defining a treating chamber, with a lifter and a balancing system having at least one balancing ring and a reservoir located in the lifter and a liquid supply system fluidly coupled to the reservoir. Liquid may be supplied to the ring and to the reservoir through the ring to offset an imbalance in a laundry load located within the drum.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Laundry processing apparatus

Номер: US20120144875A1

The present invention relates to a laundry processing apparatus. In particular, the laundry processing apparatus comprises: a cabinet; an outer chamber provided within the cabinet and in which wash water is filled; an inner chamber rotatably provided within the outer chamber to hold laundry; an upper balancer disposed at an upper portion of the inner chamber; and a lower balancer disposed at a lower portion of the inner chamber, wherein either the upper balancer or the lower balancer is a liquid balancer filled with liquid, and the other balancer is a ball balancer having a ball therein, such that the advantages of maximized balancing results and an effective reduction in vibration may be achieved.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Control method of laundry machine

Номер: US20120151685A1

The patent application discloses a control method of a laundry machine provided with a balancer. The method includes a balancing step of at least one time for rotating a drum ( 30 ) at a constant speed for a predetermined time by decelerating the drum ( 30 ) if the drum ( 30 ) is accelerated at a predetermined RPM or more. The balancing step is performed after a rotation speed of the drum ( 30 ) passes through a transient region of the laundry machine ( 100 ).

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Laundry treating apparatus

Номер: US20120161594A1

There may be disclosed a laundry treating apparatus including a cabinet configured to define a profile thereof, the cabinet comprising a laundry introduction opening formed therein, a door configured to open and close the laundry introduction opening, a hinge unit comprising a first pivot to rotate the door along a first rotational direction and a second pivot to rotate a second rotational direction that is different from the first rotational direction, and a securing member configured to secure the door to the first pivot or the second pivot, when the door is rotated.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: US20120169193A1

A washing machine including a main body and a control panel mounted to the main body. The control panel includes a control panel frame assembled to the main body, a circuit board housing coupled to a rear side of the control panel frame and having an open rear side, and a circuit board accommodated in the circuit board housing. The circuit board is inserted into the circuit board housing through the open rear side of the circuit board housing such that a front surface thereof, on which light emitting elements to display operational modes of the washing machine are mounted, faces an inner wall surface of a front wall portion of the circuit board housing.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Electric motor

Номер: US20120181880A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Electric SA

An electric motor has a wound stator and a permanent magnet rotor. The rotor includes a shaft, a hub fixed on the shaft, a plurality of rotor core segments and magnets fixed around the hub, and a pair of covers fixed to axial ends of the rotor core segments. The hub and covers are formed on the rotor core segments by inserting molding and one of the covers has openings to allow the magnets to be inserted into spaces formed between adjacent rotor core segments such that the rotor core segments and magnets are alternately arranged in a circumferential direction of the rotor.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Appliance having dampening portion and method

Номер: US20120200210A1
Автор: Anthony L. Rockwell

Appliance (w) having a housing, a moveable tub (T) member inside the housing, and a dampening portion is provided. The housing includes, at least one side wall and the dampening portion disposed at least partially between the moveable tub member and the at least one side wall. The dampening portion includes, for example, a resilient material having at least one surface extending at least partially along the side wall or tub member. Methods of shipping and operation dampening an appliance are also disclosed.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Washing Machine Wherein the Unbalanced Load is Balanced

Номер: US20120222455A1
Принадлежит: Arcelik AS

The present invention relates to a washing machine ( 1 ) comprising one or more than one receptacle ( 12 ) placed on the drum ( 2 ) wherein a sufficient amount of water delivered for counterbalancing the unbalanced load is stored when there is an unbalanced load.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Motor and magnetizing apparatus and magnetizing method of motor

Номер: US20120256509A1

An apparatus for magnetizing magnets provided among a plurality of cores of a motor of a washing machine and a method thereof, is capable of fully magnetizing a magnet forming a rotor and including a plurality of teeth disposed around two cores of the plurality of cores, the two cores being laterally provided while interposing one of the magnets therebetween, and a coil being provided around the plurality of teeth to form a magnetic flux to magnetize the one magnet interposed between the two cores laterally provided.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Drain hose and washing machine having the same

Номер: US20120291498A1

A washing machine capable of reducing noise generated during a drain operation or a spin dry operation with a simple structure. The washing machine includes a cabinet, a tub disposed inside the cabinet to accommodate wash water, a drain pump disposed at a lower side of the tub to drain the wash water contained in the tub, a first drain hose connecting the tub to the drain pump to allow the wash water contained in the tub to be introduced into the drain pump, and a second drain hose guiding the wash water, which is introduced into the drain pump, to outside the cabinet.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Rotating tub body and drum-type washing machine having the same

Номер: US20120304705A1

A cylindrical rotating tub body and a drum-type washing machine having the same, in which the rotating tub body is formed by rolling a plate such that both ends of the plate are connected to each other. The washing machine includes a cylindrical rotating tub body and a plurality of lifters, which are spaced apart from each other on an inner peripheral surface of the rotating tub body. The rotating tub body includes lifter installation sections on which a plurality of lifters are installed, concave-convex sections having a plurality of concave-convex parts and being installed between the lifter installation sections, and reinforcement sections to reinforce the strength of the lifter installation sections. The lifter installation sections having a strength lower than that of the concave-convex sections are reinforced due to the reinforcement sections, so that the lifter installation sections are prevented from being extremely being deformed during the rolling process.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine having enhanced coupling structure and control method of the same

Номер: US20130026895A1

A washing machine including a tub which is configured to accommodate water; a rotating tub which is disposed at the inside of the tub; at least one boss which is protruded from the tub and equipped with a coupling hole; a weight balance which is equipped with at least one insertion hole at which at least one boss is inserted; a pin body which is inserted at the coupling hole of the boss, and a pin which is equipped with a pin head which is extended from the pin body for preventing the weight balance from separating away, and the pin body includes at least one boss weld metal zone which is metal-welded at the inner surface of the coupling hole for the pin to be fixed to the boss.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: US20130031938A1

A washing machine capable of increasing the washing capacity without enlarging the external appearance and also discharging a washing water during a washing operation or a spin-dry operation while completely isolated from electronic parts and thus reducing the risk of a power failure and fire, the washing machine including a body, a rotating tub rotatably disposed inside the body, a pulsator rotatably disposed inside the rotating tub, a driving part provided on a lower portion of the rotating tub to selectively rotate the rotating tub and the pulsator, a base plate to which the driving part is fixed, wherein a waterproofing member is provided between the base plate and a bottom of the body to seal the driving part and to prevent water from reaching the driving part.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: US20130036774A1

A washing machine includes a rotary tub having a diameter progressively increasing from a first end side thereof to a second end side thereof located opposite the first end side, dehydration holes arranged at the second end side of the rotary tub, and a dehydration hole switching unit to open and close the dehydration holes. The dehydration holes are opened depending on increase of a rate of rotation of the rotary tub.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Basket assembly with fluid vanes for a steam-augmented washing machine

Номер: US20130042656A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A steam-augmented washing machine includes a casing, a tub disposed within the casing, and a basket configured for receipt of articles to be washed. A steam generator is disposed within the casing and is in communication with the tub to introduce steam into the wash basket. A plurality of fluid vanes are circumferentially spaced around the side wall adjacent the top end of the wash basket. The fluid vanes have a radial aspect so as to extend radially from side wall, wherein upon rotation of the wash basket within the tub, the fluid vanes generate a circulating vertically oriented steam flow path through the wash basket.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Laundry treating apparatus

Номер: US20130047677A1

There is disclosed a laundry treating apparatus including a first treating device comprising a cabinet defining an exterior appearance thereof, with an opening to load and unload laundry there through, a first space positioned in the cabinet to treat the laundry loaded through the opening and a door opening and closing the opening; a second treating device provided underneath the support part, the second treating device comprising a second space to treat laundry, wherein a surface of the cabinet in which the opening is positioned comprises an incline part projected in a direction far from a front surface of the second treating device.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130061638A1

The present invention relates to a washing machine () comprising a drum () rotated by a motor around the horizontal axis, wherein the laundry is placed, a tub () wherein the drum () moves, a shaft () that transfers the movement received from the motor to the drum (), a cylindrical stationary hub () disposed on the rear wall of the tub () and wherein the shaft () is supported, a bearing housing () disposed in the middle of the hub () and wherein at least one bearing () bearing the shaft () is placed, a cylindrical hub housing () connected to the rear wall of the drum (), surrounding the hub () concentrically such that a gap remains between the hub () and rotating together with the drum () by transferring the movement of the shaft () to the drum (), at least one balancing chamber () disposed in the drum () and into which water is transferred according to the unbalanced load status and a water distributing device () mounted between the hub () and the hub housing (), having more than one ring-shaped gasket () arranged one after the other in parallel to each other and at least one slot () disposed between the gaskets (). 1123242534756106482585242921258101110822538228125742. A washing machine () comprising a drum () rotated by a motor (M) around the horizontal axis (E) , wherein the laundry is placed , a tub () wherein the drum () moves , a shaft () that transfers the movement received from the motor (M) to the drum () , a cylindrical stationary hub () disposed on the rear wall of the tub () and wherein the shaft () is supported , a bearing housing () disposed in the middle of the hub () and wherein more than one bearing ( , ) support the shaft () is placed , a cylindrical hub housing () connected to the rear wall of the drum () , surrounding the hub () concentrically such that a gap remains between hub housing () and the hub () and rotating together with the drum () by transferring the movement of the shaft () to the drum () , at least one balancing chamber () disposed ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Laudry handling apparatus

Номер: US20130076220A1

A laundry handling apparatus having a body provided with an inlet, a door to open/close the inlet, and a hinge assembly for the door to be rotatably installed to the body. The door is provided at both sides of a rear surface thereof with a hinge installation part at which the hinge assembly is installed, and the hinge assembly is installed at one of the two hinge installation parts, thereby enabling the change of an opening/closing direction of the door in a convenient manner.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Lifter and washing machine having the same

Номер: US20130081432A1

A lifter simply mounted on a drum and a washing machine having the same. The washing machine includes a cabinet, a tub arranged within the cabinet, a drum arranged within the tub to accommodate laundry and rotated by rotary force transmitted from a driving source, and a plurality of lifters provided on the inner circumferential surface of the drum to move the laundry within the drum. Each of the plurality of lifters includes a plurality of hooks provided along a frame formed at the lower end of each of the plurality of lifters so as to allow each of the plurality of lifters to be hung to the drum, and at least one protrusion protruding from the lower end of each of the plurality of lifters so as to allow each of the plurality of lifters to be fixed to the inner circumferential surface of the drum.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Damper, washing machine and washing/drying machine

Номер: US20130081433A1
Автор: Tsuyoshi Shiga

A damper which uses a magnetic viscous fluid, includes a cylinder, a bobbin which is housed in the cylinder and on which a coil generating a magnetic field is wound, a yoke which is housed in the cylinder and provided on an end of the bobbin, and a shaft which is inserted into the cylinder so as to extend through the bobbin and the yoke and so as to be axially reciprocable relative to the bobbin and the yoke. The magnetic viscous fluid fills a space defined between the bobbin and the yoke in the cylinder. The coil, the bobbin and the yoke are fixed together by a resin.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098119A1

A washing machine that calculates a temperature of a balancer to effectively control a motor and a method of controlling the washing machine are provided. The washing machine comprises a rotatable drum that receives laundry, a motor that rotates the drum, a balancer that is connected to the drum, the balancer changing a center of gravity of the drum, and a controller that rotates the motor at a constant rotational speed and then calculates a temperature of the balancer based on a period of a variation in rotational speed of the motor. 1. A washing machine comprising:a rotatable drum that receives laundry;a motor that rotates the drum;a balancer that is connected to the drum, the balancer changing a center of gravity of the drum; anda controller that rotates the motor at a constant rotational speed and then calculates a temperature of the balancer based on a period of a variation in rotational speed of the motor.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the controller compares the temperature of the balancer with a reference temperature to change an acceleration time of the motor.3. The washing machine of claim 2 , wherein the controller puts the acceleration time of the motor earlier when the temperature of the balancer is higher than the reference temperature.4. The washing machine of claim 2 , wherein the controller puts the acceleration time of the motor later when the temperature of the balancer is lower than the reference temperature.5. The washing machine of claim 1 , further comprising:a tub that is arranged to surround the drum, the tub receiving water, wherein the controller introduces cool water into the tub when the temperature of the balancer is higher than a maximum temperature of a reference temperature range.6. The washing machine of claim 1 , further comprising:a tub that is arranged to surround the drum, the tub receiving water, wherein the controller stops the motor, introduces water into the tub, reversely rotates the motor, and then discharges ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Cloth treating apparatus

Номер: US20130098121A1

A cloth treating apparatus is disclosed, including a cabinet having a housing space for housing cloth, a water supply unit for supplying steam to the housing space selectively, and a water spray unit movably provided to one side of the cabinet to be connected to the water supply unit selectively for supplying the steam from the water supply unit to the cloth.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111676A1

A method for driving a washing machine that includes a main body, a tub disposed within the main body, a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub, a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum, a driving motor, and a control unit to control operations of the driving motor includes producing a three-dimensional motion of laundry in the washing machine by moving the laundry in a circumferential direction and an axial direction simultaneously by relative motions of the main drum and the sub drum to perform the washing process while supplying washing water and detergent. 1. A washing machine comprising:a main body defining an outer appearance;a tub disposed within the main body;a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub;a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum;an outer shaft for rotating the main drum;an inner shaft for rotating the sub drum, being disposed inside the outer shaft;a driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft and rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft and rotatable inside the stator; anda control unit to control operations of the outer rotor and the inner rotor.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the control unit operates the outer rotor and the inner rotor with starting RPM smaller than or the same as each target RPM of the outer rotor and the inner rotor claim 1 , upon initially operating the driving motor.3. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the control unit controls the driving motor to sequentially drive the outer and inner rotors claim 1 , starting from one rotor having a large torque.4. The washing machine of claim 1 , further comprising:a laundry amount detection unit configured to detect a laundry amount, wherein the control unit controls a rotation direction or an RPM of each of the outer rotor and the inner rotor according to a laundry amount, if a predetermined time ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118210A1

A washing machine with a vibration reducing apparatus is capable of reducing a tub by use of the gyroscopic effect. If the drum is rotated in an imbalanced state where the laundry is positioned at a side of the drum without being uniformly distributed, a biased force is applied to a rotary shaft, and the drum performs an eccentric motion, causing vibration of the tub. The vibration of the tub is increased when the drum rotates at a high speed. The washing machine measures vibration of the tub at the high speed, and generates a vibration restraining force, thereby preventing the vibration from being transmitted to the outside due to a reaction force. The efficiency in reducing the excessive vibration of the tub is enhanced, so that the interval between the tub and the frame is reduced, thereby increasing the capacity of the washing machine. 1. A washing machine comprising:a tub;a drum rotatably installed inside the tub;a vibration sensor configured to measure a vibration of the tub, which is generated along with rotation of the drum;a control unit configured to calculate a vibration restraining force to reduce the vibration of the tub; anda vibration reducing apparatus configured to transmit the calculated vibration restraining force to the tub.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the vibration sensor measures a vibration that is transmitted to the tub when the drum rotates.3. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the vibration sensor measures a transient vibration that occurs upon entering a spin-dry cycle.4. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the vibration sensor is installed at an outer circumferential surface of the tub.5. The washing machine of claim 4 , wherein the vibration sensor comprises a first element installed at an upper side of a front surface of the tub and a second element installed at an upper side of a rear surface of the tub.6. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the vibration sensor measures at least one of a displacement ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118212A1

A washing machine includes a main body defining an outer appearance, a tub disposed within the main body, a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub, a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum, an outer shaft for rotating the main drum, an inner shaft for rotating the sub drum, being disposed inside the outer shaft, and a driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft that is rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft that is rotatable inside the stator, wherein the driving motor independently drives the main drum and the sub drum. 1. A washing machine including:a main body defining an outer appearance;a tub disposed within the main body;a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub;a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum;an outer shaft for rotating the main drum;an inner shaft for rotating the sub drum, being disposed inside the outer shaft; anda driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft that is rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft that is rotatable inside the stator, wherein the driving motor independently drives the main drum and the sub drum.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the driving motor drives the inner rotor and the outer rotor independently claim 1 , and wherein the main drum and the sub drum are driven independent of each other.3. The washing machine of claim 2 , wherein an independent drive between the outer rotor and the inner rotor induces rotations of laundry by a difference in rotation speed between the drums.4. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the main drum and the sub drum move the laundry in a direction by virtue of relative rotations therebetween claim 1 , allowing the laundry to perform three-dimensional motions while rotating within the main drum and the sub drum.5. The washing machine of claim 4 ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118213A1

A washing machine includes a driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft and rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft and rotatable inside the stator. Stator slots, which are fixedly-installed as a coil are wound on stator teeth. The outer rotor and the inner rotor include rotor teeth, a permanent magnet and a bushing, spaced from an inner circumference of the stator and rotates centering around a rotor shaft by magnetic force. The rotor teeth includes a teeth extension portion extending from a side end of an outer circumference of the rotor teeth in a circumferential direction, a cut recess cut in a concaved manner from the outer circumference of the rotor teeth toward the center of the rotor shaft, and an insertion recess cut in a concaved manner in a radial direction from an inner circumference of the rotor teeth. 1. A washing machine comprising:a main body defining an outer appearance;a tub disposed within the main body;a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub;a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum;an outer shaft for rotating the main drum;an inner shaft for rotating the sub drum upon, being disposed inside the outer shaft; anda driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft and rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft and rotatable inside the stator,wherein the stator of the driving motor comprises stator teeth, and stator slots, which are fixedly-installed as a coil wound on the stator teeth,wherein the outer rotor and the inner rotor comprise rotor teeth, a permanent magnet and a bushing, spaced from an inner circumference of the stator and rotates centering around a rotor shaft by magnetic force, and a teeth extension portion extending from a side end of an outer circumference of the rotor teeth in a circumferential direction,', 'a cut recess cut in a concaved manner from ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118214A1

A washing machine includes a main body defining an outer appearance, a tub disposed within the main body, a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub, and a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum. The washing machine includes an outer shaft for rotating the main drum, an inner shaft for rotating the sub drum, being disposed inside the outer shaft, and a driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft and rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft and rotatable inside the stator. The washing machine also includes a spring washer inserted into a connection part of the outer shaft and the inner rotor that attenuates vibrations of the outer shaft to prevent noise and to prevent separation of the outer shaft due to the vibrations. 1. A washing machine comprising:a main body defining an outer appearance;a tub disposed within the main body;a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub;a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum;an outer shaft for rotating the main drum;an inner shaft for rotating the sub drum, being disposed inside the outer shaft;a driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft and rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft and rotatable inside the stator; anda spring washer inserted into a connection part of the outer shaft and the inner rotor that attenuates vibrations of the outer shaft to prevent noise and to prevent separation of the outer shaft due to the vibrations.2. The machine of claim 1 , further comprising a stopping ring provided at a connection part of the outer shaft and the inner rotor to secure the spring washer so as to prevent separation of the spring washer in an axial direction claim 1 , wherein the stopping ring includes a C-ring.3. The machine of claim 1 , further comprising a stopping ring recess concaved from an ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119909A1

An off-balance detection method comprises a plurality of off-balance detection schemes that utilize wash basket speed to detect an off-balance load condition at speed ranges that span the entire spin cycle and include speeds corresponding to natural frequencies of a mass comprising a wash tub and a wash basket. The schemes can be used alone or in combination with one or more of the other schemes. The off-balance detection method can further comprise a power limiting method to prevent motor overload when an off-balance condition is present. 1. A method for controlling a spin speed of a wash basket driven by a motor in a washing machine , the method comprising:detecting a line voltage from a power line that provides a voltage supply for the motor; andlimiting a maximum torque output of the motor based on the line voltage.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the detecting of the line voltage comprises measuring a DC rail voltage for the motor.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the measuring of the DC rail voltage comprises measuring the DC rail voltage for the motor at a constant spin speed of the wash basket.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the limiting of the maximum torque output occurs at spin speeds greater than the constant speed.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the limiting of the maximum torque output comprises setting a maximum advance angle for the motor.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the maximum advance angle for the motor is set between about 80 and 85 degrees. The present application represents a division of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/240,331 entitled “A Method of Detecting an Off-Balance Condition of a Clothes Load in a Washing Machine” filed Sep. 22, 2011, pending, which application is a division of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/246,982 entitled “A Method of Detecting an Off-Balance Condition of a Clothes Load in a Washing Machine” filed Oct. 7, 2005, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,042,211, ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Drum-type washing machine

Номер: US20130125596A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A front-loading-type washing machine of the invention includes a rotary drum; a water tub; a motor; a filter case that communicates with the water tub via a drain pipe connected to the bottom of the water tub and has a filter provided therein; a circulating pump that communicates with the filter case via a circulating water suction pipe connected to the filter case; a channel that communicates with the circulating pump via a circulating water discharge pipe connected to the circulating pump, and is formed on the front inner side of the water tub; a plurality of jetting ports that are provided on the inner peripheral side of the channel and discharge washing water into the water tub; and a control device. The opening area of the jetting port provided at the farthest position from a connecting portion between the circulating water discharge pipe and the channel is larger than the opening area of the jetting port provided at the nearest position from the connecting portion.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133475A1
Автор: Zelic Safedin

An annular auto-balancing mechanism consisting of an annular shaped housing that is filled with fluid of specific viscosity, characterized in that its balancing weights rotate around a series of circularly set supporting axes of balancing weights, which allows for the construction of an annular shaped mechanism, which, in turn, allows the mechanism to be installed on the front side of a drum for unobstructed opening and closing of the door of a washing machine, on the one hand, and maximal utilization of the mechanism's volume, on the other hand. 1. An annular auto-balancing mechanism comprising:an annular housing that is filled with fluid of specific viscosity, and balancing weights which rotate around a series of circularly set supporting axes of balancing weights, which allows for the construction of an annular shaped mechanism, which in turn, allows the mechanism to be installed on the front side of a drum for unobstructed opening and closing of the door of a washing machine, on the one hand, and maximal utilization of the mechanism's volume, on the other hand2. The annular auto-balancing mechanism of claim 1 , comprising:three of said balancing weights that are constructed in such a way that a first of said balancing weights and a second of said balancing weights weigh half as much as a third of said balancing weights, said third of said balancing weights being located between said first and said second of said balancing weights, so that the common center of mass of said first and second of said balancing weights is located in the same plane as the center of mass of said third of said balancing weights.3. The annular auto-balancing mechanism in claim 1 , further comprising an auxiliary mechanism for that enabling stable operation of the said annular auto-balancing mechanism at low rotational speeds claim 1 , said auxiliary mechanism consisting of a tooth and a metal spring positioned on said third of said balancing weights and the a tooth limiter claim 1 , ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Water-conducting domestic appliance comprising a treatment region which can be ventilated

Номер: US20130139556A1

A water-conducting domestic appliance includes a housing having an interior, and a door which is connected to the housing to provide access to a treatment region in the interior of the housing. A ventilation valve controls ventilation of the treatment region of the housing. A door closure is provided to close the door and has an actuator which is connected to the ventilation valve. The door closure is actively connected to the ventilation valve in such a manner that the actuator opens the ventilation valve when the door is released and closes the ventilation valve when the door is closed, so that the ventilation valve is closed when the door is closed during operation.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Washing Machine Drive System

Номер: US20130139557A1
Автор: Chen Chang

The present invention discloses a top-loading washer drive system. The system includes a mounting plate connecting to the body of the washer, a driving pulley, a main shaft assembly fastened to the washer agitator, a sleeve shaft assembly fastened to the washer basket, a clutch, and a brake module. The lower part of main shaft assembly is connecting to the driving pulley. The sleeve shaft assembly and main shaft assembly are coaxially arranged and can rotate with respect to each other. The lower end of the sleeve shaft assembly is connected with driving pulley through the clutch. The main shaft assembly includes an input shaft at one end and an output shaft at the other end. A planetary gear module and an oscillating drive output module are configured between the input shaft and the output shaft. The braking module includes a cone-shaped brake unit and a braking control unit. 1. A top-loading washer drive system for a washer , comprising:a mounting plate connecting to a body of the washer;a driving pulley;a main shaft assembly fastened to an agitator of; the washer;a sleeve shaft assembly fastened to a drum of the washer drum;a clutch; anda brake module, a lower part of the main shaft assembly is connected with the driving pulley;', 'the sleeve shaft assembly and main shaft assembly are coaxially arranged and rotatable with respect to each other;', 'a lower end of the sleeve shaft assembly is connected with driving pulley through the clutch;', 'the main shaft assembly includes an input shaft at one end and an output shaft at the other end;', 'a planetary gear module and an oscillating drive output module are configured between the input shaft and the output shaft; and', 'the braking module includes a cone-shaped brake unit and a braking control unit., 'wherein2. The top-loading washer drive system according to claim 1 , wherein:the brake unit includes a cone flange fastened to the mounting plate, a brake pad lining at an inner wall of the cone flange, and a cone- ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Drum washing machine and washing method thereof

Номер: US20130145562A1

A drum washing machine and washing method are provided. The washing machine directly sprays water to laundry inside the drum through a nozzle unit. The method includes passing some water through a detergent container and directly spraying some water to the inside of a drum through a nozzle unit such that a high concentration of detergent bubbles is generated while applying a force to the laundry. The washing machine includes a cabinet, a tub inside the cabinet, a drum inside the tub, a door on the cabinet, a diaphragm, and a nozzle unit installed so interference with the door is avoided and to receive water directly from an external source to spray water inside the drum during a washing cycle and a rinsing cycle. The nozzle unit adjusts water jetting according to a displacement of an actuator installed inside the nozzle unit.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Laundry treating appliance door with planar window element and baffle for controlling laundry movement

Номер: US20130160501A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A laundry treating appliance may include a tub and a rotatable drum defining a first access opening to the drum, a cabinet including a front wall having a second access opening aligned with the first access opening, a bellows extending between the front wall and the tub to form a fluid seal between the first and second access openings, and the bellows having a compliance portion to accommodate relative movement between the tub and the front wall, and a door movably mounted to the front wall having a planar window element and a projection extending from the planar window element, the projection having at least a portion overlying the compliance portion to retard an item of laundry from entering the compliance portion during rotation of the drum.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Drum Washing Machine

Номер: US20130167304A1

A drum washing machine is provided to automatically wash out dirt on the door of the washing machine upon an operation of the washing machine. The drum washing machine comprises a cabinet having a door unit; a tub disposed inside the cabinet, the tub being configured to store water; a drum rotatably disposed inside the tub; and a circulator for simultaneously or selectively spraying wash water into the drum and toward the door unit. 1. A washing method for a drum washing machine , comprising the steps of:spraying heated steam to a door; andcirculating wash water in a tub and spraying wash water to the door.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising supplying wash water into a tub before circulating wash water.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising heating wash water in the tub between supplying wash water and spraying e wash water to the door. This application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/285,573 filed Oct. 8, 2008, which claims the benefit of Korean Patent Application No. 10-2007-0101602 filed Oct. 9, 2007, each of which is hereby incorporated by reference for all purposes as if fully set forth herein.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a drum washing machine which can automatically wash a door unit.2. Discussion of the Related ArtIn general, a washing machine refers to an appliance for removing contaminants stuck to clothes, beddings and the like (hereinafter, referred to as “laundry”) by using a chemical decomposition of water and detergent and a physical action, such as friction between water and laundry and a refresher for washing laundry easily by jetting steam to the laundry.Such washing machines are divided into a water-jet washing machine for doing laundry by friction between laundry by forming turbulence in wash water in a washing tub that is raised and a drum type washing machine for washing laundry by a physical impact generated by the rotation of the drum when the laundry put into a ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: US20130167596A1

A washing machine having a balancer provided with enhanced performance, and including a cabinet, a tub disposed at an inside the cabinet to accommodate washing water, a rotating tub having a cylindrical unit to form a circumferential side surface of the rotating tub and rotatively disposed at an inside the tub, a first balancer mounted at an upper portion of the rotating tub to offset an unbalanced load of the rotating tub, and a second balancer mounted at a lower portion of the rotating tub such to offset unbalanced load of the rotating tub by using a portion of the washing water at an inside the rotating tub, the second balancer includes an inner channel to store a portion of the washing water, and an outer channel formed along an outer circumference of the inner channel to offset the unbalanced load of the rotating tub.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Stator core of motor for washing machine

Номер: US20130169104A1
Принадлежит: New Motech Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a stator core of a motor for a washing machine that is formed by connecting a plurality of arc-shaped core pieces to each other, each of the core pieces being formed by stacking core piece steel plates on top of each other and by bending the stacked core piece steel plates in such a manner that core piece teeth are disposed outward in the radial direction of a core piece yoke and the core piece yoke has the same curvature as a yoke of a stator core, the core piece yoke on each core piece steel plate having a plurality of incised portions for bending formed partially incised thereon between the respective neighboring core piece teeth on the opposite side to the side on which the core piece teeth are formed.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174613A1

A drum type washing machine including a balancer capable of rapidly reducing vibration of a spin tub. The drum type washing machine includes a spin tub which is rotated by receiving rotational force from a driving motor through a rotating shaft, a rear balancer having an annular shape and being coupled to the spin tub, and a shaft flange provided at a center portion thereof with the rotating shaft and coupled to the spin tub so as to uniformly transfer the rotational force to the spin tub. The rear balancer is supported on a rear surface of a rear cover by the shaft flange. Thus, the balls accommodated in the balancer are prevented from moving out of the balancer, even if the balancer is broken due to long-period use. 1. A drum type washing machine comprising:a housing forming an external appearance of the drum type washing machine;a spin tub rotatable with respect to a horizontal axis of the washing machine by receiving rotational force from a driving motor through a rotating shaft, the spin tub including a spin tub body having a cylindrical structure formed with a plurality of pores allowing water to pass through the spin tub, the spin tub body having a front section with a laundry receiving opening provided and a rear section opposite to the front section;a rear balancer installed at the rear section of the spin tub to reduce a dynamic imbalance during rotation thereof, the rear balancer including a single annular-shaped race having a closed internal space in which a plurality of balls and viscous fluid are accommodated, the single annular-shaped race including a first annular-shaped member and a second annular-shaped member joined to each other to define the closed internal space, the first annular-shaped member including a first side wall, a second side wall and a connecting wall between the first side wall and the second side wall, the first annular-shaped member having an open side opposite to the connecting wall, and the second annular-shaped member being ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193823A1
Автор: BAE Sanghun, Cho Hongjun

There may be disclosed a laundry treating apparatus including a cabinet configured to define a profile thereof, the cabinet comprising a laundry introduction opening formed therein, a door configured to open and close the laundry introduction opening, a fixing member configured to support the door for the door to maintain a state of being rotate a predetermined angle with respect to the laundry introduction opening, wherein the angle of the door maintained by the fixing member is less than 90 degrees such that laundry may be loaded into the accommodating room via the laundry introduction opening after colliding with the door, in a state where the door is rotated a predetermined angle. 1. A laundry treating apparatus comprising:a cabinet configured to define a profile thereof, the cabinet comprising a laundry introduction opening formed therein;a door configured to open and close the laundry introduction opening;a fixing member configured to support the door for the door to maintain a state of being rotate a predetermined angle with respect to the laundry introduction opening,wherein the angle of the door maintained by the fixing member is an angle at which laundry moves to the laundry introduction opening along a guide of the door.2. The laundry treating apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a pivot provided in a lower portion of the laundry introduction opening along a traverse direction of the cabinet, to form a center of rotation of the door.3. The laundry treating apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the fixing member enables the door fixed at least two angles.4. The laundry treating apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the at least two angles are approximately 35 degrees and 85 degrees.5. The laundry treating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the fixing member comprises claim 1 ,a recessed piece provided in a lower portion of the door, with being recessed a predetermined depth; anda projected piece inserted in the recessed piece, ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199247A1

A washing machine includes a cabinet, a tub disposed within the cabinet, to store wash water, a rotating tub rotatably disposed within the tub, a pulsator rotatably disposed within the rotating tub, a motor disposed beneath the tub, to provide power for rotation of the rotating tub and the pulsator, and a clutch assembly disposed between the motor and the rotating tub. The clutch assembly includes a clutch coupling movable vertically between upper and lower positions to transmit the power from the motor to at least one of the rotating tub and the pulsator, a coupling lever movable pivotally to vertically move the clutch coupling, and a clutch lever movable pivotally and operatively connected to the coupling lever to pivotally move the coupling lever. 1. A washing machine comprising:a cabinet;a tub disposed within the cabinet, to store wash water;a rotating tub rotatably disposed within the tub;a pulsator rotatably disposed within the rotating tub;a motor disposed beneath the tub, to provide power for rotation of the rotating tub and the pulsator; anda clutch assembly disposed between the motor and the rotating tub, a clutch coupling movable vertically between upper and lower positions to transmit the power from the motor to at least one of the rotating tub and the pulsator,', 'a coupling lever movable pivotally to vertically move the clutch coupling, and', 'a clutch lever movable pivotally and operatively connected to the coupling lever to pivotally move the coupling lever., 'wherein the clutch assembly comprises'}2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the clutch lever comprises a stopper to limit a pivotal movement range of the clutch lever.3. The washing machine according to claim 2 , wherein the clutch lever further comprises an elastic member to elastically bias the clutch lever in one side.4. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the clutch lever comprises a lever guide to selectively contact the coupling lever claim 1 , for the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199249A1

A motor includes an enhanced strength of a stator, the stator being formed with a plurality of core plates stacked one on top of another, and a rotor rotatably disposed at an inner side or at an outer side of the stator. Each core plate includes a body provided in a shape of an arc, a plurality of teeth radially extended from the body, and having a coil wound thereto, at least one first slit part formed on the body by being slit in a radial direction of the body, and at least one second slit part formed on the body by being slit in a circumferential direction of the body. 1. A motor comprising:a stator formed with a plurality of core plates stacked one on top of another; anda rotor rotatably disposed at an inner side or at an outer side of the stator,wherein each core plate comprises:a body provided in a shape of an arc;a plurality of teeth radially extended from the body; andat least one first slit part formed on the body by being slit in a radial direction of the body, and at least one second slit part formed on the body by being slit in a circumferential direction of the body.2. The motor of claim 1 , wherein:at least two second slit parts are symmetrically disposed to each other while interposing the first slit part thereinbetween.3. The motor of claim 1 , wherein:at least one of the first slit parts communicates with the second slit part.4. The motor of claim 1 , wherein:the first slit part and the second slit part are disposed between two teeth adjacent to each other among the plurality of teeth.5. The motor of claim 4 , wherein:the body comprises a plurality of strength maintenance parts disposed adjacent to the first slit part and the second slit part to maintain a strength of the body between the plurality of teeth.6. The motor of claim 5 , wherein:the plurality of strength maintenance parts are alternately disposed with at least two first slit parts disposed in the radial direction of the body.7. The motor of claim 1 , wherein:core plates are stacked and ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine having ball balancers

Номер: US20130205841A1

A drum type washing machine includes an annular recess formed in the front cover such that the annular recess is located immediately adjacent to a wall of the drum body; and a ball balancer including an annular-shaped racer having a closed internal space in which a plurality of balls and viscous oil are accommodated. The annular-shaped racer includes first and second injection molded members joined to each other to form the closed internal space. The ball balancer is supported by the annular recess formed in the front cover of the drum, and the ball balancer is configured to be attachable to the drum with the viscous oil and the plurality of balls already in the ball balancer.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205842A1
Автор: KIM Byoung Soo
Принадлежит: AMOTECH CO., LTD.

Provided are a slim type motor having a heat radiating structure, that quickly dissipates heat generated from the inside of the motor to the outside of the motor although the motor is formed in a slim structure, by implementing the slim structure with respect to a lengthy direction of a rotating shaft and simultaneously implementing the heat radiating structure that emits heat generated from a stator as a rotor rotates in opposition to the stator in a narrow space in view of the nature of the slim structure, and a direct drive washing machine. For this purpose, the slim type motor includes: a stator in which stator cores around which coils are wound are disposed in an annular form in an annular stator support whose central portion is open, in order to emit heat generated in the inside of the motor to the outside; a rotor in which a number of permanent magnets are arranged in a back yoke mounted on a circular rotor support, to thus form an air gap with respect to the stator; and a rotating shaft that is coupled to the central portion of the rotor support and is driven by a torque of the rotor. 1. A slim type motor having a heat radiating structure , the slim type motor comprising:a stator in which stator cores around which coils are wound are disposed in an annular form in an annular stator support whose central portion is open, in order to emit heat generated in the inside of the motor to the outside;a rotor in which a number of permanent magnets are arranged in a back yoke mounted on a circular rotor support to thus form an air gap with respect to the stator; anda rotating shaft that is coupled to the central portion of the rotor support and is driven by a torque of the rotor.2. The slim type motor according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor support comprises a number of ribs that are arranged in a radial form from the center of rotation claim 1 , and a number of vent holes that are placed in spaces respectively formed between the ribs claim 1 , the ribs perform ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213097A1

A washing machine including a drum provided with a plurality of recess portions each provided in a polygonal pyramid recessed from one of an inner surface and an outer surface of the drum toward the remaining of the inner side and the outer side of the drum, and a plurality of through-holes configured to receive and discharge wash water, the recess portion including a polygonal side provided in a form of a polygon, and a plurality of edges extending from corners of the polygonal side to meet at a vertex of the recess portion, and the through-hole is formed through at least one of sides that form the polygonal side, thereby improving the washing performance due to the recess portion that makes a friction of the laundry with the sides of the recess portion. 1. A washing machine comprising:a tub;a drum disposed at an inside the tub; anda driving apparatus configured to rotate the drum,wherein the drum comprises a plurality of recess portions each provided in a form of a polypyramid recessed from one of an inner surface and an outer surface of the drum toward the remaining of the inner side and the outer side of the drum, and a plurality of through-holes configured to drain water,the recess portion comprises a polygonal side provided in a form of a polygon, and a plurality of edges extending from corners of the polygonal side to meet at a vertex of the recess portion, andthe through-hole is formed through at least one of sides that form the polygonal side.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the drum is inclinedly disposed to have a front thereof higher than a rear thereof.3. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of recess portions is recessed in a form of a quadrangular pyramid so as to have a quadrangle side.4. The washing machine of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of through-holes are formed through two of four sides forming the quadrangle side claim 3 , the two sides opposite to each other in a rotation direction of the drum.5. The ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Wash cycle for oxidizing agents

Номер: US20130219630A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A wash cycle for a clothes washer with a wash zone defined within a rotating drum having an outer wall, for receiving a fabric load. The steps include dispensing a volume of a first wash liquor to the wash zone, rotating the drum to move the fabric load toward the outer wall and recirculating the first wash liquor through the fabric load and wash zone, all during a first time period. The fabric load is flexed during a second time period. The cycle continues with dispensing a volume of a second, different wash liquor to the wash zone, rotating the drum to move the fabric load toward the outer wall and recirculating the second liquor through the fabric load and wash zone during a third time period. One of the two wash liquors is an oxidizing agent wash liquor. Then the remainder of the wash cycle is completed.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine and control method thereof

Номер: US20130219741A1
Автор: Sangwook Hong

A washing machine and a control method therefore are disclosed. The washing machine includes a cabinet ( 10 ); a tub ( 100 ) fixed to the cabinet ( 10 ); a drum ( 300 ) rotatably provided in the tub ( 100 ); a dry duct ( 20 ) which heats air exhausted from the tub ( 100 ) a predetermined temperature, to re-supply the heated air to the tub ( 100 ); condensation unit ( 170 ) which condenses moisture on at least a predetermined area of an inner circumferential surface of the tub ( 100 ) by heat-exchanging external air of the cabinet ( 10 ) with at least predetermined area of an outer circumferential surface of the tub ( 100 ); and sensing unit ( 410 ) which senses the amount of condensate generated in the tub ( 100 ). A washing machine and a control method thereof are disclosed. The washing machine includes a cabinet; a tub fixed to the cabinet; a drum rotatably provided in the tub; a dry duct which heats air exhausted from the tub a predetermined temperature, to re-supply the heated air to the tub; condensation unit which condenses moisture on at least a predetermined area of an inner circumferential surface of the tub by heat-exchanging external air of the cabinet with at least predetermined area of an outer circumferential surface of the tub; and sensing unit which sense the amount of condensate generated in the tub.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233026A1

Disclosed herein is a washing machine having an improved structure that maintains efficiency over a certain level both in washing and dehydration. The washing machine includes a body, a tub disposed within the body, a drum rotatably disposed within the tub, and a motor coupled to a rear surface of the tub to drive the drum. The motor includes a stator including a plurality of stator cores and a plurality of magnets arranged between the stator cores, and a rotor rotatably disposed at an inner side or outer side of the stator. 1. A washing machine comprising:a body;a tub disposed within the body;a drum rotatably disposed within the tub; anda motor coupled to a rear surface of the tub to drive the drum,wherein the motor comprises:a stator including a plurality of stator cores and a plurality of magnets arranged between the stator cores; anda rotor rotatably disposed at an inner side or outer side of the stator.2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein each of the stator cores comprises:a core body shaped in a circular arc; anda plurality of supports adapted to extend from the core body in a radial direction of the core body to support the magnets disposed on both sides of the core body.3. The washing machine according to claim 2 , wherein the stator comprises a first coil wound around the neighboring ones of the supports of a first one and a second one of the stator cores neighboring each other.4. The washing machine according to claim 3 , wherein the stator comprises a second coil wound around one of the magnets disposed between the neighboring ones of the supports.5. The washing machine according to claim 4 , wherein the first coil is positioned at an outer side of the second coil.6. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the magnets have a shorter length than the stator cores in an axial direction of the stator.7. The washing machine according to claim 4 , wherein the stator comprises an insulator to cover the stator cores and the magnets to ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Balance ring for an appliance

Номер: US20130233028A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A balance ring for an appliance, such as e.g., a washing machine, is provided. The balance ring can reduce or eliminate features such as sink marks that might otherwise impede the movement of counterweights in the balance ring. The counterweights are used to stabilize a rotating element of the appliance.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247307A1

A washing machine for reducing vibration and noise during a spin-drying cycle, and a control method thereof. According to the washing machine and the control method thereof, cloth piled up randomly in the washing tub is shaken and loosened through the stirring from side to side of the pulsator or the washing tub before water is supplied after putting the cloth therein, so that distribution of the cloth is made uniform to reduce vibration and noise during the spin-drying cycle. Further, unsatisfactory spin-drying due to abnormal vibration is prevented so that it is possible to reduce unnecessary consumption of water and spin-drying time. Further, even when the user does not put detergent in the detergent box but puts it directly onto the cloth, the detergent is shaken by the movement of the cloth, so it is possible to improve washing performance as the detergent and water are mixed well. 1. A method of controlling a washing machine including a washing tub accommodating cloth and a pulsator rotatably installed in the washing tub , the method comprising:(a) rotating the pulsator in one direction for a first time before supplying water to the washing tub;(b) stopping the pulsator for a second time after the pulsator rotates in one direction;(c) rotating the pulsator in an opposite direction for a third time when the second time elapses; and(d) stopping the pulsator for a fourth time after the pulsator rotates in the opposite direction,wherein a balance cycle is carried out by performing a stirring operation of the pulsator configured of operations (a) to (d) from side to side at least once or more so as to uniformly distribute the cloth.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the balance cycle is carried out before a water supply cycle of first supplying water for washing the cloth.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pulsator is rotated by a motor claim 1 , andwherein the pulsator is driven in a forward direction for the first time while maintaining ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247622A1
Автор: Kim Young Jong, Yu In Sik

The present invention relates to a washing machine, and more particularly, to a washing machine including: a casing constituting the appearance thereof; a support bar having one end connected to the casing; and a suspension for connecting the other end of the support bar to the outer tub so as to suspend the outer tub within the casing, and for absorbing vibrations from the outer tub. The suspension includes: an air cab through which the second end of the support bar passes, wherein the air cab is installed on the outer circumference of the outer tub and is moved along the support bar according to vibrations from the outer tub; a first friction member fitted on the support bar and disposed within the air cab to contact the inner surface of the air cab; and a second friction member contacting the support bar and generating greater frictional force with the support bar than that which is generated between the first friction member and the inner surface of the air cab to effectively decrease vibrations. 115-. (canceled)16. A washing machine comprising:a casing forming an outer appearance;an outer tub disposed in the casing;a support bar having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the support bar is connected to the casing; anda suspension connecting the second end of the support bar with the outer tub so that the outer tub is suspended to an inside of the casing, the suspension mitigating a vibration of the outer tub, wherein the suspension includes,an air cap through which the second end of the support bar passes, wherein the air cap is mounted on an outer circumferential surface of the outer tub and moves along the support bar when the outer tub vibrates;a first friction member arranged in the air cap while being inserted in the support bar, the first friction member contacting an inner surface of the air cap; anda second friction member arranged to contact the support bar, wherein a frictional force between the second friction member and the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Plastic tub for a washing machine or a washer dryer

Номер: US20130255328A1

A plastic tub for a washing machine includes a cylindrical casing; and an end face wall sealing the cylindrical casing. The end face including a bearing mount for a shaft of a laundry drum and radially-aligned reinforcing ribs molded into the end face wall. The reinforcing ribs begin at the bearing mount and branch in a Y-shape along their radial extent.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Component Part of a Household Appliance, in Particular of a Washing Group of a Household Appliance, Made of Polymeric Concrete Material

Номер: US20130261226A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Home Products Corp NV

A component part of a household appliance, in particular a component part of a washing group of a household appliance, is made of a polymeric concrete material comprising a polymeric binder system and an inorganic filler. The amount of filler in the material is greater than 60% wt.; and the binder system is an interpenetrated polymeric network, with one or more chemically cross-linked first polymers embedded in one or more second polymers and/or elastomers that are not chemically cross-linked.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269396A1

A washing machine having a structure in which a drum can stably rotate. The washing machine includes a cabinet including an outer frame that constitutes an exterior, an inner frame connected to an inner side of the outer frame, and a lower frame coupled to a lower part of the outer frame; a drum rotatably disposed in the inner frame; a base plate coupled to a lower part of the drum; a driving unit coupled to the base plate and driving the drum; and a damping apparatus that connects the base plate and the lower frame so as to absorb vibration occurring while the drum rotates. 1. A washing machine comprising:a cabinet comprising an outer frame that constitutes an exterior, an inner frame connected to an inner side of the outer frame, and a lower frame coupled to a lower part of the outer frame;a drum rotatably disposed in the inner frame;a base plate coupled to a lower part of the drum;a driving unit coupled to the base plate and configured to rotate the drum; anda damping apparatus configured to connect the base plate and the lower frame so as to absorb vibration occurring while the drum rotates.2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the damping apparatus comprises:a support bracket coupled to a bottom surface of the base plate; anda plurality of dampers having ends connected to the support bracket and the other ends connected to the lower frame.3. The washing machine according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of dampers are disposed in a radial form centering on a rotation central axis of the drum.4. The washing machine according to claim 3 , wherein the plurality of dampers comprise a first damper and a second damper that are adjacent to each other and an angle between a virtual first extension line that extends from one end of the first damper toward the rotation central axis of the drum and a virtual second extension line that extends from one end of the second damper toward the rotation central axis of the drum is between 45° and 135°.5. The ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269397A1
Автор: Yoon Hyoung Tae

A washing machine includes: a synchronous motor unit installed at the bottom of a tub; a drain valve housing installed at the bottom of the tub; a link unit disposed between the synchronous motor unit and the drain valve housing; a wire unit having one side connected to the synchronous motor unit and the other side connected to the link unit; a spring member having one side connected to the link unit and the other side connected to the drain valve housing; a clutch lever unit rotatably installed on a clutch base unit and rotated in connected with the movement of the link unit caused by the operation of the synchronous motor unit; a cam lever unit connected to the clutch lever unit; a lift lever unit contacted with the cam lever unit; and a coupling unit engaged with a rotor unit or clutch body unit. 1. A washing machine comprising:a synchronous motor unit installed at the bottom of a tub;a drain valve housing installed at a bottom of the tub so as to be spaced from the synchronous motor unit;a link unit disposed between the synchronous motor unit and the drain valve housing, and opening and closing the drain valve housing;a wire unit having one side connected to the synchronous motor unit and the other side connected to the link unit, and moving the link unit according to operation of the synchronous motor unit;a spring member having one side connected to the link unit and the other side connected to the drain valve housing, and providing a restoring force such that the link unit closes the drain valve housing;a clutch lever unit rotatably installed on a clutch base unit, disposed between the link unit and the synchronous motor unit, and rotated in connected with the movement of the link unit caused by the operation of the synchronous motor unit;a cam lever unit connected to the clutch lever unit;a lift lever unit contacted with the cam lever unit; anda coupling unit moved by the lift lever unit and engaged with a rotor unit or clutch body unit.2. The washing ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Direct drive rotor with metal coupler

Номер: US20130270930A1
Принадлежит: EMERSON ELECTRIC CO, Nidec Motor Corp

A rotor for an outer rotor-type motor is provided. The rotor includes a metallic coupler and a polymeric frame molded over at least part of the metallic coupler.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: US20130276483A1

A washing machine including a tub to retain wash water, a spin basket rotatably installed in the tub, a pulsator rotatably installed in the spin basket, a drive unit to generate rotary power and transmit the rotary power to the pulsator, and a float clutch elevatably installed at the pulsator to selectively transmit the rotary power to the spin basket when elevated by buoyancy. The float clutch includes guide protrusions provided at an upper surface thereof to allow the float clutch to be elevatably installed at a lower portion of the pulsator, and the pulsator includes guide grooved provided at a lower surface thereof, the guide protrusions being elevatably installed in the guide grooves. Since the float clutch receives rotary power at a position spaced apart from the shaft installation portion of the pulsator, the rotary power is prevented from being concentrated on the shaft installation portion.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305789A1

Provided is a washing machine that can maintain sufficient rigidity while reducing a thickness of a frame by improving the shape of beads disposed at the frame, the washing machine including: a cabinet; a tub that is disposed to accommodate washing water in the cabinet and has a fastening hole formed in a rear side of the tub; a tub fixing part that is provided in plural numbers at a rear side of the cabinet in a position corresponding to the fastening hole; a fixing member that is inserted into the tub fixing part and is fastened to the fastening hole so that the tub is fixed to the rear side of the cabinet; and beads that are provided in plural numbers at both sides of the cabinet so as to have a shape of grooves formed in a direction of an inner side of the cabinet. 1. A washing machine comprising:a cabinet that constitutes exterior;a tub that is disposed to accommodate washing water in the cabinet and has a fastening hole formed in a rear side of the tub;a drum that is rotatably disposed in the tub;a tub fixing part that is provided in plural numbers at a rear side of the cabinet in a position corresponding to the fastening hole;a fixing member that is inserted into the tub fixing part and is fastened to the fastening hole so that the tub is fixed to the rear side of the cabinet; andbeads that are provided at each of both sides of the cabinet so as to have a shape of grooves formed in a direction of an inner side of the cabinet,wherein the beads comprise first beads provided in one pair while being disposed in parallel to right and left edges of a side of the cabinet, second beads provided in one pair while being disposed in parallel to upper and lower edges of the side of the cabinet, and a connection part that connects both ends of the first beads and both ends of the second beads.2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the beads are provided in plural numbers at each of the both sides of the cabinet while being spaced apart from the right and ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306833A1
Автор: KISSMANN Eberhard
Принадлежит: Suspa GmbH

A coupling device for coupling a friction damper onto a washing unit or a machine frame of a washing machine comprises a support part for supporting the friction damper with a support plate for putting on the washing unit or on the machine frame, with a support wall and with a pin having a pin longitudinal axis for mounting in a coupling opening of the friction damper, and a locking part coupled pivotably on the support part about a locking pivot axis between a locking position and an unlocking position, wherein the locking part comprises a fastening element, wherein in the locking position the support plate is secured onto the washing unit or the machine frame by means of the fastening element, and wherein in the unlocking position the support plate on the washing unit or on the machine frame is released by the fastening element. 1. A coupling device for coupling a friction damper comprising at least one coupling opening onto one of a washing unit and a machine frame of a washing machine , wherein the coupling device comprises i. a support plate for putting on one of the washing unit and the machine frame,', 'ii. a support wall extending away transversely from the support plate,', 'iii. a pin having a pin longitudinal axis for mounting in the at least one coupling opening, wherein the pin extends away transversely from the support wall, and, 'a. a support part for supporting the friction damper, wherein the support part comprises'}b. a locking part coupled pivotably to the support part about a locking pivot axis between a locking position and an unlocking position for locking the friction damper onto the support part, wherein the locking part comprises a fastening element,c. wherein in the locking position the support plate is secured onto one of the washing unit and the machine frame by means of the fastening element, andd. wherein in the unlocking position the support plate on one of the washing unit and the machine frame is released by the fastening element.2. A ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine having upper cover

Номер: US20130320824A1
Автор: Han Kyu Choi

An upper cover of a washing machine having an improved structure in which the upper cover may be manufactured in a simple process. The washing machine includes: a main body; and an upper cover configured to cover an upper part of the main body, wherein the upper cover includes: a cover plate formed in a rectangular shape; and a cover frame formed of a material different from a material for the cover plate and coupled to the cover plate along a circumference of the cover plate, and the cover frame includes: at least one first support part configured to support an upper side of the cover plate; and at least one second support part configured to support a lower side of the cover plate.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130326825A1
Принадлежит: Whilrlpool Corporation

Disclosed is a laundry treating appliance having a drum and a torsionally flexible drive mechanism. The drum simultaneously rotates in a first rotational direction and oscillates about an axis of rotation. 116-. (canceled)17. A method of applying mechanical energy to a load of laundry in a treating chamber of a laundry treating appliance having a rotatable drum defining the treating chamber and rotatable about an axis of rotation , a motor configured to rotate the drum , and a controller configured to supply the motor with a control signal to control the rotational speed of the drum , the method comprising:rotating the drum in a first rotational direction at a predetermined operating speed; andoscillating the drum about an axis of rotation to effect a sliding of the laundry relative to the drum while the drum is rotated in the first rotational direction at the predetermined operating speed.18. The method of wherein the predetermined operating speed is a constant speed.19. The method of wherein the predetermined operating speed is a tumbling speed.20. The method of wherein the oscillating the drum comprises oscillating the drum at a frequency greater than the tumbling speed.21. The method of wherein the supplying the motor with a control signal comprises supplying superimposed first and second control signals claim 17 , with the first control signal effecting the rotation of the drum at the predetermined operating speed and the second control signal effecting the oscillating of the drum.22. The method of wherein the second control signal is selected to oscillate the drum at a frequency causing excitation of a torsional resonance of a drive shaft coupling the motor and the drum.23. The method of wherein the torsional resonance is determined based on the collective rotational inertia of the drum and the load of laundry in the treating chamber.24. The method of wherein the second control signal comprises a sinusoidal wave form.25. The method of wherein the second signal ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327098A1

A washing machine having a balancer housing capable of transmitting electric power from an external power source to a balancing module. The washing machine includes a rotary drum, and a balancer to counterbalance an unbalanced load generated in the rotary drum. The balancer includes a balancer housing mounted to the rotary drum, and a balancing module having a moving unit to move inside the balancer housing. The balancer housing includes an electrode provided at an inner surface of the balancer housing in a circumferential direction thereof in order to transmit electric power to the moving unit of the balancing module, an electric wire electrically connected to the electrode in order to apply electric power from an external power source to the electrode, and a connector provided at an outer surface of the balancer housing in order to electrically connect the electric wire and the electrode. 1. A washing machine comprising:a rotary drum; andat least one balancer configured to counterbalance an unbalanced load generated in the rotary drum, at least one balancer housing mounted to the rotary drum; and', 'at least one balancing module having a moving unit to move inside the balancer housing, and, 'wherein the at least one balancer includes at least one electrode provided at an inner surface of the balancer housing in a circumferential direction of the balancer housing in order to transmit electric power to the moving unit of the balancing module;', 'at least one electric wire electrically connected to the electrode in order to apply electric power from an external power source to the electrode; and', 'a connector provided at an outer surface of the balancer housing in order to electrically connect the electric wire and the electrode., 'wherein the balancer housing includes2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the connector includes a socket unit protrudingly provided at the outer surface of the balancer housing claim 1 , the socket unit being located at ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327099A1

A washing machine having a balancer includes a rotating basket in which laundry is accommodated, the rotating basket being configured to be rotated upon receiving rotation power from a drive source, at least one balancer housing mounted to the rotating basket, the balancer housing internally having an annular channel, and at least one balancing module movably disposed in the channel to alleviate load unbalance caused during rotation of the rotating basket. The balancing module includes a main plate, at least one mass body provided at the main plate, a drive unit mounted to the main plate to assist the balancing module in moving to a position where the balancing module alleviates load unbalance of the rotating basket, and a brush configured to transmit electric power supplied from an external power source to the drive unit. 1. A washing machine comprising:a rotating basket in which laundry is accommodated, the rotating basket being configured to be rotated upon receiving rotation power from a drive source;at least one balancer housing mounted to the rotating basket, the balancer housing internally having an annular channel; andat least one balancing module movably disposed in the channel to alleviate load unbalance caused during rotation of the rotating basket, a main plate;', 'at least one mass body provided at the main plate;', 'a drive unit mounted to the main plate to assist the balancing module in moving to a position where the balancing module alleviates load unbalance of the rotating basket; and', 'a brush configured to transmit electric power supplied from an external power source to the drive unit., 'wherein the balancing module includes'}2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the balancer housing includes at least one electrode provided in a circumferential direction of the balancer housing to transmit electric power to the at least one balancing module.3. The washing machine according to claim 2 , wherein the brush is placed to come into ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Fluid additive dispenser

Номер: US20130327101A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A fluid additive dispenser is provided. The fluid additive dispenser includes a fluid additive collector that is disposed below containers configured for receipt of fluid additives. The fluid additive collector receives fluid additives from the containers and directs the fluid additives to a spout. By directing the fluid additives to the spout, spilling and leaking of the fluid additives can be reduced, e.g., during operation of a washing machine appliance.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Laundry treating apparatus

Номер: US20130340277A1

The present invention relates to a laundry treating apparatus that smoothly agitates laundry with as large space as possible for receiving laundry. The laundry treating apparatus includes: a rotatable drum that receives laundry, has open front and rear, and is formed to have a non-circular closed cross-section; a front panel closing the open front of the drum and having a plurality of discharge holes through which air in the drum is discharged; and a suction duct coupled to the front panel and sucks air discharged through the discharge holes.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340485A1

A load of laundry that is distributed in an imbalanced manner in a laundry treatment appliance can lead to mechanical destruction at higher rotational speeds. A method for detecting an imbalance in a laundry treatment appliance which has a rotating drum and a drive system with electronic control system, a rotational speed or a variable linked with the rotational speed is acquired in the electronic control system as a rotational speed signal, the frequency component of the 2nd order in relation to the mechanical drum rotational speed is determined in the rotational speed signal that is acquired, and an imbalance in the drum is then detected if a value of the frequency component of the 2nd order that is determined exceeds a predetermined limiting value. The method is in particular also suitable for detecting a dynamic imbalance or in the case of laundry treatment appliances with a vertical axis of rotation. 1. A method of detecting an imbalance in a laundry treatment appliance having a rotating drum and a drive system with an electronic control system , the method which comprises:acquiring a rotational speed signal of a rotational speed or a variable linked with the rotational speed in the electronic control system;determining a frequency component of the 2nd order in relation to the mechanical drum rotational speed in the rotational speed signal being acquired;detecting an imbalance in the drum if a value of the frequency component of the 2nd order exceeds a predetermined limiting value; anddriving the rotating drum in accordance with a result of the detecting step.2. The method according to claim 1 , which comprises continuously determining the frequency component of the 2nd order while running the drum up to spinning speed.3. The method according to claim 1 , which comprises determining that an imbalance is present in the drum when a relative value of the frequency component of the 2nd order claim 1 , based on a frequency component of the 2nd order that is ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Rotational cam mode shifter for a washing machine appliance

Номер: US20140000320A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A clutch positioning assembly for a washing machine appliance is provided. The assembly uses a cam that can be rotated so as to position the clutch between different positions that provide for engaging or disengaging a motor from a wash basket. By engaging or disengaging the motor and wash basket, the rotation of a wash basket during various cycles of the appliance can be controlled as desired. For example, during a spin cycle the wash basket can be rotated whereas during a wash cycle the wash basket can be locked into position.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007626A1
Автор: Hwang Ui Kun
Принадлежит: Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation

Disclosed is a drum washing machine, including a cabinet; a tub fillable with wash water; a drum receiving laundry; a motor at the rear of a lower portion of the tub and close to one side from a left and right center of the tub; one balancer affixed or coupled to a front surface of the tub so that the center of gravity thereof is biased toward an opposite side of the motor from the left and right center of the tub; a spring having one end affixed or coupled to the cabinet and the other end affixed or coupled to an upper surface of the tub to support the tub; and a damper having one end affixed or coupled to the cabinet and another end affixed or coupled to a lower surface of the tub. 1. A drum washing machine , comprising:a cabinet;a tub in the cabinet and fillable with wash water;a rotatable drum in the tub and configured to receive laundry;a motor at a rear lower portion of the tub, on a left or right side of the tub, and configured to generate power;a motor pulley connected to the motor;a drum pulley connected to the drum;a belt around the motor pulley and the drum pulley so that the motor rotates the drum;a balancer on or coupled to a front surface of the tub, so that a center of gravity thereof is biased toward the other of the left and right sides of the tub;a spring having one end affixed or coupled to the cabinet and another end affixed or coupled to an upper surface of the tub to support the tub; anda damper having one end affixed or coupled to the cabinet and the other end affixed or coupled to a lower surface of the tub.2. The drum washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the motor is on the left side of the tub when facing a front of the drum washing machine claim 1 , and the balancer is on the front surface of the tub so that the center of gravity thereof is biased to the right side of the tub when facing the front of the drum washing machine.3. The drum washing machine according to claim 2 , wherein the balancer includes:a horizontal part which ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007680A1
Автор: Hwang Ui Kun

A method for determining an imbalance in a drum washing machine includes increasing a rotational speed of a motor of the drum washing machine to a target RPM, and then measuring an RPM for each rotation section; comparing the RPM for each rotation section to an RPM limit to obtain a comparison result; and determining whether an imbalance occurs according to the comparison result. 1. A method for determining an imbalance in a drum washing machine , comprising:increasing a rotational speed of a motor of the drum washing machine to a target RPM, and then measuring an RPM for each rotation section of the motor;comparing the RPM for each rotation section to an RPM limit to obtain a comparison result; anddetermining whether an imbalance occurs according to the comparison result.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining whether the imbalance occurs comprises determining that the imbalance occurs when the RPM for each rotation section deviates from the RPM limit.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining whether the imbalance occurs further comprises determining a variation of the RPM for each rotation section when the RPM for each rotation section falls within the RPM limit.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein when the variation of the RPM for each rotation section falls within a preset value claim 3 , the imbalance does not occur.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein when the variation of the RPM for each rotation section exceeds a preset value claim 3 , the imbalance occurs.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the drum washing machine further comprises a control unit claim 1 , a drum rotated by the motor claim 1 , and a load measurement unit.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the control unit controls the motor and measures the rotational speed of the motor.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the load measurement unit measures a load of the motor caused by rotational movement of the drum.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the target RPM is a value of from 50 to 150 RPM. ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009049A1

Provided is a washing machine having an improved structure in which a door may be firmly supported not to sag even though the door is repeatedly opened/closed for a long term while a user uses the washing machine. The washing machine includes: a main body; an opening formed in a front side of the main body; a door that opens/closes the opening; and a hinge member that allows the door to be rotatably coupled to the front side of the main body. The hinge member includes: a hinge body coupled to the front side of the main body; at least one hinge arm that extends from the hinge body; and at least one stopper that protrudes from an outer side of the hinge arm. The door includes: at least one accommodation groove in which at least a portion of the hinge arm is accommodated; and a cover plate that covers the accommodation groove to support the hinge arm and has at least one protrusion that protrudes from an inner side of the cover plate toward the hinge arm. When the door opens the opening, the stopper and the protrusion are in contact with each other so that rotation of the door can be limited. 1. A washing machine comprising:a main body;an opening formed in a front side of the main body;a door that opens/closes the opening; anda hinge member that allows the door to be rotatably coupled to the front side of the main body,wherein the hinge member comprises:a hinge body coupled to the front side of the main body;at least one hinge arm that extends from the hinge body; andat least one stopper that protrudes from an outer side of the at least one hinge arm,wherein the door comprises:a transparent member through which a user sees an inner side of a drum;a holder member to which the transparent member is coupled and which has at least one accommodation groove in which at least a portion of the at least one hinge arm is accommodated; anda cover plate that covers the at least one accommodation groove to support the at least one hinge arm and has at least one protrusion that ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020433A1

A washing machine capable of reducing the manufacturing cost of a circulation device installed to circulate water and capable of preventing water from being scattered when spraying circulating water into a spin basket is described. A tub cover of the washing machine includes a guide part provided with a connector, which is integrated with the tub cover, connected with a circulation passage, and inclined upward toward the tub cover, and an inclined surface inclined toward the spin basket at an inner edge of the tub cover, thereby reducing the manufacturing of the circulation device and preventing water from being scattered. The washing machine includes a circulation drain port formed at a side surface of a tub and a filtering duct connected with the circulation drain port, thereby reducing the manufacturing cost of the circulation device. 1. A washing machine comprising:a cabinet;a tub installed in the cabinet;a spin basket rotatably installed in the tub;a tub cover provided at an upper portion of the tub; anda circulation passage guiding water contained in the tub such that the water is circulated to the spin basket,wherein the tub cover is integrated with a connector connected with the circulation passage.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the connector is formed at an outer edge of the tub cover claim 1 , and inclined upward toward a bottom surface of the tub cover.3. The washing machine of claim 2 , wherein the connector is inclined at an angle of about 40° to about 60° with respect to a surface of the tub cover.4. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein an inner edge of the tub cover is provided with an inclined surface that is inclined downward toward an inside of the spin basket.5. The washing machine of claim 4 , wherein the inclined surface is inclined at an angle of about 50° to about 85° with respect to a bottom surface of the tub cover.6. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the tub cover is provided at a bottom surface thereof with a water ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026623A1

A laundry processing machine including a casing, an outer tub supported in the casing, an inner tub rotatably provided in the outer tub, and a shock absorber. The shock absorber is coupled, at one end thereof, to the casing and coupled, at the other end thereof, to the outer tub to absorb vibration of the outer tub caused by rotation of the inner tub. The shock absorber actively provides a damping force in response to the vibration of the outer tub. 1. A laundry processing machine comprising:a casing;an outer tub supported in the casing;an inner tub rotatably provided in the outer tub; anda shock absorber coupled, at one end thereof, to the casing and coupled, at the other end thereof, to the outer tub to absorb vibration of the outer tub caused by rotation of the inner tub,wherein the shock absorber actively provides a damping force in response to the vibration of the outer tub.2. The laundry processing machine of claim 1 , wherein the shock absorber further comprises:a cylinder;a piston,wherein the cylinder and the piston make relative movement with respect to each other according to the vibration of the outer tub;a slide member arranged to slide along the piston; anda slide member guide interposed between the cylinder and the slide member to be rotatable between a first rotational position and a second rotational position, and adapted to have a larger displacement with respect to the slide member at the first rotational position than at the second rotational position, when moving according to the vibration of the outer tub.3. The laundry processing machine of claim 2 , wherein the slide member guide moves together with the cylinder.4. The laundry processing machine of claim 3 , wherein a maximum allowable displacement of the slide member guide with respect to the slide member increases when the slide member guide rotates from the first rotational position to the second rotational position.5. The laundry processing machine of claim 2 , wherein:the slide member ...
