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10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2430709C2

Салфеточный продукт относится к впитывающим бумажным продуктам. Салфеточный продукт представляет собой салфеточный лист, имеющий первую сторону и вторую сторону. Причем салфеточный лист содержит целлюлозные волокна в количестве по меньшей мере 50 вес.% и добавочную композицию, содержащую полимер. Добавочная композиция присутствует на по меньшей мере первой стороне салфеточного листа. При этом салфеточный продукт имеет объемность выше около 3 см3/г, величину испытания на ворсистость менее около 3 мг и первая сторона салфеточного листа имеет величину прилипания-проскальзывания выше около - 0,01. Добавочная композиция содержит неволокнистый олефиновый полимер, сополимер этилена и карбоновой кислоты или их смеси. Добавочная композиция может быть включена в салфеточное полотно посредством объединения с волокнами, которые используют для формирования полотна. Альтернативно, добавочная композиция может быть поверхностно нанесена на полотно, после того как полотно было сформировано. Техническим ...

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2577358C2
Принадлежит: КЕМИРА ОЙЙ (FI)

Изобретение относится к бумажным продуктам санитарно-гигиенического назначения, в структуру которых входит волокнистое бумажное полотно, агент, придающий временную влагопрочность, композиция деструктирующего агента, которая включает деструктирующий агент, носитель, подавляющий разложение и неионогенное поверхностно-активное вещество. Неионогенное поверхностно-активное вещество стабилизирует вязкость этой композиции во времени. Композиция деструктирующего агента может применяться в сочетании с агентом временной влагопрочности, чтобы получать бумажный продукт, обладающий высокой начальной прочностью на разрыв во влажном состоянии и желаемую разлагаемость. Также изобретение относится к способам формования бумажного продукта и к способной к насосной перекачке композиции текучей среды для разложения агента временной влагопрочности, находящегося в структуре волокнистого полотна бумажного продукта. 3 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2606227C2

Изобретение описывает способ получения ацилированного полимера, содержащего виниламин, включающий стадии: a) проведение свободнорадикальной полимеризации N-винилформамида в водном растворе, b) проведение щелочного гидролиза с образованием поливиниламина, и c) взаимодействие полимера, содержащего виниламин, по меньшей мере с одним ацилирующим реагентом, где ацилирующий реагент выбран из группы, включающей ангидрид карбоновой кислоты, ацилгалогенид и их смеси, и где температура реакции ацилирования составляет от примерно 20 до примерно 50°С и где ангидрид карбоновой кислоты не является циклическим ангидридом. Технический результат заключается в применении ацилированного полимера при изготовлении бумаги в качестве добавок для повышения прочности в сухом состоянии, удерживающих и обезвоживающих средств, а также агентов для подавления образования отложений смолы и липких материалов. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 32 пр., 3 табл.

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2605971C2
Принадлежит: КЕМИРА ОЙЙ (FI)

Изобретение относится к производству бумаги. Предложены системы прочности бумаги, содержащие смолу полиаминполиамидоаминэпигалогидрина (ППАЭ). Предложен способ формования бумаги, включающий нанесение системы прочности, содержащей ППАЭ, на целлюлозное волокно, и бумага, полученная заявленным способом. Изобретение обеспечивает повышенную прочность бумаги при растяжении в сухом состоянии и низкую перманентную прочность во влажном состоянии. 3 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 8 табл., 30 пр.

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2581862C2
Принадлежит: КЕМИРА ОЙЙ (FI)

Изобретение относится к целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности и касается бумаги и способа ее производства. Бумагу производят способом, включающим обработку водной суспензии волокнистой массы смолой функционализированного альдегидом полимера и полиамидоаминоэпихлоргидриновой смолой. Полиамидоаминоэпихлоргидриновую смолу получают первой реакцией эпихлоргидрина с полиамидоамином с образованием аминохлоргидрина, который затем преобразуют в азетидиний, и полученная полиамидоаминоэпихлоргидриновая смола имеет отношение молярного содержания эпихлоргидрина к молярному содержанию амина приблизительно от 0,01 до 0,4, и полученная полиамидоаминоэпихлоргидриновая смола имеет содержание азетидиния приблизительно 40% или менее. Изобретение обеспечивает создание бумаги с улучшенными показателями прочности. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 7 табл., 12 пр.

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2384661C2

Способ касается изготовления бумаги и может быть использован в целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности. Способ включает использование суспензии целлюлозы из целлюлозных волокон и необязательно наполнителей, обезвоживание суспензии целлюлозы на сетке или сите с образованием листа. Затем лист сушат. В данном способе используют полимерную добавку, которая включает этиленненасыщенный растворимый в воде или потенциально растворимый в воде мономер и этиленненасыщенный мономер, содержащий реакционноспособную группу. Данная реакционная группа представляет собой эпоксидную группу. Используемая полимерная добавка обладает молекулярной массой менее одного миллиона. Полимер получают из смеси мономеров, включающий акриламид и глицидилметакрилат. Полученный таким образом полимер применяют в качестве добавки для увеличения прочности бумаги в сухом состоянии, во влажном состоянии, в качестве реагента для проклейки бумаги в массе и для поверхностей проклейки. Техническим результатом является повышение прочности ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2458979C2

Изобретение имеет отношение к способу получения листового изделия. Способ заключается в нанесении добавочной композиции на движущуюся крепирующую поверхность, прессовании основного листа к крепирующей поверхности после нанесения добавочной композиции, удалении основного листа с крепирующей поверхности. Добавочная композиция содержит лосьон, разрыхлитель, смягчитель, алоэ, витамин Е, окисленный полиэтилен или их смеси и адгезивно прикрепляет основной лист к крепирующей поверхности. Кроме того, добавочная композиция переносится на основной лист так, чтобы добавочная композиция составляла, по меньшей мере, около 1% веса основы листового изделия. Технический результат - разработка способа получения листового изделия, улучшение процесса крепирования полотна, введение полезных добавок в количествах, достаточных для улучшения свойств листов. 16 з.п. ф-лы, 3 пр., 21 ил.

06-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2671728C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение относится к реакционноспособной к целлюлозе композиции глиоксалированного сополимера, способам получения и применения композиции глиоксалированного сополимера, например, для усиления бумаги или картона. Композиция включает водную среду, содержащую глиоксалированный сополимер, причем глиоксалированный сополимер получают взаимодействием в водной реакционной среде отношения сухой массы глиоксаля : катионного сополимера в интервале от 5 (±5%) до 40 (±5%) глиоксаля к от 95 (±5%) до 60 (±5%) катионного сополимера. При этом катионный сополимер обладает среднемассовой молекулярной массой от 120000 (±5%) до 1 (±5%) миллиона дальтон на основе общей массы катионного сополимера до глиоксалирования. Кроме того, соотношение среднемассовой молекулярной массы катионного сополимера до глиоксалирования к мас.% мономера галогенида диаллилдиметиламмония, составляющего катионный сополимер до глиоксалирования, больше или равно 4000 или от 4000 до 40000 дальтон/мас.%. Технический результат заключается ...

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2466873C2

Изобретение относится к средствам очистки поверхностей и касается высокоэффективной одноразовой целлюлозной салфетки. Включает в себя полученное через пульпу бумагообразующее волокно; до 75 мас.% регенерированного целлюлозного микроволокна, имеющего характеристическую CSF-величину, составляющую менее чем 175 мл, где микроволокно выбрано и присутствует в таких количествах, что салфетка имеет фракцию пор с объемом Лапласа, имеющую размеры пор менее 15 микрон, которая является по меньшей мере в 1,5 раза большей, чем аналогичная фракция салфетки, полученной без регенерированного целлюлозного микроволокна. Изобретение обеспечивает эффективное удаление остатков с поверхностей, особенно со стекла и приборов. 2 н. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 32 ил., 16 табл.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019144011A3

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017121639A3

25-05-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019125385A3

20-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2056433C1

Использование: синтез полимера для ускорения флокуляции, загущения дисперсий суспендированных твердых веществ. Сущность изобретения: смешивание водного раствора, по крайней мере, одного мономера, способного образовать водорастворимый полимер, по крайней мере, одного химического реагента, содержащего функциональные группы, маслянного раствора, с получением обратной эмульсии или микроэмульсии. Последующая обработка полученной эмульсии в условиях полимеризации мономеров и взаимодействие с химическим реагентом, содержащим функциональную группу, с получнием эмульсии водорастворимого полимера, содержащего функциональные группы, имеющего мицеллы диаметром . 6 з. п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005113241A

... 1. Способ изготовления крепированной посредством транспортерной ленты адсорбирующей целлюлозной бумаги, включающий следующие этапы: а) обезвоживание с уплотнением бумажной волокнистой композиции для формования исходного полотна, обладающего явным хаотическим распределением волокна бумажной волокнистой композиции; b) укладку обезвоженного полотна, обладающего явным хаотическим распределением волокна, на преобразующую передаточную поверхность, перемещаемую с первой скоростью; с) крепирование посредством транспортерной ленты полотна с передаточной поверхности при концентрации массы полотна около 30-60% с использованием рисунчатой крепирующей транспортерной ленты, причем этап крепирования выполняют под давлением в зоне контакта крепирующей транспортерной ленты, образованного между передаточной поверхностью и крепирующей транспортерной лентой, где крепирующую транспортерную ленту перемещают со второй скоростью, меньшей скорости передаточной поверхности, причем рисунок ленты, параметры зоны контакта ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733937C1

Изобретение относится к области целлюлозно-бумажного производства, а именно к получению проклеенных волокнистых изделий. Способ подготовки волокнистой композиции для бумаги включает контакт целлюлозного волокна с проклеивающей композицией, состоящей из нейтрального катализатора реакции поликонденсации смолы, влагопрочного агента и неионогенного ПАВ, последовательно и/или одновременно, с последующим обезвоживанием композиции, прессованием и сушкой. В качестве влагопрочного агента используют триметилированную меламиноформальдегидную смолу, стабилизированную этиленгликолем, при смешивании ее с водой в соотношении от 1:2 до 1:2,5 массовых долей, при среднем значении рН от 6,5 до 7,4. Обеспечивается повышение прочности бумаги во влажном и сухом состоянии, а также улучшение стабильности проклеивающей композиции в нейтральной среде. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 3 пр.

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012153233A

... 1. Целлюлозные нанофиламенты, имеющие:длину по меньшей мере 100 мкм иширину примерно 30-300 нм,где нанофиламенты физически отсоединены друг от друга и по существу не содержат фибриллированную целлюлозу,где нанофиламенты имеют значение кажущейся степени помола свыше 700 мл согласно Paptac стандартному методу испытания С1,где суспензия, содержащая 1% масс./масс. нанофиламентов в воде, при 25°C и при скорости сдвига 100 симеет вязкость более 100 сПз.2. Нанофиламенты по п.1, где водная суспензия свыше 0,1% масс./масс. разрушается с осаждением согласно испытанию на осаждение, описанному на с.16 описания.3. Нанофиламенты по п.1, где водная суспензия менее 0,05% масс./масс. осаждается с 50% объемом согласно испытанию на осаждение, описанному на с.16 описания.4. Нанофиламенты по п.1, в которых длина находится в интервале от 100 до 500 мкм.5. Нанофиламенты по п.1, которые имеют заряд поверхности по меньшей мере 60 мэкв/кг.6. Способ получения целлюлозных нанофиламентов из пульпы целлюлозного исходного ...

27-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014111074A

... 1. Способ изготовления бумаги, картона или тонкого картона, включающий следующие стадии:(а) превращение водного целлюлозного материала, содержащего крахмал, в бумажную массу,(б) предотвращение микробной деградации по крайней мере части крахмала при обработке водного целлюлозного материала, содержащего крахмал, одним или более биоцидов, которые добавляют по крайней мере частично в целлюлозный материал в зоне вязкой массы, где консистенция целлюлозного материала составляет по крайней мере 2,0%, и(з) добавление сухого и/или влажного упрочняющего полимера в целлюлозный материал.2. Способ по п. 1, где один или более биоцидов добавляют в непрерывном или периодическом режиме в целлюлозный материал в таком количестве, чтобы через 1 месяц обработки на целлюлозно-бумажном комбинате, эксплуатируемом в непрерывном режиме,- электропроводность водной фазы целлюлозного материала снижалась по крайней мере на 5% по сравнению с электропроводностью, которую в каждом случае измеряют непосредственно перед первым ...

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002129503A

... 1. Способ получения частицы или группы частиц, предназначенных для использования при изготовлении бумаги и/или нетканых материалов, имеющих покрытие, образованное, по меньшей мере, двумя, предпочтительно, по меньшей мере, тремя расположенными снаружи каждого тонкими слоями чередующихся катионных и анионных полимеров, в котором частицу или группу частиц обрабатывают на последовательных стадиях растворами чередующихся катионных и анионных полимеров, отличающийся тем, что количество соответствующего полимера, добавляемого на каждой стадии, контролируют посредством измерений заряда у подвергаемого обработке раствора или жидкости, содержащей частицы или группу частиц, и у раствора полимера, во время и/или после обработки на каждой стадии для того, чтобы определить, что на поверхности частиц адсорбирован по существу весь полимер. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что измеряют Z-потенциал частиц или группы частиц во время и/или после обработки на каждой стадии для того, чтобы определить количество ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014130104A

... 1. Бумага, полученная способом, который включает обработку целлюлозных волокон системой прочности, содержащей смолу полиаминполиамидоаминэпигалогидрина.2. Бумага по п. 1, в которой смола полиаминполиамидоаминэпигалогидрина составляет от приблизительно 0,01 до 2,5 вес. % от водной суспензии целлюлозы, которая содержит указанное целлюлозное волокно.3. Бумага по п. 1, в которой система прочности дополнительно содержит смолу полимера, функционализированного альдегидом.4. Бумага по п. 3, в которой весовое соотношение смолы полимера, функционализированного альдегидом, и смолы полиаминполиамидоаминэпигалогидрина составляет от приблизительно 1:100 до приблизительно 100:1.5. Бумага по п. 1, которая представляет собой бумажное изделие, выбранное из группы, состоящей из сухой бумажной панели, чистоцеллюлозной бумаги, бумаги для полотенец, санитарно-гигиенической бумаги и газетной бумаги.6. Бумага по п. 1, которая имеет более высокую прочность в сухом состоянии по сравнению с бумагой, которая не была ...

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1828474C

07-12-1991 дата публикации

Нетканый волокнистый материал

Номер: SU1697593A3
Принадлежит: НЕСТЕ ОЙ (ФИРМА)

Изобретение относится к производству нетканого материала и позволяет повысить его качество. Нетканый волокнистый материал состоит полностью или частично из волокон, которые могут образовывать соединения с натуральными или искусственными волокнами такого же или другого типа, при этом волокна, которые способны образовывать соединения, представляют собой целлюлозные карбаматные волокна. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

15-12-2004 дата публикации

Polymeric compositions and methods of employing them in papermaking processes

Номер: GB0000425102D0

23-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001522427A

... 1522427 Laminates COMPAGNIE DES ETABS DE LA RISLE-PAPETERIES DE PONT-AUDEMER 8 Sept 1976 [24 Sept 1975 7 July 1976] 37103/76 Heading B5N In a method of making a composite sheet material, a carrier sheet of paper is bonded to one surface of a composite sheet 2 constituted by a grid 3 formed of threads 6 and a pair of sheets 4, 5 of cellulose wadding sandwiching and bonded to the threads, colouring material is applied to the composite sheet and the portions of the pair of sheets bounded by the threads of the grid bonded together. The paper sheet may be bonded to the composite sheet by an adhesive, e.g. an acrylic resin the final bonding effected by a mixture of an epichlorohydrin resin and a polyamide.

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387541T

25-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000394400B

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489502T

15-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000094232T

15-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA49477A

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000190634T

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000283298T

18-08-1998 дата публикации

Resin composition for making wet and dry strength paper

Номер: AU0005931298A

22-06-2006 дата публикации

Retention and drainage aids

Номер: AU2005317143A1

30-12-1998 дата публикации

Method for producing a wet-strength paper, paperboard or cardboard composite

Номер: AU0007026298A

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Superabsorbent material SAT (super absorbent tissue)

Номер: AU2016212254B2

A method for the wet production of a superabsorbent material, comprising the formation of an aqueous saline solution with a concentration of 0.01 - 4.5 N of ionic salt and pH from 0 to 6.0 or from 8.0 to 14.0 by the addition of a strong acid or strong base; the dispersion in the saline solution of a water superabsorbent polymer (SAP) component selected among the polymers comprising at least one acidic resin not completely neutralized in case of acidic saline solution and/or comprising at least one basic resin not completely neutralized in case of basic saline solution; the implementation of a first web by stratification and deposition under vacuum suction onto the mesh screen belt deposition section of the SAP dispersion; washing out of the web with basic solution up to the desired level of neutralization of the acidity for SAP dispersions in acidic saline solutions or with acidic solution up to the desired level of neutralization of the basicity for SAP dispersions in basic saline solutions ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Dispersible wet wipes constructed with a plurality of layers having different densities and methods of manufacturing

Номер: AU2011346720A1

A dispersible wet wipe constructed of at two layers is disclosed. The first outer layer of the wipe substrate may have a density of between about 0.5 and 2.0 grams per cubic centimeter. The second outer layer may have a density of between about 0.05 and 0.15 grams per cubic centimeter. A triggerable binder composition binds said web substrate together. The wet wipe also includes a wetting composition including at least 0.3 percent of an insolubilizing agent.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

A softener composition

Номер: AU2016395426C1

The present invention relates to a softener composition for use in manufacture of a paper comprising a softener and an acidic material, wherein the softener composition has a relative acidity (RA) value of more than 0.05. The present invention further relates to a method for manufacturing a paper product, wherein the softener composition is applied. The present invention additionally relates to a paper product manufactured with the method.

04-02-1999 дата публикации

Process for producing structurally resistant paper

Номер: AU0000701726B2

18-04-2002 дата публикации

Additive composition for paper making

Номер: AU0000746333B2

02-09-1997 дата публикации

Method for imparting wet strength to paper

Номер: AU0002269097A

26-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002603753A1

A method of making a fabric-creped absorbent cellulosic sheet comprising: a) compactively dewatering a papermaking furnish to form a nascent web having an apparently random distribution of papermaking fiber; b) applying the dewatered web having the apparently random fiber distribution to a translating transfer surface moving at a first speed; c) fabric-creping the web from the transfer surface at a consistency of from about 30 to about 60 percent utilizing a patterned creping fabric, the creping step occurring under pressure in a fabric creping nip defined between the transfer surface and the creping fabric wherein the fabric is traveling at a second speed slower than the speed of said transfer surface, the fabric pattern, nip parameters, velocity delta and web consistency being selected such that the web is creped from the transfer surface and redistributed on the creping fabric to form a web with a drawable reticulum.

21-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002744334C

Compositions comprising a blend of two or more paper strengthening agents have improved stability compared with previously known paper strengthening agents. One component is a polymeric paper strengthening agent, preferably a wet strengthening agent. The other component is a stabilized glyoxalated polyacrylamide prepared by (1) reacting a first portion of glyoxal with a polyacrylamide having pendant amide groups to form a first reaction mixture comprising glyoxalated polyacry-lamide; (2) adding an acid to the first reaction mixture to form a second reaction mixture having a reduced pH and comprising the glyoxalated polyacrylamide; and (3) adding a second portion of glyoxal to the second reaction mixture to form the stabilized gly-oxalated polyacrylamide. If desired, an aldehyde scavenger can be included in one or more of step (1), step (2), step (3), or the sta-bilized glyoxalated polyacrylamide. Such compositions can be used to enhance the strength of paper, particularly the wet strength ...

01-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002763163C

Methods for improving one or more surface properties of a sheet of paper or paperboard, which method comprises (a) coating at least one side of the sheet of paper or paperboard with a dispersion having a cationic zeta potential formed by combining (1) a mixture containing one or more anionic pigments with (2) one or more polyamine-epihalohydrin cationic wet strength resins at a coating weight of from about 0.1 g/m to about 20 g/m; (b) drying the coated sheet of paper or paperboard; (c) applying a functional barrier top coating that resists one or more of the following: liquid water, water vapor, gas permeability, oil and grease, slip, and static or an anionic latex based pigment coating that imparts improved opacity, brightness, or printability. The invention also includes the dispersions as well as paper or paperboard coated with the dispersion.

21-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1148682A

A blend which contains homopolymers useful for omparting wet and dry strength to pulp and paper fibers which comprises a major amount of nonionic polyacrylamide, together with glyoxal to impart crosslinking and a cationic regulator selected from the group consisting of a low molecular weight dimethyl amine epichlorohydrin copolymer, a low molecular weight ethylene dichloride ammonis condensation polymer, and a polyvinyl benzyl trimethyl ammoniom chloride polymer. A buffer such as tetrasodium pyrophosphate may be used. A dosage of .2 - 5% by weight (preferred .5 -2% by weight) based on the dry weight of fiber is utilized.

24-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1010693A

21-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001337616C

Temporary wet strength resins, and paper products containing same, having a molecular weight of from about 20,000 to about 200,000, most preferably from about 30,000 to about 95,000, having the formula: wherein: A is or and X is -O-, -NH-, or -NCH3-, and R is a substituted or unsubstituted aliphatic group; Y1 and Y2 are independently -H, -CH3, or a halogen; W is a nonnucleophilic, water-soluble nitrogen heterocyclic moiety; and Q is a cationic monomeric unit. The mole percent of "a" ranges from about 30% to about 70%, preferably from about 45% to about 55%; the mole percent of "b" ranges from about 30% to about 70%, preferably from about 45% to about 55%; and the mole percent of "c" ranges from about 1% to about 40%, most preferably from about 2% to about 8%.

20-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001110964A1

18-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002427620A1

The present invention provides a bonded cellulosic fibrous product having low creep. The product includes crosslinked cellulosic fibers and a bonding agent. Methods for forming the bonded cellulosic fibrous product personal care absorbent products that include the bonded product are also provided.

27-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002583874A1

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003014869A1

A method for manufacturing paper is disclosed. A pulp slurry is produced, a paper sheet is formed from the slurry, an aldehyde functionalized polymer or polymers is added to the slurry before and/or after sheet formation, and a water soluble acid is added on the paper sheet.

08-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003015649A1

The present invention relates to a softener composition for use in manufacture of a paper comprising a softener and an acidic material, wherein the softener composition has a relative acidity (RA) value of more than 0.05. The present invention further relates to a method for manufacturing a paper product, wherein the softener composition is applied. The present invention additionally relates to a paper product manufactured with the method.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003036890A1
Принадлежит: WILSON LUE LLP

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003071402A1

A method of incorporating a low molecular weight polymer (e.g., polymer strength aid) into an industrial process (e.g., papermaking process) is provided. The method comprises treating an industrial process (e.g., paper sheet precursor) with a powder or wetted powder, wherein the powder comprises a polymer dry polymer (e.g., polymer strength aid), wherein the polymer dry polymer (e.g., polymer strength aid) has a weight average molecular weight of from about 10 kDa to about 2,000 kDa.

12-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002543609A1

In this papermaking process, a first strength agent is added to a stock suspension containing pulp and optionally other additives prior to its being formed into a web at the wet end of a papermaking machine. The web is then formed and processed into paper. A second strength agent is then applied to the surface of the paper. The strength agents may be selected to have opposite charge.

30-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002469024C

The present invention relates to a process for making polyalkyldiallylamine- epihalohydrin resins, the resultant resins and their uses as wet strength additives for papermaking. These resins are obtained by a two-step process, wherein the first step comprises the free radical polymerization or copolymerization of an alkyldiallylamine monomer in its protonated form; and the second step comprises reacting an ADAA polymer or copolymer with epihalohydrin under carefully controlled reaction conditions.

01-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003052158A1
Принадлежит: SMITHS IP

A process for making a soft sanitary tissue product is disclosed. The steps include: (a) providing a papermaking furnish; (b) forming a wet fibrous web from the paper making furnish; and, (c) drying the web until the web contains not more than about 10% by weight moisture is disclosed. The papermaking furnish has: i) from 2% to 56.5% by weight of the papermaking virgin furnish of a softwood pulp fiber mixture; and, ii) from 43.5% to 99.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the tissue paper of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture.

03-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002669595C

Sheet-like products are disclosed containing an additive composition. In accordance with the present disclosure, the additive composition is applied to a creping surface. A base sheet is then pressed against the creping surface for contact with the additive composition. The base sheet is then creped from the creping surface causing the additive composition to transfer to the base sheet. In particular, the additive composition is transferred to the base sheet in amounts greater than about 1 % by weight, such as from about 2% to about 50% by weight. The additive composition can comprise, for instance, a thermoplastic polymer resin containing an aqueous dispersion, a lotion, a debonder, a softener, or mixtures thereof.

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002987852A1

Strengthening resins and methods for making and using same. The strengthening resin can include a polyamine partially cross-linked with a bridging moiety and having azetidinium ions. The bridging moiety can be derived from a functionally symmetric cross-linker. The functionally symmetric cross-linker can include a diisocyanate, a 1,3-dialkyldiazetidine-2,4-dione, a dianhydride, a diacyl halide, a dienone, a dialkyl halide, or any mixture thereof.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002913120A1

The invention provides methods and compositions for improving the characteristics of paper substrates. The method involves adding to a paper substrate an NCC-polymer. NCC-polymers have unique chemical properties which result in improvements in wet strength, dry strength and drainage retention properties of the paper substrates.

06-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002926009C

The invention provides methods and compositions for improving the characteristics of paper substrates. The method involves adding to a paper substrate an NCC-polymer. NCC-polymers have unique chemical properties which result in improvements in wet strength, dry strength and drainage retention properties of the paper substrates.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002926009A1

The invention provides methods and compositions for improving the characteristics of paper substrates. The method involves adding to a paper substrate an NCC-polymer. NCC-polymers have unique chemical properties which result in improvements in wet strength, dry strength and drainage retention properties of the paper substrates.

22-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2848241C
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention provides a method of controlling retention on a forming fabric in a paper making process, an intermediate product for use in the method, as well as use of material for the intermediate product. For making the intermediate product at least one paper making chemical is added to a slurry of fine cellulose fibres such as micro fibrillated cellulose (MFC), the specific surface area of those fibres being larger than that of the fibres of the main fibrous suspension for paper making, causing the paper making chemical being adsorbed on the fine cellulose fibres. This intermediate product is then incorporated in the main fibrous suspension before the suspension is supplied from the paper machine head box to the forming fabric. Other paper making chemicals may be added to the fibrous suspension before or after addition of the intermediate product, so that interactions between different chemicals are prevented. The invention permits an increased retention in general as well as improved ...

30-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002726500A1

The invention relates to the use of water-soluble, amphoteric copolymers which can be obtained by the copolymerization of a) at least one N-vinyl carboxylic acid amide of general formula (I), wherein R1 and R2 independently represent H or C1 to C6 alkyl, b) at least one monomer which is selected from the group consisting of (b1) monoethylenically unsaturated sulfonic acids, phosphonic acids, phosphoric esters and derivatives thereof, and (b2) monoethylenically unsaturated monocarboxylic acids and dicarboxylic acids, the salts thereof and dicarboxylic anhydrides, c) optionally at least one monoethylenically unsaturated monomer which is different from components (a) and (b), and d) optionally at least one compound which has at least two ethylenically unsaturated double bonds in the molecule, with the proviso that the monomer mixture contains at least one monomer (b) with at least one free acid group and/or an acid group in the ionic form, and subsequent partial or complete hydrolysis of the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002850443A1

Exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure include paper, methods of making paper, and the like.

25-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002390583A1

The invention relates to a method for preparing a wet strength agent comprising a first step of reacting a nitrogen-containing polymer with a hydrophobic compound to form hydrophobic side-chain substituents on the polymer, a second step of reacting the hydrophobised nitrogen-containing polymer obtained with a crosslinker to form a cationic nitrogen-containing resin, and a third step comprising forming of particles by emulsion polymerisation of one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomers in the presence of the wet strength resin formed. The invention further relates to a wet strength agent and resin. It further relates to the use of said agent and resin in cellulosic suspensions, the production of paper, preferably tissue paper, and paper, preferably tissue paper comprising a wet strength resin or agent.

08-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2880816C

A multi-layer through air dried tissue including an interior layer having an ionic surfactant and a non-ionic surfactant, introduced as wet end additives. A tissue manufacturing method uses through air drying without compromising softness and cleaning ability of the resulting tissue. The manufacturing method avoids the disadvantages associated with wet end additives, and in particular avoids the use of a large amount of additive to achieve the desired effect on the resulting tissue. A multi-layer through air dried tissue comprises a first exterior layer, an interior layer and a second exterior layer the interior layer includes a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant. The tissue exhibits improved surface profile that provides for improved product consistency and fewer defects that break sheets. Roughness of tissue is characterized by Average Primary Amplitude and Average Peak to Valley Waviness.

26-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002858122A1

... ²A fabric creped absorbent cellulosic sheet having a variable local basis ²weight, ²²having a drawable papermaking-fiber reticulum provided with a plurality of ²fiber-enriched ²regions of a high local basis weight, the fiber-enriched regions comprising a ²plurality of ²microfolds and having an orientation bias in the cross-machine direction, and ²a plurality of ²lower local basis weight linking regions interconnecting the fiber-enriched ²regions. The sheet ²has been drawn such that the fiber-enriched regions are attenuated or ²dispersed in the ²machine direction (MD).² ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Anionic functional promoter and charge control agent with improved wet to dry tensile strength ratio

Номер: US20120035306A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

The invention relates to a composition comprising (a) a functional promoter comprising a water-soluble anionic polymer having a molecular weight of at least about 50,000 daltons and a molecular weight charge index value of at least about 10,000; (b) a cationic surfactant component; such that when the composition treats a fibrous substrate, in conjunction with a cationic strength agent, the treated fibrous substrate exhibits (i) a ratio of wet tensile strength to dry tensile strength ranging from about 1:5 to about 1:2 and (ii) an increase in a ratio of wet tensile strength to dry tensile strength of at least about 10%, as compared to when the fibrous substrate is treated with the functional promoter and without a surfactant. The invention also relates to a paper product made with such a system, and method for imparting wet strength to a paper product with the functional promoter.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Fabric-Creped Absorbent Cellulosic Sheet Having A Variable Local Basis Weight

Номер: US20120180966A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Consumer Products LP

A fabric-creped absorbent cellulosic sheet having a variable local basis weight includes a papermaking-fiber reticulum provided with (a) a plurality of fiber-enriched regions of a high local basis weight, interconnected by way of (b) a plurality of lower local basis weight linking regions, wherein the sheet has been drawn such that the fiber-enriched regions are attenuated or dispersed in the machine direction (MD).

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Fabric-Creped Absorbent Cellulosic Sheet Having A Variable Local Basis Weight

Номер: US20120199300A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Consumer Products LP

An absorbent cellulosic sheet having a variable local basis weight includes a patterned papermaking-fiber reticulum provided with (a) a plurality of generally machine direction (MD) oriented elongated densified regions of compressed paper-making fibers having a relatively low local basis weight as well as leading and trailing edges, the densified regions being arranged in a repeating pattern of a plurality of generally parallel linear arrays that are longitudinally staggered with respect to each other such that a plurality of intervening linear arrays are disposed between a pair of cross machine (CD) direction aligned densified regions, and (b) a plurality of fiber-enriched, pileated regions having a relatively high local basis weight interspersed between and connected with the densified regions, the pileated regions having crests extending generally in the cross-machine direction of the sheet.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255898A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

Fibrous structures that exhibit improved wet compression properties, and more particularly to wet compression-enhancing agent-containing fibrous structures that provide superior wet compression properties compared to the same fibrous structures without the wet compression-enhancing agent, are provided. 1. A fibrous structure comprising a wet compression-enhancing agent such that the fibrous structure exhibits at least one of the following properties:a. at least one Wet Compression value in a load value range of from 100 g to 300 g during the Compression Portion of the Wet Compression Test Method that is statistically greater than the corresponding Wet Compression value of the same fibrous structure void of the wet compression-enhancing agent as measured according to the Wet Compression Test Method; andb. at least one Wet Compression value in a load value range of from 50 g to 300 g during the Relaxation Portion of the Wet Compression Test Method that is statistically greater than the corresponding Wet Compression value of the same fibrous structure void of the wet compression-enhancing agent as measured according to the Wet Compression Test Method.2. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure exhibits at least one Wet Compression value in a load value range of from 100 g to 300 g during the Compression Portion of the Wet Compression Test Method that is statistically greater than the corresponding Wet Compression value of the same fibrous structure void of the wet compression-enhancing agent as measured according to the Wet Compression Test Method.3. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Wet Compression value of greater than 0.446 mm at a load value of 300 g during the Compression Portion of the Wet Compression Test Method as measured according to the Wet Compression Test Method.4. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Wet Compression value of greater than 0.543 mm at a ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020858A1

Compositions and methods related to new wet strength resins are provided. By using functionally-symmetrical cross-linkers and mono-functional modifiers, and separating the steps of reacting a prepolymer with the cross-linkers from the reaction of intermediate cross-linked prepolymer with epichlorohydrin, new wet strength resin products are provided having improved properties. 1. A process for preparing a resin , comprising:a) reacting a polyamine with a symmetric cross-linker to produce a partially cross-linked polyamine;b) adding a epihalohydrin to the partially cross-linked polyamine to produce a halohydrin-functionalized polymer; andc) cyclizing the halohydrin-functionalized polymer to form the resin having azetidinium moieties.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polyamine has molecular weight of about 2 claim 1 ,000 to about 1 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the symmetric cross-linker is selected from a di-acrylate claim 1 , a bis(acrylamide) claim 1 , a di-epoxide and polyazetidinium compounds.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the symmetric cross-linker is selected from N claim 1 ,N′-methylene-bis-acrylamide claim 1 , N claim 1 ,N′-methylene-bis-methacrylamide claim 1 , poly(ethylene glycol)diglycidyl ether claim 1 , polypropylene glycol)diglycidyl ether claim 1 , polyethylene glycol diacrylate claim 1 , polyazetidinium compounds and any combination thereof.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the epihalohydrin is selected from epichlorohydrin claim 1 , epibromohydrin claim 1 , and epiiodohydrin.8. The process according to claim 7 , wherein the epihalohydrin is epichlorohydrin.9. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising:reacting the polyamine with a mono-functional modifier prior to, during, or after treating with the symmetric cross-linker.10. The process according to claim 9 , wherein the mono-functional modifier is selected from a neutral or cationic acrylate compound ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Papermaking agent composition and method for treating fibre stock

Номер: US20170002518A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

The invention relates to a papermaking agent composition, preferably in powder form, which comprises a water-soluble polymer, which comprises 21-30 mol-% of vinylamine units and has an average molecular weight of at least 1 000 000 Da. The invention relates also to a method for treating of fibre stock in manufacture of paper, board or the like, where a thick fibre stock is obtained, it is diluted to a thin fibre stock having a consistency <3% by addition of water, and the thin fibre stock is drained and a continuous fibrous web is formed. The papermaking agent composition is added to the thick fibre stock or to the thin fibre. 1. Papermaking agent composition in powder form , which comprises at least 40 weight-% of a water-soluble polymer , calculated from the total weight of the composition , which water-soluble polymer comprises 21-30 mol-% of vinylamine units and has an average molecular weight of at least 1 000 000 Da.2. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble polymer comprises 21-29 mol-% claim 1 , preferably 21.5-25 mol-% claim 1 , more preferably 21.5-23.5 mol-% claim 1 , of vinylamine units.3. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the papermaking agent is in form of a solution claim 1 , which has a viscosity of at least 1000 mPas claim 1 , preferably 1500-20 000 mPas claim 1 , more preferably 2000-15 000 mPas claim 1 , measured at 4 weight-% solution and conductivity of 35 mS/cm.4. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble polymer is a copolymer claim 1 , which consists of N-vinylformamide and vinylamine.5. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble polymer is a copolymer claim 1 , which consists of vinylamine and vinyl alcohol.6. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises <0.2 weight-% of surfactant claim 1 , calculated from total weight of the composition.7. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises additives for solubility or ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002519A1
Автор: Lu Chen, Rosencrance Scott

Disclosed is a method for producing an aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide composition useful for strengthening paper. The method includes steps, wherein a) an aldehyde crosslinker and polyacrylamide are mixed in water to form an aqueous solution of aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer; b) acid is added to the aqueous prepolymer solution to adjust the pH of the solution to a value between 1 to 5; c) storing and transporting the prepolymer solution to the location where the final glyoxalated polyacrylamide composition will be used; and d) adding a base to the stabilized prepolymer solution to adjust the pH of the solution to value between 5.5 to 12, and e) allowing the aldehyde crosslinker and polyacrylamide contained in the aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer solution to react further and form aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide composition useful for strengthening paper. 1. A method for producing an aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide composition useful for strengthening paper , wherein the method comprises the following steps:a. mixing aldehyde crosslinker and polyacrylamide in water to form an aqueous solution of aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer,b. adding acid to said aqueous prepolymer solution to adjust the pH of the solution to a value between 1 to 5, and thus forming a stabilized aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer solution,c. storing said stabilized aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer solution and transporting it to the location where the final aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide composition will be used,d. adding a base to the stabilized prepolymer solution to adjust the pH of the solution to value between 5.5 to 12,e. allowing the aldehyde crosslinker and polyacrylamide contained in the aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer solution to react further and form aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide composition useful for strengthening paper.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002502A1
Автор: Ziegenbein Tobias

Processes for making absorbent towel paper webs comprising the steps of (a) providing a papermaking furnish comprising: i) from about 45% to about 90% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the tissue towel paper web of a refined softwood pulp fiber mixture comprising: u.) from about 20.0% to about 88.5% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of softwood pulp fiber, wherein the softwood pulp fiber is optionally refined before being added to the mixture; v.) from about 0.05% to about 5.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of strengthening additive, ii) from about 10% to about 55% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture comprising; y.) from about 9.9% to about 54.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of hardwood pulp fibers; and z.) from about 0.05% to about 20.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of cellulose nanofilaments; iii) optionally up to about 20% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel of a fibrillated manmade cellulose; and iv) optionally up to about 20% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel of non-wood natural fibers; v) optionally up to about 20% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel of non-cellulosic fibers; and (b) forming a wet fibrous web from said paper making furnish; (c) drying said web until said web contains not more than about 10% by weight moisture. 1. A process for making absorbent towel paper webs comprising the steps of: [ [ 'wherein the softwood pulp fiber is optionally refined before being added to the mixture;', 'u.) from about 20.0% to about 88.5% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of softwood pulp fiber,'}, 'v.) from about 0.05% to about 5.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of strengthening additive,, 'i) from about 45% to about 90% by weight of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002804A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

Compositions and methods for cleaning wet strength resin contamination from papermaking equipment and/or for preventing wet strength resins from contaminating papermaking equipment using the compositions are disclosed. The compositions comprise an aqueous solution of a weak organic acid; a surfactant, preferably a nonionic surfactant, a divalent metal ion containing catalyst and optionally a glycol ether containing solvent. 1. A composition for cleaning wet strength resin contamination from a papermaking equipment and/or for preventing wet strength resins from contaminating the papermaking equipment , the composition comprising:an aqueous solution of a weak organic acid,a surfactant, preferably a nonionic surfactant,a divalent metal ion containing catalyst, andoptionally a glycol ether containing solvent.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the organic acid is selected from a group consisting of citric acid claim 1 , adipic acid claim 1 , glycolic acid and combinations thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant is selected from a group consisting of isotridecyl alcohol ethoxylate claim 1 , dodecanol ethoxylate claim 1 , ethoxylated 2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,7 claim 1 ,9-tetramethyl 5 decyne-4 claim 1 ,7-diol claim 1 , polyethylene glycol trimethylnonyl ether claim 1 , polysorbates claim 1 , ethoxylated secondary alcohols containing surfactants and combinations thereof.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the divalent metal ion is selected from a group consisting of Ca claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Ba claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , and Co claim 1 , preferably Fe claim 1 , Ca claim 1 , Cuor Ni.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the glycol ether containing solvent is selected from the group consisting of diethylene glycol monobutyl ether claim 1 , diethylene glycol monoethyl ether and a combination thereof.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein organic acid concentration is within 10%-45% claim 1 , preferably 20%-30%; ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009399A1
Принадлежит: NALCO COMPANY

Methods of improving dewatering efficiency, increasing sheet wet web strength, increasing sheet wet strength, and enhancing filler retention in a papermaking process are disclosed. The methods improve the efficiency of drainage aids, wet web strength aids, and/or wet strength aids by coating at least some of the filler particles with a material that prevents the filler materials form adhering to a those additives. 1. A method of papermaking , comprising:treating filler particles in a container with a composition of matter, in the absence of a cellulose fiber stock, by contacting the filler particles in the container with a rotating admixing apparatus having a distribution head, wherein the filler particles are selected from precipitated calcium carbonate, ground calcium carbonate, and any combination thereof;combining the treated filler particles with the cellulose fiber stock thereby forming a combination, wherein the cellulose fiber stock comprises a plurality of cellulose fibers and water;treating at least one of the cellulose fiber stock and the combination with a member selected from the group consisting of a wet strength aid, a wet web strength additive, a drainage additive, and any combination thereof; andforming a paper mat;wherein the distribution head is rotated by a drive, arranged in the container containing the filler particles, and associated with a rotational plane, the distribution head having, along a circumference thereof, which surrounds a rotational axis, distributed outlets from which the composition is passed into the container, the outlets comprising openings and the container comprising mixing blades extending transverse to the rotational plane and having a length equal to at least half of an inner diameter of the container.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distribution head rotates at a rotational speed of 1800 rpm to 3000 rpm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the precipitated calcium carbonate is in a form ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034039A1

Described are compositions for use in paper products including a modified starch, paper products including a modified starch, and methods of making paper products, and the like. The compositions can include a pulp slurry and a modified starch and can include hardwood fibers, softwood fibers, non-wood fibers, or a combination thereof. Provided for are paper products, such as tissue paper, having a basis weight below 150 gsm. Also provided for are methods for making paper products that can include mixing a pulp slurry with an enzymatically modified starch derivative. 1. A composition comprising a pulp slurry and a modified starch , wherein the modified starch has a cyclic structure and water solubility greater than 10 mg/mL when immersed at about 25° C. , and wherein the pulp slurry comprises hardwood fibers , softwood fibers , non-wood fibers , or a combination thereof.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the modified starch is β-cyclodextrin.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein a ratio of β-cyclodextrin to fiber is from about 0.05% to about 5.0%.4. The composition according to claim 3 , further comprising soy lecithin protein claim 3 , wherein the soy lecithin protein to β-cyclodextrin ratio is from about 1.0% to about 200%.5. The composition according to claim 4 , further comprising glyoxalated polyacrylamide claim 4 , wherein the soy lecithin protein to β-cyclodextrin ratio is from about 1.0% to about 200%.6. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the pulp slurry is comprised of from about 0% to about 80% recycled fibers.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the pulp slurry is autohydrolyzed before mixing with the modified starch.8. A paper product having a basis weight below 150 gsm claim 1 , comprising:a blend of hardwood fibers and softwood fibers, wherein a total fiber content is at least 80 wt % of a total weight of the paper product; anda modified starch, wherein the modified starch is from about 0.02 wt % to ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016183A1

A multi-ply bath tissue includes cellulosic microfibers and wood pulp fibers. The bath tissue has sufficient temporary wet strength resin to provide an initial Finch Cup cross-machine direction (CD) wet tensile of from about 2.5 to about 20 g/3 in. per pound of basis weight, decaying to less than 65% of the initial value in less than 15 minutes after immersion in water, and a caliper of at least 5 mils per 8 sheets per pound of basis weight. At least one of the plies includes a plurality of fiber-enriched hollow domed regions having a relatively high basis weight, a plurality of connecting regions having a relatively lower basis weight forming a network interconnecting the fiber-enriched hollow domed regions of the sheet, and a plurality of transition regions with upwardly and inwardly inflected consolidated fibrous regions transitioning from the connecting regions into the fiber-enriched hollow domed regions. 1. A multi-ply bath tissue having a basis weight of from about 20 to about 35 lbs per 3000 sq foot ream , and comprising:(A) a percentage by weight of cellulosic microfibers; and(B) a percentage by weight of wood pulp fibers, (a) sufficient temporary wet strength resin to provide an initial Finch Cup cross-machine direction (CD) wet tensile of from about 2.5 to about 20 g/3 in. per pound of basis weight, the initial Finch Cup CD wet tensile decaying to less than 65% of the initial value in less than 15 minutes after immersion in water; and', '(b) a caliper of at least 5 mils per 8 sheets per pound of basis weight, wherein at least one of the plies comprises:', '(i) a plurality of fiber-enriched hollow domed regions having a relatively high basis weight;', '(ii) a plurality of connecting regions having a relatively lower basis weight forming a network interconnecting the fiber-enriched hollow domed regions of the sheet; and', '(iii) a plurality of transition regions with upwardly and inwardly inflected consolidated fibrous regions transitioning from the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017542A1

It has now been discovered that the ratio of the wet tensile strength to the dry tensile strength of a tissue web, and more particularly a creped tissue web, can meet or exceed satisfactory levels without the excess use of a wet strength resin. For example, by treating the tissue making furnish with less than about 3 kilograms of wet strength resin per ton of furnish, forming the tissue web, and then creping the tissue web with a creping composition comprising a non-fibrous olefin polymer and a dispersing agent, a tissue web having a CD Wet/Dry ratio greater than about 0.30 may be produced. This discovery provides the flexibility to produce a tissue product with increased wet strength while reducing the add-on of wet strength agent. 1. A durable creped tissue product produced by the process comprising the steps of:a. dispersing a furnish to form a fiber slurry;b. adding a wet strength resin to the fiber slurry in an amount less than about 3.0 kg per metric ton of furnish;c. forming a wet tissue web;d. partially dewatering the wet tissue web;e. applying a non-fibrous olefin polymer and a dispersing agent to a creping cylinder;f. pressing the partially dewatered tissue web to the creping cylinder;g. drying the tissue web;h. creping the dried tissue web from the creping cylinder to produce a creped tissue web; andi. plying two or more creped tissue webs together to form a tissue product having a Basis Weight greater than about 25 gsm and a CD Wet/Dry Ratio greater than about 0.30.2. The durable creped tissue web of wherein the tissue product has a Basis Weight from about 25 to about 35 gsm and a Stiffness Index less than about 20.3. The durable creped tissue web of wherein the tissue product has a Wet CD Tensile from about 150 to about 400 g/3″.4. The durable creped tissue web of wherein the tissue product has a Wet Burst Index from about 5.0 to about 12.0.5. The durable creped tissue web of wherein the tissue product has a Wet Durability Index from about 15 to about ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017225A1
Автор: PALUMBO Gianfranco

A method for wet production of a superabsorbent material. The method comprises forming an aqueous saline solution with a concentration of 0.01-4.5 N of ionic salt and a pH from 0 to 6.0 or from 8.0 to 14.0 by the addition of a strong acid or strong base; dispersing in the saline solution a water superabsorbent polymer (SAP); creating a first web by stratification and deposition under vacuum suction onto a mesh screen belt deposition section of the SAP dispersion; washing the web with a basic solution (or with an acidic solution) up to the desired level of neutralization of the acidity (or basicity) for SAP dispersions in acidic (or basic) saline solutions; washing the web with water and suction; and drying the web. The relationship between pH and salt concentration causes a water absorption in the SAP equal to or less than about 30.00 g/g. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the dispersion in the saline solution of a super water absorbent polymer (SAP) component also involves the dispersion of natural or artificial cellulosic fibers claim 1 , and/or artificial and/or synthetic fibers claim 1 , suitably made wettable with surface or in bulk treatments with surfactants claim 1 , and the formation of a dispersion in aqueous saline solution of fibers and SAP at a pH from 0 to 6.0 depending on the type of SAP used.3. The method according to wherein the pH of the desired saline solution between the ranges from 0 to 6.0 is obtained also by the use of respectively pre-acid or pre-basic SAP to levels of salinization such that once dispersed in the saline solution claim 1 , they cause the desired pH conditions.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the dispersion is in an aqueous acid solution of an anionic water absorbing resin (SAP) lightly cross-linked and the SAP is selected from the group of polyacrylic acid claim 1 , a hydrolyzed acrylonitrile polymer claim 1 , a hydrolyzed acrylamide copolymer claim 1 , a starch-acrylic acid graft copolymer claim 1 , a ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020985A1

A process for improving the wet strength of paper or paperboard is disclosed, and compositions, methods, and products related to improved wet strength paper or paperboard are provided. The process includes, for example, contacting at least one side of the paper or paperboard with water or an aqueous composition to wet the paper or paperboard, contacting the wet paper or paperboard with a wet strength resin composition followed by drying the paper or paperboard. The resulted treated or coated paper or paperboard has comparable wet strength properties to that of paper or paperboard containing wet strength resin from a conventional wet end application. 1. A process for improving the wet strength of paper or paperboard , comprising:a) providing a paper or paperboard having a first side and a second side;b) contacting at least one of the first side and the second side with water or an aqueous composition for a first time period to provide a wet paper or paperboard;c) contacting the wet paper or paperboard with a wet strength resin composition for a second time period to provide a treated paper or paperboard; andd) drying the treated paper or paperboard.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous composition claim 1 , the wet strength resin composition claim 1 , or both compositions comprise(s) a surfactant selected independently from a nonionic surfactant claim 1 , an anionic surfactant claim 1 , a cationic surfactant claim 1 , or an amphoteric surfactant.3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous composition claim 1 , the wet strength resin composition claim 1 , or both compositions comprise(s) a surfactant selected independently from a polyoxyalkylene claim 1 , an adduct of an alkylene oxide and an alcohol claim 1 , an alkyl polyglucoside claim 1 , a fatty alcohol claim 1 , a hydrocarbylsulfonate claim 1 , a sulfate ester claim 1 , a phosphate ester claim 1 , a quaternary ammonium compound claim 1 , a betaine compound claim 1 , an ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021698A1

An emulsion is provided for defoaming water used in processing of various products such as cellulose or wood-based products or in food processing which is formed by reacting a fatty acid with a compound selected from the group consisting of ammonia, sodium, potassium and combinations thereof so as to form a water soluble soap, dispersing the water soluble soap in water and homogenizing the dispersed water soluble soap with hydrophobic oil or hydrocarbon oil to produce the emulsion. Methods for preparing the emulsion and using the emulsion are also provided. The emulsion is advantageous in that it can improve water resistance and/or reduce the use of water resistant additives during processing of cellulose or wood-based products or food-grade products. 1. An emulsion composition comprising an emulsion formed by:reacting a fatty acid with a compound selected from the group consisting of ammonia, sodium, potassium and combinations thereof so as to form a water soluble soap;dispersing the water soluble soap in water; andhomogenizing the dispersed water soluble soap with a material selected from the group consisting of hydrophobic oil, hydrocarbon oil, and hydrophobic wax.2. The emulsion composition of wherein the fatty acid is selected from the group consisting of stearic acid claim 1 , caprylic acid claim 1 , capric acid claim 1 , lauric acid claim 1 , myristic acid claim 1 , palmitic acid claim 1 , arachidic acid claim 1 , behenic acid claim 1 , lignoceric acid claim 1 , cerotic acid claim 1 , palmitoleic acid claim 1 , sepienic acid claim 1 , oleic acid claim 1 , elaidic acid claim 1 , vaccennic acid claim 1 , linoleic acid claim 1 , linolaidic acid claim 1 , arachidonic acid claim 1 , eicosapentaenoic acid claim 1 , erucic acid claim 1 , docosahexexaenoic acid claim 1 , tall oil and mixtures thereof.7. The emulsion composition of wherein the pH is between 6 and 9.8. The emulsion composition of wherein the pH is at least 9.9. The emulsion composition of wherein the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

A method for producing interpenetrating polymer network material, a product thereof and use of the product

Номер: US20180023253A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

The present invention relates to an interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) material comprising microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), microfib-rillated cellulose (MFC) or a mixture thereof, and at least one polymer forming an IPN together with the MCC, MFC or mixture thereof. The present invention further relates to a process for producing the IPN material, and to use of the IPN material in paper industry. 1. A process for producing an interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) material comprisingi) providing an aqueous solution comprising microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) or a mixture thereof and at least one monomer;ii) polymerizing in situ the at least one monomer to form IPN together with the MCC, MFC or mixture thereof; andiii) obtaining the IPN material.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one monomer is cationic or anionic monomer.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one monomer is selected from a group consisting ofacrylamide, N-methylolacrylamide, N-methylol(meth)acrylamide, N,N-dimethylaminopropylmethacrylamide, N,N-dimethylaminoethylacrylamide, N-[2-(dimethylamino)-1,1 -dimethylethyl]acrylamide,cationic monomers selected from a group consisting of 2-(acryloyloxy)ethyl]trimethylammonium chloride, (3-acrylamidopropyl)trimethyl ammonium chloride, [2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl]-trimethylammonium chloride, [3-(methacryoylamino)propyl]trimethylammonium chloride, 2-(diethylamino)ethyl acrylate, 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl acrylate,anionic monomers selected from a group consisting of acrylic acid, acryloyl chloride, methacrylic acid, 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid, sodi-um 2-(acryloylamino)2-methyl-1 -propanesulfonate,or mixtures thereof;preferably the monomers are acrylamide and cationic monomer selected from a group consisting of 2-(acryloyloxy)ethyl]trimethylammonium chloride, (3-acrylamidopropyl)trimethyl ammonium chloride, [2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl]-trimethylammonium chloride, [3-( ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023254A1

Compositions and methods related to new wet strength resins are provided. By using functionally-symmetrical cross-linkers and mono-functional modifiers, and separating the steps of reacting a prepolymer with the cross-linkers from the reaction of intermediate cross-linked prepolymer with epichlorohydrin, new wet strength resin products are provided having improved properties. 1. A strengthening resin comprising a polyamine partially crosslinked with a bridging moiety and having azetidinium ions and a charge density of at least 2.4 mEq/g of solids.3. The strengthening resin of claim 1 , wherein the charge density is about 2.5 mEq/g of solids to about 4 mEq/g of solids claim 1 , and wherein the bridging moiety is derived from a functionally symmetric cross-linker comprising a di-acrylate compound claim 1 , a bis(acrylamide) compound claim 1 , a di-epoxide compound claim 1 , a polyazetidinium compound claim 1 , N claim 1 ,N′-methylene-bis-methacrylamide claim 1 , a poly(alkylene glycol) diglycidyl ether claim 1 , or any combination thereof.4. The strengthening resin of claim 3 , wherein the functionally symmetric cross-linker comprises the di-acrylate compound.5. The strengthening resin of claim 3 , wherein the functionally symmetric cross-linker comprises the bis(acrylamide) compound.6. The strengthening resin of claim 3 , wherein the functionally symmetric cross-linker comprises the di-epoxide compound.7. The strengthening resin of claim 3 , wherein the functionally symmetric cross-linker comprises the N claim 3 ,N′-methylene-bis-methacrylamide.8. The strengthening resin of claim 3 , wherein the functionally symmetric cross-linker comprises the poly(alkylene glycol) diglycidyl ether.9. The strengthening resin of claim 1 , wherein the polyamine comprises a polyamidoamine.10. The strengthening resin of claim 1 , wherein the azetidinium ions are formed by reacting an epihalohydrin and the polyamine partially crosslinked with the bridging moiety.11. The strengthening ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024412A1
Автор: Ziegenbein Tobias

A soft sanitary tissue paper web having from about 2% to about 56.5% by weight of the soft sanitary tissue paper web of a softwood pulp fiber mixture, and from about 43.5% to about 99.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the soft sanitary tissue paper web of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture is disclosed. The softwood pulp fiber mixture has: 1) from about 0% to about 56.4% by weight of the dry fiber basis of softwood pulp fiber; 2) from about 0.05% to about 3.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of strengthening additive. The hardwood pulp fiber mixture comprises: 1) from about 43.4% to about 99.4% by weight of the dry fiber basis of hardwood pulp fibers; and, 2) from about 0.05% to about 20.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of cellulose nano-filaments. 1. A soft sanitary tissue paper web comprising: 1) from about 0% to about 56.4% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said soft sanitary tissue paper web of softwood pulp fiber;', '2) from about 0.05% to about 3.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said soft sanitary tissue paper web of strengthening additive; and,, 'a) from about 2% to about 56.5% by weight of said soft sanitary tissue paper web of a softwood pulp fiber mixture, said softwood pulp fiber mixture comprising 1) from about 43.4% to about 99.4% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said soft sanitary tissue paper web of hardwood pulp fibers; and,', '2) from about 0.05% to about 20.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said soft sanitary tissue paper web of cellulose nano-filaments., 'b) from about 43.5% to about 99.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said soft sanitary tissue paper web of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture, said hardwood pulp fiber mixture comprising2. The soft sanitary tissue paper web of further comprising up to about 20% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said soft sanitary tissue paper web of a product selected from the group consisting of fibrillated man-made cellulose claim 1 , non-wood natural fibers claim 1 , non-cellulosic fibers ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024413A1
Автор: Ziegenbein Tobias

An absorbent towel paper web having from about 45% to about 90% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of a softwood pulp fiber mixture and from about 10% to about 55% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture is disclosed. The softwood pulp fiber mixture has: 1) from about 20.0% to about 88.5% by weight of the dry fiber basis of softwood pulp fiber; and, 2) from about 0.05% to about 5.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of strengthening additive. The hardwood pulp fiber mixture has: 1) from about 9.9% to about 54.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of hardwood pulp fibers; and, 2) from about 0.05% to about 20.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of cellulose nano-filaments. 1. An absorbent towel paper web comprising: 1) from about 20.0% to about 88.5% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said absorbent towel paper web of softwood pulp fiber; and,', '2) from about 0.05% to about 5.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said absorbent towel paper web of strengthening additive; and,, '(a) from about 45% to about 90% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said absorbent towel paper web of a softwood pulp fiber mixture, said softwood pulp fiber mixture comprising 1) from about 9.9% to about 54.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said absorbent towel paper web of hardwood pulp fibers; and,', '2) from about 0.05% to about 20.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said absorbent towel paper web of cellulose nano-filaments., 'b) from about 10% to about 55% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said absorbent towel paper web of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture, said hardwood pulp fiber mixture comprising2. The absorbent towel paper web of further comprising up to about 20% by weight of the dry fiber basis of said absorbent towel paper web of a product selected from the group consisting of fibrillated man-made cellulose claim 1 , non-wood natural fibers claim 1 , non-cellulosic fibers claim 1 , and ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024803A1
Автор: Ziegenbein Tobias

A process for making an absorbent towel paper web is disclosed. The process steps include a) providing a papermaking furnish, b) forming a differential density wet fibrous web from the paper making furnish; and, c) drying the differential density wet fibrous web until fibrous web contains not more than about 10% by weight moisture to form the absorbent towel paper web. Step a) provides the steps of providing: i) from about 20.1% to about 99.9% by weight of a softwood pulp fiber mixture and, ii) from greater than 0% to about 79.9% by weight of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture. Step i) further provides the steps of providing u) from about 20% to about 99.8% by weight of softwood pulp fiber, v) from about 0.05% to about 20% by weight of cellulose nano-filaments, and, w) from about 0.05% to about 5.0% by weight of strengthening additive. 1. A process for making an absorbent towel paper web comprising the steps of: [ [ 'wherein the softwood pulp fiber is optionally refined before being added to the softwood pulp fiber mixture;', 'u) from about 20% to about 99.8% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of softwood pulp fiber;'}, 'v) from about 0.05% to about 20% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of cellulose nano-filaments; and,', 'w) from about 0.05% to about 5.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of strengthening additive;, 'i) from about 20.1% to about 99.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of a softwood pulp fiber mixture, the softwood pulp fiber mixture comprising, 'wherein the hardwood pulp fiber is optionally refined before being added to the hardwood pulp fiber mixture;', 'ii) from greater than 0% to about 79.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture comprising a hardwood pulp fiber;'}, 'iii) optionally up to about 20% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027392A1

A flushable wipe or hygiene tissue includes a hydraulically entangled nonwoven material impregnated with a wetting composition, wherein the nonwoven material includes cellulose pulp fibers and/or manmade staple fibers. The nonwoven material includes disintegration elements having a projected surface area between 2 and 50 mmand an aspect ratio (L/D) between 1 and 10. The disintegration elements may be selected from the following group: botanical elements, paper containing a wet-strength agent, nonwoven material, and film material, and will result in a material that is more readily disintegratable when flushed in a sewer. 1. A flushable wipe or hygiene tissue comprising a hydraulically entangled nonwoven material impregnated with a wetting composition , said nonwoven material comprising cellulose pulp fibers and/or manmade staple fibers and disintegration elements having a projected surface area between 2 and 50 mmand an aspect ratio (L/D) between 1 and 10.2. The flushable wipe or hygiene tissue according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the disintegration elements in the flushable wipe or hygiene tissue is between 0.5 and 2.5 weight % as calculated on the dry weight of the wipe or hygiene tissue.3. The flushable wipe or hygiene tissue according to claim 1 , wherein said disintegration elements are of a material having a disintegration time as measured by French Standard NF Q 34-020 that differs from the nonwoven material.4. The flushable wipe or hygiene tissue according to claim 3 , wherein said disintegration elements are of a material having a slower disintegration time as measured by French Standard NT Q 34-020 than the nonwoven material.5. The flushable wipe or hygiene tissue according to claim 1 , wherein said disintegration elements are of a material selected from the group consisting of: botanical elements claim 1 , paper containing a wet-strength agent claim 1 , nonwoven material claim 1 , and film material6. The flushable wipe or hygiene tissue according ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus For Manufacturing Fiber-Based Produce Containers

Номер: US20180030658A1

Methods and apparatus for manufacturing vacuum forming a produce container using a fiber-based slurry. The slurry includes a moisture barrier comprising alkylketene dimer in the range of about 4% by weight, and a cationic liquid starch component in the range of 1%-7% by weight. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15.16. A slurry for use in vacuum forming a fiber-based produce container , comprising:a moisture barrier comprising AKD in the range of about 4% by weight; anda cationic liquid starch component in the range of 1%-7% by weight.17. The slurry of claim 16 , comprising a fiber base of at least one of: softwood (SW); bagasse; bamboo; old corrugated containers (OCC); and newsprint (NP).18. The slurry of comprising a fiber base including old corrugated containers (OCC) in the range of about 70% and newsprint (NP) in the range of about 30%.19. A vacuum formed food container made from a slurry comprising:a moisture barrier component comprising long chain diketenes in the range of about 4% by weight;a cationic liquid starch component in the range of 1%-7% by weight; andat least one geometric feature for enhancing structural rigidity.20. The food container of claim 19 , wherein the geometric feature comprises a horizontally extending shelf disposed in the range of about 30%-50% below a top of a container side wall.21. The slurry of claim 16 , wherein the moisture barrier comprises alkyltene dimer (AKD) 80.22. The slurry of claim 16 , wherein the moisture barrier comprises long chain diketenes.23. The slurry of claim 16 , further comprising a coloring agent comprising one of a cationic dye and a fiber reactive dye.24. The slurry of claim 16 , further comprising a dye absorption agent comprising one of salt and soda ash.25. The slurry of claim 16 , wherein the starch component comprises one of Topcat L98 claim 16 , ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Paper substrates useful in wallboard tape applications

Номер: US20150034264A1
Принадлежит: International Paper Co

This invention relates to paper products and/or substrates suitable for being made and/or converted into wallboard tape; which also may be known as joint tape and/or drywall tape, having a pH of at least 7.0 and containing a plurality of cellulose fibers, a wet strength additive, an alkaline sizing agent, and an anionic promoter, as well as methods of making and using the same.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Fiber-Based Food Containers

Номер: US20220049429A1

Methods and apparatus for manufacturing a microwavable food container include: forming a wire mesh over a mold comprising a mirror image of the microwavable food container; immersing the wire mesh in a fiber-based slurry bath; drawing a vacuum across the wire mesh to cause fiber particles to accumulate at the wire mesh surface; and removing the wire mesh including the accumulated fiber particles from the slurry bath; wherein the slurry comprises one or more of a moisture barrier, an oil barrier, and a vapor barrier. 1. A food container obtained by:forming a mesh in the shape of a mold corresponding to the shape of the food container;immersing the mesh in a fiber-based slurry;drawing a vacuum across the mesh to cause fiber particles to accumulate at the mesh surface; andremoving the mesh and the accumulated fiber particles from the slurry bath;wherein the slurry comprises a moisture barrier component in the range of 1%-10% by weight.2. The food container of claim 1 , wherein the slurry comprises a moisture barrier component in the range of about 4%.3. The food container of claim 1 , wherein the moisture barrier component comprises alkyl ketene dimer (AKD).4. The food container of claim 1 , wherein the moisture barrier component comprises alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) 80.5. The food container of claim 1 , wherein the moisture barrier component comprises long chain diketenes.6. The food container of claim 1 , wherein the slurry comprises a coloring agent comprising one of a cationic dye and a fiber reactive dye.7. The food container of claim 1 , wherein the slurry further comprises a dye absorption agent comprising one of salt and soda ash.8. The food container of claim 1 , further comprising processing the mesh having the accumulated fiber particles in one of a wet or dry process.9. The food container of claim 1 , wherein the slurry further comprises a starch component in the range of 1%-7% by weight.10. The food container of claim 9 , wherein the starch component ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Fibrous structures comprising acidic cellulosic fibers and methods of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20200032456A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

The invention relates to fibrous structures having desirable physical properties, such as good tensile strength, low stiffness and high bulk, manufactured using a fiber furnish comprising cellulosic fibers having a pH of 5.0 or less and at least one strength resin. Not only do structures prepared with acidic fibers have desirable physical properties, they may also be manufactured in an energy efficient manner. To achieve the greatest energy savings it is generally desirable that acidic fibers not be subjected to mechanical treatment, such as by refining, prior to forming the fiber into a fibrous structure. Further, it may be desirable to subject the remainder of the fiber furnish to a minimal degree of mechanical treatment, such as by refining, so as to produce a furnish having a freeness greater than about 550 mL.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Use of nanocrystaline cellulose and polymer grafted nanocrystaline cellulose for increasing retention in papermaking process

Номер: US20150041088A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC

The invention provides methods and compositions for improving the characteristics of paper substrates. The method involves adding to a paper substrate an NCC-polymer. NCC-polymers have unique chemical properties which result in improvements in wet strength, dry strength and drainage retention properties of the paper substrates.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041091A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC.

The invention provides methods and compositions for improving the characteristics of paper substrates. The method involves adding to a paper substrate an NCC-polymer. NCC-polymers have unique chemical properties which result in improvements in wet strength, dry strength and drainage retention properties of the paper substrates. 1. A method of improving a paper substrate used in a papermaking process , the method comprising the steps of:providing an NCC-polymer, the NCC-polymer comprises a polymer chain of monomer units, the polymer chain is bonded to an NCC core by an acrylamide monomer unit of the polymer chain, the polymer chain comprises a plurality of acrylamide and acrylic acid monomer units, andadding the NCC-polymer to a paper substrate in a papermaking processwherein the polymer chain has a length of between 100-500 nm.2. The method of in which the NCC-polymer is added to the paper substrate during the dry end of a papermaking process.3. The method of in which the NCC-polymer is added to the paper substrate during the wet end of a papermaking process.4. The method of wherein the polymer chain further comprises one or more monomers selected from the list consisting of:vinyl acetate, acrylic acid, sodium acrylate, ammonium acrylate, methyl acrylate, acrylamide, acrylonitrile, N,N-dimethyl acrylamide, 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane-1-sulfonic acid, sodium 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane-1-sulfonate, 3-acrylamidopropyl-trimethyl-ammonium chloride, diallyldimethylammonium chloride, 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl acrylate, 2-(acryloyloxy)-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium chloride, N,N-dimethylaminoethyl acrylate benzyl chloride quaternary salt, 2-(acryloyloxy)-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium methyl sulfate, 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate, 2-(methacryloyloxy)-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium chloride, 3-(dimethylamino)propyl methacrylamide, 2-(methacryloyloxy)-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium methyl sulfate, methacrylic acid, methacrylic anhydride, methyl methacrylate, methacryloyloxy ethyl ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040532A1

A multi-ply through air dried structured tissue having a bulk softness of less than 10 TS7 and a lint value of 5.0 or less. Each ply of the tissue has a first exterior layer that includes a wet end temporary wet strength additive in an amount of approximately 0.25 kg/ton and a wet end dry strength additive in an amount of approximately 0.25 kg/ton, an interior layer that includes a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant, and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant, and a second exterior layer. 1. A method for forming tissue product comprising:forming a structured tissue web on a papermaking machine;transferring the structured tissue web to a drying drum with a hot air impingement hood blowing heated air onto the drying drum;creping the structured tissue web off the drum with a creping blade to form tissue paper; andlaminating at least two plies of the tissue paper to form the tissue product, wherein the tissue product has a lint value of less than 5.5 and a bulk softness TS7 of 10 or less, and the tissue product is substantially free of any surface deposited softener agents or lotions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the air is heated up to 450° C.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of taking the tissue paper up on a reel drum claim 1 , wherein a speed differential between the drying drum and the reel drum is 10 percent.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tissue product has a softness value of 91.0 HF or greater.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tissue paper comprises first and second exterior layers and an interior layer claim 1 , and the exterior layers are substantially free of any surface deposited softener agents or lotions.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises a wet end temporary wet strength additive in an amount of approximately 0.25 kg/ton and a wet end dry strength additive in an amount of approximately 0.25 kg/ton claim 5 , and the interior layer comprises a ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047090A1

Provided is a process for improving the performance of wet-strength resins, such as polyaminopolyamide-epichlorohydrin resins, by treatment with a base to increase molecular weight to provide improved wet strength. 1. A process of making paper having higher wet strength comprising:providing an aqueous solution of at least 8% solids of an initial water-soluble wet-strength resin having an RSV of less than about 0.25 dL/dry gram selected from the group consisting of polyaminopolyamide-epihalohydrin resins, polyalkylene polyamine-epihalohydrin resins, and mixtures thereof,treating the aqueous solution with a base to a pH of from about 13.0 to about 11.0, at a temperature of from about 30° C. to about 60° C. for from about 20 minutes to about 4 hours, thereby forming an aqueous solution of a treated resin, wherein the resin has an RSV of greater than about 0.35 dL/g, and wherein at least about 95% of the tertiary aminohalohydrin present in the starting resin is converted to epoxides; andadding the treated resin to a papermaking furnish.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the initial water-soluble wet-strength resin having an RSV of less than about 0.15 dL/dry gram.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the initial water-soluble resin is a polyaminopolyamide-epiehlorohydrin resin.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the wet strength resin comprises from about 10 mole % to about 40 mole % azetidinium ions and from about 60 mole % to about 90 mole % tertiary aminohalohydrin.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the starting resin has a 1 claim 1 ,3-dichloropropanol level of less than 1000 ppm.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein treatment of the initial water-soluble wet-strength resin with base is from about 2.0 mmole/dry gram to about 1 mmole/dry gram of initial resin.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein treatment of the initial water-soluble wet-strength resin with base is from about 3.0 mmole per dry gram to 8 mmole/dry gram of initial resin.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Method of delivering a pigment dispersion and retention aid to a papermaking process

Номер: US20140124153A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC

The disclosure is directed toward methods for delivering a pigment dispersion and an inverted retention aid emulsion to a papermaking process. The method comprises injecting the pigment dispersion and the inverted retention aid emulsion into a process line of the papermaking process. The pigment dispersion comprises titanium dioxide, and the retention aid may comprise an anionic flocculant. The process line is located downstream from a screen and upstream from a headbox. The methods may incorporate the use of one or several nozzle devices.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064866A1

Fibrous structures, and more particularly sanitary tissue products containing fibrous structures having a surface exhibiting a three-dimensional (3D) pattern such that the fibrous structure and/or sanitary tissue product exhibits novel properties compared to known fibrous structures and/or sanitary tissue products, and methods for making same are provided. 1. A fibrous structure comprising a surface comprising a three-dimensional surface pattern , wherein the three-dimensional surface pattern comprises a plurality of discrete pillow regions present in at least one semi-continuous non-pillow region.2. The fibrous structure according to wherein the surface exhibits a Total Pillow Perimeter value of at least 30 in/inas measured according to the Total Pillow Perimeter Test Method such that the fibrous structure exhibits a Surface Void Volume value at 1.7 psi of at least 0.090 mm/mmas measured according to the Surface Void Volume Test Method.3. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Surface Void Volume value at 1.7 psi of at least 0.092 mm/mmas measured according to the Surface Void Volume Test Method.4. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Surface Void Volume value at 0.88 psi of at least 0.108 mm/mmas measured according to the Surface Void Volume Test Method.5. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure comprises a plurality of fibrous elements.6. The fibrous structure according to wherein the plurality of fibrous elements comprise a plurality of fibers.7. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the fibers comprises a pulp fiber.8. The fibrous structure according to wherein the pulp fiber comprises a wood pulp fiber.9. The fibrous structure according to wherein the pulp fiber comprises a non-wood pulp fiber.10. The fibrous structure according to wherein the surface further comprises a surface softening agent.11. The fibrous structure according to wherein ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048527A1

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a film having an oxygen transmission rate in the range of from 1 cc/m/24 h to 500 cc/m/24 h according to ASTM D-3985, at a relative humidity of more than 50% at 25° C., or higher than 75% at 25° C., or higher than 85% at 25° C., wherein the method comprises the steps of: providing a first suspension comprising a microfibrillated cellulose, wherein the dry content of the suspension is in the range of from 0.1 to 10% by weight, adding a wet strength additive to said first suspension, at an amount of from 0.1 to 10 weight-% based on the amount of microfibrillated cellulose (dry/dry), thereby forming a mixture of the microfibrillated cellulose and the wet strength additive, applying said mixture to a substrate to form a fibrous web and drying said web to form said film. The present invention also relates to a film produced according to the method. 1. A method for manufacturing a film having an oxygen transmission rate in the range of from 1 cc/m/24 h to 500 cc/m/24 h according to ASTM D-3985 , at a relative humidity of more than 50% at 25° C. , wherein the method comprises the steps of:providing a first suspension comprising a microfibrillated cellulose, wherein the dry content of the suspension is in the range of from 0.1 to 10% by weight,adding a wet strength additive to said first suspension, at an amount of from 0.1 to 10 weight-% based on the amount of microfibrillated cellulose (dry/dry), thereby forming a mixture of the microfibrillated cellulose and the wet strength additive,applying said mixture to a substrate to form a fibrous web anddrying said web to form said film.2. The method according to wherein said support is a porous wire in a paper making machine to which the mixture is applied to form the fibrous web.3. The method according to wherein the support is a paper or paperboard to which the mixture if applied to form a film coating on said paper or paper board.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051416A1

A method for manufacturing paper is disclosed. A pulp slurry is produced, a paper sheet is formed from the slurry, an aldehyde functionalized polymer or polymers is added to the slurry before and/or after sheet formation, and a water soluble acid is added on the paper sheet. 1. A method for manufacturing paper , comprising:producing a pulp slurry;forming a paper sheet from the pulp slurry;adding at least one aldehyde functionalized polymer to said pulp slurry before and/or after the paper sheet formation; andadding water soluble acid having a relative acidity (RA) value greater than 0.05 g/kg dry paper onto the formed paper sheet.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein water soluble acid has a relative acidity (RA) value of 0.15 g/kg dry paper or more.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aldehyde functionalized polymer is a glyoxylated polyacrylamide polymer.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aldehyde functionalized polymer is used together with at least one further strength additive.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the further strength additive comprises cationic polyamines claim 4 , anionic polyacrylamides (APAM) claim 4 , cationic polyamide epichlorohydrin claim 4 , polyvinylamine claim 4 , polyethyleneimine claim 4 , or mixtures thereof.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aldehyde functionalized polymer is added to pulp slurry before paper sheet formation.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aldehyde functionalized polymer is added after the paper sheet formation onto the paper surface.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aldehyde functionalized polymer and the water soluble acid are added separately onto the surface of the paper sheet.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a mixture of the water soluble acid and the aldehyde functionalized polymer is added onto the surface of the paper sheet.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the acid is added by spraying claim 1 , ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Soft through air dried tissue

Номер: US20150059995A1
Принадлежит: First Quality Tissue LLC

A multi-layer through air dried tissue including a first exterior layer comprised substantially of hardwood fibers, an interior layer comprised substantially of softwood fibers, and a second exterior layer comprised substantially of hardwood fibers. The interior layer includes a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059998A1
Принадлежит: NALCO COMPANY

The invention is directed towards methods, compositions, and apparatus for increasing the strength of paper made out of a furnish having a large proportion of OCC. The method involves the following steps: 1) Providing a paper furnish having a large amount of OCC in it, 2) adding strength promoter to the furnish prior to adding a strength agent to the furnish, 3) adding a strength agent to the furnish, and 4) making a paper product from the furnish. This method allows cheap OCC material to be used in a papermaking process without the quality problems that the anionic trash in OCC typically causes. Thus paper products having low costs and high quality can be produced. 1. A method of increasing the strength of a paper product , the method comprising the steps of:a. adding strength promoter to a furnish prior to adding a strength agent to the furnish, the strength promoter comprising a polymer having cationic monomer repeating structural units, the fibers in the furnish made up of at least 10% fibers containing significant amount of anionic trash,b. adding a strength agent to the furnish,c. making a paper product out of the furnish according to a papermaking process.2. The method of in which the cationic monomer is one selected from the group consisting of DMAEM.BCQ claim 1 , DMAEA.BCQ claim 1 , DMAEA.MCQ claim 1 , DEAEA.MCQ claim 1 , DMAEM.MCQ claim 1 , DMAEM.MSQ claim 1 , DMAEA.MSQ claim 1 , MAPTAC claim 1 , APTAC claim 1 , and any combination thereof.3. The method of in which the strength promoter polymer is a copolymer comprising AcAm repeating structural units and cationic monomer repeating structural units.4. The method of wherein the strength promoter is added in an amount equal to 0.01 to 3 lb/ton of the furnish.5. The method of wherein the strength promoter has RSV between 0.5 to 156. The method of wherein the strength promoter has RSV between 1 to 127. The method of wherein the strength promoter has RSV between 2 to 88. The method of wherein the strength ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056545A1

A method of manufacturing an absorbent sanitary paper product is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of: forming a nonwoven structure by spinning filaments; applying a plurality of fibers to the nonwoven structure to form a first network of fibers having a first and a second side and wherein the fibers and the filaments comprising the first network of fibers have a longitudinal axis generally disposed within the plane comprising the machine- and cross-machine-directions; applying a first bonding layer in a first pattern to one of the first and second sides of the first network of fibers; and, applying a first second network of fibers to the first bonding layer, the first second network of fibers comprising a combination of a first plurality of fibers and a second plurality of fibers, the first and second pluralities of fibers being different. 1. A method of manufacturing an absorbent sanitary paper product having a machine direction , a cross-machine direction orthogonal and co-planar thereto , and a Z-direction orthogonal to both the machine- and cross-machine directions , said method comprising the steps of:forming a nonwoven structure by spinning filaments;applying a plurality of fibers to said nonwoven structure to form a first network of fibers having a first and a second side and wherein said fibers and said filaments comprising said first network of fibers have a longitudinal axis generally disposed within the plane comprising said machine- and cross-machine-directions;applying a first bonding layer in a first pattern to one of said first and second sides of said first network of fibers; and,applying a first second network of fibers to said first bonding layer, said first second network of fibers comprising a combination of a first plurality of fibers and a second plurality of fibers, said first and second pluralities of fibers being different.2. The method of further comprising the steps of applying a second bonding layer to one of said first and ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055697A1

It is an object of the present invention is to provide a sheet containing ultrafine cellulose fibers, which is excellent in transparency and water resistance. The present invention relates to a sheet including cellulose fibers having a fiber width of 1000 nm or less, and polyamine polyamide epihalohydrin, wherein the haze of the sheet is 6% or less. 1. A sheet comprising cellulose fibers having a fiber width of 1000 nm or less , and a cationic resin , wherein the haze of the sheet is 6% or less.2. The sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the cationic resin comprises polyamine polyamide epihalohydrin.3. The sheet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the mass of the sheet immersed in ion-exchanged water for 24 hours is defined as W and the mass of the sheet subjected to humidity conditioning at 23° C. and a relative humidity of 50% for 24 hours is defined as W claim 1 , the water absorption rate represented by (W−W)/W×100 is 5000% or less.4. The sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the total light transmittance is 85% or more.5. The sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the tensile elastic modulus of the sheet subjected to humidity conditioning at 23° C. and a relative humidity of 50% for 24 hours is 5 GPa or more.6. The sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the sheet comprises 0.1 parts by mass or more and 15 parts by mass or less of the polyamine polyamide epihalohydrin per 100 parts by mass of the cellulose fibers.7. The sheet according to claim 1 , further comprising a polyacrylamide-based resin.8. The sheet according to claim 7 , wherein the polyacrylamide-based resin is an ionic polyacrylamide-based resin.9. The sheet according to claim 7 , wherein the polyacrylamide-based resin is a nonionic polyacrylamide-based resin.10. The sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the cellulose fibers have an ionic functional group.11. The sheet according to claim 10 , wherein the ionic functional group is a phosphoric acid group.12. The sheet according to claim 1 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058011A1

A method of making an absorbent structure including forming a stock mixture of fibers, a cationic wet strength resin, an anionic polyacrylamide and a cellulase enzyme, and at least partially drying the stock mixture to form a web. 1. A method of making an absorbent structure comprising:forming a stock mixture of fibers, a cationic wet strength resin, an anionic polyacrylamide and a cellulase enzyme; andat least partially drying the stock mixture to form a web.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of forming the at least partially dried stock mixture into a web comprises forming two or more webs.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising plying the two or more webs together to form a multi-ply absorbent structure.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the web is a multi-layer web.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cationic wet strength resin comprises one of a type selected from the group consisting of: polyethyleneimine claim 1 , polyethylenimine claim 1 , polyaminoamide-epihalohydrin (preferably epichlorohydrin) polyamine-epichlorohydrin claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , polyvinyl amide wet strength resin and combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cellulase enzyme comprises mono-component or multi-component endo-cellulases claim 1 , exo-cellulases claim 1 , or cellobiase cellulases.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising use of a structured fabric to form the web.8. An absorbent structure having a CD wet tensile strength value that is at least 35% of the value of a CD dry tensile strength value of the absorbent structure.9. The absorbent structure of claim 8 , comprising two or more plies.10. The absorbent structure of claim 9 , wherein each ply comprises a multi-layer web.11. The absorbent structure of claim 8 , wherein the absorbent structure is a paper towel product.12. The absorbent structure of claim 8 , wherein the absorbent structure has a HF softness of at least 46.13. The absorbent structure of claim 8 , wherein the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058455A1

A lightweight digital printing medium has a basis weight of less than 100 grams per square meter and includes a base paper. The base paper includes a fiber mixture of hardwood pulp and softwood pulp where at least 5% by weight of total fiber in the fiber mixture is bleached, chemi-thermo-mechanical pulp. An internal sizing agent for neutral or alkaline conditions and a wet-strength agent that is a thermosetting resin are mixed with the fiber mixture. An amount of the wet-strength agent added to the fiber mixture is at least 0.1% total dry weight of the base paper. 1. A lightweight digital printing medium comprising: a fiber mixture of hardwood pulp and softwood pulp, at least 5% by weight of total fiber in the fiber mixture being bleached, chemi-thermo-mechanical pulp (BCTMP);', 'an internal sizing agent for neutral or alkaline conditions; and', 'a wet-strength agent that is a thermosetting resin in an amount that is at least 0.1% total dry weight of the base paper, the internal sizing agent and the wet-strength agent mixed with the fiber mixture,, 'a base paper that compriseswherein the lightweight digital printing medium has a basis weight of less than 100 grams per square meter (gsm).2. The lightweight digital printing medium of claim 1 , wherein the BCTMP is one of hardwood pulp claim 1 , softwood pulp and a mixture of hardwood and softwood pulps claim 1 , the BCTMP being in an amount that ranges from 5% to about 60% by weight of total fiber in the fiber mixture.3. The lightweight digital printing medium of claim 1 , wherein the hardwood pulp is a chemical pulp claim 1 , the softwood pulp being a chemical pulp claim 1 , the BCTMP being a mixture of hardwood and softwood pulps claim 1 , a ratio of total amounts of the hardwood pulp to softwood pulp in the fiber mixture being within a range of 1:2 to 2:1.4. The lightweight digital printing medium of claim 1 , wherein the internal sizing agent is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl succinic anhydride ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056325A1
Автор: FUKUOKA Moe, Goto Shisei

To provide a new inorganic particle composite fiber including a large amount of adhering inorganic particles, An inorganic particle composite fiber includes: fiber; and inorganic particles fixed to the fiber, the fiber being thread-like in shape, the inorganic particles being fixed to the fiber via an ionic polymer. 1. An inorganic particle composite fiber , comprising:fiber; andinorganic particles fixed to the fiber,the fiber being thread-like in shape,the inorganic particles being fixed to the fiber via an ionic polymer,the inorganic particle composite fiber including a plurality of layers each containing a portion of the ionic polymer which portion is present between the fiber and the inorganic particles,the plurality of layers being a stack of a layer containing a cationic polymer and a layer containing an anionic polymer.2. The inorganic particle composite fiber according to claim 1 , whereinthe inorganic particles are bound to each other via the ionic polymer in such a manner as to form a layer containing the inorganic particles.3. The inorganic particle composite fiber according to claim 1 , whereinthe ionic polymer has an electric charge opposite in polarity to an electric charge of the inorganic particles.4. The inorganic particle composite fiber according to claim 1 , whereinthe ionic polymer is an anionic polymer having a chelating ability.5. (canceled)6. The inorganic particle composite fiber according to claim 1 , whereinthe fiber has a surface on which a polar group is present.7. A method for producing an inorganic particle composite fiber according to claim 1 , the method comprising:fixing the inorganic particles to the fiber by (i) immersing the fiber into a solution containing the ionic polymer or applying the fiber to the solution containing the ionic polymer; and subsequently (ii) immersing the fiber into a dispersion containing the inorganic particles or applying the fiber to the dispersion containing the inorganic particles.8. A method for ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056335A1

Methods and apparatus for vacuum forming a beverage carrier yoke using a slurry. The slurry comprises: a moisture barrier comprising AKD in the range of about 4% by weight; and a fiber base comprising OCC and NP. 1. A method of manufacturing a yoke configured to carry beverage cans , comprising:providing a wire mesh mold in the shape of the yoke;immersing the mold in a fiber-based slurry;drawing a vacuum across the wire mold to cause fiber particles to accumulate at the wire mesh surface; andremoving the mold and attached fiber particles from the slurry; andsubsequently drying the fiber particles to yield the yoke;wherein the slurry comprises a moisture barrier.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the moisture barrier is in the range of 0.5%-10% by weight.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the moisture barrier comprises alkyl ketene dimer (AKD).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the moisture barrier comprises alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) 79.5. The method of wherein the slurry comprises a fiber base of about 70% OCC and about 30%.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the slurry further comprises a strength additive in the range of 1.5%-4% by weight.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the strength additive comprises Hercobond.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the moisture barrier comprises AKD in the range of about 4%; andthe slurry comprises OCC and NP.9. A slurry for use in vacuum forming a beverage yoke claim 1 , comprising:a moisture barrier comprising AKD in the range of about 4% by weight;a fiber base comprising OCC and NP; anda wet strength resin in the range of about 4% by weight; anda dry strength additive in the range of about 4% by weight.10. The slurry of claim 9 , wherein the dry strength additive comprises Hercobond 6950.11. The slurry of claim 9 , wherein the wet strength resin comprises kymene 1500LV.12. A method of manufacturing a carrier for cylindrically shaped containers claim 9 , comprising:providing a mesh mold in the shape of the carrier;immersing the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063001A1

A tissue product including a laminate of at least two plies of a multi-layer tissue web, the tissue product having a softness value (HF) of 92.0 or greater, a lint value of 4.5 or less, and an Sdr of greater than 3.0. 1. A tissue product comprising:a laminate of at least two plies of a multi-layer tissue web, the tissue product having a softness value (HF) of 92.0 or greater, a lint value of 4.5 or less, and an Sdr of greater than 3.0.2. The tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the tissue product has a bulk softness of less than 9 TS7.3. The tissue product according to claim 1 , wherein the multi-layer tissue web comprises: a first exterior layer; an interior layer; and a second exterior layer.4. The tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises at least 50% virgin hardwood fibers.5. The tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises at least 75% virgin hardwood fibers.6. The tissue product according to claim 4 , wherein the virgin hardwood fibers is virgin eucalyptus fibers.7. The tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the interior layer contains a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant.8. The tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises a wet end dry strength additive.9. The tissue product according to claim 8 , wherein the wet end dry strength additive comprises a graft copolymer composition of a vinyl monomer and a functionalized vinyl amine-containing base polymer.10. The tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the second exterior layer comprises a wet end dry strength additive.11. The tissue product according to claim 10 , wherein the wet end dry strength additive comprises a graft copolymer composition of a vinyl monomer and a functionalized vinyl amine-containing base polymer.12. The tissue product according to claim 7 , wherein the second wet end additive comprises ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Soft through air dried tissue

Номер: US20190063002A1
Принадлежит: First Quality Tissue LLC

A multi-layer through air dried tissue including a first exterior layer comprised substantially of hardwood fibers, an interior layer comprised substantially of softwood fibers, and a second exterior layer comprised substantially of hardwood fibers. The interior layer includes a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063358A1

After cellulose fibers and cellulose ester fibers are co-refined, they are fed to a blend tank continuously feeds a wet laid process. The composition in the blend tank includes co-refined cellulose fibers and cellulose ester fibers and one or more additives, and the cellulose ester fibers have a denier per filament (DPF) of less than 3, a cut length of less than 6 mm, crimped, or non-round with a DPF of less than 3. 1. A composition comprising: i. a denier per filament (DPF) of less than 3, or', 'ii. a cut length of less than 6 mm, or', 'iii. crimping, or', 'iv. non-round with a DPF of less than 3, or', 'v. a combination of any two or more of (i)-(iv), and, 'a. cellulose fibers that are virgin, waste/recycle, or both, and cellulose ester (CE) staple fibers, that have been co-refined, wherein the CE staple fibers haveb. water, andc. one or more additives comprising brightening agents, dyes, pigments, fillers, retention aids, antimicrobial agents, defoamers, pH control agents, pitch control agents, internal sizing agents, dry or wet strength polymers, adhesives, retention aids, or drainage aids, or a combination thereof.2. The composition of claims 1 , further comprising broke pulp.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the amount of additives are not more than 5 wt. % claim 1 , based on the weight of the Composition.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the additive comprises a pigment or filler claim 1 , said pigment or filler comprising clay claim 1 , talc claim 1 , calcium carbonate claim 1 , precipitated calcium carbonate claim 1 , kaolin claim 1 , or titanium dioxide claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the additive comprises a dry and/or wet strength polymer.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the additive comprises a sizing agent comprising a rosin claim 1 , alkylketene dimer (AKD) claim 1 , alkyl succinic anhydride (ASA) claim 1 , or starch claim 1 , or a combination thereof.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090319A1

The present invention provides a process for producing paper or board, comprising slushing a stock of dried fibres in a slushing system comprising a pulper, and/or feeding a stock of never-dried fibres in a fiber line of an integrated paper mill; deflaking and/or refining the stock in a deflaker and/or a refiner, optionally diluting the deflaked and/or refined stock, directing the deflaked and/or refined stock to a headbox, forming a web, and drying the web, wherein a polymeric paper making additive is added to one or more of the stocks of dried fibres and never-dried fibres before deflaking and/or refining of the stock. The present invention further provides paper and board with improved properties. 1. A process for producing paper or board , comprising:slushing a stock of dried fibres in a slushing system comprising a pulper, and/orfeeding a stock of never-dried fibres in a fiber line of an integrated paper mill;deflaking and/or refining the stock in a deflaker and/or a refiner;optionally diluting the deflaked and/or refined stock;directing the deflaked and/or refined stock to a headbox, forming a web, and drying the web;wherein a polymeric paper making additive having an intrinsic viscosity of at least 50 ml/g is added to one or more of the stocks of dried fibres and never-dried fibres before deflaking and/or refining of the stock.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric paper making additive is added to the one or more of the stocks as a powder and/or as an aqueous dispersion.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric paper making additive is added to the stock of dried fibres claim 1 , preferably to the pulper.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric papermaking additive has an intrinsic viscosity of at least 100 ml/g claim 1 , preferably at least 200 ml/g.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric paper making additive has a viscosity of at most 10 000 mPas as measured from 1 weight-% ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Electrical Insulating Paper

Номер: US20150083353A1

An electrical insulating paper, and methods of making and using same, having a dielectric strength of greater than 40 kV/mm, including 20% to 99% by weight of cellulose and 1% to 80% by weight of mineral fillers. 1. An electrical insulation paper comprising:a first proportion of 20-99% by weight of cellulose and a second proportion of 1-80% by weight of mineral fillers, wherein the mineral filler includes between 1% and 100% talcum, and the talcum has an average particle size distribution of 0.5 to 400 μm, and has an average thickness of 0.01 to 100 μm, such that the electrical insulation paper has a dielectric strength measured in accordance with DIN EN 60243-1 of more than 40 kV/mm, and a conductivity in a the hot water extract in accordance with TAPPI Standard T 252 of less than 5 mS/m.217-. (canceled)18. The electrical insulation paper in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first proportion of cellulose is 30% to 80% by weight and the second proportion of mineral fillers is 3% to 65% by weight.19. The electrical insulation paper in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the talcum ranges between 25% and 75% for the mineral filler.20. The electrical insulation paper in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the mineral filler includes between 1% and 80% mica.21. The electrical insulation paper in accordance with claim 1 , further including 0.1% to 10% by weight of polyvinyl alcohols.22. The electrical insulation paper in accordance with claim 1 , further including 0.1% to 10% by weight of at least one of a modified starch and an unmodified starch.23. The electrical insulation paper in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the dielectric strength measured in accordance with DIN EN 60243-1 is more than 60 kV/mm.24. The electrical insulation paper in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the conductivity in the hot water extract in accordance with TAPPI standard T 252 is less than 3 mS/m.25. The electrical insulation paper in accordance with claim 1 , further including 0.1% to 5% ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Heat sealable barrier coatings for paperboard

Номер: US20190077537A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Bleached Board LLC

A paperboard blank and cup made therefrom are provided. The blank includes a paperboard substrate having a first side and a second side. A first polymer layer can be disposed on at least a portion of the first side of the paperboard substrate, and a second polymer layer can be disposed on at least a portion of the second side of the paperboard substrate. Both the first and second polymer layers can include at least one polymer component that is thermoplastic. The second polymer layer further comprises at least one polymer component, which is not present in the first polymer layer, and has a glass transition temperature higher than all the polymer components of the first polymer layer.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079950A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

A cationic glyoxylated polyacrylamide polymer composition having improved storage stability for use in manufacture of paper, board or the like, which aqueous composition includes a glyoxylated polyacrylamide polymer having a cationic charge density in a range of 0.8-1.8 meq/g of dry polymer in dry content of 5-15% and a buffering acid. The aqueous composition has pH in a range of 2.2-4.0 and a viscosity of less than 80 mPas measured at 25° C. by using a Brookfield viscometer after 30 days storage at 35° C. or after 60 days storage at 23° C. 1. A cationic glyoxylated polyacrylamide polymer composition , comprising:a glyoxylated polyacrylamide polymer having a cationic charge density in a range of 0.8-1.8 meq/g of dry polymer, in a dry content amount of 5-15%,an aqueous medium, anda buffering acid, and the aqueous composition has a pH in a range of 2.2-4.0.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises an unreacted glyoxal in an amount of below 1 weight-% by a total weight of the composition.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the dry content of the glyoxylated polyacrylamide polymer is 6-13% claim 1 , more preferably 8-12% claim 1 , or 9-11%.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a viscosity of less than 80 mPas measured at 25° C. by using a Brookfield viscometer after 30 days claim 1 , after 45 days or after 60 days storage at 35° C. claim 1 , or after 60 days claim 1 , after 90 days or after 120 days storage at 23° C.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a viscosity of less than 50 mPas measured at 25° C. by using a Brookfield viscometer after 30 days storage at 35° C. or after 60 days storage at 23° C.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the glyoxylated polyacrylamide polymer has the cationic charge density of in a range of 1.0-1.7 claim 1 , or in a range of 1.1-1.5 meq/g of dry polymer.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Method for increasing the strength properties of a paper or board product

Номер: US20200080264A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

A method is disclosed for increasing strength properties, preferably burst strength and SCT strength, of a paper or board product. The paper or board product is manufactured from a fibrous web produced by a multilayer headbox, where an aqueous layer is formed between at least a first and a second fibre layer formed from fibrous stock suspension(s), and where feed water for the aqueous layer includes at least one cationic polymer. The method of the invention includes adding an anionic additive selected from a group comprising anionic synthetic organic polymers, anionic polysaccharides, and any of their combinations to the feed water before formation of the aqueous layer.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089011A1

Paper strength systems including polyamine-polyamidoamine-epihalohydrin (PPAE) resin are disclosed. Also disclosed are methods of forming a paper including applying a strength system comprising PPAE to cellulosic fiber, as well as the resultant paper. 124-. (canceled)25. A composition comprising a polyamine polyamidoamine epihalohydrin resin that is the reaction product of a polyamidoamine , a first polyamine , and an epihalohydrin , wherein the polyamidoamine is prepared by a process comprising reacting a polycarboxylic acid , a polycarboxylic acid derivative , or a combination thereof with a second polyamine to form the polyamidoamine , wherein a molar ratio of the second polyamine to the polycarboxylic acid , polycarboxylic acid derivative , or combination thereof , is from about 1.05 to about 2.0.26. The composition of claim 25 , wherein the polyamine polyamidoamine epihalohydrin resin has a total AOX level of about 400 ppm or less.27. The composition of claim 25 , wherein the polycarboxylic acid and/or the polycarboxylic acid derivative is selected from the group consisting of: malonic acid claim 25 , glutaric acid claim 25 , adipic acid claim 25 , azelaic acid claim 25 , citric acid claim 25 , 1 claim 25 ,2 claim 25 ,3-propanetricarboxylic acid claim 25 , 1 claim 25 ,2 claim 25 ,3 claim 25 ,4 butanetetracarboxylic acid claim 25 , nitrilotriacetic acid claim 25 , N claim 25 ,N claim 25 ,N′ claim 25 ,N′-ethylenediaminetetraacetate claim 25 , 1 claim 25 ,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid claim 25 , 1 claim 25 ,3-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid claim 25 , 1 claim 25 ,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid claim 25 , itaconic acid claim 25 , phthalic acid claim 25 , isophthalic acid claim 25 , terephthalic acid claim 25 , 1 claim 25 ,2 claim 25 ,4-benzenetricarboxylic acid claim 25 , 1 claim 25 ,2 claim 25 ,4 claim 25 ,5-benzenetetracarboxylic acid claim 25 , dimethyl adipate claim 25 , dimethyl malonate claim 25 , diethyl malonate claim 25 , dimethyl succinate claim 25 , ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Manufacturing Fiber-Based Produce Containers

Номер: US20220136174A1

Methods and apparatus for manufacturing vacuum forming a produce container using a fiber-based slurry. The slurry includes a moisture barrier comprising alkyl ketene dimer in the range of about 4% by weight, and a cationic liquid starch component in the range of 1%-7% by weight.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095426A1

A structured rolled sanitary tissue product having at least two plies, wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a crumple resistance of less than 30 grams force, a caliper of at least 450 microns/ply, and a bulk softness (TS7) of 10 or less. 1. A structured rolled sanitary tissue product comprising at least two plies , wherein the tissue product has a crumple resistance of less than 30 grams force , an average peak to valley depth of 44 to 110 microns , and a caliper of 500 microns/2 ply to 700 microns/2 ply.2. The structured tissue product of claim 1 , wherein a web that makes up one of the at least two plies comprises a first exterior layer claim 1 , an interior layer and a second exterior layer; andthe interior layer contains a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant.3. The structured tissue product according to claim 2 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises at least 50% virgin hardwood fibers.4. The structured tissue product according to claim 2 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises at least 75% virgin hardwood fibers.5. The structured tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the virgin hardwood fibers is virgin eucalyptus fibers.6. The structured tissue product according to claim 2 , wherein the interior layer comprises cannabis fibers in an amount of 1% to 10%.7. The structured tissue product according to claim 2 , wherein the second exterior layer comprises cannabis fibers in an amount of 1% to 10%.8. The structured tissue product according to claim 2 , the first exterior layer comprises a wet end temporary wet strength additive.9. The structured tissue product according to claim 8 , wherein wet end temporary wet strength additive comprises glyoxalated polyacrylamide.10. The structured tissue product according to claim 2 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises a wet end dry strength additive.11. The structured tissue product according to claim ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145536A1
Принадлежит: FiberLean Technologies Limited

A process for modifying the paper burst strength enhancing attributes of microfibrillated cellulose, an aqueous suspension comprising said microfibrillated cellulose, and papermaking compositions and paper products comprising said microfibrillated cellulose. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for producing microfibrillated cellulose with enhanced attributes for the production of a paper product , comprising:{'sub': '50', '(a) processing at a first location an aqueous suspension of microfibrillated cellulose into a first processed microfibrillated cellulose, characterized by a fibre steepness of from about 20 to about 50, and/or a fibre dof at least 50 μm;'}(b) dewatering the first processed microfibrillated cellulose;(c) transporting the first processed and dewatered microfibrillated cellulose; and optionally inorganic particulate material, to a second location; and{'sup': −1', '−1, 'claim-text': 'wherein the enhancing attributes of a paper product made from the first processed, dewatered and high shear processed microfibrillated cellulose, and optionally one or more inorganic particulate material are selected from i) an improved burst strength, (ii) an improved burst index, (iii) an improved tensile strength, (iv) an improved tear strength, (v) an improved z-direction strength, (vi) a reduced porosity, (vii) an improved smoothness, (viii) an improved opacity, or any combination thereof.', '(d) further processing at the second location, the first processed and dewatered microfibrillated cellulose, and optionally one or more inorganic particulate material, by subjecting an aqueous suspension comprising the first processed and dewatered microfibrillated cellulose and optionally one or more inorganic particulate material to high shear, wherein the high shear is generated, at least in part, by a moving shearing element, to improve the enhancing attributes of the microfibrillated cellulose for the production of paper, and wherein the term “high shear” means a shear rate of ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing furnish, furnish and paper

Номер: US20150101770A1
Принадлежит: UPM Kymmene Oy

A method for preparing aqueous furnish to be used in paper or paper board manufacturing. Filler and/or fibers are treated with cationic polyelectrolyte and nanofibrillated cellulose. The strength of the paper and the retention of the fillers in paper can be improved. A furnish prepared by a method, and a paper or a paper board manufactured from the furnish.

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Household tissue paper and hydrolysable sheet

Номер: US20180098672A1
Принадлежит: Daio Paper Corp

Household tissue paper is obtained by applying a ply process to two or more sheets of base paper. First embossments and second embossments, arranged around the first embossments, are formed on an entire surface of the household tissue paper, a shape of a protruding part of each of the second embossments differing from a shape of a protruding part of each of the first embossments. Hence, because a contact area with an object to be cleaned or the like can be increased, it is possible to enhance surface strength of the household tissue paper being embossed and to enhance wiping performance.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220167662A1
Автор: MINZONI Mirko

An electrically heatable aerosol-generating article is provided, including an aerosol-generating substrate including at least one aerosol former; a mouthpiece; and a paper wrapper circumscribing at least a portion of the aerosol-generating substrate, the paper wrapper having a wet tensile strength of at least 5 Newtons per 15 millimeters when measured in accordance with the Wet Tensile Strength Test. 1. An electrically heatable aerosol-generating article , comprising:an aerosol-generating substrate comprising at least one aerosol former;a mouthpiece; anda paper wrapper circumscribing at least a portion of the aerosol-generating substrate, the paper wrapper having a wet tensile strength of at least 5 Newtons per 15 millimetres when measured in accordance with the Wet Tensile Strength Test.2. The electrically heatable aerosol-generating article according to claim 1 , wherein the paper wrapper has a dry tensile strength of at least 10 Newtons per 15 millimetres when measured in accordance with the Dry Tensile Strength Test.3. The electrically heatable aerosol-generating article according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one aerosol former comprises at least one polyol.4. The electrically heatable aerosol-generating article according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one aerosol former comprises at least one polyol.5. The electrically heatable aerosol-generating article according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one polyol comprises at least one of sorbitol claim 3 , glycerol claim 3 , propylene glycol claim 3 , and triethylene glycol.6. The electrically heatable aerosol-generating article according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one polyol comprises at least one of sorbitol claim 4 , glycerol claim 4 , propylene glycol claim 4 , and triethylene glycol.7. The electrically heatable aerosol-generating article according to claim 1 , wherein the aerosol-generating substrate further comprises water in an amount of between 10 percent and 20 percent by weight of the ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Dry strength composition, its use and method for making of paper, board or the like

Номер: US20210102343A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

A dry strength composition for manufacture of paper, board or the like is disclosed. The dry strength composition includes, as a mixture, at least one anionically derivatized polysaccharide, and cationic starch having an amylopectin content ≥80 weight-%. The anionically derivatized polysaccharide and the cationic starch provide the composition with a charge density in a range of 0.1-1.5 meq/g, when measured at pH 2.8, and −0.1-−3 meq/g, preferably −0.3-−2.5 meq/g, more preferably −0.5-−2.0 meq/g, when measured as an aqueous solution, at pH 7.0. Further disclosed are a use of the composition and a method for manufacturing paper, board or the like. 1. A dry strength composition for manufacture of paper , board or the like , which comprises , as a mixture:at least one anionically derivatized polysaccharide, andcationic starch having an amylopectin content ≥80 weight-%, wherein the anionically derivatized polysaccharide and the cationic starch provide the composition with a charge density in a range of:0.1-1.5 meq/g, when measured at pH 2.8, and−0.1-−3 meq/g, preferably −0.3-−2.5 meq/g, more preferably −0.5-−2.0 meq/g, when measured as an aqueous solution, at pH 7.0.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the anionically derivatized polysaccharide comprises anionically derivatized celluloses claim 1 , anionically derivatized starches claim 1 , or any combinations thereof claim 1 , preferably the anionically derivatized polysaccharide comprises carboxymethylated cellulose.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the anionically derivatized polysaccharide comprises carboxymethylated cellulose claim 2 , which has:a degree of carboxymethyl substitution >0.2, preferably 0.3-1.2, more preferably 0.4-1.0, even more preferably 0.5-0.9, and/ora charge density value <−1.1 meq/g, preferably in a range of −1.6-−4.7 meq/g, more preferably −2.1-−4.1 meq/g, even more preferably −2.5-−3.8 meq/g, when measured at pH 7, and/orviscosity in a range of 100-30 000 mPas, ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170208A1

A tissue product including a laminate of at least two plies of a multi-layer tissue web, the tissue product having a softness value (HF) of 92.0 or greater, a lint value of 4.5 or less, and an Sdr of greater than 3.0. 1. A structured tissue product comprising:a laminate of at least two plies of a multi-layer tissue web, the tissue product having a softness value (HF) of 84 to 94, a lint value of 1.8 to 4.3, and an Sdr of 3.2 to 3.4.29. The structured tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the tissue product has a bulk softness of less than TS7.3. The structured tissue product according to claim 1 , wherein the multi-layer tissue web comprises: a first exterior layer; an interior layer; and a second exterior layer.4. The structured tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises at least 50% virgin hardwood fibers.5. The structured tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises at least 75% virgin hardwood fibers.6. The structured tissue product according to claim 4 , wherein the virgin hardwood fibers is virgin eucalyptus fibers.7. The structured tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the interior layer contains a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant.8. The structured tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises a wet end dry strength additive.9. The structured tissue product according to claim 8 , wherein the wet end dry strength additive comprises a graft copolymer composition of a vinyl monomer and a functionalized vinyl amine-containing base polymer.10. The structured tissue product according to claim 3 , wherein the second exterior layer comprises a wet end dry strength additive.11. The structured tissue product according to claim 10 , wherein the wet end dry strength additive comprises a graft copolymer composition of a vinyl monomer and a functionalized vinyl amine- ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170209A1

A tissue product including a laminate of at least two plies of a multi-layer tissue web, the tissue product having a softness value (HF) of 92.0 or greater, a lint value of 4.5 or less, and an Sdr of greater than 3.0. 1. A structured tissue product comprising:a laminate of at least two plies of a multi-layer tissue web, the tissue product having a Bulk/Sdr ratio of less than 150 and a HF of 92.0 or greater.2. A structured tissue product comprising:a laminate of at least two plies of a multi-layer tissue web, the tissue product having a Bulk/Sdr ratio of less than 150 and a basis weight greater than 37 gsm.3. A structured tissue product produced using an NTT wet laid paper machine comprising:a laminate of at least two plies of a multi-layer tissue web, the tissue product having an Sdr of greater than 2.75. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/810,917, filed Mar. 6, 2020 and entitled TISSUE PRODUCT MADE USING LASER ENGRAVED STRUCTURING BELT, which in turn is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/684,731, filed Aug. 23, 2017 and entitled TISSUE PRODUCT MADE USING LASER ENGRAVED STRUCTURING BELT, the contents of these applications being incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.This disclosure relates to fabrics or belts for a papermaking machine, and in particular to fabrics or belts that include polymeric layers and that are intended for use on papermaking machines for the production of tissue products.Tissue manufacturers that can deliver the highest quality product at the lowest cost have a competitive advantage in the marketplace. A key component in determining the cost and quality of a tissue product is the manufacturing process utilized to create the product. For tissue products, there are several manufacturing processes available including conventional dry crepe, through air drying (TAD), or “hybrid” technologies such as Valmet's NTT and QRT processes, Georgia Pacific's ETAD, and Voith's ATMOS process. ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105987A1

A softener composition for use in the manufacture of paper includes a softener and an acidic material, wherein the softener composition has a relative acidity (RA) value of more than 0.05. 1. A softener composition for use in manufacture of a paper comprising a softener and an acidic material , wherein the softener composition has a relative acidity (RA) value of more than 0.05.2. The softener composition according to claim 1 , wherein the RA value is from 0.05 to 100.3. The softener composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acidic material is water soluble acid.4. The softener composition according to claim 3 , wherein the water soluble acid is a mineral acid claim 3 , organic acid or a mixture thereof.5. The softener composition according to claim 4 , wherein the mineral acid is phosphoric acid claim 4 , boric acid claim 4 , sulfuric acid claim 4 , hydrochloric acid claim 4 , nitric acid claim 4 , or any mixture thereof.6. The softener composition according to claim 4 , wherein the organic acid is formic acid claim 4 , acetic acid claim 4 , citric acid claim 4 , lactic acid claim 4 , adipic acid claim 4 , malic acid claim 4 , or any mixture thereof.7. The softener composition according to claim 3 , wherein the water soluble acidic material is an acrylic acid-containing polymer claim 3 , a conjugate acid of a weak base claim 3 , an amine-containing polymer in partially or fully protonated form or a mixture thereof.8. The softener composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acidic material comprises a mixture of acids.9. The softener composition according to claim 1 , wherein the softener reduces paper surface friction coefficient claim 1 , increases paper surface lubricity claim 1 , reduces paper stiffness claim 1 , increases paper bulk claim 1 , reduces paper strength (wet and dry) claim 1 , plasticizes paper and prevents fiber-fiber bonding (debonding).10. The softener composition according to claim 1 , wherein the softener is a hydrophobic material claim ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

A composition for use as a paper strength agent

Номер: US20180105988A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

The present disclosure relates to a method and composition for increasing wet and/or dry strength of a paper product. The method comprises adding a composition comprising at least one polymer having a molecular weight more than 0.5 million Dalton and a degradation agent to a pulp suspension, and forming said paper product. 1. A method for increasing dry and/or wet strength of a paper product , comprising:adding a composition comprising at least one polymer having a molecular weight more than 0.5 million Dalton and a degradation agent to a pulp suspension, andforming said paper product.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition to be added is a dry premixed blend of the polymer having a molecular weight more than 0.5 million Dalton and the degradation agent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition is added in an amount of up to 2% by weight based on the dry fiber weight of the suspension.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition is added at ambient temperature of the pulp suspension claim 1 , preferably at a temperature less than 45 CC claim 1 , more preferably from 10 to 40° C. claim 1 , most preferably from 20 to 30° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer is anionic or cationic polymer.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the polymer is an acrylamide containing polymer.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of acrylamide homopolymers claim 6 , copolymers claim 6 , and terpolymers.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of polyacrylamide; polyacrylamide derivatives;methacrylamide homopolymers, copolymers, and terpolymers; diacetone acrylamide polymers; N-methylolacrylamide polymers.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the polyacrylamide comprising acrylamide and acrylic acid and has a mole ratio of acrylic acid to acrylamide from 0.08 to 0.15 claim 8 , or from 0.1 to 0.2.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises a further ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Fibrous Structures Exhibiting Improved Reopenability

Номер: US20180105998A1

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided. 1. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a CRT Rate of greater than 0.35 g/sec as measured according to the Absorptive Rate and Capacity (CRT) Test Method and a Wet Web-Web CoF of less than 1.85 as measured according to the Wet Web-Web CoF Test Method.2. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further comprises a plurality of filaments.3. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the filaments comprises a polymer.4. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polymer comprises a thermoplastic polymer.5. The fibrous structure according to wherein the thermoplastic polymer comprises a polyolefin.6. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polyolefin is selected from the group consisting of: polypropylene claim 5 , polyethylene claim 5 , and mixtures thereof.7. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure comprises a coform fibrous structure.8. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the fibers is a pulp fiber.9. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further exhibits a Bending Modulus of less than 10.00 as measured according to the Flexural Rigidity and Bending Modulus Test Method.10. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further exhibits a TS7 of less than 17.0 as measured according to the Emtec Test Method.11. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits an HFS of greater than 17.0 g/g as measured according to the Horizontal Full Sheet (HFS) Test Method and a Wet Web-Web CoF of greater than 1.85 as measured according ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Fibrous Structure-Containing Articles

Номер: US20180105999A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114582A1

This invention relates to a sheet comprising fibers and fibrids wherein either comprises a mixture of at least a first polymer and a second polymer; 1. A sheet comprising fibers and fibrids , the fibrids bonding individual fibers together to provide wet and/or dry strength to the sheet , wherein either the fibers and/or the fibrids comprise(s) a mixture of at least a first polymer and a second polymer; i) the one or more amine monomers includes at least 60 mole percent 5(6)-amino-2-(p-aminophenyl)benzimidazole, based on the total amount of amine monomers; and', {'br': None, 'sub': 1', '2, 'Cl—CO—Ar—CO—Cl & Cl—CO—Ar—CO—Cl'}, 'ii) the plurality of acid monomers include those having a structure of'}], 'the first polymer having a structure derived from the reaction of one or more amine monomers and a plurality of acid monomers, wherein'}{'sub': 1', '2', '2, 'wherein Aris an aromatic group having para-oriented linkages and Aris an aromatic group having meta-oriented linkages, and wherein the plurality of acid monomers has at least 50 mole percent of the monomer containing aromatic group Ar; and'}the second polymer having a structure derived from the reaction of metaphenylene diamine and isophthaloyl chloride.2. The sheet of claim 1 , wherein the one or more amine monomers is 100 mole percent 5(6)-amino-2-(p-aminophenyl)benzimidazole.3. The sheet of claim 1 , wherein the one or more amine monomers include metaphenylene diamine.4. The sheet of comprising fibrids derived from wholly aromatic synthetic polymer.5. The sheet of wherein the wholly aromatic synthetic polymer is poly(metaphenylene isophthalamide).6. The sheet of any one of to claim 4 , wherein the mixture of first polymer and second polymer contains 25 to 80 weight percent of the first polymer claim 4 , based on the total amount of first polymer and second polymer.7. The sheet of claim 6 , wherein the mixture of first polymer and second polymer contains 25 to 50 weight percent of the first polymer claim 6 , based ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112359A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC.

Resin systems and methods for making and using same are provided. The method for making a paper product can include contacting a plurality of pulp fibers with a resin system. The resin system can include a first polyamidoamine-epihalohydrin resin and a second resin that can include a second polyamidoamine-epihalohydrin resin, a urea-formaldehyde resin, or a mixture thereof to produce a paper product. The first resin and the second resin can be sequentially or simultaneously contacted with the plurality of pulp fibers. The period for sequential addition between the first resin and the second resin is about 1 second to about 1 hour. 120-. (canceled)21. A resin system , comprising:a first resin comprising a first polyamidoamine-epihalohydrin resin having azetidinium ions, an azetidinium equivalent weight of at least 2,000 to 3,800, and an azet ratio of at least 0.7 to 1.0; anda second resin comprising a second polyamidoamine-epihalohydrin resin, a urea-formaldehyde resin, or a mixture of both, wherein the first resin and the second resin have at least one different property with respect to one another.22. The resin system of claim 21 , wherein the at least one different property is a molecular weight claim 21 , a chemical structure claim 21 , or both a molecular weight and a chemical structure.23. The resin system of claim 21 , wherein the first polyamidoamine-epihalohydrin resin comprises a polyamine that is partially crosslinked with a bridging moiety claim 21 , and the bridging moiety is derived from a functionally symmetric crosslinker.25. The resin system of claim 23 , wherein the functionally symmetric crosslinker comprises a di-acrylate compound claim 23 , a bis(acrylamide) compound claim 23 , N claim 23 ,N′-methylene-bis-methacrylamide claim 23 , a di-epoxide compound claim 23 , a polyazetidinium compound claim 23 , a poly(alkylene glycol) diglycidyl ether claim 23 , or a mixture thereof.27. The resin system of claim 21 , wherein the second resin comprises the ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Differential Pillow Height Fibrous Structures

Номер: US20180112361A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Fibrous structures having pillows and knuckles, wherein the fibrous structures contain two or more pillows that exhibit differential pillow height and methods for making same are provided.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122435A1

A disposable cellulosic wiper includes a percentage by weight of pulp-derived papermaking fibers having a characteristic scattering coefficient of less than 50 m/kg, and a percentage by weight of fibrillated regenerated independent cellulosic microfibers having a number average diameter of less than about 2 microns and a characteristic Canadian Standard Freeness (CSF) value of less than 175 ml. The microfibers are selected and present in amounts such that the wiper exhibits a scattering coefficient of greater than 50 m/kg. 1. A disposable cellulosic wiper comprising:{'sup': '2', '(a) a percentage by weight of pulp-derived papermaking fibers having a characteristic scattering coefficient of less than 50 m/kg; and'}(b) a percentage by weight of fibrillated regenerated independent cellulosic microfibers having a number average diameter of less than about 2 microns and a characteristic Canadian Standard Freeness (CSF) value of less than 175 ml,{'sup': '2', 'the microfibers being selected and present in amounts such that the wiper exhibits a scattering coefficient of greater than 50 m/kg.'}2. The disposable cellulosic wiper according to claim 1 , wherein the percentage by weight of the pulp-derived papermaking fibers is 25% or more.3. The disposable cellulosic wiper according to claim 1 , wherein the percentage by weight of the fibrillated regenerated independent cellulosic microfibers is up to 75%.4. The disposable cellulosic wiper according to claim 3 , wherein the percentage by weight of the fibrillated regenerated independent cellulosic microfibers is finer than 14 mesh.5. The disposable cellulosic wiper according to claim 1 , wherein the wiper includes more than 25% by weight of the fibrillated regenerated independent cellulosic microfibers.6. The disposable cellulosic wiper according to claim 1 , wherein the wiper includes more than 30% by weight of the fibrillated regenerated independent cellulosic microfibers.7. The disposable cellulosic wiper according to claim ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Fibrous structure-containing articles that exhibit consumer relevant properties

Номер: US20220266569A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, comprising fibrous structures, and more particularly articles comprising fibrous structures comprising a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the articles exhibit improved consumer relevant properties, for example improved bulk and absorbent properties, compared to known articles and methods for making same are provided.

14-05-2015 дата публикации

High efficiency disposable cellulosic wiper

Номер: US20150129147A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Consumer Products LP

A disposable cellulosic wiper includes a percentage by weight of pulp-derived papermaking fibers, and a percentage by weight of regenerated independent cellulosic microfibers having a number average diameter of less than about 2 microns and a characteristic Canadian Standard Freeness (CSF) value of less than 175 ml. The microfibers are selected and present in amounts such that the wiper exhibits an average effective pore radius of less than 50 microns.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121909A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC.

The disclosure provides methods and compositions for increasing the dry strength of paper. The invention utilizes a tailored strength agent whose size and shape is tailored to fit into the junction points between flocs of a paper sheet. The strength agents is in contact with the slurry for just enough time to collect at the junction points but not so much that it can migrate away from there. 1. A method of increasing the strength of a paper substrate , the method comprising in order:adding a cationic wet strength agent to a paper substrate,adding a flocculating agent to the paper substrate, andadding a glyoxalated polyacrylamide (GPAM) copolymer to the paper substrate, wherein addition of GPAM occurs in the wet-end of a papermaking process after the substrate has passed through a screen but before the substrate enters a headbox.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the GPAM copolymer is constructed out of acrylamide-acrylic acid (AcAm-AA) copolymer intermediates having an average molecular weight of 5-15 kD claim 1 , the GPAM copolymer has an average molecular weight of 0.2-4 mD.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the AcAm-AA copolymer intermediates have an average molecular weight of 5.7-9 kD.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the GPAM copolymer has an average molecular weight of 0.6-3 mD.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a retention claim 1 , drainage claim 1 , and formation (RDF) chemical is added to the paper substrate before the GPAM.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the intermediates have an m-value of between 0.03 to 0.20.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the paper substrate undergoes flocculation prior to the GPAM addition claim 1 , which results in the formation of flocs contacting each other at junction points.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein a majority of the GPAM added is positioned at junction points and as low as 0% of the GPAM is located within the central 80% of the volume of each formed floc.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein substantially no GPAM ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180125113A1
Автор: MINZONI Mirko

An electrically heated aerosol-generating article is provided, including an aerosol-generating substrate including at least one aerosol former in an amount of between 5 percent and 30 percent by weight of the aerosol-generating substrate; a mouthpiece; and a paper wrapper circumscribing at least a portion of the aerosol-generating substrate, the paper wrapper having a wet tensile strength of at least 5 Newtons per 15 millimeters when measured in accordance with the Wet Tensile Strength Test using a 1:1 mixture of water and glycerine. 17.-. (canceled)8. An aerosol-generating article configured to be electrically heated , comprising:an aerosol-generating substrate comprising at least one aerosol former in an amount of between 5 percent and 30 percent by weight of the aerosol-generating substrate;a mouthpiece; anda paper wrapper circumscribing at least a portion of the aerosol-generating substrate, the paper wrapper having a wet tensile strength of at least 5 Newtons per 15 millimeters when measured in accordance with the Wet Tensile Strength Test using a 1:1 mixture of water and glycerine.9. The aerosol-generating article according to claim 8 , wherein the paper wrapper has a dry tensile strength of at least 10 Newtons per 15 millimeters when measured in accordance with the Dry Tensile Strength Test.10. The aerosol-generating article according to claim 8 , wherein the at least one aerosol-former comprises at least one polyol.11. The aerosol-generating article according to claim 10 , wherein the at least one polyol comprises at least one of sorbitol claim 10 , glycerol claim 10 , propylene glycol claim 10 , and triethylene glycol.12. The aerosol-generating article according to claim 8 , wherein the aerosol-generating substrate further comprises water in an amount of between 10 percent and 20 percent by weight of the aerosol-generating substrate. The present invention relates to a paper wrapper for an electrically heated aerosol-generating article, an electrically ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Spraying apparatus and chemical solution

Номер: US20180126402A1
Принадлежит: Maintech Co Ltd

To provide an easily maintainable spraying apparatus. The present invention is directed to a spraying apparatus 100 including: a nozzle device 1 including nozzle sections 1 a and 1 b for spraying a fluid; tubes 2 a and 2 b via which the fluid is supplied to the nozzle sections 1 a and 1 b ; a cableveyor 3 whose hollow portion 3 a accommodates the tubes 2 a and 2 b ; a base 10 to which the nozzle device 1 is attached; a drive transmission section 11 to which the base 10 is attached; a drive section 12 that drives the drive transmission section 11 ; and a chassis 20 that accommodates the cableveyor 3 and the drive transmission section 11 , wherein the drive transmission section 11 and the cableveyor 3 are provided next to each other so as not to vertically overlap each other, and the drive section 12 drives the drive transmission section 11 so that the nozzle device 1 moves via the base 10.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274373A1

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided. 1. A multi-ply fibrous structure comprising:a. a first ply comprising: a plurality of wood pulp fibers and a plurality of thermoplastic meltblown filaments selected from the group consisting of polyester thermoplastic meltblown filaments, nylon thermoplastic meltblown filaments, polyolefin thermoplastic meltblown filaments, biodegradable thermoplastic meltblown filaments, compostable thermoplastic meltblown filaments, and mixtures thereof, wherein the plurality of thermoplastic meltblown filaments exhibit a length of greater than or equal to 5.08 cm, wherein a first portion of the plurality of wood pulp fibers are in the form of a first wet laid fibrous structure and a second portion of the plurality of wood pulp fibers are commingled together with a portion of the thermoplastic meltblown filaments in the form of a coform fibrous structure, wherein the portion of the thermoplastic meltblown filaments in the form of the coform fibrous structure are spun from a die and directly laid on top of the first wet laid fibrous structure; andb. a second ply comprising a second wet laid fibrous structure comprising a plurality of wood pulp fibers associated with the first wet laid fibrous structure such that the multi-ply fibrous structure exhibits a Wet/Dry CD TEA of at least 1.300 as measured according to the Wet and Dry Tensile Strength Test Methods.2. The multi-ply fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the plurality of thermoplastic meltblown filaments is selected from the group consisting of polyolefin thermoplastic meltblown filaments claim 1 , polylactic acid thermoplastic meltblown filaments claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoate thermoplastic ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162322A1

Methods are provided for defoaming water used in processing of various products such as cellulose or wood-based products or in food processing which is formed by reacting a fatty acid with a compound selected from the group consisting of ammonia, sodium, potassium and combinations thereof so as to form a water soluble soap, dispersing the water soluble soap in water, and homogenizing the dispersed water soluble soap with hydrophobic oil or hydrocarbon oil to produce the emulsion. Methods for preparing an emulsion used in this process are also provided. The emulsion is advantageous in that it can improve water resistance and/or reduce the use of water resistant additives during processing of cellulose or wood-based products or food-grade products. 1. A method of reducing foam and/or reducing water absorption in wet processing of manufactured board , paperboard or other cellulose or wood-based product , said method comprising:providing an emulsion composition having emulsifiers that undergo an exchange reaction with a hardness ion used in the wet process, said wet process containing hardness ions and used in processing of manufactured board, paperboard or other cellulose or wood based product; andadding said emulsion composition to processing water used in said wet process in a manner so as to distribute said emulsion into said wet process so as to allow emulsifiers in said emulsion composition to react with said hardness ions in the processing water so as to form hydrophobic particles and thus change the emulsifiers into a water resistant compound while also suppressing or eliminating foam in the processing water.2. The method according to further comprising drying said manufactured board claim 1 , paperboard or other cellulose or wood-based product processed by said method so as to obtain a water-resistant manufactured board claim 1 , paperboard or other cellulose or wood-based product so that it absorbs less water when submerged in water.3. The method according to ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164166A1

A method of making an absorbent structure including forming a stock mixture of fibers, a cationic wet strength resin, an anionic polyacrylamide and a cellulase enzyme, and at least partially drying the stock mixture to form a web. 1. An absorbent structure that has a CD wet tensile strength value that is at least 35% of the value of a CD dry tensile strength value of the absorbent structure and that contains cellulase.2. The absorbent structure of claim 1 , comprising two or more plies.3. The absorbent structure of claim 2 , wherein each ply comprises a multi-layer web.4. The absorbent structure of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent structure is a paper towel product.5. The absorbent structure of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent structure has a HF softness of at least 46.6. The absorbent structure of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent structure has a TS750 value of less than 60.7. A rolled 2-ply through air dried paper towel that has a ratio of CD wet tensile strength to basis weight that is 3.6 or greater.8. A rolled 2-ply through air dried paper towel that has a ratio of CD wet tensile strength to basis weight that is 3.6 or greater and that contains cellulase.9. A rolled 2-ply through air dried paper towel that has a CD wet tensile strength value that is at least 35% of the value of a CD dry tensile strength value of the rolled 2-ply through air dried paper towel and that contains cellulase. This application is a continuation of and claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/533,946, filed Aug. 7, 2019 and entitled ABSORBENT STRUCTURES WITH HIGH WET STRENGTH, ABSORBENCY, AND SOFTNESS, which in turn is a divisional of and claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/687,116, filed Aug. 25, 2017 and entitled METHOD OF PRODUCING ABSORBENT STRUCTURES WITH HIGH WET STRENGTH, ABSORBENCY, AND SOFTNESS, which in turn claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/380,137, filed Aug. 26, 2016 ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164168A1

A structured rolled sanitary tissue product having at least two plies, wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a crumple resistance of less than 30 grams force, a caliper of at least 450 microns/ply, and a bulk softness (TS7) of 10 or less. 1. A structured rolled sanitary tissue product comprising at least two plies , wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a crumple resistance of less than 30 grams force , a caliper of at least 450 microns/ply , and a bulk softness (TS7) of 10 or less.2. The structured rolled sanitary tissue product according to claim 1 , wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has an average peak to valley depth of at least 100 microns.3. The structured rolled sanitary tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a caliper of 450 microns/2 ply to 600 microns/2 ply and is un-calendered.4. The structured rolled sanitary tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a caliper of 600 microns/2 ply to 800 microns/2 ply and is uncalendered.5. The structured rolled sanitary tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a caliper of 500 microns/2 ply to 700 microns/2 ply and is calendered.6. The structured rolled sanitary tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a basis weight in g/mper 2 ply of 28 g/mto 39 g/m.7. The structured rolled sanitary tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a machine direction tensile strength per 2 ply of 110 N/m to 190 N/m.8. The structured rolled sanitary tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a cross machine direction tensile strength per 2 ply of 35 N/m to 90 N/m.9. The structured rolled sanitary tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the structured rolled sanitary tissue product has a machine direction stretch of 4% to 30% ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164169A1

A multi-ply through air dried structured tissue having a bulk softness of less than 10 TS7 and a lint value of 5.0 or less. Each ply of the tissue has a first exterior layer that includes a wet end temporary wet strength additive in an amount of approximately 0.25 kg/ton and a wet end dry strength additive in an amount of approximately 0.25 kg/ton, an interior layer that includes a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant, and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant, and a second exterior layer. 1. A method for forming tissue paper comprising:forming a tissue web on a papermaking machine;transferring the tissue web to a heated drying drum;creping the tissue web off of the drum with a creping blade so as to form the tissue paper; andtaking the tissue paper up on a reel drum, wherein the creping blade comprises a wear resistant material and has a creping shelf of from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm, the tissue has a lint value of less than 5.5 and a bulk softness TS7 of 10 or less, and the tissue paper is substantially free of any surface deposited softener agents or lotions.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the wear resistant material is selected from the group consisting of metal oxides claim 1 , ceramic materials claim 1 , silicates claim 1 , carbides claim 1 , borides claim 1 , nitrides claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the wear resistant material is selected from the group consisting of alumina claim 1 , chromia claim 1 , zirconia claim 1 , tungsten carbide claim 1 , chromium carbide claim 1 , zirconium carbide claim 1 , tantalum carbide claim 1 , titanium carbide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the creping blade has a set up angle from 10 degrees to 35 degrees.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the creping blade has a blade bevel from 55 degrees to 80 degrees.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the creping blade has a ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Method for increasing paper strength

Номер: US20150144282A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

The present invention provides a method for increasing paper strength in papermaking process comprising adding to a pulp a composition comprising an anionic polyacrylamide (APAM) and a high charge cationic glyoxylated polyacrylamide (GPAM). The present invention also provides paper obtained with said method.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136457A1

The present invention provides tissue webs and products that are manufactured by non-compressive dewatering and/or drying methods, such as through-air drying, where the webs and products comprise cross-linked fiber. The non-compressively dewatered tissue webs and products have improved sheet bulk and z-direction properties. For example, in one embodiment, the invention provides through-air dried tissue products having good sheet bulk and resiliency, such as a sheet bulk greater than about 12 cc/g and Compression Energy (E) greater than about 1.30 N/m. Surprisingly the foregoing products have sufficient strength to withstand use, such as a GMT greater than about 1,200 g/3″, but are not overly stiff, generally having a Stiffness Index less than about 10.0. 1. A tissue product comprising at least one non-compressively dewatered tissue web , the product having a basis weight from about 40 to about 80 gsm , a sheet bulk of about 10.0 cc/g or greater and a Compression Energy (E) greater than about 1.30 N/m.2. The tissue product of wherein the product has a geometric mean tensile strength (GMT) from about 1 claim 1 ,200 to about 2 claim 1 ,200 g/3″ and a Stiffness Index less than about 10.0.3. The tissue product of wherein the product has a Vertical Absorbent Capacity greater than about 8.0 g/g.4. The tissue product of wherein the product Compression Energy (E) is from about 1.30 to about 2.00 N/m.5. The tissue product of wherein the product consists essentially of a single non-compressively dewatered tissue web claim 1 , the product having a basis weight from about 40 to about 60 gsm and a Vertical Absorbent Capacity from about 8.0 to about 12.0 g/g.6. The tissue product of having a GMT from about 1 claim 5 ,200 to about 2 claim 5 ,200 g/3″ and a Stiffness Index from about 4.0 to about 10.0.7. The tissue product of wherein the tissue web comprises from about 30 to about 75 percent claim 1 , by weight of the product claim 1 , cross-linked cellulosic fibers.8. The tissue ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145810A1

A structured tissue product produced using a structured or imprinting fabric and a press roll. The tissue product has at least two plies, and has a crumple resistance of less than 30 grams force and an average peak to valley depth of at least 65 microns. 1. A structured tissue product comprising at least two plies , wherein the tissue has a crumple resistance of less than 30 grams force and an average peak to valley depth of at least 65 microns.2. The structured tissue product of claim 1 , wherein the tissue product has a caliper of at least 450 microns/2 ply.3. The structured tissue product according to claim 1 , wherein the tissue product has an average peak to valley depth of at least 100 microns.4. The structured tissue product according to claim 1 , wherein a web that makes up one of the at least two plies comprises: a first exterior layer; an interior layer; and a second exterior layer.5. The structured tissue product according to claim 4 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises at least 50% virgin hardwood fibers.6. The structured tissue product according to claim 5 , wherein the first exterior layer comprises at least 75% virgin hardwood fibers.7eucalyptus. The structured tissue product according to claim 5 , wherein the virgin hardwood fibers is virgin fibers.8cannabis. The structured tissue product according to claim 4 , wherein the interior layer comprises fibers in an amount of 1% to 10%.9cannabis. The structured tissue product according to claim 4 , wherein the second exterior layer comprises fibers in an amount of 1% to 10%.10. The structured tissue product according to claim 4 , wherein the interior layer contains a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant.11. The structured tissue product according to claim 4 , the first exterior layer comprises a wet end temporary wet strength additive.12. The structured tissue product according to claim 11 , wherein the wet end ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Paper and methods of making paper

Номер: US20160153146A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

Exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure include paper, methods of making paper, and the like.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140634A1
Автор: Ziegenbein Tobias

A process for making an absorbent towel paper web is disclosed. The process provides the steps of: (a) providing a papermaking furnish, (b) forming a wet fibrous web having a differential density from the paper making furnish; and, (c) drying the differential density wet fibrous web to not more than about 10% by weight moisture. Step a) provides: i) from about 20.1% to about 99.9% by weight of a softwood pulp fiber mixture; and, ii) from greater than 0% to about 79.9% by weight of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture. Step i) provides u) from about 20.0% to about 99.8% by weight of softwood pulp fiber; and, v) from about 0.05% to about 5.0% by weight of strengthening additive. Step ii) provides w) from about 0.05% to about 79.4% by weight of hardwood pulp fibers; and, x) from about 0.05% to about 20.0% by weight of cellulose nano-filaments. 1. A process for making an absorbent towel paper web comprising the steps of: [ [ 'wherein the softwood pulp fiber is optionally refined before being added to the mixture; and,', 'u) from about 20.0% to about 99.8% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of softwood pulp fiber;'}, 'v) from about 0.05% to about 5.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of strengthening additive; and,, 'i) from about 20.1% to about 99.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of a softwood pulp fiber mixture comprising, [ 'wherein the hardwood pulp fiber is optionally refined before being added to the hardwood pulp fiber mixture; and,', 'w) from about 0.05% to about 79.4% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of hardwood pulp fibers;'}, 'x) from about 0.05% to about 20.0% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of cellulose nano-filaments; and,, 'ii) from greater than 0% to about 79.9% by weight of the dry fiber basis of the absorbent towel paper web of a hardwood pulp fiber mixture comprising, 'iii) optionally up to ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Method of making a fabric-creped absorbent cellulosic sheet

Номер: US20140238627A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Consumer Products LP

A method of making a fabric-creped absorbent cellulosic sheet. A papermaking furnish is compactively dewatered to form a nascent web having an apparently random distribution of papermaking fiber. The dewatered web is applied to a translating transfer surface that is moving at a transfer surface speed. The web is fabric creped from the transfer surface utilizing a patterned creping fabric. The fabric creping step occurs under pressure in a fabric creping nip defined between the transfer surface and the creping fabric. The creping fabric travels at a fabric speed that is slower than the transfer surface speed. The creping fabric contacts the transfer surface and applies pressure to the web against the transfer surface such that the fibers of the web are redistributed on the creping fabric to form a web with a drawable reticulum having a plurality of interconnected regions of different local basis weights.

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160448A1

A multi-ply absorbent product having a wet scrubbing resistance greater than 120 revolutions and a basis weight of between 30 and 50 grams per square meter. A heated adhesive is applied between two single plies/webs, the multiple plies are embossed according to particular parameters, and the embossed webs are compressed with a marrying roll. The adhesive is heated to a temperature of between approximately 32 degrees C. to 66 degrees C. for application between the multiple plies. For each ply, the embossed area generally occupies between approximately 5 to 15% of the total surface area of a surface of the ply, the depth of embossment of the surface is generally between approximately 0.28 and 0.43 centimeters deep, and the embossment of the surface is generally between approximately 0.04 to 0.08 square centimeters in size. 1. An absorbent product comprising:a laminate of at least two plies, wherein each of the at least two plies is embossed and the at least two plies are adhered together, the absorbent product having a wet scrubbing resistance greater than 120 revolutions and a basis weight of between 30 and 50 grams per square meter.2. The absorbent product of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least two plies comprises cellulosic-based fibers.3cannabis. The absorbent product of claim 2 , wherein the cellulosic-based fibers are comprised of one or more of wood pulp claim 2 , claim 2 , cotton claim 2 , regenerated or spun cellulose claim 2 , jute claim 2 , flax claim 2 , ramie claim 2 , bagasse claim 2 , or kenaf fibers.4. The absorbent product of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the at least two plies comprises synthetic fibers.5. The absorbent product of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least two plies comprises synthetic fibers.6. The absorbent product of claim 5 , wherein the synthetic fibers are comprised of one or more of a polyolefin claim 5 , polyester and polylactic acid.7. The absorbent product of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Preparation of polyvinylamide cellulose reactive adducts

Номер: US20170159242A9
Автор: WRIGHT Matthew D.

The present disclosure is directed to a continuous process for preparing cellulose reactive adducts of polyvinylamide. 1. A method for preparing a cellulose reactive functionalized polyvinylamide adduct using a continuous process comprising:reacting a substantially aqueous reaction mixture of a vinylamide polymer and a cellulose reactive agent at a temperature of about 1° C. to about 60° C. and a reaction pH set point of about 8.5 to about 12, for about 1 minutes to about 300 minutes, i) the temperature of incoming water is measured;', 'ii) the pH of the reaction mixture is adjusted to maintain an approximately constant reaction rate;', 'iii) between 10% and 90% of the cellulose reactive agent is consumed, and the molar ratio of the amide functionality on the vinylamide polymer to cellulose reactive agent is between 10 to 1 and 1 to 1; and', 'iv) the concentration of the vinylamide polymer prior to and during formation of the adduct is about 0.25-15% of the total reaction mixture, thereby forming the adduct., 'wherein2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adduct is prepared at a temperature of about 2° C. to about 60° C. and a pH of about 8.5 to about 11.5 claim 1 , and a reaction time of about 2 to 200 minutes.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the vinylamide polymer prior to and during formation of the adduct is about 0.5% to 6%.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein about 12% to 85% of the cellulose reactive agent is consumed.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding the adduct to an aqueous cellulosic slurry.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding the adduct to paper or board.7. The cellulose reactive functionalized polyvinylamide adduct obtained by the method according to claim 1 , wherein the adduct is a water-soluble thermosetting resin.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cellulose reactive agent comprises more than one aldehyde functionality.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cellulose ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149223A1

A softener composition for use in the manufacture of paper includes a softener and an acidic material, wherein the softener composition has a relative acidity (RA) value of more than 0.05. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for manufacturing a paper product , which comprises the steps of:providing a pulp slurry,forming a web from the pulp slurry,drying the web, (i) to the pulp slurry before the web formation,', '(ii) on the web before, during and/or after the drying, and/or', '(iii) on a wire, on a forming fabric and/or on a Yankee dryer on the web-contacting side., 'adding a softener composition comprising a softener and an acidic material, wherein the softener composition has a relative acidity (RA) value of more than 0.05,'}18. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the softener composition is added to the pulp slurry before the web formation.19. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the softener composition is added on the web before drying.20. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the softener composition is added on the web during drying.21. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the softener composition is added on the web after drying.22. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the softener composition is added on the wire claim 17 , on the forming fabric or on the Yankee dryer on the web-contacting side.23. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the softener claim 17 , the acidic material and optionally an aldehyde functionalized polymer of the softener composition are added separately.24. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the softener composition claim 17 , or the softener claim 17 , the acidic material and optionally an aldehyde functionalized polymer of the softener composition is/are added by spraying claim 17 , padding claim 17 , printing claim 17 , coating claim 17 , foam application claim 17 , roller fluid feeding and/or impregnating on the formed web and/or the dried web.25. A method according to claim 17 , which further ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167248A1

A method of producing a paper board comprising: a pulping step of disintegrating and beating fibers from a pulp raw material containing waste paper as a main raw material to obtain pulping process water; a stock preparation step of adding an additive containing a paper strength additive to the obtained pulping process water to obtain a prepared pulp raw material; and a paper-making step of making the obtained prepared pulp raw material into a paper board, wherein the paper board is produced by adding (a) an aqueous solution of hypochlorite and (b) an aqueous solution of water-soluble inorganic ammonium salt or ammonia water to the pulping process water to reduce the amount of the paper strength additive added in the stock preparation step. 1. A method of producing a paper board comprising:a pulping step of disintegrating and beating fibers from a pulp raw material containing waste paper as a main raw material to obtain pulping process water;a stock preparation step of adding an additive containing a paper strength additive to the obtained pulping process water to obtain a prepared pulp raw material; anda paper-making step of making the obtained prepared pulp raw material into a paper board,wherein the paper board is produced by adding (a) an aqueous solution of hypochlorite and (b) an aqueous solution of water-soluble inorganic ammonium salt or ammonia water to the pulping process water to reduce an amount of the paper strength additive added in the stock preparation step.2. The method of producing the paper board according to claim 1 , wherein the component (a) is an aqueous solution of hypochlorite of sodium hypochlorite claim 1 , potassium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite claim 1 , and the component (b) is an aqueous solution of water-soluble inorganic ammonium salt of ammonium chloride claim 1 , ammonium bromide claim 1 , ammonium phosphate claim 1 , ammonium dihydrogenphosphate claim 1 , diammonium hydrogenphosphate claim 1 , ammonium sulfate or ammonium ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189658A1

The invention relates to a method for producing dried single-layer or multi-layer paper containing the steps for a single-layer paper 2. A procedure according to for the manufacture of dried multi-layer paper comprising the steps(A) Dehydrating a first aqueous fibre suspension, which has a dry matter content between 0.1 wt. % and 6 wt. %, on a first sieve, whereby a first fibrous web, which has a dry matter content between 14 wt. % and 25 wt. %, arises,(B) Dehydrating a second aqueous fibre suspension, which has a dry matter content between 0.1 wt. % and 6 wt. %, on a second sieve, whereby a second fibrous web, which has a dry matter content between 14 wt. % and 25 wt. %, arises,(C) assembling the first fibrous web to the second fibrous web such that the two fibrous webs touch each other on an entire surface side, thereby resulting in a layer compound,(D-2) Dehydrating the layer compound by pressing, whereby a partially dehydrated layer compound is formed,(E-2) Spraying the partially dehydrated layer compound on at least one surface side with a spray solution or spray suspension, whereby a sprayed layer compound is formed,(F-2) Dehydrating the sprayed layer compound by applying heat to form the dried multi-layer paper.3. A procedure according to claim 1 , wherein the spray solution or spray suspension has a pH Value of 5.5 or greater.4. A procedure according to claim 1 , wherein for the single-layer paper in step (D-1) the partially dewatered first fibrous web has a dry matter content between 35% t and 65% wt. claim 1 , and for the multi-layer paper in step (D-2) the partially dewatered layered compound has a dry content between 35% wt. and 65% wt.5. A procedure according to claim 1 , wherein for the single-layer paper in step (F-1) the dried single-layer paper has a dry matter content of at least 88% wt. claim 1 , and for the multi-layer paper in step (F-2) this dried multi-layer paper has a dry content of at least 88% wt.6. A procedure according to claim 1 , ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Paper strength improving composition, manufacture thereof and use in paper making

Номер: US20210189659A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

Embodiments of the present invention relate to a method of making a paper comprising the steps of: a) providing a cationic wet strength resin comprising a polyamidoamine epihalohydrin, a condensation copolymer of epihalohydrin and amine, or combination thereof; b) providing an anionic polymer; c) co-mixing the cationic wet strength resin and the anionic polymer to provide a composition comprising polyelectrolyte complexes; d) providing an aqueous pulp slurry, draining the aqueous pulp slurry on a screen to form a wet fiber web, and drying the wet fiber web to obtain the paper, wherein said co-mixed composition is introduced to the aqueous pulp slurry or on the formed wet fiber web. Embodiments of the present invention further relates to a paper wet strength composition, its use in paper making and a paper obtainable therefrom.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162966A1
Автор: Lu Chen, Rosencrance Scott

Disclosed is a method for producing an aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide composition useful for strengthening paper. The method includes steps, wherein a) an aldehyde crosslinker and polyacrylamide are mixed in water to form an aqueous solution of aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer; b) acid is added to the aqueous prepolymer solution to adjust the pH of the solution to a value from 1 to 5; c) storing and transporting the prepolymer solution to the location where the final glyoxalated polyacrylamide composition will be used; and d) adding a base to the stabilized prepolymer solution to adjust the pH of the solution to a value from 5.5 to 12, and e) allowing the aldehyde crosslinker and polyacrylamide contained in the aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer solution to react further and form aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide composition useful for strengthening paper. 1. A method for producing an aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide composition useful for strengthening paper , wherein the method comprises following steps:a. mixing aldehyde crosslinker and polyacrylamide in water to form an aqueous solution of aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer,b. adding acid to said aqueous prepolymer solution to adjust the pH of the solution to a value from 1 to 5, and thus forming a stabilized aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer solution, whereafter the stabilized aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer solution has a solid content from 20% to 50%,c. storing said stabilized aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer solution and transporting it to the location where the final aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide composition will be used,d. adding a base to the stabilized prepolymer solution to adjust the pH of the solution to a value from 5.5 to 12, ande. allowing the aldehyde crosslinker and polyacrylamide contained in the aldehyde crosslinked polyacrylamide prepolymer solution to react further and form aldehyde crosslinked ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200154758A1
Автор: MINZONI Mirko

An electrically heated aerosol-generating article is provided, including an aerosol-generating substrate including at least one aerosol former in an amount of between 5 percent and 30 percent by weight of the aerosol-generating substrate; a mouthpiece; and a paper wrapper circumscribing at least a portion of the aerosol-generating substrate, the paper wrapper having a wet tensile strength of at least 5 Newtons per 15 millimeters when measured in accordance with the Wet Tensile Strength Test. 1. An electrically heated aerosol-generating article comprising:an aerosol-generating substrate comprising at least one aerosol former in an amount of between 5 percent and 30 percent by weight of the aerosol-generating substrate;a mouthpiece; anda paper wrapper circumscribing at least a portion of the aerosol-generating substrate, the paper wrapper having a wet tensile strength of at least 5 Newtons per 15 millimetres when measured in accordance with the Wet Tensile Strength Test.2. The electrically heated aerosol-generating article according to claim 1 , wherein the paper wrapper has a dry tensile strength of at least 10 Newtons per 15 millimetres when measured in accordance with the Dry Tensile Strength Test.3. The electrically heated aerosol-generating article according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one aerosol former comprises at least one polyol.4. The electrically heated aerosol-generating article according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one aerosol former comprises at least one polyol.5. The electrically heated aerosol-generating article according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one polyol comprise at least one of sorbitol claim 3 , glycerol claim 3 , propylene glycol claim 3 , and triethylene glycol.6. The electrically heated aerosol-generating article according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one polyol comprise at least one of sorbitol claim 4 , glycerol claim 4 , propylene glycol claim 4 , and triethylene glycol.7. The electrically heated aerosol- ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Method of cleaning residue from a surface using a high efficiency disposable cellulosic wiper

Номер: US20150173582A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Pacific Consumer Products LP

A method of cleaning residue from a surface includes providing a disposable cellulosic wiper including a percentage by weight of pulp-derived papermaking fibers, and a percentage by weight of regenerated independent cellulosic microfibers having a number average diameter of less than about 2 microns and a characteristic Canadian Standard Freeness (CSF) value of less than 175 ml. The microfibers are selected and present in amounts such that the wiper exhibits a Laplace pore volume fraction at pore sizes less than 15 microns of at least 1.5 times that of a like wiper prepared without such microfibers. The wiper is applied, with a predetermined amount of pressure, to a residue-bearing surface. The surface is wiped with the wiper, while applying the predetermined amount of pressure, to remove residue from the surface, such that the surface has less than 1 g/m 2 of residue after being wiped under the predetermined amount of pressure.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Soft through air dried tissue

Номер: US20170167082A1
Принадлежит: First Quality Tissue LLC

A multi-layer through air dried tissue including a first exterior layer comprised substantially of hardwood fibers, an interior layer comprised substantially of softwood fibers, and a second exterior layer comprised substantially of hardwood fibers. The interior layer includes a first wet end additive comprising an ionic surfactant and a second wet end additive comprising a non-ionic surfactant.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210198823A1
Принадлежит: Essity Hygiene and Health Aktiebolag

An absorbent material, such as a non-woven web or a tissue paper, includes continuous filaments and short fibers, the short fibers including natural and/or synthetic fibers or staple fibers. The absorbent material exhibits an absorbency speed of equal to or less than 2 s and a weight loss when washed of equal to or less than 5%. The absorbent material can be incorporated into a wipe. 1. An absorbent material , comprising continuous filaments and short fibers , the short fibers comprising pulp fibers and/or staple fibers ,wherein the absorbent material exhibits an absorbency speed when measured with ISO 12625-8, of equal to or less than 2 s and a weight loss when washed in the Washing Machine Test as described herein, of equal to or less than 5%.2. The absorbent material according to claim 1 , wherein the absorbent material further exhibits an absorbency of at least 5 g/g.3. The absorbent material according to claim 1 , wherein the pulp fibers are present in an amount of at least 5 wt % of the absorbent material.4. The absorbent material according to . wherein the continuous filaments have a diameter of 15 μm or less.5. The absorbent material according to claim 1 , further comprising a wet strength agent in the amount of claim 1 , 0.2-1.0 wt %.6. The absorbent material according to claim 1 , wherein the staple fibers have a length of 5-20 mm.7. The absorbent material according to claim 1 , wherein the staple fibers are claim 1 , at least one of claim 1 , polylactic fibers claim 1 , regenerated cellulose fibers claim 1 , pulp fibers claim 1 , cotton fibers claim 1 , hemp fibers claim 1 , flax fibers claim 1 , polypropylene fibers claim 1 , polyester fibers claim 1 , or bicomponent fibers.8. The absorbent material according to claim 1 , wherein the natural fibers are claim 1 , at least one of claim 1 , pulp fibers claim 1 , cotton fibers claim 1 , hemp fibers claim 1 , or flax fibers.9. The absorbent material according to claim 1 , wherein continuous filaments are ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Compositions and methods of making paper products

Номер: US20140262091A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

One or more embodiments include paper, methods of making paper, compositions, and the like, are provided. In various exemplary embodiments described herein, a paper material may be formed by treating a cellulosic fiber or an aqueous pulp slurry, with a strength including a polyamine resin.

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Methods for Liberating Trichome Fibers from Portions of a Host Plant

Номер: US20170175332A1

Improved processes for liberating trichome fibers from non-seed portions of a trichome-bearing host plant are provided. The processes include one or more steps for disassociating trichome fibers that are already separated from leaves, stems, and still-attached fibers so that the separated trichome fibers can be collected and not lost through a waste stream. 1. A method for liberating individualized trichome fibers from a non-seed portion of a host plant , the method comprising the steps of:a. providing an initial mass of material comprising a plurality of leaves and stems of a host plant, at least some of which comprising attached trichome fibers;b. milling the leaves and stems to separate trichome fibers from the same, wherein the milled leaves and stems, and separated trichome fibers define a feed stock;c. entraining a pressurized fluid stream with the feed stock;d. thereafter directing the pressurized fluid stream against a fluid flow resistor to disassociate at least some of the separated trichome fibers from the milled leaves and stems to create a refined feed stock;e. thereafter subjecting the refined feed stock to one or more air classifiers; andf. collecting material from the one or more air classifiers to define an end mass of material;g. wherein a yield of trichome fibers, as defined by the end mass of material divided by the initial mass of material, is greater than 15%.2Stachys. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mass of material is derived from a plant in the genus.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the end mass of material comprises an L* color value of greater than about 70%.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the end mass of material comprises a b* color value of less than about 15%.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the end mass of material comprises trichome fibers having a length that is less than 100 microns.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:h. washing the end mass of material to increase its L* color ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150183668A1

A water-in-oil emulsion is a product form having many practical advantages. A vinylamine-based macromolecule having specific effects as papermaking chemicals and a flocculant is provided in the form of a water-in-oil emulsion having good storage stability and high performance as a flocculation treatment agent. Disclosed is a flocculation treatment agent including a water-in-oil emulsion of a water-soluble macromolecule that is produced by subjecting a water-in-oil emulsion of an aqueous poly-N-vinylcarboxylic acid amide solution coexisting with a polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether to hydrolysis in the presence of an acid or a base. Preferably, the polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether is added before the hydrolysis reaction. 1. A flocculation treatment agent comprising a water-in-oil emulsion of a water-soluble macromolecule that is produced by subjecting a water-in-oil emulsion of an aqueous poly-N-vinylcarboxylic acid amide solution coexisting with a polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether to hydrolysis in the presence of an acid or base.2. The flocculation treatment agent comprising a water-in-oil emulsion of a water-soluble macromolecule according to claim 1 , characterized in that the hydrolysis is performed in the presence of a base.3. The flocculation treatment agent comprising a water-in-oil emulsion of a water-soluble macromolecule according to claim 2 , characterized in that a water-in-oil emulsion of the aqueous poly-N-vinylcarboxylic acid amide solution is subjected to hydrolysis with the base in the coexistence of the polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether claim 2 , and thereafter an acid is added thereto.4. The flocculation treatment agent comprising a water-in-oil emulsion of a water-soluble macromolecule according to claim 1 , characterized in that the polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether is added after N-vinylcarboxylic acid amid is polymerized and before the hydrolysis is performed.5. The flocculation treatment agent comprising a water-in-oil emulsion of a water-soluble macromolecule according to ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160186380A1

A multi-ply bath tissue having no more than three plies and no fewer than two plies. The multi-ply tissue has a basis weight of from about 20 to about 35 lbs per 3000 sq foot ream and includes from about 3% to about 50% cellulosic microfiber, from about 50% to about 97% wood pulp fibers, has a geometric mean (GM) dry tensile of from about 17 to 80 g/3 in. per pound of basis weight, a cross-machine direction (CD) dry tensile of between about 30 to about 60 g/3 in. per pound of basis weight, and sufficient temporary wet strength resin to provide an initial Finch Cup CD wet tensile of from about 2.5 to about 20 g/3 in. per pound of basis weight. The initial Finch Cup CD wet tensile decays to less than 65% of the initial value in less than fifteen minutes after immersion in water. The product has a caliper of at least 5 mils per 8 sheets per pound of basis weight. 1. A multi-ply bath tissue having no more than three plies and no fewer than two plies , the multi-ply bath tissue having a basis weight of from about 20 to about 35 lbs per 3000 sq foot ream and comprising:(A) from about 3% to about 50% cellulosic microfiber; and(B) from about 50% to about 97% wood pulp fibers, (a) sufficient temporary wet strength resin to provide an initial Finch Cup cross-machine direction (CD) wet tensile of from about 2.5 to about 20 g/3 in. per pound of basis weight, the initial Finch Cup CD wet tensile decaying to less than 65% of the initial value in less than 15 minutes after immersion in water; and', (i) a plurality of fiber-enriched hollow domed regions having a relatively high basis weight;', '(ii) a plurality of connecting regions having a relatively lower basis weight forming a network interconnecting the fiber-enriched hollow domed regions of the sheet; and', '(iii) a plurality of transition regions with upwardly and inwardly inflected consolidated fibrous regions transitioning from the connecting regions into the fiber-enriched hollow domed regions., '(b) a caliper of at least ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Packaging board, its use and products made thereof

Номер: US20140272213A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention relates to a packaging board comprising a fibrous base and one or more polymer coating layers on one or both sides of the fibrous base. According to the invention the fibrous base contains the combination of an alkyl ketene dimer size, stearic acid anhydride, a wet-strength size and an aluminium compound, which give the board resistance to aggressive liquids as well as thermal treatment, particularly an improved resistance to raw edge penetration in such circumstances. The invention further relates to containers and packages made of the board, for instance disposable drinking cups, dairy product cartons and auto-clave packages, as well as use of the board for such purposes.
