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10-04-2012 дата публикации

Переходная втулка для фитинга и муфта нажимного фитинга с ее использованием

Номер: RU0000114746U1

1. Переходная втулка для фитинга, включающая корпус переходной втулки с выполненным в нем осевым проходным отверстием, участок соединения с муфтой для соединения с муфтой фитинга и участок соединения с трубой для соединения с трубой, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно включает первое уплотнительное кольцо, размещенное на участке соединения с муфтой для формирования плотного соединения с внутренней поверхностью стенки корпуса муфты, и второе уплотнительное кольцо, размещенное на участке соединения с трубой для формирования плотного соединения с внутренней поверхностью стенки трубы. ! 2. Втулка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что включает первый элемент позиционирования, выполненный по окружности на внешней поверхности участка соединения с муфтой для позиционирования первого уплотнительного кольца, и второй элемент позиционирования, выполненный по окружности на внешней поверхности участка соединения с трубой для позиционирования второго уплотнительного кольца. ! 3. Втулка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что первый элемент позиционирования выполнен в виде первой канавки, выполненной кольцевой, второй элемент позиционирования выполнен в виде второй канавки, выполненной кольцевой, при этом первое уплотнительное кольцо размещено в первой канавке, а второе уплотнительное кольцо размещено во второй канавке. ! 4. Втулка по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что включает фланец втулки, выполненный по окружности на внешней образующей участка соединения с муфтой, при этом первая канавка выполнена на поверхности наружной образующей фланца втулки. ! 5. Втулка по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что первая канавка включает сторону участка соединения РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 114 746 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16L 21/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011129090/06, 13.07.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.07.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЛА КАЗА АНДЖЕЛА ХОЛДИНГ ЛИМИТЕД (HK) R U Приоритет(ы ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000165804U1

Автосцеп для штангового глубинного насоса, содержащий втулку с проточкой на внутренней поверхности, цангу с лепестками, хвостовик с рифленой конусной поверхностью, характеризующийся тем, что на наружных поверхностях лепестков цанги выполнены буртики в виде выступов, а на внутренней - зубья, направленные по винтовой линии, на хвостовике выполнены пазы в продольном направлении, а во втулке - отверстия наклонно к оси. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 165 804 U1 (51) МПК E21B 17/02 (2006.01) F16L 37/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016107690/03, 02.03.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.03.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Дворецкий Михаил Наумович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Дворецкий Михаил Наумович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 02.03.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2016 Бюл. № 31 R U 1 6 5 8 0 4 (57) Формула полезной модели Автосцеп для штангового глубинного насоса, содержащий втулку с проточкой на внутренней поверхности, цангу с лепестками, хвостовик с рифленой конусной поверхностью, характеризующийся тем, что на наружных поверхностях лепестков цанги выполнены буртики в виде выступов, а на внутренней - зубья, направленные по винтовой линии, на хвостовике выполнены пазы в продольном направлении, а во втулке - отверстия наклонно к оси. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) АВТОСЦЕП 1 6 5 8 0 4 Адрес для переписки: 109156, Москва, Жулебинский бул., 27, кв. 5, Дворецкому Михаилу Наумовичу U 1 U 1 1 6 5 8 0 4 1 6 5 8 0 4 R U R U Стр.: 2

17-11-2017 дата публикации

Соединительный элемент для трубопроводной арматуры газотурбинного двигателя

Номер: RU0000175080U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, а именно к производству газотурбинных двигателей, и может быть использована для соединения элементов трубопроводной арматуры на корпусе двигателя.Соединительный элемент для трубопроводной арматуры газотурбинного двигателя содержит корпус, выполненный с возможностью его крепления на корпусе газотурбинного двигателя и с внутренними криволинейными каналами. Входы и выходы криволинейных каналов в виде отверстий расположены на разных сторонах и уровнях корпуса. Корпус снабжен фланцами, предназначенными для соединения трубопроводной арматуры газотурбинного двигателя со входами и выходами внутренних криволинейных каналов. При этом корпус с внутренними криволинейными каналами получен методом селективного лазерного сплавления, а для крепления на корпусе газотурбинного двигателя в нем выполнены посадочные элементы.Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является упрощение конструкции соединительного элемента, а также повышение надежности и упрощение монтажа трубопроводной арматуры газотурбинного двигателя. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. Ц 1 175080 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) зе га ва < (13) (51) МПК В21Р 53/36 (2006.01) Н16Г. 47/00 (2006.01) НТбЕ, 3700 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016145321, 18.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.11.2016 Дата регистрации: 17.11.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.11.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 17.11.2017 Бюл. № 32 Адрес для переписки: 105118, Москва, пр-т Буденного, 16, АО "ОДК", Жамойдику К.М. (72) Автор(ы): Шаронова Наталия Ивановна (КП), Родин Евгений Валерьевич (КП), Морозов Виктор Васильевич (КП), Морозов Сергей Викторович (КО), Македонов Александр Викторович (КП) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Российская Федерация, от имени которой выступает Министерство промышленности и торговли Российской Федерации (МИНПРОМТОРГ РОССИИ) (ВКО) (56) Список документов, цитированных ...

24-04-2019 дата публикации

Магнитный соединительный элемент, главным образом, для фланцев трубопроводов

Номер: RU0000188826U1
Принадлежит: Петр ЦУБЕР

Пара соединительных пластин (3, 4) содержит на задней стороне (5) углубления (6), занятые магнитами (7), причем в положении «соединено» соединительные пластины (3, 4) расположены смежно, они имеют взаимно совмещенные проходы (9), и противолежащие сопряженные магниты (7) имеют одинаковую, аксиально ориентированную поляризацию. Углубления (6) имеют проходные каналы (11) и находятся на воображаемых окружностях, где соседние магниты (7) имеют чередующуюся поляризацию и по парам или тройкам покрыты магнитными зажимами (8), снабженными зажимными болтами (12). Центрирование и разъединение обеспечивается с помощью центрирующих отверстий (15), и возможно центрирующих гнезд (16), оснащенных соединительными/разъединительными средствами. Могут быть также присоединены два дополнительных прохода (92), расположенные между двумя окружностями с магнитами (7). Возможный затвор (21) присоединяется посредством распорных стоек (22), распорных болтов (23) и кольца (24). РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 188 826 U1 (51) МПК F16L 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 23/00 (2018.08) (21) (22) Заявка: 2018118777, 20.10.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.10.2016 (72) Автор(ы): ЦУБЕР Петр (CZ), ПУЛЛЬМАНОВА Моника (CZ) 24.04.2019 1466542 A, 20.01.1967. SU 1795692 A1, 27.11.2001. US 2009/293238 A1, 03.12.2009. 23.10.2015 CZ PV 2015-747 (45) Опубликовано: 24.04.2019 Бюл. № 12 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 23.05.2018 (86) Заявка PCT: U 1 CZ 2016/050038 (20.10.2016) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 1 8 8 8 2 6 U 1 WO 2017/067531 (27.04.2017) R U 1 8 8 8 2 6 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 4004298 A, 25,01,1977. FR Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЦУБЕР, Петр (CZ) Дата регистрации: Адрес для переписки: 123242, Москва, пл. Кудринская, д. 1, а/я 35, "Михайлюк, Сороколат и партнеры патентные ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Plug connection

Номер: US20120024409A1
Автор: Thomas Kunzmann
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a plug connection that comprises a housing ( 1 ) with a receiving opening ( 2 ), for the insertion of a connection pipe ( 3 ), and a connection part associated with the receiving opening ( 3 ) for retaining the connection pipe ( 3 ) in the housing ( 1 ). The connection portion contains a clamping element ( 10 ) with several clamping segments ( 12 ), mutually separated by slots ( 11 ), and a supporting element ( 15 ), which works in cooperation with the clamping element ( 10 ), wherein the supporting element ( 15 ) presents mutually separated retaining tongues ( 16 ) for engagement in the slots ( 11 ) of the clamping element ( 10 ), and wherein the clamping segments ( 12 ) of the clamping element ( 10 ) contain conical outer surfaces ( 13 ) for application against a conical inner surface ( 14 ) of the receiving opening ( 2 ).

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Rapid-connect coupler

Номер: US20120037247A1
Автор: Howard M. Konishi
Принадлежит: Macro Technologies LLC

A rapid-connect gas coupler is shown and described herein. In an embodiment, the rapid-connect gas coupler includes a spring-loaded probe within a probe cavity, which is defined by a housing and one or more latch segment. The probe can engage with a gas connector, which causes the latch segment to engage and couple with the gas connector.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Gasket for Parabolic Ramp Self Restraining Bell Joint

Номер: US20120049463A1
Принадлежит: Mueller International LLC

Gaskets for use with a bell and spigot coupling system are disclosed herein. The gasket comprises an elastomeric member having a front edge, a first section, and a second section. Axial forces generated by the insertion of the spigot to the first section of the elastomeric member displace the first section of the elastomeric member in an axial and radial direction.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Connecting element for a fluid connection

Номер: US20120086197A1

A connecting element for a fluid connection having a housing that includes an insert region structured and arranged to axially receive a plug connector and a latching element, structured and arranged to latch the plug connector, being moveable in relation to the housing via an axial pulling movement between a first position and a second position. The connecting element also includes a safety element. In the second position, the latching element unblocks at least one space that is fillable by the safety element.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for the connection of conduits

Номер: US20120090152A1
Автор: John White
Принадлежит: VERDERG LTD

An apparatus for connecting adjacent ends of first and second conduits including a frame assembly including a mounting point for mounting the end of the first conduit in a fixed position, a guide connected to the frame assembly and including first and second guide formations for receiving guide arms attached to the end of the second conduit and a moveable carrier mounted on the frame and including slots for engaging the guide arms. The carrier is moveable between a first position in which the slots align with the guide formations so that the guide arms can pass into the slots, and a second position in which the end of the second conduit is held against the end of the first conduit so as to allow a connection to be formed to secure the ends together.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Pipe joint structure

Номер: US20120098250A1

A pipe joint structure for an upright valve includes a pipe joint, a resilient ring, a connection cylinder and an inner sleeve. The pipe joint includes a first chamber to receive a positioning ring and a seal ring. The resilient ring, the connection cylinder and the inner sleeve are inserted in the pipe joint in sequence. When a connection pipe is inserted in the pipe joint, the connection pipe will be inserted in a one-way direction and fastened by fastening talons of the resilient ring. To disengage the connection pipe, top push flanges of resilient claws of the inner sleeve are pushed to an inner limit inclined surface of the positioning ring to disengage the connection pipe from the fastening talons, such that the connection pipe can be pulled out. The present invention provides a quick connection and can prevent the connection pipe from being pulled out unexpectedly.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Obturator valve for a coupling device for pipes

Номер: US20120138834A1
Принадлежит: FMC Technologies SAS

A valve ( 2 ) is concerned comprising an obturator ( 16 ) maintained in a resting position against a seat ( 14 ) through the action of a first force generated by pre-loading means ( 38 ), further comprising means ( 28 ) for rotating the obturator ( 16 ) to place the valve in an open or closed position, characterized in that the valve comprises means ( 26, 40 ) for translating the obturator to move the obturator ( 16 ) such that a gap (j 1 ) is created between the obturator ( 16 ) and the seat ( 14 ), the translating means being adapted to drive the obturator ( 16 ) to move in translation independently of the rotational movement of that obturator ( 16 ).

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Push Connect Joint Assembly, System and Method

Номер: US20120169039A1
Принадлежит: Quick Fitting Inc

A push fitting joint packaging arrangement allows the re-use and repair of push-to-connect fittings and valves without damage to the fitting or valve elements or the pipe, and without coining, gluing or threaded engagement of parts. In one embodiment of the present invention, the arrangement comprises a split fastening ring and a split O-ring support member,

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Piping joint assembly system and method

Номер: US20120174374A1
Принадлежит: Quick Fitting Inc

A pipe fitting and associated piping joint assembly package allow re-use and repair of push-fit piping fittings and valves without damage to the fitting or valve elements or the pipe, and without coining, gluing or threaded engagement of parts. In one embodiment, the present invention includes a pipe fitting having first and second radial housing elements for receiving one or more sealing members and a fastening ring, respectively. The fastening ring can be a split fastening ring. The split fastening ring and the sealing members provided as part of the present invention are capable of being removed and/or replaced.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Magnetic Coupling Device and Method

Номер: US20120233819A1
Автор: Mitchell G. Davis
Принадлежит: Hana Consulting Inc

A device and method for coupling two or more objects together has a coupling that has at least two magnets or metal pieces and is removably attached to a first object. A second object has at least two corresponding metal pieces or magnets, wherein the first object and the second object are held together by magnetically attractive forces when the first object and the second object are engaged.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Rapid-connect coupler with vent-stop

Номер: US20120280493A1
Автор: Howard M. Konishi
Принадлежит: Macro Technologies LLC

An embodiment includes a rapid-connect coupler including a coupler body configured to convey a fluid; a coupling head at a first end of and communicating with the coupler body, the coupling head configured to transition between a coupled configuration and a de-coupled configuration. The coupler may further include a stop apparatus configured to allow the coupling head to transition from the de-coupled configuration to the coupled configuration without obstruction, and the stop apparatus may be configured to provide a hard-stop as the coupling head transitions from the coupled configuration to the de-coupled configuration.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Latch Assembly for Joining Two Conduits

Номер: US20120299290A1
Принадлежит: Nordson Corp

A latch assembly for connection of conduit, the assembly comprising a female portion and a male portion, wherein each of the female portion and the male portion have a shell and a connection device. The connection device of the female portion includes a connection assembly with a molded-in slot, a release button, and a raised rib or alternatively is a connection opening. The connection device of the male portion includes a cantilevered region with a ramped engagement feature or alternatively is a raised cantilevered release button. When connected the cantilevered region or button deflects to accommodate the female portion until the ramped engagement feature or button engages the molded-in slot or connection opening, thus releasing the deflection. Depressing the release button disengages the latch allowing separation of the assembly.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Joint and method for manufacturing joint

Номер: US20120306118A1
Принадлежит: Onda Mfg Co Ltd

An inner tubular portion ( 15 ) and an outer tubular portion 16 for forming an insertion space for a plastic pipe ( 11 ) are formed integrally with a joint body ( 13 ). Two fitting grooves ( 17 ) are formed in the outer peripheral surface of the inner tubular portion 15 . Two sealing members ( 18 ) for maintaining water-tightness in the gap between the plastic pipe ( 11 ) received in the insertion space and the inner tubular portion ( 15 ) are fitted in the corresponding fitting grooves 17 . A pair of view windows ( 25 ) for visually checking the fitting grooves ( 17 ) and the sealing members ( 18 ), which are fitted in the fitting grooves ( 17 ), from the exterior are formed in the outer tubular portion ( 16 ). The view windows ( 25 ) are arranged at opposing positions.

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130008539A1

Coupling holding means 50 comprising retainers 53 and retainer engaging portions 52 for holding a coupled state is provided between a socket S 10 and a plug P 10 of a coupler. Engaging pawl portions 54 are formed on the inner sides of a pair of retainers 53 provided on both sides of a nozzle portion 32 . By causing the retainers 53 to move outwardly in a coupling operation, a gap between the retainers 53 and the nozzle portion 32 can be made small. By forming interference preventing portions 58 in the engaging pawl portions 54 , the retainers 53 can be provided at a smaller interval than the outer diameter of the nozzle portion 32 whereby the coupler can be made even more compact. Further, by forming the retainers 53 higher than the foremost end portion of the nozzle portion 32 , the nozzle portion 32 can be protected by the retainers 53 even in an unexpected event such as falling and damage will not extend directly to the nozzle portion 32.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Pipe Joint Gasket and Method of Using Same

Номер: US20130043656A1
Принадлежит: McWane Global

A gasket for preventing separation of interconnected pipes without damaging the pipes. The gasket includes a compressible body having a plurality of metal segments partially embedded therein. Each of the metal segments includes a row of exposed teeth configured for engaging a spigot end of a pipe and a trough configured for pivotably engaging a bead on a bell. The trough is further configured for shearing or deforming the bead and inhibiting over-pivoting of the segment about the bead when the pipes are partially withdrawn away from one another, for example, during over-pressurization of the pipes.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Pipe-fitting with adaptor assembly and related methods

Номер: US20130043675A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A pipe-fitting adaptor assembly connectable to the coupling end of a pipe fitting is provided for reconfiguring existing pipe fittings with alternate pipe coupling ends. The fitting adaptor assembly has a tubular receptacle member configured to fit over and seal against an insert member of the fitting. A sliding retention ring carried along a ramped section of the fitting insert member interlocks with an opening formed in the sidewall of the receptacle member of the fitting adaptor assembly, such that decoupling forces tend to expand the locking ring further into the sidewall opening of the fitting adaptor assembly. The fitting adaptor assembly has a coupling end configured differently than the insert member for connection to otherwise incompatible alternative pipe sizes and/or pipe coupling configurations.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Connection having communication between biopharmaceutical containers and/or conduits

Номер: US20130068316A1
Автор: Mareva Gueneron
Принадлежит: Sartorius Stedim Biotech SA

A connection part providing communication between biopharmaceutical containers and/or conduits, includes a connection sheath ( 32 ) and two connection skirts ( 38 a , 38 b ). The connection sheath ( 32 ) and both connection skirts ( 38 a , 38 b ) have resiliency such that the connection part ( 30 ), from a disassembled state, is transversely stretchable, at the site of both connection skirts ( 38 a , 38 b ) thereof, until transversely widened without loss of integrity so as to be made threadable through both collars ( 14, 24 ). Then, due to the resiliency thereof, the connection part contacts, with resilient clamping for support and with sealability, the coupled portion of the outer surface of both collars ( 14, 24 ). Moreover, from the assembled state, the connection part is transversely stretchable, at the site of both connection skirts ( 38 a , 38 b ) thereof, until transversely widened so as to be capable of being unthreaded from both collars ( 14, 24 ) and thus be converted to the disassembled state.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082459A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd, Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

The connector comprises a housing having a connection hole where a pipe with a flange is inserted, a retainer having a latching portion that retains the pipe by being arranged at a location facing the connection hole and engaged with the flange, and a checker that is supported by the housing at the retaining position and is movable from the retaining position to the connection confirmation position when the pipe is inserted into the connection hole up to the normal connection position. The checker is configured to release the engagement between the latching portion and the flange, when at the connection confirmation position, by having the retainer that is engaged with the flange of the pipe at the normal connection position pushed to expand the distance of the retainer so that the pipe can be pulled out from the connection hole.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099484A1
Автор: Berghuijs Stefan
Принадлежит: PlymoVent AB

Disclosed is a safety coupling assembly () for connecting segments of a conduit, such as a hose or a flexible pipe. The safety coupling assembly comprises a female member () and a male member (), which are held together by spring operated toggle latches (A,B). The force required for connecting the female member with the male member of the safety coupling assembly can be selected independent from the force required for disconnecting the male member form the female member. 1. A safety coupling assembly for connecting segments of a conduit comprising:i) a first coupling member comprising a first flange for connecting to a first segment of a conduit, the first coupling member comprising at least one recess on its outer surface;ii) a second coupling member designed to mate with the first coupling member, said second coupling member comprising a first flange for connecting to a second segment of a conduit, and at least one spring loaded movable latch designed to engage the at least one recess on the outer surface of the first coupling member, wherein the at least one spring loaded latch comprises a first latch portion that is pivotable around a first pivot axis against the load of a first spring, and a second latch portion that is pivotable around a second pivot axis against the load of a second spring.2. The safety coupling assembly of wherein the at least one recess comprises an annular groove on the outer surface of the first flange of the first coupling member.3. The safety coupling assembly of wherein the at least one spring loaded movable latch is mounted on the outer surface of the second coupling member claim 1 , and protrudes through an opening in the first flange of the second coupling member.4. The safety coupling assembly of wherein the first coupling member is a male coupling member claim 1 , and the second coupling member is a female coupling member.5. The safety coupling assembly of wherein the first coupling member is a female coupling member claim 1 , and ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Aseptic Coupling Devices

Номер: US20130099489A1
Принадлежит: Colder Products Co

A seal member for an aseptic coupling device includes a cross-sectional area including a first end portion, a middle portion, and a second end portion opposite the first end portion, the middle portion being thinner in radial dimension than the first and second end portions.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106104A1
Автор: Le Quere Philippe

Device for connecting a tube to a circuit element, including a cartridge type tubular body () provided externally with a washer () for anchoring the body in a well () of the circuit element and provided internally with means () for retaining the tube, characterized in that the anchor washer () is mounted on an end portion () of the tubular body () designed to lie at the level of the opening () of the well when the connecting device is in use, the end portion () being elastically deformable between a deformed state enabling the washer () to be placed on the body and a rest state for retaining the washer () on the body. 1. A device for connecting a tube to a circuit element , including a cartridge type tubular body provided externally with a washer for anchoring the body in a well of the circuit element and provided internally with means for retaining the tube , wherein the anchor washer is mounted on an end portion of the tubular body designed to lie at the level of the opening of the well when the connecting device is in use , the end portion being elastically deformable between a deformed state enabling the washer to be placed on the body and a rest state for retaining the washer on the body.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the end portion of the tubular body receives a sliding disconnection member cooperating with the retaining means to bring the retaining means into a state releasing the tube claim 1 , the end portion being adapted so that in its rest state the end portion receives the plunger with a radial clearance.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said end portion of the tubular body includes a groove for receiving the anchor washer.4. The device according to claim 2 , wherein a frustoconical surface extends from an end face of the end portion as far as the groove claim 2 , widening toward the latter.5. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the tubular body includes a main body provided with a sealing member claim 2 , the retaining ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119659A1
Принадлежит: Swagelok Company

A push to connect conduit fitting includes a first fitting component and a second fitting component and a releasable retaining structure for retaining the two fitting components in one or more retained axial positions as an unthreaded mechanical connection. In one of the retained axial positions a conduit may be inserted and a conduit retainer holds the conduit in position. A seal mechanism may also be provided to seal an outer surface of the conduit fitting assembly. Embodiments for a threaded mechanical connection are also disclosed. 1. A push to connect fitting for fluid conduit , comprising:a first fitting component that can receive an end of a fluid conduit,a second fitting component that can be axially inserted into said first fitting component to form an unthreaded mechanical connection between said first and second fitting components,a fluid conduit comprising a groove in an outer surface of the fluid conduit,a retaining member that can be received in said fluid conduit groove,a seal mechanism that seals an outer surface of the fluid conduit when the fluid conduit is fully inserted into said first fitting component.2. The push to connect fitting of wherein said groove comprises an arcuate recess.3. The push to connect fitting of wherein said retaining member comprises a radially expandable ring.4. The push to connect fitting of wherein said seal mechanism comprises an elastomer seal.5. The push to connect fitting of wherein said seal mechanism comprises an o-ring.6. The push to connect fitting of wherein said seal mechanism comprises a backing ring to reduce extrusion of said elastomer seal.7. The push to connect fitting of wherein said second fitting component comprises a distal end wall that supports said backing ring after the push to connect fitting is made up.8. The push to connect fitting of wherein said second fitting component comprises an interior groove claim 1 , said interior groove comprising a first portion into which said retaining member can ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134699A1
Автор: Bock Heiko, ESDERS Helen

A hose connection arrangement for inseparably connecting media-conducting hoses in particular, having a first connection element and a second connection element. The first connection element has an annular lug that surrounds an annular end region. A sealing element is arranged therebetween. For inseparable connection of the two connection elements, said elements have at least one latching element pair. The two latching elements latch into one another by plugging the two connection elements together. 1. A hose connection arrangement for inseparably connecting hoses , in particular media-conducting hoses , comprisinga first connection element having an annular lug,a second connection element having an annular end region,said annular lug surrounding said annular end region, with a sealing element being arranged therebetween, andat least one pair of latching elements provided at said connection elements, said latching elements inseparably locking into one another by plugging the connection elements together.2. The hose connection arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein that at least one first latching element claim 1 , which is attached to one of the two connection elements claim 1 , comprises at least one and preferably two mutually opposite latching lugs adapted to engage claim 1 , in the assembled state claim 1 , behind the at least one second latching element attached to the other connection element.3. The hose connection arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one first latching element and/or said at least one second latching element are integrally formed with the first and respectively the second connection element.4. The hose connection arrangement according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one second latching element is formed within a preferably annular pocket and is preferably web-shaped.5. The hose connection arrangement according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one second latching element is connected to mutually opposite side walls ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146146A1
Автор: Sethre Kåre
Принадлежит: Aker Pusnrs AS

A coupling device for use in a fluid system comprising a first coupler member () having a first valve means () and a second coupler member () having a second valve means (), said coupling members () being configured to cooperate with each other to provide a coupling device, each of the coupler members having means for connection to a fluid system and means for fastening the two members to each other; and said valve means () being configured to cooperate with each other and to control fluid flow (F) through their respective coupler member. Fluid displacement means () are arranged and configured for displacing at least a portion of fluid which is confined in the mating regions (M M) between the coupler members (). 1. A coupling device for use on ends of loading arms for coupling to loading adapters on transportation vehicles , the coupling device comprising:a first coupler member having a first valve;a second coupler member having a second valve;a fluid displacement means arranged and configured to displace at least a portion of fluid from a plurality of mating regions between the first and second coupler members; anda volume defined between the first and second coupler members having an inlet conduit and an outlet conduit, the inlet and outlet conduits connected to an external fluid control,wherein the first and second coupler members are configured to cooperate with each other,wherein each of the first and second coupler members are configured to connect to a fluid system and are configured to releasably fasten to each other,wherein the first and second valves are configured to cooperate with each other and are configured to control fluid flow through their respective coupler member, andwherein the external fluid control is configured to control drainage of a residual fluid in the volume prior to unfastening the coupler members.2. The coupling device of claim 1 , wherein the fluid displacement means comprises a first element arranged in a first mating region between ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Joint unit and joint assembly comprising such a joint unit for non-detachable connection of media-conveying lines

Номер: US20130154256A1

A joint unit is provided, including a main body, a bush, which is fastened to the main body and forms with the main body a receiving space for a connecting piece, and a separately formed retaining unit arranged in a radially inwardly open circumferential groove in the bush. The radially inwardly open circumferential groove in the bush is open towards an axial end face of the bush in at least two circumferential portions. A connection assembly is further provided, including a joint unit and a connecting piece. 115.-. (canceled)16. A joint unit , comprising:a main body, connected with a connecting piece not forming part of the joint unit;a bush, which, when the joint unit is assembled, is fastened to the main body in the direction of a longitudinal axis of the joint unit and forms with the main body a receiving space open towards the free end thereof, which space receives the connecting piece; and the retaining unit comprising a first bearing surface directed in the opening direction of the receiving space, for interacting with a first mating bearing surface of the bush directed opposite to the opening direction, and', 'the retaining unit further comprising a second bearing surface directed opposite to the opening direction, for interacting with a second mating bearing surface of the connecting piece directed in the opening direction,', 'wherein the radially inwardly open circumferential groove in the bush is open in at least two circumferential portions towards an axial end face of the bush., 'a retaining unit formed separately from the bush, which is arranged in a circumferential groove in the bush, the circumferential groove being open radially inwards relative to the longitudinal axis,'}17. The joint unit according to claim 16 , wherein the retaining unit comprises a plurality of spring elements projecting radially inwards relative to the longitudinal axis from a base element of the retaining unit.18. The joint unit according to claim 17 , wherein the base element ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157489A1
Автор: Jarasson Jean-Michel

The invention relates to an electrical and hydraulic coupling device for a system for supplying and/or distributing liquid to be sprayed onto a window of a vehicle, comprising at least one tube and at least one first electrically conductive cable , the tube is delimited by a wall in which are formed at least two liquid circulation ducts and in which is embedded a heating element , said wall comprising at least one recess open towards the outside of the tube and in which is housed all or part of said cable 1. An electrical and hydraulic coupling device for a system for supplying and/or distributing liquid to be sprayed onto a window of a vehicle , the device comprising:at least one tube and at least one first electrically conductive cable, the tube is delimited by a wall in which are formed at least two liquid circulation ducts and in which is embedded a heating element, said wall comprising at least one recess open towards the outside of the tube and in which is housed all or part of said cable.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two ducts extend in a longitudinal direction claim 1 , the recess extending in a direction parallel to the longitudinal direction.3. The device according to claim 1 , in which the wall claim 1 , taken in cross section claim 1 , is delimited by a curved first portion and a curved second portion between which extend a first face claim 1 , on which the at least one recess is formed claim 1 , and a second face rectilinear in a straight line which is tangential to the curved first portion and the curved second portion on one and the same side of the at least two ducts.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the wall claim 1 , taken in cross section claim 1 , is delimited by a curved first portion and a curved second portion between which extend a first face claim 1 , on which a first recess is formed claim 1 , and a second face claim 1 , opposite to the first face relative to the at least two ducts claim 1 , on which a ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161357A1

A fill port assembly for coupling accessories to a feed pump system comprises a feed hose, a mounting plate and a quick-connect adapter. The feed hose has an inlet end for connecting to a feed pump manifold, and an outlet end. The mounting plate comprises a linkage coupled to the mounting plate for joining the fill port assembly to a feed pump system, and a discharge orifice extending through the mounting plate for receiving the outlet end. The quick-connect adapter extends from the mounting plate for joining accessory couplings to the mounting plate adjacent the discharge orifice. 1. A fill port assembly for coupling accessories to a feed pump system , the fill port assembly comprising: an inlet end for connecting to a feed pump manifold; and', 'an outlet end;, 'a feed hose having a linkage coupled to the mounting plate for joining the fill port assembly to a feed pump system; and', 'a discharge orifice extending through the mounting plate for receiving the outlet end; and, 'a mounting plate comprisinga quick-connect adapter extending from the mounting plate for joining accessory couplings to the mounting plate adjacent the discharge orifice.2. The fill port assembly of wherein the quick-connect adapter comprises:a pair of mounting lugs extending from the mounting plate.3. The fill port assembly of wherein the linkage comprises a hook.4. The fill port assembly of wherein the linkage further comprises: a folded hook portion for suspending the mounting plate from a feed pump system;', 'a flat mounting portion; and', 'a discharge hole extending through the flat mounting portion to receive the outlet end of the hose., 'a coupling plate comprising5. The fill port assembly of wherein the mounting plate comprises:a rectilinear body;a discharge bore extending through the rectilinear body to receive the outlet end of the hose: anda pair of threaded lug bores extending through the rectilinear body to receive the pair of mounting lugs, the pair of mounting lugs being threaded ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Coupling arrangement

Номер: US20130199644A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Work Tools BV

A coupling arrangement for fluid coupling a worktool to a machine comprising at least one coupler assembly slideably mounted in a cavity for coupling a machine fluid circuit and a work tool fluid circuit, the coupler assembly partitioning the cavity to form a chamber; a diversion path connecting the machine fluid circuit to the chamber; and a check valve positioned in the diversion path for flow of fluid from the machine fluid circuit to the chamber to generate a force on the coupler assembly for maintaining the fluid coupling.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Stopper grip ring for plumbing pipes

Номер: US20130200613A1
Автор: Kwang-Won Lee
Принадлежит: Jung Woo Metal Ind Co Ltd

Disclosed is a stopper grip ring for plumbing pipes. A stopper grip ring for plumbing pipes, according to an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure, includes: an outer circumferential portion which forms an outer diameter of a ring shape; an O-ring supporting portion formed to be bent at one side of the outer circumferential portion so as to come into contact with an O-ring and having an entry inducing portion which is formed to be inclined at one end portion, and an inserting portion which is formed at the other end portion and enters while being induced by the entry inducing portion; and a stopper portion formed to be bent at the other side of the outer circumferential portion so as to be spaced apart from the O-ring supporting portion and having a sharpened portion which is formed at an edge and is divided by a plurality of slits.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Device For Coupling A Tube To A Housing

Номер: US20130240048A1

A device for receiving or providing a fluid and a method of selectively coupling a tube () to the device with the tube receiving or providing the fluid. The device includes a housing () and a female port () extending from the housing. The female port has an engagement surface () and defines an interior chamber () with a retainer () disposed in the interior chamber. The retainer has a base (), a finger () extending from the base to selectively engage the engagement surface, and a barb () proximate to the finger for selectively engaging the tube. A seal () is disposed in the interior chamber of the female port adjacent the retainer. The retainer () has a stud extending from the base beyond the barb to engage the seal for biasing the retainer away from the housing to facilitate movement of the finger against the engagement surface and engagement of the tube with the barb. 1. A device for receiving or providing a fluid with a tube coupled to said device for receiving or providing the fluid , said device comprising:a housing;a female port extending from said housing along an axis with said female port having a engagement surface and defining an interior chamber;a retainer disposed in said interior chamber of said female port with said retainer having a base, a finger extending from said base to selectively engage said engagement surface, and a barb proximate to said finger for selectively retaining the tube; anda seal disposed in said interior chamber of said female port adjacent said retainer; said retainer having a stud extending from said base along said axis beyond said barb to engage said seal for biasing said retainer away from said housing along said axis to facilitate movement of said finger against said engagement surface and engagement of said barb for retaining the tube.2. A device as set forth in wherein said finger includes a front side and a back side spaced from each other with said front side engaging said engagement surface when in an unlocked position ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Plug-in connection arrangement

Номер: US20130249209A1
Принадлежит: VERITAS AG

A plug-in connection arrangement for releasably connecting fluid lines is presented. The plug-in connection arrangement comprises a basic body which has a supply line and an insertion opening, wherein the basic body is connectable to one of the fluid lines, and wherein a connecting piece, which is connectable to a second of the fluid lines, can be plugged onto the supply line in order to form a tight connection with the supply line, having a fixing element which is accommodated in the insertion opening and is fixed in the insertion opening in the axial direction of the supply line in order to secure the connecting piece in a fitting position, and having a connection element which is mounted on the supply line so as to be movable in the axial direction and prestresses the fixing element in the radial direction in an axial position.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257036A1
Автор: Guest Timothy Steven
Принадлежит: John Guest International Limited

A tube coupling to receive and hold a tube includes a coupling body () having a throughway to receive a portion of a tube. A collet () in the coupling body has legs () with outer surfaces that engage with a tapered surface () in the coupling body which urges the legs inwardly to resist withdrawal of the tube. A biasing member () provides a biasing force without the tube inserted to urge the legs axially onto the tapered surface. The collet () can grip a large variety of pipe diameters. The coupling may be supplied with a number of inserts (A-D) for sealing with the inner diameter of a pipe, the inserts having different diameters. A tool () for preparing the end of a pipe to receive the coupling is also contemplated. 1. A tube coupling to receive and hold a tube , the coupling comprising:a coupling body having a throughway open at one end to receive a portion of the tube;a collet in the coupling body to allow insertion of the tube into the collet and having a plurality of legs with outer surfaces that engage with a tapered surface in the coupling body which urges the legs inwardly to resist withdrawal of the tube; anda biasing member which provides a biasing force without the tube inserted to urge the legs axially onto the tapered surface.2. A tube coupling according to claim 1 , further comprising a tubular insert receivable in the end of the tube claim 1 , the tubular insert having a first portion insertable into the tube and a second portion receivable in the coupling body claim 1 , the first portion having a seal to seal claim 1 , in use claim 1 , with the inner diameter of the tube claim 1 , and the second portion having a seal to seal with the coupling body.3. A tube coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the biasing member is within the coupling body.4. A tube coupling according to claim 2 , wherein the biasing member is within the coupling body.5. A tube coupling according to claim 3 , wherein the biasing member is a spring supported at one end within the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Fuel line breakaway connector secured by plurality of individually spaced magnets

Номер: US20130276923A1

A breakaway coupling including a pair of sleeves, one sleeve fitting within the other, each sleeve having a hose connector secured therethrough, the first sleeve holding a metal annulus, the second sleeve securing a continuous magnetic annulus, so when the sleeves are brought together the magnetic annulus secures onto the metal annulus to hold the coupler in its connected position. The continuous metallic annulus includes a metal base, a spacer that holds a series of standard round magnets equally spaced around the approximate perimeter of the spacer and its base. 1. A breakaway coupling for use in fuel dispensing and capable of separation under an excessive force exerted upon the fuel line hose in which the coupling is installed;said coupling including a first sleeve, said first sleeve having an opening therein and into which a hose connector partially inserts, a metal annulus provided in said first sleeve, said annulus capable of being connected with that part of the hose connector partially inserting therein;said coupling including a second sleeve, said second sleeve having an opening therein and into which another hose connector partially inserts, a magnetic continuous annulus provided in said second sleeve, said magnetic continuous annulus capable of being connected with that part of the another hose connector that partially inserts therein;said magnetic continuous annulus including a metal annular base, a series of round magnets strategically arranged in an annular array around said base, a spacer provided between the round magnets and maintaining and locating the magnets in their equally spaced relationship, and a cover ring annulus arranged over the round magnets and said spacer and furnishing a magnetized annular surface for the said magnetic continuous annulus, said magnetic annulus holding said second sleeve capable of fitting over the metal annulus holding first sleeve when the breakaway coupling is installed for usage.2. The breakaway coupling of ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277966A1
Автор: Johnson James W.
Принадлежит: Liqui-Box Corporation

This invention relates to an adaptor that is used with a valve fitment assembly used to dispense fluids or flowable materials from a container. The adaptor is utilized in conjunction with the valve fitment assembly to allow the fitment assembly to be used with a spout and valve assembly attached to a container holding fluid. This invention also relates to a process for dispensing fluid using the adapter described herein. 1(I) a vertical cylindrical housing, and(II) a horizontal cylindrical channel;wherein said vertical cylindrical housing and said horizontal cylindrical channel are connected to each other in an L-shape;wherein said vertical cylindrical housing comprises a front wall, and is partially open at the back wall, wherein said opening is the locus for connecting a spout-valve assembly attached to a container that dispenses fluid;wherein, optionally, said front wall, on the inside, comprises a locking groove for locking said adaptor to said spout-valve assembly;wherein, optionally, said vertical cylindrical housing comprises two optionally J-shaped pull-tabs attached to the two sides of said front wall, such that said vertical cylindrical housing's side walls protrude over the base of said J-shaped pull-tabs;wherein, optionally, attached to the opening at the back wall of said vertical cylindrical housing is an optionally U-shaped tray that supports said spout-valve assembly attached to the fluid dispensing container;wherein said horizontal cylindrical channel comprises at least a first opening and a second opening;wherein said first opening is at the first end proximate to the joint of said optionally L-shaped adaptor, and at the top of said horizontal cylindrical channel such that said first opening opens at the bottom of said vertical cylindrical housing;wherein said second opening, used for dispensing fluid into a fluid dispensing setup, is at the opposite end to said first end of said horizontal cylindrical channel;wherein at the base of the horizontal ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Fuel dispensing unit comprising a locking member for retaining a fuel conduit in a locked position

Номер: US20130284300A1

The invention relates to a fuel dispensing unit comprising a fuel conduit comprising an external annular bead, and a locking member comprising inwardly extending resilient tongues and the being arranged to retain the fuel conduit in a locked position and receive the fuel conduit in an open position, wherein the external annular bead of the fuel conduit is arranged to put the locking member in the open position when receiving.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Tube Fitment for Use with a Valve Fitment for Dispensing Fluids

Номер: US20130285364A1
Автор: Johnson James W.
Принадлежит: Liqui-Box Corporation

This invention relates to a tube fitment that is used with a valve fitment assembly used to dispense fluids or flowable materials from a container. The tube fitment is utilized in conjunction with the valve fitment assembly to allow the fitment assembly to be used with a spout and valve assembly attached to a container holding fluid. This invention also relates to a process for dispensing fluid using the adapter described herein. 1. A tube fitment used in a fitment valve assembly comprising:(I) a vertical cylindrical housing, and(II) a horizontal cylindrical channel;wherein said vertical cylindrical housing comprises a top section, a middle section, and a lower section;wherein said vertical cylindrical housing and said horizontal cylindrical channel are connected to each other in a T-shape;wherein said top section of said vertical cylindrical housing comprises a front wall, and is partially open at the back wall, wherein said opening is the locus for connecting a spout-valve assembly attached to a container that dispenses fluid;wherein said horizontal cylindrical channel comprises at least a first opening;wherein said first opening is at the first end proximate to the joint of said T-shaped tube fitment, and at the top of said horizontal cylindrical channel such that said first opening opens at the bottom of said first section of said vertical cylindrical housing and at the top of said second section of said vertical cylindrical housing;wherein at the base of said third section said vertical cylindrical housing directly below said first opening in said horizontal cylindrical channel comprises an activator pin;wherein at the top of said first opening proximate to the bottom of said first section said vertical cylindrical housing is an O-ring for sealing attachment with said spout-valve assembly;wherein said O-ring is situated in said second section of said vertical cylindrical housing that is narrower that said first section of said vertical cylindrical housing.2. ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Magnetic Capping Device and Method

Номер: US20130285365A1
Автор: Davis Mitchell G.

Each of a flange and an end cap have at least two magnets or magnetic pieces arranged in complementary fashion to removably attached the end cap to the flange. The end cap removable seals an orifice of the flange by magnetic attraction between the at least two magnets or magnetic pieces of the end cap and the at least two magnets or magnetic pieces of the flange. The seal between the end cap and flange provides for pressure relief as the force of a pressure within the orifice exceeds the force of magnetic attraction between the at least two magnets or magnetic pieces of the end cap and the at least two magnets or magnetic pieces of the flange. 1. A pressure relief device , the device comprising:a flange having an orifice, the flange having a plurality of spaced apart magnets/magnetic pieces; andan end cap, the end cap having a plurality of corresponding magnets/magnetic pieces positioned for alignment with the magnets/magnetic pieces in the flange, each of the plurality of corresponding magnets/magnetic pieces corresponding to one of the plurality of spaced magnets/magnetic pieces;wherein the flange and the end cap are removably held together by magnetically attractive forces between each of the plurality of spaced magnets/magnetic pieces of the flange and the corresponding magnets/magnetic piece of the end cap when the flange and the end cap are engaged.2. The pressure relief device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spaced apart magnets/magnetic pieces of the flange are positioned around a periphery of a first end of the orifice.3. The pressure relief device of claim 2 , further comprising a series of bolt holes around a periphery of a second end of the orifice for connecting the flange to a plumbing system.4. The pressure relief device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spaced apart magnets/magnetic pieces of the flange are magnets and the plurality of corresponding magnets/magnetic pieces of the end cap are metal pieces.5. The pressure relief device of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Quick Connector

Номер: US20130307263A1

A quick connector assembly for quickly connecting and establishing fluid communication between a male end form having a bead and a hose or any other type of tube. The quick connector assembly includes a housing having a stem portion for receiving the hose and a female receiving portion for receiving the male end form. A plunger is disposed within the housing, and the plunger is biased in a first direction by a spring. The quick connector further includes a locker which is held in a non-engaged position until the male end form has been inserted into the housing until the bead moves the plunger in a second direction opposite of the first direction. Once the bead of the male end form clears the locker, the locker can be moved into an engaged position with the bead of the male end form being trapped between the locker and the plunger. 1. A quick connector assembly for establishing fluid communication between a male end form and a tube comprising:a housing having a female receiving portion and a stem portion;said housing presenting a bore configured to convey a fluid;a plunger slidably disposed in said bore of said housing;a spring disposed in said bore of said housing and engaging said plunger for biasing said plunger in a first direction toward a resting position; anda locker movable from a non-engaged position to an engaged position only in response to a male end form being inserted into said bore of said housing and sliding said plunger away from said resting position.2. The quick connector assembly as set forth in wherein said locker includes a pair of inner legs each having an upper section and a lower section.3. The quick connector assembly as set forth in wherein the male end form includes a bead and said upper sections of said inside legs are spaced from one another by a distance which is greater than the diameter of the male end form and less than a diameter of the bead for trapping the male end form in said housing when said locker is in said engaged position. ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Refueling Coupling

Номер: US20130313818A1
Автор: Remfry Leigh Maxwell

A refueling coupling has an annular fitting having a bore, bayonet lugs and slots suiting it for connection to a pressure filling nozzle. A dry-break member is provided within the annular fitting, normally sealing to it with the aid of an O-ring seal. When the pressure filling nozzle is fitted, the dry-break member is depressed allowing fuel to flow. The dry-break member has a central aperture, normally closed by a side pivoted flap. The pivot is at a pin carried in lugs on the underside of a central disc having the aperture. The flap has a finger projecting between the lugs and having the pin passing through it. A spring is carried on the pin and normally biases the flap into its closed position parallel with the disc. An O-ring is carried on the flap whereby should unusual forces displace fuel against the flap it does not leak. 1. A refueling coupling having:an annular member,a fitting on the annular member complementary to a pressure refueling nozzle and an aperture in the displaceable dry-break member and', 'a subsidiary displaceable member carried by the dry-break member, this member normally closing the aperture and being displaceable by introduction of a gravity refueling nozzle into the aperture., 'a displaceable dry-break member in the coupling for normally sealing the coupling via a seal between the annular member and the dry-break member, to the dry-break member being displaceable from its sealing position on connection of a pressure refueling nozzle, the dry-break member including2. A refueling coupling as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the subsidiary displaceable member is translationally displaceable with respect to the displaceable dry-break member against a subsidiary return spring.3. A refueling coupling as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the subsidiary displaceable member is pivotally displaceable with respect to the displaceable dry-break member against a subsidiary return spring.4. A refueling coupling as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the subsidiary ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Twist lock connector with reinforcing wing grips and reverse snap assembly

Номер: US20130320672A1
Автор: STEELE Kyle R.
Принадлежит: Nordson Corporation

A connector assembly may be formed by the combination of a latch member and a connector member. The latch member has an annular collar and an arcuate latch wall extending from a circumferential edge of the annular collar. A latch recess and a latch arm are defined within the latch wall. A grip wing extends from an exterior surface of the latch wall adjacent the latch recess and is configured to reinforce the latch arm by countering a tendency of the latch arm to flex radially outward when the connector assembly is subject to a tension load along a longitudinal axis of the connector assembly. A plurality of snap arms are arranged about a circumference of the interior surface of the annular collar to engage the connector member. The connector member receives and retains the latch member directly about an outer male insertion surface thereof rather than passing a barbed end of the connector member through the latch member. The latch member and the connector member are correspondingly configured to freely rotate relative to one another upon assembly. An annular protrusion on an outer wall of the connector member acts as a tube stop. 1. A connector assembly comprising an annular collar;', 'an arcuate latch wall extending from a circumferential edge of the annular collar and defining a latch recess and a latch arm within the latch wall; and', 'a grip wing extending from an exterior surface of the latch wall adjacent the latch recess and configured to reinforce the latch arm by countering a tendency of the latch arm to flex radially outward when the connector assembly is subject to a tension load along a longitudinal axis of the connector assembly; and, 'a latch member comprising'}a connector member configured to receive and retain the latch member about an outer surface thereof; whereinthe latch member and the connector member are correspondingly configured to freely rotate relative to one another upon assembly.2. The connector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the grip wing ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Quick Connect and Quick Disconnect System

Номер: US20130341904A1

A quick connect/disconnect system includes a first component and a second component. The first component includes a tube coupling portion. The second component defines a channel configured to receive the tube coupling portion. The channel opens to a first end portion of the second component. The second component further includes a first resilient seal positioned within the channel adjacent to the first end portion and sized to sealingly engage the tube coupling portion, a second resilient seal positioned within the channel and spaced apart from the first resilient seal, the second resilient seal sized to sealingly engage the tube coupling portion, and an annular expansion area located between the first resilient seal and the second resilient seal and in fluid communication with the channel. 1. A quick connect/disconnect system comprising:a first component with a tube coupling portion; and a first resilient seal positioned within the channel adjacent to the first end portion and sized to sealingly engage the tube coupling portion,', 'a second resilient seal positioned within the channel and spaced apart from the first resilient seal, the second resilient seal sized to sealingly engage the tube coupling portion, and', 'an annular expansion area located between the first resilient seal and the second resilient seal and in fluid communication with the channel., 'a second component defining a channel configured to receive the tube coupling portion, the channel opening to a first end portion of the second component, the second component further comprising,'}2. The quick connect/disconnect system of claim 1 , wherein the second component further comprises:a shuttle including a flange configured to sealingly engage a valve seat in the second component when the shuttle is in a first position; anda biasing member configured to bias the shuttle toward the first position, wherein the second component and tube coupling portion are configured such that (i) insertion of the tube ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Quick Connect and Quick Disconnect System Male Component

Номер: US20130341905A1

A quick connect/disconnect system male component includes a first body and a ring assembly. The first body defines a fluid channel therethrough. The first body includes a first coupling portion at a first end portion and a second coupling portion at a second end portion. The first coupling portion is configured to couple with a fluid conduit and the second coupling portion configured to couple with a female quick connect/disconnect system component. The ring assembly is supported by the first body. The ring assembly extends about the second coupling portion and includes a first mating feature on an internal surface of the ring assembly configured to rotatably engage a second mating feature on an external surface of the female quick connect/disconnect system component. 1. A quick connect/disconnect system male component comprising:a first body defining a fluid channel therethrough, the first body having a first coupling portion at a first end portion and a second coupling portion at a second end portion, the first coupling portion configured to couple with a fluid conduit and the second coupling portion configured to couple with a female quick connect/disconnect system component; anda ring assembly supported by the first body, the ring assembly extending about the second coupling portion and including a first mating feature on an internal surface of the ring assembly configured to rotatably engage a second mating feature on an external surface of the female quick connect/disconnect system component.2. The male component of claim 1 , wherein the ring assembly is fixedly connected to the first body.3. The male component of claim 1 , wherein the ring assembly is rotatable with respect to the first body.4. The male component of claim 1 , the ring assembly further comprising:a third mating feature on the internal surface configured to rotatably engage a fourth mating feature on the external surface; anda fifth mating feature on the internal surface configured to rotatably ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341916A1

A male fitting has a body that defines a fluid passage that extends through the body from a first end to a second end. The body may include a first portion adjacent to the first end, a second portion adjacent to the second end and a middle portion separating the first and second portions. The body may further define a slot between the middle portion and the second end. The slot extends at least partially circumferentially around the body. An actuating member may extend at least partially around the body. The actuating member may have at least one stop feature that engages with the body, and a retaining feature that is at least partially aligned with the slot. A spring disposed between the body and the actuating member may exert a force on the actuating member so as to position the retaining feature radially outward from the slot. 1. A male fitting , comprising:a. a body that defines a fluid passage that extends through the body from a first end to a second end, the body having first portion adjacent to the first end, a second portion adjacent to the second end and a middle portion that separates the first and second portions, the body further defining a first slot between the middle portion and the second end, wherein the first slot extends at least partially circumferentially around the body;b. an actuating member that extends at least partially around the body, the actuating member having at least one stop feature that engages with the body and a retaining feature aligned with the first slot; andc. a spring disposed between the body and the actuating member, wherein the spring exerts a force on the actuating member so as to position the retaining feature radially outward from the first slot.2. The male fitting as in claim 1 , wherein the spring is one of a coil spring or a leaf spring.3. The male fitting as in claim 1 , wherein the body at least partially defines an insert opening.4. The male fitting as in claim 1 , further comprising an insert disposed within the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001743A1
Автор: Keren Ron
Принадлежит: Netafim, Ltd.

An irrigation pipe coupler can engage an open end of an irrigation pipe with its forward end. The coupler has a nipple and an outer collar. The nipple has an outwardly projecting barb and the collar surrounds the nipple and has an inwardly projecting bulge. The collar is slidably moved along the nipple between forward and rear terminal positions while being kept spaced radially outwardly from the nipple via a peripheral gap that is re-defined for each new position of the collar along the nipple. At each such new position, the gap has a narrow region measured in the radial direction where the collar is closest to the nipple and the narrow region gets smaller at least during at least part of the forward movement of the collar along the nipple. A window formed in the collar allows an operator to see an irrigation hose inserted into the gap. 1. An irrigation pipe coupler for engaging an open end of an irrigation pipe with an axial forward end thereof ,the coupler comprising a nipple and an outer collar each having an axis, the nipple comprising an outwardly projecting barb; and the collar surrounding at least part of the nipple and comprising an inwardly projecting bulge and being slidably movable along the nipple between forward and rear terminal positions,the collar being spaced radially outwardly from the nipple via a peripheral gap when the nipple and the collar extend coaxially, and the gap being re-defined between the collar and nipple for each new position of the collar when moved along the nipple, whereinthe coupler comprises a rear stop that stops the collar from sliding to positions rear to the rear terminal position and when the collar abuts the rear stop the gap formed at that position is adapted to receive the irrigation pipe until a position where its open end is located rear to the bulge of the collar.2. The irrigation pipe coupler according to claim 1 , wherein at each position of the collar along the nipple the gap comprises a narrow region measured in ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of coupling electrical conduit

Номер: US20140007407A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An electrical conduit coupling comprising a casing and first and second locks is provided. The casing includes opposed first and second openings, and first, second and third crimps. The first, second and third crimps are formed in the casing to provide a smaller diameter in the casing at each crimp. The first lock includes a flange and a plurality of fingers extending from the flange. Each finger includes a first surface and second surface opposite the first surface. A rise portion is located on the first surface of each finger and a tab surface extends from the second surface of each finger. Each finger includes a tip surface extending opposite the first surface and from the second surface.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023297A1

A valve for opening and closing a liquid vessel or pouch, which includes a valve body having a central axis, top and bottom sides arranged transversely with respect to the central axis, and a passage opening that extends through the valve body coaxially from the top side to the bottom side. A closure element can be pressed into the passage opening by a spring element coaxially with respect to the central axis from the underside such that the passage opening can be closed in a liquid-tight manner. The closure element includes a first sealing lip which can be pressed into the passage opening with an interference fit P and, axially behind said first sealing lip, a second sealing lip, which can be pressed into the passage opening with an interference fit P, wherein P is a stronger interference fit than P 2. The valve according to claim 1 , wherein the valve body comprises a spring holding part that projects over the bottom side and comprises a holder for the spring element claim 1 , wherein said holder is arranged opposite the passage opening.3. The valve according to claim 1 , wherein the spring element is constructed as a pressure spring.4. The valve according to claim 2 , wherein the spring element is arranged between the holder on the spring holding part and between the closure element so that the closure element is pressed from the bottom side into the passage opening of the valve body.5. The valve according to claim 2 , wherein the spring holding part is constructed to be substantially U-shaped and comprises two side arms firmly connected to the valve body and comprises a web-shaped bridge part firmly connected to the side arms.6. The valve according to claim 1 , wherein the closure element is held by one or more elastic arms connected to the spring holding part or to the valve body.7. The valve according to claim 2 , wherein the valve body claim 2 , the spring holding part and the closure element are manufactured in one piece.8. The valve according to claim 5 , ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Pipe coupling

Номер: US20140033507A1
Автор: William Vernon KLUSS
Принадлежит: GSA Industries Australia Pty Ltd

A coupling ( 10 ) for receiving and retaining the end of a conduit. The coupling ( 10 ) includes a leading body part ( 12 ), a grab ring ( 14 ), a sealing ring ( 16 ), a trailing body part ( 18 ) and a sleeve ( 11 ). The trailing body part ( 18 ) has an outer surface portion ( 46 ) which is inclined to diverge outwardly and a rear face ( 20 ) that extends from a trailing end of the outer surface ( 46 ), and that faces axially. The sleeve ( 11 ) extends circumferentially around the leading body part ( 12 ), the grab ring ( 14 ), the sealing ring ( 16 ) and the trailing body part ( 18 ). The sleeve ( 11 ) includes a forward end ( 24 ) for engaging the leading body part ( 12 ) a first axial portion ( 23 ) which extends from the forward end ( 24 ), an inclined portion ( 22 ) which extends from the axial portion ( 23 ) and which is inclined complimentary to the outer surface portion ( 46 ). The sleeve ( 11 ) further includes a trailing end portion ( 21 ) that extends from the inclined portion ( 22 ) to overlie the rear face ( 20 ) of the trailing body part ( 18 ) in close facing relationship. The sleeve ( 11 ) is operable to resist movement of the leading and trailing body parts ( 12, 18 ) axially away from each other.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Coupling for Fluid Bladder

Номер: US20140060675A1

A coupler for a fluid system includes: a coupling device made of an inflexible polymeric material, the coupling device including a body defining a fluid passage therethrough that is connected to an aperture sized to receive a mating coupling device, the coupling device including a latch configured to move between an uncoupled state and a coupled state to couple the mating coupling device thereto; and a base made of a flexible polymeric material, the base including a flange member sized to be coupled to a bladder of the fluid hydration system, and the base including a receiving member sized to receive at least a portion of the coupling device. The base is overmolded over the coupling device to form the coupler, the coupler being fluid-tight. 1. A coupler for a fluid hydration system , the coupler comprising:a coupling device made of an inflexible polymeric material, the coupling device including a body defining a fluid passage therethrough that is connected to an aperture sized to receive a mating coupling device, the coupling device including a latch configured to move between an uncoupled state and a coupled state to couple the mating coupling device thereto; anda base made of a polymeric material, the base including a flange member sized to be coupled to a bladder of the fluid hydration system, and the base including a receiving member sized to receive at least a portion of the coupling device;wherein the base is overmolded over the coupling device to form the coupler, the coupler being fluid-tight.2. The coupler of claim 1 , further comprising a shroud member extending from the coupling device.3. The coupler of claim 1 , further comprising one or more protrusions extending from the coupling device to engage the base.4. The coupler of claim 1 , wherein the flange member of the base defines a flat surface that is coupled to the bladder of the fluid hydration system.5. The coupler of claim 1 , wherein the coupling device further includes a valve member.6. The ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

High-pressure quick-disconnect connector with automatic pressure-based lockout control

Номер: US20140062080A1
Принадлежит: AIR-LOCK Inc

According to one aspect, a quick disconnect connector is provided. The quick disconnect connector includes a first component and a second component which is matable with the first component. A releasing element is engageable with at least one of the first component and the second component to unmate the first component and the second component. A locking element is movable between a locked position and an unlocked position. The locking element, in the locked position, engages the releasing element to prevent the releasing element from unmating the first component and the second component. The locking element is movable from the unlocked position to the locked position by application of a locking force to the locking element. The locking force can be applied to the locking element by fluid being carried by the quick-disconnect connector.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140077044A1

A connection mechanism between two components may use one or more metallic pins that are magnetically extended when the components are engaged, and a sloped groove that retracts and unlocks the pins when the components are rotated. The components are locked in place by the pins during engagement. Disengagement may be performed by rotating the two components with respect to each other. The connection mechanism may include one or more magnets mounted on either or both components. The magnets may be arranged to attract the components when the components are in the locking orientation and to repel the components when the components are rotated to an unlocked position. The connection mechanism may include electrical connections between the components. 1. A connection mechanism comprising:a first component adapted to mechanically lock to a second component when the connection mechanism is in a locked position, the first component comprising one or more pins, the one or more pins being magnetically attractive, wherein the one or more pins are adapted to extend from the first component when the connection mechanism is in the locked position, and wherein the one or more pins are adapted to retract into the first component when the connection mechanism is in an unlocked position;the second component comprising an engagement face and one or more slots disposed in the engagement face, the one or more slots comprising a first slot, the second component further comprising a first magnet positioned near the first slot, wherein the first magnet is adapted to magnetically attract a first pin of the one or more pins thereby causing the first pin to extend into the first slot as the connection mechanism transitions from the unlocked position to the locked position, wherein the first pin extended into the first slot mechanically resists the first component from being separated from the second component when the connection mechanism is in the locked position.2. The connection mechanism ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084583A1
Принадлежит: A. RAYMOND ET CIE

A hollow conduit is provided. In another aspect, a quick connector, suitable to carry fluid therethrough, is made of layers of material, a light curable material and/or multiple built-up materials. Another aspect uses a three-dimensional printing machine to emit material from an ink jet printing head to build up a conduit. 1. A method of making a conduit adapted for carrying fluid , the method comprising:(a) depositing a layer of material onto a support surface;(b) depositing subsequent layers of the material upon each prior layer until the conduit is completely created;(c) creating the conduit to comprise a hollow bore extending inside an outer wall made of the material with at least one die-locked bend therein between a female end and a male end of the conduit, as part of the depositing steps;(d) surrounding at least a majority of the conduit with a gas during the depositing and creating steps;(e) curing the conduit so that the layers of the material bond together; and(f) removing the completed conduit from the support surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is a liquid carrying tube-connector claim 1 , the method further comprising using the deposited layers to create the female end and the opposite male end of a smaller cross-sectional dimension than the female end.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising using the deposited layers to create a flexible coupling and a rigid insert substantially simultaneously with the tube connector in the same machine cycle claim 2 , at least part of the coupling and at least part of the insert being created inside the female end claim 2 , the insert being hollow claim 2 , and the insert being removeable from the coupling and female end after the curing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas is air claim 1 , the bore inside the conduit includes at least two turns claim 1 , and the wall is a single piece.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising flowing the material from a head positioned above the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Plug-In Piece

Номер: US20140091533A1

A plug-in piece 1 for sealing connection of two mutually assigned cylindrical surfaces includes an essentially tubular support body 2, which on its ends exhibits annularly encircling sealing elements, which can be made to engage to produce a sealing connection with the cylindrical surfaces to be sealed, wherein at least one of the sealing elements is configured as an annularly encircling sealing bead 3, 30 on the outer surface of the support body 2, with a spherically curved sealing surface. Provision is made that the spherical radius of the sealing surface ( 3, 30 ) is chosen so that the center of the sphere is roughly at the axis of support body ( 2 ) symmetry. Thus, the compression forces are ensured to remain largely constant, independent of the angular setting over the entire surface of the sealing bead.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000693A1
Автор: Wei Hao

An automated nursing robot is disclosed, including a main body unit, a wastewater bucket, a clean water bucket, a water injection and wastewater discharge unit for discharging and flushing the wastewater bucket and adding water into the clean water bucket, a mobile base disposed under the wastewater bucket and clean water bucket for carrying both to move between the main body unit and the water injection and wastewater discharge unit, and a connecting side plate arranged on one side of the mobile base. The main body unit and the water injection and wastewater discharge unit are each equipped with a positioning and fixing plate. Each positioning and fixing plate is provided with a pipe joint A, and the connecting side plate is correspondingly provided with a pipe joint B, and the pipe joint A and the pipe joint B are mutually attracted and connected by a magnetic attraction assembly. 1. An automated nursing robot , comprising:a main body unit, comprising an excreta suction mechanism and a clean water flushing mechanism;a wastewater bucket;a clean water bucket;a water injection and wastewater discharge unit, configured for discharging and flushing the wastewater bucket and adding water to the clean water bucket;a mobile base, disposed under the wastewater bucket and the clean water bucket and configured for conveying both the wastewater bucket and the clean water bucket between the main body unit and the water injection and wastewater discharge unit;a connecting side plate disposed on one side of the mobile base;wherein the main body unit and the water injection and wastewater discharge unit are each equipped with a positioning and fixing plate for connecting with the connecting side plate; wherein each positioning and fixing plate comprises a pipe joint A for connecting with the wastewater bucket or the clean water bucket, and the connecting side plate correspondingly comprises a pipe joint B, and wherein the pipe joint A and the pipe joint B are connected to each ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Fluid inlet adapter

Номер: US20150000653A1
Автор: Jeffrey Harold MILLER
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

An adapter for selectively providing fluid to a device from one of multiple fluid sources has a body with a first inlet for connecting a first one of the multiple fluid sources to the device and a second inlet for connecting a second one of the multiple fluid sources to the device. The adapter also includes a handle that is movably coupled to the body and includes an access control element. The handle is configured to secure the body to a device when the adapter is in either of a first position or a second position that is rotated relative to the first configuration. The access control element obstructs access to the second inlet when the adapter is secured to the device in the first position and the access control element obstructs access to the first inlet when the adapter is secured to the device in the second position.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000988A1

The present invention relates to a double connector for a tubular insert, intended to connect an extra-corporeal circuit to a peristaltic pump. The double connector comprises: a first channel with an axis a, a second channel with an axis anot parallel to a, a pressure chamber arranged along the first channel and suitable for co-operation with a pressure sensor. The pressure chamber is closed, on the opposite side with respect to the second channel, by a membrane which extends mainly in a plane n substantially parallel to both the axes aand a. Moreover, a straight line r, passing through both axes aand aand perpendicular thereto, crosses the membrane. The invention also relates to a tubular insert comprising the double connector and an extra-corporeal circuit comprising the tubular insert. 1242220182430. Double connector () for a tubular insert () intended to connect an extra-corporeal circuit () to a peristaltic pump () , the double connector () comprising a first channel () having an axis a;{'b': '32', 'sub': 2', '1, 'a second channel () having an axis anot parallel to a;'}{'b': 34', '30', '16', '32', '36, 'sub': 1', '2, 'a pressure chamber () arranged along the first channel () and suitable for co-operating with a pressure sensor (), the pressure chamber being closed, on the opposite side with respect to the second channel (), by a membrane () extending mainly in a plane n substantially parallel to both the axes aand a;'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'b': '36', 'wherein a straight line r, passing through both axes aand aand perpendicular thereto, crosses the membrane ().'}224383032383032. Double connector () according to claim 1 , further comprising a piercible insert () arranged along one of the two channels ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , the insert () being piercible with a needle so as to supply or remove a liquid to/from the channel ( claim 1 , ).324403032403032. Double connector () according to claim 1 , further comprising a port () arranged along one of the two channels ( claim ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001112A1
Автор: TAKEUCHI Masahiko

An adapter () has a through hole (). A first end portion () of the adapter includes a tubular portion () on which a first projection () and a second projection () are provided. The adapter can be connected to a male connector at a first position where a claw () of the male connector is engaged with the first projection () and at a second position where the claw () is engaged with the second projection (). When the adapter is connected at the first position, a flow channel () of a male member () is sealed with a cover (). When the adapter is connected at the second position, the adapter compressively deforms an outer circumferential wall () of the cover so that the flow channel of the male member is in communication with the through hole () of the adapter. 1. An adapter that is attachable to and detachable from a male connector ,the male connector comprising a rod-shaped male member that has a flow channel, a lock lever that is located opposite to the male member, a claw that protrudes from the lock lever toward the male member, and a cover that houses the male member,wherein the lock lever is elastically swingable so that the claw moves away from the male member,the cover includes an outer circumferential wall that is elastically and compressively deformable in a longitudinal direction of the male member, and a head portion that is provided at one end of the outer circumferential wall, andthe cover is configured such that a leading end of the male member protrudes from the head portion when the outer circumferential wall is compressively deformed,the adapter comprising a first end portion and a second end portion,wherein the adapter has a through hole that penetrates the adapter and allows the first end portion to be in communication with the second end portion,the first end portion includes a hollow tubular portion in which the through hole is provided,a first projection and a second projection are provided on an outer circumferential surface of the tubular portion ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Connection verifier

Номер: US20220003350A1
Принадлежит: Oetiker NY Inc

A connection verifier for engaging a fluid connection including a tube end form, a fluid connector, and a snap ring having one or more protrusions, the connection verifier comprising a boot including an aperture, and a probe having a leading edge operatively arranged to engage the snap ring, and a circuit arranged in the aperture, the circuit operatively arranged to detect one or more forces applied to the leading edge, wherein the connection verifier is operatively arranged to determine if the fluid connection is properly connected based on the one or more forces applied to the leading edge.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Female Quick Coupling Element and Quick Coupling Including Such an Element

Номер: US20150001844A1

This female quick coupling () element () is intended to cooperate, by press fitting (F) along a press fitting axis (X-X), with a male element (). It comprises a body () centred on a longitudinal axis (X) of the passage of fluid and comprising a flat front face (), a relief valve () comprising a valve () housed in the duct for the passage of fluid and mobile along the longitudinal axis, a manoeuvring ring () mounted slidingly around the body and defining, at its distal end (), a mouth (E) for receiving the male element. The manoeuvring ring is provided with at least one relief () of engagement with a corresponding relief () of the male element. The female coupling element further comprises a safety ring () mounted around the body (), radially inside the manoeuvring ring (), mobile axially in relation to the body () between a first position and a second position. The female element further comprises means () for transforming, when the safety ring () is in its second position, a movement of rotation of the manoeuvring ring, about the longitudinal axis (X) and in relation to the safety ring (), into a movement of axial translation of the body () in relation to the manoeuvring ring (). 2. Female element according to claim 1 , wherein the means for transforming movement comprise a drive ring mounted mobile in rotation and integral in translation around a body claim 1 , wherein one of the rings claim 1 , among the manoeuvring ring and the drive ring claim 1 , is provided with at least one member for fastening in rotation the drive ring with the manoeuvring ring claim 1 , with possibility of relative axial movement claim 1 , and wherein one of the rings among the drive ring and the safety ring is provided with at least one member for guiding the drive ring in a helical movement in relation to the safety ring.3. Female element according to claim 2 , wherein the member for fastening in rotation and the member for guiding are integral or monoblock with the same ring.4. Female ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Push-to-Connect Fitting with Release Assistance Assembly and Device

Номер: US20180001449A1

A push-to-connect fitting release assistance assembly, device and method allows for simplified manual operation of a push-to-connect fitting through a clip device capable of manual fit around a fitting adapted for such use. In various embodiments, the clip device comprises a base portion and first and second leg portions, where the leg portions are adapted to provide a gradually increasing or decreasing axial pressure to a release pusher member included as part of the fitting assembly. In various embodiments, the main body component of the fitting is adapted with axially inner, intermediate and outer portions that provide a snug mechanical fit with the clip device. 1. A fitting , comprising:a main body component having an interior wall and an exterior wall, wherein the interior wall defines a cavity extending axially through the main body component, wherein the main body component includes a first segment having an axially inner portion, an axially intermediate portion and an axially outer portion, with the axially inner portion, axially intermediate portion and axially outer portion being integrally formed and each having a respective interior wall, exterior wall and an interior radius, wherein the interior radius of the axially inner portion is smaller than the interior radius of the axially intermediate portion, and wherein the interior radius of the axially intermediate portion is smaller than the interior radius of the axially outer portion, wherein the axially intermediate portion includes a radial step extending radially inwardly such that the axially intermediate portion includes a first interior wall portion and a second interior wall portion separated by the radial step;at least one sealing ring maintained within the first interior wall portion of the axially intermediate portion of the main body component;a tube support member maintained within the interior wall of the axially outer portion of the main body component and the second interior wall portion ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Split Ring Coupling and Fitting

Номер: US20170002960A1
Автор: Bowman Matthew A.

A pipe fitting has housing portions attached in spaced relation to define non-coaxial receptacles that receive pipe elements. The housing portions are supported on split rings received within grooves in each housing portion. The housing portions are supported in spaced relation in a preassembled state to permit insertion of pipe elements into the receptacles without disassembly of the fitting. The grooves in the housing portions have a floor surface with three surface portions. Two of the surface portions on each groove of each housing portion engage the split rings when the housing portions are supported in spaced relation. 1. A fitting for connecting at least two pipe elements together , said fitting comprising:first and second housing portions attached to one another in spaced apart relation and defining at least first and second receptacles for receiving said pipe elements, said first and second receptacles respectively surrounding first and second axes, said first axis oriented coaxially with said first receptacle, said second axis oriented coaxially with said second receptacle, said first axis being angularly oriented with respect to said second axis, said housing portions further defining a fluid path extending between said first and second receptacles, each of said housing portions comprising:a first groove extending circumferentially about said first receptacle and a second groove extending circumferentially about said second receptacle, each of said grooves defined by two side surfaces arranged in spaced relation and a floor surface extending therebetween, each said floor surface comprising first and second surface portions arranged respectively at opposite ends of each said groove, and a third surface portion positioned therebetween, said first and second surface portions each having a greater radius of curvature than said third surface portion;a first split ring positioned within said first groove and a second split ring positioned within said second ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002962A1

A coupling for connecting pipe ends, comprising a hollow body with an entrance for each pipe end provided with a radial seat for a pipe end and a coupling nut for clamping the pipe end, whereby an electrically conductive bridge is provided, which at the location of the seats is provided with a clamping element that is elastically deformable in the radial direction with respect to the respective seat, and is provided with a contact section, which in a rest situation is at a distance from the axis of the seat that is smaller than an outside radius of the pipe end for which the seat concerned is intended. 124-. (canceled)25. A coupling for connecting pipe ends comprising a hollow body with an entrance for each respective pipe end to be connected , whereby each aforementioned entrance is provided with a radial seat for an aforementioned pipe end with an outside radius , whereby a coupling nut is provided at each end of the body for clamping a pipe end concerned in the coupling , wherein the body is provided on the inside with a bridge , at least partially of electrically conductive material , with at least two ends that are provided with a clamping element at the location of a seat , which is elastically deformable in the radial direction with respect to the respective seat , and is provided with a contact section , which in a rest situation , i.e. in the absence of a pipe end , is at a distance from the axis of the seat that is smaller than the aforementioned outside radius of the pipe end for which the seat concerned is intended.26. The coupling according to claim 25 , wherein the contact section of at least one clamping element is provided with one or more teeth oriented inwards.27. The coupling according to claim 25 , wherein at least one entrance of the body of the coupling is provided with an axial end stop for the insertion of a pipe end.28. The coupling according to claim 27 , wherein the end stop is formed by a shoulder that is formed by a stepped narrowing of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Fluid coupling

Номер: US20170002965A1
Принадлежит: OSCHMANN GBR

A fluid coupling includes a socket and a plug and is used to connect two fluid hoses, whereby the plug has a neck that can be inserted into the socket with an annular groove for engaging with a locking element. The locking element includes a push-button that can be activated in a radial manner from the exterior of the socket and from which two flexible fork arms protrude that engage into a hub of the socket and have diagonal ramp surfaces on the two opposing inner faces of the fork arms, whereby the diagonal ramp surfaces engage around the neck in the area of the annular groove around a part of the circumference of the neck. The annular groove is delimited by two opposing and diverging diagonal surfaces. 1. A fluid coupling for connecting two fluid hoses , the fluid coupling comprising:{'b': '14', 'a socket (); and'}{'b': '12', 'a plug (),'}{'b': 12', '18', '14', '62', '66, 'wherein the plug () has a neck (), which is adapted to be inserted into the socket (), said neck comprising an annular groove () for engaging a locking element () in the socket,'}{'b': 66', '68', '14', '70', '72', '14', '90', '18', '62', '18, 'wherein the locking element () comprises a push-button (), adapted to be actuated in a radial manner from an exterior of the socket (), two flexible fork arms () protruding from the push-button and being adapted to engage into a hub () of the socket (), diagonal ramp surfaces () on two opposing inner faces being defined on the flexible fork arms and being adapted to engage around the neck () in an area of the annular groove () around a part of circumference of the neck (), and'}{'b': 62', '64, 'wherein the annular groove () is delimited by two opposing and diverging diagonal surfaces ().'}2907012. The fluid coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the diagonal ramp surfaces () of the fork arms () diverge in an axial direction toward the plug ().3907870629018. The fluid coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the two ramp surfaces () are defined on free ends ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003392A1
Автор: Ohms Gabe

A quick connect apparatus for plumbing fixtures comprises a base assembly and adaptor assembly and allows plumbing fixtures to quickly be attached (or unattached) to an external shower box or well housing. Numerous watertight seals provide confidence to the user that the quick connect plumbing apparatus will not be wasting water through unnecessary leaks. 1. A quick connect apparatus for fluid flow comprising:a base assembly; andan adapter assembly having a first end and a second end;wherein said base assembly has a distal end adapted for mechanical connection with a water supply and a proximate end adapted for mating lockable engagement with said first end of said adapter assembly such that when said mating lockable engagement occurs, a contiguous path for the flow of water within said quick connect apparatus, from said distal end to said second end is established, and when there is no mating lockable engagement the flow of water from said water supply cannot exit said base assembly at said proximate end.2. The quick connect apparatus for fluid flow of further comprising;a seat assembly threadingly engaged in the approximate longitudinal center of said base assembly, said seat having a smooth walled internal bore with an interior flange formed thereon that extends inward;a flow-director slidingly housed within said seat assembly;an adapter sealing O-ring located adjacent said first end of said adapter assembly;a flow-director sealing O-ring located on said flow director;wherein said flow-director sealing O-ring is engaged between said flow-director and said smooth walled internal bore so as to form a seal preventing fluid flow between said flow-director and said base assembly when there is no mating locking engagement between said base assembly and said adapter assembly; andwherein said adapter sealing O-ring is engaged between said adapter assembly and said smooth walled internal bore so as to form a seal allowing fluid to pass between said adapter assembly and ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003393A1

A connector is used to connect a gases supply to a user. The user can be fitted with an interface, such as a cannula, while the gases supply can include a conduit. The connector interfaces between the conduit and the interface. The connector has a female assembly and a male assembly that connect together, such as by push fit. The male assembly includes an inner portion sized and configured to mate with a first female connector and an outer portion sized and configured to alternatively mate with a second female connector. 1. A male end portion for a gases supply conduit connector , the male end portion comprising:a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end being configured to connect to a conduit and the distal end being configured to mate with two or more different female end portions;the distal end of the male end portion comprising a first male connector and a second male connector, the first male connector generally encircling the second male connector with a radial gap defined between the first male connector and the second male connector;the first male connector comprising an outer wall that extends distally from a proximal end wall, the outer wall being generally cylindrical but tapering along at least a portion of its length such that a proximal portion of the outer wall has a larger outer diameter than a distal portion of the outer wall;the second male connector comprising an inner wall, the inner wall comprising an outer surface, the outer surface of the inner wall being spaced apart from an inner surface of the outer wall to define a gap between the inner wall and the outer wall.2. The male end portion of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the outer wall is generally cylindrical in shape.3. The male end portion of claim 2 , wherein the inner surface of the outer wall of the first male connector includes a stepped portion.4. The male end portion of claim 3 , wherein the stepped portion defines a first inner diameter at a proximal end of the inner ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Quick connect assembly including for use in pressurized fluid applications and incorporating auto shut-off feature

Номер: US20160003394A1
Автор: Michael V. Reasoner
Принадлежит: Individual

A quick connect assembly having a female fitting attached to an end of a first fluid coupling and exhibiting an interior passage defined by a plurality of linearly extending and circumferentially spaced fingers. Undersides of said fingers collectively define a concentric concave profile an inwardly recessed distance from a connecting end. A male fitting attaches to an end of a second fluid coupling and includes an annular projection at an intermediate location generally matching the concave profile. Upon inserting the male fitting, the female fingers outwardly deflect, following which they inwardly retract concurrent with the projection seating within the interior concave profile. A covering cap is supported upon the male fitting and, upon displacing over projecting ends of the fingers, prevents inadvertent disengagement of the fittings.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003395A1

A push-on pipe joint for connecting polyethylene water pipes comprises a hollow tubular body portion () having a central parallel-sided section () of internal diameter greater than that of the pipe and having a central inwardly extending pipe-stopping flange () for limiting insertion of the pipe, an inwardly tapered section () at each end of the central portion () and a further parallel sided end section () at the end of the tapered sections () of diameter such as to allow insertion of the pipe into the joint until it contacts the flange (); a plurality of equidistantly spaced pipe-gripping members () inside the pipe joint and comprising a wedge section () having one surface () in sliding contact with the surface of the tapered section () and having ratchet teeth () on its opposite surface; means for forcing the wedge section () along the surface of the tapered section () to bring the ratchet teeth () into contact with, and to penetrate the surface of, the pipe; and a sealing ring (() located in a groove () towards the open end of the end sections () for forming a seal against the wall of a pipe inserted in the pipe joint. 1. A push-on pipe joint for connecting polyethylene water pipes comprising:a hollow tubular body portion having a central parallel-sided section of internal diameter greater than that of the pipe and having a central inwardly extending pipe-stopping flange for limiting insertion of the pipe, an inwardly tapered section at each end of the central portion and a further parallel sided end section at the end of the tapered sections of diameter such as to allow insertion of the pipe into the joint until it contacts the flange;a plurality of equidistantly spaced pipe-griping members inside the pipe joint and comprising a wedge section having one surface in sliding contact with the surface of the tapered section and having ratchet teeth on its opposite surface;means for forcing the wedge section along the surface of the tapered section to bring the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Plug unit and connection system for connecting capillary tubes, especially for high-performance liquid chromatography

Номер: US20170003255A1

A plug unit for connecting capillary tubes includes a plug housing that has an axial borehole, a plug capillary tube that projects through the axial borehole, and a sealing element that surrounds the plug capillary tube. The front end of the plug capillary tube is sealed by an elastic and/or plastic deformation of the sealing element against the capillary tube receptacle opening of a bushing unit. A hollow cylindrical pressure piece is provided that surrounds the sealing element in an axial region facing away from the end surface of the plug capillary tube, and the pressure piece has a rearward end side that faces away from the end surface of the plug capillary tube and that can be loaded by the plug housing with an axial pressure force when the plug unit and bushing unit are connected.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003248A1

The present invention provides a floating nut, a battery assembly and a vehicle. The floating nut comprises a limit box defining a cavity located therein and a nut body which comprises an axially extending body and a flange radially extending from one end of the body, wherein the size of the flange is configured to adapt to fit within the cavity; and an outer contour of the flange is configured in the shape of a parallelogram, and the parallelogram is configured to have diagonal lines of unequal lengths. The floating nut, the battery assembly and the vehicle of the present invention have the advantages such as being simple in structure, easy to manufacture and convenient for installation, can be used in a limited space, and can reduce the risk of failure. 1. A floating nut , comprising:a limit box defining a cavity located therein; anda nut body, which comprises an axially extending body and a flange radially extending from one end of the body;wherein the size of the flange is configured to adapt to fit within the cavity; and an outer contour of the flange is configured in the shape of a parallelogram, and the parallelogram is configured to have diagonal lines of unequal lengths.2. The floating nut according to claim 1 , wherein the limit box comprises a base claim 1 , which has a flat shape on a first plane and comprises a first hole claim 1 , and two or more curved portions claim 1 , which extend out from the base and form a second hole corresponding to the first hole claim 1 , wherein the two or more curved portions enclose the cavity together with the base; and an inner wall of the body is provided with threads claim 1 , and the size of the body is configured to adapt to pass through the second hole.3. The floating nut according to claim 1 , wherein the outer contour of the flange is configured in the shape of a rhombus.4. The floating nut according to claim 1 , wherein the center of the body is substantially located at the center of the outer contour of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003349A1

To provide a fluid supply apparatus capable of preventing inconveniences cause by cut of a signal line when a filling hose is separated through an emergency separation pipe joint. The fluid supply apparatus (: fluid supply apparatus for supplying fluid such as hydrogen gas and gasoline) includes a supply system for transporting fluid such as hydrogen gas and gasoline in a housing main body while measuring flow rate of the fluid; a control mechanism for controlling the supply system; a hose () introduced from the supply system and having a nozzle () at an end thereof; and a signal line () along the hose (), wherein the signal line () is detachable. 1. A fluid supply apparatus comprising a supply system for transporting fluid in a housing main body while measuring flow rate of the fluid; a control mechanism for controlling the supply system; a hose introduced from the supply system and having a nozzle at an end thereof; and a signal line along the hose , wherein said signal line is detachable.2. The fluid supply apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the signal line includes a detachable portion as a separable portion claim 1 , and the detachable portion is provided with a locking mechanism.3. The fluid supply apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein an emergency separation mechanism is mounted to release the locking mechanism.4. The fluid supply apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the locking mechanism includes a signal line holding member claim 1 , to the signal line holding member is mounted a first convex portion for releasing engagement of the locking mechanism claim 1 , and the locking mechanism includes a lock releasing member claim 1 , and to the lock releasing member is mounted a second convex portion for releasing engagement of the locking mechanism by contacting the first convex portion.5. The fluid supply apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , wherein on both sides of the first convex portion in a circumferential direction are formed detent ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003350A1
Автор: KREIDER Julien

Disclosed is a system for quick connection between a female end piece provided with a U-shaped locking clip and a male end piece fitted therein, the wall of the female end piece having opposite slits through which the arms of the U protrude into the passage of the end piece and the wall of the male end piece having an outer groove lockably receiving the clip arms in a final fitting state of the male piece in the female piece, locked by the clip. Also included is a part forming a removable prestressed element for the clip with housing sites engaging the two free sections in a first resting configuration, and in at least a second prestressed configuration in which the arms are more separated than in the resting configuration but less than during the passage of the maximum outer section of the male end piece. 112342223324433342355333333423424333. A system () for quick connection between a female end piece () provided with a U-shaped locking clip () and a male end piece () designed to be fitted into the female end piece () , the wall of the female end piece () having opposite slits (′) through which the arms (′ , ″) of the U protrude into the passage of said end piece () and the wall of the male end piece () having an outer groove (′) designed to receive , with locking , said arms (′ , ″) of the clip () in a final fitting state of the male end piece () in the female end piece () , locked by said clip () , a free section ( , ′) respectively extending each arm (′ , ″) of the U in the direction of the other arm (″ , ′) , while closing the U approximately by working together , and said arms (′ , ″) being separated elastically by the male end piece () during its insertion into the female end piece () until the clip () is received in the groove (′) in the final fitted state of the two end pieces ( and ) , the clip () then being approximately in a resting configuration , with the arms (′ , ″) of the U not forced apart ,{'b': 1', '6', '3', '7', '7', '7', '5', '5', '3', '3', '3 ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Device for assembly and attachment of a pair of openings

Номер: US20210003234A1
Автор: POURRE Olivier

The present invention relates to a device for assembling a pipe () with a receiving opening () characterised in that it comprises: —a first structure () bearing an interface () surrounding a first opening (), this interface () comprising at least one peripheral skirt (), —a second structure () bearing an interface () surrounding a second opening (), —a peripheral sealing gasket () for sealing the junction between the two interfaces (), the two interfaces () being positioned facing each other so that: —the skirt () of the first interface () is positioned on the periphery of the second cooperating interface () surrounding the second opening (), and so that —the skirt () compresses at least a portion of the sealing gasket () against the second interface (). 112-. (canceled)13. A device for assembling and fixing the orifice of a pipe with a receiving orifice to cooperate , said device comprising:a first structure bearing a first cooperation interface surrounding a first of the two orifices, this interface comprising at least one skirt disposed over at least a portion of the periphery of the first orifice,a second structure bearing a second cooperation interface surrounding the second orifice,a seal disposed on the periphery of the join between the first cooperation interface and the second cooperation interface,the first cooperation interface being positioned facing the second cooperation interface so that:the skirt of the first interface is positioned at the periphery of the second cooperation interface surrounding the second orifice, andthe skirt of the first interface and/or an extension of the skirt radially compresses at least a part of the seal against a part of the second interface, the second interface comprising a shoulder positioned along a rim at the periphery of the second cooperation interface and against which at least a part of the seal is in contactand in that the two structures which bear the cooperation interfaces, on the one hand, incorporate at least ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003237A1

A pipe system has a pipe with an axis and a retainer groove formed in an exterior of the pipe near an axial end of the pipe. The pipe system also has a tubular body with an interior and one end sized to receive the axial end of the pipe therein to form a pipe assembly. The pipe system also has a retainer configured to be received in the retainer groove and to be both axially movable and radially movable relative to the retainer groove during formation of the pipe assembly and to retain the pipe and the tubular body in the pipe assembly. 1. A pipe system comprising:a pipe having an axis and a retainer groove formed in an exterior of the pipe near an axial end of the pipe;a tubular body having an interior and one end sized to receive the axial end of the pipe therein to form a pipe assembly; anda retainer configured to be received in the retainer groove,wherein the retainer is configured to be both axially movable and radially movable relative to the retainer groove during formation of the pipe assembly and to retain the pipe and the tubular body in the pipe assembly.2. The pipe system of claim 1 , wherein the retainer groove comprises a plurality of radial depths relative to the axis.3. The pipe system of claim 2 , wherein the retainer groove is located adjacent or near the axial end of the pipe claim 2 , wherein the retainer groove has a deepest radial depth located farthest from the axial end claim 2 , a shallowest radial depth located axially between the axial end and the deepest radial depth claim 2 , and wherein the deepest radial depth is greater than the shallowest radial depth.4. The pipe system of claim 3 , wherein the retainer is reconfigurable among a collapsed configuration having a collapsed diameter relative to the axis and an expanded configuration having an expanded diameter relative to the axis claim 3 , the expanded diameter is greater than the collapsed diameter.5. The pipe system of claim 4 , wherein in response to tension being applied to the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003238A1
Автор: PUCCI Flavio
Принадлежит: C.MATIC S.p.A.

Quick coupling including casing defining longitudinal axis, outlet and inlet, to receive at the inlet at least part of external connector to fluidity connect external connector and outlet, shutter housed within casing to translate along longitudinal axis in opposition to opposing element, housing at least part of external connector and including retainer to lock at least part of external connector within shutter in at least one position along longitudinal axis, controller accessible from outside and including first slider housed within casing to translate along locking direction skewed relative to longitudinal axis in opposition to second opposing element, to house at least part of the shutter and including lock to lock the shutter within first slider in position along locking direction, and safety to lock shutter when subjected to pressures above predetermined threshold by fluid present within coupling, wherein the shutter locks external connector at least when safety locks shutter.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Quick Pipe Connector

Номер: US20210003239A1
Автор: Hewen LIANG
Принадлежит: Individual

A quick pipe connector includes a connector body, a sealing ring, a compression ring, an engaging member, a fastening cover, and a connector socket. The sealing ring and the compression ring are disposed at fifth and fourth opening portions of the connector body respectively. The fastening cover is disposed at third and second opening portions of the connector body. The fastening cover is biased against a first shouldering surface. The compression ring is disposed at the fourth opening portion and is biased against a second shouldering surface to limit the sealing ring located between a third shouldering surface and the compression ring. A mounting portion of the engaging member is limited between the fastening cover and the compression ring. The connector socket is inserted into the fastening cover that a fifth shouldering surface of the connector socket is engaged with an annular protruding rim of the fastening cover.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003240A1

A wall socket, including a pipes-joint assembly including an outlet push-to-release pipe-joint, an inlet push-to-release pipe-joint, and piping for communicating therebetween, the piping including a right angled bending extending from the outlet push-to-release pipe-joint, and a pipe for extending from the right angled bending to the inlet push-to-release pipe-joint, and a panel, for connecting the pipes-joint assembly thereto, and for disposing the pipe of the pipes-joint assembly parallel to the panel. 1. A wall socket , comprising:a pipes-joint assembly comprising an outlet push-to-release pipe-joint, an inlet push-to-release pipe-joint, and piping for communicating therebetween, said piping comprising a first right angled bending extending from said outlet push-to-release pipe-joint, and a pipe for extending from said first right angled bending to said inlet push-to-release pipe-joint; and a hole, for being disposed between said outlet push-to-release pipe-joint and said inlet push-to-release pipe-joint, for disposing said outlet push-to-release pipe-joint; and', 'a depression extending from said hole and shaped complementary to said first right angled bending for housing thereof, thereby supporting said outlet push-to-release pipe-joint extending therefrom,, 'a panel, for connecting said pipes-joint assembly thereto, and for disposing said pipe of said pipes-joint assembly parallel to said panel, said panel comprisingthereby said first right angled bending and said depression support said outlet push-to-release pipe-joint upon pressing said outlet push-to-release pipe-joint for connecting an outlet pipe thereto.2. The wall socket according to claim 1 , wherein said piping of said pipes-joint assembly further comprises a faucet comprising a rotatable handle claim 1 , thereby said housing of said depression avoids rotating said outlet push-to-release pipe-joint in relation to said inlet push-to-release pipe-joint claim 1 , by said rotating of said handle.3. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Connector for multiple sized connections

Номер: US20190003625A1
Принадлежит: Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd

A connector is used to connect a gases supply to a user. The user can be fitted with an interface, such as a cannula, while the gases supply can include a conduit. The connector interfaces between the conduit and the interface. The connector has a female assembly and a male assembly that connect together, such as by push fit. The male assembly includes an inner portion sized and configured to mate with a first female connector and an outer portion sized and configured to alternatively mate with a second female connector.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003626A1
Автор: Stieler David C.

A quick connector for connecting to a male end of a component includes a housing having a head portion and a body defining a central bore which receives a male end of a component therein. A latch and latch indicator are slidably mounted within the head portion for retaining the male end within the central bore. The latch indicator is offset relative to the latch to provide a visual indication that the component is coupled with the quick connector. 1. A quick connector including a housing having a head portion and a body defining a central bore configured to receive a first end of a component for releasably coupling the component with the quick connector , the quick connector comprising:a latch at least partially disposed within the head portion and comprising a latch bore formed within a body of the latch, wherein the latch is moveable within the head portion between (a) a first position in which the first end of the component is restricted from passing through the latch bore and (b) a second position in which the first end of the component is allowed to pass through the latch bore;a latch indicator at least partially disposed within the head portion and moveable with respect to the latch to indicate when the component is coupled with the quick connector; andan actuator coupled to the latch for selectively moving the latch between the first and second positions, the actuator including an actuator face having at least first, second, and third portions, with the third portion disposed between the first and second portions;wherein the third portion of the actuator face is configured to decrease a force required to move the latch between the first and second positions.2. The quick connector of wherein the first and second portions define a first cross-sectional shape and the third portion defines a second cross-sectional shape claim 1 , different than the first cross-sectional shape.3. The quick connector of wherein the first cross-sectional shape comprises a radius of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Pipe Joint Fitting with Earthquake Resistant Functions

Номер: US20190003627A1
Автор: GAINES Scott R.

Pipe joints and more particularly cylindrical push-on type pipe joint fittings with earthquake resistant functions. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. An earthquake resistant pipe joint assembly comprising:a first pipe including a first pipe bell end with an interiorly extending axial flange formed around an inner surface of an end of the first pipe bell end, a first pipe socket/groove formed in and around the inner surface and immediately adjacent to and extending rearwardly away from the axial flange to an inwardly extending first pipe radial protrusion, which is adjacent a first pipe gasket socket that is formed rearwardly of the inwardly extending radial protrusion and in a front section of a first pipe back groove;a second pipe including a second pipe spigot end with an annular second pipe ring extending around an outer circumference of the second pipe spigot end;a pipe fitting including a pipe fitting bell end with an interiorly extending axial flange formed around an inner surface of an end of the pipe fitting bell end, an extended pipe fitting socket/groove formed in and extending around the inner surface and adjacent to the flange, a back side of the pipe fitting socket/groove extending inwardly from a bottom of the extended pipe fitting socket/groove to an inwardly extending pipe fitting radial protrusion, which is adjacent a pipe fitting gasket socket that is formed rearwardly of the inwardly extending pipe fitting radial protrusion and in a front section of an extended back groove of the pipe fitting, the pipe fitting also including a pipe fitting spigot end with an annular pipe fitting weld bead extending around an outer circumference of the pipe fitting spigot end;a first annular gasket positioned in the first pipe gasket socket;a first annular restraining ring positioned in the first pipe socket/groove against the first pipe interiorly extending axial flange;a second ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010904A1
Автор: Schröter Sören

A coupling comprising a receiving element, a securing element, a retaining element and an insertion element, wherein the securing element is adapted to be displaceable between a release position and a locking position along a displacement axis, the securing element being adapted to engage the at least one retaining element in such a manner that a displacement of the securing element from the release position in the direction of the locking position is prevented, and wherein the insertion element is adapted to interact with the at least one retaining element upon insertion of the insertion element into the receiving space of the receiving element in such a way that a displacement of the securing element from the release position into the locking position is enabled. 2. The coupling according to claim 1 ,wherein the insertion element is adapted to displace the at least one retaining element radially outwards at least partially when the insertion element is inserted into the receiving space of the receiving element.3. The coupling according to claim 1 ,wherein the displacement axis of the securing element is substantially perpendicular to the insertion axis of the insertion element.4. The coupling according to claim 1 ,wherein the securing element is adapted to be transferable from a state separated from the receiving element into the receiving element provided with the at least one retaining element into the release position, the securing element being further adapted to displace the at least one retaining element over an insertion slope provided on the securing element.5. The coupling according to claim 1 ,wherein two diametrically opposed, in particular with respect to a longitudinal central axis of the receiving element, retaining arms, advantageously disposed on a common support element, are provided.6. The coupling according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one retaining element is connectable to the receiving element parallel to the insertion axis.7. The ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008965A1

A tool ( 10 ) for use with a cylindrical tube ( 12 ) and tube coupling ( 20 ), the tool ( 10 ) including a first abutment ( 25 ) for abutting a demount ring ( 18 ) of the tube coupling ( 20 ) and a second abutment ( 26 ) for abutting an end ( 27 ) of a tube ( 12 ). The second abutment ( 26 ) being spaced from a marking face ( 28 ), whereby the spacing between the second abutment ( 26 ) and the marking face ( 28 ) is equal to the required depth of insertion of a tube end ( 11 ) into the tube coupling ( 20 ).

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008362A1

A tube coupling system serves for providing annular flow through a flexible annular double lumen tube between fluid reservoir(s) and flexible connection pieces of an annular double lumen device. The tube coupling system has a first coupling component and a second coupling component and an end fitting system. The first coupling component that has a female coupling part and a male coupling part adapted for coupling to a proximal end of the flexible annular double lumen tube. The second coupling component has a second interior pipe that axially extends inside a second exterior pipe, a first end fitting adapted for coupling to at least the female coupling part of the first coupling component, and a second end fitting adapted for coupling to any of the flexible annular double lumen tube or the flexible connection pieces of an annular double lumen device. 116-. (canceled)17. A system comprising a flexible double lumen tube , a tube coupling system and an irrigation catheter having an expandable cuff , wherein the irrigation catheter is coupled to the flexible double lumen tube by means of the tube coupling system , wherein the flexible double lumen tube is a flexible annular double lumen tube having an interior flexible tube extending inside an exterior flexible tube , wherein the interior flexible tube delimits a first flow channel adapted for supplying an irrigation liquid to the irrigation catheter , and the annular tube gap between said interior flexible tube and said exterior flexible tube delimits a second flow channel adapted for delivering an expansion liquid to the expandable cuff of the irrigation catheter , the interior flexible tube has an exterior diameter (D) that is smaller than an interior diameter (d) of the exterior flexible tube , wherein the interior flexible tube and the exterior flexible tube have no radial connection along the length of said flexible double lumen tube between a proximal end and a distal end of said flexible double lumen tube , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009919A1

An integral button latch is formed for use in a female fluid connector housing. The button latch has a latch plate, a button actuator, and two or more cantilevered leg springs extending from beneath the actuation surface to interface with the connector housing. The latch plate, the button actuator, and the leg springs are all integrally formed. The leg springs bias the latch plate in a locked position and resist depression forces applied to either of the button actuator or the latch plate. By integrally forming the button latch structure, the cost associated with purchasing the springs, molding the lock latch, and the ensuing assembly of the three is significantly diminished. 1. A button latch for use in a fluid connector , the button latch comprising:a button actuator portion for engagement by a user;a latch plate integrally formed with and extending downwardly and perpendicularly from a proximal edge of the button actuator portion and configured to physically secure a male connector within the button latch; anda plurality of cantilevered leg springs, each leg spring integrally formed with the button actuator portion and the latch plate and cantilevered from either a bottom surface of the button actuator portion or both an upper portion of the latch plate and the bottom surface of the button actuator portion,wherein the plurality of cantilevered leg springs comprise two leg springs extending symmetrically downward and inward from laterally opposite corners of the button actuator portion to bias the latch plate in a locked position and resist depression forces applied to each of the button actuator portion and the latch plate.2. The button latch of claim 1 , wherein the two leg springs curve symmetrically downward and inward to extend under the latch plate.3. The button latch of claim 2 , wherein the two leg springs each have an outer shoulder and an inner hollow and a ratio of a radius of curvature of the outer shoulder to a radius of curvature of the inner hollow ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Fluid Coupling Devices

Номер: US20170009920A1

Fluid coupling devices for connecting to and disconnecting from a male barbed fitting to provide a continuous flow path or a flow termination point, include a frame and an elastomeric sealing material disposed about and at least partially encapsulating the frame. The frame can have a first end including a connecting element. The frame can also have a second end including a ring that has two inwardly directed, radial locking tabs. At least a portion of the sealing material can define a thru lumen. At least a portion of the thru lumen can include a tapered, inner portion configured to create a sealed connection with a male barbed fitting. The second end of the fluid coupling device, when compressed, can deflect the locking tabs in a radially outward direction for releasing the male barbed fitting. 1. A fluid coupling device comprising: a first frame portion comprising a ring and two inwardly directed, radial locking tabs; and', 'a second frame portion comprising a connecting element; and, 'a frame comprisingan elastomeric sealing material disposed about and at least partially encapsulating the frame, the sealing material defining at least a portion of a lumen, the lumen comprising at least one sealing surface configured to form a sealed connection with a male barbed fitting;wherein the fluid coupling device, when compressed, deflects the locking tabs in a radially outward direction for releasing the male barbed fitting.2. The fluid coupling device of claim 1 , wherein the fluid coupling device has a non-compressed state configured for sealably coupling to the male barbed fitting and a compressed state configured for releasing the male barbed fitting.3. The fluid coupling device of claim 2 , wherein the ring of the frame has a circular cross-section when the fluid coupling device is in the non-compressed state and an oval cross-section when the fluid coupling device is in the compressed state.4. The fluid coupling device of claim 1 , wherein the locking tabs are ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009921A1

A quick-connector connecting a first pipe and a second pipe. The quick-connector includes a housing that extends about a first axis and defines a bore that extends axially therethrough. A grab ring is disposed in the bore of the housing and includes a body that extends about and along the first axis between a first end and a second end and defines a passage that extends between the first and second ends for receiving one of the first or second pipes. A plurality of protrusions extend from the body in the passage for clamping against the received pipe to prevent the received pipe from being axially removed from the passage. A plurality of hinges are spaced from one another about the body for allowing the body to uniformly and circumferentially flex about the hinges relative to the first axis when the first or second pipe is received in the passage. 1. A quick-connector for establishing fluid communication between a first pipe and a second pipe including:a housing extending about and along a first axis and defining a bore extending axially therethrough;a grab ring disposed in said bore of said housing and including a body extending about and along said first axis between a first end and a second end and defining a passage extending between said first and second ends for receiving one of the first or second pipes;a plurality of protrusions extending from said body and into said passage for clamping against the received pipe to prevent the received pipe from being axially removed from said passage; anda plurality of hinges spaced from one another about said body for allowing said body to flex circumferentially about said hinges when the first or second pipe is received in said passage to more uniformly distribute the clamping forces on the received pipe by said plurality of protrusions.2. A quick-connector as set forth in wherein said body presents an outside surface and an inside surface facing said first axis claim 1 , said outside surface defines a plurality of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Retrofitted Pipe Conduit Addition Method And Assembly

Номер: US20170009924A1
Автор: Madsen Justin, Madsen Mike

A retrofitted pipe conduit addition method and assembly includes a pipe having a cylindrical shape and which has an outer diameter. A coupler is positioned on the pipe. A cylinder is integrally coupled to and extends away from the coupler. The coupler has an aperture extending therethrough. The cylinder bounds the aperture. The pipe has an opening extending therethrough and the cylinder is aligned with the opening. The cylinder may then be fluidly coupled to a drainage conduit. 1. A conduit retrofitting system including:a pipe having a cylindrical shape and having an outer diameter;a coupler being positioned on said pipe;a cylinder being integrally coupled to and extending away from said coupler, said coupler having an aperture extending therethrough, said cylinder bounding said aperture; andsaid pipe having an opening extending therethrough, said cylinder being aligned with said opening, wherein said cylinder is configured to be fluidly coupled to a drainage conduit.2. The conduit retrofitting system according to claim 1 , wherein said coupler is elongated and has a first end claim 1 , a second end and a perimeter wall extending between said first and second ends claim 1 , said first and second ends being open claim 1 , said perimeter wall having elongated break therein extending through each of said first and second ends claim 1 , a first edge and a second edge being defined on opposite sides of said break claim 1 , said perimeter wall having a semi-circular cross-section taken perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of said perimeter wall extending through said first and second ends claim 1 , said coupler having an inner diameter being equal to or less than said outer diameter claim 1 , a distance between said first and second edges being less than said outer diameter.3. The conduit retrofitting system according to claim 2 , wherein a distance between said first and second ends is between 3.0 inches and 8.0 inches.4. The conduit retrofitting system according to ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010775A1

A coupling apparatus that is attachable to a substantially tubular element having a passageway extending therethrough. The coupling apparatus has a coupling body and at least one adapter. The coupling body has a passageway extending therethrough and at least one leg having at least one annular groove. The adapter has a passageway extending therethrough and a radially extending inward portion for engaging the annular groove on the leg of the coupling body for connecting the adapter to the coupling body. The adapter is connectable to the tubular element for forming a continuous passageway through the coupling apparatus. 1. A coupling apparatus that is attachable to a tubular element having a passageway extending therethrough , comprising:a coupling body having a passageway extending therethrough and having at least two substantially similar legs, each leg having at least two annular grooves, wherein one of the at least two annular grooves is wider and shallower than the other annular groove; andat least one adapter having a passageway extending therethrough and an integrally formed, radially extending inward portion for frictionally engaging at least one of the at least two annular grooves of one of the at least two legs of the coupling body for connecting the at least one adapter to the coupling body, wherein the at least one adapter is connectable to the tubular element for forming a continuous passageway through the coupling apparatus.2. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body is molded from glass reinforced polybutylene terephthalate plastic.3. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body has two legs that extend at a substantially right angle with respect to each other.4. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body has a substantially linear configuration with two legs extending substantially coaxially with respect to each other.5. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body has a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010776A1
Автор: Medina Steve

The present disclosure provides a plumbing adapter for coupling a hose and a spout. The plumbing adapter is provided as a plumbing assembly. The plumbing adapter includes a first portion having a hose pipe, a second portion having a support assembly and a third portion having a lock assembly. The hose pipe connects to a tap spout of a water dispensing system. The support assembly includes two parallel arms to support the hose pipe at a first side. The lock assembly includes a pivoting assembly. The pivoting assembly includes a lever component, an arm component and a vertical threaded post connecting the lever component and the arm component at a second side. The pivoting assembly rotates to enable the plumbing assembly to make a transition between a lock position and an unlock position when the hose pipe is connected to the tap spout of the water dispensing system. 1. A plumbing assembly comprising: a first portion having a hose pipe, wherein the hose pipe is configured to connect to a tap spout of a water dispensing system;', 'two parallel arms configured to support the hose pipe at a first side; and', 'a second portion having a support assembly, wherein the support assembly comprising, 'a pivoting assembly, the pivoting assembly comprises a lever component, an arm component and a vertical threaded post connecting the lever component and the arm component at a second side, and wherein the pivoting assembly rotates to enable the plumbing assembly to make a transition between a lock position and an unlock position when the hose pipe is connected to the tap spout of the water dispensing system.', 'a third portion having a lock assembly, wherein the lock assembly comprising], 'a plumbing adapter, wherein the plumbing adapter comprising2. The plumbing assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a gasket configured to provide a leak-proof stable connection of the plumbing assembly to the tap spout when the hose pipe is connected to the tap spout of the water dispensing ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010695A1
Автор: WANG Lo Pin

An air valve connecting device includes a housing, a sliding member slidably engaged in the housing and having a pathway selectively aligning with a passage of the housing, a gasket attached to the sliding member for engaging with an inflation valve, a follower slidably engaged in the sliding member for engaging with the inflation valve, and an actuating knob rotatably attached to the sliding member, the actuating knob is rotatable relative to the sliding member to an angular position where the follower is anchored to the sliding member, and the actuating knob is rotatable relative to the sliding member to another angular position where the follower is released from the sliding member. 1. An air valve connecting device comprising:a housing including a chamber formed therein, and including a first end portion, and including a second end portion, said housing including a passage formed therein and communicating with said chamber of said housing,a sliding member slidably engaged in said chamber of said housing. said sliding member including a compartment formed therein, and said sliding member including a pathway formed therein and communicating with said compartment of said sliding member for selectively aligning and communicating with said passage of said housing and for allowing an air from said passage and said chamber of said housing to flow from said pathway to said compartment of said sliding member,a gasket attached to said sliding member and including a bore formed therein and communicating with said compartment of said sliding member for selectively engaging with an inflation valve,a follower slidably engaged in said compartment of said sliding member and engageable into said bore of said gasket for selectively engaging with said inflation valve, andan actuating knob rotatably attached to said sliding member, said actuating knob being rotatable relative to said housing and said sliding member to a first angular position where said follower is anchored to said ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011068A1

A fluid coupling includes a first adapter having at least one seal groove in an inner diameter surface of the first adapter, and at least one interruption in the inner diameter surface adjacent to the at least one seal groove. The fluid coupling may include a second adapter having an outer diameter surface engaging with at least a portion of the inner diameter surface of the first adapter to form a conductor path between the first adapter and the second adapter. The fluid coupling may further include at least one seal disposed in the at least one seal groove to provide a sealed connection between the first adapter and the second adapter. The at least one interruption may be configured to interrupt the conductor path in a region around the at least one seal. 1. A fluid coupling comprising:a first adapter having at least one seal groove in an inner diameter surface of the first adapter, and at least one interruption in the inner diameter surface adjacent to the at least one seal groove;a second adapter having an outer diameter surface engaging with at least a portion of the inner diameter surface of the first adapter to form a conductor path between the first adapter and the second adapter; andat least one seal disposed in the at least one seal groove to provide a sealed connection between the first adapter and the second adapter;wherein the at least one interruption is configured to interrupt the conductor path in a region around the at least one seal.2. The fluid coupling of claim 1 , wherein the at least one interruption is in the form of a groove extending at least partially around the inner diameter surface of the first adapter in a circumferential direction.3. The fluid coupling of claim 1 , wherein the first adapter includes a web disposed between the at least one seal groove and the at least one interruption.4. The fluid coupling of claim 3 , wherein the web has a thickness in an axial direction that is smaller than a width of at least one of the at least one ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

System of Couplers for Connecting Flexible Ducting of Forced Air Systems

Номер: US20210010710A1

A stabilizer component comprising a unitary body including a central flange, a plurality of first and second retention stanchions. The central flange defines a through-hole from a first end portion to a second end portion of the stabilizer component, and includes an inner circumference and an outer circumference. Each first retention stanchion, of the plurality of first retention stanchions, (i) extends orthogonally and outwardly from the outer circumference of the central flange in a first direction, and (ii) is configured to be inserted into a respective receiving slot of a first HVAC connecting component. Each second retention stanchion, of the plurality of second retention stanchions, (i) extends orthogonally and outwardly from the outer circumference of the central flange in a second direction, said second direction being opposite said first direction, and (ii) is configured to be inserted into a respective receiving slot of a second HVAC connecting component. 1. A stabilizer component configured to securely couple two heating , ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system components together , the stabilizer component comprising:a unitary body including a central flange (i) defining an through-hole from a first end portion of the stabilizer component to a second end portion of the stabilizer component, and (ii) including an inner circumference and an outer circumference,a plurality of first retention stanchions, wherein each first retention stanchion (i) extends orthogonally and outwardly from the outer circumference of the central flange in a first direction, and (ii) is configured to be inserted into a respective receiving slot of a first HVAC connecting component; anda plurality of second retention stanchions, wherein each second retention stanchion (i) extends orthogonally and outwardly from the outer circumference of the central flange in a second direction, said second direction being opposite said first direction, and (ii) is configured to be inserted ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Coupling Having Tabbed Retainer

Номер: US20200011465A1

A pipe coupling for plain end pipe is formed of segments joined end to end surrounding a central space. The segments are connected end to end by lugs on each segment with fasteners extending between them. Each segment has channels on opposite sides that face the central space with floors at different radii. Retainers are received within the channels. The retainers have teeth and one or more offset tabs that cooperate with the channels to prevent improper assembly. A ring seal is received within a channel positioned in each segment between the retainer channels. 1. A coupling for joining pipe elements , said coupling comprising:a plurality of segments attached to one another end to end surrounding a central space for receiving said pipe elements, each of said segments comprising:at least a first channel positioned on a first side of said segments, said first channel extending between said ends of said segments;a first aperture in at least one of said segments, said first aperture providing a line of sight toward said central space.2. The coupling according to claim 1 , wherein said first aperture is aligned with said first channel.3. The coupling according to claim 1 , wherein said first aperture is positioned between two of said segments.4. The coupling according to claim 3 , wherein said first aperture comprises a trough positioned at an interface between said two segments.5. The coupling according to claim 1 , further comprising a second aperture in at least one of said segments claim 1 , said second aperture providing a line of sight toward said central space.6. The coupling according to claim 5 , wherein said second aperture is aligned with a second channel positioned on a second side of said segments opposite said first side.7. The coupling according to claim 4 , wherein said second aperture is positioned between two of said segments.8. The coupling according to claim 7 , wherein said second aperture comprises a trough positioned at an interface between said ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011466A1
Автор: Kim Byung Sub

The present invention relates to a pipe coupler having a function of covering a pipe. More particularly, the present invention relates to a pipe coupler which can prevent a coating layer of a pipe coated with the coating layer from being peeled from a tip of the pipe by a continuously acting hydraulic pressure by forming a pipe locking protrusion in which a front end of the pipe is surrounded and covered with a packing member, seal even a pipe having a non-smooth or grooved outer peripheral surface, and furthermore ensure watertightness or airtightness more reliably by using a pair of packing members acting in the form of a swash cam plate in accordance with an insertion of a pipe. 1. A pipe coupler which connects pipes , in which a fluid with a predetermined pressure moves while maintaining watertightness or airtightness , the pipe coupler comprising:a coupler main body having a hollow formed in a length direction thereof and configured to communicates with the pipe, wherein the pipe is inserted into a front side of the hollow;a grip ring provided in the hollow of the coupler main body and configured to fix the pipe so as to allow the pipe to be inserted thereinto and prevent the inserted pipe from coming out; anda packing member provided in the hollow of the coupler main body and made of an elastic material to seal a gap between the coupler main body and the pipe when the pipe is inserted into the packing member,wherein the packing member includes a pipe locking protrusion protruding inward from an inner surface of a lower end portion thereof so that a front end portion of the pipe inserted into the packing member is surrounded and covered.2. The pipe coupler of claim 1 , wherein the packing member includes a first packing member having the pipe locking protrusion formed thereon and an inner surface which is in contact with the pipe and a second packing member having an inner surface which is in contact with an outer surface of the first packing member and an ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014986A1

A magnetic connection structure, includes a ring-shape magnetic sleeve body, made of mixed magnetic iron powder and plastic by means of ejection-to-mode; and a plastic fastener, provided in an arc-shape opening on both sides of the ring-shape magnetic sleeve body, for fastening a faucet seat or an ejection head. In the magnetic connection structure, the magnetic sleeve body and the plastic fastener are formed by means of ejection-to-mode separately. The magnetic sleeve body is formed by ejection-to-mode using magnetic iron powder and plastic mixed at a certain ratio; while the magnetic fastener is formed by means of ejection-to-mode separately. Then, the magnetic sleeve body and the plastic fastener are fastened together, to achieve said magnetic connection structure, that is low in production cost and easy to install. In case the plastic fastener is damaged, it can be replaced readily. 1. A magnetic connection structure , including:a ring-shape magnetic sleeve body, made of mixed magnetic iron powder and plastic by means of ejection-to-mode; anda plastic fastener, provided in an arc-shape opening on both sides of said ring-shape magnetic sleeve body, for fastening a faucet seat or an ejection head.2. The magnetic connection structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein on both ends of said arc-shape opening are each provided with an extending protrusion extending inward claim 1 , for fastening said plastic fastener claim 1 , so that on both ends of said plastic fastener are each provided with a corresponding positioning flange.3. The magnetic connection structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a wedge-shape protrusion block is provided on surrounding walls of said arc-shape opening claim 1 , for inserting and connecting said plastic fastener claim 1 , and an indent slot is provided on a side wall of said plastic fastener claim 1 , for connecting and fastening said wedge-shape protrusion block. 1. Field of InventionThe present invention relates to a magnetic connection ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014987A1
Автор: Yu Jianyong

The present invention discloses a multifunction pump with quick connector, comprising a pump body (), inlet pipe (), outlet pipe (), a piston rod (), the said piston rod () was installed in a cavity of the pump body (), one end of the pump body () provided with the inlet pipe () and the other end provided with the outlet pipe (), characterized in that: a quick connector was installed among the inlet pipe (), the outlet pipe () and a hose, the front end of the said quick connector is linked to a seal ring () and is fixed inside of the inlet pipe () and the outlet pipe (). It is able to be fixed automatically after the hose was plugged into the pipes, which is of sealing good, convenient disassembling, safety, stable and high reliability. 112344112323623. A multifunction pump with quick connector , comprising a pump body () , inlet pipe () , outlet pipe () , a piston rod () , the said piston rod () was installed in a cavity of the pump body () , one end of the pump body () provided with the inlet pipe (.) and the other end provided with the outlet pipe () , characterized in that: a quick connector was installed among the inlet pipe () , the outlet pipe () and a hose , the front end of the said quick connector is linked to a seal ring () and is fixed inside of the inlet pipe () and the outlet pipe ().297108710987710. A multifunction pump with quick connector according to claim 1 , characterized in that: the said quick connector was equipped with a Junk Ring () claim 1 , a Gear Ring () claim 1 , a Packing Ring () and a tube () in sequence claim 1 , the said Gear Ring () was installed into the inside of the Packing Ring () and was pressed firmly by the Junk Ring () claim 1 , one end of the said tube () was fixed in the Gear Ring () claim 1 , the said the Gear Ring () was installed into the inside of the Packing Ring () which is comprised by many engaging teeth.32310. A multifunction pump with quick connector according to claim 1 , characterized in that: a groove is both ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016018A1

There is disclosed a fluid adapter for a breathable gas delivery device, such as a facemask, for delivering breathable gas to a user. The fluid adapter comprises an adapter body defining an adapter chamber; a pressurised gas inlet port in fluid communication with the adapter chamber and arranged to be fluidically coupled to a source of pressurised breathable gas and an ambient air inlet port arranged to provide fluid communication between the adapter chamber and ambient air outside of the fluid adapter. The adapter also comprises an adapter outlet port in fluid communication with the adapter chamber and arranged to be fluidically coupled to a delivery device gas inlet port of the breathable gas delivery device; and an adapter connector arranged to connect the fluid adapter to the breathable gas delivery device such that the adapter outlet port is fluidically coupled to the delivery device gas inlet port.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Breathing apparatus equipment

Номер: US20160016019A1
Принадлежит: Draeger Safety UK Ltd

There is disclosed breathing apparatus equipment which may be in the form of a waist mountable manifold. The breathing apparatus equipment comprises a manifold having a manifold inlet port for a source of breathable gas and at least one manifold outlet port for delivering breathable gas to a user. The equipment further comprises a strap arranged to be worn by the user, and a holder coupled to the strap and having a socket. The socket is configured such that the manifold can be removably located within the socket in multiple orientations.
