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27-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2443870C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Втулка шарнира лопатки с регулируемым углом установки, устанавливаемая в выемку в кольце турбомашины, содержит трубчатый корпус вокруг продольной оси и средства для предотвращения вращения в выемке в кольце. Трубчатый корпус втулки имеет расположенный на одном его конце первый конический кольцевой выступ и расположенный на противоположном конце второй конический кольцевой выступ. Конические поверхности, образованные первым и вторым кольцевыми выступами, обращены друг к другу. Средства для предотвращения вращения втулки в выемке в кольце содержат пластину, имеющую, по меньшей мере, одну поверхность для установления по существу плоского контакта с соответствующей поверхностью пластины для предотвращения вращения соседней втулки. Еще одно изобретение группы относится к кольцу турбомашины, содержащему множество выемок для размещения шарнира и множество втулок, выполненных как указано выше. Другие изобретения группы относятся к компрессору турбомашины и турбомашине, каждый из которых содержит ...

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2377418C2

Осевая секция ротора турбины включает примыкающую к двум торцевым первым боковым поверхностям внешнюю периферийную поверхность и дополнительную периферийную поверхность, соседнюю с одной из первых боковых поверхностей. Во внешней периферийной поверхности выполнены пазы для рабочих лопаток турбины. В дополнительной периферийной поверхности выполнен, по меньшей мере, один открытый радиально наружу уплотнительный паз с несколькими вставленными в него уплотнительными элементами. Уплотнительные элементы, по меньшей мере, частично перекрывают торцевые проемы удерживающих рабочие лопатки пазов. К дополнительной периферийной поверхности примыкает вторая боковая поверхность. Для каждого уплотнительного элемента во второй боковой поверхности предусмотрено отверстие, проходящее в осевом направлении и пронизывающее, по меньшей мере, одну из боковых стенок уплотнительного паза. Каждый уплотнительный элемент фиксирован от сдвига в направлении периферии сидящим в отверстии пальцем. Предусмотрено также ...

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2447291C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Система уравновешивания ротора газотурбинной установки содержит уравновешивающий захват, включающий в себя несколько сквозных отверстий. Система также включает в себя несколько уравновешивающих грузов, каждый из которых прочно крепится на уравновешивающем захвате посредством первой и второй пар винт/гайка, содержащих первый винт и второй винт, которые устанавливаются в непосредственно следующих друг за другом первом и втором отверстиях. Каждое из отверстий имеет первую и вторую боковые поверхности, которые располагаются с одной и другой стороны от винта, входящего в состав соответствующей пары винт/гайка. Вторая боковая поверхность смещена относительно первой боковой поверхности в первом направлении, а первое сквозное отверстие смещено относительно второго сквозного отверстия во втором, противоположном первому, направлении. Первый винт упирается в первую боковую поверхность первого сквозного отверстия и располагается на расстоянии от второй боковой поверхности. Второй винт упирается во ...

27-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2451804C2
Принадлежит: ЭРСЕЛЬ (FR)

Гондола турбореактивного двигателя включает воздухозаборник, направляющий воздушный поток к вентилятору турбореактивного двигателя, и охватывающий вентилятор центральный отсек, с которым соединен и аэродинамически плавно сопряжен воздухозаборник. Центральный отсек имеет кожух, охватывающий вентилятор, и подвижный капот, обеспечивающий доступ внутрь гондолы. Воздухозаборник содержит внутреннюю панель, прикрепленную с помощью кожуха к центральному отсеку и образующую вместе с ним неподвижную конструкцию гондолы, и продольную наружную панель, съемно прикрепленную к неподвижной конструкции и включающую в себя кромку воздухозаборника. Наружная панель установлена с возможностью смещения из рабочего положения в положение для техобслуживания. В рабочем положении наружная панель аэродинамически плавно сопряжена с наружной конструкцией центрального отсека, а кромка воздухозаборника аэродинамически плавно сопряжена с внутренней панелью воздухозаборника. В положении для техобслуживания наружная панель ...

21-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016108869A3

03-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017113724A3

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494265C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Устройство соединения радиальных стоек с круглой обечайкой при помощи осей и распорок содержит круглую обечайку, в основном радиальные стойки, соединяющие обечайку с другой концентричной обечайкой, и соединения стоек с обечайкой или с внутренней ступицей. При этом каждое из соединений содержит, по меньшей мере, одно отверстие, проходящее через стойку параллельно обечайке. При этом через каждое от упомянутых отверстий проходит палец. По обе стороны от стойки на пальце выполнена пара отверстий. Соединения также содержат пару распорок, расположенных по обе стороны от стойки между пальцем и обечайкой. Отверстия проходят через обечайку и распорки и образуют линии с отверстиями пальца. Болты проходят через линии отверстий и стягивают обечайку, палец и распорки. Изобретение позволяет облегчить монтаж соединения, упростить соединительные детали, облегчить их, болты меньше подвержены нагреву и заклиниванию. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2496008C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Устройство разъединения опоры (7) подшипника в газотурбинном двигателе. Опора (7) подшипника содержит переднюю часть (1) и заднюю часть (2), содержащие соответственно множество передних отверстий (10) и задних отверстий (20), через которые проходят предохранительные винты (3). Для всех винтов предусмотрен зазор (4) между каждым передним отверстием (10) и проходящим через него предохранительным винтом (3), позволяющий избежать за счет указанного зазора любого контакта между передним отверстием (10) и предохранительным винтом (3). Передняя часть (1) и задняя часть (2) опоры подшипника контактируют друг с другом, по меньшей мере, двумя параллельными поверхностями боковин различных диаметров, формирующими наружные и внутренние средства центровки, образующими средство двойной центровки и взаимодействующими друг с другом для обеспечения осевого выравнивания одной из указанных частей относительно другой части. Обеспечивается лучший контроль за функцией разъединения за счет устранения усилий сдвига ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009116284A

... 1. Гондола (1) для турбореактивного двигателя (ТРД) с отсеком (4) воздухозаборника, направляющего воздушный поток к вентилятору ТРД, и центральным отсеком (5), который охватывает указанный вентилятор и к которому прикреплен и аэродинамически плавно сопряжен отсек воздухозаборника, причем центральный отсек имеет, во-первых, кожух (9), охватывающий вентилятор, и, во-вторых, наружную конструкцию (13), отличающаяся тем, что отсек воздухозаборника содержит, во-первых, по меньшей мере, одну внутреннюю панель (41), прикрепленную с помощью кожуха к центральному отсеку и образующую вместе с ним неподвижную конструкцию гондолы, и, во-вторых, по меньшей мере, одну продольную наружную панель (40), съемно прикрепленную к неподвижной конструкции и включающую в себя губу (4а) воздухозаборника, причем указанная наружная панель установлена с возможностью смещения из рабочего положения, в котором наружная панель аэродинамически плавно сопряжена с наружной конструкцией центрального отсека, а губа воздухозаборника ...

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010126338A

... 1. Установка, содержащая: ! газотурбинный двигатель (22), ! опорную конструкцию (70), предназначенную для поддержки указанного двигателя (22) и содержащую первую опору (82) и вторую опору (86), и ! центрирующий набор (84) шпонок, предназначенный для установки между первой и второй опорами и содержащий шпоночные сегменты (100), выборочно расположенные один над другим с обеспечением задания толщины. ! 2. Установка по п.1, в которой опорная конструкция (70) содержит по меньшей мере один из следующих узлов: подшипник, систему смазки и ротор, на концевой части (31) ступени (30) турбины газотурбинного двигателя (22). ! 3. Установка по п.1, в которой газотурбинный двигатель (22) содержит первую ступень (26) турбины и вторую ступень (28) турбины, причем опорная конструкция (70) расположена между указанными первой и второй ступенями, при этом толщина набора (84) шпонок может изменяться на основании выбора шпоночных сегментов (100) для обеспечения регулирования центрирования опорной конструкции ( ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013152402A

... 1. Лопатка (28) статора осевой турбомашины (2), предназначенная для установки на втулку на кольцевом ряде аналогичных лопаток, при этом лопатка (28) содержит платформу (32, 132, 232, 332, 432, 532) со средствами (34, 134, 234, 334, 434, 534) крепления к втулке, позволяющую выполнять угловую регулировку лопатки, передний край (38, 138, 238, 338, 438, 538), задний край (38, 138, 238, 338, 438, 538) и два противоположных боковых края (36, 136, 236, 336, 436, 536);отличающаяся тем, чтоформа платформы содержит на каждом из своих боковых краев угловой профиль, выполненный с возможностью сопряжения со смежным краем платформы аналогичной смежной лопатки (28), для обеспечения углового позиционирования лопатки по меньшей мере в одном направлении вращения.2. Лопатка (28) по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что угловой профиль содержит по меньшей мере одну контактную часть (48, 148, 248, 348, 448, 548), по существу, наклоненную к оси (14) турбомашины под углом, большим либо равным 20°, предпочтительно большим ...

20-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003134810A

... 1. Теплозащитная стенка (2) для работающей на отработавших газах турбины, при этом работающая на отработавших газах турбина имеет корпус (1) турбины, установленный с возможностью вращения в корпусе (4) подшипника вал (3), а также расположенное на валу турбинное колесо (5), и теплозащитная стенка (2) вместе с корпусом (1) турбины ограничивает канал (6) обдува турбинного колеса, отличающаяся тем, что теплозащитная стенка имеет средства (21, 22, 23) для центрирования корпуса (1) турбины относительно установленного в корпусе (4) подшипника вала (3). 2. Теплозащитная стенка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что теплозащитная стенка в качестве средств для центрирования корпуса турбины относительно вала содержит, по меньшей мере, две опоры (21, 22), при этом первая опора (21) из, по меньшей мере, двух опор предназначена для опоры на корпус (4) подшипника, а вторая опора (22) из, по меньшей мере, двух опор предназначена для опоры на корпус (1) турбины. 3. Теплозащитная стенка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Adjustment device for supercharger for lifting cylinder internal combustion engine to drive passenger car, has adjusting ring centered relative to bearing element, and centering element centered in coupling element

Номер: DE102013000499A1

The device (10) has a bearing element (12) rotated around a rotational axis (17). Guide vanes conduct exhaust gas, and are placed over a coupling element (18). An adjusting ring (16) rotates the guide vanes that are rotated around another rotational axis (14). A centering element (22) is rotated around the latter rotational axis and arranged relative to the bearing element. The adjusting ring is centered relative to the bearing element, and the centering element is centered in the coupling element. The coupling element is partly engaged with a retainer (20) of the ring.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Strömungsmaschine mit einer in einer Ausnehmung einer Wandung anordenbaren Einsetzeinrichtung

Номер: DE102016101168A1

Es wird eine Strömungsmaschine (10) mit einer sich zumindest bereichsweise umfangsseitig zu einer Zentralachse (1) der Strömungsmaschine (10) erstreckenden Wandung (32) und mit wenigstens einer Einsetzeinrichtung (48), die im Bereich einer in der Wandung (32) angeordneten Ausnehmung (42) lösbar mit der Wandung (32) verbindbar ist. Die Einsetzeinrichtung (48) weist eine Verbindungseinrichtung (64) auf, mittels der die Einsetzeinrichtung (48) in Wirkverbindung mit einer Verbindungseinrichtung (65) der Wandung (32) bringbar ist. Die Verbindungseinrichtung (64) der Einsetzeinrichtung (48) weist eine sich in montiertem Zustand der Einsetzeinrichtung (48) zumindest bereichsweise in radialer Richtung (R) der Strömungsmaschine (10) erstreckende Vorkragung (72) auf, die in montiertem Zustand der Einsetzeinrichtung (48) in eine Nut (80) der Verbindungseinrichtung (65) der Wandung (32) eingreift. Die Verbindungseinrichtung (64) der Wandung (32) weist eine sich in montiertem Zustand der Einsetzeinrichtung ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Lagergehäuse eines Abgasturboladers

Номер: DE112012001087T5

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Lagergehäuse (1) eines Abgasturboladers (ATL) mit einer Lagerungsbohrung (2); mit einer Lagereinrichtung (3), die zwei in der Lagerungsbohrung (2) angeordnete Lagerbuchsen (4, 5) aufweist, zwischen denen ein Abstandhalter (6) angeordnet ist; mit einem Drehzahlsensor (7), der in eine Sensorausnehmung (8) des Abstandhalters (6) eingreift; und mit einem Absteckstift (9), der in eine Stiftbohrung (10) eingeschraubt ist und mit seinem Stiftkopf (12) in eine Stiftausnehmung (11) des Abstandhalters (6) eingreift; wobei die Stiftausnehmung (11) als Langloch ausgebildet ist.

06-03-2008 дата публикации

Gasturbine und Verfahren zu deren Montage

Номер: DE602005004353D1

12-02-2004 дата публикации

Anordnung zum axialen und radialen Fixieren der Leitschaufeln eines Leitschaufelkranzes einer Gasturbine

Номер: DE0010223655B3

Gasturbine (10) mit mindestens einem Leitschaufelkranz, dessen Leitschaufeln (12) über lösbare Verriegelungselemente (18, 18', 18'', 30) axial und radial fixiert sind, die einen eine Anschlagfläche (19) und Passflächen (20) tragende Vorsprünge (21) aufweisenden, als frei bearbeitbares Bauteil ausgebildeten Mantelring (18) sowie für jede Leitschaufel (12) ein Haltestück (30) umfassen, das in entsprechende Ausnehmungen (27, 27') an einem stromabwärtigen Mantelring (18'') eingreift, wobei über Federbügel (35) die Haltestücke (30) in ihrer durch die Verriegelungselemente bestimmten Lage gehalten sind.

10-07-2013 дата публикации

Device for uncoupling a bearing carrier

Номер: GB0201309423D0

11-06-2014 дата публикации

A turbine engine casing

Номер: GB0201407354D0

26-08-2015 дата публикации

Assembly of a balancing weight with a rotor element

Номер: GB0201512578D0

06-04-2016 дата публикации

Connection of rotatable parts

Номер: GB0201602857D0

06-07-2016 дата публикации

An annular casing for a turbine engine compressor

Номер: GB0002497644B
Автор: AUDE ABADIE, Aude Abadie
Принадлежит: SNECMA

04-11-2015 дата публикации

Flow distribution blading comprising an improved sealing plate

Номер: GB0002525807A

The invention concerns a fixed flow distribution blading (10) in a turbomachine, comprising two coaxial annular platforms that are internal (12) and external respectively, linked to each other by a plurality of radial blades (11), in which the internal annular platform (12) comprises an annular radial partition (120) and a blade support ring (121 ) extending to each side of an outer radial end of said partition (120), the blading (10) further comprising an annular sealing plate (20) mounted on the internal annular platform (12), on the upstream side of the radial partition relative to an airflow in the blading, the blading (10) being characterised in that the sealing plate (20) is mounted on the blade support ring (121), and in that it comprises a circumferential groove. The invention also concerns a method for producing such a blading and a turbomachine comprising such a blading.

25-03-2015 дата публикации

Method of producing suspension for a structure in a turbojet engine using a hyperstatic trellis with pre-stressed link elements

Номер: GB0002518488A

A method of manufacturing a suspension assembly for a structure in a turbojet engine is provided. The assembly comprises: a first structure 23, arranged to be rigidly connected to a housing of a turbojet engine; a second annular structure 21 surrounding the first structure 23; and a hyperstatic trellis of connecting rods 40a, 40b, 40c, 40d, 40e, 40f maintaining the first structure 23 relative to the second 21. The method comprises a step of mounting the connecting rods of the hyperstatic trellis between the structures 21, 23 and a step for pre-stressing at least one of the connecting rods to a predetermined level. The pre-stressing step is carried out before the mounting of the connecting rod between the structures. Reference is also made to a device which is suitable for mounting the pre-stressed connecting rods.

15-08-2018 дата публикации

An Alignment Tool

Номер: GB0201811018D0

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501528B1

The invention applies to the turbocharger with a variable geometry of guide blades, with a guide-blade support, located between the bearing housing and the turbine housing. The basis is that the support (1) of the guide blades (2) consists of a saucer-shaped element, with a thinned flat bottom (11) in the central area, with a central opening (111) adapted to rotor (20) shaft penetration. In the area the distance of which from the centre is 30-70% of the outer diameter of this support (1) of the guide blades (2), the support (1) is reinforced with an axial cylindrical stiffener (12), which, if assembled, reaches as far as the front of the bearing housing (5) of the turbocharger, with 0.1-0.7 mm of guaranteed play from this front. At the same time, a saucer-shaped edge (13) is located at the periphery of the support (1) of the guide blades (2), and this edge, if assembled, fits on to the edge of the bearing-housing front (5), with the bottom (11) reinforced (14) in the radial direction between ...

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501528A2

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501528A5

The invention applies to the turbocharger with a variable geometry of guide blades, with a guide-blade support, located between the bearing housing and the turbine housing. The basis is that the support (1) of the guide blades (2) consists of a saucer-shaped element, with a thinned flat bottom (11) in the central area, with a central opening (111) adapted to rotor (20) shaft penetration. In the area the distance of which from the centre is 30-70% of the outer diameter of this support (1) of the guide blades (2), the support (1) is reinforced with an axial cylindrical stiffener (12), which, if assembled, reaches as far as the front of the bearing housing (5) of the turbocharger, with 0.1-0.7 mm of guaranteed play from this front. At the same time, a saucer-shaped edge (13) is located at the periphery of the support (1) of the guide blades (2), and this edge, if assembled, fits on to the edge of the bearing-housing front (5), with the bottom (11) reinforced (14) in the radial direction between ...

23-07-2009 дата публикации

Water lubricated line shaft bearing and lubrication system for a geothermal pump

Номер: AU2008348040A1

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Large compressor bundle assembly

Номер: AU2013369435A1

The present invention, mainly applicable to large / very heavy centrifugal compressors equipped with barrel casing, provides the installation of sliding pads at several convenient locations, typically in the areas adjacent the external gasket on the outer diaphragm bundle periphery. The sliding pads, made of self-lubricating material, cast iron or others graphite filled materials, will be bearing the whole diaphragm bundle weight preventing any direct contact between barrel casing internal surface (6) and diaphragm bundle external surface (7), both during assembly operations and also after the diaphragm bundle has reached its final location inside the barrel casing. In this way, it is possible to prevent possible damages to both diaphragm bundle (2) and casing housing surfaces during diaphragm bundle insertion/extraction phase into/from the barrel casing.

24-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002607235A1

La présente invention se rapporte à un système d'équilibrage de rotor de turbomachine comprenant une bride d'équilibrage (52) pourvue de passages traversants (78), le système comprenant en outre des masses d'équilibrage (54) chacune montée fixement sur la bride (52) par l'intermédiaire d'un premier et d'un second assemblages vis/écrou (56a, 56b) disposant d'une première et d'une vis (84, 84) traversant un premier et un second passage (78, 78). Selon l'invention, ladite première vis est en appui contre un premier flanc d'extrémité tangentielle (116) du premier passage traversant, et à distance d'un second flanc d'extrémité tangentielle, et la seconde vis est en appui contre un second flanc d'extrémité tangentielle (118) du second passage traversant, et à distance du premier flanc d'extrémité tangentielle.

29-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002524113A1

A method for assembling a gas turbine engine (10) that includes providing a low-pressure turbine inner rotor (120) that includes a first plurality of turbine blade rows (124) configured to rotate in a first direction, providing a low-pressure turbine outer rotor (110) that includes a second plurality of turbine blade rows (114) configured to rotate in a second direction that is opposite the first direction, coupling a turbine mid-frame assembly (150) including a plurality of spokes (186) within the engine such that the spokes are spaced axially forward of the inner rotor, coupling a bearing (140) between the turbine mid-frame assembly and the inner rotor such that the inner rotor is rotatably coupled to the turbine mid-frame, and adjusting the plurality of spokes to align the bearing in a radial direction.

02-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002557765C
Принадлежит: SNECMA

... ²Le dispositif d'immobilisation en rotation d'un anneau ²de rétention (20) sur un disque de rotor (10) comporte:²un premier (162, 262) et un deuxième (164, 264) ²crochets d'immobilisation successifs du disque (10),²au moins un taquet (302, 304, 306) dudit anneau de ²rétention (20), disposé près d'une fente (24) de l'anneau (20).²La position dudit au moins un taquet (302, 304, 306) ²sur ledit anneau de rétention (20) est telle que, lorsque ledit ²anneau de rétention (20) est en place dans une gorge (22) située ²sur le disque de rotor (10), ledit au moins un taquet (302, 304, ²306) est en butée contre ledit premier crochet d'immobilisation ²(162, 262), et la fente (24) est recouverte par ledit deuxième ²crochet d'immobilisation (164, 264).² ...

04-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002734524A1

Aubage fixe de turbomachine comportant un carter sous chambre (18) et un distributeur de turbine haute pression formé d'au moins deux secteurs angulaires (8.1) munis de pales (12), lesdits secteurs angulaires (8.1) étant fixés sur le carter (18), chaque secteur angulaire (8.1) comportant une plateforme (20) et une patte de fixation (22), ladite patte de fixation (22) étant en saillie de la plateforme (20) radialement vers l'intérieur, le carter (18) comportant une première gorge annulaire (24) recevant les pattes de fixation (22), des pions de retenue radiale (30) des secteurs angulaires (8.1) étant introduits dans des alésages réalisés dans le carter (18) et les pattes de fixation (22), les pions de retenue radiale (30) étant arrêté axialement par un jonc (28) monté dans une deuxième gorge annulaire (26) du carter (18).

31-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002755624C

The invention concerns a turbine structure for the expansion of gas and vapour, comprising a body or casing with a peripheral work fluid transit volute from an entrance to an exit passage, at least a first stator and possible subsequent stators, a turbine shaft rotating around an axis and carrying at least a first rotor and possible subsequent rotors working together downstream of the first stator and subsequent rotors, respectively, an external tube member jutting out frontally from said body or casing and coaxial to the rotating turbine shaft, and where between the tube member (18) and the turbine shaft (15) is positioned a supporting unit (19) extractable en bloc from said external tube (18) except for the shaft.

12-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002524113C

A method for assembling a gas turbine engine (10) that includes providing a low-pressure turbine inner rotor (120) that includes a first plurality of turbine blade rows (124) configured to rotate in a first direction, providing a low-pressure turbine outer rotor (110) that includes a second plurality of turbine blade rows (114) configured to rotate in a second direction that is opposite the first direction, coupling a turbine mid-frame assembly (150) including a plurality of spokes (186) within the engine such that the spokes are spaced axially forward of the inner rotor, coupling a bearing (140) between the turbine mid-frame assembly and the inner rotor such that the inner rotor is rotatably coupled to the turbine mid-frame, and adjusting the plurality of spokes to align the bearing in a radial direction.

04-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001284588C

GAS TURBINE ENGINE FRAME ASSEMBLY A fairing for mounting onto a gas turbine frame to isolate the frame from the hot gases passing the flowpath. The fairing includes mating forward and aft annular sections with each section having an outer wall and an inner wall defining the flowpath therebetween. A plurality of circumferentially-spaced hollow fairing struts radially extends between the inner and outer walls. The two sections are manufactured such that there are no misalignments or steps between the lineup of the two sections. The sections are placed over the frame struts and are coupled together.

04-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3099538A1

ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE A gas turbine module includes a gas turbine that has a gas turbine rotor and a turbine shell; an inlet plenum that is connected to an inlet of the gas turbine; an exhaust plenum that is connected to an exhaust of the gas turbine; an enclosure that covers the gas turbine; and a common base on which the gas turbine, the inlet plenum, the exhaust plenum, and the enclosure are mounted. When moving the gas turbine, the gas turbine module is moved together. CA 3099538 2020-11-16 ...

29-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003031658A1

A fuel manifold assembly for supplying fuel to a combustor of a gas turbine engine comprises an engine case defining a plenum around the combustor. An annular fuel manifold is mounted inside the engine case in the plenum. The fuel manifold has a plurality of manifold ring segments removable from the engine case via an access port defined in the engine case. A method of maintaining the fuel manifold comprises disconnecting a first manifold ring segment from a fuel source; opening an access port in a side of the engine case; and physically disconnecting the first manifold ring segment from the engine case. Then, the first manifold ring segment can be removed from the engine case via the access port for maintenance or replacement purposes.

03-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002535140C

An airfoil for a gas turbine engine, the airfoil comprising a locator rib provided at a bottom of a cavity in the airfoil core, the locator rib having an inclined surface to be engaged by a leading end of the insert during installation thereof in the cavity.

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002664034A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

La présente invention concerne une nacelle (1 ) pour turboréacteur compre nant une structure d'entrée d'air (4) apte à canaliser un flux d'air vers un e soufflante et une structure médiane (5) destinée à entourer ladite souffla nte et à laquelle est rattachée la structure d'entrée d'air, la structure mé diane comprenant un carter (9) destiné à entourer la soufflante et une struc ture externe (13), caractérisée en ce que la structure d'entrée d'air compre nd, d'une part, au moins un panneau interne (41) fixé à la structure médiane par l'intermédiaire du carter et formant avec cette dernière une structure fixe, et d'autre part, au moins un panneau externe (40) longitudinal rattach é de manière amovible à la structure fixe et intégrant une lèvre (4a) d'entr ée d'air, ledit panneau externe étant amovible entre une position de fonctio nnement dans laquelle le panneau externe assure la continuité aérodynamique avec la structure externe de la section médiane et la lèvre d'entrée d'air a ssure ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002940099A1

Chambre de combustion annulaire de turbomachine présentant une direction axiale (X), une direction radiale et une direction azimutale, comprenant une première paroi annulaire (12) et une seconde paroi annulaire (14), chaque paroi délimitant au moins une partie de l'enceinte de la chambre de combustion annulaire, les première et seconde parois (12, 14) présentant des éléments complémentaires d'emboîtement (12d, 14d), la première paroi (12) présentant au moins un premier trou traversant (12f) tandis que la seconde paroi (14) présente au moins un second trou traversant (14f), la chambre de combustion comprenant en outre au moins une broche engagée dans une paire de trous comprenant un premier trou (12f) et un second trou (14f), ladite broche (18) étant formée par un injecteur et verrouillant l'emboîtement des première et seconde parois (12, 14).

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002920983A1

L'invention concerne un ensemble comprenant: -deux pièces (10, 20) de révolution de support d'aubage de turbomachine, disposées l'une à l'intérieur de l'autre de manière concentrique autour d'un axe de turbomachine, et -un système de verrouillage (30) des pièces (10, 20) pour interdire leur translation relative dans les directions axiale et radiale par rapport audit axe, le système comprenant une couronne fendue (40) comportant une section transversale en U adaptée pour recevoir une extrémité des pièces(10, 20), l'ensemble étant caractérisé en ce que la couronne (40) et l'une des pièces (10, 20) sont conformées pour permettre un engagement par crabotage de la couronne sur la pièce,et en ce que le système de verrouillage (30) comprend en outre un organe d'arrêt en rotation de la couronne relativement à la pièce avec laquelle elle est engagée par crabotage. L'invention concerne également un procédé de montage d'un tel ensemble.

11-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002941435A1

Le présent exposé concerne un dispositif (30) pour le positionnement d'un outil d'inspection (130) par rapport à une bride (10) de carter (1). Ce dispositif (30) comprend des première (40) et deuxième (70) pièces de positionnement assemblées l'une avec l'autre. La première pièce (40) comprend une partie de fixation (45) apte à être fixée sur la bride (10). La deuxième pièce (70) comprend un perçage (75) définissant un axe de référence (X) pour le positionnement de l'outil d'inspection (130); et une surface de positionnement (85) apte à coopérer avec une surface circonférentielle (12) de la bride (10) en positionnant l'axe de référence (X) de manière sécante à un axe de révolution (Z) de la bride (10). Les première et deuxième pièces (40,70) comprennent des surfaces respectives de calage (50, 80) aptes à coopérer ensemble en positionnant l'axe de référence (X) perpendiculairement à l'axe de révolution (Z).

14-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002749731C

A method and kit for confirming the position of at least one variably positionable turbine vane is disclosed herein. The method includes the step of mounting at least one camera on an exterior of an at least partially assembled turbine engine. The method also includes the step of generating visual data with the at least one camera corresponding to a position of a turbine vane actuation structure positioned on the exterior of the at least partially assembled turbine engine.

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002744413A1

La présente invention concerne un organe de positionnement (10) d'un segment d'anneau pour une roue de turbine montée rotative autour d'un axe dans un carter. L'invention se caractérise en ce que l'organe présente : une portion de fixation (20) destinée à être fixée au carter; une portion élastique (24, 26, 28) formant ressort; une portion d'appui (30, 32) reliée à la portion élastique et destinée à venir en appui axialement contre le segment d'anneau, de sorte que, lorsque ledit organe est monté, le segment d'anneau est plaqué axialement contre une partie du carter par l'organe de positionnement.

09-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002832771C

An axial turbomachine housing is designed to channel a primary annular flow in the low-pressure compressor of the turbomachine. The housing has a first shell and a second shell designed to be contiguous and coaxial. The first shell has a flange and a centring surface substantially cylindrical. The second shell has a flange and radial centring means designed to mate with the centring surface. The flange of the first shell includes cut-outs distributed along its circumference, and the centring means extend axially from the flange of the second shell through the cut-outs to the centring surface where the two flanges are in contact.

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002895572A1

The present invention, mainly applicable to large / very heavy centrifugal compressors equipped with barrel casing, provides the installation of sliding pads at several convenient locations, typically in the areas adjacent the external gasket on the outer diaphragm bundle periphery. The sliding pads, made of self-lubricating material, cast iron or others graphite filled materials, will be bearing the whole diaphragm bundle weight preventing any direct contact between barrel casing internal surface (6) and diaphragm bundle external surface (7), both during assembly operations and also after the diaphragm bundle has reached its final location inside the barrel casing. In this way, it is possible to prevent possible damages to both diaphragm bundle (2) and casing housing surfaces during diaphragm bundle insertion/extraction phase into/from the barrel casing.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Shovel arrangement f�r a rotor.

Номер: CH0000703775A2

Eine Schaufelanordnung (12) für einen Rotor (14) enthält einen Befestigungsabschnitt (20), der betriebsmässig mit einem Rotor (14) verbindbar ist, und einen Schaufelblattabschnitt (18). Wenigstens ein Haltemittel erstreckt sich in einer im Wesentlichen tangentialen Richtung wenigstens teilweise durch den Schaufelblattabschnitt (18) und den Befestigungsabschnitt (20) hindurch, um den Schaufelblattabschnitt (18) an dem Befestigungsabschnitt (20) zu sichern. Ein Verfahren zur Montage einer Anordnung (10) eines Rotors (14) enthält ein Einführen eines Haltemittels in einer im Wesentlichen tangentialen Richtung wenigstens teilweise durch einen Befestigungsabschnitt (20) einer Schaufelanordnung (12) und einen Schaufelblattabschnitt (18) der Schaufelanordnung (12) hindurch, wodurch der Schaufelblattabschnitt (18) an dem Befestigungsabschnitt (20) gesichert wird. Die Schaufelanordnung (12) wird anschliessend an einem Rotor (14) gesichert.

13-01-2012 дата публикации

Procedure for adjustment the rotor situation with a gas turbine or a steam turbine.

Номер: CH0000703430A1

Beschrieben wird ein Verfahren zur Einstellung der Lage eines Rotors (37) einer Gasturbine (1) oder einer Dampfturbine. Das Verfahren ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Relativposition des Rotors (37) zu dem den Rotor (37) im Strömungsbereich umgebenden ersten Gehäuse (12) eingestellt wird, indem bei einem zweiten Gehäuse (3) im Lagerungsbereich des Rotors (37), welches zweite Gehäuse (3) eine feste Relativposition bezüglich Rotorende (4) aufweist und mit dem ersten Gehäuse (12) verschraubt ist, nach Öffnen der Verschraubung die Relativposition dieses zweiten Gehäuses (3) zum ersten Gehäuse (12) eingestellt wird. Diese Einstellung erfolgt beispielsweise über Keilelemente (21). Dabei sind die Keilelemente (21) so ausgestaltet, dass sie die Position des ersten Gehäuses (12) in vertikaler Richtung (16) relativ zum zweiten Gehäuse (3) festlegen und die Position in horizontaler Richtung verschieblich lassen. Anschliessend wird die Verschraubung wieder befestigt. Des Weiteren wird eine Gasturbine ...

30-11-2015 дата публикации

Horizontal connection for a rotary machine.

Номер: CH0000709636A2

Eine horizontale Verbindung (114) einer Rotationsmaschinentrommel enthält Passflächen (120, 150) eines ersten (112) und zweiten Abschnitts (140) der Rotationsmaschinentrommel, die sich axial neben der Verbindung erstrecken, und mehrere Spalte (118) sowie mehrere Zungen (142), die axial entlang der Passflächen des ersten (112) bzw. zweiten Abschnitts (140) angeordnet sind. Jede Zunge (142) weist eine durch sie hindurch definierte, sich axial erstreckende Zungenöffnung (148) auf. Jeder Spalt (118) ist zur Aufnahme einer entsprechenden Zunge (142) bemessen und axial beabstandet. Ausserdem enthält die Verbindung (114) mehrere Passflächensegmente (124), die entlang der Passfläche (120) des ersten Abschnitts (112) definiert sind. Jedes Segment (124) erstreckt sich axial zwischen einem entsprechenden Paar der Spalte (118) und weist eine durch dieses hindurch definierte, sich axial erstreckende Segmentöffnung (128) auf. Die Zungenöffnungen (148) und die Segmentöffnungen (128) sind fluchtend ausgerichtet ...

15-02-2011 дата публикации

Inspection tool for use with the production of a nozzle segment.

Номер: CH0000701574B1

Es wird ein Inspektionswerkzeug zur Verwendung bei der Herstellung eines Düsensegmentes, das in einer Turbinendüsengruppe verwendet wird, bereitgestellt. Das Inspektionswerkzeug umfasst eine Ausrichtungsplatte (202) und eine Positionierungsplatte (204), die mit der Ausrichtungsplatte verbunden ist, wobei die Ausrichtungsplatte mindestens eine Öffnung (208, 209) aufweist, die sich durch dieselbe an einer vorgegebenen Stelle erstreckt, die einer gewünschten Ausrichtung einer Übergangsstücknut entspricht, welche auf dem Düsensegment, das gerade geprüft wird, festgelegt ist.

31-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CH713305B1

Turbolader, mit einer Turbine (2) zur Entspannung eines ersten Mediums, mit einem Verdichter zur Verdichtung eines zweiten Mediums unter Nutzung von in der Turbine (2) bei Entspannung des ersten Mediums gewonnener Energie, wobei die Turbine (2) ein Turbinengehäuse und einen Turbinenrotor (5) aufweist, wobei der Verdichter ein Verdichtergehäuse und einen mit dem Turbinenrotor (5) über eine Welle (8) gekoppelten Verdichterrotor (7) aufweist, wobei das Turbinengehäuse und das Verdichtergehäuse jeweils mit einem zwischen denselben angeordneten Lagergehäuse (9), in welchem die Welle (8) gelagert ist, verbunden sind, wobei das Turbinengehäuse ein Zuströmgehäuse, einen Düsenring (15) mit Leitschaufeln (16) sowie ein Einsatzstück (13) aufweist, und wobei der Düsenring (15) über einen Vorsprung (17) am Lagergehäuse (9) zentriert und radial geführt ist.

29-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000713305A2

Turbolader, mit einer Turbine (2) zur Entspannung eines ersten Mediums, mit einem Verdichter zur Verdichtung eines zweiten Mediums unter Nutzung von in der Turbine (2) bei Entspannung des ersten Mediums gewonnener Energie, wobei die Turbine (2) ein Turbinengehäuse und einen Turbinenrotor (5) aufweist, wobei der Verdichter ein Verdichtergehäuse und einen mit dem Turbinenrotor (5) über eine Welle (8) gekoppelten Verdichterrotor (7) aufweist, wobei das Turbinengehäuse und das Verdichtergehäuse jeweils mit einem zwischen denselben angeordneten Lagergehäuse (9), in welchem die Welle (8) gelagert ist, verbunden sind, wobei das Turbinengehäuse ein Zuströmgehäuse, einen Düsenring (15) mit Leitschaufeln (16) sowie ein Einsatzstück (13) aufweist, und wobei der Düsenring (15) über einen Vorsprung (17) am Lagergehäuse (9) zentriert und radial geführt ist.

30-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000716127A2

Turbolader, mit einer Turbine (2) zur Entspannung eines ersten Mediums und mit einem Verdichter zur Verdichtung eines zweiten Mediums. Die Turbine (2) weist ein Turbinengehäuse (4) und einen mit Turbinen-Laufschaufeln (14) beschaufelten Turbinenrotor (5) auf, wobei radial äußere Kanten (14a) der Turbinen-Laufschaufeln (14) und ein den Turbinen-Laufschaufeln (14) zugewandter Abschnitt des Turbinengehäuses (4) oder eines mit dem Turbinengehäuse (4) verbundenen statorseitigen Bauteils (13) einen turbinenseitigen Spalt definieren. Der Verdichter weist ein Verdichtergehäuse und einen mit dem Turbinenrotor über eine Welle (8) gekoppelten, mit Verdichter-Laufschaufeln beschaufelten Verdichterrotor auf, wobei radial äußere Kanten der Verdichter-Laufschaufeln und ein den Verdichter-Laufschaufeln zugewandter Abschnitt des Verdichtergehäuses oder eines mit dem Verdichtergehäuse verbundenen statorseitigen Bauteils einen verdichterseitigen Spalt definieren. Das Turbinengehäuse (4) und das Verdichtergehäuse ...

30-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200802441A1

21-03-2012 дата публикации

Turbine blade assembly

Номер: CN0102383864A

01-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002875270B1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

26-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003022528B1

30-09-2011 дата публикации

Degassing tube for guiding gas flow in hollow low pressure rotary shaft of turbojet engine of aircraft, has ring that is radially deformed during assembling of sections of tube in rotary shaft of engine such that ring is supported on shaft

Номер: FR0002957973A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

Le tube de dégazage de l'invention est utilisé pour le guidage d'un flux de gaz dans un turboréacteur comportant au moins un arbre rotatif creux (2) au sein duquel est destiné à être monté ledit tube, le tube s'étendant globalement suivant un axe (A). Le tube est caractérisé par le fait qu'il comporte au moins deux tronçons de tube (8a, 8b) agencés pour être assemblés l'un à l'autre en alignement longitudinal, au moins un tronçon (8b) étant pourvu de moyens déformables (16) agencés pour se déformer radialement lors du montage des tronçons de tube (8a, 8b) dans l'arbre (2) du turboréacteur (1), pour venir en appui sur l'arbre (2). Grâce à l'invention, le montage du tube de dégazage est facilité.

19-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003007078A1

La nacelle de turboréacteur est du genre comportant un inverseur de poussée à portes, avec un mécanisme d'ouverture comprenant au moins un vérin de mobilisation. La nacelle comporte une bride d'attache moteur (22) et une bride d'attache (20) de l'inverseur, solidaire d'un panneau composite (34) limitant un conduit secondaire du jet de sortie de soufflante. Le vérin est attaché (28) par une ferrure (24-28), à la bride d'attache (20) de l'inverseur.

23-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002850138A1

Une biellette flexible (20) est articulée à une première extrémité sur un anneau de commande et est fixée à une deuxième extrémité sur un pivot (12) d'une aube à commander pouvant tourner à l'intérieur d'un palier lisse traversant une partie de corps (18) d'une turbomachine. Une bague d'insert (50a, 50b) constituée d'un matériau métallique à base nickel ou cobalt est frettée sur le pivot d'aube et le palier lisse (52a, 52b) est constitué d'un matériau céramique.

17-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002875270A1

24-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002926614A1

La présente invention se rapporte à un procédé de jonction entre un premier panneau acoustique (2) possédant une structure alvéolaire de type nid d'abeille et un deuxième panneau (2'), comprenant les étapes visant à : - introduire au moins un mandrin (5, 8) possédant une forme adaptée aux alvéoles (3) dans au moins une alvéole (3) située à proximité d'un bord de jonction (6) du panneau acoustique, - passer sur ledit bord de jonction du panneau acoustique un galet (12), - joindre ensemble le bord de jonction du panneau acoustique avec un bord de jonction (6') du deuxième panneau et les solidariser par application d'un moyen de liaison.

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002963062A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

L'invention concerne un assemblage entre un tourillon d'arbre de compresseur et un pignon conique pour l'entraînement d'un boîtier d'accessoires d'une turbomachine. L'assemblage comprend un pignon conique (12), un tourillon d'arbre de compresseur (10) disposé à l'intérieur du pignon conique coaxialement à celui-ci, des moyens (24) de transmission de couple entre le tourillon d'arbre de compresseur et le pignon conique, un écrou de blocage axial (26) du pignon conique sur le tourillon d'arbre de compresseur, l'écrou de blocage étant apte à être vissé sur le pignon conique et comprenant un épaulement (28) faisant saillie radialement vers l'extérieur et apte à venir en butée axiale, d'une part en amont contre un écrou de butée (30) vissé sur une extrémité amont du tourillon d'arbre de compresseur, et d'autre part en aval contre une portée (32) du tourillon d'arbre de compresseur, et une épingle d'anti-rotation (34) de l'écrou de blocage.

21-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003005683A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

Aube d'hélice non carénée pour une turbomachine, comportant une pale reliée à un pied (36) engagé dans une rainure (44) de forme complémentaire d'une platine (34), et des moyens (30) de retenue axiale du pied d'aube dans cette rainure, qui sont montés sur la platine en amont et en aval du pied d'aube, caractérisée en ce que ces moyens de retenue comprennent des moyens (40) d'appui radialement vers l'extérieur, par rapport à l'axe de rotation de l'hélice, sur des moyens (52) complémentaires de la platine.

24-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002926604A1

Dispositif de centrage (66, 68) d'un tube (42) à l'intérieur d'un arbre creux (26), comprenant des moyens déformables (66) interposés entre le tube (42) et l'arbre creux (26) et comportant des organes d'appui (68) sur la surface interne (40) de l'arbre (26), ces organes d'appui (68) étant susceptibles d'être écartés de la surface interne (40) de l'arbre pour leur déplacement à l'intérieur de l'arbre, les moyens déformables (66) étant réalisés dans un matériau à mémoire de forme apte à se déformer pour appliquer les organes d'appui (68) sur la surface interne (40) de l'arbre (26) ou les en écarter lorsqu'il est soumis à une température prédéterminée.

02-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003044411A1

La présente invention porte sur un module de turbomachine ou de banc d'essai de chambre de combustion (10), comprenant un carter extérieur (13) annulaire, à l'intérieur duquel est logée une chambre de combustion, et une virole (15) en aval du carter, la virole étant fixée audit carter par une liaison comprenant une bride radiale solidaire du carter ou de la virole, une gorge annulaire étant ménagée dans la bride radiale et une languette axiale solidaire de la virole ou du carter, la languette étant logée dans la gorge caractérisé par le fait que la languette et la gorge annulaire sont agencées l'une par rapport à l'autre de manière à ce que, au montage elles sont en contact et centrées l'une par rapport à l'autre.

27-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003086341A1

23-10-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002029651A1

18-02-2011 дата публикации

Air-duct seal/pressure seal/gasket for e.g. turbopropeller of plane, has shaft cooperating with immobilization unit to immobilize in rotation and axial translation of ring on shaft

Номер: FR0002949139A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

Joint d'étanchéité à labyrinthe pour turbomachine, comprenant un anneau cylindrique (114) portant des léchettes annulaires externes (112) et des moyens de fixation de l'anneau sur un arbre (110) de la turbomachine, l'anneau comprenant des moyens (120) d'encliquetage élastique sur l'arbre (110), qui coopèrent avec des moyens d'immobilisation en rotation et en translation axiale par rapport à l'arbre.

11-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003058480A1

L'invention concerne un support assurant une liaison complète entre un tube de dégazage (3) et un arbre turbine (2), ledit support comportant une pluralité de portées de contact externes (41a) destinées à venir en appui sur les parois intérieures de l'arbre turbine pour se solidariser le tube de dégazage par rapport à celui-ci, caractérisé en ce que les différentes portées sont chacune bordées par au moins un insert en élastomère (41g) qui contribue à la protection de l'arbre turbine lors de l'insertion du support en son sein.

27-06-2018 дата публикации

배기가스 터보차저의 베어링 하우징

Номер: KR0101859539B1
Принадлежит: 보르그워너 인코퍼레이티드

... 본 발명은, 장착 보어(2); 장착 보어(2)에 배치된 두 개의 베어링 부시(4, 5)를 구비하여 그 사이에 스페이서(6)가 배치된 베어링 장치(3); 스페이서(6)의 센서 리세스(8)에 맞물리는 회전속도 센서(7); 및 핀 보어(10) 내에 나사 결합되고 핀 헤드(12)를 이용하여, 슬롯으로서 형성된 스페이서(6)의 핀 리세스(11)에 맞물리는 위치결정 핀(9)을 포함하는, 배기가스 터보차저(EGT)의 베어링 하우징(1)에 관한 것이다.

12-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120113241A

20-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020090007728A

The invention relates to a turbocharger (1) with variable turbine geomtry (VTG), comprising a multiplicity of guide blades (7). Each guide blade (7) has a blade lever (19, 19'), wherein the centre plane (Em2) of an intermediate region (24; 24') of the blade lever (19, 19') is arranged so as to be offset axially along a blade shaft longitudinal axis (L) at a distance (a) from the centre plane (Em1) of a first end region (20; 20') of the blade lever (19, 19') and of a second end region (23; 23') of the blade lever (19, 19'), and wherein a recess (26; 26') is arranged adjacent to the intermediate region (24; 24') between the first end region (20; 20') and the second end region (23; 23'). © KIPO & WIPO 2009 ...

23-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: BR0PI0821983A2

16-09-2018 дата публикации

Gas turbine disassembling/assembling method, gas turbine rotor, and gas turbine

Номер: TW0201833428A

This gas turbine disassembling/assembling method comprises a seal plate restriction state switching step for switching between a seal plate unrestricted state where a seal plate movement restriction part does not restrict radial movement of a seal plate and a seal plate restricted state where at least a portion of the seal plate movement restriction part projects from the seal plate in an axial direction and restricts the radial movement of the seal plate, by operating the seal plate movement restriction part from the other side in the axial direction via a gap between a platform of a moving blade and a region other than a blade groove to be fitted with the moving blade in the outer peripheral surface of a rotor disk.

09-03-2021 дата публикации

Gas Turbine Filtration System With Inlet Filter Orientation Assembly

Номер: SA516371119B1

The present application provides a filtration system for a gas turbine engine. The filtration system may include a holding frame with a positioning element extending therefrom and a filtration unit for mounting within the holding frame. The filtration unit may include a positioning slot therein such that the positioning element extends through the positioning slot when the filtration unit is mounted within the holding frame. Fig. 3 ...

30-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010111133A2
Автор: KING, Denny

Turbochargers operate at extremely high speed, so balance of the rotating core is of the utmost importance to turbocharger life. A special balancing washer is added to the clamping region between the compressor nut and the nose of the compressor wheel to aid in keeping the wheel, nut, and stub-shaft on the turbocharger axis and to thereby reduce the degree of core unbalance.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014052220A1

A turbine vane for a gas turbine engine has an inner platform, an outer platform, at least one airfoil extending between the inner and outer platforms, and a tab radially extending inward from a front side of the inner platform. The tab contains a mounting aperture and an identification aperture that identifies an engine in which the turbine vane may be installed.

30-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010108876A1

An axial turbomachine has a rotor-blade cascade, a housing (2) in which the rotor-blade cascade is installed, and a guide-blade carrier (19) which encloses the rotor-blade cascade and is integrated into the inner side (3) of the housing (2), and the guide-blade carrier (10) is arranged immediately adjacently to the blade tips (8) with the formation of a radial gap (12), wherein the guide-blade carrier (10) is mounted in the housing (2), such that it can be displaced parallel to the axis of the axial turbomachine (1), and has an adjusting ring (16) which is supported on contact surfaces on the housing (2) and on the guide-blade carrier (10) and can be rotated about the axis of the axial turbomachine (1), wherein the contact surfaces of the adjusting ring (16) and of the housing (2) and/or of the guide-blade carrier (10) are set with respect to a plane which is perpendicular to the axis of the axial turbomachine (1), in such a way that, when the adjusting ring (16) is rotated about the axis ...

30-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003044329A1
Автор: GEBHARDT, Andreas

The invention relates to a gas turbo group (30) comprising a compressor (1), a combustion chamber (3') and a turbine (2), wherein several rows of compressor rotating blades (5) are arranged on a common rotor shaft inside the compressor (1) and several rows of turbine rotating blades (6) are arranged inside the turbine (2), said rotating blades alternating with the rows of guide blades of the compressor (17) or guide blades of the turbine (18), which are fixed to a supporting structure (7' or 9, 10', 14') surrounding the rotor shaft (4) on the outside. Simplified assembly/disassembly of said gas turbo group (30) is achieved in that the guide blades of the compressor (17) and/or the guide blades of the turbine (18) of a row of guide blades are retained in several, separate annular segments (RS1,..,RS3 or RS5) that jointly form a complete ring with at least one row of guide blades and in that the annular segments (RS1,..,RS3 or RS5) are releasably fixed to the supporting structure (7' or 9 ...

06-11-2012 дата публикации

Connecting radial arms to a circular ferrule by imbricating attached parts

Номер: US0008303246B2

Assembly of the connection of an arm to a ferrule is done by imbricating a side wing protruding from the end of the arm and keys bolted to the ferrule. The assembly may be supplemented with positioning pins.

01-10-2019 дата публикации

Turbine ring assembly comprising a cooling air distribution element

Номер: US0010428688B2

A turbine ring assembly includes a plurality of ring segments and a ring support structure, the ring assembly further including, for each ring segment, a cooling distribution element fixed to the ring support structure and positioned in a first cavity delimited between the turbine ring and the ring support structure.

15-09-2020 дата публикации

Set screw gap control between fixed and variable vanes

Номер: US0010774674B2

A variable vane adjustment system for a gas turbine engine including: a vane platform having a recess, a vane opening within the recess, and a set screw opening originating at a first wall of the recess and extending into the vane platform; a trunnion carrier having a base portion located at least partially within the recess, a bushing attached to the base portion, and an orifice that extends through the base portion and bushing, wherein the orifice is aligned with the vane opening; a variable vane having a vane stem, the vane stem extending through the vane opening and the orifice; and a set screw located at least partially within the set screw opening, the set screw being configured to longitudinally traverse the set screw opening as the set screw is rotated, wherein the set screw is configured to move the trunnion carrier and variable vane.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Turbine for the expansion of gas/vapour

Номер: US20120009061A1
Автор: Mario Gaia, Roberto Bini
Принадлежит: TURBODEN SPA

The invention regards a turbine for the expansion of gas and vapour that comprises a body or casing with a volute for the transit of the fluid from an input to an output passage through at least a statoric and a rotoric group, a possible front shield that extends radially from said volute towards the axis of the turbine shaft, an external tube member fixed in front of said shield or said volute designed to hold the turbine shaft with the interposition of a supporting unit ( 19 ), where said turbine shaft ( 15 ) has a head ( 15′ ) supporting the rotoric group ( 16, 17 ). The turbine shaft ( 15 ) together with the rotoric group ( 16, 17 ) is movable axially between a work position, in which the head of said shaft is at a distance from an internal end of the external tube member ( 18 ) facing towards the statoric group, and a retracted position, in which the head of the shaft or a part of the rotoric group rests against said internal end of said tube member with the interposition of at least a front seal ( 41 ).

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Planetary gear system arrangement with auxiliary oil system

Номер: US20120088624A1
Автор: William G. Sheridan
Принадлежит: Individual

A lubricating system for lubricating components across a rotation gap has an input that provides lubricant to a stationary first bearing. The first bearing has an inner first race in which lubricant flows. A second bearing rotates within the first bearing and has a first opening in registration with the inner first race such that lubricant may flow from the inner first race through the first opening into a first conduit.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Turbine casing

Номер: US20120093641A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A casing includes an inner shell and an outer shell that surrounds the inner shell and comprises a plurality of inflection points. An annular flange is between the inner shell and the outer shell, and a plurality of joints attach the inner shell to the annular flange. A connector is between the annular flange and the outer shell at each of the plurality of inflection points. A method for assembling a casing includes joining a plurality of curved sections to one another to generally define an arcuate inner shell and surrounding the arcuate inner shell with an outer shell. The method further includes attaching the arcuate inner shell to an annular flange at first attachment points and connecting the annular flange to the outer shell at second attachment points spaced approximately equidistantly from the first attachment points.

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120237343A1
Автор: Yoshimitsu Matsuyama
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

A variable geometry turbocharger includes a bearing housing rotatably supporting a turbine impeller; and an exhaust nozzle changing the flow rate of an exhaust gas supplied to the turbine impeller, wherein the exhaust nozzle has an exhaust inlet wall disposed at the bearing housing side, the turbocharger has a seal member exhibiting a ring shape and sealing a gap formed between the bearing housing and the exhaust inlet wall, and an inner circumferential edge of the seal member firmly contacts the bearing housing and an outer circumferential edge of the seal member firmly contacts the exhaust inlet wall.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Turbine shell with pin support

Номер: US20120243976A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A turbine is provided and includes a turbine shell including shrouds at multiple stages thereof, and constraining elements, disposed at least at first through fourth substantially regularly spaced perimetrical locations around the turbine shell, which are configured to concentrically constrain the shrouds of the turbine shell.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Reduction in thermal stresses in monolithic ceramic or ceramic matrix composite shroud

Номер: US20130011248A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A shroud for use in a gas turbine engine has a ring with a plurality of protrusions and a plurality of slots and each of the protrusions having an arc length and parallel sides.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Bipod flexure ring

Номер: US20130034378A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A thermal coupling includes a first structure having a first coefficient of thermal expansion; a second structure having a second coefficient of thermal expansion lower than the first coefficient of thermal expansion; a plurality of thermal expansion fingers provided in the first structure; a plurality of thermal expansion flanges extending from the plurality of thermal expansion fingers, respectively; and a flange extending from the second structure and attached to the plurality of thermal expansion flanges.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Segmented seal assembly

Номер: US20130034428A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Systems and devices for sealing portions of a rotary machine are disclosed. In one embodiment, a seal assembly element includes: a head flange; an axial neck connected to the head flange, wherein the axial neck includes a mating flange extending circumferentially from a distal end of the seal assembly element, the mating flange configured to form a multidirectional seal with a recessed portion of a complementary seal assembly element; and a set of axial seal teeth connected to the axial neck.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Interface and a method for mounting together a piece of equipment and a rotary drive source in a rotorcraft power plant

Номер: US20130200231A1
Принадлежит: Eurocopter SA

An interface and a method for mounting a piece of equipment ( 5 ) with a rotary drive source ( 3 ). The mounting interface has a first frame ( 1 ) fastened to the drive source ( 3 ) and a second frame ( 2 ) fastened to the piece of equipment ( 5 ), the frames ( 1, 2 ) being fitted with assembly means ( 19 ) for assembling them together. Rails ( 22, 23 ) for guiding the piece of equipment ( 5 ) are removably mounted on the first frame ( 1 ) and co-operate with windows ( 20, 21 ) of the second frame ( 2 ). The windows ( 20, 21 ) are laterally open providing transverse passages for the rails ( 22, 23 ) into the windows ( 20, 21 ). The piece of equipment ( 5 ) can be moved transversely by an operator towards the rails ( 22, 23 ) in order to support it and guide it axially towards the drive source ( 5 ).

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Vane assembly for a gas turbine engine

Номер: US20130216361A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A vane assembly for a gas turbine engine according to an exemplary embodiment of this disclosure includes, among other possible features, a first platform, a second platform spaced from the first platform, and a first variable airfoil that extends radially across an annulus between the first platform and the second platform. One of a radial outer portion and a radial inner portion of the variable airfoil includes a rotational shaft and the other of the radial outer portion and the radial inner portion includes a ball and socket joint that rotationally connect the first variable airfoil relative to the first platform and the second platform.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Fan impeller structure and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20130280086A1
Автор: Chu-hsien Chou
Принадлежит: Individual

A fan impeller structure and a manufacturing method thereof. The fan impeller structure includes a base seat, multiple blades and a ring member. Each blade has a main body made of plastic material and at least one fixing member made of metal material. The base seat and the ring member are made of metal material. The base seat and the ring member are respectively disposed on two sides of the blades. By means of the manufacturing method, the blades can be diversified and the universality of the blades is greatly increased to lower the manufacturing cost.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Turbomachine having clearance control capability and system therefor

Номер: US20130315716A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A turbomachine having clearance control capability is provided and includes a turbine stage including a blade configured to rotate around a centerline, a movable portion of a casing circumferentially surrounding the turbine stage and a rotatable cam operably coupled to the movable portion and thereby configured to control an axial position of the movable portion. A radially outermost tip of the blade and an interior surface of the movable portion are sloped with respect to the centerline such that the controlled axial position of the movable portion is determinative of a clearance between the blade and the movable portion.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Turbine shell with pin support

Номер: US20140037445A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A turbine is provided and includes a turbine shell including shrouds at multiple stages thereof, and constraining elements, disposed at least at first through fourth substantially regularly spaced perimetrical locations around the turbine shell, which are configured to concentrically constrain the shrouds of the turbine shell.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Turboprop engine with compressor turbine shroud

Номер: US20140069107A1
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

A turboprop engine including an annular outer case including a mount ring for attachment to an aircraft along a plane to transfer loads from a propeller and having an annular flange extending radially inwardly therefrom within the plane, an annular turbine support case received within the outer case and connected to the outer case only through a direct connection with the annular flange allowing a limited relative pivoting motion between the turbine support case and the mount ring, and a turbine section including a rotor closely surrounded by a shroud with an annular tip clearance being defined therebetween, the shroud being directly connected to and located by the turbine support case. A method of isolating a turbine shroud from propeller loads in a propeller engine is also disclosed.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003102A1
Автор: SYNNOTT Remy

A gas turbine engine is described which has first and second turbine vane assemblies with multiple turbine vanes within respective first and second circumferential outer shrouds. The first outer shroud has a first radially extending flange and the second outer shroud has a second radially extending flange. The radially extending first and second flanges each defining an upstream mating surface and a downstream mating surface relative to a direction of air flow through the engine in use. The downstream mating surface of the first flange mates with the upstream mating surface of the second flange. An axial retaining ring axially retains together the first and second flanges, and has an annular body extending between an upstream portion of the body abutted against the upstream mating surface of the first flange and a downstream portion of the body abutted against the downstream mating surface of the second flange. 1. A gas turbine engine having a center axis of rotation , the engine comprising:first and second turbine vane assemblies having multiple turbine vanes within respective first and second circumferential outer shrouds, the first outer shroud having a first radially extending flange and the second outer shroud having a second radially extending flange, the radially extending first and second flanges each defining an upstream mating surface and a downstream mating surface relative to a direction of air flow through the engine in use, the downstream mating surface of the first flange mating with the upstream mating surface of the second flange; andan axial retaining ring axially retaining together the first and second flanges, the axial retaining ring having an annular body extending between an upstream portion of the body abutted against the upstream mating surface of the first flange and a downstream portion of the body abutted against the downstream mating surface of the second flange.2. The turbine section of claim 1 , wherein the first and second flanges ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Gas turbine engine attachment structure and method therefor

Номер: US20160003104A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

An attachment structure for a gas turbine engine includes a frame that has a first annular case. A second annular case extends around the frame. The first annular case and the second annular case include a plurality of interlocks. Each of the interlocks includes a first member mounted on one of the first annular case or the second annular case and a corresponding second member mounted on the other of the first annular case or the second case. The first member is received in the second member such that the plurality of interlocks restricts relative circumferential and axial movement between the first annular case and the second annular case.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Gas turbine engine composite vane assembly and method for making same

Номер: US20150003989A1

A gas turbine engine composite vane assembly and method for making same are disclosed. The method includes providing at least two gas turbine engine airfoil composite preform components. The airfoil composite preform components are interlocked with a first locking component so that mating faces of the airfoil composite preform components face each other. A filler material is inserted between the mating surfaces of the airfoil composite preform components.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Exhaust system having a flow path liner supported by structural duct segments

Номер: US20160003192A1
Автор: Gary D Roberge
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

The exhaust system ( 60 ) includes an exhaust flow path liner ( 62 ) surrounded and supported by a plurality of structural duct segments ( 64, 70 ). Pluralities of links ( 84 ) are secured to and extend between the duct segments ( 64, 70 ) and the liner ( 62 ). A duct end ( 88 ) of the link includes a lock member ( 96 ) having a diameter greater than a width of the stem ( 86 ). The lock member ( 96 ) is configured to be secured within a capture nest ( 98 ) defined between and within adjacent junction flanges ( 76, 80 } of the structural duct segments { 64, 70 ) when the segments ( 64, 70 ) are secured to each other to secure the segments ( 64, 70 ) together. A catch member ( 100 ) at an opposed end of the link ( 84 ) is secured to a capture node ( 102 ) at the exhaust liner ( 62 ).

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003078A1

An integrated bearing assembly includes a thrust bearing disposed along a face of a turbocharger casing in a turbocharger and extending circumferentially around an axis of rotation of a rotor of the turbocharger, and a dual film journal bearing radially disposed between the rotor and the turbocharger casing which can be semi-floating or fully floating. The journal bearing includes a shoulder step radially extending away from the rotor. The shoulder step of the journal bearing engages one or more of the thrust bearing or the turbocharger casing to prevent axial movement of the dual film journal bearing relative to the turbocharger casing. 1. An integrated bearing assembly comprising:a thrust bearing disposed along a face of a turbocharger casing in a turbocharger and extending circumferentially around an axis of rotation of a rotor of the turbocharger; anda dual film journal bearing radially disposed between the rotor and the turbocharger casing, wherein the journal bearing includes a shoulder step radially extending away from the rotor, wherein the shoulder step of the journal bearing engages one or more of the thrust bearing or the turbocharger casing to prevent axial movement of the journal bearing relative to the turbocharger casing.2. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thrust bearing includes a recess radially extending into the thrust bearing away from the rotor claim 1 , and wherein the shoulder step of the journal bearing extends into the recess.3. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thrust bearing includes a recess claim 1 , and wherein the recess in the thrust bearing and the shoulder step in the journal bearing both circumferentially extend around the axis of rotation of the rotor claim 1 , wherein the shoulder step in the journal bearing and the recess in the thrust bearing include flat segments that mate with each other to prevent rotation of the journal bearing relative to the thrust bearing.4. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003021A1

A locking spacer assembly for filling a final spacer slot in a disk groove between platforms of adjacent blades of a blade assembly, a blade assembly and a method for installing a locking spacer assembly into a final spacer slot in a disk groove between platforms of adjacent blades of a blade assembly are presented. The locking spacer assembly includes a first side piece, a second side piece, a bolt and a mid piece. The mid piece includes a hollow cylindrical body to receive the bolt and a top platform to flush with top surfaces of the first and second side pieces and a middle platform disposed at bottom of the hollow cylindrical body. At least two pins are radially inserted through apertures of the first and second side pieces respectively extending toward the middle platform of the mid piece to prevent radial movement of the mid piece. 1. A locking spacer assembly configured to fill a final spacer slot in a disk groove between platforms of adjacent blades of a blade assembly comprising:a first side piece comprising a top surface, an inner surface and an outer surface;a second side piece comprising a top surface, an inner surface and an outer surface;a bolt configured to be inserted between the inner surface of the first side piece and the inner surface of the second side piece; anda mid piece configured to be disposed onto the bolt and inserted between the inner surface of the first side piece and the inner surface of the second side piece,wherein the top surface of the first side piece comprises a L-shape formed by a tab and a recess,wherein the top surface of the second side piece comprises a L-shape formed by a tab and a recess,wherein the mid piece comprises a hollow cylindrical body to receive the bolt,wherein the mid piece comprises a top platform disposed around a top of the hollow cylindrical body and a middle platform disposed around a bottom of the hollow cylindrical body,wherein the top platform comprises two L-shaped axial side surfaces adapted to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Turbine engine component with an insert

Номер: US20190003324A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A component for a turbine engine comprises a wall with a surface along which a hot airflow passes, a second surface along which a cooling airflow passes, and an insert mounted to the wall wherein the material used for the insert can have a higher temperature capability than that of the wall.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method of disassembling and assembling gas turbine and gas turbine assembled thereby

Номер: US20190003339A1
Автор: Kyung Kook Kim

A method of assembling and disassembling a gas turbine, and a gas turbine assembled thereby, improves work efficiency and reduces time and cost by carrying out various disassembly and reassembly processes depending on circumstances. In one process, a turbine section is disassembled from a gas turbine by sequential steps of disassembling an upper turbine case; disassembling a rear diffuser assembly and a rear bearing assembly; disassembling a combustor assembly; disassembling a vane assembly; and disassembling a blade assembly. In another process, first-stage to fourth-stage blade assemblies and first-stage to fourth-stage vane assemblies in a turbine section are disassembled from the gas turbine by sequential steps of disassembling an upper turbine case; disassembling a combustor assembly; disassembling a vane assembly; and disassembling a blade assembly. The gas turbine includes a compressor section, a combustor section, and the turbine section assembled in a reverse order with respect to the disassembly method.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003340A1
Автор: LE GALL Rémy

The invention concerns a device for assembling a turbine engine, intended to centre a shaft of a second module relative to a longitudinal axis (X) of a trunnion for a first module, the shaft having to be inserted along said longitudinal axis (X) via one end of the trunnion, wherein it includes a holding ring configured to be fixed around trunnion by tightening in such a way as to have a central axis of holding ring coincide with the longitudinal axis of the trunnion, and a means of measurement, supported by holding ring and configured to measure the position of an outer surface of the shaft along a radial direction relative to the central axis of the ring on a transverse plane (P) offset from holding ring, in such a way as to be located in front of the end of the trunnion when the device is installed on the trunnion. The invention also concerns the assembly formed by the device and a calibration model, along with an assembly procedure that uses same. 1. Device for assembling a turbine engine , intended to centre a shaft of a second module relative to a longitudinal axis (X) of a trunnion for a first module , said shaft having to be inserted along said longitudinal axis (X) via one end of said trunnion , wherein it comprises a holding ring configured to be fixed around trunnion by tightening in such a way as to have a central axis (X′) of the holding ring coincide with the longitudinal axis (X) of the trunnion , and a means of measurement , supported by holding ring and configured to measure the position of an outer surface of said shaft along a radial direction (Z′) relative to the central axis (X′) of the ring on a transverse plan (P) offset from holding ring , in such a way as to be located in front of said end of the trunnion when the device is installed on the trunnion.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the means of measurement comprises a part that moves along said radial direction (Z′) claim 1 , fitted in such a way as to come into contact with an ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Stator vane assembly for a gas turbine engine

Номер: US20190010816A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A gas turbine engine has a stator vane assembly. The stator vane assembly includes an inner diameter shroud, an outer diameter shroud located radially outward from the inner diameter shroud, a vane extending radially outward from the first inner diameter shroud to the outer diameter shroud. The wedge clip is positioned horizontally through the vane to prevent the vane from being dislodged from the stator vane assembly.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010826A1

A system and method for coupling cases associated with an engine of an aircraft. A first case includes a first plurality of threads. A second case includes a second plurality of threads. A coupler includes a third plurality of threads and a fourth plurality of threads. An interface is configured to align the first case and the second case before the first plurality of threads engage the third plurality of threads or the second plurality of threads engage the fourth plurality of threads. 1. A method for coupling cases associated with an engine of an aircraft , comprising:joining a first bracket with a first case and a second bracket with a second case;threading an alignment pin into the second bracket;bringing the first case and the second case together until contact is made with threads of a coupler, wherein the contact occurs subsequent to an engagement of the alignment pin with the first bracket; andapplying torque to the coupler to cause the first case to couple to the second case.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:unthreading and removing the alignment pin from the first bracket and the second bracket subsequent to applying the torque; andremoving the first bracket from the first case and the second bracket from the second case subsequent to the removal of the alignment pin.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the joining of the first bracket with the first case includes bolting the first bracket to the first case.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:joining a third bracket with the first case and a fourth bracket with the second case; andthreading a depth pin into the fourth bracket.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:threading a gauge into the third bracket.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:adjusting the gauge to contact the depth pin; andrecording a reading associated with a depth based on the adjustment of the gauge.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising:pulling apart the first case and the second case; ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011182A1

A method for modifying a turbine with rotor blade rings and guide vane rings arranged in a conical housing, in which an original rotor blade ring at a first rotor blade position is replaced by a replacement rotor blade ring at a second rotor blade position, wherein the second rotor blade position is arranged spaced apart from the first rotor blade position along a direction of extent of a rotor shaft of the turbine in the flow direction of a working medium flowing through the turbine. 1. A method for modifying a turbine having , arranged in a housing of conical form , rotor blade rings and guide blade rings , the method comprising:replacing an original rotor blade ring at a first rotor blade position by a replacement rotor blade ring at a second rotor blade position,while keeping the housing, arranging the second rotor blade position spaced apart from the first rotor blade position along a direction of extent of a rotor shaft of the turbine in the flow direction of a working medium flowing through the turbine,wherein the replacement rotor blade ring has a larger outer diameter than the original rotor blade ring.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:using a separate component as a positioning element.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:arranging a positioning element designed in the form of a spacer or ring in the rotor shaft for the purpose of fixing the replacement rotor blade ring at the second rotor blade position.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein a positioning element is formed integrally on the replacement rotor blade ring.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 ,wherein the positioning element is formed by an extension on a balcony of a root of a replacement rotor blade of the replacement rotor blade ring.6. The method as claimed in claim 4 ,wherein, for the purpose of fixing the replacement rotor blade ring at the second rotor blade position, a shortening of a root of a replacement rotor blade of the replacement ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Alignment Tool

Номер: US20200011204A1
Автор: Eggleton Robert J.

There is disclosed an alignment tool for positioning an impact liner panel on a fan casing. The alignment tool comprises an attachment portion for attaching to the fan casing, a support surface for receiving a shim, and a magnet to magnetically retain a shim on the support surface. There is also disclose a tool kit for manufacturing a fan casing having an alignment tool and a shim. There is also disclosed a method of positioning an impact liner panel on a fan casing. It comprises attaching an alignment tool to the fan casing, magnetically retaining a shim on a support surface of the alignment tool; and positioning the impact liner panel against an abutment surface of the shim. 1. An alignment tool for positioning impact liner panels on a fan casing , the alignment tool comprising:an attachment portion for attaching to the fan casing;a support surface for receiving a shim; anda magnet to magnetically retain the shim on the support surface.2. An alignment tool according to claim 1 , wherein the magnet is embedded within the alignment tool.3. An alignment tool according to claims 1 , comprising a flange defining the support surface.4. An alignment tool according to claim 1 , wherein the alignment tool comprises fibre reinforced polymer.5. A tool kit for manufacturing a fan casing claim 1 , the tool kit comprising:a shim; and an attachment portion for attaching to the fan casing;', 'a support surface for receiving the shim; and', 'a magnet to magnetically retain the shim on the support surface., 'an alignment tool for positioning impact liner panels on the fan casing, the alignment tool comprising6. A tool kit according to claim 5 , comprising a plurality of alignment tools including the alignment tool and a plurality of shims including the shim.7. A tool kit according to claim 5 , wherein the alignment tool is configured to retain more than one shim.8. A tool kit according to claim 5 , wherein the magnet is embedded within the alignment tool.9. A tool kit according to ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017415A1

A method of constructing a gas turbine system may include placing a foundation interface of a gas turbine mannequin on a foundation, aligning the gas turbine mannequin with a load and connecting the gas turbine mannequin to the load. The method may include constructing a pipeline and connecting the pipeline to the gas turbine mannequin. The method may include placing a foundation interface of a gas turbine mannequin on a foundation, aligning the gas turbine mannequin with an exhaust structure and connecting the gas turbine mannequin to the exhaust structure. The method also includes removing the gas turbine mannequin and installing a gas turbine. 1. A method of constructing a gas turbine system , the method comprising:placing a foundation interface of a gas turbine mannequin on a foundation;aligning the gas turbine mannequin with a load;aligning the gas turbine mannequin with an exhaust structure;connecting the gas turbine mannequin to the load and the exhaust structure;removing the gas turbine mannequin; andinstalling a gas turbine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein aligning the gas turbine mannequin includes installing equipment between the foundation and the foundation interface of the gas turbine mannequin to adjust the location of the gas turbine mannequin relative to the load and the exhaust structure.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein installing the gas turbine comprises placing a foundation interface of the gas turbine on the equipment claim 2 , whereby the gas turbine is substantially aligned with the load and the exhaust structure.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising fastening the foundation interface of the gas turbine mannequin to a plurality of anchor bolts in the foundation after aligning the gas turbine mannequin.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein aligning the gas turbine mannequin with the load comprises aligning a mock rotor of the gas turbine mannequin with the load.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein aligning the gas turbine mannequin with ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017868A1

A multi-piece part includes multiple pieces fabricated via different types of fabrication processes, wherein the multiple parts are configured to be coupled to one another to form the assembly. At least one of the multiple parts is fabricated via an additive manufacturing method. The multi-piece part also includes a holder assembly that couples and holds together the multiple pieces of the multi-piece part, wherein the holder assembly comprises a reversible, mechanical-type coupling. 1. A method , comprising:fabricating a plurality of pieces of a multi-piece part via a plurality of different types of fabrication processes, wherein at least one piece of the plurality of pieces is fabricated via an additive manufacturing process;coupling the plurality of pieces together to assemble the multi-piece part; andsecuring the plurality of pieces of the multi-piece part to one another via a holder assembly.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein fabricating the plurality of pieces comprises fabricating a first alignment feature on a first end face of the at least one piece and fabricating a second alignment feature on a second end face of an additional piece of the plurality of pieces claim 1 , wherein the first alignment feature is configured to removably couple with the second alignment feature.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein coupling the plurality of pieces comprises engaging the first end face of the at least one piece with the second end face of the additional piece to enable the first alignment feature and the second alignment feature to receive and engage with one another.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein fabricating the at least one piece via the additive manufacturing process comprises fabricating the at least one piece via a binderjet process claim 1 , a three-dimensional printing process claim 1 , a direct metal laser melting process claim 1 , or a direct metal laser sintering process.5. The method of claim 1 , comprising fixedly coupling the plurality of pieces via ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024955A1

A gas turbine engine composite vane assembly and method for making same are disclosed. The method includes providing at least two gas turbine engine airfoil composite preform components. The airfoil composite preform components are interlocked with a first locking component so that mating faces of the airfoil composite preform components face each other. A filler material is inserted between the mating surfaces of the airfoil composite preform components. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method for forming a gas turbine engine component comprising:providing at least two gas turbine engine composite preform components,interlocking the airfoil composite preform components with a first locking component so that mating faces of the composite preform components face each other, andinserting a filler material between the mating faces of the composite preform components.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein one or more of the composite preform components are provided in a partially rigidized state.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the composite preform components comprise woven fiber.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the composite preform components comprise a first component including at least one connecting tab and an endwall including at least one endwall connecting tab claim 21 , and the interlocking comprises inserting the first locking component into a through hole in the at least one connecting tab and a through hole in the at least one endwall connecting tab.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the composite preform components comprise a first component including at least one connecting tab providing the mating face of the first component claim 21 , and an endwall including at least one endwall connecting tab providing the mating face of the endwall claim 21 , and the inserting comprises inserting the filler material between the mating face of the at least one airfoil connecting tab and the mating face of the at least one endwall connecting tab.26. The method of claim ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Application of a Connection Joint to a Stator Stage by Means of Inflatable Bladders

Номер: US20160032743A1
Автор: Duchaine Georges
Принадлежит: TECHSPACE AERO S.A.

The present application relates to a method for assembling a stator stage of a turbomachine, the stage having an inner ring, an outer ring, and vanes extending radially between the inner ring and the outer ring. The method includes at least the following essential step: applying at least one inflatable bladder against at least one opening between a vane and one of the inner ring and the outer ring on that face of the ring which is opposite the face for application of a sealing material, so as to form one or more retention surfaces for the sealing material. The present application also relates to an assembly device designed for implementing the method. 1. A method for assembling a stator stage of a turbomachine , the stage having an inner ring , an outer ring , and vanes extending radially between the inner ring and outer ring , at least one of the rings exhibiting an opening , the method comprising:(a) positioning at least one of the vanes and the ring exhibiting the opening, such that said vane passes through the opening and raises radially from the opening; and(c) applying a sealing material between the vane and the corresponding opening, on a face of said ring exhibiting the opening, so as to form a connection joint between the vane and the ring opening; andan intermediate step (b) of applying at least one inflatable bladder against the opening on a face of the ring, the face being radially opposite to the face for application of the sealing material, so as to form one or more retention surfaces of said sealing material.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the ring exhibiting the opening is the inner ring.3. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the ring exhibiting the opening is made of angular sectors which exhibit an opening row.4. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein step (b) comprises:the application of multiple bladders connected to one another aeraulically such that they can be inflated at the same time.5. The method in ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033029A1

Turbomachinery comprising a turbine housing () with an engagement formation () and a casing () for electrical machinery, the casing () including an engagement recess (). Furthermore, the engagement recess () comprises a cantilever member () and is adapted to receive the engagement formation (). Finally, the engagement recess () and engagement portion () are configured such that during operation of said turbomachinery the engagement formation undergoes thermal expansion to expand relative to the engagement recess and exert pressure on the cantilever (member ). In this way, an improved apparatus for centralising the turbine housing () in relation to the casing () is provided. 1. Turbomachinery comprising ,a turbine housing comprising an engagement formation, anda casing for electrical machinery comprising an engagement recess,wherein said engagement recess comprises a cantilever member,said engagement recess adapted to receive said engagement formation, andwherein said engagement formation and said engagement recess are configured such that during operation of said turbomachinery said engagement formation undergoes thermal expansion to expand relative to said engagement recess and exert pressure on said cantilever member.2. The turbomachinery of claim 1 , wherein said turbomachinery apparatus further comprises a turbine located within said turbine housing and extending from said casing.3. The turbomachinery of claim 1 , wherein there is a gap or space between the engagement formation and the length of the cantilever member at ambient temperature.4. The turbomachinery of claim 1 , wherein said cantilever member comprises an annular cross section.5. The turbomachinery of claim 1 , wherein a side of said engagement recess comprises said cantilever member.6. The turbomachinery of claim 1 , wherein the thermal expansion coefficient of said turbine housing differs from the thermal expansion coefficient of said casing.7. The turbomachinery of claim 6 , wherein the thermal ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Process and Apparatus for Cooling a Metal Part During a Welding Operation

Номер: US20170043436A1
Автор: James Morin
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Inc

A process and apparatus are provided for cooling an airfoil of a blade during a welding repair operation on the airfoil. At least one polymeric pouch is positioned adjacent a surface of the airfoil, and a coolant fluid is passed through the polymeric pouch during the repair operation on the airfoil.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Adjustable hanger and method for gas turbine engine exhaust liner

Номер: US20140123678A1
Автор: Lon H. Preston, III
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A hanger assembly includes a hanger having a threaded bore, a bushing attaching to an outer duct, a rotator cooperating with the hanger so that the hanger may rotate relative to an inner duct, and wherein the bushing engages the hanger during assembly.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065131A1

According to an embodiment, a gas turbine includes: a casing; a rotor shaft penetrating through the casing; a plurality of turbine stages which are in the casing and are arranged along an axial direction of the rotor shaft and through which a working fluid passes; two bearings disposed on outer sides of the casing in terms of the axial direction and supporting the rotor shaft in a rotatable manner; and a plurality of outlet pipes through which the working fluid having finished work in the turbine stages is discharged. The outlet pipes are provided in an upper half and a lower half of the casing.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065135A1

A system includes an alignment assembly. The alignment assembly includes a receiver and a transmitter to be positioned on two components of a gas turbine system. The alignment assembly further includes an adjustment pad and a hydraulic cylinder to further aid in the alignment of the two components of the gas turbine system. 1. A gas turbine system , comprising:a memory storing instructions; and receive a data signal indicative of a relative position and/or orientation between a gas turbine of the gas turbine system and a load of the gas turbine system;', 'determine a target movement of the gas turbine, the load, or both based on the data signal indicative of the relative position and/or orientation;', 'determine, based on the target movement, at least one control command of an adjustment pad, a hydraulic cylinder, or both of an alignment assembly, the alignment assembly being coupled to the gas turbine or the load; and', 'control a movement of the adjustment pad, the hydraulic cylinder, or both via the at least one control command., 'a processor configured to execute the instructions to cause the processor to2. The gas turbine system of claim 1 , wherein the alignment assembly further comprises at least one laser alignment device configured to determine the relative position and/or orientation between the gas turbine of the gas turbine system and the load of the gas turbine system claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to receive the data signal from the at least one laser alignment device.3. The gas turbine system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one laser alignment device comprises a laser transmitter claim 2 , a laser receiver claim 2 , or both.4. The gas turbine system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one laser alignment device comprises an infrared transmitter claim 2 , an infrared receiver claim 2 , or both.5. The gas turbine system of claim 1 , comprising:a gas turbine shaft of the gas turbine;a load shaft of the load;a laser alignment transmitter ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048744A1

A method of assembling an attachment structure of a gas turbine engine includes providing a frame that has a first annular case, an inner annular case spaced radially inwardly from the first annular case, and a plurality of vanes extending between the inner case and the first annular case, providing a second annular case that extends around the frame, the first annular case and the second annular case include a plurality of interlocks, each of the plurality of interlocks includes a first member mounted on one of the first annular case or the second annular case and a corresponding second member mounted on the other of the first annular case or the second annular case, and inserting the first member in the second member such that the plurality of interlocks restricts relative circumferential and axial movement between the first annular case and the second annular case. 1. A method of assembling an attachment structure of a gas turbine engine , the method comprising:providing a frame including a first annular case, an inner annular case spaced radially inwardly from the first annular case, and a plurality of vanes extending between the inner case and the first annular case;providing a second annular case extending around the frame, the first annular case and the second annular case including a plurality of interlocks, each of the plurality of interlocks including a first member mounted on one of the first annular case or the second annular case and a corresponding second member mounted on the other of the first annular case or the second annular case; andinserting the first member in the second member such that the plurality of interlocks restricts relative circumferential and axial movement between the first annular case and the second annular case.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of interlocks permits relative radial movement between the first annular case and the second annular case.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , further including ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050275A1
Принадлежит: Harbin Institute of Technology

Aircraft engine rotors traditionally have low coaxiality after assembly. This is solved by the methods and devices described herein, having advantages that the rotors have high coaxiality after assembly, reduced vibration, easy installation, high flexibility, and improved engine performance. A measurement method and device use an air flotation rotary shaft system determining a rotary reference. An induction synchronizer determines angular positioning of a turntable. Using a four probe measurement device, a radial error of a rotor radial assembly surface and an inclination error of an axial mounting surface are extracted and an influence weight value of the rotor on the coaxiality of assembled rotors is obtained. All rotors required for assembly are measured and an influence weight value of each on the coaxiality of the assembled rotors is obtained. Vector optimization is performed on the weight value of each rotor and an assembly angle of each rotor is obtained. 2. A device for assembling a rotor of aircraft engine , the device comprising: the workbench located on an upper end portion of the air bearing upper platen which is arranged on an upper end portion of the air bearing spindle;', 'the air bearing spindle is located on an upper end portion of the air bearing lower platen;', 'the inductosyn sliding scale is fitted to an outer ring of the air bearing lower platend) and the inductosyn fixed scale is fixed to a lower portion of an inner side of the central position of the base and is located above the inductosyn sliding scale;', {'b': '2', 'i': 'g', 'the motor stator () is fixed to the lower portion of the inner side of the central position of the base and is located below the inductosyn fixed scale and outside the motor rotor;'}, 'the motor rotor is fitted to the outer ring of the air bearing lower platen and is located below the inductosyn sliding scale;, 'an air bearing system fitted to a central position of a base, the air bearing system comprising an air ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051632A1

The present disclosure is directed to an assembly tool kit for a bundled tube fuel nozzle assembly. The assembly tool kit includes a plurality of pins. Each pin includes a shaft portion, a tapered portion coupled to a first end of the shaft portion, and a contoured portion coupled to a second end of the shaft portion. The contoured portion includes a cylindrical section and a frustoconical section. The tapered and shaft portions of each of the plurality of pins are positioned within a passage defined by one of a plurality of tubes forming a portion of a bundled tube fuel nozzle assembly. The contoured portion of each of the plurality of pins is positioned in one of a plurality of cap plate apertures. Each of the plurality of pins radially aligns one of the plurality of cap plate apertures with a corresponding tube of the plurality of tubes. 1. An assembly tool kit for a bundled tube fuel nozzle assembly , the assembly tool kit comprising: a shaft portion comprising a first end and a second end spaced apart from the first end;', 'a tapered portion coupled to the first end of the shaft portion; and', 'a contoured portion coupled to the second end of the shaft portion, the contoured portion comprising a cylindrical section and a frustoconical section coupled to the cylindrical section;, 'a plurality of pins, each pin comprisingwherein the tapered portion and the shaft portion of each of the plurality of pins are positioned within a passage defined by one of a plurality of tubes collectively forming a portion of a bundled tube fuel nozzle assembly;wherein the contoured portion of each of the plurality of pins is positioned in one of a plurality of cap plate apertures; andwherein each of the plurality of pins radially aligns one of the plurality of cap plate apertures with a corresponding tube of the plurality of tubes.2. The assembly tool kit of claim 1 , wherein the contoured portion comprises a chamfered section coupling the shaft portion to the cylindrical section of ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074310A1

An airfoil a metal body, a cover panel carried on the metal body, and push fasteners extending through the cover panel and locking the cover panel on the metal body. 1. An airfoil comprising:a metal body;a cover panel carried on the metal body; andpush fasteners extending through the cover panel and locking the cover panel on the metal body.2. The airfoil as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the push fasteners includes flexible barbs.3. The airfoil as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the push fasteners includes a head that is embedded in the cover panel.4. The airfoil as recited in claim 3 , wherein the cover panel includes stitching adjacent the head of the push fasteners.5. The airfoil as recited in claim 1 , wherein the metal body includes holes receiving the push fasteners claim 1 , and the holes include undercuts.6. The airfoil as recited in claim 1 , wherein the metal body includes straight holes receiving the push fasteners. The present disclosure is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/251,537 filed Jan. 18, 2019.Airfoils, and particularly fan blades, may be made from multiple pieces in order to reduce weight and ease manufacturing. As an example, a hollow blade may be formed by securing two airfoil shell pieces together to provide an aerodynamic blade shape. An adhesive is used to bond the pieces together. A challenge, however, is that a relatively large amount of surface area is needed to strongly bond the pieces together and provide structural strength to the airfoil. This results in the use of thick interfacial ribs that add weight, thereby undermining the ultimate goal.An airfoil according to an example of the present disclosure includes a metal body, a cover panel carried on the metal body, and push fasteners extending through the cover panel and locking the cover panel on the metal body.In a further embodiment of the foregoing example, each of the push fasteners includes flexible barbs.In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058263A1
Принадлежит: MTU Aero Engines AG

The invention relates to a positioning element for a guide vane arrangement of a guide vane stage of a gas turbine, with at least one base section curved in the peripheral direction; a plurality of uptake openings arranged next to each other in the peripheral direction on the base section, whose aperture axis runs substantially in the radial direction and which are designed to take up a respective radially inner guide vane section; a coupling section provided on the base section, which is or can be coupled to a seal carrier of a seal arrangement. According to the invention, it is proposed that at least one recess is provided in the base section, which is arranged between two neighboring uptake openings and runs from inside to outside at least in the radial direction. 1. A positioning element for a guide vane arrangement of a guide vane stage of a gas turbine , comprising:at least one base section curved in a peripheral direction;a plurality of uptake openings arranged next to each other in the peripheral direction on the base section, whose aperture axis runs substantially in the radial direction and which are designed to take up a respective radially inner guide vane section;a coupling section provided on the base section, which is coupled or can be coupled to a seal carrier of a seal arrangement;wherein at least one recess is provided in the base section, which is arranged between two neighboring uptake openings and runs from inside to outside at least in a radial direction.2. The positioning element according to claim 1 , wherein the positioning element is ring-shaped and comprises two semicircular base sections.3. The positioning element according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling section includes at least one axially front groove and one axially rear groove claim 1 , which run on the base section along the peripheral direction.4. The positioning element according to claim 3 , wherein the axially front groove and the axially rear groove have substantially the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Exhaust duct of gas turbine engine

Номер: US20220082031A1
Автор: Rabih Kassab
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

An exhaust duct of a gas turbine engine comprises a hub defining a radially-inner surface of a substantially annular exhaust gas path, and a strut extending into the exhaust gas path. The strut is attached to the hub via a first fastener at a forward fastening location closer to a leading edge of the strut than to a trailing edge of the strut, and via a second fastener at an aft fastening location closer to the trailing edge than to the leading edge. The second fastener is engaged with an appendage of the strut. The appendage is received into a receptacle formed in the hub open to the radially-inner surface.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063237A1

A locking spacer assembly for filling a final spacer slot in a disk groove between platforms of adjacent blades of a blade assembly, a blade assembly and a method for installing a locking spacer assembly into a final spacer slot in a disk groove between platforms of adjacent blades of a blade assembly are presented. The locking spacer assembly includes a first end piece, a second end piece, and a mid spacer inserted between the first and second end pieces. The first and second end pieces include tabs respectively. The mid spacer includes clips. The locking spacer assembly is installed into the final spacer slot in the disk groove by snap locking engagements between the clips of the mid spacer with tabs of the first and second end pieces respectively. 1. A locking spacer assembly configured to fill a final spacer slot in a disk groove between platforms of adjacent blades of a blade assembly comprising:a first end piece comprising a top surface, a circumferential inner surface, a circumferential outer surface, an axial fore side surface, and an axial aft side surface;a second end piece comprising a top surface, a circumferential inner surface, a circumferential outer surface, an axial fore side surface, and an axial aft side surface; anda mid spacer configured to be inserted between the circumferential inner surface of the first end piece and the circumferential inner surface of the second end piece,wherein the first end piece comprises a tab on the axial fore side surface extending axially outwardly from the circumferential inner surface,wherein the second end piece comprises a tab on the axial aft side surface extending axially outwardly from the circumferential inner surface,wherein the mid spacer comprises a platform and a first leg and a second leg extending radially downwardly from bottom of the platform,wherein the first leg comprises a first clip having a tapered shape tapping from a first land surface downwardly to end of the first leg,wherein the second leg ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063245A1

An alignment apparatus for aligning inlet guide vanes in a turbine having a turbine axis includes a tool body, a positioning block secured to the tool body, and a plurality of alignment pieces secured to the tool body. The positioning block may be affixed to the tool body such that when the positioning block is engaged with a leading edge of one of the inlet guide vanes, at least a portion of the alignment pieces is parallel to the turbine axis. The alignment pieces may be manually displaceable from the OFF position to the ON position into engagement with the inlet guide vanes to align one or more of the inlet guide vanes. 1. An alignment apparatus for aligning inlet guide vanes in a turbine having a turbine axis , the alignment apparatus comprising:a tool body;a positioning rod secured to the tool body; anda plurality of eccentric pins secured to the tool body, each of the plurality of eccentric pins being displaceable between an OFF position and an ON position,wherein the positioning rod is affixed to the tool body relative to the plurality of eccentric pins to place each of the eccentric pins adjacent a respective inlet guide vane when the positioning rod is engaged with an adjacent inlet guide vane and with the eccentric pins in the OFF position,wherein the eccentric pins are parallel to the turbine axis, andwherein the eccentric pins are manually displaceable from the OFF position to the ON position into engagement with the respective inlet guide vanes.2. An alignment apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a positioning block secured to the tool body claim 1 , the positioning block defining an axial limit position for the tool body relative to a leading edge of the inlet guide vanes.3. An alignment apparatus according to claim 2 , comprising two positioning blocks secured to the tool body and spaced from each other along a circumferential width of the tool body.4. An alignment apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the positioning block comprises ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066543A1

An apparatus for lifting an inner casing of a turbine includes a base, an arm, a guide roller, and an adjustment system. The arm has a first end and a second end, and is pivotally connected to the base intermediate the first end and the second end. The guide roller is operatively coupled to the first end of the arm to rotatably engage an exterior surface of the inner casing, and an adjustment system extending from the base and engaging the arm to change an angular position of the arm relative to the base and adjust a position of the guide roller relative to the exterior surface of the inner casing. 1. A roller jack for rotatably supporting an inner casing of a turbine , the roller jack comprising:a base including a mounting element configured to couple to an outer casing of the turbine;an arm pivotally connected to the base, the arm having a first end and a second end;a guide roller rotatably positioned at the first end of the arm, the guide roller configured to rotatably engage an exterior surface of the inner casing of the turbine; andan adjustment system configured to adjustably pivot the arm relative to the base to adjust a position of the guide roller relative to the exterior surface of the inner casing.2. The roller jack of claim 1 , wherein the mounting element includes a flange claim 1 , the flange surrounding at least a portion of the arm.3. The roller jack of claim 2 , wherein the mounting element further comprises a shim approximately matching the shape of the flange and configured to mate with the flange.4. The roller jack of claim 2 , wherein the flange includes a plurality of apertures claim 2 , each aperture configured to receive a fastener for mounting the base to the outer casing of the turbine.5. The roller jack of claim 1 , wherein a pivot pin pivotally connects the arm to the base.6. The roller jack of claim 5 , wherein the pivot pin extends through the arm and through at least a portion of the base.7. The roller jack of claim 5 , wherein the arm ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063563A1

A fan assembly for use in a gas turbine engine of an aircraft includes a fan disk having a number of fan blades and a windage shield coupled to the fan disk to move therewith. The fan assembly supplies air for use in the engine. The windage shield rotates with the fan disk during operation of the gas turbine engine and directs air supplied by the fan blade. 1. A process of coupling components of a gas turbine engine , the process comprisingproviding a first component formed to include a first anchor-receiving space therein, the first anchor-receiving space being arranged to extend along an installation axis through a portion of the first component,providing a second component for coupling to the first component and for movement therewith, the second component being formed to include a second anchor-receiving space therein,providing an anchor including a fastener, a bushing, a washer, and a fastener retainer,contacting a first portion of the second component against the first component with a second portion of the second component spaced apart from the first component,aligning the first anchor-receiving space and the second anchor-receiving space along the installation axis,positioning the bushing in the second anchor-receiving space in alignment with the installation axis and extending out of the anchor-receiving space toward the first component,positioning the washer against the second component in alignment with the installation axis to locate the second anchor-receiving space between the washer and the first component with the bushing spaced apart from at least one of the first component and the washer,inserting the fastener through the washer, the bushing, the second anchor-receiving space, and the first anchor-receiving space,engaging the fastener retainer with the fastener and the first component to block free movement of the fastener and the fastener retainer relative to the first component and the second component, andbiasing the second portion of the second ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063592A1

A gas turbine engine includes a turbine blade extending radially outwardly to a radially outer tip and for rotation about an axis of rotation. A blade outer air seal is positioned radially outwardly of the radially outer tip of the turbine blade. The blade outer air seal has a forward hook at an axially forward location and an aft hook at an axially aft location. An axial direction is defined by a rotational axis of the turbine blade. The blade outer air seal has a central web extending axially between the forward and aft hooks. The forward and aft hooks extend generally radially outward from the central web, and have slots for being received on forward and aft support hooks of a blade outer air seal support. 1. A gas turbine engine comprising:a turbine blade extending radially outwardly to a radially outer tip and for rotation about an axis of rotation;a blade outer air seal positioned radially outwardly of said radially outer tip of said turbine blade, said blade outer air seal having a forward hook at an axially forward location and an aft hook at an axially aft location, with an axial direction being defined by a rotational axis of said turbine blade; andsaid blade outer air seal having a central web extending axially between said forward and aft hooks, and said forward and aft hooks extending generally radially outward from said central web, and having slots for being received on forward and aft support hooks of a blade outer air seal support.2. The gas turbine engine as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said blade outer air seal is formed of a plurality of laminate.3. The gas turbine engine as set forth in claim 2 , wherein each of said forward and aft hooks includes at least one central laminate and a forward most and an aft most laminate.4. The gas turbine engine as set forth in claim 3 , wherein said at least one central laminate includes a plurality of laminate claim 3 , and said at least one central laminate being formed as a separate portion claim 3 , with ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Axial Turbomachine Blade with Platforms Having an Angular Profile

Номер: US20140147265A1
Автор: Guy Biemar
Принадлежит: Techspace Aero SA

The present application relates to the stator blades of an axial turbomachine intended to be fitted on a ferrule in an annular row of identical blades. Each blade includes a platform with opposed lateral edges and a means of attachment to the ferrule. The contour of the platform has, at each of the lateral edges, an angular profile designed to mate with the contiguous edge of the platform of an adjacent blade. This feature enables the angular position or pitch of the blade to be set. The present application also relates to a stator comprising the blade row. Mechanical clearances J 1, J 2 and J 3 and the means of clamping cause an average angular orientation error. The blades are made with a compensatory angle to offset the angular orientation error.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071584A1

A blade outer air seal includes a carrier that has a dovetail and a ceramic seal segment supported on the dovetail. The ceramic seal segment has first and second axial ends, first and second circumferential sides, an inner side, an outer side, and first and second inward-facing dovetail hooks that project from the outer side and define a dovetail key. The ceramic seal segment is axially receivable onto the dovetail of the carrier via the dovetail key. 1. A blade outer air seal comprising:a carrier having a dovetail; anda ceramic seal segment having first and second axial ends, first and second circumferential sides, an inner side, an outer side, and first and second inward-facing dovetail hooks projecting from the outer side and defining a dovetail key there between, the ceramic seal segment being axially receivable onto the dovetail of the carrier via the dovetail key, the dovetail supporting the ceramic seal segment.2. The blade outer air seal as recited in claim 1 , wherein the dovetail includes first and second outward-facing sloped support surfaces and the first and second inward-facing dovetail hooks have inward-facing sloped support surfaces on which the carrier supports the ceramic seal segment.3. The blade outer air seal as recited in claim 2 , wherein the inward-facing sloped support surfaces are sloped at angle of at least 15° and less than 90° relative to a radial direction.4. The blade outer air seal as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first and second inward-facing dovetail hooks are spaced claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , from the first and second circumferential sides.5. The blade outer air seal as recited in claim 4 , wherein the first and second inward-facing dovetail hooks stop short of the first and second axial ends.6. The blade outer air seal as recited in claim 1 , wherein the carrier includes first and second axial carrier ends claim 1 , first and second circumferential carrier sides claim 1 , an inner carrier side facing toward the ceramic ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071993A1

A vane assembly for a gas turbine engine is disclosed in this paper. The vane assembly includes an inner platform, an outer platform, and a ceramic-containing airfoil. The ceramic-containing airfoil extends between the inner platform and the outer platform. A reinforcement spar extends between the inner platform and the outer platform through a hollow core of the ceramic-containing airfoil. 1. (canceled)2. A vane assembly for a gas turbine engine , the vane assembly comprisingan inner platform made from a metallic material, the inner platform including an inner panel and an inner projection that extends radially outward away from the inner panel,an outer platform made from a metallic material, the outer platform including an outer panel and an outer projection that extends radially inward away from the outer panel and toward the inner platform, the outer platform spaced apart radially from the inner platform to define a gas path therebetween,a ceramic-containing airfoil that extends radially between the inner platform and the outer platform and adapted to receive aerodynamic loads during use of the gas turbine engine, the ceramic-containing airfoil formed to define a hollow core, and the ceramic-containing airfoil is arranged around the inner projection and the outer projection to locate the inner projection and the outer projection in the hollow core such that a first portion of the aerodynamic loads applied to the ceramic-containing airfoil are transferred to the inner platform through the inner projection and to the outer platform through the outer projection during use of the gas turbine engine, anda reinforcement spar made from a metallic material that extends radially between the inner platform and the outer platform through the hollow core of the ceramic-containing airfoil and the reinforcement spar supports an interior surface of the ceramic-containing airfoil such that a second portion of the aerodynamic loads applied to the ceramic-containing airfoil are ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072278A1

A plate for supporting a plurality of nozzle tubes in a combustion casing of a combustor stably supports the nozzle tubes and adsorbs displacement due to thermal expansion or natural vibrations, thereby reducing combustor maintenance and extending the lifetime of the combustor. The plate includes an inner frame having a plurality of through holes for respectively receiving the plurality of nozzle tubes; a fixing frame fixed on an inner circumferential surface of the combustion casing and configured to support the inner frame; and a mechanical buffer disposed between the fixing frame and the inner frame. The fixing frame has an inner circumferential surface in which a fixing recess having a U-shaped cross-section is formed to receive the mechanical buffer and an outer edge of the inner frame and to receive the mechanical buffer. A method of assembly the nozzle tube support plate facilitates its initial installation and subsequent maintenance. 1. A plate for supporting a plurality of nozzle tubes in a combustion casing of a combustor , the plate comprising:an inner frame having a plurality of through holes for respectively receiving the plurality of nozzle tubes;a fixing frame fixed on an inner circumferential surface of the combustion casing and configured to support the inner frame; anda mechanical buffer disposed between the fixing frame and the inner frame.2. The plate according to claim 1 , wherein the fixing frame has an inner circumferential surface in which a fixing recess having a U-shaped cross-section is formed claim 1 , and the fixing recess is configured to receive an outer edge of the inner frame in order to support the inner frame.3. The plate according to claim 2 , the fixing recess is further configured to receive the mechanical buffer on an inner surface of the fixing recess.4. The plate according to claim 3 , wherein the mechanical buffer comprises:a radial buffer configured to absorb a radial displacement of the inner frame with respect to the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074120A1

The present disclosure relates to a device () for positioning an inspection tool () relative to a flange () of a casing (). The device () comprises first and second positioning parts () that are assembled together. The first part () has a fastener portion () suitable for being fastened to the flange (). The second part () includes a hole () defining a reference axis (X) for positioning the inspection tool (); and a positioning surface () suitable for co-operating with a circumferential surface () of the flange () so as to position the reference axis (X) so as to intersect an axis of revolution (Z) of the flange (). The first and second parts () include respective setting surfaces () suitable for co-operating together while positioning the reference axis (X) perpendicularly to the axis of revolution (Z). 1. A device for positioning an inspection tool relative to a flange of a casing presenting an axis of revolution , a circumferential surface , and two faces perpendicular to the axis of revolution , the device being characterized in that wherein:the device comprises first and second positioning parts that are dissociated from each other; and assembly means for assembling said parts together;the first part comprises a fastener portion suitable for being fastened on one of the two faces of the flange;the second part includes a hole defining a reference axis for positioning the inspection tool; and a positioning surface suitable for co-operating with the circumferential surface of the flange by positioning the reference axis so that it intersects the axis of revolution; andthe first and second parts have respective setting surfaces suitable for co-operating together by positioning the reference axis perpendicularly to the axis of revolution.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the assembly means comprise means for clamping together respective setting surfaces in the direction of the axis of revolution.3. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the assembly means ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Integrated seal and wear liner

Номер: US20200072071A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A blade outer air seal assembly includes a support structure. A blade outer air seal extends circumferentially about an axis and is mounted in the support structure. The blade outer air seal has a lip at an axial end engaged with the support structure. A seal structure has a seal portion and a wear liner portion joined by a radially extending portion. The seal portion is radially outward of the lip and the wear liner is radially inward of the lip.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072085A1

A distributor sector of a turbine of a turbomachine, including an outer platform including a downstream cylindrical hook adapted to engage with the turbomachine casing, the hook including a part in which is formed a U-shaped anti-rotation notch including a bottom and two lateral walls extending from the bottom, the notch being at least partially covered by a wear insert inserted in the notch, the insert being removeable. 1. A distributor sector of a turbine of a turbomachine , comprising an outer platform comprising a downstream cylindrical hook adapted to engage with the turbomachine casing , the hook comprising a part in which is formed a U-shaped anti-rotation notch comprising a bottom and two lateral walls extending from said bottom , said notch being at least partially covered by a wear insert inserted in said notch , the insert being removeable , the wear insert is U-shaped and is of complementary shape with the notch , said insert being inserted according to an axial direction facing the bottom of the notch , the insert comprising an inner base in contact with the bottom of the notch and two lateral walls extending perpendicularly from the base of the insert , the lateral walls of the insert being in contact with the lateral walls of the notch.2. The sector according to claim 1 , wherein the base of the insert is clipped to the bottom of the notch claim 1 , the insert comprising an upper lip and a lower lip claim 1 , said lips extending according to the axial direction from the base of the insert such as to encircle the base of the notch.3. The sector according to claim 1 , wherein each lateral wall of the insert comprises an upper lip and a lower lip claim 1 , said lips extending tangentially from each wall such as to encircle each lateral wall of the notch.4. The sector according to claim 1 , wherein the insert is positioned iso-statically on the notch:at least the upper lip forming a flat support for the insert according to a radial direction,the inner ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078471A1

An apparatus for handling a turbomachine part, particularly during disassembling and reassembling operations. More specifically, an apparatus for handling the stator cone of a gas turbine suitable to completely manipulate the stator cone during disassembling and reassembling operations. The apparatus allows to disassemble and reassemble the stator cone of a gas turbine without the need to dismount the turbomachine enclosure and without the necessity to have personnel inside the turbomachine package during the operations. 1. A handling apparatus for removing and repositioning a part of a turbomachine from/into its operative seat , the turbomachine having a longitudinal axis , the apparatus comprising:a base structure comprising a guide element developing along a longitudinal direction; and wherein, in an operative condition of the handling apparatus, the longitudinal direction of the guide element is arranged parallel to the longitudinal axis of the turbomachine, the main body comprising a gripping device configured to be connectable to the turbomachine part;', 'wherein the gripping device is pivotable at least about a transversal horizontal axis, and is also movable at least along a vertical direction, the rotation about the transversal horizontal axis and the movement along the vertical direction of the gripping device being obtained by means of a plurality of actuators., 'a main body movable along the guide element;'}2. The handling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the gripping device is configured to pivot the connectable turbomachine part about the transversal axis with respect to the base structure.3. The handling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the gripping device is configured to move the connectable turbomachine part along the vertical direction with respect to the base structure.4. The handling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the gripping device is further pivotable about a vertical axis.5. The handling apparatus according to claim ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150086330A1

A turbine system is provided having a first turbine casing and a second turbine casing, the first and second turbine casings together defining an inner wall. The turbine system further includes a first attachment flange extending from a surface of the first turbine casing within the inner wall and a second attachment flange extending from a surface of the second turbine casing within the inner wall. The first attachment flange defines a first aperture and the second attachment flange defines a second aperture. A pin extends through the first aperture and into the second aperture. 1. A turbine system , comprising:a first turbine casing;a second turbine casing positioned adjacent to the first turbine casing, the first turbine casing and the second turbine casing together defining an inner wall; and 'a first attachment flange extending from a surface of the first turbine casing within the inner wall and defining a first aperture;', 'a first attachment assembly configured to attach the second turbine casing to the first turbine casing, the first attachment assembly comprising'} 'a pin extending through the first aperture and into the second aperture.', 'a second attachment flange extending from a surface of the second turbine casing within the inner wall, the second attachment flange positioned adjacent to the first attachment flange and defining a second aperture; and'}2. The turbine system as in claim 1 , wherein the turbine system defines an axial direction and wherein the pin oriented in substantially the axial direction.3. The turbine system as in claim 1 , wherein the first attachment flange further defines an additional first aperture and the second attachment flange further define an additional second aperture claim 1 , and wherein the first attachment assembly further comprises an additional pin extending through the additional first aperture and into the additional second aperture.4. The turbine system as in claim 1 , wherein the first attachment assembly ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080568A1
Принадлежит: Vornado Air LLC

The present invention provides an improved blade and blade hub assembly. According to a first preferred embodiment, the present invention provides an apparatus for attaching light-weight foam blades onto an injection molded hub to be used in an unguarded fan assembly. According to a further preferred embodiment, the present invention preferably further provides a foam blade design in which the more centrally located portion of the blade is inserted into slots that are molded into an injection molded hub. According to a further preferred embodiment, the slots of the present invention preferably keep the blade in a desired camber and support the blade in the proper angle and orientation. 1. A fan assembly for creating and directing a flow of air , wherein the fan assembly comprises: an insertion edge; wherein the insertion edge comprises a flat insertion surface; wherein the flat insertion surface comprises a plurality of securing holes; and', 'a fan blade body;, 'a first fan blade, a second fan blade and a third fan blade; wherein each of the first, second and third fan blades comprise a front nose cone;', 'a first fan blade insertion aperture, a second fan blade insertion aperture and a third fan blade insertion aperture; and', 'a rear supporting shell, wherein the rear supporting shell comprises a curved inner housing surface; wherein the curved inner housing surface comprises, an insertion pin; and', 'a plurality of supporting ribs; wherein the supporting ribs extend from the insertion pin to the curved inner housing surface;', 'wherein at least a first group of three securing pins are formed on the curved inner housing surface adjacent to the first fan blade insertion aperture; wherein at least a second group of three securing pins are formed on the curved inner housing surface adjacent to the second fan blade insertion aperture; wherein at least a third group of three securing pins are formed on the curved inner housing surface adjacent to the third fan blade ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Turbine transition piece (tp) apparatus and method

Номер: US20140165397A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Various embodiments include an apparatus for installing or removing a transition piece (TP) in a gas turbine. The apparatus can include: a control arm assembly sized to rest within an opening in the gas turbine; a guide system coupled to the control arm assembly, the guide system for transporting the TP within the opening in the gas turbine; and a counter balance coupled to the guide system, the counter balance for countering weight of the TP during the installing or the removing of the TP in the gas turbine.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087975A1

An accessory system for a gas turbine engine having a drive shaft with an axis of rotation is provided. Also provided is a bearing housing assembly for coupling the drive shaft of an accessory having a first gear to a gear associated with the accessory system. The bearing housing assembly includes a mount including an interface to be coupled to the accessory and defining a central bore, and a lock cylinder configured to receive the drive shaft. The lock cylinder is movable relative to the central bore and the drive shaft to adjust a contact pattern between the first gear of the drive shaft and the gear of the accessory system. 1. A bearing housing assembly for coupling a drive shaft of an accessory having a first gear to a gear associated with an accessory system of a gas turbine engine , comprising:a mount including an interface to be coupled to the accessory and defining a central bore; anda lock cylinder configured to receive the drive shaft, the lock cylinder movable relative to the central bore and the drive shaft to adjust a contact pattern between the first gear of the drive shaft and the gear of the accessory system.2. The bearing housing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mount includes a plurality of mounting bores spaced apart about a perimeter of the interface to couple the mount to the accessory.3. The bearing housing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the central bore defines a plurality of threads claim 1 , and the lock cylinder defines a plurality of threads to couple the lock cylinder to the mount.4. The bearing housing assembly of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of threads of the lock cylinder are defined on an exterior surface of the lock cylinder claim 3 , with the lock cylinder including an interior surface opposite the exterior surface to receive the drive shaft.5. The bearing housing assembly of claim 4 , wherein the exterior surface further defines a plurality of alternating flats at an end of the lock cylinder.6. The bearing housing assembly of ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Centrifugal pump for conveying a fluid

Номер: US20180087532A1

A centrifugal pump for conveying a fluid includes a housing having an inlet and an outlet for the fluid. An impeller is arranged in the housing for rotation in an axial direction to convey the fluid from the inlet to the outlet, a shaft extends in the axial direction for driving the impeller, and a stationary guide device for guiding the fluid from the impeller to the outlet is connected to the housing. A resilient compensating element is disposed between the housing and the guide device, is arranged around the shaft, and holds the guide device in a centered position to the impeller during a radial relative movement to the housing.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Mounting assembly for gas turbine engine fluid conduit

Номер: US20180087776A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The present disclosure is directed to a mounting assembly for a fluid conduit. The mounting assembly includes a casing, a first fluid conduit segment, and a second fluid conduit segment. A fitting is spaced apart from the casing. The fitting couples the first fluid conduit segment and the second fluid conduit segment. A bracket includes a casing mounting portion coupled to the casing, a first fitting mounting portion spaced apart from the casing mounting portion and coupled to the fitting, and a thickness. The thickness of the bracket permits the fitting to move relative to the casing.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Method for assembling a stator stage of a gas turbine engine

Номер: US20170089209A1
Автор: Jed Fentem, Paul Jenkinson
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method for assembling a stator stage of a gas turbine engine and an adjustment pin to perform the assembly method to lock a vane segment in a central section of the stator stage. The method includes inserting an adjustment pin into a through hole wherein the adjustment pin includes two end sections, inserting at least one wall segment of the vane segment into a slot of a central section, rotating the adjustment pin so that the central section is correctly positioned in the stator stage, deforming a deformable part of the adjustment pin so that the now deformed part establishes a force fit with at least one segment of a corresponding structure of the central section and thereby locking the adjustment pin and thus the central section in a fixed position in the stator stage.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088051A1

A nozzle assembly is provided which is, in part, formed of a low coefficient of thermal expansion material. The assembly includes a nozzle fairing formed of the low coefficient of thermal expansion material and includes a metallic strut extending radially through the nozzle fairing. Load is transferred from the nozzle fairing to a static structure in either of two ways: first, the strut may receive the load directly and/or second, load may be transferred from the nozzle fairing to at least one of the inner and outer support rings. Further, the nozzle fairing and strut may allow for internal airflow for cooling. 1. A nozzle segment assembly , comprising:an outer support ring and an inner support ring;a nozzle fairing formed of a low coefficient of thermal expansion material having an outer band and an inner band;said nozzle fairing further having a vane extending between said outer band and said inner band;a metallic strut extending between said outer support ring and said inner support ring, said strut allowing for load transfer between at least one pair of said nozzle fairing and said strut or said nozzle fairing and at least one of an inner and outer support ring;said metallic strut extending through said nozzle fairing and allowing growth of said strut through said vane.2. The nozzle segment assembly of .3. The nozzle segment assembly of wherein said outer support ring and said inner support ring are arcuate segments.4. The nozzle segment assembly of wherein at least one of said outer support ring and said inner support ring are supported by a static structure.5. The nozzle segment assembly of wherein said at least one of said outer support ring and said inner support ring is supported in a cantilevered arrangement from said static structure.6. The nozzle segment assembly of wherein at least one of said outer support ring and said inner support ring are support at an axial end.7. The nozzle segment assembly of claim 1 , wherein said metallic strut is connected to ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088066A1
Автор: Ellwood, III Erwin Perry

A turbocharger includes a shaft, a compressor wheel, and a seal assembly. The seal assembly includes a carbon ring having a carbon surface having a carbon ring inner diameter and a carbon ring outer diameter. The seal assembly also includes a mating ring having a mating surface facing the carbon surface of the carbon ring. The mating surface has a land portion configured to contact the carbon surface between a first mating diameter radially aligned with the carbon ring inner diameter and a second mating diameter radially aligned with the carbon ring outer diameter. The land portion has a land area between the first and second mating diameters. The mating surface defines a plurality of grooved portions. The plurality of grooved portions have a grooved area between the first and second mating diameters. A ratio of the land area to the grooved area is between 1.3 and 2.9. 1. A turbocharger for delivering compressed air to an internal combustion engine and for receiving exhaust gas from the internal combustion engine , said turbocharger comprising:a shaft extending along an axis between a first end and a second end spaced from said first end along said axis;a compressor wheel coupled to said first end of said shaft; and a carbon ring disposed about said shaft and spaced from said compressor wheel along said axis, with said carbon ring having a carbon surface having a carbon ring inner diameter and a carbon ring outer diameter spaced from said carbon ring inner diameter radially away from said axis, and', 'a mating ring disposed about said shaft and spaced from said compressor wheel along said axis such that said carbon ring is disposed between said compressor wheel and said mating ring, with said mating ring having a mating surface facing said carbon surface of said carbon ring,', 'with said mating surface having a land portion configured to contact said carbon surface between a first mating diameter radially aligned with said carbon ring inner diameter with respect to ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088104A1

A planetary gearbox device for a turbomachine, having a planet carrier and at least one planet gear arranged rotatably thereon, is described. The planet gear is arranged in the axial direction between two planet carrier regions, to each of which at least one carrier element, on which the planet gear is rotatably mounted, is connected for conjoint rotation therewith. A wedging sleeve is arranged between the carrier element and each of the planet carrier regions, by means of each of which wedging sleeves a press-fit joint is established between the carrier element and the planet carrier regions. A sleeve is provided radially between at least one of the wedging sleeves and a planet carrier region. 1. A planetary gearbox device for a turbomachine , having a planet carrier and at least one planet gear arranged rotatably thereon , wherein the planet gear is arranged in the axial direction between two planet carrier regions , to each of which at least one carrier element , on which the planet gear is rotatably mounted , is connected for conjoint rotation therewith , wherein a wedging sleeve is arranged between the carrier element and each of the planet carrier regions , by means of each of which wedging sleeves a press-fit joint is established between the carrier element and the planet carrier regions , and wherein a sleeve is provided radially between at least one of the wedging sleeves and a planet carrier region.2. The planetary gearbox device according to claim 1 , wherein the wedging sleeve is operatively connected claim 1 , by means of an outer side claim 1 , to an inner side of the sleeve claim 1 , at least in some region or regions claim 1 , wherein the outer side of the wedging sleeve and the inner side of the sleeve are matched to one another.3. The planetary gearbox device according to claim 1 , wherein the wedging sleeve is operatively connected claim 1 , by means of an inner side claim 1 , to an outer side of the carrier element claim 1 , at least in some ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

System and method for controlling backbone bending in a gas turbine engine

Номер: US20150098816A1
Автор: Randy Scott Longtin
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A flexible coupling for a gas turbine engine includes a fan hub frame having a first flange and a core engine having a second flange. The first flange includes a first plurality of fingers extending from a face of the flange and the second flange includes a second plurality of fingers extending from a face of the second flange. The second plurality of fingers of the second flange is complementary to the first plurality of fingers extending from the first flange. The first flange and the second flange are coupled together in form-fitting engagement such that the first plurality of fingers and the second plurality of fingers form an interdigitated configuration.

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Anti-Torsion Assembly

Номер: US20140173897A1
Автор: Andrew G. Alarcon
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

An anti-torsion assembly for positioning and securing a thermally conforming liner within a fan containment case is provided. The anti-torsion assembly minimizes the amount of machining that must be done prior to assembly. The anti-torsion assembly comprises a torque block with outwardly-opposing side surfaces and a pair of L-brackets. Each L-bracket has a bracket surface that faces one of the outwardly-opposing side surfaces of the torque block. A wear pad is affixed to each bracket surface. The L-brackets are positioned onto the thermally conforming liner using a spacer having a spacer width within a predetermined tolerance. A method of assembling a fan case assembly is also provided.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180094675A1

A bearing centering spring includes a cylindrical body with outer rings at each end, wherein each outer ring has outer raceways on the inner surface of the body. There is also a retaining feature on an end of the body and ports through the body that are positioned between the outer rings. 1. A bearing centering spring comprising:a cylindrical body having a first end, a second end, an inner surface, and an outer surface;a first outer ring proximate the first end, the first outer ring including a first outer raceway on the inner surface;a second outer ring proximate the second end, the second outer ring including a second outer raceway on the inner surface;a retaining feature at the second end;a plurality of ports through the body positioned between the first outer ring and the second outer ring;a first seal groove on the outer surface proximate the first end;a second seal groove on the outer surface positioned between the first groove and the plurality of ports;an oil groove on the outer surface positioned between the first and second seal grooves; andan anti-rotation lug that extends radially from the outer surface positioned between the second seal groove and the plurality of ports.2. The bearing centering spring of claim 1 , further comprising:a contact surface on the outer surface directly radially outward of the second outer raceway.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The bearing centering spring of claim 1 , wherein the retaining feature is a flange.6. The bearing centering spring of claim 5 , wherein the retaining feature includes an anti-rotation lug that extends radially from the flange.7. A bearing arrangement comprising:an outer member having an inner portion;an inner member that is rotatable with respect to the outer member, the inner member having an outer portion;a first inner ring connected to the outer portion and including a first inner raceway;a second inner ring connected to the outer portion and including a second inner raceway;a first plurality of ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145829A1

An expansion joint for a jet engine, the expansion joint including a pipe defining a proximal end having a first engagement structure, wherein the pipe is part of an air system of the jet engine; and an engine hardware coupled with the proximal end of the pipe, the engine hardware having a second engagement structure engaged with the first engagement structure to couple the pipe and engine hardware relative to one another, wherein one of the first and second engagement structures comprises one or more spring fingers, and wherein the other of the first and second engagement structures comprises a ridge extending along a circumferential direction of such engagement structure. 1. An expansion joint for a jet engine , the expansion joint comprising:a pipe defining a proximal end having a first engagement structure, wherein the pipe is part of an air system of the jet engine; andan engine hardware coupled with the proximal end of the pipe, the engine hardware having a second engagement structure engaged with the first engagement structure to couple the pipe and engine hardware relative to one another,wherein one of the first and second engagement structures comprises one or more spring fingers, and wherein the other of the first and second engagement structures comprises a ridge extending along a circumferential direction of such engagement structure.2. The expansion joint of claim 1 , wherein the pipe comprises a conduit and a collar disposed at the proximal end of the pipe claim 1 , and wherein the first engagement structure is disposed on the collar of the pipe.3. The expansion joint of claim 1 , further comprising alignment indicia disposed on at least one of the pipe and engine hardware claim 1 , the alignment indicia configured to be used by an operator to align the pipe and engine hardware relative to one another.4. The expansion joint of claim 1 , wherein the ridge comprises a plurality of discontinuous segments extending along the circumferential direction ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093481A1
Принадлежит: EXERGY S.P.A.

A method for manufacturing bladed rings for radial turbomachines, including: assembling a first support ring with a second support ring, with a plurality of blades, with a first and second connecting ring, to make a bladed ring including the first and second support ring coaxial and axially spaced and the plurality of blades disposed equidistant from a central axis and interposed between the rings. The method includes joining a first end of each blade to the first connecting ring, joining a second end of each blade to the second connecting ring, fixing the first connecting ring to the first support ring and fixing the second connecting ring to the second support ring. The first support ring, second support ring, plurality of blades, first and second connecting rings are finished elements before assembling, meaning they present their final geometry and need no further machining and/or plastic deformations during and/or after assembly. 1. Method for manufacturing bladed rings for radial turbomachines , comprising:preparing a first support ring;preparing a second support ring;preparing a plurality of blades;preparing a first connecting ring or first connecting arched sectors;preparing a second connecting ring or second connecting arched sectors;assembling the first support ring with the second support ring, with the plurality of blades, with the first connecting ring, or with the first connecting arched sectors, and with the second connecting ring, or with the second connecting arched sectors, so as to make a bladed ring comprising the first and second support rings coaxial and axially spaced one from the other and the plurality of blades disposed equidistant from a central axis and interposed between the first and second support rings, wherein the blades have a leading edge substantially parallel to the central axis; stably joining a first end of each blade to the first connecting ring, or to one of the first connecting arched sectors; stably joining a second end of ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Airfoil assembly with spacer and tie-spar

Номер: US20190093490A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

An airfoil assembly includes at least one airfoil that has a hollow interior. First and second platforms are disposed between the airfoil. At least one tie-spar extends along an axis through the first platform, the hollow interior of the airfoil, and the second platform. There is a thermal expansion difference between a thermal expansion of the tie-spar in the axial direction and the combined thermal expansion of the airfoil and the first and second platform in the axial direction. At least one spacer portion is arranged on the tie-spar. The spacer portion has a thermal expansion in the axial direction that is greater than the thermal expansion difference such that the spacer portion maintains the tie-spar under tension and clamps the first and second platforms on the airfoil.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093502A1
Автор: Lyon Owen, SWANN Andrew B.
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A method and apparatus for rigging a variable stator vane arrangement () for a gas turbine engine () is provided. The arrangement provides at least two sets of rigging holes to an actuator (), with the actuator extension during rigging being dependent on which of the sets of holes are aligned. This allows the actuator extension to be adjustable during rigging, thereby facilitating different relationships between actuator extension and variable vane angle in use. 1. A method of rigging a variable stator vane arrangement for a gas turbine engine , the variable stator vane arrangement comprising:an actuator comprising an actuator body and an actuator ram, the actuator ram being moveable relative to the actuator body along an actuator axis (X);an array of variable stator vanes; andan adjustable connecting arrangement that, once adjusted, fixedly connects the actuator ram to the variable stator vanes such that the angle of incidence of the variable stator vanes is dependent on the position of the actuator ram along the actuator axis, wherein:each of the actuator body and the actuator ram comprises at least one rigging hole, with at least one of the actuator body and the actuator ram comprising at least two rigging holes that are offset from each other in the direction of the actuator axis, the method comprising:aligning an actuator ram rigging hole with an actuator body rigging hole;inserting a rigging pin through the aligned actuator ram rigging hole and actuator body rigging hole so as to set a rigging position of the actuator ram;setting the angle of incidence of the variable stator vanes to a rigging angle; andadjusting the adjustable connecting arrangement so as to fixedly connect the actuator ram at the rigging position to the variable stator vanes at the rigging angle.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the rigging holes in the at least one of the actuator body and the actuator ram that comprises at least two rigging holes are circumferentially offset ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093511A1

The invention is directed to a turbine having a turbine housing or casing. The turbine housing includes a carrier ring and a ring contour component which is fastened to the carrier ring. The ring contour component has a circumferential flange with which it bears against an annular end face of the carrier ring. At least one hold down is provided which enables the flange of the ring contour component to be releasably fixed against the end face of the carrier ring. The turbine is configured to be part of a micro gas turbine in a combined heat and power cogeneration system. 1. A turbine being one of a radial turbine and a mixed-flow turbine; the turbine including:a turbine housing;a turbine wheel arranged in said turbine housing;said turbine housing including a carrier ring having an annular end face; and, a ring contour component enclosing said turbine wheel in a manner so as to conduct a flow;said ring contour component having a circumferential flange in contact engagement with said annular end face of said carrier ring;at least one hold down for releasably fixing said circumferential flange against said annular end face;said turbine housing further including a surrounding casing;at least three connecting elements holding said carrier ring on said surrounding casing with at least three displaceable bearings corresponding to respective ones of said connecting elements;each one of said connecting elements defining a longitudinal direction and each of said bearings being configured to be displaceable in the longitudinal direction thereof; and,wherein said turbine is configured to be part of a micro gas turbine.2. The turbine of claim 1 , wherein said turbine casing defines a longitudinal axis; and claim 1 , said at least three connecting elements are oriented radially with respect to said longitudinal axis.3. The turbine of claim 1 , wherein said carrier ring has locating bores formed therein; and claim 1 , said at least three connecting elements are configured as ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093512A1

A gas turbine engine may comprise a blade track and a method of making the same. The blade track may be constructed of ceramic matrix composite components including segments and joints. 1. A blade track for use in a gas turbine engine , the blade track comprisinga first segment comprising ceramic-matrix composite materials, the first segment including a first band shaped to extend part-way around a central axis, a first finger support that extends partway around the central axis from a circumferential end of the first band, and a first attachment finger that extends from an end of the first finger support, anda second segment comprising ceramic-matrix composite materials, the second segment including a band shaped to extend part-way around the central axis a finger support that extends partway around the central axis from a circumferential end of the band, and a second attachment finger that extends from an end of the finger support,wherein the first attachment finger extends from the first finger support in an axial direction and the second attachment finger extends from the second finger support in an axial direction opposite the first attachment finger.2. The blade track of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment finger and the second attachment finger combine to provide an interlocked joint between the first segment and the second segment.3. The blade track of claim 1 , wherein the first finger support extends from the circumferential end of the first band and the second finger support extends from the circumferential end of the second band opposite the first finger support.4. The blade track of claim 3 , wherein the first band claim 3 , the first finger support claim 3 , and the first finger form a first finger-receiving space between the circumferential end of the first band and the first finger.5. The blade track of claim 4 , wherein second band claim 4 , the second finger support claim 4 , and the second finger form a second finger-receiving space between the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095892A1
Принадлежит: Rohr, Inc.

Pin latch assemblies and cam latch assemblies are disclosed. A pin latch assembly is provided comprising a pin housing at least partially enclosing a pin, an actuating device coupled to the pin, and a retaining feature comprising an aperture. 1. A latch assembly located between a leading edge of an inner fixed structure (IFS) and an engine case comprising:a moveable portion,a handle;a receiver, wherein the latch assembly is configured to be in a latched position when the moveable portion is located within the receiver, wherein the receiver and the moveable portion comprise a waiting-fail-safe load path when in the latched position, wherein the handle is coupled to a fan case, wherein the handle is coupled to the moveable portion via a flexible cable, wherein the flexible cable is routed through a guide vane, the guide vane being located between the engine case and the fan case.2. The latch assembly of claim 1 , wherein the moveable portion is a cam.3. The latch assembly of claim 2 , wherein the cam is configured to rotate about a pivot.4. A latch assembly located between a leading edge of an inner fixed structure (IFS) and an engine case comprising:a moveable portion,a handle;a receiver, wherein the latch assembly is configured to be in a latched position when the moveable portion is located within the receiver, wherein the receiver and the moveable portion comprise a waiting-fail-safe load path when in the latched position, wherein the moveable portion is remotely actuated by a flexible cable, wherein the flexible cable is toured through a guide vane between the engine case and a fan case.5. The latch assembly of claim 4 , wherein the moveable portion is a cam.6. The latch assembly of claim 5 , wherein the cam is configured to rotate about a pivot. This application is a divisional of, and claims priority to, and the benefit of U.S. Non-Provisional application Ser. No. 14/672,193, entitled “INNER FIXED STRUCTURE LEADING EDGE LATCH,” filed on Mar. 29, 2015, which is ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Active centering control for static annular turbine flowpath structures

Номер: US20190101016A1
Автор: Jason David Shapiro
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A rotor assembly apparatus that includes a rotatable component and a ring-shroud. The rotatable component is mounted for rotation about a first axis. The ring-shroud defines an inner surface that surrounds the rotatable component and that defines a second axis. A sensing system is configured to monitor the position of the first axis relative to the second axis. A casing surrounds the ring-shroud and an actuation system is configured to move the ring-shroud relative to the casing, in response to the sensing system.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101027A1

A turbine ring assembly includes ring sectors made of ceramic matrix composite material forming a turbine ring and a ring support structure having first and second annular flanges, each ring sector having first and second tabs held between the flanges. First and second holder elements secured to the first annular flange being received in first and second openings in the first tab, while first and second holder elements secured to the second annular flange are in first and second openings in the second tab. Radial clearance is being present when cold between the openings and the portions of the holder elements present in the openings. The first and second annular flanges include, on their faces facing the first and second tabs, a plurality of thrust portions distributed in circumferential manner over the flanges, the ends of the tabs, when cold, being in radial abutment against two thrust portions. 1. A turbine ring assembly comprising both a plurality of ring sectors made of ceramic matrix composite material to form a turbine ring , and also a ring support structure having first and second annular flanges , each ring sector having a portion forming an annular base with , in a radial direction of the turbine ring , an inner face defining the inside face of the turbine ring and an outer face from which there extend first and second tabs , the first and second tabs of each ring sector being held between the first and second annular flanges of the ring support structure;wherein the first tab of each ring sector includes a first opening receiving a portion of a first holder element secured to the first annular flange and a second opening receiving a portion of a second holder element secured to the first annular flange, radial clearance being present when cold between the first and second openings in the first tab and the portions of the first and second holder elements present in said first and second openings, said first and second holder elements being made of a ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Variable guide vane for gas turbine engine

Номер: US20220170380A1
Автор: Daniel POICK, David Batch
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

A variable guide vane (VGV) described herein includes an airfoil for interacting with a fluid inside a gas path of a gas turbine engine. The airfoil is mounted to a button and rotatable with the button about an axis. The button includes a platform surface defining part of the gas path adjacent the airfoil during use. The platform surface of the button includes a depression for receiving therein part of an adjacent VGV and providing clearance between adjacent VGVs at aggressive vane angles.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170385A1

An installation for pre-assembling the turbine stators of a turbine each formed of several juxtaposed sectors, includes: an input carriage for conveying sectors intended to form the turbine stators. Each sector includes side faces provided with slots and being associated with a given turbine stator; an output carriage having various trays, each associated with a turbine stator; an automated device for inserting sealing pads configured to interact with a sector conveyed by an automated convey pallet, comprising a robot arm for inserting sealing pads into the slots in a side face of the sector; and another robot arm for gripping a sector equipped with pads from a pallet and depositing it on the tray associated with the turbine stator to pre-assemble the turbine stator. 1. An installation for pre-assembling the turbine stators of a turbine , the turbine comprising a plurality of turbine stators each formed of an assembly of sectors juxtaposed to one another , the installation comprising:an input carriage configured to convey and support a set of sectors intended to form the turbine stators of the turbine, each sector of the set comprising side faces and slots provided in the side faces and being associated with a given turbine stator;an output carriage comprising a plurality of trays, each tray being associated with a turbine stator of the turbine;a device for conveying sectors comprising at least one pallet adapted to convey a sector, the conveying device being automated;a first robot arm adapted to grip a sector of the input carriage and to deposit it on a pallet of the conveying device;an automated device for inserting sealing pads and adapted to interact with a sector conveyed by the automated conveying device, the device for inserting sealing pads comprising a second robot arm adapted to insert sealing pads into the slots in a side face of the conveyed sector to form an equipped sector; anda third robot arm adapted to grip an equipped sector conveyed by a pallet ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Stator vane dampening system usable within a turbine engine

Номер: US20180112546A1
Автор: Elliot G. Griffin
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A stator assembly ( 10 ) usable in a gas turbine engine ( 12 ) and configured to restrain inner and outer endwalls ( 14, 16 ) to limit deflection, provide mechanical dampening and prevent clearance loss relative to adjacent blade rotor disks is disclosed. The stator assembly ( 10 ) may be formed from a plurality of stator vanes ( 20 ) with inner and outer endwalls ( 14, 16 ) that are coupled together with a first radially outer tie bar ( 22 ) and a first radially inner tie bar ( 23 ). In at least one embodiment, first and second radially outer tie bars ( 22, 24 ) and first and second radially inner tie bars ( 23, 25 ) may form first and second stator vane segments ( 26, 28 ) that together form the circumferentially extending stator assembly ( 10 ). The inner and outer endwalls ( 14, 16 ) may be coupled together with one or more circumferentially extending alignment pins that limit deflection. The stator assembly ( 10 ) may include one more deformable seals ( 52, 102 ) extending radially inward from the inner endwall ( 14 ).

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Vaneless space guide ring spacers for turbocharger

Номер: US20180112551A1
Принадлежит: BorgWarner Inc

Variable geometry turbine turbochargers with rotating guide vane members and spacer members. The spacer members are positioned in the space on the guide ring members between the ring of guide vane members and the turbine wheel.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178259A1
Автор: PELLERIN Hugues

A rotating assembly for a gas turbine engine has a balancing ring mounted to a first rotating component having a rotating unbalance about an axis of rotation. The ring is clocked at a circumferential position about the axis to counteract the rotating unbalance. A spacer is axially abutted against the first rotating component to set an axial position of the first rotating component relative to a second rotating component. The balancing ring is locked against rotation relative to the first rotating component in its circumferential position by the dual use spacer. 1. A rotating assembly for a gas turbine engine , comprising:a first rotating component mounted for rotation about an axis;at least one balancing ring mounted to the first rotating component and clocked at a circumferential position about the axis to counteract a rotating unbalance of the first rotating component; anda spacer axially abutted against the first rotating component to set an axial position of the first rotating component relative to a second rotating component of the rotating assembly, the spacer locking the at least one balancing ring against rotation relative to the first rotating component.2. The rotating assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the spacer and the at least one balancing ring have a circumferential interface with cooperating anti-rotation male/female portions.3. The rotating assembly as defined in claim 2 , wherein the cooperating anti-rotation male/female portions include at least one lug projecting from a first one of the at least one balancing ring and the spacer and at least one circumferential array of scallops on a second one of the at least one balancing ring and the spacer claim 2 , the at least one lug being engageable with a selected one of the scallops of the at least one circumferential array of scallops.4. The rotating assembly defined in claim 3 , wherein the at least one circumferential array of scallops is provided on an inner or an outer diameter of the spacer. ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160118777A1

A method for routing wires from a rotor shaft of a turbomachine includes routing a plurality of wire bundles through an end portion of the rotor shaft and into an annular extension shaft which is coupled to the end portion of the rotor shaft, threading each wire bundle through a corresponding thru-hole of a plurality of thru-holes defined in an annular wire barrel, inserting the wire barrel into the extension shaft and fixedly connecting the wire barrel to the extension shaft. 1. A method for routing wires from a rotor shaft of a turbomachine , comprising:routing a plurality of wire bundles through an end portion of the rotor shaft and into an annular extension shaft coupled to the end portion of the rotor shaft;threading each wire bundle through a corresponding thru-hole of a plurality of thru-holes defined in an annular wire barrel;inserting the wire barrel into the extension shaft; andfixedly connecting the wire barrel to the extension shaft.2. The method as in claim 1 , further comprising guiding each wire bundle individually into the corresponding thru-hole towards the open end of the rotor shaft such that each wire bundle forms a U-shaped bend within the extension shaft.3. The method as in claim 1 , further comprising coaxially aligning the wire barrel with the extension shaft via one or more alignment pins.4. The method as in claim 1 , further comprising connecting a terminal end of each wire bundle to a connector.5. The method as in claim 4 , further comprising securing one or more of the connectors to an aft wall of the wire barrel via a retention collar.6. The method as in claim 1 , further comprising inserting an annular inner sleeve into the wire barrel.7. The method as in claim 6 , wherein inserting the annular inner sleeve into the wire barrel further includes cooling the inner sleeve prior to insertion into the wire barrel.8. The method as in claim 1 , wherein routing a plurality of wire bundles through an end portion of the rotor shaft and into an ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108941A1

A compression rod engagement apparatus is provided that includes an engagement feature, an engagement feature pin, and a mounting member. The engagement feature is attached to the engagement feature pin. The engagement feature pin is engaged with the mounting member in a home position and axial travel of the engagement feature pin along a lengthwise axis away from the home position in either axial direction is resisted by at least one spring force. 1. A compression rod engagement apparatus , comprising:an engagement feature;an engagement feature pin; anda mounting member;wherein the engagement feature is attached to the engagement feature pin, and the engagement feature pin is engaged with the mounting member in a home position and axial travel of the engagement feature pin along a lengthwise axis away from the home position in either axial direction is resisted by at least one spring force.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a first spring claim 1 , the first spring providing the spring force that resists axial travel of the engagement feature pin along the lengthwise axis away from the home position in at least one axial direction.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a second spring;wherein the first spring provides the spring force that resists axial travel of the engagement feature pin along the lengthwise axis away from the home position in a first axial direction, and the second spring provides the spring force that resists axial travel of the engagement feature pin along the lengthwise axis away from the home position in a second axial direction, wherein the first axial direction is opposite the second axial direction.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a first spring and a second spring claim 1 , wherein the first spring acts between the engagement feature and the mounting member claim 1 , and the second spring acts between the engagement feature pin and the mounting member;wherein at least one of the first spring or ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Stator retention of gas turbine engine

Номер: US20210140375A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Technologies Corp

A stator vane assembly of a gas turbine engine includes a stator shroud having a plurality of shroud openings formed therein. The stator shroud defines a flowpath surface. The assembly includes a plurality of stator vanes, one stator vane of the plurality of stator vanes installed in each shroud opening of the stator shroud. A volume of potting material is located in the plurality of shroud openings to retain the stator vanes thereat. One or more retainers are located at a back surface of the stator shroud opposite the flowpath surface to restrict circumferential movement of the plurality of stator vanes relative to the stator shroud.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125303A1
Автор: MASAKAWA Takashi

Provided is an impeller in which a through hole is provided in a center of a base member of the impeller and a plurality of recessed parts are formed on a bottom surface of the base member. Meanwhile, a jig using in a cutting work of the impeller includes a seating part having a seating surface, a shaft part is erected from a central part of the seating part and is engageable with the through hole of the impeller, and protruded parts are formed on the seating surface and are engageable with the recessed parts provided on the base-member bottom surface of the impeller. 1. An impeller comprising:a base member configured to have a through hole in a rotation center of the base member; anda plurality of blades configured to protrude from a front surface of the base member and provided on a circumference around the rotation center,wherein, on a rear surface of the base member, a plurality of recessed parts or a plurality of protruded parts are formed at positions of a rotational symmetry around the rotation center and at positions other than regions in which root portions of the blades are projected onto the rear surface of the base member.2. An impeller cutting jig comprising:a seating part configured to have a seating surface; anda shaft part configured to be erected from a central part of the seating part and capable of being engaged with a through hole formed in a rotation center of an impeller,wherein, on the seating surface of the seating part, a plurality of protruded parts or a plurality of recessed parts are provided at positions of a rotational symmetry around the shaft part and are engageable with recessed parts or protruded parts provided on a rear surface of a base member of the impeller.3. A combination of an impeller and an impeller cutting jig , whereinthe impeller includes:a base member configured to have a through hole in a rotation center of the base member; anda plurality of blades configured to protrude from a front surface of the base member and ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Seal assembly with secondary retention feature

Номер: US20210156311A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Technologies Corp

An assembly for a gas turbine engine according to an example of the present disclosure includes, among other things, a gas turbine engine component that has a first interface portion, and a support that has a mounting portion and a second interface portion, the mounting portion attachable to an engine static structure, a first retention feature that releasably secures the first interface portion to the support in a first installed position of the gas turbine engine component, and a second retention feature dimensioned to secure the first interface portion to the second interface portion in a second installed position of the gas turbine engine component. The first installed position differs from the second installed position, and one of first and second retention features is dimensioned to carry the gas turbine engine component in response to release of another one of the first and second retention features. A method of sealing for a gas turbine engine is also disclosed.

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Gas Turbine Filtration System with Inlet Filter Orientation Assembly

Номер: US20150135659A1
Принадлежит: BHA Altair LLC

The present application provides a filtration system for a gas turbine engine. The filtration system may include a holding frame with a positioning element extending therefrom and a filtration unit for mounting within the holding frame. The filtration unit may include a positioning slot therein such that the positioning element extends through the positioning slot when the filtration unit is mounted within the holding frame.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128126A1
Автор: GIAMMARCHI Alessandro

An assembly/disassembly apparatus for flanged mechanical device comprising: a main body provided with a rear abutment sector having at least a seat; a coupling pin housed in part in the seat and extending from the seat in a first direction; a grabbing device coupled to said main body; an engagement mechanism provided at least by a first and a second retaining arm, said first and second retaining arms being movable together at least between a first and a second positions, in which, in said first position the first retaining arm faces the rear abutment sector while in said second position the second retaining arm faces the rear abutment sector. 1. An assembly/disassembly apparatus for flanged mechanical device , the apparatus comprising:a main body comprising with a rear abutment sector having at least a seat,a coupling pin housed in part in the seat and extending from the seat in a first direction,a grabbing device coupled to said main body,an engagement mechanism comprising at least a first and a second retaining arm, said first and second retaining arms being movable together at least between a first and a second positions, in which, in said first position the first retaining arm faces the rear abutment sector while in said second position the second retaining arm faces the rear abutment sector.2. The assembly/disassembly apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first and a second retaining arm claim 1 , are movable together in a third safety position in which claim 1 , the first retaining arm partially faces the rear abutment sector and the second retaining arm partially faces the rear abutment sector.3. The assembly/disassembly apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the engagement mechanism comprises a coupling shaft rotatable coupled with said main body and extending from the latter in said first direction claim 1 , substantially parallel to the coupling pin claim 1 , said first and second retaining arms being fixedly coupled with said coupling shaft and extending in a ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Support providing a complete connection between a turbine shaft and a degassing pipe of a turbojet

Номер: US20180128180A1
Принадлежит: Safran Aircraft Engines SAS

The invention relates to a support providing a complete connection between a degassing pipe ( 3 ) and a turbine shaft ( 2 ), said support including a plurality of outer contact spans ( 41 a ) intended to bear on the inner walls of the turbine shaft to secure the degassing pipe with respect thereto, characterized in that the different spans are each bordered by at least one elastomer insert ( 41 g ) which contributes to the protection of the turbine shaft during insertion of the support therein.

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Detachable anti-wear cap for rectifier sector

Номер: US20190128133A1
Принадлежит: Safran Aircraft Engines SAS

An assembly including a sector of fixed blades for turbomachine distributor including at one circumferential end a protuberance and at another circumferential end a contact surface, such that the protuberance of a sector arrives opposite the contact surface of another adjacent sector, a detachable cap including a surface with anti-wear material, configured to be engaged detachably on the protuberance of the sector, such that the anti-wear material is in contact with the contact surface of the other sector.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123930A1

An integrated bearing assembly includes a thrust bearing disposed along a face of a turbocharger casing in a turbocharger and extending circumferentially around an axis of rotation of a rotor of the turbocharger, and a dual film journal bearing radially disposed between the rotor and the turbocharger casing which can be semi-floating or fully floating. The journal bearing includes a shoulder step radially extending away from the rotor. The shoulder step of the journal bearing engages one or more of the thrust bearing or the turbocharger casing to prevent axial movement of the dual film journal bearing relative to the turbocharger casing. 1. An integrated bearing assembly comprising:a thrust bearing disposed along a face of a turbocharger casing in a turbocharger and extending circumferentially around an axis of rotation of a rotor of the turbocharger; anda dual film journal bearing radially disposed between the rotor and the turbocharger casing, wherein the journal bearing includes a shoulder step radially extending away from the rotor, the shoulder step of the journal bearing engaging one or more of the thrust bearing or the turbocharger casing to prevent axial movement of the journal bearing relative to the turbocharger casing, is spaced apart from the turbocharger casing along axial directions that are parallel to the axis of rotation of the rotor with a portion of the thrust bearing disposed between the shoulder step of the journal bearing and the turbocharger casing along the axial directions;', 'radially extends away from the rotor and into a recess in the turbocharger casing; or', 'radially extends away from the rotor and along a surface of the thrust bearing that also engages the turbocharger casing., 'wherein the shoulder step of the journal bearing one or more of2. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thrust bearing includes a recess radially extending into the thrust bearing away from the rotor claim 1 , and wherein the shoulder step of the ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Composite components for gas turbine engines

Номер: US20160138406A1
Автор: Ted J. Freeman

A turbine wheel for use in a gas turbine engine having a plurality of blades attached to a rotor disk. Each blade is formed as a composite structure including a number of plies of ceramic-containing material. The blades each include a root to fit within dovetail slots of the rotor disk to couple the blades to the rotor disk.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138407A1
Автор: Freeman Ted J.

An apparatus includes a disk, an attachment member, and a blade. The disk has an outer surface including a coupling portion. The attachment member has a coupling portion and defines at least a portion of an opening. The coupling portion of the first attachment member is configured to be coupled to the coupling portion of the disk. A portion of the blade is configured to be disposed within the opening when the coupling portion of the attachment member is coupled to the coupling portion of the disk. 1. A turbine disk assembly adapted for use in a gas turbine engine , the assembly comprising a disk having an outer surface , the outer surface including a coupling portion;an attachment member having a coupling portion and defining at least a portion of an opening, the coupling portion of the attachment member configured to be coupled to the coupling portion of the disk; anda blade, a portion of the blade configured to be disposed within the opening when the coupling portion of the attachment member is coupled to the coupling portion of the disk.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the attachment member is one of a plurality of attachment members and the plurality of attachment members collectively defining a fluid flow path claim 1 , the fluid flow path being fluidically isolated from the outer surface of the disk.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coupling portion of the attachment member defines an opening configured to be aligned with an opening defined by the coupling portion of the disk claim 1 , the apparatus further comprising:a retention pin, the retention pin configured to be inserted though the opening defined by the coupling portion of the attachment member and the opening defined by the coupling portion of the disk to couple the attachment member to the disk.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the blade is formed from a ceramic matrix composite (CMC) material.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the attachment member is formed from a ceramic matrix ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Panel mounting arrangement

Номер: US20140219707A1
Автор: Paul Robert Hayton
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A panel mounting system comprises a panel, a foundation and a plurality of hangers connecting the panel to the foundation. The panel comprises a plurality of first attachment points, and the foundation comprises a plurality of second attachment points. The panel is constrained by the plurality of hangers such that movement of each first attachment point relative to the corresponding second attachment point is constrained to a plane that is normal to the surface of the panel at the first attachment point, and is aligned with the direction of thermal expansion of the panel at the first attachment point.

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Housing arrangement for a gas turbine

Номер: US20150147159A1
Автор: Christian Homeyer
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce Deutschland Ltd and Co KG

A casing arrangement of a gas turbine includes a sensor element of elongated design that when seen in the longitudinal direction has a front end and a rear end, a first casing structure, a second casing structure arranged at a distance from the first casing structure and having a receptacle for the front end of the sensor element, and a guide structure having an elongated guide opening for the sensor element. The sensor element extends between the first casing structure and the second casing structure, while being arranged along a section in the elongated guide opening of the guide structure, where the sensor element due to the elongated guide opening is aligned and positioned such that its front end is located, and can only be located, inside the receptacle of the second casing structure.

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Exhaust gas turbocharger

Номер: US20200131926A1
Принадлежит: BMTS Technology GmbH and Co KG

The present disclosure relates to an exhaust gas turbocharger, for example for a motor vehicle. The exhaust gas turbocharger includes a turbine including a turbine housing and a turbine wheel, a variable turbine geometry including a vane ring and at least one adjustable guide vane, and a spring arrangement including a disc spring structured and arranged to mechanically impact the vane ring in a direction of the turbine housing. The disc spring extends in a circumferential direction with respect to a rotary axis of the turbine wheel and comprises a disc opening that extends up to a radial inside of the disc spring. A heat shield of the spring arrangement extends in the circumferential direction and is arranged on a side of the disc spring axially facing towards the vane ring.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172339A1

A gas turbine engine includes a turbine shroud assembly with a carrier and a plurality of turbine shroud segments. Each turbine shroud segment includes a blade track segment and a mount assembly. The carrier is arranged to extend circumferentially at least partway around an axis. The blade track segment includes a shroud wall and a mount post that extends radially away from the shroud wall. The mount assembly is configured to couple the blade track segment with the carrier. 1. A turbine shroud assembly for use with a gas turbine engine ,the turbine shroud assembly comprising a carrier comprising metallic materials and arranged to extend circumferentially at least partway around an axis the carrier being formed to include a first pin-receiving aperture,a blade track segment comprising ceramic matrix composite materials, the blade track segment including a shroud wall and a mount post that extends radially away from the shroud wall, the mount post being formed to include a second pin-receiving aperture that extends axially through the mount post, anda mount assembly configured to couple the blade track segment with the carrier, the mount assembly including a replaceable grommet and an attachment pin, the replaceable grommet extends axially at least partway into the second pin-receiving aperture to fix the replaceable grommet with the mount post and the attachment pin is arranged within the first pin-receiving aperture and the grommet to couple the mount post of the blade track segment with the carrier so that the replaceable grommet provides a replaceable, sacrificial layer between the attachment pin and the mount post to reduce wear between the mount post and the attachment pin.2. The turbine shroud assembly of claim 1 , wherein the grommet comprises a material selected from at least one of a silicon-carbide based composite claim 1 , an oxide-based composite claim 1 , a monolithic ceramic claim 1 , and a metallic-based material with a ceramic-compatible coating.3. ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172342A1

A gas turbine module includes a gas turbine that has a gas turbine rotor and a turbine shell; an inlet plenum that is connected to an inlet of the gas turbine; an exhaust plenum that is connected to an exhaust of the gas turbine; an enclosure that covers the gas turbine; and a common base on which the gas turbine, the inlet plenum, the exhaust plenum, and the enclosure are mounted. When moving the gas turbine, the gas turbine module is moved together. 1. A method of unloading a gas turbine module in a gas turbine plant ,the gas turbine module includinga gas turbine that has a gas turbine rotor capable of rotating about an axis, and a turbine shell which covers the gas turbine rotor and in which an inlet and an exhaust are formed;an inlet plenum that is connected to the inlet of the gas turbine and is configured to guide air from an inlet duct into the gas turbine;an exhaust plenum that is connected to the exhaust of the gas turbine and is configured to guide exhaust gas from the gas turbine to an exhaust duct;an enclosure that covers the gas turbine; anda common base on which the gas turbine, the inlet plenum, the exhaust plenum, and the enclosure are mounted and which is connected to a gas turbine foundation,the method including executing the steps comprising:a connection release step of releasing a connection between the common base and the gas turbine foundation, and releasing connections between the gas turbine module and a plurality of connection objects that are connected to the gas turbine module and constitute a part of the gas turbine plant;a module raising step of lifting the gas turbine module from the gas turbine foundation after the connection release step;a moving equipment disposition step of disposing moving equipment that is configured to move the gas turbine module in a gap between the common base and the gas turbine foundation during the module raising step;a module lowering step of ending the module raising step after the moving equipment ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Turbine Assembly Method

Номер: US20180142571A1

A turbine assembly method includes a positional information measurement process in which positional information on a plurality of specific portions set on an outer surface of a casing is measured in a state before releasing of bolt fastening of the casing at a time of disassembly of the turbine and in a predetermined disassembly state after the releasing of the bolt fastening, and an alignment process in which positional adjustment of a stationary component with respect to the casing is made based on the measurement results of the positional information on the specific portions in the positional information measurement process. 1. A method of assembling a turbine including a casing divided into a casing lower part and a casing upper part , a turbine rotor contained in the casing , and a stationary component supported inside the casing and divided into a lower side and an upper side , the casing lower part and the casing upper part being connected together by bolt fastening ,the method comprising:a positional information measurement process in which positional information on a plurality of specific portions set on an outer surface of the casing is measured in a state before releasing of bolt fastening of the casing at a time of disassembly of the turbine and in a predetermined disassembly state after the releasing of the bolt fastening; andan alignment process in which positional adjustment of the stationary component with respect to the casing is made based on measurement results in the positional information measurement process.2. The method of assembling the turbine according to claim 1 , whereinthe predetermined disassembly state after the releasing of the bolt fastening of the casing in the positional information measurement process is a state in which the casing upper part, the upper side of the stationary component, and the turbine rotor are removed, andthe specific portions are set on the casing lower part.3. The method of assembling the turbine according to ...
