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31-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621111C2

Изобретение относится к переработке отходов, включающих органические компоненты и радиоактивные агенты. Способ переработки отходов включает газифицирование отходов, включающих органические компоненты и радиоактивные агенты, которые представляют собой радиоактивные агенты с низким и/или средним уровнем активности, в реакторе с псевдоожиженным слоем при температуре от 600 до 950°С с помощью воздуха, так что коэффициент избытка воздуха составляет ниже 1, с получением газообразного материала, охлаждение газообразного материала путем быстрого охлаждения водой так, что температура после охлаждения составляет от 300 до 500°С, и удаление твердой фракции, включающей радиоактивные агенты, из газообразного материала на стадии очистки газа с получением переработанного газообразного материала. Изобретение обеспечивает эффективную в отношении затрат средств и энергии переработку загрязненных отходов. 4 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2142097C1

FIELD: gas formation and waste burning off. SUBSTANCE: method includes waste feed to furnace device where it gets on furnace grate to which air is supplied through different chambers with lower blasting. In first zone, air is brought to chambers with lower blasting in relation higher than stoichiometric one for waste inflammation. In lower-blasting chambers of subsequent zone oxygen is added to air which serves for gas formation. In this case, the above-indicated relation is set below stoichiometric one which brings about waste gasification. Flue gases arising in this case get into second furnace device through gas-outlet channel. In this device gases are burnt off with relation exceeding stoichiometric one. Gases formed in this case are delivered to heat exchanger. Method and device ensure gas formation at low temperatures, exclude formation of pyrolytic coke in slag and prevent intensive slag formation. EFFECT: stable gas-formation process. 17 cl, 1 dwg 1 60СУ7ГсС ПЧ ГЭ (19) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ ВИ” 2142 097‘ (51) МПК 13) Сл Е 23 С 5/50, 5/46 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 97120549/03, 02.12.1997 (24) Дата начала действия патента: 02.12.1997 (30) Приоритет: 03.12.1996 ОЕ 19650119.9 (46) Дата публикации: 21.11.1999 (56) Ссылки: ОЕ 4220265 СЛ, 06.05.93. ЕР 0498014 АЛ, 12.08.92. ОЕ 3715648 АЛ, 24.11.88. ЕР 0445070 А2, 04.09.91. ММО 9009552 АЛ, 23.08.90. Бернадинер М.Н., Шурыгин А.П. Огневая переработка и обезвреживание промышленных отходов. - М.: Химия, 1990, с.34-37. (98) Адрес для переписки: 103735, Москва, ул.Ильинка 5/2, патентному поверенному Силаевой А.А. (71) Заявитель: Мартин Гмбх фюр Умвельт-унд Энергитехник (ОЕ) (72) Изобретатель: Йоханнес Йозеф Эдмунд Мартин (ОЕ), Михель Буш (0Е) (73) Патентообладатель: Мартин Гмбх фюр Умвельт-унд Энергитехник (ОЕ) (54) СПОСОБ И УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ И ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ГАЗА ИЗ ОТХОДОВ (57) Реферат: В способе для газообразования и сжигания отходов ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2601062C1

Способ утилизации твердых бытовых отходов (ТБО) на полигонах включает загрузку отходов в установку, биоразложение с образованием газообразных и твердых продуктов, обезвреживание, охлаждение и накопление продуктов переработки, Перед загрузкой проводят радиационный и дозиметрический контроль массы ТБО, утилизацию ТБО, которую проводят в две стадии, на первой стадии ТБО подвергают аэробной и анаэробной переработке для получения биогаза, который поступает на выработку тепловой и электрической энергии. На второй стадии проводят термическое разложение, при котором непереработанная часть отходов проходит интенсивную просушку, а затем пиролиз, результатом которого является пирогаз, который после охлаждения и очистки поступает на выработку тепловой и электрической энергии. Полученный в результате пиролиза пирокарбонат используют в очистке фильтрата, который выделяется в процессе биоразложения. Другие обезвреженные в установке твердые фракции отходов после охлаждения отправляют на захоронение. Установка утилизации ТБО на полигонах включает удлиненную камеру переработки ТБО, которая расположена наклонно на склоне естественного возвышения конкретной местности, в верхней части которой имеется подъездной путь для засыпки ТБО в камеру через люк. В нижней части камеры имеется заслонка для отсыпки переработанной и нейтрализованной массы ТБО. Камера состоит из последовательно расположенных зоны биоразложения, термического разложения, которая включает секцию пиролиза, зоны охлаждения и накопления продуктов переработки. Зона биоразложения включает две секции - секцию аэробной и анаэробной переработки, в которую вмонтирована многофункциональная конструкция, которая представляет собой лопасти для перемешивания движущейся массы ТБО, сбора и вывода биогаза, введения воды и корректирующих растворов и устройство для сбора и вывода фильтрата. На боковой стенке камеры установлены люки для отбора проб, в зону термического разложения дополнительно введены секция сушки и прогрева переработанной ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2523593C1

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: method of destruction of a carbon and nitrogen- containing raw material includes supply of the carbon and nitrogen-containing raw material into a cylindrical case, its heating, creation of depression inside an internal case cavity, output of gas and discharge of a sol residue. The internal case cavity is preliminarily heated before supply of the raw material into a channel of loading, the raw material, supplied constantly from the channel of is loading, is moved by means of an auger and successively directed into a chamber of initial decomposition, heating to a temperature of 120-340°C under pressure of 600-500 KPa, formed moisture and initial pyrolysis gas are output though a gas-output net into a chamber of afterburning, supplying in it oxygen in a composition of air in a dosed way until oxides CO, NO are obtained, then the raw material is subjected to destruction at first in the first zone at a temperature of 340-1000°C and pressure 600-700 KPa, and then in the second zone at a temperature of 1700°C and pressure 900-700 KPa. Depression in the zones is regulated by changing depression in tubes of a depression contour, which belong to the respective zone, oxygen in the composition of air in the case shaft is supplied through a window of a sol canal. EFFECT: invention makes it possible to increase a degree of the raw material destruction. 3 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 523 593 C1 (51) МПК F23G 5/027 (2006.01) C10J 3/02 (2006.01) F23B 90/00 (2011.01) F23B 30/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013114843/06, 01.04.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.04.2013 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Научно-производственное объединение "ТОР" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2014 Бюл. № 20 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 01.04.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Зотов Сергей Николаевич (RU), Жерняк ...

30-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678680C1
Автор: ЧХАН, Ён (KR)

Изобретение относится к группе горелок для восстановительного реактора, а также к системе рециклинга синтез-газа, включающей упомянутую группу горелок для восстановительного реактора. Группа горелок включает несколько горелок 200, расположенных на стенке 101 восстановительного реактора, чтобы позволить поднимать температуру внутри восстановительного реактора 100 выше 1200°С. Причем восстановительный реактор 100 имеет выполненное в нем реакционное пространство, а каждая горелка имеет выполненные в ней отверстие 210 подачи топлива и несколько отверстий 220 подачи кислорода. При этом каждая горелка 200 включает головную часть 201, имеющую удлиненное пространство сжигания 202 на одном ее конце, причем пространство сжигания находится в жидкостной связи с реакционным пространством реактора, и удлиненное пространство сжигания имеет такую длину, что кислород, подаваемый в него из отверстия подачи кислорода, полностью расходуется посредством окисления или сжигания с топливом, подаваемым из отверстия подачи топлива, только в удлиненном пространстве сжигания после воспламенения горелки. Затем несгоревшее топливо и молекулы НО и/или молекулы СО, образовавшиеся при реакции окисления в удлиненном пространстве сжигания, поступают в реакционное пространство восстановительного реактора, где только реакция восстановления молекул НО и/или молекул СОпроисходит при температуре выше 1200°С за счет теплоты, излучаемой горелкой. Технический результат заключается в получении синтез-газа экологически чистым образом. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил., 1 пр. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 678 680 C1 (51) МПК F23D 14/12 (2006.01) B01J 7/00 (2006.01) C10J 3/30 (2006.01) F23G 5/027 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F23D 14/12 (2018.08); B01J 7/00 (2018.08); C10J 3/30 (2018.08); F23G 5/027 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017143623, 25.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.01.2019 Приоритет(ы): (30) ...

20-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012143729A

... 1. Устройство для газификации с нижней тягой, включающее:продолговатый внешний резервуар,продолговатый внутренний резервуар, где указанный внутренний резервуар расположен внутри указанного внешнего резервуара, в результате чего образуется полость между указанным внутренним резервуаром и указанным внешним резервуаром,загрузочный механизм, включающий продолговатый корпус загрузочного механизма и подающее исходный материал устройство для перемещения указанного исходного материала вдоль указанного продолговатого корпуса загрузочного механизма,корпус газогенератора с внутренней поверхностью и внешней поверхностью,камеру сгорания,газоотвод имеханизм для выгрузки шлака.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором указанный корпус газогенератора отличается наличием оси и дополнительно включает верхний край, нижний край и множество щелей, расположенных вдоль указанного корпуса газогенератора, где каждая из указанного множества щелей отличается наличием верхнего края щели и нижнего края щели.3. Устройство по ...

22-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019125586A

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und Anlage zur Aufbereitung von Straßenaufbruchmaterial

Номер: DE102009025361B4
Принадлежит: EISENMANN AG

Es werden ein Verfahren und eine Anlage zur Aufbereitung von Straßenaufbruchmaterial beschrieben, das im Wesentlichen aus Splitt und pechhaltigem organischem Bindemittel besteht. Nach einer entsprechenden Zerkleinerung wird das Straßenaufbruchmaterial unter Zufuhr von Oxidationsluft bei einer Temperatur verbrannt, die 600°C nicht übersteigt. Das dabei entstehende Rauchgas wird gereinigt und dann in die Umgebung abgegeben. Der vom Bindemittel befreite Splitt wird der Wiederverwertung in einem vorzugsweise sehr nahe liegenden Asphaltmischwerk zugeführt.

28-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002967003D1

24-10-2012 дата публикации

A pyrosis process for harnessing energy from waste materials

Номер: GB0201216194D0

15-07-2015 дата публикации

Disposal of refuse

Номер: GB0002522041A

A domestic dwelling includes a thermal treatment unit 46 for processing waste produced in the dwelling wherein an output of the thermal treatment unit is connected to a combustor 48 for producing an energy output for the dwelling. The treatment unit converts the waste into a combustible material. Ideally, the thermal treatment unit comprises a plasma torch and converts the waste to syngas and/or oil such that the waste is treated by plasma gasification. The thermal treatment unit may include a shredder 54. The combustor may be a boiler or furnace and the energy output may be used to heat water or supply electrical power.

29-03-2000 дата публикации

Method and process for co-combustion in a waste-to-energy facilty

Номер: GB0000002871D0

27-04-2005 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for thermally removing coatings and/or impurities

Номер: GB0000506033D0

11-03-2020 дата публикации

Energy generation system

Номер: GB0002576972A

A heated gas generation system for generating heated gas from waste product, the system comprising: a gasifier which includes a primary chamber for receiving waste product and includes at least one air inlet and at least one gas outlet, wherein the gasifier is controlled, in a first mode of operation, to heat the waste product to extract syngas or synthetic gas from the waste product and deliver a steam of syngas through the at least one gas outlet, and subsequently , in a second mode of operation, following extraction of syngas from the waste product, to burn the waste product to provide a stream of heated gas and deliver the stream of heated gas through the at least one gas outlet, wherein the gasifier includes a burner for igniting waste product held in the primary chamber, and an air delivery unit for delivering air into the primary chamber through the at least one air inlet of the primary chamber, wherein the air delivery unit is controlled to cycle between first periods in which air ...

05-01-2011 дата публикации

Waste management system/method including pyrolysis and power generation

Номер: GB0002471462A

System and method of integrated waste management including sorting a combustible waste material from a recyclable material using a separator 3 (e.g. trammel, shredder) and drying the waste material in an airless (e.g. super-heated steam) drier 4 to produce a pyrolysis feedstock. The feedstock may be fed to a pyrolyser 5 to produce pyrogas and char, the char being fed to a gasifier 6 to produce syngas, the pyrogas and syngas being burned off in an oxidiser 7, generating heat to generate electricity in a steam turbine 9 for a local or domestic power grid 15. Excess heat generated by oxidiser 7 may be supplied to pyrolyser 5 or drier 4 and excess heat in turbine 9 may be transferred to a heat recovery unit 24 for use in drier 4.

24-04-2013 дата публикации

A Reactor for Processing Feed Material

Номер: GB0201304337D0

22-07-2009 дата публикации

Manufacture of charcoal

Номер: GB0000909772D0

15-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000305376A

15-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510686A4

Bei einem Verfahren zum Aufarbeiten von verbrauchtem kohlenstoffhaltigen Kathodenmaterial, insbesondere verbrauchten Kathodenwannen aus der Aluminiumproduktion, bei welchem das Kathodenmaterial einem Schachtofen aufgegeben und in dem Schachtofen zur Vergasung von Kohlenstoff einer thermischen Behandlung bei Temperaturen oberhalb der Zündtemperaturdes Kohlenstoffs und oberhalb der Verdampfungstemperatur von im verbrauchten Kathodenmaterial enthaltenen Giftstoffen unterzogen wird werden die Reaktionsgase in einem ersten Längsabschnitt des Schachtofens im Gleichstrom mit dem Kohlenstoff und in einem zweiten Längsabschnitt des Schachtofens im Gegenstrom zum Kohlenstoff geführt, wobei die Reaktionsgase aus einem Bereich des Schachtofens mit vergrößertem Querschnitt zwischen den genannten Längsabschnitten abgezogen und einer Nachbehandlung unterworfen werden.

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507174A1

In a method for preparing alternative, low-caloric hydrocarbon waste materials for use in furnace systems, in particular rotary kilns, for producing clinker, the alternative hydrocarbon fuels undergo high-temperature gasification under anoxic conditions at temperatures of greater than 1000° C, wherein water, steam or CO2 is injected in order to guarantee reaction to form CO and H2. The waste heat from a clinker cooler is used for the high-temperature gasification.

15-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000134698T

15-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: ATA99490A

15-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000184692T

15-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000154384T

14-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005505890A

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Afterburner for gas from gasification plant

Номер: AU2007261826B2

The present invention relates to an afterburner for gas from a gasification plant. The afterburner provides an optimal mixture of combustible gas and air, permitting an optimal reaction between the 02 in the air and the gas and creating a mixture ratio that enables the load on a burner to be regulated without altering the mixture ratio between air and gas. This offers the possibility of optimal combustion even during regulation of the burner, over the whole of the relevant regulating range. The result is extremely good combustion and reduced emissions of 02, CO and NOx.

17-09-2015 дата публикации

A pyrolysis process for decomposing rubber products

Номер: AU2010271568B2

The present invention relates to a carbonization process of rubber products such as shredded waste tyre and the like in a sealed carbonizing vessel (200) whose operating pressure is below atmospheric pressure and under controlled high temperature environment while continuously being moved in a defined path at a controlled speed thus enabling shredded tyre to be fed constantly into the vessel (200) while the by-products of the carbonization process are continually discharged.

03-03-2003 дата публикации

Thermal treatment apparatus and method

Номер: AU2002345182A1

04-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000583750B2

12-02-1998 дата публикации

Burner for treatment of waste resin in an incinerator

Номер: AU0003158497A

23-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002527662A1

An apparatus for gasifying solid organic fuel includes a refractory-lined oxidation chamber, fuel storage, a transfer connecting the fuel storage with an inlet into the oxidation chamber for transferring in an upwardly inclined direction the solid fuel from the fuel storage into the inlet to form an upwardly mounded fuel bed. An oxidant is supplied into the fuel bed to gasify the organic materials in the fuel to produce a gaseous effluent from the fuel bed, thereby leaving a residue of the fuel. The residue drops through an opening under the oxidation chamber onto a residue removal transfer. The oxidant is supplied through a plurality of perforated air distribution members extending across the fuel bed cavity in the oxidation chamber so as to introduce air into the interior of the fuel bed to thereby promote evenly distributed gasification, evenly distributed through the fuel bed.

04-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002734315A1

Solid fuel can be converted into a clean hot flue gas with a low content of volatile organic compounds (VOC's), NOx and dust, and clean ash with a low carbon content by means of a stage-divided thermal reactor, where the conversion process of the solid fuel is in separate vertical stages (from below and up): ash burn-out, char oxidation and gasification, pyrolysis, drying, and a gas combustion stage where gas from the gasifier is combusted.

09-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002761991A1

Pyrolyzing gasification system and method of use including primary combustion of non-uniform solid fuels such as biomass and solid wastes within a refractory lined gasifier, secondary combustion of primary combustion gas within a staged, cyclonic, refractory lined oxidizer, and heat energy recovery from the oxidized flue gas within an indirect air-to-air all--ceramic heat exchanger or external combustion engine. Primary combustion occurs at low substoichoimetric air percentages of 10-30 percent and at temperatures below 1000 degrees F. Secondary combustion is staged and controlled for low NOx formation and prevention of formation of CO, hydrocarbons, and VOCs. The gasifier includes a furnace bed segmented into individual cells, each cell is independently monitored using a ramp temperature probe, and provided with controlled air injection. Gasifier air injection includes tuyere arrays, lances, or both. The oxidizer includes three serially aligned stages separated by air injecting baffles ...

16-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002334638A1

08-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002568029A1

31-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002473743A1

A method and apparatus for providing a steam boiler/combuster (12) and gasifier (26) that uses a primary dirty fuel, such as waste materials, or high- polluting fossil fuels, and a secondary low-polluting fuel, such as biomass fuels for co~-generation of electricity while reducing harmful emissions. The primary fuel is burned in the combuster (16) to create steam in the steam boiler (14). The steam turns a steam turbine (18) thereby powering a first generator (22). The dirty exhaust (24) from the combuster (16) is scrubbed by a gasifier (26). The secondary fuel and oxygen are added to the dirty exhaust in the gasifier (26) creating gas and ash. The gas powers an engine (30) that turns a second generator (32) and releases a cleaner exhaust.

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008969A1

A combustion chamber (100) comprises an internally hollow tank (2) containing biomass to be combusted and gasified, air supply means (A) to supply air inside the tank (2), gas supply means (G) connected to a gas source to supply gas inside the tank, and valve means (70, 80) electrically connected to the control means (C) to control the air flow and the gas flow inside the tank (2).

23-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002545549C

... ²²²Pyrolyzing gasification system and method of use including primary combustion ²of non-uniform solid fuels such as biomass and solid wastes within a ²refractory lined gasifier, secondary combustion of primary combustion gas ²within a staged, cyclonic, refractory lined oxidizer, and heat energy recovery ²from the oxidized flue gas within an indirect air-to-air all~ceramic heat ²exchanger or extemal combustion engine. Primary combustiori occurs at low ²substoichoimetric air percentages of 10-30 percent and at temperatures below ²1000 degrees F. Secondary combustion is staged and controlled for low NOx ²formation and prevention of formation of CO, hydrocarbons, and VOCs. The ²gasifier includes a furnace bed segmented into individual cells, each cell is ²independently monitored using a ramp temperature probe, and provided with ²controlled air injection. Gasifier air injection includes tuyere arrays, ²lances, or both. The oxidizer includes three serially aligned stages separated ²by air injecting ...

04-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002660106A1

A process and system for oil-contaminated soil remediation and oil recovery from oil-bearing media such as oil-contaminated soil, different types of oil-bearing sludge's from oil producers, upgraders and refineries, oil shale, oil sands, and coal oil shale, oil sand s and coal includes (1) a portable or fixed twin thermal desorption unit with two rotating trundles in one stationary house, and (2) multiple co-combustion burners burning coal, scrap tires, used oils, sludge's containing high oil content, propane and natural gas to supply heat for the twin desorption unit, and (3) a suction fan to create a slightly vacuum environment, receive vapors and send them to (4) a cooling line with a heavy component condenser to condense heavy oils, a set of air cooling pipe to condense light oils and steam and a three-phase (gas/oil/water) separation tank to separate oil from water, and (5) a feeding line with a blender to break wet lumps and a crasher to break rocks presence in the raw material being ...

01-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002687250C

A method and apparatus to batch de-coat the organics in metal scrap, and/or gasify the organics from certain types of waste material (including bionnass, municipal solid waste, industrial waste, and sludge). The apparatus is suited for use on a batch tilting single entry rotary furnace (1) of the type used to melt the metal scrap in the aluminium industry. The apparatus uses a burner in the tilting rotary furnace but does not necessarily melt the metal scrap. It preferably operates below the melting temperature of the metal scrap (< 1400 F) and below the stoichiometric level (more specifically < 12% oxygen) to partially combust the organic in the tilting rotary furnace. The gasified organics depart the furnace in a complete closed circuit where no air is allowed to entrain into the flue gases. These organic filled gases (synthetic gases) are fully incinerated in a separate thermal oxidizer (5) where a stoichiometric burner (6) uses either natural gas or liquid fuel to ignite the synthetic ...

29-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002813062A1

A method and system for cost effectively converting a feedstock using thermal plasma, or other styles of gassifiers, into a feedwater energy transfer system. The feedstock can be any organic material, or fossil fuel. The energy transferred in the feedwater is converted into steam which is then injected into the low turbine of a combined cycle power plant. Heat is extracted from gas product issued by a gassifier and delivered to a power plant via its feedwater system. The gassifier is a plasma gassifier and the gas product is syngas. In a further embodiment, prior to performing the step of extracting heat energy, there is provided the further step of combusting the syngas in an afterburner. An air flow, and/or EGR flow is provided to the afterburner at a rate that is varied in response to an operating characteristic of the afterburner. The air flow to the afterburner is heated.

01-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002805386C

Char-handling processes for controlling overall heat balance, ash accumulation, and afterburn in a reheater are provided. Carbonaceous biomass feedstock is pyrolyzed using a heat transfer medium forming pyrolysis products and a spent heat transfer medium. The spent heat transfer medium is separated into segregated char and char-depleted spent heat transfer medium. The char-depleted spent heat transfer medium is introduced into a dense bed of heat transfer medium fluidized by a stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. All or a portion of the segregated char is combusted in the dense bed using the stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. A portion of the segregated char may be exported out of the pyrolysis system to control the overall heat balance and ash accumulation.

08-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002823494C

The present document describes a catalyst to initiate microwave pyrolysis of waste, a process for the microwave pyrolysis of waste using the catalyst, as well as a microwave pyrolysis system.

22-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002793104A1

The invention relates to chemical technology and equipment, in particular to apparatuses of processing of solid household and industrial waste, as well as other carbon-containing feedstock into combustible gasification gas and methods for pyrolysis and downdraft gasification process.

30-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002225594A1

La présente invention concerne une installation de valorisation énergétique de déchets urbains et assimilés comportant - un dispositif de broyage (1) des déchets dont les refus sont évacués, - un réacteur à lit fluidisé circulant (2) recevant les déchets broyés par une conduite d'alimentation et comportant un lit fluidisé dense latéral situé sur la paroi du réacteur comportant la conduite d'alimentation en déchets broyés, un conduit d'extraction des éléments lourds non fluidisables étant situé à la base de ce lit fluidisé dense latéral et amènant ceux-ci dans un dispositif trieur de grosses particules (3) refroidissant ces éléments et extrayant les matières inertes non fluidisables, les autres matières étant réintroduites dans le réacteur (2), - un agencement de récupération d'énergie et de traitement des fumées sortant dudit réacteur (2). Selon l'invention, au moins une partie desdits refus sont introduits dans ledit dispositif trieur de grosses particules (3).

14-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002309139A1

A fluidized bed gasification combustion furnace in which a gasification furnace and a combustion furnace are integrated with each other, and unburned char generated in the gasification furnace is burnt in the combustion furnace to use the resulting combustion heat for a heat source for gasification. The fluidized bed gasification combustion furnace (1) comprises a gasification furnace (3) and a combustion furnace (4), which are partitioned from each other by a first partition (2). In the gasification furnace (3), a swirl of a fluid medium is formed by diffusers (32, 33) disposed on the furnace bed, and a part of a rising flow enters the combustion furnace (4). The combustion furnace (4) is divided by a second partition (5) into a main combustion chamber (6) and a heat recovery chamber (7). In the main combustion chamber (6), a swirl of the fluid medium is formed by diffusers (34, 35) disposed on the furnace bed, and a part of a rising flow enters the heat recovery chamber (7).

15-08-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000612593A5

31-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000711812A1

Un brûleur combustibles gazeux, fluides ou pulvérulents, dans lequel on introduit trois composantes: un combustible (40); un gaz comburant (10), par exemple de l’air, et; un gaz inerte (20), par exemple des gaz issus de la combustion, de l’azote, ou de la vapeur d’eau. Deux composantes, par exemple l’air et le gaz inerte, sont mélangées entre elles (30) et propulsés par un ou plusieurs étages d’injection (95) disposés à des positions différentes relativement au mouvement du combustible.

15-08-2007 дата публикации

Procedure and device for the treatment of carbon-containing property.

Номер: CH0000696585A5

15-02-1999 дата публикации

Procedure for burning waste material under production of thermal energy.

Номер: CH0000689312A5

30-11-2010 дата публикации

Turbine fuel nozzle with Vormi with auxiliary guide vane.

Номер: CH0000701145A2

Ein System enthält eine Turbinenanlage. Die Turbinenanlage weist eine Brennkammer und eine Brennstoffdüse auf, die in der Brennkammer angeordnet ist, wobei die Brennstoffdüse eine in einem Luftströmungspfad (220) angeordnete erste Leitschaufel (176) und eine von einer Oberfläche (216) der ersten Leitschaufel (176) hervorstehende zweite Leitschaufel (222) aufweist, wobei sich ein Brennstoffströmungspfad durch die erste Leitschaufel (176) und die zweite Leitschaufel (222) zu einer Brennstofföffnung (188) in der zweiten Leitschaufel (222) erstreckt, wobei die Brennstofföffnung (188) in den Strömungspfad (220) hinein gerichtet ist.

30-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA200702070A1

Настоящее изобретение относится к устройству для термического удаления покрытий с материалов и/или сушки материалов с покрытием и/или с загрязнениями. Устройство содержит по меньшей мере одну опору, печь (10), установленную на каждой из опор и приспособленную для загрузки обрабатываемого материала. Каждая печь (10) может перемещаться между первым положением, в котором первая часть (4) печи, в общем, располагается выше, чем вторая часть (6), и вторым положением, в котором вторая часть (6), в общем, находится выше, чем первая часть. При использовании печь или каждая из печей (10) может циклически перемещаться между первым и вторым положениями с соответствующим перемещением материала внутри печи. Устройство включает в себя по меньшей мере один дожигатель (22), предназначенный для генерирования потока горячих газов, трубопровод для направления потока горячих газов в зону обработки печи и средства выпуска потока, предназначенные для возвращения газов по меньшей мере в один дожигатель. В результате ...

30-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201200847A1

29-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201290023A1

Предлагаются система (1) и способ комплексной утилизации отходов, предусматривающие использование источника (2) горючего отходного материала, сепараторной установки (3) для отделения горючего отходного материала от пригодного для вторичного использования материала, безвоздушной сушильной установки (4) для высушивания горючего отходного материала с целью получения сырья для пиролиза, пиролизной установки (5) для пиролиза сырья с целью формирования угля и пирогаза. Предлагаются система и способ генерации энергии, содержащие систему или способ утилизации отходов согласно изобретению и предусматривающие использование окислительной установки (7) для высокотемпературного окисления синтез-газа, получаемого из сырья для пиролиза, с целью генерации тепла для производства энергии.

30-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA200901390A1

Способ и аппарат для периодической обработки по удалению органического покрытия с металлолома и/или газификации органических веществ определенных типов отходов, включающих биомассу, городские твердые отходы, промышленные отходы и шлам. Аппарат может применяться для наклоняемой вращающейся печи периодического действия с одной точкой загрузки, относящейся к типу, применяемому для плавки металлолома в алюминиевой промышленности. В аппарате применяется горелка в наклоняемой вращающейся печи, но в нем не обязательно происходит расплавление металлолома. Он предпочтительно работает при температуре ниже температуры плавления металлолома (<1400° по Фаренгейту) и ниже стехиометрического уровня содержания кислорода (более конкретно <12%) и частично сжигает органические вещества в наклоняемой вращающейся печи. Газифицированные органические вещества покидают печь через полностью замкнутый контур, не допускающий проникновения воздуха в газы дымохода. Эти содержащие органические вещества газы (синтез-газы ...

30-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201170390A1

30-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200970034A1

29-06-1988 дата публикации

Treatment of waste and rotary kiln therefor

Номер: CN0087107033A

16-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002371506A

Procédé et dispositif pour améliorer la combustion in situ des gaz de pyrolyse dans un four. Le procedé et le dispositif selon la présente invention permettent de régler la température à l'extrémité côté brûleur du four. Ceci est accompli 1 en réglant la vitesse des gaz du brûleur et la vitesse de l'air in situ (ou d'un autre gaz contenant de l'oxygène), et 2 en effectuant la distribution de l'air in situ à l'extrémité côté brûleur du four de telle sorte qu'un nombre de Craya-Curtet d'au moins 0,2 et de préférence d'au moins 0,4 soit obtenu. Application à la pyrolyse de matières carbonées telles que des ordures municipales notamment, dans des fours rotatifs dans lesquels au moins une partie de l'énergie thermique pour la pyrolyse est obtenue par la combustion in situ des gaz de pyrolyse.

02-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002758748B1

08-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002937331B1

23-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002937329A1

La présente invention concerne un procédé de thermolyse de déchets industriels et/ou ménagers comprenant au moins une étape de séchage des déchets suivie d'une étape de thermolyse, et une étape de combustion des gaz issus de la thermolyse, produisant des fumées de combustion utilisées en partie lors de l'étape de thermolyse, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend une étape de régulation de la température des fumées de combustion. L'invention concerne également les moyens mis en oeuvre par ce procédé.

31-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002758747A1

La présente invention concerne une installation de valorisation énergétique de déchets urbains et assimilés comportant: - un dispositif de broyage (1) des déchets dont les refus sont évacués, - un réacteur à lit fluidisé circulant (2) recevant les déchets broyés par une conduite d'alimentation et comportant un lit fluidisé dense latéral situé sur la paroi du réacteur comportant la conduite d'alimentation en déchets broyés, un conduit d'extraction des éléments lourds non fluidisables étant situé à la base de ce lit fluidisé dense latéral et amenant ceux-ci dans un dispositif trieur de grosses particules (3) refroidissant ces éléments et extrayant les matières inertes non fluidisables, les autres matières étant réintroduites dans le réacteur (2), - un agencement de récupération d'énergie et de traitement des fumées sortant dudit réacteur (2). Selon l'invention, au moins une partie desdits refus sont introduits dans ledit dispositif trieur de grosses particules (3).par ...

15-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003002075A1

Le panier selon l'invention permet d'incinérer des déchets durant une durée supérieure à quinze minutes dans un incinérateur sans que les déchets ne soient fondus au préalable, notamment lors de leur insertion dans l'incinérateur. Le panier est constitué principalement d'une enveloppe (10) en fibre de verre : il est, de préférence, renforcé par une structure légère métallique (12) placée à l'extérieur ou à l'intérieur de celle-ci ou intégrée à celle-ci. Une anse de préhension (14) surmonte l'ensemble qui est rigidifié, en haut par un tube métallique (16) auquel est fixée la structure légère métallique (12) et par une base constituée d'une lèchefrite (18) fixé à la base de la structure légère métallique (12). Application à l'incinération des déchets toxiques.

06-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100774055B1

17-10-2006 дата публикации

camera support for treating system resìduospirolìticos

Номер: BR0PI0413811A

17-10-2006 дата публикации

sistema de tratamento de resìduos pirolìticos de velocidade variável

Номер: BRPI0413809A

08-03-2016 дата публикации

processo para a pirogaseificação de dejetos orgânicos

Номер: BRPI1010630A2

19-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012049400A1

The invention relates to a device for the conversion of a fuel comprising solid components, referred to as solid fuel, into a gaseous fuel. Said device comprises a zone (2) for pyrolysis of the solid fuel comprising pyrolysis means that make it possible to decompose said solid fuel into a pyrolysis gas and into a solid pyrolysis residue, referred to as coke, a zone (3) for combustion of said pyrolysis gas, different from the pyrolysis zone (2), comprising combustion means (31, 32, 33). The device also comprises means for circulating the pyrolysis gas from said pyrolysis zone (2) to the combustion zone (3). According to the invention, said combustion zone (3) is surrounded by said pyrolysis zone (2).

30-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012113826A1

In a method for processing used cathode material containing carbon, in particular used cathode troughs from aluminum production, wherein the cathode material is put into a shaft furnace and, in order to gasify carbon, is subjected to a thermal treatment in the shaft furnace at a temperature above the ignition temperature of the carbon and above the evaporation temperature of toxic substances contained in the used cathode material, the reaction gases are conducted cocurrent with the carbon in a first longitudinal section of the shaft furnace and countercurrent to the carbon in a second longitudinal section of the shaft furnace, wherein the reaction gases are drawn from a region of the shaft furnace having an enlarged cross-section between said longitudinal sections and are preferably subjected to an aftertreatment.

02-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008116993A1
Автор: MATEOS, David

The plant comprises means for carrying out initiation and ignition phases, including a generator (1) of hot gases of low oxygen content, upstream, a fan (2) to compress the hot gases in the lower part of the reactor (R), the reactor comprising a very tall column (5) the upper inlet of which has a temperature T3 below 65°C permitting the continuous charging and introduction of the biomass and, in the lower part thereof, a support and withdrawal grille (4) for the charge and, immediately below, a gas injection chamber (3) supplied by a generator and a mechanism for recovering treated product, the plant further comprising a thermal post combustion chamber (6) at the outlet for cold gas at temperature T3 at the top of the reactor column, a heat exchanger (7), a fan (8), a second heat exchanger (9), a vent (10), and connector ducts (11-12). The plant comprises another circuit arranged between the reactor (5) and the fan (2) defined by a compressor assembly (Ibis) which supplies air under pressure ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014068176A1

The invention relates to a method and apparatus for treating waste material including organic components and radioactive agents. According to the invention, the method comprising steps: the waste material including organic components and radioactive agents is gasified at temperature between 600 –950 ºC in a reactor to form a gaseous material; the gaseous material is cooled so that temperature is between 300 –500 ºC after the cooling; and solid fraction including radioactive agents is removed from the gaseous material in a gas cleaning step, in order to form a treated gaseous material. Further, the invention relates to a product gas.

19-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012009207A3

Char-handling processes for controlling overall heat balance, ash accumulation, and afterburn in a reheater are provided. Carbonaceous biomass feedstock is pyrolyzed using a heat transfer medium forming pyrolysis products and a spent heat transfer medium. The spent heat transfer medium is separated into segregated char and char-depleted spent heat transfer medium. The char-depleted spent heat transfer medium is introduced into a dense bed of heat transfer medium fluidized by a stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. All or a portion of the segregated char is combusted in the dense bed using the stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. A portion of the segregated char may be exported out of the pyrolysis system to control the overall heat balance and ash accumulation.

08-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005116524A1
Автор: STEIN, Peter

An apparatus and process for converting carbonaceous or other material with calorific value into high quality gas preferably to fuel a reciprocating gas engine for the generation of electricity. Wet fuel is delivered via conveyer (13) to fuel hopper (14). From the hopper the fuel is fed into the dryer (15) by a screw feeder. The dried fuel then is checked for size via a trammel (16) where the correctly sized fuel passes through and the oversized fuel goes onto the reject conveyer (22) where it is delivered for shredding. The correct sized dry fuel is transported via a conveyer (17). The fuel is then fed via a feed system, to avoid the ingress of air, into the gasifier (19) provided with an innovative internal vane configuration. The gas is cooled and cleaned in the gas quench unit (20).

21-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005066315A1
Автор: CANTEGRIL, Marc

The inventive wastes processing and recycling method for gasifying a wastes flow (FxE) in overheated steam involves a preliminary pyrolisis stage for delivering pyrolisis gases (103) and carbon-containing solid materials (101, 102) at the output which is followed by a stage (303) for pyrolysis gas steam cracking and a stage for gasifying the carbon-containing solid materials for delivering, at the output, a clean gas (Ge) for storing and recycling. Said gasification stage consists in transferring and injecting the carbon-containing solid materials and the pyrolysis cracked gases to a vertical saturated fluidised bed incinerator (301), said gases being used as fluidisation media in said furnace and the carbon-containing solid materials being mixed with the sand bed thereof. Carbon-containing wastes are air-gasified in an air gasification furnace (306) which supplies a hot sand (308) to the furnace (301).

16-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: WO1999064539A1
Автор: WILLEMIN, René

The invention concerns a pyrolytic oven comprising an airtight cavity (50), including an inlet interface for inserting waste in said cavity (50) and an outlet (54) for the gas stream resulting from pyrolysis. A combustion chamber (60) encloses the cavity (50), and a burner (80) has an inlet (84) connected to the cavity outlet (24) and an outlet (86) delivering a fuel gas into the combustion chamber (60). The cavity gas stream outlet (54) comprises at least a discharge duct (GA) comprising one first end connected to the cavity and a second end connected to the burner (80), the duct (GA) being capable of housing a coreless screw (117) for capturing at least part of the solid carbon-containing particles present in the gas stream resulting from pyrolysis and for rotating, under control, so as to send back into the oven cavity the captured particles.

18-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001004235A1
Автор: AHO, Yrjö

L'invention concerne un procédé et un appareil de réduction des décharges de gaz à effet de serre, en particulier du dioxyde de carbone. Les matières carbonées, le bois, certaines pièces de végétation, des produits obtenus à partir de ceux-ci, et notamment les déchets végétatifs et urbains peu adaptés à la production d'énergie sont traités d'une manière telle que la libération de dioxyde de carbone dans l'atmosphère soit réduite et sensiblement limitée. Ceci est exécuté de manière qu'une masse organique soit carbonisée par chauffage dans un réacteur de carbonisation (2) dans un volume sans oxygène ou à faible teneur en oxygène pour obtenir du charbon (20), dont la quantité est supérieure à 50 % de la teneur en charbon de la matière à masse sèche, et pour obtenir un mélange gazeux (30), duquel, après sa combustion et la récupération d'énergie primaire, au moins de la vapeur d'eau est condensée en eau et la chaleur libérée est exploitée sur la base d'un principe de contre-courant dans un ...

27-03-2008 дата публикации

Gasifier and Incinerator for Biomass Sludge Destruction

Номер: US20080072807A1
Автор: David R. Brookes

A device for gasifying biomass sludge having particle size less than 1 cm, and 20% to 100% solids content has a primary chamber, a fume transfer vent, a mixing chamber which accepts fumes from the primary chamber, and an afterburner chamber in fluid communication with the mixing chamber. A secondary burner produces an initial heating flame within a vertical portion of the afterburner chamber. A heat transfer chamber is in fluid communication with the afterburner chamber. Heated gases from the afterburner chamber cause heating of the heat transfer chamber. The primary chamber has a heat conductive floor superimposed over the heat transfer chamber so that conductive and convective heating of the primary chamber occur. At least one primary auger is located crosswise in the primary chamber between a sludge feed hopper and an ash hopper. The heat transfer chamber underlies the primary auger near the end at the ash hopper.

04-12-1984 дата публикации

Procedure for producing soluble cellulose derivatives

Номер: US0004486585A1
Принадлежит: Neste Oy

The present invention concerns a procedure for producing cellulose carbamate from cellulose and urea. To avoid alkali treatment of the cellulose used as starting material with a view to decreasing the degree of polymerization of the cellulose, the cellulose in web form is exposed to a radiation dose of preferably 0.5 to 10 Mrad from a radiation source, whereafter the cellulose is reacted with urea at elevated temperature.

30-05-2000 дата публикации

Feeding systems for a continuous pyrolysis and gasification process and apparatus

Номер: US6067915A

PCT No. PCT/GB96/02618 Sec. 371 Date Apr. 27, 1998 Sec. 102(e) Date Apr. 27, 1998 PCT Filed Oct. 25, 1996 PCT Pub. No. WO97/15640 PCT Pub. Date May 1, 1997A method of charging a pyrolytic gas-producing reactor with waste fuel wherein the waste fuel is forced into the reactor by a ram and wherein air is prevented from entering the reactor and pyrolysis gases are prevented from escaping from the reactor by means of an ablative seal which is positioned between the fuel and the ram and which is forced by the action of the ram on the fuel charge into the reactor whilst in sealing engagement with the internal walls of the reactor, the seal being made of a material which will resist the high temperature and chemical conditions in the reactor for at least as long a period as is required for the seal to perform its sealing function and which is thereafter thermally decomposed into products which are not detrimental to the pyrolytic process or to the pyrolytic gases produced by the reactor. Also ...

24-02-2005 дата публикации

Chamber support for pyrolytic waste treatment system

Номер: US2005039650A1

The inventive subject matter is directed toward a pyrolytic waste treatment system having a pyrolysis chamber supported in a manner that causes minimal movement or flexing of the chamber as the temperature of the chamber changes. Preferred solutions utilize support structures made from materials having low coefficients of thermal expansion, and structures adapted to allow chambers to expand and contract with temperature changes.

29-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120073185A1

The invention relates to a method of carrying out pyrolysis process in a pyrolysis reactor (4) for solid fuel to produce pyrolysis oil. The method comprises supplying solid fuel into a drying zone in the pyrolysis reactor (4) for removing moisture containing gases, drying the solid fuel in the drying zone and extracting the moisture containing gases re-moved from the solid fuel out of the pyrolysis reactor (4), passing the dried solid fuel from the drying zone to the pyrolysis zone of the pyrolysis reactor (4), pyrolyzing the dried solid fuel for separating pyrolysis gases from the dried solid fuel and conducting the pyrolysis gases from the pyrolysis reactor (4) to a condenser (8) for producing pyrolysis oil.

26-12-2007 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for the disposal of vegetable water and olive residues

Номер: EP0001870171A1

A method adapted for the disposal of olive residues originating from the processing of olives. In one embodiment, the invention also allows to dispose of the vegetable water originating from the processing of olives. The method is composed substantially of a combination of steps which, by means of the optional deoiling of the olive residue and subsequent pyrolysis and combustion of the residue, allow to achieve the disposal of a waste which currently is considered of no commercial interest, obtaining instead recycled raw materials that can be used in different fields of technology. For example, the method allows to produce activated charcoal, biodiesel and energy.

11-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000823590A1

Method and apparatus for producing superheated steam using heat generated through incineration of wastes in which boiler water is used that is pressurized so as to have a boiling point of about 200 to 320 °C, the heating of the boiler water being effected in a plurality of steps, at least two steps, in which the heating of the boiler water up to the boiling point is effected by chlorine containing thermal energy, and in which super-heating from the boiling point to a predetermined temperature to obtain superheated steam is effected by dechlorinated thermal energy, the method and apparatus being characterized in that the heating by the chlorine containing thermal energy is effected by using thermal energy obtained through combustion of pyrolysis gas that is obtained by thermal decomposition means for effecting a pyrolytic reaction by supplying wastes into a space containing a fluid medium having a temperature of 300 °C or greater, and in that the heating by the dechlorinated thermal energy ...

19-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000757773B1
Принадлежит: Bio-Oxidation Inc.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing of carbon-containing feed stock into gasification gas

Номер: US20120036778A1
Автор: Sergii Y. Stryzhak
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to chemical technology and equipment, in particular to apparatuses of processing of solid household and industrial waste, as well as other carbon-containing feedstock into combustible gasification gas and methods for pyrolysis and downdraft gasification process.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Dry Distillation and Gasification Typed Incinerator

Номер: US20120079970A1
Автор: Masamoto Kaneko
Принадлежит: Kinsei Sangyo Co Ltd

Provided is a dry distillation and gasification typed incinerator capable of saving time and fuels required for combustion aid. In a first phase when a waste material A stored in a dry distillation furnace 1 is ignited till a fire bed is formed, the dry distillation and gasification typed incinerator supplies air to the dry distillation furnace 1 through an air supply passage 13 . When the waste material A is in a continuous combustion state (a second phase), the oxygen supply to the dry distillation furnace 1 is switched from the air supply by the air supply passage 13 to the concentrated oxygen supply by an oxygen supply passage 15.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Waste management system

Номер: US20120145051A1
Автор: John Gerard Sweeney
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method of integrated waste management having a source of a combustible waste material, a separator for separating the combustible waste material from a recyclable material, an airless drier for drying the combustible waste material to generate a pyrolysis feedstock, and a pyrolyser for pyrolysing the pyrolysis feedstock to form char and pyrogas. The system and method for power generation may also use an oxidiser for the high-temperature oxidation of syngas generated from the pyrolysis feedstock to generate heat for power production.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

System and method for thermal chemical conversion of waste

Номер: US20120227680A1
Принадлежит: Dynamis Energy LLC

A waste-to-energy conversion apparatus comprising a primary combustion chamber capable of holding a load of waste, and the primary combustion chamber further comprises a heat source to heat the waste and generate a syn gas stream, grates, within the primary chamber, capable of supporting the load of waste during heating, a mixing chamber wherein the syn gas is mixed with additional combustion gas, a multi-chambered secondary combustion chamber for combusting the mixture of syn gas and additional combustion gas, and an energy extraction system for extracting the heat energy generated by the combustion of the mixture of syn gas and additional combustion gas.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Pyrolysis of Biomass

Номер: US20120324785A1
Принадлежит: Energy Environmental Ltd

A method of treating biomass material, particularly plant-derived biomass material, to produce pyrolysis thereof, comprising subjecting the biomass material to radio frequency electromagnetic radiation, e.g. microwave radiation, while the material is being agitated, under suitable conditions to produce a desired degree of pyrolysis.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Gasification melting facility

Номер: US20130319300A1

This gasification melting facility includes: a fluidized bed gasification furnace that generates pyrolysis gas by thermally decomposing waste and discharges incombustibles; a vertical cyclone melting furnace that includes a pyrolysis gas duct through which the pyrolysis gas is introduced; a pyrolysis gas passage that connects the fluidized bed gasification furnace with the pyrolysis gas duct of the vertical cyclone melting furnace; pulverizer that pulverize the incombustibles into pulverized incombustibles so that the particle size of the incombustibles becomes fine; and airflow transporter that puts the pulverized incombustibles in the pyrolysis gas passage, and separating metal contained in the pulverized incombustibles by a difference in specific gravity while conveying the pulverized incombustibles together with airflow. The pyrolysis gas and the pulverized incombustibles are melted in the vertical cyclone melting furnace.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Char-Handling Processes in a Pyrolysis System

Номер: US20130327629A1
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

Char-handling processes for controlling overall heat balance, ash accumulation, and afterburn in a reheater are provided. Carbonaceous biomass feedstock is pyrolyzed using a heat transfer medium forming pyrolysis products and a spent heat transfer medium. The spent heat transfer medium is separated into segregated char and char-depleted spent heat transfer medium. The char-depleted spent heat transfer medium is introduced into a dense bed of heat transfer medium fluidized by a stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. All or a portion of the segregated char is combusted in the dense bed using the stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. A portion of the segregated char may be exported out of the pyrolysis system to control the overall heat balance and ash accumulation.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Mobile Platform Biomass Harvester

Номер: US20160014961A1
Автор: Jason Force
Принадлежит: Individual

A mobile platform biomass harvester has a header, a biomass processor, a storage container, a guidance system, an engine, an electric generator, and a guidance system. The header harvests biomass. The biomass processor includes a shredder, a press, a dryer, and a densifier. The densifier compacts the biomass into a multitude of compressed biomass pieces. The storage container receives compressed biomass pieces from the biomass processor. The guidance system guides the mobile platform at a speed determined by the operating capacity of the mobile platform. The engine generates shaft power. The electrical generator converts the shaft power to electricity to power the guidance system.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049170A1

The invention relates to an apparatus for treating waste material including organic components and radioactive agents. In the apparatus the waste material including organic components and radioactive agents are gasified at temperature between 600-950° C. in a fluidized bed reactor to form a gaseous material. The gaseous material is than cooled in a water quenching device so that temperature is between 300-500° C. after the cooling. The solid fraction including radioactive agents is removed from the gaseous material in a in at least one filtration device. A gas scrubbing device then removes sulphur by scrubbing the treated gaseous material after the filtration in order to form a treated gaseous material. 1. An apparatus for treating waste material including organic components and radioactive agents to form a treated gaseous material , the apparatus comprising:a fluidized bed reactor configured to gasify the waste material including organic components and radioactive agents from the group consisting of resins, clothes, contaminated wood, and contaminated vegetable matter, wherein the radioactive agents are low-level and/or medium-level radioactive agents, using air at an air ratio greater than zero and less than 1 at temperatures between 600-950° C. to form a gaseous material,a water quenching device configured to quench the gaseous material to temperature which is between 300-500° C. after cooling by water quenching to form a cooled gaseous material,a gas cleaning device configured to remove a solid fraction by filtration carried out at temperature between 300-500° C. in at least one filtration device, including removing the radioactive agents, from the cooled gaseous material and to form a treated gaseous material, anda gas scrubbing device configured to remove sulphur by scrubbing from the treated gaseous material after the filtration.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one heat exchanger for cooling the gaseous material.3. The ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048559A1

The present invention is directed to an apparatus for domestic hot water and electricity production by the use of a natural organic fuel, the apparatus comprising a separated chambers pyrolysis furnace comprising: a) a pyrolysis chamber wherein the fuel is heated, substantially in the absence of oxygen at a temperature capable of causing pyrolysis of fuel; b) a combustion chamber of the pyrolyzed fuel, wherein the pyrolyzed fuel is burned in the presence of an air flux. The invention is also directed to an apparatus for the production of domestic hot water and electricity, which apparatus comprises: the above defined furnace; b) a heat exchanger connected to the exit of the exhausted gas, wherein domestic water is heated; c) a power generator connected with the exit of syngas, wherein syngas produced in the pyrolysis chamber is used as a fuel. 21250104020. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the furnace comprises an entrance for the organic fuel claim 1 , an entrance () for air claim 1 , an exit () in the pyrolysis chamber () for syngas and an exit () in the combustion chamber () for the exhausted gas.320. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein in the combustion chamber () it is present a probe for the measurement of oxygen concentration claim 1 , preferably a lambda probe.420. Apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the airflow inside the combustion zone () is regulated as a function of oxygen concentration.5. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the natural organic fuel is selected from pellet claim 1 , chips claim 1 , hazelnut shells claim 1 , sawing claim 1 , biomasses.61050. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the pyrolysis zone () consists of a cochlea claim 1 , and the syn-gas produced by pyrolysis is extracted through pipe () connected to an aspiration pump.72011401011. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the combustion zone () is fed by a star valve () claim 1 , and the exhaust fumes pipe () is connected to the pyrolysis zone () ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Pyrolysis systems

Номер: US20170081591A1
Автор: Frank Reed
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods are disclosed for pyrolysis of waste feed material. Some systems include a main retort and a secondary retort. Syngas is produced by pyrolysis in the main retort, and is then mixed with combustion air and ignited, in some cases to produce energy. Carbon char travels to the secondary retort and is exhausted from the system through an airlock.

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102131A1
Автор: OGRADY Seán

A pyrolysis waste-to-energy conversion system has a muffle furnace housing a rotating retort drum within the furnace and having an inlet sleeve and an outlet sleeve extending through inlet and outlet ends of the muffle furnace. A rotating retort drum drive applies rotary drive to the inlet rotating retort drum sleeves and an in-feed auger is within a tube within the inlet sleeve. An out-feed auger is within a tube within the outlet sleeve and arranged to deliver char and pyrolysis syngas to a char processing system and a syngas processing system. The inlet sleeve and said outlet sleeve are arranged to provide a gas seal to prevent air ingress or syngas egress to and from the rotating retort drum. A gas cleaning system has a cracking tower arranged to retain inlet gas at an elevated temperature for a residence time, and a gas quench and scrubber system. 1. A pyrolysis conversion system comprising:a muffle furnace,a rotating retort drum within the furnace and having an inlet sleeve and an outlet sleeve extending through inlet and outlet ends of the muffle furnace; a rotating retort drum drive applying rotary drive to at least one of said rotating retort drum sleeves,an in-feed auger within a tube within the inlet sleeve, and an out-feed auger within a tube within the outlet sleeve and arranged to deliver char and pyrolysis syngas to a char processing system and a syngas processing system comprising a cracking tower arranged to retain inlet gas at an elevated temperature for a residence time, and a gas quench and scrubber system,wherein the cracking tower comprises a mixing chamber linked with, and upstream of, a residence chamber, andwherein the mixing chamber comprises a burner for heat generation and an oxidant port arranged to mix and partially consume a portion of the gas as it passes through the mixing chamber.2. The pyrolysis conversion system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mixing chamber is linked to the residence chamber by a choke ring having a central ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Pyrolysis gasification apparatus for solid refuse fuel

Номер: US20210140633A1
Принадлежит: Korea Institute of Energy Research KIER

Provided is a pyrolysis gasification apparatus for solid refuse fuel. The apparatus includes: a superheated steam housing formed in a cylindrical shape and installed in a horizontal direction, in which superheated steam is injected into the superheated steam housing; a screw casing formed in a tubular shape extending from one end to the other end inside the superheated steam housing and installed in the horizontal direction inside the superheated steam housing, in which solid refuse fuel (SRF) is introduced into the screw casing; a conveying screw with a plurality of screw blades on an outer peripheral surface, the conveying screw being installed inside the screw casing in the horizontal direction and rotating to convey the solid refuse fuel; and a superheated steam supplier for supplying superheated steam into the superheated steam housing, in which the superheated steam may move through a movement pat.

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Oil and gas industry waste stream remediation system, method, and apparatus

Номер: US20180119949A1
Принадлежит: Plasma Tech Holdings LLC

A system comprising a plasma assisted vitrifier ( 8 ) configured to produce vitrified product. A feed pipe ( 4 ) can be fluidly connected to the plasma assisted vitrifier ( 8 ). The feed pipe ( 4 ) can be configured to deliver a feedstock into the plasma assisted vitrifier. A heated combustion air conduit ( 34 ) can be fluidly connected to the plasma assisted vitrifier ( 8 ). A spinning fiberizer can be disposed next to the plasma assisted vitrifier ( 8 ) and configured to receive the vitrified product ( 24 ). An emissions attenuation device can be fluidly connected to the plasma-assisted vitrifier ( 8 ) and configured to treat gaseous emissions generated by the plasma-assisted vitrifier ( 8 ).

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Waste-to-energy conversion system

Номер: US20190119588A1
Автор: Seán O&#39;GRADY
Принадлежит: Premier Green Energy Holdings Ltd

A pyrolysis waste-to-energy conversion system has a muffle furnace housing a rotating retort drum within the furnace and having an inlet sleeve and an outlet sleeve extending through inlet and outlet ends of the muffle furnace. A rotating retort drum drive applies rotary drive to the inlet rotating retort drum sleeves and an in-feed auger is within a tube within the inlet sleeve. An out-feed auger is within a tube within the outlet sleeve and arranged to deliver char and pyrolysis syngas to a char processing system and a syngas processing system. The inlet sleeve and said outlet sleeve are arranged to provide a gas seal to prevent air ingress or syngas egress to and from the rotating retort drum. A gas cleaning system has a cracking tower arranged to retain inlet gas at an elevated temperature for a residence time, and a gas quench and scrubber system.

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Thermochemical system and method

Номер: US20210164656A1
Автор: del Campo Bernardo

A thermochemical system & method may be configured to convert an organic feedstock to various products. A thermochemical system may include a solid material feed module, a reactor module, an afterburner module, and a solid product finishing module. The various operational parameters (temperature, pressure, etc.) of the various modules may vary depending on the desired products. The product streams may be gaseous, vaporous, liquid, and/or solid. 1. A thermochemical system comprising:a. an organic material feed module comprising a feed module conveying member providing motive force to move an organic feedstock from said solid material feed module; i. a reactor vessel positioned within a vessel shroud, wherein a reactor conveying member is positioned within said reactor vessel;', 'ii. a ventilation/combustion chamber defined as a space between said reactor vessel and said vessel shroud;', 'iii. a first horizontal section defining a first zone within said reactor vessel;, 'b. a reactor module comprisingc. a chimney engaged with said reactor module, wherein said chimney is in fluid communication with a portion of said ventilation/combustion chamber; i. a solid product conveying member;', 'ii. a solid product outlet; and,, 'd. a solid product finishing module comprisinge. an external heat source positioned adjacent said solid material feed module.2. A thermochemical method comprising the steps of:a. providing an organic material to an organic material feed module of a thermochemical system, said solid material feed module comprising a feed module conveying member providing motive force to move said organic feedstock from said solid material feed module;b. providing a first portion of thermal energy to said organic material via an external heat source, wherein said external heat source is positioned adjacent said solid material feed module; i. a reactor vessel positioned within a vessel shroud, wherein a reactor conveying member is positioned within said reactor vessel, ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172600A1
Автор: Cash James T.
Принадлежит: DUSTEX LLC

Methods and systems for oxidizing gas are provided. An example regenerative oxidizer is provided that includes a combustion chamber to heat gas present in the combustion chamber. The regenerative oxidizer also includes a first heat exchange media bed and a second heat exchange media bed. Each of the first heat exchange media bed and the second heat exchange media bed are in fluid communication with the combustion chamber. The regenerative oxidizer further includes two burners disposed within the combustion chamber to provide a total heat input to the gas present in the combustion chamber. At least one of the two burners is independently adjustable based on the airflow direction. 1. A regenerative oxidizer for oxidizing gas , the regenerative oxidizer comprising:a combustion chamber configured to heat gas present in the combustion chamber; wherein a gas pathway is defined by a flow of gas through the first heat exchange media bed and the second heat exchange media bed; and', 'wherein a first airflow direction along the gas pathway is defined in an instance in which an inlet feed of gas is provided to the first heat exchange media bed, and a second airflow direction along the gas pathway is defined in an instance in which the inlet feed of gas is provided to the second heat exchange media bed; and, 'a first heat exchange media bed and a second heat exchange media bed, wherein each of the first heat exchange media bed and the second heat exchange media bed are in fluid communication with the combustion chamber,'}two burners disposed within the combustion chamber configured to provide a total heat input to the gas present in the combustion chamber, wherein at least one of the two burners is independently adjustable based on the airflow direction, such that a greater portion of the total heat input is directed to the first heat exchange media bed in an instance in which the gas is in the first airflow direction and a greater portion of the total heat input is directed to ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207033A1
Автор: SHAH Kalpit

The invention provides a pyrolysis reaction system, the system comprising: a pyrolysis chamber comprising a feed inlet, a gas inlet and a product outlet, wherein the pyrolysis chamber is configured i) to receive a pyrolysable organic feed and an inert gas via the feed inlet and gas inlet respectively, ii) to pyrolyse the organic feed at a pyrolysis temperature to produce a carbonaceous pyrolysis product and a pyrolysis gas, wherein the pyrolysis gas will combine with the inert gas to form a gas mixture having a pyrolysis chamber pressure in the pyrolysis chamber, and iii) to discharge the carbonaceous pyrolysis product via the product outlet; a gas reactor configured to react the pyrolysis gas by combustion and/or carbon deposition at a gas reaction temperature and a gas reactor pressure; and a first partition defining a boundary between the pyrolysis chamber and the gas reactor, the first partition comprising a plurality of first apertures to provide fluid communication between the pyrolysis chamber and the gas reactor, wherein the pyrolysis reaction system is operable with the gas reactor pressure less than the pyrolysis chamber pressure such that the gas mixture flows from the pyrolysis chamber to the gas reactor through the first apertures, thereby providing at least a portion of the pyrolysis gas for reaction in the gas reactor. 1. A pyrolysis reaction system , the system comprising:a pyrolysis chamber comprising a feed inlet, a gas inlet and a product outlet, wherein the pyrolysis chamber is configured i) to receive a pyrolysable organic feed and an inert gas via the feed inlet and gas inlet respectively, ii) to pyrolyse the organic feed at a pyrolysis temperature to produce a carbonaceous pyrolysis product and a pyrolysis gas, wherein the pyrolysis gas will combine with the inert gas to form a gas mixture having a pyrolysis chamber pressure in the pyrolysis chamber, and iii) to discharge the carbonaceous pyrolysis product via the product outlet;a gas reactor ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170191656A1

A waste-to-energy conversion apparatus comprising a primary combustion chamber capable of holding a load of waste, and the primary combustion chamber further comprises a heat source to heat the waste and generate a syn gas stream, grates, within the primary chamber, capable of supporting the load of waste during heating, a mixing chamber wherein the syn gas is mixed with additional combustion gas, a multi-chambered secondary combustion chamber for combusting the mixture of syn gas and additional combustion gas, and an energy extraction system for extracting the heat energy generated by the combustion of the mixture of syn gas and additional combustion gas. 1. A waste-to-energy conversion apparatus comprising:a primary combustion chamber;a grate positioned within the primary combustion chamber, capable of supporting a load of waste;a heat source positioned to heat waste loaded upon the grate and generate a syn gas stream;a mixing chamber configured to receive the and mix the syn gas with a combustion gas;a secondary combustion chamber for combusting the mixture of syn gas and combustion gas, the secondary combustion chamber having a plurality of chambers including a first chamber with a first flow path thereto and a second chamber with a second flow path thereto, the first flow path being independent and separate from the second flow path;a gas manifold and an air manifold configured to enable the introduction of a supplemental gas and air into the secondary combustion chamber; andan energy extraction system configured to extract heat energy from the secondary combustion chamber.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first chamber includes at least one flow interrupter configured to lengthen the flow path through the first chamber.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the primary combustion chamber includes an induced draft fan configured to remove air from the primary combustion chamber to a pressure below atmospheric pressure.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Renewable combined cycle low turbine boost

Номер: US20170198634A1
Принадлежит: Plasma Tech Holdings LLC

A method and system for cost effectively converting a feedstock using thermal plasma, or other styles of gassifiers, into a feedwater energy transfer system. The feedstock can be any organic material, or fossil fuel. The energy transferred in the feedwater is converted into steam which is then injected into the low turbine of a combined cycle power plant. Heat is extracted from gas product issued by a gassifier and delivered to a power plant via its feedwater system. The gassifier is a plasma gassifier and the gas product is syngas. In a further embodiment, prior to performing the step of extracting heat energy, there is is provided the further step of combusting the syngas in an afterburner. An air flow, and/or EGR flow is provided to the afterburner at a rate that is varied in response to an operating characteristic of the afterburner. The air flow to the afterburner is heated.

19-07-2018 дата публикации

High-temperature pyrolysis incineration apparatus

Номер: US20180202656A1
Автор: Bok Joo Yang
Принадлежит: Shin Poong Co Ltd

A high-temperature pyrolysis incineration apparatus that forces external air to a combustion chamber while burning an incineration processing material injected therein at a high temperature within a combustion chamber is provided. The apparatus includes an air-supply tube disposed at the center of the combustion chamber, a fuel supply pipe installed at an upper edge of the inside of the combustion chamber, a punching plate disposed at the bottom of the combustion chamber, a stirring rod rotatably installed at an upper surface of the punching plate using the air-supply tube as a fixing shaft, a heat recovery device disposed outside of the combustion chamber, and a circulation pipe extending from a lid of the combustion chamber to the outside that returns to a location corresponding to an upper portion of the stirring rod at a wall of the combustion chamber via the inside of the heat recovery device.

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245791A1
Автор: LEE Sung joo

The present invention provides a hospital waste plasma incinerator that has a following features. It is composed of a main body having an inlet and a cap for opening and closing the inlet, a pyrolysis incinerator for receiving the hospital waste that is disposed in the interior of the main body and connected with the inlet, a plasma flame generator installed inside the main body and generating a plasma flame toward the pyrolysis incinerator, a complete combustion device which is installed in the main body and completely burns the smoke and the odor generated due to the incineration with a plasma flame of 1,500 to 3,000° C., a complete combustion exhaust device connected to the complete combustion device to exhaust the combustion gas, and the cooling device for cooling the combustion gas. 1. The hospital waste plasma incinerator has the following characteristics ,A main body having an inlet and a cap for opening and closing the inlet;A pyrolysis incinerator for receiving the hospital waste that is disposed in the interior of the main body and connected with the inlet;A plasma flame generator installed inside the main body and generating a plasma flame toward the pyrolysis incinerator;A complete combustion device which is installed in the main body and completely burns the smoke and the odor generated due to the incineration with a plasma flame of 1,500 to 3,000° C.;A complete combustion exhaust device connected to the complete combustion device to exhaust the combustion gas;And the cooling device for cooling the combustion gas.2. A hospital waste plasma incinerator according to has the following features.The plasma flams generator includes a waveguide, a microwave generator installed at a lower side of one side of the waveguide to generate a microwave, and a plasma flame torch provided at the other side of the waveguide. And, the plasma flame torch part includes a flame torch generating a flame of 1,500 to 3,000° C. and a swirl gas blowing device for sending a swirl ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180291274A1
Автор: Reed Frank

Systems and methods are disclosed for pyrolysis of waste feed material. Some systems include a main retort and a secondary retort. Syngas is produced by pyrolysis in the main retort, and is then mixed with combustion air and ignited, in some cases to produce energy. Carbon char travels to the secondary retort and is exhausted from the system through an airlock. 1. A method comprising:delivering a feedstock to a main retort that is disposed within a combustion chamber containing one or more burners;utilizing the burners to generate hot flue gases and thereby at least partially pyrolyze the feedstock, generating syngas; anddrawing the flue gases and syngas into a mixing chamber by applying a negative pressure to the main retort and combustion chamber.2. The method of further comprising:exhausting the flue gases from the combustion chamber through a flue gas relief duct having a first end in sealing fluid communication with the combustion chamber and a second end in fluid communication with the mixing chamber; andexhausting the syngas from the main retort through a syngas relief duct disposed within the flue gas relief duct, the syngas relief duct having a first end in fluid communication with the main retort and a second end in fluid communication with the mixing chamber.3. The method of wherein a long axis of the syngas relief duct is disposed generally perpendicular to a horizontal plane taken through a long axis of the main retort.4. The method of wherein a long axis of the flue gas relief duct is also disposed generally perpendicular to the horizontal plane. This application is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/365,633, filed Nov. 30, 2016, which is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/196,645, filed Jun. 29, 2016, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,534,175, granted on Jan. 3, 2017, which is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/105,832, filed Dec. 13, 2013, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,394,484, granted on Jul. 19, 2016, ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180313533A1
Автор: VAN DER VEKEN André

The invention relates to a burner for gaseous, fluid or powdery fuels, into which three components are introduced: a fuel (); an oxidizing gas (), for example air; and an inert gas (), for example gases produced by combustion, nitrogen or water vapor. Two components, for example, air and inert gas, are mixed together and propelled by at least one injection stage () arranged at different positions in relation to the movement of the fuel. 2. The burner of claim 1 , wherein said fuel comprises one or more of: hydrocarbon gas claim 1 , mineral oil claim 1 , solid fuel.3. The burner of claim 1 , wherein said fuel comprises gaseous and/or volatile products emitted by a pyrolysis furnace.4. The burner claim 1 , wherein said mixture of two components and the injection of the mixture into the third component takes place in an injector based on the Venturi effect.5. The burner of claim 1 , wherein said oxidizing gas is air and said inert gas is a part of the flue gases from the combustion claim 1 , the air being introduced under overpressure into a conduit of the oxidizing gas provided with a plurality of injectors claim 1 , wherein the conduit for the oxidizing gas is surrounded at least partially by an inert gas conduit claim 1 , equipped with injection stages opposite the injectors.6. The burner of claim 1 , in which said oxidizing gas is air and said inert gas is pressurized water vapor or a pressurized inert gas introduced into an inert gas conduit provided with a plurality of injectors surrounded at least partially by a conduit for the oxidizing gas claim 1 , equipped with injection stages opposite the injectors.7. The burner of claim 1 , wherein said oxidizing gas is air and said inert gas is pressurized water vapor or a pressurized inert gas introduced into an inert gas conduit provided with a plurality of injectors surrounded at least partially by a conduit for the oxidizing gas claim 1 , equipped with injection stages opposite the injectors.8. The burner of claim 1 ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180355255A1

The present document describes a catalyst to initiate microwave pyrolysis of waste, a process for the microwave pyrolysis of waste using the catalyst, as well as a microwave pyrolysis system. 1. A pyrolysis system which comprises: a waste inlet;', 'a fluid inlet for injecting a fluid into said reactor vessel; and', 'an internal coating to prevent accumulation of microwave reactive residues in said reactor vessel; and, 'a) a reactor vessel having'}b) a microwave source emitting microwaves within said reactor vessel.2. The pyrolysis system according to claim 1 , further comprising an anaerobic means for purging said reactor vessel of air.3. The pyrolysis system according to claim 1 , further comprising a temperature probe for measuring a core temperature within said reactor vessel.4. The pyrolysis system according to claim 1 , further comprising a microwave diffuser diffusing said microwave within said reactor vessel.5. The pyrolysis system according to any one of - claim 1 , wherein said internal coating is made from a refractory material.6. The pyrolysis system according to claim 5 , wherein said refractory material is chosen from a ceramic and a porcelain.7. The pyrolysis system according to claim 2 , wherein said anaerobic means is at least one of an inert gas or a liquid.8. The pyrolysis system according to claim 7 , wherein said liquid is liquid water.9. The pyrolysis system according to claim 7 , wherein said inert gas is at least one of argon claim 7 , nitrogen claim 7 , and steam.10. The pyrolysis system according to any one of - claim 7 , wherein said anaerobic means is provided to said pyrolysis system through said fluid inlet in fluid communication with said reactor vessel.11. The pyrolysis system according to any one of - claim 7 , wherein said fluid is chosen from an acidic solution claim 7 , said anaerobic means or combinations thereof.12. The pyrolysis system according to claim 1 , wherein said anaerobic means is a source of a vacuum.13. The pyrolysis ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Biomass auto combustion chamber

Номер: US20180372312A1

A combustion chamber has an internally hollow tank containing biomass to be combusted and gasified, an air supply to supply air inside the tank, a gas supply connected to a gas source to supply gas inside the tank, and valve or valves electrically connected to the control to control the air flow and the gas flow inside the tank.

27-03-2008 дата публикации

Gasifier and incinerator for biomass sludge destruction

Номер: WO2008034263A1
Автор: David R. Brookes
Принадлежит: Brookes David R

A device for gasifying biomass sludge having particle size less than 1 cm, and 20% to 100% solids content has a primary chamber, a fume transfer vent, a mixing chamber which accepts fumes from the primary chamber, and an afterburner chamber in fluid communication with the mixing chamber. A secondary burner produces an initial heating flame within a vertical portion of the afterburner chamber. A heat transfer chamber is in fluid communication with the afterburner chamber. Heated gases from the afterburner chamber cause heating of the heat transfer chamber. The primary chamber has a heat conductive floor superimposed over the heat transfer chamber so that conductive and convective heating of the primary chamber occur. At least one primary auger is located crosswise in the primary chamber between a sludge feed hopper and an ash hopper. The heat transfer chamber underlies the primary auger near the end at the ash hopper.

16-08-2007 дата публикации

Oil reconversion device for waste plastics

Номер: US20070187224A1
Автор: Takeki Yoshimura

An oil reconversion devices 1 a and 1 b for waste plastics which thermally crack a waste plastic Ro by heating it and converts a generated cracker gas Gr into oil by cooling it, equipped with a thermal cracking bath 2 which has a bath main body 4 placed inside a coil 3 . . . , induction-heats the bath main body 4 by feeding a high-frequency current through the coil 3 . . . , and thermally cracks at least a molten plastic Rd obtained from the waste plastic Ro to generate the cracker gas Gr, an injection port 5 through which the waste plastic Ro is injected, a feeder 6 which supplies the waste plastic Ro injected through this injection port 5 to the thermal cracking bath 2 via a forced or direct feeding means Ua or Ub without a bath, and an oil conversion processor 7 which cools and converts the cracker gas Gr generated by the thermal cracking bath 2 into oil.

06-04-2010 дата публикации

Oil reconversion device for waste plastics

Номер: US7691344B2
Автор: Takeki Yoshimura
Принадлежит: Individual

An oil reconversion devices 1 a and 1 b for waste plastics which thermally crack a waste plastic Ro by heating it and converts a generated cracker gas Gr into oil by cooling it, equipped with a thermal cracking bath 2 which has a bath main body 4 placed inside a coil 3 . . . , induction-heats the bath main body 4 by feeding a high-frequency current through the coil 3 . . . , and thermally cracks at least a molten plastic Rd obtained from the waste plastic Ro to generate the cracker gas Gr, an injection port 5 through which the waste plastic Ro is injected, a feeder 6 which supplies the waste plastic Ro injected through this injection port 5 to the thermal cracking bath 2 via a forced or direct feeding means Ua or Ub without a bath, and an oil conversion processor 7 which cools and converts the cracker gas Gr generated by the thermal cracking bath 2 into oil.

22-11-1994 дата публикации

Fluidized bed reactor and system and method utilizing same

Номер: US5365889A
Автор: John T. Tang
Принадлежит: Foster Wheeler Energy Corp

A fluidized bed reactor and system and method utilizing same for the combustion of waste fuels in which the reactor vessel is divided into three vessels. Waste fuel is introduced into the fluidized bed within one vessel where it is mixed with bed make-up material that is controlled to provide an ideal environment for the generation of pyrolytic gases. The fluidized bed material is pneumatically and gravitationally conveyed downwardly, and injected into a fluidized bed within the second vessel where the involatile organic material undergoes combustion in an oxidizing atmosphere. The bed material in the second vessel is pneumatically conveyed upwardly and divided into two portions, one of which is recycled back to the first vessel. The other portion of the bed material in the second vessel is circulated to a fluidized bed within the third vessel where heat is recovered. The bed material in the heat recovery vessel is gravitationally conveyed back to the second vessel to regulate the temperature in the latter vessel.

11-02-2021 дата публикации

Highly efficient and low-toxic method and device for pyrolysis of domestic wastes in rural areas

Номер: RU2742940C1

FIELD: chemistry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method and device for pyrolysis of domestic waste in rural areas. Device comprises an external pipe, a middle pipe and an internal pipe, which are arranged in series one into another, wherein inner pipe forms first channel for gaseous combustion products flow, space between inner pipe and middle pipe forms pyrolysis chamber, and the space between the middle pipe and the outer pipe forms a second channel for the combustion gases flowing. On outer surface of inner pipe there is an auger configured to push wastes along screw trajectory forward. A helical deflector is installed on the external surface of the middle pipe so that in the second channel the gaseous combustion products flowed along the screw trajectory provided by this screw deflector. Flow of high-temperature gaseous combustion products flowing through two channels transfers heat to pyrolysis chamber by heating waste therein; pyrolysis of said wastes is carried out through a pyrolysis chamber with auger.EFFECT: products formed during pyrolysis can be used, in particular, burnt, as a result of which high-temperature gaseous combustion products can be obtained, which can be used not only for drying wastes and pyrolysis thereof, but also in household, industry or agriculture.5 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 742 940 C1 (51) МПК F23G 5/027 (2006.01) F23G 5/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F23G 5/027 (2020.08); F23G 5/20 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020112696, 26.10.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 11.02.2021 17.11.2017 CN 201711147363.8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2477819 C2, 20.03.2013. RU 2616630 C1, 18.04.2017. CN 103589441 A, 19.02.2014. CN 204421013 U, 24.06.2015. CN 201277557 Y, 22.07.2009. (45) Опубликовано: 11.02.2021 Бюл. № 5 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Structural scheme and environmentally safe method of processing wastes and biomass to increase efficiency of generating electric power and heat

Номер: RU2616196C2

FIELD: ecology; waste processing and recycling. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method and structural scheme of environmentally safe processing of wastes and biomass to increase efficiency of electric power and heat generation. According to structural scheme of invention solid household and industrial wastes and biomass are loaded and crushed, then subjected to pyrolysis and gasification. Obtained pyrolysis gas is cooled, purified and carbon dioxide is extracted therefrom, then purified pyrolysis gas is compressed and stored along with synthesis gas, which are used to generate electric power and heat, and generated electric power and heat are supplied to external consumers. Heat formed when cooling pyrolysis gas is then used to generate additional electric power. During pyrolysis and gasification there is melting and formation of basalt-like slag, which is processed and used to produce heat-insulating materials or granulated slag. Carbon dioxide, extracted from exhaust gases formed during production of electric power and heat, is compressed, stored together with carbon dioxide extracted from pyrolysis gas, and after distribution and dispensing, on one side, is supplied as plasma-forming gas into plasmatrons, on other side, is used for production of commercial products from carbon dioxide for external consumers, on third side is used as a feed medium for growth of algae. Seed material is loaded and algae is grown using sources of light and heat and carbon dioxide. Produced biodiesel is cleaned, stored and simultaneously with purified pyrolysis gas is used to produce electric power and heat, and biomass squeeze is returned to beginning of process. Biomass and oil from algae obtained when producing liquid biofuel, as commercial positions, are supplied to external consumers. Furthermore, in order to expand range of processed wastes simultaneously with beginning of process, coal dust is loaded, then synthesis gas is generated using heat, followed by compression of ...

20-07-2011 дата публикации

Procedure and device for treatment of waste

Номер: RU2424468C2

FIELD: oil and gas production. SUBSTANCE: procedure for treatment of waste consists in: stage of gasification corresponding to treatment of waste in installation for gasification at presence of oxygen and steam for production of end gas and solid coal material not suspended in end gas and in stage of plasma treatment corresponding to plasma processing end gas and solid coal material not suspended in end gas in installation for plasma treatment at presence of oxygen and, by choice, of steam. Also, the installation for plasma treatment is separated from installation of gasification. EFFECT: production of burning gas with low content of suspended particles, resin gaseous hydrocarbons and other harmful substances. 43 cl, 5 dwg, 6 tbl, 2 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 424 468 (13) C2 (51) МПК F23G 5/027 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2008103121/03, 29.06.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.06.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭДВАНСТ ПЛАЗМА ПАУЭР ЛИМИТЕД (GB) 2 4 2 4 4 6 8 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.08.2009 Бюл. № 22 2 4 2 4 4 6 8 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ЕР 0952393 A1 (KABUSHIKI KAISHA KOBE SEIKO SHO), 27.10.1999. JP 2003-147373 A (ISHIDA MICHIO, et.al.), 21.05.2003. US 6021723 A (JOHN A. VALLOMY), 08.02.2000. WO 2004/060587 A1 (INTERNATIONAL WASTE INDUSTRIES LIMITED), 22.07.2004. GB 1551020 A (REFUSE DERIVED FUELS LTD), 22.08.1979. Биомасса как источник энергии, под ред. Соуфера С. и др. - М.: (см. прод.) C 2 C 2 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2011 Бюл. № 20 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 29.01.2008 (86) Заявка PCT: GB 2006/002409 (29.06.2006) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2007/000607 (04.01.2007) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. Е.И.Емельянову, рег.№ 174 (54) СПОСОБ И УСТРОЙСТВО ...

06-12-1977 дата публикации

Gas purification method and apparatus

Номер: US4061476A
Принадлежит: Individual

Pulverulent solid sorption agent is injected into a stream of noxious-contaminant-containing gas subjected to intensive turbulence and then separated from the gas. The solid sorption agent is optionally reused until exhausted, or purified before reuse. Apparatus is provided for the process.

10-07-2015 дата публикации

Method and device for processing of wastes

Номер: RU2554970C2

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to disposal of, particularly, municipal waste. Waste processing process for production of synthesis-gas comprises the step of pyrolysis. This step includes processing of wastes in pyrolysis unit to get the offgas and solid coal material not suspended in said offgas. This process comprises plasma processing step consisting in plasma processing of off gas and solid coal material at plasma processing unit in the presence of oxygen and, if required, steam. Note here that said plasmas processing unit is separated from pyrolysis plant. EFFECT: decreased amount of solid wastes and harmful materials in processed gases. 15 cl, 5 dwg, 6 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 554 970 C2 (51) МПК F23G 5/027 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011100145/03, 11.01.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.06.2006 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭДВАНСТ ПЛАЗМА ПАУЭР ЛИМИТЕД (GB) (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2015 Бюл. № 19 2 5 5 4 9 7 0 R U 2004060587 A1, 22.07.2004. БЕРНАДИНЕР М.Н. и др., Огневая переработка и обезвреживание промышленных отходов, Москва, "Химия", 1990, с.18,19. JP 2003147373 A, 21.05.2003 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ И УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОБРАБОТКИ ОТХОДОВ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к способу обработки получения отходящего газа и не взвешенного в отходов, особенно городских отходов. отходящем газе твердого угольного материала, Техническим результатом является уменьшение и стадию плазменной обработки, содержащую количества твердых отходов, которые плазменную обработку отходящего газа и не получаются в результате процесса обработки взвешенного в отходящем газе твердого отходов, а также уменьшение количества опасных угольного материала в установке для плазменной материалов в ...

05-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN109579017A
Принадлежит: Individual


07-01-2011 дата публикации

scrapped material thermal resolution system and method thereof

Номер: KR101006224B1
Автор: 구재완
Принадлежит: 구재완

본 발명은 가연성 폐기물의 열분해시스템 및 열분해방법을 개시한다. 본 발명은 가연성 폐기물이 투입되는 메인호퍼를 구비하며, 상기 메인호퍼를 통해 투입되는 폐기물을 이송, 용융 및 기화시키는 열분해스크류가 회전 가능하게 설치되는 열분해기 몸체; 상기 열분해기 몸체의 외측에 설치되어 고온 및 저산소 상태의 분위기를 유지하여 폐기물을 간접 가열에 의해 연속적으로 열분해시키는 열분해실; 상기 열분해실의 일측에 마련되며, 열분해기 몸체로 이송되는 폐기물을 열분해시키는 열원으로서 이용하도록 폐기물의 열분해시 발생되는 열분해가스 중 비응축가스를 연소시켜 상기 열분해실에 열을 공급하는 연소실을 포함한다. 가연성 폐기물, 건조수단, 건조실, 건조스크류, 열분해수단, 열분해실, 열분해스크류 The present invention discloses a pyrolysis system and pyrolysis method of flammable waste. The present invention has a main hopper into which flammable waste is introduced, and a pyrolysis body rotatably installed with a pyrolysis screw for transporting, melting, and vaporizing waste introduced through the main hopper; A pyrolysis chamber installed outside the pyrolyzer body to maintain a high temperature and low oxygen atmosphere to continuously pyrolyze the waste by indirect heating; It is provided on one side of the pyrolysis chamber, and includes a combustion chamber for supplying heat to the pyrolysis chamber by burning the non-condensing gas of the pyrolysis gas generated during the pyrolysis of the waste to use as a heat source for pyrolyzing the waste transported to the pyrolysis body. . Flammable waste, drying means, drying chamber, drying screw, pyrolysis means, pyrolysis chamber, pyrolysis screw

27-12-2014 дата публикации

Method of enrichment of alternative, carbon-containing, low calorie wastes for use in furnace plants

Номер: RU2536719C2
Принадлежит: Холсим Технологи Лтд

FIELD: heating. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method of enrichment of alternative, carbon-containing, low calorie wastes for the production of synthesis gas for use in furnace plants. The method comprises the high temperature gasification of alternative fuel under conditions preventing oxidation, at temperatures above 1000°C. And water, water steam or CO 2 is supplied through nozzles, thus providing recovery of CO and H 2 . For high-temperature gasification the waste heat of a clinker cooler is used, through a heat exchanger, which is used as double walls of a rotary tube furnace or heat-resistant heat accumulators, which is mixed with the heated fuel. As the heat-resistant heat accumulators used are, for example, sand or ceramic particles. The heat-resistant heat accumulators are additionally used as a partial amount of the clinker supplied into the clinker cooler. EFFECT: reduction of the thermal and operational load when effective fuel combustion and improvement of the quality of the fuel gas. 8 cl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 536 719 C2 (51) МПК C04B 7/44 (2006.01) F23G 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011109262/03, 10.08.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.08.2009 (72) Автор(ы): ЭРНСТ Франк (CH), ОБРИСТ Алберт (CH) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ХОЛСИМ ТЕХНОЛОГИ ЛТД (CH) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.09.2012 Бюл. № 26 R U 14.08.2008 AT A1274/2008 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2014 Бюл. № 36 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 14.03.2011 C 2 C 2 4391612 A, 05.07.1983. RU 2209790 C2, 10.08.2003. RU 2047650 C1, 10.11.1995. RU 2111427 C1, 20.05.1998. SU 1620429 A1, 15.01.1991. RU 2006135148 A, 20.06.2008. RU 2006129935 A, 19.01.2005. DE 3320670 A1, 13.12.1984. JP 01-121617 A, 15.05.1989 (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2009/006490 (10.08.2009) 2 5 3 6 7 1 9 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U 2 ...

22-04-2003 дата публикации

Methods and systems for safely processing hazardous waste

Номер: US6551563B1
Принадлежит: Vanguard Research Inc

The safe operation of pyrolytic-based, hazardous waste processing systems is accomplished by rapidly controlling an oxygen to product gas ratio and pressures within such systems.

20-04-2008 дата публикации

Method and device for processing condensed fuel

Номер: RU2322641C2

FIELD: processing of condensed fuels. SUBSTANCE: method comprises charging fuel into the cylindrical reactor, supplying the oxygen-containing gasifying agent to the reactor from the side of reactor where the solid products of processing are collected, setting the fuel charged in motion along the axis of the reactor, discharging solid products of processing from the reactor, discharging the drying products from the reactor, and pyrolysis and combustion of gas product so that the fuel is gasified in the heating and drying zone, pyrolysis zone, combustion (oxidation) zone, and cooling zone. The gas is filtered by flowing though the layer of the charged fuel, thus flowing through the cooling zone, combustion zone, pyrolysis zone, and zone of heating and drying in series. The burning is stabilized by means of rotation of the reactor around its axis inclined to horizon under an angle from 22 to 65°. The device for processing of condensed fuel is also presented. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency. 12 cl, 1 dwg, 1 ex ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2 322 641 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ F23G 5/027 (2006.01) F23G 5/20 (2006.01) F27B 7/00 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2006114599/03, 02.05.2006 (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 02.05.2006 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.11.2007 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.04.2008 Áþë. ¹ 11 C 2 2 3 2 2 6 4 1 Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 142432, Ìîñêîâñêà îáë., ã. ×åðíîãîëîâêà, ïðêò Àêàä. Ñåìåíîâà, 1, äèðåêòîðó ÈÏÕÔ ÐÀÍ, àêàäåìèêó Ñ.Ì. Àëäîøèíó C 2 R U (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): Íåêîììåð÷åñêà îðãàíèçàöè Ó÷ðåæäåíèå Èíñòèòóò ïðîáëåì õèìè÷åñêîé ôèçèêè Ðîññèéñêîé àêàäåìèè íàóê (ñòàòóñ ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî ó÷ðåæäåíè (ÈÏÕÔ ÐÀÍ) (RU) (54) ÑÏÎÑÎÁ ÏÅÐÅÐÀÁÎÒÊÈ ÊÎÍÄÅÍÑÈÐÎÂÀÍÍÎÃÎ ÃÎÐÞ×ÅÃÎ ÏÓÒÅÌ ÃÀÇÈÔÈÊÀÖÈÈ È ÓÑÒÐÎÉÑÒÂÎ ÄËß ÅÃÎ ÎÑÓÙÅÑÒÂËÅÍÈß (57) Ðåôåðàò: Èçîáðåòåíèå îòíîñèòñ ê ìåòîäàì ïåðåðàáîòêè êîíäåíñèðîâàííûõ òîïëèâ, â òîì ÷èñëå òâåðäûõ ãîðþ÷èõ îòõîäîâ, ïóòåì ...

03-01-1995 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for thermal cleaning of articles

Номер: KR950001256A

본 발명은 공간(3)내로 위치되고 제거될 재료가 열분해 되는 온도까지 가열되는 세정될 물품(4)를 열적 세정하는, 특히 금속제 물품(4)로부터 플라스틱과 같은 재료를 제거하기 위한 방법에 관한 것으로, 세정될 물품(4)의 온도는 측정 공간(7), 특히 작업물 아래에 위치되어 용융된 플라스틱을 수집하는데 또한 사용되는 수용부(9)내에 위치된 온도 감지기에 의해 제어되는 것을 특징으로 한다.

10-08-2014 дата публикации

Method of organic waste gasification and device for its realisation

Номер: RU2524909C2
Принадлежит: Протергоу Инк.

Изобретение относится к переработке отходов и газификации органического материала. Техническим результатом является повышение производительности устройства. Устройство включает камеру газификации с регулируемым вводом технологического воздуха и выводом сырого синтез-газа, камеру сжигания, обеспечивающую технологическое тепло в указанной первичной камере газификации, содержащую первичную горелку, подачу сырого синтез-газа и регулируемый ввод воздуха сжигания для сжигания указанного сырого синтез-газа, и скруббер для очистки охлажденного отработавшего газа из указанной камеры сжигания, температурный датчик для измерения температуры указанного отработавшего газа до охлаждения, и регулятор для приведения в действие указанной первичной горелки, когда температура указанного отработавшего газа служит признаком температуры повышенного риска образования диоксинов. 2 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 524 909 C2 (51) МПК F23G 5/50 (2006.01) B09B 3/00 (2006.01) C10J 3/00 (2006.01) B01D 53/34 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011146548/03, 19.04.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.04.2010 (72) Автор(ы): ЦАНТРИЗОС Панайотис (CA), ЛАВИНЬ Стефан (CA) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ПРОТЕРГОУ ИНК. (CA) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.05.2013 Бюл. № 15 R U 17.04.2009 US 61/170,228 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2014 Бюл. № 22 2008151436 A1, 18.12.2008 . JP 2008039365 A, 21.02.2008 . BY 9767 C1, 30.10.2007 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 17.11.2011 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 2 4 9 0 9 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6746497 B1, 08.06.2004. WO 2 5 2 4 9 0 9 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: C 2 C 2 CA 2010/000545 (19.04.2010) WO 2010/118513 (21.10.2010) Адрес для переписки: 109012, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент" (54) СПОСОБ ГАЗИФИКАЦИИ ОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ ОТХОДОВ И ...

06-02-2018 дата публикации

method for performing pyrolysis and pyrolysis apparatus

Номер: BRPI1011095A2
Автор: Jokela Pekka, LEHTO JANI
Принадлежит: METSO POWER OY, Upm Kymmene Corp

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Refuse Plastic Fuel Incinerator

Номер: KR101513877B1
Автор: 위계대
Принадлежит: 에스지티(주)

A waste plastic fuel incinerator is provided to use combustion gas generated while burning plastic fuel without using a separate subsidiary fuel, to allow continuous combustion continuous, and to reduce incineration costs. The waste plastic fuel incinerator comprises: an incinerator housing having a gas outlet through which combustion gas is discharged; a fuel supply unit that transfers and supplies waste plastic fuel; a first combustion unit that continuously transfers and burns the supplied waste plastic fuel; a first air supply unit that supplies air needed for combustion to the first combustion unit; a combustion gas inducing unit that induces the combustion gas generated from the first combustion unit to the bottom of the first combustion chamber; a second combustion unit which is placed at the bottom of the first combustion unit and has a top-down spray nozzle unit that sprays from top to bottom in order to reburn the combustion gas supplied through the combustion inducing unit; and a second air supply unit which is placed at the bottom of the second combustion unit and supplies the air needed for combustion to the second combustion unit by spraying it from bottom to top.

19-05-2020 дата публикации

Efficient low-pollution rural garbage pyrolysis method and device

Номер: CN107741017B


25-07-1995 дата публикации

Method of treatment of activated sludge

Номер: RU2040490C1
Автор: Айхер Макс
Принадлежит: Айхер Макс

FIELD: treatment of activated sludge. SUBSTANCE: activated sludge is disinfected and rendered harmless in successively performed stages: drying, anaerobic treatment at a temperature of 250 to 350 C and roasting at a temperature of at least 1250 C; it is suggested to carry out all stages, including the conveying of treated material, in the conditions of continuous flow, the treatment stages to be carried in succession make up a closed cycle. Removed from this system are vapor in the drying stage, conversion gas in the anaerobic treatment stage, after which these waste products get condensed. Heat contained in flue gases formed in the process of roasting is used first for heating the anaerobic treatment stage and then- the drying stage. Due to the use of flue gases for heating the treatment stages in succession of natural temperature drop, it becomes possible to treat the activated sludge without any use energy from without, i.e. consumption of energy required for treatment of activated sludge is almost completely satisfied by the heat of combustion of organic components of activated sludge. EFFECT: no injury to environment due to treatment of activated sludge in a closed cycle. 12 cl, 3 dwg ОбБбУ0УО0сС ПЧ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ ЗВО”” 2040 490‘ (51) МПК 13) Сл С 02 Е 11/18 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 5001263/26, 20.08.1991 (30) Приоритет: 01.09.1990 ЕР 90116810.4 (46) Дата публикации: 25.07.1995 (56) Ссылки: Европейский патент М 0347808, кл. С О2Е 11/10, 1989. (71) Заявитель: Макс Айхер[ОЕ] (72) Изобретатель: Макс Айхер[ОЕ] (73) Патентообладатель: Макс Айхер[ОЕ] (54) СПОСОБ ОБРАБОТКИ АКТИВНОГО ИЛА И УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ ЕГО ОСУЩЕСТВЛЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к способу обработки активного ила. При обработке активного ила, заключающейся в его обеззараживании и обезвреживании, осуществляемой на — последовательно проводимых стадиях, а именно сушка, анаэробная обработка при температуре ...

23-08-2016 дата публикации

Char-handling processes in a pyrolysis system

Номер: US9422478B2
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

Char-handling processes for controlling overall heat balance, ash accumulation, and afterburn in a reheater are provided. Carbonaceous biomass feedstock is pyrolyzed using a heat transfer medium forming pyrolysis products and a spent heat transfer medium. The spent heat transfer medium is separated into segregated char and char-depleted spent heat transfer medium. The char-depleted spent heat transfer medium is introduced into a dense bed of heat transfer medium fluidized by a stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. All or a portion of the segregated char is combusted in the dense bed using the stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. A portion of the segregated char may be exported out of the pyrolysis system to control the overall heat balance and ash accumulation.

06-08-2013 дата публикации

Char-handling processes in a pyrolysis system

Номер: US8499702B2
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

Char-handling processes for controlling overall heat balance, ash accumulation, and afterburn in a reheater are provided. Carbonaceous biomass feedstock is pyrolyzed using a heat transfer medium forming pyrolysis products and a spent heat transfer medium. The spent heat transfer medium is separated into segregated char and char-depleted spent heat transfer medium. The char-depleted spent heat transfer medium is introduced into a dense bed of heat transfer medium fluidized by a stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. All or a portion of the segregated char is combusted in the dense bed using the stream of oxygen-containing regeneration gas. A portion of the segregated char may be exported out of the pyrolysis system to control the overall heat balance and ash accumulation.

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015119131A

1. Структурная схема экологически безопасной переработки отходов и биомассы для повышения эффективности производства электроэнергии и тепла, в которой содержится блок плазменной переработки отходов и биомассы (54), содержащий первый вход утилизации твердых коммунальных и твердых промышленных отходов (1) и второй вход утилизации биомассы (2), которые также являются первым и вторым входами устройства загрузки и измельчения отходов (3); блок плазменной переработки отходов и биомассы (54) также содержит, по крайней мере, один плазменный конвертер (4), одно устройство очистки пиролизного газа (6), первое устройство компримирования (8), первый газгольдер (9); по крайней мере, один выход устройства загрузки и измельчения отходов (3) подключен к первому входу, по крайней мере, одного плазменного конвертера (4); второй выход, по крайней мере, одного плазменного конвертера (4) подключен к входу блока переработки базальтоподобного шлака (13); выход первого устройства компримирования (8) соединен с первым входом первого газгольдера (9); выход первого газгольдера (9) является также вторым выходом блока плазменной переработки отходов и биомассы (54), который связан со вторым входом топливного регулятора (25) парогазотурбинного блока (56), который также является вторым входом парогазотурбинного блока (56); первый выход водогрейного котла-утилизатора (5) является также первым выходом тепла (А) блока плазменной переработки отходов и биомассы (54), который связан с третьим входом парогазотурбинного блока (56), который также является третьим входом котла-утилизатора (32) парогазотурбинного блока (56); парогазотурбинный блок (56) содержит, по крайней мере, одну газовую турбину (26), содержащую компрессор (27), РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2015 119 131 A (51) МПК F23G 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015119131, 04.03.2013 (71) Заявитель(и): ИНТ-ЭНЕРГИА КФТ. (HU), ОКФТ КФТ. (HU) Приоритет(ы): (30) ...

01-09-2017 дата публикации

A kind of indirect thermal cracking and lime-ash burning melting furnace and its processing method

Номер: CN107120656A
Автор: 周冲
Принадлежит: 周冲


03-09-2007 дата публикации

Gas Melting Furnaces Apparatus and Waste Disposal Progress by using Hydrogen-Oxygen Gas

Номер: KR100754932B1
Автор: 이창언
Принадлежит: 인하대학교 산학협력단

본 발명은 수소-산소 가스를 이용한 폐기물 가스화 용융로장치에 관한 것으로, 수소-산소 가스를 이용하여 석탄, 잔유사, 농산물, 슬러지 및 각종 폐기물을 용융시키고, 이 용융과정에서 발생된 연소 배가스를 냉각하여 수분을 분리한 후 집수된 수분을 버리거나, 이를 물분해 가스로 변환하여 재순환시킴으로써 상당한 열량을 갖는 가스를 포집하여 가스 연료로 재사용할 수 있도록 한 수소-산소를 이용한 폐기물 가스화 용융로장치를 제공하기 위한 것으로, 그 기술적 구성은, 각종 폐기물을 전처리하도록 이루어지는 폐기물 전처리장치와; 전처리된 폐기물을 압축하여 공기를 제거하도록 이루어지는 압축장치와; 압축된 폐기물을 열분해 가스와 탄화물로 분리하도록 이루어지는 열분해장치와; 그 하부가 2000℃이상 유지하여 폐기물 내의 가연분 및 불연물을 가스화 및 용융시키고, 그 상부가 1200℃이상 유지하여 합성가스의 개질 및 오염물질을 분해시키도록 이루어지는 가스화 용융로장치와; 공해물질의 생성을 방지하고 중금속을 포집하도록 이루어지는 냉각장치와; 상기 가스화 용융로장치에서 배출되는 가스를 정제하도록 이루어지는 합성가스 정제장치와; 상기 가스화 용융로장치에서 배출되는 폐기물의 불연성 물질을 배출하도록 이루어지는 슬래그 배출장치; 및 상기 가스화 용융로장치에 순수 수소-산소가스를 공급하여 폐기물을 용융/열분해 시키도록 이루어지는 수소-산소 연소장치가 포함되는 것을 특징으로 한다 The present invention relates to a waste gasification smelting apparatus using hydrogen-oxygen gas, and melts coal, residues, agricultural products, sludge and various wastes by using hydrogen-oxygen gas, and cools the combustion exhaust gas generated in the melting process. It is to provide a waste gasification melting furnace apparatus using hydrogen-oxygen that separates water and discards the collected water, or converts it into water cracking gas and recycles it to collect a gas having a significant amount of heat and reuse it as a gaseous fuel. The technical configuration includes a waste pretreatment device configured to pretreat various wastes; A compression device configured to compress the pretreated waste to remove air; A pyrolysis device configured to separate the compressed waste into pyrolysis gas and carbides; A gasification melting furnace apparatus configured to gasify and melt flammables and non-combustibles in the waste by maintaining the lower portion at 2000 ° C or higher, and to decompose the reforming and contaminants of syngas by maintaining the upper portion at 1200 ° C or higher; A cooling device configured to prevent generation of pollutants and to collect heavy metals; A syngas purification apparatus configured to purify the gas discharged from ...

11-01-2012 дата публикации

Be used to handle the method and apparatus of solid waste

Номер: CN102317687A
Принадлежит: Individual


11-04-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for gasification of organic waste

Номер: KR101725789B1
Принадлежит: 프로테르고 인코포레이션

가스화기는 기동 열원을 폐기물의 가스화를 구동시키기 위한 천연 합성가스와 혼합하도록 작동한다. 연소 연도가스는 다이옥신의 형성을 방지하기 위해 급냉 상태에 달할 때 까지 650℃ 이상 에서 유지될 수 있다. 과열은 열회수부를 통해 방출된다. 가스화기는 배, 아파트, 병원 및 주택과 같은 소형 시설물의 경우 소량 회분단위의 폐기물을 효과적으로 처리하기 위한 배치 모드에서 작동될 수 있다.

19-02-2021 дата публикации

Organic waste gasification treatment system and method

Номер: CN112377915A
Автор: 周沛, 张�荣, 李慷, 耿荐


23-11-2015 дата публикации

Processing apparatus for waste material including sludge

Номер: KR101571155B1

슬러지의 폐기물의 처리 설비로서, 시멘트 제조설비(200)에 인접하여 설치되고, 폐기물을 가스화시켜 열분해 가스를 발생시키는 유동상식 가스 화로(1)와, 상기 가스 화로에서 발생하는 열분해 가스를 숯과 회분을 함유한 상태로 상기 시멘트 제조설비의 시멘트 예열기(10)와 분해로(20) 사이로 수송수송 가스가스 통로(6), 및 상기 시멘트 제조설비(200)의 폐열을 이용하여 상기 가스 화로(1)에 제공되는 유동화 공기의 온도를 상승시키는 승온장치를 포함한다. 폐기물을 분해하는 유동상식 가스 화로(1)에서, 대량의 함수율이 높은 탈수 슬러지를 포함하는 폐기물을 가 처리하고, 유동층(1a)의 온도를 적절한 범위로 유지할 수 있다. A sludge waste disposal facility, comprising: a fluidized-bed gasification furnace (1) installed adjacent to a cement manufacturing facility (200) for producing a pyrolysis gas by gasifying a waste; a pyrolysis gas generated from the gasification furnace as charcoal and ash (1) using the waste heat of the cement manufacturing facility (200) and the transportation transport gas gas passage (6) between the cement preheater (10) and the decomposition furnace (20) And a temperature raising device for raising the temperature of the fluidized air provided to the fluidized bed. In the fluidized bed gasifier (1) for decomposing waste, waste containing a large amount of water-sludge having a high water content can be treated and the temperature of the fluidized bed (1a) can be maintained in a suitable range.

08-04-2008 дата публикации

Waste treatment process and apparatus

Номер: KR20080031152A
Принадлежит: 테트로닉스 엘티디

폐기물을 처리하기 위한 방법이: (ⅰ)(a) 상기 폐기물을 산소 및 스팀의 존재하의 가스화 유닛 내에서 처리하여 오프가스 및 차르를 생성시키는 단계를 포함하는 가스화 단계, 또는 (b) 상기 폐기물을 열분해 유닛 내에서 처리하여 오프가스 및 차르를 생성시키는 열분해 단계; 및 (ⅱ) 상기 오프가스 및 상기 차르를 산소 및, 선택적으로 스팀의 존재하의 플라즈마 처리 유닛 내에서 플라즈마 처리하는 단계를 포함하는 플라즈마 처리 단계를 포함한다.

14-07-1998 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing gas from waste and using the gas

Номер: JPH10185139A

(57)【要約】 【課題】 より低い温度で安定したガス化過程を達成す ることおよびそれと共に激しいスラグの形成を避けると 同時にスラグの熱分解コークスを避けながら良好な残留 物の燃焼を達成する。 【解決手段】 廃棄物質をガス化して燃焼させるための 方法において、廃棄物質が燃焼装置(1) に導入されて燃 焼火格子(6) に達し、燃焼火格子には種々の下火格子送 風室(8a 〜8e) を通って空気が供給される。第一の領域 で、空気を化学量論以上に供給して廃棄物質を燃え上が らせる。その後、下火格子送風室を経て、ガス化のため に役立つ空気に酸素が混合され、そのとき廃棄物質がガ ス化に至る化学量論以下の水準が調整される。そのとき 生ずるこの燃焼可能なガスが排ガス管(12)を経て第二の 燃焼装置(2) に達し、そこではガスが化学量論以上の燃 焼空気の供給により燃焼される。

20-12-2015 дата публикации

Pyrolysis method and pyrolysis device

Номер: RU2571638C2

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to chemical industry. The method includes feeding solid fuel into a drying area (4D) in a pyrolysis reactor (4) to remove wet gases; feeding the dried solid fuel from the drying area (4D) into a pyrolysis area (4B), arranged serially in a horizontal direction in the pyrolysis reactor (4); pyrolysis of the dried solid fuel to release pyrolysis gases and remove pyrolysis gases from the pyrolysis area. Wet gases, released from the solid fuel in the drying area and pyrolysis gases (6) released in the pyrolysis area are removed separately. Pyrolysis gases (6) are directed from the pyrolysis reactor (4) into a condenser to obtain pyrolysis oil. EFFECT: invention enables to control water content in the obtained pyrolysis oil. 39 cl, 7 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 571 638 C2 (51) МПК C10B 49/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011152323/05, 01.06.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.06.2010 (72) Автор(ы): ЙОКЕЛА Пекка (FI), ЛЕХТО Яни (FI) 02.06.2009 FI 20095614 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.07.2013 Бюл. № 20 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): УПМ-КЮММЕНЕ КОРПОРЕЙШН (FI), Валмет Текнолоджиз, Инк (FI) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2015 Бюл. № 35 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 10.01.2012 2 5 7 1 6 3 8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: С.И.ОЖЕГОВ, Словарь русского языка, Москва, Русский язык, 1990, стр.301 колонка 3. WO 2009047392 A1, 16.04.2009. US 4274941 A, 23.07.1981. RU 2272064 C2, 27.08.2003. FI 2010/050443 (01.06.2010) C 2 C 2 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U 2 5 7 1 6 3 8 WO 2010/139854 (09.12.2010) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ ОСУЩЕСТВЛЕНИЯ ПИРОЛИЗА И УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПИРОЛИЗА (57) Реферат: Изобретение ...

23-10-2015 дата публикации

Waste processing

Номер: KR20150119150A

본 발명은 폐기 물질로부터 에너지를 발생시키기 위한 시스템(10)을 제공한다. 당해 시스템은 신가스를 발생시키기 위한 제1 배치 처리 오븐(12) 및 신가스를 발생시키기 위한 제2 배치 처리 오븐(14)을 포함한다. 하나 이상의 열처리 챔버(20)는 신가스가 생성된 후 이를 가열하고, 에너지 변환기(22)는 신가스로부터의 에너지를 전기 에너지로 변환시킨다.

10-07-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing carbon-containing feed stock into gas by gasification

Номер: RU2555884C2
Принадлежит: РЕЙН УОТЕР, ЭлЭлСи

Изобретение относится к химической технологии и оборудованию, в частности к устройствам для переработки твердых бытовых и промышленных отходов, а также других углеродсодержащих исходных материалов в топливный газ путем газификации и к способам осуществления процесса пиролиза и газификации с нижней тягой. Устройство для газификации включает продолговатый внешний резервуар, продолговатый внутренний резервуар, указанный внутренний резервуар расположен внутри указанного внешнего резервуара, в результате чего образуется полость между указанным внутренним резервуаром и указанным внешним резервуаром, загрузочный механизм, включающий продолговатый корпус загрузочного механизма и подающее исходный материал устройство для перемещения указанного исходного материала вдоль указанного продолговатого корпуса загрузочного механизма, корпус газогенератора с внутренней поверхностью и внешней поверхностью, камеру сгорания, газоотвод и механизм для выгрузки шлака. Изобретение обеспечивает переработку исходных материалов с разнообразными морфологическими структурами, фракционным составом и повышенным влагосодержанием. 2 н. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 34 табл., 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 555 884 C2 (51) МПК C10J 3/72 (2006.01) C10B 53/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012143729/05, 07.03.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.03.2011 (72) Автор(ы): СТРИЖАК Сергий Ю. (US) (73) Патентообладатель(и): РЕЙН УОТЕР, ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.04.2014 Бюл. № 11 R U 15.03.2010 US 61/314,002 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2015 Бюл. № 19 2303050 C1, 20.07.2007; . RU 86592 U1, 10.09.2009; . US 6648932 B1, 18.11.2003. US 6615748 B2, 09.09.2003 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 15.10.2012 2 5 5 5 8 8 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2081894 C1, 20.06.1997; . RU 2 5 5 5 8 8 4 R U US ...

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Produce the method and system of cleaning steam based on solid fuel

Номер: CN102203220B
Автор: J·D·本特森


20-06-2010 дата публикации

Electric arc dc plasmatron for installations of solid wastes plasma treatment

Номер: RU2392781C1

FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of solid wastes processing and may be used in industrial enterprises and also in municipal services. Electric arc DC plasmatron comprises coaxial hollow cylindrical water-cooled electrodes (anode and cathode) with vortical supply of plasma-generating gas into gap between anode and cathode with the help of nozzle (interelectrode insert), aranged of insulating material, coaxial with anode and cathode, and having tangential holes for supply of gas arranged in cavity perpendicular to axis of electrodes along tangent to inner surface of nozzle, where anode has inner diametre d a of channel and length of channel I a =(8÷12)d a . Cathode is arranged in the form of sleeve with inner diametre d c =(1÷1.15)d a and depth I c =(1÷3)d a. Inner diametre of nozzle d i =(2÷2.5)d a , and thickness of nozzle wall, where holes are provided in number from 4 to 6 for gas supply, makes (0.2÷0.3)d a , openings in nozzle have diametre (0.08÷0.1)d a and are evenly arranged along nozzle circumference. EFFECT: increased service life of plasmatron and expanded range of its working characteristics. 4 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 392 781 (13) C1 (51) МПК H05H 1/32 (2006.01) F23G 5/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009105471/28, 18.02.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.02.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2010 Бюл. № 17 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Бюро Технологии Экспериментального машиностроения" (RU) 2 3 9 2 7 8 1 2 3 9 2 7 8 1 R U (54) ЭЛЕКТРОДУГОВОЙ ПЛАЗМОТРОН ПОСТОЯННОГО ТОКА ДЛЯ УСТАНОВОК ПО ПЛАЗМЕННОЙ ПЕРЕРАБОТКЕ ТВЕРДЫХ ОТХОДОВ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области переработки твердых отходов и может быть использовано на промышленных предприятиях, а также в коммунальном хозяйстве. Электродуговой плазмотрон постоянного тока включает соосные ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации

Waste material melting furnace

Номер: KR101921225B1

폐기물의 건조, 열분해 및 용융을 실시하는 폐기물 용융로(2)는, 상하 방향으로 연장되어 폐기물을 수용하는 공간을 형성하여, 폐기물을 상부 방향에서 하부방향으로 안내하는 통형상 본체부(20); 본체부(20)의 중심축선을 따라 본체부(20)의 하측으로 이어져, 폐기물에서 생성된 용융물을 저장하는 용융물 저장부(22); 및, 본체부(20)의 중심축선을 따라 본체부(20)의 상측으로 이어져, 폐기물에서 생성된 가스를 모아 배기구(26)로 유도하는 가스 유도부(21); 를 구비한다. 본체부(20)는, 하부 방향으로 갈수록 내측의 단면적이 점차 작아지는 테이퍼부(24)를 갖는다. 테이퍼부(24)는, 상하 방향에 있어서, 본체부(20)를 구성하는 전체 부분중에서 최대 높이를 차지한다.

02-03-2015 дата публикации

Waste-processing apparatus

Номер: KR101497847B1

시멘트 제조설비(200)의 부근에 설치되는 폐기물 처리장치(100)로서, 폐기물을 가스화하여 열분해 가스를 발생시키는 가스화로(1), 및 발생한 열분해 가스를, 함유한 탄소와 회분을 원래 그대로 유지한 상태로, 분해로(20)까지 수송하는 가스 수송통로(6)를 구비한다. 분해로(20)는 원통 형태의 외주벽부(23)를 구비하고, 열분해 가스가 외주벽부(23)를 따라 회전하며 기체 수송통로(6)로부터 분해로(20)로 유입된다. 가스화로(1)로부터의 열분해 가스의 유량과 분해로(20)로부터의 폐가스의 유량의 비율이 소정의 유량 비율 이하로 제한되어, 분해로(20)의 온도 변동을 억제하고, 시멘트 제조설비(200) 운행시 안정성을 확보한다. A waste treatment apparatus (100) installed in the vicinity of a cement manufacturing facility (200), comprising: a gasification furnace (1) for generating a pyrolysis gas by gasifying a waste; and a gasification furnace And a gas transportation passage (6) for transporting the gas to the decomposition furnace (20). The decomposition furnace 20 has a cylindrical outer peripheral wall portion 23 and pyrolysis gas flows from the gas transportation passage 6 into the decomposition furnace 20 while rotating along the outer peripheral wall portion 23. The ratio of the flow rate of the pyrolysis gas from the gasification furnace 1 to the flow rate of the waste gas from the pyrolysis furnace 20 is limited to a predetermined flow rate or less so that the temperature fluctuation of the pyrolysis furnace 20 is suppressed, 200) Ensure stability during operation.

20-10-1998 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing combustible gases from solid fuel, method and apparatus for treating raw phosphates

Номер: RU2120460C1
Принадлежит: Ормат Инк.

FIELD: production of combustible gases. SUBSTANCE: method involves subjecting portion of solid fuel to pyrolysis in pyrolysis reactor 43 to produce combustible gases and carbon-bearing material; feeding carbon-bearing material from reactor 43 into furnace 45 to obtain combustion products containing glowing flue gases and ash particles; separating ashes from combustion products in separator 47 and directing large ash particles into pyrolysis reactor 43; feeding another portion of solid fuel through pipeline 42 and burning it in furnace together with carbon-bearing material fed from reactor 43; treating raw phosphates in similar way; separating portion of ashes from separator 47 for heating air supplied into furnace 45. Construction of apparatuses for accomplishing methods is described in Specification. Method allows low-quality fuels and phosphates with relatively low content of organic material to be used. EFFECT: increased efficiency and provision for complete extraction of organic substance from raw material. 15 cl, 10 dwg О9ЗУОСТсС ПЧ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (51) МПК ВИ” 2 120 460 ' 13) СЛ С 40В 49/16, 53/06, С 10 4 3/58 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 93004581/25, 24.03.1993 (30) Приоритет: 25.03.1992 Ш 101361 30.03.1992 Ш 101424 (46) Дата публикации: 20.10.1998 (56) Ссылки: ЗЦ, авторское свидетельство, 1122682, кл. С 10 В 53/06, 1984. Ц$, патент, 4211606, кл. С 10 В 49/18, 1980. (71) Заявитель: Ормат Инк. (1$) (72) Изобретатель: Даниэль Голдман (11), Борис Синякевич (ЦА), Бенджамин Дорон (Ш), Люсьен И.Броники (11), Эли Йаффе (1) (73) Патентообладатель: Ормат Инк. (1$) (54) СПОСОБ И УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ГОРЮЧИХ ГАЗОВ ИЗ ТВЕРДОГО ТОПЛИВА, СПОСОБ И УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОБРАБОТКИ СЫРЫХ ФОСФАТОВ (57) Реферат: Порцию твердого топлива подвергают пиролизу в пиролизном реакторе (43) с получением горючих газов и углеродсодержащего материала. Последний затем подают из реактора (43) в печь (45) для ...

30-04-2009 дата публикации

Ultra-high-temperature heat using dryness system

Номер: KR100894899B1
Автор: 김창준
Принадлежит: 김창준

An ultra-high temperature dry system is provided to dry and transfer waste quickly by forming a first drying part having smaller diameter than the diameter of the second drying part. An ultra-high temperature dry system comprises: an RPF(Refuse Plastic Fuel) burner(10) producing hot air having high temperature and high speed; a waste feed part(20) transferring waste; a first drying part(30) drying the waste, emitted from the waste feed part, with the hot air generated in the RPF burner; a second drying part(40) secondly drying the waste passed through the first drying part; a discharging part(A) discharging the waste passed through the second drying part; and a disc(50) transferring the waste to the second drying part which is in outside when the waste is transferred by the hot air having high temperature and high speed produced in the RPF burner in the end of the first drying part.

18-01-2017 дата публикации

Solid organic material cracking system

Номер: CN106338067A
Автор: 周昆, 姚波, 康琪


30-05-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for fuel and power generation by clean combustion of organic waste material

Номер: US9664382B2
Принадлежит: Northeastern University China

Disclosed herein are systems and methods for the conversion of solid organic waste material, such as waste plastics, into fuel for the generation of heat and power. In addition, embodiments of the systems and methods disclosed herein relate to converting solid organic waste material into a gasified material for mixing with an oxidizing gas to allow for clean combustion of the fuel, thereby minimizing emissions of pollutants.

15-03-2019 дата публикации

High temperature pyrolysis burning facility

Номер: CN106352349B
Автор: 梁福周
Принадлежит: New Wind Of Co


28-08-2006 дата публикации

Fluidized bed gasification combustion furnace

Номер: KR100616582B1

가스화 노와 연소로가 일체화되어 있고, 가스화 노에서 발생한 미연숯을 연소로에서 연소시키고, 이 연소열을 가스화용 열원으로서 이용할 수 있는 유동층가스화 연소로이다. 유동층가스화 연소로(1)는 제 1 칸막이벽(2)에 의하여 분할된 가스화 노(3)와 연소로(4)를 구비하고 있다. 가스화 노(3)에 있어서는 노바닥에 있는 산기장치(32, 33)에 의하여 유동매체의 선회류가 형성되고, 상승류의 일부는 연소로(4)로 유입된다. 연소로(4)는 제 2 칸막이벽(5)에 의하여 주연소실(6)과 열회수실(7)로 분할되어 있다. 주연소실(6)에 있어서는 노바닥에 있는 산기장치(34, 35)에 의하여 유동매체의 선회류가 형성되고, 상승류의 일부는 열회수실(7)로 유입된다. It is a fluidized bed gasification furnace in which a gasification furnace and a combustion furnace are integrated, and the unburned charcoal generated in the gasification furnace is combusted in a combustion furnace, and this heat of combustion can be used as a heat source for gasification. The fluidized bed gasification combustion furnace 1 includes a gasification furnace 3 and a combustion furnace 4 divided by the first partition wall 2. In the gasifier 3, swirl flow of the fluid medium is formed by the diffuser devices 32 and 33 at the bottom of the furnace, and a part of the upward flow flows into the combustion furnace 4. The combustion furnace 4 is divided into the main combustion chamber 6 and the heat recovery chamber 7 by the second partition wall 5. In the main combustion chamber 6, the swirl flow of the fluid medium is formed by the diffusers 34 and 35 at the bottom of the furnace, and a part of the upward flow flows into the heat recovery chamber 7.

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN108884997A
Автор: A.范德韦肯
Принадлежит: Fire Power Technology Co Ltd


08-02-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing of carbon-containing feed stock into gasification gas

Номер: KR101704597B1
Принадлежит: 레인 워터, 엘엘씨

본 발명은 화학적 기술 및 설비에 관한 것으로, 특히 고체의 가정용 및 산업용 폐기물뿐만 아니라 그 외의 다른 탄소-함유 피드스톡을 연소가능한 가스화 가스로 처리하는 장치 및 열 분해 및 다운드래프트 가스화 처리를 위한 방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to chemical technology and equipment, and more particularly to a device for treating solid household and industrial wastes as well as other carbon-containing feedstocks with a combustible gasification gas and a process for pyrolysis and down- will be.

28-03-2006 дата публикации

Combustion apparatus for solid fuel using fuel cracking device and oil burner

Номер: KR200412529Y1
Автор: 박죽랑
Принадлежит: 박죽랑

본 고안은 대체에너지의 효율적인 활용에 대한 것으로, 현재 환경부 고시 2003-127호에 의거하여 '가군' 및 '나군'의 형태로 실용화 추진 중에 있는 RDF(가연성 폐기물을 이용한 고형연료)를 활용한 연소장치에 있어서, 일차적으로 RDF연료는 밀폐된 이송스크류를 갖는 이송분해장치 내에서 전기적 히터에 의해 발생되는 450℃ 이상의 고온에 의해 열분해되고, 또다른 호퍼로 공급되는 RDF연료는 공급스크류 및 회전되는 타공드럼을 갖는 회전분해장치 내에서 화염에 의해 열분해되어, The present invention is about efficient use of alternative energy, and is a combustion device using RDF (solid fuel using flammable waste), which is currently being put to practical use in the form of 'ca-gun' and 'na-gun' according to the Ministry of Environment's notification 2003-127. RDF fuel is primarily thermally decomposed by a high temperature of 450 ° C. or higher generated by an electric heater in a transfer cracker having a sealed transfer screw, and the RDF fuel supplied to another hopper is a feed screw and a rotating boring drum. Pyrolyzed by flame in a rotary cracker having 분해된 가연성 가스는 이중구조로 형성된 오일버너 및 기화기에서 기름과 혼합된 후 혼합가스 연소기에서 연소됨으로써 원하는 열량을 얻게 되며, The decomposed flammable gas is mixed with oil in the oil burner and vaporizer formed in a double structure and then burned in the mixed gas combustor to obtain a desired amount of heat. 고온의 화염 및 열기를 토출시켜 이를 기존 산업용 보일러 및 가정용 보일러에 탈,부착할 수 있도록 구성되어 있으므로 고열량의 플라스틱으로 성형된 RDF연료의 대체에너지 효과를 극대화할 수 있으며, 소각되는 RDF 연료는 1300℃ 이상의 고온에서 열원이 발생하므로 다이옥신의 배출이 이루어지지 않으며 이중연소구조를 활용하여 소각 후 배기가스의 배출량을 환경기준치 이하로 조정할 수 있게 된 것이며, 압력용기가 없어 안정성이 보장되며 콤팩트한 일체형으로 구성되어 보수 및 유지관리가 매우 용이한 연료 분해장치와 오일 연소장치를 이용한 고형연료 연소장치에 대한 것이다. It is configured to discharge high temperature flame and heat and attach and detach it to existing industrial boilers and domestic boilers, so it is possible to maximize the alternative energy effect of RDF fuel molded from high-calorie plastics, and incinerated RDF fuel is 1300 ℃. Since the heat source is generated at the above high temperature, the dioxin is not discharged and the dual combustion structure is used to adjust the exhaust gas emission after incineration to below the environmental standard value. ...

19-03-2008 дата публикации

Variable speed pyrolytic waste treatment system

Номер: KR100815317B1

본원발명은 열분해 챔버 및 상기 열분해 챔버의 길이에 따라 다른 속도로, 상기 열분해 챔버를 통하여 폐기물을 이동시키도록 구성된 이동 장치를 포함하는 열분해식 폐기물 처리 시스템에 관한 것이다. 열분해, 폐기물, 이동속도 The present invention is directed to a pyrolytic waste treatment system comprising a pyrolysis chamber and a moving device configured to move waste through the pyrolysis chamber at a different rate depending on the length of the pyrolysis chamber. Pyrolysis, waste, moving speed

30-10-2020 дата публикации

Garbage pyrolysis gasification incineration system and technology

Номер: CN111853801A


10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013142926A
Принадлежит: Сгл Карбон Се

1. Способ переработки отработанного углеродсодержащего материала катода, в частности отработанных катодных ванн производства алюминия, при котором материал катода загружают в шахтную печь и в шахтной печи для газификации углерода подвергают термообработке при температуре выше температуры воспламенения углерода и выше температуры испарения, содержащихся в отработанном материале катода токсичных веществ, отличающийся тем, что реакционные газы подают в первом продольном участке шахтной печи в прямотоке с углеродом, а во втором продольном участке шахтной печи - в противотоке углероду, причем реакционные газы выводят из шахтной печи в области с увеличенным сечением, находящейся между указанными продольными участками.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что реакционные газы после удаления из шахтной печи подвергают дополнительной обработке.3. Способ по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что длина первого продольного участка составляет от 40 до 80%, предпочтительно от 50 до 70% и особенно предпочтительно от 60 до 70% от общей длины шахтной печи.4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что длина второго продольного участка составляет от 20 до 60%, предпочтительно от 30 до 50% и особенно предпочтительно от 30 до 40% от общей длины шахтной печи.5. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что энергию для термообработки вводят в обрабатываемый углерод посредством электрической индукции.6. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шахтную печь отапливают ископаемым топливом.7. Способ по п.6, отличающийся тем, что в шахтную печь через расположенную в верхней части первого продольного участка камеру сжигания, через подводящую линию, заканчивающуюся в верхней части прод� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2013 142 926 A (51) МПК C10J 3/20 (2006.01) F23G 7/00 (2006.01) A62D 3/38 (2007.01) A62D 3/40 (2007.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013142926/05, 22.02.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): СГЛ КАРБОН СЕ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный ...

01-09-2000 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing superheated steam using heat generated through incineration of wastes

Номер: KR100264723B1

본 발명은 약 200。C∼ 320。C 전후에 비점을 갖도록 가압시킨 보일러수를 사용하여, 그 보일러수의 가열을 적어도 2단계 이상의 복수단계로 하여, The present invention uses a boiler water pressurized to have a boiling point around 200 ° C. to 320 ° C., and the heating of the boiler water is performed in at least two or more steps. 상기 대략 비점온도까지의 가열을 염소함유 열에너지로서 행하고, Heating to the above boiling point temperature is performed as chlorine-containing thermal energy; 상기 대략 비점온도로 부터 소정온도의 과열증기를 얻는 과열을 염소를 함유하지 않은 탈염소에너지로, 행하는 것을 특징으로하는 것으로, 구체적으로는 상기 염소함유 열에너지로의 가열은, 약 300。C 이상의 유동매체를 함유하는 공간내에 폐기물을 공급하여 열분해 반응을 행하는 열분해 수단으로 얻는 열분해가스의 연소열 에너지를 이용하여 행하도록 하고, 탈염소열 에너지로의 가열은, 상기 열분해 수단에서 취출된 미분해 잔사 및 유동사로 이루어진 차르혼합물을 공기에 의해서 유동시키면서 상기 미분해 잔사를 연소하는 차르연소수단에 의해 얻는 열에너지를 이용하여 수행한다. Superheating to obtain superheated steam having a predetermined temperature from the boiling point temperature is performed by dechlorination energy containing no chlorine. Specifically, heating to the chlorine-containing heat energy is about 300 ° C. or more. The waste is supplied to the space containing the medium to perform the pyrolysis means obtained by the pyrolysis means for the pyrolysis reaction, and the heat to the dechlorination heat energy is the undecomposed residue and the flow taken out from the pyrolysis means. Char mixtures of yarns are flowed by air, and heat energy is obtained by char combustion means for burning the undecomposed residues.

20-10-2017 дата публикации

A kind of system and method for house refuse cleaning treatment

Номер: CN107262505A


10-07-2018 дата публикации

Decanter type dual firing chamber

Номер: CN108266733A
Автор: 丁乾


03-08-1994 дата публикации

Fluidized-bed reactor and system with and using method

Номер: CN1090219A
Автор: 唐遵义
Принадлежит: Foster Wheeler Energy Corp

一种燃烧废物燃料的流化床反应器和系统以及 利用该反应燃烧废物燃料的方法,其中,把反应器分 成三个部分。废物燃料被引入到一个室内的流化床, 废物燃料在其内与成床物料混合,控制成床物料以便 为产生热解气体提供一个理想的环境。流态化的成 床物料被气动地和靠自重地向下输送,并被喷入第二 室内的流化床中,其中,非挥发性有机化合物在氧化 气氛中燃烧。在第二室内的成床物料被气动地向上 输送并被分成两部分,在其中的一部分成床物料循环 回到第一室内。在第二室内的另一部分成床物料流 到第三室内的流化床中,在第三室中回收热量。在回 收室内的成床物料靠重力输送回到第二室内以便调 节后一室内的温度。

23-06-2017 дата публикации

Refuse pyrolysis plant

Номер: CN106885250A
Автор: 唐德养


23-07-2014 дата публикации

Heat recovery system

Номер: CN102131898B
Автор: 朴忠烈, 朴铉柱
Принадлежит: Dongsung Ecore Co Ltd


05-08-2022 дата публикации

Method and device for removing pollutants by organic solid waste pyrolysis coupling chemical chain combustion

Номер: CN113188129B


20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011152323A

1. Способ осуществления процесса пиролиза в устройстве для пиролиза твердого топлива и получения пиролизного масла, причем процесс пиролиза осуществляют в соединении с котлом с псевдоожиженным слоем (30) и обеспечивают тепло, требуемое для процесса пиролиза, по меньшей мере, частично за счет материала слоя котла с псевдоожиженным слоем (30), отличающийся тем, что данный способ включает следующие стадии:- поступление твердого топлива в зону сушки в реакторе пиролиза (4);- высушивание твердого топлива в зоне сушки и удаление влагосодержащих газов из твердого топлива;- направление высушенного твердого топлива и материала слоя практически горизонтально из зоны сушки в зону пиролиза, установленную последовательно в горизонтальном направлении в реакторе пиролиза (4);- пиролиз высушенного твердого топлива для выделения пиролизных газов из высушенного твердого топлива;в результате чего влагосодержащие газы, выделенные из твердого топлива в зоне сушки, и пиролизные газы, выделенные в зоне пиролиза, удаляются раздельно; и- направление пиролизных газов из реактора пиролиза (4) в конденсатор (8) для получения пиролизного масла.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся выведением влагосодержащих газов из реактора пиролиза (4) в зоне сушки.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся регулированием влагосодержания пиролизного масла путем регулирования сушки твердого топлива в зоне сушки.4. Способ по п.3, отличающийся анализом влагосодержания производимого пиролизного масла для регулирования сушки твердого топлива в зоне сушки.5. Способ по п.2, отличающийся регулированием влагосодержания пиролизного масла путем регулирования сушки твердого топлива в зо� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2011 152 323 A (51) МПК C10B 49/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011152323/05, 01.06.2010 (71) Заявитель(и): УПМ-КЮММЕНЕ КОРПОРЕЙШН (FI), МЕТСО ПАУЭР ОЙ (FI) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 02.06.2009 FI 20095614 (85) Дата начала ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации

Partition wall for use in a heat exchange and the method thereof

Номер: KR100543903B1
Принадлежит: 미츠이 조센 가부시키 가이샤

본 발명의 목적은, 열 변형하기 어렵고, 더스트 부착량도 저하할 수 있는 열교환기의 통로벽 구조 및 열교환기의 통로벽의 제조방법을 제공하는 것이다. 본 발명에 있어서는, 공기통로와 배기가스통로를 분리하는 칸막이벽의 구조로서, 상기 칸막이벽은 한쪽 면이 상기 공기통로에 접하는 금속벽과 한쪽 면이 상기 배기가스통로에 접하는 내화벽으로 이루어지고, 또한 상기 금속벽의 다른쪽 면과 상기 내화벽의 다른쪽 면 사이에 제 1 간극부를 형성함과 동시에, 상기 제 1 간극부에 상기 금속벽의 관통구멍을 연통시켜, 상기 배기가스통로에 부식성 성분 및 더스트를 함유하는 연소배기가스를 흐르게 하는 통로벽에 있어서, 상기 금속벽의 상기 다른쪽 면에, 상기 내화벽을 유지하는 복수의 유지부재를 고정하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

05-12-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus for restoring waste plastic to oil

Номер: KR20060124681A

폐플라스틱(Ro)을 가열하여 열분해하고, 발생한 분해 가스(Gr)를 냉각하여 유화하는 폐플라스틱의 유화 환원 장치(1a, 1b)로서, 코일(3…)의 내측에 배열하는 조 본체(4)를 가지며, 코일(3…)에 고주파 전류를 흘림으로써 조 본체(4)를 유도 가열하고, 폐플라스틱(Ro)으로부터 얻는 적어도 용해 플라스틱(Rd)을 열분해하여 분해 가스(Gr)를 발생시키는 열분해조(2)와, 폐플라스틱(Ro)을 투입하는 투입구(5)와, 이 투입구(5)에 투입된 폐플라스틱(Ro)을 용해조가 없는 강제적 또는 직접적인 공급 수단(Ua, Ub)을 통하여 열분해조(2)에 공급하는 공급부(6)와, 열분해조(2)에 의해 발생한 분해 가스(Gr)를 냉각하여 유화하는 유화 처리부(7)를 구비한다. 폐플라스틱, 유화, 환원, 냉각, 분해, 코일, 고주파, 오프-가스, 용해

03-07-2018 дата публикации

Carbonization gasification incineration treatment device

Номер: KR101874114B1
Принадлежит: 가부시키가이샤 긴세이 산교

(과제) 보조 연소에 필요로 하는 시간과 연료를 절약할 수 있는 건류 가스화 소각처리장치를 제공한다. (해결수단) 건류 가스화 소각처리장치는, 건류로(1) 내에 수납된 폐기물(A)에 대한 착화로부터 화상(火床)이 형성될 때까지의 제 1 단계에 있어서는 공기 공급로(13)를 통해서 공기가 건류로(1) 내에 공급된다. 그리고, 폐기물(A)의 연소가 지속되는 상태(제 2 단계)가 되면, 건류로(1) 내로의 산소 공급이 공기 공급로(13)에 의한 공기의 공급에서 산소 공급로(15)에 의한 고농도 산소의 공급으로 전환된다. (PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED) To provide a device for burning gasification incineration capable of saving time and fuel required for auxiliary burning. The present invention relates to an apparatus for burning gasified incineration in which a waste gas A contained in a gasification furnace 1 is supplied to an air supply path 13 in a first stage from ignition to formation of a fire bed, The air is supplied into the gas flow path (1). When the combustion of the waste A is continued (the second step), the oxygen supply into the carbonization furnace 1 is stopped by the air supply from the air supply path 13 to the oxygen supply path 15 The supply of high-concentration oxygen is switched.

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Circulating-type multi-layer furnace

Номер: KR101552294B1
Принадлежит: 메타워터 가부시키가이샤

유동 매체를 순환시키는 공기를 공급하면서 오니를 연소하는 순환부(2)와, 순환부(2)로부터의 열분해 가스에 공기를 공급하여 완전 연소시키는 후연소부(3)를 가지고, 투입 오니량에 대응하는 완전 연소에 필요한 유량의 공기를, 순환부(2)와 후연소부(3)에 대하여 소정의 비율로 나누어 공급하는 제 1 제어를 행하는 순환형 다층 연소로에 있어서, 제 1 제어에서는 순환부(2)에 공급되는 공기의 유량이 유동 매체를 순환시키는데 필요한 유량 미만이 되는 경우에, 제 1 제어 대신, 완전 연소에 필요한 유량의 공기 중, 순환부(2)에 있어서 유동 매체를 순환시키는데 필요한 최저한의 유량의 공기를 순환부(2)에 공급함과 함께, 잔부의 공기를 후연소부(3)에 공급하는 제 2 제어를 행한다.

28-03-2006 дата публикации

Waste incineration disposal method

Номер: KR100563706B1
Автор: 가네코마사모토
Принадлежит: 가부시키가이샤 긴세이 산교

다이옥신류의 배출을 방지하고, 러닝 코스트를 저감시킬 수 있는 폐기물의 소각처리방법을 제공한다. 가스화로 내의 폐기물을 건류하여, 발생하는 가연성 가스를 연소로에서 연소시킨다. 가연성 가스의 양에 맞춰서 연소로에 산소를 공급한다. 가연성 가스의 연소에 의한 연소로 내의 온도변화에 맞춰 가스화로에 공급되는 산소량을 제어함으로써 가연성 가스의 발생량을 조정하여, 연소로 내의 온도를 제1 소정온도 이상의 거의 일정한 온도로 한다. 폐기물은 연소로 내를 제1 소정온도이상으로 하는 열량으로 조정된다. 연소로 내의 온도가 타연료의 소각에 의해 제1 소정온도 이상이 되었을 때 가연성 가스를 도입한다. 연소로 내의 온도가 가연성 가스만의 연소로 제2 소정온도 이상이 되었을 때 타연료의 연소를 종료한다. 연소로내의 온도가 제3 소정온도 이하가 되었을 때 타연료의 연소를 재개한다. 연소로 내의 온도를 제1 소정온도 이상으로 유지하고, 가스화로 내의 온도가 제4 소정온도이하가 되었을 때 타연료의 연소를 종료한다. The present invention provides a method of incineration of waste which can prevent the emission of dioxins and reduce the running cost. The waste in the gasifier is carbonized and the resulting flammable gas is combusted in the combustion furnace. Oxygen is supplied to the furnace according to the amount of combustible gas. The amount of generation of the combustible gas is adjusted by controlling the amount of oxygen supplied to the gasifier in accordance with the temperature change in the combustion furnace due to the combustion of the combustible gas, so that the temperature in the furnace is made almost constant above the first predetermined temperature. The waste is adjusted to the amount of heat to bring the inside of the furnace to a first predetermined temperature or more. Combustible gas is introduce | transduced when the temperature in a combustion furnace becomes more than 1st predetermined temperature by incineration of other fuel. Combustion of other fuel is complete | finished when the temperature in a combustion furnace becomes more than 2nd predetermined temperature by the combustion of only combustible gas. Combustion of other fuel is resumed when the temperature in a combustion furnace becomes below 3rd predetermined temperature. The temperature in the combustion furnace is kept above the first predetermined temperature, and the combustion of the other fuel is terminated when the temperature in the gasifier reaches the fourth predetermined temperature ...

17-08-2018 дата публикации

A kind of processing system of wiring board

Номер: CN108413412A
Принадлежит: China ENFI Engineering Corp


31-08-2007 дата публикации

Chamber support for pyrolytic waste treatment system

Номер: KR100754076B1

본 발명의 주요 구성은 열분해 챔버의 온도가 변화할 때 상기 챔버의 이동 또는 플렉싱을 최소로 하는 방식으로 지지되는 열 분해 챔버를 가지는 열분해식 폐기물 처리 시스템에 관한 것이다. 바람직한 해결책은 낮은 열 팽창 계수를 가지는 재료로 제조된 지지 구조물, 및 온도 변화에 따라 챔버가 팽창 및 수축하도록 하는 구조물을 이용하는 것이다. The main configuration of the present invention relates to a pyrolysis waste treatment system having a pyrolysis chamber supported in such a way as to minimize the movement or flexing of the chamber when the temperature of the pyrolysis chamber changes. A preferred solution is to use a support structure made of a material having a low coefficient of thermal expansion, and a structure that allows the chamber to expand and contract with changes in temperature.

23-05-2012 дата публикации

Waste management system

Номер: CN102472486A
Принадлежит: 约翰·杰勒德·斯维尼

