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20-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2331819C2

Изобретение относится к гидравлическому шарнирному соединительному устройству и, в частности, к применению его в конкретной области, касающейся отопительных радиаторов, в которых циркулирует жидкий теплоноситель, а также к отопительному радиатору, который содержит такое шарнирное соединительное устройство. Технический результат: обеспечение исключительно высокой степени свободы перемещения радиатора для обеспечения его проворачивания и обеспечения возможности проведения таких операций как опорожнение радиатора, заполнение, регулировка скорости потока, отбор жидкости и т.д. Гидравлическое шарнирное соединительное устройство с парой шарнирных соединителей, каждый из которых содержит первый шарнирный элемент и второй шарнирный элемент, предназначенные для сборки и содержащие соответствующий гидравлический канал, в котором выполнено гнездо под палец, и соответствующее гнездо соединителя с проходом; трубчатый палец, в котором выполнен соответствующий гидравлический канал и образующий с гидравлическими ...

19-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746619C2

Группа изобретений предназначена для использования в строительстве и производстве узлов систем отопления помещений. Узел обвязки содержит патрубки подводки теплоносителя с резьбой на концах каждого патрубка, при этом узел содержит трубный замыкающий участок, соединенный с патрубками подводки, а также и соединенные с патрубками подводки корпуса клапанов. Каждый патрубок подводки выполнен из пары одинаковых отрезков труб, между которыми расположен соединенный с ними симметричный Т-образный корпус клапана. В средней части каждого корпуса выполнено гнездо под клапанную вставку запорного клапана или клапанную вставку термостата с термоголовкой. Продольная ось симметрии каждого гнезда корпуса на виде сверху на патрубок подводки расположена перпендикулярно к патрубку подводки, а внутренний диаметр каждого конца замыкающего участка выполнен калиброванным. Изобретения направлены на повышение универсальности узла обвязки, удобства монтажных работ и энергоэффективности систем обогрева. 6 н.п. ф-лы ...

05-09-2017 дата публикации

Соединение теплообменника конвектора с трубами отопительной системы

Номер: RU173666U1

Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение надежности соединения теплообменника конвектора с трубами системы отопления. Для этого соединение содержит подводящий патрубок с раструбом на одном конце под подводящую трубу системы отопления, отводящий патрубок с раструбом на одном конце под отводящую трубу системы отопления, при этом патрубки соединены между собой перемычкой и сообщены через полость корпуса под термостатический клапан.Каждый патрубок выполнен угловым, и на каждом одном конце углового патрубка выполнено кольцевое утолщение, простирающееся от оси патрубка в радиальном направлении и предназначенное для соединения с ветвями трубы теплообменника.Перемычка соединена с одними концами патрубков в зоне присоединения к ним труб системы отопления, а корпус под термостатический клапан расположен в угловой зоне подводящего углового патрубка. Корпус клапана выполнен заодно с подводящим угловым патрубком в виде расположенного под угловым патрубком резьбового раструба с внутренней ...

29-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU197819U1

Биметаллический радиатор отопления с нижним подключением включает, по меньшей мере, две секции, каждая с оболочкой из алюминиевого сплава, полученной литьем под давлением, и закладным элементом - стальным коллектором, и два штуцера, соответственно, для подвода и отвода теплоносителя, каждый штуцер соединен стыковой контактной сваркой с краем отверстия в выполненной без оболочки из алюминиевого сплава части нижнего горизонтального патрубка стального коллектора одной из двух состыкованных друг с другом секций, при этом нижний горизонтальный канал, образованный нижними горизонтальными патрубками стальных коллекторов двух секций, разделен перегородкой.

26-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU219596U1

Полезная модель относится к отопительным приборам для систем центрального водяного отопления, в частности к секционным биметаллическим радиаторам, секции которых соединены проходными ниппелями, имеющим возможность подключения подводящих и отводящих труб снизу. Биметаллический радиатор отопления с нижним подключением к системе отопления содержит крайнюю секцию 1, последующую секцию 2, каждая из которых снабжена закладным элементом - стальным коллектором 4, который имеет гидравлически сообщенные вертикальные патрубки 13 и верхний и нижний горизонтальные патрубки 6. Нижние горизонтальные патрубки 6 стального коллектора крайней секции 1 и последующей секции 2 снабжены отверстиями 7 и разделены перегородкой 12. Нижний горизонтальный патрубок 6 крайней секции 1 является узлом нижнего подключения к системе отопления для подвода теплоносителя, осуществляемого через отверстие 7, соединенное с концом переходного кольца 8, посредством контактной сварки с краями отверстия 7 с образованием сварного ...

04-02-2010 дата публикации

Solarthermische Anlage mit wenigstens einem Kollektor für Sonnenwärme

Номер: DE202009015198U1
Принадлежит: PAW GMBH & CO KG, PAW GMBH & CO. KG

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Anschließen eines Heizkörpers an ein fluidführendes Leitungsnetz

Номер: DE202013105109U1

Vorrichtung (1) zum Anschließen eines Heizkörpers an ein fluidführendes Leitungsnetz (2) mit einem in seiner Grundform prismatischen, aus einem wärmedämmenden Baustoff bestehenden Wandbaustein (3), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der zum Anschluss von vor einer Wand (4) und oberhalb eines Bodens (5) verlegter Rohre des Leitungsnetzes (2) an einen Heizkörper dienende Wandbaustein (3) zwei zur Frontfläche (6) des Wandbausteins (3) vorragende Netzanschlüsse (7) und darüber beabstandet auf Heizkörperanschlusshöhe zwei ebenfalls von der Frontfläche (6) des Wandbausteins (3) abragende, mit den Netzanschlüssen (7) strömungsverbundene Heizkörperanschlussleitungen (8) aufweist.

12-04-2006 дата публикации

Valve assembly

Номер: GB0002416385B
Принадлежит: TOUR & ANDERSSON AB

22-10-1969 дата публикации

Improvements relating to Hot Water Tanks

Номер: GB0001168434A

... 1,168,434. Pipe connections. G. K. N. SANKEY Ltd. 31 July, 1967 [28 Sept., 1966], No. 43330/66. Heading F2G. [Also in Division F4] A pipe is connected to a hot-water tank by forming an aperture therein and then securing the pipe 15 to the adjacent wall 10 by means of welding, brazing or soldering. The aperture may be provided with an inwardly or outwardly directed collar or defined by a plain hole whilst the flange 17 on the pipe may be dispensed with.

25-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000386881B

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Anschließen eines Heizkörpers an ein fluidführendes Leitungsnetz

Номер: AT0000013634U1

Eine Vorrichtung (1) zum Anschließen eines Heizkörpers an ein fluidführendes Leitungsnetz(2) umfasst einen in seiner Grundform prismatischen, aus einem wärmedämmendenBaustoff bestehenden Wandbaustein (3). Um vorteilhafte Anschlussverhältnissezu schaffen, wird vorgeschlagen, dass der zum Anschluss von vor einerWand (4) und oberhalb eines Bodens (5) verlegter Rohre des Leitungsnetzes(2) an einen Heizkörper dienende Wandbaustein (3) zwei zur Frontfläche (6) desWandbausteins (3) vorragende Netzanschlüsse (7) und darüber beabstandet aufHeizkörperanschlusshöhe zwei ebenfalls von der Frontfläche (6) des Wandbausteins(3) abragende, mit den Netzanschlüssen (7) strömungsverbundene Heizkörperanschlussleitungen(8) aufweist.

01-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003025924A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

A gas sediment trap assembly includes a generally cylindrical length with a generally perpendicular tee and a vertically oriented capped portion. The gas sediment trap assembly is coupled to the gas supply line and the gas fired appliance. One or more gas ball valves can be coupled to the gas sediment trap assembly. The gas sediment trap assembly can be used with conventional gas piping, flexible gas piping, and/or other gas line components.

11-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000547999A

15-12-1970 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000500461A
Принадлежит: ARBONIA AG

22-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003027372A1

Raccord coudé pour connecter une gaine à un capot d'un chauffe-eau thermodynamique, comportant : - deux ouvertures (1, 2) circulaires respectivement d'entrée et de sortie orientées sensiblement perpendiculairement l'une de l'autre ; - une coque périphérique reliant les deux ouvertures (1, 2) pour le guidage du flux d'air. Ce dispositif est caractérisé en ce que l'ouverture de sortie (2) se situe dans un plan sécant le plan de l'ouverture d'entrée (1) à l'intérieur de ladite ouverture d'entrée (1), la ligne de sectionnement (200) se situant au voisinage d'un diamètre de l'ouverture d'entrée (1), ce diamètre étant parallèle à ladite ligne (200).

21-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2730272C2

Нагреватель предназначен для его использования в конструкциях конвекторов для обогрева помещений. Нагреватель конвектора, содержащий трубы, на которых закреплены пластины теплообмена, отличающийся тем, что на концах труб закреплены полые втулки с резьбой внутри, образующие пары смежных втулок, сообщенных закрепленной во втулках трубкой, при этом в одной верхней втулке одной из пар втулок завинчен блокирующий ниппель или проходной ниппель, а в другой нижней втулке этой пары соответственно завинчен проходной ниппель или блокирующий ниппель, причем блокирующий ниппель имеет трубчатые концы, первый из которых предназначен для соединения с патрубком узла обвязки, а второй конец, выполненный удлиненным, сообщен с одной из труб нагревателя и расположен в канале втулки так, что закрывает собой полость втулки и расположенное в ней отверстие вертикальной трубки, при этом проходной ниппель имеет первый и второй концы, первый из которых предназначен для соединения с патрубком узла обвязки, а второй ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU207305U1

H-образный узел для соединения радиатора с трубопроводами, содержащий два трубчатых элемента, соединенных соединителем.Технический результат, достигаемый заявленной полезной моделью, заключается в повышении эксплуатационных характеристик устройства, заключающихся в повышении безопасности его эксплуатации и легкости установки по месту практического использования.Заявленный технический результат достигается использованием H-образного узла для соединения радиатора с трубопроводами, содержащего два соединенных перемычкой трубчатых элемента, снабженных шаровыми кранами и концевыми элементами резьбового соединения для сопряжения с радиатором и трубопроводами, при этомпо меньшей мере краны снабжены встроенным несъемным патрубком с поворотной вокруг оси самоуплотняющейся резьбовой частью наружным поворотным несъемным ниппелем, а концевые элементы для соединения с радиатором и трубопроводами снабжены резьбой с наружным диаметром 1/2′′. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005125705A

... 1. Увлажняющий роторный циркуляционный насос для циркуляции текучей среды внутри системы жидкостного отопления или охлаждения, содержащий (a) двигатель увлажняющего роторного циркуляционного насоса, содержащий корпус двигателя, статор, расположенный внутри корпуса двигателя и уплотненный от циркулирующей текучей среды, камеру ротора, расположенную внутри статора, причем камера ротора также уплотнена от циркулирующей текучей среды так, чтобы циркулирующая текучая среда не входила в камеру ротора, управляющую текучую среду, уплотненную внутри камеры ротора, ротор, расположенный внутри камеры ротора и контактирующий с управляющей текучей средой, и рабочее колесо, прикрепленное к одному концу ротора, причем статор и ротор установлены относительно друг друга таким образом, чтобы вызывать вращение ротора, когда статор находится под напряжением, и (b) кожух насоса, закрепленный на корпусе двигателя, причем кожух насоса содержит впускной конец для приема циркулирующей текучей среды, проходящей ...

20-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005134843A

... 1. Гидравлическое шарнирное соединительное устройство (1) с парой шарнирных соединителей (2), каждый из которых содержит первый шарнирный элемент (5) и второй шарнирный элемент (6), предназначенные для сборки и содержащие соответствующий гидравлический канал (7, 8), в котором выполнено гнездо (9, 10) под палец, и соответствующее гнездо (11, 12) соединителя с проходом; трубчатый палец (14), в котором выполнен соответствующий гидравлический канал (21) и образующий с гидравлическими каналами (7, 8) первого и второго шарнирных элементов (5, 6) гидравлическое соединение, проходящее между соответствующими гнездами (11, 12) соединителя; гнездо (22) клапана на одном конце трубчатого пальца (14) и соответствующий перекрывающий элемент (23), расположенный в отверстии (24), выполненном в одном (5) из упомянутых шарнирных элементов (5, 6), при этом относительное положение перекрывающего элемента (23) и гнезда (22) клапана выполнено с возможностью регулирования непосредственным воздействием на перекрывающий ...

31-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004006859T2

01-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE202015101609U1
Принадлежит: DANFOSS AS, Danfoss A/S

Verteilervorrichtung (1), insbesondere für Flüssigkeiten, mit mindestens einem ersten Verteiler (2), der eine erste Anschlussanordnung (4) aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der erste Verteiler (2) mittels der ersten Anschlussanordnung (4) drehbar an einer zweiten Gegenanschlussanordnung (12) befestigbar ist.

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364159T

15-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA215586A

15-11-2021 дата публикации

Heizgerät, insbesondere Gasbrennwertgerät

Номер: AT523245A3

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Heizgerät, insbesondere Gasbrennwertgerät, insbesondere zum Heizen eines Gebäudeteiles, umfassend ein Gehäuse (10), in dem eine Abgasleitung, insbesondere ein Abgasrohr (15), verläuft, sowie mindestens eine erste (18) und zweite (19) Anschlussöffnungseinrichtung zum variablen Anschluss eines Abgassystems.

15-06-2021 дата публикации

Heizgerät, insbesondere Gasbrennwertgerät

Номер: AT523245A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Heizgerät, insbesondere Gasbrennwertgerät, insbesondere zum Heizen eines Gebäudeteiles, umfassend ein Gehäuse (10), in dem eine Abgasleitung, insbesondere ein Abgasrohr (15), verläuft, sowie mindestens eine erste (18) und zweite (19) Anschlussöffnungseinrichtung zum variablen Anschluss eines Abgassystems.

06-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003033305A1

A kit for assembling a heating system and a heating system, which when assembled, comprises at least two heating devices, a partition constituting at least a part of one wall of each of the devices, which separates between interiors thereof, and a sealing arrangement mounted at least along upper, lower and rear edges of the partition to at least reduce a heat transfer between the interiors of the two devices at said edges so as to allow individual heating operation of each of the heating devices; the heating devices having a common front wall at least seen from an exterior of the system as a single front face of the system.

03-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002113857A1

Heating Apparatus Convertible For Upflow or Downflow Operation A combustion furnace is provided which is convertible in the field forupflow or downflow operation. The furnace includes a cabinet in which a burner,heat exchanger, air blower and combustion gas blower are located. The burner, heat exchanger and combustion gas blower are mounted on a vestibule panel, which is removably mountable at opposed first and second mounting positions within the cabinet, whereby the burner, heat exchanger and combustion gas blower are reversibly positionable with respect to the air blower. The combustion gas blower is coupled to an elongated flue for exhausting combustion gases from the cabinet and is positionable with respect to the air blower to allow the flue to clear the compartment in which the air blower is located when the apparatus is configured for downflow operation. The vestibule panel includes an extruded portion extending into the air flowing across the heat exchanger. The extruded portion ...

23-02-1979 дата публикации

Heat pump recovering heat from extracted air - has circulating refrigerant inside air ventilator housing

Номер: FR0002370241B1

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012175488A2

The invention relates to a heat exchanger (1), comprising at least one electric resistance heating element (2), in particular at least one PTC element (3), at least two conductors (4), in particular circuit boards (6, 7), which are connected to the at least one electric resistance heating element (2) in an electrically conductive manner in order to conduct electric current through the at least one electric resistance heating element (2) and thereby heat the electric resistance heating element (2), at least one thermally conductive element (11) for transferring heat from the at least one electric resistance heating element (2) to a fluid to be heated, at least one electrically insulating element (22), which electrically insulates the at least two conductors (4), preferably from the at least one thermally conductive element (11), and at least one pipe (18), wherein the at least two conductors (4) and the at least one electric resistance heating element (2) are arranged within a cavity (19 ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Heizungseinrichtung mit Warmwasserspeicher und darin angeordnetem Wasserzufuhrrohr

Номер: DE102015113140A1

Eine Heizungseinrichtung mit einem Warmwasserspeicher besitzt ein in einem Speicherbehälter 11 senkrecht angeordnetes Wasserzufuhrrohr 40. Das Wasserzufuhrrohr 40 ist im Verlauf eines Heizkreises 50 angeordnet. Eine Zufuhr 41 führt in das Wasserzufuhrrohr 40 und ist für den Rücklauf 51 aus dem Heizkreis 50 vorgesehen. Das Wasserzufuhrrohr 40 weist in Abständen übereinander angeordnete Auslässe 43 in das Innere des Speicherbehälters 11 auf. Eine weitere Zufuhr 42 in das Wasserzufuhrrohr 40 ist für den Rücklauf 61 aus einer Warmwasserstation 60 vorgesehen.

25-04-2018 дата публикации

Device for the attachment of space heating or domestic hot water heating equipment to a wall

Номер: GB0201803655D0

21-10-2004 дата публикации

Hydraulic joint articulated device and use thereof with a heat radiator

Номер: AU2004227198A1

10-03-1933 дата публикации

Boiler, in particular for the central heating

Номер: FR0000041692E

28-01-1960 дата публикации

Testing device of bodies having to contain fluids

Номер: FR0001204914A

18-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012139451A1

A multi-pass cast and forged connection structure for boiler pipe system connection, comprising a group of vertical pipes and a group of oblique pipes used for connecting a boiler vertical pipe system. The group of vertical pipes contains a plurality of vertical pipes, all the vertical pipes are in the same plane, and the two ends of each vertical pipe are vertical upward pipe openings (21, 23, 25) and vertical downward pipe openings (22, 24, 26) respectively; the group of oblique pipes contains a plurality of oblique pipes, all of the oblique pipes are in the same plane, and the two ends of each oblique pipe are oblique upward pipe openings (27, 29) and oblique downward pipe openings (20, 28) respectively; and a plurality of vertical pipes and a number of oblique pipes are set at intervals. The connection structure is able to avoid a large number of space jumping pipes and is helpful for hermetically sealing the boiler furnace, reduce stress and differential expansion caused by system ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160348942A1

A fluid circulation type heating apparatus includes: a circulation line; a heat radiation member installed on the circulation line; a boiler configured to heat and expand a fluid; a storage tank configured to store the fluid and to supply the fluid to the boiler; a controller configured to control the boiler; and a housing configured to accommodate the boiler and the controller. The apparatus further includes: a backflow prevention means removably installed in the housing and configured to, when mounted to the housing, communicate with the circulation line disposed between the boiler and the storage tank, the backflow prevention means configured to allow the fluid to flow in one direction through the circulation line. 1. A fluid circulation type heating apparatus comprising: a circulation line; a heat radiation member installed on the circulation line; a boiler configured to heat and expand a fluid; a storage tank configured to store the fluid and to supply the fluid to the boiler; a controller configured to control the boiler; and a housing configured to accommodate the boiler and the controller ,wherein the apparatus further comprises: a backflow prevention means removably installed in the housing and configured to, when mounted to the housing, communicate with the circulation line disposed between the boiler and the storage tank, the backflow prevention means configured to allow the fluid to flow in one direction through the circulation line.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising: a cap including a fixing portion removably coupled to the housing and a backflow prevention means installation portion having an entrance connected to the circulation line existing at the side of the storage tank claim 1 , an exit connected to the circulation line exiting at the side of the boiler and an accommodation space formed between the entrance and the exit to accommodate the backflow prevention means claim 1 , the backflow prevention means installed in the backflow ...

13-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU208271U1

Секция стального трубчатого радиатора с первой и второй втулками, приваренными к противоположным стенкам секции и предназначенными для установки клапана, регулирующего поток теплоносителя в верхний коллектор радиатора, при этом обе втулки приварены своими фланцами к внешним поверхностям противоположных стенок секции.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017216261A1

Die Erfindung geht aus von einer Heizkesselvorrichtung (10) mit zumindest einer Rücklaufeinheit (12), welche zumindest ein Rücklaufelement (14) aufweist und zu einer Rückführung wenigstens eines Rücklauffluids, insbesondere von Rücklaufwasser, in Richtung zumindest eines Rücklaufdurchtrittselements (16) vorgesehen ist.Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Rücklaufeinheit (12) zumindest ein Düsenelement (18) aufweist, welches in Strömungsrichtung (20) an einem Ende des Rücklaufelements (14) angeordnet ist und welches dazu vorgesehen ist, das Rücklauffluid wenigstens teilweise zu beschleunigen.

02-11-2005 дата публикации

Valve assembly

Номер: GB0000519413D0

24-10-2018 дата публикации

Device for the attachment of space heating or domestic hot water heating equipment to a wall

Номер: GB0002561706A

A device 1 for attaching equipment A for space heating and domestic hot water, e.g. a boiler, to a wall P. The device has a frame 1A having a first portion 2 for attachment to the wall and a second portion 3 perpendicular to the first for receiving the equipment. The second portion also has a plurality of pipes 20 provided with valve means 21 capable of attachment to corresponding connections of the equipment. The device may feature brackets 6 that can slide along a main part of the first portion, the brackets having holes 7 to attach to the wall with screws or bolts 8, and being used to attach to the rear of the equipment using a tongue and seat arrangement 10. The second portion may comprise walls 14, 15 to define a space 11 for receiving the equipment.

29-08-2012 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a temporary hot water system

Номер: GB0201212620D0

18-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001367179A

... 1367179 Central heating FELLINGSBRO VERKSTADER AB 24 Nov 1972 [30 Sept 1972] 45241/72 Heading F4U [Also in Division F2] A device for connecting a radiator R to a control valve 1 in the main flow pipe L of a onepipe central heating system comprises a tubular body 2 which extends into the flow space of the radiator and in which is secured a twisted partition 3 for providing a spiral motion of the hot water flowing through the body 2.

15-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000215586A

21-07-2011 дата публикации

Flareless-type pipe fitting, refrigerating device, and water- heating device

Номер: AU2008227716B2

In a flareless-type pipe fitting, a pressing surface (25) axially pressing the rear end of a ferrule (3) while pressing it inward is provided on a fitting body (1) or a member (2) for joining on which a cam surface (19) is not formed. A groove (36) recessed outward from the inner peripheral edge in the radial direction is formed in the ferrule (3). The rear end of the ferrule (3) is axially pressed while being pressed inward by the pressing surface (25), whereby the front end of the ferrule is pressed against the cam surface (19) so that the edge part (3b) at the front end of the ferrule is deformed to be penetrated into a pipe (p) and the edge part (3c) at the rear end of the ferrule (3) is deformed to be penetrated into the pipe (p).

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003001747C

A constant-voltage switching apparatus and a hot water system. The constant-voltage switching apparatus comprises: a main body (1), a flow channel (10) being provided inside the main body (1), and the flow channel (10) having an inlet (11) and an outlet (12); and a first blocking piece (30) and an attraction piece (20) capable of being in magnetic attraction with each other. The first blocking piece (30) is provided with a blocking position and a communication position that are arranged at a preset distance. When the differential pressure of two sides of the first blocking piece (30) in the direction from the inlet (11) to the outlet (12) is larger than the attraction force between the first blocking piece (30) and the attraction piece (20), the blocking piece (30) can move towards the communication position. When the differential pressure of two sides of the first blocking piece (30) in the direction from the inlet (11) to the outlet (12) is less than the attraction force between the first ...

22-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002622155A1

The fluid flow device includes a first metal component having a hardened engaging surface or portion and a second metal component that is softer than the hardened portion. The second metal component is assembled with the first component such that the hardened surface engages and plastically deforms the second metal component to provide a seal.

04-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002831302A1

A radiant tube made of refractory metal is provided with at least one bent tube (3A (3C)) which connect straight tubes (2A, 2B (2C, 2D)). Combustion air from a burner (5) is fed through one of the straight tubes (2A, 2B (2C, 2D)), and the radiant tube is characterized by using a cast product with an external diameter of 150 - 210 mm and a thickness of 3 - 8 mm at least as the bent tube (3A (3C)) closest to the burner (5).

16-05-1975 дата публикации

Central heating installation - has circulation pump, hollow support column forming collector and a console

Номер: FR0002248474A1

21-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003027372B1

14-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003063799A3

Dispositif (1) pour la fixation à un mur ou à une paroi (P) d'un appareil (A) pour le chauffage d'un environnement et d'eau sanitaire, comprenant un châssis (1A) ayant une première partie (2) apte à être fixée au mur (P) et une seconde partie (3) perpendiculaire à la première, au moins à proximité de laquelle ledit appareil est apte à se positionner, la seconde partie (3) ayant une pluralité de tuyaux (20) dotés d'organes à clapets (21) correspondants aptes à se raccorder à des raccords correspondants dudit appareil (A).

29-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101269141B1

07-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200036515A

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170264A1
Принадлежит: NIBCO Inc.

A gas sediment trap assembly includes a generally cylindrical length with a generally perpendicular tee and a vertically oriented capped portion. The gas sediment trap assembly is coupled to the gas supply line and the gas fired appliance. One or more gas ball valves can be coupled to the gas sediment trap assembly. The gas sediment trap assembly can be used with conventional gas piping, flexible gas piping, and/or other gas line components.

06-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210131576A1
Принадлежит: NIBCO Inc.

A gas sediment trap assembly includes a generally cylindrical length with a generally perpendicular tee and a vertically oriented capped portion. The gas sediment trap assembly is coupled to the gas supply line and the gas fired appliance. One or more gas ball valves can be coupled to the gas sediment trap assembly. The gas sediment trap assembly can be used with conventional gas piping, flexible gas piping, and/or other gas line components.

29-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018147073A3

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Heizgerät, insbesondere Gasbrennwertgerät

Номер: DE102019133771A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Heizgerät, insbesondere Gasbrennwertgerät, insbesondere zum Heizen eines Gebäudeteiles, umfassend ein Gehäuse, in dem eine Abgasleitung, insbesondere ein Abgasrohr, verläuft, sowie mindestens eine erste und zweite Anschlussöffnungseinrichtung zum variablen Anschluss eines Abgassystems.

17-01-1996 дата публикации

Panel for a heating unit

Номер: GB0002291177A

A panel for a heating unit, comprises a supporting plate (33) and at least one conduit (42) disposed at a first side of the plate (33). A tubular connector (40) is fixed to the conduit (42) and has a portion (44) extending through an aperture (46) in the plate in order to allow connection of an operative component (6) thereto at the opposite side of the plate (33). The aperture is of a larger dimension than the tubular portion (44) of the connector (40) to allow a limited degree of movement of the conduit (42) and the connector (40) relative to the plate (33) in a lateral direction substantially parallel to the plate (33). Further compliant support is afforded by heat-insulative material (58) enclosing the conduit. ...

29-03-2006 дата публикации

Valve assembly

Номер: GB0002412152B
Принадлежит: TOUR & ANDERSSON AB

22-02-2007 дата публикации

Fluid flow devices

Номер: AU2006279976A1

27-05-1977 дата публикации

Central heating installation - has circulation pump, hollow support column forming collector and a console

Номер: FR0002248474B1

20-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: SE0000409504B

29-08-1944 дата публикации

Valve structure for steam conducting systems

Номер: US2357097A

18-07-2024 дата публикации

Узел нижнего подключения радиатора

Номер: RU227390U1

Полезная модель относится к узлу нижнего подключения радиатора к трубопроводам, содержащему два трубчатых элемента, соединенных между собой перемычкой. Технической задачей является исключение деформации перемычки и проворачивания относительно нее трубчатых элементов при монтаже. Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение прочности соединения перемычки с трубчатыми элементами в направлении усилия, прилагаемого при монтаже. Узел нижнего подключения радиатора содержит снабженные запорными узлами и соединенные перемычкой трубчатые элементы, снабженные верхними и нижними резьбовыми концевыми элементами. Каждое из двух соединений перемычки с трубчатым элементом снабжено ребром жесткости, расположенным вне плоскости, проходящей через оси нижних резьбовых концевых элементов. Узел подключения может быть выполнен Н-образным или угловым. Верхние концевые резьбовые элементы выполнены в виде накидных гаек, нижние концевые резьбовые элементы выполнены в виде наружной резьбы. Ребро жесткости ...

22-01-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018147074A3

07-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725918C1

Изобретение относится к водогрейным котлам для нужд отопления и горячего водоснабжения объектов коммунального, бытового и производственного назначения. Водогрейный котел содержит корпус, имеющий боковую стенку и два закрывающих элемента, которые жестко соединены с разными концами боковой стенки и формируют вместе с ней внутреннее пространство котла. Горелка расположена во внутреннем пространстве корпуса и соединена с одним из закрывающих элементов. Теплообменник расположен во внутреннем пространстве корпуса между боковой стенкой корпуса и горелкой так, что он задает окружающую горелку камеру сгорания и экранирует боковую стенку корпуса котла от лучистого излучения горелки. Между теплообменником и боковой стенкой корпуса котла сформирован окружной канал для прохождения дымовых газов, образовавшихся в камере сгорания. Закрывающие элементы корпуса выполнены так, что один из них образует входной коллектор для подвода подлежащего нагреву теплоносителя в котел, а другой - выходной коллектор для ...

24-08-1994 дата публикации

Panel for heating unit

Номер: GB0009413693D0

29-04-2009 дата публикации

Structural floor panel of a building

Номер: GB2454079A

A structural floor panel 1 of a building comprises a top panel 11 and a base panel 10 with a hollow space (12, fig 3) between them, an inlet and an outlet connection on the floor panel 1 and through which a flow of heat exchange medium flows and communicates though the hollow space (12). The inlet and outlet may have self sealing valves (18, 19) connected to a water flow and return pipes 3. The panel 1 may be supported by pedestals (2, fig 2), which may incorporate the valves (fig 10). A plurality of dome shaped integral strengthening projections (15) may extend from the base 10 towards the top 1 land may be welded to the top 11. A heat reflecting layer (20, fig 6) may be applied over the face of the base 10 to reflect back heat. A ceramic heat conducting means (25, fig 8) may be applied to the upper surface of the panel 1 to act as a heat sink to store heat and assist in heat transfer to a room. The panel 1 may be inverted so that a dimpled side (30, fig 9) is uppermost for enhanced heat ...

25-10-2023 дата публикации

Heat pump water heater

Номер: GB0002617944A

According to one aspect of the present disclosure, the heat pump water heater comprises a refrigeration cycle circuit, a water circuit to which water pipes are connected, a housing, and a pipe fixing part that fixes, to the housing, the water pipes extending in a first direction by stacking the water pipes in multiple stages on top of each other. The pipe fixing part has a first fixing part that is fixed to the housing on a first side in a third direction with respect to the water pipes, and a second fixing part that is fixed to the housing on a second side. The first fixing part has a first side surface plate that is fixed to the housing on the first side of the water pipes, an upper surface plate that extends to the second side from another side end section of the first side surface plate in a second direction, and a claw part that is provided on the second side of the upper surface plate and is hooked to the second fixing part from the second side. The second fixing part has a second ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3109420A1

The invention allows producing air flow to either inflate a self-making bedding system via a first outlet, or to heat the air exiting the apparatus via a second, optionally a third, outlet, for controlling the air flow and the temperature sent into the self-making bedding system. The 5 apparatus is operated via an interface on the outside surface of the apparatus; a smartphone or tablet, an intelligent virtual/personal assistant or a computer including an application or software for wirelessly sending instructions to the apparatus, e.g. using BluetoothTM or Wifi; or a remote control. The invention is particularly useful for disabled persons for self-making their bed by directly controlling the apparatus via the application, with the possibility to use a 0 voice control system combined with the application, or to have the apparatus daily programmed for making the bed or controlling the temperature at specific time of the day.

28-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009066335A2
Автор: DELL'ERA, Vito

The present invention concerns a manifold for radiant panels of ceiling-mounted and/or wall-mounted thermal-conditioning systems, characterized in that is of a space type, i.e., with two-dimensional and three- dimensional configurability, in so far as it is equipped with at least one swivel pipe fitting, which can be fitted on the fixed ends of the body of the manifold by purposely provided engagement means. Said pipe fitting, thus constrained on the manifold by said engagement means, can turn freely about its axis of fitting on the manifold itself.

20-07-1937 дата публикации

Номер: US0002087690A1

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Constant Pressure Switch Apparatus and Water Heating System

Номер: US20180238562A1

The present application relates to a constant pressure switch apparatus and a water heating system. The constant pressure switch apparatus includes: a body inside which a flow passage is provided, the flow passage having an inlet and an outlet; a first blocking member and an attraction member that can be magnetically attracted to each other; the first blocking member having a blocking position and a communicating position that are spaced apart at a preset distance; the first blocking member being able to move towards the communicating position when a pressure difference between both sides of the first blocking member in a direction from the inlet to the outlet is greater than an attraction force between the first blocking member and the attraction member; and the first blocking member being able to move towards the blocking position when a pressure difference between both sides of the first blocking member in a direction from the inlet to the outlet is less than an attraction force between the first blocking member and the attraction member. The constant pressure switch apparatus and water heating system provided in this application can enable the circulating pump to maintain a connected state of the flow passage without increasing pressure, and can also avoid the problem of series flow of cold and hot water. 1. A constant pressure switch apparatus , wherein , it comprises:a first body inside which a flow passage is provided, the flow passage having an inlet and an outlet;a first blocking member and an attraction member that can be magnetically attracted to each other;the first blocking member having a blocking position and a communicating position that are spaced apart with a preset distance; the first blocking member being able to move towards the communicating position when a pressure difference between both sides of the first blocking member in a direction from the inlet to the outlet is greater than an attraction force between the first blocking member and the ...

21-04-2004 дата публикации

Valve assembly

Номер: GB0000405814D0

30-11-2016 дата публикации

Exhaust pipe flange

Номер: CN0205745764U

03-09-2014 дата публикации

Heat exchanger

Номер: CN0203810717U

23-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003032772B1

09-08-1963 дата публикации

Improvement with the apparatuses of the water-heater type, water heaters and mural boilers with gas

Номер: FR0001334629A

19-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003032772A1

Dispositif de raccordement orientable d'un carter (8) à des conduits externes, caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte un élément coudé (1) tubulaire de jonction dont une première extrémité (5) est munie d'une liaison à pivotement dans une face de raccordement (10) du carter (8), une seconde extrémité (4) comportant des moyens de raccordement aux conduits externes, lesdites extrémités (4, 5) terminant respectivement une première portion tubulaire (6) et une seconde portion tubulaire (7) dont les directions forment entre elles un angle compris entre 130° et 140°, la liaison à pivotement organisant une rotation d'axe confondu avec l'axe X2 d'une des portions tubulaire (7), l'axe de pivotement étant perpendiculaire à la face de raccordement (10), laquelle forme sensiblement la base d'un tétraèdre trirectangle virtuel dont les faces latérales virtuelles sont dans le prolongement de faces (11, 12, 13) du carter (8) adjacentes à la face de raccordement (10).

28-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002009066335A3
Автор: DELL'ERA, Vito

The present invention concerns a manifold for radiant panels of ceiling-mounted and/or wall-mounted thermal-conditioning systems, characterized in that is of a space type, i.e., with two-dimensional and three- dimensional configurability, in so far as it is equipped with at least one swivel pipe fitting, which can be fitted on the fixed ends of the body of the manifold by purposely provided engagement means. Said pipe fitting, thus constrained on the manifold by said engagement means, can turn freely about its axis of fitting on the manifold itself.

26-04-1921 дата публикации

Номер: US0001375967A1

03-12-1929 дата публикации

Номер: US0001738052A1

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190242619A1

A kit for assembling a heating system and a heating system, which when assembled, comprises at least two heating devices, a partition constituting at least a part of one wall of each of the devices, which separates between interiors thereof, and a sealing arrangement mounted at least along upper, lower and rear edges of the partition to at least reduce a heat transfer between the interiors of the two devices at said edges so as to allow individual heating operation of each of the heating devices; the heating devices having a common front wall at least seen from an exterior of the system as a single front face of the system.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014114059A1

Es wird ein Abgasrohr-Flansch (1), insbesondere für eine Abgasleitung eines mobilen Heizgeräts, bereitgestellt, mit: einer stirnseitigen Rohröffnung (2) und einem sich um den Umfang der Rohröffnung (2) erstreckenden Flanschbereich (4), der eine stirnseitig vorstehende umlaufende Dichtlippe (7) aufweist, die dazu ausgebildet ist, dichtend an einer Kontaktfläche anzuliegen. Der Flanschbereich (4) weist eine Mehrzahl von Durchbrechungen (5) zur Aufnahme von Befestigungsmitteln und im Bereich der Durchbrechungen (5) stirnseitig vorstehende Anlageflächen (6) auf.

07-09-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE8907292U1
Принадлежит: SCHICHL, KARL, 8151 WARNGAU, DE

22-01-2014 дата публикации

Temporary hot water system

Номер: GB0002504082A

A method is provided of temporarily providing hot water to a hot water pipe 16 of a faulty combination heating and hot water boiler unit 12 via an electrically-operable standalone water heater unit 18. The method comprises the first step of providing a secondary flow path S which extends from a primary flow path P defined by the hot water pipe and spaced from the faulty boiler unit, and a tertiary flow path T which extends from the primary flow path downstream of the secondary flow path. The method comprises the second step of temporarily providing the standalone water heater unit externally of the faulty boiler unit, and temporarily connecting the secondary and tertiary flow paths with a cold-water inlet port 76 and a hot-water outlet port 78 of the water heater unit respectively. The method comprises the further steps of diverting water flow from the primary flow path into the secondary and tertiary flow paths, whereby water flow passes through the water heater unit, which is energised ...

19-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001518652A

... 1518652 Heat pumps; central heating MUST ENERGIE 5 Jan 1977 [14 Jan 1976 26 Oct 1976 3 Nov 1976] 00215/77 Headings F4H and F4U A heat pump utilized both for cooling air and recovering waste heat from air extracted from a building to heat water in a central heating system (not shown) comprises a parallelepiped shaped housing 1 having in its operative position an extracted air inlet 4 in the lower wall and cooled air exhaust orifices 5a, 5b in a side wall, the compressor 9 and condenser 10 forming a refrigerant/water heat exchanger of the refrigerating system being disposed in the housing above and coaxially with the inlet 4. The system also includes an evaporator 7 serving as a refrigerant/air heat exchanger within the housing and an annular space between the exchanger 10 which is of toroidal form and compressor 9 enables inlet air to move upwardly therethrough prior to flow through the evaporator 7 under the influence of a fan (not shown) outside the housing. In a modification, a centrifugal ...

16-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140045350A

24-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002353022A1

22-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002255493A1

18-08-2004 дата публикации

Flow intercepting and regulating valve device for radiators

Номер: GB0000416026D0

03-11-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001251962A

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002872609A1

The present invention relates to a condensing heat exchanger and a boiler/water hearter including the same and, more particularly, to a condensing heat exchanger, which can increase a contact area between water and a combustion gas having high temperature and improve efficiency by passing a combustion gas, generated from a combustion chamber, through a plurality of exhaust pipes and which can be fabricated in a small and compact size, and a boiler/water hearter including the same.

02-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002370241A

L'invention se rapporte à un dispositif de raccordement pour une pompe à chaleur. Un collecteur d'air 10 ayant la forme d'une boîte de section carrée est disposé de maniere amovible et orientable au-dessous de l'orifice d'admission d'air pratiqué sur la paroi inférieure du caisson 1 de la pompe à chaleur. Une plaque 5 pour le raccordement des canalisations (6-7) du fluide caloporteur et pour les branchements électriques 8 est montée amovible sur l'une des parois latérales du collecteur 10. Application aux pompes à chaleur du type air-eau utilisées pour le chauffage de logements individuels.

22-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102102838B1

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247997A1
Автор: Micallef David, Ng Wilson
Принадлежит: Rheem Australia Pty Limited

A water heating system having a system inlet pipe (), a hot water delivery pipe () and a hot water return pipe () connected to a building hot water distribution network (); the water heating system including one or more water heaters (), the or each water heater having a heater inlet () and a heater outlet (), a hot water return pipe () connected between the system inlet and delivery outlet via the building hot water distribution network to form a close loop hot water supply-return circuit; a pump () connected to circulate water through the hot water supply-return circuit whereby the pump can circulate water through one or more of the water heaters; a valve means () [a first non-return valve] adapted to prevent inlet water (water delivered to the system inlet) from flowing into the hot water return pipe or the building hot water distribution network. 1. A water heating system having a system inlet , a delivery outlet and hot water return inlet connected to a building hot water distribution network;the water heating system including one or more water heaters, the or each heater having a heater inlet and a heater outlet,a supplemental path connecting the system inlet to the delivery outlet;the supplemental path bridging the water heater or water heaters and including a flow control device adapted to permit flow from the system inlet to the delivery outlet when the pressure differential across the water heater or water heaters exceeds a predetermined pressure differential.2. A water heating system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the supplemental path includes a pressure activated device oriented so a pressure differential between the inlet of the pressure activated device and the outlet of the pressure activated device enables water from system inlet to be fed to the delivery outlet when the inlet pressure exceeds the pressure at the delivery outlet by the operating pressure of the pressure activated device.3. A water heating system as claimed in claim 2 , including a ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053826A1

A radiant tube formed of a heat resistant metal includes at least one bent tube (A (C)) which connects straight tubes (A, B (C, D)) to each other. Combustion gas from a burner is fed through one of the straight tubes (A, B (C, D)). The radiant tube is characterized in that at least as the bent tube A (C) located closest to the burner , there is employed a cast body having an outer diameter ranging from 150 to 210 mm and a wall thickness ranging from 3 to 8 mm. 1. A radiant tube formed of a heat resistant metal comprising at least one bent tube which connects a pair of straight tubes to each other to facilitate feeding of a combustion gas from a burner through one of said straight tubes;wherein said bent tube located closest to said burner comprises a cast body having an outer diameter ranging from 150 to 210 mm and a wall thickness ranging from 3 to 8 mm.2. The radiant tube according to claim 1 , wherein the bent tube has a smaller wall thickness at its portions near the connections to the straight tubes than the remaining portion thereof.3. The radiant tube according to claim 1 , wherein the radiant tube comprises a plurality of said bent tubes claim 1 , all of which comprise the cast bodies having the wall thickness ranging from 3 to 8 mm.4. The radiant tube according to claim 1 , wherein the straight tube has a wall thickness of 7 mm or less.5. The radiant tube according to claim 1 , wherein the straight tube has a smaller wall thickness at its portion near the connection to the bent tube than the remaining portion thereof.6. (canceled)7. The radiant tube according to claim 2 , wherein the radiant tube comprises a plurality of said bent tubes claim 2 , all of which comprise the cast bodies having the wall thickness ranging from 3 to 8 mm.87. The radiant tube according to any one of - claims 1 , wherein the straight tube comprises a cast body having a greater wall thickness than that of the bent tube. The present invention relates to a radiant tube formed of cast ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003740A1
Автор: Murphy Mark Allan

An outlet heat trap assembly for a tank-type water heater includes a tube having a tube wall, the tube defining a bore extending along a longitudinal axis and a transverse opening through the tube wall, the transverse opening communicating with the bore; and a flexible member within the bore, the flexible member deflectable between a first position in which the flexible member covers the transverse opening, and a second position in which the flexible member is deflected toward the longitudinal axis to allow fluid flow through the transverse opening into the bore. The outlet heat trap assembly further comprises an insert member coupled to a distal end of the tube, wherein the tube further defines an axial opening at the distal end of the tube, the axial opening communicating with the bore, and wherein the insert member covers the axial opening. 1. An outlet heat trap assembly provided at a hot water outlet of a tank-type water heater , comprising:a tube having a tube wall, the tube defining a bore extending along a longitudinal axis and a transverse opening through the tube wall, the transverse opening communicating with the bore; anda flexible member within the bore, the flexible member deflectable between a first position in which the flexible member covers the transverse opening, and a second position in which the flexible member is deflected toward the longitudinal axis to allow fluid flow through the transverse opening into the bore.2. The outlet heat trap assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an insert member coupled to a distal end of the tube claim 1 , wherein the tube further defines an axial opening at the distal end of the tube claim 1 , the axial opening communicating with the bore claim 1 , and wherein the insert member covers the axial opening.3. The outlet heat trap assembly of claim 2 , wherein a first end of the flexible member is coupled to the insert member.4. The outlet heat trap assembly of claim 2 , wherein the insert member includes a body ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Water Heater

Номер: US20160010891A1
Автор: Wada Norihide

A drainage water discharge pipe is connected to a secondary heat exchanger for discharging drainage water to the outside of the secondary heat exchanger. An air passage pipe is connected to an exhaust box. A three-way pipe joint allows merging of a flow path on a side of the drainage water discharge pipe and a flow path on a side of the air passage pipe, and allows connection of the merged flow path to a drainage water tank connection pipe. In the three-way pipe joint, the flow path on the side of the air passage pipe is greater in diameter than the flow path on the side of the drainage water discharge pipe, and the flow path on the side of the drainage water tank connection pipe is decreased in diameter after merging of the drainage water discharge pipe and the air passage pipe. 1. A water heater of a latent heat recovery type , capable of heating water by recovering latent heat of combustion gas , comprising:a burner which generates combustion gas;a heat exchanger which heats water which flows through inside, through heat exchange with combustion gas produced in the burner;a fan which suctions combustion gas which has passed through the heat exchanger and emits combustion gas to outside of the water heater;a drainage water discharge pipe which is connected to the heat exchanger and discharges drainage water produced as a result of recovery of latent heat by the heat exchanger to the outside of the heat exchanger;an air passage pipe connected to a path for flow of combustion gas from the heat exchanger to the fan; anda pipe connection portion which allows merging of the drainage water discharge pipe and the air passage pipe and connection of a merged flow path to a discharge path leading to the outside of the water heater,in the pipe connection portion, a flow path on a side of the air passage pipe being greater in diameter than a flow path on a side of the drainage water discharge pipe and a flow path on a side of the discharge path being decreased in diameter ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010810A1
Автор: Boivin Dominique

A water heating assembly, related kit, use and method make use of a temperature control near a point of use of water, so as to reduce a time response for hot water at this point of use are provided. The water heating assembly includes a tank for containing water, an inlet temperature sensor for sensing an inlet temperature of the water upstream of the tank, and a valve located upstream of the tank. The valve is actuated when the sensed inlet temperature reaches a given temperature set-point such that the water is bypassed from the tank and directly sent to the point of use. The water heating assembly is configured such that the point of use can be fed with water at the desired temperature in a reduced time, the water coming directly from the hot water source and/or the water heating assembly, thereby saving water, energy and time. 1. A water heating assembly for providing reheated water to a point of use , the assembly comprising:a water heating unit for mounting across a piping defining a heating path connecting a hot water source and the point of use, the unit comprising:a tank having an inlet for receiving water and an outlet for evacuating the reheated water near a temperature set point, andat least one heating element installed inside the tank to heat water contained in the tank up to near the temperature set point;a temperature control assembly comprising:an inlet temperature sensor mountable about the inlet of the tank for sensing an inlet temperature of the water fed through the inlet, anda valve actuator operatively connected to the inlet temperature sensor, anda valve for mounting across a bypass piping defining a bypass path allowing to bypass the water heating unit and directly feed the point of use with water directly from the hot water source, said valve being switchable by the valve actuator between:a first position closing the bypass path when the sensed inlet temperature is below the temperature set point, thereby forcing water to follow the heating ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Overflow Protection And Monitoring Apparatus And Methods Of Installing Same

Номер: US20210018220A1
Автор: Murphy Kevin Michael

Overflow protection and monitoring devices capable of coupling to a drainage pan and may include: a drainage line; a base, the base including an input port; a dry section; and a wet section, the input port capable of coupling to the drainage pan; a base cover, the base cover removably coupled to the base, the base cover including a base cover output port capable of coupling to the drainage line; a fluid displacement mechanism located in the wet section, the fluid displacement mechanism including a fluid displacement mechanism output port; a fluid detection mechanism located in the wet section; and a base attachment, the base attachment coupled to the fluid displacement mechanism output port and the base cover output port, the base attachment including an air relief port and back-flow preventer; a control unit capable of energizing the fluid displacement mechanism upon receiving a signal from the fluid detection mechanism. 1. An overflow protection and monitoring apparatus for a drainage pan comprising:a drainage line;a base, the base including an input port, a dry section, and a wet section, the input port capable of coupling to the drainage pan;a base cover, the base cover removably coupled to the base, the base cover including a base cover output port capable of coupling to the drainage line;a fluid displacement mechanism located in the wet section, the fluid displacement mechanism including a fluid displacement mechanism output port;a fluid detection mechanism located in the wet section; anda base attachment, the base attachment coupled to the fluid displacement mechanism output port and the base cover output port, the base attachment including an air relief port and back-flow preventer;a control unit capable of energizing the fluid displacement mechanism upon receiving a signal from the fluid detection mechanism.2. A method of installing an overflow protection and monitoring apparatus comprising the steps of: a drainage line;', 'a base, the base including an ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023275A1
Автор: Jonsson Mikael

An accumulator tank for handling a heat transfer medium, may have a tank top section and a bottom section. The accumulator tank may be connected to at least one heat-emitting system and at least one heat-absorbing system. The accumulator tank may have a plurality of partition walls located inside the tank and arranged between the bottom section and the top section for the purpose of dividing the tank into a plurality of spaces. The systems may be connected to at least one respective space so that a temperature gradient is created between the bottom section and the top section. Also disclosed is a system for distributing and handling heat and/or cold, the accumulator tank. 1. An accumulator tank for handling a heat transfer medium , comprising:a tank with a top section and a bottom section;a plurality of partition walls located inside the tank and arranged between the bottom section and the top section to divide the tank into a plurality of spaces;wherein the accumulator tank is connected to at least one heat-emitting system and at least one heat-absorbing system, each of the heat-emitting system and the heat-absorbing system being connected to at least one respective space so that a temperature gradient is created between the bottom section and the top section;wherein the partition walls are welded onto the accumulator tank along substantially its entire inner periphery, such that the strength of the accumulator tank is increased and movement of the medium between the spaces of the accumulator tank along its inner walls is prevented; andwherein the tank has the shape of an upright cylinder with a D-shaped cross-section when viewed from above and is devoid of any external structural support.2. The accumulator tank according to claim 1 , wherein the partition walls are provided with holes for allowing communication of medium between the spaces.3. The accumulator tank according to claim 1 , wherein the partition walls are fabricated from aluminium.4. The accumulator ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Water Heater Inlet Fitting, Flow Sensor, Shut Off Valve And Diffuser

Номер: US20190024943A1

An integrated valve and flow sensor for a water heater can have a valve body that includes a valve and a flow sensor for measuring the flow of water through the valve. The integrated valve and flow sensor can be disposed within a fitting that can be attached to a water heater. An actuator for opening and closing the valve can be attached to the fitting. A diffuser can also be attached to the fitting. 1. An integrated flow sensor and diffuser for a water heater comprising:a flow sensor body, the flow sensor body comprising an inlet and an outlet, the inlet comprising an aperture and an inlet attachment mechanism on the inside of the inlet for attaching the flow sensor body to a water supply pipe, and the outlet comprising an extended cylindrical flange which comprises a diffuser attachment mechanism; anda diffuser with a complementary diffuser attachment mechanism, the complementary diffuser attachment mechanism configured to couple to the diffuser attachment mechanism of the extended cylindrical flange.2. The integrated flow sensor and diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser attachment mechanism of the extended cylindrical flange is a groove and wherein the complementary diffuser attachment mechanism of the diffuser is a protrusion that fits into the groove.3. The integrated flow sensor and diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser attachment mechanism of the extended cylindrical flange is a protrusion and wherein the complementary diffuser attachment mechanism of the diffuser is a groove that receives the protrusion.4. The integrated flow sensor and diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the flow sensor body comprises a cavity for retaining a flow sensor.5. The integrated flow sensor and diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the extended cylindrical flange further comprises threads on an outer surface of the extended cylindrical flange claim 1 , the threads for coupling the integrated flow sensor and diffuser to a water heater fitting.6. The integrated flow sensor and diffuser ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Temperature algorithm for water heater

Номер: US20190024944A1
Принадлежит: AO Smith Corp

A water heater including a storage tank including a water inlet and a water outlet, a pump, an upper temperature sensor, a lower temperature sensor, and an electronic processor. The electronic processor is configured to receive an upper temperature signal and a lower temperature signal, compare the upper temperature signal to a sum of a setpoint temperature threshold minus a temperature differential, and compare the lower temperature signal to a high limit temperature threshold. The electronic processor is further configured to activate the pump in response to the first upper temperature signal being less than the sum of the setpoint temperature threshold minus the temperature differential and the first lower temperature signal being less than the predetermined high limit temperature threshold.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031272A1

A PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) heater for liquid heating may include: a heat conductor; a PTC heating assembly; and water pipe assembly. The heat conductor may have a first accommodating duct and a second accommodating duct. The PTC heating assembly at least partially is disposed in the first accommodating duct; moreover, the water pipe assembly at least partially is disposed in the second accommodating duct, with an outer surface of the water pipe assembly at least partially abutting against an inner surface of the second accommodating duct. The PTC liquid heating tube of the present disclosure can achieve a better corrosion resistance and greatly extend the service life of the PTC heater as well as prevent electric leakage accidents. Furthermore, the PTC heater of the present disclosure will have a simple structure and low costs for being convenient to assemble, especially in the replacement of the water pipes for maintaining the PTC heater in future. 1. A PTC heater for liquid heating , comprising:a heat conductor comprising at least one first accommodating duct and at least one second accommodating duct;a PTC heating assembly at least partially disposed in the first accommodating duct; andat least one water pipe assembly at least partially disposed in the second accommodating duct, with an outer surface of the water pipe assembly at least partially abutting against an inner surface of the second accommodating duct.2. The PTC heater for liquid heating of claim 1 , wherein the first and second accommodating ducts are disposed in parallel.3. The PTC heater for liquid heating of claim 1 , wherein the first accommodating duct is disposed between at least two second accommodating ducts.4. The PTC heater for liquid heating of claim 1 , wherein the heat conductor is a material of an aluminum alloy.5. The PTC heater for liquid heating of claim 1 , wherein the water pipe assembly is a material of a corrosion-resistant heat-conducting material.6. The PTC heater ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031273A1

The invention discloses a condensing gas water heater, a condensing heat exchanger as well as heat exchanger plates. The condensing heat exchanger comprises: a housing and at least one heat exchanger plate disposed in the housing; the heat exchanger plate comprises a first metal board and a second metal board butting each other, wherein a surface of the first metal board and a surface of the second metal board which butt each other are butting surfaces, and two outer surfaces opposite to the butting surfaces are a first surface and a second surface, respectively; at least one of the first metal board and the second metal board is formed with a convex flow guide portion along a direction away from the butting surface; the first metal board and the second metal board form a fluid passage via the flow guide portion; and the housing is provided with a flue gas inlet and a flue gas outlet. The condensing gas water heater, the condensing heat exchanger as well as the heat exchanger plates provided in the invention can increase heat exchange efficiency, reduce cost, realize a modular assembly and improve ease of mounting. 1. A condensing heat exchanger , characterized by comprising: a housing and at least one heat exchanger plate disposed in the housing;the heat exchanger plate comprises a first metal board and a second metal board butting each other, wherein a surface of the first metal board and a surface of the second metal board which butt each other are butting surfaces, and two outer surfaces opposite to the butting surfaces are a first surface and a second surface, respectively;at least one of the first metal board and the second metal board is formed with a convex flow guide portion along a direction away from the butting surface; the first metal board and the second metal board form a fluid passage via the flow guide portion; andthe housing is provided with a flue gas inlet and a flue gas outlet, flue gas can flow into from the flue gas inlet, contact and exchange ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032960A1

In a heating and hot water supply apparatus, a heat exchanger for hot water supply includes a primary-side path and a secondary-side path. A bypass path branches from a heating circulation path and is configured such that a heat transfer medium heated by a heating device flows through the primary-side path without passing through a heating terminal when hot water supply operation is performed and then joins the heating circulation path again. A control unit controls a flow rate regulating valve so that a hot water flow rate does not exceed a reference limit flow rate when hot water supply operation is performed. The reference limit flow rate is set on the basis of the smaller one between a maximum heating capacity of the heating device and a heating capacity of the heating device at which an output temperature of the heated heat transfer medium reaches an upper limit temperature. 1. A heating and hot water supply apparatus comprising:a heating device configured to heat a heat transfer medium;a heating circulation path for circulating the heat transfer medium heated by the heating device when a heating operation is performed to and from a heating terminal;a heat exchanger for hot water supply including a primary-side path and a secondary-side path for heat exchange between liquids;a bypass path which branches from the heating circulation path and through which the heat transfer medium flows through the primary-side path of the heat exchanger for hot water supply without passing through the heating terminal when a hot water supply operation is performed and then joins the heating circulation path again;a water inlet pipe that is connected to an input side of the secondary-side path;a hot water delivery pipe that is connected to an output side of the secondary-side path;a flow rate regulating valve configured to control a hot water flow rate of the hot water delivery pipe; anda control unit configured to control the flow rate regulating valve so that the hot water flow ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033004A1
Автор: JEONG Inchul, Park Jun Gil
Принадлежит: Kyungdong Navien Co., Ltd.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a heat exchanger which minimizes pressure drops of the heating medium by allowing smooth circulation of same along the heating medium channels formed between plates, improves the efficiency of heat exchange by preventing localized overheating, and which additionally facilitates the production of the heat exchanger. The present invention comprises a heat exchange part having heating medium channels, through which heating medium flows, and combustion gas channels, through which combustion gas burned in a burner flows, adjacently disposed in alternation in the spaces between the plurality of plates, wherein the heat exchange part surrounds the outer sides of a central combustion chamber space, a plurality of the heat exchange parts are provided in a stacked structure, and the flow direction of the heating medium is unidirectional only in a part of the heating medium channels from among the heating medium channels provided in each layer. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:{'b': 1', '2, 'a heat exchange part in which a heating medium channel (P), through which a heating medium flows, and a combustion gas channel (P), through which a combustion gas combusted in a burner flows, are alternately formed adjacent to each other in a space between a plurality of plates,'}wherein the heat exchange part is configured to surround an outer side of a space of a combustion chamber (C) provided at a central portion of the heat exchange part, and the heat exchange part is provided in a stacked structure of a plurality of heat exchange parts, and{'b': '1', 'some heating medium channels (P) provided in layers are formed to direct a flow direction of the heating medium in one direction.'}211. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein each of the heating medium channels (P) of the plurality of heat exchange parts is formed to direct a flow of the heating medium in one direction claim 1 , and the heating medium channels (P) of adjacently stacked ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170034873A1
Принадлежит: Edwards Vacuum LLC

A fault indicating circuit for an electric heater has a first branch to conduct a supply of electrical ,energy to the electrical heater and includes a temperature sensitive device to interrupt the supply of electrical energy to the electric heater when exposed to a temperature exceeding a set temperature. The fault detecting circuit has a second branch that includes at least an element of a fault indicating device. The first branch has a first resistance R, the second branch has a second resistance Rand the two branches are, electrically in parallel. The first and second resistances R, Rare such that when, in use, the temperature sensitive device operates to allow : electrical energy to flow through the first branch and the fault indicating device is inactive and when the temperature sensitive device operates to interrupt that supply of electrical energy the fault indicating device activates to indicate that the temperature sensitive device has operated to interrupt the supply of electrical energy to the electric heater. 1. A fault detecting circuit for an electric heater , said fault detecting circuit comprising:(a) a first branch to conduct a supply of electrical energy to energise said electric heater and comprising a temperature sensitive device to interrupt said supply of electrical energy when said temperature sensitive device is exposed to a temperature exceeding a set temperature; and(b) a second branch comprising at least an element of a fault indicating device,{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein said first branch has a first resistance R, said second branch has a second resistance Rand said first and second branches are electrically in parallel, and'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein said first and second resistances R, Rare such that, in use, when said temperature sensitive device operates to allow said supply of electrical energy to flow through said first branch said fault indicating device is inactive and when said temperature sensitive device operates to interrupt said ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041091A1
Автор: MOVASSAGHI Mehrzad

A scalable pulse combustor that can be deployed as the heat exchanger in high efficiency, low NOx condensing boilers, water heaters and steam generators is provided. The combustor generally comprises an annular burner coil with a burner flange for accommodating the nozzle of a conventional burner/blower fitted into the central aperture thereof; a spaced-apart opposite annular spreader coil with a heat exchange hub fitted into the central aperture thereof; and a plurality of annular intermediate coils. Each of the burner, spreader and intermediate coils are preferably formed of spiral wound stainless steel tubing, with each winding directly abutting the preceding winding so as to create an annular wall. The heat exchange hub functions as a secondary heat exchanger with its own independently controllable coolant flow. 1. A scalable pulse combustor for use with a conventional burner , the pulse combustor comprising:an annular burner coil or plate with a burner flange for accommodating the conventional burner fitted into a central aperture thereof;a spaced-apart opposite annular spreader coil or plate with a heat exchange hub fitted into a central aperture thereof; and wherein a combustion chamber is defined between the burner coil or plate and the spreader coil or plate, and a plurality of tailpipe regions are defined on both sides of each of the at least one annular intermediate coils;', 'wherein each of the burner, spreader and intermediate coils or plates comprises a coolant passageway for conducting coolant therethrough, and an inlet and outlet for the coolant passageway; and', 'wherein the heat exchange hub comprises a coolant passageway for conducting coolant therethrough, and an inlet and outlet for the coolant passageway., 'at least one annular intermediate coil or plate located in spaced-apart relationship between and substantially parallel to the burner coil and the spreader coil;'}2. A heat exchanger comprising the scalable pulse combustor of in combination ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041092A1

A water heater system includes a primary heat exchanger including a tank and at least one flue, and a secondary heat exchanger including a core and a flue gas flow path. The water heater is operable in a heating mode in which a combustor produces hot flue gas and a water pump flows water through the core of the secondary heat exchanger and into the tank, and in a non-heating mode in which the combustor and the water pump are inoperative. The flue gas flows from the combustor through the at least one flue to heat the water in the tank and then through the flue gas flow path to heat water in the core before being exhausted. 1. A water heater comprising:a combustor for production of hot flue gas;a primary heat exchanger including a tank and at least one flue, the tank including a primary water inlet, a hot water outlet, and a two-way port;a secondary heat exchanger including a core and a flue gas flow path, the secondary heat exchanger including a secondary water inlet, and a secondary water outlet communicating with the primary water inlet so the tank receives water from the secondary heat exchanger;a tee defining a cold water inlet communicating with a source of cold water, a two-way port communicating with the tank, and a secondary tee port communicating with the secondary water inlet; anda water pump operable to pump water to the secondary water inlet from the secondary tee port,wherein the water heater is operable in a heating mode in which the combustor produces hot flue gas and the water pump flows water from the tee through the core of the secondary heat exchanger and into the tank via the primary water inlet, and in a non-heating mode in which the combustor and the water pump are inoperative,wherein the flue gas flows from the combustor through the at least one flue to heat the water in the tank and then through the flue gas flow path to heat water in the core before being exhausted,wherein upon demand water is drawn out of the tank via the primary water ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Water Heater With Flow Bypass

Номер: US20190041095A1
Автор: Boros Jozef

A water heater has a water supply line, a heat exchanger in fluid communication with the water supply line, a heating element positioned proximate to the heat exchanger, such that when activated, the heating element conveys heat to the heat exchanger and thereby heating water supplied by the water supply line, an output line in fluid communication with the heat exchanger and configured to receive heated water therefrom, a flow sensor configured to cause the heating element to activate in response to sensing a predetermined water flow rate through the water heater, and a bypass flow line operably connected between the water supply line and the output line. 1. A water heater comprising: a water supply line;(a) a heat exchanger in fluid communication with the water supply line;(b) a heating element positioned proximate to the heat exchanger, so that, when activated, the heating element conveys heat to the heat exchanger, thereby heating water supplied to the heat exchanger by the water supply line;(c) an output line in fluid communication with the heat exchanger and configured to receive heated water therefrom;(d) a water flow sensor in operative communication with water flow to or in the water heater to detect water flow from the water supply line to the water heater and in operative communication with the heating element to cause the heating element to activate in response to detection of a predetermined water flow rate by the water flow sensor; and(e) a bypass water flow line operably connected between the water supply line and the output line.2. The water heater of further comprising: processing circuitry configured to:(a) receive a flow signal from the flow sensor, and(b) cause the heating element to activate in response to the flow signal indicating that the water flow through the water heater satisfies the predetermined water flow rate.3. The water heater of claim 2 , wherein the processing circuitry is further configured to:(a) receive temperature data from a ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051911A1

A water heater appliance defining a vertical direction and a horizontal direction is provided. The water heater appliance includes a side that extends along the vertical direction between a top and a bottom of the water heater appliance. The water heater appliance includes a heated water conduit and a cold water conduit extending from the side substantially along the horizontal direction. A mixing valve has a heated water inlet that shares a common axis with the heated water conduit. A bypass conduit extends substantially along the vertical direction between the cold water conduit and a cold water inlet to the mixing valve. In this manner, the mixing valve may be quickly and easily interchangeable within the water heater appliance without requiring the rerouting or manipulation of the existing plumbing. 1. A water heater appliance defining an axial direction and a radial direction , the water heater appliance comprising:a casing;a tank disposed within the casing, the tank defining an interior volume and comprising a side wall that extends along the axial direction between a top portion of the tank and a bottom portion of the tank;a cold water conduit extending from the side wall of the tank substantially along the radial direction, the cold water conduit being configured for directing water into the interior volume of the tank;a heated water conduit extending from the side wall of the tank substantially along the radial direction, the heated water conduit being configured for directing water out of the interior volume of the tank;a mixing valve comprising a heated water inlet coupled to the heated water conduit and a cold water inlet; anda bypass conduit extending between the cold water conduit and the cold water inlet of the mixing valve, wherein the mixing valve is configured for selectively mixing water from the heated water conduit and water from the bypass conduit to provide mixed water to a mixed water conduit, and wherein the heated water conduit, the heated ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052473A1

Hot water heater systems including electronic mixing valves and methods for controlling such valves are provided. An electronic mixing valve provides a flow of water in a mixed output line. A method includes monitoring an input temperature of cold water supplied to the valve, storing a value of the input temperature, and setting a position limit of the valve based on the stored value, wherein the position limit of the valve is greater than a fully closed position of the valve and less than a fully open position of the valve. 1. A method of controlling an electronic mixing valve for a hot water heater , the electronic mixing valve providing a flow of water in a mixed output line , the method comprising:monitoring an input temperature of water supplied to the valve;storing an extremum of the input temperature;setting a position limit of the valve based at least in part on the stored extremum; andoperating the valve within a range constrained by the position limit of the valve;wherein the position limit of the valve is greater than a fully closed position of the valve and less than a fully open position of the valve.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the stored extremum is a daily extremum.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of storing an extremum of the input temperature further comprises storing the extremum within a moving seven-day window.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of setting a position limit comprises looking up a predefined position limit associated with the stored extremum in a lookup table claim 1 , and setting the position limit of the valve to the predefined position limit.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the input temperature is a temperature of water in a cold water supply.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the extremum is a minimum.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the predefined position limit is a minimum open position claim 6 , and the step of setting a position limit comprises looking up a predefined minimum open position ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056903A1

An exhaust adapter secures an exhaust tube relative to an exhaust pipe. The exhaust adapter is formed to have an annular shape enclosing a through hole, and is mounted on the outer peripheral surface of the exhaust tube and on the inner peripheral surface of the exhaust pipe by inserting the exhaust tube into the through hole. When the exhaust adapter is being fitted on the outer peripheral surface of the exhaust tube, the inner peripheral surface of the exhaust adapter presses the outer peripheral surface of the exhaust tube, and when the exhaust adapter is being fitted on the inner peripheral surface of the exhaust pipe, the outer peripheral surface of the exhaust adapter presses the inner peripheral surface of the exhaust pipe. 1. An exhaust adapter which is formed to have an annular shape enclosing a through hole and is configured to be supported by an exhaust pipe at an outer peripheral side of said annular shape and to support an exhaust tube at an inner peripheral side , comprising:an annular member including one end surface and the other end surface facing each other and including said through hole penetrating across said one end surface and the other end surface; andan outer peripheral projection member having an annular shape and projecting from an outer peripheral surface of said annular member outward circumferentially.2. The exhaust adapter according to claim 1 , whereinsaid outer peripheral projection member includes a plurality of projections having an annular shape and projecting from said outer peripheral surface of said annular member outward circumferentially, andeach of said plurality of projections is provided on said outer peripheral surface of said annular member at any position except an edge portion on the side of said one end surface of said annular member and an edge portion on the side of the other end surface thereof.3. The exhaust adapter according to claim 1 , further comprising an inner peripheral projection member having an annular ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058717A1

A heat exchanger having a drainage member () mounted on an open end () of a heat-transfer tube (), wherein the drainage member () contains a flow guide portion () including an insertion portion () configured to be inserted into the heat-transfer tube () from the open end (), and a projecting portion () projecting toward an outside of the heat-transfer tube () from the open end () and extending downward. 1. A heat exchanger configured to heat a fluid by heat exchange with combustion exhaust gas ejected from a burner , the heat exchanger comprising:a case body;a plurality of heat-transfer tubes arranged in at least a vertical direction inside the case body;a header configured to communicate open ends of the plurality of heat-transfer tubes arranged in the vertical direction, the header being provided in a side wall outer surface of the case body, and having a header body to which the open ends of the plurality of heat-transfer tubes are connected, and a header cover joined to the header body;a drainage member disposed at at least one of the open ends protruding into an internal space of the header, the drainage member having a flow guide portion including an insertion portion configured to be inserted into the heat-transfer tube from the open end, and a projecting portion provided continuously to the insertion portion so as to project toward an outside of the heat-transfer tube from the open end, and further extend downward; anda flow guide space configured to guide the fluid inside the heat-transfer tube to the outside of the heat-transfer tube, when the insertion portion is inserted into the heat-transfer tube from the open end, the flow guide space being formed continuously between the insertion portion and a lower inner wall of the heat-transfer tube, and between the projecting portion and the open end of the heat-transfer tube.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , whereinthe drainage member has an extending portion extending from an open end side to a back ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Water heater distribution tube

Номер: US20180058721A1
Автор: Timothy Scott Shaffer
Принадлежит: Haier US Appliance Solutions Inc

A split system water heater includes a storage tank and a separate power module for heating water outside of the tank. A distribution tube provides high volume, low velocity flow of water between the tank and the power module to avoid or limit mixing and maintain thermal stratification within the tank. The distribution tube includes a longitudinal axis and a plurality of openings generally perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and manufacturing method for unit plate constituting heat exchanger

Номер: US20170059201A1
Автор: Young Mo Kim
Принадлежит: Kyungdong Navien Co Ltd

A heat exchanger comprising a mixture inflow unit into which a mixture of air and fuel is introduced, a burner for combusting the mixture introduced through the mixture inflow unit, a sensible-heat exchange unit that is disposed around the burner, a latent-heat exchange unit in which heat is exchanged between combustion gas having passed through the sensible-heat exchange unit and a heating medium, and a combustion gas discharge unit is provided.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059203A1
Автор: Kim Young Mo

A heat exchanger comprising a mixture inflow unit into which a mixture of air and fuel is introduced, a burner for combusting the mixture introduced through the mixture inflow unit, a heat exchange unit that is disposed around the burner, and a combustion gas discharge unit for discharging the combustion gas having passed through the heat exchange unit is provided. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:{'b': '100', 'a mixture inflow unit in which a mixture of air and fuel flows;'}{'b': 200', '100, 'a burner configured to burn the mixture flowing in through the mixture inflow unit ;'}{'b': 300', '400', '200', '200, 'heat exchange units and provided at a circumference of the burner , configured to exchange heat between combustion gas generated by combustion of the burner and a heating medium, and configured with a plurality of unit plates being longitudinally stacked; and'}{'b': 500', '300', '400, 'a combustion gas discharge unit configured to discharge combustion gas that passed the heat exchange units and ,'}{'b': 300', '400', '1', '2', '3', '2', '500, 'wherein, in an inside of each of the plurality of unit plates that are stacked to configure the heat exchange units and , a heating medium passage P and a combustion gas passage P are separated from each other and longitudinally and alternately formed to be adjacent to each other, and a combustion gas discharge passage P is formed to connect the combustion gas passage P to the combustion gas discharge unit .'}2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of unit plates is configured with a first plate and a second plate which are longitudinally stacked claim 1 ,wherein the first plate includes:{'b': 1', '1, 'a first plane portion A in which a first through hole B is formed at a central part thereof;'}{'b': 1', '1, 'a first flange portion C formed to extend from an edge of the first plane portion A to an upper side thereof to be bended to an outward side thereof; and'}{'b': 1', '1', '1, 'a passage forming ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Energy Efficient Water Heater

Номер: US20200056812A1

Apparatuses of an energy efficient water heater and methods for controlling the same are disclosed. In one embodiment, a water heater may include a water inlet configured to receive input water, an input water temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the input water, a user interface unit configured to receive an output water temperature setting selected by a user, a controller configured to determine a flow rate of an output water based on the input water temperature and the output water temperature setting, a heating unit configured to heat the input water to produce the output water, the controller is further configured to control the heating unit and a proportional flow restrictor to produce the flow rate of the output water, and a water outlet configured to transfer the output water at the flow rate of the output water. 1. A water heater , comprising:a water inlet configured to receive input water;an input water temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the input water;a user interface unit configured to receive an output water temperature setting selected by a user;a controller configured to determine a flow rate of an output water based on the input water temperature and the output water temperature setting;a heating unit configured to heat the input water to produce the output water;the controller is further configured to control the heating unit and a proportional flow restrictor to produce the flow rate of the output water; anda water outlet configured to transfer the output water at the flow rate.2. The water heater of claim 1 , further comprising:a scald sensor configured to detect a sudden change in water pressure of the input water; andan output water temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the output water;wherein the scald sensor and the output water temperature sensor are configured to alert the controller to shutoff the output water in response to the temperature of the output water exceeds a ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072504A1

A heat exchanger () includes a heat exchanging body () disposed within an outer box (). A supply pipe () and a discharge pipe () in fluid communication with the heat exchanging body () respectively extend through first and second insertion holes () in the outer box (). Elastic seal members () are respectively provided around the supply pipe () and the discharge pipe () and between a first sidewall () of the outer box () and the heat exchanging body (). At least one biasing member () exerts a lateral biasing force (F F) on the elastic seal members (), thereby maintaining the elastic seal members () in a state of compressive deformation and contacting the outer box () and the heat exchanging body () in an air-tight manner to block potential leakage paths (LP LP) via the insertion holes (). 1. A heat exchanger comprising:an outer box that partitions a first passageway, through which a first fluid circulates, by using a tube shaped peripheral wall comprising a first sidewall;a heat exchanging body housed inside the first passageway of the outer box and defining a second passageway through which a second fluid circulates, the heat exchanging body performs heat exchange between the first fluid and the second fluid;a supply pipe that protrudes from the heat exchanging body through the first sidewall and supplies the second fluid to the second passageway;a discharge pipe that protrudes from the heat exchanging body through the first sidewall and discharges the second fluid from the second passageway;a plurality of insertion holes formed such that they pass through the first sidewall in a first direction, and through which the supply pipe and the discharge pipe protrude to the outside of the outer box;elastic seal members provided between the first sidewall and the heat exchanging body and that block leakage paths extending from the first passageway to the outside of the outer box via the insertion holes; andat least one biasing member that causes the elastic seal members to ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210080148A1
Автор: CARPENTER Scott

A tankless water heater and manifold system is provided. The system includes a self-contained unit for providing hot water distribution throughout the system. The unit includes a tankless water heater having a hot water outlet pipe with outlet ports that function as a built-in manifold for distributing water directly from the unit through hot water lines that connect each plumbing fixture in the system directly to the unit. 1) A water heater system comprising:a tankless water heater having a hot water outlet pipe, wherein the hot water outlet pipe has a plurality of outlet ports arranged along a length of the hot water outlet pipe, wherein the tankless water heater and the hot water outlet pipe form a self-contained unit, anda plurality of hot water lines each individually connected at one end to a respective one of the plurality of outlet ports on the hot water outlet pipe and at an opposing end to a plumbing fixture, wherein each hot water line is in fluid communication with the hot water outlet pipe.2) The system of claim 1 , wherein both the tankless water heater and the hot water outlet pipe are housed inside a case claim 1 , and wherein each of the hot water lines is connected to a respective outlet port through a plurality of respective openings in the case.3) The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of hot water lines is connected to a respective one of the plurality of outlet ports via a valve.4) The system of claim 3 , wherein both the tankless water heater and the hot water outlet pipe are housed inside a case claim 3 , and wherein each of the valves is disposed on an exterior of the case.5) The system of claim 3 , wherein each valve is adapted to removably connect one of the hot water lines to one of the outlet ports.6) The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of hot water lines has a diameter smaller than a diameter of the hot water outlet pipe.7) A water heater apparatus comprising a tankless water heater having a hot water ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Energy Efficient Water Heater

Номер: US20210080149A1

Apparatuses of an energy efficient water heater and methods for controlling the same are disclosed. In one embodiment, a water heater may include a water inlet configured to receive input water, an input water temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the input water, a user interface unit configured to receive an output water temperature setting selected by a user, a controller configured to determine a flow rate of an output water based on the input water temperature and the output water temperature setting, a heating unit configured to heat the input water to produce the output water, the controller is further configured to control the heating unit and a proportional flow restrictor to produce the flow rate of the output water, and a water outlet configured to transfer the output water at the flow rate of the output water. 1. A water heater , comprising:a water inlet configured to receive input water;an input water temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the input water;a user interface unit configured to receive an output water temperature setting selected by a user;a controller configured to determine a flow rate of an output water based on the input water temperature and the output water temperature setting;a heating unit configured to heat the input water to produce the output water;the controller is further configured to control the heating unit and a proportional flow restrictor to produce the flow rate of the output water; anda water outlet configured to transfer the output water at the flow rate;wherein the water heater further comprises at least one of: a propane sensor configured to detect a propane level being over a propane level threshold and produce a first alert to the user; or a carbon monoxide sensor configured to detect a carbon monoxide level being over a carbon monoxide threshold and produce a second alert to the user.2. The water heater of claim 1 , further comprising:a scald sensor configured to detect a ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140169776A1
Принадлежит: BEHR GMBH & CO. KG

Disclosed herein is a heat exchanger, comprising at least one electric resistance heating element, at least two conductors which are connected to the at least one electric resistance heating element in an electrically conductive manner in order to conduct electric current through the at least one electric resistance heating element and thereby heat the electric resistance heating element, at least one thermally conductive element for transferring heat from the at least one electric resistance heating element to a fluid to be heated, at least one electrically insulating element, which electrically insulates the at least two conductors, and at least one pipe, wherein the at least two conductors and the at least one electric resistance heating element are arranged within a cavity bounded by the pipe and the pipe lies on the at least one electrically insulating element under a compressive force at at least one contact surface. 1. A heat exchanger , comprisingat least one electrical resistance heating element, in particular at least one PTC element.at least two conductors, in particular conductor plates, connected in electrically conductive fashion to the at least one electrical resistance heating element in order to conduct electrical current through the at least one electrical resistance heating element and thereby heat the electrical resistance heating element,at least one heat-conducting element for transmitting heat from the at least one electrical resistance heating element to a fluid to be heated,at least one electrical insulation element which electrically insulates the at least two conductors, preferably from the at least one heat-conducting element,at least one tube, whereinthe at least two conductors and the at least one electrical resistance heating element are arranged within a cavity delimited by the tube, and the tube, at at least one contact surface, lies against the at least one electrical insulation element under the action of a pressure force, ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136735A1

A diffuser for a water heater fill tubes having a tube wall with an outside diameter. The diffuser includes an elongated flexible diffuser body for positioning at the outlet end of the fill tube. The diffuser body has a sealing end for sealing with an outside surface of the fill tube wall closest to the inlet end of the fill tube, and an open end for positioning at an end closest to the outlet end of the fill tube. The open end has a diameter larger than an outside diameter of the tube wall, thereby creating an diffuser water outlet opening between the diffuser body and the tube wall for redirecting radial water flow emanating from the fill tube water outlet opening(s) toward the diffuser outlet opening. A fill tube assembly for a water heater, a water heater, and a method for heating water are also disclosed.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095893A1

A method of controlling a gas powered water heater includes attempting to pick a main gas valve of the main burner using a first pick method. The first pick method includes closing a switch of a valve pick system to couple a capacitor of the valve pick system to the main gas valve for a first length of time to discharge energy stored in the capacitor to the main gas valve, and opening the switch of the valve pick system after the energy stored in the capacitor is discharged to the main gas valve. The controller determines if the main gas valve is open after using the first pick method. When the controller determines the main gas valve is not open, the controller attempts to pick the main gas valve using a second pick method different than the first pick method. 1. A control system for controlling a gas powered water heater to heat water in a storage tank by burning gas at a main burner , the control system comprising:a power system to provide electrical power for the control system;a valve pick system configured to be coupled to a main gas valve of the main burner and to pick the main gas valve from a closed position to an open position, the valve pick system including a capacitor and a switch, the capacitor configured to store energy from the power system, and the switch configured to selectively couple the capacitor to the main gas valve; and [ closing the switch of the valve pick system to couple the capacitor to the main gas valve for a first length of time to discharge the energy stored in the capacitor to the main gas valve, and', 'opening the switch of the valve pick system after the energy stored in the capacitor is discharged to the main gas valve;, 'in response to a determination by the controller to ignite the main burner, attempt to pick the main gas valve from the closed position to the open position using a first pick method by, 'after attempting to pick the main gas valve using the first pick method, determine if the main gas valve is open; and', ' ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150110478A1
Автор: Cardoso Silvio

The invention relates to a hot water heater that includes a tank, one or more heating elements, one or more thermostats and one or more heater exchanger tubes. The tank has a water outlet and one or more water inlets. The one or more heating elements extend within the tank. The one or more thermostats function to control the energy applied to the one or more heating elements. The one or more heater exchanger tubes are positioned within the tank. Each heater exchanger tube has a first end with a first opening and a second end with a second opening and defines a channel between the two openings. The second opening in the channel opens into the tank. Each heater exchanger tube surrounds at least a portion of one heating element. The water inlet includes an opening into the heater exchanger tube for water to enter the heater exchanger tube. 1. A hot water heater comprising:a tank having a water outlet and one or more water inlets;one or more heating elements extending within the tank;one or more thermostats to control the energy applied to the one or more heating elements; andone or more heater exchanger tubes being positioned within the tank, each heater exchanger tube having a first end with a first opening and a second end with a second opening and defining a channel between the two openings, wherein each heater exchanger tube surrounds at least a portion of one heating element, and the second opening in the channel opens into the tank, and wherein the water inlet comprises an opening into the heater exchanger tube for water to enter the heater exchanger tube.2. The hot water heater of claim 1 , wherein the heater exchanger tube and the heating element are collinear with the heating element positioned within the heater exchanger tube.3. The hot water heater of claim 2 , wherein the heating element is generally of a similar length as the heater exchanger tube.4. The hot water heater of claim 2 , wherein the heating element is shorter in length than the heater ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170667A1

A hybrid tank and tankless hot water system with an inlet bypass and an outlet bypass are configurable between a hybrid heater configuration and an on-demand configuration. In the hybrid heater configuration, the inlet bypass supplies cold water to a cold water inlet of a storage tank and the outlet bypass supplies hot water from an outlet manifold to a recirculation inlet of the storage tank. In an on-demand configuration, the inlet bypass supplies cold water to a cold water manifold for directly providing cold water to hot water heaters and the outlet bypass supplies hot water from the outlet manifold directly to a system hot water outlet. In the bypass configuration, a storage tank and/or recirculation pump are fluidically isolated from one or more hot water heaters to facilitate their maintenance, repair, replacement while still supplying hot water on demand from the hot water heaters. 1. A hybrid tank and tankless water heater system configured to receive cold water at a system cold water inlet and provide hot water to a system hot water outlet , comprising:a storage tank comprising a cold water inlet in fluid communication with the system cold water inlet, a recirculation inlet, and a hot water outlet in fluid communication with the system hot water outlet;a water heater comprising a cold water inlet and a hot water outlet in fluid communication with the recirculation inlet of the storage tank; and a storage inlet shut-off valve positioned to control fluid flow through the cold water inlet of the storage tank;', 'an inlet bypass circuit positioned between the system cold water inlet and the cold water inlet of the water heater; and', 'an inlet bypass circuit shut-off valve positioned to control fluid flow through the inlet bypass circuit., 'an inlet bypass, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a second water heater comprising a second cold water inlet and a second hot water outlet; andan inlet manifold fluidically coupled to the cold water ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Hot water storage tank with integrated pump and controller

Номер: US20200103144A1
Принадлежит: Rinnai America Corp

A hot water supply system decouples an intelligent hot water storage system from a water heating engine system. The water heating engine system includes a plurality of instantaneous water heaters that provide for redundant operation for improved reliability. The intelligent hot water storage system includes a storage tank that encloses a volume for storage of water. The intelligent hot water storage system includes a recirculation loop driven by an integrated pump and operated by an integrated controller. By positioning the tank recirculation outlet and inlet farther apart from each other, additional usable volume of hot water is provided by the intelligent hot water storage system. Isolation valves positioned on the input and output of a recirculation pump in the recirculation loop facilitate repair or replacement of the recirculation pump. The hot water system provides for increased capacity while providing redundant heating engines in a smaller floor space than conventional systems.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170115030A1

A water heater including a thermal break in the form of an air pocket that moves into an air trap segment of the cold water pipe to reduce heat loss during standby. The air pocket is pushed back into the tank by incoming cold water during a hot water and reforms at the top of the tank. During standby, the air pocket moves into the air trap via an anti-siphon hole communicating with the cold water inlet. The anti-siphon hole can be, for example, in the top of the dip tube. 1. A water heater , comprising:a tank defining an interior space adapted to contain water, a top portion of the interior space accommodating an air pocket;a heat source operable to heat the water within the tank;a hot water outlet in fluid communication with the interior space at an outlet height below the top portion to draw hot water from the tank; anda cold water inlet in fluid communication with the top portion, the cold water inlet adapted to deliver cold water to the interior space from a cold water source;wherein, during standby of the water heater, cold water leaks into the top portion through the cold water inlet and air from the air pocket displaces into the cold water inlet, the displaced air forming a thermal break between water within the interior space and the cold water source; andwherein, during a draw of hot water, the air of the thermal break is pushed into the interior space by cold water being introduced into the interior space through the cold water inlet, and the air pocket is reformed in the top portion.2. The water heater of claim 1 , wherein:the cold water inlet includes an anti-siphon mechanism communicating with the top portion; andduring standby of the water heater cold water leaks into the top portion through the anti-siphon mechanism and air from the air pocket displaces into the cold water inlet through the anti-siphon mechanism.3. The water heater of claim 1 , wherein:the cold water inlet includes a dip tube having an anti-siphon hole communicating with the top ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220180383A1
Автор: Arrojula Sukumar

A water heater and methods of operating the water heater are provided. The water heater appliance includes a tank, a cold water inlet conduit extending into the tank, a heating element within the tank, a hot water conduit extending from the tank to a mixing valve, a mixed water conduit downstream of the mixing valve, and a user interface. The method includes and/or the water heater is operable for receiving, from the user interface, a user value for a tank temperature setpoint. A predicted demand for hot water is determined. The tank temperature setpoint is then adjusted based on the predicted demand for hot water. 1. A method of operating a water heater appliance , the water heater appliance comprising a tank , a cold water inlet conduit extending into the tank , a heating element within the tank , a hot water conduit extending from the tank to a mixing valve , a mixed water conduit downstream of the mixing valve , and a user interface , the method comprising:receiving, from the user interface, a user value for a tank temperature setpoint;determining a predicted demand for hot water by calculating a volume of hot water consumed based on a duty cycle of the heating element and developing a usage profile based on the calculated volume of hot water, wherein developing the usage profile comprises tracking the volume of hot water consumed on an hourly basis for at least seven consecutive days, and wherein determining the predicted demand for hot water comprises calculating an hourly capacity forecast for each day of the week based on the usage profile; andadjusting the tank temperature setpoint based on the predicted demand for hot water at a current time of day during a current day of the week.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising setting the tank temperature setpoint to the user value before determining the predicted demand for hot water.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a capacity value based on the predicted demand for hot water claim ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Companion Water Heater

Номер: US20140209041A1

A hot water heater appliance includes a boiler, a companion water heater and a controller. The controller is configured to control the water heater appliance in response to a scheduled plurality of performance modes based on a preset schedule. A first performance mode is scheduled to be performed at an expected low usage time and a second performance mode is scheduled to be performed at an expected high usage time relative to the expected low usage time. 1. A hot water heater appliance , comprising:a boiler;a companion water heater; anda controller configured to control the water heater appliance in response to a scheduled plurality of performance modes based on a preset schedule, wherein a first performance mode is scheduled to be performed at an expected low usage time and a second performance mode is scheduled to be performed at an expected high usage time relative to the expected low usage time.2. The hot water heater appliance according to claim 1 , further comprising:a user interface to provide a display to the user and a keypad for the user to input settings.3. The hot water heater appliance according to claim 1 , further comprising:a hot water storage tank disposed in the companion water heater;4. The hot water heater appliance according to claim 3 , further comprising:a heat exchange coil disposed in the hot water storage tank;5. The hot water heater appliance according to claim 4 , further comprising:a lower sensor disposed in thermal contact with a lower portion of the hot water storage tank;an upper sensor disposed in thermal contact with an upper portion of the hot water storage tank;6. The hot water heater appliance according to claim 5 , further comprising:a circulator pump to urge a flow of a heating fluid to circulate between a boiler and the heat exchange coil;7. The hot water heater appliance according to claim 3 , further comprising:an insulating jacket disposed around, below, and above the hot water storage tank, the insulating jacket having an ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Dual Sensor Companion Water Heater

Номер: US20140209042A1

A hot water heater appliance includes a boiler, companion water heater, and a controller. The companion water heater has a hot water storage tank. The controller is configured to control the water heater appliance in response to a sensed temperature at an upper portion of the hot water storage tank and a sensed temperature at a lower portion of the hot water storage tank. The controller is configured to control the boiler to quickly heat water in the hot water storage tank in response to both upper and lower temperatures of the hot water storage tank being below a predetermined temperature and the controller is configured to more slowly heat water in the hot water storage tank in response to the upper temperature of the hot water storage tank being above the predetermined temperature and the lower temperature of the hot water storage tank being below the predetermined temperature. 1. A hot water heater appliance , comprising:a boiler;a companion water heater having a hot water storage tank; anda controller configured to control the water heater appliance in response to a sensed temperature at an upper portion of the hot water storage tank and a sensed temperature at a lower portion of the hot water storage tank, wherein the controller is configured to control the boiler to provide a boiler water to the hot water storage tank at a temperature above a predetermined temperature in response to both of the sensed temperature at an upper portion of the hot water storage tank and the sensed temperature at a lower portion of the hot water storage tank being below the predetermined temperature and the controller is configured to control the boiler to provide the boiler water to the hot water storage tank at a temperature at the predetermined temperature in response to the sensed temperature at an upper portion of the hot water storage tank being above the predetermined temperature and the sensed temperature at the lower portion of the hot water storage tank being below the ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124321A1
Автор: SHAFFER Ronald

A water heater system includes a water tank and a flow-through heating assembly. The water tank contains heated water. The flow-through heating assembly may extend into the water tank and heats water as water is passed through an interior channel of the flow-through heating assembly. In one embodiment, the flow through heater assembly is a thermosiphonic heater having a hollow body and a heating element extending therein such that an annular recess is defined between an interior surface of the hollow body and the external surface of the heating element. 1. A heater comprising:a hollow body having an inlet and an outlet that is in fluid communication with the inlet, the inlet being arranged at a bottom end of the hollow body and the outlet spaced away from the inlet towards a top end of the hollow body; anda heating element arranged within the hollow body, the heating element having a heating surface configured to heat fluid flowing through the hollow cylinder; anda cavity formed between the heating surface of the heating element and an interior surface of the hollow body.2. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the hollow body is a cylinder.3. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is arranged coaxially within the hollow body.4. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the hollow body includes an opening at the bottom end and the heating element extends through the opening at the bottom end.5. The heater of claim 1 , wherein a distance between the interior surface of the hollow body and the heating surface of the heating element is greater than or equal to 1 mm.6. The heater of claim 5 , wherein the distance between the interior surface of the hollow body and the heating surface of the heating element is less than or equal to twice a diameter of the heating surface.7. The heater of claim 1 , wherein a distance between the interior surface of the hollow body and the heating surface of the heating element is less than or equal to twice a diameter of the heating surface. ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Condensing water heater with dielectrically insulated secondary flue

Номер: US20160138827A1

A high efficiency condensing flue gas-fired water heater is provided with a secondary tubular flue mounted inside the water tank and secured thereto by dielectric connectors to electrically isolate the secondary tubular flue from the tank. The secondary tubular flue has an intermediate helical section and opposed connecting end sections which each form a part of the dielectricconnectors. The connectors do not require any welding for its installation to the tank and a compression nut and dielectric insulators provide for a leak proof and electrically isolated connection. The method of securing the secondary tubular flue is also described. 1. A condensing flue water heater comprising a water holding tank having a combustion chamber at a bottom end of said water holding tank , at least one sacrificial anode disposed in said water holding tank , a primary flue extending through said tank and communicating at a bottom end thereof with said combustion chamber and exiting at a top wall of said water holding tank through an exit opening , a secondary tubular flue disposed in said water holding tank and having a helical section , said secondary tubular flue having a top connecting end section adapted to form part of a top dielectric tank connector for securement in a hole formed in a wall in a top part of said tank , said secondary tubular flue having a bottom connecting end section adapted to form part of a bottom dielectric tank connector for securement in a hole formed in a side wall of said water holding tank spaced above said combustion chamber , flue connecting means interconnecting said exit opening of said primary flue with a top opening of said secondary flue , and a blower for the displacement of combustion gas from said combustion chamber through said primary flue and said secondary tubular flue and through an exhaust pipe to atmosphere.2. The condensing flue water heater as claimed in wherein said secondary tubular flue is one of a stainless steel and a glass- ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138020A1
Автор: CHICUREL Ricardo

An economizer system and method for saving heat and water, comprising a bathing facility for receiving hot water from a water heater through a pipeline; a first valve for controlling the flow of hot water received by the bathing facility; a second valve for allowing the flow of an initial volume of cold water existing in the pipeline between the water heater and the bathing facility through a filling line; and a holding tank for collecting the initial volume of cold water flowing from the filling line before the hot water is delivered to the bathing facility. 1. An economizer system for saving heat and water , comprising:a bathing facility for receiving hot water from a water heater through a pipeline;a first valve for controlling the flow of hot water received by the bathing facility;a second valve for allowing the flow of an initial volume of cold water existing in the pipeline between the water heater and the bathing facility through a filling line; anda holding tank for collecting the initial volume of cold water flowing from the filling line before the hot water is delivered to the bathing facility.2. The economizer system of claim 1 , comprising a pump driven by a motor for pumping back into the pipeline the initial volume of cold water collected in the holding tank through a discharge line claim 1 , wherein the discharge line is provided with a check valve for allowing the flow of the initial volume of cold water discharged by the pump only in the direction in which the pump discharges.3. The economizer system of claim 2 , comprising a control box having a user interface formed by:a start button for opening the second valve, allowing the flow of the initial volume of cold water through the filling line until the water level in the holding tank reaches its maximum point; anda reset button for starting the motor of the pump, allowing the discharge of the initial volume of cold water into the pipeline until the water level in the holding tank reaches its minimum ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140226958A1
Автор: Dunn Brian

An evacuated tube boiler comprised of one or more evacuated tubes and a header, operatively connected to form a common internal volume. The internal volume further containing a first heating fluid. A conduit system conducting a second heating fluid through the header and first heating fluid. One or more artificial light sources in proximity to the evacuated tubes. In operation, the artificial light sources radiate light and/or thermal energy to the evacuated tubes whereby the first heating fluid is efficiently heated. The conduit system conducts the second heating fluid through the header and first heating fluid, whereby heat from the first heating fluid is transferred to the second heating fluid. The conduit system conducts the second heating fluid to the point of use. The apparatus may be used in a hydronic boiler heating system for heating a dwelling. 1. An apparatus for heating fluid comprising:a) one or more artificial light sources in proximity to one or more evacuated tubes;b) the one or more evacuated tubes operatively connected to a header, to form an internal volume, the internal volume containing a first heating fluid;c) a conduit system comprising an influent conduit, a header conduit, and an effluent conduit, the header conduit in contact with the first heating fluid;d) a second heating fluid;e) wherein the influent conduit, conducts the second heating fluid to the header conduit, and the effluent conduit, conducts second heating fluid away from the header conduit;f) wherein the one or more evacuated tubes capture thermal energy from the one or more artificial light sources thereby heating the first heating fluid to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, wherein the first heating fluid transfers heat to the second heating fluid within the header conduit, and wherein the effluent conduit conducts the second heating fluid from the header conduit to a point of use or storage reservoir.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the artificial light sources ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140226961A1

Apparatus and methods for delivering a heated fluid. The apparatus includes at least a preheat zone, an expansion zone, and an expanded zone comprising a plurality of trim heaters, at least one fluid flow-distribution sheet, and an outlet. The apparatus may be used for delivering the heated fluid onto a moving fluid-permeable substrate. 1. An apparatus for handling , heating and delivering a gaseous fluid , comprising:a preheat zone comprising a preheater;an expansion zone fluidly connected to the preheat zone; a plurality of trim heaters collectively extending across at least a portion of the lateral extent of the expanded zone, wherein at least one trim heater of the plurality of trim heaters comprises a longitudinal axis that is at least generally orthogonal to the downstream axis of the expanded zone,', 'at least one fluid flow-distribution sheet positioned downstream of the plurality of trim heaters,', 'and,', 'an outlet., 'the expanded zone further comprising, 'an expanded zone fluidly connected to the expansion zone and comprising a downstream axis and a lateral extent and a tertiary extent,'}2. The apparatus of wherein the plurality of trim heaters collectively extend across the lateral extent of the expanded zone.3. The apparatus of wherein the trim heaters are electrical resistance heaters.4. The apparatus of wherein the trim heaters are individually controllable.5. The apparatus of wherein the preheater comprises a heat exchanger configured to heat the gaseous fluid by exchanging thermal energy to the gaseous fluid from a preheating fluid.6. The apparatus of wherein the fluid flow-distribution sheet comprises a perforated sheet with the perforations providing a percent open area of from about 30% to about 70% and having an average size of from about 0.06 inch (1.5 mm) to about 0.40 inch (10 mm).7. The apparatus of comprising at least two fluid flow-distribution sheets arranged in series along the downstream axis of the expanded zone.8. The apparatus of ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210177166A1
Автор: LEMIEUX Marc-Andre

The invention allows producing air flow to either inflate a self-making bedding system via a first outlet, or to heat the air exiting the apparatus via a second, optionally a third, outlet, for controlling the air flow and the temperature sent into the self-making bedding system. The 5 apparatus is operated via an interface on the outside surface of the apparatus; a smartphone or tablet, an intelligent virtual/personal assistant or a computer including an application or software for wirelessly sending instructions to the apparatus, e.g. using Bluetooth™ or Wifi; or a remote control. The invention is particularly useful for disabled persons for self-making their bed by directly controlling the apparatus via the application, with the possibility to use a 0 voice control system combined with the application, or to have the apparatus daily programmed for making the bed or controlling the temperature at specific time of the day. 1. An apparatus for producing controlled air flows with different temperatures , the apparatus comprising:a blower unit having at least one air moving unit to generate air flow;an outlet unit comprising at least two air outlets fluidly connected to the blower unit and configured for providing the air flow outside the apparatus, each outlet comprising a valve for controllably closing the outlet to control the air flow going through the outlet;a heating unit comprising at least one heating element operatively connected to at least one of the outlets for heating the air flow circulating through the outlet; anda control unit operatively connected to the at least one air moving unit, to the valves and to the at least one heating element, for selectively controlling the air flow and temperature exiting each of the at least two outlets.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the air moving unit consists of a single centrifugal fan.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , comprising three air outlets claim 1 , wherein two of said three air ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149389A1
Автор: Passerell Steven

An improved heat trap disposed in at least one of an inlet pipe and an outlet pipe for delivery of cold water into and hot water out of a water tank. The improved heat trap includes a tubular body and a seal element comprising first and second axially spaced flapper members which are adjoined by a spine. The seal element extends through the tubular body whereby the first and second flapper members form a seal against an interior surface of the tubular body to prevent the delivery of water through the tubular body. 1. An improved heat trap disposed in at least one of an inlet pipe and an outlet pipe for delivery of cold water into and hot water out of a water tank , comprising:a tubular body;a seal element comprising first and second axially spaced flapper members which are adjoined by a spine; andthe seal element extending through tubular body whereby the first and second flapper members form a seal against an interior surface of the tubular body to prevent the delivery of water through the tubular body.2. The improved heat trap of wherein:the tubular body has an internal cavity with an interior surface and an exterior surface; andthe interior surface has a uniform diameter throughout.3. The improved heat trap of wherein the internal cavity of the tubular body has a first opening at a first end of the tubular body claim 2 , and a second opening at a second end of the tubular body.4. The improved heat trap of wherein the tubular body has an annular lip disposed adjacent to the first end of the tubular body to hold the heat trap within a pipe nipple disposed in at least one of the inlet and outlet pipes.5. The improved heat trap of wherein the tubular body contains first and second axially spaced claim 3 , horizontal slots extending there the interior and exterior surface and into which the first and second axially spaced flapper members of the seal element are inserted.6. The improved heat trap of wherein the tubular body contains first and second vertical slots ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180816A1
Принадлежит: Condair Ltd.

Steam cylinders for humidifies require periodic replacement as well as replacement to address failures etc. However, field replacement of steam cylinders is not a straight-forward operation and there is significant risk and potential for damage to the replacement cylinder and the humidifier as fluidic seals for the water inlet and steam outlet must be unmade as well as electrical connections for heater elements, level sensors etc. Accordingly, embodiments of the invention provide solutions for the deployment of replacement cylinders etc. for domestic, retail, and commercial systems that reduce the likelihood of damage to the fluidic seals, electrical connectors etc. 1. A method relating to a replaceable cylinder for a system comprising:providing a first fluidic assembly forming part of the system for coupling to a first fluid port of the replaceable cylinder for at least one of providing and receiving a first fluid to the replaceable cylinder; andproviding a second fluidic assembly forming another part of the system for coupling to a second fluid port of the replaceable cylinder for receiving a second fluid from the second fluid port of the replaceable cylinder.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the first fluidic assembly is rigid and a portion of the first fluidic assembly engages a portion of the mounting;the mounting is rigid and allows the portion of the first fluidic assembly to rotate whilst retaining the portion of the first fluidic assembly with the portion of the mounting.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein either:detaching the first end of the flexible tube from the second fluid port of the replaceable cylinder is performed once the replaceable cylinder has been demounted; orattaching the first end of the flexible tube from the second fluid port of the replaceable cylinder is performed before the replaceable cylinder is demounted.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein tilting the first fluidic assembly from the second position to ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299238A1

The disclosed technology includes a gas delivery system for controlling a target gas input rate of a fluid heating device. The system can include a sensor configured to measure a temperature of a gas flowing in a gas flow path, a modulating orifice in fluid communication with the gas flow path, and a motor in mechanical communication with the modulating orifice. The system can further include a controller configured to receive temperature data indicative of the temperature of the gas. The controller can determine a target cross-sectional area of the modulating orifice based at least in part on the target gas input rate and the temperature of the gas and, in response, output a signal to the motor to transition the modulating orifice from a first position to a second position having the target cross-sectional area. 1. A gas delivery system for controlling a target gas input rate of a fluid heating device comprising:a sensor in fluid communication with a gas flowing in a gas flow path, the sensor configured to measure a temperature of the gas;a modulating orifice in fluid communication with the gas flow path;a motor in mechanical communication with the modulating orifice; and receive, from the sensor, temperature data indicative of the temperature of the gas;', 'determine a target cross-sectional area of the modulating orifice based at least in part on the target gas input rate and the temperature data; and', 'in response, output a signal to the motor to transition the modulating orifice from a first position having a first cross-sectional area to a second position having the target cross-sectional area., 'a controller in communication with the sensor and the motor, the controller configured to2. The gas delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to calculate the target gas input rate based at least in part of data indicative of (i) a predetermined temperature of water in a tank of the fluid heat device claim 1 , (ii) a size of the tank ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159970A1
Автор: Castaneda Hector Joel

An in-line heater having a heating vessel, defined at least in part by a wall, through which fluid to be heated flows. The wall of the vessel has at least one port formed therein. A fitting, having a body defining a pass-through passageway, is attachable to the port. An end of the body of the fitting has a groove or a ring which mates with a corresponding ring or groove of the port to form a liquid seal between the end of the fitting and the wall of the heating vessel. 1] An in-line heater , comprising:a heating vessel, defined at least in part by a wall, through which fluid to be heated flows;a port formed in the wall of the vessel; anda fitting attached to the port and having a body defining a pass-through passageway, an end of the body of the fitting having a groove or a ring which mates with a corresponding ring or groove of the port to form a liquid seal between the end of the fitting and the wall of the vessel.2] The heater of claim 1 , wherein a ring extends from the end of the fitting body and mates with a groove of the port.3] The heater of claim 1 , wherein an outer surface of at least a portion of the fitting body is threadedly attachable to internal threads of the port.4] The heater of claim 1 , wherein the port comprises a first aperture extending through the wall and a groove formed in the wall in spaced relation and concentric to the first aperture.5] The heater of claim 4 , wherein a ring extends from the end of the fitting body that substantially mates with the groove.6] The heater of claim 4 , wherein the port further comprises a second aperture having a greater diameter than the first aperture and extending from an exterior surface of the wall to the groove.7] The heater of claim 6 , wherein an inner surface of the second aperture is threaded.8] The heater of claim 7 , wherein a portion of the fitting body adjacent to the ring or groove of the fitting body is threadedly engageable with the internal threads of the second aperture of the port.9] The ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger for an Oil Storage Tank

Номер: US20140245972A1
Автор: Thiessen Lester James

A heating assembly for heating a liquid storage tank includes a heat exchanger tank supported in one wall of the storage tank to extend into the storage tank in contact with liquid stored therein. The heat exchanger tank contains a heat exchanger fluid therein which is heated by a heating apparatus extending through the heat exchanger tank whereby heat is only transferred to the liquid in the storage tank through the heat exchanger fluid. The heating apparatus extending through the heat exchanger tank may be a burner tube or an electrical resistance-type heating element according to different embodiments of the invention. 1. A heating assembly for heating a liquid storage tank having walls surrounding a hollow interior arranged to contain a liquid therein , the assembly comprising:a heat exchanger tank including boundary walls containing a heat exchanger fluid therein;a heating apparatus supported within the heat exchanger tank;the heat exchanger tank being arranged to be supported within the liquid storage tank such that heat from the heating apparatus is arranged to be communicated through the heat exchanger fluid and the boundary walls of the heat exchanger tank directly to liquid in the liquid storage tank.2. The assembly according to wherein the heat exchanger tank is arranged to be supported within the oil storage tank such that heat is only communicated from the heating apparatus to the liquid in the storage tank through the heat exchanger fluid.3. The assembly according to wherein the heat exchanger tank is arranged to be supported in sealing engagement with one of the walls of the oil storage tank.4. The assembly according to wherein the heat exchanger tank is arranged to extend generally horizontally inward from an upright boundary wall of the storage tank.5. The assembly according to in combination with a production tank arranged to receive produced hydrocarbons therein directly from a well.6. The assembly according to further comprising an overflow tank ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140250670A1
Автор: Walker Arthur Eugene

A method of manufacturing a water heater includes providing a water heater tank having an interior and an exterior and a tank aperture communicating between the interior and exterior. A spud that defines a spud aperture extending from a first end to a second end is provided. The spud aperture is internally threaded and has a counterbore adjacent the second end. A membrane having a membrane body and a plurality of tabs extending outwardly from the membrane body is provided. The membrane is seated within the counterbore such that the tabs deform and engage a surface of the counterbore to hold the membrane in the counterbore. Thereafter, the second end of the spud is welded to the tank, such that the membrane is captured between the spud and the tank and communication between the tank aperture and the internally threaded portion of the spud aperture is obstructed by the membrane.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167754A1
Автор: Lesage Jean-Claude
Принадлежит: MICLAU-S.R.I. INC.

A water stratification drum for use in an electric and condensing water heater is disposed in a lower portion of the water holding tank and across the circumferential side wall of the tank. The water stratification drum has a pair of plates held spaced-apart by support members which extend between the pair of plates to maintain the plates in substantially parallel relationship. A cold water zone is defined between the plates and cool domestic water is introduced in the tank between the plates. The plates are flat disc plates formed on non-corrosive material and water there between is diffused in a controlled manner to other regions of the tank through at least one of the plates being perforated. The diffusion of the water prevents premature actuation of the heat source by not causing an abrupt change in the temperature of the hot water in the tank. 1. A water heater comprising a water holding tank , water heating means associated with said water holding tank to heat water therein , a water stratification drum disposed in a lower portion of said tank above a bottom wall of said tank and across a circumferential side wall of said tank , said water stratification drum having a pair of plates held spaced apart by support means , at least one of said plates having perforations therein sized to provide restraining flow communication of cooler water between said plates with water in a lower portion of said tank , a cold water inlet having a discharge end disposed intermediate said pair of plates , a hot water outlet in a top portion of said tank; and wherein when hot water is drawn form said hot water outlet , cooler water is admitted between said plates and released in a restraining manner in a lower portion of the tank to retard its admixture with hotter water in other portions of said tank.2. The water heater as claimed in wherein said plates are diffuser plates formed from non-corrosive material.3. The water heater as claimed in wherein a bottom one of said pair of ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160178238A1
Автор: CHEN Yi-Huang

A heater with a recovery device for swelling water is provided. A water inlet pipe and a water outlet pipe are longitudinally provided on the heater. The recovery device is transversely disposed on the heater and connected with the water inlet pipe, such that the recovery device is coupled on to reduce the entire size. The recovery device is adapted to recycle and store the swelling hot water in the heater so as to provide an energy-saving effect and to stop water from dripping. 1. A feedwater heater with a recovery device for swelling water , the heater comprising a heating container , a bottom of the heating container being provided with a heating pipe , a water inlet pipe and a water outlet pipe being provided on the heating container , the recovery device being connected to the water inlet pipe , characterized by:the water inlet pipe and the water outlet pipe being longitudinally disposed above the heating container, the water inlet pipe being provided with a first coupling member thereon, the first coupling member being transversely provided with a first passage, the first passage communicating with the water inlet pipe;the recovery device being transversely disposed above the heating container and provided with a second coupling member corresponding to the first coupling member, the first coupling member being coupled with the second coupling member, enabling the recovery device to be fixed on the water inlet pipe of the heater, the second coupling member being transversely provided with a second passage corresponding to the first passage, the first passage communicating with the second passage, the second passage communicating with an interior of the recovery device.2. The heater as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the recovery device has a U shape formed with a longitudinal hollow portion at a central section thereof for the water inlet pipe and the water outlet pipe to pass therethrough.3. The heater as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising an outer cover to ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180172315A1
Автор: Pan Zhaokeng

Disclosed is a thermostatic, electric storage, water heater for a water supply terminal, which mainly consists of a water storage tank (), a heating pipe (), a three-way water valve (), an electrical control three-way water valve (), a thermostatic water valve () for mixing hot and cold water, and a controller (), wherein a horizontal end of the three-way water valve () is connected to a water inlet pipe of a hot water source, and a lower end thereof is connected to a second water inlet () of the electrical control three-way water valve (). A fifth water inlet () on a lower end of the electrical control three-way water valve () is connected to a tap-water pipe, and a horizontal end thereof is connected to a third water inlet () of the thermostatic water valve () for mixing hot and cold water. Temperature signals and water flow signals from the heating pipe (), the three-way water valve () and a water flow sensor () provided inside the thermostatic water valve () for mixing hot and cold water are transmitted to the controller (). The electric water heater can quickly obtain continuous and stable constant-temperature hot water. 16.-. (canceled)7. An electric water storage heater for a water supply terminal and in fluid communication with a hot water source inlet pipe and an external water source inlet pipe , the electric water storage heater comprising:a housing;a water storage tank arranged in the housing;a heating pipe disposed in the water storage tank;a three-way water valve arranged in the housing, the three-way water valve including a horizontal terminal connected to the hot water source inlet pipe, a lower terminal connected to the external water source inlet pipe, and an upper terminal connected to a fourth water inlet located at a lower portion of the water storage tank;an electrically controlled three-way water valve arranged between the three-way water valve and the thermostatic hot-and-cold water mixing valve, the electrically controlled three-way water ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

System for Distributing Hot Water

Номер: US20190170371A1

Provided is a hot water distribution system comprising a water heater, a water pump, a controller, a temperature sensor, a point-of-use, and a diverting valve capable of directing water from the water heater to either the point-of-use or back to the water heater. 1. A system for distributing hot water comprising:a. a first conduit for channeling water from a water heater to a diverting valve, wherein the first conduit is connected to, and in fluid communication with, the water heater and the diverting valve;b. a second conduit for channeling water from the diverting valve to a water pump, wherein the second conduit is connected to, and in fluid communication with, the diverting valve and the water pump;c. a third conduit for channeling water from the diverting valve towards a point-of-use, wherein the third conduit is connected to, and in fluid communication with the diverting valve and at least one of (i) the point-of-use, (ii) a point-of-use valve, or (iii) an additional conduit leading to the point-of-use;d. a fourth conduit for channeling water from the water pump to water heater, wherein the fourth conduit is connected to, and in fluid communication with the water pump and the water heater;e. a temperature sensor for measuring the temperature of water in the second conduit; and 'wherein the controller is effective to activate and deactivate the water pump in response to inputs from the temperature sensor, and wherein the diverting valve is effective to divert fluid flow from the first conduit to either the second conduit or the third conduit.', 'f. a controller in electric communication with the temperature sensor, the diverting valve, and the water pump;'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the diverting valve is a solenoid valve.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the diverting valve is a three-port/two-position solenoid valve claim 1 , a four-port/three-position solenoid valve claim 1 , or a four-port/four-position solenoid valve.4. The system of claim 1 , ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Tank-Based and Tankless Water Heater Systems

Номер: US20190170398A1

A water heating system can include a first tank-based water heater having a first inlet line and a first outlet line, where the first inlet line provides unheated water to the first tank, and where the first outlet line draws heated water from the first tank. The system can also include a first tankless water heater having a second outlet line, where the second outlet line of the first tankless water heater provides the heated water to a first heated water demand. The system can also include a first valve that controls an amount of the unheated water flowing through the first inlet line to the first tank-based water heater. The system can further include a controller operatively coupled to the first valve, where the controller controls a position of the first valve based on the first heated water demand and a first capacity of the first tankless water heater. 1. A water heating system , comprising:a first tank-based water heater comprising a first tank, a first heating system, a first inlet line, and a first outlet line, wherein the first inlet line provides unheated water to the first tank, and wherein the first outlet line draws heated water from the first tank;a first tankless water heater comprising a second heating system, a second inlet line, and a second outlet line, wherein the second outlet line of the first tankless water heater provides the heated water to a first heated water demand;a first valve that controls an amount of the unheated water flowing through the first inlet line to the first tank-based water heater; anda controller operatively coupled to the first valve, wherein the controller controls a position of the first valve to regulate the amount of unheated water flowing to the first tank-based water heater, wherein the position of the first valve is based on the first heated water demand and a first capacity of the first tankless water heater.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is part of the first tank-based water heater claim 1 , ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170399A1

A thermosiphon system for hot water heaters. In an embodiment, the thermosiphon includes a multi-tubular structure which in an embodiment is insertable through the cold water connection in a hot water tank in order to provide for a thermosiphon action in the hot water heater, to keep water circulating and prevent temperature stratification of water in the tank. In another embodiment, a thermosiphon design is fabricated within a water heater tank at the factory. 1. A thermosiphon sized and shaped for use in combination with a residential water heater having a tank with internal sidewalls defining an internal space of height H , the tank adapted to be normally filled with water for heating of the water , the tank having a top portion with (1) a cold water inlet of internal diameter Dand (2) a hot water outlet , said thermosiphon comprising:{'sub': T', 'T', 'C, 'a multi-tubular structure disposed along a longitudinal axis and having an overall diameter D, said diameter Dless than said diameter D, so that said multi-tubular structure is insertable through said cold water inlet into said tank, said multi-tubular structure including (a) a hot water tube extending between a siphon inlet and a siphon exit, said siphon exit adapted for discharge of water therefrom, and (b) a cold water tube, said cold water tube spaced outwardly from and situated longitudinally along at least a portion of said hot water tube, said cold water tube extending between a cold water inlet end having a cold water inlet, and a cold water output end which is open and adapted for discharge of water therefrom;'}an external hot water T, said external hot water T having a hot water T inlet fluidly attachable to said hot water outlet in said tank, a hot water T outlet, and a hot water T siphon outlet;a transition tube, said transition tube having a hot water inlet configured to receive a supply of hot water from said hot water T siphon outlet and direct the supply of hot water to said hot water tube, said ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160187029A1
Автор: Kitagawa Hideki, Sato Eri

To provide a connected hot-water supply system capable of preventing combustion failure of the burner of each hot-water supplier during hot-water supply operation to achieve stable hot-water supply operation. When dispersion in the rotation speed of a fan among respective hot-water suppliers is detected, a connection control unit regulates the combustion amount of each of the hot-water suppliers so as to reduce a difference in the rotation speed of the fan among the respective hot-water suppliers 1. A connected hot-water supply system , comprising a water flow passage,', 'a heat exchanger provided in the water flow passage,', 'a burner configured to heat the heat exchanger,', 'a fan configured to make combustion air and combustion exhaust of the burner forcibly flow,', 'an exhaust passage configured to discharge combustion exhaust of the burner that passed the heat exchanger by airstream by the fan, and', 'a hot-water supply controller configured to control hot-water supply operation, wherein, 'a plurality of hot-water suppliers connected to each other, the hot-water suppliers each comprising'}the hot-water supply controller in each of the hot-water suppliers is connected to a connection control unit configured to control linked operation of the respective hot-water suppliers,the exhaust passage of each of the hot-water suppliers is connected to a common exhaust passage configured to collectively discharge combustion exhaust from each of the hot-water suppliers,the fan of each of the hot-water suppliers is controlled to have a rotation speed corresponding to a combustion amount of the burner by the hot-water supply controller to deliver the combustion exhaust in the exhaust passage to the common exhaust passage,the connection control unit comprises a combustion regulator configured to regulate the combustion amount in each of the hot-water suppliers through the hot-water supply controller in each of the hot-water suppliers and to thereby regulate the rotation speed ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160201946A1

A water heater appliance with a mixing valve positioned within a casing of the water heater appliance is provided. The mixing valve is fluidly coupled to a heated water conduit and a bypass conduit of the water heater appliance. An actuator assembly is configured for selectively adjusting a mixing ratio of the mixing valve. The actuator assembly includes a knob positioned at an outer surface of the casing. 1. A water heater appliance , comprising:a casing;a tank disposed within the casing, the tank defining an interior volume;a cold water conduit mounted to the tank and configured for directing water into the interior volume of the tank;a heated water conduit mounted to the tank and configured for directing water out of the interior volume of the tank;a bypass conduit extending from the cold water conduit;a mixing valve positioned within the casing, the mixing valve fluidly coupled to the heated water conduit and the bypass conduit, the mixing valve configured for selectively directing liquid from the bypass conduit into the heated water conduit; and a knob positioned at an outer surface of the casing, the knob rotatable about an axis of rotation, the knob also movable along the axis of rotation between a first position and a second position;', 'a linkage coupling the knob and the mixing valve together when the knob is in the second position on the axis of rotation; and', 'a biasing mechanism configured for urging the knob towards the first position., 'an actuator assembly configured for selectively adjusting a mixing ratio of the mixing valve, the actuator assembly comprising'}2. The water heater appliance of claim 1 , wherein the mixing valve comprises:a valve body mounted to the heated water conduit and the bypass conduit;a plug positioned with the valve body;a wax thermostat positioned with the valve body and coupled to the plug, the wax thermostat configured for moving the plug within the valve body in order to adjust the mixing ratio of the mixing valve; anda ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180195742A1

A hot water apparatus includes a heat exchanger and a housing. A case has a circumferential wall portion, a lower opening, and a flange portion. A case has a flange portion, a circumferential wall portion, and an upper opening. The circumferential wall portion includes a downwardly-extending wall portion inserted into the inside of the circumferential wall portion through the upper opening. In a state where the downwardly-extending wall portion is arranged inside the circumferential wall portion, the lower opening is located below an upper surface of the flange portion. 1. A hot water apparatus comprising:a heat exchanger including a heat exchange portion and a first case in which the heat exchange portion is housed; anda housing including a second case connected to the first case of the heat exchanger, a first circumferential wall portion,', 'a first opening provided at a lower end of the first circumferential wall portion, and', 'a first flange portion located above the first opening and extending outward from the first circumferential wall portion,, 'the first case of the heat exchanger including'} a second flange portion connected to the first flange portion,', 'a second circumferential wall portion arranged inside the second flange portion, and', 'a second opening provided at an upper end of the second circumferential wall portion,, 'the second case of the housing including'}the first circumferential wall portion of the heat exchanger including a downwardly-extending wall portion that is inserted through the second opening of the housing into an inside of the second circumferential wall portion,in a state where the downwardly-extending wall portion is arranged inside the second circumferential wall portion, the first opening being located below an upper surface of the second flange portion.2. The hot water apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first opening is located below a lower surface of the second flange portion.3. The hot water apparatus according ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210231347A1
Автор: Vahaba Avi Avraham
Принадлежит: Atmor Industries Ltd.

An open-vented instant water heater is configured so as to prevent damaging thereof in cases of incorrect installation. The water heater comprises a water canister with a heating element and has a normally open outlet pipe, wherein the outlet pipe is provided with a flow sensing device comprising: a one-way valve which allows water to flow from the canister toward the outer end of the outlet pipe while preventing a water flow in the opposite direction, and/or a water flow mechanism adapted to switch the heating element OFF whenever detecting in the outlet pipe either a water flow towards the canister, or absence of any water flow. 1. An open-vented instant water heater configured so as to prevent damaging thereof in case of incorrect installation; said water heater comprises a water canister with a heating element and a normally open outlet pipe , a one-way valve, allowing a water flow from the water canister outside, while preventing a water flow in the opposite direction;', 'an outlet water flow mechanism, adapted to switch the heating element OFF whenever detecting in the outlet pipe either absence of a water flow, or a water flow in said opposite direction., 'wherein the outlet pipe is provided with a flow sensing device comprising at least one of the following2. The water heater according to claim 1 , arranged so as to have:an input pipe,said water canister being in flow communication with the input pipe and the outlet pipe,said heating element adapted for instantly heating water in the canister,a thermostat in the canister, water flow via the input pipe is regulated by a water valve, and', 'the heating element is controllable using said water pressure mechanism or said inlet water flow mechanism, by switching the heating element ON when a predetermined water pressure or a predetermined water flow is determined in the input pipe., 'a water pressure mechanism or an inlet water flow mechanism, being associated with the input pipe for respectively determining ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160213193A1
Принадлежит: GINO CREATION CO., LTD.

Provided is a beverage preparation apparatus having a central constant temperature water supply. The hot water furnace heats water to a predetermine temperature and supplies hot water to at least one hot water branch via a hot water supply line. Different beverage preparation modules are mounted to the hot water branch. Hot water and beverage materials are mixed in the beverage preparation module to prepare beverage. A return pipe interconnects the hot water furnace and the hot water supply line. In response to flowing hot water to the hot water supply line, the solenoid valves for water branch are closed and the solenoid valve for return pipe is open so that hot water flows to the hot water furnace via the return pipe. The hot water flow stops when the temperature sensor senses temperature of the hot water flow in the return pipe is equal to the predetermined temperature. 1. A beverage preparation apparatus comprising:a hot water furnace for storing a quantity of water, the hot water furnace including a heater for heating water in the hot water furnace to a first predetermined temperature, and a first temperature sensor for sensing water temperature in the hot water furnace;at least one hot water supply line for flowing hot water out of the hot water furnace, the hot water supply line including a hot water pump for pumping hot water out of the hot water furnace and a solenoid valve for water supply for controlling opening or close of the hot water supply line;at least one hot water branch connected to the hot water supply line, each of the at least one hot water branch including a solenoid valve for water branch for controlling opening or close of the hot water branch;at least one beverage preparation module mounted to the hot water branches, each of the at least one beverage preparation module including a container for storing predetermined beverage materials wherein when the corresponding solenoid valve for water branch is open, hot water in the hot water supply ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200200399A1
Автор: DANIELS Mark, Voicu Adrian

A water heater includes a heat exchanger. A controllable three-way proportional valve provides a proportionally controllable flow to the hot water inlet of the heat exchanger and a boiler return water outlet. A mixing tank mixes a cold water and a hot water. The mixing tank provides a time delayed mixed water. A temperature sensor is disposed in or on the mixing tank to measure a temperature of the time delayed mixed water to provide a time delayed mixed water temperature. A feedforward control process running on a processor adjusts a proportional operating position of the controllable three-way proportional valve to regulate a temperature of hot water at the hx domestic hot water outlet based on the temperature of the time delayed mixed water temperature. A method for controlling a hot water temperature of a water heater a water heater using a flowmeter based feedforward control are also described. 1. A water heater comprising:a heat exchanger (hx) having a hx hot water inlet, a hx water return outlet, a hx domestic cold water inlet, and a hx domestic hot water outlet;a controllable three-way proportional valve having a boiler water hot water inlet adapted to accept a boiler water, and to provide a proportionally controllable flow to said hx hot water inlet and a boiler return water outlet, and said boiler return water outlet adapted to return a boiler return water to a boiler;a mixing tank (mt) having a mt cold water inlet adapted to receive a cold water from a source of domestic cold water, a mt hot water inlet, and a mt mixed water outlet, said mixing tank to mix said cold water and a hot water from said mt hot water inlet, and said mixing tank to provide a time delayed mixed water;a constant flow pump fluidly coupled to and disposed between said hx domestic hot water outlet and said mt hot water inlet;a temperature sensor disposed in or on said mixing tank to measure a temperature of said time delayed mixed water to provide a time delayed mixed water ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Water Heater With Top Water Outlet

Номер: US20190203974A1

A fuel-fired water heater having a top water outlet includes a water tank and a top cover assembly having the top water outlet to output water from the water tank. The water heater further includes a multi-pass heat exchanger that includes flue tubes positioned in the water tank. The water heater also includes a first plenum and a second plenum at a top end portion of the water heater. The first plenum provides a first hot gas flow path from a first set of the flue tubes to a second set of the flue tubes, and the second plenum provides a second hot gas flow path from a third set of the flue tubes to a fourth set of the flue tubes. 1. A fuel-fired water heater having a top water outlet , the fuel-fired water heater comprising:a water tank;a top cover assembly having the top water outlet to output water from the water tank;a multi-pass heat exchanger positioned in the water tank, the multi-pass heat exchanger comprising flue tubes;a first plenum at a top end portion of the water heater; anda second plenum at the top end portion of the water heater, wherein the first plenum provides a first hot gas flow path from a first set of the flue tubes to a second set of the flue tubes and wherein the second plenum provides a second hot gas flow path from a third set of the flue tubes to a fourth set of the flue tubes.2. The water heater of claim 1 , wherein the first set of the flue tubes are interspersed with the second set of the flue tubes and wherein the third set of the flue tubes are interspersed with the fourth set of the flue tubes.3. The water heater of claim 2 , wherein the first set of the flue tubes and the third set of the flue tubes are second-pass flue tubes and wherein the second set of the flue tubes and the fourth set of the flue tubes are third-pass flue tubes.4. The water heater of claim 3 , wherein the multi-pass heat exchanger includes a first-pass flue tube and wherein hot gas from a combustion system flows through the first-pass flue tube to the first ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160223225A1

An apparatus comprises a sensor circuit configured to detect activation of at least one circulator arranged to circulate liquid from a boiler through at least one circulation loop and back to the boiler. An analog up/down timer circuit has an input coupled to an output of the sensor circuit and generates a variable threshold signal that varies as a function of an activation time of the at least one circulator. A burner control circuit receives the variable threshold signal from the analog up/down timer circuit and generates an ignition control signal based at least in part on comparison of a temperature sensor signal of the boiler with the variable threshold signal. An ignition driver receives the ignition control signal from the burner control circuit and generates an ignition signal for a burner configured to burn fuel to heat the liquid in the boiler based at least in part on the ignition control signal. 1. An apparatus comprising:a sensor circuit configured to detect activation of at least one circulator arranged to circulate liquid from a boiler through at least one circulation loop and back to the boiler;an analog up/down timer circuit having an input coupled to an output of the sensor circuit and configured to generate a variable threshold signal that varies as a function of an activation time of said at least one circulator;a burner control circuit configured to receive the variable threshold signal from the analog up/down timer circuit and to generate an ignition control signal based at least in part on comparison of a temperature sensor signal of the boiler with the variable threshold signal; andan ignition driver configured to receive the ignition control signal from the burner control circuit and to generate an ignition signal for a burner configured to burn fuel to heat the liquid in the boiler based at least in part on the ignition control signal.2. The apparatus of wherein said at least one circulator comprises a plurality of circulators and the ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Instant Tube Heater With Homogenous Temperature Control

Номер: US20170217751A1

The invention relates to an instant tube heater () for heating flowing liquid comprising: 1. An instant tube heater for heating flowing liquid comprising:a hollow heating tube comprising a tubular flow passage extending along a central axis for heating liquid as it flows through it,an inlet connector sealingly connected to an inlet end of the hollow heating tube,an outlet connector sealingly connected to an outlet end of the hollow heating tube,a temperature sensor connected to the outlet connector for sensing the temperature of liquid leaving the heating tube,wherein an inlet flow deviating member is positioned locally at the inlet end of the heating tube and is configured for forcing the flow of liquid entering the tubular passage of the heating tube in at least one direction away from the direction of the central axis of the tubular passage.2. The instant tube heater according to claim 1 , wherein the inlet flow deviating member comprises a wall which extends transversally relative to the central axis of the heating tube and which comprises a plurality of inlet flow through-openings.3. The instant tube heater according to claim 2 , wherein the inlet flow through-openings are directed in many different directions diverging from the direction of the central axis towards the inner surface of the heating tube and/or converging with the central axis.4. The instant tube heater according to claim 2 , wherein most of the through-openings are off-centered and further oriented in directions which are inclined relative to the central axis claim 2 , which is axially extending claim 2 , and relative to radial planes of the tube.5. The instant tube heater according to claim 2 , wherein the inlet flow-through openings comprise a plurality of entry hole areas distributed at its entry side along a first circle of first diameter and a plurality of exit hole areas distributed at its exit side along a second circle of second diameter larger than the diameter of the first circle.6. ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Water Supply Conduit Heating Device

Номер: US20140311587A1
Автор: Ellis Mark Eugene
Принадлежит: PLAN 9, INC.

Embodiments of the Water Supply Conduit Heating are comprised of a control apparatus and a delivery apparatus. The control apparatus is comprised of two electrically actuated solenoid valves, a pump, a hot water connection, a cold water connection, an electronic control, a temperature sensor, and a double-pipe source connection. The two electrically actuated solenoid valves are controlled by the electronic control. As the temperature of the fluid inbound from the source varies, the electronic control adjusts the mix of hot water and cold water from the hot water connection and the cold water connection to provide an appropriate temperature fluid to the outbound fluid to the source connection. The electronic control is used to measure the temperature of the fluid in the conduit and to direct fluid into the conduit as required to control fluid temperature. 1. A water supply conduit heating device comprised ofa. a delivery apparatus,b. a control unit, i. a large outer conduit,', 'ii. a smaller inside conduit which is inserted into the full length of the larger outer main fluid conduit', 'iii. wherein the large outer conduit and the smaller inside conduit forms two hydraulically connected passages,', 'iv. wherein two hydraulically connected passages are the inner tube passage and the annular passage formed by the space between the inside of the large outer conduit and outside of the smaller inside conduit', 'v. wherein these two hydraulically connected passages may be used interchangeably for inbound/outbound flow from the pump., 'c. wherein the delivery apparatus is comprised of'} i. a pump which injects a heated or cooled fluid into one of hydraulically connected passages, wherein the fluid travels to the opposite end of the conduit and returns to the inlet of the pump via the other hydraulically connected passage,', 'ii. an electronic control means which is used to measure the temperature of the fluid in the conduit and to direct fluid of a desired temperature into ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180231272A1

Apparatus and methods for delivering a heated fluid. The apparatus includes at least a preheat zone, an expansion zone, and an expanded zone comprising a plurality of trim heaters, at least one fluid flow-distribution sheet, and an outlet. The apparatus may be used for delivering the heated fluid onto a moving fluid-permeable substrate. 1. An apparatus for handling , heating and delivering a gaseous fluid , comprising:a preheat zone comprising a preheater; 'wherein the first and second major walls of the expansion zone and the first and second minor walls of the expansion zone are configured so that the expansion zone comprises a lateral expansion angle of at least 15 degrees and a tertiary contraction angle of at least 2.0 degrees; and,', 'an expansion zone fluidly connected to the preheat zone, the expansion zone being defined by first and second major walls and first and second minor walls, the expansion zone comprising an expansion zone inlet through which preheated fluid is received from the preheat zone and an expansion zone outlet through which preheated fluid exits the expansion zone,'} a plurality of trim heaters collectively extending across at least a portion of the lateral extent of the expanded zone,', 'at least one fluid flow-distribution sheet positioned downstream of the plurality of trim heaters,', 'and,', 'an outlet;, 'the expanded zone further comprising, 'an expanded zone with an expanded zone inlet that is fluidly connected to the expansion zone outlet of the expansion zone and through which preheated fluid is received from the expansion zone outlet of the expansion zone, the expanded zone being defined by first and second major walls and first and second minor walls and comprising a downstream axis and a lateral extent and a tertiary extent;'}wherein the major and minor walls that define the expansion zone, the major and minor walls that define the expanded zone, and walls that define the preheat zone, are all made of sheet metal,and wherein ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150245425A1

Thermo heater comprising: a tank () made of glass, fitted with a cover () and a number of magnetrons () supported by a belt or a support framework () surrounding the tank (), which offer the magnetrons continued support and which may be arranged inside the tank (). Each one of the magnetrons () is housed on a primary exchanger () and this, in turn, on the main exchanger (). A solenoid () is arranged on the cover, as well as a support for a rod thermostat and the water inlets and outlets. A mixing valve () is arranged under the cover, connected by a regulator () with a cover and operated by means of a piston () connected to the solenoid. The mixing valve is a double filter valve. Thanks to the characteristics of the materials used, the following is achieved: almost instant heating, a reduction of energy consumption and effective protection against the proliferation of colonies such as legionella. 1. Semi-instant thermo heater induced by microwaves , characterized in that it comprises:{'b': 1', '7, 'A tank () made of glass, fitted with an upper closing cover ()'}{'b': 3', '5', '6', '2', '1', '1, 'A number of magnetrons () arranged internally to a set of heat exchangers ( and ) supported by a belt or a support framework (), which surrounds the tank (), which allow the magnetrons to remain supported and which may be arranged in the interior of the tank (), thereby cooling its operating temperature.'}232. Semi-instant thermo heater induced by microwaves claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , a unit is used to secure the magnetrons () onto the belt or support framework () claim 1 , which is defined by{'b': 4', '2', '3', '5', '6, 'a plate or cover (), which when fixed onto the belt ()has openings over which the magnetrons () are passed and fixed, these magnetrons being fixed and secured on a primary exchanger () which envelops each magnetron, each primary exchanger being introduced into a main exchanger () and which is welded to'}{'b': 31', '1', ' ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226718A1

The invention provides for protection of life safety, property and the liability thereof, by means of a intrinsically safe unpressurized storage tank water heater while producing hot pressurized water. The design addresses, with effect, convection, radiation, conduction and evaporative heat energy losses. Heat lost returned as usable hot water resulting in ultra-low standing loss. The stationary water medium prevents sedimentation, fouling of the heating element and gases expelled. Being dielectrically isolated, the medium may also be treated to further reduce corrosion. The design allows for a quick recovery rate and provides adjustable volume of hot water, being stackable, stage able, renewable, repairable and recyclable. 1. A water-heating device comprising of:a. a open head cylindrical vessel,b. a closure head at the open end of the vessel,c. a heat exchanger surrounding the vessel,d. at least one heat exchange assembly internal to the vessel,e. a vent that communicates with the atmosphere,f. a heating element,g. a thermostatic control device,h. a radiant barrier shell surrounding entire device.2. The device of further comprising:a. a rectangular insulation package surrounding the cylindrical vessel.3. The device of further comprisinga. a sealing gland system for the water intake and outlet,b. a sacrificial anode,c. a drain /fill valve,d. a thermostatic mixing valve.4. The device of further comprising:a. internal tubular heat exchanger in coil form.5. The device of further comprising:a. a support system for the internal heat exchanger comprising two triangles whose legs rest upon the inner vessel walls with a support rods between the triangles supporting the heat exchange coil.6. The device of farther comprising:a. the vessel closure head containing seven holes, attaching three bulkhead fittings to receive the two sealing glands, a sacrificial anode, the heating element.7. The device of further comprising:a. a vent stub pipe, of fitted with a pressure- ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Tank-Based and Tankless Water Heater Systems

Номер: US20200224927A1

A water heating system can include a first tank-based water heater having a first inlet line and a first outlet line, where the first inlet line provides unheated water to the first tank, and where the first outlet line draws heated water from the first tank. The system can also include a first tankless water heater having a second outlet line, where the second outlet line of the first tankless water heater provides the heated water to a first heated water demand. The system can also include a first valve that controls an amount of the unheated water flowing through the first inlet line to the first tank-based water heater. The system can further include a controller operatively coupled to the first valve, where the controller controls a position of the first valve based on the first heated water demand and a first capacity of the first tankless water heater. 1. A controller comprising:one or more processors; and receive a request for a requested heated water quantity;', 'determine that a tankless water heater has a capacity of heated water that is insufficient to satisfy the request; and', 'output instructions for a first tank-based water heater to supply a first additional heated water quantity to supplement the capacity of heated water., 'memory storing instructions that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the controller to2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein outputting instructions for the first tank-based water heater to supply the first additional heated water quantity comprises:outputting instructions for a first valve to permit a first flow of unheated water into the first tank-based water heater.3. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the controller is in communication with at least one of a local controller of the tankless water heater and a local controller of the first tank-based water heater.4. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the instructions claim 1 , when executed by the one or more processors claim 1 , further cause the ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190234622A1
Автор: Haws Spencer Kim

The concepts relate to reducing energy loss associated with hot water systems. One example can monitor hot water use in a system. Upon completion of the hot water use, the example can recover some of the hot water from hot water lines into a water heater that heated the hot water. The method can also deliver the recovered hot water to the water heater in a manner that affects operation of a heating element of the water heater. 1. A system , comprising:a water heater having a tank and a cold water inlet to the tank and a hot water outlet from the tank that are positioned relative to an upper region of the tank, a heating element positioned proximate to a lower region of the tank, a recovery pump positioned on the cold water inlet and fluidly coupled to a cold water dip tube extending from the cold water inlet proximate to the lower region of the tank, a circulation pump positioned on the hot water outlet and fluidly coupled to a hot water dip tube extending from the hot water outlet proximate to the lower region of the tank, and, a controller configured to sense hot water being drawn from the tank and to control the recovery pump and the circulation pump responsively after the hot water is drawn from the tank to recover at least some of the hot water and to deliver the recovered hot water to the lower region of the tank via the hot water dip tube.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the recovery pump is configured to draw water through the cold water dip tube and force the water out of the tank.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the circulation pump is configured to draw water from the hot water outlet and force the water down the hot water dip tube.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a recovery apparatus associated with the cold water inlet and the cold water dip tube.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the recovery apparatus is external to the tank or wherein the recovery apparatus is positioned in the tank and wherein the cold water dip tube comprises a ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245817A1

A heat transfer tube of a heat exchanger is provided with a first and a second annular convex portions of which outer diameters are partially expanded. The first annular convex portion is positioned on an inner face side of a side plate portion of a case of the heat exchanger and is engaged with a circumferential edge portion of a first hole portion provided for the side plate portion, or the first annular convex portion contacts under pressure with an inner circumferential face of the first hole portion. The second annular convex portion is positioned on an outer face side of a header constituting member and is engaged with a circumferential edge portion of a second hole portion. Thus the side plate portion, the heat transfer tube, and a header are relatively fixed by a simple means. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a case having a side plate portion through which a first hole portion penetrates, a heating medium being supplied into the case;a heat transfer tube, an end portion of the heat transfer tube being inserted into the first hole portion;a header constituting member provided on an outer face side of the side plate portion, the header constituting member having a second hole portion into which the end portion of the heat transfer tube is inserted; anda first annular convex portion and a second annular convex portion that are provided for the heat transfer tube, outer diameters of the first and the second annular convex portions being partially expanded, the first and the second annular convex portions relatively fixing the side plate portion of the case, the heat transfer tube, and the header constituting member,wherein the first annular convex portion is positioned on an inner face side of the side plate portion and is engaged with a circumferential edge portion of the first hole portion, or the first annular convex portion is positioned in the first hole portion and contacts under pressure with an inner circumferential face of the first hole portion, andthe ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210293453A1

A gas manifold allows each distribution chamber to be fed with fuel gas at an appropriate flow rate irrespective of an increase in the number of distribution chambers included in the gas manifold. A gas manifold distributes fuel gas flowing in through an inlet to a plurality of distribution chambers through a main channel. The main channel includes a flow guide that guides the fuel gas toward a maximum distribution chamber and reduces the fuel gas flowing into other distribution chambers. This allows fuel gas at a sufficient flow rate to be fed more easily to the maximum distribution chamber than to the other distribution chambers for a larger number of distribution chambers included in the gas manifold, allowing the plurality of distribution chambers to be fed with fuel gas at appropriate flow rates. 1. A gas manifold installable in a combustion apparatus to distribute fuel gas to a plurality of burners for burning the fuel gas included in the combustion apparatus , the plurality of burners being grouped into a plurality of burner sets , the combustion apparatus performing stepwise switching of the number of burners to burn the fuel gas by causing each of the plurality of burner sets to burn the fuel gas , the gas manifold comprising:a main channel configured to allow passage of the fuel gas fed from outside;a plurality of distribution chambers each located for a corresponding burner set of the plurality of burner sets, the plurality of distribution chambers being configured to receive, from the main channel, the fuel gas to be fed to the plurality of burners in the plurality of burner sets;a plurality of nozzles each located for a corresponding burner of the plurality of burners, the plurality of nozzles being configured to feed the plurality of burners with the fuel gas flowing into the plurality of distribution chambers;a plurality of distribution channels branching from the main channel and connecting the main channel to the plurality of distribution chambers; ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180252418A1

A water heating system includes a plurality of water heaters of which exhaust paths are connected in common to an exhaust path assembly, a control device configured for centralized control of the plurality of water heaters, and a non-volatile storage unit. The plurality of water heaters include control units configured to control hot water supply operations based on communication with the control device, respectively. The storage unit is configured to store information on the water heater of which control unit is recorded to have established communication with the control device. The control device turns off all of the plurality of water heaters when information on the water heater of which control unit has currently established communication with the control device does not match with the information stored in the storage unit. 1. A water heating system comprising:a plurality of water heaters of which exhaust paths are connected in common to an exhaust path assembly;a control device configured for centralized control of the plurality of water heaters; anda non-volatile storage unit accessible from the control device,each of the plurality of water heaters including a control unit configured to control a hot water supply operation based on communication with the control device,the non-volatile storage unit being configured to store information on a water heater of which control unit is recorded to have established communication with the control device, andthe control device being configured to turn off all of the plurality of water heaters when information on a water heater of which control unit has currently established communication with the control device does not match with the information stored in the non-volatile storage unit.2. The water heating system according to claim 1 , whereinthe non-volatile storage unit is configured to store information on the number of water heaters of which control units are recorded to have established communication with the ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180259222A1
Автор: Murphy Kevin Michael

Overflow protection and monitoring devices capable of coupling to a drainage pan and may include: a drainage line; a base, the base including an input port; a dry section; and a wet section, the input port capable of coupling to the drainage pan; a base cover, the base cover removably coupled to the base, the base cover including a base cover output port capable of coupling to the drainage line; a fluid displacement mechanism located in the wet section, the fluid displacement mechanism including a fluid displacement mechanism output port; a fluid detection mechanism located in the wet section; and a base attachment, the base attachment coupled to the fluid displacement mechanism output port and the base cover output port, the base attachment including an air relief port and back-flow preventer; a control unit capable of energizing the fluid displacement mechanism upon receiving a signal from the fluid detection mechanism. 1. An overflow protection and monitoring apparatus for a drainage pan comprising:a drainage line;a base, the base including an input port, a dry section, and a wet section, the input port capable of coupling to the drainage pan;a base cover, the base cover removably coupled to the base, the base cover including a base cover output port capable of coupling to the drainage line;a fluid displacement mechanism located in the wet section, the fluid displacement mechanism including a fluid displacement mechanism output port;a fluid detection mechanism located in the wet section; anda base attachment, the base attachment coupled to the fluid displacement mechanism output port and the base cover output port, the base attachment including an air relief port and back-flow preventer;a control unit capable of energizing the fluid displacement mechanism upon receiving a signal from the fluid detection mechanism.2. A method of installing an overflow protection and monitoring apparatus comprising the steps of: a drainage line;', 'a base, the base including an ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180266727A1
Автор: CAI Maohu, Fu Ziwen, Xu Yijun

The present disclosure discloses a gas water heating apparatus comprising: a shell; a burner, a heat exchanger, and a fan which are disposed in sequence within the shell, wherein a combustion region is formed between the burner and the heat exchanger that are spaced from each other by a first preset distance; a first enclosing frame that encloses the combustion region, an air inlet portion being disposed on a side wall of the first enclosing frame; a heat insulating plate which is disposed within the first enclosing frame and is spaced from an inner surface of the side wall of the first enclosing frame by a second preset distance, wherein when the fan is in operation, air outside the first enclosing frame can flow into a region between the first enclosing frame and the heat insulating plate through the air inlet portion. The present disclosure provides a gas water heating apparatus having an optimized temperature reducing structure and capable of achieving a significant temperature reduction effect. 1. A gas water heating apparatus comprising:a shell;a burner, a heat exchanger, and a fan which are disposed in sequence within the shell, wherein a combustion region is formed between the burner and the heat exchanger that are spaced from each other by a first preset distance;a first enclosing frame that encloses the combustion region, an air inlet portion being disposed on a side wall of the first enclosing frame; anda heat insulating plate which is disposed within the first enclosing frame and is spaced from an inner surface of the side wall of the first enclosing frame by a second preset distance,wherein when the fan is in operation, air outside the first enclosing frame can flow into a region between the first enclosing frame and the heat insulating plate through the air inlet portion.2. The gas water heating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the burner is at least partially disposed within the first enclosing frame claim 1 , orthe gas water heating apparatus ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150308712A1
Автор: Giamati Michael John

One embodiment includes a high capacity water heater assembly. The assembly includes a vessel with an inlet and an outlet, with water delivered to the vessel through the inlet. Also included is a heating element attached to the vessel for heating the water delivered to the vessel, an active mixing valve in fluid connection with the outlet of the vessel, and a water temperature sensor attached to the vessel to communicate data used for powering on and off the heating element. 1. A high capacity water heater assembly comprising:a vessel with an inlet and an outlet, wherein water is delivered to the vessel through the inlet;a heating element attached to the vessel for heating the water delivered to the vessel;an active mixing valve in fluid connection with the outlet of the vessel; anda water temperature sensor attached to the vessel to communicate data used for powering on and off the heating element.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the inlet is located at or near a bottom of the vessel.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the inlet contains side holes from which the water is delivered to the vessel.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outlet is located at or near a bottom of the vessel.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the active mixing valve is attached at or near the bottom of the vessel.6. The assembly of claim 5 , further comprising a standpipe in fluid connection with the active mixing valve of the vessel and extending toward a top of the vessel.7. The assembly of claim 5 , wherein the active mixing valve is a shuttle valve also in fluid connection with a cold water source.8. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a water detection sensor disposed at least partially inside the vessel.9. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a pressure relief valve in fluid connection with the vessel.10. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is attached to the vessel at or near a same end of the vessel as the active mixing valve claim 1 , ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160313027A1

A water heater has a primary heat exchanger having a first heat transfer tube, a secondary heat exchanger having a second heat transfer tube connected with the first heat transfer tube and being located higher than the first heat transfer tube, and an outflow path connected to an outflow-side end portion of the first heat transfer tube. 1. A water heater comprising:a primary heat exchanger having a first heat transfer tube configured to recover heat from heating gas;a secondary heat exchanger having a second heat transfer tube configured to further recover heat from heating gas of which heat has been recovered in the primary heat exchanger, the secondary heat transfer tube being connected with the first heat transfer tube and being located higher than the first heat transfer tube;a bypass flow path connecting an inflow path connected with an inflow-side end portion of the second heat transfer tube and an outflow path connected with an outflow-side end portion of the first heat transfer tube; andthe outflow path having an offset flow path portion including a rising portion which rises upward or obliquely upward from a connecting portion of the outflow path with the outflow-side end portion of the first heat transfer tube or from the vicinity of the connecting portion, the offset flow path portion being offset at a position higher than the outflow-side end portion.2. The water heater according to claim 1 ,wherein the offset flow path portion further comprises a horizontal portion connected with an upper end portion of the rising portion and extending substantially in a horizontal direction.3. The water heater according to claim 2 ,wherein the primary heat exchanger comprises a case into which heating gas is supplied and in which the first heat transfer tube is housed, andwherein the horizontal portion and the rising portion of the offset flow path portion are in a non-contact condition with the case.4. The water heater according to claim 2 ,wherein the primary heat ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Valve System and Methods

Номер: US20200292207A1
Автор: Feria Ralph

A water distribution apparatus and method including cold and hot water supplies, a fan coil (or chilled beam device), a control valve having cold and hot water inlets and outlets, cold and hot water outputs configured to supply cold and hot water to the fan coil, cold and hot water return inlets configured to receive from the fan coil the water supplied by the cold and/or water outputs and outputting the cold and/or hot water to the cold and hot water supply lines, respectively, via the cold and hot water outlets, respectively. Cold and hot water is supplied from the cold and/or hot water outputs to the fan coil and received into the cold and hot water return inlets, respectively, and the cold and hot water supplied by the cold and hot water outputs to the fan coil is output to the cold and hot water supply lines, respectively.

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170307252A1

Provided is a hot water barrel structure for a water dispenser, the hot water barrel structure including: a hot water barrel having a water reservoir therein; a partition plate provided in the hot water barrel and dividing the water reservoir into an upper water reservoir part and a lower water reservoir part; an inlet pipe supplying water that is to be heated to the lower water reservoir part of the hot water barrel; a heater provided at the hot water barrel and heating water introduced to the lower water reservoir part to produce hot water; and a hot water pipe provided at the upper water reservoir part of the hot water barrel. 1. A hot water barrel structure for a water dispenser , the hot water barrel structure comprising:a hot water barrel having a water reservoir therein;a partition plate provided in the hot water barrel and dividing the water reservoir into an upper water reservoir part and a lower water reservoir part;an inlet pipe supplying water that is to be heated to the lower water reservoir part of the hot water barrel; anda heater provided at the hot water barrel and heating water introduced to the lower water reservoir part to produce hot water.2. The hot water barrel structure of claim 1 , wherein a circumference of the partition plate dividing the water reservoir into the upper and lower water reservoir parts is spaced apart from an inner circumferential surface of the hot water barrel by a predetermined distance claim 1 , such that a flow hole through which hot water is supplied from the lower water reservoir part to the upper water reservoir part is secured.3. The hot water barrel structure of claim 2 , wherein a linear partition plate portion is further provided at the circumference of the partition plate by extending at least in a direction toward the lower water reservoir part claim 2 , such that the flow hole between the partition plate and the hot water barrel is formed as a band-shaped flow hole having an increased vertical width by the ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180306463A1
Автор: Yuan Defang

Disclosed is a water supply system that conditionally fills with heated water. The water supply system has a water tank configured to store and supply heated water, a heater configured to heat water in the water tank, and a sensor configured to sense a temperature of the water in the water tank. In accordance with an embodiment of the disclosure, the water supply system has a water supply unit configured to selectively supply heated water or unheated water to the water tank based on the temperature that has been sensed. In some implementations, this is performed to reduce use of the heated water, which may result in energy savings. 1. A water supply system , comprising:a water tank configured to store and supply heated water;a heater configured to heat water in the water tank;a sensor configured to sense a temperature of the water in the water tank; anda water supply unit configured to selectively supply heated water or unheated water to the water tank based on the temperature that has been sensed.a temperature regulator configured to mix an amount of unheated water into the heated water supplied by the water tank to produce mixed water having a regulated temperature.2. The water supply system of claim 1 , wherein the water supply unit further comprises a switch configured to switch between:supplying unheated water to the water tank when the temperature that has been sensed is at least a predefined threshold; andsupplying heated water to the water tank when the temperature that has been sensed is below the predefined threshold.3. The water supply system of claim 2 , wherein the switch further comprises a solenoid valve.4. The water supply system of claim 2 , wherein the water supply system further comprises:a switch controller configured to control the switch based on the temperature that has been sensed.5. The water supply system of claim 2 , further comprising:a heater controller configured to control the heater to heat the water in the water tank to a target ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170321398A1
Автор: Ellerby Brian Keith

The saving of water in a shower start up is accomplished by a secondary water tank that delivers hot water while water in the pipes is diverted, mixed or separately heated. 1. A shower system having a showerhead and water heated by water in a primary water heater tank , the system configured for conservation of water by delivering hot water comprising:a) a secondary hot water heater tank system positioned near the showerhead designed to produce enough hot water to initially deliver hot water to the showerhead when the shower is turned on; andb) the system configured between the primary and secondary water heater tanks such that when the system is turned on, hot water is delivered instantly and continuously to the showerhead.2. The shower system according to wherein any unheated water is mixed with heated water from the secondary tank to deliver hot water to the showerhead.3. The shower system according to wherein unheated water is delivered to the secondary hot water heater tank system for heating by the secondary hot water tank system.4. A shower system having a showerhead and water heated in a primary water heater tank claim 1 , the system designed for conservation of water by delivering hot water comprising:a) a secondary unheated water tank positioned near the showerhead designed to mix unheated water that is in between the secondary tank and the primary water heater with hot water from the primary water heater tank until the mixture is warm enough to shower with; andb) notifying the user that the shower water is warm enough to shower with.5. The system according to wherein the notification is by either temperature gauge or an alarm sound.6. The system according to wherein the secondary tank is in a waterproof compartment in the wall near the showerhead.7. The system according to wherein the compartment has an access door. A portion of the disclosure of this patent contains material that is subject to copyright protection. The copyright owner has no objection to ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации

Dielectrically insulated secondary flue for gas-fired water heater

Номер: US20170321928A1
Принадлежит: Miclau SRI Inc

A dielectrically insulated secondary tubular flue for mounting inside a water holding tank of a gas-fired water heater is provided to increase the efficiency of the water heater. The secondary tubular flue has opposed tubular end sections and an helical tubular section integrally formed therewith. The tubular end sections each have connecting end sections adapted to form a part of a dielectric connector for securing the secondary tubular flue inside of the water holding tank by the dielectric connectors.

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Heat Recovery Atmospheric-Pressure Vat

Номер: US20200326099A1
Автор: JR. Bernard L., Sliney

A hydronic heating system. A vat of water is heated on a hot wood stove. The water is recirculated through a heat exchanger to heat a remote living space. 1. A hydronic heating system water heater , comprising: a vat , an inlet pipe and an outlet pipe , the vat having a bottom , sides and an open top , the inlet pipe positioned through and sealed to the side of the vat , the outlet pipe positioned through and sealed to the side of the vat so that when the vat contains water and the vat is placed on a hot wood stove , the water in the vat is heated by the hot wood stove so that the hot water can be flowed from the vat through the outlet pipe through a heat exchanger and then back into the vat by way of the inlet pipe.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is a radiator for heating a living space.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger heats a recirculated fluid flowed through a radiator for heating a living space.4. A method for heating a first living space from heat generated by a wood stove located in a second living space by the steps of: heating an open container of water on a hot wood stove in a second living space to produce hot water; flowing the hot water through a radiator and then back to the open container claim 1 , the radiator located in a first living space to heat the first living space.5. A method for heating a first living space from heat generated by a wood stove located in a second living space by the steps of: heating an open container of water on a hot wood stove in a second living space to produce hot water; flowing the hot water through a heat exchanger and then back to the open container claim 1 , conducting heat from the heat exchanger to a recirculated fluid flowed through a radiator to heat the first living space.6. A method of cooling a first living space from cold well-water or a chilled liquid via a vat located in a second living space by the steps of: cooling an open container of water in a second living ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Hybrid Heater

Номер: US20170342732A1
Автор: Dzindo Azur

Embodiments of the invention provide a heater including a housing, a first tankless heater, a second tankless heater, a first and second flow directing elements, the first flow directing element in communication with the first tankless heater and the second flow directing element and the second flow directing element in communication with the second tankless heater, and a controller in communication with the first and second tankless heaters and the first and second flow directing elements, the controller configured to control the first and second flow directing elements to control flow to one or both of the first and second tankless heaters. 1. A heater , comprising:a housing;a first tankless heater;a second tankless heater; andfirst and second flow directing elements, the first flow directing element in communication with the first tankless heater and the second flow directing element and the second flow directing element in communication with the second tankless heater, wherein the first flow directing element is configured to direct flow in one of the following manners at any given time: (1) only to the first tankless heater, (2) to the second flow directing element and, thus, the second tankless heater and bypassing the first tankless heater, or (3) to the first tankless heater and the second flow directing element.2. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the first tankless heater is mounted to the housing and the second tankless heater is mounted within the housing.3. The heater of claim 1 , wherein both the first tankless heater and the second tankless heater are mounted within the housing.4. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the first tankless heater is an electric heat pump and the second tankless heater is a gas fired heat exchanger.5. The heater of claim 1 , further including a controller configured to monitor a temperature of water entering an inlet of the heater and controls the first and second flow directing elements dependent upon the temperature of the ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

System and method for preventing bacteria proliferation in an electric water heater tank

Номер: US20190331348A1
Автор: Claude Lesage
Принадлежит: Claude Lesage

A system and a method for preventing bacteria growth and proliferation, and particularly the Legionella bacteria, in a water tank of an electric water heater is described. A small pump is mounted on the water heater and has a power rating greater than the domestic water supply. The pump is controlled by a controller to pump hot water from the upper region of the tank to the lower region of the tank. The pump is connected between the hot water outlet of the tank and the cold water inlet to which an elongated dip tube is secured and with its discharge end positioned in close proximity to the bottom wall of the tank. The controller has a timer and is programmed to pump the hot water during non-peak hours of the utility for a preset time and for a preset period of time depending on such criteria as water quality, public regulations and laws.

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180347856A1

In a heating heat-source apparatus having input circuits configured to receive pieces of mutually independent heating demand information, an abnormality related to an operation for setting one input circuit among the input circuits to a use state is detected and reported. Input circuits receive heating demand information. An operation part receives an operation for setting one input circuit of the input circuits to a use state. A CPU receives heating demand information transmitted from the input circuit in the use state while receiving specified information for specifying the input circuit in the use state from the operation part. Each piece of heating demand information is voltage information having a predetermined voltage range. The CPU reports an abnormality related to an operation for setting when voltage information transmitted from the input circuit in the use state deviate from a voltage range specified in the specified information. 1. A heating heat-source apparatus , comprising:a heating structure configured to heat a thermal medium;a heating circulating path configured to circulate the thermal medium heated by the heating structure between a heating terminal and the heating heat-source apparatus upon performance of a heating operation;a plurality of input circuits configured to receive a plurality of pieces of heating demand information independent of each other;a setting part configured to set one input circuit of the plurality of input circuits to a use state;a control part configured to control the heating structure on the basis of heating demand information from the input circuit in the use state while receiving specified information for specifying the input circuit in the use state set by the setting part; anda reporting part,wherein each of the plurality of pieces of heating demand information is provided to the corresponding input circuit as voltage information having a predetermined voltage range,each of the plurality of input circuits is ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации

Hybrid Heater

Номер: US20150368921A1
Автор: Azur DZINDO
Принадлежит: Pentair Water Pool and SPA Inc

Embodiments of the invention provide a pool heater including a housing, a first tankless heater, a second tankless heater, and a controller. The controller is configured to activate only the first tankless heater when a first condition is met, activate only the second tankless heater when a second condition is met, and activate the first and the second tankless heaters simultaneously when a third condition is met

24-12-2015 дата публикации

Heating liquid in portable tanks

Номер: US20150369517A1
Принадлежит: Dry Air Manufacturing Corp

A heat exchanger apparatus for a portable tank that has an access opening and an access door removably attachable to seal the access opening. The apparatus includes a cover plate configured to be removably attached to the access opening to seal the access opening, and a heating circuit attached to an inner surface of the cover plate such that when the cover plate is attached to the access opening, the heating circuit extends into an interior of the tank. Input and output ports extend through the cover plate and are connected at inner ends thereof to the heating circuit such that fluid flowing into the input port flows through the heating circuit to the output port. The input and output ports are adapted at outer ends thereof for attachment to a fluid heating system to circulate heating fluid through the heating circuit.

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160370063A1
Автор: YANG Sung Jin

According to an embodiment, a refrigerator, comprising: a main body comprising a food storage space; a door installed in the main body and configured to open and close the food storage space; and an ice-making device installed in the food storage space, wherein the ice-making device comprises a case comprising a cooling space defined therein, a cooling unit configured to cool the cooling space, and an ice-making system disposed in the cooling space and configured to produce ice pieces, the ice-making system comprising an ice tray comprising a plurality of ice-making spaces capable of retaining water, and a water supply unit configured to supply water to the ice-making spaces, the water supply unit comprises a feeder pipe configured to feed water to the ice-making system, and a water supply pipe connected to the feeder pipe and disposed above the ice tray to extend along a length direction of the ice tray, and a plurality of water supply holes is formed in the water supply pipe in the positions corresponding to the ice-making spaces so that water is supplied to the respective ice-making spaces through the respective water supply holes. 1. A refrigerator , comprising:a main body comprising a food storage space;a door installed in the main body and configured to open and close the food storage space; andan ice-making device installed in the food storage space, the water supply unit comprises: a feeder pipe configured to feed water to the ice-making system; and', 'a water supply pipe connected to the feeder pipe and disposed above the ice tray to extend along a length direction of the ice tray; and', 'the water supply pipe comprising a plurality of holes in the positions corresponding to the ice-making spaces wherein water is supplied to the respective ice-making spaces through the respective holes., 'wherein the ice-making device comprises: a case comprising a cooling space defined therein; a cooling unit configured to cool the cooling space; and an ice-making system ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180356125A1
Автор: Fioriti Gerald A.

A water heating apparatus includes a water inlet port and a hot water supply connection water outlet port. A burner assembly includes a burner disposed within a combustion chamber housing. At least two heat exchangers are operated in parallel. At least two of the at least two heat exchangers have at least a first heat exchanger water inlet port on a same side of the water heating apparatus. A water jacket is defined by an area between an outer containment vessel and the combustion chamber housing. The heated water flows out of each of each of the at least two heat exchangers through the portion of each of the at least two heat exchangers into the water jacket. The heated water which flows into the water jacket is further heated by the combustion chamber housing and the further heated water exits the water heating apparatus at the hot water supply connection water outlet port. 1. A water heating apparatus comprising:a water inlet port and a hot water supply connection water outlet port;a burner assembly comprising a burner disposed within a combustion chamber housing;at least two heat exchangers operated in parallel, each of the at least two heat exchangers fluidly coupled to said water inlet port, at least two of said at least two heat exchangers having at least a first heat exchanger water inlet port on a same side of the water heating apparatus, each of the heat exchangers having an outer housing and disposed within a plurality of heat exchange tubes and a portion through which a heated water exits each of the at least two heat exchangers;a water jacket defined by an area between an outer containment vessel and the combustion chamber housing;wherein a hot combustion gas from the burner assembly flows through each of the at least two heat exchangers to heat a cold water from the at least a first heat exchanger water inlet to a heated water; andwherein the heated water flows out of each of each of the at least two heat exchangers through the portion of each of the ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190353402A1
Автор: Ryoo Young-Moon

A temperature control system of a gas-fired water heater includes a cold water pipe connected to one side of a heat exchanger and a hot water pipe connected to another side of the heat exchanger. A circulation pump is mounted to a water return pipe, which has two ends respectively connected to the hot water pipe and the heat exchanger to direct and return hot water from the hot water pipe back to the heat exchanger. When a hot water faucet is opened to activate a combustion operation of the gas-fired water heater, the circulation pump is set in continuous operation to pump water from the water return pipe for returning back to the heat exchanger, so that the returned hot water can be mixed, in the heat exchanger, with cold water supplied through the cold water pipe in order to achieve a set temperature. 1. A temperature control system of a gas-fired water heater , comprising:a heat exchanger, which heats and converts cold water into hot water;a cold water pipe, which is connected to one side of the heat exchanger to supply cold water to the heat exchanger;a hot water pipe, which is connected to another side of the heat exchange to output hot water generated by the heat exchanger;a circulation pump, which is mounted to a water return pipe, the water return pipe having two ends respectively connected to the hot water pipe and the heat exchanger to direct and return hot water contained in the hot water pipe back to the heat exchanger.2. The temperature control system of the gas-fired water heater according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger comprises a water tank claim 1 , which has a capacity that is less than or equal to 10 gallons.3. The temperature control system of the gas-fired water heater according to claim 1 , wherein the water return pipe is connected to the hot water pipe and the heat exchanger to form an internal circulation such that the connection between the water return pipe and the heat exchanger forms an inlet port of the returned water claim 1 , ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160377301A1
Автор: Micallef David, Ng Wilson

A water heating system having a system inlet pipe (), a hot water delivery pipe () and a hot water return pipe () connected to a building hot water distribution network (); the water heating system including one or more water heaters (), the or each water heater having a heater inlet () and a heater outlet (), a hot water return pipe () connected between the system inlet and delivery outlet via the building hot water distribution network to form a close loop hot water supply-return circuit; a pump (1.005) connected to circulate water through the hot water supply-return circuit whereby the pump can circulate water through one or more of the water heaters; a valve means () a first non-return valve adapted to prevent inlet water (water delivered to the system inlet) from flowing into the hot water return pipe or the building hot water distribution network. 1. A water heating system connected to a building hot water distribution network , said water heating system comprising:a system water inlet;a water delivery outlet connected to the building hot water distribution network;a hot water return inlet connected to the building hot water distribution network;one or more water heaters, each water heater having a heater inlet that is connected to the system water inlet to receive water from a water supply and to the hot water return inlet to receive water from the building hot water distribution network and a heater outlet that is connected to the delivery outlet to deliver water from the water heater to the building hot water distribution network; andan unheated supplemental water flow path connecting the system water inlet to the delivery outlet, the supplemental path bridging the water heater or water heaters and including a flow control device adapted to permit flow from the system water inlet to the delivery outlet through the supplemental path, simultaneously with flow from the system water inlet to the delivery outlet through the one or more water heaters, when a ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Hot water circulating apparatus

Номер: US20200355399A1
Автор: Anders C. Wick
Принадлежит: Individual

A tank-style residential and light commercial hot water heater is provided. The tank-style residential and light commercial hot water heater can include a tank, an intake nipple for receiving a liquid into the tank, an outflow nipple for dispensing the liquid from the tank after heating, and a dedicated return nipple having a valve. The dedicated return nipple is configured to couple to a hot water recirculating system, and the valve is configured to open when the dedicated return nipple is coupled to the hot water recirculating system to allow the dedicated return nipple to receive a recirculated form of the liquid dispensed from the outflow nipple back into the tank. When not in use with a hot water recirculating system, the valve may be closed.

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363925A1

An on-demand high volume capable fluid heating system for supplying a total heating power at a turndown ratio and a total flowrate of a fluid supply, the fluid heating system comprising a plurality of heat exchangers fluidly connected in parallel, each of the plurality of heat exchangers comprising: a fluid conductor, wherein each of the plurality of heat exchangers contributes to the total heating power and a portion of the total flowrate of the fluid supply through the fluid conductor; an inlet conductor configured to connect the fluid supply to the plurality of heat exchangers; an outlet conductor configured for receiving the fluid supply downstream of the plurality of heat exchangers; an auxiliary conductor connecting the inlet conductor at a first location and the outlet conductor, the auxiliary conductor comprising a modulating valve; and a pump disposed downstream from the first location on the inlet conductor. 1. An on-demand high volume capable fluid heating system for supplying a total heating power at a turndown ratio and a total flowrate of a fluid supply , said fluid heating system comprising:(a) a plurality of heat exchangers fluidly connected in parallel, each of said plurality of heat exchangers comprising: a fluid conductor, wherein each of said plurality of heat exchangers contributes to said total heating power and a portion of the total flowrate of the fluid supply through said fluid conductor;(b) an inlet conductor configured to connect the fluid supply to said plurality of heat exchangers at an upstream location of said plurality of heat exchangers;(c) an outlet conductor configured for receiving the fluid supply downstream of said plurality of heat exchangers;(d) an auxiliary conductor connecting said inlet conductor at a first location and said outlet conductor, said auxiliary conductor comprising a modulating valve; and(e) a pump disposed downstream from said first location on said inlet conductor,wherein said pump is disposed upstream from ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363948A1
Автор: Park Jun Kyu, YU Jeong Gi
Принадлежит: Kyungdong Navien Co., Ltd.

A condensing combustion apparatus comprising: an upward combustion burner (); a sensible-heat exchanger () which absorbs sensible combustion heat generated by the burner (); and a latent-heat exchanger () which absorbs latent heat of steam included in a combustion gas which has passed the sensible-heat exchanger (), wherein the sensible-heat exchanger () and the latent-heat exchanger () have the same lateral widths and are configured as fin-tube heat exchangers having common structures, and wherein a flow path through which the combustion gas, which has passed the sensible-heat exchanger (), flows upward is formed on one side portion of the latent-heat exchanger (), a flow path through which the combustion gas, which has passed the one side portion of the latent-heat exchanger (), flows downward corresponding to a direction in which condensed water falls is formed on a middle portion of the latent-heat exchanger (), and a flow path through which the combustion gas, which has passed the middle portion of the latent-heat exchanger (), flows upward and discharges is formed on another side portion of the latent-heat exchanger (). 1. A condensing combustion apparatus comprising:{'b': '20', 'an upward combustion burner ();'}{'b': 40', '20, 'a sensible-heat exchanger () which absorbs sensible combustion heat generated by the burner (); and'}{'b': 50', '40, 'a latent-heat exchanger () which absorbs latent heat of steam included in a combustion gas which has passed the sensible-heat exchanger (),'}{'b': 40', '50, 'wherein the sensible-heat exchanger () and the latent-heat exchanger () have the same lateral widths and are configured as fin-tube heat exchangers having common structures, and'}{'b': 40', '50', '50', '50', '50', '50, 'wherein a flow path through which the combustion gas, which has passed the sensible-heat exchanger (), flows upward is formed on one side portion of the latent-heat exchanger (), a flow path through which the combustion gas, which has passed the one ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid Heater

Номер: US20190360225A1
Автор: Dzindo Azur

A water heater includes a heat exchanger, a heat pump, a first valve in fluid communication with the heat exchanger and the heat pump, and a controller configured to control the first valve. The first valve can be configured to direct water flow toward at least one of the gas heater or the electric heat pump. A second valve in fluid communication with the first valve and the heat pump can be provided, and the controller can be further configured to control the second valve. A water heater inlet and a water heater outlet can be included and in fluid communication with the first valve, and the controller can be configured to monitor a temperature of water entering the water heater inlet and control the first valve dependent upon the monitored temperature. 1. A water heater comprising:a heat exchanger;a heat pump;a first valve in fluid communication with the heat exchanger and the heat pump, the first valve configured to direct water flow toward at least one of the heat exchanger or the heat pump; anda controller configured to control the first valve.2. The water heater of claim 1 , wherein the first valve is a three-way valve.3. The water heater of claim 1 , wherein the first valve is a spring-loaded check valve.4. The water heater of and further comprising a second valve in fluid communication with the first valve and the heat pump claim 1 , and wherein the controller is further configured to control the second valve.5. The water heater of and further comprising a housing; and wherein the heat exchanger and the heat pump are mounted within the housing.6. The water heater of and further comprising a water heater inlet and a water heater outlet; and wherein the first valve is in fluid communication with the water heater inlet and the water heater outlet.7. The water heater of claim 6 , wherein the controller is configured to monitor a temperature of water entering the water heater inlet and controls the first valve dependent upon the temperature of water entering the ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200378651A1

A water-heating system, including: a controller; a refrigerant-water heat exchanger for exchanging heat between refrigerant and water; a sensor circuit for measuring a current water temperature of water in a water heater and providing the current water temperature to the controller; a first refrigerant pipe for passing the refrigerant from a refrigerant source to the refrigerant-water heat exchanger; a second refrigerant pipe for passing the refrigerant from the refrigerant-water heat exchanger to the refrigerant source; a first water pipe for passing the water from the water heater to the refrigerant-water heat exchanger; a second water pipe for passing the water from the refrigerant-water heat exchanger to the water heater; and a water pump for pumping water from the water heater to the refrigerant-water heat exchanger via the first water pipe and from the refrigerant-water heat exchanger to the water heater via the second water pipe based on a control signal. 1. A water-heating system , comprising:a controller;a refrigerant-water heat exchanger configured to exchange heat between refrigerant and water;a sensor circuit configured to measure a current water temperature of water in a water heater and provide the current water temperature to the controller;a first refrigerant pipe configured to pass the refrigerant from a refrigerant source to the refrigerant-water heat exchanger;a second refrigerant pipe configured to pass the refrigerant from the refrigerant-water heat exchanger to the refrigerant source;a first water pipe configured to pass the water from the water heater to the refrigerant-water heat exchanger;a second water pipe configured to pass the water from the refrigerant-water heat exchanger to the water heater; anda water pump configured to pump water from the water heater to the refrigerant-water heat exchanger via the first water pipe and from the refrigerant-water heat exchanger to the water heater via the second water pipe based on a pump control ...
