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06-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621572C2

Заявлен способ обратного сжижения богатой метаном фракции, в частности испаренного газа. При этом богатую метаном фракцию сжимают до давления, которое по меньшей мере на 20% превышает критическое давление подлежащей сжатию фракции, сжижают и переохлаждают. Далее разгружают до давления между 5 и 20 бар и разделяют на газообразную богатую азотом фракцию и жидкую обедненную азотом фракцию. Обедненную азотом фракцию разгружают до давления между 1,1 и 2,0 бар, при этом получающуюся газообразную фракцию без нагревания и сжатия подмешивают в богатую метаном фракцию. Получающаяся при разгрузке бедная азотом жидкая фракция продукта имеет содержание азота ≤1,5 мол.%. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2458296C2

Изобретение относится к способу сжижения газа с высоким содержанием метана, содержащему этапы, при которых создают поток газа; отбирают часть газа из потока для использования в качестве хладагента; сжимают этот хладагент; охлаждают полученный сжатый хладагент охлаждающей текучей средой, имеющей температуру окружающей среды; подвергают охлажденный сжатый хладагент дополнительному охлаждению и расширяют, подают хладагент в зону теплообмена), пропускают поток газа через указанную зону теплообмена для охлаждения по меньшей мере части потока газа путем косвенного теплообмена с расширенным, дополнительно охлажденным хладагентом, тем самым формируя поток охлажденной жидкости. В других вариантах для повышения эффективности можно осуществлять дополнительное вспомогательное охлаждение после одного или более других этапов сжатия. Использование изобретения позволит снизить потребляемую мощность установки сжижения газа. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 4 табл.

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2253809C2

Изобретение относится к способу для ожижения потока сжатого газа, богатого метаном. На первой стадии процесса отводят первую фракцию потока сжатого подаваемого газа, предпочтительно при давлении выше 11000 кПа, и производят ее энтропическое расширение до более низкого давления для охлаждения и, по меньшей мере, частичного ожижения отведенной первой фракции. Вторую фракцию подаваемого потока охлаждают путем непрямого теплообмена с расширенной первой фракцией. Производят последовательное расширение второй фракции до более низкого давления. При этом, по меньшей мере, частично ожижают вторую фракцию потока газа. Ожиженную вторую фракцию отводят из процесса как поток сжатого продукта, имеющий температуру выше -112°С и давление, равное давлению в точке начала кипения или выше него. Использование изобретения позволяет усовершенствовать способ ожижения природного газа. 4 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 1 табл.

10-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2226660C2

Описан способ ожижения природного газа для производства сжатого жидкого продукта, имеющего температуру выше -112°С, с использованием двух смешанных холодильных агентов в двух замкнутых циклах, холодильного агента с низким уровнем температуры для охлаждения и ожижения природного газа и холодильного агента с высоким уровнем температуры для охлаждения холодильного агента с низким уровнем температуры. После использования для ожижения природного газа холодильный агент с низким уровнем температуры (а) нагревают путем теплообмена в противотоке с другим потоком холодильного агента с низким уровнем температуры и путем теплообмена с первым потоком холодильного агента с высоким уровнем температуры, (b) сжимают до повышенного давления и (с) переохлаждают внешней охлаждающей средой. Холодильный агент с низким уровнем температуры затем охлаждают путем теплообмена со вторым потоком холодильного агента с высоким уровнем температуры и путем теплообмена с холодильным агентом с низким уровнем температуры.

27-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2402592C2

Изобретение относится к производству потока сжиженного природного газа (СПГ). Изобретение касается способа производства потока сжиженного природного газа, в котором перед сжижением природного газа из его потока удаляют тяжелые углеводородные компоненты с молекулярным весом, большим молекулярного веса бутана, включающего следующие этапы, на которых создают в основном парообразный поток (1) природного газа с давлением и температурой потока подаваемого газа; подают поток подаваемого газа (1) в дистилляционную колонну (10), имеющую две или больше ступени (11) сепарации; отбирают нижний поток (17) из нижней части дистилляционной колонны (10) и верхний поток (16) из верхней части дистилляционной колонны (10), причем верхний поток (16) содержит относительно меньшее количество компонентов тяжелых углеводородов, чем нижний поток (17); и сжижают по меньшей мере часть верхнего потока (16), в результате чего получают поток сжиженного природного газа; отличающегося тем, что перед подачей потока (1) ...

20-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2482405C2
Принадлежит: ТОТАЛЬ С.А. (FR)

Изобретение касается способа запуска узла сжижения природного газа, содержащего холодильный контур, содержащий охлаждающую жидкость, содержащую смесь углеводородов, при этом способ включает в себя последовательно следующие этапы: (а) введение в холодильный контур и выпуск из него очищающего газа; (б) введение первого рабочего газа в холодильный контур и (в) введение второго рабочего газа в холодильный контур. Средняя молярная масса первого рабочего газа больше средней молярной массы второго рабочего газа. Холодильный контур включает теплообменник, имеющий теплый вход и холодный вход, причем температура охлаждающей жидкости на холодном входе теплообменника снижается по меньшей мере на 30°С между началом и окончанием этапа (б). Изобретение касается также соответствующего способа сжижения природного газа. Использование изобретения обеспечит ускорение процесса запуска за счет облегчения конденсации охлаждающей жидкости в контуре. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 3 ил.

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446370C2

Способ обработки потока природного газа включает стадии подачи частично сконденсированного сырьевого потока (10), имеющего давление свыше 50 бар, в первый аппарат (2) для разделения газа/жидкости, разделения сырьевого потока (10) в первом аппарате (2) для разделения газа/жидкости на первый поток (20) пара и первый поток (70) жидкости, расширения первого потока (20) пара с получением частично сконденсированного первого потока (30) пара, подачи потока (30) пара во второй аппарат (4) для разделения газа/жидкости, разделения потока (30) во втором аппарате (4) для разделения газа/жидкости на второй поток (60) пара и второй поток (40) жидкости, повышения давления второго потока (40) жидкости до давления, равного по меньшей мере 50 бар, с получением в результате сжатого второго потока (50) жидкости и возврата сжатого второго потока (50) жидкости в первый аппарат (2) для разделения газа/жидкости. Первый поток (70) жидкости направляют в третий аппарат (7) для разделения газа/жидкости, который представляет ...

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2355960C1

Азот удаляют из подачи (41) сжиженного природного газа посредством двухступенчатого разделения, в котором сжиженный природный газ (41) подвергают первому фракционированию (23), чтобы обеспечить первый поток (46) пара верхнего погона, обогащенного азотом, и поток (19) жидкого отстоя, содержащего азот, и затем, по меньшей мере, часть указанного потока (19) жидкого отстоя подвергают фракционированию (25), чтобы обеспечить второй поток (36) пара верхнего погона, обогащенного азотом, который имеет более низкую чистоту, чем указанный первый поток (46) пара верхнего погона и поток (50) очищенного сжиженного природного газа. Первое фракционирование проводят в перегонной колонне (23), орошаемой (45) верхним погоном (43) азота, сконденсированного в конденсаторе (24), размещенном в испарительном барабане (25), в котором проводят второе фракционирование. Обеспечение двух потоков (26, 36), содержащих азот с различной концентрацией, дает возможность управлять содержанием азота в топливном газе для использования ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018124786A3

14-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2610625C1

Изобретение относится к криогенной технике. Способ сжижения природного газа включает очистку природного газа от тяжелых углеводородов, сернистых соединений и паров ртути, смешение с технологическим газом и сжатие компрессором с двигателем внутреннего сгорания в качестве привода. Полученный компрессат разделяют на две части. Одну часть охлаждают сторонним хладоагентом и хладоагентом, полученным в чиллере за счет тепла отходящих газов привода компрессора, и смешивают с другой частью, предварительно охлажденной частично нагретым газом сепарации, охлаждают в рекуперационном теплообменнике и разделяют на технологический и продуктовый газы. Продуктовый газ редуцируют и сепарируют с получением сжиженного природного газа и газа сепарации. Газ сепарации нагревают, смешивают с газами регенерации и используют в качестве топливного газа для привода компрессора. Технологический газ редуцируют, нагревают в рекуперационном теплообменнике и смешивают с очищенным и осушенным природным газом. Для снижения ...

26-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019112456A3

27-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018108055A3

10-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018132187A3

13-03-2019 дата публикации

Установка частичного сжижения природного газа

Номер: RU187598U1

В предложенной установке для частичного сжижения природного газа, включающей источник газа высокого давления, блок осушки, расширительное устройство, выполненное в виде турбодетандера, в котором в качестве тормоза на одном валу установлен турбокомпрессор, блок очистки от СО 2 , теплообменник для предварительного охлаждения, основной теплообменник, сборник-сепаратор сжиженного газа. Осушенный поток разделяется на два - технологический и дополнительный, который направляется в блок очистки от СО 2 . После очистки от СО 2 из дополнительного потока выделяется продукционный поток, а оставшаяся часть подмешивается к технологическому потоку и понижает концентрацию СО 2 в сжимаемом потоке до значений, которые гарантируют невыпадение твердого СО 2 в проточной части турбинного модуля, что позволяет повысить надежность и эффективность работы всей установки сжижения природного газа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 187 598 U1 (51) МПК F25J 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F25J 1/0022 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017144255, 18.12.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 13.03.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 13.03.2019 Бюл. № 8 Адрес для переписки: 115280, Москва, ул. Автозаводская, 25, ОАО "НПО "ГЕЛИЙМАШ" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Научно-производственное объединение "ГЕЛИЙМАШ" (ОАО "НПО "ГЕЛИЙМАШ") (RU) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2541360 C1, 10.02.2015. RU предварительного охлаждения, основной теплообменник, сборник-сепаратор сжиженного газа. Осушенный поток разделяется на два технологический и дополнительный, который R U 1 8 7 5 9 8 (54) Установка частичного сжижения природного газа (57) Реферат: В предложенной установке для частичного сжижения природного газа, включающей источник газа высокого давления, блок осушки, расширительное устройство, выполненное в виде турбодетандера, в котором в качестве тормоза ...

25-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2040293C1
Принадлежит: Элкор Корпорейшн (US)

Использование: для улавливания и извлечения этана и более тяжелых углеводородных компонентов из потока углеводородного газа. Сущность изобретения: поток подразделяется на первый и второй потоки. Первый поток охлаждается с последующим конденсированием всего этого потока и расширением до давления, которое ниже давления дистилляционной колонны. После расширения охлажденный первый поток направляется в теплообменник, где он вступает в теплообменную связь с более теплым дистилляционным потоком, поднимающимся из секций фракционирования дистилляционной колонны. После этого происходит разделение нагретого первого потока с целью образования холодного пара и потока жидкости. Жидкость подается в колонну в первой позиции подачи по центру колонны, а холодный пар подается в колонну во второй позиции подачи по центру колонны. Второй поток расширяется до давления колонны, а затем подается в колонну в третьей позиции подачи по центру колонны. Дистилляционный поток охлаждается первым потоком в достаточной ...

20-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2587734C1

Изобретение относится к криогенике. Способ сжижения природного газа включает очистку нерасширившегося газа от примесей, разделение его на три потока, первый и второй из которых подают на сжижение по тракту системы рекуперативных теплообменных аппаратов. Отношение массовых расходов газа, который подается на сжижение, к общему расходу газа, поступающего в вихревые трубы, составляет 0,1-0,2. Далее потоки дросселируют и собирают образовавшийся конденсат в накопительной емкости. Третий поток пропускают через теплообменный аппарат. Далее поток разделяют на два равных потока, подают в вихревые трубы с дополнительным потоком, где разделяют на подогретый и охлажденный с отношением массовых расходов охлажденного газа на выходе из трубы и общего газа, поступающего в нее, равным 1,2. Охлажденный газ из вихревых труб пропускают по тракту системы рекуперативных теплообменных аппаратов, частично охлаждая нерасширившийся поток газа, подаваемый на сжижение. Далее отводят газ к потребителю редуцированного ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2743776C1

Изобретение относится к области морского транспорта и касается системы повторного сжижения отпарного газа (BOG) на судах. Предложенная система повторного сжижения BOG содержит: компрессор, в котором BOG подвергают сжатию; теплообменник, в котором сжатый с помощью компрессора BOG охлаждают посредством теплообмена с применением в качестве охлаждающего агента BOG, несжатого компрессором; редуктор давления, расположенный после теплообменника и снижающий давление текучей среды, охлажденной с помощью теплообменника; и по меньшей мере одну комбинацию, выбранную из комбинации первого температурного датчика, расположенного перед каналом для холодной текучей среды теплообменника, и четвертого температурного датчика, расположенного после канала для горячей текучей среды теплообменника, комбинации второго температурного датчика, расположенного после канала для холодной текучей среды теплообменника, и третьего температурного датчика, расположенного перед каналом для горячей текучей среды теплообменника ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Способ сжижения природного газа по циклу частичного сжижения за счет перепада давления и установка для его осуществления

Номер: RU2678236C1

Изобретение относится к газоперерабатывающей промышленности и может быть использовано для сжижения природного газа на газораспределительных станциях (ГРС). Отбираемый перед ГРС 14 газ осушают в блоке 1 осушки и разделяют на продукционный и технологический потоки. Технологический поток сжимают в компрессоре 4 турбодетандерного агрегата (ТДА), охлаждают в теплообменниках 6 и 7 и направляют в детандер 5 ТДА и далее в рекуперативные теплообменники 9, 7 и 6 для охлаждения технологического и продукционного потоков газа, после чего направляют его на выход ГРС 14. Продукционный поток очищают от СОв блоке 2 очистки. Часть газа продукционного потока после очистки направляют по трубопроводу 3 в технологический поток перед его сжатием в компрессоре 4. Остальную часть продукционного потока охлаждают последовательно в теплообменнике 7 технологическим потоком и в криогенном теплообменнике 9 газом испарения из концевого сепаратора 10, дросселируют и образовавшуюся парожидкостную смесь направляют в концевой ...

10-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002118819A

... 1. Способ сжижения потока сжатого газа, богатого метаном, включающий следующие стадии: (a) отвод первой фракции потока сжатого газа и обеспечение энтропического расширения отведенной первой фракции до более низкого давления для охлаждения и по меньшей мере частичного ожижения отведенной первой фракции, (b) охлаждение второй фракции потока сжатого газа посредством непрямого теплообмена с расширенной первой фракцией; (c) обеспечение расширения второй фракции потока сжатого газа до более низкого давления, при этом по меньшей мере частично ожижают вторую фракцию потока сжатого газа, и (d) удаление сжиженной второй фракции из процесса как поток сжатого продукта, имеющего температуру выше -112°С (-170°F) и давление, равное давлению в точке начала кипения или выше него. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором поток сжатого газа имеет давление выше 11032 кПа (1600 psia). 3. Способ по п.1, в котором охлаждение второй фракции первой фракцией производят в одном или более теплообменников. 4. Способ по п.1, который ...

27-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009115190A

... 1. Способ получения охлажденного сжиженного потока углеводородов, отличающийся тем, что включает, по меньшей мере, стадии: ! (a) обеспечения первого сжиженного потока углеводородов за счет прохождения первого сырьевого потока углеводородов через первую систему сжижения, имеющую одну или большее количество ступеней охлаждения, по меньшей мере, одна из которых имеет замкнутый контур циркуляции хладагента; ! (b) обеспечения второго сжиженного потока углеводородов посредством прохождения первого сырьевого потока углеводородов через вторую систему сжижения, имеющую одну или большее количество ступеней охлаждения, по меньшей мере, одна из которых имеет замкнутый контур циркуляции хладагента; ! (c) объединения первого сжиженного потока углеводородов со вторым сжиженным потоком углеводородов с получением сжиженных углеводородов; ! (d) дополнительного охлаждения объединенного сжиженного потока углеводородов в противотоке с хладагентом, такого, как поток сжиженного природного газа (СПГ). ! 2. Способ ...

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009101148A

... 1. Способ обработки потока углеводородов, например потока природного газа, включающий, по меньшей мере, стадии: ! (a) подачи частично сконденсированного сырьевого потока (10), имеющего давление свыше 50 бар, в первый аппарат (2) для разделения газа/жидкости; ! (b) разделения сырьевого потока (10) в первом аппарате (2) для разделения газа/жидкости на первый поток (20) пара и первый поток (70) жидкости; ! (c) расширения первого потока (20) пара, полученного на стадии (b), с получением в результате, по меньшей мере, частично сконденсированного первого потока (30) пара; ! (d) подачи, по меньшей мере, частичного сконденсированного первого потока (30) пара, полученного на стадии (с), во второй аппарат (4) для разделения газа/жидкости; ! (e) разделения потока (30), полученного на стадии (d), во втором аппарате (4) для разделения газа/жидкости на второй поток (60) пара и второй поток (40) жидкости; ! (f) повышения давления второго потока (40) жидкости, полученного на стадии (е), до давления, равного ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008106604A

... 1. Способ выделения углеводородов, являющихся более тяжелыми, чем метан, из сжиженного природного газа (LNG), включающий: ! а) закачивание насосом жидкого LNG низкого давления в зону с давлением, превышающим 100 ф/дюйм2; ! б) направление сжатого жидкого LNG со стадии а) в холодильный резервуар, где происходит его теплообмен с целью повышения его температуры; ! в) направление нагретого жидкого LNG под давлением со стадии б) в сепаратор, где в комбинации с первой и второй флегмой получается отгоняемый продукт разделения вместе с нижним отстоем; ! г) сжатие нижнего отстоя из сепаратора и затем разделение этого сжатого продукта на первую и вторую части; ! д) направление первой части нижнего отстоя в этаноотгонную колонну в виде потока флегмы; ! е) нагревание второй части сжатого нижнего отстоя из сепаратора путем направления этой второй части в холодильный резервуар; ! ж) направление нагретой второй части сжатого нижнего отстоя из сепаратора в этаноотгонную колонну; ! з) удаление углеводородов ...

20-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008108998A

... 1. Способ ожижения газового потока, имеющего высокое содержание метана, при котором ! обеспечивают упомянутый газовый поток под давлением ниже 1000 фунт/кв.дюйм; ! обеспечивают хладагент под давлением ниже 1000 фунт/кв.дюйм; ! сжимают упомянутый хладагент до давления свыше или равного 1500 фунт/кв.дюйм, чтобы обеспечить сжатый хладагент; ! охлаждают упомянутый сжатый хладагент косвенным теплообменом с охлаждающей текучей средой; ! расширяют упомянутый сжатый хладагент для дальнейшего охлаждения упомянутого сжатого хладагента, тем самым получая расширенный, охлажденный хладагент; ! направляют упомянутый расширенный, охлажденный хладагент в теплообменную зону; и ! пропускают упомянутый газовый поток через упомянутую теплообменную зону, чтобы охладить, по меньшей мере, часть упомянутого газового потока косвенным теплообменом с упомянутым расширенным, охлажденным хладагентом, в результате чего формируют охлажденный газовый поток. ! 2. Способ по п.1, при котором обеспечение хладагента под давлением ...

20-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011137411A

... 1. Способ сжижения фракции с высоким содержанием углеводородов при одновременном удалении фракции с высоким содержанием C, при этом охлаждение и сжижение фракции с высоким содержанием углеводородов происходит при непрямом теплообмене посредством смеси хладагентов циркуляционного контура смеси хладагентов, в котором смесь хладагентов подвергают по меньшей мере двухступенчатому сжатию, и удаление фракции с высоким содержанием Cпроисходит на регулируемом уровне температуры, при этом смесь хладагентов разделяют на газообразную и жидкую фракцию, обе фракции переохлаждаются, расширяются, по существу, до давления всасывания первой ступени компрессора и по меньшей мере частично выпариваются, отличающийся тем, что по меньшей мере временно по меньшей мере один частичный поток (19, 24) сжиженной, прежде газообразной фракции смеси (15) хладагентов расширяется (j, h) и подмешивается к расширенной жидкой фракции смеси (21) хладагентов.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что частичный поток (19, 24) сжиженной ...

10-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004126228A

... 1. Установка для сжижения природного газа, содержащая (А) два или более зависимых агрегата из последовательных элементов, причем каждый из зависимых агрегатов из последовательных элементов содержит криогенную теплообменную установку для охлаждения подаваемого газа до криогенной температуры; (В) общий дроссельный вентиль или общую гидравлическую турбину для понижения давления охлажденного подаваемого газа, чтобы произвести сжиженный природный газ при по существу атмосферном давлении и температуре, по существу равной -162°С (-260°F) ("СПГ") и отводимый газ; (С) общий резервуар для мгновенного испарения для приема СПГ и отводимого газа из общего дроссельного вентиля или общей гидравлической турбины, в котором СПГ и отводимый газ разделяются, причем общий резервуар для мгновенного испарения имеет выпуск для жидкости и выпуск для пара; (D) по меньшей мере один резервуар для хранения для приема СПГ из выпуска для жидкости общего резервуара для мгновенного испарения, и (Е) средство для удаления ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015116267A

... 1. Змеевиковый теплообменник, содержащий:множество входов (30-36), каждый из которых соединен по меньшей мере с одной согласованной трубой (20) теплообменника (1), так что по меньшей мере один поток (S) первой среды, а также один поток (S') второй среды можно направлять по меньшей мере через один согласованный вход (30, 32, 36, 33, 35) в соответствующую согласованную по меньшей мере одну трубу (20), при этом теплообменник (1) имеет кожух (10), окружающий пространство (11) кожуха, в котором расположены указанные трубы (20), так что, в частности, проходящий в пространстве (11) кожуха поток (S''') среды вступает в косвенный теплообмен с проходящим в соответствующей трубе (20) потоком (S, S') среды, и при этом указанные трубы (20) навиты вокруг центральной трубы (12) теплообменника (1), отличающийся тем, что каждая из согласованных с соответствующим входом (30-36) труб (20) задает нагревательную поверхность, при этом теплообменник (1) имеет по меньшей мере одно переключательное средство (100 ...

04-08-1999 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling condensation of gaseous hydrocarbon stream

Номер: GB0009912825D0

26-08-1987 дата публикации

Ammonia synthesis

Номер: GB2186870A

An ammonia production process in which excess nitrogen and traces of carbon oxides are removed from raw ammonia synthesis gas firstly by application of partial condensation and secondly by application of washing action provided by carbon-oxides-free liquified gas, rich in nitrogen, which is derived from a cryogenic process used preferentially for separation of hydrogen from the ammonia synthesis loop purge gas as produced in processes which use excess of nitrogen above stoichiometric requirements in the circulating gas in the synthesis loop.

22-11-1989 дата публикации

Номер: GB0002186870B

02-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001463649A

... 1463649 Liquefying gases COMPAGNIE FRANCAISE D'ETUDES ET DE CONSTRUCTION TECHNIP 29 May 1975 [31 May 1974] 23467/75 Heading F4P A method of cooling a gas in line 7c, 8c, 9c, e.g. in the liquefaction of natural gas, by means of a closed refrigerating cycle comprises compressing, partially condensing and separating refrigerant at 1, 2, 4, sub-cooling liquid fraction 4c in exchanger 10 in counter-current with vaporizing refrigerant in shell 10b which is derived by expanding at 11 the sub-cooled liquid fraction, returning revaporized refrigerant from shell 10b via line 15 to an intermediate pressure stage of compressor 1, partially condensing and separating vapour fraction 4b at 10, 5, condensing vapour fraction 5b in exchanger 8 in counter-current with vaporizing refrigerant in shell 86 derived by expanding the condensed vapour fraction 5c at 12, and subcooling this condensed vapour fraction in exchanger 9 in countercurrent with vaporizing refrigerant in shell 9b derived by expanding at 13 ...

29-12-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in refrigeration

Номер: GB0001096781A

... 1,096,781. Refrigerating; gas liquefaction processes. AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS Inc. Jan. 5, 1965 [Jan. 16, 1964], No. 409/65. Addition to 1,089,192. Headings F4H and F4P In a refrigeration process gas is passed through two heat-exchange zones in parallel, a portion of the gas is withdrawn from an intermediate point in one zone and merged with the gas leaving the other zone, the merged gases are expanded with the production of work and all of the expanded gas is passed through said one heat exchange zone. As shown, fluid, e.g. air, from a compressor discharge line 7 is divided into two streams 9 and 11 of which the former is cooled in a heat exchanger 13 then adiabatically expanded through valve 15 while the latter stream is cooled by an external refrigerating circuit 21 in heat exchanger 19, merged with a portion of stream 9 drawn from between the ends of exchanger 13 through line 29 and then expanded in a reciprocating engine 31. The stream from valve 15 is forwarded to a separator 17 ...

10-12-1980 дата публикации

Recovery of hydrogen from ammonia synthesis purge gas

Номер: GB0002048448A

In a process for the recovery of hydrogen from compressed purge gas withdrawn from a recyling gas stream of an ammonia synthesis wherein the hydrogen is separated from the purge gas by partial condensation at cryogenic temperatures, refrigeration is provided by expanding and evaporating the condensate so formed, and the partial pressure of the expanded condensate is lowered by withdrawing a bleed stream from said uncondensed gas, expanding said bleed stream and injecting it into said expanded condensate, condensation of nitrogen employed to purge the cold box for the cryogenic process is avoided by either injecting into the bleed stream a warmer gas provided from the uncondensed gas and/or the purge gas or expanding the condensate and bleed stream in stages with separate expansion thereof in an initial stage and injection of the bleed stream into the condensate prior to the final stage.

30-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508764D0

31-12-2012 дата публикации

Method of treating a hydrocarbon stream comprisingmethane, and an apparatus therefor

Номер: AP2012006622A0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008792A0

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP2017009739A0

31-01-2014 дата публикации

A method and system for production of liquid natu ral gas

Номер: AP0000002825A

30-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508764A0

28-02-2010 дата публикации

Boil-off gas treatment process and system

Номер: AP2010005121A0

30-11-2013 дата публикации

Boil-off gas treatment process and system

Номер: AP0000002796A

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP2017009740A0

30-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008764A0

28-02-2010 дата публикации

A method and system for production of liquid natural gas

Номер: AP2010005120A0

04-05-2006 дата публикации

Process for liquefying natural gas by expansion cooling.

Номер: OA0000012115A

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Process of liquefaction and transport of a natural gas.

Номер: OA0000002527A

14-01-1970 дата публикации

Cycle in cascade improved for the natural gas liquefaction.

Номер: OA0000001771A

11-05-2006 дата публикации

Enhanced NGL recovery utilizing refrigeration and reflux from LNG plants.

Номер: OA0000012269A

30-07-2003 дата публикации

Process for liquefying a natural gas stream containing at least one freezable component

Номер: OA0000011270A

04-04-2003 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling condensation of gaseous hydrocarbon stream

Номер: OA0000011125A

30-07-2003 дата публикации

Improved process for liquefaction of natural gas

Номер: OA0000011267A

06-03-2003 дата публикации

Aromatics and/or heavies removal from a methane-based feed by condensation and stripping

Номер: OA0000011014A

31-01-1987 дата публикации

Deep flash Ling cycle.

Номер: OA0000007944A

16-08-2005 дата публикации

Dual refrigeration cycles for natural gas liquefaction.

Номер: OA0000011810A

28-02-2010 дата публикации

A method and system for production of liquid natural gas

Номер: AP0201005120D0

28-02-2010 дата публикации

Boil-off gas treatment process and system

Номер: AP0201005121D0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508792A0

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709739D0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508792D0

28-02-2010 дата публикации

Boil-off gas treatment process and system

Номер: AP0201005121A0

28-02-2010 дата публикации

A method and system for production of liquid natural gas

Номер: AP0201005120A0

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709740D0

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709739A0

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709740A0

31-12-2012 дата публикации

Method of treating a hydrocarbon stream comprisingmethane, and an apparatus therefor

Номер: AP0201206622A0

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362459T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535699T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000545900T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000542086T

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000907798A

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413598B

This invention relates to a process for liquefying a gas stream rich in methane and having a pressure above about 3103 kPa (450 psia). The gas stream is expanded to a lower pressure to produce a gas phase and a liquid product having a temperature above about -112 {C (-170 {F) and a pressure sufficient for the liquid product to be at or below its bubble point. The gas phase and the liquid product are then phase separated in a suitable separator, and the liquid product is introduced to a storage means for storage at a temperature above about -112 {C (-170 {F).

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507447T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000516466T

15-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000015938T

11-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000470261B2

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019257452B2

Abstract A method including, compressing a first hydrogen stream, and expanding a portion to produce a hydrogen refrigeration stream, cooling a second hydrogen stream thereby producing a cool hydrogen stream, wherein at least a portion of the refrigeration is provided by a nitrogen refrigeration stream, further cooling at least a portion of the cool hydrogen stream thereby producing a cold hydrogen stream, and a warm hydrogen refrigeration stream wherein at least a portion of the refrigeration is provided by the hydrogen refrigeration stream, compressing the warm hydrogen refrigeration stream, mixing the balance of the compressed first hydrogen stream with a high-pressure gaseous nitrogen stream to form an ammonia synthesis gas stream, and wherein the first hydrogen stream and the warm hydrogen refrigeration stream are compressed in the same compressor. r- I LO - I * * I0 (N t.0 o (N: I n * * 212 * . I I * * -0 00* LrL. m ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019257447B2

Abstract A method of liquefying hydrogen, including dividing a hydrogen stream into at least a first fraction and a second fraction, introducing the first fraction into a refrigeration cycle of a hydrogen liquefaction unit, thereby liquefying a product hydrogen stream, withdrawing one or more warm hydrogen stream(s) from the hydrogen liquefaction unit, and returning the one or more warm hydrogen stream to the hydrogen stream, wherein the second fraction is combined with a high-pressure nitrogen stream to form an ammonia synthesis gas stream.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Natural gas liquefaction by a high pressure expansion process using multiple turboexpander compressors

Номер: AU2018354587A1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

A method and system for liquefying a feed gas stream including natural gas. The feed gas stream is provided at a pressure less than 82,7 bara. A refrigerant stream (408) having a pressure of at least 103,4 bara is cooled (410) and then expanded in a first expander (414) to an intermediate pressure. The first expander is mechanically coupled to a first coupled compressor (438) to together form a first turboexpander-compressor. The refrigerant stream is expanded in a second expander (418), which is mechanically coupled to a second coupled compressor (429) to together form a second turboexpander-compressor. The refrigerant stream cools the feed gas stream (406) in one or more heat exchangers (422). Using the second coupled compressor (429) and a first driven compressor (431), the refrigerant stream is compressed to a discharge pressure within 20,7 bara of the intermediate pressure. The refrigerant stream is compressed using the first coupled compressor (438) and is further compressed (442) ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019257452B9

Abstract A method including, compressing a first hydrogen stream, and expanding a portion to produce a hydrogen refrigeration stream, cooling a second hydrogen stream thereby producing a cool hydrogen stream, wherein at least a portion of the refrigeration is provided by a nitrogen refrigeration stream, further cooling at least a portion of the cool hydrogen stream thereby producing a cold hydrogen stream, and a warm hydrogen refrigeration stream wherein at least a portion of the refrigeration is provided by the hydrogen refrigeration stream, compressing the warm hydrogen refrigeration stream, mixing the balance of the compressed first hydrogen stream with a high-pressure gaseous nitrogen stream to form an ammonia synthesis gas stream, and wherein the first hydrogen stream and the warm hydrogen refrigeration stream are compressed in the same compressor. r- I LO - I * * I0 (N t.0 o (N: I n * * 212 * . I I * * -0 00* LrL. m ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019203150A1

Described herein are methods and systems for the liquefaction of natural gas to produce a LNG product. The methods and systems use an apparatus for separating a flash gas from a liquefied natural gas (LNG) stream to produce a LNG product and recovering refrigeration from the flash gas. The apparatus includes a shell casing enclosing a heat exchange zone comprising a coil wound heat exchanger, and a separation zone. The heat exchange zone is located above and in fluid communication with the separation zone. Flash gas is separated from the LNG product in the separation zone and flows upwards from the separation zone into the heat exchange zone where refrigeration is recovered from the separated flash gas.

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019202815A1

Described herein are methods and systems for the liquefaction of a natural gas feed stream using a refrigerant comprising methane. The methods and systems use a refrigeration circuit and cycle that employs two or more turbo-expanders to expand two 5 or more streams of gaseous refrigerant down to different pressures to provide cold streams of at least predominantly gaseous refrigerant at different pressures that are used to provide refrigeration for precooling and liquefying the natural gas. The resulting liquefied natural gas stream is then flashed to produce an LNG product and a flash gas, the flash gas being recycled to the natural gas feed stream.

17-02-2005 дата публикации

Cryogenic process for the recovery of natural gas liquids from liquid natural gas

Номер: AU2004263811A1

14-09-2006 дата публикации

Helium production in LNG plants

Номер: AU2006222326A1

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Method for separating off nitrogen and hydrogen from natural gas

Номер: AU2011221366B2

Abstract Method for separating off nitrogen and hydrogen from natural gas A method is described for separating off nitrogen and lighter components, in particular hydrogen, carbon monoxide, neon and argon, from a feed fraction that is to be liquefied 5 containing at least methane, nitrogen and hydrogen, wherein the cooling and liquefaction of the feed fraction proceeds against the refrigerant or mixed refrigerant of at least one refrigeration cycle. According to the invention, 10 a) the feed fraction (1) is partially condensed (E1), b) is separated in at least one rectification column (T) into a methane-rich fraction (6) and a fraction (4) containing nitrogen and lighter components, and c) the methane-rich fraction (6) is subcooled, d) wherein the cooling of the top condenser (E2) of the rectification column (T) 15 proceeds via the refrigerant or mixed refrigerant or a substream of the refrigerant or mixed refrigerant of the, or at least one, refrigeration cycle (20 24). Ill. CNCf CYCo CY ...

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Heat exchanger with sections

Номер: AU2012201620A1

Abstract The invention relates to a heat exchanger (1) for the indirect heat exchange between at least one first and one second medium, said heat exchanger including a nest of pipes (10) formed from a plurality of pipes helically coiled about a core pipe (100) for the reception of the first medium, and a jacket (20) , which encloses the nest of pipes (10) and defines a jacket space (200) surrounding the nest of pipes (10) for the reception of the second medium such that the two media can enter into indirect heat exchange. According to the invention, it is provided that the pipes are helically coiled about the core pipe (100) in such a manner that there is formed at least one first section (11) of the nest of pipes (10) encircling the core pipe (100) and one second section (12) of the nest of pipes (10) which is separate from said first section, encircles the core pipe (100) and surrounds the first section (11), wherein the two sections (11, 12) have in each case at least one associated ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации

Multiple reflux stream hydrocarbon recovery process

Номер: AU2004205902B2

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Lng facility with integrated ngl recovery for enhanced liquid recovery and product flexibility

Номер: US20120042690A1
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Co

Process for efficiently operating a natural gas liquefaction system with integrated heavies removal/natural gas liquids recovery to produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) and/or natural gas liquids (NGL) products with varying characteristics, such as, for example higher heating value (HHV) and/or propane content. Resulting LNG and/or NGL products are capable of meeting the significantly different specifications of two or more markets.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for separating off nitrogen and hydrogen from natural gas

Номер: US20120060554A1
Автор: Hans Schmidt
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

The invention relates to a method for separating off nitrogen and lighter components, in particular hydrogen, carbon monoxide, neon and argon, from a feed fraction (e.g., natural gas) that is to be liquefied containing at least methane, nitrogen and hydrogen. The cooling and liquefaction of the feed fraction proceeds against the refrigerant or mixed refrigerant of at least one refrigeration cycle. In the inventive method, the feed fraction ( 1 ) is partially condensed (E 1 ), and separated in at least one rectification column (T) into a methane-rich fraction ( 6 ) and a fraction ( 4 ) containing nitrogen and lighter components. The methane-rich fraction ( 6 ) is subcooled. Additionally, cooling of the top condenser (E 2 ) of the rectification column (T) proceeds via a refrigerant or mixed refrigerant or a substream of the refrigerant or mixed refrigerant of at least one, refrigeration cycle ( 20 - 24 ).

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Rebalancing a main heat exchanger in a process for liquefying a tube side stream

Номер: US20130111947A1
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

A process for liquefying a tube side stream in a main heat exchanger is described. The process comprises the steps of: a) providing a first mass flow to the warm end of a first subset of individual tubes, b) providing a second mass flow to the warm end of a second subset of individual tubes, c) evaporating a refrigerant stream on the shell side; d) measuring an exit temperature of the first mass flow; e) measuring an exit temperature of the second mass flow; and, f) comparing the exit temperature of the first mass flow measured in step d) to the exit temperature of the second mass flow measured in step e), the process characterized in that at least one of the first and second mass flows is adjusted to equalise the exit temperature of the first mass flow with the exit temperature of the second mass flow.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Using Multiple Cryogenic Hydraulic Turbines

Номер: US20170003072A1

There is provided a system and method for producing liquefied natural gas (LNG). An exemplary method includes flowing a high-pressure stream of LNG through a first series of liquid turbines. The exemplary method also includes generating electricity by reducing the pressure of the high-pressure stream of LNG to form a low-pressure stream of LNG. The exemplary method additionally includes bypassing any one the liquid turbines that has a failure while continuing to produce electricity from the first series. 1. A method for generating electricity from liquid turbines , comprising:{'sup': 'st', 'flowing a high-pressure liquid stream through a first plurality of n liquid turbines coupled in a first series, wherein, after a first turbine in the series, an inlet of each of the second through the n-1liquid turbines is coupled to an outlet of a proceeding liquid turbine;'}generating electricity from the first series by removing energy from the high-pressure liquid stream to form a low-pressure liquid stream;bypassing any one of the first plurality of liquid turbines that has a failure while continuing to produce electricity with the remaining turbines of the first series; andoperating the first plurality of liquid turbines in the first series that are not bypassed to maintain a pressure and flow rate of the low-pressure liquid stream.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:maintaining the total electrical output from the first series as a constant value when a liquid turbine is bypassed.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:maintaining the temperature of the low-pressure liquid stream from the first series when a liquid turbine is bypassed.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:removing a portion of the high-pressure liquid stream prior to the first series;{'sup': 'st', 'flowing the portion through a second plurality of n liquid turbines coupled in a second series, wherein, after a first turbine in the series, an inlet of each of the second through the n- ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for the Production of Liquefied Natural Gas

Номер: US20170010042A1
Автор: Kerth Jason M.

A method for producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) is provided. The method may include feeding natural gas from a high-pressure natural gas source to a separator and removing a non-hydrocarbon from the natural gas. A portion of the natural gas from the separator may be precooled, and the precooled natural gas may be cooled in a first heat exchanger with a first refrigeration stream. A first portion of the cooled natural gas may be expanded in a turbo-expander to generate the first refrigeration stream. A second portion of the cooled natural gas may be cooled in a second heat exchanger with the first refrigeration stream and expanded in an expansion valve to produce a two-phase fluid containing the LNG and a vapor phase. The LNG may be separated from the vapor phase in a liquid separator and stored in a storage tank. 1. A method for producing liquefied natural gas from a high-pressure natural gas source , comprising:feeding natural gas from the high-pressure natural gas source to a separator;removing a non-hydrocarbon from the natural gas in the separator;precooling a portion of the natural gas from the separator in a cooling assembly;cooling the precooled natural gas from the cooling assembly in a first heat exchanger with a first refrigeration stream;expanding a first portion of the cooled natural gas from the first heat exchanger in a turbo-expander to generate the first refrigeration stream;cooling a second portion of the cooled natural gas from the first heat exchanger in a second heat exchanger with the first refrigeration stream;expanding the second portion of the cooled natural gas from the second heat exchanger in an expansion valve to produce a two-phase fluid containing the liquefied natural gas and a vapor phase;separating the liquefied natural gas from the vapor phase in a liquid separator; andstoring the liquefied natural gas in a storage tank.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising at least partially separating natural gas liquids from the first ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Liquid Air Energy Storage Systems, Devices, and Methods

Номер: US20170016577A1

Liquid air energy storage (LAES) systems with increased efficiency and operating profit obtained through rational selection and configuration of the equipment used and optimization of the configuration/parameters of such equipment. In various embodiments, the LAES system is intended for operation preferably in an environmentally-friendly stand-alone regime with recovery of hot thermal energy extracted from compressed charging air and cold thermal energy extracted from discharged air.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023293A1
Автор: Mak John

Variable N2 content in feed gas ranging from 3 mol % to 50 mol % can be rejected from the process using a feed exchanger that is fluidly coupled with a cold separator and a single fractionation column to produce a nitrogen vent stream and streams that are suitable to be further processed for NGL recovery and LNG production. 1. A plant with a nitrogen removal unit and a natural gas liquids recovery unit , comprising:a feed gas source configured to provide a hydrocarbonaceous feed gas having a CO2 content of equal or less than 50 ppmv, a water content of equal or less than 0.1 ppmv, and a nitrogen content of at least 3 mol %;a heat exchanger configured to receive and cool the hydrocarbonaceous feed gas to a temperature that condenses C3+ components in the hydrocarbonaceous feed gas;a phase separator configured to receive the cooled hydrocarbonaceous feed gas and to separate the condensed C3+ components as a liquid stream from a vapor stream comprising C1, C2, and nitrogen;a conduit fluidly coupled to the phase separator and configured to transport the liquid stream to a natural gas liquids recovery unit;a refluxed fractionation column configured to receive the vapor stream and to produce a nitrogen-enriched overhead product and a nitrogen-depleted bottom product;a reflux condenser configured to partially condense the nitrogen-enriched overhead product using refrigeration of a pressure-reduced first portion of the nitrogen-depleted bottom product to thereby produce a liquid reflux to the fractionation column and a gaseous nitrogen vent stream; anda natural gas liquefaction unit fluidly coupled to the refluxed fractionation column and configured to receive the first portion of the nitrogen-depleted bottom product and a second portion of the nitrogen-depleted bottom product.2. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is further configured to receive and cool the vapor stream to at least partially condense the vapor stream.3. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Heavy Hydrocarbon Removal System for Lean Natural Gas Liquefaction

Номер: US20180023889A1
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

A system and method for integrated heavy hydrocarbon removal in a liquefaction system having a lean natural gas source. An economizer located between a main cryogenic heat exchanger and a reflux drum is provided to cool an overhead vapor stream against a partially condensed stream. In addition, pressure of the natural gas feed stream is maintained into a scrub column. A pressure drop is provided by a valve located between the economizer and the reflux drum on a partially condensed stream withdrawn from the cold end of the warm section of the main cryogenic heat exchanger.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033055A1

In a process of the separation of a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methane, the mixture is sent to a scrubbing column, a bottom liquid withdrawn at the bottom of the scrubbing column is depleted in hydrogen with respect to the mixture and is sent to a stripping column, a bottom liquid from the stripping column is sent to a separation column and a liquid enriched in methane withdrawn from the bottom of the separation column is vaporized in order to form a final product. 1. A process for the separation of a mixture of carbon monoxide , hydrogen and methane , the process comprising the steps of:i) sending the mixture or a fluid derived from this mixture, after cooling to a cryogenic temperature in a heat exchanger, to a scrubbing column fed at the top with a liquid containing at least 80 mol % of carbon monoxide or to at least one phase separator;ii) withdrawing a bottom liquid at the bottom of the scrubbing column or of the phase separator or of one of the phase separators is depleted in hydrogen with respect to the mixture and is sent to a stripping column;iii) withdrawing a gas at the top of the stripping column;iv) sending a bottom liquid from the stripping column to a separation column; andv) withdrawing a liquid enriched in methane from the bottom of the separation column and vaporized in the heat exchanger in order to form a final product,wherein the vaporized liquid enriched in methane is compressed in a compressor and a part of the compressed gas is returned at the bottom of the separation column for separation therein.2. The process according to claim 1 , in which the part of the compressed gas is at a lower pressure than that of the compressed final product.3. The process according to claim 1 , in which the scrubbing column is fed at the top with a liquid originating from a condenser where at least a part of the gas from the top of the scrubbing column or originating from the top of the separation column or originating from a cycle for ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Methods and systems for integration of industrial site efficiency losses to produce lng and/or lin

Номер: US20170038132A1

A method includes receiving input corresponding to a proposed configuration of a liquefaction facility and identifying a plurality of components utilized to produce LNG and/or LIN at the facility. The method includes determining an alternative configuration that is different from the proposed configuration. Determining the alternative configuration may include identifying resources accessible to a proposed location for the liquefaction facility and whether at least one of the resources accessible to the proposed location corresponds to a resource generated by a component identified by the proposed configuration, and determining whether to omit at least one component of the plurality of components identified by the proposed configuration. The method includes omitting the at least one component from the alternative configuration, and generating a report based on the proposed configuration and the alternative configuration. The report includes information indicating a difference between the proposed configuration and the alternative configuration.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038133A1

A method describing the integration of a nitrogen liquefier and letdown of natural gas for the production of liquid nitrogen and lower pressure natural gas is provided. The method may include: providing a nitrogen liquefier having a nitrogen refrigeration cycle, wherein the nitrogen liquefier comprises a nitrogen compressor, a nitrogen recycle compressor, a heat exchanger, and at least a first turbine booster and introducing a nitrogen gas stream to the nitrogen liquefier under conditions effective for liquefying the nitrogen to produce a liquid nitrogen product. The refrigeration needed to liquefy the nitrogen is provided for by the nitrogen refrigeration cycle and letdown of a high pressure natural gas stream. 1. A method for the integration of a nitrogen liquefier and letdown of natural gas for the production liquid nitrogen (“LIN”) , the method comprising the steps of:a) providing a nitrogen liquefier having a nitrogen refrigeration cycle, wherein the nitrogen liquefier comprises a nitrogen recycle compressor, a heat exchanger, and a first turbine booster;b) introducing a nitrogen gas stream to the nitrogen liquefier under conditions effective for liquefying the nitrogen to produce a liquid nitrogen product;{'sub': 'H', 'c) withdrawing a natural gas stream from a source operating at a first pressure P;'}d) purifying the natural gas stream in a purification unit to produce a purified natural gas;e) partially cooling the purified natural gas in the heat exchanger;withdrawing the partially cooled natural gas from an intermediate section of the heat exchanger;{'sub': M', 'M', 'H, 'g) expanding the partially cooled natural gas to a medium pressure Pin a natural gas expansion turbine to form a cold natural gas stream, wherein the medium pressure Pis at a pressure lower than the first pressure P; and'}h) warming the cold natural gas stream in the heat exchanger by heat exchange against nitrogen from the nitrogen refrigeration cycle to produce a warm natural gas stream ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038134A1

A method for the production of liquefied natural gas is provided. The method may include providing a high pressure natural gas stream, splitting the high pressure natural gas stream into a first portion and a second portion, and liquefying the first portion of the high pressure natural gas stream to produce an LNG stream. The refrigeration needed for cooling and liquefaction of the natural gas can be provided by a closed nitrogen refrigeration cycle and letdown of the second portion of the high pressure natural gas stream. 1. A method for the production of liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) , the method comprising the steps of:a) providing a nitrogen refrigeration cycle, wherein the nitrogen refrigeration cycle is configured to provide refrigeration within a heat exchanger;b) purifying a first natural gas stream in a first purification unit to remove a first set of impurities to produce a purified first natural gas stream;{'sub': 'H', 'c) cooling and liquefying the first natural gas stream in the heat exchanger using the refrigeration from the nitrogen refrigeration cycle to produce an LNG stream, wherein the first natural gas stream has an LNG refrigeration requirement, wherein the LNG stream is liquefied at a first pressure P;'}d) purifying a second natural gas stream in a second purification unit to remove a second set of impurities to produce a purified second natural gas stream;e) partially cooling the second natural gas stream in the heat exchanger;f) withdrawing the partially cooled second natural gas stream from an intermediate section of the heat exchanger;{'sub': M', 'M', 'H, 'g) expanding the partially cooled second natural gas stream to a medium pressure Pin a natural gas expansion turbine to form a cold natural gas stream, wherein the medium pressure Pis at a pressure lower than the first pressure P; and'}h) warming the cold natural gas stream in the heat exchanger by heat exchange against the first natural gas stream to produce a warm natural gas stream at ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038135A1

A method for the production of liquefied natural gas and liquid nitrogen is provided. The method may include providing a high pressure natural gas stream, splitting the high pressure natural gas stream into a first portion and a second portion, and liquefying the first portion of the high pressure natural gas stream to produce an LNG stream. The refrigeration needed for cooling and liquefaction of the natural gas and liquefaction of the nitrogen can be provided by a nitrogen refrigeration cycle and letdown of the second portion of the high pressure natural gas stream. 1. A method for the production of liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) and liquid nitrogen (“LIN”) , the method comprising the steps of:a) providing a nitrogen refrigeration cycle, wherein the nitrogen refrigeration cycle is configured to provide refrigeration within a heat exchanger, wherein a portion of the nitrogen within the nitrogen refrigeration cycle is withdrawn and liquefied yielding a liquid nitrogen product, wherein at least an equal portion of gaseous nitrogen is introduced to the nitrogen refrigeration cycle as is withdrawn;b) purifying a first natural gas stream in a first purification unit to remove a first set of impurities to produce a purified first natural gas stream;{'sub': 'H', 'c) cooling and liquefying the first natural gas stream in the heat exchanger using the refrigeration from the nitrogen refrigeration cycle to produce an LNG stream, wherein the first natural gas stream has an LNG refrigeration requirement, wherein the LNG stream is liquefied at a first pressure P;'}d) purifying a second natural gas stream in a second purification unit to remove a second set of impurities to produce a purified second natural gas stream;e) partially cooling the second natural gas stream in the heat exchanger;f) withdrawing the partially cooled second natural gas stream from an intermediate section of the heat exchanger;{'sub': M', 'M', 'H, 'g) expanding the partially cooled second natural gas stream ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038136A1

A method for the integration of a nitrogen liquefier and liquefaction of natural gas for the production of liquefied natural gas and liquid nitrogen is provided. The method may include providing a nitrogen liquefaction unit and providing a natural gas liquefaction unit. Liquefaction of the nitrogen can be achieved via a nitrogen refrigeration cycle within the nitrogen liquefaction unit. Liquefaction of the natural gas can be achieved through the use of natural gas letdown and a second nitrogen refrigeration cycle. The two liquefaction units can be integrated via a common nitrogen recycle compressor, thereby providing significant capital savings. 1. A method for the integration of a nitrogen liquefier and natural gas liquefier for the production of liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) and liquid nitrogen (“LIN”) , the method comprising the steps of:a) providing a nitrogen liquefier having a first nitrogen refrigeration cycle, wherein the nitrogen liquefier comprises a turbine, a booster and a plurality of coolers, wherein the first nitrogen refrigeration cycle is configured to provide refrigeration within a first heat exchanger;b) providing a second nitrogen refrigeration cycle, wherein the second nitrogen refrigeration cycle comprises a second turbine, a second booster and a plurality of second coolers, wherein the second nitrogen refrigeration cycle is configured to provide refrigeration within a second heat exchanger;c) purifying a first natural gas stream in a first purification unit to remove a first set of impurities to produce a purified first natural gas stream;{'sub': 'H', 'd) cooling and liquefying the first natural gas stream in the second heat exchanger using the refrigeration from the nitrogen refrigeration cycle to produce an LNG stream, wherein the first natural gas stream has an LNG refrigeration requirement, wherein the LNG stream is liquefied at a first pressure P;'}e) purifying a second natural gas stream in a second purification unit to remove a second ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038641A1

A method for the liquefaction of an industrial gas by integration of a methanol plant and an air separation unit (ASU) is provided. The method can include the steps of: (a) providing a pressurized natural gas stream, a pressurized purge gas stream originating from a methanol plant, and a pressurized air gas stream comprising an air gas originating from the ASU; (b) expanding three different pressurized gases to produce three cooled streams, wherein the three different pressurized gases are the pressurized natural gas stream, the pressurized purge gas stream, and the pressurized air gas stream; and (c) liquefying the industrial gas in a liquefaction unit against the three cooled streams to produce a liquefied industrial gas stream. The industrial gas to be liquefied is selected from the group consisting of a first portion of the pressurized natural gas stream, a nitrogen gas stream, hydrogen and combinations thereof. 1. A method for the liquefaction of an industrial gas selected from the group consisting of natural gas , nitrogen , hydrogen and combinations thereof , the method comprising the steps of:a) withdrawing a pressurized natural gas stream from a natural gas pipeline;b) removing carbon dioxide and water from the pressurized natural gas stream;c) expanding the pressurized natural gas stream to form an expanded natural gas stream and warming the expanded natural gas stream in a first portion of a heat exchanger against the industrial gas to form a warmed natural gas stream;d) sending the warmed natural gas stream to a methanol production facility under conditions effective for producing a methanol stream, a purified hydrogen stream, and a purge gas rich in hydrogen;e) expanding the purge gas rich in hydrogen to form an expanded purge gas and warming the expanded purge gas in a second portion of the heat exchanger against the industrial gas to form a warmed purge gas stream;f) sending the warmed purge gas stream to the methanol production facility for use as ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038642A1

It is proposed to integrate a gas processing unit with a liquefaction unit. The industrial gas stream may be but is not limited to air gases of oxygen, nitrogen argon, hydrocarbon, LNG, syngas or its components, CO, or any other molecule or combination of molecules. It is proposed to integrate the underutilized process inefficiencies of a gas processing unit into the liquefaction unit to produce a liquid at a reduced operating cost. The gas processing unit may be any system or apparatus which alters the composition of a feed gas. Examples could be, but are not limited to, a methanol plant, steam methane reformer, cogeneration plant, and partial oxidation unit. 1. A process for the production of a liquid by integration of a gas processing unit and a liquefaction unit , the process comprising the steps of:a) providing a gas processing unit;b) providing a liquefaction unit, wherein the liquefaction unit is in fluid communication with the gas processing unit, such that the liquefaction unit and the gas processing unit are configured to send and receive fluids from each other;c) extracting a letdown energy from a high pressure gas to produce refrigeration to be used within the liquefaction unit, thereby producing a low pressure gas, wherein the low pressure gas is then used by the gas processing unit as a low pressure feedstream;d) liquefying an industrial gas within the liquefaction unit using refrigeration produced in step c).2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gas processing unit is selected from the group consisting of a methanol plant claim 1 , a steam methane reformer claim 1 , a cogeneration plant claim 1 , a partial oxidation unit claim 1 , an autothermal reforming unit claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the industrial gas is selected from the group consisting of an air gas claim 1 , a hydrocarbon claim 1 , syngas claim 1 , carbon dioxide claim 1 , hydrogen claim 1 , carbon monoxide claim 1 , and ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038644A1

A method for the liquefaction of an industrial gas by integration of a methanol plant and an air separation unit (ASU) is provided. The method can include the steps of: (a) providing a pressurized natural gas stream, a pressurized purge gas stream composed predominately of hydrogen and originating from a methanol plant, and a pressurized air gas stream comprising an air gas from the ASU; (b) expanding three different pressurized gases to produce three cooled streams, wherein the three different pressurized gases consist of the pressurized natural gas stream, the pressurized purge gas stream, and the pressurized air gas stream; and (c) liquefying the industrial gas in a liquefaction unit against the three cooled streams to produce a liquefied industrial gas stream, wherein the industrial gas to be liquefied is selected from the group consisting of a first portion of the pressurized natural gas stream, a nitrogen gas stream, hydrogen and combinations thereof 1. A method for the liquefaction of an industrial gas selected from the group consisting of natural gas , nitrogen , hydrogen , and combinations thereof , the method comprising the steps of:a) withdrawing a pressurized natural gas stream from a natural gas pipeline;b) removing carbon dioxide and water from the pressurized natural gas stream;c) expanding the pressurized natural gas stream to form an expanded natural gas stream and warming the expanded natural gas stream in a first portion of a heat exchanger against the industrial gas to form a warmed natural gas stream;d) sending the warmed natural gas stream to a methanol production facility under conditions effective for producing a methanol stream, a purified hydrogen stream, and a purge gas rich in hydrogen;e) expanding the purge gas rich in hydrogen to form an expanded purge gas and warming the expanded purge gas in a second portion of the heat exchanger against the industrial gas to form a warmed purge gas stream;f) sending the warmed purge gas stream to the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Recovery Of Helium From Nitrogen-Rich Streams

Номер: US20190041128A1

Overall power consumption in a cryogenic distillation process for recovering helium from nitrogen-rich gases comprising helium may be reduced if the feed to the distillation column system is at least substantially condensed by indirect heat exchange against a first bottoms liquid at first pressure, and a second bottoms liquid at a second pressure that is different from the first pressure. 1. Apparatus for recovering helium from a nitrogen-rich feed gas comprising helium , said apparatus comprising:a distillation column system for operation at an elevated operating pressure to separate at least partially condensed feed gas into helium-enriched overhead vapor and nitrogen-enriched bottoms liquid(s);an overhead condenser for partially condensing helium-enriched overhead vapor by indirect heat exchange to produce helium-enriched vapor as product and liquid for reflux in the column system;a first heat exchange system for cooling feed gas by indirect heat exchange with a first nitrogen-enriched bottoms liquid to produce cooled feed gas and vapor for the column system;a first pressure reduction device for reducing the pressure of a second nitrogen-enriched bottoms liquid to produce reduced pressure bottoms liquid;a second heat exchange system for cooling said cooled feed gas by indirect heat exchange against said reduced pressure bottoms liquid to produce at least partially condensed feed gas and vaporized bottoms liquid; anda second pressure reduction device for reducing the pressure of said at least partially condensed feed gas to produce at least partially condensed feed gas at reduced pressure for use as said feed to the distillation column system.2. The apparatus of comprising a third pressure reduction device for reducing the pressure of a third nitrogen-enriched bottoms liquid to produce reduced pressure bottoms liquid for vaporization by indirect heat exchange in said overhead condenser to produce nitrogen-enriched vapor.3. The apparatus of comprising an expander ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065530A1
Автор: Davidian Benoit

An air gas separation plant comprising, in the direction of circulation of the air stream: a compression means that makes it possible to compress the air stream to a pressure P of between 1.15 bar abs and 2 bar abs, an adsorption unit of TSA type, and a cryogenic distillation unit, with the adsorption unit comprising at least two adsorbers A and B each having a parallelepipedal casing arranged horizontally and comprising: an air stream inlet and an air stream outlet, a fixed bed adsorbent mass, likewise of parallelepipedal shape, the faces of which are parallel to the faces of the casing; and a set of volumes allowing the air stream to pass through the adsorbent mass horizontally, over the entire cross-section and throughout the entire thickness thereof.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Ethane recovery and ethane rejection methods and configurations

Номер: US20170051970A1
Автор: John Mak
Принадлежит: Fluor Technologies Corp

Contemplated plants for flexible ethane recovery and rejection by allowing to switch the top reflux to the demethanizer from residue gas to the deethanizer overhead product and by controlling the flow ratio of feed gas to two different feed gas exchangers. Moreover, the pressure of the demethanizer is adjusted relative to the deethanizer pressure for control of the ethane recovery and rejection.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Liquefaction of Production Gas

Номер: US20210063083A1

A method and apparatus for liquefying a feed gas stream comprising natural gas and carbon dioxide. A method includes compressing an input fluid stream to generate a first intermediary fluid stream; cooling the first intermediary fluid stream with a first heat exchanger to generate a second intermediary fluid stream, wherein a temperature of the second intermediary fluid stream is higher than a carbon dioxide-freezing temperature for the second intermediary fluid stream; expanding the second intermediary fluid stream to generate a third intermediary fluid stream, wherein the third intermediary fluid stream comprises solid carbon dioxide; separating the third intermediary fluid stream into a fourth intermediary fluid stream and an output fluid stream, wherein the output fluid stream comprises a liquefied natural gas (LNG) liquid; and utilizing the fourth intermediary fluid stream as a cooling fluid stream for the first heat exchanger. 1. A method , comprising:compressing an input fluid stream to generate a first intermediary fluid stream;cooling the first intermediary fluid stream with a first heat exchanger to generate a second intermediary fluid stream, wherein a temperature of the second intermediary fluid stream is higher than a carbon-dioxide-freezing temperature for the second intermediary fluid stream;expanding the second intermediary fluid stream to generate a third intermediary fluid stream, wherein the third intermediary fluid stream comprises solid carbon dioxide;separating the third intermediary fluid stream into a fourth intermediary fluid stream and an output fluid stream, wherein the output fluid stream comprises a liquefied natural gas (LNG) liquid; andutilizing the fourth intermediary fluid stream as a first cooling fluid stream for the first heat exchanger.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after utilizing the fourth intermediary fluid stream as the cooling fluid stream claim 1 , burning the fourth intermediary fluid stream.3. ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Managing Make-Up Gas Composition Variation for a High Pressure Expander Process

Номер: US20200064061A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for liquefying a feed gas stream. A refrigerant stream is cooled and expanded to produce an expanded, cooled refrigerant stream. Part or all of the expanded, cooled refrigerant stream is mixed with a make-up refrigerant stream in a separator, thereby condensing heavy hydrocarbon components from the make-up refrigerant stream and forming a gaseous expanded, cooled refrigerant stream. The gaseous expanded, cooled refrigerant stream passes through a heat exchanger zone to form a warm refrigerant stream. The feed gas stream is passed through the heat exchanger zone to cool at least part of the feed gas stream by indirect heat exchange with the expanded, cooled refrigerant stream, thereby forming a liquefied gas stream. The warm refrigerant stream is compressed to produce the compressed refrigerant stream.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for Energy Storage with Co-production of Peaking Power and Liquefied Natural Gas

Номер: US20180073802A1
Автор: Stanislav Sinatov
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for energy storage with co-production of peaking power and liquefied natural gas (LNG) which integrates the processes of liquid air energy storage and reduction in pressure of natural gas through expander at the co-located city gate station and includes consumption of excessive power from the grid, mechanical power of the natural gas expander and cold thermal energy of expanded natural gas for charging the storage with a liquid air during off-peak hours and production of peaking (on-demand) power by the expanders of natural gas and highly-pressurized re-gasified air with recovering the cold thermal energy of expanded natural gas and regasified liquid air for liquefying a part of delivered natural gas at the city gate station and energy storage facility.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

System and method for recovery of non-condensable gases such as neon, helium, xenon, and krypton from an air separation unit

Номер: US20190072326A1
Принадлежит: Praxair Technology Inc

A system and method for recovery of rare gases such as neon, helium, xenon, and krypton in an air separation unit is provided. The rare gas recovery system comprises a non-condensable stripping column linked in a heat transfer relationship with a xenon-krypton column via an auxiliary condenser-reboiler. The non-condensable stripping column produces a rare gas containing overhead that is directed to the auxiliary condenser-reboiler where most of the neon is captured in a non-condensable vent stream that is further processed to produce a crude neon vapor stream that contains greater than about 50% mole fraction of neon with the overall neon recovery exceeding 95%. The xenon-krypton column further receives two streams of liquid oxygen from the lower pressure column and the rare gas containing overhead from the non-condensable stripping column and produces a crude xenon and krypton liquid stream and an oxygen-rich overhead.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

System and Method for Separating Natural Gas Liquid and Nitrogen from Natural Gas Streams

Номер: US20200072547A1
Автор: Butts Rayburn C.

A system and method for removing nitrogen and producing a high pressure methane product stream and an NGL product stream from natural gas feed streams where at least 90%, and preferably at least 95%, of the ethane in the feed stream is recovered in the NGL product stream. The system and method of the invention are particularly suitable for use with feed streams in excess of 5 MMSCFD and up to 300 MMSCFD and containing around 5% to 80% nitrogen. The system and method preferably combine use of strategic heat exchange between various process streams with a high pressure rectifier tower and the ability to divert all or a portion of a nitrogen rejection unit feed stream to optionally bypass a nitrogen fractionation column to reduce capital costs and operating expenses. 1. A system for removing nitrogen from a feed stream comprising nitrogen , methane , ethane , and other components to produce a methane product stream , an NGL product stream , and a nitrogen vent stream the system comprising:a first separator wherein the feed stream is separated into a first overhead stream and a first bottoms stream;a first fractionating column wherein the first overhead stream is separated into a second overhead stream and a second bottoms stream;an expander for expanding the first overhead stream prior to the first fractionating column;a second fractionating column wherein the first bottoms stream and second bottoms stream are separated into a third overhead stream and a third bottoms stream;a third fractionating column wherein at least a first NRU feed stream separated into a fourth overhead stream and a fourth bottoms stream;a first heat exchanger for cooling a first portion of the feed stream prior to the first separator and cooling a first portion of the second overhead stream prior to the third fractionating column through heat exchange with the fourth bottoms stream and a recycle refrigerant stream;a second heat exchanger for cooling the first portion of the second overhead ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Pretreatment and Pre-Cooling of Natural Gas by High Pressure Compression and Expansion

Номер: US20210086099A1
Автор: JR. Fritz, LIU Yijun, Pierre

A method and apparatus for producing liquefied natural gas. A portion of a natural gas stream is cooled in a heat exchanger and combined with the natural gas stream. Heavy hydrocarbons are removed from the combined natural gas stream, and the resulting separated natural gas stream is partially condensed in the first heat exchanger, with a liquid stream separated therefrom. The natural gas stream is warmed in the first heat exchanger and then is compressed and cooled. The resultant cooled compressed natural gas stream is expanded, thereby forming a chilled natural gas stream that is separated into a refrigerant stream and a non-refrigerant stream. The refrigerant stream recycled to the heat exchanger to be warmed through heat exchange with one or more process streams associated with pretreating the natural gas stream, thereby generating a warmed refrigerant stream. The warmed refrigerant stream and the non-refrigerant stream are liquefied. 1. A method of producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) from a natural gas stream , the method comprising:cooling at least a portion of the natural gas stream in a first heat exchanger to generate a cooled natural gas stream;combining the cooled natural gas stream and any remaining portion of the natural gas stream to generate a combined natural gas stream;removing heavy hydrocarbons from the combined natural gas stream to thereby generate a separated natural gas stream;partially condensing the separated natural gas stream in the first heat exchanger to thereby generate a partially condensed natural gas stream;separating liquids from the partially condensed natural gas stream to thereby generate a cold pretreated gas stream and a liquid stream;warming the cold pretreated gas stream in the first heat exchanger to generate a pretreated natural gas stream;compressing the pretreated natural gas stream in at least one compressor to a pressure of at least 1,500 psia to form a compressed natural gas stream;cooling the compressed natural gas ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Pretreatment and Pre-Cooling of Natural Gas by High Pressure Compression and Expansion

Номер: US20210088275A1
Автор: JR. Fritz, LIU Yijun, Pierre

A method and apparatus for producing liquefied natural gas. A portion of a natural gas stream is cooled in a first heat exchanger and re-combined with the natural gas stream, and heavy hydrocarbons are removed therefrom to generate a separated natural gas stream and a separator bottom stream. Liquids are separated from the separator bottom stream to form an overhead stream, which is cooled and separated to form a recycle gas stream. The recycle gas stream is compressed. A first portion of the compressed recycle gas stream is directed through the first heat exchanger and directed to the separator as a column reflux stream. The separated to natural gas stream is used as a coolant in the first heat exchanger to thereby generate a pretreated natural gas stream, which is compressed and liquefied. 1. A method of producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) from a natural gas stream , the method comprising:cooling a portion of the natural gas stream in a first heat exchanger to generate a cooled natural gas stream;combining the cooled natural gas stream and the natural gas stream to generate a combined natural gas stream;removing heavy hydrocarbons from the combined natural gas stream in a separator to thereby generate a separated natural gas stream and a separator bottom stream;separating liquids from the separator bottom stream to form an overhead stream;cooling the overhead stream and separating liquids therefrom to form a recycle gas stream;compressing the recycle gas stream in a recycle compressor to form a compressed recycle gas stream;directing a first portion of the compressed recycle gas stream through the first heat exchanger to form a cooled compressed recycle stream therefrom;directing the cooled compressed recycle stream to the separator as a column reflux stream;using the separated natural gas stream as a coolant in the first heat exchanger to thereby generate a pretreated natural gas stream;combining a second portion of the compressed recycle gas stream with the ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095921A1

A natural gas liquids (NGL) plant, the NGL plant comprising an absorber configured to provide an absorber overhead and an absorber bottoms, a stripper configured to produce a stripper overhead and a stripper bottoms, wherein the stripper is positioned downstream from the absorber and fluidly connected therewith such that the absorber bottoms can be introduced into the stripper, and a multi-pass heat exchanger configured to provide at least one reflux stream to the absorber, wherein the absorber and stripper are configured, in an ethane rejection arrangement, to provide the stripper overhead to a top of the absorber, and wherein the absorber and stripper are configured, in an ethane recovery arrangement, to provide the stripper overhead to a bottom of the absorber. 1. A natural gas liquids (NGL) plant , the NGL plant comprising:an absorber configured to provide an absorber overhead and an absorber bottoms;a stripper configured to produce a stripper overhead and a stripper bottoms, wherein the stripper is positioned downstream from the absorber and fluidly connected therewith such that the absorber bottoms can be introduced into the stripper; anda multi-pass heat exchanger configured to provide at least one reflux stream to the absorber wherein the multi-pass heat exchanger is configured, in the ethane recovery arrangement, to provide at least two reflux streams to the absorber,wherein the absorber and stripper are configured, in an ethane rejection arrangement, to provide the stripper overhead to a top of the absorber, and wherein the absorber and stripper are configured, in an ethane recovery arrangement, to provide the stripper overhead to a bottom of the absorber.2. (canceled)3. The NGL plant of claim 1 , wherein the stripper is configured claim 1 , in the ethane recovery arrangement claim 1 , as a demethanizer to provide a stripper bottoms comprising less than 1 vol % methane claim 1 , and the stripper is configured claim 1 , in the ethane rejection arrangement ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Dehydrogenation Separation Unit with Mixed Refrigerant Cooling

Номер: US20200109893A1

A system for separating olefinic hydrocarbon and hydrogen in an effluent fluid stream from a dehydrogenation reactor includes a heat exchanger that receives and partially condenses the effluent fluid stream so that a mixed phase effluent stream is formed. A primary separation device receives and separates the mixed phase effluent stream into a primary vapor stream and a primary liquid product stream. A heat exchanger receives and partially condenses the primary vapor stream so that a mixed phase primary stream is formed. A secondary separation device receives and separates the mixed phase primary stream into a secondary vapor stream and a secondary liquid product stream. A heat exchanger receives and warms the secondary vapor stream to provide refrigeration for partially condensing the effluent fluid stream and a heat exchanger receives and warms the secondary vapor stream to provide refrigeration for partially condensing the primary vapor stream. A mixed refrigerant compression system provides refrigerant to a heat exchanger to provide refrigeration. 1. A system for separating olefinic hydrocarbon and hydrogen in an effluent fluid stream from a dehydrogenation reactor comprising:a. a main heat exchanger configured to receive and partially condense the effluent fluid stream so that a mixed phase effluent stream is formed;b. a primary separation device in fluid communication with the main heat exchanger so as to receive and separate the mixed phase effluent stream into a primary vapor stream and a primary liquid product stream;c. said main heat exchanger configured to receive and partially condense the primary vapor stream so that a mixed phase primary stream is formed;d. a secondary separation device in fluid communication with the main heat exchanger so as to receive and separate the mixed phase primary stream into a secondary vapor stream and a secondary liquid product stream;e. said main heat exchanger configured to receive and warm the secondary vapor stream to ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122658A1
Автор: Currence Kevin L.

Enhanced low temperature separation (LTS) processes are provided for separating light hydrocarbon components from heavy hydrocarbon components. The enhanced LTS process utilizes an absorber and a de-ethanizer tower to achieve sufficiently pure natural gas liquid (NGL) products and residue gas products. A portion of the de-ethanizer tower overhead is condensed and recycled as reflux for the absorber. The enhanced LTS process requires less refrigeration of the feed gas stream yet still achieves increased recovery of the valuable heavier hydrocarbons from hydrocarbon gas streams. The enhanced LTS process also reduces compression requirements compared to conventional LTS processes. 1. An enhanced low temperature process for separating light hydrocarbon components from heavy hydrocarbon components in a feed stream , said process comprising:cooling said feed stream by directing said feed stream through at least one heat exchanger so as to condense at least a portion of said feed stream;directing said partially condensed feed stream into an absorber and producing from the absorber an absorber overhead vapor stream and an absorber liquid bottoms stream;flashing said absorber liquid bottoms stream into a de-ethanizer tower, thereby producing a de-ethanizer overhead vapor stream and a liquid product stream enriched in C3+ hydrocarbon compounds;condensing at least a portion of said de-ethanizer overhead vapor stream to form a liquid reflux stream and using a first portion of the liquid reflux stream as reflux in the de-ethanizer tower;combining said absorber overhead vapor stream with a second portion of the liquid reflux stream to produce a two-phase absorber recycle stream; anddirecting at least a portion of said absorber recycle stream to said absorber as liquid reflux.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said feed stream is a dehydrated natural gas stream.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein said feed stream is split into two or more portions claim 1 , wherein one of said ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Natural Gas Liquefaction by a High Pressure Expansion Process using Multiple Turboexpander Compressors

Номер: US20190120548A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and system for liquefying a feed gas stream including natural gas. The feed gas stream is provided at a pressure less than 1,200 psia. A refrigerant stream having a pressure of at least 1,500 psia is cooled and then expanded in a first expander to an intermediate pressure. The first expander is mechanically coupled to a first coupled compressor to together form a first turboexpander-compressor. The refrigerant stream is expanded in a second expander, which is mechanically coupled to a second coupled compressor to together form a second turboexpander-compressor. The refrigerant stream cools the feed gas stream in one or more heat exchangers. Using the second coupled compressor and a first driven compressor, the refrigerant stream is compressed to a discharge pressure within 300 psia of the intermediate pressure. The refrigerant stream is compressed using the first coupled compressor and is further compressed to provide the refrigerant stream.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120550A1
Автор: Mak John

Embodiments relate generally to systems and methods for operating a natural gas liquids plant in ethane rejection and in ethane recovery. A natural gas liquid plant may comprise an absorber configured to produce an ethane rich bottom stream and an ethane depleted vapor stream; a stripper fluidly coupled to the absorber configured to, during ethane rejection, fractionate the ethane rich bottom stream from the absorber into an ethane overhead product and a propane plus hydrocarbons product, and configured to, during ethane recovery, fractionate the ethane rich bottom stream into an ethane plus NGL stream and an overhead vapor stream; and an exchanger configured to, during ethane recovery, counter-currently contact the ethane rich bottom stream from the absorber with the ethane depleted vapor stream from the absorber, thereby heating the vapor stream and chilling the ethane rich bottom stream before the ethane rich bottom stream is fed to the stripper. 1. A natural gas liquid plant configured to operate in either ethane rejection or ethane recovery , the plant comprising:an absorber configured to produce an ethane rich bottom stream and an ethane depleted vapor stream;a stripper fluidly coupled to the absorber configured to, during ethane rejection, fractionate the ethane rich bottom stream from the absorber into an ethane overhead product and a propane plus hydrocarbons product, and configured to, during ethane recovery, fractionate the ethane rich bottom stream into an ethane plus NGL stream and an overhead vapor stream; andan expander configured to, during ethane recovery, expand a vapor portion of a feed gas to the plant, and feed the expanded stream to the absorber.2. The plant of claim 1 , further comprising an exchanger configured to claim 1 , during ethane recovery claim 1 , counter-currently contact the ethane rich bottom stream from the absorber with the ethane depleted vapor stream from the absorber claim 1 , thereby heating the vapor stream and chilling the ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128171A1

Cryogenic energy storage systems, and particularly methods for capturing cold energy and re-using that captured cold energy, are disclosed. The systems allow cold thermal energy from the power recovery process of a cryogenic energy storage system to be captured effectively, to be stored, and to be effectively utilised. The captured cold energy could be reused in any co-located process, for example to enhance the efficiency of production of the cryogen, to enhance the efficiency of production of liquid natural gas, and/or to provide refrigeration. The systems are such that the cold energy can be stored at very low pressures, cold energy can be recovered from various components of the system, and/or cold energy can be stored in more than one thermal store. 1. A cryogenic energy storage system comprising:a cryogenic storage tank for storing a cryogen;a pump in fluid communication with the cryogenic storage tank, wherein the pump is for compressing the cryogen from the storage tank;a first thermal store having a first pathway therethrough for conveying a first heat transfer fluid at a gauge pressure of less than 4 bar; a second pathway therethrough for conveying the first heat transfer fluid to the first pathway at a gauge pressure of less than 4 bar, and', 'a third pathway therethrough for conveying the compressed cryogen,, 'a first heat exchanger havingwherein the first heat transfer fluid is for capturing cold thermal energy from the cryogen to heat the cryogen, and for conveying said captured cold thermal energy to the first thermal store at a gauge pressure of less than 4 bar;a power recovery system including one or more expansion turbines for expanding the heated cryogen to generate power; and [ a fourth pathway therethrough for conveying the first heat transfer fluid from the first pathway at a gauge pressure of less than 4 bar, and', 'a fifth pathway therethrough for conveying a first working fluid to capture cold thermal energy from the first heat transfer ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for separating hydrocarbons

Номер: US20190128600A1
Принадлежит: Toyo Engineering Corp

An improved method for separating hydrocarbons for separating feed LNG into product LNG and a liquid fraction enriched in C3+ components is provided. Feed LNG is heated and partially vaporized by a heat exchanger to obtain a vapor-liquid two-phase stream; the whole or a liquid phase of the vapor-liquid two-phase stream is separated into first overhead vapor enriched in methane and first bottom liquid enriched in ethane and C3+ components at a first distillation column; the first bottom liquid is separated into second overhead vapor enriched in ethane and second bottom liquid enriched in C3+ components by the second distillation column; the second overhead vapor is cooled and wholly or partially condensed to obtain condensed liquid; one of two or more streams obtained by dividing the condensed liquid is mixed with the first overhead vapor; the mixed stream is totally condensed to obtain a liquid stream by heat exchange with feed LNG by the heat exchanger; the whole or a part of the liquid stream is discharged as product LNG; another of the divided streams is refluxed to the second distillation column; and the second bottom liquid is discharged as the liquid fraction enriched in C3+ components.

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140223960A1

The invention relates to a method and device for generating two purified partial air streams under different pressures. A total air stream () is compressed to a first total air pressure. The compressed total air stream () is cooled with cooling water under the first total air pressure by way of heat exchange (). The heat exchange with cooling water for cooling the total air stream () is carried out as a direct heat exchange in a first direct contact cooler (), at least in part. The cooled total air stream () is divided into a first partial air stream () and a second partial air stream (). The first partial air stream () is purified in a first purification device () under the first total air pressure, generating the first purified partial air stream (). The second partial air stream () is re-compressed to a higher pressure (), which is higher than the first total air pressure. The re-compressed second partial air stream () is cooled with cooling water in a second direct contact cooler () by way of direct heat exchange (). The cooled second partial air stream () is purified under the higher pressure in a second purification device (), thus generating the second purified partial air stream (). 1. A method for generating two purified air substreams at different pressures , in which{'b': '1', 'a total air stream () is compressed to a first total air pressure,'}{'b': 5', '4', '6, 'the compressed total air stream () is cooled at the first total air pressure by heat exchange (, ) with cooling water,'}{'b': 5', '6, 'the heat exchange with cooling water for cooling the total air stream () is carried out at least in part as direct heat exchange in a first direct contact cooler (),'}{'b': 9', '10', '11, 'the cooled total air stream () is divided into a first air substream () and a second air substream (),'}{'b': 10', '18', '19, 'the first air substream () is purified at the first total air pressure in a first purification appliance () and obtained as a first purified air ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Liquefied Natural Gas Production

Номер: US20180149424A1

Hydrocarbon processing systems and a method for liquefied natural gas (LNG) production are described herein. The hydrocarbon processing system includes a fluorocarbon refrigeration system configured to cool a natural gas to produce LNG using a mixed fluorocarbon refrigerant and a nitrogen rejection unit (NRU) configured to remove nitrogen from the LNG. 1. A hydrocarbon processing system for liquefied natural gas (LNG) production , comprising:a fluorocarbon refrigeration system configured to cool a natural gas to produce LNG using a mixed fluorocarbon refrigerant;a nitrogen rejection unit (NRU) configured to remove nitrogen from the LNG; andan autorefrigeration system configured to further cool the natural gas to produce the LNG.2. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 1 , comprising a nitrogen refrigeration system configured to further cool the natural gas to produce the LNG using a nitrogen refrigerant.3. (canceled)4. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 1 , wherein the autorefrigeration system comprises a plurality of flash drums and a plurality of expansion devices.5. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the natural gas is cooled using a nitrogen stream separated from the natural gas via the NRU.6. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 1 , wherein the fluorocarbon refrigeration system comprises a single mixed refrigerant cycle.7. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 1 , wherein the fluorocarbon refrigeration system comprises a pre-cooled mixed refrigerant cycle.8. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 1 , wherein the fluorocarbon refrigeration system comprises a dual mixed refrigerant cycle.9. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 8 , wherein the dual mixed refrigerant cycle comprises:a first mixed refrigerant cycle that uses a warm mixed fluorocarbon refrigerant; anda second mixed refrigerant cycle that uses a cold mixed fluorocarbon refrigerant, wherein the first mixed refrigerant cycle and ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Integration of hydrogen liquefaction with gas processing units

Номер: US20200141637A1

A method of liquefying hydrogen, including dividing a hydrogen stream into at least a first fraction and a second fraction, introducing the first fraction into a refrigeration cycle of a hydrogen liquefaction unit, thereby liquefying a product hydrogen stream, withdrawing one or more warm hydrogen stream(s) from the hydrogen liquefaction unit, and returning the one or more warm hydrogen stream to the hydrogen stream, wherein the second fraction is combined with a high-pressure nitrogen stream to form an ammonia synthesis gas stream.

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Production of Acetic Acid through Cryogenic Separation of Syngas

Номер: US20220298095A1

A system and method for producing acetic acid, including dry reforming methane with carbon dioxide to give syngas, cryogenically separating carbon monoxide from the syngas giving a first stream including primarily carbon monoxide and a second stream including carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The method includes synthesizing methanol from the second stream via hydrogenation of carbon monoxide in the second stream, synthesizing dimethyl ether from the methanol, and generating acetic acid from the dimethyl ether and first-stream carbon monoxide.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190154332A1

A method for separating a synthesis gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen including compressing a flow of synthesis gas received from a source of synthesis gas in a compressor, purifying the compressed synthesis gas in a purification unit to purify it of water and/or carbon dioxide, cooling the compressed and purified flow of synthesis gas, separating the cooled flow of synthesis gas by washing and/or distillation at a cryogenic temperature and optionally by adsorption in a separating unit, and producing at least the following three gases in the separating unit: a carbon monoxide-enriched gas, a hydrogen-enriched gas, a residual gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen that is less pure with respect to carbon monoxide than the carbon monoxide-enriched gas and less pure with respect to hydrogen than the hydrogen-enriched gas. 115.-. (canceled)16. A method for separating a synthesis gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen comprising:i) compressing a flow of synthesis gas received from a source of synthesis gas in a compressor,ii) purifying the compressed synthesis gas in a purification unit to purify it of water and/or carbon dioxide,iii) cooling the compressed and purified flow of synthesis gas,iv) separating the cooled flow of synthesis gas by washing and/or distillation at a cryogenic temperature and optionally by adsorption in a separating unit, andv) producing at least the following three gases in the separating unit: a carbon monoxide-enriched gas, a hydrogen-enriched gas, a residual gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen that is less pure with respect to carbon monoxide than the carbon monoxide-enriched gas and less pure with respect to hydrogen than the hydrogen-enriched gas and optionally also a methane-enriched gas, and/or a nitrogen-enriched gas, andvi) sending at least one part of each of the following gases downstream of the source, only if the flow of synthesis gas received from the source and sent to the compressor is below a threshold ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190154333A1
Автор: Mak John

A low cost and efficient design is used to convert a propane recovery process based on low nitrogen content feed gas to an ethane recovery process based on a high nitrogen feed gas while achieving over 95 mole % ethane recovery while maintaining a 99% propane recovery, and achieved without additional equipment. 1. A NGL plant configured to convert from a propane recovery configuration to an ethane recovery configuration , the NGL plant comprising:an absorber; anda fractionator,wherein the absorber is configured to produce an absorber overhead product and an absorber bottom product, wherein the fractionator is configured to produce a fractionator overhead product and a fractionator bottom product,wherein the absorber is configured to receive a vapor portion of the fractionator overhead product as a top reflux in the propane recovery configuration and to receive a stream comprising a first portion of a feed gas and a first portion of the absorber overhead product as the top reflux in the ethane recovery configuration;wherein the fractionator overhead product is configured to flow to a chiller in the propane recovery configuration and to a bottom of the absorber in the ethane recovery configuration; andwherein the absorber bottom product is configured to flow to a mid-section of the fractionator in the propane recovery configuration and to a top tray of the fractionator in the ethane recovery configuration.2. The NGL plant of claim 1 , wherein the fractionator overhead product is further configured to flow to a separator after flowing to the chiller in the propane recovery configuration.3. The NGL plant of claim 2 , wherein the separator is configured to separate the fractionator overhead into the vapor portion and a liquid portion in the propane recovery configuration.4. The NGL plant of claim 3 , wherein the fractionator is configured to receive a first portion of the liquid portion of the fractionator overhead product at the top tray of the fractionator in the ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149807A1

A moderate pressure air separation unit and air separation cycle is disclosed that provides for up to about 96% recovery of argon, an overall nitrogen recovery of 98 percent or greater and limited gaseous oxygen production. The air separation is configured to produce a first high purity oxygen enriched stream and a second lower purity oxygen enriched stream from the lower pressure column, one of which is used as the refrigerant to condense the argon in the argon condenser, with the resulting vaporized oxygen stream used to regenerate the temperature swing adsorption pre-purifier unit. All or a portion of the first high purity oxygen enriched stream is vaporized in the main heat exchanger to produce the gaseous oxygen products. 121-. (canceled)22. A method of separating air to produce one or more high purity nitrogen products in a cryogenic air separation unit with a total nitrogen recovery of 98 percent or greater , the method comprising the steps of:compressing a stream of incoming feed air to produce a compressed air stream;purifying the compressed air stream in an adsorption based pre-purification unit configured to removing water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and hydrocarbons from the compressed air stream to producing a compressed and purified air stream;splitting the compressed and purified air stream is split into at least a boiler air stream and a turbine air stream;expanding the turbine air stream in a turboexpander to form an exhaust stream;cooling the boiler air stream against a pumped oxygen stream to produce a cooled boiler air stream at a temperature suitable for rectification in a cryogenic distillation system and a gaseous oxygen product stream;directing the cooled boiler air stream and the exhaust stream to the cryogenic distillation column system, the cryogenic distillation system having a higher pressure column and a lower pressure column linked in a heat transfer relationship via a condenser-reboiler, the cryogenic distillation column ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for power storage

Номер: US20140245756A1
Принадлежит: Highview Enterprises Ltd

Cryogenic energy storage systems, and particularly methods for capturing cold energy and re-using that captured cold energy, are disclosed. The systems allow cold thermal energy from the power recovery process of a cryogenic energy storage system to be captured effectively, to be stored, and to be effectively utilised. The captured cold energy could be reused in any co-located process, for example to enhance the efficiency of production of the cryogen, to enhance the efficiency of production of liquid natural gas, and/or to provide refrigeration. The systems are such that the cold energy can be stored at very low pressures, cold energy can be recovered from various components of the system, and/or cold energy can be stored in more than one thermal store.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Pre-Cooling of Natural Gas by High Pressure Compression and Expansion

Номер: US20170167786A1
Автор: JR. Fritz, Pierre

A method of producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) is disclosed. A natural gas stream is provided from a supply of natural gas. The natural gas stream is compressed in at least two serially arranged compressors to a pressure of at least 2,000 psia to form a compressed natural gas stream. The compressed natural gas stream is cooled to form a cooled compressed natural gas stream. The cooled compressed natural gas stream is expanded in at least one work producing natural gas expander to a pressure that is less than 3,000 psia and no greater than the pressure to which the at least two serially arranged compressors compress the natural gas stream, to thereby form a chilled natural gas stream. The chilled natural gas stream is liquefied. 1. A method of producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) , the method comprising:providing a natural gas stream from a supply of natural gas;compressing the natural gas stream in at least two serially arranged compressors to a pressure of at least 2,000 psia to form a compressed natural gas stream;cooling the compressed natural gas stream to form a cooled compressed natural gas stream;expanding, in at least one work producing natural gas expander, the cooled compressed natural gas stream to a pressure that is less than 3000 psia and no greater than the pressure to which the at least two serially arranged compressors compress the natural gas stream, to thereby form a chilled natural gas stream; andliquefying the chilled natural gas stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein liquefying the chilled natural gas stream is performed in one or more single mixed refrigerant (SMR) liquefaction trains.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein liquefying the chilled natural gas stream is performed in one or more expander-based liquefaction modules claim 1 , and wherein the expander-based liquefaction module is one of a nitrogen gas expander-based liquefaction module and a feed gas expander-based liquefaction module.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the feed gas ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Method and System for Separating Nitrogen from Liquefied Natural Gas Using Liquefied Nitrogen

Номер: US20170167788A1

A method for separating nitrogen from an LNG stream with a nitrogen concentration of greater than 1 mol %. A pressurized LNG stream is produced at a liquefaction facility by liquefying natural gas, where the pressurized LNG stream has a nitrogen concentration of greater than 1 mol %. At least one liquid nitrogen (LIN) stream is received from storage tanks, the at least one LIN stream being produced at a different geographic location from the LNG facility. The pressurized LNG stream is separated in a separation vessel into a vapor stream and a liquid stream. The vapor stream has a nitrogen concentration greater than the nitrogen concentration of the pressurized LNG stream. The liquid stream has a nitrogen concentration less than the nitrogen concentration of the pressurized LNG stream. At least one of the one or more LIN streams is directed to the separation vessel. 1. A method for separating nitrogen from an LNG stream with a nitrogen concentration of greater than 1 mol % , comprising:at a liquefaction facility, producing a pressurized LNG stream by liquefying natural gas, where the pressurized LNG stream comprises a nitrogen concentration of greater than 1 mol %;receiving at least one liquid nitrogen (LIN) stream from storage tanks, the at least one LIN stream being produced at a different geographic location from the LNG facility;in a separation vessel, separating the pressurized LNG stream into a vapor stream and a liquid stream, where the vapor stream has a nitrogen concentration greater than the nitrogen concentration of the pressurized LNG stream and the liquid stream has a nitrogen concentration less than the nitrogen concentration of the pressurized LNG stream; anddirecting at least one of the one or more LIN streams to the separation vessel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid stream is an LNG stream with a nitrogen concentration of less than 2 mol % or less than 1 mol %.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising subcooling the LNG stream by ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307765A1

A process for producing liquefied natural gas, in which natural gas feed having methane and higher hydrocarbons including benzene is cooled down to a first temperature level in a first cooling step using a first mixed coolant and then subjected to a countercurrent absorption using an absorption liquid to form a methane-enriched and benzene-depleted gas fraction, wherein a portion of the gas fraction is cooled down to a second temperature level in a second cooling step using a second mixed coolant and liquefied to give the liquefied natural gas. In the plant proposed, the first and second mixed coolants are low in propane or free of propane, and the absorption liquid is formed from a further portion of the gas fraction which is condensed above the countercurrent absorption and returned to the countercurrent absorption without pumping. The present invention likewise provides a corresponding plant. 114-. (canceled)15. A process for producing liquefied natural gas , in which natural gas feed containing methane and higher hydrocarbons , including benzene , is cooled down to a first temperature level in a first cooling step using a first mixed refrigerant , and then subjected to countercurrent absorption using an absorption liquid to form a benzene-depleted gas fraction , wherein a portion of the gas fraction is cooled down to a second temperature level in a second cooling step using a second mixed refrigerant and liquefied to give the liquefied natural gas , wherein the first and second mixed refrigerants are low in propane or free of propane , and the absorption liquid is formed from a further portion of the gas fraction which is condensed above the countercurrent absorption and returned to the countercurrent absorption without pumping.16. The process according to claim 15 , wherein a countercurrent absorber is used in the countercurrent absorption claim 15 , which is operated with a head condenser arranged above an absorption region of the countercurrent absorber claim ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Liquefaction of Natural Gas

Номер: US20180172344A1

Systems and a method for the formation of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) are disclosed herein. The system includes a first fluorocarbon refrigeration system configured to chill a natural gas using a first fluorocarbon refrigerant and a second fluorocarbon refrigeration system configured to further chill the natural gas using a second fluorocarbon refrigerant. The system also includes a nitrogen refrigeration system configured to cool the natural gas using a nitrogen refrigerant to produce LNG and a nitrogen rejection unit configured to remove nitrogen from the LNG. As an alternative embodiment, the nitrogen refrigeration system can be replaced by a methane autorefrigeration system. 1. A hydrocarbon processing system for formation of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) , comprising:a first fluorocarbon refrigeration system configured to chill a natural gas using a first fluorocarbon refrigerant;a second fluorocarbon refrigeration system configured to further chill the natural gas using a second fluorocarbon refrigerant;a methane autorefrigeration system configured to cool the natural gas to produce LNG; anda nitrogen rejection unit upstream of the methane autorefrigeration system and configured to remove nitrogen from the natural gas.2. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 1 , wherein the first fluorocarbon refrigeration system is configured to cool the second fluorocarbon refrigerant of the second fluorocarbon refrigeration system.3. (canceled)4. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 1 , wherein the first fluorocarbon refrigeration system or the second fluorocarbon refrigeration system claim 1 , or both claim 1 , comprises multiple cooling cycles.5. (canceled)6. The hydrocarbon processing system of claim 1 , wherein the first fluorocarbon refrigeration system comprises:a compressor configured to compress the first fluorocarbon refrigerant to provide a compressed first fluorocarbon refrigerant;a chiller configured to cool the compressed first fluorocarbon ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon Gas Processing

Номер: US20190170435A1

A process and an apparatus are disclosed for the recovery of ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream. The stream is divided into first and second streams. The first stream is cooled to condense substantially all of it, expanded to lower pressure, and supplied to a fractionation tower at an upper mid-column feed position. The second stream is cooled sufficiently to partially condense it and separated into vapor and liquid streams. The vapor stream is divided into first and second portions. The first portion is cooled to condense substantially all of it, expanded to the tower pressure, and supplied to the tower at the top feed position. The second portion is expanded to the tower pressure and supplied to the fractionation tower at an intermediate mid-column feed position. The liquid stream is expanded to the tower pressure and supplied to the column at a lower mid-column feed position. The quantities and temperatures of the feeds to the fractionation tower are effective to maintain the overhead temperature of the fractionation tower at a temperature whereby the major portion of the desired components is recovered. 1. In a process for the separation of a gas stream containing methane , Ccomponents , Ccomponents , and heavier hydrocarbon components into a volatile residue gas fraction and a relatively less volatile fraction containing a major portion of said Ccomponents , Ccomponents , and heavier hydrocarbon components or said Ccomponents and heavier hydrocarbon components , in which process(a) said gas stream is cooled under pressure to provide a cooled stream;(b) said cooled stream is expanded to a lower pressure whereby it is further cooled; and(c) said further cooled stream is directed into a distillation column and fractionated at said lower pressure whereby the components of said relatively less volatile fraction are recovered;the improvement wherein prior to cooling, said gas stream is divided into ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Simplified method for producing a methane-rich stream and a c2+ hydrocarbon-rich fraction from a feed natural-gas stream, and associated facility

Номер: US20180180356A1
Принадлежит: Technip France SAS

A method comprising the cooling of the feed natural-gas ( 15 ) in a first heat exchanger ( 16 ) and the introduction of the cooled feed natural-gas ( 40 ) in separator flask ( 18 ). The method further comprising dynamic expansion of a turbine input flow ( 46 ) in a first expansion turbine ( 22 ) and the introduction of the expanded flow ( 102 ) into a splitter column ( 26 ). This method includes sampling at the head of the splitter column ( 26 ) a methane-rich head stream ( 82 ) and sampling in the compressed methane-rich head stream ( 86 ) a first recirculation stream ( 88 ). The method comprises the formation of at least one second recirculation stream ( 96 ) obtained from the methane-rich head stream ( 82 ) downstream from the splitter column ( 26 ) and the formation of a dynamic expansion stream ( 100 ) from the second recirculation stream ( 96 ).

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173310A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A system includes a waste heat recovery heat exchanger configured to heat a heating fluid stream by exchange with a heat source in a crude oil associated gas processing plant. The system includes a modified Goswami cycle energy conversion system including a first group of heat exchangers configured to heat a first portion of a working fluid by exchange with the heated heating fluid stream and a second group of heat exchangers configured to heat a second portion of the working fluid. The modified Goswami cycle energy conversion system includes a separator configured to receive the heated first and second portions of the working fluid and to output a vapor stream of the working fluid and a liquid stream of the working fluid; a first turbine and a generator are configured to generate power by expansion of a first portion of the vapor stream of the working fluid; a cooling subsystem including one or more cooling elements configured to cool a chilling fluid stream by exchange with a cooled second portion of the vapor stream of the working fluid; and a second turbine configured to generate power from the liquid stream of the working fluid. 1. (canceled)2. A system comprising:a waste heat recovery heat exchanger configured to heat a heating fluid stream by exchange with a heat source in a crude oil associated gas processing plant; and a first energy conversion heat exchanger configured to heat a first portion of a working fluid by exchange with the heated heating fluid stream;', 'a second group of energy conversion heat exchangers configured to heat a second portion of the working fluid by exchange with (i) a liquid stream of the working fluid and (ii) the heated heating fluid stream;', 'a separator configured to receive the heated first and second portions of the working fluid and to output a vapor stream of the working fluid and the liquid stream of the working fluid;', 'a turbine subsystem configured to generate power from one or more of (i) a first portion of the vapor ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon Gas Processing

Номер: US20170191751A1

A process and an apparatus are disclosed for a compact processing assembly to improve the recovery of C(or C) and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream. The preferred method of separating a hydrocarbon gas stream generally includes producing at least a substantially condensed first stream and a cooled second stream, expanding both streams to lower pressure, and supplying the streams to a fractionation tower. In the process and apparatus disclosed, the expanded first stream is heated to form a vapor fraction and a liquid fraction. The vapor fraction is combined with the tower overhead vapor, directed to a heat and mass transfer means inside a processing assembly, and cooled and partially condensed by the expanded first stream to form a residual vapor stream and a condensed stream. The condensed stream is combined with the liquid fraction and supplied to the tower at its top feed point. 15.-. (canceled)6. In an apparatus for the separation of a gas stream containing methane , Ccomponents , Ccomponents , and heavier hydrocarbon components into a volatile residue gas fraction and a relatively less volatile fraction containing a major portion of said Ccomponents , Ccomponents , and heavier hydrocarbon components or said Ccomponents and heavier hydrocarbon components , in said apparatus there being(a) one or more heat exchange means and at least one dividing means to produce at least a first stream that has been cooled under pressure to condense substantially all of it, and at least a second stream that has been cooled under pressure;(b) a first expansion means connected to receive said substantially condensed first stream under pressure and expand it to a lower pressure, whereby said first stream is further cooled;(c) a distillation column connected to said first expansion means to receive said expanded further cooled first stream at a top feed position, with said distillation column producing at least an overhead vapor stream and a bottom liquid ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Process integration for natural gas liquid recovery

Номер: US20190186825A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

This specification relates to operating industrial facilities, for example, crude oil refining facilities or other industrial facilities that include operating plants that process natural gas or recover natural gas liquids.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222947A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

This specification relates to operating industrial facilities, for example, crude oil refining facilities or other industrial facilities that include operating plants that process natural gas or recover natural gas liquids. 1. A method for recovering natural gas liquid from a feed gas , the method comprising:transferring heat from a plurality of hot fluids to a plurality of cold fluids through a cold box, the cold box comprising a plate-fin heat exchanger comprising a plurality of compartments; and a primary refrigerant comprising a first mixture of hydrocarbons;', 'a low pressure (LP) refrigerant separator in fluid communication with the cold box;', 'a high pressure (HP) refrigerant separator in fluid communication with the cold box; and', 'a subcooler in fluid communication with the cold box;, 'transferring heat to a refrigeration system through the cold box, the refrigeration system comprisingflowing a first portion of the primary refrigerant to the LP refrigerant separator;separating the first portion of the primary refrigerant into a LP primary refrigerant liquid phase and a LP primary refrigerant vapor phase using the LP refrigerant separator;transferring heat from the first portion of the primary refrigerant to the LP primary refrigerant vapor phase using the subcooler;flowing the first portion of the primary refrigerant from the subcooler to the cold box;flowing at least a portion of the LP primary refrigerant liquid phase to the cold box;flowing a second portion of the primary refrigerant to the HP refrigerant separator;separating the second portion of the primary refrigerant into a HP primary refrigerant liquid phase and a HP primary refrigerant vapor phase using the HP refrigerant separator;flowing at least a portion of the HP primary refrigerant liquid phase to the cold box;flowing, to a de-methanizer column in fluid communication with the cold box, at least one hydrocarbon stream originating from the feed gas;separating, using the de-methanizer column, ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing a methane-rich stream and a c2+ hydrocarbon-rich stream, and associated equipment

Номер: US20140290307A1
Принадлежит: Technip France SAS

This method comprises a separation of a feed stream ( 16 ) into a first fraction ( 41 A) and a second fraction ( 41 B). It comprises injecting the first cooled feed fraction ( 42 ) into a first separating flask ( 22 ) to produce a light head stream ( 44 ). The method comprises expanding a turbine feed fraction ( 48 ) resulting from the light head stream ( 44 ) in a first turbine ( 26 ) up to a first pressure and injecting the first expanded fraction ( 54 ) into a distillation column ( 30 ). The method comprises expanding the second fraction of the feed stream ( 41 B) in a second turbine ( 40 ) up to a second pressure substantially equal to the first pressure. The second expanded fraction ( 91 A) from the second dynamic expansion turbine ( 40 ) is used to form a cooled reflux stream ( 91 B) injected into the column ( 30 ).

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210231367A1

Systems herein separate an inlet gas stream containing methane, C2 components, C3 components and optionally heavier hydrocarbons into a volatile gas fraction containing methane and a less volatile hydrocarbon fraction containing C2+ components. The system may include piping, valving, and controls configured to flexibly allow the system to operate in a high ethane recovery mode, a high throughput mode, or in some embodiments, a high propane recovery mode. 1. A system for separating an inlet gas stream containing methane , C2 components , C3 components and optionally heavier hydrocarbons into a volatile gas fraction containing methane and a less volatile hydrocarbon fraction containing C2+ components , the system comprising:a splitter for dividing the inlet gas stream into a first feed stream and a second feed stream;a first heat exchanger for cooling the first feed stream;a second heat exchanger for cooling the second feed stream;a separator for separating the cooled first and second feed streams into a first vapor stream and a first liquid stream;a flow line for feeding the first vapor stream to a demethanizer tower;a flow line for feeding the first liquid stream to the demethanizer tower;the demethanizer tower for separating the feed streams into a demethanizer overheads stream and a demethanizer bottoms stream;one or more compressors for compressing the demethanizer overheads stream to form a residue gas stream;a demethanizer tower reflux line for providing a reflux stream to a top of the demethanizer tower;a flow line for providing a portion of the residue gas stream to the demethanizer tower reflux line;a flow line for providing a third portion of the inlet gas stream to the demethanizer tower reflux line;a first valve for permitting or stopping a flow of the portion of the residue gas stream to the demethanizer tower reflux line; anda second valve for permitting or stopping a flow of the third portion of the inlet gas stream to the demethanizer tower reflux ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202610A1

The process comprises the following steps: mixing a gaseous stream of flash gas and a gaseous stream of boil-off gas to form a mixed gaseous flow; compressing the mixed gaseous flow in at least one compression apparatus to form a flow of compressed combustible gas; withdrawing a bypass flow in the flow of compressed combustible gas; compressing the bypass flow in at least one downstream compressor; cooling and expanding the compressed bypass flow; reheating at least a first stream derived from the expanded bypass flow in at least one downstream heat exchanger, reintroducing the first reheated stream in the mixed gaseous flow upstream from the compression apparatus. 1. A process for expansion and storage of a flow of liquefied natural gas from a natural gas liquefaction plant , comprising:flash expanding the flow of liquefied natural gas in an expander to form a flow of expanded liquefied natural gas;bringing the flow of expanded liquefied natural gas into a flash end capacitor;recovering, at the bottom of the flash end capacitor, a liquid stream of liquefied natural gas;conveying the liquid stream of liquefied natural gas into at least one liquefied natural gas tank;withdrawing, at the head of the flash end capacitor, a gaseous stream of flash gas;recovering, at the head of the liquefied natural gas tank, a gaseous stream of boil-off gas;mixing the gaseous stream of flash gas and the gaseous stream of boil-off gas to form a mixed gaseous flow;compressing the mixed gaseous flow in at least one compressor to form a flow of compressed combustible gas;withdrawing a bypass flow in the flow of compressed combustible gas;compressing the bypass flow in at least one downstream compressor to form a compressed bypass flow;cooling the compressed bypass flow;expanding the compressed bypass flow to form an expanded bypass stream;reheating at least a first stream derived from the expanded bypass flow in at least one downstream heat exchanger,reintroducing the first reheated stream ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202712A1
Автор: DECKER Lutz, KUNDIG Andres

A method of cooling a process stream with an auxiliary stream is described, wherein the exchange of heat between the process stream and the auxiliary stream is effected in a first heat exchanger and a second heat exchanger connected downstream thereof. 1. A method of cooling a process stream with an auxiliary stream , wherein an exchange of heat between the process stream and the auxiliary stream is effected in a first heat exchanger and a second heat exchanger connected downstream thereof ,characterized in thata) the process stream is divided into two or more substreams,b) flow rates of the substreams are regulatable by means of one valve each,c) only a first substream is cooled down with the auxiliary stream in the first and second heat exchangers, andd) the other substream(s) is/are mixed into the cooled first substream and a process stream thus formed is cooled again in the second heat exchanger, and, in the case of division into more than two substreams, the process stream is cooled again in the second heat exchanger after each substream has been mixed in,e) wherein the flow rates of the substreams are regulated such that the temperatures of the process streams to be cooled in the second heat exchanger, on entry into the second heat exchanger, differ from one another by not more than 10 K, andf) wherein at least one of the valves that regulates the flow rates of the substreams is fully opened.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the flow rates of the substreams are regulated such that the temperatures of the process streams to be cooled in the second heat exchanger claim 1 , on entry into the second heat exchanger claim 1 , differ from one another by not more than 5 K.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the first heat exchanger and/or the second heat exchanger take the form of a plate heat exchanger.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the process stream to be cooled is selected from the ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202713A1

The present invention relates to a method of cooling and separating a hydrocarbon stream: (a) passing an hydrocarbon feed stream () through a first cooling and separation stage to provide a methane enriched vapour overhead stream () and a methane depleted liquid stream (); (b) passing the methane depleted liquid stream () to a fractionation column () to obtain a bottom condensate stream (), a top stream enriched in C1-C2 () and a midstream enriched in C3-C4 (), (c) cooling the upper part of the fractionation column () by a condenser (), (d) obtaining a split stream () from the methane enriched vapour overhead stream () and obtaining a cooled split stream () by expansion-cooling the split stream (), (e) providing cooling duty to the top of the fractionation column () using the cooled split stream (). 1. A method of cooling and separating a hydrocarbon stream , comprising at least the steps of:(a) passing an hydrocarbon feed stream through a first cooling and separation stage to provide a methane enriched vapour overhead stream and a methane depleted liquid stream;(b) passing the methane depleted liquid stream to a fractionation column to separate the methane depleted liquid stream in a bottom condensate stream, a top stream enriched in C1-C2 and a midstream enriched in C3-C4,(c) cooling the upper part of the fractionation column by a condenser,(d) splitting the methane enriched vapour overhead stream in a main overhead stream and a split stream and obtaining a cooled split stream by expansion-cooling the split stream,(e) feeding a condenser feed stream to the condenser, the condenser feed stream comprising the cooled split stream, to provide cooling duty to the top of the fractionation column.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein obtaining a cooled split stream is done by passing the split stream through an expander or valve to obtain the cooled split stream.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the method comprises(f) feeding a feed stream to a second cooling ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211879A1
Автор: Igra Robert Michael

Process and apparatus for producing pressurized gaseous nitrogen by cryogenic separation of air. The distillation column system includes a high pressure column, a medium pressure column, a main condenser and top condenser both being condenser-evaporators. Compressed and purified feed air is cooled in a heat exchanger and introduced to the distillation system. A gaseous nitrogen stream from the high pressure column is condensed in the main condenser. Bottom liquid of the medium pressure column is evaporated and gaseous nitrogen from the medium pressure column is condensed in the top condenser. Liquid nitrogen from the medium pressure column is pressurized and introduced to the high pressure column. A second gaseous nitrogen stream from the high pressure column is recovered as pressurized gaseous nitrogen product. A portion of the compressed and purified feed air is work-expanded and then warmed in the main heat exchanger. 1. Process for producing pressurized gaseous nitrogen by cryogenic separation of air in a distillation column system comprising a high pressure column , a medium pressure column , a main condenser and a medium pressure column top condenser both in the form of condenser-evaporators , wherebythe total feed air is compressed in a main air compressor to a first pressure which is higher than the operating pressure at the top of the high pressure column,the compressed air stream is purified,the compressed and purified feed air stream is introduced into a main heat exchanger under a first pressure and cooled in the main heat exchanger,at least a portion of the cooled air is introduced into the distillation column system,a first gaseous nitrogen stream from the top the high pressure column is condensed in the liquefaction space of the main condenser,bottom liquid of the high pressure column is sent to an intermediate section of the medium pressure column,bottom liquid of the medium pressure column is sent to the evaporation space of the medium pressure ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211882A1
Автор: Alekseev Alexander

A method for producing an air product in an air separation plant. Feed air is cooled at least in a main air compressor and is fed into a distillation column system. A fluid storage unit and a cold accumulator are used. In a first operating mode, fluid is stored in the fluid storage unit and the cold accumulator is heated. In a third operating mode, fluid is released and the cold accumulator is cooled, and in a second operating mode, fluid is neither stored nor released. 1. A process for producing an air product in an air separation plant in which feed air , which is altogether compressed in a main air compressor and thereafter partly recompressed in a booster air compressor , is cooled down and subsequently entirely or partially fed into a distillation column system , the process comprising , feeding the feed air in a first air feeding amount into the distillation column system, and in this system using the feed air to produce a liquid intermediate product in a first amount of intermediate product,', 'of the first amount of intermediate product, storing at least one fraction in a liquid form in a storage amount in a liquid storage unit,', 'warming up a further fraction of the first amount of intermediate product or of another amount of liquid intermediate product under pressure in a first amount of product in the main heat exchanger and providing it as the air product and allowing a cold storage unit with at least one cold store to be flowed through by a first process stream, the cold store being warmed up and the first process stream being cooled down, and, 'in a first operating mode'} feeding the feed air in a second air feeding amount into the distillation column system and in this system using the feed air to produce a liquid intermediate product in a second amount of intermediate product,', 'the cold storage unit not being flowed through,, 'in a second operating mode'} feeding the feed air in a third air feeding amount into the distillation column system and in ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200200471A1

A liquefaction system is capable of sequentially or simultaneously liquefying multiple feed streams of hydrocarbons having different normal bubble points with minimal flash. The liquefying heat exchanger has separate circuits for handling multiple feed streams. The feed stream with the lowest normal boiling point is sub-cooled sufficiently to suppress most of the flash. Feed streams with relatively high normal boiling points are cooled to substantially the same temperature, then blended with bypass streams to maintain each product near its normal bubble point. The system can also liquefy one stream at a time by using a dedicated circuit or by allocating the same feed to multiple circuits. 115.-. (canceled)16. An apparatus comprising:a coil-wound heat exchanger having a warm end, a cold end, a tube side having a plurality of cooling conduits;a first feed stream conduit in upstream fluid flow communication with at least one of the plurality of cooling conduits and in downstream fluid flow communication with a supply of a first hydrocarbon fluid having a first normal bubble point;a second feed stream conduit n upstream fluid flow communication with at least one of the plurality of cooling conduits and in downstream fluid flow communication and a second hydrocarbon fluid having a second normal bubble point that is lower than the first normal bubble point;a first cooled feed stream conduit in downstream fluid flow communication with the first feed stream conduit and at least one of the plurality of cooling conduits;a second cooled feed stream conduit in downstream fluid flow communication with the second feed stream conduit and at least one of the plurality of cooling conduits;a first product stream conduit in downstream fluid flow communication with the first cooled feed stream;a second product stream conduit in downstream fluid flow communication with the second cooled feed stream;a first bypass conduit having at least one valve, an upstream end in fluid flow ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for LNG Refrigeration and Liquefaction

Номер: US20190204006A1
Автор: Mak John, THOMAS Jacob

A LNG liquefaction plant system includes concurrent power production, wherein the refrigeration content of the refrigerant or SMR is used to liquefy and sub-cool a natural gas stream in a cold box or cryogenic exchanger. For concurrent power production, the system uses waste heat from refrigerant compression to vaporize and superheat a waste heat working fluid that in turn drives a compressor for refrigerant compression. The refrigerant may be an external SMR or an internal LNG refrigerant working fluid expanded and compressed by a twin compander arrangement. 1. A method for LNG liquefaction comprising:providing a natural gas feed stream;providing, in a heat exchanger, heat exchange between the natural gas feed stream and a compressed and cooled refrigerant stream;producing an expanded refrigerant stream from the compressed and cooled refrigerant stream in response to the heat exchange;driving a first compressor;compressing and cooling a compressed refrigerant stream to form the compressed and cooled refrigerant stream using the first compressor;producing waste heat in response to driving the first compressor;providing the waste heat to a waste heat working fluid in a waste heat exchanger;expanding the waste heat working fluid;driving a second compressor in response to expanding the waste heat working fluid;compressing the expanded refrigerant stream using the second compressor to form the compressed refrigerant stream; andliquefying the natural gas feed stream in response to the heat exchange to produce LNG.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:directing a gas stream from the produced LNG; andusing the gas stream in the heat exchanger for heat exchange with the natural gas feed stream.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:vaporizing and superheating a high pressure hydrocarbon liquid using the waste heat to form a vaporized and superheated high pressure hydrocarbon, wherein the waste heat is provided by exhaust from a gas turbine; anddirecting the ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Boil-off gas reliquefaction system

Номер: US20200208780A1

Disclosed is a BOG reliquefaction system. The BOG reliquefaction system includes: a compressor compressing BOG; a heat exchanger cooling the BOG compressed by the compressor through heat exchange using BOG not compressed by the compressor as a refrigerant; a pressure reducer disposed downstream of the heat exchanger and reducing a pressure of fluid cooled by the heat exchanger; and a second oil filter disposed downstream of the pressure reducer, wherein the compressor includes at least one oil-lubrication type cylinder and the second oil filter is a cryogenic oil filter.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208911A1

This method comprises a separation of a feed stream () into a first fraction (A) and a second fraction (B). It comprises injecting the first cooled feed fraction () into a first separating flask () to produce a light head stream (). 1. A method for producing a methane-rich stream and a C2 hydrocarbon-rich stream from a feed stream containing hydrocarbons , said method comprising:separating the feed stream into a first fraction of the feed stream and at least one second fraction of the feed stream;cooling the first fraction of the feed stream in a first heat exchanger to produce a cooled first fraction, said separating of the feed stream occurs upstream of the cooling of the first fraction of the feed stream;injecting the cooled first fraction of the feed stream in a first separating flask to produce a light head stream and a heavy bottoms stream;expanding a turbine feed fraction formed from the light head stream in a first dynamic expansion turbine to a first pressure and injecting at least part of the first expanded fraction coming from the first turbine into a first distillation column;expanding the whole heavy bottoms stream to form an expanded bottoms stream and injecting the expanded bottoms stream into the first distillation column without going through the first heat exchanger between the first separating flask and the first distillation column;{'sup': '+', 'recovering a bottoms stream at the bottom of the first distillation column, the C2 hydrocarbon-rich stream being formed from the bottoms stream;'}recovering and heating a methane-rich overhead stream from the first distillation column;compressing at least one fraction of the methane-rich overhead stream in at least a first compressor coupled to the first dynamic expansion turbine and in at least one second compressor;injecting at least part of the second fraction of the feed stream into a second dynamic expansion turbine, separate from the first dynamic expansion turbine;expanding the at least part of the ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200217585A1

A system and method for increasing the efficiency of natural gas liquefaction processes by using a hybrid cooling system and method. More specifically, a system and method for converting a transcritical precooling refrigeration process to a subcritical process. In one embodiment, the refrigerant is cooled to sub-critical temperature using an economizer. In another embodiment, the refrigerant is cooled to a sub-critical temperature using an auxiliary heat exchanger. Optionally, the economizer or auxiliary heat exchanger can be bypassed when ambient temperatures are sufficiently low to cool the refrigerant to a sub-critical temperature. In another embodiment, the refrigerant is isentropically expanded. 1. A method for cooling a hydrocarbon feed stream against a first refrigerant to produce a cooled hydrocarbon stream , the first refrigerant having a critical temperature , the method comprising:(a) compressing the first refrigerant in at least one compression stage to produce a compressed first refrigerant;(b) cooling the compressed first refrigerant against an ambient fluid in at least one heat exchanger to produce a cooled first refrigerant having a first temperature that is greater than or equal to the critical temperature of the first refrigerant;(c) further cooling the cooled first refrigerant in at least one economizer heat exchanger against at least a first portion of the cooled first refrigerant to produce a further cooled first refrigerant at a second temperature and a warmed first refrigerant, the second temperature being less than the critical temperature of the first refrigerant; and (i) reducing the pressure of the first refrigerant;', '(ii) cooling the fluid stream against the reduced pressure first refrigerant in an evaporator, resulting in vaporization of at least a portion of the reduced pressure first refrigerant; and', '(iii) flowing at least a portion of the vaporized reduced pressure first refrigerant into one of the at least one compression stages ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Separating Natural Gas Liquid and Nitrogen from Natural Gas Streams

Номер: US20180231306A1
Автор: Butts Rayburn C.

A system and method for removing nitrogen and producing a high pressure methane product stream and an NGL product stream from natural gas feed streams where at least 90%, and preferably at least 95%, of the ethane in the feed stream is recovered in the NGL product stream. The system and method of the invention are particularly suitable for use with feed streams in excess of 5 MMSCFD and up to 300 MMSCFD and containing around 5% to 80% nitrogen. The system and method preferably combine use of strategic heat exchange between various process streams with a high pressure rectifier tower and the ability to divert all or a portion of a nitrogen rejection unit feed stream to optionally bypass a nitrogen fractionation column to reduce capital costs and operating expenses. 1. A system for removing nitrogen from a feed stream comprising nitrogen , methane , ethane , and other components to produce a methane product stream and an NGL product stream , the system comprising:a first separator wherein the feed stream is separated into a first overhead stream and a first bottoms stream;a first fractionating column wherein the first overhead stream is separated into a second overhead stream and a second bottoms stream;an expander for expanding the first overhead stream prior to the first fractionating column;a second fractionating column wherein the second bottoms stream is separated into a third overhead stream and a third bottoms stream;a third fractionating column wherein at least a first NRU feed stream is separated into a fourth overhead stream and a fourth bottoms stream;a first heat exchanger for cooling a first portion of the feed stream prior to the first separator and cooling a first portion of the second overhead stream prior to the third fractionating column through heat exchange with the fourth bottoms stream and a recycle refrigerant stream;a second heat exchanger for cooling the first portion of the second overhead stream after the first heat exchanger and prior to ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170234614A1

A method and plant for the cryogenic separation of air, the plant having an air compressor, a heat exchanger and a distillation column system having a low-pressure column at a first pressure and a high-pressure column at a second pressure. Feed air is compressed in the air compressor to a third pressure at least 2 bar above the second pressure A first fraction of compressed feed air is cooled in the heat exchanger and expanded in a first expansion turbine. A second fraction is cooled in the heat exchanger and expanded in a second expansion turbine A third fraction is compressed to a fourth pressure, cooled in the heat exchanger and then expanded. The third fraction is compressed to the fourth pressure in sequence in a recompressor, a hot first turbine booster and a second turbine booster. A dense fluid expander is used to expand the third fraction. 2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the third fraction is fed to the second turbine booster at a temperature level of −40 to 50° C.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein at least one liquid air product is withdrawn from the air separation plant in a fraction of 3 to 10 mol % of the feed air stream.4. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the third fraction claim 2 , after the recompression in the second turbine booster is cooled in an aftercooler starting from a temperature level above the ambient temperature and thereafter in the main heat exchanger from a temperature level of 10 to 50° C. to a temperature level of −140 to −180° C.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first pressure level is at 1 to 2 bar claim 1 , the second pressure level is at 5 to 6 bar claim 1 , the third pressure level is at 8 to 23 bar and/or the fourth pressure level is at 50 to 70 bar absolute pressure.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the third fraction is fed to the first turbine booster at a temperature level of 0 to 50° C. and to the second turbine booster at a temperature level of −140 to −20° C ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160245587A1
Автор: Shah Kamal
Принадлежит: IHI E&C International Corporation

A method and apparatus for removing benzene from a lean natural gas feed is provided. The method and apparatus are capable of removing benzene from lean natural gas that is predominantly composed of methane and contains very little heavier hydrocarbon components. 1. A method for removing benzene from a lean natural gas feed , the method comprising:splitting a dehydrated feed gas into a first input stream directed into a rich/lean gas exchanger to provide a first output stream and a second input stream directed into a demethanizer side re-boiler to provide a second output stream;feeding the first output stream from the rich/lean gas exchanger into a expander suction drum;feeding the second output stream into an expander suction drum;splitting the gaseous output stream from the expander suction drum into a first expander output stream, a second expander suction drum output stream, and a third expander suction drum condensate output stream;feeding the first expander suction drum output stream into a demethanizer column reflux exchanger to produce an exchanged gas stream and feeding the exchanged gas stream into a demethanizer column;feeding the second expander output stream into a gas expander to produce an expanded gas and feeding the expanded gas into the demethanizer column;feeding the third expander suction drum output stream into the demethanizer column;condensing the gas in the demethanizer column to form a NGL (natural gas liquid) condensate;feeding the NGL condensate from the bottom into a stabilizer inlet cooler and subsequently into a stabilizer;directing a gas stream from the stabilizer into a stabilizer condenser to provide a first condensate;feeding the first condensate into a stabilizer reflux drum to form a first stabilized condensate;providing a solvent makeup stream comprising a formulated hydrocarbon based solution containing a majority of components lighter than hexane and heavier than butane;providing a solvent storage tank for the formulated ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180238617A1

Provided is a partial reliquefaction system including a boil-off gas (BOG) compression system receiving a BOG exiting from a liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tank, a high-pressure compression section receiving a BOG stream from the BOG compression system, a heat exchanger effectuating a temperature drop of the BOG stream, an expander receiving the cooled BOG stream after passing through the heat exchanger, and a separator vessel for receiving a gas/liquid mixture, wherein a gas portion of the gas/liquid mixture is recirculated through the heat exchanger to act as the cooling medium for the heat exchanger. 1. A partial reliquefaction system comprising:a boil-off gas (BOG) compression system receiving a BOG exiting from a liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tank;a high-pressure compression section receiving a BOG stream from the BOG compression system;a heat exchanger effectuating a temperature drop of the BOG stream;an expander receiving the cooled BOG stream after passing through the heat exchanger; anda separator vessel for receiving a gas/liquid mixture;wherein a gas portion of the gas/liquid mixture is recirculated through the heat exchanger to act as the cooling medium for the heat exchanger.2. The partial reliquefaction system of claim 1 , further comprising:a low-pressure compression section receiving the recirculated BOG stream.3. The partial reliquefaction system of claim 1 , wherein the liquid portion is delivered to a LNG storage tank.4. The partial reliquefaction system of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is a gas-to-gas heat exchanger that reduces a temperature of the BOG stream more than 100° C.5. The partial reliquefaction system of claim 1 , wherein the high-pressure compression section includes an oil-free compressor.6. The partial reliquefaction system of claim 1 , wherein a max system pressure is 60 bar.7. The partial reliquefaction system of claim 1 , wherein a max pressure at an inlet of the expander is below 60 bar.8. The partial ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Using Multiple Cryogenic Hydraulic Turbines

Номер: US20200232704A1

There is provided a system and method for producing liquefied natural gas (LNG). An exemplary method includes flowing a high-pressure stream of LNG through a first series of liquid turbines. The exemplary method also includes generating electricity by reducing the pressure of the high-pressure stream of LNG to form a low-pressure stream of LNG. The exemplary method additionally includes bypassing any one the liquid turbines that has a failure while continuing to produce electricity from the first series. 1. A method for generating electricity from liquid turbines , comprising:{'b': '1', 'in a normal mode, flowing a high-pressure liquid stream through a first plurality of n liquid turbines coupled in a first series, wherein, after a first turbine in the series, an inlet of each of a second through an n- liquid turbine is coupled to an outlet of a preceding liquid turbine;'}generating electricity from the first series by removing energy from the high-pressure liquid stream to form a low-pressure liquid stream; andbypassing any one of the first plurality of liquid turbines that has a failure while continuing to produce electricity with the remaining turbines of the first series.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:maintaining a total electrical output from the first series as a constant value when a liquid turbine is bypassed.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:operating the first plurality of liquid turbines in the first series that are not bypassed to maintain a pressure, temperature, and flow rate of the low-pressure liquid stream from the first series to be the same as a pressure, temperature, and flow rate of the low-pressure liquid stream when operating in the normal mode.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:removing a portion of the high-pressure liquid stream prior to the first series;{'b': '1', 'flowing the portion through a second plurality of n liquid turbines coupled in a second series, wherein, after a first turbine in the ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for the Production of Liquefied Natural Gas

Номер: US20160252298A1

A method for producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) and separating natural gas liquids (NGLs) from the LNG is provided. The method may include compressing natural gas to compressed natural gas, removing a non-hydrocarbon from the compressed natural gas, and cooling the compressed natural gas to a cooled, compressed natural gas. The method may also include expanding a first portion and a second portion of the cooled, compressed natural gas in a first expansion element and a second expansion element to generate a first refrigeration stream and a second refrigeration stream, respectively. The method may further include separating a third portion of the cooled, compressed natural gas into a methane lean natural gas fraction containing the NGLs and a methane rich natural gas fraction. The methane rich natural gas fraction may be cooled in a liquefaction assembly with the first and second refrigeration streams to thereby produce the LNG. 1. A method for producing liquefied natural gas from a natural gas source and separating natural gas liquids from the liquefied natural gas produced , comprising:compressing natural gas from the natural gas source in a compression assembly fluidly coupled with the natural gas source to produce a compressed natural gas;removing a non-hydrocarbon from the compressed natural gas in a separator fluidly coupled with the compression assembly;cooling the compressed natural gas to a cooled, compressed natural gas with a cooling assembly in thermal communication with the compression assembly;expanding a first portion of the cooled, compressed natural gas in a first expansion element to generate a first refrigeration stream;expanding a second portion of the cooled, compressed natural gas in a second expansion element to generate a second refrigeration stream;feeding a third portion of the cooled, compressed natural gas to a distillation column of a distillation assembly;separating the third portion of the cooled, compressed natural gas into a ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160258675A1

A process is disclosed herein for recovery of natural gas liquids from a feed gas stream, comprising forming a first portion of the feed gas stream and a second portion of the feed gas stream, wherein the mass ratio of the first portion to the second portion is in the range of 95:5 to 5:95, cooling the first portion in a heat exchanger and at least partially condensing the first portion, and feeding the second portion and the cooled and at least partially condensed first portion to a distillation column wherein lighter components are removed from the distillation column as an overhead vapor stream and heavier components are removed from the distillation column in the bottoms as a product stream, and wherein the second portion is fed into the distillation column at a point one or more vapor-liquid equilibrium stages below the first portion, thereby allowing mass transfer exchange between liquids of the cooled second portion and vapors of the second portion within the column. A corresponding apparatus is also disclosed. 1. A process for recovery of natural gas liquids from a feed gas stream , comprising:(a) forming a first portion of the feed gas stream and a second portion of the feed gas stream, wherein the mass ratio of the first portion to the second portion is in the range of 95:5 to 5:95;(b) cooling the first portion in a heat exchanger and at least partially condensing the first portion;(c) feeding the second portion and the cooled and at least partially condensed first portion to a distillation column wherein lighter components are removed from the distillation column as an overhead vapor stream and heavier components are removed from the distillation column in the bottoms as a product stream, and wherein the second portion is fed into the distillation column at a point one or more vapor-liquid equilibrium stages below the first portion, thereby allowing mass transfer exchange between liquids of the cooled first portion and vapors of the second portion within ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for LNG Production with Propane and Ethane Recovery

Номер: US20190242645A1

A LNG liquefaction plant includes a propane recovery unit including an inlet for a feed gas, a first outlet for a LPG, and a second outlet for an ethane-rich feed gas, an ethane recovery unit including an inlet coupled to the second outlet for the ethane-rich feed gas, a first outlet for an ethane liquid, and a second outlet for a methane-rich feed gas, and a LNG liquefaction unit including an inlet coupled to the second outlet for the methane-rich feed gas, a refrigerant to cool the methane-rich feed gas, and an outlet for a LNG. The LNG plant may also include a stripper, an absorber, and a separator configured to separate the feed gas into a stripper liquid and an absorber vapor. The stripper liquid can be converted to an overhead stream used as a reflux stream to the absorber. 1. A method for LNG liquefaction comprising:converting a feed stream comprising methane, ethane, and propane to a LPG and an ethane-rich feed gas;compressing the ethane-rich feed gas to form a compressed stream, wherein the compressed stream is configured to split into a first portion and a second portion, wherein the first portion of the compressed stream, the second portion of the compressed stream, and the ethane-rich feed gas are each ethane-rich, wherein the compressed stream and the second portion of compressed stream have the same composition;producing, by a demethanizer, an ethane liquid in an ethane bottom liquid stream and a residue gas in a methane overhead vapor stream, wherein a first portion of the residue gas is configured to flow to the demethanizer as a first reflux stream, wherein a second portion of the residue gas from the demethanizer is a methane-rich feed gas, wherein the first portion of the compressed stream is configured to flow to the demethanizer as a second reflux stream, wherein the second portion of the compressed stream is configured to flow to the demethanizer; andconverting the methane-rich feed gas to a LNG.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210348838A1

Liquefier arrangements configured for co-production of both liquid natural gas (LNG) and liquid nitrogen (LIN) configured to operate using direct drive motor/generator arrangement for the warm and/or cold booster compressors and turbines. Alternatively, the use of a conventional generator with a bull gear in lieu of the direct drive motor/generator arrangement on the warm turbine and warm booster compressor coupling is also disclosed. 1. A method of liquefaction to co-produce liquid nitrogen and liquid natural gas , the method comprising the steps of:(i) receiving a gaseous nitrogen feed stream;(ii) compressing the gaseous nitrogen feed stream and one or more gaseous nitrogen recycle streams in a recycle compressor to produce a gaseous nitrogen effluent stream;(iii) further compressing a first portion of the effluent stream in a cold booster compressor to form a part of a primary nitrogen liquefaction stream and further compressing a second portion of the effluent stream in a warm booster compressor to form a warm nitrogen recycle stream, wherein the warm booster compressor is coupled to a direct drive motor/generator arrangement;(iv) cooling the primary nitrogen liquefaction stream in a first heat exchange passage in a multi-pass brazed aluminum heat exchanger;(v) expanding a first portion of the cooled primary nitrogen liquefaction stream extracted at a primary intermediate location of the first heat exchange passage in a cold booster loaded turbine to produce a cold turbine exhaust;(vi) warming the cold turbine exhaust in a second heat exchange passage in the multi-pass brazed aluminum heat exchanger to form a gaseous nitrogen recycle stream;(vii) cooling the warm nitrogen recycle stream in a third heat exchange passage in the multi-pass brazed aluminum heat exchanger;(viii) expanding the cooled stream exiting the third heat exchange passage in a warm booster loaded turbine to produce a warm turbine exhaust wherein the warm booster loaded turbine is also ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Enhanced Recovery Of NGL Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20170276427A1
Принадлежит: IPSI L.L.C.

Systems and methods for the enhanced recovery of ethane and heavier hydrocarbons using an absorbing agent. Typical absorbing agents include one or more C3+ alkanes. The systems and methods separate components of a feed gas containing methane and heavier hydrocarbons, which maximizes ethane recovery, without requiring appreciable increases in capital and operating costs, and improves the safety margin with respect to the risk of COfreeze-out. 1. A method for recovering ethane and heavier hydrocarbons from a hydrocarbon feed gas , which comprises:cooling an absorbing agent and an inlet stream comprising the feed gas in a heat exchanger to produce a cooled absorbing agent and a chilled inlet stream;separating the chilled inlet stream in a separator to produce a liquid hydrocarbon stream and an overhead vapor stream;combining the cooled absorbing agent with a portion of the overhead vapor stream to form a combined stream;cooling the combined stream into a reflux exchanger to produce a subcooled liquid stream;expanding another portion of the overhead vapor stream in an expander to produce a demethanizer feed stream; andintroducing the liquid hydrocarbon stream, the subcooled liquid stream and the demethanizer feed stream into a demethanizer column, wherein the ethane and heavier hydrocarbons are recovered as a bottom product in the demethanizer column and methane and lighter hydrocarbons are recovered as a top product in the demethanizer column.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the absorbing agent comprises one or more C3+ alkanes.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed gas comprises methane and heavier hydrocarbons.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the absorbing agent and the inlet stream are cooled in the heat exchanger by indirect heat exchange with a residue stream claim 1 , a side reboiling stream and a demethanizer reboiling stream.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising processing the methane and lighter hydrocarbons in the reflux exchanger ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264979A1

Processes for purifying and liquefying natural gas in conjunction and integration with cryogenic processing natural gas to recover natural gas liquids (NGL) is disclosed. In the process, the natural gas stream to be purified and liquefied is taken from top outlet stream of demethanizer in the cryogenic NGL recovery plant, first purified and then cooled under moderate pressure to condense it as a liquefied natural gas (LNG) product stream. Some of the cooling required for the demethanizer reflux stream is provided by natural gas liquefaction section before supplied to top of the column to serve as reflux. The top outlet stream from the demethanizer preferentially contains up to 3 mole percent of COand the majority of methane and small portion of any hydrocarbon heavier than methane, a split portion of this stream is taken and routed to cryogenic COremoval section, in which a molecular sieve that forms a physical adsorption column is used to extract pure COas a product stream, then purified stream is routed to the liquefaction section where only two stages of coil-wound exchangers with a Semi-C3-MR cycle are used to liquefy natural gas. This present invention process is suited for LNG production in small-scale. This zeolite-based small-scale LNG process can be integrated with the design of any new natural gas facility and the technology can also be retrofitted to existing natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery plants, allowing for co-production of LNG and COwith high purity. 1. A process for removing COfrom a cryogenic gas stream (213° K and cooler) comprising dry sweet methane having a COconcentration of up to 3 mole percent , the process comprising adsorptive carbon dioxide removal on a molecular sieve at a pressure of 1000-2000 kPag , wherein the molecular sieve is a zeolite , to obtain a carbon dioxide product stream and scrubbed natural gas stream , wherein the scrubbed natural gas stream has a carbon dioxide content of less than or equal to 50 part per million.2. The ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Gas plant

Номер: US20180274853A1
Автор: Greg Luetkemeyer
Принадлежит: Individual

A gas plant using an Ortloff or similar process comprising the use of a second expander in place of a valve used in most demethanizer reflux systems, wherein a compressor wheel is used to increase the pressure of the partial stream of inlet gas that is used to provide heat to the demethanizer reboilers. This stream remains a separate stream and is used for the flow of gas that feeds the demethanizer reflux expander.

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Gas stream component removal system and method

Номер: US20210381757A1
Принадлежит: Chart Energy and Chemicals Inc

A system for removing selected components from a gas stream has a heat exchanger including a first cooling passage configured to receive a feed gas stream and to provide a cooled feed gas stream. An expander receives at least a portion of the cooled feed gas stream. A separation device receives an expanded fluid stream from the expander and separates the expanded fluid stream into a liquid stream containing selected components and a purified vapor stream having a purified vapor temperature. A compressor receives the purified vapor stream at approximately the purified vapor temperature and produces a compressed vapor stream that is returned to the heat exchanger.

09-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210381761A1

The invention relates to a method for a low-temperature air separation in which an air separation unit is used comprising a first rectification column and a second rectification column. The first rectification column is operated at a first pressure level, and the second rectification column is operated at a second pressure level below the first pressure level. Fluid which is oxygen-enriched compared to atmospheric air is drawn from the first rectification column in the form of one or more first material flows. At least one fraction of the fluid which has been drawn from the first rectification column in the form of the one or more first material flows is heated in a heat exchanger; a fraction of the fluid which has been heated in the heat exchanger is compressed using a compressor and is returned to the first rectification column. 1. A method for low-temperature air separation , in which an air separation unit with a first rectification column and a second rectification column is used , whereinthe first rectification column is operated at a first pressure level and the second rectification column is operated at a second pressure level below the first pressure level,fluid which is oxygen-enriched compared to atmospheric air is drawn from the first rectification column in the form of one or more first material flows,at least one fraction of the fluid drawn from the first rectification column in the form of the one or more first material flows is heated in a heat exchanger,a fraction of the fluid heated in the heat exchanger is compressed using a compressor and returned to the first rectification column,a first fraction of the head gas of the first rectification column is condensed in the heat exchanger, and a second fraction thereof is discharged from the air separation unit in the form of at least one nitrogen-rich air product,additional fluid containing oxygen, nitrogen, and argon is drawn from the first rectification column and used as a second material flow or to ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190271503A1

A process for simultaneously producing treated natural gas and a propane-rich stream from a feed gas comprising methane, ethane and hydrocarbons having more than three carbon atoms. 1. A process for simultaneously producing treated natural gas and a propane-rich stream from a feed gas comprising methane , ethane and hydrocarbons having more than three carbon atoms , said process comprising the following steps:Step a): cooling and partially condensing the feed gas;Step b): separating the cooled gas resulting from step a) into a first liquid stream and a first gas stream by means of a first phase separator vessel at a temperature T1 and a pressure P1;Step c): expanding at least one portion of the first gas stream resulting from step b) using an expansion means;Step d): introducing the expanded gas resulting from step c) into a first distillation column at a first intermediate level N′;{'b': '1', 'Step e): recovering a bottom liquid fraction from said first distillation column and introducing the recovered bottom liquid fraction into a second distillation column at a feed level M;'}further comprising exclusively one or the other of the following steps depending on the desired degree of ethane in the streams produced:{'b': '1', 'Step f): partially condensing and introducing into a second phase separator vessel at a pressure P2 and a temperature T2 in order to produce a second gas stream and a second liquid stream, and condensing and introducing at least one portion of said second gas stream into said first distillation column at a level S above the level N′, in order to obtain degrees of ethane extraction greater than a first predetermined threshold;'}{'b': '1', 'Step g): recovering a gas fraction from the top of said second distillation column and condensing this gas fraction before being introduced into said first distillation column at the level S above the level N′, in order to obtain degrees of ethane extraction below a second predetermined threshold.'}2. The ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180320959A1

In a method for separating a synthesis gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen, a synthesis gas flow from a synthesis gas source is compressed in a compressor and separated into at least three gaseous products. If there is insufficient synthesis gas, at least three separation products are recycled in the compressor in order to separate said products. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for separating a synthesis gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen wherein:i) compressing a synthesis gas flow originating from a synthesis gas source in a compressor;ii) purifying the compressed synthesis gas in a purification unit to remove water and/or carbon dioxide;iii) cooling the compressed purified synthesis gas flow;iv) separating the cooled synthesis gas flow by a separation process selected from the group consisting of scrubbing, distillation at a cryogenic temperature, adsorption in a separation unit, and combinations thereof; andv) producing at least the following three gases in the separation unit: a carbon monoxide-enriched gas, a hydrogen-enriched gas, a residual gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen which contains less carbon monoxide than the carbon monoxide-enriched gas and less hydrogen than the hydrogen-enriched gas,wherein only if the synthesis gas flow passed to the compressor is below a threshold or zero, at least a portion of at least two the gases selected from the group consisting of the carbon monoxide-enriched gas, the hydrogen-enriched gas, the residual gas, and combinations thereof, are introduced at a location downstream of the source and upstream of the purification unit.17. The method as claimed in claim 16 , wherein:a) the compressed synthesis gas is stored while the flow of synthesis gas is above the threshold; andb) at least a portion of the compressed synthesis gas and at least a portion of at least each of the first three gases from stage v) are passed downstream of the source to be purified in the purification unit and separated in the ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации

Method to Produce LNG at Gas Pressure Letdown Stations in Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Systems

Номер: US20150345858A1
Принадлежит: 1304338 Alberta Ltd, 1304342 Alberta Ltd

There is described a method to produce LNG at gas pressure letdown stations. A high pressure gas stream is pre-cooled, dewatered, and then divided into two streams: a diverted LNG production stream (LNG stream) and a gas to end users stream (User stream). Carbon dioxide is removed from the LNG stream and the LNG stream is compressed. The LNG stream is then precooled by passing through one or more heat exchangers. Hydrocarbon condensate is removed from the LNG steam by passing the LNG stream through a first Knock Out drum. The LNG stream is then depressured by passing through a JT valve to depressurize the gas vapour exiting the first Knock Out drum and discharge it into a second Knock Out drum where the LNG is captured.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Method and System for Cooling a Hydrocarbon Stream Using a Gas Phase Refrigerant

Номер: US20190331414A1
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

Described herein are methods and systems for the liquefaction of a natural gas feed stream using a refrigerant comprising methane. The methods and systems use a refrigeration circuit and cycle that employs two or more turbo-expanders to expand two or more streams of gaseous refrigerant down to different pressures to provide cold streams of at least predominantly gaseous refrigerant at different pressures that are used to provide refrigeration for precooling and liquefying the natural gas. The resulting liquefied natural gas stream is then flashed to produce an LNG product and a flash gas, the flash gas being recycled to the natural gas feed stream.

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190331417A1

A moderate pressure air separation unit and air separation cycle is disclosed that provides for up to about 96% recovery of argon, an overall nitrogen recovery of 98 percent or greater and limited gaseous oxygen production. The air separation is configured to produce a first high purity oxygen enriched stream and a second lower purity oxygen enriched stream from the lower pressure column, one of which is used as the refrigerant to condense the argon in the argon condenser, with the resulting vaporized oxygen stream used to regenerate the temperature swing adsorption pre-purifier unit. All or a portion of the first high purity oxygen enriched stream is vaporized in the main heat exchanger to produce the gaseous oxygen products.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

System and method for enhanced recovery of argon and oxygen from a nitrogen producing cryogenic air separation unit

Номер: US20190331419A1
Принадлежит: Praxair Technology Inc

A moderate pressure air separation unit and air separation cycle is disclosed that provides for up to about 96% recovery of argon, an overall nitrogen recovery of 98% or greater and limited gaseous oxygen production. The air separation is configured to produce a first high purity oxygen enriched stream and a second lower purity oxygen enriched stream from the lower pressure column, one of which is used as the refrigerant to condense the argon in the argon condenser, with the resulting vaporized oxygen stream used to regenerate the temperature swing adsorption pre-purifier unit. All or a portion of the first high purity oxygen enriched stream is vaporized in the main heat exchanger to produce the gaseous oxygen products.

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170350646A1

A process for producing liquefied natural gas and liquid carbon dioxide from a natural gas feed gas comprising at least the following steps: Separation of a natural gas feed gas into a CO-enriched gas stream and a natural gas stream; Cooling of said natural gas in a heat exchanger; Purification of the in step 1 from compounds containing at least six carbon atoms; At least partial condensation of said gas stream resulting from step 3 to form a two-phase stream; Separation of said two-phase stream resulting from step 4 to form a gas stream and a liquid stream; Condensation of the gas stream resulting from step 5 to form a liquefied gas containing less than 5 ppm by volume of compounds containing at least six carbon atoms; Liquefaction of the CO-enriched gas stream resulting from step 1 with a portion of the liquid stream resulting from step 5. 1. A process for producing liquefied natural gas and liquid carbon dioxide (CO) from a natural gas feed gas that contains carbon dioxide and that is rich in hydrocarbons comprising at least 10 ppm by mole of hydrocarbons having at least six carbon atoms , comprising at least the following steps:{'sub': '2', 'Step a): Separation of a natural gas feed gas, containing hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide in a treatment unit, into a CO-enriched gas stream and a natural gas stream;'}Step b): Cooling of said natural gas to a temperature between −20° C. and −60° C. by heat exchange with at least one refrigerant in a heat exchanger;Step c): Purification of the gas partially liquefied in step a) from compounds containing at least six carbon atoms in a scrubbing column containing a top of the column in its highest end and a bottom of the column in its lowest end in order to form, at the top of the scrubbing column, a gas stream containing less than 5 ppm by volume of compounds containing at least six carbon atoms, and, at the bottom of the scrubbing column, a liquid stream enriched in compounds containing at least five carbon atoms;Step d): At ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170350648A1

A process for producing liquefied natural gas and liquid carbon dioxide comprising: Step a): separating a natural gas feed gas into a CO-enriched gas stream and a CO-depleted natural gas stream; Step b): liquefying the CO-depleted natural gas stream in a liquefaction unit comprising at least a main heat exchanger and a system for producing frigories, said liquefaction unit comprising at least one refrigeration cycle fed by a refrigerant stream; Step c): simultaneous liquefying of the CO-enriched gas stream resulting from step a) in a COliquefaction unit; wherein the refrigeration necessary for the liquefaction of the CO-enriched gas stream and for the liquefaction of the natural gas is supplied by said frigorie-producing system of the liquefaction unit and in that the refrigeration necessary for the liquefaction of the CO-enriched gas stream originates from a portion of said refrigerant stream supplying the refrigeration cycle of said liquefaction unit. 2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein in that the CO-enriched gas stream resulting from step a) comprises at least 95 mol % of CO.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein prior to step b) claim 1 , the natural gas stream resulting from step a) is pretreated in a pretreatment unit.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said treatment unit used in step a) is an amine scrubbing unit.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the CO-enriched gas stream resulting from step a) is purified prior to step c) claim 1 , the refrigeration necessary for this purification being provided by said frigorie-producing system of the natural gas liquefaction unit.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the CO-enriched stream thus purified comprises at least 99.5 mol % of CO.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said system for producing frigories comprises at least one compressor.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein refrigerant stream supplying said at least one refrigeration cycle of said ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon Gas Processing

Номер: US20180347899A1

A process and an apparatus are disclosed for a compact processing assembly to improve the recovery of C(or C) and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream. The preferred method of separating a hydrocarbon gas stream generally includes producing at least a substantially condensed first stream and a cooled second stream, expanding both streams to lower pressure, and supplying the streams to a fractionation tower. In the process and apparatus disclosed, the tower overhead vapor is directed to an absorbing means and a heat and mass transfer means inside a processing assembly. A portion of the outlet vapor from the processing assembly is compressed to higher pressure, cooled and substantially condensed in a heat exchange means inside the processing assembly, then expanded to lower pressure and supplied to the heat and mass transfer means to provide cooling. Condensed liquid from the absorbing means is fed to the tower. 1. In a process for the separation of a gas stream containing methane , Ccomponents , Ccomponents , and heavier hydrocarbon components into a volatile residue gas fraction and a relatively less volatile fraction containing a major portion of said Ccomponents , Ccomponents , and heavier hydrocarbon components or said Ccomponents and heavier hydrocarbon components , in which process(a) said gas stream is treated in one or more heat exchange steps and at least one division step to produce at least a first stream that has been cooled under pressure to condense substantially all of it, thereby forming a substantially condensed first stream, and at least a second stream that has been cooled under pressure, thereby forming a cooled second stream;(b) said substantially condensed first stream is expanded to a lower pressure whereby it is further cooled, thereby forming an expanded further cooled first stream which is thereafter supplied at a top feed position on a distillation column that produces at least an overhead vapor stream and a bottom ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160377341A1

A process and an apparatus are disclosed for the recovery of ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream. The stream is cooled and divided into first and second streams. The first stream is further cooled to condense substantially all of it and divided into first and second portions. The first and second portions are expanded to the fractionation tower pressure and supplied to the fractionation tower at upper mid-column feed positions, with the expanded second portion being heated before it enters the tower. The second stream is expanded to the tower pressure and supplied to the column at a mid-column feed position. A distillation vapor stream is withdrawn from the column above the feed point of the second stream, combined with a portion of the tower overhead vapor stream, compressed to higher pressure, and directed into heat exchange relation with the remaining tower overhead vapor stream and the expanded second portion to cool the compressed combined vapor stream and condense at least a part of it, forming a condensed stream. At least a portion of the condensed stream is expanded to the tower pressure and directed to the fractionation tower as its top feed. The quantities and temperatures of the feeds to the fractionation tower are effective to maintain the overhead temperature of the fractionation tower at a temperature whereby the major portion of the desired components is recovered. 1. In a process for the separation of a gas stream containing methane , Ccomponents , Ccomponents , and heavier hydrocarbon components into a volatile residue gas fraction and a relatively less volatile fraction containing a major portion of said Ccomponents , Ccomponents , and heavier hydrocarbon components or said Ccomponents and heavier hydrocarbon components , in which process(a) said gas stream is cooled under pressure to provide a cooled stream;(b) said cooled stream is expanded to a lower pressure whereby it is ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Integrated heavy hydrocarbon and btex removal in lng liquefaction for lean gases

Номер: US20200370824A1
Принадлежит: Fluor Technologies Corp

A method for removing heavy hydrocarbons from a feed gas by: feeding, into an absorber, a top reflux stream and a second reflux stream below the top reflux stream, wherein the absorber produces an absorber bottom product stream and an absorber overhead product stream; depressurizing and feeding the absorber bottom product stream to a stripper to produce a stripper bottom product stream and a stripper overhead product stream; cooling and feeding a portion of the absorber overhead product stream back to the absorber as the top reflux stream; and pressurizing and feeding the stripper overhead product stream back to the absorber as the second reflux stream. Systems for carrying out the method are also provided.

09-07-1996 дата публикации

Recovery of hydrocarbons from polyalkene product purge gas

Номер: US5533437A
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

Hydrocarbons are recovered from the product purge gas in an alkene polymerization process by absorption of heavier hydrocarbons from the purge gas by an intermediate hydrocarbon stream to yield a vapor rich in inert gas and alkene monomer. Alkene monomer is condensed at low temperatures from the inert gas, flashed and vaporized to provide refrigeration for the condensation step, and recycled to the polymerization process. The intermediate hydrocarbon from the absorption step is recycled to the polymerization process. Optionally a portion of the inert gas is reused for purge gas.

30-03-2004 дата публикации

Cryogenic process utilizing high pressure absorber column

Номер: US6712880B2
Принадлежит: ABB Lummus Global Inc

A cryogenic process and apparatus for separating multi-component gaseous hydrocarbon streams to recover both gaseous and liquid compounds. More particularly, the cryogenic processes and apparatus of this invention utilize a high pressure absorber to improve the energy efficiency of processing natural gas for pipeline gas sales and recovering natural gas liquids (NGL) gas from gaseous hydrocarbon streams.

08-01-2008 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon gas processing for rich gas streams

Номер: US7316127B2
Принадлежит: ABB Lummus Global Inc

A process for the recovery of ethane and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon feed gas stream. Feed gas stream is cooled into a first and second cooled streams. First and second cooled streams are sent to a cold absorber and separated into a first gas stream and a first liquid stream. First gas stream is expanded and sent to a fractionation tower. At least a part of the first liquid stream is sent to a pre-demethanizer stripper tower. Stripper tower produces a stripper overhead stream and a stripper bottoms stream. Stripper overhead vapor stream is cooled and sent to the fractionation tower as second reflux stream. Stripper bottoms stream is supplied to the fractionation tower. Temperatures and pressures of the streams and columns are maintained to recover a major portion of ethane and heavier hydrocarbon components as a bottoms product stream, and produce a residue gas stream at the fractionation tower overhead. At least a portion of the residue gas stream is recycled, cooled and sent to the fractionation tower as first reflux stream.

21-04-1998 дата публикации

Recovery of hydrocarbons from polyalkene product purge gas

Номер: US5741350A
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

Hydrocarbons are recovered from the product purge gas in an alkene polymerization process by absorption of heavier hydrocarbons from the purge gas by an intermediate hydrocarbon stream to yield a vapor rich in inert gas and alkene monomer. Alkene monomer is condensed and rectified by dephlegmation at low temperatures from the inert gas, flashed and vaporized to provide refrigeration for the condensation step, and recycled to the polymerization process. The intermediate hydrocarbon from the absorption step is recycled to the polymerization process. Optionally a portion of the inert gas is reused for purge gas.

20-10-2005 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon gas processing for rich gas streams

Номер: US20050229634A1
Принадлежит: ABB Lummus Global Inc

A process for the recovery of ethane and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon feed gas stream. Feed gas stream is cooled into a first and second cooled streams. First and second cooled streams are sent to a cold absorber and separated into a first gas stream and a first liquid stream. First gas stream is expanded and sent to a fractionation tower. At least a part of the first liquid stream is sent to a pre-demethanizer stripper tower. Stripper tower produces a stripper overhead stream and a stripper bottoms stream. Stripper overhead vapor stream is cooled and sent to the fractionation tower as second reflux stream. Stripper bottoms stream is supplied to the fractionation tower. Temperatures and pressures of the streams and columns are maintained to recover a major portion of ethane and heavier hydrocarbon components as a bottoms product stream, and produce a residue gas stream at the fractionation tower overhead. At least a portion of the residue gas stream is recycled, cooled and sent to the fractionation tower as first reflux stream.

03-02-2016 дата публикации

Method for the low-temperature decomposition of air and air separation plant

Номер: EP2980514A1
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Tieftemperaturzerlegung von Luft (AIR) in einer Luftzerlegungsanlage (100) mit einem Hauptluftverdichter (2), einem Hauptwärmetauscher (4) und einem Destillationssäulensystem (10) mit einer auf einem ersten Druckniveau betriebenen Niederdrucksäule (11) und einer auf einem zweiten Druckniveau betriebenen Hochdrucksäule (12) vorgeschlagen, bei dem ein Einsatzluftstrom (a), der die gesamte, der Luftzerlegungsanlage (100, 200) zugeführte Einsatzluft umfasst, in dem Hauptluftverdichter (2) auf ein drittes Druckniveau verdichtet wird, welches mindestens 2 bar oberhalb des zweiten Druckniveaus liegt, wobei von dem verdichteten Einsatzluftstrom (b) ein erster Anteil (c) mindestens einmal in dem Hauptwärmetauscher (4) abgekühlt und von dem dritten Druckniveau in einer ersten Entspannungsturbine (5) entspannt wird, ein zweiter Anteil (d) mindestens einmal in dem Hauptwärmetauscher (4) abgekühlt und ausgehend von dem dritten Druckniveau in einer zweiten Entspannungsturbine (6) entspannt wird, und ein dritter Anteil (e) weiter auf ein viertes Druckniveau verdichtet, mindestens einmal in dem Hauptwärmetauscher (4) abgekühlt und ausgehend von dem vierten Druckniveau entspannt wird, wobei Luft des ersten Anteils (c) und/oder des zweiten Anteils (d) und/oder des dritten Anteils (e) auf dem ersten und/oder auf dem zweiten Druckniveau in das Destillationssäulensystem (10) eingespeist wird. Es ist vorgesehen, dass der dritte Anteil (e) nacheinander in einem Nachverdichter (7), einem ersten Turbinenbooster und einem zweiten Turbinenbooster auf das vierte Druckniveau weiter verdichtet wird, und zum Entspannen des dritten Anteils (e) ein Dichtfluidexpander (8) verwendet wird, dem der dritte Anteil (e) in flüssigem Zustand und auf dem vierten Druckniveau zugeführt wird. Eine Luftzerlegungsanlage (100) ist ebenfalls Gegenstand der Erfindung. It is a method for the cryogenic separation of air (AIR) in an air separation plant (100) with a main air compressor (2), a ...

24-07-1996 дата публикации

Recovery of hydrocarbons from polyalkene product purge gas

Номер: EP0722953A1
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

Hydrocarbons are recovered from the product purge gas (23) in an alkene polymerization process by absorption (117) of heavier hydrocarbons from the purge gas by an intermediate hydrocarbon stream (31) to yield a vapor (35) rich in inert gas and alkene monomer. Alkene monomer (37) is condensed (121) at low temperatures from the inert gas (45), flashed and vaporized (41) to provide refrigeration for the condensation step, and recycled (5) to the polymerization process. The intermediate hydrocarbon from the absorption step (117) is recycled (33) to the polymerization process. Optionally a portion of the inert gas (49) is reused for purge gas. When the heavier hydrocarbon content of the product purge gas (23) is soluble in the condensed monomer and intermediate hydrocarbon liquids, the absorption step (171) can be omitted and the purge gas passed directly (30) to the condensation step (121).

30-06-2010 дата публикации

Apparatus for the liquefaction of natural gas and methods relating to same

Номер: PL206099B1
Принадлежит: Bechtel Bwxt Idaho

A liquefaction plant (102) comprising: a plant inlet (112) configured to be sealingly and fluidly coupled with a source of unpurified natural gas; a turbo expander (156) positioned and configured to receive a first stream of natural gas drawn through the plant inlet and produce and expanded cooling stream therefrom; a compressor (158) mechanically coupled to the turbo expander and positioned and configured to receive a second stream of natural gas drawn through the plant inlet and produce a compresses process stream therefrom; a first heat exchanger (166) positioned and configured to receive the compressed process stream and the expanded cooling stream in a countercurrent flow arrangement to cool the compressed process stream; a first plant outlet (132) positioned and configured to be sealingly and fluidly coupled with the source of unpurified gas and to discharge the expanded cooling stream thereinto subsequent to passage thereof through the heat exchanger; a first expansion valve (174) positioned and configured to receive and expand a first portion of the cooled compressed process stream to form an additional cooling stream, the plant further including conduit structure to combine additional cooling stream with the expanded cooling stream to the expanded cooling stream entering the first heat exchanger; a second expansion valve (176) positioned and configured to receive and expand a second portion of the cooled compressed process stream to form gas-solid-liquid mixture therefrom; a first gas-liquid separator (180) positioned and configured to receive the gas-solid-liquid mixture; and a second plant outlet (114) positioned to be sealingly and fluidly coupled with a storage vessel, the first gas-liquid separator being positioned and configured to deliver a liquid contained therein to the second plant outlet.

31-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN108348835A
Принадлежит: GE Oil and Gas Inc

用于在气体处理系统中再生筛材料的系统和方法。方法可包括使冷却气体循环通过第一床筛材料,冷却气体具有适用于液化成液态天然气(LNG)产物的第一二氧化碳(CO 2 )浓度。方法也可包括使再生气体循环通过第二床筛材料,再生气体具有大于冷却气体的第一二氧化碳(CO 2 )浓度的第二二氧化碳(CO 2 )浓度。
