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16-04-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2817467C2

Группа изобретений относится к герметичному и теплоизоляционному резервуару, включающему в себя первую изоляционную панель (4, 23) и смежную вторую изоляционную панель (4, 24), ограничивающие межпанельное пространство (11). Резервуар включает в себя: первое изоляционное уплотнение (16), размещенное в межпанельном пространстве (11). Первое изоляционное уплотнение (16) включает в себя внутренний участок (19) и внешний участок (18), и второе изоляционное уплотнение (17), размещенное в межпанельном пространстве (11) и расположенное в направлении ширины (14) межпанельного пространства (11) рядом с одним из внутреннего участка (19) и внешнего участка (18) первого изоляционного уплотнения (16). Установлена распорка (22) между первым изоляционным уплотнением (16) и вторым изоляционным уплотнением (17). Резервуар содержит межуплотнительное пространство (21), в котором размещена распорка (22). Указанное пространство ограничено вторым изоляционным уплотнением (17), внутренним участком (19) первого ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735695C2

Изобретение относится к повторному сжижению отпарного газа, образовавшегося в цистерне для хранения сжиженного газа, установленной на плавучем объекте. Установка для повторного сжижения отпарного газа, образовавшегося в цистерне, содержит компрессионный блок для сжатия отпарного газа, выпущенного из цистерны, и теплообменник для обмена теплом между отпарным газом, сжатым компрессионным блоком, и отпарным газом, выпущенным из цистерны. Установка дополнительно содержит средства для разделения сжатого отпарного газа, проходящего через теплообменник, по меньшей мере на два потока, включая первый поток и второй поток, и средства расширения отделенного первого потока; первый промежуточный охладитель для охлаждения второго потока при использовании первого потока, расширенного расширительными средствами, в качестве хладагента; и приемник для приемки прошедшего через первый промежуточный охладитель второго потока, в котором давление вниз по потоку от компрессионного блока регулируется посредством ...

22-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2802105C2

Устройство транспортировки текучей среды из подающего резервуара в приемный резервуар, причем устройство транспортировки содержит по меньшей мере один трубопровод для загрузки приемного резервуара жидкостью и по меньшей мере один трубопровод для возврата газа, причем трубопровод для возврата газа позволяет транспортировать газ, содержащийся в приемном резервуаре, под давлением, близким к давлению подающего резервуара или значительно отличающимся от него. Техническим результатом является создание устройства для управления возвратом газа, чтобы не допустить слишком высокого повышения давления в приемном резервуаре при стабилизации давления в подающем резервуаре. 4 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

15-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2682229C2

Внутренняя нижняя стенка (3) двойного корпуса содержит конструкцию отстойника, содержащую жесткий контейнер (11), размещенный в толще нижней стенки резервуара и предназначенный для размещения всасывающего элемента (1) насоса. Жесткий контейнер содержит нижнюю стенку (13), расположенную на уровне, удаленном в направлении наружной стороны, чем вспомогательная герметизирующая мембрана (5) нижней стенки резервуара. Конструкция отстойника содержит основную соединительную панель (14), окружающую контейнер, при этом основная соединительная панель имеет соединительную поверхность, проходящую параллельно основной герметизирующей мембране нижней стенки резервуара, при этом основная герметизирующая мембрана (7) нижней стенки резервуара герметично прикреплена к соединительной поверхности со всех сторон конструкции отстойника. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности и простоты изготовления нижней стенки резервуара мембранного типа. 4 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

27-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2299848C2

Изобретение относится к системе для перекачки сжиженного газа. Система для перекачки текучего продукта, в частности сжиженного природного газа, содержит транспортное средство, такое как судно, и установку для приема и выдачи этого продукта. Опорная конструкция содержит один пункт швартовки судна, один гик, несущий трубопровод для перекачки, который установлен на пункте швартовки и вращается вокруг вертикальной оси над судном. Система также содержит одно деформируемое устройство, один конец которого соединен с трубопроводом, в то время как другой конец может перемещаться между положением при хранении, рядом с гиком, и положением присоединения к устройству главного трубопровода для перекачки природного газа в суровых условиях окружающей среды. 26 з.п. ф-лы, 39 ил.

28-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2776885C1

Изобретение относится к криогенной технике. Способ хранения криогенных жидкостей в закрытых емкостях включает изохорный процесс повышения давления от теплопритока и процесс снижения давления в паровой подушке внутреннего сосуда криогенной емкости путем периодического душирования паров криогенной жидкостью, подаваемой насосом со дна внутреннего сосуда емкости. Периодическое душирование осуществляют при достижении давления в паровой подушке криогенной емкости величины, равной 0,9-0,95 от давления срабатывания предохранительного клапана, служащего для защиты криогенной емкости от превышения давления в процессе хранения. Душирование выполняют жидкостью, температуру которой после насоса понижают за счет теплообмена с потоком, который получают путем адиабатного расширения паров, отведенных из паровой подушки. После процесса теплообмена холод последнего используют для охлаждения экрана криогенной емкости, а работу, получаемую в результате адиабатного расширения паров, реализуют для осуществления ...

27-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU167243U1

Устройство для перекачки одоранта из одной емкости в другую, включающее раму с улавливающим поддоном, установленный на ней самовсасывающий насос, соединяющий между собой линии всасывания и нагнетания, систему трубопроводов с запорной арматурой, соединительные шланги с быстроразъемными соединениями, расположенные между емкостями и линиями всасывания и нагнетания, а также манометры, связанные с системой трубопроводов для измерения давления в линиях, счетчик одоранта и фильтры грубой и тонкой очистки, размещенные на линии всасывания, при этом фильтр грубой очистки представляет собой установленный на опоре при помощи четырех кронштейнов цилиндрический корпус с сферическими основаниями и отверстиями для входа и выхода одоранта, внутри которого размещен фильтрирующий элемент, закрепленный в отверстии для выхода одоранта. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F17C 6/00 (11) (13) 167 243 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016112675/06, 04.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.04.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2016 Бюл. № 36 1 6 7 2 4 3 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для перекачки одоранта из одной емкости в другую, включающее раму с улавливающим поддоном, установленный на ней самовсасывающий насос, соединяющий между собой линии всасывания и нагнетания, систему трубопроводов с запорной арматурой, соединительные шланги с быстроразъемными соединениями, расположенные между емкостями и линиями всасывания и нагнетания, а также манометры, связанные с системой трубопроводов для измерения давления в линиях, счетчик одоранта и фильтры грубой и тонкой очистки, размещенные на линии всасывания, при этом фильтр грубой очистки представляет собой установленный на опоре при помощи четырех кронштейнов цилиндрический корпус с сферическими основаниями и отверстиями для входа и выхода одоранта, внутри которого размещен фильтрирующий элемент, закрепленный в ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018124786A3

29-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018104686A3

17-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017145619A3

31-01-2023 дата публикации

Сатурационная машина и газовый балон для сатурационной машины

Номер: RU2789207C1

Сатурационная машина может содержать сатурационную головку, держатель, который выполнен с возможностью удержания газового баллона и содержит соединитель с гнездом, выполненным с обеспечением возможности прямолинейного вставления в него клапана баллона и содержащим уплотнение с по меньшей мере одним поперечно ориентированным отверстием для обеспечения потока текучей среды между одним или несколькими поперечно ориентированными отверстиями клапана и каналом держателя с предотвращением утечки газа из потока текучей среды, и удерживающий механизм, выполненный с возможностью удержания бокового выступа баллона после вставления клапана в гнездо, так что клапан остается в гнезде, и механизм активации, выполненный с возможностью приведения в действие клапана для выпуска газа из баллона, когда он вставлен в гнездо, чтобы обеспечить газу возможность протекать через канал к сатурационной головке. 4 н. и 33 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2743776C1

Изобретение относится к области морского транспорта и касается системы повторного сжижения отпарного газа (BOG) на судах. Предложенная система повторного сжижения BOG содержит: компрессор, в котором BOG подвергают сжатию; теплообменник, в котором сжатый с помощью компрессора BOG охлаждают посредством теплообмена с применением в качестве охлаждающего агента BOG, несжатого компрессором; редуктор давления, расположенный после теплообменника и снижающий давление текучей среды, охлажденной с помощью теплообменника; и по меньшей мере одну комбинацию, выбранную из комбинации первого температурного датчика, расположенного перед каналом для холодной текучей среды теплообменника, и четвертого температурного датчика, расположенного после канала для горячей текучей среды теплообменника, комбинации второго температурного датчика, расположенного после канала для холодной текучей среды теплообменника, и третьего температурного датчика, расположенного перед каналом для горячей текучей среды теплообменника ...

24-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2748321C1

Изобретение относится к криогенной технике и может быть использовано при хранении и транспортировке сжиженного газа. Способ определения оптимального значения по меньшей мере одного первого параметра выполнения процесса охлаждения внутреннего пространства (11) резервуара (1) включает в себя этапы, на которых последовательно проверяют множество разных значений указанного первого параметра. Каждая фаза проверки одного из значений первого параметра включает в себя этапы, на которых охлаждают внутреннее пространство (11) резервуара (1), загружают в него сжиженный газ, измеряют переменную P1, представляющую давление в теплоизоляционном барьере (5), и сравнивают ее с конкретным пороговым значением. Обнаруживают ошибку, если переменная P1пересекает конкретное пороговое значение. Выбирают из множества проверенных значений в качестве оптимального значения первого параметра значение, при котором во время соответствующей фазы проверки время Δ охлаждения внутреннего пространства (11) было наименьшим ...

21-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719540C1

FIELD: vessels and other watercrafts.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of shipbuilding, in particular, to a ship including a system which repeatedly liquefies the stripping gas formed in the storage tank. Vessel comprises multi-stage compressor for compression of stripping gas discharged from storage tank, containing multiple compression cylinders; a first heat exchanger for performing heat exchange of fluid medium, compressed by multi-stage compressor, with stripping gas discharged from storage tank and, consequently, its cooling; first decompression device for flow expansion (hereinafter referred to as flow a1) partially branched from flow (hereinafter referred to as flow a) cooled by first heat exchanger; third heat exchanger for performing heat exchange using flow a1, expanded by first decompression device, as flow coolant (hereinafter referred to as flow a2), remaining from flow a after elimination of branched flow a1, and, consequently, its cooling; and second decompression device for expansion of flow a2 cooled by third heat exchanger.EFFECT: possibility of more efficient repeated liquefaction of stripping gas.7 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 719 540 C1 (51) МПК B63B 25/16 (2006.01) F17C 9/02 (2006.01) F17C 6/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B63B 25/16 (2020.01); F17C 9/02 (2020.01); F17C 6/00 (2020.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018137656, 21.10.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ДЭУ ШИПБИЛДИНГ ЭНД МАРИН ИНДЖИНИРИНГ КО., ЛТД. (KR) Дата регистрации: 21.04.2020 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: KR 101519541 B1, 13.05.2015. KR 101496577 B1, 26.02.2015. KR 101459962 B1, 07.11.2014. KR 101334002 B1, 27.11.2013. KR 101557571 B1, 05.10.2015. 31.03.2016 KR 10-2016-0039516 (45) Опубликовано: 21.04.2020 Бюл. № 12 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 31.10.2018 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 7 ...

27-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013112335A

... 1. Система для наполнения переносного газового баллона заданным количеством текучей среды для удовлетворения потребностей в энергии пользователя, при этом система содержит резервуар для подачи объема текучей среды, отсек для приема газового баллона и линию подачи, проходящую между резервуаром и отсеком для доставки сжатой текучей среды в газовый баллон, отличающаяся тем, что:отсек является закрытым и имеет дверь, доступную пользователю только до и после операции наполнения для загрузки и выгрузки газового баллона;к линии подачи подключена убираемая муфта, при этом муфта расположена в отсеке и является автоматически перемещаемой по направлению к наполнительному клапану газового баллона во время операции наполнения, чтобы тем самым соединиться с наполнительным клапаном и доставить количество текучей среды под давлением в газовый баллон из резервуара;панель управления имеет пользовательский интерфейс для выбора количества сжатой текучей среды, которое необходимо доставить в газовый баллон; ...

02-03-2020 дата публикации

Комплект для раздачи сжиженного газа

Номер: RU2018129582A

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014105627A

... 1. Способ подогрева криогенной жидкости, содержащейся в криогенном резервуаре (1) с газовым потолком (18), отличающийся тем, что указанную криогенную жидкость нагревают путем ввода газа с более высокой температурой под свободную поверхность (17) криогенной жидкости.2. Способ подогрева по п. 1, в котором вводимый газ представляет собой газообразную фазу криогенной жидкости.3. Способ подогрева по п. 1, в котором производят вывод газа над свободной поверхностью (17) криогенной жидкости, тогда как газ вводят под указанной поверхностью, во избежание того, чтобы давление в газовом потолке (18) превысило заданное максимально допустимое давление.4. Способ подогрева по п. 1, в котором указанный газ вводят через точку вывода криогенной жидкости.5. Способ подогрева по п. 1, в котором указанная криогенная жидкость представляет собой жидкий водород (2).6. Способ проверки криогенного устройства, в котором криогенную жидкость нагревают с применением способа по любому из предшествующих пунктов, чтобы затем ...

27-07-2000 дата публикации

Betankungssystem für ein mit kryogenem Wasserstoff betriebenes Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE0004104766C2
Принадлежит: LINDE AG

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Betankung eines Unterseeboots auf hoher See

Номер: DE102019213991A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Betankungsvorrichtung 10 für ein Unterseeboot 200, wobei die Betankungsvorrichtung 10 einen Wasserstofftank 20 und einen Sauerstofftank 30 aufweist, wobei die Betankungsvorrichtung 10 eine erste Schnittstelle 50 zur Übergabe von Wasserstoff an ein Unterseeboot 200 aufweist, wobei die Betankungsvorrichtung 10 eine zweite Schnittstelle 60 zur Übergabe von Sauerstoff an ein Unterseeboot 200 aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Betankungsvorrichtung 10 einen Reaktionswassertank 40 aufweist, wobei die Betankungsvorrichtung 10 eine dritte Schnittstelle 80 zur Übernahme von Reaktionswasser vom Unterseeboot 200 aufweist.

04-03-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zum betreiben eines Flüssigwasserstoffspeichertanks

Номер: DE102007003827B4

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Flüssigwasserstoff-Speichertanksystems (400), das zumindest besteht aus einem Flüssigwasserstoff-Speichertank (102), einem mit ihm verbundenen Füllanschluss (406) und einem Kryokopplungsventil (106), das mit einer Flüssigwasserstoff-Tankstation (148) verbindbar ist, wobei das Verfahren die folgenden Schritte umfasst: a) Bereitstellen des Flüssigwasserstoff-Speichertanks (102), b) Füllen des Flüssigwasserstoff-Speichertanks (102) mit flüssigem Wasserstoff (116); c) Zuführen von sowohl gasförmigem als auch dem flüssigen Wasserstoff (116, 118) aus dem Flüssigwasserstoff-Speichertank (102) über ein Anschlussröhrensystem (410) des Füllanschlusses (406) zu einer externen Vorrichtung (146) durch Befördern des gasförmigen Wasserstoffs (118), wenn der Druck im Flüssigwasserstoff-Speichertank (102) oberhalb eines vorgegebenen Drucks liegt, oder des flüssigen Wasserstoffs (116), wenn der Druck im Flüssigwasserstoff-Speichertank (102) unterhalb des vorgegebenen Drucks ...

10-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003176639D1

Multi-component system liquefied gas is introduced into a storage tank by being issued obliquely upwardly from near the bottom of the tank at an angle of elevation of 60-90 deg. The introduced liquefied gas mixes with the liquefied gas already in the tank and stratification is prevented. Used for preventing stratification of liquefied gases in a storage tank. Stratification of multi-component system liquefied gases, such as LNG or LPG, within a storage tank due to differences in compsn. and the occurrence of roll over phenomenon are prevented.

11-12-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in cooling and maintaining cool double walled liquefied gas transport tanks

Номер: GB0001135965A

... 1,135,965. Liquefied gas storage containers. J. J. McMULLEN. 14 March, 1966 [15 March, 1965; 16 March, 1965; 24 Sept., 1965], No. 4825/68. Divided out of 1,135,963. Heading F4P. Cooling of a liquefied gas, e.g. methane, cargo tank having spaced inner and outer walls 24, 22 and insulation 20 spaced from wall 22 is effected by circulating through the insulation and interwall spaces nitrogen gas having been cooled at 44 by heat exchange with liquid methane withdrawn from a storage tank 48, and the so-vaporized methane is passed through pipes 50, 52 to the interior of the cargo tank. The cold nitrogen gas leaving exchanger 44 is circulated through a pipe 30 in the insulation space and is returned through an aperture 32 in said pipe 30 and through a pipe 38 to the inlet of a blower 40 which discharges into exchanger 44, whilst a portion of cold nitrogen leaving aperture 32 passes through an aperture in the outer wall 22 into the interwall space and is returned through an aperture 38a to the ...

04-02-2004 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for handling of covering gas

Номер: GB0000330156D0

21-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001310766A

... 1310766 Refrigerating MAX-PLANCKGES ZUR FORDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTEN EV 23 March 1970 [12 April 1969] 14047/70 Heading F4H A cryostat for continuous cooling of objects to temperatures below 2À18‹ K. comprises a receptacle 2 for a liquid helium bath 3 which is surrounded by a vacuum chamber 12 and which has a base constituted by an evaporator element 1 of porous material of pore size less than 10-4 cm. end of such length that, in operation, the liquid helium is completely evaporated on issue from the lower end 6 into the vacuum. The object is retained in a holder 19 of thermally conductive material either secured to the element 1 or to the container 8 of the vacuum chamber. The portion of the receptacle adjacent the element forms a heat exchanger 4 having apertured fins 5 over which the gaseous helium flows to an exhaust gas pipe 13 leading to a vacuum pipe, an adjustable pressure regulator 14 maintaining the pressure inside the chamber 12 at a level corresponding to the desired ...

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Spray cleaner.

Номер: OA0000002010A

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501576B1

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501576A5

15-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000211789A

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342469T

12-09-2001 дата публикации

Device and method for filling a container with liquid gas

Номер: AU0007209001A

26-05-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus for offshore transfer of fluid

Номер: AU2005305607A1

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Tank equipped with a wall having a specific zone through which a through-element passes

Номер: AU2016250122B2
Принадлежит: Armour IP Pty Ltd

The invention relates to a sealed and thermally insulating tank intended to store a fluid, said tank comprising: - a secondary insulating barrier (1) comprising juxtaposed insulating panels (2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d); - a primary insulating barrier (5) comprising insulating panels (6, 6a, 6b, 6c) which are each disposed in a manner straddling at least four secondary insulating panels (2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d) and are anchored to the latter; the sealed tank being equipped with a through-element (42) passing through a specific zone of the wall; in the specific zone of the wall, the longitudinal directions of the primary panels (6a, 6b, 6c) being perpendicular to the longitudinal directions of the secondary insulating panels (2a, 2b, 2c, 2d); and the through-element (42) passes successively through an opening made in one of the secondary insulating panels (2c) and an opening made in one of the primary insulating panels (6b).

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Sealed and thermally insulated tank fitted with a through-element

Номер: AU2016252093B2
Принадлежит: Cotters Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

The invention relates to a sealed and thermally insulated tank in which the distance between two adjacent corrugations of the corrugated metal sheets of the sealing membrane is equal to a predetermined corrugation space oi, the sealing membrane comprising around a through-element: two indented rectangular metal plates (24a, 24b) of 3io in width in the first direction and 7io in length in the second direction, and which are symmetrical to one another, each indented rectangular metal plate having three outer edges arranged opposite a plurality of anchor plates and welded to the first plurality of anchor plates and an inner edge having an indentation (29a) provided to avoid cutting off a square window through which the through-element passes, and two retrofitting metal plates (24c, 24d) arranged between the non-indented portions of the inner edges of the two indented rectangular metal plates.

05-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1231081A
Принадлежит: CRYO CORP

Improved filling means are provided for cryogenic flasks such as those used in portable, liquid oxygen therapy systems. A circular baffle plate is disposed within the flask neck near the bottom thereof and is sized to allow a narrow annular opening between the baffle edge and the flask neck wall. The liquid fill line is extended downwardly through the baffle plate so as to discharge liquid below the plate. The baffle plate functions to provide a gas-liquid separation zone within the flask neck; to provide a radiation shield while liquid is present in the flask; and to provide a gas trap to minimize liquid venting in case of tip-over.

12-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003058444A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

Installation and method for storing and dispensing liquefied hydrogen, comprising a source (2) of gaseous hydrogen, a liquefier (3), two storage reservoirs (4, 5) for liquid hydrogen at determined respective storage pressures, the liquefier (3) comprising an inlet connected to the source (2) and an outlet connected in parallel, via a set of valves (7, 6, 16), to a respective inlet of each storage reservoir (5, 4), the outlet of the liquefier (3) also being connected to a connection end (15) intended to be connected removably to a tank (10) that is to be filled, each storage reservoir (5, 4) comprising a respective liquid withdrawing pipe (9, 8) comprising an end connected to the storage reservoir (4, 5) and at least one other end intended to be connected to at least one tank (10) that is to be filled, each storage reservoir (4, 5) further comprising a respective gas withdrawing pipe (12, 11) comprising an end connected to the storage reservoir (4, 5) and another end connected to an inlet ...

05-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001231081A1

07-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002389098C

A high-efficiency liquid oxygen (LOX) storage/delivery system (100) utilizes a portable LOX/delivery apparatus (160) with a portable LOX container (319). A portable-unit LOX transfer connector (304) is connected to the portable LOX container (319) and is connectable to a main source of LOX in a primary reservoir LOX container (226). A portable-unit oxygen gas transfer connector (384) is provided for transferring oxygen gas from the portable LOX container (319) to an oxygen gas delivery device (90) for delivering oxygen gas to a patient. An inter-unit oxygen gas transfer connector (190) also is provided for connecting the portable apparatus (160) to a stationary source of oxygen gas in the primary reservoir container (226), for transferring oxygen gas to the portable apparatus (160). A portable-unit primary relief (315) valve is connected to the portable LOX container (319) for venting oxygen gas out of the portable LOX container (319) when pressure in the portable LOX container (319) reaches ...

05-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002241608A1

A method of and apparatus for mixing two cryogenic liquids comprising introducin g a first amount of first cryogenic liquid into a vented vessel (18), closing the ve nt(s) and introducing a second amount of a second cryogenic level into the closed vessel ( 18) at a level above the surface of the first cryogenic liquid in the vessel, the se cond cryogenic liquid being of greater density or of greater density and having a hig her boiling point temperature than the first cryogenic liquid, thereby to produce a substantially homogeneous cryogenic liquid mixture of predetermined composition.

15-12-1934 дата публикации

Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Lagerung flüssiger Kohlensäure.

Номер: CH0000173862A

15-05-1969 дата публикации

Dispositif de transfert de liquide

Номер: CH0000472628A

31-03-2023 дата публикации

Adapter für ein Kartuschen-Befüllungssystem und Verfahren zum Befüllen einer Gaskartusche.

Номер: CH0000717325B1

Ein Adapter (150) für ein Kartuschen-Befüllungssystem umfasst ein Gehäuse (101), das Folgendes umfasst: eine Öffnung (103), die derart geformt ist, dass sie das Einführen eines Ventils einer Gaskartusche, die dafür eingerichtet ist, ein Druckgas oder Flüssiggas zu enthalten, in einen inneren Raum (160) des Gehäuses gestattet, wobei ein abgedichteter Spalt zwischen wenigstens einem Teil einer seitlichen Wand des Ventils und einer inneren Fläche des Gehäuses, die dem inneren Raum zugewandt ist, verbleibt; und wenigstens einen Kanal (152), der dafür eingerichtet ist, Druckgas oder Flüssiggas von einem Kartuschen-Befüllungssystem in den abgedichteten Spalt im inneren Raum zu leiten, um hierdurch eine oder mehrere seitliche aussenliegende Anschlussöffnungen des Ventils der Gaskartusche zu erreichen, die sich seitlich zu einer Längsachse eines Gehäuses der Gaskartusche öffnen, wenn das Ventil in den inneren Raum eingeführt ist, um so das Befüllen der Gaskartusche mit dem Druckgas oder Flüssiggas ...

11-05-2018 дата публикации

Includes the engine of a ship

Номер: CN0108025804A

27-12-1968 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for the Continuous Cooling of Objects to Temperature Below 2.18 degree K in a Helium II Bath.

Номер: FR0001551304A

07-04-1967 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the ships of transport of liquid gas

Номер: FR0001476002A

22-08-1969 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001579216A

28-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003035174B1

23-12-1994 дата публикации

Method for protecting against overflowing when filling a storage tank

Номер: FR0002706579A1

Dans le procédé de protection contre le débordement lors du remplissage d'un réservoir de stockage de fluide cryogénique, le réservoir de stockage comporte au moins une conduite tubulaire de détection de niveau et une conduite de remplissage équipées chacune d'une vanne de fermeture à commande pneumatique. L'extrémité de la conduite tubulaire de détection de niveau 10 pénètrant dans le réservoir de stockage 1 correspond à la hauteur de remplissage maximum du réservoir de stockage et, au moyen d'un appareil de mesure prévu dans la conduite tubulaire 10, de préférence d'un manomètre 12 de pression de vapeur à contact, on détermine l'état d'agrégation du fluide qui s'écoule hors du réservoir de stockage 1 pendant le remplissage de ce dernier. Application aux réservoirs de stockage d'hydrogène liquide isolés sous vide et montés fixes ou sur un camion.

13-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003028306A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif de vaporisation (4) pour le refroidissement d'un gaz liquéfié; ledit dispositif de vaporisation (1) comportant: - une enceinte de vaporisation (14) agencée dans l'espace intérieur d'un récipient (2, 19) destiné à être rempli de gaz liquéfié (3), l'enceinte de vaporisation (14) comportant des parois d'échange de chaleur (6) permettant un échange de chaleur entre un espace intérieur de l'enceinte de vaporisation (14) et un gaz liquéfié (3) présent dans l'espace intérieur du récipient (2, 19) ; - un circuit d'entrée (5) comportant une admission débouchant dans l'espace intérieur du récipient (2, 19) pour prélever un flux de gaz liquéfié en phase liquide dans le récipient (2, 19) et un organe de perte de charge (13) débouchant dans l'espace intérieur de l'enceinte de vaporisation (14) afin de détendre le flux de gaz prélevé ; - un circuit de sortie (7) agencé pour évacuer le flux de gaz prélevé, en phase gazeuse depuis l'enceinte de vaporisation (14) vers ...

20-07-2007 дата публикации

Fluid e.g. liquid carbon dioxide, packaging system for refillable reservoir, has terminal with interfacing/controlling unit to control pump and valve for bringing fluid based on information relative to user or characteristics of reservoir

Номер: FR0002896229A1

Système de conditionnement en fluide de réservoirs (30) réutilisables comprenant au moins un orifice de remplissage, notamment de cartouches de dioxyde de carbone (CO2), le système comprenant une source (28) de fluide, une borne (29) de remplissage pour réservoir (30), un circuit (31) de délivrance comprenant des moyens pour acheminer du fluide depuis la source (28) jusqu'à la borne (29) de remplissage, la borne (29) de remplissage comprenant des moyens (17, 25) de connexion pour relier l'orifice de remplissage d'au moins un réservoir (30) au circuit (31) de délivrance de fluide, la borne (29) de remplissage comprenant des moyens (32) d'interface et de commande pour piloter les moyens (P, 12) pour acheminer le fluide du circuit (31) de délivrance à partir d'informations relatives à un utilisateur du système et/ou aux caractéristiques du réservoir (30) à remplir.

30-05-2014 дата публикации

Filling device for filling e.g. gaseous hydrogen into tank in lorry, has supply conduit comprising electric conducting element that cooperates with transmitter to transmit measurements sent by transmitter by electric conduction process

Номер: FR0002998641A1

Un dispositif de remplissage d'au moins un réservoir (1) de fluide pressurisé comprenant au moins un dispositif (2) de distribution de fluide comprenant un organe de commande alimenté électriquement, au moins une canalisation (3) d'amenée de fluide apte à et conçue pour relier fluidiquement le dispositif (2) de distribution de fluide et le réservoir (1) de fluide de manière à permettre une distribution dudit fluide dans ledit réservoir (1) de fluide, au moins un capteur (4) de mesure d'au moins une grandeur physique représentative dudit fluide choisie parmi : la pression, la température, la densité ; ledit au moins un capteur (4) étant apte à et conçu pour réaliser des mesures (11) de ladite au moins une grandeur physique dans ledit réservoir (1) de fluide, et un émetteur (5) apte à et conçu pour envoyer par ondes électromagnétiques les mesures (11) réalisées par ledit au moins un capteur (4). Selon l'invention, la canalisation (3) d'amenée de fluide comprend un organe conducteur électrique ...

18-12-1970 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for the Continuous Cooling of Objects to Temperature Below 2.18 degree K in a Helium II Bath.

Номер: FR0002035083A2

22-01-1971 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002040343A1

15-07-2005 дата публикации

Pressurized liquid carbon-di-oxide storage tank filling system, has cargo hose equalizing gas pressure of tanker and tank and connected to compensation outlet of tanker, and heat exchanger connected to draw-off and compensation outlets

Номер: FR0002865017A1

Système de remplissage d'un réservoir de stockage de dioxyde de carbone liquide sous pression (2), à partir d'une citerne mobile (1) caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend : une pompe (3) de fourniture du fluide sous pression, connectable via un flexible de remplissage (4) à une première entrée (5) en la partie inférieure du réservoir (2), et via un moyen de soutirage (6) connectable à une première sortie (7) dite de soutirage, et à une seconde sortie (8) dite de soutirage de ladite citerne mobile (1) ; un flexible (11) apte à permettre l'équilibrage des pressions de gaz de ladite citerne (1) et dudit réservoir (2), connectable à une deuxième entrée (10) débouchant dans le ciel gazeux dudit réservoir (2) et à une troisième sortie (12) dite d'équilibrage de ladite citerne mobile (1), et en ce que ladite citerne mobile (1) comporte en son sein un échangeur de chaleur (9) connecté à ladite première sortie de soutirage (7) et à ladite sortie d'équilibrage (12) de la citerne mobile (1). Citerne mobile ...

20-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002942293A1

L'invention a pour objet un procédé de remplissage par un liquide cryogénique d'un réservoir, à partir d'un stockage (1), remplissage durant lequel une partie du liquide cryogénique est transformée en phase gazeuse dans le réservoir, et où l'on procède, durant le remplissage, à l'évacuation d'au moins une partie du gaz ainsi formé, se caractérisant en ce que l'on dispose d'une station de remplissage (5) au travers de laquelle transite une première voie (2) reliant le stockage au réservoir et permettant le transfert de liquide cryogénique du stockage au réservoir, et une seconde voie (3) reliant une sortie gaz du réservoir à la station de remplissage et permettant de ramener les gaz à évacuer du réservoir vers la station de remplissage où ils seront évacués vers l'extérieur, la station comportant des moyens de détection (23) de la présence de liquide cryogénique dans le gaz ramené vers la station, l'information de détection étant transmise à une unité d'acquisition et de traitement de données ...

03-06-1988 дата публикации

Device for drawing off liquefied gas comprising a reversible plunger element in the shape of a walking stick

Номер: FR0002607575A1

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101858511B1

The present invention relates to a vessel operating system and a vessel operating method. With the present invention, evaporation gases with different liquefaction points generated in a liquefied gas carrier transporting various types of liquefied gas cargoes can be re-liquefied by means of the same system apparatus and a liquefied gas storage tank can be repaired and maintained. The vessel operating system according to the present invention includes a re-liquefaction line recovering evaporation gas generated from a liquefied gas storage tank of a liquefied gas carrier to a storage tank. The re-liquefaction line includes a multistage compression unit including multiple compressors and multiple coolers provided at the rear ends of the compressors and performing multistage compression on the evaporation gas; multiple second valves provided such that the evaporation gas bypasses one or more of the compressors; and a control unit controlling an evaporation gas flow path by controlling the second ...

12-08-2020 дата публикации

Boil-off gas cooling system and ship having the same

Номер: KR0102144182B1

30-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101140432B1

09-11-2020 дата публикации

gas treatment system and offshore plant having the same

Номер: KR0102175556B1

10-11-2020 дата публикации

Boil-Off Gas Treatment System and Method for Ship

Номер: KR0102176543B1

03-12-2020 дата публикации

Boil-Off Gas Treatment System and Method for Ship

Номер: KR0102185816B1

27-10-2020 дата публикации

Hydrogen and Liquefied Gas Carrier

Номер: KR1020200121934A

19-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160144888A

The present invention relates to a gas treatment system which comprises: a liquefied gas storage tank storing liquefied gas; an evaporation gas compressor compressing evaporation gas of the liquefied gas storage tank to be supplied to a consumer; an evaporation gas supply line connected to the liquefied gas storage tank, wherein the compressor is provided; an auxiliary compressor compressing evaporation gas of the liquefied gas storage tank to be supplied to an auxiliary consumer; and an auxiliary evaporation gas supply line individually connected to the liquefied gas storage tank different from the evaporation gas supply line, wherein the auxiliary compressor is provided. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

19-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160144883A

The present invention relates to a gas treatment system which comprises: a liquefied gas storage tank storing liquefied gas; a liquefied gas supply line connected to a high pressure consumer and a low pressure consumer from a primary pump provided in the liquefied gas storage tank; and a liquefied gas returning line enabling remaining liquefied gas from the liquefied gas supply line to the liquefied gas storage tank when the remaining liquefied gas is generated over a gas consumption amount of the high pressure consumer and the low pressure consumer in liquefied gas discharged by the pump. The liquefied gas supply line is connected to a high pressure liquefied gas supply line connected to the high pressure consumer for a secondary pump to be provided therein and the low pressure consumer, and branched to a lower pressure liquefied gas supply line having an evaporator. The primary pump is provided to be a fixed capacity type which is capacity in which a remaining amount is added to a suction ...

23-12-2020 дата публикации

Boil-Off Gas Treatment System and Method for Ship

Номер: KR1020200142620A

17-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180092118A

Disclosed is a system for supplying fuel of a marine engine. The system for supplying fuel of a marine engine comprises: a multi-stage compressor for compressing evaporated gas discharged from a storage tank; a second valve installed on a line for sending part of the evaporated gas compressed by the multi-stage compressor to the storage tank; a heat exchanger for partially or wholly discharging the evaporated gas which has passed through the second valve and has not been sent to the storage tank among the evaporated gas compressed by the multi-stage compressor, by cooling the evaporated gas discharged from the storage tank with a refrigerant to cool the evaporated gas; and a first decompression apparatus for expanding fluid cooled by the heat exchanger. The multi-stage compressor stops when the internal pressure of the storage tank becomes lower than a first set value, and maintains the internal pressure of the storage tank above the first set value by adjusting an opening degree of the ...

26-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200020071A

15-12-2017 дата публикации

관통 요소가 설치된 밀봉 및 단열 탱크

Номер: KR1020170138482A

... 본 발명은 실링 멤브레인의 주름진 금속 시트의 두 이웃한 주름 사이의 거리가 미리 정해진 주름 간격인 io와 동일한 밀봉 및 단열 탱크에 관한 것으로, 실링 멤브레인은 관통 요소 주변에서, 제1 방향으로 3io의 폭과 제2 방향으로 7io의 길이를 갖는 두 노치 형성된 직사각형 금속 플레이트(24a, 24b)로서, 서로 대칭이고, 각 노치 형성된 직사각형 금속 플레이트는 복수의 고정 플레이트와 일직선상에 배치되어 제1 복수의 고정 플레이트에 용접된 세 외부 모서리 및 관통 요소가 관통하여 지나가는 사각형 윈도우의 절단을 회피하기 위해 형성된 노치(29a)를 갖는 내부 모서리를 갖는 노치 형성된 직사각형 금속 플레이트(24a, 24b) 및 두 노치 형성된 직사각형 금속 플레이트의 내부 모서리의 노치 형성되지 않은 부분 사이에 배치된 두 금속 장착 플레이트(24c, 24d)를 포함한다.

26-10-2020 дата публикации

gas treatment system and offshore plant having the same

Номер: KR1020200121441A

13-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020110038157A

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170022657A

Provided are a boil-off gas disposal device, and a boil-off gas disposal method. The purpose of the present invention is to provide the boil-off gas disposal method, and the boil-off gas disposal device using a facility to supply gas to a demand source on land to reliquefy boil-off gas without having an additional compressor inside a reliquefaction facility. The present invention comprises a compressor to compress the boil-off gas. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170112947A

A ship provided with a liquefied gas storage tank is disclosed. The ship includes: a multi-stage compressor configured to compress evaporated gas discharged from the storage tank and including a plurality of compression cylinders; a second heat exchanger configured to heat-exchange a fluid compressed by the multi-stage compressor and cool the fluid; a first decompression device configured to expand a flow (hereinafter referred to as ′a1 flow′) in which a fluid (hereinafter referred to as ′a flow′) cooled by the second heat exchanger is partially branched; a third heat exchanger configured to heat-exchange the remaining fluid (hereinafter referred to as ′a2 flow′) except for the ′a1 flow′ branched from the ′a flow′ by using the ′a1 flow′ expanded by the first decompression device as a refrigerant, and to cool the fluid; and a second decompression device configured to expand the ′a2 flow′ cooled by the third heat exchanger, wherein the second heat exchanger is configured to cool the fluid ...

20-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000079974U1

1. Система формирования резервного количества природного газа, содержащая установленную перед газораспределительной станцией магистрального газопровода установку сжижения природного газа, соединенную с расположенной после нее по меньшей мере одной накопительной резервной емкостью для хранения сжиженного природного газа, которая соединена с регазификатором, в свою очередь соединенным через регулятор давления с газораспределительной сетью, при этом перед накопительной резервной емкостью для хранения сжиженного природного газа расположено первое запорное устройство, закрываемое при достижении максимального количества сжиженного природного газа в указанной емкости, а после регулятора давления расположено второе запорное устройство, открываемое во время максимального потребления газа. 2. Система по п.1, в которой установка сжижения природного газа выполнена на базе энергии перепада давления на газораспределительной станции. 3. Система по п.2, в которой указанная установка сжижения природного газа состоит из блока осушки газа с адсорберами, турбодетандера - компрессорного агрегата, теплообменников и сборника-сепаратора. 4. Система по п.1, в которой резервная емкость представляет собой резервуар длительного хранения, надземного или подземного исполнения, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения потребителя сжиженным природным газом в холодный период года. 5. Система по п.1, которая содержит дополнительные запорные устройства, установленные на других технологических линиях системы, в зависимости от расположения оборудования и конкретного технического задания. 6. Система по п.1 или 5, в которой каждое из указанных основных и/или дополнительных запорных устройств представляет собой электромагнитный клапан. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 79 974 U1 (51) МПК F17C 6/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008137479/22, 18.09.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока ...

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000158382U1

Устройство для аккумулирования газа внутри трубок, содержащее емкость, абсорбент в виде пакета герметизированных трубок, имеющих отверстие сбоку, вблизи конца для ввода/вывода газа, патрубки с клапанами для введения и выведения газа, а также устройство герметизации/разгерметизации данных отверстий, содержащее легкоплавкий материал и систему электрических нагревателей, расположенных на каждой трубке вблизи ее отверстия, отличающееся тем, что содержит сменную крышку. И 1 158382 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 158 382” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 17.06.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 19.03.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 19.03.2020 Бюл. №8 Стр.: 1 па Ссз$8< | ЕП

09-03-2021 дата публикации

Станция перекачивания одоранта

Номер: RU0000202822U1

Полезная модель относится к газовой промышленности, и может быть использована на газораспределительных станциях для наполнения одорантом рабочих и резервных емкостей газоодоризационных установок и технологического оборудования магистральных трубопроводов. Задачей полезной модели является повышение производительности выполнения технологического процесса с применением устройства для перекачки одоранта. Поставленная задача решается за счет того, что в станции перекачивания одоранта, содержащей раму с улавливающим поддоном, установленным на ней самовсасывающим насосом, соединяющим между собой линии всасывания и нагнетания, систему трубопроводов с запорной арматурой, соединительные шланги с быстроразъемными соединениями, расположенные между емкостями и линиями всасывания и нагнетания, а также манометры, связанные с системой трубопроводов для измерения давления в линиях, счетчик одоранта и фильтры грубой и тонкой очистки, размещенные на линии всасывания, один конец соединительных шлангов присоединен быстроразъемными соединениями к линиям всасывания и нагнетания, а соединительный шланг располагается на направляющих поверхностях катушек, при этом катушка представляет собой неподвижно закрепленную к раме направляющую поверхность и, имеющий возможность поворота относительно ее оси, реборд, в эксцентричное отверстие которого установлен второй конец соединительного шланга с быстроразъемным соединением. И 1 202822 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ` ВУ” 202 822” 94 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 19.04.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 22.06.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 22.06.2022 Бюл. №18 Стр.: 1 па ССС 0сС ЕП

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for the Refrigerated Transportation of a Stock in a Vehicle Implementing a Liquid Combustible Gas Tank and a Liquid Nitrogen Tank

Номер: US20130061608A1

The present invention relates to a supply station jointly storing a low-temperature-liquefied combustible gas, in particular natural gas, and liquid nitrogen and designed for supplying each component separately or jointly as needed to a vehicle, the supply station being present on the vehicle, the station comprising at least a first storage tank for storing said liquefied combustible gas; and at least a second storage tank for storing said liquid nitrogen and at least one heat-transmitting connection element between the at least one first storage tank and the at least one second storage tank, which connection element is designed so that the combustible gas can be cooled, or can be maintained at a temperature below its boiling point, directly or indirectly by the liquid nitrogen.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Lng receiving structure

Номер: US20130233427A1
Автор: Kenji Okayama
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

An LNG receiving structure ( 101 ) is provided with: a leader pipe ( 1 ) that is located below a receiving pipe ( 102 ) that penetrates a roof of an LNG tank, and extends as far as a bottom portion of the LNG tank; a hopper ( 2 ) that is provided at a top end of the leader pipe, and receives LNG expelled from the receiving pipe; a regulating component ( 3 ) that is provided inside the hopper, and regulates the flow of the LNG expelled from the receiving pipe such that this LNG flows down along an inside wall of the leader pipe; and a gas discharge port ( 4 ) that is provided in the hopper, and discharges to an outside of the hopper gas that has risen upwards from the leader pipe. By providing this LNG receiving structure, when a plurality of types of LNG that each have a different density are stored in the same LNG tank, it is possible to keep to a minimum any risk that rollover might occur.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Fuel tank partition and method of use

Номер: US20140007943A1
Принадлежит: GP Strategies Corp

Embodiments of the present disclosure may include a partition for a fuel tank. The partition may include a sheet of material extending laterally within an interior mid-region of the fuel tank. The sheet may have a length and a width that are at least substantially equal to a length and a width of the mid-region of the fuel tank, and the sheet may be shaped to conform to an interior perimeter of the mid-region of the fuel tank. The partition may also be configured to substantially divide the fuel tank into an upper interior region located above the partition and a lower interior region located below the partition.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027008A1

A hydrocarbon transfer arrangement for transfer of fluids between an offshore unit and a carrier which are placed in an offloading configuration, includes at least one transfer hose and a gas return hose, wherein the end of the at least one transfer hose is connected to a floating multi-function unit allowing for the transport of the transfer hose between the offshore unit and the carrier, wherein the floating multi-function unit can be lifted out of the water and can be held in a fixed position above water-level and is provided with connection elements for making a fluid connection between the transfer hose end and a manifold of the carrier and with emergency disconnect elements for the at least one transfer hose, placed at a distance from the connection elements. 1. A hydrocarbon transfer unit comprising:{'b': '13', 'a frame with at least one hydrocarbon transfer hose attached to the frame via a releasable coupling (),'}{'b': '10', 'the frame comprising at least two spaced-apart transport members () for transporting the unit transversely across a deck of an offshore unit to which the transfer hose is attached and vertically upward from water level against a hull of a carrier that is in a transfer position relative to the offshore unit.'}210. The hydrocarbon transfer unit according to claim 1 , wherein the frame comprises a front end claim 1 , the transport members () having a first rotation axis connected to the frame in a plane claim 1 , the frame carrying a front transport member rotatable around a second rotation axis substantially parallel to the first rotation axis claim 1 , closer to the front end and at a distance from the plane.3. The hydrocarbon transfer unit according to claim 1 , wherein the transport members comprise two sets of wheels rotatable about respective spaced apart rotation axes.4. The hydrocarbon transfer unit according to claim 2 , wherein the transport members comprise two sets of wheels rotatable about respective spaced apart rotation ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Multi-function unit for the offshore transfer of hydrocarbons

Номер: US20140090750A1
Принадлежит: Single Buoy Moorings Inc

A hydrocarbon transfer arrangement for transfer of fluids between an offshore unit and a carrier which are placed in an offloading configuration, includes at least one transfer hose and a gas return hose, wherein the end of the at least one transfer hose is connected to a floating multi-function unit allowing for the transport of the transfer hose between the offshore unit and the carrier, wherein the floating multi-function unit can be lifted out of the water and can be held in a fixed position above water-level and is provided with connection elements for making a fluid connection between the transfer hose end and a manifold of the carrier and with emergency disconnect elements for the at least one transfer hose, placed at a distance from the connection elements.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004259A1

Methods and apparatus for chemical delivery are provided herein. In some embodiments, a first reservoir holds a first volume of fluid, receives a carrier gas, and outputs the carrier gas together with vapor derived from the first volume of fluid. A second reservoir holds a second volume of fluid and is capable of delivering a part of the second volume of fluid to the first reservoir. A self-regulating tube extends from the first reservoir to a region above the second volume of fluid in the second reservoir. 1. A chemical delivery apparatus , comprising:a body having a first reservoir that defines a first volume, the first reservoir including a carrier gas inlet and a carrier gas outlet;a second reservoir disposed in the body above the first reservoir and defining a second volume, the second reservoir having a fill tube fluidly coupling the second reservoir to the first reservoir; anda self-regulating tube extending from the second reservoir to the first reservoir.2. The chemical delivery apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a fluid level sensor that detects a level of a fluid contained in at least one of the first volume or the second volume.3. The chemical delivery apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a bulk refill inlet tube connected to the second volume claim 1 , and a fluid input valve that controls opening of the bulk refill inlet tube based on a detected level of a fluid contained in at least one of the first volume or the second volume.4. The chemical delivery apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a temperature sensor that detects a temperature of a fluid contained in at least one of the first volume or the second volume.5. The chemical delivery apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second reservoir is a closed volume reservoir.6. The chemical delivery apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first reservoir and the second reservoir are separable from each other.7. The chemical delivery apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an anti-static friction ( ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Maintaining Pressure in Cryogenic Storage Tanks

Номер: US20150007585A1
Автор: Kawai Ronald Tatsuji

A system for maintaining a substantially constant pressure within an ullage space of a cryogenic storage tank is provided. The system includes a compressor configured to receive fuel gas from the cryogenic storage tank, and compress the fuel gas to produce heated fuel gas. The system further includes a heat exchanger in flow communication with the compressor and configured to cool the heated fuel gas to produce cooled fuel gas, and a turbine in flow communication with the heat exchanger and configured to expand the cooled fuel gas to produce a gas and liquid mixture having a predetermined liquid to gas ratio, and discharge the gas and liquid mixture into the cryogenic storage tank. 1. A system for maintaining a substantially constant pressure within an ullage space of a cryogenic storage tank , said system comprising: receive fuel gas from the cryogenic storage tank; and', 'compress the fuel gas to produce heated fuel gas;, 'a compressor configured toa heat exchanger in flow communication with said compressor and configured to cool the heated fuel gas to produce cooled fuel gas; and expand the cooled fuel gas to produce a gas and liquid mixture having a predetermined liquid to gas ratio; and', 'discharge the gas and liquid mixture into the cryogenic storage tank., 'a turbine in flow communication with said heat exchanger and configured to2. A system in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising a fan configured to provide a cooling flow to said heat exchanger to facilitate cooling the heated fuel gas.3. A system in accordance with claim 2 , further comprising:a sensor configured to monitor a pressure within the ullage space; and instruct said fan to increase the cooling flow when said sensor monitors an increase in the pressure; and', 'instruct said fan to decrease the cooling flow when said sensor monitors a decrease in the pressure., 'a controller communicatively coupled to said sensor and said fan, said controller configured to4. A system in accordance with ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016130A1

A Reduced Boil-off Thermal Conditioning System (“RBTC System”) for transferring liquid natural gas (“LNG”) from a LNG supply tank to a LNG storage tank with reduced boil-off is disclosed. The RBTC System includes the LNG storage tank, a cryogenic fluid tank within the LNG supply tank, and a compressor. The LNG storage tank includes a first and second LNG pipe. The cryogenic fluid tank is configured to store a cryogenic fluid within the cryogenic fluid tank and the first and second LNG pipe are in fluid communication with to the cryogenic fluid tank. The first LNG pipe is in fluid communication with compressor. 1. A Reduced Boil-off Thermal Conditioning (“RBTC”) System for transferring liquid natural gas (“LNG”) from a LNG supply tank to a LNG storage tank with reduced boil-off , wherein the LNG storage tank has a first LNG pipe and a second LNG pipe , the RBTC System comprising: wherein the cryogenic fluid tank is configured to store a cryogenic fluid within the cryogenic fluid tank and', 'wherein the first LNG pipe and the second LNG pipe are in fluid communication with the cryogenic fluid tank;, 'a cryogenic fluid tank within the LNG supply tank,'}a compressor, wherein the compressor is in fluid communication with the cryogenic fluid tank and the first LNG pipe; anda throttling device, wherein the throttling device is in fluid communication with both the cryogenic fluid tank and the second LNG pipe.2. The RBTC System of claim 1 , a first shell pipe and', 'a second shell pipe, and, 'a cooling shell surrounding the LNG storage tank having'}wherein the first shell pipe and second shell pipe are in fluid communication with the cryogenic fluid tank, andwherein the first shell pipe, second shell pipe, and compressor are configured such that in operation the cryogenic fluid, from the cryogenic fluid tank, enters the cooling shell via the second shell pipe and leaves the cooling shell via the first shell pipe.3. The RBTC System of claim 2 , further includinga first line ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

A mobile co2 filling system for filling onsite co2 storage and dispensing systems with co2

Номер: US20170023179A1
Автор: Daniel E. Schneider
Принадлежит: BEVTECH Inc, Green CO2 IP LLC

A mobile CO2 filling system selectively fills onsite CO2 storage and dispensing systems with CO2. The system includes a mobile platform; a tank holding liquid CO2 mounted on the mobile platform; a flexible dispensing hose coupled to the tank and configured to be selectively coupled to the filling inlet of an onsite CO2 storage and dispensing system; A pump selectively coupled to the tank; and a controller for controlling the filling of an onsite CO2 storage and dispensing systems with CO2 from the tank, wherein the controller is selectively designated by the user to operate in at least one pump assisted filling state and at least one gravity feed filling state.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041004A1

A portable, modular fueling system for the storage, dispensing and offloading of fuel from a rail vehicle to one or more other fuel storage vessels is disclosed. The system module is self-contained on an ISO standardized intermodal platform. The module is capable of being in fluid communication with a plurality of modular storage vessels, either rail-bound or wayside, such as for delivering fuel to a fuel tender or a locomotive. Electrical power, equipment storage, lighting, and compressed air may be located on the intermodal rail car or in a support module, such as either ground-based or rail-mobile. Alternatively, the platform can be mounted to a trailer chassis, or affixed to a land-based foundation matching the standardized intermodal container footprint. Control of the fuel system is provided by automatic means with manual override. 1. A system for portable , modular fueling , the system comprising:a platform configured for intermodal rail transport, the platform having a storage tank for fuel and mounted to a frame, and the storage tank is configured to be in fluid communication with one or more storage vessels for fuel to deliver fuel thereto.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system is configured to handle fuel in both a gaseous state and a liquid state.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the platform is configured to be mounted to an intermodal well rail car capable of providing a modular claim 1 , on-board dispensing system claim 1 , power claim 1 , storage claim 1 , lighting and compressed air.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the intermodal well rail car comprises an electrical generator and an air compressor.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the generator and the compressor are configured to be powered with shore power.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the platform is configured to be mounted to a trailer chassis or a land-based foundation claim 1 , each having a footprint that matches a footprint of the intermodal rail transport.7. The system of ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041125A1
Автор: JUNG Hae Won

A vessel includes an engine; a first self-heat exchanger for heat-exchanging boil-off gas discharged from a storage tank; a multi-stage compressor for compressing, in multi-stages, the boil-off gas, which has passed through the first self-heat exchanger after being discharged from the storage tank; a first decompressor for expanding a portion of the boil-off gas, which has passed through the first self-heat exchanger after being compressed by the multi-stage compressor; a second decompressor for expanding the other portion of the boil-off gas, which has passed through the first self-heat exchanger after being compressed by the multi-stage compressor; and a second self-heat exchanger for heat-exchanging and cooling the portion of the boil-off gas, which has been compressed by the multi-stage compressor, by using, as a refrigerant, a fluid which has been expanded by the first decompressor. 1. A ship including an engine , the ship comprising:a first self-heat exchanger performing heat exchange with respect to boil-off gas (BOG) discharged from a storage tank;a multistage compressor compressing the BOG discharged from the storage tank and having passed through the first self-heat exchanger in multiple stages;a first decompressor expanding some of the BOG having passed through the first self-heat exchanger after compression by the multistage compressor;a second decompressor expanding the other BOG having passed through the first self-heat exchanger after compression by the multistage compressor; anda second self-heat exchanger cooling some of the BOG compressed by the multistage compressor through heat exchange using the fluid expanded by the first decompressor as a refrigerant,wherein the first self-heat exchanger cools the other BOG compressed by the multistage compressor using the BOG discharged from the storage tank as a refrigerant.2. The ship according to claim 1 , wherein the BOG having passed through the second decompressor is sent to the storage tank.3. The ship ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049314A1

A sealed and thermally insulating tank for storing fluid has a wall including a supporting structure, a primary thermal insulation barrier and a primary sealing membrane lying against the primary thermal insulation barrier, contacting the stored fluid. The primary thermal insulation barrier includes a primary insulating panel which includes a bearing zone collaborating with an anchoring device bearing against the bearing zone of the external rigid plate holding it toward the supporting structure. The primary thermal insulation barrier includes a reinforcing insulating plug extending, in the thickness direction, from the bearing zone of the external rigid plate to a specific zone of the primary sealing membrane to take up the compressive forces on the specific zone of the primary sealing membrane. The reinforcing insulating plug includes a polymer foam layer having a compressive yield strength greater than that of the polymer foam layer of the primary insulating panel. 113565. A sealed and thermally insulating tank for storing a fluid having a wall () comprising , in a thickness direction from the exterior toward the interior of the tank , a supporting structure () , a primary thermal insulation barrier () and a primary sealing membrane () which lies against the primary thermal insulation barrier () and is intended to be in contact with the fluid stored in the tank;{'b': 5', '16', '19', '17', '19', '19', '6', '17', '35', '36', '17', '19', '37', '37', '19', '38', '38', '37', '19', '3, 'the primary thermal insulation barrier () comprising a primary insulating panel () including an external rigid plate () and a polymer foam layer () which is fixed on the external rigid plate () and is disposed between the external rigid plate () and the primary sealing membrane (), the polymer foam layer () having a recess (, ) which extends through the whole thickness of the polymer foam layer () and which forms, at the external rigid plate (), a bearing zone (), the bearing zone () of ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Boil-off gas re-liquefying device and method for ship

Номер: US20210061434A1

Disclosed is a re-liquefying device using a boil-off gas as a cooling fluid so as to re-liquefy the boil-off gas generated from a liquefied gas storage tank provided in a ship. A boil-off gas re-liquefying device for a ship comprises: a multi-stage compression unit for compressing boil-off gas generated from a liquefied gas storage tank; a heat exchanger in which the boil-off gas generated from the storage tank and the boil-off gas compressed exchange heat; a vaporizer for heat exchanging the boil-off gas cooled by the heat exchanger and a separate liquefied gas supplied to a fuel demand source of a ship, and thus cooling the boil-off gas; an intermediate cooler for cooling the boil-off gas that has been cooled by the heat exchanger; and an expansion means for branching a part of the boil-off gas, which is supplied to the intermediate cooler, and expanding the same.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058632A1

A liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) filling system of a bi-fuel vehicle is provided. The LPG filling system may be configured for reducing the temperature and pressure in an LPG bombe for storing LPG in the case in which the external temperature is very high, e.g. in the hot season, whereby it is possible to easily refill the LPG bombe with LPG. The LPG filling system is configured to cool the inside of an LPG bombe and to reduce the vapor pressure of LPG by supplying some gasoline from a gasoline tank into the LPG bombe using the fact that the temperature of gasoline in the gasoline tank is lower than the temperature of LPG in the LPG bombe, whereby it is possible to easily refill the LPG bombe with LPG even in the case in which the external temperature is very high, e.g. in the hot season. 1. A liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) filling system of a bi-fuel vehicle comprising:a gasoline pressurization line diverging from a gasoline supply line connected between a gasoline tank and an engine and connected to an LPG bombe;a solenoid valve mounted in the gasoline pressurization line;a controller configured for performing control, wherein the solenoid valve is configured to be opened or closed based on a pressure in the LPG bombe; anda nozzle mounted in the LPG bombe for spraying gasoline that passes through the gasoline pressurization line and is supplied from the gasoline tank into the LPG bombe when the solenoid valve is opened.2. The LPG filling system of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle includes a jet nozzle configured to vaporize gasoline when spraying gasoline.3. The LPG filling system of claim 1 , wherein the gasoline pressurization line is provided with a pressurization pump for pressurizing gasoline from the gasoline tank to the LPG bombe.4. The LPG filling system of claim 1 , wherein the gasoline pressurization line is provided with a pressure sensor configured for detecting a pressure of gasoline supplied from the gasoline tank to the LPG bombe.5. The LPG filling system ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Method of heating a cryogenic liquid

Номер: US20150063409A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

A method of heating a cryogenic liquid contained in a cryogenic tank including a gas headspace. The method includes heating the cryogenic liquid by injecting gas at higher temperature under a free surface of the cryogenic liquid.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

System and Method For Duplicating Flammable Gas

Номер: US20200056110A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for duplicating a flammable gas (SDFG) that utilizes a specially engineered liquid in combination with a purpose-built container to duplicate the flammable gas is disclosed. There are three methods for the production of an engineered liquid for use in the system. In less than one hour, a single unit of any flammable or hydrocarbon gas will yield up to at least double the quantity of the same gas back.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062972A1

The invention relates to a sealed and thermally insulating tank for storing a fluid, wherein a tank wall comprises, successively in a thickness direction, a secondary thermal insulation barrier (), a secondary sealing membrane (), a primary thermal insulation barrier () and a primary sealing membrane (), wherein the secondary sealing membrane () is a corrugated metal membrane comprising a series of parallel corrugations () forming channels and flat portions located between said corrugations (), and wherein anti-convection filler elements () are disposed in the corrugations () of the secondary sealing membrane () to generate a head loss in said channels. 11223421566475425262526642416202225264. A sealed and thermally insulating tank for storing a fluid , wherein a tank wall comprises , successively in a thickness direction , a secondary thermal insulation barrier () comprising a plurality of juxtaposed secondary insulating elements () , the secondary insulating elements () being retained against a support wall () , a secondary sealing membrane () supported by the secondary insulating elements () of the secondary thermal insulation barrier () , a primary thermal insulation barrier () comprising a plurality of juxtaposed primary insulating elements () , the primary insulating elements () being retained against the secondary sealing membrane () , and a primary sealing membrane () supported by the primary thermal insulation barrier () and intended to be in contact with the cryogenic fluid contained in the tank , wherein the secondary sealing membrane () is a corrugated metal membrane comprising a series of parallel corrugations ( , ) forming channels and flat portions located between said corrugations ( , ) , the primary insulating elements () having an external face covering the flat portions of the secondary sealing membrane () , the secondary insulating elements () having an internal face supporting the flat portions of the secondary sealing membrane () , wherein anti- ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082210A1

The present invention pertains to a method for filling a transport tank with a product medium in a liquid state in a gas liquefaction plant, comprising a step of supplying the product medium in the liquid state from a storage tank () of the gas liquefaction plant to the transport tank. The method is characterized in that it further comprises a step of discharging the product medium in a gaseous state from the transport tank into the storage tank (). 1. Method for filling a transport tank with a product medium in a liquid state in a gas liquefaction plant , comprising a step of supplying the product medium in the liquid state from a storage tank of the gas liquefaction plant to the transport tank , whereinthe method further comprises a step of discharging the product medium in a gaseous state from the transport tank to the storage tank.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the product medium in the gaseous state stored in the transport tank is fed into the storage tank downstream of a cooling and liquefying unit of the gas liquefaction plant which generates a liquid product medium stream to be supplied to the storage tank.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the product medium in the gaseous state stored in the transport tank is fed into the storage tank in its gaseous state.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the storage tank stores the product medium in both a liquid and a gaseous phase claim 1 , and the product medium in the gaseous state is discharged from the transport tank into the storage tank such that the product medium in the gaseous state is fed into the liquid phase.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the product medium in the gaseous state supplied to the storage tank from the transport tank is fed into a static mixer provided in or upstream of the storage tank.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the product medium in its gaseous state discharged from the transport tank is fed into a feed gas stream which claim 1 , upon flowing ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076701A1

A sealed and thermally insulating tank whose wall is fixed to a carrier wall. The tank wall includes a secondary thermal insulation barrier which is retained on the carrier wall and a secondary sealing barrier which is supported by the thermal insulation barrier. There is also a primary insulation barrier which is fixed to the secondary element of the tank by a fastener which is connected to the secondary insulation barrier. 1311311313303a. A sealed and thermally insulating tank which is integrated in a structure which comprises a carrier wall () , said tank comprising a tank wall which is fixed to said carrier wall , the tank wall comprising , on the one hand , a primary element and , on the other hand , a secondary element which is arranged between the carrier wall and the primary element , each of the primary and secondary elements including , on the one hand , a thermal insulation barrier which is constituted by insulation blocks () , () in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds which are juxtaposed in parallel rows , an insulation block ( , ) of a thermal insulation barrier comprising a layer of plastics material foam which is clamped between two rigid insulation plates ( , ) which delimit the insulation block , the two rigid plates being substantially parallel with the carrier wall in the zone in the region of which they are located and , on the other hand , a sealing barrier which is arranged on each of the thermal insulation barriers , the thermal insulation barrier of the secondary element being fixedly joined to the carrier wall , the thermal insulation barrier of the primary element being fixedly joined to the secondary element of the tank by fastening means which are connected to the thermal insulation barrier of the secondary element , and allowing the primary insulation blocks of the primary element of the tank wall to be pressed onto the secondary insulation blocks of the secondary element of the tank wall , characterized in that the fastening means ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073678A1

The invention relates to a sealed and thermally insulating tank wherein the distance between two adjacent corrugations of the corrugated metal sheets of the sealing membrane is equal to a predetermined corrugation interval io, the sealing membrane comprising, around a through-element: 1. A sealed and thermally insulating tank intended for the storage of a fluid , said tank comprising a tank wall fixed to a flat bearing wall , the tank wall comprising a sealing membrane and a thermally insulating barrier disposed between the bearing wall and the sealing membrane , the sealing membrane essentially consisting of a plurality of corrugated metal sheets tightly welded to one another which form a first series of equidistant parallel rectilinear corrugations extending in a first direction of the plane of the bearing wall and a second series of equidistant parallel rectilinear corrugations extending in a second direction of the plane of the bearing wall , the second direction being at right angles to the first direction , the distance between two adjacent corrugations of the first series and the distance between two adjacent corrugations of the second series being equal to a predetermined corrugation interval io , the corrugated metal sheets having rectangular forms whose sides are parallel to , respectively , the first direction and the second direction of the plane of the bearing wall and whose dimensions are substantially equal to integer multiples of the corrugation interval , each edge of a corrugated metal sheet being situated between two adjacent corrugations parallel to said edge , the thermally insulating barrier essentially consisting of a plurality of juxtaposed insulating panels each having an inner face which forms a support surface for the sealing membrane , the insulating panels having rectangular parallelepipedal forms whose sides are parallel to , respectively , the first direction and the second direction of the plane of the bearing wall and whose ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074455A1

An impermeable and thermally insulated tank built into a load-bearing structure, the tank wall comprising: 1. An impermeable and thermally insulated tank built into a structure that includes a load-bearing wall , said tank having a tank wall attached to said load bearing wall , the tank wall comprising:a thermal insulation barrier held on the load-bearing wall and made up of cuboid thermally insulating blocks, juxtaposed in parallel rows separated from one another by gaps,an impermeable barrier carried by the thermal insulation barrier, said impermeable barrier comprising a metal membrane formed of metal sheets welded together sealingly,at least some of the thermally insulating blocks of the thermal insulation barrier carrying, on the face of same opposite the load-bearing wall, at least two substantially orthogonal metal connecting strips, arranged parallel to the sides of the thermally insulating blocks, the sheets of the metal membrane carried by said thermally insulating blocks being welded to said strips, said connecting strips being rigidly connected to the thermally insulating blocks bearing same,a plurality of sheets of the metal membrane each having at least two orthogonal folds parallel to the sides of the thermally insulating blocks, said folds being inserted in the gaps formed between the thermally insulating blocks.2. The tank as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tank wall has a primary element and a secondary element arranged between the load-bearing wall and the primary element claim 1 , both the primary element and the secondary element including a thermal insulation barrier made up of cuboid thermally insulating blocks claim 1 , juxtaposed in parallel rows and both the primary and secondary elements including an impermeable barrier arranged on the thermal insulation barrier claim 1 , the thermal insulation barrier of the secondary element being rigidly connected to the load-bearing wall claim 1 , the thermal insulation barrier of the primary element ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078737A1
Автор: OURY Simon
Принадлежит: Cryostar SAS

A set () for dispensing liquefied gas from a vessel () comprises a supporting structure (), a pump () and a conditioning system (). The supporting structure is designed for maintaining both the pump and the conditioning system inside the vessel when the set is in operation condition for dispensing a flow of liquefied gas. The set allows easy handling, simple fitting to the vessel and easy removal from the vessel because a main part of said set can be handled as a one-block element. 2104211ab. Set () according to claim 1 , wherein the conditioning system () is suitable for cooling or warming up the flow of liquefied gas driven by the pump () claim 1 , on-the-fly during travelling of said flow of liquefied gas from the suction end () to the discharge end () when the set is in operation condition.3104100. Set () according to claim 1 , wherein the conditioning system () is suitable for cooling or warming up the gas in liquid phase contained in the vessel ().41011142ba. Set () according to claim 1 , arranged so that claim 1 , when the set is in operation condition claim 1 , the discharge end () of the supporting structure () is located higher than the suction end () along vertical direction claim 1 , and the supporting structure is further adapted for maintaining the conditioning system () higher than the pump () along the vertical direction.51071124ab. Set () according to claim 1 , further comprising a peripheral wall () extending from the suction end () to the discharge end () claim 1 , and surrounding both the pump () and the conditioning system () when the set is in operation condition.6105726. Set () according to claim 4 , further comprising a pipe () to be arranged within a volume (V) internal to the peripheral wall () for conducting the liquefied gas flow from the pump () to the liquid outlet () claim 4 ,{'b': 1', '3', '5', '7', '10, 'and wherein a height of the supporting structure () is suitable so that a gas volume exists below the sealing assembly () but the ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079485A1

A system for reliquefying a boil off gas generated in a storage tank includes a first compressor compressing a partial amount (hereinafter, referred to as ‘fluid a’) of boil off gas discharged from the storage tank, a second compressor compressing another partial amount (hereinafter, referred to as ‘fluid b’) of boil off gas discharged from the storage tank, a second expanding unit expanding a partial amount (hereinafter, referred to as ‘fluid c’) of a flow formed as the fluid a and the fluid b join, a heat-exchanger cooling another partial amount (hereinafter, referred to as ‘fluid d’) of the flow formed as the fluid a and the fluid b join, and a first expanding unit expanding the fluid d cooled by the heat-exchanger, wherein the heat-exchanger heat-exchanges the fluid d with the fluid c as a coolant expanded by the second expanding unit to cool the fluid d. 1. A method of operating a ship having a main compressor , a redundancy compressor and a tank storing liquefied gas and boil-off gas generated from the liquefied gas , wherein the redundancy compressor is installed in parallel with the main compressor and configured to operate together with the main compressor or when the main compressor fails , the method comprising:supplying, to either or both of the main compressor and the redundancy compressor, boil-off gas discharged from the tank via a boil-off gas supply line;compressing, by either or both of the main compressor and the redundancy compressor, at least part of the boil-off gas from the boil-off gas supply line to provide a compressed boil-off gas at a first pressure level,splitting the compressed boil-off gas into at least three flows comprising a first flow, a second flow and a third flow of compressed boil-off gas;supplying the first flow of compressed boil-off gas at the first pressure level to a propulsion engine of the ship for consumption;processing the second flow of compressed boil-off gas for liquefying at least part of the second flow to provide ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088185A1

An apparatus and method of storing and transporting, in a dual-use cryogenic storage tank, a cryogenic liquid having a liquefaction temperature. A first pump empties the tank of a first portion of the cryogenic liquid, thereby leaving a second portion of the cryogenic liquid in the cryogenic storage tank. A second portion of the cryogenic liquid is focused at a location on a bottom of the cryogenic storage tank. Using a second pump located at the location, the cryogenic storage tank is emptied of the second portion of the cryogenic liquid, whereby a residual portion of the cryogenic liquid is left therein. Using a focused heating structure, heat may be delivered to the location to raise the temperature of the residual portion above the liquefaction temperature, thereby vaporizing all of the residual portion. 1. A carrier for storing and transporting cryogenic liquids , comprising:a tank configured to store and transport a cryogenic liquid having a liquefaction temperature; fill the tank with the cryogenic liquid, and', 'empty the tank of a first portion of the cryogenic liquid, thereby leaving a second portion of the cryogenic liquid in the tank;, 'a first pump configured to'}a tank structure that focuses the second portion of the cryogenic liquid at a location on a bottom of the tank; anda second pump located at the location and configured to empty the tank of the second portion of the cryogenic liquid, whereby a residual portion of the cryogenic liquid is left therein.2. The carrier of claim 1 , wherein the tank structure comprises baffles surrounding the second pump claim 1 , the baffles being attached to the bottom of the tank.3. The carrier of claim 2 , further comprising a baffle top that encloses the second pump within the baffles claim 2 , the baffle top claim 2 , and the bottom of the tank.4. The carrier of claim 1 , wherein the tank structure comprises a pump well at the bottom of the tank claim 1 , the pump well comprising an indented portion of the ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088187A1

A nozzle for dispensing fluid includes a probe slidably disposed in a main body. The probe has a probe body defining a check sealing surface and a check void. A check assembly is at least partially disposed in the check void, and includes a check configured to move relative to the main body and the probe body. A spring is configured to bias the check to sealingly engage the check against the check sealing surface of the probe body. 1. A nozzle for dispensing fluid , the nozzle comprising:a main body; and a probe body defining a check sealing surface and a check void, and', 'a check assembly at least partially disposed in the check void, the check assembly comprising a check configured to move relative to the main body and the probe body; and, 'a probe slidably disposed in the main body, the probe comprisinga spring configured to bias the check to sealingly engage the check sealing surface of the probe body.2. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the probe body comprises a spring seat and a poppet engager coupled to the spring seat.3. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the probe further comprises an annular seal disposed about the check.4. The nozzle of claim 3 , wherein the check is configured to extend beyond the annular seal when the check assembly is in a closed position.5. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the main body is configured to circumferentially surround a first portion of the probe when the nozzle is in a retracted position and a second portion of the probe when the nozzle is in an extended position claim 1 , the second portion being less than the first portion.6. The nozzle of claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , to transition the nozzle between the retracted position and the extended position claim 5 , the main body is configured to translate a first distance and the probe is configured to translate a second distance claim 5 , the second distance exceeding the first distance.7. The nozzle of claim 6 , wherein the main body and the probe are configured to move together ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087716A1
Автор: Kernene Nicolas

The present disclosure provides a gas storage device. In an embodiment, the gas storage device includes a cylinder with opposing ends. An endcap is present at each end. The cylinder and the endcaps form an enclosure. Each endcap includes a connector. A diaphragm is located in the enclosure. The diaphragm includes an annular sidewall. The device includes an inner chamber defined by an inner surface of the sidewall, and a storage space between an interior surface of the cylinder and an outer surface of the sidewall. A metal hydride composition is located in the storage space. 1. A gas storage device comprising:a cylinder with opposing ends and an endcap at each end, the cylinder and the endcaps forming an enclosure;each endcap comprising a connector;a diaphragm in the enclosure, the diaphragm comprising an annular sidewall;an inner chamber defined by an inner surface of the sidewall;a storage space between an interior surface of the cylinder and an outer surface of the sidewall; anda metal hydride composition located in the storage space.2. The gas storage device of comprising hydrogen gas in the enclosure.3. The gas storage device of wherein the inner chamber consists of hydrogen gas.4. The device of wherein the diaphragm sidewall comprises opposing ends;a flange located at each sidewall end; andeach flange is sandwiched between a respective cylinder end and a respective endcap.5. The device of wherein an inner surface of each endcap comprises a plurality of ports;a gasket is located between each endcap and each cylinder end;the gasket comprising a plurality of seats, each seat holding a semi-permeable membrane, each semi-permeable membrane aligned with a respective endcap port; andthe ports and the semi-permeable membranes provide fluid communication between the inner chamber and the storage space.6. The device of wherein an inner surface of each endcap comprises a plurality of ports;each flange comprises a plurality of seats, each seat holding a semi-permeable ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094667A1
Автор: MIN Wan Ki, PYUN Sung Hyun

Disclosed herein are a diagnostic method using laser induced breakdown spectrum analysis and a diagnostic device for performing the same. The diagnostic device may include a laser projection module projecting a pulsed laser to a specimen, a light receiving module receiving a light generated by a plasma ablation induced at the specimen by the pulsed laser, a spectral member receiving and dividing the light generated by the plasma ablation; a sensor array including a plurality of sensors arranged to receive the divided light for each wavelength, and a controller obtaining spectrum data of the light generated by the plasma ablation from a specific exposure period, and determining whether or not the specimen is diseased based on the spectrum data of the light generated by the plasma ablation. 1. A diagnostic device comprising:a laser projection module projecting a pulsed laser to a specimen;a light receiving module receiving a light generated by a plasma ablation induced at the specimen by the pulsed laser;a spectral member receiving and dividing the light generated by the plasma ablation;a sensor array including a plurality of sensors arranged to receive the divided light for each wavelength, alternately and continuously repeating an exposure period which accumulates electric energy according to received light and a reset period which initialize the electric energy accumulated during the exposure period and generating spectrum data related to a light received in the exposure period, wherein a time interval of the exposure period is set in order to receive a light having a continuous spectrum characteristic and a light having a discontinuous spectrum characteristic during an exposure period which includes a projecting time point of the pulsed laser; anda controller obtaining spectrum data of the light generated by the plasma ablation from a specific exposure period, where the light generated by the plasma ablation is received, among the repeated plurality of exposure ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101842A1

Liquid fuels are routinely used to provide energy for many different uses. Transferring and distributing liquid fuels have many challenges including providing safe and reliable transfers and distributions. Liquid fuels, for example, Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) may be transferred from a vessel at a relatively low flow rate. This system allows for leaks to be captured and contained to an area of a water based transfer platform rather than allowing the spill to spread out on the surface of the water. 1. A system comprising:a water based transfer platform;a supply vessel holding or receiving a liquid fuel detachably coupled to the water based transfer platform; and one or more trenches disposed in a surface of the water based transfer platform, the one or more trenches configured to collect a liquid and direct it in one or more directions; and', 'one or more sumps coupled to the one or more trenches, the one or more sumps configured to receive liquid collected from the one or more trenches and also configured to hold the liquid., 'a spill containment system located on the water based transfer platform, the spill containment system comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the liquid is held in the one or more sumps until the liquid is neutralized.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the liquid is held in the one or more sumps until the liquid has evaporated.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the supply vessel comprises one or more of a ship claim 1 , a barge claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the supply vessel is configured to transfer the liquid fuel to the water based transfer platform at a transfer flow rate;the transfer flow rate is below a threshold level; andthe spill containment system is configured to collect and hold a spill at the transfer flow rate for a spill period of time.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the spill period of time is less than 20 minutes.7. The system of claim 5 , wherein the threshold level is less than ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106430A1

A system to maintain an inert ullage in a hydrocarbon tank. The system provides for outgassing/venting of ullage gases when a high pressure event is found within the tank. Further, when a low pressure event occurs, during fuel discharge or based on ambient conditions, a source of inert gas, such as nitrogen) supplies gas on-demand to the hydrocarbon tank via a pressure regulator (preferably along the venting system) to maintain both the pressure and inerting of the ullage. A method for maintaining the inert ullage is also provided, whereby a low pressure event triggers a supply of inert gas into the tank. 1. An automated hydrocarbon tank maintenance system comprising:a. a hydrocarbon tank comprising an ullage and a vent system, said vent system comprising a pressure relief valve;b. a source of inert gas coupled with said vent system, said source in fluid communication with said ullage;c. a pressure regulator coupled between said source and said vent system, whereby said pressure regulator adapted to allow inert gas to enter said hydrocarbon tank from said source when said pressure regulator registers a low pressure below a first predetermined low pressure threshold.2. The automated hydrocarbon tank maintenance system of wherein said pressure regulator is coupled to said pressure relief valve.3. The automated hydrocarbon tank maintenance system of wherein said pressure regulator adapted to open said vent system to accept gas from an external source when said pressure regulator registers a low pressure below a second predetermined low pressure threshold claim 1 , said second low pressure threshold being lower than said first low pressure threshold.4. The automated hydrocarbon tank maintenance system of claim 3 , wherein said pressure regulator first predetermined low pressure level is set at approximately two inches of water column pressure.5. The automated hydrocarbon tank maintenance system of claim 3 , wherein said pressure regulator second predetermined low ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112823A1

A sealed and thermally insulating tank intended for the storage of a fluid, the tank having a secondary insulating barrier having juxtaposed insulating panels; and a primary insulating barrier having insulating panels that are each arranged straddling at least four secondary insulating panels and anchored to the latter. The sealed tank is equipped with a through-element passing through a specific zone of the wall. In the specific zone of the wall, the longitudinal directions of the primary panels are perpendicular to the longitudinal directions of the secondary insulating panels. The through-element passes successively through an opening made in one of the secondary insulating panels and an opening made in one of the primary insulating panels. 1313415475. A sealed and thermally insulating tank intended for the storage of a fluid , said tank comprising a tank wall fixed to a carrying structure () , the wall comprising successively , in the direction of the thickness , from the exterior to the interior of the tank , a secondary thermally insulating barrier () retained against the carrying structure () , a secondary sealing membrane () carried by the secondary thermally insulating barrier () , a primary thermally insulating barrier () resting against the secondary sealing membrane () , and a primary sealing membrane () carried by the primary thermally insulating barrier () and designed to be in contact with the fluid contained in the tank;{'b': 1', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '19, 'i': a,', 'b,', 'c,', 'd,', 'e', 'a,', 'b,', 'c,', 'd,', 'e, 'the secondary thermally insulating barrier () comprising juxtaposed secondary insulating panels (, ), retained against the carrying structure () and having a rectangular parallelepipedal form having a longitudinal direction, each secondary insulating panel (, ) having an internal face, opposite the carrying wall, equipped with at least one anchoring member ();'}{'b': 5', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112008A1

Disclosed is a re-liquefying device using a boil-off gas as a cooling fluid so as to re-liquefy the boil-off gas generated from a liquefied gas storage tank provided in a ship. A boil-off gas re-liquefying device for a ship comprises: a multi-stage compression unit for compressing boil-off gas generated from a liquefied gas storage tank; a heat exchanger in which the boil-off gas generated from the storage tank and the boil-off gas compressed exchange heat; a vaporizer for heat exchanging the boil-off gas cooled by the heat exchanger and a separate liquefied gas supplied to a fuel demand source of a ship, and thus cooling the boil-off gas; an intermediate cooler for cooling the boil-off gas that has been cooled by the heat exchanger; and an expansion means for branching a part of the boil-off gas, which is supplied to the intermediate cooler, and expanding the same. 115-. (canceled)16. A BOG reliquefaction apparatus for ships for transportation of liquefied gas , the BOG reliquefaction apparatus comprising:a multistage compressor comprising a plurality of compression stage parts and compressing BOG discharged from a storage tank storing liquefied gas;a heat exchange unit reliquefying the BOG compressed by the multistage compressor by cooling the BOG compressed by the multistage compressor through heat exchange; anda third expansion unit decompressing the BOG reliquefied by the heat exchange unit, a heat exchanger cooling the BOG compressed by the multistage compressor through heat exchange between the BOG compressed by the multistage compressor and the BOG supplied from the storage tank to the multistage compressor and not subjected to compression; and;', 'an intermediate cooler expanding some of the compressed BOG while cooling the remaining compressed BOG through heat exchange between the expanded BOG and the remaining compressed BOG., 'wherein the heat exchange unit comprises17. The BOG reliquefaction apparatus for ships according to claim 16 , wherein the heat ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112009A1

A ship comprises: a liquefied gas storage tank; a multi-stage compressor for compressing a boil-off gas discharged from a storage tank and comprising a plurality of compression cylinders; a second heat exchanger for heat exchanging a fluid, which has been compressed by the multi-stage compressor, and thus cooling same; a first decompressing device for expanding a flow (“flow a”) partially branched from the flow (“flow a”) that has been cooled by the second heat exchanger; a third heat exchanger for heat exchanging, by “flow a” which has been expanded by the first decompressing device as a refrigerant, the remaining flow (“flow a”) of “flow a” after excluding “flow a” that has been branched and thus cooling same; and a second decompressing device for expanding “flow a” which has been cooled by the third heat exchanger. 1. A ship having a liquefied gas storage tank , the ship comprising:a multistage compressor comprising a plurality of compression cylinders to compress boil-off gas discharged from the storage tank;a second heat exchanger cooling the fluid compressed by the multistage compressor by subjecting the fluid to heat exchange;{'b': '1', 'a first decompressor expanding one (hereinafter referred to as “flow a”) of two flows branching off of the fluid cooled by the second heat exchanger (hereinafter referred to as “flow a”);'}{'b': 2', '2', '1, 'a third heat exchanger cooling the other flow (hereinafter referred to as “flow a”) of the two flows by subjecting the flow a to heat exchange with the flow a expanded by the first decompressor to be used as a refrigerant; and'}{'b': '2', 'a second decompressor expanding the flow a cooled by the third heat exchanger,'}{'b': '2', 'wherein the second heat exchanger cools the fluid compressed by the multistage compressor using the flow a expanded by the second decompressor as a refrigerant.'}2. The ship according to claim 1 , wherein the boil-off gas compressed by some of the plurality of compression cylinders is compressed ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112022A1

A ship comprises: a tank; a multistage compressor for compressing a boil-off gas discharged from a storage tank and comprising a plurality of compression cylinders; a first heat exchanger for heat exchanging a fluid, which has been compressed by the multistage compressor, with the boil-off gas discharged from the storage tank and thus cooling the same; a first decompressing device for expanding a flow (“flow a1”) partially branched from the flow (“flow a”) that has been cooled by the first heat exchanger; a third heat exchanger for heat exchanging, by “flow a1” which has been expanded by the first decompressing device as a refrigerant, the remaining flow (“flow a2”) of “flow a” after excluding “flow a1” that has been branched and thus cooling the same; and a second decompressing device for expanding “flow a2” which has been cooled by the third heat exchanger.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120430A1

A sealed and thermally-insulating fluid storage tank includes an angle arrangement placed at the intersection between the first and the second walls. The storage tank also includes a first and a second insulating blocks respectively retained on the first and second walls of the supporting structure and forming a corner of the thermally insulating barrier; and a metal angle structure forming a corner of the sealing membrane which is welded onto the plurality of metal plates of the first and second insulating blocks. Each of the first and second insulating blocks is associated with an adjacent insulating panel via a bridging element. Each of the first and second insulating blocks has at least one first and one second stress-relief slots extending respectively parallel and at right angles to the intersection between the first and the second walls. 15365. A sealed and thermally-insulating fluid storage tank comprising at least one thermally insulating barrier () retained on a supporting structure () and a sealing membrane () supported by said thermally insulating barrier () ,{'b': 5', '9', '57', '58', '3', '1', '2', '3', '12', '4', '1', '2, 'claim-text': [{'b': 30', '31', '1', '2', '5', '30', '31', '3', '38', '1', '2', '30', '31', '34, 'a first and a second insulating blocks (, ) respectively retained on the first and second walls (, ) of the supporting structure and forming a corner of the thermally insulating barrier (); each of the first and second insulating blocks (, ) comprising an outer face placed facing the supporting structure () and an inner face comprising metal plates () spaced apart from one another along the intersection between the first and the second walls (, ); said first and second insulating blocks (, ) comprising a layer of polymer foam (); and'}, {'b': 49', '50', '51', '6', '38', '30', '31, 'a metal angle structure (, , ) forming a corner of the sealing membrane () and comprising a first and a second wings which are respectively welded onto the ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Cooling and/or liquefying system and method

Номер: US20220268516A1

Disclosed is a low-temperature refrigeration device comprising a working circuit that forms a loop and contains a working fluid, the device further comprising a cooling exchanger for extracting heat from at least one member by exchanging heat with the working fluid, the working circuit forming a cycle comprising, connected in series: a compression mechanism, a cooling mechanism, an expansion mechanism and a heating mechanism, wherein the mechanism for cooling the working fluid and the heating mechanism comprise a common heat exchanger in which the working fluid flows in opposite directions in two separate transit portions of the circuit according to whether it is cooled or heated, the device being designed to ensure equal mass flow rates in the two transit portions in the common heat exchanger, the device also comprising a bypass for bypassing one of the two transit portions, said bypass comprising a bypass valve which, in the open state, changes the mass flow rate in one of the two transit portions.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138537A1

A sealed insulating tank in which the secondary insulating barrier, the secondary sealing membrane, and the primary insulating barrier essentially consist of a set of prefabricated panels juxtaposed on the supporting structure. Sealing strips are arranged so that they overlap the adjoining edge zones of the leaktight linings of the prefabricated panels in order to complete the secondary sealing membrane between the prefabricated panels. Insulating blocks arranged on the sealing strips have a layer of thermal insulation covered by a rigid board and a reinforcing mat having a stiffness under tension which is greater than or equal to the stiffness under tension of the sealing strips and is glued to the layer of thermal insulation on a face of the layer of thermal insulation opposite the rigid board, the insulating block being each time fixed to the prefabricated panels by gluing the reinforcing mat to the underlying sealing strip. 19969. A sealed insulating tank having a tank wall fixed on a supporting structure () , in which the tank wall has a multilayer structure which comprises , successively , a primary sealing membrane () intended to be in contact with a product contained in the tank , a primary insulating barrier , a secondary sealing membrane , and a secondary insulating barrier ,{'b': 54', '55', '56', '52', '57', '58, 'in which the secondary insulating barrier, the secondary sealing membrane, and the primary insulating barrier essentially consist of a set of prefabricated panels () fixed on the supporting structure, each prefabricated panel comprising, successively, a rigid base board (), a first layer of thermal insulation () carried by the base board and forming, with the base board, an element of the secondary insulating barrier, a leaktight lining () which completely covers the first layer of thermal insulation, being glued to the first layer of thermal insulation, and which forms an element of the secondary sealing membrane, a second layer of thermal ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152993A1

An internal bottom wall of the double hull bears a sump structure comprising a rigid container arranged through the thickness of the bottom wall of the tank and intended to accommodate a suction member of a pump. The rigid container comprises a bottom wall situated at a level further toward the outside than the secondary sealing membrane of the bottom wall of the tank. The sump structure comprises a primary connecting plate surrounding the container, the primary connecting plate having a connecting surface extending parallel to the primary sealing membrane of the bottom wall of the tank, the primary sealing membrane of the bottom wall of the tank being attached in a sealed manner to the connecting surface all around the sump structure. 1. A sealed and insulated tank equipped with an unloading pump and arranged in a floating double hull , the tank comprising tank walls which are fixed to internal walls of the floating double hull , in which tank a tank wall comprises a multilayer structure with multiple layers superposed in a thickness direction including a primary sealing membrane intended to be in contact with a product contained in the tank , a secondary sealing membrane arranged between the primary sealing membrane and the internal wall of the double hull , a secondary thermal insulation barrier arranged between the secondary sealing membrane and the internal wall of the double hull and supporting the secondary sealing membrane , and a primary thermal insulation barrier arranged between the primary sealing membrane and the secondary sealing membrane and supporting the primary sealing membrane ,in which an internal bottom wall of the double hull bears a bottom wall of the tank and a sump structure locally interrupting the primary sealing membrane of the bottom wall of the tank, the sump structure comprising a rigid container arranged through the thickness of the bottom wall of the tank,the unloading pump being arranged in the tank so that it draws up the product ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180151898A1
Автор: Knapp Jeffrey H.

Methods and apparatus for cryogenic fuel bayonet transfers are disclosed. A disclosed example fuel transfer system includes a fuel tank. The example fuel transfer system also includes a bayonet receptacle extending into an internal volume of the fuel tank, where the bayonet receptacle is to receive a fuel transfer bayonet to fill the fuel tank with fuel and a fuel discharge bayonet to discharge the fuel. 1. A fuel transfer system comprising:a fuel tank; anda bayonet receptacle extending into an internal volume of the fuel tank, the bayonet receptacle to receive a fuel transfer bayonet to fill the fuel tank with fuel and to receive a fuel discharge bayonet to discharge the fuel.2. The apparatus as defined in claim 1 , further including an exchange portion extending into the hydrogen fuel tank.3. The fuel transfer system as defined in claim 2 , further including a check valve extending from the exchange portion.4. The fuel transfer system as defined in claim 3 , further including a relief valve extending from the exchange portion.5. The fuel transfer system as defined in claim 4 , wherein the check valve and the relief valve are oriented substantially perpendicular to one another within the fuel tank.6. The fuel transfer system as defined in claim 4 , wherein insertion of the discharge bayonet into the bayonet receptacle defines a pressure relief path.7. The fuel transfer system as defined in claim 1 , further including an insulation layer at least partially surrounding the bayonet receptacle.8. The fuel transfer system as defined in claim 1 , wherein the fuel tank is disposed within an unmanned aircraft claim 1 , and wherein the fuel discharge bayonet is to discharge the fuel to a fuel cell of the unmanned aircraft.9. An electric aircraft comprising:a fuel tank; andat least one bayonet receptacle extending into an internal volume of the fuel tank, the at least one bayonet receptacle to receive a fuel transfer bayonet to fill the fuel tank and a fuel discharge bayonet ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160161058A1
Автор: MODDEMANN Horst

The invention relates to a tank comprising a container with an opening and a cover, a flexible casing lying against the interior and exterior of the container. This allows increased resistance to the penetration of sharp objects, liquid and gaseous gases can be used interchangeably and various gas types with a fossil-type and biological-type consistency can be mixed and also heated and cooled in the tank. The invention relates to tanks () and staged tanks of the preceding claims, characterised in that in addition to LNG, said tanks can store biological methane gas. 1. A tank adapted for the accumulation and storage of a cryogenic medium , the tank comprising a container with an opening and a cover , wherein a flexible cladding bears against the container at an inside and at an outside.2. The tank of claim 1 , wherein the cladding is of unipartite form.3. The tank of claim 1 , wherein the cladding is selected from one of hose-like form and stocking-like form.4. The tank of claim 1 , wherein an opening of the cladding is closed off in one of a non-positively locking fashion and positively locking fashion.5. The tank of claim 1 , wherein the cladding is a flexible foil or a woven material claim 1 , the woven material comprising at least one of aramide claim 1 , graphene carbon nanotubes and a flexible plastics foil with graphene coating.6. The tank of claim 1 , wherein the cladding comprises at least one of an aramide cladding and a woven material claim 1 , the at least one of an aramide cladding and a woven material having at least one of varying diameters and varying densities.7. The tank of claim 1 , wherein the cladding bears in wound form against the container in multiple layers at least one of the inside and at the outside.8. The tank of claim 1 , wherein the container comprising a compressible and thermally insulating material.9. The tank of claim 1 , wherein the container is coated on at least one of the inside and the outside.10. The tank of claim 1 , wherein ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatuses For Using Dry Ice Containers

Номер: US20210190405A1

Methods and apparatuses for loading, removing, accessing, positioning or preserving one or more items in a presence of dry ice are provided. The apparatus includes a tapered container that has a barrier-like structure which can partition the inner volume of the tapered container into an internal product storage volume and a dry icechamber. Each of the regions remain substantially undisturbed during handling, operation, use and transport of the tapered container. Methods for selectively introducing dry ice into the dry ice chamber of the tapered container and engaging the barrier-like structure within the tapered container can be achieved with a novel guiding assembly apparatus. The methods and apparatuses are particularly useful when loading and retrieving one or more items in the presence of dry ice for tapered containers that have single restrictive access openings and/or other characteristics which make access and handling difficult. 1. An apparatus with a single restrictive access opening for loading , positioning , removing , or accessing one or more items that can be stored , preserved or transported in a presence of dry ice , comprising:a tapered container with an interior volume defined by an interior body section and an interior neck section, the interior body section comprising at least a first region, wherein the first region is a dry ice chamber, said dry ice chamber adapted to receive substantially all of the dry ice that is selectively directed into the interior volume of the tapered container through the single restrictive access opening located at the interior neck section;the interior volume of the tapered container further including a second region that is non-overlapping with the first region of the tapered container, wherein the second region is an internal product storage volume contained within a barrier-like structure, the internal product storage volume characterized by a substantial absence of the dry ice, the internal product storage volume ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156741A1

Disclosed is a boil-off gas reliquefaction system for vessels. The BOG reliquefaction system for vessels includes: a multistage compressor compressing BOG; a heat exchanger cooling the BOG compressed by the multistage compressor through heat exchange using BOG not compressed by the multistage compressor as a refrigerant; a pressure reducer disposed downstream of the heat exchanger and decompressing a fluid cooled by the heat exchanger; and a bypass line through which BOG is supplied to the multistage compressor after bypassing the heat exchanger. 1. A BOG reliquefaction system for ships comprising:a multistage compressor compressing BOG;a heat exchanger cooling the BOG compressed by the multistage compressor through heat exchange using BOG not compressed by the multistage compressor as a refrigerant;a pressure reducer disposed downstream of the heat exchanger and decompressing a fluid cooled by the heat exchanger; anda bypass line through which BOG is supplied to the multistage compressor after bypassing the heat exchanger,wherein the BOG compressed and increased in temperature by the multistage compressor is supplied to a hot fluid channel of the heat exchanger.2. The BOG reliquefaction system for ships according to claim 1 , wherein the BOG is supplied to the multistage compressor after bypassing the heat exchanger along the bypass line when the heat exchanger cannot be used and/or when there is no need for reliquefaction of the BOG.3. (canceled)4. The BOG reliquefaction system for ships according to claim 1 , wherein the BOG discharged from the storage tank is used as a refrigerant in the heat exchanger claim 1 , and some or all of the BOG is supplied to the multistage compressor after bypassing the heat exchanger along the bypass line to satisfy an intake pressure condition of the multistage compressor claim 1 , when a pressure of the BOG supplied to the multistage compressor does not satisfy the intake pressure condition of the multistage compressor and/or when ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162367A1
Автор: JR. Michael, SWAB

A system for cooling compressed natural gas comprises a compressed natural gas coil located within a compartment. The compressed natural gas coil has a compressed natural gas inlet and a compressed natural gas outlet. The system also comprises a refrigerant coil located within the compartment. The refrigerant coil has a refrigerant inlet and a refrigerant outlet. The system further comprises a heat transfer fluid located within the compartment. The heat transfer fluid thermally connecting the compressed natural gas coil to the refrigerant coil. 1. A system for cooling compressed natural gas , the system comprising;a compressed natural gas coil located within a compartment, the compressed natural gas coil having a compressed natural gas inlet and a compressed natural gas outlet;a refrigerant coil located within the compartment, the refrigerant coil having a refrigerant inlet and a refrigerant outlet; anda heat transfer fluid located within the compartment, the heat transfer fluid thermally connecting the compressed natural gas coil to the refrigerant coil.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a refrigeration unit fluidly connected to the refrigerant coil, the refrigeration unit including at least one of a refrigerant compression device and a refrigerant heat rejection heat exchanger, wherein the refrigerant compression device includes a suction side.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising:a first bypass valve fluidly connected to the refrigeration unit and the refrigerant coil, the first bypass valve being configured to direct the refrigerant from the refrigerant heat rejection heat exchanger to the refrigerant inlet, when the first bypass valve is activated; anda second bypass valve fluidly connected to the refrigeration unit and the refrigerant coil, the second bypass valve being configured to direct the refrigerant from the refrigerant outlet to the suction side of the refrigerant compression device, when the second bypass valve is activated.4. The ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

LNG Fueling Station and LNG Fueling Method Using LNG Tank Container

Номер: US20160178127A1

An LNG fueling station according to the present invention includes: an installation part on which an LNG tank container is installed, and a supply part for supplying liquefied natural gas from the LNG tank container installed on the installation part to an object for supply, wherein the LNG tank container can be transported and installed while storing the liquefied natural gas, and the LNG tank container is transported to the installation part and then installed on the installation part. 1. A liquefied natural gas (LNG) fueling station , comprising:an installation part configured to receive an LNG tank container; anda supply part configured to supply liquefied natural gas from the LNG tank container installed on the installation part to an object for supply,wherein the LNG tank container is capable of being transported and installed while the liquefied natural gas is stored therein and is thus installed on the installation part after being transported to the installation part.2. The LNG fueling station of further comprising a crane part configured to lift and carry the LNG tank container claim 1 , which is transported to the installation part claim 1 , to the installation part.3. The LNG fueling station of claim 2 , wherein the installation part comprises:a base installed on the ground configured to load the LNG tank container;a vertical frame vertically installed from the base; anda horizontal frame horizontally installed while being supported by the vertical frame,wherein the crane part is moved along the horizontal frame.4. The LNG fueling station of claim 3 , wherein the horizontal frame is configured to extend longer than the base to guide the crane part up to the outside of the base.5. The LNG fueling station of further comprising a movable part which is movably provided in the installation part claim 1 , is detachably fixed to the LNG tank container claim 1 , and allows the LNG tank container loaded on a transporting means to move to the installation part or ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170505A1

A ship including a liquefied gas storage tank includes: first and second compressors which compresse a boil-off gas discharged from a storage tank; a boost compressor which compresses one part of the boil-off gas that is compressed by at least any one of the first compressor and/or the second compressor; a first heat exchanger which heat exchanges the boil-off gas compressed by the boost compressor and the boil-off gas discharged from the storage tank; a refrigerant decompressing device which expands the other part of the boil-off gas that is compressed by at least any one of the first compressor and/or the second compressor; a second heat exchanger which cools, by a fluid expanded by the refrigerant decompressing device as a refrigerant; and an additional compressor which is compresses the refrigerant that passes through the refrigerant decompressing device and second heat exchanger.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170506A1

A ship includes: a boil-off gas heat exchanger which is installed on a downstream of a storage tank and heat-exchanges a compressed boil-off gas (“a first fluid”) by a boil-off gas discharged from the storage tank as a refrigerant to cool the boil-off gas; a compressor installed on a downstream of the boil-off gas heat exchanger and compresses a part of the boil-off gas from the storage tank; an extra compressor which is installed on a downstream of the boil-off gas heat exchanger and in parallel with the compressor and compresses the other part of the boil-off gas from the storage tank; a refrigerant heat exchanger which additionally cools the first fluid; and a refrigerant decompressing device which expands a second fluid, which is sent to the refrigerant heat exchanger, and then sends the second fluid back to the refrigerant heat exchanger.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207773A1

A method for managing the filling levels of a plurality of tanks arranged in a ship, said tanks being connected in such a way as to allow liquid to be transferred between said tanks, the method comprising 12345612345623456. A management method for managing the filling levels of a plurality of tanks ( , , , , ) arranged in a ship () , said tanks ( , , , , ) being connected in such a way as to allow liquid to be transferred between said tanks ( , , , , ) , the method comprising{'b': 7', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6, 'providing an initial state () defining initial filling levels of the tanks (, , , , ),'}{'b': 8', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6, 'determining a target state () defining final filling levels of said tanks (, , , , ),'}{'b': 9', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6, 'determining a liquid transfer scenario (), the transfer scenario defining one or more flows of liquid to be transferred between the tanks (, , , , ) during a transfer period in order to shift from the initial state to the target state of the tanks,'}{'b': '10', 'calculating a probability of damage to the tanks () as a function of successive filling levels of the tanks during the transfer period, the probability of damage to the tanks defining a probability that at least one tank will be damaged during the course of the transfer scenario,'}{'b': 2', '3', '4', '5', '6, 'generating a series of instructions intended to transfer the liquid between the tanks (, , , , ) in accordance with said transfer scenario if the probability of damage to the tanks satisfies an acceptance criterion.'}21323456. The management method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , if the probability of damage to the tanks satisfies the acceptance criterion claim 1 , transferring () the liquid between the tanks ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) in accordance with said transfer scenario.3. The management method as claimed in one of to claim 1 , further comprising providing a transfer capacity parameter defining a transfer ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180194447A1

A ship comprising an engine is disclosed. The ship comprising an engine comprises: a self-heat exchanger which heat-exchanges boil-off gas discharged from a storage tank; a multi-stage compressor which compresses, in multi-stages, boil-off gas that passed through the self-heat exchanger after being discharged from the storage tank; a first decompressing device which expands one portion of boil-off gas that passed through the self-heat exchanger after being compressed by the multi-stage compressor; and a second decompressing device which expands the other portion of the boil-off gas that passed through the self-heat exchanger after being compressed by the multi-stage compressor, wherein the self-heat exchanger uses boil-off gas discharged from the storage tank and boil-off gas expanded by the first decompressing device as refrigerants for cooling boil-off gas compressed by the multi-stage compressor. 1. A ship comprising an engine , the ship further comprising:a self-heat exchanger performing heat exchange with respect to boil-off gas (BOG) discharged from a storage tank;a multistage compressor compressing the BOG discharged from the storage tank and having passed through the self-heat exchanger in multiple stages;a first decompressor expanding some of the BOG compressed by the multistage compressor and having passed through the self-heat exchanger;a second decompressor expanding the other BOG compressed by the multistage compressor and having passed through the self-heat exchanger,wherein the self-heat exchanger cools the BOG compressed by the multistage compressor using the BOG discharged from the storage tank and the BOG expanded by the first decompressor as a refrigerant.2. The ship comprising an engine according to claim 1 , wherein the BOG having passed through the second decompressor and having a gas/liquid mixed phase is sent to the storage tank.3. The ship comprising an engine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second liquid/gas separator disposed ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Cooling of a dewar vessel with ice free coolant and for short sample access

Номер: US20150211682A1

The present invention relates to a pump ( 15 ) for pumping a coolant ( 9 ) within a Dewar vessel ( 1 ) and to a corresponding Dewar vessel ( 1 ) for storing samples in a coolant ( 9 ). The Dewar vessel ( 1 ) comprises a thermally insulated reservoir ( 3 ) for the coolant ( 9 ) and a sample vessel ( 11 ) provided separately and arranged in the thermally insulated reservoir ( 3 ). The reservoir ( 3 ) is connected to the sample vessel ( 11 ) in such a way that the level of coolant ( 9 ) is constant in the sample vessel ( 11 ). Pump ( 15 ) may help in keeping the level of coolant ( 9 ) in the sample vessel ( 11 ) constant. For this purpose the pump ( 15 ) comprises a chamber ( 17 ) with an inlet ( 19 ) and an outlet ( 21 ), a closing element ( 23 ) and a pressure increasing device ( 25 ). Therein, the inlet ( 19 ) is connectable to the reservoir ( 3 ) and the outlet ( 21 ) is connectable to a sample vessel ( 11 ) of the Dewar vessel ( 1 ). The chamber ( 17 ) is adapted to fill with coolant ( 9 ) through the inlet ( 19 ) by gravity and the closing element ( 23 ) is adapted to automatically close the chamber ( 17 ) when it is full of coolant ( 9 ). The pressure increasing device ( 25 ) is adapted to increase the pressure within the chamber ( 17 ), after the chamber ( 17 ) is closed, until the coolant ( 9 ) is released through the outlet ( 21 ).

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Methods for pre-charging carbon dioxide snow

Номер: US20190195548A1
Принадлежит: Praxair Technology Inc

Manual and automated methods of pre-charging an empty or partially empty insulated container with CO2 snow are provided. A first location such as a charging location charges CO2 liquid into a container to create a pre-charged container with CO2 snow. The charging location prepares the pre-charged container for delivery to a second location, either by itself, or through a third party. The second location may be a clinical site, which upon receipt of the pre-charged container, loads a perishable item such as a biological sample into the pre-charged container. A user receives the pre-charged container with perishable item and removes the perishable item from the pre-charger container for testing (e.g., biological testing). Depending on the level of depletion of the CO2 snow in the pre-charged container, the user returns the depleted container to the first location or the intermediate location.

09-10-2014 дата публикации

System and method for deriving storage tank operation plan

Номер: US20140303792A1
Принадлежит: Osaka Gas Co Ltd

To derive a feasible solution for an operation plan problem for storage tanks for storing liquefied natural gas, which is a complicated mixed-integer non-linear problem, given tank initial state information, reception plan information, and feed plan information, two solving processes are executed alternately two or more times, respectively: a first solving process that replaces a mixed-integer non-linear programming problem with a mixed-integer linear programming problem by linear approximation of a non-linear expression in non-linear constraints containing the non-linear expression, and solves the problem to derive provisional solutions or final solutions for a reception pattern that prescribes a storage tank that is to receive liquefied natural gas, and a discharge pattern that prescribes a storage tank that is to discharge liquefied natural gas, and a second solving process that replaces a mixed-integer non-linear programming problem with a continuous non-linear programming problem by provisionally fixing a discrete variable in discrete form constraints containing the discrete variable, and solves the problem to derive provisional solutions or final solutions for transitions of storage quantity and storage heat quantity of liquefied natural gas in each storage tank.

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Liquefied gas fuel filling system

Номер: US20150226378A1
Принадлежит: Isuzu Motors Ltd, Miyairi Valve Mfg Co Ltd

A liquefied gas fuel filling system provided with a filling and pressure-balanced receptacle at a vehicle side combined with a filling and pressure-balanced nozzle at a station side connected with a storage tank, and an excess flow prevention valve provided in a pressure-balanced line for making the filling and pressure-balanced receptacle and a gas-phase region of a fuel tank contact each other. An orifice is provided in a pressure-balanced receptacle of the filling and pressure-balanced receptacle, thereby enabling the fuel tank to be smoothly filled with liquefied gas even when the outside air temperature rises.

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180216876A1
Автор: KIM In Woong

Disclosed herein is a boil-off gas reliquefaction apparatus. The boil-off gas reliquefaction apparatus includes: a plurality of compressors arranged in parallel to compress boil-off gas discharged from a storage tank; a reliquefaction unit reliquefying the boil-off gas compressed by each of the plurality of compressors; and a plurality of supply lines providing a path through which the boil-off gas is supplied from the plurality of compressors to the reliquefaction unit and a path through which the boil-off gas flows in the reliquefaction unit, wherein the plurality of supply lines is arranged independently of one another without being joined together. 1. A boil-off gas reliquefaction apparatus , comprising:a plurality of compressors arranged in parallel to compress boil-off gas discharged from a storage tank;a reliquefaction unit reliquefying the boil-off gas compressed by each of the plurality of compressors; anda plurality of supply lines providing a path through which the boil-off gas is supplied from the plurality of compressors to the reliquefaction unit and a path through which the boil-off gas flows in the reliquefaction unit,wherein the plurality of supply lines is arranged independently of one another without being joined together.2. The boil-off gas reliquefaction apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of compressors comprises a first compressor and a second compressor.3. The boil-off gas reliquefaction apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the second compressor acts as a redundant compressor of the first compressor.4. The boil-off gas reliquefaction apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the reliquefaction unit comprises a heat exchanger cooling boil-off gas compressed by each of the plurality of compressors by exchanging heat with boil-off gas discharged from the storage tank claim 1 , and the boil-off gas discharged from the storage tank is acting as a refrigerant while flowing in the heat exchanger.5. The boil-off gas ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208778A1

Gas pressure actuated fill termination valves for cryogenic liquid storage tanks and storage tanks containing the same. 1. A cryogenic liquid storage tank , comprising:a vessel for containing a cryogenic liquid;a fill pipe in communication with the vessel wherein the vessel is filled with the cryogenic liquid via the fill pipe;a fill termination assembly associated with the fill pipe, the fill termination assembly including a valve having an open position for allowing cryogenic liquid to flow through the fill pipe during filing of the vessel and a closed position for preventing cryogenic liquid from flowing through the fill pipe when the vessel has been filled with a selected amount of cryogenic liquid; andwherein the fill termination assembly moves from the open position to the closed position when a pressure of a gas within the fill termination assembly decreases to a threshold pressure, the pressure of the gas decreasing to the threshold pressure when the vessel is filled to the selected amount.2. The cryogenic liquid storage tank of wherein the fill termination assembly includes a chamber containing the gas.3. The cryogenic liquid storage tank of wherein the chamber containing the gas extends at least partially into the vessel claim 2 , and wherein the cryogenic liquid contacts the chamber claim 2 , thereby lowering the temperature of the gas within the chamber claim 2 , resulting in a decrease of the pressure of the gas to the threshold temperature.4. The cryogenic liquid storage tank of wherein the chamber of the fill termination assembly includes a movable segment and a static segment claim 2 , wherein the moveable segment is operatively connected to the valve.5. The cryogenic liquid storage tank of wherein the moveable segment is connected to the valve by a lever.6. The cryogenic liquid storage tank of wherein the moveable segment is operatively connected to the valve by an electric circuit or by wireless connection.7. The cryogenic liquid storage tank of ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Boil-off gas reliquefaction system

Номер: US20200208780A1

Disclosed is a BOG reliquefaction system. The BOG reliquefaction system includes: a compressor compressing BOG; a heat exchanger cooling the BOG compressed by the compressor through heat exchange using BOG not compressed by the compressor as a refrigerant; a pressure reducer disposed downstream of the heat exchanger and reducing a pressure of fluid cooled by the heat exchanger; and a second oil filter disposed downstream of the pressure reducer, wherein the compressor includes at least one oil-lubrication type cylinder and the second oil filter is a cryogenic oil filter.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190211974A1

The present invention provides a control device that includes a first temperature detection unit that detects a partition wall temperature of a tank main body in which liquefied gas is contained, and a second temperature detection unit that detects a temperature of a skirt that supports the tank main body. The control device further includes a temperature difference acquisition unit that acquires a temperature difference between the partition wall temperature detected by the first temperature detection unit and the temperature of the skirt which is detected by the second temperature detection unit, and a determination unit that determines whether or not a joint between the tank main body and the skirt is rapidly cooled by the liquefied gas on the basis of the partition wall temperature and the temperature difference. 1. A liquefied gas-based rapid cooling possibility determination device comprising:a first temperature detection unit configured to form a part of a partition wall of a tank in which liquefied gas is contained and to detect a temperature of a joining member to which the support member is joined;a second temperature detection unit configured to detect a temperature of a support member that supports the tank;a temperature difference acquisition unit configured to acquire a temperature difference between the temperature of the partition wall which is detected by the first temperature detection unit and the temperature of the support member which is detected by the second temperature detection unit; anda determination unit configured to determine whether or not a joint between the tank and the support member is rapidly cooled by the liquefied gas, on the basis of at least two of the temperature of the partition wall, the temperature of the support member, and the temperature difference.2. (canceled)3. The liquefied gas-based rapid cooling possibility determination device according to claim 1 , wherein the second temperature detection unit detects a ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254788A1

A sealed and thermally insulating tank for storing a fluid, the tank being anchored in a load-bearing structure, the tank having a loading/unloading tower suspended from a ceiling wall of the load-bearing structure, the tank having a support foot that is fastened to the load-bearing structure in a zone of a bottom wall of the tank, the support foot being arranged to guide a vertical translational movement of the loading/unloading tower, the tank having at least one sump that is formed in the bottom wall of the tank, the bottom wall of the tank having a corrugated sealing membrane that is intended to be in contact with the fluid having at least first corrugations extending in a first direction and spaced apart from one another, the sump and the support foot are spaced apart by a distance at least three first corrugations pass between the sump and the support foot. 1113129313132313121302317760. A sealed and thermally insulating tank () for storing a fluid , the tank () being anchored in a load-bearing structure () , the tank () having a loading/unloading tower () suspended from a ceiling wall () of the load-bearing structure () , the tank () having a support foot () that is fastened to the load-bearing structure () in a zone of the bottom wall () of the tank () , said support foot () being arranged to guide a vertical translational movement of the loading/unloading tower () , the tank () having at least one sump () that is formed in the bottom wall () of the tank () , the bottom wall of the tank comprising a corrugated sealing membrane () that is intended to be in contact with the fluid , the corrugated sealing membrane () comprising at least first corrugations () extending in a first direction (x) and spaced apart from one another ,{'b': 30', '31', '60', '30', '31, 'wherein the sump () and the support foot () are spaced apart by a distance such that at least three first corrugations () pass between the sump () and the support foot ().'}213031603031. The tank () as ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245221A1

The present invention is a gas filling container filled with a fluorinated hydrocarbon compound which is obtained by filling the fluorinated hydrocarbon compound represented by the formula: CHF or CHF within the gas filling container, a method for manufacturing a gas filling container, and a method for storing a fluorinated hydrocarbon compound. The fluorinated hydrocarbon compound in the gas filling container filled with a fluorinated hydrocarbon compound is kept from decomposing, and accordingly the purity of the filled fluorinated hydrocarbon compound does not decrease easily. 1. A gas filling container filled with a fluorinated hydrocarbon compound which is obtained by filling the fluorinated hydrocarbon compound represented by the formula: CHF or CHF within the gas filling container , whereinthe gas filling container, prior to use for filling the fluorinated hydrocarbon compound, has been provided with at least an inner surface thereof made of stainless steel, manganese steel, carbon steel, or chromium molybdenum steel and has been subjected to a treatment of bringing an amine compound into contact with the inner surface, and, after the treatment, a treatment of volatilizing off the amine compound from the gas filling container.3. The gas filling container filled with a fluorinated hydrocarbon compound according to claim 1 , wherein the amine compound is a compound having a melting point of 10° C. or less.5. A method for manufacturing a gas filling container claim 1 , comprising performing a treatment of bringing an amine compound into contact with the inner surface of a gas filling container having at least the inner surface made of stainless steel claim 1 , manganese steel claim 1 , carbon steel claim 1 , or chromium molybdenum steel claim 1 , and claim 1 , after the treatment claim 1 , a treatment of volatilizing off the amine compound from the gas filling container.6. A method for storing a fluorinated hydrocarbon compound claim 5 , comprising filling the ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190249828A1

Some embodiments are directed to a module for depressurisation and storage of a portion of a gas coming from at least one cryogenic tank. Some other embodiments are directed to a system using such a module. 1. A module for depressurisation , collection and storage of a portion of a gas layer coming from at least one vehicle cryogenic tank the cryogenic tank comprising at least one valve , the gas layer being the gaseous phase of a gas energy source , the cryogenic tank containing , apart from the gas layer , a liquid layer that is the liquid phase of a gas energy source ,the module being characterised in that it constitutes a sealed assembly comprising:an inlet intended to be connected, by a removable inlet pipe, to at least one orifice of the tank for the discharge, out of the cryogenic tank, of a portion of gas layer, the orifice being fitted or not with a valve.an outlet intended to be connected, by a removable outlet pipe, to an external system suitable for using the portion of gas layer once discharged,a heater connected to the inlet of the module,a damping buffer tank, connected to the heater, and also toa compressor, connected to the buffer tank, and also toa storage connected to the outlet of the module, the storage making it possible to store the portion of gas layer discharged.2. The module according to claim 1 , wherein the storage is able to store the portion of gas layer discharged at a pressure equal to or greater than 200 bar.3. The module according to claim 1 , further including an odouriser situated between the buffer tank and the compressor.4. The module according to claim 1 , further including an additional outlet connected to the outlet of the compressor.5. A system for depressurisation claim 1 , collection and storage of a portion of gas layer coming from at least one vehicle cryogenic tank comprising at least one valve claim 1 , the gas layer being the gaseous phase of a gas energy source claim 1 , the cryogenic tank containing claim 1 , apart ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Impermeable and thermally insulated tank comprising a metal membrane that is corrugated in orthogonal folds

Номер: US20150285439A1
Принадлежит: Gaztransport et Technigaz SA

An impermeable and thermally insulated tank built into a load-bearing structure, the tank wall comprising: a thermally insulated barrier attached to a load-bearing wall and made of insulated blocks, juxtaposed in parallel rows separated from one another by gaps, an impermeable barrier supported by the thermally insulated barrier and made of welded metal sheets. Each insulated block carries, on the face of same opposite the load-bearing wall, two metal connecting strips arranged in parallel to the sides of the insulated block. The sheets of the membrane carried by the insulated block are welded to the strips. The connecting strips are rigidly connected to the insulated block carrying same. The sheets each have at least two orthogonal folds parallel to the sides of the insulated blocks, the folds being inserted into the gaps formed between two insulated blocks.

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180299072A1
Автор: OURY Simon
Принадлежит: Cryostar SAS

This method for dispensing cryogenic liquid includes the following steps: 111-. (canceled)12. A method for dispensing cryogenic liquid , comprising:{'b': '2', 'connecting in a sealtight manner a fuel tank () to a storage tank,'}{'b': 2', '2, 'dispensing cryogenic liquid to the fuel tank () to be filled, the dispensing comprising first determining a flow of the cryogenic liquid being dispensed and an amount of the cryogenic liquid being dispensed, and second a pressure prevailing in the fuel tank (),'}stopping the dispensing of the cryogenic liquid when the pressure exceeds a threshold selected from the group consisting of a first predetermined threshold, and when the flow of the cryogenic liquid drops below a second predetermined threshold,{'b': 2', '2, 'degassing the fuel tank () after the stopping of the dispensing, and determining an amount of gas removed from the fuel tank () during the degassing, and'}determining whether the dispensing of the cryogenic liquid should be dispensed again depending upon a parameter selected from the group consisting of the amount of the gas removed from the fuel tank during the degassing, and other parameters of the method.1322. The method of claim 12 , further comprising as long as the amount of the gas removed from the fuel tank () is greater than a predetermined third threshold claim 12 , performing a new dispensing of the cryogenic liquid and determining of the amount dispensed during the new dispensing claim 12 , followed by degassing with determination of the amount of the gas removed from the fuel tank ().14. The method of claim 13 , further comprising if the amount of the liquid dispensed during the dispensing of the liquid is greater than a predetermined amount of the liquid claim 13 , then a new degassing operation is performed claim 13 , followed by a last step of dispensing liquid.15. The method of claim 12 , further comprising limiting a number of times the dispensing of the cryogenic liquid is to occur.16. The method ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Method of starting gas delivery from a liquefied gas fuel system to a gas operated engine and a liquefied gas fuel system for a gas operated engine

Номер: US20150315949A1

A method for starting gas delivery from a liquefied gas fuel system includes a fuel tank filled with liquefied gas by a filling procedure and the filling procedure resulting in the pressure in the tank being at least at an operational pressure required by the engine. The method pressure in the tank is controlled by controlling the operation of a pressure build up system including the pressure build up evaporator which is arranged in a conduit leading from the bottom section of the tank to the upper section of the tank. The pressure build up system is controlled by controlling the flow rate of the evaporated gas in the conduit while the heat transfer medium is allowed to flow unconstrained through the pressure build up evaporator.

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160319993A1

A connection nozzle assembly includes an inner fluid product tube, a tube sleeve secured about the fluid product tube, an outer nozzle sleeve, and a locking mechanism disposed between the fluid product tube and the nozzle sleeve. The nozzle sleeve includes a body portion and a rear portion, each being moveable between a plurality of locking positions. The body portion has at least one J-groove bracket disposed therein and the rear portion has a guide element extending into the bracket. The locking mechanism includes at least one clamping member moveable between a plurality of clamping positions and at least one drop pin moveable between a raised position and a lowered position. The nozzle sleeve is moved between the plurality of locking positions, thereby engaging the locking mechanism to secure the connection nozzle assembly to a receptacle coupling. The connection nozzle assembly can be uncoupled by reversing the nozzle sleeve. 1. A connection nozzle assembly , comprising:an inner fluid product tube;an outer nozzle sleeve disposed about the fluid product tube and moveable between a plurality of locking positions; anda locking mechanism disposed between the fluid product tube and the nozzle sleeve, the locking mechanism comprising at least one clamping member moveable between a plurality of clamping positions.2. The connection nozzle assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the fluid product tube comprises:an encircling side wall extending axially from a first end of the fluid product tube to an opposing second end of the fluid product tube and at least partially bounding a fluid product conduit extending through the fluid product tube;at least one fluid product opening in the encircling side wall adjacent to the second end of the fluid product tube; andan end wall disposed at the first end thereof, the end wall having a closed configuration so as to substantially seal the fluid product conduit at the first end of the fluid product tube.3. The connection nozzle ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Helium vessel port arrangement for a magnetic resonance imaging system

Номер: US20160334060A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Healthcare Ltd

A cryogen vessel port arrangement for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system comprising a port ( 30 ) for guiding cryogen into a cryogen vessel is described. The port ( 30 ) comprises a siphon tube ( 32 ), a siphon cone ( 33 ), which is in flow connection with the siphon tube ( 32 ), and a pipe ( 34 ) with an inlet opening ( 35 ) and an outlet opening ( 36 ). The inlet opening ( 35 ) is configured for connecting it with a coldhead sock and the outlet opening ( 36 ) is in flow connection with the port ( 30 ) and the siphon cone ( 33 ). The port ( 30 ) comprises a port component ( 40 ) which comprises a flow channel ( 44 ) with a first opening ( 41 ) configured for connecting it with a service siphon ( 53, 63 ), a second opening ( 42 ) which is in flow connection with the siphon cone ( 33 ), and a third opening ( 43 ) which is in flow connection with the outlet opening ( 36 ) of the pipe ( 34 ).

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160334062A1

The present invention relates to a method, as well as a system, for filling a container with an amount of liquid carbon dioxide (CO) which is partially converted into an amount of solid COinto said container, for the purpose of maintaining one or more products, loaded into said container, at a defined temperature, below a defined temperature, or within a defined temperature range, which temperature or temperature range is below environmental temperature. The invention further relates to a method and a system for providing identification and traceability data determining the container and its loaded one or more products, and for enabling the identification of said container during transport to a particular destination. 1. A method for filling a compartment in an inner part of a container with an amount of liquid COwhich is partially converted into an amount of solid COupon injection of the liquid COinto said compartment , said container being designed to contain one or more products loaded into it , wherein said products are to be maintained at a defined temperature , below a defined temperature , or within a defined temperature range , which temperature or temperature range is below environmental temperature , using said solid CO , wherein said container is subjected to a weighing operation using weighing means resulting into a weight of said container , wherein said weight of said container , is determined by said weighing means at least before and after said container has been supplied with said amount of converted solid CO.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said method comprises the following steps:(a) determining the weight of said container, using weighing means;(b) generating barcode data by scanning a barcode, provided with the container;{'sub': '2', '(c) calculating the weight of the amount of converted solid COto be supplied to said compartment in the inner part of said container, based on said barcode data, generated in step (b);'}{'sub': 2', '2, ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Gas Storage Device

Номер: US20170336029A1
Автор: Kernene Nicolas
Принадлежит: Twisted Sun Innovations, Inc.

In an embodiment, the gas storage device includes a cylinder with opposing ends. An endcap is present at each end. The cylinder and the endcaps form an enclosure. Each endcap includes a connector. A diaphragm is located in the enclosure. The diaphragm includes an annular sidewall. The device includes an inner chamber defined by an inner surface of the sidewall, and a storage space between an interior surface of the cylinder and an outer surface of the sidewall. A metal hydride composition is located in the storage space. 1. A gas storage device comprising:a cylinder with opposing ends and an endcap at each end, the cylinder and the endcaps forming an enclosure, the cylinder comprising a fluted interior surface;each endcap comprising a connector;a diaphragm in the enclosure, the diaphragm comprising an annular fluted sidewall;an inner chamber defined by an inner surface of the sidewall;a storage space between an interior surface of the cylinder and an outer surface of the sidewall; anda metal hydride composition located in the storage space.2. The gas storage device of comprising hydrogen gas in the enclosure.3. The gas storage device of wherein the inner chamber consists of hydrogen gas.4. The device of wherein the diaphragm sidewall comprises opposing ends;a flange located at each sidewall end; andeach flange is sandwiched between a respective cylinder end and a respective endcap.5. The device of wherein an inner surface of each endcap comprises a plurality of ports;a gasket is located between each endcap and each cylinder end;the gasket comprising a plurality of seats, each seat holding a semi-permeable membrane, each semi-permeable membrane aligned with a respective endcap port; andthe ports and the semi-permeable membranes provide fluid communication between the inner chamber and the storage space.6. The device of wherein an inner surface of each endcap comprises a plurality of ports;each flange comprises a plurality of seats, each seat holding a semi-permeable ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150354756A1

A sealed and thermally insulating wall for a tank for storing fluid includes a heat-insulating panel and a sealing plate. The inner face of the heat-insulating panel has a stress-relieving slot. 1. A sealed and thermally insulating wall for a tank for storing fluid , comprising:{'b': '1', 'a heat-insulating panel () having an inner face and a periphery; and'}{'b': 7', '1', '14', '7', '8', '9', '7, 'sub': '1', 'a sealing plate () having an inner face designed to be in contact with the fluid contained in the tank and an outer face anchored to the inner face of the panel () in the region of a plurality of anchoring areas (), said sealing plate () comprising at least one corrugation (; ) which protrudes from the side of the inner face of the sealing plate (), extending in a direction d(x; y); in which{'b': 1', '15', '16', '14', '8', '9, 'sub': 1', '1, 'the inner face of the heat-insulating panel () comprises a stress-relieving slot (; ) between two adjacent anchoring areas () arranged on either side of said corrugation (; ), said stress-relieving slot having an axis extending in the direction d(x, y) so as to permit a deformation of the corrugation transversely to the direction d(x, y); and'}{'b': 15', '16', '1', '15', '16', '1, 'the stress-relieving slot (; ) has a length which is less than the dimension of the heat-insulating panel () along the axis of the stress-relieving slot (; ) and does not extend as far as the periphery of the heat-insulating panel ().'}215161. The wall as claimed in claim 1 , in which the stress-relieving slot (; ) is a through-slot which opens into the outer face of the heat-insulating panel ().315161718. The wall as claimed in claim 1 , in which the stress-relieving slot (; ) is a blind slot which does not open into the outer face of the panel and comprises ends ( claim 1 , ) which are radiused.4151689. The wall as claimed in claim 1 , in which the stress-relieving slot (; ) extends opposite the corrugation (; ).57981161514981615. The wall as ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190330749A1

A method for manufacturing a gas filling container is provided. The method includes performing a treatment of bringing an amine compound into contact with the inner surface of a gas filling container having at least the inner surface made of stainless steel, manganese steel, carbon steel, or chromium molybdenum steel, and, after the treatment, a treatment of volatilizing off the amine compound from the gas filling container.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Cryogenic Fluid Dispensing System Having a Chilling Reservoir

Номер: US20190331298A1

A system for dispensing a cryogenic fluid includes a bulk storage tank configured to contain a supply of the cryogenic fluid. A heat exchanger coil is positioned in the headspace of at least one intermediate fluid tank, which contains an intermediate fluid, and is configured to receive and warm a cryogenic fluid from the bulk storage tank via heat exchange with intermediate fluid vapor in the headspace. A buffer tank receives fluid from the heat exchanger coil. A chiller coil is positioned within the intermediate fluid tank and is submerged within intermediate fluid liquid contained within the at least one intermediate fluid tank. The chiller coil receives fluid from the buffer tank and cools it via heat exchange with intermediate fluid liquid within which the chiller coil is submerged for dispensing.

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160369946A1

A cryostat includes a coolant tank, a refrigerator, a cylindrical member, and a gas phase volume-varying unit. The coolant tank houses a liquid coolant. The refrigerator is provided above the coolant tank and recondenses the coolant evaporated in the coolant tank. The cylindrical member houses a lower part of the refrigerator and forms a recondensing chamber that communicates with the coolant tank. The gas phase volume-varying unit communicates with a gas-phase space above a liquid surface of the liquid coolant in the coolant tank and varies a gas phase volume in the gas-phase space to cancel out a pressure fluctuation in the coolant tank. 1. A cryostat comprising:a coolant tank housing a liquid coolant,a refrigerator provided above the coolant tank, which recondenses the coolant evaporated in the coolant tank,a cylindrical member housing a lower part of the refrigerator and forming a recondensing chamber that communicates with the coolant tank, anda gas phase volume-varying unit communicating with a gas-phase space above a liquid surface of the liquid coolant in the coolant tank and varying a gas phase volume in the gas-phase space to cancel out a pressure fluctuation in the coolant tank.2. The cryostat according to claim 1 , wherein the gas phase volume-varying unit communicates with the gas-phase space through the recondensing chamber.3. The cryostat according to claim 1 , wherein the gas phase volume-varying unit comprises:a varying device capable of varying the gas phase volume in the gas-phase space,a pressure-measuring unit which measures a pressure in the gas-phase space or the recondensing chamber anda driving unit which drives the varying device to generate, in the coolant tank, a pressure of a value in an opposite phase to a measured value of the pressure measuring unit.4. The cryostat according to claim 1 , wherein the gas phase volume-varying unit comprises:a varying device capable of varying the gas phase volume in the gas-phase space,a pressure- ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190360639A1
Автор: Schneider Daniel
Принадлежит: Green CO2 IP, LLC

A mobile CO2 filling system selectively fills onsite CO2 storage and dispensing systems with CO2. The system includes a mobile platform; a tank holding liquid CO2 mounted on the mobile platform; a flexible dispensing hose couple to the tank and configured to be selectively coupled to the filling inlet of an onsite CO2 storage and dispensing system; a pump selectively coupled to the tank; and a controller for controlling the filling of an onsite CO2 storage and dispensing systems with CO2 from the tank, wherein the controller is selectively designated by the user to operate in at least one pump assisted filling state and at least one gravity feed filling state. 1. A mobile CO2 filling system for filling onsite CO2 storage and dispensing systems with CO2 , the system comprising:a. a mobile platform;b. a tank adapted to hold liquid CO2 mounted on the mobile platform;c. a flexible dispensing hose comprising a first end and a second end, the first end coupled to the tank;d. a fill gun coupled to the second end of the hose, the fill gun configured to be selectively coupled to a filling inlet of an onsite CO2 storage and dispensing system;e. a vent coupled to the hose for selectively venting CO2 from the hose while the fill gun is coupled to the filling inlet;f. a pump coupled to the tank;g. a selectable controller for controlling the filling onsite CO2 storage and dispensing systems with CO2 from the tank; andh. at least one pressure sensor interconnected to the onsite CO2 storage system when the fill gun is coupled to the filling inlet and adapted to detect the pressure within the onsite CO2 storage system, and wherein the selectable controller is adapted to shut off the pump when a pressure associated with a predetermined desired CO2 fluid level within the onsite CO2 storage system is detected.2. The mobile CO2 filling system according to wherein the selectable controller includes a plurality of pump assisted filling states to be selectively selected by the user.3. The ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190360642A1

A method consistent with the present disclosure may include: (a) equalizing pressure between a nozzle inner void and a receptacle main inner void by pressing a nozzle check against a receptacle check to open the nozzle check and the receptacle check; (b) extending the nozzle into the receptacle such that a receptacle main body surrounds at least a portion of the nozzle probe; (c) flowing fluid from the nozzle inner void into the receptacle main inner void. 1. A method for coupling a nozzle with a receptacle , the method comprising:inserting the nozzle into the receptacle, wherein the nozzle includes a nozzle probe defining a check void and a nozzle check at least partially disposed in the check void, wherein the receptacle includes a receptacle check;pressing the nozzle check against the receptacle check to cause the nozzle check and the receptacle check to open, wherein pressure between a nozzle inner void of the nozzle and a receptacle main inner void of the receptacle equalizes when the nozzle check and the receptacle check is opened;extending the nozzle into the receptacle to an extended position where at least a portion of the nozzle probe is surrounded by a receptacle main body of the receptacle to fluidly connect the nozzle inner void of the nozzle with a receptacle main inner void of the receptacle; andpermitting fluid to flow from the nozzle inner void into the receptacle main inner void when the nozzle inner void and the receptacle main inner void are fluidly connected.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle is extended into the receptacle to the extended position upon equalizing the pressure between the nozzle inner void and the receptacle main inner void.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein opening the nozzle check and the receptacle check to equalize the pressure comprises opening the nozzle check before opening the receptacle check.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein inserting the nozzle into the receptacle comprises pressing a nozzle flat annular ...

21-04-2005 дата публикации

Cryogenic vessel with an ullage space venturi assembly

Номер: WO2005036047A2
Принадлежит: Harsco Technologies Corporation

A cryogenic vessel (10) includes a first, outer vessel assembly (12) having an outer vessel (18) and a liquid fill line assembly (16) and a second, ullage space vessel (14) having a bottom and disposed within the first, outer vessel (18), adjacent to the top of the first, outer vessel (18). The liquid fill line assembly (16) has a venturi assembly (50) adjacent the bottom of the ullage space vessel (14). The venturi assembly (50) is structured to create a low pressure zone, relative to the ullage space vessel (14), during a fill procedure whereby, during a fill procedure, fluid is drawn from within the ullage space vessel (14) into the fill line assembly (16).

20-12-1988 дата публикации

Method for obtaining improved temperature regulation when using liquid helium cooling

Номер: US4791788A
Принадлежит: Quantum Design Inc

A method for controlling the flow of a cooling medium such as helium into an insulated chamber surrounding a region to establish a stable thermal environment in the region over a wide range of cryogenic temperatures. A thermally insulated capsule surrounds a variable temperature capillary to precondition the helium before it flows into the insulated chamber. The capillary can be operated in different modes, depending upon the heating or lack of heating of the capillary. At low temperatures the capillary can pass the helium in its liquid phase, at high temperatures only a small amount of gaseous helium is passed, and at certain intermediate temperatures there is an ample flow of gaseous helium only.

16-04-1996 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for condensing fugitive methane vapors

Номер: US5507146A
Автор: John W. Bjerklie
Принадлежит: Consolidated Natural Gas Service Co Inc

Fugitive methane or natural gas vapors are recovered from a handling or delivery system and are blown through solid methane chips or a slush of solid and liquid methane. The solid methane melts and cools the vapors below the vaporization temperature to condense them. The condensed vapors and melted solid can be mixed with liquid methane for use therewith. The solid methane is produced by cooling liquid methane or natural gas in a liquid nitrogen heat exchanger or refrigerator. The liquid methane is solidified in a sheet on an endless belt, which breaks the sheet into pieces at a tail section.

06-01-2004 дата публикации

Reliquefaction of boil-off from liquefied natural gas

Номер: US6672104B2
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co

A process is provided for converting a boil-off stream comprising methane to a liquid having a preselected bubble point temperature. The boil-off stream is pressurized, then cooled, and then expanded to further cool and at least partially liquefy the boil-off stream. The preselected bubble point temperature of the resulting pressurized liquid is obtained by performing at least one of the following steps: before, during, or after the process of liquefying the boil-off stream, removing from the boil-off stream a predetermined amount of one or more components, such as nitrogen, having a vapor pressure greater than the vapor pressure of methane, and before, during, or after the process of liquefying the boil-off stream, adding to the boil-off stream one or more additives having a molecular weight heavier than the molecular weight of methane and having a vapor pressure less than the vapor pressure of methane.

05-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US11136104B2

A ship comprises: a tank; a multistage compressor for compressing a boil-off gas discharged from a storage tank and comprising a plurality of compression cylinders; a first heat exchanger for heat exchanging a fluid, which has been compressed by the multistage compressor, with the boil-off gas discharged from the storage tank and thus cooling the same; a first decompressing device for expanding a flow (“flow a 1 ”) partially branched from the flow (“flow a”) that has been cooled by the first heat exchanger; a third heat exchanger for heat exchanging, by “flow a 1 ” which has been expanded by the first decompressing device as a refrigerant, the remaining flow (“flow a 2 ”) of “flow a” after excluding “flow a 1 ” that has been branched and thus cooling the same; and a second decompressing device for expanding “flow a 2 ” which has been cooled by the third heat exchanger.

15-01-2014 дата публикации

Methods and systems for densifying a liquid fuel using a liquid nitrogen bath

Номер: GB2471571B
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method for densifying liquid methane is described. The method includes passing the liquid methane through a liquid nitrogen bath, self-pressurizing a container associated with the liquid nitrogen bath through boil off of the liquid nitrogen within the container, and regulating pressure within the liquid nitrogen container to maintain a boiling point of the liquid nitrogen above the triple point temperature of the liquid methane passing through the liquid nitrogen bath.

12-08-2020 дата публикации

Boil-off gas cooling system and ship having the same

Номер: KR102144183B1
Автор: 유병용

본 발명은 증발가스 냉각 시스템 및 선박에 관한 것으로서, 액화가스 저장탱크에서 발생하는 증발가스를 압축하는 압축기; 상기 압축기의 상류에서 증발가스를 냉각하는 예냉기; 압축된 증발가스를 액화하는 액화기; 및 액화된 증발가스를 기액분리하는 기액분리기를 포함하며, 상기 예냉기는, 상기 기액분리기에서 분리되는 액상의 증발가스를 이용하여 증발가스를 냉각하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a boil-off gas cooling system and a ship, comprising: a compressor for compressing boil-off gas generated in a liquefied gas storage tank; A pre-cooler for cooling the boil-off gas upstream of the compressor; A liquefier for liquefying the compressed boil-off gas; And a gas-liquid separator for gas-liquid separating the liquefied boil-off gas, wherein the pre-cooler cools the boil-off gas using the liquid boil-off gas separated by the gas-liquid separator.

30-08-2017 дата публикации

액화가스 처리 시스템

Номер: KR101768326B1
Автор: 박재훈, 이동진, 이진광
Принадлежит: 현대중공업 주식회사

본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 액화가스 처리 시스템은, 액화가스 저장탱크에 저장된 액화가스를 고압 수요처로 공급하는 액화가스 공급라인; 상기 액화가스 공급라인 상에서 분기되어 저압 수요처와 연결되는 분기라인; 상기 분기라인 상에 구비되며, 상기 액화가스 공급라인에서 공급되는 액화가스를 구동유체로하여 상기 액화가스 저장탱크에서 발생되는 증발가스를 흡입하는 흡입장치; 상기 액화가스 저장탱크와 상기 흡입장치를 연결하는 증발가스 공급라인; 및 상기 분기라인에서 분기되어 상기 액화가스 저장탱크와 연결되며, 상기 저압 수요처로 공급되는 증발가스의 적어도 일부를 재액화하여 상기 액화가스 저장탱크로 리턴시키는 재액화라인을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

09-08-2019 дата публикации

Судно, содержащее двигатель

Номер: RU2018104686A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2018 104 686 A (51) МПК B63B 25/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2018104686, 29.06.2016 (71) Заявитель(и): ДЭУ ШИПБИЛДИНГ ЭНД МАРИН ИНДЖИНИРИНГ КО., ЛТД. (KR) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 08.07.2015 KR 10-2015-0097308; 09.12.2015 KR 10-2015-0175090 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 08.02.2018 KR 2016/006971 (29.06.2016) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: A WO 2017/007167 (12.01.2017) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Судно, содержащее двигатель, при этом судно дополнительно содержит: - самотеплообменник, выполняющий теплообмен в отношении отпарного газа (BOG), выпускаемого из резервуара-хранилища; - многоступенчатый компрессор, сжимающий BOG, выпускаемый из резервуарахранилища, и прошедший через самотеплообменник за множество этапов; - первый декомпрессор, расширяющий некоторое количество BOG, сжатого многоступенчатым компрессором, и прошедшего через самотеплообменник; - второй декомпрессор, расширяющий другой BOG, сжатый многоступенчатым компрессором, и прошедший через самотеплообменник; при этом самотеплообменник охлаждает BOG, сжатый многоступенчатым компрессором, посредством использования BOG, выпущенного из резервуарахранилища, и BOG, расширенного первым декомпрессором в качестве хладагента. 2. Судно, содержащее двигатель по п.1, в котором BOG, прошедший через второй декомпрессор и имеющий смешанную газожидкостную фазу, направляется в резервуархранилище. 3. Судно, содержащее двигатель по п.1, дополнительно содержащее: - второй газожидкостный сепаратор, расположенный ниже по потоку от второго декомпрессора и отделяющий сжиженный природный газ, образующийся в результате Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 8 1 0 4 6 8 6 (54) СУДНО, СОДЕРЖАЩЕЕ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ 2 0 1 8 1 0 4 6 8 6 (86) Заявка PCT: R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 09 ...

10-08-2005 дата публикации

Method and device for pumping cryogenic liquids

Номер: RU2258174C2

FIELD: storing or distributing gases or liquids. SUBSTANCE: method comprises circulating compressed cryogenic liquid through closed circuit for cooling and maintaining cryogenic liquid in the first and the second pipelines for pumping at a temperature for which it is in the liquid phase. The device is used for pumping cryogenic liquid between the first and second stations and comprises member for cooling the device when it does not pump cryogenic liquids. The first pipeline for pumping connects the first and second stations and its first end is positioned at the first stations and second end is positioned at the second station. The second pipeline for pumping connects the first station and the second station and its second end is positioned at the second station. The pipe connects the first end of the first pipeline with the first end of the second pipeline. One end of the inlet pipeline is connected with the pipe, and the other end can be connected with the pump for pumping at the first station. The device has valve in the inlet pipeline for opening and closing the inlet pipeline. The inlet of the first circulating pump at the second station is connected with the first and second pipelines. The outlet is connected with the other pipeline. EFFECT: improved heat insulation. 13 cl, 5 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) 2 258 174 (13) C2 F 17 C 5/02 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2002125503/06, 23.02.2001 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÃÓËÀÒÈ Êàéëàø ×àíäåð (US), ÁÀÊËÅÑ Äæîí Äæ. (US) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 23.02.2001 (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 25.02.2000 US 09/513,707 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.04.2004 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 10.08.2005 Áþë. ¹ 22 2 2 5 8 1 7 4 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: US 6012292 A, 11.01.2000. SU 1019070 À, 23.02.1983. RU 2090468 C1, 20.09.1997. US5127230 A, 07.07.1992. US 5421162 A, 06.06.1995. (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè ...

21-07-1992 дата публикации

Fluid injector assembly

Номер: US5131429A
Автор: Terence W. Nixon
Принадлежит: Janis Res Co Inc

A quick disconnect fluid injection assembly for delivering a cryogenic fluid into a container is disclosed. A passage, having an entrance and an exit, provides access to the inside of the container. A pre-valve adjacent to the entrance blocks the passage to exclude dirt and debris and a fluid check valve adjacent to the exit prevents backflow of fluid from the container through the passage. In use, an elongated injector is inserted into the passage. The injector first opens the pre-valve and then the fluid check valve and thereafter injects cryogenic fluid through the check valve into the container.

17-10-2016 дата публикации

가스 처리 시스템 및 이를 포함하는 선박

Номер: KR20160120210A
Принадлежит: 현대중공업 주식회사

본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 가스 처리 시스템은, 액화가스 저장탱크와 수요처를 연결하는 제1 라인; 상기 제1 라인 상에 구비되며, 상기 액화가스 저장탱크에서 발생된 증발가스를 압축하는 제1 증발가스 압축기; 상기 제1 라인 상의 상기 제1 증발가스 압축기의 하류에서 분기되는 제2 라인; 상기 제2 라인 상에 구비되며, 상기 제1 증발가스 압축기에서 압축된 증발가스를 추가 압축하는 제2 증발가스 압축기; 상기 제2 라인 상에 구비되며, 상기 제2 증발가스 압축기에 의해 추가 압축된 증발가스를 상기 액화가스 저장탱크에서 공급되는 증발가스와 열교환시키는 증발가스 열교환기; 및 상기 제2 라인 상에 구비되며, 상기 증발가스 열교환기에서 열교환된 상기 압축된 증발가스를 기상과 액상으로 분리하는 기액분리기를 포함하고, 상기 기액분리기에서 분리된 상기 기상은, 상기 제1 라인 상의 상기 증발가스 열교환기의 하류에 합류되며, 상기 증발가스 열교환기는, 상기 액화가스 저장탱크에서 공급되는 증발가스, 상기 제2 증발가스 압축기에 의해 추가 가압된 증발가스 또는 상기 기액분리기에서 분리된 기상 중 적어도 두 개 이상을 서로 열교환시키는 것을 특징으로 한다.

01-12-2021 дата публикации

액화가스 운반선의 연료공급시스템 및 방법

Номер: KR102333072B1
Автор: 김두혁, 이형식, 태혁준
Принадлежит: 대우조선해양 주식회사

액화가스 운반선의 연료공급시스템 및 방법이 개시된다. 본 발명의 액화가스 운반선의 연료공급시스템은, 선박의 데크에 마련된 연료공급탱크로부터 선내 엔진으로 액화가스가 공급되는 연료공급라인; 상기 연료공급라인에 마련되며 상기 선내 엔진으로 공급될 액화가스를 상기 엔진에 필요한 압력으로 압축하는 압축펌프; 상기 연료공급라인에 마련되며 상기 연료공급탱크로부터 상기 액화가스를 공급받아 상기 압축펌프로 이송하는 세퍼레이터; 상기 액화가스 중 엔진에서 소비되지 않은 액화가스를 상기 엔진의 상류로 재순환시키는 리턴라인; 및 상기 리턴라인에 마련되며 재순환되는 상기 액화가스를 감압하는 감압부;를 포함하며, 상기 감압부에서 감압된 액화가스는 상기 세퍼레이터로 도입되고, 상기 세퍼레이터에서는 상기 연료공급탱크로부터 공급되는 액화가스 및 상기 리턴라인을 통해 재순환되는 상기 액화가스를 공급받아 상기 압축펌프로 이송하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

30-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101741796B1
Принадлежит: 대우조선해양 주식회사

Disclosed is a vessel embedded with a liquefied gas storage tank. According to the present invention, the vessel comprises: a multistage compressor compressing evaporated gas discharged from the storage tank and including multiple compression cylinders; a second heat exchanger performing heat exchange of a fluid compressed by the multistage compressor to cool the fluid; a first decompression device to expand a flow (hereinafter, a1 flow) partially branched from the fluid (hereinafter, a flow) cooled by the second heat exchanger; a third heat exchanger performing heat exchange of the remaining fluid (hereinafter, a2 flow) excluding the a1 flow branched from the flow by using the a1 flow expanded by the first decompression device as a coolant, to cool the remaining fluid (hereinafter, a2 flow); and a second decompression device to expand the a2 flow cooled by the third heat exchanger. The second heat exchanger cools the fluid compressed by the multi-stage compressor by using the a2 flow expanded by the second decompression device as a coolant.

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR20170112946A
Принадлежит: 대우조선해양 주식회사

액화가스 저장탱크가 탑재된 선박이 개시된다. 상기 선박은, 상기 저장탱크로부터 배출된 증발가스를 압축시키며, 다수개의 압축실린더를 포함하는 다단압축기; 상기 다단압축기에 의해 압축된 유체를 상기 저장탱크로부터 배출되는 증발가스와 열교환시켜 냉각시키는 제1 열교환기; 상기 제1 열교환기에 의해 냉각된 유체(이하, 'a 흐름'이라고 함.)가 일부 분기된 흐름(이하, 'a1 흐름'이라고 함.)을 팽창시키는 제1 감압장치; 상기 제1 감압장치에 의해 팽창된 상기 'a1 흐름'을 냉매로, 상기 'a 흐름' 중 분기된 'a1 흐름'을 제외한 나머지 유체(이하, 'a2 흐름'이라고 함.)를 열교환시켜 냉각시키는 제3 열교환기; 및 상기 제3 열교환기에 의해 냉각된 'a2 흐름'을 팽창시키는 제2 감압장치;를 포함한다.

27-11-2020 дата публикации

선박의 증발가스 재액화 시스템 및 방법

Номер: KR102183948B1
Принадлежит: 대우조선해양 주식회사

선박의 증발가스 재액화 시스템 및 방법이 개시된다. 본 발명의 선박의 증발가스 재액화 시스템은, 선박에 마련되어 액화가스를 저장하는 저장탱크로부터 상기 선박의 주엔진으로 연결되는 증발가스 공급라인; 상기 증발가스 공급라인에 마련되며 상기 액화가스로부터 발생하는 증발가스를 공급받아 상기 주엔진의 연료공급압력으로 압축하는 압축기; 상기 압축기의 하류에서 상기 증발가스 공급라인으로부터 분기되어 상기 저장탱크로 연결되며, 상기 주엔진의 연료로 공급되지 않은 압축가스를 상기 압축기로 공급될 미압축 증발가스와 열교환으로 냉각하고 재액화하는 재액화 라인; 상기 재액화 라인에 마련되며 상기 압축가스를, 상기 저장탱크로부터 상기 증발가스 공급라인의 상기 미압축 증발가스와 열교환으로 냉각시키는 열교환기; 상기 압축기의 하류에서 상기 증발가스 공급라인으로부터 분기되어 분기된 상기 압축가스를 냉각 및 감압시켜 상기 미압축 증발가스 흐름으로 공급하는 냉매보충라인; 상기 냉매보충라인에 마련되며 냉매보충라인으로 분기된 상기 압축가스를 상기 압축기로 도입될 상기 미압축 증발가스와 열교환으로 냉각시키는 냉매 열교환기; 및 상기 냉매보충라인에 마련되며 상기 냉매 열교환기에서 냉각된 상기 압축가스를 팽창 냉각시키는 컴팬더 팽창기;를 포함한다.

26-02-2018 дата публикации

Vessel Including Engines

Номер: KR101831177B1
Автор: 정해원
Принадлежит: 대우조선해양 주식회사

엔진을 포함하는 선박이 개시된다. 상기 엔진을 포함하는 선박은, 저장탱크로부터 배출되는 증발가스를 열교환시키는 제1 자가열교환기; 상기 저장탱크로부터 배출된 후 상기 제1 자가열교환기를 통과한 증발가스를 다단계로 압축시키는 다단압축기; 상기 다단압축기에 의해 압축된 증발가스를 예냉시키는 제2 자가열교환기; 상기 제2 자가열교환기 및 상기 제1 자가열교환기에 의해 냉각된 유체의 '일부'를 팽창시키는 제1 감압장치; 및 상기 제2 자가열교환기 및 상기 제1 자가열교환기에 의해 냉각된 유체의 '다른 일부'를 팽창시키는 제2 감압장치;를 포함하고, 상기 제1 자가열교환기는, 상기 저장탱크로부터 배출되는 증발가스를 냉매로 하여, 상기 다단압축기에 의해 압축된 후 상기 제2 자가열교환기를 통과한 증발가스를 냉각시키고, 상기 제2 자가열교환기는, 상기 제1 감압장치에 의해 팽창된 유체를 냉매로 하여, 상기 다단압축기에 의해 압축된 증발가스를 냉각시킨다. A ship including an engine is disclosed. The ship including the engine includes: a first self-heat exchanger for heat-exchanging the evaporated gas discharged from the storage tank; A multi-stage compressor for multi-stage compressing the evaporated gas having passed through the first self-heat exchanger after being discharged from the storage tank; A second self-heat exchanger for precooling the evaporated gas compressed by the multi-stage compressor; A first decompression device for expanding a part of the fluid cooled by the second self heat exchanger and the first self heat exchanger; And a second decompression device for expanding the 'other part' of the fluid cooled by the second self-heat exchanger and the first self-heat exchanger, wherein the first self- And the second self-heat exchanger uses the fluid inflated by the first decompressor as a refrigerant, and the second self-refrigerant is used as the refrigerant, and the second self-heat exchanger cools the evaporated gas that has passed through the heat exchanger after being compressed by the multi- Thereby cooling the evaporated gas compressed by the multi-stage compressor.

30-12-2020 дата публикации

선박의 증발가스 처리 시스템 및 방법

Номер: KR20200145624A
Принадлежит: 대우조선해양 주식회사

선박의 증발가스 처리 시스템 및 방법이 개시된다. 본 발명의 선박의 증발가스 처리 시스템은, 선박의 저장탱크에 저장된 액화가스로부터 발생하는 증발가스를 공급받아 선내 주엔진의 연료공급압력으로 압축하는 압축기; 상기 압축기에서 압축된 상기 증발가스 중 상기 주엔진으로 공급되지 않은 증발가스를 공급받아, 상기 압축기로 공급될 미압축 증발가스와 열교환으로 냉각시키는 열교환기; 상기 열교환기에서 냉각된 상기 증발가스를 감압하는 제1 감압장치; 상기 제1 감압장치에서 감압된 상기 증발가스를 공급받아 기액분리하는 제1 기액분리기; 상기 제1 기액분리기로부터 상기 열교환기를 거쳐 상기 주엔진보다 저압연료를 공급받는 발전엔진으로 연결되는 연료공급라인; 및 상기 연료공급라인에 마련되며 상기 발전엔진으로 공급될 연료를 상기 발전엔진의 연료공급압력으로 팽창시키는 연료 팽창수단;을 포함하며, 상기 제1 기액분리기의 내압은 상기 발전엔진의 연료공급압력보다 높게 유지되고, 제1 기액분리기에서 분리된 플래시 가스는 상기 연료 팽창수단 및 열교환기를 거쳐 상기 발전엔진의 연료로 공급되는 것을 특징으로 한다.

05-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101775055B1
Принадлежит: 대우조선해양 주식회사

Disclosed is a vessel equipped with a liquefied gas storage tank. The vessel comprises: a multi-stage compressor compressing evaporation gas discharged from the storage tank and having a plurality of compressible cylinders; a first heat exchanger which enables the heat exchange of fluid compressed by the multi-stage compressor with the evaporation gas discharged from the storage tank to cool the fluid; a first decompression apparatus in which the fluid (hereinafter, it is referred to as a flow) cooled by the first heat exchanger expands a partially branched flow (hereinafter, it is referred to as a1 flow); a third heat exchanger which enables the heat exchange of a remaining fluid (hereafter, it is referred to as a2 flow) of the a flow except for the branched a1 flow with the a1 flow expanded by the first decompression apparatus as refrigerant to cool the fluid; and a second decompression apparatus in which the a2 flow cooled by the third heat exchanger is expanded. The purpose of the present invention is to provide the vessel with a system in which a conventional partial reliquefaction system is improved, thereby being able to efficiently re-liquefy the evaporation gas.

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN108883816A
Автор: 李承哲, 金允基


21-03-2022 дата публикации

Fuel Supplying System And Method For Liquefied Gas Carrier

Номер: KR102376278B1
Автор: 김도형, 김두혁, 류찬선
Принадлежит: 대우조선해양 주식회사

액화가스 운반선의 연료공급시스템 및 방법이 개시된다. 본 발명의 액화가스 운반선의 연료공급시스템은, 선박의 데크에 마련되며 선내 엔진으로 공급되는 액화가스를 저장하는 연료공급탱크로부터 상기 엔진으로 액화가스가 공급되는 연료공급라인; 상기 연료공급라인에 마련되며 상기 연료공급탱크로부터 액화가스를 이송하는 이송펌프; 상기 액화가스를 상기 엔진에서 필요한 압력으로 압축하는 압축펌프; 상기 이송펌프와 압축펌프 사이에 마련되며 상기 액화가스를 공급받아 상기 압축펌프로 이송하는 세퍼레이터; 상기 엔진에서 소비되지 않은 액화가스 및 상기 엔진 정지 시 엔진에 잔류하는 액화가스가 상기 엔진의 상류로 회수되는 리턴라인; 및 상기 리턴라인에 마련되며 재순환되는 상기 액화가스를 감압하는 감압부;를 포함하며, 상기 감압부에서 감압된 액화가스는 상기 세퍼레이터로 도입되어, 상기 이송펌프를 통해 이송되는 액화가스 및 상기 감압부를 통해 감압된 재순환 액화가스가 상기 세퍼레이터에서 기액분리되고 분리된 액상이 상기 압축펌프로 공급되는 것을 특징으로 한다. A fuel supply system and method for a liquefied gas carrier are disclosed. The fuel supply system of the liquefied gas carrier of the present invention is provided on the deck of the ship and the fuel supply line through which liquefied gas is supplied to the engine from the fuel supply tank for storing the liquefied gas supplied to the onboard engine; a transfer pump provided in the fuel supply line and configured to transfer liquefied gas from the fuel supply tank; a compression pump for compressing the liquefied gas to a pressure required by the engine; a separator provided between the transfer pump and the compression pump to receive the liquefied gas and transfer it to the compression pump; a return line through which liquefied gas not consumed in the engine and liquefied gas remaining in the engine when the engine is stopped are recovered upstream of the engine; and a decompression unit provided in the return line and pressure-reducing the recirculated liquefied gas, wherein the liquefied gas decompressed in the decompression unit is introduced into the separator, and the liquefied gas transferred through the transfer pump and the decompression unit It is characterized in that the recirculated liquefied gas pressure-reduced through the separator is gas-liquid separated and the separated liquid is supplied to the compression pump.

27-06-2017 дата публикации

Fuel gas supplying system in ships

Номер: KR101751340B1
Автор: 윤호병, 이원두
Принадлежит: 삼성중공업 주식회사

연료가스 공급시스템이 개시된다. 본 발명의 실시 예에 의한 연료가스 공급시스템은 액화가스 및 액화가스의 증발가스를 수용하는 저장탱크, 증발가스를 가압하는 압축부를 구비하고, 압축부에 의해 가압된 증발가스를 제1엔진으로 공급하는 증발가스 공급라인, 증발가스 공급라인으로부터 분기되어, 가압된 증발가스의 일부를 공급받아 냉각시키는 증발가스 냉각부와, 증발가스 냉각부에 의해 냉각된 증발가스를 감압하는 팽창밸브 및 팽창밸브를 통과하여 감압된 증발가스를 기체성분 및 액체성분으로 분리하는 기액분리기를 포함하는 재액화라인, 냉매를 가압하는 압축기와, 압축기에 의해 가압된 냉매를 증발가스 공급라인의 압축부 전단의 증발가스 및 기액분리기에 의해 분리된 기체성분 중 적어도 어느 하나와 열교환하여 냉각시키는 냉각기와, 냉각기에 의해 냉각된 냉매를 감압시키는 팽창기와, 팽창기에 의해 감압된 냉매를 증발가스 냉각부에 통과시켜 증발가스와 열교환하는 냉매라인 및 기액분리기에 의해 분리된 기체성분의 일부를 냉매라인으로 공급하는 냉매보충라인을 포함하여 제공될 수 있다. A fuel gas supply system is disclosed. A fuel gas supply system according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a storage tank for storing a liquefied gas and an evaporation gas of liquefied gas, a compression unit for pressurizing the evaporation gas, and supplies the evaporation gas pressurized by the compression unit to the first engine An evaporation gas supply line branched from the evaporation gas supply line for supplying and cooling a part of the pressurized evaporation gas; an expansion valve and an expansion valve for reducing the evaporation gas cooled by the evaporation gas cooling unit Liquid separator for separating the evaporated gas passed through and decompressed into a gas component and a liquid component, a compressor for pressurizing the refrigerant, a refrigerant pressurized by the compressor, and an evaporation gas at the upstream of the compression section of the evaporation gas supply line, A cooler for performing heat exchange with at least one of the gas components separated by the gas-liquid separator to cool the coolant, A refrigerant line for passing the refrigerant decompressed by the expander to the evaporation gas cooling section and performing heat exchange with the evaporation gas, and a refrigerant replenishment line for supplying a part of the gas components separated by the gas-liquid separator to the refrigerant line .

01-09-2016 дата публикации

선박용 증발가스 재액화 장치 및 방법

Номер: KR20160103325A
Автор: 김종현
Принадлежит: 대우조선해양 주식회사

선박에 설치된 액화천연가스 저장탱크에서 발생하는 증발가스를 재액화시키는 재액화 장치가 개시된다. 상기 선박용 증발가스 재액화 장치는, 상기 저장탱크로부터 배출되는 증발가스를 다단계로 압축시키는 압축부; 상기 압축부에 의해 압축된 증발가스를, 상기 저장탱크로부터 배출되는 증발가스 및 액화천연가스와 열교환시키는 자가열교환기; 상기 압축부에 의해 압축된 후 상기 자가열교환기를 통과한 증발가스의 압력을 낮춰주는 감압장치; 상기 저장탱크 내부의 액화천연가스를 압축한 후 기화시키는 기화부; 및 상기 저장탱크 내부의 액화천연가스를 상기 기화부로 보낼지 상기 자가열교환기로 보낼지 조절하는 모드 선택 밸브;를 포함한다.
