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30-01-2017 дата публикации

Конструкция фасадного ограждения

Номер: RU0000168364U1

Изобретение относится к области строительства, а именно к производству строительных конструкций из пустотелых алюминиевых профилей, которые могут быть использованы, в частности, для фасадных стен, облицованных светопрозрачным материалом с включением декоративно-защитных элементов, фасадного ограждения проемов зданий и сооружений, например, в виде оконных и/или дверных блоков, а также при изготовлении витрин, разделительных перегородок и т.п.Конструкция фасадного ограждения содержит коробчатые профили вертикальной стойки и горизонтального импоста, выполненные с пазами для установки уплотнительного элемента и установочными выступами для элемента крепежа, выполненного в виде штапика для крепления элемента заполнения, профили стойки и импоста состоят из внутреннего и внешнего профилей, на обращенных друг к другу поверхностях внутренних и внешних профилей выполнены выступы для установки термовставки, которые образуют с основным и дополнительными профилями стойки и импоста термоизолированные профили, при этом вертикальные внутренние профили стойки крепятся к плите перекрытия здания, в паз горизонтального внутреннего профиля импоста устанавливаются опорные алюминиевые подкладки, на которые устанавливаются рихтовочные подкладки, на которые устанавливается заполнение.Технический результат заключается в повышении устойчивости конструкции к нагрузкам, а именно исключении смещения половинок вертикального профиля стойки относительно друг друга под действием вертикальной весовой нагрузки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 364 U1 (51) МПК E06B 3/00 (2006.01) E04C 2/54 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016117142, 29.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.04.2016 (72) Автор(ы): АЛЬ-КАССАБ ТИМУР АХМЕДОВИЧ (RU) 30.01.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.04.2016 Адрес для переписки: 630032, г. Новосибирск, а/я 138, Белоусовой Е.В. 1 6 8 3 6 ...

06-06-2017 дата публикации

Модульный элемент покрытия пола и система обогрева пола из множества таких модульных элементов

Номер: RU0000171590U1
Принадлежит: ФРЕ Оттавио ДА

Настоящая полезная модель имеет отношение к модульному элементу (1) покрытия пола, содержащему несущее основание (2), покровный элемент (3), фольгу (6) из проводящего материала, расположенную между несущим основанием (2) и покровным элементом (3), и по меньшей мере пару желобков (5), выполненных вдоль по меньшей мере части пары противоположных кромок несущего основания (2), средства (4) подогрева, содержащие трубчатый элемент и пригодные для по меньшей мере частичного размещения в по меньшей мере одном желобке упомянутой пары желобков (5), вследствие чего во время использования они находятся в термической связи с фольгой (6). Желобки (5) выполнены в несущем основании (2) симметрично, и каждый желобок (5) может вмещать по меньшей мере часть соединительного профиля (8), изготовленного из проводящего материала в виде корпуса с открытым поперечным сечением, что позволяет при нажатии вложить в него средства (4) подогрева, и выполненного так, что при использовании по меньшей мере часть внешней поверхности соединительного профиля находится в контакте с фольгой.Кроме того, настоящая полезная модель имеет отношение к системе подогрева пола, содержащей размещенные рядом по меньшей мере первый и второй модульные элементы (1), средства (4) подогрева и по меньшей мере один соединительный профиль (8). РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 590 U1 (51) МПК F24D 3/12 (2006.01) F24D 13/02 (2006.01) F24D 3/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015131563, 30.07.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.07.2015 (72) Автор(ы): ДА ФРЕ Оттавио (IT) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ДА ФРЕ Оттавио (IT) 06.06.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: MD 516 Z, 31.12.2012. RU 2499196 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: C2, 20.11.2013. EP 1762789 A2, 14.03.2007. CN 103075757 A, 01.05.2013. 31.07.2014 IT PN2014A000039 Адрес для переписки: 191036, ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Светопроводящий конструктивный элемент

Номер: RU0000176901U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области строительства, в частности к производству архитектурного бетона и натурального камня, к производству слоистых изделий общестроительного назначения, декоративных изделий, конструкционных деталей для внутренней и внешней декоративной отделки интерьеров, различных поверхностей, элементов ограждений, элементов ландшафтного дизайна, столешниц, пристенных элементов, в элементах декора колонн, ниш, пилястр. Техническим результатом, на решение которого направлено создание полезной модели, является упрощение технологии изготовления с одновременным снижением себестоимости и повышением производительности, а также расширения возможностей в создании светопроводящего эффекта. Указанный технический результат достигается созданием Светопроводящего конструктивного элемента, содержащего сочетание жидкотекучего раствора, такого как архитектурный бетон с наполнителями, и светопроводящего материала, выполненного в виде матрицы. В готовом виде за конструкцию из светопроводящего конструктивного элемента устанавливается подсветка, позволяющая получить необычный эффект. Применяя светопроводящий конструктивный элемент, возможно создавать различные геометрические формы на поверхности, на которую через систему светопроводящих элементов проецируется свет, за счет этого возможно проектировать форму отсвета на отражаемой поверхности с возможностью проектировать свечение требуемой формы. Таким образом, имея различные варианты изготовления светопроводящего конструктивного элемента, можно расширить диапазон использования как в интерьере: для внутренней и внешней декоративной отделки интерьеров, изготовления флеш-стен, межкомнатных и декоративных перегородок, различных поверхностей, в решении иных интерьерных и дизайнерских задач, и может быть применена в качестве панелей для столешниц, барных стоек, а также для украшения интерьеров помещений различного назначения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 176 901 U1 (51) МПК E04C 1/42 (2006.01) E04C 2/54 ...

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for connecting panels

Номер: US20120260598A1

Disclosed herein are connectors for panels. In one embodiment a panel connector comprises, a connector comprising a rib-hinging geometry, wherein the rib-hinging geometry comprises living hinges, and wherein the rib-hinging geometry is capable of expanding in area. In another embodiment, a panel assembly is disclosed. The panel assembly comprises, a connector comprising a rib-hinging geometry, wherein the rib-hinging geometry comprises living hinges, a socket comprising an internal geometry, wherein the connector can be assembled to the internal geometry, and wherein the rib-hinging geometry is capable of expanding in area.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for an insulating glazing unit and compliant seal for an insulating glazing unit

Номер: US20120279170A1

A Vacuum Insulating Glazing Unit (VIGU) comprises two or more glass lites (panes) spaced apart from one another and hermetically bonded to an edge seal assembly therebetween. The resulting cavity between the lites is evacuated to create at least one insulating vacuum cavity within which are disposed a plurality of stand-off members to maintain separation between the lites. The edge seal assembly is preferably compliant in the longitudinal (i.e., edgewise) direction to allow longitudinal relative motion between the two lites (e.g., from thermal expansion). The longitudinal compliance may be obtained by imprinting a three-dimensional pattern into the edge seal material. The edge seal assembly is preferably bonded to the lites with a first bond portion that is hermetic and a second bond portion that is load-resistant. Methods for producing VIGUs and/or compliant edge seal assemblies and VIGU and edge seal apparatus are disclosed.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Floor material using pla resin

Номер: US20130004751A1
Принадлежит: LG HAUSYS LTD

Disclosed is a flooring material using an environment-friendly PLA resin. According to the present invention, the flooring material using the PLA resin comprises: a base layer; a print layer which is formed on top of the base layer, and has a print pattern on an upper side thereof; and a transparent layer which is formed on top of the print layer, wherein one or more of the base layer, the print layer, and the transparent layer include polylactic acid (PLA) resin.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Thermal energy venting system

Номер: US20130036692A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The thermal energy venting system includes an insulation board disposed in the cavity between adjacent studs and other areas of a domicile or building to form venting channels directing excess heat through a roof/ridge vent. The insulation board is a non-porous laminate formed by a rigid foam core covered or sheathed with a reflective polymeric facer or plastic. The insulation board provides a thermal barrier for conduction, convection and radiation aspects of thermal energy transfer. The installation of the insulation board forms an envelope that reflects exterior thermal energy and interior thermal energy to maintain comfortable interior temperatures with minimal heating/cooling energy expenditure and costs.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing a panel assembly

Номер: US20130074343A1
Принадлежит: Hill Rom Services Inc

A method of manufacturing a panel assembly comprises the steps of: forming a base structure including a first layer and mounting members; bending the mounting members to define a mounting surface; forming a second layer; and coupling the second layer to the first layer.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130084424A1
Принадлежит: ITALCEMENTI S.P.A.

The present invention relates to a composite panel () based on cementitious mortar, passed through its entire thickness by a plurality of through openings (), each of which is filled with a material transparent to light in the form of a preformed plate () housed in said opening (), or formed in said opening, wherein said cement-based mortar contains at least 30 kg/m 3 of fibres selected from one or more of the following types: metallic fibres, steel fibres, glass fibres, polymeric resin fibres. The invention also relates to methods of production of said panel. 1. A composite panel based on cementitious mortar , passed through its entire thickness by a plurality of through openings each of which is filled with a material transparent to light in the form of a preformed plate housed in said opening , or formed in said opening , wherein said mortar based on cement contains at least 30 kg/mof fibres selected from the group consisting of one or more of the following types: metallic fibres , steel fibres , glass fibres , and polymeric resin fibres.2. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein that said cement belongs to the class 52.5 R according to the European standard EN 197-1.3. The panel according to claim 2 , wherein that said cement is of type I.4. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein said cement belongs to the class 42.5 R.5. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein said mortar comprises claim 1 , for every mof mortar claim 1 , from 1 to 2 kg of polymeric resin fibres of low elastic modulus such as polypropylene.6. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein said mortar comprises claim 1 , for every m3 of mortar claim 1 , polymeric resins of high elastic modulus claim 1 , selected from the group consisting of between 1 and 3 kg/m3 claim 1 , or glass fibres between 1 and 3 kg/m.7. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein said material is transparent to light is subjected to a soaking pre-treatment with water.8. The panel according to claim 7 , wherein said water ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Multiwall sheet, methods of making, and articles comprising the multiwall sheet

Номер: US20130089710A1

A multiwall sheet comprises a sheet, comprising walls, wherein the walls comprise a first wall; a second wall; and an outermost rib extending between the first wall and the second wall, wherein the first wall extends longitudinally past the outermost rib to a first wall end and wherein the second wall extends longitudinally past the outermost rib to a second wall end; and an end cap comprising a top wall having a top wall end, a bottom wall having a bottom wall end, and a connecting wall disposed between the top wall end and the bottom wall end; wherein the end cap is disposed over the first wall end and the second wall end and wherein the top wall and the bottom wall extend longitudinally along the first wall and the second wall past the outermost rib.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097946A1

A structural reinforcing panel system for reinforcing a structure against lateral or shear and uplift loads. The system includes a structural reinforcing panel which is installed between the studs in a wall of the structure. The panel is connected to the foundation of the structure and the sill or header. Two or more panels may be connected together at a corner, within a wall, ceiling or floor. The roof rafters of the structure may be attached to a top plate bracket mounted to the sill plate, which may also be connected to one or more structural reinforcing panels, provides uplift load support for the structure. For structures built on piers, a pier mount bracket provides a linkage to one or more structural reinforcing panels. 1. In combination with a building having a wood-frame structure comprising spaced-apart studs , a sill plate , a footing and ceiling and floor joists , a structural reinforcing panel for placement between the spaced-apart ceiling and/or floor joists comprising:a rectangular back panel having a top, bottom, longitudinal sides and at least one cutout,a pair of rectangular side panels each having a longitudinal edge, said pair of rectangular side panels each attached along said longitudinal edge to one of said longitudinal sides of said rectangular back panel,an first anchor plate secured to said top of said rectangular back panel and a top edge of each of said pair of rectangular side panels,a second anchor plate secured to said bottom of said rectangular back panel and a bottom edge of each of said pair of rectangular side panels forming an open upright box,each of said rectangular side panels having a plurality of apertures receiving fasteners therethrough securing the structural reinforcing panel to a pair of the joists,one or more cutouts for utility access in each of said pair of rectangular side panels,said upper anchor plate having a plurality of apertures receiving fasteners therethrough securing the structural reinforcing panel to a ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097952A1

A translucent wall panel () comprises a single body of translucent polycarbonate material comprising skin wall means and a multiwall support () extending between the skin wall means. The skin wall means comprises an outer weather wall (), an inner liner wall (), a longitudinally extending first side () and a longitudinally extending second side () opposite to the first side. The first side () has outer projecting and recess parts and the second side () has outer projecting and recess parts. The projecting and recess parts of the first side () are of mating form with corresponding recess and projecting parts respectively of the second side for engagement between the first side () of one panel A and the second side of another like panel B. The sides () have additional spacer recesses () which are aligned so that when two similar panels () are aligned adjacent to one another as illustrated in FIG. a spacer element () bridges a gap between the panels () and a support frame element () such as a purlin. 116-. (canceled)17. A wall panel comprising a single body of translucent material , the single body comprising skin wall means and a multiwall support extending between the skin wall means , the skin walls and multiwall support all being of translucent material , and the skin wall means comprising an outer wall , an inner wall , a longitudinally extending first side , and a longitudinally extending second side opposite to the first side , the first side having outer projecting and recess parts and the second side having outer projecting and recess parts , the projecting and recess parts of the first side being of mating form with corresponding recess and projecting parts respectively of the second side for engagement between the first side of one panel and the second side of another like panel.18. The translucent panel as claimed in wherein the first side has an outer projecting part claim 17 , an inner projecting part claim 17 , and an intermediate recess part between the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Foam Filled Composite Construction Panel with Heating and Cooling Means

Номер: US20130136886A1
Автор: Dagesse Paul J.

A composite construction panel comprises a core having an upper surface and a lower surface, a rigid upper cover sheet positioned above the upper surface, a rigid lower cover sheet positioned below the lower surface, and at least one conduit extending through the core having first and second ends terminating at one or more side edges of the core. The core is formed from an insulating material and includes rigid supporting members extending between and generally perpendicular to the upper surface and the lower surface. The upper and lower cover sheets are bonded to the supporting members to form a rigid composite panel. At least a portion of the core is removed adjacent at least a portion of the length of the conduit such that the lower and side portions of the conduit are adjacent to, and insulated by, the insulating material, but the upper portion is not insulated. 1. A composite construction panel comprising:a core having an upper surface and a lower surface, said core formed from an insulating material and including a plurality of rigid supporting members extending between and generally perpendicular to said upper surface and said lower surface;a rigid upper cover sheet positioned above said upper surface of said core, and a rigid lower cover sheet positioned below said lower surface of said core, said upper and lower cover sheets bonded to said supporting members to thereby form a rigid composite panel; and,at least one conduit having first and second ends terminating at one or more side edges of said core, said conduit extending through said core,wherein at least a portion of said core is removed adjacent at least a portion of the length of said conduit such that a lower portion and side portions of said conduit are adjacent to, and insulated by, said insulating material and an upper portion of said conduit is not insulated by said insulating material.2. The panel as claimed in wherein at least a portion of said upper cover sheet adjacent said upper portion of ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Lightweight Slab Or Similar Structural Element Which Can Receive Equipment That Is Accessible And That Can Extend Through The Slab

Номер: US20130160385A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A lightweight slab including two main parallel reticular reinforcements ( 5 ) ( 6 ) separated by secondary reinforcements and arranged to form a double diagonal, a single diagonal or to be perpendicular in relation to the main reinforcements. All of the reinforcements are embedded in a volume of concrete filling which covers and protects such reinforcements and which is defined by a suitable formwork or mould which creates voids in a hypothetical prismatic volume and which is formed by hollow prismatic or truncated-pyramid-shaped volumes with smooth edges and vertices that improve structural strength and facilitate the extraction of the moulds. The filling includes open holes ( 4, 3 ) in those portions that do not interfere with the secondary and main reinforcements to form a succession of nodes connected at the top and bottom by holes that can be accessed from the lower and/or upper level ( 4 ) and, internally, hollows ( 2 ) connected by side holes ( 3 ).

27-06-2013 дата публикации

System for dynamically sealing at least one conduit through which a pipe or cable extends

Номер: US20130161913A1
Автор: Johannes Alfred Beele
Принадлежит: Beele Engineering BV

A system for providing a sealed transit for a situation wherein one or a plurality of cables, pipes or ducts ( 2 ) extend through the transit, wherein the system comprises a frame ( 100 ) which is sealingly fixed or fixable into or onto an opening, wherein the frame ( 100 ) comprises one or a plurality of conduits ( 203 ) which are each suitable for receiving at least one of the plurality of cables, pipes or ducts ( 2 ) and for receiving an elastically deformable plug ( 4 ) for sealingly filling space between an inner circumferential wall of the conduits ( 203 ) and at least one of the plurality of cables, pipes or ducts ( 2 ), when the system further comprises at least one blocking element ( 37 ) for hindering in each conduit ( 203 ) movement of one end of a plug ( 4 ) which is inserted in that conduit ( 203 ).

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168041A1
Автор: Teron William
Принадлежит: URBANETICS INC.

An HVAC duct or utilicore for substantially containing air flowing longitudinally therethrough has at least one wall comprised of a poured high thermal mass material with at least one pipe embedded therein during a pouring process, the at least one pipe for circulating a fluid throughout the at least one wall at a temperature that is different from an ambient temperature of the air flowing through the utilicore, for effecting heat transfer through the at least one wall between the fluid in the at least one conduit and the air flowing through the utilicore. A side wall of an elongate monolithic poured concrete building construction module, having a substantially planar main wall and at least one side wall extending substantially parallel to a longitudinal axis, having a pipe embedded therewithin, may form at least a portion of an element that defines the utilicore. A storey-defining structure for a building may comprise a plurality of at least one of such construction modules, each module supported at least two points by a support structure, each module being oriented such that distal ends of the side walls thereof engage the support structure, the at least one side wall and the main wall defining an elongate arch, the modules being juxtaposed in parallel relation to define at least one elongate utilicore between the arches. The support structure may comprise one or more modules employed as substantially horizontal beams or substantially vertical columns or both. 57. A utilicore for substantially directing air flowing longitudinally therethrough , the utilicore defining a channel unbounded along one side and having at least one wall comprised of a poured high thermal mass material with at least one pipe embedded therein during a pouring process , the at least one pipe for circulating a fluid throughout the at least one wall at a temperature that is different from an ambient temperature of the air flowing through the utilicore , for effecting heat transfer through the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180191A1
Автор: Teron William
Принадлежит: URBANETICS INC.

A precast monolithic concrete prefabricated, composite building construction module formed of a substantially planar rear wall. The rear wall has embedded therewithin a radiator pipe for circulating a fluid at a temperature that is different from an ambient temperature of the modular component within the rear wall. The module may comprise at least one side wall integral with the rear wall that terminates at one end at a corresponding end of the rear wall. The rear wall has a length and each of the at least one side walls has a length and extending in a first direction substantially normally away from the rear wall sufficient to substantially enclose and define walls of a standard facility, the at least one side wall supporting the rear wall to cause the module to be free-standing while devoid of lateral support. The radiator pipes are interconnected through inlet/outlet junctions by tubing with other inlet/outlet junctions to permit a single circulating fluid source to circulate fluid through the radiator pipes of a plurality of the modules making up a building structure. 1. A precast monolithic concrete prefabricated , composite building construction module having a rear wall , the rear wall having first and second substantially planar exposed surfaces surrounding a unitary radiator pipe for circulating in a pattern extending substantially longitudinally and transversely throughout and within the rear wall , a fluid at a temperature that is different from an ambient temperature of the module , for radiating thermal energy related to a difference between the fluid temperature and the ambient temperature through the exposed first surface and the exposed second surface.2. The composite building construction module according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one substantially planar side wall integral with the rear wall claim 1 , the at least one side wall terminating at one end at a corresponding end of the rear wall.3. The composite building construction ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263537A1
Автор: Certuse John
Принадлежит: Insulation Systems, LLC

A modular shell system of a hard insulation material fabricated in a geometric shape that encapsulates a pipe in insulation is provided. In an attic installation for example, the entire insulation component is inserted over a pipe and into the space between the building structural wood framing members resting on the interior sheathing below. By placing a series of these interlocking insulating modules along a pipe that is run perpendicular to the building construction members, the piping is encapsulated in a continuous insulating system along its entire length. This design facilitates natural heat flow into the pipe with an open pipe slot cavity in the insulating module that allows natural convection heat to pass up through the elongated piping slot, allowing it to come into contact with this piping. 1. An insulation system for insulating piping contained in a ceiling a structure comprising:an insulation block having a proximal end, a distal end and front and rear surfaces extending along a length of said insulation block between said proximal and distal ends said length corresponding to a spacing between building framing members;a cavity formed within said insulation block spaced at a distance from said front surface, said cavity adjacent to sheathing supported by said framing members, said cavity capturing heat transfer through said sheathing; anda slot extending upwardly from cavity, wherein said slot is configured to receive a pipe therein such that a portion of said pipe is exposed within said slot and said cavity.2. The insulation system of claim 1 , said ceiling having sheathing with a space formed thereabove claim 1 , said space having a warm side and a cold side claim 1 , said insulation system being received within said space with said rear surface adjacent said cold side and said front surface adjacent said warm side.3. The insulation system of claim 1 , said ceiling structure having a plurality of spaced apart framing members claim 1 , said framing ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264001A1
Автор: Amend Victor

A subfloor component includes an insulating foam panel having first and second opposing faces and a plurality of intersecting grooves to define, in cross-section, a plurality of pedestals having walls that extend into the panel from the first face toward the second face. The subfloor component also includes a moisture-resistant film attached to the first face of the panel and that conforms to the pedestals, and a hardboard layer on the second face of the panel. A method of manufacturing subfloor components is also disclosed. 1. A method of manufacturing a subfloor component , comprising:providing a mold configured to form an insulating foam panel, the mold including pedestal-forming structures for forming the panel to have, in cross-section, a plurality of pedestals with walls that extend into the panel from a first face of the panel toward a second opposing face of the panel;placing a moisture-resistant film into the mold adjacent to the pedestal-forming structures;placing heat-expandable beads into the mold against the moisture-resistant film opposite the pedestal-forming structures;applying heat to the mold to expand the heat-expandable beads to form the panel, wherein the expansion of the heat-expandable beads causes both the film and the expanding beads to enter into conform to the pedestal-forming structures thereby to form the pedestals of the panel with the moisture-resistant film fused thereto;removing the panel with the fused moisture-resistant film from the mold; andattaching a hardboard layer to the second face of the panel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein heat-expandable beads are expandable polystyrene (EPS) beads.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the moisture-resistant film comprises a material selected from the group consisting of: high-impact polystyrene claim 2 , polyethylene claim 2 , and ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein attaching the hardboard layer comprises applying adhesive to one or both of the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Decorative tile

Номер: US20130330519A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method includes providing a first sheet and a second sheet, wherein at least one of the first or second sheet has a portion that is transparent; forming a first groove in a first surface of the first sheet adjacent to an edge of the first sheet; applying an adhesive material to an area of the first surface of the first sheet at least partially along a length of the first groove between the first groove and the adjacent edge of the first sheet; and pressing the second sheet against the first surface of the first sheet to adhere the second sheet to the first sheet. The first groove is arranged so as to substantially prevent the adhesive material from spreading past the first groove when the second sheet is pressed against the first sheet.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Modular Structure, Modular Panel To Make Said Modular Structure And Corresponding Method To Make Said Modular Structure

Номер: US20130333310A1
Автор: Damo Mario

Structure, such as a roof or a wall, comprising a plurality of modular panels (). Each modular panel () has a shell () and a filling element () coupled with each other and defining at least a compartment () for the disposition of a heat-carrying fluid and/or of fluidic and electric connection cables. Connection means are provided between one modular panel () and one or more adjacent modular panels (). 1. A structure , such as a roof or a wall , comprising a plurality of modular panels , each modular panel having a shell and a filling element , said shell and said filling element being coupled with each other and defining at least a compartment for the disposition of a heat-carrying fluid and/or of fluidic and electric connection cables , connection means being provided between one modular panel and one or more adjacent modular panels , wherein at least one of either said shell or said filling element has one or more first apertures , and wherein said connection means comprise at least a connection plate cooperating with at least two of said modular panels and comprising second apertures able to be aligned to one or more of said first apertures , so that , by means of attachment means cooperating with said first apertures and said second apertures , said connection plate renders at least two of said modular panels solid with each other.2. The structure as in claim 1 , wherein said attachment means comprise elongated elements claim 1 , preferably metal claim 1 , and clamping means acting on said elongated elements to clamp them selectively and in the desired positions.3. The structure as in claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in proximity to each of its corners claim 2 , each modular panel has at least an abutment surface able to be taken claim 2 , at the moment of assembly claim 2 , to abut with at least one surface of said connection plate.4. The structure as in claim 1 , wherein said first apertures and said second apertures are circular holes.5. The structure as in claim ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Floor panel with integrated cable channel

Номер: US20130340364A1

A floor panel for a floor of a passenger cabin of a mobile platform is provided, which comprises a base body with an integrated cable channel and a cover element covering the cable channel. The base body is realized in the form of a sandwich component including two honeycomb structures, between which the cable channel is arranged. The cover element is firmly attached to the base body, thereby creating a self-supporting floor panel. Since the cover element is firmly attached to the base body, the thickness and weight of the base body may be reduced.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Structured-core laminate panels and methods of forming the same

Номер: US20140013691A1
Принадлежит: 3Form LLC

A structured-core laminate panel can be made in an efficient, structurally sound manner without the use of adhesives (film or liquid forms) using materials with different melt or glass transition temperatures. In one implementation, a manufacturer positions one or more resin substrates about a structured core, which comprises a relatively high melt or glass transition temperature compared with that of the one or more resin substrates. The manufacturer heats the assembly to at least the glass transition temperature of the resin substrates, but not to the melt or glass transition temperature of the structured core. This allows the one or more resin substrates to melt and bond (mechanically, chemically, or both) to the structured core on one side (or inner surface), while maintaining a substantially planar or original conformation on an opposing side (or outer surface).

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Building Sealing Systems and Methods of Installing the Same

Номер: US20140021685A1
Автор: Fenik Matthew J.

Methods of assembling wall structure include coupling first and second sealing members to a wall structural member along a first side and second side, respectively, of the wall structural member. The first sealing member and the second sealing member each include a compliant seal having a thickness and an adhesive along at least one side. The methods also include coupling a first wall sheathing element to the first side of the wall structural member so that the first sealing member contacts the first wall sheathing element and coupling a second wall sheathing element to the second side of the wall structural member so that the second sealing member contacts the second wall sheathing element. The first sealing member and the second sealing member form a restrictive fluid path between the first wall sheathing element, the wall structural member, and the second wall sheathing element. 1. A method of assembling a wall structure comprising:coupling a first sealing member to a wall structural member along a first side of the wall structural member;coupling a second sealing member to the wall structural member along a second side of the wall structural member opposite the first side, wherein the first sealing member and the second sealing member each comprise a compliant seal having a thickness and an adhesive along at least one side;coupling a first wall sheathing element to the first side of the wall structural member so that the first sealing member contacts the first wall sheathing element; andcoupling a second wall sheathing element to the second side of the wall structural member so that the second sealing member contacts the second wall sheathing element, wherein the first sealing member and the second sealing member form a restrictive fluid path between the first wall sheathing element, the wall structural member, and the second wall sheathing element.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:coupling a third sealing member to a second wall structural member ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033627A1

A building panel includes a polymeric block, one or more framing studs and one or more framing studs at least partially embedded in or to the polymeric block. The block includes a panel interior surface and a panel exterior surface. The panel interior surface of the polymeric block is offset from at least one of the one or more framing studs. The panel interior surface of the polymeric block includes one or more slots that can receive framing studs. 1. A building panel , comprising:a polymeric block comprising a panel interior surface and an panel exterior surface;one or more framing studs at least partially coupled to the polymeric block,wherein the panel interior surface of the polymeric block is offset from at least one of the framing studs,wherein the panel interior surface of the polymeric block comprises one or more slots, wherein at least one of the slots is configured to receive a framing stud.2. The building panel of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the framing studs are embedded by expanding loose polymeric material such that the loose polymeric material forms the polymeric block with one or more framing studs at least partially embedded in or to the polymeric block.3. The building panel of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric material is expanded by heating in an oven.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. The building panel of claim 1 , wherein the slots are configured to receive a framing stud in an orientation that is different from at least one of the one or more embedded framing studs.8. The building panel of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric block comprises a window opening.9. The building panel of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric block comprises one or more passages.10. The building panel of claim 9 , wherein at least one of the passages comprises a horizontal slot on a surface of the polymeric block claim 9 , wherein the horizontal slot is configured to receive one or more electrical lines or one or more plumbing lines.11. The building panel of claim 1 ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044893A1
Автор: SHIPWAY Andy
Принадлежит: DIP-TECH LTD.

A glass panel includes a first surface, and a second surface and wherein the first and second surfaces are spaced apart by thickness of the glass panel. A first image is printed on the first surface of the glass panel and a second image is printed on same first surface of the glass panel and at least partially overlapping the first image. The second image printed on the first surface and at least partially overlapping the first image forms at least partially opaque imbedded into the glass panel image that when covered by a fluid becomes transparent to reveal the first image printed on the second surface of the glass panel. 1. A glass panel , comprising:a first surface, and a second surface and wherein the first and second surfaces are spaced apart by thickness of the glass panel; anda first image printed on the first surface of the glass panel and a second image printed on same first surface of the glass panel and at least partially overlapping the first image;wherein the second image printed on the first surface and at least partially overlapping the first image forms at least partially opaque imbedded into the glass panel image that when covered by a fluid becomes transparent to reveal the first image printed on the second surface of the glass panel.2. The glass panel according to claim 1 , wherein the second image printed on the first surface of the glass panel upon firing forms an opaque fused with the glass panel image with a high friction coefficient.3. The glass panel according to claim 1 , wherein the second image printed on the first surface is a monochrome or color image with high friction coefficient and wherein the second image is one of a group of images consisting of a pictorial or textual image.4. The glass panel according to claim 1 , wherein the second image printed on the surface of the glass panel (after being fired) provides the glass panel with non-slip properties.5. The glass panel according to claim 1 , wherein the first image printed on the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Structural building panels with interlocking seams

Номер: US20140053481A1
Автор: Charles H. Leahy
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods providing a modular building having pre-fabricated panel wall components are easily assembled to form a predetermined, energy efficient structure that provides for mating alignment and securement of the modular panels with each other along their adjoining seams.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140059952A1

A light-conducting component, in particular finished concrete part in the form of a masonry brick, for constructions and building. The component is produced in a casting mold by casting into at least one casting building material and the optical waveguide is made of a light-conducting building material, e.g. PMMA polymer or glass, which is accessible at at least two positions on the outer surface of the light-conducting component for the input of light and output of light. The optical waveguide is configured as a self-supporting 2D or 3D lattice body composed of rods having a thickness/diameter of greater than 1 mm. The self-supporting 2D or 3D lattice body has approximately the same or an only slightly smaller width (W), or length (L), or base dimensions (W, L), or total external dimensions (W, L, H) than the casting mold itself. 19-. (canceled)10. A light-conducting component in the form of a masonry brick or façade or interior finishing board for structures and buildings , comprising: a flat support mat having a top and a bottom;', 'a plurality of first light-conducting pegs projecting upwardly with respect to the top of said support mat;', 'a plurality of second light-conducting pegs projecting downwardly with respect to the bottom of said support mat;', 'said first and second light-conducting pegs having distal faces which are light absorbing and light emitting;', 'said support mat being perforated with passage holes; and', 'said first and second light-conducting pegs extending through the passage holes and their proximal ends being bonded to said support mat; and, 'a light-conducting element formed from a light-conducting construction material selected from the group consisting of PMMA plastic and glass, said light-conducting element comprisingat least one curing filling compound enclosing said first and second light-conducting pegs on the top and bottom of said support mat, leaving the distal faces of said pegs exposed,11. A light-conducting component in the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140059955A1

The embodiments of the invention includes a retrofitting system for the insulation of existing interior walls such as basements; a retrofitting system for the insulation of exterior walls of a structure such as a home needing further insulation without a convenient or economical method to do so within the interior walls. The insulated wall systems of those embodiments provide an economical and efficient method of providing the installation of insulation panels to each of the walls described. The insulation panels are generally of a foam structure supported by horizontal connecting and/or horizontal multi-purpose channels. The horizontal connecting channels and horizontal multi-purpose channels are of a unique design that are easily fastened to an existing wall. In addition to supporting the insulation panels, the channels are structured to provide a moisture gap between the insulation and the existing wall to which they are mounted. The horizontal connecting channels and horizontal multi-purpose channels also provide for wire chase areas for power distribution with a wall system. 1. An insulated wall system comprising:a. a plurality of horizontally mounted connecting channels;b. a plurality of horizontally mounted multi-purpose channels;c. a plurality of horizontally installed insulation panels;d. wherein said channels are mounted to a wall;f. further wherein said horizontally installed insulation panels are vertically coupled to a pair of channels.2. The system of wherein said plurality of insulation panels are vertically coupled to a pair of connecting channels and/or vertically coupled to a pair of channels comprising a multi-purpose channel and a connecting channel.3. The system of wherein said horizontally mounted connecting channels and horizontally mounted multi-purpose channels are glued to said wall.4. The system of wherein said horizontally mounted connecting channels and horizontally mounted multi-purpose channels are mechanically fastened to said wall.5. ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Pre-Manufactured Utility Wall

Номер: US20140069035A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to pre-manufactured utility walls that may be readily adapted for use in multi-story building construction. The present invention efficiently and conveniently consolidates utility components typically found in residential, institutional and/or commercial settings into a pre-manufactured, preassembled and, optionally, pre-bundled component at a site other than the building site.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096465A1
Автор: Amend Victor

A subfloor component comprises an insulating rigid foam panel having first and second opposing faces and a plurality of intersecting grooves to define, in cross-section, a plurality of pedestals having at least one wall extending into the panel from the first face toward the second face; a film of substantially moisture-impervious material attached to the first face of the panel and that conforms to the tops and walls of the pedestals and to the bottoms of the grooves; and a hardboard layer on the second face of the panel. 1. A subfloor component comprising:an insulating rigid foam panel having first and second opposing faces and a plurality of intersecting grooves to define, in cross-section, a plurality of pedestals having at least one wall extending into the panel from the first face toward the second face;a film of substantially moisture-impervious material attached to the first face of the panel and that conforms to the tops and walls of the pedestals and to the bottoms of the grooves; anda hardboard layer on the second face of the panel.2. The subfloor component of claim 1 , wherein the film is fused to the panel.3. The subfloor component of claim 1 , wherein the film comprises material selected from the group comprising plastic or polymer.4. The subfloor component of claim 3 , wherein the plastic or polymer is selected from the group consisting of: high-impact polystyrene claim 3 , polyethylene claim 3 , and ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene).5. The subfloor component of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of pedestals has a single wall.6. The subfloor component of claim 5 , wherein the pedestals are shaped as circles or ellipses.7. The subfloor component of claim 1 , wherein the panel comprises expanded polystyrene (EPS).8. The subfloor component of claim 1 , wherein the hardboard layer and the panel are attached to each other with glue.9. The subfloor component of claim 1 , wherein the intersecting grooves are rectangular.10. The subfloor component ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

System and method for plugging core holes

Номер: US20170002577A1
Принадлежит: Chris Stubblefield, Eddy Mindlin

A system, device, and method for plugging core holes. A core hole plug includes a to compression plate, a bottom compression plate, and a rubber expansion ring that separates the top and bottom compression plates. A beveled screw hole can be created on the top compression plate. The beveled screw hole matches the angle of bottom surface of the head of a flat head bolt to ensure that the bolt remains flush with the top compression plate. The rubber expansion ring can be squeezed between the top and bottom compression plates as the flat head bolt is screwed into a threaded receiver nut formed on the bottom compression plate. An installation tool can be utilized to install the core hole plug so that the top compression plate remains flush with an existing floor surface.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002579A1
Автор: FRENCH Christopher D.

A “future-enabled” rowhouse or similar residential unit is provided that may include a site-adaptable chassis for a rowhouse or similar residential unit construction that can be easily adjusted to varying site conditions (e.g., lot widths and depths) at the time of construction and that allows for cost-effective future reconfiguration of building systems and space configuration over the life of the building. 1. A method for providing a reconfigurable residential unit comprising:providing a first chassis comprising a fixed-width portion and a flexible-width portion, the fixed-width portion having a first side and a second side;providing at least one horizontal services bulkhead within the fixed-width portion and aligned along the first side of the fixed-width portion and configured to provide a passageway for one or more residential service systems;providing at least one vertical services distribution shaft within the fixed-width portion and aligned with the first side of the fixed-width portion and intersecting the at least one horizontal services bulkhead, the at least one vertical services distribution shaft configured to extend from a bottom floor to a top floor of the residential unit for distributing the one or more residential service systems to each floor of the residential unit, the at least one horizontal services bulkhead and the intersecting at least one vertical services distribution shaft together form at least one continuously-connected services distribution spine;providing a party wall along the second side of the fixed-width portion, the party wall adjacent to a second residential unit having a second chassis; andproviding a plurality of joists to support at least one floor system across the flexible-width portion, the plurality of joists extending horizontally from the at least one horizontal services distribution spine in an uninterrupted manner.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second chassis mirrors or is in parallel sequence to the first ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002918A1
Автор: Guthrie James B.

Among other things, there is shown embodiments of an enclosure such as a portable building with features focusing on overall improvement in energy usage. Wall, roof and floor configurations are disclosed that provide significant energy savings. Methods are also disclosed for preparing such features and/or refitting existing portable buildings for such energy savings. 1. A portable building , comprising:at least one wall having a frame, a first insulation layer within or attached to the frame, and a second insulation layer separate from the first insulation layer, the second insulation layer being substantially rigid and fixed with respect to the frame exterior to the first insulation layer, wherein the second insulation layer and frame substantially prevent air flow through the first insulation layer.2. The portable building of claim 1 , further comprising a one-way gas permeable layer fixed with respect to the second insulation layer and exterior of the second insulation layer.3. The portable building of claim 1 , further comprising a shell covering the one-way gas permeable layer.4. The portable building of claim 3 , wherein at least a portion of the shell contacts the one-way gas permeable layer.5. The portable building of claim 4 , wherein the shell contacts the one-way gas permeable layer along a series of vertical strips claim 4 , forming multiple open channels each defined by a portion of the shell and an opposite portion of the one-way gas permeable layer claim 4 , each respective channel extending vertically between a pair of adjacent strips and being open at the top and bottom of the shell.6. The portable building of claim 1 , further comprising a roof having a frame claim 1 , a first insulation layer within or attached to the roof frame claim 1 , and a second insulation layer separate from the first insulation layer claim 1 , the second insulation layer being substantially rigid and fixed with respect to the roof frame exterior to the first insulation ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004371A1
Автор: Noble Robert

Composite panels including core layers of particular geometry and optional first and second skin layers. The components optionally are made from fiberboard material. The core has either a linear geometry or made from discrete elements. In exemplary embodiments, longitudinally extending voids extend through the panel. Electrical or mechanical conduits may be inserted through the longitudinally extending voids. 1. A composite panel comprising:at least two inner cores made from fiberboard material, each inner core has a defined geometry and is layered on top of each other; anda plurality of open spaces formed between the defined geometries of the inner cores.2. The composite panel of wherein the defined geometry of the inner core is linear.3. The composite panel of wherein the inner core has a discrete element geometry.4. The composite panel of wherein the open space forms at least one longitudinally extending void.5. The composite panel of further comprising an electrical element into the at least one longitudinally extending void.6. The composite panel of further comprising a mechanical element inserted into the at least one longitudinally extending void.7. The composite panel of wherein the open space forms at least one longitudinally extending void.8. The composite panel of wherein the discrete elements have a pyramid shape.9. The composite panel of wherein the discrete elements have a conical shape.10. The composite panel of wherein the discrete elements have a hexagonal shape.11. A composite panel comprising:a first sheet made from fiberboard material;a second sheet made from fiberboard material;an inner core with a defined geometry made from fiberboard material, wherein the first sheet is affixed to the top side of the inner core and the second sheet is affixed to the bottom side of the inner core; andat least one longitudinally extending void space formed between the top and bottom sheets and the defined geometry of the inner core.12. The composite panel of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

A framed element and its use

Номер: US20200002946A1
Принадлежит: Fcr Finland Ltd Oy

A framed element includes an insulating core layer, an upper surface layer arranged on the insulating core layer, a frame structure including frame profiles which have been arranged to form at least part of the outer edges of the element and elongated support profiles in the length and/or width direction of the element. The insulating core layer is made of foamed glass or a combination of lightweight aggregates and a fire-retardant resin. The element further includes an elastic sealing compound arranged at least partly between the core layer and the upper surface layer of the element.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003396A1

The method of construction of a wall heating panel and a wall heating panel consists in constructing an aluminium multi-channel collector, preferably with one phase transition channel, connecting it inseparably with vertical aluminium heating elements, arranging the heating elements in the grooves of a dry wall construction board, preferably magnesium, and filling the space between the grooves and the heating elements with elastic compound, and then applying paper—aluminium foil laminate onto the whole surface of the board. A wall heating panel consists of an aluminium collector () with stub pipes (), inside the collector there are horizontal parallel phase transition channels () and a water channel (), the phase transition channel () is inseparably connected with the vertical aluminium heating elements () which are inserted into the grooves of the dry wall construction board (), spaces between the grooves and the heating elements are filled with elastic compound () and sealed with paper—aluminium foil laminate (), whereas the top part of the collector () adjoins the bottom surface of the board (). 1. A method for constructing a wall heating panel for a dry wall construction , comprising the steps of:forming, from an aluminium multi-channel profile, a collector having at least one horizontal phase transition channel and a water channel having stub pipes at both ends of the water channel for connecting the collector to a water heating installation;permanently plugging the ends of the at least one phase transition channels;connecting inseparably aluminium vertical heating elements, previously plugged at the top, with the at least one phase transition channel to form a system and checking the system for tightness;removing air from the system and filling the system with a thermodynamic medium in an amount of up to 95% of the system volume and tightly closing the system;inserting the vertical heating elements into previously made grooves of a dry wall construction board, ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Adaptable Panel Mounting System

Номер: US20210002893A1
Автор: Hobeyn Fred

A panel mounting system for mounting a linear panel structure on a surface, having a plurality of posts, each having a base plate with mounting surfaces for surface attachment and a vertical extension having a lateral support beam perpendicular to a panel-receiving cross beam; first and second opposing semi-circular channels within first and second ends of the panel-receiving cross beam, wherein each channel forms a channel angle of 45 to 135 degrees relative to the lateral support beam; a hollow, circular cylindrical insert insertable into each channel; and a panel mountable between each pair of adjacent posts, each end of the panel insertable into a corresponding insert. 1. A panel mounting system for mounting a linear panel structure on a surface , the system comprising:a plurality of posts, each post having a base plate with one or more mounting surfaces for surface attachment and a vertical extension, the vertical extension having a generally T-shaped transverse cross-section comprising a lateral support beam and a panel-receiving cross beam, the lateral support beam being perpendicular to the panel receiving cross-beam; the opposite ends of the cross-beam comprise a pair of opposing semi-circular channels, wherein each channel forms a channel angle of between 45 degrees and 135 degrees relative to the lateral support beam and each panel is rotatable about a vertical axis at each end through a panel angle of greater than 20 degrees to either side of the channel angle of the corresponding channels;a hollow, circular cylindrical insert insertable into each channel;a panel mountable between each pair of adjacent posts, each end of the panel insertable into a corresponding insert; anda semi-circular wedge insertable at the top end of each semi-circular channel for securing the panel in a desired panel angle position.2. The panel mounting system of claim 1 , further comprising a setting block insertable in the lower end of each channel for supporting the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018129A1
Автор: Stonyer Michael David

A building module which is a sandwich panel comprising a first region which provides part of the roof structure of a building, a second region which provides part of the wall structure of the building, and a third region which provides part of the floor structure of the building. 1. A sandwich panel comprising metal joists within its outer skin.2. The sandwich panel according to claim 1 , wherein the sandwich panel comprises a thermoplastic skin claim 1 , preferably HDPE claim 1 , and an insulating core comprising a foamed material claim 1 , preferably a polyurethane foam.3. The sandwich panel according to claim 1 , wherein the metal joists are steel joists with a tophat profile.4. The sandwich panel according to claim 1 , wherein a surface of the sandwich panel has a ribbed profile to accommodate the metal joists.5. The sandwich panel according to claim 1 , wherein the metal joists are joined to one another by a cross member fixed between the metal joists claim 1 , the cross member preferably being a 100 mm steel tophat joist rivet fixed to the joists at 600 mm centres.6. A sandwich panel according to claim 1 , wherein the profile of one side edge is complementary to the profile of the other side edge claim 1 , such that two adjacent modules can be joined together without fixings claim 1 , preferably wherein one side edge comprises a lip and the other side edge comprises a complementary crest.7. A building module which is a sandwich panel comprising a first region which provides part of the roof structure of a building claim 1 , a second region which provides part of the wall structure of the building claim 1 , and a third region which provides part of the floor structure of the building.8. A building module according to claim 7 , wherein the first and third regions of the sandwich panel are a sandwich panel comprising metal joists within its outer skin.9. A building module according to claim 7 , wherein the first and third regions are substantially planar and the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009449A1
Автор: Leën Maarten
Принадлежит: Vandersanden Steenfabrieken

An insulation wall is constructed from insulation plates. The edge sides of the insulation plates are provided with edge connecting elements such as a tongue, a groove or a ridge for forming a tongue and groove joint or a half lap joint between adjacent insulation plates in the insulation wall. At least one drainage channel is provided through the insulation wall for draining away moisture that has penetrated between the insulation plates into the insulation wall. This at least one drainage channel includes adjoining drainage channel sections which are provided in the longitudinal direction on the edge connecting elements of the interconnected insulation plates. 116-. (canceled)17. An insulation plate for constructing an insulation wall , comprising a plurality of interconnected isolation plates , wherein the insulation plate is substantially rectangular in shape , wherein the insulation plate has a front side , a rear side , and four edge sides , wherein each edge side is provided lengthwise with an edge connecting element selected from the list consisting of a tongue , a groove , a ridge flush with the front side of the insulation plate , called the front ridge , and a ridge flush with the rear side of the insulation plate , called the rear ridge , wherein the tongue is essentially complementary to the groove and the front ridge is essentially complementary to the rear ridge , wherein at least one of the edge connecting elements at the edge sides is provided lengthwise with at least one drainage channel section , wherein the insulation plate is provided lengthwise at each edge side with a different edge connecting element selected from the list consisting of the tongue , the groove , the front ridge and the rear ridge , and wherein the tongue and the groove are provided at two opposing edge sides of the insulation plate , and the front ridge and the rear ridge are provided at the two remaining opposing edge sides of the insulation plate , and in that the different ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Building Block for Wall Construction

Номер: US20160010329A1
Автор: Vidar Marstein
Принадлежит: Vidar Marstein

Building block for forming a wall construction, including insulating material and vertical load-bearing walls extending from one longitudinal side towards another longitudinal side of the building block, where the insulating material is provided with recesses for accommodating and holding the load-bearing walls in position, where inner part of the insulating material and the load-bearing walls are provided with recesses for accommodating at least one longitudinal reinforcing element binding the load-bearing walls together in longitudinal direction of the building block for forming an inner core where the vertical load-bearing walls, insulating material and the at least one reinforcing element together form the basic load-bearing in the building block, and that the building block includes at least one outer core formed by parts of insulating material and load-bearing walls outside the at least one reinforcing element, where the at least one outer core has supplementing and reinforcing properties for the inner core.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010332A1

A construction panel comprising a rigid insulation layer having an interior surface and an exterior surface, an outer concrete wythe secured to the exterior surface of the insulation layer, an inner concrete wythe secured to the interior surface of the insulation layer, a grid system which ties the outer concrete wythe to the inner concrete wythe and a capillary tube system located within the construction panel wherein liquid is passed through the tubing in order to increase or decrease the temperature of the construction panel. 1. A pre-cast construction panel comprising:a rigid insulation layer having an interior surface and an exterior surface;an outer concrete wythe secured to the exterior surface of the insulation layer;an inner concrete wythe secured to the interior surface of the insulation layer;a grid system which ties the outer concrete wythe to the inner concrete wythe; anda capillary tube system located within the construction panel wherein liquid is passed through the tubing in order to increase or decrease the temperature of the construction panel.2. The construction panel of wherein the rigid insulation layer has a thickness in the range of 12 to 40 cm claim 1 , the outer concrete wythe has a thickness in the range of 12 to 40 cm claim 1 , and the inner concrete wythe has a thickness in the range of 12 to 40 cm.3. The construction panel of wherein the outer concrete wythe and the inner concrete wythe are constructed of a geo-polymer concrete.4. The construction panel of wherein the grid system is selected from the group including a carbon fiber grid claim 1 , steel grid claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The construction panel of wherein the capillary tube system is located within the inner concrete wythe.6. The construction panel of wherein the capillary tube system is separated into two or more zones which allow for the passage of liquids having different temperatures to pass through each zone simultaneously.7. The construction panel of further ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010328A1

A reinforced water-resistant board includes a cover board with a reinforced water-resistant membrane applied to a surface of the cover board. The reinforced water-resistant membrane includes a primer layer, a reinforced membrane, a traffic coat, and a sealing layer. The primer layer is applied over the surface of the cover board. The reinforced membrane includes fleece soaked in a liquid resin and is applied over the primer layer. The traffic coat is bonded to the reinforced member. The sealing layer is applied over the traffic coat. 120-. (canceled)21. A water-resistant board comprising;a substrate including an inside surface and an outside surface opposite the inside surface; the outside surface having a first edge, a second edge, a third edge, and a fourth edge; the first and second edges intersecting at a first corner; the second and third edges intersecting at a second corner; the third and fourth edges intersecting at a third corner; the outside surface having a central region positioned between the first, second, third, and fourth edges; the outside surface defines a first recess that extends from the first edge towards the central region and a second recess that extends from the second edge towards the central region.22. The water-resistant board according to claim 21 , further comprising a primer layer applied over the central region of the outside surface.23. The water-resistant board according to claim 22 , wherein the primer layer is applied over the first and second recesses and the central region of the outside surface to form a continuous primer layer over the entire outside surface.24. The water-resistant board according to claim 21 , wherein each of the first and second recesses is configured to receive a sealing strip such that the sealing strip forms a contiguous surface with the central region.25. The water-resistant board according to claim 21 , wherein each of the first and second recesses is recessed a first depth from the central region.26. ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Panel and Method for Fabricating, Installing and Utilizing a Panel

Номер: US20190010699A1
Принадлежит: Aryan Twenty 5 LLC

The insulating barrier of a panel including has a first stratum and a second stratum, each having a plurality of ridges that face each other, and run athwart of each other. Clearance between at least some adjacent pairs of the ridges provide a mechanical chase that reaches across at least most of the panel. A cladding overlaying at least one side of the insulating barrier is denser than the barrier. The mechanical chase is in the form of a groove through which a utility feed can be routed when the panel is to be mounted in a building. 1. A panel comprising:an insulating barrier having an opposing pair of sides, the insulating barrier including a first stratum and a second stratum each having an inside portion and an outside portion, the inside portion of the first and the second stratum having a first plurality of ridges and a second plurality of ridges, respectively, each of the ridges of the first stratum extending to meet more than one of the plurality of ridges of the second stratum, the outside portion of the first stratum being an externally flat unbreached layer supporting and being formed of the same material as the first plurality of ridges, the outside portion of the second stratum being an externally flat unbreached layer supporting and being formed of the same material as the second plurality of ridges, the first and the second plurality of ridges facing each other, the first plurality of ridges running athwart the second plurality of ridges, one or more adjacent pairs of the first plurality of ridges having between them clearance providing a mechanical chase across at least most of the panel;a cladding overlaying the insulating barrier on at least one of the opposing pair of sides, the cladding having a density exceeding that of the first and the second stratum; anda plurality of cleats edge-mounted to embrace the insulating barrier without embracing the cladding, the plurality of cleats each including a U-shaped channel, the plurality of cleats being ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013251A1

Methods and apparatus for accessing HVAC coils according to various aspects of the present technology comprise a plenum access panel that is configured to be coupled to a plenum either upstream or downstream from an HVAC component. The plenum access panel may comprise one or more moveable sections configured to provide access into the interior of the plenum or associated ductwork without requiring the disassembly of the ductwork from the HVAC component. 1. A plenum access panel for accessing an interior portion of a plenum through an open section of the plenum defined by a plurality of edge portions , comprising: a central opening configured to substantially align with the open section of the plenum; and', 'a plurality of sidewalls arranged around the central opening and configured to secure the access frame to the edge portions of the plenum; and, 'an access frame configured to be coupled to the open section of the plenum, wherein the access frame comprisesa panel configured to engage the access frame and cover the central opening.2. A plenum access panel according to claim 1 , wherein:the access frame further comprises a plurality of tabs depending outwardly from the plurality of sidewalls; andthe plurality of tabs are configured to engage the edge portions of the plenum.3. A plenum access panel according to claim 1 , wherein the access frame further comprises a plurality of open hems disposed along an exterior surface of the plurality of sidewalls claim 1 , wherein the plurality of open hems are configured to slidably receive the panel.4. A plenum access panel according to claim 1 , wherein the panel comprises:a handle depending outwardly from a first side of the panel; andan insulated surface disposed along a second side of the panel.5. A plenum access panel according to claim 4 , wherein:the panel comprises a plurality of panel edges folded inwardly towards a center portion of the second side of the panel to form a plurality of receiving sections; andthe ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Structural panels, cladding assemblies and components

Номер: US20150013258A1
Принадлежит: VIREO LLC

Structural panels, components and assemblies are described. The structural panel system comprises one or more panels having interlocking profile features providing convenient assembly of multiple panels to provide pre-assembled panels or structures, or components that are easily shipped and assembled at a site to satisfy a variety of building requirements, transport requirements, structural panel requirements, and the like. An integrated raceway gutter system may be provided for evacuation of moisture in conjunction with end-caps having a coordinating structure. Insulation components may be positioned at an interior side of panels and may be separated from the capillary break by a moisture impervious and/or heat reflective layer. Cladding panels may be pre-assembled, along with additional structural building components, to provide pre-assembled structural insulative (and non-insulative) panels. Additional system components, including end caps, a sill, a head, a façade, a jamb and accessory brackets, are also described.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Water-Management System

Номер: US20170016226A1
Автор: Grisolia Anthony

A building water-management system includes a base material and fiber composite sheets attached to the base material. Each fiber composite sheet includes a fiber core having a first side, an opposing second side, and a surface layer adhered to the first side of the fiber core. Adjacent fiber composite sheets are connected together by a lapped configuration such that the surface layer of a first fiber composite sheet extends from the base material and onto a fiber core of an adjacent second fiber composite sheet and the fiber cores of the first and second fiber composite sheets are aligned next to each other to allow water to flow between the fiber cores, thereby forming a continuous water drainage and repellant layer. A shower assembly using the fiber composite sheets is also disclosed. 1. A building water-management system comprising:a base material; andfiber composite sheets attached to the base material, each fiber composite sheet comprising a fiber core having a first side, an opposing second side, and a surface layer adhered to the first side of the fiber core and in which the surface layer abuts the base material,wherein adjacent fiber composite sheets are connected together by a lapped configuration such that a surface layer and fiber core of a first fiber composite sheet extends from the base material and onto a fiber core of an adjacent second fiber composite sheet so that a portion of the surface layer of the first fiber composite sheet is positioned between the fiber cores of the first and second fiber composite sheets, and in which a portion of the fiber core of the first composite sheet is aligned next to a portion of the fiber core of the second fiber composite sheet to allow water to flow between the fiber cores, thereby forming a continuous water drainage and repellant layer.2. The building water-management system according to claim 1 , further comprising a finishing material attached to the second side of the fiber core of the fiber composite sheets ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Architectural materials having integrated energy storage system

Номер: US20220037732A1
Автор: Jeffery T. Kostos
Принадлежит: Spear Power Systems LLC

The present invention is generally directed to energy storage systems comprising manufactured architectural materials having electrical battery systems embedded therein. The manufactured materials are generally provided as architectural panels, such as panels useful for interior or exterior cladding for buildings, flooring, countertops, or stairs. The panels comprise at least one battery device or battery assembly that is over-formed by and/or bonded with the architectural material. In preferred embodiments, the panels are formed by flowing a viscous architectural material precursor around the battery device or assembly and curing the precursor so as to solidify the architectural material. The panels may be electrically connected in any number of various arrangements, which can be chosen based on the specific application for the energy storage system.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023442A1
Автор: Faris Tom

An article includes a plurality of stacked sheets. Each sheet includes a film having a first side, with a print receptive or primed layer, and a second side, with an optional release treated layer; and a bonding layer that is coated at 100% solids on the first side of the film to releasably attach a second side of a film of an overlying sheet to the first side of an underlying sheet. Each sheet is stacked upon another sheet such that except for a topmost sheet of the stack the bonding layer is in contact with the second side of a film of an overlying sheet. The bonding layer of the topmost sheet defines an outer surface of the stack that protects the topmost sheet of the stack from environmental damage. 1. A stack comprising: a plurality of stacked sheets , each sheet comprises:a film having a first side, with a print receptive or primed layer, and a second side, with an optional release treated layer; anda bonding layer that is coated at 100% solids on the first side of the film to releasably attach a second side of a film of an overlying sheet to the first side of an underlying sheet,wherein each sheet is stacked upon another sheet such that except for a topmost sheet of the stack the bonding layer is in contact with the second side of a film of an overlying sheet, the bonding layer of the topmost sheet defining an outer surface of the stack that protects the topmost sheet of the stack from environmental damage, and wherein the topmost sheet can be removed from the stack of sheets by pulling it away from the stack such that a bonding layer of the underlying sheet form an outer surface of the stack that protects the underlying sheet from environmental damage.2. The stack of claim 1 , wherein the bonding layer is chemical and abrasion resistant.3. The stack of claim 1 , being substantially transparent to visible light.4. The stack of claim 1 , the films comprising clear substantially transparent polymer films.5. The stack of claim 4 , the films comprising ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Water-Management System

Номер: US20160024788A1
Автор: Grisolia Anthony

A building water-management system () includes a base material () and fiber composite sheets () attached to the base material (). Each fiber composite sheet () includes a fiber core () having a first side (), an opposing second side (), and a surface layer () adhered to the first side () of the fiber core (). Adjacent fiber composite sheets () are connected together by a lapped configuration () such that the surface layer () of a first fiber composite sheet () extends from the base material () and onto a fiber core () of an adjacent second fiber composite sheet () and the fiber cores () of the first and second fiber composite sheets () are aligned next to each other to allow water to flow between the fiber cores (), thereby forming a continuous water drainage and repellant layer. A shower assembly () using the fiber composite sheets () is also disclosed. 1. A building water-management system comprising:a base material; andfiber composite sheets attached to the base material, each fiber composite sheet comprising a fiber core having a first side, an opposing second side, and a surface layer adhered to the first side of the fiber core,wherein adjacent fiber composite sheets are connected together by a lapped configuration such that the surface layer of a first fiber composite sheet extends from the base material and onto a fiber core of an adjacent second fiber composite sheet and the fiber cores of the first and second fiber composite sheets are aligned next to each other to allow water to flow between the fiber cores, thereby forming a continuous water drainage and repellant layer.2. The building water-management system according to claim 1 , further comprising a finishing material attached to the second side of the fiber core of the fiber composite sheets.3. The building water-management system according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber core comprises a porous fiber matrix and a resin material.4. The building water-management system according to claim 3 , wherein the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Interlocking building system using one-piece skin-and-frame panels, vacuum-insulation, vertical slide-locks, multi-story slides, and snap-locks

Номер: US20190024360A1
Автор: Haberman Kurt Evan

A system of structural interlocking panels for forming disaster-resistant buildings, comprising: a hollow, internally-braced, vacuum-insulated panel shell having at least two interlocking sides, the first side having a convex-inward single-curvature, the second side having a straight surface, the third side having a straight surface with at least one integral tongue with at least one head extending vertically-upward for receiving a complementary groove of a first side of an adjacent panel. Panels are thus vertically slide-locked along panel sides and faces, thereby triggering automatic snap joints that prevent backward movement of the panel. The system can assemble spheres, cylinders, toroids, tetrahedrons, flat shapes, and irregular shapes. 1. A building structure comprising a metallic panel for vertically slide-locking with adjacent panels , said panel comprising two spaced parallel face plates having three sides and a concave-upward spherical curvature with the same centerpoint , said spaced parallel face plates secured to each other by means of two straight concave-upward side plates and one convex-outward side plate having a horizontal curvature , said spaced parallel face plates also secured to each other by at least one internal brace plate with large circular perforations , the upper and lower edges of the side plates and said internal brace plate integral with and normal to said spaced parallel face plates and having integral internal rounds along the full lengths of said upper and lower edges of said straight concave-upward side plates and said internal brace plate , the three said side plates terminating at flat vertical corner features , said panel comprising:(a) the first of said flat vertical corner features formed symmetrically between said straight side plates and backed by a wide vertical internal round, the second and third of said flat vertical corner features formed between said straight side plates and said convex-outward side plate, each of the ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Modular architectural frame for a wall

Номер: US20140110361A1
Принадлежит: Hill Rom Services Inc

A modular architectural wall system for a patient room may support accessories and include panels. The architectural wall system may include gas outlets and electrical outlets mounted to a surface of the architectural wall system.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Wall panel with corner connector block

Номер: US20210025156A1
Принадлежит: Nexii Building Solutions Inc

A wall panel includes hollow connector blocks in its lower corners, reinforced with anchor pins embedded in cementitious material of the panel. The connector blocks have holes for connecting adjacent wall panels together and for connecting the wall panels to the floor. Connectors are inserted via exposed apertures in the connector blocks that provide access to their hollow interiors. The apertures can be covered when the panels are fastened in place.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030072A1

Panelized wall and roof structures for constructing energy efficient buildings. The panelized structures have a structural layer with insulation, an airtight layer providing a primary air barrier and a vapor retarder exterior to the structural layer, a vapor open blanket layer including insulation and attached to the structural layer via structural screws, a weather resistant barrier provided exterior to the blanket layer and including an airtight, water-repelling, vapor-open fabric, and a rain screen provided exterior to the weather resistant barrier and including a drainage plane for channeling moisture away from the weather resistant barrier. 1. A system for constructing an energy efficient building , said system comprising: a structural layer including a first set of voids and located at an inner area of said at least one panelized structure, said inner area being adjacent to intended living space of said energy efficient building,', 'an airtight layer formed by a first sheathing layer providing a primary air barrier and a vapor retarder exterior to said structural layer,', 'a blanket layer located exterior to said first sheathing layer and formed by a plurality of vertical members with a second set of voids located between each of said vertical members,', 'a weather resistant barrier located exterior to said blanket layer and including a second sheathing layer formed by an airtight, water-repelling, vapor-open fabric,', 'a rain screen located exterior to said weather resistant barrier, said rain screen being adjacent to outdoor space external to said energy efficient building and including a drainage plane internal thereto, said drainage plane for channeling moisture away from said weather resistant barrier;, 'at least one panelized structure having'}insulation for placement within said structural layer and said blanket layer; andwherein said at least one panelized structure is air-sealed and insulated within said first and second sets of voids after ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032581A1
Автор: Sklar David

A standardized group of building construction components are disclosed that can be assembled in many different configurations to provide a wide variety of different sizes and styles of stick built buildings. Optionally each component can be cut from flat panels by making simple perpendicular cuts through the panels, then assembled to provide three-dimensional joints allowing further assembly to other components. 2. The invention of claim 1 , in which the plates have been assembled to form a structural member.3. The invention of claim 2 , comprising an assembly of two of the first plates sandwiching a second plate between them to define a composite beam.4. The invention of claim 3 , in which the composite beam is configured as a joist.53. The invention of claim 3 , in which the composite beam is configured as a header.6. The invention of claim 3 , in which the composite beam is configured as a bottom plate.7. The invention of claim 3 , in which the composite beam is configured as a rafter.8. The invention of claim 3 , in which the composite beam is configured as a gable rafter.916-. (canceled)18. The invention of claim 1 , in which the first and second major faces of the first plate are congruent and registered.19. The invention of claim 1 , in which the first and second major faces of the second plate are congruent and registered.2021-. (canceled)22. The invention of claim 1 , further comprising fastener holes through the plates adapted to receive fasteners for joining the plates at their major faces.2324-. (canceled)25. The invention of claim 1 , further comprising a crossing notch in a major face of one of the plates for receiving a corresponding crossing notch of a perpendicular plate.26. The invention of claim 25 , in which a crossing notch of a plate is one half of the height of the plate.27. (canceled)28. The invention of claim 1 , in which at least some of the notches and tongues are butting notches and tongues for receiving corresponding butting tongues and ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032587A1

Building technology including building wall assemblies, prefabricated interior finish layers, and prefabricated multi-part interior finish layers are presented that establish a space between a structural layer of a building wall and a respective interior finish layer. Electrical wiring and/or plumbing is nm through this space while being held by a protective track which shields the electrical wiring and/or plumbing from potentially damaging impacts originating through the interior finish layer. This building technology is advantageously used in conventional building, for prefabricated buildings, and particularly, for prefabricated foldable buildings, by allowing more time and cost efficient wall construction, providing more electrical wiring and plumbing flexibility, facilitating prefabrication, and/or facilitating changes to electrical wiring and plumbing in finished buildings, for example, in later renovation projects. 1. A building wall assembly comprising a structural layer , at least two sleepers , an interior finish layer , and a protective track; wherein the interior finish layer is affixed to the sleepers and the sleepers are affixed to the structural layer such as to space apart the structural layer and the interior finish layer to form a space , the protective track being positioned within the space.2. The building wall assembly of claim 1 , wherein the protective track is affixed to the interior finish layer.3. The building wall assembly of or claim 1 , wherein the structural layer comprises at least two wall studs claim 1 , the sleepers are affixed to the structural layer by being affixed to the wall studs claim 1 , and at least part of the protective track is positioned between i) the wall studs and the interior finish layer and ii) between the sleepers.4. The building wall assembly of any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the protective track comprises a holding volume adapted for holding electrical or plumbing material and a shielding ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Wall Mounted Receiver

Номер: US20170030491A1

This invention presents a wall mounted receiver to accommodate insulated or non-insulated pipes and at least one inlet or portal for at least one pipe conduit or wiring per portal and with a high degree of flexibility and unique mechanical connection security; this receiver is arranged to receive the piping from any directional angle with a unique flexible inlet capability; without limitation, this receiver is for use with refrigeration or air conditioning equipment and related connections, such as insulated pipes, non-insulated pipes, condensation piping, conduit and wiring. The receiver can be mounted to different wall surface types without the assistance of a wall bracket; can also be fit into tight space service areas depending on refrigeration equipment requirements; can be installed in new construction applications; and can also upgrade existing installations without the need to cut the existing piping. 1. A receiver adapted for mounting on a building to receive a pipe , conduit or wiring , said receiver comprising: the receiver housing attached to an exterior of the building with threaded screws or bolts;', 'the receiver housing has a rim, which extends beyond a peripheral edge of the receiver housing;', 'the receiver housing having multiple apertures with integrated sockets for guiding the threaded screws or bolts;, 'a receiver housing provided with a front panel;'} the at least one inlet entry opening having an inlet port, which projects outwardly from the front panel;', 'each said inlet port having an opening for receiving the pipe, conduit or wiring;', 'each said inlet port being made of a flexible elastomeric material;', 'each said inlet port has an inlet port flange for engaging the front panel of the receiver housing;', 'each said inlet port has at least one inlet port guide, which are spaced apart to receive a port fastener;', 'each said inlet port is flexible;', 'said port fastener for clamping each said inlet port to the pipe, conduit or wiring; and ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033644A1

The present invention relates to a modular prefabricated in reinforced concrete for the construction of buildings with parts in “U” and “Box” shape through the continuous connection of said parts in three directions, thus forming the foundation, walls and ceilings of a building with 1 or more floors. 14.-. (canceled)5. Modular system prefabricated in reinforced concrete for building construction with “U” and “Box” shaped parts , characterized by the fact that the connection between the parts is continuous in the 3 directions:x) are longitudinally associated,y) are associated with each other at 90°,z) are associated in height,and the connections between them are carried out by geometrical locking systems of concrete on the sides of the parts and by metallic joints.6. System according to claim 5 , characterized by the fact that the parts comprise doors claim 5 , windows and passages for hydraulic claim 5 , electrical and telecommunications installations.7. System according to claim 5 , characterized by the fact that the dimension x of the parts is an integer multiple of the y dimension of the parts.8. System according to claim 6 , characterized by the fact that the dimension x of the parts is an integer multiple of the y dimension of the parts.9. System according to claim 5 , characterized by the fact that the joint between the parts is elastic or inelastic.10. System according to claim 6 , characterized by the fact that the joint between the parts is elastic or inelastic.11. System according to claim 7 , characterized by the fact that the joint between the parts is elastic or inelastic.12. System according to claim 8 , characterized by the fact that the joint between the parts is elastic or inelastic.13. Use of the system described in claim 5 , characterized by the fact of being used for construction of buildings.14. Use of the system described in claim 6 , characterized by the fact of being used for construction of buildings.15. Use of the system described in claim ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033645A1
Автор: Sileno John

A pipe brace for securing a pipe passing through a frame of a wall. The pipe brace includes a structural member including a first wall defining an aperture and a second wall extending from the first wall, the first wall and the second wall at least partially defining a channel that receives at least a portion of the frame. A gasket engages a perimeter of the aperture in a press-fit relationship. The pipe may be inserted into the aperture from either a first side or a second side of the aperture, and the gasket forms an air-tight seal with pipe to inhibit airflow. 1. A pipe brace for securing a pipe passing through a frame of a wall , the pipe brace comprising:a structural member including a first wall defining an aperture and a second wall extending from the first wall, the first wall and the second wall at least partially defining a channel that receives at least a portion of the frame; anda gasket engaging a perimeter of the aperture in a press-fit relationship,wherein the pipe may be inserted into the aperture from either a first side or a second side of the aperture, andwherein the gasket forms an air-tight seal with pipe to inhibit airflow.2. The pipe brace of claim 1 , wherein the gasket includesan annular main body defining a recess that receives at least a portion of the first wall proximate the perimeter of the aperture to anchor the gasket within the aperture, andan annular flange extending radially inwardly from the annular main body.3. The pipe brace of claim 2 , wherein the annular main body includes a generally circular cross-section.4. The pipe brace of claim 2 , wherein the annular main body includes an outer diameter greater than a diameter of the aperture.5. The pipe brace of claim 2 , wherein the annular flange includes an inner diameter smaller than an outer diameter of the pipe such that the annular flange is bent in an axial direction when the pipe is inserted into the aperture.6. The pipe brace of claim 5 , wherein the annular flange includes ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Adaptable Panel Mounting System

Номер: US20150033648A1
Автор: Hobeyn Fred

A panel mounting system for mounting a linear panel structure on a surface, the system having a plurality of posts, each post having a base plate with one or more mounting surfaces for surface attachment and a vertical extension, the vertical extension having a lateral support beam perpendicular to a panel-receiving cross beam; first and second opposing semi-circular channels within first and second ends of the panel-receiving cross beam, wherein each channel forms a channel angle of between 45 degrees and 135 degrees relative to the lateral support beam; a hollow, circular cylindrical insert insertable into each channel; and a panel mountable between each pair of adjacent posts, each end of the panel insertable into a corresponding insert. The panel mounting system may be used to construct a panel mounting, an office divider system, or other wall structure. 1. A panel mounting system for mounting a linear panel structure on a surface , the system comprising:a plurality of posts, each post having a base plate with one or more mounting surfaces for surface attachment and a vertical extension, the vertical extension having a lateral support beam perpendicular to a panel-receiving cross beam;first and second opposing semi-circular channels within first and second ends of the panel-receiving cross beam, wherein each channel forms a channel angle of between 45 degrees and 135 degrees relative to the lateral support beam;a hollow, circular cylindrical insert insertable into each channel; anda panel mountable between each pair of adjacent posts, each end of the panel insertable into a corresponding insert.2. The panel mounting system of claim I , wherein the channel angle is 90 degrees.3. The panel mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the channel angle is 45 degrees.4. The panel mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the channel angle is 135 degrees.5. The panel mounting system of claim 1 , wherein each panel is rotatable about a vertical axis at each end through a panel ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033655A1

A structural element () for use as a ceiling element or wall element. The structural element () has a facing shell () and a relatively thicker supporting shell (). The facing shell () has a first concrete layer () with a textile reinforcement () arranged therein. The supporting shell () has a second concrete layer () and a supporting shell reinforcement () in the form of a box-grid structure from interconnected structural steel elements (). The facing shell () is connected to the supporting shell () by a plurality of metal-free connecting bodies ()in the form of a three-dimensional a textile grid structure (). The textile grid structure can be produced as a woven fabric, a plait, a nonwoven fabric or a knit from carbon fibres and/or glass fibre threads that have a coating to produce the three-dimensional structure. Each connecting body () extends in at least two spatial planes. 115-. (canceled)1610. A structural element () comprising{'b': 11', '14', '15, 'a facing shell () having a first concrete layer () and a textile reinforcement (),'}{'b': 12', '16', '17, 'a supporting shell () having a second concrete layer () and a supporting shell reinforcement (),'}{'b': 24', '15', '17, 'a plurality of connecting bodies () arranged between and connected to the textile reinforcement () and the supporting shell reinforcement (), and'}{'b': 24', '25, 'said connecting bodies () each having a three-dimensional textile grid structure ().'}171024. The structural element () of in which each said connecting body () is a bent textile grid.181024272829. The structural element () of in which each said connecting body () has at least two grid sections ( claim 16 , claim 16 , ) which extend in different spatial planes.191024272829. The structural element () of in which each said connecting body () has at least two grid sections ( claim 17 , claim 17 , ) which extend in different spatial planes.2010242728292728. The structural element () of in which each said connecting body () has a first ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049488A1

Example systems and methods of constructing multi-storey buildings utilizing a plurality of prefabricated insulated panels, each prefabricated insulated panel comprising a first cementitious layer, a second cementitious layer, and an insulative core, wherein the insulative core is disposed between first and second cementitious layers. The systems and methods comprise constructing a building foundation and constructing a plurality of storeys on said foundation. Each storey may comprise a plurality of prefabricated insulated panels forming a load-bearing exterior wall disposed on an outer perimeter of the storey. Each storey may comprise a plurality of prefabricated insulated panels forming core walls, wherein the first and second cementitious layers of the core wall panels comprise a fire resistant material. Each storey may comprise a plurality of prefabricated insulated panels forming demising walls. Each storey may comprise a plurality of prefabricated insulated panels forming corridor walls. Each storey may comprise a plurality of prefabricated insulated panels forming a floor. The systems and methods further comprise constructing a roof on top of the last storey thereby constructed, the roof comprising a plurality of prefabricated roof panels. 1. A method of constructing a multi-storey building utilizing a plurality of prefabricated insulated panels , each prefabricated insulated panel comprising a first cementitious layer , a second cementitious layer , and an insulative core , wherein the insulative core is disposed between the first and second cementitious layers , the method comprising:i) constructing a building foundation;{'claim-text': ['a first plurality of prefabricated insulated panels comprising prefabricated wall panels forming a load-bearing exterior wall disposed on an outer perimeter of the storey;', 'a second plurality of prefabricated insulated panels comprising prefabricated wall panels forming core walls wherein the first and second cementitious ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Floor and ceiling panel for slab-free floor system of a building

Номер: US20190032332A1
Принадлежит: Innovative Building Technologies LLC

Floor and ceiling panels and methods of constructing a floor system for a building are described. In some embodiments, a panel includes a plurality of joists, a corrugated form deck disposed above and attached to the plurality of joists, a ceiling substrate disposed below and attached to the plurality of joists, and an in-floor radiant heat member disposed between the corrugated form deck and the ceiling substrate. In some embodiments, the panel includes a plurality of joists, a corrugated form deck disposed above and attached to the plurality of joists, and a sound dampener disposed between the corrugated form deck and the plurality of joists. In some embodiments, the method includes attaching a pre-assembled panel to a frame of the building and pouring concrete onto the panel so that a radiant heat member is separated from the concrete by a corrugated form deck of the panel.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032505A1
Автор: Fay John, Pierson Eric
Принадлежит: Lada Cube, LLC

A demountable structure system is disclosed. The demountable structure system may have a roof system positioned atop one or more structural panel(s) and a floor system positioned beneath one or more structural panels(s). The structural panels may have different shapes, configurations, and features, and may support the roof system in order to form a demountable structure. Alternatively, the roof system is omitted and a wall or other structure can be formed from the structural panels. Each structural panel may have other features, such as finish panels, fabric panels, accessory mounts, recessed lighting, electrical outlets, etc. Some structural panels have sound dampening features, such as to form portable musician's sound booth. Thus, a structure may be formed which is both readily disassembled, yet also sturdy. 1. A universal stud , comprising:a joining side; a cam hook disposed in a hook slot of the joining side,', 'an interior lip disposed on the cam hook, and', 'a rotatable eccentric hook disposed at least partially in an aperture defined by the cam hook, wherein the eccentric hook is configured to engage with the interior lip., 'a cam lock, wherein the cam lock comprises2. The universal stud of claim 1 , wherein rotation of the eccentric hook causes engagement with the cam hook claim 1 , rotation of the cam hook claim 1 , and lateral translation of the cam hook.3. The universal stud of claim 1 , wherein the interior lip protrudes from an inside edge of the aperture.4. The universal stud of claim 3 , wherein rotation of the eccentric hook in a first rotational direction causes translation of the cam hook in a first lateral direction by application of a pushing force by the eccentric hook on the inside edge of the aperture.5. The universal stud of claim 4 , wherein rotation of the eccentric hook in a second rotational direction causes translation of the cam hook in a second lateral direction by application of the pushing force by the eccentric hook on the inside ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040493A1

A partition includes at least two stands () spaced apart from each other, wherein each of the stands () includes a first panel (), a second panel () corresponding to the first panel () and a lateral plate () connecting the first panel () and the second panel (); at least one inner plate (), wherein two sides of the inner plate () are respectively fixed to and between the two stands (); and two outer plates () respectively fixed to and between the first panel () of each stand () and the second panel () of each stand (), wherein the two outer plates () and the inner plate () form two spaces () respectively. The inner plate separates the two spaces (), so the partition is capable of performing better sound insulation effects and is more convenient to be assembled. 1. A partition comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '11', '12', '11', '13', '11', '12, 'at least two stands () spaced apart from each other, wherein each of the stands () comprises a first panel (), a second panel () corresponding to the first panel () and a lateral plate () connecting the first panel () and the second panel ();'}{'b': 3', '3', '1, 'at least one inner plate (), wherein two sides of the inner plate () are respectively fixed to and between the two stands (); and'}{'b': 4', '5', '11', '1', '12', '1', '4', '5', '3', '6', '7, 'two outer plates (, ) respectively fixed to and between the first panel () of each stand () and the second panel () of each stand (), wherein the two outer plates (, ) and the inner plate () form two spaces (, ) respectively.'}2141311414114214133141131421. The partition according to claim 1 , wherein a bending portion () protrudes from a lateral side of the lateral plate () of each stand () claim 1 , the bending portion () forms a groove () claim 1 , an extending plate () extends from the bending portion () of the lateral side of the lateral plate () claim 1 , one of the two sides of the inner plate () is plugged into the groove () of one of the stands () while the other side of the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037342A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A multi-functional composite structure has a modular design that can be altered depending on an extreme environment in which the structure will be exposed such as hazardous radiation, micro-meteoroid and orbital debris impacts, extreme temperature changes, etc. The material combinations employed in the multi-functional composite structure provide a supporting structure with low weight and maximum protection from radiation, debris impacts and temperature variations. 1. A composite structure comprising:an outer panel, the outer panel being constructed of a composite material, the outer panel having a thickness between an exterior surface of the outer panel and an interior surface of the outer panel, the exterior surface of the outer panel and the interior surface of the outer panel being smooth, continuous surfaces that are substantially parallel;an inner panel, the inner panel being constructed of a composite material, the inner panel having a thickness between an exterior surface of the inner panel and an interior surface of the inner panel, the exterior surface of the inner panel and the interior surface of the inner panel being smooth, continuous surfaces that are substantially parallel;a space between the interior surface of the outer panel and the interior surface of the inner panel;a support structure in the space, the support structure being connected to the interior surface of the outer panel and the interior surface of the inner panel;a foam interposed in the space and the support structure; and,a wire extending through the space between the interior surface of the outer panel and the interior surface of the inner panel, the wire having a high electrical conductivity.2. The composite structure of claim 1 , further comprising:insulation in the space between the interior surface of the outer panel and the interior surface of the inner panel, the insulation being multi-layer insulation.3. The composite structure of claim 2 , further comprising:the insulation ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040423A1

A method of fastening a wall panel to a wall, according to one illustrative embodiment, comprises coupling a retaining body to a mounting body mounted on an outer surface of the wall adjacent a side edge of the wall panel. Coupling the retaining body to the mounting body may comprise coupling a first connector on an inner surface of the retaining body to a second connector on the mounting body, and positioning a retainer on the retaining body against a retaining surface on the wall panel to fasten the wall panel to the wall. Kits and wall assemblies according to other illustrative embodiments are also disclosed. 1. A method of fastening a first wall panel to a wall , the method comprising: coupling a first connector on an inner surface of the first retaining body to a second connector on the first mounting body;', 'positioning a first retainer on the first retaining body against a retaining surface on the first wall panel to fasten the first wall panel to the wall; and', 'positioning the channel in fluid communication with the air space to allow moisture to escape the air space., 'when an inner surface of the first wall panel faces towards an outer surface of the wall with an air space between the outer surface of the wall and the inner surface of the first wall panel, coupling a first retaining body to a first mounting body mounted on the outer surface of the wall adjacent one of a plurality of side edges of the first wall panel, wherein the first retaining body defines a channel that faces away from the wall when the first retaining body is coupled to the first mounting body, and wherein coupling the first retaining body to the first mounting body comprises2. The method of wherein fastening the first wall panel to the wall comprises fastening the first wall panel to the wall independently of any fastener through the first wall panel.3. The method of wherein coupling the first connector to the second connector comprises receiving a portion of the first wall panel ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038103A1
Автор: Neumayr Michael

Prefabricated wall assemblies for the construction of buildings have a corrugated panel and preferably include at least one backside panel. The corrugated panel has one or more vertical channels and several horizontal channels. The vertical channels extend the entire panel height and are recessed from the front face. The horizontal channels extending the entire panel width and are also recessed from the front face so they intersect with the vertical channel. The horizontal channels are almost as wide as the vertical channels, and are greater than one-half the vertical channel width. The backside panel is connected to the corrugated panel to form a structural panel assembly. The backside panel can be a shear panel or other backside flat panel, a backside corrugated panel symmetrically mirroring the corrugated panel, a backside corrugated panel asymmetrically mirroring the corrugated panel, a sandwiched corrugated panel, a relief panel or any combination thereof. 1. A wall system for construction of a building , comprising:a corrugated panel having a top side, a bottom side, a first side end, a second side end, a front face, and a back face, the corrugated panel comprising at least one vertical channel and a plurality of horizontal channels, wherein the corrugated panel has a panel width between the first side end and the second side end, wherein the corrugated panel has a panel height between the top side and the bottom side, wherein the vertical channel is recessed from the front face by a first depth and extends between the bottom side and the top side and has a vertical channel width less than one fourth of the panel height, wherein the horizontal channels are recessed from the front face by a second depth and extend the entire panel width from the first side end to the second side end and intersect with the vertical channel between the first side end and the second side end, wherein a lowermost horizontal channel most proximate to the bottom side of the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Solid wood wall system

Номер: US20220056693A1
Автор: Gary Fickling
Принадлежит: Individual

A wall construction formed of solid wood members. The wall construction provides for a heating and cooling system that synergistically works with the inherent insulative properties of solid wood members. The wall construction comprises channels formed in the solid wood members to accommodate conduits for heating and cooling. The conduits are routed through multiple solid wood members of a wall and are positioned to efficiently heat and cool the interior of a building. Other grooves may be formed in the top side of the solid wood members to accommodate conduits for heating, cooling electrical service and communications carriers.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040574A1
Принадлежит: EnviroBuilt Holdings, LLC

Reinforced concrete structures and assemblies, building systems, and methods of fabrication. 1. An insulated reinforced concrete wall panel , comprising:an outer skin coating comprised of at least one of an acrylic resin, ceramic, and titanium;a concrete panel;a mesh mat;at least two fusion bars, each comprising a steel member at least 20″ in length, wherein each fusion bar is disposed within the insulated reinforced concrete wall panel at about 2′ on center intervals;a rebar rod;a wall panel weld plate;a foam panel; andan interior skin.2. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating further comprises a hydrophobic element.3. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating is applied to the concrete panel by one or more of painting claim 1 , rolling claim 1 , and spraying.4. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating is 10 to 16 millimeters thick.5. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating further comprises an acrylic architectural coating formulated with microscopic ceramic spheres.6. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the outer skin coating is mildew and algae resistant.7. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the concrete panel is aerated.8. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the concrete panel is fabricated by pumping concrete into a form.9. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further comprises cold-drawn or cold-rolled wire welded together a grid pattern.10. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further comprises welded rebar.11. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further comprises basalt fiber.12. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further comprises steel.13. The insulated reinforced concrete wall panel of wherein the mesh mat further ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Glazing Assembly

Номер: US20200040575A1
Автор: RITCHIE Ian

A glazing assembly is disclosed, the assembly comprising first and second toughened glass members. Each member comprises a sheet with first and second flanges projecting from opposite ends of the sheet in a direction substantially perpendicular to the sheet, and the first and second flanges of the first member are joined respectively to the first and second flanges of the second member by first and second connector portions such that the first and second flanges of the first member are substantially coplanar with the first and second flanges of the second member, respectively. A modular glazing array is also disclosed. The array comprises a plurality of glazing assemblies arranged side by side, such that at least one pair of joined, coplanar flanges of each of the plurality of glazing assemblies faces a pair of joined, coplanar flanges of another of the plurality of glazing assemblies. 1. A glazing assembly comprising:first and second toughened glass members,each member comprising a sheet with first and second flanges projecting from opposite ends of the sheet in a direction substantially perpendicular to the sheet,wherein the first and second flanges of the first member are joined respectively to the first and second flanges of the second member by first and second connector portions such that the first and second flanges of the first member are substantially coplanar with the first and second flanges of the second member, respectively.2. The glazing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein each connector portion comprises first and second channels claim 1 , and is disposed between two opposing flanges such that an edge of a flange of each of the first and second members is held within each of the first and second channels claim 1 , respectively.3. The glazing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein each connector portion is disposed along two opposing flange edges of the first and second members.4. The glazing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein each connector ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040576A1
Автор: Broekhuis Michael D.

A transparent sheet having connection members. The transparent laminate includes an outer sheet, an inner sheet and a central region. The transparent laminate defines a cavity. The monolithic sheet will comprise of at least one cavity and access opening cut into and/or through the monolithic sheet. Connection members are positionable within the cavity of the transparent sheet. A cover may be incorporated into the transparent sheet to form the cavity and or the access opening. Additionally, an obscuring layer may be incorporated to obscure at least portions of the cavity. Interfaces may be coupled to the connection members and secured to the transparent sheet. 1. An assembly comprising:a transparent sheet having an outer surface and an inner surface defining a thickness;a cavity defined within the transparent sheet, the cavity including a conduit portion, an end opening and an access opening, the end opening and the access opening being spaced apart from each other and being in communication with the conduit portion.2. The assembly of wherein the transparent sheet comprises a substantially a substantially planar sheet wherein the thickness is substantially uniform.3. The assembly of wherein the transparent sheet comprises one of a partially transparent structure claim 2 , completely transparent structure claim 2 , a partially translucent structure or a completely translucent structure.4. The assembly of wherein the transparent sheet comprises one of a wall claim 3 , a ceiling claim 3 , a floor claim 3 , a work surface claim 3 , a table claim 3 , a shelf or a partition.5. The assembly of wherein the transparent sheet comprises at least one of glass or plastic.6. The assembly of wherein the end opening is positioned at an edge of the transparent sheet.7. The assembly of wherein the access opening extends through one of the inner surface and the outer surface of the transparent sheet.8. The assembly of wherein the access opening extends through both of the inner surface ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Integrated fiber cement and foam as insulated cladding with enhancements

Номер: US20150047281A1
Принадлежит: James Hardie Technology Ltd

An integrated fiber cement and foam cladding system is provided that incorporates foam or similar light weight material to improve the insulation capacity of the cladding system. The system includes at least a fiber cement layer and a foam layer disposed on the backside of the fiber cement layer. The system improves the R-value of the building, a measure of the building's resistance to transferring heat or thermal energy.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

In-Wall Hydronic Thermal Control System and Installation Method

Номер: US20150047807A1
Автор: Fiedrich Joachim

A system for installing tubing of hydronic thermal control systems in the walls, including ceilings, of buildings allows for the stable incorporation of the tubing in the walls while ensuring good thermal conductivity between the tubing and the building's room. The system features a wall including a hydronic thermal management system. The wall comprises a vertically-extending wall support structure, tubing panels secured to the wall support structure, the panels being constructed from wood material, tubing in the tubing panels for carrying a heat transfer fluid, and drywall panels secured over the tubing panels. A filling material is applied between the tubing and the drywall panels. Also a high thermally conductive layer, such as aluminum foil, is used between the filling material and the drywall panels or between the filling material and the tubing panels. 1. A hydronic thermal management system , comprising:tubing panels comprising tracks;tubing in the tracks of the tubing panels for carrying a heat transfer fluid;over-panels secured over the tubing panels; andan aluminum foil layer and/or hardening substance layer contacting the tubing in the tubing panels and located between the tubing panels and the over-panels.2. A wall as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising both the aluminum foil layer and the hardening substance layer between the tubing and the over-panels.3. A wall as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a thermal control system for flowing the fluid through the tubing.4. A wall as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the thermal control system heats the fluid.5. A wall as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the thermal control system cools the fluid.6. A wall as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the hardening substance layer between the tubing and the over-panels claim 1 , wherein the hardening substance layer is fortified with a high thermal conductivity material.7. A wall as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the hardening substance layer between the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044754A1

A precast modular element of continuous reinforced concrete slab, of varying composition and thickness and of diverse shapes and sizes, forming a volumetric piece with regular or irregular prismatic shape, with support beams made of the same material integrated to the external part of the lower face, wherein the element may be cast in factory or in place, and may be used alone or with other similar elements in one or two levels as rooms, houses or other purposes, wherein it is characterized by the use of the following materials or compounds for the continuous slab: support beams, floors, walls and roofing. 1. A precast modular element of continuous reinforced concrete slab , of varying composition and thickness and of diverse shapes and sizes , forming a volumetric piece with regular or irregular prismatic shape , with support beams made of the same material integrated to the external part of the lower face , wherein the element may be cast in factory or in place , and may be used alone or with other similar elements in one or two levels as rooms , houses or other purposes , wherein it is characterized by the use of the following materials or compounds for the continuous slab: support beams , floors , walls and roofing.2. The precast modular element of claim 1 , wherein it is characterized by casting the continuous slab in various regular or irregular volumetric prismatic shapes.3. The precast modular element of claim 2 , wherein it is characterized by the element having different internal and external sizes depending on the use.4. The precast modular element of claim 3 , wherein it is characterized by coupling the modular elements among each other with different volumetric shapes as the l-shaped floors and u-shaped floors claim 3 , etc. claim 3 , in one and/or two levels.5. The precast modular element of claim 4 , wherein it is characterized by having three claim 4 , two or only one wall formed by the continuous slab with the floor slab and the roof slab.6. The ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044764A1
Автор: Franck Jan

The invention relates to a method for producing a building as a timber-frame construction, frame construction, or post-and-beam construction, having a supporting framework consisting of pillars and/or struts, comprising the following steps: a) in the regions of subsequent pillars and/or struts of the timber-frame construction, frame construction, or post-and-beam construction plate-shaped wall building elements are provided with screws in such a way that the tips thereof protrude into the subsequent pillars and/or struts; b) behind the plate-shaped wall building elements shutterings for the supporting framework consisting of pillars and/or struts are produced from strips and/or insulating material; c) the shuttered regions for the framework are filled with a load-bearing, curable compound, in particular with concrete, wherein the hardening compound flows around the screws used in step a); d) after step a), at the latest after the curing of the compound, the plate-shaped wall elements are set up, fixed, and aligned; e) installation elements for electrical power, water, heating, etc. are mounted on the outer face of the plate-shaped wall building elements; f) plate-shaped wall building elements are fixed to the outer faces of the pillars and/or struts of the supporting timber-frame construction, frame construction, or post-and-beam structure; g) the remaining spaces between the plate-shaped wall building elements, the elements of the supporting framework, and/or the installation elements for electrical power, water, heating, etc. are filled with a bulk material or an insulating material. 1. A method for producing a building or construction or partial building or construction as a timber-frame , frame , or post-and-beam construction , having a supporting framework made of pillars and/or struts , characterized by the following steps:a) in the regions of later pillars and/or struts of the timber-frame, frame, or post-and-beam construction, plate-shaped wall elements are ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Pre-fabricated structures and methods

Номер: US20180044916A1
Автор: Tai Dung Nguyen
Принадлежит: Individual

Building structures can be fabricated at an offsite, and then assembled at the construction site. The building structures can include beams and wall panels having metal attachments. The beams and wall panels can be assembled by coupling the metal attachments, for example, by welding.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Pre-fabricated structures and methods

Номер: US20180044918A1

Building structures can be fabricated at an offsite, and then assembled at the construction site. The building structures can include beams and wall panels having metal attachments. The beams and wall panels can be assembled by coupling the metal attachments, for example, by welding. 1. A prefab house comprising 'wherein the multiple beams are secured to a foundation to form a frame of the prefab house;', 'multiple beams,'} wherein at least a wall panel of the one or more wall panels is disposed between two beams of the multiple beams,', 'wherein the at least a wall panel is disposed between the two beams in such as way so that the at least a wall panel is movable in a direction along a length of the two beams,', 'wherein the at least a wall panel is disposed between the two beams in such as way so that the at least a wall panel is constrained in directions perpendicular to the length of the two beams., 'one or more wall panels,'}2. A prefab house as inwherein each of the two beams comprises a channel running along from one end to an apposite end of the beam,wherein the at least a wall panel comprises a structure that fits in the channel.3. A prefab house as inwherein the at least a wall panel comprises a channel running along from one end to an apposite end of the wall panel,wherein each of the two beams comprises a structure that fits in the channel.4. A prefab house as inwherein each beam of at least two beams of the multiple beams comprises at least a first mating element along a length of the each beam,wherein at least a wall panel of the one or more wall panels comprises a cement material,wherein the at least a wall panel comprises two second mating elements at two ends of the at least a wall panel,wherein the first and second mating elements are configured for mating with each other,wherein the at least a wall panel is disposed between the at least two beams with the second mating elements fitted into the first mating elements of the at least two beams.5. A ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045804A1
Автор: Baumgartner Dennis
Принадлежит: Everest Media, Inc.

A modular backdrop system and related methods of assembly and use for photography are described herein. The system includes a modular wall formed from a fixed frame and a plurality of removably attachable modules where: at least one module has a first height H and a first width W, at least one module has a second height H, different from the first height H, and a second width W approximately equal to the first width W, at least one module has a third height H approximately equal to the sum of H plus H and a third width W different from the second width H, and at least one module has the first height H and the third width W 1. A modular backdrop system , comprising: a fixed frame providing upright wall portions and a header portion spanning between the upright wall portions; and', 'a plurality of removably attached modules that, when combined, fully fill in the fixed frame of the at least one modular wall between the upright portions and from the header portion to a floor,, 'at least one modular wall, the at least one modular wall comprisingwherein, when one or more of the plurality of removably attached modules is omitted from within the fixed frame, an opening is provided through the at least one modular wall that is sized and positioned to correspond with at least one of a full-sized doorway, a window, or a threshold through the modular backdrop system, and [{'b': 1', '1, 'at least one first module having a first height H and a first width W;'}, {'b': 2', '1', '2', '1, 'at least one second module having a second height H, different from the first height H, and the at least one second module having a second width W approximately equal to the first width W;'}, {'b': 3', '1', '2', '3', '2, 'at least one third module having a third height H approximately equal to the sum of H plus H, and a third width W different from the second width H; and'}, {'b': 1', '3, 'at least one fourth module having the first height H and the third width W.'}], 'wherein the plurality of ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Automated MEPI Design for Hollow Wall Construction

Номер: US20220064952A1

Disclosed embodiments include the production of construction plans upon planar surfaces such as studless walls near studless walls or traditional framing. Disclosed embodiments include specialized databases, cutting systems and printing systems useful for implementation of various plans upon planar surfaces sometimes used with hollow wall systems, sometimes constructed with bamboo or other fast growing sources of structural fiber, with the types of subject printing and cutting sometimes including architectural plans, structural plans, electrical plans, plumbing plans, mechanical plans, insulation plans, media plans, security plans and construction plans and details including those derived directly from various plans

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054230A1
Автор: Bibbo Kenneth
Принадлежит: NewAge Industries, Inc.

A single use wall pass-through system having a fixed wall part attached through an opening in a wall and connected by at least one mounting flange. The fixed wall part includes clamping flanges used to provide a sealed connection between the fixed wall part and the hose or tube which carries the material from an outside area into another area defined on the inside of the wall. A gasket is used along with a clamp plate for connection to the clamping flange via a clamping ring. The clamp plate can be two pieces separated by a dividing line and the clamp plate hose opening intersects the dividing line. The transfer hose and the gasket are disposable. The clamp ring and clamp plate can be re-used. 1. A single use wall pass-through system , comprisinga tube assembly that is attachable through an opening in a wall, including a tubular body with at least one support flange,a first mounting flange connected to the support flange around an inner periphery of the first mounting flange and adapted to be connected to the wall around an outer periphery thereof that overlaps the opening,the tube assembly includes a clamping flange connected to each end of the tubular body,a hose or tube is arranged through the tubular body and passes through a hose opening in a gasket,a clamp ring that clamps the gasket between one of the clamping flanges and a clamp plate,the clamp plate is provided as two clamp plate pieces that are aligned together about a dividing line to form the clamp plate, and a clamp plate hose opening for the hose or tube intersects the dividing line, andthe tube or hose and the gasket are single use.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the clamp ring includes two half-rings that are connectable to one another claim 1 , and the clamp plate pieces are fixed to respective ones of the half-rings.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein there are first and second ones of the support flanges on the tubular body claim 1 , and a second mounting flange connects the second support ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054627A1

The present invention is a twin-wall rigid plastic sheet intended to provide protection and insulation in applications where a small bending radius for the twin-wall plastic sheet is desired. The twin-wall configuration includes a smooth or flat outer single sheet and a contoured inner single sheet separated by a series of similar plastic ribs to form a connected row of longitudinal cavities or “channels”. The inner wall is contoured in a concave manner to form a relief between each rib. When the twin-wall sheet is flexed, each relief distorts to minimize stress in the transverse direction while maintaining high rigidity in the longitudinal direction. In another embodiment of the present invention, multiple single sheets separated by ribs and contoured similarly to that of the inner wall are added between the contoured inner wall and smooth outer wall. 1. An extruded thermoplastic twin-wall sheet with a Modulus of Elasticity greater than 2 GPa , having a structure comprising: a first wall comprising a single generally flat sheet; a second wall comprising a single sheet generally parallel to , extending the length of , and separated from the first wall , having a transverse contour of a form incorporating a series of alternating flat and arced sections each with an apex toward the first wall and extending the length of the second wall in the direction of extrusion; and a plurality of ribs located between , perpendicular to , and connected to the first wall and second wall and each rib equidistant between two adjacent arcs in the contour of the second wall and extending the length of the first and second walls in the direction of extrusion.2. An extruded thermoplastic twin-wall sheet with a Modulus of Elasticity greater than 2 GPa , having a structure comprising: a first wall comprising a single generally flat sheet; a second wall comprising a single sheet generally parallel to , extending the length of , and separated from the first wall , having a transverse contour ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051506A1
Автор: AN Seung Han

The present invention relates to a concrete panel for forming a floor of a building, a shock absorption unit, and a floor construction structure including the same. The present invention provides a concrete panel comprising: a base plate; a partition wall protruding from the upper portion of the base plate in a lattice structure or in honeycombed structure; and a filling cell which is formed by the partition wall and includes a filling material embedded therein. Further, the present invention provides a floor construction structure for a building, including the concrete panel. According to the present invention, a floor of a building can be firmly and simply constructed with the excellent inter-floor sound insulation property, etc. 1. A concrete panel for constructing a floor of a building , the concrete panel comprising:a base plate;a partition wall which protrudes from an upper portion of the base plate in a lattice structure or a honeycombed structure;a filling cell which is formed by the partition wall and has a filling material embedded therein; anda reinforcing core which is embedded in the concrete panel; andwherein a penetrating hole is formed to allow a tension wire to be inserted therethrough to fasten to a neighbor concrete panel in one or more directions selected from a horizontal direction and a vertical direction, andwherein the partition wall comprises a plurality of horizontal walls protruding in a lengthwise direction of the base plate, and a plurality of vertical walls protruding in a widthwise direction of the base plate.2. The concrete panel of claim 1 , wherein one or more selected from a metal mesh and a metal porous plate is embedded in the base plate as a reinforcing core claim 1 ,wherein one or more selected from a reinforcing bar and a truss girder is embedded in the vertical wall as a reinforcing core, andwherein a truss girder is embedded in the horizontal wall as a reinforcing core.3. The concrete panel of claim 2 , wherein the truss ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Composite Construction Panels And Applications Thereof

Номер: US20150056404A1
Принадлежит: Phase Change Energy Solutions, Inc.

In one aspect, composite construction materials are described herein. In some embodiments, a composite construction panel comprises a substrate layer, a cover layer separated from the substrate layer by one or more spacers, and at least one mat disposed between the substrate layer and the cover layer, wherein the mat comprises at least one phase change material disposed in at least one phase change region. 1. A composite construction panel comprising:a substrate layer;a cover layer over the substrate layer and separated from the substrate layer by one or more first spacers; anda plurality of mats disposed between the substrate layer and the cover layer, wherein the mats are vertically separated from one another in a stacked configuration by one or more second spacers and comprise at least one phase change material disposed in at least one phase change region.2. The panel of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of mats comprises a first mat comprising a first phase change material disposed in a first phase change region and a second mat comprising a second phase change material disposed in a second phase change region claim 1 , wherein the first and second phase change materials are differing phase change materials and the first mat is vertically separated above the second mat.3. The panel of claim 2 , wherein the first phase change material has a transition temperature above about 30° C. and the second phase change material has a transition temperature below about 30° C.5. The panel of claim 4 , wherein the first and second phase change materials have differing phase transition temperatures.6. The panel of claim 5 , wherein the first phase change material has a transition temperature above about 30° C. and the second phase change material has a transition temperature below about 30° C.7. The panel of claim 1 , wherein one or both of the substrate layer and the cover layer is formed from a foam.8. The panel of claim 7 , wherein the foam comprises polyurethane or ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Integrated solar, daylight and night cooling system

Номер: US20140130426A1
Автор: Hartman Paul H.

The invention consists of an improved heat exchange conduit formed between pre-fabricated building panels and a daylighting section integral within pre-fabricated, structural panels. The daylighting section has the capability to take ceiling air (or air below free-standing arrays) and either return it to the building during heating months, reject the heat, or shunt it for other uses after being warmed through a dual pane glazing assembly with infrared rejection. During summer days, this allows for dramatic reduction in building cooling demand. 1. A solar , daylighting and night cooling system comprising:an array of elongated panels with each panel having a daylighting section at one or more places along its length, a continuous thermal plane of component materials at the upper side of said panels, except in the areas of said daylighting sections, a structural plane of component materials at the lower side of said panels and a group of insulating, fire retardant, and structural materials between said thermal plane and said structural plane,said thermal plane and said daylighting sections oriented to receive solar diffuse or beam insolation during the day and emit long wave radiation to the sky at night,with said panels joined edge to edge along their lengths to form said array with thermal conduit assembly means, said conduit assembly means in physical and thermal contact with said thermal plane and enclosing air passage channels,said air passage channels communicating with said daylighting sections and with a set of plenum means for directing an air flow in the case of a building mounted array to either outside a building envelope, inside said building envelope or stopping said air flow from moving toward said plenum means,each of said conduit assembly means including a weatherstrip assembly at its upper side, elements of said conduit assembly means at the corners, a thermally insulating material at its lower side and said fire retardant and structural materials of ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074206A1

A voided floor panel is provided. The voided floor panel includes a pre-cast dome, strands, reinforcing bars, and a slab. The pre-cast dome includes a flange portion, stem portions, and joint portions. The strands are pre-tensioned. The reinforcing bars are inserted through rebar block-outs of the pre-cast dome. The joint portions, the strands, and the reinforcing bars are cast within the slab. The strands improve a resistance of the slab to flexure. The joint portions improve a vertical shear resistance between the slab and the pre-cast dome. The joint portions may include corrugated dovetails for further improving a horizontal shear resistance between the slab and the pre-cast dome. 1. A voided floor panel , comprising: a flange portion;', 'a first stem portion and a second stem portion, each of the first stem portion and the second stem portion arranged substantially orthogonal with respect to the flange portion;', 'a plurality of joint portions, a first set of the plurality of joint portions disposed along an end of the first stem portion, a second set of the plurality of joint portions disposed along an end of the second stem portion, at least some of the first set and at least some of the second set including a plurality of rebar block-outs transversely oriented to a longitudinal span of the pre-cast dome; and', 'a first ledge portion and a second ledge portion, the first ledge portion disposed between the flange portion and the first stem portion along the longitudinal span, the second ledge portion disposed between the flange portion and the second stem portion along the longitudinal span;, 'a pre-cast dome includinga plurality of strands arranged with respect to the longitudinal span of the pre-cast dome;a plurality of reinforcing bars inserted through the plurality of rebar block-outs; anda slab; wherein the plurality of joint portions, the plurality of strands, and the plurality of reinforcing bars are cast within the slab; wherein the pre-cast dome and ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055731A1
Автор: Nasibov Emin

A sandwich panel including a first planar structural outer layer; a second planar structural outer layer orientated substantially parallel to the first planar structural outer layer; a core layer sandwiched between the first planar structural outer layer and the second planar structural outer layer; and a plurality of openings extending through the core layer in a longitudinal direction substantially parallel to the plane of the first and second planar structural outer layers, wherein the plurality of openings are surrounded on all lateral sides by the core layer. 1. A sandwich panel , comprising:a first structural outer layer;a second structural outer layer orientated substantially parallel to the first structural outer layer;a core layer sandwiched between the first structural outer layer and the second structural outer layer; anda plurality of openings, at least some of the openings each extending through the core layer from a first edge of the core layer to a second edge of the core layer to provide an open-ended channel through the core layer, extending in a longitudinal direction of the openings, substantially parallel to the planes of the first and second structural outer layers, wherein the plurality of openings are surrounded on all of their lateral sides by the core layer;the sandwich panel having a length L in a direction substantially parallel to longitudinal direction of the openings, and a width W in a direction substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the openings, the width W being greater than the length L; andthe openings being provided as voids in an otherwise substantially uniform body of the core material, and being substantially regularly spaced from one another in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the openings.2. The sandwich panel of claim 1 , wherein the first and second structural outer layers sandwich respective first and second principal faces of the core layer.3. The sandwich panel of claim 2 ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058069A1
Автор: Mello Bryan Scott

A method of manufacturing building panels includes assembling a frame of a building panel. The frame defines at least one cavity and at least one injection aperture in fluid communication with the at least one cavity. The method also includes positioning the frame on one of a base and a shelf of a multi-panel consolidation device having a plurality of shelves, with the shelves being in an expanded configuration, and at least substantially enclosing the at least one cavity. The method also includes forcing the shelves of the multi-panel consolidation device into a collapsed configuration, and injecting an expandable polymer through the at least one injection aperture into the at least one cavity. The method further includes forcing the shelves into an expanded configuration after a predetermined period of time selected to permit the expandable polymer to form a foam bonded to the frame. 138-. (canceled)39. A building panel comprising:a frame, the frame having a front surface and a rear surface, and defining at least one cavity, the frame having at least one injection aperture, each of the at least one cavity being in fluid communication with the at least one injection aperture;a fabric covering the front surface and the rear surface of the frame to enclose the at least one cavity; anda foam disposed within the at least one cavity and bonded to the frame; whereinthe at least one injection aperture is configured to facilitate injecting an expandable polymer into the at least one cavity that expands to form.40. The building panel of claim 39 , wherein:the frame comprises a plurality of studs and a plurality of tracks;the frame defines a plurality of cavities and a plurality of injection apertures;the studs and the tracks are attached to one another and cooperate to define the cavities; andat least one of the tracks defines at least one of the injection apertures.41. The building panel of claim 40 , wherein:the fabric comprises a plurality of pieces of fabric;at least ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058523A1
Автор: Kennedy David

In one aspect there is provided an insulated modular roof system for a roof structure. The system comprises a plurality of modular panels suitable for installation onto the roof structure and a water-proof membrane. Each of the modular panels comprises a first planar member, an insulating layer covering substantially all of the first planar member and a plurality of lateral edges. Each of the plurality of lateral edges provides either a step-like configuration or a reverse step-like configuration. When installed on the roof structure, the plurality of modular panels are positionable so as to place the plurality of lateral edges of any two adjacent modular panels in a generally overlapping arrangement. 1. An insulated modular roof system for a roof structure , comprising:a plurality of modular panels suitable for installation onto the roof structure; anda water-proof membrane, a first planar member;', 'an insulating layer covering substantially all of the first planar member; and', 'a plurality of lateral edges;, 'wherein each of said plurality of modular panels compriseswherein each one of said plurality of lateral edges provides either a step-like configuration or a reverse step-like configuration; andwherein, when installed on the roof structure, the plurality of modular panels are positionable so as to place the plurality of lateral edges of any two adjacent modular panels in a generally overlapping arrangement.2. The insulated modular roof system of wherein the first planar member of each of the plurality of modular panels has a length and a width;wherein the insulating layer of each of the plurality of modular panels further comprises a first sublayer and a second sublayer;wherein each of the first and second sublayers are of a planar configuration; andwherein the first and second sublayers each have a length and a width of substantially the same dimensions as the length and a width of the first planar member.3. The insulated modular roof system of wherein ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Shooting Stalls and Ranges Including Air Permeable Barrier

Номер: US20210063124A1

A shooting stall includes a first wall, a second wall, and an air permeable barrier. The first wall includes an upstream end, a downstream end, and a side surface that extends between the upstream end and the downstream end. The second wall is disposed substantially parallel to the first wall, and the second wall includes an upstream end, a downstream end, and a side surface facing the first wall that extends between the upstream end and the downstream end. The air permeable member is disposed between the first wall and the second wall. 1. A method of providing accelerated air flow through a shooting stall , the method comprising: a first wall comprising an upstream end, a downstream end and a side surface that extends between the upstream end and the downstream end, and', 'a second wall disposed substantially parallel to the first wall so as to form an enclosure for an occupant, the second wall comprising an upstream end, a downstream end and a side surface facing the first wall that extends between the upstream end and the downstream end; and, 'directing air flow, using an air handling system, through a shooting stall from an upstream location to a downstream location, the shooting stall includingproviding an air permeable barrier including a diffuser within the shooting stall at an axis location between the upstream location and the downstream location such that the air speed at the axis location is greater than the air speed at the upstream location.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the air permeable barrier extends across a majority of an opening between the side surface of the first wall and the side surface of the second wall.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein an open area percentage of the air permeable barrier is adjustable.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the air permeable barrier is substantially uniform in air permeability across a surface of the air permeable barrier.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the shooting stall is within a shooting range ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Partition Assembly

Номер: US20150068134A1

An office work system that comprises a beam assembly that includes a first horizontal frame member having an upper surface and an upwardly opening first channel that extends along a length of the first horizontal frame member, a work surface having an upper surface, and a work surface support assembly that engages the first channel and is positionable along a length of the beam, and adjustably supports the work surface at a plurality of vertical heights relative to the first horizontal frame member, wherein at least one of the plurality of vertical heights positions the upper surface of the work surface above the upper surface of the first horizontal frame member. 1. An office work system , comprising:a beam assembly including a first horizontal frame member having an upper surface and an upwardly opening first channel extending along a length of the first horizontal frame member;a work surface having an upper surface; anda work surface support assembly that engages the first channel and is positionable along a length of the beam, and adjustably supports the work surface at a plurality of vertical heights relative to the first horizontal frame member, wherein at least one of the plurality of vertical heights positions the upper surface of the work surface above the upper surface of the first horizontal frame member.2. The office work system of claim 1 , wherein the first horizontal frame member includes a beam member.3. The office work system of claim 1 , wherein the first channel includes an inverted T-shaped cross-sectional configuration.4. The office work system of claim 1 , wherein the work surface support assembly comprises a guide member that engages the first channel claim 1 , and a support member that is telescopingly received by the guide member and is vertically adjustable with respect to the guide member.5. The office work system of claim 4 , wherein the support member includes a plurality of recesses spaced along a length of the support member claim 4 , ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140144091A1
Автор: Neil Peter Mervyn

A composite wall, ceiling or floor panel (), system and method, including a sheet () having a first face () including at least one first mounting portion (), and at least one formwork member () with at least one second mounting portion () arranged to engage with the first mounting portion of the sheet to retain the sheet and said at least one formwork member together. Structural support comes from piers (for a wall) or beams (ceiling or floor) formed in the spacing between adjacent formwork members. The formwork members act as the core of a wall, ceiling or floor panel. An external coating () is applied to the formwork members, such as spray shotcrete or render. Channels () formed by the formwork members defines integrated ducting for services to be run. 121-. (canceled)22. A composite wall , ceiling or floor panel including a sheet having a first face and a second face , the first face including at least one first mounting portion , the panel further including at least one formwork member having at least one second mounting portion arranged to engage with the first mounting portion of the sheet to retain the sheet and said at least one formwork member together.23. A composite panel according to claim 22 , wherein the sheet includes an insulation layer and a lining layer.24. A composite panel according to claim 23 , wherein the insulation layer also provides the first face of the sheet and the lining layer provides the second face of the sheet.25. A composite panel according to claim 22 , wherein the first and second mounting portions include respective projections and recesses arranged such that the projections are received into the recesses.26. A composite panel according to claim 25 , wherein the arrangement of projections and recesses provides a keyway arrangement whereby the projections and recesses have an inter-cooperating keyway projection and keyway channel locking one to the other.27. A composite panel according to claim 22 , wherein the formwork member ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Street- or railway section arrangement

Номер: US20160069031A1
Автор: Daniel Lepori
Принадлежит: DESIGNERGY SA

A street- or railway section arrangement includes the section of a street or of a railway track, a roof and/or at least one sidewall. The roof and/or sidewall is/are assembled by prefabricated plates built up on one hand by a solar converter system. Mechanical stability, thermal isolation as well as acoustical absorption according to the needs in context with the addressed arrangement is established on the other hand by a layer system of the plate. The layer system is firmly fixed to the solar converter system of the prefabricated plate.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Casing accessories

Номер: US20160069071A1
Автор: Thomas E. Remmele
Принадлежит: STO Corp

The present disclosure is directed to casing accessories for use with multi-component wall systems. Some of the casing accessories of the present disclosure can include a mounting bracket to attach the accessory to a wall structure and a channel formed in part by a spacer that can be adjusted to adjust the channel width in order to encase components of multi-component wall systems that can vary in width from one installation to another. In another aspect, some of the casing accessories can include one or more drainage canals that direct water from one part of the casing accessories to another. In another aspect, some of the casing accessories can impede fire propagation through multi-component wall systems.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066423A1
Принадлежит: GROHE AG

An installation unit for a bathroom, having at least one wall cladding element covering a bathroom wall. At least one transmitter unit having at least one associated transmitter antenna, which is part of a wireless power and/or signal transmission device, is disposed on the rear side, facing away from the visible side, of the wall cladding element. The transmitter unit can be coupled in a wireless power and/or signal transmitting connection to a receiver unit positioned in the bathroom. 1. An installation unit for a bathroom , the installation unit comprising:at least one wall cladding element covering a bathroom wall;at least one transmitter unit having at least one associated transmitter antenna, which is part of a wireless power and/or signal transmission device, arranged on a rear side, facing away from a visible side, of the wall cladding element, the transmitter unit being adapted to be coupled via a wireless power and/or signal transmitting connection to a receiver unit arranged in the bathroom.2. The installation unit according to claim 1 , wherein the receiver unit with the associated receiver antenna is installed in a mobile device claim 1 , a mobile phone claim 1 , or electric toothbrush claim 1 , and wherein electrical power is transmitted from the transmitter unit to the receiver unit in the mobile device for the power supply for the mobile device or for power storage in the mobile device.3. The installation unit according to claim 1 , wherein the wall cladding element on the visible side has a horizontal mobile device storage area on which the mobile device is placed for a wireless power and/or signal transmission.4. The installation unit according to claim 1 , wherein the transmitter unit and the associated transmitter antenna are components separate from one another claim 1 , which are connected to one another via an electrical connecting line.5. The installation unit according to claim 1 , wherein a washbasin is installed on the wall cladding ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066429A1
Принадлежит: Vanair Design Inc.

A passive ventilation panel and system, in particular for use in doors, ceilings, walls and partitions enables an exchange of supply and return air for at least one room or a room, without the need for additional ventilation equipment, such as ducts, and without the needs to install wall openings or grills for the supply and exhaust air in the space. 1. A panel for ventilation and both reactive and dissipative sound dampening which comprises:a) a front, a back, a top, a bottom, a right side and a left side defining a hollow centre there between;b) at least one vertically oriented ventilation groove on the front of the panel (front groove) for passive air passage to the hollow centre and at least one vertically oriented ventilation groove on the back of the panel (back groove) for passive air passage to the hollow centre, wherein the front groove and the back groove are non-linear, staggered and form a Z-shaped air channel within the hollow centre;c) a plurality of horizontally dispersed, staggered baffles in the hollow centre; andd) a plurality of at least partial resonators on the periphery of the hollow centre.2. The panel of which forms part of at least one of a door claim 1 , a wall claim 1 , a window and a partition.3. The panel of wherein the at least partial resonators are on right and left side of the panel.4. The panel of wherein the at least partial resonators are made whole by engagement of the panel with a stile claim 1 , said stile comprising a remaining portion of the resonators.5. The panel of comprising necks of the resonators on the periphery of the hollow centre claim 1 , said necks being mate-able with cavities of the resonators disposed within a stile claim 1 , when said panel and stile are operably engaged.6. The panel of comprising necks of the resonators on the periphery of the hollow centre claim 1 , said necks being mate-able with cavities of the resonators disposed within a stile claim 1 , when said panel and stile are operably engaged ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Active Roof Panels and Thermal Collectors

Номер: US20210071913A1
Автор: Bellay Péter

A heat collector device is provided. The heat collector includes an exterior surface exposed to an environment, and an interior surface. Side walls separate the exterior and interior surfaces. A heat insulation interposes the exterior and interior surfaces. Each hot air duct includes a first portion interfacing with the external surface and a second portion interfacing with the heat insulation. Each cold air duct is encompassed by the heat insulation. A first chamber formed by a first side wall provides fluidic communication between the air ducts at a first end portion of each respective duct. A second chamber formed by a second side wall provides fluidic communication between the air ducts at a second end portion of each respective duct. A heat exchange mechanism disposed in the second chamber removes heat from a first fluidic medium of the air ducts, the first chamber, and the second chamber. 1. A heat collector device , the heat collector comprising:an exterior surface exposed to an environment, the external surface comprising a metal material;an interior surface opposing the external surface;a plurality of side walls separating the exterior surface and the interior surface;a heat insulation interposing between the exterior surface and the interior surface;a plurality of hot air ducts, wherein each hot air duct in the plurality of hot air ducts comprises a first portion interfacing with the external surface and a second portion interfacing with the heat insulation;a plurality of cold air ducts, wherein each cold air duct in the plurality of cold air duct is encompassed by the heat insulation;a first chamber formed by a first side wall in plurality of side walls, the first chamber providing fluidic communication between the plurality of hot air ducts and the plurality of cold air ducts at a first end portion of each respective air duct in the plurality of hot air ducts and the plurality of cold air ducts;a second chamber formed by a second side wall in plurality ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075085A1

A modular architectural wall system for a patient room may support accessories and include panels. The architectural wall system may include gas outlets and electrical outlets mounted to a surface of the architectural wall system. 120-. (canceled)21. A modular architectural wall comprisinga modular frame structure including a plurality of columns and cross-members secured together by removable fasteners, the modular frame structure including a first side positioned to serve as a wall of a first room and a second side positioned to serve as a wall of a second room,a plurality of panels secured to the first side of the modular frame structure, the plurality of panels each having a surface facing the first room, the panels removably secured to the first side of the modular frame structure such that the panels are reconfigurable,a plurality of panels secured to the second side of the modular frame structure, the plurality of panels each having a surface facing the second room, the panels removably secured to the second side of the modular frame structure such that the panels on the second side are reconfigurable independently of the panels secured to the first side,a service outlet coupled to at least one of the panels,a service delivery assembly positioned in the space between the panels secured to the first side and the panels secured to the second side, the service delivery assembly being expandable, andat least one panel formed to include a removable knock-out portion, wherein removal of each of the knock-out portions defines a space in which an additional service outlet may be received, the service outlet receiving service from the expandable service delivery assembly.22. The wall of claim 21 , wherein the wall further comprises a molding removably secured to some of the panels claim 21 , the molding having a head claim 21 , a shank coupled to the head and extending perpendicular to the head claim 21 , and a plurality of barbs extending outwardly from opposite ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Method for making a cementitious mortar based composite panel with light translucency properties and a structure of light translucent material

Номер: US20170072591A1
Принадлежит: Italcementi SpA

The present invention relates to a method for making a cementitious mortar based composite panel comprising portions made of translucent material which are developed from a first side ( 1′ ) of the panel ( 1 ) to a second side ( 1″ ) opposite to the first side. The method includes making a monolithic structure ( 3 ) made of light translucent material provided with a base ( 10 ) and a plurality of elements ( 12,12′,12″ ) which develop from said base ( 10 ). The structure is made by means of a plastic injection molding process. The method includes arranging such a structure inside a formwork so as to arrange all the elements in the predetermined position for the subsequent step of pouring in a single operation. The method finally includes finishing off the cementitious mortar obtained following the hardening of the cementitious mortar, by eliminating said base ( 10 ) of said structure ( 3 ) and by defining said flat sides ( 1′,1″ ) of said panel ( 1 ).

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073243A1
Автор: Rios Aureliano Juan

A building unit encasement device encapsulates at least one unit of building material that is known in the art for building structures, so as to protect wooden or steel units from moisture and insects that can destroy the building unit. The device provides an elongated, rectangular container that encapsulates lumber. The device provides four walls that form a cavity to receive a wood or steel building unit. At least two of the walls form a hinged relationship that allows air to flow into the cavity for circulation and drying the building unit. A male-female connector is comprised of a cylindrical protrusion having ribs that interact with lips on a receptacle to prevent high winds from removing the cylindrical protrusion from the receptacle. 1. A building unit encasement device , the device comprising:an elongated container defined by a vinyl material composition,the container further defined by a first lateral wall having a first hinge edge and a first depressed edge, the container further defined by a second lateral wall having a second hinge end and a second depressed edge, the first and second lateral walls disposed in a generally parallel relationship,whereby the first lateral wall and the second lateral wall are adapted to be cut at an angle,the container further defined by a first end wall having a first protruding edge and a first edge,the container further defined by a second end wall having a second protruding edge and a second edge, the first and second end walls disposed in a generally parallel relationship,the wide and end walls joined to form an elongated rectangle defined by a cavity,the second hinge edge of the second lateral wall adapted to hingedly join the first edge of the first end wall;an elongated cylindrical protrusion extending along the first protruding edge of the first end wall, the cylindrical protrusion defined by a plurality of spaced-apart ribs,whereby the cylindrical protrusion detachably mates with the first depressed edge of the ...
