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16-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000009932U1

Система автоматического регулирования давления жидкого топлива в напорной магистрали котельной установки, содержащая насосную станцию с электроприводными топливными насосами объемного типа, установленную между магистралями всасывания и напорной, в магистрали всасывания перед насосной станцией установлен фильтр грубой очистки, в напорной магистрали последовательно установлены теплообменник и фильтр тонкой очистки топлива, контур регулирования давления топлива в напорной магистрали, в состав которого входят датчик давления, соединенный с напорной магистралью и регулятор, который, в свою очередь, соединен с задающим устройством и исполнительным механизмом, кинематически связанным с регулирующим органом, установленным между напорной магистралью и рециркуляционной магистралью, которая соединена с топливной емкостью, топливодозирующую часть системы автоматического регулирования котельной установки, в которую входят запорный вентиль, регулирующий орган системы автоматического регулирования котельной установки и регулирующий орган аварийной системы отсечки топлива по погасанию пламени, последовательно установленные в магистрали подвода топлива к котельной установке, причем магистраль подвода топлива к котельной установке одним концом связана с напорной магистралью, а другим - с форсункой, датчик давления топлива перед форсункой, связанный с регулятором топливодозирующей части системы автоматического регулирования котельной установки, который, в свою очередь, связан с исполнительным механизмом, кинематически связанным с регулирующим органом, отличающаяся тем, что датчик давления топлива перед форсункой дополнительно связан с регулятором контура регулирования давления топлива в напорной магистрали, а задающее устройство контура регулирования давления топлива в напорной магистрали выполнено в виде задатчика перепада давления на регулирующем органе топливодозирующей части системы автоматического регулирования котельной установки. (19) RU (11) 9 932 (13) U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/02 ( ...

16-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000012214U1

Синхронизированная система автоматического регулирования котельных установок, содержащая, по крайней мере, две котельные установки, работающие на общую магистраль теплоносителя, с контурами регулирования расхода топлива, воздуха и их соотношения, контурами регулирования уровня воды в барабанах и контурами регулирования разрежения в топке, в каждый из которых входят датчики регулируемых параметров и задающее устройство, связанные с соответствующими регуляторами, которые, в свою очередь, связаны с исполнительными механизмами, соединенными с датчиками обратной связи и регулирующими органами топлива, воздуха, воды и отходящих газов, соответственно, и датчик параметра теплоносителя в общей магистрали, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор контура регулирования расходов топлива, воздуха и их соотношения первой котельной установки связан с датчиком параметра теплоносителя в общей магистрали теплоносителя, а задающее устройство этого регулятора выполнено в виде задатчика параметра теплоносителя в общей магистрали теплоносителя, регулятор контура регулирования расходов топлива, воздуха и их соотношения второй котельной установки связан с датчиком выработки теплоносителя первой котельной установки и с датчиком выработки теплоносителя второй котельной установки, причем задающее устройство этого регулятора выполнено в виде задатчика разности выработки теплоносителя первой и второй котельными установками. (19) RU (11) 12 214 (13) U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99101295/20, 19.01.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.01.1999 (46) Опубликовано: 16.12.1999 (72) Автор(ы): Завгородний В.В., Красильников А.М., Лунев А.Ю., Мирошников В.И., Паршуков Н.П., Шеронкин В.И. 1 2 2 1 4 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Синхронизированная система автоматического регулирования котельных установок, содержащая, по крайней мере, две котельные установки, работающие на ...

20-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000036720U1

Система автоматического регулирования температуры перегретого пара барабанного котла, содержащая пароперегреватель барабанного котла с паропроводом, датчик температуры, установленный в пароперегревателе, исполнительный блок, установленный на паропроводе пароперегревателя и изменяющий количество конденсата, впрыскиваемого в паропровод пароперегревателя, задатчик температуры и регулятор температуры, выполненный в виде пропорционально-интегрирующего блока, выход которого соединен с входом исполнительного блока, а первый и второй входы соединены соответственно с выходом задатчика и выходом датчика температуры, отличающаяся тем, что в систему введен корректирующий блок, включенный между выходом регулятора температуры и входом исполнительного блока. (19) RU (11) 36 720 (13) U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004100051/20 , 05.01.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.01.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 20.03.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кубанский государственный технологический университет U 1 3 6 7 2 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Система автоматического регулирования температуры перегретого пара барабанного котла, содержащая пароперегреватель барабанного котла с паропроводом, датчик температуры, установленный в пароперегревателе, исполнительный блок, установленный на паропроводе пароперегревателя и изменяющий количество конденсата, впрыскиваемого в паропровод пароперегревателя, задатчик температуры и регулятор температуры, выполненный в виде пропорционально-интегрирующего блока, выход которого соединен с входом исполнительного блока, а первый и второй входы соединены соответственно с выходом задатчика и выходом датчика температуры, отличающаяся тем, что в систему введен корректирующий блок, включенный между выходом регулятора температуры и входом исполнительного блока. 3 6 7 2 0 (54) СИСТЕМА АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ...

20-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000036722U1

Система автоматического регулирования давления пара в магистрали барабанного котла, содержащая барабанный паровой котел с топочным устройством, последовательно соединенную с ним паровую магистраль с установленным в ней датчиком давления, исполнительный блок, присоединенный выходом к топочному устройству барабанного котла и изменяющий подачу топлива, поступающего в топочное устройство, последовательно соединенные задатчик давления и фильтр, выполненный в виде апериодического блока, регулятор давления, выполненный в виде пропорционально-интегрирующего блока, выход которого соединен с входом исполнительного блока, а первый и второй входы соединены соответственно с выходом фильтра и выходом датчика давления, отличающаяся тем, что в систему введен корректирующий блок, включенный между выходом регулятора давления и входом исполнительного блока. (19) RU (11) 36 722 (13) U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004100354/20 , 05.01.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.01.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 20.03.2004 (72) Автор(ы): Гапоненко А.М., Добробаба Ю.П., Нестеров С.В., Ничепуренко С.В. U 1 3 6 7 2 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Система автоматического регулирования давления пара в магистрали барабанного котла, содержащая барабанный паровой котел с топочным устройством, последовательно соединенную с ним паровую магистраль с установленным в ней датчиком давления, исполнительный блок, присоединенный выходом к топочному устройству барабанного котла и изменяющий подачу топлива, поступающего в топочное устройство, последовательно соединенные задатчик давления и фильтр, выполненный в виде апериодического блока, регулятор давления, выполненный в виде пропорционально-интегрирующего блока, выход которого соединен с входом исполнительного блока, а первый и второй входы соединены соответственно с выходом фильтра и выходом датчика давления, ...

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000036874U1

Система автоматического регулирования уровня воды в барабане барабанного котла, содержащая барабан барабанного котла с трубопроводом питательной воды, датчик уровня, установленный в барабане, исполнительный блок, установленный на трубопроводе питательной воды и изменяющий количество поступающей в барабан питательной воды, задатчик уровня и последовательно соединенный с ним фильтр, выполненный в виде апериодического блока, регулятор уровня, выполненный в виде пропорционально-интегрирующего блока, выход которого соединен с входом исполнительного блока, а первый и второй входы соединены соответственно с выходом фильтра и выходом датчика уровня, отличающаяся тем, что в систему введен корректирующий блок, включенный между выходом регулятора уровня и входом исполнительного блока. (19) RU (11) 36 874 (13) U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004100353/20 , 05.01.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.01.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 27.03.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кубанский государственный технологический университет U 1 3 6 8 7 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Система автоматического регулирования уровня воды в барабане барабанного котла, содержащая барабан барабанного котла с трубопроводом питательной воды, датчик уровня, установленный в барабане, исполнительный блок, установленный на трубопроводе питательной воды и изменяющий количество поступающей в барабан питательной воды, задатчик уровня и последовательно соединенный с ним фильтр, выполненный в виде апериодического блока, регулятор уровня, выполненный в виде пропорционально-интегрирующего блока, выход которого соединен с входом исполнительного блока, а первый и второй входы соединены соответственно с выходом фильтра и выходом датчика уровня, отличающаяся тем, что в систему введен корректирующий блок, включенный между выходом регулятора уровня и входом исполнительного блока. 3 ...

10-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000040437U1

Система автоматического регулирования разрежения в верхней части топки барабанного котла, содержащая барабанный паровой котел, датчик разрежения, установленный в верхней части его топки, последовательно соединенные регулятор разрежения, выполненный в виде пропорционально-интегрирующего блока, регулирующий блок и дымосос, всасывающим патрубком присоединенный к газоходу барабанного парового котла и удаляющий дымовые газы из его топки, задатчик разрежения, выходом подключенный к первому входу регулятора разрежения, к второму входу которого подключен выход датчика разрежения, отличающаяся тем, что в систему введен корректирующий блок, включенный между выходом регулятора разрежения и входом регулирующего блока и имеющий передаточную функцию где p - оператор Лапласа; Tμ - некомпенсированная постоянная времени; T - первая постоянная времени корректирующего блока; T - вторая постоянная времени корректирующего блока; T - третья постоянная времени корректирующего блока; T - четвертая постоянная времени корректирующего блока; T - пятая постоянная времени корректирующего блока. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 40 437 (13) U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ Адрес для переписки: 350072, г.Краснодар, ул. Московская, 2, КубГТУ, пат.пов. Л.В. Ломакиной рег.№ 109 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кубанский государственный технологический университет (RU) (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.01.2004 U 1 4 0 4 3 7 R U где p - оператор Лапласа; Tμ - некомпенсированная постоянная времени; Tк 1 - первая постоянная времени корректирующего блока; Tк 2 - вторая постоянная времени корректирующего блока; Tк 3 - третья постоянная времени корректирующего блока; Tк 4 - четвертая постоянная времени корректирующего блока; Tк 5 - пятая постоянная времени корректирующего блока. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Система автоматического регулирования разрежения в верхней ...

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000101530U1

1. Устройство для подготовки котла к пуску, содержащее блок датчиков текущих значений параметров топки котла, соединенный через блок модулей промежуточных реле с блоком индикаторов аварийных значений параметров топки котла, а также содержащее последовательно соединенные блок модулей силовых реле и блок исполнительных механизмов, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит ключ управления защитой котла и блок управления розжигом топки котла, соединенный по сигнальным входам через ключ управления защитой котла с сигнальными выходами блока промежуточных реле, а по выходу - с блоком модулей силовых реле и блоком световых индикаторов контроля режимов розжига котла. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что блок управления розжигом топки котла содержит установленный на активной двунаправленной шине сопряжения процессор, оперативное запоминающее устройство, перепрограммируемое постоянное запоминающее устройство, модуль контроля вентиляции топки, модуль контроля герметичности газозапорной арматуры котла и вводно-выводное устройство. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 101 530 (13) U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010136509/06, 30.08.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.08.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Дуньшин Дмитрий Николаевич (RU), Дуньшин Павел Дмитриевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2011 1 0 1 5 3 0 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для подготовки котла к пуску, содержащее блок датчиков текущих значений параметров топки котла, соединенный через блок модулей промежуточных реле с блоком индикаторов аварийных значений параметров топки котла, а также содержащее последовательно соединенные блок модулей силовых реле и блок исполнительных механизмов, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит ключ управления защитой котла и блок управления розжигом топки котла, соединенный по сигнальным входам через ключ ...

20-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000105714U1

Котельная установка, содержащая топку, в которой установлена горелка, дутьевой вентилятор, дымоход, дымосос, шибер, сборный коллектор дымохода, дымовую трубу, систему автоматического управления, включающую последовательно соединенные исполнительный механизм открытия шибера, задатчик тепловой производительности котельной установки, регулятор соотношения подачи воздуха и топлива, соединенный с дутьевым вентилятором и горелкой, а также регулятор производительности дымососа, соединенный с задатчиком тепловой производительности котельной установки, датчиком разрежения, установленным в топке, и датчик содержания кислорода в дымовых газах, отличающаяся тем, что система автоматического управления дополнительно содержит автоматический электронный корректор степени открытия шибера, соединенный с исполнительным механизмом открытия шибера и регулятором производительности дымососа, датчик разрежения, установленный в дымоходе и соединенный с исполнительным механизмом открытия шибера, а также регулятор тонкой регулировки производительности дымососа, соединенный с датчиком содержания кислорода в дымовых газах и дутьевым вентилятором. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 105 714 (13) U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011102529/06, 24.01.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.01.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Казанский государственный энергетический университет" (КГЭУ) (RU) 1 0 5 7 1 4 R U Формула полезной модели Котельная установка, содержащая топку, в которой установлена горелка, дутьевой вентилятор, дымоход, дымосос, шибер, сборный коллектор дымохода, дымовую трубу, систему автоматического управления, включающую последовательно соединенные исполнительный механизм открытия шибера, задатчик тепловой производительности ...

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000112343U1

Котельная установка, содержащая топку с экранной испарительной поверхностью, в которой на фронтальной стене установлены горелки первого и второго ярусов, барабан, горизонтальный газоход, в котором размещен пароперегреватель, ступени которого соединены с первым и вторым межступенчатыми пароохладителями, опускной газоход, экономайзер, систему контроля температуры перегретого пара, включающую основной датчик температуры перегрева пара, соединенный электрической связью с первым и вторым межступенчатыми пароохладителями, отличающаяся тем, что каждая горелка первого и второго ярусов выполнена с возможностью регулирования и управления теплопроизводительностью в зависимости от температуры перегретого пара и имеет возможность раздельной подачи топлива и раздельной подачи воздуха, при этом система контроля температуры перегретого пара снабжена дополнительным датчиком температуры перегрева пара, соединенным электрической связью с дополнительно введенным регулятором перегрева пара, причем каждая горелка первого и второго ярусов соединена с дополнительно введенными регуляторами подачи топлива соответственно первого и второго ярусов, регуляторами подачи воздуха соответственно первого и второго яруса, которые, в свою очередь, соединены с дополнительно введенными регуляторами подачи смеси топлива и воздуха соответственно первого и второго ярусов, которые соединены с регулятором перегрева пара. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F22B 35/00 (11) (13) 112 343 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011132656/06, 03.08.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.08.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2012 Бюл. № 1 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Казанский государственный университет" (КГЭУ) (RU) 1 1 2 3 4 3 R U Формула полезной модели Котельная установка, содержащая топку с экранной испарительной поверхностью, в ...

10-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000114126U1

1. Система управления парогенераторным или водогрейным котлом электродного типа, содержащая электрическую цепь питания котла, включающую выключатель для подачи электропитания на электроды, и насос и/или электромагнитный клапан на трубопроводе подкачки воды, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит установленные в электрической цепи питания котла блок преобразования силы тока в аналоговый унифицированный сигнал и программируемый блок управления, формирующий команду на запуск/выключение насоса и/или открытие/закрытие электромагнитного клапана. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что блок преобразования силы тока в аналоговый унифицированный сигнал представляет собой трансформатор тока и измерительный преобразователь переменного тока. 3. Система по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве программируемого блока управления используется измеритель-регулятор микропроцессорный. 4. Система по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что измерительный преобразователь переменного тока и программируемый блок управления выполнены в виде одного блока. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 114 126 U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/18 (2006.01) F24H 9/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011141972/06, 17.10.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.10.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Васенин Дмитрий Александрович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Васенин Дмитрий Александрович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 17.10.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2012 Бюл. № 7 1 1 4 1 2 6 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Система управления парогенераторным или водогрейным котлом электродного типа, содержащая электрическую цепь питания котла, включающую выключатель для подачи электропитания на электроды, и насос и/или электромагнитный клапан на трубопроводе подкачки воды, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит установленные в электрической цепи питания котла блок преобразования силы тока в аналоговый унифицированный сигнал и ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000138582U1

Система автоматического регулирования давления пара в магистрали барабанного котла, содержащая паровой котел с топочным устройством, последовательно соединенную с ним паровую магистраль, датчик давления, задатчик давления, исполнительный блок, присоединенный выходом к топочному устройству барабанного котла, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно введены адаптивный регулятор, состоящий из первого сумматора, первого умножителя, нелинейного элемента типа зона нечувствительности, первого интегратора, второго умножителя, и стабилизирующее устройство, состоящее из второго сумматора, первого блока задания коэффициентов, второго интегратора; при этом выход задатчика давления связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом датчика давления; вход датчика давления связан с паровой магистралью; третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом стабилизирующего устройства; выход адаптивного регулятора связан с входом стабилизирующего устройства и входом исполнительного блока; первый вход адаптивного регулятора связан с первым входом первого сумматора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан со вторым входом первого сумматора, третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с третьим входом первого сумматора; выход первого сумматора связан с первым входом первого умножителя, второй вход первого умножителя связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора; выход первого умножителя связан с входом нелинейного элемента типа зона нечувствительности; выход нелинейного элемента связан с входом первого интегратора; выход первого интегратора связан с первым входом второго умножителя, второй вход первого умножителя связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора; выход второго умножителя является выходом адаптивного регулятора; вход стабилизирующего устройства связан с выходом адаптивного регулятора и входом первого сумматора; второй вход второго сумматора связан с выходом второго интегратора; выход второго сумматора связан с входом первого блока ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000143268U1

Система автоматического регулирования температуры перегретого пара барабанного котла, включающая пароперегреватель барабанного котла с паропроводом, датчик температуры, исполнительный блок, задатчик температуры, регулятор температуры, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор температуры выполнен в виде нейро-ПИД-регулятора и состоит из первого сумматора, первого умножителя, второго умножителя, третьего умножителя, интегратора, дифференциатора, второго сумматора, блока автонастройки на основе искусственной нейронной сети, при этом выход задатчика температуры связан с первым входом нейро-ПИД-регулятора, второй вход нейро-ПИД-регулятора связан с выходом датчика температуры, вход датчика температуры соединен с пароперегревателем, выход нейро-ПИД-регулятора соединен с входом исполнительного блока, выход исполнительного блока связан с входом пароперегревателя, первый вход первого сумматора соединен с выходом задатчика температуры, второй вход первого сумматора соединен с выходом датчика температуры, выход первого сумматора связан с четвертым входом блока автонастройки на основе искусственной нейронной сети, первый вход блока автонастройки на основе искусственной нейронной сети связан с выходом второго сумматора, второй вход блока автонастройки на основе искусственной нейронной сети связан с выходом датчика температуры, третий вход блока автонастройки на основе искусственной нейронной сети связан с выходом задатчика, первый выход блока автонастройки на основе искусственной нейронной сети связан со вторым входом первого умножителя, первый вход первого умножителя связан с выходом первого сумматора, второй выход блока автонастройки на основе искусственной нейронной сети связан со вторым входом второго умножителя, первый вход второго умножителя связан с выходом первого сумматора, третий выход блока автонастройки на основе искусственной нейронной сети связан со вторым входом третье- го умножителя, первый вход третьего умножителя связан с выходом первого сумматора, выход первого ...

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000146520U1

Система автоматического регулирования прогрева паропроводов котла в пусковом режиме работы, отличающаяся тем, что содержит объект регулирования, блок формирования фактической скорости прогрева паропроводов, блок формирования задания, два блока суммирования, корректирующий регулятор температуры пара до встроенной задвижки, стабилизирующий регулятор расхода топлива, исполнительный механизм постоянной скорости, при этом выход объекта регулирования соединен с блоком формирования фактической скорости прогрева паропроводов и с блоком формирования задания, блок формирования фактической скорости прогрева паропроводов подключен к входу "минус" первого блока суммирования, а блок формирования задания подключен к входу "плюс" первого блока суммирования, выход которого соединен с корректирующим регулятором температуры пара до встроенной задвижки, подключенным к входу "плюс" второго блока суммирования, к входу "минус" которого подключен второй выход объекта регулирования, выход второго блока суммирования соединен со стабилизирующим регулятором расхода топлива, подключенным к исполнительному механизму постоянной скорости, соединенному с объектом регулирования. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 146 520 U1 (51) МПК G05B 11/00 (2006.01) F22B 35/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014103427/08, 31.01.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.01.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2014 Бюл. № 28 1 4 6 5 2 0 R U Формула полезной модели Система автоматического регулирования прогрева паропроводов котла в пусковом режиме работы, отличающаяся тем, что содержит объект регулирования, блок формирования фактической скорости прогрева паропроводов, блок формирования задания, два блока суммирования, корректирующий регулятор температуры пара до встроенной задвижки, стабилизирующий регулятор расхода топлива, исполнительный механизм постоянной скорости, при этом выход объекта регулирования соединен с ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000148874U1

Устройство для управления электрическим водогрейным котлом, содержащее блок питания, блок измерения температуры теплоносителя, блок управляющей клавиатуры, дисплей для отображения значений температуры теплоносителя, световые индикаторы и блок управления включением/выключением электронагревателей водогрейного котла, электрически соединенные с микроконтроллером, отличающееся тем, что устройство дополнительно оснащено блоком измерения нагрузки на фазовых проводниках подводящей электрической сети, электрически соединенным с микроконтроллером, при этом по результатам сравнения измеренных через заданный промежуток времени величин нагрузок микроконтроллер формирует команду на переключение электронагревателя на фазовый проводник подводящей электрической сети с меньшей величиной нагрузки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F22B 35/18 (11) (13) 148 874 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014120147/06, 19.05.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.05.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Ефимов Алексей Александрович (RU), Синельников Алексей Николаевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2014 Бюл. № 35 1 4 8 8 7 4 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для управления электрическим водогрейным котлом, содержащее блок питания, блок измерения температуры теплоносителя, блок управляющей клавиатуры, дисплей для отображения значений температуры теплоносителя, световые индикаторы и блок управления включением/выключением электронагревателей водогрейного котла, электрически соединенные с микроконтроллером, отличающееся тем, что устройство дополнительно оснащено блоком измерения нагрузки на фазовых проводниках подводящей электрической сети, электрически соединенным с микроконтроллером, при этом по результатам сравнения измеренных через заданный промежуток времени величин нагрузок микроконтроллер формирует команду на переключение электронагревателя на фазовый проводник подводящей электрической сети с ...

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000151616U1

Система автоматического регулирования разрежения в верхней части топки котла, включающая барабанный паровой котел, датчик разрежения, установленный в верхней части его топки, последовательно соединенные регулирующий блок и дымосос, всасывающим патрубком присоединенный к газоходу котла и удаляющий дымовые газы из его топки, задатчик разрежения, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно введен контур регулирования, состоящий из адаптивного регулятора, блока сравнения и эталонной модели, причем выход задатчика разрежения связан с первым входом контура регулирования, выход датчика разрежения связан со вторым входом контура регулирования, выход контура регулирования связан с входом регулирующего блока, выполненного, в виде асинхронного электродвигателя под управлением частотного преобразователя и обеспечивающего изменение производительности дымососа, в свою очередь вход эталонной модели связан с выходом задатчика разрежения, выход эталонной модели связан с первым входом блока сравнения, второй вход блока сравнения связан с выходом датчика разрежения, выход блока сравнения связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом задатчика разрежения, выход адаптивного регулятора есть выход контура регулирования, адаптивный регулятор состоит из первого сумматора, первого умножителя, второго умножителя, первого интегратора, второго интегратора, третьего умножителя, четвертого умножителя, первого, второго и третьего блоков задания коэффициентов, при этом выход первого сумматора есть выход адаптивного регулятора, первый вход первого сумматора вязан с выходом первого умножителя, второй вход первого сумматора связан с выходом второго умножителя, первый вход первого умножителя связан с выходом датчика разрежения, второй вход первого умножителя связан с выходом первого интегратора, вход первого интегратора связан с выходом третьего умножителя, первый вход третьего умножителя связан с выходом блока сравнения, второй вход третьего умножителя ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000159800U1

Система автоматического регулирования температуры перегретого пара барабанного котла, содержащая пароперегреватель барабанного котла с паропроводом, датчик температуры, установленный в пароперегревателе, исполнительный блок, установленный на паропроводе пароперегревателя и изменяющий количество конденсата, впрыскиваемого в паропровод пароперегревателя, задатчик температуры, адаптивный регулятор, состоящий из первого сумматора, первого умножителя, нелинейного элемента типа зона нечувствительности, первого интегратора, второго умножителя, второго сумматора, первого блока задания коэффициентов, второго интегратора, стабилизирующее устройство, состоящее из третьего сумматора, третьего интегратора, второго блока задания коэффициентов, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно вводится четвертый сумматор и третий блок заданий коэффициентов; при этом выход задатчика связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом датчика температуры; вход датчика температуры соединен с объектом регулирования; третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом стабилизирующего устройства; выход адаптивного регулятора соединен с входом стабилизирующего устройства и входом исполнительного блока; выход исполнительного блока связан с входом объекта; первый вход адаптивного регулятора связан с первым входом первого сумматора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан со вторым входом первого сумматора, третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с третьим входом первого сумматора; выход первого сумматора связан с первым входом первого умножителя, второй вход первого умножителя связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора; выход первого умножителя связан с входом нелинейного элемента типа зона нечувствительности; выход нелинейного элемента связан с входом первого интегратора и входом третьего блока задания коэффициентов; выход первого интегратора связан с первым входом четвертого сумматора, второй вход четвертого сумматора связан с выходом третьего ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000159803U1

Система автоматического регулирования расхода воздуха в барабанном котле, содержащая барабанный паровой котел, установленный в нем датчик расхода воздуха, регулирующий блок и дутьевой вентилятор, нагнетательным патрубком присоединенный к воздухоподогревателю барабанного котла и нагнетающий воздух в его топку, задатчик расхода, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно вводится адаптивный регулятор, состоящий из первого сумматора, первого умножителя, нелинейного элемента типа зона нечувствительности, первого интегратора, второго умножителя, и, стабилизирующее устройство, состоящее из второго сумматора, первого блока задания коэффициентов, второго интегратора; при этом выход задатчика расхода связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом датчика расхода воздуха; вход датчика расхода воздуха связан с барабанным котлом; барабанный котел связан с дутьевым вентилятором, а дутьевой вентилятор в свою очередь связан с регулирующий блоком, при этом нагнетательный патрубок дутьевого вентилятора, присоединенный к воздухоподогревателю барабанного котла, и нагнетает воздух в его топку; третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом стабилизирующего устройства; выход адаптивного регулятора связан с входом стабилизирующего устройства и входом регулирующим блоком; первый вход адаптивного регулятора связан с первым входом первого сумматора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан со вторым входом первого сумматора, третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с третьим входом первого сумматора; выход первого сумматора связан с первым входом первого умножителя, второй вход первого умножителя связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора; выход первого умножителя связан с входом нелинейного элемента типа зона нечувствительности; выход нелинейного элемента связан с входом первого интегратора; выход первого интегратора связан с первым входом второго умножителя, второй вход первого умножителя связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора; ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000159833U1

Система автоматического регулирования уровня воды в барабане парового котла, содержащая барабан котла с трубопроводом питательной воды, датчик уровня, установленный в барабане, исполнительный блок, установленный на трубопроводе питательной воды и изменяющий количество поступающей в барабан питательной воды, задатчик уровня, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно вводится адаптивный регулятор, состоящий из первого сумматора, первого умножителя, нелинейного элемента типа зона нечувствительности, первого интегратора, второго умножителя, второго сумматора, первого блока задания коэффициентов, второго интегратора, и стабилизирующее устройство, состоящее из третьего сумматора, третьего интегратора, второго блока задания коэффициентов; при этом выход задатчика связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом датчика уровня; вход датчика уровня соединен с объектом регулирования; третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом стабилизирующего устройства; выход адаптивного регулятора соединен с входом стабилизирующего устройства и входом исполнительного блока; выход исполнительного блока связан с входом объекта; первый вход адаптивного регулятора связан с первым входом первого сумматора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан со вторым входом первого сумматора, третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с третьим входом первого сумматора; выход первого сумматора связан с первым входом первого умножителя, второй вход первого умножителя связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора; выход первого умножителя связан с входом нелинейного элемента типа зона нечувствительности; выход нелинейного элемента связан с входом первого интегратора; выход первого интегратора связан с первым входом второго умножителя, второй вход первого умножителя связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора; выход второго умножителя связан с первым входом второго сумматора, второй вход второго сумматора связан с выходом второго интегратора; выход ...

20-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000162580U1

Система автоматического регулирования давления пара в магистрали барабанного котла, содержащая паровой котел с топочным устройством, последовательно соединенную с ним паровую магистраль с установленным в ней датчиком давления, задатчик давления, исполнительный блок, присоединенный выходом к топочному устройству барабанного котла и изменяющий подачу топлива, поступающего в топочное устройство, адаптивный регулятор, состоящий из первого сумматора, первого умножителя, нелинейного элемента, первого интегратора, второго умножителя, и стабилизирующее устройство, состоящее из второго сумматора, первого блока задания коэффициентов, второго интегратора, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно вводится третий сумматор и второй блок задания коэффициентов; при этом выход задатчика давления связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом датчика давления; вход датчика давления связан с паровой магистралью; паровая магистраль связана с котлом и топочным устройством; топочное устройство связано с исполнительным блоком; третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с выходом стабилизирующего устройства; выход адаптивного регулятора связан с входом стабилизирующего устройства и входом исполнительного блока; первый вход адаптивного регулятора связан с первым входом первого сумматора, второй вход адаптивного регулятора связан со вторым входом первого сумматора, третий вход адаптивного регулятора связан с третьим входом первого сумматора; выход первого сумматора связан с первым входом первого умножителя, второй вход первого умножителя связан с первым входом адаптивного регулятора; выход первого умножителя связан с входом нелинейного элемента типа зона нечувствительности; выход нелинейного элемента связан с входом первого интегратора и входом второго блока задания коэффициентов; выход первого интегратора связан с первым входом третьего сумматора, второй вход третьего сумматора связан с выходом второго блока задания коэффициентов; выход третьего ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000169930U1

Полезная модель относится к области конструкции устройств для получения тепловой энергии на тепловых электростанциях в виде перегретого пара путем сжигания углеводородного топлива в камерных топках энергетических паровых котлов. Полезная модель может быть использована в огнетехнических технологиях с использованием печей для повышения их эксплуатационной надежности и предотвращения опасных выбросов окислов азота в атмосферу. Технический результат полезной модели заключается в предотвращении образования окислов азота в топке при паровой нагрузке в форсированном режиме и при режиме снижения паропроизводительности за счет регулирования содержания кислорода в составе воздуха, подаваемого на горение. Технический результат достигается тем, что котельная установка, содержащая топку с экранной испарительной поверхностью, в которой на фронтальной стене установлены горелки первого и второго ярусов, барабан, горизонтальный газоход, в котором размещен пароперегреватель, ступени которого соединены с первым и вторым межступенчатыми пароохладителями, опускной газоход, экономайзер, регулятор температуры перегрева пара, а также регуляторы подачи топлива первого и второго ярусов, регуляторы подачи воздуха первого и второго ярусов, которые соединены с регуляторами подачи смеси топлива и воздуха соответственно первого и второго ярусов, которые соединены, в свою очередь, с регулятором температуры перегрева пара, систему контроля температуры перегретого пара, включающую основной датчик температуры перегрева пара, соединенный электрической связью с первым и вторым межступенчатыми пароохладителями, и дополнительный датчик температуры перегрева пара, соединенный электрической связью с регулятором температуры перегрева пара, при этом каждая горелка первого и второго ярусов выполнена с возможностью регулирования и управления теплопроизводительностью в зависимости от температуры перегретого пара и имеет возможность раздельной подачи топлива и раздельной подачи воздуха, при этом на трубопроводе ...

18-05-2021 дата публикации

Устройство автоматического контроля и управления твердотопливным котлом

Номер: RU0000204286U1

Устройство относится к автоматизированным угольным котлам, работающим на любом сорте угля, и может быть использовано для осуществления управления котлами со шнековой подачей топлива. Устройство включает контроллер, представляющий собой корпус с размещенными в нем печатными платами, выполняющими функции дискретных входов и выходов, аналогово-цифрового преобразователя, процессорной платы, экраном и клавиатурой. Дискретные входы предназначены для подключения к датчикам, установленным на твердотопливном котле. Силовой блок выполнен с возможностью управления приводом шнека подачи топлива в режиме «работа - реверс» в зависимости от величины частотывращения вала электродвигателя шнека подачи топлива, определяемой через измеритель частоты вращения вала. При превышении контролируемой величины частоты вращения вала электродвигателя, преобразованной в электрический сигнал, заданного порогового уровня, устройство подает управляющий сигнал на привод шнека подачи топлива. Измеритель частоты вращения вала электродвигателя может быть выполнен в виде датчиков угла поворота - энкодера или в виде цифрового датчика Холла.Решаемая задача полезной модели заключается в разработке устройства управления повышенной надежности, экономичности, долговечности бесперебойной работы мотор-редуктора котла со шнековой подачей. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 286 U1 (51) МПК F22B 35/18 (2006.01) F23N 5/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F22B 35/18 (2021.02); F23N 5/20 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021101349, 22.01.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Подшивалов Илья Александрович (RU) Дата регистрации: 18.05.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 18.05.2021 Бюл. № 14 2 0 4 2 8 6 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОГО КОНТРОЛЯ И УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ТВЕРДОТОПЛИВНЫМ КОТЛОМ (57) Реферат: Устройство относится к автоматизированным определяемой через измеритель частоты угольным котлам, ...

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Driven starter pump and start sequence

Номер: US20120131919A1
Принадлежит: Echogen Power Systems LLC

Various thermodynamic power-generating cycles are disclosed. A turbopump arranged in the cycles is started and ramped-up using a starter pump arranged in parallel with the main pump of the turbopump. Once the turbopump is able to self-sustain, a series of valves may be manipulated to deactivate the starter pump and direct additional working fluid to a power turbine for generating electrical power.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for evaluating repair and remediation alternatives for heat exchangers

Номер: US20120330474A1
Принадлежит: Dominion Engineering Inc

A method is provided for evaluating simultaneously the effects of multiple, interdependent heat-exchanger degradation modes for a heat exchanger of a power plant in the context of a series of alternative heat-exchanger remediation strategies. The method includes calculating time-varying predicted future progressions of heat exchanger performance metrics for a plurality of alternative heat-exchanger remediation strategies, and calculating time-varying predicted future progressions of financial metrics describing the accumulated financial benefit of each of the strategies. The calculations may be provided in probabilistic terms. A strategy may then be chosen based, at least in part, on the calculated results.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Superheated Steam Generators

Номер: US20130136433A1
Принадлежит: Trimeteor Oil and Gas Corp

Modularized, superheated steam generators comprise a steam module ( 46 ), a thermocouple module ( 41 ), and an electrode module ( 45 ) assembled within a containment enclosure ( 66 ). The multi-stage steam module ( 46 ) comprises a plurality of first stage pressure vessels ( 77 ) surrounding and feeding a second stage pressure vessel ( 78 ). The steam module ( 46 ) is coaxially surrounded by insulation ( 48 ) disposed within a cylindrical shroud ( 72 ). The electrode module ( 45 ) radiantly heats the steam module with resistive heating elements ( 119 ). The thermocouple module ( 41 ) includes thermocouples monitoring first stage temperatures within and between pressure vessels ( 77 ). PLC computer SCADA software ( 600 ) operates the generators. Thermocouple data is analyzed to control heater temperatures, the water feeding system ( 340 ), and outputted steam temperature. PLC software ( 600 ) provides operating logic ( 602 ) establishing a start up subroutine ( 602 ), a ramp up subroutine ( 603 ), a steady state subroutine ( 605 ), and a shut down subroutine ( 606 ).

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Automated Super Heated Steam Generators

Номер: US20130136434A1
Принадлежит: Trimeteor Oil and Gas Corporation

Modularized, superheated steam generators comprise a steam module (), a thermocouple module (), and an electrode module () assembled within a containment enclosure (). The multi-stage steam module () comprises a plurality of first stage pressure vessels () surrounding and feeding a second stage pressure vessel (). The steam module () is coaxially surrounded by insulation () disposed within a cylindrical shroud (). The electrode module () radiantly heats the steam module with resistive heating elements (). The thermocouple module () includes thermocouples monitoring first stage temperatures within and between pressure vessels (). PLC computer SCADA software () operates the generators. Thermocouple data is analyzed to control heater temperatures, the water feeding system (), and outputted steam temperature. PLC software () provides operating logic () establishing a start up subroutine (), a ramp up subroutine (), a steady state subroutine (), and a shut down subroutine (). 1. A superheated steam generator for producing superheated steam , the generator comprising:an enclosure having an interior;a plurality of pressure vessels disposed within said enclosure;a plurality of heating elements within said enclosure for heating the pressure vessels;means for sensing temperatures within said interior; a water input;', 'a water distribution manifold for supplying water to said pressure vessels;', 'a variable pressure system pump in fluid flow communication with said water input for delivering water to said water manifold at selectable pressures; and,', 'a plurality of water delivery lines extending from said water distribution manifold to said pressure vessels for delivering water thereto;, 'water delivery means for feeding water to said pressure vessels, said water delivery means comprisingpower control means for energizing said heating elements during operation of said generator;computer automation means for monitoring said means for sensing temperatures, operating said ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods for Super Heated Steam Generation

Номер: US20130136435A1
Принадлежит: Trimeteor Oil and Gas Corporation

Modularized, superheated steam generators comprise a steam module (), a thermocouple module (), and an electrode module () assembled within a containment enclosure (). The multi-stage steam module () comprises a plurality of first stage pressure vessels () surrounding and feeding a second stage pressure vessel (). The steam module () is coaxially surrounded by insulation () disposed within a cylindrical shroud (). The electrode module () radiantly heats the steam module with resistive heating elements (). The thermocouple module () includes thermocouples monitoring first stage temperatures within and between pressure vessels (). PLC computer SCADA software () operates the generators. Thermocouple data is analyzed to control heater temperatures, the water feeding system (), and outputted steam temperature. PLC software () provides operating logic () establishing a start up subroutine (), a ramp up subroutine (), a steady state subroutine (), and a shut down subroutine (). 1. A method for producing superheated steam , the method comprising the steps of :providing a plurality of pressure vessels;heating the pressure vessels with a plurality of heating elements;sensing temperatures proximate said vessels;providing water to said pressure vessels through a water distribution manifold connected through individual water delivery lines leading to said pressure vessels;feeding water to said water distribution manifold at selectable pressures with a variable pressure system pump;energizing said heating elements during operation of said generator with a power control circuit;operating said variable pressure system pump, and energizing said power control circuit with a PLC computer system; and,discharging superheated steam.2. The method as defined in including the steps of:obtaining incoming through either a high or low pressure water source;selecting whether a high or low pressure source has been connected with valves;if low pressure water source has been utilized, pumping in ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161009A1

A method for generating steam from a feedwater inlet stream including impurities is disclosed. The method involves receiving the feedwater inlet stream at an inlet of a steam generator and causing the feedwater stream to flow through a tubing circuit to an outlet of the tubing circuit, the tubing circuit having a substantially un-rifled bore defined by a metal wall. The method also involves delivering a heat flux to the feedwater stream through the metal wall of the tubing circuit to generate steam by causing evaporation of feedwater within the tubing circuit, and controlling at least one of a flow rate of the feedwater stream and the heat flux to cause generation of an outlet stream at the outlet includes a steam portion and liquid phase portion, the steam portion being greater than about 80% of the outlet stream by mass. The steam portion provides sufficient cooling of the metal wall to maintain a wall temperature at less than a threshold temperature. 1. A method for generating steam from a feedwater inlet stream including impurities , the method comprising:receiving the feedwater inlet stream at an inlet of a steam generator andcausing the feedwater stream to flow through a tubing circuit to an outlet of the tubing circuit, the tubing circuit having a substantially un-rifled bore defined by a metal wall;delivering a heat flux to the feedwater stream through the metal wall of the tubing circuit to generate steam by causing evaporation of feedwater within the tubing circuit; andcontrolling at least one of a flow rate of the feedwater stream and the heat flux to cause generation of an outlet stream at the outlet comprising a steam portion and liquid phase portion, the steam portion being greater than about 80% of the outlet stream by mass, the steam portion providing sufficient cooling of the metal wall to maintain a wall temperature at less than a threshold temperature.2. The method of wherein the threshold temperature comprises one of:a temperature above which ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180475A1

A waste heat boiler has heat exchange tubes for indirect heat exchange of a relatively hot process gas and a cooling media, and a by-pass tube for by-passing a part of the process gas; a process gas collector collects and mixes a part of the heat exchanged process gas and at least a part of the by-passed process gas before the mix is lead via a control valve to the process gas outlet of the waste heat boiler together with the rest of the heat exchanged process gas. 2. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , wherein the outlet process gas collector further comprises mixing means located upstream of the control valve claim 1 , for mixing the relatively hot process gas exiting the at least one by-pass tube with the cooled process gas exiting a part of the heat exchange tubes.3. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , comprising one by-pass tube claim 1 , wherein the outlet process gas collector collects the process gas exiting the bypass tube gas and the exiting process gas of at least one of the heat exchange tubes.4. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , wherein the process gas inlet section is lined with a ceramic liner.5. Waste heat boiler according to claim 4 , wherein further the inside wall of the bypass tube is lined and at least part of the outlet process gas collector is lined with a ceramic liner .6. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling media is water or steam or both water and steam.7. Waste heat boiler according to claim 1 , wherein said shell has a substantially cylindrical shape and said at least two tube sheets have a substantially circular shape.8. Waste heat boiler according to any claim 1 , wherein said heat exchange tubes are arranged in a circular array in the tube sheets and said by-pass tube is arranged substantially in the center of said array.9. Process for heat exchanging a relatively hot process gas with a cooling media in a waste heat boiler according to any of the preceding claims comprising the steps of claim 1 ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192541A1
Автор: Hertweck Karlheinz

A method and a corresponding device for controlling the temperature of steam in a boiler of a steam generator are provided. The gradual accumulation of dirt on heat exchanger surfaces inside the boiler is incrementally regulated by soot blowers. The targeted influencing of the heat transfer on the heat exchanger surfaces enables the steam temperatures to be controlled and regulated. 17.-. (canceled)8. A method for controlling a steam temperature in a boiler having an evaporator and a heat exchanger of a technical plant in which flue gas and steam are generated by combustion of an ash-forming fuel , comprising:controlling fouling gradually brought on heat exchanger surfaces within the boiler incrementally by sootblowers; andregulating the steam temperatures by setting of heat transfer at the heat exchanger surfaces.9. The method as claimed in claim 8 ,wherein the sootblowers are subgrouped and are individually identifiable,wherein parameters being measured within the technical plant comprise: injection rate of fresh steam, injection rate of reheater steam, inlet temperature of the steam entering the heat exchanger, inlet temperature of the flue gas entering the heat exchanger, outlet temperature from the heat exchanger, fouling factor of the heat exchanger, operating time between a cleaning operation and a next cleaning operation for a sootblower or a subgroup of the sootblowers,wherein an overall heat balance is equalized within the boil from the measured parameters, andwherein sootblowing time is determined for the sootblower or the subgroup of the sootblowers.10. The method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the sootblowing is performed:in an evaporator region and in a superheater region according to the injection rate of the fresh steam and inlet and outlet temperatures of a superheater,in a reheater region according to the injection rate of the reheater steam to minimize the injection rate, andin an economizer region according to a waste gas loss.11. The method as ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling operation of oxyfuel combustion boiler

Номер: US20130302739A1
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

Stable operation of oxyfuel combustion boiler is ensured and amplification in likelihood of or downsizing of forced draft fan is attained. Upon change of commanded boiler load from start value to target value by target time, a feed amount of oxygen from oxygen producing device is regulated for attainment of oxygen concentration on entry side of the boiler body from reference value to attainment point or target entry-side oxygen concentration within entry-side oxygen concentration regulation range by target time. After attainment to attainment point, control is made to return entry-side oxygen concentration to reference value at return point. Airflow rate of forced draft fan is controlled with change rate smaller than change rate with which air flow rate of forced draft fan reaches target value by target time.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Portable Steam Generating Device

Номер: US20130312212A1

A steam generating device has a handle and a nozzle or pad attached to the handle for treating a surface. The handle includes a heat exchanger, a water reservoir, a fluid conduit in fluid communication with the water reservoir and heat exchanger, and a fluid delivery system for moving water from the water reservoir, through the fluid conduit, and into the heat exchanger. A fuel powered heater is positioned on a side of the wall of the heat exchanger opposite the interior space of the heat exchanger. A first section of the wall of the heat exchanger transfers heat from the heater to water located in the heat exchanger for generating steam from the water located in the heat exchanger. A second section of the wall of the heat exchanger includes an opening that allows steam to exit the heat exchanger and handle and flow through the nozzle or pad. 1. A portable steam generating device comprising:a handle including a heat exchanger having a wall defining an interior space of the heat exchanger, a water reservoir, a fluid conduit in fluid communication with the water reservoir and the interior space of the heat exchanger, a fluid delivery system for moving water from the water reservoir, through the fluid conduit, and into the interior space of the heat exchanger, and a fuel powered heater positioned on a side of the wall of the heat exchanger opposite the interior space of the heat exchanger, a first section of the wall of the heat exchanger transferring heat from the heater to water located in the interior space of the heat exchanger for generating steam from the water located in the interior space of the heat exchanger; anda fluid permeable pad attached to the handle,wherein a second section of the wall of the heat exchanger includes an opening that allows steam to exit the interior space of the heat exchanger and exit the handle and flow through the pad.2. The device of wherein:the pad includes a first layer bound to a second layer, andthe second layer is constructed ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327043A1

A method is provided for regulating a brief increase in power of a steam turbine that has an upstream fossil-fired once-through steam generator having a plurality of economizer, evaporator and superheater heating surfaces which form a flow path and through which a flow medium flows. The flow of the flow medium through the fossil-fired once-through steam generator is increased in order to achieve the brief increase in power of the steam turbine. The method involves using desired enthalpy value at the outlet of an evaporator heating surface as a control variable for determining a desired value for the flow of the flow medium through the fossil-fired once-through steam generator. The desired enthalpy value is reduced in order to achieve the brief increase in power of the steam turbine. 16-. (canceled)7. A method for regulating a brief increase in power of a steam turbine that has an upstream fossil-fired once-through steam generator comprising a plurality of economizer , evaporator and superheater heating surfaces which form a flow path and through which a flow medium flows , the method comprising:increasing the flow of the flow medium through the fossil-fired once-through steam generator in order to achieve the brief increase in power of the steam turbine,using a desired enthalpy value at the outlet of an evaporator heating surface as a control variable for determining a desired value for the flow of the flow medium through the fossil-fired once-through steam generator, andreducing the desired enthalpy value in order to achieve the brief increase in power of the steam turbine.8. The method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the desired enthalpy value is reduced to a predetermined minimum enthalpy value.9. The method as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the minimum enthalpy value is dimensioned in such a way that complete evaporation of the flow medium in the evaporator heating surfaces is achieved under all load conditions of the fossil-fired once-through steam generator.10. ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014189A1

A method for operating a once-through steam generator including an evaporator, in which a feeding mass flow of a flow medium is supplied using a feed pump to the evaporator and at least partially evaporated there, wherein flow medium that has not evaporated is separated in a separator arranged downstream of the evaporator and a circulating mass flow of the separated flow medium is returned using a circulating pump to the evaporator, and the mass flow referred to as the evaporator mass flow of the flow medium flowing through the evaporator is additively composed of the feeding mass flow and the circulating mass flow. In a low-load interval, the feeding mass flow is increased with increasing load while the circulating mass flow is kept substantially constant, in a moderate load interval the feeding mass flow is further increased with increasing load and the circulating mass flow is reduced to zero. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for operating a once-through steam generator with an evaporator , comprising:feeding a feeding mass flow of a flow medium using a feed pump to the evaporator and at least partly evaporated there in the evaporator,separating non-evaporated flow medium in a separator connected downstream from the evaporator and is fed back to a circulating mass flow of the separated flow medium using a circulating pump into the evaporator, so that the mass flow referred to as the evaporator mass flow of the flow medium flowing through the evaporator is composed additively of the feeding mass flow and the circulating mass flow,wherein in a low-load interval the feeding mass flow is increased as a load rises, while the circulating mass flow is kept substantially constant,wherein in a moderate-load interval the feeding mass flow is increased further with increasing load and the circulating mass flow is reduced to zero, andwherein when necessary in a high load interval the feeding mass flow is increased further with increasing load and the circulating mass flow is ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033715A1

A main stream temperature control system for a large boiler comprises a PID module, A/D converters (M2, M3, M4, and M5), D/A converters (M6 and M7), electrical water spray adjusting valves (AA101 and AA102) and main stream temperature sensors (T1, T2, T3, and T4) for the boiler. The system uses a function module (f (x)), a differential module, a division module, multiplication modules (F1 and F2), addition and subtraction modules (J1, J2, J3, and J4), set value modules (K1-K6), selection modules (N1 and N2), a time pulse module (S1) and small value comparison modules (Z1 and Z2) in a distributed control system, so as to construct a real-time online optimized circuit and form an independent automatic control system for dynamic tracking and stable control, thereby increasing the thermal economic index of the boiler, and achieving the objective of energy saving and emission reduction. 11. A main stream temperature control system for a large boiler comprises a power plant boiler , A/D converters , D/A converters , and main stream temperature sensors of the power plant boiler. A total fuel quantity instruction Pof a power unit in which the power plant boiler locates is connected to an input terminal of a feed-forward path module , an output terminal of a platen superheater outlet first main stream temperature sensor T1 of the power plant boiler is connected to an input terminal iof a first A/D converter M2 , an output terminal of a platen superheater outlet second main stream temperature sensor T2 is connected to an input terminal iof a second A/D converter M3 , an output terminal of a platen superheater inlet third main stream temperature sensor T3 is connected to an input terminal iof a third A/D converter M4 , an output terminal of a platen superheater inlet fourth main stream temperature sensor T4 is connected to an input terminal iof a fourth A/D converter M5 , a stream drum pressure signal Pb of the power unit in which the power plant boiler locates is connected to ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Method for operating a directly heated, solar-thermal steam generator

Номер: US20140034044A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method for operating a directly heated, solar-thermal steam generator is provided. As per the method, a nominal value M s for the supply water mass flow M is conducted to an apparatus for adjusting the supply water mass flow M wherein, at the adjustment of the nominal value M s for the supply water mass flow M, account is taken of a correction value K T , by which the thermal effects of storage or withdrawal of thermal energy in an evaporator are corrected.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Providing Steam

Номер: US20140083706A1

A steam system is provided that includes a steam generator including boiler tubes that are modified to form a number of intermediate take-offs for removing water and steam from the boiler tubes. A number of intermediate separators are provided to separate the water and steam at each of the intermediate take-offs. Intermediate couplings are used to inject the water back into the boiler tubes downstream of each of the plurality of intermediate take-offs. 1. A steam system , comprising:a steam generator comprising boiler tubes that are modified to form a plurality of intermediate take-offs for removing water and steam from the boiler tubes;a plurality of intermediate separators to separate the water and steam at each of the plurality of intermediate take-offs; anda plurality of intermediate couplings to inject the water back into the boiler tubes downstream of each of the plurality of intermediate take-offs.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of intermediate separators comprises a plurality of condensate reservoirs in a single vessel claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of condensate reservoirs is separated from other condensate reservoirs by a weir.3. The system of claim 1 , comprising a hydrocarbon development using at least one thermal recovery process claim 1 , wherein the thermal recovery process is configured to utilize the steam produced by the steam generator.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the steam generator is configured to provide wet steam claim 1 , dry steam claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The system of claim 4 , comprising a plurality of thermal recovery processes claim 4 , wherein at least a portion of the plurality of thermal recovery processes utilize wet steam provided by the steam generator and at least a portion of the plurality of thermal recovery processes utilize dry steam provided by the steam generator.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the number of boiler tubes used downstream of each of the plurality of intermediate ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140093225A1
Автор: Ashton Steven Anthony
Принадлежит: STRIX LIMITED

An electrical water heating appliance includes pump means connected to a water heating means via a water flow path. One or more flow-regulating valve means are arranged in the flow path to regulate the flow of water to the heating means so as to achieve a substantially uniform flow rate. The flow-regulating valve means may include a pressure-compensating valve means arranged to achieve a substantially uniform flow rate regardless of the water pressure. A suitable pressure-compensating valve means may include an elastic diaphragm arranged to regulate the flow by distorting in response to the pressure of water entering the valve means. The water heating means may be a water boiler for steam generation. 1. An electrical water heating appliance comprising pump means connected to a water heating means via a water flow path , and further comprising valve means arranged in the flow path to regulate the flow of water to the heating means so as to achieve a substantially uniform flow rate.2. The electrical water heating appliance as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the valve means comprises a flow throttling arrangement.3. (canceled)4. The electrical water heating appliance as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the valve means comprises an elastic diaphragm arranged to regulate the flow by distorting in response to the pressure of water entering the valve means.56-. (canceled)7. The electrical water heating appliance as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the elastic diaphragm is arranged to regulate the flow in a pressure-compensating manner.8. The electrical water heating appliance as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the pressure-compensating valve means provides a substantially uniform flow rate for pressures in the range of 1.0 to 3.0 bar or 1.0 to 2.0 bar.9. (canceled)10. The electrical water heating appliance as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the valve means has an adjustable flow rate.11. The electrical water heating appliance as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the valve means comprises first ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003410A1

A boiler system is provided comprising: a furnace adapted to receive a fuel to be burned to generate hot working gases; a fuel supply structure associated with the furnace for supplying fuel to the furnace; a superheater section associated with the furnace and positioned to receive energy in the form of heat from the hot working gases; and a controller. The superheater section may comprise a platen including a tube structure with an end portion and a temperature sensor for measuring the temperature of the tube structure end portion and generating a signal indicative of the temperature of the tube structure end portion. The controller may be coupled to the temperature sensor for receiving and monitoring the signal from the sensor. 1. A boiler system comprising:a furnace adapted to receive a fuel to be burned to generate hot working gases;a fuel supply structure associated with said furnace for supplying fuel to said furnace; a platen including a tube structure with an end portion; and', 'a temperature sensor for measuring the temperature of the tube structure end portion and generating a signal indicative of the temperature of said tube structure end portion; and, 'a superheater section associated with said furnace and positioned to receive energy in the form of heat from the hot working gases, said superheater section comprisinga controller coupled to said temperature sensor for receiving and monitoring the signal from said sensor.2. The boiler system as set out in claim 1 , wherein said temperature sensor comprises a thermocouple.3. The boiler system as set out in claim 1 , wherein said controller monitors the signal from said temperature sensor for rapid changes in temperature of said tube structure end portion.4. The boiler system as set out in claim 3 , wherein rapid changes in temperature of said tube structure end portion comprises a monotonic increase in temperature of least about 25 degrees F. occurring over a time period of between about one to five minutes ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003708A1

Integration of an oxyfuel combustion boiler at elevated pressures and a heat exchanger is achieved to produce carbon dioxide by feeding flue gas comprising carbon dioxide and water from the oxyfuel combustion boiler to a direct contact cooler column wherein water is condensed at a temperature of 0 to 10° C. lower than its dew point; feeding a portion of the condensed water from the direct contact cooler column to the oxyfuel combustion boiler; feeding a portion of the carbon dioxide from the direct contact cooler column to the oxyfuel combustion boiler; and recovering a portion of the carbon dioxide from the direct contact cooler column. 1. A method for operating an oxyfuel combustion boiler at an elevated pressure of 8 to 30 bar comprising the steps:feeding flue gas comprising carbon dioxide and water from the oxyfuel combustion boiler to a direct contact cooler column wherein water is condensed at a temperature of 0 to 10° C. lower than its dew point;feeding a portion of the condensed water from the direct contact cooler column to the oxyfuel combustion boiler;feeding a portion of the carbon dioxide from the direct contact cooler column to the oxyfuel combustion boiler; andrecovering a portion of the carbon dioxide from the direct contact cooler column.2. The method as claimed in wherein the pressure of the oxyfuel combustion boiler is from 8 to 20 bar.3. The method as claimed in wherein the water is condensed at a temperature of 0 to 5° C. lower than its dew point.4. The method as claimed in further comprising a boiler feed water preheating unit.5. The method as claimed in wherein a portion of the water from the direct contact cooler column is fed to the boiler feed water preheating unit.6. The method as claimed in wherein the carbon dioxide is compressed when it is recovered.7. The method as claimed in wherein the carbon dioxide and water are fed to a solid particle removal unit prior to entering the direct contact cooler column.8. The method as claimed in ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010671A1

A device and method select an optimal boiler combustion model from among a plurality of boiler combustion models for boiler combustion to update a memory in which the boiler combustion models are stored. The device includes a memory configured to store first boiler combustion models that are derived in advance and second boiler combustion models that are derived in advance; and a processor configured to select an optimal boiler combustion model from among the first and second boiler combustion models and to update the memory according to characteristics of the selected optimal boiler combustion model. The processor may further generate a third boiler combustion model for the combustion of the boiler to select the optimal boiler combustion model from among the first to third boiler combustion models and verification data for model verification through the latest data measured in the boiler and data on basic characteristics of the measured data. 1. A device for selecting an optimal boiler combustion model for combustion of a boiler , the device comprising:a memory configured to store first boiler combustion models that are derived in advance and second boiler combustion models that are derived in advance; anda processor configured to select an optimal boiler combustion model from among the first and second boiler combustion models and to update the memory according to characteristics of the selected optimal boiler combustion model.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to generate a third boiler combustion model for the combustion of the boiler and to select the optimal boiler combustion model from among the first to third boiler combustion models.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to generate verification data for model verification through the latest data measured in the boiler and data on basic characteristics of the measured data.4. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011242A1

A hybrid power plant system including a gas turbine system and a coal fired boiler system inputs high oxygen content gas turbine flue gas into the coal fired boiler system, said gas turbine flue gas also including carbon dioxide that is desired to be captured rather than released to the atmosphere. Oxygen in the gas turbine flue gas is consumed in the coal fired boiler, resulting in relatively low oxygen content boiler flue gas stream to be processed. Carbon dioxide, originally included in the gas turbine flue gas, is subsequently captured by the post combustion capture apparatus of the coal fired boiler system, along with carbon diode generated by the burning of coal. The supply of gas turbine flue gas which is input into the boiler system is controlled using dampers and/or fans by a controller based on an oxygen sensor measurement and one or more flow rate measurements. 1. A power system comprising: a boiler;', 'an oxygen sensor; and', i) a gas turbine flue gas boiler hopper input of said boiler or', 'ii) a gas turbine flue gas mill air supply duct input which is included as part of a mill air supply duct which supplies air to a mill which provides fuel to said boiler;, 'one or more gas turbine flue gas inputs including at least one of], 'a boiler system includinga gas turbine system; anda controller for controlling the supply of gas turbine flue gas to said one or more gas turbine flue gas inputs of said boiler system based on an oxygen level measured by said oxygen sensor.2. The power system of claim 1 , wherein the boiler system includes:a burner; andat least said gas turbine flue gas boiler hopper input for receiving gas turbine flue gas and supplying said received gas turbine flue gas into said boiler at a location beneath the burner.3. The power system of claim 2 , wherein said boiler system further includes:a burner air supply duct which supplies air to a burner of said boiler, said burner air supply duct including a gas turbine flue gas burner air supply ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017698A1
Принадлежит: Sisu Energy & Environmental, LLC

The present invention provides for a system and method for determining saturated steam quality. The system includes a liquid inlet in communication with a pre-boiler stream of liquid creating a liquid inlet flow. An inlet chamber is in communication with the liquid inlet flow and has a inlet temperature compensated conductivity probe that is submerged in the liquid inlet flow and configured to measure the conductivity of the inlet liquid. A liquid outlet is in communication with a post-boiler outlet flow creating an outlet liquid flow. An outlet chamber is in communication with the outlet liquid flow. The outlet chamber has an outlet temperature compensated conductivity probe that is submerged in the outlet liquid flow and configured to measure the conductivity of the outlet liquid. A processor is in communication with the inlet and outlet temperature compensated conductivity probes and configured to calculate steam quality. The processor is further in communication with boiler control system wherein boiler control system is configured to adjust boiler firing rate and/or liquid flow rate based on the calculated steam quality. The method includes steps to measure the conductivity of the liquid inlet flow and outlet liquid flow and to calculate the saturated steam quality. 1. A method of determining saturated steam quality comprising the steps of:measuring pre-boiler conductivity of a liquid prior to entering a boiler;measuring post-boiler conductivity of the liquid exiting the boiler; andcalculating the level of saturated steam quality of the post-boiler flow based on the pre-boiler conductivity and post-boiler conductivity measurements.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:cooling the pre-boiler liquid to an operational temperature.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the operational temperature is less than the saturation point.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:cooling the post-boiler liquid to an operational temperature.5. ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025330A1

A steam generator apparatus for generating steam from a feedwater inlet stream including impurities is disclosed. The apparatus includes a tubing circuit in communication with an inlet for receiving the feedwater stream, the tubing circuit having a substantially unrifled bore defined by a metal wall, and a heat source operable to deliver a heat flux to the feedwater stream through the metal wall of the tubing circuit, the heat flux being operable to cause evaporation of feedwater within the tubing circuit and to produce an outlet stream at an outlet of the tubing circuit, the outlet stream includes a steam portion and liquid phase portion, the steam portion being greater than about 80% of the outlet stream by mass, the steam portion providing sufficient cooling of the metal wall to maintain a wall temperature at less than a threshold temperature associated with safe operation of the steam generator apparatus. 1. A steam generator apparatus for generating steam from a feedwater inlet stream including impurities , the apparatus comprising:a tubing circuit in communication with an inlet for receiving the feedwater stream, the tubing circuit having a substantially unrifled bore defined by a metal wall; anda heat source operable to deliver a heat flux to the feedwater stream through the metal wall of the tubing circuit, the heat flux being operable to cause evaporation of feedwater within the tubing circuit and to produce an outlet stream at an outlet of the tubing circuit, the outlet stream comprising a steam portion and liquid phase portion, the steam portion being greater than about 80% of the outlet stream by mass, the steam portion providing sufficient cooling of the metal wall to maintain a wall temperature at less than a threshold temperature associated with safe operation of the steam generator apparatus.2. The apparatus of wherein the tubing circuit comprises an economizer section for heating the feedwater within the tubing circuit and an evaporator section for ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and System for Fuzzy Constrained Sootblowing Optimization

Номер: US20170023237A1
Автор: Radl Brad

A system and method to control of sootblowers in a fossil fueled power plant, in particular to plant applications systems using a graphical programming environment in combination with a set of rules to activate sootblowers. The system can be constrained by time limits and/or rule based time limits. Actual blower activation is typically based on the current status of key control variables in the process which alter the actual activation time within a constraints system. The system does not typically require knowledge or models of specific cleanliness relationships. The result is a system without sequences or queues that readily adapts to changing system conditions. 1providing a control computer coupled to a sootblowing control system that controls a plurality of sootblowers;providing a plurality of sootblowing rules stored in said control computer;providing a plurality of physical parameter inputs to the control computer including temperature, pressure and flow values related to various sootblowers;providing a set of computer instructions stored in memory in the control computer executable by the control computer to evaluate a fuzzy function of the physical parameter inputs, the fuzzy function being configured to evaluate tradeoffs in time overdue for activating a particular sootblower and importance of the particular sootblower to determine a ranking of all sootblowers controlled by the control computer and a time window for each sootblower to run, said fuzzy function also adapted to take into consideration effects on the physical parameters relating to other sootblowers when the particular sootblower is activated; wherein, said control computer operates said sootblowers according to said rules and said fuzzy function.. A rule-based method for controlling sootblowing at power plants comprising: This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 14/546,261 filed Nov. 18, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,360,212 issued Jun. 7, 2016, which was a continuation of application Ser. ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027603A1

A nuclear power system includes a reactor vessel that includes a reactor core that includes nuclear fuel assemblies configured to generate a nuclear fission reaction; a riser positioned above the reactor core; a primary coolant flow path that extends from a bottom portion of the volume through the reactor core and through an annulus between the riser and the reactor vessel; a primary coolant that circulates through the primary coolant flow path to receive heat from the nuclear fission reaction and release the heat to generate electric power in a power generation system; and a control rod assembly system positioned in the reactor vessel and configured to position control rods in only two discrete positions. 1. A nuclear power system , comprising:a reactor vessel that comprises a reactor core mounted within a volume of the reactor vessel, the reactor core comprising one or more nuclear fuel assemblies configured to generate a nuclear fission reaction;a riser positioned above the reactor core;a primary coolant flow path that extends from a bottom portion of the volume below the reactor core, through the reactor core, within the riser, and through an annulus between the riser and the reactor vessel back to the bottom portion of the volume;a primary coolant that circulates through the primary coolant flow path to receive heat from the nuclear fission reaction and release the received heat to generate electric power in a power generation system fluidly or thermally coupled to the primary coolant flow path; anda control rod assembly system positioned in the reactor vessel and configured to position a plurality of control rods in only two discrete positions, such that the plurality of control rods are fully withdrawn from the reactor core in a first discrete position of the only two discrete positions and the plurality of control rods are fully inserted into the reactor core in a second discrete position of the only two discrete positions.2. The nuclear power system of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027604A1

A nuclear power system includes a reactor vessel that includes a reactor core mounted, the reactor core including nuclear fuel assemblies configured to generate a nuclear fission reaction; a riser positioned above the reactor core; a primary coolant flow path that extends from a bottom portion of the volume below the reactor core, through the reactor core, within the riser, and through an annulus between the riser and the reactor vessel back to the bottom portion of the volume; a primary coolant that circulates through the primary coolant flow path to receive heat from the nuclear fission reaction and release the received heat to generate electric power in a power generation system fluidly or thermally coupled to the primary coolant flow path; and a control system communicably coupled to the power generation system and configured to control a power output of the nuclear fission reaction independent of any control rod assemblies during the normal operation. 1. A nuclear power system , comprising:a reactor vessel that comprises a reactor core mounted within a volume of the reactor vessel, the reactor core comprising one or more nuclear fuel assemblies configured to generate a nuclear fission reaction;a riser positioned above the reactor core;a primary coolant flow path that extends from a bottom portion of the volume below the reactor core, through the reactor core, within the riser, and through an annulus between the riser and the reactor vessel back to the bottom portion of the volume;a primary coolant that circulates through the primary coolant flow path to receive heat from the nuclear fission reaction and release the received heat to generate electric power in a power generation system fluidly or thermally coupled to the primary coolant flow path; anda control system communicably coupled to the power generation system and configured to control a power output of the nuclear fission reaction independent of any control rod assemblies during the normal operation.2. ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Multi-Objective Steam Temperature Control

Номер: US20180031228A1

A control system for controlling a steam turbine power plant having multiple steam flow paths that converge to a combined steam path controls the final steam temperature of the steam input into the turbine by controlling one or more temperature control devices in each of the steam flow paths. The control system includes a multivariable controller, such as a multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) controller, that produces two control signals that control each of a set of downstream control valves in the split steam flow paths. The controller receives two inputs in the form of measured or calculated process variables including the final steam temperature and the inter-stage temperature difference between the steam being produced in each of the two split steam paths and performs multi-objective control based on these inputs. However, when one of the downstream control valves is placed into a manual mode, the controller shifts to being a single objective controller to control the final steam temperature of the system and to thereby perform better or more optimal control. 1. A process control system for controlling a process having two or more split flow paths that converge to form a combined flow path , with one or more control elements disposed in each of the two or more split flow paths for controlling a fluid property within the split flow paths , comprising:a multivariable controller that includes a plurality of process variable inputs, each process variable input to receive an indication of a determined controlled process variable, a plurality of set point inputs that define a set point for each of the plurality of controlled process variables, a multiplicity of control outputs, each control output to provide a control signal for use in controlling one of the control elements in one of the split flow paths, and a process model that relates changes in each of the control signals to changes in the controlled process variables; anda feedback tracking network that indicates ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032703A1

Here is described a process to transform energy in chemical form in fuels into electric power through a thermal process. It combines advantages of the traditional internal combustion engine and the steam engine by producing supercritical combustion to allow direct mixture of combustion gases with additional working fluid to cool the mixture to operational conditions. The process allows the control of the inlet temperature of the turbine or expander and makes direct heat exchange by mixing working fluids. The combustion gases are completely used as working fluid in contrast to steam generator. The process improves the efficiency compared to combined cycle or traditional supercritical plants. 1. A process for electric power generation , comprisinginjecting a fluid to supercritical gasses resulted from pressurized combustion at a pressure equal or above of the critical pressure of the fluid to produce a supercritical fluid.2. The process in claim 1 , wherein the fluid being injected is water.3. The process in claim 2 , further comprisingmaking a direct heat exchange of pressurized combustion gases at water supercritical pressure or above with the injected water to produce supercritical water, either pure or mixed with supercritical carbon dioxide,producing power from the direct mixture supercritical fluid generator, andproducing chemical reactions in the in of the machine to produce power and chemicals.4. The process in claim 3 , further comprising cooling the machine body with the fluid being injected and used as working fluid.5. The process in claim 4 , further comprising injecting carbon or material rich in carbon to the interior of a supercritical water vessel to produce hydrolysis reaction and obtain chemicals and power in the same process.6. The process in claim 5 , further comprising injecting water to a pressurized combustion vessel at water supercritical pressure to cool the working fluid mixture.7. The process in claim 6 , further comprising providing excess ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033276A1
Автор: Qi Guoli, Zhang Songsong

A system is disclosed. The system includes a boiler setting system, a heating system, a burner, an inner layer temperature measurement system and an outer wall temperature measurement system, where the boiler setting system includes four vertically arranged, interconnected bottom supported heavy walls and/or sectional supporting water cooled walls; the bottom supported heavy wall includes a refractory brick layer, a first insulation layer and a machine-made red brick layer in order from the inside to the outside; the sectional supporting water cooled wall includes a second insulation layer, an air interlayer and a steel plate in order from the inside to the outside; the heating system includes a membrane wall and a smooth tube; the membrane wall is fixed inside the bottom supported heavy wall; the smooth tube is fixed inside the sectional supporting water cooled wall; the burner is fixed on the inside bottom of the boiler setting system. 1123. A comprehensive performance measurement system for an insulation structure of a boiler setting , comprising: a boiler setting system () , a heating system () , a burner () , an inner layer temperature measurement system and an outer wall temperature measurement system , wherein{'b': 1', '11', '12', '11', '111', '112', '113', '12', '121', '122', '123, 'the boiler setting system () comprises four vertically arranged, interconnected bottom supported heavy walls () and/or sectional supporting water cooled walls (); the bottom supported heavy wall () comprises a refractory brick layer (), a first insulation layer () and a machine-made red brick layer () in order from the inside to the outside; the sectional supporting water cooled wall () comprises a second insulation layer (), an air interlayer () and a steel plate () in order from the inside to the outside;'}{'b': 2', '21', '22', '21', '11', '22', '12, 'the heating system () comprises a membrane wall () and a smooth tube (); the membrane wall () is fixed inside the bottom ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040871A1

Embodiments of methods and systems for controlling a load generated by a power generating system may include controlling at least a portion of the system using model-based control techniques. The model-based control techniques may include a dynamic matrix controller (DMC) that receives a load demand and a process variable as inputs and generates a control signal based on the inputs and a stored model. The model may be configured based on parametric testing, and may be modifiable. Other inputs may also be used to determine the control signal. In an embodiment, a turbine is controlled by a first DMC and a boiler is controlled by a second DMC, and the control signals generated by the first and the second DMCs are used in conjunction to control the generated load. Techniques to move the power generating system from Proportional-Integral-Derivative based control to model-based control are also disclosed. 1. A method of controlling a load generated by a power generating system , comprising:receiving a signal indicative of a target load demand at an input of a dynamic matrix controller;determining, by the dynamic matrix controller, a value of a control signal by inputting a value of the target load into a model stored in a memory of the dynamic matrix controller, the model being descriptive of a behavior of a process response at various values of load demands;generating, by the dynamic matrix controller, the control signal; andcontrolling the load generated by the power generating system based on the control signal.2. The method of :further comprising receiving a signal indicative of a setpoint of a process variable used in the power generating system and a signal indicative of a current value of the process variable at additional inputs of the dynamic matrix controller; andwherein determining the value of the control signal is further based on the signal indicative of the setpoint of the process variable and the signal indicative of the current value of the process ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038585A1

The present invention relates to a steam generator system (), a control method and a household appliance. The steam generator system () comprises: a steam generator () comprising a housing () having a water inlet () and a steam outlet (), and a heating element () provided in the housing (); a water pump () connected between a water tank () and the water inlet (); a water softener (), wherein the water tank (), the water pump () and the water inlet () are in communication with each other to form a water inlet pipeline, and the water softener () is connected to the water inlet pipeline in series. 1. A steam generator system , comprising:a water tank;a steam generator comprising a housing having a water inlet and a steam outlet, and a heating element provided in the housing;a water pump connected between the water tank and the water inlet; anda water softener, wherein the water tank, the water pump and the water inlet of the steam generator are in communication with each other to form a water inlet pipeline, and the water softener is connected to the water inlet pipeline in series.2. (canceled)3. The steam generator system according to claim 1 , wherein V represents a flow rate of the water pump claim 1 , and when the steam generator is in operation claim 1 , the water pump continuously pumps water in the water tank into the housing at a flow rate of 20 ml/min≦V≦100 ml/min.4. The steam generator system according to claim 3 , wherein the housing has a sealed chamber claim 3 , a dividing wall is formed in the housing to divide the chamber into an outer chamber and an inner chamber spaced apart from each other claim 3 , at least one communication groove is formed in the dividing wall to make the outer chamber in fluid communication with the inner chamber claim 3 , the water inlet is in communication with the outer chamber claim 3 , the steam outlet is in communication with the inner chamber claim 3 , and the heating element is provided to the dividing wall to heat the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus For Evaporating Organic Working Media

Номер: US20160047540A1

The present invention provides a device which comprises: a heat exchanger ( 1 ) for transferring heat of a heat-supplying medium to a working medium which differs from said heat-supplying medium, a first supply device designed to provide a flow of the heat-supplying medium at a first temperature from a heat source to the heat exchanger, and a second supply device which is designed to deliver the heat-supplying medium after it has passed through the heat exchanger, and/or a further medium at a second temperature lower than the first temperature, to the flow of the heat-supplying medium at the first temperature.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048518A1

The present application relates to a steam iron () for ironing garments. The steam iron () comprises a steam generator (), an ironing plate () and a thermal bridge arrangement (). The steam generator () comprises a main body (A) and a heating element () to heat the main body ( A). The thermal bridge arrangement () extends between the main body (A) and a thermal coupling area () of the ironing plate () to heat the ironing plate () by conduction of heat from the main body (A). The thermal bridge arrangement () comprises a first portion () extending in a first direction (A) away from the thermal coupling area () and a second portion () extending in a second direction (B) towards the thermal coupling area (). This invention allows promoting steam generation operating in a high temperature for a better steam capability, while keeping a lower temperature of the ironing plate which prevents damaging garments during ironing. 1. A steam iron for ironing garments , the steam iron comprising:a steam generator comprising a main body and a heating element to heat the main body;an ironing plate; and,a thermal bridge arrangement extending between the main body and a thermal coupling area of the ironing plate to heat the ironing plate by conduction of heat from the main body,wherein the thermal bridge arrangement comprises a first portion extending in a first direction (A) away from the thermal coupling area and a second portion extending in a second direction (B) towards the thermal coupling area.211. A steam iron according to claim 1 , wherein the first portion and the second portion define a thermal path having a cumulated length (L) at least 1.5 time the distance (D) between the main body the thermal coupling area.31. A steam iron according to claim 1 , wherein the first portion and the second portion define a thermal path having an average cumulated length (L) that is at least 10 mm.4. A steam iron according to claim 1 , wherein the steam generator and the ironing plate each ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051873A1

A fired heater with a film temperature optimizer is presented. The fired heater is for heating a process fluid in process coils within the fired heater. The process coils experience high temperatures at the outlets. The film temperature optimizer includes baffles or means for changing the flow of the fired heating gas around the process coils near the coil outlets. The baffles are positioned near the process coil outlets. 1. An apparatus for a process fired heater comprising:a shell having sides, an upper surface, a lower surface, combustion fluid inlets and a flue gas outlet;at least one process coil comprising two inlet ports and one outlet port, and disposed within the shell and having the inlet ports and outlet port disposed on the upper surface of the shell;at least two burners disposed on the sides of the shell; andat least two baffles disposed within the shell and positioned on the upper surface of the shell and between the burners and the process coil outlet port.2. The apparatus of wherein the process coil has a configuration of three tubes in a parallel orientation claim 1 , with two semi-circular tubular sections connecting the ends of the tubes claim 1 , such that the tubes and tubular sections form a W-shaped coil claim 1 , and the two inlet tubes having one end connected to an inlet port and the central outlet tube having one end connected to the outlet port.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein upper surface further includes a refractory material on the upper surface claim 1 , inside the shell and abutting the baffles.4. The apparatus of wherein the shell has a substantially rectangular prismatic shape claim 2 , with a height claim 2 , a depth and a width claim 2 , and wherein the process coils extend at least 70% of the height claim 2 , and the process coils are arranged across the width with the central tubes arrayed along an axis that is in the middle of the width of the shell claim 2 , and wherein the smaller tubes are arrayed in a position ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

On-Demand Steam Generator and Control System

Номер: US20150059660A1
Принадлежит: Enviro Power LLC

The disclosed apparatus and control system produces a single, on demand, energetic gaseous working fluid from any heat source. Working fluid in a liquid phase is released into a heat exchange tube in the form of very fine droplets or atomized mist, where it is rapidly heated to its gaseous phase. The gaseous working fluid can continue to absorb heat before exiting the heat exchange tube to perform work. The disclosed system controls the release of working fluid into the heat exchange tube and/or the heat energy to which the tube is exposed, resulting in a flow of energetic gaseous working fluid that can be quickly adjusted in response to changing conditions without a large pressure vessel.

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Steam generation system for thermal and related power applications using stoichiometric oxyhydrogen fuel stock

Номер: US20140144137A1
Автор: Monte D. DeWitt
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention in the preferred embodiment represents a method of powering any application requiring a motive body of steam in order to produce power, using stoichiometric oxyhydrogen combustion to vaporize a requisite flow of water. The steam-generation process produces water as the sole product of combustion. Applications include providing motive steam for thermal power generation systems within the electric power industry, electric-power generation systems within the railroad locomotive industry, and turbine-driven propulsion systems both water- and aeronautical-based.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Steam generator

Номер: US20190063741A1
Принадлежит: Technologies Steamovap Inc

A steam generator and a method for generating steam, the generator comprising a steam chamber fed with water from a water from a water reservoir for heating by a heating source to generate steam, steam being delivered out through a steam outlet, and waste water being evacuated through a drain, the steam generator comprising a control chamber, in fluid communication with the steam chamber so as that a water level in the control chamber is indicative of a water level in said steam chamber; at least one water level-sensor configured for detecting the water level in the control chamber; and a control unit receiving a signal from the water level-sensor. There is further provided a method of generating steam in a steam chamber receiving Water is fed from the water reservoir simultaneously to the steam chamber and to the control chamber, through a single feeding valve, the feed water being mixed with hot waste water drained from the steam chamber, upstream of a drain pump.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067630A1

An evaporation cycle of a natural circulation steam generator. An evaporator is in flow connection with a downcomer pipe and includes a first evaporative section and a second evaporative section connected in parallel with the first evaporative section and arranged at a higher level than the first evaporative section. The evaporator cycle is not associated with another external source of motive force than heat from the gas flow to assist the flow of the water in the evaporator, and the evaporator has a vertically extending outlet collector for collecting the steam and water from the first and second evaporative sections to the riser pipe. The outlet collector includes a lower portion and an upper portion above the lower portion. The first evaporative section is in direct flow connection with the lower portion and the second evaporative section is in direct flow connection with the upper portion. 111-. (canceled)12. An evaporation cycle of a natural circulation steam generator in connection with a vertical duct for upward gas flow , the evaporation cycle comprising:a steam drum for feeding water to a downcomer pipe;an evaporator in flow connection with the downcomer pipe and comprising a first evaporative section and a second evaporative section connected in parallel with the first evaporative section and arranged at a higher level that the first evaporative section, each of the evaporative sections comprising multiple in parallel connected evaporation tubes for evaporating the water to a mixture of steam and water;a riser pipe in flow connection with the evaporator for conveying the mixture of steam and water to the drum; anda vertically extending outlet collector for collecting the steam and water from the first and second evaporative sections to the riser pipe, the outlet collector comprising a lower portion and an upper portion above the lower portion,wherein (a) each evaporation tube of the first evaporative section comprises a single substantially horizontal ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170068886A1
Автор: Cheng Xu

A control system uses a feedforward neural network model to perform control of a steam turbine power system in sliding pressure mode in a more efficient and accurate manner than a control scheme that uses only a multivariate linear regression model or a manufacturer-supplied correction function. Turbine inlet steam pressure of a steam turbine power generation system in sliding pressure control mode has a direct one-to-one relationship with the electrical energy load (output) of the steam turbine power system. This new control system provides a more accurate representation of the turbine inlet steam pressure, such that the power generated by a power plant is more closely controlled to the target (demand). More particularly, the feedforward neural network model prediction of the turbine inlet steam pressure more closely fits with the actual turbine inlet steam pressure with very little error, and thereby providing better control over the electrical energy load. 1. A power generation system , comprising:a steam turbine power generation unit having a turbine steam inlet system, a steam turbine coupled to the turbine steam inlet system and powered by steam from the turbine steam inlet system, and a steam outlet;an electrical energy generation unit mechanically coupled to the steam turbine and adapted to produce an electrical energy load based on movement of the steam turbine;a control system adapted to develop a process control signal to control pressure in the turbine steam inlet system to thereby control the electrical energy load produced by the electrical energy generation unit; anda feedforward neural network model of a relationship between turbine steam inlet pressure and the electrical energy load operatively coupled to the control system, wherein an input of the feedforward neural network model includes an electrical energy load set-point to produce a pressure set-point control system output and the pressure set-point control system output is coupled to an input ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075627A1
Принадлежит: Skavis Corporation

The current disclosure relates to steam generation and supply apparati and associated control systems. Particularly, the current disclosure relates to such steam generation supply apparati and associated control systems that are used for enhanced oil recovery. Certain embodiments are provided including methods and associated control systems related to the startup as well as main steam pressure header control or maintenance of a desired steam quality for such steam generation systems during normal operation. 1. An apparatus for supplying at least one of water and steam to a desired destination or to a venting reservoir comprising:a feedwater system that includes a feedwater pump;a steam generation system;a delivery system that includes a main steam header pipe that runs from the steam generation system to the desired destination and a vent pipe that branches from the main steam header pipe to the venting reservoir;a plurality of instruments and devices that are in operative association with the feedwater system or delivery system configured for sensing physical parameters of water or steam and for controlling the flow; anda control system having an input device, output device and memory, said control system being in operative association or communication with said instruments and devices.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said control system comprises a programmable logic controller.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said devices include a valve that is operatively associated with the main steam header pipe and another valve that is operatively associated with the vent pipe claim 1 , said valves being in communication with the control system for opening and closing the valves to send the steam or water to the vent reservoir or to the desired destination.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein said apparatus further comprises a steam quality measurement instrument that is in communication or operative association with the main steam header pipe.5. The apparatus of ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075628A1
Принадлежит: Skavis Corporation

The current disclosure relates to steam generation and supply apparati and associated control systems. Particularly, the current disclosure relates to such steam generation supply apparati and associated control systems that are used for enhanced oil recovery. Certain embodiments are provided including methods and associated control systems related to the startup as well as main steam pressure header control or maintenance of a desired steam quality for such steam generation systems during normal operation. 1. An apparatus for supplying at least one of water and steam to a desired destination at a desired injection pressure comprising:a feedwater system that includes a feedwater pump and a first feedwater recirculation control loop that varies the feedwater flow rate based on the flow rate;a steam generation system;a delivery system that includes a main steam header pipe that runs from the steam generation system to the desired destination and a second control loop for controlling the feedwater flow rate based on the injection pressure of at least one of water and steam;a plurality of instruments and devices that are in operative association with the feedwater system or delivery system configured for sensing physical parameters of water or steam and for controlling the feedwater flow rate and the injection pressure of the steam or water ; anda control system having an input device, output device and memory, said control system being in operative association or communication with said instruments and devices.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said control system comprises a programmable logic controller.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said devices include a feedwater flow rate control valve and said instruments include an injection pressure sensing instrument and a feedwater flow rate sensing instrument claim 1 , wherein said valve and said sensing instruments are operatively associated with the apparatus or in communication with the control system for ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075629A1
Принадлежит: Skavis Corporation

The current disclosure relates to steam generation and supply apparati and associated control systems. Particularly, the current disclosure relates to such steam generation supply apparati and associated control systems that are used for enhanced oil recovery. Certain embodiments are provided including methods and associated control systems related to the startup as well as main steam pressure header control or maintenance of a desired steam quality for such steam generation systems during normal operation. 1. An apparatus for supplying at least one of steam and water to a desired destination at a desired injection pressure or to a venting reservoir comprising:a feedwater system that includes a feedwater pump;a steam generation system;a delivery system that includes a main steam header pipe that runs from the steam generation system to the desired destination and a vent pipe that branches from the main steam header pipe to the venting reservoir;a plurality of instruments and devices that are in operative association with the delivery system configured for sensing physical parameters of water or steam and for controlling the pressure in the main steam header pipe; anda control system having an input device, output device and memory, said control system being in operative association or communication with said instruments and devices.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said control system comprises a programmable logic controller.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said devices include a valve that is operatively associated with the main steam header pipe and another valve that is operatively associated with the vent pipe claim 1 , said valves being in communication with the control system for opening and closing the valves to send the steam or water to the vent reservoir or to the desired destination.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein said apparatus further comprises at least one pressure safety valve that is in operative association with the main steam header ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075630A1
Принадлежит: Skavis Corporation

The current disclosure relates to steam generation and supply apparati and associated control systems. Particularly, the current disclosure relates to such steam generation supply apparati and associated control systems that are used for enhanced oil recovery. Certain embodiments are provided including methods and associated control systems related to the startup as well as main steam pressure header control or maintenance of a desired steam quality for such steam generation systems during normal operation. 1. An apparatus for supplying at least one of water and steam to a desired destination at a desired steam quality comprising:a feedwater system;a steam generation system;a delivery system that includes a main steam header pipe that runs from the steam generation system to the desired destination for supplying steam or water;a plurality of instruments and devices that are in operative association with the feedwater system, steam generating system, or delivery system configured for sensing physical parameters of water or steam; anda control system having an input device, output device and memory, said control system being in operative association or communication with said instruments and devices wherein said control system is configured for performing the operation of determining the feedwater enthalpy.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said control system comprises a programmable logic controller.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said control system is configured for looking up a value for the enthalpy of the feedwater in a table based on temperature.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said apparatus further comprises at least one flow measuring instrument in the feedwater supply system that is used to measure the feedwater flow rate.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said input device is a touchscreen.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said output device is a display screen.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said apparatus further includes a ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078772A1
Принадлежит: Laars Heating Stystems Company

Aspects of the invention provide a heat exchanger including a shell at least partially defining an interior region; a burner positioned to deliver combustion gases into the interior region; and a plurality of tubes configured to circulate water therein, the plurality of tubes extending through the interior region. The plurality of tubes further including an inner set of tubes and an outer set of tubes, the inner set of tubes being closer to the burner than the outer set of tubes. The inner set of tubes and the outer set of tubes being positioned adjacent to one another such that the outer set of tubes is staggered from the inner set of tubes and tubes of the outer set of tubes are adjacent to tubes of the inner set of tubes. Additionally, baffle segments are annularly positioned in the interior region adjacent the plurality of tubes. Adjacent baffle segments defining gaps for the flow of the combustion gases. 1. A heat exchanger for heating water , the heat exchanger comprising:a shell at least partially defining an interior region;a burner positioned to deliver combustion gases into the interior region;a fuel supply configured to supply fuel to the burner;a controller configured to control the fuel supply;a plurality of tubes configured to circulate water therein, the plurality of tubes extending through the interior region, the plurality of tubes including an inner set of tubes and an outer set of tubes, the inner set of tubes being closer to the burner than the outer set of tubes; baffle segments positioned in the interior region adjacent the outer set of tubes, adjacent baffle segments defining gaps for the flow of the combustion gases outwardly relative to the outer set of tubes; anda condensate drain positioned to receive condensate from the interior region;wherein the heat exchanger is configurable to operate in a condensing mode in which moisture condenses from the combustion gases or a non-condensing mode in which moisture does not condense from the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099289A1

A learning device, for constructing a learning model for generating a prior acceleration command value for controlling a control target in advance of the time a load on a boiler used for thermal power generation changes, includes: a learner configured to generate the learning model by mechanically learning, as learning data, a data set including a power generation command value for the thermal power generation and the prior acceleration command value which have been used in a previous operation of the boiler. 1. A learning device for constructing a learning model for generating a prior acceleration command value for controlling a control target in advance of the time a load on a boiler used for thermal power generation changes , the learning device comprising:a learner configured to generate the learning model by mechanically learning, as learning data, a data set including a power generation command value for the thermal power generation and the prior acceleration command value which have been used in a previous operation of the boiler.2. The learning device according to claim 1 , wherein the learner causes a process value of the control target obtained in the previous operation of the boiler to be included in the learning data.3. The learning device according to claim 2 , wherein the process value of the control target includes one or more of a flow rate of fuel supplied to the boiler claim 2 , a flow rate of water supplied to the boiler claim 2 , a flow rate of air supplied to the boiler claim 2 , a flow rate of ammonia for denitration claim 2 , a flow rate of spray for controlling reheated steam temperature claim 2 , and steam pressure.4. The learning device according to claim 1 , wherein the learner uses claim 1 , as the learning data claim 1 , the data set obtained in the previous operation of the boiler.5. The learning device according to claim 1 , wherein the learner constructs claim 1 , based on the learning data claim 1 , the learning model which claim 1 , ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

On-Demand Vapor Generator and Control System

Номер: US20200080446A1

The disclosed apparatus and control system produces a single, on demand, energetic gaseous working fluid from any heat source. Working fluid in a liquid phase is released into a heat exchange tube in the form of very fine droplets or atomized mist, where it is rapidly heated to its gaseous phase. The gaseous working fluid can continue to absorb heat before exiting the heat exchange tube to perform work. The disclosed system controls the release of working fluid into the heat exchange tube and/or the heat energy to which the tube is exposed, resulting in a flow of energetic gaseous working fluid that can be quickly adjusted in response to changing conditions without a large pressure vessel. 1. A system for generating a variable flow of gaseous phase working fluid , comprising:a heat exchange tube arranged in a combustion chamber, said heat exchange tube having a first end receiving liquid phase working fluid and a second end from which gaseous phase working fluid leaves the heat exchange tube;a variable output heat source arranged to release a variable quantity of heat into said combustion chamber, said variable quantity of heat being a function of power applied to said variable output heat source, said heat being absorbed by said liquid phase working fluid which transitions to a gaseous phase working fluid in said heat exchange tube;a variable flow rate source of liquid phase working fluid arranged to deliver liquid phase working fluid to the first end of said heat exchange tube, a flow rate of said variable flow rate source being a function of power applied to said variable flow rate source;an expander in a gaseous phase working fluid pathway connected to said heat exchange tube second end, said expander using said variable flow of said gaseous phase working fluid at a pre-determined target temperature T to perform work;a temperature sensor arranged to generate a temperature signal TEMP corresponding to the temperature of said gaseous phase working fluid in said ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090202A1

A system includes the HRSG having an economizer disposed along a fluid flow path, and a drum disposed along the fluid flow path downstream of the economizer. The HRSG also includes a drum level control module configured to modulate an amount of the fluid provided to the drum along the fluid flow path and a supplemental control module configured to control an amount of the fluid in a different manner than the drum level control module. The heat recovery steam generator also includes a drum level event controller configured to monitor a rate of change of a level of the fluid in the drum. If the rate of change is over a threshold value, a signal goes to the supplemental control. If the rate of change is less than or equal to the threshold value, the signal goes to the drum level control module. 1. A system comprising: an economizer disposed along a fluid flow path;', 'a drum disposed along the fluid flow path downstream of the economizer and configured to contain a fluid;', 'a drum level control module configured to modulate an amount of the fluid provided to the drum along the fluid flow path;', 'a supplemental control module configured to control an amount of the fluid provided to the drum along the fluid flow path in a different manner than the drum level control module;', 'a drum level event controller configured to monitor a rate of change of a level of the fluid in the drum, wherein if the rate of change is over a threshold value, then the drum level event controller is configured to send a signal to the supplemental control to modulate the amount of fluid provided to the drum, and if the rate of change is less than or equal to the threshold value, then the drum level event controller is configured to send the signal to the drum level control module to modulate the amount of the fluid provided to the drum., 'a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), comprising2. The system of claim 1 , comprising a feed water control valve disposed along the fluid flow path claim 1 ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200082952A1
Автор: Bae Byoung Hwan

The present invention relates to a nuclear power plant defense-in-depth safety apparatus having diversity, comprising: an analog type first control unit for generating an operation signal for a safety system; a digital type second control unit for generating an operation signal for the safety system; and a device interface module for receiving the operation signal of the first control unit and the operation signal of the second control unit and applying the operation signal of the first control unit to the safety system as a top priority. 1. A defense-in-depth safety apparatus with diversity in a nuclear power plant , the apparatus comprising:an analog-type first controller configured to generate an operation signal for a safety system;a digital-type second controller configured to generate an operation signal for the safety system; anda component interface module (CIM) configured to receive the operation signal from the first controller and the operation signal from the second controller, and apply first the operation signal from the first controller to the safety system as a top priority.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the operation signal from the second controller comprises an engineered safety feature component control system signal (ESF-CCS) and a diversity protection system signal.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the safety system comprises at least one of a safety injection system claim 2 , a main steam isolation system claim 2 , a containment spray system claim 2 , or a steam generator auxiliary feedwater system.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first controller is not affected from a common mode failure of the second controller.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first controller comprises a selector that allows an operator to select operation by the first controller.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a selector that allows the operator to select operation by the first controller.7. The apparatus of claim 3 , further ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

System and method for combustion tuning

Номер: US20160091203A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for combustion tuning, comprises collecting exhaust parameters indicating combustion status of a boiler by a sensor array; determining whether the exhaust parameters of the boiler match a preset optimization target; and optimizing combustion, if the exhaust parameters do not match the preset optimization target by selecting a model from a model repository based on a current boiler condition, wherein the model corresponds to a relationship between model input variables and the exhaust parameters; determining at least one optimized model input variable of the boiler for realizing the optimization target, based on the selected model; and adjusting actuators of the boiler according to the optimized model input variable.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086074A1

A steam vaporizer assembly includes an internal steam generator having a vessel configured to hold water, a vaporizer unit having a heating element configured to heat the water to generate saturated steam; and a controller configured to: cause the heating element to heat the water to a stand-by temperature; and while maintaining a water level of the water in the vessel between two control points: maintain the water in the vessel at the stand-by temperature until steam generation is required, and when steam generation is required, heating the water in the vessel from the stand-by temperature to a temperature at or above a vaporization temperature of the water using a heating element, to generate the steam. 1. A method of producing high pressure steam in a fuel cell system comprising: feeding water into a vessel of the internal steam generator;', 'heating the water to a stand-by temperature;', maintaining the water in the vessel at the stand-by temperature until steam generation is required in the fuel cell system, and', 'when steam generation is required in the fuel cell system, heating the water in the vessel from the stand-by temperature to a temperature at or above a vaporization temperature of the water using a heating element, to generate the steam., 'while maintaining a water level of the water in the vessel between two control points], 'generating steam in an internal steam generator of the fuel cell system by performing steps comprising2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of maintaining the water level comprises opening a water feed valve to allow the water into the vessel when the water level drops below a lower control point and closing the water feed valve when the water level reaches an upper control point.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of maintaining the water in the vessel at the stand-by temperature is performed when the fuel cell system is in active operation.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of heating the water in the ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210090753A1

Combined cleanup and heat sink systems work with nuclear reactor coolant loops. Combined systems may join hotter and colder sections of the coolant loops in parallel with any steam generator or other extractor and provide optional heat removal between the same. Combined systems also remove impurities or debris from a fluid coolant without significant heat loss from the coolant. A cooler in the combined system may increase in capacity or be augmented in number to move between purifying cooling and major heat removal from the coolant, potentially as an emergency cooler. The cooler may be joined to the hotter and colder sections through valved flow paths depending on desired functionality. Sections of the coolant loops may be fully above the cooler, which may be above the reactor, to drive flow by gravity and enhance isolation of sections of the coolant loop. 1. A purifier and heat sink system for a coolant loop carrying a fluid coolant for a nuclear reactor , the system comprising:an inlet configured to join with the coolant loop;a first outlet configured to join with the coolant loop;a second outlet configured to join with the coolant loop;a cooler configured to remove heat from the fluid coolant flowing from the inlet; anda purifier configured to remove impurities from the fluid coolant exiting the cooler, wherein the purifier is in a series flow with the first outlet and in a parallel flow with the second outlet.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one valve configured to close all flow to the purifier and the first outlet.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the inlet and the first outlet are positioned to join to a same leg of the coolant loop claim 1 , and wherein the second outlet is positioned to join to an opposite leg of the coolant loop.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cooler is a bi-modal configured to configured to sink approximately 0.5 megawatts from the fluid coolant in the first mode and sink approximately 5 MW or 7% of rated ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Air supplying apparatus and method of hybrid power generation equipment

Номер: US20220136437A1

Disclosed are an air supply device and an air supply method for a hybrid power generation facility in which a gas turbine compresses air introduced from an outside, mixes the compressed air with fuel, and burns a mixture of the compressed air and the fuel to produce combustion gas. The air supply device includes a mixing chamber configured to selectively receive the combustion gas from the gas turbine, an air preheater configured to supply air to the mixing chamber, a burner configured to burn a fluid supplied from the mixing chamber, a first over-firing air supplier configured to receive a fluid from the gas turbine or the air preheater, a first pipeline connecting the gas turbine and the mixing chamber, and a second pipeline connecting the gas turbine and the first over-firing air supplier.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097529A1

The present invention intends to suppress energy consumption despite making it possible to generate superheated steam in a short period of time. Specifically, the present invention includes: a steam generating part that generates steam; a superheated steam generating part that generates superheated steam; and an on/off valve that switches the supply of the steam to the superheated steam generating part or the stop of the supply, wherein the on/off valve switches the supply of the steam or the stop of the supply, and thereby switching is performed between a waiting state that is a state where the steam generating part generates the steam and a state where the supply of the steam is stopped, and a supply state where the steam is supplied to the superheated steam generating part. 1. A superheated steam generator comprising:a steam generating part that generates steam from water using an induction heating method or an electric heating method;a superheated steam generating part that is supplied with the steam generated by the steam generating part, and generates superheated steam from the steam using the induction heating method or the electric heating method; anda switching mechanism that is provided between the steam generating part and the superheated steam generating part, and switches supply of the steam to the superheated steam generating part or a stop of the supply, whereinthe switching mechanism switches the supply of the steam or the stop of the supply, and thereby switching is performed between a waiting state that is a state where the steam generating part generates the steam and a state where the supply of the steam is stopped, and a supply state where the steam is supplied to the superheated steam generating part.2. The superheated steam generator according to claim 1 , wherein:the switching mechanism is an on/off valve,the superheated steam generator further comprises a valve control part adapted to control the on/off valve, andthe valve control part ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145780A1

A flexible coordinated control method adapted to a thermal power unit in a deep peak-regulating operation includes: adding a reverse compensation channel from a fuel quantity instruction to a power generation load instruction on a basis of a traditional coordinated control system of a boiler-following mode; meanwhile, constructing a flexible factor by using a main steam flow quantity signal, and correcting a gain of the reverse compensation channel by the flexible factor in a product mode to obtain a reverse power generation load instruction bias value; and correcting the power generation load instruction of the unit by using the reverse power generation load instruction bias value, so as to give priority to guaranteeing the control quality of a power generation load and a throttle pressure before a steam turbine under conventional load conditions and give priority to guaranteeing the combustion stability under deep peak-regulating conditions. 1. A flexible coordinated control method adapted to a thermal power unit in a deep peak-regulating operation , comprising: adding a reverse compensation channel from a fuel quantity instruction to a power generation load instruction on a basis of a traditional coordinated control system of a boiler-following mode; meanwhile , constructing a flexible factor by using a main steam flow quantity signal , and correcting a gain of the reverse compensation channel by the flexible factor in a product mode to obtain a reverse power generation load instruction bias value; and correcting the power generation load instruction of the thermal power unit by using the reverse power generation load instruction bias value , so as to give priority to guaranteeing a control quality of a power generation load , and a throttle pressure before a steam turbine under conventional load conditions and give priority to guaranteeing a combustion stability under deep peak-regulating conditions.2. The flexible coordinated control method adapted to the ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100647A1

An advanced molten salt once-through steam generator system functional on hot molten salt supplied via a supply line. The system includes a steam generator, a feedwater supply line, at least one high pressure heaters and a separator. The molten salt is supplied the steam generator, which includes at least one economizer, an evaporator, and a superheater to utilize the heat of the molten salt flowing from the superheater to economizer to generate steam. The feedwater line supplies the feedwater to the steam generator, flowing from the economizer to the superheater to be converted into steam by the hot molten salt. The heaters are arranged in series in the feedwater line to heat the feedwater up to required temperature. The separator enables separation of the water and steam. 1. An advanced molten salt once-through steam generator system functional on hot molten salt supplied via a supply line , the advanced molten salt once-through steam generator system comprising:a steam generator arrangement having a shell to accommodate non-segmented sections of at least one economizer, an evaporator, and a superheater fluidically configured to each other, the steam generator arrangement utilizes the heat of the molten salt flowing from the superheater to economizer to generate steam;a feedwater supply line configured to supply the feedwater from a feedwater source to the steam generator arrangement, flowing from the economizer to the superheater to utilized the heat of the molten salt to be converted in to the steam;at least one high pressure heater configured in the feedwater supply line between the feedwater source and the steam generator arrangement;a separator fluidically configured between the steam generator arrangement and the feedwater supply line; anda bypass line to bypass at least one high pressure heater to control the feed water inlet temperature flowing to the steam generator system so as to control the molten salt outlet temperature of steam generator at same time ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107536A1
Автор: JANVIER Benoit

There is described herein a method and system for dispatching a single steam flow command to multiple control elements by prioritizing control elements and measuring responsiveness and availability of the control elements using feedbacks. The dispatched single steam flow command may then be adjusted as a function of the responsiveness of each control element. 1. A control system for allocating a flow of steam from or to a steam header having a first pressure level to or from a plurality of pressure adjusting devices , the system comprisinga pressure unit adapted to measure the first pressure level in the steam header, determine a difference between the first pressure level as measured and a desired pressure level, and generate a demand signal representative of a steam flow demand needed to adjust the pressure level in the steam header to correspond to the desired pressure level;at least one status monitoring unit coupled to the plurality of pressure adjusting devices for monitoring an output flow thereof; and receive the demand signal from the pressure unit;', 'allocate the flow of steam among the plurality of pressure adjusting devices from the steam header as a function of the demand signal and in accordance with a priority scheme;', 'receive from the status monitoring unit at least one feedback signal representative of the output flow of the plurality of pressure adjusting devices; and', 'adjust allocation of the flow of steam on the basis of the at least one feedback signal., 'a dispatching device having at least one input coupled to the pressure unit and to the at least one status monitoring unit, and at least one output coupled to the plurality of pressure adjusting devices, the dispatching device adapted to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the pressure unit is adapted to generate the demand signal as a difference between a preceding demand and a current demand.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one status monitoring unit comprises a status ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101897A1

Heating systems for a rotor in-situ in a turbomachine are provided. In contrast to conventional systems that merely heat from an external turbine casing, embodiments of the disclosure heat the rotor. In one embodiment, a heating system includes a heating element to heat a portion of an exterior surface of the rotor. In another embodiment, the heating system may include a heating element(s) at least partially positioned within the rotor, and the rotor including the heating system. Each embodiment may include a controller to control operation of the heating element(s). 1. A heating system for a rotor in-situ in a casing of a turbomachine , the heating system comprising:a heating element for heating at least a portion of the rotor in-situ in the casing of the turbomachine.2. The heating system of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is configured to heat at least a portion of an exterior surface of the rotor.3. The heating system of claim 2 , further comprising a temperature sensor configured to sense a temperature of the at least a portion of the exterior surface of the rotor and a controller controlling operation of the heating element based on the sensed temperature.4. The heating system of claim 2 , wherein the heating element includes an induction heating coil positioned adjacent the at least a portion of the exterior surface of the rotor.5. The heating system of claim 2 , further comprising a susceptor member surrounding the at least a portion of the exterior surface of the rotor claim 2 , the susceptor member having the heating element therein.6. The heating system of claim 5 , wherein the heating element includes at least one of: a resistance heater and an inductance heater.7. The heating system of claim 5 , further comprising a temperature sensor configured to sense a temperature of the rotor and a controller controlling operation of the heating element based on the sensed temperature.8. The heating system of claim 7 , wherein the temperature sensor is in or ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101900A1

In one embodiment, an exhaust heat collecting system of collecting exhaust heat in a fluid treatment system. The fluid treatment system includes a fluid path to convey at least an operating fluid or a cooled fluid among first and second heat source fluids, the operating fluid and the cooled fluid. The fluid treatment system further includes a fluid treatment module including an expansion module, a power generator and a condenser for the operating fluid, or including a heat absorbing module and a heat releasing module for the cooled fluid. The exhaust heat collecting system includes a water path to heat water by using the condenser or the heat releasing module, and a heater to heat the water from the water path by using the first or second heat source fluid or the operating fluid to produce the water to be used as hot water or to produce steam. 1. An exhaust heat collecting system of collecting exhaust heat in a fluid treatment system comprising:a fluid path configured to include at least an operating fluid path or a cooled fluid path among a first heat source fluid path, a second heat source fluid path, the operating fluid path and the cooled fluid path, the first heat source fluid path conveying a first heat source fluid, the second heat source fluid path conveying a second heat source fluid heated by heat of the first heat source fluid, the operating fluid path conveying an operating fluid, the cooled fluid path conveying a cooled fluid, the operating fluid being conveyed through or not through an evaporator that vaporizes the operating fluid by using the first or second heat source fluid, the cooled fluid being conveyed through a cooling module that cools the cooled fluid; anda fluid treatment module configured to include an expansion module that rotates and drives to expand the operating fluid, a power generator that is connected to a rotational shaft of the expansion module, and a condenser that condenses the operating fluid, or configured to include a heat ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123596A1
Принадлежит: MIURA CO., LTD.

Provided is a boiler for heating fluid by a heat generation unit including heat generation bodies in a container, the boiler being able to moderately heat fluid according to various situations while heat generated by the heat generation bodies can be efficiently utilized. A boiler for heating fluid by using heat generated by heat generation bodies includes the heat generation bodies and a container having the heat generation bodies inside and configured such that the inside of the container is filled with gas with higher specific heat than that of air. The boiler includes a controller configured to control a heat generation amount of the heat generation body under a situation where the gas has been supplied into the container. 1. A boiler for heating fluid by using heat generated by a heat generation body , the boiler includingthe heat generation body anda container having the heat generation body inside and configured such that an inside of the container is filled with gas with higher specific heat than that of air, comprising:a controller configured to control a heat generation amount of the heat generation body under a situation where the gas has been supplied into the container.2. The boiler according to claim 1 , further comprising:as a path for circulating the gas, a circulation path including, as part thereof, the inside of the container.3. The boiler according to claim 1 , whereinthe gas is hydrogen-based gas, andthe heat generation body is a reactant configured such thata metal nanoparticle made of hydrogen storing metals is provided on a surface, anda hydrogen atom is stored in the metal nanoparticle to generate excess heat.4. The boiler according to claim 2 , further comprising:a heater,wherein the controller adjusts a gas circulation amount in the circulation path or a temperature of the heater to control the heat generation amount.5. The boiler according to claim 2 , further comprising:a burner,wherein the controller adjusts a gas circulation amount in ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114995A1

A boiler system is provided comprising: a furnace adapted to receive a fuel to be burned to generate hot working gases; a fuel supply structure associated with the furnace for supplying fuel to the furnace; a superheater section associated with the furnace and positioned to receive energy in the form of heat from the hot working gases; and a controller. The superheater section may comprise a platen including a tube structure with an end portion and a temperature sensor for measuring the temperature of the tube structure end portion and generating a signal indicative of the temperature of the tube structure end portion. The controller may be coupled to the temperature sensor for receiving and monitoring the signal from the sensor. 1. A boiler system comprising:a furnace adapted to receive a fuel to be burned to generate hot working gases;a fuel supply structure associated with said furnace for supplying fuel to said furnace; a platen including a tube structure with an end portion; and', 'a temperature sensor for measuring the temperature of the tube structure end portion and generating a signal indicative of the temperature of said tube structure end portion; and, 'a superheater section associated with said furnace and positioned to receive energy in the form of heat from the hot working gases, said superheater section comprisinga controller coupled to said temperature sensor for receiving and monitoring the signal from said sensor.2. The boiler system as set out in claim 1 , wherein said temperature sensor comprises a thermocouple.3. The boiler system as set out in claim 1 , wherein said controller monitors the signal from said temperature sensor for rapid changes in temperature of said tube structure end portion.4. The boiler system as set out in claim 3 , wherein rapid changes in temperature of said tube structure end portion comprises a monotonic increase in temperature of least about 25 degrees F. occurring over a time period of between about one to five minutes ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122202A1

The method for managing a shut down of a boiler having a duct and heat exchanging components is provided. The heat exchanging component having tubed heat exchanging surfaces within the duct and headers outside the duct. The method includes regulating the temperature of the headers during shut down to a temperature close to the one expected for the steam moving from the tubed heat exchanging surfaces into the headers at a starting up following the shut down. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the regulating the temperature of the headers includes maintaining a steam flow through the headers after shut down of the firing system.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the boiler further comprises a high pressure bypass control valve downstream of the at least a heat exchanging component claim 2 , characterised in that maintaining a flow through the headers includes maintaining a steam flow through the high pressure bypass control valve.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the maintaining a steam flow through the high pressure bypass control valve includes maintaining a mass flow less than 10% of the nominal mass flow.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the heat exchanging component is a superheater and the high pressure bypass control valve is downstream of the superheater.6. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising maintaining a gas flow within the duct during shut down.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the boiler includes a fan for gas circulation through the duct claim 6 , wherein the maintaining a gas flow includes operating the fan.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the operating the fan includes operating the fan at minimum load.9. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the operating the fan includes operating the fan at less than 10% of its nominal mass flow.10. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising regulating the pressure within the boiler during shut down or before shut down.11. ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113417A1
Автор: LYU Hongkun

The present invention discloses a method for acquiring thermal efficiency of a boiler, comprising: acquiring effective output heat and total output heat of the boiler, and obtaining the thermal efficiency of the boiler according to the effective output heat and total output heat. In the method provided by the present invention, by acquiring the thermal efficiency of the boiler according to the obtained effective output heat and total output heat, the thermal efficiency of the boiler can be acquired without performing coal quality testing, thus the thermal efficiency of the boiler is conveniently obtained, and the real-time capability and accuracy are satisfied. 1. A method for acquiring thermal efficiency of a boiler , wherein the method for acquiring the thermal efficiency of the boiler comprises: acquiring effective output heat and total output heat of the boiler , and obtaining the thermal efficiency of the boiler according to the effective output heat and total output heat.4. The method for acquiring the thermal efficiency of the boiler according to claim 2 , wherein the step of acquiring the heat Qabsorbed by reheated steam comprises:{'sub': zqj', 'zjw', 'zqc', 'zqj', 'zjw', 'zq, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': Q', 'D', '+D', 'h', '−D', 'h', '−D', 'h, 'sub': zq', 'zqj', 'zjw', 'zqc', 'zqj', 'zqj', 'zjw', 'zjw, '=()'}, 'acquiring a flow Dof steam at an inlet of a reheater, an amount Dof desuperheating water injected into a water side of the reheater, an enthalpy value hof steam at an outlet of the reheater, an enthalpy value hof steam at the inlet of the reheater and an enthalpy value hof desuperheating water of the reheater, and calculating the heat Qabsorbed by reheated steam according to the following formula{'sub': zqj', 'zjw', 'zqc', 'zqj', 'zjw, 'where Dis the flow of steam at the inlet of the reheater, Dis the amount of desuperheating water injected into the water side of the reheater, his the enthalpy value of steam at the outlet of the reheater, his the ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Process System Management System, Server Apparatus, Management Program, and Management Method

Номер: US20170122551A1
Принадлежит: Tlv Co Ltd

A management system includes a map information storage unit, an association information storage unit, a map information generation unit, a display unit, and an operation unit. The map information generation unit generates display arrangement map information and display process map information for displaying an arrangement map that indicates arrangement positions and a process map that indicates a connection relationship of a plurality of system configuration devices that constitute a process system. Also, the map information generation unit generates the display process map information in a display mode that enables other system configuration devices associated with a designated system configuration device to be identified, based on information stored in the association information storage unit.

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Thermal Energy Storage System With Steam Generator Having Feed-Forward Control

Номер: US20220268180A1
Принадлежит: Rondo Energy Inc

An energy storage system converts variable renewable electricity (VRE) to continuous heat at over 1000° C. Intermittent electrical energy heats a solid medium. Heat from the solid medium is delivered continuously on demand. An array of bricks incorporating internal radiation cavities is directly heated by thermal radiation. The cavities facilitate rapid, uniform heating via reradiation. Heat delivery via flowing gas establishes a thermocline which maintains high outlet temperature throughout discharge. Gas flows through structured pathways within the array, delivering heat which may be used for processes including calcination, hydrogen electrolysis, steam generation, and thermal power generation and cogeneration. Groups of thermal storage arrays may be controlled and operated at high temperatures without thermal runaway via deep-discharge sequencing. Forecast-based control enables continuous, year-round heat supply using current and advance information of weather and VRE availability. High-voltage DC power conversion and distribution circuitry improves the efficiency of VRE power transfer into the system.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Controlled high pressure steam generation system

Номер: US20190120480A1

A controlled steam generation system for producing and controlling high temperature and high pressure steam includes a steam generator, a control unit for controlling the temperature and pressure of the steam, a power unit for supplying power to the steam unit through the control unit, and a water source and pump for supplying water to the steam unit, the water pump being controlled by the control unit. 1. A controlled steam generation system for producing and controlling high temperature and high pressure steam , comprising a steam generator which includes a housing and at least two electrodes around which is continuous flow of water , a control unit for controlling the temperature and pressure of the steam , a power unit for supplying power to the steam unit through the control unit , and a water source and pump for supplying the continuous flow of water to the steam unit , the water pump being controlled by the control unit.2. The controlled steam generation system according to claim 1 , wherein the system includes pressure and a temperature measuring devices for measuring the output pressure and temperature of the generated steam and directing the pressure and temperature measurements of the steam into the control unit.3. The controlled steam generation system according to claim 1 , including a water filter to allow the use of impure water such as brine water and other water containing contaminants to filter and remove particulate materials.4. The controlled steam generation system according to claim 1 , wherein steam is produced by moving high pressure water flow into the steam unit where it surrounds and passes electrical elements to which voltage is applied claim 1 , the voltage producing a constant current between the electrical elements and turning the water into steam.5. The controlled steam generation system according to claim 1 , including a one way value through which the water is sent into the steam unit to prevent a back flow of water and steam into ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120481A1
Автор: Nagel Holger Gerhard

A method is disclosed for anticipating operation characteristics of a steam generation system, the steam generation system comprising at least one boiler. The method comprises conducting a fuel analysis of a solid fuel and anticipating the at least one operation characteristic of the steam generation system at the time when a specific partial quantity of solid fuel is combusted in the furnace of a boiler of the steam generation system, and further determining at least one adapted setpoint of at least one operation parameter of the steam generation system dependent upon the fuel composition of any specific solid fuel partial quantity so as to counteract and/or remedy changes of the at least one operation characteristic which are caused by the fuel composition of the specific solid fuel partial quantity. The method may be employed to improve operation of a steam generating system when the fuel composition varies. 1. A method for operating a steam generation system , the steam generation system comprising at least one boiler , the method comprisingconducting a fuel analysis of a solid fuel and anticipating at least one operation characteristic of the steam generation system at the time when a specific partial quantity of solid fuel is combusted in the furnace of a boiler of the steam generation system, wherein determining at least one adapted setpoint of at least one operation parameter of the steam generation system so as to counteract and/or remedy changes of the at least one anticipated operation characteristic caused by the fuel composition of the specific solid fuel partial quantity.2. The method according to wherein determining a time when a specific partial quantity of the fuel is expected to be conveyed to a pre-combustion fuel processing device and/or the furnace of the boiler of the steam generation system.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the operation characteristic to be calculated comprises at least one of a fouling and slagging factor claim 1 ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156559A1

The steam generating unit of dual circuit reactor with blowdown and drain system is implemented in the close loop, without any conventional blowdown expansion tanks and is designed for maximum pressure of the steam generator (SG) working medium. The SG blowdown water is combined into a single line, cooled down in the regenerative heat exchanger, then in the blowdown aftercooler and drain cooling line and taken out of the tight shell. Out of the tight shell, the SG blowdown water is supplied for treatment to the SG blowdown water treatment system designed for maximum pressure of the steam generator (SG) working medium. After treatment, the water returns to the tight shell and, via the regenerative heat exchanger, to the feed pipelines of each SG. The invention provides increased SG blowdown that leads to the accelerated chemical condition normalization even with considerable deviations. 1. A steam generating unit of dual circuit reactor with blowdown and drain system , wherein it comprises four identical steam generators enclosed into the protection tight volume , with horizontal casing with lower casing component , hot and cold headers of the primary coolant with the pockets and salt compartment; each steam generator is connected to the steam header , feed water supply pipeline , blowoff lines from the salt compartment , from the lower casing component and pockets of the primary circuit headers , wherein all the blowoff lines of each steam generator are combined into a single blowdown header of the steam generator with further combination into the common blowdown header of the steam generators that is connected to the regenerative heat exchanger inlet , with the discharge line connected to the blowdown aftercooler and the drain cooling line is connected to the discharge line of the blowdown aftercooled water that is taken out of the protective tight volume and connected to the active water treatment system with the discharge line of the treated blowdown water of the ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Evaporator apparatus and method of operating the same

Номер: US20150136045A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

A heat exchanger apparatus for receiving water from a steam drum ( 1 ) and providing steam and heated unevaporated liquid water to the steam drum includes a first evaporator (EVAP- 1 ) and a second evaporator (EVAP- 2 ). The first evaporator can receive water from a steam drum via a first feed conduit ( 9 ) and the second evaporator can receive water from a second feed conduit ( 11 ). Both evaporators can output heated fluid to the steam drum via a combined evaporator output conduit ( 13 ). Each first evaporator passageway ( 14 ) only makes a single pass through a gas duct ( 15 ) having a heated gas flow ( 7 ) passing therethrough while each second evaporator passageways ( 24 ) can make one or more passes through the gas duct for transferring heat from the gas to the fluid within the evaporators. A portion of the first feed conduit can also have a pre-specified volume a pre-specified height below the first inlet ( 10 ).

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130953A1

A multi-circulation heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) for steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD)/Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes comprises a steam drum internally partitioned to provide a clean side and a dirty side. The clean side downcomer pipe supplies water to one or more generating banks as part of a clean circuit located in a high heat flux zone of the boiler. Boiler water is fed from the clean side of the drum to the dirty side of the drum via natural head differential. Water is then fed through a corresponding downcomer to a dirty generating bank, which is located in a low heat flux zone of the boiler. 1. A heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) boiler with multi-circulation for steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) or enhanced oil recovery (EOR) , comprising:an inlet coupled to an exhaust source;a steam drum internally partitioned to have a clean side and a dirty side,a clean downcomer pipe connected to the clean side of the steam drum;a dirty downcomer pipe connected to the dirty side of the steam drum;a clean steam generator bank located in a high heat flux zone and coupled to the clean downcomer pipe; anda dirty steam generator bank located in a low heat flux zone and coupled to the dirty downcomer pipe;wherein boiler water is fed from the clean side of the drum to the dirty side of the steam drum via natural head differential.2. The boiler of claim 1 , wherein boiler water is fed from the clean side to the dirty side of the drum via natural head differential created by a baffle or weir.3. The boiler of claim 1 , wherein boiler water is fed from the clean side to the dirty side of the drum via natural head differential created by an internal distribution configuration of pipes within the drum.4. The boiler of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust source is a gas turbine generator.5. The boiler of claim 1 , wherein an internal partition of the steam drum is normal to an axis of the steam drum.6. The boiler of claim 1 , further comprising an economizer ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130971A1
Принадлежит: MESTEK, INC.

A networked boiler system includes a first boiler, at least one secondary boiler in operative connection with the first boiler and having a plurality of internal sub boilers, a boiler control connected to one of the first or secondary boilers, and an external control connected to one of the first or secondary boilers. The boiler control enables the first boiler to control a boiler parameter of the first boiler, the at least one secondary boiler, and the plurality of internal sub boilers of the at least one secondary boiler. 1. A networked boiler system , comprising:a first boiler;at least one secondary boiler in operative connection with said first boiler and having a plurality of internal sub boilers;a boiler control connected to one of said first or secondary boilers; andan external control connected to one of said first or secondary boilers;wherein said boiler control enables said first boiler to control a boiler parameter of said first boiler, said at least one secondary boiler, and said plurality of internal sub boilers of said at least one secondary boiler.2. The networked boiler system of claim 1 , wherein:said first boiler has a plurality of internal sub boilers; andsaid boiler control enables said first boiler to control a boiler parameter of said plurality of internal sub boilers of said first boiler.3. The networked boiler system of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one external, base load boiler in operative connection with one of said first boiler or the at least one secondary boiler;wherein said boiler control enables said first boiler to control a boiler parameter of said at least one external, base load boiler.4. The networked boiler system of claim 1 , wherein:said external control is one of a thermostat and a building management system.5. The networked boiler system of claim 1 ,said external control is connected to said one of said first or secondary boilers through a wireless connection for providing remote control of said boiler parameters.6. ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Heat Recovery Vapor Trap

Номер: US20150144076A1
Автор: Erickson Donald C.

A heat recovery vapor trap is provided for removal of vapor condensate from a container, while preventing any appreciable escape of vapor, and for achieving beneficial heat recovery from said condensate prior to temperature degradation associated with depressurization, whereby useful heating to much higher temperature is possible. The trap is indirect acting, and is preferably mechanically actuated by a float. 1. An apparatus for controlling the liquid level in a container containing saturated vapor and liquid , and for recovering heat from the liquid discharged from said container by said level control apparatus , comprising:a. A float actuated mechanical control valve wherein said float is supported by a liquid level that is in vapor and liquid communication with said level in said container;b. A heat recovery heat exchanger having hot and cold ends;c. A first conduit conveying liquid from said container to said hot end;d. A second conduit for conveying cooled container liquid from said cold end to said mechanical float-actuated control valve; ande. A third conduit for removal of cooled reduced pressure liquid from said valve2. The apparatus according to wherein said container is comprised of a steam-heated heat exchanger for a fluid claim 1 , wherein said saturated vapor is steam claim 1 , and additionally comprised of a feed-effluent heat exchanger for the fluid supplied to and from said steam-heated heat exchanger claim 1 , and wherein said heat recovery heat exchanger is arranged for parallel fluid flow with said feed-effluent heat exchanger.3. The apparatus according to wherein said float is contained in said container.4. The apparatus according to additionally comprised of a housing for said float that is external to said container claim 1 , plus at least one fluid conduit connecting said housing to said container.5. The apparatus according to wherein said valve is comprised of:a. A rod that rotates inside a cylinder;b. Inlet and outlet ports in said ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135868A1

An energy exchange system employing a hot water loop, a chilled water loop, an energy exchanger, a boiler plant for heating water flowing through the hot water loop and for heating water flowing through the chilled water loop via the energy exchanger, a chiller plant for chilling the water flowing through the chilled water loop and for chilling the water flowing through the hot water loop via the energy exchanger, and a control for calculating a hot energy load for operating the at least one boiler to heat the water flowing through the hot water loop and for heating the water flowing through the chilled water loop via the energy exchanger, and for calculating a chilled water energy load for operating the at least one chiller to chill the water flowing through the chilled water loop and for chilling the water flowing through the hot water loop via the energy exchanger. 1. An energy exchange system , comprising:a hot water loop and a chilled water loop;an energy exchanger connected to the primary hot water loop and the chilled water loop for transferring energy between the water loop and the chilled water loop;a boiler plant including at least one boiler connected to the hot water loop for heating water flowing through the hot water loop and for heating water flowing through the chilled water loop via the energy exchanger;a chiller plant including at least one chiller connected to the chilled water loop for chilling the water flowing through the chilled water loop and for chilling the water flowing through the hot water loop via the energy exchanger; and calculate a hot energy load for operating the at least one boiler to heat the water flowing through the hot water loop and for heating the water flowing through the chilled water loop via the energy exchanger, and', 'calculate a chilled water energy load for operating the at least one chiller to chill the water flowing through the chilled water loop and for chilling the water flowing through the hot water loop via the ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290857A1
Автор: Gleason Gary Wayne

A method and system for monitoring a steam system through remotely monitoring numerous points of a saturated steam system, wherein the method compares a steam temperature sensed at a portion of the steam system by a first sensor to a threshold subcooled temperature derived by a pressure sensed by a second sensor at or near the same portion of the steam system, wherein the method emits a warning to the first sensor when the sensed saturated temperature exceeds the derived threshold subcooled temperature. 1. A subcooled temperature detection system for a saturated steam system , the subcooled temperature detection system comprising:a plurality of temperature sensors operatively associated with different portions of the saturated steam system;one or more pressure sensors operatively associated the saturated steam system; anda user interface software coupled to said sensors and one or more saturated steam tables; calculate a subcooled temperature threshold based on a pressure sensed by the one or more pressure sensors as a function of the saturated steam table;', 'compare a temperature sensed by each temperature sensor to the calculated subcooled temperature; and', 'send an alarm signal to each temperature sensor having a sensed temperature below the calculated subcooled temperature., 'wherein the user interface software is configured to2. The subcooled temperature detection system of claim 1 , further comprising a wireless sensor gateway electrically interconnecting said sensors and the user interface software.3. The subcooled temperature detection system of claim 2 , wherein the one or more pressure sensors are two or more pressure sensors at two or more different portions of the saturated steam system claim 2 , and wherein the calculated subcooled temperature is a function of a correlation of the two or more sensed pressure of the different portions of the saturated steam system.4. The subcooled temperature detection system of claim 3 , wherein the alarm signal ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Solute concentration decision method and water quality management method for steam turbine plant

Номер: US20220290858A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A solute concentration decision method for deciding a planned value CI of a concentration of a solute in a solution to be supplied to a first drum among one or more steam drums for temporarily containing steam generated in a boiler of a steam turbine plant includes a step of deciding the planned value CI of the concentration of the solute in the solution to be supplied to the first drum, on the basis of a target concentration of the solute in the solution in the first drum and a capacity coefficient of the solute in a drum unit including the first drum and an evaporator for generating steam contained in the first drum.

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180148389A1
Автор: Wang Shen

A rural bulk organic waste pollutant source comprehensive treatment system including a solid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor, a liquid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor and a multifunctional boiler is provided. A rural bulk organic waste pollutant source comprehensive treatment method. For excretion waste of a livestock farm adopting the technology of manure cleaning by urine submerging, a solid-liquid separation is firstly performed thereto, wherein solid is conveyed to the solid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor and fermented to produce solid organic fertilizers, and liquid is conveyed to the liquid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor and fermented to produce liquid organic fertilizers. For dry collection manure of a livestock and poultry farm, carbon-containing auxiliary materials, residues left after dead animals and household waste being incinerated by the multifunctional boiler, and ash generated by straw burning are added thereto, and then the mixture is conveyed to the solid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor and fermented to produce solid organic fertilizers. Exhaust fume and hot water produced by the multifunctional boiler pass through the solid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor and the liquid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor to heat the reactors and keep the reactors warm. 1. A rural bulk organic waste pollutant source comprehensive treatment system , comprising a solid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor , a liquid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor and a multifunctional boiler , wherein:the multifunctional boiler is a boiler which adopts various fuels to incinerate dead animals and household waste and produces hot water;a feeding system of the solid high-temperature aerobic fermentation reactor is a waste treatment system for a livestock farm adopting a technology of manure cleaning by urine submerging or a waste treatment system for a livestock farm ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141569A1

A fired heater with a film temperature optimizer is presented. The fired heater is for heating a process fluid in process coils within the fired heater. The process coils experience high temperatures at the outlets. The film temperature optimizer includes baffles or means for changing the flow of the fired heating gas around the process coils near the coil outlets. The baffles are positioned near the process coil outlets 1. An apparatus for a process fired heater comprising:a shell having a first end, a second end positioned opposite the first end, and sides connecting the first end and second end, and wherein the sides and ends enclose a space;at least one w-shaped process tube comprising two inlet ports and one outlet port, and disposed within the shell and having the two inlet ports and the outlet port on the first end;a flue gas outlet disposed in the second end; andat least two burners disposed on the sides of the shell;wherein the first end of the shell comprises at least two projections from the first end and the projections extend into the enclosed space, and wherein a first of the at least two projections is interposed between a first inlet port of the two inlet ports to the process tube and the outlet port for the process tube, and wherein the second of the at least two projections is interposed between a second inlet port of the two inlet ports to the process tube and the outlet port for the process tube.2. The apparatus of wherein the shell has a substantially rectangular prismatic shape claim 1 , with a height claim 1 , a depth and a width claim 1 , and wherein the process tube extend at least 70% of the height claim 1 , and the at least one w-shaped process tube is arranged across the width with a central tube of the w-shaped process tube arranged along an axis that is in the middle of the width of the shell claim 1 , and wherein outer tubes w-shaped process tube are arranged in a position between 5% and 95% of a distance of a half-width of the shell.3 ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160161106A1
Принадлежит: Casale SA

A shell-and-tube apparatus (), suitable for use as a waste heat boiler, comprising a vessel with an exchanging section () and a separating section (), wherein: said exchanging section () contains a bundle of U-tubes () fed with an evaporable liquid medium such as water (W) and exposed to a hot gas (G) flowing in a hot chamber around said tubes, so that said medium is partially evaporated in the tubes while recovering heat from hot gas flowing in the hot chamber (); said separating section () comprises a collection chamber () in communication with outlet of the tubes () to receive the partially evaporated medium leaving the tubes; said separating section () is arranged to provide separation of vapour fraction and liquid fraction from the partially evaporated medium at least partially by gravity; the apparatus also comprises means for controlling the liquid level in the collection chamber and for a partial recycle of the non-evaporated liquid. 1. A shell-and-tube apparatus comprising a vessel with an exchanging section and a separating section ,wherein:said exchanging section contains a bundle of U-tubes having respective tube inlet ends and tube outlet ends, and a hot chamber around said tubes, said hot chamber being in communication with an input for a hot process stream, said separating section comprises a collection chamber in communication with said outlet ends of tubes,said apparatus also comprises an input for an evaporable liquid medium, which is in communication with said tube inlet ends,so that, during operation, said tubes are exposed to said hot process stream while traversing said hot chamber, and the evaporable medium is heated and at least partially evaporated by flowing inside said tubes, and the at least partially evaporated medium is admitted to said collection chamber after leaving said tubes,said separating section being arranged to provide separation of vapour fraction and liquid fraction from said at least partially evaporated medium.2. The ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Method and System for Fuzzy Constrained Sootblowing Optimization

Номер: US20150167970A1
Автор: Brad Radl
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method to control of sootblowers in a fossil fueled power plant, in particular to plant applications systems using a graphical programming environment in combination with a set of rules to activate sootblowers. The system can be constrained by time limits and/or rule based time limits. Actual blower activation is typically based on the current status of key control variables in the process which alter the actual activation time within a constraints system. The system does not typically require knowledge or models of specific cleanliness relationships. The result is a system without sequences or queues that readily adapts to changing system conditions.

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Nuclear reactor provided with a raised heat exchanger

Номер: US20190156961A1
Автор: Luciano Cinotti
Принадлежит: Individual

A nuclear reactor cooled by liquid metal or by molten salts, provided with a heat exchanger, having inlet of the primary fluid in the lower part and circumferential outlet window in the vicinity of the free surface of the primary fluid in the cold collector. The outlet window is located in an intermediate position with respect to the tube bundle partially raised with respect to the free surface in the cold collector and supplied with primary fluid throughout its height by means of an ancillary device for creating an underpressure in the cover gas of the exchanger with respect to the cover gas in the vessel. The raising of the exchanger and the positioning of the outlet window in the vicinity of the free surface of the primary coolant help to minimize the displacement of primary fluid in the event of accidental release of secondary fluid inside the heat exchanger.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200161011A1

An in-vessel cooling and power generation system according to the present disclosure may include a small scale reactor vessel, a heat exchange section provided inside the reactor vessel, and formed to supply supercritical fluid to receive heat from a reactor coolant system in the reactor vessel, an electric power production section comprising a supercritical turbine formed to produce electric energy using the energy of the supercritical fluid whose temperature has increased while receiving heat from the reactor coolant system, a cooling section configured to exchange heat with the supercritical fluid discharged after driving the supercritical turbine to shrink a volume of the supercritical fluid, wherein the supercritical fluid that has received heat from the reactor coolant system in the heat exchange section is formed to circulate through the electric power production section, and the cooling section. The in-vessel cooling and power generation system according to the present disclosure may be continuously operated not only during a normal operation but also during an accident to perform in-vessel cooling, and produce emergency power, thereby improving the system reliability. In addition, the in-vessel cooling and power generation system according to the present disclosure may facilitate the application of a safety class or seismic design with a small scale facility, thereby improving the reliability due to the application of the safety class or seismic design. 1. An in-vessel cooling and power generation system , the system comprising: a reactor vessel;a heat exchange section provided inside the reactor vessel, and formed to supply supercritical fluid to receive heat from a reactor coolant system in the reactor vessel;an electric power production section comprising a supercritical turbine formed to produce electric energy using the energy of the supercritical fluid whose temperature has increased while receiving heat from the reactor coolant system; anda cooling ...
