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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2458852C2

Холодильный аппарат с корпусом и с размещенным в нише на внешней стороне корпуса устройством выдачи сыпучего или жидкого охлажденного продукта, причем ниша выполнена освещаемой, по меньшей мере, одним светодиодом. Светодиод расположен в выемке, образованной на потолке ниши рядом с отверстием выдачи охлажденного продукта. Изобретение обеспечивает надежность работы и экономичность при изготовлении. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2196282C2

Изобретение предназначено для использования в холодильной технике. Холодильник содержит теплоизоляционный корпус. Последний имеет наружную обшивку, термоизоляционный слой и окружающую полезный объем холодильника внутреннюю обшивку. На этой обшивке установлено осветительное устройство для освещения полезного объема. Внутренняя обшивка имеет отверстие, которое закрыто установленной со стороны теплоизоляции накладкой. Она снабжена электрическими вводами и средствами для крепления осветительного устройства. Последнее закреплено с перемещением в направлении продольной оси накладки и контактирует с электрическими вводами. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494322C2

Холодильное устройство содержит блок охлаждения и шкаф, который включает панели в виде двух противоположных предварительно вспененных панелей боковых стенок и предварительно вспененной панели задней стенки, а также верхнюю часть, нижнюю часть, и дверь. Блок охлаждения содержит выход для подачи охлажденного воздуха в холодильную камеру и вход для приема воздуха из холодильной камеры. Холодильное устройство дополнительно содержит обшивку задней стенки, которая расположена на внутренней стороне предварительно вспененной панели задней стенки и которая образует пространство между обшивкой задней стенки и панелью задней стенки. Использование данного изобретения позволяет обеспечить надлежащее размещение оборудования и каналов для прохода воздуха. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 29 ил.

21-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2645340C2

Холодильный аппарат содержит корпус, в котором имеются холодильная камера, закрываемая посредством двери, шарнирно присоединенной к корпусу, осветительное устройство, полки для укладывания в холодильной камере, которые расположены на расстоянии от проема двери. Между проемом двери и полками предусмотрено свободное пространство, ниже полок расположена чаша, которая в задвинутом положении выступает в свободное пространство, которая имеет боковые стенки и переднюю окантовку, осветительное устройство, которое представляет собой осветительный прибор направленного света для излучения света в пределах конусного светового пучка. Середина передней окантовки чаши находится в пределах конусного светового пучка, а боковые стенки чаши находятся вне конусного светового пучка. Использование данного изобретения позволяет освещать локальную область нижней чаши холодильного аппарата. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2497055C2

Усовершенствованное средство дозирования жидкости содержит нишу для вмещения контейнера, который наполнен жидкостью. Ниша связана с наружной панелью корпуса и освещается со стороны задней стенки. Часть светового потока сталкивается в предусмотренном окне с пластиной из полупрозрачного материала, которая расположена в закрывающем средстве ниши. Окно, по существу, выровнено/выставлено относительно освещающего средства, расположенного на задней стенке. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008141359A

... 1. Конструкция со стенкой (19) и закрепленным в отверстии (16) стенки (19) монтажным элементом (1), причем монтажный элемент (1) состоит из основного корпуса (2, 3) и крепежных ребер (8), отходящих от основного корпуса, проходящих через отверстие (16) и зацепляющихся за края (33) отверстия (16), отличающаяся тем, что отверстие по ходу ребер (8) включает в себя первый отрезок (17), на котором расположены зацепляющиеся края, и второй отрезок (18), протяженность которого в продольном направлении меньше, чем протяженность ребер (8), а протяженность в поперечном направлении достаточна для прохождения ребер (8), и что монтажный элемент (1) и/или стенка (19) обладают гибкостью для того, чтобы осуществить продвижение монтажного элемента (1) в отверстие (16) в первом направлении параллельно длине крепежных ребер. ! 2. Конструкция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что два ребра (8) на своих концах, удаленных от второго отрезка (18), изогнуты по направлению друг к другу. ! 3. Конструкция по п.1, отличающаяся ...

20-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2431790C1

Холодильник содержит камеру хранения для хранения фруктов или овощей в холодильнике и множество источников света для излучения света в пространства в камере хранения. Свет для освещения от источника света является комбинацией света с длиной волны, которая позволяет проникать свету в поверхности фруктов или овощей, и света с длиной волны, которая позволяет проникать свету вовнутрь фруктов или овощей, и уровень освещенности от источника света на фруктах или овощах равен 5-500 лк. Использование данного изобретения позволяет хранить высококачественные фрукты или овощи с улучшенной питательной ценностью, и за счет упрощения ассоциирования освещения с продуктами питания, которые должны храниться, пользователь может распознавать температурные условия в камере хранения с первого взгляда. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил., 1 табл.

05-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665936C1

Бытовой прибор, в частности холодильный аппарат, содержит электронное управляющее устройство, которое выполнено с возможностью управления по меньшей мере одной функцией бытового прибора и включает в себя электронную плату управления и присоединенное к плате управления устройство ввода, содержащее по меньшей мере одно средство ввода и выполненное с возможностью передачи на плату управления соответствующего управляющего сигнала на основании производимого вручную воздействия на средство ввода. Устройство ввода содержит расположенный на задней стороне стенки бытового прибора, выполненной по меньшей мере на некоторых участках по меньшей мере просвечивающей, гибкий носитель, на котором расположено по меньшей мере одно средство ввода, прижимающее устройство, выполненное с возможностью прижимания гибкого носителя по меньшей мере на некоторых участках к задней стенке, которая выполнена по меньшей мере на некоторых участках по меньшей мере просвечивающей. Использование данного устройства обеспечивает ...

08-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731722C1

Изобретение относится к холодильному оборудованию, в частности к холодильному и/или морозильному аппарату с охлажденным внутренним пространством, которое включает в себя нишеобразный участок внутреннего пространства. Аппарат имеет средство освещения и расположенный между средством освещения и поверхностью стенки участка внутреннего пространства световод. Средство освещения и световод расположены таким образом, что световод испускает созданный средством освещения свет в участок внутреннего пространства. Средство освещения расположено за пределами внутреннего пространства и покрыто вспененным материалом. Улучшается равномерность освещения нишеобразного участка внутреннего пространства при оптимальном по установочным причинам расположении средства освещения. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539922C1

Предложено осветительное устройство для электроприбора, в частности внутреннее осветительное устройство для бытового холодильного аппарата с нижней частью, предназначенной для установки осветительного средства, и закрепляемой на нижней части верхней частью. На верхней части и на нижней части расположены несколько элементов сопряжения с геометрическим замыканием, предназначенных для крепления верхней части на нижней части. Указанные элементы могут входить в зацепление путем продольного сдвига верхней части (20) в плоскости соединения относительно нижней части. На верхней части в передней области имеются два крючка, которые входят в зацепление с элементами сопряжения с геометрическим замыканием на нижней части. Элементы сопряжения выполнены с возможностью захвата крючками снизу. Способ монтажа осветительного устройства включает позиционирование нижней части на стенке корпуса. Верхнюю часть крепят на нижней части, для чего верхнюю часть устанавливают на нижнюю часть и сдвигают в плоскости ...

20-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007136022A

... 1. Холодильный аппарат, включающий в себя окруженное теплоизолирующим корпусом (1) и дверью (4) внутреннее пространство (5), в котором расположено внутреннее освещение (10), предусмотренное на одной из стенок (2, 3, 4) корпуса (1) и состоящее из кожуха (14, 19, 24, 29) и источника (18) света, отличающийся тем, что внутреннее освещение (10) содержит отражатель (14), который отражает свет, испускаемый источником (18) света, по направлению к двери (4). ! 2. Холодильный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что внутреннее освещение (10) содержит вытянутый в длину источник (18) света и расположено на одной из боковых стенок (2) корпуса (1). ! 3. Холодильный аппарат по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что отражатель образован задней стенкой (14) кожуха (14, 19, 24, 29). ! 4. Холодильный аппарат по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что задняя стенка (14) кожуха (14, 19, 24, 29) погружена по меньшей мере частично в одну из изолирующих стенок (2), причем глубина погружения задней стенки (14) в изолирующую стенку ...

10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008112663A

... 1. Холодильник (1), содержащий корпус (2) с первичной электрической цепью (7), соединенной с сетевым (8) источником питания, и подвижный элемент (6), выполненный с возможностью соединения с корпусом (2) и снабженный вторичной электрической цепью (11), отличающийся тем, что вторичная цепь (11) выполнена с возможностью получения электропитания бесконтактным способом от указанной первичной цепи (7) и подачи электроэнергии на энергопотребляющее устройство (14). ! 2. Холодильник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что первичная цепь (7) содержит первый индуктор (9, 9'), расположенный между наружной стенкой (3), ограничивающей корпус (2), и внутренней стенкой (4), определяющей поверхность камеры (5). ! 3. Холодильник (1) по п.2, отличающийся тем, что первый индуктор (9) содержит первую электрическую обмотку (10), намотанную вокруг первого ферромагнитного элемента. ! 4. Холодильник (1) по любому из пп.2 или 3, отличающийся тем, что сеть (8) питания содержит колебательный контур (15), подающий напряжение ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013123883A

... 1. Осветительное устройство (100) для большого бытового электроприбора, в частности внутреннее осветительное устройство для бытового холодильного аппарата с нижней частью (10), предназначенной для установки осветительного средства, и закрепляемой на нижней части (10) верхней частью (20), отличающееся тем, что на верхней части (20) и на нижней части (10) расположены несколько элементов сопряжения с геометрическим замыканием, предназначенных для крепления верхней части (20) на нижней части (10), причем указанные элементы могут входить в зацепление путем продольного сдвига (2) верхней части (20) в плоскости соединения (Е) относительно нижней части (10), причем на верхней части (20) в передней, относительно направления сдвига (2), области имеются два крючка (24а, 24b), которые могут входить в зацепление с элементами (14d, 14f) сопряжения с геометрическим замыканием на нижней части (10), причем расположенные на нижней части (10) элементы (14d, 14f) с геометрическим замыканием выполнены с возможностью ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011147478A

... 1. Холодильник, содержащийхолодильное отделение;морозильное отделение, примыкающее к холодильному отделению; иузел двери, селективно открывающий или закрывающий каждое из холодильного отделения и морозильного отделения,причем узел двери включает в себястеклянный элемент, образующий его передний внешний вид и обеспечивающий просмотр внутренней части холодильного отделения или морозильного отделения при закрытом узле двери;осажденный слой, образованный на задней поверхности стеклянного элемента, для обеспечения частичного прохождения света через стеклянный элемент; ипрозрачную пластину, расположенную на заданном расстоянии от стеклянного элемента,при этом в полость, образованную между стеклянным элементом и прозрачной пластиной, введен газ для изоляции, и полость герметизирована.2. Холодильник по п.1, в котором узел двери дополнительно содержит ламинатный слой, расположенный на передней поверхности стеклянного элемента, для обеспечения выдачи предварительно выбранного цвета; и экранирующий ...

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2567455C1

Холодильник включает в себя корпус с камерой хранения, канал холодного воздуха, проходной элемент, чувствительный к видимому свету фотокатализатор, источник света и светопровод. По каналу холодного воздуха течет холодный воздух, и этот канал сообщен с камерой хранения. Проходной элемент изготовлен из теплоизоляционного материала и включает в себя участок канала холодного воздуха, который расположен в канале холодного воздуха и по которому течет холодный воздух, протекающий по каналу холодного воздуха. В проходном элементе выполнено сквозное отверстие, расположенное между участком канала холодного воздуха и камерой хранения. Фотокатализатор расположен в участке канала холодного воздуха, так что холодный воздух контактирует с фотокатализатором. Источник света расположен рядом с фотокатализатором и испускает видимый свет на фотокатализатор. В участке сквозного отверстия расположен светопровод, который направляет испускаемый источником свет в сторону камеры хранения. Холодильник содержит камеру ...

10-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005102070A

... 1. Элемент кухонного оборудования с кромкой или поверхностью, способной в целом активно или пассивно светиться на его лицевой стороне или во внутренней полости, или на его рабочей поверхности. 2. Элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве светящейся кромки предусмотрена кромка двери, выдвижного ящика или корпуса, на которой, в частности, расположен линейный ряд светодиодов. 3. Элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве светящейся кромки предусмотрены внутренние края вставной полки или другого элемента внутреннего пространства, на которой, в частности, расположен линейный ряд светодиодов. 4. Элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве светящейся кромки предусмотрены края ручек, на которых, в частности, расположен линейный ряд светодиодов. 5. Элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве светящейся кромки предусмотрена кромка двери, выдвижного ящика или корпуса, покрытая способным к пассивному свечению слоем, в особенности люминофором. 6. Элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Interior lamp for refrigerating appliance, particularly household refrigerating appliance, has lighting unit and housing, at which lighting unit is mounted, where housing has opening for radiating light of lighting unit and reflector

Номер: DE102012224165A1

The interior lamp (8) has a lighting unit (13) and a housing (9), at which the lighting unit is mounted, where the housing has an opening (11) for radiating the light of the lighting unit and a reflector (14). The lighting unit has a light-emitting diode which generates a light beam with an opening angle. The reflector has a scattering shaped surface. The light beam is arranged to reflect it with another larger opening angle to the opening in an intersecting manner. An independent claim is included for a refrigerating appliance with an inner container.

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Kältegerät mit einem Türabsteller

Номер: DE102015203189A1

In einem Kältegerät (10) mit einer Tür (13), die auf einer Innenseite eines Türblatts (15) einen Türabsteller (20–24) aufweist ist mindestens eine Wand (26, 30, 35, 40, 41, 50, 52) des Türabstellers zumindest teilweise als transparenter Flächenleuchtkörper (32, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 54) ausgebildet. Der transparente Flächenleuchtkörper kann eine OLED aufweisen oder als Lichtleiter ausgestaltet sein.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Beleuchtungseinrichtung für ein Großelektrogerät

Номер: DE102010043545A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Beleuchtungseinrichtung für ein Großelektrogerät, wie insbesondere eine Innenbeleuchtungseinrichtung für ein Kältegerät, mit einem das Leuchtmittel aufnehmenden Unterteil (10) und einem am Unterteil (10) befestigbaren Oberteil (20). Es ist vorgesehen, dass am Oberteil (20) und am Unterteil (10) mehrere korrespondierende Formschlusselemente angeordnet sind, die der Befestigung des Oberteils (20) am Unterteil (10) dienen, wobei diese Formschlusselemente durch ein Längsverschieben (2) des Oberteils (20) in der Verbindungsebene relativ zum Unterteil (10) in Eingriff bringbar sind.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Lighting unit for refrigeration unit, has elongate support profile with hollow space that is limited through support profile, where light source is extended within hollow space in longitudinal direction of support profile

Номер: DE102011004685A1

The lighting unit (1) has an elongate support profile with a hollow space that is limited through the support profile. A light source is extended within the hollow space in longitudinal direction of the support profile. The light source stands in connection with a liquid channel which extends in the longitudinal direction of the support profile. An independent claim is also included for a refrigeration unit with an inner chamber.

12-04-2001 дата публикации

Badezimmerspiegelschrank mit Kühlteil

Номер: DE0020022120U1

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Kühl- und/oder Gefriergerät

Номер: DE102016005045A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Kühl- und/oder Gefriergerät mit wenigstens einem Korpus und mit wenigstens einem gekühlten Innenraum sowie mit wenigstens einem Verschlusselement, mittels dessen der gekühlte Innenraum verschließbar ist, wobei das Gerät wenigstens eine Displayeinheit aufweist, wobei die Displayeinheit keinen festen Bestandteil des Gerätes darstellt, sondern als nachrüstbares und von dem Gerät demontierbares Teil ausgebildet ist.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Kühl- und/oder Gefriergerät

Номер: DE102016010072A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Kühl- und/oder Gefriergerät mit einem Gerätekorpus und einem gekühlten Innenraum, wobei im Innenraum ein Beleuchtungssystem vorgesehen ist, um den Innenraum auszuleuchten, wobei das Beleuchtungssystem eine Lichtquelle und eine Leuchtplatte umfasst, wobei Lichtquelle und Leuchtplatte so ausgebildet und angeordnet sind, dass Licht in die Leuchtplatte eingeleitet wird, und wobei die Leuchtplatte so ausgebildet ist, dass eingeleitetes Licht an wenigstens einer Oberfläche der Leuchtplatte großflächig ausgestrahlt wird.

02-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005005262T2

18-11-2004 дата публикации

Beleuchtungseinrichtung für Haushaltsgeräte

Номер: DE0010317657A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Beleuchtungseinrichtung für Haushaltsgeräte (10), insbesondere Kühlschränke, in deren Innenraum (12) eine Konsole (14) für die Aufnahme von Tragböden (16) angeordnet ist. Die Beleuchtungseinrichtung umfasst Leuchtmittel (18), welche an mindestens einem Teilbereich (20) der Konsole (14) angeordnet oder in diesem integriert ausgebildet ist. Die Leuchtmittel (18) können dabei eine Leuchtstoffröhre oder eine anordnung mehrerer Leuchtdioden umfassen. alternativ kann zumindest ein Teilbereich (18) der Konsole (14) als ein Lichtleiter (22) ausgebildet sein, in welchen das Licht einer nicht im Innenraum (10) angeordneten Lichtquelle einkoppelbar ist.

04-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004010710T2

16-02-2011 дата публикации

Light filtering and transmission apparatus

Номер: GB0002472627A

Light filtering and transmission apparatus 1 for use in a lighting system lighting the interior (34, fig 3) of a cold store (30, fig 3), has a hollow body 3 with an evacuated cavity 4, the body 3 having windows 5,7 so that light passes through the body 3. A heat filter at the first window 5, filters light that passes through the hollow body 3 so as to allow transmission of visible wavelengths and suppress transmission of infra-red wavelengths of light through the body 3. The apparatus 1 prevents the interior of a cold store from the heating effects of a light.

07-02-2007 дата публикации

A lighting device

Номер: GB0000625761D0

05-03-1946 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to refrigerators

Номер: GB0000575794A

... 575,794. Refrigerators. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO., Ltd. April 6, 1944, No. 6432. Convention date, April 10, 1943. [Class 29] [Also in Groups III and XXXV] An ultra-violet lamp 15 is arranged adjacent the door 12 of a refrigerator cabinet and is energised by means actuated by the opening of the door to project a screen of ultra-violet rays across the door opening to kill bacteria in the air entering the cabinet. The lamp 15 of elongated form is arranged above the door in an extension 18 of the outer wall 21 of the cabinet and has a parabolic reflector 16 to direct a screen of parallel rays across the door opening. The cathodes 47, 46 of the lamp are maintained incandescent through currentlimiting reactors 49, 50 while the door 12 is closed, by a switch 41, operated by the bolt 39 of the door. When this bolt is withdrawn to open the door the switch is opened, the interruption of the current in the reactor 49 producing a high voltage kick to start the lamp. When the switch 41 is again closed ...

04-05-2016 дата публикации

Door panel device

Номер: GB0201604695D0

10-02-2010 дата публикации

A mullion with a reflective surface for a refrigerated display cabinet

Номер: GB0002462351A

A refrigerated display cabinet including a case that defines a product display area. The case includes a frame that has at least one mullion 155 assembly defining an opening into the product display area, and a door that is positioned over the opening. A light source 210 for illuminating the display area is coupled to the mullion and a reflective surface 230 is coupled to at least one side of the mullion and extends along the length of the mullion. The reflective surface 230 is visible from outside the case to increase visibility of product within the product display area. The reflective surface 230 may be integral or a separate attachment and may be a polished stainless steel metal or a mirror. Also detailed is a method of retro fitting a cabinet with reflective surfaces on its mullion's.

18-03-1998 дата публикации

Illumination system

Номер: GB0009801312D0

02-09-2009 дата публикации

Mullion assembly for a refrigerated merchandiser

Номер: GB0000912927D0

27-05-2020 дата публикации

Cooling device

Номер: GB0002578792A
Автор: KEVIN JABOU, Kevin Jabou

A device for heating, cooling or maintaining the temperature of a drinks bottle, where the device may be a cooling device (50, Fig.2) capable of keeping beverage bottles cool for extended periods of time in hot environments or for maintaining the temperature of beverage bottles at a specified level. The device may also be capable of heating beverage bottles. A bottle cooler comprises an annular support structure 3 having a hanging shoulder 8 protruding radially outwardly, a hollow open-topped receptacle 10 suspended from the support structure, and a bezel 1 surrounding the open top of the receptacle and covering the hanging shoulder. The bezel may be connected to the support structure by an intermediate attachment element 2. The hanging shoulder may be configured to engage a surface 25, such as a table, such that the bottle cooler is suspended beneath the surface. Alternatively, a bottle cooler comprises a hollow open-topped receptacle, a bezel that surrounds the open top of the receptacle ...

14-08-1968 дата публикации

Housing for an electric lamp

Номер: GB0001123163A

... 1,123,163. Lampholders. CARR FASTENER CO. Ltd. 24 Nov., 1966 [9 Feb., 1966], No. 5676/66. Heading H2E. [Also in Division F4] A holder 5 for a screw-based lamp has a forwardly-projecting tubular insulating shield 9 snap-fitted on its forward end, the holder 5 extending integrally from the closed end of an insulating cover 1 which has apertured lugs 2 for mounting on a support. A transparent cover part 11, which also has a mounting lug 15, fits in a groove 13 in the forward end of the cover 1. The lampholder contacts comprise a threaded socket 8, which is formed in a contact plate 6, and a resilient base contact 10, these being respectively retained on the forward end of the holder 5 and on the cover 1 by engagement of lugs with apertures in the contacts.

17-06-1964 дата публикации

Improvements relating to refrigerators

Номер: GB0000960848A

... 960,848. Refrigerators. SIMPLEX ELECTRIC CO. Ltd. Nov. 19, 1962 [Aug. 17, 1961], No. 29671/61. Heading F4H. In a compressor or absorption type refrigerator having main and deep freeze compartments 12, 13, cooled by a two-part heat exchanger 23, 22, the flow of refrigerant to the heat exchanger and the current to a heater or lamp 33 disposed adjacent the main part of the heat exchanger 23 is controlled by a thermostat element 31 arranged in thermal communication with the main heat exchanger 23 and adapted to establish the flow of refrigerant when the temperature of the heat exchanger 23 rises above a predetermined de-frosting upper limit, and to simultaneously terminate flow and energize the heater 33 when the temperature falls below a predetermined lower limit. The supply of heat shortens the temperature rise period so that the upper temperature limit of the deep freeze compartment is reduced. In the embodiment shown, the thermostat controls a motor-driven compressor 29 having a condenser ...

18-01-1961 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to refrigerator cabinets

Номер: GB0000859113A

... 859,113. Refrigerators. PRESSED STEEL CO. Ltd. June 24, 1959 [June 25, 1958], No. 20329/58. Class 29 The liner 17 of a refrigerator is made of translucent plastic material and is formed with a bulge 18 acting as a support for shelf 15 and accommodating a lamp 20 operated by opening of the cabinet door.

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000474196T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000544996T

15-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000150159T

15-12-2013 дата публикации

Segmenttürenkombination für Kühlschränke

Номер: AT0000512965A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Verringerung des Energieverbrauches von Kühlschränken. Die äußere Wärme isolierende Türe (1) kann durch Nutzung der Griffe (7) und ( 8 ) entweder alleine oder zusammen mit der inneren Tür ( 4) geöffnet werden. Wenn die untere Türe beispielsweise das Gemüsefach in der Höhe bis zum Zwischenboden (5) abdeckt verringert sich der Warmluf tstrom in den Kühlschrank. Durch eine transparente Ausführung der inneren Türe ist es möglich zuerst die äußere Türe zu öffnen und dannnachzusehen in welcher Ebene sich die gewünschten Lebensmittel befinden. Die inneren Türen können wie gewohnt mit Aufnahmen für Gläser, Flaschen und Eier ausgerüstetwerden, aber es ist auch möglich einen Raum zwischen den Türen für schlanke Behälter zu nutzen.

15-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000113368T

15-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000187045T

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017403917A1
Принадлежит: Dentons New Zealand Limited

A refrigerator of the present invention comprises: a cabinet having an inner case, an outer case, and an insulating material; a thermoelectric element module provided at a rear wall of a storage chamber so as to cool the storage chamber; a support provided at the bottom surface of the cabinet so as to support the cabinet; and a radiating cover coupled to the back of the outer case, wherein the radiating cover is formed so as to guide, from the top down direction, air suctioned through a second fan and the support separates the cabinet from the floor so as to discharge, to the front of the cabinet through the lower side of the cabinet, the air suctioned through the second fan.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020200048A1
Автор: KIM SANGOH, Kim, Sangoh
Принадлежит: Dentons New Zealand Limited

Disclosed is a refrigerator, more particularly a refrigerator including a door that is variably transparent so that the interior of the refrigerator is visible therethrough. The refrigerator may include a cabinet having a storage compartment therein, an illumination device for illuminating the interior of the storage compartment, a door hinged to the cabinet for opening and closing the storage compartment, the door having an opening formed therein and a panel assembly having a front panel provided at the front thereof, a knock sensor module including a microphone module for sensing a sound wave generated by knock vibration applied to the door and a module microcomputer for determining whether the knock vibration is a predetermined knock based on the sensed sound wave, and a controller provided separately from the module microcomputer for receiving a knock-on signal from the module microcomputer and operating the illumination device such that light is transmitted through the panel assembly ...

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Food cooling appliance

Номер: AU2007345069B2

There is described a food cooling appliance (1) having an outer casing (2) extending along a vertical reference axis (A); a food cooling chamber (3) housed inside the outer casing (2) and of a given length (Ll) measured along the reference axis; at least one food-supporting shelf (5) positioned firmly, m but in easly removable manner, inside the cooling chamber; a primary inductor (8) extending in a direction parallel to the reference axis, and of a length (L2) substantially equal or less than the length of the cooling chamber; one or more light-emitting units (18) located along an outer peripheral edge of the shelf and coplanar with the shelf; and at least on secondary inductor (9) housed in the shelf to supply the light-emitting diodes (18) with electric current.

23-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003281330A1

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Cooling box for components or circuits

Номер: AU2008244383B2

The invention relates to a cooling box (1) for electric or electronic components, consisting of a material. Said cooling box (1) is non-electrically conductive or practically non-electrically conductive, is configured in one piece or multiple pieces and has a cavity (4) that is enclosed by the material, said cavity (4) being closed or provided with at least one opening (2). To improve thermal dissipation, at least one surface region of the cooling box (1) is defined by functions of electrical and/or thermal conductivity.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2013399274A1

The present invention relates to a freezer for super-cooling an object to be accommodated, comprising: a main body including a cooling chamber provided with a plurality of shelves on which objects to be accommodated are received and a door for opening or closing the side surface of the cooling chamber; an evaporator provided at the upper portion of the cooling chamber to cool the air of the cooling chamber; a cooling duct for accommodating the evaporator; an air circulation fan positioned at the front of the evaporator in the cooling duct to supply the air of the cooling chamber to the evaporator; a cold air supply duct connected with the cooling duct to induce the air cooled through the evaporator in the cooling duct to the bottom of the cooling chamber; and a plurality of extension ducts projecting in a direction in which the door is positioned in the cold air supply duct to supply cold air at the upper portion of the objects to be accommodated respectively received on the shelves. Therefore ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2016312798B2
Автор: KIM SANGOH, Kim, Sangoh
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to a refrigerator and, more particularly, to a refrigerator comprising a door which varies in transparency so that the inside thereof is seen. According to one embodiment of the present invention, provided is a refrigerator comprising: a cabinet having a storage compartment thereinside; a lighting device for illuminating the inside of the storage compartment; a door, provided rotatably in the cabinet, for opening and closing the storage compartment, said door having an opening part and a panel assembly having a front panel positioned at the front side of the door; a knock sensor module comprising a microphone module for sensing a sound wave which is generated by a knock vibration applied to the door and a module micom for determining whether the sensed sound wave is a predetermined knock; and a control unit, provided independently from the module micom, for receiving a knock-on signal through the module micom and operating the lighting device so that light ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2016393557A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

The purpose of the invention is to provide a refrigerator that can promote photosynthesis in produce such as vegetables (leafy vegetables in particular) being stored by efficiently utilizing light radiation energy without consuming excess energy. For this reason, this refrigerator comprises a storage chamber in which food products are stored and a light emitting unit (14) that can emit visible light into the storage chamber. The light emitting unit (14) comprises a first light source (16a) that emits light having a center wavelength that is a first wavelength in the visible light region and a second light source (16b) that emits light having a center wavelength that is a second wavelength, shorter than the first wavelength, in the visible light region. In addition, the light emitting unit (14) emits light from the first light source (16a) at a first radiation intensity and emits light from the second light source (16b) at a second radiation intensity that is different than the first radiation ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044809A1

The invention features a refrigerator cabinet door frame. The frame includes a thermally conductive outer frame, a thermally insulating inner frame member, and a sealing plate. The outer frame member includes a forward end having an outer surface that is disposed outside of a refrigerated cabinet with the frame mounted, and a rearward end defining a joint. The inner frame member includes a first end retained in the joint, and a second end. The sealing plate includes a first edge coupled to the outer frame member at the rearward end, forward of the joint, a second edge supported by the second end of the inner frame member, and a thermally conductive sealing surface. The first edge of the sealing plate is coupled to the outer frame member such that the sealing surface and the outer surface of the outer frame member together form a continuous heat transfer path.

07-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000146315S

The design is the features of shape, configuration, pattern and ornament of the INTERIOR REFRIGERATOR PANEL as shown in solid lines in the drawings. As best seen in figures 1 and 2, within the bold, wavy lines, the portion on the right is more translucent than the portion on the left and the shading represents contrasting tones.Drawings of the design are included wherein:FIGURE 1 is a front perspective view of the interior refrigerator panel;FIGURE 2 is a front view thereof;FIGURE 3 is a rear view thereof; andFIGURE 4 is a rear perspective view thereof.

29-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002754375A1

A household appliance having a housing defining an interior space. In an exemplary embodiment, the housing may include a plurality of internal walls, wherein at least one of the plurality of internal walls is made of a glass material. Further, the interior space may be under a refrigeration condition.

23-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002822353C

A temperature and humidity controlled housing for storing and preserving wine bottles. The housing defines a storage compartment having front and rear temperature control chambers and wherein the rear chamber is also humidity controlled. A division wall having passages provided with a flexible sealing component receives bottles on supports associated with each of the passages and a cubic chamber structure in the rear chamber. The bottle necks engage the seals which, together with the division wall, substantially seal the front chamber from the rear chamber while the spout end portion of the wine bottles is supported in the rear humidified chamber. The housing may be used in a modular assembly. The method of use is also described.

18-05-1996 дата публикации

Interior Lighting Apparatus for a Refrigerated Display Case

Номер: CA0002162963A1

15-07-2015 дата публикации

household refrigerator interior illumination system for a.

Номер: CH0000709140A2

Bei einem Beleuchtungssystem für einen Kühlmöbelinnenraum, umfassend mindestens ein Leuchtmittel, welches gekoppelt an den Öffnungszustand einer Kühlmöbeltür von einer elektronischen Steuerung aktiviert und deaktiviert wird, soll die Haltbarkeit im Kühlmöbelinnenraum gelagerten Kühlgutes im Vergleich zu bekannten Kühlmöbeln verlängert werden. Dies wird dadurch erreicht, dass das mindestens eine Leuchtmittel optische Strahlung hauptsächlich mit Wellenlängen in einem Spektralbereich zwischen 400 und 500 Nanometern ausstrahlt, wobei die Beleuchtung mit dem mindestens einen Leuchtmittel nur bei geschlossener Kühlmöbeltür erfolgt.

15-07-2015 дата публикации

Lighting System.

Номер: CH0000709139A2

Bei einem Beleuchtungssystem für einen Kühlmöbelinnenraum oder einen Geschirrspülmaschineninnenraum, umfassend mindestens ein Leuchtmittel, welches von einer elektronischen Steuerung aktivierbar und deaktivierbar ist, soll die Haltbarkeit im Kühlmöbelinnenraum gelagerten Kühlgutes im Vergleich zu bekannten Kühlmöbeln verlängert werden und die Vermehrung von Bakterien und Pilzen erschwert werden. Dies wird dadurch erreicht, dass das mindestens eine Leuchtmittel im Innenraum des Kühlmöbels bzw. der Geschirrspülmaschine aktivierbar ist und dass mindestens ein Leuchtmittel eine optische Strahlung hauptsächlich mit Wellenlängen in einem Spektralbereich zwischen 400 und 500 Nanometern ausstrahlt.

15-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000675628A5

31-07-2008 дата публикации

Light for household refrigerators.

Номер: CH0000697261B1
Принадлежит: LISA LUX GMBH

30-11-2011 дата публикации

Refrigerator with dish-shaped interior container.

Номер: CH0000703147B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Kühlschrank mit einem schalenförmigen Innenbehälter (2) und einer Türe, dessen Innenraum (3) durch eine oder mehrere Trennwände (4, 5) in einzelne Kühlkammern (6, 7) mit Beleuchtungselementen (9, 10) unterteilt ist. Die Trennwand (4, 5) ist als Doppelwand mit einem Hohlraum (8) ausgebildet und das jeweilige Beleuchtungselement (9, 10) ist vorderseitig bei der Türe in dem Hohlraum der jeweiligen Trennwand (4, 5) eingebaut. Zwecks einer angenehmen Beleuchtung der Kühlkammern sind die jeweiligen Beleuchtungselemente in dem jeweiligen Hohlraum der Trennwand (4, 5) so angeordnet, dass ihr Lichtkegel (16) auf die jeweils darunterliegende Kühlkammer gerichtet ist.

30-11-2006 дата публикации

Refrigerator for beverages or food.

Номер: CH0000696040A5

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Refrigerating or freezing apparatus with illuminated interior

Номер: CN0105605869A

29-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN0107110597A

23-10-2018 дата публикации

Domestic appliance device

Номер: CN0108700368A

17-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CN0101672559A

Provided is a refrigerator, which is high in storing efficiencies and conveniences. The refrigerator (51) comprises a refrigerator compartment (53) having an opening in its front face for storing articles, and shelves (80) mounted in bridge shapes from the left side face to the right side face of the refrigerator compartment (53) and having different depths on the right and left sides. As a result, the shelves (80) can fill the dead spaces of the refrigerator compartment (53) with the deeper portions of the shelves (80), and can be used separately for two storage areas, that is, deeper regions and shallower regions.

07-12-2018 дата публикации

Illuminating system

Номер: CN0108954044A

19-01-1979 дата публикации

Domestic refrigerator - has defrosting water collector trough, light, thermostat, and heater forming complete assembly

Номер: FR0002304042B1

20-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002577126B3

06-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070116088A

The display space of a multiple door display merchandiser is illuminated by one or more vertically extending lamps (80) disposed intermediate the vertical sides of an access opening to the display space. A multiple door assembly (44) covers the access opening. To enhance the illumination of the display space, a pair of vertically extending side reflectors (92) are provided, one extending alon one side of the access opening and the other extending along the other side of the access opening. An additional reflector may be mounted to an interior facing surface of the door along an upper front region of the door and/or a lower front region. © KIPO & WIPO 2008 ...

16-01-2019 дата публикации

가정용 전기기기의 벽면에 조립하기 위한 조명 장치

Номер: KR1020190005796A

... 가정용 전기기기 특히 냉장고 또는 냉동고 벽면 내에 장착하기 위한 조명 장치로, 상기 조명 장치는, 광을 출현시키기 위한 윈도우 페인(34), 적어도 하나의 발광 다이오드(44)를 구비하는 광원 장치, 및 윈도우 페인 뒤에 배치되어 있고, 발광 다이오드에 의해 조사되며, 윈도우 페인을 향하는 방향으로 광을 반사시키기 위한 광 반사면(40)을 포함한다. 본 발명에 따르면, 광 반사면은 반사 거동이 다른 영역들을 구비하며, 일부 실시형태에서, 광 반사면은 발광 다이오드(들)에 근접한 광택 영역(56)과 발광 다이오드(들)로부터 멀리 떨어져 있는 산란 영역(58)으로 분할되어 있다.

08-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: BRPI0721843A2

01-11-2011 дата публикации

Environment-controlled apparatus for cultivating plants

Номер: TW0201136511A

An environment-controlled apparatus for cultivating plants comprises a hollow shell, a thermoelectric cooler, a heat reservoir, a temperature-controlled pipeline, a first power unit, a heat-assisted pipeline and a controller. The bottom of the hollow shell has a first hole and a second hole. The thermoelectric cooler is disposed in the first hole. Two ends of the temperature-controlled pipeline are connected with the heat reservoir, and the temperature-controlled has a thermal exchange part in contact with the bottom of the thermoelectric cooler. The first power unit is mounted on the temperature-controlled pipeline. Two ends of the heat-assisted pipeline are connected with the heat reservoir, and the heat-assisted pipeline has a radiator part aligned with to the second hole. The controller is coupled with the thermoelectric cooler and the first power unit.

01-12-2014 дата публикации

Refrigerator, imaging device

Номер: TW0201445100A

A refrigerator 1 includes a camera 18 (an imaging unit) for photographing an interior of a storage room (such as a refrigerating room 3) and a communicating portion 52 (a communicating unit) for sending images of the interior photographed by the camera 18 to an exterior device. The imaging unit is accommodated in a concave portion disposed in the interior.

08-09-2004 дата публикации

Refrigerator with an illumination system

Номер: SK0000284067B6

A refrigerator (31) capable of being internally illuminated wherein the illumination is provided by an edge-lit panel (32; 33; 34) of a substantially transparent material having two opposed surfaces of which at least one is within the refrigerator and on which a matrix of dots is applied so as to produce a light piping effect internally to the refrigerator.

05-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009132954A2
Автор: MEYDANLI, Can

The present invention relates to a refrigerator (1) comprising a container (2) having more than one wall (3) at the sides, front, rear, top and/or bottom, emplaced at the lowermost region of the cabin, wherein foods such as fruits and vegetables are stored, a light source (11 ) that illuminates the container (2) with light in the wavelength that preserves the nutritional values of the foods for a long period of time and light guides (5) that are connected to the LEDs (4) on the light source (11 ) for delivering colored light into the container (2).

12-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014137620A1

A thin flexible light strip (44) is formed by printing microscopic LEDs in rectangular sections along the light strip, where each rectangular section creates a vertically elongated emission profile. The light strip has a length approximately equal to the length of a shelf (46) supporting products (e.g., bottles) (47) to be illuminated. The shelf may be in a glass-door cooler in a store. Each section is located along the light strip to he centered with a product in the front row on the shelf. The light strip is supported by a plastic holder (40) that attaches to the front of the shelf. The holder angles the light strip upward between 20-40 degrees, relative to vertical, to substantially uniformly illuminate each product equally. The holder may support an additional light strip that is angled downward toward products on a lower shelf.

07-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009057912A2
Автор: LEE, Bong-Kook

Disclosed are a lighting apparatus and a refrigerator having the same. The lighting apparatus comprises: a lighting module having one or more light emitting devices, and having a circuit board to make the one or more light emitting devices emit light; and a waterproofing unit for protecting the lighting module from moisture. Accordingly, the lighting module is protected from moisture, and entire fabrication processes are simplified. Furthermore, light emitting efficiency is prevented from being degraded.

29-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012159862A2

The present invention relates to a lightening apparatus (1) used for a refrigeration device (10), comprising a lighting part and a thermal dissipation part, wherein the lighting part is installed at an inner side of the refrigeration device (10) and lightens an inner room of the refrigeration device (10), and the thermal dissipation part is installed at an outer side of the refrigeration device (10) and directly exchange heat with environment. The present invention further relates to a refrigeration device (10) equipped with the lightening apparatus (1) of the type above. The lightening apparatus (1) according to the present invention can provide good lightening effect to the inside of the refrigeration device and does not hinder the mechanical design of the existing refrigeration device; moreover, it will not produce negative influence to the cooling system within the refrigeration device, thereby reducing the energy consumption of the refrigeration device for compensating heating of the ...

04-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006046844A1
Автор: KIM, Byung-chul

Disclosed herein is a cooler of table-type, which can be easily kept in custody and reduce power consumption, and which can increase a cooling efficiency and provide a visual satisfaction to a user. The cooler of table-type includes: a chilling room formed at the center of a table, opened at the top and closed at the inner periphery and the bottom; a cooling container adapted to vertically elevate in a state where it is in tight contact with the inner periphery of the chilling room and adapted to contain foods therein; a cooling pole vertically mounted on the bottom of the cooling container and adapted to form ice on the surface thereof; a mushroom type shade mounted on the top of the cooling pole for covering the upper end of the chilling room when it is descended, the shade having a predetermined thickness; cooling coils arranged inside and outside the cooling container, the cooling pole and the shade for circulating refrigerant; a cooler for thermally exchanging the refrigerant by circulating ...

29-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO2007136171A1
Автор: JUNG, Jung Suk

A refrigerator includes a main body having a door sensor (211 ) that detects an opened state and a closed state of a door of the refrigerator; a vegetable box (100) disposed in the main body to provide a space for receiving therein vegetables; and a control unit. The vegetable box (100) includes a storing unit for storing therein the vegetables; and a photosynthesis promotion unit for emitting light required for photosynthesis of the vegetables to an inside of the storing unit. The control unit outputs a control signal for operating the photosynthesis promotion unit according to a detected result of the door sensor (211 ).

09-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: WO1998014740A1
Автор: BOUSFIELD, Anthony

A refrigerator (31) capable of being internally illuminated wherein the illumination is provided by an edge-lit panel (32; 33; 34) of a substantially transparent material having two opposed surfaces of which at least one is within the refrigerator and on which a matrix of dots is applied so as to produce a light piping effect internally to the refrigerator.

22-03-1938 дата публикации

Номер: US0002112205A1

15-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120286639A1
Принадлежит: LG Electronics Inc.

A refrigerator is provided. The refrigerator includes a cabinet having a first storage chamber, a plurality of doors which open and close an access opening formed at a front surface of the first storage chamber, a hinge assembly which rotatably couples each door to the cabinet, and a basket assembly rotatably coupled to the cabinet with respect to the hinge assembly, the basket assembly being configured to define a second storage chamber which is received in the first storage chamber. The basket assembly includes a basket frame defining the second storage chamber and a basket mounted on the basket frame to receive food stuff when at least one of the doors is opened. The basket assembly is configured such that an access into the basket is enabled through a front face and rear face of the basket assembly.

29-11-2007 дата публикации

Refrigerator having a vegetable box

Номер: US20070271945A1
Автор: Jung Suk Jung
Принадлежит: DAEWOO ELECTRONICS Corporation

A refrigerator includes a main body having a door sensor that detects an opened state and a closed state of a door of the refrigerator; a vegetable box disposed in the main body to provide a space for receiving therein vegetables; and a control unit. The vegetable box includes a storing unit for storing therein the vegetables; and a photosynthesis promotion unit for emitting light required for photosynthesis of the vegetables to an inside of the storing unit. The control unit outputs a control signal for operating the photosynthesis promotion unit according to a detected result of the door sensor.

15-02-1994 дата публикации

Adjustable illuminated refrigerator shelf

Номер: US0005287252A1
Автор: Caruso; Jerome
Принадлежит: Sub-Zero Freezer Company, Inc.

An adjustable shelf assembly for illuminating the interior of a refrigerator, the refrigerator including a cabinet and a back wall having vertical electrically conductive standards having a number of slots, the shelf assembly including a pair of brackets mounted on the standards, an electrically conductive strip mounted in each bracket, each strip including a formed tab for engaging the slots in the standards, a panel supported between the brackets and a light assembly mounted on the front edge of the panel in electrical engagement with said strips for illuminating the space beneath the panel.

07-09-2004 дата публикации

Refrigeration shelf and method of making the same

Номер: US0006786562B2

A refrigerator shelf has an upper surface and a perimeter edge defined by a front edge, two side edges, and a rear edge. A reservoir for liquids spilled on the shelf is partially created by upwardly turning the front and rear edges of the shelf member. At least two end caps, which extend above the upper surface, are applied to the two side edges to complete the walls of the reservoir. The shelf may be supported within the refrigerator compartment in a horizontal orientation either by cantilever beams, or by slidably engaging the shelf with channels located within the sidewalls of the refrigerator compartment.

30-07-2013 дата публикации

Retail refrigeration apparatus and method for installing the same

Номер: US0008495889B2

A refrigeration apparatus for mounting to a retail gondola includes a case, a door hingedly connected with the case, a compressor disposed within the case, a condenser coil disposed within the case, an evaporator coil disposed within the case, and brackets connected with the case. The case includes a top wall, a bottom wall, a left wall, a right wall and a rear wall defining a forward opening and a storage compartment for storing retail items. The case further includes a heat-conductive inner wall and a heat-conductive outer wall. The door is moveable between a closed position for covering the forward opening and an open position for providing access to the storage compartment. The condenser coil is disposed adjacent the outer wall and is in fluid communication with the compressor. The evaporator is disposed adjacent the inner wall and is in fluid communication with the compressor. The brackets extend rearwardly from the case away from the rear wall for engaging an upright of a retail gondola ...

01-09-2020 дата публикации

Refrigerator and method for controlling the same

Номер: US0010758063B2
Автор: Eun Joo Lee, Hang Bok Lee

Provided is a refrigerator, which includes a refrigerating compartment, a freezing compartment, and a door assembly. The freezing compartment is adjacent to the refrigerating compartment. The door assembly selectively opens the refrigerating compartment and the freezing compartment. The door assembly includes a glass member defining a frontal exterior thereof and allowing an inside of the refrigerating compartment or the freezing compartment to be seen therethrough when the door assembly is closed, a deposition treated layer formed on a rear surface of the glass member to allow light to partially pass through the glass member, and a transparent plate spaced a predetermined distance from the glass member. Gas for insulation is injected in a space formed between the glass member and the transparent plate, and the space is sealed.

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Domestic Refrigeration Device Having An Interior Lighting Arrangement

Номер: US20160313052A1

A domestic refrigeration device includes a thermally insulated body with an internal compartment delimiting an interior coolable food storage space, a refrigeration apparatus cooling the interior space, a door leaf closing the interior space in a closed state and making the interior space accessible in an open state, and an interior lighting configuration illuminating the interior space with the door leaf open. The interior space has side walls with a depth, edges facing the door leaf, a ceiling and a rear wall rearwardly closing the interior space. The lighting configuration includes a first partial interior lighting configuration illuminating the interior space only at least approximately starting from a distance or space measured from the edges of the side walls facing the door leaf to the rear wall, and a second independent partial interior lighting configuration illuminating only a front region of the interior space facing the door leaf.

31-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120133262A1

A household appliance having a housing defining an interior space. In an exemplary embodiment, the housing may include a plurality of internal walls, wherein at least one of the plurality of internal walls is made of a glass material. Further, the interior space may be under a refrigeration condition.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Electrostatic atomizing apparatus, appliance, air conditioner, and refrigerator

Номер: US20120017630A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

It is an object to provide an electrostatic atomizing apparatus which is simply structured, is easy to assemble, is low in cost, has clogging resistance against foreign matter, can be used for a long time, and is highly reliable, or a home electrical appliance such as a refrigerator, air conditioner, etc. including the electrostatic atomizing apparatus. A discharge electrode formed of foam metal, whereto water that attaches to a surface is supplied by capillary action, a counter electrode provided so as to be opposed to the discharge electrode, and a water supply means that is provided directly above the discharge electrode via a predetermined clearance, supplying water to the discharge electrode or the electrode holding part, are included.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Back light in ice storage area

Номер: US20120159977A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A refrigerator includes a refrigerator cabinet, at least one compartment disposed within the refrigerator cabinet, a door for providing access to one or more of the at least one compartment, an ice container at the door, an LED housing proximate the ice container, and at least one LED disposed within the LED housing for providing illumination of the ice container. In addition to providing lighting, the at least one LED may used to indicate status information associated with the refrigerator.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Compact fluorescent tube for cold spaces

Номер: US20120248962A1
Автор: Hans Mårtensson
Принадлежит: Aura Light International AB

The present invention relates to a compact fluorescent tube ( 1 ) designed for cold spaces, which compact fluorescent tube ( 1 ) comprises at least one fluorescent tube body ( 13 ) formed into a U-shape and comprising two fluorescent tube body legs ( 17 ), which latter have an interspace ( 19 ) between them and each comprise a base part ( 9 ), enclosing a cathode chamber ( 11 ), and a top part ( 15 ) facing away from the said base parts ( 9 ), which base parts are fixed to a socket part ( 3 ), comprising current feeder members ( 5 ) for electrical contact with the cathode chambers ( 11 ). An insulating member ( 21, 47, 55 ) is arranged on the top part ( 15 ) of the compact fluorescent tube and is configured with at least one insulating cavity ( 23, 49 ), which, during operation of the compact fluorescent tube ( 1 ), is heated by the self-produced heat of the compact fluorescent tube ( 1 ).

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088136A1
Автор: Bassi Alberto, Sclip Marco

An adjustable refrigerator shelf assembly receives electrical power through a loosely draped conductor held within a pocket on one side of the shelf assembly. The shelf assembly may include a detent mechanism allowing adjustment of the shelf assembly upward and downward by successive lifting and lowering of the shelf without direct manipulation of a detent or a lock allowing both the detent mechanism and conductor to be wholly covered at all times. 1. An adjustable refrigerator shelf system comprising:a shelf assembly providing a shelf and at least one lamp attached to the shelf assembly for illuminating a region of the shelf;a slide having a first and second slideably connected component, the first component attachable to an inner wall of the refrigerator and the second component attachable to the shelf assembly;a detent mechanism releasably holding the first and second components at a first and second relative position to locate the shelf assembly at a first and second height in the refrigerator;a shroud attached to move with the shelf assembly adjacent to the inner wall, the shroud defining at least a portion of an enclosed volume proximate to the inner wall enclosing the detent mechanism;a flexible conductor held within the enclosed volume providing a conductive path from a point on the inner wall to a point on the shelf assembly, the flexible conductor sized to coil and uncoil within the enclosed volume as the slide moves between the first and second relative locations.2. The adjustable refrigerator shelf system of further including a pocket having an opening and attachable to the inner wall with the opening facing inward into the refrigerator claim 1 , the pocket cooperating with the shroud to define the enclosed volume.3. The adjustable refrigerator shelf system of wherein the shroud has a vertical height less than a sum of a vertical height of the pocket and a vertical height difference between the first and second relative positions claim 2 , wherein the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120966A1

A refrigerator includes a thermally insulating internal container having an interior space, a refrigeration apparatus for cooling the interior space, and a door leaf arranged pivotably relative to the internal container for opening and closing the interior space. Arranged within the interior space is an internal lighting system for at least partially illuminating the interior space. The lighting system includes a conductor board having an electrical contact, a housing having a shaft which is open in a direction toward the interior space so as to allow the conductor board to be pushed into the shaft, and a lighting member arranged within the housing and fastened on the conductor board. An electrical line supplies electrical energy to the lighting member and is provided with an edge board plug which is electrically connected to the electrical contact of the conductor board for connecting the lighting member electrically to the electrical line. 110-. (canceled)11. A refrigerator , comprising:a thermally insulating internal container having an interior space;a refrigeration apparatus for cooling the interior space;a door leaf arranged pivotably relative to the internal container for opening and closing the interior space;an internal lighting system arranged within the interior space for at least partially illuminating the interior space, said lighting system including a conductor board having an electrical contact, a housing having a shaft which is open in a direction toward the interior space so as to allow the conductor board to be pushed into the shaft for assembly of the internal lighting system, and a lighting member arranged within the housing and fastened on the conductor board; andan electrical line for supply of electrical energy to the lighting member, said electrical line having an end which faces toward the internal lighting system and is provided with an edge board plug which is electrically connected to the electrical contact of the conductor board for ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128495A1
Автор: Audet Mathieu

A method and apparatus adapted to sense improper functioning of an appliance. If the appliance does not function properly, a signal is sent to warn of the improper functioning appliance. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable medium adapted to store thereon computer-readable instructions that , when executed with a computer , provide a method of informing of an appliance malfunction , the method comprising:detecting a door of an appliance is open; andtransmitting a message through a network when a predetermined threshold is exceeded to warn the door of the appliance is open.2. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the threshold is a duration.3. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the threshold is a temperature inside the appliance.4. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the message is electronically transmitted through a wireless communication network.5. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the message is one of a text message and an email.6. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the message is adapted to include appliance use data.7. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the appliance is an apparatus for reducing temperature to extend food conservation.8. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the message provides a time estimation for closing the door before food is lost.9. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the appliance includes a light including a first state representative of a normal state and a second state representative of a non-normal state claim 1 , the method further comprising applying the second state to the light when the predetermined threshold is exceeded.10. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the message provides information about a compressor operatively connected to the appliance.11. The non- ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208446A1

A lighting unit for a large electrical household appliance includes a base part configured to receive a luminous element and having positive engagement elements, and a top part configured for attachment to the base part through displacement of the top part longitudinally in a connection plane relative to the base part. The top part has in displacement direction a front region which is provided with two gripping hooks for engagement with the positive engagement elements of the base part, with the gripping hooks engaging below the positive engagement elements. 111-. (canceled)12. A lighting unit for a large electrical household appliance , comprising:a base part configured to receive a luminous element and having positive engagement elements; anda top part configured for attachment to the base part through displacement of the top part longitudinally in a connection plane relative to the base part, said top part having in displacement direction a front region provided with two gripping hooks for engagement with the positive engagement elements of the base part, with the gripping hooks engaging below the positive engagement elements.13. The lighting unit of claim 12 , constructed for a household refrigeration appliance.14. The lighting unit of claim 12 , wherein the gripping hooks releasably engage with the positive engagement elements in a non-destructive manner.15. The lighting unit of claim 12 , wherein the base part has gripping hooks for engagement in at least one recess provided in the top part has in a rear region thereof in respect of the displacement direction.16. The lighting unit of claim 12 , further comprising at least one latching mechanism claim 12 , which acts between the top part and the base part for fixing the top part relative to the base part.17. The lighting unit of claim 12 , wherein the top part and the base part are secured in their engagement position with a force fit in opposition to an engagement direction.18. The lighting unit of claim 17 , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Internal Lighting for Refrigerated Display Cabinets

Номер: US20130208447A1
Автор: Maslen John
Принадлежит: Maslen Technology Australia Pty Ltd

Internal lighting for refrigerated display cabinets, chillers, cold rooms or freezers, has rearwardly-directed light assemblies incorporated in the rear faces of the vertical stiles (and/or top and bottom rails) of the door frames of the cabinet doors to illuminate the contents of the cabinets. The light assemblies may be provided in recesses, grooves or channels, and may comprise LED(s), lamps or lighting strips, connected to an electricity supply. Door switches can de-energise the light assemblies when the doors are open. 1) Internal lighting for a refrigerated display cabinet , including:a door for the cabinet, the door having a door frame with a pair of vertical stiles, and optionally having at least one transparent pane mounted in the door frame; andat least one rearwardly-directed light assembly in, or on, one or both of the vertical stiles;the, or each, light assembly being connectable to an energy source,and being operable to illuminate an interior portion of the cabinet when the door is fitted to the cabinet.2) Internal lighting as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the door frame is a perimeter frame, with top and bottom rails interconnecting the vertical stiles; andat least one additional rearwardly-directed light assembly is mounted.3) Internal lighting as claimed in claim 2 , wherein:the, or each, light assembly is selected from: LED(s), LCD(s), light strips, covered dichroic- or halogen lamps, and/or other suitable lamps or light sources.4) Internal lighting as claimed in claim 3 , wherein:the, or each, light assembly is connected to a door switch, which deenergizes the, or each, light assembly, when the door is opened.5) Internal lighting as claimed in claim 4 , wherein:the, or each, lighting assembly is mounted in a rearwardly-directed recess, groove or channel in a rear face of the respective vertical stile or top rail or bottom rail.6) Internal lighting as claimed in claim 5 , wherein:the, or each, lighting assembly is optionally covered by a transparent ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219925A1

Blast chiller apparatus () comprising a chilling chamber () structured for housing food to be cooled/frozen, a chilling circuit () comprising at least a first heat exchanger () designed to rapidly cool/freeze the chilling chamber (); a defrost system () designed to defrost said at least first heat exchanger (); at least an UV source () designed to irradiate ultraviolet radiations the inner space of said chilling chamber (); and a control system configured to control the defrost system () to heat the first heat exchanger () so as to have the temperature of the chilling chamber () within a prefixed optimum temperature range of operating of said UV source (). 2151288. Blast chiller apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said control system () is further configured to control said defrost system () so as to have the temperature of the first heat exchanger () within a prefixed sanitizing temperature range to cause a thermal sanitization of said heat exchanger ().31512883. Blast chiller apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said control system () is configured to control the defrost system () to heat the first heat exchanger () so as to have or maintain simultaneously the temperature of said first heat exchanger () and the temperature of the chilling chamber () in said prefixed sanitizing temperature range and claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , in said prefixed optimum temperature range.415161731514. Blast chiller apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control system () comprises at least a temperature sensor ( claim 1 ,) configured to measure the temperature inside of said chilling chamber (); the control system () being further configured to switch-on said UV source () to generate ultraviolet radiations when said measured temperature fall in said prefixed optimum temperature range.5. Blast chiller apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said prefixed optimum temperature range is between about 30° C. and 50° C.6. Blast chiller apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327073A1

Provided is a refrigerator. The refrigerator includes a main body including first and second storage compartments, an input part selecting a cleaning mode or a normal cooling mode in each of the first and second storage compartments, a first evaporator cooling air to be supplied into the first storage compartment, a first fan motor blowing the air into the first evaporator, a second evaporator cooling air to be supplied into the second storage compartment, a second fan motor blowing the air into the second evaporator, and a control part controlling each of the first and second fan motors. The control part controls a fan motor corresponding to a corresponding storage compartment to adjust an amount of cool air supplied into the corresponding storage compartment.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Product lighting refrigeration door

Номер: US20130343036A1
Автор: David G. Pelka
Принадлежит: IntelLED Corp

An illustrative refrigeration unit door includes a transparent window portion that receives light from a light source such that the light exhibits total internal reflection within the window portion. A series of uniformly-sized prisms with non-uniform spacing ejects light from one face of the transparent window portion at angles around 60 degrees and 30 degrees. Collimated light can be used to reduce the amount of light ejected from a second face of the transparent window that is opposite the first face.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009906A1

An illuminated cooler including: a base receptacle; a lid; a series of lights in the interior of the base receptacle; and a solar panel across a top surface of the lid. The series of lights may be place along a top perimeter of an interior of the base receptacle and placed on a lighting track. The series of lights may be placed on at least one side of an interior of the base receptacle. In one particular embodiment, the base receptacle includes a battery as an alternative power source. 1. An illuminated cooler comprising:a. a base receptacle;b. a lid;c. a plurality of lights in the interior of the base receptacle; andd. a solar panel across a top surface of the lid.2. The illuminated cooler according to claim 1 , where the plurality of lights is place along a top perimeter of an interior of the base receptacle.3. The illuminated cooler according to claim 2 , where the plurality of lights is place on a lighting track.4. The illuminated cooler according to claim 1 , where the plurality of lights is place on at least one side of an interior of the base receptacle.5. The illuminated cooler according to claim 1 , where the base receptacle includes a battery as an alternative power source.6. The illuminated cooler according to claim 1 , where an activation switch is installed on the interior of the base receptacle.7. The illuminated cooler according to claim 1 , where the base receptacle includes a plug outlet as a power source for other devices. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/662,805 filed on Jun. 21, 2012.1. Field of InventionThe present invention relates to an illuminated cooler receptacle.2. Description of Related ArtCoolers are used to enjoy beverages and other food products in a portable manner. Normally coolers are used at cookouts, tailgating, picnics, beach activities or while traveling on the road. Occasionally coolers may be used at night because some of these activities may carry on into the evening hours. As a ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043837A1
Автор: Michaud David

The lighting system for use with thermally-insulated receptacles comprises a replaceable lid, a light source, and a power source. The lighting system further comprises an additional layer of material covering the light source and power source to limit exposure to moisture and to limit contact with the items stored within the thermally-insulated receptacle. The lighting system for use with thermally-insulated receptacles is configured to be used as safety equipment to signal others when the user is in distress. The lighting system for use with thermally-insulated receptacles is configured to be used with stand-alone, thermally-insulated receptacles or with thermally-insulated receptacles integrally formed in or on land vehicle or water craft. 1. A lighting system for use with a thermally-insulated container , comprising:a light source, wherein the light source comprises at least one LED;a power source, wherein the power source comprises at least one battery and is in electrical connection with the light source; anda replaceable lid, wherein the lid is formed to fit onto a thermally-insulated container and is configured to accept the light source and the power source.2. The lighting system for use with a thermally-insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the lid further comprises a layer configured to cover the light source and power source thereby preventing exposure of the light source and power source to moisture.3. The lighting system for use with a thermally-insulated container of claim 2 , wherein the layer is colored.4. The lighting system for use with a thermally-insulated container of claim 2 , wherein the layer is transparent.5. The lighting system for use with a thermally-insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the at least one LED is colored.6. The lighting system for use with a thermally-insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the at least one LED is configured to produce modulated light.7. The lighting system for use with a thermally-insulated ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060094A1

Ultraviolet radiation is directed within an area at target wavelengths and/or target intensities. The target wavelength ranges and/or target intensity ranges of the ultraviolet radiation sources can correspond to at least one of a plurality of selectable operating configurations including a storage life preservation operating configuration, a disinfection operating configuration, and an ethylene decomposition operating configuration. 1. A system comprising:at least one ultraviolet radiation source configured to generate ultraviolet radiation directed within a storage area; and monitoring a set of current conditions of at least one of: the storage area or a set of items located in the storage area; and', 'controlling ultraviolet radiation generated by the at least one ultraviolet radiation source using at least one of a plurality of selectable operating configurations and the set of current conditions, the selectable operating configurations including: a storage life preservation operating configuration, a disinfection operating configuration, and an ethylene decomposition operating configuration, wherein each selectable operating configuration mode has a corresponding target intensity range and a target wavelength range for the ultraviolet radiation., 'a monitoring and control system for managing the storage area by performing a method comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the target wavelength range for the at least one ultraviolet radiation source in the storage life preservation operating configuration is approximately 285 nanometers to approximately 305 nanometers.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the target intensity range for the at least one ultraviolet radiation source in the storage life preservation operating configuration is approximately 0.1 milliwatt/mto approximately 1000 milliwatt/m.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the target wavelength range for the at least one ultraviolet radiation source in the disinfection operating configuration is ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Storage Device Including Ultraviolet Illumination

Номер: US20140060095A1

Ultraviolet radiation is directed within an area. Items located within the area and/or one or more conditions of the area are monitored over a period of time. Based on the monitoring, ultraviolet radiation sources are controlled by adjusting a direction, an intensity, a pattern, and/or a spectral power of the ultraviolet radiation generated by the ultraviolet radiation source. Adjustments to the ultraviolet radiation source(s) can correspond to one of a plurality of selectable operating configurations including a storage life preservation operating configuration, a disinfection operating configuration, and an ethylene decomposition operating configuration. 1. A system comprising:at least one ultraviolet radiation source configured to generate ultraviolet radiation directed within a storage area; anda control system for controlling ultraviolet radiation generated by the at least one ultraviolet radiation source using one of a plurality of selectable operating configurations and a set of current conditions of at least one of: the storage area or a set of items located in the storage area, wherein the controlling includes adjusting at least one of: a direction, an intensity, a pattern, or a spectral power of ultraviolet radiation directed within the storage area based on the set of current conditions of the storage area and a set of target conditions for at least one of: the storage area or a set of items located in the storage area corresponding to a currently selected one of the plurality of selectable operating configurations, and wherein the plurality of selectable operating configurations include: a storage life preservation operating configuration, a disinfection operating configuration, and an ethylene decomposition operating configuration.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a monitoring system for monitoring at least one of: a set of current biological conditions of the storage area or an operating condition of the at least one ultraviolet radiation ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003462A1

A refrigerator includes a cabinet, a thermoelectric element module, a support disposed at a lower surface of the cabinet, and a heat dissipation cover coupled to a rear side of the cabinet. The thermoelectric element module includes a thermoelectric element including a heat absorption portion and a heat dissipation portion, a first heat sink contacting the heat absorption portion, a first fan facing the first heat sink, a second heat sink contacting the heat dissipation portion, a second fan exposed to an outside of the heat dissipation cover, and an insulating member between the first heat sink and the second heat sink. The heat dissipation cover is configured to guide air from the second fan in a vertical direction, and the support defines an air passage between the lower surface and a floor to allow air to be discharged to a front side through a lower side of the cabinet. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet comprising an inner case that defines a storage chamber, an outer case that covers the inner case, and an insulating material disposed between the inner case and the outer case;a thermoelectric element module disposed at a rear wall of the cabinet facing the storage chamber and configured to cool the storage chamber;a support disposed at a lower surface of the cabinet and configured to support the cabinet; anda heat dissipation cover coupled to a rear side of the outer case, a thermoelectric element comprising a heat absorption portion and a heat dissipation portion that face opposite directions,', 'a first heat sink that is in contact with the heat absorption portion and that is configured to exchange heat with the storage chamber,', 'a first fan that faces the first heat sink and that is configured to generate air flow to thereby assist heat exchange of the first heat sink,', 'a second heat sink that is in contact with the heat dissipation portion and that is configured to exchange heat with an external region of the outer case,', 'a second fan that is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003475A1

A combination light and pressure relief vent () is disclosed which includes a housing (), a valve assembly (), and a light assembly (). The housing include a valve body (), port tube (), and an outside louver (). The valve assembly includes a low positive pressure exhaust valve (), a high positive pressure exhaust valve (), a low negative pressure intake valve (), and a high negative pressure intake valve (). The light assembly includes a heat sink casing () which defines a heat chamber () and which includes a projection () extending into the heat chamber. The casing is coupled to an LED module () wherein heat generated by the LED module is transferred through the casing to the heat chamber to warm the valve assembly. 1. A cold room vent comprising:a main housing mountable to a cold room structure;a valve housing coupled to said main housing, said valve housing defining an interior heat chamber;a valve assembly coupled to said valve housing, anda light assembly coupled to said valve housing, said light assembly having thermally conductive heat sink plate with an external surface and an internal surface in fluid communication with said interior heat chamber, said internal surface having an outwardly extending projection extending into said interior heat chamber, said light assembly also including a light source coupled to and in thermal communication with said exterior surface of said thermally conductive heat sink plate,whereby heat generated by the light source is thermally conducted to the thermally conductive heat sink plate wherein the projection provides a surface area to transfer the heat to the interior heat chamber to warm the valve assembly.2. The cold room vent of wherein said heat sink plate includes at least one vent opening extending from said external surface to said internal surface positioned directly adjacent said projection.3. The cold room vent of wherein said projection tapers down from a position proximal said internal surface to a position ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003476A1

A combination light and pressure relief vent () is disclosed which includes a housing (), a valve assembly (), and a light assembly (). The housing include a multi-radial positionable valve body (), port tube (), and an outside louver (). The valve assembly includes a low positive pressure exhaust valve (), a high positive pressure exhaust valve (), a low negative pressure intake valve (), and a high negative pressure intake valve (). The light assembly includes a heat sink casing () which defines a heat chamber () and which includes a projection () extending into the heat chamber. The casing is coupled to an LED module () wherein heat generated by the LED module is transferred through the casing to the heat chamber to warm the valve assembly. 1. A cold room vent comprising:a main housing mountable to a cold room structure;a valve housing coupled to said main housing, said valve housing having a receiver with a select shape, anda valve assembly coupled to said valve housing, said valve assembly having a valve body and a gravity biased first pressure valve, said valve body having a mounting flange configured to be received within said valve housing receiver, said mounting flange having a select shape corresponding to said select shape of said receiver to enable said mounting flange to be received within said valve housing at a plurality of different angular orientations relative to said valve housing receiver,whereby the main housing may be mounted in a plurality of different angular orientations relative to a mounting surface, and wherein the valve assembly may be oriented in a plurality of different angular orientations with respect to the valve housing and main housing so that the first pressure valve may be oriented vertically in each of the plurality of different angular orientations of the main housing.2. The cold room vent of wherein said valve assembly includes a plurality of gravity biased pressure valves.3. The cold room vent of wherein said valve body ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003477A1

A combination light and pressure relief vent () is disclosed which includes a housing (), a valve assembly (), and a light assembly (). The housing include a valve body (), port tube (), and an outside louver (). The valve body has a low positive pressure exhaust port (), a high positive pressure exhaust port (), a low negative pressure intake port , and a high negative pressure intake port . The valve assembly includes a low positive pressure exhaust valve (), a high positive pressure exhaust valve (), a low negative pressure intake valve (), and a high negative pressure intake valve (). The light assembly includes a heat sink casing () which defines a heat chamber (). The casing is coupled to an LED module () wherein heat generated by the LED module is transferred through the casing to the heat chamber to warm the valve assembly. 1. A cold room vent comprising:a housing mountable to a cold room structure, said housing having a first pressure intake port and a second pressure intake port;a gravity biased first pressure intake valve mounted to said first pressure intake port having a first weight which allows the opening of said gravity biased first pressure intake valve at a first air pressure level, anda gravity biased second pressure intake valve mounted to said second pressure intake port having a second weight which allows the opening of said gravity biased second pressure intake valve at a second air pressure level greater than said first air pressure level,whereby the gravity biased first pressure intake valve opens the first pressure intake port at a first air pressure level and the gravity biased second pressure intake valve opens the second pressure intake port at a second air pressure level.2. The cold room vent of wherein said gravity biased first pressure intake valve is the same size and shape as said gravity biased second pressure intake valve.3. The cold room vent of further comprising a first pressure exhaust port and a second pressure exhaust port; ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003336A1
Автор: HAM Il Joo, LEE Min Ho

Provided is a functional water bottle with ice forming core and an ice making tool, the water bottle including: a container body having one side opened and closed by means of a lid, for receiving fluid in a cylindrical form; and an ice holder coupled to one side of the container body and extending toward the inside of the container body, for holding ice, wherein the ice holder holds the ice in such a manner that the ice holder may be inserted into or taken out of the container body. 1. A functional water bottle configured to attach or detach ice , the functional water bottle comprising:a container body having one side thereof configured to open or close by a lid and accommodating a fluid in an interior thereof; andan ice fixing stand extending toward the interior of the container body, and configured to couple to the one side of the container body and to fix the ice,wherein the ice is fixed by the ice fixing stand and the ice fixing stand is insertable into or withdrawable from the container body.2. The functional water bottle of claim 1 , wherein the ice fixed by the ice fixing stand is located in the interior of the container body.3. The functional water bottle of claim 1 , wherein the container body comprises a mouth portion having an exterior configured to couple to the lid and an interior configured to couple to the ice fixing stand.4. The functional water bottle of claim 3 , wherein the ice fixing stand comprises:a container coupling portion configured to couple to the mouth portion;a column portion extending downward from a bottom surface of the container coupling portion; andan ice placing portion spreading laterally from a bottom end of the column portion.5. The functional water bottle of claim 4 , wherein the column portion is detachably disposed on the bottom surface of the container coupling portion.6. The functional water bottle of claim 4 , wherein a height of the column portion is smaller than or equal to half of an internal height of the container ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Container apparatus and method of using same

Номер: US20190003700A1
Автор: Matthew S. BROWN
Принадлежит: Fuse LLC

A container apparatus can include a container and an insert assembly. The insert assembly can include four elongate members. The four elongate members can include light emitting devices for illuminating the interior of the container and/or temperature altering elements for cooling and/or heating the interior of the container. The container can have a rectangular base and a rectangular sidewall extending upwardly from the base. The sidewall can define four corners of the container, and four elongate recesses can be formed in the sidewall proximate the four corners of the sidewall to receive the elongate light members. The recesses can be sized and shaped to conform to the elongate insert members so that the insert members can be releasably retained within the elongate recesses.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003764A1

A household refrigeration device includes a heat-insulated body with an inner container which delimits a coolable interior space for storing foodstuffs and has a pocket-shaped recess with a bottom. A refrigeration device cools the coolable interior space. A door panel closes the coolable interior space in a closed state and makes the coolable interior space accessible in an open state. An interior lighting system, which is fastened in the pocket-shaped recess, illuminates the coolable interior space when the door panel is open. The bottom of the pocket-shaped recess includes at least one fastening device, and the interior lighting system has at least one mating fastening device which is fastened on the at least one fastening device. A method for producing a household refrigeration device is also provided. 110-. (canceled)11. A household refrigeration device , comprising:a heat-insulated body with an inner container, said inner container defining a coolable interior for storing foodstuffs and said inner container including a pocket-shaped indentation with a bottom, said bottom of said pocket-shaped indentation including at least one fastening device;a door panel for closing said coolable interior in a closed state and for making said coolable interior accessible in an open state; andan interior lighting system for illuminating said coolable interior with said door panel open, said interior lighting system including at least one counter fastening device being fastened on said at least one fastening device for fastening said interior lighting system in said pocket-shaped indentation.12. The household refrigeration device according to claim 11 , wherein said fastening device is an opening in said bottom of said pocket-shaped indentation in which said counter fastening device is fastened or latched.13. The household refrigeration device according to claim 12 , wherein:said opening of said fastening device includes a first region with a width and a second region being ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011046A1
Автор: Jabou Kevin

A bottle cooler may include an annular support structure, a hollow open-topped receptacle, and a bezel. The support structure may have a hanging shoulder protruding radially outwardly. The receptacle may be suspended from the support structure. The bezel may surround the open top of the receptacle and may cover the hanging shoulder. 1. A bottle cooler , comprising:an annular support structure that has a hanging shoulder protruding radially outwardly;a hollow open-topped receptacle that is suspended from the support structure; anda bezel that surrounds the open top of the receptacle and covers the hanging shoulder.2. The bottle cooler according to claim 1 , wherein the bezel is connected to the support structure by an intermediate attachment element.3. The bottle cooler according to claim 2 , wherein the attachment element comprises a clip for securing the bezel to the attachment element.4. The bottle cooler according to claim 3 , wherein the bezel comprises a rim and wherein the rim engages the clip to secure the bezel to the attachment element.5. The bottle cooler according to claim 2 , wherein the attachment element comprises locating pins configured to engage a corresponding engagement slot on the bezel to prevent relative movement between the attachment element and the bezel.6. The bottle cooler according to claim 2 , wherein a radially extending tab connects the bezel to the support structure.7. The bottle cooler according to claim 6 , wherein the attachment element comprises the tab.8. The bottle cooler according to claim 7 , wherein the tab is rotatably engageable with the support structure.9. The bottle cooler according to claim 8 , wherein the support structure comprises at least one support clip for engaging the tab.10. The bottle cooler according to claim 2 , wherein the bezel is removable from the support structure.11. The bottle cooler according to claim 9 , further comprising an annular gasket that covers a portion of the open top of the receptacle ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Illuminating display window and merchandiser display unit comprising same

Номер: US20210005121A1
Принадлежит: True Manufacturing Co Inc

An illuminating display window has a window pane and a graphic element including fluorescent material. The graphic element has a major surface facing forward and a perimeter surface extending transverse to the major surface. An electromagnetic radiation source is configured to emit electromagnetic radiation to the perimeter surface of the graphic element. The radiation includes electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength in a non-visible spectrum. The graphic element fluoresces in response to the non-visible radiation to transmit visible light to an observer in front of the window pane. To form the graphic element, fluorescent ink can be deposited on a panel in a predefined pattern or a fluorescent panel could be shaped to have a predefined shape.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018592A1

A metal member for a household appliance includes a first surface and a second surface connected to each other. The second surface is inclined with respect to the first surface, and the second surface has a reflectivity higher than that of the first surface. A household appliance having the metal member is also provided. 1. A metal member for a household appliance , the metal member comprising:a first surface and a second surface being connected to each other;said second surface being inclined relative to said first surface, and said second surface having a reflectivity higher than a reflectivity of said first surface.2. The metal member according to claim 1 , which further comprises a groove extending along a length direction of the metal member claim 1 , said second surface being located in said groove.3. The metal member according to claim 2 , wherein said second surface includes two sub-surfaces in mirror symmetry with each other.4. The metal member according to claim 3 , wherein said two sub-surfaces form an angle of 120° between said two sub-surfaces.5. The metal member according to claim 2 , which further comprises a mark disposed on said first surface claim 2 , said mark being disposed on one side of one end of said groove and said groove extending toward said mark.6. The metal member according to claim 1 , wherein said second surface extends in an edge area of the metal member along a length direction of the metal member.7. The metal member according to claim 1 , wherein a surface roughness of said second surface is less than a surface roughness of said first surface claim 1 , said surface roughness of said second surface is not greater than 0.4 μm claim 1 , and said surface roughness of said first surface is greater than 0.1 mm.8. The metal member according to claim 1 , wherein the metal member is elongated claim 1 , said first surface extends along an entire length of the metal member claim 1 , and said second surface extends along an entire or partial ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008173A1

A meat-aging apparatus is disclosed. The meat-aging apparatus comprises: a photographing unit for photographing meat stored in the meat-aging apparatus; an illumination unit for irradiating light to the meat; a storage unit for storing recipe information for aging the meat according to the type or state of the meat; and a processor for determining the type or state of the meat on the basis of a photographed image, and controlling the illumination unit to irradiate light to the meat according to the recipe information corresponding to the determined type or state of the meat in order to age the meat. 1. A meat-aging apparatus , comprising:a photographing unit configured to photograph an image of meat stored in the meat-aging apparatus;an illumination unit configured to irradiate light to the meat;a storage configured to store recipe information for aging the meat according to a type or state of the meat; anda processor configured to determine a type or state of the meat based on the photographed image and control the illumination unit to irradiate light to the meat according to recipe information corresponding to the determined type or state of the meat for aging the meat.2. The meat-aging apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the recipe information includes information on at least one of a wavelength claim 1 , an intensity and an irradiation time of light to be irradiated to the meat for aging the meat according to the type or state of the meat.3. The meat-aging apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the recipe information includes information on at least one of a wavelength claim 1 , an intensity and an irradiation time of light to be irradiated to the meat by aging degree for aging the meat with different aging degrees according to the type or state of the meat.4. The meat-aging apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to control the illumination unit to irradiate light for sterilizing the meat to the meat claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010035A1

A refrigerator having an ice and water dispenser has a seal to sealingly engage the ice compartment when the refrigerator door is closed. The seal is flexible to accommodate manufacturing tolerance. The seal may be impregnated with a friction reducing agent to increase life of the seal. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a freezer compartment;a refrigerated compartment held at a temperature above the freezing temperature of water;a door comprising an inner liner and an outer door pan and having an open position, wherein access to refrigerated compartment is available and a closed position wherein access to the refrigerated compartment is not available;an icemaker in the refrigerated compartment and comprising a dispensing aperture on a bottom side of the icemaker;a first portion of the inner liner comprising an at least substantially horizontal plane and having an aperture disposed substantially below the icemaker dispensing aperture;a chute having a first end disposed adjacent the inner liner aperture and a second end at an ice dispenser adjacent the outer door pan and accessible with the door in the closed position; anda seal operably disposed between the inner liner aperture and the icemaker dispensing aperture and configured to allow at least ice and air from the icemaker to the chute.2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the seal is configured to prevent air from the icemaker from leaking into the refrigerated compartment when the door is in the closed position.3. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the seal is attached to the inner liner.4. The refrigerator of claim 3 , wherein the seal comprises a compressible material.5. The refrigerator of claim 4 , wherein the seal comprises an additive to reduce friction between the seal and the ice maker.6. The refrigerator of claim 5 , wherein the additive comprises a polytetrafluoroethylene material.7. The refrigerator of further comprising a storage shelf disposed on the inner liner of the door and located below the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Modular retrofit quench unit

Номер: US20170010036A1
Автор: John Lauchnor
Принадлежит: John Lauchnor

The disclosure features various embodiments and aspects of a chest for quenching beverages. The chest can include a tank for holding a chilled mixture of ice and water, an ice maker adapted for making ice having an output for ejecting ice into a conduit in fluid communication with the tank, and a plurality of quench trays disposed above the tank for holding containers of beverages located in first and second positions. The trays can be filled with cold water by way of a conduit in fluid communication with the tank. The quench trays can include a compartment defined by a bottom and a plurality of walls, and defining therein a plurality of rows for aligning and containing a plurality of beverage containers. The drawers can further include at least one drain orifice configured to guide water out of the quench tray.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010846A1

A handle lighting assembly for an appliance includes features that allow a consumer to readily change the color of the light emitted from the handle lighting assembly as desired. In one exemplary aspect, the handle lighting assembly includes features that allow a consumer to readily interchange colored films to and from the handle lighting assembly based on the desired emitted light color. 1. A refrigerator appliance , comprising:a cabinet;a door rotatably hinged with the cabinet; an elongated body having a length extending between a first end and a second end and having a lens extending along at least a portion of the length;', 'a light source;', 'an end cap integral with or operatively connected to the elongated body at one of the first end and the second end, the end cap defining a slit;', 'a film removably insertable into the slit;', 'wherein when the film is inserted into the slit, the film is positioned between the light source and the lens., 'a lighting assembly connected to the handle body and disposed within the recess, the lighting assembly comprising, 'a handle assembly connected with or integrally formed with the door and having a handle body defining a recess, the handle assembly further comprising2. The refrigerator appliance of claim 1 , wherein the end cap defines an access recess positioned on opposing sides of the slit claim 1 , and wherein the access recess allows for removal and insertion of the film within or from the slit.3. The refrigerator appliance of claim 2 , wherein the end cap defines an access cutout contiguous with the access recess for providing access to the film.4. The refrigerator appliance of claim 1 , wherein the lens has an arcuate shape.5. The refrigerator appliance of claim 1 , wherein the lens extends substantially along the entire length of the elongated body.6. The refrigerator appliance claim 1 , wherein the light source includes a plurality of LEDs spaced apart from one another and disposed along the length of the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Lighting device for fitting into a wall surface of a domestic electrical appliance

Номер: US20190011120A1

A lighting device for fitting into a wall surface of a domestic electrical appliance, in particular a refrigerator or/and freezer, includes a window pane for the emergence of light, a light source arrangement having at least one light-emitting diode, and a light reflection surface, arranged behind the window pane and irradiated by the light-emitting diode, for reflecting light in the direction towards the window pane. The light reflection surface has regions of different reflection behaviour, where in some embodiments the light reflection surface is divided into a glossy region closer to the light-emitting diode(s) and a scattering region further away from the light-emitting diode(s). 1. A lighting device for fitting into a wall surface of a domestic electrical appliance , in particular a refrigerator or freezer , the lighting device comprising:a window pane for the emergence of light;a light source arrangement having at least one light-emitting diode; anda light reflection surface, arranged behind the window pane and irradiated by the light-emitting diode, for reflecting light in the direction towards the window pane, wherein the light reflection surface has regions of different reflection behaviour2. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the light reflection surface has at least one smooth region and at least one region with a diffusely scattering effect.3. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the light reflection surface has regions with a diffusely scattering effect of different scattering power.4. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the light reflection surface with its regions of different reflection behaviour is formed on a one-piece continuous reflection body.5. The lighting device according to claim 4 , wherein the reflection body is formed by a white plastics material.6. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the window pane is transparent.7. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the light- ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030894A1

A system to illuminate fruit and/or vegetables in the food storage facility, comprising a lamp () and a controller (). The lamp is operable to provide the illumination with a first light output and a second light output, the first light output having a higher intensity and at least a red-bias spectrum relative to the second light output. Further, the system comprises a controller for controlling the illumination of the fruit and/or vegetables in the food storage facility by controlling the lamp. The controller is configured to apply the illumination in a sequence comprising a period of darkness, followed by the first light output for a first period, then followed by the second light output for a second period. 1. A lighting system for illuminating plant items in a food storage facility or display comprising:a luminaire arranged to provide a first light output and a second light output, the first light output having a higher intensity and at least a red-bias spectrum relative to the second light output; anda controller for controlling the first and second light output by controlling the luminaire, wherein the controller is configured to apply a sequence, at least once a day, comprising a first period of darkness, followed by a second period with the first light output, then a third period with the second light output, wherein the second period is shorter in duration than the third period, and wherein a total intensity of the second light output of the third period is less than a total intensity of the first light output of the second period.2. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the first light output has a spectrum with a peak wavelength of 660 nm.3. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the second light output is white.4. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the first light output total in the second period has an intensity of 15 to 50 μmol/s/m.5. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the second light output total in the third period has an intensity ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015133A1

A pivoting mullion for a temperature-controlled storage device is provided. The pivoting mullion includes a mullion body pivotally attached to a display case door of the temperature-controlled storage device. The mullion body is rotatable relative to the display case door between a first position when the display case door is open and a second position when the display case door is closed. The mullion body is configured to provide a support surface against which the display case door rests when the mullion body is in the second position and the display case door is closed. The pivoting mullion further includes a lighting element fixed to the mullion body and configured to activate when the display case door is closed. Activation of the lighting element illuminates items within the temperature-controlled storage device such that the items are visible through the display case door when the display case door is closed. 1. A pivoting mullion for a temperature-controlled storage device , the pivoting mullion comprising:a mullion body pivotally attached to a display case door of the temperature-controlled storage device, wherein the mullion body is configured to rotate relative to the display case door between a first position when the display case door is opened and a second position when the display case door is closed, wherein the mullion body is configured to provide a support surface against which the display case door rests when the display case door is closed; anda lighting element fixed to the mullion body and configured to activate when the display case door is closed, wherein activation of the lighting element illuminates items within the temperature-controlled storage device such that the items are visible through a substantially transparent surface of the display case door when the display case door is closed.2. The pivoting mullion of claim 1 , further comprising:a cam extending from the mullion body; anda cam guide attached to a frame of the temperature- ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013005A1
Автор: PARK Yoon Gon

Disclosed is a refrigerator configured to perform artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and/or machine learning algorithms, communicate with other electronic devices and external servers in a 5G communication environment, and provide information based on an image. The refrigerator includes a camera, a display, and a processor. Accordingly, various services can be provided to improve user convenience by accurately identifying a photographing target. 1. A refrigerator , comprising:a camera configured to photograph an item placed in one or more storage spaces;a communicator configured to communicate with an information providing system;a memory configured to store item information of the item and text information displayed on an exterior of the item; anda processor configured to identify the item placed in the storage space by recognizing text information included in a photographed image of the item photographed by the camera, and comparing the recognized text information with the text information displayed on the exterior of the item stored in the memory,wherein when the item placed in the storage space is not identified in the comparison, the processor transmits the photographed image to the information providing system via the communicator.2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein when the item placed in the storage space is identified in the comparison claim 1 , the processor recognizes expiration date information of the identified item on the basis of text claim 1 , and stores the expiration date information of the identified item in the memory.3. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the processor distinguishes whether the item identified in the comparison is a previously placed item in the storage space or a newly placed item in the storage space claim 2 , based on the expiration date information of the item stored in the memory.4. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the recognized text information comprises trademark information displayed on the exterior of ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018099A1

An illuminating device for a household appliance, with a wall of the household appliance, and a circuit board with at least one light source. The circuit board is arranged on a carrier, which is formed as a fixing adapter for the circuit board on the wall. The invention also relates to a household appliance with an illuminating device. 115-. (canceled)16. An illuminating device for a household appliance , the illuminating device comprising:a circuit board with at least one light source;a carrier supporting said circuit board with said at least one light source, said carrier being formed as a fixing adapter for said circuit board on a wall of the household appliance.17. The illuminating device according to claim 16 , wherein said carrier is non-destructively detachably connected to the wall.18. The illuminating device according to claim 16 , wherein said carrier has a base body formed with retaining arms on opposing sides thereof claim 16 , said retaining arms having engagement slots for engagement with retaining brackets of the wall.19. The illuminating device according to claim 16 , wherein said carrier has a base body formed with two support arms on a longitudinal side thereof claim 16 , and wherein said support arms are spaced apart and oriented parallel to one another claim 16 , and configured to support said circuit board.20. The illuminating device according to claim 19 , wherein said support arms have clasping elements that engage around an edge of said circuit board.21. The illuminating device according to claim 16 , wherein said carrier has a base body and a holding device formed on said base body for a contact connector for electrically connecting an electrical line with electrical contacts of said circuit board.22. The illuminating device according to claim 21 , wherein said holding device comprises a receiving body into which said contact connector is insertable claim 21 , and at least one fixing element configured for positionally fixing the contact ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018592A1

The present disclosure describes light delivery and distribution components of a ducted lighting system having a cross-section that includes at least one curved portion and a remote light source. The delivery and distribution system (i.e., light duct and light duct extractor) can function effectively with any light source () that is capable of delivering light which is substantially collimated about the longitudinal axis () of the light duct (), and which is also preferably substantially uniform over the inlet of the light duct. A turning film () comprising parallel ridged microstructures intercepts and redirects light rays exiting the light output region. The light duct () is hollow and comprises a light transmissive region () which may vary in size along the longitudinal axis ().

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017305A1

A stand-alone ice making appliance is provided. The stand-alone ice making appliance may include an outer casing, a water tank, a pump, an ice maker, and a container. The outer casing may define an internal cavity that includes a primary opening. The water tank may define a storage volume to receive water. The pump may be in fluid communication with the storage volume of the water tank to actively flow water therefrom. The ice maker may in fluid communication with the storage volume of the water tank to receive water therefrom. The container may be disposed within the internal cavity. The container may include an insulated sidewall positioned across the primary opening and at least partially defining a storage volume to receive ice from the ice maker. 1. A stand-alone ice making appliance defining a plurality of mutually-orthogonal directions , the mutually-orthogonal directions including a lateral direction , a transverse direction , and a vertical direction , the stand-alone ice making appliance comprising:an outer casing defining an internal cavity, the internal cavity including a primary opening through which the internal cavity may be accessed;a water tank, the water tank defining a storage volume to receive water;a pump in fluid communication with the storage volume of the water tank to actively flow water therefrom;an ice maker, the ice maker in fluid communication with the storage volume of the water tank to receive water therefrom; anda container disposed within the internal cavity, the container including an insulated sidewall positioned across the primary opening and at least partially defining a storage volume to receive ice from the ice maker, the sidewall including a front panel and a rear panel defining a transparent insulation gap therebetween.2. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the transparent insulation gap includes a sealed volume.3. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the container further comprises a base wall positioned below a portion of the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017317A1

Disclosed is a refrigerator including an illumination unit that prevents glare and provides sufficient light inside the storage chamber. The refrigerator includes a storage chamber having an opening formed at a front thereof and an illumination unit mounted in the storage chamber. The illumination unit includes a light emitting member to emit light and an optical member to guide light emitted from the light emitting member to travel within a predetermined range of angles. Light emitted from the light emitting member is prevented from proceeding forward by the reflecting member and proceeds to the rear of the storage chamber. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a storage chamber having an opening formed at a front thereof; andan illumination unit mounted in the storage chamber,wherein the illumination unit includes:a light emitting member configured to emit light; andan optical member configured to guide light emitted from the light emitting member for the light to travel within a predetermined range of angles,wherein light emitted from the light emitting member is prevented from proceeding forward by the optical member and proceeds rearward of the storage chamber.2. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein light emitted from the light emitting member is reflected by the optical member and has an angle of 20 degrees to 60 degrees with respect to a vertical axis extending vertically from one surface of the storage chamber.3. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein the optical member includes a lens member positioned in front of the light emitting member and configured to refract light emitted from the light emitting member.4. The refrigerator according to claim 3 , wherein the illumination unit includes a cover member through which light emitted from the light emitting member passes.5. The refrigerator according to claim 4 , wherein the cover member includes a first cover portion extending in one direction and a second cover portion having a degree of light ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017318A1

An appliance and method of operation is provided. The appliance may include an outer casing, a user interface, and a controller. The outer casing may define an enclosed volume. The user interface may be mounted to the outer casing to include a light projector and a translucent diffuser disc. The light projector may be positioned within the enclosed volume and include a plurality of discrete segmented light emitting diodes to each selectively emit one or more discrete light emissions. The translucent diffuser disc may be positioned between the light projector and the outer casing. The diffuser disc may include a continuous outer surface aligned with the light projector to display the one or more discrete light emissions as a visually continuous pattern. The controller may be operably connected with the light projector and configured to determine the visually continuous pattern displayed at the continuous outer surface. 1. An appliance comprising:an outer casing defining an enclosed volume; a light projector positioned within the enclosed volume, the light projector including a plurality of discrete segmented light emitting diodes to each selectively emit one or more discrete light emissions, and', 'a translucent diffuser disc positioned between the light projector and the outer casing, the diffuser disc including a continuous outer surface aligned with the light projector to display the one or more discrete light emissions as a visually continuous pattern; and, 'a user interface mounted to the outer casing, the user interface comprising'}a controller operably connected with the light projector, the controller being configured to determine the visually continuous pattern displayed at the continuous outer surface.2. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light emitting diodes are arranged as a ring in an annular array.3. The appliance of claim 2 , further comprising:a user input selector including a button coaxially positioned within the annular array of ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017679A1

A refrigerator apparatus includes a case opening passing through an inner case; and an lighting device in the opening, wherein the device includes: a lamp case having a cavity defined therein; a light-emitting unit accommodated in the cavity, wherein the light-emitting unit is disposed more outwardly than the case opening, wherein the light-emitting unit irradiates light toward an inner surface of the cavity; a cover coupled with the lamp case to cover the case opening, wherein light from the light-emitting unit is reflected from the cavity through the cover toward the refrigerator interior space; and a reflection portion formed on the cover, wherein the reflection portion is configured to allow light from the light-emission unit directed toward the case opening to be redirected toward the inner surface of the cavity.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Light bar for installation in a household electrical appliance, shelf assembly and cooling appliance with such a shelf assembly

Номер: US20200018451A1

A light bar includes an arrangement of several light elements reciprocally spaced behind one another in the longitudinal bar direction where each light element produces a light beam, a reflection surface formed on a light-impermeable reflector body and producing a diffuse scattering effect where a first portion of the light beam of each light element is directed at the reflection surface, a light-permeable window element at which light produced by the light elements exits the light bar. A second portion of the light beam that is different from the first portion is directed past the reflection surface onto the light exit window. The light radiated by the light bar is composed of a direct light proportion and a scattered light proportion, the relative ratio of which in a suitable configuration of the reflector body and the window element can be different in different radiation directions of the light bar. 1. A light bar for installation in a household electrical appliance , for example a refrigerator , comprising:an arrangement of a plurality of light elements arranged mutually spaced behind one another in a longitudinal bar direction of the light bar, wherein each of the plurality of light elements configured to produce a light beam;a light-impermeable reflector body having a reflection surface, the reflection surface configured to produce a diffusely scattering effect, wherein a first portion of the light beam of each of the plurality of light elements is directed at the reflection surface; anda light-permeable window element, at which light produced by the plurality of light elements exits the light bar, wherein a second portion of the light beam different from the first portion is directed past the reflection surface to the light exit window.2. The light bar according to claim 1 , wherein when viewed in a section orthogonal to the longitudinal bar direction claim 1 , the first portion and the second portion of the light beam of each light element adjoin one ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018542A1

Beverage coolers for storing and cooling bottled beverages. A beverage cooler may include a cooling chamber cooled by a refrigeration system, and openings in the cooling chamber for receiving bottled beverages to be chilled. The openings may have doors and/or seals to minimize heat exchange between the cooling chamber and the environment with or without bottles disposed in the openings. Each of the openings may have a visual indicator, such as a plurality of LEDs, configured to indicate the temperature of the bottle disposed in the opening. 1. A beverage cooler , comprising:a first chamber accessible to a user through a cooler door;a second chamber disposed beneath and separated from the first chamber;a beverage container tray disposed between and separating the first chamber from the second chamber, wherein the beverage container tray comprises a plurality of beverage container openings each configured to receive a beverage container;a seal disposed within each beverage container opening, wherein the seal is configured to fill a space between the beverage container opening and a beverage container disposed in the respective beverage container opening; anda visual indicator corresponding to a beverage container opening, wherein the visual indicator is configured to display information about the temperature of a beverage container disposed in the respective beverage container opening.2. The beverage cooler of claim 1 , further comprising a refrigeration system disposed in the second chamber.3. The beverage cooler of claim 2 , wherein the refrigeration system comprises an evaporator coil and a fan disposed in the second chamber.4. The beverage cooler of claim 1 , wherein a beverage container door is disposed at each beverage container opening claim 1 , wherein the beverage container door is configured to open when a beverage container is inserted into the beverage container opening.5. The beverage cooler of claim 1 , wherein the visual indicator comprises a plurality ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104811A1
Автор: KLUGE Peter Claus
Принадлежит: CERAMTEC GMBH

The invention relates to a cooling box () for electric or electronic components, consisting of a material. Said cooling box () is non-electrically conductive or practically non-electrically conductive, is configured in one piece or multiple pieces and has a cavity () that is enclosed by the material, said cavity () being closed or provided with at least one opening (). To improve thermal dissipation, at least one surface region of the cooling box () is defined by functions of electrical and/or thermal conductivity. 1. A cooling box for electrical or electronic component elements or circuits made of a material , the cooling box being electrically non-conductive or virtually non-conductive , being constructed in one piece or more than one piece and having a hollow space enveloped by the material , and this hollow space being closed or provided with at least one opening , wherein at least one surface region of the cooling box is defined by the functions of electrical or thermal conductivity.2. A cooling box according to claim 1 , wherein the surface region of the cooling box which is defined by the functions of electrical or thermal conductivity is a metallization layer sintered to the material of the cooling box.3. A cooling box according to claim 2 , wherein the surface region is a printed circuit board.4. A cooling box according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow space of the cooling box has a heating or cooling medium admitted to it.5. A cooling box according to claim 4 , wherein the heating or cooling medium is a gas claim 4 , such as claim 4 , for example claim 4 , air or nitrogen or a liquid claim 4 , such as claim 4 , for example claim 4 , water or oil.6. A cooling box according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the cooling box consists of at least one ceramic component or a composite of different ceramics.7. A cooling box according to claim 1 , wherein sub-pieces of a cooling box of more than one piece are connected.8. A cooling box according to claim 1 , ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022996A1
Автор: KANG Yunjoong

An air conditioner is provided. The air conditioner may include an input device that receives an input for setting an operation requirement, a fan that blows air according to the set operation requirement, an illumination system that illuminates a closed curve region, a case having the fan provided therein and at least one air outlet formed therein for discharging air outward from the closed curve, and a lighting controller that controls the illumination system to generate an indicator of a flow direction of air being discharged through the at least one air outlet. 1. An air conditioner , comprising:a case having at least one air outlet;an input device configured to receive an input for selecting an operation;a fan provided in the case, wherein the fan blows air according to the selected operation so as to discharge air through the at least one air outlet;an illumination system provided at the case, wherein the illumination system selectively illuminates a region defined within a closed curve; anda lighting controller configured to control the illumination system to generate an indicator indicating a direction of the air being discharged through the at least one air outlet.2. The air conditioner of claim 1 , wherein the at least one air outlet comprises a plurality of air outlets claim 1 , and the illumination system comprises a plurality of light sources claim 1 , wherein the lighting controller is configured to activate at least one of the plurality of light sources corresponding to each of the plurality of air outlets which is discharging the air.3. The air conditioner of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to control the illumination system to decrease a quantity of light emitted by at least one of the plurality of light sources arranged at a first region claim 2 , the first region excluding a second region corresponding to each of the plurality of air outlets which is discharging the air.4. The air conditioner of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023000A1

A shelf for supporting items including but not limited to in refrigerated appliances includes in an integrated fashion a supporting surface and around the perimeter of the supporting surface of similar dimensions. A lighting subassembly is mountable to or integrated in the framing. Electrical power can be through touchless or contact electrical communication. In one form the supporting surface is a single substantially clear plate. In another form the supporting surface is a thin glass top layer and a bottom layer overmolded with the framing to the thin glass top layer. 1. A shelf comprising:a. an at least partially light transmissive supporting plate having a thickness and a perimeter edge;b. a framing surrounding the perimeter edge of the supporting plate, the framing having a thickness not substantially greater than the thickness of the supporting plate and an outward extension not substantially greater than the perimeter edge;c. a lighting subassembly along at least one portion of the framing or supporting plate, the lighting subassembly and comprising one or more light sources having light output directed through or along the supporting plate;d. a connection to electrical power between the lighting subassembly and at or near the framing; ande. shelf mounting brackets associated with the framing;f. so that size and proportion of the supporting plate to the framing and lighting subassembly of the framing provide an integrated storage surface, local illumination, and thin appearance when supported by mounting brackets in a space.2. The shelf of wherein the supporting plate comprises glass.3. The shelf of wherein the supporting plate comprises plastic.4. The shelf of wherein the supporting plate comprises a thin top layer of glass and a thicker bottom layer of plastic.5. The shelf of wherein the top and bottom layers are at least substantially optically clear.6. The shelf of wherein the framing comprises a pair of frame members.7. The shelf of wherein at least one ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Illumination device for an electrical household appliance

Номер: US20170023232A1

An electrical household appliance includes an appliance body having a body interior, into which a shelf for storing objects is inserted, and an illumination device having a light source, and a light-directing structure which couples one portion of the light generated by the light source into a narrow side of the shelf, and directs another portion of the light generated by the light source into the body interior. 1. An electrical household appliance comprising:an appliance body having a body interior;a shelf, made of a light-permeable material and inserted into the body interior, for storing objects; andan illumination device including at least one light source and a light-directing structure configured to couple one portion of the light generated by the light source into the shelf at a narrow side of the shelf and direct another portion of the light generated by the light source into the body interior.2. The electrical household appliance according to wherein the light-directing structure is configured to direct the other portion of the light generated by the light source into the body interior in a direction beneath the shelf.3. The electrical household appliance according to wherein an appliance door is mounted on the appliance body claim 1 , through which the body interior is accessible claim 1 , whereby the light-directing structure is disposed adjacent to a front narrow side of the shelf facing the appliance door claim 1 , and is configured to couple the one portion of the light generated by the light source into the front narrow side of the shelf.4. The electrical household appliance according to further comprising a cover part for covering the front narrow side of the shelf claim 3 , wherein at least a portion of the light-directing structure is disposed between the front narrow side of the shelf and the cover part.5. The electrical household appliance according to wherein the light-directing structure includes a hollow profile member defining a cavity claim ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023551A1

A dispensing unit is operatively associated with a refrigeration appliance for selectively dispensing water and ice at a dispensing station. The dispensing unit includes an actuator that is movable to selected positions in order to support the dispensing of the water and ice. The dispensing unit can include a passageway through which ice is dispensed, and an ice door can be provided for selectively opening and closing the passageway to the dispensing of ice. In one aspect, the ice door can be opened and closed mechanically and in another aspect, the ice door can be opened and closed electromechanically. The dispensing unit also can provide for the position of a water-dispensing nozzle to be adjusted for the purpose of dispensing water to receptacles outside a recessed area at which the nozzle is located and to provide for the activation of illuminating devices to indicate operating conditions at the refrigeration appliance. 1. A dispensing unit operatively associated with a refrigeration appliance for selectively dispensing water and ice at a dispensing station at the refrigeration appliance , the dispensing unit including:an actuator movable from a first position, at which first position the actuator supports neither the dispensing of water nor the dispensing of ice at the dispensing station, to a second position, at which second position the actuator supports the dispensing selectively of water and ice at the dispensing station, the actuator including a passageway through which ice can be selectively dispensed at the dispensing station when the actuator is in the second position and ice has been selected to be dispensed;an ice door closing off the passageway to the dispensing of ice when the actuator is in the first position and opening the passageway to the dispensing of ice when the actuator is in the second position and ice has been selected to be dispensed;a flapper coupled to the ice door and having a seating surface configured to seat against the bottom of a ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042738A1

A front panel assembly of a drawer of a refrigerator, a drawer of a refrigerator and a refrigerator. The front panel assembly comprises a front panel body defining an accommodating cavity, and a light emitting mechanism provided in the accommodating cavity and comprising a light source, a light guide body and a reflecting member, wherein the light guide body is provided below the light source and has a slope, the reflecting member is provided obliquely below the slope, the front end face of the front panel body is provided with a light transmissive plate, and light rays emitted from the light source are transmitted to the slope by means of the light guide body, are reflected by the reflecting member, and are then emitted out from the light transmissive plate. The drawer of the refrigerator comprises a drawer body defining a storage space and the front panel assembly provided in the front of the drawer body. The refrigerator has the drawer of the refrigerator. The front panel assembly of the drawer of the refrigerator is provided with a light emitting assembly, such that visual layering and a stereoscopic effect can be implemented, and the mounting and replacement process of the light source can be simplified. 1. A front panel assembly of a drawer of a refrigerator , comprising:a front panel body, defining an accommodating cavity; anda light emitting mechanism, disposed in the accommodating cavity, and comprising a light source, a light guide body and a reflector, wherein the light guide body is disposed below the light source and is provided with an inclined plane; the reflector is disposed obliquely below the inclined plane; whereina front end face of the front panel body is provided with a light transmitting plate, and light emitted by the light source is transmitted by the light guide body to reach the inclined plane, and then to be emitted out from the light transmitting plate after being reflected by the reflector.2. The front panel assembly of the drawer of ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042740A1
Автор: LEE Sangmyung

A method to control a refrigerator includes changing a transparent display assembly to be in a first or transparent state allowing an inner space of the refrigerator to be visible through the transparent assembly, a second or opaque state so as to conceal the inner space, and a third or a display state to display information on a display of the transparent assembly. The transparent display assembly includes a front panel, a rear panel, an outer spacer configured to maintain a first distance between the front panel and the rear panel, a display provided on a rear surface of the front panel, a light guide plate spaced apart from the display, and a first spacer configured to support the light guide plate and to maintain a second distance between the display and the light guide plate. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet; anda door configured to open and close at least a portion of the cabinet, the door including a display assembly; a front panel defining at least a portion of a front surface of the door;', 'a rear panel spaced apart from the front panel;', 'a light guide plate positioned between the front panel and the rear panel, the light guide plate including a front surface, a rear surface and a side surface;', 'a light guide plate support extension configured to support the light guide plate and having a substrate accommodation region;', 'a substrate provided at the substrate accommodation region;', 'a plurality of light emitting devices (LEDs) that are mounted on the substrate such that light emitting surfaces of LEDs face the side surface of the light guide plate;', 'an inner spacer provided between the light guide plate and the rear panel and having an injection hole through which gas is injected into a space defined by the inner spacer, the light guide plate, and the rear panel;', 'a pad contacting the inner spacer and the light guide plate; and', 'a seal contacting the inner spacer and the rear panel., 'wherein the display assembly includes2. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025353A1

A refrigerator apparatus includes a case opening passing through an inner case; and an lighting device in the opening, wherein the device includes: a lamp case having a cavity defined therein; a light-emitting unit accommodated in the cavity, wherein the light-emitting unit is disposed more outwardly than the case opening, wherein the light-emitting unit irradiates light toward an inner surface of the cavity; a cover coupled with the lamp case to cover the case opening, wherein light from the light-emitting unit is reflected from the cavity through the cover toward the refrigerator interior space; and a reflection portion formed on the cover, wherein the reflection portion is configured to allow light from the light-emission unit directed toward the case opening to be redirected toward the inner surface of the cavity. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet comprising an outer case that defines an outer appearance of the refrigerator and an inner case that defines a storage space of the refrigerator, the inner case defining a case opening; and a lighting case that is located at the inner case, the lighting case defining a cavity recessed outward of the case opening and located at a position corresponding to the case opening,', 'a light-emitting unit that is disposed in the cavity, that faces an inner surface of the cavity, and that is configured to emit light toward the inner surface of the cavity, and', 'a cover that is configured to couple to the lighting case, that is configured to cover the case opening, and that is configured to allow transmission of light reflected from the inner surface of the cavity toward the storage space through the cover,, 'a lighting device located at the inner case and configured to illuminate light through the case opening, the lighting device comprising a light-emission portion that covers the case opening and that is configured to transmit light reflected from the cavity, and', 'a step portion that extends from an end of the light- ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033194A1

A refrigerator () is provided with an image capturing camera (image capturing unit) configured to capture an image of an interior of a storage chamber (such as a refrigeration chamber ); a communication portion () (communication unit) configured to transmit image of the interior of the storage chamber captured by the image capturing camera () to an exterior device; wherein the image capturing unit is stored in a recess provided in the interior of the storage chamber. 1. A refrigerator comprising:an image capturing unit configured to capture an image of an interior of the refrigerator; anda communication unit configured to transmit image information of the interior of the refrigerator captured by the image capturing unit to an exterior device;wherein the image capturing unit is stored in a recess provided in the interior of the refrigerator.2. (canceled)3. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein the recess is provided in a location in the interior of the refrigerator not interfering with the door.4. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein the recess has a substrate provided therein and the image capturing unit is mounted on the substrate.5. The refrigerator according to claim 4 , wherein the substrate has a lighting unit implemented thereon claim 4 , and the image capturing unit is oriented in an irradiation direction of the lighting unit.6. The refrigerator according to claim 5 , wherein the lighting unit is provided independent of an interior light for lighting the interior of the refrigerator.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. The refrigerator according to claim 5 , wherein a view angle of the image capturing unit and a radiation angle of the lighting unit differ.11. (canceled)12. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein a lighting unit is provided on a surface of the interior of the refrigerator confronting the image capturing unit claim 1 , the lighting unit being turned off when capturing an image of the interior of the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Power Supplies for Lighted Shelves in a Refrigerator

Номер: US20160033195A1
Автор: KERNER James

Illustrative embodiments of systems and methods for powering lighted shelves in refrigerator appliances are disclosed. In one embodiment, a refrigerator appliance may comprise a cabinet having a temperature-controlled compartment defined therein, a shelf ladder disposed at least partially in the temperature-controlled compartment and providing a plurality of shelf mounting positions, the shelf ladder comprising an electrical bus including first, second, and third conductors, the second conductor configured to supply power at a first current level when electrically coupled to the first conductor, the third conductor configured to supply power at a second current level when electrically coupled to the first conductor, and a first adjustable shelf carrying a first lighting device, the first adjustable shelf being removably mountable in one of the plurality of shelf mounting positions such that the first lighting device is electrically coupled between the first conductor and the second conductor. 1. A refrigerator appliance comprising:a cabinet having a temperature-controlled compartment defined therein;a first shelf ladder disposed at least partially in the temperature-controlled compartment providing a plurality of shelf mounting positions, the shelf ladder comprising an electrical bus having a first bus conductor and a second bus conductor;a first adjustable shelf carrying a first lighting device, the first adjustable shelf being removably mountable in one of the plurality of shelf mounting positions such that the first lighting device is electrically coupled to the electrical bus when the first adjustable shelf is removably mounted in one of the plurality of shelf mounting positions.2. The refrigerator appliance of claim 1 , further comprising a second adjustable shelf carrying a second lighting device claim 1 , the second adjustable shelf being removably mountable in one of the plurality of shelf mounting positions such that the second lighting device is ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031310A1

A shelf for supporting items including but not limited to in refrigerated appliances includes in an integrated fashion a supporting surface and around the perimeter of the supporting surface of similar dimensions. A lighting subassembly is mountable to or integrated in the framing. Electrical power can be through touchless or contact electrical communication. In one form the supporting surface is a single substantially clear plate. In another form the supporting surface is a thin glass top layer and a bottom layer overmolded with the framing to the thin glass top layer. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet with a fresh food compartment and a freezer compartment, and a liner defining an interior portion of the fresh food compartment;a vertical rail having mounting apertures within the liner and supported by the cabinet; an at least partially light transmissive supporting plate having a thickness and a perimeter edge;', 'a frame having a top half and a bottom half, the frame covering the perimeter edge of the supporting plate;', 'a lighting subassembly contained within and located between the top half and the bottom half and in front of the supporting plate, the lighting subassembly comprising one or more light sources having an optical axis substantially aligned with and configured to shine backwardly through the supporting plate;', 'a connection to electrical power between the lighting subassembly and the vertical rail; and', 'shelf mounting brackets associated with the framing., 'a shelf removably attached to the vertical rail, the shelf comprising2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the supporting plate is glass.3. The refrigerator of wherein the frame has a thickness not more than twice the thickness of the glass.4. The refrigerator of claim 3 , wherein the connection to electrical power is contained within the frame.5. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the frame is a single thermoplastic piece overmolded over the supporting plate.6. The refrigerator of ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Storage Apparatus Having Air Purifying Module

Номер: US20150033784A1

A storage apparatus according to an embodiment may include a body having a storage space of storage products and an air purifying module coupled to the body. The air purifying module may include a light emitting diode part disposed along a passage of air to provide ultraviolet light, and a filter part disposed adjacent to the light emitting diode part. 1. A storage apparatus comprising:a body having a storage space of storage products; andan air purifying module coupled to the body, a light emitting diode part disposed along a passage of air to provide ultraviolet light; and', 'a filter part disposed adjacent to the light emitting diode part., 'wherein the air purifying module comprises2. The storage apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the filter part comprises a photocatalytic filter and a collection filter claim 1 , and wherein the photocatalytic filter is disposed between the light emitting diode part and the collection filter.3. The storage apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the filter part further comprises a carbon filter disposed at a rear end of the collection filter to perform a deodorization function.4. The storage apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the light emitting diode part comprises:a light emitting diode for photocatalysts acting with the photocatalytic filter; anda light emitting diode for sterilization removing bacteria captured by the collection filter.5. The storage apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the light emitting diode for photocatalysis emits ultraviolet light of about 300 to 400 nm claim 4 , and the light emitting diode for sterilization emits ultraviolet light of about 200 to 300 nm.6. The storage apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the air purifying module is attachable to an inner wall of the body.7. The storage apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises:a storage chamber for provision of the storage space; andan air circulation conduit through which cold air is supplied to the storage chamber, andwherein the air purifying module is disposed ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

System for adaptive real-time facial recognition using fixed video and still cameras

Номер: US20170032182A1
Принадлежит: Vcognition Technologies Inc

A system for facial recognition, consisting of a global database of facial characteristics of known users, a server which accepts from registration pictures taken on a user's camera device, accepts and processes training pictures and videos of other users to enable algorithm improvement, and a static camera which processes user pictures to determine whether the user is a known user or not based on the global database and a local database associated with each static camera.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049845A1

The present disclosure relates to a refrigerator with an improved lighting structure. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a main body in which a storage compartment is formed;a light source provided on an inner surface of the storage compartment to provide light; anda lighting cover provided to cover the light source,wherein the lighting cover comprises:a first opening formed to irradiate light in a direction perpendicular to the inner surface of the storage compartment; anda second opening formed to be inclined with respect to the inner surface so that light is irradiated to the front of the storage compartment.2. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , further comprisinga transmission member provided to transmit light of the light source between the light source and the lighting cover.3. The refrigerator according to claim 2 , whereinthe transmission member is integrally formed to cover a first opening and a second opening of the lighting cover.4. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , whereinthe transmission member comprises a first region provided to cover the first opening, and a second region disposed at an edge of the first region and provided to cover the second opening, andthe first region and the second region are integrally formed.5. The refrigerator according to claim 2 , whereinthe transmission member comprises at least one of an opaque white colored polymer material with a high reflectivity, a whole transmission material, and a diffusion material.6. The refrigerator according to claim 2 , whereinthe transmission member comprises a material capable of transmitting, diffusing, and totally reflecting light.7. The refrigerator according to claim 2 , whereinthe transmission member is formed with the lighting cover by at least one method of double injection of different materials, insert injection, and fusion.8. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , whereinthe lighting cover comprises a blocking part protruding from an inner surface of the storage compartment so ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150035432A1

An apparatus, system, and method of illumination relative to an appliance. A programmable controller activates one or more light sources automatically based on a trigger or sensed condition. The controller dynamically adjusts the one or more light sources in a closed loop fashion. 1. An appliance comprising:a. a housing;b. an illumination source on or in the housing;c. a triggering component;d. a programmable controller operatively connected to the triggering component and illumination source to instigate a dynamic passive illumination control loop in response to trigger.2. The appliance of wherein the housing comprises a refrigerated cabinet.3. The appliance of wherein the illumination source comprises one or more LEDs.4. The appliance of wherein the triggering component comprises:a. a light sensor;b. a proximity sensor;c. a switch sensor;d. a sound sensore. an appliance state sensor; orf. a timer.5. The appliance of wherein the trigger comprises:a. ambient light level;b. proximity of a user;c. an open door;d. sound levele. temperature, orf. expiration of a period of time.6. The appliance of wherein the dynamic passive illumination control comprises one or more of:a. automatic activation or deactivation of one or more elements of the illumination source;b. increase or decrease in intensity of the illumination source;c. flashing of the illumination source;d. changing color of illumination.7. The appliance of wherein the programmable controller is programmed to execute a plurality of illumination controls.8. The appliance of wherein the plurality of illumination controls comprises a closed control loop.9. The appliance of wherein the illuminate source is associated with:a. an exterior badge;b. a ground light;c. an ice/water dispenser well light;d. a door handle;e. a water filter status indicator;f. an interior shelf light.10. The appliance of wherein the illumination control comprises a plurality of sequenced illumination effects and audio output.11. The appliance of ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032983A1

A refrigerator having an ice and water dispenser has a seal to sealingly engage the ice compartment when the refrigerator door is closed. The seal is flexible to accommodate manufacturing tolerance. The seal may be impregnated with a friction reducing agent to increase life of the seal. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a fresh food compartment;an ice compartment within the fresh food compartment, the ice compartment held at a lower air temperature and a higher air pressure than the fresh food compartment;a door with an inner liner and an outer door pan and having a closed position wherein access to the fresh food compartment is not available;an icemaker in the ice compartment, the icemaker having a planar dispensing portion with a dispensing aperture on a bottom side of the icemaker, the dispensing portion on a plane that is angled with respect to a horizontal plane;a first portion of the inner liner on a complementary plane with respect to the dispensing portion and having a liner aperture disposed below the dispensing aperture;a chute having a first end disposed adjacent the liner aperture and a second end at an ice dispenser adjacent the outer door pan and accessible with the door in the closed position; anda seal between the liner aperture and the dispensing aperture to allow at least ice and air from the icemaker to the chute.2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the seal is configured to prevent air from the ice compartment from leaking into the fresh food compartment when the door is in the closed position.3. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the seal is attached to the inner liner.4. The refrigerator of claim 3 , wherein the seal comprises a compressible material.5. The refrigerator of claim 4 , wherein the seal comprises an additive to reduce friction between the seal and the icemaker.6. The refrigerator of claim 5 , wherein the additive comprises a polytetrafluoroethylene material.7. The refrigerator of further comprising a storage shelf disposed on the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Refrigerator and control method thereof

Номер: US20190032994A1
Автор: Kwanghyun Choi

A refrigerator includes a cabinet forming a storage space, a main door that opens and closes the storage space while defining an opening part that is in communication with the storage space, a sub-door mounted to the main door and configured to open and close the opening part, the sub-door including a panel assembly for allowing selective viewing of an inside of the opening part, a detection device for detecting an operation of a user, a lighting unit inside the refrigerator that turns on based on user operation to allow selective viewing of the inner side of the opening part, and a display unit inside the refrigerator at a position corresponding to the panel assembly that becomes visible and displays an operation state of the refrigerator when the lighting unit turns on.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Led light

Номер: US20140119032A1
Принадлежит: Flextronics GmbH and Co KG

With an LED lamp ( 1; 21 ), particularly a refrigerator lamp or the like, comprising at least one LED ( 2 ), an optics ( 4; 22 ) for the light emitted by the at least one LED (2) and an opaque lamp housing ( 5 ) that surrounds the optics ( 4; 22 ), it is provided according to the invention that the optics ( 4; 22 ) is designed to be transmissive and the opaque lamp housing ( 5 ) and the transmissive optics ( 4; 22 ) are jointly composed of a two-component plastic injection-moulded part ( 6 ).

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Refrigerator and Control Method for Refrigerator and Method for Opening a Refrigerator Door

Номер: US20180038626A1

Provided is a refrigerator and control method for refrigerator and method for opening a refrigerator door. While a user is holding an object in both hands, a door may be automatically and additionally opened using another part of a body other than hands.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038627A1

Provided is a refrigerator and control method for refrigerator and method for opening a refrigerator door. While a user is holding an object in both hands, a door may be automatically and additionally opened using another part of a body other than hands. 1. (canceled)2. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet defining a storage compartment;a door configured to open and close the storage compartment;a detection device configured to detect a presence of a user within a predetermined detection range; anda projector disposed at the door, the projector including a light emitting unit configured to emit light to thereby project an optical pattern on a ground surface within the predetermined detection range.3. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the detection device is disposed at the door.4. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the projector is disposed at a lower part of the door.5. The refrigerator of claim 4 , wherein the detection device is positioned at the lower part of the door forward of the projector.6. The refrigerator of claim 5 , wherein at least a portion of the detection device is positioned vertically above the projector.7. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the detection device is configured to emit a detection light toward the ground surface to thereby detect the presence of the user within the predetermined detection range.8. The refrigerator of claim 7 , wherein the door includes a bottom surface disposed at a lower part of the door claim 7 , the bottom surface facing toward the ground surface claim 7 ,wherein the projector is configured to emit the light through the bottom surface of the door toward the ground surface, andwherein the detection device is configured to emit the detection light through the bottom surface of the door toward the ground surface.9. The refrigerator of claim 8 , wherein the bottom surface is inclined with respect to the ground surface claim 8 , andwherein the projector is configured to project the optical pattern on the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038630A1

A crisper assembly for a refrigerator has a crisper drawer defining a crisper cavity within the crisper drawer wherein the crisper drawer has a front wall, two side walls, a back wall having a top lip, and a bottom surface. A track assembly is coupled to the crisper drawer and configured to movably attach the crisper drawer to the crisper assembly and movably support the crisper drawer for movement in a first direction between a retracted position and an extended position within a refrigeration compartment. A front gasket is coupled to a first receiving flange wherein the front gasket has a bubble portion that contacts the front wall of the crisper drawer. A rear gasket is coupled to a second receiving flange where the rear gasket contacts the top lip and the back wall of the crisper drawer. 1. A crisper assembly for a refrigerator , the crisper assembly comprising:a crisper drawer defining a crisper cavity wherein the crisper drawer comprises a front wall, two side walls, a back wall having a top lip, and a bottom surface;a track assembly configured to moveably attach the crisper drawer to the crisper assembly and moveably support the crisper drawer for movement in a first direction between a retracted position and an extended position within a refrigeration compartment;a front gasket coupled to a first receiving flange wherein the front gasket has a bubble portion that contacts the front wall of the crisper drawer; anda rear gasket coupled to a second receiving flange wherein the rear gasket contacts the top lip and the back wall of the crisper drawer.2. The crisper assembly of further comprising:a shelf positioned above the crisper drawer enclosing the crisper cavity.3. The crisper assembly of claim 2 , wherein the shelf is a platter shelf.4. The crisper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the front gasket has a first clip member coupled to the first receiving flange.5. The crisper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rear gasket has a second clip member coupled to the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038635A1

Provided is a refrigerator and control method for refrigerator and method for opening a refrigerator door. While a user is holding an object in both hands, a door may be automatically and additionally opened using another part of a body other than hands. 1. (canceled)2. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet defining a storage compartment;a door configured to open and close the storage compartment;a lighting unit disposed at the storage compartment and configured to illuminate the storage compartment;a projector disposed at the door, the projector including a light emitting unit configured to emit light to thereby project an optical pattern on a ground surface; anda controller configured to control the lighting unit and the projector,wherein the controller is configured, based on a user operation, to turn on the lighting unit and the projector.3. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the projector includes one or more lenses configured to transmit the light emitted from the light emitting unit toward the ground surface.4. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured claim 2 , based on the door closing the storage compartment claim 2 , to turn on the lighting unit and the light emitting unit.5. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to turn off the lighting unit based on elapsing of a preset time.6. The refrigerator of claim 5 , wherein the controller is configured claim 5 , based on the lighting unit being turned off claim 5 , to maintain the projection of the optical pattern onto the ground surface.7. The refrigerator of claim 6 , wherein the controller is configured to turn off the lighting emitting unit based on an emitting time exceeding a predetermined time greater than the preset time.8. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the door includes a sensor configured to detect a presence of a user in a predetermined detection range claim 2 , andwherein the controller is configured, based on the sensor detecting the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038636A1

Provided is a refrigerator and control method for refrigerator and method for opening a refrigerator door. While a user is holding an object in both hands, a door may be automatically and additionally opened using another part of a body other than hands. 1. (canceled)2. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet defining a storage compartment;a door configured to open and close the storage compartment;a first sensor disposed at the door and configured to detect a presence of a user within a first detection range;a projector disposed at a lower part of the door, the projector including a light emitting unit configured, based on the first sensor detecting the presence of the user within the first detection range, to emit light to project an optical pattern within a second detection range on a ground surface;a second sensor disposed at the lower part of the door and configured to detect a user's operation within the second detection range; anda controller configured, based on the second sensor detecting the user's operation within the second detection range, to generate a control signal to control an operation of the refrigerator.3. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the second sensor is configured to emit a detection light to detect the user's operation within the second detection range.4. The refrigerator of claim 3 , wherein the lower part of the door includes a bottom surface that faces the ground surface claim 3 , andwherein the light emitted from the projector and the detection light emitted from the second sensor pass through the bottom surface of the door toward the ground surface.5. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the projector further includes one or more lenses configured to transmit the light emitted from the light emitting unit toward the ground surface.6. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the projector further includes a film configured to transmit the light emitted from the light emitting unit toward the ground surface.7. The refrigerator of claim ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038637A1

Provided is a refrigerator and control method for refrigerator and method for opening a refrigerator door. While a user is holding an object in both hands, a door may be automatically and additionally opened using another part of a body other than hands. 1. (canceled)2. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet defining a storage compartment;a door configured to open and close the storage compartment, a front surface of the door including a transparent portion through which an interior of the storage compartment is viewable from an outside of the refrigerator;a first sensor disposed at the door and configured to detect a presence of a user within a first detection range;a projector disposed at the door, the projector including a light emitting unit configured, based on the first sensor detecting the presence of the user within the first detection range, to emit light to thereby project an optical pattern within a second detection range on a ground surface; anda second sensor disposed at the door and configured to detect a user's operation within the second detection range,wherein the second sensor is positioned vertically lower than the first sensor.3. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the first sensor is positioned rearward of the transparent portion of the door.4. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the second sensor is positioned rearward of the transparent portion of the door.5. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the first sensor is disposed vertically between the transparent portion and the second sensor.6. The refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein the projector is disposed at a lower part of the door.7. The refrigerator of claim 6 , wherein the projector is disposed at a center portion of the lower part of the door.8. The refrigerator of claim 6 , wherein the second sensor is configured to emit a detection light toward the ground surface to thereby detect the user's operation within the second detection range.9. The refrigerator of claim 8 , wherein the door ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Cooling Unit

Номер: US20220057136A1
Автор: Kim Brian S.

A cooling unit has an internal chamber having a linear lighting source (an in-line lighting source) that has a row of light sources. The row of light sources are has at least one visible light section and at least one ultraviolet light section. The visible light sections and the ultraviolet light sections are all aligned in a single line and the visible light section and the ultraviolet light section are alternatingly placed in the line so a visible light section is adjacent to a ultraviolet light section. The visible light section has one or more visible light emitting LEDs and the ultraviolet light section has one or more ultraviolet light emitting LEDs. Each of the visible light emitting LEDs and the ultraviolet light emitting LEDs are all aligned in the line, as well as the visible light sections and the ultraviolet light sections. 1. A cooling unit comprising a chamber with a door , wherein the chamber has a linear lighting source , wherein the linear lighting source comprises of a row of light sources , wherein the row of light sources comprises of a visible light section and of a ultraviolet light section aligned in a line , wherein the visible light section and the ultraviolet light section are alternatingly placed in the line , wherein the visible light section comprises of a visible light emitting light-emitting diode and the ultraviolet light section comprises of a ultraviolet light emitting light-emitting diode , and wherein the visible light emitting light-emitting diodes and the ultraviolet light emitting light-emitting diodes are all aligned in the line.2. The cooling unit of wherein the linear lighting source further comprises of a cable receiving power.3. The cooling unit of wherein the linear lighting source further comprises of a first endcap located at one end of the linear lighting source and the second endcap located at the opposite ends of the linear lighting source.4. The cooling unit of wherein the linear lighting source further comprises of ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041117A1

A refrigerator includes a liner having an opening defining an inner perimeter therein, a frame coupled with the liner around the inner perimeter and recessed from the opening, and a cover. The cover is coupled with the frame and has a major surface positioned generally flush with a portion the liner surrounding the opening. The cover defines an outer perimeter spaced apart from the inner perimeter of the opening with a portion of the frame at least partially enclosing a channel extending between the outer perimeter of the cover and the inner perimeter of the opening. The assembly further includes at least one light source directed into the channel and illuminating a portion of the frame and an air filter disposed at least partially within the cover positioned behind the major surface. 1. A refrigerator , comprising:a cabinet body;an interior liner disposed in the cabinet body and defining at least a portion of an interior space within the refrigerator, the interior liner defining an opening therein, the opening defining an inner perimeter; and a cover having a major surface facing the interior space and positioned generally flush with a portion the liner surrounding the opening, the cover defining an outer perimeter spaced apart from the inner perimeter of the opening;', 'a frame recessed from the major surface and the liner and at least partially enclosing a channel extending between the outer perimeter of the cover and the inner perimeter of the opening;', 'at least one light source directed into the channel and illuminating a portion of the frame; and', 'an air filter disposed at least partially within the cover positioned behind the major surface., 'an air filter assembly positioned at least partially in the opening of the interior liner, the air filter assembly comprising2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the cover defines a portion of an air flow path around the outer perimeter and directed to an interior of the cover and through the air filter.3. The ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041194A1
Автор: Courter Erika

A method of refrigerator decorating that includes the steps of: placing a removable cover on at least one handle; and incorporating a decorative design in the removable cover. The removable cover preferably may include lighting or include glow in the dark features. The step of placing a removable cover on at least one handle includes placing a removable cover on a first handle and placing a removable cover on a second handle where the refrigerator includes two doors and two handles. 1. A method of refrigerator decorating comprising the steps of:a. placing a removable cover on at least one handle; andb. incorporating a decorative design in the removable cover.2. The method of refrigerator decorating according to claim 1 , where the removable cover includes lighting.3. The method of refrigerator decorating according to claim 1 , where the removable cover includes glow in the dark features.4. The method of refrigerator decorating according to claim 1 , where the step of placing a removable cover on at least one handle includes placing a removable cover on a first handle and placing a removable cover on a second handle. The present invention relates to method to decorate a standard refrigerator door handle.Refrigerators are a common household appliance used in most households. Refrigerators provide a means to store food and beverages for later consumption. A typical refrigerator includes at least one door with a handle that is used to open and close the door. A typical refrigerator handle is vertical and it is normally placed along one edge of the door. As stated at least one handle is available for most refrigerator doors. Some refrigerators have dual doors, one for a freezer compartment and a second for a refrigerator compartment at a cool temperature but above freezing. Some refrigerators with two doors are designed with side by side doors and others have compartments vertically stacked. Some homeowners enjoy adding decorations to their otherwise standard ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041200A1
Автор: NO Hyohoun

An artificial intelligence refrigerator includes a communication unit, a camera configured to capture an image of a tray including a plurality of grooves for storing food, and a processor configured to control the communication unit and the camera. The processor extracts a marker hidden by the food of a plurality of markers respectively attached to the plurality of grooves from the captured image of the tray, acquires a position identifier of a groove corresponding to the hidden marker and a reception time indicating that the food is received in the groove, transmits the acquired position identifier and the reception time to a server through the communication unit, receives determined color information from the server based on the reception time, and controls a light emitting element provided in the groove to output a color to be displayed on the groove included in the received color information. 1. An artificial intelligence refrigerator comprising:a communication unit;a camera configured to capture an image of a tray including a plurality of grooves for storing food; anda processor configured to control the communication unit and the camera, extract a marker hidden by the food of a plurality of markers respectively attached to the plurality of grooves from the captured image of the tray,', 'acquire a position identifier of a groove corresponding to the hidden marker and a reception time indicating that the food is received in the groove,', 'transmit the acquired position identifier and the reception time to a server through the communication unit,', 'receive determined color information from the server based on the reception time, and', 'control a light emitting element provided in the groove to output a color to be displayed on the groove included in the received color information., 'wherein the processor is further configured to2. The artificial intelligence refrigerator according to claim 1 , further comprising a memory configured to store a plurality of ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048240A1

A refrigerator of the present disclosure includes an inner case configured to have a storage chamber, a door configured to open and close the storage chamber, a plurality of side panels configured to cover both sides of the inner case, the plurality of side panels being configured to be formed of a metal material, a case supporter configured to support the inner case, a base configured to support a lower side of the case supporter, at least a portion of the base being configured to be spaced apart from a lower side of the door and the case supporter, and a base panel configured to be attached to an upper surface of the base adjacent to the door, the base panel being configured to be formed of the same material as that of the plurality of side panels or having a metal texture.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047589A1
Автор: Lee Eun Joo, LEE Hang Bok

Provided is a refrigerator, which includes a refrigerating compartment, a freezing compartment, and a door assembly. The freezing compartment is adjacent to the refrigerating compartment. The door assembly selectively opens the refrigerating compartment and the freezing compartment. The door assembly includes a glass member defining a frontal exterior thereof and allowing an inside of the refrigerating compartment or the freezing compartment to be seen therethrough when the door assembly is closed, a deposition treated layer formed on a rear surface of the glass member to allow light to partially pass through the glass member, and a transparent plate spaced a predetermined distance from the glass member. Gas for insulation is injected in a space formed between the glass member and the transparent plate, and the space is sealed. 1. (canceled)2. A refrigerator , comprising:a main body defining a storage space of which a front surface is open, wherein a first receiving part is disposed in the storage space; a frame having an opening;', 'a second receiving part including a receiving basket, the second receiving part configured to be removably mounted to the frame; and', 'a sub door handle protruding from a front surface of the frame and having a recess part;, 'a sub door rotatably coupled to the main body, the sub door includinga light emitting part which emits light toward the first receiving part and the second receiving part, the light emitting part comprising at least one light emitting diode;a compartment door configured to be opened by rotating in a same direction as a rotational direction of the sub door for opening the storage space, and configured to be opened to allow access through the opening of the frame to the second receiving part including the receiving basket, the compartment door including:an inner door part configured to face a front portion of the sub door to close the opening of the frame when the compartment door is in a closed position; a ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Electrical household appliance having an illuminated interior

Номер: US20160047966A1

The invention relates to an electrical household appliance, namely a refrigeration and/or freezer device or a stove, comprising at least one luminous plate () illuminating an interior of the appliance, and a light source device () feeding light into at least one narrow side of the luminous plate. According to the invention, the light source device includes at least one light-emitting diode () and a lens optics, which collects at least a major portion of the light emitted by the light-emitting diode, directing the light to at least one narrow side of the luminous plate. 1. An electrical household appliance comprising:at least one luminous plate which illuminates an interior of the appliance; anda light source device which feeds light into the luminous plate at least on a first narrow side of said luminous plate, wherein the light source device includes at least one light-emitting diode and lens optics which collect at least a major portion of the light radiated by the light-emitting diode and direct it onto the first narrow side of the luminous plate.2. The electrical household appliance according to claim 1 , wherein the lens optics collimate claim 1 , when viewed in a sectional plane orthogonal to the longitudinal extension of the first narrow side claim 1 , the light of the at least one light-emitting diode that passes to said lens optics claim 1 , and light-dispersing structures are formed in the luminous plate claim 1 , at a distance from its outer flat sides claim 1 , in different planes along the thickness of said luminous plate.3. The electrical household appliance according to claim 1 , wherein the lens optics are accommodated in partially or completely recessed manner in a reflector cavity claim 1 , the aperture of which faces towards the first narrow side of the luminous plate and the walls of which form a reflective surface for light from the light-emitting diode.4. The electrical household appliance according to claim 3 , wherein the lens optics are ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065382A1

A refrigerator includes a housing, a door, and an interior member. The housing includes a storage chamber. The door closes the storage chamber to be openable. The interior member is disposed inside the housing. At least part of at least one of the housing, the door, and the interior member is formed of a light-transmitting heat-insulating material containing aerogel, xerogel, or cryogel. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a housing which includes a storage chamber;a door which closes the storage chamber so as to be openable; andan interior member which is disposed inside the housing,wherein at least part of at least one of the housing, the door, and the interior member is formed of a light-transmitting heat-insulating material containing aerogel, xerogel, or cryogel.2. The refrigerator according to claim 1 ,wherein the door includes a window portion through which an inside of the storage chamber is visually recognizable from an outside of the refrigerator, andwherein at least part of the window portion is formed of the light-transmitting heat-insulating material.3. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , further comprising:a light emitter which illuminates an inside of the storage chamber,wherein the interior member is a lighting cover which covers the light emitter, andwherein at least part of the lighting cover is formed of the light-transmitting heat-insulating material.4. The refrigerator according to claim 1 ,wherein the housing includes a plurality of the storage chambers including the storage chamber and a partition portion provided between the plurality of storage chambers, andwherein at least part of the partition portion is formed of the light-transmitting heat-insulating material.5. The refrigerator according to claim 1 ,wherein the interior member is a partition member that partitions an inside of the storage chamber into a first storage portion and a second storage portion which is cooled to a temperature zone lower than that of the first storage portion, ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049173A1
Автор: Jabou Kevin

An apparatus for cooling bottled beverages may include an open-topped vessel defining a bottle chamber. The vessel may have a tubular wall and a base. The apparatus may further include a cooling device in thermal communication with the base of the vessel and with a heat exchanger. The apparatus may also include a tubular housing surrounding the vessel and enclosing the cooling device and the heat exchanger. Additionally, the apparatus may include a fan configured to provide an air flow along an airflow path. The airflow path may extend from an inlet of the housing, across the heat exchanger, to an outlet of the housing. 141.-. (canceled)42. An apparatus for cooling bottled beverages comprising:an open-topped vessel defining a bottle chamber, the vessel having a tubular wall and a base;a cooling device in thermal communication with the base of the vessel and with a heat exchanger;a tubular housing surrounding the vessel and enclosing the cooling device and the heat exchanger; anda fan configured to provide an air flow along an airflow path that extends from an inlet of the housing and across the heat exchanger to an outlet of the housing.43. The apparatus of claim 42 , wherein one of the inlet and the outlet extends through a tubular wall of the housing and the other of the inlet and the outlet is surrounded by the tubular wall of the housing.44. The apparatus of claim 43 , wherein one of the inlet and the outlet extends substantially continuously around the tubular wall of the housing.45. The apparatus of claim 43 , further comprising an external duct coupled to and extending longitudinally from the housing in communication with one of the inlet and the outlet that is surrounded by the tubular wall of the housing.46. The apparatus of claim 42 , further comprising at least one air flow guide within the housing claim 42 , shaped such that the air flow followable along the airflow path from the inlet toward the outlet is deflected one of i) from substantially axial ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049401A1

A domestic appliance, in particular a refrigeration appliance, contains a door having a recessed grip and an illumination device for shining light onto the recessed grip. The illumination device has a projection device for projecting information onto the recessed grip. A method is used to operate a domestic appliance which contains the door having the recessed grip and the projection device for shining light onto the recessed grip, in which method information is projected onto the recessed grip by the projection device. The domestic appliance can be a refrigerator, a freezer, a preservation appliance or combinations thereof. 1014-. (canceled)15. A household appliance , comprising:a door having a recessed handle; andan illumination device for shining light onto said recessed handle, said illumination device having a projection device for projecting information onto said recessed handle.16. The household appliance according to claim 15 , wherein said projection device is integrated into said door.17. The household appliance according to claim 15 , wherein:said recessed handle has an engagement opening formed therein; andsaid projection device radiates the light outside said recessed handle, and the light falls into said recessed handle through said engagement opening in said recessed handle.18. The household appliance according to claim 15 , wherein said projection device has at least one light-emitting diode claim 15 , downstream of which claim 15 , from an optical point of view claim 15 , there is an image-creating element.19. The household appliance according to claim 18 , wherein said image-creating element is a static light-transmitting element.20. The household appliance according to claim 18 , wherein said image-creating element is an image-variable light-transmitting element.21. The household appliance according to claim 15 , wherein said projection device is a laser projector or a light emitting diode projector.22. The household appliance according to claim ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049402A1

There is disclosed a refrigerator; a lighting device provided in the storage chamber, a first door rotatably coupled to the case to open and close the storage chamber, an auxiliary storage chamber provided in the first door, a second door, a front panel formed of a transparent material, an evaporation treatment unit evaporated on an overall back surface of the front panel to transmit lights partially, a variable transparency film attached to a back surface of the evaporation treatment unit provided in the front panel to get transparent when the power is supplied, a frame unit with an opening having a corresponding size to an opening provided in the first door, an insulation panel distant from the front panel, a power supply unit for supplying an electric power to the variable transparency film and the lighting device, a proximity sensor provided in the second door to sense a user's approaching.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190051225A1

An illuminating display window has a window pane and a graphic element including fluorescent material. The graphic element has a major surface facing forward and a perimeter surface extending transverse to the major surface. An electromagnetic radiation source is configured to emit electromagnetic radiation to the perimeter surface of the graphic element. The radiation includes electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength in a non-visible spectrum. The graphic element fluoresces in response to the non-visible radiation to transmit visible light to an observer in front of the window pane. To form the graphic element, fluorescent ink can be deposited on a panel in a predefined pattern or a fluorescent panel could be shaped to have a predefined shape. 1. An illuminating display window comprising:a window pane having a perimeter edge margin, a front surface, a rear surface opposite the first surface, and a thickness extending from the front surface to the rear surface;a graphic element comprising a fluorescent material, the graphic element being supported on the window at a location inboard of the perimeter edge margin of the window pane, the graphic element having a major surface facing forward and a perimeter surface extending transverse to the major surface and defining a perimeter of the graphic element; andan electromagnetic radiation source configured to emit electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength in a non-visible spectrum, the electromagnetic radiation source supported on the window at a location adjacent the perimeter edge margin of the window pane, the electromagnetic radiation source being configured emit the electromagnetic radiation to the perimeter surface of the graphic element whereby the graphic element fluoresces to transmit visible light that is visible to an observer in front of the window pane.2. The illuminating display window set forth in claim 1 , wherein each of the graphic element and the electromagnetic radiation source is disposed ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058040A1

The present invention relates to a refrigerator () comprising at least one fresh food compartment () wherein foodstuffs to be cooled are placed, a vacuum compartment () situated in the fresh food compartment (), wherein foodstuffs are placed for being stored without being deteriorated, a pump () that enables the air inside the vacuum compartment () to be evacuated, and at least one ultraviolet lamp () that is situated on the vacuum compartment () and that provides sterilization. 112324353645—A refrigerator () comprising at least one fresh food compartment () wherein foodstuffs to be cooled are placed , a vacuum compartment () situated in the fresh food compartment () , wherein foodstuffs are placed for being stored without spoiling , a pump () that enables the air inside the vacuum compartment () to be evacuated and at least one ultraviolet lamp () that is situated on the vacuum compartment () and that provides sterilization , characterized by a control unit () that operates the pump () during a pump operation time (t) predetermined by the producer for each type of food and operates the ultraviolet lamp () during a sterilization time (t) predetermined by the producer according to the pump operation time (t).21654—A refrigerator () as in claim 1 , characterized by the control unit () that activates the ultraviolet lamp () while the pump () is not operated.3165—A refrigerator () as in claim 1 , characterized by the control unit () that operates the ultraviolet lamp () for a predetermined sterilization time upper value (t) if the pump operation time (t) is greater than a predetermined pump operation time lower value (t).41733657—A refrigerator () as in claim 1 , comprising at least one lid () disposed on the vacuum compartment () and that allows the foodstuffs to be placed into the vacuum compartment () claim 1 , characterized by the control unit () that activates the ultraviolet lamp () for the predetermined sterilization time (t) when the lid () is opened and closed. ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

System for Monitoring the Contents of a Refrigerator

Номер: US20150059374A1
Автор: Hebel Logan

A system for monitoring the contents of a refrigerator. The system comprises a plurality of cameras mounted within a refrigerator, a wireless transceiver adapted to transmit image data to a mobile electronic device, and a computer-based logic for implementing commands relayed to the present system from the mobile electronic device. The cameras are arranged within the interior of the refrigerator to provide users with a complete view of the contents of their refrigerators. The present system assists users in grocery shopping and planning meals when not at home. 1. A system for monitoring the contents of a refrigerator , comprising:a refrigerator having a housing, at least one hingedly attached door, interior lights, and a plurality of shelves contained therein;a plurality of cameras disposed within the interior of said refrigerator housing;a transceiver adapted to wirelessly send images captured by said cameras to a mobile electronic device;a logic adapted to selectively activate said cameras and activate said interior lights;a user interface adapted to be executed by a mobile electronic device, said user interface adapted to receive said images captured by said cameras and selectively view said images.2. The system for monitoring the contents of a refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein said cameras are disposed such that said cameras are disposed adjacently to a single one of said shelves.3. The system for monitoring the contents of a refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein said user interface allows users to selectively activate said cameras and sequentially view said images captured by said cameras.4. The system for monitoring the contents of a refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein said user interface allows users to selectively activate said cameras and simultaneously view a plurality of said images captured by said cameras.5. A computer system claim 1 , comprising:a refrigerator having a housing, at least one hingedly attached door, interior lights, and a plurality of shelves ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074647A1

The present disclosure is relates to a refrigerator. The refrigerator includes first storage for defining a first storage space therein, a door for opening and closing the first storage space, and a plurality of shelves installed in the first storage space for placing an object thereon. The shelf includes a frame having a plurality of support bars for loading a plurality of wine bottles thereon, a shelf bracket detachably mounted and fixed in the storage space, and an extending rail for supporting the frame to be able to be extended forwardly of the first storage from the shelf bracket. 115-. (canceled)16. A refrigerator comprising:a storage defining a storage space therein;a door for opening and closing the storage space; anda plurality of shelves disposed in the first storage space,wherein a shelf includes:a frame having a plurality of support bars for loading a plurality of wine bottles thereon;a shelf bracket detachably mounted in the storage space; andan extending rail disposed between the frame and the shelf bracket for supporting the frame and be movable against the shelf bracket to extend the frame forwardly from the storage.17. The refrigerator of claim 16 , wherein the frame includes:a front frame defining a front face of the frame, wherein a front face of a support bar is fixed to the front frame;a rear frame defining a rear face of the frame, wherein a rear face of the support bar is fixed to the rear frame; anda side frame at each side of the frame defining each of both side faces of the frame, wherein each side frame is movably fastened to each shelf bracket by each extending rail.18. The refrigerator of claim 17 , wherein the front frame includes a front lamp module to irradiate light below the frame in a rearward direction.19. The refrigerator of claim 18 , wherein the front lamp module is associated with the opening and closing of the door claim 18 , and is powered when the door is opened.20. The refrigerator of claim 17 , wherein the rear frame ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074648A1

A refrigerator includes a cabinet, a door configured to open/close the cabinet, an outer plate defining a front surface of the door and having an opening formed therein to pass through the door, a door liner defining a rear surface of the door, lighting members configured to illuminate storage spaces of the door and the cabinet, a transparent panel assembly mounted to shield the opening and allowing the storage spaces to be selectively seen according to an ON/OFF state of the lighting members, an insulator filled between the outer plate and the door liner, and a blocking part arranged inside the door along a periphery of the transparent panel assembly and detachably coupled to a peripheral surface of the transparent panel assembly to fix the transparent panel assembly. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet that defines a storage space; and{'claim-text': ['an outer plate that defines a front surface of the door, the outer plate having an opening,', 'a door liner that defines a rear surface of the door,', 'a transparent panel assembly disposed in the opening,', 'an insulator disposed in a space defined by the outer plate and the door liner, and', 'a blocking part that is disposed between the insulator and the transparent panel assembly and separates the insulator and the transparent panel assembly from each other.'], '#text': 'a door configured to open and close at least a portion of the storage space, the door comprising:'}2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the transparent panel assembly comprises a front panel claim 1 , a rear panel and a spacer disposed between the front panel and the rear panel claim 1 , andwherein the spacer is disposed at peripheries of the front panel and the rear panel, and the blocking part is disposed at a periphery of the spacer.3. The refrigerator of claim 1 , further comprising a coupler that fixes the blocking part to the spacer.4. The refrigerator of claim 3 , wherein the coupler comprises a screw.5. The refrigerator of claim 3 , ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074649A1
Автор: LEE Sangmyung

A method to control a refrigerator includes changing a transparent display assembly to be in a first or transparent state allowing an inner space of the refrigerator to be visible through the transparent assembly, a second or opaque state so as to conceal the inner space, and a third or a display state to display information on a display of the transparent assembly. The transparent display assembly includes a front panel, a rear panel, an outer spacer configured to maintain a first distance between the front panel and the rear panel, a display provided on a rear surface of the front panel, a light guide plate spaced apart from the display, and a first spacer configured to support the light guide plate and to maintain a second distance between the display and the light guide plate. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet having a storage space;a door configured to open or close the storage space, the door having an opening formed therethrough;a display assembly that covers the opening and is configured such that the storage space is visible therethrough; andan insulation material directly contacting a circumference of the display assembly,{'claim-text': ['a front panel provided at a front surface of the door;', 'a rear panel provided at a rear surface of the door;', 'an outer spacer provided between the front panel and the rear panel and configured to separate a first space of the display assembly from the insulation material;', 'a display panel provided within the first space;', 'an intermediate panel provided within the first space and provided between the display panel and the rear panel;', 'an inner spacer provided within the first space and provided between the intermediate panel and the rear panel to define a second space within the first space; and', 'a display cable electrically connected to the display panel, the display cable being configured to pass between the outer spacer and the insulation material.'], '#text': 'wherein the display assembly includes:'}2. ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074650A1
Автор: LEE Sangmyung

A method to control a refrigerator includes changing a transparent display assembly to be in a first or transparent state allowing an inner space of the refrigerator to be visible through the transparent assembly, a second or opaque state so as to conceal the inner space, and a third or a display state to display information on a display of the transparent assembly. The transparent display assembly includes a front panel, a rear panel, an outer spacer configured to maintain a first distance between the front panel and the rear panel, a display provided on a rear surface of the front panel, a light guide plate spaced apart from the display, and a first spacer configured to support the light guide plate and to maintain a second distance between the display and the light guide plate. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet having a storage space; anda door configured to open or close the storage space, the door including a door liner having an opening;a transparent display assembly that covers the opening of the door liner and is configured such that the storage space is visible therethrough;a pair of door lights that are provided on the door liner at sides of the transparent display assembly and are configured to illuminate the storage space; andan insulation material provided in an insulation space which is defined by the transparent display assembly and the door liner,{'claim-text': ['a front panel provided at a front surface of the door;', 'a rear panel provided at a rear surface of the door;', 'an outer spacer provided between the front panel and the rear panel and configured to separate a first space of the transparent display assembly from the insulation material; and', 'a display panel provided within the first space.'], '#text': 'wherein the transparent display assembly includes:'}2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the pair of door lights include a first door light provided at a first side of the transparent display assembly and a second door light ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056172A1
Автор: Zhu Jianhua

An illuminating tube of a refrigerator comprises an illuminating surface, a mounting surface, and a support, the mounting surface being used to mount the illuminating tube onto a base and the support being disposed in a middle part inside the illuminating tube to support an illuminating chip, an electric circuit being disposed under the support, wherein the illuminating surface is consisted of a first, second and third surfaces having different thicknesses, wherein the first surface is connected with the third surface and the second surface is connected with the third surface. A door for refrigerator comprises a glass panel, a reflection plate and two lateral sides, and further including a pair of the illuminating tubes mounted on the two lateral sides of the door. The illuminating tube and the door for refrigerator using the illuminating tube effectively enhance the uniformity of intensity to no less than 60%. 1. An illuminating tube of a refrigerator comprising an illuminating surface , a mounting surface , and a support , the mounting surface being used to mount the illuminating tube onto a base and the support being disposed in a middle part inside the illuminating tube to support an illuminating chip , an electric circuit being disposed under the support , wherein the illuminating surface is consisted of a first , second and third surfaces having different thicknesses , wherein the first surface is connected with the third surface and the second surface is connected with the third surface.2. The illuminating tube of a refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein a pair of supports are symmetrically distributed in the inner sides of the tube with one of the supports connecting to the first surface and the other to the second surface.3. The illuminating tube of a refrigerator of claim 2 , wherein each of the first and second surfaces has an arc-shaped structure with a uniform thickness claim 2 , while the third surface has a dome-shaped structure with its middle part having ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150062961A1

An illumination device is disclosed, having a lightguide optically coupled to a light source and a transducer for supplying power to the light source by converting energy received from a remote transmitter. Energy received from a remote transmitter can comprise radiofrequency waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet light, sunlight, sound waves or heat. 1. A refrigeration illumination system , comprisinga light source;a lightguide optically coupled to the light source; anda transducer configured to power the light source by converting energy received from a remote transmitter;wherein at least one of the lightguide and the remote transmitter is located within a shelf.2. The refrigeration illumination system of claim 1 , wherein the light source claim 1 , the lightguide claim 1 , and the transducer are located within a product label.3. The refrigeration illumination system of claim 1 , wherein the remote transmitter is located in the shelf.4. The refrigeration illumination system of claim 1 , wherein the lightguide is located within the shelf.5. An illumination device claim 1 , comprising:a light source;a film lightguide optically coupled to the light source; anda transducer configured to power the light source by converting energy received from a remote transmitter.6. The illumination device of claim 5 , wherein the film lightguide is a rectangular layer.7. An illumination device claim 5 , comprising:a light source;a lightguide optically coupled to the light source;a viscoelastic cladding layer disposed on the lightguide; anda transducer configured to power the light source by converting energy received from a remote transmitter.8. The illumination device of claim 7 , wherein the viscoelastic cladding layer includes a pressure sensitive adhesive. This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/501,335, filed on Apr. 11, 2012, which is a national stage filing under 35 U.S.C. 371 of PCT/US2010/054761, filed Oct. 29, 2010, ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061514A1

There is disclosed a refrigerator including a case having a storage chamber provided therein; a lighting device provided in the storage chamber to light an inner space of the storage chamber, a first door rotatably coupled to the case to open and close the storage chamber, an auxiliary storage chamber () provided in the first door to define a storage space, the auxiliary storage chamber () accessible through an opening formed in the first door, a second door () rotatably coupled to the first door in the same direction as the first door, a front panel attached to a front surface of the second door (), the front panel formed of a transparent material, an evaporation treatment unit evaporated on an overall back surface of the front panel to transmit lights partially, a variable transparency film () attached to a back surface of the evaporation treatment unit provided in the front panel to get transparent when the power is supplied, a frame unit of the second door () on which the front panel is mounted, with an opening having a corresponding size to an opening provided in the first door, an insulation panel provided in the frame unit of the second door (), distant from the front panel, a power supply unit for supplying an electric power to the variable transparency film () and the lighting device, a proximity sensor provided in the second door () to sense a user's approaching, and a control unit for controlling the power supply unit to simultaneously operate the variable transparency film () and the lighting device based on a sensing signal of the proximity sensor. 113.-. (canceled)14. A refrigerator comprising:a case having a storage chamber provided therein; a front panel configured to form a front appearance of the door and to be selectively transparent, and', 'an insulation panel formed of a transparent material and provided in the hole and behind the front panel;, 'a door that is rotatably coupled to the case to open and close the storage chamber and has a hole ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Domestic Appliance Having A Door Leaf Which Includes A Recessed Handle

Номер: US20170059238A1

A domestic appliance, in particular a domestic refrigeration appliance, includes an interior chamber and an electronic control apparatus having an electronics system and being constructed to control at least one function of the domestic appliance during operation thereof. A door leaf for opening and closing the interior chamber has an inner face facing the interior chamber and an outer face facing away from the interior chamber. A recessed handle in the outer face includes a grip forming an indentation in the outer face. A lighting configuration has at least one lighting device, in particular an LED, to illuminate the recessed handle. At least a large part of the electronics system and the at least one lighting device form a common assembly disposed within the door leaf adjacent the indentation, so that the at least one lighting device can radiate light out of the indentation into the recessed handle. 111-. (canceled)12. A domestic appliance , comprising:an interior chamber;an electronic control apparatus having an electronics system, said electronic control apparatus being configured to control at least one function of the domestic appliance during operation of the domestic appliance;a door leaf for opening and closing said interior chamber, said door leaf having an inner face facing toward said interior chamber and an outer face facing away from said interior chamber;a recessed handle disposed in said outer face of said door leaf, said recessed handle including a grip forming an indentation being recessed relative to said outer face of said door leaf;a lighting configuration having at least one lighting device configured to illuminate said recessed handle; andat least a part of said electronics system and said at least one lighting device forming a common assembly disposed within said door leaf next to said indentation for permitting said at least one lighting device to radiate light out of said indentation into said recessed handle.13. The domestic appliance ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056832A1
Автор: Snyder Jill

A method of operating a refrigerator appliance is provided. The refrigerator appliance includes a cabinet and an auxiliary light positioned on an exterior of the cabinet. The method includes determining a brightness level setting of the auxiliary light on a user interface of a remote user device and sending a signal from the remote user device to a controller of the refrigerator appliance. The controller is in operative communication with the auxiliary light. The method also includes adjusting a brightness of the auxiliary light to the determined brightness level setting with the controller of the refrigerator appliance based on the received signal. 1. A method of operating a refrigerator appliance , the refrigerator appliance including a cabinet , a door rotatably attached to the cabinet , a pocket handle integrally formed in a recess in the door , and an auxiliary light positioned within the recess , the method comprising:receiving a signal from a remote device at a predetermined time of day; andadjusting a brightness of the auxiliary light of the refrigerator appliance based on the received signal, whereby an exterior of the cabinet is illuminated by reflected light originating from the auxiliary light through a gap.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the brightness of the auxiliary light is independent of an ambient light level.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of adjusting the brightness comprises adjusting the brightness to a predetermined level.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined level is one of a low level claim 3 , a medium level claim 3 , or a high level.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined level is a percentage value within a range from zero percent brightness to one hundred percent brightness.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the signal is a first signal received at a first predetermined time of day claim 1 , and the step of adjusting the brightness comprises adjusting the brightness to a first predetermined ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063080A1
Автор: YEOM Tae Jin

A refrigerator includes a cabinet that defines a storage space therein, a door configured to open and close at least a portion of the storage space, and a user detection sensor disposed at a first side of the door with respect to a center line crossing a width direction of the door and configured to detect a user. The user detection sensor is inclined with respect to a front surface of the door by a predetermined angle to thereby face toward the center line. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet that defines a storage space therein;a door configured to open and close at least a portion of the storage space; anda user detection sensor disposed at a first side of the door with respect to a center line crossing a width direction of the door and configured to detect a user, the user detection sensor being inclined with respect to a front surface of the door by a predetermined angle to thereby face toward the center line.2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the door is configured to rotate about a rotation axis claim 1 , andwherein the user detection sensor is located at an end of the door opposite to the rotation axis.3. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the door comprises a door front panel disposed at the front surface of the door claim 1 ,wherein the door defines a sensor space that receives the user detection sensor at a rear side of the door front panel of the door, the sensor space comprising a sensor window that is defined at an inner side of the sensor space and faces the rear side of the door front panel, andwherein a front end of the user detection sensor faces the sensor window.4. The refrigerator of claim 3 , wherein the door further comprises a first side guide rib and a second side guide rib that are disposed inside the sensor space at positions corresponding to ends of the sensor window claim 3 , the first side guide rib and the second side guide rib extending parallel to each other and being inclined with respect to the rear side of the door ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140140040A1
Принадлежит: WHIRLPOOL S.A.

The present invention, which aims at solving the problem of supplying electricity to removable components of household appliances and other apparatuses in general, pertains to the field of parts and accessories for household appliances and refers to removable components of equipments comprising wireless powered electronic devices. More specifically, the present invention is directed to removable shelves comprising illuminating means, in which their power supply is wireless. 1123415. Energizing system of removable components for equipments in general , more specifically for household appliances comprising elements () removably secured to support structures () of housing () of the equipment () wherein said elements () are provided with electric or electronic driving devices () , said system being CHARACTERIZED in that it comprises:{'b': 1', '6', '2', '4, 'at least one element () comprising at least a surface portion containing conductive material () cooperative with at least a fixed structure () of the equipment ();'}{'b': 6', '5, 'said surface portion containing conductive material () connected to said electric driving device ();'}{'b': 2', '21', '6', '1', '21', '7, 'at least one fixed structure () comprising at least a conductive region () cooperative with the conductive material () of element (), wherein said conductive region () is connected to an electric power source ();'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '3, 'means for allowing wireless electric connection between at least one element () removably secured to at least one support structure () of the structure () of an equipment, and said structure () of said equipment.'}21. Energizing system claim 1 , in accordance with claim 1 , CHARACTERIZED in that said element () comprises:{'b': 11', '12', '5, 'a transparent flat plate () with perimeter covered with a frame () provided with, under one or more of its surfaces, an electric or electronic driving device ();'}{'b': 12', '13', '14', '21', '2', '3', '12, 'wherein side elements ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit

Номер: US20150068240A1
Автор: STOCKER Richard

The invention relates to a refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit having at least one chilled inner space for receiving refrigerated goods or frozen goods, wherein the refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit is designed with at least one lighting means and with at least one receiver for holding one or more information labels, in particular price labels, preferably related to the refrigerated good or frozen good. In accordance with the invention, the lighting means are arranged relative to the receiver such that they illuminate the information label located in the receiver or such that the refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit is designed with at least one display on which at least on piece of information, preferably related to the refrigerated good or frozen good, is reproduced or can be reproduced, with the lighting means and the receiver or the display forming integral components of the refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit. 1. A refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit comprising at least one chilled inner space for receiving refrigerated goods or frozen goods , wherein the refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit includes at least one lighting means and at least one receiver for holding one or more information labels relating to the refrigerated good and/or frozen good , with the lighting means being arranged relative to the receiver such that they illuminate the information label located in the receiver; or the refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit includes at least one display on which at least one piece of information relating to the refrigerated good or frozen good , is reproduced or can be reproduced , with the lighting means and the receiver or the display forming integral components of the refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit.2. A refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the lighting means and the receiver or the display are located in the rear region of the refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit.3. A refrigerator unit and/or ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170064783A1

A light output control device includes a switching device, multiple signal input ports, a signal selection circuit, and a control circuit. The switching device is to be electrically connected between a direct-current power supply and a light source circuit. The light source circuit includes a semiconductor light emitting element. The multiple signal input ports respectively correspond to multiple kinds of light output control signals. The signal selection circuit selects, when receiving two or more light output control signals indicating different light output levels through the multiple signal input ports, a light output control signal indicating a lowest (or highest) light output level, from the two or more light output control signals. The control circuit performs switching control of the switching device with a duty cycle corresponding to the lowest (or highest) light output level indicated by the light output control signal selected by the signal selecting circuit. 1. A light output control device , comprising:a switching device to be electrically connected between a direct-current power supply and a light source circuit including a semiconductor light emitting element;multiple signal input ports respectively corresponding to multiple kinds of light output control signals;a signal selection circuit configured to, when receiving two or more light output control signals indicating different light output levels through the multiple signal input ports, select a light output control signal indicating a lowest light output level, from the two or more light output control signals; anda control circuit configured to perform switching control of the switching device with a duty cycle corresponding to the lowest light output level indicated by the light output control signal selected by the signal selecting circuit.2. The light output control device of claim 1 , wherein:the signal selection circuit includes multiple conversion circuits respectively corresponding to the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064057A1

A refrigerator appliance includes a an insulated cabinet defining a chilled food storage chamber within an interior thereof. An illuminated chamber is defined within the cabinet and is optically separated from the chilled food storage chamber by a wall of the chilled food storage chamber. At least one light source is positioned to emit light into the illuminated chamber. A shelf is selectively mountable in one of a plurality of positions within the food storage chamber. The shelf includes a light-transmitting body. The light-transmitting body of the shelf is in optical communication with the illuminated chamber when the shelf is mounted within the food storage chamber, such that light from the light source of the illuminated chamber travels through the light-transmitting body. As a result, an edge of the shelf is illuminated by the light. 1. A refrigerated appliance defining a vertical direction , a lateral direction , and a transverse direction , the vertical , lateral and transverse directions being mutually perpendicular , the refrigerated appliance comprising:an insulated cabinet extending from a top to a bottom along the vertical direction, the cabinet also extending from a left side to a right side along the lateral direction and from a front to a back along the transverse direction, a chilled food storage chamber defined within an interior of the insulated cabinet, an opening for receipt of food items defined in a front portion of the chilled food storage chamber, and a rear wall defined in a back portion of the chilled food storage chamber;an illuminated chamber defined within the cabinet behind the rear wall, the illuminated chamber optically separated from the food storage chamber by the rear wall, the illuminated chamber comprising at least one light source positioned to emit light into the illuminated chamber; anda shelf selectively mountable in one of a plurality of positions within the food storage chamber, the shelf comprising a light-transmitting ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077975A1
Автор: Brown Matthew S.

A container apparatus includes a container and a light assembly. The light assembly can include four elongate light members. The container can include a rectangular base and a rectangular sidewall extending upwardly from the base. The sidewall defines four corners of the container, and four elongate recesses are formed in the sidewall proximate the four corners of the sidewall to receive the elongate light members. The recesses are sized and shaped to conform to the elongate light members so that the light members can be releasably retained within the elongate recesses. 1. A container apparatus comprising an enclosure having an interior surface , and at least one substantially concave recess formed in the interior surface sized and shaped to receive and engage a light assembly for illuminating an interior area of the enclosure.2. The container apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the enclosure comprises a substantially rectangular base and a substantially rectangular sidewall extending upwardly from the base defining four corners of the enclosure.3. The container apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one substantially concave recess is substantially elongate and formed at one of the four corners defined by the sidewall.4. The container apparatus according to claim 3 , further comprising a light assembly claim 3 , the light assembly comprising at least one elongate light member positioned within the at least one recess.5. The container apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the light assembly comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a cooling element and a heating element.6. The container apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one recess comprises four recesses formed at the four corners defined by the sidewall.7. The container apparatus according to claim 6 , further comprising a light assembly comprising four elongate light members positioned within the four recesses.8. The container apparatus according to ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140153220A1

A lighting unit includes a glass panel including at least two spaced sheets of glass, and a lighting system based on light-emitting diodes the light-emitting portion of which is disposed facing each of the edge surfaces of the sheets of glass and carried by at least one section associated at least with the edge surface of the glass panel. The section is associated with the edge surface of the glass panel without creating thermal bridges. It is attached against the edge surface of the glass panel or demountably fixed to it. 1. A lighting unit comprising:an insulated and illuminated multipart glass panel, the glass panel comprising at least first and second sheets of glass spaced from each other with respective first and second edge surfaces, and associated by a peripheral seal between the first and second sheets of glass,a lighting system comprising at least one support and electrical connection device carrying light-emitting diodes disposed facing the first edge surface, andat least one section comprising a longitudinal base that carries the support and electrical connection device, wherein the section is associated with the glass panel without creating thermal bridges.2. The unit as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a part adapted to maintain a gap between a light-emitting face of the diodes and the glass panel.3. The unit as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a solid surface of a part or the section that is adapted to form a bearing abutment for the glass panel.4. The unit as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the solid surface forming the bearing abutment has a width equivalent to a thickness of the bottom side of the glass panel in its mounted position and is disposed against the whole of a width of an edge surface of the glass panel.5. The unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the section forms a support for the lighting system and for an association of said lighting system with the glass panel claim 1 , association of the section with the glass panel consisting in ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090846A1

The present disclosure relates to a swing door system, preferably for use with a chiller device or freezer device, including at least one swing door, a mullion and a sealing element. The at least one swing door includes a transparent pane and the sealing element is arranged between the swing door and the mullion in a closed position of the swing door. The mullion is translucent at least in part. 1. A swing door system for use with a chiller device or freezer device , comprising:at least one swing door having a closed position;a mullion; anda sealing element,wherein the at least one swing door comprises a transparent pane,wherein the sealing element is between the swing door and the mullion when the swing door is in the closed position, andwherein the mullion is at least translucent at least in a part of the mullion.2. The swing door system of claim 1 , wherein the mullion is transparent at least in a part of the mullion.3. The swing door system according to claim 1 , wherein the mullion has a material that provides mechanical stability to the mullion claim 1 , and the material is at least translucent at least in part.4. The swing door system according to claim 1 , wherein the mullion is fully transparent.5. The swing door system according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing element is at least translucent at least in part of the sealing element and/or wherein the sealing element is compressible.6. The swing door system according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the mullion and the sealing element comprises at least one force-locking element providing a force-locking connection between the mullion and the at last one swing door.7. The swing door system according to claim 6 , wherein the force-locking element of the sealing element is at a lower and/or upper vertical section of the swing door and/or at a handle.8. The swing door system according to claim 6 , wherein the force-locking element is a magnet claim 6 , and/or wherein the at least one swing door and/or the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074580A1

A bottom mount refrigerator is provided with a pantry compartment that is accessible from outside the refrigerator by pulling open an easy access pantry drawer without the need to first open the fresh food compartment or the freezer compartment. A divider between the pantry compartment and the fresh food compartment is formed by a secondary mullion and a transparent shelf. The secondary mullion is provided with a light source for illuminating the contents of the pantry drawer. A light source at the rear of the pantry compartment shines generally forwardly and upwardly to illuminate the fresh food compartment. 1. A bottom mount refrigerator comprising:a cabinet comprising an insulated freezer compartment, an insulated fresh food compartment disposed above the freezer compartment, a pantry compartment located above the freezer compartment and beside the fresh food compartment, and an ice compartment;a door on fresh food compartment;an icemaker in the ice compartment;an ice dispenser in the door;a pantry drawer accessible without opening the door and comprising a front face; anda temperature control sub-system to control temperature in the pantry drawer at least substantially independently of the fresh food compartment, ice compartment, and freezer compartment; andan ice dispenser in the pantry drawer for dispensing ice through the front face.2. The bottom mount refrigerator of wherein the ice compartment is insulated and in the fresh food compartment.3. The bottom mount refrigerator of wherein the fresh food compartment has an upper portion and the ice compartment is in the upper portion claim 2 , further comprising an ice chute in communication between the icemaker and the ice dispenser when the at least one door of the fresh food compartment is closed.4. The bottom mount refrigerator of wherein the pantry drawer is maintained at a temperature different than the freezer compartment.5. The bottom mount refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the pantry compartment is ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Configurable Power Supply Circuit for Lighted Shelves in a Refrigerator

Номер: US20170074581A1
Автор: KERNER James

Illustrative embodiments of systems and methods for powering lighted shelves in refrigerator appliances are disclosed. In one embodiment, a refrigerator appliance may comprise a cabinet having a temperature-controlled compartment defined therein and a plurality of electrical connectors disposed at a plurality of shelf mounting positions within the temperature-controlled compartment. The refrigerator appliance may also comprise a plurality of adjustable shelves each carrying at least one light emitting diode (LED), where each of the plurality of adjustable shelves may be removably mounted in one of the plurality of shelf mounting positions such that the at least one LED is electrically coupled to one of the plurality of electrical connectors. The refrigerator appliance may further comprise a power supply circuit that is electrically coupled to the plurality of electrical connectors and that is configured to selectively supply power to only a subset of the plurality of electrical connectors. 1. A refrigerator appliance comprising:a cabinet having a temperature-controlled compartment defined therein;a plurality of shelf mounting positions disposed in the temperature-controlled compartment;a first adjustable shelf carrying at least one lighting device;a second adjustable shelf carrying at least one lighting device, each of the first and second shelves being removably mounted in one of the plurality of shelf mounting positions; anda power supply circuit configured to: a) determine which of the plurality of shelf mounting positions the first shelf is mounted in; b) determine which of the plurality of shelf mounting positions the second shelf is mounted in; and c) supply power to the first shelf based on the determined position of the first shelf and the determined position of the second shelf.2. The refrigerator appliance of claim 1 , wherein there are more than two shelf mounting positions.3. The refrigerator appliance of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072542A1
Автор: Jinsung Kim

A refrigerator includes a cabinet that defines a storage chamber, a heat exchange space that is defined by the cabinet and positioned rearward of the storage chamber, an evaporator unit that is provided at the heat exchange space, a grill fan assembly that provides a barrier between the heat exchange space and the storage chamber, a drawer door that is configured to be inserted into and withdrawn out of the storage chamber, a draw-out rail provided between an inner surface of the lower storage chamber and both lateral sides of the drawer door to guide a movement of the drawer door into and out of the storage chamber, and a lighting unit provided at a rear surface of the door part and configured to illuminate the drawer part and to guide air coming from the outlet of the grill fan assembly in a downward direction into the storage space.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Softside Cooler with External LED Lighting

Номер: US20190077577A1

An insulated container including a plurality of flexible layers coupled together to form a body of the insulated container. The plurality of flexible layers includes an outer shell. The insulated container includes a plurality of segments coupled to an exterior surface of the outer shell. Each of the plurality of segments forms a loop. The insulated container includes a plurality of flexible straps coupled to the exterior surface of the outer shell. Each of the flexible straps provides a channel along a longitudinal axis of the insulated container. The insulated container includes a lighting strip passing through the loop formed by each of the plurality of segments and through the channel provided by each of the flexible straps to secure the lighting strip to the insulated container. The insulated container may also include a removable lighted speaker configured to be coupled to, and temporarily decoupled from, the outer shell. 1. An insulated container , comprising:a plurality of flexible layers coupled together to form a body of the insulated container, wherein the plurality of flexible layers comprises an outer shell;a plurality of segments coupled to an exterior surface of the outer shell, wherein each of the plurality of segments forms a loop;a plurality of flexible straps coupled to the exterior surface of the outer shell, wherein each of the flexible straps provides a channel along a longitudinal axis of the insulated container; anda lighting strip passing through the loop formed by each of the plurality of segments and through the channel provided by each of the flexible straps to secure the lighting strip to the insulated container.2. The insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the lighting strip includes a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs) spaced apart from each other.3. The insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the lighting strip is flexible and water-proof.4. The insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the insulated container supports a ...
