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17-05-2017 дата публикации

Машины для декорирования, в частности для декорирования керамических изделий, и способ выполнения ремня для декорирования указанных керамических изделий

Номер: RU2619609C2
Принадлежит: Систем С.п.А. (IT)

Группа изобретений относится к машинам для декорирования, в частности для декорирования керамических изделий, и способам изготовления ремня для декорирования. Машина содержит ремень в виде замкнутой петли для переноса декора на приемную поверхность керамического изделия и конвейерные ролики, вокруг которых указанный ремень намотан и перемещается при вращении. Причем по меньшей мере один из указанных конвейерных роликов содержит центральную часть и две концевые части, противоположные друг другу. При этом по меньшей мере одна из указанных концевых частей свободно вращается относительно другой из указанных частей. Ремень содержит центральную часть, имеющую небольшую толщину и ограничивающую соответствующие боковые кромки, прикрепленные к плоским, действующим совместно ремням, натянутым на указанные концевые части. Причем расстояние (А) между двумя осевыми линиями указанных плоских ремней короче, чем расстояние (В) между местоположениями с максимальными диаметрами (D) на указанных противоположных ...

02-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU201200U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к соединениям эластичных лент, в том числе резиновых, резинотканевых и других, и в частности, к механическим приводным ременным соединителям резинотканевых конвейерных лент и других. Целью заявляемой полезной модели является достижение такого технического результата, как повышение надежности соединения отрезков ленты, а также связанного с этим увеличения долговечности соединения. Поставленная цель достигается следующим образом: устройство для соединения конвейерных лент, представляющее собой ряд скрепленных между собой соединительных элементов, представляющих пару ветвей, объединенных дугообразной перемычкой, на ветвях содержится по две пары отверстий, снабженных П-образными скобами, вставленными в пары отверстий на одной из ветвей соединительного элемента, при этом соединительные элементы в ряду объединены между собой прямолинейным прутком, соединяющим их ветви, снабженные П-образными скобами, отверстия, в которые вставлены П-образные скобы одной из ветвей, соответствуют отверстиям на концах противоположной ветви, а одна из ветвей соединительного элемента обладает штырьковым ограничителем, характеризующееся тем, что П-образная скоба заканчивается конусообразными заострениями, которые выступают ниже плоскости ветви соединительного элемента, так, что расстояние от конусообразного заостренного наконечника до плоскости ветви соединительного элемента составляет от 2 до 4 мм, а угол раствора образующих конусообразного заостренного наконечника составляет от 50 до 70 градусов. Заявляемое устройство для соединения конвейерных лент может быть с успехом применено для стыковки как ленточных конвейеров, так и любых других лент конструкций, требующих передачи крутящего момента. Изготавливается на предприятиях металлообрабатывающей промышленности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 200 U1 (51) МПК F16G 3/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16G 3/04 (2020.08 ...

28-03-2023 дата публикации

Монтажная рейка обжимного механизма механических соединителей конвейерных лент

Номер: RU217334U1

Полезная модель относится к элементам, используемым для запрессовки в ленту замков при стыковке приводных ремней, в частности, конвейерных лент. Целью заявляемой полезной модели является повышение надежности функционирования. Поставленная цель достигается следующим образом: монтажная рейка обжимного механизма механических соединителей конвейерных лент, представляющая собой металлическую планку, с отверстиями под крепежные элементы, снабженную рядом продольно расположенных фигурных установочных отверстий, характеризующаяся тем, что фигурные установочные отверстия имеют в основе четырехугольную форму с расположенными по углам скруглениями в форме полуокружностей, при этом монтажная рейка дополнительно содержит ограничительные упоры. Заявляемая монтажная рейка обжимного механизма механических соединителей конвейерных лент может широко применяться при стыковке резинотканевых конвейерных лент. Изготавливается на предприятиях металлургической промышленности.

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для механического соединения конвейерных лент

Номер: RU183836U1

Устройство для механического соединения конвейерных лент относится к механическим соединениям и служит для стыковки конвейерных лент, применяемых на конвейерах сельскохозяйственного, горнорудного, строительно-дорожного и общепромышленного назначения, эксплуатируемых на перегрузочных пунктах, складах, металлургических и цементных заводах, шахтах и разрезах горнорудной промышленности, на сортировочных установках, на перерабатывающих комплексах, элеваторах, обогатительных фабриках, карьерах.Особенностями устройства является то, что на конической части верхней прижимной пластины выполнены пазы с разно наклоненными гранями. Грань, расположенная под углом 25°, предназначена для уменьшения сопротивления при закручивании винта, а грань, расположенная под углом 45°, предназначена для сопротивления самопроизвольного выкручивания винта во время эксплуатации.Техническим результатом является повышение надежности стыка конвейерных лент за счет предотвращения самопроизвольного выкручивания винта механического соединения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 836 U1 (51) МПК F16G 3/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16G 3/08 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017143481, 12.12.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Курскрезинотехника" (ОАО "Курскрезинотехника") (RU) Дата регистрации: 04.10.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 165867 U1, 10.11.2016. RU (45) Опубликовано: 04.10.2018 Бюл. № 28 (54) Устройство для механического соединения конвейерных лент (57) Реферат: Устройство для механического соединения на конической части верхней прижимной конвейерных лент относится к механическим пластины выполнены пазы с разно наклоненными соединениям и служит для стыковки конвейерных гранями. Грань, расположенная под углом 25°, лент, применяемых на конвейерах предназначена для уменьшения сопротивления ...

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2596385C1
Автор: ХОУ Ган (JP)

Способ включает выполнение внутренней части одного конца в продольном направлении основного корпуса ленты заранее в ступенчатой форме; покрытие верха внутренней части, выполненной в ступенчатой форме, отслаиваемым элементом; вулканизацию и формование основного корпуса ленты резинового покрытия, наслаиваемого на отслаиваемом элементе. При соединении конца в продольном направлении основного корпуса ленты осуществляют отслаивание отслаиваемого элемента для удаления резинового покрытия, наслаиваемого на отслаиваемом элементе, и открывания внутренней части, выполненной в ступенчатой форме, покрытой отслаиваемым элементом; наслаивание на открытой внутренней части другой внутренней части, выполненной в ступенчатой форме для соединения, так что другая внутренняя часть обращена к открытой внутренней части; и вулканизацию и соединение участка, где внутренние части наслоены друг на друга. Участок излишней длины основного корпуса ленты оставляют на кончике в продольном направлении основного корпуса ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014154630A

... 1. Способ механического соединения резинотканевых конвейерных лент, включающий разделку, сборку и скрепление стыкуемых концов ленты, отличающийся тем, что концы ленты разделывают ступенчато и соединяют посредством механических соединителей.2. Способ механического соединения резинотканевых конвейерных лент по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что на поверхность ленты в месте стыка с верхней и нижней сторонами накладывают прижимные элементы с отверстиями для соединительных болтов, представляющие собой, например, металлические пластины, и стягивают.3. Способ механического соединения резинотканевых конвейерных лент по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что соединительные болты проходят через отверстия в прижимных элементах и отверстия, предварительно просверленные в ленте.4. Способ механического соединения резинотканевых конвейерных лент по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что соединительные болты проходят через отверстия в прижимных элементах и сверлят полотно ленты посредством острой резьбы или сверла, расположенных на ...

27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009133959A

... 1. Позиционирующий узел обжимного устройства для запрессовки замков в конвейерную ленту, содержащий обжимные клещи (2) и монтажный стол (1), в котором предусмотрен ряд установочных отверстий (11), отличающийся тем, что с одной стороны монтажного стола (1) имеется ряд позиционирующих прорезей, параллельный установочным отверстиям, причем шаг позиционирующих прорезей равен шагу установочных отверстий, причем на обжимных клещах предусмотрен фиксатор, предназначенный входить в зацепление с позиционирующими прорезями. ! 2. Позиционирующий узел по п.1, отличающийся тем, что позиционирующие прорези представляют собой межзубные проемы (13) зубчатой рейки (12) на боковой грани монтажного стола. ! 3. Позиционирующий узел по п.1, отличающийся тем, что позиционирующие прорези представляют собой позиционирующие отверстия (14) в монтажном столе (1).

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014116374A

... 1. Соединитель конвейерных лент для сращивания вместе концов конвейерной ленты, содержащий:верхнюю и нижнюю пластины для прикрепления к концам конвейерной ленты;по меньшей мере одно углубленное отверстие в одной из нижних или верхних пластин;предварительную сборку, содержащую одну пластину и болт, имеющий головку и тело, которое проходит через углубленное отверстие одной пластины;наклонную стенку тарелкообразного элемента одной пластины, которая выступает вверх и внутрь в направлении углубленного отверстия для установки головки болта в него;торцевую поверхность стенки тарелкообразного элемента, которая имеет обратный наклон относительно нее;выемку углубленного отверстия, над которой выступает торцевая поверхность; ишайбу, помещенную на тело болта и имеющую размер для помещения в выемку, а не вниз за пределы торцевой поверхности стенки тарелкообразного элемента, выступающей вокруг нее, для удержания одной пластины и болта вместе в предварительно собранном состоянии и так, чтобы, когда наружная ...

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008140925A

... 1. Промышленная лента, выполненная с возможностью сшивания при установке и содержащая: ! основу, имеющую первый и второй края, ориентированные поперек машинного направления; ! первый слой, нанесенный на первую сторону основы; и ! шовные средства для сшивания первого и второго краев с образованием бесконечной ленты, причем указанный первый слой прикреплен к основе шовных средств; а промышленная лента дополнительно содержит ! клапан, вырезанный в указанном первом слое, нанесенном на основу, обеспечивающий доступ к указанным шовным средствам, защищающий их от внешнего воздействия и обеспечивающий непрерывность и непроницаемость поверхности. ! 2. Лента по п.1, которая дополнительно содержит второй слой, нанесенный на вторую сторону основы и имеющий вырезанный в нем клапан. ! 3. Лента по п.1, в которой шовные средства содержат нити, ориентированные в машинном направлении и вплетенные обратно в края основы с образованием шовных петель. ! 4. Лента по п.1, в которой шовные средства содержат по ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011143163A

... 1. Транспортерная лента (1) для ленточного транспортера, изготовленная из резины или резиноподобного полимера и усиленная проходящими в ее продольном направлении, по меньшей мере, приблизительно параллельно друг другу стальными тросами (4), причем транспортерная лента (1) изготовлена из соединенных между собой посредством вулканизации отрезков (11, 12), отличающаяся тем, что находящиеся в следующих друг за другом отрезках (11, 12), продолжающие друг друга стальные тросы (4), по меньшей мере, в своем большинстве сращены между собой.2. Лента по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что все продолжающие друг друга стальные тросы (4) сращены между собой.3. Лента по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что сращивание стальных тросов (4) осуществляется без использования смазочных веществ.4. Лента по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что стальные тросы (4) в двух следующих друг за другом, соединенных между собой отрезках (11, 12) соединены между собой посредством короткого сплесня.5. Лента по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004112769A

... 1. Способ соединения друг с другом первой кромки первого участка термопластичного листа и второй кромки второго участка термопластичного листа, содержащий следующие стадии: формирование углов на первой кромке первого участка термопластичного листа и на второй кромке второго участка термопластичного листа; формирование первого множества отверстий в первом участке термопластичного листа, которые проходят поперек первой кромки первого участка термопластичного листа; формирование второго множества отверстий во втором участке термопластичного листа, которые проходят поперек второй кромки второго участка термопластичного листа; совмещение первой и второй кромок первого и второго участков термопластичного листа так, что первый и второй участки термопластичного листа содержат находящие друг на друга участки, соединение первого и второго участков термопластичного листа друг с другом. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором стадия соединения содержит стадию сварки первого и второго участков термопластичного ...

30-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1838691C

15-07-1993 дата публикации

Connecting steel rope to conveyor belt - involves connecting belt of elastomer material with tractive carrier of parallel running steel ropes and removal belt cover plates to cut away rubber between steel ropes

Номер: DE0004200703A1

The cut-out rope ends are cut to length and placed between one another. Between the rope ends and in their thrust positions intermediate rubber strips are laid to fill out the intermediate spaces. The union is then covered with upper and lower cover plates and vulcanised. In front of and between the face surfaces of the steel rope ends a piece of binding rubber is placed, which comprises a rubber mixt. for direct binding to metal surfaces. The mixt. consists of neoprene rubber, butadiene rubber, lampblack GPF, active silicon acid, softener, zinc oxide, lead oxide, sulphenamide accelerator, sulphur. USE/ADVANTAGE - To increase the dynamic strength of the belt connection of a steel rope and elastomer conveyor belt.

14-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002258217A1

09-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069408856D1

30-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003900911A1

25-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069208972T2

22-12-1920 дата публикации

Riemenverbinder aus einer Widerlagsplatte und zwei Klemmwalzen, um welche die Riemenenden schlaufenartig gelegt sind

Номер: DE0000331032C
Принадлежит: AUGUST GROSS

28-03-1957 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001005452B

27-11-1958 дата публикации

Hakeneinpresszange zur Herstellung von Foerderbandverbindungen

Номер: DE0001045191B

19-10-1961 дата публикации

Bruecke zum Laengenausgleich von mit Metallseilen verstaerkten Foerderbaendern

Номер: DE0001115436B
Принадлежит: HANS ZILLER

22-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0009306186U1

20-10-2011 дата публикации

Spannvorrichtung für Ketten

Номер: DE102010015266A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Spannvorrichtung (1) für Ketten, mit einem Spindelkörper (2), der mit wenigstens einem Spindelgewinde (11) versehen ist, und mit wenigstens zwei Kupplungselementen (3), wobei wenigstens ein Kupplungselement (3, 4) ein mit dem Spindelgewinde (11) verschraubtes Kupplungsgewinde (3b, 4b) aufweist, und mit einem Sicherungselement (5), das von einer Lösestellung, in der das Kupplungsgewinde (3b, 4b) gegenüber dem Spindelgewinde (11) drehbar ist, in eine Sicherungsstellung, in der eine Drehung des Kupplungsgewindes (3b, 4b) gegenüber dem Spindelkörper (11) formschlüssig blockiert ist, überführbar ausgestaltet ist. Um eine Spannvorrichtung mit einer einfach zu bedienenden und sicheren Lösesicherung zu schaffen, umfasst die Spannvorrichtung (1) wenigstens ein Sicherungselement (5), das in der Sicherungsstellung zwischen dem wenigstens einen mit einem Kupplungsgewinde (3b, 4b) versehenen Kupplungselement (3, 4) und dem Spindelkörper (2) eine formschlüssige Starrkörperkupplung ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации

Endlosverbindung für Fördergurte und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung

Номер: DE102013106253A1

Die Erfindung betrifft Endlosverbindungen von Fördergurten, insbesondere in einer Fördergurtanlage, und deren Herstellung. Zur zuverlässigen und sicheren Verbindung von zwei Fördergurtteilstücken nach Transport und / oder mehrjähriger Lagerung besteht die Endlosverbindung aus wenigstens einem konservierten Verbindungsmaterial. Die Herstellung der Endlosverbindung des Fördergurtes enthält hierbei wenigstens folgende Verfahrensschritte: Herstellen eines unvulkanisierten Verbindungsmaterials auf der Basis wenigstens einer Elastomermischung und Konservieren des unvulkanisierten Verbindungsmaterials und Transport und / oder Lagerung des unvulkanisierten und konservierten Verbindungsmaterials und Einsetzen des unvulkanisierten und konservierten Verbindungsmaterials zwischen zwei Fördergurtteilstücke und Vulkanisation des Verbindungsmaterials.

15-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059602143D1

18-03-1999 дата публикации

Rolle für eine Rollenkette

Номер: DE0029719897U1

24-01-1935 дата публикации

Kantenschutz fuer aus Einschlaghaken gebildete Gelenkriemenverbinder

Номер: DE0000608511C
Принадлежит: CURT MATTHAEI

14-04-1943 дата публикации

Verbinder fuer Treibbaender aus Leder, Gewebe oder Metall

Номер: DE0000734373C
Принадлежит: JULIUS BETHGE

08-09-1939 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Einpressen von V-foermigen Riemenverbindern

Номер: DE0000679316C

15-10-1970 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Verbindung eines Foerdergurtes mit laengs verlaufenden Draehten oder Seilen

Номер: DE0001750481A1

16-12-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002125499A1

11-12-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to belt-fastening machines

Номер: GB0000943984A

... 943,984. Belt fastening machines. HAYDENNILOS Ltd. Jan. 30, 1962 [Feb. 8, 1961], No. 4625/61. Heading F2Q. U-shaped plate fasteners 1, Fig. 14, as described in Specification 943,983 are held in a comb bar 34 and clinched on to a belt end 4 in three stages by a jaw unit 42 movable along a rack bar 40, the jaw unit comprising an upper cheek 56 carried by a lever 55 pivoted on a transverse bar 39, and a lower longitudinally-slidable block 26. The block 26 is attached to a bar 60 having a slot 59 engaged by a pin 57 on a sliding nut 50 linked to the jaw lever 55. On initial rotation of the arms 52 on the operating screw 51 (first stage) the cheek 56 closes the fastener 1 on to the belt 4, the points of the staple 7 entering the recesses 25, Fig. 11, in the block 26. As rotation of arms 52 is continued (second stage) the pin 57 engages the end of slot 59 and moves bar 60 and block 26 to the right, thereby bending over the protruding staple points (Fig. 12, not shown). The arms 52 are then operated ...

05-06-1919 дата публикации

Improvements in Fasteners for Drop Stamp Belts.

Номер: GB0000127470A

... 127,470. Alexander, F. W., and Lewis & Tylor. Aug. 20, 1918. Straps and bands.-The ends of looped belts, employed for actuating drop-stamps in printing, embossing, punching, or like operations, are connected to the main portion by a device consisting of a slotted plate a and two clamping-plates b, c tightened by bolts d. The ends e<3> of the belt are passed through the slot in the plate a, which is formed with a number of pointed spikes a<2>, and after being turned back are gripped by the plates b, c. The bolts d lie outside the edges of the belt.

24-09-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to wire conveyor belts

Номер: GB0000609051A

... 609,051. Belt fastenings. GREENING & SONS, Ltd., N., and FRASER, C. G. March 5, 1946, No. 6746. [Class 80 (i)] [Also in Group XXX] In a wire conveyer belt of the kind in which transverse members forming the weft are laced together by flexible warp members, a hinging member 10 for joining the ends of the belt is formed with lugs 12 which are inserted between the weft members 14 and bent over, Fig. 2, to secure the hinge to the belt. Each hinge part comprises a strip of perforated sheet steel formed with cylindrical eyelets 11 along one edge through which the hinge pin 16 is inserted.

17-09-1946 дата публикации

Improvements relating to connecting devices for the ends of conveyor belts

Номер: GB0000580718A

... 580,718. Belt fasteners. MASTABAR BELT FASTENER CO., Ltd., and TEBB, B. March 6, 1945, No. 5592. [Class 80 (i)] The ends of a conveyer belt are connected by wires c, Fig. 1, formed with loops through which passes a pivot pin d, as described in Specification 522,856, and U-shaped members e, f, Fig. 2, slipped over the edges of the belt and secured thereto by rivets m and hinged together by loops g, h engaging pins p bored at one end to receive. the end of the pivot pin.

23-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001391587A

... 1391587 Pivot pins MATO MASCHINEN- und METALLWARENFABRIK CURT MATTHAEI GmbH & CO KG 14 Aug 1973 [14 Aug 1972] 28382/73 Heading E2F [Also in Division F2] A coupling rod for connecting the ends of conveyer belts comprises a flexible core consisting of a helical spring 2 with a row of sleeves 3 arranged on it, the sleeves being retained by end members 4 secured to the spring 2. A spring steel wire 14, Fig. 4, may be arranged within the spring. Adjacent sleeves may have interengaging annular end steps 24, 25, Fig. 5. Two concentric rows of sleeves may be provided. Instead of a helical spring, a polyamide wire or cord may be used as the core.

16-02-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to endless driving belts

Номер: GB0000724154A

... 724,154. Belt gearing. KENYON & SONS, Ltd., W., and KENYON, W. A. July 20, 1953 [Aug. 1, 1952], No. 19458/52. Class 80 (1). A method of making a joint in a belt of a spun synthetic polyamide such as nylon, consists in overlapping the ends 10, Fig. 1, of the belt, inserting a strip 11 of the same or similar material but having a lower melting point and then applying heat and pressure to bond the ends together. In Fig. 2, the ends 10 of the belt are lapped by a separate piece of the belting 19 with the joining strip 11 between. The belt may include a small proportion of spun natural fibre material such as cotton.

11-04-1930 дата публикации

Improvements relating to conveyor belts

Номер: GB0000327751A

... 327,751. Mining Engineering Co., Ltd., and Nyborg, T. G. Jan. 11, 1929. Belt fastenings.-A flexible fastening, particularly for conveyer belts running over troughed rollers, has spaced hinge-straps 3 on the belt ends interconnected by a wire rope 4. The rope may be locked in position either by one or more pieces of wire 6 driven through the rope and engaging with slots 5 in the straps or between two straps or by abutments on the ends of the rope. The ends of the wire 6 are bent over and the wire is of such thickness as not to project beyond the surface of the slot. The wire strands may be soldered together at the ends and elsewhere to prevent fraying.

23-09-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001206169A

... 1,206,169. Metal conveyer belt. VEREINIGTE METALLWERKE RANSHOFENBERNDORF A.G. 21 Dec., 1967 [28 June, 1967], No. 58152/67. Heading B8A. [Also in Division F2] An endless metal conveyer belt or film casting belt comprises a helically wound metal strip 6 the abutting edges of which are joined by welding or soldering so that when the belt is arranged in a true circle, the joint 5 forms a helix having at least one complete turn.

26-01-1911 дата публикации

Improvements in Belt Fasteners.

Номер: GB0191011853A

... 11,853. Barnes, S. K. May 13. Belt fastenings.-A belt fastening consists of plates a, b secured to the belt ends and having turned-over ends a', b<1> for engaging a connecting-plate c with edges c<1>, c<2> of corresponding shape to the ends a', b<1>. The parts are suitably slotted for receiving a retaining-device, such as a split pin e. A number of these devices may be used in series or in parallel to connect a pair of belt ends.

18-04-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to belts and the splicing of belts

Номер: GB0000652146A

... 652,146. Making belts. GOODRICH CO., B. F. Nov. 26, 1948, No. 30710. Convention date, Dec. 18, 1947. [Classes 83 (ii) and 83 (iv)] [Also in Group XXIV] Jointing by stamping.-A spliced transmission or conveyer-belt comprises a number of tension-resisting members 12, 13 extending longitudinally in pairs therein and with the opposed ends of each longitudinally-aligned pair inserted in a ferrule 25, the members being of substantially equalized tautness in the belt by virtue of a preliminary slippage while under tension in frictional-engagement with the ferrules and being attached permanently to the ferrules in the equalized condition. Opposed ends 10, 11 of the belt to be spliced are secured in clamps 15, 16 connected by screws 20, 21 which have threads of opposite hand on opposite ends thereof so as to permit adjustment of the distance between the clamps. The overlapping ends of the members 12, 13 are cut to length at points staggered along the length of the splice so that interference does ...

19-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002232636A

A continuous belt is formed by bonding together ends of belt forming material (20) in abutting relationship by means of a bonding layer (10) over the abutting ends, the bonding layer comprising hot melt adhesive (13) and a reinforced backing layer (11, 12). The bonding layer is placed in position and heat applied to melt the adhesive. The adhesive sets on cooling. The adhesive is a plastics and has a melt temperature above 60 DEG C. The backing layer comprises plastics material with a fibrous reinforcement bonded thereto. The fibrous reinforcement may be glass, other ceramic or a plastics fibre material. The backing layer may be in strip form and comprises a nylon backing 11 and aromatic polyamide filaments reinforcement 12 laterally of the strip or in a woven form. ...

03-01-1996 дата публикации

Cable chain

Номер: GB0002266353B

10-10-1940 дата публикации

Improvements relating to fastening means for driving belts

Номер: GB0000527500A

... 527,500. Belt fastenings. GILMOUR. SMITH & CO., Ltd., W., and FARROW, J. April 3, 1939, No. 10279. [Class 80 (i)] The belt ends 1, 1a are bent outwardly so that the pulleyengaging surfaces 2 are brought face-toface. Links 3 are passed through the out-turned ends and are connected by split pms 3a between which and the interior faces 5, 5a of the out-turned ends are inserted, according to the invention, flexible leaves 4 of non-metallic material.. A pair of leaves may be provided for each surface and the edges 4a of the leaves of a pair are free to slide relatively to one another, the edge of the inner leaf projecting beyond the edge of the outer. The leaves may be made each of a plurality of canvas sheets impregnated with rubber whereby they are united, or each leaf may consist of a single sheet, or they may be of balata-impregnated fabric or of leather. Three leaves or only one leaf may be applied to each surface 5, 5a. The leaves are less in width than the belt.

10-10-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to endless driving and like belts

Номер: GB0000658356A

... 658,356. Endless conveyer belts. SIEGLING, E. May 13, 1949, No. 12792. [Class 78 (i)] [Also in Groups VIII and XXIV] The bevelled overlapping ends of a conveyer belt composed of a layer a of a polycondensation material such as polyamide or polyurethane and an inner layer b of friction material such as chrome leather are joined by a strip d of the polycondensation material which is pressed on to the layer a after previously moistening the latter with a solvent c such as formic acid.

16-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002074288B
Принадлежит: DEACON R F

02-02-1983 дата публикации

Machine for pressing in belt connectors

Номер: GB0002102529A

The invention relates to an apparatus for pressing-in belt connectors, the pressing-in lever of which is driven by two elbow lever systems. In such a pressing-in apparatus a control lever (5) is positioned between the two elbow lever systems. The control lever is driven by the driving elbow lever pair during the first phase of the pressing-in operation. The control lever locks the driven elbow lever pair in the attained end position during the second phase of the pressing-in operation. Therefore, this invention provides a pressing-in apparatus, which works without a curve or cam control for the non-symmetrical closing movement, yet still permits very high pressure attachment forces while being light in weight.

22-04-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in conveyor belting

Номер: GB0000989976A

... 989,976. Belt gearing. J. H. FENNER & CO. Ltd. Nov. 27, 1963 [Nov. 30, 1962], No. 45306/62. Heading F2Q. [Also in Division B5] A method of joining the ends of a conveyer belt having an elastomer impregnated multiple ply textile fabric core, wherein the plies are held together by binder threads 3, comprises separating adjacent plies at the belt ends by severing the binder threads, removing portions of the separated plies to form complementary stepped surfaces on the two ends, Fig. 6, applying an elastomeric material to the complementary surface and to the severed ends of the binder threads, engaging the complementary surfaces, and fusing them together. The binder threads may be severed by cutting or by tearing the plies apart, and the elastomeric material may be applied to the joint surfaces as a paste or in sheet form, the fusion of the joint being effected by heat and pressure. The core may be loosely woven, as described in Specification 770,524, and stabilized by impregnation with an ...

21-10-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to endless belts

Номер: GB0000972856A

... 972,856. Driving belts. H. H. WIESE. March 30, 1961 [March 30, 1960], No. 11670/61. Heading F2Q. [Also in Division B8] A rubber conveyer or belt 11 has wire re inforcements 13 carr y ing steel balls 14 at intervals. At the termination of the wires 13, the balls of each wire 13 are retained in a split housing 15. The two halves of the housing 15 are held to gether by rings 18. There may be a respective socket mounting for each ball in the housing 15. The belt may be of toothed formation (Fig. 8) teeth portions 21, 211 being vulcanized to the housing 15.

01-03-1923 дата публикации

Improvements in fasteners for machine belts

Номер: GB0000193701A

... 193,701. Young, J., and Young, W. March 15, 1922. Belt fastenings of the kind in which a pin or rod is passed transversely through eyes formed by bent wires or pins, the ends of which are driven into the belt ends. The wires or pins are each formed with a long and a short arm bent at an angle to enter the belt and are also so bent as to bring the eye or looped end below the underside of the belt. As shown in Fig. 5, each wire or pin is formed with a short arm a<1> entering the belt and a longer arm a<2> bent at right angles, penetrating the belt and clinched over on the underside. The looped ends or eyes a lie below the belt and when passing round a pulley C are supported by its periphery. The transverse pin E may be of metal, raw hide &c.

29-10-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to belt fastening devices

Номер: GB0000241649A

... 241,649. Cockill & Sons, Ltd., H. F., and Hartley, W. W. Aug. 11, 1924. Belt fastenings.-An appliance for use in attaching to belt ends wire fasteners, for example of the kind described in Specification 200,413, consists of a base 5 carrying on trunnions 9, or on pins projecting vertically from the base, a plat'e 6, the edges 7 of which are slotted to different gauges to receive the fastenings 8. which are retained in position by removable rods 10 while being hammered into the belt end. When the fastening is completed from one side of the belt, the plate is reversed, so that t'he fastener takes the position shown in dotted lines, and the clinching is completed from the opposite side of the belt. Top and bottom plates x may overhang the slots for protective purposes. A hinge &c. plate, may be so arranged as to overlie the whole length of the fastening across the belt, so that the force of the hammer blows is distributed equally along the said length. The trunnions 9 may be readily removable ...

25-09-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to apparatus for perforating or punching holes in driving and other belts and belting

Номер: GB0000186361A

... 186,361. Cowburn, S. E., Chadwick, C., and Cowburn, O. March 23, 1921. Reciprocating-punch machines. - Relates to machines for punching the ends of leather belting, and consists in arranging the punches to operate in succession in order to reduce the power required. Punches 14 are carried in a head 8 vertically reciprocated in guides 9 from a hand-lever 12. A stationarv block 16 forms the die-plate and is provided with an inclined aperture 17 into which a belt 18 is inserted and holes successively made by the punches 14. Beneath the die-plate a block 20, depressed against springs 21 by projections 22 engaging the feed 8, co-operates with a grid 27 for flattening wire spirals when used for joining the belt-ends. An adjustable edge-stop is provided .for positioning the belt. In a modification, the aperture 17 is normal to the line of travel of punches of different lengths.

13-05-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in endless driving or conveyor belts

Номер: GB0000957731A

... 957,731. Belt fastenings. W. R. BROOKSBANK. Aug. 2, 1961 [Jan. 25, 1961], No. 2861/61. Addition to 851,999. Heading F2Q. In a modification of the scarf joint of the parent Specification, wherein a tapered wedge at one end of a driving or conveyer belt formed of longitudinally folded material is totally enclosed in a tapered recess at the other end, the ends of the material (before folding along the dotted lines) are inclined to the sides of the belt along a line b at an angle other than a right angle to extend the joint over a greater area. The ends may be straight, as shown, or may be cut in a W, U or V formation. Specification 957,732 is also referred to.

07-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002053086B

07-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002100185B

14-05-1942 дата публикации

Conductor hooks for belts, conveyor bands and the like

Номер: GB0000545205A

... 545,205. Belt fastenings. ZILLER, H. J. Jan. 16, 1941, No. 631. Addition to 509,978. [A Specification was laid open to inspection under Sect. 91 of'the Acts, Feb. 3, 1941] [Class 80 (i)] The parent Specification describes a belt fastening comprising a V-shaped member, made from flat sheet or strip, having its shanks disposed on opposite sides of the belt one of the shanks terminating in a pointed hook adapted to be driven into the belt fabric and the other in an eye adapted to receive the pointed end and to bend the same so that after passing through the eye the hook becomes self re-entrant into the belt. According to the invention such hooks are made of wire. The wire hook 1, Fig. 1, has a pointed end 2 adapted to enter an eye 3 formed in the other end by flattening or deforming. When clinched by the presser jaws 5, Fig. 4, the point is bent over the rim of the eye into the belt in the direction away from the edge thereof. For this purpose the jaws are provided with guiding surfaces 6.

21-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001310490A

... 1310490 Belt fastening appliances HAYDENNILOS Ltd 20 Nov 1971 54006/71 Heading F2Q A belt fastening device for applying beltfasteners comprises a pair of lower belt clamping members 19 secured along the longitudinal edges 20 of a base-plate 18, a pair of upper belt clamping members 21 detachably secured at their ends to the lower clamping members 19 by screws 30 and knurled nuts 31, an anvil 23 extending between the lower belt clamping members 19 and being guided by them along the length of the base-plate, and a head 24 carried centrally above the anvil 23 by a neck 25 upstanding from the anvil 23. A jaw 26 is carried on the head 24 by a screw 33 having a knurled head 34 and is adapted to clamp a link 4 against the anvil 23 with the link abutting the neck 25. Staples 7 are driven through holes in the limbs of the fasteners and the belt ends 29A, 29B, by a hand tool 27 including a hammerdriven ram 28. Recesses 35, 36 are provided in the face of the anvil 23 for bending over the points of ...

02-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001399943A

... 1399943 Seaming INDUSTRIE PIRELLI SpA 6 June 1972 [3 July 1971] 26246/72 Heading BSK [Also in Division F2] In the joining of two ends of conveyer, or flat transmission belts longitudinal grooves are formed in a layer of flexible material which forms at least a part of the end of the belt, the grooves in the two ends are aligned, and a cord is fixed in each groove to bridge the ends. The described belt comprises a layer of rubber 1 in which cords 2 are embedded on each side of this there being a layer of rubberized fabric 3 and an outer layer 4, of rubber. Each end is firstly prepared as shown in Fig. 3, with the edge 5 at less than 90 degrees to the side 6, and with the outer layer 4 cut back further than the layer 3. The two ends are then cut to form teeth -14 and gaps 11 of the same width as the teeth, and grooves 16 are cut or formed in the ends of the teeth and the bases of the gaps, these grooves being between the cords 2 of the layer 1. The teeth 14 are fitted together as shown in ...

05-05-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to conveyor belts

Номер: GB0000708461A

... 708,461. Endless conveyer belts. CABLE BELT Ltd. Nov. 4, 1952 [Nov. 7 1951], No. 26100/51. Class 78 (1) [Also in Groups XXIV and XXV] In a conveyer belt comprising a plurality of belt sections each 'comprising rubber or like flexible material in which is embedded a layer of reinforcing material and each formed at each end with spaced longitudinal projections, the projections on one belt section end being adapted to fit between the projections on another belt section mating therewith, and transverse apertures being formed in all the projections so as to form, when the said projections are interfitted, a continuous transverse slat extending from side to side of the belt to receive a transverse member passing through the - apertures to connect the sections together, the ends of the reinforcing material are cut longitudinally to form fingers which are folded back upon themselves to form loops embedded in the rubber or like flexible material of 'the longitudinal projections and surrounding the ...

20-09-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in apparatus for securing belt lacings or fastenings

Номер: GB0000297154A

... 297,154. Marks, E. C. R., (Flexible Steel Lacing Co.). June 20, 1927. Ironing - machines with aprons and conveying-members. - Relates to apparatus for attaching spiked fastenings to the ends of aprons in ironing- machines. The fastenings 23 are preferably of the type formed as separate hooks or interconnected in series, as shown, the fastenings in the two belt ends being connected by a hinge-pin. A case-hardened steel anvil bar D is carried in a bed B supported by a frame A and supports-.the ends of the fastenings, which are carried in triangular recesses in a biass holder C, in which they are retained by a pin 124. A striker-block E overlies the fastenings and the end of the belt or apron 36 inserted therein and is pivoted on a pin 31 in a carrier F which is slidable along the bed B so as to position the block E over all parts of the width of the belt to enable the fastenings to be secured therein by hammer blows upon the rounded surface 28 of the block. The holder C and anvil D are built ...

02-02-1933 дата публикации

Self-locking screw-thread system

Номер: GB0000387133A

... 387,133. Self-locking nuts and bolts. KIELLAND, J. DE R., 6, Ivar Aasensvei, Vinderen pr., and STANGE & CO. AKTIESELSKAP, H., 2, Karl Johansgate, both in Oslo, Norway. Feb. 11, 1932, No. 4136. Convention date, May 27, 1931. [Class 89 (i).] A combination of nut and bolt has one member normally threaded, while the thread of the other member has a profile formed by the superposition of two, three or four normal thread profiles having different bottom diameter and being axially displaced with regard to each other by a fraction of a full pitch of the thread, whereby one or more stepped surfaces are obtained on one side of the modified thread. The ridge 5 between the bottoms 3, 4 of two displaced threads may be rounded off.

08-10-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Comb-Bars for use in Belt-Fastening Machines

Номер: GB0001166530A

... 1,166,530. Belt-fastening appliances. HAYDEN-NILOS Ltd. 19 Dec., 1967, No. 57540/67. Heading F2Q. A comb-bar for use in a belt-fastening machine comprises a channel-section member 8 having slots 5 formed in the web 7 and a bar 10 secured between the flanges 11 of the member 8, grooves 9 in the bar 10 being in register with the slots 5. Loops 4 of belt-fastening elements 1 are adapted to pass through the slots 5 and engage the grooves 9, the elements 1 being retained by a locking bar 12. There is one more slot 5A and groove 9A than the number of elements in a set so that the last one of a previously applied set can be engaged by the combbar and locking bar 12.

15-06-1994 дата публикации

Industrial fabric

Номер: GB0009407763D0

26-08-1920 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to fasteners for belt joining

Номер: GB0000149815A

... 149,815. Williams, T. June 13, 1919. Rivets.-Belt fastening-plates have holes 2 for rivets, which are elongated transversely of the belt. The rivets 3 correspond in section and are formed so that they must open out transversely of the belt. The heads of the rivets 3 have flat sides 6, Fig. 1, to facilitate removal.

01-12-1921 дата публикации

An improved fastening for driving bands and tapes

Номер: GB0000171872A

... 171,872. Dargue, W. Oct. 19, 1920. Belt-fastenings.-A plate a with side teeth a<1> is bent to the form shown in Fig. 3, and the doubled ends of the belt or tape b are inserted between the teeth. A tool c with recessed jaws c<1> is used to force the teeth into the belt ends, and the belt is straightened as shown in Fig. 5, the loose ends cut away, and, if desired, the joint flattened by pressure.

03-07-1924 дата публикации

An improved machinery belt fastener

Номер: GB0000218133A

... 218,133. Tapp, J., and Knight, W. E. S. Aug. 3, 1923. Buckles. - The sliding members 3, 4 of a buckle by which the ends of a machine belt are connected are formed with eyes 3, 4, which completely encircle the sides 1, 1 of the buckle frame on which they slide. The central portions of the members 3, 4 between the eyes lie in the plane of the end bars 1, 1 of the frame. Specifications 2169/78, 7018/84, and 20335/00 are referred to.

18-12-1934 дата публикации

Improvements in belt fasteners

Номер: GB0000421295A

... 421,295. Belt-fastenings. SPENCE, W. L., The Oaks Hotel, Leamington, Warwickshire. Aug. 19, 1933, No. 23157. [Class 80 (i)] A fastener for a rubber-covered conveyer or like belt comprises a plate fastener element B let into the belt A near its mid-thickness and cemented in position. In the form shown, the tapered plate B is coated with brass and vulcanized between the plies of the belt during manufacture. The surface of the plate may be roughened, and rivets may be employed to secure the plate more firmly. The projecting edge of the plate is perforated to receive an oval helix C of wire lacing. Two or more plates may be fixed in each belt end. The thickness of the helix C is greater than that of the belt, as set out in Specification 162,402, [Class 80 (i)].

07-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002005787B
Принадлежит: LAPELA OY

12-06-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to machines for lacing the ends of conveyor belts, driving belts, and the like

Номер: GB0000776812A

19-08-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001595826A

06-09-1961 дата публикации

Improvements relating to belting

Номер: GB0000876879A

... 876,879. Belt fastenings. DUNLOP RUBBER CO. Ltd. April 2, 1958 [May 3, 1957], No. 14112/57. Class 80 (1). A joint between two ends of a belt 1 is formed by intermeshing loops 2, 8, 9 coupled by a rod 32. The loops are formed by cutting shaped and spaced fingers 5 in a duel-drawn nylon or polyester resin film reinforcement 3 of a rubber or thermoplastic belt and folding them back to form the loops into which are inserted rigid sleeves 10 of metal or plastic. Alternatively separate fingers forming the loops may be bonded on to the reinforcing film 3 which fingers may be of thin sheet steel to obviate the need for inserted sleeves. Specification 841,480 is referred to. Reference has been directed by the Comptroller to Specification 708,461.

24-10-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to apparatus for connecting together conveyor belts or the like

Номер: GB0000759974A

... 759,974. Belt-fastening appliances. MATTHAEI, C. July 27, 1954 [July 30, 1953], No. 21904/54. Addition to 714,959. Class 80(1) In a modification of the device described in the parent Specification for pressing wire hooks one at a' time into'the end of a conveyer belt after trimming said end with a cutter, the lower clamping bar or rail 2, Fig. 1, is provided with a retractable support platform for the belt, to facilitate use of the device on uneven ground. The platform comprises two pairs of abutment angles 5, 8, Fig. 3, interconnected by crossed pivoted members 7, the abutment 5 being adjustably positioned on the rail 2 by clamping screws 6 or by pins fitted in holes in the rail. The platform rests on the ground through two bowed members 4 on the underside of the rail 2. In a modification, two additional crossed pivoted members, each parallel to a member 7, are pivoted to the abutments 5, 8 to ensure that they are held mutually parallel. In a further modification the retractable platform ...

26-06-1972 дата публикации

Liaison vehicle for the formation of the seam at seven and felt of paper-making machines od.dgl.

Номер: AT0000299675B

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA928373A

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500085A1

15-09-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for the production of tissue paper

Номер: AT0000518283B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zur Herstellung von Tissue-Papier, welche zumindest ein Endlosband (2) zur Abstützung und zum Transport einer Faserbahn (3) aufweist, wobei die Vorrichtung (1) zumindest eine Druckrolle (4) aufweist, wobei zwischen der zumindest einen Druckrolle (4) und dem zumindest einen Endlosband (2) ein Spalt (5) zum Pressen die Faserbahn (3) gebildet ist, wobei das Endlosband (2) aus zumindest einem Teilband (9) aus Metall, insbesondere Stahl, aufgebaut ist, das schmäler ist als das Endlosband (2) ist, wobei das zumindest eine Teilband (10) mittels einer schraubenförmig umlaufenden Schweißnaht (11) zu dem Endlosband (2) verbunden ist, wobei das Endlosband (2) aus einem einzigen Teilband (10) hergestellt ist, wobei das Teilband (10) einen aus einem einzigen, fügestellenfreien Stück Metallblech gebildeten Bandkörper aufweist und die Schweißnaht (11) in einer Längsrichtung des Endlosbandes (2) geneigt ist und in der Längsrichtung des Endlosbandes (2) mit einer ...

15-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA509473A

15-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AT522716A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Bandinstallationsvorrichtung zum Installieren eines Bands auf einer Papiermaschine, Pulpemaschine oder Kartonmaschine, wobei die Bandinstallationsvorrichtung einen ersten Bereich (4), der einen Anbringungspunkt (5) zum Anbringen der Bandinstallationsvorrichtung an einer Zugeinrichtung aufweist, einen zweiten Bereich (6), der wenigstens eine Ausnehmung (7, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d) zum Anbringen der Bandinstallationsvorrichtung (1) an einem Band aufweist, und einen mittleren Bereich (8) zwischen dem ersten Bereich (4) und dem zweiten Bereich (6) aufweist, wobei eine Zugfestigkeit des Anbringungspunkts (5) wenigstens 300 kg und gleich oder weniger als 900 kg beträgt, und die Bandinstallationsvorrichtung zwischen einer geraden Form und einer gekrümmten Form, die einen Krümmungsradius von 800 mm aufweist, biegbar ist. Die Erfindung betrifft auch eine Installationsanordnung und ein Installationsverfahren zum Installieren eines Bands auf eine Papier-, Pulpe- oder Kartonmaschine ...

15-07-2018 дата публикации

Device for operating a sliding door

Номер: AT0000519517A1

Vorrichtung (100) zur Betätigung einer Schiebetür mit einem Türblatt, umfassend eine Antriebsvorrichtung mit einem Antriebszahnrad, ein Umlenkrad und einen Zahnriemen. Der Zahnriemen (130) weist eine Vielzahl von Zähnen, sowie zwei Enden (132, 133) auf. Die Türbetätigungsvorrichtung (100) umfasst ferner eine Verbindungsvorrichtung (150), an der der Zahnriemen (130) an einer Position längs des Zahnriemens (130) mit einer am Türblatt (2) gelegenen Verriegelungskomponente (190) verbindbar ist. Die Verbindungsvorrichtung (150) umfasst ein Grundelement (160) und ein Verbindungselement (170), wobei das Grundelement (160) im Wesentlichen durch eine Platte gebildet ist. Auf der Oberseite sind vorzugsweise an zwei gegenüberliegenden Enden des Grundelements (160) zwei Auflageflächen (163, 164) zur Auflage der zwei Enden (132, 133) des Zahnriemens (130) vorgesehen. Jede Auflagefläche (163, 164) ist jeweils zur Aufnahme jener Seite des Zahnriemens (130) vorgesehen, die der Seite mit den Zähnen abgewandt ...

15-10-2018 дата публикации

Device for operating a sliding door

Номер: AT0000519517B1

Vorrichtung (100) zur Betätigung einer Schiebetür mit einem Türblatt, umfassend eine Antriebsvorrichtung mit einem Antriebszahnrad, ein Umlenkrad und einen Zahnriemen. Die Verbindungsvorrichtung (150) umfasst ein Grundelement (160) und ein Verbindungselement (170). Auf der Oberseite sind zwei Auflageflächen (163, 164) zur Auflage der zwei Enden (132, 133) des Zahnriemens (130) vorgesehen. Das Verbindungselement (170) ist dazu eingerichtet, mit seinen Zähnen (173) auf die komplementär gelegenen Zähne (131) der beiden Enden (132, 133) des Zahnriemens (130) zu drücken und dadurch eine feste Verbindung der beiden Enden (132, 133) des Zahnriemens (130) herzustellen. Die Verbindungsvorrichtung (150) umfasst ferner ein Adapterelement (180), das im Wesentlichen durch eine Platte gebildet ist, auf deren Oberseite Zähne ausgebildet sind, die dafür vorgesehen sind, in die Zähne des Verbindungselements (170) zu greifen, und das Grundelement (160) auf der Oberseite zwischen den beiden Auflageflächen ...

15-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000316081A

25-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404741B

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506009A3

The defective location of the metal belt (4), at which it is to be welded, is stopped in the running direction of the belt, on the surface of a guide roller (2). The metal belt is supported by the guide roller at the location to be welded. The welded repair is made from the side opposite that (4b) contacting the guide roller. A thin additional support is introduced between the belt and the guide roller. This is a sheet or foil of copper or aluminum. Laser-, TIG- and/or friction welding is carried out, to make the repair. Following this, the welded location is ground on the side opposite that supported by the guide roller. The welded location is carried to the open region between guide rollers, where annealing is carried out to relieve internal stresses.

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000421052T

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121171T

15-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000052585T

15-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000042253T

15-02-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000040337T

15-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000042381T

15-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000280342T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000321222T

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000115029U1

1. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент, включающий две прижимные пластины со сквозными центральными отверстиями, втулку, жестко закрепленную в сквозном отверстии одной из прижимных пластин и соединительный болт, отличающийся тем, что прижимные пластины имеют края загнутой формы. 2. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на краях прижимных пластин имеются выступающие зубцы. 3. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что прижимные пластины снабжены дополнительными ребрами жесткости. 4. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что втулка имеет шестигранную форму. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16G 3/08 (13) 115 029 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011138439/11, 19.09.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.09.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Рысятов Владимир Викторович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "СПК-Стык" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.09.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 20.04.2012 Бюл. № 11 1 1 5 0 2 9 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент, включающий две прижимные пластины со сквозными центральными отверстиями, втулку, жестко закрепленную в сквозном отверстии одной из прижимных пластин и соединительный болт, отличающийся тем, что прижимные пластины имеют края загнутой формы. 2. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на краях прижимных пластин имеются выступающие зубцы. 3. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что прижимные пластины снабжены дополнительными ребрами жесткости. 4. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что втулка имеет шестигранную форму. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) МЕХАНИЧЕСКИЙ СОЕДИНИТЕЛЬ РЕЗИНОТКАНЕВЫХ ТРАНСПОРТЕРНЫХ ЛЕНТ "ВУЛКАН" 1 1 5 0 ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000125641U1

1. Устройство для соединения конвейерной ленты, содержащее установленные на стыке ленты верхнюю и нижнюю накладки, выполненные из эластичного армированного материала, и скрепляющие элементы, соединяющие стыкуемые концы ленты с накладками, отличающееся тем, что каждая накладка установлена на ленту со снятыми в зоне стыка обкладками, армирована по крайней мере одним слоем базальтовой ткани и включает расположенный в ее наружном слое износостойкий наполнитель. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что каждая армированная накладка выполнена из резины. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что в качестве износостойкого наполнителя используется керамическая или корундовая крошка, отрезки базальтового волокна или их сочетание. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что скрепляющие элементы выполнены в виде болтов с гайками и прижимными пластинами. И 1 125641 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ’? 125 641? 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 21.07.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 17.04.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 17.04.2020 Бюл. №11 Стр.: 1 па рГУ9‘АСсу ЕП

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000144168U1

1. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент, представляющий собой винт с потаённой головкой, снабженный двумя прижимными пластинами, выполненными с одним центральным сквозным отверстием, отличающийся тем, что прижимные пластины выполнены в виде шайб, при этом как минимум одна шайба содержит отверстие с резьбой, соответствующей резьбе винта, а винт дополнительно содержит наконечник в виде сверла. 2. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шлиц потаённой головки винта имеет фигурную форму. 3. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шайба, не содержащая резьбу, обладает пазом для потайной головки винта. 4. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шайба с резьбой содержит запрессованную в центральном отверстии гайку. 5. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что обе шайбы выполнены с конусностью в сторону плоскостей скрепляемых концов ленты. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16G 3/08 (13) 144 168 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014114151/11, 10.04.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.04.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Егоров Борис Владимирович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Сиб.Т" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.04.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2014 Бюл. № 22 Адрес для переписки: 125565, Москва, а/я 6, для Турковского А.С. U 1 1 4 4 1 6 8 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент, представляющий собой винт с потаённой головкой, снабженный двумя прижимными пластинами, выполненными с одним центральным сквозным отверстием, отличающийся тем, что прижимные пластины выполнены в виде шайб, при этом как минимум одна шайба содержит отверстие с резьбой, соответствующей резьбе винта, а винт дополнительно содержит ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000147954U1

1. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент, представляющий собой винт с потаённой головкой, снабженный двумя прижимными пластинами, выполненными с одним центральным сквозным отверстием, отличающийся тем, что прижимные пластины выполнены в виде шайб, при этом как минимум одна шайба содержит отверстие с резьбой, соответствующей резьбе винта, а винт дополнительно содержит наконечник в виде самореза. 2. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шлиц потаённой головки винта имеет фигурную форму. 3. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шайба, не содержащая резьбу, обладает пазом для потайной головки винта. 4. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шайба с резьбой содержит запрессованную в центральном отверстии гайку. 5. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что обе шайбы выполнены с конусностью в сторону плоскостей скрепляемых концов ленты. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16G 3/08 (13) 147 954 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014130892/11, 25.07.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.07.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Егоров Борис Владимирович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Сиб.Т" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.07.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2014 Бюл. № 32 Адрес для переписки: 125565, Москва, а/я 6, для Турковского А.С. U 1 1 4 7 9 5 4 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Соединитель резинотканевых транспортерных лент, представляющий собой винт с потаённой головкой, снабженный двумя прижимными пластинами, выполненными с одним центральным сквозным отверстием, отличающийся тем, что прижимные пластины выполнены в виде шайб, при этом как минимум одна шайба содержит отверстие с резьбой, соответствующей резьбе винта, а винт дополнительно содержит ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000163414U1

1. Устройство для соединения транспортерных лент, содержащее верхнюю и нижнюю прижимные пластины со сквозными центральными отверстиями, гайку, жестко закрепленную в сквозном центральном отверстии нижней прижимной пластины, соединительный винт, проходящий через сквозные центральные отверстия прижимных пластин, выступы на внутренних поверхностях прижимных пластин, углубления, симметрично расположенные между выступами на внутренней поверхности верхней прижимной пластины, отличающееся тем, что прижимные пластины выполнены шестигранной формы и на внутренней поверхности нижней пластины выполнены углубления, причем каждому углублению на нижней прижимной пластине соответствует противолежащий выступ на верхней прижимной пластине, а каждому выступу на нижней прижимной пластине соответствует противолежащее углубление на верхней прижимной пластине. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что верхняя прижимная пластина имеет углубление, конгруэнтное головке соединительного винта. 3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что соединительный винт имеет на своем конце сверло. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16G 3/08 (13) 163 414 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015145172/11, 20.10.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.10.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Лаевский Марк Федорович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ВАСП" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20.10.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2016 Бюл. № 20 1 6 3 4 1 4 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для соединения транспортерных лент, содержащее верхнюю и нижнюю прижимные пластины со сквозными центральными отверстиями, гайку, жестко закрепленную в сквозном центральном отверстии нижней прижимной пластины, соединительный винт, проходящий через сквозные центральные отверстия прижимных пластин, выступы на внутренних поверхностях прижимных пластин, углубления, симметрично ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Механическое соединение конвейерных лент

Номер: RU0000165867U1

1. Механическое соединение конвейерных лент, включающее две прижимные пластины со сквозными центральными отверстиями и соединительный винт, при этом одна из прижимных пластин содержит резьбовую вставку, представляющую собой многогранную призму, имеющую уширение со стороны одного из оснований и резьбовое отверстие, ось которого совпадает с осью призмы; резьбовая вставка неразъемно закреплена в центральном отверстии одной из прижимных пластин так, что уширение со стороны одного из оснований призмы располагается с внешней стороны прижимной пластины, отличающееся тем, что материалы резьбовой вставки и прижимных пластин имеют разные прочностные характеристики.2. Механическое соединение конвейерных лент по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что резьбовая вставка неразъемно соединена с прижимной пластиной методом пластического деформирования металла, при этом наибольшие пластические деформации имеет тело прижимной пластины.3. Механическое соединение конвейерных лент по п. 1, отличающее тем, что прижимная пластина с резьбовой вставкой имеет уменьшенную толщину самой пластины по сравнению с толщиной пластины без резьбовой вставки.4. Механическое соединение конвейерных лент по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения прочностных характеристик резьбы соединительного винта, установлен наибольший радиус закругления профиля впадин и наименьший радиус закругления профиля вершин, при этом радиус закругления профиля вершин составляет от 0,85 до 0,95 радиуса закругления профиля впадин.5. Механическое соединение конвейерных лент по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что высота головки соединительного винта от начала резьбовой части до верха составляет от 0,5 до 0,6 РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16G 3/08 (13) 165 867 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015147883/11, 06.11.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.11.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Рысятов Владимир Викторович (RU) (73 ...

28-02-2017 дата публикации

Шарнирный соединитель конвейерных лент

Номер: RU0000168928U1

Полезная модель относится к транспортной технике, а именно к конвейерному транспорту. Предлагаемый соединитель конвейерных лент может быть использован для соединения лент, установленных на конвейерах, эксплуатируемых, в частности, на шахтах, рудниках, разрезах, карьерах и обогатительных фабриках как с нормальными, так и со сложными условиями эксплуатации. Технический результат полезной модели заключается в увеличении срока службы конвейера, снижении риска повреждения элементов ленточного става (скребков, приводных роликов и т.д.), повышении сопротивления вырыванию соединителя, упрощении процесса соединения концов конвейерной ленты, увеличении скорости и точности сборки соединителя, сохранении постоянной высокой прочности конвейерной ленты в месте стыка на всем протяжении срока эксплуатации соединителя. Технический результат достигается тем, что соединитель конвейерных лент содержит закрепляемые на концах конвейерной ленты и соединяемые посредством соединительного стержня U-образные крепежные элементы, которые представляют собой петли, переходящие в накладки, накладки стягиваются и прижимаются к полотну конвейерной ленты с помощью скоб, проходящих через отверстия в накладках. При этом с целью понижения разрушающего воздействия на элементы конвейера при сохранении необходимой прочности соединения U-образные крепежные элементы выполнены из стали с характеристикой твердости в диапазоне от 120 НВ до 180 НВ, пределом прочности от 300 H/мм до 480 H/мм. Технический результат достигается также тем, что U-образные крепежные элементы соединены в кассеты и фиксированы относительно друг друга посредством трех нитей проволоки, проходящих по всей длине кассеты. Технический результат достигается также тем, что одна нить проволоки расположена с внутренней стороны одной из накладок, а две оставшиеся нити проволоки расположены на внутренней поверхности другой. Технический результат достигается также тем, что скобы выполнены из проволоки диаметром от 2,5 мм до 3,0 мм. Технический ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000187679U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к соединениям эластичных лент, в том числе резиновых, резинотканевых и других, и, в частности, к механическим приводным ременным соединителям резинотканевых конвейерных лент и других. Целью заявляемой полезной модели является достижение такого технического результата, как повышение надежности соединения лент. Поставленная цель достигается следующим образом: соединитель эластичных лент, представляющий собой U-образную скобу с плоскими продолговатыми ветвями, симметричными относительно его продольной оси с закруглением по радиусу в основании U-образной скобы, на конце каждой ветви с внешней стороны расположено углубление с тремя отверстиями: по центру овальное отверстие и по бокам от него - два полукруглых отверстия, направленных своими прямыми сторонами к овальному отверстию; при этом все три отверстия расположены по продольной оси ветви, с возможностью продевания сквозь них крепежных скоб; в том числе характеризующийся тем, что каждая ветвь U-образной скобы содержит направленный острием во внутрь заостренный зубец и два ступенчатых расширения: срединное - меньшее и концевое - большее, так что именно в большем концевом расширении расположено углубление с отверстиями; причем угол расхождения внутренних поверхностей ветвей составляет 30°±5. Заявляемый соединитель эластичных лент может быть с успехом применен для стыковки как ленточных конвейеров, так и любых других лент, требующих соединения, например ленты шкива двигателя, и других конструкций, требующих передачи крутящего момента. Изготавливается на предприятиях металлообрабатывающей промышленности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 187 679 U1 (51) МПК F16G 3/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16G 3/04 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018131153, 29.08.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Сиб.Т" (RU) Дата регистрации: ...

28-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000189568U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к соединениям эластичных лент, в том числе резиновых, резинотканевых и других, и, в частности, к механическим приводным ременным соединителям резинотканевых конвейерных лент и других. Целью заявляемой полезной модели является достижение таких технических результатов, как повышение надежности соединения отрезков ленты, с одновременным увеличением долговечности соединения. Поставленная цель достигается следующим образом: устройство для соединения конвейерных лент, представляющее собой ряд скрепленных между собой соединительных U-образных элементов с закругленным углом, на ветвях которых имеется по две пары отверстий, снабженных П-образными скобами, вставленными в пары отверстий на одной из ветвей U-образного элемента, при этом U-образные элементы в ряду объединены между собой прямолинейным прутком, соединяющим их ветви, снабженные П-образными скобами, а расстояние между центрами отверстий на концах ветвей U-образных элементов равно расстоянию между центрами отверстий, расположенных на концах ветвей ближайших друг к другу U-образных элементов, с отклонением этих расстояний, не превышающим ±10%. Заявляемый соединитель эластичных лент может быть с успехом применен для стыковки как ленточных конвейеров, так и любых других лент, требующих соединения, например, ленты шкива двигателя и других конструкций, требующих передачи крутящего момента. Изготавливается на предприятиях металлообрабатывающей промышленности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 189 568 U1 (51) МПК F16G 3/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16G 3/14 (2013.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018131151, 29.08.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Сиб.Т" (RU) Дата регистрации: 28.05.2019 20160047438 A1, 18.02.2016. WO 2016028586 A1, 25.02.2016. US 5182933 A1, 02.02.1993. (45) Опубликовано: 28.05.2019 Бюл. № 16 1 8 9 5 6 8 ...

02-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000190494U1

Соединитель для конвейерных лент состоит из верхней и нижней пластин, двух болтов, двух съемных эластичных колец и двух гаек для резьбового соединения со шлицем на торце. Верхняя пластина имеет два сквозных отверстия и два посадочных гнезда под гайки, нижняя пластина имеет два сквозных отверстия и два посадочных гнезда под головки болта, при этом в обеих пластинах сквозные отверстия выполнены многоугольными. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 494 U1 (51) МПК F16G 3/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F41G 3/08 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018137871, 17.03.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ковальчук Владимир Владимирович (UA) Дата регистрации: 02.07.2019 R U 17.03.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Ковальчук Владимир Владимирович (UA) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 7077263 B1, 07.18.2006. WO 2015/076774 A1, 28.05.2015. US 6345925 B1, 12.02.2002. 17.03.2016 UA a 2016 02681 (45) Опубликовано: 02.07.2019 Бюл. № 19 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 17.10.2018 1 9 0 4 9 4 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (86) Заявка PCT: UA 2017/000030 (17.03.2017) U 1 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: Адрес для переписки: 65059, Украина, г. Одесса, а/я 39, ООО "Патентно-правовая фирма "ЛЕКС ИНТЕЛЗ" (54) СОЕДИНИТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ КОНВЕЙЕРНЫХ ЛЕНТ (57) Реферат: Соединитель для конвейерных лент состоит и два посадочных гнезда под гайки, нижняя из верхней и нижней пластин, двух болтов, двух пластина имеет два сквозных отверстия и два съемных эластичных колец и двух гаек для посадочных гнезда под головки болта, при этом резьбового соединения со шлицем на торце. в обеих пластинах сквозные отверстия выполнены Верхняя пластина имеет два сквозных отверстия многоугольными. R U 1 9 0 4 9 4 U 1 WO 2017/160262 (21.09.2017) Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 1 9 0 4 9 4 1 9 0 4 9 4 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 190 494 U1 Полезная модель ...

02-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000190496U1

Соединитель для конвейерных лент включает установленную с обеих сторон конвейерной ленты пару пластин с выступами на внутренней поверхности, стянутых болтом с гайкой и съемным эластичным кольцом, выполненным с возможностью его фиксации на теле болта. В данном случае, в одной пластине выполнено сквозное многоугольное отверстие с посадочным гнездом для головки болта, который имеет под головкой фиксирующую часть, выполненную соответствующей многоугольному отверстию, а другая пластина имеет посадочное гнездо под гайку, которая выполнена с прорезью на торце. В некоторых случаях головка болта выполняется плоской, хвостовик болта выполнен конусообразным, а гайка имеет шестиугольную форму. Пластины могут иметь сквозные отверстия между выступами на внутренних поверхностях пластин. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 496 U1 (51) МПК F16G 3/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16G 3/08 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018140323, 13.04.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ковальчук Владимир Владимирович (UA) Дата регистрации: 02.07.2019 R U 13.04.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Ковальчук Владимир Владимирович (UA) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 7077263 B1, 07.18.2006. WO 2014/204424 A1, 24.12.2014. UA 80211 U, 27.05.2013. 15.04.2016 UA a 2016 04184 (45) Опубликовано: 02.07.2019 Бюл. № 19 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 15.11.2018 1 9 0 4 9 6 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (86) Заявка PCT: UA 2017/000042 (13.04.2017) U 1 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U 1 9 0 4 9 6 U 1 WO 2017/180082 (19.10.2017) Адрес для переписки: 65059, Украина, г. Одесса, а/я 39, ООО "Патентно-правовая фирма "ЛЕКС ИНТЕЛЗ" (54) СОЕДИНИТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ КОНВЕЙЕРНЫХ ЛЕНТ (57) Реферат: Соединитель для конвейерных лент включает соответствующей многоугольному отверстию, а установленную с обеих сторон конвейерной другая пластина имеет ...

17-06-2020 дата публикации

Шарнирный соединитель конвейерных лент

Номер: RU0000198088U1

Полезная модель относится к транспортной технике, а именно к конвейерному транспорту. Предлагаемый шарнирный соединитель конвейерных лент может быть использован для соединения лент, установленных на конвейерах, эксплуатируемых, в частности, на шахтах, рудниках, разрезах, карьерах и обогатительных фабриках как с нормальными, так и со сложными условиями эксплуатации. Технический результат полезной модели заключается в увеличении срока службы конвейера, снижении риска повреждения элементов ленточного става (скребков, приводных роликов и т.д.), повышении сопротивления вырыванию соединителя, упрощении процесса соединения концов конвейерной ленты, упрощении монтажа соединителя и сохранении постоянной высокой прочности конвейерной ленты в месте стыка на всем протяжении срока эксплуатации соединителя. Технический результат достигается тем, что накладки стягиваются и прижимаются к полотну конвейерной ленты посредством одного или нескольких резьбовых соединительных элементов, проходящих через отверстия в накладках. Технический результат достигается также тем, что U-образные крепежные элементы выполнены из единого профилированного листа металла. Технический результат достигается также тем, что профиль петель в разрезе выполнен М-образным. Технический результат достигается также тем, что накладки имеют края загнутой формы. Технический результат достигается также тем, что накладки выполнены с ребрами жесткости. Технический результат достигается также тем, что в тело одной из накладок вставлены одна или несколько резьбовых вставок для соединения с резьбовыми соединительными элементами. Технический результат достигается также тем, что твердость металла резьбовых вставок превышает твердость металла U-образных крепежных элементов. Технический результат достигается также тем, что концы резьбовых соединительных элементов выполнены в виде сверла или самореза. Заявленное изделие имеет технологичную конструкцию, наиболее удобную в производстве и монтаже, способно обеспечить особенно ...

28-06-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для соединения конвейерных лент

Номер: RU0000205084U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к соединениям эластичных лент, в том числе резиновых, резинотканевых и других, и, в частности, к механическим приводным ременным соединителям резинотканевых конвейерных лент и других.Целью заявляемой полезной модели является достижение такого технического результата, как повышение надежности соединения отрезков ленты, а также связанного с этим, увеличения долговечности соединения.Поставленная цель достигается следующим образом: устройство для соединения конвейерных лент, представляющее собой ряд скрепленных между собой соединительных элементов в виде пары ветвей, объединенных дугообразной перемычкой, на внешней стороне ветвей соединительных элементов расположены парные продольные бороздки с парами отверстий, при этом в отверстия одной из ветвей вставлены П-образные скобы, характеризующееся тем, что дополнительно содержит продольный выпуклый валик между парных продольных бороздок на ветвях соединительных элементов.Заявляемое устройство для соединения конвейерных лент может быть с успехом применено для стыковки как ленточных конвейеров, так и любых других лент, требующих соединения, например ленты шкива двигателя, и других конструкций, требующих передачи крутящего момента. Изготавливается на предприятиях металлообрабатывающей промышленности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 084 U1 (51) МПК F16G 3/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16G 3/04 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020136665, 05.03.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "МАТО-Сиб" (RU) Дата регистрации: 28.06.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 28.06.2021 Бюл. № 19 2 0 5 0 8 4 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СОЕДИНЕНИЯ КОНВЕЙЕРНЫХ ЛЕНТ (57) Реферат: Заявляемая полезная модель относится к соединительных элементов расположены парные соединениям эластичных лент, в том числе продольные бороздки с парами отверстий, при резиновых, ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Junction device for conveyor belts

Номер: US20120090965A1
Автор: Horst Jakob
Принадлежит: Aser SARL

The proposed device comprises chain links alternately connected to upper fastening plates and to lower fastening plates. These plates comprise fastening claws of which some are arranged on the front and/or rear edges of the plates and others inside the surface of the plates. Stops are provided for blocking the chain links along the edge of the end of a conveyor belt. Another series of similar chain links are placed against the other end of the conveyor belt. The two series of chain links and plates are braced against the upper and lower sides of the respective conveyor belt ends, the claws fastening them to these ends. A connecting rod is then fitted into the chain links of the two pre-interleaved series, bringing together the conveyor belt ends in the process.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Hinge type seaming element for joining ends of an industrial textile

Номер: US20120244313A1
Принадлежит: AstenJohnson Inc

A seaming element and a method of seaming an industrial textile. The seaming element comprises first and second components, each constructed of a substantially planar polymeric film, comprising a textile body contacting portion and a free edge, and at least one row of pairs of substantially parallel slits spaced across the component, the slits having first ends substantially equidistant from the free edge of the component, and the pairs of slits defining strips which are deformable out of a plane of the film. When the two components are attached respectively to textile edges to be seamed, and the components are brought together, deformed strips of the first component are alignable with deformed strips of the second component to interengage the two components and to define a channel for a seam securing means, thus providing a simple and secure seam which is compatible with the properties of the textile body.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256100A1
Принадлежит: JOY MM DELAWARE, INC.

A repair tool for a conveyor belt includes a pair of clamps and a clamp coupling member extending between the pair of clamps. At least one clamp includes a first leg, a second leg, and a coupling member extending between the first and second legs. Each leg includes a clamping end portion for clamping the conveyor belt, and the clamping end portions define a belt-clamping channel therebetween. The coupling member urges the clamping end portions together. 1. A repair tool for a conveyor belt , the repair tool comprising:a pair of clamps, at least one clamp including a first leg, a second leg, and a coupling member extending between the first and second legs, wherein each leg includes a clamping end portion for clamping the conveyor belt and the clamping end portions define a belt-clamping channel therebetween, and further wherein the coupling member urges the clamping end portions together; anda clamp coupling member extending between the pair of clamps.2. The repair tool of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second legs includes a coupling end portion positioned away from the clamping end portion claim 1 , and wherein the coupling member of each clamp connects the coupling ends of the first and second legs.3. The repair tool of claim 2 , wherein the clamp coupling member defines a longitudinal axis claim 2 , wherein each coupling member is rotatable about a respective axis substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis claim 2 , and wherein the clamping end portions of each leg are urged together when the coupling member is rotated about the respective axis.4. The repair tool of claim 2 , wherein each of the first and second legs includes an intermediate angled portion extending between the clamping and coupling end portions.5. The repair tool of claim 4 , wherein the intermediate angled portions of the first and second legs are hingedly coupled together.6. The repair tool of claim 4 , wherein the coupling end portions of each leg define a gap therebetween ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014275A1
Автор: Shaw Timothy Glen
Принадлежит: Shaw-Amex Industries Limited

There is a need for a tension-link for belt-splicer that is lighter and where damage to the link is more easily detected. The solution is a tension-link () for a belt-splicer that is based on a rope-loop () of high-strength synthetic fibre, wound around bosses, where the bosses and the loop are encapsulated in moulded plastic (). The link connects cross-beams of the splicer. Additional features of the link include couplings which permit rotation () when the beams deflect in bending. The links can be stored inside the hollow interior of the beams. The couplings include eccentrically mounted blocks () that can be orientated to adjust the length of the link. 1. A tension-link for a belt-splicer , wherein:the tension-link has the capability to be used with an associated machine, being a machine that:(a) has upper and lower force-transmitting surfaces; and(b) is so arranged as to urge those two surfaces forcefully apart, during operation;the tension-link includes an upper boss and a lower boss;the bosses are made of metal;the tension-link includes a tension-member;the two bosses are linked together by the tension-member, and are prevented from moving apart, during operation, by the tension-member;the upper boss has an upper load-receiving metal surface, which, in operation, receives force at least indirectly from the upper force-transmitting surface of the machine;the lower boss has a lower load-receiving metal surface, which, in operation, receives force at least indirectly from the lower force-transmitting surface of the machine;the tension-link includes a plastic covering;the plastic covering encapsulates the two bosses and the tension-member;the plastic covering is so configured that:(a) substantially all of the tension-member is covered;(b) the upper load-receiving metal surface is uncovered; and(c) the lower load-receiving metal surface is uncovered.23-. (canceled)4. The tension-link of claim 1 , wherein:the tension-member is in the form of a rope;the rope is of ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053376A1
Автор: Manninen Allan R.

A seaming element for seaming an industrial textile, an industrial textile, and a method of seaming. A first region of the seaming element comprises at least one securing member, and a second region is securable to the textile. Spaced-apart protrusions in the securing members are interdigitatable with corresponding protrusions in an opposing element, or the other seamable edge of the textile. Opposing protrusions are interdigitated to define first and second channels for securing means. Where the seaming element has two or more securing members, the protrusions of the outer securing member are aligned with those of an inner securing member of the opposing element, and the protrusions of an inner securing member are aligned with those of the outer securing member of the opposing element. Where the securing means is a pintle, the free ends can be inserted back into the channel to secure the seam. 1. A seaming element for seaming a first seamable edge region of an industrial textile to a second seamable edge region of the industrial textile , the seaming element comprising a first lateral edge region and a second lateral edge region , wherein(i) the second lateral edge region is constructed and arranged to be securably affixed to the first seamable edge region; and(ii) the first lateral edge region comprises at least one securing member, each securing member comprising a plurality of spaced-apart aligned channelled protrusions, wherein either (a) the first lateral edge region comprises a single securing member constructed and arranged to be secured within a first fold region provided at the first seamable edge of the industrial textile, in spaced-apart relationship from protrusions provided at the first fold region, wherein the protrusions of the securing member define a first channel and the protrusions at the first fold region define a second channel; or(b) the first lateral edge region comprises an outer securing member and at least one inner securing member, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Device having a feed roll and a self-adhesive fastener, and associated method and machine

Номер: US20190009492A1
Принадлежит: Bricq SAS

A drive device has at least one drive cylinder having an outer surface and at least one cover strip having an inner face and an outer face. The inner face of the cover strip is wound around at least a portion of the outer surface of the drive cylinder. The cover strip is fastened around the drive cylinder by a self-adhesive fastener.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016512A1

Fastener for the mechanical jointing of conveyor belts comprises two plates and two connecting elements, each plate has two identical through holes arranged as concave toward the inner surface of the plate and lugs for fixing to the surface of the conveyor belt, each connecting element is arranged in the form of a bolt the head of which corresponds to the fit socket of the upper plate. Both plates are flat with bosses in cylindrical form at the ends for compressing the conveyor belt ends in butt joint, the diameter of the bosses is larger than the width of the plate also having shaped bosses for fixation with conveyor belt placed in circular section by straight sections of its inner surface, each plate at circular sections is provided with holes arranged symmetrically between the profiled bosses, in the bottom plate both through holes are arranged with threading for a bolt. 1. The fastener for mechanical linking of conveyor belts, structurally comprising a set of two plates and the two connecting elements, each of the plates having two identical through holes concave toward the plate's inner surface, and each connecting element being shaped as a bolt which head corresponds to the upper plate's fit socket, at that each plate has bosses fixing it to the conveyor belt surface, and characterized in that both plates are flat and have at their ends the cylindrical embossments for joining the conveyor belt ends through connection joint; the embossments' diameter is larger than the width of the plate which also has shaped bosses for fixation with conveyor belt placed in circular section and by straight sections of its inner surface; the circular portion of each plate is additionally provided with holes arranged symmetrically between the profiled bosses, and the bottom plate's both holes are arranged with threading for a bolt. The invention relates to conveyor transportation equipment, and specifically to belt conveyors, and can be used in open-pit as well as in underground ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Belt Having a Detachable End Connection

Номер: US20140106918A1
Автор: Lang Heiko, Richter Thomas
Принадлежит: Habasit AG

A belt () comprises a tension layer (), a first end portion () at a first longitudinal end, a second end portion () at a second longitudinal end, and an end connection for connecting the two end portions (). Here, the end connection comprises a first connection element (), which is fastened to the first end portion (), and a second connection element (), which is fastened to the second end portion (), wherein the first connection element () and the second connection element () are releasably interconnectable and are formed from an elongation-resistant material. The first connection element () and the second connection element () are each formed in one piece and, together with the tension layer (), form a single neutral bending plane. 11423232123132131. Belt () having a tension layer () , a first end portion () at a first longitudinal end , a second end portion () at a second longitudinal end , and an end connection for connecting the two end portions ( , ) , wherein the end connection comprises a first connection element () , which is fastened to the first end portion () , and a second connection element () , which is fastened to the second end portion () , wherein the first connection element () and the second end connection () are releasablyinterconnectable and are formed from an elongation-resistant material,characterised in that{'b': 21', '31', '4, 'the first connection element () and the second connection element () are each formed in one piece and, together with the tension layer (), form a single neutral bending plane.'}21. Belt () according to claim 1 ,characterised in that{'b': 21', '31, 'the first connection element () and the second connection () are made of steel, in particular spring steel.'}31. Belt () according to or claim 1 , characterised in that{'b': 21', '31, 'the first connection element () and the second connection element () are formed from an elongation-resistant material having a modulus of elasticity of at least 10 GPa, in particular at ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023101A1

A belt as an endless traction device for conveyor belts of agricultural machines, the belt being made of a polymer that is reinforced by fabric plies. Endless belt provides a conveyor belt of this type which has high static and dynamic strength at the connecting point, combined with great bending flexibility. This is achieved in that at least one fabric ply of each belt end, folded back on itself, wraps around a thickened area and extends between the thickened area and a stop, which forms an abutment with respect to the thickened area, in such a way that the fabric ply is jammed between the thickened area and the stop when tension acts on the belt in the reverse direction. 1. An endless belt for conveyor belts of agricultural machines , wherein the belt is made of a polymer that is reinforced by fabric plies , and at least one fabric ply of each belt end , folded back on itself , wraps around a thickened area and extends between the thickened area and a stop , which forms an abutment with respect to the thickened area , in such a way that the fabric ply is jammed between the thickened area and the stop when tension acts on the belt in the reverse direction.2. The belt according to claim 1 , wherein the thickened areas which are wrapped around by the at least one fabric ply are inserted into a cage which is formed in one piece by a first half shell and a second half shell claim 1 , in the assembled state the first half shell being situated on the outer side of the belt and the second half shell being situated on the inner side of the belt claim 1 , and both half shells are joined together in one piece at an end-face side of the cage claim 1 , while the other end-face side of the cage is open claim 1 , a gap being situated in both side walls of the cage which face in the longitudinal direction of the belt for the at least one fabric ply folded back on itself to pass through claim 1 , and the side walls forming the stop for the respective adjoining thickened area with ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Sidewall bonder and method for bonding sidewalls to thermoplastic belts

Номер: US20200023594A1
Принадлежит: Laitram LLC

A bonder and a method for bonding corrugated sidewalls to a thermoplastic belt at a splice joint. Two heating jaw assemblies with complementary and confronting corrugated vertical faces clamp a thermoplastic belt to a base of the bonder with a corrugated sidewall section separated from the belt across a splice joint received in a corrugated slot formed between the confronting vertical faces. Corrugated bonding strips at the bottoms of the corrugated vertical faces apply heat to melt the bottom of the sidewall section on opposite sides to bond the corrugated sidewall section to the base.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Belt lock and belt

Номер: US20210029870A1
Автор: Ansgar Hugenberg
Принадлежит: Ricon & Co KG GmbH

A belt lock for a belt for an agricultural implement is provided. The belt lock comprises two connecting pieces which may be connected via a lock pin. The two connecting pieces each have an upper part and a lower part which are configured integrally with a hinge region, forming a receiver for the lock pin and for at least partially arranging one respective belt end between one another. The upper and lower part in each case have at least one recess for arranging fastening means. Each of the upper and lower parts have a belt adapter which is arranged on the respective connecting piece, the respective belt end being able to be releasably connected thereby to the respective connecting piece.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Stabilized attachment assembly and ratchet load binder using the same

Номер: US20190031079A1
Автор: Terry K. Robins
Принадлежит: Individual

A stabilized attachment assembly (200) and ratchet load binder (100) using the stabilized attachment assembly (200) is provided. The stabilized attachment assembly (200) includes an attachment member (230) to which a lever arm (250) is coupled. The ratchet load binder (100) includes a tubular member (110) rotatably driven by a ratchet handle assembly (120). The attachment assembly (200) is threadedly engaged in one open end (116) of the tubular member (110) and an attachment member (130) is threadedly engaged in an opposing open end (116) of tubular member (110) and both are linearly displaced towards or away from one another responsive to rotation of the tubular member (110) in a particular direction. A user holds the lever arm (250) in one hand while reciprocally operating the ratchet handle assembly (120) with another hand.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Belt Clamp

Номер: US20200032876A1

A clamp having a first member, a second member connectable to the first member and a second surface having a first groove and a second groove, each groove for receiving a toothed belt tooth, a peak is disposed between each groove, the second member cooperatively engages the first member to engage the toothed belt there between, and the first member having at least one arcuate concave surface extending across a clamp width, the arcuate concave surface corresponding with the second member peak when the second member is fastened to the first member. 1. A clamp comprising:a first member;a second member connectable to the first member and comprising a second surface having a first groove and a second groove, each groove for receiving a toothed belt tooth, a peak is disposed between each groove;the second member cooperatively engages the first member to engage the toothed belt there between; andthe first member comprising at least one arcuate concave surface extending across a clamp width, the arcuate concave surface corresponding with the second member peak when the second member is fastened to the first member.22. The clamp as in claim 1 , wherein the arcuate concave surface having a width W in the range of approximately 25% to 50% of a groove pitch.3. The clamp as in claim 1 , wherein the arcuate concave surface comprises a radius R that is approximately 75% to 200% of a groove pitch.4. The clamp as in claim 1 , wherein the depth D of the arcuate concave surface is approximately 10% of a groove pitch.5. The clamp as in claim 1 , wherein the clamp diminishes a stress riser between adjacent belt teeth and localized on a belt tensile cord.6. A clamp comprising:a first member;a second member connectable to the first member and comprising a second surface having at least a first groove and a second groove, the first groove and the second groove spaced by a groove pitch, each groove cooperatively receiving a toothed belt tooth, a second member peak disposed between each ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Collating System For Conveyor Belt Rivets and Method

Номер: US20190039818A1
Автор: Vogrig Joseph

A collating system for rivets is provided that includes a rivet holder for supporting rivets in a predetermined pattern. In one form, the rivet holder includes a body having cavities for supporting the rivets therein. The rivet holder body includes a top plate member and a bottom plate member. The rivet holder has drive heads connected to the top plate member via frangible portions and the bottom plate member has retaining webs disposed below the drive heads. The top and bottom plates are secured together to capture heads of the rivets between the drive heads and retaining webs. The drive heads may be driven downward to drive the rivet heads from the rivet holder and into bores of a guide block with the retaining webs flexing to release the rivet head from the lower bottom plate member. A method of using the rivet collating system is also disclosed. 1. A rivet collating system comprising:a plurality of connected bodies;an upper plate and a lower plate of each body;a plurality of rivets associated with each body, the rivets including rivet heads held between the upper and lower plates of the body;a plurality of flap portions of the lower plates supporting the rivet heads; andtake-up spaces of the lower plates adjacent the flap portions that narrow as the flap portions shift apart to permit the rivet heads to be driven from the bodies.2. The rivet collating system of wherein the lower plates include reduced thickness hinge portions about which the flap portions pivot as the rivet heads are driven from the bodies.3. The rivet collating system of wherein the upper plates include drive heads above the rivet heads for driving the rivet heads out of the bodies claim 2 , the drive heads including upper claim 2 , enlarged portions configured to contact the hinge portions and resist passage of the drive heads beyond the lower plates.4. The rivet collating system of wherein the lower plates include substantially flat upper surfaces and substantially flat lower surfaces and the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040934A1
Принадлежит: Berndorf Band GmbH

Disclosed is an endless metal belt () which has a length/circumference (l) and a width (b) and which is produced by welding a number of individual metal belt parts (). A rolling direction () of the individual metal belt parts () and the weld seams () extend transversely to the length/circumference (l) of the metal belt (). Also disclosed is a method for producing an endless metal belt () of said type. 119-. (canceled)201011022. An endless metal belt ( , ) having a length/circumference (l) of between 1 m and 200 m , a width (b) of between 1 m and 10 m and a thickness of between 0.3 mm and 2.5 mm which is produced by welding a number of individual metal belt parts () ,wherein{'b': 3', '2', '4', '101', '102', '3', '4, 'sub': '1', 'a rolling direction () of the individual metal belt parts () and all the weld seams () extend transversely to the length/circumference (l) of the metal belt (, ), and the rolling direction () extends parallel with the weld seams ().'}211011024101102. The endless metal belt ( claim 20 , ) according to claim 20 , wherein the weld seams () extend at a right angle to the length/circumference (l) of the metal belt ( claim 20 , ).221011024101102. The endless metal belt ( claim 20 , ) according to claim 20 , wherein the weld seams () extend obliquely to the length/circumference (l) of the metal belt ( claim 20 , ).2310110225153101102. A method for producing at least one endless metal belt ( claim 20 , ) which has a length/circumference (l) of between 1 m and 200 m claim 20 , a width (b) of between 1 m and 10 m and a thickness of between 0.3 mm and 2.5 mm claim 20 , whereby a number of individual metal belt parts () made from at least one belt-shaped base material or base belt ( . . . ) are welded to obtain the metal belt ( claim 20 , ) claim 20 ,wherein{'b': 3', '2', '51', '53', '4', '101', '102', '3', '4, 'sub': '1', 'a rolling direction () of the individual metal belt parts () and/or base belts ( . . . ) and all the weld seams () are oriented ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Belt splicer

Номер: US20170043524A1
Принадлежит: Laitram LLC

A belt splicer for splicing butt ends of thermoplastic belts together. The splicer uses a plurality of cranks in conjunction with heavy springs to close and rapidly open jaws holding butt ends of a belt in place against a heating wand for melting and against each other for welding the melted ends together. The rapid opening of the jaw also lowers the wand, which is locked in place by a wand lock during the melting of the butt ends.

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Conveyor Belt Fastener and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20160047438A1
Автор: William J. Daniels
Принадлежит: Flexible Steel Lacing Co

In one aspect, a conveyor belt fastener is provided having a rigid body made from a strip of cold-rolled or cold-drawn material such as steel. The body has an upper plate portion, a lower plate portion, and loop portions connecting the upper and lower plate portions. The upper and lower plate portions each have a variable cross-sectional thickness laterally thereacross including raised walls projecting outwardly and ribs projecting inwardly. The fastener has at least one attachment member, such as a staple, for connecting the plate portions to a conveyor belt end and the raised walls protect the staple once driven into the conveyor belt end. A method of manufacturing a fastener is also provided including longitudinally advancing a strip of material having a variable cross-sectional thickness laterally thereacross through processing equipment and forming apertures through thinner material of the strip with the processing equipment for attachment member(s) of the fastener.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Locking Device

Номер: US20170044809A1
Автор: Chisté Aldo

A closure device is disclosed. In embodiments, the device includes a closing rod, a first closing body, wherein the first closing body includes at least one first feedthrough for the closing rod, at least one engaging element and a second closing body, wherein the second closing body includes at least one open feedthrough for the at least one engaging element. The closing rod is configured to be rotatably located in the at least one feedthrough and the at least one engaging element, and wherein the first closing body and the second closing body are repeatedly connectable and disconnectable. 116-. (canceled)17. A closure device comprising:a closing rod;a first closing body, wherein the first closing body comprises at least one first feedthrough for the closing rod;at least one engaging element; anda second closing body, wherein the second closing body comprises at least one open feedthrough for the at least one engaging element,wherein the closing rod is configured to be rotatably located in the at least one feedthrough and the at least one engaging element, andwherein the first closing body and the second closing body are repeatedly connectable and disconnectable.18. The closure device according to claim 17 , wherein the closing rod is rotatable from a first rotational position to a second rotational position claim 17 , wherein the first rotational position is an open position and the second rotational position is a closed position claim 17 , and wherein the closing rod is axial movable to rotated from the first rotational position to the second rotational position.19. The closure device according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one engaging element is located in the at least one open feedthrough of the second closing body in a rotatable manner.20. The closure device according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one engaging element is configured to laterally encompass a first portion of the closing rod and is configured to be rotated by rotating the closing rod. ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054906A1
Автор: TAVERNIER Bernard

A junction plate for a junction device of conveyor belt intended to connect two ends of at least one conveyor belt. The junction device includes at least two junction plates fastened together with the ends of the conveyor belt by fastening means. The fastening means comprise a head and an anchoring section. The junction plate includes first interfaces to cooperate with the heads of the fastening means and second interfaces to cooperate with the anchoring sections of the fastening means. The first and second interfaces are arranged so as to form a succession of patterns which are repeated. Each pattern has as many first interfaces as second interfaces. 1. A junction plate for a junction device of conveyor belt intended to connect two ends of at least one conveyor belt , the junction device being of a type comprising at least two junction plates fastened together with the ends of the conveyor belt by fastening means each comprising a head and an anchoring section , 'the junction plate comprises first interfaces to cooperate with the heads of the fastening means and second interfaces to cooperate with the anchoring sections of the fastening means, the second interfaces being distinct from the first interfaces and comprising inserts incorporated at least in part in the junction plate, the first and second interfaces being arranged so as to form a succession of patterns which are repeated, and each pattern has as many first interfaces as second interfaces.', 'wherein'}2. A junction plate for a junction device of conveyor belt intended to connect two ends of at least one conveyor belt , the junction device being of a type comprising at least two junction plates fastened together with the ends of the conveyor belt by fastening means of screw type each comprising a head and an anchoring section provided with a threading ,wherein the junction plate comprises first interfaces to cooperate with the heads of the fastening means and second interfaces to cooperate with the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Conveyor Belt Fastener and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20190056011A1
Автор: Daniels William J.

In one aspect, a conveyor belt fastener is provided having a rigid body made from a strip of cold-rolled or cold-drawn material such as steel. The body has an upper plate portion, a lower plate portion, and loop portions connecting the upper and lower plate portions. The upper and lower plate portions each have a variable cross-sectional thickness laterally thereacross including raised walls projecting outwardly and ribs projecting inwardly. The fastener has at least one attachment member, such as a staple, for connecting the plate portions to a conveyor belt end and the raised walls protect the staple once driven into the conveyor belt end. 1. A conveyor belt fastener comprising:a fastener body of rolled stock material having a predetermined hardness level;rolled upper and lower plate portions of the fastener body each having a variable thickness extending thereacross;a rolled outer raised portion of each of the upper and lower plate portions extending longitudinally along the plate portion;a pair of staples on opposite lateral sides of the outer raised portion for securing the upper and lower plate portions to a conveyor belt; anda rolled arcuate loop portion of the body laterally offset from the staples and connecting the upper and lower plate portions, the arcuate loop portion having the predetermined hardness level of the rolled stock material used to form the fastener body.2. The conveyor belt fastener of wherein the upper and lower plate portions each include a second rolled outer raised portion extending longitudinally along the plate portion on an opposite side of one of the staples from the other outer raised portion.3. The conveyor belt fastener of wherein the upper and lower plate portions include rolled inner raised portions extending longitudinally for gripping the belt.4. The conveyor belt fastener of wherein the outer and inner raised portions are vertically aligned.5. The conveyor belt fastener of wherein the rolled arcuate loop portion is aligned ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Bridge splicer and method of splicing conveyor belts

Номер: US20150068669A1
Принадлежит: Laitram LLC

A belt splicer ( 80 ) for butt-welding conveyor belts with longitudinal walls and methods for splicing belts. The belt splicer ( 82, 83 ) has bridges supporting belt clamps ( 88 ) above clamp jaws ( 12, 13 ). The bridges are attached at opposite ends to the corresponding jaws. Slots ( 96 ) along intermediate spans of the bridges allow the belt clamps to be adjustable positioned along the bridges. Adjacent belt clamps can be positioned with a space between them to accommodate the walls.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Collating System For Conveyor Belt Rivets and Method

Номер: US20220081194A1
Автор: Vogrig Joseph

A collating system for rivets is provided that includes a rivet holder for supporting rivets in a predetermined pattern. In one form, the rivet holder includes a body having cavities for supporting the rivets therein. The rivet holder body includes a top plate member and a bottom plate member. The rivet holder has drive heads connected to the top plate member via frangible portions and the bottom plate member has retaining webs disposed below the drive heads. The top and bottom plates are secured together to capture heads of the rivets between the drive heads and retaining webs. The drive heads may be driven downward to drive the rivet heads from the rivet holder and into bores of a guide block with the retaining webs flexing to release the rivet head from the lower bottom plate member. A method of using the rivet collating system is also disclosed. 1. A method of positioning rivets in bores of a guide block , the method comprising:positioning a lower portion of a holder on a guide block;impacting upper portions of the holder with a tool to drive heads of rivets out from the holder and into the bores; anddeflecting flap portions of the holder into grooves of the holder as the rivet heads are driven out from the holder.2. The method of wherein impacting the upper portions of the holder with the tool includes impacting upper portions of an upper plate of the holder; anddeflecting flap portions of the holder into grooves of the holder includes deflecting flap portions of a lower plate portion of the holder into grooves of the lower plate portion.3. The method of wherein deflecting flap portions of the holder includes camming radially outer portions of the rivet heads against lands of the flap portions.4. The method of wherein deflecting flap portions of the holder includes pivoting the flap portions about hinge portions of the holder above the grooves.5. The method of wherein impacting upper portions of the holder with the tool include impacting drive heads of the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071736A1

In one aspect, a system is provided for securing fasteners to a conveyor belt end. The system includes a fastener bed to support fasteners, the fastener bed including a plurality of aligned fastener holes configured to receive staples of lower plates of the fasteners. The system further includes an applicator comprising a plurality of operating members operable to interface with the fastener holes of the fastener bed to advance the applicator along the fastener bed, secure the applicator relative to the fastener bed, and drive legs of the staples through the conveyor belt and into apertures of upper plates of the fasteners. The applicator is operable to urge upper plates of the fasteners against the conveyor belt end and bend the staple leg end portions against the upper plates of the fasteners to secure the fasteners to the conveyor belt end. 1. A system for securing fasteners to a conveyor belt end , the system comprising:a fastener bed to support fasteners, the fastener bed including a plurality of aligned fastener holes configured to receive staples of lower plates of the fasteners; andan applicator comprising a plurality of operating members operable to interface with the fastener holes of the fastener bed to advance the applicator along the fastener bed, secure the applicator relative to the fastener bed, and drive end portions of legs of the staples through the conveyor belt and into apertures of upper plates of the fasteners; andthe applicator is operable to urge upper plates of the fasteners against the conveyor belt end and bend the staple leg end portions against the upper plates of the fasteners to secure the fasteners to the conveyor belt end.2. The system of wherein the applicator is shiftable along the fastener bed to any one of the fastener holes and the applicator is operable to secure the fastener at the one fastener hole to the conveyor belt without the applicator shifting along the fastener bed.3. The system of wherein the applicator is operable ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Belt end body or belt segment end body

Номер: US20150075951A1
Принадлежит: ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH

A belt end body includes an arrangement for coupling together with a further corresponding belt end body. The belt end body further includes a plurality of clamping openings and clamping recesses for accommodating reinforcement members of a belt in a clamped manner. The coupling arrangement and the clamping openings lie substantially opposite each other when viewed in the longitudinal direction of the belt end body. The belt end body is configured in such a way that the unclamped segments of the clamped reinforcement members are always in the neutral phase during operation.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Conveyor Belt Fastener and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20180080526A1
Автор: Daniels William J.

In one aspect, a conveyor belt fastener is provided having a rigid body made from a strip of cold-rolled or cold-drawn material such as steel. The body has an upper plate portion, a lower plate portion, and loop portions connecting the upper and lower plate portions. The upper and lower plate portions each have a variable cross-sectional thickness laterally thereacross including raised walls projecting outwardly and ribs projecting inwardly. The fastener has at least one attachment member, such as a staple, for connecting the plate portions to a conveyor belt end and the raised walls protect the staple once driven into the conveyor belt end. 1. A conveyor belt fastener for splicing ends of a conveyor belt together , the conveyor belt fastener comprising:upper and lower plate portions each having an outer surface for facing away from a conveyor belt and an inner surface for engaging the conveyor belt, the upper and lower plate portions each having an inboard edge and an outboard edge and a longitudinal length extending therebetween;at least one aperture of each of the upper and lower plate portions sized to receive an attachment member for connecting the upper and lower plate portions to the conveyor belt;at least one loop connecting the upper and lower plate portions and laterally offset from the apertures of the upper and lower plate portions; andthe upper and lower plate portions each having a cross-section taken laterally thereacross that has a varying thickness between the outer and inner surfaces, the cross-section being substantially uniform along the length of the upper and lower plate portions.2. The conveyor belt fastener of wherein the cross-section of each of the upper and lower plate portions is uniform along the length of the plate portion except at the at least one aperture and at the outboard edge thereof.3. The conveyor belt fastener of wherein the outer surface of each of the upper and lower plate portions includes a raised wall extending ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087601A1

In accordance with one aspect, an applicator is provided for applying staple fasteners to an end of a conveyor belt. The applicator provides advancing, clenching, staple driving, and final set operations that are coordinated by a drive of the applicator. In one form, the drive includes a cam plate and the applicator includes a handle that may be pivoted to turn the cam plate through a range of motion. Turning of the cam plate causes cam followers received in cam paths of the cam plate to shift and operate the mechanisms of the applicator. A method of using an applicator to apply conveyor belt fasteners is also provided. 1. An applicator for securing fasteners to a conveyor belt , the applicator comprising:a body;an advancing assembly movably mounted to the body and operable so that a portion thereof engages a fastener bed to shift the body along the fastener bed to a fastener location therealong;at least one anvil and a pusher movably mounted to the body and operable so that the anvil contacts an upper plate of a fastener received in the fastener bed at the fastener location to move the fastener upper plate toward a conveyor belt and the pusher drives legs of at least one staple of the fastener through the conveyor belt;at least one swiper moveably mounted to the body and operable to move the swiper along the upper plate of the fastener at the fastener location to bend end portions of the driven legs of the fastener; anda common rotary drive shaft mounted to the body so that rotation thereof operates the advancing assembly, the at least one anvil, the pusher, and the at least one swiper.2. The applicator of further comprising a handle movable relative to the body and connected to the drive shaft so that the advancing assembly claim 1 , the at least one anvil claim 1 , the pusher claim 1 , and the at least one swiper are operated by movement of the handle.3. The applicator of further comprising a cam plate that is rotated by rotation of the drive shaft claim 1 , the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089425A1

The present disclosure provides a conveyor belt connecting device and a conveyor belt driving device. The conveyor belt connecting device comprises: a connecting body provided with a clamping space; a positioning structure comprising a positioning face, wherein a segment to be connected of a conveyor belt is oppositely abuts against the positioning face, and the segment to be connected of the conveyor belt and the positioning structure are simultaneously provided in the clamping space; and a fixing element penetrating through the connecting body and pressed against the positioning structure, wherein the segment to be connected and the positioning structure are fixed in the clamping space of the connecting body by means of the pressing of the fixing element. 1. A conveyor belt connecting device , comprising:a connecting body provided with a clamping space;a positioning structure comprising a positioning face, wherein a segment to be connected of a conveyor belt is oppositely abuts against the positioning face, and the segment to be connected of the conveyor belt and the positioning structure are simultaneously provided in the clamping space of the connecting body; anda fixing element penetrating through the connecting body and pressed against the positioning structure, wherein the segment to be connected and the positioning structure are fixed in the clamping space of the connecting body by means of the pressing of the fixing element.2. The conveyor belt connecting device according to claim 1 , wherein the segment to be connected is provided with a plurality of parallel toothed ridges claim 1 , and the positioning face is provided with meshing teeth which are meshed with the toothed ridges.3. The conveyor belt connecting device according to claim 2 , wherein the positioning structure comprises a pressing plate on which the positioning face is provided claim 2 , wherein the pressing plate comprises a pressing face opposite to the positioning face claim 2 , and the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Connection And Connector And Device For A Belt Connection

Номер: US20220145961A1
Принадлежит: MATO GmbH & Co. KG

A connection of two ends of a belt, or an end of a belt and an end of a further belt, wherein a first end has a first connecting portion and a second end has a second connecting portion, wherein the first and second connecting portions are arranged to overlap in an overlapping region, wherein a plurality of connectors are arranged in the overlapping region, wherein each connector penetrates the first and second connecting portions, wherein each connector has a first base body portion and a second base body portion, wherein the first and second connecting portions are arranged between the first and second base body portions, wherein each connector has at least two connecting means held in the first and second base body portions that penetrate the first and second connecting portions. A connector for producing a connection and a device for producing a connection are also provided. 1. A connection of two ends of a belt or one end of a belt and one end of a further belt , wherein a first end of the two ends has a stepped and/or wedge-shaped first connecting portion and a second end of the two ends has a stepped and/or wedge-shaped second connecting portion corresponding to the first connecting portion , wherein the first and second connecting portions are arranged so as to overlap in an overlapping region , wherein a plurality of connectors are arranged in the overlapping region , wherein each connector penetrates the first connecting portion and the second connecting portion , wherein each connector has a first base body portion and a second base body portion , wherein the first and second connecting portions are arranged between the first and second base body portions , wherein each connector has at least two connecting means , wherein the at least two connecting means are held in the first and second base body portions and penetrate the first and second connecting portions.2. The connection according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting means is positively held in at ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093699A1
Автор: Jakob Horst

The present disclosure provides a washer having a generally circular shape and is used for supporting a screw head. The shank of the screw penetrates the central hole of the washer. When viewed from a planar perspective, the outer edges of the washer have a sinusoidal shape with depressions and elevations. 1. A supporting washer for a screwed or riveted assembly for a conveyor belt junction element , the supporting washer comprising:a central hole for receiving a connecting element comprising a stem and a head for supporting edges of the central hole;an outer edge including sinuosities comprising elevations and depressions, the elevations located further from a geometric center of the washer than the depressions in such a way that the outer edge has a linear shape that increases a length of the outer edge;a lower edge formed between a lower surface of the washer and the outer edge, said lower edge having a rounded edge on at least the elevations of the sinuosities of the outer edge; andan upper conical surface starting from an edge of a bowl surrounding the central hole or from a circular surface surrounding the central hole and terminating at the outer edge, the upper conical surface driving a progressive tapering of the washer such that an upper edge of the outer edge is flush with a surface of the junction whereon the washer is placed when the washer has been applied by riveting or screwing.2. The supporting washer of claim 1 , wherein the elevations and the depressions of the sinuosities of the outer edge have a symmetrical shape with respect to a virtual radius starting from the geometric center of the washer.3. The supporting washer of claim 1 , wherein the supporting washer is made of a metal or a synthetic material.4. The supporting washer of claim 1 , wherein the connecting element is a rivet.5. The supporting washer of claim 1 , wherein the connecting element is a screw comprising a male or female thread. This application is a continuation of International ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182089A1
Автор: Jakob Horst
Принадлежит: ASER

A conveyor belt joining staple including upper and lower staple plates situated at different levels joined by knuckles. The upper staple plate has through-holes for passage of staple attaching clip claws and the lower staple plate has bridges that form a recess between a bar of the bridge and an upper surface of the lower plate. The lower staple plate has two shearing lines corresponding to the recess of the bridge, and inlet and outlet toboggans that each have a curved tab. The toboggans are symmetrical with respect to the longitudinal axis of the bridge. Each toboggan has a boss that has an upper round portion and base rounded portions. A portion of the boss is connected to a portion of the tap. Each inlet toboggan-boss is situated in vertical alignment with a corresponding hole of the upper plate for the passage of the clip claws. 1. A conveyor belt joining staple produced from sheet metal plate and comprising an upper staple plate and a lower staple plate of general shape substantially similar to that of the upper staple plate , the two upper and lower staple plates situated at different levels being joined in one piece by one or more knuckles , the upper staple plate comprising through-holes able to allow the passage of staple-attaching clip claws in order to traverse an end of a conveyor belt engaged in a space between the two , upper and lower , staple plates , by an open portion of the staple situated opposite the knuckle or knuckles , the lower staple plate of the staple comprising bridges , or doors , each constituted by the deformation , towards the space situated between the two upper and lower staple plates , of a bar of sheet metal cut from the sheet metal of the lower staple plate so as to form a recess leaving a space between the bar of said bridge and an upper surface of the lower staple plate of the staple ,wherein the lower staple plate comprises, on either side of two shearing lines corresponding to the recess of the bridge, an inlet toboggan and ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Clips for jointing devices of the ends of a conveyor belt

Номер: US20180100558A1
Автор: Horst Jakob

The present disclosure provides a clip assembly for jointing devices for a conveyor belt that includes a U-shaped clip intended to be secured and straddling an end of a conveyor belt with an overhanging of a front curved portion, or nose of the clip. The clip assembly further includes a tube secured in a front concave portion of each clip and a bracket having two cheeks secured to lateral ends of the tube. The cheeks are joined together at a rear by a connection portion. The securing of the cheeks is obtained by piercings on lateral ends of the tube. Branches of the clips are provided with through-holes to secure the clip with a stem. In one form, the branches of one or more clips in a set of clips are of unequal length.

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Belt Splicing Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20180106326A1

A portable conveyor belt splicing apparatus is provided that includes an upper press assembly and a lower press assembly which include, respectively, upper and lower platen assemblies. The upper and lower press assemblies may each include a forced air cooling system for rapidly cooling platens of the platen assemblies. The upper and lower press assemblies may include insulating assemblies with resilient members that support the upper and lower press assemblies. The resilient members provide structural support and insulate the platens from the frame which reduces the power required to heat the platens. In one form, the apparatus includes a power supply circuit that can alternate between providing power to upper and lower heaters in response to the apparatus being connected to different types of standard power supplies. Further, the power supply circuit permits the use of a single recipe for a particular belt irrespective of the type of power supply. 1. A portable conveyor belt splicing apparatus comprising:upper and lower platens for clamping belt ends therebetween;upper and lower heaters operable to heat the upper and lower platens;a power supply circuit operably coupled to the upper and lower heaters for energizing the upper and lower heaters to splice the belt ends, the power supply circuit adapted to be electrically connected to either one of a high power standard power supply and a low power standard power supply; andthe power supply circuit being configured such that predetermined dwell characteristics for a belt splicing operation generated by the energized upper and lower heaters are the same regardless of whether the power supply circuit is connected to the high power standard power supply or the low power standard power supply.2. The conveyor belt splicing apparatus of wherein the dwell characteristics include a dwell time such that the upper and lower platens are heated for a dwell time that is the same regardless of whether the power supply circuit is ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Ratchet load binder with tamper deterrence features

Номер: US20210122287A1
Автор: Peter Joseph Mollick
Принадлежит: Individual

A hand operated tool for binding a load. The tool including a hollow tube with interior left hand and right hand threads at opposing ends. Opposing rods with exterior threads on one end and a releasable connection device on the other end that is screwed into each end of the tube. A gear rigidly mounted and encircling the tube allowing a pivotly attached ratcheting U-pawl to engage the gear teeth, the U-pawl attached to and carried by a handle assembly mounted on each side of the gear, the handle protruding perpendicular from the tube. The handle turning the tube in a first rotational direction drawing the rods closer together tightening the bind, the handle turning the tube in a second rotational direction moving the rods farther apart loosening the bind, the rods remaining stationary in rotation during rotation of the tube. A blocking device may be installed to prevent the U-pawl from pivoting into a position to turn the tube in the second rotational direction, that would loosen the bind on the load, the blocking device allowing normal ratcheting and turning of the tube in the first rotational direction tightening the bind on the load. A recessed-pawl partially pivoting independently of the U-pawl and engaging with the gear to prevent the tube from turning in the second-rotational-direction that would loosen the bind on the load when the U-pawl is in a neutral position whereby the U-pawl is not engaged with the gear.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113103A1
Автор: Shaw Timothy Glen
Принадлежит: Shaw-Almex Industries Limited

The invention provides a fully modular component based conveyor belt splice with expansible tension links, robust side rails, a component based clamping structure and a modular structurally supported thermal element. 1. A belt splicer , which includes an above crossbeam and a below crossbeam , arranged to span across the width of a belt to be spliced , the crossbeams being positioned one above , and the other below , the splice-zone of the belt , wherein:(a) beam-ends of the crossbeams extend beyond the side edges of the belt in the splice-zone;(b) tension-links connect respective beam-ends and prevent separation in the up/down direction of the respective beam-ends against heavy forces urging the crossbeams apart during a splicing event; i. the tension-link-elements so engage and align with each other that the respective apertures overly each other, and,', 'ii. an aperture-pin can be inserted through, and can reside in, respective apertures; and', 'iii. when so inserted, the aperture-pin is subjected to, and supports, the heavy forces; and', 'iv. when the aperture-pin is withdrawn from the respective apertures, the tension-link-elements are disconnected from each other, whereby the beam-ends of the crossbeams are no longer connected and the crossbeams can be separated;, '(c) at least one tension-link includes a pair of tension-link-elements, each secured to the beam-end of a respective crossbeam and formed with an aperture arranged for aperture-alignment of the respective tension-link-elements, in which i. the splicer includes at least one pair of aperture-pins, each with a pin-profile;', 'ii. the pin-profiles are such that, the apertures being in aperture-alignment, the pins can pass through the respective apertures;', 'iii. the pin-profiles are the same or different as to their height in the up/down direction, in that when a pin resides in respective apertures and supports the heavy forces, the distance apart of the respective beam-ends is dependent upon a pin- ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Belt Splicer

Номер: US20180119774A1
Автор: Shaw Timothy Glen
Принадлежит: Shaw-Almex Industies Ltd.

A tension-link of the belt-splicer is based on a rope-loop of high-strength synthetic fibre, wound around bosses. The bosses and the loop are encapsulated in moulded plastic. The link connects cross-beams of the splicer. The link includes couplings which permit rotation when the beams deflect in bending. The links can be stored inside the hollow interior of the beams. The couplings include eccentrically-mounted blocks that can be orientated to adjust the length of the link. 1. A tension-link unit for a belt-splicer , wherein:the tension-link unit combines a tension-link with upper and lower couplings;the tension-link includes a tension-member and upper and lower bosses;the tension-member is attached to both bosses, and is effective to prevent the two bosses from moving apart relatively, when loaded in operation;in the tension-link unit, the upper coupling is attached to the upper boss;the lower coupling is attached to the lower boss;the upper coupling includes an upper engagement-face, which is arranged for operative engagement with an upper-force-transmitting surface of the machine;the lower coupling includes a lower engagement-face, which is arranged for operative engagement with a lower-force-transmitting surface of the machine;the attached upper coupling includes an upper pivot, which enables rotation of the tension-link relative to the machine, about an axis that is orthogonal to the length of the tension-link;the attached lower coupling includes a lower pivot, which enables rotation of the tension-link relative to the machine, about an axis that is orthogonal to the length of the tension-link;the tension-link unit, in which the tension-link and the two couplings are integrated together, can be picked up and handled as a robust self-contained unitary whole structure.2. The tension-link unit of claim 1 , wherein:the upper coupling includes an upper cheek-block;the lower coupling includes a lower cheek-block;the upper engagement face is a face of the upper cheek- ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120324A1

The invention relates to conveyor technology, and specifically to belt conveyors, and can be used in underground mining operations, including in coal mines. A connector for mechanically linking conveyor belts contains an assembly comprising two profiled plates and a connecting element; each profiled plate is provided, in the center thereof, with a through-hole in which the connecting element, in the form of a bolt, is located, the bolt head corresponding to a receiving seat in the upper profiled plate; the inner surfaces of the profiled plates are each provided with symmetrically arranged profiled protrusions, and a nut is pressed into the centrally-located through-hole of the lower profiled plate; the upper profiled plate is equipped with additional tapered holes (recessions) symmetrically arranged between the profiled protrusions, at that these tapered holes (recessions) being provided on the inner surface of the profiled plate. 1. The connector for mechanical linking of conveyor belts, comprising a set of two profiled plates and a connecting element, wherein each profiled plate has a centrally-positioned through hole locating a bolt-shaped connecting member, the head of which corresponds to the upper profiled plate's bore and the profiled plates' inner surface bears shaped protrusions symmetrically placed; at that a nut is pressed into the lower profiled plate central through hole, characterized in that the additional tapered holes (recessions) are symmetrically arranged between the upper profiled plate's profiled protrusions at the inner surface of the profiled plate. The invention relates to conveyor technology, and specifically to belt conveyors, and can be used in underground mining operations, including in coal mines.Well known is a mechanical connecting device for fabric-ply belts “Vulcan”, comprising two through-holed clamping plates and a connecting bolt, at that both clamping plates have a common central through hole and the through hole of one clamping ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116231A1

In accordance with one aspect of the present disclosure, a fastener is provided for securing to an end of a conveyor belt having cables. The fastener comprises a crimp configured to be fixed to a conveyor belt cable and a connector. The connector has a unitary, one-piece fastener body with an upper portion for being disposed adjacent an upper surface of the conveyor belt end and a lower portion for being disposed adjacent a lower surface of the conveyor belt end. The upper and lower portions are spaced apart to receive the crimp therebetween and permit the conveyor belt cable to extend in an outboard direction between the upper and lower portions. The connector includes a stop arranged to block inboard movement of the crimp and the conveyor belt cable fixed thereto. 1. A fastener for securing to an end of a conveyor belt having cables , the fastener comprising:a crimp configured to be fixed to a conveyor belt cable;a connector having a unitary, one-piece fastener body with an upper portion for being disposed adjacent an upper surface of the conveyor belt end and a lower portion for being disposed adjacent a lower surface of the conveyor belt end;the upper and lower portions of the fastener body spaced apart to receive the crimp therebetween and permit the conveyor belt cable to extend in an outboard direction between the upper and lower portions; anda stop of the connector arranged to block inboard movement of the crimp and the conveyor belt cable fixed thereto.2. The fastener of wherein the stop includes a stop body distinct from the fastener body.3. The fastener of wherein the upper and lower portions of the fastener body and the stop body include at least one mating projection and recess that engage to resist movement of the stop body relative to the fastener body.4. The fastener of wherein the fastener body includes a hinge pin-receiving outboard loop portion connecting the upper and lower portions.5. The fastener of wherein the connector further includes a ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128348A1

The present invention relates to a belt or a belt segment having a plurality of strength supports. The strength supports run in the longitudinal direction (X) and are disposed so as to be mutually parallel. A connection element which forms one end of the belt or the belt segment and is configured for connecting to a further connection element of the other end of the belt or to one end of a further belt segment, it being possible for the ends of the strength supports to be held in a force-fitting manner by the connection element by way of press-fitting. The belt or the belt segment includes a part-region of the connection element which is configured as a tool region, in order to serve as a tool part during press-fitting of the ends of the strength supports in the connection element. 1. A belt or belt segment comprising:a plurality of strength supports each having a strength support end;the belt or belt segment defining, a first belt end, a second belt end, and a longitudinal direction (X);said plurality of strength supports running in the longitudinal direction (X) and being arranged so as to be mutually parallel;a connection element which forms said first belt end of the belt or of the belt segment and is configured for connecting to a further connection element of said second belt end or to an end of a further belt segment;said connection element being configured to hold said strength support ends of the strength supports in a force-fitting manner by way of press-fitting; and,said connection element including a part-region configured as a tool region so as to serve as a tool part during a press-fitting of said strength support ends of said strength supports in said connection element.2. The belt or belt segment of claim 1 , wherein:said tool region has a contour in a direction (Z) toward said strength support ends of said strength supports; and,said contour is configured to interact with a contour of a pressing tool in such a way that press-fitting of said strength ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Splice System for Conveyor Belt

Номер: US20210164539A1
Принадлежит: Cambridge International, Inc.

A splice system for a conveyor belt system includes a plurality of spaced tractive rods; a plurality of rows of flat wire pickets transversely disposed with respect to a direction of travel and interconnecting the plurality of spaced tractive rods, wherein at least one of the rows of flat wire pickets includes an outer edge link on each end thereof, the outer edge link including a reverse-turn closed edge on an outer side thereof; and wherein movement of at least one of the plurality of rods is restricted by the reverse-turn closed edge on the outer edge link. 1. A conveyor belt comprising:at least one rod; andat least a first link and a second link;wherein the first link and the second link are connected by the rod;wherein the first link defines a reverse-turn closed edge on an outer side of the first link, the reverse-turn closed edge includes an outwardly projecting segment, a stop segment extending from the outwardly projecting segment, an inwardly projecting segment extending from the stop segment, and a terminal segment extending from the inwardly projecting segment and oriented adjacent to the outer side;wherein the stop segment of the reverse-turn closed edge of the first link is configured to mechanically lock the rod; andwherein at least a portion of the terminal segment of the reverse-turn closed edge of the first link is nested between the second link and the outer side of the first link.2. The conveyor belt of claim 1 , wherein the reverse-turn closed edge further defines a first opening in the terminal segment and a second opening in the stop segment.3. The conveyor belt of claim 1 , wherein the second link includes a reverse-turn closed edge on an outer side of the second link claim 1 , the reverse-turn closed edge defines an outwardly projecting segment claim 1 , a stop segment extending transversely from the outwardly projecting segment claim 1 , an inwardly projecting segment extending transversely from the stop segment claim 1 , and a terminal ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing an endless transport belt

Номер: US20150144254A1
Принадлежит: manroland web systems GmbH

A method for producing an endless transport belt for guiding substrates during the printing operation of a printing press is disclosed. The ends of a transport belt are welded together. The transport belt is ground, after one or multiple welding operations without or with the addition of material, to a nominal thickness that is smaller than or equal to the minimal thickness of the transport belt.

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Conveyor Belt Fastener and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20170138438A1
Автор: Daniels William J.

In one aspect, a conveyor belt fastener is provided having a rigid body made from a strip of cold-rolled or cold-drawn material such as steel. The body has an upper plate portion, a lower plate portion, and loop portions connecting the upper and lower plate portions. The upper and lower plate portions each have a variable cross-sectional thickness laterally thereacross including raised walls projecting outwardly and ribs projecting inwardly. The fastener has at least one attachment member, such as a staple, for connecting the plate portions to a conveyor belt end and the raised walls protect the staple once driven into the conveyor belt end. A method of manufacturing a fastener is also provided including longitudinally advancing a strip of material having a variable cross-sectional thickness laterally thereacross through processing equipment and forming apertures through thinner material of the strip with the processing equipment for attachment member(s) of the fastener. 1. A hinge-loop plate fastener for splicing conveyor belt ends together , the conveyor belt fastener comprising:upper and lower plate portions each having an outboard edge and an inboard edge;at least two channels of each of the upper and lower plate portions extending longitudinally from the inboard edge to the outboard edge thereof, the channels each having opposite ends that are open at the inboard and outboard edges;apertures of the upper and lower plate portions at the channels;a plurality of attachment members for extending through the apertures and securing the upper and lower plate portions to a conveyor belt; andat least one loop laterally offset from the channels of the upper and lower plate portions and having an arcuate configuration extending between the upper and lower plate portions.2. The conveyor belt fastener of wherein the at least one loop includes a pair of loops laterally offset from the channels of the upper and lower plate portions.3. The conveyor belt fastener of wherein the ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136942A1

The invention relates to a drive belt connecting device for the tension-resistant connection of fiat drive belt end sections (), which drive belt connecting device comprises a multi-part connecting body (), which has connecting parts () and a connecting chamber (), which accommodates the drive belt end sections (), which have at least one first belt flat side having a belt surface profile () in an overlapping arrangement for tension-resistant connection. A first outer connecting part () and a second outer connecting part () bound the connecting chamber (), in which an inner connecting part () having inner connecting surfaces () is arranged. The inner connecting surfaces and outer connecting surfaces () of the outer connecting parts () can be placed onto the drive belt end sections (). A fastening means () fastens the outer connecting parts () to each other at a limited fixed distance. An inner connecting means () connects the inner connecting part () to at least one of the two outer connecting parts () for connection that is secure in the belt tension direction. A flat drive belt () is connected to a circulating continuous flat drive belt () by means of at least one said drive belt connecting device (). A conveying device () comprises two such drive belts (), which can be guided and driven along a conveying path () and a return path () to circulate together and in parallel, wherein one conveyor belt () is formed by a series of transport elements () arranged in parallel and transport blocks () fastened onto the two drive belts () to support said transport elements. Connecting bodies () of the drive belt connecting devices () are configured as transport blocks (). 149394919291911411234293941239394201301911429394404112421012019394330130242939410130120130251210120130312. A drive belt connecting device () designed for the tension-resistant connection of flat drive belt end sections ( , ) , each comprising two belt flat sides ( , ) , of which at least a first belt flat ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230194A1
Принадлежит: ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH

A belt or belt segment defines a longitudinal direction and includes a plurality of steel ropes arranged to be essentially mutually in parallel and to extend essentially in the longitudinal direction. The belt or belt segment has at least one open end whereat the steel ropes have respective rope segments extending outwardly therefrom. An attachment device is disposed at the open end and is attached to at least a portion of the rope segments via clamping. 1. A belt or belt segment defining a longitudinal direction and comprising:a plurality of steel ropes arranged to be essentially mutually in parallel and to extend essentially in said longitudinal direction;said belt or belt segment having at least one open end whereat said steel ropes have respective rope segments extending outwardly therefrom; and,an attachment device disposed at said open end and being attached to at least a portion of said rope segments via clamping.2. The belt or belt segment of claim 1 , further comprising essentially an elastomer material with said steel ropes being embedded therein as reinforcement elements.3. An attachment device for a belt or belt segment defining a longitudinal direction and having a plurality of steel ropes arranged essentially mutually in parallel and extending essentially in said longitudinal direction claim 1 , the attachment device comprising:a first component region having a connecting element configured to coact with a corresponding connecting element; and,a second component region having a clamping unit for receiving said steel ropes at least partially therein and said clamping unit being configured to hold said steel ropes therein by clamping said steel ropes.4. The attachment device of claim 3 , wherein said belt or belt segment comprises essentially an elastomeric material with said steel ropes being embedded therein as reinforcement elements.5. The attachment device of claim 4 , wherein said clamping unit has a plurality of openings for accommodating ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145494A1

A quick-linked belt, which is assembled with a belt sprocket of a belt-driven vehicle, includes a belt element, at least two reinforcing elements, at least two fixing elements and at least two connecting elements. The belt element includes a plurality of belt teeth and two binding portions. The binding portions are disposed on two ends of the belt element, respectively, and each of the binding portions includes at least one opening hole. Each of the at least two reinforcing elements is disposed in the at least one opening hole of each of the binding portions and includes a through hole. Each of the at least two fixing elements is disposed in the through hole of each of the at least two reinforcing elements. Each of the at least two connecting elements includes at least two passing holes for passing through the at least two fixing elements. 1. A quick-linked belt , which is assembled with a belt sprocket of a belt-driven vehicle , comprising:a belt element comprising a plurality of belt teeth and two binding portions, wherein the belt teeth are integrally disposed on one side of the belt element, the two binding portions are disposed on two ends of the belt element, respectively, and each of the two binding portions comprises at least one opening hole;at least two reinforcing elements, wherein each of the at least two reinforcing elements is disposed in the at least one opening hole of each of the two binding portions, and each of the at least two reinforcing elements comprises a through hole;at least two fixing elements, wherein each of the at least two fixing elements is disposed in the through hole of each of the at least two reinforcing elements; andat least two connecting elements, wherein each of the at least two connecting elements comprises at least two passing holes for passing through the at least two fixing elements, and the two binding portions are connected to each other by the at least two connecting elements so as to enclose the belt element into a ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149233A1

A belt or a belt segment has a plurality of strength members that extend in a longitudinal direction (X) and are arranged parallel to one another, and a connecting element which forms one end of the belt or belt segment and is configured to be connected to a further connecting element at the other end of the belt or to one end of a further belt segment. The ends of the strength members are held by the connecting element. The belt or belt segment is characterized in that the ends of the strength members are connected to at least one clamping body in a force-fitting manner, wherein the clamping body can be held by the connecting element in a force-fitting manner at least in the longitudinal direction (X). 1. A belt or belt segment comprising:a plurality of strength members each having a strength member end;the belt or belt segment having a first end and a second end and defining a longitudinal direction (X);said strength members extending in the longitudinal direction (X) and being arranged parallel to one another;a connecting element which forms said first end of the belt or belt segment and is configured to be connected to a further connecting element at said second end of the belt or to an end of a further belt segment;said strength member ends being held by said connecting element;at least one clamping body;said strength member ends being connected to said at least one clamping body in a force-fitting manner; and,said connecting element being configured to hold said at least one clamping body in a force-fitting manner at least in the longitudinal direction (X).2. The belt or belt segment of claim 1 , wherein:said clamping body includes a first material;said connecting element includes a second material; and,said first material is softer than said second material.3. The belt or belt segment of claim 1 , wherein at least two of said strength member ends are connected to a common clamping body in a force-fitting manner.4. The belt or belt segment of claim 1 , wherein ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Belt Splicing Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20170159751A1
Принадлежит: Flexible Steel Lacing Co

A portable conveyor belt splicing apparatus is provided that includes an upper press assembly and a lower press assembly which include, respectively, upper and lower platen assemblies. The upper and lower press assemblies may each include a forced air cooling system for rapidly cooling platens of the platen assemblies. The upper and lower press assemblies may include insulating assemblies with resilient members that support the upper and lower press assemblies. The resilient members provide structural support and insulate the platens from the frame which reduces the power required to heat the platens. In one form, the apparatus includes a power supply circuit that can alternate between providing power to upper and lower heaters in response to the apparatus being connected to different types of standard power supplies. Further, the power supply circuit permits the use of a single recipe for a particular belt irrespective of the type of power supply.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Industrial Fabrics Comprising Infinity Shape Coils

Номер: US20140259556A1
Принадлежит: Albany International Corp.

An industrial fabric/belt including spiral coils shaped as a symbol for infinity or a lemniscate, i.e., infinity elements, are joined to each other with a pintle. A fabric element is configured as a continuous loop to form an industrial fabric employing a plurality of infinity coil elements. 1. An industrial fabric comprising:a plurality of infinity coils having a CD length equivalent to the fabric width, said coils arranged such that one of first and second loops of a first infinity coil interdigitates with one of first and second loops of an adjacent infinity coil so as to form a single passage;a pintle extending through the passage; andone or more infinity coils added to said first infinity coil or adjacent infinity coil until the required MD length of the fabric is achieved.2. The industrial fabric of claim 1 , wherein a tensile load perpendicular to the axis of the infinity coils reduces a thickness of the infinity coils.3. The industrial fabric of claim 1 , wherein the second loops of the first infinity coils alternatingly interdigitate with the first loops of the second infinity coils.4. The industrial fabric of claim 1 , wherein the infinity coils are formed from a monofilament claim 1 , twisted multifilaments claim 1 , coated or uncoated claim 1 , or metal wire.5. The industrial fabric of claim 4 , wherein the monofilament claim 4 , twisted multifilaments claim 4 , or metal wire making the infinity coils is round claim 4 , rectangular claim 4 , square claim 4 , oval claim 4 , flattened claim 4 , star-shaped claim 4 , grooved or other non-circular shape.6. The industrial fabric of claim 1 , wherein the infinity coils are continuous helical infinity coils.7. An industrial fabric/belt comprising:a plurality of infinity coil elements, each of said infinity coil elements having a first loop and a second loop;wherein second loop of a first infinity coil element, having an open interior portion, and first loop of the second infinity coil element, having an open ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207682A1

The subject disclosure provides a draper belt assembly for an agricultural harvester header that includes a draper belt and a zipper assembly along a length of the draper belt. The zipper assembly includes a first zipper track extending at a non-perpendicular angle from a fore end of a leading edge of the draper belt, a second zipper track complementary to the first zipper track extending at a second non-perpendicular angle from the fore end of a trailing edge of the draper belt, and a slider releasably connectable to the first zipper track and the second zipper track. 1. A draper belt assembly for an agricultural harvester header comprising:a draper belt; a first zipper track extending at a non-perpendicular angle from a fore end of a leading edge of the draper belt,', 'a second zipper track complementary to the first zipper track extending at a second non-perpendicular angle from the fore end of a trailing edge of the draper belt, and', 'a slider releasably connectable to the first zipper track and the second zipper track., 'a zipper assembly along a length of the draper belt, the zipper assembly including2. The draper belt assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a lock for releasably securing the zipper assembly in a fixed position.3. The draper belt assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a seal covering an upper surface of the first and second zipper tracks.4. The draper belt assembly of claim 3 , wherein the seal overlaps an outer surface of the draper belt to cover the first zipper track and the second zipper track upon engagement of the slider to the first zipper track and the second zipper track.5. The draper belt assembly of claim 3 , wherein the seal provides a watertight seal covering the first zipper track and the second zipper track.6. The draper belt assembly of claim 3 , wherein the seal includes a first seal portion coextensive with the first zipper track and a second seal portion coextensive with the second zipper track.7. The draper belt ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Helical belt assembly, method of use, and kit therefore

Номер: US20200173522A1
Автор: Gregory A. Godsey
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed herein is an assembly, method of assembling and kit for assembling an assembled helical belt that is mounted within a mounting space defined by a continuous mechanical constraint of a device wherein the assembled helical belt includes a flexible helical belt having two distinct ends that is further comprised of a plurality of belt teeth affixed on a first planar surface of the helical belt, where at least a subset of the plurality of belt teeth of the flexible helical belt are each pierced by a through hole which extends through the respective belt tooth and where the flexible helical belt is of sufficient length such that, when the flexible helical belt is mounted within the intended mounting space, the flexible helical belt overlaps itself by at least one rotation such that each of the plurality of through holes are transversely aligned with at least one other through hole, and a plurality of transverse compression devices, each of which is fitted through one of the plurality of through holes of the belt teeth, and further through the at least one transversely aligned through hole, wherein each respective transverse compression device creates a compressive force on the flexible helical belt in a direction that is generally transverse to the length of the flexible helical belt, such that the assembled, compressed, flexible helical belt forms a single, continuous, unending drive belt that passes through the mounting space.

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140283984A1
Автор: Zieger Andrew J.

A belt cutting and splicing apparatus is provided for joining together the ends of one or more monolithic conveyor belts. In one form, a belt support is configured to support the belt ends in spaced relation to each other and a non-contact heating device is provided for being disposed between the belt ends to generate thermal radiation for joining the belt ends together. In another form, a drive mechanism is operable to cause relative movement of a pair of platens, for supporting belt ends, toward and away from each other and a heating device between heating and stowed positions. An actuator of the drive mechanism is movable by an operator between at least three operation positions corresponding to three different operation positions of the platens. An on-board belt cutting mechanism is provided for precision cutting of the belt ends using the same apparatus for both belt cutting and splicing operations. 1. A method of cutting and joining together the ends of one or more conveyor belts , the method comprising:supporting one of a pair of conveyor belt ends on one of a pair of adjacent belt supports;driving a cutting device between the belt supports to remove belt material from the one conveyor belt end with the one conveyor belt end supported on the one belt support;guiding the cutting device with the belt supports as the cutting device is driven therebetween;disposing a heating device between the belt supports with the belt ends supported thereon for melting belt material of the belt ends; andmoving one of the conveyor belt ends toward the other conveyor belt end to join the belt ends together.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein supporting the one conveyor belt ends on the one belt support includes disposing drive bars of the one conveyor belt end within grooves of a platen device claim 1 , driving the cutting device includes shifting the cutting device in a longitudinal direction across the lateral width of the supported conveyor belt end to square the end thereof ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180194093A1
Автор: Steinert Thomas

The invention relates to a method of production for attachment by cohesive bonding of a profile having at least one profile element onto a toothed belt previously produced as a semi-finished product. The toothed belt has a tooth side with a toothing and a toothed belt back located on the back of the tooth side of the toothed belt. In the method of production the at least one profile element is built up layer by layer from at least one first profile element layer and a second profile element layer on the toothed belt back, by the application of an application compound to the toothed belt back at a profile element position by melt layer printing. 1. A method of production for attachment by cohesive bonding of a profile having at least one profile element onto a toothed belt previously produced as a semi-finished product and having a tooth side with a toothing and a toothed belt back located on the back of the tooth side of the toothed belt , comprising:building up the at least one profile element layer by layer from at least one first profile element layer and a second profile element layer on the toothed belt back, by the application of an application compound to the toothed belt back at a profile element position by means of melt layer printing.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein building up of the at least one profile element comprises the following steps:providing a melt layer 3D printer having at least one print head,positioning the profile element position of the toothed belt back in a working range of the print head of the melt layer 3D printer,heating at least the profile element position of the toothed belt back to a predetermined application temperature,applying the first profile element layer using melt layer printing from the application compound, after the toothed belt back has reached the predetermined application temperature,starting on the first profile element layer, applying, layer by layer, at least the second profile element layer of the ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190195314A1

A belt and coupler arrangement for a conveyor includes an elongate belt having an elongate web with a first end and a second end, wherein the first end and the second end are thicker than the elongate web; and a coupler having a first elongate recess to receive and enclose the first end, and a second elongate recess to receive and enclose the second end. The belt has a first hole at the first end and a second hole at the second end and the coupler comprises a first pin extending through the first hole and a second pin extending through the second hole when the belt ends are coupled by the coupler. 1. A belt and coupler arrangement for a feederhouse feed conveyor of an agricultural harvester , the arrangement comprising:an elongate belt having an elongate web with a first end and a second end, wherein the first end and the second end are thicker than the elongate web; anda coupler having a first elongate recess to receive and enclose the first end, and a second elongate recess to receive and enclose the second end;wherein the first elongate recess has a first elongate gap defined by first and second lips that are opposed and through which the elongate web extends;wherein the second elongate recess has a second elongate gap defined by third and fourth lips that are opposed and through which the elongate web extends; and a first plate having the first and third lips;', 'a second plate having the second and fourth lips; and', 'at least one threaded fastener fixing the first plate and the second plate together,, 'wherein the coupler further compriseswherein the belt has a first hole at the first end and a second hole at the second end and wherein the coupler comprises a first pin extending through the first hole and a second pin extending through the second hole when the belt ends are coupled by the coupler.2. The belt and coupler arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the first end defines a first upper lobe that extends upward above the web and a first lower lobe that ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200191239A1

A toothed belt for a movable roof element of a vehicle which may have a toothed belt body made of plastic, a coupling element, and an interface of the toothed belt, which interface is formed by the coupling element, for coupling to the movable roof element, wherein—the coupling element and the toothed belt body are coupled to each other in a form fitting manner. 1. A toothed belt for a movable roof element of a vehicle , comprising:a toothed belt body made of plastic,a coupling element, andan interface of the toothed belt, which interface is formed by the coupling element, for coupling to the movable roof element, whereinthe coupling element and the toothed belt body are coupled to each other in a form fitting manner.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , comprising a fused connection which connects the coupling element and the toothed belt body to each other.3. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which a surface of the coupling element has a structured form claim 1 , and the plastic forms a form fit with the structured form.4. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the coupling element has a recess claim 1 , and the plastic reaches through the recess from one side of the coupling element to an opposite side of the coupling element.5. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the interface has a region set back transversely with respect to the longitudinal axis of the toothed belt.6. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the coupling element has a region projecting transversely with respect to the longitudinal axis of the toothed belt body.7. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the coupling element is completely covered by the plastic at least on two opposite sides.8. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the coupling element is metal.9. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the interface is configured for coupling to a roller blind coupling of a roller blind.10. A system for a vehicle roof ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200191240A1
Автор: Chuang Louis

A chain master link tool includes a first lever and a second lever pivotally and releasably coupled together. Each of the first and second levers include a first working portions and a second working portion. The first and second levers are pivotal to an extended position in which the first working portions face oppositely and are disposed apart and cooperatively delimit a connection space therebetween for connection of a master link with a roller chain assembly and the second working portions face oppositely and are disposed apart and cooperatively delimit a removal space therebetween for removal of the master link from the roller chain assembly respectively. 1. A chain master link tool comprising:a first lever and a second lever pivotally and releasably coupled together, wherein each of the first and second levers includes a first working portions and a second working portion, and wherein the first and second levers are pivotal to an extended position in which the first working portions face oppositely and are disposed apart and cooperatively delimit a connection space therebetween for connection of a master link with a roller chain assembly and the second working portions face oppositely and are disposed apart and cooperatively delimit a removal space therebetween for removal of the master link from the roller chain assembly respectively.2. The chain master link tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second levers includes a stopping portion claim 1 , wherein the stopping portion of the first lever is disposed at a height between heights of the first and second working portions of the first lever claim 1 , wherein the stopping portion of the second lever is disposed at a height between heights of the first and second working portions of the second lever claim 1 , and wherein the stopping portions of the first and second levers cooperatively delimit a portion of a boundary of the connection space.3. The chain master link tool as claimed in ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Tensioning Device

Номер: US20170203680A1
Автор: Jay Lawrence Mahaffey
Принадлежит: Pacific States Manufacturing, Inc.

A tensioning device uses two perpendicular gears so that common hand tool such as wrenches or socket wrenches can be used to drive the gears to rotate a barrel having two oppositely threaded apertures. Shafts having complementary threads inserted into the threaded apertures and means for connecting chain, wire rope, cable, or straps will be extended or retracted when tools rotate the driving gear. End effectors on the shafts include hooks or clevises for securing cargo, pads for use as a jack, and ball ends for use as an adjustable mechanical linkage such as the top link of a three-point agricultural hitch. Load locks can secure the threaded shafts from unwanted rotation while in transit or in other service.

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204937A1

An endless conveyor belt loop includes a conveyor belt that has an elongated body and a substantially uniform width. The ends of the conveyor belt each include a splice formation extending across the width of the conveyor belt that are each configured to mate with the other. A thermoplastic connector is thermally engaged between exposed surfaces formed by the splice formation at the ends of the conveyor belt. When the splice formations are aligned, the thermoplastic connector is thermally engaged and continuously interconnected between the ends for conveyor belt to form a seamless end connection. The thermoplastic connector comprises a thermoplastic copolyester elastomer. 1. An endless conveyor belt loop formed by connecting ends of a fabric belt , said endless conveyor belt loop comprising:a single fabric conveyor belt having a fabric carcass and a layer of polymer disposed over an upper portion of the fabric carcass;wherein opposing ends of the conveyor belt each include a finger splice formation that is defined by a cut edge having exposed woven filaments of the fabric carcass; anda thermoplastic connector thermally engaged between the opposing ends of the conveyor belt, wherein the thermoplastic connector is impregnated into the exposed woven filaments of the fabric carcass of each opposing end and has a thickness substantially equal to the conveyor belt to form a seamless end connection, and wherein the thermoplastic connector comprises a thermoplastic copolyester elastomer.2. The endless conveyor belt loop of claim 1 , wherein the layer of polymer disposed over the fabric carcass comprises a thermoplastic elastomer claim 1 , such that claim 1 , upon heating the thermoplastic connector to form the seamless end connection claim 1 , the layer of polymer flows into the thermoplastic connector.3. The endless conveyor belt loop of claim 1 , wherein the cut edges of the finger splice formations extend generally perpendicularly between upper and lower surfaces of the ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202516A1
Автор: LAUER Swen

What is described is a portable multifunctional tool having a handle portion and a tool accommodating portion having a tool function element arranged thereon configured to actuate a quick release chain fastener having two chain link plates and two chain link plate connection members. The tool function element has a first force exertion unit configured to exert a force on the first chain link plate connection member of the quick release chain fastener, and a second force exertion unit configured to exert a force on the second chain link plate connection member of the quick release chain fastener. The first force exertion unit and the second force exertion unit are translationally movable in relation to each other so as to actuate the quick release chain fastener by means of said translational movement. Moreover, the tool function element has a linear guide having a stationary first linear guide element and a second linear guide element movably arranged within the former, only one of the two force exertion units being arranged on the second linear guide element. 1. A portable multifunctional tool comprisinga handle portion and a tool accommodating portion having at least one tool function element arranged thereon,the tool function element being configured to actuate a quick release chain fastener comprising two chain link plates and two chain link plate connection members, and the tool function element comprising:a first force exertion unit configured to exert a force on the first chain link plate connection member of the quick release chain fastener, anda second force exertion unit configured to exert a force on the second chain link plate connection member of the quick release chain fastener,the first force exertion unit and the second force exertion unit being translationally moveable in relation to each other so as to actuate the quick release chain fastener by means of this translational movement, andthe tool function element comprising a linear guide comprising ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Timing Belt with a Belt Lock

Номер: US20160215852A1

The application describes and illustrates a timing belt, particularly a toothed belt, having a first end, a second end, a rear side, a front side, and having a plurality of teeth arranged on the rear side and/or the front side, wherein the first end has at least one cutaway, wherein the second end has at least one tine that is insertable into the cutaway, and wherein the first end and the second end are detachably connectable to each other and the teeth of the first end have an offset relative to the teeth of the second end in the connected condition under no tension. 1. A timing belt , particularly a toothed belt , having a first end , a second end , a rear side , a front side) , and having a plurality of teeth arranged on the rear side and/or the front side , wherein the first end has at least one cutaway , wherein the second end has at least one tine that is insertable into the cutaway , and wherein the first end and the second end are detachably connectable to each other by connecting means ,wherein,in a connected condition under no tension the teeth of the first end have an offset relative to the teeth of the second end.2. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the offset has a length between 0.1 mm and 1.5 mm.3. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the timing belt has back panels and/or inserts as connecting means.4. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tines have recesses on the rear side thereof for accommodating the back panels.5. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tines have grooves on the front side thereof for accommodating the inserts.6. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the grooves and/or recesses are arranged eccentrically relative to the teeth in a longitudinal direction of the belt.7. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tines of the first end and/or the second end have through holes which extend from the rear side to the front side of the belt.8. The timing belt according to ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210239182A1
Автор: TAVERNIER Bernard

A junction device for connecting two ends of at least one longitudinal conveyor belt includes at least a first junction plate and a second junction plate which are configured to each cover a distinct side of the ends of the conveyor belt, a fastening device for fastening said junction plates together, and a removable spacer which is suited to be interposed between the wings of the first pair of wings formed by the junction plates, such that the centring hole of the spacer is offset from the junction plane, to free the space delimited between the second pair of wings. 1. A junction device for connecting two ends of at least one longitudinal conveyor belt , the junction device comprising at least:a first junction plate and a second junction plate which are configured to each cover a distinct side of the ends of the conveyor belt such that said conveyor belt is interposed vertically between the two junction plates, said junction plates forming a first pair of wings which is suited to pinch a first end of the conveyor belt and a second pair of wings which is suited to pinch a second end of the conveyor belt, the first pair of wings and the second pair of wings being laid out on either side of a junction plane, the junction plane extending transversally to the centre of the assembly formed by the first junction plate and the second junction plate,a fastening device for fastening said junction plates together, anda removable spacer which is configured to be interposed vertically between the first junction plate and the second junction plate to move apart said plates, and which delimits a centring hole laid out to be traversed by a linking element which fastens the spacer onto the junction plates,wherein the spacer is suited to be interposed between the wings of the first pair of wings, such that the centring hole of the spacer is offset from the junction plane, to free the space delimited between the second pair of wings, the spacer having a stop face which is laid out ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150226286A1
Принадлежит: Maxi-Lift, Inc.

A device for splicing two belt ends together, the device comprising a first outer clamping plate, a second outer clamping plate and a central plate disposed between the first and second clamping plates. Each of the first and second clamping plates includes inwardly facing surfaces oriented toward the central plate. Gripping surfaces of the devices are improved. A first gripping region is disposed on the inwardly facing surfaces of the first and second clamping plates, the first gripping region having a plurality of rows of slotted teeth. A second gripping region is disposed on the inwardly facing surfaces of the first and second clamping plates and has a plurality of spaced apart elongated recesses positioned parallel to a long axis of the first and second clamping plates. A wedge member, to accommodate difference size and shape belts, is removably coupled to an end of the central plate. 1. A device for splicing two belts together , the device comprising:a first clamping plate, a second clamping plate and a central plate disposed between the first and second clamping plates, each of the first and second clamping plates including inwardly facing surfaces oriented towards the central plate;a first gripping region disposed on the inwardly facing surfaces, the first gripping region having a plurality of rows of slotted teeth;a second gripping region disposed on the inwardly facing surfaces, the second gripping region having a plurality of spaced apart elongated recesses positioned parallel to a long axis of the first and second clamping plates; anda wedge member removably coupled to an end of the central plate, the wedge secured to the end of the central plate by at least one locking mechanism extending through the wedge member and into the end of the central plate.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device further comprises bolts securing the first clamping plate claim 1 , second clamping plate and central plate in a fixed position.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223951A1

A belting connection for attaching a first end and a second end of belting. The belting has a thickness. The belting connection mechanism includes a first stepped region, a second stepped region and a first fastener. The first stepped region is proximate the first end. The first stepped region has a first aperture formed therein. The first stepped region has a first thickness. The second stepped region is proximate the second end. The second stepped region has a second aperture formed therein. The second stepped region has a second thickness. The first fastener extends through the first aperture and the second aperture to attach the first end to the second end. The first stepped region at least partially overlaps the second stepped region when the first end is attached to the second end. When the first end is attached to the second end, the first stepped region and the second stepped region have a combined thickness that is no greater than the thickness of the belting. 1. A belting connection in attaching a first end and a second end of belting , wherein the belting has a thickness and wherein the belting connection mechanism comprises:a first stepped region proximate the first end, wherein the first stepped region has a first aperture formed therein and wherein the first stepped region has a first thickness;a second stepped region proximate the second end, wherein the second stepped region has a second aperture formed therein and wherein the second stepped region has a second thickness; anda first fastener that extends through the first aperture and the second aperture to attach the first end to the second end, wherein the first stepped region at least partially overlaps the second stepped region when the first end is attached to the second end and wherein when the first end is attached to the second end, the first stepped region and the second stepped region have a combined thickness that is no greater than the thickness of the belting.2. The belting connection ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170241511A1
Автор: Jakob Horst
Принадлежит: ASER

A device for linking a conveyor belt includes an upper plate and a lower plate. The upper plate includes a highly extendable armature and the lower plate includes an inextensible or quasi inextensible armature. The two plates can be fastened onto the ends of a conveyor belt inserted between the two plates, which as such transforms this conveyor belt into an endless belt. 1. A device for linking conveyor belts comprising:an upper plate and a lower plate, each of the upper and lower plate made of at least one of an elastomer and a synthetic material, the upper and lower plates comprising armatures,wherein the upper plate is arranged against outer faces of ends of the conveyor belts; andthe lower plate is arranged against inner faces of the ends of the conveyor belts, wherein the armatures have properties of extendability and of compressibility, in a horizontal direction, differ, according to their arrangement in the device for linking,and in that an extendability limit of the armatures under an effect of forces of traction is not reached before, under an effect of equivalent forces of traction, a rupture of the armatures occurs.2. The device for linking according to claim 1 , whereinthe armatures are at least one of inextensible and quasi inextensible and are selected from the group consisting of a weaving of at least one of inextensible and quasi inextensible metal cables, of at least one of inextensible and quasi inextensible wires, and of at least one of inextensible and quasi inextensible filaments made of synthetic material.3. The device for linking according to claim 2 , whereinedges of the weaving used for making the armatures are arranged perpendicularly to a direction of travel of the conveyor belt, with the device for linking being mounted on the conveyor belt.4. The device for linking according to claim 1 , wherein the extendability of the armatures range up to about 20%.5. The device for linking according to claim 1 , whereinthe armature of the upper plate ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190234485A1
Принадлежит: Cambridge International, Inc.

A splice system for a conveyor belt system includes a plurality of spaced tractive rods; a plurality of rows of flat wire pickets transversely disposed with respect to a direction of travel and interconnecting the plurality of spaced tractive rods, wherein at least one of the rows of flat wire pickets includes an outer edge link on each end thereof, the outer edge link including a reverse-turn closed edge on an outer side thereof; and wherein movement of at least one of the plurality of rods is restricted by the reverse-turn closed edge on the outer edge link. 1. A conveyor belt comprising:a plurality of spaced tractive rods;a plurality of rows of flat wire pickets transversely disposed with respect to a direction of travel and interconnecting said plurality of spaced tractive rods,wherein at least one of said rows of flat wire pickets includes an outer edge link on each end thereof, said outer edge link including a reverse-turn closed edge on an outer side thereof; andwherein movement of at least one of said plurality of rods is restricted by the reverse-turn closed edge on said outer edge link.2. The conveyor belt according to claim 1 , wherein the reverse-turn closed edge includes an outwardly projecting segment extending parallel to the at least one rod claim 1 , a stop segment substantially perpendicular to the outwardly projecting segment claim 1 , an inwardly projecting segment extending substantially parallel to the at least one rod and extending from the stop segment to the outer side of the outer edge link.3. The conveyor belt according to claim 2 , wherein the reverse-turn closed edge further includes a terminal segment adjacent the outer side of the outer edge link.4. The conveyor belt according to claim 3 , wherein the reverse-turn closed edge further includes a first opening in the terminal segment and a second opening in the stop segment.5. A conveyor belt for conveying product in a direction of travel claim 3 , said conveyor belt comprising:a ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Conveyor Belt and Agricultural Harvester with a Conveyor Belt

Номер: US20170245437A1

A conveyor belt has one or more conveyor belt segments made of an elastomeric material layer and a reinforcement layer of steel ropes disposed in the elastomeric material layer and oriented in a longitudinal direction of the conveyor belt segment. The conveyor belt segments each have a first segment end provided with a first transverse lock bar and a second segment end provided with a second transverse lock bar, wherein ends of the steel ropes are locked frictionally or with form fit in the first and second transverse lock bars, respectively. One or more detachable closure members couple the first and second transverse lock bars of a single one or of adjacently positioned ones of the conveyor belt segments to each other in a rigid correlation relative to each other. 118-. (canceled)19. A conveyor belt comprising:one or more conveyor belt segments comprising an elastomeric material layer and a reinforcement layer of steel ropes disposed in the elastomeric material layer and arranged so as to be oriented in a longitudinal direction of the at least one conveyor belt segment, wherein the conveyor belt segments each have a first segment end provided with a first transverse lock bar and a second segment end provided with a second transverse lock bar, wherein ends of the steel ropes are locked frictionally or with form fit in the first and second transverse lock bars, respectively;one or more detachable closure members coupling the first and second transverse lock bars of a single one or of adjacently positioned ones of the conveyor belt segments to each other in a rigid correlation relative to each other.20. The conveyor belt according to claim 19 , wherein the detachable closure member at least partially encloses the first and second transverse lock bars claim 19 , respectively.21. The conveyor belt according to claim 19 , wherein the detachable closure member is formed of at least two sections connectable to each other by fastening means.22. The conveyor belt according ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170247189A1

A belt and belt connector is provided for forming a continuous belt loop. The belt connector includes a first element insertable into a first end of the belt and a second element insertable into a second end of the belt. The first element may include exterior threads for positively engaging the interior of the belt. Additionally, the belt connector may include a connecting link that connects the first and second elements so that the first and second elements are pivotable relative to one another. Additionally, the connecting link may be configured to that the first element is pivotable relative to the connecting link about a first pivot axis and the connecting link may be pivotable relative to the second element about a second pivot axis that is transverse the first pivot axis. 1. An endless belt , comprising:an elongated length of belt material having a first end having an opening and a second end having and opening; and a first connector having an exterior surface configured to cooperate with an interior surface of the first end opening;', 'a second connector having an exterior surface configured to cooperate with an interior surface of the second end opening; and', 'a connecting link connecting the first connector with the second connector;', 'wherein the connecting link is pivotable relative to the first connector about a first axis and the connecting link is pivotable relative to the second connector about a second axis that is transverse the first axis., 'a belt connector configured to connect the first end of belt material with the second end of the belt material to create a continuous loop, wherein the connector comprises2. The endless belt of wherein the exterior surface of the first connector comprises exterior threads configured to positively engage an interior wall of the elongated length of belt.3. The endless belt of wherein the exterior threads comprise self-tapping threads.4. The endless belt of wherein the exterior surface of the second connector ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Flat Belt, Belt Mechanism, Belt Lifting Mechanism, Attachment Method, and Method for Manufacturing Flat Belt

Номер: US20170248208A1
Автор: Tamura Eiki

The present invention relates to a flat belt () that is an open end belt to be fixed to a coupler (), in which the flat belt () contains, formed on both end portions () of at least one surface of the flat belt (), a plurality of projected portions () engageable with a plurality of recessed portions () formed on the coupler (). 1. A flat belt that is an open end belt to be fixed to a coupler ,wherein the flat belt comprises, formed on both end portions of at least one surface of the flat belt, a plurality of projected portions engageable with a plurality of recessed portions formed on the coupler.2. The flat belt according to claim 1 , a flat belt main body portion, and', 'the plurality of projected portions provided on the both end portions of at least one surface of the belt main body portion,, 'wherein the flat belt compriseswherein the belt main body portion is formed of a thermoplastic urethane, and contains a tension member embedded in a circumferential direction.3. The flat belt according to claim 1 , a flat belt main body portion, and', 'the plurality of projected portions provided on the both end portions of at least one surface of the belt main body portion,, 'wherein the flat belt compriseswherein the projected portions are formed of the same material as the belt main body portion.4. A belt mechanism that is to be wound between a flat pulley and a toothed pulley provided with a plurality of tooth portions on the outer circumference thereof claim 1 ,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the belt mechanism comprises one flat belt described in , other n−1 (here, n is an integer of 2 or more) open end belts and n couplers, and'}wherein one end of the flat belt is engaged with one end of a first coupler, one end of a first other open end belt is engaged with the other end of the first coupler, sequentially, one end of a n−1st other open end belt is engaged with the other end of a n−1st coupler, the other end of the n−1st other open end belt ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190242455A1
Автор: KOVALCHUK Volodymyr

A connector for conveyor belts includes, installed on both sides of a conveyor belt, a pair of plates having protrusions on the inner surface thereof, which are tightened by a bolt and nut and by a removable elastic ring capable of being secured on the body of the bolt. In the present embodiment, one plate is provided with a polygonal through-hole having a mounting seat for the head of the bolt, which bolt has a securing portion below the head thereof, the securing portion corresponding to the polygonal hole, and the other plate is provided with a mounting seat for the nut, which nut is carried out with a slot on an end thereof. In certain embodiments, the bolt head is flat, the bolt shank is conical, and the nut is hexagonal. The plates may have through-holes disposed between the protrusions on the inner surfaces of the plates. 1. A connector for conveyor belts , including a pair of plates mounted on both sides of the conveyor belt , each of which has protrusions on the inner surface of the plates , tightened with a bolt and nut , characterized in that a through-hole polygonal hole with a socket for the bolt head the bolt under the head has a fixing part , made corresponding to a through polygonal hole , the other plate has a mounting seat under the nut , which is made with a slot on the end and additionally includes there is a removable elastic ring made with the possibility of its fixation on the body of the bolt.2. Connector for conveyor belts according to claim 1 , characterized in that the through hole with a landing slot for the bolt head is made quadrangular.3. Connector for conveyor belts according to claim 1 , characterized in that the bolt head is made flat.4. Connector for conveyor belts according to claim 1 , characterized in that the shank of the bolt is tapered.5. Connector for conveyor belts according to claim 1 , characterized in that the plates additionally have through holes located between the protrusions.6. Connector for conveyor according to ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180259036A1

A method for manufacturing a tension member, in particular for use in a belt or in a belt segment, having the steps of: preparing a tension member which has a plurality of tension member strands and filling at least some of the intermediate spaces between the tension member strands with a filling material at least at one open end of the tension member, wherein the tension member remains free of the filling material toward the outside. 1. A method for making a tension member , the method comprising the steps of:preparing a tension member which has a plurality of tension member strands defining intermediate spaces between the tension member strands; and,filling at least some of the intermediate spaces with a filling material at least at an open end of the tension member, wherein the tension member remains free of the filling material toward the outside.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filling material is an elastic but incompressible material.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the filling material is an elastomer material.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the filling material is a polyurethane.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the tension member has an open end and defines a longitudinal direction (X); and,the intermediate spaces, only at the open end of the tension member, are, at least partially as far in the longitudinal direction (X) as the open end is, to be used for connecting by clamping, filled with the filling material.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein all the intermediate spaces of the tension member strands are completely filled with the filling material.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tension member is a steel cable.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tension member is for a belt or a belt segment.9. A belt or belt segment defining a longitudinal direction claim 1 , the belt or belt segment comprising:at least one tension member which runs essentially in the longitudinal direction;said at least one tension member having a plurality of ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210332870A1

In accordance with one aspect of the present disclosure, a fastener is provided for securing to an end of a conveyor belt having cables. The fastener comprises a crimp configured to be fixed to a conveyor belt cable and a connector. The connector has a unitary, one-piece fastener body with an upper portion for being disposed adjacent an upper surface of the conveyor belt end and a lower portion for being disposed adjacent a lower surface of the conveyor belt end. The upper and lower portions are spaced apart to receive the crimp therebetween and permit the conveyor belt cable to extend in an outboard direction between the upper and lower portions. The connector includes a stop arranged to block inboard movement of the crimp and the conveyor belt cable fixed thereto. 1. (canceled)2. A fastener for being secured to an end of a conveyor belt having cables , the fastener comprising:a tubular member to be secured to an end portion of a conveyor belt cable;a connector having a unitary, one-piece fastener body distinct from the tubular member, the fastener body having an upper portion for being disposed adjacent an upper surface of the conveyor belt end and a lower portion for being disposed adjacent a lower surface of the conveyor belt end;the upper and lower portions of the fastener body spaced apart to receive the tubular member therebetween and permit the conveyor belt cable to extend in an outboard direction from the conveyor belt end between the upper and lower portions; anda stop of the connector configured to abut the tubular member, the stop arranged to block inboard movement of the tubular member and the conveyor belt cable end portion relative to the connector.3. The fastener of wherein the stop includes a stop body distinct from the fastener body.4. The fastener of wherein the upper and lower portions of the fastener body and the stop body include at least one mating projection and recess that engage to resist movement of the stop body relative to the fastener ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Mobile Waterstop Welding Apparatus

Номер: US20160281350A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A mobile waterstop welding apparatus includes a first and second support member for supporting a first and second waterstop section, respectively. The second support member is movable between a loading configuration, a heating configuration, and a welding configuration. In the loading configuration, the first and second support members are spaced apart so that the first and second waterstop sections may be loaded onto the first and second support members. In the heating configuration, the first and second support members are spaced apart so that a heating iron may be placed in-between respective welding ends of the first and second waterstop sections. In the welding configuration, the first and second support members are moved towards each other so as to weld the first and second waterstop sections together at their respective welding ends. During the welding process, a spring assembly may urge the first and second support members towards each other.

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Method and Device for Splicing a Conveyor Belt

Номер: US20180274628A1
Принадлежит: Individual

THIS invention relates to a method and device for splicing a conveyor belt. More specifically, the invention relates to a mechanical splicing device and a method of installing such splice device onto one or more lengths (10, 12) of belting to form a conveyor belt for conveying material. The device includes at least one first clamping plate (60), at one second clamping plate (80) and a plurality of self-drilling bolts (200). The first clamping plate (60) is made from a flexible polymeric material having a plurality of washers (68) each located on the first clamping plate (60) such that a hole (92) defined by a respective washer (68) is aligned with one of a plurality of holes (92) defined in the first clamping plate (60). The second clamping plate (80) is made from a flexible polymeric material and have a plurality of nuts (88), each located on the second clamping plate (80) such that a threaded hole (90) defined by a respective nut (88) is aligned with one of a plurality of holes (92) defined In the second clamping plate (80). The self-drilling bolts (200) are sized and shaped to pass through the holes (72) defined by the first clamping plate (60) and washers (68) located thereon, and to threadably engage the threaded holes (90) of the nuts (88) located on the second clamping plate (80). In use, with overlapping ends of belting lengths (10, 12) to be spliced sandwiched between the first and second clamping plates (60, 80), the self-drilling bolts (200) are drillable through the first clamping plate (60), through the overlapping belting ends (14,16) and into threaded engagement with aligned holes in the second clamping plate (80) thereby to damp the overlapping belting ends (14,16) between the first and second damping plates so as to splice such ends to one another.

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190270592A1
Автор: LEGRESY Jean-Marc

Disclosed is a method for manufacturing an endless belt, of the flat type made of metal material, designed to be wound around at least one indexed pulley provided with teeth. The endless belt includes, for the one part, locations which are each designed to receive a product to be conveyed and, for the other part, indexing perforations. The manufacturing method includes the following successive steps: a) a step of supplying a flat band made of the metal material, b) a step of closing the band by welding of the transverse edges thereof via a weld seam, and c) a step of perforating the weld seam, at the at least one longitudinal indexing line, in order to form at least one additional indexing perforation that is also designed to engage with the teeth of the at least one indexed pulley. 112-. (canceled)132333. A method for manufacturing an endless belt () , of the flat type and made of metallic material , adapted to be rolled about at least one indexed pulley () provided with teeth () ,{'b': 2', '22, 'wherein said endless belt () is delimited by two longitudinal edges (),'}{'b': 2', '23', '5', '26, 'wherein said endless belt () includes both places () that are each adapted to receive a product to be conveyed, for example a metal lid () intended to be crimped onto a metal can body, advantageously an easy-opening lid, as well as indexing perforations (),'}{'b': 26', '26', '22', '33', '3, 'wherein said indexing perforations () are distributed along at least one longitudinal indexing line (′) extending parallel to said longitudinal edges (), to receive the teeth () carried by said at least one indexed pulley (),'}wherein said manufacturing method comprises the following successive steps:{'b': 7', '7', '71', '72, 'a) a step of providing a flat strip (), made of said metallic material, wherein said strip () has a parallelogram-shaped contour that is delimited by two longitudinal edges () and by two transverse edges (),'}{'b': 7', '72', '28', '2, 'b) a step of closing said ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Method For Attaching A Connector Element To A Belt End Of A Conveyor Belt

Номер: US20180283494A1
Автор: Herold Wolfgang
Принадлежит: MATO GmbH & Co. KG

A method for attaching a connector element to a belt end of a conveyor belt, wherein the connector element has a base tier and an adhesive tier which is disposed on one side of the base tier and produces adhesive under the effect of heat, the base tier in a central region being provided with passages, includes (i) disposing the connector element on the belt end, wherein the connector element positioned in a U-shaped deflection is disposed on averted sides of the belt and on one end side of the belt, wherein the passages are positioned in the region of the U-shaped deflection of the connector element, and the adhesive tier is disposed on the belt so as to face the averted sides of the belt (1); and (ii) connecting the connector element to the belt in the region of the averted sides of the belt, wherein the connector element is adhesively bonded to the belt under the effect of a heated pressing installation that is disposed on both sides of the belt. 1. A method for attaching a connector element to a belt end of a conveyor belt , wherein the connector element has a base tier and an adhesive tier disposed on one side of the base tier and configured to produce adhesive under the effect of heat , the base tier in a central region being provided with passages , comprising:(i) disposing the connector element on the belt end, wherein the connector element is positioned in a U-shaped deflection and is disposed on averted sides of the belt and on one end side of the belt, wherein the passages are positioned in the region of the U-shaped deflection of the connector element and the adhesive tier is disposed on the belt so as to face the averted sides of said belt; and(ii) connecting the connector element to the belt in the region of the averted sides of the belt, wherein the connector element is adhesively bonded to the belt under the effect of a heated pressing installation that is disposed on both sides of the belt.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the connection ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150298407A1
Автор: MATSUDAIRA Nobuhide

A method for manufacturing an endless belt includes: coating a depression that is formed between both belt longitudinal ends of surface rubber of a belt and to which an adhesion processing material is attached, with at least one layer of unvulcanized rubber sheet; and vulcanizing the unvulcanized rubber sheet to bond the unvulcanized rubber sheet to the surface rubber, in which A is less than B, where A is a belt longitudinal distance between a belt longitudinal edge of an interface of the unvulcanized rubber sheet and the adhesion processing material and a belt longitudinal edge of the depression, and B is a belt longitudinal distance between a belt longitudinal edge of an area to which the adhesion processing material is attached and the belt longitudinal edge of the depression. 1. A method for manufacturing an endless belt comprising:coating a depression that is formed between both belt longitudinal ends of surface rubber of a belt and to which an adhesion processing material is attached, with at least one layer of unvulcanized rubber sheet; andvulcanizing the unvulcanized rubber sheet to bond the unvulcanized rubber sheet to the surface rubber,wherein A is less than B, where A is a belt longitudinal distance between a belt longitudinal edge of an interface of the unvulcanized rubber sheet and the adhesion processing material and a belt longitudinal edge of the depression, and B is a belt longitudinal distance between a belt longitudinal edge of an area to which the adhesion processing material is attached and the belt longitudinal edge of the depression.2. The method for manufacturing the endless belt according to claim 1 , comprisingperforming adhesion improvement processing on the belt longitudinal ends of the surface rubber before the unvulcanized rubber sheet is coated with,wherein A is less than B, and B is less than C, where C is a belt longitudinal distance between a belt longitudinal edge of an area subjected to the adhesion improvement processing and ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации

Band-shaped belt, endless belt, and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20200283232A1
Принадлежит: Nitta Corp

An endless belt includes a band-shaped belt main body made of a vulcanized rubber, and a coupling part that is made of a thermoplastic resin and is provided between both end parts of the belt main body, wherein the vulcanized rubber of the both end parts of the belt main body and the thermoplastic resin of the coupling part are chemically bonded to each other.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160305506A1

An anchor point for a lever binder is disclosed herein. The anchor point includes a collar. The anchor point also includes a cap including a base and at least one arm. The collar and the cap cooperate to form an aperture for receiving a handle of a lever binder. 1. An anchor point for a lever binder comprising:a collar; anda cap including a base and at least one arm, wherein the collar and the cap cooperate to form an aperture for receiving a handle of a lever binder.2. The anchor point of wherein the aperture is non-circular.3. The anchor point of wherein the collar and the cap are releasibly engaged with one another.4. The anchor point of wherein the at least one arm is further defined as first and second arms.5. The anchor point of wherein the at least one arm is further defined as first and second arms.6. The anchor point of wherein the first and second arms extend along a center axis of the aperture.7. The anchor point of wherein the aperture is centered on an axis and the at least one arm is positioned a radial distance outward of the aperture relative to the axis.8. The anchor point of wherein the radial distance is further defined as between substantially fourteen and forty-two millimeters.9. A kit for forming an anchor point on a lever binder comprising:a collar;a cap including a base and at least one arm, wherein the collar and the cap cooperate to form a handle aperture for receiving a handle of a lever binder;at least one threaded aperture extending through one of the collar and the cap, wherein the at least one threaded aperture extends to the handle aperture; andat least one set screw threadingly engageable with the at least one threaded aperture.10. The kit of wherein the at least one threaded aperture is further defined as extending through the collar.11. The kit of further comprising:at least one friction surface exposed in the handle aperture.12. The kit of further comprising:at least one wedge positioned in the handle aperture.13. The kit of ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200284318A1
Автор: BAE Kwang Ho

The present invention provides a belt member comprising: a tubular body; and a belt member unit comprising #1 protrusion area located at #1 predetermined position of the body, where by inserting and placing each protrusion area of layer #2 belt member in each opening of layer #1 belt member, the layer #1 belt member and the layer #2 belt member can be prevented from falling out. 1. A belt member comprising:a tubular body; and#1 protrusion area located at #1 predetermined position of the body.2. The belt member of claim 1 , whereinthe cross-section of the body is circular or elliptical.3. The belt member of claim 1 , whereinthe #1 predetermined position is the top surface or bottom surface of the body.4. The belt member of claim 1 , wherein#2 protrusion area located at #2 predetermined position of the body is included; andthe #1 predetermined position conforms the bottom surface of the body, and the #2 predetermined position conforms the top surface of the body.5. A belt member comprising layer #1 belt member; and layer #2 belt member stacked above the layer #1 belt member claim 1 , wherein:the layer #1 belt member comprises layer #1 belt member #1 unit and layer #1 belt member #2 unit; and the layer #2 belt member comprises layer #2 belt member #1 unit and layer #2 belt member #2 unit;together with #1 space conformed by the assembly of the layer #1 belt member #1 unit and the layer #1 belt member #2 unit;{'b': '1', 'the layer #2 belt member #1 unit comprises #1-1 protrusion area located at #1- predetermined position of #1-1 body; layer #2 belt member #2 unit comprises #1-2 protrusion area located at #1-2 predetermined position of #1-2 body; and'}the #1-1 or #1-2 protrusion area is inserted to the #1 space.6. The belt member of claim 5 , whereinthe #1 space is located above the #1 belt member; andthe #1-1 predetermined position is the bottom surface of the #1-1 body, and the #1-2 predetermined position is the bottom surface of the #1-2 body.7. A belt member ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180297820A1

The present disclosure relates to a belt or a belt segment having steel cables that run substantially in the longitudinal direction of the belt or belt segment and are disposed so as to be substantially mutually parallel, wherein the belt or the belt segment has at least one open end having a fastening device which via clamping is connected to at least one part of the steel cables. The belt or the belt segment is characterized by at least one measuring installation which is configured to detect a spacing (d) in the longitudinal direction (X) between the belt or the belt segment and the fastening device. 1. A belt or belt segment comprising:a plurality of steel cables;a belt body or belt segment body defining a longitudinal direction (X);said steel cables running substantially in the longitudinal direction (X) and being disposed so as to be substantially mutually parallel;said belt body or belt segment body having an open end;a fastening device disposed at said open end and connected to at least one part of said plurality of steel cables via clamping; and,at least one measuring installation configured to detect a spacing (d) in the longitudinal direction (X) between said belt body or belt segment body and said fastening device.2. The belt or belt segment of claim 1 , wherein said measuring installation includes at least one sensor unit disposed on said fastening device and at least one sensor counter piece which is disposed on said belt body or belt segment body or vice versa.3. The belt or belt segment of claim 2 , wherein said sensor unit is an electrically measuring sensor claim 2 , and said sensor counter piece is an electrically conductive body.4. The belt or belt segment of claim 3 , wherein said electrically measuring sensor is an eddy current sensor.5. The belt or belt segment of claim 3 , wherein said electrically conductive body is a metallic body.6. The belt or belt segment of claim 2 , wherein said sensor unit is a tactile sensor and the sensor counter ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292018A1

A drive belt segment () for forming a drive belt (), in particular an endless drive belt () configured to be employed in a people conveyor (), has two opposing ends and extends in a longitudinal direction between the two opposing ends. Each end is provided with a connector () which is configured for being connected to a corresponding connector () of the same or another drive belt segment () for forming an endless drive belt (). 12220201. Drive belt segment () for forming a drive belt () , in particular an endless drive belt () configured to be employed in a people conveyor () ,{'b': '22', 'the drive belt segment () having two opposing ends and extending in a longitudinal direction between the two opposing ends,'}{'b': 30', '30', '22, 'wherein each end is provided with a connector () configured for being connected to a corresponding connector () of the same or another drive belt segment ().'}222413030. Drive belt segment () according to comprising at least one cord () extending in the longitudinal direction and being mechanically connected with at least one of the connectors () claim 1 , in particular with both connectors ().3225241. Drive belt segment () according to claim 2 , wherein a sleeve () is mounted to at least one end of the at least one cord ().4224122. Drive belt segment () according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one cord () extends linearly between the two opposing ends of the drive belt segment ().522413030. Drive belt segment () according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one cord () extends through the at least one connector () claim 2 , in particular forming a loop extending at least partially through the at least one connector ().622413022. Drive belt segment () according to claim 5 , wherein the at least one cord () extends multiply through at least one of the connectors () claim 5 , in particular forming a plurality of loops within the drive belt segment ().7224125. Drive belt segment () according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one cord () ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160312406A1
Автор: Manninen Allan R.

Non-woven double layer industrial textiles comprising a plurality of interconnected selectively slit and profiled panels formed from suitable sheet or film materials. Each panel includes two fold regions at each end. Each fold region has an array of slots and strips which form hem loops and hem loop-receiving openings by folding each region beneath and toward the panel body. The panel further includes two seam regions at a central portion of the panel, which when folded, provide seam loops and seam loop receiving openings. Outside free edges of the end fold regions are returned and sealed interior to the double layer so as to avoid fraying of free ends. Each seam region of the folded panel is interconnectable with the corresponding seam region of adjacent similar folded panels by means of a seam connecting member. Additional panels composed of heat- or wear-resistant material can be connected to lateral outside edges of panels forming the textile. 2. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of protrusions are arranged in a series of columns parallel to each column of seam loop strips and seam slots.3. (canceled)4. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein each protrusion includes at least one lateral aperture.5. (canceled)6. The panel according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one lateral aperture provides a flow path for fluid and/or air to pass between the outer surface and the inner surface of the panel.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein each hem slot is dimensioned to receive at least one of the protrusions.11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. The panel according to claim 1 , wherein in the folded panel claim 1 , each fold region is folded into a U-shape claim 1 , and the fold regions are secured together by at least one of:a) a hem connecting member placed in a hem channel formed by the interconnected fold regions; andb) each edge region is secured to the inner surface of the opposite end body region.14. ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170312662A1
Принадлежит: Z-FILTER PTY LTD

An endless elongate structure adapted to circulate around a path. The endless elongate structure comprises a central longitudinal portion and two lateral longitudinal portions on opposed sides of the central longitudinal portion for supporting the central longitudinal portion therebetween. The central longitudinal portion and two lateral longitudinal portions are connected together by joiners. The central longitudinal portion is adapted to be assembled into a movable tubular formation which is adapted to be continuously assembled at one end thereof and continuously disassembled at another end thereof during movement of the elongate structure along the path. The central longitudinal portion has two longitudinal edge sections adapted to be releasably connected together for assembling the tubular formation by a slidably interlocking connector. The slidably interlocking connector is integrated with the two longitudinal edge sections by joiners. 150-. (canceled)51. An elongate structure movable along a path , the elongate structure having a central longitudinal portion , two lateral longitudinal portions on opposed sides of the central longitudinal portion for supporting the central longitudinal portion therebetween , and a joiner providing a connection between flexible material comprising the central longitudinal portion and one of the lateral longitudinal portions , the joiner comprising first and second joiner portions between which an associated portion of the flexible material is received and clamped , said one lateral longitudinal portion comprising an elongate body having two opposed marginal edge sections , one marginal edge section being configured as the joiner and the other marginal edge section being configured as a guide portion for guiding movement of the elongate structure along a path , the guide portion having two opposed sides for guiding movement of the elongate structure along the path , each opposed side comprising a plurality of guide ribs.52. The ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Infinity Shape Coils for Industrial Fabrics

Номер: US20200299899A1
Принадлежит: Albany International Corp.

An industrial fabric/belt including spiral coils shaped as a symbol for infinity or a lemniscate, i.e., infinity elements, are joined to each other with a pintle. A fabric element is configured as a continuous loop to form an industrial fabric employing a plurality of infinity coil elements. 1. A coil comprising:at least one infinity coil element comprising a first loop, a second loop, and an intersection region wherein the first loop intersects with the second loop, each of the first loops having an axis collinear with the axes of each of the other first loops and each of the second loops having an axis collinear with the axes of each of the other second loops;wherein, when viewed parallel to an axis of the first or second loop, each of the first loops and second loops form a closed curve with a respective open interior portion; andwherein the coil is formed from material selected from the group consisting of: a monofilament, twisted multifilaments, and metal wire.2. The coil of claim 1 , wherein the first loop and second loop forms at least two closed curves.3. A coil comprising:a coil axis;an axial length parallel to the coil axis;a width perpendicular to the axial length;a continuous strand of material formed into a continuous helical plurality of infinity coil elements, each of the plurality of infinity coil elements comprising at least a first loop and a second loop;wherein, the axes of the at least first loops are collinear with one another and the axes of the second loops are collinear with one another such that, when viewed parallel to the coil axis, each of the plurality of loops appears to form a closed curve with an open interior portion; andwherein the coil is formed from monofilament, twisted multifilaments, or metal wire.4. The coil of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of infinity coil elements is continuous along the length of the coil axis.5. The coil of claim 3 , wherein the coil is coated.6. The coil of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of coils are ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180312337A1

A patch material for repairing a damaged portion of a pressing belt used on an agricultural round baler includes an operative outer polymeric layer having a first thickness, a mounting layer disposed parallel to the operative outer polymeric layer and having a second thickness being less than the first thickness, and at least one fabric layer disposed between the operative outer polymeric layer and the mounting layer. A plurality of linear outlines is defined on the operative outer polymeric layer at an operative top surface thereof. The linear outlines are configured to define a pattern with a plurality of predefined shapes. The plurality of the predefined shapes is configured to border a conical portion of a connecting opening defined on the operative top surface of the operative outer polymeric layer. The connecting opening extends the operative outer polymeric layer, the fabric layer, and the mounting layer. 1. A patch material for repairing a damaged portion of a pressing belt used on an agricultural round baler , comprising:an operative outer polymeric layer, the operative outer polymeric layer having a first thickness;a mounting layer disposed parallel to the operative outer polymeric layer, the mounting layer having a second thickness being less than the first thickness;at least one fabric layer disposed between the operative outer polymeric layer and the mounting layer;a plurality of linear outlines defined on the operative outer polymeric layer at an operative top surface thereof, the linear outlines being configured to define a pattern with a plurality of predefined shapes,wherein, the plurality of the predefined shapes are configured to border a conical portion of a connecting opening defined on the operative top surface of the operative outer polymeric layer;wherein, the connecting opening extends the operative outer polymeric layer, the fabric layer, and the mounting layer.2. The patch material of claim 1 , wherein said linear outlines are formed by ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180313430A1

A synchronous belt with a tensile member layer having a tensile member embedded in an elastomeric body; a toothed surface with a plurality of regularly spaced, transverse teeth protruding from the body; and a jacket covering the toothed surface; wherein the teeth comprise a plurality of fabric insert layers that increase the stiffness of the tooth, the insert layers separated from each other by layers of an elastomer composition. The layers may be oriented parallel to the tensile member layer, perpendicular to the tensile member, or following the contour of the tooth. The layers may be a single piece of fabric folded into layers, or separate pieces of fabric. 1. A synchronous belt comprising:a tensile member layer having a tensile member embedded in an elastomeric body;a toothed surface comprising a plurality of regularly spaced, transverse teeth protruding from the body and lands there between; anda jacket covering the toothed surface;wherein the teeth comprise a plurality of fabric insert layers that increase the stiffness of the tooth, the insert layers separated from each other by layers of an elastomer composition.2. The synchronous belt of wherein the plurality of fabric insert layers are separate pieces of fabric.3. The synchronous belt of wherein the plurality of fabric insert layers comprise a U-shape that is generally parallel to the contour of the tooth.4. The synchronous belt of wherein said plurality of fabric insert layers are planar and oriented generally parallel to the tensile member layer.5. The synchronous belt of wherein said plurality of fabric insert layers are planar and oriented generally perpendicular to the tensile member or inclined up to as much as the tooth flank surface with respect to the tensile member.6. The synchronous belt of wherein the plurality of fabric insert layers comprise a single piece of fabric.7. The synchronous belt of wherein the plurality of fabric insert layers are folded into a U-shape that is generally parallel to ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180313431A1

A synchronous belt having a tensile member layer with a tensile member embedded in an elastomeric body, a toothed surface with a plurality of regularly spaced, transverse teeth protruding from the body, a jacket covering the toothed surface, and a unidirectional fabric layer suspended in the belt between the jacket and the tensile member layer and following the approximate contour of the jacket. 1. A synchronous belt comprising:a tensile member layer having a tensile member embedded in an elastomeric body;a toothed surface comprising a plurality of regularly spaced, transverse teeth protruding from the body;a jacket covering the toothed surface; anda unidirectional fabric layer suspended in the belt between the jacket and the tensile member layer and following the approximate contour of the jacket.2. The synchronous belt of further comprising a cushion layer of elastomeric material residing between said jacket and said unidirectional fabric layer.3. The synchronous belt of wherein said unidirectional fabric layer comprises unidirectional filaments of carbon fiber.4. The synchronous belt of wherein the unidirectional fabric is treated with an adhesive composition.5. The synchronous belt of wherein the adhesive composition comprises a primer material claim 4 , a polyelectrolyte claim 4 , and a curative.6. A synchronous belt comprising:a tensile member layer having a tensile member embedded in an elastomeric body;a toothed surface comprising a plurality of regularly spaced, transverse teeth protruding from the body;a jacket covering the toothed surface; anda fabric comprising unidirectional carbon fibers suspended in the belt between the jacket and the tensile member layer and with said carbon fibers following the approximate contour of the jacket oriented generally in the longitudinal direction of the belt.7. A method of making a synchronous belt comprising:preforming a jacket to fit a grooved mold having grooves matching a desired tooth profile for said belt; ...


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