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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000002141U1

Печь для обжига, преимущественно зубной керамики, содержащая нижнюю часть, закрепленную на неподвижном основании и снабженную в центральной части площадкой из теплоизоляционного материала для размещения на ней обрабатываемого изделия верхнюю часть, закрепленную на подвижном основании, соединенном с неподвижным основанием нижней части посредством шарнирного соединения, и снабженную в центральной части выемкой, образующей камеру печи, нагревательный элемент, установленный в камере печи, и электромеханический привод для подъема и опускания верхней части печи, включающий шаговый электродвигатель, отличающаяся тем, что шаговый электродвигатель привода соединен посредством шарнирного соединения с кронштейном, установленным на конце подвижного основания печи, противоположном месту его шарнирного соединения с неподвижным основанием, а вал шагового электродвигателя соединен с одним концом винта, другой конец которого входит в гайку, закрепленную на стойке, соединенной с неподвижным основанием печи в непосредственной близости от шарнирного соединения ее с подвижным основанием. (19) RU (11) (13) 2 141 U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/04 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 95106846/20, 28.04.1995 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Акционерное общество Экспертно-коммерческая фирма "Форт" (72) Автор(ы): Митрофанов О.А. U 1 2 1 4 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Печь для обжига, преимущественно зубной керамики, содержащая нижнюю часть, закрепленную на неподвижном основании и снабженную в центральной части площадкой из теплоизоляционного материала для размещения на ней обрабатываемого изделия верхнюю часть, закрепленную на подвижном основании, соединенном с неподвижным основанием нижней части посредством шарнирного соединения, и снабженную в центральной части выемкой, образующей камеру печи, нагревательный элемент, установленный в камере печи, и электромеханический привод для ...

27-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000015599U1

Малоинерционная печь для поверки (градуировки) термопар, имеющая нагревательный элемент, намотанный на трубу из электроизоляционного материала, отличающаяся тем, что труба с намотанным на нее нагревателем помещена в две цилиндрические камеры друг в друга с зеркальными внутренними стенками, в полости между которыми создается вакуум или поток воздуха. (19) RU (11) 15 599 (13) U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99122980/20, 26.10.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.10.1999 (46) Опубликовано: 27.10.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Земляной Е.Г. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное унитарное предприятие "Производственное объединение "Северное машиностроительное предприятие" U 1 1 5 5 9 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Малоинерционная печь для поверки (градуировки) термопар, имеющая нагревательный элемент, намотанный на трубу из электроизоляционного материала, отличающаяся тем, что труба с намотанным на нее нагревателем помещена в две цилиндрические камеры друг в друга с зеркальными внутренними стенками, в полости между которыми создается вакуум или поток воздуха. 1 5 5 9 9 (54) МАЛОИНЕРЦИОННАЯ ПЕЧЬ ДЛЯ ПОВЕРКИ (ГРАДУИРОВКИ) ТЕРМОПАР R U Адрес для переписки: 164500, Архангельская обл., г. Северодвинск, Архангельское ш.58, ГУП "ПО "Севмаш", УКП (71) Заявитель(и): Государственное унитарное предприятие "Производственное объединение "Северное машиностроительное предприятие" U 1 U 1 1 5 5 9 9 1 5 5 9 9 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 15 599 U1 RU 15 599 U1 RU 15 599 U1

27-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000017359U1

Муфель, состоящий из первой секции муфеля, соединенной последовательно со второй секцией муфеля с помощью третьей, относительно короткой переходной секции, имеющей большую площадь сечения по сравнению с вышеуказанными первой и второй секциями, составляющих проходной канал для конвейера, причем третья переходная секция муфеля имеет две параллельные плиты, имеющие в центре отверстия, совпадающие по форме с формой сечения секций муфеля, при этом отверстие первой плиты расположено рядом с первой секцией муфеля, а отверстие второй плиты - рядом со второй секцией муфеля, и устройства для предотвращения перехода тепла от одной плиты к другой, причем одно устройство для предотвращения перехода тепла за счет теплопроводности выполнено в виде трубопровода, расположенного по периферии названных плит, а второе устройство для предотвращения тепла излучением выполнено в виде третьей плиты, соединенной с трубопроводом, расположенной между первой и второй плитами и имеющей центральное проходное отверстие, совпадающее с внутренней частью муфеля, отличающийся тем, что третья секция муфеля снабжена отводящим газовым трубопроводом, сообщающим ее внутреннюю полость с внешней средой, а ее третья плита имеет большую площадь сечения, чем первая и вторая плиты и соединена посредством обечаек с ними, при этом устройство для предотвращения перехода тепла в виде трубопровода выполнено в виде гнутого профиля, частично охватывающего третью переходную секцию, жестко соединенного с обечайками и образующего замкнутую полость, внутри которой находится выступающая часть третьей переходной секции, причем на обеих плоскостях третьей плиты вокруг центрального отверстия выполнен газовый коллектор, соединенный с подводящим газовым трубопроводом, отверстия которого, сообщающие полость коллектора с полостями третьей переходной секции муфеля, образованные ее первой, третьей и второй плитами, выполнены в шахматном порядке, причем часть отверстий выполнено строго вертикально, а другая часть под углом, не ...

10-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000022530U1

1. Электропечь для восстановления окислов тугоплавких металлов в токе водорода, содержащая футерованную нагревательную камеру, муфели, камеры загрузки и камеры выгрузки, средства для проталкивания поддонов из камер загрузки в муфели, а также средство для выталкивания поддонов из камер выгрузки, установку для охлаждения, систему подачи водорода, отличающаяся тем, что камеры загрузки установлены с возможностью свободного перемещения по соответствующим направляющим при удлинении муфелей от нагрева. 2. Электропечь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что камера загрузки представляет собой сваренный из нержавеющей стали прямоугольный корпус. 3. Электропечь по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что в передней стенке камеры загрузки выполнено окно, камера снабжена загрузочной крышкой, предназначенной для закрытия указанного окна через резиновую прокладку, причем загрузочная крышка смонтирована на штоке вертикального цилиндра. 4. Электропечь по любому из пп. 1-3, отличающаяся тем, что каждое средство для проталкивания поддонов из камеры загрузки в муфель на торцевой стенке камеры представляет собой пневмоцилиндр со штоком, смонтированный на торцевой стенке соответствующей камеры загрузки. 5. Электропечь по любому из пп. 1-4, отличающаяся тем, что в задней стенке каждой камеры разгрузки выполнено окно, а камера разгрузки снабжена крышкой, предназначенной для закрытия указанного окна через резиновую прокладку и смонтированной на штоке вертикального пневмоцилиндра. 6. Электропечь по любому из пп.1-5, отличающаяся тем, что средство для выталкивания поддонов из камер выгрузки на разгрузочный стол представляет собой пневмоцилиндр со штоками, пропущенными через уплотнительные втулки, смонтированные в нижней части каждой камеры разгрузки. 7. Электропечь по любому из пп.1-6, отличающаяся тем, что установка для охлаждения представляет собой сварной водоохлаждаемый кожух, внутренняя часть которого выполнена из нержавеющей стали и который соединен с системой подачи водорода. 8. Электропечь по любому из ...

27-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000024872U1

Установка для производства древесного угля, содержащая горизонтально установленный корпус, разделенный по длине на зону сушки древесины и на зону ее пиролиза и прокалки угля, устройство для загрузки древесины в зону сушки, топочную камеру, первый газовый контур, выполненный в виде газохода для подачи парогазов из зоны пиролиза и прокалки в топочную камеру, второй газовый контур для подачи дымовых газов в зону сушки, дымовую трубу, устройство для выгрузки угля, отличающаяся тем, что зона сушки и зона пиролиза и прокалки выполнены в виде полых прямоугольных конструкций, а устройство для загрузки древесины в зону сушки - в виде стационарного прямоугольного кузова для приема крупнокусковой древесины с загрузочным механизмом непрерывной подачи вертикально поставленных поленьев в зону сушки, которая, как и устройство загрузки древесины, снабжена продольной центральной перегородкой с регулирующими заслонками, смонтированными для поочередного перекрытия образованных перегородкой проходов, образующих второй газовый контур в виде газохода, соединяющего верх обогреваемой поверхности зоны пиролиза и прокалки с верхней частью зоны сушки с возможностью реверсивно-противоточного процесса обработки сырья для пиролиза, причем на дымовой трубе выполнена регулирующая заслонка, топочная камера установлена под зоной пиролиза и прокалки, а устройство для выгрузки угля выполнено в виде шахты с герметичным узлом подсоединения съемных кюбелей к корпусу зоны пиролиза и прокалки для непрерывного заполнения их прокаленным углем. (19) RU (11) 24 872 (13) U1 (51) МПК F26B 19/00 (2000.01) F27B 5/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001127158/20 , 08.10.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.10.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 27.08.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Пиялкин В.Н., Новолокин А.А., Бит Ю.А., Патякин В.И. 2 4 8 7 2 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Пиялкин Владимир Николаевич, Новолокин Андрей ...

10-06-2003 дата публикации

Устройство для сушки полимерной пленки

Номер: RU0000029991U1

Устройство для сушки полимерной пленки, содержащее плиту с плоской гладкой поверхностью и нагревательный элемент, расположенный под плитой, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно оснащено вакуумной камерой, а плита с плоской гладкой поверхностью и нагревателем, расположенным под ней, размещены внутри вакуумной камеры. (19) RU (11) 29 991 (13) U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/05 (2000.01) G02B 1/12 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002131834/20 , 29.11.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.11.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.06.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Гужов В.Ю., Балашов В.И., Петников А.Е. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "ЛОМО" (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для сушки полимерной пленки, содержащее плиту с плоской гладкой поверхностью и нагревательный элемент, расположенный под плитой, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно оснащено вакуумной камерой, а плита с плоской гладкой поверхностью и нагревателем, расположенным под ней, размещены внутри вакуумной камеры. 2 9 9 9 1 (54) Устройство для сушки полимерной пленки R U Адрес для переписки: 194044, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Чугунная, 20, ОАО "ЛОМО", Л.Н.Пантелееву (71) Заявитель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "ЛОМО" R U 2 9 9 9 1 U 1 U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU 29 991 U1 RU 29 991 U1 RU 29 991 U1 RU 29 991 U1 RU 29 991 U1 RU 29 991 U1

10-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000035422U1

1. Электропечь для химико-термической обработки изделий, содержащая печной блок, электронагреватели, реторту, образующую рабочую камеру, нижнюю и верхнюю газораспределительные решетки, размещенные в нижней части рабочей камеры и образующие полость для размещения катализатора, соединенную газоподводом с магистралью подачи реакционного газа, крышку с газоплотным затвором и каналом отвода отработанного газа, отличающаяся тем, что электропечь снабжена съемным цилиндрическим контейнером с глухим дном и перфорированными боковыми стенками, установленным с зазором относительно боковых стенок рабочей камеры и верхней газораспределительной решетки, причем внутри контейнера коаксиально его боковым стенкам закреплена перфорированная труба, соединенная с каналом отвода отработанного газа и образующая с боковыми стенками контейнера кольцевую рабочую зону для размещения обрабатываемых деталей. 2. Электропечь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что глухое дно цилиндрического контейнера выполнено съемным. 3. Электропечь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что канал отвода отработанного газа в крышке выполнен термостойким. 4. Электропечь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что верхняя распределительная решетка снабжена теплоизоляционной перегородкой. 5. Электропечь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что труба перфорирована на высоту боковых стенок контейнера. 6. Электропечь по п.1 или 4, отличающаяся тем, что перфорированная труба снабжена задвижкой, перекрывающей сверху вниз часть ее отверстий. 7. Электропечь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что боковые стенки контейнера выполнены из сетки. 8. Электропечь по п.1 или 6, отличающаяся тем, что отверстия на боковой поверхности контейнера выполнены с увеличением их плотности размещения на единицу поверхности снизу вверх. (19) RU (11) 35 422 (13) U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/04 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003124239/20 , 13.08.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.08.2003 (46) ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации

Муфельная вращающаяся печь

Номер: RU0000035564U1

1. Муфельная вращающаяся печь, включающая корпус с центральной полостью, в которой установлен вращающийся вокруг своей продольной оси барабан с размещенным во внутренней полости материалом, привод вращения барабана вокруг продольной его оси, установленный за пределами корпуса по обе его стороны, нагревательные элементы, закрепленные в корпусе и расположенные вокруг барабана и узел регулировки уровня материала в барабане, отличающаяся тем, что корпус выполнен из двух частей, верхняя из которых установлена на нижней с возможностью поворота вокруг горизонтальной оси, барабан выполнен съемным из жаропрочного материала и превышает длину корпуса печи, механизм регулировки уровня материала в барабане выполнен в виде двух подвижных поршней, расположенных внутри барабана с осевым перемещением, в одном из которых расположена магистраль регулировки давления в области между поршнями, а в другом - узел контроля температуры внутри барабана. 2. Печь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в полости барабана между поршнями создается повышенное давление. 3. Печь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в полости барабана между поршнями создается вакуум. 4. Печь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что барабан выполнен из прозрачного материала. 5. Печь по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что в барабан подается инертный газ. 6. Печь по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что барабан выполнен из стекла. (19) RU (11) 35 564 (13) U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/10 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003102127/20 , 27.01.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.01.2003 (71) Заявитель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Кыштымский медеэлектролитный завод" (72) Автор(ы): Вольхин А.И., Чухланцев Н.М., Адрес для переписки: Давыдовский С.П., 456870, Челябинская обл., г. Кыштым, ул. П. Шляхов М.Г., Коммуны, 2, ЗАО "КМЭЗ", Патентная служба Макаров Ю.А., Шарабрин В.В., Спирин В.Е., Костин А.Ф., Сизов В.А., Плеханов И.Д. (46) Опубликовано: 20.01.2004 U 1 U 1 3 ...

20-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000037988U1

1. Устройство для подогрева пожароопасных жидкостей, имеющее корпус с размещенными в нем жаровой трубой, помещенной в цилиндрическую рубашку, заполненную промежуточным теплоносителем, конвективную камеру с зигзагообразным продуктовым змеевиком в виде ряда труб, соединенную с жаровой трубой посредством газоповоротной камеры, горелочное устройство и газоотвод в виде дымовой трубы, расположенные со стороны, противоположной газоповоротной камере, отличающееся тем, что трубы зигзагообразного продуктового змеевика равномерно разнесены в пределах образованного рабочего объема, на них помещена проволочная навивка, закрепленная на наружной поверхности труб. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что жаровая труба на участке, примыкающем к газоповоротной камере, снабжена внутри ребрами - турбулизаторами. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно представляет собой цилиндрически вытянутое тело, внутри которого один в другом помещены соосно: конвективная камера - цилиндрическая рубашка - жаровая труба. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что внутри цилиндрической рубашки размещены спирально закрученные ленточные вставки. (19) RU (11) 37 988 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 9/20 (2000.01) F27B 5/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004105735/20 , 01.03.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.03.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 20.05.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Агабабян Размик Енокович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 410031, г.Саратов, ул. Лермонтова, 42, к.8, для Н.М. Соловьевой (72) Автор(ы): Соловьева Н.М. (RU) , Печенегов Ю.Я. (RU) , Агабабян Р.Е. (RU) , Сорокин Д.Н. (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 3 7 9 8 8 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для подогрева пожароопасных жидкостей, имеющее корпус с размещенными в нем жаровой трубой, помещенной в цилиндрическую рубашку, заполненную промежуточным теплоносителем, конвективную камеру с зигзагообразным продуктовым змеевиком в виде ряда ...

27-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000043010U1

Трубчатая печь, включающая корпус, образованный боковыми и торцевыми сторонами, основанием и крышей, в котором заключена теплообменная камера с установленным в ней продуктовым змеевиком, выполненным из горизонтальных рядов труб, камеру сгорания и дымовую трубу, отличающаяся тем, что продуктовый змеевик образован двумя секциями, расположенными вдоль боковых сторон печи симметрично относительно ее оси, при этом каждая секция продуктового змеевика выполнена трехрядной, а обвязка продуктового змеевика выполнена четырехпоточной с образованием каждым внутренним рядом труб змеевика - центрального потока, а каждым средним рядом, соединенным с наружным рядом труб, бокового потока. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 43 010 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 9/20 (2000.01) F27B 5/06 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004124180/22 , 10.08.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.08.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Нефтемаш" (RU) U 1 4 3 0 1 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Трубчатая печь, включающая корпус, образованный боковыми и торцевыми сторонами, основанием и крышей, в котором заключена теплообменная камера с установленным в ней продуктовым змеевиком, выполненным из горизонтальных рядов труб, камеру сгорания и дымовую трубу, отличающаяся тем, что продуктовый змеевик образован двумя секциями, расположенными вдоль боковых сторон печи симметрично относительно ее оси, при этом каждая секция продуктового змеевика выполнена трехрядной, а обвязка продуктового змеевика выполнена четырехпоточной с образованием каждым внутренним рядом труб змеевика центрального потока, а каждым средним рядом, соединенным с наружным рядом труб, бокового потока. 4 3 0 1 0 (54) ТРУБЧАТАЯ ПЕЧЬ R U Адрес для переписки: 620137, г.Екатеринбург, а/я 44, Е.Н. Шестакову (72) Автор(ы): Попов И.Н. (RU) , Крестелев В.А. (RU) ...

27-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000043011U1

Трубчатая печь, включающая корпус прямоугольной формы, образованный боковыми и торцевыми сторонами, основанием и крышей, в котором заключена конвективная камера, продуктовый змеевик, выполненный из горизонтальных рядов труб, камера сгорания с горелками, дымовые трубы и вентилятор, отличающаяся тем, что продуктовый змеевик выполнен двухрядным, коробчатой формы, аналогичной форме корпуса, а трубы продуктового змеевика снабжены наружными поперечными ребрами, при этом камера сгорания размещена в основании печи, а дымовые трубы расположены со стороны торцевых стен корпуса печи. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 43 011 (13) U1 (51) МПК C10G 9/20 (2000.01) F27B 5/06 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004124182/22 , 10.08.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.08.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Нефтемаш" (RU) U 1 4 3 0 1 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Трубчатая печь, включающая корпус прямоугольной формы, образованный боковыми и торцевыми сторонами, основанием и крышей, в котором заключена конвективная камера, продуктовый змеевик, выполненный из горизонтальных рядов труб, камера сгорания с горелками, дымовые трубы и вентилятор, отличающаяся тем, что продуктовый змеевик выполнен двухрядным, коробчатой формы, аналогичной форме корпуса, а трубы продуктового змеевика снабжены наружными поперечными ребрами, при этом камера сгорания размещена в основании печи, а дымовые трубы расположены со стороны торцевых стен корпуса печи. 4 3 0 1 1 (54) ТРУБЧАТАЯ ПЕЧЬ R U Адрес для переписки: 620137, г.Екатеринбург, а/я 44, Е.Н. Шестакову (72) Автор(ы): Гончаров Б.Э. (RU), Крестелев В.А. (RU) U 1 U 1 4 3 0 1 1 4 3 0 1 1 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 43 011 U1 Полезная модель отнесется к конструкции трубчатой печи и может быть использована в нефтяной, газовой, ...

10-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000056578U1

1. Муфельная печь, включающая вращающийся от привода в опорах рамы барабан, по меньшей мере, одно горелочное устройство, соединенное с каналами подвода горючего вещества и воздуха, и канал прохода теплоносителя, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена неподвижным кожухом, жестко скрепленным с рамой, при этом горелочное устройство установлено внутри канала прохода теплоносителя, выполненного в виде полости, образованной внешней поверхностью барабана и внутренней поверхностью неподвижного кожуха, ось вращающегося в опорах рамы барабана наклонена к горизонтали под углом, а внешняя поверхность барабана и внутренняя поверхность неподвижного кожуха выполнены конгруэнтными. 2. Муфельная печь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что каналы подвода горючего вещества и воздуха скреплены с неподвижным кожухом, канал подвода воздуха соединен с каналом прохода теплоносителя. 3. Муфельная печь по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что привод барабана выполнен с изменяемой угловой скоростью вращения, а, по меньшей мере, одна опора барабана снабжена средством изменения угла наклона оси барабана к горизонтали. 4. Муфельная печь по любому пп.1-3, отличающаяся тем, что горелочное устройство выполнено в виде спиралевидной трубы, закрепленной на внутренней поверхности неподвижного кожуха, соединенной с каналом подвода горючего вещества, и снабженной, по меньшей мере, одним отверстием в боковой поверхности для выхода и сгорания горючего вещества. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 56 578 (13) U1 (51) МПК F27B 7/28 F27B 5/16 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006102379/22 , 27.01.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.01.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2006 (72) Автор(ы): Наумов Михаил Олегович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Наумов Михаил Олегович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 301600, Тульская обл., г. Узловая, Главпочтамт, а/я 7, представителю автора-заявителя О.Г. Греш ...

27-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000060695U1

Печь для прокалки сыпучих материалов, включающая кожух, корпус из термоизолирующего огнеупорного материала, электронагревательные элементы, рабочую камеру, снабженную полками, герметично-закрывающимся люком и системой электронагрева, отличающаяся тем, что через нагревательные элементы печи проходит воздуховод, направленный в рабочую камеру печи и имеющий соединение через входной патрубок с устройством для предварительной осушки воздуха, в рабочей камере имеется выходной патрубок, имеющий соединение с установкой для принудительного удаления из свободного пространства рабочей камеры воздушно-газовой смеси. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 60 695 (13) U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/00 F27B 9/00 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006135076/22 , 03.10.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.10.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 27.01.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Погудин Олег Владимирович (RU) U 1 6 0 6 9 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Печь для прокалки сыпучих материалов, включающая кожух, корпус из термоизолирующего огнеупорного материала, электронагревательные элементы, рабочую камеру, снабженную полками, герметично-закрывающимся люком и системой электронагрева, отличающаяся тем, что через нагревательные элементы печи проходит воздуховод, направленный в рабочую камеру печи и имеющий соединение через входной патрубок с устройством для предварительной осушки воздуха, в рабочей камере имеется выходной патрубок, имеющий соединение с установкой для принудительного удаления из свободного пространства рабочей камеры воздушно-газовой смеси. 6 0 6 9 5 (54) ПЕЧЬ ДЛЯ ПРОКАЛКИ СЫПУЧИХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ R U Адрес для переписки: 618416, Пермский край, г. Березники, ул. Свердлова, 148, кв.79, О.В. Погудину (72) Автор(ы): Погудин Олег Владимирович (RU), Нечаев Николай Петрович (RU), Козлов Сергей Геннадьевич (RU) U 1 U 1 6 0 6 9 5 6 0 6 9 5 R U R U ...

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000060939U1

Установка для химико-термической обработки изделий, содержащая камеру нагрева с цилиндрическим муфелем, электронагревателем, датчиком температуры и механизмом поворота в вертикальной плоскости, установленную внутри муфеля реторту, снабженную сменными передней и задней крышками и выполненную с возможностью вращения вокруг горизонтальной оси, причем передняя крышка соединена с приводом через вал, а задняя крышка и вал зафиксированы, соответственно, задними и передними катками, закрепленными на камере нагрева, отличающаяся тем, что установка дополнительно снабжена вибратором, контактирующим с передними катками, источником электропитания, подключенным к передним и задним каткам, глуходонной гильзой, выполненной из диэлектрического материала, установленной в задней крышке по оси реторты с зазором по отношению к передней крышке и зафиксированной задними катками, электроизолированными от камеры нагрева, а также дополнительными датчиками температуры, установленными в глуходонной гильзе и стационарно закрепленных на камере нагрева. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 60 939 (13) U1 (51) МПК C23C 10/34 (2006.01) F27B 5/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006139910/22 , 10.11.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.11.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.02.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Веселовский Александр Александрович (RU) U 1 6 0 9 3 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Установка для химико-термической обработки изделий, содержащая камеру нагрева с цилиндрическим муфелем, электронагревателем, датчиком температуры и механизмом поворота в вертикальной плоскости, установленную внутри муфеля реторту, снабженную сменными передней и задней крышками и выполненную с возможностью вращения вокруг горизонтальной оси, причем передняя крышка соединена с приводом через вал, а задняя крышка и вал зафиксированы, соответственно, задними и передними катками, ...

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000061017U1

Технологическая установка для сушки и прокалки неорганических веществ, включающая кожух, теплоизоляцию, корпус, изготовленный из огнеупорных материалов, электронагревательные элементы, соединенные с системой электроснабжения и герметично-закрывающуюся теплоизолированную заслонку, отличающаяся тем, что в корпусе установки имеется входной штуцер, соединенный через запорно-регулирующий клапан с устройством для предварительной очистки и осушки поступающего в рабочую камеру воздуха и выходной штуцер, соединенный через запорно-регулирующую арматуру и откачивающий насос с устройством для обезвреживания отходящих газовых аэрозолей, а внутренняя поверхность рабочей камеры футерована жаропрочными, термостабильными, химически-устойчивыми к агрессивным газам и хромофорно-инертными материалами, внутри рабочей камеры установлен датчик температуры, соединенный с прибором для измерения и регулирования температуры в рабочей камере установки, прибор имеет сопряжения с системой электроснабжения установки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 61 017 (13) U1 (51) МПК F26B 3/20 F26B 9/06 F27B 5/08 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006135133/22 , 04.10.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.10.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.02.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Нечаев Николай Петрович (RU) U 1 6 1 0 1 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Технологическая установка для сушки и прокалки неорганических веществ, включающая кожух, теплоизоляцию, корпус, изготовленный из огнеупорных материалов, электронагревательные элементы, соединенные с системой электроснабжения и герметично-закрывающуюся теплоизолированную заслонку, отличающаяся тем, что в корпусе установки имеется входной штуцер, соединенный через запорно-регулирующий клапан с устройством для предварительной очистки и осушки поступающего в рабочую камеру воздуха и выходной штуцер, ...

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000061019U1

Установка для термообработки порошкообразных материалов, включающая кожух, теплоизоляционный корпус из огнеупорного и жаропрочного материала, теплонагревательные элементы, подсоединенные к линии электропитания, рабочую камеру с установленными в ней полками, отличающаяся тем, что на кожухе и корпусе установки имеются входной и выходной патрубки для подвода в рабочую камеру предварительно очищенного от примесей осушенного и нагретого воздуха и вывода из свободного пространства рабочей камеры воздушно-газовой и аэрозольной смеси, входной патрубок имеет соединение с двумя последовательно соединенными колоннами, заполненными сорбентом для улавливания из воздуха посторонних микропримесей и влагопоглотителем для удаления из очищенного воздуха паров воды, выходной патрубок имеет соединение через воздуховод и вентилятор с водоорошаемым скруббером и циркуляционным баком, в рабочей камере установлена термопара, соединенная с прибором для контроля и регулирования температуры, сопряженным с таймером и линией электропитания установки, внутренняя поверхность рабочей камеры, полки и тигельные емкости обработаны, например термонапылением, предварительно прокаленным исходным порошкообразным материалом. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 61 019 (13) U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/06 (2006.01) F27B 5/08 (2006.01) F27B 14/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006135650/22 , 09.10.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.10.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.02.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Козлов Сергей Геннадьевич (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 6 1 0 1 9 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели Установка для термообработки порошкообразных материалов, включающая кожух, теплоизоляционный корпус из огнеупорного и жаропрочного материала, теплонагревательные элементы, подсоединенные к линии электропитания, рабочую камеру с установленными в ней полками, отличающаяся тем, что на кожухе и корпусе ...

27-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000067692U1

Трубчатая печь, включающая цилиндрическую теплообменную камеру, горелочные устройства, змеевик, состоящий из прямых и изогнутых участков продуктовых труб, размещенный в камере у боковой и торцевых ее стен, а также внутренний змеевик с ленточными проставками между соседними прямыми участками продуктовых труб, который выполнен в виде цилиндра с открытыми торцами диаметром, меньшим чем диаметр пристенного змеевика концентрично с ним так, что одной своей стороной он примыкает к трубам на торцевой стене, а другая сторона образует со смежной торцевой стеной зазор, отличающаяся тем, что во внутреннем змеевике установлен закручивающий продукты горения элемент, выполненный в виде шнека. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 67 692 (13) U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007127426/22 , 17.07.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.07.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ГОУ ВПО Саратовский государственный технический университет (RU) U 1 6 7 6 9 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Трубчатая печь, включающая цилиндрическую теплообменную камеру, горелочные устройства, змеевик, состоящий из прямых и изогнутых участков продуктовых труб, размещенный в камере у боковой и торцевых ее стен, а также внутренний змеевик с ленточными проставками между соседними прямыми участками продуктовых труб, который выполнен в виде цилиндра с открытыми торцами диаметром, меньшим чем диаметр пристенного змеевика концентрично с ним так, что одной своей стороной он примыкает к трубам на торцевой стене, а другая сторона образует со смежной торцевой стеной зазор, отличающаяся тем, что во внутреннем змеевике установлен закручивающий продукты горения элемент, выполненный в виде шнека. 6 7 6 9 2 (54) ТРУБЧАТАЯ ПЕЧЬ R U Адрес для переписки: 413100, Саратовская обл., г. Энгельс, пл. Свободы, 17, Технологический институт СГТУ, ...

27-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000116614U1

Вакуумная трубчатая печь, включающая нагревательную камеру с кварцевой трубой, силовой блок с системой регулирования и контроля, впускной и выпускной механизмы вакуумного уплотнения, включающие фланцы, распорные кольца и вакуумные уплотнительные кольца, отличающаяся тем, что внутри нагревательной камеры вокруг кварцевой трубы размещены электрические высокотемпературные нагреватели, создающие две вертикально разделенные зоны нагрева с независимой регулировкой температуры в каждой зоне, во фланцах выполнены круговые пазы для фиксации вакуумных уплотнительных колец, а выпускной механизм вакуумного уплотнения снабжен конденсатором прореагировавших химических компонент. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 116 614 U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/04 (2006.01) F27B 5/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011151922/02, 19.12.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.12.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Гаджиев Тимур Мажлумович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.05.2012 Бюл. № 15 R U 1 1 6 6 1 4 Формула полезной модели Вакуумная трубчатая печь, включающая нагревательную камеру с кварцевой трубой, силовой блок с системой регулирования и контроля, впускной и выпускной механизмы вакуумного уплотнения, включающие фланцы, распорные кольца и вакуумные уплотнительные кольца, отличающаяся тем, что внутри нагревательной камеры вокруг кварцевой трубы размещены электрические высокотемпературные нагреватели, создающие две вертикально разделенные зоны нагрева с независимой регулировкой температуры в каждой зоне, во фланцах выполнены круговые пазы для фиксации вакуумных уплотнительных колец, а выпускной механизм вакуумного уплотнения снабжен конденсатором прореагировавших химических компонент. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ВАКУУМНАЯ ТРУБЧАТАЯ ПЕЧЬ 1 1 6 6 1 4 Адрес для переписки: 367014, Республика Дагестан, г.Махачкала, а/я 17, Дагсовет ВОИР R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.12.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Гаджиев ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000153827U1

1. Колпаковая печь для отжига металла в рулонах, содержащая стенд, установленные на нём муфель и нагревательный колпак, снабжённый газовыми горелками, сообщёнными с трубопроводами подачи топливного газа и эжекторного воздуха, оснащёнными регулирующими клапанами, соединёнными с приводными элементами, эжекторами с газоотводящими патрубками, пристендовые трубопроводы, сообщённые с боровом, систему управления тепловым режимом нагревательного колпака, соединенную с интерфейсом оператора, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена датчиком давления защитного газа в подмуфельном пространстве, приводные элементы регулирующих клапанов трубопроводов подачи топливного газа и эжекторного воздуха выполнены в виде сервоприводов с позиционированием, система управления тепловым режимом нагревательного колпака выполнена с индивидуальным регулированием упомянутых клапанов, а газоотводящие патрубки выполнены гибкими из термостойкого материала и смонтированы с возможностью размещения в каналах соответствующих пристендовых трубопроводов в рабочем положении, при этом упомянутая система управления тепловым режимом нагревательного колпака соединена с датчиком давления защитного газа в подмуфельном пространстве, сервоприводами клапанов подачи топливного газа и эжекторного воздуха. 2. Колпаковая печь по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена затворами, периодически перекрывающими каналы пристендовых трубопроводов. 3. Колпаковая печь по п. 2, отличающаяся тем, что каждый из затворов выполнен шиберного типа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 153 827 U1 (51) МПК C21D 9/663 (2006.01) C21D 11/00 (2006.01) F27B 5/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015103271/02, 02.02.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.02.2015 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Новолипецкий металлургический комбинат" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2015 Бюл. № 22 1 5 3 8 2 7 R U Формула полезной модели ...

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000158758U1

1. Трубчатая печь, содержащая камеру сгорания с горелкой, сообщенную с камерой теплообмена, в которой размещены продуктовые трубы, отличающаяся тем, что горелка включает газовые стволы и воздуховод, при этом концы газовых стволов размещены в камере сгорания вокруг выходного отверстия воздуховода, в камере сгорания установлен завихритель воздушного потока, а продуктовые трубы представляют собой трубчатый теплообменник с поперечно обтекаемым пучком труб. 2. Печь по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что в коллекторах трубчатого теплообменника установлены перегородки с образованием последовательно-параллельной схемы соединения труб. 3. Печь по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что камера сгорания имеет цилиндрическую форму, а камера теплообмена в поперечном сечении имеет прямоугольную форму. 4. Печь по п. 3, отличающаяся тем, что оси газовых стволов параллельны оси воздуховода и камеры сгорания. 5. Печь по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что завихритель представляет собой лопаточный завихритель, между лопатками которого расположены концы газовых стволов. Ц 158758 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 158 758? 1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ РОЭК Изменение наименования, фамилии, имени, отчества патентообладателя (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "НИЦЭО" (ВО) Адрес для переписки: 109382, Москва, ул. Люблинская, 141, офис 405, ООО «НПЦЭО» Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.05.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 11.05.2022 Бюл. №14 Стр.: 1 па 891391 ЕП

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000161040U1

Вакуумная электропечь, содержащая водоохлаждаемый корпус с загрузочной и монтажной крышками, замкнутую нагревательную камеру, состоящую из теплоизоляции, установленной внутри нагревательной камеры, и нагревателя, состоящего из системы параллельных тепловыделяющих пластин, стороны которых у загрузочной крышки установлены на токоподводах, а противоположные связаны между собой, по меньшей мере, одним торцевым элементом, и вакуумную систему, отличающаяся тем, что торцевой элемент нагревателя выполнен в виде резьбовой шпильки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 161 040 U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/04 (2006.01) F27B 5/14 (2006.01) F27D 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015118910/02, 20.05.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.05.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2016 Бюл. № 10 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "НАУЧНО-ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННОЕ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЕ ВакЭТО" (ООО НПП ВакЭТО) (RU) 1 6 1 0 4 0 R U Формула полезной модели Вакуумная электропечь, содержащая водоохлаждаемый корпус с загрузочной и монтажной крышками, замкнутую нагревательную камеру, состоящую из теплоизоляции, установленной внутри нагревательной камеры, и нагревателя, состоящего из системы параллельных тепловыделяющих пластин, стороны которых у загрузочной крышки установлены на токоподводах, а противоположные связаны между собой, по меньшей мере, одним торцевым элементом, и вакуумную систему, отличающаяся тем, что торцевой элемент нагревателя выполнен в виде резьбовой шпильки. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ВАКУУМНАЯ ЭЛЕКТРОПЕЧЬ 1 6 1 0 4 0 Адрес для переписки: 121108, Москва, ул. Кастанаевская, 44, кв. 6, О.Б. Минкову R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20.05.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Желнов Дмитрий Валерьевич (RU), Логинова Ирина Михайловна (RU), Минков Антон Олегович (RU), Минаева Надежда Александровна (RU), Молев Геннадий Васильевич (RU), Першин Александр Николаевич (RU), Подгурский ...

22-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000198165U1

Полезная модель относится к печам непрерывного действия для термической обработки мелкодисперсных материалов или суспензий, вязких жидкостей при контролируемой газовой атмосфере и температуре нагрева в режиме непрерывной работы и постоянном перемешивании материала. Реализация непрерывного поступательного движения и перемешивания рабочего материала осуществляется с помощью вращающихся компонентов в печи. Загрузочный и разгрузочный механизмы обеспечивают постоянное поддержание внутренней атмосферы и толщины слоя прокаливаемого материала. Оптимизация геометрии реторты совместно с индукционным методом нагрева позволяет значительно сократить массогабаритные показатели, обеспечить непрерывность процесса с сохранением заданной производительности, обеспечить высокую автоматизацию процесса, улучшить и расширить условия производства, эксплуатации и обслуживания. Также раскрыты модификации, когда отсутствует необходимость поддержания внутренней атмосферы и когда необходим наклон осей вращения реторты по отношению к горизонту. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 165 U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F27B 5/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019129746, 19.09.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.09.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 22.06.2020 Бюл. № 18 1 9 8 1 6 5 R U (54) ИНДУКЦИОННАЯ ПЕЧЬ С РЕТОРТОЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к печам непрерывного действия для термической обработки мелкодисперсных материалов или суспензий, вязких жидкостей при контролируемой газовой атмосфере и температуре нагрева в режиме непрерывной работы и постоянном перемешивании материала. Реализация непрерывного поступательного движения и перемешивания рабочего материала осуществляется с помощью вращающихся компонентов в печи. Загрузочный и разгрузочный механизмы обеспечивают постоянное поддержание внутренней атмосферы и ...

17-05-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для синтеза полупроводниковых пленок

Номер: RU0000204240U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к устройствам для синтеза полупроводниковых пленок. Данная полезная модель представляет собой устройство для последовательного синтеза нескольких образцов подряд без извлечения предыдущих из вакуумируемого объема. Особенностью устройства является охлаждение соединительных вакуумных колец кварцевого трубчатого реактора большой длины и подвижный нагревательный блок. Преимуществами предлагаемой полезной модели являются а) размер трубчатого реактора, кратно превышающий длину нагревательного блока, позволяет одновременно загружать несколько образцов для отжига; б) подвижный нагревательный блок, перемещающийся вдоль трубчатого реактора, позволяет последовательно осуществлять несколько синтезов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 240 U1 (51) МПК H05B 3/60 (2006.01) F27B 5/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H05B 3/60 (2021.02); F27B 5/04 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020126204, 03.08.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 17.05.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 17.05.2021 Бюл. № 14 U 1 (54) Устройство для синтеза полупроводниковых пленок (57) Реферат: Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к Преимуществами предлагаемой полезной устройствам для синтеза полупроводниковых модели являются пленок. Данная полезная модель представляет а) размер трубчатого реактора, кратно собой устройство для последовательного синтеза превышающий длину нагревательного блока, нескольких образцов подряд без извлечения позволяет одновременно загружать несколько предыдущих из вакуумируемого объема. образцов для отжига; Особенностью устройства является б) подвижный нагревательный блок, охлаждение соединительных вакуумных колец перемещающийся вдоль трубчатого реактора, кварцевого трубчатого реактора большой длины позволяет последовательно осуществлять и подвижный нагревательный блок. несколько синтезов. R U 2 0 4 2 4 0 (56) Список документов, цитированных в ...

14-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000205434U1

Полезная модель относится к печи для обжига керамических изделий, преимущественно декоративной керамики. Печь содержит корпус, имеющий внешнюю часть из керамической плитки и внутреннюю часть, выполненную в виде огнеупорной футеровки, например, из шамотно-волокнистой плиты, образующую рабочую камеру. На корпусе с возможностью поворота вокруг оси закреплена крышка, на которой жестко закреплена перекладина, на которой в месте ее крепления к корпусу в направлении, противоположном открыванию, размещен противовес, вес которого меньше, чем вес крышки, на внутренней части корпуса и крышке размещены герметизирующие элементы, при этом герметизирующий элемент, размещенный на корпусе, выполнен в виде прокладки из огнеупорной ваты, имеющей в поперечном сечении прямоугольную форму, а герметизирующий элемент, размещенный на крышке 5, выполнен в виде уплотнения из термостойкой резины, имеющего в поперечном сечении клиновидную форму. Обеспечивается повышение эффективности работы печи и качество обрабатываемых изделий. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 434 U1 (51) МПК F27B 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F27B 5/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020141503, 15.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "КЕРАМИКА ЗОЛОТОЕ" (RU) Дата регистрации: 14.07.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 14.07.2021 Бюл. № 20 2 0 5 4 3 4 R U (54) ПЕЧЬ ДЛЯ ОБЖИГА КЕРАМИЧЕСКИХ ИЗДЕЛИЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к печи для обжига крышки, на внутренней части корпуса и крышке керамических изделий, преимущественно размещены герметизирующие элементы, при этом декоративной керамики. Печь содержит корпус, герметизирующий элемент, размещенный на имеющий внешнюю часть из керамической плитки корпусе, выполнен в виде прокладки из и внутреннюю часть, выполненную в виде огнеупорной ваты, имеющей в поперечном огнеупорной футеровки, например, из ...

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Heat treatment furnace

Номер: US20120133089A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A heating section 20 having heating elements using carbon which generates heat when a high-frequency electric current is fed to a coil whose pitch can be adjusted as desired is arranged in a heating chamber 10 . A cooling chamber 80 configured to cool metal to be heat-treated, which has been heated by the heating elements, is disposed below the heating chamber 10 in communication with the heating chamber 10 via a connection section 60 . A water-cooled vertically movable shaft 90 which is capable of supporting the metal to be heat-treated and entering the heating chamber 10 is disposed so as to penetrate through the bottom portion of the cooling chamber 80 . A gas introducing pipe 81 configured to introduce gas for cooling heated metal to be heat-treated supported by the water-cooled vertically movable shaft 90 and moved from the heating chamber 10 to the cooling chamber 80 is disposed in the cooling chamber 80 , so that a heat treatment furnace which is capable of reducing running cost and increasing cooling speed is realized.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Recycling furnace for burning off precious metal-containing materials

Номер: US20120227643A1
Принадлежит: Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH and Co KG

A recycling furnace is provided for processing potentially explosive precious metal-containing materials having organic fractions that combust with great energy. The furnace includes a switching facility for alternating operation of two burning-off chambers of the furnace between: (A) pyrolysis or carbonization under protective furnace gas in an atmosphere comprising maximally 6 wt-% oxygen, and (B) oxidative combustion of the organic fractions including carbon. The furnace has indirect heating and a control that determines the end of the pyrolysis or carbonization by a sensor and controls the switching facility to supply air or oxygen to the interior of the furnace. A continuous conveyor for dosing of liquids or liquefied substances during the pyrolysis is controlled by at least one parameter of post-combustion, preferably a temperature sensor. A single waste gas treatment facility is used for thermal post-combustion for the two furnace chambers.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Heat Treatment Container for Vacuum Heat Treatment Apparatus

Номер: US20130095442A1
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

Provided is a heat treatment container for a vacuum heat treatment apparatus. The heat treatment container includes a bottom and a sidewall. An exhaust passage is defined in an upper portion of the sidewall.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146580A1
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

A heater unit includes a power source, a plurality of heaters, and a power supply position-switching device. The power source includes a first power source terminal and a second power source terminal. The plurality of heaters are each connected to one another in series and include a first heater and a second heater. The power supply position-switching device is configured to switch between a first state and a second state. In the first state, the first power source terminal is connected with a first heater terminal of the first heater, and the second power source terminal is connected with a third heater terminal of the second heater. In the second state, the first power source terminal is connected with a second heater terminal of the first heater, and the second power source terminal is connected with a fourth heater terminal of the second heater. 1. A heater unit comprising:a power source including a first power source terminal and a second power source terminal;a plurality of heaters each connected to one another in series with respect to the power source, the plurality of heaters including a first heater and a second heater, the first heater being connected to the first power source terminal and having a first heater terminal and a second heater terminal, the second heater being connected to the second power source terminal and having a third heater terminal and a fourth heater terminal; anda power supply position-switching device configured to switch betweena first state in which the first power source terminal is connected with the first heater terminal of the first heater, the second power source terminal is connected with the third heater terminal of the second heater, and the second heater terminal of the first heater is directly or indirectly connected with the fourth heater terminal of the second heater, anda second state in which the first power source terminal is connected with the second heater terminal of the first heater, the second power source ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Dental firing or press furnace

Номер: US20130153561A1
Автор: Jussel Rudolf

The invention relates to a dental firing or press furnace () that enables the production of at least one dental restoration part (). The dental firing or press furnace is provided with a firing space () that is heatable with the aid of a heating device (), preferably, a resistance heating device. A heat-conducting element () having a specific thermal conductivity of at least 100 W/mK is arranged on the floor of the firing space (). 1. A dental firing or press furnace for the production of at least one dental restoration part , comprisinga firing space that is heatable with the aid of a heating device, anda heat-conducting element having a specific thermal conductivity of at least 100 W/mK is arranged on the floor of the firing space.2. The furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the heating device comprises a resistance heating device.3. The furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the heat-conducting element forms a footprint on its upper side claim 1 , and acts as a carrier to support at least a restoration part claim 1 , a firing tray with at least one restoration part claim 1 , or a press muffle.4. The furnace as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the heat-conducting element is substantially formed in a disk-shaped manner and radially extends past the restoration part or the press muffle.5. The furnace as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the disk-shaped manner of the heat-conducting element comprises a circular disk-shaped manner.6. The furnace as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the heat-conducting element is spaced apart from the side wall of the firing space thereby forming a gap whose width is less than one third of its diameter.7. The furnace as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the gap is one fourth to one twentieth of its diameter.8. The furnace as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the heat-conducting element is centrally located on the floor of the firing space and comprises an edge or rim claim 7 , wherein between the edge or rim and a circumferential side wall of the firing ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Vacuum Oven

Номер: US20130186877A1

A vacuum oven or vacuum furnace is disclosed having a heat distribution sleeve that conforms to the shape of an interior heating chamber. The heat distribution sleeve may be of generally annular shape, like a ring, and located in a substantially regularly spaced and offset relationship from a heating element located within walls adjacent the interior heating chamber. The heat distribution sleeve includes a thermal conductive material which absorbs and re-radiates heat emitted from the heating element, thereby providing more consistent and regular radiation fields for heating treating a work piece that is loaded on a work holding tray and, upon the vacuum oven being in an operational position, the work piece is located within the furnace chamber. 1. A vacuum oven comprising:a body;a bottom loading vacuum chamber assembly including a heating element under regulateble power located within a muffle having an opening providing access to an interior heating chamber;a heat distribution sleeve conformed to the shape of the interior heating chamber, the heat distribution sleeve located in a substantially regularly spaced and offset relationship from the heating element, the heat distribution sleeve including a thermal conductive material which absorbs and re-radiates heat emitted from the heating element;a furnace chamber formed within the heat distribution sleeve;offsetting means for suspending the heat distribution sleeve from the muffle in a substantially regularly spaced and offset relationship from the heating element;a vertically displacable holding assembly configured to hold one or more work pieces, wherein upon the bottom loading vacuum chamber assembly being in an operation position, the holding assembly is located proximate to the furnace chamber.2. The vacuum oven as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:a vertical track mounted to the body;an arm slidably secured to the vertical track, wherein the arm supports the lower chamber cover.3. The vacuum oven as ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Melting furnace including wire-discharge ion plasma electron emitter

Номер: US20130279533A1
Принадлежит: ATI Properties LLC

An apparatus for melting an electrically conductive metallic material includes a vacuum chamber and a hearth disposed in the vacuum chamber. At least one wire-discharge ion plasma electron emitter is disposed in or adjacent the vacuum chamber and is positioned to direct a wide-area field of electrons into the vacuum chamber, wherein the wide-area electron field has sufficient energy to heat the electrically conductive metallic material to its melting temperature. The apparatus may further include at least one of a mold and an atomizing apparatus which is in communication with the vacuum chamber and is positioned to receive molten material from the hearth.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Plasma processing device

Номер: US20130305985A1
Автор: Kazuhiko Katsumata
Принадлежит: IHI Corp, IHI Machinery and Furnace Co Ltd

Provided is a plasma processing device (S 1 ) configured to perform surface reforming on a workpiece (X) made of a metal material in a vacuum furnace ( 1 ) by plasma includes movable power feeding devices ( 14 and 15 ) that are movable in the vacuum furnace ( 1 ).

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002466A1

A thermochemical treatment installation includes a reaction chamber, at least one gas inlet, and a gas preheater chamber situated between the gas inlet and the reaction chamber. The preheater chamber has a plurality of perforated distribution trays held spaced apart one above another. The preheater chamber also includes, between at least the facing distribution trays, a plurality of walls defining flow paths for a gas stream between said trays. 1. A thermochemical treatment installation comprising a reaction chamber , at least one gas inlet , and a gas preheater chamber situated between the gas inlet and the reaction chamber said preheater chamber having a plurality of perforated distribution trays held spaced apart one above another , wherein the preheater chamber also includes , between at least two facing distribution trays , a plurality of walls defining flow paths for a gas stream between said trays , each wall extending vertically between said at least two facing distribution trays.2. An installation according to claim 1 , wherein the distribution trays are disk-shaped and wherein at least some of the walls extend between said trays in a radial direction.3. An installation according to claim 1 , wherein at least some of the walls present an undulating shape.4. An installation according to claim 1 , wherein the walls present thermal conductivity that is greater in a direction parallel to the distribution trays than in a direction perpendicular to said perforated trays.5. An installation according to claim 4 , wherein the walls are made of composite material having fiber reinforcement densified by a matrix claim 4 , and wherein the reinforcing fibers extend for the most part in a direction parallel to the distribution trays.6. An installation according to claim 4 , wherein the walls are made of graphite.7. An installation according to claim 2 , wherein the number of walls is greater in the vicinity of the peripheries of the distribution trays than in the centers ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008991A1
Принадлежит: Desktop Metal, Inc.

A furnace may include an outer wall defining a chamber, the chamber including an internal cavity configured to receive one or more parts, at least one heater positioned within the chamber, the at least one heater being configured to generate temperatures of at least about 800 degrees Celsius within the internal cavity, and a vacuum pump configured to apply a vacuum to at least a portion of the chamber. The furnace may also include at least one layer of inner insulation and at least one layer of outer insulation disposed outward of the inner insulation with respect to the chamber, the at least one layer of outer insulation being sealed with respect to the at least one layer of inner insulation. 1. A furnace , comprising:an outer wall defining a chamber, the chamber including an internal cavity configured to receive one or more parts;at least one heater positioned within the chamber, the at least one heater being configured to generate temperatures of at least about 800 degrees Celsius within the internal cavity;a vacuum pump configured to apply a vacuum to at least a portion of the chamber;at least one layer of inner insulation; andat least one layer of outer insulation disposed outward of the inner insulation with respect to the chamber, the at least one layer of outer insulation being sealed with respect to the at least one layer of inner insulation.2. The furnace of claim 1 , further comprising a barrier gaseously isolating the at least one layer of outer insulation from the at least one layer of inner insulation to reduce an amount of moisture claim 1 , gas claim 1 , or binder that is absorbed by or released from the outer insulation.3. The furnace of claim 2 , wherein the barrier has a cylindrical shape.4. The furnace of claim 2 , wherein the barrier includes a continuous seal.5. The furnace of claim 2 , wherein the barrier includes a lap seal.6. The furnace of claim 1 , further comprising a retort disposed inward with respect to the at least one layer of inner ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Heat treatment device

Номер: US20180010854A1
Автор: Kazuhiko Katsumata
Принадлежит: IHI Corp, IHI Machinery and Furnace Co Ltd

A heat treatment device includes: a heat treatment chamber which accommodates an object to be treated; a cooling gas supply unit which supplies a cooling gas into the heat treatment chamber; a cooling gas circulation unit which circulates the cooling gas in the heat treatment chamber; and a gas purge unit which gas-purges, with an inert gas, a portion in which there is a possibility of mixing of the cooling gas supplied into the heat treatment chamber and an oxygen gas, in which the cooling gas supply unit supplies a hydrogen gas into the heat treatment chamber as the cooling gas.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025291A1
Автор: Lin Su-Horng

A multi-chamber furnace for processing at least 100 substrates is provided. Reactor housings define a plurality of laterally spaced reactor chambers that are individually configured to accommodate up to about 50 substrates. Substrate holders correspond to the reactor chambers, and are configured to support and vertically stack substrates arranged in the corresponding reactor chambers. Heaters correspond to the reactor chambers and are configured to heat the corresponding reactor chambers. A method for batch processing substrates using the multi-chamber furnace is also provided. 1. A multi-chamber furnace comprising:reactor housings defining a plurality of laterally spaced reactor chambers that are individually configured to accommodate a number of substrates that is about equal to an integer multiple of a number of substrates held by a pod configured to transport substrates;substrate holders corresponding to the reactor chambers, and configured to support and stack substrates arranged in the corresponding reactor chambers; andheaters corresponding to the reactor chambers and configured to heat the corresponding reactor chambers.2. The multi-chamber furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the reactor chambers are collectively configured to concurrently carry out a semiconductor manufacturing process on a batch of about 100 or more substrates.3. The multi-chamber furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the reactor chambers are configured to carry out different semiconductor manufacturing processes on substrates.4. The multi-chamber furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the reactor chambers individually accommodate between about 25 substrates and about 50 substrates.5. The multi-chamber furnace according to claim 1 , further comprising:a process housing defining a process area within which the reactor housings are arranged; anda loading housing defining a loading area under the process area.6. The multi-chamber furnace according to claim 5 , further comprising:a linear ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Dental Furnace

Номер: US20140113237A1

The invention relates to a dental furnace comprising a firing hood equipped with a heating device that is movably supported for the opening and closing of the dental furnace relative to a base intended for receiving a dental restoration part, and further comprising a heat detection device that is directed towards an area above the base, in particular towards one or more dental restoration parts, and further comprising a control or regulating device for the dental furnace that is coupled to the heat detection device, wherein the heat detection device is configured as a thermal imaging camera () which is directed towards the area above the base while the firing hood () is partially or completely opened, and which feeds an at least two-dimensional image in the form of a matrix of the one or more inserted dental restoration parts () to the control or regulating device and/or to a muffle () that is intended for the generation of the dental restoration parts (). 1. A dental furnace comprisinga firing hood equipped with a heating device that is movably supported for the opening and closing of the dental furnace relative to a base intended for receiving a dental restoration part, anda heat detection device that is directed towards an area above the base, towards one or more dental restoration parts, anda control or regulating device for the dental furnace that is coupled to the heat detection device,{'b': 30', '12', '60', '26', '60, 'wherein the heat detection device is configured as a thermal imaging camera () which is directed towards the area above the base while the firing hood () is partially or completely opened, and which feeds an at least two-dimensional image in the form of a matrix of the one or more inserted dental restoration parts () to the control or regulating device and/or to a muffle () that is intended for the production of the dental restoration parts ().'}24426. The dental furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control device evaluates the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Self-contained assay facility in an aircraft and method of using same to procure and assay precious metals

Номер: US20150032667A1
Автор: Chris M. Noyes

A self-contained assay facility housed in a fixed-wing or rotary wing aircraft that is completely equipped to melt and assay precious metals, particularly gold and silver. An induction furnace melts the metal that is then poured into an ingot. The ingot is weighed and analyzed using an XRF alloy analyzer and the percentage of gold and/or other metals recorded. The value of the gold at current market prices is calculated and the assay and the value of the ingot is printed and given to the seller. The seller may opt to receive the ingot and pay the assayer an assay fee. Alternately, the seller may ask to be paid in cash, in bullion, by wire transfer, or by an open hedge. A transfer or hedge is initiated and confirmed from the assay facility. The ingots are securely stored in a safe within the assay facility.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030570A1

An apparatus for separating and recovering the components of an alloy, particularly a noble alloy, including a high vacuum chamber housing at least one crucible for the alloy to be separated; at least one heating element arranged, during use, around the crucible; at least one condensation device, which faces, during use, an upper mouth of the crucible. The particularity of the present invention resides in that the condensation device includes at least one cold element and at least one deflector that is adapted to divert the flow of the aeriform substances derived from the melting and evaporation of the alloy toward the cold element. The invention also relates to a process for separating and recovering the components of an alloy, particularly a noble alloy. 1. An apparatus for separating and recovering the components of an alloy , particularly a noble alloy , comprising a high vacuum chamber housing at least one crucible for the alloy to be separated; at least one heating element arranged , during use , around said crucible; at least one condensation device , which faces , during use , an upper mouth of said crucible; said apparatus being characterized in that said condensation device comprises at least one cold element and at least one deflector that diverts the flow of the aeriform substances derived from the melting and evaporation of said alloy toward said cold element.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said cold element comprises at least one exchange surface that is cooled by a cooling fluid supplied by a cooling means.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein said cold element comprises a hollow body that is delimited by a first substantially cylindrical lateral wall closed by a substantially disk-shaped upper wall; at least one portion of said lateral wall forming said exchange surface.4. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein said first lateral wall comprises an interspace provided with channels supplied with said cooling fluid; said ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Furnace control method

Номер: US20220048767A1

A method is described for controlling a furnace containing a plurality of catalyst-containing tubes heated by a combustion gas generated by a plurality of burners, said method comprising the steps of: (i) measuring path-averaged combustion gas temperatures on multiple paths through the furnace using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, (ii) periodically measuring temperatures of surfaces within the furnace to obtain periodic surface temperature information, (iii) entering the path-averaged combustion gas temperatures and periodic surface temperature information into a computer model of the furnace, said model comprising parameters for controlling the furnace; and (iv) using the computer model and the temperature information to obtain optimised parameters for controlling the furnace. A system for performing the method is also described.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032998A1

An assembly of a liner and a flange for a vertical furnace for processing substrates is provided. The liner being configured to extend in the interior of a process tube of the vertical furnace, and the flange is configured to at least partially close a liner opening. The liner comprising a substantially cylindrical wall delimited by the liner opening at a lower end and closed at a higher end and being substantially closed for gases above the liner opening and defining an inner space. The flange comprising: 1. An assembly of a liner and a flange , the liner being configured to extend in the interior of a low pressure tube of a vertical furnace , the liner comprising:a substantially cylindrical wall delimited by a liner opening at a lower end and a top closure at a higher end and being substantially closed for gases above the liner opening and defining an inner space, the flange being configured to at least partially close an opening of the low pressure tube and comprising:an inlet opening configured to insert and remove a boat configured to carry substrates in the inner space of the liner; anda gas inlet to provide a gas to the inner space, wherein the assembly is constructed and arranged with a gas exhaust duct to remove gas from the inner space and a space between the liner and the low pressure tube through a gas exhaust opening in the flange.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the gas inlet comprises an injector claim 1 , constructed and arranged within the assembly to extend into the inner space along the substantially cylindrical wall of the liner towards the higher end and comprising at least one opening to inject gas in the inner space.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein a pattern of openings extending in the vertical direction is provided along the injector.4. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the horizontal claim 2 , inner cross-section area of a gas conduction channel inside the injector is between 100 and 1500 mm.5. The ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033061A1

A cooking appliance apparatus includes at least one fan unit having at least one fan wheel which is mounted for rotation about a rotation axis. A heating element is provided to heat the fan wheel in at least one operating state, with the heating element being configured as an induction heating element. 111-. (canceled)12. A cooking appliance apparatus , comprising:a fan unit including a fan wheel mounted for rotation about a rotation axis; anda heating element configured to heat the fan wheel in an operating state, said heating element being configured as an induction heating element.13. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 12 , wherein the heating element has an electrical conductor claim 12 , which is configured substantially rigid.14. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the conductor is at least partially wound at least essentially concentrically about the rotation axis.15. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the conductor at least partially encloses a partial region of the fan wheel when viewed along a direction perpendicular to the rotation axis.16. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the conductor has windings arranged in at least two different planes.17. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 16 , further comprising a muffle rear wall claim 16 , wherein the different planes are aligned at least essentially parallel to the muffle rear wall.18. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the conductor has a stepped configuration when viewed in a cross-sectional plane claim 13 , which includes the rotation axis.19. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 12 , further comprising a cooking appliance rear wall claim 12 , said heating element configured to heat the cooking appliance rear wall in the operating state.20. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 19 , wherein the heating element and the fan wheel are arranged behind the cooking appliance rear wall when viewed from a front face.21. A ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Hot isostatic pressing device

Номер: US20160039163A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

Provided is a hot isostatic pressing (HIP) device ( 1 ) that can efficiently cool a hot zone during HIP processing while restraining temperatures in the lower part of a high-pressure container. This HIP device ( 1 ) is provided with the following: gas-impermeable casings ( 3, 4 ) that surround an object to be processed (W); a heating unit ( 7 ) that is disposed inside these casings and forms a hot zone around the object to be processed (W); a high-pressure container ( 2 ); and a cooling unit that guides a pressure-medium gas cooled on the outside of the casings into the hot zone to cool the hot zone. The cooling unit comprises the following: a gas introduction unit that introduces the pressure-medium gas that has been cooled on the outside of the casings ( 3, 4 ) into the hot zone; and a cooling promotion unit ( 37 ) that cools the pressure medium gas by causing the pressure-medium gas that has been cooled on the outside of the casings to exchange heat with a base ( 11 ) of the high-pressure container ( 2 ).

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Dental Treatment Deevice

Номер: US20200038152A1
Автор: Jussel Rudolf

A dental treatment device with an energy source is provided which is arranged at least partially in or on a working chamber, comprising a stamp which is movable in relation to the dental treatment device as for the rest and which comprises a receiving plate for dental restoration parts. It is provided that the working chamber has a through-opening at the top, into which the receiving plate () is at least partially movable. Further, a drive is provided for the transfer of the stamp from a working position into a presentation position, and optionally vice versa. A cover () is mounted, in particular hinged, on the dental treatment device as for the rest, by which cover the through-opening () is closable. 1. A dental treatment device comprising{'b': 30', '18, 'an energy source which is arranged at least partially in or on a working chamber () for the treatment of a dental restoration part (),'}{'b': 22', '16, 'a stamp () which is movable in relation to the dental treatment device and which comprises a receiving plate () for dental restoration parts,'}{'b': 30', '26', '16, 'wherein the working chamber () has a through-opening () at the top, into which the receiving plate () is at least partially movable,'}wherein a drive is provided for the transfer of the stamp from at least one working position into at least one presentation position, and vice versa, and{'b': 32', '26', '30, 'wherein a cover () is mounted and/or hinged on the dental treatment device, by which cover the through-opening () and/or the working chamber () is closable.'}2. The dental treatment device according to claim 1 ,{'b': 22', '16', '30, 'wherein the stamp () with the receiving plate () is configured for lifting from bottom to top across the working chamber () and is configured for lifting beyond the working chamber and lowered through the working chamber.'}3. The dental treatment device according to claim 1 ,{'b': 22', '26', '18', '16', '16, 'wherein the stamp () can be moved upwards through the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Systems, devices, and methods for purifying atmosphere in a vacuum furnace

Номер: US20220065533A1
Принадлежит: Desktop Metal Inc

The present disclosure includes a furnace for heating and/or sintering one or more three-dimensional printed metal parts. The furnace includes a furnace chamber, insulation within the furnace chamber, a retort within the furnace chamber, and one or more getters containing getter material. The retort is configured to receive the one or more three-dimensional printed metal parts.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for making porous acicular mullite bodies

Номер: US20140127112A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Acicular mullite bodies are made in two-step firing process in which a green body is converted first to a fluorotopaz and then to acicular mullite. The bodies are contained within an enclosed region of the furnace. A flow of process gas is provided through the enclosed region during the fluorotopaz-forming step. The process gas is introduced into the enclosed region through multiple openings on at least one side of the enclosed region, and withdrawn through multiple openings on another side of the enclosed region. During the acicular mullite-forming step, a flow of purge gas is maintained in the exterior portion of the furnace. This purge gas may be removed by flowing it into the enclosed region of the furnace and out of the furnace from the enclosed region without re-entering the exterior portion for the furnace.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Sintering apparatus

Номер: US20160052055A1
Автор: Axel Reichert

A sintering apparatus ( 4 ) for sintering at least one workpiece ( 2 ), more particularly a dental workpiece, having a sintering chamber ( 18 ) for receiving the sintering workpiece ( 2 ) during sintering, wherein the sintering chamber ( 18 ) is delimited by a base surface ( 6 ) of the sintering apparatus ( 4 ) on which the workpiece can be placed during sintering, wherein the sintering apparatus ( 4 ) has at least one gas feed ( 5 ) for introducing protective gas into the sintering chamber ( 18 ), wherein the gas feed ( 5 ) is on the side of the base surface ( 6 ) that faces away from the sintering chamber ( 18 ) and the base surface ( 6 ) has at least one flow-through portion ( 14 ) which is permeable to the protective gas to allow the protective gas coming from the gas feed ( 5 ) to pass into the sintering chamber ( 18 ).

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048754A1
Автор: Gomez Alan J.

An apparatus for low pressure induction carburization including a hermetic, low pressure carburization chamber fitted with an inlet port for receiving a carburizing gas; an article support base within the chamber; an article disposed or secured on the article support base; and an electromagnetic induction structure shaped and disposed with respect to the article to direct an electromagnetic field into a first portion of a surface the article for directed induction heating of the article. The carburization chamber includes a low-pressure carburizing gas that was received into the chamber through the inlet port, and the first portion of the surface of the article is at a temperature in excess of a carburizing temperature. 1. An apparatus for low pressure induction carburization comprising:a hermetic, low pressure carburization chamber fitted with an inlet port for receiving a carburizing gas;an article support base within the chamber;an article disposed or secured on the article support base; andan electromagnetic induction structure shaped and disposed with respect to the article to direct an electromagnetic field into a first portion of a surface the article for directed induction heating of the article,wherein the carburization chamber comprises a low pressure carburizing gas that was received into the chamber through the inlet port, and wherein the first portion of the surface of the article is at a temperature in excess of a carburizing temperature.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a cooling object disposed with respect to a second portion of the surface of the article claim 1 , and wherein the second portion of the surface of the article is at a temperature below the carburizing temperature.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an additional inlet port for receiving a neutral gas.4. An apparatus for low pressure induction carburization comprising:a hermetic, low pressure carburization chamber fitted with an inlet port for receiving a ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Sintering Furnace for Components Made of Sintered Material, in Particular, Dental Components

Номер: US20180051931A1
Принадлежит: DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc.

The invention relates to a sintering furnace () for components () made of a sintered material, in particular for dental components, comprising a furnace chamber () having a chamber volume (VK) and a chamber inner surface (OK), wherein a heat-up device (), a receiving space () having a gross volume (VB) located in the chamber volume (VK) and delimited by the heat-up device (), and a useful region () having a useful volume (VN) located in the gross volume (VB), are disposed in the furnace chamber (). The furnace chamber () has an outer wall () consisting of a plurality of walls having a wall portion () to be opened for introduction into the receiving space () of a component to be sintered () and having an object volume (VO). In the furnace chamber () the heat-up device () has a thermal radiator () having a radiation field () which radiator is disposed on at least one side of the receiving space (). Said thermal radiator () has a specific resistance of 0.1 Ωmm/m to 1,000,000 Ωmm/m and has a total surface, the maximum of which is three times the chamber inner surface (OK). With this sintering furnace () a heat-up temperature of at least 1100° C. can be achieved within 5 minutes at a maximum power input of 1.5 kW. 1. A sintering furnace for components made of a sintered material comprising:a furnace chamber having a chamber volume (VK) and a chamber inner surface (OK),wherein a heating device, a receiving space having a gross volume (VB) located in the chamber volume (VK) and delimited by the heating device, and a useful region having a useful volume (VN) located in the gross volume (VB) are arranged in the furnace chamber, andwherein the furnace chamber has an outer wall including a plurality of walls having at least one wall section to be opened for introducing a component to be sintered into the receiving space,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the heating device in the furnace chamber contains at least one thermal radiator, which has a specific resistance ranging from 0.1 Ωmm ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061527A1

The invention relates to a dental furnace () for dental restorations comprising a firing chamber into which, in particular between a furnace bottom part () and a furnace upper part (), the dental restoration, in particular within a muffle, can be introduced, and a sensor that is connected with a control device () for the dental furnace (), characterized in that the sensor, in particular the temperature sensor (), is arranged outside the firing chamber and comprises a detection range () that also extends outside the firing chamber. 1. A dental furnace for dental restorations comprisinga furnace bottom part,a furnace upper part,a firing chamber into which the dental restorations can be introduced,a sensor that is remotely or locally connected to a control device for the dental furnace,the sensor detecting and recognizing an approaching object and/or a user of the dental furnace,wherein the sensor is arranged outside the firing chamber and comprises a detection range that also extends outside the firing chamber, andwherein the said sensor is formed as a proximity and/or a temperature sensor.2. The dental furnace according to claim 1 ,wherein the dental furnace is formed as a muffle press furnace for dental restoration parts,wherein the firing chamber is adapted for the accommodation of a muffle andwherein an object that is to be detected in the detection range comprises the muffle of the muffle press furnace.3. The dental furnace according to claim 1 ,wherein the control device performs a special control function if the muffle or the dental restoration reaches the detection range of the sensor.4. The dental furnace according to claim 3 ,wherein the control function includes a function that is associated with a start of a firing process of the dental furnace.5. The dental furnace according to claim 4 ,wherein the start of the firing process comprises switching on of the dental furnace.6. The dental furnace according to claim 5 ,wherein the switching on of the dental ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059247A1

A heat treatment device includes: a heating chamber inside which a treatment object is contained; a lower heater that heats the lower section of a receiving area that is an area inside the heating chamber in which the treatment object is contained; and an upper heater that heats the upper section of the receiving area. 1. A heat treatment device for performing heating treatment for a treatment object , the heat treatment device comprising:a heating chamber inside which a treatment object is contained;lower heaters that are electric heaters and heat a lower section of a receiving area that is an area inside the heating chamber in which the treatment object is contained;upper heaters that are electric heaters and heat an upper section of the receiving area;a thermal conduction barrier wall disposed between the receiving area and the lower and upper heaters;an upper heater-power supplier that supplies electric power to all the upper heaters; anda lower heater-power supplier that supplies electric power to all the lower heaters.2. A heat treatment device for performing heating treatment for a treatment object , the heat treatment device comprising:a heating chamber inside which a treatment object is contained;a lower heater that heats a lower section of a receiving area that is an area inside the heating chamber in which the treatment object is contained;an upper heater that heats an upper section of the receiving area; anda thermal conduction barrier wall disposed between the receiving area and the lower and upper heaters; a pair of lower heater bodies extending in a vertical direction, and', 'a lower heater-connecting part connecting end parts of the lower heater bodies to each other, and, 'wherein the lower heater comprises a pair of upper heater bodies extending in the vertical direction, and', 'an upper heater-connecting part connecting end parts of the upper heater bodies to each other., 'wherein the upper heater comprises3. The heat treatment device according to ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081308A1
Автор: LANDUYT Peter

A process for the production of potassium sulphate by conversion of potassium chloride and sulphuric acid using a muffle furnace, said furnace comprising a reaction chamber and a combustion chamber, wherein in the reaction chamber potassium chloride (KCI) and potassium hydrogen sulfate (KHSO) are reacted to form potassium sulphate while supplying heat to the reaction chamber from the combustion chamber, wherein the combustion chamber has at least a pair of regenerative burners and wherein the process comprises the steps of alternatingly causing one of the regenerative burners to perform a combustion operation in the combustion chamber to heat the reaction chamber and another of the regenerative burners to perform a heat-regenerating operation in a regenerator, wherein the pressure in the combustion chamber is kept at a pressure of between 0.2 and 3 mbarg. 1. A process for the production of potassium sulphate by conversion of potassium chloride and sulphuric acid using a muffle furnace , said furnace comprising a reaction chamber and a combustion chamber , wherein in the reaction chamber potassium chloride (KCl) and potassium hydrogen sulfate (KHSO) are reacted to form potassium sulphate while supplying heat to the reaction chamber from the combustion chamber , wherein the combustion chamber has at least a pair of regenerative burners and wherein the process comprises the steps of alternatingly causing one of the regenerative burners to perform a combustion operation in the combustion chamber to heat the reaction chamber and another one of the regenerative burners to perform a heat-regenerating operation in a regenerator ,wherein heat-regenerating means that heat from the combustion chamber is intermittently stored in a storage medium of a regenerator,wherein the pressure in the combustion chamber is kept at a pressure of between 0.2 and 3 mbarg.2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the peak temperature in the combustion chamber is between 900° C. and 1300° C.3. ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Vacuum Oven

Номер: US20150069042A1

A vacuum oven or vacuum furnace is disclosed having an energy distribution sleeve that conforms to the shape of an interior heating chamber. The energy distribution sleeve may be of generally annular shape, like a ring, and located in a substantially regularly spaced and offset relationship from a heating element located within walls adjacent the interior heating chamber. The energy distribution sleeve includes a thermal conductive material which absorbs and re-radiates heat emitted from the heating element, thereby providing more consistent and regular radiation fields for heat treating a work piece that is loaded on a work holding tray and, upon the vacuum oven being in an operational position, the work piece is located within the furnace chamber. 1. A vacuum oven comprising:a body;a bottom loading vacuum chamber assembly including a heating element under regulateble power located within a muffle having an opening providing access to an interior heating chamber;an energy distribution sleeve conformed to the shape of the interior heating chamber, the energy distribution sleeve and the interior heating chamber being coaxially arranged, the heat distribution sleeve forming a gap of substantially constant size between the energy distribution sleeve and the heating element, the energy distribution sleeve including a thermal conductive material, operable at vacuum oven temperatures, which absorbs and re-radiates radiant heat energy emitted from the heating element, the emissivity curve of the energy distribution sleeve being always greater than about 0.6 from about 20 microns to about 1 micron;a furnace chamber formed within the energy distribution sleeve;the energy distribution sleeve being suspended from the muffle in a substantially regularly spaced and offset relationship from the heating element; anda vertically displacable holding assembly configured to hold one or more work pieces, wherein upon the bottom loading vacuum chamber assembly being in an operation ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Dental furnace

Номер: US20170065382A1

The invention relates to a dental furnace comprising a firing hood equipped with a heating device that is movably supported for the opening and closing of the dental furnace relative to a base intended for receiving a dental restoration part, and further comprising a heat detection device that is directed towards an area above the base, in particular towards one or more dental restoration parts, and further comprising a control or regulating device for the dental furnace that is coupled to the heat detection device, wherein the heat detection device is configured as a thermal imaging camera ( 30 ) which is directed towards the area above the base while the firing hood ( 12 ) is partially or completely opened, and which feeds an at least two-dimensional image in the form of a matrix of the one or more inserted dental restoration parts ( 60 ) to the control or regulating device and/or to a muffle ( 26 ) that is intended for the generation of the dental restoration parts ( 60 ).

27-02-2020 дата публикации

High pressure rapid gas quenching vacuum furnace utilizing an isolation transformer in the blower motor power system to eliminate ground faults from electrical gas ionization

Номер: US20200063225A1

An integral high pressure rapid quenching vacuum furnace utilizing an electrical isolation transformer in the blower motor power control system in order to isolate the motor windings, reduce the possibility of gas ionization and eliminate ground faults, particularly when quenching in argon gas, is described. In order to achieve the desired mechanical properties of certain metal alloys being quenched using argon gas as a quenching medium in the high pressure gas vacuum furnace chamber, a 600 HP-460 Volt motor is required. A 460 Volt primary-460 Volt secondary [delta-delta] isolation transformer, having input and output windings separated by an electrostatic shield connected to ground is placed between the power source and the gas blower motor in the quenching chamber filled with argon gas. The 460 Volt power source is connected to a variable frequency drive (VFD) and the VFD is connected to the primary transformer winding. The secondary transformer winding connects 460 Volts to the blower motor windings. The full electrical isolation of the transformer secondary winding results in zero ground fault voltage. 1. A high pressure vacuum furnace for heat treating and rapid gas quenching in argon atmosphere in the same furnace comprising a single chamber having blower means therein , the vacuum furnace comprising:power supply means, andisolation transformer means operatively connected to said power supply means, and wherein the blower means being operatively connected to said isolation transformer means, said isolation transformer means having primary winding means, secondary winding means and electrostatic shield means therebetween, said primary winding means receiving electric power from said power supply means, and said blower means receiving electric power from said secondary winding means.2. A vacuum furnace in accordance with wherein the vacuum furnace further includes variable speed drive means and metal oxide varistor means both operatively connected to said power ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069614A1
Автор: Jussel Rudolf

The invention relates to a dental pressing furnace for producing a dental restoration element in a muffle () by heating an pressing a blank (). The dental pressing furnace comprises a combustion chamber (), comprising at least one guide opening () that is opened towards the outside and a pressing stamp () guided in the guiding opening () and protruding into the combustion chamber () for applying pressing force to the heated blank () in the muffle (). A temperature transmitter () guided at least in part by the pressing stamp () is configured to guide a temperature () of the blank () in the combustion chamber () from said combustion chamber, and a temperature sensor () connected to the temperature transmitter () outside of the combustion chamber captures the temperature (). 1814641114836450146343650. Dental pressing furnace for producing a dental restoration element in a muffle () by heating and pressing a blank () , with a combustion chamber () , a pressing stamp () guided in a guiding opening () for applying pressing force to the heated blank () in the muffle () , characterised in that a temperature conveyor () guided at least in part by the pressing stamp () is configured to guide a temperature () of the blank () in the combustion chamber () from said combustion chamber , and a temperature sensor () connected to the temperature transmitter () outside of the combustion chamber captures the temperature ().2363650145014. Dental pressing furnace in accordance with claim 1 , characterised in that the temperature transmitter () is an optical conductor () for guiding the temperature () of the blank () in the form of thermal radiation claim 1 , and that the temperature () of the blank () can be captured based on the thermal radiation guided out.3363936. Dental pressing furnace in accordance with claim 2 , characterised in that the optical conductor () is coated () in parallel with a light guiding direction of the optical conductor ().436. Dental pressing furnace in ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072505A1

The present invention generally describes apparatuses and methods used to perform an annealing process on desired regions of a substrate. In one embodiment, pulses of electromagnetic energy are delivered to a substrate using a flash lamp or laser apparatus. The pulses may be from about 1 nsec to about 10 msec long, and each pulse has less energy than that required to melt the substrate material. The interval between pulses is generally long enough to allow the energy imparted by each pulse to dissipate completely. Thus, each pulse completes a micro-anneal cycle. The pulses may be delivered to the entire substrate at once, or to portions of the substrate at a time. Further embodiments provide an apparatus for powering a radiation assembly, and apparatuses for detecting the effect of pulses on a substrate. 1. An apparatus for treating a substrate , comprising:a first laser source comprising a switch optically coupled to a laser radiation source;a substrate support movably disposed along an optical path of the laser radiation;a capacitor and a power supply, wherein the power supply is configured to charge the capacitor;a controller coupled to the substrate support, the power supply, and to the switch to form pulses of electromagnetic radiation, wherein the controller is configured to operate the switch to generate a pulse train of electromagnetic radiation; andan optical assembly disposed along the optical path of the laser radiation between the first laser source and the substrate support, wherein the optical assembly is positioned to receive the pulses of electromagnetic radiation and direct a pulse train of temporally shaped pulses of electromagnetic radiation, wherein the duration of each pulse is between about 1 nsec to about 10 msec.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the switch is an electrical switch and the power supply is configured to stop generation of energy when electricity provided by the capacitor falls below a power threshold.3. The apparatus of ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073786A1

A heat treatment apparatus includes: a heat treatment chamber that performs heating treatment for a treatment object thereinside; and a thermal insulator disposed inside the heat treatment chamber and surrounding a receiving area for the treatment object. The heat treatment chamber includes a side wall portion and a lid portion configured to be attachable to and detachable from the side wall portion. The thermal insulator includes a ceiling disposed on the inside of the lid portion. The ceiling includes a thermal insulator lid that is at least part of the ceiling and is united to the lid portion. 1. A heat treatment apparatus comprising:a heat treatment chamber that performs heating treatment for a treatment object thereinside; anda thermal insulator disposed inside the heat treatment chamber and surrounding a receiving area for the treatment object;wherein the heat treatment chamber includes a heat treatment chamber body and a lid portion configured to be attachable to and detachable from the heat treatment chamber body,wherein the thermal insulator includes a thermal insulator body and a thermal insulator lid configured to be attachable to and detachable from the thermal insulator body, andwherein the thermal insulator lid is united to the lid portion.2. The heat treatment apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein part of the heat treatment chamber body is a side wall portion of the heat treatment chamber,wherein the lid portion is configured to be attachable to and detachable from an upper part of the side wall portion,wherein the thermal insulator includes a ceiling disposed on the inside of the lid portion of the heat treatment chamber, andwherein the thermal insulator lid is at least part of the ceiling.3. The heat treatment apparatus according to Claim I claim 1 ,wherein the thermal insulator lid is formed into a plate shape whose edge surface has a tapered surface, andwherein the thermal insulator body includes a frame having a tapered surface that contacts ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Semiconductor Device Manufacturing Method

Номер: US20170077396A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Electron Ltd

There is provided a semiconductor device manufacturing method which includes: loading a substrate with a magnetic substance film formed thereon into a process container; regulating an internal pressure of the process container to a first pressure lower than an atmospheric pressure; regulating the internal pressure of the process container from the first pressure to a second pressure higher than the first pressure; and magnetizing the magnetic substance film by applying a magnetic field to the magnetic substance film under the second pressure.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083574A1
Автор: Geoffrey Self, Robin Rawle
Принадлежит: CARBON COMPOST Co Ltd

A retort ( 10 ) for producing charcoal, and a method of use thereof, the retort ( 10 ) having an inner vessel ( 140 ), for receiving wood to be converted into charcoal, and an outer vessel ( 20 ) containing the inner vessel ( 140 ) and defining an intermediate region between the inner vessel ( 140 ) and the outer vessel ( 20 ). The intermediate region including a burning region configured for burning fuel to heat the inner vessel ( 140 ); a flue ( 60 ) from the inner vessel ( 140 ) to a region outside the outer vessel ( 20 ), for conveying gas from the inner vessel ( 140 ) to the atmosphere; a feed pipe ( 210 ) from the inner vessel ( 140 ) to the intermediate region, for conveying gas from the inner vessel ( 140 ) to the intermediate region, wherein the entire length of the feed pipe ( 210 ) is located within the outer vessel ( 20 ).

22-03-2018 дата публикации

High temperature vacuum furnace hot zone with improved thermal efficiency

Номер: US20180080714A1

The present invention provides a high temperature vacuum furnace that includes a hot zone designed for improved energy efficiency resulting in lower electrical power usage and the ease of replacement of components for lower maintenance costs. The furnace is also less expensive to manufacture compared to prior art vacuum furnaces. The present hot zone has an outer supporting wall and an inner insulating wall. The insulating wall is surrounded by a new HEFVAC high density, high strength, low conductivity, and low moisture-sensitive graphite insulation board ring designed with a unique attachment of adjacent insulation boards in order to contain radiant energy within the hot zone during the heat treating cycle. The hot zone further includes heating elements made of high quality graphite in a polygon arrangement with new connector joints that require fewer penetrations between the hot zone supporting wall and insulating wall, resulting in an increased thermal efficiency of the furnace. The hot zone also incorporates newly designed lower mass, tapered graphite nozzles that can sustain high pressure gas flow and decrease conductive heat losses from the nozzles to the hot zone chamber outer supporting wall during the heat treating cycle. 1. In a high temperature vacuum furnace including a hot zone being formed to accept and heat treat a stationary workload , said hot zone comprising an inner wall and an outer support means , said inner wall comprising a plurality of high density , high strength , low conductivity , and low moisture-sensitive graphite insulation board means , each insulation board means being connected at one longitudinal edge thereof to an adjacent board means to form a continuous ring around said hot zone , and each one of said insulation board means overlapping and engaging the adjacent insulation board means to provide a tight fit with virtually no gap therebetween , whereby thermal radiation losses from said hot zone are virtually eliminated , said hot ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Specialty control thermocouple for vacuum heat treat furnaces

Номер: US20220099502A1
Автор: Jones William R.

A low thermal conductivity fixed thermocouple with a heat sink package specifically designed for electrically heated vacuum furnaces having an overall cylindrical hot zone diameter of 36 inches or less, and preferably containing all metal reflective radiation shields or graphite felt insulation packages that experience high conductive losses in the low temperature ranges during vacuum heating which result in large discrepancies between the furnace temperature readings and the actual workload temperature. 1. In a cold wall vacuum furnace hot zone for heat treating metal parts , a control thermocouple assembly for measuring the temperature in the hot zone comprising:continuous sheath means having an elongated longitudinal axis and a measuring tip located along said elongated longitudinal axis at a distal end of said sheath means;said sheath means having an outside diameter substantially no more than 3/16 inch and being made from a ceramic material;said sheath means further having an inner single bore ceramic tube containing a first thermocouple wire therein, and a second tube having a single bore containing a second thermocouple wire therein, said first and said second thermocouple wires being separated from each other within said sheath means, and being joined together at the longitudinal tip of said sheath means to form a thermocouple junction therebetween; andreflection shield means being operatively connected to the outer face of the furnace hot zone and located in proximity to said thermocouple assembly sheath means.2. A thermocouple assembly according to wherein said ceramic material of said sheath means is alumina.3. A thermocouple assembly according to wherein said sheath means is made of any high temperature ceramic material.4. A thermocouple assembly according to wherein said inner single bore ceramic tube comprises a series of stacked tubes having air gaps therebetween located one on top of another within said sheath means.5. A thermocouple assembly ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Hinged baffle for autoclave that deploys at a target temperature during a run cycle

Номер: US20170089641A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Apparatus and methods for operating an autoclave. One embodiment includes a baffle located in an autoclave during a run cycle of the autoclave. A release mechanism secures the baffle in a retracted position during the run cycle, and automatically releases the baffle to a deployed position during the run cycle, when a temperature inside of the autoclave reaches a target temperature, to alter airflow within the autoclave.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093240A1

The invention provides a curing system that is useful for curing materials that consume carbon dioxide as a reagent. The system has a curing chamber that contains the material to be cured and a gas that contains carbon dioxide. The system includes apparatus that can deliver carbon dioxide to displace ambient air upon loading the system, that can provide carbon dioxide as it is needed and as it is consumed, that can control carbon dioxide concentration, temperature and humidity in the curing chamber during the curing cycle and that can record and display to a user the variables that occur during the curing process. A method of curing a material which requires COas a curing reagent is also described. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of curing a material which requires COas a curing reagent , comprising the steps of: [{'sub': 2', '2, 'a curing chamber configured to contain a material that consumes COas a reagent and that does not cure in the absence of COduring curing, said curing chamber having at least one port configured to allow said material to be introduced into said curing chamber and to be removed from said curing chamber, and having at least one closure for said port, said closure configured to provide an atmospheric seal when closed so as to prevent contamination of a gas present in said curing chamber by gas outside said curing chamber;'}, 'a source of carbon dioxide configured to provide gaseous carbon dioxide to said curing chamber by way of a gas entry port in said curing chamber, said source of carbon dioxide having at least one flow regulation device configured to control a flow rate of said gaseous carbon dioxide into said curing chamber;', {'sub': '2', 'a gas flow subsystem configured to circulate said gas through said curing chamber during a time period when said material that consumes COas a reagent is being cured;'}, 'a temperature control subsystem configured to control a temperature of said gas within said chamber;', 'a humidity control subsystem ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Carbonization/oil recovery treatment furnace

Номер: US20220145185A1
Автор: Tomoaki Ito
Принадлежит: Individual

There is provided a carbonization/oil recovery processing furnace which can be manufactured at a relatively low cost and has less deterioration due to corrosion in association with operation, and can also be maintained and managed at low cost. The carbonization/oil recovery processing furnace is constituted so as to process discarded materials including plastic waste by carbonization and oil recovery with the use of superheated steam which is supplied from the outside, and the carbonization/oil recovery processing furnace is constituted of iron-made external structures and stainless steel-made internal structures which can be separated from the external structures.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101318A1

A microwave reduction furnace including a reaction furnace provided with a refractory chamber of silica or silicon carbide for storing a material therein, a supply section for supplying the material into the refractory chamber, the material being a mixture of a silica powder and a graphite powder or a mixture of a silica powder, a silicon carbide powder and a graphite powder, a discharge section for discharging molten silicon, obtained through reduction, out of the chamber, and a microwave oscillator for outputting microwave toward the refractory chamber in the reaction furnace with a degree of directionality by virtue of a helical antenna or a waveguide. 1. A microwave reduction furnace comprising:a reaction furnace provided with a refractory chamber of silica or silicon carbide for storing a material therein;a supply section for supplying the material into the refractory chamber, the material being a mixture of a silica powder and a graphite powder or a mixture of a silica powder, a silicon carbide powder and a graphite powder;a discharge section for discharging molten silicon, obtained through reduction, out of the chamber; anda microwave oscillator for outputting microwave toward the refractory chamber in the reaction furnace with a degree of directionality by virtue of a helical antenna or a waveguide.2. A microwave reduction furnace comprising:a reaction furnace provided with a refractory chamber of silica or silicon carbide, the reaction furnace being capable of storing a material therein and preventing a generated gas from escaping;a supply section for supplying the material into the refractory chamber, the material being a mixture of a silica powder and a graphite powder or a mixture of a silica powder, a silicon carbide powder and a graphite powder;a discharge section for discharging molten silicon, obtained through reduction, out of the chamber; anda microwave oscillator for outputting microwave toward the refractory chamber in the reaction furnace with a ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Device and method for production purified, especially high purity, magnesium

Номер: US20210102271A1
Принадлежит: BIOTRONIK AG

A device for producing purified, especially high-purity, magnesium includes a reactor for vacuum distillation that is extended along a longitudinal axis (L). The reactor defines a reactor inner chamber having a heating region for heating magnesium. A crucible forms a crucible inner chamber for receiving purified magnesium vaporized and condensed by the device. A radial projection in the heating region defines a contact surface that extends essentially transverse to the longitudinal axis (L) and forms an essentially sealed connection with an edge of the crucible adjacent to the crucible inner chamber.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168803A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Technologies Corporation

A furnace for removing a molybdenum-alloy refractory metal core through sublimation comprising a retort furnace having an interior; a sublimation fixture insertable within the interior of the retort furnace, the sublimation fixture configured to receive at least one turbine blade having the molybdenum-alloy refractory metal core; a flow passage thermally coupled to the retort furnace configured to heat a fluid flowing through the flow passage and deliver the fluid to the molybdenum-alloy refractory metal core causing sublimation of the molybdenum-alloy refractory metal core. 113-. (canceled)14. A process for removing a molybdenum-alloy refractory metal core from a turbine blade through sublimation comprising:installing at least one turbine blade in a sublimation fixture;installing said sublimation fixture in a retort furnace, a flow passage thermally coupled to said retort furnace configured to heat a fluid flowing through said flow passage and deliver said fluid to a molybdenum-alloy refractory metal core;supplying air from an air source to a coupling fluidly coupled to said flow passage;heating said air flowing through said flow passage;supplying said air from said flow passage to a junction;coupling said junction to said sublimation fixture;removing the molybdenum-alloy refractory metal core from said at least one turbine blade through sublimation with air; andcapturing waste discharged from the blade responsive to sublimation of said molybdenum-alloy refractory metal core responsive to said sublimation.15. The process of claim 14 , further comprising:reusing said waste; anddisposing of said waste.16. The process of claim 14 , further comprising:prior to the step of installing at least one turbine blade in a sublimation fixture casting said at least one blade with a ceramic core and said molybdenum-alloy refractory metal core; andremoving said ceramic core.17. (canceled)18. The process of claim 14 , further comprising:flowing said air through said sublimation ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170106426A1
Автор: Yang Woo Ho

A blank heating device having a heating furnace is provided and includes a plurality of heating members that heat a blank and a support fixture disposed within the heating furnace to support the blank. Further a transporting component is disposed beneath the support fixture and integrally displaces the support fixture and the blank to increase heating density of the blank. Consequently, a divisional heating occurs based on a size of the blank, which is a material for hot stamping, to improve heating density of the blank. Accordingly, marketability of a material is improved and a preheating time and heat loss is minimized. As a result, work convenience is improved and a consumption amount of energy is reduced. 1. A blank heating device , comprising:a heating furnace that includes a plurality of heating members configured to heat a blank;a support fixture disposed within the heating furnace to support the blank; anda transporting component disposed beneath the support fixture and configured to integrally displace the support fixture and the blank to increase heating density of the blank.2. The blank heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the heating member includes:a lamp configured to generate heat by near infrared ray to omni-directionally radiate the heat; anda reflecting plate disposed above the lamp to reflect heat radiated in an upward direction from the lamp to a downward direction.3. The blank heating device according to claim 2 , wherein the reflecting plate is formed in a parabolic shape which is convex in the upward direction to enable heat reflection in the downward direction.4. The blank heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the support fixture is formed of a ceramic material to prevent damage by heat of the heating members.5. The blank heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the heating furnace includes a plurality of cooling members configured to cool the heating members.6. The blank heating device according to claim 5 , wherein the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123679A1

A multi-chamber type heating unit to heat a blank includes: a lower housing unit; an intermediate housing unit installed in an upper portion of the lower housing unit; and an upper housing unit installed in an upper portion of the intermediate housing unit. A plurality of intermediate housings are stacked to form the intermediate housing unit, and a heating unit to heat a blank is installed in each of the intermediate housings. Moreover, the intermediate housings are formed in the shape in which upper and lower portions thereof are opened, and an opening is formed in the front for a door to be inserted thereinto, and door sealing units provided on the intermediate housing portion and provided to seal the door when the door is closed. 1. A multi-chamber-type heater having a door movement part , comprising:a housing part; anda door movement part for moving a door installed at the housing part,wherein the housing part comprises:a lower housing part;an intermediate housing part installed on the lower housing part;an upper housing part installed on the intermediate housing part,wherein the intermediate housing part is formed by stacking a plurality of intermediate housings each having a heating part for heating a blank, which is installed therein,each of the intermediate housings has a shape having the opened top and bottom and comprises an opening, through which a door is inserted, defined at a front side thereof, andthe door movement part moves the door in a height direction and a longitudinal direction.2. The multi-chamber-type heater of claim 1 , wherein the door movement part comprises:a column extending in the height direction;an arm movement part comprising a height directional movement part installed on the column to move the door in the height direction with respect to the column and a longitudinal directional movement part coupled to the height directional movement part to move the door in the longitudinal direction; andan arm part installed on the arm movement ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for liquid treatment of wafer shaped articles and heating system for use in such apparatus

Номер: US20160118278A1
Принадлежит: LAM RESEARCH AG

An apparatus for treating a disc-shaped article comprises a spin chuck and at least three individually controllable infrared heating elements. The infrared heating elements are mounted in a stationary manner with respect to rotation of said spin chuck. At least the transparent plate positioned between the infrared heating elements and the underside of a wafer is mounted for rotation with the spin chuck. Alternatively, the transparent plate is part of a housing that encloses the infrared heating elements and that rotates with the spin chuck as the heating elements are stationary relative thereto.

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123665A1
Принадлежит: DAIDO STEEL CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a method of operating an electric arc furnace containing a furnace shell having a tapping hole, a plurality of electrodes, and a rotating apparatus that rotates the furnace shell around a vertical axis relative to the electrodes, the method contains a charging step of opening an opening-and-closing door of a scrap bucket containing a metal material and falling the metal material into the furnace shell in which the furnace shell is rotated by the rotating apparatus until a direction of a line connecting a center of the furnace shell to a center of the tapping hole intersects an extension direction of a seam at a closing side of the opening-and-closing door, the opening-and-closing door is opened in this positional relationship to charge the metal material. 1. A method of operating an electric arc furnace ,wherein the electric arc furnace comprises:(a) a furnace shell that includes a cylindrical circumferential wall portion, a furnace bottom portion and a tapping hole;(b) a furnace roof that has a plurality of electrodes provided so as to face downwards; and(c) a rotating apparatus that rotates the furnace shell around a vertical axis relative to the electrodes,wherein the method comprises:a charging step of, above the furnace shell, opening an opening-and-closing door on a bottom portion of a scrap bucket, which contains a metal material, to form an opening, and falling the metal material into the furnace shell via the opening, anda melting step of melting the metal material, andwherein the furnace shell is rotated by the rotating apparatus until achieving a positional relationship in which a direction of a line connecting a center of the furnace shell to a center of the tapping hole intersects an extension direction of a seam at a closing side of the opening-and-closing door of the scrap bucket, then the opening-and-closing door of the scrap bucket is opened in this positional relationship, and the metal material is charged.2. The ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210142944A1

Disclosed are a device and method for continuously performing grain boundary diffusion and heat treatment, characterized in that the alloy workpiece or the metal workpiece are arranged in a relatively independent processing box together with a diffusion source; the device comprises, in successive arrangement, a grain boundary diffusion chamber, a first cooling chamber, a heat treatment chamber, and a second cooling chamber, and a transfer system provided between various chambers for delivering the processing box; each of the first cooling chamber and the second cooling chamber uses an air cooling system, and the cooling air temperature of the first cooling chamber is above 25° C. and at least differs by 550° C. from the grain boundary diffusion temperature of the grain boundary diffusion chamber; the cooling air temperature of the second cooling chamber is above 25° C. and at least differs by 300° C. from the heat treatment temperature of the heat treatment chamber; and the cooling chamber has a pressure of 50 kPa to 100 kPa. The device provided by the present invention can increase the cooling rate and production efficiency, and improve product consistency. 1. A device for continuously performing grain boundary diffusion and heat treatment , wherein:an alloy workpiece or a metal workpiece is disposed in a relatively independent processing box together with a diffusion source; a grain boundary diffusion chamber,', 'a first cooling chamber,', 'a heat treatment chamber,', 'a second cooling chamber, wherein the grain boundary diffusion chamber, the first cooling chamber, the heat treatment chamber, and the second cooling chamber are disposed in sequence by means of airtight devices, and', 'a transfer system disposed among the grain boundary diffusion chamber, first cooling chamber, the heat treatment chamber, and the second cooling chamber to transfer the relatively independent processing box;, 'the device comprisesboth the first cooling chamber and the second cooling ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128765A1

A starting material in the form of a magnesium-containing metal melt is present together with the upper region of a condensation vessel in the upper region of a retort heated by the external heating element wherein the steam produced according to the arrows according to arrow enters the upper region of the condensation vessel through the opening below the cover which provides protection from unwanted ingress of contaminated magnesium melt, wherein said steam condenses in the lower region of the retort which is heated by a second heating element below the line corresponding to the melting point isotherm of magnesium, to give the high-purity magnesium melt in the lower region of the condensation vessel By opening a barrier unit the interior of the retort can be connected temporarily to the supply chamber and also via a line and a valve to a vacuum pump via a further line to a pressure measuring instrument and via a third line via a valve and a pressure and/or flow regulator to an inert gas source 1. A process for producing high-purity magnesium by distillation at reduced pressure , characterised in that a starting material in the form of a magnesium-containing metal melt with the upper region of a crucible-shaped condensation vessel , which is formed from a material inert with respect to magnesium and which has an opening that provides protection against ingress of contaminated refluxing magnesium melt by a cover inert with respect to magnesium and that allows the entry of magnesium steam , in the upper part of a vacuum-tight retort which can be externally heated to different temperatures by one or more heating elements in the horizontal direction and which is made of a material that is largely inert with respect to magnesium or at least does not release impurities capable of evaporation is at a temperature above the melting point and in the immediate region of the magnesium-containing melt and the opening of the crucible-shaped condensation vessel is above the ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus to move and preheat metal material

Номер: US20170121781A1
Принадлежит: Danieli and C Officine Meccaniche SpA

An apparatus to move and preheat metal material (M) to be fed to a container comprises a containing structure, having an internal compartment and provided with a support wall, a conveyor for the material (M), a fume transit section whose volume reduces as it is distanced from said container along the longitudinal development of said containing structure, and a collector for hot fumes (F) whose volume increases in a manner correlated to said reduction in the fume transit section. The collector is located below said conveyor inside the internal compartment essentially along the entire longitudinal development of said containing structure. Moreover, one or more through apertures are made in said support wall to put the conveyor and the collector into fluidic connection.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Glass forming apparatuses and methods for making glass ribbons

Номер: US20190119140A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

Described herein are glass forming apparatuses with cooled muffle assemblies and methods for using the same to form glass ribbons. According to one embodiment, a muffle assembly for a fusion forming apparatus may include a muffle frame comprising a back wall, a front wall opposite the back wall, and a pair of sidewalls joining the front wall to the back wall in a closed-loop. At least one first cooling tube may extend through the back wall and the front wall across the closed-loop. At least one second cooling tube may extend through the back wall and the front wall across the closed loop such that the at least one second cooling tube is spaced apart from and parallel with the at least one first cooling tube.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Heating system with enhanced temperature control

Номер: US20190124731A1
Принадлежит: 915 Labs Inc

A process for heating articles in a heating system includes passing an article in a carrier through a heating chamber that is at least partially filled with a liquid medium to form a liquid bath. The process further includes heating the article in the carrier by at least partially submerging the article into the liquid bath during heating, the heating being performed, at least in part, using microwave energy. The process further includes one or more of adding fluid into and removing fluid from at least one location in the heating chamber to maintain a temperature profile across the heating chamber. In one implementation, the temperature of the liquid bath at an inlet area of the heating chamber is at least 10° C. cooler than a temperature of the liquid bath at an outlet area of the heating chamber.

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130287A1

A method for heat treatment, a heat treatment apparatus, and a heat treatment system that is capable of performing highly precise and efficient control of heat treatment. A heat treatment furnace has in-furnace structures made of graphite and has a heat-treatment chamber in which heat treatment of materials to be treated is performed. A value of ΔG(standard formation Gibbs energy) is computed with reference to the sensor information from respective sensors, and an Ellingham diagram, a control range, and a status of the heat treatment furnace in operation expressed by ΔGare displayed on a display device. A control unit controls a flow rate of neutral gas or inactive gas as atmosphere gas or a flow velocity of the gas so that ΔGis within the control range. 1. A heat treatment apparatus for a heat treatment , which is at least one of a bright heat treatment , a thermal refining treatment , a hardening/tempering treatment , brazing , and sintering , comprising:a heat treatment furnace configured to heat-treat a material to be treated;a gas supply device comprising a flow control valve for supplying atmosphere gas constituted of neutral gas or inactive gas to the heat treatment furnace;a control system configured to control a flow rate from the gas supply device by referring to sensor information from a plurality of sensors for detecting a status of heat treatment in the heat treatment furnace, anda terminal device that displays a display data via a communication line and transmits control information for controlling the control system;wherein the heat treatment furnace has in-furnace structures made of graphite such that the heat treatment can be carried out in a low-oxygen atmosphere gas,wherein the control system comprises:{'sup': '0', 'sub': '2', 'a standard formation Gibbs energy computation unit configured to calculate standard formation Gibbs energy (ΔG) of the atmosphere gas in the heat treatment furnace in reaction of 2C+O−2CO by referring to information from a ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135757A1
Автор: Yamashita Osamu

A vacuum double structure includes: a tubular and metal inner wall member; a tubular and metal outer wall member in which the inner wall member is accommodated; and a sealing member provided between a facing surface of the inner wall member and a facing surface of the outer wall member. The sealing member includes an annular spacer, a first annular packing material, and a second annular packing material. The annular spacer is provided between the facing surface of the inner wall member and the facing surface of the outer wall member. 1. A vacuum double structure comprising:a tubular and metal inner wall member;a tubular and metal outer wall member in which the inner wall member is accommodated; anda sealing member provided between a facing surface of the inner wall member and a facing surface of the outer wall member, whereinthe sealing member includes an annular spacer, a first annular packing material, and a second annular packing material;the annular spacer is provided between the facing surface of the inner wall member and the facing surface of the outer wall member;the first annular packing material is accommodated in a first groove formed on a first opposed surface of the spacer with respect to the facing surface of the inner wall member and abuts with the facing surface of the inner wall member;the second annular packing material is accommodated in a second groove formed on a second opposed surface of the spacer with respect to the facing surface of the outer wall member and abuts with the facing surface of the outer wall member; andthe sealing member maintains a space between the inner wall member and the outer wall member in a vacuum state.2. The vacuum double structure according to claim 1 , wherein:the spacer is a member made of resin and having elasticity; andthe spacer is supported by a metal belt-shaped ring provided on an inner peripheral surface of the spacer and a metal belt-shaped ring provided on an outer peripheral surface of the spacer.3. A heat ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Method, apparatus, and computer-readable medium for carburization

Номер: US20170137925A1
Принадлежит: GH Induction Atmostpheres LLC

Presented is a method, apparatus, and computer-readable medium for carburization. A method includes creating a vacuum within an interior of a chamber, the interior of the chamber including an item, the item having a first portion and a second portion, and providing an inert gas and a carbon product to the interior of the chamber. The method further including heating by induction the first portion of the item to induce carburization of the first portion of the item, and in response to the heating, cooling a second portion of the item such that the second portion of the item maintains its structural integrity.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Furnace system and method of use

Номер: US20210172681A1
Принадлежит: Mantle Inc

A sintering furnace can include an outer shell defining an internal volume a reactive agent inlet configured to introduce a reactive agent into the internal volume; an insulation chamber within the outer shell; and a retort configured to retain an object. A method of operating a sintering furnace can include sintering a part precursor within a retort arranged within a chamber, wherein the chamber defines an intermediate volume between the retort and the chamber, wherein a sintering byproduct is oxidized within the intermediate volume.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Dental Firing or Press Furnace

Номер: US20140231405A1
Автор: Jussel Rudolf

The invention relates to a dental firing or press furnace () that enables the production of at least one dental restoration part (). The dental firing or press furnace is provided with a firing space () that is heatable with the aid of a heating device (), preferably, a resistance heating device. A heat-conducting element () having a specific thermal conductivity of at least 100 W/mK is arranged on the floor of the firing space (). 1. A dental firing or press furnace for the production of at least one dental restoration part , comprisinga firing space that is heatable with the aid of a heating device,a heat-conducting element having a specific thermal conductivity of at least 100 W/mK that is arranged on the floor of the firing space,wherein the floor of the firing space comprises a positive locking element onto which the heat conducting element is accommodated,wherein the heat-conducting element extends along the floor of the firing space while covering or nearly covering the floor of the firing space.2. The furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the positive locking element can be arranged such that the positive locking element protrudes from the floor of the firing space into a mating recess within the heat conducting element.3. The furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the positive locking element can be arranged such that is protrudes from the heat conducting element into a mating recess within the floor of the firing space.4. The furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the positive locking element comprises at least one pin and/or embossment.5. The furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the positive locking element comprises at least one cone.6. The furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the positive locking element comprises at least a combination of a tongue and groove.7. The furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the heating device comprises a resistance heating device.8. The furnace as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the heat-conducting element forms a ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Ceramic production and purification equipment

Номер: US20200141651A1
Автор: Ye Jili

The ceramic production and purification equipment of the present invention comprises a first fuselage, a furnace is fixedly arranged on the right end surface of the first fuselage, a cavity is provided in the first fuselage, and a top surface of the first fuselage is provided. A fixed block is fixedly fixed, and a feeding slot with an upward opening is provided in the fixed block. The device of the present invention can purify the ceramic before melting and casting. Compared with the traditional purification equipment, the device can remove iron impurities more thoroughly and the produced ceramics have higher purity. The equipment can also remove other impurities, while the operation is simple and clear, convenient and fast. In addition, the equipment can screen fine ceramic powder for melting, reducing the time required for melting ceramic powder, and the equipment has high purification efficiency. 1. A ceramic production and purification equipment includes a first fuselage , characterized in that a furnace is fixedly arranged on the right end face of the first fuselage;a cavity is provided in the first body, and a fixing block is fixed on the top surface of the first body. The fixing block is provided with a feeding slot with an upward opening. Powder, a powder screening mechanism for screening finer ceramic powder into the cavity is provided between the cavity and the feeding tank;a first transmission cavity is provided in the bottom wall of the cavity, and a first rotation shaft is rotatably provided between the first transmission cavity and the cavity. A circle is fixed on the first rotation shaft in the cavity The top surface of the disc is provided with magnet rods symmetrically fixed on the left and right sides of the disc. A material transport slot is provided between the cavity and the furnace. Iron impurity removing mechanism for magnet rod to adsorb iron impurities in ceramic powder;a second fuselage is provided on the right side of the first fuselage, ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180866A1
Автор: MAY David M.

An electron beam (EB) gun assembly for an EB furnace is provided. The EB gun assembly includes an EB gun-frame assembly including a skeleton frame and at least one EB gun mounted to the skeleton frame, and the EB gun-frame assembly is configured to rigidly mount onto a first EB chamber lid and melt material in a first EB chamber and be removed and rigidly mount onto a second EB chamber lid and melt material in a second EB chamber. In some forms, the EB gun assembly includes at least one mounting frame and the at least one EB gun is mounted to the at least one mounting frame and the at least one mounting frame is mounted to the skeleton frame. 1. An electron beam (EB) gun assembly for an EB furnace , the EB gun assembly comprising:an EB gun-frame assembly comprising a skeleton frame and at least one EB gun mounted to the skeleton frame, wherein the EB gun-frame assembly is configured to rigidly mount onto a first EB chamber lid and melt material in a first EB chamber and be removed and rigidly mounted onto a second EB chamber lid and melt material in a second EB chamber.2. The EB gun assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the skeleton frame comprises at least one EB gun opening and the at least one EB gun extends through the at least one EB gun opening.3. The EB gun assembly according to further comprising at least one mounting frame claim 1 , wherein the at least one EB gun is mounted to the at least one mounting frame and the at least one mounting frame is mounted to the skeleton frame.4. The EB gun assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one mounting frame comprises a nozzle opening and the at least one EB gun comprises a nozzle extending through the nozzle opening.5. The EB gun assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the mounting frame comprises a top plate having the nozzle opening and a floating plate movably attached to the top plate claim 4 , wherein the nozzle of the at least one EB gun is mounted to the floating plate such that a position of ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Dental Furnace And Process For Operating A Dental Furnace

Номер: US20190150227A1

The invention relates to a dental furnace, in particular a high-temperature dental furnace for oxide ceramics such as zirconium dioxide having sintering temperatures of between 1300 and 1850° C., comprising a heating element () which is intended to give off heating energy to the firing chamber. It is provided that the heating element () comprises at least two heating element sections () adjoining one another at a transition area () which is not current-carrying and/or which extends away laterally, that the transition area () is supported on a position, in particular on the free end, spaced apart from the electrical connections () on the dental furnace and carries at least the two adjoining parts of heating element sections (). 1. A dental furnace comprising{'b': '10', 'a heating element arrangement () which is intended to give off heating energy to the firing chamber,'}{'b': 10', '16', '18, 'wherein the heating element arrangement () has at least a first electrical connection () and a second electrical connection (), each at least first and second electrical connections connected to a configuration of current-carrying heating elements,'}{'b': 16', '18, 'wherein the at least first and second electrical connections () () are supported on the dental furnace outside of the firing chamber,'}{'b': '34', 'wherein the configuration of current-carrying heating elements is adjoined to a transition area element () which does not carry a current and/or which extends away from the configuration of current-carrying heating elements.'}2. The dental furnace as claimed in{'b': 34', '48', '50, 'wherein the transition area element () supports the configuration of current-carrying heating elements at at least two adjoining heating element sections (, ) of the configuration of current-carrying heating elements, and'}{'b': '34', 'wherein the transition area element () comprises a free end supported on the dental furnace.'}3. The dental furnace as claimed in claim 1 ,{'b': 34', '32', '34 ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for forming nano-particles

Номер: US20140242205A1
Автор: Ray Douglas Carpenter
Принадлежит: Quantumsphere Inc

Nano-scale particles of materials can be produced by vaporizing material and allowing the material to flow in a non-violently turbulent manner into thermal communication with a cooling fluid, thereby forming small particles of the material that can be in the nano-scale size range. A raw material feeder can be configured to feed raw material toward a heater which vaporizes the raw material. The feeder can include a metering device for controlling the flow of raw material toward the heater. A gas source can also be used to cause gas to flow through a portion of the raw material feeder along with the raw material.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Far-infrared radiation multi-stage type heating furnace for steel sheets for hot stamping

Номер: US20170159141A1
Автор: Shinjiro Kuwayama

An object of the present invention is to stably support steel sheets for hot stamping accommodated in a far-infrared radiation multi-stage type heating furnace over a long period of time using steel sheet support members having a small projected area and inhibited from thermally deforming. The far-infrared radiation multi-stage type heating furnace of the present invention includes: heating units and a ceiling unit arranged in a vertical direction with multiple stages to accommodate steel sheets for hot stamping that are aluminum-coated steel sheets or zinc-coated steel sheets; and far-infrared radiation heaters disposed within the heating units and the ceiling unit to heat the steel sheets for hot stamping to a temperature ranging from the Ac 3 transformation temperature to 950° C. Steel sheet support members are mounted to the heating units to support the steel sheets for hot stamping by point contact or line contact with the steel sheets for hot stamping. The steel sheet support members are supported so as to be expandable and contractible in a longitudinal direction by thermal expansion or thermal contraction.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162474A1
Автор: Ehmann Rainer

The present invention relates to a batch furnace for annealing material comprising a furnace housing which has a closable loading opening, a receiving chamber for furnace material and a device for convective heat transfer to the furnace material by a heat transfer medium, wherein the device for convective heat transfer comprises at least one heating device and at least one fan which is arranged in the furnace housing wherein the receiving chamber is arranged on the suction side of the fan and at least one nozzle array is arranged on the pressure side of the fan, wherein the nozzle array has a central opening which forms an intake duct of the fan and the nozzle array projects radially beyond the fan. The invention further relates to a method for heat treatment of a furnace material. 1. Batch furnace for annealing material comprising a furnace housing which has a closable loading opening , a receiving chamber for furnace material and a device for convective heat transfer to the furnace material by a heat transfer medium , wherein the device for convective heat transfer comprises at least one heating device and at least one fan which is arranged in the furnace housing , wherein the receiving chamber is arranged on the suction side of the fan and at least one nozzle array is arranged on the pressure side of the fan ,wherein the nozzle array has a central opening which forms an intake duct of the fan and the nozzle array projects radially beyond the fan.2. The batch furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the fan and the nozzle array are arranged concentrically with respect to one another.325. The batch furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the heating device is arranged concentrically with respect to the fan in a pressure duct () between the fan and the furnace housing.4. The batch furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the nozzle array terminates in a fluid-tight manner at an inner wall of the furnace housing.5. The batch furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Vacuum Insulation Body

Номер: US20160178269A1

A vacuum insulation body includes at least one vacuum-tight casing and at least one vacuum region surrounded by the casing. The casing is provided with at least one opening, in particular with at least one evacuation port, for evacuating the vacuum region. At least one adsorbent material is present in the vacuum insulation body. The adsorbent material is partly or completely arranged in the region of the opening. 1. A vacuum insulation body comprising:at least one vacuum-tight casing, with at least one vacuum region surrounded by the casing, andat least one adsorbent material is present in the vacuum insulation body,wherein the casing is provided with at least one opening forming an evacuation port for evacuating the vacuum region, andwherein the at least one adsorbent material is partly or completely is arranged in the region of said opening.2. A vacuum insulation body comprising:at least one vacuum-tight casing, with at least one vacuum region surrounded by the casing, andat least one flow distributor,wherein the casing is provided with at least one opening forming an evacuation port for evacuating the vacuum region, andwherein the at least one flow distributor serves to increase an effective evacuation cross-section.3. The vacuum insulation body according to claim 2 , wherein the flow distributor includes a plurality of individual bodies.4. The vacuum insulation body according to claim 2 , wherein the flow distributor is formed by an adsorbent material.5. The vacuum insulation body according to claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent material forms a flow distributor.6. The vacuum insulation body according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one heating device provided therewith or connected thereto.7. The vacuum insulation body according to claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent material is arranged such that it surrounds the opening.8. The vacuum insulation body according to claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent material is arranged in a region adjacent to the opening.9. The ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190167395A1
Автор: Baholzer Thomas

A dental furnace for firing dental-ceramic compounds comprises a firing chamber for receiving ceramic elements to be fired. Further, a heating device for heating and firing the ceramic element is provided. The heating device comprises at least one heating element for producing IR radiation in the range of 0.8-5 μm. 1. A dental furnace for firing dental-ceramic compounds , comprisinga firing chamber for receiving ceramic elements to be fired, anda heating device for heating/firing said ceramic element, whereinsaid heating device comprises at least one quick-response heating element for producing IR radiation in the range of between about 0.8-5 μm.2. The dental furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one quick-response heating element is provided for the generation of the infrared radiation.3. The dental furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one quick-response heating element is provided for the firing chamber.4. The dental furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the heating of the at least one quick-response heating element from the cold condition up to reaching the radiation peak takes place in less than 10 seconds.5. The dental furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one quick-response heating element and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , the associated chamber are configured as an elongate or curved body.6. The dental furnace according to claim 1 , wherein in the firing chamber at least one reflection element is arranged for directing the radiation emitted by the at least one quick-response heating element towards the ceramic element.7. The dental furnace according to claim 6 , wherein the at least one quick-response heating element is partially surrounded by the reflector element.8. The dental furnace according to claim 6 , wherein the reflector element is parabolic as seen in cross-section.9. The dental furnace according to claim 6 , wherein the reflection element is configured as an elongate claim 6 , in particular partially ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and process for separating and recovering the components of an alloy, particularly a noble alloy

Номер: US20200165700A1
Принадлежит: Ikoi SpA

An apparatus for separating and recovering the components of an alloy, particularly a noble alloy, including a high vacuum chamber housing at least one crucible for the alloy to be separated; at least one heating element arranged, during use, around the crucible; at least one condensation device, which faces, during use, an upper mouth of the crucible. The particularity of the present invention resides in that the condensation device includes at least one cold element and at least one deflector that is adapted to divert the flow of the aeriform substances derived from the melting and evaporation of the alloy toward the cold element. The invention also relates to a process for separating and recovering the components of an alloy, particularly a noble alloy.

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Mobile vacuum distillation unit for transport of articles containing releasable volatile organic compounds

Номер: US20200171405A1

A mobile vacuum distillation unit for extracting, condensing, and collecting volatile organic compound vapor emissions from one or more polymer-containing articles includes a shell that defines an enclosed interior space and is mounted to a transportable support platform, a vacuum distillation vessel, a condenser, a condensate storage tank, and a vacuum pump system in fluid communication with a vacuum distillation chamber of the vacuum distillation vessel. The vacuum distillation chamber that includes the one or more polymer-containing articles from which the VOC vapor emissions are extracted may be heated by an exhaust gas heat exchanger if the transportable support platform is connected to and hauled by a tractor unit powered by a diesel engine. A method of using the mobile vacuum distillation unit to extract VOC vapor emissions from one or more polymer-containing article during transportation of the one or more polymer-containing articles between geographically separate destinations is also disclosed.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210215426A1
Автор: Champion David, Suri Pavan

In an example implementation, a method of determining a sintering process endpoint includes monitoring gas flow through a detection gas line routed into a sintering furnace and through a furnace shelf on which a token green object is positioned. The method includes detecting a change in the gas flow when the token green object shrinks during a sintering process in the furnace, and determining that green objects being sintered in the furnace have reached a sintering endpoint when the change in the gas flow reaches a predetermined target. 1. A method of determining a sintering process endpoint comprising:monitoring gas flow through a detection gas line routed into a sintering furnace and through a furnace shelf on which a token green object is positioned;detecting a change in the gas flow when the token green object shrinks during a sintering process in the furnace; and,determining that the token green object and other green objects being sintered in the furnace with the token green object have reached a sintering endpoint when the change in the gas flow reaches a predetermined target.2. A method as in claim 1 , further comprising:supplying gas into the detection gas line at a constant gas pressure; and,determining that the green objects have reached the sintering endpoint when the gas flow reaches a predetermined target gas flow rate.3. A method as in claim 1 , further comprising:supplying gas into the detection gas line at a constant flow rate; and,determining that the green objects have reached the sintering endpoint when the gas flow reaches a predetermined target gas pressure.4. A method as in claim 1 , further comprising:prior to monitoring gas flow through a detection gas line:initiating a heating phase of the sintering process; and,permitting a pre-sintering time period to elapse.5. A method as in claim 4 , wherein initiating a heating phase comprises activating heating elements in the sintering furnace.6. A method as in claim 5 , further comprising:reaching ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Substrate treatment apparatus

Номер: US20160195331A1
Принадлежит: Eugene Technology Co Ltd

Provided is a substrate processing apparatus. The substrate processing apparatus includes a chamber body having a passage, through which substrates are transferred, in one side thereof, the chamber body having opened upper and lower portions, an inner reaction tube disposed above the chamber body to provide a process space in which a process with respect to the substrates is performed, the inner reaction tube having an opened lower portion, a substrate holder disposed in the opened lower portion of the chamber to move between a stacking position at which the substrates transferred through the passage are vertically stacked and a process position at which the substrate holder ascends toward the process space to perform the process with respect to the stacked substrates, a blocking plate connected to a lower portion of the substrate holder to ascend or descend together with the substrate holder, the blocking plate closing the opened lower portion of the inner reaction tube at the process position, a connection cylinder vertically disposed on a lower portion of the blocking plate to ascend or descend together with the blocking plate, and a blocking member connected between the opened lower portion of the chamber body and the connection cylinder to isolate the opened lower portion of the chamber body from the outside.

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160195334A1

The invention relates to a dental furnace wherein a firing chamber is heated up in a first heating-up period at a first heating-up rate of more than 50° K/min, in particular more than 100° K/min, which heats the furnace to at least 1000° C., in particular to 1100-1250° C. The first heating-up period is followed by an intermediate heating period, which is at least five minutes long, in particular at least ten minutes long, the gradient or heating-up rate of which is adapted to the material to be sintered in the dental furnace (), and wherein this is followed by an end heating-up period () during which heating up is effected at a heating-up rate of more than 30° K/min, in particular approximately 50° K/min, and wherein during this the furnace temperature is held for at least five minutes, in particular for at least 25 minutes, above the temperature toward the end of the first heating-up period, and wherein forced cooling of the furnace () is performed after this. 1. A system comprising at least a dental machining device for manufacturing at least one dental object and a dental furnace for sintering dental objects wherein the machining device and the dental furnace are connected to each other via a suitable wired or wireless data connection characterized in thatthe dental machining device provides data of the at least one dental object which is to be manufactured in said dental machining device prior to sintering the dental object in the dental furnace;wherein the data provided by the dental machining device comprise at least meta data of the at least one dental object to be manufactured by the dental machining device.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the dental machining device comprises a CAD/CAM device.3. The system according to wherein the meta data to be provided by the dental machining device comprise further information of the material of the at least one dental object sintered.4. The system according to wherein the meta data to be provided by the ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170191758A1

A powder sintering device is disclosed. The powder sintering device includes a furnace body, a first heating device, and a vibration device. The furnace body includes a bottom wall and a side wall cooperatively defining a reaction chamber. The first heating device is located outside the furnace body, and configured to heat the furnace body. The vibration device is located outside the furnace body, and configured to vibrate the furnace body. 1. A powder sintering device , comprising:a furnace body comprising a bottom wall and a side wall extending from the bottom wall, the bottom wall and the sidewall cooperatively defining a reaction chamber;a first heating device located outside the furnace body, and configured to heat the furnace body; anda vibration device located outside the furnace body, the vibration device being configured to vibrate the furnace body in at least one vibration direction.2. The powder sintering device of claim 1 , wherein the vibration device contacts the bottom wall of the furnace body for vibrating the furnace body claim 1 , and the at least one vibration direction comprises a direction of gravity.3. The powder sintering device of claim 2 , wherein the first heating device is located on an outer surface of the furnace body claim 2 , and the vibration device is attached to the first heating device.4. The powder sintering device of claim 2 , wherein the vibration device comprises a cam mechanism driven by a driving machine claim 2 , the cam mechanism comprising:a fixed rack;a main shaft located inside the fixed rack, the main shaft being driven to rotate by the driving machine; anda cam arranged on the main shaft, the cam being configured to rotate together with the main shaft to contact the bottom wall of the furnace body to move the furnace body in the at least one vibration direction.5. The powder sintering device of claim 4 , wherein the cam mechanism further comprises a protruding block connected to the bottom of the furnace body claim 4 , ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210220949A1

The present invention generally describes apparatuses and methods used to perform an annealing process on desired regions of a substrate. In one embodiment, pulses of electromagnetic energy are delivered to a substrate using a flash lamp or laser apparatus. The pulses may be from about 1 nsec to about 10 msec long, and each pulse has less energy than that required to melt the substrate material. The interval between pulses is generally long enough to allow the energy imparted by each pulse to dissipate completely. Thus, each pulse completes a micro-anneal cycle. The pulses may be delivered to the entire substrate at once, or to portions of the substrate at a time. Further embodiments provide an apparatus for powering a radiation assembly, and apparatuses for detecting the effect of pulses on a substrate. 1. An apparatus for treating a substrate , comprising:a first laser source comprising a switch optically coupled to a laser radiation source;a substrate support movably disposed along an optical path of the laser radiation;a capacitor and a power supply, wherein the power supply is configured to charge the capacitor;a controller coupled to the substrate support, the power supply, and the switch, wherein the controller is configured to operate the switch to generate a pulse train of electromagnetic radiation; andan optical assembly disposed along the optical path of the laser radiation between the first laser source and the substrate support, wherein the optical assembly is positioned to receive the pulses of electromagnetic radiation and direct a pulse train of temporally shaped pulses of electromagnetic radiation, wherein the duration of each pulse is about 1 nsec to about 10 msec.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the switch is an electrical switch and the power supply is configured to stop generation of energy when electricity provided by the capacitor falls below a power threshold.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the optical assembly is configured to ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200181809A1
Принадлежит: EISENMANN SE

A furnace for thermal treatment, in particular for carbonization and/or graphitization, of material, in particular fibers, in particular fibers of oxidized polyacrylonitrile PAN. During the thermal treatment, a pyrolysis gas is released from the material. The furnace includes a housing, a process space, which is located in the interior of the housing and is delimited by a process space housing and through which the material can be fed, a heating system for heating, a process space atmosphere prevailing in the process space, and an extraction system for suctioning process space atmosphere laden with pyrolysis gas from the process space. The extraction system has at least one suction device having a suction channel which is delimited by a channel wall and which is connected to the process space by means of a suction opening. The suction opening is arranged in a region of the process space in which, during operation of the furnace a temperature prevails at which no or only moderate chemical reactions occur between the pyrolysis gas and the process space housing and/or the channel wall.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222887A1

An adjustable camera assembly mounted within a door of an oven appliance includes a vertical guide rail and a camera movably mounted to the guide rail. A drive mechanism, such as a lead screw driven by a stepper motor, is mechanically coupled to the camera for moving the camera along the guide rail. A heat shield is positioned proximate a bottom of the door and extends around the guide rail to define a protective cavity for receiving the camera and providing a thermal break from a heating element of the oven appliance. A controller is configured for moving the camera into the protective cavity during high temperature operation of the oven appliance, such as during a self-clean cycle. 1. An oven appliance defining a vertical , a lateral , and a transverse direction , the oven appliance comprising:a cooking chamber positioned within cabinet;a heating element positioned within cabinet for heating the cooking chamber a door rotatably mounted to the cabinet for providing selective access to the cooking chamber; and a guide rail extending along the vertical direction;', 'a camera movably mounted to the guide rail;', 'a drive mechanism mechanically coupled to the camera for moving the camera along the guide rail; and', 'a heat shield extending around the guide rail and defining a protective cavity for receiving the camera and providing a thermal break from the heating element in the cooking chamber., 'a camera assembly comprising2. The oven appliance of claim 1 , wherein the drive mechanism comprises:a lead screw mechanically coupled to the camera; anda drive motor for rotating the lead screw to move the camera along the guide rail.3. The oven appliance of claim 2 , wherein the lead screw extends parallel to the guide rail.4. The oven appliance of claim 2 , wherein the camera assembly further comprises:a camera housing extending between a first end and a second end along the lateral direction, wherein the guide rail is slidably coupled to the first end and the lead screw ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Dental Cooling Method And Dental Cooling Device

Номер: US20200191482A1

A dental cooling device is provided, comprising a muffle () and a medium () as cooling source. The medium (), in particular a liquid medium (), is stored at least in the outer region of the muffle () and has an evaporation temperature higher than the room temperature. The quantity of medium () is calculated in advance such that the enthalpy of evaporation of the medium is substantially destroyed or consumed when cooling the muffle () to the evaporation temperature. 112. A dental cooling method for cooling a muffle () comprising{'b': '12', 'cooling the muffle with a cooling source () to a divesting temperature of less than 80° C.,'}{'b': '30', 'wherein the cooling source is a medium () having a melting or evaporation temperature higher than room temperature,'}{'b': 30', '12, 'wherein the medium () is fed to the muffle (),'}wherein the cooling is effected by latent heat accumulators, and{'b': 30', '12', '30, 'wherein a quantity of the medium () is at least sufficient such that the muffle () is cooled to at least one phase transition temperature of the medium ().'}2. The method according towherein the divesting temperature is less than 50° C.,{'b': 30', '30, 'wherein the medium () comprises a solid or liquid medium (),'}wherein feeding the medium to the muffle comprises bringing the medium into direct or indirect contact with the muffle,{'b': '30', 'wherein the quantity of the medium () is calculated in advance.'}3. The method according to claim 1 ,{'b': '30', 'wherein during cooling to the at least one phase transition temperature, the thermal energy of the muffle is converted substantially into the enthalpy of vaporization and/or enthalpy of fusion of the medium (), and is consumed.'}4. The method according to claim 1 ,{'b': '30', 'wherein the cooling of the medium () by means of the cooling source is performed to a temperature below the phase transition temperature.'}5. The method according to claim 1 ,{'b': '12', 'wherein the muffle () is cooled by contacting from ...
