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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2325762C2

Изобретение относится к оптико-волоконным датчикам, основанным на оптической импульсной рефлектометрии, а именно измерении коэффициента отражения, при котором импульс или серии импульсов вводятся в волокно и сигнал возвращается к концу ввода и образован отраженным и рассеянным светом в волокне. Способ оптической импульсной рефлектометрии восприятия параметра содержит этапы: подачу оптического излучения на зондирующей длине волны в оптическое волокно и формирование выходных электрических сигналов в ответ на оптическое излучение обратного рассеяния из оптического волокна. В одном из аспектов изобретения оптическое волокно включает в себя первый и второй отрезки волокна, причем второй отрезок имеет более низкий порог интенсивности возникновения нелинейных эффектов, чем первый отрезок волокна, и расположен в исследуемой области. Оптическое излучение на зондирующей длине волны вводится в указанный первый отрезок волокна с интенсивностью ниже, чем порог интенсивности возникновения нелинейных ...

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2246166C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и предназначено для проведения измерений и осуществления динамического контроля соответствующих данных, к примеру, таких, как температура и вибрация, в электродвигателе. Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что оно предусматривает использование волоконно-оптического кабеля (5), заделанного в электроизоляцию (4), по меньшей мере, одного провода (3) обмоток электродвигателя, причем такой кабель (5) образует собой, по существу, растянутый термометр и/или вибродатчик. Технический результат от использования данного изобретения состоит в упрощении и в удешевлении предлагаемого способа, а также в повышении его надежности. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

04-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637398C2

Использование: для контроля температуры и/или деформации кабелей катушки и фильтров. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что магнитно-резонансная (МР) система включает в себя по меньшей мере один кабель, который имеет, по меньшей мере, одну оптоволоконную компоненту и блок оптического контроля, связанный по меньшей мере с одной оптоволоконной компонентой. Блок оптического контроля выполнен с возможностью определения температуры в каждом из множества положений по меньшей мере вдоль одной оптоволоконной компоненты. Блок оптического контроля дополнительно выполнен с возможностью остановки работы МР системы в ответ по меньшей мере на одну определенную температуру. В соответствии с изобретением температуру одного или нескольких кабельных фильтров, образующих часть кабеля, можно контролировать и неисправный кабельный фильтр может быть обнаружен. Технический результат: обеспечение возможности обнаружения неисправных кабельных фильтров без разборки кабеля, к которому они прикреплены, а также ...

17-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675201C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для контроля поверхности реактора. Устройство для контроля поверхности реактора содержит, по меньшей мере, один сенсорный кабель, расположенный при работе устройства отдельными участками в зоне поверхности реактора, при этом один волоконный световод расположен в одном сенсорном кабеле. Так же устройство содержит, по меньшей мере, один лазерный источник света, вводимого при работе устройства, по меньшей мере, в один волоконный световод; средства оценки, в которых при работе устройства оцениваются выходящие, по меньшей мере, из одного волоконного световода доли света для контроля с локальным разрешением, по меньшей мере, частей поверхности реактора в отношении, по меньшей мере, одной физической величины. Кроме того, устройство для контроля поверхности реактора содержит магнитные удерживающие средства для размещения, по меньшей мере, одного сенсорного кабеля на поверхности реактора, причём удерживающие средства имеют на своей обращенной при работе устройства ...

26-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2623392C1

Комплексная система текущего контроля для обеспечения безопасности в подземных угольных шахтах с использованием выполненных на основе решетки волоконно-оптических датчиков, содержащая надземную часть и подземную часть. Надземная часть содержит выполненный на основе решетки волоконно-оптический статический демодулятор, систему обработки компьютерных данных, принтер, сервер и клиента. Подземная часть содержит блок оптических переключателей, подсистему текущего контроля безопасности действующего забоя и подсистему текущего контроля безопасности тоннеля. Обе из подсистем текущего контроля содержат по меньшей мере одну базовую станцию текущего контроля. Каждая базовая станция текущего контроля содержит по меньшей мере одну станцию текущего контроля. Каждой станции текущего контроля соответствует совокупность выполненных на основе решетки волоконно-оптических датчиков. Система текущего контроля использует множество станций текущего контроля, выполняет текущий контроль множества параметров под ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016138423A3

12-03-2019 дата публикации

Спектральный преобразователь температуры

Номер: RU187529U1

Полезная модель относится к измерительной технике и может использоваться в датчиках температуры. Спектральный преобразователь температуры содержит корпус и закрепленное на нем оптическое волокно с волоконной решеткой Брэгга. Оптическое волокно закреплено на корпусе посредством конструктивных элементов, передающих температурные деформации корпуса на участок оптического волокна, содержащий волоконную решетку Брэгга, и выполненных из материала, значение температурного коэффициента расширения которого меньше значения температурного коэффициента расширения материала корпуса. Технический результат - расширение арсенала технических средств измерения температуры. 1 ил.

12-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2795841C1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано в волоконно-оптических датчиках, предназначенных для измерения температуры цемента большого объема, или в условиях воздействия внешних дестабилизирующих факторов на изделиях ракетно-космической и авиационной техники. Заявлен волоконно-оптический датчик температуры, содержащий источник и приемники излучения, подводящие и отводящие оптические волокна, закрепленные во втулке напротив отражающей поверхности хвостовика внутри корпуса. Причем в устройство дополнительно введена цилиндрическая трубка из материала с высоким коэффициентом температурного расширения, коаксиально расположенная внутри корпуса, причем внутренний диаметр цилиндрической трубки как максимум равен внешнему диаметру узкой части хвостовика и внешнему диаметру узкой части втулки. Коэффициенты линейного расширения материалов корпуса αК, хвостовика αХВ, втулки αВТ и цилиндра αЦ определяются соотношением αЦ > αК > (αХВ ≈ αВТ), начальное расстояние между отражающей ...

29-05-2023 дата публикации

Система термометрии (СТВОР) с использованием кабеля волоконно-оптического и способ их изготовления

Номер: RU2796802C1

Изобретение может использоваться для измерений и регистрации температуры по всей длине объекта, помещенного в газообразную, жидкую или твердую среду. Кабель волоконно-оптический для измерения температуры, помещаемый в гибкую насосную компрессионную трубу, конец которой спускают в скважину до забоя глубже, чем фильтрационный перфорированный участок ствола скважины, состоит из оптоволокна с сердцевиной из кварца и температуростойким покрытием, оптического модуля, в который помещено оптоволокно, и по крайней мере двух слоев брони, которые повиты вокруг оптического модуля в разных направлениях. Система термометрии состоит из источника сфокусированного излучения, оптического разветвителя, блока обработки сигнала, включающего приемный блок, и волоконно-оптического кабеля, размещенного внутри гибкой насосной компрессорной трубы. Технический результат - повышение точности измерения температуры, в том числе в наклонных и горизонтальных скважинах, по всей длине ствола скважины за счет усиления как ...

12-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2779710C1

Изобретение относится к погружному устройству и способу определения положения оптоволокна в оболочке с использованием погружного устройства. Погружное устройство (10) для измерения температуры расплава (64) металла в ванне (62) электродуговой печи (60) с оптоволокном (50) в оболочке содержит фурму (28) для дутья для подачи продувочного газа в точку входа в ванну (62) и устройство обнаружения для определения положения оптоволокна (50) в оболочке. Оптоволокно (50) в оболочке выполнено с возможностью перемещения в подающем канале (20) и/или в фурме (28) для дутья относительно точки входа. Устройство обнаружения выполнено с возможностью обнаружения присутствия оптоволокна (50) в оболочке в фурме (28) для дутья или вблизи нее. Технический результат - получают короткие расстояния между ведущим концом волокна и расплавом и, следовательно, короткие временные интервалы между последовательностями измерения температуры. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580151C1

Изобретение относится к области оптических измерений и касается способа определения температурного распределения вдоль оптоволоконной линии. Способ включает в себя выделение реального сигнала, обусловленного электронным фототоком из измеряемой суперпозиции реального (электронного) и «дырочного» сигналов. При этом измеряют интенсивность комбинационного рассеяния света с помощью фотодиода, выражают передаточную функцию фотодиода как сверткугде g- измеренный отклик в заданном промежутке, g- искомый исходный сигнал, обусловленный электронным фототоком, δ - дельта-функция, W - передаточная функция от дырок, и последующими преобразованиями выделяют реальный сигнал, обусловленный электронным фототоком. Технический результат состоит в повышении точности измерений. 5 ил.

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2589271C1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано для измерения температуры расплава. Устройство для измерения температуры расплава, в частности расплавленного металла, содержащее оптическое волокно и направляющую трубку, имеющее погружной конец и второй конец, противоположный погружному концу. Оптическое волокно частично располагается в направляющей трубке. Внутренний диаметр направляющей трубки больше наружного диаметра оптического волокна. Причем первая втулка располагается на погружном конце или внутри направляющей трубки близко к погружному концу направляющей трубки. При этом оптическое волокно подается через втулку и причем втулка уменьшает зазор между оптическим волокном и направляющей трубкой. Технический результат - повышение информативности измерений температуры за счет поддержания непрерывности измерений посредством непрерывной подачи оптического волокна. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

12-02-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2813452C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу и системе для определения значения температуры ванны с расплавленным металлом. Предложен способ измерения температуры ванны с расплавленным металлом в печи, включающий подачу наконечника кабеля с оптоволоконной сердцевиной к ванне с расплавленным металлом и получение информации о температуре с помощью детектора, причем печь имеет наклон печи, который представляет угол, на который печь наклонена, и указанный угол наклона определяется относительно оси (Ар) поворота. Согласно заявленному способу: (a) обеспечивают наличие набора данных, связывающих углы FI наклона печи с соответствующими профилями MP измерения; (b) определяют угол FI(n) наклона печи для момента t(n) времени; (с) выбирают профиль MP(n) измерения, соответствующий углу FI(n) наклона печи, из предоставленного набора данных, связывающих углы FI наклона печи с соответствующими профилями MP измерения; при этом профиль измерения представляет собой последовательность стадий, которую осуществляют ...

20-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2272259C1

Волоконно-оптический термометр содержит два источника света, фотоприемник, волоконный разветвитель, подключенный через первый световод к упомянутым источникам света, через второй световод - к фотоприемнику, через третий световод - торцом третьего световода к термочувствительному элементу, выполненному в виде полупроводниковой структуры, прикрепленной первой торцевой стороной с помощью переходного слоя к упомянутому торцу третьего световода. Также на второй торцевой стороне термочувствительного элемента сформированы отражающее покрытие в виде круга с центром на геометрической оси третьего световода и неотражающая часть в виде кольца с центром на геометрической оси третьего световода, имеющая внешнюю граничную окружность, совпадающую с внешней границей термочувствительного элемента, и внутреннюю граничную окружность, совпадающую с внешней границей упомянутого круга. Технический результат - повышение точности измерения температуры при длительной работе термометра. 5 ил.

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539084C1

Изобретение относится к геофизическим исследованиям скважин и может найти применение для определения тепловых свойств пластов горных пород, окружающих скважины. Техническим результатом является возможность одновременного получения информации о свойствах относительно толстого (около 1 м) слоя пород вокруг скважины и информации о теплопроводности пород для всего цементируемого интервала глубин. Согласно способу в скважину опускают обсадную колонну с прикрепленными на ее наружную поверхность датчиками температуры и закачивают цемент в кольцевой зазор между обсадной колонной и стенками скважины. В процессе закачки и затвердевания цемента осуществляют измерения температуры и определяют теплопроводность окружающих скважину горных пород по измеренной зависимости температуры от времени. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл.

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008130090A

... 1. Устройство измерения деформации подземной трубы, содержащее: ! измерительный датчик, включающий в себя, по меньшей мере, одно оптическое волокно измерения смещения и, по меньшей мере, одно оптическое волокно измерения температуры, которые расположены под подземной трубой, скрытой под землей, в направлении подземной трубы; и ! измерительный модуль, включающий в себя генератор-источник света, присоединенный к одному концу, по меньшей мере, одного оптического волокна измерения смещения и к одному концу, по меньшей мере, одного оптического волокна измерения температуры, предназначенный для излучения света; анализатор измерения деформации для измерения длины волны светового излучения, отраженного, по меньшей мере, от одного оптического волокна измерения смещения в реальном времени, предназначенный для анализа изменения, по меньшей мере, одного оптического волокна измерения смещения, тем самым анализируя деформацию подземной трубы; и анализатор измерения температуры для измерения длины волны ...

30-04-1997 дата публикации

Industrial temp. monitoring system using light pipe as temp. sensor, esp. for long pipe-like structure

Номер: DE0019541142A1

The temp. monitoring system involves a light pipe in the form of a coil winding (3) at certain intervals along the structure to be measured. The coil is wound onto a spool body (2) inside a housing (1), which is fixed via a bolt (4) to e.g. an electric cable. A heating arrangement (6) can be arranged on the spool body (5) and underneath the light pipe windings (7) in the housing (10), which can be powered by eddy currents from the electric cable. A light pipe splice case (11) together with a steel plate (12) is situated in an external housing (10) along with upper and lower heat insulation plates (13,14).

25-08-2011 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur ortsaufgelösten Temperaturmessung

Номер: DE102008023777B4

Vorrichtung zur ortsaufgelösten Temperaturmessung mittels eines OFDR-Verfahrens oder eines OTDR-Verfahrens, umfassend mindestens eine Lichtleitfaser (6) für die ortsaufgelöste Temperaturmessung, mindestens eine Laserlichtquelle (2, 30), deren Licht (3, 23, 31) in die Lichtleitfaser (6) eingekoppelt werden kann, wobei die in der Lichtleitfaser (6) zurück gestreuten Anteile des von der Laserlichtquelle (2, 30) erzeugten Lichts (3, 23, 31) aus der Lichtleitfaser (6) ausgekoppelt werden können, mindestens einen Filter (33) und/oder mindestens einen Spektralteiler (5, 9, 26), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der mindestens eine Filter (33) als Mittel zur Verringerung polarisationsbedingter Effekte dient und sich seine Eigenschaften für zwei oder für jede zwei zueinander senkrechte Polarisationsrichtungen um weniger als 10% unterscheiden, und/oder dass der mindestens eine Spektralteiler (5, 9, 26) als Mittel zur Verringerung polarisationsbedingter Effekte dient und sich seine Eigenschaften für zwei ...

23-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069937612T2

19-07-2006 дата публикации

Method for measuring using optical fiber distributed sensor

Номер: GB0000611380D0

20-01-2021 дата публикации

System and method for calibrating distributed optical fiber for health perception of a water -adjacent building

Номер: GB2554331A8

A system and a method for calibrating a distributed optical fiber for health perception of a water-adjacent building, comprising a heat insulation barrel, and a plurality of calibration modules located in the heat insulation barrel around the axis thereof. Each calibration module comprises a through shaft (313), a first electronic thermometer (341) and a second electronic thermometer (345). The through shaft (313) is wound with an optical cable to be calibrated (348). The optical cable to be calibrated (348) is connected to an optical fiber temperature demodulator outside the heat insulation barrel. The first electronic thermometer (341) and the second electronic thermometer (345) are connected to a first temperature control meter (306) and a second temperature control meter (308) outside the heat insulation barrel, respectively. A temperature source heat wire (353) for heating water in the heat insulation barrel is disposed in a barrel wall of the heat insulation barrel. The temperature ...

23-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008328380D0

25-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002156513B

24-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002207236B

21-07-1999 дата публикации

Fibre optic temperature sensor

Номер: GB0002333357A

A fibre-optic temperature sensor, comprising a laser (1), an optic fibre (3) for transmitting the laser light and at least one dye-doped section (5) provided in optical communication with the fibre, wherein the dye-doped section is doped with at least two different dyes that luminesce upon excitation by the laser. The peak luminescent wavelengths of the dyes are different, and the intensity of the luminescence of the two dyes vary differently with temperature. The temperature is calculated from a ratio of the intensities of the luminescence of the two dyes.

11-06-2008 дата публикации

Fire detection

Номер: GB0002444664A

A fire detection system for monitoring a volume (2) containing fluid, typically air, for the presence of smoke particles is disclosed. A conduit (3) for receiving the fluid, and any smoke particles therein, and directing the fluid to a smoke detector (1) has a plurality of inlets (6A, 6B) formed therein. A respective temperature sensor (17, 19) is associated with each of the inlets (6A, 6B) which generate a signal indicative of a change in temperature in the region of the inlet. In the embodiments, the temperature sensor comprises one or more fibre Bragg gratings. The fibre Bragg gratings preferably have different grating periods. The reflected light from each fibre Bragg grating is returned back down the fibre optic cable (11) and redirected via a 2x1 coupler (51) to a wavelength detection system (53) and a personal computer (63). The combination of wavelength detection system (53) and personal computer (63) allow analysis of the reflected light patterns, as well as providing a user interface ...

22-11-2006 дата публикации

Method for measuring using optical fibre distributed sensor

Номер: GB2426331A

A method of determining temperature along an optical fibre distributed temperature sensor, in which optical energy is injected into a first end of the fibre and backscattered radiation at Stokes and anti-Stokes wavelengths is detected, optical energy is injected into the other end of the fibre and backscattered radiation at Stokes and anti-Stokes wavelengths is detected and the incremental loss in signal with distance along the fibre in both directions is determined and used to correct for the influence of such losses on temperature measurements made using the sensor. Methods for calibration of an optical fibre sensor by calculating a change in Stokes to anti-Stokes attenuation ratio with time and by incorporating an independent temperature sensor into the optical fibre are also disclosed.

01-08-2007 дата публикации

Distributed temperature sensor with differential loss correction

Номер: GB0002434641A

A distributed temperature sensor 400 for use in a wellbore, in which a light signal at a first frequency is injected into a waveguide 120 and backscattered Raman Stokes and Raman anti-Stokes signals are detected, and further light signals at second and third frequencies (which may be respectively at or near to the Raman Stokes and anti-Stokes frequencies of the signal at the first frequency) are injected into the waveguide. Backscattered signals based on the further light signals are detected and used to compensate a distributed temperature sensor profile of the waveguide for differential and/or varying waveguide losses between Raman Stokes and anti-Stokes frequencies.

08-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002183821B

27-10-2004 дата публикации

Distributed optical fibre measurements

Номер: GB0002400906A

A method of obtaining a distributed measurement comprises deploying an optical fibre 12 in a measurement region of interest, and launching into it a first optical signal at a first wavelength g 0 and a high power level, a second optical signal at a second wavelength g -1, and a third optical signal at the first wavelength g 0 and a low power level. These optical signals generate backscattered light at the second wavelength g -1 arising from Raman scattering of the first optical signal which is indicative of a parameter to be measured, at the first wavelength g 0 arising from Rayleigh scattering of the first optical signal, at the second wavelength g -1 arising from Rayleigh scattering of the second optical signal, and at the first wavelength g 0 arising from Rayleigh scattering of the third optical signal. The backscattered light is detected to generate four output signals, and a final output signal is derived by normalising the Raman scattering signal to a function derived from the three ...

08-04-2009 дата публикации

System and method for monitoring a well by means of an optical fiber

Номер: GB2453450A

An optical fiber (24) extends down hole from an OFDR (40). A first set of sensors (28) with a centrally-located reference reflector 830) is disposed over a first fiber length, and a second set of sensors (128) with a centrally-located reference reflector (130) is disposed over a second fiber length. The sensors of the first and second sensing lengths are positioned at slightly offset positions from the reference reflectors so as to interleave the reflected signals. Additional sensing lengths may be similarly interleaved. The system is used by sending an optical signal along the optical fiber, detecting a reflected optical signal, separating the optical signal into component signals, and extrapolating a well condition therefrom. Another method includes creating a low frequency signal' component in a reflected optical signal by placing at least one sensor beyond a Nyquist sampling distance limit, detecting the low frequency signal component and extrapolating a well condition therefrom.

02-09-2009 дата публикации

Optical fibre temperature sensing device

Номер: GB2457903A

A temperature sensor device 1 comprising a single mode bent optical fibre loop, wherein the optical fibre 3 is stripped of its buffer layer along a length of the fibre loop, constituting the sensor head 2, and an absorption layer (13) which is adhered to the outer surface of the fibre cladding (15). The absorption layer comprises a material configured to absorb light at the wavelength of operation of a light source and is configured to absorb whispering gallery modes. The bend radius of the fibre may be fixed such that the device provides an output characteristic which is linear with temperature at an operating wavelength. A change in temperature is measured by measuring the ratio change of the optical power of a signal transmitted via the sensor head to that of a signal transmitted via a reference arm 8. A method of manufacturing said device is also disclosed.

04-01-2006 дата публикации

Measuring a parameter in an optical fibre interferometric array via subtracting the cross-talk phasor of the array sensors from their measured phasors

Номер: GB0002415780A

A method of measuring a parameter in an optical fibre interferometric array 9; the method comprises the steps of: launching optical pulses into the array; creating an interference signal within n sensor elements in the array; detecting the phase of the interference signals; and processing the returned optical interference signal to remove a cross-talk term for each of the n sensor elements. The removal cross-talk terms is done by subtracting the cross-talk phasor for the nth sensor from the measured nth sensor phasor. The removal process of the cross-talk phasor terms begins with subtraction of the cross-talk phasor for the second sensor element from the measured second sensor element phasor. The cross-talk phasor for the first sensor element in the array is assumed to be zero. The sensor elements may be reflectors 20,21,...2n. being arrayed along the optical fibre 1. The optical path L between the reflectors is dependent on the selected parameter. This may be strain, pressure or temperature ...

21-06-2006 дата публикации

Optical time domain reflectometry

Номер: GB0002416587B

09-07-2014 дата публикации

Optical fiber temperature sensing system having a deformable shape memory alloy

Номер: GB0002509530A

A temperature sensing system comprises: an optical waveguide 102; a shape memory alloy (SMA) element 106a, and an interrogator. The SMA element 106a is deformable as a function of temperature and at least partially surrounds the optical waveguide 102. The interrogator 12 is configured to detect distributed temperature along the optical waveguide 102 using spectroscopy, and to detect strain in the optical waveguide 102 induced by deformation of the SMA element 106a to identify local hot spots along the optical waveguide 102. The SMA element may comprise a tube, coil or spring of SMA material surrounding at least a section of the optical waveguide. The SMA element may be configured to deform, constrict, bend, or kink at a temperature equal to a local overheat temperature alarm threshold. The temperature sensing system is particularly suited to heat and fire detection.

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Temperature sensing using distributed acoustic sensing

Номер: GB0002537262A

An embodiment of a method of measuring temperatures includes: taking distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) measurement data by transmitting interrogation signals into an optical fiber disposed in an environment of interest, and receiving reflected signals over a selected time period from the optical fiber; processing the DAS measurement data to separate components of the DAS data associated with changes in temperature; and generating a temperature change profile for the selected time period based on the separated components of the DAS data.

02-12-1998 дата публикации

Sensor system

Номер: GB0002325741A

A sensor system (10) incorporating an interferometer operates as an optical strain gauge. The system (10) is arranged to generate interferograms characterised by an optical path difference between light traversing a sensor arm (12) of the interferometer and light traversing a reference arm (58). Each arm incorporates a highly birefringent optical fibre (38, 58) capable of supporting light propagation at two velocities in two different polarisation modes. A first interferogram is generated between light coupled into the fast eigenmodes of each fibre and a second is generated between light coupled into the slow eigenmodes. Mean optical group delay (# MGD ) and differential optical group delay (# DGD ) of these interferograms are affected differently by temperature and strain and thus provide a means of discriminating between these attributes of the sensor environment. Thus simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature is achieved.

19-07-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for distributed temperature sensing

Номер: GB0002408571B

11-01-2017 дата публикации

An improved fibre sensor

Номер: GB0002540271A

A sensor is disclosed comprising a laminate structure and including: a first outer sheet layer of heat resistant material 1; a first adhesive layer 2 adhesively bonded along the first surface of the first adhesive layer to the first outer sheet layer; a fibre sensor element resting on the second surface of the first adhesive layer; a second adhesive layer 4 having a first surface adhesively bonded to the second surface of the first adhesive layer and with the fibre element sandwiched therebetween; and a lid layer 5 adhesively bonded to the second surface of the second adhesive layer. Preferably the first and second adhesive layer each comprise an aperture and the apertures overlap to form an aperture region, with the fibre sensor element positioned within it. Preferably the fibre sensor element rests on a second sheet layer 3, comprising a curved channel. Preferably the sensor is a temperature sensor and the invention isolates the sensor from the effects of strain.

16-03-2016 дата публикации

Small profile pressure and temperature gauges

Номер: GB0002530139A

An optical assembly comprises a housing 202 and a large diameter optical waveguide 208. The waveguide has first and second portions 210, 214 with first and second gratings 212, 216 respectively. In one aspect the assembly comprises: a divider 204 for separating a first volume 203 from a second volume 205; and a compressible element 206 disposed in the first volume, wherein a first end of the element is coupled to the divider and a second end is sealed 220. The waveguide is disposed in an internal volume of the compressible element and the first portion has a larger outer diameter than the second portion, wherein the outer diameter of the second portion is at least 300µm. In another aspect a portion of the wall of the housing comprises a flexible member and the compressible element is a frame assembly wherein a first end is coupled to the flexible member and a second end is coupled to an inner surface of the housing, and the waveguide is held by the frame. Further aspects include a port ...

09-07-2008 дата публикации

Fluid level indication method and system

Номер: GB0000809825D0

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Pipeline with integrated fiber optic cable

Номер: GB0002496561B

18-08-2004 дата публикации

Measuring temperature in stationary components of electrical machines using fiber optics

Номер: GB0000415990D0

09-08-2006 дата публикации

Fiber optic temperature monitoring sensor for use on sub-sea pipelines to predict hydrate formation

Номер: GB0000612868D0

16-09-2009 дата публикации

Measurement method and apparatus

Номер: GB0000913504D0

10-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002037448B
Принадлежит: HONEYWELL INC

29-08-2018 дата публикации

Distributed fibre optic sensing

Номер: GB0201811640D0

04-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008702172D0

02-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009307660D0

24-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009225629D0

20-03-2002 дата публикации

OPtical time domain reflectometry

Номер: GB0000202159D0

11-02-2004 дата публикации

Sensing device having a large diameter d-shaped optical waveguide

Номер: GB0000400487D0

02-04-2008 дата публикации

Temperature sensor using a single mode bend fiber filter

Номер: GB0000803583D0

20-02-2019 дата публикации

Optical fiber

Номер: GB0002565637A

An optical fiber 10 for enhancing the sensitivity of a sensing system. The optical fiber 10 having at least one core 12, a core diameter, a core numerical aperture, a core refractive index and a core Rayleigh backscatter coefficient. The optical fiber 10 further comprising a first cladding layer 14 having a first cladding layer thickness, and a first cladding layer refractive index; and a second cladding layer 16 having a second cladding layer inner diameter, a second cladding layer outer diameter and a second cladding layer thickness. The core comprising at least one core dopant selected from the range of: germanium, phosphorus, aluminium, boron, fluorine. The at least one core dopant is used to increase the core refractive index and enhance the core Rayleigh backscatter coefficient. The first cladding layer comprises at least one first cladding layer dopant selected from the range of: germanium, phosphorus, aluminium, boron, fluorine Wherein at least one first cladding layer dopant is ...

25-08-1999 дата публикации

Downhole pressure measurement

Номер: GB0009914788D0

07-04-2021 дата публикации

Filtering distributed sensing data

Номер: GB202102552D0

13-05-2020 дата публикации

Sensor assembly

Номер: GB0202004647D0

01-03-2006 дата публикации

Monitoring internal parameters of electrical motorsystems.

Номер: OA0000011852A

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390620T

25-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403526B

15-11-2017 дата публикации

A side wall of a continuous casting mold with optical waveguides instrumentation

Номер: AT0000518569A1

In eine Seitenwand (1) einer Stranggießkokille wird zunächst eine Hilfsausnehmung (11, 16) eingebracht, die sich in der Längsrichtung zumindest über die Ausnehmungslänge (L) der Nutzausnehmung (10) erstreckt und orthogonal zur Längsrichtung einen Hilfsquerschnitt aufweist. Sodann wird in die Hilfsausnehmung (11, 16) ein Zusatzelement (13, 14, 17) eingebracht, das sich in der Längsrichtung zumindest über eine Ausnehmungslänge (L) einer späteren Nutzausnehmung (10) erstreckt und orthogonal zur Längsrichtung gesehen die Nutzausnehmung (10) zumindest über einen Teil ihres Umfangs begrenzt. Durch das Einbringen des Zusatzelements (13, 14, 17) in die Hilfsausnehmung (11, 16) wird die Nutzausnehmung (10) gebildet. Die Nutzausnehmung (10) ist orthogonal zur Längsrichtung rundum geschlossen. Sie weist orthogonal zur Längsrichtung einen (entsprechend kleinen) Nutzquerschnitt und eine maximale Nutzerstreckung (d3) auf. Der Nutzquerschnitt derart bestimmt ist, dass in die Nutzausnehmung ein Lichtwellenleiter ...

15-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000044096T

27-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033376706T

10-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037575934T

02-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035032419T

20-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032308603T

24-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035780331T

18-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038825161T

18-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032979886T

17-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039488527T

08-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031099821T

21-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032142224T

17-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037952304T

08-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030418376T

26-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036723214T

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Measuring downhole temperature by combining DAS/DTS data

Номер: AU2017230721A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

This disclosure describes a method of combining DAS and DTS data to accurately estimate borehole temperature. The described method takes advantage of the thermal sensitivity of DAS signal in the low-frequency band, and combines with the absolute temperature measurement from DTS, to produce a distributed temperature estimation that is up to 10000 more accurate than the current commercial solution. The DAS and DTS data should be record simultaneously at the same well. The DAS data are first low-pass filtered and then converted into temperature variation measurement. Then an accurate temperature estimation is obtained by fitting both DTS and DAS data.

25-11-2021 дата публикации

DAS method of estimating fluid distribution

Номер: AU2017230716B2

This disclosure describes a method of calculating fluid distribution from a hydraulically fractured well, especially during a plug-and-perf hydraulic fracturing operation. The Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data is used to quantify the fluid distribution in separate perf clusters during fracturing, and the result can be used for completion design and optimization, hydraulic fracturing, and ultimately for oil and gas production.

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Temperature monitoring device, temperature monitoring method, and temperature monitoring system

Номер: AU2019361360A1

A temperature monitoring device containing a control system (100) adapted to generate substantially periodic control waveforms applied to the control input of the light source (111) with tunable wavelength connected to an optical fibre interferometer (112), in which a measuring optical fibre (120) is connected in one its arms, and the interferometer (111) output is connected to a detector (113) whose output is connected to a signal processing module (101) adapted to identify temperature changes in the optical fibre length function, in accordance with the invention, characterized in that the light source (111) coherence length is longer than 0.5 m, and the period of the periodic waveform is shorter than or equal to 20 s, the difference between the minimum and maximum wavelength is higher than 3 pm, and the optical fibre is adapted to its placement near exoenergetic devices in a vehicle, during its operation. The temperature monitoring method according to the invention is characterized in ...

25-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000563023B2

23-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000591029B2

21-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003304295A1

25-08-2005 дата публикации

Device and method for measuring temperature in molten metals

Номер: AU2005200298A1

25-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002344444A1

23-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002357113A1

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Immersion device for an optical fiber for measuring the temperature of a melt

Номер: AU2015261656B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

IMMERSION DEVICE FOR AN OPTICAL FIBER FOR MEASURING THE TEMPERATURE OF A MELT The invention refers to an immersion device (1) for measuring the temperature with an optical fiber, preferably a metal coated optical fiber in a metallurgical vessel. An immersion device according to the present invention comprises a feeding channel (26) and feeding means (20, 21, 22, 27, 106, 108) for feeding an optical fiber into a disposable guiding tube (31) and for feeding the disposable guiding tube together with the optical fiber into a melt. The immersion device comprises control means (102, 103, 104, 105, 107) for monitoring the position of an end of the fiber relative to an end of the guiding tube. It was found that said relative position determines the quality of a temperature measurement. Consequently, to monitor said relative position makes it possible to determine the quality of a temperature measurement and thus to improve the temperature measurements.

29-06-2018 дата публикации

Волоконно-оптический термометр

Номер: RU0000180903U1

Полезная модель относится относится к области измерения температуры в зонах с сильными электромагнитными помехами, в зонах повышенной взрыво-пожароопасности, при измерениях под высоким напряжением. Устройство содержит оптический ответвитель, циркулятор, оптический фильтр, N-1 последовательно соединенных посредством волоконных световодов оптических разветвителей, N-1 оптических датчиков, N последовательно соединенных посредством волоконных световодов оптических объединителей, источник лазерного излучения выполнен широкополосным, а каждый оптический датчик выполнен на основе волоконной решетки Брэгга с двумя фазовыми π-сдвигами, симметрично расположенными относительной ее центральной длины волны. Технический результат заключается в упрощении схемы волоконно-оптического термометра. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 180 903 U1 (51) МПК G01K 11/32 (2006.01) G02B 6/43 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01K 11/32 (2006.01); G02B 6/43 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017137997, 31.10.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 29.06.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 29.06.2018 Бюл. № 19 Адрес для переписки: 420111, Казань, ул. К. Маркса, 10, отдел Интеллектуальной собственности КНИТУКАИ R U 1 8 0 9 0 3 U 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2557577 C1, 27.07.2015. RU 170835 U1, 11.05.2017. BY 14790 C1, 30.10.2011. US 20150292956 A1, 15.10.2015. (54) ВОЛОКОННО-ОПТИЧЕСКИЙ ТЕРМОМЕТР (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится относится к области измерения температуры в зонах с сильными электромагнитными помехами, в зонах повышенной взрыво-пожароопасности, при измерениях под высоким напряжением. Устройство содержит оптический ответвитель, циркулятор, оптический фильтр, N-1 последовательно соединенных посредством волоконных световодов оптических разветвителей, N-1 оптических датчиков, N последовательно соединенных посредством Стр.: 1 волоконных ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Поляритонное устройство для измерения градиента температуры

Номер: RU0000187697U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для измерения температуры, а именно к оптическим интерференционным устройствам для измерения температуры, и может быть использована для измерения градиента температуры, а также иных физических величин, измерение которых сводится к измерению этого градиента на расстояниях, не превышающих десятой доли миллиметра, для таких областей применения, как оптические вычисления, микроэлектроника и научные исследования. Заявлено поляритонное устройство для измерения градиента температуры, выполненное в виде двух волноводов, один из которых является сигнальным, а другой является опорным. Оба волновода по обеим концам объединены общими входным и выходным оптическими волноводами. Волноводы выполнены из трехслойной наноструктуры, поверхностные слои которой выполнены в виде распределенных брэгговских отражателей, между которыми расположен слой с квантовыми ямами. Технический результат – увеличение пространственного разрешения определения градиента температуры. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 187 697 U1 (51) МПК B82B 3/00 (2006.01) G01K 11/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B82B 3/00 (2018.08); G01K 11/3206 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018144639, 14.12.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 14.03.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 14.03.2019 Бюл. № 8 1 8 7 6 9 7 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5270538 A1, 14.12.1993. CN 103954377 A, 30.07.2014. US 4868381 A1, 19.09.1989. CN 104330101 A, 04.02.2015. WO 1998012525 A1, 26.03.1998. WO 2010114649 A1, 07.10.2010. (54) Поляритонное устройство для измерения градиента температуры (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для выполненное в виде двух волноводов, один из измерения температуры, а именно к оптическим которых является сигнальным, а другой является интерференционным устройствам для измерения опорным. Оба волновода по обеим концам ...

07-05-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения температуры расплавленных материалов

Номер: RU0000189043U1

Полезная модель устройства для измерения температуры расплавленных материалов относится к измерительной технике. Устройство для осуществления измерения температуры расплава содержит погружной зонд с огнеупорным кварцевым световодом, установленным в огнеупорную втулку, запрессованную в картонную трубку. При этом конец кварцевого световода выступает из керамической втулки на определенную длину и его кончик покрыт огнеупорным оптически не прозрачным материалом с известным коэффициентом теплового излучения. Перед измерением зонд надевается на полый металлический жезл, внутри которого расположена оптоволоконная линия, соединяющая внутренний торец световода с приемником излучения. При погружении зонда в емкость с расплавом в течение короткого времени расплав разогревает кончик кварцевого световода и его тепловое излучение через световод и оптоволоконную линию передается к приемнику излучения. Технический результат - повышение точности измерения температуры расплава различных веществ вне зависимости от их коэффициента теплового излучения. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 189 043 U1 (51) МПК G01J 5/08 (2006.01) G01K 1/12 (2006.01) G01K 11/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01K 1/12 (2013.01); G01K 11/32 (2013.01); G01J 5/004 (2013.01); G01J 5/0818 (2013.01); G01J 5/0821 (2013.01); G01J 5/048 (2013.01) (21) (22) Заявка: 2018127168, 24.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Забродин Александр Николаевич (RU), Гордеев Юрий Витальевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 07.05.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 9243958 B2, 26.01.2016. US 2016216162 A1, 28.07.2016. US 9671291 B2, 06.06.2017. US 5180228 A, 19.01.1993. US 8876372 B2, 04.11.2014.. (45) Опубликовано: 07.05.2019 Бюл. № 13 1 8 9 0 4 3 R U (54) Устройство для измерения температуры расплавленных материалов (57) Реферат: Полезная модель устройства для измерения ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

High spatial resolution fiber optic temperature sensor

Номер: US20120010846A1
Принадлежит: SensorTran Inc

High resolution distributed temperature sensors using fiber optic distributed temperature sensing systems deployed on various carriers to significantly improve spatial resolution and provide high resolution temperature profile and detection of fluid or fluid interface levels.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Device for Measuring Temperature in Electromagnetic Fields

Номер: US20120039358A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

For a temperature measurement in areas having electromagnetic fields, shielding devices must be provided. According to the proposed technique, at least one temperature sensor is designed as a fiber-optic sensor having Bragg gratings (FBG), wherein the sensor is arranged in a non-metallic housing that precludes or minimizes expansion effects for the individual FBG sensors. For example, the proposed technique can be used advantageously to measure the temperature distribution in oil sand deposits, for which purpose a suitable measuring arrangement is required.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Low profile, high temperature, hydrogen tolerant optical sensing cable

Номер: US20120039359A1
Принадлежит: QOREX LLC

A sensing cable has a sensing fiber assembly, which includes a pair of sensing fibers joined by a turnaround section with a modal filter, at a terminating end of the sensing fibers. The sensing cable also includes an inner sleeve that surrounds the sensing fiber assembly and an armored casing that caps the terminating end of the inner sleeve. The sensing cable has a low profile and its components are each made of high temperature and hydrogen tolerant materials and are capable of prolonged operation at high temperatures, such as up to 300° C., in hydrogen environments over long lengths of fiber. A distributed thermal sensing (DTS) interrogator is connected to the sensing cable and performs DTS measuring according to protocols and algorithms that leverage the modal filter of the turnaround section to calculate temperature readings along the sensing fiber assembly.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

High temperature fiber optic turnaround

Номер: US20120039561A1
Принадлежит: QOREX LLC

A sensing cable includes a pair of sensing fibers that are connected to one another by a U-shaped turnaround section. The turnaround section is a section of sensing fiber coated with a jacket that includes metallic components. The turnaround section is bent and, then, annealed according to a method of the present invention. The turnaround section is robust and reduced in size (i.e., radius). The sensing cable also includes an inner sleeve that surrounds the sensing fibers and an elongated outer armor casing (i.e., including an armor tube and a sealing cap) that encases a terminating end thereof. The armor tube and the sealing cap protect the sensing fiber from mechanical and chemical harm, are reduced in size and facilitate insertion of the sensing cable into downhole environments. The sensing cable has improved operating range up to 300° C.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Optical probe containing oxygen, temperature, and pressure sensors and monitoring and control systems containing the same

Номер: US20120097270A1
Автор: Kenneth Susko
Принадлежит: Individual

A probe for measuring oxygen, temperature, and pressure having a housing, made of a thermally conductive material; an oxygen sensor within the housing, a temperature sensor disposed within the housing adjacent to the thermally conductive material, comprising a fiber Bragg grating, a pressure sensor disposed within the housing, comprising a fiber Bragg grating.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Measuring Fiber Temperatures Using OTDR Measurements

Номер: US20120109570A1

Described herein are systems and methods for calculating a relative temperature of a fiber-optic cable using bi-directional analysis traces with an optical time-domain reflectometer (“OTDR”). Analysis of bi-directional traces along a length of fiber-optic cable yields a scaled local backscatter coefficient of the fiber. Accordingly, an initial set of measurement data is collected at a first time interval and a base scaled local backscatter along a fiber is calculated. A subsequent set of measurement data is collected at a second time interval and a subsequent scaled local backscatter along the fiber is calculated. The exemplary systems and methods described herein determines a change in scaled local backscatter as a function of a difference between the base scaled local backscatter and at least the subsequent scaled local scaled local backscatter along the fiber, and then determines a relative temperature variation of the fiber as a function of the change in scaled local backscatter.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for monitoring the state of a tube for a coating in a system of pipes or ducts

Номер: US20120147920A1
Автор: Ulrich Glombitza
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for monitoring a status of a sleeve for lining a system of pipes or conduits, the sleeve being impregnated with a curable resin, includes the steps of providing the sleeve, disposing at least one fiber optic sensor in thermally conductive contact with the sleeve, and generating, using the at least one fiber optic sensor, a positionally resolved thermographic image representative of a temperature of the sleeve as a function of position and time

14-06-2012 дата публикации

System and method for distributed environmental parameter measurement

Номер: US20120147924A1
Автор: Travis S. Hall
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

An apparatus for measuring environmental parameters includes: an optical fiber sensor configured to be disposed along a path in an environment to be measured, the path of the optical fiber sensor defining a longitudinal axis; and at least one section of the optical fiber sensor configured so that an entire length of the at least one section is exposed to an at least substantially homogeneous environmental parameter, at least part of the at least one section extending in a direction having a radial component relative to the longitudinal axis.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Fluorescence based thermometry

Номер: US20130034122A1

A temperature sensor includes a photon source, a fluorescent element and a photodetector. The fluorescent element includes a temperature-insensitive first fluorophore and a temperature-sensitive second fluorophore. The photodetector includes a first photosensor exhibiting a first spectral responsivity and a second photosensor exhibiting a second spectral responsivity. The first fluorophore may be selected to optimize the first spectral responsivity and the second fluorophore may be selected to optimize the second spectral responsivity. To measure a temperature of a surface, the fluorescent element may be placed adjacent to the surface and irradiated with a photon beam. First photons emitted from the first fluorophore and second photons emitted from the second fluorophore are collected. The first and second photons may be transmitted as a single dichromatic beam to a photodetector that includes two photosensors having different respective spectral responsivities such that the two photosensors generate two different electrical output signals, the ratio of which may be correlated to temperature.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121374A1

A fiber optic thermometer is provided that uses a birefringent polarization maintaining sensing fiber as well as a single-mode transmission fiber for transmitting the optical signals between the sensing head and an optoelectronic module. The optoelectronic module contains two light sources operating at different spectral ranges. The unpolarized light from the light sources is sent through the transmission fiber, sent through a polarizer, and coupled into both birefringence axis of the sensing fiber. The waves are reflected at a reflector at a remote end of the sensing fiber, whereupon it returns through the sensing fiber, the polarizer and the transmission fiber. By analyzing the returned signal for both spectral ranges, a robust temperature signal can be derived. This thermometer design obviates the need for using a polarization maintaining fiber and polarization maintaining connectors between the optoelectronic module and the sensor head. 1. A fiber optic thermometer comprising:a light source assembly configured to generate light in a first spectral range and in a second spectral range, the first spectral range differing from the second spectral range;a single-mode transmission fiber connected to the light source assembly and configured to carry the light of the first and second spectral ranges;a polarizer configured to polarize light from the transmission fiber;a polarization maintaining sensing fiber having first and second birefringence axes, wherein a birefringence of the sensing fiber between the first and second birefringence axes depends on a temperature to be measured, and the polarizer is configured to couple light from the light source into both the birefringence axes, the sensing fiber having a first end and a second end, and the polarizer being arranged between the transmission fiber and the first end;a reflector arranged at the second end of the sensing fiber and configured to reflect light back into the sensing fiber;a detector assembly configured to ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156066A1

The present invention is effective in that automatically corrected temperature can be measured using one light source and one optical detector. 1. An optical fiber distributed temperature sensor system having an automatic correction function , the system comprising:a light source unit including a power supply unit, a pulse generator, and a laser diode, for generating a pulse-modulated optical signal;a measured optical fiber connected to the light source unit, through which the optical signal is entered and transmitted;a reflecting means provided at one end of the measured optical fiber, for reflecting the optical signal transmitted through the measured optical fiber, along the measured optical fiber;an optical circulator provided between the measured optical fiber and the light source unit, for separating and transmitting an optical signal entered from the measured optical fiber in a direction different from that of an optical signal entered from the light source unit;a Raman filter connected to the optical circulator, for separating and passing only an anti-Stokes Raman scattering optical signal among the optical signals separated and transmitted from the optical circulator;an optical detector connected to the Raman filter, for converting the anti-Stokes Raman scattering optical signal into an electrical signal that can be signal processed;an amplifier connected to the optical detector, for amplifying the converted electrical signal;a digital converter connected to the amplifier, for converting the amplified electrical signal into a digital form; anda signal processing unit connected to the digital converter, for outputting temperature data distributed in a lengthwise direction of the measured optical fiber as the temperature is measured using a Raman effect.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising an optical amplifier for amplifying the optical signal generated by the light source unit between the light source unit and the optical circulator.3. The ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Pipeline with Integrated Fiber Optic Cable

Номер: US20130170519A1
Автор: Alliot Vincent

Apparatus and methods for integrating a fiber optic cable () with a pipeline () are described. An example pipeline having an integrated fiber optic cable includes a plurality of pipe sections (), where each of the pipe sections has a thermally insulating outer layer () and ends not covered by the outer layer. The ends of each of the pipe sections are welded to respective ends of other pipe sections to form field joints () at the welded ends. The pipeline also includes a fiber optic cable, where first portions () of the fiber optic cable are in contact with some of the pipe sections at some of the field joints and where second portions of the fiber optic cable between the first portions are fixed to the outer layer. A coating is applied to cover each of the first portions of the fiber optic cable to integrate the fiber optic cable with the pipeline. 1. A pipeline having an integrated fiber optic cable , comprising:a plurality of pipe sections, each of the pipe sections having a thermally insulating outer layer and ends not covered by the outer layer, the ends of each of the pipe sections being welded to respective ends of other pipe sections to form field joints at the welded ends;a fiber optic cable, wherein first portions of the fiber optic cable are in contact with some of the pipe sections at some of the field joints and wherein second portions of the fiber optic cable between the first portions are fixed to the outer layer; anda coating applied to cover each of the first portions of the fiber optic cable to integrate the fiber optic cable with the pipeline.2. The pipeline of claim 1 , wherein each of the first portions forms a loop-shaped portion that is wrapped on the pipe sections at its respective field joint.3. The pipeline of claim 1 , wherein each of the first portions has a predetermined length based on a spatial resolution associated with the fiber optic cable.4. The pipeline of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined length is based on an overall length of ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170991A1
Автор: Olesen Ib Svend

The invention provides a wind turbine blade comprising a first shell, having a first bonding region, and a second shell having a second bonding region, wherein the second bonding region of the second shell is bonded to the first bonding region of the first shell; and a temperature sensor positioned between the first bonding region and the second bonding region. Having a temperature sensor positioned within the turbine blade, in the region at which the two shells of the turbine blade are bonded together, allows for accurate determination and control of the temperature of the critical bonding regions during blade manufacture. The temperature sensor may be used during the service life of the wind turbine blade to detect delamination of the wind turbine blade. 1. A wind turbine blade comprising a first shell , having a first bonding region , and a second shell having a second bonding region , wherein the second bonding region of the second shell is bonded to the first bonding region of the first shell; and a temperature sensor positioned between the first bonding region and the second bonding region.2. A wind turbine blade according to claim 1 , further comprising a bonding material bonding the first shell to the second shell claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor is embedded in the bonding material.3. A wind turbine blade according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor is an optical temperature sensor.4. A wind turbine blade according to claim 3 , wherein the optical temperature sensor is a Fibre Bragg Grating within an optical fibre.5. A wind turbine blade according to claim 4 , further comprising a plurality of Fibre Bragg Gratings along the length of the optical fibre.6. A wind turbine blade according to claim 3 , wherein the optical temperature sensor is a Long Period Grating within an optical fibre.7. A wind turbine blade according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of optical temperature sensors positioned between the first bonding region and the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Optical probe containing oxygen, temperature, and pressure sensors and monitoring and control systems containing the same

Номер: US20130206760A1
Автор: Kenneth Susko
Принадлежит: Individual

A probe for measuring oxygen, temperature, and pressure in a space to be monitored, comprising: a housing, comprising a thermally conductive material; an oxygen sensor disposed within the housing, comprising: a first end having coated thereon a coating which fluoresces at a fluorescent frequency when exposed to light having an excitation frequency in the absence of associated oxygen, and which undergoes a dampening of said fluorescence in the presence of associated oxygen; and a second end operatively connected to an optical fiber that extends through the housing; wherein the first end extends through the housing and is adapted to be exposed to the space to be monitored; a temperature sensor disposed within the housing adjacent to the thermally conductive material, comprising a fiber Bragg grating, or a semiconductor material, such as a GaAS material, wherein the temperature sensor does not extend through the housing and is not exposed to the space to be monitored; a pressure sensor disposed within the housing, comprising a fiber Bragg grating or a Fabry-Pérot white light interferometry sensor having a first end which extends through the housing and is adapted to be exposed to the space to be monitored.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215930A1

To measure the temperature in a temperature-measurement target disposed in a first area, an optical fiber is drawn to the first area from a second area having an adjusted temperature, and the optical fiber is installed in the temperature-measurement target. Furthermore, a reference temperature-measurement unit is provided in the second area. A temperature measurement apparatus detects backscattered light generated in the optical fiber, and detects temperatures at multiple measurement points along an installation path of the optical fiber. When making a correction on a signal outputted from the temperature measurement apparatus, a signal processor replaces temperatures at measurement points located in the second area among the measurement points with a temperature at the reference temperature-measurement unit. 1. A temperature measurement system comprising:a first area having a plurality of temperature-measurement targets;a second area demarcated from the first area;an optical fiber installed in such a manner as to be drawn from the second area to the first area for each of the temperature-measurement targets and to pass through the temperature-measurement targets;a temperature measurement apparatus having a light source and configured to acquire temperatures at a plurality of measurement points along an installation path of the optical fiber by detecting backscattered light generated when light emitted from the light source passes through the optical fiber; anda signal processor configured to correct the temperatures at the measurement points acquired by the temperature measurement apparatus, whereinthe optical fiber has a reference temperature-measurement unit disposed in the second area to measure a temperature of the second area, andwhen making the correction, the signal processor replaces the temperatures at the measurement points located in the second area with the temperature at the reference temperature-measurement unit.2. The temperature measurement system ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Sensing systems and few-mode optical fiber for use in such systems

Номер: US20130216176A1
Автор: Ming-Jun Li, Shenping Li
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

A sensing optical fiber comprising: a few-moded multi-segment core, said core comprising one core segment surrounded by another core segment, and at least one cladding surrounding said core; said core having an F factor (μm 2 ) of 100 μm 2 to 350 μm 2 , and is constructed to provide (i) an overlap integral between the fundamental optical guided mode and the fundamental acoustic guided mode of greater than 0.7 and (ii) the overlap integral between the LP11 optical guided mode and the fundamental acoustic guided mode at least 0.45.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130308682A1
Автор: Peled Yair, Tur Moshe

A method of distributed and dynamical Brillouin sensing in optical fibers is provided herein. The method includes the following stages: deriving average characteristics of an optical fiber along its length; generating a variable frequency probe signal, such that the variable frequency is tailored to match, at specified points along the fiber, the respective average characteristics; injecting the variable frequency probe signal to a first end of the optical fiber and a periodic pulse signal to a second end of the optical fiber, wherein the injecting is synchronized such that a stimulated Brillouin scattering is carried out at each one of the specified points along the optical fiber, such that a frequency difference between the probe signal and the pump signal matches the average characteristics of the fiber; and measuring occurrences of the stimulated Brillouin scattering, to yield data indicative of strain and temperature at all points along the optical fiber. 1. A method comprising:deriving average characteristics of an optical fiber under test along its length;generating a variable frequency probe signal, such that the variable frequency is tailored to match, at specified point along the optical fiber, the respective average characteristics;injecting the variable frequency probe signal to a first end of the optical fiber and a periodic pulse signal to a second end of the optical fiber, wherein the injecting is synchronized such that a stimulated Brillouin scattering is carried out at each one of the specified points along the optical fiber, such that the frequency difference between the probe signal and the pump signal matches the average characteristics of the fiber; andmeasuring occurrences of the stimulated Brillouin scattering, to yield data indicative of strain and temperature at all points along the entire optical fiber.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the average characteristics of the optical fiber relate to the uneven strain along an entire Brillioun- ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036957A1
Принадлежит: Silixa Ltd.

The invention relates to installations for fibre optic monitoring of articles, and apparatus and methods for forming such installations, including a modular system and components for forming a fibre optic monitoring installation. Applications of the invention include the monitoring of vessels, chambers, and fluid conduits in industrial processing plants, and the invention has particular application to monitoring large vessels, for example temperature monitoring of vessels used in catalytic reforming processes. Convenient installation on or removal from the article being monitored is achieved by providing a support structure for the fibre optic length, which presents the fibre optic length in a preconfigured orientation suitable for monitoring the article. In a particular embodiment of the invention, the fibre optic length is disposed on a panel in a plurality of dense spiral patterns. 1. A fibre optic monitoring installation comprising:an article having an outer surface to be monitored;a fibre optic support structure arranged to support a fibre optic length, wherein the support structure defines a monitoring area which corresponds to a part of a surface of the article, and the fibre optic length is arranged in a predetermined pattern or orientation over the monitoring area defined by the support structure;means for locating the fibre optic support structure in relation to the article such that, in use, the fibre optic length is sensitive to a condition of the surface of the article; andfibre optic instrumentation coupled to the fibre optic length.2. The fibre optic monitoring installation according to claim 1 , wherein the support structure is configured for attachment of the fibre optic length to the support structure before the support structure is located in relation to the article to be monitored.3. The fibre optic monitoring installation according to claim 1 , wherein the support structure is configured to be located in relation to the article to form an in ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003496A1

A method for measuring the temperature of rotating machining tools, comprising providing an optical fiber sensor; inserting said optical fiber sensor into the rotating machining tool; directing light from a light source into said optical fiber of said fiber sensor; detecting changes of optical properties of said optical fiber sensor as a function of temperature in the reflected light leaving said optical fiber; and correlating said changes of optical properties to the temperature of the machining tool. The apparatus comprises the respective elements. The present invention proposes a solution for the temperature measurement in rotating machining tools which avoids the transmission of electrical signals, and which can be integrated even in very small machining tools such as small dental drills. It continuously measures the temperature of the machining tool and is not sensitive to liquid coolants. Although the invention is primarily targeted to the application with dental implants, it is as well applicable to other medical applications as orthopedic implants, and to rotating machining tools in general. 1. A method for measuring the temperature of rotating machining tools , comprisingproviding an optical fiber sensor;inserting said optical fiber sensor into the rotating machining tool;directing light from a light source into said optical fiber of said fiber sensor;detecting changes of optical properties of said optical fiber sensor as a function of temperature in the reflected light leaving said optical fiber; andcorrelating said changes of optical properties to the temperature of the machining tool.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising measuring the change of the optical properties of said optical fiber or the optical properties of optical elements in the optical fiber as a function of temperature.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the changes of the optical properties as a function of temperature are due to at least one optical element claim 2 , ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003497A1

Disclosed is a temperature and strain sensing optical fiber including a first doped radial zone (Z) with an associated first Brillouin shift (BS) caused by the doping of said zone (Z) and a second doped radial zone (Z) with associated second Brillouin shift (BS) caused by the doping of said second zone (Z). The concentration and/or composition of the doping materials in said first and second radial zones are chosen such that the first Brillouin Shift (BS) is different from the second Brillouin Shift (BS) for all variations of said Brillouin Shifts (BS BS) caused by temperature and/or strain. 123-. (canceled)24. A temperature and strain sensing optical fiber comprising at least two radial zones differently doped and having different isothermal and adiabatic compressibility coefficients between said two zones so as to differentiate the respective contributions , of temperature and strain variations , to the variations of at least two distinct Brillouin shifts of said sensing optical fiber , wherein said two radial zones are differently doped such thatvariations of said two Brillouin shifts, caused by a same temperature variation, differ from each other by more than 50%; andvariations of said two Brillouin shifts, caused by a same strain variation, differ from each other by more than 5%.25. The temperature and strain sensing optical fiber according to claim 24 , wherein said two radial zones are differently doped such that a gap exists between said two Brillouin shifts for all variations of said two Brillouin shifts caused by temperature and/or strain variations.26. The temperature and strain sensing optical fiber according to claim 24 , wherein said two radial zones are respectively a core and a ring of said sensing optical fiber.27. The temperature and strain sensing optical fiber according to claim 24 , wherein said two radial zones respectively comprise different doping combinations of the same doping materials claim 24 , each said radial zone comprising at least ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Monitoring Power Combiners

Номер: US20150003498A1

The disclosed embodiments show a fused fiber combiner with sensors that are strategically located at various locations, thereby permitting performance monitoring of the fused fiber combiner. Additionally, the disclosed embodiments show various processes for determining causes of any performance degradations. 1. A thermal monitoring system , comprising:input fibers for receiving optical signals;a glass taper where the input fibers converge and are fused together;an output fiber optically coupled to the glass taper, the output fiber comprising an output strip edge, the output fiber further comprising a mode stripper, the mode stripper comprising a mode-stripper input and a mode-stripper output;input-splice sensors, each input-splice sensor being operatively coupled to a corresponding input fiber, each input-splice sensor to monitor thermal conditions associated with its corresponding input fiber;a taper thermal sensor operatively coupled to the glass taper, the taper thermal sensor to monitor thermal conditions associated with the glass taper;an output-strip-edge thermal sensor operatively coupled to the output strip edge, the output-strip-edge thermal sensor to monitor thermal conditions associated with the output strip edge;a mode-stripper-input sensor operatively coupled to the mode-stripper input, the mode-stripper-input sensor to monitor thermal conditions associated with the mode-stripper input; anda mode-stripper-output sensor operatively coupled to the mode-stripper output, the mode-stripper-output sensor to monitor thermal conditions associated with the mode-stripper output.2. A system , comprising:a fused fiber combiner; andsensors to monitor thermal conditions associated with the fused fiber combiner.3. The system of claim 2 , the fused fiber combiner comprising:input fibers to receive optical signals; anda glass taper where the input fibers converge and are fused together.4. The system of claim 3 , the sensors comprising:input-splice sensors, each input- ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Filtering Distributed Sensing Data

Номер: US20170003177A1

A distributed sensing device for determining a physical quantity which comprises a measuring unit configured for measuring signals over time and space by distributed sensing, a determining unit configured for determining, based on the measured signals, data being correlated to the physical quantity, and a filtering unit configured for filtering the data to reduce noise and substantially preserve real features based on at least one filter parameter which is determined depending on the data which relate to the physical quantity at a plurality of different times.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003687A1
Автор: TAKEUCHI Nobuaki

An optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device includes: an optical fiber as a sensor; a calculation control unit for measuring a temperature distribution along the optical fiber based on an intensity ratio between Stokes light and anti-Stokes light of backward Raman scattered light from the optical fiber; and a temperature correction unit for correcting the temperature distribution by using temperature dependence of a loss difference between the Stokes light and the anti-Stokes light. 1. An optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device comprising:an optical fiber as a sensor;a calculation control unit for measuring a temperature distribution along the optical fiber based on an intensity ratio between Stokes light and anti-Stokes light of backward Raman scattered light from the optical fiber; anda temperature correction unit for correcting the temperature distribution by using temperature dependence of a loss difference between the Stokes light and the anti-Stokes light.2. The optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device according to claim 1 , whereinthe temperature correction unit includes an optical fiber loss correction temperature storing unit for storing a temperature of the optical fiber at a point in time when a loss correction value of the optical fiber is obtained.3. The optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device according to claim 1 , whereinthe temperature correction unit includes an optical fiber loss temperature characteristic storing unit for storing a temperature characteristic of a loss value of the optical fiber.4. The optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device according to claim 2 , whereinthe temperature correction unit includes an optical fiber loss temperature characteristic storing unit for storing a temperature characteristic of a loss value of the optical fiber.5. The optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device according to claim 4 , whereinthe temperature correction unit ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Temperature Sensor

Номер: US20180003571A1

A temperature sensor and temperature sensing system for sensing changes m temperature up to a predetermined temperature is disclosed. The temperature sensor includes a microstructured optical fiber where the micro-structured optical fiber includes a plurality of longitudinal channels extending along the microstructured optical fiber. The sensor also includes a fiber Bragg grating formed in the microstructured optical, fiber by generating a periodic modulation in the refractive index along a core region of the microstructured optical fiber. The fiber Bragg grating is operable to produce band reflection at a reflection wavelength that varies in accordance with changes in temperature at the core region of the optical fiber. 1. A temperature sensor for sensing changes in temperature up to a predetermined temperature , comprising:a microstructured optical fiber, the microstructured optical fiber including a plurality of longitudinal channels extending along the microstructured optical fiber; anda fiber Bragg grating formed in the microstructured optical fiber by generating a periodic modulation in the refractive index along a core region of the microstructured optical fiber, wherein the fiber Bragg grating is operable to produce band reflection at a reflection wavelength that varies in accordance with changes in temperature at the core region of the optical fiber.2. The temperature sensor of claim 1 , wherein the periodic modulation in the refractive index along the core region is formed by laser ablating defects along the core region of the microstructured optical fiber.3. The temperature sensor of claim 2 , wherein the structure of the microstructured optical fiber is configured to facilitate the laser ablating defects along the core region of the microstructured optical fiber.4. The temperature sensor of claim 3 , wherein the structure of the microstructured optical fiber includes a single longitudinal channel extending between the core region and an outer cladding ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003949A1

Provided is a cladded single crystal sapphire optical device (e.g., a s sapphire optical fiber or wafer). In one embodiment, the innovation provides a method for forming a cladding in a single crystal sapphire optical device by reactor irradiation. The reactor irradiation creates ions external to the optical device that enter the optical device, displace atoms in the optical device, and are implanted in the optical device, thus modifying the index of refraction of the optical device near the surface of the optical device and creating a cladding in the sapphire optical device. 1. A sapphire optical device having a graded internal refractive cladding within the sapphire optical device.2. The sapphire optical device of claim 1 , wherein the sapphire optical device is a sapphire optical fiber.3. The sapphire optical device of inscribed with at least one type-II Bragg grating.4. The sapphire optical device of claim 1 , wherein the sapphire optical device is a sapphire optical wafer.5. The sapphire optical device of claim 4 , wherein the sapphire optical wafer includes an ion implanted waveguide.6. A waveguide comprising the sapphire optical device of . The waveguide of claim 4 , wherein the waveguide is implemented onto a silicon chip.87. The waveguide of claim claim 4 , wherein the silicon chip is incorporated into a photonic device.9. The waveguide of claim 9 , wherein the photonic device is a silicon chip-based spectroscopy device. This application is a Continuation of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/928,411 entitled “Internal Cladding in Sapphire Optical Device and Method of Making Same’ filed on Mar. 22, 2018 which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/475,312 entitled “Creation of an Internal Cladding in Sapphire Optical Fiber by Reactor Irradiation” filed on Mar. 23, 2017, each of which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.The innovation relates to internal cladding in sapphire optical ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003902A1

A multimode optical fiber includes a core and a cladding covering the core. The core has a radius in a range of 23.75-26.25 μm. A refractive index profile of the core has a graded refractive index distribution with a refractive index distribution index α in a range of 1.80-1.89. The core has a maximum relative refractive index difference Δ1% in a range from 1.0% to 1.15%. The multimode optical fiber has a fusion loss less than or equal to 0.08 dB. The multimode optical fiber is applied in a middle-and-long distance distributed temperature-measuring system, and a temperature-measuring distance of the system reaches 10 km to 27 km. The system includes a pulsed laser light source, a wavelength division multiplexer, an avalanche photodiode, a data acquisition device, an upper computer, and the temperature-measuring multimode optical fiber. 1. A temperature-measuring multimode optical fiber , comprising a core and a cladding covering the core , wherein the core has a radius in a range from 23.75 μm to 26.25 μm; a refractive index profile of the core has a graded refractive index distribution with a refractive index distribution index α in a range from 1.80 to 1.89; and the core has a maximum relative refractive index difference Δ1% in a range from 1.0% to 1.15% , and the temperature-measuring multimode optical fiber having a fusion loss less than or equal to 0.08 dB.2. The temperature-measuring multimode optical fiber according to claim 1 , having a numerical aperture in a range from 0.190 to 0.205.3. The temperature-measuring multimode optical fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the core is made of SiOquartz glass of a germanium-fluorine co-doped system.4. The temperature-measuring multimode optical fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the cladding is made of high-purity quartz glass.5. The temperature-measuring multimode optical fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the cladding has a radius in a range from 62.0 μm to 63.0 μm.6. The temperature-measuring multimode ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Fibre Optic Temperature Measurement

Номер: US20190003903A1
Автор: Godfrey Alastair

A temperature sensor for measuring temperature is described. The sensor comprises a fibre optic cable () comprising optical fibre () and an interrogator unit () configured to interrogate the optical fibre with electromagnetic radiation, detect any radiation that is Rayleigh backscattered within the optical fibre and determine a measurement signal indicative of temperature changes for at least one longitudinal sensing portion of the optical fibre. A controllable thermal element, which may be a heating element, such as an electrically conducting element (), is arranged along the length of the fibre optic cable () and in thermal communication with the fibre optic cable (). A controller () is configured to generate a thermal variation in the controllable thermal element, e.g. by generating a time varying electric current in the electrically conducting element (). An analyser () is configured to analyse the measurement signal, extract a thermal response signal corresponding to the thermal variation and compare the thermal response to a predetermined characteristic to determine the temperature of the fibre optic cable at said longitudinal sensing portion. 1. A temperature sensor for measuring temperature comprising:a fibre optic cable comprising an optical fibre;an interrogator unit configured to interrogate the optical fibre with electromagnetic radiation, detect any radiation that is Rayleigh backscattered within the optical fibre and determine a measurement signal indicative of temperature changes for at least one longitudinal sensing portion of the optical fibre;a controllable thermal element arranged along at least part of the length of the fibre optic cable and in thermal communication with the optical fibre;a controller configured to control said thermal element to generate a thermal variation; andan analyser configured to analyse the measurement signal from at least one sensing portion, extract a thermal response signal corresponding to the thermal variation and ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for continuously checking casing cement quality

Номер: US20220011464A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A system for monitoring downhole cement quality in a cased well includes an active acoustic source that generates acoustic waves, a distributed acoustic sensor, and a controller. The distributed acoustic sensor includes an optical fiber disposed on an outer surface of a casing of the cased well; a pulsed laser coupled to the optical fiber and that transmits pulses of laser light along the optical fiber; a sensor that detects light that is backscattered and reflected by the optical fiber; and a processor that controls the pulsed laser, receives signals from the sensor, and converts the signals into acoustic information. The controller receives the acoustic information from the processor and identifies well integrity loss.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Test Wafer With Optical Fiber With Bragg Grating Sensors

Номер: US20190006157A1

An apparatuses relating generally to a test wafer, processing chambers, and method relating generally to monitoring or calibrating a processing chamber, are described. In one such an apparatus for a test wafer, there is a platform. An optical fiber with Fiber Bragg Grating sensors is located over the platform. A layer of material is located over the platform and over the optical fiber. 1. An apparatus for a test wafer , comprising:a platform;an optical fiber with Fiber Bragg Grating sensors located over the platform; anda layer of material located over the platform and over the optical fiber.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the Fiber Bragg Grating sensors are each configured for a different center frequency for modulation thereof responsive to at least temperature.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the Fiber Bragg Grating sensors are configured to filter wavelengths in a range of 1500 to 1600 nanometers.4. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the optical fiber includes 50 or more of the Fiber Bragg Grating sensors.5. The apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising a sealant disposed between the platform and the layer of material.6. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the optical fiber between the platform and the layer of material includes disposition in a spiral or spiral-like pattern.7. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein an end of the optical fiber is positioned for communication with an optical lift pin.8. The apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising:an optical eye coupled to an end of the optical fiber for optical communication to and from a light source-based detection system for a single-port and a single interface for receiving a source spectrum and transmitting a reflected spectrum.9. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein an end of the optical fiber is configured with a lens for optical communication to and from a light source-based detection system for a single-port and a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006818A1

A battery includes a folded bicell battery stack with an embedded fiber optic cable and sensor. A cell casing encloses the bicell stack with at least one fiber optic cable is embedded within the battery. The fiber optic cable includes an internal portion disposed within the cell casing and having at least one optical sensor disposed thereon. An external portion of the fiber optic cable protrudes from the casing. A sealing gasket is disposed at least partially around the fiber optic cable and between the cell sealing edges at a point of entry of the fiber optic cable into the battery. 1. A battery , comprising:a folded bicell battery stack;a cell casing enclosing the bicell stack, the cell casing comprising cell sealing edges;at least one fiber optic cable having at least one optical sensor disposed thereon, the at least one fiber optic cable bonded to active material of at least one fold layer of the bicell battery stack and comprising an external portion protruding from the casing; anda gasket disposed around the fiber optic cable and between the cell sealing edges at an entry point of the battery.2. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the gasket comprises a heat seal film.3. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the gasket comprises a polypropylene or polyethylene material.4. The battery of claim 1 , further comprising an additional heat seal film disposed along each of the cell sealing edges.5. The battery of claim 1 , further comprising a first internal portion disposed between fold layers of the bicell stack.6. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fiber optic cable includes a bend having an angle less than 90 degrees.7. The battery of claim 6 , wherein:the cell casing comprises a first layer having first sealing edges and a second layer having second sealing edges, the first layer and the second layer sealed together at the first and second sealing edges; a first internal portion disposed between fold layers of the bicell stack.', 'a second internal ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006796A1
Автор: Brode Frank, Tröger Lutz

An electrical contact element with an integrated sensor is provided. The contact element has a groove, at least a portion of which extends on a plug-in side of the contact element. An optical fiber is provided in the groove. The optical fiber is designed in such a way as to be suitable as a sensor for measuring the temperature or the air humidity. 111-. (canceled)12: An electrical contact element comprising at least one groove with an optical fiber running in the groove wherein the optical fiber is designed as a sensor , and the groove starts at a connection side , remote from a plug-in side , of the contact element and runs to the plug-in side and ends again at the connection side.13: The electrical contact element as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the start and end of the groove run in parallel from the connection side to the plug-in side and are connected to each other on the plug-in side.14: The electrical contact element as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the groove forms a loop on the plug-in side.15: The electrical contact element as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the groove forms a loop on the plug-in side.16: The electrical contact element as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the optical fiber is pressed into the groove.17: The electrical contact element as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the optical fiber is bonded into the groove.18: The electrical contact element as claimed claim 12 , wherein the optical fiber has a Bragg grating.19: The electrical contact element as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the optical fiber is designed as a temperature sensor.20: The electrical contact element as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the optical fiber is designed as a humidity sensor. The invention relates to a contact element as claimed in the precharacterizing clause of the independent claim .Contact elements of this type are needed to produce an electrical contact between two lines. It is thus intended for the lines to be contacted to each other reversibly. Depending on the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011018A1

In a TDM- and WDM-based FBG sensor array system, a source emits a light covering a selected wavelength range. The light is amplified and then used to generate a series of pulses that are fed into an array of sensor gratings. The propagation of a pulse through the sensor array results in a time-domain-multiplexed output, comprising a series of output pulses in which each output pulse comprises a reflection of the input pulse at a respective grating in the sensor array. Raman amplification is used to amplify both the pulse input into and the time-domain multiplexed output from the sensor array, which is then coupled into an output processing stage for receiving the sensor output and for reconstructing the wavelength output of each grating in the sensor array. The wavelength change for each grating is then used to calculate a physical parameter(s) to be measured, such as temperature and/or strain. 1. A fiber optic sensor system , comprising:an input generator comprising a light source for emitting light covering a selected wavelength range, a rare-earth-doped fiber amplifier for amplifying the emitted light, and a modulator for modulating the emitted light to produce a series of light pulses; 'wherein the sensor stage comprises a Raman amplification means for amplifying both the input into the sensor array and the time-domain multiplexed output coming out of the sensor array;', 'a sensor stage coupled to the input generator for receiving the series of light pulses as an input, and for transmitting the light pulses through an array of sensor gratings positioned along an optical pathway, wherein the propagation of a pulse through the sensor array results in a time-domain-multiplexed output, comprising a series of output pulses in which each output pulse comprises a reflection of the input pulse at a respective grating in the sensor array,'}an output processing stage for detecting the output out of the sensor array and for reconstructing the wavelength output of each ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011060A1

An assembly, for example an electrostatic chuck, is provided including a substrate, an electrostatic chuck, a heating plate, and a bond layer comprising a phosphorescent material. In one form, an optical sensor is disposed proximate the bond layer to detect a temperature of the bond layer in the field of view of the optical sensor. The phosphorescent material is illuminated and the subsequent decay is observed by the optical sensor. From this information, the temperature of the electrostatic chuck and substrate is determined and heating elements may be adjusted by a controller. 1. An assembly comprising:a first member;a second member disposed proximate the first member;a bond layer disposed between the first member and the second member, the bond layer securing the second member to the first member and comprising a phosphorescent material; andat least one optical sensor disposed proximate the bond layer to detect a temperature of the bond layer in a field of view of the optical sensor.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the first member is an electrostatic chuck and the second member is a heating plate for use in a support assembly in semiconductor processing.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein at least one heating element is embedded within the heating plate.4. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein at least one heating element is secured to the heating plate.5. The assembly according to or further comprising a controller that receives and processes signals from the optical sensor to determine temperature in the bond layer according a decay rate of the phosphorescent material and controls the at least one heating element accordingly.6. The assembly according to further comprising a tuning layer disposed proximate the heating plate.7. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the optical sensor is arranged to observe a lower side of the bond layer.8. The assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising an aperture extending through the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011066A1

Small profile apparatus for pressure and/or temperature sensing within a wellbore are provided. The apparatus may include optical sensing assemblies designed for inclusion in traditional or coiled production tubing deployments and suitable for use in high pressure, high temperature environments. One example assembly generally includes a housing having a divider for separating a first volume from a second volume inside the housing, a compressible element disposed in the first volume, wherein a first end of the compressible element is coupled to the divider and a second of the compressible element is sealed, and a large diameter optical waveguide disposed in an internal volume of the compressible element. The waveguide typically includes a first portion with a first grating and a second portion with a second grating, wherein the first portion has a greater outer diameter than the second portion. 1. The optical sensing assembly of claim 85 , volume claim 85 , wherein the first end of the compressible element is coupled to the divider claim 85 , wherein the large diameter optical waveguide is disposed in an internal volume of the compressible element claim 85 ,wherein the first portion has a greater outer diameter than the second portion, and wherein the outer diameter of the second portion is at least 300 μm.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the compressible element comprises a bellows assembly.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the large diameter optical waveguide has a dog-bone shape claim 1 , wherein the first portion comprises a piston portion claim 1 , and wherein the second portion comprises a narrow portion.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second end of the compressible element is sealed with an end cap.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the large diameter optical waveguide comprises a third portion having a greater outer diameter than the second portion claim 1 , and wherein the third portion is configured to interact with the second end of the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011002A1
Принадлежит: Silixa Ltd.

The invention relates to installations for fibre optic monitoring of articles, and apparatus and methods for forming such installations, including a modular system and components for forming a fibre optic monitoring installation. Applications of the invention include the monitoring of vessels, chambers, and fluid conduits in industrial processing plants, and the invention has particular application to monitoring large vessels, for example temperature monitoring of vessels used in catalytic reforming processes. Convenient installation on or removal from the article being monitored is achieved by providing a support structure for the fibre optic length, which presents the fibre optic length in a preconfigured orientation suitable for monitoring the article. In a particular embodiment of the invention, the fibre optic length is disposed on a panel in a plurality of dense spiral patterns. 166.-. (canceled)67. A fibre optic monitoring installation comprising:an article having an outer surface to be monitored;a fibre optic support structure arranged to support a fibre optic length, wherein the support structure comprises a frame defining a monitoring area which corresponds to a part of the outer surface of the article, and the fibre optic length is arranged in a predetermined pattern or orientation on a first surface of the frame such that the fibre optic length is located over the monitoring area defined by the frame;means for locating the fibre optic support structure in relation to the article such that, in use, the fibre optic length is sensitive to a condition of the outer surface of the article; andfibre optic instrumentation coupled to the fibre optic length,wherein the support structure is configured to be located in relation to the article to form an in situ support for subsequent installation of the fibre optic length onto the support structure.68. The fibre optic monitoring installation according to claim 67 , wherein the means for locating the fibre optic ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010645A1

The present disclosure provides an artificial intelligence detection system for deep-buried fuel gas pipeline leakage, including a multi-field source information collecting system, a data processing and analyzing system, and a monitoring and warning system, wherein the multi-field source information collecting system includes a concentration field collecting subsystem, a temperature field collecting subsystem, and a geoelectric field collecting subsystem; the concentration field collecting subsystem collects concentration field data; the temperature field collecting subsystem collects temperature field data; the geoelectric field collecting subsystem collects geoelectric field data; the data processing and analyzing system receives the concentration field data, temperature field data and geoelectric field data, calculates variations of the respective data, compares the variations with corresponding variation thresholds, and determines whether to generate a warning signal; the monitoring and warning system alarms upon receipt of the warning signal generated by the data processing and analyzing system. 1. An artificial intelligence detection system for deep-buried fuel gas pipeline leakage , comprising a multi-field source information collecting system , a data processing and analyzing system , and a monitoring and warning system , wherein: the concentration field collecting subsystem is configured to collect a concentration field signal in a fuel gas pipeline region and obtain concentration field data;', 'the temperature field collecting subsystem is configured to collect a temperature field signal in a fuel gas pipeline region and obtain temperature field data; and', 'the geoelectric field collecting subsystem is configured to collect a geoelectric field signal in a fuel gas pipeline region and obtain geoelectric field data;, 'the multi-field source information collecting system comprises a concentration field collecting subsystem, a temperature field collecting ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010833A1
Принадлежит: NKT Photonics GmbH

A sensor system for detection and localisation of changes in or values for at least one environmental condition comprises a source of pulses of electromagnetic radiation, wherein the source is configured to emit electromagnetic radiation at a plurality of different wavelengths, an optical fibre in optical communication with the source of pulses, wherein said optical fibre includes one or more fibre Bragg gratings having a reflectance and/or transmittance which varies in dependence on the at least one environmental condition, and a detection unit for detecting, at a plurality of different times, electromagnetic radiation which has been reflected or transmitted by at least one of the fibre Bragg gratings, wherein the detection unit is configured for detecting electromagnetic radiation at the plurality of different wavelengths, such that a spectral response can be determined for different spatial regions along the optical fibre, wherein a change in or value for the environmental condition at a spatial region may be determined by monitoring the respective spectral response. 1. Sensor system for detection and localisation of changes in or values for at least one environmental condition , comprising:a source of pulses of electromagnetic radiation, wherein the source is configured to emit electromagnetic radiation at a plurality of different wavelengths;an optical fibre in optical communication with the source of pulses, wherein said optical fibre includes one or more fibre Bragg gratings having a reflectance and/or transmittance which varies in dependence on the at least one environmental condition; anda detection unit for detecting, at a plurality of different times, electromagnetic radiation which has been reflected or transmitted by at least one of the fibre Bragg gratings,wherein the detection unit is configured for detecting electromagnetic radiation at the plurality of different wavelengths, such that a spectral response can be determined for different spatial ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010874A1
Автор: LEE Geum Suk

A temperature measuring device using an optical fiber Bragg grating sensor is proposed, which includes: an optical fiber wound one or more times on a ring part, which has a preset diameter by rotating a part of the optical fiber once, thereby maintaining a predetermined shape; a housing in which the optical fiber is arranged; and an optical fiber Bragg grating sensor provided in a straight line part of the optical fiber, and thus the present invention prevents deformation of the optical fiber and the optical fiber Bragg grating sensor, which are arranged to be spaced apart at a predetermined distance in the housing, even when deformation occurs in the housing according to a change in the outside temperature, thereby accurately measuring temperature without distortion. 1. A temperature measuring device using an optical fiber Bragg grating sensor , the temperature measuring device comprising:an optical fiber wound one or more times on a ring part, which is formed by rotating a portion of the optical fiber to have a preset diameter, to maintain a predetermined shape;a housing in which the optical fiber is arranged; andan optical fiber Bragg grating sensor installed in a portion having a straight line in the optical fiber, whereinthe optical fiber is arranged inside the housing and spaced apart from the housing to measure a temperature of an object to be measured.2. A temperature measuring device using an optical fiber Bragg grating sensor , the temperature measuring device comprising:a ring part having a preset diameter;an optical fiber wound one or more times on the ring part to maintain a predetermined shape;a housing in which the optical fiber is arranged; andan optical fiber Bragg grating sensor installed in a portion forming a straight line in the optical fiber, whereinthe ring part is manufactured separately from the optical fiber by using a material having a thermal expansion coefficient a same as a thermal expansion coefficient of the optical fiber, andthe ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Wellbore Integrity Management

Номер: US20200011169A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Methods and systems for evaluating integrity of a tubular located within a wellbore are provided. The method includes measuring an operation parameter of the wellbore, measuring a feature of the tubular two or more times to produce an integrity log each time the feature is measured, and determining a tubular integrity analysis for the tubular by using the integrity logs and the operation parameter. The tubular integrity analysis contains parameter limitations for the tubular. The method also includes determining if tubular integrity is within or outside the parameter limitations. If the tubular integrity is within the parameter limitations, then determine a duration of integrity for the tubular. If the tubular integrity is outside of the parameter limitations, then determine a location on the tubular for loss of tubular integrity. 1. A method for evaluating integrity of a tubular located within a wellbore , comprising:measuring an operation parameter of the wellbore;measuring a feature of the tubular two or more times to produce an integrity log each time the feature is measured;determining a tubular integrity analysis for the tubular by using the integrity logs and the operation parameter, the tubular integrity analysis comprising parameter limitations for the tubular; anddetermining if tubular integrity is within or outside the parameter limitations; andwherein if the tubular integrity is within the parameter limitations, then determining a duration of integrity for the tubular, or if the tubular integrity is outside of the parameter limitations, then determining a location on the tubular for loss of tubular integrity.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the tubular integrity analysis comprises calculating a rate of change of the feature of the tubular.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the feature of the tubular comprises at least one of corrosion on the tubular claim 2 , roughness on the tubular claim 2 , pits on the tubular claim 2 , deformation of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034687A1
Автор: Zhu Rong
Принадлежит: SubCom, LLC

Methods of measuring an anomaly, any induced change in physical parameters such as strain, temperature, and so forth, in an optical fiber. One method may include launching a plurality of probe pulses from a probe source; recording a Brillouin scattering spectrum from a plurality of reflection signals generated in the optical fiber, responsive to the plurality of probe pulses; determining a relative motion between the optical fiber and the anomaly during the recording the Brillouin back-scattering spectrum; and dynamically adjusting the Brillouin back-scattering spectrum according to the relative motion, or performing an adjustment of the Brillouin back-scattering spectrum after acquisition of the Brillouin back-scattering spectrum. 1. A method of measuring an anomaly in an optical fiber , comprising:launching a plurality of probe pulses from a probe source into the optical fiber;recording a Brillouin back-scattering spectrum from a plurality of reflection signals generated in the optical fiber, responsive to the plurality of probe pulses;determining a relative motion between the probe source and the anomaly during the recording the Brillouin back-scattering spectrum; anddynamically adjusting the Brillouin scattering spectrum according to the relative motion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recording the Brillouin back-scattering spectrum comprises performing Brillouin Optical Time Delay Reflection (BOTDR) or comprises performing Brillouin Optical Time Delay Analysis (BOTDA).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Brillouin back-scattering spectrum comprises a Brillouin gain spectrum.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the probe source comprises a sensing fiber claim 3 , wherein the anomaly comprises a change in temperature and/or strain (temperature/strain) in the optical fiber claim 3 , and wherein measurement of a relative motion of the sensing fiber and a temperature/strain profile is synchronized with detection of the Brillouin gain spectrum.5. The method of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Fibre Optic Cables

Номер: US20220034688A1

A fibre optic cable structure () suitable for fibre optic sensing with an improved sensitivity to an environmental parameter is described. The structure () includes an optical fibre () and a bend inducer () responsive to the environmental parameter to control bending of the optical fibre. The bend inducer () is configured to adopt a first configuration, that induces a first curvature of the optical fibre, at a first value of the environmental parameter and to adopt a second configuration at a second, different, value of the environmental parameter that induces a second, different, curvature of the optical fibre. By action of the bend inducer () a change in value of the environmental parameter imparts a bending force on the optical fibre. 1. A fibre optic cable structure comprising:an optical fibre; anda bend inducer that is responsive to an environmental parameter to control bending of the optical fibre;wherein the bend inducer is configured to adopt a first configuration at a first value of the environmental parameter that induces a first curvature of the optical fibre and to adopt a second configuration at a second, different, value of the environmental parameter that induces a second, different, curvature of the optical fibre such that a change in value of the environmental parameter imparts a bending force on the optical fibre.2. The fibre optic cable structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the bend inducer comprises:a first component with a longitudinal dimension that varies with the environmental parameter; anda second component with a longitudinal dimension that varies with the environmental parameter;wherein the amount of variation in the longitudinal dimension of the first component to a given change in the environmental parameter differs from the amount of variation in the longitudinal dimension of the second component to the given change in the environmental parameter.3. The fibre optic cable structure of claim 2 , wherein the first component and second ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016065A1

A composite material packaged fiber grating sensor and a manufacturing method thereof. The sensor includes a fiber grating sensor component, a composite material coverage layer, a resin package layer and a composite material substrate layer. In the sensor, a temperature fiber grating and a strain fiber grating are packaged in a composite material structure, so that the structure is light and simple, its computability with the composite material is good, the measurement accuracy is high, and the survival rate and the service life of the installed sensor can be greatly improved, the sensor component can be externally pasted on to or inter-implanted in a composite material structural part, and can be applied to the distributed online health monitoring on the structural part. The manufacturing method of the composite material packaged fiber grating sensor is simple, efficient and stable, and is suitable for rapid mass production by enterprises. 1. A composite material packaged fiber grating sensor , comprising a fiber grating sensor component , a composite material coverage layer , a resin package layer and a composite material substrate layer , wherein the composite material coverage layer and the composite material substrate layer form a shell wrapping the resin package layer;the fiber grating sensor component comprises an optical fiber, one end of the optical fiber is connected with an optical fiber connector, a temperature fiber grating is arranged at the outermost of the other end of the optical fiber, a plurality of strain grating grid are engraved in the optical fiber on one end close to the temperature fiber grating, the temperature fiber grating and a strain fiber grating are arranged in series, and the optical fiber is smooth and is not bent; andwherein a part of fiber grating sensor component is arranged on the composite material substrate layer, and the part of fiber grating sensor component at least comprises the temperature fiber grating and the strain ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016801A1
Автор: Nikles Marc

A method for detecting a structural fault in a structure includes the steps of, (a) performing a Brillouin measurement at a point along a sensing optical fiber which operably cooperates with the structure, to obtain a Brillouin gain spectrum at that point; (b) identifying at least two curves which, when added together, best fit the Brillouin gain spectrum; (c) identifying if peaks of the least two curves occur at different frequencies so as to determine if the structure has a structural fault. There is further provided a corresponding apparatus for detecting a structural fault in a structure. 1. A method for detecting a structural fault in a structure , comprising the steps of , (a) performing a Brillouin measurement at a point along a sensing optical fiber which operably cooperates with the structure , to obtain a Brillouin gain spectrum at that point;(b) identifying at least two curves which, when added together, best fit the Brillouin gain spectrum;(c) identifying if peaks of the least two curves occur at different frequencies so as to determine if the structure has a structural fault.2. The method of wherein the structure comprises at least one of a pipe claim 1 , riser claim 1 , umbilical claim 1 , power cable.3. The method of wherein the structural fault is a structural fault which gives rise to strain or compression in the structure.4. The method of wherein the structural fault is a crack through which fluid leaks out of the structure or fluid leaks into the structure.5. The method according to comprising the steps of claim 4 , identifying out of the least two curves claim 4 , the curve whose peak occurs at a frequency which is within +−10 MHz of the frequency at which the peak of the Brillouin gain spectrum occurs claim 4 , as being a reference curve and determining if hot or cold fluid is leaking through the structure at the structural fault based on whether the peak of the other of the at least two curves is offset to the right or offset to the left of the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018271A1
Автор: SHIDA Hideo

An optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device includes: an optical fiber as a sensor; a calculation control unit for measuring a temperature distribution along the optical fiber by using backward Raman scattered light from the optical fiber; a far-end-position dispersion characteristic calculation unit for obtaining a dispersion characteristic of the optical fiber at a far-end position thereof; a per-unit-length dispersion characteristic calculation unit for obtaining a per-unit-length dispersion characteristic of the optical fiber based on the dispersion characteristic of the optical fiber at the far-end position thereof; and a correction parameter calculation unit for calculating a correction parameter for correcting a dispersion characteristic of the optical fiber based on a dispersion characteristic at each of different positions along the optical fiber. 1. An optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device comprising:an optical fiber as a sensor;a calculation control unit for measuring a temperature distribution along the optical fiber by using backward Raman scattered light from the optical fiber;a far-end-position dispersion characteristic calculation unit for obtaining a dispersion characteristic of the optical fiber at a far-end position thereof;a per-unit-length dispersion characteristic calculation unit for obtaining a per-unit-length dispersion characteristic of the optical fiber based on the dispersion characteristic of the optical fiber at the far-end position thereof; anda correction parameter calculation unit for calculating a correction parameter for correcting a dispersion characteristic of the optical fiber based on a dispersion characteristic at each of different positions along the optical fiber.2. The optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device according to claim 1 , whereinthe correction parameter calculation unit is configured to obtain the correction parameter by performing a convolution calculation of an ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018272A1
Автор: NISHIO Yuuji

An optical fiber temperature distribution measuring device includes: an optical fiber as a sensor; a light source for outputting, to the optical fiber, signal light which has been amplified by excitation light; a temperature distribution calculation unit for measuring a temperature distribution along the optical fiber by using backward Raman scattered light from the optical fiber; an ASE light intensity variation measurement unit for measuring an intensity variation of an ASE light generated at the light source; and a temperature distribution correction unit for correcting the temperature distribution based on a measurement result of the ASE light intensity variation measurement unit.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018431A1

A fiber-optic salinity and temperature measurement includes a first Fabry-Perot interferometer and a second Fabry-Perot interferometer. Each of the Fabry-Perot interferometers includes a first optical fiber fusion spliced to a second optical fiber such that a relatively large cavity is formed between the fibers. The relatively large cavity forms the measurement chamber for each Fabry-Perot interferometer. The input port on each of the Fabry-Perot interferometers is coupled to an optical splitter such that a single optical signal input is provided to each Fabry-Perot interferometer. The output port on each of the Fabry-Perot interferometers is coupled to an optical combiner that combines the interference signal received from each of the Fabry-Perot interferometers. An optical signal analyzer coupled to an output port of the optical combiner determines the salinity and temperature of a sample material in the large cavity of the second Fabry-Perot interferometer. 1. A fiber-optic salinity and temperature sensor , comprising:a first Fabry-Perot interferometer comprising a reference cell formed between a first optical fiber and a coaxially aligned second optical fiber;a second Fabry-Perot interferometer that includes a measurement cell formed between a third optical fiber and a coaxially aligned fourth optical fiber;an optical splitter having a first output port optically coupled to the first optical fiber and a second output port optically coupled to the third optical fiber; andan optical combiner having a first input port optically coupled to the second optical fiber and a second input port optically coupled to the fourth optical fiber.2. The sensor of :wherein the first optical fiber and the third optical fiber comprise single-mode optical fibers; andwherein the second optical fiber and the fourth optical fiber comprise graded-index optical fibers.3. The sensor of wherein the first Fabry-Perot interferometer comprises: wherein an end of the first optical fiber ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018676A1
Принадлежит: ASML Netherlands B.V.

A system and method for providing a radiation source. In one arrangement, the radiation source includes an optical fiber that is hollow, and has an axial direction, a gas that fills the hollow of the optical fiber, and a plurality of temperature setting devices disposed at respective positions along the axial direction of the optical fiber, wherein the temperature setting devices are configured to control the temperature of the gas to locally control the density of the gas. 1. A radiation source , comprising:an optical fiber that is hollow, and has an axial direction; anda plurality of temperature setting devices disposed at respective positions along the axial direction of the optical fiber,wherein the temperature setting devices are configured to control the temperature of a gas that fills the hollow of the optical fiber to locally control the density of the gas.2. The radiation source of claim 1 , further comprising a controller configured to control at each of the positions: the local temperature of the gas to a target temperature claim 1 , and/or the heat flux supplied to the gas to a target heat flux.3. The radiation source of claim 2 , further comprising a sensor configured to take a property measurement of the output of the radiation source claim 2 , wherein the target temperature or target heat flux is based on this property measurement.4. The radiation source of claim 2 , further comprising at least one temperature sensor configured to take a temperature measurement of the gas claim 2 , wherein the target temperature or target heat flux is based on this temperature measurement.5. The radiation source of claim 1 , further comprising a support provided between the optical fiber and at least one of the temperature setting devices and configured to provide thermal contact between the optical fiber and the at least one temperature setting device.6. The radiation source of claim 5 , wherein the support comprises a plurality of support sections arranged in the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019387A1

A system for monitoring smoke and/or temperature of an electronic device includes a fiber harness having at least one fiber optic cable terminating at a node. The node is located to measure one or more conditions at the electronic device, and a control system operably connected to the fiber harness. The control system includes a light source configured to transmit light through the fiber harness, a light sensitive device configured to receive scattered light associated with the node, and a control unit configured to analyze the scattered light to determine at least one of a presence and magnitude of the one or more conditions at the node of one or more conditions at the electronic device, wherein the control unit is further configured to transmit a signal in response to the one or more conditions, wherein the one or more conditions are one or more of smoke, fire, and temperature. 1. A system for monitoring smoke and/or temperature of an electronic device , comprising:a fiber harness having at least one fiber optic cable terminating at a node, wherein the node is disposed to measure one or more conditions at the electronic device; and a light source configured to transmit light through the fiber harness;', 'a light sensitive device configured to receive scattered light associated with the node; and', 'a control unit configured to analyze the scattered light to determine at least one of a presence and magnitude of the one or more conditions at the node of one or more conditions at the electronic device, wherein the control unit is further configured to transmit a signal in response to the one or more conditions, wherein the one or more conditions are one or more of smoke, fire, and temperature., 'a control system operably connected to the fiber harness, the control system including2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the signal transmitted in response to the one or more conditions causes the power to the electronic device to reduce or stop.3. The system ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023389A1

An optical fiber for a temperature sensor and a power device monitoring system that can measure temperatures at different measurement positions by a simple construction are provided. An optical fiber for the sensor comprises a temperature assurance FBG and temperature measurement FBGs as FBGs wherein the refractive index of a core changes periodically. Wavelength band of light incident to the optical fiber for the sensor includes Bragg wavelengths of the temperature assurance FBG and the temperature measurement FBGs The power device monitoring system measures temperatures of the temperature assurance FBG and the temperature measurement FBGs based on their Bragg wavelengths. 1. An optical fiber for a temperature sensor utilizing Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) wherein a refractive index of a core changes periodically along a direction in which incident light propagates , comprising:a first FBG spaced apart from a power device; anda plurality of second FBGs placed in contact with the power device, whereinthe first FBG and the second FBGs have respectively different grating periods.2. The optical fiber for the temperature sensor of claim 1 , wherein the first FBG and the second FBGs are provided on an identical light path.3. The optical fiber for the temperature sensor of claim 1 , wherein the optical fiber for the temperature sensor further comprises:a third FBG;a metal layer sheathing the third FBG; anda pair of electrodes provided at the metal layer.4. A power device monitoring system for measuring a temperature of a power device claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the optical fiber for the temperature sensor of ;'}a light source for emitting the incident light;a light measurement means for measuring light that has transmitted through the first FBG and the second FBGs or light reflected by the first FBG or the second FBGs.5. The power device monitoring system of claim 4 , wherein the first FBG is placed in a position wherein the first ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Photonic Optical Sensor and Method of Use Thereof

Номер: US20160025563A1
Автор: Burgett Eric A.

The system may include a photonic optical sensor including a photonic crystal and an incident light source arranged so as to project light onto the photonic optical sensor, and such that the photonic optical sensor returns a portion of the light projected onto the photonic optical sensor as returned light. The system may further include a detector positioned with respect to the photonic optical sensor so as to detect the returned light. The detector produces a data output based on the returned light. Additionally, a processing unit receives and processes the data output. 1. A system comprising:a photonic optical sensor including a photonic crystal;an incident light source arranged to project light onto the photonic optical sensor such that the photonic optical sensor returns a portion of the light projected thereon as returned light;a detector positioned with respect to the photonic optical sensor so as to detect the returned light, and the detector producing a data output based on the returned light; anda processing unit that processes the data output.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the photonic optical sensor is formed on or in a workpiece for the detection of at least one of a thermal property or a mechanical property of the workpiece.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising:a reference photonic optical sensor formed on the workpiece at a location with a known reference mechanical property.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the photonic optical sensor includes a 1-D photonic crystal.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the photonic crystal has a minimum feature area of 2500 nm.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the photonic optical sensor includes a 2-D photonic crystal.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the photonic crystal includes a sub-micron optical element pattern.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the sub-micron optical element pattern includes a lattice having a minimum of 1 element.9. The system of claim 7 , wherein the sub-micron optical element ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023948A1

A Brillouin-based distributed bend fiber sensor and method for using the Brillouin-based distributed bend fiber sensor are described herein. In one example, the Brillouin-based distributed bend fiber sensor is specially configured to measure a temperature distribution (ΔT), a bend angle β, and a bend radius R along a deployed fiber (e.g., four-core fiber). 1. A Brillouin-based distributed fiber sensor comprising:a fiber comprising a first core, a second core, a third core, and a fourth core, wherein the first core, the second core, and the third core are located at three different positions along a circular path within the fiber, wherein the circular path has a radius (r) to a center of the fiber, and wherein the fourth core is located at the center of the fiber; and,a Brillouin backscattering sensing mechanism coupled to the first core, the second core, the third core, and the fourth core.2. The Brillouin-based distributed fiber sensor of claim 1 , further comprising: [{'sub': B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4, 'obtain, prior to deployment of the fiber when the fiber has no bend applied thereto, from the Brillouin backscattering mechanism a first Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) baseline measurement (v) along the first core, a second BFS baseline measurement (v) along the second core, a third BFS baseline measurement (v) along the third core, and a fourth BFS baseline measurement (v) along the fourth core;'}, {'sub': B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4, 'obtain, after deployment of the fiber and when there is a bend applied to the fiber, from the Brillouin backscattering mechanism a first BFS bend measurement (v′) along the first core, a second BFS bend measurement (v′) along the second core, a third BFS bend measurement (v′) along the third core, and a fourth BFS bend measurement (v′) along the fourth core;'}], 'a processing system, coupled to the Brillouin backscattering sensing mechanism, configured to{'sub': B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4, 'calculate a change of a first, second, third, and fourth ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

High-sensitivity single-crystal fiber temperature measurement method based on the acoustic anisotropy and doping modulation of single-crystal fibers

Номер: US20220042859A1

A high-sensitivity single-crystal fiber temperature measurement method based on the acoustic anisotropy and doping modulation of single-crystal fibers uses single-crystal fibers upon crystal orientation optimization and/or doping ion modification as the probes of ultrasonic temperature sensors. Through crystal orientation optimization and/or doping modification of the single-crystal fibers, the invention improves the density and structural disorders of the single-crystal fibers while maintaining their structural stability to reduce the propagation speed of the ultrasonic waves in single-crystal fibers in a high-temperature environment, thus increasing the delay time between the reflected signals of the sensitive areas and improve the sensitivity of temperature measurements. 1. A high-sensitivity single-crystal fiber temperature measurement method based on the acoustic anisotropy and doping modulation of single-crystal fibers , characterized in that it uses single-crystal fibers upon crystal orientation optimization and/or doping ion modification as the probes of ultrasonic temperature sensors.2. The said temperature measurement method according to claim 1 , characterized in that it uses single-crystal fibers upon doping ion modification only or those having undergone both crystal orientation optimization and doping ion modification as the probes of ultrasonic temperature sensors;preferably, it uses single-crystal fibers having undergone both crystal orientation optimization and doping ion modification as the probes of ultrasonic temperature sensors.3. The said temperature measurement method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the crystal orientations of the single-crystal fibers are <100> claim 1 , <110> claim 1 , <111> claim 1 , <120> claim 1 , or <112>;preferably, the crystal orientations of the single-crystal fibers are those with the minimum elastic modulus.4. The said temperature measurement method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042860A1
Принадлежит: Wuhan University of Technology

An optical fiber grating sensing method applied to small-scale fire source monitoring are provided, distinguishing two concepts of a spatial resolution and a perception resolution, under the premise of ensuring the spatial resolution of a traditional fiber Bragg grating sensing system, only increase the number of fiber Bragg gratings covered by a single pulsed optical signal without changing a pulse width of a pulsed optical signal, so as to improve the perception resolution of the system without increasing the requirements for a hardware circuit, and truly shorten an interval between adjacent fiber Bragg gratings. Improving the perception resolution of the system, which not only ensures the spatial resolution of the system, but also realizes the monitoring of small-scale fire sources; by adopting a simple feature extraction algorithm to obtain fire temperature information in different areas, the temperature detection speed of the system is fast. 1. An optical fiber grating sensing method applied to small-scale fire source monitoring , comprising following steps:{'b': '1', 'sub': fiber', 'fiber, 'S, engraving n fiber Bragg gratings with equal intervals on a single optical fiber continuously to form an identical ultra-weak fiber Bragg grating sensor network of large-capacity, an interval between adjacent fiber Bragg gratings is ΔL, recording the effective detection length of the identical ultra-weak fiber Bragg grating sensor network as L, and then L=n*ΔL;'}{'b': '2', 'sub': 'fiber', 'S, dividing the identical ultra-weak fiber Bragg grating sensor network into 2N regions of equal length, and m fiber Bragg gratings are distributed in each area. denoting a length of each area as D, and then D=m*ΔL=L/2N, and a spatial resolution of the identical ultra-weak fiber Bragg grating sensor network is D, and the spatial resolution D is constant;'}{'b': '3', 'sub': eff', 'eff', 'fiber', 'eff, 'S, inputting a pulsed optical signal into the identical ultra-weak fiber Bragg grating ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160027537A1

A temperature change detection apparatus for monitoring temperature change in various portions of a large space includes a trip logic unit configured to execute a trip operation based on receipt of a trip signal at the trip logic unit; a plurality of temperature sensors each including a sensing portion composed of optical fiber cable and each being configured to generate light information indicating an amount of Brillouin scattering that occurs within the sensing portion; a plurality of monitoring units configured such that each monitoring unit determines a temperature value corresponding to each temperature sensor connected to the monitoring unit based on an amount of Brillouin scattering indicated by the light information generated by each of the connected temperature sensors, an each monitoring unit generates a trip signal when a determined temperature value exceeds a running average by more than a threshold amount. 1. A temperature change detection apparatus for monitoring temperature change in various portions of a first space comprising:a trip logic unit configured to execute a trip operation based on receipt of a trip signal at the trip logic unit;a plurality of temperature sensors being configured such that, for each of the plurality of temperature sensors, the temperature sensor includes a sensing portion composed of optical fiber cable and the temperature sensor is configured to generate light information indicating an amount of Brillouin scattering that occurs within the sensing portion; connected to temperature sensors from among the plurality of temperature sensors,', determine a temperature value corresponding to the connected temperature sensor based on an amount of Brillouin scattering indicated by the light information generated by the connected temperature sensor, the determined temperature value being indicative of a temperature at a location of the sensing portion of the connected temperature sensor, and', 'generate a comparison result based on ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Distributed Optical Fibre Sensors

Номер: US20190025095A1

The disclosure relates to a distributed optical fibre sensor having an optical switch arranged to selectively and simultaneously couple each of a plurality of interrogators to each of a plurality of sensing optical fibres. 1. A distributed optical fibre sensor for sensing an environment , as a function of position along each of a plurality of sensing optical fibres , from properties of probe light backscattered within the sensing optical fibres , the sensor comprising:a plurality of interrogators, each interrogator comprising a probe light source arranged to generate pulses of probe light for transmission to a sensing optical fibre and a detector arranged to receive and detect probe light backscattered within the sensing optical fibre; andan optical switch arranged to selectively and simultaneously couple each of a plurality of the interrogators to each of a plurality of the sensing optical fibres such that probe light pulses from each coupled interrogator are directed into the correspondingly coupled sensing optical fibre, and backscattered probe light from the sensing optical fibre is directed back to the correspondingly coupled interrogator.2. The distributed optical fibre sensor of wherein the sensor is arranged to automatically change the coupling of a particular sensing optical fibre from a first of the interrogators to a second of the interrogators claim 1 , using the optical switch.3. The distributed optical fibre sensor of further comprisingan interrogator fault sensing function arranged to output an indication of a fault in any of said interrogators,the sensor being arranged to automatically change the coupling of a sensing optical fibre from an interrogator indicated as faulty by the interrogator fault function to a different interrogator.4. The distributed optical fibre sensor of further comprisinga fibre degradation sensing function arranged to output an indication of a degradation of any of said sensing optical fibres,the sensor being arranged to ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028129A1

A battery includes a folded bicell battery stack with an embedded fiber optic cable and sensor. A cell casing encloses the bicell stack with at least one fiber optic cable is embedded within the battery. The fiber optic cable includes an internal portion disposed within the cell casing and having at least one optical sensor disposed thereon. An external portion of the fiber optic cable protrudes from the casing. A sealing gasket is disposed at least partially around the fiber optic cable and between the cell sealing edges at a point of entry of the fiber optic cable into the battery. 1. A battery , comprising:a folded bicell battery stack;a cell casing enclosing the bicell stack, the cell casing comprising cell sealing edges;at least one fiber optic cable comprising an internal portion disposed within the casing and having at least one optical sensor disposed thereon and an external portion protruding from the casing;a gasket disposed around the fiber optic cable and between the cell sealing edges at an entry point of the battery.2. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the gasket comprises a heat seal film.3. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the gasket comprises a polypropylene or polyethylene material.4. The battery of claim 1 , further comprising an additional heat seal film disposed along each of the cell sealing edges.5. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the internal portion comprises a first internal portion disposed between fold layers of the bicell stack.6. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fiber optic cable includes a bend having an angle less than 90 degrees.7. The battery of claim 1 , wherein:the cell casing comprises a first layer having first sealing edges and a second layer having second sealing edges, the first layer and the second layer sealed together at the first and second sealing edges; a first internal portion disposed between fold layers of the bicell stack.', 'a second internal portion that includes the bend, the second internal ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031428A1

A determination device includes: a memory; and a processor coupled to the memory and the processor configured to executes a process, the process comprising: generating a reference model of a sensor detection value; determining whether a time from a predetermined point in time until a deviation between the reference model and the sensor detection value exceeds a threshold is shorter than a predetermined time; and outputting a signal associated with an abnormality when the time is determined to be shorter. 1. A determination device comprising:a memory; anda processor coupled to the memory and the processor configured to executes a process, the process comprising:generating a reference model of a sensor detection value;determining whether a time from a predetermined point in time until a deviation between the reference model and the sensor detection value exceeds a threshold is shorter than a predetermined time; andoutputting a signal associated with an abnormality when the time is determined to be shorter.2. The determination device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in the generating claim 1 , the reference model is generated with use of the sensor detection valve and detection value of a plurality of other sensors having a correlation with the sensor detection value.3. The determination device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein in the generating claim 2 , the reference model is generated by a regression analysis with use of the sensor detection value and the detection values of the plurality of other sensors.4. The determination device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the process further comprises re-generating the reference model with use of the sensor detection value and the detection values of the plurality of other sensors of a predetermined past time from a time when a deviation between the reference model and the sensor detection value exceeds a threshold.5. The determination device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the deviation between the reference model and the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049979A1
Принадлежит: Ariel Scientific Innovations Ltd.

A method of optical sensing comprises coupling an excitation optical signal into a first optical fiber to induce Rayleigh backscattering, thereby providing a backscattered signal. The backscattered signal is optically amplified in the first optical fiber, thereby providing an amplified backscattered signal. The amplified backscattered signal is coupled into a second optical fiber and is optically re-amplifying in the second optical fiber. 1. A method of optical sensing , comprising:coupling an excitation optical signal into a first optical fiber to induce Rayleigh backscattering, thereby providing a backscattered signal;optically amplifying said backscattered signal in said first optical fiber, thereby providing an amplified backscattered signal;coupling said amplified backscattered signal into a second optical fiber, spatially separated from said first optical fiber; andoptically re-amplifying said amplified backscattered signal in said second optical fiber, thereby generating a sensing signal.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said optically amplifying comprises introducing a pump light beam into said first fiber claim 1 , wherein said pump light beam and said excitation optical signal enter said first fiber from the same end thereof.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said optically re-amplifying comprises introducing a pump light beam into said second fiber claim 1 , wherein said pump light beam and said amplified backscattered signal enter said second fiber from opposite ends thereof.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said optically re-amplifying comprises introducing a pump light beam into said second fiber claim 1 , wherein said pump light beam and said amplified backscattered signal enter said second fiber from the same end thereof.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising transmitting said sensing signal into a signal analyzer claim 1 , for analyzing said sensing signal so as to identify a change in at least one ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Method For Monitoring The Thermomechanical Behaviour Of A Subsea Pipe For Transporting Pressurised Fluids

Номер: US20190033102A1

A method of monitoring thermomechanical behavior of an undersea pipe () transporting fluid under pressure and made by assembling unit pipe elements (), comprising determining a mechanical signature specific to each unit pipe element, using a measurement cable () having an optical fiber sensor using Brillouin backscattering to measure deformation of the pipe element while it is subjected on land to various mechanical stresses in predetermined directions and magnitudes, and establishing a stiffness matrix associated with the mechanical signature of each pipe element, a step of determining a thermal signature specific to each unit pipe element, which step consists in measuring the temperature changes of the unit pipe element while it is being subjected on land to various different electrical heating powers, and in establishing a thermal transfer function associated with the thermal signature of each pipe element, and a monitoring step consisting of recovering. 1. A method of monitoring the thermomechanical behavior of an undersea pipe for transporting fluid under pressure , the undersea pipe being made by assembling together a plurality of unit pipe elements arranged end to end , the method comprising:a step of determining a mechanical signature specific to each unit pipe element, which step consists in using at least one measurement cable having at least one optical fiber sensor using at least Brillouin backscattering and positioned along the entire length of the unit pipe element to measure the deformations experienced by or simulated on said unit pipe element while it is being subjected on land to various different mechanical stresses in predetermined directions and of predetermined magnitudes, and, on the basis of the deformation measurements, in establishing a stiffness matrix associated with the mechanical signature of the unit pipe element;a step of determining a thermal signature specific to each unit pipe element, which step consists in using at least one ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Optical cable for sensing, methods of manufacture thereof and articles comprising the same

Номер: US20190033145A1
Принадлежит: OFS FITEL LLC

where d is the amount of optical fiber clearance for free movement within the loose tube, D is an average pitch diameter of the plurality of cable sensors and p is an average pitch length of a helical turn of the plurality of cable sensors wound around the central strength member.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Improved optical fiber feedthrough incorporating fiber bragg grating

Номер: US20150036968A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Methods and systems for effectively sealing a fiber optic line to a pressure gauge device are disclosed. A pressure gauge device has an outer body, a reference volume within the outer body and a pressure sensor having a first side and a second side. The first side of the pressure sensor is exposed to a pressure inlet and the second side of the pressure sensor is exposed to the reference volume. A fiber optic line is coupled to the pressure gauge device using a feedthrough device. The fiber optic line comprises a first fiber optic line portion located within the feedthrough device, a second fiber optic line portion located within the reference volume and a third fiber optic line portion located within a cable located outside the pressure gauge device and coupled to the feed through device. The first fiber optic line portion comprises a first Fiber Bragg Grating (“FBG”).

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Temperature detecting device for a gas turbine power plant and gas turbine power plant comprising said temperature detecting device

Номер: US20180038736A1
Автор: Guelru KOCER, Ken Haffner

A temperature detecting device for a gas turbine power plant is provided with at least one optical probe configured to detect a parameter indicative of a temperature and with at least one capsule configured to define a camera inside which the optical probe is housed.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

In-Situ Fiber-Optic Temperature Field Measurement During Thermoplastic Composite Welding and Other Applications

Номер: US20200039153A1

An in-situ fiber-optic temperature field measurement is disclosed that can allow process monitoring and diagnosis for thermoplastic composite welding and other applications. A distributed fiber-optic sensor can be permanently embedded in a thermoplastic welded structure when it is welded and left there to perform lifelong monitoring and inspection. The fiber optic sensor can include a dissolvable coating, or a coating matched to the composite material to be welded. Other applications include in-situ fiber-optic temperature field measurement on thermoset composite curing (autoclave), for thermoplastic and thermoset composites during compression molding, and for fiber-optic field measurements on freeze/thaw of large items of public health interest, such as stored or transported foodstuffs. 1. A sensor comprising , a fiber optic sensor comprising an optical fiber having an elongated body portion for being a distributed sensor received in association with a specimen to be sensed , said fiber optic sensor further having a connection for being connected to an associated optical data acquisition system , whereby monitoring and diagnosis associated with such specimen may be conducted at plural locations of such associated specimen.2. A sensor as in claim 1 , wherein at least one of temperature and strain readings may be taken from plural locations of the associated specimen.3. A sensor as in claim 1 , wherein the specimen comprises a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite where the composite matrix is a thermoplastic polymer claim 1 , and the specimen is to be treated by induction welding.4. A sensor as in claim 3 , wherein the specimen comprises two plates to be welded to create a lap joint claim 3 , and said elongated distributed sensor is wrapped around each respective plate and through a welding region between such two plates so that simultaneous measurement of the temperature field inside the welding region and in the two plates is achieved during the welding ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Optical interrogator for performing interferometry using fiber bragg gratings

Номер: US20220057193A1
Принадлежит: Hifi Engineering Inc

There is described a method for interrogating optical fiber comprising fiber Bragg gratings (“FBGs”), using an optical fiber interrogator. The method comprises (a) generating an initial light pulse from phase coherent light emitted from a light source, wherein the initial light pulse is generated by modulating the intensity of the light; (b) splitting the initial light pulse into a pair of light pulses; (c) causing one of the light pulses to be delayed relative to the other of the light pulses; (d) transmitting the light pulses along the optical fiber; (e) receiving reflections of the light pulses off the FBGs; and (f) determining whether an optical path length between the FBGs has changed from an interference pattern resulting from the reflections of the light pulses.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057275A1

There is described an apparatus for testing whether a fiber optic monitoring system is functioning properly. The apparatus includes an enclosure comprising one or more apertures for receiving therethrough optical fiber; and one or more actuators sealed within the enclosure for generating one or more interference signals for interfering with optical fiber within the enclosure such that an optical path length of the optical fiber is altered. There is also described a method for verifying an event detection system, comprising: interrogating optical fiber positioned alongside a conduit by sending one or more light pulses along the optical fiber and receiving reflections of the one or more light pulses; and using a event verification device housed within an enclosure through which passes the optical fiber to generate one or more interference signals for interfering with the optical fiber such that an optical path length of the optical fiber is altered. 1. An apparatus for use with an event detection system , comprising:an enclosure comprising one or more apertures for receiving optical fiber therethrough; andone or more actuators housed within the enclosure and configured to generate one or more interference signals for interfering with optical fiber within the enclosure such that an optical path length of the optical fiber is altered.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising optical fiber passing into and out of the enclosure via the one or more apertures.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one or more actuators comprise a strain actuator configured to move between first and second positions for displacing optical fiber within the enclosure.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the strain actuator comprises one or more of a piston claim 3 , an inflatable member claim 3 , and a gear motor.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a resilient bias configured to bias optical fiber within the enclosure against displacement from the strain actuator.6. The ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057279A1

A method of monitoring corrosion of an electrical enclosure in a hazardous environment is provided. The method is implemented with at least one computing device in communication with at least one FBG optical sensor reflecting UV light in the electrical enclosure. The method includes measuring wavelength changes of UV light reflected by the at least one sensor, wherein the wavelength changes are a function of corrosion-related strain in the electrical enclosure. The method also includes computing, by the at least one computing device, the corrosion-related strain in the electrical enclosure based on the measured wavelength changes. The method further includes comparing, by the at least one computing device, the computed corrosion-related strain with a predetermined threshold, and recommending preventive corrosion-related maintenance based on the comparison. 1. A method of monitoring corrosion of an electrical enclosure in a hazardous environment , the method implemented with at least one computing device in communication with at least one Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) optical sensor reflecting ultraviolet (UV) light in the electrical enclosure , the method comprising:measuring wavelength changes of UV light reflected by the at least one sensor, wherein the wavelength changes are a function of corrosion-related strain in the electrical enclosure;computing, by the at least one computing device, the corrosion-related strain in the electrical enclosure based on the measured wavelength changes;comparing, by the at least one computing device, the computed corrosion-related strain with a predetermined threshold; andrecommending preventive corrosion-related maintenance based on the comparison.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises a first sensor and a second sensor claim 1 , and measuring wavelength changes further comprises measuring wavelength changes of UV light reflected by the first sensor and wavelength changes of UV light reflected by the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Optical Sensing Methods and Systems for Transformers, and the Construction Thereof

Номер: US20190041446A1

Sensing methods and systems for transformers, and the construction thereof, are described herein. Example transformer systems and example methods for constructing a core for the system are disclosed. The example system includes a core with a bottom plate, two or more limbs mounted to the bottom plate and a top plate enclosing the core. At least one of the bottom plate, the limbs and the top plate is formed with a sensing component therein. The sensing component can be mounted to a spacer layer assembled within a stack of laminated layers. The sensing component can be mounted within a path defined within the spacer layer, for example. Methods for detecting operating conditions within the transformer are also disclosed. 1. A transformer system comprising: a bottom plate;', 'two or more limbs mounted to the bottom plate; and', 'a top plate mounted to the two or more limbs to enclose the core,, 'a core havingwherein at least one of the bottom plate, the top plate and a limb is formed with a sensing component therein; anda winding assembly wound around each respective limb.2. The transformer system of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one of the bottom plate, the top plate and the limb comprises at least one sensing layer within a stack of laminated layers, each sensing layer comprising a spacer layer with the sensing component mounted therein; and an electrical coupling between laminated layers neighboring the sensing layer.3. The transformer system of claim 2 , wherein:the at least one sensing layer comprises a sensing layer, and the sensing layer is positioned at a substantially central position within the stack of laminated layers.4. The transformer system of claim 2 , wherein:the at least one sensing layer comprises two or more sensing layers, and the two or more sensing layers are distributed substantially equidistant from each other within the stack of laminated layers.5. The transformer system of claim 2 , wherein each sensing layer comprises:the spacer layer with a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041360A1

In some examples, a temperature distribution sensor may include a laser source to emit a laser beam that is tunable to a first wavelength and a second wavelength for injection into a device under test (DUT). A first wavelength optical receiver may convert a return signal corresponding to the first wavelength with respect to Rayleigh backscatter or Raman backscatter Anti-Stokes. A second wavelength optical receiver may convert the return signal corresponding to the second wavelength with respect to Rayleigh backscatter or Raman backscatter Stokes. Bending loss associated with the DUT may be determined by utilizing the Rayleigh backscatter signal corresponding to the first wavelength and the Rayleigh backscatter signal corresponding to the second wavelength. Further, temperature distribution associated with the DUT may be determined by utilizing the Raman backscatter Anti-Stokes signal corresponding to the first wavelength and the Raman backscatter Stokes signal corresponding to the second wavelength. 1. A temperature distribution sensor comprising:a laser source to emit a laser beam that is tunable to a first wavelength and to a second wavelength for injection into a device under test (DUT);a first wavelength optical receiver to convert a return signal corresponding to the first wavelength with respect to Rayleigh backscatter or Raman backscatter Anti-Stokes;a second wavelength optical receiver to convert the return signal corresponding to the second wavelength with respect to Rayleigh backscatter or Raman backscatter Stokes;a processor; and 'determine bending loss associated with the DUT by utilizing the Rayleigh backscatter signal corresponding to the first wavelength and the Rayleigh backscatter signal corresponding to the second wavelength.', 'a memory storing machine readable instructions that when executed by the processor cause the processor to2. The temperature distribution sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the machine readable instructions claim 1 , when ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041411A1
Принадлежит: NEUBREX CO., LTD.

In a measurement requiring a high space resolution using S-BOTDR, a pulse train composed of a plurality of pulses having the interval between the pulses longer than the phonon lifetime is interpulse-code-modulated. A Golay code is used for the interpulse code modulation to eliminate the sidelobes of the correlation in using a technique of correlation. In a technique without using correlation, an Hadamard matrix is used for the interpulse code modulation and the resultant matrix is inverted in the signal processing. 16-. (canceled)7. A Brillouin scattering measurement method that uses a composite pulse train composed of composite pulses with an interval of the composite pulse train being longer than a phonon lifetime; each composite pulse being formed of two kinds of optical pulses having different durations generated from a laser light from a laser source , by combining both optical pulses as a pair to be located at respective predetermined time positions; and injects the composite pulse train into one end of an optical fiber provided to a measurement object , to measure physical quantities of the measurement object from frequency shift change of Brillouin backscattered light generated by the composite pulse train in the optical fiber , the Brillouin scattering measurement method comprising the steps of:phase-modulating one of the optical pulses on the basis of two Golay code sequences;optically heterodyne-receiving the Brillouin backscattered light from each composite pulse with a reference light from the laser light source, to output as a first signal;heterodyne-receiving the first signal with a signal having a predetermined frequency and then passing the heterodyne-received signal through two kinds of low-pass filters corresponding to the optical pulses, to output the filtered signals as second signals;calculating, for each Golay code sequence, cross-spectrum of one of the second signals and a complex conjugate signal of the other second signal;calculating a ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Fibre Optic Distributed Sensing

Номер: US20170045410A1

A method of distributed fibre optic sensing is described. In an example, a series of interrogations are launched into an optical fibre, each interrogation comprising interrogating radiation in at least one pulse pair, wherein the pulses of a pulse pair are introduced to the optical fibre with a time interval therebetween. Radiation backscattered therefrom is sampled, so as to obtain at least one sample from each interrogation. Phase modulation in the samples is determined and components of the phase modulation which are below a threshold frequency are isolated. Such a method of sensing could be used, for example, to monitor changes in temperature of the optical fibre. 1. A method of distributed fibre optic sensing comprising performing a series of interrogations of an optical fibre , each interrogation comprising launching interrogating radiation comprising at least one pulse pair into the fibre , wherein the pulses of a pulse pair are introduced to the optical fibre with a time interval therebetween , and sampling radiation which is Rayleigh backscattered from within said fibre to obtain at least one sample from each interrogation; and determining any phase modulation in the samples , wherein the step of determining the phase modulation comprises isolating components of the phase modulation which are below a threshold frequency.2. A method according to comprising using the isolated components of the phase modulation to monitor temperature changes.3. A method according to in which the step of isolating the components of the phase modulation which are below a threshold frequency comprises at least one step of low pass filtering.4. A method according to in which the step of sampling obtaining a plurality of samples from each interrogation claim 1 , each of the samples being obtained at a different time following launch of the pulse pair claim 1 , and processor is arranged to form at least one channel signal comprising samples of the backscatter radiation acquired at ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045541A1
Автор: Pechstedt Ralf-Dieter
Принадлежит: Oxsensis Limited

An optical sensor having one or more sensing interference elements is disclosed. A first detector function generates a coarse optical path difference signal for example using a discrete Fourier transform of a detected interference spectrum, and a second detector function generates a refined optical path difference signal using the coarse optical path difference signal and for example a cross correlation of the interference spectrum with one or more sets of periodic transfer functions. 1. An accelerometer comprising:a sensor head comprising a proof mass reactive to acceleration, an acceleration sensing interference element having a first optical path difference responsive to movement of said proof mass reactive to an acceleration, reaction of the proof mass to acceleration also being sensitive to temperature at the sensor head, and at least one temperature sensing element responsive to temperature at the sensor head but not being sensitive to acceleration; andan acceleration detection function arranged to detect acceleration at the sensor head from the first optical path difference and to provide a corresponding acceleration output.2. The accelerometer of wherein the acceleration detection function is arranged to compensate the detected acceleration for temperature at the sensor head based on detection of the temperature sensing element.3. The accelerometer of arranged to detect temperature at the sensor head from the temperature sensing element and to provide a corresponding temperature output.4. The accelerometer of wherein the at least one temperature sensing element is a temperature sensing interference element having a second optical path difference responsive to temperature at the sensor head but not being sensitive to acceleration.5. The accelerometer of wherein the acceleration detection function is arranged to compensate the detected acceleration for temperature at the sensor head based on the second optical path difference.6. The accelerometer of arranged ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200045389A1
Принадлежит: Telekom Malaysia Berhad

The present invention relates to a system and method for distributed monitoring of perturbation in Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) architecture. The system based on Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis (BOTDA) includes a BOTDA module; where in the module includes signal source module, an optical circulator connected to a Wavelength Division Multiplexer (WDM); a wavelength reflector deployed near to an Optical Network Unit (ONU) along the optical fiber line; a photodetector connected to the optical circulator; and a signal processing module. 1. A system for distributed monitoring of perturbation in Gigabit Passive Optical Network , GPON , architecture , characterized in that , the system which is based on Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis , BOTDA , comprising: wherein the multi-wavelength sensing signal includes a first sensing signal and a second sensing signal produced by the signal source module, each transmitted at different predetermined transmitting periods;', 'wherein the second sensing signal is subject to stimulated Brillouin scattering to generate a backscattered sensing signal;, 'a signal source module comprising fiber path ports each configured for generating a multi-wavelength sensing signal,'} wherein the WDM combines the first sensing signal with a data signal generated by an Optical Line Terminal, OLT for producing a combined signal;', 'wherein the combined signal is guided within the GPON architecture through an optical fiber line;, 'an optical circulator connected to a Wavelength Division Multiplexer, WDM, for circulating the first sensing signal to a GPON architecture,'} a photodetector connected to the optical circulator for receiving reflected sensing signal from wavelength reflector and backscattered sensing signal, wherein the reflected sensing signal and the backscattered sensing signal are converted to a digital sensing signal by a signal digitizer;', 'a signal processing module for analyzing the digital sensing signal received ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

A sensor for measuring a flow of a fluid

Номер: US20210052173A1

A sensor is provided for measuring a flow of a fluid in a physiological environment, such as within a vessel of a human or animal subject. The sensor comprises an interrogation light guide extending from a proximal end to a distal end of the sensor. The interrogation light guide is configured to transmit interrogation light to, and receive reflected interrogation light from, the distal end of the sensor. The sensor further comprises an excitation light guide configured to transmit excitation light to the distal end of the sensor. The excitation light is provided for heating the fluid (directly or indirectly). The sensor further comprises a sensing element located at the distal end of the sensor. The sensing element comprises at least two etalons for reflecting interrogation light back along the interrogation light guide towards the proximal end of the sensor. Each etalon has a respective optical path length and further has at least one reflective surface external to the interrogation light guide. The sensing element is configured to be in thermal contact with the fluid such that the optical path length of at least one etalon is dependent on a temperature of the fluid. The reflected interrogation light forms an interferogram which is dependent on the optical path lengths of the respective etalons.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046234A1

A system and apparatus comprising a multi-sensor catheter for right heart and pulmonary artery catheterization is disclosed. The multi-sensor catheter comprises multi-lumen catheter tubing into which at least three optical pressure sensors, and their respective optical fibers, are inserted. The three optical pressure sensors are arranged within a distal end portion of the catheter, spaced apart lengthwise within the distal end portion for measuring pressure concurrently at each sensor location. The sensor locations are configured for placement of at least one sensor in each of the right atrium, the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery, for concurrent measurement of pressure at each sensor location. The sensor arrangement may further comprise an optical thermo-dilution sensor, and another lumen is provided for fluid injection for thermo-dilution measurements. The catheter may comprise an inflatable balloon tip and a guidewire lumen, and preferably has an outside diameter of 6 French or less. 1. A multi-sensor catheter for right heart and pulmonary artery catheterization comprising:a length of catheter tubing extending between a proximal end and a distal end, and the distal end comprising a distal tip;a plurality of optical sensors and a plurality of optical fibers; a sensor end of each optical fiber being attached and optically coupled to an individual one of the plurality of optical sensors;the plurality of optical sensors and optical fibers extending within the catheter tubing, the sensors being spaced apart lengthwise to provide a sensor arrangement with said plurality of optical sensors positioned at respective sensor locations spaced apart lengthwise within a distal end portion of the catheter tubing;a proximal end of each of the plurality of optical fibers being coupled to an optical input/output connector at the proximal end of the multi-sensor catheter for connection to an optical control system; andthe plurality of optical sensors of the sensor ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053304A1
Автор: Guha Probir Kumar
Принадлежит: COATS & CLARK, INC.

A form for a vehicle component includes a commingled fiber bundle composed of thermoplastic fibers and a reinforcement fiber. The reinforcement fiber being glass fibers, aramid fibers, carbon fibers, or a combination thereof. The commingled fiber bundle is laid out in a two-dimensional base layer that defines a shape of the form. An optical fiber is stitched to the commingled fiber bundle. A method of forming a unitary reinforced composite component having a sensor system includes the form being placed onto a mold platen. The preform is heated to promote fusion of the thermoplastic fibers therein. The preform is cooled until solidified with contours of the component. The vehicle component is then removed from the mold platen. 1. A form for a vehicle component comprising:a commingled fiber bundle composed of thermoplastic fibers and a reinforcement fiber, said reinforcement fiber being glass fibers, aramid fibers, carbon fibers, or a combination thereof, said commingled fiber bundle laid out in a two-dimensional base layer that defines a shape of the form; andan optical fiber stitched to said commingled fiber bundle.2. The form of wherein said optical fiber is configured to be used with a Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometer (BOTDR) onboard a vehicle.3. The form of wherein said BOTDR is configured to provide data to a computer onboard the vehicle.4. The form of wherein said optical fiber is coated in an ultraviolet-curable resin.5. The form of wherein said optical fiber has a diameter of 0.25 mm.6. The form of wherein the reinforcement fiber is exclusively only the glass fibers.7. The form of wherein the reinforcement fiber is exclusively only the carbon fibers.8. The form of wherein the reinforcement fiber is enriched in carbon fiber in certain regions relative to glass fibers.9. The form of wherein the form is formed using selective commingled fiber bundle positioning (SCFBP) claim 1 , where the form is held together with a thermoplastic stitching.10. The ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053697A1

An aircraft and method of operating an aircraft. The aircraft includes a temperature sensor and a processor. The temperature sensor that obtains an optical signal indicative of a temperature at a selected location of an outer surface of the aircraft. The processor is configured to determine the temperature at the selected location from the optical signal, and operate the aircraft based on the temperature at the selected location. 1. A method of operating an aircraft , comprising:obtaining an optical signal indicative of a temperature at a selected location of an outer surface of the aircraft;determining, from the optical signal, the temperature at the selected location; andoperating the aircraft based on the temperature at the selected location.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:transmitting the optical signal through a fiber optic link disposed at the selected location;determining a change in a parameter of the optical signal due to the temperature at the selected location; anddetermining the temperature at the selected location from the change in the parameter of the optical signal.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fiber optic link is one of a plurality of fiber optic links forming a network at the selected location.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein operating the aircraft further comprises flying the aircraft to mask an infrared signal of the aircraft related to the temperature.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising masking the infrared signal by determining an ambient temperature of an environment of the aircraft and operating the aircraft to match the temperature at the selected location to the ambient temperature.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting an operation of the aircraft to reduce the temperature at the selected location.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising comparing the temperature to a temperature threshold and adjusting the operation when the temperature exceeds the temperature threshold.8. The ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050387A1

The primary object of the present invention is to provide a mold for continuous casting including a temperature detection unit which can detect the temperature of a copper plate of the mold with high precision, and can be easily inserted into and pulled out of the copper plate. The present invention includes: a main body; and a temperature detection unit which is inserted in an insertion hole in the main body, and detects temperature inside the mold. The temperature detection unit includes: an FBG sensor inserted in a protection tube which can be deformed in a radial direction; and a support member which supports the FBG sensor along the longitudinal direction. At a temperature detection point, the protection tube in which the FBG sensor is inserted is held between a stretched member in the support member and an inner surface of the insertion hole. 1. A mold for continuous casting comprising:a main body of the mold for continuous casting; anda temperature detection unit which is inserted in an insertion hole formed in the main body of the mold, and detects temperature inside the mold; an FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) sensor inserted in a protection tube which can be deformed in a radial direction, and', 'a support member in which a groove is formed along a longitudinal direction, and which supports the FBG sensor along the longitudinal direction; and, 'wherein the temperature detection unit includes,'}at a temperature detection point, the protection tube in which the FBG sensor is inserted is held between a stretched member stretched across an opening of the groove in the support member and an inner surface of the insertion hole.2. A mold for continuous casting comprising:a main body of the mold for continuous casting; anda temperature detection unit which is inserted in an insertion hole formed in the main body of the mold, and detects temperature inside the mold; two FBG sensors respectively inserted in protection tubes which can be deformed in a radial direction, and ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049232A1

Exemplary apparatus can be provided which can include a laser arrangement that is configured to provide a laser radiation, and including an optical cavity. The optical cavity can include a dispersive optical waveguide first arrangement having first and second sides, and which is configured to (i) receive at least one first electro-magnetic radiation at the first side so as to provide at least one second electro-magnetic radiation, and (ii) to receive at least one third electro-magnetic radiation at the second side so as to provide at least one fourth electro-magnetic radiation. The first and second sides are different from one another, and the second and third radiations are related to one another. The optical cavity can also include an active optical modulator second arrangement which can be configured to receive and modulate the fourth radiation so as to provide the first electro-magnetic radiation to the first arrangement. 1. An apparatus , comprising: a dispersive optical waveguide first arrangement having first and second sides, and which is configured to (i) receive at least one first electro-magnetic radiation at the first side so as to provide at least one second electro-magnetic radiation, and (ii) to receive at least one third electro-magnetic radiation at the second side so as to provide at least one fourth electro-magnetic radiation, wherein the first and second sides are different from one another, and wherein the second and third radiations are related to one another, and', 'an active optical modulator second arrangement which is configured to receive and modulate the fourth radiation so as to provide the first electro-magnetic radiation to the first arrangement, and, 'a laser arrangement which is configured to provide a laser radiation, and including an optical cavity which compriseswherein the laser radiation is associated with at least one of the first, second, third or fourth radiations.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Low Insertion Loss High Temperature Stable Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20190049272A1

Provided is an optical waveguide with an inscribed Bragg grating, where the Bragg grating is stable at high temperature, has low scattering loss and high reflectivity. Also provided is a method for inscribing a Bragg grating in an optical waveguide, the method comprising irradiating the optical waveguide with electromagnetic radiation from an ultrashort pulse duration laser of sufficient intensity to cause a permanent change in an index of refraction within a core of the optical waveguide, where the irradiating step is terminated prior to erasure of a Bragg resonance, and heating the optical waveguide to a temperature and for a duration sufficient to substantially remove a non-permanent grating formed in the optical waveguide by the irradiating step. 1. A method for inscribing a Bragg grating in an optical waveguide , comprising the steps of:providing the optical waveguide;providing electromagnetic radiation from an ultrashort pulse duration laser, wherein the electromagnetic radiation has a pulse duration of less than or equal to 5 picoseconds, and wherein the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation has a characteristic wavelength in the wavelength range from 150 nm to 2.0 microns;irradiating the optical waveguide with the electromagnetic radiation to form a Bragg grating, the electromagnetic radiation incident on the optical waveguide being sufficiently intense to cause a permanent change in an index of refraction within a core of the optical waveguide when exposed to a succession of laser pulses, wherein the irradiating step is carried out for at least a number of pulses sufficient to form the permanent index of refraction change in the core of the optical waveguide, and wherein the irradiating step is terminated prior to erasure of a Bragg resonance by the irradiating; andheating the optical waveguide to a temperature and for a duration sufficient to substantially remove a non-permanent grating formed in the optical waveguide by the irradiating step.2. The ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049273A1
Принадлежит: NEUBREX CO., LTD.

Initial data and target data are frequency-analyzed to obtain an initial Rayleigh-scattering spectrum (RSS) and a target RSS, respectively. A distance correction is performed for the target RSS by comparing the target RSS with the initial RSS, and a Rayleigh spectrum shift is determined on the basis of a correlation coefficient between the initial RSS and the target RSS after distance-corrected. 1. A Rayleigh measurement system configured to obtain a distribution of a physical quantity of an optical fiber , on the basis of Rayleigh backscattering light produced by launching optical pulses into the optical fiber , the Rayleigh measurement system comprising:an initial data measurement unit configured to measure Rayleigh backscattering light from the optical fiber, to obtain initial data as a reference for a distance correction;a target data measurement unit configured to measure Rayleigh backscattering light from the optical fiber, to obtain target data to be distance-corrected;an initial Rayleigh-scattering spectrum analysis unit configured to frequency-analyze the initial data measured with the initial data measurement unit, to obtain an initial Rayleigh-scattering spectrum;a target Rayleigh-scattering spectrum analysis unit configured to frequency-analyze the target data measured with the target data measurement unit, to obtain a target Rayleigh-scattering spectrum;a comparison-based distance correction unit configured to compare the initial Rayleigh-scattering spectrum obtained by the initial Rayleigh-scattering spectrum analysis unit with the target Rayleigh-scattering spectrum obtained by the target Rayleigh-scattering spectrum analysis unit, to correct distance error at a measurement position in the target Rayleigh-scattering spectrum obtained by the target Rayleigh-scattering spectrum analysis unit;a correlation analysis unit configured to perform a correlation analysis between the initial Rayleigh-scattering spectrum obtained by the initial Rayleigh- ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052102A1

A system and method are provided for distributed acoustic sensing in a multicore optical fiber. The system includes a transmitter for simultaneously propagating a sequence of M light pulses through the multicore optical fiber using a spatial mode selected from a set of N spatial modes provided by a spatial mode selector for the transmitter that is coupled to an input to the multicore optical fiber, with M and N being respective integers greater than one. The system further includes a receiver for receiving the sequence of M light pulses at an output of the multicore optical fiber and detecting an environmental perturbation in the multicore optical fiber based on an evaluation of a propagation of the sequence of M light pulses through the multicore optical fiber. 1. A system for distributed acoustic sensing in a multicore optical fiber , comprising:a transmitter for simultaneously propagating a sequence of M light pulses through the multicore optical fiber using a spatial mode selected from a set of N spatial modes provided by a spatial mode selector for the transmitter that is coupled to an input to the multicore optical fiber, with M and N being respective integers greater than one; anda receiver for receiving the sequence of M light pulses at an output of the multicore optical fiber and detecting an environmental perturbation in the multicore optical fiber based on an evaluation of a propagation of the sequence of M light pulses through the multicore optical fiber.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the spatial mode selector is configured to selectively provide one or more of the N spatial modes to the multicore optical fiber.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the spatial mode selector is configured to selectively transmit the sequence of M light pulses as one or multiple higher order spatial modes.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising another spatial mode selector coupled to an output of the multicore optical fiber at the receiver for receiving the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Differential Attenuation Compensation For Distributed Temperature Sensing Systems

Номер: US20200049853A1
Автор: II Kwang II, Suh

An interrogation system includes lasers and an optical filtering device. The lasers include a primary set of lasers coupled to a primary multiplexer for generating primary light signals and a secondary set of lasers coupled to a secondary multiplexer for generating secondary light signals. The primary set of lasers may generate light signals having a first set of overlapping wavelengths and the secondary set of lasers may generate light signals having a second set of overlapping wavelengths. The optical filtering device may route the primary light signal and the secondary light signal to an optical fiber sensing cable positioned in a wellbore and receive reflection signals corresponding to the primary light signal and the secondary light signal. The reflection signals corresponding to the secondary light signal may have a first wavelength range that matches a second wavelength range of the primary light signals. 1. An interrogation system , comprising:a plurality of lasers including a primary set of lasers coupled to a primary multiplexer for generating primary light signals that have a first set of overlapping wavelengths and a secondary set of lasers coupled to a secondary multiplexer for generating secondary light signals that have a second set of overlapping wavelengths; andan optical filtering device communicatively couplable to the plurality of lasers to route the primary light signals to an optical fiber sensing cable positioned in a wellbore and route the secondary light signals to the optical fiber sensing cable separate from the primary light signals, the optical filtering device including a common port couplable to the optical fiber sensing cable to receive reflection signals corresponding to the primary light signals and reflection signals corresponding to the secondary light signals, wherein the reflection signals corresponding to the secondary light signals have a wavelength range that matches the wavelength range of the primary light signals.2. The ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140133518A1

A temperature sensor arrangement for gas turbines is provided. The temperature sensor arrangement has a measuring probe. The measuring probe has a bore in which a steel tube is guided so as to be axially movable. The steel tube includes a glass fibre having Bragg grating measurement points for measuring the temperature. Elongate measurement openings enable hot gas to flow through the measuring probe, flowing round the steel tube in the region of the Bragg grating. 1. A temperature sensor arrangement for a gas turbine , comprisinga support tube with a bore in an axial direction,a guide element arranged movably in an axial direction in the bore, andan optical waveguide arranged in the guide element and having at least one Bragg grating measurement point.2. The temperature sensor arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the support tube has measurement openings transverse to the axial direction in order to enable hot measurement gas to access the guide element claim 1 , and thus the Bragg grating measurement points.3. The temperature sensor arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the guide element is arranged in the support tube such that the Bragg grating measurement points are arranged centrally in the measurement openings.4. The temperature sensor arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the optical waveguide is a glass fiber.5. The temperature sensor arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the support tube comprises an outer part and an inner part.6. The temperature sensor arrangement as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the inner part is composed of segments claim 5 , the segments respectively having at most half the length of the outer part.7. The temperature sensor arrangement as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the segments have openings for alignment pins by means of which they can be oriented and plugged together.8. The temperature sensor arrangement as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the inner part has a plurality of concentrically arranged inner tubes of ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Fiber Optic Thermometer

Номер: US20190056275A1

A fiber optic thermometer has a hollow body made of material of low thermal expansion and an optical fiber supported by a high thermal expansion intermediate support to form a cantilever section, a fiber optic splitter coupled to a first end of the optical fiber and a light source for directing light into the optical fiber via one branch of the optical splitter. A photodetector receives light conveyed through the optical fiber via the other branch of the optical splitter and measures intensity of the received light. A reflective target supported at a second end of the hollow body is axially aligned with the second end of the optical fiber at room temperature. Upon ambient temperature changes the cantilever section moves relative to the reflective target thereby changing the instantaneous intensity of light reflected by the target into the second end of the optical fiber and measured by the photodetector. 1. A fiber optic thermometer comprising:a hollow body made of material of low thermal expansion,an intermediate support made of material of high thermal expansion,an optical fiber having a first end and a second end remote from the first end, said optical fiber being supported toward the second end inside the hollow body and affixed to intermediate support so as to form a cantilever section,a fiber optic splitter coupled to the first end of the optical fiber,a light source for directing light into the optical fiber via a first branch of the optical splitter,a photo detector arranged for receiving light conveyed through the optical fiber via a second branch of the optical splitter and measuring an intensity of the received light, anda reflective target disposed within and supported at a second end of the hollow body so as to be axially aligned with the second end of the optical fiber at room temperature whereby upon changes of the ambient temperature changes the height of the intermediate support and thus cantilever section moves such that its position relative to ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063418A1

An apparatus for estimating a parameter includes: an optical fiber sensor including at least one optical fiber configured to be disposed in a downhole location and including at least one sensing location configured to generate measurement signals; at least one light source configured to transmit a measurement signal having a wavelength to interrogate a sensing location and cause the sensing location to return a reflected measurement signal indicative of a measured parameter, and configured to transmit a reference signal and cause a reflected reference signal to be returned from a location associated with the sensing location, the reflected reference signal having a known relationship to hydrogen concentration; and a processor configured to receive the reflected measurement signal and the reflected reference signal, estimate the hydrogen concentration based on the reflected reference signal, and calibrate the first reflected signal based on the estimated hydrogen concentration. 1. An apparatus for estimating a parameter , the apparatus comprising:an optical fiber sensor including at least one optical fiber configured to be disposed in a downhole location, the at least one optical fiber including at least one sensing location disposed along the optical fiber and configured to generate measurement signals;at least one light source configured to transmit a measurement signal having a wavelength to interrogate a sensing location and cause the sensing location to return a reflected measurement signal indicative of a measured parameter, and configured to transmit a reference signal and cause a reflected reference signal to be returned from a location associated with the sensing location, the reflected reference signal having a known relationship to hydrogen concentration; anda processor configured to receive the reflected measurement signal and the reflected reference signal, estimate the hydrogen concentration based on the reflected reference signal, and calibrate the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058946A1

A light emitting device includes a light source which emits source light having a first wavelength, a fluorescent substance which excites fluorescent light having a second wavelength by the source light and emits the source light and the fluorescent light as illumination light, a fly-eye lens, and a light shielding unit. In the illumination light, a first wavelength component in a first region which is a portion of a region in a cross-sectional view with respect to the traveling direction of the light is smaller than that in a second region which is a region other than the first region. The light shielding unit includes a diaphragm unit which shields the illumination light L and a filter which shields the light having the second wavelength of the illumination light in the second region and transmits the light having the first wavelength of the illumination light in the second region. 1. A light emitting device comprising:a light source which emits source light having a first wavelength;a fluorescent substance on which the source light is incident and which excites fluorescent light having a second wavelength by the source light, reflects the source light, and emits the source light and the fluorescent light as illumination light;a fly-eye lens on which the illumination light is incident; anda light shielding unit which is provided between the fluorescent substance and the fly-eye lens and is configured to be capable of shielding a portion of the illumination light,wherein, in the illumination light incident on the fly-eye lens, a first wavelength component in a first region which is a portion of a region in a cross-sectional view with respect to the traveling direction of the light is smaller than that in a second region which is a region other than the first region, andwherein the light-shielding unit includes:a diaphragm unit which shields the illumination light; anda filter that shields light having the second wavelength of the illumination light in the second ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058947A1

A temperature measurement device includes: a light source configured to input a light into an optical fiber; a detector configured to detect a Stokes component and an anti-Stokes component from a back scattering light from the optical fiber; a memory; and a processor configured to execute a process, the process comprising: in a predetermined region including a sample point of the optical fiber, calculating a range including the sample point in accordance with a largeness of a correlation between the Stokes component and the anti-Stokes component; smoothing the Stokes component and the anti-Stokes component in the range; and measuring a temperature of the sample point with use of the Stokes component and the anti-Stokes component that are smoothed by the corrector. 1. A temperature measurement device comprising:a light source configured to input a light into an optical fiber;a detector configured to detect a Stokes component and an anti-Stokes component from a back scattering light from the optical fiber;a memory; anda processor configured to execute a process, the process comprising:in a predetermined region including a sample point of the optical fiber, calculating a range including the sample point in accordance with a largeness of a correlation between the Stokes component and the anti-Stokes component;smoothing the Stokes component and the anti-Stokes component in the range; andmeasuring a temperature of the sample point with use of the Stokes component and the anti-Stokes component that are smoothed by the corrector.2. The temperature measurement device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the calculating claim 1 , the range is elongated as the largeness of the correlation decreases.3. The temperature measurement device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the calculating claim 1 , an upper limit value of the range is set when the largeness of the correlation is less than a first threshold.4. The temperature measurement device as claimed in ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058948A1

A temperature measurement device includes: a detector to detect a first Stokes component and a first anti-Stokes component when a light is input into a first end of an optical fiber and detect a second Stokes component and a second anti-Stokes component when a light is input into a second end; and a processor configured to execute a process comprising: replacing the second anti-Stokes component with a value according to the first Stokes component, the first anti-Stokes component and the second Stokes component when any one of correlations of the second anti-Stokes component to the first Stokes component and the first anti-Stokes component is less than or equal to a threshold value; and measuring a temperature at the sample point by using the first Stokes component, the first anti-Stokes component, the second Stokes component, and the second anti-Stokes component that is replaced in the replacing. 1. A temperature measurement device comprising:a detector configured to detect a first Stokes component and a first anti-Stokes component from a back scattering light generated when a light is input into a first end of an optical fiber and detect a second Stokes component and a second anti-Stokes component from a back scattering light generated when a light is input into a second end of the optical fiber;a memory; anda processor configured to execute a process, the process comprising:within a predetermined region including a sample point of a partial region on the first end side of the optical fiber, replacing the second anti-Stokes component with a value according to the first Stokes component, the first anti-Stokes component and the second Stokes component when any one of correlations of the second anti-Stokes component to the first Stokes component and the first anti-Stokes component is less than or equal to a threshold value; andmeasuring a temperature at the sample point by using the first Stokes component, the first anti-Stokes component, the second Stokes component, ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Sapphire Sensor for Measuring Pressure and Temperature

Номер: US20180058949A1
Автор: Dong Bo, WANG Anbo

A sensor for measuring pressure, temperature or both may be provided. The sensor may include a diaphragm that may respond to a change in temperature or pressure, a base connected to the diaphragm, a cavity, and an optical fiber that may conduct light reflected off of a surface of the diaphragm. The diaphragm and base may be sapphire elements. An interrogator may be provided for detecting a deflection of the diaphragm. 141.-. (canceled)42. A system for sensor signal processing comprising:a pulse driver;a broadband light source;at least one optical fiber;a fiber coupler;at least one sensor probe;at least one Fiber Bragg Grating;a light detector;an electronic amplifier;an analog-to-digital converter; anda signal processor;wherein the components are configured such that the optical signal generated by the light source is projected through the at least one optical fiber to the sensor probe and at least one reflection of the signal is detected by the light detector, amplified by the electronic amplifier, converted by the analog-to-digital converter and processed by the signal processor; andwherein the Fiber Bragg gratings are disposed in the at least one optical fiber so as to reflect the optical signal along its path.43. The system of claim 42 , wherein the at least one sensor probe is comprised of sapphire.44. The system of claim 42 , wherein the at least one Fiber Bragg Grating is disposed such that the optical signal interacts with the at least one Fiber Bragg Grating prior to interacting with the at least one sensor probe.45. The system of claim 42 , wherein the at least one Fiber Bragg Grating is disposed such that the optical signal interacts with the at least one Fiber Bragg Grating after interacting with the at least one sensor probe.4650.-. (canceled)51. A sensor apparatus for measuring a pressure claim 42 , a temperature claim 42 , or both claim 42 , the sensor comprising:a diaphragm configured to respond to a change in temperature or pressure, the diaphragm ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058982A1

A system and method for simultaneously addressing multiple parallel distributed fiber optic sensors using a single interrogation instrument is disclosed. One or more of the fiber optic sensors are provided with a non-reflective delay element to prevent an overlap in time between backscatter returns from the distributed fiber optic sensors, thereby allowing the backscatter returns from each sensor to be distinguished based on round-trip transit time. 1. A distributed measurement system , comprising:a first distributed fiber optic sensor deployed along a first measurement path;a second distributed fiber optic sensor deployed along a second measurement path;a distributed sensing interrogation instrument to simultaneously address the first and second distributed fiber optic sensor with a probe signal; anda non-reflective delay element coupled between the distributed sensing interrogation instrument and the second distributed fiber optic sensor to introduce a delay sufficient to prevent interference between backscatter returned from the first distributed fiber optic sensor and backscatter returned from the second distributed fiber optic sensor in response to the probe signal.2. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the delay prevents an overlap in time between backscatter returned from the second distributed fiber optic sensor and only backscatter returned from a first section of the first distributed fiber optic sensor that is deployed along the first measurement path.3. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the non-reflective delay element comprises a first optical path to direct the probe signal to the second distributed fiber optic sensor and a second optical path to direct the backscatter returned in response to the probe signal to the distributed sensing interrogation instrument.4. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first optical path includes a first delay fiber claim 1 , and the second optical path includes a second delay fiber claim 1 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometer

Номер: US20180058983A1

Systems, methods, and devices of the various embodiments enable mitigation of the effects of birefringence in Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometer (OFDR) sensing fiber. Various embodiments enable the measurement of the polarization state of the light in a sensing fiber throughout the entire sensing cable in a highly distributed manner typical of OFDR systems. Various embodiments enable the production of a distributed fiber birefringence measurement throughout the length of an OFDR sensing fiber. Various embodiments may enable OFDR to be 100% polarization diverse, meaning that polarization effects in the fiber optic cables and sensing fiber do not negatively effect measurements. Additionally, the highly distributed measurement of the polarization state and related birefringence in a sensing fiber of the various embodiments may enable new types of measurements such as pressure, twisting, and bending along the sensing fiber.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Device and method for spatially resolved measurement of temperature and/or strain by Brillouin scattering

Номер: US20170059427A1
Автор: Bunse Roland, Penno Stefan

Device for spatially resolved measurement of temperature and/or strain by Brillouin scattering, with a laser light source () for generating a laser radiation, an optical fiber () used for the measurement, into which the laser radiation can be coupled in and from which Brillouin signals generated by Brillouin scattering can be coupled out, sensors for detecting the coupled-out Brillouin signals, evaluators for determining spatially resolved from the detected Brillouin signals the temperature and/or strain of sections of the optical fiber (), a polarization beam splitter () capable of splitting the coupled-out Brillouin—signals into two components () having mutually different polarizations, and an optical coupler () for admixing a laser radiation to the Brillouin signal. 1. A device for spatially resolved measurement of temperature and/or strain by Brillouin scattering , comprising{'b': '1', 'at least one laser light source () configured to produce laser radiation,'}{'b': '5', 'an optical fiber () used for the measurement, into which the laser radiation can be coupled in and from which the Brillouin signals generated based on the Brillouin scattering can coupled out,'}sensors configured to capture the coupled-out Brillouin signals,{'b': '5', 'evaluator configured to determine spatially resolved from the captured Brillouin signals the temperature and/or strain at least of sections of the optical fiber (),'}{'b': 10', '11', '12', '13, 'at least one optical polarization beam splitter (, ) configured to split the coupled-out Brillouin signals into two components (, ) with mutually different polarizations,'}{'b': 16', '17, 'at least one optical coupler (, ) configured to admix to the Brillouin signal a laser radiation.'}21213. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sensors can detect the components ( claim 1 , ) separate from each other.3161712131011. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the device comprises two optical couplers ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , each ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Device and Method for Spatially Resolved Measurement of Temperature and/or Strain by Brillouin Scattering

Номер: US20170059428A1

Device for spatially resolved measurement of temperature and/or strain by Brillouin scattering, with a laser light source ( 1 ) for generating a laser radiation, an optical fiber ( 5 ) used for the measurement, into which the laser radiation can be coupled in and from which Brillouin signals generated by Brillouin scattering can be coupled out, sensors for detecting the coupled-out Brillouin signals, evaluators for determining spatially resolved from the detected Brillouin signals the temperature and/or strain of sections of the optical fiber ( 5 ), a polarization beam splitter ( 10, 11 ) capable of splitting the coupled-out Brillouin-signals into two components ( 12, 13 ) having mutually different polarizations, and an optical coupler ( 16, 17 ) for admixing a laser radiation to the Brillouin signal.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063208A1
Автор: Li Ming-Jun

An optical fiber sensor with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution is described. The optical fiber sensor includes a multicore fiber having cores configured to permit crosstalk between cores. Crosstalk corresponds to transfer of an optical signal from a core to another core and is used as a mechanism for sensing the external environment surrounding the multicore optical fiber. The degree of crosstalk depends on the relative refractive index profile of the cores and surrounding cladding, as well as on the spacing between cores. The external environment surrounding the multicore optical fiber and changes therein influence crosstalk between cores to permit sensing. The relative refractive index profiles of the cores are also configured to provide a group delay difference for optical signals propagating in different cores. The group delay difference facilitates the position of an external perturbation along the length of the multicore optical fiber. 1. A multicore optical fiber comprising: a first core region surrounded by and directly adjacent to a first dedicated cladding region, the first core region having a first effective index;', 'a second core region surrounded by and directly adjacent to a second dedicated cladding region, the second core region having a second effective index; and', 'a third cladding region common to the first core and the second core, the third cladding region being directly adjacent to the first dedicated cladding region and the second dedicated cladding region;, 'a multicore glass fiber, the multicore glass fiber comprising{'sup': '−4', 'wherein a degree of crosstalk between the first core region and the second core region is greater than −30 dB/km, a magnitude of a normalized group delay difference between the first core region and the second core region is greater than 1 ns/km, and a magnitude of a difference between the first effective index and the second effective index is less than 7.0×10.'}2. The multicore optical fiber of ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063209A1
Принадлежит: NEUBREX CO., LTD.

A monitoring humidity measurement system includes: a humidity measurement optical fiber including a first optical fiber and a humidity detection layer provided so as to annularly cover the first optical fiber; a reference optical fiber including a second optical fiber; a plurality of optical communication cables; and a signal processing device configured to, with a laser beam entering into the first and second optical fibers, calculate and obtain Brillouin frequency shift and Rayleigh frequency shift of backscatter light from the first and second optical fibers based on the entering laser beam, and store predetermined constants, wherein reference data and target data are measured from the Rayleigh frequency shift and an initial humidity value calculated from the Brillouin frequency shift, and the value of humidity at the present time is calculated on the basis of Rayleigh frequency shift per unit humidity calculated from a difference between the above two data. 1. A monitoring humidity measurement system comprising:a humidity measurement optical fiber including a first optical fiber and a humidity detection layer provided so as to cover the first optical fiber;a reference optical fiber for measuring an environmental variable other than humidity, the reference optical fiber including a second optical fiber and arranged along with the humidity measurement optical fiber; andan optical signal processing device having a laser light source and a plurality of signal channels individually connected to the humidity measurement optical fiber and the reference optical fiber, the optical signal processing device being configured to calculate and obtain Brillouin frequency shift and Rayleigh frequency shift from backscatter light of a laser beam entering from the laser light source into each optical fiber, and store a proportionality constant representing a relationship between the Brillouin frequency shift and humidity, and a change coefficient which is a change amount of the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059743A1

A system, device and method include a sensing enabled device having an optical fiber configured to perform distributed sensing of temperature-induced strain. An interpretation module is configured to receive optical signals from the optical fiber within a body and interpret the optical signals to determine one or more temperature transition points sensed by the sensing enabled device for image registration. 128-. (canceled)29. A method , comprising:collecting strain data from a fiber optic strain sensing device disposed within at least two different temperature regions, at least one of the regions being internal to a body;determining a temperature transition point between the at least two different temperature regions based on the strain data;locating the transition point relative to a medical device to find a specific reference location; andregistering the fiber optic strain sensing device to an image of the body using the temperature transition point as a reference.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein the sensing device includes a first portion having a first temperature and a second portion having a second temperature claim 29 , and wherein the determining includes determining a length of the first portion and a length of the second portion.31. The method of claim 29 , wherein the sensing device includes a first portion having a first temperature and a second portion having a second temperature claim 29 , and wherein the first portion includes a temperature treated zone and the second portion includes a reference temperature zone.32. The method of wherein strain data is collected from three or more temperature regions.33. The method recited in claim 29 , wherein the at least two different temperature regions are internal to the body.34. The method of wherein the temperature transition point is the only reference used to register the fiber optic strain sensing device to the image of the body.35. A system claim 29 , comprising:a sensing enabled device having at ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Distributed Fluid Velocity Sensor and Associated Method

Номер: US20140144226A1
Автор: David Sirda Shanks
Принадлежит: Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Device and method for performing distributed fluid velocity measurement. An elongate device comprising along its length, a heated core ( 200 ), at least one outer layer ( 240 ) around the core, the outside surface of the outer layer ( 240 ) defining an outside surface of the device, and a distributed temperature sensor ( 230 ) located between the heated core ( 200 ) and the outside surface of the device. The method immerses the device in one or more fluids along its length, measures the ambient temperature of the fluids at points along it's length, heats the heated core ( 200 ) for a predetermined heating period and measures the temperature again at the same points. Using pre-installed knowledge the device can obtain distributed and/or point fluid velocity measurements.
