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16-11-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для определения расхода масла на угар в двс

Номер: RU0000175045U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, и может быть использовано для определения расхода масла на угар при испытаниях ДВС. Устройство для определения расхода масла на угар в ДВС содержит поддон (1) двигателя, установленный на испытательном стенде (2) с подмоторной плитой, соединительные шланги (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), масломерное устройство со шкалой, выполненное в виде зрительной трубки (8), измерительную головку (9), измерительную трубку (10) со сливным желобом (11). Зрительная трубка (8) закреплена на измерительной головке (9) через винтовой зажим (12), а сама измерительная головка (9) зафиксирована в вертикальном положении при помощи регулирумых на стойке (13) гаек (14), (15). Измерительная головка (9) установлена на стойке (13) с возможностью вертикального перемещения. Измерительная головка (9) и измерительная трубка (10) связаны соединительными шлангами (4), (5) через патрубок (16) с соединительным шлангом поддона (1) двигателя. Для визуального определения положения измерительной головки (9) на стойке (13) и маслозаборника (19) на стойке (18) по высоте на основании (17) закреплена вертикальная шкала. На стойке (18) установлен регулируемый по высоте маслозаборник (19.) Кроме того, в устройстве расположен электроуправляемый масляный насос (20), связанный с поддоном (1) соединительными шлангами (3) и (7). В бобышку поддона (1) установлен специальный зонд (21). В блоке соединений (22) расположены электромагнитные клапаны (23), (24), (25), (26), (27), управление которыми осуществляется через блок управления (28). На блоке соединений (22) установлены электронные весы (29) для взвешивания слитого масла и датчик давления (30), при этом напротив края сливного желоба (11) расположена измерительная емкость (31). Была решена задача повышения точности измерения уровня масла и расхода масла на угар в ДВС. Ц 1 175045 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) зе в а (13) (51) МПК СОМ 15/04 (2006.01) СИЕ 23/02 (2006.01) СИЕ 23/20 (2006.01) СОТЕ 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ ...

24-01-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля уровня заполнения цистерн

Номер: RU0000176630U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области контроля правильности загрузки железнодорожных цистерн и может быть использована для контроля уровня загрузки железнодорожных цистерн непосредственно в процессе заполнения (налива) цистерн: мазутом, дизельным топливом, бензином, нефтью и т.д. на наливных эстакадах для исключения (либо предупреждения) перелива или недолива цистерн.Заявляемое в качестве полезной модели устройство для контроля уровня заполнения цистерн, например железнодорожных, включающее штангу с измерительной шкалой, планку, фиксатор и раму, предназначенную для установки на верхнем крае горловины цистерны, а также связанную с рамой муфту со сквозным отверстием, предназначенным для перемещения в нем штанги.При этом планка жестко связана с основанием штанги и ее положение соответствует нулевой отметке, а фиксатор установлен на муфте и предназначен для фиксации штанги, жестко связанной с планкой в строго вертикальном положении на предварительно рассчитанном уровне налива цистерны, при этом форма сквозного отверстия муфты соответствует профилю штанги, а сама муфта жестко связана с рамой и установлена в центре рамы таким образом, что плоскости нижнего края муфты и нижнего края рамы совпадают, при этом рама, связанная с муфтой, штангой и планкой, может быть установлена в любом месте на верхнем крае горловины цистерны.Основное отличие заявленной полезной модели от известных устройств аналогичного назначения заключается в том, что основание штанги жестко связано с центром планки, установленной строго перпендикулярно основанию штанги, а направление продольной оси планки перпендикулярно направлению продольной оси рамы, размещенной на верхнем крае горловины цистерны.Описанные в заявке отличительные признаки позволяют значительно повысить точность налива продукта в процессе его налива в цистерну, поскольку жесткая связь штанги с центром планки, установленной строго перпендикулярно основанию штанги, позволяет значительно снизить погрешность, возникающую в процессе ...

21-10-2019 дата публикации

Датчик уровня

Номер: RU0000193245U1

Техническое решение относится к акустическим методам измерения и контроля и предназначено для определения уровня жидкости в скважинах, в том числе нефтедобывающих.Технический результат вышеприведенной задачи достигается за счет создания датчика уровня, состоящего из корпуса, с одного торца которого расположена муфта и преобразователь акустического сигнала в электрический, а с другого - механический клапан для создания зондирующего акустического сигнала, отличающийся тем, что в датчике уровня размещен контроллер с радиоканалом для передачи данных и NFC-метка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 245 U1 (51) МПК E21B 47/04 (2012.01) G01F 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 47/04 (2019.05); G01F 23/00 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019106194, 04.03.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "МГТ ПРОЕКТ СПБ" (RU) Дата регистрации: 21.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 21.10.2019 Бюл. № 30 1 9 3 2 4 5 R U (54) ДАТЧИК УРОВНЯ (57) Реферат: Техническое решение относится к акустическим методам измерения и контроля и предназначено для определения уровня жидкости в скважинах, в том числе нефтедобывающих. Технический результат вышеприведенной задачи достигается за счет создания датчика уровня, состоящего из корпуса, с одного торца Стр.: 1 которого расположена муфта и преобразователь акустического сигнала в электрический, а с другого - механический клапан для создания зондирующего акустического сигнала, отличающийся тем, что в датчике уровня размещен контроллер с радиоканалом для передачи данных и NFC-метка. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 195256, Санкт-Петербург, пр. Науки, 53, кв. 86, для Корытовской Г.Ю. 1 9 3 2 4 5 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 13391 U1, 10.04.2000. RU 2282718 C1, 27.08.2006. RU 2163293 C1, 20.02.2001. RU 17727 U1, 20.04.2001. RU 2654370 C1, 17.05.2018. US 4793178 A1, 27.12. ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Liquid Tank, Viewing Device For Under-Liquid Observation, And Optical Film

Номер: US20120019921A1
Автор: Nobuaki Yamada
Принадлежит: Individual

A liquid tank, a viewing device for under-liquid observation, and an optical film are disclosed, each excellent in visibility and durability and being easy to clean. In at least one embodiment of the present invention is directed to a liquid tank having a transparent wall, including, on an internal surface of the wall, a first moth-eye layer having a moth-eye structure, and a protective layer covering the moth-eye structure, in this order from the wall side, and preferably, further including, on an external surface of the wall, a second moth-eye layer having a moth-eye structure, and the second moth-eye layer being disposed in a region facing the first moth-eye layer.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Acoustic liquid level detection

Номер: US20120031182A1
Автор: Laslo Olah
Принадлежит: Individual

The filling noise generated inside a pressurized container when liquid is injected into the container is detected at the outer end of a vent tube which extends into the container. When the level of liquid in the container reaches the lower end of the vent tube, the filling noise detected at the outer end is abruptly diminished. This abrupt change is detected and used to automatically terminate filling of the tank.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for detecting a covered dielectric object

Номер: US20120049863A1
Принадлежит: Rohde and Schwarz GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a method for detecting a covered dielectric object, where a microwave signal that can be modified in frequency is generated at a particular bandwidth and transmitted in the direction of the covered dielectric object. The microwave signal reflected by the object is then obtained from the three-dimensional measurement result in a lateral, two-dimensional pattern, a highest signal amplitude and a second-highest signal amplitude within a particular time period before or after the received microwave signal is identified in a plurality of pattern points of the pattern. The object is detected if an accumulation of pattern points of the pattern is present, in which the difference in each case between the highest and the second highest signal amplitude of the received microwave signal is less than a defined threshold value.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for automatically testing a servo gauge in an inventory management system

Номер: US20120073354A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A method includes initiating a test of a servo gauge by causing the servo gauge to attempt to move a displacer of the servo gauge, where the servo gauge uses a drum to move the displacer in a tank. The method also includes measuring a torque associated with the drum during or after the attempt to move the displacer and identifying a mechanical problem with the servo gauge based on the measured torque. For example, a stuck displacer can be identified when the measured torque exceeds an upper expected value. A lost displacer or a stuck drum can be identified when the measured torque is below a lower expected value.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Recording apparatus capable of detecting residual amount of ink in ink cartridge

Номер: US20120081424A1
Автор: Keiji Kura
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A recording apparatus includes a controller and a cartridge accommodating section in which an ink cartridge of a predetermined type is mountable. The ink cartridge includes: an ink chamber; a first heat conductor that conducts heat to the ink; a pyroelectric portion that outputs an electrical signal; and a first electrical interface that connects to the pyroelectric portion. The cartridge accommodating section includes: a second electrical interface that connects to the first electrical interface when the ink cartridge is mounted in the cartridge accommodating section; a heater that applies heat; and a second heat conductor that conducts heat to the first heat conductor. The controller determines at least one of the type of the mounted ink cartridge and whether an amount of ink in the ink chamber is less than a predetermined amount based on the electrical signal inputted from the pyroelectric portion via the second electrical interface.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Paint Cup Assembly Support Structure

Номер: US20120279613A1

A paint cup assembly filling station includes an upper paint cup tray formed with at least one upper hole configured to receive a paint cup assembly, a lower paint cup tray formed with at least one lower hole configured to receive a paint cup assembly, and a housing separating the upper paint cup tray from the lower paint cup tray.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Method for Assisting in Maintenance of a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20120319833A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method for assisting in maintenance of a motor vehicle having a drive motor, an drive energy storage device, and a filling level measuring device. A request for a maintenance process is identified by a self-monitoring device with the maintenance request being transmitted as a maintenance indication to a driver by an information device. The maintenance indication is transmitted to the driver as a function of a switch-off filling level present when the vehicle drive motor is switched off and detected by the filling level measuring device. The maintenance indication is transmitted when the switch-off filling level is lower than a preset filling level threshold value or when a filling level difference between a switch-on filling level, present when the vehicle drive motor is subsequently switched on again and detected by the filling level measuring device, and the preceding switch-off filling level indicates a positive filling level value.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Low Oil Indication

Номер: US20120326880A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A method of indicating low oil level of lubrication oil for a gas turbine engine automatically eliminates false low oil readings due to temperature-induced lubrication oil shrinkage and operation-induced changes in lubrication oil level.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Automatic seepage meter

Номер: US20130014570A1

The present invention relates to an automatic seepage meter for measuring groundwater-surface water exchange in a mixed zone of stream. The present invention includes: the chamber installed in streambed sediment; the device for measuring amount of groundwater recharge through a change in water level accompanied by discharging water in the water in case of losing stream; and the device for measuring amount of groundwater discharge through a change in water level according to an increased water from the chamber to the water bath for measuring discharge in case of gaining stream.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Level detector for measuring foam and aerated slurry level in a wet flue gas desulfurization absorber tower

Номер: US20130061669A1
Автор: Peter J. Bogdanchik
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

A level detector 100 includes a sleeve 210 mountable to a vessel and extendable through a wall 212 defined by the vessel 212 A and into an interior area 214 defined by the vessel. The sleeve 210 is mountable at an angle A of less than forty-five degrees relative to the vessel wall 212. The level detector 100 includes a level sensing probe 230 extending into a bore defined by an inside surface 218 of the sleeve 210. The level sensing probe 230 is configured to measure a plurality of foam and aerated slurry levels in the vessel 212 A. One or more connectors 232, 244 are positioned outside 212 B of the vessel 212 A to removably support the level sensing probe 230 within the bore. The level sensing probe 230 is in communication with the interior area 214 via one or more openings 254, 258 extending into the bore.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for determining and/or monitoring a process variable of a medium

Номер: US20130104647A1
Принадлежит: Endress and Hauser SE and Co KG

An apparatus for determining and/or monitoring at least one process variable of a medium in a container which comprises a mechanically oscillatable structure, which has at least one oscillation characteristic dependent on the process variable, an electromechanical transducer having at least one piezoelectric element, which excites the structure, by means of an excitation signal supplied to the transducer, to execute mechanical oscillations, and which converts the resulting oscillations of the structure into a received signal, which corresponds to a superpositioning of the excitation signal and a wanted signal representing the oscillation. A reference element in parallel with the transducer and supplied with the excitation signal, via which a reference signal independent of the oscillation and corresponding to the excitation signal is tapped, and an electronics, which, based on the received signal and the reference signal, extracts the wanted signal, and, based on the wanted signal, determines and/or monitors the process variable, wherein, for automatic measuring of temperature of the transducer, the electronics includes a temperature measuring device, which supplies the transducer and the reference element, in temperature measurement operation, with an auxiliary signal, whose frequency lies outside a frequency range predetermined by a resonant frequency of the oscillatory structure, and, based on the wanted signal extracted in temperature measurement operation, determines a temperature of the transducer.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for determining media and container properties

Номер: US20130110420A1

A fill-level measuring device includes a self-learn device that can calculate the length of the dome shaft, the container height, the permeability value of a feed material or the permittivity value of a feed material. This takes place with the use of one or several determined speed values of echoes of a measured echo curve. In this manner the accuracy of fill level determination can be improved. 1. A fill-level measuring device for determining a position of at least one of (a) a fill level , (b) a feed material and (c) an interface between two feed materials in a container emits electromagnetic or acoustic waves in a direction of a feed material surface , comprising:an echo curve acquisition device acquiring at least one echo curve;an echo identification device identifying at least two echoes in the at least one echo curve;a speed determination device determining speed values of the at least two echoes; anda further device automatically determining a characteristic value selected from a group comprising characteristic values relating to a length of a dome shaft of a dome arranged in an apex region of the container, a container height of the container, a permeability value of a feed material, and a permittivity value of a feed material,wherein the further device automatically determines the characteristic value for the use at least one of the determined speed values of the echoes.2. The fill-level measuring device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a multiple-echo detection device classifying at least one echo of a multiple reflection from at least one of (a) a feed material surface, (b) a fault location and (c) a container bottom in the echo curve as a multiple echo,wherein the further device automatically determines the characteristic value for the use of at least one speed value of a multiple echo, classified by the multiple-echo detection device, for determining the characteristic value.3. The fill-level measuring device according to claim 1 , comprising:a ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Aliquotter system and workflow

Номер: US20130125675A1
Принадлежит: Beckman Coulter Inc

A method is disclosed. The method includes aspirating an aliquot volume of a sample in a primary sample container located in an aspiration position in an aliquotter module, and dispensing the aliquot volume of the sample in a secondary sample container located in a dispensing position in the aliquotter module. The method also includes the step of causing the secondary sample container to leave the aliquotter module before the primary sample container.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for detecting multiple echoes and bottom echoes

Номер: US20130132005A1
Автор: WELLE Roland

A robust process and a device are for detecting multiple echoes and bottom echoes, in which statistical properties of a shared characteristic of two echoes identified in an echo curve are evaluated. This shared characteristic corresponds to a ratio of the positions or the speed values of the two identified echoes. In this way, it may be possible to classify the echoes. 1. A fill level measurement device for determining at least one of (a) a position of a fill level and (b) a separating layer in a container , comprising:an echo curve detection unit detecting an echo curve;an echo identification unit identifying at least two echoes in the echo curve; anda speed detection unit detecting speed values of the at least two echoes,wherein the fill level measurement device is configured to postulate one of the identified echoes to be the fill level echo, followed by an echo classification of the at least one other echo, taking into account a sign of a ratio of the detected speed values, andwherein the echo classification assigns at least two of the identified echoes of the echo curve to a feature class selected from a group comprising the feature classes bottom echo, multiple echo, anti-correlation echo and filling material echo.2. The fill level measurement device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a statistics unit evaluating statistical properties of a shared characteristic of at least two echoes, the shared characteristic being a ratio of the detected speed values of two of the at least two echoes;wherein the fill level measurement device is configured so as to carry out an echo classification of at least two of the identified echoes in the echo curve as a result of the evaluation of the statistical properties of the shared characteristics of identified echoes.3. The fill level measurement device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a tracking unit placing identified echoes in a logical relationship with previously identified echoes, the tracking unit ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133962A1

A construction machine includes an engine, a hydraulic pump driven by drive force of the engine, a generator motor, and a dipstick tube. The generator motor is disposed between the engine and the hydraulic pump. The generator motor has a rotary shaft connected to an input shaft of the hydraulic pump and to an output shaft of the engine and an oil pan disposed in a lower part of a holding space formed inside a housing. The dipstick tube has a connector provided at a location that communicates with the oil pan of the generator motor, and a dipstick opening disposed above the generator motor, for checking a level of oil in the oil pan. 1. A construction machine comprising:an engine;a hydraulic pump driven by drive force of the engine;a generator motor disposed between the engine and the hydraulic pump and having a rotary shaft connected to an input shaft of the hydraulic pump and to an output shaft of the engine, and an oil pan disposed in a lower part of a holding space formed inside a housing; anda dipstick tube having a connector provided at a location that communicates with the oil pan of the generator motor, and a dipstick opening disposed above the generator motor, for checking a level of oil in the oil pan.2. The construction machine according to claim 1 , further comprisingan engine hood configured and arranged to be opened and closed, and covering an upper space in an engine compartment that houses the engine, the hydraulic pump, and the generator motor, whereinthe dipstick opening of the dipstick tube is provided in a space that is exposed when the engine hood is opened.3. The construction machine according to claim 1 , further comprisingan engine dipstick tube for checking an oil level of the engine,wherein the dipstick opening of the dipstick tube is provided on the same side as an dipstick opening of the engine dipstick tube.4. The construction machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe housing includes a first housing fixed on an engine side, and a second ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Electrically Conductive Pipette Tip

Номер: US20130136672A1
Принадлежит: Eppendorf SE

An electrically conductive pipette tip having an elongated tubular body that has a bottom opening at the bottom end for the passage of liquid, and a top opening at the top end for the passage of air, and a passageway between the bottom opening and the top opening, wherein the body has at least one electrically-conductive region extending from the bottom opening to the top opening, and at least one transparent region consisting of plastic that extends from the passageway to the outside of the body.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137490A1
Автор: Quehl Alexander
Принадлежит: bluebox Promotion GmbH

The invention relates to an apparatus on which a drinking vessel may be placed, in particular an apparatus which provides information, wherein the information is connected with the drinking vessel. An apparatus for indicating the filling level of a drinking vessel comprises a placement device on which the drinking vessel is placed, a detection device for detecting the filling level of the drinking vessel (), and a display element which displays the detected filling level. 1. An apparatus for displaying the filling level of a drinking vessel , wherein the apparatus comprises:a placement element on which the drinking vessel may be placed;a detection element for detecting the filling level of the drinking vessel; anda display element which displays the detected filling level.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the display element displays the filling level of the drinking vessel by means of a light source.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the brightness claim 2 , color claim 2 , and flashing frequency of the light from the light source is changed according to the filling level of the drinking vessel.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the detection element is adapted to detect a current weight of the drinking vessel and to determine the filling level of the drinking vessel from the detected current weight of the drinking vessel and a weight of the drinking vessel in an unfilled state and a weight of the drinking vessel in a fully filled state.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the detection element comprises a balance which is adapted to detect the current weight of the drinking vessel.6. The apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the balance comprises a strain gauge claim 5 , and the strain gauge is adapted to determine a distortion of a bending element of the balance on which the strain gauge is provided.7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the drinking vessel is made of a material that ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153652A1

Systems and methods for determining amount of solid ammonia stored in a canister used in providing ammonia fluid in exhaust gas after-treatment systems. A microcontroller sets an ammonia level based on the data read from an RFID tag associated with the canister. The data may provide the amount of solid ammonia stored in the canister or a tag number that the microcontroller may use to retrieve the quantity of stored solid ammonia. A measured amount of ammonia fluid used during the treatment process may be used by the microcontroller in determining the amount of solid ammonia depleted from the canister. At predetermined precisions, the amount of depleted ammonia is subtracted from the set ammonia level to determine the remaining amount of solid ammonia in the canister. This determined amount of may be used to reset the ammonia level and be written onto the RFID tag. 1. A method for determining the level of solid ammonia in a canister comprising:setting an ammonia level based on data read from a radio frequency identification device tag;measuring an amount of ammonia fluid transported from the canister;determining an amount of solid ammonia depleted from the canister using the measured amount of transported ammonia fluid;determining an amount of solid ammonia remaining in the canister after a predetermined amount of solid ammonia has been depleted from the canister;re-setting the ammonia level; andwriting the reset ammonia level on the radio frequency identification device tag.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reset ammonia level is the determined amount of solid ammonia remaining in the canister.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of determining the amount of solid ammonia remaining in the canister occurs after a predetermined precision of solid ammonia has been depleted from the canister.4. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of performing a rationality check of the determined solid amount of ammonia remaining in the canister.5. The method ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160433A1

An apparatus for measuring a filling level of a urea container by determining distance using sound waves (ultrasound) emitted by a sensor and echoes thereof, includes a urea container bottom and a sump with an overall height. The sump is adjacent the urea container bottom and located below the level of the urea container bottom. The sump is connected in an open manner to the urea container and bounded at the bottom by a sump bottom. The sensor is accommodated in the vicinity of the sump and, with a sound-emitting surface for emitting sound waves and receiving echoes of the sound waves, is fitted in the urea container with the sound-emitting surface of the sensor at most adjacent the level of the urea container bottom. A motor vehicle having the urea container is also provided. 1. In a urea container having a urea container bottom at a level and a sump lying below the level of the urea container bottom , the sump having an overall height and being downwardly bounded by a sump bottom and the sump adjoining the urea container bottom and having an open connection to the urea container ,an apparatus for measuring a filling level of the urea container, the apparatus comprising:a sensor disposed in vicinity of the sump;said sensor having a sound-emitting surface configured to emit sound waves and to receive echoes of the same sound waves for measuring the filling level of the urea container by distance determination; andsaid sensor fitted in the urea container with said sound-emitting surface of said sensor adjoining at most the level of the urea container bottom.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , which further comprises a urea extraction device connected to the sump and lying at a height between the level of the urea container bottom and the sump bottom.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said sensor is disposed externally on the sump in a recess.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said sensor protrudes at least partially into the sump.5. The ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160862A1
Автор: Yang Jae Gu, Yang Ji Suk

Disclosed herein is a method of controlling a water level of a pressure tank of a piping system. The piping system includes the pressure tank, a level transmitter, a first level switch disposed on a low-level-alarm line, a second level switch disposed between the low-level-alarm line and a lower limit line of an optimal level range, a third level switch disposed between a high-level-alarm line and an upper limit line of the optimal level range, and a fourth level switch disposed on a high-level-alarm line. The method includes receiving a level measurement value from the level transmitter; receiving and checking ON/OFF signals of the level switches; comparing the level measurement value with the ON/OFF signals; determining whether an abnormality has occurred in the level transmitter, and determining whether to raise or lower the water level; and supplying gas to the pressure tank or exhausting gas therefrom. 1. A method of controlling a water level of a pressure tank provided in a piping system , the piping system comprising: the pressure tank provided for water hammering prevention control or expansion control; a level transmitter measuring a water level of the pressure tank; a first level switch disposed on a low-level-alarm line of the pressure tank; a second level switch disposed between the low-level-alarm line and a lower limit line of an optimal level range; a third level switch disposed between a high-level-alarm line of the pressure tank and an upper limit line of the optimal level range; a fourth level switch disposed on the high-level-alarm line of the pressure tank; and a gas supply device supplying gas to the pressure tank , the method comprising:receiving a level measurement value of the pressure tank from the level transmitter;receiving and checking ON/OFF signals of the level switches;comparing the level measurement value of the level transmitter with the ON/OFF signals of the level switches, determining whether an abnormality has occurred in the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Compact Reflective Level Indicator with Glass Element

Номер: US20130167631A1
Принадлежит: Cesare Bonetti SpA

Reflective level indicator comprising a central support piece ( 10 ) extending in the vertical direction (Z-Z), a glass element ( 30 ) extending in the vertical direction (Z-Z), a pair of flanges ( 40 ) situated opposite each other for closing the indicator, seals ( 20;120 ) arranged between the glass element ( 30 ) and the support piece ( 10 ) and the closing flanges ( 40 ), wherein said flanges ( 40 ) have a C-shaped central body ( 41 ) with short arms ( 42 ) extending in the longitudinal direction (X-X) along a section with a length such as to project above, in the same direction (Y-Y), by an amount smaller than the width of the glass element ( 30 ) in the longitudinal direction, and a foot ( 43 ) which extends from one of the two arms ( 42 ) of the central body ( 41 ) in the transverse direction (Y-Y) and the free end of which has a flange ( 43 a ) bent inwards and provided with holes ( 43 b ).

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Water Level Sensing Apparatus and Associated Methods

Номер: US20130174830A1
Принадлежит: Rheem Manufacturing Company

A fuel-fired condensing type air heating furnace is provided with an electronic condensate water level sensing system operative to sense improper outflow of condensate from a collector box portion of the furnace and responsively shut down or prevent operation of the furnace. Condensate probe portions of the system are oriented in a manner such that several air flow orientation of the furnace may be utilized without the necessity of relocating the probes or effecting an re-wiring of the water level sensing system. 1. Heating apparatus comprising:a fuel-fired condensing type heating appliance which, during operation thereof, generates condensate, said heating appliance being rotatable through ninety degree increments to selectively variable ones of a plurality of operating orientations; and a receptacle for receiving condensate generated by said heating appliance,', 'drainage openings formed in said receptacle and positioned thereon to form a condensate drainage outflow path from a bottom portion of said receptacle in each of its rotational orientations,', 'a spaced plurality of probes carried by said receptacle, contactable by condensate within said receptacle, and positioned in a manner such that in each of said plurality of operating orientations of said heating appliance one of said probes is disposed on a bottom portion of said receptacle, and', 'a control system operable to sense condensate contact with any of said probes and responsively shut down operation or prevent start-up of said heating appliance., 'a condensate collection and drainage system carried by said heating appliance for rotation therewith among said plurality of operating orientations, comprising2. The heating apparatus of wherein:said heating appliance is a fuel-fired air heating furnace.3. The heating apparatus of wherein:said plurality of operating orientations include an upflow orientation, a horizontal right airflow orientation, a downflow orientation, and a horizontal left airflow ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192352A1
Автор: Lanzani Federico
Принадлежит: ISANIK S.R.L.

A sensor device and a related method for measuring the flow of a fluid and/or for detecting the presence of a substance have such respective structural and functional features as to allow reliable measurements at very reduced costs. The sensor device includes at least a temperature difference sensor based on the Seebeck thermoelectric effect and integrated in a sensor device support, together with a heating element also integrated in this support. A method for measuring the flow of a fluid and/or the presence or the level of a substance uses the sensor device. 1. A sensor device for measuring the flow of a fluid and/or the presence or level of a substance comprising: at least one first insulating support,', 'a second insulating support,', 'an inner conductive layer of a first conductive material separating the first and second insulating supports,, 'a support being equipped with a sensor of a temperature difference based on the Seebeck thermoelectric effect and being a multi-layer printed circuit board support which includes first conductive tracks which are obtained in the first and second conductive layers, and', 'second conductive tracks which are realized in the inner conductive layer', 'through and metalized holes being provided in the first and second support elements to connect the first conductive tracks with the second conductive tracks, thus creating at least one thermocouple of the sensor,', 'a heating element being also associated to the sensor and being internally realized in the multi-layer printed circuit board support in the inner conductive layer of the first conductive material., 'the first and second insulating supports having their respective exposed surfaces coated with a first conductive layer of a second conductive material and with a second conductive layer of the second conductive material,'}2. The sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second insulating supports are insulating supports made of a laminated material as used in the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205893A1

A linear liquid level sensing system () comprises a vessel (), an electrically conductive liquid () contained within the vessel (), and a collector () spanning a vertical distance corresponding to the desired-level-determining range. An insulator () encases the collector () to define a dielectric gap between it and the fluid (), with the insulated area in contact with the fluid () correlating with the fluid level. A single electrical line () connects the collector () to both a voltage-supplying source () and a charge-sensing device (). 1. A linear liquid level sensing system comprising:an electrically conductive liquid with an electrical ground,a collector spanning a vertical distance corresponding to a desired-level-determining range,an insulator encasing the collector and having a liquid-contacting area which changes with the level of the liquid;a line electrically connected to the collector,a voltage-supplying source which supplies a voltage to the collector through the line so that the collector incurs a charge corresponding to the vertical level of the conductive liquid, anda charge-sensing device which senses the collector-incurred charge through the line.2. A linear liquid level sensing system as set forth in claim 1 , characterized by a single collector.3. A linear liquid level sensing system as set forth in claim 2 , characterized by a single electrical line connected to the collector.4. A linear liquid level sensing system as set forth in claim 1 , characterized by a single electrical line connected to the collector.5. A linear liquid level sensing system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the vertical distance spanned by the collector extends at least from an almost empty level to an almost full level.6. A linear liquid sensing system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the voltage-supplying source supplies a voltage to the collector and wherein the charge-sensing device senses voltage and capacitance.7. A linear liquid sensing system as set forth in claim 1 ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213495A1

A quartz glass liquid level sensor includes a support frame, a light masking plate, a quartz glass tube, and a sensor module. The light masking plate is movably mounted on the support frame. The quartz glass tube is movably mounted to the support frame. One end of the quartz glass tube is securely fixed to the light masking plate. The sensor module is mounted on the support frame, for sensing a position of the light masking plate relative to the support frame. 1. A quartz glass liquid level sensor , comprising:a support frame;a light masking plate movably mounted on the support frame;a quartz glass tube movably mounted to the support frame, one end of the quartz glass tube being securely fixed to the light masking plate; anda sensor module mounted on the support frame, for sensing a position of the light masking plate relative to the support frame.2. The quartz glass liquid level sensor of claim 1 , wherein a sliding groove is defined in a sidewall of the support frame claim 1 , the light masking plate is movable mounted in the sliding groove claim 1 , and the sensor module is placed adjacent to the sliding groove.3. The quartz glass liquid level sensor of claim 1 , further comprising a base seat claim 1 , wherein the support frame is mounted on the base seat.4. The quartz glass liquid level sensor of claim 3 , wherein the base seat comprises a base portion and a guiding portion claim 3 , a mounting hole is defined in the base portion claim 3 , the guiding portion perpendicularly extends from a periphery of the mounting hole claim 3 , the support frame is mounted on the base portion of the base seat claim 3 , and the quartz glass tube passes through the mounting hole.5. The quartz glass liquid level sensor of claim 4 , further comprising a guiding member claim 4 , wherein a through hole is defined in a bottom wall of the guiding member claim 4 , the guiding member is mounted on the base portion of the base seat opposite to the support frame claim 4 , and the through ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Operating Method for a Vehicle

Номер: US20130226368A1
Принадлежит: MAN TRUCK & BUS AG

An operating method for a vehicle includes the steps of measurement of a filling level of a liquid, assignment of a measured filling level to a closest filling level threshold from a multiplicity of known filling level thresholds, wherein each filling level threshold represents a defined filling value, activation of at least one filling level threshold from the multiplicity of filling level thresholds by means of the measuring device, ascertainment of the frequention of an activation of a filling level threshold and/or a frequention of an assignment of a measured filling level to a closest filling level threshold, and determination of the filling level threshold which has a maximum frequention relative to a defined period of time. A realistic filling value is determined from which measuring errors which arise are eliminated. 1. An operating method for a vehicle for determining realistic filling values of a liquid in a vehicle container , comprising the following steps:measuring a filling level of a liquid in a vehicle container by means of a measuring device;assigning a measured filling level to a closest filling level threshold from a multiplicity of known filling level thresholds;activating a filling level threshold from the multiplicity of filling level thresholds by means of the measuring device;ascertaining the frequention of at least one of an activation of a filling level threshold and the frequention of an assignment of a measured filling level to a closest filling level threshold; anddetermining the filling level threshold which has a maximum frequention relative to a defined period of time so as to represent a realistic filling value.2. The operating method according to claim 1 , wherein each filling level threshold represents a defined filling value.3. The operating method according to claim 1 , wherein the filling level threshold is determined for the time during which the next determination is carried out.4. The operating method according to claim 1 , ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Method of filling level measurement

Номер: US20130231877A1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

A method is proposed of filling level measurement in a container having a medium and at least one interference layer arranged thereabove, wherein an electromagnetic signal is transmitted along a probe arranged in the container and a signal extent of the signal reflected in the container is recorded, a first measurement pulse corresponding to the interface to the medium and a second measurement pulse corresponding to the interference layer are identified in the signal extent and the filling level of the medium is determined from the first measurement pulse and/or the filling level of the interference layer is determined from the second measurement pulse. An expectation value A 2E of the amplitude A 2 of the first measurement pulse and an expectation value A 1E of the amplitude A 1 of the second measurement pulse are calculated and the first measurement pulse and the second measurement pulse are identified using the expectation values A 1E , A 2E .

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Coverslipping Machine Having An Optical Limit Fill Level Measuring Device For A Liquid

Номер: US20130233071A1

The present invention relates to a coverslipping machine () including: a hollow needle () for applying mounting medium onto a specimen slide (); a transparent container () to be filled with a liquid; a light source () for radiating measurement light in a principal radiating direction (A) into the container (); and a light sensor () for detecting the measurement light, the light source () being arranged with respect to the container () in such a way that the radiated measurement light is refracted by a liquid in the container whose fill level exceeds a fill level limit, the light sensor () being arranged with respect to the container () in such a way that only measurement light refracted by the liquid or only measurement light not refracted by the liquid is detected. 11. A coverslipping machine () , comprising:{'b': 2', '5, 'a hollow needle () for applying mounting medium onto a specimen slide ();'}{'b': '103', 'a transparent container () to be filled with a liquid;'}{'b': 101', '103, 'a light source () for radiating measurement light in a principal radiating direction (A) into the container (); and'}{'b': 102', '102, 'a light sensor (, ′) for detecting the measurement light;'}{'b': 101', '103, 'wherein the light source () is arranged with respect to the container () such that the radiated measurement light is refracted by the liquid in the container whose fill level exceeds a fill level limit;'}{'b': 102', '102', '103, 'wherein the light sensor (, ′) is arranged with respect to the container () such that measurement light refracted by the liquid or measurement light not refracted by the liquid is detected;'}{'b': 103', '2, 'wherein the container () is configured to receive the hollow needle ();'}{'b': 2', '103, 'wherein in a working position, the hollow needle () is located above the container ().'}2103. The coverslipping machine according to claim 1 , wherein the angle of incidence of the measurement light onto the container () is greater than 10° and less than 80 ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255372A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An oil level gauge structure with an oil level gauge attachment hole functioning as an oil filling opening provided in a casing of an engine with an oil level gauge for closing up the attachment hole. The oil level gauge has a columnar portion formed on the lower end side of an external thread. The columnar portion has a predetermined length and is continuous with the external thread for attaching the oil level gauge to the casing. A guide hole into which the columnar portion is fitted to restrict the position of the columnar portion is provided on the lower end side of an internal thread of an attachment hole of the casing. The columnar portion of the oil level gauge is formed to have such an axial length that the lower end of the columnar portion exceeds the depth of the internal thread of the casing. 1. An oil level gauge structure having an oil level gauge attachment hole that doubles as an oil filling opening provided in a casing of an engine and an oil level gauge for closing the attachment hole , comprising:a columnar portion formed on a lower end side of an external thread of the oil level gauge, the columnar portion having a predetermined length and extending from the external thread adapted to attach the oil level gauge to a casing, and a guide hole into which the columnar portion is fitted to restrict the position of the columnar portion, said guide hole is provided on a lower end side of an internal thread of the attachment hole of the casing.2. The oil level gauge structure according to claim 1 , wherein the columnar portion of the oil level gauge is formed to have an axial length wherein a lower end of the columnar portion exceeds a depth of the internal thread of the casing.3. The oil level gauge structure according to claim 2 , wherein the oil level gauge is provided with an inclining guide portion having a width gradually increasing from the gauge section located at a leading end thereof to the external thread.4. The oil level gauge structure ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261997A1

A method for determining an amount of a liquid energy commodity in storage in an underground cavern generally comprises the steps of: establishing a volume function for a brine pond associated with the underground cavern; acquiring an image of the brine pond; transmitting the acquired image to a central processing facility; analyzing the acquired image to calculate a depth of the brine in the brine pond; estimating the volume of the brine in the brine pond based on the calculated depth and using the volume function; determining the amount of the liquid energy commodity in storage in the underground cavern associated with the brine pond based on the estimated volume of the brine in the brine pond; and communicating information about the amount of the liquid energy commodity in storage to a third-party market participant. 1. A method for determining an amount of a liquid energy commodity in storage in an underground cavern based on an estimation of a volume of a brine in a brine pond associated with the underground cavern , comprising the steps of:establishing a volume function for the brine pond based on physical contours of the brine pond, and storing the volume function in a database;acquiring an image of the brine pond at a subsequent time;transmitting the acquired image to a central processing facility;analyzing the acquired image to calculate a depth of the brine in the brine pond;estimating the volume of the brine in the brine pond based on the calculated depth and using the volume function stored in the database;determining the amount of the liquid energy commodity in storage in the underground cavern associated with the brine pond based on the estimated volume of the brine in the brine pond; andcommunicating information about the amount of the liquid energy commodity in storage to a third-party market participant.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , in which the liquid energy commodity is crude oil.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , in which the liquid ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270351A1
Автор: Murray Christopher L.

A dual functionality temperature control measurement and low water cutoff measurement system is taught within a single tapping to a boiler. This dual functionality combines a low water cutoff and temperature sensor into one control utilizing a sensing element suitable for use in a single existing tapping for a boiler. Independent of low water functionality, the temperature sensor is also capable of monitoring temperature as a replacement probe in an existing temperature sensor-only well. A conductive member provides a compression fit inside the probe well for thermistors, while simultaneously providing conduction with the well interior for a low water cutoff signal in a two-conductor well. 1. A removable probe insertable within a well in a boiler tapping comprising a low water cutoff sensor in electrical communication with said well interior by a resilient flexing connection.2. The removable probe of claim 1 , wherein said low water cutoff sensor includes a conductive member comprising a solidly-shaped conductive material claim 1 , said solidly-shaped conductive material in electrical communication with said well interior by said resilient flexing connection without soldering or welding said conductive member to the interior of said well.3. The removable probe of claim 1 , wherein the low water cutoff sensor further includes a conductive nut for threadedly securing into said boiler tapping claim 1 , said conductive nut in electrical communication with an interior wall of said boiler forming a conductive path between said interior wall of said boiler and said well when water within said boiler interior surrounds and contacts said well claim 1 , said conductive path is open when said water within said boiler interior does not surround or contact said well.4. A removable probe insertable within a well in a boiler tapping having a dual measurement function claim 1 , comprising:a temperature sensor; anda low water cutoff sensor in electrical communication with said well ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130275062A1

An improved apparatus and method for monitoring the levels of propane or other consumable liquid in remotely located storage tanks and coordinating delivery of liquid to those tanks, including an improved method of using the remote monitoring data to identify out-of-ordinary conditions at remote tanks, optimally schedule purchases or deliveries, improve safety, and more efficiently operate a propane dealership. More accurate and timely information concerning the status of customer tanks serves to improve operational efficiencies and increase safety. Data received from remote sensors can be collected and organized so that it is easily understood and utilized through the implementation of a user interface accessible via the Internet that allows the information to be presented in an efficient graphical and contextual fashion. Operational efficiencies can also be improved by calculating site-specific Degree-days and K-factors for each tank and by taking historical propane usage for each tank, weather conditions, and projected fuel usage into account. 1. An apparatus for monitoring fluid levels in a fuel storage tank comprising:at least one tank sensor providing information indicative of the amount of fluid in the storage tank;at least one monitoring unit associated with each storage tank, said monitoring unit communicatively linked with at least one tank sensor so that information measured by the tank sensor is communicated to the monitoring unit and said monitoring unit including a processor to receive and process the communicated tank sensor information and a memory to store processed tank sensor information; andwherein at least one monitoring unit is capable of calculating predicted fluid levels based upon communicated tank sensor information and comparing actual fluid levels to predicted fluid levels to determine whether a predefined out-of-ordinary event has occurred.2. The apparatus of wherein the at least one monitoring unit is also communicatively linked with a ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276531A1

A fuel delivery unit in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle, having a surge pot, a fuel pump is arranged in the surge pot fuel out of the surge pot to an internal combustion engine of the motor vehicle, a pump holder for fastening the fuel pump in the surge pot, and a fill level sensor for determining the fill level in the fuel tank. The fill level sensor () is arranged on the pump holder. 16.-. (canceled)7. A fuel delivery unit in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle , comprising:a surge pot;a fuel pump arranged in the surge pot and configured to deliver fuel from the surge pot to an internal combustion engine of the motor vehicle;a pump holder configured to fix the fuel pump in the surge pot; anda fill level sensor arranged on the pump holder and configured to determine a fill level in the fuel tank.8. The fuel delivery unit as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the pump holder has fixing elements that fasten the fill level sensor to the pump holder.9. The fuel delivery unit as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the fixing elements are configured to detachably connect the fill level sensor with the pump holder.10. The fuel delivery unit as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the fixing elements are integrally connected to the pump holder.11. The fuel delivery unit as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the fill level sensor is arranged in an upper region of the pump holder in relation to its installation position.12. The fuel delivery unit as claimed in claim 8 ,wherein the fixing elements are arranged on a strut of the pump holder, andwherein the strut extends from the pump holder towards a flange used to seal an opening in the fuel tank.13. The fuel delivery unit as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the fixing elements are at least one of receivers and clips.14. The fuel delivery unit as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the fixing elements are integrally connected to the pump holder. This is a U.S. national stage of application No. PCT/EP2011/072503, filed on 13 Dec. 2011. Priority is claimed on German ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289878A1

A system for monitoring coastal underground water is disclosed. The system includes a freshwater/saltwater interface position tracking device that is inserted into an observation well used for observing coastal underground water and can move on a freshwater/saltwater interface according to a change of buoyancy; and a first measuring sensor that is inserted into the observation well so as to be placed at a position above the freshwater/saltwater interface position tracking device and has a distance measuring unit used for measuring a first distance between the freshwater/saltwater interface position tracking device and the first measuring sensor, wherein the first measuring sensor has a first signal output unit used for outputting a signal indicative of the measured first distance. 1. A system for monitoring coastal underground water , comprising:a freshwater/saltwater interface position tracking device that is inserted into an observation well used for observing coastal underground water and can move on a freshwater/saltwater interface according to a change of buoyancy; anda first measuring sensor that is inserted into the observation well so as to be placed at a position above the freshwater/saltwater interface position tracking device and has a distance measuring unit used for measuring a first distance between the freshwater/saltwater interface position tracking device and the first measuring sensor, whereinthe first measuring sensor has a first signal output unit used for outputting a signal indicative of the measured first distance.2. The system for monitoring coastal underground water as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the first measuring sensor includes a water pressure measuring unit used for measuring a water pressure.3. The system for monitoring coastal underground water as set forth in claim 2 , further comprising:a second measuring sensor inserted into the observation well so as to be placed in air.4. The system for monitoring coastal underground water as ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

System or method for measuring the phase of refrigerant in a cooling system

Номер: US20130291568A1
Автор: Michael Elstroem
Принадлежит: HB PORDUCTS AS

A system or a method for performing capacitive sensing of humidity/liquid, primarily in conductive or non-conductive liquid/gas mixtures, having a control unit and at least first and second sensor electrodes, the capacity between the first and the second electrodes being measured,. To measure humidity/liquid in a circulating gas/liquid mixture at least one of the sensor electrodes is formed as a tube which is placed in the liquid/gas mixture. Based on the capacitive measurements, a calculation of at least one dataset for control of a second system is performed. The tube can be more or less filled up with liquid or gas and the capacity can be measured as it depends on the content around or inside the tube, and if a dry gas is there will be one value of capacity and in a situation where the gas is being replaced by liquid, the capacity value will change rapidly.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291634A1
Автор: Joo Young-Mo, Oh Hyun-Sub

The present invention relates to a level gauge, and more particularly, to a level gauge provided on a device such as an engine or transmission of a vehicle to discharge aft from the device and prevent a foreign substance from being introduced therein. In addition, the level gauge and an oil net can be integrated into a single module, to thereby save costs. 1. A level gauge that comprises a tube disposed on an engine of a vehicle and a gauge part accommodatably joined to the tube and configured to check the state of oil contained in the engine ,wherein the tube comprises an air hole formed on an outer circumferential surface thereof so as to allow the air inside the engine to be discharged to the outside therethrough, andwherein the gauge part comprises: a sealing member insertingly fitted into an upper end of the tube and configured to hermetically seal the tube; a hole shield formed integrally with the sealing member and fitted around an outer circumferential surface of the tube to shield the air hole; and an inspection part joined at one end thereof to one side of the sealing member and longitudinally extending at the other end thereof to the inside of an oil tank.2. The level gauge according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing member has a shape corresponding to that of a hollow portion formed on an inner circumferential surface of the tube and comprises an extension portion formed at the other side thereof claim 1 ,wherein the air hole is formed on the outer circumferential surface of the tube at a position spaced apart from the one side of the sealing member fitted into the tube so that the air hole is not shielded by the sealing member when the sealing member is insertingly fitted into the tube andwherein the hole shield is formed integrally with the sealing member in such a manner as to have a cylindrical shape that is connected at one end thereof to the extension portion of the sealing member and downwardly extends at the other end thereof in juxtaposition with ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Cellular tank monitoring technology

Номер: US20130293388A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system, apparatus and method for monitoring the status and use of an LP fuel tank using cellular communication technology. The system includes a sensor unit communicatively connected to a storage tank, the sensor unit measuring the level of fluid in the storage tank and transmitting fluid level data externally via a cellular data communication link, a remote host unit disposed remotely from the storage tank, the host unit receiving fluid level data from the sensor unit via the cellular data communication link, and a base unit disposed in the vicinity of the storage tank by a user, the base unit receiving fluid level data from the sensor unit via the cellular data communication link or via an RF link.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Suction Device and Liquid Crystal Coating Equipment

Номер: US20130305986A1
Автор: Wenching Tsai

The present invention provides a liquid crystal suction device, which includes: a first vacuum generation unit, a flexible suction tube, and a load; the load being disposed at one end of flexible suction tube, the other end of flexible suction tube connected to first vacuum unit. The present invention also provides a liquid crystal coating equipment. Through the above manners, the present invention keeps liquid crystal suction end stay below liquid crystal level and prevents suction end of the liquid crystal tube from drawing in air bubble.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Verifying identification of sequentially supplied fluids

Номер: US20130314206A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of verifying the identification of fluids to be supplied successively through a fluid-supply hose that selectively connects to successive movable, RFID-tagged fluid containers includes providing an RFID reading unit including an antenna. A sequence of reference container identification codes is received. A container-present indication indicating one of the containers is positioned so that its RFID tag is in the antenna range is received. In response, the RFID tag of that container is read using the RFID reading unit to determine an identification code of the container. A controller automatically verifies the determined container identification code against the first reference identification code in the sequence using a controller. The starting through verifying steps are repeated, using successive values from the sequence in the verifying step, until all values in the sequence have been verified against container identification codes read using the RFID reading unit.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Level Monitoring

Номер: US20130319108A1
Автор: TRUMP Martin

A method and an apparatus for filling at least one liquid into at least one cavity. The method comprises filling a predetermined filling volume of the at least one liquid into the at least one cavity and determining if the liquid in the at least one cavity reaches a first liquid level in the at least one cavity. Filling the predetermined filling volume of the at least one liquid and the determining if the first level has not been reached, is repeated until enough volume of the at least one liquid has been added to the cavity or if the first level has been reached. The predetermined filling volume is equal to or smaller than a buffer volume above the first liquid level in the at least one cavity. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining if the first liquid level is reached comprises using a capacitive liquid level detection.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising placing an opening of a dispensing device in the at least one cavity.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the determining if the first liquid level is reached comprises detecting a contact of the liquid at the first liquid level with the dispensing device.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the buffer volume is equal or smaller than a volume defined between the first liquid level and a level in the at least one cavity claim 1 , where the liquid spills out of the at least one cavity.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the at least one liquid level detector is arranged substantially at a tip of the at least one dispensing device.8. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the liquid level detector is a capacitative liquid level detector. This application claims benefit of and priority to UK Patent Application No. GB1201983.2 “Liquid Level Monitoring” filed on 6 Feb. 2012.1. Field of the inventionThe present disclosure relates to liquid handling and dispensing small amounts of liquids. The present disclosure relates to the field of diagnostics and a method, a system and an apparatus for filling a ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Bridge Safety Monitoring Integrated System with Full Optical Fiber and the Method for Sensing Thereof

Номер: US20140002275A1
Автор: Zheng-Kuan Lee

The present invention provides an integrated system of full optical complete bridge safety monitoring with speech warming for smart phones. The Integrated system of full optical complete bridge safety monitoring includes a stabilizing device, optical sensing device and communication device. The basic structure involves cable and optical fiber connecting two ends and joined by heat shrink tubes. A measuring segment is located between two heat shrink tubes. The stabilizing device provides a pre-determined tensile strength to the measuring segment. The optical fiber sensing device detects a response via a Fiber Bragg grating in the optical fiber's measuring segment. When the measuring segment receives a response, it changes from first phase to second phase and creates a signal change from the reflected signals. Signal processing device converts the signal changes to physical parameters. The communication device sends warning signals to users. Warning signals are sent to users' smart phones, to proactively inform the bridge's safety status with speeches.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007673A1
Автор: CHO Dae Gwan

Provided is a leakage detection device using siphon principle. The leakage detection device includes a water level measuring tube that has a closed lower end portion and includes a first inflow port through which leakage water flows, a water collection tank that accommodates the water level measuring tube, a discharging pipe that includes a first inducing pipe vertically disposed in the water level measuring tube, a connecting pipe extended from an upper end portion of the first inducing pipe through a sidewall of the water level measuring tube, and a second inducing pipe extended from one end portion of the connecting pipe to a lower side of the water collection tank, a lower end portion of the second inducing pipe being disposed lower in position than a lower end portion of the first inducing pipe, and a water level measurer that detects a level of the leakage water flowed into the water level measuring tube. 1. A leakage detection device using a siphon principle , the leakage detection device comprising:a water level measuring tube that has a closed lower end portion, and comprises a first inflow port through which leakage water flows;a water collection tank that accommodates the water level measuring tube;a discharging pipe that comprises a first inducing pipe vertically disposed in the water level measuring tube, a connecting pipe extended from an upper end portion of the first inducing pipe through a sidewall of the water level measuring tube, and a second inducing pipe extended from one end portion of the connecting pipe to a lower side of the water collection tank, a lower end portion of the second inducing pipe being disposed lower in position than a lower end portion of the first inducing pipe; anda water level measurer that detects a level of the leakage water flowed into the water level measuring tube.2. The leakage detection device of claim 1 , further comprising an inserting pipe that vertically extends and is disposed in the water level measuring pipe ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013839A1
Автор: Chandler, Jr. William D.

An apparatus for detecting salt level within a water treatment system is provided and includes a biasing member, a paddle operatively connected to the biasing member, and an actuator operatively connected to the biasing member. The biasing member biases the paddle in a first position when the salt level is below the bottom of the paddle. The paddle is configured such that when the salt level is above the bottom of the paddle sufficient force from the salt is applied to one of the sides of the paddle to overcome the biasing force of the biasing member and move the paddle to a second position. The actuator is configured to cause a signal to be outputted that indicates that the salt level needs to be replenished in response to the paddle being in the first position. 1. An apparatus for detecting salt level within a water treatment system , comprising:a biasing member;a paddle, wherein the paddle is operatively connected to the biasing member, wherein the paddle includes a bottom and opposite sides;an actuator, wherein the biasing member is operatively connected to the actuator;wherein the biasing member biases the paddle in a first position when the salt level is below the bottom of the paddle, wherein the paddle is configured such that when the salt level is above the bottom of the paddle sufficient force from the salt is applied to one of the sides of the paddle to overcome the biasing force of the biasing member and move the paddle to a second position;wherein the actuator is configured to cause a signal to be outputted that indicates that the salt level needs to be replenished in response to the paddle being in the first position.2. The apparatus of wherein the water treatment system includes a brine tank claim 1 , wherein the brine tank includes a riser tube claim 1 , wherein the riser tube extends upwardly from a bottom of the brine tank claim 1 , wherein the actuating part is mounted on the riser tube.3. The apparatus of wherein the biasing member includes an ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013840A1

A storage tank and method for monitoring thereof is provided. The tank includes a first panel that defines a mounting surface for carrying a heating element. The heating element extends into the tank for heating liquids stowed therein. A sidewall interconnects the first panel and a spaced-apart second panel. A support extends from a bottom-facing surface of the second panel for supporting the tank in a spaced-apart relation from a nearby surface. The support further defines an upward-facing pocket for receiving a portion of the heating element. A control system may monitor the storage tank and alert a service provider of operative conditions thereof. 1determining a liquid level in a storage tank;associating an operative condition based on the liquid level; andsending a signal corresponding to the operative condition.. A method comprising: This application claims priority to U.S. Utility patent application Ser. No. 13/439,244 filed on Apr. 4, 2012, which claims priority to U.S. Utility patent application Ser. No. 13/009,919 filed on Jan. 20, 2011, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/296,733 filed on Jan. 20, 2010, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/321,485 filed on Apr. 6, 2010, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/366,197 filed on Jul. 21, 2010, the entire contents of all of which are hereby incorporated by reference herein.The presently disclosed subject matter is generally directed towards a storage tank assembly that is used at food handling facilities, such as restaurants for the storage of cooking grease. More particularly, the storage tank assembly of this presently disclosed subject matter is directed towards a translucent plastic tank having a heater to maintain the fluidity of the stored cooking grease and a control system for monitoring the storage tank assembly.Most restaurants use bulk quantities of cooking oil for frying food and require a method or apparatus for bulk storage of both fresh and spent ( ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140032137A1
Автор: Gogoana Marian

A non-invasive sensing system for determining the operating state of a heating, ventilation or air conditioning (HVAC) system. The sensing system, which includes at least one acoustic or mechanical vibration sensor, may be positioned on the HVAC system's housing to detect acoustic and/or mechanical vibration emissions in one or more specific ranges of frequencies that are characteristic of emissions resulting from the operation of the HVAC system. The sensing system can also incorporate a thermal sensor, which may be placed on the HVAC system's exhaust gas pipe. A sensing unit may communicate through a network with a server for computing system statuses and fuel consumption. The server may provide usage and efficiency information to subscriber devices and send out-of-range alerts to subscribers. 1. A premises sensing unit for monitoring heating system fuel consumption , said premises sensing unit comprising:a vibration transducer; and infer fuel-consuming states of a heating system burning unit based on signals from the vibration transducer, and', 'store, in a memory, time of fuel-consuming state information based on the inferred fuel-consuming states;, 'logic circuitry interfaced to the vibration transducer, said logic circuitry configured towherein the vibration transducer may be disposed to be exterior to the heating system burning unit to detect vibrations therefrom.2. The premises sensing unit of wherein the logic circuitry comprises:a processor;the memory;an analog to digital converter; andinterface circuitry interfacing the processor, memory, analog to digital converter;wherein the interfacing of the vibration transducer to the logic circuitry is through the analog to digital converter; andwherein the memory includes a firmware section storing processor instructions which, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to carry out the functions of inferring fuel-consuming states and storing time of fuel-consuming state information.3. The premises ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Phase-Based Tracking

Номер: US20140052389A1
Принадлежит: VEGA Grieshaber KG

For echo tracking, it is important to allocate an echo to an echo track. The relative sign of the amplitude of the echo in relation to a corresponding amplitude of the transmission signal or the relative phase of the echo in relation to a corresponding phase of the transmission signal are determined and echo allocation is based on the result of this determination. 115-. (canceled)16. A device for measuring a fill level , comprising:a signal generation unit generating and transmitting a transmission signal towards a fill medium; anda signal acquisition and processing unit (a) acquiring an echo curve corresponding to a reflected part of the transmission signal and (b) carrying out the steps of:identifying at least one echo of the echo curve;determining one of (a) a relative sign of an amplitude value of the echo in relation to a corresponding relative amplitude value of the transmission signal and (b) a relative phase of the echo in relation to a corresponding phase of the transmission signal; andallocating the echo to a first echo track which is related to previous echoes of previously acquired echo curves, if one of (a) an amplitude value of a first echo of the previous echoes of the first echo track has the same sign as the amplitude value of the echo of the echo curve and (b) a relative phase value of the first echo is identical to the relative phase value of the echo.17. The device of claim 16 , wherein determining the relative sign of the amplitude value of the echo comprises comparing the mean amplitude of the echo with a predefined reference value.18. The device of claim 16 , wherein determining the relative sign of the amplitude value of the echo comprises comparing the echo with a predefined reference curve.19. The device of claim 16 , wherein determining the relative phase of the echo includes a substep of applying a correlation calculation.20. The device of claim 16 , wherein determining the relative phase of the echo includes a substep of applying a ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Condensate sensing device

Номер: US20140083182A1
Автор: Cantolino Christopher

A condensate sensing device to generate a condensate signal when condensate within a condensate collector reaches a predetermined level comprising a hollow shell and overmold integrally formed to form a water tight enclosure to operatively house a signal generator including electronic components to selectively generate the condensate signal when the condensate within the predetermined level reaches the predetermined level to control the operation of equipment and/or energize an alarm. 1. A condensate sensing device to generate a condensate signal when condensate within a condensate collector reaches a predetermined level comprising a hollow shell and overmold integrally formed to form a water tight enclosure to operatively house a signal generator including electronic components to selectively generate the condensate signal when the condensate within the predetermined level reaches the predetermined level to control the operation of equipment and/or energize an alarm.2. The condensate sensing device of wherein said hollow shell comprises a base having a plurality of component chambers extending from the upper surface of said base to receive and house a corresponding plurality of system components of said signal generator.3. The condensate sensing device of wherein at least one protrusion extends from said base of said hollow shell to align said hollow shell with a hole formed in said signal generator and to form a permanent bond therebetween.4. The condensate sensing device of wherein a pin or protrusion extends from each corner of said hollow shell and a hole is formed through each corner of said signal generator to receive a corresponding pin or protrusion of said hollow shell therethrough to align said plurality of system components of said signal generator and said plurality of component chambers of said hollow shell.5. The condensate sensing device of further including an anchor extending outwardly from each side of said base to secure said hollow shell and ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Coaxial probe comprising terminating resistor

Номер: US20140084944A1
Принадлежит: VEGA Grieshaber KG

A coaxial probe is for a TDR fill-level measuring instrument, in which probe the inner conductor is connected to the outer conductor via a terminating resistor. The terminating resistor is mounted in a cylindrical recess in the inner conductor and sealed with respect to the measuring environment. In this way, the measurement of the fill level in the region of the probe end can be improved.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Wading vehicle water level display

Номер: US20140085066A1
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

A vehicle ( 100 ) comprising a wading information display ( 1020 ), a memory and a processor, the memory containing a program configured to run on the processor to calculate the maximum wading depth of the vehicle from the measured suspension travel, and to display the maximum wading depth on the display. The display may also show a dual wading depth, an advisory wading speed, and vehicle inclination.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000162A1

A portable, personal storage and carrying case for an e-liquid e-cigarette PV in which the case includes: an electrical power source for re-charging a rechargeable battery in the PV; a user-replaceable reservoir for holding e-liquid; and an electrical or electronic pump adapted to transfer e-liquid from the reservoir to a chamber in the PV, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the PV includes indicators that show when e-liquid equivalent to a single cigarette is present in the PV and when that e-liquid equivalent to a single cigarette has been consumed. 1. A portable , personal storage and carrying case for an e-liquid e-cigarette PV in which the case includes:(a) an electrical power source for re-charging a rechargeable battery in the PV;(b) a user-replaceable reservoir for holding e-liquid; and(c) an electrical or electronic pump adapted to transfer e-liquid from the reservoir to a chamber in the PV, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir;and in which the PV includes indicators that show when e-liquid equivalent to a single cigarette is present in the PV and when that e-liquid equivalent to a single cigarette has been consumed.2. The case of claim 1 , in which the case is configured to automatically fully re-fill the PV with e-liquid and fully charge the PV so that the PV is in a fully re-filled and re-charged state when it is removed from the case.3. The case of claim 1 , in which the case completely encloses the PV when the case is closed.4. The case of claim 1 , in which the case is configured to re-fill the PV with e-liquid when the PV is inserted into the case claim 1 , without the need to dis-assemble or puncture the PV claim 1 , maintaining the PV whole and intact.5. The case of claim 1 , in which the case displays a visual indication of e-liquid volume remaining in the reservoir.6. The case of claim 1 , in which the case includes a hinged ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000163A1

A portable, personal storage and carrying case for an e-liquid e-cigarette PV in which the case includes: a refillable PV that is removable from the case; an electrical power source for re-charging a rechargeable battery in the PV; a user-replaceable reservoir for holding e-liquid; and an electrical or electronic pump adapted to transfer e-liquid from the reservoir to a chamber in the PV, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the case has closed and open positions, and lifts up the removable PV when in the open position to enable a user to readily withdraw the PV from the case. 1. A portable , personal storage and carrying case for an e-liquid e-cigarette PV in which the case includes:(a) a refillable PV that is removable from the case;(b) an electrical power source for re-charging a rechargeable battery in the PV;(c) a user-replaceable reservoir for holding e-liquid; and(d) an electrical or electronic pump adapted to transfer e-liquid from the reservoir to a chamber in the PV, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir;and in which the case has closed and open positions, and lifts up the removable PV when in the open position to enable a user to readily withdraw the PV from the case.2. The case of claim 1 , in which the case is configured to automatically fully re-fill the PV with e-liquid and fully charge the PV so that the PV is in a fully re-filled and re-charged state when it is removed from the case.3. The case of claim 1 , in which the case completely encloses the PV when the case is closed.4. The case of claim 1 , in which the case is configured to re-fill the PV with e-liquid when the PV is inserted into the case claim 1 , without the need to dis-assemble or puncture the PV claim 1 , maintaining the PV whole and intact.5. The case of claim 1 , in which the case displays a visual indication of e-liquid volume remaining in the reservoir.6. The case of ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003588A1
Автор: Volkerink Hendrik J.

A method may include a first intelligent node collecting sensor data of fluid within a confined space within proximity of the intelligent node. The method may further include the first intelligent node analyzing the sensor data to determine a level of fluid within the confined space. The method may further include the first intelligent node comparing the level of fluid within the confined space to a predetermined level of fluid. The method may further include determining, based on comparing the level of fluid within the confined space to the predetermined level of fluid, that a fluid threshold is satisfied. The method may further include first intelligent node transmitting the sensor data to a wireless network in response to determining that the fluid threshold is satisfied. 1. A method , comprising:collecting, by a first intelligent node, sensor data of fluid within a confined space within proximity of the intelligent node;analyzing, by the first intelligent node, the sensor data to determine a level of fluid within the confined space;comparing, by the first intelligent node, the level of fluid within the confined space to a predetermined level of fluid;determining, based on comparing the level of fluid within the confined space to the predetermined level of fluid, that a fluid threshold is satisfied; andtransmitting, by the first intelligent node, the sensor data to a wireless network in response to determining that the fluid threshold is satisfied.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wireless network includes at least the first intelligent node and a second intelligent node and wherein transmitting the sensor data to the network includes transmitting the sensor data claim 1 , from the first intelligent node claim 1 , to the second intelligent node claim 1 , the method further comprising:transmitting, by the second intelligent node, the sensor data to a remote server.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first intelligent node includes a low-power wireless- ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002658A1

A liquid level measuring device includes a container and a digital electronic device. The container is located at a detection region. The container has an opening, so that a liquid is permitted to flow into the container through the opening. The digital electronic device is combined with the container. The digital electronic device includes a lens, and an optical axis of the lens is directed to and perpendicular to a detection plane. A light source illuminates the detection plane. The lens is operated in a fixed-focus mode to shoot the detection plane to acquire an image stream. Each image frame of the image stream contains a corresponding liquid surface image. After an image analyzing operation is performed on the corresponding liquid surface image to calculate the corresponding liquid surface image, a liquid level of the liquid is realized. 1. A liquid level measuring device , comprising:a container located at a detection region, wherein the container has an opening, so that a liquid is permitted to flow into the container through the opening; anda digital electronic device combined with the container, wherein the digital electronic device comprises a lens, and an optical axis of the lens is directed to and perpendicular to a detection plane, wherein a light source illuminates the detection plane, and the lens is operated in a fixed-focus mode to shoot the detection plane to acquire an image stream,wherein each image frame of the image stream contains a corresponding liquid surface image, wherein after an image analyzing operation is performed on the corresponding liquid surface image to calculate the corresponding liquid surface image, a liquid level of the liquid is realized.2. The liquid level measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the opening is located at a lower portion of the container.3. The liquid level measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the container is a cylindrical or tubal structure with a closed top end claim 1 , the container ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003660A1
Автор: JR. RAMON, Martinez

A fuel measurement system is configured to determine an amount of a fuel in a tank. The fuel measurement system contains at least one transmitter and receiver configured to dispatch an emission wave through the tank which are reflected off of the tank and returned as returned waves. Time for the emission wave to return to the at least one transmitter and receiver is measured. An integrated circuit is communicatively coupled to the at least one transmitter and receiver and a thermocouple. The time is communicated from the at least one transmitter and receiver to the integrated circuit. The time is used to calculate the amount of the fuel in the tank. A display is configured to show the amount of the fuel remaining the in the tank. 1. A fuel measurement system , configured to determine an amount of a fuel in a tank , the fuel measurement system comprising:at least one transmitter and receiver configured to dispatch an emission wave through the tank which are reflected off of the tank and returned as returned waves;wherein time for the emission wave to return to the at least one transmitter and receiver is measured;an integrated circuit; communicatively coupled to the at least one transmitter and receiver and a thermocouple; wherein the time is communicated from the at least one transmitter and receiver to the integrated circuit; wherein the time is used to calculate the amount of the fuel in the tank; anda display configured to show the amount of the fuel remaining the in the tank.2. The fuel measurement system of claim 1 , further comprising:a body mechanically coupled to the at least one transmitter and receiver; anda magnet mechanically coupled to the body; wherein the magnet is configured to detachably coupled the body to the tank.3. The fuel measurement system of claim 2 , wherein the display is a dial face mechanically coupled to the body.4. The fuel measurement system of claim 2 , wherein the display is a digital screen mechanically coupled to the body.5. The ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003661A1
Автор: Shigemoto Kazunari
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An oil level gauge mounting structure includes an oil level gauge, a dipstick insertion hole, a peripheral wall, and an opening portion. The oil level gauge includes a grip portion and a dipstick. The grip portion has a finger insertion hole which defines a finger insertion direction for the finger insertion hole and into which a finger of an operating person is to be inserted from the finger insertion direction for the finger insertion hole. The peripheral wall surrounds the grip portion from directions except the finger insertion direction for the finger insertion hole so as to define an insertion recess portion to receive the grip portion in a state in which the dipstick is inserted in the dipstick insertion hole. The opening portion is open in the finger insertion direction for the finger insertion hole in the state in which the dipstick is inserted in the dipstick insertion hole. 1. An oil level gauge mounting structure for an oil level gauge that measures a lubricating oil surface position in an oil pan of an internal combustion engine , comprising:the oil level gauge including a grip portion of the oil level gauge which has a finger insertion hole into which a finger of an operating person is inserted, and a dipstick that extends from the grip portion and that measures the lubricating oil surface position in the oil pan;a dipstick insertion hole provided in an upper portion of the internal combustion engine which accepts insertion of the dipstick;a peripheral wall provided in the upper portion of the internal combustion engine which at least partially defines an insertion recess portion that receives the grip portion by surrounding the grip portion, except from a finger insertion direction for the finger insertion hole, when the dipstick is inserted in the insertion hole; andan opening portion provided in the upper portion of the internal combustion engine which is open in the finger insertion direction for the finger insertion hole,wherein the insertion ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003666A1

The method generally has the steps of: measuring a measured liquid level value in a reservoir; generating a filtered liquid level value including applying a first noise filtration stage to the measured liquid level value to limit the change of the filtered liquid level value compared to previous liquid level value measurements; determining a variation of the generated filtered liquid level value over a given period of time; comparing the determined variation to a threshold value; when the determined variation is above the threshold value, entering a sloshing mode, the sloshing mode including generating an outputted liquid level value corresponding to a filtered liquid level value generated prior to entering the sloshing mode, the sloshing mode being maintained until the determined variation is below the threshold value; and when the determined variation is below the threshold value, generating an outputted liquid level value corresponding to the filtered liquid level value. 1. A method for filtering noise in liquid level measurements of a reservoir , the method comprising the steps of:measuring a measured liquid level value indicative of a liquid level in the reservoir at a given point in time;estimating a liquid level value in the reservoir at the given point in time, said estimation being based on the measured liquid level value at the given point in time and on at least one liquid level value measured before the given point in time;obtaining a deviation value by comparing the measured liquid level value to the estimated liquid level value;obtaining a number of noisy deviation values by comparing an amount of the previously obtained deviation values to a noise threshold value; andoutputting a noise-reduced liquid level value, the noise-reduced liquid level value corresponding to the estimated value when the number of noisy deviation values is below a noise limit and to a previously outputted liquid level value when the number of noisy deviation values is above the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003601A1

A fluid reservoir may include a number of metal traces along a wall of the fluid reservoir, and a number of fuse circuits along a length of the metal traces. Each of the fuse circuits may include a fuse along a length of a respective metal trace, and a number of parasitic resistive elements in parallel to the fuse. The parasitic resistive elements reduce current flow through the fuse in the presence of a fluid contained within the fluid reservoir. 1. A method of forming a fluid level sensor comprising:forming a number of metal traces along a wall of a fluid reservoir; forming a fuse along a length of a respective metal trace; and', 'forming a number of parasitic resistive elements in parallel to the fuse, the parasitic resistive elements reducing current flow through the fuse in the presence of a fluid contained within the fluid reservoir., 'forming a number of fuse circuits along a length of the metal traces, wherein forming the fuse circuits comprises, for each of the fuse circuits2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the parasitic resistive elements increase the current flow through the fuse when the parasitic resistive elements are not in the presence of the fluid, andthe fuse trips in response to the increase in current flow.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the number of metal traces along the wall of the fluid reservoir comprises forming the number of metal traces using laser direct structuring (LDS).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a location of the number of fuse circuits within the fluid reservoir define a corresponding number of levels of fluid within the fluid reservoir.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a width within the fuses claim 1 , a width of the metal traces claim 1 , a thickness of the metal traces claim 1 , a design of the parasitic resistive elements within the fuse circuits claim 1 , or combinations thereof define a breaking capacity of the fuse circuit.6. A fluid reservoir comprising:a number of metal traces along a wall of the fluid ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003605A1

A fluid sensor system capable of sensing a fluid level or a volume of fluid held by a reservoir, such as a container or a tank. In one embodiment, the system may include a magnetic element in a flotation device that suspends the magnetic element in the fluid held by the reservoir, so that the magnetic element randomly floats in proximity to a top of the fluid surface. Two or more magnetic field sensors or magnetometers are associated with the reservoir in at least two different locations, spaced apart from one another. The system further includes a processor coupled to the sensors. The magnetic field sensors may sense the strength of the magnetic field around the magnetic element to generate signals that are sent to the processor. The processor may then determine the location of the magnetic element within the reservoir based on the signals. The determined location can be correlated to a volume of fluid within the tank which is output to another device and/or a user. 1. A fluid sensor system for fluid held by a fluid reservoir system , the fluid reservoir system having a cap assembly for closing an opening of fluid reservoir system , said fluid sensor system comprising:a floatation device having a magnetic element, said floatation device configured to float in proximity to a surface of the fluid in the fluid reservoir system, wherein said floatation device is buoyant with respect to the fluid;a magnetic field sensor configured to sense a magnetic field strength, said magnetic field sensor disposed on the cap assembly or a position corresponding to a substantially empty condition for the fluid reservoir system, said magnetic field sensor configured to provide a sensor output indicative of said sensed magnetic field strength, wherein said magnetic field strength varies as a function of a position of said magnetic element with respect to said magnetic field sensor, wherein said position of said magnetic element corresponds to a fluid level of the fluid that is held by ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Modulating makeup fluid control systems and methods for same

Номер: US20210003299A1
Автор: Matthew W. Abel
Принадлежит: Pure Humidifier Co

A method for maintaining a boiling rate of a base fluid can include a determination of a fluid level of a turbulated base fluid in a reservoir. The fluid level can be determined by measuring at least one first height of the turbulated base fluid above the fluid level with at least a first sensor. The fluid level can be determined by measuring at least one second height of the turbulated base fluid below the fluid level with the first sensor. The method can include the establishment of the fluid level of the turbulated base fluid. The fluid level can be established according to the measured at least one first and second heights. The method can include the graduated introduction of an input fluid into the reservoir. A control valve can gradually introduce the input fluid in proportion to the established fluid level of the turbulated base fluid.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003443A1

A tank and liquid level indicator has first housing that holds a liquid and a second elongated housing in fluid communication with the first elongated housing so that a liquid level in the second housing is approximately equal to the level in the first housing. A float in the second housing cooperates with the circuitry to operate one or more light switches. A light-transmissive cover is disposed over the light source. 1. A tank and liquid level indicator comprising:a first housing enclosing a first volume that holds a liquid;a second elongated housing enclosing a second volume, wherein the second housing is attached to an exterior of the first housing so that the second volume is in fluid communication with the first volume so that a level of the liquid within the second volume is approximately equal to a level of the liquid in the first volume;a float disposed within the second volume and being buoyant with respect to the liquid so that the float moves with the level of the liquid in the second volume along a first axis passing through a center of the float;circuitry disposed with respect to the second volume and in operative communication with the float so that movement of the float within the second volume in response to the level of the liquid within the second volume causes a detection of the float by said circuitry that varies correspondingly to the movement of the float within the second volume;at least one light source in electrical communication with the circuitry so that the circuitry controls actuation of the at least one light source in response to the detection of the float by the circuitry; anda light-transmissive cover attached to the second housing so that the at least one light source is disposed in an area between the second housing and the light-transmissive cover, wherein an outer surface of the light-transmissive cover is disposed on at least one side of a first plane that is parallel to the first axis and at an outer surface of the second ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Open Sight Glass System

Номер: US20190003702A1

A sight glass system that simplifies the way a sight glass is cleaned and accessed during servicing a boiler or tank. This system allows someone to treat the boiler or tank with a cleaning liquid solution without taking off the pressure release valve of the vessel to pour in the solution. The cleaning process is now achieved easily with the sight glass system by taking off the service valve head cap to pour the treatment through the sight glass and into the boiler or tank with the shut off valves open. The system consist of a sight glass that is connected to a top and bottom valve having a removable threaded cap, a female threaded aperture on one side, and a threaded protrusion that secures the sight glass via a fastening system of a rubber washer, O-ring, and wing nut respectively. Furthermore, the top valve is designed in such a way that will allow the sight glass when not secured to slide up and out when the fastening system is unfastened. By unfastening the fastening system, the wing nut can move freely down the sight glass allowing for easy removal of the sight glass through the top valve when the cap is removed along with the rubber washer and O-ring. The top and bottom valves are connected to the main water shutoff valves respectively via a threaded member that is screwed on to the side of the valves containing a female threaded aperture. 1. A sight glass system for boilers and tanks comprising:a cleaning service valve head with a cap, andan aperture to connect to a top main water shutoff valve to the cleaning service valve head, anda sight glass that connects to the cleaning service valve head and can slide up and out through the cleaning service valve head when the cleaning service valve head cap is removed, andthe bottom of the sight glass connects to a cleaning service valve foot, andthe cleaning service valve foot has a drain plug and another aperture that connects to a bottom main water shutoff valve.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled) The present ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003620A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A load estimating device measures a voltage and a current supplied to a plurality of loads connected with a power supply, and obtains feature amounts of the plurality of loads from measurement values of the voltage and the current. A storage device stores a feature amount of each combination of two or more loads in advance. The load estimating device estimates what the plurality of loads connected with the power supply device are, on the basis of the obtained feature amounts and the feature amounts stored in the storage device. The feature amount includes a combination of an apparent power and a power factor. 1. A load estimating device , comprising:a measuring circuit configured to measure a voltage and a current supplied to a plurality of loads connected with a power supply device;a calculating unit configured to calculate feature amounts of the plurality of loads from measurement values of the voltage and the current measured by the measuring circuit;a storage device configured to store a feature amount of each combination of two or more loads in advance; anda load estimating unit configured to estimate what the plurality of loads connected with the power supply device are, on the basis of the feature amounts calculated by the calculating unit and the feature amounts stored in the storage device,wherein the feature amount includes a combination of an apparent power and a power factor.2. The load estimating device according to claim 1 , comprising:a gauging unit configured to gauge a power amount available from the power supply device;a determining unit configured to determine a time during which the plurality of loads estimated by the load estimating unit are continuously operable, on the basis of power consumptions of the plurality of loads, and the power amount; andan output device configured to output the time during which the plurality of loads are continuously operable.3. The load estimating device according to claim 1 , whereinthe power supply device is a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003870A1

An airplane is provided. The airplane includes a fuel gauging and quantity estimation system with an improved estimation accuracy. The fuel gauging and quantity estimation system operates by detecting an environment of a tank comprising a liquid and selecting one or more liquid gauging algorithms based on the environment. The fuel gauging and quantity estimation system further operates by receiving sensor data characterizing the liquid of the tank and utilizing the sensor data and the one or more liquid gauging algorithms to determine a property of the liquid. 1. A processor-implemented method comprising:detecting, by a processor, an environment of a tank comprising a liquid;selecting, by the processor, one or more liquid gauging algorithms from a plurality of liquid gauging algorithms based on the environment;receiving, by the processor, sensor data characterizing the liquid of the tank; andutilizing, by the processor, the sensor data and the one or more liquid gauging algorithms liquid gauging algorithm to determine a property of the liquid.2. The processor-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein detecting the environment comprises utilizing a relationship between an acceleration of the tank and pitch and roll angles of the tank to determine an effective attitude estimation.3. The processor-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of liquid gauging algorithms comprises a plurality of neural networks claim 1 , each neural network being designed to calculate the property based on a corresponding attitude range.4. The processor-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein an attitude subset of each of the plurality of liquid gauging algorithms overlaps with an attitude subset of at least one other liquid gauging algorithm of the plurality of liquid gauging algorithms.5. The processor-implemented method of claim 4 , wherein the attitude subset comprises a single algorithm chosen based on attitude estimates relative to the attitude ranges of all algorithms.6. ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for managing a weight of a plant in a grow pod

Номер: US20220015305A1
Принадлежит: Grow Solutions Tech LLC

An assembly line grow pod includes a seeding region, a harvesting region, a track that extends between the seeding region and the harvesting region, a cart including a tray for holding plant matter, and a wheel coupled to the tray, where the wheel is engaged with the track, and a weight sensor positioned on the cart or the track, where the weight sensor is positioned to detect a weight of the plant matter positioned within the cart.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Universal Measurement data Acquisition in Water

Номер: US20150007655A1
Автор: Skowaisa Juergen

In order to determine a level and the flow speed of a medium, FMCW transmission signals and CW transmission signals are emitted alternately. Using the Doppler effect, the flow speed of the medium can be determined from the reflected CW signal. The level is determined from the reflected FMCW signal. 1. Fill level measurement device for determining a distance from a medium and a flow speed of the medium by evaluating a transmission signal emitted by the fill level measurement device and reflected by the medium , the fill level measurement device comprising:a signal generator module for generating the transmission signal, which has an amplitude modulation or a frequency modulation during a first time interval and which has no modulation during a second time interval;an antenna arrangement for emitting the transmission signal in a first direction oblique to the flow direction of the medium;a processor unit for determining the distance from the medium and the flow speed of the medium by evaluating the transmission signal reflected by the medium and received by the antenna arrangement.2. Fill level measurement device according to claim 1 , wherein the antenna arrangement is configured to emit the transmission signal in a second direction which is perpendicular to the flow direction of the medium.3. Fill level measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the antenna arrangement is a single antenna having two or more radiation directions.4. Fill level measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the antenna arrangement comprises a first antenna and a second antenna claim 1 , wherein the first antenna is configured to emit the transmission signal in the first direction and the second antenna is configured to emit the transmission signal in the second direction.5. Fill level measurement device according to claim 4 , wherein the two antennas are both connected to the signal generator module via a directional coupler claim 4 , a switch or a power splitter.6. Fill level ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008483A1

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable. 1. A portable , personal , battery powered , nicotine delivery system comprising:(a) a pocket charger including a main battery;(b) a personal vaporizing device including (i) a secondary battery that is re-charged from the main battery and (ii) a heating element powered by that secondary battery to heat a nicotine containing substance and to create heated, inhalable nicotine vapour, the personal vaporizing device being stored in and removable from the pocket charger,and in which the pocket charger includes a hinged door that is hinged to a body of the pocket charger at a pivot;and the hinged door is configured to receive and retain the personal vaporizing device when electrically charging that device;and the hinged door is configured to open from the body of the pocket charger when an end-user presses a portion of that hinged door that is, when the pocket charger is in an upright position, below the pivot.2. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to hinge outwards from the pocket charger.3. The system of in which the pocket charger includes a spring that positively biases the hinged door to a closed position.4. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to guide electrical charging contacts in the personal vaporizing device into accurate alignment with electrical charging contacts in the pocket charger.5. The system of in which the system automatically detects that the personal vaporising device has been ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008484A1

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable. 1. A portable , personal , battery powered , nicotine delivery system comprising:(a) a pocket charger including a main battery;(b) a personal vaporizing device including (i) a secondary battery that is re-charged from the main battery and (ii) a heating element powered by that secondary battery to heat a nicotine containing substance and to create heated, inhalable nicotine vapour; the personal vaporizing device being stored in and removable from the pocket charger;and in which the pocket charger includes a hinged door that is configured to receive and retain the personal vaporizing device;and the pocket charger is programmed or controlled so that its electrical state automatically alters when the personal vaporizing device is withdrawn from the hinged door.2. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to hinge outwards from the pocket charger.3. The system of in which the pocket charger includes a spring that positively biases the hinged door to a closed position.4. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to guide electrical charging contacts in the personal vaporizing device into accurate alignment with electrical charging contacts in the pocket charger.5. The system of in which the system automatically detects that the personal vaporising device has been removed from the hinged door when electrical contact between the device and charging contacts in the pocket charger is broken.6. The system of in which ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

E-cigarette personal vaporizer

Номер: US20200008485A1
Принадлежит: AYR Ltd

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008486A1

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable. 1. A portable , personal , battery powered , nicotine delivery system comprising:(a) a pocket charger including a main battery;(b) a personal vaporizing device including (i) a secondary battery that is re-charged from the main battery and (ii) a heating element powered by that secondary battery to heat a nicotine containing substance and to create heated, inhalable nicotine vapour; the personal vaporizing device being stored in and removable from the pocket charger;and in which the pocket charger includes a hinged door that is configured to receive and retain the personal vaporizing device;and the personal vaporizing device is configured to vibrate when it reaches its operating temperature or when the device is ready to be used.2. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to hinge outwards from the pocket charger.3. The system of in which the pocket charger includes a spring that positively biases the hinged door to a closed position.4. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to guide electrical charging contacts in the personal vaporizing device into accurate alignment with electrical charging contacts in the pocket charger.5. The system of in which the system automatically detects that the personal vaporising device has been removed from the hinged door when electrical contact between the device and charging contacts in the pocket charger is broken.6. The system of in which the personal vaporizing ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008487A1

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable. 1. A portable , personal , battery powered , nicotine delivery system comprising:(a) a pocket charger including a main battery;(b) a personal vaporizing device including (i) a secondary battery that is re-charged from the main battery and (ii) a heating element powered by that secondary battery to heat a nicotine containing substance and to create heated, inhalable nicotine vapour; the personal vaporizing device being stored in and removable from the pocket charger;and in which the pocket charger includes a hinged door that is configured to receive and retain the personal vaporizing device;and in which the personal vaporizing device is configured to temporarily cease to operate after the user has inhaled nicotine substantially equivalent to smoking a single cigarette.2. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to hinge outwards from the pocket charger.3. The system of in which the pocket charger includes a spring that positively biases the hinged door to a closed position.4. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to guide the electrical charging contacts in the personal vaporizing device into accurate alignment with electrical charging contacts in the pocket charger.5. The system of in which the system automatically detects that the personal vaporising device has been removed from the hinged door when electrical contact between the device and charging contacts in the pocket charger is broken.6. The ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

E-cigarette personal vaporizer

Номер: US20200008488A1
Принадлежит: AYR Ltd

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008489A1

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable. 1. A portable , personal , battery powered , nicotine delivery system comprising:(a) a pocket charger including a main battery;(b) a personal vaporizing device including (i) a secondary battery that is re-charged from the main battery and (ii) a heating element powered by that secondary battery to heat a nicotine containing substance and to create heated, inhalable nicotine vapour; the personal vaporizing device being stored in and removable from the pocket charger;and in which:(c) the pocket charger includes a hinged door and further includes electrical charging contacts that are connected to the main battery in the pocket charger;(d) the personal vaporizing device includes electrical charging contacts and is configured to be inserted into the hinged door of the pocket charger in order to bring the electrical charging contacts in the personal vaporizing device into engagement with the electrical charging contacts in the pocket charger.2. The system of in which the hinged door of the pocket charger includes the electrical power charging contacts that are connected to the main battery in the pocket charger.3. The system of in which the hinged door of the pocket charger is configured to secure the personal vaporizing device in a charging position.4. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to hinge outwards from a lower section of the pocket charger.5. The system of in which the pocket charger includes a spring that ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008490A1

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable. 1. A portable , personal , battery powered , nicotine delivery system comprising:(a) a pocket charger including a main battery;(b) a personal vaporizing device including (i) a secondary battery that is re-charged from the main battery and (ii) a heating element powered by that secondary battery to heat a nicotine containing substance and to create heated, inhalable nicotine vapour; the personal vaporizing device being stored in and removable from the pocket charger;and in which:(c) the pocket charger includes a pivoting section that is configured to fully enclose the personal vaporizing device when in a closed position and to expose an upper portion of the personal vaporizing device when in an open position.2. The system of in which the pivoting section fully encloses the personal vaporizing device when electrically charging the personal vaporizing device.3. The system of in which the pivoting section exposes an upper section of the personal vaporizing device when in an open position to enable an end-user to fully withdraw that personal vaporizing device from the pivoting section.4. The system of in which the pivoting section is configured to hinge outwards from the pocket charger.5. The system of in which the pocket charger includes a spring that positively biases the pivoting section to a closed position.6. The system of in which the pivoting section is configured to guide electrical charging contacts in the personal ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008491A1

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable. 1. A portable , personal , battery powered , nicotine delivery system comprising:(a) a pocket charger including a main battery;(b) a personal vaporizing device including (i) a secondary battery that is re-charged from the main battery and (ii) a heating element powered by that secondary battery to heat a nicotine containing substance and to create heated, inhalable nicotine vapour; the personal vaporizing device being stored in and removable from the pocket charger;and in which the pocket charger includes a hinged door that is configured to receive and retain the personal vaporizing device;and the hinged door is further configured to pivot out from the pocket charger to an open position and for a section of the hinged door to then move into a void in the pocket charger.2. The system of in which the void is claim 1 , when the pocket charger is in an upright position claim 1 , below a pivot mounted in the pocket charger.3. The system of in which the void is claim 2 , when the pocket charger is in an upright position claim 2 , below the main battery in the pocket charger.4. The system of in which the pocket charger includes a spring that positively biases the hinged door to a closed position.5. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to guide electrical charging contacts in the personal vaporizing device into accurate alignment with electrical charging contacts in the pocket charger.6. The system of in which the system ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008492A1

A user-replaceable e-liquid reservoir for dispensing e-liquid, the reservoir being inserted into, or otherwise attached to, a portable, personal e-cigarette device and engaging with an electrical or electronic pump fluid transfer system in the device, the device including: an electrical or electronic pump, being configured to transfer e-liquid from the e-liquid reservoir to an atomizing unit in the device, the pump delivering a pre-defined or variable quantity of e-liquid from the reservoir; and in which the reservoir is not user-refillable. 1. A portable , personal , battery powered , nicotine delivery system comprising:(a) a pocket charger including a main battery;(b) a personal vaporizing device including (i) a secondary battery that is re-charged from the main battery and (ii) a heating element powered by that secondary battery to heat a nicotine containing substance and to create heated, inhalable nicotine vapour; the personal vaporizing device being stored in and removable from the pocket charger;and in which the pocket charger stores the personal vaporizing device when electrically charging that device in a hinged door;and a first section of the hinged door has side walls with edges that are substantially parallel to a front face of the hinged door;and a second section of the hinged door has side walls that extend at substantially 45 degrees to the front face of the hinged door.2. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to hinge outwards from the pocket charger.3. The system of in which the pocket charger includes a spring that positively biases the hinged door to a closed position.4. The system of in which the hinged door is configured to guide electrical charging contacts in the personal vaporizing device into accurate alignment with electrical charging contacts in the pocket charger.5. The system of in which the system automatically detects that the personal vaporising device has been removed from the hinged door when electrical contact ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026121A1

A system for measuring oil circulation ratio in a vapor-compression refrigeration system (VCRS) is provided. The system may include an oil separator configured to receive the refrigerant and oil flow from the low-pressure line of the VCRS and output a oil flow and a refrigerant flow. The system may further include an oil collector configured to receive the separated oil flow provided by the oil separator. A valve may control an oil flow from the oil collector to the low-pressure line. A level sensor may measure oil level in the oil collector. The system may close, in response to the oil being at or less than a first level, the valve to collect oil in the oil collector. The system may open, in response to the oil being at or greater than a second level, the valve to release oil from the oil collector to the low-pressure line. 1. A system , the system comprising:an oil separator configured to receive the refrigerant and oil flow from the low-pressure line of the VCRS and output a oil flow and a refrigerant flow;an oil collector configured to receive the separated oil flow provided by the oil separator;a valve configured to control an oil flow from the oil collector to the low-pressure line;a level sensor configured to measure oil level in the oil collector; and close, in response to the oil being at or less than a first level, the valve to collect oil in the oil collector; and', 'open, in response to the oil being at or greater than a second level, the valve to release oil from the oil collector to the low-pressure line., 'a processor, the processor configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:measure an amount of oil in the accumulator at the first level of the oil collector;measure an amount of oil in the accumulator at the second level of the oil collector;generate an oil cycle rate for the VCRS measurement and the second oil level measurement; andoutput the oil cycle rate.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein to output the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for automated wetstock management

Номер: US20210010992A1
Принадлежит: Wayne Fueling Systems LLC

An automated wetstock management system can include a plurality of sensors disposed in a fuel storage facility, the plurality of sensors configured to sense fuel data characterizing one or more aspects of the fuel storage facility, and a wetstock management server communicatively coupled to the plurality of sensors. The wetstock management server can process the fuel data to detect whether the fuel data satisfies an exception indicative of an operational issue of the fuel storage facility based on one or more predefined rules or models stored in the wetstock management server. In some embodiments, the wetstock management server can generate a workflow for assisting a user of the fuel storage facility to resolve the operational issue. In some embodiments, the wetstock management server can assign a risk category to the exception and electronically transmit an alert characterizing the operational issue to the user.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013428A1

A connector is used to bring a harness from a level sensor that is arranged in the oil pan and detects a level of oil in the oil pan, out of the oil pan. The connector includes a contact that is electrically connected to the level sensor, and a housing that retains the contact. The housing includes a housing portion that is housed in the connector mounting hole, and a clip attaching groove and a flange portion that are arranged sandwiching the housing portion. A clip and the flange portion sandwich the oil pan, such that the connector is attached to the oil pan, by the housing portion being housed in the connector mounting hole, and the clip being attached to the clip attaching groove. 1. A connector mounting structure comprising:an oil pan that has a connector mounting hole;an elastic body that extends in a U-shape; anda connector, the connector bringing wiring from a level detection sensor that is arranged in the oil pan and detects a level of oil in the oil pan out of the oil pan, the connector including a contact that is electrically connected to the level detection sensor, and a housing that retains the contact, the housing including a housing portion that is housed in the connector mounting hole, and an elastic body attaching groove and a catching portion that are arranged sandwiching the housing portion, the elastic body and the catching portion sandwiching the oil pan, such that the connector is attached to the oil pan, by the housing portion being housed in the connector mounting hole, and the elastic body being attached to the elastic body attaching groove.2. The connector mounting structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe elastic body has a pair of arms and three pawl portions, and extends in an E-shape.3. A mounting-result inspection tool that inspects whether an elastic body is properly attached to an elastic body attaching groove claim 1 , comprising:a connector mounting structure that includes an oil pan having a connector mounting hole, an elastic ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for Calculating a Linearization Curve for Determining the Fill Level in a Container and the Use of a Mobile End Device for Said Method

Номер: US20200011724A1
Автор: Dieterle Marcel

Method for calculating a linearization curve for determining the fill level in a container from a filling height, said method comprising the following steps: acquiring three-dimensional data of the container with a mobile end device, having at least one optical camera, a depth sensor and a motion detector, establishing a three-dimensional model of the container, and calculating the linearization curve from the three-dimensional model for determining a fill level from a measured filling height. 1. A method for calculating a linearization curve for determining the fill level in a container from a filling height , comprising the following steps:acquiring three-dimensional data of the container with a mobile end device, having at least one optical camera, a depth sensor and a motion detector,establishing a three-dimensional model of the container,calculating the linearization curve from the three-dimensional model for determining a fill level from a measured filling height.2. The method claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional data of at least one outer shell of the container are acquired.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising wherein a material thickness of the container is entered.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional data of an inner shell of the container are acquired.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acquisition of the three-dimensional data of the container occurs in accordance with one or a combination of the methods: time of flight claim 1 , structured light or stereoscopy.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional acquisition of the container is supported by means of a database with three-dimensional data of possible built-in components.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising wherein claim 1 , in addition to the linearization curve claim 1 , a suitable fill level measuring method and/or an optimized position for a fill level sensor is/are determined and outputted.8. A method of use of a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011725A1

A sensor includes a planar T-resonator and an oscillator. The planar T-resonator can be a branched T-resonator with at least two symmetrical branches coupled to a stub. The oscillator has an input coupled to the planar T-resonator and an output. The oscillator has a negative resistance within a predetermined frequency range. The oscillator can be configured so that it has an input phase approximately equal to a phase of the planar T-resonator over a majority of the predetermined frequency range. 1. A sensor system , comprising:a planar T-resonator, which includes a conductor having a feedline coupled to a stub and a ground plane; andan oscillator having an input coupled to the planar T-resonator and an output, wherein the oscillator has a negative resistance within a predetermined frequency range and an input phase of the oscillator is approximately equal to a phase of the planar T-resonator over a majority of the predetermined frequency range.2. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the feedline of the planar T-resonator includes at least a first pair of symmetrical branches and a second pair of symmetrical branches coupled to the stub.3. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the output of the oscillator is coupled to a wireless communication interface and provides a signal corresponding to a resonant frequency of the planar T-resonator.4. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the planar T-resonator is printed on a flexible substrate and the oscillator is on a non-flexible substrate.5. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the planar T-resonator is printed on a surface of a container.6. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the container is a flexible container.7. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the oscillator includes a transistor claim 1 , a first capacitor coupled to a gate of the transistor claim 1 , and a second capacitor coupled to a drain of the transistor claim 1 , wherein parameters of the first and second capacitors are selected so that the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Spherical Canister

Номер: US20220031926A1
Принадлежит: Design Department Inc

A canister for collection and storage of fluids under vacuum, comprising a spherical container having a first hemispherical component and a second hemispherical component. The first and second components are connected at a canister beltline consisting of multiple flanges, to provide an air-tight and liquid tight seal.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Transmission fluid nozzle

Номер: US20190016586A1

An apparatus is provided. The apparatus may include an elongated shaft including a passage terminating at a nozzle including a dispersion plate and tapered sidewalls between the dispersion plate and the elongated shaft. The tapered side walls may define a single opening, an outer surface of the sidewalls may define a tapered exit for the opening, an inner surface of the sidewalls may define a non-tapered entrance into the opening, the nozzle is sized to be received by a transmission case inlet, and an internal diameter of the passage is less than the tapered exit.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150019054A1

Methods and systems are provided for displaying a recommended engine fuel fill amount to an operator of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. In one example, the recommended engine fuel fill amount is determined based on an actual amount of fuel consumed over a particular duration and displayed to an operator of the vehicle with a low fuel warning. 1. A method for a vehicle including an engine and a motor , comprising:displaying a recommended engine fuel fill amount based on a history of actual fuel usage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein history of actual fuel usage is an average fuel consumption over a duration of three months.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the history of actual fuel usage is fuel consumption over a period of time it takes a fuel level to reach a selected level since a last refueling event.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , responsive to a stale fuel indication claim 1 , initiating a fuel maintenance mode in which the engine is turned on and engine operation is continued until a selected amount of fuel is consumed by the engine.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the stale fuel indication is responsive to engine off operation for a threshold duration.6. The method of claim 4 , reducing a frequency at which the fuel maintenance mode is initiated when the recommended engine fuel fill amount is followed.7. The method of claim 4 , further comprising initiating engine operation responsive to a current fuel level greater than a threshold level and an average fuel consumption less than a threshold fuel consumption8. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying the fuel fill amount includes displaying the fuel fill amount on-demand responsive to a request from an operator of the vehicle.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying the fuel fill amount includes displaying the fuel fill amount responsive to a fuel door opening or being opened.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying the fuel fill amount includes displaying the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018427A1

Container identification data from a container inspection unit that analyzes a container containing a liquid is combined with liquid level detection raw data from a liquid level detection unit that analyzes the container containing the liquid and a liquid level detection result is generated. The liquid level detection result is cross-checked with additional data from the container inspection unit. The result can be used to plan a route for the container in the laboratory automation system.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Sewer overflow discharge monitoring system and method

Номер: US20150019146A1
Автор: Luis Montestruque
Принадлежит: Emnet LLC

A method and a system for monitoring the performance of combined sewer overflow structures is described. The inventive system includes sensors for monitoring the level of sewage in the structure and the operation of valves. A data processing unit collects data and calculates the flow of an overflow event and/or the performance of gate valves. The system may be battery operated and may adaptively change the sensor sampling time to prolong battery lifetime.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017214A1

A tank trailer has a container formed from a tubular body and one or more polar bosses coupled to distal ends of the tubular body. The trailer includes a pumping system that has one or more pipes fluidly coupled to the interior of the container via an interface at one of the polar bosses. The tank trailer may have a base support and one or more circumferential support members coupling the base support to the composite container, or the support functionality of the base may be instead accomplished by the container. The one or more polar bosses may include an inner circular surface and an outer circular surface, wherein the outer circular surface has one or more flat portions that complement and engage one or more concave features of the substantially tubular body. 1. A tank trailer comprising:a container having a composite, substantially tubular body and a polar boss coupled to a distal portion of the substantially tubular body,wherein the substantially tubular body comprises an inner tubular portion and an outer shell, andwherein the polar boss is positioned between the inner portion and outer shell of the substantially tubular body.2. The tank trailer of claim 1 , further comprising a base support and one or more circumferential support members coupling the base support to the composite container.3. The tank trailer of claim 2 , wherein the one or more circumferential support members comprise variable tension straps.4. The tank trailer of claim 1 , wherein the polar boss comprises an inner circular surface and an outer circular surface claim 1 , the outer circular surface having one or more flat portions.5. The tank trailer of claim 4 , wherein the substantially tubular body comprises a generally cylindrical inner surface having one or more concave features claim 4 , the one or more concave features being operable to engage the one or more flat portions of the outer circular surface of the polar boss.6. The tank trailer of claim 1 , further comprising a cover plate ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

System and Method for Determining Volume of Fluid in a Tank

Номер: US20220036294A1
Принадлежит: S1 Technologies, Inc.

Volume of a fluid, such as gasoline or diesel fuel, in a tank is determined by measuring the pressure of the fluid using a pressure sensor positioned proximate the bottom of the tank. The depth of the fluid in the tank is then calculated by dividing the pressure by the density of the fluid. Fluid volume is then determined mathematically or from charts given the depth as well as the size and shape of the tank. Multiple pressure readings may be taken along or near the bottom of a tank, and an average pressure determined that may be used to calculate measured volume. To maintain accuracy at different altitudes, pressure readings are preferably adjusted for atmospheric pressure using differential pressure sensors or a processor using data indicative of both pressures. Volume changes exceeding a predetermined threshold, or which are not comparable to dispensed fuel, may be flagged and alerts generated. 1. A system for determining volume of fluid in at least one tank , the system comprising:at least one tank mounted on a vehicle, the at least one tank being capable of storing a volume of fluid;at least one differential pressure sensor positioned within the at least one tank, and submersed in fluid when fluid is in the at least one tank, the at least one sensor being configured for measuring pressure of fluid proximate to the bottom of the at least one tank;at least one vent line operably connected to the at least one differential pressure sensor, the at least one vent line having a single end through which air may flow and atmospheric pressure may be communicated to the at least one sensor, the at least one sensor being further configured for generating a differential pressure output signal indicative of the fluid pressure less the atmospheric pressure; andat least one processor coupled to the at least one differential pressure sensor and operable for determining the volume of fluid from a received indication of the differential pressure output signal.2. The system of ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017859A1

A bulk material storage bin has an upright wall supporting a plurality of vertically spaced indicators providing a person with visual information regarding the level of the bulk material in the bin. The indicators have bright color and dark color surfaces that are selectively displayed to provide a person with information of the level of bulk material in the bin. An actuator located in the bin cooperates with a motion transmission apparatus to move visual members to an ON position displaying the bright color when the bulk material engages the actuator and to an OFF position displaying the dark color when the actuator is free of bulk material. The motion transmission apparatus includes a rod movably retained on an O-ring held on a mount device secured to the side wall of the bin. A yoke supporting an endless flexible member mounted on the rod is connected to the visual members whereby movement of the rod moves the visual members between the ON and OFF positions. 1. A combined material storage bin and visual indicator for providing a person with information regarding the level of material located within the bin comprising:a bin having a side wall surrounding a chamber for holding material,said side wall having at least one hole open to the inside and outside of the side wall,an indicator mounted on the side wall operable to provide a person located remote from the bin with visual information regarding the level of material located within the bin,said indicator comprisinga housing having an internal chamber,at least one visual member movably mounted on the housing, said visual member having a first portion and a second portion spaced from the first portion located in the internal chamber of the housing,a bright color on the first portion of the visual member,said second portion of the visual member having a dark color,a light transparent member joined to the housing enclosing the visual member within the interior chamber of the housing,a mount device connecting the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Tank Fluid Level Measuring Device

Номер: US20190017860A1
Автор: Hogdahl Per Ola

A device for measuring the level of a material (e.g., a liquid) in a tank is disclosed. An example device includes a non-buoyant flexible member and a plurality of sensor nodes distributed along the length of the flexible member. The sensor nodes are configured to indicate a change in orientation. A buoyant float provides a generally U-shape configuration for the flexible member, and causes an increasing number of the sensing nodes to depart from a substantially vertical orientation as the level of the material rises within the storage tank. A monitor is configured to monitor a signal indicating the change in orientation of the sensor nodes. As such, the device may be implemented to conveniently and accurately measure the liquid level in the tank. 1. A device for measuring the level of a material in a tank , comprising:a non-buoyant flexible member having two ends;a plurality of sensor nodes distributed along the length of the non-buoyant flexible member, wherein each of the sensor nodes is configured to indicate when tilted away from a substantially vertical orientation;a buoyant float affixed to a second end of the non-buoyant flexible member, the buoyant float configured to float on top of the material in the tank and cause an increasing number of the sensing nodes of the non-buoyant flexible member to depart from a substantially vertical orientation as the level of the material rises in the tank; anda monitor in association with the tank that is attached to a first end of the non-buoyant flexible member, the monitor configured to monitor orientation of the sensor nodes.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the buoyant float is configured to float at an interface between a liquid and a gas in the tank.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises at least a first material and a second material claim 1 , and wherein the buoyant float exhibits a relative density less than the first material but greater than the second material.4. The device of claim 3 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for liquid-volume measurement in immersion-cooled devices

Номер: US20210018356A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric IT Corp

A level sensing module for use with a liquid immersion cooling system having a device chassis housing an electronic device, the level sensing module comprising a fluid level sensor, and a controller coupled to the fluid level sensor and configured to receive a signal from the fluid level sensor indicative of a height of dielectric fluid in the device chassis, receive a signal from a pump controller indicative of a volume of dielectric fluid provided to the device chassis, and generate a map of dielectric fluid volume within the device chassis based on the signal from the fluid level sensor and the signal from the pump controller.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Flowmeter having a fitting assembly with drainage reservoir, tap, and plug

Номер: US20200018631A1

A flowmeter with a drainable fitting assemble is presented. The flowmeter includes an inner tube providing a flow path for pressurized fluid, a housing assembly for receiving the inner tube, and a fitting assembly for securing the inner conduit and the housing assembly in-line within a pipeline path. The fitting assembly includes a tap for draining the reservoir fitting of liquid. The tap can mateable with either a removable or adjustable plug.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Flowmeter having an adjustable shield with flow scales

Номер: US20200018632A1

A flowmeter having an adjustable protective shield for calibrating the flowmeter is presented. The flowmeter includes an inner conduit providing a flow path for pressurized fluid, a protective shield having a plurality of markers providing a visible indicator of the flow rate of the pressurized fluid according to the position of the float in the flow path, and a housing assembly for receiving the inner conduit and the protective shield. The flowmeter also can include a fitting assembly for securely coupling the inner conduit, the flow label, and the housing assembly in-line within a pipeline path. The flowmeter can be calibrated by adjusting the position of the protective shield while in-line within the pipeline path.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019354A1
Принадлежит: APUTRAC

An on-aircraft recording device includes an interface that receives APU usage data from an aircraft auxiliary power unit (APU) independently of a flight data recorder and data acquisition unit. The on-aircraft recording device can be communicatively coupled (e.g., wirelessly) to a data acquisition service (DAS) system that communicates APU ground-run usage data received from a plurality of on-ground aircraft to a data management center (DMC) utilizing a plurality of unique callback identifiers. The DMC can include a DMC APU ground-run data structure for storing APU ground-run usage data and a processor configured to receive APU ground-run usage data for a plurality of on-ground aircraft, record, in the DMC APU ground-run data structure, the APU ground-run usage data for the plurality of on-ground aircraft, detect if the APU ground-run usage data satisfies an APU usage threshold, and electronically communicate, via a communication network, an alert indicating potentially excessive APU use. 1. A system for an aircraft including a data acquisition unit , a flight data recorder , one or more propulsion engines , and an auxiliary power unit (APU) , the system comprising: a first interface that receives a flight dataset including APU usage data from at least one of the flight data recorder and the data acquisition unit;', 'a second interface that receives a ground dataset including APU usage data from the APU independently of the flight data recorder and data acquisition unit;', 'a storage device; and', 'a processor coupled to the data storage and configured to record the APU usage data received from the APU via the second interface on the storage device., 'an on-aircraft recording device, including2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to record both the flight dataset and the ground dataset on the storage device.3. The system of claim 1 , and further comprising at least one of the flight data recorder and the data acquisition unit.4. The ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022376A1

A sensor device includes a capacitive probe including a first conductor and a second conductor. The sensor device also includes a radio to generate a signal based on a measurement associated with the capacitive probe and to provide the signal to the first conductor for transmission using the capacitive probe as a transmission antenna. 1. A sensor device comprising:a capacitive probe including a first conductor and a second conductor; anda radio to generate a signal based on a measurement associated with the capacitive probe and to provide the signal to the first conductor for transmission using the capacitive probe as a transmission antenna.2. The sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the first conductor is coaxial with the second conductor.3. The sensor device of claim 1 , further comprising one or more stubs extending at least part way between the first conductor and the second conductor for slot radiation level control.4. The sensor device of claim 3 , wherein the first conductor is electrically isolated from the second conductor at a first frequency and wherein the first conductor is electrically coupled to the second conductor at a second frequency claim 3 , wherein the first frequency is lower than the second frequency.5. The sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the first conductor claim 1 , the second conductor claim 1 , or both claim 1 , define one or more slots.6. The sensor device of claim 1 , further comprising a matching network and a feed coupling the radio to the capacitive probe.7. The sensor device of claim 1 , further comprising an energy harvesting device configured to derive energy from received wireless signals.8. The sensor device of claim 7 , wherein the energy harvesting device is configured to generate energy from at least one of a temperature gradient claim 7 , vibrations claim 7 , or movement.9. The sensor device of claim 1 , further comprising a controller configured to generate the measurement using the capacitive probe claim 1 , to save a ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020190A1
Автор: Metzger Christian

A power electronics installation having electrically active parts and a measuring sensor for measuring a water level within the installation. The power electronics installation is configured in such a way that the installation switches off automatically when the measuring sensor senses the water level. 1. A power electronics installation , comprising:electrically active parts; andat least one measuring sensor for measuring a water level within the installation;wherein the installation is configured to switch off automatically when the one measuring sensor senses the water level.2. The power electronics installation as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an assembly carrier that supports the electrically active parts, wherein the at least one measuring sensor is attached to the assembly carrier.3. The power electronics installation as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the assembly carrier is fabricated according to a standard for 19″ components found in EIA 310-D claim 2 , IEC 60297 and DIN 41494 SC48D.4. The power electronics installation as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the electrically active parts comprise powerelectronics and a connecting box, andthe at least one measuring sensor is arranged underneath the power electronics and the connecting box.5. The power electronics installation as claimed in claim 4 , further comprising:a coolant distributor; anda coolant connection, wherein the coolant connection connects the coolant distributor fluidically to the power electronics.6. The power electronics installation as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the measuring sensor comprises a changeover switch.7. The power electronics installation as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the changeover switch is a float switch.8. The power electronics installation as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the changeover switch is a broken finger switch.9. The power electronics installation as claimed in claim 6 , whereinthe changeover switch has a first pole, a second pole, and a third pole, andthe ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Smart Carafe

Номер: US20190021527A1

A beverage vessel includes: 1. A beverage vessel , comprising:a beverage container in which a beverage may be stored, wherein the beverage container has an upper opening through which beverage may be poured in and poured out of the beverage container and a wall extending from the upper opening to the bottom of the beverage container;a closure element adapted to be positioned in the upper opening of the beverage container;a light distribution element arranged at the closure element; anda light emitter positioned such that the light emitted by the light emitter passes at least a part of the volume of the beverage container before entering the light distribution element;wherein the light distribution element is adapted to distribute the light entering for the light emitter in the periphery of the beverage vessel.2. The beverage vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the concave portion extends in the circumferential direction along the wall of the beverage container.3. The beverage vessel according to claim 1 , wherein:the closure element comprises a grip element extending from the closure element in the vertical direction of the beverage vessel; andthe light distribution element is arranged at the grip element.4. The beverage vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the light distribution element comprises at least a partial sphere.5. The beverage vessel according to claim 1 , further comprising a locking mechanism releasably locking the closure element at the beverage vessel;wherein the closure element comprises an actuation element moveable mounted on the closure element, wherein the actuation element can be moved in a first position in which the locking mechanism is released and in a second position in which the locking mechanism is not released; andwherein the light distribution element is arranged on the actuation element.6. The beverage vessel according to claim 1 , further comprising a lid claim 1 , positioned under the grip element and above the locking mechanism ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Smart Bottle

Номер: US20190021529A1
Принадлежит: Riprup Co SA

The invention discloses portable beverage vessel for storing beverage to be consumed by a human, having a beverage container in which the beverage is stored; and an electronic device having a vessel controller, a transmitter and a receiver, said vessel controller being adapted to communicate with a beverage dispenser by exchanging messages using the transmitter and receiver of the electronic device; wherein the vessel controller is adapted to send an identification message to the beverage dispenser, by which the beverage dispenser can identify the portable beverage vessel. The invention also discloses a communicating between the portable beverage vessel and a fluid dispenser and a personal electronic device.
