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16-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000008390U1

Механизм навески двери сейфа, состоящий из шарнирного соединения двери с корпусом сейфа с помощью петли, отличающийся тем, что петля снабжена двумя шарнирами, один из которых закреплен на корпусе сейфа, а другой - на задней стенке двери, что позволяет двери совершать вращательное движение вокруг двух осей, кроме того, он дополнительно снабжен синхронизатором, также имеющим два шарнирных соединения, одно из которых закреплено на корпусе сейфа, а второе - на двери, что дает возможность двери совершать вращательное движение по строго заданной траектории. (19) RU (11) (13) 8 390 U1 (51) МПК E05D 5/02 (1995.01) E05D 7/04 (1995.01) E05G 1/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 97107076/20, 28.04.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Инженерно-промышленная компания "Биоинъектор" (46) Опубликовано: 16.11.1998 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Инженерно-промышленная компания "Биоинъектор" U 1 8 3 9 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Механизм навески двери сейфа, состоящий из шарнирного соединения двери с корпусом сейфа с помощью петли, отличающийся тем, что петля снабжена двумя шарнирами, один из которых закреплен на корпусе сейфа, а другой - на задней стенке двери, что позволяет двери совершать вращательное движение вокруг двух осей, кроме того, он дополнительно снабжен синхронизатором, также имеющим два шарнирных соединения, одно из которых закреплено на корпусе сейфа, а второе - на двери, что дает возможность двери совершать вращательное движение по строго заданной траектории. 8 3 9 0 (54) МЕХАНИЗМ НАВЕСКИ ДВЕРИ СЕЙФА R U (72) Автор(ы): Сафронов И.Н. U 1 U 1 8 3 9 0 8 3 9 0 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 8 390 U1 RU 8 390 U1 RU 8 390 U1

20-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000013965U1

Ввинчиваемая петля, содержащая две полупетли, одна из которых имеет форму гильзы с резьбовым стержнем, закрепленным перпендикулярно к оси ее отверстия, ввернутым в одну часть столярного изделия, другая полупетля ввинчена в другую часть столярного изделия, отличающаяся тем, что вторая полупетля идентична первой, причем резьбовые стержни гильз зафиксированы штифтами по оси гильз, при этом полупетли шарнирно соединены между собой стержнем, установленным в отверстии гильз, между гильзами на стержне расположена регулирующая шайба. (19) RU (11) 13 965 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05D 5/06 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99123485/20, 10.11.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.11.1999 (46) Опубликовано: 20.06.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Дорошенко Г.И., Кондратьев А.М. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Импульс-Инструмент" U 1 1 3 9 6 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Ввинчиваемая петля, содержащая две полупетли, одна из которых имеет форму гильзы с резьбовым стержнем, закрепленным перпендикулярно к оси ее отверстия, ввернутым в одну часть столярного изделия, другая полупетля ввинчена в другую часть столярного изделия, отличающаяся тем, что вторая полупетля идентична первой, причем резьбовые стержни гильз зафиксированы штифтами по оси гильз, при этом полупетли шарнирно соединены между собой стержнем, установленным в отверстии гильз, между гильзами на стержне расположена регулирующая шайба. 1 3 9 6 5 (54) ВВИНЧИВАЕМАЯ ПЕТЛЯ R U Адрес для переписки: 350101, г.Краснодар, пос. Белозерный, ВНИИриса, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Импульс-Инструмент" U 1 U 1 1 3 9 6 5 1 3 9 6 5 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU FD 13 965 U1 RU 13 965 U1 RU 13 965 U1 RU FA 13 965 U1 RU DR 13 965 U1

10-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000017055U1

Анкерная пластина, представляющая собой полученную из листового металла способами обработки давлением деталь, имеющую отверстия, ребра жесткости, с зазубренными кромками изогнутые элементы одинаковой формы изогнутых образующих и с прямолинейными параллельными между собой образующими срединной поверхности, отличающаяся тем, что один изогнутый элемент разнесен на две части, расположенные симметрично относительно оси симметрии, при этом их прямолинейные образующие совпадают и параллельны прямолинейной образующей третьего изогнутого элемента. (19) RU (11) 17 055 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05D 5/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000121162/20, 07.08.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.08.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Бондарев И.А., Попов И.П. 1 7 0 5 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Анкерная пластина, представляющая собой полученную из листового металла способами обработки давлением деталь, имеющую отверстия, ребра жесткости, с зазубренными кромками изогнутые элементы одинаковой формы изогнутых образующих и с прямолинейными параллельными между собой образующими срединной поверхности, отличающаяся тем, что один изогнутый элемент разнесен на две части, расположенные симметрично относительно оси симметрии, при этом их прямолинейные образующие совпадают и параллельны прямолинейной образующей третьего изогнутого элемента. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) АНКЕРНАЯ ПЛАСТИНА 1 7 0 5 5 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Самарский государственный аэрокосмический университет им. С.П. Королева R U Адрес для переписки: 443086, г.Самара, Московское ш. 34, СГАУ, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Самарский государственный аэрокосмический университет им. С.П. Королева RU FD 17 055 U1 RU 17 055 U1 RU 17 055 U1 RU FA 17 055 U1 RU DR 17 055 U1 RU 17 055 U1

20-01-2004 дата публикации

Дверная петля и фиксирующая планка

Номер: RU0000035544U1

1. Петля, содержащая первую карту (7) петли и вторую карту (8) петли, соединенные между собой с помощью оси (9) петли с возможностью относительного поворота, средства для крепления первой карты (7) петли к раме (4), по меньшей мере, одно фиксирующее отверстие (11) во второй карте (8) петли, монтажную часть (12), снабженную средствами для крепления указанной части к двери или окну и содержащую рамку (16) и фиксирующую планку (22), между которыми фиксируется вторая карта (8) петли, причем рамка (16) монтажной части (12) содержит первую поверхность, предназначенную для расположения со стороны двери или окна, и вторую противоположную поверхность, а также первое пространство (19), открытое, по меньшей мере, к одной боковой стороне (17) рамки (16) и к указанной второй поверхности для приема второй карты (8) петли, и второе пространство (21) на стороне второй поверхности рамки (16) для приема фиксирующей планки (22), а фиксирующая планка (22) содержит первую поверхность со стороны двери или окна и вторую противоположную поверхность, при этом первая поверхность фиксирующей планки (22) снабжена, по меньшей мере, одним выступом (24), предназначенным для размещения в фиксирующем отверстии (11) второй карты (8) петли и фиксации второй карты (8) петли и монтажной части (12) неподвижно относительно друг друга, отличающаяся тем, что в первой карте (7) петли предусмотрен, по меньшей мере, один регулировочный винт (14) для смещения петли относительно рамы (4), а фиксирующая планка (22) содержит одно или несколько свободных пространств (26, 26', 30) на своей второй поверхности, причем свободные пространства (26, 26', 30) выполнены с такими размерами и расположены таким образом, чтобы обеспечить размещение каждого регулировочного винта (14) в свободном пространстве (26, 26', 30) при повороте первой карты (7) петли и монтажной части (12) в направлении друг к другу. 2. Петля по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что монтажная часть (12) выполнена в виде удлиненной части, а рамка (16) монтажной ...

10-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000041678U1

Петля двери автомобиля, содержащая ушки, в которых размещены сменные втулки, соединенные между собой осью с внутренним каналом по длине, сообщающимся радиальными отверстиями с поверхностью трения, на поверхности оси выполнена винтовая канавка, а в верхней части канала установлена пробка, отличающаяся тем, что радиальные отверстия расположены напротив верхних частей сменных втулок, при этом их оси совмещены с осью винтовой канавки, заканчивающейся сверху и снизу кольцевыми проточками с установленными в них уплотнительными кольцами. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 41 678 (13) U1 (51) МПК B60J 5/00 (2000.01) E05D 5/12 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004115948/22 , 31.05.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.05.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2004 (72) Автор(ы): Яворский Ю.В. (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Яворский Юрий Валерьевич (RU) U 1 4 1 6 7 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Петля двери автомобиля, содержащая ушки, в которых размещены сменные втулки, соединенные между собой осью с внутренним каналом по длине, сообщающимся радиальными отверстиями с поверхностью трения, на поверхности оси выполнена винтовая канавка, а в верхней части канала установлена пробка, отличающаяся тем, что радиальные отверстия расположены напротив верхних частей сменных втулок, при этом их оси совмещены с осью винтовой канавки, заканчивающейся сверху и снизу кольцевыми проточками с установленными в них уплотнительными кольцами. 4 1 6 7 8 (54) ПЕТЛЯ ДВЕРИ АВТОМОБИЛЯ R U Адрес для переписки: 603127, г.Нижний Новгород, ул. Коновалова, 21, ЗАО "Сормовский завод спецбронеавтомобилей "Рида" U 1 U 1 4 1 6 7 8 4 1 6 7 8 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 41 678 U1 Петля двери автомобиля относится к конструкциям дверей и предназначена для закрепления двери на кузове с возможностью открывания-закрывания и надежной фиксации ее в дверном ...

10-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000047939U1
Автор: Кабанов В.В.
Принадлежит: ООО "ЗМК ПРОМЕТ"

1. Петельный узел, включающий вертикальную стойку с, по меньшей мере, одним отверстием, поворотный элемент, кронштейн с отверстием для размещения в нем оси, закрепленный на поворотном элементе, и ось, отличающийся тем, что ось выполнена с отогнутым концом, поворотный элемент содержит отверстие, выполненное в плоскости его поворота, а кронштейн закреплен на поворотном элементе таким образом, что отверстия поворотного элемента и кронштейна располагаются соосно друг другу, при этом паз и упор, выполненные на кронштейне, обеспечивают фиксацию отогнутого конца оси, предотвращая ее проворачивание и продольное смещение. 2. Петельный узел по п.1, отличающийся тем, что кронштейн изготавливается технологической операцией штамповки из листовой заготовки. 3. Петельный узел по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что для обеспечения фиксации оси указанный паз содержит участок, имеющий форму дуги окружности. 4. Петельный узел по любому из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что для дополнительной фиксации упор загибают вокруг отогнутого конца оси. 5. Петельный узел по любому из пп.1-4, отличающийся тем, что крепление кронштейна к поворотному элементу осуществляется посредством точечной контактной сварки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 47 939 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05D 3/02 (2000.01) E05D 5/12 (1990.01) E05D 11/10 (1990.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005121473/22 , 08.07.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.07.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2005 (72) Автор(ы): Кабанов В.В. (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ООО "ЗМК ПРОМЕТ" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 7 9 3 9 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Петельный узел, включающий вертикальную стойку с, по меньшей мере, одним отверстием, поворотный элемент, кронштейн с отверстием для размещения в нем оси, закрепленный на поворотном элементе, и ось, отличающийся тем, что ось выполнена с отогнутым концом, поворотный элемент содержит ...

20-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000079131U1

1. Накладная петля для дверного полотна и дверной коробки, содержащая две карты с отверстиями, соединенные между собой шарнирно посредством оси, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит две пластиковые заглушки, выполненные с возможностью наложения на каждую карту, посадки в пазы дверного полотна и дверной коробки под петли, при этом одна из пластиковых заглушек выполнена с возможностью крепления с помощью, по меньшей мере, двух фиксирующих средств к дверной коробке, причем каждое фиксирующее средство состоит из гайки врезной и крепежного элемента. 2. Петля по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что каждая пластиковая заглушка выполнена с отверстиями, соответствующими по размерам диаметрам отверстий каждой карты. 3. Петля по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что крепежный элемент представляет собой болт. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 79 131 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05D 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008132818/22 , 11.08.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.08.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Софья" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2008 U 1 7 9 1 3 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Накладная петля для дверного полотна и дверной коробки, содержащая две карты с отверстиями, соединенные между собой шарнирно посредством оси, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит две пластиковые заглушки, выполненные с возможностью наложения на каждую карту, посадки в пазы дверного полотна и дверной коробки под петли, при этом одна из пластиковых заглушек выполнена с возможностью крепления с помощью, по меньшей мере, двух фиксирующих средств к дверной коробке, причем каждое фиксирующее средство состоит из гайки врезной и крепежного элемента. 2. Петля по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что каждая пластиковая заглушка выполнена с отверстиями, соответствующими по размерам диаметрам отверстий каждой карты. 3. Петля по п.2, ...

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000084897U1

Петельный узел двери, содержащий корпус с выполненной перпендикулярно оси поворота двери установочной площадкой, снабженной по центру круглым отверстием, выполненным соосно с круглым отверстием в горизонтальной посадочной поверхности двери, отверстия служат для размещения в них стержня, выполненного с отогнутым под прямым углом концом, отличающийся тем, что в качестве корпуса устройства используют участок двери, снабженный еще одной площадкой, выполненной в плоскости, параллельной оси поворота двери и перпендикулярной по отношению к первой установочной площадке, а круглое отверстие, расположенное в горизонтальной посадочной поверхности двери с внутренней стороны, снабжено втулкой, служащей для фиксирования стержня, фланец втулки, расположенный с наружной стороны горизонтальной посадочной поверхности двери, служит компенсатором зазора между горизонтальной посадочной поверхностью двери и ее коробкой, в свою очередь, вторая площадка снабжена профильным пазом С-образного сечения, имеющим скругленные верхнюю и нижнюю части и расположенный между ними прямой участок с двумя зубчиками по краям, служащими для стержня защелками, исключающими его вращение и смещение в закрытом положении, при этом стержень выполнен с возможностью поворота вокруг своей оси для введения своего отогнутого конца в профильный вырез и возможностью дальнейшего ограниченного перемещения его между зубчиками выреза вниз в вертикальном направлении для фиксирования в профильном пазу. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 84 897 U1 (51) МПК E05D E05D E05D E05D H02B 5/12 3/02 5/14 7/02 1/38 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008147537/22, 03.12.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.12.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Процесс" (RU) U 1 8 4 8 9 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 ...

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000095351U1
Принадлежит: САВИО С.П.А.

1. Система для крепления фурнитуры (102) на металлических каркасах дверей, оконных рамах или подобных конструкциях, содержащая, по меньшей мере, один металлический профиль (110), состоящий из, по меньшей мере, двух параллельных стенок (112, 114, 116, 118), причем хотя бы одна имеет внешнюю поверхность (119), на которой закреплена фурнитура (102), и, по меньшей мере, один саморежущий крепежный шуруп (126, 226, 326), состоящий из головки вращения (128) и резьбовой части (136), причем главная резьба шурупа (144) проходит в соосные сквозные отверстия (120, 122, 124) упомянутых параллельных стенок (120, 122, 124), отличающаяся тем, что резьбовая часть (136) состоит из начальной части (138, 238, 338), примыкающей к головке вращения (128), главной резьбы (144) начальной части (138, 238, 338), форма которой позволяет усиливать контакт между резьбовой частью (136) и стенкой (112), несущей фурнитуру (102). 2. Система для крепления фурнитуры, по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что резьбовая часть (136) также содержит промежуточную часть (140) и конусную конечную часть (142), причем шаг главной резьбы (144) имеет различные внешние диаметры на конечной конусной части (142) и на промежуточной и начальной частях (140, 138, 238, 338). 3. Система для крепления фурнитуры по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что начальная часть (138, 338) резьбы шурупа (136) имеет больший внешний диаметр (D1), чем внешний диаметр (D2) промежуточной части (140), причем главная резьба (144), с начальной частью (138, 338) имеет внешний диаметр (D3), равный внешнему диаметру (D4) на промежуточной части (140). 4. Система для крепления фурнитуры по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что начальная часть (238) резьбы шурупа (136) включает вторичную резьбу (246) с шагом и внешним диаметром (D3), идентичными шагу и внешнему диаметру (D4) главной резьбы (144), и составляет по отношению к главной резьбе (144) половину упомянутого шага. 5. Система для крепления фурнитуры по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что отношение длины начальной части ( ...

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000102040U1
Принадлежит: Кобленц С.п.А.

1. Потайная петля, регулируемая по трем осям, для дверей и/или открываемых деталей мебели, содержащая первый и второй крепежные элементы (1a, 1b), один из которых может быть заглублен в дверь или открываемую деталь мебели, а другой может быть заглублен в косяк, и которые присоединены друг к другу рычагами (2, 3) с обеспечением их относительного перемещения с обеспечением возможности открытия и закрытия двери и/или открываемой детали мебели, при этом указанные рычаги (2, 3) содержат первый и второй рычаги (2, 3), каждый из которых имеет первую и вторую части (20, 21; 30, 31), причем первый конец (22a) первой части (20) первого рычага (2) шарнирно присоединен к первому крепежному элементу (1a), а ее второй конец (22b) шарнирно присоединен к первому концу (23a) второй части (21) первого рычага (2), и второй конец (23b) второй части (21) первого рычага (2) шарнирно присоединен ко второму крепежному элементу (1b), при этом оси всех соответствующих шарнирных стержней (24a, 24b, 24c) проходят параллельно вертикальной оси (Z), первый конец (32a) первой части (30) второго рычага (3) шарнирно присоединен ко второму крепежному элементу (1b), а ее второй конец (32b) шарнирно присоединен к первому концу (33а) второй части (31) второго рычага (3), и второй конец (33b) второй части (31) второго рычага (3) шарнирно присоединен к первому крепежному элементу (1a), при этом оси всех соответствующих шарнирных стержней (34a, 34b, 34c) проходят параллельно вертикальной оси (Z), вторая часть (21) первого рычага (2) и вторая часть (31) второго рычага (3) шарнирно присоединены друг к другу в промежуточной точке, расположенной между концами (23a, 23b; 33a, 33b) этих частей, а ось соответствующего шарнирного стержня (4) проходит параллельно вертикальной оси (Z), первый крепежный элемент (1a) на своих противоположных сторонах вдоль вертикальной оси (Z) имеет соответствующие плоские фланцы (10a, 11a), лежащие в соответствующих плоскостях (12a, 13a), которые параллельны друг другу и вертикальной ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000141258U1

1. Опорно-осевой узел, содержащий опорный элемент и ось, отличающийся тем, что снабжен корпусом с фиксирующими лепестками, контактирующими с нижней поверхностью основания, выполненным заодно целое с опорным элементом, при этом ось упруго установлена в корпусе и пропущена через опорный элемент, контактирующий с верхней поверхностью основания и с нижней поверхностью поворотного элемента. 2. Опорно-осевой узел по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что ось выполнена ступенчатой, при этом нижняя ступень оси охвачена пружиной, упирающейся в верхнюю ступень оси и дно корпуса, и выполнена с ограничителем ее перемещения относительно дна корпуса. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК E05D 5/12 (13) 141 258 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014110711/12, 20.03.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Новосельский Никита Владимирович (RU) 20.03.2014 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20.03.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 27.05.2014 Бюл. № 15 R U 1 4 1 2 5 8 Формула полезной модели 1. Опорно-осевой узел, содержащий опорный элемент и ось, отличающийся тем, что снабжен корпусом с фиксирующими лепестками, контактирующими с нижней поверхностью основания, выполненным заодно целое с опорным элементом, при этом ось упруго установлена в корпусе и пропущена через опорный элемент, контактирующий с верхней поверхностью основания и с нижней поверхностью поворотного элемента. 2. Опорно-осевой узел по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что ось выполнена ступенчатой, при этом нижняя ступень оси охвачена пружиной, упирающейся в верхнюю ступень оси и дно корпуса, и выполнена с ограничителем ее перемещения относительно дна корпуса. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ОПОРНО-ОСЕВОЙ УЗЕЛ 1 4 1 2 5 8 Адрес для переписки: 142791, Москва, Новомосковский окр., поселение Сосенское, промышленная зона, "ПРОМЕТ" U 1 U 1 1 4 1 2 5 8 1 4 1 2 5 8 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 141 258 U1 Полезная ...

27-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000143580U1

1. Дверная петля, содержащая два узла крепления для установки в пазах дверной коробки и торцевой части дверного полотна, шарнирный механизм, соединяющий данные узлы крепления, каждый из узлов крепления имеет основание в средней части и монтажные секции по его краям, отличающаяся тем, что каждый из узлов крепления снабжен установленным в соответствующем углублении основания вкладышем с образованием полости, каждый из вкладышей также имеет по краям монтажные секции для монтажа и регулировки положения вкладышей относительно узлов крепления, шарнирный механизм выполнен в виде двух шарнирно соединенных между собой рычагов, один из концов одного из рычагов шарнирно закреплен на вкладыше одного из узлов крепления, один из концов второго рычага шарнирно закреплен на вкладыше второго узла крепления, а их противоположные концы смонтированы шарнирно на осях, установленных с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения в полостях в направляющих пазах, выполненных во вкладышах соответствующих противоположных узлов крепления, при этом рычаги шарнирного механизма и направляющие пазы выполнены с возможностью обеспечения в закрытом - сложенном состоянии петли, смещения одного узла крепления относительно другого по горизонтали в плоскости их монтажных секций. 2. Дверная петля по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что вкладыш одного из узлов крепления установлен с возможностью возвратно-поступательного его перемещения относительно плоскости монтажных секций соответствующего узла крепления за счет регулировки положения винтов, соединяющих вкладыш и основание соответствующего узла крепления, основной вкладыш другого узла крепления установлен с возможностью его возвратно-поступательного перемещения по вертикали в плоскости монтажных секций основного вкладыша за счет регулировки положения скрепленных с основным дополнительных вкладышей посредством выполненных в них регулировочных прорезей и расположенных в них винтов, соединяющих дополнительные вкладыши с основанием соответствующего узла ...

22-10-2018 дата публикации

Устройство поворота детали на угол до 180 градусов

Номер: RU0000184326U1

Полезная модель относится к дверным петлям, шарнирам, рычажным механизмам для поворота одного элемента относительно другого. Устройство состоит из системы рычагов, отличающееся тем, что содержит два основания, крепящихся к взаимно поворачивающимся элементам, и содержит четыре взаимно соединенных рычага, два из которых имеют по два шарнира по концам, а два рычага имеют по три шарнира, причем к каждому основанию шарнирно крепится один рычаг с двумя шарнирами, и один рычаг с тремя шарнирами. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 184 326 U1 (51) МПК E05D 3/16 (2006.01) E05D 5/06 (2006.01) E05D 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E05D 3/16 (2006.01); E05D 5/06 (2006.01); E05D 7/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018103532, 30.01.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Бикмуллин Марат Габдулгазизович (RU) Дата регистрации: 22.10.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2009241288 A1, 01.10.2009. US 5035026 A1, 30.07.1991. US 6243918 A1, 30.07.1991. RU 2374414 C2, 27.11.2009. (45) Опубликовано: 22.10.2018 Бюл. № 30 Адрес для переписки: 420036, Татарстан, г. Казань, а/я 118, Бикмуллину М.Г. 1 8 4 3 2 6 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (54) Устройство поворота детали на угол до 180 градусов (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к дверным петлям, элементам, и содержит четыре взаимно шарнирам, рычажным механизмам для поворота соединенных рычага, два из которых имеют по одного элемента относительно другого. два шарнира по концам, а два рычага имеют по Устройство состоит из системы рычагов, три шарнира, причем к каждому основанию отличающееся тем, что содержит два основания, шарнирно крепится один рычаг с двумя крепящихся к взаимно поворачивающимся шарнирами, и один рычаг с тремя шарнирами. 1 8 4 3 2 6 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 30.01.2018 U 1 R U 30.01.2018 (72) Автор(ы): Бикмуллин Марат Габдулгазизович (RU) U 1 U 1 1 8 4 3 2 6 1 8 4 3 2 6 R ...

13-11-2018 дата публикации

Петля для дверных и оконных пролетов

Номер: RU0000184867U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к устройствам для навешивания, открывания и закрывания дверей и окон. Петля для дверных или оконных пролетов состоит из, соединенных между собой осью, подвижного звена, прикручиваемого к дверному полотну или оконной створке, и неподвижного звена, прикручиваемого к дверной или оконной коробке, каждое из которых представляет собой карту со сквозными отверстиями для крепежных элементов и трубку длиной длины карты, при этом внутреннее отверстие трубки имеет коническую форму, а ось, устанавливаемая в трубку снизу и фиксируемая разрезной гайкой, состоит из головки и стержня, имеющего коническую форму, соответствующую конической форме трубки для сопряжения по всей поверхности, и цилиндрическую резьбу на конце, между головкой и торцом трубки неподвижного звена устанавливается коническая пружина сжатия, а разрезная гайка выполнена из материала с высокотемпературным эффектом памяти формы. Техническим результатом является обеспечение мгновенной разборки петли для дверных или оконных пролетов при воздействии на нее высокой температуры при пожаре в помещении. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 184 867 U1 (51) МПК E05D 5/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E05D 5/10 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018118257, 17.05.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Балаев Эътибар Юсиф Оглы (RU) Дата регистрации: 13.11.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ГОСТ 5088-2005. ПЕТЛИ ДЛЯ (45) Опубликовано: 13.11.2018 Бюл. № 32 1 8 4 8 6 7 (54) Петля для дверных и оконных пролетов (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к устройствам для навешивания, открывания и закрывания дверей и окон. Петля для дверных или оконных пролетов состоит из, соединенных между собой осью, подвижного звена, прикручиваемого к дверному полотну или оконной створке, и неподвижного звена, ...

28-06-2019 дата публикации

Кронштейн петли крышки багажника автомобиля

Номер: RU0000190353U1

Полезная модель относится к области автомобилестроения, а именно к устройствам, соединяющим крышку багажника с амортизатором в механизме открытия-закрытия крышки багажника автомобиля. Заявляемый кронштейн 1 состоит из двух боковых стенок 2 и 3, основания 4, выполненного из двух втулок, соединенных с боковыми стенками 2 и 3 посредством болтовых соединений 7. Основание 4 кронштейна петли крышки багажника автомобиля может быть выполнено в виде диска, соединяемого с боковыми стенками 2 и 3 посредством болтового соединения, или в виде полочек, соединенных посредством разъемного между собой и жестко соединенных с соответствующими боковыми стенками 2 и 3. Боковая стенка 3, выполняющая функцию опорного элемента, выполнена в виде фигурной пластины с участком 3а, имеющим вершину, вынесенную на границы основания 4, на которой размещен механизм 6 для шарнирного соединения с амортизатором, выполненный в виде болта-шарнира. Боковые стенки 2 и 3 соединены друг с другом с образованием зазора, равного длине фиксирующего элемента 5, выполненного в виде полого цилиндра, внутри которого размещен стержень болтового соединения 7. Технический результат – устойчивость конструкции кронштейна крышки багажника к деформациям при установке его на петле крышки багажника, универсальность кронштейна. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 353 U1 (51) МПК E05D 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E05D 5/00 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019110852, 11.04.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Казанцев Константин Сергеевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 28.06.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2271297 C1, 10.03.2006. RU 118383 U1, 20.07.2012. RU 25923 U1, 27.10.2002. KR 20030004906 A, 15.01.2003. (45) Опубликовано: 28.06.2019 Бюл. № 19 1 9 0 3 5 3 (54) Кронштейн петли крышки багажника автомобиля (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к ...

18-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000209682U1

Полезная модель относится устройствам для навешивания дверей, окон или створок и может быть использована для строительства парников и теплиц, относящихся к садоводству и огородничеству, а также для строительства сооружений, относящихся к другим областям хозяйственной деятельности. Накладная петля содержит шарнирную ось 1 и две крепежные карты 2 и 3, связанные с шарнирной осью 1 соединительными частями 4, 5 и 6, изогнутыми вокруг шарнирной оси 1. Крепежные карты 2 и 3 выполнены в виде сплошных прямоугольных пластин толщиной не менее 0,3 мм, изогнутых по длине на расстоянии от шарнирной оси, как минимум, равном половине наружного диаметра изогнутых соединительных частей. Изгибы пластин на участках соединительных частей 4, 5 и 6 выполнены с поперечными полыми ребрами жесткости 7 с расходящимися стенками 8 и 9. Первая пластина крепежной карты 2 имеет одну соединительную часть 4. Вторая пластина крепежной карты 3 имеет две соединительные части 5 и 6, расположенные у торцов соединительной части 4 первой пластины. Напротив каждой из соединительных частей 4, 5, 6 выполнено не менее одного поперечного полого ребра жесткости 7 с расходящимися стенками 8 и 9. Техническим результатом полезной модели является жесткость конструкции, обеспечивающей поворотное соединение. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 682 U1 (51) МПК E05D 5/06 (2006.01) E05D 3/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E05D 3/02 (2022.01); E05D 5/06 (2022.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021113075, 06.05.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Москвитин Петр Сергеевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 18.03.2022 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.05.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 18.03.2022 Бюл. № 8 2 0 9 6 8 2 R U (54) НАКЛАДНАЯ ПЕТЛЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится устройствам для навешивания дверей, окон или створок и может быть использована для строительства парников и теплиц, относящихся к ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120038259A1

Disclosed herein is a refrigerator including a main body provided with storage chambers, doors to open and close the storage chambers, and lower hinge modules to enable one side of the lower end of each door to be rotatably installed on the main body. The main body includes a main frame integrally forming a lower surface and both side surfaces of the main body and the rear ends of the lower hinge modules are installed on the outer lower surface of the main frame, and thus the thickness of the lower end of the main body is minimized, thereby maximizing the storage capacity of the main body having a designated height as far as a heat insulating ability is not lowered.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle door hinge

Номер: US20120227215A1
Автор: Kenji Katou
Принадлежит: Toyota Auto Body Co Ltd

A vehicle door hinge that is positioned between a vehicle main body and a vehicle door and connects the same to each other in order to connect the vehicle door to the vehicle main body so as to be openable and closable may include a female bracket that is securely attached to one of the vehicle main body and the vehicle door, a male bracket that is securely attached to the other of the vehicle main body and the vehicle door, a rotation shaft member that is secured to the female bracket and supports the male bracket to be rotatable relative to the female bracket. A coating film capable of restricting an electric current from flowing from the rotation shaft member to each of the slide bushes is formed in a portion of an outer circumferential surface of the rotation shaft member, which portion includes a part of a contact portion thereof that slidably contacts each of the slide bushes in a rotational axis direction and at least a proximity range thereof that is positioned in proximity to an exposed end periphery of each of the slide bushes.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Top-hinged door structure

Номер: US20120272580A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

At a back door structure, a back door, that is rotatably supported at a rear roof header via a pair of door hinges, rotates around hinge shafts and opens and closes a rear opening portion. The back door is held in a fully open posture that opens the rear opening portion, by a single damper that is provided only at a right side with respect to the rear opening portion. In the back door structure a fit posture of the back door is corrected due to a vertical position of a mounting surface of the door hinge at the right side being set at an upper side with respect to a mounting surface of the door hinge at a left side in a state of not supporting the back door.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Hinge Joint

Номер: US20130000079A1
Автор: Rodney Gene Garrett
Принадлежит: KL MEGIA GmbH, KL MEGLA GmbH

The invention is a hinge having a first joint part, a second joint part and at least one articulated axle element. A locking device selectively locks the first joint part relative to the second joint part. A basic element is arranged at the first joint part. A holding device having at least one articulated axle seat is arranged at the second joint part. The articulated axle element is arranged at the articulated axle seat, and is arranged at the basic element. The locking device has at least one first clamping plane arranged at the articulated axle element, and a first clamping element arranged at the holding device. The first clamping element comprises a second clamping plane. The first clamping plane is located at the second clamping plane to lock the first joint part in relation to the second joint part ( 3 ).

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Door hinge

Номер: US20130007986A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A butt hinge including a first leaf having a top surface and a second leaf having a top surface. A protrusion is provided on one of the top surface of the first leaf and the top surface of the second leaf and an aperture passes through another of the top surface of the first leaf and the top surface of the second leaf. The aperture is positioned in the other of the top surface of the first leaf and the top surface of the second leaf so that when the butt hinge is used to hang a door, the protrusion is inserted into the aperture when the door is closed.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111703A1
Принадлежит: M&C CORPORATION

An adjustable hinge set and a method for making it improves mounting of a deck lid to a motor vehicle body by permitting mass production adjustments without distortion or multiplication of the parts installed. A hinge set bracket with spaced flanges receiving a pivot strap and pivot therebetween is formed with a substantially vertical slot in each flange. At least one insert having a collar and a stem, reinforces the spacing between the support flanges, as the pivot pin compressionally engages the flanges. Preferably, two inserts having a collar and a stem have a combined length that reinforces the predetermined spacing within a predetermined tolerance when compression is adjusted. 1. A motor vehicle hinge set comprises:a hinge bracket having a mount and a pair of pivot support flanges spaced apart from each other, each pivot support flange having a generally vertical orientation when mounted, and a substantially vertically elongated slot in each said pivot support flange, anda tubular insert having a stem receivable through a pivot opening in a strap, and a collar covering a substantial portion of the slot, and the stem of the insert having a predetermined length within a predetermined tolerance of the space between the pivot support flanges.2. The invention as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said tubular insert comprises a pair of inserts claim 1 , each having a stem whose combined end-to-end alignment has said predetermined length within a predetermined tolerance of the space between said support flanges3. The invention as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said collar has a friction surface.4. The invention as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said pivot opening in the strap is defined by a bushing.5. The invention as claimed in claim 4 , wherein each said bushing has a stem and a flange.6. The invention as claimed in claim 5 , wherein said collar of said each bushing may have an enlarged annular dimension claim 5 , and said insert collar may have an annular dimension at ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Friction control in hinge assembly

Номер: US20130119698A1
Принадлежит: Ventra Group Inc

A vehicle hinge assembly including a first hinge member mounted to a vehicle body or a vehicle closure panel and a second hinge member mounted to the other of the vehicle body or the vehicle closure panel. A first contact member is fixed to the first hinge member and a second contact member is fixed to the second hinge member. The first contact member and the second contact member have first and second surfaces, respectively, that frictionally engage each other. The first contact member and the second contact member are arranged between the first hinge member and the second hinge member such that relative motion of the vehicle closure panel between an open position and a closed position causes relative frictional motion between the first contact member and the second contact member to provide a resistance for controlling the movement of the vehicle closure member.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Screw With Breakaway And Methods Of Using The Same

Номер: US20130139356A1
Автор: Tedeschi Nancy K.
Принадлежит: EYEEGO, LLC

A fastener with a breakaway and methods of using the same. In one embodiment the fastener is a screw having a head and elongated stem, adapted to be easily manipulated by a user when using the screw as a fastener in a hinge or joint. A means of holding a screw by providing a breakaway tab or non-threaded portion of the elongated stem which can be used to align and insert the screw into a screw hole in the process of engaging threads in the screw hole with threads of the screw. After engaging the threads in the screw hole, such as after the screw has been essentially completely inserted into the screw hole, the breakaway tab or non-threaded portion of the elongated stem of the screw may be broken off at a breakaway and discarded. 124-. (canceled)25. A kit , comprising: 'wherein the cylinder has a threaded hollow channel therein;', 'a hinge, comprising first and second straps, pivotably coupled to a cylinder,'} a head;', a threaded first portion adjacent to the head and a non-threaded second portion extending from the threaded first portion and a first breakaway therebetween,', 'wherein the first breakaway releasably couples the first threaded portion of the elongated stem to the non-threaded second portion of the elongated stem., 'an elongated stem, comprising], 'a screw, comprising26. The kit of claim 25 , wherein the hinge is made of a metal or metal alloy selected from the group of metals or metal alloys consisting of nickel claim 25 , brass claim 25 , stainless steel or titanium.27. The kit of claim 25 , wherein a ratio of the length of the threaded first portion to the non-threaded second portion is from about 1:1 to about 0.775:1.28. The kit of claim 25 , wherein the diameter of the first breakaway is less than or equal to 0.015 in. claim 25 , when the diameter of the elongated stem is essentially equal to 0.040 in.29. The kit of claim 25 , wherein the screw head is a slotted undercut oval countersunk head.30. The kit of claim 25 , wherein the threaded first ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Damping Assembly and Damping Mechanism Therefor

Номер: US20130160240A1
Автор: Kenny Philip Richard

A damping assembly for a door, and particularly for use in a pocket door that slides along a track arrangement into an enclosed pocket. The damping assembly catches the door and moves it fully open or fully closed in a gentle manner as it reaches the ends of the track arrangement. The damping assembly can be conveniently removed from the track arrangement for maintenance. 1. A damping assembly , suitable for use with a sliding closure assembly , said damping assembly comprising:a. a track arrangement configured and adapted for guiding movement of a carriage along a guide path;b. a carriage moveable in a reciprocal manner along the guide path;c. a damping mechanism for damping movement of said carriage as it approaches one or either end of the guide path;d. wherein the carriage is removable from the track arrangement in a direction transverse to the direction of movement of the carriage on the track arrangement.2. A damping assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the track arrangement is hollow.3. A damping assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the track arrangement comprises a recess along its length along which the carriage is moveable.4. A damping assembly as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the recess is a slot.5. A damping assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the track arrangement comprises a hollow member with a slot in a lower face.6. A damping assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the damping assembly comprises a sliding closure.7. A damping assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carriage comprises support formations for supporting the sliding closure.8. A damping assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sliding closure is movable between an open position and a closed position on the carriage.9. A damping assembly as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the open position and a closed position corresponds to the sliding closure being in an open position and a closed position respectively.10. A damping assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167324A1
Принадлежит: Kason Industries Inc

A riser hinge ( 10 ) is disclosed which includes a mounting flange assembly ( 12 ) pivotally coupled to a strap assembly ( 15 ). The cylindrical portion ( 52 ) includes an upper strap bearing ( 54 ) and a lower strap bearing ( 55 ) which are each mounted partially within the cylindrical portion. The strap cylinder portion has a space ( 82 ) which includes an enlarged portion ( 83 ) flanked by narrowed portions ( 84 ) at stop ledges ( 85 ). The upper strap bearing and lower strap bearing each have a vertically oriented, elongated, locking tongue or flange ( 87 ) with a narrowed portion ( 88 ) extending to an enlarged portion or stop ( 89 ), which enables them to be removably mounted within the space.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Elastic Hinge Of Quick-Assembly Leg

Номер: US20130232726A1
Автор: Shouye Niu

The present invention directs an elastic hinge for quick-assembly leg including: a double-tooth of hinge, a screw, a spring core assembly and a leg; wherein the spring core assembly includes a elastic buckle, a single-tooth frame which is inserted in cavity of the elastic buckle, a core pin sleeved in a cavity of the elastic buckle which is formed after the single-tooth is assembled into the elastic buckle, and a spring sleeved on the core pin; the elastic buckle is provided with a fastening part and a leg is formed with locking part to engaged with the fastening part, and the removable part of the leg and the elastic hinge are assembled together.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing automobile door hinge

Номер: US20130276276A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of manufacturing an automobile door hinge includes hot forging a round steel bar to form a forged workpiece including a mounting portion, an arm portion, and a column portion, and forming a shaft hole by punching the column portion by using a special die and a punch. The die has a gap formed therein so that, during punching, a slug is not generated and the column portion expands outward when the punch is pressed from a punching start point to a predetermined dimension, and a slug is generated and discharged when the punch is pressed from the predetermined dimension to a punching end point.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305503A1

A torque assembly includes a spindle, a cap mounted on the spindle for rotation about the spindle, and a work-hardened, plastic sleeve inserted between the cap and the spindle for constant rotation of the sleeve and cap with respect to the spindle. The torque assembly may be installed onto a hinged object and fixed object with movement along a single axis. The torque assembly may be formed by: (a) providing a spindle having a base and a rod extending from the base; (b) providing a cap member with an annular section defining an inner diameter; (c) providing an annular plastic sleeve having an inner diameter and an outer diameter; and (d) work-hardening the sleeve for a predetermined time period by compressing the sleeve between the cap and the spindle. 1. A method for forming a torque hinge assembly comprising the steps of:providing a spindle including a generally cylindrical rod shaped portion defining a spindle outer diameter;providing a cap member with an annular section defining a cap inner diameter;providing an annular plastic sleeve having a sleeve inner diameter and a sleeve outer diameter, the sleeve outer diameter being greater than the cap inner diameter, and the spindle outer diameter being greater than the sleeve inner diameter; andwork-hardening the sleeve to plastically deform the sleeve by press-fitting the sleeve into the annular cap section and inserting the spindle rod through the inner diameter of the sleeve to compress the sleeve between the spindle rod and the annular cap section for a predetermined time period;connecting the annular cap to one of a fixed object and a hinged object; andconnecting the spindle base to the other of the fixed object and the hinged object such that the hinged object can move relative to the fixed object by rotating the spindle rod within the fixed cap and sleeve.2. The method of including controlling the tolerance of the spindle outer diameter to +/−0.0015″.3. The method of wherein the spindle includes a base claim 2 ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Foldable Hinge Assembly

Номер: US20140020208A1
Принадлежит: Suncast Technologies LLC

Briefly, the invention involves a hinge construction. The hinge construction includes a pair of contoured wing members connected at one end with a living hinge, each wing member including a portion of a hinge barrel. The wings are constructed to be folded around a hinge pin, forming the hinge barrel and positioning the wings in a generally parallel relationship with respect to each other. A portion of a wall or door jamb is positioned between the wings. Fasteners or the like are secured through the wings to fix the assembly, whereby the hinge pin is free to rotate within the barrel created by the folded wings.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033478A1
Автор: Kleemann Andreas
Принадлежит: HETTICH-ONI GMBH & CO. KG

The invention relates to a fixing arrangement for fixing a built-in fridge () to a side wall () of a body () of a piece of furniture, said system comprising: a hinge () having a hinge arm () that can be fixed on the fridge side and has a screw flange () comprising through-holes () for fixing screws (); two fixing screws () that pass through the through-holes () of the screw flange () and can be screwed into a side wall () of the body () of the piece of furniture; and at least one wall thickness compensation plate () that can be inserted as required between the screw flange () and the side wall (). Said fixing system is designed such that the fixing screws () are pre-mounted in a plastic covering cap () that can be placed on the screw flange (). 1322567899872211729107aaa. A fastening assembly for a built-in refrigerator () on a side wall () of a furniture body () , comprising a hinge () having a hinge arm () , which is fixable on the refrigerator side , having a screw-on flange () having through holes () for fastening screws () , two fastening screws () which pass through the through holes () of the screw-on flange () , and can be screwed into a side wall () of the furniture body () , and at least one wall thickness compensating plate () , which is insertable if needed between the screw-on flange () and the side wall () , characterized in that the fastening screws () are preinstalled in a cover cap () , which is manufactured from plastic and is pluggable onto the screw-on flange ().2111210. The fastening assembly according to claim 1 , characterized in that the at least one wall thickness compensating plate () is integrally molded via a film hinge () or the like onto the cover cap ().31113147. The fastening assembly according to claim 1 , characterized in that the wall thickness compensating plate () is provided with a catch pin () claim 1 , which can be clipped into a borehole () of the screw-on flange ().49108710. The fastening assembly according to claim 1 , ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041308A1

A device for fixing a glazed element into an opening for the glazed element to be pivotable with respect to the opening. The device includes at least one projecting element including an axis for fixing the device to an upright of the opening, and at least one baseplate including interior and exterior faces facing a surface of the glazed element. The baseplate is at least partially integrated into a portion of elastic material adhering at least to the interior face. The projecting element rigidly fixes the projecting element to the upright of the opening so that the orientation of the axis with respect to the upright remains unchanged during opening or closing movement of the glazed element and so that during the opening movement, at least part of the portion of elastic material is squashed between the baseplate and the upright or between the baseplate and the glazed element. 110-. (canceled)11. A device for fixing a glazed element into an opening for the glazed element to be able to be pivoted with respect to the opening about an axis of rotation through an angle of opening , the device comprising:at least one projecting element including an axis for fixing the device to an upright of the opening; andat least one baseplate including an interior face and an exterior face which is situated facing a surface of the glazed element, and the baseplate being fully integrated into a portion of elastic material adhering at least to the interior face of the glazed element,wherein the projecting element includes a rigid fixing means for rigidly fixing the projecting element to the upright of the opening so that an orientation of the axis with respect to the upright remains unchanged during an opening or closing movement of the glazed element and so that during the opening movement of the glazed element, at least one part of the portion of elastic material is squashed between the baseplate and the upright or between the baseplate and the glazed element,the baseplate being fixed ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Stationary blade assembly

Номер: US20140041499A1
Принадлежит: Sidel SpA

There is disclosed a stationary blade assembly for cutting labels from a label film in labelling machines, comprising: a support and a blade supported by said support; blade comprises at least two cutting edges which are adapted to cut said labels.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Door hinge repair apparatus and method

Номер: US20140090223A1
Автор: Ronald F. Lehner
Принадлежит: Total Automotive Inc

Apparatus for use in repairing, and methods of repairing, a door hinge of a vehicle includes use of a substitute hinge bracket and at least one pin configured to be received through at least one opening of a vehicle frame bracket. A locking portion of the at least one pin and a locking surface that defines an opening in the hinge bracket are configured such that the at least one pin is locked in a fixed position relative to the hinge bracket when assembled. Further, another repair apparatus includes a substitute pin having an interference portion for forming an interference fit with one or more surfaces defining an opening of a factory hinge bracket.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Slide Hinge

Номер: US20140096343A1

To provide a slide hinge which can be easily attached to a door or a cabinet main body of honeycomb cardboard, on which attaching screws do not work well, and which is further devised to eliminate a risk of escape from the door after the fixation, fittings enabling a coupling case to be attached to the door even without attaching screws or nails are provided; furthermore, each of the fittings comprises an attaching case part integrally connected to each side portion of the coupling case, and an fitting for each attaching case part; then, this fitting comprises a locking plate housed into the attaching case part and a diameter expanding means pushing out craw portions of the locking plate; the diameter expanding means further comprises an operating plate with pressurizing portions protruding on an outer circumference and a cap locked by a locking plate on each attaching case part. 1. A slide hinge comprising a slide hinge main body attached to a cabinet main body , a coupling case inserted and fixed into an attaching hole provided on a door side , and coupling pieces coupling said coupling case to said hinge main body , so that said coupling case is openable and closable relative to said hinge main body ,wherein a pair of attaching means which can be attached to said door side even without using attaching screws are provided,wherein each of said attaching means comprises an attaching case member integrally connected to both side portions of said coupling case, a locking plate having craw portions provided so as to protrude outside from said attaching case member, said locking plate housed in said attaching case member, and a diameter expanding means pushing out said craw portions of said locking plate, so that said craw portions protrude outward, andwherein said diameter expanding means comprises an operating plate having a plurality of pressurizing portions rotatably housed in said locking plate and protruding from an outer circumference of said operating plate and ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003067A1

Disclosed herein is a refrigerator that has an improved structure to facilitate assembling of a door and a main body which are separable from each other. The refrigerator includes a main body that forms an exterior appearance, a storage compartment that is provided inside the main body, a door that is rotatably coupled to the main body so as to open and close an open front surface of the storage compartment, and a hinge bracket that connects the main body and the door. Here, the hinge bracket includes a first bracket that is coupled to the main body and a second bracket that is coupled to the door and detachably coupled to the first bracket. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a main body that forms an exterior appearance;a storage compartment that is provided inside the main body;a door that is rotatably coupled to the main body so as to open and close an open front surface of the storage compartment; anda hinge bracket that connects the main body and the door,wherein the hinge bracket includes a first bracket that is coupled to the main body and a second bracket that is coupled to the door and detachably coupled to the first bracket.2. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein the second bracket is detachably coupled to the first bracket in forward and backward directions.3. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein the second bracket is slidably coupled to the first bracket.4. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein the second bracket is slidably coupled to an inner side of the first bracket claim 1 , and the hinge bracket further includes a coupling member that couples the second bracket to at least one surface of the first bracket.5. The refrigerator according to claim 4 , wherein the hinge bracket further includes a fixing unit that fixes positions of the first bracket and the second bracket so that the first bracket and the second bracket are connectable with each other by the coupling member.6. The refrigerator according to claim 5 , wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Pivot Hinge Assembly For Glass Door

Номер: US20180002958A1

A pivot hinge assembly for supporting a glass door of a shower enclosure is disclosed. The pivot hinge assembly includes an exterior plate having a body configured for mounting on a glass panel, the exterior plate defining at least two fastening receiving holes, a pivot mounting member having a body configured for mounting on an opposite side of the glass panel, the pivot mounting member defining at least two fastening receiving holes at a first end and an elongated extension member at a second end, and a supporting bracket member configured as a channel for mounting on the glass door, the supporting bracket member defining at least two fastening receiving holes. The supporting bracket member is configured with at least one protruding member on a base of the channel such that the elongated extension member is configured to receive the at least one protruding member in an opening therein when in an assembled configuration. The elongated extension member has a screw receiving opening that is used to secure a bottom of the pivot hinge assembly to a shower base/threshold of the shower enclosure. 1. A pivot hinge assembly for supporting a glass door of a shower enclosure , the pivot hinge assembly comprising:an exterior plate having a body configured for mounting on a glass panel, the exterior plate defining at least two fastening receiving holes;a pivot mounting member having a body configured for mounting on an opposite side of the glass panel, the pivot mounting member defining at least two fastening receiving holes at a first end and an elongated extension member at a second end;a supporting bracket member configured as a channel for mounting on the glass door, the supporting bracket member defining at least two fastening receiving holes;wherein the supporting bracket member is configured with at least one protruding member on a base of the channel such that the elongated extension member is configured to receive the at least one protruding member in an opening ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003223A1

A goose neck hinge assembly for a motor vehicle includes a base portion extending from a panel attachment portion to a hinge portion. The base portion includes a rotation-resisting joint. The base portion includes a first structural element with first structural ribs. The first structural element is joined at the rotation-resisting joint to a second structural element. The second structural element includes second structural ribs. The first structural ribs and the second structural ribs are topology optimized providing bending resistance and structural reinforcement at predetermined locations. The rotation-resisting joint includes a recessed fastener. The first structural element extends from the hinge portion to the rotation-resisting joint and the second structural element extends from the rotation-resisting joint to the panel attachment portion. 1. A goose neck hinge assembly for a motor vehicle , the goose neck hinge assembly comprising: 'wherein the base portion includes a first structural element with first structural ribs, wherein the first structural element is joined at the rotation-resisting joint to a second structural element, wherein the second structural element includes second structural ribs, wherein the first structural ribs and the second structural ribs are topology optimized providing bending resistance and structural reinforcement at predetermined locations, wherein the rotation-resisting joint includes a recessed fastener, and wherein the first structural element extends from the hinge portion to the rotation-resisting joint and the second structural element extends from the rotation-resisting joint to the panel attachment portion.', 'a base portion extending from a panel attachment portion to a hinge portion, wherein the base portion includes a rotation-resisting joint,'}2. The goose neck hinge assembly of wherein both the first structural element and the second structural element comprise horizontal extrusions bent into a predetermined shape. ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003234A1

A motor-integrated power trunk opening system applied to a vehicle may include a hinge arm which is divided into a power side portion and an interlocking side portion to support left and right end portions of a trunk lid covering a trunk compartment, and an actuator which is mounted to the power side hinge arm and moves the hinge arm upwards using generated power so that the trunk lid opens 1. A power trunk opening system comprising:an actuator mounted to a hinge arm and configured to generate power in a response to an operating signal of a control switch and move the hinge arm upwards from a trunk compartment so that a trunk lid having a predetermined weight opens.2. The power trunk opening system of claim 1 , wherein the actuator includes:a motor device coupled with the hinge arm such that rotating force generated by an operation of the motor device in a response to the operating signal is transmitted to the hinge arm; anda link device fixed to a vehicle body panel of the trunk compartment and coupled to or integrated with the motor device such that the link device along with the motor device is rotated by a rotation of the motor device and thus makes movement of the hinge arm.3. The power trunk opening system of claim 2 ,wherein the motor device and the link device are formed using a hinge arm rotating structure, andwherein the hinge arm rotating structure is embodied by a shift fixing structure in which the motor device is rotated relative to the hinge arm so that an intersection angle formed between the motor device and the hinge arm changes, and by a completely fixing structure in which the link device rotates along with the motor device, or is embodied by a completely fixing structure in which the motor device rotates along with the hinge arm, and by a shaft fixing structure in which the link device rotates relative to the motor device.4. The power trunk opening system of claim 3 ,wherein the motor device includes a motor gear configured to be rotated by a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Shower door hinge assembly

Номер: US20220018171A1
Принадлежит: MAAX Bath Inc

A hinge assembly includes a first hinged body, a pivot pin assembly, and a second hinged body. The first hinged body includes a channel. The pivot pin assembly includes a pin body configured to slideably engage the channel. The pivot pin assembly may be translated within the channel and adjustably secured along the channel. The pin body includes a downwardly extending pin. The second hinged body comprises a pin aperture configured to cooperatively receive the pin. The first hinged body and the second hinged body are configured to hingedly pivot along a hinge axis defined by the pin when the pin is received in the pin aperture. The pin body may include a pin body aperture configured to receive an alignment fastener such that the pin body may be tilt adjusted relative to the first hinged body.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008966A1

This disclosure details mounting strategies for locating and securing roof hinge covers to vehicle roofs. An exemplary roof hinge cover may be mounted relative to a roof component (e.g., roof panel, body side panel, bracket, etc.). A locator may be received through the roof hinge cover and into a locating hole of the roof component. One or more clips that are connected to the roof hinge cover may be received within locating openings of a bracket. The bracket supports at least a portion of the roof hinge cover. 1. A vehicle roof assembly , comprising:a roof component;a roof hinge cover mounted relative to the roof component;a locator received through the roof hinge cover and into a locating hole of the roof component;a bracket including a locating opening; anda clip connected to the roof hinge cover and received within locating opening of the bracket,wherein the bracket supports at least a portion of the roof hinge cover.2. The vehicle roof assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the locator and the clip are each located at different locations of the roof hinge cover.3. The vehicle roof assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the locating hole is formed through a tab of the roof component claim 1 , wherein the tab extends to a rear edge of the roof component.4. The vehicle roof assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the locator extends through the locating hole and into a wet area of the vehicle roof assembly.5. The vehicle roof assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the locator is a pin or a clip.6. The vehicle roof assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the bracket includes a first section that extends inside a roof rail or a roof ditch ornamentation cover of the vehicle roof assembly claim 1 , a second section rearward of the first section claim 1 , and a third section at least partially between the first and second sections.7. The vehicle roof assembly as recited in claim 6 , wherein the second section includes the locating opening and a second locating ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010376A1
Автор: BEATTIE Colin

A hinge having a first hinge part and a second hinge part. The second hinge part has a hinge pin to which the first hinge part is connected for movement relative to the second hinge part about a hinge axis between a closed position. An over-close mechanism is provided comprising a catch member on the second hinge part arranged to co-operate with the first hinge part to urge the first hinge part towards the closed position during closing movement of the first hinge part and to retain the first hinge part arrange to co-operate with the hinge pin to urge the first hinge part towards the closed position during closing movement. A soft-close mechanism is provided comprising a damper member on the first hinge part arranged to co-operate with the hinge pin to provide a braking force in the direction of closing. 1. A hinge comprising:a first hinge part for securing to a movable panel of a shower door; anda second hinge part for securing to a fixed structure, the second hinge part having a hinge pin to which the first hinge part is connected for movement relative to the second hinge part about a hinge axis between a closed position and an open position, an over-close mechanism comprising a catch member on the second hinge part arranged to co-operate with the first hinge part to urge the first hinge part towards the closed position during closing movement of the first hinge part and to retain the first hinge part in the closed position, a self-close mechanism comprising a pressure member on the first hinge part arranged to co-operate with the hinge pin to urge the first hinge part towards the closed position during closing movement, and a soft-close mechanism comprising a damper member on the first hinge part arranged to co-operate with the hinge pin to provide a braking force in a direction of closing.2. The hinge according to wherein the over-close mechanism is configured to be activated as the first hinge part approaches the closed position.3. The hinge according to ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010631A1

A hinge assembly includes a first bracket and a second bracket. The first bracket includes a first attachment member, a pin member and an elastomer member. The second bracket includes a second attachment member and a hollow cylinder member. 1. A hinge assembly usable will a computing device , the hinge assembly comprising:a first bracket including a first attachment member to attach to a first portion of the computing device, a pin member attached to the first attachment member, and an elastomer member attached to the pin member; anda second bracket including a second attachment member to attach to a second portion of the computing device, and a hollow cylinder member to receive the pin member and to contact the elastomer member; andwherein the elastomer member is configured to provide uniform torque during a rotation of the first bracket with respect to the second bracket.2. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the elastomer member comprises one of a thermoplastic elastomer and a thermoset elastomer.3. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the elastomer member includes a frictional surface to contact and provide uniform fiction with the hollow cylinder member.4. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the elastomer member is in a form of an elastomer layer.5. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the elastomer member includes a thickness in a radial direction of the pin member in a range of 0.1 to 1.5 millimeters.6. The hinge assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the elastomer member is a soft polymer.7. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:an O ring to removably attach to the pin member.8. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment member and the pin member are integrally formed as a single member.9. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second attachment member and the hollow cylinder member are integrally formed as a single member.10. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first bracket and the second bracket ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011103A1
Автор: Sakuma Kentaro

An object is to provide a hinge which can attach a supporting part for supporting rotatably a holder part easily to the holder part holding the door. 1. A hinge comprising;a holder part for holding a door,a supporting part for supporting rotatably the holder part, anda connection part for connecting the holder part and the support part,wherein the connection part comprises an attachment part for attaching to the holder part and a pawl for gripping elastically the supporting part.2. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein a convex part protruding toward inwardly is formed inside the holder part having a hole for receiving the connection part claim 1 , andthe connection part consists of a recess for engaging with and attaching to the convex part.3. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein the holder part comprises a holder part for holding the door and a receptacle member to be connected to the holder member claim 1 , and the receptacle member is formed with a hole for receiving the connection part.4. The hinge of claim 3 , wherein the connection part is held by sandwiching between the holder part and the receptacle part.5. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein the supporting part comprises;an axis member attached to a side of a member for attaching the door, anda connected member being attached rotatably to the axis member and connected to the connection member.6. The hinge of claim 5 , wherein the connected member is connected to an end having a concave shape formed from a cylinder shape and formed by cutting a part along an axial direction by the pawl.7. The hinge of claim 6 , wherein the connected member is formed with a flange extending outwardly from the end claim 6 , andthe flange contacts to the holder part when the pawl is connected to the end.8. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein a concave part hollowed outwardly is formed claim 1 , andthe attachment part consists of a protrusion for engaging with and attaching to the concave part.9. The hinge of claim 2 , wherein the holder part ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Gate hinge pin assembly

Номер: US20200011104A1
Автор: Bobby G. Davis
Принадлежит: Individual

A gate hinge for a preferably wooden post which includes an L-shaped rod threaded on one leg with a metal strap rigidly connected to the threaded leg at about one and one half inches from the elbow of the rod on the threaded leg. The metal strap extends six or so inches form each side of the L-shaped rod with two or more holes near each end of the strap. The L-shaped rod is threaded into the post until the metal strap contacts the post. Then each leg of the metal bracket is bent around the post and screws or lag bolts are threaded through the holes and into the post to help secure the hinge to the post and to provide added support for the gate.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015370A1
Автор: KIM Ducksu, Kim Yongjoon

A display device is disclosed that includes a display panel including a display area and a non-display area, a first coupling unit adjacent to one edge of the display panel and fixed to a rear surface of the display panel, and a second coupling unit adjacent to the other edge of the display panel and fixed to the rear surface of the display panel. The first coupling unit includes a hinge plate and a plurality of first fastening holes and the second coupling unit includes a fixing plate including a plurality of second fastening holes and a plurality of protrusions. When a plurality of display devices are connected together, the first coupling unit and the second coupling unit of each display device are coupled together, wherein the coupling of the coupling units aligns the panels of the multi-panel display device relative to each other. 1. A display device , comprising:a first display panel including a display area and a non-display area, the first display panel including a first surface opposite a second surface and a first edge opposite a second edge;a first coupling assembly disposed adjacent to the first edge of the first display panel, the first coupling assembly fixed to the second surface of the first display panel; anda second coupling assembly disposed adjacent to the second edge of the first display panel and fixed to the second surface of the first display panel,wherein the first coupling assembly includes a hinge plate rotatably coupled to the first display panel and a plurality of first fastening holes in the hinge plate, andwherein the second coupling assembly includes a fixing plate, the fixing plate including a plurality of second fastening holes and a plurality of protrusions extending from the fixing plate.2. The display device according to claim 1 , further comprising: a first coupling assembly coupled to the second display panel, the first coupling assembly including a hinge plate having a plurality of first fastening holes;', 'a second coupling ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Shearing-force mechanism with cross-linked thermoplastic

Номер: US20160017647A1
Принадлежит: Reell Precision Manufacturing Corp

A device includes first and second elements. The first element includes a cross-linked thermoplastic. The second element is configured to engage and to strain the first element by a predetermined amount. The first and second elements are configured to move relative to each other and such that movement of the first and second elements produces a substantially repeatable shearing force between the first and second elements.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018012A1
Автор: FENG Feng, Kamp Josh

One embodiment includes a hinge pin with a first end, a second end, and an interference portion located at or near the second end. A ratio of a length of the interference portion to an outer diameter of the interference portion ranges between approximately 0.3019 and 0.3341. 1. A hinge pin comprising:a first end;a second end; andan interference portion located at or near the second end, wherein a ratio of a length of the interface portion to an outer diameter of the interface portion ranges between approximately 0.3019 and 0.3341.2. The hinge pin of claim 1 , wherein the length of the interface portion ranges between approximately 0.095 inch (0.241 cm) and 0.105 inch (0.267 cm) and the outer diameter of the interface portion ranges between approximately 0.3143 inch (0.7983 cm) and 0.3147 inch (0.7993 cm).307988. The hinge pin of claim 2 , wherein the length of the interface portion is approximately 0.100 inch (0.254 cm) and the outer diameter of the interface portion is approximately 0.3145 inch (. cm).4. The hinge pin of claim 1 , wherein an outer diameter of the hinge pin from the first end to a beginning of the interference portion ranges between approximately 0.3115 inch (0.7912 cm) and 0.3125 inch (0.7938 cm).5. The hinge pin of claim 4 , wherein the outer diameter of the hinge pin from the first end to the beginning of the interference portion is approximately 0.3120 inch (0.7925 cm).6. The hinge pin of claim 1 , wherein the hinge pin is configured to be placed in a housing of a valve claim 1 , and wherein a length of the hinge pin configured to be located within the housing of the valve ranges between approximately 3.70 inch (9.40 cm) and 3.71 inch (9.42 cm).7. The hinge pin of claim 6 , wherein the length of the hinge pin configured to be located within the housing of the valve is approximately 3.705 inch (9.411 cm).8. The hinge pin of claim 1 , further comprising a retention groove at or near the first end of the hinge pin.9. A method for installing a hinge ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Coupling Assembly for Coupling a Wristworn Device to a Strap

Номер: US20140101893A1
Автор: Thomas Dornhege
Принадлежит: Timex Group USA Inc

A sleeve for use in an assembly for coupling a wristworn device to a first end of a strap. The sleeve has a first end dimensioned to be received in the recess in the inner face of the first lug of a wristworn device, an inner cavity dimensioned to receive therein the first end of a conventional spring bar, and a retractor coupled to the sleeve for urging the first end of the spring bar towards the second end of the spring bar. The second end of the spring bar is coupled to the second lug, the spring bar is coupled to the strap, the first end of the spring bar is positioned in the inner cavity of the sleeve and the first end of the sleeve is coupled to the first lug. A removable retractor for use with a spring bar, which allows for the use of a plurality of spring bars and therefore, lends itself to widespread use and retrofitting of an assembly that couples a strap to a wristworn device, is also provided.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

A dampened hinge assembly

Номер: US20210017798A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dampened hinge assembly has a male leaf and a female leaf. The female leaf has spaced apart first and second end barrels coaxially rotating with respect to a central barrel of the male leaf therebetween. An axial shaft is fixed to the second end barrel of the female leaf at a proximal end of the axial shaft. The axial shaft has a distal helicoidally threaded spindle. A compression gear having a helicoidally threaded bore matching the helicoidal thread of the spindle displaces towards the first end barrel when the leaves move into alignment and towards the second end barrel when the leaves move out of alignment. The dampened hinge assembly may be reconfigured to provide soft closure, end-of-range soft closure and/or backcheck damping.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018457A1
Автор: KIM Iksang, PARK Bumsoo

Disclosed are a foldable electronic device having a large-screen display and a folding device thereof. The disclosed electronic device comprises: a first electronic device having a first inner surface, a first outer surface, and first side surfaces arranged between the first inner surface and the first outer surface; a second electronic device having a second inner surface, a second outer surface, and second side surfaces arranged between the second inner surface and the second outer surface; and a connection part for connecting the first electronic device and the second electronic device, wherein the second electronic device has a folding part parallel to the connection part and can be thus folded on or unfolded from the first electronic device. 1. An electronic device comprising:a first electronic device which comprises a first inner surface, a first outer surface, and first side surfaces disposed between the first inner and outer surfaces;a second electronic device which comprises a second inner surface, a second outer surface, and second side surfaces disposed between the second inner and outer surfaces; anda connecting portion which connects the first and second electronic devices,wherein the second electronic device comprises a folding portion in parallel with the connecting portion, and is folded or unfolded on the first electronic device.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the second electronic device comprises a display on the second inner surface claim 1 , the folding portion is disposed in part of a display periphery claim 1 , anda plurality of ports is disposed side by side, on a side surface at the back, among the second electronic device side surfaces.3. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the folding portion comprises a plurality of folding members claim 1 , each folding member comprises a metallic material claim 1 , andeach folding member is rotatably coupled by a hinge pin and has a shape which limits an unfolding angle of the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Locking Hinge Assembly

Номер: US20170022740A1
Автор: James E Hall
Принадлежит: Individual

A locking hinge assembly having a first hinge plate and a sleeve bushing defining a through passageway and a tooth channel with opposing side walls; a second hinge plate and a sleeve bushing, for co-axial alignment of the sleeve bushings; and a splined pin received in the aligned sleeve bushings, the splined pin having a root diameter and at least one tooth projecting therefrom for being received selectively in the tooth channel, whereby the tooth being received in the tooth channel permits rotational movement of the sleeve barrel relative to the barrel until the pin is stopped by one of the side walls of the tooth channel.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023987A1
Автор: Wang Lijun

An embodiment of the present disclosure provides an electronic device and a flexible connection device. The electronic device comprises a first body; a second body; and a flexible connection device, configured to connect the first body and the second body. The flexible connection device comprises N shafts; and N−1 transmission structures, wherein each of the transmission structures connects two adjacent shafts, to connect the N shafts together in order, wherein N is an integer which is larger than 3 or equals to 3. When an action force is applied onto the first body and/or the second body so that relative positions of the first body and the second body are changed, the N shafts and the N−1 transmission structures are driven sequentially so that the flexible connection device is flexibly bent while keeping the length of the inner arc of the flexible connection device constant. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a first body;a second body; N shafts;', 'N−1 transmission structures, wherein each of the transmission structures connects two adjacent shafts, to connect the N shafts together in order, wherein N is an integer which is larger than 3 or equals to 3;, 'a flexible connection device, configured to connect the first body and the second body, and comprisingwhen an action force is applied onto the first body and/or the second body so that relative positions of the first body and the second body are changed, the N shafts and the N−1 transmission structures are driven sequentially so that the flexible connection device is flexibly bent.2. The electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the transmission structure is provided with a first through hole and a second through hole;a first inner diameter of the first through hole is larger than a first outer diameter of the shaft, so that the shaft is rotatable in the first through hole;a second inner diameter of the second through hole is matched with the first outer diameter, so that the shaft is fixed in the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Hinge support

Номер: US20220042361A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A hinge support includes a support plate that defines a first aperture and a second aperture. A pivot has an anchor arm that is disposed within the first aperture defined by the support plate. The pivot has a raised surface, a recessed surface, and a graduated surface that is defined between the raised surface and the recessed surface. A cap is disposed over and operably coupled to the pivot. The cap has a projecting surface, a receiving surface, and a sloped surface that is defined between the projecting surface and the receiving surface. An engagement plate defines an opening and is disposed around the cap. The cap and the engagement plate are configured to translate between a first position and a second position relative to the support plate.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042362A1

In an aspect, a vehicular door hinge is provided and includes a door-hinge component that is configured to mount to a vehicle door and a body-hinge component that is configured to mount to a vehicle body. The door hinge component is pivotally mounted to the body hinge component. A first one of the door- and body-hinge components is made from folded sheet metal and has a fold. Each of the door- and body-hinge components has a stop surface that is engageable with the stop surface on the other of the door- and body-hinge components to limit relative pivoting movement between the door- and body-hinge components. The stop surface on the first of the door- and body-hinge components is at the fold. 1. A vehicular door hinge , comprising:a door-hinge component that is configured to mount to a vehicle door; anda body-hinge component that is configured to mount to a vehicle body, wherein the door hinge component is pivotally mounted to the body hinge component, wherein a first one of the door- and body-hinge components is made from folded sheet metal and has a fold, and wherein each of the door- and body-hinge components has a stop surface that is engageable with the stop surface on the other of the door- and body-hinge components to limit relative pivoting movement between the door- and body-hinge components, wherein the stop surface on the first of the door- and body-hinge components is at the fold.2. A vehicular door hinge as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the other one of the door- and body-hinge components is made from folded sheet metal.3. A vehicular door hinge as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the stop surface on the other one of the door- and body-hinge components is provided on a lanced region of the other one of the door- and body-hinge components.4. A vehicular door hinge as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the other one of the door- and body-hinge components includes a first layer and a second layer claim 3 , and wherein the lanced region is provided only on one of the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024289A1

A fixing structure of a door body shaft bushing includes a door body outer frame, a door body inner frame engaged with the door body outer frame, a door body shaft bushing arranged between the door body outer frame and the door body inner frame, and a plurality of reinforcing ribs arranged on two opposed surfaces of the door body outer frame and the door body inner frame when the door body outer frame and the door body inner frame are engaged with each other. The plurality of reinforcing ribs are respectively arranged in a staggered manner along a radial direction and an axial direction of shaft holes of the door body shaft bushing. The reinforcing ribs on the door body outer frame and/or the door body inner frame are in contact with the door body shaft bushing and clamp the door body shaft bushing. 1. A fixing structure of a door body shaft bushing , comprising:a door body outer frame,a door body inner frame engaged with the door body outer frame, a door body shaft bushing arranged between the door body outer frame and the door body inner frame, and a plurality of reinforcing ribs arranged on two opposed surfaces of the door body outer frame and the door body inner frame when the door body outer frame and the door body inner frame are engaged with each other, whereinthe plurality of reinforcing ribs are respectively arranged in a staggered manner along a radial direction and an axial direction of shaft holes of the door body shaft bushing; and the reinforcing ribs on at least one of the door body outer frame and the door body inner frame are in contact with the door body shaft bushing and clamp the door body shaft bushing.2. The fixing structure of the door body shaft bushing according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of reinforcing ribs comprise first reinforcing ribs distributed along the axial direction of the door body shaft bushing and second reinforcing ribs distributed along the radial direction of the door body shaft bushing claim 1 , wherein each of the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024879A1

An adjustable hinge assembly includes a first hinge leaf, a second hinge leaf hinge-coupled to the first hinge leaf, and a hinge pin. The first hinge leaf defines a first knuckle hole corresponding to the hinge pin, and the second hinge leaf defines a second knuckle hole corresponding to the hinge pin. The first hinge leaf is hinge-coupled to the second hinge leaf by the hinge pin, the first knuckle hole, and the second knuckle hole. The hinge pin is movable within the first knuckle hole to adjust a position of the first hinge leaf relative to the second hinge leaf. 1. An adjustable hinge assembly comprising:a first hinge leaf;a second hinge; anda hinge pin;wherein the first hinge leaf defines a first knuckle hole corresponding to the hinge pin, and the second hinge leaf defines a second knuckle hole corresponding to the hinge pin;wherein the first hinge leaf is hinge-coupled to the second hinge leaf by the hinge pin, the first knuckle hole, and the second knuckle hole; andwherein the hinge pin is movable within the first knuckle hole to adjust a position of the first hinge leaf relative to the second hinge leaf.2. The adjustable hinge assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an adjustment member installed on the first hinge leaf and configured to abut the hinge pin; wherein when the hinge pin is moved within the first knuckle hole to a predetermined position claim 1 , the adjustment member is moved to abut the hinge pin to fix the position of the hinge pin.3. The adjustable hinge assembly of claim 2 , wherein the adjustment member comprises a plurality of adjustable screws; the first hinge leaf defines a plurality of threaded holes corresponding to the plurality of adjustable screws; the adjustable screws are correspondingly installed in the plurality of threaded holes; wherein when the hinge pin is moved within the first knuckle hole to a predetermined position claim 2 , the plurality of adjustable screws are screwed in to abut the hinge pin to fix the position of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024880A1

A refrigeration device has a first door with an opening and a second door for closing the opening in the first door. A first hinge member has a first connection portion fixed on a main body of the refrigeration device and a first hinged portion connected to the first door. A second hinge member has a second connection portion fixed on the first door and a second hinged portion connected to the second door. The second hinge member includes a columnar portion that is hinged to the first hinged portion. One of the columnar portion and the first hinged portion has a first shaft hole, and the other one has a first hinge shaft that extends into the first shaft hole. The novel device prevents a door body of the refrigeration device from being damaged at a hinged position and the reliability of the refrigeration device is improved. 1. A refrigeration device , comprising:a main body;a first door pivotably mounted on a front side of the main body, the first door having an opening;a second door pivotably mounted on a front side of the first door and configured to selectively open and close the opening;a first hinge member having a first connection portion that is fixed on the main body and a first hinged portion that is connected to the first door; anda second hinge member having a second connection portion that is fixed on the first door, a second hinged portion that is connected to the second door, and a columnar portion that is hinged to the first hinged portion, and wherein one of the columnar portion and the first hinged portion is formed with a first shaft hole, and the other of the columnar portion and the first hinged portion includes a first hinge shaft that extends into the first shaft hole.2. The refrigeration device according to claim 1 , wherein the columnar portion has the first shaft hole claim 1 , the first shaft hole is located in the first door claim 1 , and the first hinged portion comprises the first hinge shaft and extends into the columnar portion.3. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024881A1

A hinge includes: a vehicle body-side hinge member that is provided with a vehicle body attachment portion for attachment to a vehicle body; a back door-side hinge member that is provided with a door attachment portion for attachment to a back door and with a coupling portion extending from the door attachment portion toward the vehicle body-side hinge member, the coupling portion being formed with a reinforcing rib on both edges in a width direction intersecting an extension direction of the coupling portion; and a rotational support member that couples an end portion, at a side of the vehicle body-side hinge member, of the coupling portion together with the vehicle body-side hinge member, and that supports the vehicle body-side hinge member and the back door-side hinge member so as to allow relative rotation of the vehicle body-side hinge member and the back door-side hinge member. 1. A hinge , comprising:a vehicle body-side hinge member that is provided with a vehicle body attachment portion for attachment to a vehicle body;a back door-side hinge member that is provided with a door attachment portion for attachment to a back door and with a coupling portion extending from the door attachment portion toward the vehicle body-side hinge member, the coupling portion being formed with a reinforcing rib on both edges in a width direction intersecting an extension direction of the coupling portion; anda rotational support member that couples an end portion, at a side of the vehicle body-side hinge member, of the coupling portion together with the vehicle body-side hinge member, and that supports the vehicle body-side hinge member and the back door-side hinge member so as to allow relative rotation of the vehicle body-side hinge member and the back door-side hinge member.2. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing rib is formed continuously with an edge of the door attachment portion.3. The hinge of either claim 1 , wherein:the vehicle body attachment portion is ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025207A1
Автор: Nuss Bart Andrew

A freezer appliance includes a cabinet defining a food storage chamber. A door is positioned on the cabinet and is movable between a closed position and an open position. The door is rotatably and releasably coupled to the cabinet by a hinge. The hinge includes a first hinge arm fixed to one of the door or the cabinet, a second hinge arm pivotably joined with the first hinge arm, and a carrier fixed to the other of the door or the cabinet. The second hinge arm is releasably received in the carrier, such that the door is detachable from the cabinet. 1. A freezer appliance defining a vertical direction , a lateral direction , and a transverse direction , the vertical , lateral , and transverse directions being mutually perpendicular , the freezer appliance comprising:a cabinet defining a food storage chamber, the food storage chamber comprising a top portion, the top portion of the food storage chamber defining an opening for receipt of food items;a door positioned at the top portion of the food storage chamber and movable between a closed position and an open position to selectively sealingly enclose the food storage chamber in the closed position and provide access to the food storage chamber in the open position; and a first hinge arm fixed to one of the door or the cabinet;', 'a second hinge arm pivotably joined with the first hinge arm; and', 'a carrier fixed to the other of the door or the cabinet, the second hinge arm releasably received in the carrier, whereby the door is detachable from the cabinet., 'a hinge rotatably coupling the door to the cabinet, the hinge comprising2. The freezer appliance of claim 1 , wherein the first hinge arm is fixed to the door and the carrier is fixed to the cabinet.3. The freezer appliance of claim 1 , wherein the carrier comprises a front wall fixed to the other of the door or the cabinet claim 1 , a rear wall opposite the front wall claim 1 , a first side wall extending between the front wall and the rear wall claim 1 , a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029135A1

Disclosed are a hinge module, and a case and an electronic device that include the same. The hinge module includes a first case connection connected to a first case, a second case connection connected to a second case, a first hinge shaft having one end connected to the first case connection, a second hinge shaft having one end connected to the second case connection, and a curling part that provides a frictional force to the first hinge shaft, at least a portion of which is inserted into the curling part, to allow the first hinge shaft to rotate with a first torque and provides a frictional force to the second hinge shaft, at least a portion of which is inserted into the curling part, to allow the second hinge shaft to rotate with a second torque different from the first torque. 1. An electronic device comprising:a first case and a second case; anda hinge module disposed to connect the first case and the second case to allow the first and second cases to rotate,wherein the hinge module includes:a first case connection connected to the first case;a second case connection connected to the second case;a first hinge shaft having one end connected to the first case connection;a second hinge shaft having one end connected to the second case connection; anda curling part having an empty area in the center and disposed to provide a frictional force to the first hinge shaft, at least a portion of which is inserted into the curling part, to allow the first hinge shaft to rotate with a first torque and to provide a frictional force to the second hinge shaft, at least a portion of which is inserted into the curling part, to allow the second hinge shaft to rotate with a second torque different from the first torque.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , further comprising:a stopping member disposed to limit a rotation range of the first hinge shaft and the second hinge shaft that are inserted into the stopping member,wherein the stopping member includes:a first stopper allowing ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030120A1
Автор: DREISEWERD Nikolaus

A hinge for recessed installation between a door frame and a door panel that has first and second housings adapted for recessing in the door frame and an edge of the door panel, a pair of links having ends pivoted in the housings and pivoted together about a vertical axis extending in a vertical direction perpendicular to mutually perpendicular first and second horizontal directions, and two supports in the second housing in which the respective ends of the links are pivoted. A vertical connector body to which the supports are fixed is limitedly vertically movable in the first housing along with the supports and links. Respective pairs of guide faces on the connector body spaced apart in the vertical direction flank each of the supports. 1. A hinge for recessed installation between a door frame and a door panel , the hinge comprising:first and second housings adapted for recessing in the door frame and an edge of the door panel;a pair of links having ends pivoted in the housings and pivoted together about a vertical axis extending in a vertical direction perpendicular to mutually perpendicular first and second horizontal directions;two supports in the second housing in which the respective ends of the links are pivoted;a vertical connector body to which the supports are fixed, the connector body being limitedly vertically movable in the first housing along with the supports and links;respective pairs of guide faces on the connector body spaced apart in the vertical direction and flanking each of the supports.2. The hinge defined in claim 1 , wherein the second housing body is basically U-shaped and forms a cavity extending in the vertical direction and holding the connector body.3. The hinge defined in claim 1 , wherein there is vertical play between the link assembly and the supports.4. The hinge defined in claim 1 , further comprising:an adjustment mechanism including a wedge engaged between the first housing and the connector body for shifting the connector body ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030121A1

Disclosed is a long arm quick release hinge comprised of a hinge cup pivotally connected to a hinge body with a hinge pin via a hinge arm and a link in a four-bar linkage arrangement. The link is a collection of plates with interlocking projections and indentions arranged adjacent to each other and separated by resilient shock absorbing spacers. The hinge body is adjustably connected to a connecting plate with an overlay screw and an adjustment screw. 1. A durable long arm hinge comprising:a hinge cup connected to a hinge arm;a hinge body connected to the hinge arm and having a first threaded hole engaged with an overlay screw;a set of interlocking plates, adjacent the hinge arm, connected to the hinge cup with a hinge pin and connected to the hinge body with a pivot pin;a set of resilient spacers, adjacent the hinge body and the set of interlocking plates, mounted on the pivot pin;a connecting plate slidably engaged with the overlay screw;an adjustment screw threadably engaged with the connecting plate and slidably engaged with the hinge body;wherein to make an overlay adjustment, the overlay screw is rotated such that a lateral position of the hinge body relative to the connecting plate is altered; and,wherein to make a horizontal adjustment, the adjustment screw is rotated such that a horizontal position of the hinge body relative to the connecting plate can be altered.2. The durable long arm hinge of further comprising:wherein the adjustment screw extends through an oblong hole in the hinge body; and,the overlay screw further comprises a threaded section, a shaft extending from and integrally formed with the threaded section, and a disk integrally formed with the shaft, wherein the shaft extends through an open slot in the connecting plate and the disk is adjacent the connecting plate.3. The durable long arm hinge of further comprising:a projection on a first side of each plate of the set of interlocking plates; and,an indention on a second side of each plate of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030122A1
Автор: DREISEWERD Nikolaus

A hinge for recessed installation between a door frame and a door panel has first and second housings adapted for recessing in the door frame and an edge of the door panel, a pair of links having ends pivoted in the housings and pivoted together about a vertical axis extending in a vertical direction perpendicular to mutually perpendicular first and second horizontal directions, and two supports in the second housing in which the respective ends of the links are pivoted. Respective adjusting screws extend in the second horizontal direction and are braced between the supports and the second housing such that rotation of each adjusting screws shifts the respective support in the second housing in the second horizontal direction. Respective pairs of guide faces spaced apart in the direction flank each of the supports. 1. A hinge for recessed installation between a door frame and a door panel , the hinge comprising:first and second housings adapted for recessing in the door frame and an edge of the door panel;a pair of links having ends pivoted in the housings and pivoted together about a vertical axis extending in a vertical direction perpendicular to mutually perpendicular first and second horizontal directions;two supports in the second housing in which the respective ends of the links are pivoted;respective adjusting screws extending in the second horizontal direction and braced between the supports and the second housing such that rotation of each adjusting screws shifts the respective support in the second housing in the second horizontal direction; andrespective pairs of guide faces spaced apart in the vertical direction and flanking each of the supports.2. The hinge defined in claim 1 , further comprising:complementary interfitting groove and ridge structures formed on and between each of the supports and the second housing.3. The hinge defined in claim 1 , wherein the second housing forms a seat cavity receiving the supports and the respective ends of the links ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210029232A1

In a mobile communication terminal in which a flexible display panel is provided in two body portions which are foldably connected to each other, a plurality of rotation supports are provided in a central joint that connects the two body portions and two sliding panels sliding in the respective body portions together and the rotation supports are directly connected to the two body portions to support rotation of the body portions such that the body portions do not rotate over 180 degrees when the two body portions are fully unfolded, whereby damage of the flexible display panel provided on the surfaces of the two body portions is prevented. 1. An in-folding type hinge structure having a flexible display panel installed therein , comprising:{'b': '50', 'a central joint ();'}{'b': 52', '152', '50, 'rotation supports () each having rotation support surface () that are made up on upper side of the central joint () at left and right each;'}{'b': 13', '15', '13', '52', '152', '52, 'rotation parts () each having a rounded contact surface (), wherein the each rotation part () rotates along the each rotation support (), and the rounded contact surface is in contact with the rotation support surface () of the each rotation support ();'}{'b': 10', '12', '13, 'a pair of body portion (, ) each having the rotation part () on each bottom side;'}{'b': 15', '152', '52', '10', '12, 'wherein the rounded contact surface () is convex-shaped downward, and the rotation support surfaces () of the rotation support () is concave shaped downward in a state that the body portion (, ) are unfolded at 180 degree,'}{'b': 15', '152', '52, 'wherein the convex-shaped rounded contact surface () is in contact with the concave-shaped rotation support surfaces () of the rotation support ().'}25250. The in-folding type hinge structure having a flexible display panel installed therein according to claim 1 , wherein the each rotation support () rotates on the central joint ().3131515252. The in-folding ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Door hinge assembly

Номер: US20180030766A1

A door hinge assembly is provided which can prevent the phenomenon of closure of an open door by performing a self-stay function, and can improve a worker's or user's convenience and implement a cost saving effect by simplifying the configuration compared to the prior art in which a hinge and a stay are separately provided. To this end, the door hinge assembly includes a hinge shaft, a rotary plate which has one side rotatably connected to the hinge shaft and has the other side connected to a door, and a fixing plate which has one side connected to the hinge shaft and has the other side fixed to a door frame which is formed on the wall surface of an inner space that is opened and closed by the door, wherein the upper end surface of the rotary plate is divided into a reference surface and a stepped surface which has a relatively lower height than the reference surface, and a protrusion part which can be mounted on the reference surface is formed on the outer circumferential surface of the hinge shaft which faces the upper end surface of the rotary plate.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Durable low-vibration long arm hinge apparatus

Номер: US20140115826A1
Принадлежит: Hardware Resources Inc

Disclosed is a long arm quick release hinge comprised of a hinge cup pivotally connected to a hinge body with a hinge pin via a hinge arm and a link in a four-bar linkage arrangement. The link is a collection of plates with interlocking projections and indentions arranged adjacent to each other and separated by resilient shock absorbing spacers. The hinge body is adjustably connected to a connecting plate with an overlay screw and an adjustment screw.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Engine Hood Mounting System

Номер: US20190031245A1

An engine hood mounting system includes an engine hood having at least one engine hood pivot support disposed on an inner surface thereof, at least one pivot joint located on a chassis frame of the agricultural machine, and at least one pivot bar assembly configured to interfit with a respective pivot joint and engine hood pivot support. The at least one pivot bar assembly includes an outer pivot bar having a first end and a second end and an inner pivot bar disposed within the outer pivot bar having a first end and a second end. The outer pivot bar and the inner pivot bar are coupled to each other via at least one fastener. Further, the at least one pivot bar assembly, its respective engine hood pivot support, and its respective pivot joint are oriented along a rotation axis. 2. The engine hood mounting system of wherein the first end of the inner pivot bar of each of the at least one pivot bar assembly is disposed within a channel of a respective one of the at least one engine hood pivot support; andwherein a portion of the outer and inner pivot bars are disposed within a channel of a respective one of the at least one pivot joint at a location between the first and second ends of the outer and inner pivot bars.3. The engine hood mounting system of wherein each of the at least one pivot joint is located on a rear surface of the chassis frame.4. The engine hood mounting system of wherein the at least one pivot joint includes a first pivot joint and a second pivot joint;the first pivot joint located on a rear surface of the chassis frame adjacent a first side edge of the chassis frame; andthe second pivot joint located on the rear surface of the chassis frame adjacent a second side edge of the chassis frame.5. The engine hood mounting system of wherein each of the at least one engine hood pivot support is disposed at a respective location on a lower portion of the inner surface of the engine hood.6. The engine hood mounting system of wherein the at least one engine ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180032109A1
Автор: Määttä Esa-Sakari
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

A hinge assembly for a multi-part electronic device comprises a pair of opposing living hinge elements for connecting first and second parts of the multi-part electronic device. Each hinge element has a first segment, an intermediate segment and a second segment, and comprises a first hinged joint positioned at a junction of the first segment and the intermediate segment and defining a first hinge axis, and a second hinged joint positioned at a junction of the second segment and the intermediate segment and defining a second hinge axis. The second hinged joint is spaced apart from the first hinged joint by a length of the intermediate segment. Each of the first and second hinged joints is configured to permit 180 degrees of rotation. A multi-part electronic device having a double-acting hinge arrangement is also described. 1. A hinge assembly for a multi-part electronic device , comprising: a first hinged joint positioned at a junction of the first segment and the intermediate segment and defining a first hinge axis, and', 'a second hinged joint positioned at a junction of the second segment and the intermediate segment and defining a second hinge axis, the second hinged joint being spaced apart from the first hinged joint by a length of the intermediate segment,, 'a pair of opposing living hinge elements for connecting first and second parts of the multi-part electronic device, each hinge element having a first segment, an intermediate segment and a second segment and comprisingwherein each of the first and second hinged joints is configured to permit 180 degrees of rotation.2. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate segment and the first segment are rotatable relative to each other into a first overlapped configuration in which the intermediate segment contacts and overlaps the first segment claim 1 , and wherein the intermediate segment and the second segment are rotatable relative to each other into a second overlapped configuration in which the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180032110A1

A rotary shaft link device has a simplified structure occupying less room and is easy to assemble and includes a transmission unit disposed on a first shaft, a reaction unit disposed on a second shaft and a link unit disposed between the transmission unit and the reaction unit. Two ends of the link unit are formed with driving sections engaged with the transmission unit and the reaction unit. The link unit is assembled in the rail of the restriction plate. When the first shaft is rotated, the link unit responsively moves from a first position to a second position to drive the reaction unit and the second shaft to synchronously rotate. According to the specification of the product, the number of the link devices can be easily adjusted to achieve the object of modularized assembly. 1. A rotary shaft link device comprising a first shaft , a transmission unit disposed on the first shaft , a second shaft in parallel to the first shaft and a reaction unit disposed on the second shaft , each of the first and second shafts having a pivoted section and an assembled section , at least one link unit in the form of a plate-like body being disposed between the transmission unit of the first shaft and the reaction unit of the second shaft , two ends of the link unit being formed with driving sections respectively engaged with the transmission unit of the first shaft and the reaction unit of the second shaft , whereby when the first shaft is rotated , the link unit responsively moves from a first position to a second position to drive the reaction unit and the second shaft to synchronously rotate.2. The rotary shaft link device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a tail end section of the pivoted section of the first shaft is formed with a rectangular cross-sectional structure and a tail end section of the pivoted section of the second shaft is also formed with a rectangular cross-sectional structure claim 1 , the assembled sections of the first and second shafts being assembled with ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Door Hinge

Номер: US20220049529A1

A door hinge assembly includes: a door frame defining a frame opening and a jamb at one side of the frame opening, the jamb including two frame corners protruding into the frame opening and a jamb brace connecting the two frame corners across the frame opening, the jamb brace defining two spaced-apart hinge holes therethrough; a door movable to selectively provide access through the frame opening, and an elastic cord connecting the door to the door frame, the cord extending sequentially through a first of the two hinge passages, through a first of two passage openings at the jamb edge, through a first of the two hinge holes, across the jamb brace, through a second of the two hinge holes, through a second of the two passage openings at the jamb edge, and through the second of the two hinge passages. 111.-. (canceled)12. A door hinge assembly , comprising:a door frame defining a frame opening and a jamb at one side of the frame opening, the jamb including a jamb brace extending across the frame opening, the jamb brace defining two spaced-apart hinge holes therethrough;a door movable to selectively provide access through the frame opening, the door comprising two broad side surfaces connected by door edges including a jamb edge, the door defining:two hinge passages, each hinge passage extending from a respective passage opening at the jamb edge to a respective passage opening at one of the broad side surfaces of the door; andan elastic cord connecting the door to the door frame and extending through the hinge passages. This application is a continuation application of and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 120 to U.S. application Ser. No. 16/399,810, filed on Apr. 30, 2019, the entire contents of which is incorporated herein by reference.This invention generally relates to door hinge assemblies, and more particularly to hinges for doors intended to be opened by young children, such as on toys.Doors and door hinge assemblies are often found in many childhood toys and ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032381A1
Автор: Witting Adam C.

In at least one implementation, a nut for a hinge pin includes a head and a sidewall portion extending from the head to a free end. The sidewall portion includes at least one void that defines part of at least one sidewall section. The void extends radially through the sidewall portion and along at least part of the axial extent of the sidewall portion including the free end so that the free end of the sidewall portion is not circumferentially continuous. 1. A nut for a hinge pin , comprising:a head; anda sidewall portion extending from the head to a free end and including at least one void that defines part of at least one sidewall section, wherein the void extends radially through the sidewall portion and along at least part of the axial extent of the sidewall portion including the free end so that the free end of the sidewall portion is not circumferentially continuous, where the terms axial, radial and circumferential relate to an axis of the nut, wherein when not coupled to another component the sidewall portion includes an inner surface that defines part of a cylinder and an outer surface that defines part of a cylinder.2. The nut of wherein two voids are provided and the sidewall portion includes two sidewall sections.3. The nut of wherein the voids extend from a free end of the sidewall portion to the head so that the sidewall sections are spaced apart from each other along their full axial length and may bend relative to each other.4. The nut of wherein the sidewall portion includes internal threads along at least part of an interior surface of the sidewall sections.5. The nut of wherein the head includes a void outboard of the sidewall portion and enclosed radially between the sidewall portion and the head.6. The nut of wherein the void of the head extends axially through the head.7. The nut of wherein the sidewall sections define portions of a cylinder.8. A hinge for a removable component of a vehicle claim 2 , comprising:a first hinge part adapted to be ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032383A1

A detachable lift gate hinge cover assembly includes a bracket fixed to a vehicle roof, the bracket including an attachment member having an integrally connected coupling portion. A plate assembly includes a panel having a retention member integrally connected to the panel. The plate assembly when rotated in a first rotation direction aligns the retention member with a clearance opening of the coupling portion allowing insertion of the retention member through the clearance opening to releasably engage a hook shaped end of the retention member with the coupling portion. The plate assembly when positioned in an installed position within a roof hinge pocket of the roof at least partially covers a lift gate hinge attachment area. The plate assembly when rotated in a second rotation direction opposite to the first rotation direction releases the hook shaped end from the coupling portion to release the plate assembly from the installed position. 1. A detachable lift gate hinge cover assembly , comprising:a bracket positioned within an elongated depression formed in a roof of an automobile vehicle and fixed to each of the roof within the elongated depression and to a trim member positioned outside of the elongated depression; anda plate assembly releasably connected to the bracket, the plate assembly when positioned in an installed position at least partially within and covering a lift gate hinge pocket located rear of the elongated depression.2. The detachable lift gate hinge cover assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bracket includes an attachment member having an integrally connected coupling portion claim 1 , the coupling portion including a clearance opening.3. The detachable lift gate hinge cover assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plate assembly includes a panel having a retention member integrally connected to the panel claim 2 , the plate assembly when rotated in a first direction of rotation aligning the retention member with the clearance opening of the coupling ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Interlocking Connector and Associated Systems and Methods

Номер: US20190032384A1
Автор: Yeung Sunny Yu Sun

A system and method for removably joining two surfaces together with a connector using protrusions and slots. A protrusion rising from the surface is slid into a slot in a parallel direction to the surface so it is secured against being removed in a perpendicular direction to the surface. Various shapes of protrusions and slots are possible, including trapezoid profiles. 1. A system for removably joining a first surface and a second surface with a connector , the system comprising:the first surface having one or more trapezoid profile protrusions rising from the first surface with a longest edge of the protrusion furthest away from the first surface;the second surface having one or more trapezoid profile protrusions rising from the second surface with a longest edge of the protrusion furthest away from the second surface;the connector having a first side and a second side, the first side having at least one trapezoid profile slot for slidably interlocking with the trapezoid profile protrusion rising from the first surface, and the second side having at least one trapezoid profile slot for slidably interlocking with the trapezoid profile protrusion rising from the second surface.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the protrusions has an isosceles trapezoid profile.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the connector has a raised edge adjacent to the slot for keeping the protrusion in the slot when joined.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first surface has an angled edge for minimizing gaps with a corresponding angled edge on the second surface when joined.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein both angled edges are 45 degrees.6. A method of removably joining a first surface having at least one trapezoid profile protrusion and a second surface having at least one trapezoid profile protrusion with a connector having at least two trapezoid profile slots claim 4 , the method comprising:aligning the protrusion on the first surface with the first slot such that ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032564A1

A hinge is arranged to move two panels, such as a stationary fence panel and a gate, between an open position and a closed position. When the hinge is in a closed position, the posts to which the hinge is attached are maintained in substantial contact along substantially the entire longitudinal length of the posts, thereby preventing small animals from passing through the fence. The hinge has two hinge halves, each having a finger portion arranged to interlace with a finger portion of the other hinge half, each finger of the finger portions defining an opening, and an arcuate post-engaging portion extending for at least 90 degrees and defining a longitudinal opening for receiving an end post, wherein each longitudinal opening faces the other when the hinge is in a closed position. The hinge also has a hinge pin passing through and within the openings allowing rotation. 1. The hinge comprising: a finger portion arranged to interlace with a finger portion of the other hinge half, each finger of the finger portions defining an opening; and', 'an arcuate post-engaging portion extending for at least 90 degrees and defining a longitudinal opening for receiving an end post, wherein each longitudinal opening faces the other when the hinge is in a closed position; and, 'two hinge halves, each hinge half comprisinga hinge pin passing through and within the openings of the interlaced fingers of the finger portions thereby allowing rotation of at least one hinge half about the hinge pin with respect to the other hinge half,wherein when the hinge is in a closed position, the posts to which the hinge is attached are maintained in substantial contact along substantially the entire longitudinal length of the posts.2. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein a span of each said arcuate post-engaging portion is between 90° and 270°.3. The hinge of claim 2 , wherein a span of each said arcuate post-engaging portion is between 90° and 180°.3. The hinge of claim 2 , wherein a span of each said ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032566A1

A hinge device includes a base member, a lid member connected to the base member via a hinge structure having a hinge pin and a bearing hole loosely receiving the hinge pin. The base member is provided with a first abutting portion adjacent to the hinge structure, and the lid member is provided with a second abutting portion adjacent to the hinge structure so that the lid member can rotate relative to the base member from an open position to a closed position, the first abutting portion and the second abutting portion being configured to abut each other in a direction orthogonal to an axial line of a hinge axis of the hinge structure when an angle formed by the first member and the second member is within a first angular range preceding the closed position. 1. A hinge device , comprising:a first member having a hinge pin extending in a lateral direction; anda second member having a bearing portion defining a bearing hole loosely receiving the hinge pin so that the first and second members can rotate relative to each other from an open position to a closed position, the bearing hole forming a hinge structure jointly with the hinge pin;wherein the first member is provided with a first abutting portion adjacent to the hinge pin, and the second member is provided with a second abutting portion adjacent to the bearing hole, the first abutting portion and the second abutting portion being configured to abut each other in a direction orthogonal to an axial line of the hinge pin when an angle formed by the first member and the second member is within a first angular range preceding the closed position.2. The hinge device according to claim 1 , wherein one of a part of the first member adjacent to the hinge pin and a part of the second member adjacent to the bearing hole is provided with a first projection which is configured to abut an engagement part provided on another of the part of the first member adjacent to the hinge pin and the part of the second member adjacent to ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032917A1
Автор: Collene James J.
Принадлежит: Mansfield Engineered Components, Inc.

A household appliance hinge includes a mounting portion and a mounting tab including a cam profile. A door mounting lever is pivotally connected to the mounting tab of the mounting portion. A spring-biased control system is connected to the door mounting lever and includes a spring-biased cam follower system including a cam follower that: (i) engages the cam profile in an engagement position and for all positions of the door mounting lever between the engagement position and a first operative position; and, (ii) separates from the cam profile for all positions of said door mounting lever located between the engagement position and a second operative position. The hinge is self-latching. 2. The household appliance hinge as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said cam follower is biased to an extended position when said door mounting lever is located between said second operative position and said engagement position.3. The household appliance hinge as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said spring-biased control system comprises:a spring-rod slidably connected to the lever, wherein said follower is connected to an inner end of the spring rod;a spring operatively engaged between the lever and the spring rod that biases said spring rod and said follower toward a fully extended position.4. The household appliance hinge as set forth in claim 3 , wherein said spring comprises a spring coaxially positioned about said spring rod.5. The household appliance hinge as set forth in claim 4 , wherein said inner end of said spring rod comprises a bifurcated yoke including spaced-apart legs and wherein said follower comprises a roller located between said legs and rotatably secured to said legs by a follower support shaft.6. The household appliance hinge as set forth in claim 5 , wherein said lever comprises spaced-apart first and second side walls that respectively include first and second elongated slots that are aligned with each other claim 5 , and wherein opposite first and second ends ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040463A1
Автор: Gramstad Derek Ronald
Принадлежит: Truth Hardware Corporation

A hinge for coupling a movable element to a frame that defines an opening that receives the movable element. The hinge includes a frame interface assembly adapted to attach to the frame at one or more attachment points. The frame interface assembly includes a frame leaf and a sealing member, the frame leaf defines a mounting face adapted to abut an exterior surface of the frame and a plurality of spaced apart knuckles. The sealing member defines an attachment point liquid barrier sealing face abutting an interior surface of the frame opposite the mounting face. The hinge further includes a sash leaf adapted to attach to the window sash, with the sash leaf defining one or more knuckles, and a pin assembly including a hinge pin extending through the knuckles of the frame leaf and the knuckles of the sash leaf to couple the frame leaf and the sash leaf. 1. A hinge for coupling a movable element to a frame , the frame defining an opening that receives the movable element , the hinge comprising:a frame interface assembly adapted to attach to the frame at one or more attachment points, the frame interface assembly comprising a first leaf and a sealing member, the first leaf defining a mounting face adapted to abut an exterior surface of the frame and a plurality of spaced apart knuckles, the sealing member defining an attachment point liquid barrier sealing face adapted to abut an interior surface of the frame opposite the mounting face;a second leaf adapted to attach to the window sash, the second leaf defining one or more knuckles; anda pin assembly including a hinge pin extending through the spaced apart knuckles of the first leaf and the one or more knuckles of the second leaf to operably couple the first leaf and the second leaf.2. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein the sealing member is made from metal.3. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein the sealing member is made from a resilient material.4. The hinge of claim 3 , wherein the sealing member is made from plastic.5. The ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040464A1
Автор: Lu Wei

A hinge includes a first frame, a second frame, a bolt, a gear, an adjusting nut, a spring component, a shield, and an engaging component, the first frame has two first clamping portions for clamping the gear, the second frame has two second clamping portions for clamping the two first clamping portions, the adjusting nut is screwed on the bolt and provides clamping force, an accommodating cavity is opened in the second frame, the engaging component is configured therein and engages with the gear, the engaging component disengages from the gear when a first sidewall thereof presses against a sidewall of the accommodating cavity, the gear is prevented from rotating when a second sidewall of the engaging component presses against another sidewall of the accommodating cavity, the spring component is configured between the second frame and the engaging component, and the shield shields the gear. 1. A hinge , comprising a first frame , a second frame , a bolt , a gear , an adjusting nut , a spring component , a shield , and an engaging component having engaging teeth , the gear being rotatably set on the bolt , an end of the first frame having two opposite first clamping portions , the two first clamping portions being rotatably set on the bolt and clamping the gear , an end of the second frame having two opposite second clamping portions , the two second clamping portions being rotatably set on the bolt and clamping the two first clamping portions , the adjusting nut being screwed on the bolt and providing clamping force for the two first clamping portions and the two second clamping portions , an accommodating cavity being opened in the second frame , the engaging component being received in the accommodating cavity and engaging with the gear , the engaging component having a first sidewall , a second sidewall , and an end portion configured between the first sidewall and the second sidewall , the first sidewall and the second sidewall respectively being withstood with ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040466A1

Disclosed is a low profile, adjustable, soft close hinge comprised of a hinge cup pivotally connected to a hinge body via a hinge arm and a hinge link in a four-bar linkage arrangement. A spring biases the hinge to a closed position. The hinge body is adjustably connected to an inner frame with an overlay adjustment screw and depth adjustment cam. The inner frame releasably connects the hinge body to a mounting plate. A stop bracket is adjustably and slidably connected to the hinge body by a helical cam. The adjustable position of the stop bracket relative to the hinge body determines the point at which the damping functionality of a damper begins during a hinge closing movement. A linkage sub-assembly pivotally connects the damper to the hinge link. 1. An adjustable soft close hinge comprising:a hinge cup connected to a hinge body by a hinge arm and a hinge link;a damper, having a damping function, comprising a first end pivotally connected to the hinge link;a stop bracket adjustably connected to the hinge body and receiving a second end of the damper;a helical cam, seated in the hinge body, comprising a groove;a protrusion extending from the stop bracket and engaging the groove; and,wherein upon rotation of the helical cam, the protrusion moves through the groove to adjust a longitudinal position of the stop bracket relative to the hinge body such that a start point of the damping function is adjusted.2. The adjustable soft close hinge of further comprising:an inner frame adjustably connected to the hinge body;an overlay adjustment screw threadably attached to the hinge body and slidably attached to the inner frame; and,wherein upon rotation of the overlay adjustment screw, a relative distance between the hinge body and the inner frame is altered.3. The adjustable soft close hinge of further comprising:an inner frame adjustably connected to the hinge body;a depth adjustment cam seated in and rotatable within the hinge body and rotatably connected to the inner ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Pivot device and method of generating asymmetric friction torque

Номер: US20180038143A1
Автор: Eugene Novin
Принадлежит: Southco Inc

A pivot device having asymmetric friction torque is provided. The pivot device includes a shaft extending along a longitudinal axis, a sleeve surrounding the shaft, the sleeve defining a gap extending longitudinally, the sleeve and the shaft being configured for rotation with respect to one another about the longitudinal axis, and a helical compression element surrounding the sleeve and exerting a compressive force onto the sleeve, wherein a first torque required to rotate the sleeve and the shaft with respect to one another in a first direction differs from a second torque required to rotate the sleeve and the shaft with respect to one another in a second direction opposite to the first direction. A method for providing a pivot device asymmetric friction torque is also provided.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056742A1
Автор: KIM I Re

Disclosed is a safety magnetic hinge for preventing a door from being suddenly closed by wind, by, when the hinge opens, fixing the hinge so as not to close at a predetermined angle through a magnet installed in the hinge. 1. A safety magnetic hinge comprising:a door hinge member including a coupling plate having a plurality of coupling holes and fixed to one end surface of a door, and a cylindrical shaft formed at a rear end of the coupling plate;a stopper member having one end coupled to one surface of the coupling plate to extend to a rear side of the door hinge member, and including a round plate formed on one side of the cylindrical shaft, an installation plate extending to a rear side of the round plate and formed at an end thereof with a bent part bent to an opposite side of the round plate, and a magnet rod attached to a front surface of the installation plate;a door frame hinge member including a fixing plate having a plurality of coupling holes and fixed to an inner surface of a door frame, and a cylindrical shaft formed at a rear end of the fixing plate;an attachment fixing member including a bent plate bent and extending from an end of the cylindrical shaft of the door frame hinge member to a rear side of the cylindrical shaft, and an attachment plate bent from a rear side of the bent plate to an opposite side of the bent plate, installed on a rear side of the door frame, and to which the magnet rod installed on the installation plate is selectively attached and fixed;a hinge pin inserted into the cylindrical shafts to rotatably connect the door frame hinge member to the door hinge member; anda washer inserted between the cylindrical shafts,wherein, when the door is opened from the door frame in a state in which the door hinge member and the door frame hinge member are coupled to the door and the door frame, respectively, as the door hinge member is opened at a predetermined angle with respect to the door frame hinge member, the magnet rod of the stopper ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056748A1
Принадлежит: Polaris IP Pty Ltd

A hinge including: a first leaf assembly accommodating a portion of a first panel having a first cut-out section, the first leaf assembly including a first insert component which is tight fittingly receivable within the first cut-out section; a second leaf assembly, hingedly coupled to the first leaf assembly, for accommodating a portion of a second panel having a second cut-out section; a spring operatively coupled to the first and second leaf assemblies to bias the hinge to move from an open position to a closed position; and a dampener to dampen movement of the hinge from the open position to the closed position, wherein said longitudinal dampener axis is disposed between and substantially parallel with planes defined by respective opposing faces of the first panel. 1. A hinge including:a first leaf assembly including a first front leaf component coupled to a first rear leaf component for accommodating therebetween a portion of a first panel having a first cut-out, wherein the first leaf assembly further includes a first insert component located between the first front and rear leaf components, wherein a portion of the first insert component is adapted to locate within the first cut-out;a second leaf assembly hingedly connected to the first leaf assembly about a hinge axis, said second leaf assembly including a second front leaf component coupled to a second rear leaf component for accommodating therebetween a portion of a second panel having a second cut-out, wherein the second leaf assembly further includes a second insert component located between the second front and rear leaf components, wherein a portion of the second insert component is adapted to be located within the second cut-out;a spring operatively coupled to the first and second leaf assemblies to bias the hinge to move from an open position to a closed position; anda dampener, having a longitudinal dampener axis, said dampener at least partially surrounded by the second insert component and at ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056946A1

A hinge is provided. The hinge includes a first plate, a second plate, a third plate, a shaft, a first elastic element, and a second elastic element. The second plate is connected to the first plate. The third plate is disposed on the second plate. The shaft is connected to the first plate and the second plate. The first elastic element surrounds the shaft. The second elastic element is connected to the second plate and the third plate. The second plate is rotatable around the shaft via the first elastic element. The second plate is movable relative to the third plate via the second elastic element. 1. A hinge , comprising:a first plate;a second plate connected to the first plate;a third plate disposed on the second plate;a shaft connected to the first plate and the second plate;a first elastic element surrounding the shaft; anda second elastic element connected to the second plate and the third plate;wherein the second plate is rotatable around the shaft via the first elastic element;wherein the second plate is movable relative to the third plate via the second elastic element.2. The hinge as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of fastening elements claim 1 , wherein the second plate is fastened to the third plate via the fastening elements.3. The hinge as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the second plate is movable relative to the third plate via the second elastic element and the fastening elements.4. The hinge as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a second plate hollow is formed on the second plate claim 1 , and the second plate comprises a second plate protrusion protruding from an edge of the second plate hollow toward the third plate.5. The hinge as claimed in claim 4 , wherein a third plate hollow is formed on the third plate claim 4 , and the third plate comprises a third plate protrusion protruding from an edge of the third plate hollow away from the second plate.6. The hinge as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the second elastic element is connected to ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042129A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

The description relates to devices that include hinged portions and controlling rotation of the portions. One example can include a display coupled to a first end of an arm. The example can also include a base rotatably secured to a hollow shaft that is fixed to the arm. The hollow shaft defines an axis of rotation of the arm relative to the base. The base can also include first and second opposing axial cam elements positioned on the hollow shaft and a spring positioned on the hollow shaft. The first and second opposing axial cam elements can be oriented relative to one another such that rotation of the arm toward the base causes the first and second axial cam elements to move away from one another along the hollow shaft thereby compressing the spring. 1. A device , comprising:a display coupled to a first end of an arm; and,a base rotatably secured to a hollow shaft that is fixed to a second end of the arm, the hollow shaft defining an axis of rotation of the arm relative to the base, the base further comprising first and second opposing axial cam elements positioned on the hollow shaft and a spring positioned on the hollow shaft, the first and second opposing axial cam elements oriented relative to one another such that rotation of the arm toward the base causes the first and second opposing axial cam elements to move away from one another along the hollow shaft thereby compressing the spring.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first axial cam element rotates around the axis with the arm.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second axial cam element comprises a cam follower.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first axial cam element moves along the axis relative to the second axial cam element.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second axial cam element moves along the axis relative to the first axial cam element.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the hollow shaft is keyed parallel to the axis and the second axial cam element includes a keyway that ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040626A1
Автор: Hatano Yuuichi

A biaxial hinge which can be downsized. The biaxial hinge includes a first main body, an intermediate body coupled to the first main body so that the intermediate body can rotate around a first shaft and a second main body coupled to the intermediate body so that the second main body can rotate around a second shaft which is parallel with the first shaft. Two laminated first friction plates are engaged with the first shaft. Two laminated second friction plates are engaged with the second shaft. The first main body supports the first shaft so that the first shaft cannot rotate. The second main body supports the second shaft so that the second shaft cannot rotate. The first friction plates and the second friction plates are contained in the intermediate body so that the first friction plates and the second friction plates cannot rotate. 1. A biaxial hinge including a first main body , an intermediate body coupled to the first main body so that the intermediate body can rotate around a first shaft and a second main body coupled to the intermediate body so that the second main body can rotate around a second shaft which is in parallel with the first shaft , comprising:two or more laminated first friction plates engaged with the first shaft in an interference fitting state; andtwo or more laminated second friction plates engaged with the second shaft in an interference fitting state,wherein the first shaft cannot rotate with respect to one of the first main body and the intermediate body in a clockwise direction and a counterclockwise direction,wherein the first friction plates cannot rotate with respect to the other one of the first main body and the intermediate body in the clockwise direction and the counterclockwise direction,wherein the second shaft cannot rotate with respect to one of the second main body and the intermediate body in the clockwise direction and the counterclockwise direction, andwherein the second friction plates cannot rotate with respect to the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Additively Manufactured Hinge Assembly

Номер: US20200040627A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A hinge assembly and a method of additively manufacturing the same are provided. The hinge assembly includes a hub defining a body and a first mounting arm and a second mounting arm each projecting from the body. The first mounting arm and the second mounting arm are spaced from one another and define a hinge axis. The hinge assembly also includes a rotatable member or vane rotatably coupled with the hub and positioned between the first mounting arm and the second mounting arm. The rotatable member defines a vane hinge member or hinge member having a first nesting feature shaped complementary to a portion the first mounting arm and a second nesting feature shaped complementary to a portion of the second mounting arm of the hub to nest the hinge member between the first mounting arm and the second mounting arm. The hub and the rotatable member are simultaneously additively manufactured as distinct, but inseparable monolithic components.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Flag stop door hinge

Номер: US20200040629A1
Автор: McLain Benjamin W

A hinge (FIG. ) with an adjustable built-in door stop mechanism. The hinge contains two leaves and a hinge pin. The first leaf with three knuckles has various receptacles () on both the upper and lower knuckles () to ensure the door stop works with both right and left-handed doors. The hinge also contains a standard hinge pin () that includes a flag () immediately at the base of the pin head. The hinge is designed to stop when the pin flag () is inserted into one of the pin flag receptacles () limiting the swing range of motion of the hinge. The second leaf () will rotate until making contact with the pin flag () and the top knuckle (), stopping the hinge from rotating any further. The appropriate pin flag receptacle () selected is based on the required swing of the hinge. 1134. Leaf one () contains three knuckles () , with the upper and lower knuckles to include pre-set pin flag receptacles () that are set to limit leaf range of motion to predetermined angles of hinge rotation , most commonly 90 and 180 degrees of rotation. Knuckles may include multiple receptacles and the location of receptacles may vary depending on the proximity of the door to the required range of motion of the hinge.234. Upper and lower knuckles () of the first leaf both include flag receptacles () to allow for the same hinge to be utilized on right and left-handed doors.3564. Hinge pin () contains a pin flag () immediately below the pin head that will be inserted into the flag receptacle (). The pin flag may be of varying shapes and sizes to adjust the swing of the door or to add style or safety features to the flag.4126. First leaf () should be attached to door frame , second leaf () should be attached to the door to allow the second leaf to swing freely , coming into contact with the pin flag () , stopping the door.56462. Pin flag () inserts into appropriate upper knuckle flag receptacle () with the pin flag () limiting the range of motion for the second leaf () to swing.626. The upper ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Hinge Pin for a Hinge or Joint

Номер: US20160047150A1
Автор: Ramsauer Dieter

A pin for a hinge or articulated connection comprising two articulated pieces or hinge leaves having in each instance a receiving space for the pin such as an articulated pin or hinge pin, which receiving space is oriented coaxial to the joint axis or hinge axis, wherein the articulated pin or hinge pin is formed of two parts, and wherein the inner end of the one pin part can be connected to the inner end of the other pin part by means of toothed engagement, hooking engagement or clipping engagement. 1. A pin for an articulated connection or a hinge; two articulated pieces or hinge leaves, each having a cylindrical receiving space for the pin', 'wherein the cylindrical receiving space oriented coaxial to a connection axis or hinge axis of the articulated connection or hinge;, 'wherein the articulated connection or hinge comprises a first pin part; and', 'a second pin part;', 'wherein an inner end of the first pin part comprises first toothing and an inner end of the second pin part comprises second toothing configured to engage with the first toothing to connect the first pin part to the second pin part;', 'wherein the first toothing and the second toothing each comprises one to eight teeth;', 'wherein each tooth of the first toothing proceeds from a first-pin slanted surface of the first pin part which is slanted with respect to the connection axis or hinge axis, and each tooth of the second toothing proceeds from a second-pin slanted surface of the second pin part which is slanted with respect to the connection axis or hinge axis;', 'wherein the first-pin slanted surface proceeds from a radial surface of the first pin part which extends radially with respect to the connection axis or hinge axis, and the second-pin slanted surface proceeds from a radial surface of the second pin part which extends radially with respect to the connection axis or hinge axis;', 'wherein an end of the first pin part comprises a first hook, and an end of the second pin part comprises a ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047152A1
Автор: Suarez Gonzalez Yeray

Door hinge, configured by a base body () having a flat surface (), to be joined, by means of an adhesive or screws, to the upper and lower base of the piece of furniture, and a circular cavity () to receive, fitted therein, the lower or upper edge end () of the door, either directly through insertion of a projection () of the door, dimensioned for that purpose, or through a rotation cylindrical part (). The rotation cylindrical part () is an independent piece or it is joined integrally to the upper or lower edges end () of the door () or it is part of the door itself. The edge of the base body () of the hinge () is provided with a recess () suitable for receiving, fitted therein, a projection () of the door in a matching position, intended to secure closing thereof. 1234282a. A flexible door hinge , particularly furniture doors , made of a material having a certain grade of flexibility , such as plastic , methacrylate , or another similar material , that , being of the type of hinge designed to couple both in the upper and lower section of the door () for which it is intended to , is characterized in that it is configured from a base body () representing a flat surface () , susceptible to be integrally joined to the upper and lower base of the piece of furniture the door () is coupled to , and wherein the existence of a circular cavity () is contemplated , being said cavity suitable for receiving , fitted therein , the lower or upper edge end () of the door.235. The door hinge claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that the base body () is joined to the upper and lower base of the piece of furniture by means of an adhesive ().3367. The door hinge claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that the base body () is joined to the upper and lower base of the piece of furniture by means of claim 1 , at least claim 1 , a screw () inserted in an orifice () provided in said body for that purpose.4228891028aa. The door hinge claim 3 , according to claim 3 , ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047156A1

A transmission device applied to a pivot shaft mechanism provides a security system and is easy to assemble. The transmission device includes at least one rotary shaft, a drive section movable with the rotation of the rotary shaft, a driver (transversely) reciprocally movable and a turning unit having a first end connected with the driver and a second end assembled with a carrier body. The driver includes an arm section provided with an elastic body and a hand section connected with the arm section. When the driver is transversely moved, the turning unit is swung, whereby the second end of the turning unit drives the carrier body for lifting or lowering a substrate body or a frame in accordance with the operation mode of an electronic apparatus. 1. A transmission device applied to pivot shaft mechanism , comprising:at least one rotary shaft having a fixed section and a pivoted section, the pivoted section being assembled with a torque module;a drive section disposed on the rotary shaft, the drive section being provided with a driving section;a reciprocally movable driver having a hand section assembled with the driving section and an arm section connected with the hand section, the arm section being formed with a guide rail, an elastic body being disposed in the arm section; anda turning unit including a first end connected with the driver and the elastic body, a second end assembled with a carrier body and a middle section connected between the first and second ends, one end of the elastic body being affixed to the arm section, the other end of the elastic body and the first end of the turning unit being pivotally connected on the guide rail, whereby when the driver is moved, the turning unit is swung to make the second end of the turning unit drive the carrier body to move.2. The transmission device applied to pivot shaft mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hand section of the driver is provided with a guide section inlaid in the driving sect ion claim 1 ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Hinge structure

Номер: US20170044808A1
Автор: Yang-Sung Liao
Принадлежит: Xiamen Yarn-Way Enterprise Co Ltd

A hinge structure includes two leaves with locking holes and a pivot adapted to be in connection with the two leaves, where each leaf is made of polymer composite carbon fiber and pivot is a pivoting piece made of aromatic polyamide curtain fabric, where the pivoting piece is sandwiched between the two leaves and bonded together therewith by means of thermosetting molding to form a sheet body. The present invention is silent without needing maintenance, labor-saving in door opening and closing, long in hinge life, light-weighted in weight, thin in thickness and good in strength.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160048175A1

A pivot shaft transmission device provides a security system and is easy to assemble. The pivot shaft transmission device includes at least one rotary shaft, a drive section movable with the rotation of the rotary shaft, a driver (transversely) movable along a rail between a first position and a second position, a turning unit having a first end connected with the driver and a second end, and a transmission unit assembled with the second end of the turning unit. The transmission unit includes a first section, a second section and at least one elastic body assembled with each other. When the turning unit is swung, the transmission unit is driven to (longitudinally) move to drive a connection section and a carrier body for lifting or lowering a substrate body or a frame in accordance with the operation mode of an electronic apparatus. 1. A pivot shaft transmission device comprising:at least one rotary shaft having a fixed section and a pivoted section, the pivoted section being assembled with a torque module;a drive section disposed on the rotary shaft, the drive section being provided with a driving section;a driver having a guide section assembled with the driving section and a hand section, the hand section being movable along a rail between a first position and a second position;a turning unit including a first end pivotally connected with the hand section of the driver, a second end and a middle section connected between the first and second ends;a transmission unit having a pivoted end pivotally connected with the second end of the turning unit and an assembling end pivotally connected with a connection section; andat least one elastic body disposed between the pivoted end and the assembling end, when the rotary shaft is rotated, the drive section, the driver and the turning unit being moved in response to the rotation of the rotary shaft, whereby the transmission unit drives the connection section to move.2. The pivot shaft transmission device as claimed in ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044961A1

Disclosed is a self-closing, soft-close compact hinge comprising of a hinge cup pivotally connected to a hinge body via a hinge arm. A coil spring wrapped around the hinge cup provides the self-closing functionality and biases the hinge to a closed position. A damper is contained within the hinge cup in the path of the swinging hinge arm and guided by a damper cover fixedly attached to the hinge cup. The hinge body is comprised of three separate plates adjustably connected to each other with cam screws. The position of the hinge body with respect to the hinge arm is adjustable in three directions without the need for removal or loosening of mounting hardware used to attach the hinge body to a furniture piece. 1. A soft-close hinge for pivotally connecting a cabinet door to a cabinet frame comprising:a hinge cup pivotally connected to a hinge arm, the hinge cup having a first side wall and a second side wall defining an interior;a first tab extending into the interior from the first side wall;a second tab extending into the interior from the second side wall;a hinge body adjustably connected to the hinge arm;a damper cover permanently engaged with the first tab and the second tab;a damper, secured in the interior and adjacent the damper cover, that is positioned to operatively engage the hinge arm through a sliding engagement with an angled cylinder face;a spring, held adjacent the hinge cup, extending through the first side wall and the second side wall and biasing the hinge cup toward the hinge arm; and,wherein a position of the hinge arm relative to the cabinet frame is adjustable in a first direction, a second direction, and a third direction.2. The soft-close hinge of wherein the hinge body further comprises:an overlay plate adjustably connected to the hinge arm;an adjustment plate adjustably connected to the overlay plate; and,a mounting plate adjustably connected to the adjustment plate.3. The soft-close hinge of wherein the spring further comprises:a loop ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Omni-directional connection assembly

Номер: US20170045081A1
Автор: Randy Stratman
Принадлежит: A Zahner Co

An omni-directional connection assembly broadly includes a hinge pin and one or more connection brackets. The hinge pin comprises a base section, a pair of primary walls, and a pair of opposed projections. The primary walls form a primary slot therebetween for receiving an engagement portion of a first panel therein. The opposed projections are spaced from the primary walls and form elongated passageways for allowing the primary walls to bend slightly outward for receiving the engagement portion of the first panel. The connection brackets are U-shaped for being positioned over the hinge pin and including flanges for attaching the connection brackets to a second panel. The first and second panels are then connected together at angles of between 0 and 180 degrees or more.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200043388A1

A system and method for removable or semi-permanent installation of a TOLED display are disclosed. In one embodiment, the system includes a TOLED display that includes a TOLED panel coupled to a cover glass. The system further includes a top hinge assembly and a bottom hinge assembly used to rotatably couple the TOLED display to a support structure to facilitate rotation of the TOLED display to different positions and to provide relatively easy removal of the TOLED assembly. 1. A system for removable or semi-permanent installation of transparent organic lighting diode (TOLED) display , comprising:a TOLED display that includes a TOLED panel coupled to a cover glass; anda top hinge assembly and a bottom hinge assembly used to rotatably couple the TOLED display to a support structure to facilitate rotation of the TOLED display to different positions and to provide relatively easy removal of the TOLED display.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the TOLED display can be rotated at least to an open position claim 1 , a partially open position claim 1 , or a close position.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein each of the top hinge assembly and the bottom hinge assembly includes a rotation stop portion to prevent the TOLED display from rotating past zero degree.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the top hinge assembly and the bottom hinge assembly comprises:a hinge mechanism coupled to the TOLED display;a hinge base coupled to the support structure; anda removable hinge pin that is used to couple the hinge mechanism and the TOLED display to the hinge base and the support structure, wherein the hinge pin can be removed to disengage the hinge mechanism and the TOLED display from the hinge base and the support structure.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the removable hinge pin is a retractable threaded pin.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the removable hinge pin is coupled to a pin-in-slot mechanism that enables the hinge pin to be extended to engage the hinge ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046375A1

A hinge assembly includes a first hinge member including a first outer finger defining a first aperture, the first aperture including a first circumferential tapered surface, a second hinge member including a second outer finger defining a second aperture, the second aperture including a second circumferential tapered surface, and a fastener assembly including a first hub, a second hub, and a fastener, the first hub including a circumferential tapered surface that is complimentary to the first circumferential tapered surface, and the second hub including a circumferential tapered surface that is complimentary to the second circumferential tapered surface, the fastener assembly is configured to connect the first hinge member to the second hinge member. 1. A hinge assembly comprising:a first hinge member including a first outer finger defining a first aperture, the first aperture including a first circumferential tapered surface;a second hinge member including a second outer finger defining a second aperture, the second aperture including a second circumferential tapered surface; anda fastener assembly including a first hub, a second hub, and a fastener, the first hub including a circumferential tapered surface that is complimentary to the first circumferential tapered surface, and the second hub including a circumferential tapered surface that is complimentary to the second circumferential tapered surface,wherein the fastener assembly is configured to connect the first hinge member to the second hinge member by the first hub being received by the first aperture such that the circumferential tapered surface of the first hub engages the first circumferential tapered surface of the first aperture, the second hub being received by the second aperture such that the circumferential tapered surface of the second hub engages the second circumferential tapered surface of the second aperture, and the fastener coupling the first hub to the second hub.2. The hinge assembly of ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065012A1
Автор: Lin Che-Hsien, Lu Ko-Yen

A hinge structure includes: a base having an axial hole whose an inner wall has positioning concave portions; at least one torque element, disposed in the axial hole and includes a torque providing portion and positioning convex portions; and a rotation shaft, passing through the through hole. The torque providing portion surrounds a central axis of the axial hole to form a through hole, the torque providing portion has a fracture adjacent to the through hole, and the positioning convex portions are connected to the torque providing portion and correspond to the positioning concave portions respectively. The torque providing portion and the positioning convex portions are located on a same virtual plane perpendicular to the center axis. A first virtual straight line on the virtual plane passes through the fracture and the center axis, and at least some positioning convex portions are not located on the first virtual straight line. 1. A hinge structure , comprising:a base having an axial hole, wherein an inner wall of the axial hole has a plurality of positioning concave portions;at least one torque element disposed in the axial hole and comprising a torque providing portion and a plurality of positioning convex portions, wherein the torque providing portion surrounds a central axis of the axial hole to form a through hole, the torque providing portion has a fracture adjacent to the through hole, and the positioning convex portions are connected to the torque providing portion and configured to respectively correspond to the positioning concave portions, wherein the torque providing portion and the positioning convex portions are located on a same virtual plane, and the virtual plane is perpendicular to the central axis, a first virtual straight line on the virtual plane passes through the fracture and the central axis, and at least some of the positioning convex portions are not located on the first virtual straight line; anda rotation shaft passing through the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Hinge pin and associated door hinge assembly

Номер: US20220065014A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A hinge pin that allows for clean and convenient internal lubrication of associated door hinge assemblies, including: a head, a body, and a tip; wherein the head includes a fluid reservoir, and a fluid input aperture; wherein the body includes a first end, a second end, wherein the first end and the second end define a length therebetween, at least one fluid output aperture, a primary bore, and a secondary bore; and wherein the primary and secondary bores are positioned between the fluid input aperture and the at least one fluid output aperture, and define a pathway for fluid flow therebetween.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052706A1
Автор: Kalis Robert W.

A hinged apparatus for message clip boards where a message board is allowed to pivot at least 180 degrees along one vertical edge of the message board to allow a message board to be mounted to the side wall of an object, such as a refrigerator, and that would allow the message board to be position at or near zero degrees, to hide the visibility of the board to an angle greater than zero, such as 90 degrees, to position the board parallel with the front of the object (refrigerator) so as to be fully visible. The hinge apparatus featuring a thin vertical bar used to support the message board with minimum surface contact along any metallic strip in a object, wall, refrigerator etc. 120-. (canceled)21. A message board comprising:a. a hinge positioned in parallel with one outer vertical edge of said message board with a message board side and a mounting surface side attached together by a pivot means. Said mounting surface side having a minimal vertical width in contact with a mounting surface and a maximum height in contact with said mounting surface less than 150% of the height of said message board vertical height.b. means for attaching said mounting surface side to a target surface;221. The message board with pivot means of claim wherein said means for attaching said mounting surface side is a continuous magnet strip between the said mounting surface side and said target mounting surface to mount to.231. The message board with pivot means of claim wherein said means for attaching said mounting surface side is a plurality of individual magnets between the said mounting surface side and said target mounting surface to mount to.241. The message board with pivot means of claim wherein said means for attaching said mounting surface side is plurality of suction cups between the said mounting surface side and said target mounting surface to mount to.251. The message board with pivot means of claim wherein said means for attaching said mounting surface side is adhesive tape ...
